What are the topics in the sentence: A dog wags his tail at the boy. wag, tail, dog
We have the sentence: a dog wags its tail with its heart; Extract all the key concepts: wag, tail, dog
Can you write a sentence about the topic lake? woman paddling canoe on a lake
Humans can easily string together abstract concepts to form a coherent sentence. For example, with the concepts lake, paddle, canoe, a simple sentence can be paddle an open canoe along lake .
Given the list of concepts: lake, paddle, canoe; Generate a sentence with all the concepts : a man paddles his canoe on the lake.
After reading: "Hillary Clinton is in the political crosshairs as the author of a new book alleges improper financial ties between her public and personal life. At issue in conservative author Peter Schweizer’s forthcoming book Clinton Cash are donations from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation during the four years she served as secretary of state. George Stephanopoulos used an interview with Schweizer on ABC This Week to point out what other nonpartisan journalists have found: There is no ""smoking gun"" showing that donations to the foundation influenced her foreign policy decisions. Still, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the donations are ""clearly illegal"" under federal law. In his view, a donation by a foreign government to the Clinton Foundation while Clinton was secretary of state is the same as money sent directly to her, he said, even though she did not join the foundation’s board until she left her post. ""The Constitution of the United States says you cannot take money from foreign governments without explicit permission of the Congress. They wrote that in there because they knew the danger of corrupting our system by foreign money is enormous,"" Gingrich said. ""You had a sitting secretary of state whose husband radically increased his speech fees, you have a whole series of dots on the wall now where people gave millions of dollars — oh, by the way, they happen to get taken care of by the State Department."" He continued, ""My point is they took money from foreign governments while she was secretary of State. That is clearly illegal."" PunditFact wanted to know if a criminal case against Clinton is that open and shut. Is what happened ""clearly illegal""? A spokesman for the Clinton Foundation certainly disagreed, calling Gingrich’s accusation ""a baseless leap"" because Clinton was not part of her husband’s foundation while serving as a senator or secretary of state. We did not hear from Gingrich by our deadline. Foundation basics Former President Clinton started the William J.... I do not believe : "The money the Clinton Foundation took from from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state ""is clearly illegal. … The Constitution says you can’t take this stuff." is true because of: "Gingrich said the Clinton Foundation ""took money from from foreign governments while (Hillary Clinton) was secretary of state. It is clearly illegal. … The Constitution says you can’t take this stuff."" A clause in the Constitution does prohibit U.S. officials such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from receiving gifts, or emoluments, from foreign governments. But the gifts in this case were donations from foreign governments that went to the Clinton Foundation, not Hillary Clinton. She was not part of the foundation her husband founded while she was secretary of state. Does that violate the Constitution? Some libertarian-minded constitutional law experts say it very well could. Others are skeptical. What’s clear is there is room for ambiguity, and the donations are anything but ""clearly illegal."" The reality is this a hazy part of U.S. constitutional law.
After reading: While the financial costs of screening mammography & false-positive recalls & biopsies were not included in the study, readers would benefit from being reminded that recall mammography & biopsies increase patient financial costs. This article leads with valuable information for all women over age 40 by stating “Getting screening mammograms every two years instead of annually reduces the chance of a false alarm, a new study shows.”  Unfortunately the writer doesn’t quantify or elaborate adequately on that reduction. Instead, the writer later focuses on how women undergoing screening mammography shouldn’t be anxious if they experience a recall because over half of women who have screening mammograms for 10 years will be recalled. Readers would have been better served if the writer had emphasized the significant reduction in both recall mammograms & false-positive biopsies in women who are screened every two years rather than annually. Part of the continuing controversy over screening mammography focuses on annual versus biennial screening. Because this study showed a significant reduction in the percentage of those recalled & needing biopsies among women who are screened every other year, with no statistically significant increase in late-stage diagnosis of breast cancer, the article should have emphasized those important findings. The piece states that the researchers noted that “…false positive recalls may cause inconvenience & anxiety and biopsies can cause pain and scarring.” This article fails to include several important facts about the study. 1) This is a prospective cohort study of women screened between 1994-2006. 2) Most of the mammograms were film rather than digital. 3) Few women underwent screening for the entire 10 year period. 4) Screening mammography recall rates are influenced by the skill of the radiologists who read the mammograms. There was no disease mongering. No independent experts were quoted. The story did an adequate job comparing – at a very high level – annual screening versus... I believe : Annual Mammograms May Have More False-Positives is likely false .
The claim is: SBRT Offers Prostate Cancer Patients High Cancer Control and Low Toxicity in Fewer Treatments and the explanation is This news release describes five-year outcomes for 309 men with early-stage prostate cancer who received stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), which delivers targeted doses of radiation cheaper and faster than the prevailing radiation therapy treatment for prostate cancer. The study measured the rates of severe injury to surrounding tissues and disease-free survival. The news release said it’s the first large, multi-institutional study of this technology in prostate cancer with long-term follow-up, involving patients at 21 community, regional, and academic hospitals across the U.S. The release does a good job of quantifying the evidence but could have helped readers better understand the implications of the data by giving cost and safety comparisons with other radiation treatment, and by discussing limitations related to using a historical control group (rather than a contemporaneous control group) which introduces potential for bias. The release is based on a study presented at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) annual conference. The study abstract can be found on page 4 of this document. Prostate cancer is a commonly diagnosed condition in men that is associated with aging. Many patients don’t realize that prostate cancer is not a uniformly fatal disease. For men with low risk disease, active surveillance without treatment is a viable option. Even for men with higher risk disease where treatment is warranted, one needs to follow patients for 10-15 years to identify a survival benefit from treatment. This is useful context to keep in mind when examining this new study of patients with low and intermediate risk prostate cancer. The results present a rosy picture of SBRT, in terms of both benefits and harms. However, without a contemporaneous control group, such as those receiving intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) or even active surveillance, one cannot be sure that these favorable results are due to the treatment itself or the patients who were selected for treatment..... From above this is Mixture
I could conclude : Study: Vaccine for Breast, Ovarian Cancer Has Potential from: The story does discuss costs, but the framing is problematic. The story, based on a conversation with one source, the study’s lead investigator, says, “It’s difficult at this point to predict costs. However, he expects costs will not approach those for Provenge, the pricey treatment vaccine for prostate cancer approved by the FDA in 2010. Provenge costs $93,000 for the one-month, three-dose treatment. Medicare covers it.” This tells readers that, no matter what the drug costs, Medicare likely will cover it. We appreciate the effort to bring cost information into the story, but this type of information is misleading. The story does explain that only one patient remains cancer free following the study. It then details how for most of the patients cancer continued to progress after 2 months. It says that the median overall survival in both the breast cancer and ovarian cancer patients was less than 16 months. But the story is framed in such a way to highlight the one potentially positive outcome of the study and to downplay the negative. We read more sooner about the one patient who may have responded well to the vaccine than we do about the 25 other patients who did not. The story mentions side effects in a satisfactory way. Technically, the story provides readers with much of the information they would need to assess the validity of the study, but it comes out in bits and pieces. For example, we only find out near the end of the story that “The woman, who remains disease-free, had a previous treatment with a different treatment vaccine. ‘That might have primed her immune system,’ Gulley speculates. She also had only one regimen of chemotherapy, perhaps keeping her immune system stronger.” This casts much doubt on the study’s design, and it would have been nice to have seen some outside expertise brought in to either discuss those design problems or to torpedo the story altogether. Again, the story deserves high marks for being very specific in the lead and throughout the story. It says, that the vaccine is... because of: While the story does many things well, the overall framing of the story is that the vaccine “shows promise,” when the evidence actually points in the other direction. Because only one patient in the study remains cancer free and because that patient may very well have benefited from an earlier cancer vaccine and other complicating factors, we question the decision to write this story in the first place. Right now, there more than 10,000 cancer-related clinical trials recruiting patients. Cancer has foiled scientists repeatedly with treatments that initially seemed promising in the laboratory or in a very small group of people and later proved unworkable on a larger scale. It’s a difficult task — but a crucial one — for reporters to ask tough questions of the evidence and a wide range of sources before deciding whether one of these thousands of experimental treatment options merits coverage.
