Like it, but watch out for color.: I liked it overall - always great Mikasa quality, just wanted to warn others, that advertised "crisp white background" came in rather milky-creamy-off-white color. Definitely not white.
Calla Lily 20 Piece Dinnerware Set: This 20 piece Calla Lily Dinnerware set is exceptionally handcrafted. Your guest will be surprised to see how stunning this set is. I am very satisfied of my purchase and any Calla Lily collectors will be amazed.
Simply Elegance: This is one of those items that you keep loving - year after year. I've now had this set for 3 years, and I still haven't found any other set that would compare. It took me a long time to decide, and I'm glad this was my choice.......I liked it right off from the first time I saw it, and it handles wonderfully in the dishwasher as well.
thought provoking, entertaining, and enlightening: I really enjoyed this book!I couldn't put it down after the first page which compares Marshall, "An average North American Male" ... "plump and balding", to his caged pet bird - "Both had lived three fourths of their expected life span and had another fourth of life to go, if they were lucky".This sets the tone for the novel which is a thought provoking story written with wit and intelligence.I should note, however, this is not and it is a book about the character Marshall Hollenzer. It is really a book about people - the choices they make and/or the fate bestowed upon them - and journeys - both physical and spiritual.This novel is thought provoking, entertaining, and enlightening.I recommend buying at least two copies - this is the type of book that you will want to share with people you know.
You'll love Saint Martin!: Although it may be written as a "child's book," any adult who reads this book should come to know, appreciate, and fall in love with St. Martin de Porres. I have recommended this version of his life's story to many people over the years. I love it.
Caribes: I haven't actually read Cienfuegos - yet. However, I purchased Caribes via the internet purely because I had been recommended the author and did not realize until I received it that it was the second of a series. Today I was looking for the third in the series - Azabache as I simply have to find out what happens to Cienfuegos next! Caribes is the first spanish book I have read cover to cover and I can't wait to get hold of the next . Great characterization. Vasquez - Figueroa certainly has a vivid imagination which constantly surprises you while instilling a sense of history about the conquest of the New World. Please, please please can Amazon get in ALL of the books in this series as well as Tuareg and Yaiza which I have also been highly recommended (untranslated)
Not as good as the first, but excellent!: The book CARIBES is the second in a series of six books by Alberto Vasquez-Figueroa. The first book being, CIENFUEGOS I, which was an exceptional book that I couldn't put down once I began reading it. The tradition follows with CARIBES, although not as exciting as the first book, this book continues to entertain and makes you laugh, as well as giving you factual knowledge about the discovery of the "new world." Highly recommended. I just wish that Amazon had all six books (cienfuegos, caribes, montenegro, azabeche, xaragua - and one more that I can't remember off hand).
After the Fire: I could hardly put "After the Fire" aside once I began reading it! I feel each emotion which Hyancinth feels - love, joy, anger, hurt, sadness, pain, shame, pride - as her life develops. How sad that this wonderfully talented woman is manipulated by almost everyone she encounters as well as by a horrible secret that is all consuming. This intelligent, attractive, talented woman is naieve, but also trusting. She is entrenched in negative situations and the grief process so many times, I wonder if she can become an emotionally stable, successful and proud person. As I learn to know and love Hyancinth, I know that she not only can but will endure all that comes her way and, most of all, that she is a survivor.
Belva Plain has done it again - another great story!: Once again, Belva Plain has written a compelling family storythat was hard to put down. I have read all of her novels and enjoyed"After the Fire" immensely. The characters are interesting and believable; and the story combines both tragedy and happiness. A must read for her fans. You won't be disappointed.
Enjoyable: Gerald and Hyacinth appeared to have a perfect marriage, blessed with two beautiful children. However, when cracks appeared (or were the cracks there all along?), there was no stopping the swift breakdown of the marriage and the bitterness that came with it. Gerald had the upper hand in the divorce as he successfully blackmailed Hyacinth into letting him have the custody of both children. Pressured by Gerald, but unable to divulge the secret behind his blackmail to anyone, only when the mystery surrounding the fateful night was solved would Hyacinth be able to get on with her life.The plot was gripping. However, the impressive part was the way the emotional aspects in the book was handled. The sweetness of being in love, the tension between mother and daughter, the bitterness of a marriage breakdown, the pressure and burden of keeping a terrible secret, and the pain of losing loved ones were well-explored. Subtle, but intense at the same time.
