New York's Long-Distance Body Scanners Challenge 4th Amendment New York Police Commissioner Joe Kelly is considering the latest in technology — Terahertz Imaging Detection (TID) — to be mounted on police cars and allowing them to roam the streets of New York looking for people carrying guns. The NYPD, sometimes referred to as the world’s “seventh largest army” with 35,000 uniformed officers, already does a brisk business frisking potential suspects, with little pushback. In the first quarter of last year, 161,000 New Yorkers were stopped and interrogated, with more than nine out of 10 of them found to be innocent. And there are cameras already in place everywhere: in Manhattan alone there are more than 2,000 surveillance cameras watching for alleged miscreants. Read more... ATF’s Private Letter Rulings Indicative of Its Arrogance Robert E. Sanders, a former official of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (still known as ATF) for 24 years and now a board member of the National Rifle Association, complained that the ATF’s practice of issuing “private letter rulings” on what constitutes a “weapon” are not only confusing but often arbitrary and even contradictory. The main reason is that the regulations under which the ATF operates aren’t defined and therefore are subject to interpretation and modification: It is hard to tell what ATF wants you do to without submitting your product and asking for a letter ruling. You can’t tell what the agency has said in the past to others, because those letter rulings are generally secret. How could somebody know how to comply with the law? Len Savage, the owner of Historic Arms in Georgia, found out the hard way about the ATF’s capriciousness, and it cost him $500,000. Savage is a firearms designer and manufacturer and was told by the ATF in July 2005 that he could convert machine guns legally owned by collectors into belt-fed weapons. After investing in the tools and machinery to make the conversions, he received another letter from the ATF in April 2006 saying that “upon reconsideration” it was rescinding its previous approval. Savage said the ATF “follows no rhyme or reason” calling it “enforcement by ambush.” Read more... Pizza Pistol Prompts Punishment for Public-school Pupil “Put down that sausage, pepperoni, and extra cheese, son, and no one will get hurt.” Words to that effect were spoken to 10-year-old Nicholas Taylor, a student at David Youree Elementary School in Smyrna, Tennessee, when he committed the unpardonable offense of pretending that a half-eaten slice of pizza was a gun and, in the words of school district spokesman James Evans, “threatening” other students with it. Fortunately, the boy complied rather than mowing down his classmates in a hail of anchovies, and the danger was averted. And for so recklessly endangering the lives of his fellow students, he was punished with six days of eating lunch at the “silent table” and a lecture on pizza — er, gun — safety. The incident is the latest — and perhaps the most ludicrous, though the competition is fierce — example of public schools’ zero-tolerance policies with regard to firearms. Students have previously been disciplined for such grave infractions as doodling a picture of a gun and possessing a pen with the logo of a gun manufacturer. Now, it seems, the time-honored tradition of playing with one’s food can land a kid in the principal’s office if he imagines that food is a deadly weapon. Read more... December Gun Sales Break Single-Month Record While iPods, Kindles, and Angry Bird stuffed animals were some of the hottest items of the 2011 Christmas season, December saw record-breaking numbers for gun sales, as droves of Americans found firearms and ammunition under their Christmas trees. According to FBI statistics, gun dealers requested more than 1.5 million background checks to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December, the highest single-month figure since the statistics first began being recorded. Nearly 500,000 of those took place in the six days before Christmas and an astounding 102,222 background checks were administered on December 23 alone, the second-busiest single day in history. However, the actual total may have been even higher if individual buyers purchased more than one gun each, because exact sales are not recorded or reported. The FBI indicates that there is not a one-to-one correlation between background checks and the total number of guns sold because of "varying state laws and purchase scenarios." USA Today reported: Read more... Obama’s Anti-gun Agenda Remains Alive and Well On March 30 of this year, President Obama dropped in to greet Sarah Brady, who was meeting with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. Sarah is the wife of Jim Brady, the former White House Press Secretary under Reagan, who was shot but not killed in an assassination attempt on President Reagan in 1981. The Bradys subsequently became strong supporters of gun control. According to Brady, the President brought up the issue of gun control “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda. [The President said,] 'I just want you to know that we are working on [additional limits on gun ownership]. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.'" Thanks to the efforts of freedom advocates such as John Lott, Obama’s efforts to stay under the radar are now glistening in the sunlight. Lott reviewed an unsettling and lengthy list of Obama’s “processes,” starting with the President’s intention to ignore at least 20 parts of the 2012 omnibus spending bill that he signed into law last week. Using the controversial and likely unconstitutional “signing statements," Obama said, “I have advised Congress that I will not construe these provisions as preventing me from fulfilling my constitutional responsibility … such measures as I shall judge necessary and expedient.” Buried in the 1,200-page bill was a restriction that bars health officials from using taxpayer funds to lobby for gun control. To rub it in, Obama iterated his position: “Our spending decisions shall not be treated as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.” In plain English, the President just told Congress to go jump — he was going to do what he wanted to do, regardless. Read more... AG Holder Pulls Race Card on Republican Critics As critics continue to rail against Operation Fast and Furious and other matters relating to the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder has resorted to playing the "race card." In a Sunday interview published in the New York Times, Holder accused his growing ensemble of critics of racist motivations, as they scrutinize his performance as head of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and his involvement in the controversial scandal of gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels. Read more... Murder Case of Brian Terry Sealed Andy Ramirez reports on the Murder Case of Brian Terry for Liberty News Network. Read more... Project Gunrunner Part of Plan to Institute Gun Control When the Project Gunrunner (also known as Gunwalker) scandal was first exposed, National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre warned that it was a plot by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (still known as ATF) and the Obama administration to use the gunwalking scheme to impose further gun regulations on the American people and infringe upon Second Amendment rights. Now, according to documents which CBS has recently acquired, it seems that LaPierre was correct. Read more... Documents Show Top Officials Lied About Fast & Furious The scandal surrounding the Obama administration’s operation “Fast and Furious,” which sent thousands of American guns to Mexican drug cartels, continues to escalate. Senior officials and a new trove of documents released yesterday further confirm that the Justice Department provided false information about the deadly scheme to Congress. And the number of Congressman demanding Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation has now soared well above 50. The administration was forced to release more than 1,300 pages of documents related to the gun-trafficking program. The subpoenaed records reveal frantic e-mail communications between senior officials about how vigorously to defend the operation, as well as concerns about the veracity of some of the proposed defenses. Read more... Likely Collapse of the Euro Leads to Second Amendment Lessons As the economic crisis in the European Union grows day by day, there is a proportionate degree of speculation around the world about the final extent of the damage that will be done by the looming collapse of the euro. According to Daniel Mitchell, a contributor to Forbes.com, many individuals among the wealthy elite in Europe are already planning to flee their respective countries for safe havens in nations such as Costa Rica or Australia. Meanwhile, the British Foreign Office is making plans to evacuate Britons from the Continent in the event of widespread rioting. Read more... Start«42434445464748495051»End Page 47 of 53 Joomla SEF URLs by Artio News Categories NewsLegislationCommentary Agenda 21 Constitution Economy Education Energy Environment Family Federal Reserve Foreign Policy Health Care Immigration Internet Freedom Morality National Security Privacy Right to Bear Arms Tenth Amendment Terrorism Trade Agreements United Nations Contact Us|Employment|Terms of Services|Privacy Policy|Sitemap 770 N. Westhill Blvd. Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 | 920-749-3780
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Forgotten Defender of the Old Right: Zora Neale Hurston By: Jack Kerwick, Ph.D. 02/05/2013 Print During this Black History Month, all lovers of liberty would be well served to follow the lead of a forgotten defender of the Old Right, black conservative and paleo-libertarian Zora Neale Hurston. February is Black History Month. As those on the Right (and even an increasing number of people elsewhere) know well enough, these four weeks are all too easily used by activists as an opportunity to promote a politics of victimhood congenial to a leftist agenda. The famed black writer — and conservative — Zora Neale Hurston, frustrates this program. Born in the early 1890s in the lower South, Hurston would one day join the ranks of those black writers who became associated with “the Harlem Renaissance.” Unlike most of her colleagues, however, she staunchly rejected the communism and socialism with which they sympathized. Hurston resented the efforts of black and white intellectuals alike to make of black Americans a new proletariat, a victim class perpetually in need of an all-encompassing national government to ease their lot. Hurston was adamant that she was “not tragically colored.” She insisted that “no great sorrow” lies “damned up in my soul, lurking behind my eyes,” and she placed a world of distance between herself and “the sobbing school of negrohood who hold that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty deal and whose feelings are hurt about it.” For what contemporary black commentator Larry Elder refers to as the “victicrats” among us, Hurston had zero use. “Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves,” she remarked. Much to their chagrin, though, “it fails to register depression with me.” Furthermore, she stated bluntly that “slavery is the price I paid for civilization.” Our increasingly joyless generation is oblivious to another of Hurston’s insights: A sense of humor can bear most, if not all, painful things. Regarding racial discrimination, she noted that while she “sometimes [feels] discriminated against,” she does not get “angry” about it. Rather, the experience “merely astonishes me,” for how, Hurston asked, “can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” Click here to read the entire article. Published in
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Five reasons Asian Americans should get tested for hepatitis B Apr 25, 2013 | 21372 views | 0 | 606 | | slideshow (BPT) - More than 1 million Americans have a lifelong, or chronic, infection of hepatitis B. This includes one out of every 12 Asian Americans. If you or your parents were born in Asia or the Pacific Islands, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you get tested for hepatitis B.Hepatitis B is common in many parts of the world and spreads easily. Many people with chronic hepatitis B got the virus as infants or young children when they came into contact with blood or other body fluids of someone with the virus.“Asian American and Pacific Islanders make up 5 percent of the total population in the United States, but account for more than 50 percent of Americans living with chronic hepatitis B,” says Joan Block, executive director of the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF) and co-chair of Hep B United, a national campaign to address and eliminate hepatitis B. “Testing for hepatitis B could save your life.”Here are five reasons why you should get tested for hepatitis B:1. Hepatitis B is seriousIn the United States, chronic hepatitis B infection results in thousands of deaths per year. If left untreated, up to 25 percent of people with hepatitis B develop serious liver problems such as cirrhosis and even liver cancer. Liver cancer caused by the hepatitis B virus is a leading cause of cancer deaths among Asian Americans.2. Two out of three Asian Americans with hepatitis B don’t know they are infectedPeople can live with hepatitis B without having any symptoms or feeling sick. Often, people don’t know they have hepatitis B until they have been tested.“A staggering two out of three Asian Americans living with chronic hepatitis B do not know they are infected,” says Block. “Getting a simple blood test is the only way to know if you have been infected with the virus.”3. Treatments can be lifesavingTesting can help some people find out if they have hepatitis B in time to benefit from medical care and treatments that can save their lives. For many, treatments can help prevent serious liver damage. “Because of the high rate of infection among Asian Americans, testing among this population is critical to identify people living with chronic hepatitis B and help them access lifesaving medical care,” says Jeffrey Caballero, executive director of the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) and co-chair of Hep B United.4. The vaccine can protect people who have not been infected with hepatitis BThe hepatitis B vaccine is effective and can prevent many people from getting hepatitis B. People who get tested and do not have hepatitis B can get the hepatitis B vaccine. This protects them from getting the virus. However, the vaccine cannot help people who already have hepatitis B. Many people with chronic hepatitis B were infected as infants or young children, before the hepatitis B vaccine was widely available. Hepatitis B spreads easily through blood or other body fluids, from someone who has hepatitis B, such as from an infected mother to her baby at birth. Today, the CDC recommends the hepatitis B vaccine for all babies born in the United States, as well as anyone else at risk for hepatitis B.5. People who have hepatitis B can help protect their family People who get tested and find out they have hepatitis B can encourage hepatitis B testing for family members and anyone living with them. Vaccinating family members who do not have hepatitis B can prevent further spread of the virus.“Testing can also help identify other people, such as family members or sexual partners, who may be at risk for getting the disease,” says Caballero. “Remember, loving your family starts with caring for yourself, so talk to your doctor about getting tested for hepatitis B.” Copyright 2014 zz-test-- Site 1. All rights reserved.
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Winter Classic T-shirts leaked by online retailer? Images of the Detroit Red Wings Winter Classic T-shirts that appeared on a message board / SportsLogos.net by Brian Manzullo, USA TODAY Sportsby Brian Manzullo, USA TODAY Sports Filed Under Oh, what could have been. Sure, the NHL Winter Classic that was supposed to have taken place Tuesday at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor, Mich., is likely rescheduled for New Year's Day 2014. But it still hurts a little bit to look at what could have been merchandise for the big game this week between the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs, which was canceled in November. This week, images of the Red Wings and Maple Leafs Winter Classic T-shirts were leaked on a message board. They were downloaded from the database of online retailer FansEdge.com. The T-shirt designs indicate what the Red Wings' and Maple Leafs' logos could have looked like for the festivities. You won't find these shirts available for purchase, but you can at least wait another year, when the Winter Classic actually does take place (assuming a collective-bargaining agreement gets done, of course). Brian Manzullo also writes for the Detroit Free Press Copyright 2014 USATODAY.comRead the original story: Winter Classic T-shirts leaked by online retailer? Images of Red Wings, Maple Leafs T-shirts appear on message board A link to this page will be included in your message.
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Gates Foundation Symposium Addresses Higher Education Ronald L. Carter, president of Johnson C. Smith University, participated in a symposium today at the Westin Hotel in Charlotte presented by Black Enterprise and sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The symposium titled “Today’s Business Crisis: Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce,” is part of an educational series aimed at cultivating a conversation between the academic and business communities. The Charlotte symposium focused on how postsecondary schools must meet the needs of students of color, and prepare them for careers in corporate America. Chris Canty Foundation announces 2nd Annual Historic West End Neighborhood “Clean-up” The Chris Canty Foundation (CCF) is eagerly anticipating the second Neighborhood Clean-Up event scheduled for Saturday, April 20 in the Historic West End of Charlotte. The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University. Read More President Clinton Announces the Launch of the Clinton Global Initiative University 2013 Commitments “Bracket” Challenge Today, President Bill Clinton announced the launch of the third annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Commitments Challenge, a competition of ideas from college and university students in the form of a “bracket.” This year, more than 1,000 students, including four students from Johnson C. Smith University, will be in attendance. JCSU and BB&T Free Enterprise and Capitalism Luncheon Held Charlotte, N.C., - March 21, 2013 – Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell, senior fellow at the CATO institute in Washington D.C., addressed a roomful of students, faculty and staff from Johnson C. Smith University and BB&T executives on the topic of moral and economic case for limited government spending at last week’s Free Enterprise and Capitalism luncheon. Mitchell is touted as one of the nation’s leading experts in the field of fiscal policy and government spending. He stressed to students the importance of recognizing how they can shape the economy by being future leaders of the capitalist free market. Johnson C. Smith University Makes the 2013 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll‏ CHARLOTTE, NC – March 18, 2013 -- Johnson C. Smith University is among more than 600 institutions across the nation honored in 2013 by The Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Department of Education for improving their communities through community service and service learning. Johnson C. Smith University to Hold Arch of Triumph Gala Charlotte, N.C., - March 18, 2013 – Johnson C. Smith University will hold its fifth annual Arch of Triumph Gala on Saturday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Charlotte Convention Center. Read More First-Generation College Student Lekeshia Lynch Eyes Graduation as a New Family Tradition Charlotte, N.C., - March 11, 2013 – Johnson C. Smith’s Metropolitan College, to say the least, has been life changing for current student Lekeshia Lynch. She says, “coming to Metropolitan College is the best decision I’ve made for my education.” A social work major, Lynch is gaining real-world experience through her college education and in her job as a crisis worker for a local crisis recovery center. There, she is able to work with people in the community who suffer from substance abuse issues. Read More National Association of Black Journalists to Meet at JCSU Charlotte, NC – March 7, 2013 - The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Region III will have its conference on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University on Saturday, March 9. Region III includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Read More Women’s International Month Series at Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, N.C. – March 6, 2013 – In celebration of International Women’s Month, Johnson C. Smith University will present three free programs covering women’s issues as expressed in the arts, film and through panel discussion. Johnson C. Smith University Students to Participate in Clinton Global Initiative University Charlotte, N.C., - March 4, 2013 – Four students from Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) will participate in the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), at the sixth annual meeting at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. April 5-7. While attending the annual meeting hosted by President Bill Clinton, students will hear from specialists in the field of global development as they brainstorm ideas and form effective partnerships with governmental and private sectors.
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Moral Summit Weekend Grimes Lounge Saturday, October 20, 2012, 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. This is the 2012 Moral Summit Weekend sponsored by Interdisciplinary Studies and Masjid Ash-Shaheed. Event is from October 18-20, 2012 Read More Gambrell Auditorium Thursday, October 18, 2012, 5 – 10 p.m. This is the 2012 Moral Summit Weekend sponsored by Interdisciplinary Studies and Masjid Ash-Shaheed. Event is from October 18-20, 2012 Read More
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I'm a Woman seeking Men
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COMMENTS Bridge work hits halfway mark By JANNETTE PIPPIN Daily News Staff Published: Monday, March 4, 2013 at 10:52 AM. Once that work is done, crews will proceed to replace the old rubber bridge joints with a strip seal. The new bridge decking will then receive additional treatment to complete the work. The intent of the six-month project is to extend the life of the 40-year-old bridge another 30 years or more. The high-rise bridge crosses the Intracoastal Waterway between the mainland and Emerald Isle on Bogue Banks. But as work proceeds, so does the needed lane closure reducing traffic on the bridge to one lane while work is under way. The schedule has varied and currently one lane is closed 24 hours a day every day through March 8, including weekends. One lane will also be closed for 24 hours a day each weekday from March 11 through March 29. Flagmen are being used to direct traffic from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. to improve daytime traffic flow. Temporary traffic signals are in use during the night. The work is being done during the off season for tourism, and no lane closures are planned during upcoming holidays and events when traffic to Emerald Isle increases. Both lanes of the bridge will be open the weekend of the St. Patrick’s Day Festival and during Easter holiday week from March 29 through April 1. 1 EMERALD ISLE — A major construction project to extend the life of the high-rise bridge at Emerald Isle continues on track as it moves toward the halfway mark. Work began on improvements to the B Cameron Langston high-rise bridge on N.C. 58 in December and is scheduled for completion in May. Despite spells of cold and rainy weather, construction crews have kept the project on schedule. “They’ve been able to work around the weather,” said Brad McMannen, N.C. Department of Transportation Division 2 assistant resident engineer. McMannen said the first phase of the project, repair of the concrete deck, is nearly complete. “That is about 85-percent complete and should be done by the weekend,” McMannen said Monday. Once that work is done, crews will proceed to replace the old rubber bridge joints with a strip seal. The new bridge decking will then receive additional treatment to complete the work. The intent of the six-month project is to extend the life of the 40-year-old bridge another 30 years or more. The high-rise bridge crosses the Intracoastal Waterway between the mainland and Emerald Isle on Bogue Banks. But as work proceeds, so does the needed lane closure reducing traffic on the bridge to one lane while work is under way. The schedule has varied and currently one lane is closed 24 hours a day every day through March 8, including weekends. One lane will also be closed for 24 hours a day each weekday from March 11 through March 29. Flagmen are being used to direct traffic from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. to improve daytime traffic flow. Temporary traffic signals are in use during the night. The work is being done during the off season for tourism, and no lane closures are planned during upcoming holidays and events when traffic to Emerald Isle increases. Both lanes of the bridge will be open the weekend of the St. Patrick’s Day Festival and during Easter holiday week from March 29 through April 1. Updates on the schedule of lane closures are posted on the town website at emeraldisle-nc.org. NCDOT awarded the $2.5 million contract to Penhall Company of Anaheim, Calif., to complete the work to maintain and preserve the bridge. Contact Daily News reporter Jannette Pippin at 910-382-2557 or jannette.pippin@jdnews.com. Visit JDNews.com to comment. ▲ Return to Top Base schools debate stricter dress codes Long-time chaplain remembered by those who served with him Some old wives’ tales could help predict the weather Enrollment for assistance begins Swansboro commissioners to consider use of conditional zoning districts Man dead after wreck
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Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs News & Analysis as of April 16, 2014 Tweet Upcoming Affirmative Action Plan Requirements for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors Navigating the New OFCCP Regulations on Affirmative Action Obligations: Make Sure Your Organization is Ready Equal Pay Issues Addressed by President Obama on “National Equal Pay Day,” When He Signed An Executive Order and Presidential... by Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP on 4/14/2014 On April 8, 2014, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum that will require federal contractors and subcontractors to provide to the U.S. Department of Labor compensation data based on their employees’ sex and race....more Increasing Pay Transparency Among Federal Contractors On April 8, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama signed a pair of executive actions aimed at increasing transparency about wages among federal contractors. The administration believes that increasing transparency will provide a...more Equal Pay: Revisiting Federal Contractor Compensation Practices and Policies by Venable LLP on 4/14/2014 On April 8, 2014, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order and a Presidential Memorandum intended to engender pay equality for women and minorities. The Order amends Executive Order 11246 and prohibits federal...more OFCCP Publishes Additional Information Related to its New Protected Veterans and Disability Regulations by Littler on 4/14/2014 As new regulations from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) go into effect, the OFCCP has released guidance and materials to help covered contractors comply with the new requirements. The new resources...more President Obama Delivers Double Dose of Wage-Related Rules to Employers by Fisher & Phillips LLP on 4/11/2014 President Obama signed two important documents this week that impact many employers. First, he signed an Executive Order protecting employees who disclose their compensation to co-workers. Second, he sent a Presidential...more President Obama Targets Equal Pay by Cozen O'Connor on 4/10/2014 On April 8, President Obama issued two executive orders which will impact employers who do business with the federal government. First, the President made it unlawful for contractors to retaliate against employees who discuss...more President Obama Takes Executive Action on National Equal Pay Day by Littler on 4/10/2014 On April 8, 2014, the President signed an Executive Order prohibiting federal contractors from retaliating against employees who choose to discuss their compensation. The President also issued a Memorandum instructing the...more President Takes Executive Action Over Pay Equity By Federal Government Contractors by Proskauer - Government Contractor Compliance... on 4/9/2014 Yesterday, in connection with “Equal Pay Day” ceremonies at the White House, President Obama issued an Executive Order and a Presidential Memorandum aimed at ensuring that employees of Federal government contractors and...more OFCCP Withdraws Claim Regarding TRICARE Jurisdiction Last week, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) dismissed OFCCP’s 2008 complaint against Florida Hospital of Orlando. In its Order of Dismissal, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) reported that OFCCP...more Obama Requests Increased OFCCP Funding in FY 2015 Budget On March 4, 2014, Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez released OFCCP’s FY 2015 budget request, which includes a request for over $107 million in funding for OFCCP’s operations. This amount represents a $3 million increase over...more Obama Issues Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum Concerning Equal Pay Initiatives for Federal Contractors by Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP on 4/9/2014 Yesterday, President Obama issued an Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum intended to address equal pay for women. The Executive Order prohibits federal contractors from retaliating against an applicant or employee...more DOL Announces Five-Year OFCCP Moratorium For TRICARE Providers Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez announced last month that the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) will issue a directive establishing a five-year moratorium on enforcement of affirmative action...more Sex, Pay, and Retaliation: The White House Weighs In Again by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,... on 4/9/2014 President Obama directed U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez to propose a rule requiring that federal contractors submit summary compensation data to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and issued an executive order...more OFCCP Adds New Resources to Disability and Veterans Community Resources Directory Last month, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) created the Disability and Veterans Community Resources Directory. The goal of the Directory is to assist contractors in locating community and other...more TRICARE Complaint Dismissed Against Florida Hospital by FordHarrison on 4/4/2014 On March 28, 2014, the OFCCP withdrew its jurisdictional Complaint against Florida Hospital of Orlando after several years of litigation. OFCCP alleged it had jurisdiction to conduct an audit because the Hospital...more Are You Ready For Your Next Audit? by Pepper Hamilton LLP on 4/4/2014 By now, federal contractors should have taken a hard look at their current Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) policies, procedures and documentation to ensure compliance with the new requirements. Under the Office of Federal...more New Databases Offer First Step for Disability and Veteran Hiring Regulations by Thompson Coburn LLP on 4/1/2014 The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has announced two new databases intended to help federal contractors and subcontractors meet new regulatory obligations with respect to...more March Comes in Like a Lion: Flurry of Action Steps Mandated for Government Contractors and Subcontractors by Dinsmore & Shohl LLP on 4/1/2014 The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) issued new regulations, which went into effect on March 24, 2014, which impact data collection and analysis for veteran and disabled job candidates and employees. A...more Construction Contractors Subject To New OFCCP Rules by Fisher & Phillips LLP on 4/1/2014 Because of a recent court decision, federal construction contractors must comply with several new regulations that many consider burdensome. An effort to exempt construction contractors from some of the new regulations was...more New Affirmative Action Rules Require Immediate Action by Government Contractors and Subcontractors by Morrison & Foerster LLP on 3/28/2014 In October 2013, we alerted government contractors and subcontractors to newly-issued regulations establishing additional affirmative action reporting and hiring preference requirements for veterans and persons with...more Technical Phases of OFCCP’s Regulations Regarding Individuals with Disabilities, Disabled Veterans, Recently Separated Veterans,... by Williams Mullen on 3/26/2014 Technical Phases of OFCCP’s Regulations Regarding Individuals with Disabilities, Disabled Veterans, Recently Separated Veterans, Other Protected Veterans and ArmedForces Service Medal Veterans - Threshold Coverage...more DC Court Gives Go Ahead for New OFCCP Disability Regulations by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,... on 3/25/2014 On March 21, 2014, in Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. v. Shiu, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia reached a seminal decision in a case challenging a final rule promulgated by the U.S. Department of...more New Regulations Governing Affirmative Action Requirements For Individuals With Disabilities And Protected Veterans Went Into... Beginning yesterday, March 24, 2014, federal contractors and subcontractors have a number of new responsibilities. Contractors already have the existing obligation to collect demographic data regarding race and gender and...more Affirmative Action Plan Changes to Disability and Veterans Hiring Take Effect March 24 by Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP on 3/25/2014 The Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program’s new regulations regarding affirmative action for veterans and disabled persons take effect March 24. The rules will require major changes in the way...more OFCCP Launches New Databases to Assist With Disability and Veteran Regulations Compliance On March 21, 2014, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) announced that it is launching two new databases to assist federal contractors and subcontractors. The new databases are intended to help...more Affirmative ActionVeteransDisabilityVietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance ActFederal ContractorsContractorsDOLHiring & FiringDiscriminationSubcontractorsRehabilitation ActComplianceHospitalsADAWages
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Jennipal -- the adventure has begun I have fallen in love with Korea -- it's people, culture and customs. Pack your bags and join me on a journey across the world where you too can get up close and personal with the amazing possibilities this culture has to offer. So hang on tight and join me on this rollar coaster ride of adventures, all in the pursuit of happiness..... Something to think about..... “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson___________________________________I've been doing A LOT of thinking lately. A LOT! I thought I'd go into this semester of grad studies and work away at my (many) jobs but being back in school makes me really question my future. Thankfully I have a supportive husband who basically says "do what makes you happy!" even when I'm changing my mind every other day.I like that I'm challenging my thoughts. I like that I'm questioning my career/life path because that means I'm an active agent in my future. I need to be doing that (and keep doing that all my life) not only because that's the kind of person I am but also because it's important for me to be accountable.What I've learned about myself is that I like writing.I'm thankful to have this outlet and the ability to express my thoughts on my blog but simultaneously I can't help but feel like I also abuse it.I write when it fits my schedule, often interrupting long periods of silence, with short simple posts. One day I talk about losing weight and the next about not caring about losing weight. Contradictory? Perhaps. This being said, I know that my blog represents truth. This is who I am even though this blog only reflects parts of my life. I often wonder if I could make blogging my career and if I would be brave enough to make that happen! Why am I here??? well, I know several (many that MANY) bloggers who turned their blogs into books (memoirs) and sold them. Most of those bloggers lived overseas and have interesting ideas/stories to share. If you like to write, Google "blogs turned into books" or a variation of those terms and see what others have done. Skip self-publishing options. Instead, look for stories about people who sold their stories to traditional publishers. Best of luck! I've often thought of turning my story into a book. So many people have told me that they would be interested in reading it. It's just when you write a memoir you have to be really open and I fear hurting some people especially my in-laws because even though we have a great relationship now it wasn't always that way, and my wedding and the days leading up to it are really book worthy stuff... Funny thing is my husband says go for it- and they are his parents! updates, please! After finishing my degree in Justice Studies I decided that I would take one year out of my life to teach English in Korea and then come back to Canada to start my so called career. Well it turns out that I didn't exactly take a year out of my life, rather teaching in Korea has become my life. Blogs I read, like everyday Amanda Canada Amanda U.S.A Danielle the wanderer Jimmy & Rachel khamela Korea Beat Shelley the traveller The Korean blog list Wo Ai Ni
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THE MESSIAH ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES � In the volume of the Book it is written of Me� (Psalm 40:7; Hebrews 10:7) �To Him give all the prophets witness� (Acts 10:43) Written in prophecy in the Old Testament Scriptures and in biography in the four Gospels is the narrative account of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of GOD. There is only one Man in the history of mankind that has had exact details given in public documents centuries before His birth that describe His birth, death, and resurrection. No one who gives careful attention to and investigation of the historical record can challenge the fact that these documents were circulated before his birth, especially as the Old Testament Scriptures predate the birth and ministry of Jesus by several hundred years. The nearly three hundred prophecies given in the 39 books of the Old Testament concerning �the Messiah' find their fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth. One can only come to the conclusion that this singular reality in all of the writings known to mankind is miraculous and demonstrates: 1) that the Bible is the Word of GOD- for without His inspiration no man is capable of writing such a set of books full of wonder. 2) It also proves that the GOD of the Bible is the only One who knows all things- He knows the end from the beginning, and has the ability and power to fulfill all of His word, orchestrating the affairs of men to bring about His determined will. 3) It reveals His genius of foreknowledge even when it revolved around countless persons who are free moral agents and whose lives are given to unbelief, rebellion, or abject ignorance of His Will and Word. 4) It clearly demonstrates that Jesus Christ who alone perfectly and completely fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies is truly the Messiah, the Son of the Living GOD, and Savior of the world. He is the very Central Figure of Human History and is the Heart of the Bible. The Scarlet Thread woven through all sixty six books is dipped in His Atoning Blood that paid the price for our redemption, justification, and sanctification. The reality that fulfilled prophecy is found only in the Bible is proof of Divine Inspiration- and is overwhelming in its magnitude. 40 different authors guided by the Holy Spirit wrote over a period of approximately 1500 years� from all walks of life- and yet there is no contradiction but rather uniformity in the message and the Wisdom of the Whole Counsel of GOD. �Prophecy is GOD's Unique Method of Proving His Truth The doctrines and teachings of Scripture are radically different from other religions and purpose to reveal man's fallen condition. Every person's eternal destiny rests on his or her acceptance of Christ and His commandments revealed in the Bible. There is One GOD and He has given us a revelation of His will in the Bible, and has sealed His truth by �many infallible proofs' (Acts 1:3). Salvation or doom rests upon our exercise of Free Will in either accepting and obeying Jesus and His finished work of Atonement on the Cross, or rejecting Him and suffering eternal separation from GOD and His Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore Prophecy and its fulfillment is the Divine seal that lets all men know that truly He has spoken. This has not been duplicated or even counterfeited in other religions since all false worship is abysmally contradictory in their tenets which leads to the �dumbing down' of spirituality promoting the false reality of �many roads to Heaven and GOD'. GOD challenged the false gods of the prophet Isaiah's day when He said: �Produce your cause� bring forth your strong reasons� show us what shall happen� declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods� (Isaiah 41:21-23). He declares for all to know: �I am GOD, and there is none else; I am GOD, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My Counsel shall stand and I will do ALL My pleasure� (Isaiah 46:9-10). (Compare Isaiah 45:1-7; II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:19-21; Deuteronomy 18:21,22; Isaiah 41:21-23; Jeremiah 28:9; John 13:19). There is no room for coincidence or chance, or some accidental fulfillment since the vast number of predictions would render the text ridiculous if it were not for the obvious fact that what was predicted came to pass in its exact description. Often the �veiled' nature of the Prophetic word did not allow understanding until after the fact� once it came to pass, one could go back and see with clarity and insight that what was to happen, did� in a exclusively unique way. Studies done on the statistical probability of even just 50 of the Old Testament prophecies (instead of the hundreds) occurring by chance exceed all the power of numbers to express- or our finite minds to grasp. These predictions concerning the Messiah are such that only GOD could fulfill them- ex. His virgin birth, the exact location of Bethlehem, His resurrection, etc. The Coming Messiah In the Old Testament there is a definite and continuous teaching that �Messiah will come'. Dozens of references state such promises as �Behold thy King cometh unto thee� (Zechariah 9:9); �the Lord GOD will come� (Isaiah 40:10); �the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple� (Malachi 3:1). (See also Deuteronomy 18:15; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 53:6; Haggai 2:7; Isaiah 35:4; Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Psalm 118:26; Psalm 2:6; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Isaiah 62:11; Genesis 3:15). Christ is the tie that binds the Old and the New Testament together� the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed, while the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. Any reader of the text can examine the predictions of the Messiah's person and work found in the Old Testament, follow the gradual development of these revelations from Genesis to Malachi, and trace the prophecies as they get more and more exact to the minutest detail, until the full picture of Christ stands out. With this image in mind, turning to the New Testament and starting at Matthew one can see the Historical Jesus of Nazareth correspond in every particular instance with the prophetic person depicted in the Old Testament prophecies. Summary of Prophecies and Fulfillment The work of redeeming mankind as well as the totality of Creation was to be accomplished by One Person who as the Preeminent figure in both Testaments was and is the promised Messiah. As the �Seed of the woman' He was to bruise the head of the serpent, Satan (Genesis 3:15 with Galatians 4:4). As the �Seed of Abraham' (Gen. 22:18 w/ Galatians 3:16) and the �Seed of David' (Psalm 132:11; Jeremiah 23:5 w/ Acts 13:23) He was to come from the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10 w/ Hebrews 7:14). He would come �in the fullness of time' (Gen. 49:10; Daniel 9:24-25 w/ Gal. 4:4), be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14 w/ Matt. 1:18-23 & Luke 1:27,35), at Bethlehem of Judea (Micah 5:2 w/ Matt. 2:1 & Luke 2:4,6). Visitors of power and affluence would come and worship him (Psalm 72:10 w/ Matt. 2:1,11). A jealous king would slaughter innocent children in an attempt to kill the prophesied �King of Israel' (Jeremiah 31:15 w/Matt. 2:16-18). He would have a �forerunner' John the Baptist- who would announce his coming before His public ministry (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1 w/ Matt. 3:1-3 & Luke 1:17). He would be a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18 w/Acts 3:20-22), and be anointed by the Holy Spirit without measure (Psalm 45:7, Isaiah 11:2-4, Isaiah 61:1-3 w/ John 3:34-36, Matt. 3:16,17, Luke 4:15-19, 43). A Priest after the �order of Melchisedek' or an Eternal Priesthood (Psalm 110:4 w/ Hebrews 5:5-10)- as the �Servant of the Lord' He was to be a faithful Redeemer for all mankind- the Gentiles as well as the Jews (Gen. 17:5, Isaiah 42:1,6 w/ Matt. 12:18, 21). His ministry would begin in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1,2 w/ Matt. 4:12-17, 23). He would enter Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9 w/ Matt. 21:1-10) bringing salvation. He would enter the temple (Gen. 17:5; Haggai 2:7, 9; Malachi 3:1 w/ Matt. 21:12), and His zeal for the Lord is spoken of (Psalm 69:9 w/ John 2:15-17). He would teach using parables (Psalm 78:2 w/ Matt. 13:34-35) and miracles would characterize his ministry (Isaiah 35:5-6 w/ Matt. 11:4-5, John 11:47). He would be rejected by His brethren (Psalm 69:8 Isaiah 53:3 w/ John 1:11, John 7:5) and be a �stumbling stone' and a �Rock of offense' to the Jews (Isaiah 8:14 w/ Romans 9:32-33, I Peter 2:7,8). He would be hated without cause (Psalm 22:6-20; Isaiah 53; Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 69:4; Isaiah 49:7 w/ John 15:18-25; Matt. 2:13; Matt. 26:67,68; Matt. 27:28-44; Mark 8:31; Luke 4:28, 29; Luke 23:5, 10, 11; John 8:37; John 19 entire), rejected by the rulers (Psalm 118:22 w/ Matt. 21:42-46; John 7:48-53), betrayed by an intimate friend (Psalm 41:9 w/ John 13:18, 21), forsaken by His disciples (Zechariah 13:7 w/ Matt. 26:31-56), sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12 w/ Matt. 26:15) and His price would be given for the potter's field (Zechariah 11:13 w/ Matt. 27:7). He would be struck on the cheek (Micah 5:1 w/ Matt. 27:30), spat upon (Isaiah 50:6 w/ Matt.27:30), mocked (Psalm 22:7-8 w/ Matt. 27:28-31, 39-44) and beaten (Isaiah 50:6 w/ Matt. 26:67; 27:26, 30). His death by crucifixion is described in detail in Psalm 22; and the reason for His death as a substitutionary atonement (paying the price owed by someone else) is given in Isaiah 53. His hands and His feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16; Zechariah 12:10 w/ John 19:18; John 19:37 & John 27:25). Not a bone of His would be broken in spite of all the torture He endured (Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20 w/John 19:33-36). He would suffer thirst (Psalm 22:15 w/ John 19:28) and would be given vinegar to drink (Psalm 69:21 w/ Matt. 27:34). He would be numbered with transgressors (common criminals) (Isaiah 53:12 w/ Matt. 27:38), and yet His body would be buried with the wealthy (Isaiah 53:9 w/ Matt. 27:57-60) but would not see corruption (Psalm 16:10 w/ Acts 2:31). He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10 w/ Matt. 