Given the: "Although the story didn’t cite the cost of appendectomy – emergency or urgent surgery – and we wish it had, we nonetheless will give it a satisfactory score because it at least cited what the editorial writer wrote, ""A secondary benefit is the savings to the hospital generated by minimizing staff and anesthesiologist presence late in the evening and during the wee hours of the morning."" As with our harms score above, although the story didn’t give absolute numbers, in this case we think it was sufficient for it to report that ""The scientists found no significant difference among the groups in the patients’ condition 30 days after surgery or in the length of their operation or hospital stay."" Although the story didn’t give absolute numbers, in this case we think it was sufficient for it to report that ""The scientists found no significant difference among the groups in the patients’ condition 30 days after surgery or in the length of their operation or hospital stay."" Despite running less than 300 words, this story did an adequate job in explaining the quality of the evidence, including pointing out limitations. No disease-mongering here. The story meets the bare minimum requirement for this criterion in that it at least cited what an editorial stated. The focus of the story was on a study comparing emergency appendectomy with surgery done up to 12 hours later or beyond. This is the whole focus of the story – and one we applaud – when it begins:  ""Appendectomy is the most common emergency surgery in the world, but it doesn’t have to be."" There were no claims made about the novelty of this research, and we may have wished for a bit more context on this. Nonetheless, the potential for guiding future care decisions was made clear. Not applicable. Given that the story only pulled excerpts from the journal article and the accompanying editorial, and didn’t include any fresh quotes from interviews, we can’t be sure of the extent to which it may have been influenced by a news release." and the explanation: We really don’t understand why only a handful of mainstream news organizations reported this story. (At least in what we found.) The most common emergency surgery in the world. Rushing to emergency surgery may not carry any benefit. Waiting a few hours may be safer and less expensive. Why is that not a story? We applaud USA Today for finding time and space – and clearly it didn’t need to free up much space to do a good job telling the story. The story explains that as many as 300,000 appendectomies are done each year in the US. That figure alone explains why this is an important study to report.. The claim is Some appendicitis cases may not require ’emergency’ surgery. This can be true.
After reading: Antibody tests show whether whether people have been infected with the novel coronavirus and developed immunity - potentially allowing them to return to their places of work. The British government has provisionally ordered 17.5 million of them, but health minister Matt Hancock has said some of those already being trialled work poorly, and that one test even missed three out of four cases. Brigette Bard, chief executive of the diagnostics firm BioSure, said that her firm’s at-home test could not get as far as a formal trial as she had received no details of the approval criteria. “How they fail tests when there is no specification, I literally have no idea. We have been begging to be told what to do. We have a test ready to submit,” she said. “We need to get our test approved, and they’re not giving us an option of how to get it approved.” BioSure has been producing an at-home HIV test since 2015, and Bard met Prime Minister Boris Johnson in March to discuss her COVID-19 test. At-home tests, in this case of blood obtained by pricking a finger, are designed to be read by the person taking the test, whereas others need results to be read in a lab. Bard said laboratory trials were producing good data, but that the firm needed to know what size and scope of trial and what accuracy level would be accepted by regulators. Doris-Ann Williams, chief executive of the British In Vitro Diagnostic Association, said that clarity would be coming soon. “There will be specifications released for tests this week by MHRA (the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) which will help companies understand the technical performance expected for their kits,” she said in an email. The MHRA itself said it was developing the specifications but declined to give a timeline. Once criteria were established, Bard said the trials would take one or two weeks, and then BioSure could begin production, subject to approval, with the aim of making 1 million tests a month. “If our test fails the validation, then it’s not fit to go to... I believe : Britain to reveal trial criteria for coronavirus antibody tests. is true .
Write the related work section of a paper which references articles with the following abstracts: @cite_16: This note is a sequel to our earlier paper of the same title [4] and describes invariants of rational homology 3-spheres associated to acyclic orthogonal local systems. Our work is in the spirit of the Axelrod–Singer papers [1], generalizes some of their results, and furnishes a new setting for the purely topological implications of their work. @cite_26: Recently, Mullins calculated the Casson-Walker invariant of the 2-fold cyclic branched cover of an oriented link in S^3 in terms of its Jones polynomial and its signature, under the assumption that the 2-fold branched cover is a rational homology 3-sphere. Using elementary principles, we provide a similar calculation for the general case. In addition, we calculate the LMO invariant of the p-fold branched cover of twisted knots in S^3 in terms of the Kontsevich integral of the knot. Two other generalizations that can be considered are invariants of graphs in 3-manifolds, and invariants associated to other flat connections @cite_16 . We will analyze these in future work. Among other things, there should be a general relation between flat bundles and links in 3-manifolds on the one hand and finite covers and branched covers on the other hand @cite_26 .
Given the abstract of a paper, provide some text for related work for readers to learn further. A statistical model for segmentation and word discovery in child directed speech is presented. An incremental unsupervised learning algorithm to infer word boundaries based on this model is described and results of empirical tests showing that the algorithm is competitive with other models that have been used for similar tasks are also presented. Model Based Dynamic Programming, hereafter referred to as MBDP-1 @cite_0 , is probably the most recent work that addresses the exact same issue as that considered in this paper. Both the approach presented in this paper and Brent's MBDP-1 are based on explicit probability models. Approaches not based on explicit probability models include those based on information theoretic criteria such as MDL , transitional probability or simple recurrent networks . The maximum likelihood approach due to Olivier:SGL68 is probabilistic in the sense that it is geared towards explicitly calculating the most probable segmentation of each block of input utterances. However, it is not based on a formal statistical model. To avoid needless repetition, we only describe Brent's MBDP-1 below and direct the interested reader at Brent:EPS99 which provides an excellent review of many of the algorithms mentioned above.
I am reading a paper with the given abstract. We solve the subgraph isomorphism problem in planar graphs in linear time, for any pattern of constant size. Our results are based on a technique of partitioning the planar graph into pieces of small tree-width, and applying dynamic programming within each piece. The same methods can be used to solve other planar graph problems including connectivity, diameter, girth, induced subgraph isomorphism, and shortest paths. Following are the abstracts for the articles that the paper references. @cite_41: It is well known that any planar graph contains at most O(n) complete subgraphs. We extend this to an exact characterization: G occurs O(n) times as a subgraph of any planar graph, if and only if G is three-connected. We generalize these results to similarly characterize certain other minor-closed families of graphs; in particular, G occurs O(n) times as a subgraph of the Kb,c-free graphs, b ≥ c and c ≤ 4, iff G is c-connected. Our results use a simple Ramsey-theoretic lemma that may be of independent interest. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Can you use the above information to come up with an appropriate text for the related work section of the paper? Recently we were able to characterize the graphs that can occur at most @math times as a subgraph isomorph in an @math -vertex planar graph: they are exactly the 3-connected planar graphs @cite_41 . However our proof does not lead to an efficient algorithm for 3-connected planar subgraph isomorphism. In this paper we use different techniques which do not depend on high-order connectivity.