Mr & Mrs Who?: I am well into the book and am enjoying it as I am a fan of Belva Plain. However, no where so far do I find the last name of Hyacinth's family or Gerald's family. They are Dr & Mrs Gerald Who? Am I missing something or was this intentional on the part of the author?
Gift for Son: This is the same set we have had for twenty five years. Its reasonably priced and I hope it lasts as long as our set has.
Just what I was looking for!: I was looking for a simple set of fireplace tools and this is just what I needed and fairly priced.
fireplace set: great product. my husband loves it. his old one was all rusted and well used, so i was very excited to find this one (especially for the price). nothing special, very basic, but works fine for in his manstand at the farm.
About what I expected: It was about everything I expected because I read the reviews first. I wanted something that would be very inexpensive, but would serve the purpose. So far I have no complaints I have had several fires in my fireplace and it has served the purpose for which it was intended quite well.Each piece is a good weight in your hand, the stand is a little unstable but I just set it close to the hearth wall and its ok.Overall I am very happy especially for the price I paid for it.
FUN FUN FUN!!: I would highly suggest this game to anyone who loves simulation management games. If you liked Tropico, Rollercoaster Tycoon, you'll love Virtual Resort: Spring Break.It has 11 or 12 levels in which you go through and fix several problems given a selected amount of time. It's a little rough but very addicting!! And in no time you're figure out what to do and be successful. With every level you complete you unlock that island to play in sandbox mode for later on.I give the game 5 stars for good graphics, fun play and ease of use!! Check it out!!
Almost Perfect - I needs an expansion Pack!: This game would be one of the best of all time games if it had a map editor/creator and you could make your own larger maps AND if the buildings didn't need repair every hour. At first when you build them its not too bad, but once you get about 200 people, fixing every building every hour is EXTREMELY tedious!I absolutely LOVE this game other than that.I get to open a nice vacation spot and people always come, even before you're ready to have them they come... complain and leave, but they keep coming anyway! They are pretty easy to please once you build up a few essential buildings like bars, toilets and water rides.I hope Eidos didn't forget about such a fun game with so much potential! I would really love to see an expansion pack with islands I could create and more efficient buildings that don't break down everyday!I love this game and will play it forever :)
An adult sim: I have enjoyed this game. It seems easy but you'll find yourself out of time or money before you have met your objectives. You don't feel cheated, it makes you want try again and again. Maybe no one will drown and perhaps you can even turn a profit. I'm looking forward to many hours of entertainment.
Totally changed my perception of the Dragon: Not factual? How can someone say that! It was written by Linda Lee, Bruce's wife! How can it not be factual? I personally found this book very good. It is an easy read, and it is very informative. This book changed my perception of Bruce. Where I once saw a wonderful martial artist, which I still saw, I now see someone who was of profound mind and good heart. His intentions were great, his mind and philosophies greater, and his legacy shall live on forever. If you are a Bruce Lee fan, three words for you: READ THIS BOOK!
awesome: Awesome cd will be back to get more music great service great music to offer to people really good prices on music
Fall: A Brilliant Album that I proudly promote on my shows. I can play any track and loveeeeeee it. "Average Joe" is one that has my listeners asking for again. Going to start promoting "She Loves it in the Morning" as that is the single Clay has out. If you are looking for great country "Fall" is an album you should have in your collection.
Happily, spookily imprisoned by the story: I read Sweet Dream Baby a few weeks ago, during a period of much stress & strife, and I loved it because I could get totally lost in it and in Travis' wonderful voice (also the great use of popular songs). I quickly ordered Sterling Watson's earlier book from Amazon, but was sorry to find no sequel that would allow me to see if and how Travis and the rest of his seemingly normal (at first), bizarre, sad family navigate the rest of their lives. Fun to read, beautifully written, thought-provoking, disturbing.
