[ "Q:\n\nChild Div not respecting Overflow hidden In Safari\n\nOn below Fiddle, There is a pagination, when you will hover the pagination a circle will animate up but, In safari the image inside that circle is not respecting overflow hidden, In other browsers its working fine..\nIn any solution, Image needs to be centered vertically...\nFiddle:-\nhttp://jsfiddle.net/w5uhet4x/\nhtml\n<div class=\"slideContainer vidopia slide-row\"> \n<div class=\"article_pagination2\">\n<div class=\"back_arrow2 arrow-disable\"><a title=\"Prev\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><strong>Prev</strong></a></div>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=1'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 1\" class=\"pg_number2 active\">1</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/players_1428406480.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=2'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 2\" class=\"pg_number2 \">2</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/dhoni_1428406477.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=3'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 3\" class=\"pg_number2 \">3</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/bailey_1428406477.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=4'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 4\" class=\"pg_number2 \">4</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/gautam_1428406478.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=5'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 5\" class=\"pg_number2 \">5</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/rohit-1_1428406482.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=6'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 6\" class=\"pg_number2 \">6</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/watson_1428406488.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=7'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 7\" class=\"pg_number2 \">7</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/virat-1_1428406484.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n<li>\n<div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=8'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 8\" class=\"pg_number2 \">8</span>\n<figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/warner_1428406486.jpg\"></span></figure>\n</div>\n</li>\n</ul> \n<div class=\"next_arrow2 \"><a title=\"Next\" href=\"http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=2\"><strong>Next</strong></a></div>\n</div> \n</div>\n\nCss\n.article_slide2 {\n font: 25px/20px impact, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n color: #0065bd;\n display: inline-block;\n margin-top: 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", "If you remove position from these two selectors the issue disappears. ", "This means that the centering of the img needs to be handled in a different way (as absolute positioning cannot be used), so I have added an extra pseudo element with display: inline-block;, height: 100%; and vertical-align: middle; to allow the img to be vertically aligned to the center of .article_image2.", "\n\nRemove position: relative; from .article_pagination2 li .image_inner\nAdd .article_pagination2 li .image_inner:after with styles to allow for the image to vertically align\nRemove all styles relating to absolute positioning from .article_pagination2 li .article_image2 img\nAdd vertical-align: middle; to .article_pagination2 li .article_image2 img\n\n.slideContainer {\r\n margin-top: 100px;\r\n}\r\n.article_slide2 {\r\n font: 25px/20px impact, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\r\n color: #0065bd;\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n margin-top: 20px;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 {\r\n width: 680px;\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n margin: 10px 0;\r\n 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Remove*/\r\n} \r\n/*Add*/\r\n.article_pagination2 li .image_inner:after {\r\n content: \"\";\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n width: 0;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 li .article_image2 img {\r\n /*bottom: 0; Remove*/\r\n /*left: 0; Remove*/\r\n /*margin: auto; Remove*/\r\n /*position: absolute; Remove*/\r\n /*right: 0; Remove*/\r\n text-align: center;\r\n vertical-align: middle; /*Add*/\r\n /*top: 0; Remove*/\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 li .article_image2:after {\r\n content: \"\";\r\n width: 0;\r\n height: 0;\r\n border-right: 7px solid transparent;\r\n border-left: 7px solid transparent;\r\n border-top: 7px solid #0065bd;\r\n font-size: 0;\r\n line-height: 0;\r\n float: right;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n bottom: -8px;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n z-index: 9;\r\n margin-left: -6px;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 .back_arrow2 a,\r\n.article_pagination2 .next_arrow2 a {\r\n display: block;\r\n color: #333;\r\n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, 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0;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 .next_arrow2.arrow-disable {\r\n background: url(http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/dainikbhaskar2010/images/pagination/ie_next_page_aro_2_disable.png) no-repeat #fff;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 .arrow-disable a {\r\n cursor: default;\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 .next_arrow2 strong,\r\n.article_pagination2 .back_arrow2 strong {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n bottom: -15px;\r\n font-size: 12px;\r\n left: 3px\r\n}\r\n.article_pagination2 .arrow-disable strong {\r\n color: #aeaeae;\r\n}\r\n.slideContainer.slide-row {\r\n height: 62px;\r\n padding-bottom: 5px;\r\n margin-bottom: 5px;\r\n}\n<div class=\"slideContainer vidopia slide-row\">\r\n <style>\r\n </style>\r\n <div class=\"article_pagination2\">\r\n <div class=\"back_arrow2 arrow-disable\"><a title=\"Prev\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><strong>Prev</strong></a>\r\n </div>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>\r\n <div 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onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=3'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 3\" class=\"pg_number2 \">3</span>\r\n <figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/bailey_1428406477.jpg\"></span>\r\n </figure>\r\n </div>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=4'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 4\" class=\"pg_number2 \">4</span>\r\n <figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/gautam_1428406478.jpg\"></span>\r\n </figure>\r\n </div>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=5'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 5\" class=\"pg_number2 \">5</span>\r\n <figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/rohit-1_1428406482.jpg\"></span>\r\n </figure>\r\n </div>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <div onclick=\"location.href='http://www0.bhaskar.com/news-ht/SPO-IPL-OFIPL-introducing-all-the-teams-of-indian-premier-league-8-4957058-PHO.html?seq=6'\" class=\"pagination_no2\"><span title=\"Slide 6\" class=\"pg_number2 \">6</span>\r\n <figure class=\"article_image2\"><span class=\"image_inner\"><img src=\"http://i9.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnail/70x70/web2images/www.bhaskar.com/2015/04/07/watson_1428406488.jpg\"></span>\r\n </figure>\r\n </div>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <div 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{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0012499344302341342, 0.001324898679740727, 0.0007011486450210214, 0.0005891936598345637, 0.001140163280069828, 0.0013315660180523992 ]
[ "This Artist Is Turning Pokemon into Overwatch Characters and It's Perfect\n\nYou might have already seen 한석범's work without even realizing it. ", "Back in September, the Korean artist also known as HB drew up some pretty compelling Overwatch/One Piece mashups. ", "With the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon on the horizon, it only seemed fitting that HB would move onto merging Blizzard's mega-popular shooter with Nintendo's world-consuming RPG franchise.", "\n\nAs you can see below, the results are pretty great. ", "Really the only flaw is that not every Overwatch character is represented. ", "Which missing hero would you like to see in Pokemon form? ", "Personally, I could really go for an Emboar Roadhog, or maybe a Rowlet Reaper." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006603329093195498, 0.0005798421334475279, 0.0008228814112953842, 0.0005296756280586123, 0.0011138762347400188, 0.0013529750285670161, 0.04614189267158508 ]
[ "1. ", "Technical Field\nThe present invention relates in general to improved communication within a multisegment local area network and in particular to improved communication within a multisegment local area network which includes mobile workstations which are coupled to the network via radio frequency transceivers. ", "Still more particularly, the present invention relates to improved communication within a multisegment local area network which includes mobile workstations without requiring the maintenance of routing path information at each workstation within the network.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nComputer networks are increasingly common in the modern workplace. ", "Such networks typically include multiple workstations and host or server devices which may be distributed over a vast geographic distance. ", "Many different network topologies exist for interconnecting multiple computers into a distributed data processing system. ", "One common technique for interconnecting multiple computers within a data processing network is the so-called Token Ring local area network environment. ", "The Token Ring network environment is defined by the IEEE 802.5 standard and is well known to those having ordinary skill in the art.", "\nIn a Token Ring local area network environment, the path which data travels from one workstation to another workstation or host/server device, is established during initialization. ", "This path is normally established by a discovery process utilizing \"broadcast\" messages, such as TESTS or XID. ", "A Token Ring bridge or router device builds a path on which the broadcast frame travels by concatenating the router address with the routing information field of the broadcast messages. ", "Thus, once a path has been established, it will not change during the duration of the communication session between elements within the network. ", "If for some reason the path is disconnected during a communication session, the session must be terminated and a new path reestablished by re-initiating the session.", "\nIn other local area networks, devices within the network are interconnected utilizing router devices which maintain knowledge of all network interconnections. ", "That is, the path required to traverse the network from one workstation to a second workstation, or host/server device. ", "The logical name of a server device or workstation normally includes both the unit identification and the network identification in which the system or station is connected. ", "During station initialization a broadcast message is also utilized to establish a path between the initializing station and the targeted system. ", "The router device utilizes the network identification as part of the station address in order to establish a path between stations. ", "Again, once a path is established it remains unchanged during the entire communications session.", "\nMobile or remote workstations are often interconnected into such networks utilizing so-called \"dial up\" facilities. ", "Such workstations \"call up\" a local area network Gateway entity through a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). ", "As above, once such a connection has been made, the path between the workstation and the connecting host is fixed for the duration of the communications session. ", "A mobile workstation may be allowed to relocate within the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), utilizing systems which permits variance in the portion of the link from the mobile workstation to a local cellular receiving station. ", "See for example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,984,247 and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,901,340. ", "A new connection and session must be reestablished if the workstation moves to a different location which alters the location of the link with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).", "\nIn a modern multisegment local area network, mobile workstations may be connected to host system or other workstations within the network through a radio frequency transceiver station. ", "In a manner similar to that utilized in a cellular telephone system when the mobile workstation travels throughout the network environment, the interconnection with the mobile workstation may be changed from one radio frequency transceiver station to a second radio frequency transceiver station. ", "In prior art system this requires the connecting path between the host system or workstation and the mobile workstation to be altered, dependent upon the new location of the mobile workstation.", "\nLocal area networks which utilize wireless connections without accessing a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) are often established within corporate offices, college campuses or other similar locations. ", "Thus, it should be apparent that a method and system whereby a mobile workstation may maintain a routing path to a host/server device or other workstation despite relocation within a multisegment local area network would be highly advantageous." ]
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[ "MaYoMo\n\nMaYoMo was a user-generated news site for mobile citizen journalism. ", "MaYoMo.com, short for \"Map Your Moments\", was officially launched in October 2009. ", "The site was owned by MaYoMo B.V., which is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.", "\n\nFeatures\n\nGlobal news and local stories by the site's community of contributors was geolocated on an interactive world map, depending on the place they have happened. ", "With an \"Ask for News\" option users could request news and information about particular events from any place of the world . ", "The news content was ordered at a timeline, according to its date of action. ", "One could set the time indicator to any year and date between the year 1895 and 2100 for a narrower search criteria. ", "Users could comment and also rank on a scale from 1 to 5 on each news submission.", "\n\nMaYoMo hosted user-generated video news about virtual worlds like Lineage II, Half-Life, World of Warcraft, FIFA, Second Life, etc., ", "on \"Virtu\", a so-called virtual continent, placed between North America and Africa.", "\n\nIn February 2010, MaYoMo had 60,000 videos from 130 countries. ", "The site was available in 11 languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Mandarin, Traditional Mandarin, Russian, Spanish.", "\n\nSee also\n\n Citizen journalism\n Video journalism\n Collaborative journalism\n Mobile news\n User-generated content\n List of video hosting services\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:Citizen journalism\nCategory:Visual journalism\nCategory:Dutch news websites\nCategory:Defunct video on demand services\nCategory:Former video hosting services" ]
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[ "/*\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one\n * or more contributor license agreements. ", " See the NOTICE file\n * distributed with this work for additional information\n * regarding copyright ownership. ", " The ASF licenses this file\n * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the\n * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\n * with the License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n * software distributed under the License is distributed on an\n * \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\n * KIND, either express or implied. ", " See the License for the\n * specific language governing permissions and limitations\n * under the License.", "\n */\n\n/**\n * Module for generating and implementing user navigation options.", "\n */\nangular.module('navigation', [\n 'auth',\n 'form',\n 'notification',\n 'rest'\n]);\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nposts_per_page not working for new wp query\n\nI need to set the post_per_page to display only 1 post here's the code I use:\n<?", "php\n$yell = new WP_Query(array('posts_per_page' => 1,'post_type' => 'items', 'portfolio-category' => 'accessories'));\nwhile ($yell->have_posts()) : $yell->the_post();\n?", ">\n\n<h2><?php the_title(); ?", "></h2>\n\n<?", "php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?", ">\n\nBut it doesn't show 1 post, it shows all. ", "not sure why\n\nA:\n\nYou can do it with the post_limits filter:\nadd_filter('post_limits', 'your_query_limit');\nfunction your_query_limit($limit){\n return \"LIMIT 1\";\n}\n\nUpdate: If you only want this to run for your custom query, you could do the following:\n\nAdd it.", "\nRun the custom query.", "\nRemove it.", "\n\nCode would be like so:\nadd_filter('post_limits', 'your_query_limit');\n$yell = new WP_Query(\n array(\n 'post_type' => 'items', \n 'portfolio-category' => 'accessories'\n )\n);\nremove_filter('post_limits', 'your_query_limit');\n\n" ]
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[ "Brit Hume, Fox’s senior political analyst, schooled Soledad O’Brien over her crowing about liberal outlets having forced President Trump’s Wednesday visit to U.S. troops in Iraq, “congratulating” her for noting that Mr. Trump had invented time travel.", "\n\nCNN, other liberal outlets, and activist-celebrities had noted throughout Christmas Day and into Wednesday that Mr. Trump did not visit U.S. service members for Christmas, as has become custom for recent U.S. presidents, especially during the war on terrorism.", "\n\nMr. Hume highlighted tweets complaining about this by Alyssa Milano and Montel Williams — the former of which was time-stamped “2:07 PM - 26 Dec 2018” — by noting that “by the time this was posted, the President and Mrs. Trump were in Iraq with the troops.”", "\n\nEnter Ms. O’Brien, a longtime CNN host, who tried to take credit for the development.", "\n\n“Shaming him seems to work,” she replied.", "\n\nShaming him seems to work. ", "https://t.co/KMSPnDAPyE — Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) December 26, 2018\n\n\n\nMr. Hume then lowered the boom.", "\n\n“Yes, Ma’am. ", "Trump read this tweet when it was posted and time-traveled himself back to yesterday and flew to Iraq. ", "Genius take,” the Fox newsman wrote.", "\n\nYes, Ma’am. ", "Trump read this tweet when it was posted and time-traveled himself back to yesterday and flew to Iraq. ", "Genius take. — ", "Brit Hume (@brithume) December 26, 2018\n\n\n\nMs. O’Brien took the rebuke badly and then proceeded to dig deeper, claiming that CNN’s reporting from weeks earlier — not the day-old social-media outcry — was the “shaming” that forced Mr. Trump to go to Iraq.", "\n\n“Sorry — let me spell it out more slowly so you can understand me: the President (according to cnn’s Barabar Starr) prepped for this trip several weeks ago. ", "The shaming seems to have worked. ", "I hope you’re having a nice holiday. ", "Try not to be such an a**hole in 2019,” Ms. O’Brien wrote.", "\n\nSorry—let me spell it out more slowly so you can understand me: the President (according to cnn’s Barabar Starr) prepped for this trip several weeks ago. ", "The shaming seems to have worked. ", "I hope you’re having a nice holiday. ", "Try not to be such an a**hole in 2019. ", "❤️ — Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) December 27, 2018\n\n\n\nThat reply prompted Mr. Hume to throw up cyberhands in frustration.", "\n\n“Then why’d you post your tweet in response to one that was about a tweet sent today? ", "Your tweet was ridiculous,” he wrote.", "\n\nSign up for Daily Newsletters Manage Newsletters\n\nCopyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. ", "Click here for reprint permission." ]
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[ "Java Servlets and JSP Programming\nCourse\n\nJava Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) are used to build web applications using Java. ", "This course will teach you how\nto use JSP to develop web pages that contain dynamic content, and how to develop servlets, which are small programs that run\non the web server. ", "You will also learn how to use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to divide a complex system\ninto more manageable parts.", "\n\n\"The most enjoyable training I have ever had. ", "This experience\nexceeded, met and far exceeded my expectations.\"", "\n\nPlease check the course schedule for the next date.", "\nYou can also contact us at tel: (+27) 12-666-2020 or cell/WhatsApp: (+27) 76-694-7705, or email us at\ninfo@incusdata.com\nto find out about dates that suit you.", "\n\nHow Do I Book?", "\n\nAfter we have received your booking, we will send you a confirmation that\nyou are booked on the course, an invoice and directions to the venue.", "\n\nTip: Most PDF readers, other than Adobe Reader, will let\nyou save the form with the data you have entered. ", "If you are using Adobe\nReader, however, you might not be able to do this. ", "But don't despair: when you\nhave typed in the information, just print the file to PDF - and you'll have a\ncompleted enrolment form ready to email to us." ]
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[ "\n87 F.Supp. ", "568 (1949)\nUNITED STATES\nv.\nBURGMAN.", "\nNo. ", "442-49.", "\nUnited States District Court District of Columbia.", "\nDecember 15, 1949.", "\n*569 William A. Paisley, and Victor C. Woerheide, both of Washington, D. C., for the United States.", "\nJames J. Laughlin and William E. Owen, both of Washington, D. C., for defendant.", "\nHOLTZOFF, District Judge.", "\nThe defendant has been convicted of treason and moves for a new trial.", "\nOn December 11, 1941, when war was declared between the United States and Germany, the defendant was a member of the staff of the American Embassy in Berlin. ", "The entire personnel, with the exception of the defendant, immediately left the German capital and was interned. ", "The defendant voluntarily stayed behind. ", "In February, 1942, he accepted employment from the German Broadcasting Company, which was controlled by the German Government. ", "A clandestine shortwave radio station was established by the company in Berlin, for the purpose of broadcasting propaganda to the United States. ", "The station was given the name \"Station Debunk\", and purported to operate somewhere in the Middle West. ", "The defendant was employed as commentator and speaker on these broadcasts. ", "He prepared the manuscripts containing pro-German propaganda, and made recordings of this material, which was broadcast to the United States by means of short wave radio. ", "The aim of the broadcasts was to sow discontent with the Government of the United States, to impair the morale of the armed forces, and to create dissension between the American people and the people of the allied countries. ", "Many of the broadcasts were caught by a United States Government monitoring station maintained at Silver Hill, Maryland.", "\nThe jury found the defendant guilty and also answered affirmatively special interrogatories to the effect that the Government established thirteen overt acts of treason as having been committed by the defendant. ", "Each overt act consisted of making a specific recording.", "\nThere have been comparatively few trials for treason in the history of the United States. ", "Not a single execution for treason has occurred in this country since the adoption of the Constitution. ", "In England, for several centuries preceding the Revolution of 1688, treason trials were common and frequently took place when one faction took the control of the Government away from another. ", "The definition of treason was carried to an extreme. ", "Howell's State Trials are replete with reports of these cases. ", "On the other hand, the annals of American jurisprudence disclose a wholesome freedom from charges of treason based on considerations of politics or vindictiveness. ", "In part this salutary result is to be ascribed to the moderation and self-restraint of our people. ", "In part it is to be attributed to the keen foresight and profound wisdom of the Founding Fathers. ", "The Constitution of the United States explicitly defines the crime of treason. ", "Nothing that fails to fit within the framework of this definition may be regarded as treason. ", "Article III, Section 3, Clause 1, of the Constitution provides as follows: \"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. ", "No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.\"", "\nCongress has enacted the following statute defining treason, 18 U.S.C.A. § 2381: \"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.\"", "\nThus, there are only two types of treason against the United States: first, levying war against the United States; and second, *570 adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.", "\nAs the reported treason cases are comparatively few, it may be useful to review them briefly in chronological order.", "\nThe first prosecutions of this type arose out of the Whiskey Rebellion. ", "Some of the leading rebels were charged with levying war against the United States in connection with their attempts to resist the enforcement of the internal revenue laws.[1] A rather curious prosecution for treason, which did not result in conviction, took place several years later in connection with an insurrection in Pennsylvania against the enforcement of an Act of Congress providing for numbering and measuring windows as a basis for taxation.[2]\nThe most famous and spectacular treason case in the history of the United States, dealt with the Burr conspiracy. ", "It was tried before Chief Justice Marshall, sitting at circuit. ", "Aaron Burr was charged with levying war against the United States, in that he conspired with others to detach from the United States a part of the territory bordering on the Mississippi River, and to establish an independent dominion. ", "The trial ended in a verdict of not guilty.[3]\nAnother prosecution for treason took place in 1808 in the District of Vermont. ", "The defendant was accused of levying war against the United States in connection with some activities intended to oppose the enforcement of the Embargo Act. ", "It was held that these actions did not constitute treason, as they were carried on for a private object, rather than for the purpose of subverting the Government.[4]\nSeveral prosecutions for treason were instituted during the war of 1812. ", "In one case the defendant was indicted for adhering to the enemies of the United States by supplying them with food, showing them the channels of the Potomac River and informing them of the location of troops of the United States.[5] Another case involved the return of some British prisoners to the British commander.[6] In still another case the defendant was charged with adhering to the enemy in that he went ashore from a British ship on which he had been held as a prisoner. ", "The accusation was that his purpose was to unite with the enemy in acts of hostility.[7]\nAn endeavor to prosecute as treason the participation in a riot to resist the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave law, met with failure.[8]\nIt is greatly to the credit of the American people that the Civil War did not give rise to numerous charges of treason. ", "An attempt to prosecute Jefferson Davis ended after long delays with a dismissal of the indictment on a technicality.[9] One person was accused of treason in that he fitted out a schooner for privateering purposes.[10] There appear to be no other reported cases of treason arising out of the Civil War.", "\nWorld War I gave rise to only a couple of treason cases. ", "They involved the harboring of hostile spies and conveying information to the enemy.[11] In the light of the *571 far-reaching ramifications of World War II and the unprecedented magnitude of the armed forces of the various belligerents, it is not surprising that a number of treason prosecutions were among the consequences of this stupendous global conflict. ", "In one case the defendant was convicted of treason consisting of harboring and assisting an escaped German prisoner of war.[12]. ", "In two cases, the defendants were charged with aiding and sheltering German saboteurs, who were landed on American soil from German submarines.[13]. ", "Several cases, one of which has reached the appellate courts, involved persons who had acted as radio commentators in enemy countries in time of war and in that capacity prepared anti-American propaganda material for broadcasting by radio.[14]. ", "A similar case arose in England.[15]. ", "The case at bar falls in this group.", "\nThe principal point advanced by the defendant is that the preparation and making of speeches does not, in itself, constitute treason. ", "It is presumably contended that the defendant was exercising his right of freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. ", "This position is not tenable. ", "The right of freedom of speech is not unqualified or absolute.", "\nActions may assume the form of oral pronouncements. ", "The utterance of words frequently constitutes a crime. ", "For example, to advocate the overthrow of the government by force and violence, to urge some one to commit a crime, to disseminate obscene literature, to foment a riot, are all criminal offenses, even if they are committed merely by verbal statements. ", "Words uttered with intent to betray one's country may well constitute treason. ", "For instance, to deliver valuable secret information to the enemy by word of mouth is treason. ", "It is a fallacy to contend that to constitute treason there must be some act other than the utterance of words. ", "To traffic with the enemy and to accept employment from the enemy for the purpose of preparing speeches to be used in a program of psychological warfare designed by the enemy to weaken the power of the United States to wage war successfully, is treasonable conduct. ", "It is not protected by the First Amendment. ", "Acting as a radio commentator, as the defendant did in this case, for the purpose of spreading and disseminating pro-enemy propaganda, constitutes treason.", "\nThe same point was raised in the First Circuit in Chandler v. United States, 171 F.2d 921, 938-940, and was overruled in an able and scholarly opinion written by Judge Magruder.", "\nIt is further urged in behalf of the defendant that the admission in evidence of recordings made by him, and playing them at the trial, was a violation of the right against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment. ", "This contention seems to involve a misconception of the privilege. ", "The Fifth Amendment safeguards the right of every defendant not to be required to testify against himself. ", "This doctrine is basic and fundamental in Anglo-American jurisprudence. ", "It does not, however, bar proof of words spoken by the defendant. ", "It is on this principle that statements and confessions made by defendants are admissible in evidence. ", "If a stenographer recorded the defendant's oral statements, the stenographer would be a competent witness to testify to their contents. ", "Modern technical developments, however, have made it possible to record statements by mechanical and electrical devices and later to reproduce the speaker's words in his own voice. ", "Recordings of this type are equally admissible in evidence, and their introduction does not transcend the limitations of the Fifth Amendment.", "\nThe defendant finally raises an objection as to venue. ", "The pertinent statute *572 provides that the trial of all offenses committed out of the jurisdiction of any particular State or district, shall be in the district where the offender is found or into which he is first brought, 18 U.S.C.A. § 3238. ", "In this case the defendant was brought from Germany to the United States by airplane and landed first in the District of Columbia. ", "Under these circumstances the District of Columbia is the district into which the accused was first brought, Chandler v. United States, supra, 171 F.2d at page 933. ", "Consequently, this court has jurisdiction and venue is properly laid in this district.", "\nMotion for a new trial is denied.", "\nNOTES\n[1] United States v. Vigol, 1795, 28 Fed. ", "Cas. ", "page 376, No. ", "16,621; United States v. Mitchell, 1795, 26 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 1277, No. ", "15,788.", "\n[2] United States v. Fries, 1799, 9 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 826, No. ", "5126.", "\n[3] United States v. Burr, 1807, 25 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 55, No. ", "14,693; see also Ex parte Bollman and Ex parte Swartwout, 1807, 4 Cranch 75, 126, 2 L.Ed. ", "554.", "\n[4] United States v. Hoxie, 1808, 26 Fed. ", "Cas. ", "page 397, No. ", "15,407.", "\n[5] United States v. Lee, 1814, 26 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 907, No. ", "15,584.", "\n[6] United States v. Hodges, 1815, 26 Fed. ", "Cas. ", "page 332, No. ", "15,374.", "\n[7] United States v. Pryor, 1814, 27 Fed. ", "Cas. ", "page 628, No. ", "16,096.", "\n[8] United States v. Hanway, 1851, 26 Fed. ", "Cas. ", "page 105, No. ", "15299.", "\n[9] Case of Jefferson Davis, 7 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 63, No. ", "3621-A.\n[10] United States v. Greathouse, 1863, 26 Fed.", "Cas. ", "page 18, No. ", "15254.", "\n[11] United States v. Frieke, D.C., 1919, 259 F. 673; United States v. Robinson, D.C., 1919, 259 F. 685.", "\n[12] Stephan v. United States, 6 Cir., ", "133 F. 2d 87, certiorari denied 318 U.S. 781, 63 S.Ct. ", "858, 87 L.Ed. ", "1148.", "\n[13] Cramer v. United States, 1945, 325 U.S. 1, 65 S.Ct. ", "918, 89 L.Ed. ", "1441; Haupt v. United States, 1946, 330 U.S. 631, 67 S.Ct. ", "874, 91 L.Ed. ", "1145.", "\n[14] Chandler v. United States, 1 Cir., ", "1948, 171 F.2d 921.", "\n[15] Joyce v. Director of Public Prosecution, 1946, Appeal Cases 347.", "\n" ]
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[ "Taylor Lautner Brings \"Twilight\" to \"SNL\"\n\nFemale fan favorite steams it up on the sketch show\n\nReceive the latest television updates in your inbox\n\nTaylor Lautner hosted the Dec. 12 episode of Saturday Night Live. ", "The Twilight star opened the show with jokes about his age, being shirtless, and a martial arts reenactment of what he \"really\" wanted to do to Kanye West after he insulted Taylor Swift at the VMAs.", "\n\nTaylor Lautner cracked jokes about \"Twilight,\" teen stardom and that other Taylor -- Swift, that is -- on \"Saturday Night Live\" this weekend, making his debut as a host on the show, which also featured a musical performance from legend Bon Jovi and a bevy of digs at embattled golfer Tiger Woods.", "\n\nLautner began the show with a monologue that showed off his karate skills as he reenacted the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards interaction between Kanye West and Lautner's rumored girlfriend Taylor Swift, who was embarrassed when West stormed the stage at the show to protest Swift's win over Beyonce. ", "Lautner spin-kicked a West cutout's head off, then made moves to kiss Swift's cutout -- but rejected Swift for a drag-queen version of Reba McEntire, played by Kenan Thompson.", "\n\n\"SNL\" Highlights: The New Season\n\nThe teen heartthrob, who plays a werewolf named Jacob in the hit \"Twilight\" franchise, also starred in a sketch about \"Twilight\" fans, donning drag getup as a teenage girl on \"Team Edward,\" the name of Jacob's rival in the fight for character Bella's heart in the flicks.", "\n\nThe actor then suited up as an awkward kid on a first date in a skit about finding love in a frozen yogurt shop, then played a nervous football star trying to keep a straight face for the camera.", "\n\nTiger Woods' Life and Times\n\nBetween Lautner's gigs, \"SNL\" found ample time to make fun of philandering golfer Tiger Woods, who admitted to \"infidelity\" this week and announced his \"indefinite\" leave from the PGA Tour.", "\n\n\"Mistress Number Fifteen\" made an appearance on \"Weekend Update,\" hosted by Seth Meyers, while the show also featured the \"final announcement\" from the PGA Tour, a clip showing a company rep boozing his sorrows away as he mourned the loss of Woods' celebrity." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGHCI character limit?", "\n\nI'm using ghci to do some incremental development using Emacs' run-haskell. ", "Every once in a while, I get an error that looks like \n<interactive>:[line]:[character]: _Lexical error at character '\\EOT'\n\nSetting up an intermediate variable or two gets a working response, and the file I'm working on both loads and compiles properly. ", "Reducing character count also works; the max I seem to be able to hit is 252. ", "\nAnyone have an idea of what's going on?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis was filed and closed as a bug in GHC several years ago, so looks like no dice on fixing it at the GHCi end. (", "Searching \"_Lexical error at character '\\EOT'\" gives a few other results (for example), but I can't work out how applicable they are.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan we get to Mars today using current rockets/technology?", "\n\nI was wondering if, using the rockets we have today (I'm guessing the most likely candidate is the Falcon Heavy), we could send at least 1 human to Mars. ", "For arguments sake, let's ignore the fact it would need to be human rated, and assume there are no anomalies during flight. ", "\nWill the boosters need to be expended as they may need to use all their fuel to allow the crew module to get to the surface?", "\nLet's also assume the person(s) aren't returning.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nSo according to wikipedia, a Falcon Heavy can carry 16.7 tons to Mars transfer orbit. ", "This is fully expendable (thanks to @JCRM for pointing out this ink), it's much less with full reuse. ", "So we have 16.7 tons into which we need to fit a lot of things:\n\nConsumables to keep the astronaut alive for six months or so: Expedition Mars by Martin Turner gives a figure (p101) of 5-10kg of consumables per day, so that is 1-2 tons for a one-way Mars shot. ", "Could be a little less if your astronaut was a very small woman.", "\nThe capsule itself. ", "A reasonable minimum for this might be the mass of the lunar module ascent stage (excluding fuel) which was a very cramped, desperately mass constrained vehicle for two. ", "This is just over 2 tons. ", "\nA heat shield and either parachutes or rockets for a Mars landing. ", "As a rough proxy for this, consider an Apollo command module at about 5.5 tons. ", "For one person and just using it for descent we might get away with a bit less. ", "But we probably need bigger parachutes and rockets to soften the touchdown, so lets stick with 6 tons. ", " \n\nSo the total of obvious necessities is about 10 tons. ", "This looks pretty possible, we still have 35% margin for the stuff I didn't think of. ", "On the other hand this would be a miserable voyage. ", "Six months on minimal rations cooped up in a tiny space in zero G, followed by re-entry and a tricky landing, from which you basically get to crawl away and die of oxygen deprivation, dehydration or starvation whichever gets to you first, on the Martian surface. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Natasha Vaughn\n\nAlbany (N.Y.) Bureau\n\nALBANY, N.Y. — Winter has yet to officially start, but snow is already piling up in some parts of upstate New York.", "\n\nAccording to the National Weather Service, the areas with the most snow are in Oswego and Lewis counties — which get clobbered each year with snow drifting across the eastern edge of Lake Ontario.", "\n\nAnd it's the usual places: the tiny town of Redfield in Oswego County is leading the state with 82.6 inches of snow as of Friday.", "\n\nSo at this rate, Redfield is on pace for its second straight national recognition: Last year it won the USA Today Network's first annual Golden Snowdrift Award after getting 350.5 inches of snow — which equals more than 29 feet.", "\n\n“There are certain areas of New York that get more snow than others,\" said meteorologist Christina Speciale of the National Weather Service. \"", "Those spots usually are by Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, and that’s due to lake effect snow.”", "\n\nCopenhagen in neighboring Lewis County is so far in second place with 74.1 inches, while Osceola also in Lewis County had 49.8 inches of snowfall, the weather service said.", "\n\nColden in Erie County was fourth at 47.7 inches.", "\n\nMore:From floods to fires, U.S. weather went to extremes in 2017\n\nMore:Bus driver stuck in snow gets helping hand from neighbors\n\n\"That's the way it is in Copenhagen. ", "It snows all the time in the winter,\" Keith Scoville, a Copenhagen resident, told WWNYTV based in Watertown.", "\n\nBy comparison, there has been 22 inches at Syracuse International Airport and 16.3 inches at Rochester International Airport.", "\n\nPoughkeepsie has had 7 inches; Binghamton has gotten 6.1 inches, and White Plains received 5.9 inches, the weather service's data showed.", "\n\nSo far, across most of New York, the amount of snowfall this year has been average to below average, the agency said.", "\n\nThere is snow on the way for parts of New York this weekend.", "\n\nBetween 3 to 5 inches of snow could fall in northern Erie County and the surrounding areas Friday and Saturday, while some snowfall was also expected in New York City on Friday, with the possibility of snow in the Hudson Valley and Rochester on Friday evening, too." ]
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[ "Inzopa\n\nInzopa is a private financial data network that stores financial data for sharing with financial services. ", "The network is primarily used by homebuyers, homeowners, and banks for real estate and mortgage transactions. ", "Inzopa does not charge consumers but financial institutions and professionals must pay a fee. ", "The firm uses crowdsourcing to aggregate mortgage broker and real estate data to build authenticated profiles and matches agents and brokers to homebuyers. ", "Inzopa was co-founded by Charanjeet Ajmani, an executive at Advisor Software, and Brian Barrick, architect and team leader of Apple's FileMaker team in December 2010. ", "The site was launched in February 2014.", "\n\nInzopa competes against online loan sites such as LendingTree.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:Companies based in Fremont, California\nCategory:Internet properties established in 2010\nCategory:Privately held companies based in California\nCategory:2010 establishments in California" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an apparatus for smelting copper sulfide concentrates to extract copper.", "\n2. ", "Prior Art\nAs schematically depicted in FIGS. ", "1 and 2, a copper smelting apparatus comprised of a plurality of furnaces is hitherto known. ", "The smelting apparatus comprises a smelting furnace 1 for melting and oxidizing the copper concentrates supplied together with oxygen-enriched air, to produce a mixture of matte M and slag S, a separating furnace 2 for separating the matte M from the slag S, a converter or converting furnace 3 for oxidizing the separated matte M into blister copper C and slag, and anode furnaces 4 and 4 for refining the blister copper C thus obtained to produce copper of higher purity. ", "In each of the smelting furnace 1 and the converting furnace 3, a lance 5 composed of a double-pipe structure is inserted through the furnace roof and attached thereto for vertical movement. ", "Copper concentrates, oxygen-enriched air, flux and so on are supplied into each furnace through the lance 5. ", "The separating furnace 2 is an electric furnace, which is equipped with electrodes 6.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "1, the smelting furnace 1, the separating furnace 2 and the converting furnace 3 are arranged so as to have different elevations in the descending order, and are connected in series through launder 7A and 7B, so that the melt is tapped via gravitation through these launders 7A and 7B.\nThe blister copper C produced continuously in the converting furnace 3 is stored temporarily in a holding furnace 8, and then received in a ladle 9, which is conveyed by means of a crane 10 to the anode furnaces 4, and the blister copper C is poured thereinto through the inlet formed in the top wall.", "\nThus, the process up to the converting furnace 3 is carried out in a continuous manner, while the anode furnaces 4 must be operated in batches since the final composition of the copper, i.e. the quality of the copper should be controlled there. ", "The aforesaid holding furnace 8 is provided in order to adjust the timing due to this difference in operation.", "\nIn FIG. ", "2, the character L denotes an example of locus of the movement of the ladle 9 which conveys the blister copper melt from the holding furnace 8 to the anode furnaces 4. ", "In the anode furnaces 4, the impurities are oxidized and removed from the blister copper C, and copper oxide formed during the oxidation is deoxidized into copper of higher quality. ", "Then, the resulting copper is cast into anode plates and subjected to electro-refining to obtain higher purity.", "\nIn the conventional smelting apparatus as described above, although the operations up to the converting furnace 3 are carried out continuously, the refining operations at the anode furnaces 4 are conducted in batches. ", "Therefore, the blister copper C produced in the converting furnace 3 must be stored temporarily in the holding furnace 8. ", "Accordingly, the installation of the holding furnace 8 is required. ", "In addition, the ladle, the crane and so on are required in order to transport the blister copper C from the holding furnace 8 to the anode furnaces 4. ", "Furthermore, a large amount of energy has been required to keep the temperature of the blister copper C high enough during these operations. ", "As a result, the expenses for the installation of the facilities as well as the running costs are high, and the opportunities for the reduction in the installed area of the smelting apparatus are limited.", "\nMoreover, when receiving the blister copper melt in the ladle or pouring the melt therefrom, the melt is caused to fall from the elevated position. ", "Hence, there occurs great air flow, accompanied by the production of gases containing sulfur dioxide and metal fumes, caused by mechanical impact, abrupt air expansion and so on, thereby adversely affecting the environment. ", "Therefore, fume and dust collecting installation which is effective for large areas is required." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We give an algebraic definition of a Markowitz market and classify markets up to isomorphism. ", "Given this classification, the theory of portfolio optimization in Markowitz markets without short selling constraints becomes trivial. ", "Conversely, this classification shows that, up to isomorphism, there is little that can be said about a Markowitz market that is not already detected by the theory of portfolio optimization.'", "\nauthor:\n- John Armstrong\nbibliography:\n- 'markowitz.bib'\ntitle: The Markowitz Category\n---\n\nIntroduction {#introduction .unnumbered}\n============\n\nThis note is motivated by the celebrated one and two mutual fund theorems [@merton]. ", "These build on the work of Markowitz in [@markowitz] and tell us that, in the Markowitz market model with no restrictions on short selling, an investor who is only interested in the optimal investment problems can safely ignore all but a two-dimensional subspace of the space of portfolios. ", "But what if one’s interests are more broad ranging than these optimal investment problems? ", "Are there other low-dimensional subspaces of the market model that may be of particular interest to other market players?", "\n\nWe will prove that, in some sense, the answer to this question is no. ", "Moreover, the two mutual fund theorem in some sense says all that there is to say about the market.", "\n\nThe key, of course, is to explain what we mean by “in some sense”. ", "This is where we use a little category theory.", "\n\nCategory theory, introduced in [@eilenbergmaclane], formalises the common practice of mathematicians to investigate categories of object up to some notion of equivalence or isomorphism. ", "For example, one might attempt to classify vector spaces up to bijective linear transformation or finite groups up to group isomorphism. ", "The advantage of this approach is that spurious details are ignored. ", "For example the specific set underlying the vector space or the group are irrelevant to their classification up to isomorphism.", "\n\nFollowing a similar pattern, in we will define a class of objects called Markowitz markets and define a notion of a Markowitz isomorphism between markets. ", "By defining the notion of isomorphism we formally define what we consider to be a financially meaningful feature of a Markowitz market, and what we consider to be spurious information. ", "For example the name of a specific stock is not financially meaningful and our notion of isomorphism should reflect this.", "\n\nHaving identified the notion of isomorphism, we will then classify all arbitrage free Markowitz markets up to Markowitz isomorphism. ", "This requires only elementary linear algebra and can be done without considering portfolio optimization at all.", "\n\nIn we will show how our classification of Markowitz markets can be applied to the study of portfolio optimization. ", "We will see that classical results such as the mutual fund theorems are immediately obvious corollaries of our classification. ", "Moreover, we will see the close relation between risk-return diagrams and the classification of markets. ", "For example, we will see that two markets of the same dimension and containing no spurious portfolios of zero cost, zero risk and zero expected payoff are isomorphic if and only if they have the same efficient frontier.", "\n\nIn we formally state and prove a mathematical version of our claim that there are no low-dimensional subspaces of the market model that may be of particular interest to other market players. ", "Our essential assumption in proving this result is that market players are only interested in markets up to Markowitz isomorphism. ", "For example, if they are interested in risk measures other than just standard deviation, this assumption would be violated. ", "Note however, that we do not make any distributional assumptions about the returns in our market other than that the first two moments exist. ", "In particular, the normal distribution plays no role in our theory.", "\n\nOur assumption of invariance up to Markowitz isomorphism is also violated by a market player who knows that they need to hedge a particular portfolio. ", "This financial problem is considered by [@sharpe]. ", "Such a market player should use a different category of objects consisting of pairs of a market and a portfolio to hedge. ", "Their notion of morphism would be restricted to morphisms that preserve the hedging portfolio. ", "This is a special case of a “pointed category”. ", "We give a classification of the pointed category of markets and a marked portfolio in \\[section:optimization\\], and our entire approach can be generalized easily to cover the financial problem of [@sharpe].", "\n\nWe remark that in the widespread practice of applying principal component analysis to the covariance matrix, one is also breaking invariance up to Markowitz isomorphism. ", "The reason is that to perform a principal component analysis one must first fix a reference Euclidean metric on the space of portfolios and this must be chosen independently of the covariance form. ", "This Euclidean metric can be used to convert the covariance form into a covariance matrix and hence compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. ", "Before performing a principal component analysis, one must identify this Euclidean metric and justify its financial relevance. ", "Our point is that if one is only interested in markets up to Markowitz isomorphism, no financially relevant Euclidean metric exists and principal component analysis is meaningless.", "\n\nOur category theory approach to portfolio optimization is in many ways more general and more illuminating than the classical approach of [@merton] (and which has been repeated ad-infinitum in textbooks and student dissertations). ", "We use geometric arguments based around the Gram–Schmidt process, whereas the classical approach is based on direct calculation and the theory of Lagrange multipliers. ", "This geometric approach to portfolio theory has surely been observed before, yet it seems to have had little impact on the textbooks. ", "We hope that our explicit classification theory of markets might popularise the geometric approach.", "\n\n### Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}\n\nThis note emerged from discussions with Teemu Pennanen and Matthew Glover. ", "It has also benefited from the comments and suggestions of Damiano Brigo.", "\n\nThe Markowitz Category {#section:category}\n======================\n\nA [*Markowitz market*]{} $(V,r,c,p)$ consists of a finite dimensional real vector space $V$ together with the data:\n\n(i) A symmetric bilinear map $r:V \\times V \\to {\\mathbb{R}}$ satisfying $r(v,v)\\geq0$ for all $v \\in V$;\n\n(ii) Two linear functionals $c:V \\to {\\mathbb{R}}$ and $p:V \\to {\\mathbb{R}}$.\n\nA [*Markowitz morphism*]{} between two Markowitz markets $(V,r,c,p)$ and $(V^\\prime, r^\\prime, c^\\prime, p^\\prime)$ is a linear transformation $T:V \\to V^\\prime$ which satisfies: $$r^\\prime(T v, T v) = r( v, v ) \\qquad \\forall v \\in V,$$ $$p^\\prime(T v) = p(v) \\qquad \\forall v \\in V,$$ $$c^\\prime(T v) = c(v) \\qquad \\forall v \\in V.$$ Two Markowitz markets are said to be isomorphic if there is a bijective Markowitz morphism from one to the other.", "\n\nMarkowitz markets naturally arise in finance.", "\n\nConsider a trader who buys and sells $n$ financial assets. ", "The trader is interested in studying portfolios made up from these assets. ", "A portfolio is defined by knowing the vector in ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ that contains the quantity of each asset held. ", "The abstract vector space $V$ in our definition of a Markowitz market represents the space of possible portfolios. ", "A portfolio may contain a negative quantity of a particular asset, this is interpreted financially by saying that a trader may choose to buy assets (a positive quantity) or borrow them (a negative quantity).", "\n\nIn this financial setting, the linear functional $c$ computes the initial cost of setting up a portfolio. ", "If we assume the market is infinitely liquid and that unlimited amounts of each asset can be bought and sold it is reasonable to assume that the cost is indeed linear.", "\n\nThe trader models the financial assets as random variables. ", "The linear functional $p$ computes the expected payoff of the portfolio at some future time $T$. Infinite liquidity and infinite market depth justify the assumption that $p$ is linear. ", "The symmetric bilinear map $r$ computes the covariance of the two portfolios at the future time $T$. Note that here we are assuming that all the assets have finite variance.", "\n\nThe quantity $\\sqrt{r(v,v)}$, (the standard deviation of $v$), should be thought of as the [*risk*]{} of a portfolio $v$. There is an extensive literature on risk measurement and numerous statistical quantities have been proposed that can be used to measure the risk of a portfolio. ", "We will not debate the pros and cons of different risk measures here, we simply state that, in the Markowitz framework, risk is measured using standard deviation.", "\n\nTo justify the definition of a Markowitz morphism we assume that the trader is only interested in the portfolios that are available, their costs, payoffs and risk measured using the standard deviation. ", "The trader sees all other market data as extraneous. ", "In particular the trader is unconcerned by the question of how many assets are combined to produce a portfolio.", "\n\nOur aim now is to classify Markowitz markets up to isomorphism. ", "This is an elementary exercise in linear algebra. ", "To reduce the number of cases in our classification, we will only classify arbitrage-free markets. ", "These are defined as follows.", "\n\nAn [*arbitrage portfolio*]{} is a portfolio $v \\in V$ satisfying $r(v)=0$, $c(v)=0$ and $p(v)>0$. A Markowitz market is [*arbitrage free*]{} if it does not contain any arbitrage portfolios.", "\n\nA portfolio $v \\in V$ is said to be [*risk free*]{} if $r(v,v)=0$. A portfolio $v \\in V$ is said to be [*costless*]{} if $c(v)=0$. A portfolio $v \\in V$ is said to be [*valueless*]{} if $r(v,v)=0$, $c(v)=0$ and $p(v)=0$.\n\nIf $T$ is a Markowitz morphism between $(V,r,c,p)$ and ($V^\\prime, r^\\prime, c^\\prime, p^\\prime)$ then $$r^\\prime(T v_1, T v_2) = r(v_1, v_2) \\qquad \\forall v_1, v_2 \\in V.$$ \\[lemma:polarizationIdentity\\]\n\nThis follows immediately from the polarization identity for symmetric bilinear maps: $$\\label{polarizationIdentity}\nr(v_1,v_2)=\\frac{1}{4}\\left(r(v_1+v_2,v_1+v_2) - r(v_1-v_2,v_1-v_2)\\right).$$ This shows that the entire covariance structure $r$ can be deduced from knowing the standard deviation $r(v,v)$.\n\nDefine the linear map $\\tilde{r}:V \\to V^*$ by $\\tilde{r}(v)(w)=r(v,w)$ then the set of risk free portfolios, $V^0$, is equal to $\\ker \\tilde{r}$.\n\nIf $v \\in \\ker \\tilde{r}$ then $r(v,v)=\\tilde{r}(v)(v)=0$. So $\\ker \\tilde{r} \\subseteq V^0$.\n\nOn the other hand, if $r(v,v)=0$ then the function $n(v)=r(v,v)$ has a local minimum at $v$. So the derivative of $n$ in any direction $w \\in V$ is equal to zero. ", "This derivative is equal to $2r(v,w)=2\\tilde r(v)(w)$. So $V^0 \\subseteq \\ker \\tilde{r}$.\n\nIf we have a decomposition $V=V^0 \\oplus V^1$ for some vector subspace $V^1$ then the value of $r$ on $V$ is determined by its value on $V^1$. \\[lemma:directSumDecomposition\\]\n\nLet $v=v_0+v_1$ where $v_0 \\in V^0$ and $v_1 \\in V^1$. Then $$\\begin{split}\nr(v,v)&=r(v_0,v_0)+2r(v_0,v_1)+r(v_1,v_1) \\\\\n&= r(v_1,v_1)\n\\end{split}$$ The result now follows from .", "\n\nIf a portfolio satisfies $r(v)=0$, $c(v)=0$ and $p(v)\\neq0$ then either $v$ or $-v$ will be an arbitrage portfolio. ", "So a Markowitz market is arbitrage free if and only if all costless, risk-free portfolios are valueless. ", "This yields the following result:\n\n\\[Classification of arbitrage-free riskless markets\\] In an arbitrage-free Markowitz market, we can write $V^0 = V^R \\oplus ((\\ker c) \\cap V^0 )$ where $V^R$ is zero or one dimensional. ", "If $V^R$ is one dimensional it is spanned by a single portfolio $v_R$ of cost $1$. $p=0$ on $(\\ker c) \\cap V^0$. \\[lemma:risklessMarkets\\]\n\nWe are now ready to state and prove our main result which is to give a canonical form for all arbitrage free Markowitz markets.", "\n\nThe canonical forms will be expressed in terms of of the vector space ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$. We will write the bilinear map $r$ on ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ as an $n \\times n$ matrix ${\\bf r}$ such that $$r(v,w)=v^T {\\bf r} w.$$ We will write the linear functionals $c$ and $p$ as co-vectors. ", "We will write the matrices $\\bf{r}$ in block diagonal form and will use the notation $1_k$ for the $k \\times k$ identity matrix and will use $0$ for matrices of zeros whose dimensions can be deduced from the context.", "\n\n\\[theorem:classification\\] We have the following classification of Markowitz markets.", "\n\n(a) .", "\n\n Let $n$ be given. ", "Given four parameters $(k,m,g,i) \\in \\{0,1, \\ldots n\\}\n \\times [0, \\infty) \\times [0, \\infty) \\times {\\mathbb{R}}$ which do not lie in the set $$E_n = \\{ (k,m,g,i) : (k=n \\hbox{ and }m=0) \\hbox{ or } (k=0 \\hbox{ and }m \\neq 0 \\}\n \\label{enDefinition}$$ we can define an isomorphism class of Markowitz markets, ${\\cal M}^n_{k,m,s,q}$, as follows:\n\n (i) If $m=0$, ${\\cal M}^n_{k,m,g,i}$ is the isomorphism class of the market ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ with $${\\bf r} = \\left( \\begin{array}{cc}\n 1_k & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0\n \\end{array} \\right), \\quad c = (0,0,\\ldots,0,1), \\quad p=(g,0,\\ldots,0,i).$$\n\n (ii) If $m \\in (0, \\infty)$, ${\\cal M}^n_{k,m,g,i}$ is the isomorphism class of the market ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ with $${\\bf r} = \\left(\\begin{array}{cc}\n 1_k & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0\n \\end{array} \\right), \\quad c = \\left(\\frac{1}{m},0,\\ldots,0\\right), \\quad p=\n \\begin{cases}\n (\\frac{i}{m},0, \\ldots, 0 ) & \\text{if } k =1 \\\\\n (\\frac{i}{m},g,0,\\ldots,0) & \\text{otherwise}.", "\n \\end{cases}$$ Note that when $k=1$ the parameter $g$ is ignored. ", "We have chosen our coordinates $m$ and $i$ for the isomorphism classes so that these variables will have simple geometric and financial explanations. ", "This justifies the apparently unnecessary complexity of using $\\frac{1}{m}$ and $\\frac{i}{m}$ in the formulae.", "\n\n Any arbitrage-free Markowitz market of dimension $n$ with $c \\neq 0$ belongs to one of these isomorphism classes. ", "The isomorphism classes ${\\cal M}^n_{k,m,g,i}$ are distinct except that $$\\label{equivalence1}\n \\hbox{ if } m \\in (0, \\infty) \\hbox{, then }{\\cal M}^n_{1,m,g,i} = {\\cal M}^n_{1,m,g^\\prime,i} \\quad \\forall\\, g, g^\\prime .$$\n\n(b) .", "\n\n Any arbitrage-free Markowitz market of dimension $n$ with $c$ identically zero is Markowitz isomorphic to the market ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ with $${\\bf r} = \\left( \\begin{array}{cc}\n 1_k & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0\n \\end{array} \\right), \\quad c=(0,0,\\ldots,0), \\quad p=(g,0,\\ldots,0)$$ where $k$ is a uniquely determined integer between $0$ and $n$. $g=0$ if $k=0$ but otherwise, $g$ is a uniquely determined element of $[0,\\infty)$.\n\nWe first assume that $c\\neq0$. Case (i) and (ii) can be distinguished in an invariant fashion since there is a risk free portfolio $v_R$ with $c(v_R)\\neq 0$ in case (i) but not in case (ii). ", "Let us show that conversely if there is such a portfolio we can find a basis such that the market takes the form of case (i), and if not, it takes the form in case (ii).", "\n\n(i) We suppose that a risk free portfolio with non zero cost $v_R$ exists. ", "Take $e_n=\\frac{v_R}{c(v_R)}$ and take $k=n-\\dim V^0$. Take $\\{\n e_{k+1}, \\ldots e_{n-1}\\}$ to be a basis for $(\\ker c) \\cap V^0$. By , $p$ is equal to $0$ on $(\\ker c) \\cap V^0$. Extend $\\{\n e_{k+1}, \\ldots e_{n-1}\\}$ to a basis $\\{v_1, \\ldots, v_k,e_{k+1},\\ldots, e_{n-1}\\}$ for $\\ker c$. Let $V_k$ be the span of $\\{v_1, \\ldots v_k\\}$. Then $r$ restricted to $V_k$ gives an inner product, so by applying the Gram–Schmidt process we can find an orthonormal basis $\\{e_1, \\ldots e_k\\}$ for $r$ restricted to $V_k$. The inner product on $V_k$ gives a duality isomorphism from $V_k$ to $V^*_k$. Let $v_p$ denote the vector in $V_k$ that is dual to the functional $p\\restriction_{V_k}$ via this isomorphism. ", "By applying an isometry of the Euclidean space $V_k$ if necessary, we may assume that $v_p$ is a non-negative multiple of $e_1$. When one writes $r$, $c$ and $p$ with respect to the basis $\\{e_1, \\ldots e_n\\}$ we see from that they take the desired form.", "\n\n Given that the market is of this form, $i$ can be invariantly defined as the expected payoff of a riskless portfolio of cost $1$. In the same circumstances, $g$ can be invariantly defined as the maximum value of $p$ among costless portfolios $v$ with $r(v,v) \\leq 1$. It follows that $i$ and $g$ are uniquely determined.", "\n\n(ii) We suppose that all risk free portfolios have cost zero. ", "Take $k=n-\\dim V^0$. Take $\\{e_{k+1},\\ldots, e_{n}\\}$ to be a basis for $V^0$. Extend this to get a basis $\\{v_1,\\ldots,v_k,e_{k+1},\\ldots,e_{n}\\}$ for $V$. Let $V_k$ denote the span of the $v_k$. It is an inner product space with respect to $r$, so by applying the Gram-Schmidt process we can obtain a basis $\\{e_1,\\ldots,e_k,e_{k+1},\\ldots,e_{n}\\}$ for $V$ with the $\\{e_1, \\ldots e_k\\}$ orthonormal. ", "By applying an isometry of $V_k$ if necessary, we may assume that the vector dual to $c$ via the inner product on $V_k$ is a positive multiple of $e_1$. By applying a further isometry of the space spanned by $e_2, \\ldots, e_k$, we may assume that the vector dual to $p$ via the inner product on $V_k$ lies in the span of $e_1$ and $e_2$. Writing the market with respect to this basis now puts it into the desired form.", "\n\n Given that the market is of this form, $m$ can be defined invariantly as $1$ over the maximum cost of any portfolio $v$ with $r(v,v)=1$. Define $i^\\prime$ invariantly as the payoff $p(v)$ of a portfolio with $r(v,v)=1$ that maximizes the cost. ", "Now $i$ can be defined invariantly by $i^\\prime = \\frac{i}{m}$. $g$ can be defined invariantly as the maximum expected payoff of any costless portfolio $v$ with $r(v,v)=1$.\n\nThe proof for the case when $c=0$ is similar.", "\n\nTo avoid considering financially-uninteresting special cases in the sequel we make the following definition.", "\n\nA Markowitz market is [*non-degenerate*]{} if:\n\n(i) The market is arbitrage free;\n\n(ii) There are no valueless portfolios;\n\n(iii) $c$ and $p$ are linearly independent.", "\n\nIt follows from our theorem that all non-degenerate Markowitz markets of dimension $n$ are of the form ${\\cal M}_{n-1,0,g,i}$ or ${\\cal M}_{n,m,g,i}$ with $m \\in (0, \\infty)$ and $g \\in (0, \\infty)$.\n\nWe have identified the set of non-degenerate Markowitz markets up to isomorphism. ", "We now ask what is the topology of this space?", "\n\nFor a fixed underlying vector space, $V$ we can choose an isomorphism to ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$. The space of bilinear forms on $V$ can then be viewed as a subspace of ${\\mathbb{R}}^{n^2}$ and so can be given a topology. ", "We can then give the space of Markowitz markets on $V$ a topology. ", "This topology doesn’t depend upon the choice of isomorphism from $V$ to ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$. Thus the space of Markowitz markets has a natural topology. ", "The moduli space of Markowitz markets is defined to be the quotient of the space of Markowitz markets by the equivalence relation given by Markowitz isomorphisms.", "\n\nWith this terminology established we may now prove the following corollary of .", "\n\nThe moduli space of non-degenerate Markowitz markets of dimension $n\\geq 3$ is homeomorphic to the manifold with boundary $[0,\\infty)\\times(0, \\infty) \\times {\\mathbb{R}}$. In particular, the map $\\tau$ given by $\\tau(m,g,i)={\\cal M}_{n-\\delta_0(m),m,g,i}$ is a homeomorphism. ", "Here $\\delta_0(m)$ is equal to $1$ if $m=0$ and equal to $0$ otherwise.", "\n\nIt follows from that $\\tau$ is a bijection.", "\n\nDefine $\\tilde{\\tau}(m,g,i)$ to be the market given in matrix form by $${\\bf r} = \\left( \\begin{array}{cc}\nm^2 & 0 \\\\\n0 & I_{n-1}\n\\end{array}\n\\right),\\quad\nc = (1,0,0,\\ldots,0),\\quad\np = (i,g,0,\\ldots,0,).$$ $\\tilde{\\tau}$ is continuous. ", "The market $\\tilde{\\tau}(m,g,i)$ is Markowitz isomorphic to $\\tau(m,g,i)$. Therefore $\\tau$ is continuous.", "\n\nWe can invariantly and continuously associate a non-degenerate bilinear form $\\hat{r}$ with a non-degenerate Markowitz market by defining $$\\hat{r}(u,v)=r(u,v)+c(u)c(v).$$ To any non-degenerate bilinear form on a finite dimensional vector space, there is an associated isomorphism between the vector space and its dual. ", "This isomorphism is associated continuously. ", "Thus we can continuously and invariantly associate a bilinear form acting on $V^*$ with any non-degenerate Markowitz market. ", "We will write $\\hat{r}^*$ for this form.", "\n\nA short calculation shows that in both cases (i) and (ii) of we have $\\hat{r}^*(c,c)=\\frac{1}{1+m^2}$. Therefore $$m = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{\\hat{r}^*(c,c)}-1}.$$ Thus the function $m$ defined on the moduli space of non-degenerate markets is continuous. ", "We calculate similarly that $\\hat{r}^*(p,c)=\\frac{i}{1+m^2}$ and $\\hat{r}^*(p,p)=\\frac{i^2}{1+m^2} + g^2$. Thus $m$, $i$ and $g$ are continuous functions on the moduli space of non-degenerate Markowitz markets. ", "Hence $\\tau^{-1}$ is continuous.", "\n\nPortfolio Optimization {#section:optimization}\n======================\n\nArmed with our classification theorem, the study of portfolio optimization in Markowitz markets becomes entirely trivial.", "\n\nGiven a Markowitz market, a portfolio $v_0$ is said to be [*risk minimizing*]{} if its risk $r(v_0,v_0)$ is equal to the minimum risk among all portfolios, $v$, with $c(v)=c(v_0)$ and $p(v)=p(v_0)$.\n\nIn a non-degenerate Markowitz market with no risk-free portfolios, the set of risk-minimizing portfolios is a vector subspace of $V$ of dimension at most $2$. Moreover, for any feasible payoff and cost there is an associated risk-minimizing portfolio. ", "This is called the two mutual-fund theorem because the space of risk-minimizing portfolios can spanned by two portfolios, these are the “mutual-funds”.", "\n\nSince there are no non-zero risk-free portfolios, we are in case (ii) of our classification, . ", "In this case, our vector space is Euclidean space with risk measured by distance, making the result geometrically obvious. ", "We give a few formal details for completeness.", "\n\nTwo portfolios $v$ and $v_0$ have the same cost and expected payoff if and only if their first two components are equal. ", "The risk is equal to the sum of the squares of the components, and hence is minimized by taking all components other than the first two equal to zero. ", "Hence the space of risk-minimizing portfolios is the vector space spanned by the standard basis vectors $\\{e_1, e_2\\}$.\n\nIn a non-degenerate Markowitz market with a risk-free portfolio the set of risk-minimizing portfolios is a vector subspace of $V$ of dimension at most $2$ and contains the risk-free portfolio. ", "For any feasible payoff and cost there is an associated risk-minimizing portfolio. ", "This is called the one mutual-fund theorem because the space of risk-minimizing portfolios can spanned by one arbitrary portfolio and a risk-free portfolio.", "\n\nAn obvious consequence of case (i) of\n\nWe have not yet used the concept of [*return*]{} of a portfolio. ", "In standard treatments of Markowitz’s theory it is usual to rescale investment problems in terms of the initial cost of a portfolio. ", "This rescaling function is non-linear and not even defined for portfolios of zero cost. ", "It often seems to unnecessarily complicate the discussion. ", "For example, we have stated the mutual-fund theorems in terms of vector spaces which we believe makes them much easier to understand than conventional presentations.", "\n\nHowever, the idea that one might be able to rescale and transform a market to simplify it is central to our discussion, it is simply that returns are the “wrong” rescaling. ", "We have observed that the covariance structure $r$ defines a natural length scale for the problem and have transformed our coordinates to that this becomes the standard Euclidean metric. ", "This transformation has the advantage of being linear. ", "This observation is generally useful throughout probability theory: covariance matrices define natural length scales.", "\n\nThe [*expected return*]{} of a portfolio, $v$ with non-zero cost is given by $$\\operatorname{ER}(v):=\\frac{p(v)-c(v)}{c(v)}.$$ The [*relative risk*]{} of such a portfolio is given by $$\\operatorname{RR}(v):= \\sqrt{r(v,v)}/c(v).$$ Let $\\phi$ map the set $V \\setminus (\\ker c)$ to ${\\mathbb{R}}^2$ by $\\phi(v)=(\\operatorname{RR}(v), \\operatorname{ER}(v)$. The image of $\\phi$ is called the [*feasible set*]{}. ", "The image of the set of risk-minimizing portfolios is called the [*efficient frontier*]{}. ", "The shape of the efficient frontier was identified in [@merton].", "\n\nIn a non-degenerate Markowitz market, ${\\cal M}_{n-\\delta_0(m),m,g,i}$ with $n\\geq 2$, the efficient frontier consists of the points $(x,y)$ with $x\\geq0$ and $$g^2(x^2 - m^2) = (y+1-i)^2.", "\n\\label{eq:hyperbola}$$ When $n=2$, the feasible set is equal to the efficient frontier. ", "When $n >2$, the feasible set is the set of all points on, or to the right of, the efficient frontier.", "\n\nWe consider first case (ii) of when $m>0$. Because of the scaling by cost in the definition of $\\operatorname{ER}$ and $\\operatorname{RR}$ we see that we need only consider the image of portfolios of cost $1$.\n\nAn efficient portfolio with cost $1$ takes the form $v=(m,\\lambda,0,\\ldots,0)$ for some $\\lambda$. It is mapped to: $$\\phi(v)=\\left(\\sqrt{m^2 + \\lambda^2}, i + g \\lambda - 1 \\right).$$\n\nWe can compute $g^2 \\lambda^2$ from either the $x$-coordinate or $y$-coordinate of $\\phi(v)$. Equating these expressions gives the expression . ", "Since $g\\neq0$ we see that the $y$-coordinate of $\\phi(v)$ can take any real value, so the efficient frontier is the right arm of the hyperbola satisfying .", "\n\nIf $n=2$ all portfolios are efficient. ", "If $n>2$, the portfolio $(m,\\lambda,\\mu,0,\\ldots,0)$ is mapped by $\\phi$ to $$\\left(\\sqrt{m^2 + \\lambda^2 + \\mu^2}, i + g \\lambda - 1 \\right).$$ So an y point to the right of the efficient frontier is feasible.", "\n\nThe efficient frontier and feasible set are similarly easy to calculate in case (i) of .", "\n\nThe feasible set and the efficient frontier are iconic images of Markowitz’s theory. ", "They are illustrated in .", "\n\n![", "The efficient frontier (curved line) and the feasible set (shaded).[]{data-label=\"fig:efficientfrontier\"}](efficientfrontier){width=\"0.4\\linewidth\"}\n\nWe now see the justification for our choice of parameter names for the space of Markowitz markets. ", "The parameter $m$ measures the [m]{}inimum risk of a portfolio of cost $1$, the parameter $g$ measures the [g]{}radient of the asymptotes when $m>0$ or the slope of the lines that the hyperbola degenerates to when. ", "The parameter $i-1$ corresponds to the $y$-axis [i]{}ntercept on the $y$-axis where the asymptotes meet.", "\n\nFrom our point of view, the importance of the feasible set and the efficient frontier is explained by the following result.", "\n\nLet $M_1$ and $M_2$ be two non-degenerate Markowitz markets of dimension $n$, Let $v_1$ and $v_2$ be portfolios in $M_1$ and $M_2$ repectively, each of cost 1. ", "Then there exists a Markowitz isomorphism of $M_1$ and $M_2$ sending $v_1$ to $v_2$ if and only if the efficient frontiers of $M_1$ and $M_2$ are equal and $\\phi(v_1)=\\phi(v_2)$.\n\nBy assumption we are in either case (i) or case (ii) of . ", "We are in case (ii) if and only if the efficient frontier is one arm of a hyperbola.", "\n\nIn case (ii), our explicit formula for the efficient frontier shows that $m$, $g$ and $i$ can be recovered from its shape as shown in .", "\n\nAfter a rotation of the inner product space spanned by $\\{e_3,e_4,\\ldots,e_k\\}$, any portfolio in $M_1$ of cost $1$ can be written as $(m,\\lambda,\\mu,0,\\ldots,0)$. The $\\mu$ coefficient measures how far the image of $v$ under $\\phi$ is to the right of the efficient frontier. ", "The $\\lambda$ term identifies the point on the efficient frontier to the left of $\\phi(v)$.\n\nA similar argument can be applied in case (i).", "\n\nThere is one feature of the market that is missed by risk-return diagrams, namely cost-free portfolios. ", "These portfolios are not uninteresting. ", "In our case (ii) the costless portfolio $e_2$ provides one natural choice of mutual fund to use in the two mutual fund theorem. ", "Adding multiples of this fund to your portfolio allows one to arbitrarily change the risk and return along the efficient frontier without affecting the cost. ", "This fund is a particularly useful and easy to understand financial instrument.", "\n\nCost-free portfolios are also likely to be of great interest to rogue traders and fraudsters. ", "They will want to know that arbitrarily large expected returns can be achieved in a Markowitz market at zero cost! ", "Let us classify cost-free portfolios for their benefit. ", "We omit the proof.", "\n\nDefine $\\psi:V \\to {\\mathbb{R}}^2$ by $\\psi(v)=(\\sqrt{r(v,v)},p(v))$. The image of the cost-free, risk-minimizing portfolios under $\\psi$ for the market ${\\cal M}^n_{k,m,g,i}$ with $g>0$ is the set $(x,y) \\in {\\mathbb{R}}^2$ with $x\\geq0$ and $$y = \\pm g x.$$ We call this set the [*efficient frontier for costless portfolios*]{}. ", "The image of $\\psi$ is either equal to the efficient frontier for costless portfolios or to the set of points on or to the right of the efficient frontier for costless portfolios.", "\n\nThere is an automorphism of the market mapping one costless portfolio to another if and only if they have the same image under $\\psi$.\n\nDimension reduction of Markowitz markets {#section:dimensionReduction}\n========================================\n\nA corollary of our analysis is that there are no low-dimensional subspaces of a Markowitz model that can be naturally identified beyond those already identified by the mutual fund theorems.", "\n\nFor non-degenerate markets of dimension $n$ containing no-valueless portfolios, any invariantly defined sub-manifold of the market has dimension less than or equal to $2$ or greater than or equal to $n-2$. If $n>4$ then the invariantly defined sub-manifolds of dimension less than or equal $2$ are all sub-manifolds of the set of risk-minimizing portfolios.", "\n\nAny sub-manifold of the market which is closed under the automorphism group of the market must consist of orbits of the automorphism group acting on $V$. As we have seen, excluding costless portfolios, these orbits consist of the pre-image of points of $\\phi$. The pre-image of the efficient frontier has dimension less than or equal to $2$. The pre-image of any other point in the feasible set is greater than or equal to $n-2$. We use the map $\\psi$ to apply similar reasoning to the case of costless portfolios. ", "It follows that invariant subspaces are of dimensions $0$, $1$, $2$, $n-2$, $n-1$ or $n$. If $n>4$, $n-2>2$. So in this case all low-dimensional invariant submanifolds are in the pre-image of the efficient frontiers. ", "This implies they lie inside the set of risk-minimizing portfolios.", "\n" ]
