Gonoforum finally splits amid deepening infighting Gonoforum finally splits amid deepening infighting Covid-19: Bangladesh reports 3 more deaths with 243 cases Dengue: 32 more hospitalized in 24 hrs বাংলা AP Breaking Video Photo Bangladesh District Education Foreign Affairs Law & Order Obituary Others 1971 Politics Election Gonoforum PMO President Business Business Analysis Jobs Local Business RMG Share Market World Business Sports Athletics Cricket Football Others World Africa Asia Australia Europe Latin America Middle East Others USA USA and Canada Tech Gadget Games Science & Innovation Social Media Tech News Entertainment Cinema Others Royal Family TV Science Lifestyle Travel Fashion Food Health & Fitness Arts & Culture Others Others Special Opinion Archives Today's news list Video Photo Archives podcast বাংলা সংস্করণ Headline Gonoforum finally splits amid deepening infighting Gonoforum finally splits amid deepening infighting Covid-19: Bangladesh reports 3 more deaths with 243 cases Dengue: 32 more hospitalized in 24 hrs বাংলা সংস্করণ NEWS CATEGORY Bangladesh District Education Foreign Affairs Law & Order Obituary Others Politics Election Gonoforum PMO President Business Business Analysis Jobs Local Business RMG Share Market World Business Sports Athletics Cricket Football Others World Africa Asia Australia Europe Latin America Middle East Others USA USA and Canada Tech Gadget Games Science & Innovation Social Media Tech News Entertainment Cinema Others Royal Family TV Science Others Special Opinion Archives Today's news list Video Photo Podcast About Us Contact Home Tech Games Best Free Life Simulation Games for Android, iOS What are the best Life Simulator Games to play on mobile phones free of cost? UNB News Publish- September 25, 2021, 05:53 PM Md Mehedi Hasan - Contributor Update- September 25, 2021, 06:22 PM Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp A life simulator game is a special kind of game in which the gamers have control over a character's life and all its in-game actions. Not many good life simulation games are available for android or iOS devices. For years, titles like "The Sims" and a few other title series have dominated Windows PC and Mac. But there hasn't been much for the mobile simulation games lovers that offer the same addictive and fun gameplay. However, in recent years, a few really great life simulation games have been developed for Android and iOS devices. The following is a list of the most popular free life simulation games for iOS and Android devices. Top 10 Free Life Simulator Games for Android and iOS Devices The Sims The Sims is a title for one of the most popular and widely played life simulator games worldwide. It is a part of EA's famous life simulator series. In the game, players can characterize, interact with different virtual people, perform various tasks, furnish a home and personal accessories, and thus live a life. There are currently two particular games in the franchise named ‘The Sims Mobile’ and ‘The Sims: Free Play’. The Sims Free Play shares many similarities to the main series. The Sims: Mobile is the most recent version. Read: Best Business simulation, Tycoon games for Android, iOS in 2021 Both games have advantages and disadvantages. The Sims Free Play is more difficult. It has difficult quests that are difficult to complete due to the highly competitive time chase. The Sims: Mobile, on the contrary, offers a combative free-to-play yet pay-to-win experience. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp This isn't a typical "life sim" game; rather, it is perfectly worth the list. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp allows players to create a gaming character, refurbish a campsite, interact with some original Animal Crossing characters, and make friendship with other "neighbours.". Gamers can also decorate a campsite, cabin, and RV interior. So, they will get many options and elements for furnishing and decorating. The game also places a strong emphasis on making actions and features like crafting, clothing, acting and mini-games such as fishing and roaming around. Read Best Fire Truck Rescue, Fire Fighter Simulator Games for Android, iOS AltLife AltLife is another game that best exemplifies its life sim genre. This game lets everyone live the life of a regular man. Their life begins as a baby and progresses through childhood, adolescence, work, and, eventually, death. They can choose from a variety of real-life events, such as relationships, careers, hobbies, and a variety of other things going on around them. There are also a few remarkable caveats in the game. The first, and the most vexing, is the game's UI elements, which occasionally make it clunky. BitLife BitLife is more like a text-based game in which players can choose their own paths. In other words, how they want to live is determined by the options they choose provided in the game. Players can choose whether they want to marry or remain single, want struggle or comfort. What is more? The gamers have to decide whether they want to attend colleges or schools. They will have complete control over their character's appearance and life in this game. Read: Best Farming Simulator Games for Android, iOS in 2021 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery This Life Simulation game is almost similar to some of the celeb games. It is based on the popular Harry Potter franchise. Gamers get to design their own characters, get assigned to a Hogwarts house, attend lessons, study spells, fight against competing wizards. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Furthermore, the gamers can mingle and interact with iconic characters such as Dumbledore, Snaip, Professor McGonagall, etc. This game follows a fresh mystery narrative based on the Harry Potter world. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Hollywood's Kim Kardashian is a big favourite in this category. The game was initially made available in June of 2014. In the game, players will live the life of a growing superstar like in real life. They may create their own avatar, travel around the world, build their own house, establish a list of celebrities to meet, go on dates, visit clubs and parties, and do acting and modelling. They may do whatever superstars do in their everyday lives and steadily increase their popularity and wealth. Read Best Hunting Games for Android, iOS Virtual Families 2 Instead of controlling the lives of a single individual, players may manage the life of a whole family in this game. For the family members, the gamer may select partners, rear children, adopt pets, design houses, find jobs, and much more. This game is like a mini-version of The Sims, and players will undoubtedly spend hours playing it. The game also continues in real-time, so when they return to it, they will discover various random events that have occurred to their virtual family, keeping the gameplay new and exciting. Read Top 7 Best PC Games of All Time to Download and Play Fallout Shelter This is a post-apocalyptic video game franchise named Fallout Shelter. Players are in command of a fallout shelter hidden under the earth. They manage resources, construct specialized rooms, and ensure that people's fundamental needs are met. By making every citizen's stats unique and adjustable, the game goes into RPG territory. If players need more of a certain resource, they can create specialized chambers to boost the skills of particular characters. The game is available on Apple and Android stores. Read Best open-world games for Android, iOS Rebel Inc. Rebel Inc. is a popular life-sim on this list of the best life simulation games. Many players who like playing such games choose this one over others since the gameplay of Rebel Inc is interesting to follow. The player is required to stabilize a nation by balancing both civilian and military interests. It also necessitates that the player does everything they can to win the gratitude of the people while preventing them from taking power. Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper is a simulation game in which gamers take control of a figure who looks after a medieval cemetery. While clearing the ground, excavating graves, and installing headstones, they have control over the character's time at hand and energy. To accomplish chores, they may also create items, collect resources, and engage with people of the surrounding hamlet. Read Top Skydiving Games for Android, iOS: Enjoy Parachute Jumping on Smartphone Conclusion So far, we have discussed the best 10 life-simulation games for ios and Android phones. When it comes to life simulation games, gameplay, and narrated story makes the real difference. As the genre falls under the real-world game class, it takes time to grow as a character in these games. So, players should choose their games carefully before signing up for one.
BERLIN — Germany’s election on September 24 is not just about who will become chancellor — it will influence the future design of the European Union. German voters have to decide whether Angela Merkel or her main challenger Martin Schulz — who lags by about 15 percentage points in polls — will lead the EU’s most populous country and push her or his vision on issues such as eurozone reform, defense cooperation and migration during the next four years. Also important for Berlin’s future position on Europe is whether any of the smaller parties end up in government as a junior coalition partner. Although Merkel has a comfortable poll lead and is widely expected to score her fourth victory in the national election, her conservatives will most likely need the support of at least one if not two other parties to govern. The same is true for Schulz’s Social Democrats (SPD), if the former European Parliament president defies expectations and overtakes Merkel. With six groups expected to enter the Bundestag, the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens are potential coalition partners for the two big parties, while the far-left Die Linke and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) — a Euroskeptic party that could win seats in the national parliament for the very first time — are unlikely to be courted. It’s still possible there could be another “grand coalition” between Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party, the CSU, with Schulz’s SPD. However, the Social Democrats have made it clear they are not keen on serving another term in Merkel’s shadow. Here’s an overview of where German parties stand on the most pressing issues in Europe, based on campaign manifestos and interviews: Security/defense In a nutshell: All parties support European cooperation but disagree on border controls for the Schengen zone and how much Germany should pay for defense. What that means: No matter who wins, expect them to push for a European defense union and a greater role for the EU border agency Frontex. Ask high-ranking officials among Merkel’s conservatives how they plan to explain to the German public that their country is likely to pick up a sizeable chunk of the shortfall in the EU budget once the U.K. leaves in 2019, and they will tell you privately that it’s a matter of security. “The times when we could rely on others are over to a certain degree,” reads the chapter on Europe in the CDU/CSU’s manifesto, echoing Merkel’s beer hall speech from May when, after meeting U.S. President Donald Trump, she said Europe must “take our fate into our own hands.” The conservatives believe that for Germany to remain safe and prosperous, the EU needs to move toward a European defense union. The SPD and FDP both go a step further and call for the creation of a European army. Even the pacifist Greens support further European cooperation on defense, while stressing that “civil crisis prevention” should always have priority. When it comes to the details, however, party positions differ — especially on military spending. The CDU/CSU and FDP are committed to bringing Germany’s military spending up to 2 percent of GDP by 2024, a guideline agreed by NATO members in 2014. The SPD, however, says “saber-rattling won’t solve any conflicts” and leaves no doubt it will block such a push, as would the Greens. Opinions also differ when it comes to internal security, particularly the border controls inside the passport-free Schengen area that were introduced at the height of the refugee crisis and are still in effect. While the Greens say they want a return to open borders in the Schengen zone, Merkel’s conservatives say that they will maintain border checks “until the protection of the EU external borders works.” There is a high level of consensus regarding the future role of the EU’s border agency Frontex. The CDU/CSU, the SPD and the FDP all want to strengthen the agency’s role. The Greens, who have previously been critical of expanding Frontex, don’t mention it in their manifesto — which may signal that they’re open to compromise if they end up in government. Migration In a nutshell: Everyone agrees other EU countries need to show more solidarity but disagree on long-term responses to the refugee crisis. What that means: Expect Germany to get tougher on other EU members who are reluctant to take in their share of refugees. What position Germany takes on reforming the EU’s asylum system, however, will depend heavily on who’s in government. After the shock of coping with almost a million asylum seekers in 2015, all the parties except the AfD agree that other EU countries should be obliged to help Germany and other highly-affected countries carry the burden. “Europe has a joint responsibility for refugees,” reads the conservative manifesto. The SPD and FDP have the most radical proposals for enforcing that: the Social Democrats demand that countries who fail to take their quotas “should experience significant disadvantages,” while the FDP wants them to pay into a fund to help countries bearing the burden. When it comes to long-term responses for how to deal with undocumented migration to Europe, the parties disagree sharply. Merkel’s conservatives favor refugee deals with African countries like the 2016 agreement with Turkey. The SPD is vague, saying “cooperation and agreements with third countries open up chances to curb illegal migration,” while the FDP wants to reward countries like Lebanon or Jordan, who take in a lot of refugees, by facilitating trade with the EU. Regarding the controversial idea of setting up “hot spots” in Northern Africa where asylum seekers’ applications could be processed without them setting foot on European soil, Merkel’s conservatives are evasive. The FDP doesn’t address the issue directly but says: “To spare people the extremely dangerous journey we would like to make it possible to already file an application for asylum abroad.” The SPD openly opposes the idea, saying “asylum applications [should] continue to be processed on European ground.” Similarly, the Greens say they “won’t let the EU get rid of its problems by having refugees perish in the camps of Northern Africa.” Eurozone In a nutshell: All parties want to boost growth in Europe to stabilize the economy but disagree on issues such as Eurobonds and Greece. What it means: Expect Germany to advocate a two-speed Europe during the next couple of years — and push for a Grexit if the FDP gets into government. When it comes to potential reforms to the eurozone, Schulz’s Social Democrats have the most wide-ranging and ambitious plans. The SPD wants a European finance minister who would “coordinate economic policy.” The position would be linked to the European Commission and monitored from within the European Parliament. The European Stability Mechanism would become a sort of IMF for the eurozone. The conservatives are more cautious, speaking of “developing the eurozone further step-by-step … for example by creating its own monetary fund” — which Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, and more recently Merkel herself, say would give the eurozone the ability to respond to crises without having to involve the IMF. However, they remain adamantly opposed to any pooling of eurozone debt. Nowhere are the differences between the parties more visible than when it comes to Greece and whether it should leave the common currency or not: While the SPD says “no member of the eurozone should be pushed to leave,” the FDP wants to “change the European treaties so that member states can leave the euro area in an orderly process without losing their EU membership.” FDP party leader Christian Lindner told POLITICO earlier this summer that Greece should be granted debt relief and forced out of the euro on a temporary basis until its economy recovers. Merkel’s conservatives, who have sent mixed signals to Athens, sidestep the issue in their manifesto. Addressing the future of the EU in more general terms, there is broad consensus in support of empowering certain member countries to integrate more deeply than others in a “two-speed Europe.” While the SPD and FDP say this explicitly in their manifestos, the conservatives don’t mention it but have embraced such ideas in the past. The Greens are open to the idea, if only “as a temporary solution.” Brexit In a nutshell: All parties are sorry the U.K. is leaving the EU but want to make sure the Brits will be worse off after their departure. What this means: Don’t expect Germany to stick up for the U.K. during the negotiations. One way or another, all parties echo Berlin’s official position that in order to enjoy the privileges of the EU, countries need to respect all four of its guiding principles: free movement of goods, people, services, and capital. The SPD says there can be no “Europe à la carte;” the CDU/CSU write that anyone who leaves the EU must not be able to enjoy its benefits; the Greens want the interests of the remaining EU27 to have priority over Britain’s demands; and the FDP say there can be “no cherry-picking.” The Euroskeptic AfD suggest that unless the EU is reformed drastically, Germany should follow the British example and leave the bloc. This remains a fringe position in a country where, according to recent polls, support for the EU is actually on the rise. Original Article Show More Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print
The famous French writer and philosopher, Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camu, who was called " Western Conscience" during his lifetime, said: “Free press is divided into good or bad. Press without freedom is bad". So what exactly is freedom of speech? Freedom of speech is a person's right to freely express their views. At the same time, a person expresses his opinion orally and in writing, especially through the press. This right is enshrined in a number of international documents and legislation of our country, including Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as Articles 29 and 67 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan. In particular, Article 29 of our Constitution states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, speech and religion. "Everyone has the right to seek, receive and disseminate information of his choice." The right to freedom of speech is a very complex process. The generally recognized normative acts of international law also indicate that sometimes this can lead to the possibility of violating the rights and freedoms of others. Freedom of speech is a barometer of the state of society. In international law, access to information and freedom of expression are recognized as two sides of the same coin, and they are rapidly evolving with the spread of the Internet and digital technologies. For any media and in any country, the movement against restricting freedom of speech remains a top development priority. It is no secret that over the past 4 years in our country it has become free to directly discuss the consequences of reforms, the ongoing political process, which creates a unique platform for dialogue between government agencies and the people. The priorities of the reforms carried out by the head of our state are the observance of the principle of freedom of speech, ensuring impartiality, fairness, openness and transparency for all. It is clear that the Constitution and freedom of speech are inextricably linked and cannot be separated from each other. The Constitution is the main guarantee of freedom of speech, and freedom of speech does not exist without a legal mechanism based on a democratic Constitution. It should be noted that many laws, decrees and various normative legal acts can be adopted on freedom of speech. But if in practice none of this works, it will in no way benefit society or the state. For example, research has shown that the most perfect constitution in human history, which can be used as a "standard" for the protection of human rights and interests, is the 1936 Constitution of the former Soviet Union, which Joseph Stalin himself is said to have developed. But in practice, this was practically not applied. This was directly related to the mechanism of its use. This means that if there is no perfect mechanism for applying the law, if the written word remains on paper, history itself has repeatedly proved that what will happen in the lives and destinies of people is inevitable. In recent years, our country has done and is consistently working to ensure the viability of freedom of speech and thought. In particular, ministries, committees and other state institutions that were once closed to the public are now "open" and have the right to decide the fate of the nation and country, but their activities are closed to the public. Today, our legislative body, which admits only specially accredited journalists, whose articles or testimonies are checked by relevant organizations before publication, and sometimes requires scissors, is also getting closer to the people. In particular, the positions of press secretary - adviser to the head of information policy in ministries and departments have been created, and plenary sessions of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis are broadcast online remotely. Not only are they available for viewing live, but journalists and bloggers are free to express their opinions on the process, comment on the pages of parliament on social networks in order to improve legislation that is being approved or pending. They also pay attention to the complaints of ordinary people in social networks about the state of negative actions (or inaction) in the activities of any state body, to which the press service of the relevant state body responds. However, we must admit that we have not yet made much progress in ensuring freedom of speech. Unfortunately, there are still government agencies that tend to take the old-fashioned view of banning and censoring this issue. Internal censorship of our journalists also sometimes does not allow public control, to fully create an atmosphere of openness and transparency in the activities of state bodies. We already know that if government agencies comply with the requirements of the law and regulations, the allocated funds are spent without robbery and misappropriation, if there is responsibility, if corruption is not allowed, such a state will surely develop. On the other hand, our journalists and bloggers also have a very low level of literacy and knowledge on how not to violate the rights of others when exercising the right to freedom of speech. Because they, too, are still in the early stages of development. To overcome this, we must first consider legal safeguards. As the head of our state said, " The work that has begun to liberalize all aspects of life in our society, to deepen the principles of freedom of speech and press, openness and transparency, to establish effective public control over the activities of government bodies is becoming irreversible." Therefore, the full implementation of freedom of speech in practice, which is the driver of the development of any society and state, today should be an active civic position of every citizen.
Tashkent's policy on Afghan issues has acquired new dynamism with the arrival of a new leader in Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the new policy of forming a "security belt" around Uzbekistan and the priority of building mutually beneficial relations with neighboring countries, Afghanistan has become one of the main directions of Tashkent's foreign policy. Tashkent's intentions to help establishing peace in Afghanistan, restore the country from the ashes of war and its socio-economic development were well received in Kabul and many countries around the world interested in solving the Afghan problem. Significance of Afghanistan for Uzbekistan The importance of Afghanistan for Uzbekistan can hardly be overestimated. Both countries were previously part of a historically developed cultural region and since ancient times have had close cultural and economic ties. Afghanistan is the 30th largest market in terms of foreign trade expansion opportunities, and it is the largest of all Uzbekistan's neighbors. However, the incessant military conflicts on the territory of Afghanistan for 40 years sharply limit the potential for economic developmentof the vast Asian region. The war in Afghanistan led to the destruction of its economy, impoverishment of the population, the purchasing power of the population remains very low. According to the World Bank, Afghanistan's GDP per capita in 2019 was $507, which is significantly lower than in bordering countries. One of the most negative manifestations of the Afghan conflict for the economy of Uzbekistan is the actual closure of the southern direction for foreign economic activity. Uzbekistan is cut off from the main sea trade routes by at least two countries. The exit through Afghanistan to the seaports of Pakistan - Gwadar, Karachi - is the shortest, but the actual paralysis of the transport and transit system of Afghanistan due to hostilities and underdeveloped transport infrastructure forces to use bypass routes, which increases the already high transport costs of Uzbek exporters. The above factors negatively affect the competitiveness and comparative advantages of the Uzbek economy. This determines the active actions of Tashkent in the Afghan direction in recent years, designed to minimize negative factors and expand opportunities for economic growth in Uzbekistan. Contribute to the resolution of the Afghan conflict The leadership of Uzbekistan has repeatedly stated that the resolution of the Afghan conflict is possible only through dialogue between the warring parties. In recent years, Tashkent has actively come out with initiatives contributing to the de-escalation of the situation in Afghanistan. After 2016, the agenda of Uzbek-Afghan relations acquired a pronounced economic character. The issues of trade and economic cooperation were put at the forefront. And one of the most important areas for the development of economic cooperation in the region is Afghanistan for Uzbekistan. Without achieving peace in Afghanistan, it will be impossible to fully use the southern foreign economic direction; Uzbekistan is actively involved in the processes of political resolution of the Afghan conflict. A major event in the field of Uzbekistan's efforts to promote peace in Afghanistan was the International Conference on Afghanistan, held in Tashkent in March 2018. Uzbek diplomacy is actively involved in the process of settling the Afghan conflict. Meetings are regularly held with representatives not only with the government of Afghanistan, but also with the Taliban movement), as well as with representatives of the Afghan government of various countries. In 2020, the Afghan direction in the international agenda of Tashkent has become more active. In September 2020, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov took part in the ceremony of launching direct inter-Afghan negotiations in Doha. On November 11, the Chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah visited Uzbekistan. During a meeting with the President of Uzbekistan, he highlighted the contribution of Uzbekistan to the involvement of Afghanistan in regional trade and economic processes. Now Afghanistan is close to actually establishing peace in the country. Negotiations between the Afghan government, are going on. The international community seeks to facilitate peace negotiations and offers various platforms to achieve the necessary consensus between the warring parties. The Central Asian countries also express active support for achieving peace, including within the framework of international cooperation formats. It is worth noting that Tashkent has repeatedly come forward with proposals to hold one of the rounds of negotiations between the government and the Taliban movement on the territory of Uzbekistan. It has also been stated that assistance to the socio-economic development of Afghanistan will also accelerate the achievement of peace in the country. Uzbekistan's policy towards Afghanistan is based on several fundamental aspects. The first is to minimize the threats of a military-political, terrorist nature, and the spread of drugs in the country. The second is to fully engage the southern foreign economic direction in the development of the national economy as soon as possible. Economic cooperation with Afghanistan as a stabilization factor Tashkent considers assistance to socio-economic reconstruction and subsequent development of Afghanistan as the main factor in stabilizing the situation in this country. This is clearly manifested in the fact that in most of the speeches of the President of Uzbekistan in the international arena, the need to solve the Afghan problem and contribute to the socio-economic reconstruction of Afghanistan is noted. A striking example is the speech of the President of Uzbekistan at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. Speaking about the Afghan problem, the President of Uzbekistan proposed to create a permanent committee for promoting the socio-economic development of Afghanistan under the UN. One of the most effective mechanisms for assistance is the involvement of Afghanistan in world economic relations, the increase in foreign trade and the increase in cooperative interconnection with other countries. In this direction, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are taking active measures and striving to expand the potential for trade and economic cooperation, which eloquently demonstrates a double-digit growth in trade even during a pandemic. According to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan ranks sixth in the country's total exports. It accounts for 5% of all exports. At the end of 2020, Uzbekistan's trade with Afghanistan increased by 25% and reached $777 million. The bulk of Uzbekistan's exports to Afghanistan are wheat flour (28.1%), rail freight services (25.3%), electricity (17.2%). The export of cement increased by 21% and ferrous metallurgy products by 26.6%. It should be noted that in 2020, in comparison with 2019, the range of exports of ferrous metals and products from them has been significantly expanded. If in 2019 the main export commodity was electricity, then in 2020 it is already wheat flour. The explosive growth in flour exports is due to the liberalization of the wheat and flour market in Uzbekistan and a decrease in the level of regulation of the flour-grinding industry. It should also be noted that if in 2019 only 293 commodity subheadings were exported to Afghanistan, then in 2020 - already 662. This indicates a sharp diversification of the commodity nomenclature of exports. Naturally, for many of the goods there are small volumes of natural and value supplies, but the very fact of entering the Afghan market with new products is indicative. Firstly, this means that domestic business views the Afghan market as promising, and secondly, that domestic products are in demand among the Afghan consumer. For example, the supply of footwear to Afghanistan increased 4 times, pharmaceutical products - 2.3 times, flour products - 5 times. On November 12, 2020, a Presidential Resolution "On measures to further expand and strengthen economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" was adopted. The document contains a "road map" for building up trade and economic cooperation between the countries. The decree introduced the post of Deputy Minister for Foreign Economic Cooperation who is also the director of the newly created Directorate of the free trade zone "International Trade Center Termez", which is a clear signal of the increasing importance of the Afghan direction in foreign economic policy for Tashkent. Thus, in accordance with the roadmap, it is planned to increase the volume of trade to $2 billion in the coming years. To achieve this goal, a number of measures have been approved. In particular, in 2021, it is planned to create trading houses of sectoral economic associations of Uzbekistan in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif for the supply of agricultural and industrial products. To simplify and reduce transportation costs for exporters between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, an agreement on international road transport is being worked out. Industrial cooperation with Afghanistan has significant potential for further building up trade and economic ties, but this area remained poorly implemented. The decree provides for a number of measures aimed at expanding industrial ties between the countries. In particular, it is planned to organize the supply of raw materials from Afghanistan and its subsequent processing in Uzbekistan - these are marble, stone products, fruits and vegetables and jewelry. It is planned to organize the processing and packaging of fruit and vegetable products on the territory of the ITC "Termez" and in the future to export them to the markets of the CIS countries. On the territory of Afghanistan, it is planned to restore the activity of textile factories with the assistance of the Uzbek side. Surkhandarya region in trade with Afghanistan Border and regional cooperation play an important role in raising the level of trade and economic partnership. In particular, Surkhandarya region, as the only region bordering Afghanistan, is already leading in cooperation. The volume of foreign trade turnover of the Surkhandarya region with Afghanistan at the end of 2020 amounted to $45.5 million, which is 10.8% of the region's foreign trade. In recent years, there has been an explosive growth in the number of enterprises with the participation of Afghan capital in the Surkhandarya region. As of January 1, 2021, the number of such enterprises reached 267 units, or 63% of all enterprises operating in the region with the participation of foreign capital. For comparison: as of January 1, 2019, there were 100 operating enterprises with the participation of Afghan capital in the region, and as of January 1, 2018, there were 57 operating enterprises with the participation of foreign capital. This dynamic of recent years is very indicative. Currently, the Surkhandarya region is actually the main hub of socio-economic interaction between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. In recent years, an International Trade Center and a special economic zone have been created in the region and it focuses on stimulating trade and economic interaction with Afghan business. There is also a training center for Afghan citizens in the region. As part of the two presidential decrees approved in November 2020, additional measures were taken to improve the efficiency of the region's trade and economic infrastructure. Among other things, a list of representative offices opened by organizations in the Surkhandarya region with the aim of developing foreign economic cooperation was approved. This list makes it possible to understand in which sectors the government sees and intends to actively promote products to the Afghan market. These are products of oil and gas, chemical, electrical, textile, leather and footwear, pharmaceutical industries, automotive industry, building materials industry, flour-grinding industry. However, the main thing is the creation of the long-awaited free trade zone on the border with Afghanistan, which is expected to become a powerful catalyst for economic cooperation. Towards Free Trade The creation of a free trade zone on the border with Afghanistan has been discussed for a long time. Simultaneously with the resolution on Afghanistan, the President's Decree "On measures for the further development of the activities of special economic and small industrial zones in the Surkhandarya region and the city of Tashkent" was also adopted. By the decree in the Surkhandarya region, a free trade zone "International Trade Center Termez" is being created. On the territory of ITC "Termez" services for the reception, storage, processing, sorting and packaging of products, as well as e-commerce portals will be organized. Various customs, tax, certification, hotel and other services are organized according to the "one-stop shop" principle. Foreign citizens are allowed to stay on the territory of ITC "Termez" for ten days without an entry visa. Foreign goods are placed by way of registration in the customs regime "free customs zone", moreover, it is allowed to conduct retail trade operations with these goods. The above decisions create the basis for free trade on the territory of the Center and the establishment of joint production activities, not burdened with unnecessary bureaucracy, tariff and non-tariff barriers. Meanwhile, ITC "Termez" is only a step in the liberalization and simplification of trade between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. In the future, the parties plan to conclude agreements on preferential trade and work out the possibility of concluding a free trade agreement. It is expected that this will give a serious impetus to increase the volume of trade between the countries by reducing tariff barriers. Transport and energy The effect of the taken measures to facilitate trade could be seriously limited by the underdeveloped transport and energy infrastructure of Afghanistan. In addition, as mentioned above, the role of Afghanistan for Uzbekistan and the entire Central Asian region in matters of transport links with the countries of South Asia and the shortest access to seaports is very high. The development of Afghanistan's transport infrastructure has been considered by the international community for decades. For example, the Asian Development Bank has developed an updated master plan for the development of the transport sector of Afghanistan for 2017-2036. Uzbekistan takes an active part in the implementation of the transport agenda of Afghanistan. As you know, in 2010, Uzbekistan built a 100-kilometer railway on the Hairaton-Mazar-i-Sharif route. In 2017, an Agreement on the construction of the Mazar-i-Sharif-Herat railway was signed between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Taking into account the transport and communication importance of Afghanistan for interregional economic cooperation, the creation of this center will contribute development of the transport and logistics system of Afghanistan and this is key in the development of interregional trade. In recent years, the construction of the Mazar-i-Sharif-Kabul-Peshawar railway has also been actively discussed. The project is currently the most promising, as it provides the shortest rail route to the seaports of Pakistani Karachi and Gwadar. It is expected that the railway will lead to a reduction in the transportation of goods from Uzbekistan to Pakistan from 35 to 3-5 days. It is important that the proposed route of the railway will run through territories rich in minerals. In particular, in the provinces through which the railway is expected to pass, there are deposits of coal, sulfur, copper, iron, marble and other minerals. In recent months, the activities of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan on the implementation of the project have noticeably intensified. On February 2 this year, a meeting was held in Tashkent with the participation of the participating countries, as well as representatives of international financial institutions. Following the meeting, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan signed a "road map" of the project. It is planned to involve the states of the region, the USA, Russia, the EU countries and international financial institutions in the implementation and financing of the railway. Other equally important areas of Uzbekistan on the Afghan agenda are energy and developing Afghanistan's energy infrastructure. Currently, Uzbekistan is the largest supplier of electricity to Afghanistan. At the same time, the Afghan economy is experiencing an acute shortage of electricity. In order to expand opportunities to increase imports of electricity, Afghanistan and neighboring countries are working on expanding the infrastructure for delivering electricity to Afghan provinces. In particular, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan are implementing a project for the construction of the Surkhan-Puli-Khumri transmission line. The construction of the power transmission line will increase the supply of electricity from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan by 70% - up to 6 billion kW.h per year. In 2020, an agreement was signed between Afghanistan and the Asian Development Bank to finance this project in the second half of October. In addition, it is worth noting that Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are exploring the possibilities of attracting Uzbek design and contracting organizations to the construction of infrastructure for roads and railways, as well as civil and industrial purposes in Afghanistan. Promoting human capital development Without human development in Afghanistan, infrastructure assistance will be largely constrained by the lack of skilled workforce in Afghanistan. Tashkent is also taking active measures in this direction. In particular, as mentioned above, a Training Center for Afghan Citizens has been operating since 2018 in Termez. As reported in the media, in 2020, 172 students were trained at the Center, from them 119 were trained in the direction of "Uzbek language and literature", 35 - in the direction of "Land transport systems and their operation" and 18 - in the direction of "Obstetrics, gynecology and nursing”. According to the decree of the President of Uzbekistan, additional measures were identified to assist in obtaining education for Afghan citizens. In particular, the Uzbek side plans to explore the possibilities for the development of cooperation between higher educational institutions in the field of architecture and construction, the allocation of quotas for Afghan citizens to study in magistracy and doctoral studies on the basis of a grant in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan. It is also planned to introduce the educational direction "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" at the Training Center for Afghan Citizens and organize practical seminars with the participation of qualified specialists from enterprises and organizations of the Surkhandarya region. In the field of intercultural cooperation, in the fall of 2020, festive events dedicated to the Day of the Uzbek language were held in Afghanistan. Also, between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, the possibilities of the parties are being worked out for the restoration of cultural and artistic monuments in the ancient cities of Afghanistan. Conclusion Thus, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are striving to expand socio-economic interaction in all possible areas and proceed from the comparative advantages of their economies. Despite the ongoing armed confrontation in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is adopting a program of socio-economic cooperation with this country, suggests that Tashkent sees high chances for reconciliation between the parties in the peace talks. However, the war-torn economy and underdeveloped infrastructure will remain serious constraints to the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Huge financial and capital injections into the Afghan economy will be required from the international community and investors. In this context, the creation under the UN of a permanent committee for promoting the socio-economic development of Afghanistan can help to consolidate the efforts of the world community in helping to restore the Afghan economy.
