Perfect background music: I recently heard this tape being played in a shop abroad, and immediately enquired what it was and ordered it from Amazon the moment I returned home. The music is very different and extremely haunting. I have played the tape non-stop and it is perfect background music as it does not disturb ones thoughts at all. I have played it while writing my Christmas cards, and will most certainly look at the other tapes made by Lhana who has a most unusual voice.The rhythm is wonderful and I'm sure would make good party music. Do not be put off by the rather spooky cover painting!!
Majestic: This is a masterpiece. Lhasa has a unique and powerful voice - flexible, sexy, and captivating. So subtle in its beauty, it will make you tremble. And the laments will crush your heart. I am not fluent in Spanish, but the music totally gets inside your skin. Beautiful arrangements, beautiful melodies, beautiful voice. It can only make your life better.
A fun-filled fantasy adventure: "Castle" is a wonderful book for children who have short attention spans. It provides adventure and re-affirms the laws of chivalry.
Very fun book: This is a fun book because it is about life in a diminute world sharing times with knights, servants, other different people and Alabaster, the small world wizard.
The Castle in the Attic: This book is amazing. I read it when I was a child and couldn't put it down. It has amazing adventure and suspense, without the horrible violence. Several months ago, something reminded me of the book and I had to hunt it down. I had forgotten the title and the author(it had been 15 years since I read it). I finally was able to locate it. I was thrilled. I bought it and read it in just a couple of hours. It is a book I recommend for both children and adults.
One of my favorite books as a kid.: This ought to be required reading for every boy or girl between the ages of 8-12. Enjoyable, readable, exciting, and above all, heart-warming.
Audio Version: Fun book. Young boy, 10, is given a toy castle by his nanny who is leaving to go back to England. The boy, William, is very upset that Mrs. Phillips is leaving. When he discovers that the castle, or more accurately, the Silver Knight that comes with it, is enchanted, he devises a plan to keep her with him. And thus begins a very satisfying tale of fantasy and heroism.I listened to the audio version of this book - read by the author along with an entire cast. I can't say it was the best audio book I've ever listened to. As often is the case, the reading by the author, while interesting, wasn't great. And it wasn't just the author. I often kept thinking to myself that I wish I had opted to read this one instead of listening to it.
I liked the book because...: I liked the book Castle In The Attic because it was a book on a Dragon and a Knight. My three favorite parts were when William climbed the tree and got the apple for the cursed man. My other one was when he fought the dragon,and my last one was when William fought Alastor.Other kids should read this book so they will be more interested in reading the sequel Battle For The Castle.
Thi was a great book: My class read the book The Castle in The Attic My whole class liked the book. My favorate part was when Willam got past the dragon.But did he get in the castle? I don't know! You will have to read the book to find out. I recommend you read this book!!!!
I like this book.: The book Castle in the Attic is a good book.My favorite part is when william defeated Alastor. There was one other good part in Castle in the Attic. When William was trying to get to Alastors kingdom and the dragon was distracting him with bad visions. I recommend this book to anybody who likes exciting books.
Saving the Past And returning to the Present: This book is about a boy who gets a toy castle as a gift and working with a knight going from the present into the past saving a old town from a evil ruler(Alastor).The town was saved and they wanted the knight and the boy to rule their town but the boy refuses and goes back to the present and the knight stays to protect the town from any other evil rulers.
I liked it: I love the way Elizabeth Winthrop describes his emotions about Mrs. Phillips leaving. It was exiting and I couldn't put it down!
An incredible piece of work!: This book, by Elizabeth Winthrop was one of the best books I've ever read. It was a real page turner! The end of every chapter left me wanting to read on. If you love fantasies too, I strongly recommend you pick up this one today!
Very fun to read: My family and I listened to this book on tape when we were driving across the country. It was so fun we didn't want to turn it off. It's about a boy who figures out what's in your heart mattters most. It has a great moral and is very exciting. I recommend this book for everyone.
Great kids story: This story is a great one involving magic, different worlds, knights and all the things that make fairy tales great. Any child who likes to read and has an active imagination will like this story. Geared a little more for boys, but I think most girls would appreciate it just as much. This was a favorite at our house growing up and is already on my son's bookshelf, though he is a little too young for it just yet.
One of my childhood favorites!: I am 26 years old and I still remember reading this book as a child. I have always loved castles, so the castle layout diagram at the beginning of the book really made me happy and drew me into the world. The cover is different on my edition, so I hope the diagram is still there in this latest printing. I was an avid reader as a child, and I highly recommend this book!