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, & Acts 13:33), ascend to the right hand of the throne of GOD (Psalm 68:18 w/ Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; Psalm 110:1 w/ Hebrews 1:3). These are but a small percentage of the several hundred prophecies given in the Old Testament Scriptures that correspond with the New Testament record of fulfillment. Let's look closely at what the Lord Jesus as well as His contemporaries �testify' about the Messiah who has come. Jesus said, � Search the Scriptures; for they are they which testify of Me� (John 5:39). He also said, �Abraham rejoiced to see my day� (John 8:56) and �Moses� wrote of Me� (John 5:46). To demonstrate by His life that that the Old Testament predictions and teachings would find their manifestation in Him- He said in the Sermon on the Mount that He had not ��come to destroy the law, or the prophets� but to fulfill them� (Matt. 5:17). See also- John 3:16, 17; 1 John 4:14; Hebrews 10:9. When He commenced His ministry- reading out of the Scriptures in Isaiah 61:1&2, He paused and said to the intently listening congregation, �This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears� (Luke 4:16-21). When the Samaritan woman spoke with Jesus at the well she said �I know that Messiah cometh and when He is come, He will tell us all things.� The Lord Jesus responded, �I that speak unto thee am He� (John 4:25, 26). Peter received divine revelation of Jesus as the Messiah saying �Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living GOD� (Matt. 16:16) and Jesus answered, �Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in Heaven � (Matt. 16:17). He quoted Psalm 110 identifying Himself as �Son of David' a Messianic title and confounded the Pharisees of His day when he also proved that David called Him Lord (Matt. 22:41-46) He likewise identified Himself as �Son of Man' the Messianic title used in the book of Daniel (Daniel 7:13 w/ Mark 14:62; & Psalm 8). He also accepted the title �Son of GOD' as prophesied in the Second Psalm. Almost everything that Jesus said or did had some correlation with Old Testament prophecy. During the final week of His Life, as He drew closer to the Cross, He said to His disciples, �Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the Prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished� (Luke 18:31). He said to Peter, who was willing to defend his Master with his sword, and yet denied Him three times when all of Christ's followers were scattered by the mob- �Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?� (Matt. 26:53, 54). He challenged the soldiers and mob that came to arrest Him saying, �Are you come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take Me? But all this was done that the Scriptures of the Prophets might be fulfilled� (Matt. 26: 55-56). At His illegal trial when the high priest commanded Him under oath to respond, �Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?� Jesus answered, �I AM� (Mark 14:60-62). Suffering the torment of the Cross for many hours, the Lord Jesus identified Himself as the One whose hands and feet were to be pierced (Psalm 22:16). He quoted this very Psalm's first verse when He said, �My GOD, My GOD, why hast thou forsaken Me?� Three of the seven sayings that He made while on the Cross were the exact words of Scripture. After His resurrection from the tomb that could not hold Him, while talking to His two disciples on the road to Emmaus, �He began at Moses and all the Prophets, and expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself� (Luke 24:27). He later said to His assembled disciples, �These are the words which I spake unto you� that all things MUST be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in all the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me� (Luke 24:44). �The Scriptures cannot be broken� (John 10:35). The Lord Jesus Christ gave His disciples the key of revelation knowledge after His resurrection- which unlocks all Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament: �And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations� (Luke 24:46-47). He ministered to His followers during the 40 days following His resurrection before His ascension to the right hand of the Father. The Pharisees and religious leaders of His day failed to recognize their Redeemer because they looked for a Messiah who would triumph over their Roman oppressors. They didn't discern that their own Scriptures predicted that Christ must SUFFER for the sins of the people before entering His glory. Peter clearly bears witness with the Holy Spirit's inspiration of the Prophets of the Old Testament who testified of � the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow� (I Peter 1:11). The Genealogical Records During Biblical times, every Jewish person could trace his genealogy. The entire population of the nation of Israel could trace their family tree by genealogies. This record constituted the title deed to his property, farm, or home so everyone was very particular in preserving the genealogical records of his or her family. These records were carefully kept until the destruction of the temple and the Jewish state in 70 AD when Titus laid it waste. During the life of Jesus no one could dispute the well known fact that He was of the house and lineage of David, because it was public record that all had access to. Since 70 AD when these records were destroyed no false Messiah can prove that he is the son of David as prophecy requires. In other words , the Messiah prophesied had to come before 70 AD. His right to the throne of David must come through Solomon's regal line (I Chronicles 28:5; I Chronicles 29:24). But another important specification about the Messiah's lineage is that He must be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:27, 35). Since Messiah must be of the fruit of David's body (Psalm 132:11) this virgin must be a direct descendant of King David. �Hear ye now, Oh House of David� the Lord Himself shall give you a sign (a wonder or miracle); Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His Name Immanuel (GOD with us)� (Isaiah 7: 13,14). Another critical specification concerning the Messiah, that all understood was that He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). So of all the continents one is chosen, of all the nations Israel is designated, of all the provinces Judea is named; all the cities of Judea are eliminated except for one small village- obscure but to be honored in all history as the birthplace of the Savior of all mankind. �But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth unto Me that is to be Ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been � from everlasting � (Micah 5:2). It was clearly understood by those of Christ's day for when the wicked King Herod demanded of the chief priests and the scribes of the people where Christ should be born, they told him, �In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet� (Matt. 2:4-6; John 7:42). Finally, to pinpoint exactly the Messiah, the Time of His coming is also given. He had to come when Jesus was born- all who preceded Him are eliminated, and all who followed are disqualified. His only competitor would be someone of His generation, and since there is no record of consequence- prophecy points exclusively to Him. Why? I. The Messiah must come before the tribe of Judah lost its identity as a tribe: �The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet , until Shiloh come ; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be� (Genesis 49:10). The word shebet which is translated scepter signifies a rod or staff which belonged to each of the twelve tribes (the children of Israel), and was an ensign of their authority. Each tribe possessed one unique �rod' with its name inscribed on it. Therefore �scepter' signifies their tribal identity. This gave them the right to apply and enforce Mosaic law and adjudicate capital offenses (death penalty). The name �Shiloh' which means �Peace' or �One sent' was understood by rabbis and Talmudic authorities as referring to the Messiah. At the time of Christ although the Romans were in authority over the Jewish people, the Jews had a king of their own, were governed primarily by their own laws, and the Sanhedrin leadership still exercised authority over the affairs of the region. But in a few short years by the time Jesus was twelve years old when he appeared publicly in the temple (Luke 2:41-52), Archelaus, the King of the Jews- was dethroned and banished to Gaul (now Spain). He was replaced by a Roman procurator named Caponius, and the kingdom of Judah, the last remnant of the former greatness of the nation of Israel was consigned into a part of the province of Syria. The legal power of the Sanhedrin was immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital punishment cases was lost. This transfer of power is mentioned in both the Talmud and by the Jewish historian Josephus (Antiquities). When the members of the Sanhedrin found that their right over life and death had been rescinded, they covered their bodies with sackcloth and their heads with ashes, and cried �Woe unto us for the scepter has departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come�. They actually thought that the Torah, the Word of GOD, had failed! �Shiloh' had come... the young stepson of a carpenter was growing up in Nazareth (He is the Son of GOD, not of Joseph). II. The Messiah must come while the second temple was still intact� still standing. �And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come : and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former� and in this place will I give peace�� (Haggai 2:7, 9). This is confirmed by Malachi who said, �The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple� (Malachi 3:1, 2). These two predictions could not be fulfilled after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD� so if the Messiah came at all, He had to come before the temple was destroyed. Zechariah 11:13 also requires this because that prophecy speaks of the �thirty pieces of silver' that Judas received for betraying the Lord being �cast to the potter in the House of the Lord (the temple)'. In His triumphal entry into Jerusalem that we celebrate on Palm Sunday, the crowd proclaimed �Hosanna to the Son of David', and then we read that Jesus proceeded to the temple where he cast out the money changers and healed many that were blind and lame there. The children cried in the temple also saying �Hosanna to the Son of David� (Matt 21:16); thus GOD used children to fulfill His prophecy in Psalm 118:26 that the Messiah should be blessed in the House of the Lord. When Titus came in 70 AD, besieged Jerusalem and then sacked it when the Jews refused to surrender, the entire temple was burned and then taken apart stone by stone because the gold that was in the structure of the temple melted in the intense heat of the flames and ran into the cracks of the marble stones all the way down to the foundation. Jesus had predicted this during his final week before suffering the Cross. �And Jesus went out and departed from the temple: and His disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? � There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down� (Matt. 24:1, 2). Not only was the temple destroyed, but the city of Jerusalem as well, and the Jews were scattered worldwide in the Dispersion. Now over 1900 years later on the old temple site stands a shrine of Islam, the mosque of Omar. Either Jesus is the Messiah or there is no Messiah, no Word of GOD, no objective truth which would mean that all history as well as all of the future is meaningless and without purpose. III. The book of Daniel reveals something very remarkable about the coming of Christ with respect to the temple. In giving the timetable from his day to the coming of the Messiah, Daniel makes it very clear that Messiah will come and be �cut off' (die ) before the �people (Romans) of the prince that shall come, shall destroy the city ( Jerusalem ) and the sanctuary ( the temple )� (Daniel 9:26). Daniel receives revelation from an angel of GOD that the Messiah must come 483 years after a specific date in Daniel's time. This definitive prophecy as to the exact time of His First Advent is one of the most awesome prophecies in all of Scripture. It establishes the date of time of His Incarnation nearly five centuries before His birth! It states: �Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. After threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary� (Daniel 9:25, 26). Note: A score is twenty years in the King James version. When Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg address, �Four score and twenty years ago�� he meant 100 years before his time, the founding fathers �brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal�. This equality was understood to be solely based upon the clear teachings of Scripture and the Doctrine of Christ. Back to Daniel: The date of the �commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem� was the decree by Artaxerxes, the ruler of Babylon where the Jews were in exile, in 444 BC which granted permission to the Jews to return to Israel. (see Nehemiah 2:1-8). The Hebrew word translated �weeks' in these verses quoted means �sevens' (heptads), and is used for years. (see Leviticus 25:8; Genesis 29:27-28). For clarification- the �seventy-sevens' that are prophetically determined upon Israel and on the holy city is a period of 490 years . This period is divided into three sections: 1. Seven �weeks' or seven sevens of years- the 49 years the prophet was given for the rebuilding of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah and Ezra and those who went with them (see the books of Nehemiah and Ezra). 2. A second period of 62 �weeks' or 434 years which would bring the time to the Coming of the Messiah. 3. The 70 th �week'� a period of just seven years that is suspended until the end of the Church Age (will be described in detail in another study). We will restrict our analysis to the period �from the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem� to �Messiah the Prince' or the period of 483 years. Sir Robert Anderson in his book �The Coming Prince' figured it out in this fashion: He starts with March 14, 444 BC, the date of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem; and he ends with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the official presentation of Messiah the Prince to Israel. (Matt. 21:1-9 w/ Zachariah 9:9). From 444 BC to 32 AD is 476 years; 476 X 365 days/year is 173,740 total days. From March 14 to April 6- the day of Christ's triumphal entry (according to the investigation of noted astronomers) is 24 days, add 116 days for leap years (For a year to be a leap year, it must be exactly divisible by 4, unless the year ends in two zeros- then it must be divisible by 400)� and you get 173,880 days total . Since the prophetic year of the Bible is always 360 days, the �69' sevens of this prophecy in Daniel (69 X 7 X 360) is 173,880 days !!! So the time given by Daniel from the �commandment to restore and build Jerusalem' to �Messiah the Prince' comes out exactly� to the very day! It is proven true and demonstrates that Jesus of Nazareth is �Messiah the Prince' . He fulfills ALL the specifications as to His lineage, His birthplace, and the time of His birth. Within a generation of Christ's sufferings on the Cross the temple was destroyed, the Jewish priesthood ceased to exist, the sacrifices were no longer offered, the genealogical records of the entire nation were destroyed, their city was destroyed, and the people of Israel were driven out of their land, sold into slavery, and dispersed to the four corners of the world. Since that time it has been completely impossible for a �Messiah' to come with proper credentials as the Old Testament demands and as were revealed only in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. The Preexistence of Jesus Christ as GOD Taught by: · The Apostle John- (John 1:1; I John 1:2) · The Apostle Paul- (Philippians 2:6-8) · The Apostle Peter- (I Peter 1:20) · Christ Jesus Himself (John 6:38; John 6:51, 61, 62; John 8:58; John 17:5) Isaiah 42:8 states, �I am the Lord: that is My Name: and My Glory will I not give to another , neither my praise to graven images.� Since Jesus Christ only spoke truth (since He is the Truth) the fact that He shared in the Glory of the Father in Eternity Past confirms His Deity. What was the Divine Preexistent Christ (the Word) doing prior to His birth at Bethlehem? 1) He was creating the Universe (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2, 10). 2) He was controlling His creation throughout the Universe (Hebrews 1:3; Col. 1:17). 3) He was in relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit (John 17:23, 24). The Reasons for the Incarnation 1) To reveal the Invisible GOD (John 1:18; 14:9). 2) To fulfill all 300 Old Testament prophecies concerning the Person of the Messiah (Gen. 3:15, etc�..). 3) To guarantee the Davidic Covenant (Luke 1:31-33). 4) To make a sacrifice for our sin- our fallen state (Heb. 2:9; Heb. 10:4, 5, 10, 12; I John 3:5; Mark 10:45). 5) To reconcile man to GOD (II Cor. 5:19; Heb. 2:17; I Tim. 2:5, 6). 6) To provide an example for believers (I Peter 2:21; I John 2:6). 7) To take His place as our High Priest (Heb. 2:17; Heb. 3:1). 8) To destroy Satan's kingdom (Heb. 2:14; I John 3:8). 9) To break the curse of the Fall on Creation. (Rom. 5:12). 10) To preach Deliverance, Healing, and Salvation- and fulfill it with demonstrations of Spiritual Power. 11) To give abundant life to those who received Him (John 3:36; John 10:10). 12) To glorify the Father (John 13:31, 14:13, 17:4). The Results of Christ's Atoning Death (Isaiah 53 entire; Psalm 22:1-18) 1) With respect to sinners� Redemption (Ephesians 1:7; Galatians 3:13; Rev. 5:8-12). 2) With respect to saints� Sanctification (Gal. 1:4; Heb. 10:10, 19, 20). 3) With respect to Satan� Destruction (Heb. 2:14; Col. 2:15; I John 3:8; Rev. 12:4-11). The Resurrection of Jesus Christ · David predicted it (Psalm 16:10). · Isaiah predicted it (Isaiah 53:9-12). · Jesus predicted it often� �Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But He answered and said unto them, �An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. '� (Matt. 12:38-40). See also Matt. 16:21; 17:19, 22, 23; 20:18, 19; 26:32; Luke 9:22; John 2:18-22. The resurrection was forgotten and doubted by most� all of His followers (Mark 16:1-3; Luke 24:12; John 20:9; 13; Luke 24:9-31). It was remembered by His enemies the Pharisees: �Now the next day� the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, saying, �Sir, we remember that that deceiver said while He was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He Is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first'. Pilate said unto them, �Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can.' So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.� (Matt. 27:62-66). Evidence of the Resurrection 1) The empty Tomb. 2) The revolutionary transformation of His disciples� from cowering in hiding to willing to die horrible deaths as martyrs for their risen Lord. 3) There is no historical record where either the Romans or the Jewish leadership ever refuted Christ's resurrection. There were too many eye witnesses during the 40 days between His coming out of the Tomb and His ascension to the right hand of the Father. Over 500 persons saw Him taken up to Glory in a cloud (Acts 1:6-11). 4) The birth and explosive growth of the Church. The Importance of the Resurrection (I Cor. 15:12-19; Luke 24:39-48; John 20:27; 21:12,13) 1) In relation to the Believer � Eternal Blessings · Our Justification (Rom. 4:25). · Power and strength for daily living (Eph. 1:18-2:10). · Fruitful labor (I Cor. 15:58). · The Promise of our own Resurrection ( I Cor. 15:42-44; II Cor. 4:14). 2) With respect to our Savior- · It is the mark of His Deity (Rom. 1:4; Acts 10:40). · It initiated His exaltation (Acts 5:30, 31; Phil. 2:9-11) · It marks the beginning of His Headship over the Church (Eph. 1:19-23). 3) With respect to sinners- it warns of a coming Judgment Day (Acts 17:31). 4) With respect to Satan- it seals his doom forever (Heb. 2:14; Rev. 20:10). 5) In relationship to the Sabbath: It transfers the Worship Day from Saturday to Sunday (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 16:2; Heb. 7:12). 6) The symbol of the Resurrection: Baptism (Rom. 6:3-11; Col. 2:11-13). Scriptures regarding The Present Ministry of Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:34; Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:3, Heb. 8:1; 10:12, 12; 12:2; I Peter 3:22) The Purpose of the Ascension 1) To prepare a place for us with Him in Heaven (John 14:1-3). 2) To give His followers Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4:10-32). 3) To encourage His believers (Heb. 4:14-16; 7:25; 9:24; 12:1-3;I John 1:1:9; 2:1) 12:10). 4) To send the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Indwelling Presence of GOD (John 16). 5) To work through His people (John 14:12) 6) To wait until His enemies become His footstool (Heb. 10:12, 13) It should be understood that Christ is the Head of His Body which is the Church walking in Resurrection Power, and as the Lord Jesus has taken His seat at the right hand of the Father, we His Spirit-filled Anointed Army are to appropriate the Promise ��And the GOD of peace shall crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen� (Romans 16:20). He is Coming Again! (I Thess. 4:13-18; II Thess. 2:1-17; I Cor. 15:51-58� also compare Matthew Chapter 24 with Revelation Chapters 6 & 7). To reiterate: In the brief earthly life of Jesus (33 ½ years) alone do we see over 300 fulfilled prophecies. The odds that these would all coincide by accident in one person are laughable. By the laws of chance, the conservative odds of even just 48 of those prophecies being fulfilled by one man are one in 10 157 (which is the number 1 followed by 157 zeros!!!) Let's imagine how immense that number is: Let's take a very small object, say an electron (Electrons are so small that if you lined them up, it would take 2 ½ quadrillion of them to equal one inch ). Our figure of 1 followed by 157 zeros� if we had that many electrons in a big pile, it would be 10,000,000,000 times larger than the universe as we know it which scientists calculate to be about 15 billion light years across. (A light-year is the distance that light will travel in one year, moving at the speed of 186,000 miles per second). Now if we took just one electron out painted it red, stirred back into the pile with all the rest for a 100,000 years� then had a blind folded person pick it out of the pile�the first time! Impossible? These would be the same odds that one man would live and die according to only 48 of the most obvious prophecies about the Messiah fulfilled in Christ Jesus . No other conclusion can any sane person make but that the Bible is Truth and Jesus Christ is GOD Incarnate who came and fulfilled the mission that He had from the foundation of the world� to redeem a fallen race, and open access to Heaven for all who freely come and drink of the water of Life (I Peter 1:19, 20; John 7:37, 38). How can you be Saved? REPENT of all known sin� have you broken any or all of the commandments of GOD?� If you've broken just one, you've broken them all� for the Law is One; and a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ (Galatians 3:24). Ask the Father in the name of Jesus to forgive you, cleanse you with the Blood of Our Lord, and impart to you the Indwelling Presence of His Holy Spirit who will empower you to walk in victory in this Life. Then get a good Bible (there are many good versions available today� KJV, NKJV, NASB, NLT, Amplified, & Philip's NT) and read it daily, staying in the New Testament until you know our Lord well, and then consume the whole Counsel of GOD (OT & NT). Join a local church where Jesus Christ is worshipped, the Scriptures believed, and systematically taught. May Christ be formed in you� (Gal. 4:19)..� contributed by Santos Garcia, Jr. & Randy Nein� Love, in HIM. (See reference listing and acknowledgments). References Used � Wilmington's Guide to the Bible � by Dr. H.L. Wilmington; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ã 1981 � The Messiah According to Bible Prophecy � by Tony Alamo ã 1990 � The Holy Bible- Wholly True � a tract by Winkie Pratney, Pretty Good Printing ã 1979, Revised 1985.
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AL-ḤARIZI, JUDAH B. SOLOMON B. HOPHNI (surnamed AL-ḤARIZI): Translator.The "Taḥkemoni."The Makama.His Criticisms. A celebrated Hebrew poet of the early part of the thirteenth century, who lived in Spain and traveled in the Orient. Neither the date of his birth nor that of his death is known. Possessing a masterly knowledge of Hebrew and Arabic, he seems to have been appreciated as a poet at home and on the various journeys he made to southern France. His disposition was a genial one; he loved what was witty and sparkling.Translator. His first introduction to the literary world was in the shape of a translation of the celebrated "Makamat" of the Arabic poet, Hariri of Bozra, in which, in inimitable style, he faithfully adhered to the sudden rimes and abounding quaint conceits of his original. But, while a master of witty poetry, he was a serious student as well, understanding and appreciating the value of such works as Maimonides' "Commentary on the Mishnah" and "Moreh Nebukim," both of which he likewise translated—the former only in part—from Arabic into Hebrew. In an evil hour for himself, he determined to travel to the Holy Land, as his distinguished predecessor, Judah ha-Levi, had done fifty years before. Unfortunately times had changed: Jewish poetry and the love for it had considerably declined since Ha-Levi had brought both to the highest pitch. This decline was not altogether without cause;there were many poets in his days, though of far inferior rank; hence there was a certain indifference in the hearts of the former patrons of Hebrew literature. Al-Ḥarizi was made to experience this painfully on his travels: he received no such welcome as Judah ha-Levi had; and he plaintively deplored the passing of the bygone times when Solomon Gabirol, Judah ha-Levi, and Moses ibn Ezra gained such valuable rewards from the lovers of literature. He found the well-springs of liberality closed to him; and thus he sang:"The fathers of song, Salómo, and Judah, And Moses besides—all shone in the west, And rich men were rife then who purchased the pearls of their art; How sad is my lot now times are so changèd! The rich men have gone, and their glory hath set! The fathers found fountains—for me ne'er a fountain will start!"The "Taḥkemoni." But though his journey brought him disappointment and possibly suffering, it stimulated him to the production of his masterpiece, "Taḥkemoni." He gives the following account of its origin: Speaking of his previous work of translating Hariri, he says, "Thus I gave what was demanded—by the Andalusian rich commanded—and I brought home unto each Israelite—the work of that rare Ishmaelite." Leaving his home, he traveled eastward by sea; and then there dawned upon him the folly of having given his efforts solely to the translation of an Arabic author:(Cant. i. 6). "As if the word of the Lord of life—in Israel were no longer rife; like her of old—of whom we are told—'other vineyards I protected—my own, alas, that I neglected!'"The Makama. He therefore determined to write an original work in Hebrew (1218-20). He gave it the name of "Taḥkemoni," "the wise one" (?); see II Sam. xxiii. 8. As the "narrator" (see below) he selected Heman the Ezrahite, and as the "hero" of the narratives, Heber the Kenite. Although this was designed to be a wholly original work, he followed the model of his first favorite, Hariri, by adopting from him the peculiar form of the makama: that curious species of riming prose, with its desultory leaps and coincident assonances, its verbal quips and countless conceits. But what gave it exceptional zest for Jewish readers was Al-Ḥarizi's deft interweaving of whole Biblical sentences, the incongruity of which as to the circumstances described, but their witty fitness in their new application, could not fail to evoke a constant series of smiles in the scholarly reader who knew his Hebrew Bible well. The makama is quite an old and familiar form of Arabic poetry; as early as 1054, the Arabic poet, Aḥmad Abu al-Fadhl b. Husein, of Hamadan in Persia, composed several hundred makamas exactly in the style later adopted by Hariri. Concerning the makama, Kämpf says, "The Semites had no theater; but they had story-tellers, who related deeds and happenings in truly dramatic style." In this species of spoken drama, two personages were supposed to take part in constant dialogue: the hero who told of his doings, and the narrator who served as chorus to him, drawing him out, as it were, by interrogating him. Each episode described by the hero is the subject of a single makama (poem), and has no close connection with that which follows, but its rambling, riming prose is extended and diversified by the interpolation of smaller poems, in absolutely strict rhythm and rime, and generally of exalted strain. The manner of opening a makama may be understood from the following:("Taḥkemoni," makama x., "The Chanticleer's Reproach"). "From Siddim's vale—to Chaldea's pale—went I—and when arrived—the thought revived—to try—all to see—that there might be—rising, growing—coming, going, of the worst and the best, east and west. As I strode on the road—one day I espied on—a stone—all alone—at the highway side—a stranger sitting—resting him. As befitting—I addressed him—aiming at interesting him—as travelers do—when a few—or two—chance to meet—in a country street. And I said, What cheer—neighbor dear?—Whence hast thou strayed—and what thy trade?—He said, From daring feat—to daring feat—as it chances—my roving pleasure ever glances.—A fox I chase—or run a race—with the mountain sheep; no hill too steep—or vale too deep—for me to pace. Said I, Tell me, since thou so much hast wandered—some wondrous thing that thou hast pondered. He answered," etc.The episodes of the "Taḥkemoni" cover a wide field of remarkable experiences, varying from a banquet given to him in an important city of Babylonia (where, as the guest, Heman [Al-Ḥarizi] tells of all the noble poets he has known in Spain) to a battle between Arabs "in the tents of Kedar," a debate between an ant and a flea, or a reproof by a village chanticleer escaped from the butcher's knife.If any purpose can be said to underlie Al-Ḥarizi's work, more serious than the one he himself alleges, namely, the entertainment and refreshment of wearied minds, it may possibly be discerned, as Kämpf suggests, in his constantly implied reminders to wealthy men that they are bound to patronize and protect those that make scholarship their wealth and art their worth. His own experience gave point and pith to these admonitions. But if his own sufferings served likewise as the inspiration of his song, one feels gratified to learn from himself that the bow of constant hope shone steadily for him. As he himself says, in a verse commonly ascribed to him: "If heaven's clouds should weep as my poor eyes have done, Then were for man on earth no path that still were dry; But know, that e'en for me, as erst for Lamech's son, With all this deluge stood a rainbow in the sky!"His Criticisms. Al-Ḥarizi's journey seems to have led him first to Alexandria, then to Palestine. In 1218 he was in Jerusalem, as he states in the twenty-eighth makama of the "Taḥkemoni." He mentions at the same time that it was in 1199—on the recapture of the holy city by the Mohammedans from the Christians—that the Jews were again allowed to live there. From Palestine his path led him to Syria, and there Damascus held him for a time. He has no high opinion of the Damascenes: they are "lovers of the wine-cup." Of one of the poets of the city he says that "when he a ditty writes or eke an ode—it sounds as if some pot or kettle did explode." Again, "they are nothing but shallow rimesters whose flow of eloquence or diction soon runs dry, sirs!" As a general thing, however, Al-Ḥarizi's opinions concerning his rivals, Jewish or non-Jewish, were always more vehement than just (see Awani). Whether he visited Greece or not is not clear: he has no respect for Grecian poets, who, he says, "mingle roses and thorns" (of style) promiscuously. From the superscription of the last makama, it appears that in 1204, the year Maimonides died, he was back again in Toledo; but there is no intimation of his fate thereafter.A remarkable illustration of his verbal dexterity may be mentioned: it is in the eleventh makama of the book which is entitled "Maḥberet Shirah bat Shalosh Leshonot" (The Song of the Three Languages). It contains an interpolated poem, twenty-three lines long, every line of which is written one-third in Hebrew, one-third in Arabic, and one-third in Aramaic.The Arabic portion rimes with the Hebrew throughout; the Aramaic portions have one rime, and that a two-syllabled one, maintained throughout the whole poem.Al-Ḥarizi seems to have been a man of brilliant qualities, but a prey possibly to his impatience due to his trials and sufferings. Many of the better poems—those interpolated in the various makamas—betray a height of noble feeling which marks the true man of sentiment. Of his merits as a master of Hebrew versification there can be no doubt. Abraham b. Isaac Bedersi (end of the thirteenth century), in his "Ḥereb Hamithapeket" (Flaming Sword), mentions him together with Gabirol, Ibn Ezra, and Judah ha-Levi (Zunz, "Z. G." p. 463). The poet Immanuel of Rome speaks in the preface to his "Maḥberot" (Makamas), with reverence of him who wrote poetry and composed parables "diverse each one from the other," such as "the ancients knew not"; and he placed his poems, "taken with his sword and with his bow," in the names of other men, although he alone composed them; in the name of Heber the Kenite . . . thus he took in his hand "the rod" of his intelligence and "therewith performed the miracles." (The words in quotation-marks are Biblical phrases, in the mosaic style of writing then prevalent among Hebrew scholars.) In his twenty-eighth makama, he places Al-Ḥarizi in paradise, in the choice company of Maimonides and Mattathias, the high priest of the Hasmoneans.The following is the list of his writings:Original works: (1) Commentary on Job (Zunz, p. 213); (2) the "Taḥkemoni"; (3) "Sefer 'AnaḲ" (The Necklace), an imitation of Moses ibn Ezra's work of the same name (Zunz, in "Allg. Zeit. d. Jud." 1839, p. 388); (4) a small work, "Sefer Goralot" (Book of Lots); (5) "Refuat Gewiyah" (Healing of the Body), a poem on dietetics (Steinschneider, "Monatsschrift," 1846, p. 279; Zunz, "Z. G." p. 213); (6) an introduction to the Hebrew language (see Neubauer, "Notice sur la Lexicographie Hebraique," p. 208).Translations: From the Arabic—(1) Maimonides' Mishnah Commentary: "Zera'im." (2) Maimonides' "Moreh Nebukim"; published by L. Schlossberg, London, 1851, with notes by Scheyer. (3) Makamat Al-Hariri (Hariri's Makamas), under the Hebrew title "Maḥberot Ithiel," ed. Chennery, London, 1872. From the Greek—(4) Aristotle's "Ethics" and "Politics"; reprinted in Leipsic, 1844. Graetz (l.c. note) mentions likewise (5) a translation of an essay by Galen against speedy interment, and (6) of a gynecological treatise by Sheshet Benveniste ("Segulah le-Harayon"; see also Kämpf, ii. 26); and (7) "Sefer ha-Nefesh" (Book on the Soul), also ascribed to "Galen, the prince of physicians," but translated from the Arabic (published by Jellinek, Leipsic, 1852). (8) "Musare ha-Filosofim" (Dicta of the Philosophers), done from Greek into Arabic by Ḥonain ben Isaac (but see H. Derenbourg, "Melanges Weil," Paris, 1898).Bibliography: The fullest and best appreciation of Al-Ḥarizi is in Kämpf's Nicht-Andalusische Poesie Andalusischer Dichter, Prague, 1858; Allg. Zeit. d. Jud. 1837, Nos. 81, 86; 1838, No. 7; Krafft, Jüd. Sagen, Ansbach, 1839; Literaturblatt des Orients, 1840, Nos. 9, 11, 12, 13, 14; Lebrecht, ibid. 1845, p. 43; Zunz, Z. G. pp. 213 et seq.; Dukes, Ginze Oxford, 1851; Monatsschrift, 1846, p. 279; Grätz, Gesch. d. Juden, vii. 83; Steinschneider, Hebr. Uebers., see index. The Taḥkemoni has been frequently edited: Constantinople, 1540, 1583, Amsterdam, 1729, Vienna, 1845, Berlin (part only), 1845, by Lagarde in 1883, Kaminka, 1899; but on this last, see adverse criticism in Zeit. f. Hebr. Bibl. iii. and iv. The Berlin edition (1845) was made by Kämpf, who revised, annotated, and vocalized the text, and translated it into German. A French translation was made by Carmoly (Brussels, 1843-44). Some portions of the Taḥkemoni were translated into Latin by Ure (London, 1772); into French by Silvestre de Sacy (Paris, 1833); and into English by F. de Sola Mendes in Jew. Chron. London, 1873. For Al-Ḥarizi's contribution to the liturgy, see Zunz, Literaturgesch. p. 471; concerning his journey, see Kaminka, in Monatsschrift, 1900, pp. 217-220.F. de S. M.
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SUBSCRIBE LATEST Education CSU students give Israel high marks Milken head puts focus on tech Teaching tech in day schools Campers Hit the Great Outdoors by Lea Silverman The tomato plants are thriving. Their leafy green stalks shoot straight out of the moist brown earth and sway gently in the breeze. The lettuce, alfalfa and spicy greens starts also look healthy. Herbs grow everywhere. This garden, like all gardens at one time, is still in its formative stage -- one of promise. This garden, unlike other gardens, is planted in the shape of the state of Israel. Nestled deep within a Malibu canyon off the Pacific Coast Highway, the Shalom Institute, a Jewish summer camp and nature center, has planted an extensive organic garden on its grounds this year and plans to incorporate the age-old tradition of farming into its summer programs. "I don't think any of this is new, but it is fashionable at present," said Becca Halpern, the camp's program director. "First every camp needed an Olympic-sized pool, and then it was a climbing wall, now every camp has a garden." Perhaps the Shalom Institute's new garden is not on the cutting edge of summer camp innovation. At this point, maybe it is not even a novel idea, but the garden represents a growing trend in Jewish education, one that brings a predominantly urban culture back to the earth. And this movement -- at least in America -- has taken its time. It began in the late 19th century, introduced in the politics of Theodor Herzl, the man credited as the founder of modern Zionism. Herzl's chief lieutenant, Parisian physician, Max Nordau, made a speech in which he called for the need to develop what he referred to as "muscle Judaism." "If, unlike other peoples, we do not conceive of [physical] life as our highest possession, it is nevertheless very valuable to us and thus worthy of careful treatment," Nordau said at the Second Zionist Congress in 1898. "Let us take up our oldest traditions. Let us once more become deep-chested, sturdy, sharp-eyed men." So how does an organic garden at a JCC summer camp relate to the high-minded ideals of famous Zionists? Well, Halpern explains, the garden is really a metaphor. It is a way of teaching Jewish concepts, such as tikkun olam (repairing the world), or tzedakah, which Halpern translates as justice -- or more specifically, environmental justice. And the campers, literally, eat it up. "I talk about edible and medicinal plants with 10-year-olds," Halpern said. She makes her point, however, by taking them into the woods and scavenging snacks. Another summer program has taken this concept of bringing campers into nature to an entirely different level. Yael Ukeles runs Teva Adventure, an outdoor adventure program jointly based in New York and Jerusalem. Teva Adventure has teamed up with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) to offer wilderness trips rich in outdoor survival skills and Jewish education. The organizations' pilot program last summer was a trip for boys to the wilds of Alaska, where the predominantly Orthodox participants learned skills such as ice-climbing and glacier-hiking, while finding time to pray three times a day and observe Shabbat. "I think there are a lot of programs like this in the secular world and I think the Jewish community is following suit," Ukeles recently said by phone from Israel. "A person who is Jewish should be able to participate in a program like this inside the Jewish community; they shouldn't have to go outside the Jewish community. It is also educationally, a tremendous opportunity, not just in a social Jewish context, but a tremendous opportunity to do Jewish education." Ukeles worked with NOLS instructors to build a curriculum that synthesized outdoor skills and Jewish education throughout the trip. She explained that the program relied heavily on metaphors to make a point. For example, the group drew parallels between their journey and other famous journeys in Jewish history, such as the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the desert. Also, when the boys were tied together as a rope team, while hiking a glacier, the group talked about how this symbolized the connection between all Jews. The boys also learned how to keep kosher in the outdoors. They cooked together before Shabbat, learned how to erect an eruv and even made challah without an oven under the open sky. For Gavi Wolf, an 11th-grader from Passaic, N.J., the trip was a "crazy success." "The whole experience of being in Alaska was so unreal," Wolf wrote in a letter to Ukeles. "It was funny because although I had the heaviest physical weight on my back that I have every (sic) had, I felt more at ease and unburdened than I have ever have before. I was with people that I loved in an extraordinary place." It is Wolf's last thought that sums up the single most important factor in the success of any summer program for youths, be it a JCC camp or a wilderness adventure. According to a recent survey by the National Study of Youth and Religion, which measures U.S. teenagers' involvement in religious summer camps, the thing participants value most is a sense of community. "If there is one story here that is coming out of the data, it is that summer camp is as much of a cultural activity or more so than a religious activity," said Dr. Philip Shwadel, a researcher for the project. "They feel more at ease with [other] Jewish kids, especially the ones who don't live in highly Jewish areas." The ability of summer programs to connect Jewish youths from different backgrounds is unparalleled. Like members of a kibbutz, they live and learn together in the natural world. One parent of a Teva Adventure participant noted this lesson and, like the Zionists of old, offered his own philosophy on the future of Judaism. "Judaism can reach its zenith only through the cooperation of diverse individuals and groups," Craig Wichell from Sebastopol, in Northern California, wrote in a letter about his son's outdoor experience. "In Judaism, we each have our role to play." While the founders of modern Zionism called for Jews to recreate their more physical past in the present, Ukeles hopes Jews will do this while bringing Jewish education to the outdoors. "In our climate-controlled lives, we go from an air-conditioned house to an air-conditioned car or a heated house to a heated car," she said. "It is easy to lose touch and these programs remind us that we are not necessarily running the show here. There is something bigger and in the context of the world, we are small and God is big." For more information on summer programs, visit www.campjcashalom.com or www.tevaadventure.com . Advertisement jewish summer camp shalom institute Trending in Education Judaism 101: everything we need to know Bratz : They’re cool, hot and controversial Learning Trope The professor the anti-Semites love The Education of LAUSD’s Steve Zimmer
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SUBSCRIBE RECENT POSTS ON The God Blog Rev. Wright and ‘them Jews’ by Brad A. Greenberg June 11, 2009 | 1:56 pm The Rev. Jeremiah Wright is so irrelevant at this point that the only way he can keep himself in the national spotlight is to say ridiculous things—yes, more ridiculous than the firebrand preacher’s speech at the National Press Club last spring. Speaking with the Daily Press of Newport News, Va., Wright said that he didn’t regret his severed relationship with President Barack Obama, who, of course, is being kept away from Wright by “them Jews.” “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me,” Wright said. “I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office. ... “They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.” Wright also said Obama should have sent a U.S. delegation to the World Conference on Racism held recently in Geneva, Switzerland, but that the president did not for fear of offending Jews and Israel. He specifically cited the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, an influential pro-Israel lobbying group. “Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing (by) the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel,” Wright said. And conservative Jews were worried they could get Obama in their pocket ... P.S. Wright may have been ordained, but there is nothing reverend about him.