What would be the abstract of a paper with the following related work section? Related work: A further genuine and important approach to the spinor-tensor transition was developed starting probably with Crawford by P. Lounesto, @cite_6 and references there. He investigated the question, how a spinor field can be reconstructed from known tensor densities. The major characterization is derived, using Fierz-Kofink identities, from elements called Boomerangs --because they are able to come back to the spinorial picture. Lounesto's result is a characterization of spinors based on multi-vector relations which unveils a new unknown type of spinor. Daviau showed the equivalence of matrix Dirac theory, formulated within a spinor bundle (S_x C _x^4 ), to a Clifford algebraic formulation within space Clifford algebra (C ( R ^3 , ) M _ 2 ( C ) P ) Pauli algebra (matrices) ≃ ℍ ⨁ ℍ ≃ biquaternions. We will show, that Daviau's map θ: ( : C ^4 M _ 2 ( C ) ) is an isomorphism. It is shown that Hestenes' and Parra's formulations are equivalent to Daviau's Clifford algebra formulation, which uses outer automorphisms. The connection between different formulations is quite remarkable, since it connects the left and right action on the Pauli algebra itself viewed as a bi-module with the left (resp. right) action of the enveloping algebra (P^ P P^T on P ). The isomorphism established in this article and given by Daviau's map does clearly show that right and left actions are of similar type. This should be compared with attempts of Hestenes, Daviau, and others to interprete the right action as the iso-spin freedom.
For a paper that uses the given abstract and refers to other papers with references as follows, summarize the related work section: We present an open architecture for just-in-time code generation and dynamic code optimization that is flexible, customizable, and extensible. While previous research has primarily investigated functional aspects of such a system, architectural aspects have so far remained unexplored. In this paper, we argue that these properties are important to generate optimal code for a variety of hardware architectures and different processor generations within processor families. These properties are also important to make system-level code generation useful in practice. Reference Abstracts: @cite_8: Abstract : This thesis investigates adaptive compiler systems that perform, during program execution, code optimizations based on the dynamic behavior of the program as opposed to current approaches that employ a fixed code generation strategy, i.e., one in which a predetermined set of code optimizations are applied at compile-time to an entire program. The main problems associated with such adaptive systems are studied in general: which optimizations to apply to what parts of the program and when. Two different optimization strategies result: an ideal scheme which is not practical to implement, and a more basic scheme that is. The design of a practical system is discussed for the FORTRAN IV language. The system was implemented and tested with programs having different behavioral characteristics. Pioneering research in dynamic runtime optimization was done by Hansen @cite_8 who first described a fully automated system for runtime code optimization. His system was similar in structure to our system---it was composed of a loader, a profiler, and an optimizer---but used profiling data only to decide when to optimize and what to optimize, not how to optimize. Also, his system interpreted code prior to optimization, since load time code generation was too memory and time consuming at the time.
Given the abstract of a research work along with the abstracts of some references, generate the text for related work for readers to refer to. We present an open architecture for just-in-time code generation and dynamic code optimization that is flexible, customizable, and extensible. While previous research has primarily investigated functional aspects of such a system, architectural aspects have so far remained unexplored. In this paper, we argue that these properties are important to generate optimal code for a variety of hardware architectures and different processor generations within processor families. These properties are also important to make system-level code generation useful in practice. Reference Abstracts: @cite_30: Despite the apparent success of the Java Virtual Machine, its lackluster performance makes it ill-suited for many speed-critical applications. Although the latest just-in-time compilers and dedicated Java processors try to remedy this situation, optimized code compiled directly from a C program source is still considerably faster than software transported via Java byte-codes. This is true even if the Java byte-codes are subsequently further translated into native code. In this paper, we claim that these performance penalties are not a necessary consequence of machine-independence, but related to Java's particular intermediate representation and runtime architecture. We have constructed a prototype and are further developing a software transportability scheme founded on a tree-based alternative to Java byte-codes. This tree-based intermediate representation is not only twice as compact as Java byte-codes, but also contains more high-level information, some of which is critical for advanced code optimizations. Our architecture not only provides on-the-fly code generation from this intermediate representation, but also continuous re-optimization of the existing code-base by a low-priority background process. The re-optimization process is guided by up-to-the-minute profiling data, leading to superior runtime performance. @cite_18: Modifying code after the compiler has generated it can be useful for both optimization and instrumentation. Several years ago we designed the Mahler system, which uses link-time code modification for a variety of tools on our experimental Titan workstations. Killian’s Pixie tool works even later, translating a fully-linked MIPS executable file into a new version with instrumentation added. Recently we wanted to develop a hybrid of the two, that would let us experiment with both optimization and instrumentation on a standard workstation, preferably without requiring us to modify the normal compilers and linker. This paper describes prototypes of two hybrid systems, closely related to Mahler and Pixie. We implemented basic-block counting in both, and compare the resulting time and space expansion to those of Mahler and Pixie. @cite_4: In the past few years, code optimization has become a major field of research. Many efforts have been undertaken to find new sophisticated algorithms that fully exploit the computing power of today's advanced microprocessors. Most of these algorithms do very well in statically linked, monolithic software systems, but perform perceptibly worse in extensible systems. The modular structure of these systems imposes a natural barrier for intermodular compile-time optimizations. In this paper we discuss a different approach in which optimization is no longer performed at compile-time, but is delayed until runtime. Reoptimized module versions are generated on-the-fly while the system is running, replacing earlier less optimized versions. @cite_33: The Smalltalk-80* programming language includes dynamic storage allocation, full upward funargs, and universally polymorphic procedures; the Smalltalk-80 programming system features interactive execution with incremental compilation, and implementation portability. These features of modern programming systems are among the most difficult to implement efficiently, even individually. A new implementation of the Smalltalk-80 system, hosted on a small microprocessor-based computer, achieves high performance while retaining complete (object code) compatibility with existing implementations. This paper discusses the most significant optimization techniques developed over the course of the project, many of which are applicable to other languages. The key idea is to represent certain runtime state (both code and data) in more than one form, and to convert between forms when needed. @cite_0: Crossing abstraction boundaries often incurs a substantial run-time overhead in the form of frequent procedure calls. Thus, pervasive use of abstraction, while desirable from a design standpoint, may lead to very inefficient programs. Aggressively optimizing compilers can reduce this overhead but conflict with interactive programming environments because they introduce long compilation pauses and often preclude source-level debugging. Thus, programmers are caught on the horns of two dilemmas: they have to choose between abstraction and efficiency, and between responsive programming environments and efficiency. This dissertation shows how to reconcile these seemingly contradictory goals. Four new techniques work together to achieve this: - Type feedback achieves high performance by allowing the compiler to inline message sends based on information extracted from the runtime system. - Adaptive optimization achieves high responsiveness without sacrificing performance by using a fast compiler to generate initial code while automatically recompiling heavily used program parts with an optimizing compiler. - Dynamic deoptimization allows source-level debugging of optimized code by transparently recreating non-optimized code as needed. - Polymorphic inline caching speeds up message dispatch and, more significantly, collects concrete type information for the compiler. With better performance yet good interactive behavior, these techniques reconcile exploratory programming, ubiquitous abstraction, and high performance. @cite_16: The Morph system provides a framework for automatic collection and management of profile information and application of profile-driven optimizations. In this paper, we focus on the operating system support that is required to collect and manage profile information on an end-user's workstation in an automatic, continuous, and transparent manner. Our implementation for a Digital Alpha machine running Digital UNIX 4.0 achieves run-time overheads of less than 0.3 during profile collection. Through the application of three code layout optimizations, we further show that Morph can use statistical profiles to improve application performance. With appropriate system support, automatic profiling and optimization is both possible and effective. Hansen's work was followed by several other projects that have investigated the benefits of runtime optimization: the Smalltalk @cite_33 and SELF @cite_0 systems that focused on the benefits of dynamic optimization in an object-oriented environment; Morph'', a project developed at Harvard University @cite_16 ; and the system described by the authors of this paper @cite_4 @cite_30 . Other projects have experimented with optimization at link time rather than at runtime @cite_18 . At link time, many of the problems described in this paper are non-existent. Among them the decision when to optimize, what to optimize, and how to replace code. However, there is also a price to pay, namely that it cannot be performed in the presence of dynamic loading.