Both my daughter and son enjoyed this book.: It's not overly long, and it's written in simple enough language that my 8 and 9 year old children had no trouble reading it.It's a very engaging, sweet story, which introduces the concepts of chivalry and bravery. I actually think this book is very good for boys to read - it's about knights and fighting for one's honor, and demonstrating loyalty, but it's also about being able to cry when you need to, and being able to express love for others.In this story, the little boy's nanny is moving away, because he's growing up and doesn't need her, and he has some trouble accepting this. I think it's a wonderful, simple way to address some of the issues all children face when approaching their teenage years.I definitely recommend this one to parents and children.
The Castle in the Attic: In the beginning, William is an ordinary boy, but when his toy knight comes alive, and William shrinks, the adventure begins. This book was one of the best books I've ever read. And anyone with a big imagination and a love for adventures will love this book too.
I like this book!: I like the book Castle In the Attic because it was very adventurous. My favorite part in the book was when Mrs.Philips gave William a gift. Do you know what the gift was? Can you figure out what it is? I recommend this book because Castle In the Attic is a very exciting novel to read.
This was a great book: I read the book The Castle in the Attic and I really enjoyed it. My favorite part was when William meets Sir Simon and sees the castle. I like this part because William gets scared and drops him on the floor. Will they become friends or not? Find out by reading the book.
We Love This Book!: My son and I had checked this book out from the public library and he loved it! He was so upset when we had to take it back so I decided to look online. We love Mexican food/culture and he thinks it's so funny after knowing the original song!I was so happy to have found it for his birthday!
Soon to be a best seller!: All of Mr Lepp's stories speak to me on a primal, fundamental level, in a place that brings me back to my life as a child.... shyeeha right! Honestly folks, Bil is one of the best guys i have ever met, and his stories have had me rolling with laughter more than once. He and his wife Paula and both salt of the earth, good people, and their belief in God, and the fundamental goodness of Mankind are reasons enough to own this book! Someday, you'll be glad you did!
Bubble Gum Crisis: This music CD went along fairly well with the action and theme seen in the show, Bubble Gum Crisis. I guess that kind of figures, as it's the sound track for the show, but it was very good. I'm not a music critic, but that is my opinion. If you were a fan of the show, this CD is a must-have.
tobacco pouch: The material and workmanship is excellent, the "plastic" zipper pulls aren't good.They broke the first time used and I replaced them with metal ones. Could use a better quality for these, otherwise very useful product.
Raise you off your feet!: Wilmington Chester Mass Choir is incredible. I highly recommend this inspirational gospel choir CD. I especially love the song "Holy, Holy, Holy", it alone is worth the price of the CD. You can realyy "feel" the Lord when you hear thier music, and you know they mean every word and note of it. Thank you for featuring this CD, I had a hard time finding it anywhere else.
Great book!: I really liked this is one of my favorite nightworld books. I think that it was sad that Thea had to leave her family and live with Eric and his mom but I don't think they had much choice.. anyway it's great! And I enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed reading the rest of the Nightworld the way I think that L J Smith is the best!!! Anyway gotta go!!
Witches Rule!: I'm glad that L. J. Smith finally put a witch book in her series. I love vampires but it wouldn't really be good if that's all she wrote about in the Night World series. Now she needs to put in a shapeshifter novel and she'll be on a roll. The only thing I don't get about the book is why Thea got expelled with Blaise when she didn't do anything. I hope she became a famous vet.
Good Witchy Fun!: This is one of my favorites in the Night World series by LJ Smith. I have a thing for witches, and all the information about actual spells, spell ingredients, circle casting, and witch history was simply fascinating. Thea is a great character, and her relationship with her soulmate Eric is endearing, but the real standout star in this book is Blaise.Blaise seems like your typical wicked witch, but despite her disdain for humans (that's how she was raised so you can't really blame her), she's supremely loyal to her family. What she does in the end for Thea almost made me cry.What I love about LJ Smith's books is that the main themes go much deeper than just supernatural characters; her books explore and highlight the importance of relationships, love and loyalty. Spellbinder is one book I know I'll be reading over and over again for the rest of my life.
Spellbinder is Spellbinding!: Unlike the first two books in the series Spellbinder switches it's romantic connections to witches insted of vampires. Blaise uses human men as toys till they go crazy, and when she sets her eyes on Eric, Thea's soulmate Thea will do anything to protect him, even if it means breaking the laws of the Night World. A great addition to the series that will have you excited to read more. Though it's a step down from Daughters of Darkness it stands well on it's own.