It will become a part of you...: Sweet Dream Baby is an amazing novel, and its power grows as time passes. I read the novel when it first came out, and it's still with me. The music, the sight of a swimming hole, even a dusty road can make Travis and Delia appear for me again. What I wanted to know when I put the book down was, does Travis have a chance at a decent life? And what was up with Delia? More and more, I want to find out, because I can't let these characters go. I hope there will be a sequel.
Unforgettable!: Sultry summer nights, passion, music, and a bit of mayhem... Sterling Watson's SWEET DREAM BABY is an unforgettable novel by a wonderful writer more people should know about. (What I want to know is, where is the sequel?)
a great find: I won't spend time saying what has already been said so well by others. The reviews speak very well for this book and so they should. This book had me from page one and never let up. The only problem I had with this story was the age of Travis. I thought he was a little young for his character. I still give this book five stars and will read it again in the future. I also reccomend LAURA by Larry Watson and THE LAST PICTURE SHOW by Larry McMurtry
couldn't put it down: I got this book from the library yesterday and read it cover to cover in 24 hours. It is a wonderful coming-of-age book dealing with loss of innocence, and brings back all the physical and emotional feelings that come with puberty. Family dysfunction is dealt with in typical '60's style -- no over-analyzing or self-pity was allowed then!
SWEET DREAM BABY: Faux-Faulkner in Florida: SWEET DREAM BABY isn't grand fiction, but it's an engrossing story with a vivid sense of time and place. The author has pulled off the difficult trick of showing the world through a child's eyes and yet supplying the reader with adult perceptions. Parts of the plot are predictable, but at the conclusion predictibility flies out the window. The novel may be set in the '50s, but this is not a Leave-it-to-Beaver ending.Anyone with firsthand experience of the fifties may have to stretch their suspension of disbelief regarding certain sexual behaviors by the protagonist's aunt in relation to her nephew, but the author has traded a bit of unlikeliness for a gimmick that elevates this novel from the usual coming of age story.
Definitely worth reading: This book provides a great insight into the history and design of type, and quite a bit of the commentary is useful even today. Morison is well known, of course, for the Times New Roman face - and there is a section in the book on that face. But his commentary on the designing of faces like Plantin and Bembo is much more interesting, if you ask me. Also, if you are at all a fan of Eric Gill, you will like the section on Perpetua and Felicity. Anyone interested in the history of type should have this book, that much is certain.
Great book!: This is a great book. I had a mortgage broker look at it and he thought it was a good program--the only drawback he saw to it was that it would take discipline. By the way don't pay $80 for this book from 3rd parties. Go to the author website[..]
Owning the American Dream: When I read Mr. Gill's book, for the first time ever, I realized it was possible to own my home before I'm old and grey! The book also opened my eyes to the advantages (think peace of mind) of having a strong equity base rather than being leveraged to the hilt and constantly panicked about my debt load. The book is clear, inspiring and a quick read. Above all it is informative. I feel I can now tackle my home loan and pay it off on my terms rather than the bank's. Boy does that feel empowering! I'm telling all my friends about this!
A Fun Read!: A quick, light-hearted read that kept my attention from beginning to end. Not the kind of book I usually read, although I'm glad I took the time to give this one a whirl. Definitely good for a few chuckles.
amazing!: i loved this book! its undoubtedly a must read!! i need a sequel! im going to be forcing the library fo get this! it definitely deserves these 5 stars!
Hot, funny romantic comedy!: I really enjoyed this new author! The hero and heroine seemed pretty evenly matched when it came to wits, and the sex was hot! Add in their jobs, a strange case with a dog, and medical mishaps, and I thought it was a funny riot! I was glad there was a HEA!
Outrageously Funny: This book is laugh-out-loud funny, a great read and romantic enough to keep me turning the pages. I couldn't put it down!
