(Phone Vibrating)
(Phone Ringing)
Why don't you just tell me what's happened?
And what is it?
I'll be right down.
What's happened?
Oh, Susannah.
Princess Susannah.
Is she all right?
I don't know.
(Princess Susannah) Don't kill me.
Please don't kill me.
(man) Read the statement.
Yes. All right.
On this screen?
(man) That is correct.
I am Susannah, Duchess of Beaumont.
Popularly known as Princess Susannah.
I am in a place you cannot find,
held by one you will not trace.
Prime Minister Michael Callow,
Prime Minister Michael Callow, my...my life...
my life depends on you.
If you do not do precisely as instructed...
...by four pm this afternoon, I will be......
...I will be executed.
What are you doing? Keep it going.
Prime Minister, at this point I think it's
important to say that we are 100% certain that this
is indeed Princess Susannah.
Her car was intercepted
shortly after midnight, returning from the wedding
of a college friend of hers.
She'd insisted on going.
But you had security on her?
Two PPOs, still unconscious,
heavy sedative, close range, each with a single puncture wound,
no sign of struggle.
What do they want?
Release of Jihadi?
Scrap Third World debt?
Save the fucking libraries?
We are convinced both the video and the
demand it contains are genuine.
What demand?
What Susannah says next.
It concerns you directly, sir.
Just play it.
(Princess Susannah) There is only one demand,
and it is a simple one.
At four pm this afternoon, Prime Minister Michael Callow
must appear on live British television
on all networks, terrestrial and satellite,
... on all British networks, terrestrial and satellite,
and have full unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig.
I don't understand!
(Julian) The video ends with a series of technical
specifications for the broadcast.
Why are you doing this?
This is a joke? Right?
Ha-ha, Mike. Ho-ho.
It's real.
She said pig.
Sex with a pig.
They want me to have sex with a pig.
Live, on television this afternoon.
But what...
We're checking with our embedded operatives,
compiling a list of suspects as we speak.
Meanwhile, the demand has been made,
and there's not long to formulate our response.
Well, I'm not fucking a pig.
Page one, that's not happening.
Of course.
Absolutely, sir.
Well, have we established a dialogue with this...
We can't, there's no e-mail address,
no codeword, no channels for negotiation.
Okay, so we'll focus on finding Susannah.
Hmm? We get her back.
And however it's done, I don't care.
We stop this now.
I assure you, everyone's working towards this.
Yes...no, not everyone, a dedicated core team,
this can't go wide,
and keep it so far from the press
it's on the other side of Jupiter.
This only exists in this room.
It's already outside it.
Well if there are hacks sniffing around, shut them down.
Bright red D notice.
Super fucking Godzilla injunction