Following are the abstracts of some related work. Can you use it to generate the abstract? @cite_35: Polymorphic inline caches (PICs) provide a new way to reduce the overhead of polymorphic message sends by extending inline caches to include more than one cached lookup result per call site. For a set of typical object-oriented SELF programs, PICs achieve a median speedup of 11 . @cite_26: SUMMARY This paper describes critical implementation issues that must be addressed to develop a fully automatic inliner. These issues are: integration into a compiler, program representation, hazard prevention, expansion sequence control, and program modification. An automatic inter-file inliner that uses profile information has been implemented and integrated into an optimizing C compiler. The experimental results show that this inliner achieves significant speedups for production C programs. @cite_22: The Smalltalk-80 system makes it possible to write programs quickly by providing object-oriented programming, incremental compilation, run-time type checking, use-extensible data types and control structures, and an interactive graphical interface. However, the potential savings in programming effort have been curtailed by poor performance in widely available computers or high processor cost. Smalltalk-80 systems pose tough challenges for implementors: dynamic data typing, a high-level instruction set, frequent and expensive procedure calls, and object-oriented storage management. The dissertation documents two results that run counter to conventional wisdom: that a reduced instruction set computer can offer excellent performance for a system with dynamic data typing such as Smalltalk-80, and that automatic storage reclamation need not be time-consuming. This project was sponsored by Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DoD) ARPA Order No. 3803, monitored by Naval Electronic System Command under Contractor No. N00034-R-0251. It was also sponsored by Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DoD) ARPA Order No. 4871, monitored by Naval Electronic Systems Command under Contract No. N00039-84-C-0089. @cite_10: The cost of accessing main memory is increasing. Machine designers have tried to mitigate the consequences of the processor and memory technology trends underlying this increasing gap with a variety of techniques to reduce or tolerate memory latency. These techniques, unfortunately, are only occasionally successful for pointer-manipulating programs. Recent research has demonstrated the value of a complementary approach, in which pointer-based data structures are reorganized to improve cache locality.This paper studies a technique for using a generational garbage collector to reorganize data structures to produce a cache-conscious data layout, in which objects with high temporal affinity are placed next to each other, so that they are likely to reside in the same cache block. The paper explains how to collect, with low overhead, real-time profiling information about data access patterns in object-oriented languages, and describes a new copying algorithm that utilizes this information to produce a cache-conscious object layout.Preliminary results show that this technique reduces cache miss rates by 21--42 , and improves program performance by 14--37 over Cheney's algorithm. We also compare our layouts against those produced by the Wilson-Lam-Moher algorithm, which attempts to improve program locality at the page level. Our cache-conscious object layouts reduces cache miss rates by 20--41 and improves program performance by 18--31 over their algorithm, indicating that improving locality at the page level is not necessarily beneficial at the cache level. @cite_29: @cite_3: We have developed a system called OM to explore the problem of code optimization at link-time. OM takes a collection of object modules constituting the entire program, and converts the object code into a symbolic Register Transfer Language (RTL) form that can be easily manipulated. This RTL is then transformed by intermodule optimization and finally converted back into object form. Although much high-level information about the program is gone at link-time, this approach enables us to perform optimizations that a compiler looking at a single module cannot see. Since object modules are more or less independent of the particular source language or compiler, this also gives us the chance to improve the code in ways that some compilers might simply have missed. To test the concept, we have used OM to build an optimizer that does interprocedural code motion. It moves simple loop-invariant code out of loops, even when the loop body extends across many procedures and the loop control is in a different procedure from the invariant code. Our technique also easily handles ‘‘loops’’ induced by recursion rather than iteration. Our code motion technique makes use of an interprocedural liveness analysis to discover dead registers that it can use to hold loop-invariant results. This liveness analysis also lets us perform interprocedural dead code elimination. We applied our code motion and dead code removal to SPEC benchmarks compiled with optimization using the standard compilers for the DECstation 5000. Our system improved the performance by 5 on average and by more than 14 in one case. More improvement should be possible soon; at present we move only simple load and load-address operations out of loops, and we scavenge registers to hold these values, rather than completely reallocating them. This paper will appear in the March issue of Journal of Programming Languages. It replaces Technical Note TN-31, an earlier version of the same material. @cite_13: This paper presents the results of our investigation of code positioning techniques using execution profile data as input into the compilation process. The primary objective of the positioning is to reduce the overhead of the instruction memory hierarchy. After initial investigation in the literature, we decided to implement two prototypes for the Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture (PA-RISC). The first, built on top of the linker, positions code based on whole procedures. This prototype has the ability to move procedures into an order that is determined by a “closest is best” strategy. The second prototype, built on top of an existing optimizer package, positions code based on basic blocks within procedures. Groups of basic blocks that would be better as straight-line sequences are identified as chains . These chains are then ordered according to branch heuristics. Code that is never executed during the data collection runs can be physically separated from the primary code of a procedure by a technique we devised called procedure splitting . The algorithms we implemented are described through examples in this paper. The performance improvements from our work are also summarized in various tables and charts. @cite_25: A dynamic instruction trace often contains many unnecessary instructions that are required only by the unexecuted portion of the program. Hot-cold optimization (HCO) is a technique that realizes this performance opportunity. HCO uses profile information to partition each routine into frequently executed (hot) and infrequently executed (cold) parts. Unnecessary operations in the hot portion are removed, and compensation code is added on transitions from hot to cold as needed. We evaluate HCO on a collection of large Windows NT applications. HCO is most effective on the programs that are call intensive and have flat profiles, providing a 3-8 reduction in path length beyond conventional optimization. @cite_12: We present an open architecture for just-in-time code generation and dynamic code optimization that is flexible, customizable, and extensible. While previous research has primarily investigated functional aspects of such a system, architectural aspects have so far remained unexplored. In this paper, we argue that these properties are important to generate optimal code for a variety of hardware architectures and different processor generations within processor families. These properties are also important to make system-level code generation useful in practice.
Answer the question depending on the context. Context: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy".; Question: When did Beyonce start becoming popular?; Answer: in the late 1990s
Determine the question that you might have asked to get back the following answer for the given context Context: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy".; Answer: singing and dancing; Question: What areas did Beyonce compete in when she was growing up?
I want to know the topic. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Beyoncé
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". I want to know the topic. Beyoncé
What is a question that would give the following answer? Answer: late 1990s; Question: In which decade did Beyonce become famous?