A romantic comedy gem: Spunky with cheeky humour and wits, Trish Jensen's under-rated gem of a romantic comedy tells of two antagonizing attorneys, Paige Hart and Ross Bennett, who after a court session suffers a bomb blast and are hospitalized, diagnosed with Tibetan Concupiscence Virus that heightened sexual awareness. Their closed proximity forces them to deepen their understanding. Paige's large and comically larcenous extended family as well as a side romance between the doctor and Paige's brother provides first-rate entertainment while we are stuck with the oddball couple in their tension-filled and delightfully emotional romance. Trish Jensen delivers dimensional chracterization through punchy dialogues that are fresh, witty and funny.
Interesting Story: Well the story was definitely not what I had expected. Very, very interesting and definitely not something I have read before or probably will read again. Very unique.
Por Una Mujer Bonita: Pepe Aguilar, is one of a kind the way he sings makes one feel every word. The heart he puts into his music ( sentimiento ). I love his music, He is the WOW! for singers. Any song Ranchera, Balada, Banda. I have yet to hear a song that will not be done to excellence if he sings it. I Love Pepe.
Excellent for beginners!: Very comprehensive, can get you up and running in 48 hours. A very thin book that contains the bare essentials as to familiarize yourself with MIDI and the initial steps to set up a working compilation of MIDI products. Explains concepts such as sequencers, samplers, MIDI-IN/OUT/THRU and countless more... the good part is that even though it holds great amounts of information, the book is orgenized in a way that is easily referenced in the future. It's easy... it's wonderful.
Great for basic MIDI understanding and Setup: I am a student at musicians Institute in LA. I wanted to learn more about MIDI and bought this book.It has old pictures and couple sections are out of date. But if your are able to tell the difference between todays computers used in Music, you'll be fine>Great explanation. Very easy discription how MIDI messages are sent, how to use them and how to put together a MIDI System>All in all a great book. Helped me a lot
Beautiful!: The Oginski's style is very similar to the Chopin's. Well, they were both Polish and created in the same era. However I think I even prefer Oginski. I only wish that CD encluded the most famous Oginski's Polonaise: "Farewell to the Fatherland" ("Pozegnanie z Ojczyzna").
The future of music.: If you are into experimental music then check out El Guapo's "super/system". This is experimental indie rock that is actually listenable and fun.
Great!: Great Door knocker. It has a very clean look to it and the peep hole isn't obvious. It's a little on the thin side but I guess you don't need much. It was easy to get engraved. It wasn't the easiest to install. Would have liked a template to assist with lining up the screws. Other than that, it looks very professional.
Excelente!: Una excelente gu铆a para todos aquellos que deseen concer m谩s aobre el vino y su mundo. De forma amena y sencilla explica los principales conceptos y orienta sobre temas b谩sicos como la elecci贸n del vino corecto, principales tipos de vino, c贸mo comprar vino en restaurantes o tiendas, etc.
Well-written and thought-provoking: Although I read this book many years ago I recall that it is a well-written and engaging examination of women's sexuality. The difficulties that many young women face as they mature into fully functioning sexual adults - as mitigated by their upbringings as well as the varied expectations of society and their partners - are nicely illustrated through a series of real life case studies. The author, Dr. Bardon, was a teaching and research member of the faculty of the University of Minnesota from the early 1960s through the late 1990s. Some of the book will undoubtedly be dated, but much of it is just as relevant -...- today as when it was written in the mid 1970s. As used copies are readily available through I highly recommend picking one up.
Great gift: I bought this particular zen garden for my younger sister because she enjoyed the one I had so much. I love the tools that come with it. The only problem I had with mine was one of the small feet came off from the bottom. My younger sister was very happy to receive this, but hasn't said anything beyond that.
Nice distraction: It's pretty nice and comes with a little book with interesting proverbs too. I'm not sure if it really helps to relieve stress but it's makes a fun distraction once in a while. The only complaint is when other people play around with it, they always spill sand out the box..
A great deal!: I bought two of these; one for an office colleague and one for me. Everyone loves playing with it; they can't help but stop by my office and draw in the sand. It's pretty great for the value. I'm getting ready to buy another one for home.
Zen Garden: My Zen Garden came on time and exactly as described. I like it, but it really only is a tray with sand. Get this product if you want a nice Zen garden. If you want to have something to help you relax, get something else, there are better ways to cut loose.