Following the brutal murder of George Floyd on the 25th May of this year, social media platforms have served as soapboxes of truth for the Black Lives Matter movement. Centrist and rightwing mainstream media outlets have continuously depicted BLM as an ambiguous blur of riot police and impassioned young people, choosing to reduce coverage of protests to instances of violence rather than provide insightful educational resources. Hence, people took their protest to social media. Such platforms are 21st century manifestations of freedom of speech, offering both a voice and willfully listening ears to anyone who creates an account – an obvious home for revolution. While this equal opportunity to wax lyrical can often catalyse hate and encourage fake news (need I mention the dreaded T word), the BLM movement has witnessed a harnessing of social media to share experiences and encourage one another’s education. Both people of colour and allies to the movement have come together, with a total of 22.3 million posts shared on Instagram alone using #blacklivesmatter. People have become awakened to the efficacy of their own voice. Among the loudest and most pertinent of these voices is undoubtedly the 25-year-old Pose star and activist, Indya Moore. With a cool 1.1 million Instagram followers, they have become a beacon of wisdom throughout the most politically active Pride month of the decade. Moore began their career as a model in New York City from the age of 15 and was stunting pretty on runways for the likes of Dior and Gucci before they turned their hand to acting. Their breakout role in the FX series Pose shone a spotlight of international accolade to the transgender, non-binary star. With a spot on the Times 100 list in 2019, Moore’s amplified voice has become a beacon of andragogy for trans rights and visibility. When COVID-19 descended upon the world, Moore took their break from filming the third season of Pose to help their community. This began with gathering and redistributing donations to people in need, such as those with disabilities, sex workers, and trans people of colour. In an interview with Variety from early June, Moore said: “Queer trans folk don’t have family networks. Queer trans folk seldom have community outreach and Middle America, you know. Queer trans folk are always the last to receive any help. And that’s why it’s really important for me to put a focal point on it.” This focal point of support for the trans community broadened to encompass black communities after that article was published. The BLM movement saw Moore take to social media to share anti-racism and anti-queerphobia resources with a ferocity that we could only hope to see from someone with such a platform. Voices such as Moore’s are those that we should be especially attuned to during times like this. Voices of celebrities who are not afraid to sacrifice the curated aesthetic of their Instagram page to post infographics and donation resources. RELATED ARTICLE Moxyland by Lauren Beukes - Review Voices of celebrities who are members of the communities they are fighting for and have lived through the experiences of hate they are campaigning to eradicate. While many allies have done their part to aid the BLM movement, figures such as Indya Moore are among the few who are unadulterated by virtue signalling. Social media has played host to an abundance of information that has trumped the meek coverage provided by mainstream media. However, the old Gordian knot of source reliability remains. We must be discerning in our sources of information on platforms that give voice to all. Following the likes of Indya Moore is a step in the right direction. Posted Under Opinions Television Tagged #blacklivesmatter indya moore pose Social media Trans rights Share on facebookTweet on twitter About Henry Tolley A young, queer writer living in London. Interests include LGBTQ+ culture and film. View all posts by Henry Tolley → Post navigation Britain’s top 10 musicals for the last 20 years revealed Mobile Game: Crash Bandicoot On The Run You may like these posts Queerness and Blackness in Lovecraft Country TV review: Snowpiercer – S2 E8: The Eternal Engineer My Hometown – A Gay History of Luton Opinion: Hogwarts Legacy – to buy or not to buy? LGBT laws in the UK post-Brexit Geek Game Review: Crash Bandicoot 4 – It’s About Time 12 October, 2020 Jake Basford ‘Crash Bandicoot 4 – It’s About Time’ is not only a useful moniker for the way the audience feels, but also hints at the plot. “Crash Souls” as has been dubbed by our Geek Editor is deceptively hard and necessarily so. 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The American economy is beginning to recover. However, we’re still a long way from how things were pre-COVID-19. The fact of the matter is that the class of 2020 is entering an uncertain job market. In a recent blog, I explained why the class of 2020 should freelance. If you haven’t read it, please start there first because this is a follow-on. In this blog, I’ve recounted five awesome freelance jobs for recent graduates. Though just a small sample, these freelance careers involve skill sets that recent grads are pretty adept at. So, let’s dive right in: Social Media Marketer Social media marketing is essential for any organization that wants to remain relevant. Even Boomers are online. Most companies recognize the importance of a social media presence. However, a lot of them are only on Facebook. Though that’s good enough for some, many businesses are lost on the opportunities that Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok present. Companies targeting younger generations may miss the mark entirely if their social media presence is limited to Facebook and LinkedIn. That’s why so many businesses need savvy social media coordinators, managers, and marketers to help them up their game. As a member of iGen, you’re inherently qualified for the job. You know what hashtags are trending on Twitter. You know how to get double taps on Instagram. You share Snapchat stories several times a day. And, you’re always up on the latest TikTok challenge. Basically, social media is an environment you’re very comfortable in. You can sell your social media skills to companies struggling to connect with and grow their audiences online. No matter your major, you’re naturally a good fit for a social media marketing role. But, if you’ve earned a degree in marketing, public relations, or communications, this could be the perfect recent graduate job for you. Virtual Assistant There are two types of college students: those with color-coded planners and everybody else. If you’re the former, you’d probably make a kickass freelance virtual assistant. Organized and efficient, virtual assistants usually work with executives struggling to juggle all of their work demands. The multifaceted job often entails things like organizing emails, scheduling appointments and meetings, booking travel arrangements, data entry, certain marketing tasks, and other clerical work. The title ‘assistant’ may lack the glamor of other roles like manager, consultant, or specialist. Nevertheless, it’s a great opportunity for those who aspire to lead their own businesses one day. As a virtual assistant, you can learn about the day-to-day demands of an executive in detail. It’s kind of like being an understudy for the role. If you know how to help an executive, you can be an executive. Being a virtual assistant is a great freelance job for recent graduates of any major. It’s a good opportunity for recent grads who are continuing their education. You can build your network and learn from powerful business leaders, which will serve you well throughout your career. Web Developer For some of you, Minecraft was your informal initiation into the vast world of coding. As a tween, you may have customized Minecraft mods, which led to a passion for web development. If you studied computer science in school and are fluent in programming languages, web development could be great for you. Now, I’m using this as an umbrella term. You could be a web developer, a web designer, or a programmer. Or you could find a specific niche, such as a WordPress developer or a Python developer. People will always need developers, designers, and coders to help build APIs, apps, and more. Web dev remains one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries. And there’s a lot of room for specialization. Anyone with an affinity for binary code should consider pursuing a freelance career in web dev. Copywriter No matter what you studied, you spent a good portion of your academic career writing. You learned about persuasive writing and rhetorical devices. You adhered to style guides. And you refined your writing skill over the years, applying what you’d learned in pretty much every non-math course you’ve taken. Though the nature of communication is ever-changing, businesses will always need good writers. Like web dev, copywriting is a field with a lot of room for specialization. There’s B2B copywriting, SEO copywriting, speechwriting, blogging, travel writing, ghostwriting, editorial writing — the list goes on. This is an easy freelance career path to get into as a recent grad, especially if you wrote for your school paper or started a blog during your studies. Online Tutor As a recent grad, you’re well acquainted with the academic requirements of school. And, as evinced by the receipt of your degree, you’ve got a considerable amount of expertise in at least one area. You can take your experience and turn it into a profitable freelance career as an online tutor. Tutoring is an easy way to earn money while helping the next generation of students coming up behind you. If you intend to pursue a career in academia, tutoring is a great option since it falls within the education field. It’s also a good recent graduate job because all of that valuable information you learned is still top of mind. You haven’t data dumped large chunks of your body of knowledge yet. It’s all still fresh, allowing you to advise struggling students with clarity and insight. There’s a demand for tutors in every academic subject, but math, science, writing, and foreign language tutors tend to be the most sought after. You could freelance for companies that hire online tutors, or you could land clients by marketing yourself to students within your community, In Conclusion… This list is in no way comprehensive when it comes to great freelance jobs for recent graduates. I chose these five because they’re easy to start and capitalize on skill sets common to many recent grads. If you want to jumpstart your career by freelancing while the economy recovers, these jobs are great to get you started. If you don’t want to launch a full freelance career but still want to make money in the meantime, check out these creative ways to make money online. You can earn a decent amount of money with any of these jobs. However, if you want to know where the big bucks in freelancing are, be sure to read our recent report. So, happy job-hunting, and again, congrats grads! Tags You may also like Are Qualifications Important? These Freelance Jobs are Thriving During the Pandemic {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"} Subscribe to our newsletter now! Subscribe to the newsletter Useful links Home Blog Privacy Policy Contact (425) 217-0079 Social __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"f3080":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f2bba":{"name":"Main Light 10","parent":"f3080"},"trewq":{"name":"Main Light 30","parent":"f3080"},"poiuy":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"f83d7":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"frty6":{"name":"Main Light 45","parent":"f3080"},"flktr":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)"},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgb(23, 23, 22)","hsl":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09}},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.5}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.7}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.35}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.4}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.2}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.8}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__
You must confirm your email address before editing pages. Please set and validate your email address through your user preferences. You can view and copy the source of this page. =Introduction= Zimbra 5.0 or higher supports the XMPP (Jabber) protocol for instant messaging. It stands for eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) (formerly known as Jabber) which is an open sourced, XML-inspired protocol for near real time, extensible instant messaging (IM) and presence information (a.k.a. buddy lists). XMPP compatible clients, such as Spark, can be used to connect to the Zimbra server. Users can then add buddies from their Zimbra Server into Spark without having a need to connect to a Third Party service such as AIM or MSN. This allows users to keep their home or personal instant messaging account separate from their work or professional account. Additionally, users can use the company/corporate/family Zimbra Server without signing up for another IM account from a Third Party Vendor. If you have an account on the Zimbra Server, you already have a XMPP/Chat account. Spark was created by IgniteRealtime/Jive which also produces the Wildfire/Openfire portal software, from which Zimbra's server side IM branches from. =Configuring Spark= After installation Username: - Zimbra user name without domain like user1 password: - Users' password Server: - Use only domain (please don't use Server name or IP) only domain like of Go to Advanced tab uncheck the :- Automatically discover host & port. Then, Host: - your mail Server like port: - 5222 =Configuring Conferencing= On the Conferences Tab: #Click on the Add Conference Service entry field. #Enter the name of your Zimbra server in the form of #Click the green + icon to add the server (you should see a new entry in the form of You can right click and 'Browse Service' or double-click the newly created service entry to create or join rooms. {{Article Footer|ZCS 5.0.7_GA_2444 & Spark 2.5.8|6/9/2008}} [[Category:Clients]]
Are you and your family visiting Anna Maria Island soon and looking for something to do. The good news is that the Anna Maria Island City Pier has officially opened for you to enjoy. Staying in one of our Anna Maria Island vacation rentals will keep you and your family close to the fun. Let’s look below at a little more information on the Anna Maria Island City Pier. History of the Pier The Anna Maria Island City Pier first opened for business in the early 1900s to provide a dock for big and small ships. This is where many imports and exports for fish for the area were a staple, and this was the perfect pier for just that. However, the dock has faced many different hurricanes and storms that would pose a port problem. In 2017 Hurricane Irma came through and caused some significant damages. It was evident that the pier would have to be repaired, and instead decided to replace it. The New Pier is Open Since the old pier was damaged more than most thought, it was time to build a new pier. Instead of making the pier with planks, they reconstructed it using metal instead. This, in turn, is good that it should be able to withstand hurricanes. While the new pier was supposed to open up to the public back in March, it was delayed due to COVID-19. The pier is now officially open for all those to come and enjoy it. Go check it out on your next trip to Anna Maria Island with the family! The Anna Maria Island City Pier has been around for more than 100 years, and we hope that it will be around at least 100 more. If you haven’t booked your next vacation to stay with us in an Anna Maria Island vacation rental, now is the time. We hope to see you and your family as you explore the new city pier too!
Gloria Estefan is a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, producer, actress and entrepreneur. Gloria Estefan has a net worth of $500 million. She is considered to be the most successful crossover artist in music history and has been a longtime resident of Miami, Florida. As of this writing she has sold over 130 million records worldwide. Early Life She was born as Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo Garcia on September 1, 1957 in Havana, Cuba and her family fled to the United States during the Cuban Revolution. Her father joined the US Military and fought in the Vietnam War and participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion; her mother worked as a school teacher for the Dade County Public School System. Upon his return from Vietnam, Estefan's father became ill with multiple sclerosis, attributed to the Agent Orange poisoning he had suffered in the war. Gloria became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1974. Gloria Estefan graduated with a BA in psychology and a minor in French from the University of Miami. For a time, she was a translator at the Miami International Airport in the Customs Department and because of her language abilities, she was once approached by the CIA about a potential employment opportunity. Singing Career Estefan and her cousin Mercedes Navarro met Estefan's future spouse, Emilio Estefan Jr., in 1975 while performing in a church ensemble. Emilio had formed the band Miami Latin Boys earlier that year and had heard about Gloria through a mutual friend. Gloria and merci impressed the Miami Latin Boys with their performances that they were invited to join the band permanently, changing the band name to Miami Sound Machine. In 1977, Miami Sound Machine began recording and releasing albums and grew in popularity in the U.S. and around the world. The next year, Gloria and Emilio got married. In 1984, the band released their first Epic/Columbia album titled "Eyes of Innocence", and their successful follow up "Primitive Love" was released in 1985. This album launched three Top 10 hits on the Billboard: the instant hit "Conga," "Words Get in the Way," and "Bad Boy." They released the song "Summer Nights" that year that was part of the wildly popular "Top Gun" film. Miami Sound Machine's next album in 1987, "Let It Loose", went multi-platinum and sold three million copies just in the U.S. alone. This one included arguably their most famous song, "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You." In 1989, they had worldwide chart success in "Anything for You.". After that, the band dropped their group name and Estefan has been credited as a solo artist ever since. Later that year, Gloria released her best-selling album to date, "Cuts Both Ways." The album had several No. 1 singles, including "Don't Wanna Lose You" and "Cuts Both Ways." While on tour for the album, Estefan was in a terrible accident when a semi-truck crashed into her tour bus during a snowstorm on March 20, 1990 near Scranton, Pennsylvania. Estefan was returning from a meeting with President George Bush to discuss her participation in an upcoming anti-drugs campaign. She was airlifted to NYC for emergency surgery to stabilize her vertebral column. She recovered completely and went back to touring internationally just 10 months after the accident. In 1991, she returned to the charts with "Into the Light." Her single "Coming Out of the Dark" reached No. 1 in the U.S. The album was her highest debut, peaking at No. 5 on the Billboard album chart and going platinum in the UK and double platinum in the U.S. The next year, she performed in the Super Bowl XXVI halftime show. In 1992, she released her greatest hits album. She went on to release 12 more studio albums and has never truly wavered in her popularity amongst fans. In April 2020, Estefan released "Put on Your Mask", a parody of her 1989 hit song "Get on Your Feet." She changed the lyrics to reflect the importance of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gloria Estefan is in the top 100 best selling music artists of all time and has an estimated 130 million records sold worldwide; 31.5 million of those were sold in the United States alone. She has won seven Grammy Awards and her music career has spanned over five decades. From 1977 to the present, Gloria Estefan has released 24 albums and has had 38 #1 hits throughout her career. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images) Other Work Estefan has written two children's books, The Magically Mysterious Adventures of Noelle the Bulldog (2005) and Noelle's Treasure Tale (2006). The latter spent a week at No. 3 on the NYT bestseller list. She also collaborated on a cookbook with her husband entitled "Estefan Kitchen." Published in 2008, the cookbook contains 60 traditional Cuban recipes. was a contributor to a cookbook, and has received countless awards for excellence throughout her career. In April 2014, it was announced that there is a Broadway musical about her life planned for release. The musical, On Your Feet, directed by Jerry Mitchell, premiered on Broadway in November 2015. It covered the life and career of the singer, including her early years in Miami and her recovery from her car accident in 1990. In June 2019, the show played in London's West End for three months. Estefan has appeared in two films, 1999's "Music of the Heart" and 2000's "For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story." She also made an appearance in 2008's "Marley & Me." She appeared in the ABC TV special "Elmopalooza" in February 1998. She appeared as a guest mentor in April 2004 on "American Idol." She also guest-starred on the shows "Glee", "The Next: Fame Is at Your Doorstep," and "One Day at a Time." Personal Life She became romantically involved with the Miami Sound Machine's band leader, Emilio Estefan in 1976, and the couple married in 1978. She proudly admitted that Emilio Estefan was her first and only boyfriend. They have one son and one daughter and the family continues to live in the Star Island section of Miami Beach, Florida. Real Estate In 1993 Emilio and Gloria paid $1.84 million for a 1.4-acre waterfront property in Miami on Star Island. For many years Emilio's mother lived on the property. In 2013, after she died, the Estefans rented the guest house out for $30,000 per month. In 2015 they listed the estate for $40 million: They did not find a buyer. In May 2020 they lowered the offering price to $27.5 million. On a bright note, the home finally sold in August 2021 for $35 million! They own a second mansion on Star Island that is worth at least $30 million. Gloria Estefan's House: For $30K Per Month – the Rhythm Can Get You Gloria Estefan Finally Sells Star Island Mansion "Nana's Villa" For $35 Million Gloria Estefan's Sprawling Miami Beach Guest Home Is Back Up For Sale At $32 Million Gloria Estefan Net Worth: $500 Million Date of Birth: Sep 1, 1957 (64 years old) Gender: Female Height: 5 ft 1 in (1.57 m) Profession: Singer-songwriter, Actor, Restaurateur, Hotel manager, Entrepreneur Nationality: United States of America All net worths are calculated using data drawn from public sources. When provided, we also incorporate private tips and feedback received from the celebrities or their representatives. While we work diligently to ensure that our numbers are as accurate as possible, unless otherwise indicated they are only estimates. We welcome all corrections and feedback using the button below.
The tiny dog that had to learn to walk on two legs: Dian Dian now trots around town on his hind legs | Daily Mail Online Home U.K. News Sports U.S. Showbiz Australia Femail Health Science Money Video Travel Shop DailyMailTV Latest Headlines Supply Chain Crisis Covid-19 Prince Harry Meghan Markle World News Most read My Profile Logout Login Privacy Policy Feedback Friday, Dec 3rd 2021 1PM 51°F 4PM 51°F 5-Day Forecast Advertisement Parents of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley, 15, are charged with four counts of manslaughter: Mom texted him saying 'Ethan, don't do it' after school meeting HOURS before shooting and father bought gun WITH him on Black Friday Sick Biden, 79, causes alarm at press conference but insists his hoarse voice is just a COLD due to kisses from Hunter's one-year-old son and says he gets tested for COVID every day Biden says he is NOT looking to impose a vaccine requirement for domestic air travelers as he says new measures are 'sufficient' to deal with Omicron Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen is questioned after plumber finds 'bags and bags' of cash and checks stashed in 500 envelopes in bathroom wall - seven years after $600K in donations was stolen from the church Ron DeSantis plans to build his own ARMY: Governor wants $3.5 million to create 200-strong Florida State Guard that is independent from the federal government LA cops arrest 14 suspects in connection with 11 smash-and-grab robberies - but release ALL of them because of California's 'zero bail' policy 'Everybody Killas' gang member, 25, kills Columbia University PhD student, 30, near Manhattan campus, stabs tourist, 27, 15 minutes later and is then arrested in Central Park trying to rob third man: NYC homicides soar 42% in two years Four of Kamala's staff are leaving in space of two weeks because they are burned out and they don't want to be permanently branded a 'Harris person' No end in sight to labor shortage: More than HALF of Americans who lost their jobs during pandemic say they've no plans to return - with many saying they'll take another SIX MONTHS off New Hampshire man who stuffed RAZOR blades into pizzas at supermarkets out of revenge after the pie company fired him weeps as he is jailed for nearly five years Satellite spots Chinese nuclear-powered submarine surfacing in the Taiwan Strait prompting amid soaring tensions in the busy shipping lane Terrified female driver, 19, desperately signals for help as her Honda is dragged down Chicago highway by oblivious truck driver after it got trapped when she changed lanes 'Will you tell the President it's late and I want to go to bed': Former British Chancellor George Osborne reveals the Queen told him to tell Barack Obama to call it a night at 2011 State Banquet Ex-Washington Football Team quarterback Robert Griffin III says he's releasing new book detailing sexual harassment he suffered while playing for the team Fauci demands Fox punish Lara Logan for comparing him to Nazi 'Angel of Death' Josef Mengele: Hints at legal action as he calls calls the attack 'slanderous' and 'disgusting' International Space Station is forced to SWERVE to avoid collision with fragment from discarded 1994 US rocket - the second time this week it was in danger of hitting space junk Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin is awarded $130 million by NASA to build its Orbital Reef space station just weeks after the company lost its lawsuit with the agency over SpaceX building the Artemis lunar lander US adds just 210,00 jobs in November - 340,000 BELOW expectations - in another dire employment report: Psaki finds out live on air, says she can't comment and points to Biden's 'good trends' Ted Cruz says he voted against funding the government because of 'pissant' Biden's vaccine mandates: Senate passes funding bill averting government shutdown Can I get my test back in time? US-bound travelers scramble to find COVID tests that can return a result in hours under Biden's new limits and could be forced to pay out at least $100 Biden tells ANOTHER tall tale: President claims he met Golda Meir during the Six-Day War in 1967 - but he was still a law student and she wasn't the Israeli PM Body of girl found hidden in a duffel bag in Oregon woods a year ago is identified as missing nine-year old as child's mom, 29, and her girlfriend, 34, are charged with her murder Arizona nurse who raped and impregnated woman, 29, in vegetative state is sentenced to 10 years in prison R rate in South African province that is epicenter of Omicron outbreak soars from below one to 3.5 in just weeks as US daily COVID deaths rise to 3,800 - the highest in three months Previous Next The dog that learned to stand on his own two feet: Dian Dian was born with no front legs... but can still go walkies Dian Dian moved like a seal after being born without front legs Forced to use hind legs after being born without front legs Chinese owner Cen Lan used food to train tiny dog to stand up By Jill Reilly Published: 08:21 EST, 20 March 2013 | Updated: 04:40 EST, 21 March 2013 e-mail 182 View comments Determined: Dian Dian standing on his hind legs 'Walkies' looked like an impossible task when this little dog was born without his two front legs. But thanks to his owner Dian Dian has overcome his disability and learned how to walk. The tiny dog now spends his days trotting around on town hind legs due to the perseverance of his owner. Cen Lan who lives in Nanning, capital of southern China's Guangxi Province, adopted the puppy six years ago. A neighbour's pet gave birth to six puppies, and one of them surprisingly had no forelegs. 'He was one of six puppies in a litter and the healthy five were adopted, leaving him alone,' she explained. 'I could read from his eyes that he was disappointed and he was eager to walk. 'I then adopted him without hesitation.' According to Cen Lan, Dian Dian initially moved like a seal on the ground, pushing his body forward with his hind legs. But Cen Lan was determined to help the tiny dog learn to overcome his disability. She came up with a training plan to help Dian Dian learn how to use his hind legs. 'I used food to train him to stand up, even for a second, she explained. Gradually Dian Dian leaned how to stand on them for a longer duration and then he took his first tentative steps forward. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 2 Next Why did the elephant seal cross the road? Well, no one was... Cute orphaned polar bear is nursed back to health after his... Fins ain't what they used to be! Bat fish appears to wear... Share this article Share Since then there has been no holding him back and the happy little dog saunters around their home as well as going for walks in the town. When he gets too tired from the exertion Cen Lan picks him up and pops him in her handbag for the trip home. Special bond: Owner Cen Lan makes the pair matching outfits - she adopted the dog six years ago. According to Cen, Dian Dian initially moved like a seal on the ground, pushing his body forward with his hind legs Training: 'I used food to train him to stand up, even for a second,' she explained. Gradually Dian Dian learned how to stand on his hind legs and then walk on them The pair are now inseparable and his owner has even crafted Dian Dian a little skirt to match her trousers. However, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for Cen Lan. She comments: 'I was driven out once as the tenant believed that Dian Dian is a bad omen. 'Fortunately I now have my own house'. And speaking about her pet, she added: 'He is part of my life and is my happy companion.' Caring: The little dog was one of six puppies in a litter and the healthy five were adopted, leaving him alone so Cen Lan took him in Advertisement Share or comment on this article: The tiny dog that had to learn to walk on two legs: Dian Dian now trots around town on his hind legs e-mail Most watched News videos Delivery driver launches parcel over fence giving pensioner BLACK EYE Terrifying moment surfers have close brush with shark in Puerto Rico Cressida Dick: Met not investigating No 10 over Christmas party Shocking moment thugs ram white van into police car following chase Maggie Throup stumbles while trying to clarify No.10 party claims Matt Hancock confesses to 'blowing up every part of his life' 'He's gotten more liberal': Trump disagrees with Boris' green stance German military gives Angela Merkel its highest ceremony for a civilian Maggie Throup: Brits 'probably will' have to get jabbed every year Amol Rajan shines light on inner workings of the Royal households Passerby smashes windscreen to rescue driver from burning vehicle Amusing moment cat performs sit-ups in gym to work off extra weight Comments 182 Share what you think Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all The comments below have not been moderated. 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Bing Site Web Enter search term: Search Advertisement Follow DailyMail Subscribe Daily Mail Follow @dailymail Follow DailyMail Follow MailOnline Follow Daily Mail Femail Today Tristan Thompson 'is expecting baby boy with Texas personal trainer' - who is now suing him for child support - after 'months long fling' while he was dating Khloe Elsa Pataky, 45, stuns in new poolside photoshoot as the ageless beauty flaunts her incredible figure Inside Succession star Sarah Snook's sprawling $1.4million rural home near Melbourne - as actress, 34, builds an impressive property portfolio Aaron Carter claims he's TRAPPED in his bedroom because ex-fiancée Melanie Martin 'won't leave' his home following messy split ONE WEEK after she gave birth to baby boy Below Deck's Captain Lee Rosbach reveals why former chief stewardess Francesca Rubi left the show after only one season Is Manscaped REALLY that good? We spoke to five guys who have been using the grooming products and they shared their thoughts on why male hygiene MATTERS Sponsored Kelly Clarkson admits that she is 'feeling alone' and 'plain sad' during her Christmas special... after divorce from ex Brandon Blackstock Bone Thugs-N-Harmony and Three 6 Mafia get into a physical fight while ONSTAGE performing at Verzuz Battle Kal Penn attends Knicks game with fiancé Josh one month after publicly coming out and announcing their upcoming nuptials Kristin Chenoweth, 53, stuns on the red carpet at the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony with fiancé Josh Bryant, 39, before performing Aziz Ansari reveals he is engaged to forensic data scientist Serena Skov Campbell Master Of None star, 38, boasted during a comedy set Wednesday in NYC Advertisement 'Like walking on a cloud': These $20 cozy open-toe slippers are proving to be a popular buy on Amazon - with shoppers particularly loving the cute tie dye tones Promoted Tearful Alec Baldwin says he DOESN'T feel guilty about accidental set shooting, didn't even realize he'd killed cinematographer for an HOUR, and thought she'd had 'heart attack' Harry Connick Jr gets roasted on social media for wearing bald cap as Daddy Warbucks on Annie Live! No family drama here! Succession's Nicholas Braun is the picture perfect son as he takes his mother to a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden Tori Spelling reveals whether she will be 'contributing' to estranged husband Dean McDermott's Christmas gift from their kids... as divorce rumors persist Ashley Tisdale mourns loss of her family's pooch Blondie: 'I will miss you my little rocking horse' The Bachelor's Cassie Randolph 'thinks it's inappropriate' that Colton Underwood keeps dredging up their past but understands 'it's part of his journey' Catherine Zeta-Jones, 52, gives fans a glimpse at peaceful morning walk with Michael Douglas, 77, as couple explore the coast while on vacation For ALL the showbiz news on the internet, go to SPONSORED Get ahead on your Christmas shopping: Beat the rush by ordering these gift boxes NOW - and you can schedule them to arrive just in time for the 25th Sponsored Advertisement Adele reveals her Instagram password was taken off her after she posted photo wearing a Jamaican flag bikini and Bantu knots then was accused of cultural appropriation Pint-sized Picasso! 10-YEAR-OLD takes Miami Art Week by storm - earning A-list fans like Channing Tatum, Sofia Vergara, and Brooke Shields - selling pieces for up to $20K EACH Braless Candice Swanepoel flaunts her toned pins in a racy black dress while Karlie Kloss looks chic in an onyx trouser suit at Miami fashion bash 'There was a lot of blood on walls': Henry Cavill reveals growing up with four brothers prepared him for career in action films and claims they were 'living on edge of survival' Courteney Cox and boyfriend Johnny McDaid hold hands as they leave Santa Monica's Giorgio Baldi alongside pal Ed Sheeran Get party-ready lashes in seconds! The TikTok-viral Lottie London Superfake Mascara transforms lashes in just a couple of coats- and it's under $8 Promoted Victoria Beckham opts for a laid back look in a black jacket and matching leggings on shopping trip 'It was associated with a questionable country': George Clooney admits he turned down $35M to appear in commercial after wife Amal told him 'it wasn't worth it' Whoopi Goldberg slams Justice Alito for saying a fetus has an 'interest in having a life' as SCOTUS Roe V Wade arguments begin Brie Larson shows off her incredibly sculpted physique while striking a leggy pose in a slinky backless dress Advertisement Jessie Cave is PREGNANT! Harry Potter actress, 34, reveals she's expecting her FOURTH child with Alfie Brown... 14 months after 'difficult' birth of son Abraham Benjamin 'It's OVER, my medication is working!' 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The Duchess of Cambridge wore new $100 gold hoop earrings from trendy French brand Sézane during visit to V&A museum Prince Andrew is stony faced as Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial hears how 'polite' Duke 'flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes, visited mansion and always tipped staff' Monty Python's John Cleese, 82, admits he can't do trademark silly walk any more because of 'two artificial hips, an artificial knee and a heavily infected big toe' Saweetie channels the Little Mermaid in a VERY busty ensemble as she downs whisky shots and dances up a storm during wild night out in LA Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway flash wide smiles and wrap their arms around each other at special screening of The Eyes of Tammy Faye in NYC Advertisement No wonder he's smitten! 