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Judaic Treasures US-Israel Relations Charles Samuel Joelson JOELSON, Charles Samuel, a Representative from New Jersey; born in Paterson, Passaic County, N.J., January 27, 1916; attended the public schools, graduated from Montclair Academy; Cornell University, B.A., 1937; law school of Cornell University, LL.B., 1939; was admitted to the bar in 1940 and commenced the practice of law in Paterson, N.J.; enlisted in the United States Navy in 1942 and served in the Far Eastern Branch of the Division of Naval Intelligence; city counsel of Paterson, N.J., 1949-1952; deputy attorney general of the State’s criminal investigation division, 1954-1956, and Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office, 1956-1958; director of criminal investigation for the State of New Jersey, 1958-1960; elected as a Democrat to the Eighty-seventh and to the four succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1961, until his resignation September 4, 1969, to become a judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey; was a resident of Paramus, N.J., until his death on August 17, 1999. Sources: Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress Back to Top About Us | Bookstore | Contact Info | Careers | Feedback | Glossary | Links | Publications | Sponsorship Iran Intelligence | Stop-BDS | Joe's Israel | The Israel Calendar Copyright © 2014 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise; New Site Design: Elie Berman
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Digital Archives (116) Subject: Civil defense Collection(2) Oral history(10) Photograph(46) Photograph folder(3) Sound recording(9) Textual folder(46) Digitized Collection White House Photographs(49) Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. President's Office Files.(27) Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. National Security Files(15) John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection(10) White House Audio Collection(3) Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. White House Staff Files of Lee C. White(3) Military(48) Space(43) United States government departments and agencies(33) Nuclear weapons(14) National security and defense(12) Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963(46) McNamara, Robert S. (Robert Strange), 1916-2009(26) Power, Thomas S. (Thomas Sarsfield), 1905-1970(22) Brown, Harold, 1927-(21) McHugh, Godfrey T., 1911-1997(12) California(46) Soviet Union(3) Cuba(3) Laos(2) Africa(2) United States. Department of Defense(9) United States. Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. Vandenberg Air Force Base. (10/04/1958 - )(40) United States. Office of Emergency Planning(9) United States. President. Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization(11) University of California (Berkeley)(6) Ellis, Frank B. (Frank Burton), 1907-1969(4) Gilpatric, Roswell L. (Roswell Leavitt), 1906-1996(4) Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963(9) Knudsen, Robert L. (Robert LeRoy), 1929-1989(44) United States. President. Office of the Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology. President's Science Advisory Committee(2) Displaying records 1 - 10 of 116 >Last Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. White House Staff Files of Carmine S. Bellino 1961-1964Accountant, investigator. Special consultant to President Kennedy (1961-1963). Materials relating to investigations of Peace Corps activities and to stockpiling of materials for national emergency. Bernard L. Boutin Personal Papers 1955-1966Businessman, New Hampshire political figure, government official. Mayor of Laconia, NH (1955-59); Kennedy campaign worker (1960); Deputy Administrator, Administrator, General Services Administration (1961-64); Deputy Director, Office of Economic Opportunity (1965-68). Correspondence, memorandums, appointment books, schedules and speech files relati... Stephen Ailes Oral History Interview - JFK #3, 10/16/1968 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection16 October 1968Ailes talks about the Reserves and the National Guard, and discusses the reorganization of those forces. John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection30 October 1968Ailes talks about the organization of the government’s civil defense efforts, and also touches on issues of civil rights and discrimination in the military. Ludwig J. Andolsek Oral History Interview - JFK #1, 11/26/1976 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection26 November 1976Andolsek discusses President Kennedy’s work on reorganizing the civil service retirement fund, the 1960 Democratic National Convention and presidential campaign, and John F. Kennedy’s Senate years, among other issues. Harold Brown Oral History Interview - JFK #2, 5/6/1964 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection6 May 1964Brown discusses his job description; the factors that went into his, Robert S. McNamara’s, and John F. Kennedy’s decision making about whether or not a particular weapons system should be developed, and the Nike Zeus and Nike X missile systems, among other issues. Alain C. Enthoven Oral History Interview - JFK #1, 6/4/1971 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection4 June 1971Enthoven discusses his impressions of Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and his work applying systems analysis to Defense Department problems, among other issues. Paul B. Fay Oral History Interview - JFK #2, 11/10/1970 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection10 November 1970Fay discusses Jacqueline Kennedy’s relationship with Ethel Kennedy, John F. Kennedy’s personal friends, Lafayette Square, balance of payments, his relationship and opinions of Robert S. McNamara, and cost effectiveness and systems analysis in the Department of Defense, among other issues. Carl Kaysen Oral History Interview - JFK #1, 7/11/1966 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection11 July 1966Kaysen discusses his role as Deputy Special Assistant, strategic retaliatory forces and retaliatory missile defense, the Congo, Civil Defense, balance of payments, and the Basic National Security Policy [BNSP], among other issues. Robert S. McNamara Oral History Interview - JFK #1, 4/4/1964 John F. Kennedy Oral History Collection4 April 1964McNamara discusses the defense budget and military strategy during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, the recruitment of Defense Department staff, his appointment as Secretary of Defense, the Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
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Posted by pala on Monday, September 18, 2006 at 4:48am. Consider the following mixture of SO2(g) and O2(g).If SO2(g) and O2(g) react to form SO3(g),draw a representation of the product mixture assuming the reaction goes to completion. What is the limiting reactant in the reaction? If 96.0 g of SO2 reacts with 32.0 g O2, what mass of product will form? The reaction is 2 SO2 + O2 -> 2 SO3 32 g of O2 is 1 mole, and that would require 2 moles (128 g) of SO2 to react completely. If you only have 96 g (1.5 moles) of SO2, that is the limiting reactant. 1.5 moles of SO3 would form, and you can figure out the mass from that. chemistry - Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia. Consider the mixture of... chemistry - An equilibrium mixture of SO2,SO3 and O2 gases is maintained in a 11... Chemistry - An equilibrium mixture of SO2, O2, and SO3 at 1000 K contains the ... Chemistry - At 900 K the following reaction has Kp=0.345; 2 SO2(g) + O2 (g) ->... Chemistry - An equilibrium mixture of the following reaction was found to have [... CHEMISTRY - Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia. Consider the mixture ... Chemistry - 2 SO2 + O2 --> 2 SO3 What happens to the total volume when 3L of ... Chemistry - Consider the following reaction: 2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g)----> 2 SO3 (g...
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Joel Kotkin Demographics You are hereRural Policy Rural Policy A Map Of America's Future: Where Growth Will Be Over The Next Decade By Joel Kotkin and...September 04 2013 Appearing in: Forbes The world’s biggest and most dynamic economy derives its strength and resilience from its geographic diversity. Economically, at least, America is not a single country. It is a collection of seven nations and three quasi-independent city-states, each with its own tastes, proclivities, resources and problems. These nations compete with one another – the Great Lakes loses factories to the Southeast, and talent flees the brutal winters and high taxes of the city-state New York for gentler climes – but, more important, they develop synergies, albeit unintentionally. America's Red State Growth Corridors By Joel KotkinFebruary 26 2013 Appearing in: Wall Street Journal In the wake of the 2012 presidential election, some political commentators have written political obituaries of the "red" or conservative-leaning states, envisioning a brave new world dominated by fashionably blue bastions in the Northeast or California. But political fortunes are notoriously fickle, while economic trends tend to be more enduring. These trends point to a U.S. economic future dominated by four growth corridors that are generally less dense, more affordable, and markedly more conservative and pro-business: the Great Plains, the Intermountain West, the Third Coast (spanning the Gulf states from Texas to Florida), and the Southeastern industrial belt. Read or download the full report from the Manhattan Institute. Prairie Populism Goes Bust As Obama’s Democrats Lose The Empty Quarter By Joel KotkinNovember 03 2012 Appearing in: The Daily Beast Along Phillips Avenue, the main street of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the local theater’s marquee is a tribute to the late Senator and 1972 presidential candidate George McGovern, who was buried last month, and is still regarded as a hero by many here. But with McGovern gone, it seems that the Democratic tradition of decent populism he epitomized was being interred along with him. The Rise of the Great Plains: Regional Opportunity in the 21st Century By Joel KotkinOctober 24 2012 Appearing in: For Texas Tech University This is the introduction to a new report on the future of the American Great Plains released today by Texas Tech University (TTU). The report was authored by Joel Kotkin, Praxis Strategy Group, and Kevin Mulligan of TTU. Visit TTU's page to download the full report, read the online version, or to check out the interactive online atlas of the region containing economic, demographic, and geographic data. For much of the past century, the vast expanse known as the Great Plains has been largely written off as a bit player on the American stage. As the nation has urbanized, and turned increasingly into a service and technology-based economy, the semi-arid area between the Mississippi Valley and the Rockies has been described as little more than a mistaken misadventure best left undone. Read more Making Room for the Old and the New Economies By Joel KotkinJanuary 30 2012 Appearing in: Politico The announcements by Sens. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) that they would not run for reelection reflects what may be the last gasps of the Great Plains Democrats, much as California’s 2010 Democratic landslide assured that Republicans are soon to become endangered species in places like Los Angeles and Silicon Valley. The conventional explanation for these trends centers on culture or ideology, but the real cause may lie with an evolving conflict between two dueling political economies. Energy Policy Reset: Forget Nuclear Reactors and Mideast Oil By Joel KotkinMarch 18 2011 Appearing in: Politico.com The two largest crises today — the Japanese nuclear disaster and the widening unrest in the Middle East — prove it’s time to de-fetishize energy policy. These serious problems also demonstrate why we must expand the nation’s ample oil and gas supplies — urgently. The worsening Japanese nuclear crisis means, for all intents and purposes, that atomic power is, if not dead, certainly on a respirator. Some experts may still make the case that nuclear power remains relatively safe. Some green advocates still tout its virtues for emitting virtually no greenhouse gases. The Heartland Rises The change in congressional power this week is more than an ideological shift. It ushers in a revival in the political influence of the nation’s heartland, as well as the South. This contrasts dramatically with the last Congress. Virtually its entire leadership — from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on down — represented either the urban core or affluent, close-in suburbs of large metropolitan areas. Powerful old lions like Reps. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) of Harlem, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) of Los Angeles and Barney Frank (D-Mass.) of Newton, an affluent, close-in Boston suburb, roamed. The Senate was led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who loyally services Las Vegas casino interests while his lieutenant, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), is now the top Democratic satrap of Wall Street. Education Wars: The New Battle For Brains By Joel KotkinDecember 08 2010 Appearing in: Forbes.com The end of stimulus — as well as the power shift in Congress — will have a profound effect on which regions and states can position themselves for the longer-term recovery. Nowhere will this be more critical than in the battle for brains. In the past, and the present, places have competed for smart, high-skilled newcomers by building impressive physical infrastructure and offering incentives and inducements for companies or individuals. But the battle for the brains — and for long-term growth — is increasingly tied to whether a state can maintain or expand its state-supported higher education. This is particularly critical given the growing student debt crisis, which may make public institutions even more attractive to top students. Why the Great Plains are Great Once Again By Joel KotkinJuly 02 2010 Appearing in: Newsweek On a drizzly, warm June night, the bars, galleries, and restaurants along Broadway are packed with young revelers. Traffic moves slowly, as drivers look for parking. The bar at the Donaldson, a boutique hotel, is so packed with stylish patrons that I can’t get a drink. My friend, a local, and I head over to Monte’s, a trendy Italian place down the street. We watch a group of attractive 30-something blondes share a table and gossip. They look like the cast of the latest Housewives series. Energy's Other Side By Joel KotkinJune 09 2010 Appearing in: Forbes.com The BP oil spill disaster likely spells the slowing down, or even curtailing, of offshore oil drilling for the foreseeable future. You can take California, Florida and much of the east coast off the energy-drilling map for years, perhaps decades. But if the oil, gas and coal industries are widely detested on the coasts, people in Bismarck, N.D., have little incentive to join an anti-energy jihad. Like other interior energy centers, people in this small Missouri river city of over 100,000 see their rising oil-, gas- and coal-based economy as the key to a far more lucrative future. The Heartland Will Play a Major Role in America's Future By Joel KotkinApril 11 2010 Appearing in: Omaha World Herald One of the least anticipated developments in the nation’s 21st-century geography will be the resurgence of the American Heartland, often dismissed by coastal dwellers as “flyover country.” Yet in the coming 40 years, as America’s population reaches 400 million, the American Heartland particularly the vast region between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi will gain in importance. America in 2050 -- Where and How We'll Live By Joel KotkinMarch 19 2010 Appearing in: AOLNews.com The presence of 100 million more Americans by 2050 will reshape the nation's geography. Scores of new communities will have to be built to accommodate them, creating a massive demand for new housing, as well as industrial and commercial space. This growth will include everything from the widespread "infilling" of once-desolate inner cities to the creation of new suburban and exurban towns to the resettling of the American heartland -- the vast, still sparsely populated regions that constitute the majority of the U.S. landmass. Read more America's Agricultural Angst By Joel KotkinJanuary 18 2010 Appearing in: Forbes.com In this high-tech information age few look to the most basic industries as sources of national economic power. Yet no sector in America is better positioned for the future than agriculture--if we allow it to reach its potential. Like manufacturers and homebuilders before them, farmers have found themselves in the crosshairs of urban aesthetes and green activists who hope to impose their own Utopian vision of agriculture. This vision includes shutting down large-scale scientifically run farms and replacing them with small organic homesteads and urban gardens. Stimulate Yourself! By Joel KotkinOctober 19 2009 Appearing in: Forbes.com Beltway politicians and economists can argue themselves silly about the impact of the Obama administration's stimulus program, but outside the beltway the discussion is largely over. On the local level--particularly outside the heavily politicized big cities--the consensus seems to be that the stimulus has changed little--if anything. Recently, I met with a couple of dozen mayors and city officials in Kentucky to discuss economic growth. The mayors spoke of their initiatives and ideas, yet hardly anyone mentioned the stimulus. Salinas Dispatch: A Silver Lining in the Golden State By Joel KotkinJuly 27 2009 Appearing in: Forbes From a distance, a crisis often takes on ideological colorings. This is true in California, where the ongoing fiscal meltdown has devolved into a struggle between anti-tax conservatives and free-spending green leftist liberals. Yet more nuances surface when you approach a crisis from the context of a specific place. Over the past two years my North Dakota-based consulting partner, Delore Zimmerman, and I have been working in Salinas, a farm community of 150,000, 10 miles inland from the Monterey coast and an hour's drive south of San Jose. Now Available in Paperback: The Next Hundred Million Joel's new book, THE NEXT HUNDRED MILLION: America in 2050 is now available at booksellers everywhere. Silicon Valley scares Americans And it's made worse by the increasing politicization of Silicon Valley, and the transformation of its leaders from rebels into what Joel Kotkin calls "the new oligarchs," people who once talked about technology as liberation, but who now seem more interested in using technology as an instrument of control. It's not just NSA spying; it's that the companies gather data on everyone, with comparatively little legal oversight. Hungry hi-tech giants: are Google and the gang really getting ready to take over the world? Joel Kotkin, a professor in economic and social development and author of The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050, has compared these companies to the Japanese keiretsu: sprawling conglomerates such as Mitsubishi and Sumitomo that dominated their country's economy in the second half of the 20th century and whose business practices were defined, in the words of Japan-based journalist Karel van Wolferen, as a series of “intertwined hierarchies”. Disappearing middle class in our major cities As urbanologist Joel Kotkin wrote in Forbes just last month, a lot of American cities have become havens of rich and poor... including (and, really, foremost) America's most progressive-minded cities. New York City...San Francisco... Boston... Oakland... Los Angeles... Washington, D.C... all these big cities share the same income-disparity issues: A vaporizing middle class combined with rising populations of both the poor and the well to do. Radio Interview: Energy Running out of California Joel was on with KABC Radio's Larry Elder recently to talk about the shifts in the energy industry in California and what it means for the state's longer-term economic future. Download the mp3 file to listen. Joel Talks About LA's Energy Industry Joel appeared yesterday on KABC Los Angeles McIntyre in the Morning to talk about the current state of California's energy industry. Download the mp3 file above to listen. Joel Discusses Generation Screwed on MN Public Radio Despite the Great Recession, Obama’s New Coalition of Elites Has Thrived Mexico's Real War: It's Not Drugs There’s No Place Like Home, Americans are Returning to Localism The Braking Of The BRICs Joel on the Move to the City Center: Fred Siegel's Review of "The Great Inversion" Selfies Replace Focus on Big Picture more Also by Joel Kotkin: The City: A Global History Joel's Latest Reports Sustaining Prosperity: A Long Term Vision for the New Orleans Region Retrofitting the Dream: Housing in the 21st Century America's Growth Corridors: The Key to a National Revival The Rise of Post-Familialism: Humanity's Future? Enterprising States: Policies that Produce Clues from the Past: The Midwest as an Aspirational Region Joel on Reason.tv Watch the full sized video at Reason.com. Watch Joel in this feature on the role of central planning in Los Angeles. View large version. The Next Hundred Million Joel Kotkin Summarizes "The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050" from Voices for Innovation on Vimeo. Interview on Smartplanet.com "Greenurbia is the suburbs of the future. The suburbs of the 1950s were bedroom communities for people who commuted into the city. Today, there’s much more employment in the suburbs, and the big change is the number of people working full-time or part-time at home. Having people commute from one computer screen to another doesn’t make sense." Read the full interview... Sign up for Joel's Email Newsletter Praise for The Next Hundred Million Kotkin has a striking ability to envision how global forces will shape daily family life, and his conclusions can be thought-provoking as well as counterintuitive. It's amazing there isn't more public discussion about the enormous changes ahead, and reassuring to have this talented thinker on the case. — Jennifer Ludden, NPR national desk correspondent Read more reviews... Madison Region Economic Partnership and the Urban League Annual Meeting of Midwestern Legislative Conference NDSU North Central Cooperative Extension Association Conversations in Place 2014 NAIOP Development 14 Conference Subscribe to New Articles with a Reader S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NewGeography.com The Rise of the Executive Headquarters Don't make big-city mayors regional rulers No Joke: It Couldn't Get Much Better In Fargo Guess What? The Parties are About Even! Ukrainian and Russian: The Geo-Politics of Language Focusing on People, Not Sprawl Concentrated Wealth or Democracy, but Not Both Replicating Bourbon Street
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9069, 2.0], [9069, 9124, 8.0], [9124, 9657, 79.0], [9657, 9711, 9.0], [9711, 9759, 8.0], [9759, 9987, 33.0], [9987, 10305, 55.0], [10305, 10358, 8.0], [10358, 10461, 16.0], [10461, 10493, 4.0], [10493, 10919, 67.0], [10919, 11011, 16.0], [11011, 11461, 68.0], [11461, 11507, 7.0], [11507, 11953, 66.0], [11953, 12003, 7.0], [12003, 12212, 36.0], [12212, 12250, 6.0], [12250, 12422, 28.0], [12422, 12475, 8.0], [12475, 12548, 11.0], [12548, 12582, 6.0], [12582, 12646, 10.0], [12646, 12671, 5.0], [12671, 12754, 15.0], [12754, 12791, 6.0], [12791, 12844, 10.0], [12844, 12866, 3.0], [12866, 12935, 11.0], [12935, 12987, 8.0], [12987, 13045, 9.0], [13045, 13094, 6.0], [13094, 13137, 5.0], [13137, 13196, 10.0], [13196, 13214, 3.0], [13214, 13256, 7.0], [13256, 13351, 17.0], [13351, 13376, 4.0], [13376, 13480, 16.0], [13480, 13509, 3.0], [13509, 13854, 57.0], [13854, 13881, 4.0], [13881, 13917, 6.0], [13917, 13953, 6.0], [13953, 14308, 54.0], [14308, 14329, 3.0], [14329, 14386, 8.0], [14386, 14438, 6.0], [14438, 14491, 6.0], [14491, 14519, 4.0], [14519, 14551, 4.0], [14551, 14591, 7.0], [14591, 14703, 38.0], [14703, 14742, 6.0], [14742, 14785, 6.0], [14785, 14831, 9.0], [14831, 14871, 7.0], [14871, 14923, 7.0], [14923, 14954, 5.0], [14954, 15001, 7.0], [15001, 15027, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 25, 0.0], [25, 132, 0.0], [132, 192, 0.10909091], [192, 761, 0.0], [761, 863, 0.06060606], [863, 1213, 0.01173021], [1213, 1536, 0.0], [1536, 1599, 0.0], [1599, 1670, 0.0], [1670, 1731, 0.10169492], [1731, 2114, 0.01069519], [2114, 2185, 0.02898551], [2185, 2255, 0.08823529], [2255, 2661, 0.0], [2661, 3057, 0.0], [3057, 3103, 0.0], [3103, 3156, 0.11764706], [3156, 3491, 0.01242236], [3491, 3663, 0.0], [3663, 3724, 0.0], [3724, 3779, 0.11538462], [3779, 4043, 0.0], [4043, 4180, 0.0], [4180, 4349, 0.0], [4349, 4369, 0.0], [4369, 4547, 0.0], [4547, 5169, 0.0], [5169, 5211, 0.0], [5211, 5267, 0.11320755], [5267, 5506, 0.0], [5506, 6010, 0.0], [6010, 6052, 0.0], [6052, 6102, 0.125], [6102, 6595, 0.00421053], [6595, 6615, 0.0], [6615, 6667, 0.12244898], [6667, 6914, 0.0], [6914, 7254, 0.01851852], [7254, 7311, 0.0], [7311, 7372, 0.10169492], [7372, 7561, 0.01081081], [7561, 7759, 0.0257732], [7759, 7803, 0.1025641], [7803, 7857, 0.11764706], [7857, 8101, 0.02941176], [8101, 8400, 0.0], [8400, 8429, 0.0], [8429, 8484, 0.11538462], [8484, 8713, 0.0], [8713, 9049, 0.0], [9049, 9069, 0.0], [9069, 9124, 0.11538462], [9124, 9657, 0.0], [9657, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 9759, 0.13043478], [9759, 9987, 0.0], [9987, 10305, 0.02597403], [10305, 10358, 0.0], [10358, 10461, 0.04081633], [10461, 10493, 0.0], [10493, 10919, 0.0], [10919, 11011, 0.0], [11011, 11461, 0.01363636], [11461, 11507, 0.0], [11507, 11953, 0.0], [11953, 12003, 0.0], [12003, 12212, 0.00492611], [12212, 12250, 0.0], [12250, 12422, 0.00595238], [12422, 12475, 0.0], [12475, 12548, 0.0], [12548, 12582, 0.0], [12582, 12646, 0.0], [12646, 12671, 0.0], [12671, 12754, 0.0], [12754, 12791, 0.0], 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An organ of the American Institute of International Studies (AIIS), Fremont, CA DONATION Your donation is tax deductable. Journal of America Team: President: Syed R. Mahmood Editor in chief: Abdus Sattar Ghazali Managing Editor: Mertze Dahlin Senior Editor: Prof. Arthur Scott Journal of America encourages independent thinking and honest discussions on national & global issues Disclaimer and Fair Use Notice: Many articles on this web site are written by independent individuals or organizations. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal of America and its affiliates. They are put here for interest and reference only. More details March 2014 Quranic ecological imperatives: A new global perspectiveBy Arthur Scott: We all know the world is in the throes of an ecological crisis, the Goliath of our era, described by some as “Climate Change,” and this crisis has come from the disconnect between the world of nature and humanity. The magnificence of the planet resonating with the Divine energy of the Sacred has been forgotten and reduced to a product, thing or commodity that is brought and sold in the marketplace of globalization. Read More Straight Talk on the U.S. and UkraineBy Stephen Zunes: Given the limits of its power and its own compromised relationship with international law, the U.S. isn't in a position to do much about Ukraine. It’s been interesting to observe the large numbers of people who suddenly think they’re experts on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine—both those on the left who blame it on Obama for intervening too much and those on the right who blame it on Obama for not intervening enough. Read More Egypt's military government increases repression amid growing paranoiaBy Stephen Zunes: Since the military coup in Egypt against the unpopular but democratically elected government of Mohammed Morsi last July, more than 1,000 regime opponents have been killed, thousands more have been hauled before military courts on political charges, and a repressive anti-protest law has been enacted severely limiting the right of peaceful assembly. The targets of this crackdown have not just been supporters of the ousted Muslim Brotherhood government, but liberal secular activists whose calls for democracy and social justice have put them at odds with both the Islamists and the military leadership. A growing number of prominent trade unionists, journalists and human rights activists are being imprisoned. Read More 2,000 kilometers long march to highlight the issue of Baloch missing personsBy Abdus Sattar Ghazali: The families of Baloch missing persons on Feb 28, 2014, completed more than 2,000 kilometers protest march on foot to highlight the issue of missing persons in Pakistan's volatile Balochistan province. The Voice for Baloch Missing Person (VBMP) organized the march, which started in Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan on October 27, 2013 and ended in Karachi where the marchers demonstrated in front of the Karachi Press Club on November 23. In the first phase of the march the families covered 730 km on foot. The second phase from Karachi to Islamabad began in mid-December and reached Islamabad Friday. The second phase covered 1,200 kilometers, perhaps, setting a new record in the global historic long-marches. Read More Egyptian junta claims U.S. conspiracy while accepting U.S. supportby Stephen Zunes: By claiming that the secular pro-democratic left is somehow in cahoots with both of Washington and the Muslim Brotherhood to undermine the nation, the Egyptian military is trying to have it both ways: appealing to the foreign policy establishment in Washington by suppressing both the Islamists and the left, while playing the pseudo-nationalist card for the Egyptian masses. (Photo: Aschevogel / Flickr)Three years ago, three Arab dictators were ousted in the largely nonviolent uprisings of what has become known as the Arab Spring. In Tunisia, with the adoption of a progressive democratic draft constitution, the future in that country is looking positive. In Yemen, the democratic evolution remains stagnant amid enormous challenges, but there are still signs of hope. Read More Academic Freedom Act threatens academic freedom?By Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Congressman Roskam, the Chief Deputy Whip and co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, and Democratic Rep. from Illinois Dan Lipinski have recently introduced the so called "Protect Academic Freedom Act" that would deny federal funding to colleges and universities that participate in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions or scholars. Read More The US Role in Iraq's Upsurge in Violenceby Stephen Zunes: Members of Albu Alwan tribe protest against a military operation in Fallujah city, western Iraq, Jan. 7. (EPA/Mohammed Jalil)The tragic upsurge of violence in Iraq in recent months, including the temporary takeover of sections of two major Iraqi cities by al-Qaida affiliates, is a direct consequence of the repression of peaceful dissent by the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad and, ultimately, of the 2003 U.S. invasion and occupation. Read More Mass graves discovery gives a new twist to the issue of Baloch missing personsBy Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Discovery of three mass graves in Khuzdar has given a new twist to the issue of the missing persons in Pakistan's Balochistan province. The Deputy Commissioner of Khuzdar Abdul Waheed Shah on February 4, 2014 confirmed the discovery of the three mass graves. Read More Barker’s bizarre attacks against progressive scholars and proponents of nonviolent resistanceBy Stephen Zunes: Michael Barker, in an article posted on this site a few days ago, takes offense at my labeling him as someone “notorious” for “conspiracy-mongering.” However, a careful reading of his article and its links actually reinforces that argument. Read More How the state Assembly tries to limit what I can teach?By Stephen Zunes: In preparing my syllabus for my introductory course on the Middle East this semester, it gives me pause that the California Assembly is still on record declaring that discussing certain well-documented historic incidents in modern Middle Eastern history should "not be tolerated in the classroom." This unprecedented attack on academic freedom came in the form of a resolution (HR 35), co-sponsored by 66 of the 88 Assembly members, which passed by a voice vote in 2012. Read More Pakistan resists US pressure to release Dr Shakil AfridiAbdus Sattar Ghazali: Pakistan government has ruled out release of CIA collaborator Dr Shakil Afridi under pressure from the United States. The Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Tasnim Aslam told a weekly press briefing on January 23, 2014 that there is no question of the release of Dr Shakil Afridi on the request of the US as his case is sub-judice. Read More John Kerry Praises Israeli former Prime Minister Arial Sharon By Syed R. Mahmood: It was shocking to read that Secretary John Kerry, on January 2, 2014, during his visit to Israel to conduct a Middle East peace talk with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that he made a statement regarding the former Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon,who was in a coma for the last eight years, that his thoughts are with the former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon -- He died on January 11, 2014. Read More The Middle East and climate changeBy Arthur Scott: One of the problems confronting the Middle East is that political/socio/sectarian issues tend to dominate the dialogue marginalizing the hidden “multiplier effect” of climate on stability. Popular Middle East analyses tend to ignore the dynamics and geopolitics of climate change. It is as though climate has no impact on sectarian violence in Afghanistan, Taliban, Syria, the military coup in Egypt, and Somalia. A contributing factor to setting Middle East climate today consist of these historical events: Western Imperialism and the new Middle East map, oil/ Exxon/Shell, Arab nationalism, Fundamentalism, Islamic Resurgence, 9/11 and the sectarian violence/terror /civil war it has unleashed. Each of these events along with modernity has in their own ways contributed to global warming/change in this region. Read More MLK: Also a victim of NSA surveillanceBy Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Martin Luther King Jr. day is being celebrated on January 20th 2014 amid heated debate on massive dragnet surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA). Ironically, he was himself a victim of NSA surveillance as unveiled by the declassified documents in September last year. Dr. King's status as an NSA target has been known since the 1970s; nevertheless, this was probably the first time that the U.S. government had declassified it. Read More 2013: Another hard year for American Muslims By Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Year after year we wrote about the eroding civil rights as the biggest challenge for the seven-million strong American Muslims in the post-9/11 America. However, after the Snowden revealations that the National Security Agency (NSA) is collecting data on each and every US citizen, the civil rights of everybody now stand abriged. In his year-end press conference. President Obama was in step with the intelligence community that the enmasse NSA surveillence was imperitive to "protect the US citizens." Not surprisingly, on December 28, federal Judge William Pauley III in New York City ruled that the NSA program that collects the telephone metadata for every call made in the United States and many of those made overseas is legal and constitutional. Dismissing a lawsuit against the NSA spying program brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Judge Pauley lashed out at Snowden who was named "Tech Person of the Year" by the USA Today and Runnerup Person of the Year (after Pope Francis) by the Time magazine. Read More
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- selected newswatch item - On Tap Today: Merry Christmas at the movies By Piet Levy of the Journal Sentinel If you're like my family, you get up on Christmas morning excited to open the gifts under the tree, to dig into a ham dinner, to spend quality time with loved ones...and then you need to get the heck out of the house. That's why I've spent many a Christmas night at the movies. And of course, I'm not the only one. Christmas Day is one of the year's biggest holidays for new movie releases, and this year is no exception. | Dec. 25, 2012 »Read Full Blog Post 'Malcolm and Teresa' has trouble finding heart of famous pair's connection By Mike Fischer, Special to the Journal Sentinel In early 1968, conservative British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge was asked to conduct a televised interview of an Albanian nun. He had never heard of her. The world did not yet know her. It soon would: Her name was Mother Teresa. That's the setup in Cathal Gallagher's "Malcolm and Teresa," which is receiving its regional premiere at Christian-based Acacia Theatre Company in Mequon, in a production that opened Friday night under Elaine Rewolinski's direction. | Oct. 19, 2013 »Read Full Article Neko Case's voice shines in an elegant, melancholy set Neko Case performs at Riverside The human voice can be the most singularly beautiful musical instrument there is, but it's not hard to think of well-compensated pop singers who treat their instruments, or allow them to be treated, as if they were beside the point. Neko Case is not among them. | Oct. 19, 2013 »Read Full Article(1)
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We could not find Harry Connick Jr
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We could not find Widespread Panic
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This document is available in two formats: this web page (for browsing content) and PDF (comparable to original document formatting). To view the PDF you will need Acrobat Reader, which may be downloaded from the Adobe site. For an official signed copy, please contact the Antitrust Documents Group. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SETTLES MERGER LAWSUIT WITH WASTEMANAGEMENT AND EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Companies Agree to Sell Operations in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Justice and three state attorneys general today reached a settlement that will allow Waste Management Inc. to go forward with its $1.2 billion dollar acquisition of Eastern Environmental Services Inc., after the companies agreed to sell waste collection and/or disposal operations in three states—New York, Pennsylvania, Florida-- covering nine markets. In addition, Eastern must sell its pending proposal to be awarded part of a $6 billion contract to dispose of New York City's residential waste. Today's agreement settles a lawsuit filed, November 17, 1998, that sought to block Waste Management's proposal to acquire Eastern. State attorneys general for New York, Florida, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania joined the Department's Antitrust Division in bringing the lawsuit. "Without this settlement, residents and businesses in many local markets would have paid higher prices for waste collection and disposal," said Joel I. Klein, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department's Antitrust Division. "The merger would have reduced from three to two the number of competitors for the $6 billion, 20-year contract to dispose of New York City's residential waste, and would have undermined the city's ability to obtain a competitive price and favorable terms. The settlement ensures the taxpayers of New York City will not suffer from the loss in competition had the merger be completed without this divestiture." According to the complaint, the Department said the proposed merger would have substantially lessened competition for waste collection or waste disposal services in nine markets, including the disposal of New York City's residential waste following the closure of the city's only landfill in 2001. In many of these markets, the combination of Waste Management and Eastern would have left only two major competitors. As a result, the competitors would have been able to coordinate their pricing and more easily raise the prices they charge customers. The settlement, filed in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, includes divestiture of waste collection and/or disposal operations in New York City; Pittsburgh, Bethlehem/Allentown, Chambersburg-Carlisle, and Scranton, Pennsylvania; Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, and suburban Tampa, Florida. In addition, the settlement allows Republic Services Inc., or another purchaser, to immediately acquire Eastern's pending proposal to dispose of New York City's residential waste. Waste collection and disposal firms contract to collect municipal solid waste (i.e., trash and garbage) from residential and commercial customers. They transport the waste to disposal facilities such as transfer stations, incinerators and landfills, which process and legally dispose of waste for a fee. Waste Management and Eastern compete both in waste collection and waste disposal facilities. Waste Management Inc., based in Houston, is the largest waste collection and disposal company in the United States with annual sales in excess of $12 billion. Eastern Environmental Services Inc., headquartered in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, has annual sales of approximately $95 million. It is a large regional rival, with its principal operations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Florida. As required by the Tunney Act, the proposed settlement will be published in the Federal Register along with the Department's competitive impact statement. Any person may submit written comments concerning the proposed settlement during a 60-day comment period to J. Robert Kramer, II, Chief, Litigation II Section, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1401 H Street, NW, Suite 3000, Washington, DC 20530 (202/307-0924). At the conclusion of the 60-day comment period, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York may enter the consent decree upon finding that it serves the public interest.