Happy with the product.: I received my zen garden yesterday, I really like it. For the price it is great quality. Also mine did not fall apart out of the box as others were saying. I was impressed with the packaging. For under $14 this is a great value. It is sitting on my desk at my office now.
Exactly what I was looking for: I was buying this as a gift and I was looking for a zen garden that was big enough to be a decorative piece for a table, but small enough for an end table. It was also a very good price. I was very happy with this purchase.
Awesome for those who love the beach and sand!: It creates a calming atmosphere yet allows you to dream of the beach,the sand is a tad dusty though.
The big picture: This book gave me a overview of tequila that included the agricultural considerations, cultural heritage, and history of mescal de tequila, not just a guide to making margaritas. It is well written with enough detail to satisfy the curious, yet straightforward enough to allow for the average reader. Exceptionally informative book!
A Mystery that won't get your blood pressure up...: "Dumb Witness" is a slower moving, more relaxing type of mystery--no intense drama or tension but just a well-written tragedy.
Easy to install: I was looking for a shower door that could open from either the left or the right and I did not want one to choose for me. This door ticks and fits all the right boxes in that department. I like the crystal glass effect too. It is very clear and allows a lot of light into the shower hub. It is frameless too which is what was asked for by the wife.Its sturdy quarter of an inch thick glass also is a nice feature. But most of all the pivot door is a feature I got on with too.
Kohler: Kohler K-702410-L-MX Matte Nickel Fluence Fluence Frameless Pivot Shower Door with Crystal Clear Glass - 35" - 36-1/2" W x 65-1/2" H K-702410-L. Fluence frameless pivot shower door with Crystal Clear glass, 35 - 36-1/2" x 65-1/2" The Fluence pivot shower door features a Eurostyle frameless design with Crystal Clear 1/4"-thick tempered glass. Featuring a roller compression latch that secures closure, the door allows 1-1/2" adjustability for out-of-plumb installations and can be installed to open to the left or right. 35 - 36-1/2" x 65-1/2" The continuous contact point along the entire jamb edge provides a smooth, stable operation while keeping the hinge concealed
READ the book . It is for all 1911 fans.: Read more than the table of contents! Some people have obviously rated this book without reading it. The Author explains why some guns are included in the test and others are left out (in 2 Places in the book). The author also talks about and praises his personal "Colt" 1911's. So you Rampant Pony fans should not feel left out. This book is obviously not ground breaking as there have been many books about the 1911, but it is very informative (gunsmithing, tactical course, competitions,& reloading). It provides an indepth comparison of the wide variety of the modern makes of the 1911.
Outstanding information on the 1911!: This book is one of the most comprehensive books on the 1911. If you want to know anything about the 1911, this book (along with Vol. 2) is the best source of information.
Gun Digest: The book was bought as a gift for my brother. He likes it and we were very pleased with speed of delivery and service.
Very Nice Remote Contolled Tripod: I bought this tripod for video tapping an upcomming family wedding and have tried it a couple of times to get used to it. I like the the smooth operation of the controls on the handle. The panning operation is likewise acceptable. The telescopic locking legs work well, but are light weight and can rock a little during panning. The lightness is also a plus because it collapses into a small over the shoulder bag for easy toteing. One hand on the tripod for stabilization and one on the control handle during panning works well.
Good for Sony Video Camera: This is an excellent tripod for Sony Video Camera. I am using this with my Sony Camcorder and remote is working pretty good. Its legs are strong. I am using the same with my Nikon D50( remote is not usable). And I am satisfied with the performance. only one issue is the base where you attach camera is plastic. So sometimes I am not comfortable with my DSLR with its zoom lens
Excellent product: I used this for taping while we were opening gifts for christmas. The remote features are great. This product makes video recording easy and fun.
a page turner that leaves an impression on your heart: Trevor does an execptional job of captivating the reader and telling the story from the two main characters (Felicia and Hilditch). One cannot help but feel sad after reading this novel. All involved appear to be victims at various times and on various levels. Felicia, the victim of death (her mothers) and a jilted lover and Hilditch. Hilditch a victim of his mother and his need for "friendship".Trevor will keep you reading and feeling throughout the book. Do not expect to feel good after reading this novel. A great book for a book group discussion.