Totally Witchy!: This was actually the 3nd of the Night Worlds I had ever read but I have a different cover and it says Enchantress why???? This was a good book and I liked the spells and particularely Blaise's necklace that was cool.I wonder if yemonja really exists and the other spices.It is true that most of LJSmith's books are with witches and vampires and that we don't know what shapeshifters shape into but I liked the spells anyway.Email me if ya wanna chat.
Don't move, vibrate, tilt or press too hard...: I use these at my automotive school, notorious for un-calibrated torque wrenches and people who don't like reading directions. I would go with professional grade set if your working on rusted bolts, or in awkward or tight situations. Otherwise, for light to medium duty work: Buy 2 of these sets to save on shipping. You will need the extra set. The slightest vibration can snap the bits, they are very brittle. Consider your first set a 'learning set'. If you use them to remove another bit that has broken off in a broken screw, they grind into dust (Doh!). These work great on bolts which have been over torqued or snapped on re-install.
Welcome to 1059 baseball!: This is a great book that will give you insight on what major league baseball was really like in the late 50's
Putting a marriage together again.: Wendie Keith and Teague Blackwell had met on the set of the oldtelevision series, THE LOST ROMANCE RANCH, and fell in love.... As the couple drive on Route 66, they must learn to trust in each other and God.This type of romance will appeal to everyone, even readers who don't normally read "inspirational" fiction. God and religion are a part of Teague and Wendie's lives, there is no heavy handed preaching. The Blackwells are normal people with common problems, not saints. This is the first Annie Jones book I have read, but it won't be the last.
Indispensable!: While working on an on-going university research project I have spent five years driving the back roads of India. This book has saved my sanity as well as my tires and axles. It is by far and away the most helpful road atlas available.
my game reviews: i enjoyed the game very mutch,i have followed all the layra croft games for years on the play station,playstation one and game cube gameing systems,i am an avid fan of all laura croft tomb raider games.
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (PC Version): I purchased & played the PC version of Tomb Raider. This version has 2 CDs and both are required to install. The program will recognize your USB controller and will display it on the options screen. You can configure each button to your choice. I recommend that you use a Ten button controller. The directional control is a bit sensitive so be careful not to send Lara over the rail or short fence and have her fall to her demise. The graphics are a big imporovement from the previous versions and the animation is very smooth. The game play is much like the same as the previous five but there are a few new moves to become familiar with. I highly recommend purchasing the PC version it seems that EIDOS has made some improvements to the controls for the PC. Thank you EIDOS!
EXCELLENT!: Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is one of my favorites. The plot is very interesting, the graphics are good (but kind of shakey, at least on my computer), and it's pretty cool to be able to play another character (although Lara is always the best). The environment is very dark and grimacing though, and I find that if I play the game to much, I get a little depressed. It's still one of the best, though, and an awesome addition to the Tomb Raider series.
Lara croft, angel of darkness: The graphics on this game are really really good.A big downer is the controls, it used to be really easy but now you`ve got no choice but to use the anolog buttons and i hate them!The locations are very detailed and the interaction of friends and enemies is very impressive.But, i`m not sure that it was a good idea to bring in another character.overall, a very good game worth the money, v.good graphics and locations. The only set backs to this game are the controls, and the extra character.
No Game Play Problems On My Machine: Game A+ On Sound TrackA+ On GraphicsA+ On Story LineI haven't had any of the problems that other's have reported like Slow-mo Lara, Audio drop out, Lara Falling out of the game World. To sum it up Tomb Raider AOD is a Best-Buy
Exceeds expectations: This is my 3rd pressure washer and by far the best of the breed. It is solid piece of work that is easy to move about when doing the deck(s)with wheels that actually work. Santa gave me the one with the roll-up hose which is very nice feature. Only problem was that the User guide didn't have any information on this feature so I spent a few minutes trying to figure out where or how to connect the high pressure hose to unit- Guess What? - No need to connect anything except garden hose. I consider this tool the best buy for your $$$$
Gets the job done: It does an excellent job on mildewed wood such as decks and deck furniture without using chemical mode which is the only weak link in an otherwise strong chain. Unfortunately, the only effective chemical solution is chlorine which acts more or less on its own but cannot be used with this machine. Safe cleaners, such as Simple Green are no more effective than when used without them. Other than that, it's a great product.
McCulloch 1800 PSI Electric Pressure Washer: I like it. I live on the west side of the Cascade Range in Oregon and things get dingy pretty quick. I had my vehicle, the rain gutters on the house, landscaping bricks along the path around the house, and odds and ends all washed in about an hour. It works great. The only drawback that I can find is that it doesn't appear to suck up any cleaning solution in the high pressure mode. Only the low pressure. I haven't tried the upper tank yet so maybe that's the problem. Not a huge issue since plain water pretty much takes everything off anyway. The plastic double male hose attachment was a concern before I purchased the unit. I'd read that most of them broke pretty quick. As long as you are aware not to stress it out dragging it around, it will probably last a good long time. If it does break it should be easy to replace pretty cheap. Again great unit so far.