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[ "Job Category\n\nDelivery & Collections\n\nSkills\n\nFood DeliveriesBeverage DeliveriesFood Delivery\n\nLanguage Preference\n\nHindiEnglish\n\nJob Summary\n\nResponsibilities and Duties\n• Responsible for collecting the right amount of payment from the customers.", "\n• Must possess Time management skills & an Android Phone (4.4.2 & above)\nWho can be an Ideal Candidate:\n• You can be a fresher out of college or a 10th or 12th pass\n• You can be a working professional who wants to earn money\n• Passionate driver/rider who wants to deliver food as a hobby\nDocuments to be carried for Walk-in:\n• Valid Driving License\n• RC book\n• PAN Card / Acknowledgment of PAN application\n• Aadhaar Card/voter ID\n• Bank Passbook / Cancelled cheque\nBenefits:\n• Flexible working hours (Full Time, Part time, night shifts, weekend)\n• Weekly Payouts\n• Attractive Weekly, weekend and monthly Incentives\n• Rewards and Recognition\n• Internal Job Posting Opportunities\n• Insurance Cover up to Rs 6,00,000/-\n• EMI option is possible if you don’t have a BIKE\nPotential to earn for Full time / Part time / Night shift / Weekend: 16,000/- to 50,000/- PLUS reimbursements" ]
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[ "Contents\n\nCharacters\n\nThis list only covers the opening of the original dub of the Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon special. ", "All other occurrences of this song in the anime have no background animation and thus have no characters in them.", "\n\nLyrics\n\nThese lyrics are for the full version as heard on the Pokémon X CD. ", "The original Mastermind opening and the redub Mastermind ending, as well as the Pokémon: Battle Frontier ending use just the rap, without the final repeat of the chorus, with Battle Frontier stopping just after \"Johto\".", "\n\nCome with me on a flight of mystery!Learn to master the art of battle so expertly!With Misty and May and Brock right there to see... yeah.", "Ride a dream, come on and you'll really feel free!Grab your (Pokédex!) ", "and check to keep track of what you've seen!You'll be catching Pokémon in no time from the land every day\n\nI'm on a quest now!Don't know when, where or how!I'm gonna be the best,Quit my training to say,\n\nGotta catch 'em all nowI'm ready to shout out so loudI live for PokémonLong live Pokémon And on and on and on and on\n\nDo you remember the times that we shared in Kanto?Sometimes it seems like a dream so very, very long ago!Do you remember the battle that we fought in Johto?Tell me (Tell me (Tell me)), where did all the time go?Now to (Hoenn!) ", "and beyond, the pace never slows!When adventure awaits, you can't stop, no no no no...\n\nI'm on a quest now!Don't know when, where or how!I'm gonna be the best,Quit my training to say,\n\nGotta catch 'em all nowI'm ready to shout out so loudI live for PokémonLong live Pokémon And on and on and on and on\n\nRap\n\nYo!Pokémon Masters, your heart beats fasterTraining for the top, 'cause you know you can't stop!Your training kicks (now), Pokémon Pow (wow!)The power of a master, all before you will (bow!)But don't let it get to your head, young TrainerThe road is long and filled with dangerEveryone says they deserve to be number oneBut who can top you? ", "The answer is noneBecause they've never seen an expert like (you!)One who knows the difference between Mewtwo (and Mew!)Or someone who can tell you the type (Pikachu!)Or someone who can tell you which Pokémon's (new!)", "\n\nFirst you kick it in Kanto!Then you head to Johto!Don't know where to go, try to go with the flow!Everybody knows how the fever is growing!Watch out, next stop might be HoennBut even that's not where Pokémon'll endThere's even more adventuresRight around the bend!", "\n\nI'm on a quest now!Don't know when, where or how!I'm gonna be the best,Quit my training to say,\n\nGotta catch 'em all nowI'm ready to shout out so loudI live for PokémonLong live Pokémon And on and on and on and on(It's going on!)" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'The spectrum width can be narrowed to a certain degree by decreasing the coupling strength for the two-level emitter coupled to the propagating surface plasmon. ", "But the width can not be narrowed any further because of the loss of the photon out of system by spontaneous emission from the emitter. ", "Here we propose a new scheme to construct a narrow-band source via a one-dimensional waveguide coupling with a three-level $\\Lambda$-type emitter. ", "It is shown that the reflective spectrum width can be narrowed avoiding the impact of the loss. ", "This approach opens up the possibility of plasmonic ultranarrow single-photon source.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'J. Yang'\n- 'G. W. Lin'\n- 'Y. P. Niu'\n- 'Y. H. Qi'\n- 'F. X. Zhou'\n- 'S. Q. Gong'\ntitle: Tunable narrow band source via the strong coupling between optical emitter and nanowire surface plasmons\n---\n\n*Introduction.—* ", "In recent years, the coupling between one-dimensional waveguide and optical emitters has attracted considerable attentions because of their wide application in many aspects[@Chang-PRL; @Chang-NP; @nanolett-Gragting; @Chang-PRB; @Chang-Nat; @spontaneous-OL; @OE-Wangququan; @PRB-Green; @OE-Chen; @APL-two; @OL-two; @NV-PRL; @Science2011; @OE-NV; @NJP-three; @Li-PRL; @Yang-OE; @JPB-two]. ", "The two-level emitter within the waveguide acts as a perfect mirror for the light field at resonance[@spontaneous-OL; @Li-PRL]. ", "The $\\Lambda$-type three-level emitter system($\\Lambda$LS) can realize electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) mechanism to control behavior of the probe photon by applying a classical control light beam in the system[@OE-NV; @NJP-three]. ", "Similarly, two separated two-level emitters system can also obtain EIT-like transmission spectrum by adjusting the distance between the two emitters[@APL-two; @OL-two; @JPB-two]. ", "As one of important applications of EIT, cavity-linewidth narrowing has shown great potential in many different areas such as laser stabilization[@laser-stabilization], high-resolution spectroscopy[@narrowline-highresolution1; @narrowline-highresolution2; @narrowline-highresolution3], enhanced light matter interaction, and compressed optical energy[@narrowline-interaction]. ", "In this letter, we shall investigate the linewidth narrowing effect in the system of optical emitter coupling the nanowire surface plasmons.", "\n\nAs we have known, in the two-level emitter coupling with SPPs systems(TLS), the linewidth of the reflection peak is proportional to $V^2/v_g$, where $V$ is the coupling strength, and $v_g$ is the group velocity of the photons and can be simplified as the velocity of the light[@Chang-NP]. ", "So the reflection spectrum can be narrowed in the weak coupling regime[@OL-one]. ", "In such a case, the linewidth can be narrowed to a certain degree for TLS. ", "However if the ratio $\\Gamma/\\Gamma'$ is further decreased, the narrowed reflective spectrum shall be very weak because that most of the spontaneous emission of emitters is guided into the free space or non-radiative emission. ", "In this letter, we propose a new scheme to construct a narrow-band source via a one-dimensional waveguide coupling with a three-level $\\Lambda$-type emitter. ", "By applying a far-detuned classical control light beam, the reflective spectrum demonstrates two dissymmetrical peaks. ", "One of the central frequency of the two peaks locates at $f_c=0$. In this case, the which equivalent to the case that the two-level emitter within the waveguide acts as a perfect mirror for the propagating single surface plasmon at resonance. ", "So the change of reflective spectrum is the same as that of the single peak in TLS. ", "The other peak occurs at the double-photon resonance, which is the ultra-narrow reflective spectrum we need in this letter. ", "And in this case, the excited state of the emitter can be adiabatically eliminated.", "\n\nIt should be pointed out that the spontaneous emission of emitters can either emit into the guided surface plasmons of the nanowire with rate $\\Gamma_{pl}$ or into all other possible channels with respective rates $\\Gamma'$[@Chang-NP]. ", "In general, $\\Gamma'$ includes contributions both from emission into free space and non-radiative emission via ohmic losses in the metal wire. ", "Now let us comment on the above two major contributions in detail. ", "The major source is the imperfect coupling of the emitter to the waveguide. ", "Here we can define the ratio $\\Gamma/\\Gamma'$ to quantify the coupling strength. ", "Currently, the most advanced experimental setup employs a microwave transmission line side-coupled to a flux qubit. ", "In this experiment, a photon incident from the side was back-scattered with 94% propability, Translated into the current setting this corresponds to a coupling of $\\Gamma/\\Gamma'\\approx32$[@QND-EPL]. ", "In the optical regime, a strongly increased decay rate was demonstrated for single quantum emitters coupled to s surface plasmon polariton mode on a silver nanowire[@Chang-Nat]. ", "For a single diamond color center, the ratio $\\Gamma/\\Gamma'\\approx2.6$[@QND-EPL]. ", "The second possible channel is the photon absorption in the waveguide, losses are particularly strong in plasmonic systems. ", "So a rapid in- and outcoupling to a dielectric waveguide is inevitabe[@Chang-NP; @Yang-OE; @QND-EPL]. ", "Here we need the system work in the weak coupling regime to obtain the narrowed reflective spectrum, which has greatly decreased the requirement of the experiment. ", "In this letter, we show how to overcome this problem by using $\\Lambda$LS to obtain extremely narrow linewidth with enough intensity. ", "And we find that the obvious advantage of this proposal is that the central frequency of narrowed spectrum can be tunable by choosing approximate parameters.", "\n\nThe paper is organized as follows. ", "In Section 2, we shall revisit the problem of photon transportation of TLS under a coherent architecture. ", "Then we shall solve the reflective spectrum of $\\Lambda$LS based on the theory of one-photon scattering. ", "The effect of large values of $\\Gamma'$ on the linewidth narrowing of TLS is also studied. ", "In section 3, we shall propose the scheme to construct a narrow-band source based on the scheme of $\\Lambda$LS, and provide the comparison between the TLS and $\\Lambda$LS on the effect of linewidth narrowing. ", "It shows that the $\\Lambda$LS can overcome the disadvantage of small intensity in the TLS. ", "Finally, our main conclusions are summarized in Section 4.", "\n\n*Theoretical model* In this section, we firstly review the reflective spectrum for the photon in a quasi-one-dimensional traveling electromagnetic modes coupled to one two-level emitter. ", "The configuration of the system is exhibited in Fig.1(a), and the energy level scheme of the two-level emitter is shown in Fig.1(b). ", "The states $\\left\\vert g\\right\\rangle$ and $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ have the energy $\\Omega_{g}=0$(the energy origin)and $\\Omega_{e}=\\omega_1$ respectively. ", "The effect of the loss of the photon out of system is also involved. ", "Here we focuses on the effect of the coupling strength on the linewidth narrowing. ", "For simplicity, we fix the parameter $\\Gamma'$ and vary the different parameter $\\Gamma$ to quantify the coupling strength $\\Gamma/\\Gamma'$.\n\n![(", "color online) (a) Schematic diagram of a metal nanowire couple to a optical emitters. (", "b) The energy level scheme of two level emitter. (", "c)The energy level scheme of $\\Lambda$-type three level emitter considered in the present paper.](fig01){width=\"8cm\"}\n\nThe scattering problem for a single photon in a one-dimensional waveguide coupled to a two-level quantum emitter has been solved exactly[@Chang-NP; @NJP-three; @OL-one; @PRA-Fan]. ", "Here we assume that the emitter is initially in a ground state and the photon is incident with the energy $E=ck$, then the reflection coefficient for a monochromatic input state with wave number $k$ can be written as $$r_k=-\\frac{1}{1+\\Gamma'/\\Gamma-2i(\\omega_1-ck)/\\Gamma}\n\\text{.}$$\n\nThe reflection amplitude is given by $$R\\equiv |r_k|^2\n\\text{.}$$\n\nWe now discuss the change of linewidth as a function of the ratio of $(\\Delta-f_{c})/\\Gamma'$, where $\\Delta=(\\Omega_1-ck)$, and $f_{c}$ denotes the central frequency of the reflective spectrum. ", "It should be pointed out that the maximum value of the reflective amplitude for TLS occurs at the resonance, that is to say that the central frequency $f_{c}$ is zero. ", "For comparison, we fix the parameter $\\Gamma'$ as 0.1, and the parameter $\\Gamma$ is set as 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 5 respectively. ", "The single-photon reflective spectrum in an optical waveguide coupled with an two-level emitter is demonstrated to be a single peak, as shown in Fig.2.", "\n\n![(", "color online)The single-photon reflection amplitude as a function of $ (\\Delta-f_c)/\\gamma_1$ for TLS. ", "The parameter $\\Gamma$ is chosen to be 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 5 respectively. ", "The other system parameter $\\Gamma'$ is fixed as 0.1. ](", "fig02){width=\"8cm\"}\n\nFrom Fig.2, we shows a typical reflective spectrum for various coupling strength of TLS. ", "At resonance and strong coupling, most of the energy of the plasmon is reflected. ", "It also exhibits that the linewidth of reflective spectrum is getting more and more narrowing with the decrease of the coupling strength. ", "But at the same time, the amplitude of reflective spectrum is also decreased. ", "This is because that most of the photon energy is injected into the free space or decay via ohmic losses in the metal wire when the coupling strength is small. ", "And for the case of $\\Gamma=0.1$, the maximum of the spectrum is only 0.25. ", "Obviously most of the photon energy has been lost. ", "Therefore a new scheme to obtain narrowed spectrum with enough intensity is needed.", "\n\nIn the following, we propose a new scheme to overcome the small intensity of narrowed reflective spectrum by using $\\Lambda$LS. ", "The configuration of the system is shown in fig.1(a), and the energy level scheme of $\\Lambda$-type three level emitter is shown in fig.1(c). ", "The nanowire behaves as a 1D continuum for the coherent transport of photons, and the propagating single surface plasmon is described by annihilation operator $a_k$. The states $\\left\\vert g\\right\\rangle$ and $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ have the energy $\\Omega_{g}=0$(the energy origin)and $\\Omega_{e}=\\omega_1$ respectively. ", "The propagating single surface plasmon couples to the transition $\\left\\vert g\\right\\rangle \\leftrightarrow \\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ with the strength $\\Gamma$. The excited emitter’s state $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ is coupled to another level $\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle$ by a classical laser beam with Rabi frequency $\\Omega$ and detuning $\\delta$. In the spirit of the quantum jump picture, spontaneous emission to other nodes out of the one-dimensional waveguide is modeled by attributing an imaginary part $-i\\Gamma'$ to the energies of the excited level $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ and an imaginary part $-i\\Gamma_2$ to the energies of the metastable level $\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle$ in $\\hat{H}_{emitter}$ respectively. ", "We firstly give a general description for the single-photon scattering problem in one dimensional waveguide based on three-level system. ", "The dynamics in such a one-dimensional waveguide is modeled by the total Hamiltonian $$H_{tot}=H_{free}+H_{emitter}+H_{int}\n\\text{. }", "$$ All parts of Eq.(3) can be respectively expressed as $$H_{free}={\\displaystyle\\int\\nolimits}\ndx\\{-iv_g C_R^+\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}C_R+iv_g C_L^+\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}C_L\\}\n\\text{, }$$\n\n$$H_{int}= \\Gamma(a^{+}_k+a_k)(S_{+}+S_{-})\n\\text{, }$$\n\n$$H_{emitter}=\n(\\omega_1-i\\Gamma')\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle e\\right\\vert+(\\omega_1-\\delta-i\\Gamma_2)\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle f\\right\\vert+\\Omega/2(\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle f\\right\\vert\n+\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle e\\right\\vert)\n\\text{, }$$\n\nwhere $S_{+}$ and $S_-$ denote the emitter’s raising and lowering operators, respectively. ", "In Eq.(4), the parameter $v_g$ is the group velocity of the photons and can be simplified as the velocity of the light[@Chang-NP]. ", "The transition between the ground state and the excited state of the emitter is coupled to the propagating surface plasmon modes with the coupling constant $\\Gamma$. $\\hat{\\sigma}_{ee}\\equiv\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle e\\right\\vert$ represents the electronic population operator of the excited states. ", "Throughout this paper, we assume that the emitter is initially in a ground state and the photon is incident with the energy $E=ck$, a linear and nondegenerate dispersion relation holds over the relevant frequency range, and a single plasmon is coming from the left with energy $E_k=ck$. Then the stationary state of the system, defined by $H\\left\\vert \\psi_k\\right\\rangle=E_k\\left\\vert \\psi_k\\right\\rangle$, can be constructed in the form $$\\left\\vert E_k\\right\\rangle=\n{\\displaystyle\\int\\nolimits}\ndx[\\phi^+_{k,R}(x)C^+_R(x)+\\phi^+_{k,L}(x)C^+_L(x)]\\left\\vert 0,g\\right\\rangle\n\\\\\n+e_{k}\\left\\vert 0,e\\right\\rangle+f_{k}\\left\\vert 0,f\\right\\rangle\n\\text{,}$$ where $e_k$($f_k$) is the probability amplitude of the emitter in the excited state $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$(metastable state $\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle$), $\\left\\vert 0,g\\right\\rangle$ denotes the vacuum state with zero plasmon and the emitter being unexcited, $\\left\\vert 0,e\\right\\rangle$ denotes the vacuum field and the emitter in the exited state. ", "$\\phi^+_{k,R}$\\[$\\phi^+_{k,L}$\\] is the wave function of a right-going(a left-going) plasmon, and can be written as\n\n$$\\phi^+_L(x)=r e^{-ikx}\\theta(-x)\n\\text{, }$$\n\n$$\\phi^+_R(x)=e^{ikx}[t \\theta(x)+\\theta(-x) ]\n\\text{, }$$\n\nwhere $\\theta(x)$ is the step function. ", "By solving the eigenvalue equation $H\\left\\vert E_k\\right\\rangle=E_k\\left\\vert E_k\\right\\rangle$, we finally get the reflection coefficient as the follows: $$r_k=-\\frac{i \\Gamma^2/v_g(\\omega_1-E_k-\\delta-i\\Gamma_2)}{(E_k-\\omega_1+i\\Gamma')(E_k-\\omega_1+\\delta+i\\Gamma_2)-\\Omega^2/4+i\\Gamma^2/v_g(E_k-\\omega_1+\\delta+i\\Gamma_2)}\n\\text{. }", "$$\n\nThe reflection amplitude for the $\\Lambda$LS is given by $R= |r_k|^2$.\n\nTunable narrow band source using $\\Lambda$-type three-level emitter system\n==========================================================================\n\nIn the following, we shall investigate the linewidth narrowing effect of the $\\Lambda$LS. ", "First of all, we study the single-photon reflective properties under the resonant control field ($\\delta=0$). ", "And our emphasis is still put on the change of linewidth with the coupling strength, as shown in Fig.3. ", "Here the reflective spectrum appears a multiple ’peak-dip-peak’ structure (EIT-like reflective spectrum) because of the interference between the two transitions. ", "This is different from a single peak structure in the two-level system. ", "But with the coupling strength decreasing, the two peaks is becoming declining and narrowing. ", "This phenomenon is also appear in the above section. ", "Similarly, we cannot obtain narrow reflective spectrum with the intensive amplitude only by the means of decreasing coupling strength in $\\Lambda$LS.", "\n\n![(", "color online)The single-photon reflection amplitudes as a function of $(\\Delta-f_c)/\\Gamma'$ for $\\Lambda$LS. ", "The parameter $\\Gamma$ is set as 0.05, 0.2, 0.5 respectively. ", "The other parameters are set as follows: $\\Omega=2$, $\\Gamma'=0.1$, $\\Gamma_2=0$, $\\delta=0$.](fig03){width=\"8cm\"}\n\nThen we adjust the frequency of the control field and study the change of the reflective spectrum under the different detuning $\\delta$. As we all know, the weak coupling means that the decay rate to all other channels dominates over the decay rate of the excited atom to the waveguide modes. ", "The obtained reflective spectrum is very faint when we decrease the coupling strength because that most of the spontaneous emission of emitters is guided into the free space or non-radiative emission. ", "Therefore, we should suppress the effects of spontaneous decay of the excited state and decrease the coupling strength at the same time. ", "As we have mentioned above, the transition between the excited state $\\left\\vert e\\right\\rangle$ and the metastable state $\\left\\vert f\\right\\rangle$ is driven by a classical pulses with the corresponding Rabi frequencies signified by $\\Omega$. Here we adopts the method proposed by Law and Eberly[@adiabatic1; @adiabatic2]. ", "By adjusting this interaction as far-detuned, we find two dissymmetrical peaks. ", "One of central frequency locates at $f_c=0$, whose change is the same as that of the single peak in TLS. ", "The other peak occurs at the double-photon resonance, which is the ultra-narrow reflective spectrum we need in this letter. ", "And in this case, the excited state of the emitter can be adiabatically eliminated. ", "It should be pointed out that the reflective spectrum of $\\Lambda$LS has double dissymmetrical peaks and the TLS has only one peak in the reflective spectrum. ", "Here we only use the peak under the case of double-photon resonance to compare with the single peak in TLS. ", "Figure 4 shows the change of linewidth as the function of the ratio of $(\\Delta-f_{c})/\\Gamma'$. In Fig.4, blue dot line, black dash line and red solid line respectively denote the reflective spectrums of TLS, $\\Lambda$LS with $\\delta=0$, and $\\Lambda$LS with $\\delta=5$. All other parameters are chosen as the same except for the detuning $\\delta$. From fig.4, we can see that the reflective spectrum of $\\Lambda$LS is more intensive than that of TLS under the same coupling strength. ", "For the $\\Lambda$LS resonant with the control field, the linewidth of the reflective spectrum has no significant change compared with that of TLS. ", "But when we increase the detuning $\\delta$ and keep other parameter as the same, the linewidth can be narrowed greatly and the intensity can be highly preserved.", "\n\n![(", "color online)The comparison of photon reflection amplitudes as a function of $(\\Delta-f_c)/\\Gamma'$ for TLS and $\\Lambda$LS. ", "For TLS, the parameters are set as follows: $\\Gamma=\\Gamma'=0.1$. For $\\Lambda$LS, the detuning $\\delta$ is set to be 0 for the red solid line and 5 for the black dash line respectively. ", "And all other parameters are set as follows: $\\Gamma=\\Gamma'=0.1$, $\\Omega=2$, $\\Gamma_2=0$.](fig04){width=\"8cm\"}\n\nTo see the effect of the detuning on the linewidth narrowing more clearly. ", "In the following, we shall compare the reflective spectrum under the different detuning $\\delta$, as shown in Fig.5. ", "We still choose the other parameters as the same besides the detuning $\\delta$. Here black dash line, blue dot line and red solid line respectively denote the reflective spectrums of $\\Lambda$LS with $\\delta=5$, $\\Lambda$LS with $\\delta=10$, and $\\Lambda$LS with $\\delta=15$. We can see that the reflective spectrum is getting more and more narrowing with the increase of the detuning $\\delta$. But the reflective amplitude is always maintained about 80%. ", "This property can be utilized to construct a tunable narrow band source. ", "And the needed narrowed frequency and linewidth can both be obtained by choosing approximate parameters.", "\n\n![(", "color online)The comparison of photon reflection amplitudes as a function of $ \\Delta/\\gamma_1$ for $\\Lambda$LS with different $\\delta$. The detuning $\\delta$ is set to be 5 for the black dash line, 10 for the blue dot line, and 15 for the red solid line respectively. ", "And all other parameters are set as follows: $\\Gamma=\\Gamma'=0.1$, $\\Omega=2$, $\\Gamma_2=0$.](fig05){width=\"8cm\"}\n\n*Conclusions*\n\nIn conclusion, we have proposed a scheme to construct a narrow-band source via a one-dimensional waveguide coupling with a three-level $\\Lambda$-type emitter. ", "Through rigorous theoretical calculation, we find that a ultra-narrow reflective spectrum with intense amplitude can be obtained for the system work in a weak coupling regime and under a far-detuned control field. ", "It is shown that the central frequency of narrowed spectrum can be tunable by choosing approximate parameters. ", "And the system should work in the weak coupling regime to obtain the narrowed reflective spectrum, which has greatly decreased the requirement of the experiment. ", "This approach opens up the possibility of plasmonic ultranarrow band source.", "\n\n**Acknowledgments:** The work is supported by the the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11347155, 11274112, 11204080), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(WM1214019), and China Post-doctoral Science Foundations (Grant Nos.2011M500739).", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nD. E. Chang, A. S. S[ø]{}rensen, P. R. Hemmer, and M. D. Lukin,“Quantum optics with surface plasmons\", Phys.", "Rev.Lett. **", "97**, 053002 (2006). ", "D. E. Chang, A. S. S[ø]{}rensen, E. A. Demler, and M. D. Lukin,“A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons\", Nat.", "Phys.**3** 807 (2007). ", "C. Ropers, C. C. Neacsu, T. Elsaesser, M. Albrecht, M. B. Raschke, and C. Lienaa,“Grating-coupling of surface plasmons onto metallic tips:A nanoconfined light source\", Nano Lett. **", "7**, 2784-2788 (2007). ", "D. E. Chang, A. S. S[ø]{}rensen,P. R. Hemmer, and M. 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[ "5:08 pm\n\nThe Yes Men\n\nWill the Real Chamber of Commerce Please Stand Up?", "\n\n3:44 pm\n\nCenter for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)\n\nState Department Officials Challenge Administration Policy on Honduras, Signal Moves Towards Recognizing November Elections\n\n3:42 pm\n\nCenter for Biological Diversity\n\nStudy Shows Water Shortages in Southeast United States Are Due to Overpopulation, Likely to Be Repeated\n\n2:20 pm\n\nGreenpeace\n\nChemical Security Legislation Moves Through Second House Committee\n\n2:17 pm\n\nCenter for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)\n\nFDA Acts to Protect Consumers from Vibrio in Oysters\n\n2:15 pm\n\nNatural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)\n\nCalifornia Adopts Flawed Mileage-Based Auto Insurance Regulations\n\n2:12 pm\n\nCitizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington\n\nCREW Launches New Online State Watchdog Directory\n\n2:11 pm\n\nHuman Rights First\n\nLeading Rights Group Says Implementation of New Sudan Policy is Key\n\n1:42 pm\n\nACLU\n\nACLU Lawsuit Challenges Retaliatory Expulsion of Student Under Unconstitutional Disciplinary Policy" ]
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[ "I guess I'm way off the Hot Dog eating scene. ", "The only dogs I've ever had were either boiled and in a bun with ketchup or mustard, sometimes relish or grilled on a grill, okay I guess on a griddle too.", "\n\nActually, that's pretty close to one of my favorite hot dogs anyway - I'd just have to swap out the regular cheese for cream cheese and everything else would stay the same.", "\n\nI could eat this hot dog. ", "Add the grilled onions, sauerkraut, spicy brown mustard, and a few jalapeno slices! ", "Only ever eaten at Pike Place Market (great battered and deep fried salmon) in Seattle. ", "Need to get back out there one of these years and sample some of the other great foods.", "\n\nI guess I'm way off the Hot Dog eating scene. ", "The only dogs I've ever had were either boiled and in a bun with ketchup or mustard, sometimes relish or grilled on a grill, okay I guess on a griddle too.", "\n\nJay - You live in or near Chambersburg, Pa. You should be able to get some good quality locally produced hot dogs around there. ", "Need to get yourself a pound or two, some cheap store brand buns - don't bother with the national brands - your favorite condiments (no catsup preferably), and fire up that CharGriller kamado. ", "Tonight is probably to late but what are you having for dinner tomorrow?", "\n\nA huge hit here in Seattle are street cart hot dogs with cream cheese on them. ", "Never tried them myself but everyone at 3AM say they are amazing.", "\n\nAs a life long resident of the Northeast, I find hot dogs and cream cheese unappealing. ", "In my mind can the only thing worthy of a cream cheese topping are bagels and smoked salmon.", "\n\nPersonal preference but I do not care for plain old cream cheese. ", "No flavor and I have a problem with texture. ", "I have a weird gag reflex and cannot swallow cream cheese. ", "I cannot peal and eat a raw banana either but love the flavor and use in baking or cooking. ", "I eat my bagels (where have all the good bagels gone - they're supposed to be boiled before baking) toasted with crunchy peanut butter on them. ", "I make a mayo/sour cream, a little fresh dill, a little fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice, a couple healthy dashes of a good hot sauce for my smoked salmon.", "I do like just about any type of cheesecake. ", "One of these days, I'm going to have to post my recipe for barbecued cheesecake - it's not a dessert - think using up leftover barbecue meat.", "\n\nI'm thinking about slitting a hot dog lengthwise, filling it with cream cheese, wrapping it with bacon, and grilling it until hot all the way through and the bacon's fairly well-cooked. ", "I think it might require a large hot dog and a mix of indirect and direct grilling.", "\n\nSo what is Secret Stadium Sauce like? ", "Spicy, sweet, salty, fiery? ", "I like to fiddle around with sauces like that.", "\n\nIt's like ketchup but not as tomatoey, not very spicy at all, and slightly salty. ", "Almost like a combination of ketchup and an unsweet barbecue sauce. ", "I tasted some straight from the bottle last night and that's the best way I can describe it.", "\n\nSo what is Secret Stadium Sauce like? ", "Spicy, sweet, salty, fiery? ", "I like to fiddle around with sauces like that.", "\n\nIt's like ketchup but not as tomatoey, not very spicy at all, and slightly salty. ", "Almost like a combination of ketchup and an unsweet barbecue sauce. ", "I tasted some straight from the bottle last night and that's the best way I can describe it.", "\n\nIf it's a lot brighter red than say, Heinz ketchup, I might almost suspect that it's one of the other brands. ", "Hunt's experimented many years ago with a \"fresh\" brand of ketchup that was a lot less sweet and a that was not cooked nearly as long as most brands, and I thought it tasted great. ", "Most customers, sadly, liked the regular ketchup, which is cooked for so long that it turns a dark red and almost all of the tomato flavor is unrecognizable.", "\n\nEither that, or the Secret Staduim sauce may be something they make themselves. ", "Having worked in catering and having managed a few concessions, I'd suspect that it's some kind of commercial brand simply because that's usually easier to source and to keep in stock and it stores longer.", "\n\nUnlike propane, you'll never wake up scorched and naked in another county because you mishandled a bag of briquettes.", "\n\nCactus 1;, If you have a problem with cream cheese, try taking a container of good Greek yogurt (Fage, Chobani), place the yogurt in some cheese cloth or coffee filters, drain the whey off daily and the stuff will solidify to the point where it can be spread like cream cheese. ", "You can make great tzatziki with it.", "\n\nCactus 1;, If you have a problem with cream cheese, try taking a container of good Greek yogurt (Fage, Chobani), place the yogurt in some cheese cloth or coffee filters, drain the whey off daily and the stuff will solidify to the point where it can be spread like cream cheese. ", "You can make great tzatziki with it.", "\n\nJoe\n\nAnd it's much, much tastier than cream cheese, too. ", "This is something I make enough that I even bought one of those \"yogurt strainers\" that are made specifically for the purpose.", "\n\nUnlike propane, you'll never wake up scorched and naked in another county because you mishandled a bag of briquettes.", "\n\nCactus 1;, If you have a problem with cream cheese, try taking a container of good Greek yogurt (Fage, Chobani), place the yogurt in some cheese cloth or coffee filters, drain the whey off daily and the stuff will solidify to the point where it can be spread like cream cheese. ", "You can make great tzatziki with it.", "\n\nJoe\n\nAnd it's much, much tastier than cream cheese, too. ", "This is something I make enough that I even bought one of those \"yogurt strainers\" that are made specifically for the purpose.", "\n\nI like yogurt and use it from time to time but it is another food that I have a problem with swallowing because of consistency.", "\n\nA huge hit here in Seattle are street cart hot dogs with cream cheese on them. ", "Never tried them myself but everyone at 3AM say they are amazing.", "\n\nAs a life long resident of the Northeast, I find hot dogs and cream cheese unappealing. ", "In my mind can the only thing worthy of a cream cheese topping are bagels and smoked salmon.", "\n\nNow that gives me an idea. ", "How about a smoked salmon boudin (sausage) on a good bun (maybe even rye or pumpernickel?), ", "topped with cream cheese, minced red onion, and capers? ", "That's pretty close to how I enjoy smoked salmon now, but on thin rye bread slices instead of a bun.", "\n\nUnlike propane, you'll never wake up scorched and naked in another county because you mishandled a bag of briquettes.", "\n\nFrom these posts, was thinking Hoffy is a locally produced southern California brand. ", "I had never heard of them. ", "Saw two of their trucks rolling out of southern Wisconsin Friday night. ", "Someone in Wisconsin has to be producing for them - Usinger, Johnsonville, Klement's?Stopped in a one of a kind grocery store in Kenosha last night, Woodman's, to do some grocery shopping. ", "Bought a lot of produce, bakery, and meat - 7 lb of chicken legs and thighs, a nice piece of ham, pork tenderloins, brats, rib \"ends\", and a tri-tip. ", "They have best selection of sausages and dogs that I've seen since I first walked into a HEB in San Marcos, TX a number of years ago. ", "My grills and smokers will be busy again this week.", "Woodman's to my house took an hour driving thru some pretty good rain. ", "I need to go there to shop on a more regular basis.", "\n\nEither that, or the Secret Staduim sauce may be something they make themselves. ", "Having worked in catering and having managed a few concessions, I'd suspect that it's some kind of commercial brand simply because that's usually easier to source and to keep in stock and it stores longer.", "\n\nIt's a commercially-made product sold under the SportService label, but the recipe is definitely specific and there's actually a pretty good story behind it.", "\n\nCactus, there are a number of Woodman's stores in Wisconsin and even a few in Illinois (Rockford for sure). ", "Look them up online and maybe you can find one closer than Kenosha.", "\n\nThat's an interesting observation about the Hoffy trucks you saw. ", "The name is owned by Square-H Brands and sure looks to be CA-based, so maybe they were dropping off instead of picking up?" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPrinting a file to a process stdout, using dd (Android)\n\nI am trying to get the output of dd the following way.", "\nThe idea is to programmatically capture whatever dd sends to \"of\".", "\n//Process p;\n// ...\np = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{\"su\", \"-c\", \"dd if=/dev/something of=stdout bs=1024\"});\n\nUsing \"cat /some_file\" instead of \"dd ...\" command works as expected but I wanted this to work with dd.", "\nWhat should I use for stdout, as /dev/stdout does not exist in Android?", "\nWill this even work?", "\nYou can assume the app has root privileges.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf the device is not too big you could dd it to a file and then cat the file to stout ...\n//Process p; \n// ... \np = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{\"su\", \"-c\", \"dd if=/dev/something of=/dev/mnt/sdcard/myfile bs=1024\"}); \np = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{\"cat\", \"/dev/mnt/sdcard/myfile\"}); \n\ngood luck\n--EDITED--\nI've just remembered that if you omit the \"of=\" operand the \"dd\" command will write to the stdout.", "\nSo your code change to:\n//Process p; \n// ... \np = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{\"su\", \"-c\", \"dd if=/dev/something bs=1024\"});\n\nI've tested it and it works.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nLaunch VB form from a C# form\n\nA friend of mine and me were working on a project for class. ", "He prefers VB and I prefer C#, so we just did our thing. ", "Now, we were thinking of merging the projects. ", "I added his into mine, but I can't find how to open the forms he has made from the forms I made.", "\nIs there any way to launch VB forms from a C# form?", "\n\nA:\n\nLanguage is project specific. ", " Meaning you have a C# project and VB project. ", " You cannot mix multiple languages in one project. ", " You can however have multiple languages projects in a solution. ", " E.g he does the front-end in VB and you do the back end in c# and then add references in the vb project to the c# project.", "\nAdditionally, you could use a VB to C# converter or vice versa with mixed results. ", " I've converted entire vb projects to c#.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is not possible to mix C# in VB. ", "but you can use approach suggested by Jon Skeet.", "\n1) Create Multi-Project Solutions\n\nHow to: Create Multi-Project Solutions \n\n2) Add Reference of your friend's VB project in your project\n\nHow to: Add a Project Reference to a Visual Studio Web Project\n\nThen you can create object of those forms that your friend created as:\nYourFriendProject.", "SomeForm someForm = new YourFriendProject.", "SomeForm();\nsomeForm.", "Show();\n\nA:\n\nYou can't add different languages to the same project, but you should be able to add both projects to the same solution, and add a reference from your C# project to his VB project, and use the types he's created - so long as they're public, of course.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\"We're not saying you shouldn't have any fun during the Christmas season, but neither your heart nor your waistline will thank you for eating and drinking to excess by the time January arrives.\"" ]
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[ "Robert Smith was a two-sport star at Ohio State. ", "In addition to being a standout running back with the football team, Smith put in a fair amount of work with the track team as well.", "\n\nAt age 42 with a bum knee, he is still faster than you.", "\n\nSmith ran for 1,945 yards in the two seasons he played at Ohio State, averaging 88.4 yards per game and rushing for 18 touchdowns. ", "He led the Buckeyes in rushing in 1990 and 1992, topping the 1,000-yard mark with 1,126 in 1990.", "\n\nHis time in Columbus was a bit tumultuous, but when he was on the field, Smith was lightning in a bottle. ", "He was a threat to take the rock to the house on every carry.", "\n\nBuilt much differently than many OSU running backs of his era, Smith looked like the track star he was. ", "But he was as effective as any.", "\n\nAnd he was an effective pro player. ", "Smith was taken 21st overall by the Minnesota Vikings in 1993 and rushed for 6,818 yards and 32 touchdowns in just eight seasons in the NFL, despite being hampered by a rash of injuries early in his career. ", "He also caught 178 passes for 1,292 yards and six touchdowns.", "\n\nHe was named to the Pro Bowl twice (1998 and 2000) and was a second-team All-Pro selection in his final season.", "\n\nWe recently caught up with Robert and asked him about his life as a child in Euclid, his time as a Buckeye, his one-year sabbatical from the team, the Vikings, the four-letter network and more.", "\n\nWere there any teams or players you remember watching as a kid?", "\n\nRobert Smith: I was a Steelers fan, in Cleveland of all places. ", "But there was Mean Joe Greene, Lynn Swann, Terry Bradshaw and Franco Harris. ", "There were a lot of big names then and it didn't mean anything to me to root for another team just because you lived in one place. ", "It just never occurred to me that you were supposed to be loyal to the hometown team.", "\n\nWhen did you start playing organized football?", "\n\n\n\nRS: I didn't start playing until I was 11, getting ready to turn 12, so I was in the sixth grade when I first started playing.", "\n\n\n\nWhat was life like for you, growing up in Euclid?", "\n\nRS: It was chaotic. ", "My father was a drug addict and a drug dealer, in and out of hospitals, involved in shootouts and all kinds of crazy stuff. ", "It was a very disruptive in the home. ", "We didn't get him out until I was about 13 or 14. ", "Sports were really an escape. ", "I wanted to be out of the house as much as possible.", "\n\nSo I wasn't watching as much sports growing up. ", "Football and track were really it. ", "I didn't watch an Ohio State game until I was being recruited. ", "I was doing other things. ", "I would watch the Steelers occasionally, but as I got older I wasn't even doing that anymore. ", "I was either running track or playing football or just outside doing something else. ", "I didn't want to be home.", "\n\nWhen did you first realize you might be more gifted than most of the guys you were playing with?", "\n\nRS: The first year that I played. ", "It was clear that if I had any kind of opening that I was going to score a touchdown. ", "The track coach's best friend was the football coach. ", "I always loved track and wanted to run track and my track coach suggested I go and see his friend and play football. ", "When I did, it was apparent right away that I was faster than everybody else. ", "I wasn't very big. ", "I was a wiry kid. ", "I was always a tall, thin kid.", "\n\nAt what point did the colleges start looking at you?", "\n\nRS: My freshman year I played freshman football the whole year. ", "And then my sophomore year I started on the varsity team after the first game. ", "From that point forward, the smaller schools started (showing interest). ", "And really before that I started receiving letters from schools about track.", "\n\nAfter that season is when my head coach Tom Banc sat me down and said, \"This is going to get kind of crazy so let's narrow the list of schools down right now. ", "When all these people started coming to ask, we'll tell them thanks but no thanks if they're not on that list.\" ", "There were a couple schools that weren't on the list that I made unofficial visits to—Notre Dame and Michigan.", "\n\nMichigan wasn't my idea. ", "My coach said, \"Bo Schembechler wants to see you and you are going to see Bo Schembechler.\" ", "I said, \"OK.\" ", "So I went up to see him the summer before my senior year. ", "Notre Dame, I just went to a game.", "\n\nBesides Ohio State, who were the other schools you seriously considered\n\nRS: USC was number two. ", "Then UCLA and the University of Miami. ", "They were really just the schools that I knew. ", "I wanted to run track and play football and they were the schools I knew—like I said, I didn't grow up watching college football—so it never even occurred to me (to look at) Alabama. ", "I'd never even heard of Virginia Tech.", "\n\nThere are just a lot of schools that never crossed my mind because I never watched college football. ", "But those were the big names and I had interest from all of them. ", "I figured if it wasn't going to be one of those schools, then I was going to stay close to home and make it convenient for my mother to get down and see games. ", "If I was going to go, I was really going to go.", "\n\nWhat sticks out in your mind about arriving on campus at Ohio State?", "\n\nRS: Just how big it was. ", "That leap from being at a high school to being on a big college campus that's a city. ", "It really kind of sticks in your mind. ", "It's almost surreal that things get to that level. ", "When I was in the sixth grade, one of the parents said, \"I'm looking forward to seeing you play professional football somday,\" and all this kind of stuff. ", "You kind of take that stuff and put it in the back of your mind—and you realize you're good, but to actually be in that situation where you're visiting these gigantic, places and multi-million dollar facilities, it's really strange. ", "It's a little surreal, a little bizarre, a little intimidating.", "\n\nWhich players were you close with during your years in Columbus?", "\n\nRS: My roommate Bill Lorensen was my best friend in high school. ", "I had known him since the eighth grade. ", "He went down to school with me. ", "He walked onto the team when I was a freshman. ", "So we were roommates the whole time. ", "Joe Pickens, until he left, I was close with him—(Steve) Tovar, and, by the time I left Big Daddy (Dan Wilkinson) and I were pretty close. ", "As far as the track team, Aaron Payne and Rick Jones were good friends.", "\n\nAfter a big 1990 season, you left the football team. ", "What really happened?", "\n\nRS: I think the best way to characterize it is that honestly I got bullied out of the program. ", "From speaking to other coaches that worked on that staff, (former offensive coordinator) Elliot Uzelac didn't want me on that team. ", "He didn't like me. ", "He thought I was babied, pampered, and made it a point to push with me right away to kind of put pressure on me psychologically. ", "He was a bully.", "\n\nIt came to a head in the summer, sitting in the locker room where I was missing a morning class to go to a lab to stay on schedule to take organic chemistry that fall. ", "He came up to me and said I know the school thing is important but we've got to have you here instead of class next week. ", "And that was like the last straw. ", "I ended up sitting out that year. ", "By the time I left the team I was really under distress, just kind of feeling bullied and pressured and confusion and anger. ", "Rather than come back and be a distraction I thought it was best to just walk away from the team at that point and stay away from the team for that whole year.", "\n\nSo I switched to a track scholarship and ended up taking organic chemistry that fall and was preparing for the track season. ", "It was interesting.", "\n\nWhat paved the way for your return to the football team?", "\n\nRS: Actually, I was going to transfer and I didn't know the transfer rules. ", "It was my understanding that you just needed to spend two semesters at another school and you could play. ", "I went and visited USC again and I visited Stanford, and that's actually where I met Denny Green, who ended up drafting me. ", "I went to those places and was going to transfer and play the next year.", "\n\nBut as I became aware that I'd have to sit out the next year—I wanted to play the next year, I didn't want to take two years off. ", "Coach Cooper always said, \"The door's open if you want to come back.\" ", "And so I told him I wanted to come back and he set up a meeting with me and him and Elliot and we sat in the room. ", "It was Coop basically saying, \"You can agree to disagree, just don't be disagreeable and we're going to work this thing out. ", "You guys are going to have to be in the same locker room on the same team and that's the way it's going to happen.\"", "\n\nEverything seemed fine and Elliot asked Coach Cooper if he could speak to me alone. ", "He left the room and Uzelac pulls out a tape recorder and says, \"Why did you lie to Sports Illustrated?\" ", "I said, \"Coach, you know I didn't lie to Sports Illustrated.\" ", "And he repeats the question. ", "I thought, this is pointless. ", "I got up and left the room and Cooper's standing out there in the hall and I said, \"Coach, that guy's got a problem.\" ", "So I left and apparently Uzelac had a lawsuit against Sports Illustrated or something like that and was asked to withdraw the lawsuit and didn't, and so he was let go. ", "And so the story became that I got him fired and all this kind of stuff. ", "It was an interesting set of circumstances.", "\n\nHow did your teammates react to the situation?", "\n\nRS: I remember that spring being in the bar and running into Herbstreit and saying, \"I'm going to come back.\" ", "It was interesting. ", "A lot of guys went through a lot in that period of time and some of them felt betrayed. ", "But some of them understood that I really didn't know how to deal with a guy that wanted to bully me. ", "When I made the decision to come back to the team it was \"I can't let one person impact my life this way. ", "I just can't do it. ", "So I've got to come back and play.\"", "\n\nWhat’s your favorite memory of playing at Ohio State?", "\n\nRS: The first time being out there for a real game, against Texas Tech—90,000+ in the stands and just that excitement and that energy that you feel coming out of the tunnel into a stadium that's just so big and filled with scarlet and gray. ", "It's just an amazing feeling. ", "And it's such a huge step from high school football, where you've got that one home side stand and then then you've got the away stand with 30 or 40 people in the stands. ", "And then all of a sudden you're playing in front of all these people, there's all this energy, there's so much talent everywhere, there's so much passion around it.", "\n\nThat's why I feel so fortunate right now, covering the greatest sport in the world at the greatest level of the sport, which is college. ", "The passion, the pageantry, the history of the game, the traditions of the game—you just can't surpass it. ", "Just being a part of that for the very first time in a real game, that was probably the highlight for me, to tell you the truth. ", "Just feeling that energy and that excitement, mixed with anxiety that you feel before the game for the very first time.", "\n\nThe Vikings took you in the first round in 1993. ", "What was your draft day like?", "\n\nRS: I remember going to Bob Evans that morning with one of my roommates and I could barely eat, I was just so nervous. ", "I had been at the Penn Relays (track meet) the day before, so I had to fly back from Philadelphia. ", "I just remember the anxiety. ", "It's not like college, where you know where you're going to go. ", "You make that decision, and now you're waiting for somebody to draft you.", "\n\nYou have your expectations and all the prognosticators are guessing when you're going to be drafted. ", "You have some idea maybe and you're just kind of waiting around. ", "It's a tough feeling to have to sit around and wait for that.", "\n\nI remember Miami picking somewhere around 13th or 15th. ", "They were the last team that I heard might draft me I think until Dallas drafted somewhere around 25th or so. ", "So you're already an hour and a half into the draft and I turned the channel. ", "I was watching Ren and Stimpy and coach Green called. ", "I picked up the phone and he said, \"I let you get away once, I'm not going to let it happen again.\"", "\n\nYou talk about surreal. ", "I remember packing the suit and my roommate drove me to the airport. ", "I remember I had Lenny Kravitz on the stereo, listening to the Are You Gonna Go My Way album and I remember the song \"Believe\" came on and it was just so cool hearing that song and thinking about the possibilities of being in a new place and playing the game professionally. ", "It was amazing.", "\n\nHow was your adjustment to the NFL?", "\n\nRS: Honestly, my first day of college football—when the upperclassmen were there—that was a lot worse for me than my first day in the NFL. ", "When the upperclassmen got to Ohio State, I spent the first 10 minutes of that practice thinking I'm going to be the biggest flop in college football history. ", "I'm watching this practice and thinking how in the hell am I going to be able to withstand this. ", "You see the velocity and the ferocity of the game. ", "When those bullets are flying in practice, it's intimidating.", "\n\nYou put together a string of four straight 1,000-yard seasons from 1997 to 2000 and then left the game after a 1,521-yard year. ", "Why did you retire while you were at the top of your game?", "\n\nRS: My last season was the only season I didn't miss any games and I still needed knee surgery after the year. ", "So I was thinking, \"How many times am I going to do this to myself?\" ", "I would have literally been like a 45-year-old knee replacement guy. ", "The phrase that I used all the time is that it's better to walk away early than to limp away late. ", "Too many players do that and there's nothing that's worth that.", "\n\nPeople lose perspective when they think about money. ", "And they think, \"Why would you give up all that money?\" ", "But the thing that I always thought was, you'd give any amount of money to get your health back if you lost it, then what amount of money is worth the very real chance that you'll lose it? ", "I knew that I was at that point. ", "I might have had one or two more good years in me but it wouldn't have been worth the price of playing.", "\n\nAnd how is your health after all this time?", "\n\nRS: It's good. ", "My right knee still swells up. ", "I'm going to need another surgery on it at some point, probably, unless one of these stem cell treatments turns out to be useful. ", "I've got some damage in that knee—that was the one that I had two microfractures in my last three years in the league—so I know that's a problem area. ", "But I can bend down and play with the kids. ", "I was just jumping around on the trampoline over the weekend with the kids. ", "I knew when I left the game I wanted to have kids and I wanted to be able to run around and act a fool with them and that's exactly where I am now and I couldn't be happier.", "\n\nYou are one of many former Buckeyes in broadcasting, and most are at ESPN. ", "How did you end up there?", "\n\nRS: I wrote a book in 2004 and my agent reached out and asked if I was interested in doing television. ", "And I said, \"What, you mean like CNN?\" ", "And he kind of laughed and said, \"Why don't we start with sports.\" ", "ESPN had just fired Trev Alberts and they needed someone and they offered me a position. ", "It was total blind luck. ", "And I'm so lucky because I had no idea how much I'd miss the game.", "\n\nWhat would you say to the fans who think ESPN gives Ohio State the short end of the stick?", "\n\nRS: I would say that there are fans at Alabama and Florida State and USC and Oregon and North Carolina—any relevant school—that thinks the same thing. ", "That's just the way that it is. ", "When you are a school like Ohio State, anything that you do gets magnified. ", "There is certainly no bias against Ohio State at ESPN, otherwise there wouldn't be damn near a full starting offense working for them. (", "Laughs)\n\nI have to ask this, because my podcast partner Johnny and I are big fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000—how on earth did you land a role on the show?", "\n\nRS: Me and my friend watched it all the time and when I got drafted by the Vikings, I was basically right across the street from their studios. ", "We got to go over and see a taping and we were like kids in a candy store. ", "I remember thinking, \"This is the coolest thing ever.\" ", "They asked if I wanted to be on and I said yes. ", "I was the first ever guest on the show. ", "I played Howard the Hunk.", "\n\nWhile in school, your desire to work in medicine after football was well publicized. ", "Did you ever get to work in that field?", "\n\nRS: I never worked in medicine, but I worked around it. ", "When I retired I got involved with a company that was doing pharmacy and medical claim analysis. ", "I worked a little bit on the e-commerce side with sales. ", "And actually right now we're working on a community health project with Ohio State and hopefully we'll be launching that this fall.", "\n\nHow often do you get back to Columbus?", "\n\nRS: I moved from Columbus (to Texas) in 2004 and during the season I have to be in Connecticut on the weekends, so I can't go to the games. ", "But I'm usually in Columbus four or five times a year. ", "That's probably going to increase now that we're going to be working with the school. ", "So that's exciting because I'll get more opportunities to be there. ", "But I definitely miss Columbus. ", "It became home for me and I have a lot of special memories. ", "I'm looking forward to being there more." ]
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[ "Elimination of V beta 2 bearing T-cells in BALB/c mice implanted with syngeneic preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions.", "\nThe effect of growth of BALB/c C4 preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions on the host T-cell repertoire was investigated. ", "T-cells with specific V beta regions (V beta 2, -6, -8.1-2, -11, and -14) in the T-cell receptors were enumerated in C4 hyperplastic alveolar nodule (HAN)-infiltrating lymphocytes and lymph node cells from both C4 HAN and C4 tumor-bearing mice by flow cytometry with V beta-specific monoclonal antibodies. ", "Growth of C4 HAN and tumor induced selective deletion of peripheral V beta 2+ T-cells. ", "Elimination of V beta 2+ T-cells [7.2 +/- 0.8% (SD) of normal lymph node T-cells] by C4 HAN was biphasic and irreversible. ", "Approximately one-half of the V beta 2+ T-cells were lost within the first month of C4 HAN implantation. ", "Further reduction of V beta 2+ T-cells took place after another 3 months, at which time the level of V beta 2 was reduced to 1.2 +/- 0.1% of the total T-cell population. ", "V beta 2 deletion occurred in BALB/c mice which had been implanted with C4 HAN at either 3 weeks or 2 months of age. ", "Loss of V beta 2+ T-cells was not reversed by removal of C4 HAN. ", "C4 tumor also induced V beta 2+ T-cell deletion. ", "These results demonstrate a novel V beta 2 deleting activity expressed by C4 mammary lesions and suggest that during mouse mammary tumorigenesis, a unique \"superantigen\" is expressed which can cause profound systemic changes in the T-cell repertoire." ]
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[ 0.0013787287753075361, 0.0006962870247662067, 0.0010887343669310212, 0.0010480904020369053, 0.0010633370839059353, 0.0011003819527104497, 0.000777419307269156, 0.0010998159414157271, 0.001112943864427507, 0.0014974544756114483, 0.0010616412619128823 ]
[ "The randy residents of Oakdale fire up this hour of small-town scandals and big-league betrayals, especially among the Hughes and Snyder families. ", "Created by soap pioneer Irna Phillips for Proctor & Gamble, it launched live on April 2, 1956 (the same day t (more…)The randy residents of Oakdale fire up this hour of small-town scandals and big-league betrayals, especially among the Hughes and Snyder families. ", "Created by soap pioneer Irna Phillips for Proctor & Gamble, it launched live on April 2, 1956 (the same day that `The Edge of Night' premiered).", "\n\nLongtime soap actor Charles Keating, best known for his Emmy-winning turn on Another World, has died, Reuters reports. ", "He was 72.", "\nKeating's Another World co-star Alicia Coppola tweeted about his passing on Saturday. \"", "Charles Keating has passed. ", "I am… Read more\n\nPremise: The randy residents of Oakdale fire up this hour of small-town scandals and big-league betrayals, especially among the Hughes and Snyder families. ", "Created by soap pioneer Irna Phillips for Proctor & Gamble, it launched live on April 2, 1956 (the same day t… (more)" ]
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[ 0.000992705812677741, 0.0006421326543204486, 0.0006165298400446773, 0.0007723156013526022, 0.005223283544182777, 0.0006526317447423935, 0.000899174774531275, 0.0006256981287151575, 0.0006115617579780519 ]
[ "Archive for December, 2009\n\nA person who is just beginning to learn about ETF trend trading will find that there are many schools of thought regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of this type of trading to one’s ETF portfolio. ", "In order to be successful with trend trading it is necessary to use some basic strategies that will require research and analysis of the sectors that a trend may be occurring.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on New Users Overview Of ETF Trend Trading\n\nThe idea of getting high profit margins from just a matter of one or two trade deals in Forex currency trading is a very enticing and very appealing opportunity for most traders and investors of the market today. ", "Considered to be very high risk and volatile, currency trading can mean a substantial loss and even a complete wipe out of investments particularly for those with very little or no experience at all. ", "To keep such dire scenarios from happening, traders should learn all that the can about the industry before stepping in blindly.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on Learn Forex For Success\n\nPeople looking to buy physical gold for investment will want to know what are American Eagle gold coins? ", "The first things to know are that the United States Mint is the leading supplier of 22-karat gold coins. ", "In the Bullion Coin Act of 1985 Congress authorized the production of the coins. ", "Their face value is 50 dollars and market price determines their actual value. ", "The coins are sold based on the current market price, plus a small premium to cover the costs incurred by the Mint. ", "However, dealers might offer them for sale at a different price.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on What Are American Gold Eagle Bullion Coins?", "\n\nWhen it comes down to it, flipping investment properties is not really investing. ", "The thing about it is that it can be a very good strategy to go along with the “buy and hold” concept. ", "The concept of flipping your properties can be very profitable if done correctly. ", "What I am referring to when I say flipping property, is the concept of buying property with the intention of selling it right away to make a profit right away.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on Flipping – Does It Help With Property Investment ?", "\n\nMaking money in Forex is very simple. ", "Though exchanging once currency for another one of equal, lessor or greater value and buying and selling these currencies at different time as price fluctuates over time you can profit from these moves. ", "Trillions of dollars are exchanged day after day generating a large amount of liquidity in the forex market. ", "Think of the forex market like a bigger better stock market and it will be easy for you to get started trading forex.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on Introduction To Forex Trading\n\nHave you ever been informed that factoring in business is one of the best ideas to save your business? ", "If not, then you missed a lot. ", "It has the benefit to flood your business with the needed cash to carry on your duties and to save yourself from being a victim of the down economy.", "\n\nWell, but does it make any sense to do it?", "\n\nIt is obviously one of the methods that you should consider to overcome any bad situation and bring your business again to the market. ", "It is in all cases better than getting in debt and paying high interest rates.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on Is Factoring In Business Beneficial?", "\n\nThe global recession is not a secret to anyone. ", "Its effect can be seen with big shots in the market with their reputed brands had to bow down. ", "Job insecurity is everywhere. ", "This turns out to be a harrowing experience for many families and individuals and there is a desperate search to find the best income opportunities. ", "One of the best is forextrading.", "\n\nTell Us What You Think Of This Post: Comments Off on Forex Software Is Your Ultimate Friend When Trading Forex" ]
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[ 0.0005309347179718316, 0.0005343642551451921, 0.0005242984043434262, 0.0006220944342203438, 0.0021781909745186567, 0.0005723441718146205, 0.0006069300579838455, 0.0006366546149365604, 0.0006422890583053231, 0.0006109029054641724, 0.0005976391839794815, 0.000814343336969614, 0.0007202913984656334, 0.0005817447672598064, 0.00058211968280375, 0.000749255414120853, 0.0006897571729496121, 0.0007067627739161253, 0.0006745250429958105, 0.0006647116970270872, 0.0006521866307593882, 0.0007084743119776249, 0.0011742091737687588, 0.012812417931854725, 0.0006410537171177566, 0.0007177017396315932, 0.0009861660655587912, 0.0006400668644346297, 0.0006877052946947515, 0.0005820622900500894, 0.006713061593472958, 0.0005394408362917602, 0.0006455708062276244, 0.0006650738650932908 ]
[ "WSF-P-1, a novel AMPK activator, promotes adiponectin multimerization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.", "\nAdiponectin, an adipokine with insulin-sensitizing effect, is secreted from adipocytes into circulation as high, medium, and low molecular weight forms (HMW, MMW, and LMW). ", "The HMW adiponectin oligomers possess the most potent insulin-sensitizing activity. ", "WSF-P-1(N-methyl-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro-1,1,5,5-tetramethyl-7H-2,4α-methanonaphthalen-7-amine) is derived from natural sesquiterpene longifolene by chemical modifications. ", "We found that WSF-P-1 activates AMPK in both 3T3-L1 adipocytes and 293T cells in this study. ", "Activation of AMPK by WSF-P-1 promotes the assembly of HMW adiponectin and increases the HMW/total ratio of adiponectin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. ", "We demonstrated that the Ca2+-dependent CaMKK signaling pathway is involved in WSF-P-1-induced AMPK activation and adiponectin multimerization. ", "WSF-P-1 also activates GLUT1-mediated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, making it a potential drug candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other obesity-related metabolic diseases." ]
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[ 0.0008057538070715964, 0.0013146656565368176, 0.0009301663376390934, 0.0011969319311901927, 0.0006755508366040885, 0.0008393611060455441, 0.0006558735040016472, 0.0008952684584073722 ]