An excellent book, please don't watch the film: Felicia's journey is an excellent novel. The background to both characters is well developed. Mr. Hilditch in particular becomes more sinister due to his overwhelmingly ordinary appearance. The intimations of his unusual childhood merely suggest that he may be more disturbed than his manner presumes. Mr. Hilditch's interactions with strangers in the presence of Felicia provide the most chilling insight into the purpose of his friendship with her. It is for this reason alone that the film fails so miserably. No reference is made at all to these brief conversations. As for Felicia herself, it must be said that her character is a little limp. There are few convent girls left in Ireland who show such naivety. However she does grow more likeable, but not enough to demonstrate why she should affect Mr. Hilditch so much.
A simple tool - but a real help!: Learning arabic on your own is a challenge. I chose to supplement the Kitaab fi tacallum al-arabiya series with MSA Vocab Clinic to get up to speed a little faster. It gives good pronounciation help, and the word lists makes bus rides a lot more fun...
Good vocab review for intermediate learners: This is a nice tool for beginners and intermediate level learners of MSA, but if you've been studying for a while you will find this a bit frustrating. The 4000 words utilized are good, but they won't take you to the next level. The lists are good, but it would be nice to be able to make your own. A section of Arabic proverbs would be very useful as well, as knowing them makes a real difference when dealing with native speakers. I would pay $25 for this, but no more.
Babyarm. Community quick hits. KTCK!: GREAT live!! And catchy tunes, too!Get this record for great "Americana", roots, acoustic, thoughtful, whatever you wanna call it rock & roll.And catch them live if you have the opportunity!Check out their website @
old favourite: Classic Jazz Piano was previously owned on a tape which eventually died I was pleased that the same much liked music was still available in cd not only as a download and at a reasonable price this will encourage me to 'up date " some more of my ageing collection
Salmon Oil - Excellent Product: We have been giving this to our two golden retriever puppies (started at 6 1/2 mos old) for almost two months now at the recommendation of our homeopathic vet. WOW - what a great product! Their coats are like satin - among all the other benefits it provides (joints, organs, skin, etc!) and they love it! The pump is great and makes it really east to add to each meal; really good price too.
Amazing change in his coat: Strongly recommend this product to add to your dogs dinner. My dog loves the smell, and it's made a noticeable improvement in his coat.
Patricia's Secret: I had been looking for this book for years. I read it as a child and wanted to have it. Thank you so much for a great vintage copy!
Capitalists create the context within which Americans wander: According to Leach, corporations, academia and government have all worked to disengage Americans from their places of nurture so that Americans and indeed the whole world will travel, consume, and search continually for new things and experiences to buy. Upon reflection, I ask myself how Professor Leach convinced me that one-size-fits-all containers (for trains and trucks) supports his thesis.
Ninnia: This monitor is great. The service I got when I order was fast and great. I would order again.
Is Germany the Future Sound of now?: Once again the Compost crew devestate with this collection that is sure to please those who refuse to be pigeonholed. With sounds running the spectrum from jazzual house to brokenbeat experimentation. Definately one for the repeat button. Sureshot selections include tracks by super inovator Phil Asher with his Restless Soul project, Austrian beatmeister Earthbound and footstomping mayhem from Japans U.F.O exclusive unreleased tracks! If you fancy yourself a conniseur of the outernational jazz dance scene then this is the soundtrack for you! Kinda like an audio edition of Wallpaper magazine if you can catch the vibe.
Excellent: My Trans-metropolitan counterpart beneath me definitely describes this cd well. I love the reference to Wallpaper, perhaps the greatest magazines ever (with Surface, Homme, and maybe Metropolitan Home) not far behind.But I digress... This cd, as with all of the releases in this series is excellent. Tosca's contribution is, of course, amazing. However, the entire width and breadth of this release is one that permanenty stays in the player.However, I would strongly urge you to seek out "Volume Five" of this series. It offers your senses two cd's of the finest Compost has to offer. I found it a local vendor, new, for an amazing price (under $15).A very, very worthwhile release...will not disappoint you.