Good Introduction....: Well-made book. Informative with excellent photography. The overall layout is quite conducive to interrupted reading - easy to pick up and start anywhere.
Excellent Introduction to Philosophy Text: If you teach Introduction to Philosophy using a historical approach, this is the text I recommend. I used "The Philosophic Classics 2nd edition, From Plato to Nietzsche" for my classes and was looking for a text with the same basic works with some more contemporary materials. I find the updated 3rd edition, "From Plato to Derrida" the perfect solution. Instead of having to look through more textbooks for the right stuff, this is it.
Who thought philosophy would be fun??: Great study of major philosophies that have impacted our western culture. Very enjoyable and easy reading, yet stimulating and intellectual...Loved the book!
Fast and in good shape: It Came to me pretty fast and was in good shape when I opened it. Very happy with it. Thanks
Philosophic Classics: There is a huge range of authors in this book, and it includes most of the main ideas from each original passage. It can be sort of hard to follow at times, however, as it leaves out giant parts of arguments, especially in The Republic. This really breaks down the flow of the piece and renders it much more confusing than the original book.
REMASTER 2012! GOTTA HAVE IT!: So, what I've always wanted was a clean digitally remastered version of "Pom Pom Play Girl" in MONO! The stereo is rechanneled with Carl singing on one channel and the guys singing on the other! The Mono "FUN, Fun, Fun is also a "Must Have" in Mono to get the full benefit of Brian's Vocal. The music and vocals are very clean on this CD. The gatefold packaging is a bit weak without any details on the songs but still an overwhelming experience for anyone who enjoys surf music.
Read this book!: This is one of my favorite fishing books. I'm reading it now for the third time. It's about a lifestyle that would make most of us jealous. If you enjoy surf fishing, then this book is a must.
The Way is Was: Great look at the past of striped bass fishing on the Cape. Money, politics and fishing competition made this a great read for the avid bass angler. A time never to be visited again. The man became intergrated into the life cycle of the striped bass. As the seasons and years changed , so did the man, so did the politics, so waned the competition, so lost was the inner workings of his family. A time to remember and a time remember less.
Gorgeous!!!: This Stainless Steel & Glass Diner Cake Set is gorgeous! If your thinking of getting it for yourself or a gift, dont hesitate, you will not be disappointed! The glass dome is heavy which is great, not flimsy thin glass at all. Looks great sitting on our buffet.
Wonderful CD slightly misleading title: This is one of my favourite Jewish Choral CDs of all time yet I agree with other reviewers that this is not representative of the Jewish choral tradition of the UK. This should have been a double CD set with the first featuring really traditional music and the second exposing us to the new genre of mainly modern Reform choral and organ music.Both Moshe and the choir excel themselves. The master mixing is not good and one can hear obvious retakes and splits in the music which is unfortunate. I've not idea what Oseh Shalom by Nurit Hirsh is doing on the CD!The music of the modern mainly reform composers Lipkin, Josephs, Singer is wonderful. If I had to choose three pieces to take to a desert island, I would take Ma Yedidot by Charles Salaman, Aneh Ani by Verrinder and Psalm 23 by Rideout. Three magnificent works.I believe the company, Olympia, no longer functions so there won't be many more CDs available. If it's still available, grab one!
IT'S A GOOD DAY TO BE A TROJAN!: This is terrific stuff. Southern California is a college with the first or second greatest college football tradition of all times, and this book describes how, after a long layoff, Pete Carroll has returned the Trojans to these previous heights.
Interesting performance: I bought this only because as a fan, I want all of their material. First off, you'll notice the disc length of 76.46. The band added a keyboard player Graham Maitland for this tour which at first is a bit hard to digest(mixed too far up front)sometimes the keyboards work, other times not. There are some classics here- 'The king will come', 'Persephone', 'Time Was' as well as a few others. Sound quality is average, sounds like a straight transfer with no doctoring with the sound. This is the Mark 2 lineup with Laurie Wisefield. Not one of the best concert offerings by the band but worthwhile. I'm sure the band has some real gems in their archive like the live tracks on the superb 'Distillation' box set. Sadly they are not contained on this disc. If you can get past the keyboards and the muddy sound quality, you may enjoy it. Somehow I feel only the true fans will want this disc in their collection.
