with ten-inch Whitehall fangs.
This video came from YouTube.
It was uploaded via an encrypted IP over an hour ago.
Well get it off there!
We did, after nine minutes,
but that was long enough for it to be downloaded,
duplicated and spread.
How many people have seen this?
We take down one, six clones immediately pop up elsewhere.
How many people?
50,000, that's our current estimate.
The news rooms have got it.
They're running this on air?
No, no, we put a type 5D notice out immediately.
And they're complying.
For now, it's trending on Twitter.
Oh for... fucking Internet.
So what now? What's the play book?
This is virgin territory, Prime Minister.
There's no play book.
(woman) Princess Susannah's been kidnapped.
You scared the shit out of me.
And there's a YouTube of it...
Oh, go to work.
(Princess Susannah) ...and have full unsimulated
sexual intercourse with a pig...
No way. It's a piss take, man, look at it!
I don't understand!
Why's it not on the news.
(woman) ...Carlton Bloom's controversial agitation
exhibition at the Tate Modern closes three weeks ahead of
schedule amid criticism...
So how do we even describe it? "An indecent act."
Everyone's seen the video.
They already know the full details.
If we mention bestiality pre-watershed,
Ofcom would be seriously pissed off.
Fuck Ofcom.
We're still observing the D notice.
But surely we're going to do something...
We're honouring the D notice.
The voluntary D notice.
It may be a sportsman-like gesture,
but we are making it,
a woman's life is at stake here, we follow procedure.
My time line consists 100 per cent of viewers asking
why we're not covering it.
How do I reply?
You don't.
That is totally backwards.
No-one else has broken rank, not the Beeb, not Sky, not...
I hear Facebook's coverage is pretty comprehensive.
(Laughter) That may be, but...
(woman) It's like 9/11's happening
and we're broadcasting sandwich recipes.
Martin We're not a chat room.
It's on CNN. And Fox.
And MSNBC, Al Jazeera, NHK...
Yeah, all right.
Oh, God, this planet.
Okay, Sarah, cover the snatch itself, Damon public reaction,
Mira, the royal angle, upcoming marriage etc.
Simon, set tone with standards and practices.
we need to explain this without viewers
sicking up their Weetabix.
Lorcan, the Internet aspect, new paradigm, Twitter, Arab spring,
all that bibble.
Dan, all graphics run past me, keep it functional,
no pepper pigs.
Malaika, update the Princess obit VT.
The obit VT?
Hm, first an awkward phone call, the least I can do is warn Tom.
We put a D notice on it.
(Martin) It's gone global, Tom.
(Martin) I can't do anything...
- I'm begging you. - You're begging me?
Don't run it, Martin.
Look I'm sorry, I can't help you.
You know how much help you're getting from here on in?
Multiplying nothing by shit all, UKN is dead to us.
Shove it up your ass, you fucking...
A man.
A man?
A man.
Tom. So you're across it,
I'm exploring contingency plans.
I briefed Callett.
Ah, Mr Callett, Noel from Blue Eye.
Noel won an Emmy for his effects work
on that HBO moon Western thing.
Sea of Tranquillity.
Yeah, yeah, you won't find better.
Can you map a head onto a different body, live?
It depends if your camera's moving.
Rule sheet specifies a single hand held camera
in a constant roving motion.