A Must-Read for Fine Arts Educators!: Jenson has updated much information in this quickly-read book. Anyone unfamiliar with his works will find this helpful; veterans of the topic will find new, useful "ammunition." Especially refreshing is the unbiased approach to the Mozart effect studies; a convincing view to show administrators because of its balanced presentation.
Most Informative: This is the most informative series on Goju Ryu in print. Absolutely a must for all goju-ryu karate-ka.
goju-ryu karate-do: fundamentals for traditional practitione: It was a very good book. It explains in full detail the history of Goju-ryu karate. It also has step by step instructions for katas with black and white pictures. Almost every page has a picture. This book also has a glossary with the Japanese terms translated from Japanese to English and English to Japanese with the phoenetic pronunciation. Motoo Yamakura is a very good martial arts writer.
Lost Boy offers hope: This award winning documentary was brilliantly produced and directed. But more importantly, Greg's story is a true example of God's redeeming love, grace, healing and mercy. I worshiped at Greg's church years ago and have kept up with him over the years and marvel at the anointed power of his messages. When I heard this story for the first time I had no idea his life had been so difficult growing up. To see what the Lord did for this broken, lost little boy is a magnificent testimony to His colossal love for us. Greg has been tested on the anvil of adversity, and his story has profoundly affected my life and faith. As powerful as his ministry was before, it is even more so now. When I go through difficult times, sometimes his story comes to me and I say, "There is hope indeed. God will get me through this.This DVD is a powerful tool for evangelizing. Glory to God for His all consuming love that gives us such hope.
Definitely fun, can be frustrating too (in a good way!): This is not a children's toy, obviously. It does, however, make a great gift with a nice bottle of wine to any puzzle-loving adult in your life. I bought it for my sister who found it a bit of a challenge to get the bottle out, but liked that she wasn't able to solve it easily either. It provided just enough challenge, then we enjoyed the newly freed wine. She has it displayed by her wine area and everyone needs to try it out when they come over for dinner. A good conversation piece!
Great for entertainment.: Want to have a little fun with your guests before you give them alcohol? This is a perfect gift, or conversational piece at a party. It's not impossible, but def makes one work to get the wine bottle out to drink.
Classic New Age Disc!: Wow, I'm surprised to see this available here. Horizont's "Silent Moon" is a classic New Age album from 1986. It was readily available for a few years, then totally disappeared; this disc is EXTREMELY hard to find now. This album is a good mix of new age and "space jazz". Most of the synths used here are now obsolete, and they sound great. The title track is definitely the outstanding track on the disc, but others are great as well. If you were to compare to other artists, it would be kind of like combining Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre, and Dave Grusin (the more jazzy tracks are Grusin-esque). Overall a good listen and a great representation of the greatest era in new age music. Too bad the cover art is not available here, it's awesome. If I get a chance I will scan my copy and post it. Grab this while you can, you may not see it again for a long long time.
Expensive - But May Be Worth the Cost: For years now, whenever I'm in a contemplative mood, this has been one of my favorite "go to" albums. These rich, harmonic melodies will help you relax without having to suffer the banalities of "muzak."
Accurate Bio of the Young Henry McCarty: This book is the most accurate that I have read concerning the earlier years of Billy, Starting with the arrival of his mother in New York City, fleeing the Irish Potato famine. I would recommend reading this important book along with the Billy book writen by Robert Utley, "Billy the Kid, A Short and Violent Life."
American Pharmacy in the 1800s: Because of its extensive bibliography and excellent index, this biography of William Procter, Jr., serves well as an introduction to the origins of professional pharmacy in the USA.For more information about the book and its topic, contact the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy (AIHP).
Beautiful little Bible -- anglicised no problem for me: I am very picky about the typography in my Bibles--and for its small size this beautiful little Bible is very easy to read. I have the Burgundy Leather Bound edition which is beautifully bound and finished. This is the aforementioned "anglicised" version--I do want to counter the review above by saying that I don't find the differences troublesome at all. There are very few discrepancies between this and my "regular" NRSV...