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Elton John takes a playful swipe at Ed Sheeran for 'nearly killing' him on set of their Christmas charity single Elton John reveals he 'calls and supports' people battling addiction - 31 years after going sober following alcohol and drug issues Annie Live! thrills audience with Celina Smith dazzling alongside Nicole Scherzinger... after the actress, 12, revealed she wants 'to be a role model to black girls' Thor star Chris Hemsworth shares an incredible throwback image from his very first acting job in a budget medieval show - as he reflects on how far he's come in his career Keira's stodgy Christmas pudding, a very cheesy romcom and a big fat Netflix turkey: BRIAN VINER reviews Silent Night Spielberg goes West... and what a Story! BRIAN VINER's four-star verdict on the movie version of West Side Story BAZ BAMIGBOYE: West Side glory for Ariana DeBose who was getting her nails done when Steven Spielberg rang Camila Mendes and Dylan Frances Penn sport bold colors for the Chanel cocktail party in Miami Little Mix break down as they take to the stage on The Graham Norton Show just MOMENTS after announcing split... as fans voice heartache over their decision How Little Mix raked in £54m: No.1 hits, tours, beauty ranges, clothing line and merch made them multimillionaires... but how much will they scoop working 'on other projects' after split? Advertisement From selling 50 million singles and breaking world records to rows over 'inappropriate' outfits and blackfishing, look at highs and lows of Little Mix's 10 years EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Hit the brakes! 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Simmons matches in black with daughter Olivia as they hit the red carpet together at NY premiere for his new film Being the Ricardos 'Miss me?': Billie Eilish is back to brunette hair less than a year after making dramatic platinum blonde transformation Rosie Huntington-Whiteley sends temperatures soaring as she dons sexy lace lingerie in sizzling pre-pregnancy shots for her latest M&S collection Rihanna bundles up in quilted black coat on loved up shopping trip in New York with A$AP Rocky... days after accepting National Hero insignia at Barbados Republican celebrations Alia Shawkat is effortlessly cool in a cropped tuxedo jacket and patent platforms as she attends the NYC premiere of Being The Ricardos Machine Gun Kelly accidentally STABBED himself trying to impress girlfriend Megan Fox with knife trick Justin Theroux throws his support behind ex-wife Jennifer Aniston's new beauty line LolaVie by declaring it 'works' in sweet Instagram shoutout Alessandra Ambrosio goes glam in sexy black jumpsuit with gold detailing as she celebrates release of her coffee table book at star-studded launch party in LA Barefoot Wendy Williams wears bathrobe and is helped to her car outside of a Miami wellness center ... as the future of her daytime talk show hangs in the balance Rachel Zegler takes home her first award as she wins Best Actress from National Board of Review for performance in West Side Story Advertisement 'I'm going to catch that bouquet': Nicky Hilton says divorced Kim Kardashian joked about the bouquet toss tradition at Paris Hilton's wedding Kourtney Kardashian is SLAMMED over nine-year-old daughter Penelope's fake nails in TikTok video: 'Are you serious?' 'I would normally drink to make other people interesting!': Adele admits she boozed to deal with 'boring' people as she goes makeup free in beauty video Nicole Kidman stuns in a mint green suit while promoting Being The Ricardos on Live With Kelly And Ryan... and reveals she almost backed out of film Tori Spelling, 48, reveals she's getting 'bigger' breast implants than her current size D's but swears 'they'll actually look smaller' when she goes under the knife in the new year Josh Lucas unfollows girlfriend Rachel Mortenson and deletes his ENTIRE Instagram feed bar one photo... prompting split rumors Hilary Duff gets in the festive spirit as she collects Christmas stockings to decorate her home Martha Hunt is the picture of a doting mother as former Victoria's Secret Angel snuggles with newborn daughter Emery in sweet selfie Licorice Pizza writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson reveals why he picked Leonardo DiCaprio's father George for a cameo role Rita Ora, 31, and Taika Waititi, 46, cuddle up on a date night in Sydney as they return to the city where they first fell in love so the director can finish work on Thor: Love and Thunder Advertisement Erika Jayne turns the page on a 'new chapter' of her life with launch of a hair extension line... following challenging year full of legal turmoil for RHOBH star Supermodel Paulina Porizkova, 56, struts her stuff in a tiny black bikini as she celebrates aging in a new beauty campaign that aims to prove 'older is sexy' 'My new parents': Drake bonds with couple courtside at OKC Thunder game Netflix's You is the most watched series across all streaming services for the THIRD week in a row Modern Family's Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Aubrey Anderson-Emmons excite fans as they reunite in LA Blink-182 frontman Mark Hoppus says he accidently told the world about his Stage-4 cancer instead of his close friends due to 'brain fog' 'Got to see an old friend today': Andy Cohen reunites with his dog Wacha who he had to re-home because of some aggressive tendencies Sheriff and gun expert cast doubt on Alec Baldwin's claim he didn't pull trigger on Rust set as owner of prop arsenal firm says he only provided DUMMY rounds 'Sober sober is the only way': Demi Lovato renounces 'California sober' lifestyle which included alcohol and weed... three years after overdose Chrissy Teigen and John Legend celebrate daughter Luna, five, as she receives second COVID-19 vaccination Advertisement 'I followed her lead': Selling Sunset's Jason Oppenheim says Chrishell Stause wanted to keep their romance a secret while filming latest season Bella Hadid insists Victoria's Secret has 'changed' as she explains why she's back working for the firm after sexual misconduct claims Gigi Hadid cuts a casual figure as she arrives at Palma de Mallorca airport in rare outing since Zayn Malik's altercation with her mother Yolanda Willow Smith cuts a seriously stylish figure in an eye-catching Mugler jacket and matching socks while gracing the cover of Elle France Kirsten Dunst reveals Spider-Man producers encouraged her to 'fix her teeth' when she was 19 Kim Kardashian throws her arms in the air as she strikes a series of sultry poses in sequined Balenciaga gown 'My Mooks': Johnny Galecki wishes ex-girlfriend Kaley Cuoco a happy birthday with a cheeky throwback post sharing his nickname for the star Kobe Bryant's daughter Natalia, 18, shows off modeling skills while sporting Beyonce's new Halls of Ivy Adidas collection Ashley Graham shows off 'tree of life' stretch marks in naked snaps shared online... ahead of giving birth to twins 'Free the nipple! Bras are uncomfortable!' Vanessa Hudgens gives her impassioned definition of feminism and her stance on going braless alongside stunning new shoot Advertisement Eminem's daughter Hailie Jade proves to be one of her father's biggest fans as she reveals the rapper is her top artist on Spotify Wrapped '11+ over!': Victoria Beckham reveals daughter Harper, 10, has sat prestigious school exam as she gifts youngest child bouquet of flowers Laverne & Shirley star Eddie Mekka dead at 69: Actor who played Carmine Ragusa on the hit show is found dead at his home in California Seth Rogen admits he had NO IDEA the Adele concert was being taped for her One Night Only special and 'smoked a ton of weed' before the show Mariah Carey announces that she will release a new Holiday Hits Cookie Trio through her virtual bakery Gingerbread, Cinnamon Sugar and Chocolate Raspberry Truffle The REAL Princess Charlene: Friends from her swimming days tell Tatler the 'ambitious' royal 'knew what she was getting into' with Prince Albert but 'keeps her smarts under wraps' 'Vividly dreamed, cunningly modified and visually staggering': West Side Story remake is dubbed Steven Spielberg's 'best work in 20 years' as critics lavish five star reviews Rachel Zegler bundles up in a warm winter coat as she flashes a smile in New York City ahead of release of Steven Spielberg's West Side Story 'What a classy artist!' 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Kate Middleton dons $185 retro-style paisley Ralph Lauren blouse and keeps her face mask on to visit Fabergé exhibition at the V&A Winnie Harlow has legs for days in fitted ensemble as she takes in the thrill rides at Universal Studios Sean Penn cuts a dapper figure as he is joined by daughter Dylan and Leonardo Di Caprio at event for his CORE nonprofit in Miami 'I was extremely done': Willow Smith, 21, reveals she almost QUIT music following the success of breakthrough single Whip My Hair aged 10 Cardi B, 29, reveals new position as creative director at PLAYBOY and will serve as founding member of their creator-led platform: 'A dream come true' Christine Quinn's changing face: The Selling Sunset star famous for her 'burgers and Botox' parties is unrecognizable from her Netflix debut in 2019 Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Hudson both deliver show-stopping performances at the World AIDS Day concert in Los Angeles 'Date night': Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos pose for a romantic selfie as fans call them 'couple goals' Carlos Santana cancels all of his December shows after undergoing a successful and 'unscheduled heart procedure' Adam Levine reveals his face tattoo was actually FAKE as former 'Sexiest Man Alive' says he is 'too f***ing vain' to get head inking Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoys routine bike ride in Santa Monica... after paying tribute to 'idol' bodybuilder Dave Draper Lily Collins exudes Parisian chic wearing technicolor retro ensembles as she tours the City of Love ahead of season two of Emily in Paris From telling song lyrics to tense group chats and talk of uncontrollable tears: All the signs Little Mix were set to split as they announce they're 'taking a break' Little Mix SPLIT! Trio announce they're 'taking a break' to pursue solo projects after 10 amazing years together 'My heart is broken!' Devastated Little Mix fans react to the band's decision to split and say they hope it's not a 'permanent break like One Direction' Tiger King star Joe Exotic claims new evidence in murder-for-hire case is going to 'shock the world' and clear his name Advertisement DON'T MISS Alan Cumming's celebrity confessions: Actor reveals how he crashed JLo's 2001 wedding and praised Jessica Lange's breasts in candid memoir Halsey introduces baby son Ender to close friends BTS as she visits South Korean boyband backstage during their Permission To Dance tour Real Housewives Of Orange County: Heather Dubrow returns and shows off huge 22,000 square feet house Kim Kardashian seems to catch daughter Chicago and niece Dream red-handed as they meddle with her Christmas decorations in funny video Former child star Jonshel Alexander, 22, who appeared in Beasts of the Southern Wild, is shot dead and her friend wounded by masked gunman as they sat in a car in New Orleans 'It's been very hard after 35 years': Tom Ford admits he's 'struggled' to adjust to being a single father after his husband Richard Buckley's death Sopranos bosses were terrified star James Gandolfini would DIE while filming show after he 'went on cocaine and booze binges that forced bosses to shut down production' Lucy Boynton cuts a chic figure in pretty black dress while Sophie Cookson opts for same frock in pink as the actresses step out for fashion bash Karl Lagerfeld's 'dearest friend' opens doors to his lavish Paris home - revealing priceless treasures going up for auction, from $52k chandelier to $16k piano Rita Ora strips off and poses NUDE in a mirrored changing room before flashing her killer abs in sizzling snaps Matthew McConaughey tells radio hosts why ALL his female co-stars think he smells nice - and the secret behind his irresistible scent Chrissy Teigen displays her toned midriff in green crop top and tries out fringe with photo editing app in stunning snaps Dakota Johnson looks chic in a frilled collar dress as she joins her stylish co-stars Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley at The Lost Daughter photo call UK's most realistic Kate Middleton lookalike reveals how she trawls Zara and TJ Max to keep up with royal's wardrobe - and can't step out without being asked for a selfie Staff members put up the Christmas decorations at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh - including a 15ft tree and sparkling velvet garlands Princess Alexandra's granddaughter Flora Ogilvy says she is 'thrilled' as she lands new role as Ambassador of the V&A Museum's Young Patrons' Circle Striking a good note! Prince Charles meets students as gives a speech to unveil the official opening of the new Royal College of Music campus in London Chet Hanks puts on a trendy display as he departs dinner with a stunning mystery blonde in Santa Monica Winston Churchill's 'Little Redhead' granddaughter, Celia Sandys, 78, who went to parties with Jackie Onassis and Maria Callas shares childhood memories in new book Transgender reality star Jazz Jennings admits she was in a 'dark, dark place' while documenting her 100lb weight gain and eating disorder on her reality show Tom Brady believes son Jack, 14, will 'someday' play football for his alma mater Michigan... though wife Gisele Bundchen wants the boy to 'be what he wants to be' Irina Shayk is every inch the friendly ex as she attends ex Bradley Cooper's Nightmare Alley premiere in NYC... with the actor lauding her support in wake of reconciliation rumors Vanderpump Rules star Tom Sandoval calls out Katie Maloney and says she only inserted herself into his new bar because she needed a STORYLINE to get more airtime on the show 'I don't want to be the bada**...I've healed a lot': Noomi Rapace admits starring in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movies 'was like drowning in trauma' Haley Joel Osment poses with glamorous sister Emily while Frankie Grande kisses beau Hale Leon at star-studded LA Dodgers Christmas event Alex Rodriguez plans to celebrate Christmas as 'one big happy family' with ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis as he moves on from Jennifer Lopez Santa's little helper! Sophie Wessex wraps up warm in chic shearling coat as she bakes mince pies and packs Christmas care packages for charity Suited and booted! Queen Letizia of Spain cuts a stylish figure in a grey checked blazer and trousers as she arrives at the reopening of a monastery to the public in Madrid 'Every day is your birthday my queen!' Britney Spears' hunky fiancé Sam Asghari whisks star away on private jet and puts on a firework show to celebrate her 40th Alessandra Ambrosio teases a glimpse of her underboob in tiny black crop-top for sultry shot from her new coffee table book Ashley Roberts looks chic in a purple argyle polo neck and leather mini skirt as she joins glam co-host Amanda Holden as at Heart FM studios Joan Collins, 88, exudes glamour as she and husband Percy Gibson, 56, dine with Calvin Klein, 79, in LA Helen Mirren, 76, chain-smokes fake cigarette as she transforms into first female Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir for new biopic 'Godfather of Black Music' Clarence Avant's wife, 81, is shot dead during 2.30am burglary at their $7M Beverly Hills mansion while he was at home Britney Spears' fiancé Sam Asghari shares a loving kiss with her on a private jet and calls her his 'wife'... as he gets her a B-shaped cake for her 40th birthday 'I am so madly in love with you': Brooklyn Beckham makes MORE romantic proclamations about fiancée Nicola Peltz after taking sizzling lingerie snap of the actress Kaley Cuoco rings in her 36th birthday at Disneyland... as the actress poses for cute snap with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse Jamie Oliver says his 'maternal' wife Jools has her sights on having SIXTH child - after revealing she may have IVF treatment following five miscarriages 'She's broken up our family': Jessie Ware jokes her sister isn't speaking to her after she recorded new single with Kylie Minogue 'I found the love of my life': Sandra Bullock hails boyfriend Bryan Randall as a 'saint' and praises him for helping raise her two adopted children Jessica Simpson shows off incredible 100lb weight loss in a Gucci cardigan and skinny jeans during shopping trip with husband Eric Johnson He's on a wing and a prayer! Lewis Hamilton raises eyebrows with yet another risky sartorial statement as he steps out in bird printed trousers at the F1 Grand Prix Dakota Johnson looks typically stylish in a sleek black suit while her co-star Olivia Colman cuts a chic figure at The Lost Daughter special screening Dakota Johnson reveals she gave her The Lost Daughter co-star Olivia Colman her first ever tattoo Phoebe Dynevor cuts a trendy figure in floral printed jacket as she poses for series of stunning snaps Gordon Ramsay heads home with glam wife Tana after dining at swanky private members club Maison Estelle Inside Bindi Irwin's Queensland home: Couple offer a rare glimpse at their house which features a Sixties-style fireplace and a huge mountain mural in the living room Lily Collins debuts her stylish bangs and slips into an elegant structured skirt as she joins her stylish co-stars to promote Emily In Paris' second season Victoria Beckham unveils her Christmas playlist - including Spice Girls, a shout-out to Elton John AND the song that beat her solo single to number one Richard E Grant admits he's feeling 'sentimental' as he prepares to spend his first Christmas without wife Joan following her death from lung cancer Carla Bruni exudes glamour in a black gown as she joins ab-flashing Tina Kunakey at Bulgari hotel opening The former French First Lady was a vision Rumer Willis dons LBD for Love Actually Live opening in LA... ahead of celebrating five years of sobriety Elsa Pataky goes sightseeing in Venice with sister-in-law Silvia Serra after her romantic trip to the Czech Republic with husband Chris Hemsworth From geishas to Flappers, a timeless allure: Why nothing's as subtly sexy as going backless - and for less busty girls they are a surefire way to wow Lala Kent says her 'head was in the sand' as she breaks silence on ex-fiancé and cheating allegations: 'I don't know how the f**k I didn't see a lot of this s**t' Drake hams it up with NBA players and referees alike as he sits courtside to watch Oklahoma City Thunder take on Houston Rockets Chris Hemsworth 'purchases a $15million oceanfront site in Tasmania' after 'driving up house prices' in Australia's Northern Rivers region by buying several properties You Wear It Well! Penny Lancaster, 50, and dapper husband Rod Stewart, 76, wear matching camel for romantic dinner at swanky restaurant Dionne Warwick wants Jake Gyllenhaal to give THAT red scarf back to Taylor Swift and reiterates she'll happily 'pay the postage' to ensure its return Rita Ora arrives in Australia and begins home quarantine - where she works up a sweat with boyfriend Taika Waititi and celebrity trainer Jono Castano She's got s-EX appeal! Irina Shayk nearly bares all in leather as she gets cozy with Stella Maxwell at Bradley Cooper's Nightmare Alley premiere Princes William and Harry stay apart while holding 'joint' event for Diana Award winners: Duke of Cambridge meets face-to-face while Duke of Sussex holds Zoom meeting Lara Bingle shares a rare picture of husband Sam Worthington ahead of their seven-year wedding anniversary Former bikini model posted an image of the Avatar star How the royals do Christmas: The adorable festive tradition Princess Mary's family follows at the palace - and it's a new take on Elf on the Shelf Tom Ford reveals his VERY strict wardrobe rules for nine-year-old son - admitting he won't let him wear shorts to school and only just started allowing him to don T-shirts with prints Alexa Chung channels granny chic in a knitted hood and animal print faux fur coat as she arrives for a festive food bash at a pub I refuse to watch the new Sex And The City - because there's no Samantha, says EMILY HILL 'What? I listen to my dad's music?' Eminem's daughter Hailie Jade Mathers, 25, proves to be her father's biggest fan as she is in the TOP 3% of Spotify listeners Sarah Paulson glows in a white floral dress while rocking a stylish bob as she leads the stars at The Wrap's Power Women Summit 2021 Sean Penn sports a mustache as he's seen smoking a cigarette in Miami ... about six weeks after estranged wife Leila George filed for divorce Freddie Prinze Jr. reveals he will NEVER star in another movie with his Sarah Michelle Gellar... especially not a romantic comedy DailyMailTV EXCLUSIVE: Heather Dubrow reveals she wanted to return to RHOC to show 'our version of a normal family' after teen Max came out as bisexual Kourtney Kardashian puts on loved up display with Travis Barker while filming scenes for her family's new Hulu show... after shutting down pregnancy rumors Alec Baldwin weeps as he denies pulling trigger on gun loaded with 'a bullet that wasn't even supposed to be the property' during George Stephanopoulos interview Prosecutor in Josh Duggar child porn trial describes how he downloaded 65 images of a 'nude seven-year-old girl exposing her genitals and put in a dog kennel' Jill Duggar, 30, colors her hair for the first time and goes BLONDE - as she's named a potential witness in child porn trial of older brother Josh - who abused her and her sisters as kids Adam Levine debuts FACE TATTOO! Former 'Sexiest Man Alive' showcases new rose face inking with wife Behati Prinsloo at Art Basel party in Miami Katy Perry shares snaps from Thanksgiving with Orlando Bloom in California: 'Taxes may be high but so are our temperatures' . Alessandra Ambrosio steps out in LA with a copy of her new coffee table book in hand that features artistic nude snaps of the model Kelly Osbourne reflects on the 'hardest year' of her life... after being 'fat shamed' following sobriety battle Meagan Good leaves little to the imagination with a black bodysuit and a mesh skirt at the premiere for her series Harlem in New York City Cardi B's new line of vodka-infused whipped cream sells out within MINUTES as she promises fans more Victoria's Secret vet Behati Prinsloo shows off her supermodel curves in a skimpy black bikini while on the beach in Miami Rooney Mara nails gothic glam in black lace gown with sheer bodice and cropped jacket at premiere for Guillermo del Toro's Nightmare Alley in NYC Padma Lakshmi, 51, showcases her figure in strapless brown leather pencil dress at NY premiere for movie Nightmare Alley Lady Gaga opens up about her first acting role in an episode of The Sopranos as a teenager: 'I can see exactly what I did wrong' Draya Michele sizzles in a busty green blouse and spandex shorts as she steps out in Los Angeles The Masked Singer: Faith Evans reveals identity after performing as Skunk in Group A finals on Fox Elizabeth Hurley, 56, slips into another racy Versace dress for sizzling shoot - 27 years after wowing in THAT safety pin dress Henry Cavill is every inch the doting son as he brings his glamorous mother Marianne as his date to The Witcher season 2 premiere Miley Cyrus makes Forbes 30 Under 30 list AGAIN... a week after turning 29: 'It was now or never' Kourtney Kardashian shuts down pregnancy rumors after sharing sexy bikini snaps from Palm Springs holiday with fiancé Travis Barker Kim Kardashian is 'showing suppressed anger' towards Kanye West while he is 'keen to challenge' her romance with Pete Davidson, expert claims Christina Aguilera will be presented with the People's Choice Awards 2021 Music Icon Award by Becky G at televised show on December 7 Olivia Rodrigo tops Spotify's year-end chart with Driver's License earning most-streamed title... as rapper Bad Bunny earns top artist of 2021 Vanessa Hudgens shows off her toned derriere in a tight-fitting athleisure outfits from Kate Hudson's Fabletics Julia Lemigova kisses her tennis ace wife Martina Navratilova in new RHOM teaser... as she makes history as first openly lesbian Real Housewife Jen Shah argues fraud case should be THROWN OUT as she claims jury pool is tainted by remarks federal agents made on Hulu doc about the scandal 'I'm just glad that she is solo': Harry Hamlin weighs in on daughter Amelia Gray's split from Scott Disick and says she is 'doing great' on her own Cara Delevingne joins the cast of hit Hulu comedy series Only Murders In The Building starring Selena Gomez for its second season Gigi Hadid cuts a casual figure as she arrives in Mallorca with her entourage for a getaway - after Zayn Malik and Yolanda Hadid altercation 'We always do it big!' Ice-T and wife Coco throw epic SpongeBob themed party for daughter Chanel's 6th birthday Henry Cavill cuts a dapper figure as he joins glamorous co-star Anna Shaffer - who wows in an electric blue dress - at The Witcher season two premiere Anderson Cooper cradles his 19-month old son Wyatt sleeping on his chest as he shares tender beach snap Vivica A. Fox, 57, showcases her incredible figure alongside Jeremy Meeks, 37, as they step out for the premiere of True To The Game 3 Kris Jenner looks chic as she leaves London hotel with Tommy Hilfiger and Dee Ocleppo after whirlwind UK trip Former Wife Swap star, 36, accuses producers of doing 'horrible things' to her family and 'exploiting her pain' for profit - calling show the 'worst mistake' of her life 'I don't want to be worshipped': Dolly Parton, 75, reflects on why celebrity culture makes her 'cringe' Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline sign on to star in new AppleTV+ thriller Disclaimer directed by Alfonso Cuaron Bachelor star Colton Underwood says he abused Xanax while struggling to 'suppress' his sexuality, admitting he took 'a lot' of pills in the hopes he wouldn't 'wake up' Sailing back into society! Ivanka models $3,450 pink Louis Vuitton mini dress as she and Jared cruise to star-studded Miami fashion show honoring late Virgil Abloh What HAS happened to Meghan and Harry's $25m Spotify podcast deal? Royal couple have produced NO content in 2021 despite promising shows that would 'build community' Michael B. Jordan gushes about relationship with Lori Harvey as he talks about scrutiny with going public: 'I finally found what love was' Chrissy Teigen gets into pajama party mode with husband John Legend as they celebrate her 36th birthday bash in robes Demi Rose sizzles in a black thong and diamante suspenders before changing into a skintight nude bodysuit Lily Allen cuts a stylish figure as she steps out in New York wearing a lime green cardigan and checkerboard jumper layered beneath chic coat Emily Ratajkowski looks chic in Miu Miu jacket and skirt as she cuddles up with son Sylvester, eight months, in cute snaps Bindi Irwin makes a sweet promise to her brother Robert as she pays tribute to him on his 18th birthday The wildlife warrior, 23, posted a picture from her wedding day Kendall Jenner looks hot to trot while posing for her latest fashion campaign at horse ranch Josh Duggar's cousin Amy asks for prayers that he will get the 'ultimate sentence' in his child pornography trial - after slamming the father-of-seven as 'disgusting and evil' Sex offender inmate jailed at same facility as Josh Duggar after his April arrest is ordered to testify in today's child porn trial America's Next Top Model vet Sarah Hartshorne claims she was only paid $40 A DAY as a contestant on Tyra Banks' hit reality show UNCANCELED: Dave Chappelle's former high school now U-Turns and decides to stand by star by going ahead and naming its theatre after him despite controversy over his Netflix special 'We make great artists': Euphoria's Hunter Schafer talks being trans in the acting world... as she goes braless in sheer top for Harper's Bazaar Juliette Lewis and Ed Begley Jr sign on to join cast of the upcoming adaptation of Queer as Folk Dax Shepard explains how enforcing a 'no TV for the weekend' ban for his daughters ended up being a 'barbaric punishment' for him and Kristen Bell 'If you go to a party, you f***ing rage': Dakota Johnson discusses returning to post-vaccine life as she poses in Gucci faux fur coat for quirky shoot LeAnn Rimes flashes taut tummy and rocks a black sports bra while leaving a hair salon with a fresh blowout in LA Serena Williams and her mini-me daughter Olympia, 4, wear matching leopard-print pajamas in adorable snaps Selling Sunset's Mary Fitzgerald, 41, kisses husband Romain Bonnet, 28, during cozy walk in London after revealing plans to freeze embryos Jersey Shore's Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino marks six years of sobriety: 'Today we celebrate being a champion' Dakota Fanning shares a glimpse from her sunny beach trip to Capri after taking a break from filming the Showtime series Ripley Tori Spelling still has 'major trust issues' with estranged husband Dean McDermott years after he cheated... as impending divorce rumors persist Trevor Noah to return as host of 2022 Grammys Awards... as it will be the first time gala is held at soon to be renamed Arena Great British Baking Show judge Prue Leith, 81, poses as she gets her Covid booster jab - after Prime Minister Boris Johnson renewed calls for the public to get vaccinated Carole Middleton reveals she has a 'very silly Christmas' in store for her grandchildren Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis Prince Harry compares HIV and Covid pandemics as he blames 'corporate greed and political failure' for prolonging both in new UN-backed video Meghan Markle's top advisor has been working behind-the-scenes to promote the Duchess's pet issue and get universal paid leave legislation passed using her White House links Embattled Empire actor Jussie Smollett was caught on security cameras doing 'dry run' one day before alleged hate crime attack, court hears as trial prepares to enter its third day Leigh-Anne Pinnock breastfeeds her three-month-old child in candid new photo before hitting red carpet of new film Boxing Day in risqué gown Maskless Bill Nye teams up with 'Amtrak Joe' and is roasted for 'demented' and 'cringe-inducing' White House video promoting president's infrastructure bill Gal Gadot cuts a casual figure as she steps out for shopping trip with her daughter in LA Charlize Theron puts her beach body on full display in sexy swimsuit as she enjoys another beach day in Cabo San Lucas with her mother Gerda Peaky Blinders season 6 FIRST LOOK - 'I think I may have written your final act': Tom Hardy is BACK as Alfie gets a message from Tommy Shelby in shadowy glimpse at final season Pete Davidson watches the Knicks with sister Casey as his new flame Kim Kardashian attends Louis Vuitton presentation with Kanye West... after musician predicted they'll reunite Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies from Covid-19 aged 64 days after wife asked listeners to 'pray for his lungs to clear' LeBron James 'tests positive for COVID-19' and enters NBA's health and safety protocol: Lakers star is scratched from game in Sacramento and rushed back to LA on private jet Packers QB Aaron Rodgers accuses Green Bay coaching staff of leaking medical information about his injured toe to media Nicky Hilton puts on a leggy display in a thigh-split sequinned gown as she joins husband James Rothschild for Footwear News Achievement Awards 'Life with you:' Kourtney Kardashian shares steamy kiss with fiancé Travis Barker as they soak in a jacuzzi during Palm Springs getaway Annabelle Wallis and Matthew Goode ooze elegance as they step out for Silent Night screening in LA... as their co-star Keira Knightley battles Covid 'Snoremas!' Liam Gallagher brands Christmas at Noel's house 'boring' as he reveals warring siblings won't spend the festive period together Kylie Minogue, 53, displays her enviable frame in floral catsuit as she poses for behind-the-scenes snaps before Fashion Awards performance Kim Kardashian keeps a low profile while picking up estranged husband Kanye West en route to runway show honoring their late friend and designer Virgil Abloh in Miami Selling Sunset's Mary Fitzgerald shares a kiss with husband Romain Bonnett during London outing Selling Sunset ladies have got competition! Netflix launches spin-off real estate show in Tampa featuring a VERY glamorous all-women team touting lavish properties Doja Cat rocks a skimpy top while headlining the first stop of the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour in Fort Worth, Texas 'It was the answer to my problems, and the cause of them': Edie Falco says she 'found her nirvana' with alcohol before going sober at 29 Kate Nash announces new single and shares nostalgic snap of herself in a crop top leaving fans in a frenzy Alec Baldwin's live bullet that killed Rust cinematographer may have been recycled ammo and supplied by armorer as part of stash used to train actors on firing range And Just Like That.... first official trailer! SATC is back with a VERY saucy bang as Carrie talks public masturbation and gets steamy with Big Money Heist's Ursula Corbero swaps her red jumpsuit for a racy cut out gown as she joins co-stars for season 5 photocall Chrissy Teigen turns 36! Star celebrates her birthday with an al fresco candlelit dinner complete with stunning ballet performance Sandra Bullock shimmers in a sequin jumpsuit and black blazer on the red carpet at NY premiere for her Netflix drama The Unforgivable Jennifer Coolidge says she gained 40lbs during lockdown from eating up to 'SIX pizzas a day' which made her want to turn down White Lotus role Jessica Simpson, 41, looks thinner than ever in her skinny jeans as she shows off her figure... after losing 100lbs then giving up alcohol Kim Kardashian and estranged husband Kanye West join daughter North on the front row at Louis Vuitton vigil for late designer Virgil Abloh Donald Trump says Meghan Markle 'disrespected' The Queen and 'horribly' used Harry in new interview with British politician Lizzo puts on a VERY cheeky display as she makes 'a** art' while clad in a thong during fun painting session Hilaria Baldwin reveals she's had 'heart-wrenching' conversations with her children about husband Alec's on-set Rust shooting Vanderpump Rules: Katie Maloney-Schwartz stops working on new restaurant with husband Tom Schwartz Advertisement From the Makers of Candy Crush Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. 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'Every Body Killer' gang member, 25, kills Columbia University PhD student, 30, near Manhattan campus, stabs tourist, 27, 15 minutes later and is then arrested in Central Park trying to rob third man: NYC homicides soar 42% in two years Fauci demands Fox punish Lara Logan for comparing him to Nazi 'Angel of Death' Josef Mengele: Hints at legal action as he calls calls the attack 'slanderous' and 'disgusting' LA cops arrest 14 suspects in connection with 11 smash-and-grab robberies - but release ALL of them because of California's 'zero bail' policy No end in sight to labor shortage: More than HALF of Americans who lost their jobs during pandemic say they've no plans to return - with many saying they'll take another SIX MONTHS off Ron DeSantis plans to build his own ARMY: Governor wants $3.5 million to create 200-strong Florida State Guard that is independent from the federal government Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen is questioned after plumber finds 'bags and bags' of cash and checks stashed in 500 envelopes in bathroom wall - seven years after $600K in donations were stolen from the church Terrified female driver, 19, desperately signals for help as her Honda is dragged down Chicago highway by oblivious truck driver after it got trapped when she changed lanes 'Will you tell the President it's late and I want to go to bed': Former British Chancellor George Osborne reveals the Queen told him to tell Barack Obama to call it a night at 2011 State Banquet International Space Station is forced to SWERVE to avoid collision with fragment from discarded 1994 US rocket - the second time this week it was in danger of hitting space junk US adds just 210,00 jobs in November - 340,000 BELOW expectations - in another dire employment report: Psaki finds out live on air, says she can't comment and points to Biden's 'good trends' Senate passes funding bill averting government shutdown: McConnell and 18 other Republicans join Democrats sending legislation to Biden's desk before Friday's midnight deadline Can I get my test back in time? US-bound travelers scramble to find COVID tests that can return a result in hours under Biden's new limits and could be forced to pay out at least $100 Biden tells ANOTHER tall tale: President claims he met Golda Meir during the Six-Day War in 1967 - but he was still a law student and she wasn't the Israeli PM Body of girl found hidden in a duffel bag in Oregon woods a year ago is identified as missing nine-year old as child's mom, 29, and her girlfriend, 34, are charged with her murder Arizona nurse who raped and impregnated woman, 29, in vegetative state is sentenced to 10 years in prison Reinfection rate in South African province that is epicenter of Omicron outbreak soars from below one to 3.5 in just weeks as US daily COVID deaths rise to 3,800 - the highest in three months People with allergic conditions including hay fever, asthmas and eczema have an up to 40% lower risk of COVID-19 infection, study finds Shots fired: Top NYC private schools issue COVID vaccine mandates which order ALL students aged five and up to receive jab or face expulsion Covid booster jabs ARE likely to protect against Omicron: Third dose of Pfizer and Moderna 'massively' boosts the body's defences against virus by tripling T-cell levels, major study claims Europe hits the panic button: Un-vaxxed lockdowns, jab mandates and travel bans rushed in as leaders try to curb soaring Covid cases and Omicron variant Tristan Thompson 'is expecting baby boy with Texas personal trainer' - who is now suing him for child support - after steamy 'months long fling' while he was dating Khloe Daughter of woman who abandoned her family to join QAnon's JFK-obsessed cult shares her fears that her mom is going to commit SUICIDE after finding 'delusional' journals detailing her desire to 'follow God' Losing your temper or working out too hard at the gym may be contributing factors in up to one in 11 strokes, study suggests Tearful Alec Baldwin says he would have killed himself if he felt guilty about shooting dead cinematographer - but he doesn't: Says 'highly unlikely' he will face charges Previous Next The face of a British ISIS suicide bomber: Jihadi who carried out deadly bomb attack which killed over 50 people in Iraq British bomber known only by his nom de guerre as Abu Khalid al-Britani A fellow fighter said Abu Khalid was from UK and of Somali/Yemeni origin He carried out a twin operation with a Tunisian bomber, killing and wounding over 50 people in the Iraqi city of Ramadi ISIS claimed they halted a large Iraqi army attack on the city in Anbar Do you recognise Abu Khalid al-britani? Email: See our full coverage of ISIS militants at By Tom Wyke for MailOnline Published: 16:32 EST, 24 October 2015 | Updated: 08:31 EST, 25 October 2015 e-mail 5.7k shares 5 View comments A British ISIS fighter has carried out a devastating suicide bomb attack near the jihadi held city of Ramadi in Iraq. Abu Khalid al-Britani killed at least 50 Iraqi soldiers in a double suicide bomb attack with a Tunisian fighter whilst defending Ramadi. A photograph was posted online in tribute to the British fighter, who was half Yemeni and half Somali in origin but never lived in Somalia. Scroll down for video: Abu Khalid al-Britani was from the UK and was of Somali and Yemeni origin but only spoke limited Somali. He is the second British jihadi to blow himself up at Ramadi in less than a week Another fighter known as Abu Maidah as-Somali, who used to live in London and Sweden, described the dead jihadi as his 'best friend'. Abu Maidah revealed that the British suicide bomber was in his 40s and was not fluent in Somali. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next The mums and dads behind Reclaim Australia: Founders of... The real Arabian nights: Extraordinary picture shows drunk,... Share this article Share The two fighters met in a terrorist training camp before Abu Khalid volunteered to fight in Iraq. Abu Khalid al-Britani is the third British fighter to blow himself up at Ramadi whilst fighting for ISIS. Abu Omar al-Britani was the second British jihadi to kill himself in a suicide bomb attack at Ramadi last week Earlier this week, ISIS released a statement claiming that a British fighter called Abu Omar al-Britani had taken part in a twin suicide bomb attack, killing and wounding 80 people. The attack was carried out as Iraqi Special Forces launched a large offensive to try to re-take the ISIS held city. A photograph showed the British fighter sitting behind an office desk in Anbar province. The fighter is dressed in a white thobe and has chunky gold watch on his wrist. His large framed glasses poke out above the black mask which covers half of his face. In what appears to be an office, the fighter has a large knife, a single green hand grenade and a pistol placed in front of him on the work top. A single copy of the Qu'ran rests next to a laptop as the jihadi poses with his gloved index finger pointed up to the sky to show his oneness with God. British ISIS fighter Fatlum Shalaku, 20, from Ladbroke grove, blew himself up in ISIS's succesful assault on Ramadi, Iraq, earlier this year The rise in British suicide bombers at Ramadi comes as ISIS continue to hold out at the strategic spot after successfully capturing the city in May. British Kosovan Fatlum Shalaku was the first British national to carry out a suicide bomb attack during the taking of the city. A propaganda video of his final moments were released online two weeks ago, with the jihadi describing his decision through the use of a Qur'anic quote. Just before he climbed into his armoured vehicle, laden with explosives, Fatlum said his last words: 'I just want to go out there with a bang.' Advertisement Share or comment on this article: British ISIS suicide bomber Abu Khalid al-Britani who killed over 50 in Iraq e-mail 5.7k shares Most watched News videos How to pronounce Omicron? The BBC gives you some idea Amol Rajan shines light on inner workings of the Royal households 'He's gotten more liberal': Trump disagrees with Boris' green stance Cressida Dick: Met not investigating No 10 over Christmas party Maggie Throup stumbles while trying to clarify No.10 party claims Storm Arwen: Moment Energy Minister is confronted by angry resident Delivery driver launches parcel over fence giving pensioner BLACK EYE Amusing moment cat performs sit-ups in gym to work off extra weight Omicron symptoms 'very mild or asymptomatic': Botswana health minister German military gives Angela Merkel its highest ceremony for a civilian Maggie Throup: Brits 'probably will' have to get jabbed every year Matt Hancock confesses to 'blowing up every part of his life' Comments 5 Share what you think Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all The comments below have been moderated in advance. 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Bing Site Web Enter search term: Search Advertisement Follow DailyMail Subscribe Daily Mail Follow @dailymail Follow DailyMail Follow MailOnline Follow Daily Mail Femail Today Tristan Thompson 'is expecting baby boy with Texas personal trainer' - who is now suing him for child support - after 'months long fling' while he was dating Khloe Elsa Pataky, 45, stuns in new poolside photoshoot as the ageless beauty flaunts her incredible figure Aaron Carter claims he's TRAPPED in his bedroom because ex-fiancée Melanie Martin 'won't leave' his home following messy split ONE WEEK after she gave birth to baby boy Adele reveals her Instagram password was taken off her after she posted photo wearing a Jamaican flag bikini and Bantu knots then was accused of cultural appropriation Tearful Alec Baldwin says he DOESN'T feel guilty about accidental set shooting, didn't even realize he'd killed cinematographer for an HOUR, and thought she'd had 'heart attack' Is Manscaped REALLY that good? We spoke to five guys who have been using the grooming products and they shared their thoughts on why male hygiene MATTERS Sponsored Below Deck's Captain Lee Rosbach reveals why former chief stewardess Francesca Rubi left the show after only one season Aziz Ansari reveals he is engaged to forensic data scientist Serena Skov Campbell Master Of None star, 38, boasted during a comedy set Wednesday in NYC Harry Connick Jr gets roasted on social media for wearing bald cap as Daddy Warbucks on Annie Live! Tori Spelling reveals whether she will be 'contributing' to estranged husband Dean McDermott's Christmas gift from their kids... as divorce rumors persist Inside Succession star Sarah Snook's sprawling $1.4million rural home near Melbourne - as actress, 34, builds an impressive property portfolio Advertisement 'Like walking on a cloud': These $20 cozy open-toe slippers are proving to be a popular buy on Amazon - with shoppers particularly loving the cute tie dye tones Promoted Brie Larson shows off her incredibly sculpted physique while striking a leggy pose in a slinky backless dress Whoopi Goldberg slams Justice Alito for saying a fetus has an 'interest in having a life' as SCOTUS Roe V Wade arguments begin Catherine Zeta-Jones, 52, gives fans a glimpse at peaceful morning walk with Michael Douglas, 77, as couple explore the coast while on vacation 'It's OVER, my medication is working!' Britney Spears delights in the end of her conservatorship-issued therapy by mocking doctors in skit Braless Candice Swanepoel flaunts her toned pins in a racy black dress while Karlie Kloss looks chic in an onyx trouser suit at Miami fashion bash 'It was associated with a questionable country': George Clooney admits he turned down $35M to appear in commercial after wife Amal told him 'it wasn't worth it' Kendall Jenner cuts a trendy figure in a black wool coat as she heads home after dinner with her newlywed pal Lauren Perez For ALL the showbiz news on the internet, go to SPONSORED Get ahead on your Christmas shopping: Beat the rush by ordering these gift boxes NOW - and you can schedule them to arrive just in time for the 25th Sponsored Advertisement Grace Gummer and Mark Ronson make their red carpet debut as a married couple at the re-opening night of Slave Play on Broadway Kate Middleton prefers 'practical presents' and worries 'tech-savvy' Prince George and Princess Charlotte have 'too much screen time', expert claims Kate Beckinsale sets pulses racing in a busty sheer dress as she helps celebrate friend's birthday at star-studded party in London Ed Westwick cuts a dashing figure in a sharp suit with bold crew-neck top as he leads the suave attendees at Gentleman's Journal Christmas party Phil Collins' ex Orianne Collins, 47, files for DIVORCE from toyboy Thomas Bates, 32, after year married... and insists she wed due to 'emotional stress of Covid quarantine' Get party-ready lashes in seconds! The TikTok-viral Lottie London Superfake Mascara transforms lashes in just a couple of coats- and it's under $8 Promoted Hilaria Baldwin steps out in metallic leggings and $1,900 gold Moncler vest as Alec FLEES town with suitcases ahead of his bombshell ABC interview tonight Alexandra Daddario is engaged! The White Lotus star, 35, says she 'couldn't be luckier' as she confirms she's set to wed film producer Andrew Form, 52 Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds epitomize married bliss as they enjoy a stroll arm in arm in NYC Devon Windsor and Charlotte McKinney show off their leggy figures and luxury watches at an exclusive Hublot event at Art Basel in Miami Advertisement Jonah Hill and girlfriend Sarah Brady look cosy during tender moment while out in Beverly Hills Mariah Carey adds fuel to diva rumors after revealing she required SIX men to carry her 70lb gown's train in latest Christmas special Emma Roberts cuts a casual figure as she stocks up on groceries - after rumours she's split from boyfriend Garrett Hedlund 'It's like wearing nothing at all... but I'm supported!' Amazon shoppers rave about how comfortable this wire-free bra is - and it's been reduced from $44 to as little as $16.99 Promoted Monty Python's John Cleese, 82, admits he can't do trademark silly walk any more because of 'two artificial hips, an artificial knee and a heavily infected big toe' Queen of style! Princess Mary steps out in spectacular style as braves the rain and heads for a festive night out at the ballet with three of her children Claire Foy brands Duchess of Argyll the 'first victim of revenge porn' and claims she would have been 'appalled' to learn she is playing her in series A Very British Scandal An early Christmas gift for Kate? The Duchess of Cambridge wore new $100 gold hoop earrings from trendy French brand Sézane during visit to V&A museum Prince Andrew is stony faced as Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial hears how 'polite' Duke 'flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes, visited mansion and always tipped staff' Saweetie channels the Little Mermaid in a VERY busty ensemble as she downs whisky shots and dances up a storm during wild night out in LA Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway flash wide smiles and wrap their arms around each other at special screening of The Eyes of Tammy Faye in NYC No wonder he's smitten! Liam Hemsworth's girlfriend Gabriella Brooks flaunts her incredible figure in a high-cut swimsuit on the cover of Stellar magazine Watch What Happens Live: Martha Stewart, 80, strongly denies ever dating late TV host Larry King Jennifer Lopez exudes glamour in cream gown as she pulls at listeners heartstrings in On My Way ballad from upcoming rom-com Marry Me Hollywood returns to Washington: LL Cool J, Billy Porter, Kristin Chenoweth join the Bidens for their first National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony while in office Advertisement ABBA release first ever Christmas song Little Things from comeback album Voyage as they race to reach festive chart top spot Madonna vs 50 Cent: Singer slams rapper 'friend' for talking 'smack' about her after he posted meme mocking THAT bedroom shoot Lil Nas X showcases his washboard abs in an unbuttoned glittery green shirt as he leads the star-studded arrivals at fashion bash in West Hollywood Damien Hirst, 56, and girlfriend Sophie Cannell, 27, can't keep their hands off one another after dinner at Scott's Kate Beckinsale wows in a semi-sheer dress as she parties alongside TOWIE's Chloe Sims at friend's star-studded birthday bash Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts puts on a leggy display in a zebra print mini skirt at friend's 30th birthday party 'Wait until I see that little b******d!' Elton John takes a playful swipe at Ed Sheeran for 'nearly killing' him on set of their Christmas charity single Elton John reveals he 'calls and supports' people battling addiction - 31 years after going sober following alcohol and drug issues Annie Live! thrills audience with Celina Smith dazzling alongside Nicole Scherzinger... after the actress, 12, revealed she wants 'to be a role model to black girls' Thor star Chris Hemsworth shares an incredible throwback image from his very first acting job in a budget medieval show - as he reflects on how far he's come in his career Advertisement Keira's stodgy Christmas pudding, a very cheesy romcom and a big fat Netflix turkey: BRIAN VINER reviews Silent Night Spielberg goes West... and what a Story! BRIAN VINER's four-star verdict on the movie version of West Side Story BAZ BAMIGBOYE: West Side glory for Ariana DeBose who was getting her nails done when Steven Spielberg rang Camila Mendes and Dylan Frances Penn sport bold colors for the Chanel cocktail party in Miami Little Mix break down as they take to the stage on The Graham Norton Show just MOMENTS after announcing split... as fans voice heartache over their decision How Little Mix raked in £54m: No.1 hits, tours, beauty ranges, clothing line and merch made them multimillionaires... but how much will they scoop working 'on other projects' after split? From selling 50 million singles and breaking world records to rows over 'inappropriate' outfits and blackfishing, look at highs and lows of Little Mix's 10 years EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Hit the brakes! Tamara Ecclestone's business is $35m in the red zone Sir Michael Caine, 88, looks happier than ever as he leaves London hotspot with glamorous wife Shakira, 74 Grace Warrior marvels at her own reflection in the mirror as she bonds with grandma Terri Irwin Bindi Irwin's daughter Advertisement Jade Jagger slips into punchy star-print dress as she cozies up to Sadie Frost - who dons a tracksuit and beanie - at festive fashion bash 'It's laughable': Joanna Lumley slams Netflix series The Crown as close friend of Prince Charles insists 'I know the royals, so I know it's all made up' Rumer and Scout Willis get in some quality time with their paternal grandmother Marlene Willis during shopping outing in LA Los Angeles Dodgers' $365million star Mookie Betts marries longtime love Brianna Hammonds in gorgeous beachside ceremony after 15 years of dating Josh Duggar had hi-tech software installed on his work computer to BYPASS monitoring service that alerted his wife Anna when he looked at 'mature teen' porn, court hears Jessie Ware is mesmerizing in ethereal blue gown as she serenades crowd during Manchester leg of tour David Beckham sports nasty cut on his nose after being bitten by daughter Harper, 10, as he steps out for soccer game with son Romeo Sir Rod Stewart, 76, enjoys quality time with son Alastair, 16, as pair watch Celtic soccer team win 1-0 against Heart of Midlothian in Cinch Premiership game Anne Hathaway oozes New York City cool in black minidress and overcoat... as she and husband Adam Shulman hold hands on date night 'Double Standard': Kathy Griffin accuses CNN of 'misogyny and ageism' for firing her but keeping Jeffery Toobin despite his Zoom masturbation scandal Advertisement Did your toddler cut your hair, Elon? World's richest man Musk sports wild Mohawk as he touches down in Miami with son X Æ A-XII and dog in tow Nicole Kidman is a vision in white while her co-star Javier Bardem looks dashing in a purple tuxedo as they hit the red carpet at the Being The Ricardos premiere in New York Sandra Bullock opens up about her adopted daughter's foster care trauma - revealing she'd hide food and 'always be prepared to leave' after navigating THREE systems by age three Leonardo DiCaprio and Sean Penn - with his estranged wife - party the night away at Soho Beach House in Miami before club hopping to A-list bash Riz Ahmed sports a stylish look with a Pakistani kurta and a suit at the Los Angeles premiere of his new Amazon film Encounter The story of a grandmother who accidentally invited teen to Thanksgiving dinner is being turned into a Netflix film called The Thanksgiving Text Robin Williams' kids Zelda and Zak attend fundraiser for teen mental health charity where the late comedian and Hollywood star was honored Octavia Spencer dons leopard-print coat and Gucci heels to reunite with Riz Ahmed at LA premiere of Amazon film Encounter Machine Gun Kelly is white hot in a stylish ivory suit and strands of pearls as he attends The Last Son premiere in NYC with daughter Casie, 12 Glenn Close and daughter Annie Starke hit the red carpet and support teen mental health at the Revels & Revelations event in New York City Advertisement Gwyneth Paltrow declares she's 'made it' as Australian comedian Celeste Barber parodies the bikini-clad actress in the sauna Candice Swanepoel wows in a string bikini top and patterned pants at Tropic Of C swimwear event in Miami attended by model pals Joan Smalls and Karlie Kloss Heather Graham, 51, stuns in stripy sequin mini-dress as she joins Machine Gun Kelly at The Last Son premiere in NYC 'Nothing is working': Maria Menounous, 43, admits she is afraid she's 'too old to have kids' as she speaks out about her 'never-ending' attempt to conceive via surrogate Nicole Kidman reveals her husband Keith Urban found the Lucille Ball voice she used for her upcoming movie Being the Ricardos was 'scary' Britney Spears tells her critics to 'kiss my beautiful white a**' while showing off her dresses and blasting terminated conservatorship... as she celebrates her 40th birthday in Mexico J.K. Simmons matches in black with daughter Olivia as they hit the red carpet together at NY premiere for his new film Being the Ricardos 'Miss me?': Billie Eilish is back to brunette hair less than a year after making dramatic platinum blonde transformation Rosie Huntington-Whiteley sends temperatures soaring as she dons sexy lace lingerie in sizzling pre-pregnancy shots for her latest M&S collection Rihanna bundles up in quilted black coat on loved up shopping trip in New York with A$AP Rocky... days after accepting National Hero insignia at Barbados Republican celebrations Advertisement Alia Shawkat is effortlessly cool in a cropped tuxedo jacket and patent platforms as she attends the NYC premiere of Being The Ricardos Machine Gun Kelly accidentally STABBED himself trying to impress girlfriend Megan Fox with knife trick Justin Theroux throws his support behind ex-wife Jennifer Aniston's new beauty line LolaVie by declaring it 'works' in sweet Instagram shoutout Alessandra Ambrosio goes glam in sexy black jumpsuit with gold detailing as she celebrates release of her coffee table book at star-studded launch party in LA Barefoot Wendy Williams wears bathrobe and is helped to her car outside of a Miami wellness center ... as the future of her daytime talk show hangs in the balance Rachel Zegler takes home her first award as she wins Best Actress from National Board of Review for performance in West Side Story 'I'm going to catch that bouquet': Nicky Hilton says divorced Kim Kardashian joked about the bouquet toss tradition at Paris Hilton's wedding Kourtney Kardashian is SLAMMED over nine-year-old daughter Penelope's fake nails in TikTok video: 'Are you serious?' 'I would normally drink to make other people interesting!': Adele admits she boozed to deal with 'boring' people as she goes makeup free in beauty video Nicole Kidman stuns in a mint green suit while promoting Being The Ricardos on Live With Kelly And Ryan... and reveals she almost backed out of film Advertisement Tori Spelling, 48, reveals she's getting 'bigger' breast implants than her current size D's but swears 'they'll actually look smaller' when she goes under the knife in the new year Josh Lucas unfollows girlfriend Rachel Mortenson and deletes his ENTIRE Instagram feed bar one photo... prompting split rumors Hilary Duff gets in the festive spirit as she collects Christmas stockings to decorate her home Martha Hunt is the picture of a doting mother as former Victoria's Secret Angel snuggles with newborn daughter Emery in sweet selfie Licorice Pizza writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson reveals why he picked Leonardo DiCaprio's father George for a cameo role Rita Ora, 31, and Taika Waititi, 46, cuddle up on a date night in Sydney as they return to the city where they first fell in love so the director can finish work on Thor: Love and Thunder Erika Jayne turns the page on a 'new chapter' of her life with launch of a hair extension line... following challenging year full of legal turmoil for RHOBH star Supermodel Paulina Porizkova, 56, struts her stuff in a tiny black bikini as she celebrates aging in a new beauty campaign that aims to prove 'older is sexy' 'My new parents': Drake bonds with couple courtside at OKC Thunder game Netflix's You is the most watched series across all streaming services for the THIRD week in a row Advertisement Modern Family's Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Aubrey Anderson-Emmons excite fans as they reunite in LA Blink-182 frontman Mark Hoppus says he accidently told the world about his Stage-4 cancer instead of his close friends due to 'brain fog' 'Got to see an old friend today': Andy Cohen reunites with his dog Wacha who he had to re-home because of some aggressive tendencies Sheriff and gun expert cast doubt on Alec Baldwin's claim he didn't pull trigger on Rust set as owner of prop arsenal firm says he only provided DUMMY rounds 'Sober sober is the only way': Demi Lovato renounces 'California sober' lifestyle which included alcohol and weed... three years after overdose Chrissy Teigen and John Legend celebrate daughter Luna, five, as she receives second COVID-19 vaccination 'I followed her lead': Selling Sunset's Jason Oppenheim says Chrishell Stause wanted to keep their romance a secret while filming latest season Bella Hadid insists Victoria's Secret has 'changed' as she explains why she's back working for the firm after sexual misconduct claims Gigi Hadid cuts a casual figure as she arrives at Palma de Mallorca airport in rare outing since Zayn Malik's altercation with her mother Yolanda Willow Smith cuts a seriously stylish figure in an eye-catching Mugler jacket and matching socks while gracing the cover of Elle France Advertisement Kirsten Dunst reveals Spider-Man producers encouraged her to 'fix her teeth' when she was 19 Kim Kardashian throws her arms in the air as she strikes a series of sultry poses in sequined Balenciaga gown 'My Mooks': Johnny Galecki wishes ex-girlfriend Kaley Cuoco a happy birthday with a cheeky throwback post sharing his nickname for the star Kobe Bryant's daughter Natalia, 18, shows off modeling skills while sporting Beyonce's new Halls of Ivy Adidas collection Ashley Graham shows off 'tree of life' stretch marks in naked snaps shared online... ahead of giving birth to twins 'Free the nipple! Bras are uncomfortable!' Vanessa Hudgens gives her impassioned definition of feminism and her stance on going braless alongside stunning new shoot Eminem's daughter Hailie Jade proves to be one of her father's biggest fans as she reveals the rapper is her top artist on Spotify Wrapped '11+ over!': Victoria Beckham reveals daughter Harper, 10, has sat prestigious school exam as she gifts youngest child bouquet of flowers Laverne & Shirley star Eddie Mekka dead at 69: Actor who played Carmine Ragusa on the hit show is found dead at his home in California Seth Rogen admits he had NO IDEA the Adele concert was being taped for her One Night Only special and 'smoked a ton of weed' before the show Advertisement Mariah Carey announces that she will release a new Holiday Hits Cookie Trio through her virtual bakery Gingerbread, Cinnamon Sugar and Chocolate Raspberry Truffle The REAL Princess Charlene: Friends from her swimming days tell Tatler the 'ambitious' royal 'knew what she was getting into' with Prince Albert but 'keeps her smarts under wraps' 'Vividly dreamed, cunningly modified and visually staggering': West Side Story remake is dubbed Steven Spielberg's 'best work in 20 years' as critics lavish five star reviews Rachel Zegler bundles up in a warm winter coat as she flashes a smile in New York City ahead of release of Steven Spielberg's West Side Story 'What a classy artist!' Taylor Swift sends Don McLean flowers and a sweet note after smashing his Billboard record he held for 50 years Bella Thorne celebrates being included on Forbes 30 Under 30 list: 'I can't even begin to describe my level of happiness right now' Selma Blair talks childhood, fame and her MS diagnosis in new memoir Mean Baby that she calls 'a survival course in acceptance' Simone Biles flaunts toned derriere in bikini snap from her vacation - as she discusses 'sadness' over mental health struggles that blighted her quest for gold in Tokyo 'We just connected in that way': Lizzo details her bond with Adele and says they've 'been through similar things'... but she can't remember their first meeting as she was too 'drunk' That '70s show! Kate Middleton dons $185 retro-style paisley Ralph Lauren blouse and keeps her face mask on to visit Fabergé exhibition at the V&A Advertisement Winnie Harlow has legs for days in fitted ensemble as she takes in the thrill rides at Universal Studios Sean Penn cuts a dapper figure as he is joined by daughter Dylan and Leonardo Di Caprio at event for his CORE nonprofit in Miami 'I was extremely done': Willow Smith, 21, reveals she almost QUIT music following the success of breakthrough single Whip My Hair aged 10 Cardi B, 29, reveals new position as creative director at PLAYBOY and will serve as founding member of their creator-led platform: 'A dream come true' Christine Quinn's changing face: The Selling Sunset star famous for her 'burgers and Botox' parties is unrecognizable from her Netflix debut in 2019 Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Hudson both deliver show-stopping performances at the World AIDS Day concert in Los Angeles 'Date night': Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos pose for a romantic selfie as fans call them 'couple goals' Carlos Santana cancels all of his December shows after undergoing a successful and 'unscheduled heart procedure' Adam Levine reveals his face tattoo was actually FAKE as former 'Sexiest Man Alive' says he is 'too f***ing vain' to get head inking Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoys routine bike ride in Santa Monica... after paying tribute to 'idol' bodybuilder Dave Draper Lily Collins exudes Parisian chic wearing technicolor retro ensembles as she tours the City of Love ahead of season two of Emily in Paris From telling song lyrics to tense group chats and talk of uncontrollable tears: All the signs Little Mix were set to split as they announce they're 'taking a break' Little Mix SPLIT! Trio announce they're 'taking a break' to pursue solo projects after 10 amazing years together 'My heart is broken!' Devastated Little Mix fans react to the band's decision to split and say they hope it's not a 'permanent break like One Direction' Tiger King star Joe Exotic claims new evidence in murder-for-hire case is going to 'shock the world' and clear his name Alan Cumming's celebrity confessions: Actor reveals how he crashed JLo's 2001 wedding and praised Jessica Lange's breasts in candid memoir Halsey introduces baby son Ender to close friends BTS as she visits South Korean boyband backstage during their Permission To Dance tour Real Housewives Of Orange County: Heather Dubrow returns and shows off huge 22,000 square feet house Kim Kardashian seems to catch daughter Chicago and niece Dream red-handed as they meddle with her Christmas decorations in funny video Former child star Jonshel Alexander, 22, who appeared in Beasts of the Southern Wild, is shot dead and her friend wounded by masked gunman as they sat in a car in New Orleans 'It's been very hard after 35 years': Tom Ford admits he's 'struggled' to adjust to being a single father after his husband Richard Buckley's death Sopranos bosses were terrified star James Gandolfini would DIE while filming show after he 'went on cocaine and booze binges that forced bosses to shut down production' Lucy Boynton cuts a chic figure in pretty black dress while Sophie Cookson opts for same frock in pink as the actresses step out for fashion bash Karl Lagerfeld's 'dearest friend' opens doors to his lavish Paris home - revealing priceless treasures going up for auction, from $52k chandelier to $16k piano Rita Ora strips off and poses NUDE in a mirrored changing room before flashing her killer abs in sizzling snaps Matthew McConaughey tells radio hosts why ALL his female co-stars think he smells nice - and the secret behind his irresistible scent Chrissy Teigen displays her toned midriff in green crop top and tries out fringe with photo editing app in stunning snaps Dakota Johnson looks chic in a frilled collar dress as she joins her stylish co-stars Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley at The Lost Daughter photo call UK's most realistic Kate Middleton lookalike reveals how she trawls Zara and TJ Max to keep up with royal's wardrobe - and can't step out without being asked for a selfie Staff members put up the Christmas decorations at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh - including a 15ft tree and sparkling velvet garlands Princess Alexandra's granddaughter Flora Ogilvy says she is 'thrilled' as she lands new role as Ambassador of the V&A Museum's Young Patrons' Circle Advertisement DON'T MISS Striking a good note! Prince Charles meets students as gives a speech to unveil the official opening of the new Royal College of Music campus in London Chet Hanks puts on a trendy display as he departs dinner with a stunning mystery blonde in Santa Monica Winston Churchill's 'Little Redhead' granddaughter, Celia Sandys, 78, who went to parties with Jackie Onassis and Maria Callas shares childhood memories in new book Transgender reality star Jazz Jennings admits she was in a 'dark, dark place' while documenting her 100lb weight gain and eating disorder on her reality show Tom Brady believes son Jack, 14, will 'someday' play football for his alma mater Michigan... though wife Gisele Bundchen wants the boy to 'be what he wants to be' Irina Shayk is every inch the friendly ex as she attends ex Bradley Cooper's Nightmare Alley premiere in NYC... with the actor lauding her support in wake of reconciliation rumors Vanderpump Rules star Tom Sandoval calls out Katie Maloney and says she only inserted herself into his new bar because she needed a STORYLINE to get more airtime on the show 'I don't want to be the bada**...I've healed a lot': Noomi Rapace admits starring in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movies 'was like drowning in trauma' Haley Joel Osment poses with glamorous sister Emily while Frankie Grande kisses beau Hale Leon at star-studded LA Dodgers Christmas event Alex Rodriguez plans to celebrate Christmas as 'one big happy family' with ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis as he moves on from Jennifer Lopez Santa's little helper! Sophie Wessex wraps up warm in chic shearling coat as she bakes mince pies and packs Christmas care packages for charity Suited and booted! Queen Letizia of Spain cuts a stylish figure in a grey checked blazer and trousers as she arrives at the reopening of a monastery to the public in Madrid 'Every day is your birthday my queen!' Britney Spears' hunky fiancé Sam Asghari whisks star away on private jet and puts on a firework show to celebrate her 40th Alessandra Ambrosio teases a glimpse of her underboob in tiny black crop-top for sultry shot from her new coffee table book Ashley Roberts looks chic in a purple argyle polo neck and leather mini skirt as she joins glam co-host Amanda Holden as at Heart FM studios Joan Collins, 88, exudes glamour as she and husband Percy Gibson, 56, dine with Calvin Klein, 79, in LA Helen Mirren, 76, chain-smokes fake cigarette as she transforms into first female Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir for new biopic 'Godfather of Black Music' Clarence Avant's wife, 81, is shot dead during 2.30am burglary at their $7M Beverly Hills mansion while he was at home Britney Spears' fiancé Sam Asghari shares a loving kiss with her on a private jet and calls her his 'wife'... as he gets her a B-shaped cake for her 40th birthday 'I am so madly in love with you': Brooklyn Beckham makes MORE romantic proclamations about fiancée Nicola Peltz after taking sizzling lingerie snap of the actress Kaley Cuoco rings in her 36th birthday at Disneyland... as the actress poses for cute snap with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse Jamie Oliver says his 'maternal' wife Jools has her sights on having SIXTH child - after revealing she may have IVF treatment following five miscarriages 'She's broken up our family': Jessie Ware jokes her sister isn't speaking to her after she recorded new single with Kylie Minogue 'I found the love of my life': Sandra Bullock hails boyfriend Bryan Randall as a 'saint' and praises him for helping raise her two adopted children Jessica Simpson shows off incredible 100lb weight loss in a Gucci cardigan and skinny jeans during shopping trip with husband Eric Johnson He's on a wing and a prayer! Lewis Hamilton raises eyebrows with yet another risky sartorial statement as he steps out in bird printed trousers at the F1 Grand Prix Dakota Johnson looks typically stylish in a sleek black suit while her co-star Olivia Colman cuts a chic figure at The Lost Daughter special screening Dakota Johnson reveals she gave her The Lost Daughter co-star Olivia Colman her first ever tattoo Phoebe Dynevor cuts a trendy figure in floral printed jacket as she poses for series of stunning snaps Gordon Ramsay heads home with glam wife Tana after dining at swanky private members club Maison Estelle Inside Bindi Irwin's Queensland home: Couple offer a rare glimpse at their house which features a Sixties-style fireplace and a huge mountain mural in the living room Lily Collins debuts her stylish bangs and slips into an elegant structured skirt as she joins her stylish co-stars to promote Emily In Paris' second season Victoria Beckham unveils her Christmas playlist - including Spice Girls, a shout-out to Elton John AND the song that beat her solo single to number one Richard E Grant admits he's feeling 'sentimental' as he prepares to spend his first Christmas without wife Joan following her death from lung cancer Carla Bruni exudes glamour in a black gown as she joins ab-flashing Tina Kunakey at Bulgari hotel opening The former French First Lady was a vision Rumer Willis dons LBD for Love Actually Live opening in LA... ahead of celebrating five years of sobriety Elsa Pataky goes sightseeing in Venice with sister-in-law Silvia Serra after her romantic trip to the Czech Republic with husband Chris Hemsworth From geishas to Flappers, a timeless allure: Why nothing's as subtly sexy as going backless - and for less busty girls they are a surefire way to wow Lala Kent says her 'head was in the sand' as she breaks silence on ex-fiancé and cheating allegations: 'I don't know how the f**k I didn't see a lot of this s**t' Drake hams it up with NBA players and referees alike as he sits courtside to watch Oklahoma City Thunder take on Houston Rockets Chris Hemsworth 'purchases a $15million oceanfront site in Tasmania' after 'driving up house prices' in Australia's Northern Rivers region by buying several properties You Wear It Well! Penny Lancaster, 50, and dapper husband Rod Stewart, 76, wear matching camel for romantic dinner at swanky restaurant Dionne Warwick wants Jake Gyllenhaal to give THAT red scarf back to Taylor Swift and reiterates she'll happily 'pay the postage' to ensure its return Rita Ora arrives in Australia and begins home quarantine - where she works up a sweat with boyfriend Taika Waititi and celebrity trainer Jono Castano She's got s-EX appeal! Irina Shayk nearly bares all in leather as she gets cozy with Stella Maxwell at Bradley Cooper's Nightmare Alley premiere Princes William and Harry stay apart while holding 'joint' event for Diana Award winners: Duke of Cambridge meets face-to-face while Duke of Sussex holds Zoom meeting Lara Bingle shares a rare picture of husband Sam Worthington ahead of their seven-year wedding anniversary Former bikini model posted an image of the Avatar star How the royals do Christmas: The adorable festive tradition Princess Mary's family follows at the palace - and it's a new take on Elf on the Shelf Tom Ford reveals his VERY strict wardrobe rules for nine-year-old son - admitting he won't let him wear shorts to school and only just started allowing him to don T-shirts with prints Alexa Chung channels granny chic in a knitted hood and animal print faux fur coat as she arrives for a festive food bash at a pub I refuse to watch the new Sex And The City - because there's no Samantha, says EMILY HILL 'What? I listen to my dad's music?' Eminem's daughter Hailie Jade Mathers, 25, proves to be her father's biggest fan as she is in the TOP 3% of Spotify listeners Sarah Paulson glows in a white floral dress while rocking a stylish bob as she leads the stars at The Wrap's Power Women Summit 2021 Sean Penn sports a mustache as he's seen smoking a cigarette in Miami ... about six weeks after estranged wife Leila George filed for divorce Freddie Prinze Jr. reveals he will NEVER star in another movie with his Sarah Michelle Gellar... especially not a romantic comedy DailyMailTV EXCLUSIVE: Heather Dubrow reveals she wanted to return to RHOC to show 'our version of a normal family' after teen Max came out as bisexual Kourtney Kardashian puts on loved up display with Travis Barker while filming scenes for her family's new Hulu show... after shutting down pregnancy rumors Alec Baldwin weeps as he denies pulling trigger on gun loaded with 'a bullet that wasn't even supposed to be the property' during George Stephanopoulos interview Prosecutor in Josh Duggar child porn trial describes how he downloaded 65 images of a 'nude seven-year-old girl exposing her genitals and put in a dog kennel' Jill Duggar, 30, colors her hair for the first time and goes BLONDE - as she's named a potential witness in child porn trial of older brother Josh - who abused her and her sisters as kids Adam Levine debuts FACE TATTOO! Former 'Sexiest Man Alive' showcases new rose face inking with wife Behati Prinsloo at Art Basel party in Miami Katy Perry shares snaps from Thanksgiving with Orlando Bloom in California: 'Taxes may be high but so are our temperatures' . Alessandra Ambrosio steps out in LA with a copy of her new coffee table book in hand that features artistic nude snaps of the model Kelly Osbourne reflects on the 'hardest year' of her life... after being 'fat shamed' following sobriety battle Meagan Good leaves little to the imagination with a black bodysuit