[ "May (II)\n\nWelcome, dear Nxters and other followers!", "\n\nProgress is not always elegant or “picture-perfect.” ", "Progress is often slow, painful, but ultimately greatly worth the momentary inconveniences of the growing pains. ", "The computer did not change our lives in a day, it took decades for the technology to mature to benefit the average person. ", "Then came the internet which exploded in popularity after only years. ", "Now we have blockchain and ICO’s and cryptocurrencies and the like. ", "America continues to, slowly, appreciate and regulate ICO’s and tokens like XRP and ETH – more ICO’s are planned for this year than ever before and we are at the forefront of this technological evolution! ", "Progress is moving forward and learning these things – if this scares you, well, it should not, it should excite you! ", "Last week we challenged you to spend an hour using the Ardor client. ", "Did you do it?", "\n\nWe are not here to judge you, rather we are here to guide you through all this. ", "Last week was eventful for the Nxt / Ardor / Ignis community. ", "Jelurida released an intermediate roadmap, new videos, we warn you about filthy scammers, we reviewed the Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp course on Udemy and confirmed that you, yes you can become an advanced user of Ignis and Jelurida’s Ardor client. ", "We bring you the latest info on the Triffic ICO, the latest Meetups that are happening (and there are many), and much more!", "\n\nWe welcome back our old readers and warmly welcome our new ones. ", "We want our readers to stay up-to-date with the blockchain evolution and we also want our readers to keep themselves and, their data, as safe as possible. ", "Become experts in the Nxt / Ardor / Ignis blockchain ecosystem. ", "So lean back and learn about all of last week’s progress.", "\n\nCOMMUNITY\n\nMEETUPS\n\nBUSINESSES ON ARDOR\n\nDEVELOPMENT\n\nIN THE MEDIA\n\nPRICE EVOLUTION\n\nThis week’s newsletter is put together by apenzl, Jose, James, and rubenbc.", "\n\nCOMMUNITY\n\nArdor Roadmap Updated\n\n\n\nLior Yaffe, co-founder, core-developer, and spokesperson for Jelurida, posted on Slack last week:\n\nArdor/Ignis roadmap update:\n\nAs promised I’m posting an intermediate roadmap update for Q2/2018 in order to update the community about the development progress. ", "The release of the full products roadmap, including NXT, is scheduled for the Ardor Seoul Meetup and will take place on May 28th. ", "What we announce today is as follows: Q2/2018 release:\n\n• Asset, Currency, Goods specific bundlers\n\n• Translation of wallet to 14 languages\n\n• Lightweight Contracts Add-on – testnet\n\n• Transaction Vouchers – testnet\n\n• Java 9 support The Pruning and Snapshots feature will be available on testnet in Q3 and on mainnet in Q4. ", "We are making good progress with the design and implementation, however, we must make sure everything works 100%, before we can go live with such an important and unique feature.", "\n\nAnd so, https://www.jelurida.com/ardor-roadmap shows the following changes:\n\nWhat is this “Transaction Vouchers” now? ", "And where did the “Additional child chains launched on mainnet” in Q2 go?", "\n\nWe will have to stay excited until the 28th of May when Lior goes on stage in Seoul, but following the indicators and action going on on the chats and forums, it is not a delay that we need to worry about. ", "Triffic, the first child chain ICO on Ignis is not delayed, the Transaction Vouchers concept is well explained by Lior in a video below, and “Asset, Currency, Goods specific bundlers” looks like an addition that screams for getting more attention soon. ", "If you recall the “0 transaction fees post” about custom child chain bundlers, you might have a hunch about what will be added.", "\n\nAt Nxter.org we feel nothing but confident and eagerly await the next two weeks.", "\n\nArdor Roadmap and Lightweight Contracts Monday, May 28, 2018, 7:00 PM Dream Plus Gangnam\n\n311 Gangnam-daero, Seocho 2(i)-dong Seoul, KR 32 Members Attending Learn about the most technologically advanced blockchain protocol from a core developer and blockchain expert. ", "Lior Yaffe of Jelurida will present the Ardor platform and NXT blockchain roadmap and demo our unique Lightweight Contracts and Transaction Vouchers features. ", "We will leave time for questions and open discussion. ", "See https://www.jelurida.c… Check out this Meetup →\n\nJelurida Invited to Oxford University, May 14th\n\nVeronica wrote:\n\nWe are delighted to share that Jelurida is invited by the Oxford University & Oxford Foundry to help educate its students and faculty sbout the future of Blockchain technology and Blockchain-as-a-Service. (…) ", "We will be presenting the Ardor technology for two hours plus Q&A Monday May 14th at 18h CET. ", "After the talk, we will have dinner with the main representatives of the Oxford Foundry and the Oxford Blockchain Association, to discuss further potential collaborations. ", "It’s so exciting to be working with these great minds on the future of this technology.", "\n\nThere is no doubt that Blockchain is here to stay. ", "But what about the business model & how current companies can take advantage of this technology? ", "Join us May 14 as we explore advanced Smart Contracts with @Jelurida's @veronicatorras & Alberto Fernandez! ", "https://t.co/tOcxqiR70r pic.twitter.com/LMzEJQWWkD — Oxford Foundry (@oxfoundry) May 10, 2018\n\nSource\n\nMore Info\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nVideos – The Jelurida Q&A’s Continued\n\nIt is not a joke to give support to a global community of users, businesses, and blockchain developers. ", "Jelurida took care of their support, starting January 2018, also, last week they posted this video about its company values, and a third one, about the value of the NXT blockchain platform:\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nArdor Bootcamp Reviewed by Nxter Last week Nxter reviewed the Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp offered on Udemy. ", "The 3.5-hour course is designed to transform even the newest, most unfamiliar person into an advanced user of Ignis and the Ardor platform. ", "Over the course, you will be asked to create and issue your own assets and currencies on the Ardor TESTNET and gain first-hand experience using much of the rich and unique functionality of Ardor. ", "Well worth the fee to register, and there’s a special Nxter coupon code for YOU inside the article. ", "Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp Reviewed or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Master Ardor\n\nMore Info\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBinance Dexathon – thanks for the pizza\n\n\n\nSome weeks ago Binance announced a “Dexathon“, a coding competition with a $1M prize. ", "The competition aims to create a new decentralized exchange (DEX) that will use its own native blockchain, Binance Chain.", "\n\nHaving launched the world’s first DEX, with the successful Nxt AE (Nxt Asset Exchange) online from 2014, some community members found it hard not to pitch in. ", "One person that took matters into his own hands was community member: @patoshi.", "\n\nFirst demo from a Binance Dexathon contestant. ", "This is not a Binance official event, nor have we seen the demo or code ourselves yet; it is organized solely by the contestant. ", "However, Binance will show our support by sponsoring pizza for the event. ", "https://t.co/rG1LVY9SNa — CZ (@cz_binance) May 13, 2018\n\nPatoshi:\n\ngiving an ardor demo…. ", "lets see how it goes.", "\n\nElizabeth, director of the Nxt and Ardor Group (ANG):\n\nI’m looking forward to talking with Patoshi this week at Consensus and looking at ways ANG can help. ", "There are so many opportunities for team work and support here in our community! ", "@patoshi is working hard on many fronts. ", "It will be fascinating to hear more about both his Meetups in NYC and his development projects! ", "Binance benefits from the Meetup they will sponsor. ", "If we want the same attention we would need to find a way for Ardor to uniquely provide a benefit to them. (…) ", "think on that while we wait :slightly_smiling_face:\n\nMore info\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nScam Accounts on Twitter\n\n\n\nLately, a lot of fake twitter accounts are appearing offering Ethereum giveaways. ", "Jelurida has them, Nxter Magazine, nxtplatform, ardorplatform, ardornxtgroup, sazan have them. ", "Ask yourself: would any of us give away free ETH? ", "If it seems to good to be true, it is.", "\n\nThe fraudsters impersonate our profiles to promote their scams – it is not very brilliantly done, but we can see that they steal from some. ", "Nxters, please BE AWARE!", "\n\nPeople, do not fall for it. ", "Seriously. ", "You do not send cryptocurrencies to accounts you do not know. ", "And Nxters, if you see fake Nxt/Ardor accounts, please let us know, and help us report them. ", "Newbies are getting hurt by these scams!", "\n\nOfficial Twitter accounts are:\n\n@Jelurida\n\n@IGNISguide\n\n@ArdorPlatform\n\n@NxtCommunity\n\n@Ardor_Nxt_Group\n\nNxter Magazine: @Nxter_org\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nExchanges\n\nHitBTC – Opened IGNIS/ARDR Deposits and Withdrawals\n\nHitBTC opened Ignis and Ardor exchanges last week:\n\nmitev86\n\nHitbtc open deposit and withdrawal Ardor and Ignis martis\n\njust checked hitbtc, both are available for deposit/withdraw zuqka\n\nSo they released people’s ardor and Ignis after 5 months? ", "Can’t be. ", "ascendus\n\nUnfortunately they didn´t credited my IGNIS airdrop coins.", "\n\nHelp us hold them responsible!", "\n\nNxters, readers, other crypto followers – opening the wallets is great, but finishing the distribution of the IGNIS Airdrop tokens as promised should be accomplished too.", "\n\n.@HITBTC it has been 4 months since the $IGNIS airdrop now. ", "When will you give your customers their IGNIS? ", "When it's back to $2.7 like the IOU's you sold them before the Ignis #blockchain even launched?https://t.co/NMwsmfl0EA$NXT #Airdrop holders: https://t.co/9uuQ6Hnsga pic.twitter.com/P4cKLtBsig — NXTER Magazine (@Nxter_org) May 4, 2018\n\nChangeNOW – ARDR and IGNIS Enabled\n\nzuqka\n\nhttps://changenow.io, Ardor and Ignis enabled.", "\n\nLior\n\nLooks like its finally working (at least it provides the exchange rates which was a problem with IGNIS last month). ", "If someone would like to test their service I would really appreciate it.", "\n\nMore info\n\nCoinbit – Listing IGNIS, ARDR, and NXT\n\nElizabeth (ANG):\n\nNew Coinbit Exchange opens Ardor and Nxt trading pairs to Korean Market.", "\n\nSupport your tokens\n\nOpportunities to demonstrate support for ARDR / IGNIS and NXT are still out there:\n\nBithumb\n\nLet your voice be heard:\n\nhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzAZF-CnfquN4MomAOzoWb_GZEUl9PZmtLQi18Cfg4sZPJXg/viewform\n\nhttps://twitter.com/BithumbOfficial/status/974560572451598336\n\nDontoshi\n\nYou can vote for NXT/ARDR/IGNIS:\n\nhttps://dontoshi.featureupvote.com/suggestions/6975/nxtdecentralizing-the-future\n\nhttps://dontoshi.featureupvote.com/suggestions/6945/ardor-platform-ardr\n\nhttps://dontoshi.featureupvote.com/suggestions/7053/ignis-coin\n\nCoinPulse\n\nYou can also vote for NXT/ARDR/IGNIS here:\n\nhttps://request.coinpulse.io/suggestions/7170/nxt-coin-decentralizing-the-future\n\nhttps://request.coinpulse.io/suggestions/7171/ardor-platform-ardr\n\nhttps://request.coinpulse.io/suggestions/7172/ignis-coin\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nEverything About Ardor! ", "Video in Spanish by FunOntheRide\n\nThe author, after attending to the Blockchain for Business Meetup in Madrid, decided to create this informative and easy to understand piece about Ardor. ", "Spanish language video.", "\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nMEETUPS\n\nMeetup in Madrid: Blockchain – Smart Contracts\n\nThe Meetup in Madrid went well last week. ", "We will post related videos and stories soon.", "\n\nMore info\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nMeetup Reminders (By Order)\n\nMany opportunities to showcase your support, passion, or curiosity about Nxt, Ardor, and Ignis present themselves in the coming weeks.", "\n\nA reminder for all Nxters, Nxt, Ardor and child chain community members – the community has been compiling the blockchain Meetup events across the ecosystem: https://teamup.com/ksv4ccmkufbpbqp86o.", "\n\nnapdude\n\nAs soon as Ardor ecosystem event dates are known, put them into cryptoCalendar to get the word out.", "\n\nhttps://cryptocalendar.pro/\n\nComing agenda — TOP TOP TOP!", "\n\nMay 14 — Oxford University\n\nMay 17 ~ 18 — Global Blockchain Technology Summit, London\n\nMay 23 ~ 29 — Korea Innovation Center, Business Meetings & Meet-Ups\n\nMay 28 ~ 29 — Blockshow Europe, Berlin\n\nJune 11 ~ 15 — CEBIT, Hannover#Ardor #Blockchainasaservice — Ardor Platform (@ArdorPlatform) May 11, 2018\n\nMonaco International Blockchain, May 16th -17th\n\nberzelius\n\nmyself and Kristina are heading to Monaco next week to attend the first blockchain conference event there: https://monaco-international-blockchain.io/\n\nhttps://monaco-international-blockchain.io\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nGlobal Blockchain Technology Summit, May 17th -18th\n\nJelurida is a principal sponsor for Global Blockchain Technology Summit in London, May 17-18th. ", "The summit will focus on cybersecurity, regulation, cryptocurrency, smart contracts and more.", "\n\nSource\n\nBlockshow Europe, May 28-29th\n\nVeronica wrote:\n\nWe will continue to expand our community and keep Jelurida at the forefront of the Fintech market in Berlin, at the end of May, as we attend Blockshow Europe. ", "Myself, along with longtime community members like Alberto Fernandez (@almonte), Gabriel Francesch (@gabriel) and Moritz Warntjen (@mrmoejoe) will meet in person and have the opportunity to network together. ", "Can’t wait!", "\n\nWebsite\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nKorea Israel Innovation Center, May 23th – 29th\n\nMay 23-29, joining leading #Korean corporations at #Seoul KIIC event for an exclusive project connecting blockchain startups (#Jelurida) with leading Korean companies https://t.co/uhvry9mbYO , will use my time to meet with community, exchanges, startups, more info soon. — ", "Lior Yaffe (@lioryaffe) May 4, 2018\n\nArdor Roadmap and Lightweight Contracts Monday, May 28, 2018, 7:00 PM Dream Plus Gangnam\n\n311 Gangnam-daero, Seocho 2(i)-dong Seoul, KR 32 Members Attending Learn about the most technologically advanced blockchain protocol from a core developer and blockchain expert. ", "Lior Yaffe of Jelurida will present the Ardor platform and NXT blockchain roadmap and demo our unique Lightweight Contracts and Transaction Vouchers features. ", "We will leave time for questions and open discussion. ", "See https://www.jelurida.c… Check out this Meetup →\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nCEBIT Festival 2018 in Hannover, on June 11th -15th\n\nVeronica wrote:\n\nOf all the startup platforms in Europe at the moment, none are as fast-growing or international in scope as SCALE11 at CEBIT, and Jelurida is pleased to announce that we will be on stage & have a booth within the Blockchain zone of the conference. ", "This is exciting exposure, and we are proud to represent Ardor, Nxt, and Ignis at this event!", "\n\nTheir website\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBUSINESSES ON ARDOR\n\nTriffic – ICO About to Start\n\nThe Triffic team updated the community last week about when their anticipated ICO is going to occur – June 4th is the announced date.", "\n\n#Triffic, the, first major ICO on the #Ardor Platform announces that its ICO will begin on 4th June 2018 with GPS Token bonuses being given to parties who buy with #Ardor, #Ignis and #Nxt (#Ethereum and #Bitcoin also accepted).https://t.co/kggb6f1jsy — Triffic (@trifficworld) May 10, 2018\n\ncoinerz also wrote:\n\nWe are holding our ICO on the Ardor platform and eventually we will become our own Ardor childchain. ", "This is a fact, but there’s a huge reason why it doesn’t appear on the roadmap. ", "That’s because the child-chain implementation timescale rests with us and not Jelurida. ", "As a company, we have several hoops to jump through before we are ready to implement the childchain. ", "We have our ICO, we have building and scaling our app. ", "We have to build up the worldwide community and we have to ensure that what we create is compelling for as many people as possible. ", "This may take six months or less, it may take a year or longer – at the moment there are so many variables, it’s impossible to predict a timeframe, let alone one that is publically announced to fit in with another company’s roadmap. ", "My point to this is that the perceived slowness of new childchains is nothing to worry about. ", "Good projects take time to do properly, but they are coming.", "\n\nMore Info at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Triffic/comments/8if9ki/triffic_the_first_major_ico_to_utilize_the_ardor/ced\n\nThe Triffic Telegram Group is at https://t.me/joinchat/IC6UHRD3tdFRyou_KWrgqQ\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBitswift Child Chain Update\n\nLast week was busy for the Bitswift community. ", "They announced a proper block explorer, and a practical guide to bundling with Bitswift was created by one of the founders, and more:\n\nBitswift Client Newsletter (Tech Update) repo: https://bitswifttechsolutions.freshservice.com/solution/categories/5000044631/folders/5000068080\n\nPaul Busch,\n\nhttps://bitswift.network/transaction.html?transaction=d51ac8c208f629325ce335498fe88c96525fe563b613a3bca95a7e4608f4e4e4&transaction=ecd7c28a0ae05c2994c4421f7fa4260a21384632248dcf07b8c6747299acd3a1 now we have a proper block explorer Big thanks to the devs helping with these things\n\nbitswiftbro\n\ntxn verification option added to bitswift.network\n\nhttps://bitswift.network/transaction.html\n\noutputs full txn details\n\nMoreover, Paul Busch created a practical guide to Bundling Bitswift. ", "Bitswift is also building a global digital copyright system to showcase how the Bitswift blockchain can be utilized for transparency purposes while proving immutable ownership of digital data.", "\n\nJoin Bitswift on Telegram, Discord, and Reddit.", "\n\nLearn more about the Bitswift ecosystem\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nDEVELOPMENT\n\nGenerate and Get Paid with Vouchers, Using Ardor\n\nIn this video, Lior explains a new feature from Jelurida’s roadmap, “Vouchers”, to a captive audience in Oslo. ", "In essence, “Vouchers” look like an easier way to create unsigned transactions JSON’s and send them to each other. ", "You can do this with NXT and any Ardor child chain already, so what we are looking at might not a completely new feature but an optimization of the UI, and perhaps some new API’s.", "\n\nIn the video, Lior shows how to send a “Voucher”, consisting of a simple money transfer – in essence, an invoice for money owed.", "\n\nIf you want to send invoices today you can\n\n1. ", "Log in to any node, like nxt.nxter.org or ardor.nxter.org with the Payer’s account address.", "\n\n2. ", "Create the transaction and click ‘Advanced’ > ‘Do Not Broadcast’ > ‘Do Not Sign’ > ‘SUBMIT’.", "\n\n3. ", "Paste the ‘Unsigned Transaction Bytes’ or JSON into a text file or an email and send it to the Payer.", "\n\nThe Payer can now sign it with his passphrase and broadcast the transaction.", "\n\nOr sign with NxtBridge OFFLINE tool or SigBro OFFLINE, and broadcast securely via the nxter.org website.", "\n\nWe look forward to learning more about the inbuilt “Vouchers” feature, which is planned for testnet in Q2/2018.", "\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBlockchain Generator Based on NXT Clone Starter Kit\n\nBuilding upon the backs of giants, one Farbod Saraf, announced his project CoinGenerator: an open-source command line tool which allows you to create your own Proof-of-Stake (PoS) cryptocurrency (a Nxt blockchain clone). ", "A nifty and elegant idea – but remember, per the terms of the JPL, 10% of any tokens created are reserved for NXT holders.", "\n\nhttps://twitter.com/farbodsaraf/status/986621727059922947\n\nFarbod wrote:\n\nWe wanted to create our own cryptocurrency to integrate into our product but soon we realized that there are not many resources to help to build an energy efficient coin. ", "So we decided to create this open-source tool which enables you to make your own cryptocurrency with its blockchain in less than a few minutes: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/coingenerator Why your own crypto? ", "Just a few use cases: Build a local currency for your city\n\nBuild an asset management system for your company\n\nBuild an internal bonus system for your employees\n\nIntegrate blockchain to your existing product (e.g. to create a gamification ecosystem for your app) – or just play around for testing. ", "PS. ", "For every cryptocurrency being generated via this tool, 10% of the tokens go back to NXT holders (due to NXT JPL license). ", "Come share this special moment with us on Product Hunt (we’re trending!) ", "and tell us what you think about CoinGenerator.", "\n\nWe’ve made this [MOTIV currency] using the CoinGenerator: https://motive.network/\n\nSo basically 10% of the MOTIV coins will go to NXT holders. ", "Same for any other projects made via this tool.", "\n\nhttps://coingenerator.sh/\n\nRead also the articles commented below How to Build Your Own Cryptocurrency (PoS) in Just a Few Minutes\n\nHow I created a cryptocurrency that rewards you for doing your own tasks\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nArdor Lite Update\n\nUpdates from the Ardor Lite project.", "\n\nmrv777 wrote:\n\nReleasing version 0.8.3 momentarily of Ardor lite: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mrv.ardor.lite Coin exchange crashing should be resolved now. ", "Also added abilty to view public messages along with a few other small tweaks. ", "Please let me know any suggestions. ", "Next version Im planning on increasing the number of coin exchange trades used in graphs. ", "It’s currently at 200 trades.", "\n\nIn the previous released version (0.8.2) he added:\n\n• Chinese Added\n\n• Barcode scanner for contact creation\n\n• Correctly label transactions between no other accounts except self\n\n• Language should now default to native language if available\n\n• Styling improvements\n\n• Coin Exchange display bug corrected\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nWeekly Reminder We understand that our community truly is a global one and we respect that not everyone knows English – to this end we are working hard to have reliable and regular translations of the Nxter newsletters in the most popular non-English languages of our community.", "\n\nAre you Chinese?", "\n\nYou can read Nxter newsletters in your own language here:\n\nSpanish Nxters, all our news updates have been translated for you here:\n\nStarting this week Nxter.org will be adding Korean, Russian and French sites as well.", "\n\nIf you have a project on Ardor or Nxt, or thoughts you want to share in a blog in your own language, please contact us.", "\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nIN THE MEDIA\n\nHow to Issue an Asset on Ardor in 5 Mins\n\nIn this article, the author guides you through step-by-step how to create an asset on Ardor using the Asset Exchange. ", "It really is that easy and simple to do!", "\n\nThe author wrote:\n\nArdor is touted as the leading contender in the BlockChain as a Service space and with good reason. ", "It is more user friendly for individuals or business to get started with as everything can be done out of the box from within the official wallet without stress or worry.", "\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBusiness.com – 5 Industries Primed for Blockchain Disruption\n\nThis article present use cases for blockchain and Ardor is highlighted as the premier example of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS).", "\n\nThey wrote:\n\nBlockchain as a service Many blockchain projects have tried different methods to fix Ethereum’s scalability issue, including Ardor, the new BaaS that offers data cloud storage, customizable monetary tokens, decentralized trade, encrypted voting and messaging, and a local marketplace. ", "Where Ardor is notable is in its unique method of tackling blockchain bloat. ", "Ardor actually consists of two blockchains: a parent and a child. ", "The parent chain, Ardor, takes on the brunt of the processing functions, while the child chains pay a fee to have their transactions processed. ", "Older transactions can then be pruned, with certain nodes opting to act as archives for obsolete transactions. ", "Ardor has already launched its first child chain, Ignis, with more to come, promising a cost-effective and secure solution for companies to piggyback on a full-fledged blockchain as opposed to building their own from scratch.", "\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nBitscreener – Innovation and Enthusiasm Abounds in Crypto, but Where is the Trust and Experience?", "\n\nICO’s are exploding and it seems that everyone is trying to get in on this “hip” scene. ", "But there are few trustworthy entities out there and the phrase “Caveat emptor” holds as true as ever. ", "Jelurida continues to buck this trend by bringing maturity and experience to the blockchain space as there is a direct legacy between 2013 and the creation of the first 2.0 blockchain, Nxt, and Jelurida now. ", "With years of experience and mature technologies, Jelurida is a lighthouse of stability in a cluttered and crowded sea of “bandwagoners” seeking to make a quick buck by throwing a celebrity and a flashy marketing campaign.", "\n\nThey wrote:\n\nJelurida, the company which owns the NXT Blockchain [IP rights], is another one that has history of experience having been around since November 2013. ", "Jelurida is also expanding its growth with the experience it has garnered since taking up NXT, by building the Ardor Blockchain. ", "Both of these products from Jelurida are suitable for companies, but they differ in that NXT is designed for the private sector, and the public sector where as Ardor has more use-cases in the business sector. ", "This indicates that the company has taken the time, and garnered the experience, to decide what is right with their Blockchain solutions in different circumstances. ", "Jelurida is strategically maintaining and developing for both Nxt and Ardor as both of them have common selling points, like PoS, java, APIs, and other such working features. ", "It has behind it trust, as well as experience, something that is vital, but mostly lacking from the new wave of cryptocurrency businesses.", "\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nCoinbureau – NXT Coin Review: A Deep Dive into the Original Blockchain 2.0\n\nThis article is a well-done overview of NXT. ", "From the creation of the Nxt blockchain to the definition of Blockchain 2.0 to the present day: this article highlights that although Ardor is technically Nxt 2.0, the original coin and its blockchain are still around and still worth keeping tabs on.", "\n\nThey wrote:\n\nIn Conclusion Nxt was the original proof of stake coin, and is considered by some to be the realization of blockchain 2.0 – an improved version of Bitcoin built with Java. ", "It has lost its luster over the years, and other blockchain 2.0 technologies have stolen its limelight, but it is still a powerful and unique blockchain. ", "With the development of Ardor, the Jelurida group hopes to restore its grip on blockchain 2.0 technology, with an improved and scalable solution. ", "You can learn more about Nxt here or get involved in its active community of enthusiasts and developers here. ", "You’ll also find a download for the Nxt client, as well as an online demo to show you how the client functions before you download.", "\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nMedium – A Step by Step Guide to Build a Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency with Its own Blockchain\n\nA nice “How-To” guide that allows you to create your own Nxt based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain. ", "Similar to the abovementioned CoinGenerator project, this comprehensive guide walks you through the set-up and deployment of your own blockchain.", "\n\nThe author wrote:\n\nThe Cryptocurrency will be a clone of Nxt Cryptocurrency. ", "It uses the Proof of Stake consensus. ", "There is no mining needed so it’s energy efficient. ", "Also, the source code is in Java which is very well written and very easy to understand! ", "It will be released under the JPL license: https://www.jelurida.com/jpl This license requires you to: Give 10% of your coins to the Nxt holders (we will see how) Keep your cryptocurrency open source\n\nSource\n\nHow I Created a Cryptocurrency that Rewards you For Doing your Own Tasks\n\nFrom the same author as the previous entry, this article walks you through the creation of Motive, a cryptocurrency that rewards you for “getting things done” (GTD). ", "An interesting, but long, read.", "\n\nFrom the creator:\n\n[With] ERC20 Tokens, the only problem is that I would have to pay fees for each transaction which makes sending 1 MOTIV per task done, a very costly action for the users! ", "Also ERC20 uses Ethereum that uses the proof of Work consensus which is using a lot of electricity power! ", "That is why I went for the PoS solution. (…) ", "I then found NXT. ", "After more researches, I even found the NXT Clone Starter: https://bitbucket.org/Jelurida/nxt-clone-starter. ", "There was even a video tutorial made by the team. ", "The only con which is actually good for adoption is that 10% of the new coins will be given to the NXT holders! (…) ", "Now the cryptocurrency works. ", "I had to integrate it to Kanbanote. (…) ", "I always try to improve the user experience, so this Cryptocurrency should not interfere with a normal usage!", "\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nPRICE EVOLUTION\n\nTradingView – ARDR 389% by End of June by cbabyc\n\n\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nTradingView – NXT / Bitcoin by StockGuild\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nTradingView – NXT on 4X Profit This Summer? ", "by CryptoManiac101\n\n\n\nSource\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nWeekly NXT/ARDR/IGNIS Price Evolution\n\nThe following graphic shows the NXT / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:\n\nThe following graphic shows the ARDR / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:\n\nThe following graphic shows the IGNIS / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nThat is all for this week, Nxters. ", "Follow us on Twitter or Telegram for important breaking updates during the week as they happen. ", "The blockchain world is growing and progressing with every passing week and the sky is not even close to the limit of the potential for this great technology. ", "Progress is hard work, but it is worth it. ", "Learing about blockchains like Ardor is going to be work, but it will pay off once you begin seeing the immediate benefits! ", "See you back here next week! ", "We will keep you updated on the growing world of distributed ledger technology.", "\n\nHelp Nxter.org grow and help us continue to provide excellent and focused coverage on the ever-growing blockchain space by rewarding us for our hard efforts. ", "Donation address: NXT-TK9J-MEKH-MUP9-HFCH2 / ARDOR-TK9J-MEKH-MUP9-HFCH2.", "\n\n(Back to the Index)\n\nView this in: 简体中文 Español" ]
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[ "It was a remarkable transfer but what has become of Dale Jennings since his move to Munich? ", "Turns out he's doing pretty well.", "\n\nRejected by Merseyside rivals Liverpool and Everton as a teenager, an established member of the Tranmere Rovers first-team at the age of 18 and just a year later snapped up by German football giants FC Bayern Munich. ", "Aleks Klosok reports on the remarkable and somewhat unexpected fortunes of Dale Jennings.", "\n\nKeegan, Lineker, Lambert, Platt and Waddle. ", "Now you can add the name Jennings to that prestigious – albeit brief – list of British footballers that have broken away from home comforts and tried their luck abroad in European football. ", "His move – unforeseen by many in English football circles – comes at a crucial stage in his development both as a player and a person and unlike his predecessors, Jennings’ journey from Prenton Park to the Allianz Arena has been nothing short of intriguing.", "\n\nThe winger-come-striker’s career has, up till now, been far from straightforward. ", "Within the space of three years, Jennings went from witnessing the inspiring surroundings of Anfield and Goodison Park as a teenager trainee, to having to seek an alternative route to the highest echelon of English football via the Lower Leagues having been turned down by both Merseyside clubs. ", "Rejection came as a bitter blow but an opportunity to rekindle his career was duly afforded to him by Npower Football League One side Tranmere Rovers. ", "During his three-year spell at Prenton Park, Jennings shot to prominence under the gaze of manager-come-physio Les Parry, breaking into the first-team set-up and in the process producing a number of eye-catching displays to alert top-flights clubs across Europe – chief amongst them FC Bayern Munich.", "\n\nSomewhat surprisingly, Die Bayern have no dedicated scouting network in England – chiefly to monitor the Barclays Premier League. ", "Therefore, it is even more startling that the four-time European Cup winners, who were originally tracking the progress of the Everton left-back Leighton Baines, should be drawn towards the attention of a teenager in Npower Football League One. ", "So what did former FC Bayern Munich midfielder now General Manager Christian Nerlinger, see in the relatively unknown Jennings? ", "What the two-time Bundesliga winner would have gathered from watching the 2011 Npower Football League One Apprentice of the Year was his versatility and direct style of play. ", "In the thirty appearances he amassed for The Super Whites, Jennings was capable of playing on the flanks or as a central striker. ", "Moreover his turn of pace, fearlessness in taking on defenders with his trickery and low centre of gravity, made him difficult to defend against.", "\n\nAll these attributes, along with the reported transfer fee of £1,800,000, made him a highly attractive proposition for a club renowned in European football for producing and developing promising young footballers. ", "One only has to take a glance at the current crop of FC Bayern Munich first-team players to see evidence of this. ", "Defenders Holger Badstuber and current club and national team captain Phillip Lahm, midfielder Toni Kroos and striker Thomas Müller are all products of the club’s youth system and an integral part of the German National Team set-up under coach Joachim Löw. ", "More significantly, this trend is being replicated by a host of German clubs, chief amongst them Borussia Dortmund who in recent years have see defender Marcel Schmelzer and teenage midfield sensation Mario Götze earn international caps. ", "Despite his move to the German capital, the call of England will never be too far away.", "\n\nJennings will continue to be on the radar of the Football Association who very much see the youngster as a potential England international star of the future. ", "They, alongside England Under-21 manager Stuart Pearce, will be liaising closely with representatives from the Bavarian club to monitor his progress. ", "The same will go for the current England Under-21 captain and utility man Michael Mancienne who followed in Jennings’ footsteps by joining Hamburg SV from Chelsea and thus once again teaming up with current Hamburg SV Sporting Director Frank Arnesen with whom he worked with at Stamford Bridge The example of Owen Hargreaves, who began his career at Bayern and spent ten seasons at the club, will provide comfort for both players in knowing that playing abroad will not hinder eithers chances of representing the National Team.", "\n\nNerlinger has stated that Jennings will begin his career in Germany at FC Bayern Munich II and that his progression towards consideration for a place in the first-team squad will be dependent upon his progress at Kleine Bayern. ", "He will undoubtedly look at the examples of Holger Badstuber, Toni Kroos and Thomas Müller who, in recent years, all trod a similar path, for inspiration. ", "In the short-term, at least, Jennings will be aiming to help FC Bayern Munich’s second team seek a swift return to the more challenging 3rd Liga from the fourth tier of German football, the Regionalliga Süd.", "\n\nFollowing a successful operation to repair a hernia problem, which was discovered soon after he joined the Bavarian outfit, the diminutive player made his long awaited debut in early September – coming on as a substitute in a 3-2 home defeat to SG Sonnenhof Grossaspach. ", "The 19-year-old went on to start the next seven games, demonstrating tentative grounds for optimism in each one, but his hopes of making a notable impression on the side that are currently lying in a lowly 12th position – just seven points off bottom-placed club Bayern Alzenau – were dashed when in late October it was revealed that Jennings had suffered multiple ligament tears in his ankle. ", "He’s expected to remain on the sidelines until March of this year when the Regionalliga Süd resumes once again following its long winter break.", "\n\nFew could have foreseen the remarkable set of events that have occurred in the life of Dale Jennings. ", "Whilst his move abroad represents a risk, Jennings has made a bold decision to escape an acceptance of Lower League insularity and instead embark upon a European adventure that will open him up to a new way of life and an alternative approach to football. ", "Perhaps more English players should challenge themselves and take a similar leap of faith into the unknown." ]
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[ "GAMING FOR A CAUSE\n\nCritical Hit is redefining the gaming industry with its mandate to convey messages of social change in upcoming video game developments.", "\n\nThis summer, they are hosting the Critical Hit 2014: Jam Factory and seeking applicants interested in participating in the ten-week incubator program.", "\n\nHosted at Concordia University’s Technoculture, Art and Games research centre, Critical Hit is an incubator that seeks to hatch experimental, avant garde and innovative video games in a non-commercial space. ", "Collaborating with media artists, game developers and sound designers of all backgrounds, their initiative is to create cutting-edge, standard-defying video games.", "\n\n“The games we create are critical of the current industry standards and we seek to change that. ", "It’s very important for us not to just have a message to convey, but focus on games that will have a social impact,” said Jessica Rose Marcotte, alumni and current mentor at Critical Hit. “ ", "We seek to create games that are innovative in the ways they are played—things that big AAA companies can’t afford to do, so we do.”", "\n\nOne of Critical Hit and TAG’s main concerns is to promote video games as an effective means of conveying positive social messages. ", "According to Gina Haraszti, co-director of Critical Hit, a lot of research on how video games can be used for educational purposes and message delivery is currently being done. ", "Along with all the research, there is also room for experimentation, which Critical Hit is currently leading.", "\n\nRepresentation standards are a growing concern among small-scaled indie incubators, as the last 20 years have seen the repeated apparition of stereotyped protagonist—typically a 30-something white male “kicking ass.”", "\n\nGina Haraszti explains that this is because, so far, commercial video game developers have catered story plots to the standards and expectations of their male audience. ", "As a result, it asserts financial success.", "\n\n“We’re trying to bring some different backgrounds, genders and orientations to mix and shift power dynamics,” Haraszti said. “", "So how about playing a little boy or a fish in the game— somebody who’s not in a position of power? ", "For a lot of indie game makers, it’s about addressing the content and not the mechanics.”", "\n\nCritical Hit has been highly engaged in breaking those standards with developments such as Assembling Rosie, a game that explores the perpetuated stereotypes related to women and the cultural expectations associated with genders.", "\n\n“Women are expected to have it all and this game explores the different social roles they are supposed to navigate through,” said Marcotte. “", "This game is in the form of a puzzle platformer where the protagonist is a female zombie that can modify her body.”", "\n\n“Women consume as many video games as men,” added Gersande La Flèche, social media assistant at TAG. “", "They just don’t consider themselves as gamers so when you think about the current games being made, they don’t represent the demographics that are playing them.”", "\n\nIn addition to its focus on breaking current conventions, Critical Hit 2014: Jam Factory is exploring the game development potential of game jamming. ", "For those unfamiliar, game jams are the gathering of coders, game developers and artists for the purpose of planning, designing and creating a game usually in a short span of time. ", "The first four weeks of the Critical Hit incubator will be week-long jams; participants will spend the remaining six weeks further developing and polishing one of the resulting games.", "\n\n“We’re looking for people who’ve worked on game developments already but from all backgrounds—like programmers, media artists, sound designers. ", "It’s open to all students registered in a post-secondary institution” said Haraszti.", "\n\n“This game-jam will be a load of fun. ", "You’ll meet other game makers, create a game from start to finish. ", "There will be free food, mentors, provided workshops as well as a compensation and prizes,” concluded Haraszti." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan't Scroll and highlight code in Ace Editor\n\nWith the help of this community I was able to make my ace editor full height, so as the users typed or modified it the editor would grow with the code. ", "I recently realized this prevents the user from trying to highlight the code. ", "When you start to highlight the code and begin dragging down when you reach the bottom of the window it stop, it doesn't scroll the window down like you would expect.", "\nHere is the code I am using to make the editor full height. ", "A link to a JSFiddle is below\nvar editor = ace.edit(\"editor-html\");\n\nsetEditorOptions(editor, 'html');\n\nsetTimeout(function() {\n heightUpdateFunction();\n}, 100); \n\nfunction setEditorOptions(editor, type) {\n editor.setShowPrintMargin(false);\n editor.setTheme(\"ace/theme/clouds\");\n editor.getSession().setMode(\"ace/mode/\"+type);\n editor.getSession().on('change', heightUpdateFunction);\n}\nfunction heightUpdateFunction() {\n var newHeight = (editor.getSession().getScreenLength() + 1) * editor.renderer.lineHeight + editor.renderer.scrollBar.getWidth();\n $('#editor-html').css('height', newHeight.toString() + \"px\");\n editor.resize();\n\n if (newHeight <= 1) { \n setTimeout(function() {\n heightUpdateFunction();\n }, 100); \n }\n}\n\nI have uploaded an example to try this out of jsfiddle.net.", "\nIs there any way to fix the scrolling when a user tries to hightlight the text?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should use maxLines and autoScrollEditorIntoView options. ", "like this:\nvar editor = ace.edit(\"editor-html\");\neditor.setOptions({\n maxLines: 1000,\n autoScrollEditorIntoView: true,\n theme: \"ace/theme/clouds\",\n showPrintMargin: false,\n mode: \"ace/mode/html\"\n})\n\nsee https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/blob/master/demo/autoresize.html#L39.", "\nNote that heightUpdateFunction was suggested when maxLines option wasn't available yet and it doesn't work well. ", "You should use maxLines instead of it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Luke Willis Thompson, autoportrait, 2017. ", "Installation view, The Photographers' Gallery 2018. ", "Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin/Cologne, photo Kate Elliott\n\nThe New Zealand artist scoops the prestigious award with a filmic portrait of Diamond Reynolds - an American woman whose partner was shot dead by a police officer at a traffic-stop\n\nIn July 2016, Diamond Reynolds’ partner was shot dead by a police officer during a traffic-stop in Minnesota. ", "Reynolds used Facebook Live to broadcast the moments after the shooting, creating a video that became widely circulated, amassing over six million views, and which was also played to a jury as evidence in June 2017 – in a court case which saw the officer acquitted of all charges.", "\n\nIn November 2016, Thompson invited Reynolds to collaborate on a project that would portray her in a different way to the original, publicly-consumed image. ", "The resulting 35mm film, autoportrait, shows Reynolds apparently deep in thought and seemingly unaware of the camera, and is presented as a large-scale installation without a soundtrack. ", "First exhibited in London’s Chisenhale Gallery in 2017, it’s been picked out of the winner of the £30,000 Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018, over work by three other shortlisted artists – Mathieu Asselin, Rafal Milach, and Batia Suter.", "\n\nThe Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize rewards a living photographer of any nationality for a specific body of work exhibited or published in Europe in the preceding year. ", "The jury this year comprised: Anne-Marie Beckmann, director, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation; Duncan Forbes, curator and visiting research Fellow at Westminster University; Gordon MacDonald, artist, curator and editor; and Penelope Umbrico, artist. ", "Brett Rogers, director of The Photographers’ Gallery, was the non-voting chair.", "\n\n“We congratulate the winner of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation prize 2018, Luke Willis Thompson,” says Beckmann. “", "His silent filmic study autoportrait is a significant contribution to contemporary photography, reflecting on the most relevant issue of self-representation and the ownership of image in todays’ complex media world.”", "\n\n“The judging session to decide the 2018 winner encompassed lengthy and complex discussions around the role and form of photography today, its almost unrivalled power as a social, political and creative force, and its unique ability to bring to public focus some of the most urgent and relevant issues of today,” added Rogers. “", "Within that context, the panel decided to award the 2018 prize to Luke. ", "His singular and uncompromising portrait, made in collaboration with its subject, Diamond Reynolds, was conceived as a way to return agency to the protagonist. “", "As a contender for a prize focused on photography, the jury felt autoportrait imbued the moving image format with the singular and almost obsessional quality of a still photograph, drawing attention to its materiality, and challenging viewers to consider the personal stakes of representation in an environment at once intimate and collective. “", "Ultimately though, the project was felt to invite a timely and prescient conversation around the nature of image control, authorship and distribution in a way that expands rather than shuts down the debate.” ", "Born in New Zealand in 1988, Thompson attended the Elam School of Fine Arts University in Auckland and the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main. ", "His works have been included in exhibitions such as the São Paulo Biennale; the Montréal Biennale; the Asia Pacific Triennial, Queensland; and the New Museum Triennial, New York, and he has also been nominated for the 2018 Turner Prize. ", "Mathieu Asselin was nominated for the series Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation, a densely-researched project on the global biotechnology corporation. ", "A book of the project was published last year by Actes Sud, and won the First Book of the Year in the Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards 2017; the work was also exhibited at Les Rencontres d’Arles last summer. ", "Rafal Milach was nominated for his exhibition Refusal, which was shown from 12 May–18 June 2017 at the Atlas Sztuki Gallery in Lodz, Poland. ", "Milach brought together images from many different sources for his project, to demonstrate systems of governmental control and ideological manipulations of belief and consciousness in post-Soviet countries such as Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Poland. ", "Batia Suter was nominated for her publication Parallel Encyclopedia #2 (Roma, 2016), which continues a project started in her 2007 book Parallel Encyclopedia. ", "A compilation of roughly 1000 images which Suter found in various publications, the book is described by The Photographers’ Gallery “an image-led sequence of subjective associations offering visual dialogues and new categorisations that demonstrate how our understanding of the physical world and its history, as well as different cultures and places are affected by their context of representation”. ", "All four projects are on show at The Photographers’ Gallery, where they will remain until 03 June before moving to the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt from 22 June until 09 September 2018, as part of the photo triennial RAY 2018. ", "The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018 catalogue features essays by Anne- Marie Beckmann, Adam Broomberg, Diane Dufour (director of Le Bal, Paris), Brett Rogers, Christina Sharpe (author of In the Wake: On Blackness and Being) and Michael Saur, and is edited by TPG curator Anna Dannemann. ", "The Photographers’ Gallery set up this annual award in 1997, and has run it in partnership with the Deutsche Börse Group since 2005 (since 2016, it has been awarded with the non-profit Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation). ", "Previous winners include Dana Lixenberg, Trevor Paglen, Paul Graham, Juergen Teller, Rineke Dijkstra, Richard Billingham, John Stezaker, and Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin. ", "The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018 is on show at The Photographers’ Gallery until 03 June https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/ It then moves to the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt from 22 June-09 September, as part of the photo triennial RAY 2018 http://mmk-frankfurt.de/en/home/ https://ray2018.de/en/" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMigrate Wix Toolset projects to InstallShield\n\nThere are several resources around the web (including here) for migrating InstallShield projects to WiX Toolset, and it's understandable (move from costly product to a free one). ", " \nHowever, I couldn't find anything about the opposite direction - suppose there are several WiX Toolset projects which we want to move into InstallShield (due to issues with WiX licensing). ", "True, we can go ahead and rewrite the projects, but the risk of losing or misinterpreting something is high. ", " \nBefore we start to develop some sort of automated migration script, I was wondering if it has done before, have anyone ever heard of such a thing?", "\n\nA:\n\nInstallShield does not have a .wxs importer. ", "However hidden in the File > Open dialog, in the drop down part of the Open button, is the option to Open with Wizard (or, I believe, Open As > Wizard in earlier versions). ", "You can use this to convert a built .msi file into a project file. ", "However if you want it to be a good project file, you will likely still have to perform significant clean up. ", "And be aware that minor upgrades or patches are likely to be difficult or impossible across this tool change.", "\nI don't recall whether this option is available in the InstallShield automation interface, but I think I would prefer to convert and vet each project by hand anyway.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Quantitative determination of methoxsalen in human serum, suction blister fluid and epidermis by gas chromatography mass spectrometry.", "\nA selected ion-monitoring gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method is described for the determination of methoxsalen employing trioxsalen as internal standard. ", "Methoxsalen in the serum and skin of 5 psoriatic patients after PUVA bath therapy was determined. ", "Quantitative gas chromatographic mass spectrometric analysis was performed in the election impact mode by monitoring the ratio of ions m/z 216/228. ", "The methoxsalen level in human serum varied between 3-15 ng/ml, in suction blister fluid between 2-9 ng/ml and in suction blister roof (epidermis) between 6-242 ng/g during the first 30 min after the methoxsalen bath." ]
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[ 0.0017817001789808273, 0.0006474006804637611, 0.0010414326097816229, 0.0006164601654745638, 0.0015618340112268925 ]
[ "Why My Dog Is Limping?", "\n\nMost dogs are usually very active, so it is not hard to notice when your dog has a limp. ", "It could be an injury the dog sustained, or in some cases, there could be a severe medical condition causing the dog to limp.", "\n\nThese are some of the reasons your dog is limping:\n\n1. ", "Injury\n\nYour dog may have sustained an injury, and that is why it has a limp. ", "It could be a cut, scald, burn, or any kind of small injury. ", "Check the toes and between the toes well to identify where the injury is. ", "You might want to take the dog to the vet if it has a wound so that it can be treated before it gets infectious. ", "An insect as well as a snake, or even a spider bite can be the cause of the injury, or maybe your dog was involved in a fight with another dog.", "\n\n2. ", "Backaches\n\nThis is most common with the long-bodied dog breeds. ", "If your dog is having back problems, the pain will cause the dog to limp. ", "This is because the spine of the dog is strained. ", "If this problem is not treated early enough, it might cause the dog to have a permanent disability.", "\n\n3. ", "Diseases\n\nSome diseases and congenital issues can cause your dog to have joint problems which will make the dog limp. ", "Your dog could be suffering from bone cancer, arthritis, or Tick-borne diseases, so it is essential to consult a vet when your dog is sick for prompt treatment. ", "You can also check for infections on the dog’s legs and paws or any other auto-immune diseases.", "\n\n4. ", "Deformed Limb\n\nYou might notice when the dog is still very young that the limb has an abnormality. ", "You need to take it to the vet to see if something can be done. ", "In some cases, you see that your dog’s leg is not growing straight. ", "This should be checked as early as you spot it so that it can be corrected.", "\n\n5. ", "Dysplasia\n\nSometimes the hip has an abnormal formation in the joint. ", "This is sometimes genetically related, and if not noticed and treated early, it can deteriorate and cause the dog to lose function in the hip joint. ", "It usually starts when the dog is still very young.", "\n\n6. ", "Fracture\n\nThe dog might have a broken leg, and that is why it is limping. ", "You might notice the dog in pain but may not be able to see the point that has a fracture. ", "Therefore, you need to take it to the vet for an X-ray and appropriate treatment.", "\n\n7. ", "Old Age\n\nWhen your dog starts getting old, the bones and its body grow weaker. ", "They cannot be as active as they used to be and sometimes if they try to be active the body is strained, and they will limp over very small aches. ", "Don’t be rough with the dog at this stage.", "\n\n8. ", "Grooming\n\nMaintaining good grooming with dogs is essential. ", "Your dog might have very long toenails, and this can be very uncomfortable to the dog. ", "If the nail is also cut very short, it could also lead to the same problem.", "\n\nWhat Should I Do When My Dog Is Limping?", "\n\nThere are a few things you can do once you notice that your dog is limping:\n\nTry and check the legs and the paws you think has an issue. ", "In some instances, the dog might just have a thorn or something pricking the paws which you can quickly remove.", "\n\nIf your dog has been bitten by something, you need to go to the vet because it might even be a venomous snake so don’t ignore.", "\n\nCheck if there is swelling anywhere on the dog. ", "Try to move its limbs and see how it is reacting. ", "If the dog is in pain, it will try to pull away from you. ", "Let the dog rest if it is limping because of strain or old age.", "\n\nNever give your dog human medicine even if it is in pain. ", "Consult your vet for the best treatment for your dog.", "\n\nThis might come as a surprise, but some dogs will pretend and fake a limp to get your attention so always be keen and observe your dog well.", "\n\nIf you have a large dog, you can ask for help from someone to hold the dog while you slowly inspect it for injuries or sores.", "\n\nIn the case of broken limbs or fractures, you should not move the dog too much. ", "Call or carefully take I to the vet.", "\n\nTreatment Of A Limping Dog\n\nThe vet will examine your dog and will do the necessary tests. ", "In some cases, an X-ray is needed. ", "If the vet suspects that there might be an underlying problem, then your dog will need more tests.", "\n\nOnce the dog has been diagnosed and treatment commences, you should allow it to rest for some days or weeks so that the limping can go down and enhance healing.", "\n\nObserve the dog while it is under medication so that you can determine it is improving or you might need another trip to the vet. ", "Report any unexpected change to the vet so that he can know the progress of your dog and if the medication administered is working.", "\n\nFollow the instructions you are given very well so that your dog can heal quickly and the problem is corrected. ", "In some cases, your dog might need surgery depending on the cause of the limp.", "\n\nDos And Don’ts To A Limping Dog\n\nComfort the dog and speak calmly to it while going and also while waiting for the vet to attend to you. ", "Do not panic.", "\n\nBe careful when lifting an injured dog. ", "Use a flat, firm object to transport the dog if you don’t have a stretcher.", "\n\nCall the vet before you arrive if your dog’s injury is severe so that they are ready and waiting to attend to you immediately.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nAlways make sure you try to watch and examine your dog well even before going to the vet. ", "Sometimes the dog has something stuck on its paw, and you can remove it. ", "Try to maintain cleanliness and don’t strain your dog physically." ]
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[ "load(\"//java/private:common.bzl\", \"MavenInfo\", \"combine_jars\", \"has_maven_deps\")\n\ndef _maven_artifacts_impl(ctx):\n target = ctx.attr.target\n\n info = target[MavenInfo]\n if not info.coordinates:\n fail(\"No coordinates specified for %s\" % target)\n\n bin_jar = ctx.outputs.binjar\n combine_jars(ctx, ctx.executable._singlejar, info.artifact_jars.to_list(), bin_jar)\n src_jar = ctx.outputs.srcjar\n combine_jars(ctx, ctx.executable._singlejar, info.source_jars.to_list(), src_jar)\n\n return [\n DefaultInfo(files = depset([bin_jar])),\n OutputGroupInfo(\n binjar = depset([bin_jar]),\n srcjar = depset([src_jar]),\n pom = depset([ctx.file.pom]),\n ),\n ]\n\n_maven_artifacts = rule(\n _maven_artifacts_impl,\n attrs = {\n \"target\": attr.label(\n mandatory = True,\n aspects = [has_maven_deps],\n providers = [JavaInfo, MavenInfo],\n ),\n \"pom\": attr.label(\n mandatory = True,\n allow_single_file = True,\n ),\n \"_singlejar\": attr.label(\n executable = True,\n cfg = \"host\",\n default = \"//java/client/src/org/openqa/selenium/tools/jar:MergeJars\",\n allow_files = True,\n ),\n \"binjar\": attr.output(),\n \"srcjar\": attr.output(),\n },\n)\n\ndef maven_artifacts(name, target, pom, **kwargs):\n _maven_artifacts(\n name = name,\n target = target,\n pom = pom,\n binjar = \"%s.jar\" % name,\n srcjar = \"%s-source.jar\" % name,\n **kwargs\n )\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWorking with production.log rails\n\nI got my production log file working. ", "But wanted to get some suggestions onto how to work with it. ", "I currently look at it view console and doing either\ntail log/*\ntail -f log/production.log \n\nto look at it. ", "I would like to either 1. ", "find a better way to be able to look at the logs and perhaps with colors. ", "2. ", "Can the production log file be outputted in a view where an admin user can view it? ", "\nLastly, is there a gem that's great for emailing me when an error occurred and what the error was / how do you currently keep track of when errors happening in production? ", "\nThanks! ", "\n\nA:\n\nFor just having a nicer alternative to tail which shows the colours instead of those ESC[… codes, try less -R production.log. ", " If you want to follow the end of the file like tail -f, use:\nless -R +F production.log\n\nThere's nothing built-in for getting the log into a view as far as I know, but I suppose you could write a controller which shows (some of) the log in a view. ", " Make sure it's secure with authentication though; you don't want to be exposing your log to the internet! ", " Using an external service should remove this concern and it will have a load of other features. ", " For example, I haven't tried papertrail (https://papertrailapp.com) but it's been on my to-try list for a while. ", " It looks good and they're free for up to 100MB of logs a month. ", " I've used airbrake (https://airbrake.io/) in the past for exception notifications but I don't think they have a free tier - just a free trial.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006029123906046152, 0.0005570437642745674, 0.0006159994518384337, 0.0009447396732866764, 0.0006023817113600671, 0.001185585861094296, 0.000824606220703572, 0.0006156913004815578, 0.0007347135688178241, 0.0008760684868320823, 0.0007164091803133488, 0.000981051824055612, 0.0007068601553328335, 0.0007088680868037045, 0.0005536375683732331, 0.000661248282995075, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Good to know\n\nNearby\n\nAbout\n\nAt River Rock Lodge, you'll be near winter activities like downhill skiing, snowboarding, and cross-country skiing. ", "The spa tub makes for a relaxing end to the day, and there's more money for fun in the snow with free perks like continental breakfast, WiFi, and self parking. ", "Rooms offer up nice touches like premium bedding and bathrobes, along with DVD players and refrigerators.", "\n\nSearch for River Rock Lodge discounts in Big Sky with KAYAK. ", "Search for the cheapest hotel deal for River Rock Lodge in Big Sky. ", "KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find and book the hotel deal at River Rock Lodge that suits you best.", "\n\nWould you like to save as your currency permanently or for this visit only?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005733370198868215, 0.001760667422786355, 0.010553202591836452, 0.000624587875790894, 0.0006524081691168249, 0.0005697650485672057, 0.0010079992935061455 ]
[ "Cancer therapies comprise a wide range of therapeutic approaches, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. ", "While the various approaches allow a broad selection of treatments to be available to the medical practitioner to treat the cancer, existing therapeutics suffer from a number of disadvantages, such as a lack of selectivity of targeting cancer cells over normal, healthy cells, and the development of resistance by the cancer to the treatment.", "\nRecent approaches based on targeted therapeutics, which interfere with cellular processes of cancer cells preferentially over normal cells, have led to chemotherapeutic regimens with fewer side effects as compared to non-targeted therapies such as radiation treatment.", "\nCancer immunotherapy, in particular the development of agents that activate T cells of the host's immune system to prevent the proliferation of or kill cancer cells, has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach to complement existing standards of care. ", "See, e.g., Miller, et al. ", "Cancer Cell, 27, 439-449 (2015). ", "Such immunotherapy approaches include the development of antibodies used to modulate the immune system to kill cancer cells. ", "For example, anti-PD-1 blocking antibodies pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) and nivolumab (Opdivo®) have been approved in the US and the European Union to treat diseases such as unresectable or metastatic melanoma and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. ", "Efforts to inhibit immunosuppressive proteins such as CTLA-4 have led to the development and clinical evaluation of anti-CTLA-4 antibodies, such as tremelimumab and ipilimumab (Yervoy®).", "\nThere remains a need for alternative approaches and additional cancer treatments to complement existing therapeutic standards of care." ]
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[ 0.0009449044009670615, 0.0006274469196796417, 0.00071000523166731, 0.0007867661188356578, 0.0006440903525799513, 0.0007000552723184228, 0.0018708300776779652, 0.0010515577159821987, 0.0006219877977855504, 0.0011066541774198413 ]
[ "A smart material for the in situ detection of mercury in fish.", "\nWe have developed a new fluorogenic polymer capable of detecting the presence of mercury contamination in fish samples. ", "The modified polymer emits blue light when irradiated with UV light proportional to the quantity of mercury, as MeHg+ or Hg2+, present in fish. ", "The quantitative relation between the concentration of mercury in fish and the increase of fluorescence in the polymer in contact with fish samples was confirmed, giving rise to quick and reliable results in the measurements of the presence of mercury in fish using a portable fluorogenic polymeric probe." ]
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[ "Seoul announced that it will make efforts to change the nation’s hospital culture, which involves family members staying with patients in hospital rooms as main caretakers, after declaring a “de facto end” to the outbreak of the Middle East respiratory syndrome Tuesday.", "\n\n\n\n“We now confirm that the citizens can worry no more (about the possible infection),” Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said, announcing that the outbreak in South Korea is practically over.", "\n\n\n\n“I ask the public to shake off all your worries (over MERS) and return to your normal lives, enjoying economic, cultural, leisure and academic activities.”", "\n\n\n\nThe current hospital system, in which family members provide basic care normally carried out by nursing staff in other developed nations, has been largely blamed for the MERS spread, which has claimed 36 lives here since May. Many Koreans who contracted the virus did so while caring for their family members at MERS-affected hospitals.", "\n\n\n\nIn its efforts to prevent hospital-acquired infections, the Health Ministry will now require all visitors at medical facilities to register at the entrance. ", "The ministry is also thinking of ways to minimize the number of visitors -- those who come in for the sole purpose of visiting or caring for inpatients -- to hospitals.", "“We certainly think that there should be a new system which prevents hospitals from receiving too many visitors all at once,” said Kwon Deok-cheol, head of the central MERS task force. “", "It’s important to prevent any infectious virus from entering the country. ", "But we have realized that it is also equally important to build a system that minimizes the risk of hospital-to-hospital transmission.", "”Kwon also pointed out the Korean practice of seeking care at multiple hospitals, known as “doctor shopping,” was one of the main factors contributing to the spread of the MERS virus in the country.", "“What doctor shopping does is it triggers so many patients living nationwide to seek treatments at large, general hospitals in Seoul,” he said. “", "Without a new system that regulates the number of visitors, large hospitals will remain vulnerable to hospital-to-hospital transmission as so many people would be exposed to the virus should there be an outbreak of any contagious disease.", "”The government also plans to establish a new system that offers full nursing care to include assistance usually provided by patients’ family members, said Kwon. ", "According to a recent study by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, introducing the system would require the Health Ministry to spend 4.6 trillion won ($3.95 billion) to offer full nursing services at 1,780 hospitals nationwide by 2020, and hire 47,922 more nurses to make it possible.", "“We had been planning (to introduce the full nursing system) before the MERS outbreak took place,” said Kwon. “", "Before the outbreak, our initial plan was to have more nurses in small hospitals in regional and remote areas. ", "But through this outbreak we learned that big hospitals in Seoul can in fact be more vulnerable to hospital-acquired infections.", "”South Korea currently has the lowest patient-to-nurse ratio among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations, at 0.28 nurses per patient. ", "The OECD average is 1.25.To increase the number of nurses, the Health Ministry announced its plan to newly establish a two-year nursing program in universities earlier this year. ", "Currently, there are two types of nursing certificates in Korea. ", "One can be obtained by attending a four-year university degree program, while the other only requires a year-long certification program offered in non-university institutions. ", "With the newly established program, there will be three types of nurses with different skills and responsibilities, including caring for inpatients, and this would eventually improve the quality of the nation’s health care, Kwon said.", "The plan, however, has been fiercely opposed by the representative bodies of Korean nurses, who claim that nurses with degrees in four-year programs would likely lose their jobs once the new system gets established.", "The MERS outbreak has killed 36 and infected 186 since the index case was confirmed May 20. ", "The spread has consistently shown signs of fading, with no additional cases confirmed since July 6.The World Health Organization states that the declaration of an end to an outbreak should be made at least 28 days after the last confirmed patient has completely recovered.", "Among the 12 confirmed patients remaining in hospitals in Korea, 11 have tested negative for the virus and are currently being treated for after-effects of the disease. ", "Of these, three are said to be in unstable condition, although the Health Ministry refused to identify them.", "It is unclear when the last remaining MERS-positive patient’s condition might improve, as the patient is said to be suffering from blood cancer on top of MERS. ", "The patient is reported to be in his or her 30s.", "Also on Tuesday, the special MERS response committee at the National Assembly proposed a resolution to launch an inspection by the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea on the Health Ministry and the Samsung Medical Center‘s handling of the outbreak during the early stages of the crisis.", "The Health Ministry had refused to share the list of MERS-affected hospitals for more than two weeks after the index case was confirmed. ", "The lack of transparency has been blamed for the public fear that eventually damaged the nation’s economy.", "The ministry has also been accused of protecting commercial interests of the MERS-affected hospitals by not sharing the information, rather than keeping the general public safe from the possible infection. ", "Almost half of all confirmed cases occurred at the Samsung Medical Center in southern Seoul, which is still largely known as one of the top hospitals in the country.", "Meanwhile, a total of seven countries, including parts of China, the Czech Republic, Russia, Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates, have all lifted their travel warnings on Korea as of Tuesday, according to the Foreign Ministry.", "By Claire Lee ( dyc@heraldcorp.com" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAzure Logic App - Copy from SharePoint Online to Azure Web App\n\nI am not able to figure out how to copy files from a SharePoint Online Document Library to an Azure Web App folder using Logic App. ", "The requirements are as follows:\nIn SharePoint Library - Trigger: When a file is created or modified\nAction: Copy the created or modified file to a selected folder in Azure Web App (overwrite if already exists)\nWhat is the best approach?", "\nCan I use Azure Web App's ftps connections?", "\nUse Case:\nFiles created and/or modified in SP Document Library are published using an Azure Web App site.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, your thought us ftp connector create the copy to app folder could be realized.", "\nWhat you should be cared of is what you get from deployment center is a FTPs Endpoint. ", "You could just delete the \"s\" and \"/site/wwwroot\" then get the FTP Endpoint. ", "Like this ftps://******.ftp.p.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot after change it would be like ftp://*****.ftp.p.azurewebsites.windows.net then the ftp connection will could be created.", "\nAnd here is the pic about the Logic App flow.", "\n\nThe file I create will be stored in wwwroot, you could choose the App folder to store. ", "And I tested my logic app, it works well.", "\n\nHope this could help you, if you still have other questions, please let me know.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReactJs + Babel - Defining components using separate files\n\nTrying to create a component class with separate files\nIndex.html\n<!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <script src=\"../../assets/libs/react-0.13.3/build/react.js\"></script>\n <script src=\"../../assets/libs/babel.min.js\"></script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <section class=\"reactive\"></section>\n <script type=\"text/babel\" src=\"../../components/AppBar/NavBar.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/babel\">\n var\n reactiveNode = document.querySelector('.reactive');\n React.render( <NavBar value='hello world'/>, reactiveNode );\n </script>\n </body>\n</html>\n\nNavbar.js\nvar NavBar = React.createClass({\n render: function ()\n {\n return ( <h1>{this.props.value}</h1> );\n }\n});\n\nAfter run, i'm having the log:\n\nXHR finished loading: GET\n \"http://localhost:3000/app/components/AppBar/NavBar.js\"\nUncaught ReferenceError: NavBar is not defined\n\nOnly works if create the class in the index.html file\n\nA:\n\nThe problem was with the scope of the variable.", "\nSolve by use\nwindow.", "NavBar = React.createClass({\n // ...\n});\n\n" ]