Nice alarm: So much about carbon monoxide poisoning these days..decided to get a few alarms for protection. Easy to install and work great...
Good???: It looks good, but we never had carbon monoxide in our place yet, so we can't tell if it works or not. The red light is on when we plug it in. And it works when we press the test button.
Ordered battery operated, got plug in: works fine. Easy to install. Discreet. Directions were easy to understand. We got this because we have a gas fireplace and wanted to be safe. I ordered a battery operated alarm because I wanted more options of where to place it other than being commited to an electrical outlet. However, what was shipped was the electrical kind. I decided to keep it because you know the hassle of returning wasn't worth it and it does it's job.
CO Alarm: Product received timely. The plug in feature is favorable in that there is no concern of battery failure. Product is easy to use.
Easy, inexpensive peace of mind.: Takes more time to cut open the box than it does to plug in. Just plug it in, hold the test button, stick your fingers in your ears so you don't do deaf, and your all done. I've used First Alert products for many years, and they just work. They do wear out (5-7 years), but they will alert you when that time comes, usually with a chirping, like other detectors do.Simple, easy to use, no fuss peace of mind unit. Plug it in near air vents in bedrooms or just in open ares for non-living quarters and that's it!
Easy to use, trusted: After opening the package, I simply plugged this in to a wall socket (making sure that it is not near a heating source, gas, moving air, dust or sunlight). I tested it, the alarm rang loud and clear. A red light lets me know that it is functional.I feel better having it in my house.
Everyone needs one: These CO detectors are mandatory in many states now. I happen that the man who cleans my carpets is the Captain of the town fire dept (also up for promotion to chief), and he always points out my fire hazards or things I do or don't really need to do. I had my first CO detector up on the ceiling next to my smoke detector. He told me it di not need to be on the ceiling, and it's easier to get a plug in one so you don't have to worry about the battery aspect. Then incidentally my ceiling one broke somehow. So I bought this one, plugged it in, in the hallway near my bedroom......he said to do that so you can hear it quickly, and loudly. It's doing it's thing. A little pricey, but actually one of the cheaper ones. He approved!
very good product: Great product. i gave this product to my son and i feel much better that he and his family are safer from carbon monoxide. thanks.
Feel Safer Now: I was looking for a Carbon Monoxide alarm that was reasonabally priced, and was glad to find this one on Amazon.The reviews on Amazon were why I purchased this one. I tested the alarm, which works well, and hope I never actually need it!!Thanks Amazon for having it!
co2 review: Rec'd co2 alarm 2 weeks ago. It seems to be working fine. Feel much better having this new alarm installed as our last one was no longer functioning.
Good product.: Seems to work as advertised. I opted for the non-battery back up, as my heating system has electric blower, so if power goes, heating system does not opearate. Battery/non-battery an individual judgment.Pros: "ready light" is not so bright as to be disturbing at night, if it is a visible location, as mine is; simple plug in operation; you can test alarm manually.Cons: its a bit larger than it looks in the pictures, so depending on where you mount it, might be unappealing to actually see the unit installed in a highly visible wall outlet. Instructions indicate not to mount behind curtains, etc. as air flow might be restricted. However, I could not find a "micro" unit.Observations: Obviously no safe method to test if the unit actually detects CO.Suggestion: put a pass-through female outlet in the unit, as it uses one plug in the typical wall outlet, and this feature would be helpful in a older home with fewer wall outlets.
Does the Job: I just plugged it in and it's on the job. Perhaps it would be more assuring if it had a digital read-out of level of monooxide in the air.
No Brainer!: I chose this alarm because it was the easiest to use. Just plug it in and that's it. I have a gas fireplace and was told that I needed a carbon monoxide detector. Plugged into a regular outlet, it has a dim light to let you know that it's working and you can test the monitor at any time to make sure it's "alarmed." Hopefully, I'll never have to see how well the monitor works in an emergency but I feel safer knowing that I have one.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm: I feel that these are a necessity especially if you live in colder winter climates where you may have the windows closed for a few months.I prefer this model as it plugs in to an outlet rather than battery operated units.I found the models through Amazaon were several dollars cheaper than stores around my area.