and a mesh skirt at the premiere for her series Harlem in New York City Cardi B's new line of vodka-infused whipped cream sells out within MINUTES as she promises fans more Victoria's Secret vet Behati Prinsloo shows off her supermodel curves in a skimpy black bikini while on the beach in Miami Rooney Mara nails gothic glam in black lace gown with sheer bodice and cropped jacket at premiere for Guillermo del Toro's Nightmare Alley in NYC Padma Lakshmi, 51, showcases her figure in strapless brown leather pencil dress at NY premiere for movie Nightmare Alley Lady Gaga opens up about her first acting role in an episode of The Sopranos as a teenager: 'I can see exactly what I did wrong' Draya Michele sizzles in a busty green blouse and spandex shorts as she steps out in Los Angeles The Masked Singer: Faith Evans reveals identity after performing as Skunk in Group A finals on Fox Elizabeth Hurley, 56, slips into another racy Versace dress for sizzling shoot - 27 years after wowing in THAT safety pin dress Henry Cavill is every inch the doting son as he brings his glamorous mother Marianne as his date to The Witcher season 2 premiere Miley Cyrus makes Forbes 30 Under 30 list AGAIN... a week after turning 29: 'It was now or never' Kourtney Kardashian shuts down pregnancy rumors after sharing sexy bikini snaps from Palm Springs holiday with fiancé Travis Barker Kim Kardashian is 'showing suppressed anger' towards Kanye West while he is 'keen to challenge' her romance with Pete Davidson, expert claims Christina Aguilera will be presented with the People's Choice Awards 2021 Music Icon Award by Becky G at televised show on December 7 Olivia Rodrigo tops Spotify's year-end chart with Driver's License earning most-streamed title... as rapper Bad Bunny earns top artist of 2021 Vanessa Hudgens shows off her toned derriere in a tight-fitting athleisure outfits from Kate Hudson's Fabletics Julia Lemigova kisses her tennis ace wife Martina Navratilova in new RHOM teaser... as she makes history as first openly lesbian Real Housewife Jen Shah argues fraud case should be THROWN OUT as she claims jury pool is tainted by remarks federal agents made on Hulu doc about the scandal 'I'm just glad that she is solo': Harry Hamlin weighs in on daughter Amelia Gray's split from Scott Disick and says she is 'doing great' on her own Cara Delevingne joins the cast of hit Hulu comedy series Only Murders In The Building starring Selena Gomez for its second season Gigi Hadid cuts a casual figure as she arrives in Mallorca with her entourage for a getaway - after Zayn Malik and Yolanda Hadid altercation 'We always do it big!' Ice-T and wife Coco throw epic SpongeBob themed party for daughter Chanel's 6th birthday Henry Cavill cuts a dapper figure as he joins glamorous co-star Anna Shaffer - who wows in an electric blue dress - at The Witcher season two premiere Anderson Cooper cradles his 19-month old son Wyatt sleeping on his chest as he shares tender beach snap Vivica A. Fox, 57, showcases her incredible figure alongside Jeremy Meeks, 37, as they step out for the premiere of True To The Game 3 Kris Jenner looks chic as she leaves London hotel with Tommy Hilfiger and Dee Ocleppo after whirlwind UK trip Former Wife Swap star, 36, accuses producers of doing 'horrible things' to her family and 'exploiting her pain' for profit - calling show the 'worst mistake' of her life 'I don't want to be worshipped': Dolly Parton, 75, reflects on why celebrity culture makes her 'cringe' Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline sign on to star in new AppleTV+ thriller Disclaimer directed by Alfonso Cuaron Bachelor star Colton Underwood says he abused Xanax while struggling to 'suppress' his sexuality, admitting he took 'a lot' of pills in the hopes he wouldn't 'wake up' Sailing back into society! Ivanka models $3,450 pink Louis Vuitton mini dress as she and Jared cruise to star-studded Miami fashion show honoring late Virgil Abloh What HAS happened to Meghan and Harry's $25m Spotify podcast deal? Royal couple have produced NO content in 2021 despite promising shows that would 'build community' Michael B. Jordan gushes about relationship with Lori Harvey as he talks about scrutiny with going public: 'I finally found what love was' Chrissy Teigen gets into pajama party mode with husband John Legend as they celebrate her 36th birthday bash in robes Demi Rose sizzles in a black thong and diamante suspenders before changing into a skintight nude bodysuit Lily Allen cuts a stylish figure as she steps out in New York wearing a lime green cardigan and checkerboard jumper layered beneath chic coat Emily Ratajkowski looks chic in Miu Miu jacket and skirt as she cuddles up with son Sylvester, eight months, in cute snaps Bindi Irwin makes a sweet promise to her brother Robert as she pays tribute to him on his 18th birthday The wildlife warrior, 23, posted a picture from her wedding day Kendall Jenner looks hot to trot while posing for her latest fashion campaign at horse ranch Josh Duggar's cousin Amy asks for prayers that he will get the 'ultimate sentence' in his child pornography trial - after slamming the father-of-seven as 'disgusting and evil' Sex offender inmate jailed at same facility as Josh Duggar after his April arrest is ordered to testify in today's child porn trial America's Next Top Model vet Sarah Hartshorne claims she was only paid $40 A DAY as a contestant on Tyra Banks' hit reality show UNCANCELED: Dave Chappelle's former high school now U-Turns and decides to stand by star by going ahead and naming its theatre after him despite controversy over his Netflix special 'We make great artists': Euphoria's Hunter Schafer talks being trans in the acting world... as she goes braless in sheer top for Harper's Bazaar Juliette Lewis and Ed Begley Jr sign on to join cast of the upcoming adaptation of Queer as Folk Dax Shepard explains how enforcing a 'no TV for the weekend' ban for his daughters ended up being a 'barbaric punishment' for him and Kristen Bell 'If you go to a party, you f***ing rage': Dakota Johnson discusses returning to post-vaccine life as she poses in Gucci faux fur coat for quirky shoot LeAnn Rimes flashes taut tummy and rocks a black sports bra while leaving a hair salon with a fresh blowout in LA Serena Williams and her mini-me daughter Olympia, 4, wear matching leopard-print pajamas in adorable snaps Selling Sunset's Mary Fitzgerald, 41, kisses husband Romain Bonnet, 28, during cozy walk in London after revealing plans to freeze embryos Jersey Shore's Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino marks six years of sobriety: 'Today we celebrate being a champion' Dakota Fanning shares a glimpse from her sunny beach trip to Capri after taking a break from filming the Showtime series Ripley Tori Spelling still has 'major trust issues' with estranged husband Dean McDermott years after he cheated... as impending divorce rumors persist Trevor Noah to return as host of 2022 Grammys Awards... as it will be the first time gala is held at soon to be renamed Arena Great British Baking Show judge Prue Leith, 81, poses as she gets her Covid booster jab - after Prime Minister Boris Johnson renewed calls for the public to get vaccinated Carole Middleton reveals she has a 'very silly Christmas' in store for her grandchildren Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis Prince Harry compares HIV and Covid pandemics as he blames 'corporate greed and political failure' for prolonging both in new UN-backed video Meghan Markle's top advisor has been working behind-the-scenes to promote the Duchess's pet issue and get universal paid leave legislation passed using her White House links Embattled Empire actor Jussie Smollett was caught on security cameras doing 'dry run' one day before alleged hate crime attack, court hears as trial prepares to enter its third day Leigh-Anne Pinnock breastfeeds her three-month-old child in candid new photo before hitting red carpet of new film Boxing Day in risqué gown Maskless Bill Nye teams up with 'Amtrak Joe' and is roasted for 'demented' and 'cringe-inducing' White House video promoting president's infrastructure bill Gal Gadot cuts a casual figure as she steps out for shopping trip with her daughter in LA Charlize Theron puts her beach body on full display in sexy swimsuit as she enjoys another beach day in Cabo San Lucas with her mother Gerda Peaky Blinders season 6 FIRST LOOK - 'I think I may have written your final act': Tom Hardy is BACK as Alfie gets a message from Tommy Shelby in shadowy glimpse at final season Pete Davidson watches the Knicks with sister Casey as his new flame Kim Kardashian attends Louis Vuitton presentation with Kanye West... after musician predicted they'll reunite Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies from Covid-19 aged 64 days after wife asked listeners to 'pray for his lungs to clear' LeBron James 'tests positive for COVID-19' and enters NBA's health and safety protocol: Lakers star is scratched from game in Sacramento and rushed back to LA on private jet Packers QB Aaron Rodgers accuses Green Bay coaching staff of leaking medical information about his injured toe to media Nicky Hilton puts on a leggy display in a thigh-split sequinned gown as she joins husband James Rothschild for Footwear News Achievement Awards 'Life with you:' Kourtney Kardashian shares steamy kiss with fiancé Travis Barker as they soak in a jacuzzi during Palm Springs getaway Annabelle Wallis and Matthew Goode ooze elegance as they step out for Silent Night screening in LA... as their co-star Keira Knightley battles Covid 'Snoremas!' Liam Gallagher brands Christmas at Noel's house 'boring' as he reveals warring siblings won't spend the festive period together Kylie Minogue, 53, displays her enviable frame in floral catsuit as she poses for behind-the-scenes snaps before Fashion Awards performance Kim Kardashian keeps a low profile while picking up estranged husband Kanye West en route to runway show honoring their late friend and designer Virgil Abloh in Miami Selling Sunset's Mary Fitzgerald shares a kiss with husband Romain Bonnett during London outing Selling Sunset ladies have got competition! Netflix launches spin-off real estate show in Tampa featuring a VERY glamorous all-women team touting lavish properties Doja Cat rocks a skimpy top while headlining the first stop of the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour in Fort Worth, Texas 'It was the answer to my problems, and the cause of them': Edie Falco says she 'found her nirvana' with alcohol before going sober at 29 Kate Nash announces new single and shares nostalgic snap of herself in a crop top leaving fans in a frenzy Alec Baldwin's live bullet that killed Rust cinematographer may have been recycled ammo and supplied by armorer as part of stash used to train actors on firing range And Just Like That.... first official trailer! SATC is back with a VERY saucy bang as Carrie talks public masturbation and gets steamy with Big Money Heist's Ursula Corbero swaps her red jumpsuit for a racy cut out gown as she joins co-stars for season 5 photocall Chrissy Teigen turns 36! Star celebrates her birthday with an al fresco candlelit dinner complete with stunning ballet performance Sandra Bullock shimmers in a sequin jumpsuit and black blazer on the red carpet at NY premiere for her Netflix drama The Unforgivable Jennifer Coolidge says she gained 40lbs during lockdown from eating up to 'SIX pizzas a day' which made her want to turn down White Lotus role Jessica Simpson, 41, looks thinner than ever in her skinny jeans as she shows off her figure... after losing 100lbs then giving up alcohol Kim Kardashian and estranged husband Kanye West join daughter North on the front row at Louis Vuitton vigil for late designer Virgil Abloh Donald Trump says Meghan Markle 'disrespected' The Queen and 'horribly' used Harry in new interview with British politician Lizzo puts on a VERY cheeky display as she makes 'a** art' while clad in a thong during fun painting session Hilaria Baldwin reveals she's had 'heart-wrenching' conversations with her children about husband Alec's on-set Rust shooting Vanderpump Rules: Katie Maloney-Schwartz stops working on new restaurant with husband Tom Schwartz Sandra Bullock puts her high-rise condo in West Hollywood's Sierra Towers on the market for $4.5 million... but keeps a second condo in the same building 'I'm cancer-free:' Kathy Griffin opens up on health after having half of lung removed after doctors discovered a tumor Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds' action movie Red Notice is now the most watched movie in Netflix history after racking up 328 MILLION viewing hours despite terrible reviews Kylie Jenner celebrates the 6th anniversary of Kylie Cosmetics... nearly a month after baby daddy Travis Scott's deadly Astroworld Festival Tammy Hembrow stuns in a figure-hugging sheer dress as she shows off her new sparkler after announcing engagement to fiancé Matt Poole Beyoncé strikes a pose with daughters Blue Ivy, nine, and Rumi, four, in matching houndstooth athleisure in her star-studded new Halls Of Ivy drop Couples who dress together, stay together! Pia Whitesell and husband Patrick wear near-matching outfits as they enjoy Art Basel in Miami Married At First Sight star Elizabeth Sobinoff shows off her VERY slender figure in lingerie after losing 22lbs Alessandra Ambrosio shows off her sculpted abs in a black crop top as Brazilian model leaves an LA gym after working holiday in Hawaii Romeo Beckham's model girlfriend Mia Regan nails casual-cool in striped jumper and loose-fitting jeans at Tommy Hilfiger event Halle Berry lands a new overall deal with Netflix after her directorial debut Bruised debuts as the #1 film in the U.S. on the streaming service Katy Perry called fashion designer Katie Perry a 'dumb b***h' in bombshell emails after she made a bitter David vs Goliath trademark dispute, court hears Zac Efron's model ex-girlfriend Vanessa Valladares takes her dog for a walk as she catches up with friends in Byron Bay Simon Baker looks dashing at the Moët & Chandon Effervescence event following split from activewear designer girlfriend Laura May Gibbs Just like dad! Robert Irwin is the spitting image of his late father Steve as he celebrates his 18th birthday at Australia Zoo Madison Beer cuts a trendy figure in brown mini dress and black leather jacket as she enjoys dinner with boyfriend Nick Austin at Craig's Pictured: Aaron Carter lays out on his driveway after sudden split from fiancée Melanie Martin... as he fears his family want to place him under a CONSERVATORSHIP Matthew McConaughey reveals how his Australian gap year shaped him as a person after his pampered upbringing in Texas Smell like royalty! Stephanie of Monaco launches Princess of Hearts perfume inspired by her 'generous soul' with some proceeds going to her HIV charity - but it'll cost you $370 Advertisement From the Makers of Candy Crush Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. 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You can't formulate an opinion on Maurice Cheeks without first hearing from the great George Blaha. Blaha posted his kool-aid thoughts on Cheeks at yesterday. Below is an excerpt: From everything I've heard about Mo Cheeks the coach - and what I saw - his coaching style, although vocal enough, was somewhat low key and easy to deal with, just like he was as a player. If you look back at his days in Philly, there were a lot of headline grabbers there and guys who made highlight-reel plays. Mo Cheeks just made the right play and went about his business. I think in that way he'll fit in very well with the solid, intelligent young players the Pistons have, like Greg Monroe and Brandon Knight and even Andre Drummond, who for as young as he is takes a very mature approach to going about his business. You look back at his first two stops, Mo Cheeks has coached rosters that weren't necessarily always the easiest to coach in the past. He's had some talent, but now he's coming to a really intelligent group of young players. Now he'll get to add another player in the lottery and whoever comes by virtue of all the cap space the Pistons are going to have this summer and he has a chance to coach a roster that will be significantly better than last year's and be better still in the future. I really like the fact that Mo Cheeks had the opportunity to be an assistant coach before jumping back in, to step away from that first chair for a few years and help an organization achieve a spot in the NBA Finals. Mo played in the league as a point guard, as tough a position as there is in the league in terms of decision making, and he was an assistant coach and then a two-time head coach before going to OKC. Then he achieved a lot of success as part of that staff with the Thunder. I think that's going to do nothing but help him become a better coach. This was a perfect scenario for Mo Cheeks and I'm not the least bit surprised he's getting another opportunity. This could be a great situation for Mo Cheeks at just the right time for the Pistons. It's a well-deserved chance for Mo and I'm happy for him and for the Pistons. Now, your thoughts. In This Stream Pistons hire Mo Cheeks as next head coach Cheeks' nurturing nature could be boon for young Pistons George Blaha on Mo Cheeks Meet Mo on Thursday View all 14 stories More From Detroit Bad Boys Motor City Hoops Podcast: Pistons vs Suns Game Recap and Reactions Pistons vs. Suns final score: Detroit’s comeback falls short in loss to Phoenix Pistons vs. Suns GameThread: Game Time, TV, Odds, and More Pistons vs. Suns preview: Brace yourselves for David and Goliath in the desert SBN Reacts: The People believe in Anthony Edwards Film Don’t Lie: The good and bad of Dwane Casey’s offensive approach against the zone Most Read Pistons vs. Suns final score: Detroit’s comeback falls short in loss to Phoenix After trailing big, Detroit made a game of it in the second half against the defending Western Conference champs Pistons vs. Suns GameThread: Game Time, TV, Odds, and More The NBA’s worst team faces one of the NBA’s best
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Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli 45 days General Practitioner Hello, thank you for your enquiry. For your information, Covid positive case should be updated via MySejahtera app, and inform the relevant department, CPRC via 0388810200/+60178429454 for further assessment. After a complete assessment, your son will be decided to be quarantine at home or in the quarantine center, depending on his stage of disease. He will need to be quarantine for 10 to 14 days, then repeat another covid assessment test after that. This is to check for his infectious rate after quarantine, if it showed CT value >40, he will be free from quarantine. Make sure to follow strict SOP while taking care of your son during quarantine to prevent yourself from infection. This measure is same for those who have completed Covid vaccination, because no vaccination can provide 100% rate of protection from infection. For more information, you may contact us for an online consultation for further information and assistance. 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COVID-19 Test COVID-19 Vaccine Related Discussions Anonymous Loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, headache, weight loss I am a 31 years old male, I am having a fever around 37.5 for 3 days now, I have also lost my appetite, I also have experienced at least 3 diarrhea for the past week, mild cough and constant hea… Read more... 18 months Anonymous Coronavirus Infection I am fully vaccinated. I had physical contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case 3-4 days ago before the identified patient is tested positive. Do I need to go for a PCR test? Do I need to self-quar… Read more... 3 months Anonymous Covid positive after 1 month recovery Hi, my dad (59yo, patients with diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia) was tested covid positive and recovered for about a month ago. However, he is tested positive again today by using self te… Read more... 46 days cn0227 Covid-19 Test condition Hi doctor, after we received the covid-19 vaccination, is it true that we might get the test results as positive if perform the covid-19 swab test or test with self test kit? Thanks. Read more... 3 months Anonymous Covid-19 contact tracing Hi Doctor, I am 1 of committee member of condo at Penang, there is 1 management staff been tested positive via RT-PCR, sample collected on 20th Aug and results show out as positive today (21st A… Read more... 3 months Anonymous Pcr test on covid 19 because of same households Hello, my dad is positive for COVID 19,and his pcr ct value is 21 and all of us done with 2nd dose and more than 14 days already … he get fever on Thursday and no symptoms on Sunday. Since Thurs… Read more... 3 months Anonymous Got Covid 19 Symptoms and require to take pneumococcal vaccine hi Doctor, May I know if baby 4 months got covid 19 symptoms which is coughing , is he allowed to take pneumococcal vaccines (gov program)? Any side effects? Read more... 10 months cn0227 Covid-19 contract tracing Hi Doctor, I am 1 of committee member of condo at Penang, there is 1 management staff been tested positive via RT-PCR, sample collected on 20th Aug and results show out as positive today (21st Aug), l… Read more... 3 months anas.alias26 Second Covid Swab Test Requirement Hi Dr in charge, I am a close contact to a confirmed Covid-19 case. My PCR test is tested negative after the acknowledgment of the confirmed case. After 10 days of quarantine passed, I developed no … Read more... 3 months Anonymous Positive covid 19, ct value 36 Im positive Covid-19 with ct value 36. How long to is my recovery rate 36-40? 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Ural for Urinary tract infectionI am a 26 years old man, diagnosed with UTI and the doctor prescribed an anti-biotic and Ural for the treatment, but unfortunately, I traveled without buying the medicines. Currently, I am in Eu… Read more... 2. Sle patient, 28 yrs oldI recieved for booster vaccination. So my question is: ive recieved sinovac Covid19 vaccine , so is it safe for me to get different vaccine for booster? Read more... 3. Have an ear infectionI am currently having ear infection and i bought Pocin-H ear drops from here. The drops is white in colour and quite dense. After applying it, when thr is some dry white stuffs like plastics in … Read more... 4. Eating problem, no appetite25, female, 163cm 44.6kg. Should i be concerned enough to get checkup in clinic? I have weight loss and eating problem since starting pkp (march 2020)… My weight go from 55kg to 44.6kg now. Read more... 5. What medication to make men last long in sexDear Doctor, my husband is in his 30’s busy with work most of the time. May I know what medication can give to him so that he last longer in sex. His group of male married friends also have the … Read more... 6. Period flow get less on first to third dayHii, im 27 and single. Usually i had my period every month (7days), never missed and face normal period pain. But since past 3 month, my period flow on 1st to 3rd or 4th day became less (which i… Read more... 7. Acne and scars problemHello Dr. I’m a woman, 25 y/o who had acne n scars problem for many years since studies…I’ve tried many topical treatment before and it doesn’t work on my skin…I even go to facial treatment but … Read more... 8. Swelling of valva part and pimples type rashesHello, I am 27 and i am having some pimples and rashes with pain on sides of pubic area and on outside of vaginal area. There is some swelling on valva also. Its painful. I am using cortisone v… Read more... 9. Nauseous, dizziness, stomach discomfort and URTII have been consuming acne oral medicines from a clinic for a week and I started to get these all these symtoms and not feeling well at night. Is it normal or should I stop? Read more... 10. CAPD with Hypokalemiamy friend is 30 years old, admitted to ward with CAPD Peritonitis. She’s also hypokalemia due to constantly vomiting. Her medication right now is Tab. Slow K 1.8g and Mist KCl 15mls, both on TDS… Read more... DoctorOnCall is Malaysia's first and largest digital healthcare platform, bringing easier and more affordable access to medicines through our online pharmacy. We provide digital health services including our Online Pharmacy and Video Consultations. With the best prices, quick service and ease of use, taking care of your health just became a lot easier with DoctorOnCall. 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This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjerne’s Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day. Founded in 1999. Skip to content Quick links FAQ Rules Help and Guide Support AHF Logout Register Board index Other areas What if The ideal Axis strategy Discussions on alternate history, including events up to 20 years before today. Hosted by Terry Duncan. 241 posts Page 1 of 17 Jump to page: 1 2 3 4 5 … 17 Next HistoryGeek2019 Member Posts: 399 Joined: 06 Aug 2019 03:55 Location: America The ideal Axis strategy Post by HistoryGeek2019 » 20 Nov 2019 17:05 Assuming the Axis powers could perfectly coordinate their actions and plan together sufficiently in advance of WW2, what would their ideal strategy look like? I think their goal would need to be to create an Axis power bloc with hegemony over Europe and Asia that, together, could defend against US encroachment. To achieve this would require the following: 1. Conquer France: Germany achieved this in WW2 2. Conquer Great Britain: Germany started planning for this far too late in the OTL. But with enough time and the proper planning, Germany could have focused on building a navy and air force that could secure the crossing of the English Channel. 3. Conquer the Mediterranean: Spain would have to join the war and be given French Morocco, then a concerted effort would need to be made to take Malta, secure supply lines to North Africa, and take Suez. 4. Japan takes British and French colonies in the Far East: With the fall of both the British and French homelands, Japan could scoop up French Indochina (which they did in the OTL) and Britain's Pacific colonies. There would be no need for a costly invasion of mainland China. Japan could focus everything on its navy. 5. Link up in the Indian Ocean: The Italian and Japanese navies would link up in the Indian Ocean. From here they could blockade India until a pro-Axis government took over. This would secure an overseas trade route from Japan and the Pacific Islands to Axis Europe. The Result Surrounded by the Axis, countries like Turkey, Iraq and Persia would fall into line and trade with the Axis on favorable terms. The USSR would also be surrounded by the Axis and would have to sell natural resources to the Axis on favorable terms or else be blockaded and completely cut off from the rest of the world, which would lead to its quick demise. There would thus be no need for a bloody invasion of Russia or China with this strategy. All countries in Europe and Asia would be forced to cooperate with the Axis due to the Axis control of the seas around Europe and Asia. The Axis would therefore have access to all the raw materials they need in order to contend with the United States, which would be denied a foothold anywhere close to Europe. The closest point from which it could strike is the Philippines, but without a Pearl Harbor incident, and France and Britain falling quickly, the USA would lack the excuse to go to war before the Axis power bloc was achieved. The British and French Atlantic fleets would probably survive and try to contain the Axis on the peripheries. The British would probably take the Canary Islands after Spain joined the Axis, creating a limit to the south of Spanish Morocco beyond which the Axis couldn't advance. There would be no need for the Axis to invade Denmark or Norway with this strategy, so the Allies would have to muster the political willpower to occupy Iceland and Greenland against Danish protests. This would then lead to a global decades long stalemate or Cold War between the United States and the Axis bloc. Thoughts? Top MarkN Member Posts: 2549 Joined: 12 Jan 2015 13:34 Location: On the continent The ideal Axis strategy Post by MarkN » 20 Nov 2019 23:23 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 Assuming the Axis powers could perfectly coordinate their actions and plan together sufficiently in advance of WW2, what would their ideal strategy look like? Thoughts? First best option: choose not to go to war with anybody. Second best option (assuming the bloodthirsty desire for war was just too great): choose to go to war with one another instead of making everybody else suffer. Top mezsat2 Member Posts: 129 Joined: 05 Jun 2009 12:02 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by mezsat2 » 21 Nov 2019 08:47 MarkN wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 23:23 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 Assuming the Axis powers could perfectly coordinate their actions and plan together sufficiently in advance of WW2, what would their ideal strategy look like? Thoughts? Simultaneous invasion of USSR by all Axis powers June 1941. Once USSR is defeated, all other world powers are just gnats buzzing around the back of a giant elephant. Top corbulo Member Posts: 57 Joined: 17 Oct 2019 16:06 Location: London Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by corbulo » 21 Nov 2019 10:30 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 Assuming the Axis powers could perfectly coordinate their actions and plan together sufficiently in advance of WW2, what would their ideal strategy look like? I think their goal would need to be to create an Axis power bloc with hegemony over Europe and Asia that, together, could defend against US encroachment. To achieve this would require the following: 1. Conquer France: Germany achieved this in WW2 2. Conquer Great Britain: Germany started planning for this far too late in the OTL. But with enough time and the proper planning, Germany could have focused on building a navy and air force that could secure the crossing of the English Channel. 3. Conquer the Mediterranean: Spain would have to join the war and be given French Morocco, then a concerted effort would need to be made to take Malta, secure supply lines to North Africa, and take Suez. 4. Japan takes British and French colonies in the Far East: With the fall of both the British and French homelands, Japan could scoop up French Indochina (which they did in the OTL) and Britain's Pacific colonies. There would be no need for a costly invasion of mainland China. Japan could focus everything on its navy. 5. Link up in the Indian Ocean: The Italian and Japanese navies would link up in the Indian Ocean. From here they could blockade India until a pro-Axis government took over. This would secure an overseas trade route from Japan and the Pacific Islands to Axis Europe. The Result Surrounded by the Axis, countries like Turkey, Iraq and Persia would fall into line and trade with the Axis on favorable terms. The USSR would also be surrounded by the Axis and would have to sell natural resources to the Axis on favorable terms or else be blockaded and completely cut off from the rest of the world, which would lead to its quick demise. There would thus be no need for a bloody invasion of Russia or China with this strategy. All countries in Europe and Asia would be forced to cooperate with the Axis due to the Axis control of the seas around Europe and Asia. The Axis would therefore have access to all the raw materials they need in order to contend with the United States, which would be denied a foothold anywhere close to Europe. The closest point from which it could strike is the Philippines, but without a Pearl Harbor incident, and France and Britain falling quickly, the USA would lack the excuse to go to war before the Axis power bloc was achieved. The British and French Atlantic fleets would probably survive and try to contain the Axis on the peripheries. The British would probably take the Canary Islands after Spain joined the Axis, creating a limit to the south of Spanish Morocco beyond which the Axis couldn't advance. There would be no need for the Axis to invade Denmark or Norway with this strategy, so the Allies would have to muster the political willpower to occupy Iceland and Greenland against Danish protests. This would then lead to a global decades long stalemate or Cold War between the United States and the Axis bloc. Thoughts? Court Turkey first and foremostly. Easy access to the Caucusus. Plus a couple of million extra troops which in any war with the USSR wouldve been priceless. Promise Turkey lost territories in the Caucusus, Syria and Palestine. Top pugsville Member Posts: 911 Joined: 17 Aug 2011 04:40 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by pugsville » 21 Nov 2019 10:53 corbulo wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 10:30 Court Turkey first and foremostly. Easy access to the Caucusus. Plus a couple of million extra troops which in any war with the USSR wouldve been priceless. Promise Turkey lost territories in the Caucusus, Syria and Palestine. Not so easy access to the Caucasus, really poor could only support a relatively small force. The Axis could not equip the troops they had. Top pugsville Member Posts: 911 Joined: 17 Aug 2011 04:40 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by pugsville » 21 Nov 2019 12:58 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 Assuming the Axis powers could perfectly coordinate their actions and plan together sufficiently in advance of WW2, what would their ideal strategy look like? Firstly plans that do not allow for counter actions by the enemy and rely of passive lack of actions are not plans but day dreams. In changed circumstances , other nations will react differently. Any hypothetical what if has to allow for reasonable actions of the opposition. "Perfectly co-ordinate. Nothing like that exists in real life, Nations have different interests and effective close alliances are very raw, the Axis in ww2 were anything but, they lack of co-ordinate and co-operation was very marked and fundamentally part of the nature of their regimes. The Rivalry and lack of co-operation within the Axis countries was also pretty pronounced, the IJA/IJN rivallry the Lufwaffe empire building under Goring. Magically making everyone in Axis in reasonable positions of be dedicated and reasonable end perfectly co-ordinate for some Axis greater good is just not in anyway a real situation. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 1. Conquer France: Germany achieved this in WW2 The German victory in May 1940 was a perfect storm. Just because it rolled out that way in Real Life , in changed circumstances the rapid defeat of France may not happen. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 2. Conquer Great Britain: Germany started planning for this far too late in the OTL. But with enough time and the proper planning, Germany could have focused on building a navy and air force that could secure the crossing of the English Channel. It's actually extremely difficult for the German to build a Navy that could really challenge Britain. Germany lacked shipyards, Naval construction and design expertise, and the resources to simultaneously build a large army, navy and air force. You can;t have everything. How big a Navy? Any attempt to build significantly larger Navy is going to draw a response , nothing would draw British attention more surely. There is no conceivable situation where the German Navy could gain any sort of dominance over the Royal Navy. The 1940 situation was an outlier. The British army was disorganized and lacking equipment. An organized and well equipped British Army is a difficult. A strong British Army is pretty hard to land enough forces to deal with. The British were able to out build the Germans in aircraft. They had an integrated air defense system which gave them an immense advantage as well. The RAF was in many ways a much stronger organization than the Luftwaffe, training, repair, spares, and a much better record in aircraft development. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 3. Conquer the Mediterranean: Spain would have to join the war and be given French Morocco, then a concerted effort would need to be made to take Malta, secure supply lines to North Africa, and take Suez. Much easier said than Done. It;s just really hard to deploy much larger land forces to North Africa. The Logsitcial support base just did not exists. The British had immense advantage in their logistical infrastructure. Malta while annoying and led a poor logistical supply at times, removing Malta would not suddenly increase the logistical pipe size to North Africa. Fundamentally the North African campaign the Axis were gong uphill. A small logistical base compared to a very large one. The Allies could simply deploy a much larger force, The Further the Axis advance the longer and poorer their supply lines get, the shorter and better the Allied ones become. Just driving your tank from Axis ports to Egyptian border means it needs a complete refit, Vichy France, Italian , Spain all had competing ambitions it's hard to really keep them hall appy. If Vichy France revolts, Italian North Africa is just doomed. Taking the Suez does very very little for the Axis. It gains no real resources, and does not deny them to the Alliies. The Canal itself is extremely unlikely to captured in working condition. You can expect it to be blocked for years, HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 4. Japan takes British and French colonies in the Far East: With the fall of both the British and French homelands, Japan could scoop up French Indochina (which they did in the OTL) and Britain's Pacific colonies. There would be no need for a costly invasion of mainland China. Japan could focus everything on its navy. You have to remember the Navy and Army were competing factions. Cutting off Army fnding leads pretty much to civil war and teh assintaion of those advocating it. Attacking British Colonies means war with the US. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 5. Link up in the Indian Ocean: The Italian and Japanese navies would link up in the Indian Ocean. From here they could blockade India until a pro-Axis government took over. This would secure an overseas trade route from Japan and the Pacific Islands to Axis Europe. How the Suez is almost certain to be trashed. The Italian Navy was extremely short legged, most it could not operate in the Indian ocean no matter what. British bases like Aden and some aircraft is highly likely to made the Red Sea untenable for the Italians anyway. Blockading India leads directly to War with the USA and immediately blockading India became unrealistic.The Pacific was a core US interest. It;s not going to allow the Japanese to be the dominate power. Increased the Japanese Navy leads to a Naval construction race with the US, that Japan cannot come even remotely close to winning. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 The Result Surrounded by the Axis, countries like Turkey, Iraq and Persia would fall into line and trade with the Axis on favorable terms. The USSR would also be surrounded by the Axis and would have to sell natural resources to the Axis on favorable terms or else be blockaded and completely cut off from the rest of the world, which would lead to its quick demise. There would thus be no need for a bloody invasion of Russia or China with this strategy. All countries in Europe and Asia would be forced to cooperate with the Axis due to the Axis control of the seas around Europe and Asia. Trade requires an exchange you gotta give to get. Dictating to other countries is a way to make enemies. The Axis cannot take on the entire world. They lose. This "all countries would be forced to cooperate an trade on favorable terms" is a fantasy. That sort of control can only be achieved by military force. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 The Axis would therefore have access to all the raw materials they need in order to contend with the United States, which would be denied a foothold anywhere close to Europe. The closest point from which it could strike is the Philippines, but without a Pearl Harbor incident, and France and Britain falling quickly, the USA would lack the excuse to go to war before the Axis power bloc was achieved. No they would not.No one is going to give stuff. And trading requires an exchange. Let alone the lack of merchant shipping to do most of it. Just how would any of the Oil get back to Germany? HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 The British and French Atlantic fleets would probably survive and try to contain the Axis on the peripheries. The British would probably take the Canary Islands after Spain joined the Axis, creating a limit to the south of Spanish Morocco beyond which the Axis couldn't advance. There would be no need for the Axis to invade Denmark or Norway with this strategy, so the Allies would have to muster the political willpower to occupy Iceland and Greenland against Danish protests. Without Denmark and Norway, German Iron Ore supplies are venerable. And there is a better more secure route to the Soviet Union.With the canaries and perhaps the Azores they would not need Iceland or Greenland. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 20 Nov 2019 17:05 This would then lead to a global decades long stalemate or Cold War between the United States and the Axis bloc. Thoughts? Other Nations are not going to set around waiting for absolute Axis dominance. It;s fundamentally why France and the UK went to war, it was not for Poland but to stop German Hegemony. Same for the US and Japan. Dominance creates push back, Top HistoryGeek2019 Member Posts: 399 Joined: 06 Aug 2019 03:55 Location: America Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by HistoryGeek2019 » 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Yeah, I know it's a fantasy. That's why I wrote "ideal" in the title and why we're discussing it on an internet messageboard in 2019 and the real life Axis powers got the snot kicked out of them 75 years ago. But for anyone interested in a hypothetical discussion of what the Axis powers should have sought to achieve if they had worked together and planned far enough in advance, this will be a fun thread to throw around ideas. Obviously there will be difficulties with any Axis plan. They were weaker than their opponents. They had less industry, manpower and raw materials. As MarkN points out, the sensible thing was not to fight at all. But if they were going to fight together against the Allies, what would have been the best strategy? Several users have proposed land oriented strategies around conquering Russia or securing the Caucasus. The fundamental problem with this approach is that land power is weaker than naval power. Even if the Axis conquered the entire Soviet Union, they would incur millions of casualties and have to deploy millions of more soldiers garrisoning the land they conquered. And they would have to spend an enormous amount in order to develop the poor infrastructure of the Soviet Union in order to harvest its resources. And they would be left relying on essentially slave labor from the conquered peoples, which is inherently less efficient than voluntary labor. Meanwhile the UK and USA would surround the Eurasian land bloc, blockade it, and bomb it to smithereens with superior air technology. A naval strategy is fundamentally superior. It is cheaper and easier to transport cargo over sea than by land. Given the lack of raw materials in Axis home countries, this would be crucial. Naval warfare also incurs fewer casualties than ground warfare, preserving a large labor force that can churn out ships and planes. The Allies, of course, knew this and made sure to dominate the world's oceans in the decades up to and including WW2. Pugsville is correct that the Axis could never defeat the Allied navies outright on the high seas. The most the Axis could hope for is local naval superiority in particular theaters by relying on a combination of ships and land-based air power. Thus, in the English Channel, the Axis could hypothetically obtain naval superiority by gaining air superiority and developing aircraft capable of sinking British warships. In 1940 the Stukas did not have bombs capable of penetrating a battleship's deck, because the Germans hadn't thought ahead about this scenario - because Hitler was pursuing a land strategy of conquering the Soviet Union while the UK would hopefully ally him. Hitler's strategy was fundamentally nonsensical given the extensive Germanophobia in Great Britain throughout the early 20th Century. This was the same country that blockaded Germany after the armistice in WWI, causing widespread famine. Hoping for an alliance with Great Britain was insane. Local superiority could also be achieved in the English Channel through magnetic mines. According to Robert Forczyk in "We March Against England", Britain had no counter to German magnetic mines until German aircraft accidentally dropped magnetic mines on British soil. If Germany had simply waited to deploy magnetic mines until its attempted Channel crossing, the Royal Navy would have been sealed off. Once Britain and France fall, Spain will join the war and Gibraltar and French Morocco will fall. The Commonwealth forces would be substantially weaker without the support of their home country and wouldn't be able to resist a Japanese attack against Singapore and Indochina. Japan can then enter the Indian Ocean and prevent the British from reinforcing the Middle East through the Indian Ocean. The British will no doubt attempt to destroy the Suez Canal, but the Axis can eventually repair it. It's just a matter of time - can the Axis do all this before the United States intervenes? The United States responded to the Japanese conquest of French Indochina with economic embargoes. The USA did not go to war until it was directly attacked. If the British and French homelands fall in 1940, their colonies in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean might fall before the USA musters the political will to intervene. Top MarkN Member Posts: 2549 Joined: 12 Jan 2015 13:34 Location: On the continent Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by MarkN » 21 Nov 2019 20:52 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Yeah, I know it's a fantasy. That's why I wrote "ideal" in the title and why we're discussing it on an internet messageboard in 2019 and the real life Axis powers got the snot kicked out of them 75 years ago. But for anyone interested in a hypothetical discussion of what the Axis powers should have sought to achieve if they had worked together and planned far enough in advance, this will be a fun thread to throw around ideas. I'm not sure the vast majority of Europeans and others would consider a Fascist success "ideal". Millions upon millions suffered as it was with the failure. Top pugsville Member Posts: 911 Joined: 17 Aug 2011 04:40 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by pugsville » 21 Nov 2019 22:13 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Thus, in the English Channel, the Axis could hypothetically obtain naval superiority by gaining air superiority and developing aircraft capable of sinking British warships. In 1940 the Stukas did not have bombs capable of penetrating a battleship's deck, because the Germans hadn't thought ahead about this scenario With A German fleet much the same as historically , the Germans need air dominance not air superiority, The Germans were totally incapable of protecting their invasion fleet. Protect the invasion fleet, the landing areas, ground supported, protect and support paratroopers, it's a lot. And whats going to protect the landing fleet and resupply convoys in the poor light/darkness? Given the British air industry was just as capable as the German and out produced the Germans 1940-1941, the RAF having advantage of fighting in home skies, and an integrated defense system how is such air dominance achievable? It's not feasible for the Germans to have triple the air industry without massive cut backs elsewhere and big changes to other air forces. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 - because Hitler was pursuing a land strategy of conquering the Soviet Union while the UK would hopefully ally him. Hitler's strategy was fundamentally nonsensical given the extensive Germanophobia in Great Britain throughout the early 20th Century. Your giving Hitler's strategic thinking more coherence than it actually had. It was hardly Germanophobia. Britain was opposed to a single power having hegemony in Europe. German, French or otherwise. In 1914 and 1939 German tried to do so. Britain executed a perfectly rational policy driven by German aggression. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 This was the same country that blockaded Germany after the armistice in WWI, causing widespread famine. Hoping for an alliance with Great Britain was insane. food was not blockading in the period. It was all the Allied powers involved, UK, France, USA, not just the UK The delay in shipping food was wrangling and ships (the Germans were unwilling to use theirs) and paying for it (the French did not want German gold reserves to be spent before they could get their hands on it) Food shipments started in jan 1919 IIRC. Famine was caused by incredible German bungling of their economy and food during the war. This famine in Germany caused by Britain is a bit of a canard. If they were willing to send their ships and pay for it they wopudl have been allowed to move food through the blockade. Perhaps if things were that bad surrendering a bit sooner woulld have had teh best interests of the German population at heart,. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Local superiority could also be achieved in the English Channel through magnetic mines. According to Robert Forczyk in "We March Against England", Britain had no counter to German magnetic mines until German aircraft accidentally dropped magnetic mines on British soil. If Germany had simply waited to deploy magnetic mines until its attempted Channel crossing, the Royal Navy would have been sealed off. No it could not. The Germans could neither produce nor lay enough mines to do so. If mines work as some 100% effective shield then the British with a vastly greater ability to lay mines and clear mines have the advantage. Like submarines , mines are an weapon of attrition it would inflict some losses, but a impenetrable barrier is just not possible. Laying the mines is a war on attrition in the Channel. Laying big minefields is beyond the German capability. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Once Britain and France fall, Spain will join the war and Gibraltar and French Morocco will fall. The Commonwealth forces would be substantially weaker without the support of their home country and wouldn't be able to resist a Japanese attack against Singapore and Indochina. Japan can then enter the Indian Ocean and prevent the British from reinforcing the Middle East through the Indian Ocean. The British will no doubt attempt to destroy the Suez Canal, but the Axis can eventually repair it. The fall of France is not a given and will take time, as will Spanish entry, and the fall of the Suez is questionable. Gibraltar and Malta does almost nothing to increase Axis logistical base in North Africa. The French will not hand Morocco over, forcing the issue may throw the french navy and colonies into the Free French camp, which would likely lead to the complete loss of Axis North Africa. Repair it when, A french campaign is months even if it;s just a repeat of 1940, an North Africa campaign months, repair the Suez a year? you could be talking mid late 1941. Things are not achieved in a flash. Japanese deployment deep into the Indian Ocean is problematic. It's awfully exposed. In early 1940 the Japanese carriers are running completely different aircraft from late 1941, nowhere near as awesome. Th US enters thee war form it's base in the Philippines, There a reasona teh Japanses attacked the USA. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 It's just a matter of time - can the Axis do all this before the United States intervenes? The United States responded to the Japanese conquest of French Indochina with economic embargoes. The USA did not go to war until it was directly attacked. If the British and French homelands fall in 1940, their colonies in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean might fall before the USA musters the political will to intervene. The US would not accept Japanese dominance in the pacific. It would fight. While without the attack on the US the massive mobilization on large scale might not have large scale popular support it would not stop a declaration and fighting of a naval war. There woudl be complete political agreement that stopping Japan was fundamental US interest. Japan attacking French, Dutch, British colonies leads directly to war with the USA, Top Peter89 Member Posts: 1248 Joined: 28 Aug 2018 05:52 Location: Spain Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by Peter89 » 21 Nov 2019 22:49 pugsville wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 12:58 It's actually extremely difficult for the German to build a Navy that could really challenge Britain. Germany lacked shipyards, Naval construction and design expertise, Absolutely wrong. See: Hochseeflotte, the Z-Plan and the Anglo-German naval race. Most of the capital ships (battleships and battlecruisers in this instance) of the RN were WW1 veteran ships, excluding only the Nelson, the Rodney, the Hood and the King George V class. But truth to be told, the Hood was a WW1 design, and its fate was very similar to those battlecruisers lost in the Battle of Jütland. Rodney and Nelson had quite a flawed design as well. What the Germans lacked was the air supremacy, which would allow them to keep the RN at bay or sink her ships. Don't forget that almost all the major battleships on both the British and German sides were lost or incapacitated by aircraft (Prince of Wales, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Gnisenau, etc.). pugsville wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 12:58 Any attempt to build significantly larger Navy is going to draw a response , nothing would draw British attention more surely. There is no conceivable situation where the German Navy could gain any sort of dominance over the Royal Navy. Air supremacy, the integration of the French / Italian fleets, the better coordination of the Atlantikschlacht... options were unlimited before the attack on the SU. pugsville wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 12:58 The 1940 situation was an outlier. The British army was disorganized and lacking equipment. An organized and well equipped British Army is a difficult. A strong British Army is pretty hard to land enough forces to deal with. This might come from a Battlefield documentary or something? The British Empire was NOT defenseless, disorganized or anything. The lost Battle of France was a huge blow, but not a fatal one. Britain had plans for running a war economy, and they implemented them quite well. Like you said they had an integrated air defense system, a very powerful navy, an international alliance, probably the best military intelligence... they were not disorganized by any means. pugsville wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 12:58 The British were able to out build the Germans in aircraft. They had an integrated air defense system which gave them an immense advantage as well. The RAF was in many ways a much stronger organization than the Luftwaffe, training, repair, spares, and a much better record in aircraft development. And by 1944 the Germans outbuilt the British in aircrafts, after years of heavy bombardments, millions of dead, etc. I don't agree, the RAF itself wasn't stronger than the LW, the air strategy and the British infrastructure was stronger. “And while I am talking to you, mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again, and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." - FDR, October 1940 Top pugsville Member Posts: 911 Joined: 17 Aug 2011 04:40 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by pugsville » 21 Nov 2019 23:14 Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 pugsville wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 12:58 It's actually extremely difficult for the German to build a Navy that could really challenge Britain. Germany lacked shipyards, Naval construction and design expertise, Absolutely wrong. See: Hochseeflotte, the Z-Plan and the Anglo-German naval race. Z-Plan was fantasy that did not take into account of actual German ship building capabilities. Ability to produce paper documents about production is not production. The Capabilities of Imperial German ship building are different form Germany in the late 1930s. The no longer had the shipyards or the design and building experience.. Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 Most of the capital ships (battleships and battlecruisers in this instance) of the RN were WW1 veteran ships, excluding only the Nelson, the Rodney, the Hood and the King George V class. But still quite capable battleships, in the context of control of the seas, the Germans could only run. Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 But truth to be told, the Hood was a WW1 design, and its fate was very similar to those battlecruisers lost in the Battle of Jütland. Rodney and Nelson had quite a flawed design as well. As were the German designs. The Germans lacked design experience. For instance the Bismark fire control systems ran above the Armour, in any substantial combat the fire control was likely to pretty much gone early. Another is the Destroyers huge huge problems with their engines. Flaws of Jutland had been addressed. Not perfectly but they were not as vulnerable as that. The Hood had not been upgrade for quite some time. If the British had got the Hood into dock some things would have been addressed. Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 Air supremacy, the integration of the French / Italian fleets, the better coordination of the Atlantikschlacht... options were unlimited before the attack on the SU. The French fleet would have scuttled rather than be handed over. Exactly how does the Germans get the French fleet? Then there are the problems of finding the crew, training and spare parts and ammunition. The Italian fleet was not designed to operate in the Atlantic. Much of the fleet had short range. And Italian-German co-operation was problematic. The British had significant advantages at sea, Radar, Aircraft carriers, Intelligence and a very large fleet. The Italian fleet could be mauled before it gets anywhere uniting withe the Germans. Options are not unlimited. there are constraints of what is possible, while there are infinite number of possible options, it does not mean that everything is possible, Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 This might come from a Battlefield documentary or something? The British Empire was NOT defenseless, disorganized or anything. The lost Battle of France was a huge blow, but not a fatal one. Britain had plans for running a war economy, and they implemented them quite well. Like you said they had an integrated air defense system, a very powerful navy, an international alliance, probably the best military intelligence... they were not disorganized by any means. DId not say that. The British Army. The British army post Dunkirk had a lot of heavy equipment. Formations had less than half of the heavy equipment they should have had. tanks, Trucks, AA guns, AT guns, Artillery, Machine guns. This situation was a passing one and by 1941 mostly addressed. Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 And by 1944 the Germans outbuilt the British in aircrafts, after years of heavy bombardments, millions of dead, etc. By concentrating of single engine fighters while the British were building lots of larger aircraft. Just the raw numbers of Aircraft built is not the whole story. Lies, Dammed Lies.... The Germans also did not build enough spares. After the German Naval building was basically stopped. Peter89 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 22:49 I don't agree, the RAF itself wasn't stronger than the LW, the air strategy and the British infrastructure was stronger. It was stronger over Britain. The RAF was a better training, repair, maintenance, development organization that the Luftwaffe which counted in a war of attrition. Top HistoryGeek2019 Member Posts: 399 Joined: 06 Aug 2019 03:55 Location: America Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by HistoryGeek2019 » 22 Nov 2019 02:53 MarkN wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 20:52 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 21 Nov 2019 17:24 Yeah, I know it's a fantasy. That's why I wrote "ideal" in the title and why we're discussing it on an internet messageboard in 2019 and the real life Axis powers got the snot kicked out of them 75 years ago. But for anyone interested in a hypothetical discussion of what the Axis powers should have sought to achieve if they had worked together and planned far enough in advance, this will be a fun thread to throw around ideas. I'm not sure the vast majority of Europeans and others would consider a Fascist success "ideal". Millions upon millions suffered as it was with the failure. I agree. I mean "ideal" simply as the best strategy that the Axis could come up with from their perspective to wage war against the Allies. Top HistoryGeek2019 Member Posts: 399 Joined: 06 Aug 2019 03:55 Location: America Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by HistoryGeek2019 » 22 Nov 2019 03:17 This thread opens up the possibility of planning for war in advance. Theoretically this could go back to 1919. How could the Axis have best planned for the next war starting in 1919? Thus, we aren't wedded to OTL production figures. With a different set of strategic priorities, the Axis could augment production in certain areas and decrease it in others. In the OTL, Germany started the war with 1,500 magnetic mines and was producing 100 per month (per Robert Forczyk). They were more expensive than contact mines. Nevertheless, the UK had no counter-measure for magnetic mines until the Luftewaffe dropped one on a British army base in November 1939. Germany could have avoided this by waiting to deploy magnetic mines until the invasion. I agree with a lot of the criticisms that pugsville makes of my proposed strategy. It most likely would not have worked. It took an incredible stroke of luck for Germany to beat France in May 1940. Nevertheless, the question posed by this thread is, what would have been the best strategy for the Axis powers to pursue, assuming they were going to wage war against the Allies? The way I see it, their top priority had to be denying the United States land bases anywhere near their homelands. This means that knocking out Britain and seizing Gibraltar and Morocco is essential. Their secondary priority has to be securing a trade bloc with transport capabilities through the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. This would of course be very difficult, but I don't see a better alternative. The only alternative I see is for the Axis to coordinate a land invasion of Russia, but this would incur millions of casualties and couldn't take place fast enough before the United States could establish bases in the UK and North Africa from which to strike Europe. So let me ask you: What do you think would have been the best strategy for the Axis to pursue for war against the Allies (aside from the obvious answer of not to fight at all). Top pugsville Member Posts: 911 Joined: 17 Aug 2011 04:40 Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by pugsville » 22 Nov 2019 06:47 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 22 Nov 2019 03:17 This thread opens up the possibility of planning for war in advance. Theoretically this could go back to 1919. How could the Axis have best planned for the next war starting in 1919? Thus, we aren't wedded to OTL production figures. With a different set of strategic priorities, the Axis could augment production in certain areas and decrease it in others. Of what 200,00 trucks in 1925? 10,000 aircraft in 1930? 5,00 tanks in 1928? Firstly stuff but well before the war is mostly just obsolete junk by 1940. About the only thing that's got a reasonable use by date is ships the one they are least able to get around to making without broadcasting their intentions to the world. Secondly almost everything was banned by the armistice treaty and the commissioners were not withdrawn till about 1930. Building stuff just would not be allowed and ripping up versaillies in 1928 is not as easy as 1936. Germany losses badly in 1930. Thirdly the German army interwar planning for much expanded army was pretty darn shiny. The planning, the selection of men, the training , it really was one of the great things they did right. They did experiment tanks, aircraft, submarines in a clandestine way. HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 22 Nov 2019 03:17 In the OTL, Germany started the war with 1,500 magnetic mines and was producing 100 per month (per Robert Forczyk). They were more expensive than contact mines. Nevertheless, the UK had no counter-measure for magnetic mines until the Luftewaffe dropped one on a British army base in November 1939. Germany could have avoided this by waiting to deploy magnetic mines until the invasion. Waiting for a situation they did not know was going to occur, we're going to give the German some sort of fortune telling see the future ability? They will not use a weapon in nov 1939 because in sept 1940 they will placed to invade England, giving 100% precognition of the entire course of the war and the french campaign in Nov 1939 they are pulling their punches because they just know? HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 22 Nov 2019 03:17 I agree with a lot of the criticisms that pugsville makes of my proposed strategy. It most likely would not have worked. It took an incredible stroke of luck for Germany to beat France in May 1940. Nevertheless, the question posed by this thread is, what would have been the best strategy for the Axis powers to pursue, assuming they were going to wage war against the Allies? The way I see it, their top priority had to be denying the United States land bases anywhere near their homelands. This means that knocking out Britain and seizing Gibraltar and Morocco is essential. Their secondary priority has to be securing a trade bloc with transport capabilities through the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. This would of course be very difficult, but I don't see a better alternative. The only alternative I see is for the Axis to coordinate a land invasion of Russia, but this would incur millions of casualties and couldn't take place fast enough before the United States could establish bases in the UK and North Africa from which to strike Europe. So let me ask you: What do you think would have been the best strategy for the Axis to pursue for war against the Allies (aside from the obvious answer of not to fight at all). The Southern Mediterranean strategy has large problems. (1) Conquest of Egypt (a) it's really hard to logistically support significantly more Axis forces in North Africa than they had. (b) Every advance in North Africa makes the Axis supply lines longer and harder to maintain the to of the spear the further it gets, and the British supply get shorter and the British can simply support much greater forces than the Axis can deploy. (2) Then What? Resources acquired to help win the War for the Axis about Zero, Resources lost to the British war effort about zero (a) slog even further across to the Persian Gulf by land? Supporting these forces how? (b) Suez canal red sea route, well it's near certain the British would wreck the canal (so time in the length of the French campaign assuming it works, the length of North African campaign assuming it works, then the how long it takes to clear the canal...) then there is British bases like Aden, and mining the red sea. while the seuz is closed (3) Getting teh Oil Where? Say the Axis get control of the Persian Gulf Oil how do they get it anywhere useful? There is no railway. The British will blow the pipeline, (and LRDG, SAS, Haganah, the Arab Legion will just blow it up again how do you protect 1,000km pipelines against guerilla operations? Consider the range of British allied organizations to do so... The Axis don't have the tankers. Have to get it through hostile sea, don't have the escorts, don;t have the bases aorund the Indian ocean but the British do How long and How many resources and political credit do the Axis have to burn in the southern Mediterranean strategy before it actually delivers anything in concrete terms that strengthens the Axis ability to wage war and reduces the Allied? It requires doing quite difficult things that teh Axis really are not set up to do and engage the British mostly were the British are string and the Axis are weak, and it;s really really hard to increase the ability of the Axis to be able to get their power to ground in these areas no matter how much is setting around in central Europe. The Logistics, the Bases, the Strategic topgrahy all make this not an easy strategy for the Axis to do. And the investment is long and the payoff only starts if a large number things have gone very right for a long time. Conversely how long until the Soviet Union is a threat the German Army cannot deal with? If Germany does not attack and the red Amry recovers form the purges, and requirements with it;s more modern equipment, 300 Divisions, 20,000 T34s in 1943. It's not something the Germans can indefeintely just turn their back on.... surely? Is there effectively a clock on any non =soviet based Axis strategy that must deliver by some date (1942? 1943?) before it just runs out of time? Top Peter89 Member Posts: 1248 Joined: 28 Aug 2018 05:52 Location: Spain Re: The ideal Axis strategy Post by Peter89 » 22 Nov 2019 08:33 HistoryGeek2019 wrote: ↑ 22 Nov 2019 03:17 This thread opens up the possibility of planning for war in advance. Theoretically this could go back to 1919. How could the Axis have best planned for the next war starting in 1919? Thus, we aren't wedded to OTL production figures. With a different set of strategic priorities, the Axis could augment production in certain areas and decrease it in others. In the OTL, Germany started the war with 1,500 magnetic mines and was producing 100 per month (per Robert Forczyk). They were more expensive than contact mines. Nevertheless, the UK had no counter-measure for magnetic mines until the Luftewaffe dropped one on a British army base in November 1939. Germany could have avoided this by waiting to deploy magnetic mines until the invasion. I agree with a lot of the criticisms that pugsville makes of my proposed strategy. It most likely would not have worked. It took an incredible stroke of luck for Germany to beat France in May 1940. Nevertheless, the question posed by this thread is, what would have been the best strategy for the Axis powers to pursue, assuming they were going to wage war against the Allies? The way I see it, their top priority had to be denying the United States land bases anywhere near their homelands. This means that knocking out Britain and seizing Gibraltar and Morocco is essential. Their secondary priority has to be securing a trade bloc with transport capabilities through the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. This would of course be very difficult, but I don't see a better alternative. The only alternative I see is for the Axis to coordinate a land invasion of Russia, but this would incur millions of casualties and couldn't take place fast enough before the United States could establish bases in the UK and North Africa from which to strike Europe. So let me ask you: What do you think would have been the best strategy for the Axis to pursue for war against the Allies (aside from the obvious answer of not to fight at all). Maybe I am biased, but I would have opted for technology, research & development. Only the major technological breakthroughs could even the odds. Rocket science, the nuclear bomb program, the Elektroboot, etc. The other thing was to wait, and be on the winning side when the war was over. The colonial empires struggled to keep their system alive, and the US wanted to cement its power by demolishing colonial systems altogether. Japan was very aggressive in Asia. The SU started to become an increasing threat, and its wars angered the Anglo-Saxon powers. The Germans successfully invaded or influenced the remnant states of the former A-H Empire, but it was a bad idea to begin with. Germany had to stay defensive at all costs, because (after the disintegration of the A-H Empire) it served as the tip of the balance of power in Central Europe. The Soviets understood this very well. But the most important thing was to pursue a social policy where you don't alienate your own people, including some of your best minds against your state. Without them, one cannot hope to achieve success in R&D or international politics. “And while I am talking to you, mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again, and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." - FDR, October 1940
© 2021 Copyright France 24 - All rights reserved. France 24 is not responsible for the content of external websites. Audience ratings certified by ACPM/OJD. #Covid-19 #Ukraine France Africa Culture Shows Fight the Fake / France Thieves make off with €9 million in armed cash heist in Lyon Issued on: 28/08/2020 - 22:07 A photograph taken on March 27, 2020 shows the Banque de France ensign in Paris. © AFP - Franck Fife Text by: NEWS WIRES Thieves made off with nine million euros in cash in the southeastern French city of Lyon on Friday in an armed attack on an armoured security vehicle, prosecutors said. Advertising Read more The theft is believed to be the biggest such cash heist in France since notorious robber Toni Musulin in 2009 made off with 11.6 million euros ($13.8 million), most of which was subsequently recovered. The vehicle was attacked at around (9:00 am local time (0700 GMT) by several armed individuals as it came out of a branch of the Bank of France in Lyon. No one was injured in the attack on the vehicle belonging to the Loomis security company "but the losses amount to nine million euros (about $10.7 million)", prosecutors said in a statement to AFP. "The perpetrators managed to immediately flee after committing the act." 9 million euros were stolen in an armed robbery on an armored van in #Lyon , #France today. The armed robbers set the van on fire and fled in two vehicles. no injuries were — Shark NewsWires (@SharkNewsWires) August 28, 2020 Local reports said two vans blocked the armoured vehicle, one in front and one behind. The robbers threatened the driver, took the money, and fled in two vehicles later found burnt. 'Audacious attack' "It was an audacious attack, right in the city centre," Loomis chief executive Michel Tresch told AFP. "The most important thing is that the cash escorts are safe and sound," he added. The three employees are extremely shocked, Loomis trade unionist Kader Bengueche said, adding they would see a psychologist on Monday. According to two colleagues of the attacked security team -- two men and a woman -- there have been repeated problems with the security vehicles' locking system. While the security code is supposed to be changed for each run, the attacked vehicle had a "permanent code" which saved time for the robbers, added the colleagues who asked not to be named. "There is clearly a fault on the part of the company," one told AFP, stressing that the driver of the attacked vehicle was a former shooting instructor trained in "defensive driving". An enquiry was swiftly opened by police and regional specialists. Cash handling Swedish company Loomis has been attacked several times over the years. In May 2017, 35 million euros ($41 million) worth of goods -- cash, diamonds and gold ingots -- were stolen from one of its vehicles in Switzerland. And in December 2016, thieves stole 70 kilos of gold dust worth 2.5 million euros ($2.9 million) from the same company near Lyon. In March this year another notorious French robber, Redoine Faid, was sentenced on appeal to 28 years in prison for an explosives attack on a Loomis van in the northern town of Calais in 2011. But Loomis chief executive Tresch told AFP that compared to the 2000s, there are now fewer physical attacks. "It is a lot easier to carry out attacks (on the internet) via hackers, as opposed to attacking an armoured vehicle," Tresch said. "It's not the same exposure." In March this year another notorious French robber, Redoine Faid, was sentenced on appeal to 28 years in prison for an explosives attack on a Loomis van in the northern town of Calais in 2011.