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[ "var radians = Math.", "PI / 180\n\n/**\n * Matrix object for transformation calculations\n * @type {Object}\n */\nvar Matrix = {\n\tidentity: function () {\n\t\treturn [1, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 1, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 1, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\tmultiply: function multiply(a, b) { // doesn't work for perspective\n\t\tvar c = this.identity()\n\n\t\tc[0] = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[4] + a[2] * b[8]\n\t\tc[1] = a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[5] + a[2] * b[9]\n\t\tc[2] = a[0] * b[2] + a[1] * b[6] + a[2] * b[10]\n\n\t\tc[4] = a[4] * b[0] + a[5] * b[4] + a[6] * b[8]\n\t\tc[5] = a[4] * b[1] + a[5] * b[5] + a[6] * b[9]\n\t\tc[6] = a[4] * b[2] + a[5] * b[6] + a[6] * b[10]\n\n\t\tc[8] = a[8] * b[0] + a[9] * b[4] + a[10] * b[8]\n\t\tc[9] = a[8] * b[1] + a[9] * b[5] + a[10] * b[9]\n\t\tc[10] = a[8] * b[2] + a[9] * b[6] + a[10] * b[10]\n\n\t\tc[12] = a[12] * b[0] + a[13] * b[4] + a[14] * b[8] + b[12]\n\t\tc[13] = a[12] * b[1] + a[13] * b[5] + a[14] * b[9] + b[13]\n\t\tc[14] = a[12] * b[2] + a[13] * b[6] + a[14] * b[10] + b[14]\n\n\t\treturn 2 >= arguments.length\n\t\t\t? ", "c\n\t\t\t: multiply.apply(this, [c].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)))\n\t},\n\ttranslate: function (tx, ty, tz) {\n\t\tif (!(", "tx || ty || tz)) return this.identity()\n\n\t\ttx || (tx = 0)\n\t\tty || (ty = 0)\n\t\ttz || (tz = 0)\n\n\t\treturn [1, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 1, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 1, 0,\n\t\t tx, ty, tz, 1]\n\t},\n\t/*\n\ttranslateX: function translateX(t) {\n\t\treturn this.translate(t, 0, 0)\n\t},\n\ttranslateY: function translateY(t) {\n\t\treturn this.translate(0, t, 0)\n\t},\n\ttranslateZ: function translateZ(t) {\n\t\treturn this.translate(0, 0, t)\n\t},\n\t*/\n\tscale: function (sx, sy, sz) {\n\t\tif (!(", "sx || sy || sz)) return this.identity()\n\n\t\tsx || (sx = 1)\n\t\tsy || (sy = 1)\n\t\tsz || (sz = 1)\n\n\t\treturn [sx, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, sy, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, sz, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\t/*\n\tscaleX: function scaleX(s) {\n\t\treturn this.scale(s, 0, 0)\n\t},\n\tscaleY: function scaleY(s) {\n\t\treturn this.scale(0, s, 0)\n\t},\n\tscaleZ: function scaleZ(s) {\n\t\treturn this.scale(0, 0, s)\n\t},\n\t*/\n\trotate: function (ax, ay, az) {\n\t\tif (!(", "ax || ay || az)) return this.identity()\n\n\t\tax || (ax = 0)\n\t\tay || (ay = 0)\n\t\taz || (az = 0)\n\n\t\tax *= radians\n\t\tay *= radians\n\t\taz *= radians\n\n\t\tvar sx = Math.sin(ax),\n\t\t cx = Math.cos(ax),\n\n\t\t sy = Math.sin(ay),\n\t\t cy = Math.cos(ay),\n\n\t\t sz = Math.sin(az),\n\t\t cz = Math.cos(az)\n\n\t\treturn [cy * cz, cx * sz + sx * sy * cz, sx * sz - cx * sy * cz, 0,\n\t\t -cy * sz, cx * cz - sx * sy * sz, sx * cz + cx * sy * sz, 0,\n\t\t sy, -sx * cy, cx * cy, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\t/*\n\trotateX: function rotateX(a) {\n\t\ta *= radians\n\n\t\tvar s = Math.sin(a),\n\t\t c = Math.cos(a)\n\n\t\treturn [1, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, c, s, 0,\n\t\t 0, -s, c, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t\t},\n\trotateY: function rotateY(a) {\n\t\ta *= radians\n\n\t\tvar s = Math.sin(a),\n\t\t c = Math.cos(a)\n\n\t\treturn [c, 0, -s, 0,\n\t\t 0, 1, 0, 0,\n\t\t s, 0, c, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\trotateZ: function rotateZ(a) {\n\t\ta *= radians\n\n\t\tvar s = Math.sin(a),\n\t\t c = Math.cos(a)\n\n\t \treturn [c, s, 0, 0,\n\t\t -s, c, 0, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 1, 0,\n\t\t 0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\t*/\n\trotate3d: function (x, y, z, a) {\n\t\ta || (a = 0)\n\n\t\ta *= radians\n\n\t\tvar s = Math.sin(a),\n\t\t\tc = Math.cos(a),\n\t\t\tnorm = Vector.norm(x, y, z)\n\n\t\tx = norm[0]\n\t\ty = norm[1]\n\t\tz = norm[2]\n\n\t\tvar xx = x * x,\n\t\t\tyy = y * y,\n\t\t\tzz = z * z,\n\t\t\t_c = 1 - c\n\n\t\treturn [xx + (1 - xx) * c, x * y * _c + z * s, x * z * _c - y * s, 0,\n\t\t\tx * y * _c - z * s, yy + (1 - yy) * c, y * z * _c + x * s, 0,\n\t\t\tx * z * _c + y * s, y * z * _c - x * s, zz + (1 - zz) * c, 0,\n\t\t\t0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\tskew: function (ax, ay) {\n\t\tif (!(", "ax || ay)) return this.identity()\n\n\t\tax || (ax = 0)\n\t\tay || (ay = 0)\n\n\t\tax *= radians\n\t\tay *= radians\n\n\t\treturn [1, Math.tan(ay), 0, 0,\n\t\t\tMath.tan(ax), 1, 0, 0,\n\t\t\t0, 0, 1, 0,\n\t\t\t0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\t/*\n\tskewX: function skewX(a) {\n\t\treturn this.skew(a, 0)\n\t},\n\tskewY: function skewY(a) {\n\t\treturn this.skew(0, a)\n\t},\n\t*/\n\tperspective: function (p) {\n\t\tp = -1 / p\n\n\t\treturn [1, 0, 0, 0,\n\t\t\t0, 1, 0, 0,\n\t\t\t0, 0, 1, p,\n\t\t\t0, 0, 0, 1]\n\t},\n\tparse: function (s) {\n\t\tvar m = s.match(/\\((.+)\\)/)[1].split(/,\\s?/)\n\t\tif (m.length === 6) {\n\t\t\tm.splice(2, 0, 0, 0)\n\t\t\tm.splice(6, 0, 0, 0)\n\t\t\tm.splice(8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)\n\t\t\tm.push(0, 1)\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn m\n\t},\n\tinverse: function (m) {\n\t\tvar a = this.identity(),\n\n\t\t inv0 = m[5] * m[10] - m[6] * m[9],\n\t\t inv1 = m[1] * m[10] - m[2] * m[9],\n\t\t inv2 = m[1] * m[6] - m[2] * m[5],\n\n\t\t inv4 = m[4] * m[10] - m[6] * m[8],\n\t\t inv5 = m[0] * m[10] - m[2] * m[8],\n\t\t inv6 = m[0] * m[6] - m[2] * m[4],\n\n\t\t inv8 = m[4] * m[9] - m[5] * m[8],\n\t\t inv9 = m[0] * m[9] - m[1] * m[8],\n\t\t inv10 = m[0] * m[5] - m[1] * m[4],\n\n\t\t det = 1 / (m[0] * inv0 - m[1] * inv4 + m[2] * inv8)\n\n\t\ta[0] = det * inv0\n\t\ta[1] = -det * inv1\n\t\ta[2] = det * inv2\n\n\t\ta[4] = -det * inv4\n\t\ta[5] = det * inv5\n\t\ta[6] = -det * inv6\n\n\t\ta[8] = det * inv8\n\t\ta[9] = -det * inv9\n\t\ta[10] = det * inv10\n\n\t\ta[12] = -m[12] * a[0] - m[13] * a[4] - m[14] * a[8]\n\t\ta[13] = -m[12] * a[1] - m[13] * a[5] - m[14] * a[9]\n\t\ta[14] = -m[12] * a[2] - m[13] * a[6] - m[14] * a[10]\n\n\t\treturn a\n\t},\n\tcompose: function (translate, rotate, scale) {\n\t\ttranslate || (translate = [])\n\t\trotate || (rotate = [])\n\t\tscale || (scale = [])\n\n\t\tvar a = this.rotate(rotate[0], rotate[1], rotate[2])\n\n\t\tif (scale.length) {\n\t\t\ta[0] *= scale[0]\n\t\t\ta[1] *= scale[0]\n\t\t\ta[2] *= scale[0]\n\n\t\t\ta[4] *= scale[1]\n\t\t\ta[5] *= scale[1]\n\t\t\ta[6] *= scale[1]\n\n\t\t\ta[8] *= scale[2]\n\t\t\ta[9] *= scale[2]\n\t\t\ta[10] *= scale[2]\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (translate.length) {\n\t\t\ta[12] = translate[0]\n\t\t\ta[13] = translate[1]\n\t\t\ta[14] = translate[2]\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn a\n\t},\n\tdecompose: function (m) { // supports only scale*rotate*translate matrix\n\t\tvar sX = Vector.length(m[0], m[1], m[2]),\n\t\t sY = Vector.length(m[4], m[5], m[6]),\n\t\t sZ = Vector.length(m[8], m[9], m[10])\n\n\t\tvar rX = Math.atan2(-m[9] / sZ, m[10] / sZ) / radians,\n\t\t rY = Math.asin(m[8] / sZ) / radians,\n\t\t rZ = Math.atan2(-m[4] / sY, m[0] / sX) / radians\n\n\t\tif (m[4] === 1 || m[4] === -1) {\n\t\t\trX = 0\n\t\t\trY = m[4] * -Math.", "PI / 2\n\t\t\trZ = m[4] * Math.atan2(m[6] / sY, m[5] / sY) / radians\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar tX = m[12],\n\t\t tY = m[13],\n\t\t tZ = m[14]\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\ttranslate: [tX, tY, tZ],\n\t\t\trotate: [rX, rY, rZ],\n\t\t\tscale: [sX, sY, sZ]\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\ttranspose: function (m) {\n\t\tvar t\n\n\t\tt = m[1]\n\t\tm[1] = m[4]\n\t\tm[4] = t\n\n\t\tt = m[2]\n\t\tm[2] = m[8]\n\t\tm[8] = t\n\n\t\tt = m[6]\n\t\tm[6] = m[9]\n\t\tm[9] = t\n\n\t\tt = m[3]\n\t\tm[3] = m[12]\n\t\tm[12] = t\n\n\t\tt = m[7]\n\t\tm[7] = m[13]\n\t\tm[13] = t\n\n\t\tt = m[11]\n\t\tm[11] = m[14]\n\t\tm[14] = t\n\n\t\treturn m\n\t},\n\tlookAt: function (eye, target, up) {\n\t\tvar z = Vector.sub(eye, target)\n\t\tz = Vector.norm(z)\n\t\tif (Vector.length(z) === 0)\n\t\t\tz[2] = 1\n\n\t\tvar x = Vector.cross(up, z)\n\t\tif (Vector.length(x) === 0) {\n\t\t\tz[0] += 0.0001\n\t\t\tx = Vector.norm(Vector.cross(up, z))\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar y = Vector.cross(z, x)\n\n\t\tvar a = this.identity()\n\n\t\ta[0] = x[0]\n\t\ta[1] = x[1]\n\t\ta[2] = x[2]\n\n\t\ta[4] = y[0]\n\t\ta[5] = y[1]\n\t\ta[6] = y[2]\n\n\t\ta[8] = z[0]\n\t\ta[9] = z[1]\n\t\ta[10] = z[2]\n\n\t\treturn a\n\t},\n\tstringify: function (m) {\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < m.length; ++i) {\n\t\t\tif (Math.abs(m[i]) < 1e-5) m[i] = 0\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 'matrix3d(' + m.join() + ')'\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "No matter if you're an severe workout fanatic or you're simply seeking to shed\na few kilos, this can be the final booklet on education, persistence, healthiness, and\nlife you are going to ever need.", "\n\nIn this ebook you'll learn:\n\nThe 2 top how you can construct health quickly with out destroying your body\nUnderground education strategies for maximizing work out efficiency\nThe most sensible biohacks for boosting psychological functionality and getting into the zone\nHow to grasp with laserlike accuracy no matter if your physique has actually recovered\n26 how one can get well fast from exercises, accidents, and overtraining\nThe 25 most vital blood and saliva biomarkers and the way to check them\n5 crucial parts of educating that almost all athletes neglect\n7 stress-fighting guns to make your mind-body connection bulletproof\nProven structures to augment sleep, cast off insomnia, and overcome jet lag\n40 high-calorie, nutrient-dense foodstuff that won't spoil your metabolism\nEasy instruments for customizing your carbs, proteins, and fat on your specified body\n9 how one can repair a damaged intestine, detox your physique, and create a toxin-free life\nA whole process to shield your immune method and stomach\nSimple time-efficiency information for balancing education, paintings, shuttle, and kin\n\nFor 4 a long time, Dr. Les Fehmi has been education humans to control their very own brainwave styles to enhance their psychological, emotional, and actual healthiness. ", "His new booklet makes a speciality of the remedy of soreness, and it truly is in accordance with the idea that even if soreness is gave the impression to exist in a selected a part of the physique, soreness truly arises within the mind.", "\n\nThis e-book, the 1st of its style, examines pole dancing periods, that are held in additional than 50 nations around the world. ", "This examine attracts on unique qualitative information gathered within the united kingdom, Australia and the U.S. with contributors who attended pole dancing sessions and their teachers. ", "utilizing pole dancing periods as a place to begin for a much broader dialogue approximately gendered physicality, physique snapshot and embodiment, rest, empowerment and enjoyment, the voices of the individuals are put along present discourses, drawing on relaxation, gender and cultural reviews and sociology to bare a phenomenon with many contradictions: for instance, the ordinary subject of members disliking physical exertion, yet of feeling liberated, or even empowered, by way of pole periods.", "\n\nThis is often your mind on furnish Petersen: each cozy assumption you could have a couple of topic is became the other way up, and by the point you end analyzing you're feeling challenged, energized, and smarter. ", "in precisely Ride—\"the bible for bicycle riders\" (Dave Eggers, manhattan occasions ebook Review)—Petersen debunked the bicycle racing– commercial complicated and led readers again to the easy joys of having on a motorcycle.", "\n\nEven if you search fats loss and lean muscle improvement or mass improvement and power development, this finished consultant with 382 routines and 116 ready-to-use exercises that includes the most well-liked education apparatus (free weights, TRX, BOSU, kettlebells, and bodyweight) will place you for achievement.", "\n\nFat, on the other hand, is just 5 to 13 percent water. ", "Similar technology is used in body-fat scales and handheld gadgets that resemble a car steering wheel and are even less accurate than BIA. ", "Bioelectrical impedance can have a huge margin of error, especially if you’re extremely fat or extremely lean. ", "In one study, world-class female distance runners were found to average 20 percent body fat, when more reliable methods actually show that they were closer to 10 percent. ", "Dehydration also can skew the results wildly; the signal slows down, and you appear to have more fat than you really do.", "\n\nYou may discover that if you don’t eat before you cycle, you cover your usual route five minutes slower. ", "Maybe you pull a hamstring every time you run over a certain hilly course. ", "Maybe you’re more susceptible to catching a cold if you don’t rest at least one day each week. ", "A workout diary keeps you honest. ", "You may think that you’re working out four times a week. ", "But when you flip through your log, you may realize that you’ve been overestimating your efforts. ", "Bookstores and sporting-goods stores carry a variety of logs, some aimed at walkers, others at weight lifters; others have space to chart any activity you can think of.", "\n\nWhen information is just too good to forget, this icon helps you remember. ", "This is the stuff you want to jot down and attach with a magnet to your fridge. ", "We use the Myth Buster superhero to dispel popular fitness myths. ", "For example, in Chapter 8, we explain that exercise doesn’t have to hurt in order to be good for you. ", "In Chapter 26, we explain that you can’t sweat off excess fat by wearing vinyl workout suits. ", "This icon warns you about hucksters who offer false promises, sell bogus products, or try to snare you with slimy sales tactics." ]
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[ "Joe has had a Dryer Master for 20 years. ", "He started with a DM500 and recently updated to a DM510 model. ", "His site dries about 500,000 bushels a year of corn and wheat and sometimes soybeans with their Zimmerman dryer. ", "The first photo is of the outlet sensor installation.", "\n\nWhy did you buy a Dryer Master in the first place?", "\nThe Dryer Master allowed us to have an inlet sensor which helps with anticipating the speed of the dryer whether in automatic or manual. ", "Before we were chasing and guessing but after it was installed it allowed us to be a lot more consistent in our drying.", "\n\nHow often do you typically calibrate your outlet moisture sensor? ", "And what is your calibration procedure?", "\nDepending on time, help and operator we usually calibrate it every hour to once or twice a day. ", "The calibration process is so easy we have incorporated it into our dryer checks.", "\n\nDo you use DM-Mobile? ", "If so how do you use it (phone/PC/home/at night?), ", "how often do you use it?", "\nWe do use the DM-Mobile, mostly though a PC but occasionally with a smartphone. ", "Anytime we leave the dryer to go to another part of the plant it allows us to monitor the dryer. ", "We found that the biggest help is it allows you to take your experienced guys and use them where they are needed but they can also work through and teach less experienced personnel and while still keeping an eye on the dryer.", "\n\nAny other advice or comments you would like to pass on to someone ?", "\nThe Dryer Master team does a great job providing service and technical support to their customers. ", "It is reassuring knowing that during the middle of harvest you can call and troubleshoot a problem with a person who knows the product and cares." ]
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[ "This protocol is designed to determine how uninsured patients would choose to define their health insurance benefit package. ", "Thus far, the study instrument has been designed and has been pilot tested. ", "The study design has been completed. ", "Patient recruitment is scheduled to begin in July 1999. ", "Study subjects were recruited and 20 group exercises have been conducted. ", "Data collection was complete as of June 4, 2000. ", "Data are being analysis has been completed. ", "Two abstracts have been presented at national meetings. ", "A manuscript was published in February, 2002." ]
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[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\r\n<root>\r\n <!-- ", "\r\n Microsoft ResX Schema \r\n \r\n Version 2.0\r\n \r\n The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format \r\n that is mostly human readable. ", "The generation and parsing of the \r\n various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes \r\n associated with the data types.", "\r\n \r\n Example:\r\n \r\n ... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...\r\n <resheader name=\"resmimetype\">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"version\">2.0</resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"reader\">System.", "Resources.", "ResXResourceReader, System.", "Windows.", "Forms, ...</resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"writer\">System.", "Resources.", "ResXResourceWriter, System.", "Windows.", "Forms, ...</resheader>\r\n <data name=\"Name1\"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>\r\n <data name=\"Color1\" type=\"System.", "Drawing.", "Color, System.", "Drawing\">Blue</data>\r\n <data name=\"Bitmap1\" mimetype=\"application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64\">\r\n <value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"Icon1\" type=\"System.", "Drawing.", "Icon, System.", "Drawing\" mimetype=\"application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64\">\r\n <value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>\r\n <comment>This is a comment</comment>\r\n </data>\r\n \r\n There are any number of \"resheader\" rows that contain simple \r\n name/value pairs.", "\r\n \r\n Each data row contains a name, and value. ", "The row also contains a \r\n type or mimetype. ", "Type corresponds to a .NET class that support \r\n text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture. ", "\r\n Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the \r\n mimetype set.", "\r\n \r\n The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the \r\n ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. ", "This is currently not \r\n extensible. ", "For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:\r\n \r\n Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format \r\n that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can \r\n read any of the formats listed below.", "\r\n \r\n mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64\r\n value : The object must be serialized with \r\n : System.", "Runtime.", "Serialization.", "Formatters.", "Binary.", "BinaryFormatter\r\n : and then encoded with base64 encoding.", "\r\n \r\n mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64\r\n value : The object must be serialized with \r\n : System.", "Runtime.", "Serialization.", "Formatters.", "Soap.", "SoapFormatter\r\n : and then encoded with base64 encoding.", "\r\n\r\n mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64\r\n value : The object must be serialized into a byte array \r\n : using a System.", "ComponentModel.", "TypeConverter\r\n : and then encoded with base64 encoding.", "\r\n -->\r\n <xsd:schema id=\"root\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:msdata=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata\">\r\n <xsd:import namespace=\"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\" />\r\n <xsd:element name=\"root\" msdata:IsDataSet=\"true\">\r\n <xsd:complexType>\r\n <xsd:choice maxOccurs=\"unbounded\">\r\n <xsd:element name=\"metadata\">\r\n <xsd:complexType>\r\n <xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"xsd:string\" minOccurs=\"0\" />\r\n </xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"name\" use=\"required\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"type\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"mimetype\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute ref=\"xml:space\" />\r\n </xsd:complexType>\r\n </xsd:element>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"assembly\">\r\n <xsd:complexType>\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"alias\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\" />\r\n </xsd:complexType>\r\n </xsd:element>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"data\">\r\n <xsd:complexType>\r\n <xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"xsd:string\" minOccurs=\"0\" msdata:Ordinal=\"1\" />\r\n <xsd:element name=\"comment\" type=\"xsd:string\" minOccurs=\"0\" msdata:Ordinal=\"2\" />\r\n </xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\" use=\"required\" msdata:Ordinal=\"1\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"type\" type=\"xsd:string\" msdata:Ordinal=\"3\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"mimetype\" type=\"xsd:string\" msdata:Ordinal=\"4\" />\r\n <xsd:attribute ref=\"xml:space\" />\r\n </xsd:complexType>\r\n </xsd:element>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"resheader\">\r\n <xsd:complexType>\r\n <xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:element name=\"value\" type=\"xsd:string\" minOccurs=\"0\" msdata:Ordinal=\"1\" />\r\n </xsd:sequence>\r\n <xsd:attribute name=\"name\" type=\"xsd:string\" use=\"required\" />\r\n </xsd:complexType>\r\n </xsd:element>\r\n </xsd:choice>\r\n </xsd:complexType>\r\n </xsd:element>\r\n </xsd:schema>\r\n <resheader name=\"resmimetype\">\r\n <value>text/microsoft-resx</value>\r\n </resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"version\">\r\n <value>2.0</value>\r\n </resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"reader\">\r\n <value>System.", "Resources.", "ResXResourceReader, System.", "Windows.", "Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>\r\n </resheader>\r\n <resheader name=\"writer\">\r\n <value>System.", "Resources.", "ResXResourceWriter, System.", "Windows.", "Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>\r\n </resheader>\r\n <data name=\"$this.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>ShareX - Druckeinstellungen</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"btnCancel.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>Abbrechen</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"btnChangeFont.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>Schriftart ändern...</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"btnPrint.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>Drucken...</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"btnShowPreview.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>Vorschau...</value>\r\n </data>\r\n <data name=\"lblFont.", "Text\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\r\n <value>Schriftart:</value>\r\n </data>\r\n</root>" ]
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[ "If you've got a question, just askUse the form below to contact me right away with your question - I get back to you promptly!", "\n\nWhether you're a first time homebuyer or have bought a dozen homes in the past, there's always a lot to make sure you know in order to make an informed buying decision. ", "That's why I am are here. ", "I can help with any questions you may have ...\n\nYou can reach me directly by calling me at O: 406-670-7766 or you can fill out the email form below. ", "Start by filling out the home criteria form below. ", "Be as detailed as you can.", "\n\nThe information you provide below will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.", "\n\nInformation Deemed Reliable, but Not Guaranteed. ", "The property information being provided is for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. ", "The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the participating Brokers." ]
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[ "The pathogenesis of Chlamydia pneumoniae-type pneumonitis in mice.", "\nTo evaluate mice as experimental animals for Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) infection and investigate the pathogenesis of C. pneumoniae derived pneumonitis. ", "Icr mice were inoculated with the C. pneumoniae strain, CWL-029, either intranasally or intravenously. ", "After a single dose inoculation, mice were killed on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 60th days. ", "The pathological changes in lung tissue were analyzed. ", "The Icr mice were shown to be susceptible to C. pneumoniae. ", "Inoculation into mice with C. pneumoniae induced a prolonged course of lung infection, as demonstrated by persistence of lung pathology (up to 60 days). ", "Via intranasal inoculation of mice, lung pathology was characterized by patchy interstitial pneumonitis with predominantly neutrophil leukocyte infiltration early (within the first 7 days) and lymphocyte infiltration in the later stages (14 days later) of infection. ", "After intravenous inoculation, a similarly developed interstitial pneumonitis was observed, but it was milder and patchier, especially in early stages. ", "C. pneumoniae DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) intermittently in the lung tissue. ", "Inoculated mice developed serum IgG antibody responses. ", "The Icr mice were susceptible to C. pneumoniae, resulting in a pulmonary infection characterized by interstitial pneumonitis, occurring most strongly via intranasal inoculation." ]
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[ 0.0010423914063721895, 0.0008113554795272648, 0.0006574684521183372, 0.00864621251821518, 0.0006880075088702142, 0.0008347744005732238, 0.0017131427302956581, 0.001884044730104506, 0.0011721630580723286, 0.0006341813132166862, 0.0010003609349951148, 0.00115410634316504 ]
[ "Get Social\n\nBuzzwords: Paradigm Shift\n\nParadigm shifts are a big deal. ", "In science — where the term originated — the process begins with an emerging theory which researchers try to disprove until that theory, accepted as legitimate, dominates a new model of understanding in a certain field. ", "Consider the Copernican sun-centric model of the universe: For millennia, astronomers believed the Earth was the center of the universe until 1543, when Nicolaus Copernicus published a theory that the sun was the center of the solar system. ", "This new theory, unable to be disproven, marked the dawn of a new paradigm.", "\n\nHowever, true paradigm shifts are usually only identified in retrospect. “", "Trying to predict a paradigm shift is an act of prophecy,” says UC Davis Science and Technology Studies Program Director Colin Milburn. ", "In other words, it’s presumptuous and potentially pompous, and it even ranked No. ", "1 on Forbes’ 2018 list of Ten Buzzwords That Make You Sound Like An Idiot. ", "Yet, we’ve all heard the word as business jargon before, often when describing startups (“Shark Tank,” anyone?).", "\n\nThe Buzz\n\nWhile scientists are averse to paradigm shifts, Milburn says the rhetoric of disruption in business is hugely dominant. ", "Changing the rules of the market is a coveted status in the startup world.", "\n\n“A perfect example of a disruptive play would be what Uber did to the whole taxi industry segment. …", "You could even use paradigm shift,” says John Peters, leader of the Sacramento Angels investment group.", "\n\nPeters reviews over 300 startup applications and listens to 16 entrepreneur pitches with the investment group every year, and says that the term paradigm shift comes off a little fluffy. “", "Disruptive innovation feels like it’s more descriptive,” Peters says.", "\n\nThe Word\n\nHowever, there might be exceptions. ", "Do you have to rely on advanced physics to explain your business concept? ", "Will your company make segments of the industry obsolete? ", "Well, then your product might qualify, but use paradigm shift at your own peril. “", "It’s not going to add a heck of a lot to an application to use paradigm shift … It’s not the heart of the value proposition,” Peters says.", "\n\nEntrepreneurs who reach the pitching stage should know better than to rely on buzzy jargon to sell their concept. “", "The most important thing is to focus on the customer value,” Peters says.", "\n\nPost new comment\n\nYour name: *\n\nE-mail: *\n\nComment: *\n\nPlease type the numbers into the box below: *9222355634918 »\n\nBy proving you are not a machine, you help us prevent spam and keep the site secure." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/*\n * This file is part of PHPUnit.", "\n *\n * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>\n *\n * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE\n * file that was distributed with this source code.", "\n */\n\n/**\n * Creates a synthetic failed assertion.", "\n */\nclass PHPUnit_Framework_SyntheticError extends PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError\n{\n /**\n * The synthetic file.", "\n *\n * @var string\n */\n protected $syntheticFile = '';\n\n /**\n * The synthetic line number.", "\n *\n * @var int\n */\n protected $syntheticLine = 0;\n\n /**\n * The synthetic trace.", "\n *\n * @var array\n */\n protected $syntheticTrace = [];\n\n /**\n * Constructor.", "\n *\n * @param string $message\n * @param int $code\n * @param string $file\n * @param int $line\n * @param array $trace\n */\n public function __construct($message, $code, $file, $line, $trace)\n {\n parent::__construct($message, $code);\n\n $this->syntheticFile = $file;\n $this->syntheticLine = $line;\n $this->syntheticTrace = $trace;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return string\n */\n public function getSyntheticFile()\n {\n return $this->syntheticFile;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return int\n */\n public function getSyntheticLine()\n {\n return $this->syntheticLine;\n }\n\n /**\n * @return array\n */\n public function getSyntheticTrace()\n {\n return $this->syntheticTrace;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "lculate prob of sequence aala when four letters picked without replacement from alllllllllalla.", "\n1/364\nCalculate prob of sequence gl when two letters picked without replacement from lfg.", "\n1/6\nCalculate prob of sequence ok when two letters picked without replacement from reororoeokerrr.", "\n2/91\nWhat is prob of sequence ttt when three letters picked without replacement from aatatatttaatta?", "\n5/52\nTwo letters picked without replacement from zzuauzauxuua. ", "Give prob of sequence ux.", "\n5/132\nWhat is prob of sequence eex when three letters picked without replacement from {c: 3, x: 3, e: 5, l: 6}?", "\n1/68\nTwo letters picked without replacement from llwlwrwlfw. ", "Give prob of sequence wf.", "\n2/45\nWhat is prob of sequence rz when two letters picked without replacement from {r: 4, i: 4, z: 3}?", "\n6/55\nCalculate prob of sequence wllw when four letters picked without replacement from ttltwlwltttlw.", "\n3/715\nFour letters picked without replacement from {l: 1, o: 2, g: 5, n: 3, u: 5}. ", "Give prob of sequence oggl.", "\n1/1092\nTwo letters picked without replacement from kjklnmqm. ", "What is prob of sequence lq?", "\n1/56\nWhat is prob of sequence jj when two letters picked without replacement from {d: 2, z: 3, b: 5, j: 2}?", "\n1/66\nFour letters picked without replacement from zzzzzqqzzzzzzzqzzz. ", "What is prob of sequence zzzz?", "\n91/204\nThree letters picked without replacement from yyuuyyufufyyy. ", "What is prob of sequence yuf?", "\n14/429\nWhat is prob of sequence brbg when four letters picked without replacement from {r: 2, b: 4, a: 6, g: 1, e: 2}?", "\n1/1365\nCalculate prob of sequence tsb when three letters picked without replacement from {b: 4, j: 2, t: 3, s: 3, q: 1, o: 4}.", "\n3/340\nCalculate prob of sequence mwbb when four letters picked without replacement from {t: 1, a: 2, b: 2, m: 1, w: 6}.", "\n1/990\nCalculate prob of sequence ks when two letters picked without replacement from {s: 4, a: 3, k: 6}.", "\n2/13\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nooiiivoii. ", "Give prob of sequence nv.", "\n1/90\nFour letters picked without replacement from {v: 5, j: 14}. ", "Give prob of sequence vvjj.", "\n455/11628\nCalculate prob of sequence ww when two letters picked without replacement from {u: 1, v: 1, w: 7}.", "\n7/12\nWhat is prob of sequence lwei when four letters picked without replacement from ailewoweaaaowww?", "\n1/3276\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {p: 1, l: 5, w: 2, f: 5, h: 1, k: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence fk.", "\n1/42\nCalculate prob of sequence dj when two letters picked without replacement from {d: 1, c: 2, u: 5, b: 8, j: 1}.", "\n1/272\nWhat is prob of sequence xmmx when four letters picked without replacement from rmmxx?", "\n1/30\nCalculate prob of sequence wk when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 1, w: 1, y: 2, o: 1, k: 1, j: 1}.", "\n1/42\nThree letters picked without replacement from kkwwvwttwljkwwl. ", "What is prob of sequence kjv?", "\n1/910\nCalculate prob of sequence nons when four letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, s: 2, o: 1}.", "\n1/30\nThree letters picked without replacement from rixghxhn. ", "What is prob of sequence nih?", "\n1/168\nThree letters picked without replacement from {l: 1, y: 3, g: 1, s: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence lsg?", "\n1/105\nCalculate prob of sequence ks when two letters picked without replacement from {k: 7, l: 1, y: 4, i: 1, s: 3}.", "\n7/80\nFour letters picked without replacement from {j: 3, r: 2, p: 3, g: 1, f: 1, s: 9}. ", "What is prob of sequence jpsf?", "\n9/10336\nTwo letters picked without replacement from abwurut. ", "Give prob of sequence tb.", "\n1/42\nWhat is prob of sequence uwc when three letters picked without replacement from uwcuwcuccwwcucccc?", "\n3/85\nThree letters picked without replacement from {z: 3, c: 1, p: 5, v: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence pzc?", "\n1/88\nCalculate prob of sequence yx when two letters picked without replacement from {x: 11, w: 2, y: 7}.", "\n77/380\nTwo letters picked without replacement from fkmm. ", "Give prob of sequence mf.", "\n1/6\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {l: 3, j: 1, y: 2, o: 4}. ", "What is prob of sequence lj?", "\n1/30\nThree letters picked without replacement from wwwpfpfflwflw. ", "Give prob of sequence wpf.", "\n10/429\nThree letters picked without replacement from uxn. ", "What is prob of sequence nnx?", "\n0\nWhat is prob of sequence zon when three letters picked without replacement from ynncoccznzcnxzx?", "\n2/455\nCalculate prob of sequence jbj when three letters picked without replacement from jpbpjlf.", "\n1/105\nWhat is prob of sequence vjy when three letters picked without replacement from vvjeyggyvv?", "\n1/90\nThree letters picked without replacement from {p: 1, g: 1, w: 1, m: 1, a: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence amg?", "\n1/60\nThree letters picked without replacement from {m: 8, b: 5, k: 2, s: 2, t: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ktk?", "\n1/2448\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {i: 6, f: 13}. ", "What is prob of sequence ff?", "\n26/57\nTwo letters picked without replacement from tytttptytytyt. ", "What is prob of sequence py?", "\n1/39\nCalculate prob of sequence koaq when four letters picked without replacement from qakooajaakjjq.", "\n4/2145\nCalculate prob of sequence sy when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 3, s: 2, x: 5, e: 2, p: 3}.", "\n1/35\nWhat is prob of sequence wpp when three letters picked without replacement from {w: 5, p: 4, z: 1}?", "\n1/12\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {g: 3, e: 3, l: 5, i: 6}. ", "What is prob of sequence gl?", "\n15/272\nWhat is prob of sequence bit when three letters picked without replacement from oboaotbbobbbhhio?", "\n1/560\nWhat is prob of sequence mmmm when four letters picked without replacement from {m: 5}?", "\n1\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 1, l: 2, x: 2, s: 1, z: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ze?", "\n1/42\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {g: 2, p: 2, l: 8, k: 1, t: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence pk?", "\n1/91\nWhat is prob of sequence ld when two letters picked without replacement from sjsljdlll?", "\n1/18\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {p: 2, e: 1, x: 3, u: 1, g: 4, i: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence pi?", "\n1/66\nWhat is prob of sequence lt when two letters picked without replacement from lytyy?", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from hyfxy. ", "Give prob of sequence xf.", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nsspkkukoous. ", "What is prob of sequence pn?", "\n1/132\nWhat is prob of sequence gm when two letters picked without replacement from {m: 14, g: 5}?", "\n35/171\nWhat is prob of sequence bjj when three letters picked without replacement from jjbjjbtjjbjjjbbjbb?", "\n35/272\nWhat is prob of sequence cc when two letters picked without replacement from {b: 1, a: 3, c: 4}?", "\n3/14\nWhat is prob of sequence yeni when four letters picked without replacement from {i: 7, e: 2, y: 4, x: 2, n: 1}?", "\n1/780\nFour letters picked without replacement from vgaaaggaagagvga. ", "What is prob of sequence vavg?", "\n1/390\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {m: 3, s: 1, o: 2, e: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence oo.", "\n1/21\nCalculate prob of sequence oo when two letters picked without replacement from {o: 3, j: 5, s: 2}.", "\n1/15\nWhat is prob of sequence xo when two letters picked without replacement from xooxoooxoooxoooxxoo?", "\n13/57\nCalculate prob of sequence cc when two letters picked without replacement from {c: 4, d: 2, s: 4}.", "\n2/15\nCalculate prob of sequence pv when two letters picked without replacement from {p: 3, v: 3}.", "\n3/10\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {h: 3, k: 6, o: 1, t: 2, i: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence ti.", "\n1/78\nWhat is prob of sequence akak when four letters picked without replacement from {q: 2, a: 2, r: 3, k: 9}?", "\n3/910\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {u: 4, k: 1, p: 8}. ", "What is prob of sequence uk?", "\n1/39\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nxxnhxccxuuohh. ", "What is prob of sequence nu?", "\n2/91\nCalculate prob of sequence jjj when three letters picked without replacement from jfjsjffjffdjdfsdf.", "\n1/68\nCalculate prob of sequence neee when four letters picked without replacement from ennnenen.", "\n1/56\nCalculate prob of sequence tms when three letters picked without replacement from {m: 3, x: 2, d: 2, t: 2, e: 1, s: 4}.", "\n1/91\nWhat is prob of sequence zanu when four letters picked without replacement from zzzallnzarzluzl?", "\n1/2730\nFour letters picked without replacement from apvrvaoraravr. ", "What is prob of sequence arrr?", "\n4/715\nCalculate prob of sequence rr when two letters picked without replacement from lr" ]
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[ "Thomas Pappas\n\nThomas M. Pappas is a former United States Army colonel who is a civilian intelligence officer with the Army's Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Eustis, Virginia.", "\n\nHe was the Brigade Commander of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade and the senior military intelligence officer at Abu Ghraib prison during the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, which brought him significant notoriety. ", " In May 2005, Pappas was disciplined by the Army for failing to properly supervise and train subordinates and for allowing military dogs to be present during prisoner interrogations.", "\n\nEducation\nPrior to entering the army, he attended Rutgers University in New Jersey and received his Master of Science degree from Central Michigan University. ", "He also has a Master of Arts from the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.", "\n\nRole in Abu Ghraib\nIn June 2004, Captain Donald Reese, the Commanding Officer of the 372nd Military Police Company, testified that Colonel Pappas was the senior officer present during the death in custody of Manadel al-Jamadi. ", " Military pathologists later ruled the death a homicide. ", " During Sabrina Harman's article 32 hearing, Reese testified that Pappas commented about Manadel's death \"I'm not going down for this alone.\"", "\n\nMajor General George Fay was appointed by General Paul Kern to conduct an investigation of prisoner abuse at the Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center (JIDC) in Abu Ghraib prison. ", " His findings were released in August 2004 and were known as the Fay Report. ", " He concluded that Pappas failed to properly organize the JIDC and ensure it performed its mission within applicable regulations, failed to incorporate checks and balances to prevent abuses, and failed to ensure his personnel were properly trained for the mission. ", " Fay also found that Pappas showed poor judgment by leaving Lieutenant Colonel Steven L. Jordan in charge of the JIDC during critical stages and improperly authorized the use of dogs during interrogations, failed to take action regarding International Committee of the Red Cross reports of abuse, failed to take aggressive action against soldiers who violated procedures and the Geneva Conventions, failed to report that his unit would be unable to accomplish its mission due to lack of manpower and resources and allowed his subordinates to be subjected to inordinate pressures from higher headquarters, and failed to establish appropriate coordination between military intelligence and military police which would have alleviated confusion surrounding the abusive environment at the prison. ", " Fay acknowledged that a significant number of systemic failures had occurred during the course of the scandal but asserted this did not relieve Pappas of his command responsibilities and recommended that Pappas' chain of command take action accordingly.", "\n\nIn May 2005, Pappas received non-judicial punishment for two counts of dereliction of duty under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for failing to ensure that subordinates were adequately trained and supervised in application of interrogation procedures and for failing to obtain approval of superiors before authorizing the presence of military working dogs during prisoner interrogations.", "\n\nIn November 2006, human rights attorney Wolfgang Kaleck filed a high-profile criminal complaint at the German Public Prosecutor General against Donald Rumsfeld and several other US officials and officers including Thomas Pappas for their alleged involvement in human rights violations at the Abu Ghraib prison.", "\nHowever, legal scholars speculated shortly thereafter that the case had little chance of successfully making it through the German court system.", "\n\nIn May 2007, a book written by Stanford psychology professor Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect, questioned the mental stability of Pappas when the abuses at Abu Ghraib were committed, suggesting that after surviving a mortar attack killing Pappas's driver, Pappas exhibited erratic behavior.", "\n\nIn August 2007, Pappas was granted immunity in return for his testimony at the court-martial of his subordinate Lieutenant Colonel Steven L. Jordan.", "\n\nDecorations\nDuring his career, Colonel Pappas was awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal with six oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, and the Army Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with one service star, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Southwest Asia Service Medal with three service stars, the Armed Forces Service Medal, and the Armed Forces Reserve Medal.", "\n\nSee also\n205th Military Intelligence Brigade\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:United States Army colonels\nCategory:American army personnel of the Iraq War\nCategory:Recipients of the Legion of Merit\nCategory:Rutgers University alumni\nCategory:Central Michigan University alumni\nCategory:United States military personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison\nCategory:1959 births" ]
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[ "Ariadna playable elite-ish?", "\n\n21 posts in this topic\n\nSo admittedly I know very little about Ariadna, having played them only twice. ", "From what I hear some variation of (camo) spam is their „thing“.", "\n\nWhat I am wondering however, is if Ariadna (vanilla or USAriadna) is also (competitively) playable with around 11 to 13 orders. ", "Because I like the look, fluff and feel of the army. ", "But I dislike order spam list. ", "Cool interesting elite-ish units is where its at for me. ", "Any chance for that in Ariadna?", "\n\nThanks!", "\n\n0\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nYou can build fully viable lists for Limited Insertion. ", "So low order counts are playable. ", "Is it \"competitive\"? ", "Not really. ", "Ariadna strength is it's minimalism that grants us the ability to run around in circles around the other factions without sacrificing too much. ", "You can run a 10-12 order full camo list and have a decent win rate but you're losing much more than you gain. ", "13-20 orders is the normal operation range for Ariadna so a 13 Order list should do fine (I'd still prefer 15+ Orders though but that's just me).", "\n\n0\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nDon't be so negative! ", "There are no problems with playing Ariadna as Limited Insertion, I've won tournaments with single combat group lists, even when my opponents were not playing single groups. ", "I like to mix it up, as the play styles are a bit different, and it helps to keep your tactics flexible.", "\n\nYou'll be relying more on Kazak units most likely to do it to best effect. ", "Something like this could work:\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nIs it playable? ", "Absolutely. ", "It totally works, and myself and many others have ran low order count lists and done very well with them in events.", "\nIs it playing to the faction's strengths? ", "Arguably, no. ", "We have more cheap options than most and fewer expensive ones, so you're largely playing with one hand behind your back. ", "While I can craft a decent enough elite list out of the faction and run it successfully, I would say it doesn't really hold a candle to what my normal list can accomplish in the same circumstances.", "\n\n3\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nMy favorite way to play them is 10 order vanilla limited insertion lists. ", "You can have great shooters, guys coming in the enemy's back field and clog up the midfield, and have almost all of it under camo. ", "You can still sneak in plenty of specialists as well, for the specialist heavy missions. ", "You have great LT options that can still pack a punch, and while they don't have a ton of 2 wound units to choose from, you'll be sapping the enemy's orders as they try to discover you or try to bait out your units. ", "You can play silly things like having 1 visible unit, 13 camo tokens and an AD unit, and your opponent doesn't know where to start. ", "It's not something I would recommend to someone who isn't comfortable playing defensively, as you're trying to force your opponent to make hard decisions (do I engage the Vet Kazak in suppression or do I spend a lot of orders to go around it into that other camo token that could be a Chaussar or mine? ", "What's under those other 3 camo tokens? ", "Is that the Spetsnaz or his ambush camo? ", "Oh shit, it's an autocannon tank hunter!). ", "It is a lot of fun to play though, and I've won almost every game using it.", "\n\n1\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nIs it playable? ", "Absolutely. ", "It totally works, and myself and many others have ran low order count lists and done very well with them in events.", "\nIs it playing to the faction's strengths? ", "Arguably, no. ", "We have more cheap options than most and fewer expensive ones, so you're largely playing with one hand behind your back. ", "While I can craft a decent enough elite list out of the faction and run it successfully, I would say it doesn't really hold a candle to what my normal list can accomplish in the same circumstances.", "\n\nThis. ", "It can certainly be competitive, but you're discarding a big factional strength: many useful and cheap profiles.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nWhat I am wondering however, is if Ariadna (vanilla or USAriadna) is also (competitively) playable with around 11 to 13 orders.", "\n\nForget about usarf, it can work but it's extremely limited in limited insertion.", "\n\nVanilla ariadna works really well with limited insertion. ", "The 13 orders list can work but not exactly optimal, playing with 15+ orders is not exactly spam because even if you have a lot of cheap units they feel extremely useful and most of them are optimized profiles.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nthink Ariadna in LI is do-able, but it is (in my opinion) playing hard mode. ", "The main issues are the poor survivability and lack of expensive specialists. ", "I have played a few tournaments this way and my opponents gun fighters generally have high arm and multiple wounds. ", "Most of ours (with the exception of the vet kazak) do not and rely on camo etc for survivability. ", "Also, in joint or spec ops, you really struggle to fill your points and take diverse specialists, since most are in the 15-20 point range\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nForget about usarf, it can work but it's extremely limited in limited insertion.", "\n\nVanilla ariadna works really well with limited insertion. ", "The 13 orders list can work but not exactly optimal, playing with 15+ orders is not exactly spam because even if you have a lot of cheap units they feel extremely useful and most of them are optimized profiles.", "\n\nI play USARF in limited insertion and do fine. ", "5 man Minuteman link is very powerful and you have flexibility for speed or hitting power with the rest. ", "No tag option is only draw back this season with the tag focus\n\n0\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI play USARF in limited insertion and do fine. ", "5 man Minuteman link is very powerful and you have flexibility for speed or hitting power with the rest. ", "No tag option is only draw back this season with the tag focus\n\nI disagree you are really limited considering the different its missions and the list are really limited, also minutemen are easy to kill.", "\n\nIn a battle even someone with a spoon can do fine but that doesnt mean its fair or balanced.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI disagree you are really limited considering the different its missions and the list are really limited, also minutemen are easy to kill.", "\n\nIn a battle even someone with a spoon can do fine but that doesnt mean its fair or balanced.", "\n\nYou can disagree all you want but I my experience playing USARF in limited insertion is the opposite. ", "The 5 man link can cause massive damage with the weapons they have and you have other tools at your disposal. ", "Ariadna is easy to kill across the board but USARF actually has better survivability with shock immunity and Arm 3. ", "I have never felt like I was at a disadvantage other then not having a tag for tag specific missions.", "\n\n2\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nYou can disagree all you want but I my experience playing USARF in limited insertion is the opposite. ", "The 5 man link can cause massive damage with the weapons they have and you have other tools at your disposal. ", "Ariadna is easy to kill across the board but USARF actually has better survivability with shock immunity and Arm 3. ", "I have never felt like I was at a disadvantage other then not having a tag for tag specific missions.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI disagree you are really limited considering the different its missions and the list are really limited, also minutemen are easy to kill.", "\n\nIn a battle even someone with a spoon can do fine but that doesnt mean its fair or balanced.", "\n\nThat's just wrong. :-) ", "USAriadna is not perfect but still a viable choice for Limited Insertion. ", "And every time I see a Minutemen fireteam on the field they get their job done, although I admittedly prefer the Marauder link myself.", "\n\nTwo decent lists cobbled together in three minutes I'd pick any time for Limited Insertion:\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nThe problem with USAriadna force in Limited Instertion isn't that it isn't playable, but that your choice of list is very limited. ", "Basically, you'll probably end with Maraudem/Minuteman link, an Unknown Ranger, Blackjack and some other stuff. ", "Nothing wrong with that, but all your list choices would be a mutation of this. ", "It is definitely playable (although not stellar) and you might even win a tournament with this, but it has two big flaws.", "\n\n1) It is predictable. ", "Anytime I would encounter USARF on Limited Insertion, I know what would come on the table and would prepare on that.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nThe problem with USAriadna force in Limited Instertion isn't that it isn't playable, but that your choice of list is very limited. ", "Basically, you'll probably end with Maraudem/Minuteman link, an Unknown Ranger, Blackjack and some other stuff. ", "Nothing wrong with that, but all your list choices would be a mutation of this. ", "It is definitely playable (although not stellar) and you might even win a tournament with this, but it has two big flaws.", "\n\n1) It is predictable. ", "Anytime I would encounter USARF on Limited Insertion, I know what would come on the table and would prepare on that.", "\n\nGeneric Ariadnian army is completely other issue, with expensive Kazak units you could build something that Human Sphere would tremble before.", "\n\nYup this is very true. ", "I do mix it up with 2 devil dog teams, some blackjacks, and occasional mavericks. ", "Limited insertion requires an average cost of 30 pts per model to fill the list. ", "USARF has limited choices but still can generate some different looks depending on what you take. ", "It does rule out some of the options like desperados or hardcases.", "\n\n0\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nUSARF has more problems, if you need specialists in 2 or more parts of the table you will start to see the restrictions, additionally it struggles with missions like looting and sabotage your only option for d-charges is the dozer, and the unknown ranger has to walk all the board (if the CCT2 weapon is finally anti material) and don't get me started with highly classified and trying to get a doctor a hacker and a engineer in a single list.", "\n\nIf you try to make lists for missions you will see how usarf has 3 or 4 main lists with small variations at best. ", "that's considering that you are spending all the 300 points and 6 cap. ", "If you try to do the same with vanilla then you will realise how it has better options for anything meanwhile having a lot of camo to protect itself, and even more firepower and board control. ", "Aditionally access to a lot of d-charges and premium specialists like the veteran kazak with medikit o hell even the moblot enginer can work properly in some misions.", "\n\nThere are other factions with extremely powerful and competitive lists that can easily wipe usarf in limited insertion. ", "In the brigth side at least usarf has a chance and some lists, mrrf has just one list." ]
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[ "Almost Human has announced that their dungeon crawling sequel Legend of Grimrock 2 is now officially in beta. ", "By reaching beta, the game now includes all game features, enemies and levels present in the final game.", "\n\nJuho Salila of the Almost Human team said:\n\n“We feel the game is like a raw diamond and now we’re concentrating fully on polishing every aspect of the game until everything is perfect and shining.”", "\n\nThe beta will be closed with access given to a carefully selected group of people. ", "By keeping the beta closed, the developers at Almost Human believe they can personally interact with the testers much better and thus get better and more accurate feedback.", "\n\nAlmost Human has released a teaser video to celebrate that can be viewed below.", "\n\nLegend of Grimrock 2 is a sequel to the chart-topping, critically acclaimed dungeon exploration role-playing game Legend of Grimrock that revived the dungeon crawling genre in 2012.", "\n\nThe game is a dungeon crawling game inspired by oldschool classics of the genre while still bringing its own twists to the game. ", "The game features survival, combat, magic, puzzles and role-playing elements. ", "The player controls a group of prisoners that have shipwrecked on a mysterious island of Nex.", "\n\nThe player’s mission is to form a team to help survive the ever present monsters and escape from the island. ", "During the journey the player encounters mysterious puzzles, deadly traps, ancient tombs and horrible monsters summoned by the ominous presence on the island.", "\n\nLegend of Grimrock 2 will be released as a digital download this fall for PC, followed by Mac version later in the year.", "\n\nEnjoy!" ]
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[ 0.0008305965457111597, 0.0006380368140526116, 0.0007460605702362955, 0.0005406677373684943, 0.0005599728901870549, 0.0005621751770377159, 0.0008240057504735887, 0.0008367900736629963, 0.0006991895497776568, 0.0035962939728051424, 0.0012285759439691901, 0.0006451916415244341, 0.000770513026509434, 0.0010163075057789683 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to pragmatically control acces to Wi-Fi network\n\nConsidering this scenario,\nAt coffee bar you order the drink and get bill for that,\nOn bill there is key for Wi-Fi network which is going to be valid for next X hours.", "\nI want to try realize something like that.", "\nWhere to start looking,\nDoes PfSense have that in box ?", "\nShould I left wireless network open and do authorization on internal site for allowing go users to go out ?", "\nI am confused How I can pull or generate KEY pragmatically by C# (.NET) (that is language I know).", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat you're interested in is WPA2-Enterprise:\n\nThere are two versions of WPA2 - WPA2-Personal, and WPA2-Enterprise:\n - WPA2-Personal protects unauthorized network access by utilizing a set-up password.", "\n - WPA2-Enterprise verifies network users through a server.", "\n\nYou need to have the WIFI router with appropriate WPA-Enterprise support, a server which will host the user database, and software that will iteract with that database.", "\n\nA:\n\nI've built a hotspot for the site here which is used in a similar way, user gets ticket, ticket has username and password which is valid for a few hours. ", "\nHere I've used RADIUS as the authentication backend, so usernames are programmatically added to and removed from the RADIUS user database (which can be LDAP, an RDB, flat file).", "\nAs you suggest, I've used PfSense as it has a built in captive portal which can authenticate against RADIUS as a standard feature. ", "Using the captive portal means the wireless can be open so it's easy to connect to, but you can still control access. ", "\nEdit: Process here is:\n\nStaff generate ticket via webpage (PHP)\nWebserver inserts users into LDAP (PHP+OpenLDAP)\nUser logs into captive portal (PfSense+FreeRADIUS)\nRADIUS authenticates the user against LDAP (OpenLDAP+FreeRADIUS)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007960966322571039, 0.0005701594054698944, 0.0008660172461532056, 0.0008194295223802328, 0.0006340127438306808, 0.0005898316740058362, 0.0006108245579525828, 0.0006583300419151783, 0.0006519625312648714, 0.0006465291371569037, 0.0006102360202930868, 0.0006215406465344131, 0.000761586707085371 ]
[ "import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, HostBinding, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';\nimport { GithubService } from './../shared/github.service';\nimport { IssuesProcessor } from './../shared/issues-processor.service';\nimport { IssuesModel } from './../shared/issues.model';\n\nimport 'hammerjs';\nimport { Subscription, of, merge } from 'rxjs';\nimport { map } from 'rxjs/operators';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-dashboard',\n providers: [GithubService, IssuesProcessor],\n encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.", "None,\n templateUrl: './dashboard.template.html'\n})\nexport class DashboardComponent implements OnDestroy {\n public isLoading = true;\n public today: Date = new Date();\n public rangeStart: Date;\n public issues: any;\n public months = 3;\n private data: any;\n private subscription: Subscription;\n private selectedIndex = 0;\n\n @HostBinding('attr.id') get get_id() { return 'dashboard'; }\n @HostBinding('class') get get_class() { return 'container-fluid'; }\n\n constructor(public githubService: GithubService, public issuesProcessor: IssuesProcessor) {\n this.rangeStart = this.issuesProcessor.getMonthsRange(this.months);\n\n this.subscription =\n merge(\n githubService\n .getGithubIssues({pages: 5})\n .pipe(map(data => {\n this.data = data;\n this.isLoading = false;\n return this.issuesProcessor.process(data, this.months);\n }, (err) => this.isLoading = false)),\n of(new IssuesModel())\n )\n .subscribe((data: IssuesModel) => {\n this.issues = data;\n });\n }\n\n onFilterClick(months) {\n if (this.months !", "== months) {\n this.months = months;\n this.rangeStart = this.issuesProcessor.getMonthsRange(months);\n this.issues = this.issuesProcessor.process(this.data, months);\n this.filterIssues(this.selectedIndex);\n }\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n onTabSelect(event) {\n this.filterIssues(event.index);\n }\n\n filterIssues(index) {\n switch (index) {\n case 0 :\n this.issues = this.issuesProcessor.process(this.data, this.months);\n this.selectedIndex = 0;\n break;\n case 1 :\n const assigned = this.issuesProcessor.flatten(this.data)\n .filter(item => item.assignee ? ", "item.assignee.login === 'ggkrustev' : false);\n this.issues = this.issuesProcessor.process(assigned, this.months);\n this.selectedIndex = 1;\n break;\n case 2 :\n const created = this.issuesProcessor.flatten(this.data).filter(item => item.user.login === 'ggkrustev');\n this.issues = this.issuesProcessor.process(created, this.months);\n this.selectedIndex = 2;\n break;\n default : this.issues = this.issuesProcessor.process(this.data, this.months);\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0007074899622239172, 0.0020377025939524174, 0.0030059090349823236, 0.0013036862947046757 ]
[ "In a recent article featured in The Washington Post, Danielle Paquette shares the findings of a new report from researchers at the Economic Policy Institute, which discusses the need for universal high-quality daycare nationally. ", "The researchers argue that universal daycare would resolve the growing problem of the high cost of childcare for young families, as well as the low wages typical for child care providers, nationwide. ", "Furthermore, the researchers hypothesize that high-quality universal daycare will result in a decrease in the achievement gap and an increase in the future earning potential of children enrolled in the program. ", "Combined, these outcomes could result in a self-sustaining system. ", "To read the article, visit https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/04/06/the-90-billion-question-do-we-need-government-supplied-daycare/" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005370625876821578, 0.000669423199724406, 0.0005951548228040338, 0.0005617672577500343, 0.0005920705152675509 ]
[ "![](", "brjcancer00191-0202.tif \"scanned-page\"){.200}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0.0012735376367345452, 0.0008854420157149434 ]
[ "Evaluation of B-type natriuretic peptide to predict complicated pulmonary embolism in patients aged 65 years and older: brief report.", "\nWe evaluated the use of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels for risk stratification in elderly patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). ", "Bedside BNP assay was performed blindly at admission in consecutive patients older than 65 years with acute PE. ", "A complicated PE was defined as any of the following: death, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, use of vasopressors, thrombolysis, surgical embolectomy, or admission in intensive care unit. ", "Fifty-one patients (age, 79 +/- 9 years) were included. ", "Thirteen patients had adverse events: 11 were admitted in the intensive care unit and 3 died. ", "The median BNP level (95% confidence interval [CI]) was higher in the group of patients with complicated PE, 274 pg/mL (95% CI, 142-581 pg/mL) vs 78 pg/mL (95% CI, 33-230 pg/mL) (P < .05), respectively. ", "The receiver operating characteristic curve showed that BNP significantly predicted a complicated PE with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.72 (95% CI, 0.58-0.83) (P < .05). ", "The best threshold value was 200 pg/mL with a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of 0.69 (0.43-0.87), 0.63 (0.47-0.77), 0.39 (0.22-0.59), 0.86 (0.69-0.94), and 0.65 (0.51-0.77), respectively. ", "Our study suggests that BNP is not a reliable marker of complicated PE in elderly patients." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006970589165575802, 0.0006192945293150842, 0.0009672987507656217, 0.0022835831623524427, 0.0005801865481771529, 0.000969709362834692, 0.0006295002531260252, 0.0006037073908373713, 0.000621930870693177, 0.0007458637119270861 ]
[ "A preliminary investigation into tooth care, dental attendance and oral health related quality of life in adult stroke survivors in Tayside, Scotland.", "\nThe aim of this study was to investigate patterns of oral care, dental attendance and oral health-related quality of life among adults who had suffered a stroke. ", "Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability in the UK. ", "Seventy per cent of strokes occur in adults over 65 years of age. ", "A mild stroke may leave little residual disability but in cases of moderate or severe stroke the disability may be significant and may impact on oral health and function. ", "A cross-sectional survey was conducted among adults surviving 1 year after stroke, between January and July 2001. ", "A medical screening was carried out which included an assessment of disability and handicap using the modified Rankin scale. ", "A structured interview was conducted to identify normal patterns of oral care and dental attendance and to elicit if since suffering a stroke any changes had occurred or were likely to occur. ", "The Short Form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) was administered prior to an oral examination. ", "Analysis used SPSS 11.0 for Windows. ", "Parametric and nonparametric tests were undertaken (t-tests and chi-squared tests with Yates correction where appropriate). ", "Forty-one adults were recruited into the study comprising 21 female and 20 male. ", "They ranged in age from 50 to 87 years and the mean age was 69 years (SD = 9.8). ", "Forty per cent of participants experienced moderate disability or greater following their stroke. ", "Thirty-seven per cent had difficulty with tooth cleaning. ", "The most frequently reported problem was being unable to use one hand properly as a result of the stroke. ", "There was a significant association between the degree of disability following stroke and difficulty with tooth cleaning (P = 0.015). ", "Disability as a result of the stroke was cited as the main reason for reported or projected attendance pattern change. ", "The most frequently experienced OHIP-14 dimension was functional limitation (39%). ", "Individuals who have been left disabled after a stroke may require help with or advice on oral care and information on how to access dental services in a setting appropriate to their disability. ", "Further research is needed to identify the dental needs of adults with stroke and to identify appropriate interventions to meet these needs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006359387189149857, 0.0008037082734517753, 0.02627607434988022, 0.0007443210924975574, 0.0027733712922781706, 0.0005814088508486748, 0.0007138351211324334, 0.0005869782180525362, 0.0005549705820158124, 0.0006079478771425784, 0.0005918366368860006, 0.0009442276204936206, 0.0006569332326762378, 0.001281869481317699, 0.001909782411530614, 0.0012003490701317787, 0.0007452278514392674, 0.0006311797187663615, 0.0005680788890458643, 0.002228508237749338, 0.0007876317831687629 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDatabase size increases on every launch of application\n\nI have a database .Because I cant check for add/remove of song in device , I am updating my Table for songs on every launch of my application .Therefore I am getting duplicate of what ever already there in database.", "This is why my database size is increasing on every launch.", "My question is how to insert if any new songs are added and removed the song from database if any old song deleted.", "\n Cursor cursorSong = this.managedQuery(MediaStore.", "Audio.", "Media.", "EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,\n projection,selection, null, null);\nwhile (cursor.moveToNext()) {\n\n String sdata = cursor.getString(0);\n ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();\n\n initialValues.put(KEY_PATH, sdata);\n\n mDB.insert(DataHelper.", "SONG_TABLE, null,initialValues);\n }\n\nA:\n\nThis is something like syncing your application DB with the songs on the phone.", "\nTo Remove deleted songs from DB:\nIf you are maintaining file path of the song, check whether the file exists in that location. ", "If the file doesn't exist, it is that the file/song is deleted. ", "So, delete this entry in DB.", "\nTo add new entry in DB:\nBefore adding new entry, check file path of new file in existing DB. ", "If path already exists, do not insert again.", "\nBy doing this, you will be deleting unwanted entries in DB, and DB maintains only existing files on the device.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0005662690382450819, 0.0006453084642998874, 0.0006484473706223071, 0.0009312801412306726, 0.0006917131831869483, 0.0007661037379875779, 0.0012928938958793879, 0.0008460262324661016, 0.0007030495326034725, 0.0006857481203041971, 0.0022135148756206036, 0.0006395046366378665, 0.0012976867146790028, 0.0008582313312217593, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "I have a Tramex CRH. ", "I actually had three of them I used for RH testing, until I found out what a pain they were to keep in calibration and how long they took to measure RH accurately. ", "I gave two away and I'm keeping one for display during lunch-n-learns...." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.02053629420697689, 0.000662448292132467, 0.0008142944425344467 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCleaning up HTML\n\nI need to clean up chunks of HTML code (containing <tables>, <div>, <p>, <span id='something'>) into a more standardized HTML with no styling of the original HTML code, with no <tables> <div> <span>. ", "One way of cleaning up can be to remove all original HTML tags except for <ul> <li> <ol> <br> <strong> and <td> <tr> will be replaced by <p>. ", "The tags that remain will be stripped of classes, ids and attributes.", "\nHow can I do this? ", "At the moment, I am using strip_tags() which removes all tags but squeezes everything remaining into a single line, making it hard to read.", "\nExample HTML Code to Cleanup\n<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td align=\"center\">\n<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"850\">\n<tr valign=\"top\">\n<td width=\"50%\" style=\"padding-left:30px;\">\n<img border=\"0\" src=\"http://www.newpads.info/l/AC-000-078.gif\"><br>2000 Massachusetts Ave., ", "Cambridge, MA 02140<br>Phone: (617) 498-0011 - Fax: (617) 498-0044<br><a href=\"http://www.windsorrealty.net\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.windsorrealty.net</a></td>\n<td width=\"35%\" style=\"border-left: 1px solid gray; padding-left: 15px\">\n<div><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Sugandha Singh</span></div>\n<div style=\"padding:10px;\">\n<div style=\"padding:2px;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/img/phone.gif\"> 781 985 4489</div>\n<div style=\"padding:2px;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/img/email2.gif\"> ssinghrealty@gmail.com</div>\n<div><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/img/question.gif\"> <a href=\"http://ag006436.speedhatch.com/rentals/CAM-058-197/inquiry\" rel=\"nofollow\"><font size=\"3\">Ask Me A Question</font></a></div><div><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/img/magnet.png\"> <a href=\"http://ag006436.speedhatch.com\" rel=\"nofollow\"><font size=\"3\">Search My Apartments</font></a></div></div>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br><table width=\"850\">\n<tr><td colspan=\"2\" height=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#275c7d\"></td></tr><tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div style=\"font-weight:bold;\"><font size=\"3\">HARVARD LAW / SQUARE. ", "HEAT+HOTWATER INCL. ", "JAN 1. ", "1/2 FEE</font></div></td></tr></tr><tr valign=\"top\"><td><img src=\"http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=42.38047,-71.121008&amp;path=weight:4|42.37847,-71.118008|42.37847,-71.124008|42.38247,-71.124008|42.38247,-71.118008|42.37847,-71.118008&amp;zoom=15&amp;size=335x225&amp;sensor=false\" style=\"width:275px;\"></td><td><font size=\"2\"><table style=\"width:100%;height:100%;\"><tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"50%\"><table cellpadding=\"3\" style=\"width:100%;\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Basic Info</td></tr><tr><td style=\"width:45%;\">Referral ID:</td><td>CAM-058-197</td></tr><tr><td>Beds: 1</td><td>Baths: 1</td></tr><tr><td>Rent:</td><td>$1800</td></tr><tr><td>Broker Fee:</td><td>Half Month</td></tr><tr><td>Date Avail:</td><td>January 1st</td></tr><tr><td>Rent Includes:</td><td>Heat, Hot Water</td></tr><tr><td>Pet Policy:</td><td>Cat Ok</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">on Langdon St., Cambridge - Harvard Square</td></tr></table></td><td width=\"50%\"><table cellpadding=\"5\" style=\"width:100%;\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Apartment Features</td></tr><tr><td width=\"50%\">- Gas Range</td><td width=\"50%\">- HT&HW</td></tr><tr><td width=\"50%\">- Modern Bath</td><td width=\"50%\">- Modern Kitchen</td></tr><tr><td width=\"50%\">- Storage - Basement</td><td width=\"50%\"></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"></td></tr></table></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>Transportation options</b></td></tr><tr><td width=\"50%\"><div><div><div style=\"text-align:center;text-decoration:underline;\">Subway Lines and Stops</div><ul><li>RED - Harvard Square (11 min)</li></ul></td><td width=\"50%\"><div style=\"text-align:center;text-decoration:underline;\">Bus Routes and Stops</div><ul><li>74 - Waterhouse St & Massachusetts Ave (5 min)</li><li>72 - Waterhouse St & Massachusetts Ave (5 min)</li><li>77 - Massachusetts Ave & Waterhouse St (5 min)</li><li>75 - Waterhouse St & Massachusetts Ave (5 min)</li><li>71 - Waterhouse St & Massachusetts Ave (5 min)</li><li>And More...</li></ul></div></div></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div><b><font size=\"2\">Apartment Description:</font></b></div><div style=\"padding:5px;\"><font size=\"2\">Recent Renovations. ", "Great Location. ", "Easy Walk to Harvard Law School or Harvard Square.<br>All Hardwood Floors, Kitchen w/Dining Area, Good Closet Space, Laundry Facilities.<br>(pics. ", "of similar unit in the bldg)<br>HEAT and HOT WATER is INCLUDED in the RENT!<br>Available January 1.</font></div><br></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div><strong>Similar Properties</strong></div><div>1 Bd on Huron Ave., ", "$1835, NO FEE, Include Util., ", "Avail Now</div><div>1 Bd on Huron Ave., ", "$1810, Include Util., ", "NO FEE, Avail Now</div></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" height=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#275c7d\"></td></tr></table><br><table width=\"850\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373415.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373416.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td></tr><tr><tr><td height=\"10\"></td></tr><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373417.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373418.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td></tr><tr><tr><td height=\"10\"></td></tr><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373419.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td><td style=\"text-align:center;width:50%;\"><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/p/2373420.jpg\" width=\"400\" border=\"0\"></td></tr><tr><tr><td height=\"10\"></td></tr></tr></table><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td height=\"20\"></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Contact <strong>Sugandha Singh</strong> at 781 985 4489 or ssinghrealty@gmail.com.</font></td></tr></table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td height=\"25\"></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><div style=\"font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;\"><font size=\"0.6\">Equal Housing Opportunity - Windsor Realty is not responsible for any errors or omissions. ", "Terms, conditions and rent are subject to change without prior notice. ", "The information gathered is from third party sources including the owner and public records and is not guaranteed.</font></div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><img src=\"http://www.newpads.info/CLAD/904329.gif\">\n\nAfter strip_tags():\n2000 Massachusetts Ave., ", "Cambridge, MA 02140Phone: (617) 498-0011 - Fax: (617) 498-0044http://www.windsorrealty.netSugandha SinghPhone: 781 985 4489Email: ssinghrealty@gmail.com Ask Me A Question Search My Apartments1 Bd on Concord Ave., ", "HT/HW, Avail 01/01$1500 / MonthApartment DetailsApartment FeaturesReferral ID:WES-008-561Available:January 1stRent:$1500Bed(s):1Bath(s):1Rent Includes:Heat, Hot WaterFee:One MonthSubway Lines and StopsRED - Harvard Square (13 min)Bus Routes and Stops75 - Garden St Opp Mason St (7 min)74 - Garden St Opp Mason St (7 min)72 - Garden St Opp Mason St (7 min)78 - Concord Ave & Huron Ave (7 min)77 - Massachusetts Ave & Waterhouse St (8 min)And More...Contact Sugandha Singh at 781 985 4489 or ssinghrealty@gmail.com.", "Equal Housing Opportunity - Windsor Realty is not responsible for any errors or omissions. ", "Terms, conditions and rent are subject to change without prior notice. ", "The information gathered is from third party sources including the owner and public records and is not guaranteed.", "\n\nNote: I'm using Codeigniter if this helps with any parsing functions that it has.", "\n\nA:\n\n$doc = new DOMDocument();\n$doc->loadHTML(...);\n$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);\n$nodes = $xpath->query(\"//*\");\n\n$rtn = array();\nforeach ($nodes as $node)\n{\n switch ($node->nodeName)\n {\n case \"ul\":\n case \"li\":\n case \"ol\":\n case \"br\":\n case \"strong\":\n $rtn[] = $node->nodeValue;\n break;\n }\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008711638511158526, 0.0008686779765412211, 0.0011257644509896636, 0.000904984655790031, 0.0007790423114784062, 0.0007272158400155604, 0.0009768262971192598, 0.0006605377420783043, 0.0007664188160561025, 0.0013818322913721204, 0.0006528476369567215, 0.0006575571605935693, 0.0007033749716356397, 0.0007764476467855275, 0.0007892704452387989, 0.0009062737808562815, 0.001575385220348835, 0.0007198175881057978, 0.0006445643957704306, 0.001390782417729497, 0.000765661068726331, 0.000656665361020714, 0.0007198175881057978, 0.0005702211055904627, 0.0006568077369593084, 0.001489710994064808 ]