A MUST FOR ANYONE TRYING TO BREAK INTO THE BUSINESS: For so long the shelves of any given bookstore have been crammed with books claiming to be "the book that every actor needs", but yet they read like a foreign language and don't give the information an actor really needs for his or her big break. Ms. McGregor has broken through that barrier and released a book that spells out many of the details actors need to know about acting and the audition process. Intelligent and informative, the book is packed with everything an actor/actress could possibley need! A must for anyone trying to break into the business.
Super Helpful: This book showed me that I dont have to live in LA or New York to get into acting. Also It gave me alot of helpful hints on all aspects in landing a role.
works well: I used this tool for at least 4 days a week for at least a few months for several hours a day until i sold it to a coworker when i bought a Dynabrade turbine powered 100,000 rpm pencil grinder....which really sucked and had little to no torque whatsoever. so it was usless to me and I completely regret buying that expensive p.o.s.. I used the Sioux to put some heavy edge breaks on some very hard metal parts. So I put alot of pressure on this tool alot. For the most part it had a good amount of torque. The wedges on the inside of the pencil grinder eventually broke after a few months but that was after a whole lot of abusive work done with it and those wedges are very easily replaced and cheap. this pencil grinder works well with even titanium and inconel which are very hard metals
DON'T go to ebay. Nothing except bootlegs and crooks.: It costs a lot because its an IMPORT, not a bootleg! If you're going to enjoy the CD, might as well enjoy it knowing that you didn't pay too much money for a crook to burn the CD for you. Honestly. Things cost money. To a real fan, this is worth the money. Costs a crook a penny to create a mediocre bootleg. Do you really think you're saving money?
Whispers of the Dead: I love all the Sister Fidelma stories, and these short story anthologies are particularly interesting. I'm building quite a collection on my Kindle.
The other side of "A brave new world ": This science fiction novel walks around the speculative situation about a natural (not social and not even political choice) population distribution, in agreement his skills and gifts.Naturally many facts occur in this interesting tale , but the most remarkable issue is to make us think the elusive dreams about a better and even pacific society.
Enlightening: This is truely an amazing book, Aldous Huxley was a genius. Although different from BNW in that the plot is a little slow, the ideas of society and the individual expressed in this book make it one of the most influential books that I ever read. Don't read this book to be entertained, read it to be enlightened.
Still Resonates: Island is an excellent novel that, even after 50 years, remains relevant because the story line resonates in terms of how we humans consistently, perhaps not consciously, but most assuredly, and maybe even inevitably, undermine the foundations of utopia through our daily actions, decisions and attitudes.
Published in 1962, but still relevant!: I absolutely loved this book! Eckhart Tolle in "The Power of Now" actually references this book and that is how I heard of it. Despite the fact that much of the book is ruled by long monologues from the characters, I enjoyed it all. Huxley had an interesting view of what a society can become when it takes the best of the Eastern and Western worlds combine.
A different slant on perfectionism: To me the main value of this book was its advice about dealing with the perfectionism of a gifted child. Gifted-parenting books frequently bring up the problem of perfectionism, but I have not found much useful advice for dealing with it. Dr. Klein offers some practical suggestions and the insight that former gifted children may have their own perfectionist tendencies to reckon with.
Helpful Information: I found this book extremely helpful in identifying ways to help my gifted twins, one of whom is a traditional learner and the other is not. The book has great insight and information, plus plenty of real-world examples of how parents deal with issues unique to gifted children. One puzzling thing, though, was the notion that there's an anti-gifted bias and that parents of gifted children are somehow seen by educators as meddlers or pushy parents. The author also seems to have the idea that public schools don't know how to deal with gifted children. That hasn't been my experience so far (our public school has an excellent GT & HGT program) and don't expect it to be as my children get older.
What an inspirational story with a great message!: What a great story! This documentary has such a compelling message and is a fun watch! Very entertaining and inspirational. I highly recommend you watch this video and share this page with your friends. The 3 C's that are lessons within the documentary are lessons that are unfortunately lacking in this day and age... the sorta of lessons that every child should learn. It's too bad that most adults I meet don't possess these 3 C's :)
Subway Baby: What an adorable little boy and enchanting story. You really get a reality check about bringing up children in the city.
Lots of action: A thrilling story of get rich quick without scruples. It introduces the reader to excellent characterizations of the individuals involved. There is excitement through unusual circumstances including an extremely imaginative ending.