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Can you tell me In what R&B group was she the lead singer? Destiny's Child
Answer the question depending on the context. Context: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy".; Question: What album made her a worldwide known artist?; If you can't find the answer, please respond "unanswerable". Answer: Dangerously in Love
Who managed the Destiny's Child group? Mathew Knowles
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Please tell me When did Beyoncé rise to fame? If you can't find the answer, please respond "unanswerable". late 1990s
Context: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy".; Question: What role did Beyoncé have in Destiny's Child? Is this question answerable? yes
Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: What was the first album Beyoncé released as a solo artist?; Answer: Dangerously in Love; Topic: Beyoncé
What is the following passage about? Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Beyoncé
What are the diseases mentioned in the following text? Identification of APC2, a homologue of the adenomatous polyposis coli tumour suppressor. Adenomatous polyposis coli tumour
Identify the names of diseases mentioned in the following text (if no diseases are mentioned, output None): The adenomatous polyposis coli ( APC ) tumour- suppressor protein controls the Wnt signalling pathway by forming a complex with glycogen synthase kinase 3beta ( GSK- 3beta ), axin / conductin and betacatenin. Adenomatous polyposis coli ( APC ) tumour
Are there diseases mentioned in the following text? Complex formation induces the rapid degradation of betacatenin. No
In colon carcinoma cells, loss of APC leads to the accumulation of betacatenin in the nucleus, where it binds to and activates the Tcf- 4 transcription factor ( reviewed in [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ). List the diseases mentioned in the previous text. Colon carcinoma
List the diseases mentioned in the following text (write None if no disease is mentioned): Here, we report the identification and genomic structure of APC homologues. None
Mammalian APC2, which closely resembles APC in overall domain structure, was functionally analyzed and shown to contain two SAMP domains, both of which are required for binding to conductin. What are the diseases mentioned in the previous text? None
Like APC, APC2 regulates the formation of active betacatenin- Tcf complexes, as demonstrated using transient transcriptional activation assays in APC- /- colon carcinoma cells. Are there diseases mentioned in the previous text? Yes
Title: Obama Lays Wreath at Arlington National Cemetery Headline: Obama Lays Wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. President Barack Obama has laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns to honor Is this article about Economy, Microsoft, Obama or Palestine? Obama
What is the following article about? Title: A Look at the Health of the Chinese Economy Headline: Tim Haywood, investment director business-unit head for fixed income at Gam, discusses the China beige book and the state of the economy. Economy
Title: Nouriel Roubini: Global Economy Not Back to 2008 Headline: Nouriel Roubini, NYU professor and chairman at Roubini Global Economics, explains why the global economy isn't facing the same conditions What is this news about? Economy
Finland GDP Expands In Q4 Finland's economy expanded marginally in the three months ended December, after contracting in the previous quarter, preliminary figures from Statistics Finland showed Monday. Topic: Economy
Title: Tourism, govt spending buoys Thai economy in January Is this article about Economy, Microsoft, Obama or Palestine? Economy
Headline: Over 100 attendees expected to see latest version of Microsoft Dynamics SL and Dynamics GP (PRWeb February 29, 2016) Read the full story at Is this article about Economy, Microsoft, Obama or Palestine? Microsoft
Summarize the headline to a title: RAMALLAH, February 25, 2016 (WAFA) - Palestine Liberation Organization’s Sectretary-General Saeb Erekat Thursday expressed his concerns over Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit to Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. The title is: Monday, 29 Feb 2016
Is the following article about Economy, Microsoft, Obama or Palestine? Title: Obama, stars pay a musical tribute to Ray Charles Headline: First lady Michelle Obama speaks in the State Dinning Room at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, during an interactive student workshop on the musical legacy of Ray Charles , where students from 10 schools and community organizations from across the country participate as part of the "In Performance at the White House" series. Obama
Which help page can be provided to provide information regarding this query? Query: I am still waiting on my card? card arrival
To which department in the bank can this query be directed? Query: What can I do if my card still hasn't arrived after 2 weeks? card arrival
To which of the following departments in the bank can the given query be directed? Query: I have been waiting over a week. Is the card still coming? Departments: - activate my card - age limit - apple pay or google pay - atm support - automatic top up - balance not updated after bank transfer - balance not updated after cheque or cash deposit - beneficiary not allowed - cancel transfer - card about to expire - card acceptance - card arrival - card delivery estimate - card linking - card not working - card payment fee charged - card payment not recognised - card payment wrong exchange rate - card swallowed - cash withdrawal charge - cash withdrawal not recognised - change pin - compromised card - contactless not working - country support - declined card payment - declined cash withdrawal - declined transfer - direct debit payment not recognised - disposable card limits - edit personal details - exchange charge - exchange rate - exchange via app - extra charge on statement - failed transfer - fiat currency support - get disposable virtual card - get physical card - getting spare card - getting virtual card - lost or stolen card - lost or stolen phone - order physical card - passcode forgotten - pending card payment - pending cash withdrawal - pending top up - pending transfer - pin blocked - receiving money - Refund not showing up - request refund - reverted card payment? - supported cards and currencies - terminate account - top up by bank transfer charge - top up by card charge - top up by cash or cheque - top up failed - top up limits - top up reverted - topping up by card - transaction charged twice - transfer fee charged - transfer into account - transfer not received by recipient - transfer timing - unable to verify identity - verify my identity - verify source of funds - verify top up - virtual card not working - visa or mastercard - why verify identity - wrong amount of cash received - wrong exchange rate for cash withdrawal card arrival
Summarise the following query in the form of key banking terms: Can I track my card while it is in the process of delivery? card arrival
Which of the following intents best represents this banking query? Text: How do I know if I will get my card, or if it is lost? Intents: - activate my card - age limit - apple pay or google pay - atm support - automatic top up - balance not updated after bank transfer - balance not updated after cheque or cash deposit - beneficiary not allowed - cancel transfer - card about to expire - card acceptance - card arrival - card delivery estimate - card linking - card not working - card payment fee charged - card payment not recognised - card payment wrong exchange rate - card swallowed - cash withdrawal charge - cash withdrawal not recognised - change pin - compromised card - contactless not working - country support - declined card payment - declined cash withdrawal - declined transfer - direct debit payment not recognised - disposable card limits - edit personal details - exchange charge - exchange rate - exchange via app - extra charge on statement - failed transfer - fiat currency support - get disposable virtual card - get physical card - getting spare card - getting virtual card - lost or stolen card - lost or stolen phone - order physical card - passcode forgotten - pending card payment - pending cash withdrawal - pending top up - pending transfer - pin blocked - receiving money - Refund not showing up - request refund - reverted card payment? - supported cards and currencies - terminate account - top up by bank transfer charge - top up by card charge - top up by cash or cheque - top up failed - top up limits - top up reverted - topping up by card - transaction charged twice - transfer fee charged - transfer into account - transfer not received by recipient - transfer timing - unable to verify identity - verify my identity - verify source of funds - verify top up - virtual card not working - visa or mastercard - why verify identity - wrong amount of cash received - wrong exchange rate for cash withdrawal card arrival
What is the intent of this banking query? When did you send me my new card? card arrival
Generate the subject for an email containing the following text: Do you have info about the card on delivery? card arrival
The answer to the question: What is the first name of the person who doubted it would turn out to be a highly explosive eruption like those that can occur in subduction-zone volcanoes? is inside the article: The earthquake swarm was noted on October 12, 2007 in the Prince George Citizen by citizen staff, three days after the earthquakes began. Scientists mentioned in the report were seismologist John Cassidy of Natural Resources Canada and volcanologist Catherine Hickson, who was part of the Geological Survey of Canada at the time. At the time of the report, scientists did not know the origin of the swarm. Seismologist John Cassidy stated, "the depth is enough to rule out hydrothermal but it's up in the air as to whether the cause is tectonic shifts or volcanic activity. If it is volcanic there are certain characteristics that we would expect, there's a tremor-like character to it. And so we'll be looking for the types of events that we see beneath volcanoes and we'll be looking to see if they're getting closer to the surface or if they're migrating at all."Even if the Nazko swarm were a warning of a volcanic eruption, Hickson doubted it would turn out to be a highly explosive eruption like those that can occur in subduction-zone volcanoes. "We're not talking about an injection of tonnes of ash many kilometers into the air like the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption or the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption. We're talking about something very small, relatively localized that should have a fairly limited impact... but it'll be extremely exciting", Hickson said. If an eruption were to occur, Hickson suggested that it would be characterized by a lava fountain that sends globs of lava 100 m (330 ft) into the air. This is similar to those that occur in Hawaii. Hickson said that a Nazko eruption could be a tourist attraction, but warned that noxious gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide would be released during the event., can you guess it ? Catherine