[ "Graeme Macrae Burnet\n\nGraeme Macrae Burnet (born 1967) is a Scottish author. ", "His first novel The Disappearance of Adèle Bedeau earned him the Scottish Book Trust New Writer Award in 2013, and his second novel His Bloody Project (2015) was shortlisted for the 2016 Man Booker Prize. ", "His third novel, The Accident on the A35 is a sequel to The Disappearance of Adèle Bedeau.", "\n\nBibliography\n\n The Disappearance of Adele Bedeau (2014)\n His Bloody Project (2015)\n The Accident on the A35 (2017)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Official website\n\nCategory:1967 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Scottish novelists" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0016279473202303052, 0.0008569696801714599, 0.0007375568384304643, 0.0008644838235341012 ]
[ "Peripheral neuropathy in cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome.", "\nA young adult male with cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome developed gait deterioration in childhood, with later evolution of distal wasting. ", "His physical examination revealed intention tremor, distal weakness of the upper limbs with atrophy of the thenar, hypothenar, and interossei muscles, a wide-based gait, and large-fiber sensory loss in all limbs. ", "Neuroimaging revealed stable mild chronic communicating hydrocephalus. ", "Nerve conduction studies and electromyography demonstrated a moderately severe axonal neuropathy. ", "The present case is, to our knowledge, the first reported case of peripheral neuropathy in association with cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome. ", "The latter is a rare disorder, with significant comorbidities, in which a peripheral neuropathy may be under-recognized as a late cause of functional deterioration." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0034602254163473845, 0.017686855047941208, 0.0006573337595909834, 0.0029945510905236006, 0.0018913758685812354, 0.0012909478973597288, 0.0009516869904473424 ]
[ "Identification of the rhesus monkey HLA-G ortholog. ", "Mamu-G is a pseudogene.", "\nHLA-G is a nonclassical MHC class I molecule that is primarily expressed in the placenta. ", "To investigate whether rhesus monkeys possess an HLA-G ortholog, we cloned and sequenced MHC class I cDNAs from the rhesus placenta. ", "We identified two rhesus MHC class I cDNAs with sequence similarity to HLA-G. Each cDNA contained premature stop codons and frameshift mutations, suggesting that it was derived from an MHC class I pseudogene. ", "Gene trees constructed using MHC class I alleles from human and nonhuman primates revealed that the rhesus placental pseudogene alleles clustered with HLA-G orthologs from the human, chimpanzee, and gorilla. ", "These data suggested that this rhesus MHC class I pseudogene is an HLA-G ortholog. ", "This locus was, therefore, designated Mamu (Macaca mulatta)-G. PCR amplification of a portion of Mamu-G from the genomic DNA of five rhesus monkeys resulted in the identification of five additional Mamu-G alleles and revealed the presence of four Mamu-G alleles in one rhesus monkey, suggesting that Mamu-G had been duplicated in this individual. ", "Furthermore, the analysis of 81 MHC class I clones isolated from a rhesus placenta cDNA library did not result in the isolation of Mamu-G cDNAs, nor the isolation of any additional HLA-G homologs, suggesting that Mamu-G was transcribed at negligible levels. ", "Given the similarity of rhesus monkey and human placenta structure and function, these data raise interesting questions regarding the role of HLA-G in pregnancy." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.02418500930070877, 0.28133127093315125, 0.0006691575399599969, 0.01806286908686161, 0.0012981155887246132, 0.0023329141549766064, 0.09179942309856415, 0.0014109535841271281, 0.0008005076088011265, 0.0008168579661287367 ]
[ "Alternative devices for the quantification of human motion.", "\nForce platforms and video tracking systems have been used to characterize subject movements and resultant forces to identify common characteristics of individuals who have experienced recurring falls. ", "Short-term training using force platforms with feedback has been effective in reducing sway. ", "Because of the expense and size requirements of these systems, researchers have pursued alternate means of quantifying postural motion. ", "Most recently, this has involved various combinations of accelerometers and gyroscopes. ", "This review article summarizes the main aspects of many of these designs and shows the high correlation of results obtained relative to video tracking methods. ", "Most notably, measurements of the lower leg have reached correlation coefficients as high as 0.98 when using high-pass filters to eliminate signal drift. ", "Many complications have been overcome, such that accelerometers and gyroscopes are considered acceptable for use in human motion measurement devices." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006398719269782305, 0.000576917955186218, 0.0005458749365061522, 0.0006830251077190042, 0.0006556035368703306, 0.0005398569046519697, 0.000624856969807297, 0.0006259346264414489 ]
[ "Crosswalk.com aims to offer the most compelling biblically-based content to Christians on their walk with Jesus. ", "Crosswalk.com is your online destination for all areas of Christian Living – faith, family, fun, and community. ", "Each category is further divided into areas important to you and your Christian faith including Bible study, daily devotions, marriage, parenting, movie reviews, music, news, and more.", "\n\nEvery Day Light 9/14\n\n2012Sep 14\n\nCOMMENTS\n\nSeptember 14Stop and Smell the RosesFor reading & meditation - Matthew 6:25-34\"... Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ...\" (v. 28, RSV)\n\nAnother principle that helps us cope with stress is this: Seek to overcome any rigidity in your personality. ", "You can best understand rigidity by comparing it with its opposite - flexibility. ", "A more formal definition of rigidity is this: \"The inability or refusal to change one's actions or attitudes even though objective conditions indicate that a change is desirable.\" ", "The rigid person clings to certain ways of thinking and acting, even when they are injurious to the personality and burn up their emotional energy. ", "Someone described it as similar to driving a car with the brakes on. ", "Take the housewife who worries herself into a migraine attack because she cannot maintain a scrupulously tidy home while her grandchildren are visiting. ", "Or the businessman who triggers off another gastric ulcer because he falls behind with his schedule when his secretary is away sick. ", "Inflexible goals can be crippling fetters. ", "It's no good saying, \"But there are things that have to be done, and if I don't do them, they just won't get done.\" ", "Perhaps you need to rearrange your priorities, adjust your lifestyle and learn to say Ono.\" ", "As someone put it, \"We must not drive so relentlessly forward that we cannot stop and smell the roses by the wayside.\" ", "You may be caught up in the midst of one of the busiest weeks of your year, but pause for a moment and ask yourself: am I driving, or am I being driven? ", "Am I in control of my personality, or is it in control of me? ", "Today, decide to take a step away from rigidity by pausing to \"smell a rose.\"", "\n\nO God, I am now at grips with the raw material of living; out of it must come a person - Your person. ", "Help me to be rigid only in relation to You, and flexible about everything else. ", "For Jesus' sake. ", "Amen." ]
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[ "Karen Sharpe\n\nKaren Kay Sharpe (born September 20, 1934) is an American former actress of film and television, who appeared on screen from 1952 to 1966. ", " She is the surviving third wife of producer/director Stanley Kramer, to whom she was married from 1966 until his death in 2001. ", "She has since been the caretaker of the Kramer estate and legacy.", "\n\nEarly years\nKaren Kay Sharpe was born in San Antonio, Texas, in 1934. ", " According to the federal census of 1940, her parents, Howard and Dorothy Sharp (spelled with no \"e\") were both natives of Indiana. ", " That census also documents that in 1940, the family continued to reside in San Antonio and her father worked then as a sales manager for a local electric company.", "\n\nAs a child, Karen studied ballet and dancing. ", "Her desire to be an actress led her to California, where she hoped \"to be discovered on a drug store stool, like Lana Turner ...\". ", "In Los Angeles, Sharpe studied dancing with Adolph Bolm.", "\n\nEarly career \nWhile acting in plays, Sharpe was discovered by a talent scout from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. ", "Her screen test at MGM was unsuccessful, as were later screen tests with Columbia and Universal. ", "She worked as a model, posing for magazine covers and doing commercials.", "\n\nFilm \nIn 1952, at the age of 18, Sharpe appeared in Stanley Kramer's production of The Sniper, directed by Edward Dmytryk. ", " She spoke three lines in the film while sitting on a drugstore stool and did not personally meet Kramer at that time. ", "That same year, she was cast uncredited as the younger sister of Janice Rule in the film Holiday for Sinners, opposite William Campbell. ", "In 1953, she appeared as Lucy Colfax in the John Payne-Jan Sterling film, The Vanquished. ", "\n \nDirector William A. Wellman cast Sharpe in the 1954 airline disaster film The High and the Mighty, which was distributed by Warner Bros. In the film she portrays Nell Buck, a young bride who overcomes her fear of death through passion for her new husband, Milo, played by John Smith. ", "Her performance in The High and the Mighty propelled Sharpe to the 1954 Golden Globe Award for \"New Star of the Year-Actress\". ", "In 1955, she played Stella Atkins in the western film, Man with the Gun.", "\n\nTelevision \nSharpe's initial venture into television was on The Angel and the Devil, a children's program produced by Hal Roach. ", "She went on to work on other Roach productions while still in her teens.", "\n\nDuring the 1959-1960 television season, Sharpe was cast as Laura Thomas, the girlfriend of the title character, in 18 episodes of the CBS Western series Johnny Ringo, starring Don Durant as a fictitious gunfighter turned small-town sheriff. ", "Johnny Ringo was the first series produced by Aaron Spelling. ", "In 1961, she appeared in the episode \"Never Walk Alone\" of ABC's Western series Stagecoach West, performing in the role of Ruby Walker. ", " Her other ABC appearances were on 77 Sunset Strip (twice), Hawaiian Eye, Burke's Law, The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse, and The Dakotas.", "\n\nLater in 1961, seven years after The High and the Mighty, Sharpe was reunited with John Smith in his NBC Western series, Laramie. ", "She portrayed Madge Barrington, the daughter of Colonel John Barrington, played by George Macready, whose character was presumably modeled after John Chivington of the 1864 Sand Creek massacre in Colorado. ", "In the storyline, Barrington escapes while facing a court martial at Fort Laramie for his subsequent role in the Wounded Knee Massacre in South Dakota in 1890. ", "The episode reveals that Slim Sherman was present at Wounded Knee and testified against Barrington. ", "Madge takes Slim hostage and presents papers that she contends justify her father's harsh policies against the Indians. ", "Slim manages to escape, but is trapped by the Sioux and must negotiate with the Indians to escape massacre.", "\n\nSharpe appeared in many other television series in the 1950s and early 1960s, including CBS's Racket Squad, Lux Video Theatre, Playhouse 90, General Electric Theater, The West Point Story, The Millionaire (in the lead role in \"The Anitra Dellano Story\"), Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse, Perry Mason (the title character in the 1958 episode \"The Case of the Hesitant Hostess\"), The Smothers Brothers Show, and Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.\n\nShe appeared twice on the CBS Western Rawhide, in that series' 1962 episode \"Gold Fever\" and in its 1963 episode \"Incident of the Black Ace\". ", " She also guest-starred on several other CBS Westerns: Gunsmoke, in the episode \"Sweet and Sour\"; Trackdown, playing Edith Collins in \"The Young Gun\"; The Texan, as the character Jessie Martin in \"Private Account\"; and on Yancy Derringer, performing as Patricia Lee in \"Game of Chance\". ", " In yet another television genre, she also guest-starred on David Janssen's contemporary crime drama Richard Diamond, Private Detective in \"Echo of Laughter\", one of the last episodes of that series broadcast on CBS before it switched to NBC for its final year of production.", "\n\nBesides Laramie, Sharpe appeared on several other NBC series, including Fireside Theater, Cameo Theatre, Hallmark Hall of Fame, The Ford Television Theatre, Matinee Theater (seven times), The Loretta Young Show, Bonanza, Overland Trail, The Americans, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Sharpe appeared twice on NBC's I Dream of Jeannie.", "\n\nSharpe was cast in several syndicated television series, too, including The Range Rider, Death Valley Days, and the American Civil War drama The Gray Ghost. ", "She appeared on Studio 57, when it was broadcast in 1954 on the former DuMont Television Network. ", "In 1955, she played the role of Clara Bryant Ford in the television film A Story About Henry Ford, based on the automobile mogul, who was portrayed by Arthur Franz. ", "That same year, she played Martha Custis Washington in the television film The Courtship of George Washington and Martha Custis, with Marshall Thompson, nine years Sharpe's senior, cast as Washington.", "\n\nSharpe's last roles on a regular series were in two episodes of The Wild Wild West. ", "She appeared in Jerry Lewis's 1964 film The Disorderly Orderly, during which time she met Stanley Kramer, who was also directing Ship of Fools on the lot of Paramount Studios.", "\n\nPersonal life\nIn 1957, Sharpe married actor Chester Marshall Jr. In 1961, Sharpe sued for divorce a second time, following an earlier suit and subsequent reconciliation. ", "Marshall asked for alimony when their divorce case was heard in 1962. ", "The divorce was granted on September 18, 1962, with Marshall's request for alimony having been dropped.", "\n\nKramer and Sharpe married on September 1, 1966, in Beverly Hills, California. ", "She later stopped acting to devote full time to her family, including the couple's two children, and to serve as assistant to her husband in the film industry.", "\n\nOther\nWhen Sharpe's father died, she inherited his businesses — aluminum siding, air conditioning, and moving and storage operations — and left acting to run them. ", "Four years later, in 1965, she sold the business for a profit and returned to acting.", "\n\nSharpe maintains the Stanley Kramer Library. ", "She established the Stanley Kramer Award at the Producer's Guild and the Stanley Kramer Fellowship Award in Directing through the University of California, Los Angeles. ", "Both designations showcase and honor the works of socially conscious young filmmakers.", "\n\nRecognition\nIn 1959, Modern Screen magazine gave Sharpe its Golden Key Award, designating her as \"one of the most promising young actresses in show business.\"", "\n\nFilmography\n\nFilm\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1934 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:20th-century American actresses\nCategory:Actresses from San Antonio\nCategory:American film actresses\nCategory:American television actresses\nCategory:Actresses from Los Angeles\nCategory:Western (genre) television actors\nCategory:New Star of the Year (Actress) Golden Globe winners" ]
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[ "Linda Woodhead is professor of sociology of religion at Lancaster University and Director of the AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society research programme. ", "She is also one of the most acute observers of contemporary religion and religious identity. ", "She has been conducting a series of surveys with YouGov on social and personal morality for the Westminster Faith Debates, of which she is the organiser. ", "Linda is writing an essay for Pandaemonium on the changing character of religious identity, which I will publish that next week. ", "In the meantime, here is a sneak preview of some of the data from her polling. (", "The survey was conducted by YouGov in Britain in June, with a sample size of 4018.)", "\n\nWhat is striking is the divergence between the picture of religious belief that has been painted in recent political debates and media discussions and that depicted by the YouGov data. ", "Recent debates on social morality – for instance over questions of abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and assisted dying – have suggested a dramatic division between believers and non-believers. ", "With certain notable exceptions, that is not what the data reveals. ", "Certainly, believers are more conservative than non-believers on these issues. ", "But they are also far more liberal than politicians, journalists or religious leaders are willing to acknowledge.", "\n\nTake for instance the question of abortion. ", "Respondents were asked whether the time limit on abortions (currently set at 24 weeks) should be changed. ", "Forty per cent wanted to keep the time limit as it is, 6% wanted to increase it, 29% to lower it and 6% to ban abortion altogether. ", "Non-believers are slightly more liberal, believers slightly less so. ", "But the differences are not huge: (the survey broke the figures down into many more denominational categories; I have selected just a few. ", "I have also contracted the wording of the choices to make it easier to fit into a table on a blog; the actual choices presented to respondents were ‘Increasing the time limit to above 24 weeks’, ‘Keeping the time limit at 24 weeks’, ‘Reducing the time limit to below 24 weeks’ and ‘Banning abortions altogether’):\n\nAll respondents No religion Anglican Catholic Jewish Hindu Raise time limit 6 8 5 5 7 9 Keep it at 24 weeks 40 46 39 32 48 35 Reduce it to below 24 weeks 29 26 33 31 23 15 Ban abortions altogether 6 3 6 16 3 9 Don’t know 18 17 17 16 18 33\n\nThe Catholic response is particularly striking. ", "Sure, 16 per cent of Catholics want to ban abortions altogether. ", "But two-thirds defy Vatican teaching by accepting abortion of some kind, a third want to keep the time limit unchanged, while an astonishing one in 20 Catholics wants a more liberal abortion law than exists now.", "\n\nEqually striking are the figures for Muslims, a group that diverges from the norm:\n\nAll respondents Muslim Increase time limit 6 12 Keep it at 24 weeks 40 18 Reduce it below 24 weeks 29 17 Ban abortions altogether 6 20 Don’t know 18 33\n\nTwenty per cent of Muslims want to ban abortion altogether, a much higher figure than the general population, and higher than any other religious group. ", "At the same time, 12 per cent of Muslims want to increase the time limit, twice the figure in the general population, and higher than in any other religious group. ", "Muslims, in other words, are highly polarised on this issue, which is perhaps why nearly third polled ‘don’t know’. ", "So much for the idea of a homogenous Muslim community with a single set of beliefs.", "\n\nOn the question of assisted suicide, too, the differences between believers and non-believers are not as great as some might think. ", "People were asked:\n\nEuthanasia is the termination of a person’s life, in order to end suffering. ", "Do you think British law should be kept as it is, or should it be changed so that people with incurable diseases have the right to ask close friends or relatives to help them commit suicide, without those friends or relatives risking prosecution?", "\n\nTheir response (Again, I have contracted the wording of the choices; the actual choices presented to the respondents were ‘The law should be kept as it is’ and ‘The law should be changed to allow assisted suicide in these circumstances’):\n\nAll respondents No religion Anglican Catholic Jewish Hindu Muslim Keep law as it is 14 7 14 26 17 22 48 Change law to allow assisted suicide 76 85 77 63 71 53 30 Don’t know 11 8 10 12 12 25 21\n\nMuslims are again significantly more conservative. ", "But believers in most faiths, like the population as a whole, want a change in the law.", "\n\nSimilarly, on the question of same-sex marriage, believers are far more liberal than the current debate might have suggested. ", "People were asked ‘Do you think that same sex marriage is right or wrong?’", "\n\nAll respondents No religion Anglican Catholic Jewish Hindu Muslim Right 46 62 38 35 53 30 15 Wrong 37 21 47 47 33 40 67 Don’t know 17 17 15 18 13 30 18\n\nBelievers are considerably less liberal on this issue than non-believers, and (with the notable exception of Jews) less liberal than the general population, too, but in most cases not to an alarming degree. ", "Most faiths are divided on the issue, just like Britain as a whole, not what you might have gathered from the recent public debate. ", "Again, the one group that is strikingly more conservative are Muslims, but again not nearly so conservative as Free Presbyterians, not one of whom thought that same sex marriage was acceptable.", "\n\nWhat the data reveal is the growing divergence between the beliefs of most believers and the beliefs of those who are taken to represent their views. ", "It also reveals the changing character of religious belief.", "\n\nBelievers who are most conservative on issues of social morality are, unsurprisingly, also those who possess the greatest certainty in the existence of God and who make moral decisions primarily on the basis of explicit religious sources. ‘", "This “moral minority” of strict believers’, Woodhead suggests, ‘amounts to almost 4% of the population, and is spread across religious traditions, with a greater concentration among Baptists and Muslims.’ ", "Only a minority of believers, however, look to scripture or to religious institutions for moral guidance. ", "The poll asked people about the source on which they most relied for moral guidance. ", "Here is how they answered (the respondents were given more choices in the survey, but I have eliminated some of the less relevant categories):\n\nAll respondents No religion Anglican Catholic Jewish Hindu Muslim Own reason & judgment 35 41 34 29 40 17 12 Own intuition or feelings 21 21 23 21 17 13 11 Family 18 18 21 20 14 25 8 Trusted friends 4 4 4 4 5 0 1 God or ‘higher power’ 4 0 4 8 3 13 22 Tradition & teachings of my religion 3 0 3 8 8 4 12 Science 3 5 2 0 2 7 1 Scripture or Holy book 2 0 1 1 0 1 17 Religious group to which I belong 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 Religious leaders, local & national 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Don’t know 3 2 3 3 7 7 10\n\nSome of these categories may seem confusing. ", "For instance, the categories ‘God or “higher power”’, ‘Tradition and teachings of my religion’ and ‘Scripture or holy book’ would seem to overlap to a large degree. ", "Nevertheless, the patterns revealed in the data are clear. ", "Most people, religious or non-religious, look to themselves and, to a lesser degree, to their family and friends for moral guidance. ", "Few believers these days seem to find moral authority in religion itself.", "\n\nEven among Muslims, who from this survey are the most rule-bound or book-bound of believers, the impact of these changes are visible. ", "A quarter of Muslims looked to their ‘own reason or intuition’ as the means of making moral decisions, and barely half the sample looked to religion in whatever form, whether the Qur’an, the imam or tradition. ", "Virtually no one, of any faith, according to this survey at least, look today to religious leaders when making up their moral minds.", "\n\nWe can read these shifts in different ways. ", "They reveal, on the one hand, a greater willingness to think for oneself, and to use reason as a means of moral decision making; on the other, they reveal also, perhaps, a more individualized society, and the erosion of collective mechanisms for coming to moral decisions. ", "However we read the figures, the data point to a significant change in the way that believers think about religious belief and a growing convergence between believers and non-believers in forms of moral decision-making. ", "They suggest, too, that we need to rethink ideas of religious identity, of the relationship between believers and religious institutions, and of whom we take to be representative of religious views on moral issues. ", "These questions, I suspect, will be at the heart of Linda’s upcoming essay on this issue." ]
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[ "Parliamentarian of the United States House of Representatives\n\nThe Parliamentarian of the United States House of Representatives manages, supervises, and administers its Office of the Parliamentarian, which is responsible for advising presiding officers, Members, and staff on procedural questions under the U.S. Constitution, rule, and precedent, as well as for preparing, compiling, and publishing the precedents of the House.", "\n\nThe Parliamentarian is appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position. ", "Advice from the Parliamentarian's Office is confidential upon request.", "\n\nThe Parliamentarian, or an assistant parliamentarian, usually sits or stands to the right of the Speaker or Speaker pro tempore (or the Chair of the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, when the House has resolved into that forum) and advises that presiding officer how to respond to such things as parliamentary inquiries, points of order, and the ordinary workings of the procedures of the House.", "\n\nThe legitimacy of parliamentary procedure in the House depends on nonpartisan procedural advice that is transparently consistent. ", "The Parliamentarian achieves the requisite consistency by fidelity to precedent, and the requisite transparency by publication. ", "The publications of the Office of the Parliamentarian range from a biennial deskbook to a decennial hornbook to a perennial series of formal precedents. ", "The House Rules and Manual – comprising the Constitution, Jefferson’s Manual, and the rules of the House, each with parliamentary annotations – is the biennial publication that ensures that legislative practitioners have access to the most up-to-date citations of authority on legislative and parliamentary procedure. ", "As such it might be the single most useful tool a legislative practitioner could have. ", "\n\nProbably the most important job of the Office of the Parliamentarian in the long term is the compilation of the precedents. ", "The commitment of the House to the principle of stare decisis in its procedural practice – the idea that fidelity to precedent cultivates levels of consistency and predictability that, in turn, foster fairness in the resolution of questions of order – depends implicitly on the compilation of precedents. ", "Being rigorous about what constitutes actual legal precedent and striving to apply pertinent precedent to each procedural question engenders consistency, and therefore predictability, in procedural practice and, consequently, enhances the perceived legitimacy and fairness, and therefore the integrity, of the proceedings of the House.", "\n\nParliamentarians\n\nThe position of parliamentarian was previously known as the \"Clerk at the Speaker's table,\" in which capacity the noted parliamentarian Asher Hinds served as an adviser to the powerful Speakers \"Czar\" Reed and \"Uncle Joe\" Cannon, who used precedent and procedure to facilitate their assertive management of House business (both were excoriated by opponents as \"czarlike\" or \"tyrannical\").", "\n\nA Parliamentarian has been appointed by the Speaker in every Congress since 1927. ", "In the 95th Congress the House formally established an Office of the Parliamentarian to be managed by a nonpartisan Parliamentarian appointed by the Speaker (). ", "The compilation and distribution of the precedents of the House are authorized by law (, et seq.). ", "The current Parliamentarian is Thomas J. Wickham Jr. He succeeds John V. Sullivan (2004–12), Charles W. Johnson III (1994–2004), William Holmes Brown (1974–94), and Lewis Deschler (1928–74).", "\n\nSee also\nParliamentarian of the United States Senate\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\nThe Office of the Parliamentarian in the House and Senate Congressional Research Service\n\nCategory:Employees of the United States House of Representatives" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to add a CSS class to Angular parent when using router-outlet for child\n\nI have a structure like this\n<!-- ", "parent -->\n<div>\n <!-- ", "child gets injected by router -->\n <router-outlet></router-outlet>\n</div>\n\nI want to add a class to the parent div if the router produces a particular child component. ", "I saw a similar question with presumably a correct answer but it does not use the router so it will not work for me.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can inject the Router into your parent component, and use [ngClass].", "\nconstructor(public router: Router) { }\n\nThen in the template:\n<div class=\"container\" [ngClass]=\"{'test' : router?.url === '/home'}\">\n\n <router-outlet></router-outlet>\n</div>\n\nThis will add a class called test if the router is set to /home.", "\nYou can see it in action here \n\n" ]
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[ "Recent brain scans of NFL hall of famer Joe DeLamielleure, who was diagnosed with CTE, the brain injury that is affecting so many former football players. (", "Jeff Siner/Charlotte Observer/MCT via Getty Images)\n\nA shocking report from PBS Frontline says 76 of 79 deceased NFL players suffered from the degenerative brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).", "\n\nCTE is caused by repeated head trauma, where the functioning of the brain is interrupted and nerve cells begin to die, according to Frontline. ", "It is associated with memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and, eventually, progressive dementia.", "\n\nThe Department of Veterans Affairs’ brain repository in Bedford, Mass., which conducted the study, said that amounts to a twofold increase in the number of CTE cases it has previously reported.", "\n\nThe study's brain specimens were donated by players and families who suspected the presence of the disease, presenting a skewed population. ", "But Dr. Ann McKee, the director of the brain bank, pointed to a link between the intensity and length of playing football and traumatic brain injury.", "\n\n\"Playing football, and the higher the level you play football and the longer you play football, the higher your risk,\" McKee said.", "\n\nThe report comes as an Oct. 14 deadline nears for retired NFL players and their beneficiaries to decide whether to opt out of a proposed settlement in the class-action lawsuit against the NFL that accuses the league of concealing a link between football and brain disease.", "\n\nThe lawsuit, brought by more than 4,500 former players, is likely to be bolstered by the new report as it suggests a high prevalence of the disease among players, Frontline notes.", "\n\nThe NFL has been under scrutiny over the risks players face in sustaining such heavy hits during practice and games, and how it may affect their brains. ", "Other autopsies of former NFL players has shown that they were suffering from CTE, which may have influenced their behavior.", "\n\nEarlier in September, the NFL released data that led it to conclude nearly a third of all retired players will develop a long-term cognitive problem, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.", "\n\nWhen asked for a comment on the findings, the NFL did not reply to Frontline." ]
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[ "Hatchimals HatchiBabies are the newest characters from Hatchtopia! ", "The egg will need love and care to hatch either a boy or girl! ", "It also comes with a rattle, hairbrush, bottle, high chair, birth certificate and cuddle buddy!" ]
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[ "Johann Friedrich Unger\n\nJohann Friedrich Gottlieb Unger (1753 in Berlin – December 26, 1804 in Berlin) was a German printer and publisher.", "\n\nHe was the fifth son of the printer Johann Georg Unger (October 26, 1715 in Goes bei Pirna – August 15, 1788 in Berlin) and his wife Susanna Katharine (maiden name: Strucken). ", "He took on an apprenticeship at the print shop of the Oberhof printer Georg Jacob Decker. ", "In 1779 Unger requested a print shop for himself and in January 1780 he was granted one. ", "Later, he expanded it to a publishing bookseller, in which he published works by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, Friedrich Schleiermacher as well as August and Friedrich Schlegel.", "\n\nFrom 1784 onward he attempted repeatedly to gain approval to publish what would have been Berlin’s first daily newspaper. ", "His attempts were rejected as the two existing newspapers in Berlin were found to be sufficient and another newspaper would overload the censors. ", "In 1802 Unger nonetheless became co-owner of the Vossische Zeitung.", "\n\nIn 1793, he invented the \"Unger-Fraktur\", a type of Fraktur.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:German printers\nCategory:German publishers (people)\nCategory:1753 births\nCategory:1804 deaths" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy does subprocess.", "Popen not work\n\nI tried a lot of things but for some reason I could not get things working. ", "I am trying to run dumpbin utility of MS VS using a Python script.", "\nHere are what I tried (and what did not work for me)\n1.", "\ntempFile = open('C:\\\\Windows\\\\temp\\\\tempExports.txt', 'w')\ncommand = '\"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/dumpbin\" /EXPORTS ' + dllFilePath\nprocess = subprocess.", "Popen(command, stdout=tempFile)\nprocess.wait()\ntempFile.close()\n\n2.", "\ntempFile = open('C:\\\\Windows\\\\temp\\\\tempExports.txt', 'w')\ncommand = 'C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/dumpbin /EXPORTS ' + dllFilePath\nprocess = subprocess.", "Popen(command, stdout=tempFile)\nprocess.wait()\ntempFile.close()\n\n3.", "\ntempFile = open('C:\\\\Windows\\\\temp\\\\tempExports.txt', 'w')\nprocess = subprocess.", "Popen(['C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\\\VC\\\\bin\\\\dumpbin', '/EXPORTS', dllFilePath], stdout = tempFile)\nprocess.wait()\ntempFile.close()\n\ndoes anyone have any idea on doing what i am trying to do (dumpbin /EXPORTS C:\\Windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll > tempfile.txt) correctly in Python?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe argument pattern for Popen expect a list of strings for non-shell calls and a string for shell calls. ", " This is easy to fix. ", " Given:\n>>> command = '\"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/dumpbin\" /EXPORTS ' + dllFilePath\n\nEither call subprocess.", "Popen with shell=True:\n>>> process = subprocess.", "Popen(command, stdout=tempFile, shell=True)\n\nor use shlex.split to create an argument list:\n>>> process = subprocess.", "Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=tempFile)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0011076402151957154, 0.0008609502110630274, 0.0009066559141501784, 0.0007561417296528816, 0.0009751729667186737, 0.0011380184441804886, 0.0009934233967214823, 0.0011165011674165726, 0.0010854490101337433, 0.0010226594749838114, 0.0008275115978904068, 0.0006054689292795956, 0.0010181948309764266, 0.00090346101205796, 0.004436830524355173, 0.0009045618935488164 ]
[ "\n951 F.Supp. ", "95 (1997)\nDavid L. BRIGHT, Plaintiff,\nv.\nNORSHIPCO AND NORFOLK SHIPBUILDING & DRYDOCK CORPORATION, Defendants.", "\nCivil Action No. ", "2:96cv985.", "\nUnited States District Court, E.D. Virginia, Norfolk Division.", "\nJanuary 28, 1997.", "\nMichael F. Imprevento, Breit, Drescher & Breit, Norfolk, VA, and Mark C. Brodeur and J. Joseph Reina, Brodeur & Reina, P.C., Dallas, TX, for plaintiff David L. Bright.", "\nRonda L. Brown and Thomas Michael Lucas, Vandeventer, Black, Meredith & Martin, Norfolk, VA, for defendants Norshipco and Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corp.\n\nOPINION AND ORDER\nDOUMAR, District Judge.", "\nMr. Bright is suing his former employers, the defendants in this case, for alleged discrimination resulting from his disability. ", "He alleges violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., (", "the \"ADA\"), along with two pendent state claims. ", "Defendants have responded with a \"Motion to Dismiss or Alternatively Motion to Stay the Action and Compel Arbitration.\" ", "The alternative motions contend that the collective bargaining agreement between Norshipco and Mr. Bright's union requires Mr. Bright to submit his ADA claim to the binding grievance and arbitration procedures set forth in the agreement. ", "The Court agrees with the defendants. ", "Therefore, because Mr. Bright has not submitted his claim to the necessary grievance/arbitration procedures, the Court will dismiss without prejudice Mr. Bright's ADA claim. ", "Further, because the Court consequently has no supplemental jurisdiction over Mr. Bright's state claims, the Court also will dismiss without prejudice Mr. Bright's state claims.", "\n\nI. Background\nMr. Bright had been employed by defendants since 1979 as a rigger. ", "In 1992, a workplace accident resulted in the amputation of Mr. Bright's left thumb. ", "After returning to work, Mr. Bright's physician prescribed work restrictions for Mr. Bright, *96 including prohibitions on overtime, repetitive lifting with his left hand, and climbing ladders, along with weight-lifting restrictions.", "\nIn the ensuing months, Mr. Bright alleges, a series of incidents led him to believe that his supervisors were discriminating against him because of his disability. ", "Mr. Bright further alleges that this discrimination culminated in his termination on February 12, 1996. ", "Consequently, Mr. Bright asserts that the defendants' actions amount to a violation of the ADA, wrongful termination under Virginia law, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress. ", "Mr. Bright decided to pursue remedies for these alleged wrongs in this Court.", "\nMr. Bright, however, is bound by a collective bargaining agreement between Norshipco and Mr. Bright's bargaining representative, Local No. ", "684 of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO (collective bargaining agreement hereinafter referred to as \"Agreement\").", "\nArticle I, Section 7 of the Agreement provides:\n(a) The Company and the Union agree that, as required by applicable laws, they will not discriminate against any employee because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status....\n....\n(c) This Agreement shall be administered in accordance with the applicable provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and other state and federal non-discrimination statutes and regulations.", "\n(d) Any and all disputes arising under this Article, as with all other articles of this contract, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Grievance and Arbitration provisions of this contract. ", "Decisions rendered in arbitration with respect to such disputes shall be final and binding upon the parties and the affected employees. ", "Nothing contained in this Article shall preclude any employee from exercising his/her rights under federal and state law.", "\nArticle XI of the Agreement sets forth the grievance and arbitration procedures:\nSection 1. ", "The term \"Grievance\" as used in this Agreement shall mean any complaint, disagreement, or difference in opinion between any Employee or the Union and the Company which concerns the interpretation of application of an article or provision of this Agreement.", "\n....\n[Article XI goes on to provide a detailed, four-step grievance process. ", "At the conclusion of this process, Article XI provides:] If the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted ... the Union may submit the case to arbitration.... The decision of such arbitrator on any grievance which shall have been submitted to the arbitrator ... shall be final and binding upon the Company and the Union and the Employees concerned therein....\nMr. Bright, however, has neither grieved nor attempted to arbitrate his claim. ", "Instead, he argues that use of the grievance/arbitration procedure is permissive, not mandatory, and thus \"relates only to cases, unlike this one, where the aggrieved employee has elected the CBA's grievance and arbitration procedure rather than litigation.\" ", "Pl.", "Mem. ", "at 2. ", "He points to two phrases in the agreement: (1) the final sentence of Article I, Section 7, which says, \"Nothing contained in this Article shall preclude any employee from exercising his/her rights under federal and state law,\" and (2) the arbitration clause itself, which states, \"the Union may submit the case to arbitration.\" (", "emphasis added).", "\n\nII. ", "Analysis\nThe recent landmark case, Austin v. Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc., 78 F.3d 875 (4th Cir.1996), so nearly mirrors the instant case that an extended discussion of Austin appropriately follows.", "\nIn Austin, a unionized employee sued her employer for violating Title VII and the ADA. ", "The collective bargaining agreement, by which the plaintiff in Austin was bound, provided:\n\n*97 ARTICLE 38\nFair Employment Practice and Equal Opportunities\n1. ", "The Company and the Union will comply with all laws preventing discrimination against any employee because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status.", "\n2. ", "This Contract shall be administered in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.", "\n....\n3. ", "Any disputes under this Article as with all other Articles of this Contract shall be subject to the grievance procedure.", "\nId. at 879-80. ", "The panel in Austin noted that the grievance procedure specifically provided for binding arbitration, and further quoted the collective bargaining agreement:\nARTICLE 32\nArbitration\n1. ", "All disputes not settled pursuant to the procedure set forth in Article 31, Grievance Procedure, may be referred to arbitration....\n....\n5. .... ", "The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding upon both parties.", "\nId. at 880.", "\nPursuant to this agreement, the employer in Austin had filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. ", "In rejecting both Ms. Austin's contractual interpretation that arbitration was permissive and her policy arguments against the arbitration of Title VII and ADA claims, the Fourth Circuit held,\nMiss Austin is a party to a voluntary agreement to submit statutory claims to arbitration..... This voluntary agreement is consistent with the text of Title VII and the Disabilities Act, the legislative intent behind those statutes, and the purposes of those statutes. ", "Finding that Congress did not intend to preclude arbitration of claims under Title VII and the Disabilities Act, we hold that the arbitration provision in this collective bargaining agreement is enforceable.", "\n....\nSince we have affirmed an adjudication that the court could not hear [Ms. Austin's claim] because of agreed-upon arbitration, the dismissal of the case should be without prejudice to the merits of the claim asserted. ", "Whether or not Miss Austin has abandoned her claim or otherwise rendered it unenforceable by choosing to attempt to litigate the same rather than arbitrate it is also a question upon which we express no opinion.", "\nOn remand, the district court will amend its order dismissing the case to insure it expresses no opinion on the merits of the claim, or whether or not the same is subject to arbitration, or whether or not it may now be so asserted.", "\nId. at 885-86.", "\nIn the instant case, Mr. Bright understandably but vainly struggles to distinguish Austin. ", "He first argues that the grievance/arbitration procedure in the Agreement is permissive, not mandatory, because the Union \"may\" submit the case to arbitration. ", "Unfortunately for Mr. Bright, Austin dealt with an identical objection, and held that \"the purpose of the word `may' in this section of the collective bargaining agreement is to give an aggrieved party the choice between arbitration and abandonment of his claim, he `may' either arbitrate or abandon the claim.\" ", "Id. at 879.", "\nMr. Bright alternatively bases the supposed permissiveness of arbitration on the final sentence of Article I, Section 7, which says, \"[n]othing contained in this Article shall preclude any employee from exercising his/her rights under federal and state law.\" ", "This alternative argument is refuted nearly as easily as the first argument. ", "The immediately preceding sentences in Article I, Section 7 says these disputes SHALL be subject to the grievance procedure, and the result of that procedure SHALL be final and binding. ", "The parties surely did not intend to undo the first two sentences by saying in the third sentence that nothing precludes the exercise of the employee's \"rights under federal and state law.\" ", "Instead, the third sentence likely is an informative sentence, meant *98 to explain to employees that they are not losing rights; instead, disputes involving those rights simply will be adjudicated in arbitration rather than litigation. ", "Further, the Court must resolve any doubt in favor of arbitration. ", "See Dean Witter Reynolds v. Byrd, 470 U.S. 213, 218, 105 S.Ct. ", "1238, 1241, 84 L.Ed.2d 158 (1985); United Steelworkers v. Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co., 363 U.S. 574, 80 S.Ct. ", "1347, 4 L.Ed.2d 1409 (1960); McCrea v. Copeland, 945 F.Supp. ", "879 (D.Md. ", "1996).[1]\nMr. Bright's remaining contentions essentially present the same policy arguments against arbitration that Austin rejected. ", "Ordinarily, this Court would simply cite Austin as dispositively refuting those arguments and comment no further. ", "Because this Court so emphatically agrees with the reasoning underlying Austin and other recent cases favoring the arbitration of disputes, however, additional remarks seem appropriate.", "\nA free country, such as the United States, typically provides a court system for parties to resolve disputes peacefully and effectively. ", "Statutes and the common law developed to help courts resolve the complex conflicts that arise in a free society. ", "The raison d'etre for lawyers and the adversarial process traditionally was to provide laypersons with affordable, expeditious resolutions of disputes. ", "Yet, somehow in the development of the law through the last half of this century, the process became an end in itself rather than simply the means by which parties resolve disputes. ", "The unintended consequences of well-meant but ill-advised changes in some of the most important facets of litigation, such as the acceptance of \"notice pleading\" (some say \"no pleading\"), expansive discovery, and liberal motions practice, helped cause this unfortunate evolution.", "\nAs a result, access to the courts now is neither affordable nor expeditious. ", "In many federal district courts and state courts, years pass before an aggrieved party can even have the proverbial day in court. ", "In the meantime, the process grinds along, inflicting staggering legal expenses on the parties. ", "Except for the very rich (and very poor, in some circumstances), we have simply priced the court system beyond the reach of most citizens, because the cost of litigation far exceeds the value of the decision itself. ", "Indeed, even the most resourceful parties often decline to pursue legal rights, simply because quickly accepting or paying a sum of money in settlement of any claim often costs far less than determining in court the merit of that claim. ", "In short, our current legal system for resolving disputes is losing the respect of the public and is rapidly approaching failure.", "\nThe consequent embracing of alternative methods of dispute resolution should surprise no one. ", "The arbitral process, for instance, nearly always exceeds the judicial process in speed, efficiency, and inexpense. ", "We should view arbitration not with suspicion but with relief. ", "Arbitration and other alternative methods of dispute resolution provide for ordinary citizens and businesses what our court system no longer produces with any regularity: Affordable, speedy justice. ", "Until we solve the ills besieging our courts, I urge the United States Supreme Court, the Fourth Circuit, and all other federal courts to favor the arbitration of disputes. ", "For the record, this Court surely does.", "\n\nIII. ", "Conclusion\nPursuant to Austin and this Court's interpretation of the Agreement, the Court FINDS that the Court has no jurisdiction over plaintiff's ADA claim, because the Agreement mandates the use of the grievance/arbitration process to resolve this claim. *", "99 As Austin directed, this Court expresses no opinion on either the underlying merits of plaintiff's claims or whether his claim has been rendered unenforceable by his choosing to attempt litigation rather than prompt grievance and arbitration. ", "Pursuant to the rule of law in Austin, Count One of plaintiff's complaint, which contains his ADA claim, is hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.", "\nBecause the Court must dismiss plaintiff's federal claim, the Court is without jurisdiction to hear plaintiff's remaining state-law claims, set forth in Counts Two and Three of his complaint. ", "Accordingly, all remaining claims and counts in plaintiff's complaint also are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.", "\nThe Clerk is DIRECTED to forward a copy of this order to counsel for all parties.", "\nIT IS SO ORDERED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Nevertheless, arbitration \"is a matter of contract and a party cannot be required to submit to arbitration any dispute which he has not agreed so to submit.\" ", "AT & T Technologies, Inc. v. Communications Workers of America, 475 U.S. 643, 648, 106 S.Ct. ", "1415, 1418, 89 L.Ed.2d 648 (1986); PaineWebber, Inc. v. Bybyk, 81 F.3d 1193, 1198 (2d Cir.1996). ", "For instance, in a case decided by this Court today, Rudolph v. Alamo Rent-A-Car, Civil Action No. ", "2:96cv732, ___ F.Supp. ___ (", "E.D.Va.1997), this Court declined to compel arbitration of the plaintiff's claims of sexual harassment under Title VII, because the plaintiff's employment contract simply failed to require the arbitration of her statutory claims. ", "As the opinion in Rudolph explains at length, if an employment contract provides arbitration only of contractual disputes and no where specifically provides for the arbitration of statutory disputes, this Court will not grant a motion to compel arbitration of statutory claims.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMap de objeto não retorna todos os dados\n\nEstou tentando passar um map em uma api que deve imprimir vídeos em um site. ", "Quando termina de fazer o map ele não está pegando os vídeos da próxima categoria e populando o objeto.", "\nCriei o seguinte JSON para testes:\n[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\",\n \"videos\": [\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWWOW7T82Hw\",\n \"title\": \"Dribles mais humilhates da historia\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [\n {\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOqfupUXkkY\",\n \"title\": \"Os movimentos mais bonitos do futebol\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [\n {\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 29,\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\",\n \"videos\": [\n {\n \"id\": 3,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-gWb3sV9mY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [\n {\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 4,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu5K2IRrsiY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro 2\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [\n {\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n\nE estou fazendo o seguinte map no objeto:\nconst [videosObject] = videoCategories.map((item) =>\n item.videos.map((obj) => obj),\n)\n\nEu entendi que desestruturando o objeto usando [videosObject, videosObject2] eu consigo pegar todos os dados dos dois objetos do array porém eu queria colocar os 4 objetos de vídeo que estão nos 2 arrays vídeos em somente um objeto do tipo array com esse 4 objetos e imprimir esses dados e não estou sabendo qual o recurso eu utilizo.", "\n\nA:\n\nUma maneira de vc conseguir o resultado que deseja e que eu acho a melhor maneira, por ser mais simples, é criar a variável videosObject como sendo um array e simplesmente fazer um push nela com os objetos dos vídeos:\n\nlet videoCategories = [{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\",\n \"videos\": [{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWWOW7T82Hw\",\n \"title\": \"Dribles mais humilhates da historia\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOqfupUXkkY\",\n \"title\": \"Os movimentos mais bonitos do futebol\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }]\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 29,\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\",\n \"videos\": [{\n \"id\": 3,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-gWb3sV9mY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 4,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu5K2IRrsiY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro 2\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }]\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n\nlet videosObject = [];\n\nvideoCategories.map(item => item.videos.map(obj => videosObject.push(obj)))\n\nconsole.log(videosObject)\n\nAgora se quiser manter a maneira que fez desestruturando os objetos com os vídeos e guardando nas variáveis [videosObject, videosObject2], irá precisar de outra variável e nesta nova variável juntar os objetos dos vídeos utilizando spread operator (...)\n\nlet videoCategories = [{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\",\n \"videos\": [{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWWOW7T82Hw\",\n \"title\": \"Dribles mais humilhates da historia\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOqfupUXkkY\",\n \"title\": \"Os movimentos mais bonitos do futebol\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"futebol\",\n \"name\": \"Futebol\"\n }]\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 29,\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\",\n \"videos\": [{\n \"id\": 3,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-gWb3sV9mY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }]\n },\n {\n \"id\": 4,\n \"link\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu5K2IRrsiY\",\n \"title\": \"Videos engraçados de cachorro 2\",\n \"index\": false,\n \"image\": \"no-img.jpg\",\n \"categories\": [{\n \"slug\": \"cachorro\",\n \"name\": \"Cachorro\"\n }]\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n\nconst [videosObject, videosObject2] = videoCategories.map(item => item.videos.map(obj => obj))\n\nconst videos = [...videosObject, ...videosObject2]\nconsole.log(videos)\n\n" ]
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[ "I think Ted needs to read this.", "\n\nNo horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. ", "No stream or gas drives\nanything until it is confined. ", "No Niagara is ever turned into light and power\nuntil it is tunneled. ", "No life ever grows great until it is focused,\ndedicated, disciplined. ", "-Harry Emerson Fosdick" ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nThe muscular capacity of the subtalar pronators and supinators of the foot plays a key role in the medio-lateral stability of the ankle joint complex \\[[@CR1]--[@CR3]\\]. ", "In the prevention of recurrent ankle sprains, subtalar joint-specific pronator strength training is recommended to counteract peroneal muscle weakness \\[[@CR4], [@CR5]\\], to enhance pronator-to-supinator strength-ratio \\[[@CR6], [@CR7]\\], and to regulate inappropriate foot positioning before ground contact \\[[@CR8]\\]. ", "Strengthening the supinators increases the antipronator capacity of the deep plantarflexors (tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus) \\[[@CR2]\\] which is potentially beneficial in the prevention of running-related overuse injuries \\[[@CR9], [@CR10]\\].", "\n\nIt is well known that the human capability to exert torque around a given joint varies throughout the range of motion. ", "This so-called 'strength curve' is explained, firstly, by changes in the length of each muscle surrounding the joint, the length-tension relationship \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "Secondly, the length of the lever arms varies when the joint position is changed. ", "Due to anatomical differences, the strength curve of each joint has its individual shape \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "Although isokinetic testing is often applied in strength diagnostics, Hay \\[[@CR11]\\] recommends repeated maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) in different joint angles for determining a strength curve. ", "Isokinetic measurements show remarkable variability at the extreme ranges of the movement, because isokinetic dynamometers do not provide a constant angular velocity across the full range of motion \\[[@CR13]\\].", "\n\nSo far, there has been little research into the angle-dependent strength capacity of the pronators and supinators. ", "As pronator and supinator muscle strength is important to counteract inversion and eversion moments \\[[@CR14]\\], the isometric strength capacity should be assessed across a wider range of subtalar motion. ", "Due to the complex geometry of the subtalar joint with an oblique resultant movement axis \\[[@CR15]\\], the strength curves of the pronators and supinators of the foot are poorly understood. ", "Although research has focused the peak torques during isokinetic strength measurements, our recent study is the only one which investigated maximum voluntary isometric pronator and supinator strength across the active range of subtalar joint motion. ", "In a sample of healthy young males, the pronator strength curve showed an inverted U-shaped characteristic, whereas the supinator curve descends from pronated to supinated position \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "Apart from the peak torques, the pronator-to-supinator strength ratio (PSR) is clinically relevant because co-contraction of opposing muscles across a joint is important to maintain dynamic joint stability \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "It is well known that both active and passive properties of skeletal muscle are influenced by age \\[[@CR18], [@CR19]\\] and sex \\[[@CR20]--[@CR23]\\]. ", "It is hypothesized that sex- and age-related differences in muscle strength influence the pronator and supinator strength curve characteristics and the PSR. ", "Hence, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the isometric angle-dependent pronator and supinator strength capacity in younger and older males and females.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nParticipants {#Sec3}\n------------\n\nMaximum isometric strength tests of the pronators and supinators of the dominant foot were administered to 30 younger and 30 elderly volunteers (each 15 male and 15 female) (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The younger participants were sports students of the local university, and the elderly were recruited by word-of-mouth recommendation and by postings at the local university. ", "All volunteers completed a screening health questionnaire before participation. ", "All participants reported no contraindications to resistive exercise, no major neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction of the lower extremities, and no orthopaedic, cardiac or visual problems in the past two years. ", "No medication was being taken by the subjects that would have been expected to affect physical performance. ", "All elderly people lived self-determined without extra-care. ", "The navicular drop test was performed by an experienced clinician (DSB) to determine the characteristics of the medial longitudinal foot arch. ", "As increasing midfoot mobility might have confounded the outcome measures, participants having greater than 10 mm of navicular drop \\[[@CR24]\\] were excluded from the study. ", "This criterion has previously been used to classify participants as having excessive pronation \\[[@CR25], [@CR26]\\]. ", "Background information and informed written consent was collected prior the first test session. ", "The study was approved by the ethics committee of the local university hospital in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.", "Table 1Anthropometric data (mean ± SD)Group (n)Age (years)Height (m)Body mass (kg)Body mass index (kg/m^2^)Foot length (mm)Navicular drop (mm)Young women (15)23.9 ± 2.11.71 ± 0.0762.9 ± 7.921.4 ± 2.224.6 ± 0.949 ± 12Young men (15)26.3 ± 2.71.85 ± 0.0784.2 ± 10.824.7 ± 2.727.7 ± 1.044 ± 12Elderly women (15)66.7 ± 6.11.63 ± 4.768.6 ± 12.427.0 ± 4.524.6 ± 1.140 ± 18Elderly men (15)61.5 ± 5.41.78 ± 8.085.3 ± 13.025.7 ± 4.926.8 ± 1.248 ± 16\n\nInstrumentation {#Sec4}\n---------------\n\nSubtalar strength testing was performed using a specific foot apparatus mounted on a wooden base plate \\[[@CR16]\\] (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The movement axis was orientated corresponding to the subtalar joint axis deviating about 23° to medial and about 41° to dorsal from the longitudinal foot axis \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "A sport shoe (males: size US 10; females: size US 7) was mounted onto the foot plate. ", "The toe box of the shoe's upper was removed so that strength testing was possible for subjects with variable foot lengths between 24.5 cm to 25.7 cm (i.e. shoe sizes US 6 to 8) for females and between 26.5 cm to 29.5 cm (i.e. shoe sizes US 8.5 to 11.5) for males. ", "In neutral position (shank perpendicular to foot sole), the foot plate of the apparatus was aligned in parallel to the floor and to the longitudinal axis of the foot. ", "During testing, the forefoot was additionally fixed with a belt. ", "To eliminate the mechanical influence of gastrocnemius muscle, which would have influenced the range of ankle and subtalar joint motion as well as the resulting pronator and supinator capacity, strength testing was performed in a seated position so that hip and knee joint were each positioned at approximately 90°. ", "Associated motions of hip and knee were prevented by straps which were placed around the thigh (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "1Biomechanical setup for determination of the isometric angle-torque relationship of the subtalar pronators and supinators. **", "a** Neutral position; **b** -24° pronated position; **c** 40° supinated position\n\nTwo force transducers (Kistler 9321A, Winterthur, Switzerland) were used to record the maximum resulting voluntary isometric pronator and supinator torques. ", "According to the assumption that the axis of the foot apparatus corresponds to the subtalar joint axis \\[[@CR15]\\], strength testing was administered in random order in five anatomical positions within the subtalar movement plane: 24° and 8° pronated position, 8°, 24° and 40° supinated position (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The angles are related to neutral position with the shank perpendicular to horizontal and the foot (2^nd^ ray) oriented in parallel to the thigh (Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) so that the frontal plane angle between the calcaneus and the tibia was 0°. ", "Degrees of pronation were negative, and degrees of supination were positive. ", "The correct placement of the anatomical angle was controlled by using an electrogoniometer (Megatron MP 10, Germany) which was aligned with the machine axis.", "\n\nStrength testing {#Sec5}\n----------------\n\nAs isolated subtalar pronation and supination are quite unfamiliar movements, the participants were instructed in the setup approximately one week before the experiment started. ", "After verbal explanation and a practical demonstration, the participants performed a number of practice strength tests with their dominant foot. ", "Leg dominance was determined as the leg which is preferred for kicking a ball. ", "On the experimental day subjects underwent a 10-min warm up on a bicycle ergometer and a number of submaximal repetitions for familiarisation. ", "As described previously \\[[@CR27]\\], all subjects performed three valid maximum voluntary isometric pronation and supination contractions in each subtalar joint angle. ", "In each trial the participants were instructed to perform a ramp contraction and to hold MVIC for a minimum of two seconds. ", "Rapid contractions showing an initial spike were excluded from the analysis and repeated. ", "Strength testing was supplemented by biofeedback procedure by displaying the real time signal of the force sensor on a monitor. ", "All experimental applications were conducted by the same testers (DSB, SS).", "\n\nThe maximum of each torque-time-curve was registered as peak pronator torque (PPT) and peak supinator torque (PST), respectively. ", "Before each MVIC trial, the force sensor signal was reset to zero. ", "Thereby, the effect of gravity on the combined weight of the leg and the movement arm of the foot apparatus as well as the pretension of the passive structures were eliminated. ", "Thus, it can be assumed that only the active torque-length-relationship of the pronators and supinators of the subtalar joint was determined. ", "A two-minute rest was provided between the trials to prevent fatigue \\[[@CR28]\\]. ", "Apart from the PPT and PST normalized to body mass, the relative strength curves were analysed. ", "For this purpose the PPT and PST data were normalized by setting a value of 100 to the peak value of each subject's torque-length-relationship and expressing the values obtained at the other joint angles as a percentage of the peak value. ", "Furthermore, the PSR was calculated by dividing the PPT to the PST for each joint angle.", "\n\nRange of subtalar motion {#Sec6}\n------------------------\n\nBefore strength testing, the active range of subtalar motion (ROM) was quantified using the procedure by Hagen et al. ", "\\[[@CR29]\\]. ", "The subjects performed three repeated pronations and supinations to maximum end-range of active motion. ", "Maximum pronation and supination ROM and the overall ROM (sum of pronation and supination ROM) were determined.