Sirus Blacks Escape: This is a pretty cool set. The only thing wrong is that is should be a little taller like in the movie. This set really recreates the tower in the movie. The only thing wrong is the door. It should be like a prison door like in the movie, not a wooden one. Some good things about this is only one of two sets that have buckbeak, one of four sets that have a dementor, and only one of two sets that have Sirus Black. I RECOMEND THAT YOU BUY THIS!!!
Gorgeous Glass: Cake stand is so impressive-lovely to display any type of pastry,or cake. Domed lid is high and very functional-tall enough to cover a large cake or large amount of pastry. It is versitile in the way that you can reverse the bottom and top to create a beautiful punch bowl or serving bowl for a bowl-type dessert. As a matter of fact, I was so impressed the day it came in I re-ordered 2 more-one for my mother and 1 for my aunt!! Until now we had never seen a square pedestal & dome! You will not be dissapointed with this piece.
The Best Live Harmony You can Get!: Absolutely the best in Harmony from a great group. The Live performance is one of the best and really brings out their strength as performers and entertainers.
A great Baby pillow!: This is just an adorable little pillow. It will be great as an added decoration in my baby room. Remember this is a BABY pillow, so it is smaller and not made for an adult. The person who previously gave this pillow a rating thought it was too flat and small, but I found it was perfect for a baby room:) Plus! It's a perfect match to the Nautica 4 piece crib set.
[BOOM!]: Sodom Came, they went.I had listened to 'Masquerade In Blood' and 'Till Death Do Us Unite' and I knew the war that was Sodom was over, the ceasefires had been signed. When you end an album with a song called "Hey Hey Rock 'n' Roll Star" after putting out crap that just screams "We wanna be punk and are failing miserably at it!" I knew it was over. Saddened, I went to survey the damage.And That's when I heard the Air Raid Sirens.Code Red is the comeback album of all time. Sodom has snapped back into place, I don't know why, but they're rocking harder and heavier than they ever have. This is not for "Limp Bizkit" fans, you get your ears and a greater part of your head ripped off and handed to you. And that's the way it should be.Notable Tracks are Liquidation, The Vice of Killing, Code Red, and Addicted to Abstinance.
Thrash Metal Survives: While most thrash/speed bands have watered-down their sound into something unrecognizable (Metallica) or begun to gravitate toward nu-metal (Slayer), there are a few that have retained their own identities, still playing the fast, brutal music that made them infamous to begin with. Sodom is one of those bands. The production from Harris Johns is top-notch and most of the songs are truly great, only a few descending into that mindless drum-pounding/guitar-shredding that can sometimes afflict bands that straddle the line between thrash and death or black metal. Are they repeating themselves? Most likely, but I'd far rather listen to this material than any other "metal" being released by "progressive, forward-thinking" bands like Korn; turn up "Addicted to Abstinence" or "Visual Buggery" and forget nu-metal exists.
The best tactical game of all times!: Guys, I have to admit - I'm not a big time tactical strategy fan, but this game totally got me on the hook. I like Starcraft, Warcraft III and Age of Empires, but couldn't imagine that a game like Praetorians can grab me and never let me go.I've been playing the multiplayer skirmish demo since it came out - I've never played a demo version of the game for more than an hour!!! It's AMAZING. Plain amazing. The strategy is beautiful, all the terrain tricks, everything you could expect from a real battle. ... - the troop building model there is so beautiful that I can hardly type these words now, I want to get back to the game. I love it!!! If you love any kind of RTS games, this is a MUST in your collection!
Great strategy game!: I had experience of RTS games (Total Annihilation, Age of Empires and Empire Earth) and after I bought Praetorians and played the first time, I found it very very interesting.It's not the typical RTS game where you have to produce a lot of units and simply attack the enemy (like for example TA kingdoms or others) but you have to think in a strategic way before moving and attacking the enemy. In this game, mission by mission, you learn how to balance your troops and how to move in the territory. It's important the fact that troops can interact with territory (hills, woods). You can hide your troops, you can stay higher than the enemy and then attack you enemy suddenly (for example,if your bowmen are in a higher position they will hurt more seriously the enemy). In some missions you have to lay siege to a fortess with war machines.To sum up, I think it's a good game, if you want to enjoy yourself and live the experience of "De Bello Gallico"!
One of the best: My wife purchased this game for my B-day. So far, I really like the game.I like playing Warcraft, Starcraft, and C&C series. However, I was getting bored of managing resources (e.g. gold, timber, food)I was looking for a game with more strategy rather than resource building.I remember the first time I played Myth and I like the concept of the game. Praetorian is a mixture of Myth and Warcraft. There is less resource managment and more strategy on fighting. Praetorians' graphics, sounds and game play is top notch.
