Oh, thank you. I like the hair thats on your shoulders and your neck.
Fint hår på skuldrene og i nakken.
You gotta put it on, okay.
Vi tar den på, ok?
Who did this?
Hvem gjorde dette?
! There are Germans behind us!
Tyskerne kommer bak oss!
What the... What the hell, man?
Hva faen...?
You know Mr. Harper.
Du kjenner Mr Harper.
My what?
You are free.
Du er fri.
This is delicious.
Dette er kjempegodt.
I'm sorry.
Unnskyld meg.
Turn it off!
For a certain number of days but whoever among you is sick or on a journey, then he shall fast a like number of other days and those who are not able to do it may effect a redemption by feeding a poor man so whoever does good spontaneously it is better for him and that you fast is better for you if you know.
De som er i stand til å faste, kan frikjøpe seg ved å bespise en fattig. Men om noen frivillig gjør en slik god gjerning, er det bedre for ham.
And where are we heading now?
Hvor skal du nå?
Hold it there.
Hold den der.
Maam, lets not make this any more difficult than it already is.
Ikke gjør dette enda vanskeligere!
That's enough.
Det er nok
Get down!
Oh, no!
Take a look! Take a look!
Se godt etter.
Whitman made us turn our phones off before Bob walked out of the meeting.
Whitman ba oss slå av mobilene.
The ones he was conducting on sleeping?
De han utførte på søvn?
Yeah, you killed the wrong guy, you cute, psycho bitch.
Du drepte feil person, din gærning!
Get the ropes!
Ta tauene!
Dont take the crown. Trust me.
Ikke ta kronen.
This isn't right. Someone tell me what the hell's going on?
Fortell hva faen som foregår!
You boys weren't thinking about escaping now, were you? No. No, we weren't.
Dere tenker vel ikke på å rømme?
But you need to watch Your mouth.
Pass munnen din.
Sofia, come on!
Sofia, kom igjen!
Get away! Hey, grandma! Outta my way!
Ut av vei, gamla!
As a precaution. Ava, what are you talking about?
Ava, hva snakker du om?
Someones at the door! Youre not his sister!
Du er ikke hans søster!
Harry, they've captured Sirius.
De har tatt Sirius.
It belongs to my uncle.
Onkelen min.
Dad. Hey.
Thank you.
Chicken bouillon.
I always thought that I'd have more...
Jeg regnet med å få mer...
OK? Hey, Katherine!
Thats the kind of something the military would want to keep from the public.
Det er slikt militæret vil holde hemmelig.
My grandma.
Min bestemor...
It's the police.
Det er fra politiet.
You make me never disappointed.
Du skuffet meg aldri.
Have you seen Marco?
Har du sett Marco?
Call me back.
Ring meg.
So what's the deal?
Hva tenker du på?
What if someone told the national police that the warden and his staff at Tariq prison were supporting Aberjans rival in the upcoming election?
Hva om noen fortalte politiet at fengselsdirektøren og staben støtter Aboujaans rival?
Did you do it before? Did you like it? Did I like it?
Har du gjort det før?
No problem?
Ikke noe problem?
Happy birthday, Charlie!
Gratulerer, Charlie!
Please. Sure.
Ja da.
Just a little.
Bare litt.
Shes also made all the other arrangements youre going to need.
Hun har arrangert alt De trenger.
Say good night, sweet prince.
God natt, lille prins.
You want the land and more importantly you want what is in it.
Dere vil ha landet og det som er her.
Id have told Mr Carson, but I thought you might like to hear it from me first.
Jeg tenkte at du ville høre det fra meg først.
Yo, you got some money, huh? Who got money?
Har du penger?
Let me know when he gets back to you, alright.
Si fra når han har svart.
Did you think that that was my...
Tror du at jeg...
Kate, what did you do?
Hva gjorde du, Kate?
She's ours.
Hun her er vår.
That's because our heads have something in them.
Fordi vi har andre ting i hodet.
Although I actually spent a lot of time growing up in Wiveliscombe.
Og jeg var ofte i Wiveliscombe.
Are we supposed to be colleagues? Are Lena and I supposed to have coffee together here?
Skal Lena og jeg bli kolleger og ta felles pauser?
I can take care of myself. OK!
Jeg klarer meg.
Now, when did you call 911?
Når ringte du nødnummeret?
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
God, don't let him die.
Han må ikke dø...
Then were left with nothing.
Da har vi intet.
After that, it's on you.
Resten er ditt.
It is the base, the bitter disposition of Beatrice that puts the world into her person, and so gives me out.
Det er bare Beatrices bitre gemytt som framstiller meg slik.
Hey. Is that a Fleshlight?
Er det en Fleshlight?
Harlee. There was nothing I could have done. There's nothing I could have done.
Det var ingenting jeg kunne gjøre.
What do you think about Lockridge for this?
Hva tror du om Lockridge?
Yeah? Cal.
We need to do something, don't we?
Vi må da gjøre noe?
Thank you.
What did he just say?
Hva sa han?
OK. Yeah, yeah, Bobbi, good.
Bra, Bobbi.
Is the gigolo known to anyone? Hes known to me.
Kjenner noen den gigoloen?
Can I ask you a question? What does she have against you, Mom?
Hva har hun imot deg?
Now, this is called a decapod crustacean. That's a lobster.
Dette kaller man et tibent krepsdyr.
Camera three, follow the coin all the way down.
Kamera tre, følg mynten ned.
You're almost there. Come on.
Du er nesten framme.
Aye, sir.
Ja, sir.
When you calm down, youll understand Im your friend. A friend is one soul in two bodies.
En venn er n sjel i to kropper.
Wait, wait!
It was there that Helle was killed.
Helle ble drept der.
She was.
Hun var det.
But I have to admit that I was rather depressed at the time when I wrote this... So a clinical depression was causing you... to write this essay?
Jeg vil gjerne tilføye at jeg led av en psykotisk depresjon da...
In the middle.
I midten.
What's up there?
Hva ligger der oppe?
You know what, actually, I have been drinking, I'm sorry.
Vet du? Jeg har drukket. Unnskyld.
Get that other one out. We dont need to hear it again.
Vi trenger ikke høre det igjen.
Some of the biggest names in Chicagos business community will be in attendance.
Noen av Chicagos største navn...
Not anymore.
Ikke nå lenger.
Hello. Good to see you, man!
Godt å se deg!