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec7}\n--------------------\n\nThe measurement parameters were averaged for each subject before further statistical treatment. ", "Unless otherwise stated, an alpha level of 0.05 was set for significance for all statistical analyses. ", "A three-way ANOVA with repeated measures comprising 'joint angle' and the independent factors 'age' and 'sex' was applied to identify differences in angle-torque relationship and the relative strength curves. ", "According to the relative pronator and supinator strength curves, post-hoc tests were conducted with subsequent Bonferroni corrected significance to 0.0083. ", "A chi-square test was used to determine if there were significant differences among groups in the joint angle at which the peak of the strength curve occurred. ", "A two-way ANOVA was performed to identify ROM differences between factors 'age' and 'sex'.", "\n\nResults {#Sec8}\n=======\n\nIn Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} the differences in subtalar ROM are presented. ", "The ANOVA reveals a significant age x sex interaction (*P* \\< 0.05; F~(1,56)~ = 4.9; η^2^~p~ = 0.08), indicating that younger females have greater pronation ROM compared to the other three groups. ", "Significant main effects of age on supination (*P* \\< 0.05; F~(1,56)~ = 5.8; η^2^~p~ = 0.09), pronation (*P* \\< 0.01; F~(1,56)~ = 8.1; η^2^~p~ = 0.13) and overall ROM (*P* \\< 0.01; F~(1,56)~ = 10.5; η^2^~p~ = 0.16) reveal reduced ROM in the elderly groups.", "Table 2Range of motion (mean ± SD)Group (n)Pronation ROM (°)Supination ROM (°)Overall ROM (°)Young women (15)47.5 ± 6.553.9 ± 6.6101.4 ± 7.9Young men (15)41.9 ± 4.152.3 ± 8.294.2 ± 10.8Elderly women (15)40.3 ± 6.348.7 ± 5.889.0 ± 10.4Elderly men (15)41.0 ± 4.849.0 ± 6.890.0 ± 10.4P-Values (2-way-ANOVA)\\<0.01^a^\\<0.05^a^\\<0.01^a^\\<0.05^ba^significant main effect: age^b^significant interaction: age x sex*ROM* range of motion\n\nIn Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the angle-dependent PSTs and PPTs (normalized to body mass) are illustrated. ", "Across all groups the PST curves show a steadily descending shape from the pronated to the supinated joint angles (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, the PPT curves have an ascending-descending characteristic except for the younger females who do not show increasing torque between −24° and −8° (Fig.", " [2b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Both PPT and PST are affected by significant joint angle x age interactions (PPT: *P* \\< 0.001; F~(4,56)~ = 8.29; η^2^~p~ = 0.13; PST: *P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 22.4; η^2^~p~ = 0.29). ", "Apart from significant main effects of joint angle for PPT (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 75.55; η^2^~p~ = 0.574) and PST (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 371.8; η^2^~p~ = 0.87), both PPT (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(1,56)~ = 38.55; η^2^~p~ = 0.41) and PST (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(1,56)~ = 63.9; η^2^~p~ = 0.53) are higher in younger compared to elderly people. ", "As indicated by the joint angle x age interactions, these age-related differences in PST and PPT depend on the subtalar joint angle. ", "The ANOVA also reveals a significant main effect of sex (*P* \\< 0.01; F~(1,56)~ = 12.5; η^2^~p~ = 0.183) on PST.Fig. ", "2Peak supinator (**a**) and pronator torque (**b**) normalised to body mass. ", "Mean values are shown without error bars for clarity\n\nThe relative supinator strength curves (Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) show a nearly congruent characteristic between −24° and −8°. ", "There is a trend to a joint angle x sex interaction (P = 0.05; F~(4,56)~ = 2.4; η^2^~p~ = 0.04) indicating a higher angle-dependent supinator strength capacity for males which becomes obvious in joint angles 8° (+26 %) and 24° (+50 %). ", "Apart from a significant main effect of joint angle (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 742.5; η^2^~p~ = 0.93), the ANOVA reveals a significant main effect of sex (*P* \\< 0.01; F~(1,56)~ = 7.5; η^2^~p~ = 0.12) on relative supinator strength. ", "In joint angle 8°, the post-hoc analyses reveal significant differences (*P* \\< 0.01) between the younger males and the other three groups.", "Fig. ", "3Relative supinator (**a**) and pronator torque (**b**) as a percentage of peak torque throughout the range of subtalar motion. ", "Mean values are shown without error bars for clarity\n\nThe pronator strength curve of the younger females differs from the other groups (Fig.", " [3b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Both male groups and the elderly females display an inverted U-shaped pronator strength curve with increasing strength from −24° to −8°. ", "In the younger males and both female groups the curve descends from −8° to 40°, while in elderly males a plateau of peak pronator strength is present around the neutral subtalar joint position between −8° and 8°. ", "In contrast, relative peak pronator torque of young females is nearly equal in −24° and −8° with 89 and 92 %, respectively. ", "Interestingly, in joint angle −24° relative pronator strength is 58 % higher in younger females compared to younger males (*P* \\< 0.01). ", "According to the differences in the relative pronator strength, the ANOVA reveal significant joint angle x sex x age (*p* \\< 0.05; F~(4,56)~ = 2.9; η^2^~p~ = 0.05) and joint angle x sex (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 6.4; η^2^~p~ = 0.10) interactions. ", "Significant main effects of joint angle (*P* \\< 0.0001; F(4,56) = 79.9; η^2^~p~ = 0.59) and sex (*P* \\< 0.01; F(1,56) = 10.6; η^2^~p~ = 0.16) on relative pronator strength were found. ", "In joint angle 40°, significant differences become obvious between younger females and both younger (*P* \\< 0.01) and elderly males (*P* \\< 0.01).", "\n\nIn Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} it is shown how the aforementioned differences are reflected in the chi-square distribution, concerning the subtalar joint angle, at which the peak of the individual pronator strength curve occurs. ", "In younger females, PPT is observed in equal numbers (47 % each) in −24° and −8°. ", "The most frequent PPT angle for elderly females is −8° (53 %), for both younger and elderly males at 8° (47 %). ", "The chi square test reveals a significant difference in frequency of PPT between the sexes at 8°, indicating a shift to the supinated positions for males: only 13 % of the females but 47 % of the males have their PPT at 8°.Fig. ", "4Distribution of the joint angles at which individual subjects attained their greatest peak pronator torque (PPT). ", "EW, elderly women; YW, younger women EM, elderly men; YM, younger men. ", "Chi-square test reveals significant age effect (*P* \\< 0.05) in angle 8°\n\nThe isometric pronator-supinator strength-ratios (PSR, Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}) show an ascending characteristic. ", "Generally, a higher relative supinator strength capacity is found in the pronated positions −24° and −8°, except in elderly males whose PSR is nearly even in −8°. ", "We found higher pronator strength capacity in the supinated positions, except in younger males who show a nearly equalized pronator and supinator capacity in 8°. ", "The ANOVA reveals a significant joint angle x age interaction (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 5.3; η^2^~p~ = 0.09), indicating a higher angle-specific PSR for the elderly groups. ", "We found significant main effects of joint angle (*P* \\< 0.0001; F~(4,56)~ = 55.7; η^2^~p~ = 0.5) and age (*P* \\< 0.01; F~(1,56)~ = 10.1; η^2^~p~ = 0.15) on PSR.Fig. ", "5Isometric angle-dependent pronator-to-supinator torque ratio. ", "Mean values are shown without error bars for clarity\n\nAn additional table file shows the descriptive strength data in more detail \\[see Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}\\].", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec9}\n==========\n\nThe purpose of the present study was to analyse the isometric angle-dependent subtalar pronator and supinator capacity in younger and elderly males and females. ", "The age- and sex-related differences in PST and PPT are in agreement with previous studies whose findings also revealed differences in muscle morphology between males and females \\[[@CR20]--[@CR23]\\], and between younger and elderly subjects \\[[@CR18], [@CR19]\\].", "\n\nConsistent with our recent experiment \\[[@CR16]\\], we find descending supinator strength curves from a pronated to supinated position across all investigated groups and inverted U-shaped pronator strength curves in males and elderly females. ", "Significant strength x age interactions can be explained by both differences in muscle activation and muscle-tendon properties. ", "Compared to younger males, elderly males have shown lower muscle volume combined with shorter muscle fibers \\[[@CR30], [@CR31]\\] and reduced pennation angle \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "These structural differences in muscle architecture are expected to change the angle-torque relationship. ", "In a model, Reeves et al. ", "\\[[@CR30]\\] explained that longer muscle fascicles with a higher number of sarcomeres would cause a greater shortening of each sarcomere for the same whole muscle shortening and, thus, would flatten the angle-torque relationship. ", "Furthermore, tendinous tissue properties have a marked effect on muscle function \\[[@CR32]\\], but the role of these changes in lowered muscle function with aging is not clear as there are inconsistent findings in the area of aging and muscle-tendon complex properties. ", "Aging also reduces agonist activation \\[[@CR33]\\] and increases antagonistic co-activation \\[[@CR34]\\], which both may contribute to age-related differences in the angle-torque relationship.", "\n\nSignificant strength x sex interactions in the strength curves could be caused by sex-differences in the muscle-tendon properties which have been found previously \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "Data suggest that estrogen may contribute toward a diminished collagen synthesis rate in females, resulting in lower collagen content \\[[@CR36], [@CR37]\\] and reduced ligament stiffness \\[[@CR36]\\]. ", "Significant joint angle x age x sex interactions of pronator strength are related to the strength difference between the younger females and the other three groups in the most pronated position 24°. ", "In this joint angle, young females are able to exert a 41 % higher PPT compared to males (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Furthermore, our findings reveal a higher pronation ROM and overall subtalar ROM in younger females compared to all other groups which is in agreement with previous research \\[[@CR38], [@CR39]\\]. ", "According to the age x sex interaction in pronation ROM, the large pronator muscle strength of younger females in end-ranged pronation may result from reduced inhibitory tension of the passive joint structures \\[[@CR21]--[@CR23]\\] which allows them to achieve higher PPTs. ", "One possible explanation for the age x sex interaction in ROM is that estrogen level decreases postmenopausal \\[[@CR36], [@CR37]\\], and given the average age of our older female sample was 66.7 years, this would likely have influenced their results.", "\n\nAn interesting and clinically relevant finding is the lower pronator strength of younger females compared to younger and elderly males in the most supinated position 40°. ", "As pronator strength is crucial to counteract rapid inversion moments, lower pronator strength in this joint angle would be disadvantageous. ", "However, PSR is not different between younger females and younger males. ", "We also found higher relative supinator strength in the supinated angles 8°and 24° for younger males compared to younger females. ", "Both differences in relative subtalar pronator and supinator muscle strength in the supinated positions suggest an angle-dependent lower strength capacity for younger females in relation to their peak torques. ", "Considering the higher incidence rate of lateral ankle sprains in female athletes \\[[@CR40]\\], strengthening the subtalar pronators and supinators in the supinated positions would be beneficial.", "\n\nTo our knowledge, this is the first study documenting the characteristic of the subtalar angle-dependent PSR-curves on the basis of MVIC testing. ", "Previous isokinetic studies analysed the dynamic PSR by dividing the peak pronator torque, which was recorded in a maximum voluntary concentric contraction across the active range of motion, by the peak supinator torque of the subsequent antagonistic contraction \\[[@CR6], [@CR41]--[@CR46]\\]. ", "By using this procedure, PSR only reflects the ratio of the peak pronator torque to the peak supinator torque neglecting the subtalar joint angle, where the peak torques occur. ", "Consequently, it appears questionable whether this method represents the real PSR. ", "In our opinion, the weakness of this approach could be an explanation for the inconsistent findings of isokinetic assessments of PSR in subjects with chronic ankle instability. ", "In unstable ankles, pronator torque is reported to reach 47 and 84 % of supinator torque during concentric contractions at velocities of 30°/s and 120°/s, respectively \\[[@CR46]\\], while Baumhauer et al. ", "\\[[@CR6]\\] and de Noronha & Borges \\[[@CR44]\\] report on a nearly equalised PSR at 30°/s. ", "In subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome, PSR was found to be about 15 % higher at 30°/s as compared to non-injured controls \\[[@CR45]\\]. ", "In several studies with healthy subjects, pronator torque is reported to reach a value 90 % of supinator torque at 30°/s \\[[@CR6], [@CR42]--[@CR45]\\]. ", "It was also found that, according to Hill's force-velocity-relationship, peak pronator and supinator torques will be decreased if testing velocity is increased \\[[@CR6], [@CR43], [@CR46]\\]. ", "Furthermore, this decrease in strength becomes obvious to a lesser extent for supination (−31 %) than for pronation (−44 %) \\[[@CR43]\\]. ", "However, it has not been discussed how this affects PSR. ", "As our findings of isometric strength tests reveal an angle-dependent PSR curve with an increasing shape from the pronated to the supinated joint angles, we recommend isometric measurements in several joint angles to be part of subtalar strength assessment. ", "Isometric subtalar strength testing reflects the real muscular strength capacity when MVICs are performed across the active range of motion \\[[@CR11]\\].", "\n\nFrom a clinical point of view, PSR is likely an indicator of muscular imbalance between the medial and lateral stabilisers of the foot. ", "Despite a significant main effect of age and significant age x angle interaction, all groups showed increasing PSR as the foot is moved into greater supination angles. ", "As mentioned, this angle-dependent PSR characteristic, whereby relative pronator strength capacity was higher in end-ranged supination and vice versa, is likely to be advantageous in preventing lateral ankle injuries. ", "However, an appropriate amount of absolute muscle strength is indispensable to counteract external supinator and pronator moments during dynamic movements. ", "Therefore, PSR is a supplementary rather than a single parameter for functional subtalar strength diagnostics.", "\n\nLimitations {#Sec10}\n-----------\n\nThe likelihood of sustaining an acute ankle injury mainly depends on both foot positioning at ground contact \\[[@CR47], [@CR48]\\] and dynamic joint stabilisation by co-contraction of the surrounding muscles \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "As dynamic stabilisation is affected by muscle stiffness which is described as the extent to which a muscle resists mechanical stretch \\[[@CR49]\\], one limitation of the present study is that our MVIC testing procedure only reflects the isometric active resulting torque-length-relationship of the pronators and supinators. ", "Further investigations are needed to elucidate the stress--strain characteristics of the passive elements in the subtalar joint movement plane.", "\n\nA further limitation of the study is that our subtalar testing device has the same axis position for all participants. ", "It has to be mentioned here that variations in the spatial orientation of the subtalar joint axis and other foot axes were found both within the population and in dynamic movements \\[[@CR50]\\].", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec11}\n===========\n\nWhen testing the pronator and supinator muscle strength across subtalar range of motion, age- and sex-related differences in subtalar strength profile and range of motion have to be considered as both affect the strength curves and PSR. ", "Younger females were found to have higher pronator strength capacity in the most pronated joint angle, which may bepartly due to their greater subtalar joint range of motion when compared to younger males and elderly subjects. ", "As pronator and supinator muscle strength is important for dynamic joint stabilisation, for both feed-forward control and to counteract inversion and eversion moments, the subtalar strength capacity and the PSR should be assessed isometrically across a wider range of subtalar motion for clinical purposes.", "\n\nAdditional file {#Sec12}\n===============\n\nAdditional file 1:**Summary of the strength results of all groups (mean ± SD)**. (", "PDF 220 kb)\n\nMVIC\n\n: Maximum voluntary isometric contraction\n\nROM\n\n: Range of subtalar motion\n\nPPT\n\n: Peak pronator torque (= maximum resulting voluntary isometric pronator torque)\n\nPST\n\n: Peak supinator torque (= maximum resulting voluntary isometric supinator torque)\n\nPSR\n\n: Pronator-to-supinator-strength ratio\n\n**Competing interests**\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nMH and ML conceived and designed the experiments. ", "DSB, SS and MH performed the experiments. ", "MH, DSB and SS analysed the data. ", "MH and ML drafted the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nWe thank all the subjects in the study. ", "We are grateful to thank Heinrich Peter Kutsch (University Duisburg Essen) for his technical support and to Jan Schilling for his linguistic assistance in drafting this manuscript.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "\n\nPublished in 2019 by Britannica Educational Publishing (a trademark of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.) in association with The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010\n\nCopyright © 2019 by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, and the Thistle logo are registered trademarks of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n\nRosen Publishing materials copyright © 2019 The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n\nDistributed exclusively by Rosen Publishing. ", " \nTo see additional Britannica Educational Publishing titles, go to rosenpublishing.com.", "\n\nBritannica Educational Publishing \nJ.E. Luebering: Executive Director, Core Editorial \nAndrea R. 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", " \nClassification: LCC QB521.5 .S8647 2018 | DDC 523.7—dc23 \nLC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018016349\n\nManufactured in the United States of America\n\nPhoto credits: Cover (top), p. 1 Carlos Fernandez/Moment/Getty Images; cover (bottom) tsuneomp/Shutterstock.com; back cover © iStockphoto.com/lvcandy; p. 7 Juergen Faelchle/Shutterstock.com; p. 11 Larry Brownstein/Getty Images; pp. ", "12, 14 © Photos.com/Thinkstock; p. 13 © Photos.com/Jupiterimages; p. 16 NASA; pp. ", "18, 37, 57, 62 SOHO (ESA & NASA); pp. ", "26, 32-33, 55, 70-71 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.; p. 29 Courtesy of Big Bear Solar Observatory, California Institute of Technology; pp. ", "34-35 Hinode JAXA/NASA; p. 39 NASA/GSFC/SDO/AIA; p. 41 G.L. Slater and G.A. Linford; S.L. Freeland; the Yohkoh Project; p. 43 Werner Heil/NASA; p. 47 TRACE Project/NASA; p. 50 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences/The Institute for Solar Physics; pp. ", "64-65 NASA/Johnson Space Center/Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory; pp. ", "78-79 NASA/GSFC; p. 81 NASA/Lunar and Planetary Institute; p. 83 NASA/JPL/Caltech; pp. ", "94-95 NASA/JPL; pp. ", "106-107 NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute; pp. ", "112-113 Stocktrek Images/Getty Images; interior pages background (blue triangles) DiamondGraphics/Shutterstock.com.", "\nCONTENTS\n\nIntroduction\n\nCHAPTER 1\n\nUnderstanding the Sun\n\nThe Sun By the Numbers\n\nThe Internal Structure of the Sun\n\nThe Sun's Evolution\n\nThe Sun's Atmosphere\n\nHelioseismology: Mapping the Sun's Internal Structure\n\nThe Sun's Chromosphere and Corona\n\nThe Solar Wind\n\nCHAPTER 2\n\nTypes of Solar Activity\n\nSolar Prominences\n\nSolar Flares\n\nThe Sun's Effects on Earth\n\nThe Science of Earth's Auroras\n\nCHAPTER 3\n\nOur Solar System\n\nThe Composition of the Solar System\n\nDiscovery of the Kuiper Belt\n\nOrbits in the Solar System\n\nThe Nature of Planets and Their Moons\n\nAsteroids and Comets\n\nThe Interplanetary Medium\n\nCHAPTER 4\n\nOur Solar System's Origin\n\nEarly Theories on the Origin of the Solar System\n\nDevelopments of the Twentieth Century\n\nModern Theories\n\nFormation of the Solar Nebula\n\nThe Inner and Outer Planets\n\nPlanets of Other Stars\n\nLater Stages of Planetary Accretion\n\nFormation of the Outer Planets and Their Moons\n\nThe Small Bodies\n\nRing Systems\n\nThe Sun's Angular Momentum Puzzle\n\nOther Solar Systems\n\nPlanets of the Solar System\n\nConclusion\n\nGlossary\n\nBibliography\n\nIndex\nINTRODUCTION\n\nThe Sun far outweighs all other components of the solar system combined. ", "In fact, the Sun contains more than 99 percent of the mass of the entire solar system. ", "Nevertheless, the Sun is a fairly average-sized star. ", "From Earth it looks so much larger and brighter than other stars only because it is so much nearer to Earth than any other star. ", "If the Sun were much farther away, it would look much like many other stars in the night sky. ", "But if this were so, life as we know it could not exist on Earth. ", "The Sun provides nearly all the heat, light, and other forms of energy necessary for life on Earth. ", "In fact, the Sun provides the great majority of the energy of the solar system.", "\n\nAstronomers believe that the solar system formed as a by-product of the formation of the Sun itself some 4.6 billion years ago. ", "According to the prevailing theory, the Sun and its many satellites condensed out of the solar nebula, a huge interstellar cloud of gas and dust. ", "The solar system began forming when the gravity of this interstellar cloud caused the cloud to start contracting and slowly spinning. ", "This could have been caused by random fluctuations in the density of the cloud or by an external disturbance, such as the shock wave from an exploding star.", "\n\nThe Sun and Moon during a solar eclipse.", "\n\nAs the interstellar cloud squeezed inward, more and more matter became packed into the center, which became the protosun (the material that later developed into the Sun). ", "The contraction caused the cloud to spin faster and faster and to flatten into a disk. ", "Eventually, the center of the cloud collapsed so much that it became dense enough and hot enough for nuclear reactions to begin, and the Sun was born.", "\n\nMeanwhile, away from the center, the gas and dust in the spinning disk cooled. ", "Solid grains of silicates and other minerals, the basis of rocks, condensed out of the gaseous material in the disk. ", "Farther from the center—where temperatures were lower—ices of water, methane, ammonia, and other gases began to form. ", "The spinning material in the disk collided and began to stick together, forming larger and larger objects. ", "Ultimately, some of the clumped-together objects grew huge and developed into planets.", "\n\nThe inner planets formed mostly from chunks of silicate rock and metal, while the outer planets developed mainly from ices. ", "Smaller chunks of matter and debris that did not get incorporated into the planets became asteroids (in the inner part of the solar nebula) and comet nuclei (in the outer part of the nebula). ", "At some point after the matter in the nebula had condensed and clumped into objects, the intensity of the solar wind suddenly increased. ", "This blew much of the rest of the gas and dust off into space.", "\n\nThis general formation process is thought not to be unique to the solar system but rather to be how stars and planets throughout the universe develop. ", "Astronomers have detected disks of matter surrounding newly formed stars.", "\n\nThe future of the solar system depends on the behavior of the Sun. ", "If current theories of stellar evolution are correct, the Sun will have much the same size and temperature for about 5 billion more years. ", "By then, all of the hydrogen in its core will have been used up. ", "Other nuclear reactions will begin in a shell around the core. ", "Then the Sun will grow much brighter and larger, turning into a red giant and expanding beyond the orbit of Venus, perhaps even engulfing Earth. ", "Much later, when all its nuclear energy sources are exhausted, the Sun will cool down, evolving into a white dwarf star. ", "Around it will orbit the remaining planets. ", "They will have turned into frozen chunks, orbiting their shrunken star.", "\nCHAPTER 1\n\nUNDERSTANDING THE SUN\n\nAlthough the Sun is a rather ordinary star, it is the source of virtually all Earth's energy. ", "It provides the heat and light that make life on Earth possible. ", "Yet Earth receives only about half a billionth of the energy that leaves the Sun.", "\n\nThe telescope has been used in solar studies since 1610. ", "The solar tower telescope was later invented for use in solar studies. ", "Its long focal length can give very large images of the Sun. ", "The coronagraph, another special telescope, is used to examine the Sun's outer atmosphere. ", "The instrument blocks the direct light from the Sun's disk, allowing the much dimmer corona to be viewed.", "\n\nThe Italian scientist Galileo Galilei and the German mathematician Christoph Scheiner were among the first to make telescopic observations of sunspots. ", "Scheiner's drawings in the Rosa Ursina are of almost modern quality, and there was little improvement in solar imaging until 1905. ", "In the 1670s the British astronomer John Flamsteed and the French astronomer Gian Domenico Cassini calculated the distance to the Sun. ", "Sir Isaac Newton set forth the role of the Sun as the centre of attraction of the known planetary system.", "\n\nThe sunset over Joshua Tree National Park, in California.", "\n\nThe sunspot cycle, a huge effect, was not discovered until 1843 by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe. ", "The German amateur astronomer was looking for a planet inside the orbit of Mercury and made careful daily drawings to track its passage across the face of the Sun. ", "Instead he found that the number of sunspots varied with a regular period. ", "The Swiss astronomer Rudolf Wolf confirmed Schwabe's discovery by searching through previous reports of sunspots and established the period as 11 years. ", "Wolf also introduced what is termed the Zurich relative sunspot number, a value equal to the sum of the spots plus 10 times the number of groups, which is still used today.", "\n\nIllustration from Galileo's \"History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots and Their Properties,\" or \"Letters on Sunspots,\" 1613.", "\n\nMuch of the work at this time was carried out by wealthy amateurs such as Richard Christopher Carrington of Britain, who built a private observatory and discovered the differential rotation and the equatorward drift of activity during a sunspot cycle. ", "He was the first (with another Englishman, R. Hodgson) to observe a solar flare. ", "Photographic monitoring began in 1860, and soon spectroscopy was applied to the Sun, so elements present in the Sun and their physical state could begin to be investigated. ", "In the early part of the 19th century, Joseph von Fraunhofer mapped the solar spectrum. ", "At the end of the 19th century, spectroscopy during eclipses revealed the character of the atmosphere, but the million-degree coronal temperature was not established until observations of coronal spectral lines were made in 1940 by the German astrophysicist Walter Grotrian.", "\n\nDrawings of sunspots from German mathematician Christoph Scheiner's Rosa Ursina (1630).", "\n\nIn 1891, while he was a senior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, George Ellery Hale invented the spectroheliograph, which can be used to take pictures of the Sun in any single wavelength. ", "After using the instrument on the great Yerkes refractor in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, U.S., Hale developed the Mount Wilson Observatory in California and built the first solar tower telescopes there. ", "Prior to the construction of the Mount Wilson facility, all solar observatories were located in cloudy places, and long-term studies were not possible. ", "Hale discovered the magnetic fields of sunspots by observing the splitting of their spectral lines into a number of components; this splitting, known as the Zeeman effect, occurs in the presence of a strong magnetic field. ", "By continuously studying the spots for two cycles, he discovered, with the American astronomer Seth Barnes Nicholson, the law of sunspot polarities.", "\n\nPhotograph of a solar eclipse at Rivabellosa, Spain, July 18, 1860.", "\n\nLater, in 1953, the American father-and-son team of astronomers Harold and Horace Babcock, working with the same instruments, developed the magnetograph, with which the polar field was detected. ", "In the 1930s the French astronomer Bernard Lyot introduced the coronagraph, which made possible spectral observations of the corona when the Sun is not in eclipse, and the birefringent filter, which permitted two-dimensional monochromatic images. ", "With the Lyot filter, cinematography of the solar activity of magnetic and velocity fields became a reality. ", "In the 1960s the American astronomer Robert Leighton modified Hale's spectroheliograph so that it could measure both velocities and magnetic fields and with it discovered solar oscillations.", "\n\nAfter 1950, new observatories were established in areas that were less cloudy. ", "By 1960 astronomers realized that these sites not only had to be clear but that they also had to have stable air. ", "By locating observatories near lakes and by employing electronic imaging and vacuum telescopes, astronomers were able to make new, higher-resolution observations. ", "In 1969 the movement began with the Aerospace Corporation Observatory (now the San Fernando Observatory) and the Big Bear Solar Observatory, both in California. ", "Free of ground effects, these observatories achieved a new level of stable images and were soon followed by lake-sited solar observatories in India and China.", "\n\nAn entirely new dimension of solar studies was initiated by the space age. ", "With one or two exceptions, all of the important spectral lines from the chromosphere and corona are in the ultraviolet, and since the photosphere is relatively weak in the ultraviolet, it is easy to disentangle the images of the upper layer from the powerful visible radiation of the photosphere. ", "Moreover, satellites sampling the solar particles have the ability to monitor directly solar waves and particles that do not reach the ground. ", "However, the task is not easy. ", "Ultraviolet optics demanded special coatings and films (now charge-coupled devices) for observing. ", "Special solar trackers were required to keep the image steady, and good telemetry was needed for the large data flow. ", "For the corona, special coronagraphs were developed, with a series of occulting disks in front of an ultraclean lens. ", "For X-rays, a high rate of photon detections per unit time was required to avoid early problems with pulse pile-up. ", "The development of instruments to study the Sun also benefited the creation of satellites that explored beyond the solar system.", "\n\nThe Sun, showing a spectacular solar flare, with a base more than 591,000 km (367,000 miles) across.", "\n\nThe U.S. Orbiting Solar Observatory series of satellites (OSO 1–8, launched from 1962 to 1975) made the first observations of X-rays and gamma rays from solar flares. ", "They also were the first to observe gamma rays emitted from nuclear reactions in flares and to use an externally occulted coronagraph to view coronal mass ejections. ", "A huge advance in resolution came with Skylab, a crewed U.S. space station that used leftover hardware from the Apollo project. ", "Skylab produced the first high-resolution images in the ultraviolet lines as well as the first X-ray images of the corona. ", "The Skylab images displayed the coronal holes for the first time, and the timing of their disk passage showed their role as a source of high-speed solar wind streams and geomagnetic disturbances.", "\n\nThe next important spacecraft was the U.S. Solar Maximum Mission (SMM), launched in 1980. ", "New technological developments permitted greatly improved data, particularly on the solar-cycle dependence of the solar constant. ", "Hard X-ray data could be obtained without saturation. ", "In 1981 SMM's attitude control system malfunctioned, and the SMM mission was suspended until 1984 when it was repaired by the space shuttle Challenger.", "\n\nJapan launched two very successful satellites, Hinotori and Yohkoh, in 1981 and 1991, respectively. ", "Hinotori obtained the first measurements of a superthermal (30,000,000–40,000,000 K) cloud produced by solar flares, which is the source of the soft X-ray burst accompanying all solar flares. ", "Yohkoh produced continuous images of the corona in soft X-rays, detected and located hard X-ray bursts, and produced important soft X-ray spectra.", "\n\nIllustration of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft.", "\n\nThe European Space Agency spacecraft Ulysses, launched in 1990, was the first space probe to travel in a polar orbit around the Sun. ", "It discovered that the solar wind speed does not increase continuously toward the poles but rather levels off at high latitudes at 750 kilometres (450 miles) per second.", "\n\nThe U.S. satellites Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), launched in 1995 and 1998, respectively, have produced many important results. ", "SOHO can observe the Sun continuously, and, among its many discoveries, it has found that sunspots are shallow and that the solar wind flows outward by waves in vibrating magnetic field lines. ", "TRACE was a powerful tool for exploring the chromosphere-corona interface and found that much of the heating in the corona takes place at its base.", "\n\nThe Japanese spacecraft Hinode, launched in 2006, discovered magnetic waves in the solar chromosphere that drive the solar wind. ", "The two spacecraft of the U.S. Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission, also launched in 2006, formed a 90° angle with the Sun in order to make stereoscopic images of it. ", "The U.S. satellite Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), launched in 2010, carries three instruments that observe the Sun every 10–50 seconds to study changes that previously launched satellites were not able to observe.", "\n\nTHE SUN BY THE NUMBERS\n\nThe Sun is classified as a G2 V star, with G2 standing for the second hottest stars of the yellow G class—of surface temperature about 5,800 kelvins (K)—and the V representing a main sequence, or dwarf, star, the typical star for this temperature class. (", "G stars are so called because of the prominence of a band of atomic and molecular spectral lines that the German physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer designated G.) The Sun exists in the outer part of the Milky Way Galaxy and was formed from material that had been processed inside a supernova.", "\n\nThe Sun is not, as is often said, a small star. ", "Although it falls midway between the biggest and smallest stars of its type, there are so many dwarf stars that the Sun falls in the top 5 percent of stars in the neighbourhood that immediately surrounds it.", "\n\nThe radius of the Sun, Rꙩ, is 109 times that of Earth, but its distance from Earth is 215 Rꙩ, so it subtends an angle of only 1/2° in the sky, roughly the same as that of the Moon. ", "By comparison, Proxima Centauri, the next closest star to Earth, is 250,000 times farther away, and its relative apparent brightness is reduced by the square of that ratio, or 62 billion times. ", "The temperature of the Sun's surface is so high that no solid or liquid can exist there; the constituent materials are predominantly gaseous atoms, with a very small number of molecules. ", "As a result, there is no fixed surface. ", "The surface viewed from Earth, called the photosphere, is the layer from which most of the radiation reaches us; the radiation from below is absorbed and reradiated, and the emission from overlying layers drops sharply, by about a factor of six every 200 kilometres (124 miles). ", "The Sun is so far from Earth that this slightly fuzzy surface cannot be resolved, and so the limb (the visible edge) appears sharp.", "\n\nThe mass of the Sun, Mꙩ, is 743 times the total mass of all the planets in the solar system and 330,000 times that of Earth. ", "All the interesting planetary and interplanetary gravitational phenomena are negligible effects in comparison to the force exerted by the Sun. ", "Under the force of gravity, the great mass of the Sun presses inward, and to keep the star from collapsing, the central pressure outward must be great enough to support its weight.", "\n\nThe density at the Sun's core is about 100 times that of water (roughly six times that at the centre of Earth), but the temperature is at least 15,000,000 K, so the central pressure is at least 10,000 times greater than that at the centre of Earth, which is 3,500 kilobars. ", "The nuclei of atoms are completely stripped of their electrons, and at this high temperature they collide to produce the nuclear reactions that are responsible for generating the energy vital to life on Earth.", "\n\nWhile the temperature of the Sun drops from 15,000,000 K at the centre to 5,800 K at the photosphere, a surprising reversal occurs above that point; the temperature drops to a minimum of 4,000 K, then begins to rise in the chromosphere, a layer about 7,000 kilometres high at a temperature of 8,000 K. During a total eclipse the chromosphere appears as a pink ring. ", "Above the chromosphere is a dim, extended halo called the corona, which has a temperature of 1,000,000 K and reaches far past the planets. ", "Beyond a distance of 5 Rꙩ from the Sun, the corona flows outward at a speed (near Earth) of 400 kilometres per second (km/s); this flow of charged particles is called the solar wind.", "\n\nThe Sun is a very stable source of energy; its radiative output, called the solar constant, is 1.366 kilowatts per square metre at Earth and varies by no more than 0.1 percent. ", "Superposed on this stable star, however, is an interesting 11-year cycle of magnetic activity manifested by regions of transient strong magnetic fields called sunspots.", "\n\nTHE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE SUN\n\nThe energy radiated by the Sun is produced during the conversion of hydrogen (H) atoms to helium (He). ", "The Sun is at least 90 percent hydrogen by number of atoms, so the fuel is readily available.", "\n\nThe process of energy generation results from the enormous pressure and density at the centre of the Sun, which makes it possible for nuclei to overcome electrostatic repulsion. (", "Nuclei are positive and thus repel each other.) ", "Once in some billions of years a given proton is close enough to another to undergo a process called inverse beta decay, in which one proton becomes a neutron and combines with the second to form a deuteron.", "\n\nWhile this is a rare event, hydrogen atoms are so numerous that it is the main solar energy source. ", "Subsequent encounters proceed much faster: the deuteron encounters one of the ubiquitous protons to produce helium-3 (3He), and these in turn form helium-4 (4He). ", "The net result is that four hydrogen atoms are fused into one helium atom. ", "The energy is carried off by gamma-ray photons (γ) and neutrinos, ν. ", "Because the nuclei must have enough energy to overcome the electrostatic barrier, the rate of energy production varies as the fourth power of the temperature.", "\n\nThe first experiment designed to detect solar neutrinos was built in the 1960s by American scientist Raymond Davis (for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2002) and carried out deep underground in the Homestake gold mine in Lead, South Dakota, U.S. The solar neutrinos in equation 1 had an energy that was too low to be detected by this experiment; however, subsequent processes produced higher energy neutrinos that Davis's experiment could detect. ", "The number of these higher energy neutrinos observed was far smaller than would be expected from the known energy-generation rate, but experiments established that these neutrinos did in fact come from the Sun.", "\n\nThis discrepancy became known as the solar neutrino problem. ", "One possible reason for the small number detected was that the presumed rates of the subordinate process are not correct. ", "Another, more intriguing, possibility was that the neutrinos produced in the core of the Sun interact with the vast solar mass and change to a different kind of neutrino that cannot be observed. ", "The existence of such a process would have great significance for nuclear theory, for it requires a small mass for the neutrino. ", "In 2002 results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, nearly 2,100 metres (6,800 feet) underground in the Creighton nickel mine near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, showed that the solar neutrinos did change their type and thus that the neutrino had a small mass. ", "These results solved the solar neutrino problem.", "\n\nIn addition to being carried away as neutrinos, which simply disappear into the cosmos, the energy produced in the core of the Sun takes two other forms as well. ", "Some is released as the kinetic energy of product particles, which heats the gases in the core, while some travels outward as gamma-ray photons until they are absorbed and reradiated by the local atoms. ", "Because the nuclei at the core are completely ionized, or stripped of their electrons, the photons are simply scattered there into a different path. ", "The density is so high that the photons travel only a few millimetres before they are scattered.", "\n\nFarther out the nuclei have electrons attached, so they can absorb and reemit the photons, but the effect is the same: the photons take a so-called random walk outward until they escape from the Sun. ", "The distance covered in a random walk is the average distance traveled between collisions (known as the mean free path) multiplied by the square root of the number of steps, in which a step is an interval between successive collisions. ", "As the average mean free path in the Sun is about 10 centimetres (4 inches), the photon must take 5 × 1019 steps to travel 7 × 1010 centimetres. ", "Even at the speed of light this process takes 170,000 years, and so the light seen today was generated long ago. ", "The final step from the Sun's surface to Earth, however, takes only eight minutes.", "\n\nAs photons are absorbed by the outer portion of the Sun, the temperature gradient increases and convection occurs. ", "Great currents of hot plasma, or ionized gas, carry heat upward. ", "These mass motions of conducting plasma in the convective zone, which constitutes approximately the outer 30 percent of the Sun, may be responsible for the sunspot cycle. ", "The ionization of hydrogen plays an important role in the transport of energy through the Sun. ", "Atoms are ionized at the bottom of the convective zone and are carried upward to cooler regions, where they recombine and liberate the energy of ionization. ", "Just below the surface, radiation transport again becomes efficient, but the effects of convection are clearly visible in the photosphere.", "\n\nTHE SUN'S EVOLUTION\n\nThe Sun has been shining for 4.6 billion years. ", "Considerable hydrogen has been converted to helium in the core, where the burning is most rapid. ", "The helium remains there, where it absorbs radiation more readily than hydrogen. ", "This raises the central temperature and increases the brightness. ", "Model calculations conclude that the Sun becomes 10 percent brighter every billion years; hence it must now be at least 40 percent brighter than at the time of planet formation. ", "This would produce an increase in Earth's temperature, but no such effect appears in the fossil record. ", "There were probably compensating thermostatic effects in the atmosphere of Earth, such as the greenhouse effect and cloudiness. ", "The young Sun may also have been more massive, and thus more luminous, and would have lost its early mass through the solar wind. ", "The increase in solar brightness can be expected to continue as the hydrogen in the core is depleted and the region of nuclear burning moves outward. ", "At least as important for the future of Earth is the fact that tidal friction will slow down Earth's rotation until, in four billion years, its rotation will match that of the Moon, turning once in 30 of our present days.", "\n\nIllustration showing the evolution of a Sun-like star.", "\n\nThe evolution of the Sun should continue on the same path as that taken by most stars. ", "As the core hydrogen is used up, the nuclear burning will take place in a growing shell surrounding the exhausted core. ", "The star will continue to grow brighter, and when the burning approaches the surface, the Sun will enter the red giant phase, producing an enormous shell that may extend as far as Venus or even Earth. ", "Fortunately, unlike more massive stars that have already reached this state, the Sun will require billions of years to reach this state.", "\n\nTHE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE\n\nAlthough there are no fires on the surface of the Sun, the photosphere seethes and roils, displaying the effects of the underlying convection. ", "Photons flowing from below, trapped by the underlying layers, finally escape. ", "This produces a dramatic drop in temperature and density. ", "The temperature at the visible surface is about 5,800 K but drops to a minimum about 4,000 K at approximately 500 kilometres above the photosphere. ", "The density, about 10−7 gram per cubic centimetre (g/cm3), drops a factor of 2.7 every 150 kilometres.", "\n\nHELIOSEISMOLOGY: MAPPING THE SUN'S INTERNAL STRUCTURE\n\nThe structure of a star is uniquely determined by its mass and chemical composition. ", "Unique models are constructed by varying the assumed composition with the known mass until the observed radius, luminosity, and surface temperature are matched. ", "The process also requires assumptions about the convective zone. ", "Such models can now be tested by the new science known as helioseismology.", "\n\nHelioseismology is analogous to geoseismology: frequencies and wavelengths of various waves at the Sun's surface are measured to map the internal structure. ", "On Earth the waves are observed only after earthquakes, while on the Sun they are continuously excited, probably by the currents in the convective zone. ", "While a wide range of frequencies are observed, the intensity of the oscillation patterns, or modes, peaks strongly at a mode having a period of five minutes. ", "The surface amplitudes range from a few centimetres per second to several metres per second.", "\n\nThe modes where the entire Sun expands and contracts or where sound waves travel deeply through the Sun, only touching the surface in a few nodes (i.e., points of no vibration), make it possible to map the deep Sun. ", "Modes with many nodes are, by contrast, limited to the outer regions. ", "Every mode has a definite frequency determined by the structure of the Sun. ", "From a compilation of thousands of mode frequencies, one can develop an independent solar model, which reproduces the observed oscillations quite well. ", "The frequencies of the modes vary slightly with the sunspot cycle.", "\n\nThe internal rotation of the Sun as a function of depth and latitude, as derived from helioseismological studies. ", "The differential rotation is shown by the red (fast) area.", "\n\nAs the Sun rotates, one half is moving toward us, and the other away. ", "This produces a splitting in the frequencies of the modes (owing to the Doppler shift from the two halves of the Sun). ", "Because the different modes reach different depths in the Sun, the rotation at different depths can be mapped.", "\n\nThe interior below the convective zone rotates as a solid body. ", "At the surface rotation is fastest at the equator and slowest at the poles. ", "This differential rotation is easily visible as sunspots rotate across the solar surface, and it has been known since the first telescopic studies. ", "At the equator the sunspots rotate at a 25-day rate, and at high latitudes at a 28- or 29-day rate. ", "The differential rotation, apparently generated by the convective zone, is thought to play an important role in the generation of the magnetic field of the Sun. ", "Much is not understood, however, for many solar features show less differential rotation.", "\n\nThe solar atmosphere is actually a vacuum by most standards; the total density above any square centimetre is about 1 gram, about 1,000 times less than the comparable mass in the atmosphere of Earth. ", "One can see through the atmosphere of Earth but not through that of the Sun because the former is shallow, and the molecules absorb only radiation that lies outside of the visible spectrum. ", "The hot photosphere of the Sun, by contrast, contains an ion called negative hydrogen, H−, a hydrogen nucleus with two electrons attached. ", "The H− ion absorbs radiation voraciously through most of the spectrum.", "\n\nThe photosphere is the portion of the Sun seen in ordinary light. ", "Its image reveals two dominant features, a darkening toward the outermost regions, called limb darkening, and a fine rice-grain-like structure called granulation. ", "The darkening occurs simply because the temperature is falling; when one looks at the edge of the Sun, one sees light from higher, cooler, and darker layers. ", "The granules are convective cells that bring energy up from below. ", "Each cell measures about 1,500 kilometres across. ", "Granules have a lifetime of about 25 minutes, during which hot gas rises within them at speeds of about 300 metres per second. ", "They then break up, either by fading out or by exploding into an expanding ring of granules.", "\n\nThe granules occur all over the Sun. ", "It is believed that the explosion pattern shapes the surrounding granules in a pattern called mesogranulation, although the existence of that pattern is in dispute. ", "A larger, undisputed pattern called supergranulation is a network of outward velocity flows, each about 30,000 kilometres across, which is probably tied to the big convective zone rather than to the relatively small granules. ", "The flow concentrates the surface magnetic fields to the supergranulation-cell boundaries, creating a network of magnetic-field elements.", "\n\nThe photospheric magnetic fields extend up into the atmosphere, where the supergranular pattern dominates the conducting gas. ", "While the temperature above the average surface areas continues to drop, it does not fall as rapidly as at the network edges, and a picture of the Sun at a wavelength absorbed somewhat above the surface shows the network edges to be bright. ", "This occurs throughout the ultraviolet.", "\n\nVisible solar spectrum, with prominent Fraunhofer lines.", "\n\nFraunhofer was the first to observe the solar spectrum, finding emission in all colours with many dark lines at certain wavelengths. ", "He assigned letters to these lines, by which some are still known, such as the D-lines of sodium, the G-band, and the K-lines of ionized calcium. ", "But it was the German physicist Gustav R. Kirchhoff who explained the meaning of the lines, explaining that the dark lines formed in cooler upper layers, absorbing the light emerging from below. ", "By comparing these lines with laboratory data, we can identify the elements responsible and their state of ionization and excitation.", "\n\nThe spectral lines seen are those expected to be common at 6,000 K, where the thermal energy of each particle is about 0.5 volt. ", "The most abundant elements, hydrogen and helium, are difficult to excite, while atoms such as iron, sodium, and calcium have many lines easily excited at this temperature.", "\n\nWhen Cecilia Payne, a British-born graduate student studying at Harvard College Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., recognized the great abundance of hydrogen and helium in 1925, she was persuaded by her elders to mark the result as spurious; only later was the truth recognized. ", "The strongest lines in the visible spectrum are the H- and K- (Fraunhofer's letters) lines of ionized calcium. ", "This happens because calcium is easily ionized, and these lines represent transitions in which energy is absorbed by ions in the ground, or lowest energy, state. ", "In the relatively low density of the photosphere and higher up, where atoms are only illuminated from below, the electrons tend to fall to the ground state, since excitation is low. ", "The sodium D-lines are weaker than Ca K because most of the sodium is ionized and does not absorb radiation.", "\n\nThe Sun's chromosphere, which extends outward above the top of the convection cells, or granulation, of the photosphere.", "\n\nThe intensity of the lines is determined by both the abundance of the particular element and its state of ionization, as well as by the excitation of the atomic energy level involved in the line. ", "By working backward one can obtain the abundance of most of the elements in the Sun. ", "This set of abundances occurs with great regularity throughout the universe; it is found in such diverse objects as quasars, meteorites, and new stars. ", "The Sun is roughly 90 percent hydrogen by number of atoms and 9.9 percent helium. ", "The remaining atoms consist of heavier elements, especially carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, and iron, making up only 0.1 percent by number.", "\n\nTHE SUN'S CHROMOSPHERE AND CORONA\n\nThe ordinary solar spectrum is produced by the photosphere; during an eclipse the brilliant photosphere is blocked out by the Moon and three objects are visible: (1) a thin, pink ring around the edge of the Sun called the chromosphere, (2) a pearly, faint halo extending a great distance, known as the corona, and (3) pink clouds of gas called prominences suspended above the surface.", "\n\nThe chromosphere represents the dynamic transition between the cool temperature minimum of the outer photosphere and the diffuse million-degree corona above. ", "Because this line is so strong, it is the best means for studying the chromosphere. ", "For this reason special monochromators are widely used to study the Sun in a narrow wavelength band. ", "Because density decreases with height more rapidly than magnetic field strength, the magnetic field dominates the chromospheric structure, which reflects the extension of the photospheric magnetic fields. ", "The rules for this interplay are simple: every point in the chromosphere where the magnetic field is strong and vertical is hot and hence bright, and every place where it is horizontal is dark. ", "Supergranulation, which concentrates the magnetic field on its edges, produces a chromospheric network of bright regions of enhanced magnetic fields.", "\n\nThe most prominent structures in the chromosphere, especially in the limb, are the clusters of jets, or streams, of plasma called spicules. ", "Spicules extend up to 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) above the surface of the Sun. ", "Because it strongly emits the high-excitation lines of helium, the chromosphere was originally thought to be hot. ", "But radio measurements, a particularly accurate means of measuring the temperature, show it to be only 8,000 K, somewhat hotter than the photosphere. ", "Detailed radio maps show that hotter regions coincide with stronger magnetic fields. ", "Both hot and cold regions extend much higher than one might expect, tossed high above the surface by magnetic and convective action.", "\n\nClose-up of a large sunspot group, with insets of the Earth (bottom left) and of the Sun (top right) to show relative size.", "\n\nWhen astronomers observe the Sun from space at ultraviolet wavelengths, the chromosphere is found to emit lines formed at high temperatures, spanning the range from 10,000 to 1,000,000 K. The whole range of ionization of an atom can be found: for example, oxygen I (neutral) is found in the photosphere, oxygen II through VI (one to five electrons removed) in the chromosphere, and oxygen VII and VIII in the corona. ", "This entire series occurs in a height range of about 5,000 kilometres (3,100 miles). ", "An image of the corona obtained at ultraviolet wavelengths has a much more diffuse appearance as compared with lower temperature regions, suggesting that the hot material in the magnetic elements spreads outward with height to occupy the entire coronal space. ", "Interestingly, the emission of helium, which was the original clue that the temperature increased upward, is not patchy but uniform. ", "This occurs because the helium atoms are excited by the more diffuse and uniform X-ray emission from the hot corona.", "\n\nThe structure of the chromosphere changes drastically with local magnetic conditions. ", "At the network edges, clusters of spicules project from the clumps of magnetic field lines. ", "Around sunspots, larger field clumps called plage occur, where there are no spicules, but where the chromosphere is generally hotter and denser. ", "In the areas of prominences the magnetic field lines are horizontal and spicules are absent.", "\n\nA full-disk multiwavelength extreme ultraviolet image of the Sun. ", "False colours trace different gas temperatures. ", "Reds are cooler than the blues and greens.", "\n\nAnother important set of unknown lines revealed during an eclipse came from the corona, and so its source element was called coronium. ", "In 1940 the source of the lines was identified as weak magnetic dipole transitions in various highly ionized atoms such as iron X (iron with nine electrons missing), iron XIV, and calcium XV, which can exist only if the coronal temperature is about 1,000,000 K. These lines can only be emitted in a high vacuum. ", "The strongest are from iron, which alerted investigators to its high abundance, nearly equal to that of oxygen. ", "Later it was found that there had been errors in prior photospheric determinations.", "\n\nWhile the corona is one million times fainter than the photosphere in visible light (about the same as the full Moon at its base and much fainter at greater heights), its high temperature makes it a powerful source of extreme ultraviolet and X-ray emission. ", "Loops of bright material connect distant magnetic fields. ", "There are regions of little or no corona called coronal holes. ", "The brightest regions are the active regions surrounding sunspots. ", "Hydrogen and helium are entirely ionized, and the other atoms are highly ionized. ", "The ultraviolet portion of the spectrum is filled with strong spectral lines of the highly charged ions. ", "The density at the base of the corona is about 4 × 108 atoms per cubic centimetre, 1013 times more tenuous than the atmosphere of Earth at its base.", "\n\nRadio telescopes are particularly valuable for studying the corona because radio waves will propagate only when their frequency exceeds the so-called plasma frequency of the local medium. ", "The plasma frequency varies according to the density of the medium, and so measurements of each wavelength tell us the temperature at the corresponding density. ", "At higher frequencies (above 1,000 MHz) electron absorption is the main factor, and at those frequencies the temperature is measured at the corresponding absorbing density. ", "All radio frequencies come to us from above the photosphere; this is the prime way of determining atmospheric temperatures.", "\n\nTwelve solar X-ray images of the Sun. ", "The solar coronal brightness decreases during a solar cycle as the Sun goes from an \"active\" state (left) to a less active state (right).", "\n\nSimilarly, all of the ultraviolet and X-ray emission of the Sun comes from the chromosphere and corona, and the presence of such layers can be detected in stars by measuring their spectra at these wavelengths.", "\n\nTHE SOLAR WIND\n\nThe conductivity of a hot ionized plasma is extremely high, and the coronal temperature decreases only as the 27 power of the distance from the Sun. ", "Thus, the temperature of the interplanetary medium is still more than 200,000 K near Earth. ", "While the gravitational force of the Sun can hold the hot material near the surface, at a distance of 5Rꙩ the gravitational force is 25 times less, but the temperature is only 40 percent less. ", "Therefore, a continuous outflow of particles known as the solar wind occurs, except where hindered by magnetic fields. ", "The solar wind flows along a spiral path dictated by magnetic fields carried out from the Sun into the interplanetary medium.", "\n\nThere are two solar winds: a fast, uniform, and steady wind, blowing at 800 km (500 miles) per second, and a slow, gusty, and sporadic wind, with about half the speed of the fast one. ", "The two winds originate at different places on the Sun and accelerate to terminal velocity at different distances from it. ", "The distribution of the two solar wind sources depends on the 11-year solar activity cycle.", "\n\nWhere magnetic fields are strong, the coronal material cannot flow outward and becomes trapped; thus the high density and temperature above active regions is due partly to trapping and partly to heating processes, mostly solar flares. ", "Where the magnetic field is open, the hot material escapes, and a coronal hole results. ", "Analysis of solar wind data shows that coronal holes at the equator are associated with high-velocity streams in the solar wind, and recurrent geomagnetic storms are associated with the return of these holes.", "\n\nThe solar wind drags magnetic field lines out from the surface. ", "Traveling at a speed of 500 kilometres (310 miles) per second, particles will reach the orbit of Saturn in one solar rotation—27 days—but in that time period the source on the Sun will have gone completely around. ", "In other words, the magnetic field lines emanating from the Sun describe a spiral. ", "It takes four days for the solar wind to arrive at Earth, having originated from a point that has rotated about 50° west (13° per day) from its original position facing Earth.", "\n\nAn illustration of the heliospheric current sheet. ", "Its shape results from the influence of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium.", "\n\nThe magnetic field lines, which do not break, maintain this path, and the plasma moves along them. ", "The solar wind flow has a continual effect on the upper atmosphere of Earth. ", "The total mass, magnetic field, and angular momentum carried away by the solar wind is insignificant, even over the lifetime of the Sun. ", "A higher level of activity in the past, however, might have played a role in the Sun's evolution, and stars larger than the Sun are known to lose considerable mass through such processes.", "\n\nAs the solar wind spreads out into an increasing volume, its density and pressure become less. ", "Eventually the pressure of the solar wind becomes comparable to that of the interstellar medium. ", "The termination shock, where the solar wind slows because it encounters the interstellar medium, has been measured at about 94 and 84 AU by the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, respectively. (", "For comparison, Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun at a distance of 30 AU.)", "\n\nSince the discovery of the nature of the corona, such low-density superhot plasmas have been identified throughout the universe: in the atmospheres of other stars, in supernova remnants, and in the outer reaches of galaxies. ", "Low-density plasmas radiate so little that they can reach and maintain high temperatures. ", "By detecting excess helium absorption or X-ray emission in stars like the Sun, researchers have found that coronas are quite common. ", "Many stars have coronas far more extensive than that of the Sun.", "\n\nIt is speculated that the high coronal temperature results from boundary effects connected with the steeply decreasing density at the solar surface and the convective currents beneath it. ", "Stars without convective activity do not exhibit coronas. ", "The magnetic fields facilitate a \"crack-of-the-whip\" effect, in which the energy of many particles is concentrated in progressively smaller numbers of ions. ", "The result is the production of the high temperature of the corona. ", "The key factor is the extremely low density, which hampers heat loss. ", "The corona is a harder vacuum than anything produced on Earth.", "\nCHAPTER 2\n\nTYPES OF SOLAR ACTIVITY\n\nSolar activity follows about an 11-year cycle, in which the numbers of sunspots and other disturbances increase to a maximum and then decrease again. ", "This activity includes sunspots, solar flares, prominences, and coronal mass ejections.", "\n\nA wonderful rhythm in the ebb and flow of sunspot activity dominates the atmosphere of the Sun. ", "Sunspots, the largest of which can be seen even without a telescope, are regions of extremely strong magnetic field found on the Sun's surface. ", "A typical mature sunspot is seen in white light to have roughly the form of a daisy. ", "It consists of a dark central core, the umbra, where the magnetic flux loop emerges vertically from below, surrounded by a less-dark ring of fibrils called the penumbra, where the magnetic field spreads outward horizontally.", "\n\nAmerican astronomer George Ellery Hale observed the sunspot spectrum in the early 20th century with his new solar telescope and found it similar to that of cool red M-type stars observed with his new stellar telescope. ", "Thus, he showed that the umbra appears dark because it is quite cool, only about 3,000 K, as compared with the 5,800 K temperature of the surrounding photosphere. ", "The spot pressure, consisting of magnetic and gas pressure, must balance the pressure of its surroundings; hence the spot must somehow cool until the inside gas pressure is considerably lower than that of the outside.", "\n\nA sunspot as viewed in ultraviolet light by the TRACE spacecraft.", "\n\nOwing to the great magnetic energy present in sunspots, regions near the cool spots actually have the hottest and most intense activity. ", "Sunspots are thought to be cooled by the suppression of their strong fields with the convective motions bringing heat from below. ", "For this reason, there appears to be a lower limit on the size of the spots of approximately 500 kilometres (310 miles). ", "Smaller ones are rapidly heated by radiation from the surroundings and destroyed.", "\n\nAlthough the magnetic field suppresses convection and random motions are much lower than in the surroundings, a wide variety of organized motions occur in spots, mostly in the penumbra, where the horizontal field lines permit detectable horizontal flows. ", "One such motion is the Evershed effect, an outward flow at a rate of one kilometre (0.6 mile) per second in the outer half of the penumbra that extends beyond the penumbra in the form of moving magnetic features. ", "These features are elements of the magnetic field that flow outward across the area surrounding the spot. ", "In the chromosphere above a sunspot, a reverse Evershed flow appears as material spirals into the spot; the inner half of the penumbra flows inward to the umbra.", "\n\nOscillations are observed in sunspots as well. ", "When a section of the photosphere known as a light bridge crosses the umbra, rapid horizontal flow is seen. ", "Although the umbral field is too strong to permit motion, rapid oscillations called umbral flashes appear in the chromosphere just above, with a 150-second period. ", "In the chromosphere above the penumbra, so-called running waves are observed to travel radially outward with a 300-second period.", "\n\nMost frequently, sunspots are seen in pairs, or in groups of pairs, of opposite polarity, which correspond to clusters of magnetic flux loops intersecting the surface of the Sun. ", "Sunspots of opposite polarity are connected by magnetic loops that arch up into the overlying chromosphere and low corona. ", "The coronal loops can contain dense, hot gas that can be detected by its X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation.", "\n\nThe members of a spot pair are identified by their position in the pair with respect to the rotation of the Sun; one is designated as the leading spot and the other as the following spot. ", "In a given hemisphere (north or south), all spot pairs typically have the same polar configuration—e.g., all leading spots may have northern polarity, while all following spots have southern polarity. ", "A new spot group generally has the proper polarity configuration for the hemisphere in which it forms; if not, it usually dies out quickly. ", "Occasionally, regions of reversed polarity survive to grow into large, highly active spot groups. ", "An ensemble of sunspots, the surrounding bright chromosphere, and the associated strong magnetic field regions constitute what is termed an active region. ", "Areas of strong magnetic fields that do not coalesce into sunspots form regions called plages.", "\n\nThe emergence of a new spot group emphasizes the three-dimensional structure of the magnetic loop. ", "First we see a small brightening (called an emerging flux region [EFR]) in the photosphere and a greater one in the chromosphere. ", "Within an hour, two tiny spots of opposite polarity are seen, usually with the proper magnetic polarities for that hemisphere. ", "The spots are connected by dark arches (arch filaments) outlining the magnetic lines of force. ", "As the loop rises, the spots spread apart and grow, but not symmetrically. ", "The preceding spot moves westward at about 1 kilometre per second, while the follower is more or less stationary. ", "A number of additional small spots, or pores, appear. ", "The preceding pores then merge into a larger spot, while the following spot often dies out. ", "If the spots separate farther, an EFR remains behind in the centre, and more flux emerges. ", "But large growth usually depends on more EFRs, i.e., flux loops emerging near the main spots. ", "In every case the north and south poles balance, since there are no magnetic monopoles.", "\n\nSunspot group, observed by the Swedish Solar Telescope. ", "The image has been coloured yellow for aesthetic reasons. ", "Many solar granules surround the sunspot group.", "\n\nSolar activity tends to occur over the entire surface of the Sun between +/−40° latitude in a systematic way, supporting the idea that the phenomenon is global. ", "While there are sizable variations in the progress of the activity cycle, overall it is impressively regular, indicating a well-established order in the numbers and latitudinal positions of the spots.", "\n\nAt the start of a cycle, the number of groups and their size increase rapidly until a maximum in number (known as sunspot maximum) occurs after about two or three years and a maximum in spot area about one year later. ", "The average lifetime of a medium-sized spot group is about one solar rotation, but a small emerging group may only last a day. ", "The largest spot groups and the greatest eruptions usually occur two or three years after the maximum of the sunspot number. ", "At maximum there might be 10 groups and 300 spots across the Sun, but a huge spot group can have 200 spots in it. ", "The progress of the cycle may be irregular; even near the maximum the number may temporarily drop to low values.", "\n\nThe sunspot cycle returns to a minimum after approximately 11 years. ", "At sunspot minimum there are at most a few small spots on the Sun, usually at low latitudes, and there may be months with no spots at all. ", "New-cycle spots begin to emerge at higher latitudes, between 25° and 40°, with polarity opposite the previous cycle. ", "The new-cycle spots at high latitude and old-cycle spots at low latitude may be present on the Sun at once.", "\n\nThe first new-cycle spots are small and last only a few days. ", "Since the rotation period is 27 days (longer at higher latitudes), these spots usually do not return, and newer spots appear closer to the equator. ", "For a given 11-year cycle, the magnetic polarity configuration of the spot groups is the same in a given hemisphere and is reversed in the opposite hemisphere.", "\n\nThe magnetic polarity configuration in each hemisphere reverses in the next cycle. ", "Thus, new spots at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere may have positive polarity leading and negative following, while the groups from the previous cycle, at low latitude, will have the opposite orientation. ", "As the cycle proceeds, the old spots disappear, and new-cycle spots appear in larger numbers and sizes at successively lower latitudes. ", "The latitude distribution of spots during a given cycle occurs in a butterfly-like pattern called the butterfly diagram.", "\n\nSince the magnetic polarity configuration of the sunspot groups reverses every 11 years, it returns to the same value every 22 years, and this length is considered to be the period of a complete magnetic cycle. ", "At the beginning of each 11-year cycle, the overall solar field, as determined by the dominant field at the pole, has the same polarity as the following spots of the previous cycle. ", "As active regions are broken apart, the magnetic flux is separated into regions of positive and negative sign. ", "After many spots have emerged and died out in the same general area, large unipolar regions of one polarity or the other appear and move toward the Sun's corresponding pole.", "\n\nDuring each minimum the poles are dominated by the flux of the following polarity in that hemisphere, and that is the field seen from Earth. ", "But if all magnetic fields are balanced, how can the magnetic fields be separated into large unipolar regions that govern the polar field? ", "No answer has been found to this question. ", "Owing to the differential rotation of the Sun, the fields approaching the poles rotate more slowly than the sunspots, which at this point in the cycle have congregated in the rapidly rotating equatorial region. ", "Eventually the weak fields reach the pole and reverse the dominant field there. ", "This reverses the polarity to be taken by the leading spots of the new spot groups, thereby continuing the 22-year cycle.", "\n\nWhile the sunspot cycle has been quite regular for some centuries, there have been sizable variations. ", "In the period 1955–70 there were far more spots in the northern hemisphere, while in the 1990 cycle they dominated in the southern hemisphere. ", "The two cycles that peaked in 1946 and 1957 were the largest in history. ", "The English astronomer E. Walter Maunder found evidence for a period of low activity, pointing out that very few spots were seen between 1645 and 1715. ", "Although sunspots had been first detected about 1600, there are few records of spot sightings during this period, which is called the Maunder minimum. ", "Experienced observers reported the occurrence of a new spot group as a great event, mentioning that they had seen none for years.", "\n\nAfter 1715 the spots returned. ", "This period was associated with the coldest period of the long cold spell in Europe that extended from about 1500 to 1850 and is known as the Little Ice Age. ", "However, cause and effect have not been proved. ", "There is some evidence for other such low-activity periods at roughly 500-year intervals. ", "When solar activity is high, the strong magnetic fields carried outward by the solar wind block out the high-energy galactic cosmic rays approaching Earth, and less carbon-14 is produced. ", "Measurement of carbon-14 in dated tree rings confirms the low activity at this time. ", "Still, the 11-year cycle was not detected until the 1840s.", "\n\nThe origin of the sunspot cycle is not known. ", "Because there is no reason that a star in radiative equilibrium should produce such fields, it is reasoned that relative motions in the Sun twist and enhance magnetic flux loops. ", "The motions in the convective zone may contribute their energy to magnetic fields, but they are too chaotic to produce the regular effects observed. ", "The differential rotation, however, is regular, and it could wind existing field lines in a regular way; hence, most models of the solar dynamo are based on the differential rotation in some respect. ", "The reason for the differential rotation also remains unknown.", "\n\nGraph of average yearly sunspot numbers showing the 11-year solar cycle.", "\n\nBesides sunspots, there exist many tiny spotless dipoles called ephemeral active regions, which last less than a day on average and are found all over the Sun rather than just in the spot latitudes. ", "The number of active regions emerging on the entire Sun is about two per day, while ephemeral regions occur at a rate of about 600 per day. ", "Therefore, even though the ephemeral regions are quite small, at any one time they may constitute most of the magnetic flux erupting on the Sun. ", "However, because they are magnetically neutral and quite small, they probably do not play a role in the cycle evolution and the global field pattern.", "\n\nSOLAR PROMINENCES\n\nProminences are among the most beautiful of solar phenomena. ", "They are the analogues of clouds in Earth's atmosphere, but they are supported by magnetic fields, rather than by thermal currents as clouds are. ", "Because the plasma of ions and electrons that makes up the solar atmosphere cannot cross magnetic field lines in regions of horizontal magnetic fields, material is supported against gravity. ", "This occurs at the boundaries between one magnetic polarity and its opposite, where the connecting field lines reverse direction. ", "Thus, prominences are reliable indicators of sharp field transitions. (", "The fields are either up or down; tilted fields are unusual.)", "\n\nAs with the chromosphere, prominences are transparent in white light and, except during total eclipses, must be viewed in Hα. ", "At eclipse the red Hα line lends a beautiful pink to the prominences visible at totality. ", "The density of prominences is much lower than that of the photosphere; there are few collisions to generate radiation.", "\n\nProminences absorb radiation from below and emit it in all directions, a process called pure scattering. ", "The visible light emitted toward Earth at the limb has been removed from the upward beam, so the prominences appear dark against the disk. ", "But the sky is darker still, so they appear bright against the sky. ", "The temperature of prominences is 5,000–50,000 K. In the past, when radiative processes were not well understood, prominences seen dark against the disk were called filaments.", "\n\nA close-up of an erupting solar prominence.", "\n\nThere are two basic types of prominences: (1) quiescent, or long-lived, and (2) transient. ", "The former are associated with large-scale magnetic fields, marking the boundaries of unipolar magnetic regions or sunspot groups. ", "Because the large unipolar plates are long-lived, the quiescent prominences are as well. ", "These prominences may have varied forms—hedgerows, suspended clouds, or funnels—but they always take the form of two-dimensional suspended sheets. ", "Stable filaments often become unstable and erupt, but they may also just fade away. ", "Few quiescent prominences live more than a few days, but new ones may form on the magnetic boundary.", "\n\nThe equilibrium of the longer lived prominences is indeed curious. ", "While one might expect them to eventually fall down, they always erupt upwards. ", "This is because all unattached magnetic fields have a tremendous buoyancy and attempt to leave the Sun. ", "When they do escape, they produce not only a splendid sight but also a transient shock wave in the corona called a coronal mass ejection, which can cause important geomagnetic effects.", "\n\nTransient prominences are an integral part of solar activity. ", "Sprays are the disorganized mass of material ejected by a flare. ", "Surges are collimated streams of ejecta connected with small flares. ", "In both cases some of the material returns to the surface. ", "Loop prominences are the aftermath of flares. ", "In the flare process a barrage of electrons heats the surface to millions of degrees and a hot (more than 10 million K), dense coronal cloud forms. ", "This emits very strongly, cooling the material, which then, since there is no magnetic support, descends to the surface in elegant loops, following the magnetic lines of force.", "\n\nThe spectrum of prominences seen against the sky reflects their history. ", "Quiescent prominences have no source of energy except some conduction from the corona, which is a small effect because heat cannot cross the field lines. ", "The spectrum is similar to the chromosphere, except in the chromosphere, spicule motions produce broad lines, while the prominence lines are quite narrow until they erupt, indicating little internal motion. ", "Surges and sprays also usually display low excitation because they are often cool material seized and ejected by magnetic forces. ", "Loop prominences, on the other hand, are cooling from a very hot post-flare coronal condensation and have just become visible. ", "Thus, they show high-excitation lines of ionized helium and strong ultraviolet emission, as befits a gas at 30,000 to 100,000 K.