The cream cheese pastry in this recipe takes mince pies to another level – especially when paired with a nutty crumble topping. This recipe takes 30 minutes to prepare, and makes 24. You will need a food processor, 2 x 12-hole bun trays, an 8-9cm pastry cutter and a rolling pin. Ingredients For the pastry 150g plain flour, plus extra for rolling out ½ teaspoon baking powder 25g caster sugar 1 pinch salt 75g unsalted butter, chilled and diced 75g cream cheese 50g ground almonds 1 medium egg yolk 1 tablespoon milk For the crumble topping 75g light soft brown sugar 75g plain flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 50g finely chopped almonds 40g unsalted butter, melted 400g luxury mincemeat Icing sugar for dusting Method To make the pastry, place the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in the food processor bowl. Add the butter, and use the pulse button to rub it into the dry ingredients, until the mixture resembles fine sand. Add the cream cheese, ground almonds, egg yolk and milk, and mix again until a dough starts to form. Place in a mixing bowl and use your hands to make a neat ball – but do not overwork it. Flatten into a disc, cover with cling film and leave in the fridge for 1 hour. Lightly dust the work surface with plain flour. Divide the dough in two and roll out one half until it is around 2mm thick. Using the pastry cutter, stamp out as many discs from the dough as you can. Use them to line the bun trays, pressing gently with your fingers. Gather the dough scraps together and set aside. Roll out the second half of the dough and stamp out more pastry discs, continuing to line the bun trays. Gather all the dough scraps together and press gently into a ball. Roll this out and stamp out more discs – you should aim for 24 pastry cases in total. Chill the pastry in the fridge for 30 minutes while you pre-heat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas mark 4 and make the crumble topping. To do this, place the sugar, flour, cinnamon and almonds in a bowl, then add the melted butter and use your fingers to combine. Spoon the mincemeat into each pastry case and top with a little of the crumble mixture. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool in the bun trays for 10 minutes, then remove carefully and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Serve the pies warm and dust with a little icing sugar.
The average person needs about seven to nine hours sleep each night. These are some of the sleep disorders that are keeping tens of thousands of UK adults awake or disrupting their sleep: Sleep Apnea: A disorder of breathing during sleep, typically accom The average person needs about seven to nine hours sleep each night. These are some of the sleep disorders that are keeping tens of thousands of UK adults awake or disrupting their sleep: Sleep Apnea: A disorder of breathing during sleep, typically accompanied by snoring, and causes the sufferer to wake up in order to breathe. There are two types: Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction in the throat, a narrowing of the upper airway. Central sleep apnea is caused by a delay in the signal from the brain which controls breathing. Insomnia: Most Read expand_more More 1 Oliver Cromwell pub has had a brand new refurbishment 2 Man who died in St Neots crash is named 3 House fire that killed two children will not have further electrical checks 4 Family pay tribute to woman who died following St Ives crash 5 Garages to to be replaced by affordable housing 6 Cambridgeshire individual diagnosed with Covid-19 Omicron variant 7 St Ives Town Mayor visits The Filling Station and tries new Christmas Beer 8 A look at how people prepared for Christmas in the last 100 years 9 Woman dies in crash on London Road in St Ives 10 Huntingdon Racecourse - surviving the pandemic and then came the floods! Is a complaint about sleeping and includes difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and waking too early. Usually there is an underlying problem and this can involve a sleep disorder or something simple, such as drinking caffeine in the evening or being kept awake by stress. Insomnia can last a few nights to a few months, depending on the type, and needs to be diagnosed to allow the causes to be found and dealt with. Narcolepsey: Narcoleptics, no matter how much they sleep, continue to experience the need to sleep and can fall asleep while at work, talking, or driving a car. Known as 'sleep attacks', they can last from 30 seconds to more than 30 minutes. Suffers can also experience loss of muscle tone, ranging from a slight buckling at the knees to a complete limpness throughout the body. Restless leg syndrome: This is a discomfort in the legs which is relieved by moving or stimulating the legs. The feeling is described as a crawling, tingling or prickling sensation. Some medicines can help. Somnambulism (sleep walking): Caused by a series of complex behaviours initiated during sleep and usually starts during childhood. In its most severe form, sleep walking can take place almost nightly and end in physical injury. Sufferers are advised to seek help. Sleep Bruxism: Grinding or clenching of the teeth during sleep. Can be part of another sleep disorder and can cause damage to teeth. Seek help from a sleep clinic. Become a Supporter This newspaper has been a central part of community life for many years. Our industry faces testing times, which is why we're asking for your support. Every contribution will help us continue to produce local journalism that makes a measurable difference to our community.
Seth Grahame-Smith was born on January 04, 1976 in Rockville Centre, New York, United States, is Writer, Producer, Director. Seth Grahame-Smith was born on January 4, 1976 in Rockville Centre, New York, USA as Seth Jared Greenberg. He is a writer and producer, known for The LEGO Batman Movie (2017), Chu He Ma Quai (2017) and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016). He has been married to Erin Stickle since 2004. Seth Grahame-Smith is a member of Writer Age, Biography and Wiki Who is it? Writer, Producer, Director Birth Day January 04, 1976 Birth Place Rockville Centre, New York, United States Age 44 YEARS OLD Birth Sign Aquarius Occupation Novelist, screenwriter, film producer Residence Los Angeles, California, U.S. Alma mater Emerson College Genre Comedy, horror fiction, mashup, non-fiction Notable works Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, Unholy Night Spouse Erin Stickle (m. 2004) Children 2 💰 Net worth: $1.7 Million Some Seth Grahame-Smith images Biography/Timeline 1960 Grahame-Smith wrote the script for Tim Burton's Dark Shadows, the film adaptation of the 1960s soap opera, replacing longtime Burton scribe John August. Grahame-Smith produced the film adaptation of the Mark Bianculli and Jeff Richard spec script The Waiting. Smith polished the script for Fantastic Four. Smith will be producing the rebooted Gremlins film. He is also currently writing a script for the sequel to the 1988 supernatural comedy film Beetlejuice. The remake Something Wicked This Way Comes is set for his directorial debut. Smith produced the theatrical film version of It, which was released in September 2017 and is producing the feature length follow up to the 1980s' action-comedy homage film short titled Kung Fury in 2018. 2005 Grahame-Smith's first widely published book was The Big Book of Porn: A Penetrating Look at the World of Dirty Movies, a non-fiction history of the erotic art form published in 2005. The next year, Grahame-Smith published The Spider-Man Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual, an examination of Marvel Comics' Spider-Man, with an introduction by Stan Lee. In 2007, Grahame-Smith wrote How to Survive a Horror Movie: All the Skills to Dodge the Kills, a tongue-in-cheek guide to help readers escape situations most often shown in horror films. The book's introduction was written by horror film Director Wes Craven. Grahame-Smith's next book was the satirical Pardon My President: Fold-and-Mail Apologies for 8 Years, a collection of letters addressed to various parties intended to apologize for the wrongs they had suffered under the administration of George W. Bush. 2009 The idea for Grahame-Smith's next novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, came from his Editor at Quirk Books, Jason Rekulak. Using Jane Austen's classic novel Pride and Prejudice as a platform, Rekulak suggested that Grahame-Smith mix a zombie plot into the public domain novel. Enamored of the idea, Grahame-Smith immediately began working on the novel, first by reading Pride and Prejudice and then by inserting the gruesome zombie elements, a process he has described as similar to microsurgery. Though Quirk Books was initially reluctant to publish the book in fear of alienating Austen's fans, the novel went to press in 2009, with modest sales expectations. In the weeks prior to the release, however, the book's popularity swelled dramatically as the cover and title of the novel circulated the internet. Anticipation for the book grew so rapidly that in its first week of release, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies surged to No. 3 on the New York Times Best Seller list. Since that time, the novel has sold over a million copies and been translated into over 20 languages. 2010 Building on the success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Grahame-Smith wrote another mash-up, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. As the title suggests, this book traces Abraham Lincoln's life from childhood through assassination, relying upon his "secret diaries" to reveal his central role in a worldwide struggle against vampirism. Released on March 2, 2010, this novel debuted at No. 4 on The New York Times best seller list under the category "Hardcover Fiction." 2012 Unholy Night, Grahame-Smith's most recent novel, was released on April 10, 2012. It depicts Balthazar, Gaspar, and Melchyor, the Magi of popular tradition, as Criminals who ultimately visit the infant Jesus. Herod the Great, Augustus Caesar, Pontius Pilate, and the Virgin Mary appear as supporting characters. 2015 While working on Clark and Michael, Grahame-Smith met another Producer on the series, David Katzenberg (son of Jeffrey), who would become his partner in Katzsmith Productions. Under the Katzsmith banner, Grahame-Smith and Katzenberg created, wrote, and produced a scripted comedy for MTV called The Hard Times of RJ Berger, which follows an awkward high-school loser who gains notoriety for his extraordinary endowment. In January 2015, it was announced that he will write the screenplays for the sequels to Beetlejuice and Gremlins. 2016 Two of Grahame-Smith's best-selling books were made into feature films. Grahame-Smith adapted his book, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, for the screen, for producers Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov. In 2011, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was optioned by Lionsgate Entertainment, with Natalie Portman producing, and David O. Russell initially set to adapt and direct. Russell later left the project. In 2013, a new group of producers, including Portman, hired Burr Steers to direct. Lily James and Bella Heathcote were chosen to star as the oldest Bennett sisters. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was released on February 5, 2016. Tags: 1976 births American comics writers 21st-century American novelists American humorists American male screenwriters American film producers American television producers Living people Emerson College alumni People from Rockville Centre, New York New York (state) media people American male novelists People from Weston, Connecticut People from Bethel, Connecticut 21st-century male writers
An Irish man on a student work visa is believed to have drowned while rafting on the Delaware River along the New York-Pennsylvania border. The 20-year-old got into difficulty while swimming beside the raft in the area of rapids near the town of Lumberland in New York. The young man - who was not wearing a life jacket – was with a group of friends when the incident happened on Saturday afternoon. A bystander, believed to be another rafter, attempted to rescue the man but got into difficulty and had to be saved by a passing raft. A massive search was immediately launched but the student’s body has not yet been found. Daily Digest Newsletter Get ahead of the day with the morning headlines at 7.30am and Fionnán Sheahan's exclusive take on the day's news every afternoon, with our free daily newsletter. Enter email address This field is required Sign Up Most Watched Play Bodycam video shows convicted stepmother lying to police over six-year-old's fatal collapse Play Crowds protest against mask wearing for school children in Dublin Play Roy Keane laughed at by Micah Richards for drinking tea at Christmas party Play Leo Varadkar demonstrates how to use an antigen test Play 'Get your money back and F*ck off!' – Christy Moore having no messing at his gig Latest Irish News ‘He knew his world was falling apart’ – the moment Predator Exposure conducted sting operation on ex RTÉ worker Kieran Creaven Former RTÉ producer Kieran Creaven jailed for a total of 10 years for a range of child sex abuse crimes both in Ireland and abroad ‘A pretty black day for us’ – Hospitality sector anxiously awaits Cabinet decision on further restrictions ‘Seven deaths a day means Christmas must be curtailed’ – Dr Tony Holohan issues list of proposed curbs Wind, rain and sleet on the way as Christmas shoppers warned to expect unsettled conditions Most Read Nphet wants Covid vaccine pass extended to hotels and gyms - and limits on household visits until January 9 ‘He’s not got his facts clear’ – Ian Bailey’s ex-partner lifts lid on details of couple’s split Worker fired for selling too many units of lipstick to one customer loses unfair dismissal action ‘Seven deaths a day means Christmas must be curtailed’ – Dr Tony Holohan issues list of proposed curbs Doctor was ‘utterly dishonest’ when recalling details of road accident that left teenage girl brain damaged, court hears Latest ‘Memories I will forever cherish’ – All-Ireland winning Galway defender Aidan Harte announces inter-county retirement Boots issues recall of 31 own-brand vitamins and health supplements over banned substance Chris Farrell makes timely return to training to boost Munster's options for Wasps Champions Cup opener ‘He knew his world was falling apart’ – the moment Predator Exposure conducted sting operation on ex RTÉ worker Kieran Creaven
The models predict a best-case of 1,000 to 3,800 cases statewide if the public continues social distancing. The darker prediction is 15,000 to 26,000 cases. Author: Pat Dooris Published: 5:41 PM PDT March 26, 2020 Updated: 5:41 PM PDT March 26, 2020 PORTLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Health Authority released new COVID-19 modeling on Thursday. It predicts a best-case of 1,000 to 3,800 cases statewide if the public continues social distancing. The darker prediction is 15,000 to 26,000 cases if the public does not. The agency said its main goals right now are getting the following areas of concern addressed before the expected flood of coroanvirus patients. More protective gear for workers More ventilators More health care workers available to work More space in hospitals State health official Dr. Dean Sidelinger said the call to stay home is worth it. "These projections tell us the sacrifices Oregonians are making right now can help to save lives. At the same time, they paint a dark picture of what could happen if we don’t all work together," he said. The other big news Thursday was unemployment numbers. A staggering 76,500 people filed for unemployment in the week that began March 15. The number the week prior was 4,900 people. RELATED: Oregon jobless claims up 15x last week as coronavirus shutdown took hold "It's an unprecedented level of need by Oregonians for unemployment benefits. We haven’t seen anything like this before,” said Gail Krumenauer, a spokeswoman with the state employment department. The department is swamped and knows calls are taking a long time. They are hiring more people to answer phones and urge you to sign up for unemployment online instead. The unemployment claims show the industries hardest hit are the ones you would expect, restaurants and hotels, pretty much anything dealing with hospitality. A lot of people are hurting right now. "It's hard to put into words how uncertain people feel and how worried they are about public health and safety and their own economic well-being," Krumenauer said. "And we're really making efforts here at the employment department to make sure that we can do as much as we can to help provide some of that security in the form of unemployment insurance benefits." RELATED: $2 trillion coronavirus deal: Who will get stimulus checks and when? RELATED: Washington County hotels receive $10,000 checks amid COVID-19 slump In Other News CDC director: 99.9% of COVID cases in US currently is delta variant Jobs Terms of Service Privacy Policy Ad Choices EEO Public File Report FCC Online Public Inspection File Closed Caption Procedures Do Not Sell My Personal Information © 2021 KGW-TV. All Rights Reserved. KGW would like to send you push notifications about the latest news and weather. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. No Thanks Allow × Read More For full feature support, please upgrade to a modern browser such as Microsoft Edge. ',t.insertBefore(n,t.firstChild),e(),o=window.setInterval(function(){document.getElementsByTagName("noscript").length?e():clearInterval(o)},500))}(); //#
ABOUT Serve at the forefront of national security by analyzing top-secret information and interpreting spy reports. Direct the analysis of top-secret satellite imagery. Be the first to ascertain the implications of the latest intelligence. Use keen analytical abilities to perceive patterns in Internet chatter. Intelligence Officers serve as a key part of the Information Dominance Corps as they: * Supervise the collection, analysis and dissemination of critical information * Participate in reconnaissance missions * Provide intelligence support to US Naval forces and multinational military forces * Advise executive-level decision makers in US government * Lead Enlisted personnel in gathering and analyzing mission-sensitive intelligence * Conduct analysis of the inner workings of adversaries and develop unmatched intelligence of the battlespace during wartime RESPONSIBILITIES As an Intelligence Officer, you will take on a wide variety of assignments, each one essential in its related mission or objective. This role may include: * Leading the planning, development, testing and deployment of information systems crucial to the intelligence process * Monitoring and analyzing maritime activities that pose a threat to national security, such as drug smuggling, illegal immigration, arms transfers, environmental mishaps and violations of UN sanctions * Delivering near-real-time operational intelligence assessment to high-level decision makers * Planning intelligence operations and managing intelligence programs * Enabling the collection of human intelligence * Leading teams of Enlisted experts who identify enemy targets for US or coalition forces * Overseeing the work of Intelligence Specialists - Enlisted Sailors (no degree required) who help convert information into intelligence WORK ENVIRONMENT Depending on interests, background and performance, Intelligence Officers have opportunities to serve worldwide: * Aboard ships * On bases and installations * In assignments at Joint Intelligence Centers TRAINING & ADVANCEMENT Those pursuing an Intelligence Officer position are required to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Newport, R.I. Upon completion, they attend a five-month basic course of instruction at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center in Dam Neck, Va., where they receive training in: electronic, anti-submarine, anti-surface, anti-air, amphibious and strike warfare; counterintelligence; strategic intelligence; air defense analysis; and combat mission planning. From there, INTEL Officers embark on a 30-month operational fleet tour. This is typically an assignment with an aviation squadron, with an air wing staff or on board an aircraft carrier or amphibious command ship. Promotion opportunities are regularly available but competitive and based on performance. It's also important to note that specialized training received and work experience gained in the course of service can lead to valuable credentialing and occupational opportunities in related fields. EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Beyond professional credentials and certifications, Intelligence Officers can advance their education by: * Pursuing opportunities at institutions such as Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) or Navy War College (NWC) * Completing Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) at one of the various service colleges QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS A four-year degree from a regionally accredited institution is required to work as an Intelligence Officer. It is preferred that the degree focuses on areas of study such as: international relations, political science, government, engineering, physical science, natural science, computer science, or other academic fields related to intelligence. All candidates must also be: US citizens; willing to serve worldwide; and eligible for a special intelligence security clearance. General qualifications may vary depending upon whether you're currently serving, whether you've served before or whether you've never served before. 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Most people, when they read normally, hear a voice inside their head spelling out the words. You might not notice this at first, but it's the reason we're all so impressed when a child can read 'silently' - because they've added yet another level of complexity to the already difficult task of processing the written words. Speed reading is very, very different. 1. How to speed read without killing your brain. The main conceptual difference between speed reading and ordinary reading is that ordinary reading attempts to understand more than just the big picture. It also attempts to understand and process details like names, subplots, and information not necessarily important to understanding the concept of the story. Speed reading, on the other hand, is big-picture focused. This means that you can safely skip some of the details, but you need to be careful deciding what is and isn't important. The main practical difference is that, while ordinary reading consists of a reader hearing a voice inside their head which is speaking the words aloud, speed reading completely skips this step. Instead, you have to see the words and process them without hearing them spoken. Since many people learn best by hearing, this means that speed reading often leads to quick forgetting. It also means that readers tend to skip words, including articles, adjectives, and sometimes nouns. There's a technique to deciding which words are important and which are not. You can safely skip: -Most adjectives -Articles -Some non-capitalized nouns (but be careful: some might be important, and you'll find yourself getting confused later) -Modifying clauses You should avoid skipping: -Proper (capitalized) nouns -Most verbs English sentence structure is simple: subject-verb, and sometimes subject-verb-object. These are the key parts of a sentence. In order to understand what you're reading as quickly as possible, look for these key parts. For example: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (sound familiar, fellow nerds?) The key parts of this sentence are the verb and the subject. Therefore, when speed reading, this sentence becomes: Fox jumps. We've missed a lot of information, but at least we know the key parts. The sentence, obviously, became much shorter and easier to read. 2. When/Why to speed read. Most of you can probably answer this question already, but put briefly: Speed read: -Badly written novels -Informational literature with a 'big picture' approach to a subject -Required reading that you're late on (but please try not to be late on required reading ...) -Reading passages on tests (but be very, very careful with this) Do not speed read: -Well written novels -Informational literature with a detailed approach to a subject -Informational literature about a subject you are unfamiliar with -Anything you really want to understand Sometimes, for one reason or another, you need to read something quickly and understand the big picture while skipping the details. This is what speed reading is for. However, if you really want to understand something or become familiar with a subject, speed reading is not your friend. Now try speed reading this article! For practice, see if you can state back the major points once you're finished. I'll help you out. Briefly, this article covers:
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is set to promise more than £500 million in funding to get people back to work, in an attempt to stem the continuing turbulence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The new funding will be used to help workers leaving the furlough scheme and unemployed over-50s back into work, with a "job finding support" scheme lasting until the end of the year. Meanwhile, the "kickstart" scheme for young people will be extended to March 2022 and a £3,000 incentive for new apprentices will also be extended until the end of January. However, the Chancellor has resisted expanding all of the support announced during the pandemic, with the £20-a-week uplift to Universal Credit falling away. Mr Sunak will instead use his speech at the Tory conference on Monday to set out his vision of shaping the economy around "the forces of science, technology and imagination". He is expected to pledge to "make the United Kingdom the most exciting place on the planet" through enhanced infrastructure, improved skills and scientific investment. Read more: Rees-Mogg and Trade Sec blame Covid over Brexit for labour shortage Read more: Turkey shortages: Meat industry forced to go 'cold turkey' without EU labour Ahead of his speech, Mr Sunak said he was "ready to double-down" on his promise to "do whatever it takes" to recover from Covid. He said the furlough scheme - which came to an end at the end of September - protected 11 million jobs and the UK was "experiencing one of the strongest and fastest recoveries of any major economy in the world". "But the job is not done yet," Mr Sunak added. "I want to make sure our economy is fit for the future, and that means providing the support and skills people need to get into work and get on in life." Read more: Butcher shortage could ruin Christmas as supplies of pigs in blankets at risk However, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said: "The Government's struggling plan for jobs has failed to hit its original targets; it is not creating the number of jobs needed and has failed to address the supply chain crisis Britain is experiencing." "Giving himself an extended deadline will do nothing to compensate for the Chancellor's tax rises, cost of living crisis and cuts to Universal Credit which are set to hammer millions of working families." Fresh warnings of hardship have also been issued over the rise of the energy price cap and price hikes in shops. Household budgets will sustain a further blow in April 2022 when national insurance increases by 1.25 per cent to help fund the NHS and social care reforms. It comes as labour shortages throughout the UK have led to supply chain issues across several industries. Matthew Fell, the chief policy director at the Confederation of British Industry, said: "Businesses will welcome the Chancellor's plan for jobs pivoting from furlough to economic recovery. "With record vacancies and widespread labour shortages, this package's success will be measured by its ability to get people back into work. "Businesses are committed to playing their full part in training and re-skilling the workforce of tomorrow as we move towards a new economy." The funding will come from the education and the work and pensions departments, with further details to be set out in the upcoming spending review.