Enjoyable: I admit that I haven't finished the game yet but I've been enjoying playing it the last couple of days.Basically you command legions of the Romans. Archers, legionares, horsemen etc. On a terrain you have to beat the enemy.The units all have their special abilities, it's best to have spearman at the front to stop the enemy, horsemen to do quick attacks and archers for long range attack. Because of differences in heights it is important to have archers on higher positions.This all makes for fun. The graphis are really not great but I think most strategy-games players like me are not really interested in that. The sounds are fun and it has good historical accuracy with the names of all the tribes and their leaders.Worth the low price
Praetorians is a pretty much must!: Although this game is great, I would give it a 4.5 stars if I could. First the good: Beautiful graphics (the scenery is almost like real), the campaign has a story (unlike some RTS games that have no campaign or story), skirmish mode is fun but sometimes too quick, great gameplay, and it runs nicely. The bad: The units are sometimes kind of dumb (they stand and do nothing sometimes when they are told to go somewhere), the unit graphics could have been a little more sharp, and there aren't many units (this is not really that bad but I would have liked more units; there are 9 different combat units for the Romans). Don't let the bad things sway you from buying the game. Unless you are a real critic than the bad things would make you very mad.
AFX - Smojphace: I think AFX's take on "Run the Place Red" is incredibly fun -- it makes me want to jump and shimmy each time I hear it. Now, I'm not a huge fan of ragga, but ragga-jungle-drill 'n' bass? I think it's a genius combination, one that only the demented mind of Mr. James could discover. You can barely understand the vocals beneath the percussion -- they're more flavor than anything else. As for the two noise tracks, they're rather interesting the first time around (not to mention intense on the squeals), but I don't think they stand up to repeated listens. Mostly because I don't want to go deaf.
Super Cool: If you're a Muffs fan, ya gotta love this incredible collection of outtakes, rarities, covers and whatever. Sure, first time Muffs buyers should pick up the first or second album, but this one is great if you're already sold on the band.
very good: OK "fan" from tx- you obviously have no clue of what you are talking about. First of all, the Muffs just DID have a break through record with Alert Today Alive Tomorrow. They released this cd so there dedicated fans unlike yourself would have a chance to here all of there lost material. Get the facts before you say anything you don't have a clue about. Anyway this cd isn't for someone who is just getting into the muffs but any fan should get it right away. Even if your not a fan it has many good songs but there are also some mediocre ones. All in all- very good
Amazing!!!!: These puzzles are absolutely hilarious! Yet again, I'm blown away by the exquisite surprises, twists and turns. I've been stumped on a few of them for a few days now, but I'm not giving up! Shortz is, hands down, a genius. Try your hand at the masterful art within these pages, and enjoy the furrowed brow and laughs!
Bringing the Big Picture into View: This book is a very informative, yet easy read about the realities of life and how patterns are repeated sometimes even unknowingly until honestly addressed and changed. That is where the power of this book lies in giving insight, tools, all with a touch of humor to make positive changes of direction in our lives. Highly recommend.
Fun fun fun!!!: ...BR>This is an awesome book made by real people ... and by an awesome company! My cousin has this book and I have done three of the rings already. They are easy to do and the directions are well explained and not too complex.The rings include: simple ring (you should learn to do this first), twisted ring, chain, vine, butterfly, starburst, and daisy chain. This book has plenty of beads so you can do your favorite rings over and over!The only complaint I have is there's this stupid bead wheel (you've seen it on the front picture) and the colors get mixed up if you take it on a car trip, or when you're flipping through different colors.Otherwise, this is a great book and I highly reccomend it for someone who is interested in making bead rings!
Great gift: My dds gave these as gifts to their friends recently, and EVERYONE loved them! They have all spent hours making rings, and I must admit, they were really cute! The directions were easy to follow, and my 10 yr old had no problem making them on her own.
Advaita seminar: '`Living from Neutrality' by Justus Kramer Schippers is not an introduction to Advaita but, rather, is an excellent seminar in that philosophy. Neither sweet nor patronizing, Schippers is a plain-spoken adult who expects his reader to be an adult, as well. I enjoyed Schippers' insights and expect to read this book several more times in the forthcoming years.
Never heard of her before: I am pretty familiar with the great jazz singers, though not a great jazz fan.A friend shared this with me and I was blown away.Now everyone has different tastes, but I have always thought Nina Simone the best. The sheer volume of Nina's work gives her an advantage in the expanse of material.But vocally, and in terms of phrasing and lyrics Gloria is also great.And yet she was contemporary more or less with most of the great jazz singers of her era, being born about 8 years after Ella Fitzgerald.Fame is fickle though and for whatever reason Gloria remains way underappreciated.I love all of her songs on this cd.In one she sings like a Buddhist about how everyone gets older, everything recedes into the past in a way that transcends most pop song ditties to say the least.It is in a class with Nina's Who Knows Where the Time Goes.