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formatting), and WordPerfect. To view the PDF you will need Acrobat Reader, which may be downloaded from the Adobe site. For an official signed copy, please contact the Antitrust Documents Group. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE/FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION HEARINGS ON SINGLE-FIRM CONDUCT TO CONTINUE ON NOVEMBER 15 Session to be Held in Washington, D.C. to Focus on Exclusive Dealing WASHINGTON -- The Department of Justice's Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today announced that the latest in a series of joint public hearings designed to examine the implications of single-firm conduct under the antitrust laws will take place on Nov. 15, 2006, in Washington, D.C. As previously announced, these hearings will examine whether and when specific types of single-firm conduct may violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act by harming competition and consumer welfare and when they are procompetitive and lawful. The hearings will continue during the coming months. The panels on Nov. 15 will explore exclusive-dealing arrangements. The sessions will be held at the FTC's Conference Center at 601 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., Conference Room A. Further information is provided below: Exclusive Dealing (9:30 A.M. ­12:00 P.M.): Jonathan M. Jacobson is a partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, and commissioner of the Antitrust Modernization Commission. Howard P. Marvel is a professor of economics, department of economics, at Ohio State University, and professor of law at the Michael E. Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University. Richard M. Steuer is a partner at Mayer, Brown, Rowe, & Maw LLP. Mary W. Sullivan is an assistant professor of accountancy at George Washington University. Joshua D. Wright is an assistant professor of law at George Mason University School of Law. Exclusive Dealing (1:30 P.M. ­ 4:00 P.M.): Stephen Calkins is a professor of law and the director of graduate studies at Wayne State University Law School, of counsel at Covington & Burling LLP, and former general counsel of the Federal Trade Commission. Joseph Farrell is a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division. Benjamin Klein is a professor emeritus, department of economics, at the University of California, Los Angeles. Abbott (Tad) Lipsky is a partner at Latham & Watkins LLP, and a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division. The public and press are invited to attend all of the hearings. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested parties may submit written comments to the Antitrust Division and the FTC. Further information about these hearings will be posted on the Antitrust Division's Web site at http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/hearings/single_firm/sfchearing.htm and on the FTC's Web site at http://www.ftc.gov/os/sectiontwohearings/index.htm. Individuals seeking more information on the hearings should contact Gail Kursh, Deputy Chief, Legal Policy Section, Antitrust Division, at singlefirmconduct@usdoj.gov, or Patricia Schultheiss, FTC, at section2hearings2@ftc.gov. ### 06-755
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Return to the USDOJ/OIG Home Page Select Application Controls Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons's Sentry Database System Report No. 03-25 SENTRY, the Federal Bureau of Prisons's (BOP) primary mission support database, processes more than 1 million transactions each day and provides data files to a number of external organizations, including the United States Pardon Attorney, United States Marshals Service (USMS), Federal Bureau of Investigation, and United States Parole Commission. The BOP deployed its SENTRY database in 1978. It currently assists in monitoring and tracking approximately 165,000 federal inmates. The system is designed to automate and assist in the monitoring of inmates consistent with implementation of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (VCCLEA),4 the Prisoner Litigation Reform Act (PLRA),5 and other laws, which may require special treatment of inmates within the BOP prison institutions. All inmate information, which is critical to the safe and orderly operation of BOP facilities, is collected, maintained, and reported within SENTRY. This information includes inmate institution assignment, inmate population, and sentence data. A diagram detailing the various SENTRY modules and a short description of each module follow. SENTRY DATABASE MODULES AND DESCRIPTIONS6 Source: The BOP's Information Technology Investment Report, March 1998. SENTRY Database System Environment SENTRY resides on a BOP mainframe7 computer located at the Justice Data Center in Dallas, Texas (JDC-D) operated by the Department of Justice (Department) Justice Management Division's (JMD) Computer Services. Over 24,000 personal computers are in place - at approximately 200 facilities in the Department and BOP - to grant access to SENTRY by way of the BOP's Washington, D.C., Network Control Center (NCC).8 These remote sites include federal correctional facilities, regional offices, Community Corrections Offices (CCO), and other selected offices. The following diagram depicts SENTRY's network configuration: Source: The Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) analysis of the SENTRY Network Configuration. SENTRY utilizes a client/server application. This is a network architecture in which each computer or process on the network is either a client or a server. Servers are powerful computers or processes dedicated to managing disk drives, printers, or network traffic. Clients are personal computers (PCs) or workstations on which users run applications. Clients rely on servers for resources, such as files, devices, and even processing power. The client part of the program is referred to as the front-end processor and the server part is referred to as the back-end. SENTRY is comprised of approximately 700 program routines written in COBOL,9 which is used to process data to a database management system (DBMS). SENTRY allows concurrent sharing of data among multiple users. The DBMS maintains the indices that are necessary to translate application program data requirements into the information used by the mainframe's operating system to read or write data to SENTRY. The DBMS application used for SENTRY is the Computer Associate's (CA) Integrated Data Management System (IDMS). The IDMS's function is to process transmitted data between SENTRY and the mainframe operating system. The IDMS writes and retrieves data to and from the physical storage area of the mainframe when SENTRY is accessed. SENTRY communications are relayed by way of the BOP's Wide Area Network (WAN) circuits. The SENTRY mainframe is accessed by way of Systems Network Architecture (SNA) gateways,10 which ensure that all SENTRY circuits include end-to-end encryption. Each BOP facility connects directly to the BOP's NCC via the Sprint Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) network. The Sprint FTS and the local exchange carriers provide the communication links for SENTRY. However, the BOP migrated its data communications to the Justice Consolidated Network (JCN),11 which also is implemented primarily through the Sprint FTS contract. The FTS currently provides intercity telecommunications services for federal government agencies. The VCCLEA provided for new police offices, funding for prisons, and funding for prevention programs. In April 1996, the PLRA was enacted by Congress as part of the Balanced Budget Down Payment Act, which limits the prospective relief that can be provided for prison conditions as well as terminates the existing orders for prospective relief unless a court finds that prospective relief remains necessary to correct a current or ongoing violation of a federal right. SENTRY also includes a Property Management Module that tracks BOP's accountable property and automatically computes the depreciation of capitalized property; however it is not directly applicable to the Inmate Population Monitoring Module. A mainframe is a large system capable of handling tens of thousands of online terminals. Large-scale mainframes support multiple gigabytes of main memory and terabytes of disk storage. Large mainframes use smaller computers as front-end processors that connect to communications networks. See Appendix IV for a listing of SENTRY's authorized users. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is a popular high-level programming language used for business applications that runs on large computers. SNAs are IBM's mainframe network standards consisting of a centralized architecture with a host computer controlling many terminals. Enhancements have adapted SNA to today's peer-to-peer communications and distributed computing environment. Gateways perform protocol conversion between different types of networks or applications to facilitate communication between different systems. The OIG previously audited JCN (see OIG Audit Report Number 03-13, "Independent Evaluation Pursuant to the Government Information Security Reform Act," fiscal year 2002, the Justice Consolidated Network, February 2002).
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Clean Air Act Violations and Defrauding the United States Office of Public AffairsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, August 25, 2009 Tennessee Demolition and Salvage Companies Indicted for WASHINGTON— Two demolition and salvage companies and three of their respective owners and supervisors were indicted today by a federal grand jury in Chattanooga, Tenn., the Justice Department announced. The indictment describes a year-long scheme in which the former Standard Coosa Thatcher plant in Chattanooga was illegally demolished while still containing large amounts of asbestos. The indictment goes on to allege that any asbestos that was removed from the plant prior to demolition was removed illegally, scattered in open debris piles, and left exposed to the elements in the vicinity. The indictment also alleges the efforts owners and supervisors made to cover up their illegal activities by falsifying documents and lying to federal authorities. The eleven-count indictment charges the defendants with conspiracy to defraud the United States and to violate the Clean Air Act. The two companies and three individuals are also charged with violating the Clean Air Act’s "work-practice standards" intended to prevent releases of asbestos, making false statements to special agents of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and obstructing justice. The companies and individuals who have been indicted are: Watkins Street Project LLC, Chattanooga, Tenn., a land-holding and salvage company Mathis Construction Inc., Chattanooga, Tenn., a demolition company Donald Fillers, an owner of Watkins Street Project LLC James Mathis, an owner of Mathis Construction Inc. David Wood, a supervisor for Watkins Street Project LLC The conspiracy and substantive Clean Air Act, and false statements counts of the indictment each carry a maximum possible term of five years in prison and a fine of $250,000, twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss to a victim. The obstruction of justice count of the indictment carries a maximum possible term of 20 years in prison and similar fines. Asbestos has been determined to cause lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, an invariably fatal disease. The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. The allegations in the indictment are mere accusations and all persons are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. This case is being investigated by special agents of the EPA and investigators with Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew T. Morris and Todd W. Gleason of the Justice Department’s Environmental Crimes Section. 09-867Environment and Natural Resources Division
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Debra Wong Yang Central District of California United States Courthouse 312 North Spring Street For Information, Contact Public Affairs Thom Mrozek (213) 894-6947 FORMER MAYOR OF LYNWOOD AND TWO ASSOCIATES FOUND GUILTY OF FEDERAL CORRUPTION CHARGES Los Angeles, CA - The former mayor of Lynwood, California was convicted this afternoon of a host of federal corruption charges for orchestrating a scheme that defrauded city residents by funneling city business, including exorbitant no-bid contracts, to a "consulting company" he and his family controlled. Paul H. Richards II, a 49-year-old resident of Lynwood, was found guilty of 20 counts of "honest services" mail fraud for depriving Lynwood residents of his honest services while serving as an elected official. Richards served as a Lynwood city councilman, which included seven stints as mayor, from 1986 until he was recalled in a special election in September 2003. In addition to the "honest services" mail fraud counts, the federal jury convicted Richards of five counts of mail fraud, extortion, eight counts of money laundering and making a false statement to government investigators. "This case sends an important message to any public official who would consider exploiting their position - no one is above the law," said United States Attorney Debra Wong Yang. "There is a special trust between public officials and the citizens of this nation, a trust that we seek to preserve by vigilantly investigating and prosecuting crimes committed by public officials. Any politician engaging in fraud or corrupt acts should be looking over their shoulder." The evidence presented at trial showed that Richards set up a consulting firm, ostensibly owned by his sister, that was awarded a series of unnecessary and exorbitant consulting contracts that had the potential to cause the City of Lynwood to lose over $2.5 million. After deliberating for approximately four days, the jury also convicted two associates of Richards: - Richards' sister, Paula Cameo Harris, a 56-year-old Altadena resident, who purportedly served as the president and owner of Allied Government Services (AGS), the company Richards set up to obtain consulting contracts with Lynwood; and - Bevan Atlee Thomas, a 56-year-old resident of Anaheim, a former consultant to Lynwood, who allegedly obtained a $25,000 per month consulting contract with Lynwood, which he secretly subcontracted to AGS. All three defendants convicted today are scheduled to be sentenced on February 13, 2006 by United States District Judge R. Gary Klausner. Richards, Harris and Thomas participated in a scheme to defraud the citizens of Lynwood of their right to Richards' honest services. AGS's primary source of revenue was three lucrative contracts initiated and approved by Richards. In the first contract, Thomas obtained a "nuisance abatement" consulting contract in 1999. Under this contract, Thomas would be paid up to $25,000 per month for performing consulting services and nuisance abatement work for the city. However, Thomas secretly subcontracted his work to AGS, which then subcontracted to other friends of Richards, including his personal gardener. Lynwood taxpayers ended up paying five times what they should have for the work performed. In the second contract, the indictment alleges that Richards forced the city's trolley operator, Commuter Bus Lines (CBL), to retain AGS as a "transportation consultant" in exchange for receiving a five-year extension of CBL's contract with Lynwood. CBL had agreed to hire its own consultant and to pay for the cost. But when the city insisted that CBL hire AGS at $7,500 per month, CBL objected and demanded increased fees to pay AGS. The city, led by Richards, agreed. Although AGS performed little or no work for CBL under the agreement, the city authorized CBL to pay AGS more than $60,000. In the third contract, the indictment alleges that Richards orchestrated a deal between Lynwood and AGS in which AGS became the city's exclusive representative to negotiate the construction of billboards along the Century Freeway (I-105). In exchange for representing the city, AGS would be paid a 20 percent contingency fee, and the city would pay all of its expenses. Before AGS received this contract, Richards had already given his tentative approval to a multi-million dollar billboard project with Regency Outdoor Advertising. Because the billboard deal was largely pre-negotiated by Richards, AGS stood to earn $960,000 for no actual work except hiring one of Richards' friends as its attorney. AGS sought no competing bids for the billboard project. During the trial, a lobbyist for Regency testified that he gave Richards an illegal $7,500 campaign contribution while Richards was negotiating the billboard contract. That lobbyist, David N. Smith, a 65-year-old resident of Palmdale, previously pleaded guilty to making a corrupt payment to Richards and is scheduled to be sentenced next year. As a result of the three contracts with AGS, Richards violated his duties to the city by, among other ways, failing to disclose his interest in decisions benefitting AGS and Thomas. Richards specifically benefitted in the following ways, among others: - AGS and Thomas satisfied debts for campaign literature for Richards's political campaign and the campaigns of allies; - AGS and Thomas gave contributions to a political action committee set up by Richards' sister and nephew, with that money being used to fund political campaigns of Richards' allies in Compton, who supported a real estate development Richards was pursuing in Compton; - AGS paid for an improvement on a Richards home in Cerritos; - AGS paid a salary to Harris, who distributed the funds to other members of Richards' family; and - AGS paid a salary to Richards' nephew, who performed personal projects for Richards while on the AGS payroll. Harris withdrew large sums of cash from AGS' bank account, which corresponded to large sums of cash deposited by Richards into his personal account. Harris was convicted today of 18 counts of mail fraud, four counts of money laundering, and one count of perjury for lying to a federal grand jury. Thomas was found guilty today of nine counts of mail fraud, four counts of money laundering, two counts of bribery and one count of perjury for lying to a federal grand jury. The mail fraud charges carry a maximum potential penalty of 20 years in federal prison, as does the extortion charge against Richards. The bribery and money laundering counts each carry up to 10 years in prison. The perjury and false statement charges each carry a statutory maximum penalty of five years in prison. This case was investigated by the Los Angeles Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and IRS - Criminal Investigation Division in Los Angeles. Release No. 05-148 Return to the 2005 Press Release Index
{"url": "http://www.justice.gov/usao/cac/Pressroom/pr2005/148.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.justice.gov", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:33:34Z", "digest": "sha1:V4BBORB66GFTBLOC7YOUYAD5XNIA64J6"}
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NEW ORLEANS HUSBAND AND WIFE PLEAD GUILTY TO STEALING OVER $270,000 IN KATRINA-RELATED FRAUD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 25, 2010 CHRESSYE WALLACE, age 43, and ROBERT WALLACE, age 49, both of New Orleans, Louisiana, pled guilty as charged today in front of U. S. District Chief Judge Sarah S. Vance to a three-count Bill of Information for theft of government funds for their role in obtaining over $270,000 fraudulently from the Small Business Administration, the Louisiana Road Home Program, and the National Flood Insurance Program in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, announced U. S. States Attorney Jim Letten. According to court documents, in 1999 the WALLACES purchased a home located in the 1800 block of N. Roman St., New Orleans, Louisiana which subsequently caught fire and burned to the ground in August 2004. The house was never rebuilt. They also owned a home in the 1200 block of 1223 St. Roch Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as a third home located in the 3300 block Nevada Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. At the time of Hurricane Katrina devastated the New Orleans area, the WALLACES were living at the home on Nevada Street. After Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, ROBERT WALLACE submitted a claim to the NFIP, alleging that the home on N. Roman Street had been flooded by over four feet of water, even though no structure was standing there at the time of the storm. As a result of this application, and other, similar representations, ROBERT WALLACE received $72,200 in federal funds. ROBERT WALLACE also filed an application for SBA disaster loan assistance representing that he owned the property located in the 1200 block of St. Roch Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, and that the property was his primary residence on August 29, 2005. ROBERT WALLACE admitted today that he fraudulently represented that he was a full-time resident of the St. Roch Street property, when, in fact, he had been living at the Nevada Street property and was not living at the home on St. Roch Street. As a result of these representations, ROBERT WALLACE received $50,000.00 from the SBA, for which he was not entitled. Additionally,, from November 2006 through January 2009, CHRESSYE WALLACE submitted a series of documents to the Louisiana Road Home Program fraudulently claiming that she was living at the house located on St. Roch Street at the time of the storm. As a result of these false representations, CHRESSYE WALLACE obtained $150,000 in HUD Community Development Block Grant money. ROBERT WALLACE faces a possible maximum of twenty (20) years imprisonment, a $500,000 fine, and three (3) years of supervised release. CHRESSYE WALLACE faces a possible maximum of ten (10) years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, and three (3) years supervised release following any term of imprisonment. Sentencing has been scheduled for December 1, 2010. The case was investigated by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of the Inspector General, the Small Business Administration - Office of the Inspector General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Department of Homeland Security - Office of Inspector General. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U. S. Attorney Jordan Ginsberg. (Download Factual Basis )
{"url": "http://www.justice.gov/usao/lae/news/2010/2010_08_25_chressye_wallace_and_robert_wallace_plea.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.justice.gov", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:15:16Z", "digest": "sha1:NXA6HJ7GJTPUCZPCAULHE6IMHXRQKGDF"}
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Victim Witness Assistance LECC Madison man sentenced for armed robbery Madison, Wis. - John W. Vaudreuil, United States Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin, announced that Bulent Dzelil, 25, Madison, Wis., was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Barbara B. Crabb to five years in prison, to be followed by a three-year term of supervised release, for his role in the robbery of Midwest Jewelers, Monona. Dzelil pleaded guilty to this charge on July 28, 2011. Dzelil, Christopher Singleman, and another individual committed the robbery on May 3, 2010. Dzelil was the getaway driver, while Singleman and the other person went into the jewelry store brandishing a sawed-off shotgun. Singleman was also charged in federal court for his role in this robbery, as well as other robberies. He received a 198-month sentence because of the extent of his criminal conduct, and because of his lengthy criminal history. The third participant in the robbery was convicted in Dane County Circuit Court. The charge against Dzelil was the result of an investigation conducted by the Madison Police Department, Fitchburg Police Department, Monona Police Department, Dane County Sheriff's Department, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The prosecution of the case has been handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Rita M. Rumbelow. Return to Top Learn how you can help drug endangered children Office Hours Procurement Administrative Division Programs VWA LECC Careers Contact Us
{"url": "http://www.justice.gov/usao/wiw/press/2011/August%2030,%202011%20-%20Madison%20Man%20Sentenced%20for%20Armed%20Robbery.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.justice.gov", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:43:00Z", "digest": "sha1:OJXIRBHSAZVS4GDNTL47BNYWKNWNAP34"}
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About 750 Iowans Enrolled in Marketplace Plans Created: 12/11/2013 10:04 AM KSTP.com DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Just over 750 Iowa residents have enrolled in private health insurance plans using the federal marketplace website. New data released by the federal government Wednesday shows that enrollment is edging up in Iowa. But the enrollment number represents a fraction of the people who have applied for coverage on the website. In October and November, nearly 13,000 applications were completed on the website, for insurance to cover roughly 25,000 people. Out of those applicants, 750 were able to complete the process and sign up for private insurance. From those applications, about 5,000 individuals have been deemed eligible for financial assistance to pay for insurance and roughly 7,400 will be eligible for low-income health programs like Medicaid. Federal authorities have been working to fix glitches on the enrollment website. 12/11/2013 9:35:17 AM (GMT -6:00)
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After Election Day, States Face Deadline On Health Exchanges Topics: Insurance, Marketplace, Politics, Health Reform, StatesNov 06, 2012 Under the health law, states are required to let the Department of Health and Human Services know by Nov. 16 if they plan to set up their own exchanges or enter into a state-federal partnership. CQ HealthBeat: On Exchanges: For States, The Clock Ticks Down To Election Day — And Nov. 16 Should President Obama be re-elected, it's likely the health care law will remain intact and states will have to let the Department of Health and Human Services know by Nov. 16 if they intend to set up their own exchanges or enter into a state-federal partnership. Those states that opt to stay on the sidelines will have federally run exchanges in their states in 2014, though they could move to set up state exchanges in later years. If [Mitt Romney] wins, the fate of the health care law will be less certain and may also depend on the makeup of Congress, though the Nov. 16 deadline and the law will remain for now, and the exchanges may even survive (Norman, 11/5). The Associated Press/Chicago Tribune: Illinois Moves Ahead On Health Insurance Exchange Illinois officials are reviewing five bids to build the state's health insurance exchange -- a required component of the federal health care overhaul that Gov. Pat Quinn intends to implement regardless of who wins the presidency on Tuesday. ... The Illinois Department of Insurance has received proposals on the exchange contract from Infosys, CGI, Deloitte Consulting, Xerox and Cognizant Technologies Solutions (Johnson, 11/5). In other health law implementation news - MPR: Value Of Health Insurance Could Be Tough Sell To Some Uninsured Going without a health plan is bad for your personal and financial health. ... The federal health care overhaul aims to drastically reduce the number of Americans who don't have insurance. But as Minnesota officials gear up to promote the importance of health insurance, market research indicates even subsidized health plans will be a tough sell with some people. You may wonder why states need to proactively sing the praises of health insurance. ... After all, the law provides free or low-cost coverage through government programs such as Medicaid and will include financial help through tax subsidies for many others (Stawicki, 11/6). Los Angeles Times: Quiz: Test Your Healthcare Knowledge Healthcare costs continue to climb, putting pressure on employers and consumers in a sputtering economy. In the past decade, U.S. health premiums have shot up 97%, three times as fast as wages and inflation nationwide, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Test your knowledge of healthcare costs and some of the changes under the federal healthcare law (Terhune, 11/5).
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MomsEveryday Livestream Harveyville Rebuilds After 2012 Tornado By: Associated Press Posted: Sat 12:35 PM, Jan 05, 2013 iOS app Android app Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Saturday, January 5, 2012 A small northeast Kansas town that was nearly destroyed by a tornado is well on the road to recovery, despite receiving little help from the federal government. The tornado last Feb. 28 damaged half of the homes in Harveyville in Wabaunsee County, which has a population of about 240 people. It also ruined the Methodist church and killed one person. The town's future was left in peril after the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the property value wasn't high enough to qualify for federal assistance. Residents rebuilt several homes themselves, and recently reinforced the foundation of the new Harveyville United Methodist Church. The town did get help from more than 1,000 volunteers, including private contractors, along with nonprofit groups and some state resources.
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Elegantly designed in contemporary Thai-style, Kandaburi Resort and Spa, Samui brings the local beach culture and combines it with luxury relaxation in perfect harmony. In a small bay on the northern end of Chaweng Beach, Samui, Kandaburi Resort and Spa is close enough to the hustle and bustle of Chaweng center and its entertainment, but far enough for peace and quiet. The shallow waters of the bay can be walked, leaving the stress behind on the beach. Looking out into the Gulf of Thailand, Kandaburi Resort and Spa is on a spilt level, with a hillside and beachside, sharing the same facilities and activities. Diving and trekking, culture tours and adventures, massages and privacy all at your request.
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Apr 9, 2013 9:33 AM by AP Police investigating homicide in Natchez area Natchitoches Parish authorities are investigating the death of a man, whose body was found in a field. Sheriff Victor Jones says a 911 call reported the body about 9:26 a.m. Sunday. Jones tells The Town Talk a couple traveling on Old River Road, north of Natchez, reported seeing what appeared to be a body in a field off the road. The sheriff said the male victim was pronounced him dead at the scene. The man's name has not been released. Jones says an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death. He says the death is being handled as a homicide case. »Comments More News
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Michigan Funeral Director Launches Life Document Storage SHERIDAN, Mich. – Even though death is an inevitable part of life, most people avoid making end of life plans. As a result, family members are often left to put loved ones' affairs in order but are unsure where to even begin. In an effort to make this process easier and less stressful for families, a Michigan funeral director has launched Life Document Storage, an end-of-life planning and life information transfer company. "A lot of families aren't prepared to deal with their loved one's final affairs. People often think because they have estate plans, a life insurance policy, a will and trust, or funeral plans made, then they are all set," said Life Document Storage founder and CEO, Bill Simpson. "The problem is if their families can't find this information when they need it, they're not really prepared." Life Document Storage enables users to store information about important life documents such as estate plans, medical information, and life insurance policies, as well as upload actual copies of those documents into a safe and secure environment. With Life Document Storage, people can store and transfer other valuable life information such as family and genealogical history, online account information, family photos, pet information, family recipes and much more. "Life Document Storage allows a person to answer questions such as, 'If something were to happen to me today, what information would my family need to know? What information would my family want to know? How would I get that information to my family?'" Simpson said. "Having worked in funeral service for more than 10 years, I saw firsthand the troubles families experienced trying to find their loved one's important information. I used my 10 years of experience to build and develop Life Document Storage. The really unique thing about Life Document Storage is the database actually helps guide a person through the process of determining what information their family will need or want to know if something were to happen to them." Three years in development, Life Document Storage was built with three goals in mind: to provide people with a safe and secure means to store and transfer their important information in the event of their death or incapacitation, to provide families with the peace of mind that their loved one's information is available to them 24/7, and to be the industry leader in online end-of-life planning. "I'm proud to say we have met or exceeded all of these goals," Simpson said. "Life Document Storage is the most powerful, comprehensive and complete online end-of-life planning and life information system available today. As a funeral director, I saw on a daily basis the challenges faced by even the most prepared families. Life Document Storage allows people to leave their family answers – not questions." Posted Sept. 25
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Rolling Stones Concert Mick Jagger, left, and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones perform in concert on Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)
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Four Kings and an Ace Actress Jodie Foster, left, and actor Robert Downey, Jr. attend the "Four Kings and an Ace" celebrity charity poker tournament at The London Hotel on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012, in West Hollywood, Calif. (Photo by Dan Steinberg/Invision/AP)
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HP says acquired company lied about finances By PETER SVENSSON AP Technology Writer Published: Nov 20, 2012 at 10:50 AM MDT Last Updated: Nov 20, 2012 at 10:50 AM MDT NEW YORK (AP) — Hewlett-Packard Co. said a British company it bought for $9.7 billion last year lied about its finances, resulting in a massive write-down of the value of the business.CEO Meg Whitman avoided calling it a fraud, but said Tuesday that there were "serious accounting improprieties, disclosure failures and outright misrepresentations at Autonomy Corporation PLC."HP is taking a charge $8.8 billion charge to align the accounting value of Autonomy with its real value. More than $5 billion of the writedown is due to the false accounting, HP said.The revelation is another blow for HP, which is struggling to reinvent itself as PC and printer sales shrink. Its shares hit a 10-year low in morning trading.Among other things, Autonomy makes search engines that help companies find vital information stored across computer networks. Acquiring it was part of an attempt by HP to strengthen its portfolio of high-value products and services for corporations and government agencies. The deal was greenlighted by Whitman's predecessor, Leo Apotheker, but closed in Oct. 2011, three weeks into Whitman's tenure.Among the tricks used at Autonomy, Whitman said: The company had been booking the sale of computers as software revenue claiming the cost of making the machines as a marketing expense. Revenue from long-term contracts was booked up front, instead of over time.As a result, Autonomy appeared to be more profitable than it was, and seemed to be growing its core software business faster than was actually the case. The moves were apparently designed to groom the company for an acquisition, Whitman said.Once HP bought the company, Autonomy's reported results quickly declined. Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch continued to run the company as part of HP, but Whitman forced him out on May 23 because it was not living up to expectations."Little did I know that there was more than met the eye," Whitman said.Once Lynch was gone, a senior Autonomy executive volunteered information about the accounting shenanigans, prompting an internal investigation, she said.The case has been referred to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the UK's Serious Fraud Office, she said. The company will also try to recoup some of the cash it paid for Autonomy through lawsuits.On a conference call with Whitman following the earnings report, analyst Ben Reitzes of Barclays Capital asked who will be held responsible internally for the disastrous acquisition.Whitman answered that the two executives that should have been held responsible — Apotheker and strategy chief Shane Robinson — are gone. But the deal was also approved, essentially, by the current board."Most of the board was here and voted for this deal, and we feel terribly about that," Whitman said. "What I will say is that the board relied on audited financials. Audited by Deloitte — not 'Brand X' accounting firm, but Deloitte. During our very extensive due diligence process, we hired KPMG to audit Deloitte. And neither of them saw what we now see after someone came forward to point us in the right direction."Apotheker told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he was "stunned and disappointed" to learn of the allegations against Autonomy, and pointed out that they had gone undiscovered by HP's auditors, executives and directors.Efforts to reach Deloitte and Lynch for comment were not immediately successful.Whitman said she still views Autonomy as a "growth engine for HP software," albeit a weaker one than initially thought.HP shares traded down $1.74, or 13 percent, at $11.56 in morning trading. Just after the open, they hit $11.35, the lowest level since 2002.HP's net loss for the fiscal fourth quarter, which ended Oct. 31, amounted to $6.85 billion, or $3.49 per share. That compares with net income of $239 million, or 12 cents per share, in the same period last year.It was the second mammoth loss in a row for HP. In the third fiscal quarter, it lost a record $8.86 billion, or $4.49 per share. That was due to a charge for another acquisition — that of Electronic Data Systems, a technology consulting service that it bought for $13 billion in 2009. In that case, HP didn't blame improper accounting, just results that didn't live up to expectations.Excluding the charges in the latest quarter, HP earned $1.16 per share in the latest quarter, just above the average analyst forecast of $1.14 per share, as polled by FactSet.HP's revenue was $30.0 billion, down 7 percent from last year. That was below analyst expectations at $30.5 billion.The Palo Alto, Calif., company stuck to its previously given earnings forecast for the fiscal year that just started, but it issued a forecast for this quarter that was well below analyst expectations. It expects earnings, excluding items, to be 68 cents to 71 cents per share, while analysts were looking for 85 cents, according to FactSet.
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Bush Auctions Ranch Pickup to Assist Military Families By: AP Email Posted: Tue 6:12 PM, Dec 18, 2012 / Article DALLAS - - A pickup former President George W. Bush used on his Central Texas ranch will be auctioned off to benefit a program dedicated to assisting U.S. military families. The Barrett-Jackson auction house in Scottsdale, Ariz., says the 2009 Ford F-150 King Ranch 4-by-4 SuperCrew will be offered Jan. 19, with all proceeds going to the Fisher House Foundation. The truck's right airbag panel is signed by Bush. The buyer will also get a video showing Bush autographing the truck and driving around the ranch near Crawford, about two hours south of Dallas. Bush, who left office in 2009, said in the news release, "I haven't driven on a street in many, many years, but I have been able to drive this truck on my ranch."
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The African Union The OAU initiatives paved the way for the birth of AU. In July 1999, the Assembly decided to convene an extraordinary session to expedite the process of economic and political integration in the continent. Since then, four Summits have been held leading to the official launching of the African Union. The African Union has shifted focus from supporting liberation movements in the erstwhile African territories under colonialism and apartheid, as envisaged by the OAU since 1963 and the Constitutive Act, to an organization spear-heading Africa’s development and integration. The Objectives of the AU To achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the peoples of Africa; To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States; To accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent; To promote and defend African common positions on issues of interest to the continent and its peoples; To encourage international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; To promote peace, security, and stability on the continent; To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and good governance; To promote and protect human and peoples' rights in accordance with the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and other relevant human rights instruments; To establish the necessary conditions which enable the continent to play its rightful role in the global economy and in international negotiations; To promote sustainable development at the economic, social and cultural levels as well as the integration of African economies; To promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to raise the living standards of African peoples; To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing and future Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of the objectives of the Union; To advance the development of the continent by promoting research in all fields, in particular in science and technology; To work with relevant international partners in the eradication of preventable diseases and the promotion of good health on the continent. East African Community
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Kenya and The United Nations Kenya became a Member of the United Nations after attaining independence in December 1963. It was a giant step in the exercise of independence and sovereignty in the arena of the community of nations. The role of Kenya Mission to the United Nations is to effectively represent Kenya at the diplomatic apex of interactions in the global community of nations. The multilateral character of the Kenya Mission in New York poses very unique diplomatic challenges. All States in the world with their diverse ideological, cultural, political and strategic characteristics intermingle in the halls of negotiations, in the corridors and in receptions. It is a setting which tests diplomatic skills to the limit. Kenya mission to the United Nations has and continue to discharge her obligations at the United Nations with an efficiency which has earned her great admiration. The country has not only adhered to and upheld the principles enshrined in the Charter of the organization but has also contributed tremendously in the furtherance of shared goals. The passage of time since 1945 has witnessed many transformations globally. The political, economic, social, military and strategic spheres have seen tremendous changes. As a result, the United Nations has had to adjust to face the emerging challenges. Organs, Agencies and Programmes of the United Nations take on an ever-expanding agenda shaped by fresh and changing challenges in a most complex situation. Kenya has a special place within the United Nations as it is the only developing country hosting two United Nations programmes. As the United Nations evolves, especially with the end of the Cold War and the bi-polar nature of politics and strategic alliances, other forces have come to the fore. Globalization and WTO rounds of negotiations, United Nations Special Sessions and Global Summits have enmeshed States, regions and groups in a most complex web of negotiations which focus on the work of the United Nations and its Subsidiary organs, Agencies and Programmes. There are also six (6) Standing Committees of the United Nations charged with issues of Security and Disarmament; Economic and Finance; Social and Humanitarian; Decolonization and special political; Budgetary and administrative Legal Matters. The background negotiations which later transform themselves into formal negotiations, resolutions and programmes of action are as a result of negotiations undertaken by all these committees. The Kenya Mission ensures that the interests of Kenya as enshrined in the national goals and the country’s foreign policy are protected and furthered in all these negotiations. the Kenya Mission works very closely with the government ministries and departments on positions regarding key issues and policy matters. From time to time, the Ministers and the Head of State address the United Nations either in Special Sessions or during the General Assembly. At all other times, the Ambassador/Permanent Representative is in-charge of all activities giving guidance to the staff as they undertake their duties and responsibilities. The placing of Kenya in important Committees is another prerogative. Over the years, Kenya has been very proud to join the privileged group of States in the Security Council as a temporary member periodically. Kenya has been a member of committees and commissions including statistics, population and development, programme coordination, ECOSOC and many others at different times. While in 1963, African countries championed the cause of decolonization and the abolition of apartheid, the 21st century has witnessed a emergence of new challenges. The Millennium Summit in 2000 identified special needs of Africa, which the African Union through the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), has put in proper perspective. Through the African Union, NEPAD and other continental frameworks, Africa has demonstrated its readiness to embrace democracy, prosperity and contribute to the ideals of the United Nations. The Kenya Mission to the United Nations is at the center of efforts in the realization of this dream through national, sub regional and regional arrangements. Kenya is committed to the noble course of the United Nations. The country is fully engaged in follow-up, discussions and implementation of the outcome of major United Nations conferences and summits, including internationally agreed development goals including Millennium Development goals.
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The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. Its powers, outlined in the United Nations Charter, include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action. Its powers are exercised through United Nations Security Council resolutions.Source General Assembly: Plenary The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA/GA) is one of the five principal organs of the United Nations and the only one in which all member nations have equal representation. Its powers are to oversee the budget of the United Nations, appoint the non-permanent members to the Security Council, receive reports from other parts of the United Nations and make recommendations in the form of General Assembly Resolutions. It has also established a wide number of subsidiary organs. Source General Assembly: Committees The General Assembly subsidiary organs are divided into five categories: committees (30 total, six main), commissions (seven), boards (six), councils and panels (five), working groups, and "other". Source Various statements delivered by the Kenya Mission office. Statements delivered to the United Nations on behalf of the Kenyan government.