\n\nSOLAR FLARES\n\nThe most spectacular phenomenon related to sunspot activity is the solar flare, which is an abrupt release of magnetic energy from the sunspot region. ", "Despite the great energy involved, most flares are almost invisible in ordinary light because the energy release takes place in the transparent atmosphere, and only the photosphere, which relatively little energy reaches, can be seen in visible light.", "\n\nThe energy released in a great flare can reach 1033 ergs, which is equal to the output of the entire Sun in 0.25 second. ", "Most of this energy is initially released in high-energy electrons and protons, and the optical emission is a secondary effect caused by the particles impacting the chromosphere.", "\n\nThere is a wide range of flare size, from giant events that shower Earth with particles to brightenings that are barely detectable. ", "Flares are usually classified by their associated flux of X-rays having wavelengths between one and eight angstroms: Cn, Mn, or Xn for flux greater than 10−6, 10−5, and 10−4 watts per square metre (W/m2), respectively, where the integer n gives the flux for each power of 10. ", "Thus, M3 corresponds to a flux of 3 × 10−5 W/m2 at Earth. ", "This index is not linear in flare energy since it measures only the peak, not the total, emission.", "\n\nThe energy released in the three or four biggest flares each year is equivalent to the sum of the energies produced in all the small flares. ", "A flare can be likened to a giant natural synchrotron accelerating vast numbers of electrons and ions to energies above 10,000 electron volts (keV) and protons to more than a million electron volts (MeV). ", "Almost all the flare energy initially goes into these high-energy particles, which subsequently heat the atmosphere or travel into interplanetary space. ", "The electrons produce X-ray bursts and radio bursts and also heat the surface. ", "The protons produce gamma-ray lines by collisionally exciting or splitting surface nuclei. ", "Both electrons and protons propagate to Earth; the clouds of protons bombard Earth in big flares. ", "Most of the energy heats the surface and produces a hot (40,000,000 K) and dense cloud of coronal gas, which is the source of the X-rays. ", "As this cloud cools, the elegant loop prominences appear and rain down to the surface.", "\n\nThe kinds of particles produced by flares vary somewhat with the place of acceleration. ", "There are not enough particles between the Sun and Earth for ionizing collisions to occur, so they preserve their original state of ionization. ", "Particles accelerated in the corona by shock waves show a typical coronal ionization of 2,000,000 K. Particles accelerated in the flare body show a much higher ionization and remarkably high concentrations of helium-3, a rare helium isotope with only one neutron.", "\n\nBecause flares generally occur in strong magnetic fields, it was natural to look for magnetic changes associated with them. ", "The Russian astronomer A.B. Severny was the first to apply the newly developed Babcock magnetograph to this task. ", "He found that the optical flares occur along neutral lines—i.e., boundaries between regions of opposite magnetic polarity. ", "Actually this property is dictated by the fact that flares occur above the surface, that the energy flows down along lines of force, and that all magnetic lines of force have two ends, leading from north to south poles.", "\n\nOne of the strongest solar flares ever detected, in an extreme ultraviolet (false-colour) image of the Sun taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite, November 4, 2003.", "\n\nSince the main energy release in flares is the acceleration of electrons, imaging this process shows where it takes place. ", "While the data are sketchy, it appears that the initial energy release is above the magnetic neutral line. ", "The electrons travel down field lines and produce bright ribbons on the surface, from which material boils up and produces the soft X-ray source, a cloud with a temperature up to 50,000,000 K. The energetic protons bombard the surface and produce a number of important nuclear reactions, which radiate gamma rays in both lines and a continuum. ", "Among the most important lines are the positron-electron annihilation line at 0.5 MeV and the neutron-proton capture (forming a deuteron) at 2.2 MeV, as well as a number of nuclear excitation lines produced by protons incident on heavier nuclei. ", "These lines are a powerful tool for flare analysis.", "\n\nMost of the great flares occur in a small number of superactive large sunspot groups. ", "The groups are characterized by a large cluster of spots of one magnetic polarity surrounded by the opposite polarity. ", "Although the occurrence of flares can be predicted from the presence of such spots, researchers cannot predict when these mighty regions will emerge from below the surface, nor do they know what produces them. ", "Those that we see form on the disk usually develop complexity by successive eruption of different flux loops. ", "This is no accident, however; the flux loop is already complex below the surface.", "\n\nTHE SUN'S EFFECTS ON EARTH\n\nBesides providing light and heat, the Sun affects Earth through its ultraviolet radiation, the steady stream of the solar wind, and the particle storms of great flares. ", "The near-ultraviolet radiation from the Sun produces the ozone layer, which in turn shields the planet from such radiation. ", "The other effects, which give rise to effects on Earth called space weather, vary greatly. ", "The soft (long-wavelength) X-rays from the solar corona produce those layers of the ionosphere that make short-wave radio communication possible. ", "When solar activity increases, the soft X-ray emission from the corona (slowly varying) and flares (impulsive) increases, producing a better reflecting layer but eventually increasing ionospheric density until radio waves are absorbed and shortwave communications are hampered. ", "The harder (shorter wavelength) X-ray pulses from flares ionize the lowest ionospheric layer (D-layer), producing radio fade-outs.", "\n\nA display of aurora australis, or southern lights, manifesting itself as a glowing loop.", "\n\nEarth's rotating magnetic field is strong enough to block the solar wind, forming the magnetosphere, around which the solar particles and fields flow. ", "On the side opposite to the Sun, the field lines stretch out in a structure called the magnetotail. ", "When shocks arrive in the solar wind, a short, sharp increase in the field of Earth is produced. ", "When the interplanetary field switches to a direction opposite Earth's field, or when big clouds of particles enter it, the magnetic fields in the magnetotail reconnect and energy is released, producing the aurora borealis (northern lights).", "\n\nTHE SCIENCE OF EARTH'S AURORAS\n\nEarth's auroras are luminous phenomenon of the upper atmosphere that occurs primarily in high latitudes of both hemispheres; auroras in the Northern Hemisphere are called aurora borealis, aurora polaris, or northern lights, and in the Southern Hemisphere aurora australis, or southern lights.", "\n\nAuroras are caused by the interaction of energetic particles (electrons and protons) of the solar wind with atoms of the upper atmosphere. ", "Such interaction is confined for the most part to high latitudes in oval-shaped zones that surround Earth's magnetic poles and maintain a more or less fixed orientation with respect to the Sun. ", "During periods of low solar activity, the auroral zones shift poleward. ", "During periods of intense solar activity, auroras occasionally extend to the middle latitudes; for example, the aurora borealis has been seen as far south as 40° latitude in the United States. ", "Auroral emissions typically occur at altitudes of about 100 km (60 miles); however, they may occur anywhere between 80 and 250 km (about 50 to 155 miles) above Earth's surface.", "\n\nAuroras take many forms, including luminous curtains, arcs, bands, and patches. ", "The uniform arc is the most stable form of aurora, sometimes persisting for hours without noticeable variation. ", "However, in a great display, other forms appear, commonly undergoing dramatic variation. ", "The lower edges of the arcs and folds are usually much more sharply defined than the upper parts. ", "Greenish rays may cover most of the sky poleward of the magnetic zenith, ending in an arc that is usually folded and sometimes edged with a lower red border that may ripple like drapery. ", "The display ends with a poleward retreat of the auroral forms, the rays gradually degenerating into diffuse areas of white light.", "\n\nAuroras receive their energy from charged particles traveling between the Sun and Earth along bundled, ropelike magnetic fields. ", "The particles are driven by the solar wind, captured by Earth's magnetic field, and conducted downward toward the magnetic poles. ", "They collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms, knocking away electrons to leave ions in excited states. ", "These ions emit radiation at various wavelengths, creating the characteristic colours (red or greenish blue) of the aurora.", "\n\nIn addition to Earth, other planets in the solar system that have atmospheres and substantial magnetic fields—i.e., Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—display auroral activity on a large scale. ", "Auroras also have been observed on Jupiter's moon Io, where they are produced by the interaction of Io's atmosphere with Jupiter's powerful magnetic field.", "\n\nEach time a big coronal hole faces Earth, the solar wind is fast, and a geomagnetic storm occurs. ", "This produces a 27-day pattern of storms that is especially prominent at sunspot minimum. ", "Big flares and other eruptions produce coronal mass ejections, clouds of energetic particles that form a ring current around the magnetosphere, which produces sharp fluctuations in Earth's field, called geomagnetic storms. ", "These phenomena disturb radio communication and create voltage surges in long-distance transmission lines and other long conductors.", "\n\nPerhaps the most intriguing of all terrestrial effects are the possible effects of the Sun on the climate of Earth. ", "The Maunder minimum coincided with the Little Ice Age, but the connection between the two is unclear. ", "Yet most scientists believe an important tie may exist, masked by a number of other variations.", "\n\nBecause charged particles follow magnetic fields, corpuscular radiation is not observed from all big flares but only from those favourably situated in the Sun's western hemisphere. ", "The solar rotation makes the lines of force from the western side of the Sun (as seen from Earth) lead back to Earth, guiding the flare particles there. ", "These particles are mostly protons because hydrogen is the dominant constituent of the Sun. ", "Many of the particles are trapped in a great shock front that blows out from the Sun at 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) per second. ", "The flux of low-energy particles in big flares is so intense that it endangers the lives of astronauts outside the terrestrial magnetic field.", "\nCHAPTER 3\n\nOUR SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nOur solar system is an assemblage consisting of the Sun—which is an average star in the Milky Way Galaxy—and those bodies orbiting around it: 8 (formerly 9) planets with about 170 known planetary satellites (moons); countless asteroids, some with their own satellites; comets and other icy bodies; and vast reaches of highly tenuous gas and dust known as the interplanetary medium.", "\n\nAn illustration of the orbits of the planets and other bodies of the solar system.", "\n\nThe Sun, Moon, and brightest planets were visible to the naked eyes of ancient astronomers, and their observations and calculations of the movements of these bodies gave rise to the science of astronomy. ", "Today the amount of information on the motions, properties, and compositions of the planets and smaller bodies has grown to immense proportions, and the range of observational instruments has extended far beyond the solar system to other galaxies and the edge of the known universe. ", "Yet the solar system and its immediate outer boundary still represent the limit of our physical reach, and they remain the core of our theoretical understanding of the cosmos as well.", "\n\nEarth-launched space probes and landers have gathered data on planets, moons, asteroids, and other bodies, and this data has been added to the measurements collected with telescopes and other instruments from below and above Earth's atmosphere and to the information extracted from meteorites and from Moon rocks returned by astronauts. ", "All this information is scrutinized in attempts to understand in detail the origin and evolution of the solar system—a goal toward which astronomers continue to make great strides.", "\n\nTHE COMPOSITION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nThe Sun is located at the centre of the solar system and influences the motion of all the other bodies through its gravitational force. ", "The planets, in order of their distance outward from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. ", "Four planets—Jupiter through Neptune—have ring systems, and all but Mercury and Venus have one or more moons. ", "Pluto had been officially listed among the planets since it was discovered in 1930 orbiting beyond Neptune, but in 1992 an icy object was discovered still farther from the Sun than Pluto. ", "Many other such discoveries followed, including an object named Eris that appears to be at least as large as Pluto. ", "It became apparent that Pluto was simply one of the larger members of this new group of objects, collectively known as the Kuiper belt. ", "Accordingly, in August 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the organization charged by the scientific community with classifying astronomical objects, voted to revoke Pluto's planetary status and place it under a new classification called dwarf planet.", "\n\nAny natural solar system object other than the Sun, a planet, a dwarf planet, or a moon is called a small body; these include asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. ", "Most of the several hundred thousand asteroids, or minor planets, orbit between Mars and Jupiter in a nearly flat ring called the asteroid belt. ", "The myriad fragments of asteroids and other small pieces of solid matter (smaller than a few tens of metres across) that populate interplanetary space are often termed meteoroids to distinguish them from the larger asteroidal bodies.", "\n\nDISCOVERY OF THE KUIPER BELT\n\nThe Kuiper Belt is a flat ring of icy small bodies that revolve around the Sun beyond the orbit of the planet Neptune. ", "It was named for the Dutch American astronomer Gerard P. Kuiper and comprises hundreds of millions of objects—presumed to be leftovers from the formation of the outer planets—whose orbits lie close to the plane of the solar system.", "\n\nThe Kuiper belt is thought to be the source of most of the observed short-period comets, particularly those that orbit the Sun in less than 20 years, and for the icy Centaur objects, which have orbits in the region of the giant planets. (", "Some of the Centaurs may represent the transition from Kuiper belt objects [KBOs] to short-period comets.) ", "Although its existence had been assumed for decades, the Kuiper belt remained undetected until the 1990s, when the prerequisite large telescopes and sensitive light detectors became available.", "\n\nThe Irish astronomer Kenneth E. Edgeworth speculated in 1943 that the distribution of the solar system's small bodies was not bounded by the present distance of Pluto. ", "Kuiper developed a stronger case in 1951. ", "Working from an analysis of the mass distribution of bodies needed to accrete into planets during the formation of the solar system, Kuiper demonstrated that a large residual amount of small icy bodies—inactive comet nuclei—must lie beyond Neptune.", "\n\nA year earlier the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort had proposed the existence of a much-more-distant spherical reservoir of icy bodies, now called the Oort cloud, from which comets are continually replenished. ", "This distant source adequately accounted for the origin of long-period comets—those having periods greater than 200 years. ", "Kuiper noted, however, that comets with very short periods (20 years or less), which all orbit in the same direction as all the planets around the Sun and close to the plane of the solar system, require a nearer, more-flattened source. ", "This explanation, clearly restated in 1988 by the American astronomer Martin Duncan and coworkers, became the best argument for the existence of the Kuiper belt until its direct detection.", "\n\nIn 1992 American astronomer David Jewitt and graduate student Jane Luu discovered (15760) 1992 QB1, which was considered the first KBO. ", "The body is about 200–250 km (125–155 miles) in diameter, as estimated from its brightness. ", "It moves in a nearly circular orbit in the plane of the planetary system at a distance from the Sun of about 44 AU (6.6 billion km [4.1 billion miles]). ", "This is outside the orbit of Pluto, which has a mean radius of 39.5 AU (5.9 billion km [3.7 billion miles]). ", "The discovery of 1992 QB1 alerted astronomers to the feasibility of detecting other KBOs, and within 20 years about 1,500 had been discovered.", "\n\nOn the basis of brightness estimates, the sizes of the larger known KBOs approach or exceed that of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, which has a diameter of 1,208 km (751 miles). ", "One KBO, given the name Eris, appears to be twice that diameter—i.e., only slightly smaller than Pluto itself. ", "Because of their location outside Neptune's orbit (mean radius 30.1 AU; 4.5 billion km [2.8 billion miles]), they are also called trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs).", "\n\nThe solar system's several billion comets are found mainly in two distinct reservoirs. ", "The more-distant one, called the Oort cloud, is a spherical shell surrounding the solar system at a distance of approximately 50,000 astronomical units (AU)—more than 1,000 times the distance of Pluto's orbit. ", "The other reservoir, the Kuiper belt, is a thick disk-shaped zone whose main concentration extends 30–50 AU from the Sun, beyond the orbit of Neptune but including a portion of the orbit of Pluto.", "\n\nJust as asteroids can be regarded as rocky debris left over from the formation of the inner planets, Pluto, its moon Charon, Eris, and the myriad other Kuiper belt objects can be seen as surviving representatives of the icy bodies that accreted to form the cores of Neptune and Uranus. ", "As such, Pluto and Charon may also be considered to be very large comet nuclei.", "\n\nThe Centaur objects, a population of comet nuclei having diameters as large as 200 km (125 miles), orbit the Sun between Jupiter and Neptune, probably having been gravitationally perturbed inward from the Kuiper belt. ", "The interplanetary medium—an exceedingly tenuous plasma (ionized gas) laced with concentrations of dust particles—extends outward from the Sun to about 123 AU.", "\n\nORBITS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nAll the planets and dwarf planets, the rocky asteroids, and the icy bodies in the Kuiper belt move around the Sun in elliptical orbits in the same direction that the Sun rotates. ", "This motion is termed prograde, or direct, motion. ", "Looking down on the system from a vantage point above Earth's North Pole, an observer would find that all these orbital motions are in a counterclockwise direction. ", "In striking contrast, the comet nuclei in the Oort cloud are in orbits having random directions, corresponding to their spherical distribution around the plane of the planets.", "\n\nThe shape of an object's orbit is defined in terms of its eccentricity. ", "For a perfectly circular orbit, the eccentricity is 0; with increasing elongation of the orbit's shape, the eccentricity increases toward a value of 1, the eccentricity of a parabola. ", "Of the eight major planets, Venus and Neptune have the most circular orbits around the Sun, with eccentricities of 0.007 and 0.009, respectively. ", "Mercury, the closest planet, has the highest eccentricity, with 0.21; the dwarf planet Pluto, with 0.25, is even more eccentric.", "\n\nAn artist's rendition of a binary object in the Kuiper belt. ", "The two objects orbit each other at the edge of the solar system.", "\n\nAnother defining attribute of an object's orbit around the Sun is its inclination, which is the angle that it makes with the plane of Earth's orbit—the ecliptic plane. ", "Again, of the planets, Mercury's has the greatest inclination, its orbit lying at 7° to the ecliptic; Pluto's orbit, by comparison, is much more steeply inclined, at 17.1°. ", "The orbits of the small bodies generally have both higher eccentricities and higher inclinations than those of the planets. ", "Some comets from the Oort cloud have inclinations greater than 90°; their motion around the Sun is thus opposite that of the Sun's rotation, or retrograde.", "\n\nTHE NATURE OF PLANETS AND THEIR MOONS\n\nThe eight planets can be divided into two distinct categories on the basis of their densities (mass per unit volume). ", "The four inner, or terrestrial, planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—have rocky compositions and densities greater than 3 grams per cubic cm. (", "Water has a density of 1 gram per cubic cm.) ", "In contrast, the four outer planets, also called the Jovian, or giant, planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are large objects with densities less than 2 grams per cubic cm; they are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium (Jupiter and Saturn) or of ice, rock, hydrogen, and helium (Uranus and Neptune). ", "The dwarf planet Pluto is unique—an icy, low-density body smaller than Earth's Moon, more similar to comets or to the large icy moons of the outer planets than to any of the planets themselves. ", "Its acceptance as a member of the Kuiper belt explains these anomalies.", "\n\nThe relatively small inner planets have solid surfaces, lack ring systems, and have few or no moons. ", "The atmospheres of Venus, Earth, and Mars are composed of a significant percentage of oxidized compounds such as carbon dioxide. ", "Among the inner planets, only Earth has a strong magnetic field, which shields it from the interplanetary medium. ", "The magnetic field traps some of the electrically charged particles of the interplanetary medium inside a region around Earth known as the magnetosphere. ", "Heavy concentrations of these high-energy particles occur in the Van Allen belts in the inner part of the magnetosphere.", "\n\nThe four giant outer planets are much more massive than the terrestrial planets and have immense atmospheres composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. ", "They have no solid surfaces, however, and their densities are so low that one of them, Saturn, would actually float in water. ", "Each of the outer planets has a magnetic field, a ring system, and many known moons, with more likely to be discovered. ", "Pluto has no known rings and only five known moons. ", "Several other Kuiper belt objects and some asteroids also have moons of their own.", "\n\nCross-sections of the outer planets, with an inset of Earth to show relative size.", "\n\nMost of the known moons move around their respective planets in the same direction that the planets orbit the Sun. ", "They are extremely diverse, representing a wide range of environments. ", "Jupiter is orbited by Io, a body wracked by intense volcanism, while Saturn's largest moon, Titan—a body larger than the terrestrial planet Mercury—exhibits a primitive atmosphere denser than that of Earth. ", "Triton moves in a retrograde orbit around Neptune—that is, opposite to the direction of the planet's orbit around the Sun—and features plumes of material rising through its tenuous atmosphere from a surface whose temperature is only 37 kelvins (K; −393 °F, −236 °C).", "\n\nASTEROIDS AND COMETS\n\nThe asteroids and comets are remnants of the planet-building process in the inner and outer solar system, respectively. ", "The asteroid belt is home to rocky bodies ranging in size from the largest known asteroid, Ceres (also classified by the IAU as a dwarf planet), with a diameter of roughly 940 km (585 miles), to microscopic dust particles that are dispersed throughout the belt. ", "Some asteroids travel in paths that cross the orbit of Earth, providing opportunities for collisions with the planet.", "\n\nThe rare collisions of relatively large objects (those with diameters greater than about 1 km [0.6 mile]) with Earth can be devastating, as in the case of the asteroid impact that is thought to have been responsible for the massive extinction of species at the end of the Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago. ", "More commonly, the impacting objects are much smaller, reaching Earth's surface as meteorites.", "\n\nAsteroid observations from Earth, which have been confirmed by spacecraft flybys, indicate that some asteroids are mainly metal (principally iron), others are stony, and still others are rich in organic compounds, resembling the carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. ", "The asteroids that have been visited by spacecraft are irregularly shaped objects pockmarked with craters; some of them have retained very primitive material from the early days of the solar system.", "\n\nThe asteroid Gaspra, which measures about 20 km (12 miles) in its longest dimension, in a composite of two images taken by the Galileo spacecraft during its flyby on October 29, 1991.", "\n\nThe physical characteristics of comet nuclei are fundamentally different from those of asteroids. ", "Ices are their main constituent, predominantly frozen water, but frozen carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methanol, and other ices are also present. ", "These cosmic ice balls are laced with rock dust and a rich variety of organic compounds, many of which are collected in tiny grains. ", "Some comets may have more such \"dirt\" than ice.", "\n\nComets can be classified according to their orbital period, the time it takes for them to revolve around the Sun. ", "Comets that have orbital periods greater than 200 years (and usually much greater) are called long-period comets; those that make a return appearance in less time are short-period comets. ", "Each kind appears to have a distinct source.", "\n\nThe nucleus of a typical long-period comet is irregularly shaped and a few kilometres across. ", "It can have an orbital period of millions of years, and it spends most of its life at immense distances from the Sun, as much as one-fifth of the way to the nearest star. ", "This is the realm of the Oort cloud. ", "The comet nuclei in this spherical shell are too distant to be visible from Earth. ", "The presence of the cloud is presumed from the highly elliptical orbits—with eccentricities close to 1—in which the long-period comets are observed as they approach and then swing around the Sun. ", "Their orbits can be inclined in any direction—hence the inference that the Oort cloud is spherical. ", "In contrast, most short-period comets, particularly those with periods of 20 years or less, move in rounder, prograde orbits near the plane of the solar system. ", "Their source is believed to be the much nearer Kuiper belt, which lies in the plane of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune. ", "Comet nuclei in the Kuiper belt have been photographed from Earth with large telescopes.", "\n\nAs comet nuclei trace out the parts of their orbits closest to the Sun, they are warmed through solar heating and begin to shed gases and dust, which form the familiar fuzzy-looking comas and long, wispy tails. ", "The gas dissipates into space, but the grains of silicates and organic compounds remain to orbit the Sun along paths very similar to that of the parent comet. ", "When Earth's path around the Sun intersects one of these dust-populated orbits, a meteor shower occurs. ", "During such an event, nighttime observers may see tens to hundreds of so-called shooting stars per hour as the dust grains burn up in the upper atmosphere of Earth. ", "Although many random meteors can be observed nightly, they occur at a much higher rate during a meteor shower. ", "Even on an average day, Earth's atmosphere is bombarded with more than 80 tons of dust grains, mostly asteroidal and cometary debris.", "\n\nTHE INTERPLANETARY MEDIUM\n\nIn addition to particles of debris, the space through which the planets travel contains protons, electrons, and ions of the abundant elements, all streaming outward from the Sun in the form of the solar wind. ", "Occasional giant solar flares, short-lived eruptions on the Sun's surface, expel matter (along with high-energy radiation) that contributes to this interplanetary medium.", "\n\nThe interplanetary medium is the thinly scattered matter that exists between the planets and other bodies of the solar system, as well as the forces (e.g., magnetic and electric) that pervade this region of space. ", "The material components of the interplanetary medium consist of neutral hydrogen, plasma gas comprising electrically charged particles from the Sun, cosmic rays, and dust particles.", "\n\nExtremely small amounts of neutral (non-ionized) hydrogen have been detected throughout much of interplanetary space. ", "At the distance of Earth's orbit from the Sun, for example, the concentration of neutral hydrogen is about one atom per 100 cubic cm (6 cubic inches). ", "Some of the neutral hydrogen that enters the solar system from interstellar space is ionized by sunlight and by charge exchange with the plasma emanating from the Sun, called the solar wind.", "\n\nThe solar wind is a flow of completely ionized gas—ions (chiefly protons) and electrons—that continuously expands outward through the solar system from the Sun's corona. ", "Its density decreases with distance from the Sun; at the distance of Earth's orbit, it has a density of about 5 particles per cubic cm (0.06 cubic inch). ", "This outflow of plasma transports the magnetic fields of force present at the surface of the Sun radially away from it. ", "It also is responsible for deflecting the tails of the Earth's and other planetary magnetospheres and the tails of comets away from the Sun.", "\n\nThose cosmic rays detected in the vicinity of Earth comprise high-speed, high-energy atomic nuclei and electrons. ", "Among the nuclei, the most abundant are hydrogen nuclei (protons; 90 percent) and helium nuclei (alpha particles; 9 percent). ", "Nuclei outnumber electrons about 50 to 1. ", "A minority of cosmic rays are produced in the Sun, especially at times of increased solar activity. ", "The origin of those coming from outside the solar system—called galactic cosmic rays—remains to be conclusively identified, but they are thought to be produced in stellar processes such as supernova explosions.", "\n\nRelatively small amounts of dust particles—often called micrometeroids—exist in the solar system, most of which appear to be orbiting the Sun in or near the plane of the solar system. ", "Much of the dust is thought to have been produced in collisions between asteroids and in the shedding of material from comets while passing near the Sun. ", "About 30,000 tons (27,000 metric tons) of interplanetary dust particles are estimated to enter Earth's upper atmosphere annually.", "\n\nThe magnetic field lines that are carried outward from the Sun by the solar wind remain attached to the Sun's surface. ", "Because of the Sun's rotation, the lines are drawn into a spiral structure. ", "Closely associated with the interplanetary magnetic field are electric forces that act to attract or repel charged particles.", "\n\nIn 2012 the space probe Voyager 1 crossed the boundary between the interplanetary medium and the interstellar medium—a region called the heliopause. ", "When Voyager 1 passed through the heliopause, it became the first human-made object to reach interstellar space.", "\nCHAPTER 4\n\nOUR SOLAR SYSTEM'S ORIGIN\n\nAncient people around the globe once believed the Moon, Sun, planets, and stars were gods and goddesses, demons and angels revolving around Earth, the centre of their universe. ", "Little did they know that Earth is a mere speck in a vast universe. ", "It took many centuries for people to realize that Earth isn't even the centre of our solar system. ", "A scientific approach to the origin of the solar system became possible only after the publication of Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravitation in 1687. ", "Even after this breakthrough, many years elapsed while scientists struggled with applications of Newton's laws to explain the apparent motions of planets, moons, comets, and asteroids. ", "Meanwhile, the first semblance of a modern theory was proposed by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant in 1755.", "\n\nEARLY THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nKant's central idea was that the solar system began as a cloud of dispersed particles. ", "He assumed that the mutual gravitational attractions of the particles caused them to start moving and colliding, at which point chemical forces kept them bonded together. ", "As some of these aggregates became larger than others, they grew still more rapidly, ultimately forming the planets. ", "But Kant did not recognize the intrinsic limitations of his approach. ", "His model does not account for planets moving around the Sun in the same direction and in the same plane, as they are observed to do, nor does it explain the revolution of planetary satellites.", "\n\nA significant step forward was made by Pierre-Simon Laplace of France some 40 years later. ", "A brilliant mathematician, Laplace was particularly successful in the field of celestial mechanics. ", "Besides publishing a monumental treatise on the subject, Laplace wrote a popular book on astronomy, with an appendix in which he made some suggestions about the origin of the solar system.", "\n\nLaplace's model begins with the Sun already formed and rotating and its atmosphere extending beyond the distance at which the farthest planet would be created. ", "Knowing nothing about the source of energy in stars, Laplace assumed that the Sun would start to cool as it radiated away its heat. ", "In response to this cooling, as the pressure exerted by its gases declined, the Sun would contract. ", "According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the decrease in size would be accompanied by an increase in the Sun's rotational velocity. ", "Centrifugal acceleration would push the material in the atmosphere outward, while gravitational attraction would pull it toward the central mass; when these forces just balanced, a ring of material would be left behind in the plane of the Sun's equator. ", "This process would have continued through the formation of several concentric rings, each of which then would have coalesced to form a planet. ", "Similarly, a planet's moons would have originated from rings produced by the forming planets.", "\n\nLaplace's model led naturally to the observed result of planets revolving around the Sun in the same plane and in the same direction as the Sun rotates. ", "Because the theory of Laplace incorporated Kant's idea of planets coalescing from dispersed material, their two approaches are often combined in a single model called the Kant-Laplace nebular hypothesis. ", "This model for solar system formation was widely accepted for about 100 years. ", "During this period, the apparent regularity of motions in the solar system was contradicted by the discovery of asteroids with highly eccentric orbits and moons with retrograde orbits. ", "Another problem with the nebular hypothesis was the fact that, whereas the Sun contains 99.9 percent of the mass of the solar system, the planets (principally the four giant outer planets) carry more than 99 percent of the system's angular momentum. ", "For the solar system to conform to this theory, either the Sun should be rotating more rapidly or the planets should be revolving around it more slowly.", "\n\nDEVELOPMENTS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY\n\nIn the early decades of the 20th century, several scientists decided that the deficiencies of the nebular hypothesis made it no longer tenable. ", "The Americans Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin and Forest Ray Moulton and later James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys of Great Britain developed variations on the idea that the planets were formed catastrophically—i.e., by a close encounter of the Sun with another star. ", "The basis of this model was that material was drawn out from one or both stars when the two bodies passed at close range, and this material later coalesced to form planets. ", "A discouraging aspect of the theory was the implication that the formation of solar systems in the Milky Way Galaxy must be extremely rare, because sufficiently close encounters between stars would occur very seldom.", "\n\nThe next significant development took place in the mid-20th century as scientists acquired a more-mature understanding of the processes by which stars themselves must form and of the behaviour of gases within and around stars. ", "They realized that hot gaseous material stripped from a stellar atmosphere would simply dissipate in space; it would not condense to form planets. ", "Hence, the basic idea that a solar system could form through stellar encounters was untenable. ", "Furthermore, the growth in knowledge about the interstellar medium—the gas and dust distributed in the space separating the stars—indicated that large clouds of such matter exist and that stars form in these clouds. ", "Planets must somehow be created in the process that forms the stars themselves. ", "This awareness encouraged scientists to reconsider certain basic processes that resembled some of the earlier notions of Kant and Laplace.", "\n\nMODERN THEORIES\n\nThe current approach to the origin of the solar system treats it as part of the general process of star formation. ", "As observational information has steadily increased, the field of plausible models for this process has narrowed. ", "This information ranges from observations of star-forming regions in giant interstellar clouds to subtle clues revealed in the existing chemical composition of the objects present in the solar system. ", "Many scientists have contributed to the modern perspective, most notably the Canadian-born American astrophysicist Alistair G.W. Cameron.", "\n\nFORMATION OF THE SOLAR NEBULA\n\nThe favoured paradigm for the origin of the solar system begins with the gravitational collapse of part of an interstellar cloud of gas and dust having an initial mass only 10–20 percent greater than the present mass of the Sun. ", "This collapse could be initiated by random fluctuations of density within the cloud, one or more of which might result in the accumulation of enough material to start the process, or by an extrinsic disturbance such as the shock wave from a supernova. ", "The collapsing cloud region quickly becomes roughly spherical in shape. ", "Because it is revolving around the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, the parts more distant from the centre are moving more slowly than the nearer parts. ", "Hence, as the cloud collapses, it starts to rotate, and, to conserve angular momentum, its speed of rotation increases as it continues to contract. ", "With ongoing contraction, the cloud flattens, because it is easier for matter to follow the attraction of gravity perpendicular to the plane of rotation than along it, where the opposing centrifugal force is greatest. ", "The result at this stage, as in Laplace's model, is a disk of material formed around a central condensation.", "\n\nArtist's conception of a young version of the solar system depicting the dusty disks thought to be the breeding grounds of planets.", "\n\nThis configuration, commonly referred to as the solar nebula, resembles the shape of a typical spiral galaxy on a much reduced scale. ", "As gas and dust collapse toward the central condensation, their potential energy is converted to kinetic energy (energy of motion), and the temperature of the material rises. ", "Ultimately the temperature becomes great enough within the condensation for nuclear reactions to begin, thereby giving birth to the Sun.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the material in the disk collides, coalesces, and gradually forms larger and larger objects, as in Kant's theory. ", "Because most of the grains of material have nearly identical orbits, collisions between them are relatively mild, which allows the particles to stick and remain together. ", "Thus, larger agglomerations of particles are gradually built up.", "\n\nTHE INNER AND OUTER PLANETS\n\nAt this stage the individual accreting objects in the disk show differences in their growth and composition that depend on their distances from the hot central mass. ", "Close to the nascent Sun, temperatures are too high for water to condense from gaseous form to ice, but, at the distance of present-day Jupiter (approximately 5 AU) and beyond, water ice can form.", "\n\nThe significance of this difference is related to the availability of water to the forming planets. ", "Because of the relative abundances in the universe of the various elements, more molecules of water can form than of any other compound. (", "Water, in fact, is the second most abundant molecule in the universe, after molecular hydrogen.) ", "Consequently, objects forming in the solar nebula at temperatures at which water can condense to ice are able to acquire much more mass in the form of solid material than objects forming closer to the Sun.", "\n\nOnce such an accreting body achieves approximately 10 times the present mass of Earth, its gravity can attract and retain large amounts of even the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium, from the solar nebula. ", "These are the two most abundant elements in the universe, and so planets forming in this region can become very massive indeed. ", "Only at distances of 5 AU or more is there enough mass of material in the solar nebula to build such a planet.", "\n\nThis simple picture can explain the extensive differences observed between the inner and outer planets. ", "The inner planets formed at temperatures too high to allow the abundant volatile substances—those with comparatively low freezing temperatures—such as water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia to condense to their ices. ", "They therefore remained small rocky bodies. ", "In contrast, the large low-density, gas-rich outer planets formed at distances beyond what astronomers have dubbed the \"snow line\"—i.e., ", "the minimum radius from the Sun at which water ice could have condensed, at about 150 K (−190 °F, −120 °C). ", "The effect of the temperature gradient in the solar nebula can be seen today in the increasing fraction of condensed volatiles in solid bodies as their distance from the Sun increases.", "\n\nAs the nebular gas cooled, the first solid materials to condense from a gaseous phase were grains of metal-containing silicates, the basis of rocks. ", "This was followed, at larger distances from the Sun, by formation of the ices. ", "In the inner solar system, Earth's Moon, with a density of 3.3 grams per cubic cm, is a satellite composed of silicate minerals. ", "In the outer solar system are low-density moons such as Saturn's Tethys. ", "With a density of about 1 gram per cubic cm, this object must consist mainly of water ice. ", "At distances still farther out, the satellite densities rise again but only slightly, presumably because they incorporate denser solids, such as frozen carbon dioxide, that condense at even lower temperatures.", "\n\nDespite its apparent logic, this scenario has received some strong challenges since the early 1990s. ", "The main challenge has come from the discovery of other solar systems, many of which contain giant planets orbiting very close to their stars. ", "These planets suggest that gas giants migrate and this may have happened early in the solar system. ", "In one such scenario, drag from the protoplanetary disk causes Jupiter to fall inward. ", "However, Saturn begins to form and gets locked in an orbital resonance with Jupiter. ", "The two planets migrate outward and clear away any material that would have gone into making Mars bigger. ", "About 500 million years after this migration, the four outer planets interact with the planetesimals of the outer disk and scatter them throughout the solar system. ", "The final remnant of this disk becomes the Kuiper belt.", "\n\nAlthough a number of such problems remain to be resolved, the solar nebula model of Kant and Laplace appears basically correct. ", "Support comes from observations at infrared and radio wavelengths, which have revealed disks of matter around young stars. ", "These observations also suggest that planets form in a remarkably short time. ", "The collapse of an interstellar cloud into a disk should take about one million years. ", "The thickness of this disk is determined by the gas it contains, as the solid particles that are forming rapidly settle to the disk's midplane, in times ranging from 100,000 years for 1-micrometre (0.00004-inch) particles to just 10 years for 1-cm (0.4-inch) particles. ", "As the local density increases at the midplane, the opportunity becomes greater for the growth of particles by collision. ", "As the particles grow, the resulting increase in their gravitational fields accelerates further growth. ", "Calculations show that objects 10 km (6 miles) in size will form in just 1,000 years. ", "Such objects are large enough to be called planetesimals, the building blocks of planets.", "\n\nLATER STAGES OF PLANETARY ACCRETION\n\nContinued growth by accretion leads to larger and larger objects. ", "The energy released during accretionary impacts would be sufficient to cause vaporization and extensive melting, transforming the original primitive material that had been produced by direct condensation in the nebula. ", "Theoretical studies of this phase of the planet-forming process suggest that several bodies the size of the Moon or Mars must have formed in addition to the planets found today. ", "Collisions of these giant planetesimals—sometimes called planetary embryos—with the planets would have had dramatic effects and could have produced some of the anomalies seen today in the solar system—for example, the strangely high density of Mercury and the extremely slow and retrograde rotation of Venus. ", "A collision of Earth and a planetary embryo about the size of Mars could have formed the Moon. ", "Somewhat smaller impacts on Mars in the late phases of accretion may have been responsible for the present thinness of the Martian atmosphere.", "\n\nPLANETS OF OTHER STARS\n\nThe planets and other objects that circle the Sun are thought to have formed when part of an interstellar cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravitational attraction and formed a disk-shaped nebula. ", "Further compression of the disk's central region formed the Sun, while the gas and dust left behind in the midplane of the surrounding disk eventually coalesced to form ever-larger objects and, ultimately, the planets.", "\n\nUnderstanding the solar system's origin led astronomers to wonder if other stars might also have developed planetary systems. ", "In the glare of their parent stars, however, such small, dim objects would not be easy to detect directly in images made with telescopes from Earth's vicinity. ", "Instead, astronomers concentrated on attempting to observe them indirectly through the gravitational effects they exert on their parent stars.", "\n\nIt took decades of searching to discover the first extrasolar planets. ", "In the early 1990s, astronomers identified three planets circling a pulsar (i.e., a rapidly spinning neutron star) called PSR B1257+12. ", "The discovery of a planet revolving around a star more like the Sun was announced in 1995. ", "This large planet orbits surprisingly close to the star 51 Pegasi, in the constellation Pegasus.", "\n\nIn the first 15 years after these initial discoveries, about 200 planets around other stars were known, and in 2005 astronomers obtained the first direct infrared images of what were interpreted to be extrasolar planets. ", "In size these objects range from a fraction of the mass of Jupiter to more than a dozen times its mass. ", "As of 2018, there were over 3,700 confirmed exoplanets.", "\n\nAstronomers have yet to develop a rigorous, generally accepted definition of planet that will successfully accommodate extrasolar planets and distinguish them from bodies that are more starlike in character (e.g., brown dwarfs).", "\n\nStudies of isotopes formed from the decay of radioactive parent elements with short half-lives, in both lunar samples and meteorites, have demonstrated that the formation of the inner planets, including Earth, and the Moon was essentially complete within 50 million years after the interstellar cloud region collapsed. ", "The bombardment of planetary and satellite surfaces by debris left over from the main accretionary stage continued intensively for another 600 million years, but these impacts contributed only a few percent of the mass of any given object.", "\n\nFORMATION OF THE OUTER PLANETS AND THEIR MOONS\n\nThe general scheme of planet formation—the building up of larger masses by the accretion of smaller ones—occurred in the outer solar system as well. ", "Here, however, the accretion of icy planetesimals produced objects with masses 10 times that of Earth, sufficient to cause the gravitational collapse of the surrounding gas and dust in the solar nebula. ", "This accretion plus collapse allowed these planets to grow so large that their composition approached that of the Sun itself, with hydrogen and helium the dominant elements. ", "Each planet started with its own \"subnebula,\" forming a disk around a central condensation. ", "The so-called regular satellites of the outer planets, which today have nearly circular orbits close to the equatorial planes of their respective planets and orbital motion in the same direction as the planet's rotation, formed from this disk. ", "The irregular satellites—those having orbits with high eccentricity, high inclination, or both, and sometimes even retrograde motion—must represent objects formerly in orbit around the Sun that were gravitationally captured by their respective planets. ", "Neptune's moon Triton and Saturn's Phoebe are prominent examples of captured moons in retrograde orbits, but every giant planet has one or more retinues of such satellites.", "\n\nIt is interesting that the density distribution of Jupiter's Galilean satellites, its four largest regular moons, mirrors that of the planets in the solar system at large. ", "The two Galilean moons closest to the planet, Io and Europa, are rocky bodies, while the more-distant Ganymede and Callisto are half ice. ", "Models for the formation of Jupiter suggest that this giant planet was sufficiently hot during its early history that ice could not condense in the circumplanetary nebula at the present position of Io.", "\n\nTHE SMALL BODIES\n\nAt some point after most of the matter in the solar nebula had formed discrete objects, a sudden increase in the intensity of the solar wind apparently cleared the remaining gas and dust out of the system. ", "Astronomers have found evidence of such strong outflows around young stars. ", "The larger debris from the nebula remained, some of which is seen today in the form of asteroids and comets. ", "The rapid growth of Jupiter apparently prevented the formation of a planet in the gap between Jupiter and Mars; within this area remain the thousands of objects that make up the asteroid belt, whose total mass is less than one-third the mass of the Moon. ", "The meteorites that are recovered on Earth, the great majority of which come from these asteroids, provide important clues to the conditions and processes in the early solar nebula.", "\n\nThe icy comet nuclei are representative of the planetesimals that formed in the outer solar system. ", "Most are extremely small, but the Centaur object called Chiron—originally classified as a distant asteroid but now known to show characteristics of a comet—has a diameter estimated to be about 200 km (125 miles). ", "Other bodies of this size and much larger—e.g., Pluto and Eris—have been observed in the Kuiper belt. ", "Most of the objects occupying the Kuiper belt apparently formed in place, but calculations show that billions of icy planetesimals were gravitationally expelled by the giant planets from their vicinity as the planets formed. ", "These objects became the population of the Oort cloud.", "\n\nRING SYSTEMS\n\nThe formation of planetary rings remains a subject of intense research, although their existence can be easily understood in terms of their position relative to the planet that they surround. ", "Each planet has a critical distance from its centre known as its Roche limit, named for Édouard Roche, the 19th-century French mathematician who first explained this concept. ", "The ring systems of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune lie inside the Roche limits of their respective planets. ", "Within this distance the gravitational attraction of two small bodies for each other is smaller than the difference in the attraction of the planet for each of them. ", "Hence, the two cannot accrete to form a larger object. ", "Moreover, because a planet's gravitational field acts to disperse the distribution of small particles in a surrounding disk, the random motions that would lead to accretion by collision are minimized.", "\n\nSaturn and its spectacular rings, in a natural-colour composite of 126 images taken by the Cassini spacecraft on October 6, 2004.", "\n\nThe problem challenging astronomers is in understanding how and when the material making up a planet's rings reached its present position within the Roche limit and how the rings are radially confined. ", "These processes are likely to be very different for the different ring systems. ", "Jupiter's rings are clearly in a steady state between production and loss, with fresh particles continuously being supplied by the planet's inner moons. ", "For Saturn, scientists are divided between those who propose that the rings are remnants of the planet-forming process and those who believe that the rings must be relatively young—perhaps only a few hundred million years old. ", "In either case, their source appears to be icy planetesimals that collided and fragmented into the small particles observed today.", "\n\nTHE SUN'S ANGULAR MOMENTUM PUZZLE\n\nThe angular momentum problem that defeated Kant and Laplace—why the planets have most of the solar system's angular momentum while the Sun has most of the mass—can now be approached in a cosmic context. ", "All stars having masses that range from slightly above the mass of the Sun to the smallest known masses rotate more slowly than an extrapolation based on the rotation rate of stars of higher mass would predict. ", "Accordingly, these sunlike stars show the same deficit in angular momentum as the Sun itself.", "\n\nThe answer to how this loss could have occurred seems to lie in the solar wind. ", "The Sun and other stars of comparable mass have outer atmospheres that are slowly but steadily expanding into space. ", "Stars of higher mass do not exhibit such stellar winds. ", "The loss of angular momentum associated with this loss of mass to space is sufficient to reduce the rate of the Sun's rotation. ", "Thus, the planets preserve the angular momentum that was in the original solar nebula, but the Sun has gradually slowed down in the 4.6 billion years since it formed.", "\n\nOTHER SOLAR SYSTEMS\n\nAstronomers long wondered if the process of planetary formation has accompanied the birth of stars other than the Sun. ", "The discovery of extrasolar planets—planets circling other stars—helped clarify their ideas of the formation of Earth's solar system by removing the handicap of being able to study only one example. ", "Extrasolar planets were not expected to be easy to see directly with Earth-based telescopes because such small and dim objects would usually be obscured in the glare of the stars that they orbit. ", "Instead, efforts were made to observe them indirectly by noting the gravitational effects that they exerted on their parent stars—for example, slight wobbles produced in the parent star's motion through space or, alternately, small periodic changes in some property of the star's radiation, caused by the planet's tugging the star first toward and then away from the direction of Earth. ", "Extrasolar planets also could be detected indirectly by measuring the change in a star's apparent brightness as the planet passed in front of (transited) the star.", "\n\nAfter decades of searching for extrasolar planets, astronomers in the early 1990s confirmed the presence of three bodies circling a pulsar—i.e., a rapidly spinning neutron star—called PSR B1257+12. ", "The first discovery of a planet revolving around a less-exotic, more-sunlike star took place in 1995, when the existence of a massive planet moving around the star 51 Pegasi was announced. ", "By the end of 1996 astronomers had indirectly identified several more planets in orbit around other stars, but only in 2005 did astronomers obtain the first direct photographs of what appeared to be an extrasolar planet. ", "Thousands of planetary systems are known.", "\n\nPLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nThe idea of what exactly constitutes a planet of the solar system has been traditionally the product of historical and cultural consensus.", "\n\nAncient skygazers applied the term planet to the seven celestial bodies that were observed to move appreciably against the background of the apparently fixed stars. ", "These included the Sun and Earth's Moon, as well as the five planets in the modern sense—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—that were readily visible as celestial wanderers before the invention of the telescope.", "\n\nAfter the idea of an Earth-centred cosmos was dispelled and more distinctions were made about the nature and movement of objects in the sky, the term planet was reserved only for those larger bodies that orbited the Sun. ", "When the giant bodies Uranus and Neptune were discovered in 1781 and 1846, respectively, their obvious kinship with the other known planets left little question regarding their addition to the planetary ranks.", "\n\nSo also, at first, appeared to be the case for Pluto when, during a concerted search for a ninth planet, it was observed in 1930 as a seemingly lone object beyond the orbit of Neptune. ", "In later decades, however, Pluto's planetary status became increasingly questioned by astronomers who noted that its tiny size, unusual orbital characteristics, and composition of ice and rock made it an anomaly among the other recognized planets. ", "After many more Pluto-sized and smaller icy objects were found orbiting beyond Neptune beginning in the 1990s, astronomers recognized that Pluto, far from being unique in its part of the solar system, is almost undoubtedly one of the larger and nearer pieces of this debris, known collectively as the Kuiper belt, that is left over from the formation of the planets.", "\n\nBroadly defined, a planet is any relatively large natural body that revolves in an orbit around the Sun or around some other star and that is not radiating energy from internal nuclear fusion reactions. ", "In addition to the above description, some scientists impose additional constraints regarding characteristics such as size (e.g., the object should be more than about 1,000 km [600 miles] across, or a little larger than the largest known asteroid, Ceres), shape (it should be large enough to have been squeezed by its own gravity into a sphere—i.e., roughly 700 km [435 miles] across, depending on its density), or mass (it must have a mass insufficient for its core to have experienced even temporary nuclear fusion).", "\n\nDwarf planets Ceres, Pluto, and Eris.", "\n\nAs the term is applied to bodies in Earth's solar system, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which is charged by the scientific community with classifying astronomical objects, lists eight planets orbiting the Sun; in order of increasing distance, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. ", "Pluto also was listed as a planet until 2006.", "\n\nIn August 2006, after intense debate over the question of Pluto's planetary status, the general assembly of the IAU approved a definition for a solar system planet that excluded Pluto. ", "At the same time, it defined a new distinct class of objects called dwarf planets, for which Pluto qualified. ", "Following the IAU proclamations, many scientists protested the definitions, considering them flawed and unscientific and calling for their reconsideration.", "\n\nAccording to the 2006 IAU decision, for a celestial body to be a planet of the solar system, it must meet three conditions: it must be in orbit around the Sun, have been molded by its own gravity into a round or nearly round shape, and have \"cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit,\" meaning that its mass must be large enough for its gravity to have removed rocky and icy debris from its orbital vicinity. ", "Pluto failed on the third requirement because it orbits partially within, and is considered to be part of, the Kuiper belt. ", "By contrast, Charon, by virtue of its being a moon of Pluto, is not a dwarf planet, even though its diameter is more than half that of Pluto. ", "The ranks of dwarf planets will likely be expanded as other objects known or yet to be discovered are determined to meet the conditions of the definition.", "\n\nIn June 2008 the IAU created a new category, plutoids, within the dwarf planet category. ", "Plutoids are dwarf planets that are farther from the Sun than Neptune; that is, they are the largest objects in the Kuiper belt. ", "Two of the dwarf planets, Pluto and Eris, are plutoids; Ceres, because of its location in the asteroid belt, is not.", "\n\nOf the eight currently recognized planets of the solar system, the inner four, from Mercury to Mars, are called terrestrial planets; those from Jupiter to Neptune are called giant planets or Jovian planets. ", "Between these two main groups is a belt of numerous small bodies called asteroids. ", "After Ceres and other larger asteroids were discovered in the early 19th century, the bodies in this class were also referred to as minor planets or planetoids, but the term asteroid is now used most widely.", "\nCONCLUSION\n\nThe Sun can be seen as the heart of our solar system. ", "Containing more than 99 percent of the system's mass, the Sun's gravitational pull holds the system together. ", "Its effect on the planets and the other orbiting objects are immense.", "\n\nWithout the Sun's gravity, the planets would never have formed and the solar system would not exist. ", "The Sun also drives the planets' seasons, the effects of which we're most familiar with on Earth. ", "And the seasons influence nearly all the natural phenomena we experience.", "\n\nWhat is amazing is that as powerful and far-reaching as the Sun is, it is not an particularly large star, even though 1.3 million Earths could fit inside it. ", "Though as the Sun begins to lose energy in another several billion years, its life will start to come to an end. ", "It will expand to engulf Mercury and Venus, and perhaps even Earth. ", "It will eventually shrink to a white dwarf, bringing to an end the solar system as we know it.", "\n\nThe latest mission to the Sun, the NASA Parker Solar Probe, is designed to revolutionize our understanding of the Sun and its effects on the solar system, and perhaps other worlds. ", "The probe will travel into the Sun's atmosphere, deeper than any other mission in history. ", "\nGLOSSARY\n\naccretion Growth by gradual buildup.", "\n\nAstronomical Unit (AU) A unit of length effectively equal to the average, or mean, distance between Earth and the Sun, defined as 149,597,870.7 km (92,955,807.3 miles).", "\n\naurora A luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions and is caused by the emission of light from atoms excited by electrons accelerated along the planet's magnetic field lines.", "\n\nbrown dwarf A celestial object that is much smaller than a normal star and has insufficient mass to sustain nuclear fusion but that is hot enough to radiate energy especially at infrared wavelengths.", "\n\nconvection Heat transfer, via liquid or gas, from one region to another.", "\n\nCretaceous Of, relating to, or being the last period of the Mesozoic era, characterized by continued dominance of dinosaurs, emergent dominance of angiosperms, diversification of mammals, and the extinction of many types of organisms at the close of the period.", "\n\ndensity The mass of a unit volume of a material substance.", "\n\ndipole A pair of electric charges or magnetic poles that are of equal magnitude but opposite sign or polarity, separated by a distance.", "\n\ndwarf star A low-luminosity star.", "\n\nfriction The force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact.", "\n\nfusion The union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei resulting in the release of enormous quantities of energy when certain light elements unite.", "\n\ninterstellar Something that is located, taking place, or traveling among the stars.", "\n\nKuiper Belt A band of small celestial bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune from which many short-period comets are believed to originate.", "\n\nmagnetosphere A region surrounding a planet in which charged particles are trapped and their behavior is dominated by the planet's magnetic field.", "\n\nmass The property of a body that is a measure of its inertia and that is commonly taken as a measure of the amount of material it contains and causes it to have weight in a gravitational field.", "\n\nnebula A mass of interstellar gas and dust.", "\n\nneutrino An uncharged elementary particle that is believed to have a very small mass, that has any of three forms, and that interacts only rarely with other particles.", "\n\nnova A star that brightens temporarily while ejecting a shell explosively.", "\n\nnucleus The small bright body in the head of a comet.", "\n\nOort cloud A spherical shell of cometary bodies believed to surround the Sun far beyond the orbits of the outermost planets and from which some are dislodged when perturbed to fall toward the Sun.", "\n\nphoton A quantum of electromagnetic radiation.", "\n\nplanetesimal Any of numerous small celestial bodies that may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system.", "\n\nprograde Counterclockwise motion of the planets around the Sun as seen from above the Sun's north pole.", "\n\npulsar A celestial source of pulsating electromagnetic radiation (such as radio waves) characterized by a short relatively constant interval (such as .033 second) between pulses that is held to be a rotating neutron star.", "\n\nquasar The abbreviation for quasi-stellar radio source, which emits up to 100 times as much radiation as a galaxy.", "\n\nretrograde Moving backward or in an order that is opposite the usual.", "\n\nsilicate A salt or ester derived from a silicic acid.", "\n\nsolar mass The mass of the Sun used as a unit for the expression of the masses of other celestial objects.", "\n\nsolar wind Plasma continuously ejected from the Sun's surface into and through interplanetary space.", "\n\nspectroscopy The production and investigation of spectra, a continuum of colour formed when a beam of white light is dispersed.", "\n\ntidal force The effect of the stretching of a body toward the center of mass of another body due to the gradient in strength of the gravitational field.", "\n\ntransit Event when a small astronomical body passes in front of a larger astronomical body.", "\n\nvelocity The rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time.", "\n\nvolt A unit for measuring the force that moves an electric current.", "\nBIBLIOGRAPHY\n\nCHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUN, TYPES OF SOLAR ACTIVITY, AND HISTORY OF THE OBSERVATION OF THE SUN\n\nPopular works on the Sun include Michael J. Carlowicz and Ramon E. Lopez, Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather (2002); Leon Golub and Jay M. Pasachoff, Nearest Star: The Surprising Science of Our Sun (2001); Kenneth R. Lang, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Sun (2001), and The Sun from Space, 2nd ed. (", "2009). ", "Works of a more technical nature include Peter Foukal, Solar Astrophysics, 2nd ed. (", "2004); and Markus J. Aschwanden, Physics of the Solar Corona, 2nd ed. (", "2006).", "\n\nOUR SOLAR SYSTEM\n\nGood overviews of the solar system include J. Kelly Beatty, Carolyn Collins Peterson, and Andrew Chaikin (eds.), ", "The New Solar System, 4th ed. (", "1999); David Morrison and Tobias Owen, The Planetary System, 3rd ed. (", "2003); and Kenneth R. Lang, The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System (2003). ", "David A. Rothery, Satellites of the Outer Planets: Worlds in Their Own Right, 2nd ed. (", "1999), is an excellent review of the large moons of the largest planets. ", "William B. Hubbard, Planetary Interiors (1984), discusses (using much mathematics) the physics and chemistry of the interiors of all planets except Pluto and of the Jovian moons. ", "Individual solar system objects are treated in the excellent series of books published by the University of Arizona Press: Faith Vilas, Clark R. Chapman, and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Mercury (1988); Richard P. Binzel, Tom Gehrels, and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Asteroids II (1989); Jay T. Bergstralh, Ellis D. Miner, and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Uranus (1991); Hugh H. Keiffer et al. (", "eds.), ", "Mars (1992); Dale P. Cruikshank (ed.), ", "Neptune and Triton (1995); S.W. Bougher, D.M. Hunten, and R.J. Phillips(eds.), ", "Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment (1997); and S. Alan Stern and David J. Tholen (eds.), ", "Pluto and Charon (1997). ", "Annually revised orbital and physical data about planets, moons, and selected comets and asteroids appear in The Astronomical Almanac, published by the U.S. Naval Observatory et al.; ", "The Observer's Handbook, published annually by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, provides excellent information for observing solar system objects with the naked eye or small telescopes. ", "International reports of research on asteroids, comets, meteorites, planets, moons, and other objects of the solar system appear regularly in The Astrophysical Journal, published by the American Astronomical Society and the University of Chicago; The Astronomical Journal, published by the American Institute of Physics and the American Astronomical Society; Astronomy and Astrophysics, published by the European Southern Observatory; Icarus, a journal of solar system studies published by the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences; Journal of Geophysical Research, published by the American Geophysical Union; and Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. ", "A superior monthly periodical for the nonprofessional, with regular coverage of the solar system and its constituents, is Sky and Telescope.", "\n\nOUR SOLAR SYSTEM'S ORIGIN\n\nAn excellent collection of papers on the general subject of solar system origin appears in Vincent Mannings, Alan P. Boss, and Sara S. Russell (eds.), ", "Protostars & Planets IV (2000); the volume includes papers about newly discovered planets around other stars. ", "Volumes of original technical articles by different authors on facets of the topic are Richard Greenberg, André Brahic, and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Planetary Rings (1984); John F. Kerridge and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Meteorites and the Early Solar System (1988); and S.K. Atreya, J.B. Pollack, and Mildred Shapley Matthews (eds.), ", "Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres (1989). ", "The origin and prevalence of ice in the solar system are treated at a popular level in Pat Dasch (ed.), ", "Icy Worlds of the Solar System (2004). ", "The formation of the inner planets has been extensively studied by George W. Wetherill, \"Formation of the Earth,\" Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 18:205–256 (1990), a review of his and others' work in the field.", "\nINDEX\n\nA\n\nauroras, 66–68\n\nB\n\nBabcock, Harold, 14\n\nBabcock, Horace, 14\n\nBabcock magnetograph, 61\n\nbirefringent filter, 14\n\nC\n\nCallisto, 104\n\nCameron, Alistair G.W., 93\n\nCarrington, Richard Christopher, 12\n\nCassini, Gian Domenico, 11\n\nCentaur objects, 74, 77, 104\n\nCeres, 82, 11, 114, 115\n\nChamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, 92\n\nCharon, 76, 77, 114\n\nChiron, 104\n\nchromosphere, 15, 18, 19, 21, 35–41, 48, 49, 56, 59, 60\n\ncorona, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 35–41, 44, 45, 48, 58, 59, 61, 64, 86\n\ncoronagraph, 10, 14, 15, 17\n\ncoronal mass ejections, 17, 46, 58, 68\n\ncoronal spectral lines, 13, 40\n\nD\n\ndwarf planets, 73, 77, 78, 80, 82, 113–114\n\nE\n\nEarth, 6, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 64–69, 72, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 110, 112, 113, 116\n\nEdgeworth, Kenneth E., 74\n\nemerging flux region (EFR), 49, 50\n\nEris, 73, 76, 105, 114\n\nEuropean Space Agency, 18\n\nEvershed effect, 48\n\nexoplanets/ extrasolar planets, 100–101, 109–110\n\nF\n\n51 Pegasi, 101, 110\n\nFlamsteed, John, 10–11\n\nflares, solar, 12, 16–17, 43, 46, 58, 59–64, 68, 69, 85\n\nFraunhofer, Joseph von, 12, 19, 32, 33\n\nG\n\nGalilean satellites, 103\n\nGalilei, Galileo, 10\n\nGanymede, 104\n\nGrotrian, Walter, 13\n\nH\n\nHale, George Ellery, 13, 14, 46\n\nhelioseismology, 28–30\n\nHodgson, R., 12\n\nI\n\ninner/ terrestrial planets, 79–82, 96–102\n\nInternational Astronomical Union (IAU), 73, 82, 112, 113, 114\n\nIo, 81\n\nJ\n\nJeans, James, 92\n\nJeffreys, Harold, 92\n\nJewitt, David, 75\n\nJupiter, 67–68, 72, 73, 77, 79–80, 81, 96, 98–99, 101, 104, 105, 107, 110, 113, 115\n\nK\n\nKant, Immanuel, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 99, 108\n\nKirchhoff, Gustav R., 32\n\nKuiper belt, 73, 74–76, 77, 80, 81, 84, 99, 105, 111, 114\n\nL\n\nLaplace, Pierre-Simon, 90, 91, 93, 95, 99, 108\n\nLeighton, Robert, 14\n\nLittle Ice Age, 54, 68\n\nLuu, Jane, 75\n\nLyot, Bernard, 14\n\nM\n\nmagnetograph, 61\n\nmagnetosphere, 65, 68, 80, 86\n\nmagnetotail, 65, 68\n\nMars, 72, 73, 79, 80, 99, 102, 104, 110, 113, 114\n\nMaunder, E. Walter, 53\n\nMaunder minimum, 54, 68\n\nMercury, 11, 72, 78, 79, 82, 102, 110, 113, 115, 116\n\nMilky Way Galaxy, 19, 70, 92, 95\n\nMoon, 20, 27, 35, 40, 71, 72, 80, 89, 98, 102, 104, 110\n\nMoulton, Forest Ray, 92\n\nN\n\nNeptune, 44, 67, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 84, 103, 105, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115\n\nNewton, Isaac, 11, 89\n\nNicholson, Seth Barnes, 14\n\nO\n\nOort cloud, 73, 75, 77, 79, 104–105\n\nouter/ Jovian/ giant planets, 79–82, 102–104\n\nring systems of, 105–108\n\nP\n\nPayne, Cecilia, 33\n\npenumbra, 46, 48\n\nphotosphere, 15, 20, 21, 25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 47, 48, 49, 56, 60\n\nplanetesimals/ planetary embryos, 102, 103, 105, 108\n\nPluto, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 105, 111, 113, 114\n\nprominences, solar, 35, 38, 46, 56–59, 61\n\nProxima Centauri, 20\n\nPSR B1257+12, 101, 109\n\nR\n\nRoche, Édouard, 105\n\nRoche limit, 105, 107\n\nS\n\nSaturn, 43, 67, 72, 79, 80, 81, 98, 103, 105, 107, 110, 113\n\nScheiner, Christoph, 10\n\nSchwabe, Samuel Heinrich, 11\n\nSeverny, A.B., 61\n\nsolar nebula, 6, 8, 91, 92, 94–96, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 108\n\nsolar oscillations, 14, 28, 29, 48\n\nsolar system\n\nangular momentum, 108\n\nasteroids and comets in, 82–85, 104–104\n\ncomposition of, 72–77\n\nearly origin theories of, 90–93\n\nformation of, 6–8\n\ninterplanetary medium of, 85–87\n\nmodern origin theories of, 93–108\n\norbits in, 77–79\n\nplanetary accretion, 96–104\n\nplanets and moons in, 79–82, 96–104, 105–108, 110–115\n\nsolar wind, 8, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 41–45, 54, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 85, 86, 87, 104, 108\n\nspectroheliograph, 13, 14\n\nspectroscopy, 12\n\nSun\n\natmosphere of, 27–41\n\nformation of, 6-8\n\neffect on earth, 64–69\n\nevolution of, 25–27\n\nhistory of the study of, 10–19\n\nlife span, 9\n\nmass of, 6\n\nspecifications of, 19–22\n\nstructure of, 22–25\n\nsunspots, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 22, 25, 29, 30, 38, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 63, 68\n\nsupernova, 19, 44, 87, 95\n\nU\n\numbra, 46, 47, 48\n\nUranus, 67, 72, 79, 80, 105, 110\n\nV\n\nVenus, 9, 27, 72, 77, 79, 80, 102, 110, 113, 116\n\nW\n\nWolf, Rudolf, 11–12\n\nY\n\nYerkes refractor, 13\n\nZ\n\nZeeman effect, 13\n\nZurich relative sunspot number, 12\n\n" ]