El libro mas completo que existe para nosotras,: las m,ujeres embarazadas o por embarazarnos...LO ABARCA TODO, DESDE LA CONCEPCION HASTA QUE EL BEBE CUMPLE UN AÑO...Dulce, sabio y ameno...
When I found out I was pregnant, I felt both: joyful and scared by my absolute ignorance on the matter...This book is so complete, that I lost my fear, kept my joy and never needed another one!
Enjoyable memoir: I just got this book and I am having a wonderful time reading the anecdotes of life in Victorian New York with an eccentric father. The humor is gentle and quiet, if you want outlandsih jokes the this is not the book for you.Of course, some of the customs and actions of the characters may seem odd by modern standards but we must remember that everything changes with time and in 150 years, people may look back at our culture and wonder if we were crazy.Still, in spite of its age, the humor of the book has held up remarkably well. Perhaps we all know a "father" type, an eccentric and bossy person who is somehow endearing nonetheless.So, don't obsess over the un-politically correct attitudes of the time covered, just enjoy the quiet humor and learn about a time gone by.
Life with Father (by Clarence Day): I loved this book as a preteen and I loved it, and the sequel "Life with Mother" too. Mr. Day paints an accurate picture of life in the early 1900's for a middle class family. Yes, his father is rude and a bit obnoxious, but watching him is very funny. He loved his wife and family and while he blustered and yelled, they loved him. I enjoyed this book and thought it was great.
It's my favorite book about 5 years: There are many funy things about money, wishes and so on. I smile every time when read their. When I have some problem in my life I get this book and read from any place I opened the book. And all the time I start to feel better.
real life saver: I received this book from my ex-wife just after our divorce. At first I thought it was a crule joke. But after reading the life 101 book I realized that she could have given me A great gift.. Like the book states, Not all parts will pertain to you at this time, but it is a wonderful refference for later... I have purchased at least 15 of these books. and given them all away.. I usually buy one for myself and start rereading it when someone will say something that relates to a chapter in the book and I point it out to them and the next thing you know there goes another book... at this price it is easy to give them away... MR BILL
YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THEIR FIRST CD: Ok i admit that this cd isn't the greatest for charlie mars, but their first cd is really good and its called broken arrow and i love it. if you aren't from the south then don't even bother listening to this music.
Quick Service: This style and the size my husband needs has not been available in our local stores. I was able to find what I needed quickly online and the shipping was very prompt. I would have given it five stars but he hasn't had time to try them on yet so I can't give a perfect score.
Simply Gorgeous!: These are simply gorgeous and they feel like a high end product, very high quality! Beautiful lace! I love these thigh highs hosiery!
these are the least hideous stockings ever!: Hi. I ordered a whole selection of stockings from diverse makers, just in case, and these were the classiest as well as the most sheer. They don't cut into your upper thighs, they only have a hint of stick-um at the top, and so you really CAN clip them into garter belts--the whole point!The other stockings were thick, more sweaterish than silkish, and generally unsexy as well as hampered with that big fat band of stay-up rubber at the top. Ick. I plan to go back to this company and get a whole cross-section of colors.Oh, I also ordered one size up from what the size chart recommended for my wieght/size, that way they go higher on the leg than halfway, it's way sexier up nearer the top of your thigh.
Poor Harry!!!!: This is one of the funniest books that I've encountered in some time. All Harry wants to do is take a little boat trip, maybe do some fishing, and relax. If page one is an indication of the things to come, it's not good news for Harry. We see a seagull trying to break open a clam shell by dropping it on Harry's head. He gets caught in a storm and is stranded on an island with a lot of rocks, a scraggly tree, and an egg. As the egg hatches Harry figures it must be a bizzard, but comes to the realization that it's actually a dragon, a dragon that is continually eyeing Harry going "Mmmmmmmmmmm". The ending is a delightful twist and a valuable lesson is learned--there are fates far worse than death.Don't pass this book up. A good number of titles out there can have the reader laughing on the first page but, can't deliver. This one does.Poor Harry!!!
Happiness all around: My wife is very happy with this set of dishes that we recently purchased through They are everything she had hoped and expected them to be. My happiness is more related to the purchasing experience. One dish arrived broken and I was very pleased with the efficient, fast and convenient way you handled the replacement. Thanks for a good buying experience.Bob Cordes