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Kenya's Political History 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000 Pre-independence Detainees during the state of Emergency October 20, 1952 Declaration of emergency and the arrest of several leaders, including Jomo Kenyatta, who was later to become Kenya's first President January 15, 1954 Capture of Warũhiũ Itote gave the colonists a better understanding of the Mau Mau command Caputure April 24, 1954 Operation Anvil sealed Nairobi off for a sector-by-sector purge where all Africans were taken to temporary barbed-wire enclosures and suspected Mau Mau members were picked out of groups of Kikuyu-Embu-Meru detainees by an African informer. Male suspects were then taken off for further screening, primarily at Langata Screening Camp, whilst women and children were readied for repatriation to the reserves 21 October, 1956 Kenyan Land and Freedom Army Field Marshall Dedan Kimathi caputured in Nyeri. Kimathi was executed by the colonialists in 1957 Kenyan Land Tom Mboya and other leaders are elected in the first direct elections for Africans to the Legislative Council. Mboya was later assassinated on July 5, 1969 in Nairobi by Nahashon Isaac Njenga Njoroge March, 1957 Tom Mboya and other leaders are elected later assassinated on July 5, 1969 in Nairobi by Nahashon Isaac Njenga Njoroge. Birth of a Nation Jomo Kenyatta was released from detention in 1961 August 21, 1961 Jomo Kenyatta was released from detention in 1961 and he joined the Kenya African National Union (KANU) February 1962 The second Lancaster House constitutional conference was held and chaired by Secretary of State for Colonies, Reginald Maulding. The conference created the Upper House or Senate to safeguard white settler interests and granting of independence modalities. The 41 Member Senate with limited powers occupied what is today the County Hall. The Lower House represented the people's voices. The Lancaster House constitutional conferences was where the constitutional framework and Kenya's independence were negotiated. General Elections see KANU edge out KADU and the African People's Party May 18 - May 25, 1963 A general election was held between May 18 and May 25, 1963. KANU led by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta won against Ronald Ngala's KADU and the African People's Party led by Paul Ngei. On June 1, 1963 internal self-government was granted and the day came to be known as Madaraka day. December 12, 1963 The Kenya African National Union (KANU) of Jomo Kenyatta formed a government shortly before Kenya became independent on 12 December 1963, on the same day forming the first Constitution of Kenya. Your browser does not support the audio element. The Kenya African National Union (KANU) of Jomo Kenyatta formed a government shortly first Constitution of Kenya Kenya became a Republic with Mzee Kenyatta as the first President, heading a cabinet of 18 Ministers. Uhuru day was renamed Jamhuri (Republic) Day. December 12, 1964, Kenya became a Republic with Mzee Kenyatta as the first President April 14, 1966 The first Vice-President, Oginga Odinga, resigned on April 14, 1966 and formed the Kenya People's Union reintroducing the multiparty status. Joseph Anthony Murumbi, then Minister for Foreign Affairs succeeded Odinga as Vice-President on May 13, 1966. The first Vice-President, Oginga Odinga resigned Murumbi resigned as Vice-President January 3, 1967. Murumbi resigned as Vice-President and Daniel arap Moi was appointed to the post. Building a Nation November 11, 1974 The third general elections were held upon the dissolution of the second parliament on September 8, 1974. The third general elections were held During the Third Parliament, a group of Members of Parliament popularly known as the "change the constitution" group, tried unsuccessfully to amend the Constitution 1976During the Third Parliament, a group of Members of Parliament popularly known as the "change the constitution" group, tried unsuccessfully to amend the Constitution so that the Vice-President would not automatically assume the Presidency on the death of the President. It was seen by some observers as an attempt to prevent the then Vice-President Daniel arap Moi from assuming Presidency in the event of President Kenyatta's death. Kenyatta died and was succeeded as President by Daniel Toroitich arap Moi who dissolved the Third Parliament on September 20, 1979. The subsequent general elections held on November 8, 1979, saw a half of the members of the Third Parliament lose their seats. August 22, 1978 Kenyatta died and was succeeded as President by Daniel Toroitich arap Moi who dissolved the Third Parliament on September 20, 1979. The subsequent general elections held on November 8, 1979, saw a half of the members of the Third Parliament lose their seats. One Party State June, 1982 Kenya became a one party state by law in June 1982 Kenya became a one party state by law in June 1982 during the fourth parliament, which was dissolved, on July 22, 1983. KANU then became the only legal political The fifth general elections were conducted on September 26, 1983 September 26, 1983 The fifth general elections were conducted on September 26, 1983, and the Fifth Parliament was dissolved on February 5, 1988. Elections for the Sixth Parliament preceded by queue voting were held on March 21, 1988. Multi Partyism December 29, 1992 The Sixth Parliament was dissolved on October 28, 1992 and subsequent elections held in December 1992 ushered in Multi partyism after the repeal of section 2(a) and a volatile seventh parliament. In the December 29, 1992 elections, members of parliament were from the following political parties: KANU, the opposition Ford-Kenya, Democratic Party of Kenya, Kenya Social Congress, Kenya National Congress and the Party of Independent Candidates of Kenya. held in December 1992 ushered in Multi partyism for the Eighth Parliament December 29, 1997 The elections for the Eighth Parliament were held and out of the 210 elected Members of Parliament and 12 nominated members, there was a margin of four seats between KANU and the combined opposition. Mwai Kibaki was Moi's Vice-President between 1978 to 1988 and was succeeded by the late Dr. Josephat Karanja (1988-89), and Professor George Saitoti (1989 - August 2002). Musalia Mudavadi was appointed Vice-President in November 2002. Moi's Vice Presidents A New Constitution review of the constitution August 9, 2001 The eighth Parliament initiated in 2001 a comprehensive review of the constitution. December 30, 2002 President Moi retires after having been in office for 24 years. President Moi retires after having been in office for 24 years. President Mwai Kibaki took oath of office December 30, 2002 President Mwai Kibaki took oath of office on the same day after his party, the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) won the elections.
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4662, 0.0], [4662, 4748, 1.0], [4748, 4764, 0.0], [4764, 4826, 0.0], [4826, 4907, 0.0], [4907, 4988, 0.0], [4988, 5152, 0.0], [5152, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5287, 1.0], [5287, 5302, 0.0], [5302, 5390, 0.0], [5390, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5560, 0.0], [5560, 5650, 0.0], [5650, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5774, 1.0], [5774, 5822, 0.0], [5822, 5848, 0.0], [5848, 5951, 0.0], [5951, 6032, 0.0], [6032, 6066, 1.0], [6066, 6071, 0.0], [6071, 6154, 0.0], [6154, 6237, 1.0], [6237, 6301, 1.0], [6301, 6323, 0.0], [6323, 6342, 0.0], [6342, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6419, 0.0], [6419, 6468, 1.0], [6468, 6550, 1.0], [6550, 6585, 0.0], [6585, 6614, 1.0], [6614, 6656, 0.0], [6656, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6770, 0.0], [6770, 6805, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 26, 0.0], [26, 44, 0.0], [44, 61, 0.0], [61, 78, 0.0], [78, 118, 0.0], [118, 147, 0.0], [147, 228, 0.0], [228, 268, 0.0], [268, 293, 0.0], [293, 375, 0.0], [375, 384, 0.0], [384, 415, 0.0], [415, 496, 0.0], [496, 578, 0.0], [578, 658, 0.0], [658, 740, 0.0], [740, 805, 0.0], [805, 834, 0.0], [834, 921, 0.0], [921, 949, 0.0], [949, 961, 0.0], [961, 1001, 0.0], [1001, 1082, 0.0], [1082, 1161, 0.0], [1161, 1213, 0.0], [1213, 1293, 0.0], [1293, 1311, 0.0], [1311, 1361, 0.0], [1361, 1382, 0.0], [1382, 1468, 0.0], [1468, 1481, 0.0], [1481, 1582, 0.0], [1582, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1751, 0.0], [1751, 1832, 0.0], [1832, 1881, 0.0], [1881, 1967, 0.0], [1967, 2081, 0.0], [2081, 2186, 0.0], [2186, 2270, 0.0], [2270, 2352, 0.0], [2352, 2375, 0.0], [2375, 2478, 0.0], [2478, 2559, 0.0], [2559, 2637, 0.0], [2637, 2722, 0.0], [2722, 2763, 0.0], [2763, 2852, 0.0], [2852, 2898, 0.0], [2898, 2930, 0.0], [2930, 2983, 0.0], [2983, 3024, 0.0], [3024, 3116, 0.0], [3116, 3197, 0.0], [3197, 3249, 0.0], [3249, 3275, 0.0], [3275, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3315, 0.0], [3315, 3333, 0.0], [3333, 3367, 0.0], [3367, 3432, 0.0], [3432, 3450, 0.0], [3450, 3552, 0.0], [3552, 3574, 0.0], [3574, 3612, 0.0], [3612, 3629, 0.0], [3629, 3709, 0.0], [3709, 3812, 0.0], [3812, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3973, 0.0], [3973, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4065, 0.0], [4065, 4145, 0.0], [4145, 4214, 0.0], [4214, 4302, 0.0], [4302, 4384, 0.0], [4384, 4466, 0.0], [4466, 4473, 0.0], [4473, 4498, 0.0], [4498, 4581, 0.0], [4581, 4662, 0.0], [4662, 4748, 0.0], [4748, 4764, 0.0], [4764, 4826, 0.0], [4826, 4907, 0.0], [4907, 4988, 0.0], [4988, 5152, 0.0], [5152, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5287, 0.0], [5287, 5302, 0.0], [5302, 5390, 0.0], [5390, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5560, 0.0], [5560, 5650, 0.0], [5650, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5822, 0.0], [5822, 5848, 0.0], [5848, 5951, 0.0], [5951, 6032, 0.0], [6032, 6066, 0.0], [6066, 6071, 0.0], [6071, 6154, 0.0], [6154, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6301, 0.0], [6301, 6323, 0.0], [6323, 6342, 0.0], [6342, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6419, 0.0], [6419, 6468, 0.0], [6468, 6550, 0.0], [6550, 6585, 0.0], [6585, 6614, 0.0], [6614, 6656, 0.0], [6656, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6770, 0.0], [6770, 6805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 26, 3.0], [26, 44, 3.0], [44, 61, 3.0], [61, 78, 1.0], [78, 118, 6.0], [118, 147, 4.0], [147, 228, 13.0], [228, 268, 6.0], [268, 293, 4.0], [293, 375, 14.0], [375, 384, 1.0], [384, 415, 5.0], [415, 496, 13.0], [496, 578, 12.0], [578, 658, 11.0], [658, 740, 12.0], [740, 805, 10.0], [805, 834, 5.0], [834, 921, 13.0], [921, 949, 5.0], [949, 961, 2.0], [961, 1001, 7.0], [1001, 1082, 13.0], [1082, 1161, 13.0], [1161, 1213, 9.0], [1213, 1293, 13.0], [1293, 1311, 4.0], [1311, 1361, 8.0], [1361, 1382, 4.0], [1382, 1468, 14.0], [1468, 1481, 2.0], [1481, 1582, 14.0], [1582, 1663, 12.0], [1663, 1751, 12.0], [1751, 1832, 14.0], [1832, 1881, 7.0], [1881, 1967, 10.0], [1967, 2081, 17.0], [2081, 2186, 22.0], [2186, 2270, 14.0], [2270, 2352, 15.0], [2352, 2375, 4.0], [2375, 2478, 16.0], [2478, 2559, 14.0], [2559, 2637, 12.0], [2637, 2722, 13.0], [2722, 2763, 6.0], [2763, 2852, 15.0], [2852, 2898, 7.0], [2898, 2930, 5.0], [2930, 2983, 9.0], [2983, 3024, 6.0], [3024, 3116, 14.0], [3116, 3197, 11.0], [3197, 3249, 8.0], [3249, 3275, 3.0], [3275, 3298, 3.0], [3298, 3315, 2.0], [3315, 3333, 2.0], [3333, 3367, 5.0], [3367, 3432, 11.0], [3432, 3450, 3.0], [3450, 3552, 16.0], [3552, 3574, 4.0], [3574, 3612, 6.0], [3612, 3629, 3.0], [3629, 3709, 13.0], [3709, 3812, 13.0], [3812, 3892, 12.0], [3892, 3973, 11.0], [3973, 4050, 12.0], [4050, 4065, 4.0], [4065, 4145, 13.0], [4145, 4214, 10.0], [4214, 4302, 14.0], [4302, 4384, 12.0], [4384, 4466, 16.0], [4466, 4473, 1.0], [4473, 4498, 4.0], [4498, 4581, 14.0], [4581, 4662, 12.0], [4662, 4748, 16.0], [4748, 4764, 3.0], [4764, 4826, 13.0], [4826, 4907, 15.0], [4907, 4988, 14.0], [4988, 5152, 26.0], [5152, 5233, 12.0], [5233, 5287, 10.0], [5287, 5302, 2.0], [5302, 5390, 14.0], [5390, 5476, 14.0], [5476, 5560, 13.0], [5560, 5650, 12.0], [5650, 5732, 12.0], [5732, 5774, 6.0], [5774, 5822, 8.0], [5822, 5848, 4.0], [5848, 5951, 18.0], [5951, 6032, 14.0], [6032, 6066, 5.0], [6066, 6071, 1.0], [6071, 6154, 14.0], [6154, 6237, 11.0], [6237, 6301, 8.0], [6301, 6323, 3.0], [6323, 6342, 3.0], [6342, 6369, 4.0], [6369, 6419, 8.0], [6419, 6468, 7.0], [6468, 6550, 14.0], [6550, 6585, 5.0], [6585, 6614, 6.0], [6614, 6656, 7.0], [6656, 6689, 5.0], [6689, 6770, 15.0], [6770, 6805, 5.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 26, 0.0], [26, 44, 0.70588235], [44, 61, 0.75], [61, 78, 0.0], [78, 118, 0.0], [118, 147, 0.22222222], [147, 228, 0.0], [228, 268, 0.0], [268, 293, 0.26086957], [293, 375, 0.0], [375, 384, 0.0], [384, 415, 0.20689655], [415, 496, 0.0], [496, 578, 0.0], [578, 658, 0.0], [658, 740, 0.0], [740, 805, 0.0], [805, 834, 0.22222222], [834, 921, 0.0], [921, 949, 0.14814815], [949, 961, 0.0], [961, 1001, 0.0], [1001, 1082, 0.0], [1082, 1161, 0.06493506], [1161, 1213, 0.08], [1213, 1293, 0.06493506], [1293, 1311, 0.0], [1311, 1361, 0.08163265], [1361, 1382, 0.31578947], [1382, 1468, 0.04705882], [1468, 1481, 0.0], [1481, 1582, 0.04], [1582, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1751, 0.0], [1751, 1832, 0.02531646], [1832, 1881, 0.0], [1881, 1967, 0.0], [1967, 2081, 0.0], [2081, 2186, 0.16161616], [2186, 2270, 0.0], [2270, 2352, 0.06410256], [2352, 2375, 0.0], [2375, 2478, 0.06060606], [2478, 2559, 0.07594937], [2559, 2637, 0.0], [2637, 2722, 0.0], [2722, 2763, 0.0], [2763, 2852, 0.02325581], [2852, 2898, 0.0], [2898, 2930, 0.20689655], [2930, 2983, 0.0], [2983, 3024, 0.16216216], [3024, 3116, 0.06818182], [3116, 3197, 0.0], [3197, 3249, 0.125], [3249, 3275, 0.0], [3275, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3315, 0.0], [3315, 3333, 0.0], [3333, 3367, 0.16129032], [3367, 3432, 0.0], [3432, 3450, 0.0], [3450, 3552, 0.06], [3552, 3574, 0.26315789], [3574, 3612, 0.0], [3612, 3629, 0.0], [3629, 3709, 0.0], [3709, 3812, 0.04040404], [3812, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3973, 0.0], [3973, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4065, 0.0], [4065, 4145, 0.0], [4145, 4214, 0.0], [4214, 4302, 0.0], [4302, 4384, 0.07594937], [4384, 4466, 0.06329114], [4466, 4473, 0.0], [4473, 4498, 0.26086957], [4498, 4581, 0.0], [4581, 4662, 0.07692308], [4662, 4748, 0.06097561], [4748, 4764, 0.0], [4764, 4826, 0.13333333], [4826, 4907, 0.05063291], [4907, 4988, 0.07792208], [4988, 5152, 0.11320755], [5152, 5233, 0.06410256], [5233, 5287, 0.11764706], [5287, 5302, 0.0], [5302, 5390, 0.14117647], [5390, 5476, 0.04705882], [5476, 5560, 0.08974359], [5560, 5650, 0.0], [5650, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5822, 0.08510638], [5822, 5848, 0.0], [5848, 5951, 0.08910891], [5951, 6032, 0.02531646], [6032, 6066, 0.0], [6066, 6071, 0.0], [6071, 6154, 0.1], [6154, 6237, 0.19444444], [6237, 6301, 0.06557377], [6301, 6323, 0.0], [6323, 6342, 0.0], [6342, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6419, 0.10416667], [6419, 6468, 0.08510638], [6468, 6550, 0.10126582], [6550, 6585, 0.0], [6585, 6614, 0.07407407], [6614, 6656, 0.0], [6656, 6689, 0.19354839], [6689, 6770, 0.0], [6770, 6805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 26, 0.0], [26, 44, 0.0], [44, 61, 0.0], [61, 78, 0.0], [78, 118, 0.0], [118, 147, 0.0], [147, 228, 0.0], [228, 268, 0.0], [268, 293, 0.0], [293, 375, 0.0], [375, 384, 0.0], [384, 415, 0.0], [415, 496, 0.0], [496, 578, 0.0], [578, 658, 0.0], [658, 740, 0.0], [740, 805, 0.0], [805, 834, 0.0], [834, 921, 0.0], [921, 949, 0.0], [949, 961, 0.0], [961, 1001, 0.0], [1001, 1082, 0.0], [1082, 1161, 0.0], [1161, 1213, 0.0], [1213, 1293, 0.0], [1293, 1311, 0.0], [1311, 1361, 0.0], [1361, 1382, 0.0], [1382, 1468, 0.0], [1468, 1481, 0.0], [1481, 1582, 0.0], [1582, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1751, 0.0], [1751, 1832, 0.0], [1832, 1881, 0.0], [1881, 1967, 0.0], [1967, 2081, 0.0], [2081, 2186, 0.0], [2186, 2270, 0.0], [2270, 2352, 0.0], [2352, 2375, 0.0], [2375, 2478, 0.0], [2478, 2559, 0.0], [2559, 2637, 0.0], [2637, 2722, 0.0], [2722, 2763, 0.0], [2763, 2852, 0.0], [2852, 2898, 0.0], [2898, 2930, 0.0], [2930, 2983, 0.0], [2983, 3024, 0.0], [3024, 3116, 0.0], [3116, 3197, 0.0], [3197, 3249, 0.0], [3249, 3275, 0.0], [3275, 3298, 0.0], [3298, 3315, 0.0], [3315, 3333, 0.0], [3333, 3367, 0.0], [3367, 3432, 0.0], [3432, 3450, 0.0], [3450, 3552, 0.0], [3552, 3574, 0.0], [3574, 3612, 0.0], [3612, 3629, 0.0], [3629, 3709, 0.0], [3709, 3812, 0.0], [3812, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3973, 0.0], [3973, 4050, 0.0], [4050, 4065, 0.0], [4065, 4145, 0.0], [4145, 4214, 0.0], [4214, 4302, 0.0], [4302, 4384, 0.0], [4384, 4466, 0.0], [4466, 4473, 0.0], [4473, 4498, 0.0], [4498, 4581, 0.0], [4581, 4662, 0.0], [4662, 4748, 0.0], [4748, 4764, 0.0], [4764, 4826, 0.0], [4826, 4907, 0.0], [4907, 4988, 0.0], [4988, 5152, 0.0], [5152, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5287, 0.0], [5287, 5302, 0.0], [5302, 5390, 0.0], [5390, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5560, 0.0], [5560, 5650, 0.0], [5650, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5822, 0.0], [5822, 5848, 0.0], [5848, 5951, 0.0], [5951, 6032, 0.0], [6032, 6066, 0.0], [6066, 6071, 0.0], [6071, 6154, 0.0], [6154, 6237, 0.0], [6237, 6301, 0.0], [6301, 6323, 0.0], [6323, 6342, 0.0], [6342, 6369, 0.0], [6369, 6419, 0.0], [6419, 6468, 0.0], [6468, 6550, 0.0], [6550, 6585, 0.0], [6585, 6614, 0.0], [6614, 6656, 0.0], [6656, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6770, 0.0], [6770, 6805, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 26, 0.11538462], [26, 44, 0.0], [44, 61, 0.0], [61, 78, 0.05882353], [78, 118, 0.05], [118, 147, 0.06896552], [147, 228, 0.02469136], [228, 268, 0.05], [268, 293, 0.08], [293, 375, 0.04878049], [375, 384, 0.11111111], [384, 415, 0.09677419], [415, 496, 0.02469136], [496, 578, 0.02439024], [578, 658, 0.0625], [658, 740, 0.03658537], [740, 805, 0.0], [805, 834, 0.10344828], [834, 921, 0.09195402], [921, 949, 0.0], [949, 961, 0.16666667], [961, 1001, 0.05], [1001, 1082, 0.04938272], [1082, 1161, 0.07594937], [1161, 1213, 0.05769231], [1213, 1293, 0.075], [1293, 1311, 0.11111111], [1311, 1361, 0.04], [1361, 1382, 0.0952381], [1382, 1468, 0.04651163], [1468, 1481, 0.38461538], [1481, 1582, 0.04950495], [1582, 1663, 0.08641975], [1663, 1751, 0.01136364], [1751, 1832, 0.0617284], [1832, 1881, 0.06122449], [1881, 1967, 0.03488372], [1967, 2081, 0.12280702], [2081, 2186, 0.1047619], [2186, 2270, 0.13095238], [2270, 2352, 0.03658537], [2352, 2375, 0.04347826], [2375, 2478, 0.11650485], [2478, 2559, 0.02469136], [2559, 2637, 0.03846154], [2637, 2722, 0.12941176], [2722, 2763, 0.07317073], [2763, 2852, 0.05617978], [2852, 2898, 0.08695652], [2898, 2930, 0.0625], [2930, 2983, 0.0754717], [2983, 3024, 0.09756098], [3024, 3116, 0.06521739], [3116, 3197, 0.07407407], [3197, 3249, 0.07692308], [3249, 3275, 0.11538462], [3275, 3298, 0.08695652], [3298, 3315, 0.05882353], [3315, 3333, 0.11111111], [3333, 3367, 0.05882353], [3367, 3432, 0.06153846], [3432, 3450, 0.11111111], [3450, 3552, 0.01960784], [3552, 3574, 0.04545455], [3574, 3612, 0.02631579], [3612, 3629, 0.11764706], [3629, 3709, 0.0375], [3709, 3812, 0.03883495], [3812, 3892, 0.025], [3892, 3973, 0.03703704], [3973, 4050, 0.02597403], [4050, 4065, 0.06666667], [4065, 4145, 0.05], [4145, 4214, 0.04347826], [4214, 4302, 0.05681818], [4302, 4384, 0.04878049], [4384, 4466, 0.03658537], [4466, 4473, 0.0], [4473, 4498, 0.08], [4498, 4581, 0.04819277], [4581, 4662, 0.04938272], [4662, 4748, 0.03488372], [4748, 4764, 0.1875], [4764, 4826, 0.0483871], [4826, 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Deaths rise to 12, with nearly 120 sickened in rare meningitis outbreak News Share Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - 8:39am (CNN) — Florida recorded its first death connected to the outbreak of a rare, noncontagious form of meningitis, raising the toll Tuesday to a total of 12 fatalities nationwide. Earlier in the day, federal authorities reported 11 deaths and 119 persons becoming ill in the outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Tuesday. Those figures were an increase from Monday's count of eight deaths and 105 illnesses. Florida health officials also reported a total of six cases connected to the outbreak -- all in Marion County. That figure -- one more than federal officials have so far counted in Florida -- means that a total of 120 persons nationwide have become ill, according to state officials. The outbreak is linked to contaminated steroid injections, and as many as 13,000 people may have received the medicine between May 21 and September 24, the CDC said. The death of a 70-year-old Florida man occurred in July, prior to the discovery of the contamination, the state's health department said. "Our disease investigation process discovered the link of this individual's death to the contaminated medication," State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. John Armstrong said. "We will continue to work closely with our health partners to ensure that individuals who may have received the contaminated medicine are treated immediately." The number of reported cases grew significantly in recent days as federal and state authorities continued to investigate the outbreak. Tennessee is the hardest-hit state, with 39 infections and six deaths, according to the CDC. Of the remaining deaths, three occurred in Michigan and one each in Maryland and Virginia, the CDC said. Patients contracted the deadly fungal meningitis after being injected in their spines with a preservative-free steroid called methylprednisolone acetate that was contaminated by a fungus. The steroid is used to treat pain and inflammation. The New England Compounding Center (NECC), the Massachusetts-based pharmacy that made the contaminated injections, voluntarily recalled three lots of the injected steroid last week. On Tuesday, President James T. DeVita of the Massachusetts State Board of Registration in Pharmacy sympathized with the individuals affected by the contamination. "On behalf of the board, I want to express our deepest sympathy for the patients and the families who have been impacted by this tragedy," DeVita said, reading from a statement during a board meeting. He added that "NECC voluntarily surrendered its license and recalled all implicated products." On Saturday, the pharmacy announced a voluntary nationwide recall of all its other products as well. NECC said the new recall was being announced out of an abundance of caution and that there is no indication any of its other products are contaminated. The Food and Drug Administration has already asked doctors, clinics and consumers to stop using any of the pharmacy's products. Last week, the pharmacy voluntarily surrendered its license to operate until the FDA investigation into the contamination is complete. Health officials say 75 medical facilities in 23 states received the contaminated steroid injections from NECC. Other than Tennessee, deaths have been reported in Maryland, Michigan and Virginia. There are also confirmed cases of the disease in Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Ohio. The other states that received the contaminated products are California, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia. Federal health inspectors began inspecting the NECC plant October 1. Inspectors found foreign particles in unopened vials, and after testing one of them, they determined the substance was a fungus. The investigation is still under way. Nearly 10% of drugs administered in the United States come from compound pharmacies, according to a 2003 Government Accountability Office report. Drugs manufactured by compound pharmacies do not have to go through FDA-mandated premarket approval. Instead, state health pharmacy boards are responsible for the oversight and licensing of these pharmacies. Compound pharmacists create customized medication solutions for patients for whom manufactured pharmaceuticals won't work, according to the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists. Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. It is usually caused by an infection, frequently with bacteria or a virus, but it can also be caused by less common pathogens like fungi, according to the CDC. Fungal meningitis is very rare and, unlike viral and bacterial meningitis, is not contagious. Symptoms of fungal meningitis are similar to symptoms of other forms of meningitis, but they often appear more gradually and can be very mild at first, the CDC says. Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN that fungal infections are not usually mild. He said when a fungus invades small blood vessels, it can cause them to clot or bleed, which can lead to symptoms of small strokes. In addition to typical meningitis symptoms like headache, fever, nausea and stiffness of the neck, people with fungal meningitis may also experience confusion, dizziness and discomfort from bright lights. Patients might just have one or two of these symptoms, the CDC says. Health officials say any patients who received an injection at one of the facilities beginning May 21 and who began showing symptoms between one and three weeks after being injected should see their doctor right away. The earlier a patient gets treatment, the more likely he or she will survive. Patients are treated with anti-fungal medication, which is given intravenously, so patients have to be admitted to the hospital, the CDC said. Patients may need to be treated for months. The FDA is urging anyone who has experienced problems following an injection with the NECC product to report it to MedWatch, the FDA's voluntary reporting program, by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088 or online at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Elizabeth Cohen, Miriam Falco, Michael Martinez and Joe Sutton contributed to this report.
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Feds say Texas failed patient who tried to starve herself to death NewsThe Houston Chronicle Share POSTED: Monday, December 3, 2012 - 7:00am UPDATED: Monday, December 3, 2012 - 7:14am During the Conroe woman's 16 days at the state hospital, Bell virtually stopped eating Houston — The Houston Chronicle is reporting; When Brandy Bell was committed to Rusk State Hospital on May 14, there was little doubt she was a complicated patient with a long history of psychiatric problems. But one of her current struggles was painfully obvious. To read more, head to The Houston Chronicle's website: http://www.chron.com/news/health/article/Feds-say-Texas-failed-patient-who-tried-to-starve-4085352.php
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Home > Baby's teeth: What you should know Baby's teeth: What you should know By kkoviak Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - 8:39am Orlando (CNN) — With so many diapers to change and so little sleep, your infant's dental health may not be top of mind -- even after those first baby teeth make an appearance. But the eruption of that first tooth, between the ages of 3 and 9 months, should be a signal to parents to schedule a child's first dental appointment -- and one should be scheduled no later than age 1, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. "We want (parents) to be aware that a newborn's teeth are already developing," says Dr. Art Nowak, one expert attending the AAPD conference in Orlando last week. "Parents can't see them, but they are there under the gums." A whopping 97% of parents were unaware of the first-year, first-visit recommendation, according to a 2010 AAPD survey. But there are compelling reasons for early checkups. Tooth decay is a leading chronic childhood disease -- more common than asthma -- and it's almost entirely preventable, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "I remind parents that this is a very important time," says Dr. Beverly Largent, a pediatric dentist in Paducah, Kentucky. "This baby is 1 year old or younger. They have new teeth. You are starting from the very beginning. And you have all the power in the world to keep your child from ever having a cavity." During the first visit, pediatric dentists evaluate the child and ward off risks. Before a baby even arrives, pediatric dentists encourage expectant parents to get their own teeth checked. In addition, pediatricians and other health care providers are advised to tell parents the importance of wiping a newborn's mouth clean after each feeding -- something that may not occur to new moms. Since acid-producting bacteria, called streptococcus mutans, is contagious, pediatric dentists caution parents against blowing on a baby's food or cleaning a pacifier with saliva. "As soon as the tooth erupts, bacteria start developing plaque," Nowak says. "Whether it's from the mother's milk or formula, activity starts inside that plaque. In no time at all, that activity creates acid and that starts the whole disease process. At 5, 6, 7 months, things are starting to happen." If you notice a white spot or discoloration on a baby tooth, "that means there could be a problem developing," says Dr. Warren Brill, newly elected AAPD president, and the child should see a dentist right away. Left untreated, what's termed "early dental caries" -- the first stage of tooth decay -- can destroy tiny teeth and lead to infection, pain, and lifelong consequences. It can even be fatal in rare cases. Several children in recent years have died from abscesses or from surgical sedation to repair decayed teeth, dentists say. The reality is, "baby teeth" need to stay put well beyond infancy and the toddler years. "In fact, some of those baby teeth are still in place when the child goes to middle school," says Largent. "If not properly cared for, those teeth can cause a lot of trauma. They are important to help your child look good, eat well and speak well." Some dental health tips for parents: Establish a routine: Lifting the child's lip, wiping the mouth and inspecting the gums and teeth should be done regularly, dentists say. "That gives the baby a lot of things -- it gives them the expectation and familiarity of the parent checking inside their mouth," Largent says. "And it gives them the experience of feeling clean." Begin brushing with the first tooth: And begin flossing daily as teeth line up, doctors say. The child will likely fuss or cry, but don't let that deter you. "You have to brush their teeth for them," says Dr. Kevin Donly, who practices in San Antonio. "Kids don't have the manual dexterity until they're between 5 and 7 years old. I think a lot of parents really don't realize that. Even when your child thinks they can brush their own teeth, your job is to go back and re-brush for them." Find a dental home: Having a pediatric dentist means parents know where to go and who to call in an emergency. "By the time (children) are 12 to 14 months, they're mobile. They are going to fall -- and sometimes they fall forward," says Nowak. "With today's technology, we can tell parents, 'Send me a picture from your smartphone.' If there's something we need to do, we'll have them come in." Avoid sugary drinks and use water to transition from bottle to cup: "Parents roll their eyes at me when I say, 'You can't put your child to bed with juice,' " Largent says. "Sometimes, when children come in and their mouths are ravaged, I go so far as to say to the parent, 'This has to stop, tonight.' " Remember that preventative care pays: Costs are 40% lower in the first five years for children who have their first dental visit before age 1, the AAPD estimates. Pediatric dentists aim to make that first exam as standard as any other medical checkup during the first year of life. "Those cavity-free visits are marvelous. They're great for parents, there's no stress involved. They're great for kids, there's no stress involved. And, they are great for me because then I'm the best dentist in the world," says Largent. "When I see a new mom, I want to give her some basic tools: I want her to know that she has to brush his teeth every day. I want her to know she's not being a bad mom if he cries while she's brushing his teeth. My goal is that her child will never have tooth decay." ™ & © 2013 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved. By Pat Etheridge CNN Contributor Editor's note: Former CNN correspondent Pat Etheridge is a journalist specializing in children's health and family issues. She previously hosted CNN's "Parenting Today." No YouTube Weird News gumming Source URL: http://www.ketknbc.com/news/weird-news/babys-teeth-what-you-should-know
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Obamacare’s effect on small business: An unintended consequence? Brad Wright, PhD For employers, the Affordable Care Act takes two distinct approaches. First, for small employers (those with 50 or fewer full-time employees), the ACA does not penalize, but rather incentives the purchase of insurance with subsidies available through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Second, for large employers (those with 51 or more full-time employees), the ACA does very little. Recognizing that the overwhelming majority of these large employers already offer good coverage, the government merely wants to keep it that way. In essence, the “pay or play” mandate is simply designed to prevent “crowd out” the businesses dropping coverage to save money because their employees can get federally-subsidized coverage via the health insurance marketplace. But what about a small business that already provides its employees with excellent coverage? Well, in that case, the incentives and penalties get weird, and the window of opportunity for unintended consequences to enter the picture opens wide. I know of a small business with between 10 and 20 employees that offers excellent benefits. The health insurance coverage has no deductible and no coinsurance. There is a $30-$40 co-pay for physician visits, but that’s it. And, on top of that, the employer pays nearly 100% of the premiums for each individual employee (about $6,000). The catch is, the employees are fully responsible for the cost of dependent (i.e., family) coverage. Given the generous nature of the coverage, this is not inexpensive (about $11,000). In other words, the total cost of this family coverage is approximately $17,000, with the employer paying for $6,000 of it. On the health insurance marketplace, family coverage in the part of the country where this business is located runs between $7,344 a year for a bronze plan and $10,560 for a gold plan. Even the most expensive gold plan was less expensive that the company’s current coverage. And the coverage could be even cheaper, but because the employees have access to affordable coverage through their employer, they are not eligible for federal subsidies. However, given that this is a small business, as defined by the ACA, the employer could simply drop coverage without penalty and instruct its employees to shop for subsidized coverage on the exchange. Doing so would save the employer $6,000 per employee and could save the employee anywhere between $0 and $3,700 a year, albeit with somewhat less generous insurance coverage. So, if this was your company, what would you do? Or, if you were the employee who was told you were no longer getting coverage through your work, but that you could get it more cheaply on your own, how would you react? Brad Wright is an assistant professor of health management and policy who blogs at Wright on Health. The impact of Obamacare on small business Domestic violence is a social, business and health priority Medicine and the examples of unintended effects of technology The unintended beneficial consequences of Obamacare Chronic conditions don’t have normal business hours More in Policy Why more health insurance isn’t necessarily better Can narrow networks increase health care quality? How to solve the SGR gridlock How much Medicare pays doctors requires context < Previous post Should smokers pay higher health insurance premiums? Next post > A solution for clinical guideline overload Tiredoc My small business employes 4 people, excluding myself. The subsidy for my company, based on the average salary of my employees excluding myself is 20% of the premium. As the tax benefit is less than 10% compared to simply giving my employees salary, that doesn’t really add that much to the equation. The small business plans in my state are identical in cost to the individual plans under Obamacare. If I decline to offer insurance, my employees will receive between a 65% to 100% subsidy depending upon which plan they choose. Both my employees and I are better off if I don’t offer health insurance. It’s the same insurance company, the same plan. If I buy it, it costs me and my employees money. If they buy it, they get it for cheaper than if I helped. I told my employees that they were going to be on their own last year. Any business with less than 50 employees that continues to offer health insurance is actually harming their employees, both financially and in decreased competitiveness of the company. http://onhealthtech.blogspot.com Margalit Gur-Arie Just curious, are you going to increase their salary by the amount you used to spend on their health insurance? None of my employees took the company insurance policy. fatherhash or as any other small business owner/entrepreneur, tiredoc could choose to expand his practice and employ more people and take care of more patients….his business, his choice. May Wright “It’s the same insurance company, the same plan.” They’re lucky then. Most 2014 individual plans I’ve seen on the exchange (the only ones people can get subsidies for) have much narrower provider networks than the 2014 individual plans those same companies are offering off-exchange. I have to admit, I’ve never had a company-provided group plan so I don’t know a lot about them – maybe they had narrower provider networks than individual plans did prior to the ACA? I started my company in 2011. I can’t grandfather in my small business plan under Obamacare, so either on the individual or small business market it’s Obamacare all the way. Since they’re using the same pool to determine rates, and the coverage is the same (including deductibles), the rates are the same. Obamacare is not affecting the small business market yet, is it? I thought that the business mandate didn’t take effect until 2015? There were supposed to be Obamacare exchanges for small businesses the same way there are for individuals, but Obama unilaterally decided to give businesses a break until after the 2014 elections. So how can you compare Obamacare small business rates (which don’t exist yet, as there is no exchange yet) with Obamacare individual policies? That’s going to be the next wave of “sticker shock” (and “broken promise shock”). Because Obama delayed the business mandate till 2015, right now it’s just those of us on individual market who are feeling the pain, and we’re apparently a small enough cohort that our pain and inconvenience don’t matter. But sometime next year, when employers start arranging their affairs to achieve compliance in 2015, I think there’s going to be a whole new wave of people finding out that the oft-repeated “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” mantra was just pretty words. James_04 Except that they’re getting huge employer (taxpayer -funded) subsidies to do so. Their only taxpayer subsidies should be based on their income, just like it is for the rest of us. I earn >400% federal poverty level, so I get no taxpayer subsidies, I get to pay the whole premium bill myself. If they’re earning >400% over the poverty line, they shouldn’t should taxpayer subsidies either. Congress created the Obamacare exchanges, they’re forcing the rest of us onto them, and WE don’t get taxpayer subsidies to pay for them unless we are low income. Make the chefs eat their cooking, I say, make them buy insurance on the exchanges without taxpayer subsidies, make them live by the rules they’re enforcing for the rest of us, and maybe they’ll be forced to think twice about what kind of ingredients they’re putting into the swill. Due to their actions, I have to pay more money for less financial protection and a much smaller range of doctors and hospitals I’m allowed to utilize, and I’m responsible for 100% of the tab unless I earn <400% poverty line. They and their families should be forced to eat the same soap sandwich they're making me eat. southerndoc1 To replace the employer-provided insurance (that every other federal employee has and that the majority of Americans have) that was taken away from them by the Grassley amendment. Congress’s actions have caused many other Americans to lose their health insurance. It’s only fair that they suffer too. They can’t get away with putting us on rations while putting their champagne-and-caviar meals plans on our tab, or at least they shouldn’t be able to. See reply above. I really don’t care what happens to the Congress critters: they can all pull a Cruz and hitch a ride on their spouse’s 40K tax-payer subsidized insurance. What is grotesquely unfair is the way the Repubcans have treated and want to continue to treat the hundreds of congressional staffers. Many of them are young, starting families, and making 25-30k per year. They took these jobs with the understanding that they would receive health insurance from their employer. Now, by law, they are the only group of people in the country who, under any circumstances, cannot receive insurance through their employer. Not to making them whole by subsidizing them to the same degree that they were when they accepted these jobs is pettiness of the highest degree. Brad Wright That’s also incorrect. Please read this: http://www.factcheck.org/2013/08/no-special-subsidy-for-congress/ James-04: If you’re self-insured, as you imply, there’s no requirement that you buy insurance on the exchanges (as Congress and their staff are now required to do). You can still work with a broker to find a policy. Can I get taxpayers to subsidize 73% of my tab, the same as well-off members of Congress are doing? And yes, I can still work with a broker to find a policy that’s kinda-sorta-almost as good as the policy Obama killed. So far, no luck. They’re all MUCH more expensive, more limited in their provider networks, and two insurers have stopped offering individual policies in my county altogether. “So yeah point fingers at who is really responsible, the American public, it’s our fault.” Not a single Republican voted for the Democrats’ PPACA bill. Not one. This is a pure product of the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party only. Any failings in this pure partisan Democrat piece of legislation are not the fault of the whole American public, only of those who voted those Democrats into office. If Obamacare had been the rip-roaring success all the Democrats and their media cronies claimed it was going to be, you can bet that they wouldn’t have given the GOP an ounce of credit for that. You DID build this, Democrats, it’s all yours!