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0.0007250105263665318, 0.0006350625772029161, 0.0007100985967554152, 0.0006669876747764647, 0.000615432858467102, 0.0006664894754067063, 0.0006085301865823567, 0.0007379596936516464, 0.0007509452407248318, 0.0007016874151304364, 0.0007141171372495592, 0.00085479422705248, 0.0006519777816720307, 0.0005766453105024993, 0.0006313541671261191, 0.0006257040658965707, 0.0005860310047864914, 0.0005918053793720901, 0.0006013290258124471, 0.0005913320346735418, 0.0006746950675733387, 0.0005966750322841108, 0.0006059818551875651, 0.0010782141471281648, 0.0007076287874951959, 0.000700866337865591, 0.0006569272954948246, 0.0006437613628804684, 0.0005610042717307806, 0.0006790014449506998, 0.0006061840103939176, 0.0006473538232967257, 0.0006565602379851043, 0.0005670480895787477, 0.0008788962149992585, 0.0006901681190356612, 0.0007197888335213065, 0.000556074024643749, 0.0006115398718975484, 0.0006374773220159113, 0.000568716786801815, 0.0005773786688223481, 0.0006070848321542144, 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0.0007687096949666739, 0.0006386211607605219, 0.0007631744374521077, 0.0007028094260022044, 0.0007158963126130402, 0.0005568364867940545, 0.0009962839540094137, 0.000576931401155889, 0.001085334224626422, 0.0006200791685841978, 0.000690338434651494, 0.0005799734499305487, 0.000919436221010983, 0.0010538895148783922, 0.0007597603835165501, 0.0007258037803694606, 0.0007557191420346498, 0.0006086821667850018, 0.000855480320751667, 0.0009101917967200279, 0.0006111498223617673, 0.0006463058525696397, 0.0006635098252445459, 0.0006544564384967089, 0.0006925601628609002, 0.0006389045738615096, 0.0005676377331838012, 0.0006074283737689257, 0.0006364528671838343, 0.0006992758717387915, 0.0006470108637586236, 0.0008504489669576287, 0.04754381254315376, 0.008401640690863132, 0.0006952291005291045, 0.0006166853127069771, 0.0006381095154210925, 0.0005807384732179344, 0.0005883303238078952, 0.0007203017012216151, 0.0005609510699287057, 0.0005443284753710032, 0.0006168354884721339, 0.000572718505281955, 0.0006500165909528732, 0.0005995215615257621, 0.0005558027187362313, 0.0006535199354402721, 0.000615504162851721, 0.0006259498186409473, 0.0005597885465249419, 0.0006457440322265029, 0.0005959208938293159, 0.0005986614269204438, 0.000591983669437468, 0.000594290962908417, 0.0006374423974193633, 0.0005952861974947155, 0.0005908500752411783, 0.0005882490077055991, 0.0005843880935572088, 0.0006821439601480961, 0.0006126869120635092, 0.0005976344109512866, 0.000649036024697125, 0.0006432103691622615, 0.0008062372216954827, 0.0006496690912172198, 0.0006229482241906226, 0.000582478241994977, 0.0005868017324246466, 0.0006274236366152763, 0.0007765782065689564, 0.0005526448367163539, 0.0006481693708337843, 0.0007778668659739196, 0.0005860707024112344, 0.0005813115858472884, 0.0007747975178062916, 0.0005533422227017581, 0.0005774425226263702, 0.0006677397759631276, 0.0005921357660554349, 0.0006407607579603791, 0.0005796934710815549, 0.0006187767721712589, 0.0005972271901555359, 0.0009017388802021742, 0.0006170862470753491, 0.000612477888353169, 0.0005831284215673804, 0.0006303489208221436, 0.0008075048099271953, 0.0006630243733525276, 0.0006098438170738518, 0.0005666091456077993, 0.0006262914394028485, 0.00066697335569188, 0.0006982244085520506, 0.0006398716359399259, 0.0006257458589971066, 0.0006379015394486487, 0.0008160367724485695, 0.0006902720197103918, 0.000867541937623173, 0.0006660656072199345, 0.000611838127952069, 0.0007130624144338071, 0.0006218173657543957, 0.0011821092339232564, 0.0007912265136837959, 0.00055952079128474, 0.0006365278386510909, 0.0009686005068942904, 0.0008376145269721746, 0.0005871242610737681, 0.002280192682519555, 0.004746663849800825, 0.0005665065255016088, 0.000991422333754599, 0.0011226513888686895, 0.0006235838518477976, 0.000544789363630116, 0.000809639401268214, 0.0007490462157875299, 0.0006258096545934677, 0.0007098334026522934, 0.0007053393055684865, 0.0006416187970899045, 0.0007843183702789247, 0.0008126883185468614, 0.0007339745643548667, 0.0006433004746213555, 0.0005871058092452586, 0.0006568143144249916, 0.0006617495091632009, 0.0008718997123651206, 0.0006825932650826871, 0.0010969379218295217, 0.0007358616567216814, 0.0010059529449790716, 0.0009298446238972247, 0.000683120742905885, 0.0005943255964666605, 0.000672838999889791, 0.0006654653698205948, 0.0005618786672130227, 0.0007419126341119409, 0.0006256367778405547, 0.0007196238730102777, 0.0006437739939428866, 0.0006255335756577551, 0.0005687414668500423, 0.0008147571352310479, 0.0006428791093640029, 0.0006221816292963922, 0.0007033966830931604, 0.0006488062208518386, 0.0006464194739237428, 0.0005534289521165192, 0.0006231337902136147, 0.0006481229793280363, 0.0006693661562167108, 0.0006174098234623671, 0.0006386659224517643, 0.0006551300757564604, 0.0009780424879863858, 0.0007017971365712583, 0.0007199668325483799, 0.0006621541688218713, 0.0005843390827067196, 0.0005957987741567194, 0.0006070295930840075, 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0.0008337325998581946, 0.0006031799712218344, 0.0006867559277452528, 0.0007047890685498714, 0.0007744834292680025, 0.0007740817382000387, 0.0007714060484431684, 0.0007399077876470983, 0.0006772906635887921, 0.0005741455242969096, 0.0006182751385495067, 0.0006510200328193605, 0.000810669269412756, 0.0007978748762980103, 0.000586619193200022, 0.0010006107622757554, 0.0006795662920922041, 0.0005971199134364724, 0.0006505235214717686, 0.0005431548343040049, 0.0012636238243430853, 0.0007086768746376038, 0.0006116885342635214, 0.000643958046566695, 0.0005817353376187384, 0.0005952935898676515, 0.0007312907837331295, 0.0005831519956700504, 0.000626024731900543, 0.000586803478654474, 0.0005897217779420316, 0.0006486745551228523, 0.0006755089852958918, 0.0009514059638604522, 0.000616294564679265, 0.0008162059239111841, 0.0005854693590663373, 0.0005598326097242534, 0.0006956437136977911, 0.0010715291136875749, 0.0006829723715782166, 0.0006313595804385841, 0.0005689957761205733, 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0.0006033378303982317, 0.0005450475146062672, 0.0006431484362110496, 0.0005512383650057018, 0.0006288856384344399, 0.0006535610882565379, 0.000667620450258255, 0.0005562205915339291, 0.0006951340474188328, 0.0006777094677090645, 0.0006275809719227254, 0.0005937514360994101, 0.000674757466185838, 0.0005454276688396931, 0.000603045744355768, 0.0010382235050201416, 0.0006509923841804266, 0.000590766139794141, 0.0006574750877916813, 0.0005985714960843325, 0.0006217592163011432, 0.0006228120182640851, 0.0007112486637197435, 0.0005812686868011951, 0.0006014371174387634, 0.0006241906085051596, 0.0006179310730658472, 0.0005614399560727179, 0.0005508470349013805, 0.0005459020030684769, 0.0005558538250625134, 0.0006120833568274975, 0.000670326582621783, 0.0005967550096102059, 0.0005996427498757839, 0.0006321986438706517, 0.0006460810545831919, 0.0006866813637316227, 0.0005734130390919745, 0.0006580345798283815, 0.0007677685935050249, 0.0008149713394232094, 0.0008342027431353927, 0.0005614340770989656, 0.000652922026347369, 0.000622023013420403, 0.0007184414425864816, 0.0005362963420338929, 0.0005488803726620972, 0.0006523848860524595, 0.0005901572294533253, 0.0007133553153835237, 0.0006789723411202431, 0.0007272959337569773, 0.0005706248339265585, 0.0007492711301892996, 0.0007008270476944745, 0.0007443875074386597, 0.0006295977509580553, 0.0005582508165389299, 0.0006342334090732038, 0.0006049826042726636, 0.0006595466984435916, 0.0007582450634799898, 0.0007862980710342526, 0.0006717212963849306, 0.000584081222768873, 0.000634248775895685, 0.0006012256490066648, 0.0006819996051490307, 0.000658489647321403, 0.0007266460452228785, 0.0010621995897963643, 0.0008970636990852654, 0.0005727163515985012, 0.0005237989244051278, 0.0005851583555340767, 0.0013221022672951221, 0.0006902993191033602, 0.0005321570206433535, 0.0005822359235025942, 0.0005903797573409975, 0.0010024732910096645, 0.0005840620724484324, 0.0006940077291801572, 0.0005621499731205404, 0.0006968184607103467, 0.000733094522729516, 0.0006145433872006834, 0.0007123533287085593, 0.0007188558229245245, 0.0005442171241156757, 0.0007756448467262089, 0.0005691105034202337, 0.0005999868735671043, 0.0006271525053307414, 0.0005669067613780499, 0.0006650890572927892, 0.0005808762507513165, 0.0006266392883844674, 0.0006618002662435174, 0.0005860374658368528, 0.000611680094152689, 0.0005876810755580664, 0.0006222783122211695, 0.0008433740586042404, 0.0007063369266688824, 0.0008074425277300179, 0.0006769445026293397, 0.0005897377850487828, 0.0006366175948642194, 0.0005751383141614497, 0.0014024529373273253, 0.0007148872828111053, 0.0006442363956011832, 0.0005749469855800271, 0.0005811307346448302, 0.0006656217738054693, 0.0005557463155128062, 0.0006777275120839477, 0.0007088633719831705, 0.0006734109483659267, 0.0007236551609821618, 0.0007526259287260473, 0.000543943839147687, 0.0005727810203097761, 0.0006200055941008031, 0.0005815800977870822, 0.0007241953280754387, 0.0006633457378484309, 0.0005957041867077351, 0.0006666340050287545, 0.0005353109445422888, 0.000588179798796773, 0.0006091603427194059, 0.000596358091570437, 0.000570237694773823, 0.0007948557031340897, 0.0006074607372283936, 0.0006725332350470126, 0.0006918055005371571, 0.0007448022370226681, 0.0006323481211438775, 0.0005890619941055775, 0.0005686520598828793, 0.0005809928406961262, 0.0006696762284263968, 0.0005868361913599074, 0.0006092535913921893, 0.0006274517509154975, 0.0005958354449830949, 0.000627856352366507, 0.0005814614705741405, 0.0005998004926368594, 0.0006474149413406849, 0.0006076573627069592, 0.0005732507561333477, 0.0005697435699403286, 0.0006242968374863267, 0.000600455969106406, 0.0006120037287473679, 0.0007472321158275008, 0.0005353617016226053, 0.000741675787139684, 0.0005755325546488166, 0.0006902072345837951, 0.0005821058293804526, 0.0006490452797152102, 0.0006185822421684861, 0.0005850415327586234, 0.000799612607806921, 0.0010307044722139835, 0.0006028799107298255, 0.0006223464733920991, 0.0011777393519878387, 0.000770769314840436, 0.0006942713516764343, 0.000603652442805469, 0.0005962401628494263, 0.0006512778345495462, 0.0006797375390306115, 0.0007494853343814611, 0.0011425012489780784, 0.000668804335873574, 0.0005943130818195641, 0.0006536703440360725, 0.0010785562917590141, 0.0006082637701183558, 0.001087336684577167, 0.0005707779782824218, 0.0006694263429380953, 0.0006192511646077037, 0.0006655843462795019, 0.0006667115376330912, 0.0009072203538380563, 0.0005867248983122408, 0.0006518348818644881, 0.0007233400829136372, 0.003213613061234355, 0.0010390026727691293, 0.0006927899084985256, 0.0005781404906883836, 0.000576404039748013, 0.0007541860686615109, 0.0007516382611356676, 0.0007540006772615016, 0.009302912279963493, 0.0007189376628957689, 0.0013887329259887338, 0.0008220999734476209, 0.0008091863128356636, 0.0006876433617435396, 0.0007221770356409252, 0.0006975360447540879, 0.0008619529544375837, 0.0007697190158069134, 0.0009376066736876965, 0.0025176543276757, 0.0006299948436208069, 0.0005859432858414948, 0.0005552129005081952, 0.0006389879854395986, 0.000676232622936368, 0.000632932991720736, 0.001072332845069468, 0.0005663618794642389, 0.0007564739207737148, 0.0005617720307782292, 0.000655330833978951, 0.0007848869427107275, 0.000553761376067996, 0.0006096165743656456, 0.0005913529312238097, 0.0005895295180380344, 0.0005997581756673753, 0.0006071412353776395, 0.0005916714435443282, 0.0005588073981925845, 0.0006583657814189792, 0.0006426775362342596, 0.0006253857864066958, 0.0007024297374300659, 0.0007513070595450699, 0.000654879491776228, 0.0005974290543235838, 0.0007854365394450724, 0.0005703973001800478, 0.000560123473405838, 0.0005766244139522314, 0.0005541584105230868, 0.0005693009006790817, 0.0005808665882796049, 0.0005721721099689603, 0.0006246093544177711, 0.0006592300487682223, 0.0005898102535866201, 0.0005653858534060419, 0.0005845563136972487, 0.000573736906517297, 0.0017029501032084227 ]
[ "var mkdirp = require('../');\nvar path = require('path');\nvar fs = require('fs');\nvar test = require('tap').test;\n\ntest('return value', function (t) {\n t.plan(2);\n var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(16,4)).toString(16);\n var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(16,4)).toString(16);\n var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(16,4)).toString(16);\n\n var file = '/tmp/' + [x,y,z].join('/');\n\n // should return the first dir created.", "\n // By this point, it would be profoundly surprising if /tmp didn't\n // already exist, since every other test makes things in there.", "\n // Note that this will throw on failure, which will fail the test.", "\n var made = mkdirp.sync(file);\n t.equal(made, '/tmp/' + x);\n\n // making the same file again should have no effect.", "\n made = mkdirp.sync(file);\n t.equal(made, null);\n});\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.002249092562124133, 0.0006305318092927337, 0.005419685039669275, 0.000831704877782613, 0.0014041034737601876 ]
[ "// K-3D\n// Copyright (c) 1995-2008, Timothy M. Shead\n//\n// Contact: tshead@k-3d.com\n//\n// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\n// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n//\n// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n// General Public License for more details.", "\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n\n/** \\file\n\t\\author Tim Shead (tshead@k-3d.com)\n*/\n\n#include <config.h>\n\n#include <k3d-i18n-config.h>\n#include <k3d-platform-config.h>\n#include <k3d-version-config.h>\n\n// Specialized K-3D interfaces for embedding\n#include <k3dsdk/application_detail.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/batch_mode_init.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/plugin_factory_collection.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/network_render_farm.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/network_render_farm_detail.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/user_interface_init.h>\n\n// Standard K-3D interfaces\n#include <k3dsdk/algebra.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/application.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/classes.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/fstream.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/gl.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/gl/extension.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/gzstream.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/idocument.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/idocument_importer.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/ievent_loop.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/iscripted_action.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/iuser_interface.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/log.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/log_control.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/nodes.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/options_policy.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/parallel/threads.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/plugin.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/property.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/register_application.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/register_plugin_factories.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/scripting.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/shader_cache_detail.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/share_detail.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/string_modifiers.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/system.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/type_registry.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/types.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/utility.h>\n#include <k3dsdk/xml.h>\n\n#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>\n\n#include <iomanip>\n#include <iterator>\n\n#ifdef K3D_API_WIN32\n\t#include <k3dsdk/win32.h>\n#endif // K3D_API_WIN32\n\nnamespace\n{\n\n/// Defines storage for parsed command-line arguments\ntypedef std::vector<boost::program_options::basic_option<char> > arguments_t;\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// User options specified on the command line\n\nk3d::bool_t g_show_timestamps = false;\nk3d::bool_t g_show_process = false;\nk3d::bool_t g_syslog = false;\nk3d::bool_t g_color_level = false;\nk3d::log_level_t g_minimum_log_level = k3d::K3D_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING;\n\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_ngui_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_nui_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_options_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_pyui_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_qtui_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_shader_cache_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_share_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_tutorials_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_default_user_interface_path;\nk3d::string_t g_default_plugin_paths;\n\nk3d::filesystem::path g_override_locale_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_options_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_shader_cache_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_share_path;\nk3d::filesystem::path g_user_interface_path;\nk3d::string_t g_plugin_paths;\n\nk3d::ievent_loop* g_user_interface = 0;\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// handle_error\n\nvoid handle_error(const k3d::string_t& Message, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\tQuit = true;\n\tError = true;\n\n\tthrow std::runtime_error(Message);\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// startup_message_handler\n\n/// Called during application startup to display progress to the user\nvoid startup_message_handler(const k3d::string_t& Message)\n{\n\tk3d::log() << info << Message << std::endl;\n\n\tif(g_user_interface)\n\t\tg_user_interface->startup_message_handler(Message);\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// exit_request_handler\n\n/// Called when the user wants to shut everything down\nk3d::bool_t exit_request_handler()\n{\n\tif(g_user_interface)\n\t\tg_user_interface->stop_event_loop();\n\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// set_default_options\n\n/// Sets-up default user options for various platforms\nvoid set_default_options(k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\t// Setup default paths based on the location of the executable ...\n\tconst k3d::filesystem::path executable_dir = k3d::system::executable_path().branch_path();\n\tconst k3d::filesystem::path user_dir = k3d::system::get_home_directory() / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\".k3d\");\n\n\tg_default_ngui_path = executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../\" K3D_LIBDIR \"/k3d/plugins/k3d-ngui.module\");\n\tg_default_nui_path = executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../\" K3D_LIBDIR \"/k3d/plugins/k3d-nui.module\");\n\tg_default_options_path = user_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"options.k3d\");\n\tg_default_plugin_paths = (executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../\" K3D_LIBDIR \"/k3d/plugins\")).native_filesystem_string();\n\tg_default_pyui_path = executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../\" K3D_LIBDIR \"/k3d/plugins/k3d-pyui.module\");\n\tg_default_qtui_path = executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../\" K3D_LIBDIR \"/k3d/plugins/k3d-qtui.module\");\n\tg_default_shader_cache_path = user_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"shadercache\");\n\tg_default_share_path = executable_dir / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"../share/k3d\");\n\n#ifdef K3D_ENABLE_OSX_BUNDLE\n\tg_default_user_interface_path = g_default_qtui_path;\n#else\n\tg_default_user_interface_path = g_default_ngui_path;\n#endif\n\n\t// Setup path options based on the defaults ...\n\tg_options_path = g_default_options_path;\n\tg_plugin_paths = g_default_plugin_paths;\n\tg_shader_cache_path = g_default_shader_cache_path;\n\tg_share_path = g_default_share_path;\n\tg_user_interface_path = g_default_user_interface_path;\n\n\t// Optionally override paths using environment variables ...\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_LOCALE_PATH\").empty())\n\t\tg_override_locale_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_LOCALE_PATH\")));\n\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_OPTIONS_PATH\").empty())\n\t\tg_options_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_OPTIONS_PATH\")));\n\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_PLUGIN_PATHS\").empty())\n\t\tg_plugin_paths = k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_PLUGIN_PATHS\");\n\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_SHADER_CACHE_PATH\").empty())\n\t\tg_shader_cache_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_SHADER_CACHE_PATH\")));\n\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_SHARE_PATH\").empty())\n\t\tg_share_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_SHARE_PATH\")));\n\n\tif(!k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_USER_INTERFACE_PATH\").empty())\n\t\tg_user_interface_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_USER_INTERFACE_PATH\")));\n\n#ifdef K3D_API_WIN32\n\t// Add the executable directory to PATH\n\tk3d::system::setenv(\"PATH\", executable_dir.native_filesystem_string() + \";\" + k3d::system::getenv(\"PATH\"));\n#endif // K3D_API_WIN32\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// parse_log_arguments\n\n/// Looks for command-line arguments that apply to logging (so we can set them up right away)\nconst arguments_t parse_log_arguments(const arguments_t& Arguments, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\t// Keep track of \"unused\" options ...\n\targuments_t unused;\n\n\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = Arguments.begin(); argument !", "= Arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t{\n\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"show-timestamps\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_show_timestamps = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"show-process\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_show_process = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"syslog\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_syslog = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"color\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_color_level = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"no-color\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_color_level = false;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"log-level\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(argument->value[0] == \"warning\")\n\t\t\t\tg_minimum_log_level = k3d::K3D_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING;\n\t\t\telse if(argument->value[0] == \"information\")\n\t\t\t\tg_minimum_log_level = k3d::K3D_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;\n\t\t\telse if(argument->value[0] == \"debug\")\n\t\t\t\tg_minimum_log_level = k3d::K3D_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\thandle_error(\"Valid values for the --log-level option are \\\"warning\\\", \\\"information\\\", or \\\"debug\\\"\", Quit, Error);\n\t\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tunused.push_back(*argument);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tk3d::log_show_timestamps(g_show_timestamps);\n\tk3d::log_set_tag(g_show_process ? \"[", "k3d]\" : k3d::string_t());\n\tk3d::log_color_level(g_color_level);\n\tk3d::log_show_level(true);\n\tk3d::log_syslog(g_syslog);\n\tk3d::log_minimum_level(g_minimum_log_level);\n\n\treturn unused;\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// parse_startup_arguments\n\n/// Handles \"normal\" command-line arguments that specify initial application state\nconst arguments_t parse_startup_arguments(const arguments_t& Arguments, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\t// We return any \"unused\" options ...\n\targuments_t unused;\n\n\t// For each command-line argument ...\n\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = Arguments.begin(); argument !", "= Arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t{\n\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"batch\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::set_batch_mode(true);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"ui\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(argument->value[0] == \"nui\" || argument->value[0] == \"none\")\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface_path = g_default_nui_path;\n\t\t\telse if(argument->value[0] == \"ngui\")\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface_path = g_default_ngui_path;\n\t\t\telse if(argument->value[0] == \"qtui\")\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface_path = g_default_qtui_path;\n\t\t\telse if(argument->value[0] == \"pyui\")\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface_path = g_default_pyui_path;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(argument->value[0]));\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"plugins\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_plugin_paths = argument->value[0];\n\t\t\tg_plugin_paths = k3d::replace_all(\"&\", g_default_plugin_paths, g_plugin_paths);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"shadercache\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_shader_cache_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(argument->value[0]));\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"share\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_share_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(argument->value[0]));\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"options\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_options_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(argument->value[0]));\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"add-path\")\n\t\t{\n#ifdef K3D_API_WIN32\n\t\t\tk3d::system::setenv(\"PATH\", argument->value[0] + \";\" + k3d::system::getenv(\"PATH\"));\n#else // K3D_API_WIN32\n\t\t\tk3d::system::setenv(\"PATH\", argument->value[0] + \":\" + k3d::system::getenv(\"PATH\"));\n#endif // !", "K3D_API_WIN32\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"disable-gl-extension\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::gl::extension::disable(argument->value[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"enable-gl-extension\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::gl::extension::enable(argument->value[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"setenv\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::system::setenv(argument->value[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"locale\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tg_override_locale_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(argument->value[0]));\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tunused.push_back(*argument);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn unused;\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// check_dependencies\n\n/// Checks for any runtime resources required to continue program execution\nvoid check_dependencies(k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"package: \" << K3D_PACKAGE << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"version: \" << K3D_VERSION << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"platform: \" << K3D_HOST << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"compiler: \" << K3D_COMPILER_NAME << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"build time: \" << __DATE__ << \" \" << __TIME__ << \" local\" << std::endl;\n\n#ifdef K3D_HAVE_EXPAT\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"xml parser: expat\" << std::endl;\n#elif defined K3D_HAVE_LIBXML2\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"xml parser: libxml2\" << std::endl;\n#else\n\tk3d::log() << warning \"xml parser: unknown\" << std::endl;\n#endif\n\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"executable: \" << k3d::system::executable_path().native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"options file: \" << g_options_path.native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"plugin path(s): \" << g_plugin_paths << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"shader cache path: \" << g_shader_cache_path.native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"share path: \" << g_share_path.native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"user interface: \" << g_user_interface_path.native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"home directory: \" << k3d::system::get_home_directory().native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\tk3d::log() << info << \"temp directory: \" << k3d::system::get_temp_directory().native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\n\t// The options file must be specified and must exist ...\n\tif(g_options_path.empty())\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"Options path must be specified using --options <path>.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tk3d::filesystem::create_directories(g_options_path.branch_path());\n\tif(!k3d::filesystem::exists(g_options_path.branch_path()))\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"Options directory [\" + g_options_path.branch_path().native_console_string() + \"] does not exist and could not be created.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t// Every specified plugin path must exist ...\n\tconst k3d::system::paths_t plugin_paths = k3d::system::decompose_path_list(g_plugin_paths);\n\tfor(k3d::system::paths_t::const_iterator plugin_path = plugin_paths.begin(); plugin_path !", "= plugin_paths.end(); ++plugin_path)\n\t{\n\t\tif(!k3d::filesystem::exists(*plugin_path))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\thandle_error(\"Plugin path [\" + plugin_path->native_console_string() + \"] does not exist.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// The shader cache path must be specified, and must already exist or be successfully created ...\n\tif(g_shader_cache_path.empty())\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"Shader cache path must be specified using --shadercache <path>.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tk3d::filesystem::create_directories(g_shader_cache_path);\n\tif(!k3d::filesystem::exists(g_shader_cache_path))\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"Shader cache path [\" + g_shader_cache_path.native_console_string() + \"] does not exist and could not be created.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t// The share path must exist ...\n\tif(!k3d::filesystem::exists(g_share_path))\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"Share path [\" + g_share_path.native_console_string() + \"] does not exist.\", ", "Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// create_user_interface\n\n/// Instantiates the (optional) user interface plugin\nvoid create_user_interface(k3d::plugin_factory_collection& Plugins, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\tconst k3d::string_t module_name = g_user_interface_path.native_console_string();\n\tif(!g_user_interface_path.empty() && !", "k3d::filesystem::exists(g_user_interface_path))\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"UI plugin module [\" + module_name + \"] does not exist\", Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tPlugins.load_module(g_user_interface_path, k3d::plugin_factory_collection::IGNORE_PROXIES);\n\n\tif(Plugins.factories().empty())\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"UI plugin module [\" + module_name + \"] does not contain any K-3D plugins\", Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif(Plugins.factories().size() > 1)\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"UI plugin module [\" + module_name + \"] contains more than one K-3D plugin\", Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tg_user_interface = k3d::plugin::create<k3d::ievent_loop>(**Plugins.factories().begin());\n\tif(!g_user_interface)\n\t{\n\t\thandle_error(\"UI plugin module [\" + module_name + \"] does not contain a user interface plugin\", Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif(!dynamic_cast<k3d::iuser_interface*>(g_user_interface))\n\t{\n\t\tdelete g_user_interface;\n\t\tg_user_interface = 0;\n\t\thandle_error(\"UI plugin module [\" + module_name + \"] does not implement k3d::iuser_interface\", Quit, Error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// load_modules\n\n/// Loads (statically- or dynamically-linked) plugin modules\nvoid load_modules(k3d::plugin_factory_collection& Plugins, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\tPlugins.load_modules(g_plugin_paths, true, k3d::plugin_factory_collection::LOAD_PROXIES);\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// parse_runtime_arguments\n\n/// Handles any command-line options that run once startup is complete (e.g. running a script / tutorial)\nconst arguments_t parse_runtime_arguments(const arguments_t& Arguments, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error, k3d::iapplication& Application)\n{\n\t// Keep track of \"unused\" arguments ...\n\targuments_t unused;\n\n\t// Provide a single script context object that will be used by all scripts, so they can share state ...\n\tk3d::iscript_engine::context context;\n\n\t// For each command-line argument ...\n\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = Arguments.begin(); argument !", "= Arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t{\n\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"script\" || argument->string_key == \"script-file\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::bool_t recognized = false;\n\t\t\tk3d::bool_t executed = false;\n\t\t\tk3d::string_t script_name;\n\t\t\tk3d::script::code script_code(\"\");\n\n\t\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"script\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tscript_name = \"COMMANDLINE\";\n\t\t\t\tscript_code = k3d::script::code(argument->value[0]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"script-file\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif(argument->value[0] == \"-\")\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tscript_name = \"STDIN\";\n\t\t\t\t\tscript_code = k3d::script::code(std::cin);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tscript_name = argument->value[0];\n\t\t\t\t\tconst k3d::filesystem::path script_path = k3d::filesystem::native_path(k3d::ustring::from_utf8(script_name));\n\t\t\t\t\tif(!k3d::filesystem::exists(script_path))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tk3d::log() << error << \"Script [\" << script_name << \"] doesn't exist\" << std::endl;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tQuit = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tError = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tk3d::log() << info << \"Running script [\" << script_name << \"]\" << std::endl;\n\t\t\t\t\tk3d::filesystem::igzstream script_stream(script_path);\n\t\t\t\t\tscript_code = k3d::script::code(script_stream);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tk3d::script::execute(script_code, script_name, context, recognized, executed);\n\n\t\t\tif(!recognized)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tk3d::log() << error << \"Couldn't recognize scripting language for script [ \" << script_name << \" ]\" << std::endl;\n\t\t\t\tQuit = true;\n\t\t\t\tError = true;\n\t\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(!executed)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tk3d::log() << error << \"Error executing script [ \" << script_name << \" ]\" << std::endl;\n\t\t\t\tQuit = true;\n\t\t\t\tError = true;\n\t\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"list-gl-extensions\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tconst std::set<k3d::string_t> extensions = k3d::gl::extension::list();\n\t\t\tfor(std::set<k3d::string_t>::const_iterator extension = extensions.begin(); extension !", "= extensions.end(); ++extension)\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << *extension << \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tQuit = true;\n\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"exit\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tQuit = true;\n\t\t\treturn arguments_t();\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tunused.push_back(*argument);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn unused;\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// check_unused_arguments\n\n/// Handles any arguments that weren't recognized by either the application or the user interface plugin\nvoid check_unused_arguments(const arguments_t& Arguments, k3d::bool_t& Quit, k3d::bool_t& Error)\n{\n\t// If there aren't any leftover arguments, we're done ...\n\tif(Arguments.empty())\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tk3d::log() << warning << \"The following unknown command-line arguments will be ignored: \" << std::endl;\n\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = Arguments.begin(); argument !", "= Arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t k3d::log() << warning << \"name: \" << argument->string_key << \" value: \" << argument->value[0] << std::endl;\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// create_auto_start_plugins\n\ntypedef std::vector<k3d::iunknown*> auto_start_plugins_t;\n\nvoid create_auto_start_plugins(auto_start_plugins_t& Plugins)\n{\n\tconst k3d::plugin::factory::collection_t factories = k3d::plugin::factory::lookup();\n\tfor(k3d::plugin::factory::collection_t::const_iterator factory = factories.begin(); factory !", "= factories.end(); ++factory)\n\t{\n\t\tk3d::iplugin_factory::metadata_t metadata = (**factory).metadata();\n\n\t\tif(!metadata.count(\"k3d:application-start\"))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tk3d::log() << info << \"Creating plugin [\" << (**factory).name() << \"] via k3d:application-start\" << std::endl;\n\n\t\tk3d::iunknown* const plugin = k3d::plugin::create(**factory);\n\t\tif(!plugin)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::log() << error << \"Error creating plugin [\" << (**factory).name() << \"] via k3d:application-start\" << std::endl;\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tPlugins.push_back(plugin);\n\n\t\tif(k3d::iscripted_action* const scripted_action = dynamic_cast<k3d::iscripted_action*>(plugin))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::iscript_engine::context context;\n\t\t\tcontext[\"command\"] = k3d::string_t(\"startup\");\n\t\t\tscripted_action->execute(context);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// delete_auto_start_plugins\n\nvoid delete_auto_start_plugins(auto_start_plugins_t& Plugins)\n{\n\tfor(auto_start_plugins_t::iterator plugin = Plugins.begin(); plugin !", "= Plugins.end(); ++plugin)\n\t{\n\t\tif(k3d::iscripted_action* const scripted_action = dynamic_cast<k3d::iscripted_action*>(*plugin))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tk3d::iscript_engine::context context;\n\t\t\tcontext[\"command\"] = k3d::string_t(\"shutdown\");\n\t\t\tscripted_action->execute(context);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfor(auto_start_plugins_t::iterator plugin = Plugins.begin(); plugin !", "= Plugins.end(); ++plugin)\n\t\tdelete *plugin;\n\n\tPlugins.clear();\n}\n\n} // namespace\n\nint k3d_main(std::vector<k3d::string_t> raw_arguments)\n{\n\t// Append extra options from the environment ...\n\tstd::istringstream buffer(k3d::system::getenv(\"K3D_EXTRA_OPTIONS\"));\n\tstd::copy(std::istream_iterator<k3d::string_t>(buffer), std::istream_iterator<k3d::string_t>(), std::back_inserter(raw_arguments));\n\n\ttry\n\t{\n\t\tk3d::bool_t quit = false;\n\t\tk3d::bool_t error = false;\n\n\t\t// Set default values for all user-configurable options ...\n\t\tset_default_options(quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Parse command-line options ...\n\t\tboost::program_options::options_description description(\"K-3D options\");\n\t\tdescription.add_options()\n\t\t\t(\"add-path\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Prepend a path to the PATH environment variable at runtime.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"batch\", \"Enable batch (no user intervention) mode.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"color\", \"Color-code log messages based on their level.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"disable-gl-extension\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Disables the given OpenGL extension.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"enable-gl-extension\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Enables the given OpenGL extension.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"exit\", \"Exits the program (useful after running scripts in batch mode.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"help,h\", \"Prints this help message and exits.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"list-gl-extensions\", \"List available OpenGL extensions and exit.\")", "\n#ifdef K3D_ENABLE_NLS\n\t\t\t(\"locale\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Overrides the path for loading locales\")\n#endif // K3D_ENABLE_NLS\n\t\t\t(\"log-level\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Specifies the minimum message priority to log - valid values are \\\"warning\\\", \\\"information\\\", \\\"debug\\\" [default: warning].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"no-color\", \"Disable color-coding of log messages based on their level.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"options\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Overrides the filepath for storing user options [default: /home/tshead/.k3d/options.k3d].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"plugins\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries [default: /usr/local/k3d/lib/k3d].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"script,e\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Executes the given script text after startup.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"script-file,f\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Executes the given script file after startup (use - for stdin).\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"setenv\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Set an environment variable using name=value syntax.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"shadercache\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Overrides the path for storing compiled shaders [default: /home/tshead/.k3d/shadercache].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"share\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Overrides the path for loading shared data files [default: /usr/local/k3d/share/k3d].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"show-process\", \"Prints the process name next to log messages.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"show-timestamps\", \"Prints timestamps next to log messages.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"syslog\", \"Logs messages to syslog.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"ui,u\", boost::program_options::value<k3d::string_t>(), \"Specifies the user interface plugin to use - valid values are a plugin path, \\\"nui\\\", \\\"ngui\\\", \\\"qtui\\\", or \\\"pyui\\\" [default: qtui].\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"user-interface-help,H\", \"Prints user interface help message and exits.\")", "\n\t\t\t(\"version\", \"Prints program version information and exits.\")", "\n\t\t\t;\n\n\t\targuments_t arguments = boost::program_options::command_line_parser(raw_arguments)\n\t\t\t.options(description)\n\t\t\t.allow_unregistered()\n\t\t\t.style(\n\t\t\t\tboost::program_options::command_line_style::allow_long\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::allow_short\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::allow_dash_for_short\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::long_allow_adjacent\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::long_allow_next\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::short_allow_adjacent\n\t\t\t\t| boost::program_options::command_line_style::short_allow_next\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t.run()\n\t\t\t.options;\n\n\t\t// Handle arguments that cause an immediate exit ...\n\t\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = arguments.begin(); argument !", "= arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"help\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << description << \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if(argument->string_key == \"version\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << \"K-3D Version \" << K3D_VERSION << \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << K3D_COPYRIGHT << \" See the AUTHORS file for contributors.\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << \"Licensed under the GNU General Public License. ", " See the COPYING file for details.\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << \"K-3D home page: http://k3d.sourceforge.net\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << \"Bug reports to: tshead@k-3d.com\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Setup our logging options before going any further ...\n\t\targuments = parse_log_arguments(arguments, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Look for command-line options that will configure our subsequent behavior ...\n\t\targuments = parse_startup_arguments(arguments, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Make sure we have all resources required to run ...\n\t\tcheck_dependencies(quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Initialize parallel processing ...\n\t\tk3d::parallel::set_thread_count(k3d::parallel::automatic);\n\n\t\t// Set the shader cache path ...\n\t\tk3d::set_shader_cache_path(g_shader_cache_path);\n\n\t\t// Set the share path ...\n\t\tk3d::set_share_path(g_share_path);\n\n#ifdef K3D_ENABLE_NLS\n\t\tk3d::filesystem::path locale_path = g_share_path / k3d::filesystem::generic_path(\"locale\");\n\t\tif(!g_override_locale_path.empty())\n\t\t\tlocale_path = g_override_locale_path;\n\n\t\tk3d::log() << info << \"locale path: \" << locale_path.native_console_string() << std::endl;\n\n\t\tsetlocale(LC_ALL, \"\");\n\t\tbindtextdomain(\"k3d\", locale_path.native_filesystem_string().c_str());\n\t\tbind_textdomain_codeset(\"k3d\", \"UTF-8\");\n\t\ttextdomain(\"k3d\");\n#endif // K3D_ENABLE_NLS\n\n\t\t// Load user options ...\n\t\tk3d::options::file_storage user_options(g_options_path);\n\t\tk3d::options::set_storage(user_options);\n\n\t\t// Handle creation of the required user interface plugin ...\n\t\tk3d::plugin_factory_collection ui_plugins;\n\t\tui_plugins.connect_message_signal(sigc::ptr_fun(startup_message_handler));\n\t\tcreate_user_interface(ui_plugins, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\t\treturn_val_if_fail(g_user_interface, 1);\n\n\t\t// Handle more arguments that may cause our immediate exit ...\n\t\tfor(arguments_t::const_iterator argument = arguments.begin(); argument !", "= arguments.end(); ++argument)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(argument->string_key == \"user-interface-help\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tboost::program_options::options_description description(\"User interface options\");\n\t\t\t\tg_user_interface->get_command_line_arguments(description);\n\t\t\t\tstd::cout << description << \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Register our user interface ...\n\t\tk3d::set_user_interface(*dynamic_cast<k3d::iuser_interface*>(g_user_interface));\n\n\t\t// Ensure the user interface gets cleaned-up ...\n\t\tboost::scoped_ptr<k3d::ievent_loop> ui_cleanup(g_user_interface);\n\n\t\t// Give the UI a chance to handle command-line arguments ...\n\t\targuments = g_user_interface->parse_startup_arguments(arguments, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Load plugins ...\n\t\tk3d::plugin_factory_collection plugins;\n\t\tplugins.connect_message_signal(sigc::ptr_fun(startup_message_handler));\n\t\tload_modules(plugins, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Setup a render farm ...\n\t\tk3d::network_render_farm render_farm(g_options_path);\n\t\tk3d::set_network_render_farm(render_farm);\n\n\t\t// Register plugins ...\n\t\tk3d::register_plugin_factories(plugins);\n\n\t\t// Create the main application object ...\n\t\tk3d::application_implementation application;\n\n\t\t// We want to be notified when the user requests a shutdown ...\n\t\tapplication.connect_exit_signal(sigc::ptr_fun(exit_request_handler));\n\n\t\t// Register it with the library as the global application object ...\n\t\tk3d::register_application(application.interface());\n\n\t\t// Switch the UI to its \"normal\" (post-startup) layout ...\n\t\tstartup_message_handler(_(\"Starting user interface\"));\n\t\tg_user_interface->display_user_interface();\n\n\t\t// Instantiate \"auto-start\" plugins ...\n\t\tauto_start_plugins_t auto_start_plugins;\n\t\tcreate_auto_start_plugins(auto_start_plugins);\n\n\t\t// Let the UI parse arguments now that startup is complete ...\n\t\targuments = g_user_interface->parse_runtime_arguments(arguments, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t // Parse any remaining arguments now that startup is complete ...\n\t\targuments = parse_runtime_arguments(arguments, quit, error, application.interface());\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Check for \"unused\" command-line arguments ...\n\t\tcheck_unused_arguments(arguments, quit, error);\n\t\tif(quit)\n\t\t\treturn error ? ", "1 : 0;\n\n\t\t// Main UI event-loop ...\n\t\tg_user_interface->start_event_loop();\n\n\t\t// Cleanup \"auto-start\" plugins ...\n\t\tdelete_auto_start_plugins(auto_start_plugins);\n\n\t\t//g_user_interface.reset();\n\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\tcatch(std::exception& e)\n\t{\n\t\tk3d::string_t message = \"Caught exception [\";\n\t\t\tmessage += k3d::demangle(typeid(e));\n\t\t\tmessage += \"] - \";\n\t\t\tmessage += e.what();\n\n\t\tk3d::log() << critical << message << std::endl;\n\n#ifdef K3D_API_WIN32\n\t\tMessageBox(0, message.c_str(), _(\"K-3D Fatal Error\"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);\n#endif // K3D_API_WIN32\n\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\tcatch(...)\n\t{\n\t\tconst k3d::string_t message = \"Caught unknown exception.\";", "\n\n\t\tk3d::log() << critical << message << std::endl;\n\n#ifdef K3D_API_WIN32\n\t\tMessageBox(0, message.c_str(), _(\"K-3D Fatal Error\"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);\n#endif // K3D_API_WIN32\n\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "2013 China Open (snooker)\n\nThe 2013 Bank of Beijing China Open was a professional ranking snooker tournament that took place between 25 and 31 March 2013 at the Beijing University Students' Gymnasium in Beijing, China. ", "It was the tenth ranking event of the 2012/2013 season.", "\n\nPeter Ebdon was the defending champion, but he lost 3–5 against Marcus Campbell in the last 32.", "\n\nMark Selby attempted a maximum break in his last 32 match against Mark King, but missed the final black at 140. ", "Thus he became the fourth player along with Ken Doherty, Barry Pinches and Robin Hull to do so in a professional tournament.", "\n\nNeil Robertson won his seventh ranking title by defeating Selby 10–6 in the final.", "\n\nPrize fund\nThe breakdown of prize money for this year is shown below: \n\nWinner: £85,000\nRunner-up: £35,000\nSemi-final: £20,000\nQuarter-final: £11,000\nLast 16: £7,500\nLast 32: £6,000\nLast 48: £2,300\nLast 64: £1,500\n\nNon-televised highest break: £700\nTelevised highest break: £3,500\nTotal: £425,000\n\nWildcard round\nThese matches were played in Beijing on 25 and 26 March.", "\n\nMain draw\n\nFinal\n\nQualifying\nThese matches took place between 9 and 12 January 2013 at the World Snooker Academy in Sheffield, England.", "\n\nCentury breaks\n\nQualifying stage centuries\n\n 142, 103 Sean O'Sullivan\n 141 Marcus Campbell\n 140 Chen Zhe\n 130 Michael Holt\n 130 Dave Harold\n 127 Marco Fu\n 126 Tian Pengfei\n 122 Aditya Mehta\n\n 115, 114, 102 Anthony McGill\n 108 Andy Hicks\n 107 Michael Wild\n 104, 102 Kurt Maflin\n 103 Liang Wenbo\n 100 Robbie Williams\n 100 Steve Davis\n\nTelevised stage centuries\n\n 142, 126, 121 Jimmy Robertson\n 140, 125, 116, 111, 104 Mark Selby\n 138, 113, 113, 110, 110 Neil Robertson\n 137, 124 Shaun Murphy\n 136, 108 Mark Williams\n 134, 110 Rory McLeod\n 134 Stuart Bingham\n 133, 102 Stephen Maguire\n\n 131, 102 Jack Lisowski\n 129 Mark Allen\n 126 Liang Wenbo\n 116 John Higgins\n 109 Robert Milkins\n 108 Barry Hawkins\n 105, 101 Michael Holt\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n2013 Bank of Beijing China Open – Pictures by Tai Chengzhe at Facebook\n\nCategory:China Open (snooker)\nChina Open\nOpen (snooker)\nCategory:Sports competitions in Beijing" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0007032636785879731, 0.0009284299449063838, 0.0010220654075965285, 0.001220610341988504, 0.0008349111885763705, 0.001095233834348619, 0.0007098431815393269, 0.0006221878575161099, 0.0008847981225699186 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdding href in php from database\n\n<ul> \n<li> Telephone number : <?", "php echo $row[3]?", "> </li> \n<li> Website : <a href = \"<?", "php echo $row[4]?", ">\" ></a> </li>\n</ul>\n\n$row[4] represents the column in database that has the link to website.", "\nI'm trying this code to get href but it's not working for some reason. ", "Any hints what am I doing wrong here? ", "\nIf I echo it without making it an href then it's working fine. ", "So my database connection is perfectly working. ", "\nThanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nWell, you filled only the href attribute of the link. ", "The text to be displayed must be put between the link tags:\n<a href=\"<?php echo $row[4]; ?", ">\"><?", "php echo $row[4]; ?", "></a>\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008415113552473485, 0.0007261161808855832, 0.001179200946353376, 0.0007338441791944206, 0.0007514062453992665, 0.0008421313832513988, 0.0006635543541051447, 0.0006321227410808206, 0.0006481428281404078, 0.0005687244120053947, 0.0015066886553540826, 0.0006391694769263268, 0.0011029893066734076, 0.0007673805812373757, 0.0012393951183184981 ]
[ "Please send an estimate of time and description of the topic to Rebecca.", "\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 11/30/2000 08:49 AM -----\n\n\tRebecca Carter\n\tSent by: Kelly Johnson\n\t11/21/2000 09:24 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cliff \nBaxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sanjay Bhatnagar/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nRick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Diomedes \nChristodoulou/SA/Enron@Enron, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nDerrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, peggy_fowler@pgn.com, \nMark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Hannon/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, David \nHaug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nLarry L Izzo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike \nMcConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nJeffrey McMahon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Metts/NA/Enron@Enron, Cindy \nOlson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen S Owens@ees@EES, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Jeffrey Sherrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nSherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Greg \nWhalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas E White/HOU/EES@EES, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRaymond Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Wade \nCline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, James A \nHughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nJeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G \nBuchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, \nMatthew Scrimshaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, David Cox/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Steve Elliott/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Jim Fallon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Rod \nHayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Brenda Castillo/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcia Manarin/SA/Enron@Enron, Susan \nSkarness/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy Guidroz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nBeena Pradhan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Karen K \nHeathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rosane \nFabozzi/SA/Enron@Enron, Molly Bobrow/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nStephanie Harris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmary_trosper@pgn.com, Nicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, Carol Ann Brown/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Elaine \nRodriguez/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cindy Stark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary E Garza/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Maureen \nMcVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Joannie Williamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cathy \nPhillips/HOU/ECT@ECT, Loretta Brelsford/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nSue Ford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dolores Fisher/NA/Enron@Enron, Bobbie \nPower/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Dorothy Dalton/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Christina Grow/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lauren \nUrquhart/LON/ECT@ECT, Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Liz M Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJudy G Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Inez Dauterive/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica \nValdez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa Wright/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary \nJoyce/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pam Butler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie \nMcGinnis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Blair/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeff Donahue/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nWilliam Keeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy \nMcCurley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marsha Schiller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fiona Stewart/LON/ECT@ECT, \nJana L Paxton/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mrudula \nGadade/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Connie \nBlackwood/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Tammie Schoppe/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nKimberly Hillis/HOU/ECT@ect, Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharon \nDick/HOU/EES@EES, Beverly Aden/HOU/EES@EES, Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Kathryn \nGreer/HOU/EES@EES, Carol Moffett/HOU/EES@EES, Jennifer T Adams/HOU/EES@EES, \nLeah Rijo/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Lucy Marshall/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Kathy Campos/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Julie \nArmstrong/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Joyce/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pam \nButler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie McGinnis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg \nBlair/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeff Donahue/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Keeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJanet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Board of Directors Meeting - December 12th" ]
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[ 0.0005380610236898065, 0.0015156693989410996 ]
[ "Intracellular trapping of adenosine during myocardial ischemia by L-homocysteine.", "\nExperiments were carried out to test the hypothesis whether adenosine produced by ATP catabolism during ischemia can be trapped with L-homocysteine and be re-utilized during reperfusion. ", "During intraatrial infusion of L-homocysteine (100 mg/kg/h), the ischemic accumulation of adenine nucleosides and oxypurines in dog myocardium was found to be less than 50% of that during control ischemia. ", "A high proportion of adenosine was recovered as S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. ", "On reperfusion, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. ", "On reperfusion, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine tissue content remained high. ", "After 3 hours of reperfusion approximately 50% of the accumulated S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine were still found in the tissue. ", "Infusion of L-homocysteine did not cause an accumulation of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine in the nonischemic myocardial tissue. ", "L-homocysteine treatment caused a further depletion of ATP during reperfusion after 30 minutes of ischemia, which can be interpreted as a toxic effect. ", "We conclude that L-homocysteine is indeed able to trap adenosine produced by ATP breakdown, but the reaction is not readily reversible and is therefore not useful for quick restoration of postischemic ATP levels." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.004140065982937813, 0.000709031883161515, 0.008535820059478283, 0.0008956800447776914, 0.00189126783516258, 0.0008241066243499517, 0.0007871681009419262, 0.0018849505577236414, 0.0013956247130408883, 0.0006773303612135351 ]
[ "The death of a man last month after a house fire has been deemed a homicide, setting a new single-year record in Winnipeg.", "\n\nDouglas Wood, 41, was found in a 1½-storey home on Pritchard Avenue, between Andrews and Powers streets, on Halloween night. ", "He was rushed to hospital and died on Nov. 5.", "\n\nJenna Sereena Kakegamick, 23, was arrested Dec. 17 and charged with second-degree murder and arson.", "\n\nThe arrest \"was a significant pivotal moment\" in confirming Wood's death was a homicide, police spokesperson Const. ", "Jay Murray said.", "\n\nThere were \"suspicious factors\" that suggested homicide, but it wasn't until the arrest was made that police could officially declare it as such, he said.", "\n\nPolice said Kakegamick and Wood were known to each other and were socializing when a confrontation occurred. ", "Kakegamick is accused of starting the fire and running out, leaving Wood behind.", "\n\nPolice did not say why Wood didn't get out but suggested he may have been passed out from drinking.", "\n\n\"They were heavily socializing before the incident and that may have contributed,\" Murray said.", "\n\nIn the end, however, it was the fire that caused Wood's death, he said.", "\n\nAs for the surge in homicides, much more than the 22 the city experienced last year, Murray said there have been a number of social issues that have contributed, such as alcohol and drug use.", "\n\n\"We've also seen a disproportionate number of homicides that involve gun violence or methamphetamine use,\" he said.", "\n\nOften people look for answers to why the number has risen so dramatically, but they also overlook that it has fallen significantly in other years.", "\n\nThe previous record for homicides in the city was 41, set in 2011. ", "But two years later, it was back to 25, \"and we were never asked why that was,\" Murray said.", "\n\nThe answer is simply that homicide trends are volatile and unpredictable, and sometimes it's just luck that makes a difference, he said.", "\n\n\"That homicide number is dependent on a number of factors, such as the proximity of medical resources, how fast medical help arrives, and even the location of an injury — one centimetre over can be the difference between a homicide and a serious assault,\" Murray said.", "\n\n\"That homicide count by itself — I know a lot of attention is given to that number — but it's not an accurate or proper metric to measure violence as a whole.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nbundling Core Data to tableviewcontroller (himself in a navigation controller(himself in a tabbarcontroller))\n\nI'm new on developping on iPhone and I encounter pretty much problem with my project.", "\nThe project, based on empty app : a tabbar app(item1,item2). ", "item1 is a simple viewcontroller(ProfilViewController) and is part of navigationcontroller. ", "a button from item1 push a tableviewcontroller (MainMantraViewController).", "\nAside, I have my CoreData with a single entity : Mantra,made of 3 attributes:phrase,theme,partage. ", "I try to fill it at the launch to test the bundle between coredata and the tableviewcontroller.", "\nhere is my appdelegate.m, under didfinishlaunching:\nProfilViewController *rootView =(ProfilViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;\nrootView.managedObjectContext=self.managedObjectContext;\n\n//donnée test\nMantra * newMantra=(Mantra *)[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@\"Mantra\" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];\nnewMantra.phrase =@\"ca pu du cul\";\nnewMantra.theme = @\"rire\";\n\nRunnning the app, I get the following *\n\n(edited)\n\n*:\n**2012-05-24 16:26:09.690 Proto v0[1843:fb03] -[UITabBarController setManagedObjectContext:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6a4a690\n2012-05-24 16:26:09.693 Proto v0[1843:fb03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UITabBarController setManagedObjectContext:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6a4a690'**\n\nI'm completly stucked at this point and i can't find any conclusive clue anywhere.", "\nI thank you for your help and will provide any helpfull snipets.", "\nCheers\n\nA:\n\nWell, the error log is clear enough, you are calling 'topViewController' somewhere on the UITabBarController, but UITabBarController doesn't have a property called 'topViewController'. ", "I think you want to use 'selectedViewController'.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "French police expelling migrants from Calais camps Published duration 28 May 2014\n\nmedia caption The BBC's Paul Adams: \"At some point we expect the whole camp to be bulldozed\"\n\nPolice in the northern French city of Calais are removing about 800 migrants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa who are occupying camps near the port.", "\n\nThe authorities say the evictions are needed to deal with an outbreak of scabies in the camps, where numbers have swelled in recent months.", "\n\nThe migrants have been trying to get to Britain, and say they have nowhere else to go after the camps are destroyed.", "\n\nPolice moved into the site after a deadline for people to leave expired.", "\n\nSeveral busloads of police in riot gear arrived at the camps early on Wednesday.", "\n\nAfter a stand-off with local activists, the officers moved in and told migrants to pack their bags.", "\n\nmedia caption Afghan migrant Asif, who tried to sail to the UK on a raft, spoke to the BBC before the camp was cleared\n\nPaul Adams, BBC News, Calais\n\nThe camps are cleared, but what happens next? ", "Having failed to explain their plan until after the appearance of riot police, the Calais authorities should not be surprised that no-one seems to trust their intentions. ", "The buses stand empty. ", "Repeated efforts by local officials to explain their proposals are met with disbelief. ", "This is just the latest episode in a long-running saga.", "\n\nThe migrants complain that they live like animals, with minimal shelter, appalling sanitation and little food. ", "Now the authorities are offering to provide a shower, clean clothes and a better place to live. ", "But the migrants, urged on by local activists, are refusing to co-operate.", "\n\nEven as their camps are bulldozed and the migrants find themselves dispersed once more, they are bound to return to this place to risk their lives again and again.", "\n\nAn Eritrean man said he had tried to cross the English Channel by boarding lorries but was stopped by police several times. \"", "I will try again and again,\" he told the BBC.", "\n\nLocal officials say the migrants will be transported to new accommodation somewhere in the region, but initial attempts to persuade them to board buses were unsuccessful.", "\n\nimage copyright Reuters image caption The camps are all near the port - and many migrants have already tried several times to cross the Channel\n\nimage copyright Reuters image caption Conditions inside the camps were poor, but now the migrants say they will have nowhere to go\n\nMost people at the camps believe the UK will be a more welcoming place if only they can get there, our correspondent says.", "\n\nIn 2002 the French government closed the main Red Cross centre at Sangatte near Calais, but insanitary illegal camps have sprung up in its place.", "\n\nThe migrants have been sheltering under plastic bags and sheets, without water, power or even enough food." ]
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[ "Generally, in the production of semiconductor devices, in order to enhance adherability of a resist solution to a wafer, a liquid material for changing a hydrophilic surface to a hydrophobic surface is vaporized by a vaporizer and a surface treatment of the wafer is performed using the vaporized liquid material. ", "As a vaporizer of this type, for example, a vaporizer is used which vaporizes a liquid material by heating the liquid material with a heater.", "\nThe liquid material vaporized by the vaporizer is normally supplied by a carrier gas to a wafer housed in a chamber. ", "In this case, a mixture gas of the vaporized liquid material and the carrier gas is supplied to the wafer, and a problem may occur in which, for example, a fluctuation in a concentration of the liquid material in the mixture gas during treatment undermines uniformity of the treatment. ", "Therefore, in order to perform surface treatment in a stable manner, the concentration of the liquid material in the mixture gas must kept constant during treatment.", "\nIn order to avoid such a problem, for example, Patent Document 1 discloses a configuration in which the inside of a vaporizer is filled with granules to form a porous body in the vaporizer and in which a heater for heating a liquid material is provided on the outside of the porous body. ", "According to this configuration, the liquid material can be vaporized by introducing the liquid material into gaps in the porous body and heating the liquid material introduced into the gaps by a heater via the porous body. ", "In this case, since a contact area between the porous body and the liquid material can be increased, vaporization of the liquid material can be promoted. ", "As a result, it is expected that the concentration of the liquid material in the mixture gas during treatment can be kept constant.", "\nPatent Document 1: Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. ", "2001-295050" ]
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