Given the following context: Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. answer the following question: What is the last name of the person who is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music? Heseltine
The following article contains an answer for the question: What is the last name of the person who also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle? , can you please find it? Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
This article: Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. contains an answer for the question: What is the last name of the person whose first serious compositions date from around 1915?, what is it ? Heseltine
What is the last name of the person who was influenced by Bernard van Dieren? Answer the above question based on the context below: Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
What is the answer for the question: What is the last name of the person who gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland? from the following article ? Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the last name of the person who studied Celtic culture and language? ? Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
Given the below context: Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Guess a valid title for it! Peter Warlock
Found the following article online, use it to answer the question: What is the last name of the person whose most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s? Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
A friend asked me to answer this question: What is the last name of the person who edited the music magazine The Sackbut?, using the article: Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand., what would be the answer ? Heseltine
Read the following paragraph and extract the answer for the question: What is the last name of the person who published under his own name? Philip Arnold Heseltine (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930), known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works. He is best known as a composer of songs and other vocal music; he also achieved notoriety in his lifetime through his unconventional and often scandalous lifestyle. As a schoolboy at Eton College, Heseltine met the British composer Frederick Delius, with whom he formed a close friendship. After a failed student career in Oxford and London, Heseltine turned to musical journalism, while developing interests in folk-song and Elizabethan music. His first serious compositions date from around 1915. Following a period of inactivity, a positive and lasting influence on his work arose from his meeting in 1916 with the Dutch composer Bernard van Dieren; he also gained creative impetus from a year spent in Ireland, studying Celtic culture and language. On his return to England in 1918, Heseltine began composing songs in a distinctive, original style, while building a reputation as a combative and controversial music critic. During 1920–21 he edited the music magazine The Sackbut. His most prolific period as a composer came in the 1920s, when he was based first in Wales and later at Eynsford in Kent. Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. In addition, he produced a full-length biography of Frederick Delius and wrote, edited, or otherwise assisted the production of several other books and pamphlets. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration. He died in his London flat of coal gas poisoning in 1930, probably by his own hand. Heseltine
Question: How many points did the buccaneers need to tie in the first? Answer based on following passage. To start the season, the Lions traveled south to Tampa, Florida to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Lions scored first in the first quarter with a 23-yard field goal by Jason Hanson. The Buccaneers tied it up with a 38-yard field goal by Connor Barth, then took the lead when Aqib Talib intercepted a pass from Matthew Stafford and ran it in 28 yards. The Lions responded with a 28-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Detroit took the lead with a 36-yard touchdown catch by Calvin Johnson, and later added more points when Tony Scheffler caught an 11-yard TD pass. Tampa Bay responded with a 31-yard field goal just before halftime. The second half was relatively quiet, with each team only scoring one touchdown. First, Detroit's Calvin Johnson caught a 1-yard pass in the third quarter. The game's final points came when Mike Williams of Tampa Bay caught a 5-yard pass. The Lions won their regular season opener for the first time since 2007 Answer: 3
I am trying to figure out the answer to the question, "How many field goals did the Lions score?" I found the following text-snippet has the answer. Can you tell me the answer? To start the season, the Lions traveled south to Tampa, Florida to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Lions scored first in the first quarter with a 23-yard field goal by Jason Hanson. The Buccaneers tied it up with a 38-yard field goal by Connor Barth, then took the lead when Aqib Talib intercepted a pass from Matthew Stafford and ran it in 28 yards. The Lions responded with a 28-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Detroit took the lead with a 36-yard touchdown catch by Calvin Johnson, and later added more points when Tony Scheffler caught an 11-yard TD pass. Tampa Bay responded with a 31-yard field goal just before halftime. The second half was relatively quiet, with each team only scoring one touchdown. First, Detroit's Calvin Johnson caught a 1-yard pass in the third quarter. The game's final points came when Mike Williams of Tampa Bay caught a 5-yard pass. The Lions won their regular season opener for the first time since 2007 2
Passage: To start the season, the Lions traveled south to Tampa, Florida to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Lions scored first in the first quarter with a 23-yard field goal by Jason Hanson. The Buccaneers tied it up with a 38-yard field goal by Connor Barth, then took the lead when Aqib Talib intercepted a pass from Matthew Stafford and ran it in 28 yards. The Lions responded with a 28-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Detroit took the lead with a 36-yard touchdown catch by Calvin Johnson, and later added more points when Tony Scheffler caught an 11-yard TD pass. Tampa Bay responded with a 31-yard field goal just before halftime. The second half was relatively quiet, with each team only scoring one touchdown. First, Detroit's Calvin Johnson caught a 1-yard pass in the third quarter. The game's final points came when Mike Williams of Tampa Bay caught a 5-yard pass. The Lions won their regular season opener for the first time since 2007 Question: How long was the Lion's longest field goal? Answer: 28-yard
Generate a question from the following passage that has the answer, Mike Williams Passage : To start the season, the Lions traveled south to Tampa, Florida to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Lions scored first in the first quarter with a 23-yard field goal by Jason Hanson. The Buccaneers tied it up with a 38-yard field goal by Connor Barth, then took the lead when Aqib Talib intercepted a pass from Matthew Stafford and ran it in 28 yards. The Lions responded with a 28-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Detroit took the lead with a 36-yard touchdown catch by Calvin Johnson, and later added more points when Tony Scheffler caught an 11-yard TD pass. Tampa Bay responded with a 31-yard field goal just before halftime. The second half was relatively quiet, with each team only scoring one touchdown. First, Detroit's Calvin Johnson caught a 1-yard pass in the third quarter. The game's final points came when Mike Williams of Tampa Bay caught a 5-yard pass. The Lions won their regular season opener for the first time since 2007 Question : Who caught the touchdown for the fewest yard?
Context: To start the season, the Lions traveled south to Tampa, Florida to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Lions scored first in the first quarter with a 23-yard field goal by Jason Hanson. The Buccaneers tied it up with a 38-yard field goal by Connor Barth, then took the lead when Aqib Talib intercepted a pass from Matthew Stafford and ran it in 28 yards. The Lions responded with a 28-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Detroit took the lead with a 36-yard touchdown catch by Calvin Johnson, and later added more points when Tony Scheffler caught an 11-yard TD pass. Tampa Bay responded with a 31-yard field goal just before halftime. The second half was relatively quiet, with each team only scoring one touchdown. First, Detroit's Calvin Johnson caught a 1-yard pass in the third quarter. The game's final points came when Mike Williams of Tampa Bay caught a 5-yard pass. The Lions won their regular season opener for the first time since 2007 I am trying to figure out the answer to the question from the above context. Can you tell me the answer? Question: Who caught the shortest touchdown pass? Answer: Calvin Johnson
Combine all of the following data into a concise and grammatically correct text: name : The Eagle eatType : coffee shop food : Japanese priceRange : less than £20 customer rating : low area : riverside familyFriendly : yes near : Burger King The Eagle is a low rated coffee shop near Burger King and the riverside that is family friendly and is less than £20 for Japanese food.
Located near The Sorrento is a French Theme eatery and coffee shop called The Mill, with a price range at £20-£25 it is in the riverside area. What type of restaurant is the passage talking about? coffee shop
For luxurious French food, the Loch Fyne is located by the river next to The Rice Boat. From the passage given above, what type of food do you think is served at this restaurant? French
Given the following data about a restaurant: name : The Rice Boat eatType : restaurant food : French customer rating : 5 out of 5 area : riverside Generate some text about this restaurant. The Rice Boat is an adult French restaurant with high customer rating located in the Riverside area.
The Wrestlers coffee shop serves Japanese food. It is situated near Raja Indian Cuisine at the riverside. Prices are less than £20. It is not family-friendly. From the passage given above, where is the location of the restaurant? riverside
How would we create an appropriate text out of the following data? name[Loch Fyne], eatType[restaurant], food[English], familyFriendly[yes] A child friendly restaurant that has English food is Loch Fyne.
Taste of Cambridge is a restaurant with a customer rating of 3 out of 5 and and a price range of £20-£25 From the passage given above, what is the name of the dinery? Taste of Cambridge
Please generate a restaurant description from the information given below: name[The Dumpling Tree], eatType[restaurant], food[Italian], priceRange[high] The Dumpling Tree is an Italian restaurant with high prices.