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Live At The Lake 2008 Live at the Lake - 7/13/08 featuring The Band of Heathens
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Sign Out Photos: New York Transit Museum train show NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 19: A general view of the New York Transit Museum's 11th Annual Holiday Train Show at Grand Central Station on November 19, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images)
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Sign Out Pilots see epic soccer match as '5-2 win by UP' MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - AUGUST 06: Marie-Eve Naul of Canada in action during the Women's Football Semi Final match between Canada and USA, on Day 10 of the London 2012 Olympic Games at Old Trafford on August 6, 2012 in Manchester, England. (Photo by Stanley Chou/Getty Images)
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Conte Candoli Best-known as the trumpet section leader in Doc Severinsen's Tonight Show Band, Conte Candoli was a fine all-around jazz stylist most at home in the worlds of bop and West Coast cool jazz. Younger by four years than his similarly accomplished trumpet-playing brother Pete, Conte was born Secondo Candoli in Mishawaka, IN, on July 12, 1927. He first patterned himself after players like Harry James, Roy Eldridge, and Dizzy Gillespie, later discovering Miles Davis and Clifford Brown. His first job came at age 16, when brother Pete recommended him for a summer gig with Woody Herman's Thundering Herd; after graduating high school, he joined full-time. He went on to play with several other bands, including Stan Kenton, whom he left in 1954 to form his own band. After leading some recording dates, he soon found a more comfortable existence, moving to Los Angeles and taking session jobs in between gigs with Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars. After about four years, he left in 1960 to work with drummer Shelly Manne, while he and Pete both enjoyed top-dog status in the L.A. session community. In 1968, Candoli took a part-time gig with the Tonight Show Band and joined permanently in 1972, when the show officially moved to Burbank. During the '70s, he was also a member of Supersax, among other L.A. all-star outfits, and also continued his periodic collaborations with his brother. Candoli retired from the Tonight Show along with Johnny Carson in 1992, and continued to play until a battle with cancer slowed his activities. Candoli died in a convalescent home on December 14, 2001. – More Conte Candoli Candoli Live (Complete Concert) Candoli Live, Vol. 2 Live in Rome 1973 Modern Sounds from the West 2005Jazz Structures2005Coast to Coast2004Five2004Conte Nuity2003Double Or Nothin2003The Complete Phoenix Recordings Vol. 52003The Complete Phoenix Recordings Vol. 42003The Complete Phoenix Recordings Vol. 2 You may also like... Roy EldridgeClark TerrySnooky YoungChet Baker
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Houston prepares for Freedom over Texas Thursday, Jul 4 at 12:00 AM HOUSTON – Crews were hard at work putting together Houston’s Fourth of July show at Eleanor Tinsley Park near downtown Houston. Lead rigger Travis Spears has been making last minute adjustments to the Freedom Stage. Artists Sheryl Crow and Martina McBride will perform on the stage. “I am hooking up the guy wires to keep the roof stable so it doesn't blow around in the wind,” Spears said. A group of architects were asked by the mayor to make a sculpture out of 130 tons of sand. “Iconic images of US buildings and this side is Houston and the star in the middle is for the lone star state,” said Ann Kifer. Tens of thousands will gather in the park for the festival. Freedom over Texas begins promptly at 4 p.m.
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Manvel coaches have plenty of experience by Matt Musil / KHOU 11 Sports MANVEL - The Manvel Mavericks are trying to win a championship in their first year at the 5A level. They are led by a group of very experienced coaches that have played both in college and the pros. KHOU 11 Sports reporter Matt Musil has more on the Mavericks.
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I-5 Skagit bridge to be inspected after metal comes loose BURLINGTON, Wash. (AP) - The new temporary Skagit River Bridge on Interstate 5 will be closed one lane at a time on Saturday night for inspections after a metal joint came loose, state transportation officials said.Part of an "L'' joint that holds the asphalt in place between the temporary bridge and permanent roadway came loose Saturday morning and the right lane of the bridge was closed for about two hours while crews welded the joint back into place and spread new asphalt, Transportation Department spokesman Kris Olsen said.The rest of the joints will be inspected between 8 p.m. Saturday and 5 a.m. Sunday.A portion of the Skagit River Bridge collapsed on May 23 after a truck struck some critical steel supports. A temporary span was opened about a month later. A new $6.87 million permanent bridge is being constructed over the river.The 58-year-old bridge carries an average of 71,000 vehicles a day over the Skagit River on I-5, Washington's major north-south roadway between Oregon and Canada.The replacement bridge is expected to be in place in early September.Federal transportation investigators believe an oversize load struck the bridge last month, causing a portion of it to collapse into the river and taking two vehicles with it. Nobody was seriously injured, but the failure has continued to disrupt transportation.
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Become a KIMA Facebook Fan Provocative political ad for state senate seat causes stir By Keith Eldridge & KOMO Staff Published: Oct 25, 2012 at 10:30 AM PDT OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A provocative campaign flyer is causing quite a stir in a state Senate race. It shows the sexy image of a high school student, and talks about consensual relationships with teachers.But the target of the ad says it's over the top."I thought this was shocking and disgusting," said Jeannie Darneille, a Democrat vying for the 27th District Senate seat.The picture shows what appears to be a high school student in short shorts."It was chosen because it's seductive," Darneille said. "It's chosen because it's luring somebody in to read this piece." The piece reads, "Hard to imagine. She's a teenager and her math teacher groomed and had a sexual relationship with her for almost a year. But Jeannie Darneille says that's not criminal.""I absolutely don't support teachers having sex with students," Darneille said.Darneille does not deny that as a State Representative in 2009, she voted against a bill that made it a crime for teachers to have a consensual sexual relationship with female students who are 18, 19 or 20 years old.Her opponent, fellow Democrat Jack Connelly, approved the flyer with the leggy young woman."The vote was a bad vote that Jeannie Darneille made," Connelly said. As for the ad: "I didn't think it was as racy as people are saying."Darneille said she believes 18, 19 and 20-year-olds are adults able to make their own decisions."They can be voting, they can be joining the Army, they can be getting married," she said. Connelly counters: "The statistics show that the group that is the most vulnerable to this type of grooming and attacks are in the 18-21 year old age group."Darneille says it's just the latest in a number of attack ads from a successful attorney who's putting up nearly a million dollars of his money -- a state record. Now the million dollar question: is this campaign flyer just telling the truth, or is it so provocative that the truth gets lost?Darneille says the photo distracts from the real issues of the campaign: the fact that she's pro-choice, Connelly is pro-life; she favors marriage equality, he favors traditional marriage. It is unusual to see two Democrats in the general election, but they were the top two vote-getters in the primary.
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Spyker C8 Spyder T Silver Concept 3/4 Front View Studio mid-engined
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Sign Out Beyonce delivers at Super Bowl halftime show Beyonce Super Bowl NEW ORLEANS, LA - FEBRUARY 03: Singer Beyonce performs during the Pepsi Super Bowl XLVII Halftime Show at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on February 3, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images) Ravens win Super Bowl 34-31 over 49ers after power outage
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Kessenich Honored By Diocese For Excellence In Education (Le Mars) -- A Gehlen Catholic faculty member was honored this morning by the Sioux City Diocese. Carol Kessenich of Le Mars was informed that she is one of four recipients of the Excellence in Education Honorees. Dan Ryan of the Sioux City Diocese explains why Kessenich was selected for the honor. Listen toAudio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.Kessenich was surprised by the recognition. Her family was also in attendance, and by her side when the announcement was made. Kessenich expresses her feelings about the award and gives credit to her mother. Listen toAudio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.Kessenich has been a teacher at Gehlen Catholic for 17 years. Prior to Gehlen, she also taught at Remsen St. Mary's. She teaches both junior high religion and mathematics. Kessenich is the seventh Gehlen faculty member to be honored with the Excellence in Education award by the Sioux City Diocese. The last Gehlen faculty member to be given the honor was the late Steven Shea, for which the Gehlen gymnasium is being named for this year.
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Coast Guard ends search for 2 after oil rig fire Gulf Rig Fire This aerial photograph shows damage from an explosion and fire on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, about 25 miles southeast of Grand Isle, La., Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Four people were transported to a hospital with critical burns and two were missing. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
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Highlights: December 25-31 Posted on December 23, 2011 by KLRU Blog Nature at 7 p.m. Sunday presents “Christmas in Yellowstone,” an exploration of the great winter world of Yellowstone through images of the spectacular landscape and wildlife. Masterpiece Classic at 8 p.m. Sunday presents part two and three of Oscar-winning writer Julian Fellowes‘ “Downtown Abbey”, a depiction of the lives of the noble Crawley family and the staff who serve them, set at their Edwardian country house in 1912. Jerusalem: Center of the World at 9 p.m. Monday draws on religious texts, the science of archaeology and oral traditions to determine why this small city has occupied the minds of so many for so long. The Botany of Desire at 7 p.m Tuesday brings Michael Pollan’s best-selling book of the same name to television, showing how human desires are an essential, intricate part of natural history. The program explores the natural history of four plants and the corresponding human desires that link their destinies to our own. Frontline at 9 p.m. Tuesday profiles Thomas Lynch, a poet and undertaker whose family has cared for the dead in a small town in central Michigan for three generations. In “The Undertaking,” a critically acclaimed book, Lynch offered unique and profound insight into what he called the “dismal trade.” In an intimate and revealing film, Lynch helps makes sense of the ways Americans cope with death, grief and life. Independent Lens at 10 p.m. Tuesday presents “Lioness,” an intimate look at war through the eyes of the first women in U.S. history sent into direct ground combat, despite a policy that bans them from doing so. Nature at 7 p.m. Wednesday takes an exclusive look into the worlds of Arctic bears such as polar bears and grizzlies. In collaboration with National Geographic, Nova at 8 p.m. Wednesday follows the exploits of acclaimed photojournalist James Balog and a scientific team as they deploy time-lapse cameras in risky, remote locations in the Arctic, Alaska, and the Alps. Nova at 9 p.m. investigates the collapse of an immense, 200 meter-thick ice shelf into the ocean off the Antarctic Peninsula in 2002, shocking scientists and raising the alarming possibility that we may be heading toward an ice-free Antarctica — last seen a million years ago. Austin City Limits at 10 p.m. Wednesday and 10:30 p.m. Friday presents a classic Tom Waits performance from 1979. Emmy-winning actress Holland Taylor discusses her long and varied career on Overheard with Evan Smith at 7 p.m. Thursday. World-renowned classical guitarist Jorge Caballero performs the classic work Pictures At An Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky on Arts In Context at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Independent Lens at 9 p.m. Thursday presents “These Amazing Shadows,” a program that looks at the work of the National Film Preservation Board and the cinematic treasures it strives to save, from Hollywood blockbusters to avant-garde gems, and from the earliest days of film to today. On PBS Arts From San Francisco: The Little Mermaid at 8 p.m. Friday, John Neumeier — the American-born chief choreographer for Hamburg Ballet — blends dance, dramatic storytelling and spectacle into this interpretation of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fable. In this special Central Texas Gardener conversation at noon and 4 p.m. Saturday, get the CTG team’s perspective on drought, hard freezes, what we learned this year, and the changes we’ll make in 2012. The New York Philharmonic’s New Year’s Eve concert kicks off with Bernstein’s Overture to Candide and promises to delight with more Bernstein and two Gershwin masterpieces on “Live From Lincoln Center: Bernstein and Gershwin” at 7 p.m. Saturday. American Masters at 9 p.m. Saturday chronicles the rise of a new breed of musicians in the 1960s Los Angeles whose raw emotions and simple instrumentation bridged the gap between singers and the songs they wrote in “Troubadors: Carole King/James Taylor & The Rise.” Modern rock giants Coldplay ring in the new year with a very special episode of Austin City Limits at 11 p.m. Saturday highlighting their hits and songs from their newest LP, “Mylo Xyloto.” Posted in highlights Tagged highlights Subscribe to KLRU Highlights April 13 – April 19Highlights April 6 – April 12Special programs in honor of Earth Day this April Recent Posts ACL Soundwaves auction
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Tag Archives: In Context In Context Presents: Spoken 4 All 2/24 Posted on February 24, 2011 by april Austin’s spoken word performers take center stage as part of KLRU’s focus on the arts on In Context Presents: Spoken 4 All airing at 7:30 pm Thursday, Feb. 24. Also known as “slam poetry,” spoken word is an oral performance of extemporaneous or composed pieces of free poetry. Austin has a number of venues that present spoken word, this program highlights the ranging styles of poets at an all-age program hosted monthly at Mitchie’s Gallery. This event features several artists who were involved with the Austin Neo Soul Team that placed 4th in the 2010 National Poetry Slam. Watch additional clips from the spoken word performers at klru.org/incontext Posted in arts / culture, In Context Specials | Tagged In Context Tsang and Nel concert airs August 26 Posted on August 3, 2010 by april Cellist Bion Tsang and pianist Anton Nel make their PBS broadcast debut as cello/piano collaborators on Thursday, August 26, at 8 p.m. on KLRU. The half-hour IN CONTEXT special was recorded in February 2010 in KLRU Studio 6A, home of the venerable live music series Austin City Limits. KLRU’s IN CONTEXT art series presents performances from some of Austin’s leading artists and cultural organizations. “KLRU is fortunate to bring audiences this longtime musical collaboration between Mr. Tsang and Mr. Nel as part of our ongoing commitment to presenting the arts in Central Texas,” says Bill Stotesbery, KLRU CEO. “Live audiences from Seattle to Boston have appreciated their camaraderie, shared intuition and communication as musicians. Their musical relationship is palpable on stage, and this vibrant performance is sure to please their admirers and earn them new fans as well.” For this IN CONTEXT special, Tsang and Nel perform selected movements from works by Luigi Boccherini (Sonata in A major); Sergei Rachmaninov (Sonata in G minor, Op. 19); Dmitri Shostakovich (Sonata in D minor, Op. 40); Ludwig van Beethoven (Sonata in A major, Op. 69); and Johannes Brahms (Hungarian Dance No. 1 in G minor, WoO1). “I’ve lived in Austin since 2002, and it is a thrill to play in the Austin City Limits studio, where so many legendary musicians — Willie Nelson, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan to name a few – have inspired audiences,” says Tsang. “For decades, public broadcasting has played a significant role in bringing classical music to audiences across the U.S., and Anton and I are proud to perform for KLRU.” Posted in arts / culture, In Context Specials, localshows | Tagged arts, In Context Changing Lives Through Art Posted on July 12, 2010 by april In Context Presents: Changing Lives Through Art on July 22 at 8 p.m. This documentary looks at two community arts projects: The Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble and The Cipher- Austin’s Hip Hop Project. Both projects work to engage youth and the community in social change and specifically in dating violence prevention. Posted in arts / culture, In Context Specials | Tagged In Context Ballet Austin performance airs 4/29 Posted on April 20, 2010 by april KLRU continues the station’s commitment to showcasing the arts in Central Texas with a special presentation of Ballet Austin’s Truth & Beauty/The Bach Project. Recorded in February at The Long Center, IN CONTEXT will showcase this contemporary dance work at 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 29, on KLRU. The show will air again in May dates and times to be determined. Choreographed by Stephen Mills, Ballet Austin’s Truth & Beauty/The Bach Project utilizes music both composed and inspired by J.S. Bach for a dance work that includes a variety of sensual movement styles with live accompaniment by The Austin Chamber Music Center, Dr. Michelle Schumann (solo and with ensembles) and Graham Reynolds. “This project was of special interest because so many local artists came together to make something beautiful,” said Bill Stotesbery, CEO of KLRU. “KLRU got to capture not only Stephen Mill’s original choreography but also the music of Graham Reynolds and the Austin Chamber Music Center. All these layers of artistry in one production is a testament to Austin’s creativity.” Posted in In Context Specials, localshows | Tagged arts, In Context Attend the In Context taping with James Polk Posted on October 27, 2009 by april Taping date: Monday, November 2 Taping time: starts at 7 p.m.; doors open at 6:30 p.m. Taping location: KLRU’s Austin City Limits Studio 6A RSVP ONLINE for you and your guests by noon, Monday, November 2nd Join KLRU’s In Context for a special performance by Austin musician James Polk. RSVP here James Polk has been a part of Austin’s jazz scene since the ’60s when he attended Huston-Tillotson College. In the late ’70s, Polk was an organist for the Ray Charles Orchestra and was arranger for two of Charles’ Grammy-nominated songs “Ain’t It So” and “I Wish You Were Here Tonight.” He returned to Austin in the ’80s to pursue his education and to teach others. He retired from teaching in 2006 and he received his Professor Emeritus status of Jazz Studies in the School of Music at Texas State University in San Marcos. Polk has been inducted into the Austin Chronicle Music Poll Hall of Fame. In Context reflects the arts culture in Austin’s community and explores the creative people and unique things which make our lives more interesting. It provides a glimpse into the lives of people who follow their dreams, the poets of form and function, the obscure, the inspiring, the strange and the beautiful Posted in beyondTV, event, localshows | Tagged In Context, taping, tapings Ballet Austin's Hamlet Posted on June 4, 2009 by april Program: In Context Special Ballet Austin’s Hamlet Date: Thursday, June 4 Additional air date: June 10th, Wednesday, at 7 p.m. KLRU continues the station’s commitment to presenting the arts to Central Texas with a special presentation of the Ballet Austin’s Hamlet. Taped earlier this year, In Context will showcase this interpretation of Shakespeare’s iconic story at 8 p.m. on May 14 with a repeat on May 24 at 4:30 p.m. In 2000, Ballet Austin premiered Stephen Mills’ contemporary and distinctive interpretation of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, hailed by The Dallas Morning News as “dance theater at its best”. Since its debut, five other companies around the country (BalletMet in Columbus, Dayton Ballet, Ohio Ballet, Atlanta Ballet, and Milwaukee Ballet) have performed it to rave reviews. Nine years after delighting Central Texas audiences, Mill’s production of Hamlet was again performed in Austin and recorded by KLRU. more → Posted in localshows | Tagged In Context Ballet Austin's Hamlet Posted on May 14, 2009 by april Program: In Context Special Ballet Austin‘s Hamlet Date: Thursday, May 14 Additional air date: Sunday, May 24 at 4:30 p.m.; June 4th, Thursday, at 8 p.m.; June 10th, Wednesday, at 7 p.m. Posted in beyondTV, localshows, special | Tagged In Context In Context Birth of the Cool story Posted on April 8, 2009 by april Program: In Context Date: Thursday, April 9 Watch other episodes of this show at klru.tv Preview Thursday’s episode of In Context featuring a story about The Blanton Museum of Art’s Birth of the Cool exhibit. Birth of the Cool at The Blanton Musem of Art from dutch rall on Vimeo. Posted in localshows | Tagged In Context In Context preview Posted on February 19, 2009 by april Program: In Context Date: Thursday, Feb. 19 Presented as part of African American History Month, this week’s In Context features a short roundtable discussion about what it means to be black in 2009. Eli Reed, Magnum photojournalist and UT professor; Roxanne Evans, Communications Specialist with the Austin Independent School District; Michael Hurd, co-editor-in-chief for the Texas Black History Preservation Project; and Adam Semien, student at St. Edward’s University discuss the issue using Eli Reed’s work as a launching pad. This episode also features a performance by jazz singer Pamela Hart with James Polk on the piano. Posted in localshows | Tagged In Context, preview Austin Opera on KLRU Posted on January 23, 2009 by april Program: In Context Special Austin Lyric Opera’s Cinderella Date: Tuesday, Jan. 27 Additional air dates: Sunday, Feb. 1, at 1 p.m. KLRU’sIn Context at 8 p.m. Tuesday brings the opera to viewers with amazing high definition camera work. In this production of the classic fairy tale by Austin Lyric Opera, Cinderella is transported to the magical land of 1930′s Hollywood musicals. One thing hasn’t changed, though – and that’s the timeless beauty of Gioachino Rossini’s transcendent score. Read the Austin Chronicle’s Review Posted in event, localshows | Tagged In Context, preview Post navigation Subscribe to KLRU
{"url": "http://www.klru.org/blog/tag/incontexttv/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.klru.org", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:05:25Z", "digest": "sha1:YLU2WRAY75IDIXN3TDDUX2VULIUGXMUB"}
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KLRU Schedule | P. Allen Smith's Garden To TableAmber Waves Of Grain P. Allen Smith visits with a neighboring wheat farmer and talks about what it takes to grow hundreds of acres of grain. Allen also visits the rice capital of the world in Stuttgart, Arkansas during one of its busiest times of the year. Allen also shows us how to put grains to use in the kitchen with a couple of his favorite recipes. Visit the Website: http://www.pallensmith.com Episode #112 / Length: 26 minutes PSTT 000112H Looking for video...
{"url": "http://www.klru.org/schedule/episode/214700/?M=community", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.klru.org", "date_download": "2014-04-16T07:34:44Z", "digest": "sha1:4IPIKTGEUVUCBTY2ZY525N7VNW47JWA5"}
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: 2011 Lyeth Sonoma County Meritage 2011 Lyeth Sonoma County Meritage A Bordeaux-style blend of 35% Merlot, 32% Cabernet Sauvignon, 28% Cabernet Franc, 3% Malbec, and 2% Petit Verdot, grapes are sourced from select vineyards around Sonoma County. From the winery: "A brilliant dark ruby in color, this Meritage is robust with aromas of black cherry, currants, and blueberry with subtle notes of succulent dark chocolate and cinnamon completing the nose. Flavors of casis and boysenberries are lush and pronounced on the palate, followed by hints of roasted coffee and maple." Domestic Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Von Strasser "Rudy" Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Freemark Abbey Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Charles & Charles "Post No. 35" Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon/Syrah 2010 Fuse Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Caymus Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends - Cabernet Sauvignon has come a long way from its role as a blending varietal, however dominant, in the wines of Bordeaux. Today it is the most planted red varietal in the world. Identified as a descendent of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc, the late-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon needs to be planted in warmer climates to fully ripen. Its small berries can easily be identified for their distinctive blue color, thick skins and high tannins. And while the varietal has its own definitive characteristics: green pepper-like aromas and black currant flavors among them, it is perhaps most prized for its ability to convey terroir, vintage and winemaking. A relatively new varietal, Cabernet Sauvignon started making inroads into the wines of the M�doc and Graves in the late-18th century. Today it is also dominant in the up-and-coming Entre-Deux-Mers region of Bordeaux and can also be found in Southwest France. It is the companion varietal to Sangiovese in Italy's Super Tuscans and is planted all over Europe, stretching to lesser-known winegrowing regions like Russia and Lebanon. In the Americas Cabernet Sauvignon has found champions in every nook and cranny of California and among winemakers in Washington, where it complements plantings of Merlot. In South America, Cab thrives in Chile, but can also be found in smaller amounts in Argentina and even in Mexico. Specific Appellation: Sonoma County - Second in fame only to Napa, this "other" valley offers just about every climate and topography imaginable. From its cool and fog-enshrouded coastal regions on the far west, to the sprawling Alexander Valley on the boarder of Napa and the many little dips and peaks in between, Sonoma has been a vital wine-grape-growing region since the mid 1800s. Important sub-AVAs include Chalk Hill (known for chardonnay and sauvignon blanc), Dry Creek Valley (where zin is king) Knights Valley (largely cabernet land), Russian River Valley and Sonoma Coast (both celebrated pinot and chardonnay zones). Alcohol Content (%):
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Pella Christian Opens Play at State Volleyball Tourney Tonight Posted: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 at 6:01 am Author: KNIA/KRLS Sports-Eric Gotschall Print Version After nine long days of preparation and anticipation, the Pella Christian volleyball team will get its chance to shine on the big stage tonight, as they take to the floor for the opening night of the Class 2-A State Volleyball Tournament. The Lady Eagles enter the tournament as the sixth seed, and will face third-seeded Lake Mills. The Bulldogs are an impressive 43-1 on the season, while Pella Christian enters the match with an overall mark of 26-11. Lady Eagles’ Head Coach John Evenhouse says they have been preparing for the hard serving style that Lake Mills employs, and says his squad has also been focusing on where the Bulldogs’ attacks will come from. “They’re going to hit more from the right side. The right side is a really good place to hit from because most teams don’t defend the right side quite as well as they do the left side, and this team is going to hit the ball from there,” says Evenhouse. “They’ve got a lefty who can hit from the right side, and they run some nice slide-step [hits], so it’s going to present a real challenge. They’re a very nice ball club. We’re trying to figure out exactly where we have to go to score some points against them, and it’s not going to be easy. It’s just going to be a nice, tough match for us.” You can listen to tonight’s Class 2-A State Tournament match live on 92.1 fm KRLS, however, due to state regulations, KNIA/KRLS is unable to stream the broadcast on our website. Coverage from the U.S. Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids will begin at 7:15 p.m. tonight with Eric Gotschall and Wynne Veenstra providing the call. The opening serve between Pella Christian and Lake Mills is set for 7:30 p.m. The winner of tonight’s match plays either Clarinda or Mediapolis at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night. Filed under: Today’s Local SportsKeywords: Class 2-A State Volleyball Tournament, Lady Eagles, Pella Christian Volleyball
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Whew! Central Softball Still Earns National Tourney Berth Posted By Sports On May 10, 2011 @ 5:58 am In Today’s Local Sports | Comments Disabled Though they certainly put some added pressure on themselves with a two-and-out showing at the conference tournament, the Central College softball team still found itself among the programs named to the 60-team Division III National Tournament field Monday morning. The berth marks the record 23rd time in 26 years that the Dutch have made the field. Central will begin the tournament road at home, as they host an eight-team regional, beginning Thursday against Benedictine. The Dutch hold the No. 2 ranking in the region, behind Linfield – the No. 1-ranked team in the NFCA Division III poll. Conference rival Coe College is also in Central’s region at the No. 3 seed. Iowa Conference co-champion Luther College is the No. 1 seed in the regional being held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Central enters the National Tournament with an overall record of 35-7. URL to article: http://www.kniakrls.com/2011/05/whew-central-softball-still-earns-national-tourney-berth/
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Pearl Harbor Attack Remembered Posted: Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 at 6:25 am Author: KNIA/KRLS News-Evan Little Print Version President Franklin D. Roosevelt described December 7th as, “a day that will live in infamy.” 70 years ago today the US Navy fleet was attacked at Pearl Harbor by Japan. Over 2,400 United States service members were killed in the surprise attack and many more were wounded. The attack resulted in mutual declarations of war between Japan and the USA, and soon thereafter the USA’s entrance into WWII. Gary Gezel, a Pella veteran of the European theatre told KNIA/KRLS News that the most important thing to remember about WWII was that the war was supported by the whole nation, unified in purpose. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has ordered that all flags be flown at half staff in observance of the holiday. Filed under: Today’s Local NewsKeywords: Franklin Roosevelt, Gary Gezel, Japan, Pearl Harbor, WWII
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British Javelin Thrower Gets 4-Year Doping Ban By: Associated Press Email Posted: Wed 10:22 AM, Jan 02, 2013 / Article LONDON (AP) - British javelin thrower and coach Ian Burns has been banned for four years for multiple doping violations. UK Anti-Doping says Burns was sanctioned based on information from a police investigation. Durham police raided Burns' home in 2011 in connection with non-doping related offenses and found large amounts of banned substances. The doping agency says a disciplinary panel found the 34-year-old Burns guilty of possession and use of banned substances, including stanozolol, testosterone and human growth hormone. Burns is banned from all competition until May 19, 2016. UKAD chief executive Andy Parkinson says "this case could not have come about" without the help of police. Burns was a member of the Gateshead athletics club, but never competed for Britain. His best throw is 228 feet, 3 inches.
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Photos: Lucky 2013 dazzles Seattle on St. Pat's weekend Lucky 2013 Lucky 2013, part of St. Patrick's Day weekend, took place at WaMu Theater in Seattle, WA. Lucky is one of the largest electronic music shows in the Northwest and attracts more than ten thousand people. March 15th 2013. (Joshua Lewis / KOMO News)
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« » S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo: Community EventSaturday, January 11, 2014 - 9:00am to Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 5:00pm 12NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo: Community EventSaturday, January 11, 2014 - 9:00am to Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 5:00pm 13 14 15 16 17 18January 18-20: Participate in Hands-On Science ActivitiesSaturday, January 18, 2014 - 10:00am to Monday, January 20, 2014 - 6:00pm 19January 18-20: Participate in Hands-On Science ActivitiesSaturday, January 18, 2014 - 10:00am to Monday, January 20, 2014 - 6:00pm 20January 18-20: Participate in Hands-On Science ActivitiesSaturday, January 18, 2014 - 10:00am to Monday, January 20, 2014 - 6:00pm 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29January 29: Planning for Community Resilience: The Long and the Short of It Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm 30 31 Upcoming Events:
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Home › KPFA Archives › Africa Today - June 21, 2004 at 7:00pm Africa Today - June 21, 2004 at 7:00pm Africa Today, for June 21, 2004 - 7:00pm Africa Today - June 21, 2004Chris Brown with Christian Peacemaker Teams.
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KPMG.com (US) Visit MyLife@KPMG for a glimpse of every day life at the firm through the experiences of real KPMG professionals and interns. KPMG GO Magazine Read the Spring 2014 issue of KPMG Go Back Issues Workplace of the Future Learn how KPMG's Workplace of the Future is enhancing our people's productivity, connectivity, and social interaction. Office Locations and Contacts us-nyocsscr@kpmg.com A 10-minute walk to Grand Central Station or Rockefeller Plaza, the newly-renovated New York office is located in the heart of midtown Manhattan. It is home to over 2300 employees in the Audit and Risk Advisory Services and Tax practices, including 152 Audit and Risk Advisory Services partners and 61 Tax partners. A City of Surprises New York City — encompassing the boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island — is the largest city in the United States, as well as the financial capital of the world. The city has an extensive mass transportation system that links urban and suburban commuters. From midtown Manhattan to Greenwich Village, from Harlem to Hell's Kitchen, and from Riverdale to Brooklyn Heights, each of the city's many neighborhoods has its own unique atmosphere. Manhattan — the heart of the city — offers a wide variety of cultural and historic attractions. Home to over 400 galleries, 200 museums, 40 Broadway theaters and 300 off-Broadway theaters, Manhattan is overflowing with opportunities for entertainment, education and inspiration. After dark, city nightlife includes a host of restaurants, movies, theaters, nightclubs, jazz clubs, comedy clubs and more. New York is "the city that never sleeps!" The Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Liberty, Metro Stars, Rangers, Islanders, Jets and Giants all make NYC a hub of nonstop excitement no matter what the season! Not to mention New York is also host to the United States Tennis Open each year as well as the world-renowned New York City Marathon. When it's time to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, you can escape to the place that makes New York City complete. Whether it is a jog around the Reservoir, ice skating in the open air or a relaxing afternoon with friends...Central Park has something for everyone. Your KPMG Profile Create a personal profile to stay connected and learn more about KPMG. Find U.S. offices and contact information. Employment Disclaimers © 2014 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International") is a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.
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March Bracket BBBS Sweepstakes Sign Out Daughters of the rich and famous HOLLYWOOD, CA - OCTOBER 29: Actress Marcia Gay Harden and daughter attend the premiere of Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Wreck-It Ralph" at the El Capitan Theatre on October 29, 2012 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images) Photos: Kate Middleton helms America's Cup yacht Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame inductions Nirvana joins Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Photos: Kate Middleton tours New Zealand
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Sign Out Photos: Babes and Beer at Oktoberfest 1 MUNICH, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 23: Members of a brass band wearing traditional Bavarian clothes participate in the riflemen's parade during day 2 of the Oktoberfest beer festival on September 22, 2012 in Munich, Germany.This year's edition of the world's biggest beer festival Oktoberfest will run until October 7, 2012. (Photo by Johannes Simon/Getty Images)
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154874646SH00048_Indianapol HOUSTON, TX - DECEMBER 16: A Houston Texans cheerleader performs for the fans during the game against the Indianapolis Colts at Reliant Stadium on December 16, 2012 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Scott Halleran/Getty Images)
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Mariners acquire RHP Aaron Harang, DFA Loe Credit: Lisa Blumenfeld / Getty Images Sport Mariners acquire RHP Aaron Harang, DFA Loe by KING 5 Sports SEATTLE – The Mariners have acquired right-handed pitcher Aaron Harang from the Colorado Rockies in exchange for minor league right-handed pitcher Steven Hensley. To make room on the 40-man roster, the Mariners designated right-handed pitcher Kameron Loe for assignment. The 34-year-old Harang went to camp this spring with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He was traded to Colorado on April 6, and designated for assignment the same day. In 2012, Harang was 10-10 with a career-low 3.61 ERA in 31 starts for the Dodgers. In 179.2 innings pitched, he allowed 72 earned runs on 167 hits while striking out 131. The 6-foot-7 Harang is in his 12th major league league season and has a career record of 105-104 with a 4.19 ERA in 299 games (293 starts). Since 2004, Harang ranks among the NL leaders in wins (95, T5th), strikeouts (1,354, 2nd), innings (1,674.1, 2nd), starts (263, 1st) and complete games (13, T8th). He won 14 games (14-7) with San Diego in 2011, and won a career-high 16 in both 2006 and 2007 with Cincinnati. Steven Hensley appeared in 2 games with the AAA Tacoma Rainiers this season, allowing 1 earned run on 2 hits and walking 2 in 2.2 innings. After spending most of this career as a starter, he moved to the bullpen in 2012 going 4-6 with a 4.84 ERA (38 ER, 70.2 IP) in 44 relief appearances with AA Jackson and Tacoma. He was originally selected by the Mariners in the fourth round of the 2008 June draft. In his first five seasons in the Mariners minor league system, went 30-30 with a 4.48 ERA (232 ER, 465.2 IP) in 121 games, 72 starts. Seattle now has 10 days to trade, release or outright the contract of Kameron Loe. He’s made 4 relief appearances in 2013, giving up 6 home runs in 6.2 innings, and has a 10.80 ERA. Next article Fielder ends HR drought, Rangers beat M's 5-0 By Gonzaga Athletics Sports By GU Athletics Baseball No. 19 Oregon races past the Zagsadd to reading list Missed opportunities cost Bulldogs in loss to No. 19 Oregonadd to reading list Gonzaga loses 7-5 to LMU add to reading list GU baseball splits doubleheader with LMU add to reading list M's Caravan lands in Inland Northwest: Franklin excited about season of changeadd to reading list Report: Mariners reach agreement with Canoadd to reading list By Gonzaga Athletics More Video Joe Pistorese named Pac-12 Pitcher of the Week A look at the off-season changes at Safeco Field Ken Griffey Jr. apologizes after awkward interview on ESPN More>>
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H-HEALTH NEWS Share: Facebook Oct 25, 2012 7:14 PM by The Associated Press Albacore tuna show traces of radioactive cesium LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) - Oregon State University researchers say they have found traces of radioactive cesium from last year's Japanese nuclear reactor disaster in West Coast albacore tuna. The researchers say the amount is far too small to harm people who eat the fish, and fishermen said they don't see any harm to the business. The Longview Daily News reports university and federal scientists collected and tested fish caught off the West Coast before and after the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami that caused a nuclear reactor to release radioactive material. The OSU team's findings are in line with work by researchers in California, who announced in May that they had found traces of radioactive cesium in bluefin tuna caught off the southern coast. »Comments
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Appellee, ALLEN D. TAYLOR, 1. Unless allowed by a statutory exception, K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) prohibits use of a prior conviction when determining a defendant's criminal history category when that same conviction has been separately used in a way that either enhances the severity level of the crime or the applicable penalties. 2. A prior conviction upon which a defendant has been classified as a predatory sex offender under K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii) may be used in determining that defendant's criminal history category. 3. A prior conviction upon which a defendant has been classified as a persistent sex offender under K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j) may not be used in determining that Appeal from Sedgwick district court; JOSEPH BRIBIESCA, judge. Opinion filed Reversed and remanded for resentencing. Niki Christopher, assistant appellate defender, Lisa Nathanson, assistant appellate defender, and Jessica R. Kunen, chief appellate defender, for appellant. Michelle M. Sehee, assistant district attorney, Nola Foulston, district attorney, and Carla J. Stovall, Before JUSTICE ALLEGRUCCI, presiding, STEVE LEBEN, District Judge, assigned, and NELSON E. TOBUREN, District Judge, assigned. LEBEN, J.: This case presents a question of statutory interpretation related to the sentencing of a persistent sex offender. Specifically, the court must determine whether a prior conviction upon which a defendant has been classified as a persistent sex offender may be used when calculating his criminal history score for sentencing purposes. Because we conclude that the trial court's use of the prior conviction for both of these purposes was contrary to law, we reverse and remand for resentencing. The defendant here, Allen D. Taylor, pled no contest in 1998 to two counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child. He had a prior conviction in 1985 of indecent liberties with a child, which made him eligible for sentencing as a persistent sex offender. See K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j) and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 22-3717(d)(2). As part of his plea bargain, Taylor stipulated for sentencing purposes that he was a persistent sex offender. When a person is sentenced as a persistent sex offender, the court must first determine the presumptive term of imprisonment. The statute then requires that a sentence of double that length be imposed. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j). Under the Kansas Sentencing Guidelines Act, the defendant's presumptive sentence is determined on a grid box that reflects two factors: severity of the crime and criminal history. The greater the criminal history, the more severe the sentence. The criminal history range in the sentencing grid box runs from category A, the most serious, in which the defendant has three or more prior person felonies, to category I, the least serious, in which the defendant has at most one prior misdemeanor. Taylor had one prior person felony, the 1985 conviction of indecent liberties with a child. In addition, he had three prior nonperson felonies. The trial court concluded that he should be given a criminal history score of category C, the third highest history score out of nine, which applies to a defendant with one prior person felony and one or more prior nonperson felonies. Had the prior person felony not been considered in calculating his criminal history, Taylor would have had a criminal history score of category E, the fifth highest history score out of nine, which applies to a person with three or more prior nonperson felonies but no prior person felonies. This is not a trivial difference: the use of category C instead of category E results, after the required doubling of the maximum presumptive sentence, in a term of imprisonment of 178 months rather than 154 months, a 2-year increase. Taylor objected to the trial court's inclusion of the 1985 indecent liberties conviction in calculating his criminal history score based on K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11), which provides: "(d) Except as provided in K.S.A. 21-4716, and amendments thereto, the following are applicable to determining an offender's criminal history classification: (11) Prior convictions of any crime shall not be counted in determining the criminal history category if they enhance the severity level or applicable penalties, elevate the classification from misdemeanor to felony, or are elements of the present crime of conviction. Except as otherwise provided, all other prior convictions will be considered and scored." Taylor argues that the prior indecent liberties conviction had already been used to classify him a persistent sex offender, which clearly enhances the applicable penalty by doubling the presumptive sentence. Thus, Taylor argues, the prior conviction cannot be used in determining his criminal history category. The State's primary argument in response is that the legislature obviously intended the statute to be read to promote long sentences for persistent sex offenders. Thus, the State argues, the "purposes of the persistent sex offender statute would be undermined if the courts were not able to give the maximum possible sentence." The State's argument might be relevant if there were some ambiguity in the statute at issue. However, the statute's meaning is quite plain, and its history and interrelationship with related statutes make it apparent that a prior conviction upon which the classification of the defendant as a persistent sex offender has been made cannot be separately used to calculate his criminal history category. We start with the language of the statute at issue, K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11). When a statute is plain and unambiguous, the court must give effect to the intention of the legislature as expressed and may not use its own judgment to determine what the law should be. Hartford Cas. Ins. Co. v. Credit Union 1 of Kansas, 268 Kan. 121, 124-25, ___ P.2d ___ (1999). Here, the statute flatly prohibits use of prior convictions to determine the criminal history category "if they enhance the severity level or applicable penalties." There can be no doubt that classification as a persistent sex offender enhances the applicable penalties--K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j) requires that the presumptive sentence be doubled for this class of offenders. Accordingly, K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) forbids additional use of the prior conviction when determining the criminal score of a persistent sex offender. This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the relationship between K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) and the state's separate statutes dealing with predatory sex offenders and sex offenders. Statutes relating to predatory sex offenders were first passed in 1994, see L. 1994, ch. 341, § 2, the same year that K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) was added. See L. 1994, ch. 291, § 54. The predatory sex offender provision, now codified at K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii), specifically addresses whether the prior conviction used to classify a defendant as a predatory sex offender may be used to determine his criminal history category: "Any prior conviction used to establish the defendant as a predatory sex offender pursuant to this subsection shall also be counted in determining the criminal history category." K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii)(a). Thus, in the specific statute governing predatory sex offenders, the legislature had explicitly provided that the prior conviction upon which the classification was made would also be used to determine the criminal history category. A year later, in 1995, the legislature further clarified this point. As the statutes were initially enacted in 1994, one might have argued that K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) and 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii) were in conflict. Various canons of construction might have been cited to the apparent conflict, but could have led to different conclusions. One might have argued that the more specific statute (the predatory sex offender statute) governs over the more general one (the generic criminal history statute), but an opponent might have countered that criminal penalty statutes must be narrowly construed. Although there are no published appellate decisions in which these arguments were made, we suspect they were made at the trial court level because the legislature resolved the potential conflict in a 1995 amendment to K.S.A. 21-4710(d). After that amendment was adopted, K.S.A. 21-4710(d) began with the phrase, "Except as provided in K.S.A. 21-4716." Thus, after passage of that amendment, it was absolutely clear that the of K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) could not be held to override the clear language of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii)(a), which required consideration of the predatory sex offender's prior convictions in determining his criminal history category. It was against this statutory backdrop that the statutes for persistent sex offenders were passed in 1996. Predatory sex offenders had already been defined by statute as persons who had been twice convicted of crimes of extreme sexual violence, such as rape. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F)(ii). For these offenders, being classified as a predatory sex offender could be in sentencing as an aggravating factor, allowing departure from the presumptive term of imprisonment. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4716(b)(2)(F). The 1996 legislation established a new classification of persistent sex offenders, defined as persons who had twice been convicted of any crime of sexual violence, including indecent liberties. L. 1996, ch. 258, § 10(j), codified at K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j). For these offenders, being classified as a persistent sex offender would result in a doubling of the presumptive term of imprisonment. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 21-4704(j). There is a significant difference in the predatory sex offender and persistent sex offender statutes concerning the use of prior convictions in determining the criminal history category. Even though a specific provision on how to calculate the defendant's criminal history category had been included in the predatory sex offender statute, no mention of how to calculate the criminal history category was made in the persistent sex offender statute. There is a logical basis for the difference, since the sentencing impact differs. For a predatory sex offender, where the base crime is more severe and already presumably carries a longer sentence, the classification has no automatic impact and is simply a factor the court may consider in sentencing. Thus, there would be no reason to exclude consideration of any of the defendant's prior convictions in those cases. For a persistent sex offender, where the base crime is less severe, the classification requires an automatic doubling of the presumptive term of imprisonment. Thus, having already used the prior conviction to double the sentence, there is a rational basis to exclude its separate consideration in determining the criminal history category. We are not at liberty to consider the lack of a provision in the persistent sex offender statute allowing the prior conviction to be considered for this purpose to have been some sort of inadvertent oversight. The 1996 legislature certainly must be deemed to have known of the statutory provisions it had passed in the preceding 2 years, including the ones involving the related category of predatory sex offenders. "We presume the legislature acts with full knowledge and information concerning the subject matter of a statute, including prior and existing legislation." State v. Martinez, 255 Kan. 464, 473, 874 P.2d 617 (1994). Had the legislature wanted to have the conviction upon which a persistent sex offender was so classified to be counted in determining the criminal history category, it certainly knew how to do so. In addition, the legislature knew when it passed the persistent sex offender provisions, which required an enhanced penalty through doubling the presumptive sentence, that K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) forbade counting prior convictions in determining the criminal history category when the same conviction otherwise enhanced the severity level or applicable penalties. Neither side suggests that any prior cases interpreting K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) are applicable here. Although certainly not controlling here, State v. Lanning, 260 Kan. 1145 (1996), is the most relevant such case and may offer some guidance. In Lanning, the court held that a prior juvenile adjudication could be used in determining the defendant's criminal history even though the same adjudication had also been used to allow prosecution of the defendant as an adult. The State argued that the statute allowing juveniles with prior felony adjudications to be prosecuted as an adult was "a statute of classification for prosecution of an offender rather than punishment"; thus, it did not enhance the severity level or the applicable penalty. 260 Kan. at 817. There were two bases for the court's ruling. First, K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) forbids use of criminal convictions, but makes no mention of juvenile adjudications. Thus, the literal language of the statute did not preclude use of the juvenile adjudication in determining the criminal history. 260 Kan. at 819. Second, the court agreed with the State that the prior juvenile adjudication was initially used only to classify the offender as an adult when commencing the prosecution. "It is only after this classification has been made and the offender is prosecuted and then convicted of the second felony crime that the sentencing guidelines apply." 260 Kan. at 819. The statutory scheme involving persistent sex offenders is the converse of the juvenile offender scheme found in Lanning. Here, the classification of a person as a persistent is relevant only with respect to sentencing and is for the purpose of punishment, so the sentencing guidelines provision of K.S.A. 21-4710(d)(11) is applicable. In addition, the prior adult conviction is covered by the literal language of the statutory prohibition against consideration of a "[p]rior conviction" that enhances the severity level or applicable penalty. The legislature is free to prescribe the appropriate punishment for a persistent sex offender. The prosecutor is free, as occurred in this case, to reduce a charge from one of rape to one of aggravated indecent liberties as part of a plea bargain. Certainly, the offenses found here are worthy of severe punishment, as is to be expected when the defendant has been classified a persistent sex offender. Our job is to apply the sentencing guidelines faithfully, as they have been adopted, to the charges upon which the defendant has been convicted. Here, Taylor's prior conviction had already been used to classify him as a persistent sex offender. Enhanced penalties must be applied to persistent sex offenders through the doubling of the presumptive prison sentence. Thus, the prior conviction had already been used to enhance Taylor's penalty and may not be separately considered when determining his criminal history category. The trial court's use of the 1985 indecent liberties conviction in determining the criminal history category was, therefore, improper. Updated: February 18, 2000. URL: http://kscourts.org/kscases/ctapp/2000/20000218/81522.htm.
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[10545, 10648, 0.0], [10648, 10741, 0.0], [10741, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10892, 1.0], [10892, 10981, 0.0], [10981, 11079, 0.0], [11079, 11169, 0.0], [11169, 11263, 0.0], [11263, 11361, 0.0], [11361, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11531, 0.0], [11531, 11550, 0.0], [11550, 11645, 0.0], [11645, 11737, 0.0], [11737, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11922, 0.0], [11922, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12082, 1.0], [12082, 12164, 0.0], [12164, 12249, 1.0], [12249, 12325, 0.0], [12325, 12344, 0.0], [12344, 12438, 0.0], [12438, 12527, 0.0], [12527, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12719, 0.0], [12719, 12815, 0.0], [12815, 12900, 1.0], [12900, 12915, 0.0], [12915, 13010, 0.0], [13010, 13111, 0.0], [13111, 13210, 0.0], [13210, 13304, 0.0], [13304, 13404, 0.0], [13404, 13502, 1.0], [13502, 13590, 0.0], [13590, 13677, 0.0], [13677, 13766, 0.0], [13766, 13867, 0.0], [13867, 13967, 0.0], [13967, 14046, 1.0], [14046, 14131, 0.0], [14131, 14230, 0.0], [14230, 14329, 0.0], [14329, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14525, 0.0], [14525, 14594, 1.0], [14594, 14680, 0.0], [14680, 14769, 0.0], [14769, 14863, 0.0], [14863, 14958, 0.0], [14958, 15055, 0.0], [15055, 15111, 1.0], [15111, 15139, 1.0], [15139, 15202, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 10, 0.0], [10, 27, 0.0], [27, 118, 0.0], [118, 201, 0.0], [201, 289, 0.0], [289, 328, 0.0], [328, 412, 0.0], [412, 498, 0.0], [498, 537, 0.0], [537, 622, 0.0], [622, 702, 0.0], [702, 778, 0.0], [778, 818, 0.0], [818, 882, 0.0], [882, 927, 0.0], [927, 975, 0.0], [975, 1038, 0.0], [1038, 1079, 0.0], [1079, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1205, 0.0], [1205, 1289, 0.0], [1289, 1385, 0.0], [1385, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1578, 0.0], [1578, 1671, 0.0], [1671, 1708, 0.0], [1708, 1786, 0.0], [1786, 1886, 0.0], [1886, 1985, 0.0], [1985, 2075, 0.0], [2075, 2149, 0.0], [2149, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2332, 0.0], [2332, 2381, 0.0], [2381, 2465, 0.0], [2465, 2565, 0.0], [2565, 2659, 0.0], [2659, 2755, 0.0], [2755, 2852, 0.0], [2852, 2875, 0.0], [2875, 2960, 0.0], [2960, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3148, 0.0], [3148, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3330, 0.0], [3330, 3427, 0.0], [3427, 3523, 0.0], [3523, 3624, 0.0], [3624, 3711, 0.0], [3711, 3781, 0.0], [3781, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3960, 0.0], [3960, 4031, 0.0], [4031, 4118, 0.0], [4118, 4190, 0.0], [4190, 4280, 0.0], [4280, 4366, 0.0], [4366, 4453, 0.0], [4453, 4477, 0.0], [4477, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4663, 0.0], [4663, 4757, 0.0], [4757, 4788, 0.0], [4788, 4876, 0.0], [4876, 4975, 0.0], [4975, 5071, 0.0], [5071, 5116, 0.0], [5116, 5202, 0.0], [5202, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5394, 0.0], [5394, 5490, 0.0], [5490, 5517, 0.0], [5517, 5599, 0.0], [5599, 5699, 0.0], [5699, 5788, 0.0], [5788, 5793, 0.0], [5793, 5880, 0.0], [5880, 5892, 0.0], [5892, 5986, 0.0], [5986, 6086, 0.0], [6086, 6183, 0.0], [6183, 6273, 0.0], [6273, 6365, 0.0], [6365, 6401, 0.0], [6401, 6485, 0.0], [6485, 6575, 0.0], [6575, 6675, 0.0], [6675, 6763, 0.0], [6763, 6773, 0.0], [6773, 6863, 0.0], [6863, 6963, 0.0], [6963, 7058, 0.0], [7058, 7152, 0.0], [7152, 7250, 0.0], [7250, 7346, 0.0], [7346, 7442, 0.0], [7442, 7483, 0.0], [7483, 7573, 0.0], [7573, 7653, 0.0], [7653, 7748, 0.0], [7748, 7843, 0.0], [7843, 7940, 0.0], [7940, 8031, 0.0], [8031, 8128, 0.0], [8128, 8223, 0.0], [8223, 8319, 0.0], [8319, 8411, 0.0], [8411, 8500, 0.0], [8500, 8595, 0.0], [8595, 8687, 0.0], [8687, 8745, 0.0], [8745, 8831, 0.0], [8831, 8927, 0.0], [8927, 9022, 0.0], [9022, 9119, 0.0], [9119, 9207, 0.0], [9207, 9296, 0.0], [9296, 9395, 0.0], [9395, 9490, 0.0], [9490, 9497, 0.0], [9497, 9593, 0.0], [9593, 9685, 0.0], [9685, 9768, 0.0], [9768, 9862, 0.0], [9862, 9958, 0.0], [9958, 10055, 0.0], [10055, 10153, 0.0], [10153, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10351, 0.0], [10351, 10448, 0.0], [10448, 10545, 0.0], [10545, 10648, 0.0], [10648, 10741, 0.0], [10741, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10892, 0.0], [10892, 10981, 0.0], [10981, 11079, 0.0], [11079, 11169, 0.0], [11169, 11263, 0.0], [11263, 11361, 0.0], [11361, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11531, 0.0], [11531, 11550, 0.0], [11550, 11645, 0.0], [11645, 11737, 0.0], [11737, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11922, 0.0], [11922, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12082, 0.0], [12082, 12164, 0.0], [12164, 12249, 0.0], [12249, 12325, 0.0], [12325, 12344, 0.0], [12344, 12438, 0.0], [12438, 12527, 0.0], [12527, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12719, 0.0], [12719, 12815, 0.0], [12815, 12900, 0.0], [12900, 12915, 0.0], [12915, 13010, 0.0], [13010, 13111, 0.0], [13111, 13210, 0.0], [13210, 13304, 0.0], [13304, 13404, 0.0], [13404, 13502, 0.0], [13502, 13590, 0.0], [13590, 13677, 0.0], [13677, 13766, 0.0], [13766, 13867, 0.0], [13867, 13967, 0.0], [13967, 14046, 0.0], [14046, 14131, 0.0], [14131, 14230, 0.0], [14230, 14329, 0.0], [14329, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14525, 0.0], [14525, 14594, 0.0], [14594, 14680, 0.0], [14680, 14769, 0.0], [14769, 14863, 0.0], [14863, 14958, 0.0], [14958, 15055, 0.0], [15055, 15111, 0.0], [15111, 15139, 0.0], [15139, 15202, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 10, 1.0], [10, 27, 3.0], [27, 118, 14.0], [118, 201, 11.0], [201, 289, 15.0], [289, 328, 6.0], [328, 412, 15.0], [412, 498, 12.0], [498, 537, 4.0], [537, 622, 15.0], [622, 702, 13.0], [702, 778, 10.0], [778, 818, 5.0], [818, 882, 7.0], [882, 927, 6.0], [927, 975, 6.0], [975, 1038, 8.0], [1038, 1079, 6.0], [1079, 1160, 10.0], [1160, 1205, 6.0], [1205, 1289, 13.0], [1289, 1385, 14.0], [1385, 1480, 16.0], [1480, 1578, 14.0], [1578, 1671, 17.0], [1671, 1708, 5.0], [1708, 1786, 15.0], [1786, 1886, 16.0], [1886, 1985, 17.0], [1985, 2075, 14.0], [2075, 2149, 11.0], [2149, 2237, 15.0], [2237, 2332, 15.0], [2332, 2381, 7.0], [2381, 2465, 11.0], [2465, 2565, 17.0], [2565, 2659, 15.0], [2659, 2755, 17.0], [2755, 2852, 17.0], [2852, 2875, 3.0], [2875, 2960, 14.0], [2960, 3053, 15.0], [3053, 3148, 17.0], [3148, 3234, 16.0], [3234, 3330, 14.0], [3330, 3427, 16.0], [3427, 3523, 18.0], [3523, 3624, 18.0], [3624, 3711, 14.0], [3711, 3781, 11.0], [3781, 3870, 13.0], [3870, 3960, 12.0], [3960, 4031, 11.0], [4031, 4118, 10.0], [4118, 4190, 12.0], [4190, 4280, 13.0], [4280, 4366, 13.0], [4366, 4453, 13.0], [4453, 4477, 3.0], [4477, 4574, 15.0], [4574, 4663, 13.0], [4663, 4757, 13.0], [4757, 4788, 4.0], [4788, 4876, 13.0], [4876, 4975, 16.0], [4975, 5071, 16.0], [5071, 5116, 7.0], [5116, 5202, 15.0], [5202, 5299, 14.0], [5299, 5394, 15.0], [5394, 5490, 16.0], [5490, 5517, 3.0], [5517, 5599, 14.0], [5599, 5699, 17.0], [5699, 5788, 16.0], [5788, 5793, 1.0], [5793, 5880, 15.0], [5880, 5892, 2.0], [5892, 5986, 14.0], [5986, 6086, 16.0], [6086, 6183, 11.0], [6183, 6273, 13.0], [6273, 6365, 12.0], [6365, 6401, 6.0], [6401, 6485, 12.0], [6485, 6575, 12.0], [6575, 6675, 16.0], [6675, 6763, 17.0], [6763, 6773, 3.0], [6773, 6863, 11.0], [6863, 6963, 15.0], [6963, 7058, 15.0], [7058, 7152, 15.0], [7152, 7250, 11.0], [7250, 7346, 13.0], [7346, 7442, 16.0], [7442, 7483, 5.0], [7483, 7573, 15.0], [7573, 7653, 12.0], [7653, 7748, 13.0], [7748, 7843, 15.0], [7843, 7940, 15.0], [7940, 8031, 13.0], [8031, 8128, 13.0], [8128, 8223, 17.0], [8223, 8319, 14.0], [8319, 8411, 14.0], [8411, 8500, 14.0], [8500, 8595, 16.0], [8595, 8687, 10.0], [8687, 8745, 7.0], [8745, 8831, 13.0], [8831, 8927, 16.0], [8927, 9022, 16.0], [9022, 9119, 13.0], [9119, 9207, 13.0], [9207, 9296, 11.0], [9296, 9395, 15.0], [9395, 9490, 15.0], [9490, 9497, 1.0], [9497, 9593, 14.0], [9593, 9685, 14.0], [9685, 9768, 13.0], [9768, 9862, 13.0], [9862, 9958, 14.0], [9958, 10055, 16.0], [10055, 10153, 16.0], [10153, 10252, 15.0], [10252, 10351, 15.0], [10351, 10448, 17.0], [10448, 10545, 16.0], [10545, 10648, 16.0], [10648, 10741, 14.0], [10741, 10832, 15.0], [10832, 10892, 7.0], [10892, 10981, 17.0], [10981, 11079, 17.0], [11079, 11169, 14.0], [11169, 11263, 15.0], [11263, 11361, 14.0], [11361, 11450, 13.0], [11450, 11531, 14.0], [11531, 11550, 2.0], [11550, 11645, 17.0], [11645, 11737, 15.0], [11737, 11827, 13.0], [11827, 11922, 11.0], [11922, 12008, 12.0], [12008, 12082, 9.0], [12082, 12164, 11.0], [12164, 12249, 12.0], [12249, 12325, 14.0], [12325, 12344, 3.0], [12344, 12438, 14.0], [12438, 12527, 15.0], [12527, 12621, 15.0], [12621, 12719, 16.0], [12719, 12815, 15.0], [12815, 12900, 15.0], [12900, 12915, 1.0], [12915, 13010, 14.0], [13010, 13111, 16.0], [13111, 13210, 17.0], [13210, 13304, 15.0], [13304, 13404, 16.0], [13404, 13502, 16.0], [13502, 13590, 13.0], [13590, 13677, 14.0], [13677, 13766, 16.0], [13766, 13867, 13.0], [13867, 13967, 14.0], [13967, 14046, 11.0], [14046, 14131, 13.0], [14131, 14230, 19.0], [14230, 14329, 16.0], [14329, 14424, 17.0], [14424, 14525, 16.0], [14525, 14594, 11.0], [14594, 14680, 14.0], [14680, 14769, 13.0], [14769, 14863, 14.0], [14863, 14958, 14.0], [14958, 15055, 14.0], [15055, 15111, 7.0], [15111, 15139, 4.0], [15139, 15202, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 10, 0.0], [10, 27, 0.0], [27, 118, 0.1125], [118, 201, 0.0], [201, 289, 0.0], [289, 328, 0.0], [328, 412, 0.01219512], [412, 498, 0.15277778], [498, 537, 0.0], [537, 622, 0.01204819], [622, 702, 0.13888889], [702, 778, 0.0], [778, 818, 0.0], [818, 882, 0.0], [882, 927, 0.0], [927, 975, 0.0], [975, 1038, 0.0], [1038, 1079, 0.0], [1079, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1205, 0.0], [1205, 1289, 0.0], [1289, 1385, 0.0], [1385, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1578, 0.0], [1578, 1671, 0.0], [1671, 1708, 0.0], [1708, 1786, 0.05405405], [1786, 1886, 0.04081633], [1886, 1985, 0.04301075], [1985, 2075, 0.22972973], [2075, 2149, 0.0], [2149, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2332, 0.0], [2332, 2381, 0.25641026], [2381, 2465, 0.0], [2465, 2565, 0.0], [2565, 2659, 0.0], [2659, 2755, 0.0], [2755, 2852, 0.0], [2852, 2875, 0.0], [2875, 2960, 0.04819277], [2960, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3148, 0.0], [3148, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3330, 0.0], [3330, 3427, 0.0], [3427, 3523, 0.0], [3523, 3624, 0.0], [3624, 3711, 0.0], [3711, 3781, 0.10606061], [3781, 3870, 0.04597701], [3870, 3960, 0.10126582], [3960, 4031, 0.09836066], [4031, 4118, 0.0], [4118, 4190, 0.02898551], [4190, 4280, 0.0], [4280, 4366, 0.0], [4366, 4453, 0.0], [4453, 4477, 0.0], [4477, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4663, 0.0], [4663, 4757, 0.0], [4757, 4788, 0.0], [4788, 4876, 0.0], [4876, 4975, 0.0], [4975, 5071, 0.0], [5071, 5116, 0.0], [5116, 5202, 0.0], [5202, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5394, 0.0], [5394, 5490, 0.0], [5490, 5517, 0.0], [5517, 5599, 0.11267606], [5599, 5699, 0.0], [5699, 5788, 0.0], [5788, 5793, 0.0], [5793, 5880, 0.26153846], [5880, 5892, 0.0], [5892, 5986, 0.0], [5986, 6086, 0.0], [6086, 6183, 0.11494253], [6183, 6273, 0.0], [6273, 6365, 0.09302326], [6365, 6401, 0.0], [6401, 6485, 0.0], [6485, 6575, 0.09638554], [6575, 6675, 0.08421053], [6675, 6763, 0.26760563], [6763, 6773, 0.25], [6773, 6863, 0.14864865], [6863, 6963, 0.0], [6963, 7058, 0.0], [7058, 7152, 0.0], [7152, 7250, 0.13924051], [7250, 7346, 0.0], [7346, 7442, 0.0], [7442, 7483, 0.0], [7483, 7573, 0.04651163], [7573, 7653, 0.17142857], [7653, 7748, 0.08333333], [7748, 7843, 0.0], [7843, 7940, 0.0], [7940, 8031, 0.0], [8031, 8128, 0.0], [8128, 8223, 0.0], [8223, 8319, 0.11363636], [8319, 8411, 0.07317073], [8411, 8500, 0.075], [8500, 8595, 0.14634146], [8595, 8687, 0.08974359], [8687, 8745, 0.0], [8745, 8831, 0.0], [8831, 8927, 0.04255319], [8927, 9022, 0.04545455], [9022, 9119, 0.08235294], [9119, 9207, 0.0], [9207, 9296, 0.2], [9296, 9395, 0.0], [9395, 9490, 0.10588235], [9490, 9497, 0.0], [9497, 9593, 0.11235955], [9593, 9685, 0.12195122], [9685, 9768, 0.0], [9768, 9862, 0.0], [9862, 9958, 0.0], [9958, 10055, 0.0], [10055, 10153, 0.0], [10153, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10351, 0.0], [10351, 10448, 0.0], [10448, 10545, 0.0], [10545, 10648, 0.0], [10648, 10741, 0.0], [10741, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10892, 0.0], [10892, 10981, 0.0], [10981, 11079, 0.0], [11079, 11169, 0.04545455], [11169, 11263, 0.01086957], [11263, 11361, 0.0], [11361, 11450, 0.0], [11450, 11531, 0.28985507], [11531, 11550, 0.0], [11550, 11645, 0.0], [11645, 11737, 0.0], [11737, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 11922, 0.09411765], [11922, 12008, 0.0], [12008, 12082, 0.0], [12082, 12164, 0.10958904], [12164, 12249, 0.03797468], [12249, 12325, 0.11267606], [12325, 12344, 0.0], [12344, 12438, 0.0], [12438, 12527, 0.0], [12527, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12719, 0.0], [12719, 12815, 0.0], [12815, 12900, 0.08], [12900, 12915, 0.88888889], [12915, 13010, 0.0], [13010, 13111, 0.0], [13111, 13210, 0.06382979], [13210, 13304, 0.0], [13304, 13404, 0.0], [13404, 13502, 0.06451613], [13502, 13590, 0.0], [13590, 13677, 0.0], [13677, 13766, 0.0], [13766, 13867, 0.08888889], [13867, 13967, 0.0], [13967, 14046, 0.0], [14046, 14131, 0.0], [14131, 14230, 0.0], [14230, 14329, 0.0], [14329, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14525, 0.0], [14525, 14594, 0.0], [14594, 14680, 0.0], [14680, 14769, 0.0], [14769, 14863, 0.0], [14863, 14958, 0.0], [14958, 15055, 0.04255319], [15055, 15111, 0.0], [15111, 15139, 0.25], [15139, 15202, 0.33333333]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 10, 0.0], [10, 27, 0.0], [27, 118, 0.0], [118, 201, 0.0], [201, 289, 0.0], [289, 328, 0.0], [328, 412, 0.0], [412, 498, 0.0], [498, 537, 0.0], [537, 622, 0.0], [622, 702, 0.0], [702, 778, 0.0], [778, 818, 0.0], [818, 882, 0.0], [882, 927, 0.0], [927, 975, 0.0], [975, 1038, 0.0], [1038, 1079, 0.0], [1079, 1160, 0.0], [1160, 1205, 0.0], [1205, 1289, 0.0], [1289, 1385, 0.0], [1385, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1578, 0.0], [1578, 1671, 0.0], [1671, 1708, 0.0], [1708, 1786, 0.0], [1786, 1886, 0.0], [1886, 1985, 0.0], [1985, 2075, 0.0], [2075, 2149, 0.0], [2149, 2237, 0.0], [2237, 2332, 0.0], [2332, 2381, 0.0], [2381, 2465, 0.0], [2465, 2565, 0.0], [2565, 2659, 0.0], [2659, 2755, 0.0], [2755, 2852, 0.0], [2852, 2875, 0.0], [2875, 2960, 0.0], [2960, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3148, 0.0], [3148, 3234, 0.0], [3234, 3330, 0.0], [3330, 3427, 0.0], [3427, 3523, 0.0], [3523, 3624, 0.0], [3624, 3711, 0.0], [3711, 3781, 0.0], [3781, 3870, 0.0], [3870, 3960, 0.0], [3960, 4031, 0.0], [4031, 4118, 0.0], [4118, 4190, 0.0], [4190, 4280, 0.0], [4280, 4366, 0.0], [4366, 4453, 0.0], [4453, 4477, 0.0], [4477, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4663, 0.0], [4663, 4757, 0.0], [4757, 4788, 0.0], [4788, 4876, 0.0], [4876, 4975, 0.0], [4975, 5071, 0.0], [5071, 5116, 0.0], [5116, 5202, 0.0], [5202, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5394, 0.0], [5394, 5490, 0.0], [5490, 5517, 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Marine survey lists concerns on women in combat Comments | Print Source: United States News Originally published: Feb 1, 2013 - 5:20 pm SAN DIEGO (AP) - Male Marines listed being falsely accused of sexual harassment or assault as a top concern in a survey about moving women into combat jobs, and thousands indicated the change could prompt them to leave the service altogether. The anonymous online questionnaire by the Marine Corps surveyed 53,000 troops last summer, with the results provided to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta before he opened thousands of combat positions to women last week. The Marine Corps released the results to The Associated Press on Friday. Among the other top concerns listed by male Marines were possible fraternization and preferential treatment of some Marines. Respondents also worried that women would be limited because of pregnancy or personal issues that could affect a unit before it's sent to the battlefield. Military experts said the results were not surprising because the Marines have the highest percentage of males among the branches of the armed forces. Former Marine infantry officer Greg Jacob of the Service Women's Action Network said the Pentagon's estimate that 86 percent of assault victims opt against filing complaints "suggests that there's hardly an overabundance of reports, false or otherwise." Some, however, said the survey shows the need for sensitivity training and guidance from leadership so the change goes smoothly, as occurred when the military ended its policy that barred openly gay troops. "I think there is this sense among what I would imagine is a very small minority of Marines that this male bastion is under siege and this is one more example of political correctness," said David J. R. Frakt, a military law expert and lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves. Just as the Marine Corps adjusted to the end of "don't ask, don't tell," despite being the most resistant among the military branches, troops will likely fall in line again with this latest historical milestone, said Frakt, a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Marine Corps officials did not respond to a request for comment on the survey results. About 17 percent of male Marine respondents and 4 percent of female respondents who planned to stay in the service or were undecided said they would likely leave if women move into combat positions. That number jumped to 22 percent for male Marines and 17 percent for female Marines if women are assigned involuntarily to those jobs, according to the survey. Both sexes mentioned intimate relationships between Marines and feeling obligated to protect female Marines among their top five concerns about the change. Female Marines also said they worried about being targeted by enemies as POWs, the risk of sexual harassment or assault, and hygiene facilities, according to the survey, which did not give specifics. The women surveyed also expressed concern about acceptance and physical abilities if given a ground combat job. About 31 percent of female respondents- or 1,558 women Marines- say they would be interested in a lateral move to a combat position as their primary job, and 34 percent- or 1,636- said they would volunteer for a ground combat unit assignment. Elaine Donnelly of the conservative Center for Military Readiness and a vocal critic of the change said the survey asked the wrong questions and should have been asking if troops favor it and whether it will make a more effective force. The questionnaire also relied on the "mistaken belief" that training standards will remain the same, which Donnelly said is not realistic given the differing physical abilities between the genders. She said the Pentagon is bent on imposing gender-based quotas that will drive down standards. Defense leaders say standards will not be lowered. "The results that are being put out there are designed to manage public perception," she said. "There is a lot about this that still needs to be discussed and it's really not fair to the women who serve out there." The infantry side is skeptical about how women will perform in their units, and some positions may end up closed again if too few females meet the physically demanding standards of combat, said Gen. James Amos, head of the Marine Corps, who spoke to reporters Thursday at a defense conference in San Diego. "I think from the infantry side of the house, you know they're more skeptical," Amos said. "It's been an all-male organization throughout the history of the U.S. Marine Corps so I don't think that should be any surprise." Most Marines support the policy change, Amos said. It will be up to the military service chiefs to recommend and defend whether women should be excluded from any of those more demanding and deadly positions, such as Navy commandos or the Army's Delta Force. Over the past decade, many male service members already have been fighting alongside women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Women who serve in supply units, as clerks and with military police have ended up on the unmarked front lines of modern warfare. More than 150 women have been killed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while serving in support roles. About 7 percent of Marines are female compared to about 14 percent overall for the armed forces. Both sexes surveyed said getting women closer to the action will improve their career opportunities.