The Punter provides Indian food in the cheap price range. According to the passage, what is an approximate price range of the given restaurant? cheap
The full cost of damage in Newton Stewart, one of the areas worst affected, is still being assessed. Repair work is ongoing in Hawick and many roads in Peeblesshire remain badly affected by standing water. Trains on the west coast mainline face disruption due to damage at the Lamington Viaduct. Many businesses and householders were affected by flooding in Newton Stewart after the River Cree overflowed into the town. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited the area to inspect the damage. The waters breached a retaining wall, flooding many commercial properties on Victoria Street - the main shopping thoroughfare. Jeanette Tate, who owns the Cinnamon Cafe which was badly affected, said she could not fault the multi-agency response once the flood hit. However, she said more preventative work could have been carried out to ensure the retaining wall did not fail. "It is difficult but I do think there is so much publicity for Dumfries and the Nith - and I totally appreciate that - but it is almost like we're neglected or forgotten," she said. "That may not be true but it is perhaps my perspective over the last few days. "Why were you not ready to help us a bit more when the warning and the alarm alerts had gone out?" Meanwhile, a flood alert remains in place across the Borders because of the constant rain. Peebles was badly hit by problems, sparking calls to introduce more defences in the area. Scottish Borders Council has put a list on its website of the roads worst affected and drivers have been urged not to ignore closure signs. The Labour Party's deputy Scottish leader Alex Rowley was in Hawick on Monday to see the situation first hand. He said it was important to get the flood protection plan right but backed calls to speed up the process. "I was quite taken aback by the amount of damage that has been done," he said. "Obviously it is heart-breaking for people who have been forced out of their homes and the impact on businesses." He said it was important that "immediate steps" were taken to protect the areas most... === Write a summary of the text above : Clean-up operations are continuing across the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway after flooding caused by Storm Frank.
Article: A fire alarm went off at the Holiday Inn in Hope Street at about 04:20 BST on Saturday and guests were asked to leave the hotel. As they gathered outside they saw the two buses, parked side-by-side in the car park, engulfed by flames. One of the tour groups is from Germany, the other from China and Taiwan. It was their first night in Northern Ireland. The driver of one of the buses said many of the passengers had left personal belongings on board and these had been destroyed. Both groups have organised replacement coaches and will begin their tour of the north coast later than they had planned. Police have appealed for information about the attack. Insp David Gibson said: "It appears as though the fire started under one of the buses before spreading to the second. "While the exact cause is still under investigation, it is thought that the fire was started deliberately." Summary: Two tourist buses have been destroyed by fire in a suspected arson attack in Belfast city centre.
Ferrari appeared in a position to challenge until the final laps, when the Mercedes stretched their legs to go half a second clear of the red cars. Sebastian Vettel will start third ahead of team-mate Kimi Raikkonen. The world champion subsequently escaped punishment for reversing in the pit lane, which could have seen him stripped of pole. But stewards only handed Hamilton a reprimand, after governing body the FIA said "no clear instruction was given on where he should park". Belgian Stoffel Vandoorne out-qualified McLaren team-mate Jenson Button on his Formula 1 debut. Vandoorne was 12th and Button 14th, complaining of a handling imbalance on his final lap but admitting the newcomer "did a good job and I didn't". Mercedes were wary of Ferrari's pace before qualifying after Vettel and Raikkonen finished one-two in final practice, and their concerns appeared to be well founded as the red cars mixed it with the silver through most of qualifying. After the first runs, Rosberg was ahead, with Vettel and Raikkonen splitting him from Hamilton, who made a mistake at the final corner on his first lap. But Hamilton saved his best for last, fastest in every sector of his final attempt, to beat Rosberg by just 0.077secs after the German had out-paced him throughout practice and in the first qualifying session. Vettel rued a mistake at the final corner on his last lap, but the truth is that with the gap at 0.517secs to Hamilton there was nothing he could have done. The gap suggests Mercedes are favourites for the race, even if Ferrari can be expected to push them. Vettel said: "Last year we were very strong in the race and I think we are in good shape for tomorrow. We will try to give them a hard time." Vandoorne's preparations for his grand prix debut were far from ideal - he only found out he was racing on Thursday when FIA doctors declared Fernando Alonso unfit because of a broken rib sustained in his huge crash at the first race of the season in Australia two weeks ago. The Belgian rookie had to fly overnight from... How would you rephrase that in a few words? Lewis Hamilton stormed to pole position at the Bahrain Grand Prix ahead of Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg.
My college roommate asked me what this article means: John Edward Bates, formerly of Spalding, Lincolnshire, but now living in London, faces a total of 22 charges, including two counts of indecency with a child. The 67-year-old is accused of committing the offences between March 1972 and October 1989. Mr Bates denies all the charges. Grace Hale, prosecuting, told the jury that the allegations of sexual abuse were made by made by four male complainants and related to when Mr Bates was a scout leader in South Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire. "The defendant says nothing of that sort happened between himself and all these individuals. He says they are all fabricating their accounts and telling lies," said Mrs Hale. The prosecutor claimed Mr Bates invited one 15 year old to his home offering him the chance to look at cine films made at scout camps but then showed him pornographic films. She told the jury that the boy was then sexually abused leaving him confused and frightened. Mrs Hale said: "The complainant's recollection is that on a number of occasions sexual acts would happen with the defendant either in the defendant's car or in his cottage." She told the jury a second boy was taken by Mr Bates for a weekend in London at the age of 13 or 14 and after visiting pubs he was later sexually abused. Mrs Hale said two boys from the Spalding group had also made complaints of being sexually abused. The jury has been told that Mr Bates was in the RAF before serving as a Lincolnshire Police officer between 1976 and 1983. The trial, which is expected to last two weeks, continues. So I recapped it in layman's terms: A former Lincolnshire Police officer carried out a series of sex attacks on boys, a jury at Lincoln Crown Court was told.
Patients and staff were evacuated from Cerahpasa hospital on Wednesday after a man receiving treatment at the clinic threatened to shoot himself and others. Officers were deployed to negotiate with the man, a young police officer. Earlier reports that the armed man had taken several people hostage proved incorrect. The chief consultant of Cerahpasa hospital, Zekayi Kutlubay, who was evacuated from the facility, said that there had been "no hostage crises", adding that the man was "alone in the room". Dr Kutlubay said that the man had been receiving psychiatric treatment for the past two years. He said that the hospital had previously submitted a report stating that the man should not be permitted to carry a gun. "His firearm was taken away," Dr Kutlubay said, adding that the gun in the officer's possession on Wednesday was not his issued firearm. The incident comes amid tension in Istanbul following several attacks in crowded areas, including the deadly assault on the Reina nightclub on New Year's Eve which left 39 people dead. This boils down to the simple idea that An armed man who locked himself into a room at a psychiatric hospital in Istanbul has ended his threat to kill himself, Turkish media report.
Summarize: Simone Favaro got the crucial try with the last move of the game, following earlier touchdowns by Chris Fusaro, Zander Fagerson and Junior Bulumakau. Rynard Landman and Ashton Hewitt got a try in either half for the Dragons. Glasgow showed far superior strength in depth as they took control of a messy match in the second period. Home coach Gregor Townsend gave a debut to powerhouse Fijian-born Wallaby wing Taqele Naiyaravoro, and centre Alex Dunbar returned from long-term injury, while the Dragons gave first starts of the season to wing Aled Brew and hooker Elliot Dee. Glasgow lost hooker Pat McArthur to an early shoulder injury but took advantage of their first pressure when Rory Clegg slotted over a penalty on 12 minutes. It took 24 minutes for a disjointed game to produce a try as Sarel Pretorius sniped from close range and Landman forced his way over for Jason Tovey to convert - although it was the lock's last contribution as he departed with a chest injury shortly afterwards. Glasgow struck back when Fusaro drove over from a rolling maul on 35 minutes for Clegg to convert. But the Dragons levelled at 10-10 before half-time when Naiyaravoro was yellow-carded for an aerial tackle on Brew and Tovey slotted the easy goal. The visitors could not make the most of their one-man advantage after the break as their error count cost them dearly. It was Glasgow's bench experience that showed when Mike Blair's break led to a short-range score from teenage prop Fagerson, converted by Clegg. Debutant Favaro was the second home player to be sin-binned, on 63 minutes, but again the Warriors made light of it as replacement wing Bulumakau, a recruit from the Army, pounced to deftly hack through a bouncing ball for an opportunist try. The Dragons got back within striking range with some excellent combined handling putting Hewitt over unopposed after 72 minutes. However, Favaro became sinner-turned-saint as he got on the end of another effective rolling maul to earn his side the extra point with the last move of the game,... Defending Pro12 champions Glasgow Warriors bagged a late bonus-point victory over the Dragons despite a host of absentees and two yellow cards.