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Tuesday, 08 April 2014 03:27 Metro Bus "blue flu" not union action The union representing Metro Bus drivers says Monday's absenteeism wasn't an organized sickout. Nearly 100 bus drivers didn't report to work yesterday -- ten-times the number who might miss on an ordinary day. But yesterday wasn't ordinary in St. Louis. It was Opening Day at Busch Stadium. There has been speculation that the drivers, disgruntled over the lack of progress in contract negotiations, may have been trying to disrupt traffic heading downtown for the Cardinals' home opener. If that was their aim, it wasn't very effective. Metro Transit CEO John Nations says there were significant delays on Missouri bus lines yesterday, but MetroLink and Illinois bus lines weren't affected. Since most public transit rider heading for Busch Stadium use MetroLink, they saw few delays. Nations says the transit agency called in extra drivers in an effort to keep the buses rolling. But many commuters still saw significant delays. On some lines, buses were running an hour or more behind. The transit agency and the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents the bus drivers have been locked in contract talks for months. A spokesman for Local 788 tells the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that drivers weren't encouraged by the union to call in sick, but may have acted in frustration over the slow pace of contract talks. Read more... Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:49 Metro invites public to comment on fare increases A fare hike proposal is on the agenda today (Tuesday) as Metro Transit officials invite public opinion regarding fare increases. Metro says it needs the boost to cover increased costs including the jump in diesel fuel prices. Three different options are being considered. The basic Metrolink cash fare would increase by a quarter in two of the three proposals. The fare for Metro buses does not increase in any of the plans. Transit officials say the fare increases are needed to meet Metro’s goal of a five-percent increase in passenger revenue for 2015. Each option would generate $2.25-million dollars annually. Fares are set to increase this summer. The first public meeting will be on the second floor at St. Louis City Hall today (Tuesday) between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.. The second will be at the East St. Louis City Hall Wednesday between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. and the third will be in Clayton on Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. You can find more information at MetroStLouis.org. Read more... Friday, 14 March 2014 04:19 St. Patrick's Day weekend in St. Louis You don't have to be Irish to enjoy the many St. Patrick's Day events planned for the St. Louis area this weekend. Would-be revelers heading to the St. Patrick's Day run and parade in Downtown St. Louis Saturday are encouraged to ride MetroLink or MetroBus to avoid the hassles of parking, closed streets and traffic jams. Metro also advises St. Louis residents that some bus routes will be affected by the Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dogtown Monday. A list of the affected bus lines can be found at the Metro St. Louis website. Get more information about St. Patrick's Day holiday events at the CVC's website. Read more... Wednesday, 15 January 2014 03:55 4th annual "No Pants" Metrolink ride turns heads The 4th Annual "No Pants" Metrolink Ride is being called a success. St. Louis' Improve Anywhere held its fourth annual event last night. Participants ditched their pants and hopped on the Metrolink near Forest Park. They rode downtown to an after party at Pi Pizza. Organizers say the event is aimed at creating a buzz, celebrating public transit, and serving as a reminder that we all need to laugh. "No Pants" subway day began in New York 12 years ago. Similar events are now held in hundreds of cities and 26 countries. Published in Read more... Wednesday, 23 October 2013 08:51 Downed power lines strike MetroLink train ST. LOUIS (AP) - About 50 passengers of a light rail train in suburban St. Louis are uninjured after an overhead power line fell on top of the train. It happened Wednesday morning near a MetroLink station on the University of Missouri-St. Louis campus. The passengers were stuck on the train for about an hour before being safely evacuated. MetroLink service was shut down between Wellston and the North Hanley station until power was restored. Passengers in that area were taking a bus. Read more... Friday, 18 October 2013 10:10 Metro Transit gears up for NLCS Game 6 Fans interested in avoiding the traffic jams before and after the National League Championship Series Game 6 tonight (and Game 7 if necessary tomorrow) are encouraged to take public transit. Metro will have additional staffing to monitor MetroLink platforms and assist crowds and will provide extra service before and after the game. Free Park-Ride lots are located next to many of the MetroLink stations in Illinois and Missouri making it convenient to take MetroLink to the Stadium Station or to another nearby station in downtown. Fans who want to know which MetroLink Park-Ride lot is the closest to their home or work can check out www.metrostlouis.org to use the Trip Planner feature. Published in Read more... Thursday, 03 October 2013 08:12 Transportation solutions aimed at easing driving into downtown Area transportation officials are trying to make it as easy as possible for fans to travel into downtown St. Louis for the Cardinals and Blues games today. The Redbirds open postseason play at Busch Stadium with a 4:07 first pitch against the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Blues open their regular season against the Nashville Predators with a 7:30 faceoff at Scottrade Center. The Missouri Department of Transportation reminds drivers heading eastbound on Interstate 70 they now have the option of taking the new Tucker Boulevard exit ramp and following the new section of Tucker into downtown. The Pine Street entrance to westbound Interstate 64/40 opened on Wednesday. MODOT also says it will not have any work zones in the city of St. Louis prior to the games. The Illinois Department of Transportation will postpone westbound lane restrictions on Interstate 64 and Interstate 55/70 in the Metro East until 8 p.m. And Metro transit spokeswoman Patti Beck says the agency will have extra staff on duty today and will be prepared to add MetroLink trains should there be signs of crowding. Published in Read more... Monday, 16 September 2013 15:33 MetroLink riders should expect delays this week Riders on the MetroLink could experience short delays this week. Work is scheduled to start today and is expected to run through Sunday. MetroLink will operate on a single track at the Rock Road and Wellston stations today, Friday, and over the weekend. Red Line passengers could be delayed up to 10 minutes. Tuesday through Thursday, a single track will operate at the UMSL South, UMSL North, and North Hanley stations. Blue Line passengers could then experience short delays. Published in Read more... Friday, 23 August 2013 15:25 Metro to resume talks with union members ST. LOUIS (AP) - The agency that operates mass transit services in the St. Louis area will resume contract talks with a labor union on Sept. 9. The plan to renew talks with Amalgamated Transit Union Local 788 was announced Thursday by Bi-State Development Agency president and CEO John Nations. The union represents operators of St. Louis Metro bus and the light rail MetroLink, along with mechanics and some clerical staff. Tens of thousands of commuters use Metro buses and MetroLink trains every day in the St. Louis region. Nations says the union has assured him there will be no work stoppages before the two sides return to the negotiating table. Read more... Friday, 23 August 2013 03:33 Metro transit and union officials set to get back to talks Metro Transit officials and union leaders will resume contract negotiations early next month. Bi-State Development Agency President & CEO John Nations officials with the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 788 have assured him there will be no work stoppages before both sides sit down and talk the week of September 9th. The union represents MetroBus and MetroLink operators as well mechanics and some clerical staff. Nations says a work stoppage would be unfair to the nearly one million passengers a week who ride MetroLink and Metro buses. Published in
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May 4, 2013 5:16 PM by Associated Press Atty: Texas plant that blew up carried $1M policy DALLAS - A lawyer says that the Texas fertilizer plant that exploded last month, killing 14 people, injuring more than 200 others and damaging or destroying property for blocks in every direction was only insured for up to $1 million in liability. Tyler lawyer Rancy C. Roberts said Saturday that he and other attorneys who have filed lawsuits against West Fertilizer's owners were told Thursday about the size of its policy. An insurance industry group estimates that it may have caused up to $100 million in damage.An attorney for United States Fire Insurance Co., of Morristown, N.J., confirmed the policy details to the Dallas Morning News. It didn't name the attorney. A company lawyer didn't immediately respond to a phone message Saturday left at his office by The Associated Press. »Comments More News
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St. Cloud State Receives Diversity Award St. Cloud State Receives Diversity Award 11/27/2012 - 11:30 AM St. Cloud State University and two other Minnesota schools have been awarded the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award from the publisher of Insight into Diversity magazine Lenore Pearlstein. St. Cloud State University received the award for its ongoing effort to include all aspects of diversity such as gender, race, ethnicity, veterans, people with disabilities and members of the LGBT community. Insight into Diversity magazine says the award is given to colleges and universities who show “outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion in their faculty, staff, suppliers, and students.” This is the first year that the magazine has presented the award. According to St. Cloud State, Insight into Diversity is the oldest and largest higher education diversity-focused publication. The University of Minnesota and the William Mitchell College of Law were the other Minnesota schools presented with the award. The award was given to 47 other schools across the country. Become a member
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Football Names Starting Quarterback Football Names Starting Quarterback 08/31/2010 - 3:45 AM St. Cloud State head football coach Scott Underwood has announced his starting quarterback for SCSU’s season opener will be redshirt freshman Philip Klaphake. The Princeton, Minnesota native was in a close battle with sophomore Brad Meade but it was Klaphake who got the job. The 6’1” 188-pounder holds the Princeton High School record for passing yards and was a two time All-State Honorable Mention. The versatile Klaphake also lettered in basketball, baseball and track in his high school career. The Huskies are looking for someone to fill the shoes of departed quarterback Mitch Watkins. In the 2009 season, Watkins passed for 1,623 yards and 17 touchdowns while throwing just five interceptions. Klaphake and the Huskies open up their 2010 season this Saturday, September 4th at Augustana. Kickoff is set for 1 o’clock. Make sure to keep up with all of the latest Husky sports news by following KVSC Sports on twitter at twitter.com/kvscsports. Become a member
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Football Takes Down Dragons, Gain Playoff Berth Football Takes Down Dragons, Gain Playoff Berth 11/15/2010 - 11:25 AM The St. Cloud State Huskies improved their record to 9-2 (9-1 in the NSIC) this season with a convincing 42-16 victory of MSU-Moorhead (2-9, 2-8 in the NSIC) Saturday in Moorhead, Minn. The Huskies got off to a fast start, scoring on a 52 yard touchdown pass from Philip Klaphake to Fred Williams. After an MSU field goal, Williams caught a six yard touchdown pass to make the score 14-3. Moorhead scored on a touchdown pass, and had cut the lead to 14-9 at the end of the first quarter. After that it was all Huskies. Williams caught his third touchdown pass of the game and Klaphake threw his fourth touchdown pass to tight end Corey Henne, late in the second quarter. The halftime score was 28-9, Huskies. The Huskies scored on a 65 yard interception return by junior defensive back Tony Kubes in the third. The Huskies also added a Mike Walker touchdown run to cap off the day for St. Cloud State. The Huskies outgained Moorhead by 250 yards, and never allowed the game to stay close after the first quarter. Freshman quarterback Philip Klaphake threw for 335 yards and four touchdowns, and senior wide out Fred Williams had 12 catches for 183 yards, and three touchdowns. It was a must win game for the Huskies to keep their playoff aspirations alive, and the Huskies did not succumb to the pressure, putting together one of their most complete performances of the season. With the victory the Huskies advanced into the Super Regional playoffs, and will host Hillsdale College this Saturday at Husky Stadium. Game time is scheduled for noon, and can be heard on 88.1, KVSC radio, and online at kvsc.org. Become a member
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Sign Out Stars who served in the military Tony Bennett was drafted into the Army in 1944 during the final stages of World War II, and served in Germany and France. Upon his discharge and return to the U.S. in 1946, he studied at the American Theater Wing on the GI Bill.
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Bonham WWII vet, Purple Heart recipient recognized By: KXII-TV Staff Email Posted: Mon 12:47 PM, Nov 12, 2012 / Article BONHAM, TX - A local World War II veteran got some special recognition in Bonham on Friday afternoon. Purple Heart recipient Lewen 'Jack' Burk" was presented with an American flag at a veteran's ceremony at the Clyde W. Cosper Texas State Veterans Home. Burk survived D-Day and lost part of his foot trying to blow up a bridge during the Battle of the Bulge. He wasn't presented with the Purple Heart until former U.S House Speaker Sam Rayburn, also from Bonham, spoke up for him. Burk says it was an honor to be recognized, and that all servicemen and women should be recognized for their sacrifices. "In the service, regardless of what job they had. I still think a lot of my veterans," Burk said. This was the fourth annual veterans ceremony held at the veterans' home.
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2014 Golf Chic Magazine Sign up for the LET LET RSS feeds International golfers meet at Mission Hills Haikou in China Well-known names from the world of golf have gathered for the inaugural World Ladies Championships (WLC) taking place at the Vintage Course in Mission Hills Haikou in Hainan, southern China this week. The event has attracted 108 golfers from 25 different countries, who will be competing not only for the individual title in their professional or amateur category, but also for the prestigious team prize. The week will tee off with two Pro Ams on Wednesday and Thursday, followed by an official opening welcome ceremony on Thursday evening, where a number of VIPs and guests are expected. The tournament will then tee off over three rounds from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 March, with three separate categories being played simultaneously, with an individual professional stroke play, individual amateur stroke play and professional team stroke play event. Format of play for the individual professional and amateur events is 54 holes stroke play. A cut will be made following 36 holes to the top 50 professionals and ties. Players who are part of the team event but miss the cut in the individual event must play the final round on Sunday to be eligible for the team competition however such players will not be eligible for the individual prize fund and will be playing for the team purse only. There will also be three separate fashion awards for the trendiest/best-dressed player in each category. The professional players will compete for a prize fund of 500,000 USD, with an additional 100,000 USD prize fund to be shared amongst the 20 teams, which include two from China and one from each of Australia, Chinese Taipei, England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, the United States and Wales. The line-up of entrants includes top-ranked Chinese professional Shan Shan Feng, who will team up with Liying Ye and the LET’s first member from China, Yuyang Zhang, who will partner Jiayun Li. Other well-known competitors are Melissa Reid and Florentyna Parker, representing England, Diana Luna and Giulia Sergas, who will pair up for Italy; Linda Wessberg and Pernilla Lindberg of Sweden; Lee-Anne Pace and Ashleigh Simon of South Africa, Nikki Garrett and Frances Bondad of Australia, Caroline Masson and Anja Monke of Germany and Beth Allen and Hannah Jun from the United States. The competition will put Mission Hills under the global spotlight again, after the resort hosted the World Cup of Golf in November 2011, when Matt Kuchar and Gary Woodland of the United States won the event on the Blackstone Course. The event attracted 100,000 spectators, 500 national and overseas media and live broadcasts from press from 150 regions. The resort also hosted the Star Trophy 2010, which featured a cast of the world’s most famous celebrities including Laura Davies, Michael Phelps and Catherine Zeta-Jones. For the full list of entries click here About Mission Hills Group Mission Hills Group (www.missionhillschina.com), owner and operator of Mission Hills Shenzhen, Mission Hills Dongguan and Mission Hills Hainan, is the pioneer in China’s fledgling hospitality, sports and leisure industry. Mission Hills recognized as the leading golf brand in the world and synonymous with high-end, luxurious residences of rare and exquisite design, has created two world-class leisure and wellness resorts. It has held more than 100 international tournaments, including the 1995 World Cup of Golf and the Tiger Woods China Challenge in 2001. In 2007, Mission Hills began its role as host of an unprecedented 12 editions of the Omega Mission Hills World Cup. Mission Hills Hainan Mission Hills Hainan lies in the volcanic region of exotic Hainan Island, China. The resort sets a new standard in leisure, recreation and wellness experiences. Nestled amid lush, green gardens, it caters to golf enthusiasts and features 10 acclaimed golf courses, each designed by American Brian Curley of Schmidt-Curley Design. Other state-of-the-art features include 518 elegantly designed guest rooms and suites, a three-story clubhouse, China’s first Hank Haney Golf Academy, meeting facilities, 12 world-class restaurants, a fully-equipped sports and recreation center, Hainan’s only aquatic theme park, therapeutic volcanic mineral springs, a spa oasis, and shopping arcade. Mission Hills Hainan’s Blackstone Course hosted the inaugural Mission Hills Star Trophy in October 2010, a ground-breaking celebrity pro-am golf tournament for Asia, and the 56th World Cup of Golf in November 2011. A magnificent addition to Hainan’s tropical island paradise, Mission Hills Hainan is poised to become the island’s premier sanctuary, attracting visitors from around the globe. Getting There: Mission Hills Hainan is 15 minutes from Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK). Flights from major cities throughout Asia -- including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore -- to Haikou are available. Turkish Airlines Ladies Open National Golf Club Belek, Antalya, Turkey Current ConditionsAntalya, TUFair 18°Wind: N 3.22 kphForecastWed - Mostly Sunny 10°-22°Thu - Partly Cloudy 10°-23° Rookie Of LET Q-School
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By LB Indy Staff on July 12th, 2012 Street Beat 7/13 Traffic collision. 8:55 a.m. Third Ave. Michael John Guerrero Jr. of Corona was arrested for suspicion of possessing oxycodone for sale after police found in his vehicle containers recently filled for 160 pills. Text messages recovered from his phone suggest he had been dealing narcotics, according to Sgt. Robert Rahaeuser. Bail was set at $20,000. Traffic collision. 11:52 a.m. Laguna Canyon Rd. Southbound lanes were closed due to a vehicle that sideswiped another during a lane change. One driver received medical treatment for complaint of pain. Traffic collision. 10:30 a.m. 30800 Coast Hwy. A pedestrian suffered complaint of pain after being hit in a crosswalk by a vehicle turning east. Assist other dept. 4:46 p.m. N. Coast Hwy. A sheriff’s deputy who observed erratic driving by a motorist pulled over Cecilia Diaz, 27, of Huntington Beach, who was arrested for suspicion of being under the influence of prescription drugs and for fraudulently obtaining them. Bail was set at $20,000. Traffic stop. 2 a.m. West St. A 21-year-old Trabuco Canyon woman was arrested for DUI and held for $2,500 bail. Traffic stop. 12:33. 300 block Nyes Place. A 26-year-old Anaheim resident was arrested for three outstanding warrants. Drug activity. 5:08 p.m. 300 block Forest Ave. Nathan Turner, 52, a Laguna Beach transient was arrested for suspicion of possessing marijuana for sale after an officer observed a transaction. Bail was set at $25,000. Fraud. 7:35 p.m. 500 block Forest Ave. Someone fraudulently charged $3,345 worth of services at a local copy shop with a resident’s credit card. Vehicle burglary. 10:14 p.m. 900 block Coast Hwy. Someone broke into a car, stealing diving books, an iPod, two cell phones and a purse, cumulatively valued at $3,300. Underage drinking. 12:31 a.m. Main Beach. Three 19-year-olds from the San Gabriel Valley were detained for underage drinking from among a group of 10 to 15 young people. Vandalism. 10:58 a.m. 1500 block S. Coast Hwy. Kids set up skateboard ramps and rails using leftover pieces of wood. Traffic stop. 12:51 p.m. 800 block Cliff Dr. Marco Antonio Rodriguez, 25, of Anaheim, was arrested for suspicion of possessing an ounce of methamphetamine hidden in his underwear after police stopped him for a traffic infraction. A parolee, he could not explain why he also had $6,000 in cash and was held without bail. Traffic stop. 6:55 p.m. 800 block Temple Hills Dr. A 21-year-old Laguna Beach resident, at the wheel of a car full of friends, was arrested for DUI and held for $2500 bail. Traffic collision. 6:59 p.m. Glenneyre St. A 24-year-old Valley Village man was cited for DUI and held for $2500 bail. Traffic stop. McCauley/ Coast Hwy. 7:21 p.m. A 23-year-old San Pedro man was arrested for DUI and held for $2500 bail. Traffic stop. 11:49 p.m. Canyon Acres. A 50-year-old Trabuco Canyon woman was cited for DUI and held for $2500 bail. Traffic stop. 12:38 a.m. 200 block Ocean Ave. A 30-year-old Glendale resident was held for $2,500 bail after being arrested for DUI. Traffic stop. 3 a.m. Wesley Dr. A 57-year-old Laguna Niguel man was arrested for DUI and held for $2,500 bail. Pedestrian stop. 9:37 a.m. 300 block of Forest Ave. Patrick Dahl, 46, a Laguna Beach transient, was arrested for suspicion of possessing a small amount of hash. Bail was set at $20,000. Traffic stop. 2:40 a.m. 1700 Catalina St. A 19-year-old Laguna Beach resident was cited for DUI and held for $2,500 bail. Grand theft. 7:16 a.m. 1300 block Coral Dr. Gulf clubs were stolen from his open garage. Burglary. 12-02538. 11:08 a.m. 200 block of Arch St. A mountain bike was stole from a locked garage. Stolen vehicle recovery. 2:24 p.m. A vehicle reported stolen shortly after midnight was discovered in Monarch Plaza undamaged by sheriff’s deputies. Disturbance. 3:36 p.m. 700 block of Cress St. Jason William Brown, 42, of Laguna Beach, was arrested for violating parole and held without bail after witnesses said he had made inappropriate comments to children in a park and stole their candy. Child cruelty. 7:25 p.m. Main Beach. A 51-year-old La Mirada father was arrested for suspicion of felony child cruelty after two witnesses reported seeing 10 blows inflicted on a teen, who suffered abrasions. Bail was set at $50,000. Sunday, July 8 Pedestrian stop. 200 block of Broadway St. 1 a.m. A 48-year-old Canoga Park man was arrested for eight outstanding misdemeanor warrants. Grand theft. 8:10 p.m. 700 block of S. Coast Hwy. A cell phone was reported stolen. Traffic stop. 2:43 a.m. Canyon Acres. Dr. A 26-year-old Huntington Beach man was arrested for DUI and held for $10,000 bail. Traffic collision. 4:15 p.m. 20300 block of Laguna Canyon Rd. A motorcycle came to rest atop an SUV after the vehicle collided with the cyclists while turning into a driveway. The 31-year-old driver from Fountain Valley and his passenger, a Santa Ana woman, 23, were both treated for pain at Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo. News • Street Beat DUI, July, Street Beat, traffic stop 1 + one = Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.
{"url": "http://www.lagunabeachindy.com/street-beat-713/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.lagunabeachindy.com", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:33:19Z", "digest": "sha1:A4VHJF7BHP6DS6Q3VWM2JSI7C32LY2ZV"}
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Ben Affleck is Batman: the Gossip angle August 23, 2013 12:46:07 Posted at August 23, 2013 12:46:07 Remember when some Teen Wolf actor tried to convince people that he could be Batman? Click here for a refresher. It makes that guy look even worse now. Because, well, they were obviously aiming a lot higher. Two weeks ago The Hollywood Reporter put out a long list that included Ryan Gosling and Josh Brolin. Click here for a refresher. No, that didn’t come close either. And clearly they did not consider Wes Bentley, because, well, this Dark Knight isn’t dark anymore. Sarah will have more on the change in tone and direction of the franchise so I’m here now to talk about …well… Why Ben Affleck? Why, Ben Affleck? Well, Ben Affleck is Warner Bros’ #1 homeboy. The studio has a few of them – Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, and they do like Gosling too but Ben, Ben’s the prodigal son. You remember many years ago that movie called The Pallbearer with Gwyneth Paltrow and David Schwimmer? It was terrible. But G reportedly only agreed to do that film for Harvey Weinstein in exchange for Emma, which was delightful. When I first heard about Affleck being cast at Batman last night, I wondered if it was a similar arrangement – not necessarily Batman for Gone Girl but, say, Batman for a movie he wants to direct/produce down the road. Like, you make stupid money for us as Bruce Wayne and we’ll give you a little money for your passion project, deal? What else could it be? After all, professionally, how is this a good move? Or even a necessary move? HE JUST WON AN OSCAR. He’s established himself as a very talented director. It’s not like he’s poor. It’s not like, if he bothered to call up George Clooney and ask him for advice, George would have said “go for it, man!” Clooney’s the one with a photo of himself as Batman on the wall in his office to remind himself to never again do something just for the cash. Then again, where celebrities are concerned, and we see this over and over and over again, it’s never enough. Perhaps it’s not enough now for Ben because, well, he’s conquered the Academy, twice, but he’s never been able to conquer the superhero. Is it ego or simply boyhood wish fulfillment? That’s pretty much Ben Affleck though, you know? He’s demonstrated this over and over again personally and professionally – for every one of his smart decisions, there’s a very bad, very stupid decision waiting to happen. This is why Ben Affleck is so Good For Gossip. Because no
{"url": "http://www.laineygossip.com/(S(5nvbck45buslgvuovlyzwc55))/Ben-Affleck-is-Batman-the-gossip-angle/27839", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.laineygossip.com", "date_download": "2014-04-16T08:28:21Z", "digest": "sha1:OMGVXIF35C4EZCCRGQI4J5BGET67OEZT"}
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James runs to Jessica July 17, 2012 16:37:50 Posted at July 17, 2012 16:37:50 Photos:Christopher Peterson/Splash Here’s James McAvoy on the New York set of The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby yesterday. He runs, then he’s tired. I haven’t read the script but since it’s kind of sort of a romance let’s pretend for now that he’s rushing home to prevent her from leaving. Will he make it? Well, if this were a Chinese movie he would arrive home to her dead body; we don’t like happy endings. I’m sure that won’t be the case here. She, of course, is Jessica Chastain, once again, as always, unrecognizable, Hollywood’s current chameleon. I love her hair short like this, though I’m not sure if it’s a wig. And they do look great together. She also looks a liiiiiiiiittle bit like James’s wife Anne-Marie. Please please please God, I don’t want to have to worry about this. Interestingly enough, during all this Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce coverage, whenever anyone has asked who I think Tom will commission next, Chastain has come to mind as an excellent candidate, if I were on team Tom putting together a list and if he were as powerful now as he used to be. I’m not saying I think it’s going to happen and she certainly doesn’t need for it to but this would be the type they would be looking for.
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(Future) President The BIC June 3, 2013 17:39:43 Posted at June 3, 2013 17:39:43 Photos:FameFlynet, Mirrorpix/ Splash, Yosra El-Essawy/Chime For Change/ Getty Along with Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini, Beyonce co-founded Chime For Change, a women’s rights advocacy charity to increase access to education, health care, and justice. The Chime For Change concert happened this weekend. Beyonce was the headliner, obviously, and JLO, Mary J Blige, Florence + The Machine, and others also performed. Madonna showed up too to say a few words. Let me be the c-nt to point something out... You know who else was in London this weekend? You know who She is. And you know the causes She champions. They seem to be in line with the causes championed at this event. IF She were to have considered coming, and not saving Her big reveal to promote her man’s movie, would it have been politics on Her side about who was there and whatever, or would it have been someone else who didn’t want to share, realising she may have had to back into the shadows because She automatically becomes the only VIP whenever She goes anywhere? There was a video played at the event and at one point, towards the end, Beyonce starts talking about how she tells the Blue Ivy Carter that she could be President one day. Better that than telling her to fall in love. While on stage, performing a medley of her hits, Beyonce told the crowd that: "It's time for change. Let's chime for change. This is such an incredible night for me." I worked in philanthropy for several years, most recently at Covenant House Vancouver, where I am still a fund development volunteer, raising money for street kids and youth-at-risk. One thing we try to do in non-profit, especially around our language, especially in our communication tools, because we’re trying to develop the spirit of community, is to avoid using the word “me” whenever possible. It’s really interesting to see how that works when celebrities and ego hook up philanthropically. Also attached -- Beyonce and Jay-Z
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‘Modern Family,’ ‘Mad Men’ lead Emmy winners City News Service AMC’s “Mad Men” won a record-tying fourth consecutive Emmy award for outstanding drama Sunday night, while ABC’s ensemble comedy “Modern Family” was named best comedy series for the second year in a row and earned awards for two of its stars, along with prizes for writing and directing. Julianna Margulies won the Emmy for best drama actress for “The Good Wife,” while Kyle Chander was named best drama actor for “Friday Night Lights.” Jim Parsons repeated last year’s win for best comedy actor for “The Big Bang Theory,” and Melissa McCarthy won her first Emmy for her work on “Mike & Molly.” “I want to speak on behalf of AMC and Lionsgate and my incredible cast and crew, writers, directors … and say that we are so grateful to the Television Academy for recognizing this show again, recognized by our peers,” said “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner. “We want to thank the fans of the show who who support it so wholeheartedly wherever it goes and whatever happens on it. And I want to really particularly (praise) my incredible writing staff and my incredible cast … They are so talented and so gifted and we all get to go to work tomorrow and that’s all we ever want to do.” NBC’s “Hill Street Blues” (1981-84) and “The West Wing” (2000-2003) also won four consecutive outstanding drama series Emmys. NBC’s “L.A. Law” also won four times in the category, but not consecutively. “Modern Family” co-creator Steve Levitan praised his ensemble cast and thanked the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for honoring the show. “To tell you the truth, there were a lot of years when a lot of people on this stage had failed pilots and shows that didn’t go, so we appreciate every single second of this,” Levitan said during the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony at the Nokia Theatre. In praising the youthful stars on the show, Levitan quipped that “`Modern Family’ was this close to being animated. That’s how much we didn’t want to work with kids.” “Last season we were on location and a gay couple came up to us and said, `You know, you’re not just making people laugh, you’re making them more tolerant,”’ he said. “And I thought to myself, well, they’re right, we are showing the world that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a loving committed relationship between an old man and a hot, young woman. And looking around this room tonight, I see many of you agree.” “Modern Family” also won supporting actor and actress awards for Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell, along with a writing Emmy for Levitan and Jeffrey Richman and a directing prize for Michael Alan Spiller. Margulies was named outstanding actress in a drama series for her role as an attorney and wife of a disgraced politician in “The Good Wife.” She thanked CBS “for allowing us to be the show that we are and for embracing us wholeheartedly.” “To my spectacular husband, I love being your good wife, and I’m so grateful you have no political aspirations,” she quipped. “… You handle my long hours with such grace and understanding. This, it means nothing without you.” The Emmy was the second for Margulies, who won a supporting-actress Emmy in 1995 for “ER.” Chandler’s win for lead actor in a drama for “Friday Night Lights” was his first in three nominations — including one in 2006 for “Grey’s Anatomy.” He heaped praise on his fellow cast members and crew. “And let me thank also the people of Austin, Texas, who welcomed us into their home and filled those stadiums and brought the show to life while we were there.” Parsons won a second consecutive Emmy for lead comedy actor for “The Big Bang Theory,” while McCarthy of “Mike & Molly” won the Emmy for lead comedy actress. “I’ve been so proud since episode one to be part of `Big Bang’ and I’m so proud to get to do that show,” Parsons said. “And I just thank you for recognizing me and thank you for … recognizing the show too.” McCarthy fought back tears as she accepted her first-ever Emmy — on her first nomination. “I work with the best cast and the best crew and I love them all,” McCarthy said. “… The cast, I love you all so much. I go to work, I show up early like a dork.” Margo Martindale won the Emmy for best supporting actress in a drama series for her work in “Justified.” “Sometimes things just take time,” the veteran actress said of her first win. “But with time comes great appreciation. I’m so honored to be nominated among these incredible actresses.” The Emmy for supporting actor in a drama went to Peter Dinklage for “Game of Thrones.” “HBO, you are quite simply the greatest place to work for,” Dinklage said. “You let artists create, which is rare, unfortunately.” Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese earned another award for his mantle, taking home the Emmy for directing a drama series for his work on “Boardwalk Empire.” Accepting her Emmy for supporting actress in a comedy, Julie Bowen praised her Emmy-winning co-star, Ty Burrell, saying he “helps me manage my fear on a daily basis and makes Claire Dunphy possible.” “First of all, I’m half in love with all of our writers, without whom there is no Claire Dunphy,” Bowen said. “Most of all I want to say thank you — I can’t believe this — to (series co-producers) Chris Lloyd and Steve Levitan for having complicated wives and complicated lives and finding them funny enough to write about every day.” While thanking his cast-mates and the show’s crew, Burrell quipped that if his father was still alive, “I can’t help but wonder what he would think about all of this, and I have a job where every day I go to work in full makeup. “… I know that he would be in awe of my mom, who supported me enough for a dozen parents, and would love and adore my wife and daughter as much as I do. And in the end, I think he’d feel like, `You couldn’t just wear a little powder? Why do you have to look like a harlot?’ And I would say, `Dad, just think of me as a very masculine lady,’ and he would say, `I do son, I do.”’ The PBS pre-World War I period drama “Downton Abbey” also had a big night, winning Emmys for best miniseries or movie, supporting actress for Maggie Smith, directing for Brian Percival and writing by Julian Fellowes. “This is really a David and Goliath story, only in this story, Goliath was wonderful,” Fellowes said, referring to the other nominees in the category. “… It seems perfectly extraordinary that we’ve won.” Barry Pepper was named best actor in a miniseries or movie for “The Kennedys, while Kate Winslet won the Emmy for lead actress in a miniseries or movie for “Mildred Pierce.” “This just means such a lot to me,” Winslet said. “I just wanted to msay one thing also, which is that Mildred Pierce was capable of great acts of love as a mother because she was an extraordinary multi-tasker. And to that end I do want to share this with my mom. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do in your life, you never stop needing your mom, and I will never stop needing mine.” Her co-star, Guy Pearce, took home the Emmy for supporting actor in a miniseries or movie, and he joked about his interaction with Winslet on the set. “This is really a delightful experience making `Mildred Pierce,”’ he said. “I got to have sex with Kate Winslet many, many times. And I didn’t realize it was going to result in this. So Kate, I share this with you.” “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” won its ninth consecutive Emmy for outstanding variety, music or comedy series. The show also won the award for outstanding writing. “The Amazing Race” won its eighth Emmy for outstanding reality-competition program, beating out last year’s winner, “Top Chef,” which ended “The Amazing Race’s” seven-year winning streak last year. 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Boehner seems to think it’s politically safe to diss far-right groups About this blog As we see HERE, the Weeper of the House suddenly is at war with some of the wackier groups on the political right. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Thursday held firm in his criticism of outside conservative groups after a war of words Wednesday, questioning their credibility and saying they’ve gone “over the line” for attacking a budget deal brokered by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA). “Frankly I think they’re misleading their followers. I think they’re pushing our members in places where they want to be. And frankly I just think they’ve lost all ... Read more
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Connect with Land-Grant Holy Land Ohio State Recruiting Ohio State recruiting: State Secrets, 5/27 - Weekend recap By Ian Cuevas @IanLGHL '13 Buckeye signee Ezekiel Elliott became a state champion in the 100m dash, 200m dash, 110m hurdles and 300m hurdles. It was a mostly uneventful weekend for the Ohio State recruiting staff, but they did get a chance to see some of their future class stars shine a bit in the form of Ezekiel Elliott.  Share with Buckeyes friends + '13 RB/ATH Ezekiel Elliott signed his national letter of intent on National Signing Day 2013 this past February. While some fans were a tad worried about whether or not he would flip to Missouri was quickly replaced with excitement and anticipation as to what the 4-star could bring to the table. Now only a few short months away from football season, Elliott is proving his top-notch talent on another platform: track and field. The Missouri State Track and Field Championship took place on Saturday, and the future Buckeye showed off his world class speed by winning four events: The 100m dash (11.03 seconds), the 200m dash (22.25), the 110m hurdles (13.87) and the 300m hurdles (39.01). There couldn't be any other way to end Elliott's high school career then to go out on top in those four events. Four golds awaited Elliott at the end of the day, something that he will surely cherish. The next time we see Elliott will be this fall, when he lines up in the Buckeye uniform. Check out his 110m hurdles here: One of the biggest names in the class of 2014 is '14 LB Raekwon McMillan. We've continued to follow McMillan's recruitment throughout his entire time spent talking with Ohio State as Coach Meyer and his staff try to entice McMillan to pull the trigger on making a verbal to the Buckeyes. Even with the recent commitment of '14 LB Dante Booker, there will always be room waiting for someone like McMillan in any class, let alone Ohio State. Now, the 5-star and number one ranked linebacker in the country has recently been named Defensive Player of the Year in Region 3-AAAA. From the article announcing the selection: McMillan has offers from all of the top Division I schools, including Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State and South Carolina. This season, he recorded 151 tackles with seven sacks, one INT, five forced fumbles and a fumble returned for a TD. He also ran for 316 yards (6.45 yards per carry) and scored nine rushing TDs. He played in the third annual AT&T Georgia Junior Bowl in Atlanta on Dec. 31 and was named by USA Today as a second-team All-USA selection. "Raekwon keeps improving physically, and he is getting better in the mental game by leaps and bounds. He became the quarterback of our defense this year - he knows where everyone should be. He works hard in the weight room. You just can't keep him out of there. We were blessed to have Shadrach (Thornton, now at N.C. State) the last few years, and Raekwon has taken the torch from him. He's become our leader." - Raekwon McMillan's head coach. You also undoubtedly heard about the commitment of Jabrill Peppers, the 5-star defensive back who most likely projects to cornerback at the next level. Though May recruiting national titles aren't entirely dissimilar to September Heismans or November national championships, his commitment moves Michigan to the top of the 247Composite team rankings. And the thing about Michigan's class, is that even if they go on autopilot from here until February, if they just hold the core of what they're already got in place, they're going to wind up in the Top 5-to-Top 10 just about no matter what. Good for the rivalry, if nothing else. Also, check out how Peppers announced (though it was spoiled on Twitter first, as is customary these days). Credit where credit's due, it's certainly unique: Finally, '14 RB Jonathan Haden, who attends school in Washington, D.C., and whose three older brothers all played college football (including Joe Haden, the current cornerback for the Cleveland Browns), committed to the Arizona Wildcats on Friday night, according to reports. Haden, a 3-star recruit from Friendship Collegiate Academy, held numerous BCS scholarship offers, including Ohio State, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina State. In 2012, Haden rushed for 977 yards on 115 carries as a sophomore in his only year played at Friendship Collegiate Academy. While the Buckeyes had shown some mild interest in Haden, it appears he could be out of the sights for the Ohio State coaching staff.
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Vegas Judges Redeem Pacquiao He’s back in Money Sweepstakes with victory over Bradley Events Calendar The Los Angeles Urban League presents: “The 90 That Built L.A.” x From Monday 14 January 2013 - 12:00pmTo Thursday 07 March 2013 - 5:00pm The Los Angeles Urban League presents: “The 90 That Built L.A.,” an exhibit at the Museum of African American Art. This multi-layered exhibit chronicles and celebrates the League’s 90 plus year milestone of serving the city of Los Angeles, in addition to honoring 90 champions for change and equality, past and present. The exhibit will include personal artifacts from honorees; a retrospect of the social, economic, political and civic challenges and triumphs for Los Angeles residents of color and the League’s leadership and unwavering commitment to the community. WHEN: Museum hours are Thursday -Sunday: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday –Wednesday the exhibit will be closed. Admission is FREE! Where: Museum of African American Art 3650 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 (Located on the 3rd floor of Macy’s at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall). For more information call (323) 294-7071 or visit www.theleague90.com. For more information on the Museum of African American Art, visit www.maaala.org. Location : Museum of African American Art 3650 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 (Located on the 3rd floor of MContact : (323) 294-7071 www.theleague90.com. Back
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Your browser does not support iframes. Read a digital copy of the latest edition of Las Vegas Optic online. Que Pasa - Dec. 21, 2012 -A A +A Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 7:55 pm (Updated: December 21, 1:02 am) SATURDAY SÁBADO • Third Annual Light Parade and House Lighting Contest, Renewing the Spirit of Anton Chico: Friday, Dec. 21 - House Lighting Contest judging starts at dusk; Saturday, Dec. 22 - Oremos 3 p.m. at the school, light parade line-up 5 p.m., and Santa Claus following the parade at the school. For more information, call 505-507-4515.
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Home | Entertainment | Buzz Intruder Arrested At Selena Gomez's California Home By Cristina Arreola • January 27, 2014 • 1:49pm Getty Images So scary! Selena Gomez had a frightening close-call this weekend, after a 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of trespassing at her home. Officer Rosario Herrera says a family member called 911 on Saturday morning after seeing an intruder on the property in the San Fernando Valley. Fox News Latino reports that it's unclear whether or not Gomez, 21, was home at the time. Herrera reports that Juan Daniel Garcia, of El Mirage, Ariz., was booked on suspicion of trespassing. Police don’t know if Garcia has obtained a lawyer yet, but sites are reporting that he admitted he trespassed onto Gomez's property because he wanted to meet the "Come and Get It" singer in-person.This isn’t the first time Gomez has encountered menacing fans. Several years ago, a stalker travelled from Illinois to meet the singer and threatened to kill her. A judge granted her a restraining order against the individual in 2011. Share this Tags News
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