Summarize this document: Veronica Vanessa Chango-Alverez, 31, was killed and another man injured when an Audi A3 struck them in Streatham High Road at 05:30 GMT on Saturday. Ten minutes before the crash the car was in London Road, Croydon, when a Volkswagen Passat collided with a tree. Police want to trace Nathan Davis, 27, who they say has links to the Audi. The car was abandoned at the scene. Ms Chango-Alverez died from multiple injuries, a post-mortem examination found. No arrests have been made as yet, police said. Ms Chango-Alverez was staying at her mother's home in Streatham High Road. She was born in Ecuador and had lived in London for 13 years, BBC London reporter Gareth Furby said. At the time of the crash, she was on her way to work in a hotel. The remains of the bus stop, which was extensively damaged in the crash, have been removed. Flowers have been left at the site in tribute to the victim. A statement from her brother Kevin Raul Chango-Alverez said: "My family has had its heart torn out, at this Christmas time, we will never be the same again. "On Friday night we were together as a family with Veronica meeting her newly born nephew and preparing for Christmas. "I last saw her alive as she left to go to work on Saturday morning, but moments later I was holding her hand as she passed away in the street." Describing the crash as "horrific" Det Insp Gordon Wallace, said: "The family are devastated. The memory of this senseless death will be with them each time they leave their home. "The driver fled the scene abandoning the grey Audi, which was extensively damaged. "We are looking to speak to Mr Nathan Davis in relation to this collision." The 51-year-old man injured at the bus stop remains in a critical condition in hospital while the condition of the 29-year-old driver of the Volkswagen is now stable. Summary: A man with links to a car that was involved in a fatal bus stop crash in south London is being sought by police.
Belgian cyclist Demoitie died after a collision with a motorbike during Belgium's Gent-Wevelgem race. The 25-year-old was hit by the motorbike after several riders came down in a crash as the race passed through northern France. "The main issues come when cars or motorbikes have to pass the peloton and pass riders," Team Sky's Rowe said. "That is the fundamental issue we're looking into. "There's a lot of motorbikes in and around the race whether it be cameras for TV, photographers or police motorbikes. "In total there's around 50 motorbikes that work on each race. "We've got a riders union and we're coming together to think of a few ideas, whether we cap a speed limit on how fast they can overtake us. "Say we put a 10 kilometres per hour limit on it, if we're going 50kph they're only allowed to pass us 60kph or something like that." Demoitie, who was riding for the Wanty-Gobert team, was taken to hospital in Lille but died later. The sport's governing body, the UCI, said it would co-operate with all relevant authorities in an investigation into the incident. The Professional Cyclists' Association (CPA) issued a statement asking what would be done to improve safety. Despite Demoitie's death, attitudes to road racing will stay the same says Rowe, who has been competing in Three Days of De Panne race in Belgium. "As soon as that element of fear slips into your mind and you start thinking of things that could happen, that's when you're doomed to fail," he told BBC Wales Sport. "If you start thinking about crashes and the consequences and what could potentially happen then you're never going to be at the front of the peloton and you're never going to win any races." In a separate incident, another Belgian cyclist, Daan Myngheer, 22, died in hospital after suffering a heart attack during the first stage of the Criterium International in Corsica. === Given the above document, write one sentence to summarize: Welsh cyclist Luke Rowe says changes to the sport must be made following the death of Antoine Demoitie.
First, please read the article below. Gundogan, 26, told BBC Sport he "can see the finishing line" after tearing cruciate knee ligaments in December, but will not rush his return. The German missed the 2014 World Cup following back surgery that kept him out for a year, and sat out Euro 2016 because of a dislocated kneecap. He said: "It is heavy mentally to accept that." Gundogan will not be fit for the start of the Premier League season at Brighton on 12 August but said his recovery time is now being measured in "weeks" rather than months. He told BBC Sport: "It is really hard always to fall and fight your way back. You feel good and feel ready, then you get the next kick. "The worst part is behind me now. I want to feel ready when I am fully back. I want to feel safe and confident. I don't mind if it is two weeks or six." Gundogan made 15 appearances and scored five goals in his debut season for City following his £20m move from Borussia Dortmund. He is eager to get on the field again and was impressed at the club's 4-1 win over Real Madrid in a pre-season game in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Manager Pep Guardiola has made five new signings already this summer and continues to have an interest in Arsenal forward Alexis Sanchez and Monaco's Kylian Mbappe. Gundogan said: "Optimism for the season is big. It is huge, definitely. "We felt that last year as well but it was a completely new experience for all of us. We know the Premier League a bit more now and can't wait for the season to start." City complete their three-match tour of the United States against Tottenham in Nashville on Saturday. Chelsea manager Antonio Conte said earlier this week he did not feel Tottenham were judged by the same standards as his own side, City and Manchester United. Spurs have had the advantage in their recent meetings with City, winning three and drawing one of their last four Premier League games. And Gundogan thinks they are a major threat. He said: "Tottenham are a great team. They have the style of football. They have young English players. Our experience last... Now, can you write me an extremely short abstract for it? Manchester City midfielder Ilkay Gundogan says it has been mentally tough to overcome a third major injury.
The crash happened about 07:20 GMT at the junction of the A127 and Progress Road in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. The man, who police said is aged in his 20s, was treated at the scene for a head injury and suspected multiple fractures, the ambulance service said. He was airlifted to the Royal London Hospital for further treatment. The Southend-bound carriageway of the A127 was closed for about six hours while police conducted their initial inquiries. A spokeswoman for Essex Police said it was not possible comment to further as this time as the "investigation is now being conducted by the IPCC". TL;DR: A jogger has been hit by an unmarked police car responding to an emergency call, leaving him with "serious life-changing injuries".
The goal is to predict an English answer string for an input English question. All questions can be answered using the contents of English Wikipedia. Question: how i.met your mother who is the mother Answer: Tracy McConnell
Search query: who had the most wins in the nfl Response: Tom Brady
Question : who played mantis guardians of the galaxy 2 Answer : Pom Klementieff
Guess a question that has the answer "SFR Sport" what channel is the premier league on in france?
Question : god's not dead a light in the darkness release date Answer : March 30 , 2018
I've always wondered: who is the current president of un general assembly Miroslav Lajčák of Slovakia
Answer the following question. when do the eclipse supposed to take place August 21 , 2017
Here's a complex question that requires someone to reason about the input, can you answer it? Which magazine was started first Arthur's Magazine or First for Women? Arthur's Magazine
Combine facts and answer this: The Oberoi family is part of a hotel company that has a head office in what city? Delhi
Formulate an answer to this elaborate question: Musician and satirist Allie Goertz wrote a song about the "The Simpsons" character Milhouse, who Matt Groening named after who? President Richard Nixon
FINAL EXAM Question 1. What nationality was James Henry Miller's wife? American
Cadmium Chloride is slightly soluble in this chemical, it is also called what? alcohol
- The seeds are dispersed by wind, animals, etc - The seeds reach the ground - Grow into new trees - These new trees produce seeds - The process repeats itself over and over - What might be the first step of the process? A tree produces seeds