Concerns about students’ exposure to hateful ideologies online have been ‘exacerbated by the pandemic’, school staff claim. Extreme views like racism, homophobia and conspiracy theories are widespread in classrooms across England, a study suggests. Schools lack the resources and training to teach pupils how to discuss or reject dangerous views, according to academics from the University College London (UCL) Institute of Education. Their report, published days before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States, suggests schools’ efforts to build resilience to extremism in young people are “highly varied” due to limited space in the curriculum – and in some cases their approach to the issue is “tokenistic”. Researchers, who spoke to 96 teachers in English schools as part of the study commissioned by education charity Since 9/11, found that staff are concerned about the increase in pupils looking at hateful online content online. The findings come after the boss of MI5 revealed that agents are investigating teenagers as young as 13 linked to extreme right-wing terrorism. In July, director-general Ken McCallum said the presence of teenagers is a “rising trend in MI5’s counter-terrorist case work” and is becoming more so in extreme right-wing investigations. The majority of teachers spoken to by the researchers said they have heard pupils express far-right extremist views in their classroom, as well as “extremist views about women” or Islamophobia. Nearly nine in 10 teachers have heard conspiracy theories being discussed by students – including the theory that American business magnate Bill Gates “controls people via microchips in Covid vaccines”. Teachers raised concerns about pupils’ exposure to extremist views online, often claiming that this has been “exacerbated by the pandemic and lockdowns” – and the report suggests that conspiracy theories and online disinformation “is an emerging area that needs consideration”. The study also found that many teachers do not talk about issues related to extremism in the classroom out of fear that they will get it wrong, “especially on matters related to race”. Researchers carried out in-depth interviews with English and Religious Education teachers and safeguarding leads in schools, as well as a survey of teachers, and assessed a literature review of research examining how schools build resilience to extremism in students in England as part of the study. Almost all the teachers surveyed had encountered “hateful extremism” in the form of racist views in the classroom, according to the report. Dr Becky Taylor, from the UCL Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research, said: “This report shows that some schools fail to move beyond surface-level explorations of violence, extremism and radicalisation; however, it is without doubt that schools can play an important role.” She added: “Education policies must consider the fact that some schools may need more help than others to build on what they already have in place. “Engaging well with their local communities and ensuring that schools and teachers are supported and appropriately resourced can help young people to problematise ‘hateful extremism’.” The study calls for teachers to be given better training to lead open discussions in the classroom about extremism so they can teach pupils how to reject, and respond to, dangerous ideologies. The report concludes: “Much anti-extremism work is well-meaning but is stymied by overcrowded curricula, a lack of resources, a desire to perform policy for Ofsted, and a mandate to detect and report vulnerability to radicalisation rather than necessarily stamp out its root causes.” Kamal Hanif, a trustee of Since 9/11 and executive principal of Waverley Education Foundation in Birmingham, called the research “a wake-up call”. He said: “We urgently need to equip schools with the tools to teach pupils how to reject extremist views. Dangerous ideologies must never be swept under the carpet. Mr Hanif added: “The findings of this study are particularly pertinent as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Children in school today were not yet born when the attacks took place. “Indeed, many of their teachers were themselves only children at the time. It’s vital that we all learn about the attacks themselves and their ongoing impact.” Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said: “Schools have an important role to play in educating young people about the false premises and dangers posed by extremist ideologies, but they cannot do this alone and more support is needed. “The reality is that schools have to juggle multiple demands on their time in the context of packed timetables and severe funding constraints, all at a time when our society has undergone a digital revolution which allows people to spread hateful views at the click of a button.” A Department for Education spokesperson said: “As this report shows, schools and teachers are generally confident teaching about issues related to extremism. “The new Relationships, Sex and Health Education curriculum requires secondary age pupils to be aware of laws relating to terrorism and hate crime, and the Educate Against Hate website features over 150 free resources to help pupils, teachers and parents tackle radicalisation in all its forms. “We continue to look at what further support we can provide to schools, and will shortly launch further resources specifically focused on harmful online content.”
Safari has long been the go-to browser on the iPhone, but after Apple finally opened up the secret speed enhancements in Safari to other browsers way back in iOS 8, it’s now possible to ditch Safari entirely for another browser. Chrome is the most obvious choice for doing so. But is it worth it? The Contenders You have a number of browser options on iOS, but most of them, like the privacy-focused Brave, the gesture-based Dolphin, or the speed-centric Opera Mini, all fill a niche instead of trying to be your daily driver. For that, Chrome and Safari lead the pack. Here’s a quick summary of their feature-set: Safari: Safari is the default browser we’ve all come to know so well over the years. It does everything a browser needs to do, including offering up a private browsing mode, bookmarks, and as of iOS 9, ad blocking. Safari is deeply integrated into iOS, which means you can search for something in Spotlight and open it in Safari, and by default most apps will open any links in Safari. Chrome: When Chrome originally arrived on iOS, it was slow, but still managed to work so well with Google’s other products that people used it anyway. Now, the two are equally speedy. Alongside features you expect in any browser, Chrome on iOS has a few Google-specific quirks, like a built-in QR scanner, Google Now support, a translator, and more. Chrome also tends to hide a lot of its interface, foregoing the bottom navigation bar prevalent in Safari and instead placing everything up top. This is an aesthetic thing, but design matters enough that you might prefer how one works over the other. Which browser is best for you is partially a matter of preference, but it also matters what other apps you use. Let’s dig into where Chrome makes more sense than Safari and vice versa. Chrome’s Voice Search Works Extremely Well If you want to search for stuff online with your voice, you want to use Chrome. Google pushes its voice assistant hard in Chrome in iOS and it works stupidly well. With a hard-press of the Chrome icon you can search before even open the app, and once you’re in Chrome, you’ll find the voice search icon everywhere you look. More importantly, the voice search is accurate, pulling up most results perfectly. This sounds like a minor feature, but if you can’t or aren’t good at typing on a phone’s small keyboard, having what’s essentially a dictation function comes in handy. For its part, Safari has the regular old dictation button that’s built into iOS, but it’s not voice search specific and doesn’t work as well. Of course, you can also search using Siri, but it’s not as fluid or useful as the voice search in Chrome. Chrome Plays Nice With All of Google’s Apps, Safari Plays Nice with Everything A while back, Apple introduced a “deep linking” feature that essentially lets apps communicate with each other. While it’s not a replacement for “default” apps like on Android, it does make it so developers can do things like have a URL link from Gmail open up in Chrome instead of Safari. As you’d expect, Google has taken full advantage of this. Provided you’re a Google user on a lot of services, from Drive to Gmail to Maps, you can make it so all those apps communicate with Chrome. For example, when you tap a link to a map in Chrome and it opens up Google Maps, or tap an email link in Chrome and it opens Gmail. If you’re deeply invested in Google, this works wonderfully and makes it so you can ignore Safari altogether. If you’re not a heavy Google user, things get less interesting. Safari is still the default browser, which means URLs you get in text messages, Apple Mail, or links you search in Spotlight all route thought through Safari. While some third-party apps, like Spark or Airmail, have an “Open in” option that lets you choose your browser, that’s not the case in all apps, so you’re bound to still use Safari now and again. Unless you’re very much into Google, Safari is probably your best option so you don’t have to bounce between the two all the time. Both Sync with Their Desktop Apps There is one final, big reason why you’d choose one browser over the other. Both Safari and Chrome sync with their desktop counterparts. This means your tabs, history, and bookmarks all sync from your phone to your desktop. If this matters to you, then you’ll want to go with whichever browser you use on your computer. Personally, while syncing always seems like a cool idea, it’s something I never, ever use, so this doesn’t matter to me as much as I initially thought it would. If you’re in the same boat and don’t actually utilise this, don’t let the idea that you could affect your decision for which browser to use. Safari’s Reading List is Great, but Chrome Has One On the Way An often forgotten about feature in Safari is its Reading List. Here, you get a Instapaper-esque list of articles you’ve saved for reading later. It’s great if you read a lot on your phone and have no interest in more advanced options like Pocket or Instapaper. Chrome does not offer this at all right now, but it’s rumoured to be on the way soon. Until we know how that actually works, Safari is your better option here. Of course, for now, Chrome users can still use a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper. Safari Can Block Ads and Trackers If you’re someone who blocks ads or third-party trackers using an ad blocker, then your choice here is very clear: use Safari. The “content blockers” introduced in iOS 9 only support Safari, and Chrome doesn’t have any similar type of plugin. These content blockers aren’t about ads, they also block cookies, weird page elements, specific URLs, comments, and more. So, if you want to mess around with any of that stuff, you want to stick with Safari. The Verdict: Chrome Is Great If You’re Deep In Google’s Ecosystem, Safari Is Best for Everyone Else Which browser is best for you depends on a lot things, including a general preference for how it works. Some people like Chrome’s more minimal aesthetic enough that features don’t actually matter. Others like the fact that Safari integrates automatically without any tweaking. In any case, if you like the “feel” of one over the other, know that they’re both equally speedy and feature-complete, so there’s no reason to actively avoid either. The one clear difference comes if you’re an avid Google product user. Chrome does an excellent job of linking up with the rest of Google’s apps, enough so that you almost feel like you’re not even on an iPhone. In that case, stick to Chrome and you’ll be happy. If you seek out other apps that deep link to Chrome you’ll be able to pretend like Safari doesn’t exist. For everyone else, stick with Safari. It’s come a long way over the years and it works perfectly well. Is it a little boring? Sure. But how exciting do you want your browser to be? 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The four US congresswomen attacked by US President Donald Trump in tweets widely called racist have dismissed his remarks as a distraction. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib urged the US people “not to take the bait” at a Monday news conference. Mr Trump had suggested the four women – all US citizens – “can leave”. He has defended his comments and denied allegations of racism. The president did not explicitly name the women in his initial Twitter tirade on Sunday, but the context made a clear link to the four Democrat women, who are known as The Squad. He sparked a furore after saying the women “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and they should go home. Three of the women were born in the US and one, Ms Omar, was born in Somalia but came to the US as a child. Following the outcry, the four women told reporters they wanted to re-focus attention on to the president’s policies. “This is simply a disruption and a distraction from the callous chaos and corrupt culture of this administration, all the way down,” Ms Pressley said. Both Ms Omar and Ms Tlaib repeated their calls for Mr Trump to be impeached. What did the congresswomen say? Ms Pressley dismissed the president’s efforts “to marginalise us and to silence us”. She added: “Our squad includes any person committed to building a more equitable and just world.” All four women insisted that health care, gun violence and, in particular, detentions of migrants on the US border with Mexico should be in focus. “The eyes of history are watching us,” said Ms Omar said, decrying the “mass deportation raids” and “human rights abuses at the border”. Ms Omar says Mr Trump’s “blatantly racist attack” on four women of colour was “the agenda of white nationalists”, adding that the president would like “nothing more than to divide our country”. Ms Tlaib called it “simply a continuation of his racist, xenophobic playbook”. “We remain focused on holding him accountable to the laws of this land,” she said. What is the row about? On Friday, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, Ms Tlaib and Ms Pressley testified to a House committee about conditions in a migrant detention centre they had visited. Democrats have widely criticised the Trump administration’s approach to border control, saying they are holding migrants in inhumane conditions. Mr Trump insists the border is facing a crisis and has defended the actions of his border agents. His administration announced a new rule to take effect on 16 July, which denies asylum to anyone who crosses the southern border without having applied for protection in “at least one third country” on their way to the US. After their testimony, Mr Trump said conditions at the centre had had “great reviews”. He then posted his series of tweets about the women and Ms Omar, attacks he redoubled on Monday. “If you are not happy, if you are complaining all the time, you can leave,” he told a heated news conference outside the White House. As the women spoke to reporters on Monday evening, he tweeted again. “If you are not happy here, you can leave! It is your choice, and your choice alone. This is about love for America,” he wrote. How have Democrats and Republicans responded? Democrats have roundly condemned the president, and have been joined by several Republicans. Senator Tim Scott, the only African American Republican in the Senate, called the president’s words “racially offensive”. Republican Congressman Will Hurd, who is also African American, described the comments as “racist and xenophobic”. After the news conference US Senator and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney called Mr Trump’s remarks “destructive, demeaning, and disunifying”. “People can disagree over politics and policy, but telling American citizens to go back to where they came from is over the line,” he tweeted. But Republican Congressman Andy Harris had earlier defended Mr Trump, telling WBAL radio: “Clearly it’s not a racist comment. He could have meant go back to the district they came from, the neighbourhood they came from.” Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a resolution in the House to condemn the “disgusting attacks”, which could reportedly be put to a vote as early as Tuesday. Her colleague Chuck Schumer said he would introduce a similar motion in the Senate. “We’ll see how many Republicans sign on,” he tweeted. How have world leaders reacted? The leaders of several US allies have come out against the president. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she “completely and utterly” disagreed with Mr Trump, while Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau similarly denounced the comments. “That is not how we do things in Canada. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian,” he said at a press conference. Both candidates for the British premiership condemned the attacks. Jeremy Hunt said he was “utterly appalled” by Mr Trump’s tweets, and Boris Johnson said “you simply cannot use that kind of language about sending people back to where they came from”.
If you are planning to interview for a technical product manager or product manager role, then expect at least one round of an interview with a system design question. The system design interview involves designing an open-ended question on designing a large scale system. The interviewee will be judged on a couple of different viewpoints. The ability to ask questions in narrowing down the problem, the assumptions made, and the design of the large scale design are critical skills needed to ace the system design interview. I have listed detailed steps to tackle the system design interview below. Use the steps and work through interview questions to strengthen your system design knowledge. High Level Steps: Scope the problem and clarify the requirements Do estimations High-Level Design Design core components Define API Detailed design (Depends on the time allocated for the interview) Resolve any bottlenecks in the design Summarize the solution Detailed Walkthrough of System Design Approach: Step 1: Scope the problem and clarify the requirements System design interview questions are very open-ended. For example, the interviewer might ask a question such as, “Design Twitter Search” or “Design PasteBin”. When such open-ended questions, the onus falls on you to ask clarifying questions. Questions should be targeted to find the exact scope of the problem and narrow down the constraints. Asking the right questions, scope resolution and estimations are critical skills to develop for a good product manager. These skills are also useful to design systems for interview questions and impress your interviewer in the given 45 to 60 mins slot. Remember not to jump into the solution space with such open-ended questions. Start by asking the interviewer clarification questions such as Who is going to use the product What is the input and output of the system Does the system include push notifications Estimation questions such as expected read-write ratios, and request per second What is the amount of data the system needs to handle etc Step 2: Estimations Once you have scoped the problem, the next step is to do some back of the envelope calculations. Using the back of the envelope calculation is a subtle art that will take you a long way towards a successful design interview. Imagine estimation as a thought experiment where you perform quick calculations without concrete data to support your system design. In fact, Jeff Dean, Google, thinks that it is an important skill for every software engineer to be able to estimate performance after systems. Back of the envelope estimates could include storage estimates, bandwidth, memory estimates, the ratio of reading to write, and the amount of traffic that is expected. Step 3: High Level Design The next step is to create a high-level design with all the core components. Use the whiteboard to draw the core components and then show the connections between these components. Walkthrough your design using the flowchart on the whiteboard and explain your thought process to justify your ideas to the interviewer. Step 4: Design core components Core components include the data model and how the data will flow between the different components in your system. Core components also include the database design/ schema. For example, you should define the tables of the database and justify your preference for SQL or no SQL options. The other core component is designing APIs for the system. API definitions are critical for exposing the functionality of your design Step 5: Detailed design Detail design is totally dependent on the interview time. If your interview slot is for an hour and you start this question at the beginning, then you should definitely jump into detail design. In the detailed design process, you will deep dive into the components that you designed at the high-level design and expand on each concept. If you want to impress the interviewer then discuss the scalability of your design. Introduce concepts such as data sharding, horizontal scaling, and load balancing to scale your design. Talking about these concepts will show the interviewer that you are thinking about the big picture and addressing issues that happen in large scale systems. Other topics to hit include caching, data purging and adding redundancy to your design. Step 6: Resolve bottlenecks Address bottlenecks in your design and steps that you would take to solve them. Security is another critical topic and this is a good time to talk about securing your system and development steps involved. Step 7: Summary Finally, summarize your entire design by going through the scope again. Then provide a very high-level overview of all the steps that you took to arrive at the final solution. Finally, ask the interviewer if you need to address any other topic. Usually, you would have hit the time limit of the interview by now. If you have followed the steps above then you should get positive feedback from the interviewer. In the next blog, we will apply the above guidelines and solutions to solve a few real-life interview questions. 0 0 votes Article Rating Read more articles Previous PostHow to build your first product roadmap Next PostHow would you design Pastebin Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website 0 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments You Might Also Like How do you measure the success of Instacart? June 8, 2020 How to write the best product requirement documentation (PRD) April 13, 2020 How do you design systems that scale to a million users April 22, 2020 Search for: Recent Posts Five strategies for product managers to effective remote work How to answer product launch interview questions Backlog: The Product Manager’s Friend How do you measure the success of Instacart? Seven recommendations for tech companies to boost their diversity Recent Comments Archives June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 About Me Rajesh Krishnan I am a Tech PM interested in sharing my views on building products and helping others prepare for PM interviews. All views are my own. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function oceanwp_theme_icons() in /home/customer/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/ Ocean_Extra::oe_svg_icon('linkedin', false) #1 /home/customer/www/ Ocean_Extra_About_Me_Widget->widget(Array, Array) #2 /home/customer/www/ WP_Widget->display_callback(Array, Array) #3 /home/customer/www/ dynamic_sidebar('sidebar') #4 /home/customer/www/ require_once('/home/customer/...') #5 /home/customer/www/ load_template('/home/customer/...', true, Array) #6 /home/custome in /home/customer/www/ on line 239
This public holiday is always celebrated on 26 March. The holiday celebrates the declaration of the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971. It is the National Holiday of Bangladesh. History of Bangladesh Independence Day In 1947, India was partitioned by the British, creating the 'Dominion of Pakistan', which was two separate regions to the north west and north east of India. The new dominion was governed from West Pakistan, which led to frictions between the two regions, with the first signs of a movement for autonomy for East Pakistan appearing in 1949. In the 1970 general elections, the Bangla-based Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won an overall majority, but the West Pakistani regime was reluctant to hand over power. On 25 March 1970, Pakistani troops were used to quell the growing unrest. This led to the Independence of Bangladesh being declared by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 26 March 1971, and marked the start of the war of Independence. In November 1970, India entered the war, supporting East Pakistan. This led to victory for East Pakistan on 16 December 1970 (marked by the Victory Day holiday). On gaining it's independence, East Pakistan was renamed Bangladesh. How is Bangladesh Independence Day celebrated? The holiday is marked by memorial ceremonies to remember those who lost their lives in the war for independence. In the evening, the main public buildings in the capital, Dhaka are lit up in the national colours. Translate this page Office Holidays provides calendars with dates and information on public holidays and bank holidays in key countries around the world. About Us Newsletter Sign up to receive a weekly email update on forthcoming public holidays around the world in your inbox every Sunday.
NewsNews Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. Election 2020: Victor Gordo is likely Pasadena’s next mayor Gordo said he was humbled and honored by the results, thanking his supporters for their work over the past two years of campaigning. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Pasadena Mayoral candidate, Victor Gordo held an election night party at the Raymond Restaurant on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. (Photo by Trevor Stamp, Contributing Photographer) By Bradley Bermont | | Pasadena Star-News PUBLISHED: November 4, 2020 at 2:58 p.m. | UPDATED: November 5, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. Councilman Victor Gordo will likely be the next mayor of Pasadena, defeating incumbent Mayor Terry Tornek in a hotly contested and bitter political brawl between two council colleagues. In a statement late Tuesday, Gordo said he was humbled and honored by the results, thanking his supporters for their work over the past two years of campaigning. “This election was never about one person,” Gordo said. “It was about the people of Pasadena. The voters wanted change and to take the city in a new direction. I am excited to work together with Pasadena residents and with my colleagues on the City Council to move our city forward during this challenging time. Importantly though, every vote counts and we look forward to ensuring that every vote is counted.” From the moment the first votes were tabulated on Tuesday evening, Gordo held a comfortable nine-point lead over Tornek that only narrowed slightly as the sun came up on Wednesday morning. By the afternoon, with a number of votes outstanding countywide, Gordo looks to have a mathematically insurmountable lead. Even so, election officials don’t expect to certify final results until for days or weeks. After the first round of votes were reported, Tornek acknowledged that the race had likely been decided. “I’m disappointed,” he said in an interview on Tuesday, expressing interest in continuing to work on some issues that were important to him, though it would be as a citizen this time around. “The voters have made a pretty decisive decision,” he continued. “It’s pretty clear they preferred someone other than me, so I am grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve. Pasadena is a great place. I’m just disappointed that I won’t be part of the leadership anymore.” Tornek, who has held the post since 2015, will finish out his term ending in early December. When he turns the gavel over to Gordo, Councilwoman Margaret McAustin will also cede her seat to Councilwoman-elect Felicia Williams, who won outright in a crowded field during the March primaries, when McAustin opted not to run for re-election. Gordo is a 20-year veteran of the Pasadena City Council, representing the city’s 5th District, working as a labor attorney in his day job. If Gordo ends up winning the race, as it appears he will, the City Council will likely appoint a successor to his soon-vacant seat who will hold it until 2022, when Gordo’s term is set to expire. Gordo earned the most votes during March’s primary election, running a campaign that railed against Tornek’s leadership and gruff communication style. The councilman argued residents felt unheard and disconnected from the city’s processes. “People, not plans,” was a phrase central to Gordo’s campaign, as he called for the city to engage the public more regularly on large development projects. Gordo also called for the city to re-engage its neighbors on the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, arguing the quasi-governmental organization would be a useful tool to solve regional problems. Pasadena withdrew from the group several years ago under Tornek’s direction, who attended the meetings on the city’s behalf and determined they weren’t helpful to Pasadena’s interests. Gordo began calling for the city to rejoin the council in the build up to the March election. Beginning in 2019, Gordo outgunned the mayor more than two-to-one, raising and spending nearly $700,000 during this election cycle, with significant amounts donated by labor unions and associated groups. Tornek struggled to get the same level of funding for his own campaign, turning to friends and family for help, raising about half as much as Gordo. The mayor often found himself on the backfoot in this campaign, fending off criticisms and attacks from Gordo’s camp, as he tried to campaign on his record. Still, his messaging began to bend in response to Gordo’s arguments as they grew more specific and pointed while the election season dragged on. Related links Election 2020: Lee, Fredericks, Cahalan lead in Pasadena Unified races Election 2020: Pasadena Measure P winning with voters in semi-final returns 2020 Election: Gordo outspent Tornek more than 2-to-1 in Pasadena mayoral race 2020 elections: Victor Gordo sees a divided Pasadena, and wants to unite it as mayor Read more Pasadena news Tornek had long argued that the city wasn’t experiencing as much real estate development as residents believed. The problem was, he said, most of the development was clustered in highly visible parts of the city. If Tornek had his way, the election would have been decided on his record of fiscal stewardship and his full-time work ethic in a part-time job. In what may have been Tornek’s most damaging attack of the campaign, he accused Gordo of not having enough time to do the mayor’s job because Gordo works full time as an attorney for labor unions. Gordo parried the jab by pointing to his record, noting he had served on the council for 20 years and was the president of the Rose Bowl Stadium for 10 years. He has long said that he’s at a point in his legal career where he can devote the time needed to be Pasadena’s mayor. Newsroom Guidelines News Tips Contact Us Report an Error Get the latest news delivered daily! 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Then it fell apart. The newest ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star had a fairy-tale life. Then it fell apart. Trending Nationally Chicago’s Art Institute Fired Its Volunteer Docents And Caused A Furor Heard Nationwide. The Fight Is Really About The Future Of Museums. Parents Of Michigan Shooter Met With Schools Leaders Due To Concerning Behavior — Hours Before Deadly Shooting Connecticut Audubon Society Report Raises Alarm About Bird Decline: ‘Three Billion Are Gone’ One Snake Or Two? Rare Double-headed Serpent Presents Brain-teaser Fired Massachusetts Teacher Sues District After She Was Axed Over TikTok Videos Tags: 2020 Elections Elections government Top Stories PSN Top Stories SGVT Bradley Bermont | Reporter Bradley Bermont is a reporter in Los Angeles. He covers city hall and school board meetings for Pasadena, Pico Rivera and El Monte. His work has been featured on KPCC, KQED, the Daily Beast and others. He graduated with a Master's of Science in Journalism from the University of Southern California. Prior to journalism, he worked in nonprofit copywriting and fundraising. Follow Bradley Bermont @bradleybermont View Comments Join the Conversation We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. Although we do not pre-screen comments, we reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation, or government request. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions. If you see comments that you find offensive, please use the “Flag as Inappropriate” feature by hovering over the right side of the post, and pulling down on the arrow that appears. Or, contact our editors by emailing
PECO has millions available to help with energy bills, but says few eligible customers are applying for assistance | PhillyVoice Tastykake recruiting Philly residents Tips for holiday shopping amid inflation 5 tips for first-time Philly homebuyers What “mild COVID-19 symptoms” means Menu PhillyVoice News Health Culture Events Sports News Search News Politics Opinion Crime Odd News Education Business Health Health News Illness Children's Health Addiction Fitness Wellness Parenting Culture Entertainment Lifestyle Food & Drink The Arts Pets Restaurants Events Fitness Family-Friendly Festivals Performances Food & Drink Shopping Sports Eagles Sixers Phillies Flyers NBA Free Agency WWE Staff / Contributors Company Info About Us Advertise Contact Us Legal / Privacy Staff / Contributors RSS © 2021 WWB Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved Facebook Twitter Google Plus LinkedIn Instagram Pinterest More News: Politics Opinion Crime Odd News Education Business June 26, 2021 PECO has millions available to help with energy bills, but says few eligible customers are applying for assistance On average, households behind on their bills owe about $512, the utility company says By Hannah Kanik PhillyVoice Staff Government Utilities Jon Tuleya/PhillyVoice PECO received $270 million in federal and state funding through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, money that can be used to help people who can't pay their bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a limited number of customers have enrolled, and to date only $500,000 of that money has been spent. Over the course of the last year, the United Way of Pennsylvania saw the volume of callers to its 211 help line increase by 110% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The hotline is a way people in Pennsylvania can learn about resources in their communities, everything from after-school programs to help finding food to assistance paying expenses. MORE NEWS 'Mare of Easttown' fans warned to stop trespassing at Wallingford homes where show was filmed South Jersey business ordered to stop 'gifting' free marijuana to customers Philadelphia Orchestra to merge with Kimmel Center to ease financial woes From Philadelphia residents alone, the United Way received 54,000 calls, and more than 10,000 of those calls were from people seeking help paying their utility bills, Cinda Watkins, United Way's Human Services Senior Manager, said. "It was remarkable. So many people were in need that we were extremely happy that we could be there for people, because they were definitely struggling," Watkins said. PECO also has witnessed the economic effects of the pandemic. Pennsylvania's largest electric and natural gas utility company says among those who are behind on paying their energy bills, the average customer owes $512. "It's just an unprecedented level of need," Funmi Williamson, PECO's senior vice president of customer operations said. "I would say, probably last time we were this close to this was 2008-2009 timeframe, and this trumps that." This makes it all the more puzzling why just 14% of PECO's eligible residential customers are utilizing the company's customer assistance programs. $270 million in federal and state funding is now available for PECO customers through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, and Williamson said because of the limited number of customers who have enrolled, so far only $500,000 of that money has been spent to help people with their bills. PECO is headquartered in Philadelphia, and it has more than 1.6 million electric customers and more than 523,000 natural gas customers in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The company provides electricity to residents in Philadelphia. In the suburbs, PECO has electric and natural gas customers. "There is still much great need out there that a lot of other customers would benefit from, but have not signed up yet," Williamson said. PECO said its customers can go on their website for additional details on how to sign up. Pennsylvania received a total of $569 million in funding from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program to help renters, landlords and utility providers who have been affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic. To qualify for assistance, a household must be renters and meet other criteria which can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Website, such as a loss of household income or an increase in household expenses. The ERAP money is use-it or lose-it, meaning if there are unused funds when at the end of the program, it will be returned to the government or reassigned. ERAP will run until at least September 2021, though it could be extended. "We really want our customers to leverage that because that's not going to be there perpetually," Williamson said. At the start of the pandemic, PECO worked on public outreach to spread the word on the new program. "Unfortunately, the take rate – it's getting better, but it's been very low," Williamson said. Earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic, the percentage of PECO customers receiving assistance paying their bills was in the single digits. It has climbed to 14%, which Williamson attributes to the city's eviction moratorium ending June 30. "For a lot of folks, the threat of a termination or disconnect of service often serves as motivation, unfortunately, to get help," Williamson said. Still, PECO has the capacity to help significantly more of its customers. Mayra Bergman, PECO's communications officer, said the company has amped up its outreach efforts to spread the word to people who might not know about it. "We are seeing this new class of folks who are newly unemployed, who maybe never knew what it was to need the assistance or didn't know where to even begin to apply for assistance. Literally this pandemic has driven them to be unemployed," Bergman said. Raven Williams, the Family Supportive Services Coordinator for Congreso de Latinos Unidos, said that organization has had trouble reaching people for utility bill assistance, as well. Congreso, which helps people and families in predominantly Latino neighborhoods get connected to support services, had a dramatic decline in customer interactions at the start of the pandemic, she said. "We honestly believe it's because the population that we work with just had a technology barrier," Williams said. "So even when we did have clients, it was also hard to plan that application. So either way those applications weren't going in." Now that Congreso is back open for in-person appointments, more people are coming in seeking help. Williams said they are working to increase outreach to help more people in the area through social media, internal referrals and flyers in grocery stores. "We seem to be almost on track to be how we were operating prior to the pandemic at this current moment. I would say those outreach methods are helping," she said. How to apply for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program People apply for the ERAP through the county in which they live. The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services website provides links to the application portals for Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester and Bucks. You need a driver's license or passport, income information for all household members older than 18, a copy of your lease, your landlord's name and contact information, utility expenses and provider information. Applicants also need to show documentation for unemployment, proof of income, pay stubs and other wage statements and unearned income statements. Photocopies, digital photographs and emails or letters from employers, landlords, or others with knowledge of your household's circumstance are accepted, as well. All the information about how to apply can be found on the DHS website. If approved, the ERAP assistance is typically paid directly to the landlord or utility provider. If the landlord or service provider opts not to participate, the funds will be sent to the tenant to use for payment. Other PECO programs for utility assistance: In addition to the assistance available through the ERAP, PECO offers customers other payment assistance programs, including deferred payment arrangements, income-qualified assistance programs. PECO also has the Matching Energy Assistance Fund, which allows people to make donations. PECO typically matches those contributions, Williamson said, and the money helps eligible customers pay their utilities bills. And during the winter, there is the federally-backed Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program that helps people pay their heating bills. Applications for this program open in November. Follow Hannah & PhillyVoice on Twitter: @hannah_kanik | @thePhillyVoice Like us on Facebook: PhillyVoice Add Hannah's RSS feed to your feed reader Have a news tip? Let us know. Hannah Kanik PhillyVoice Staff Read more Government Utilities Philadelphia COVID-19 Pennsylvania PECO Videos Featured How to save thousands when buying a home in Philly Tips for holiday shopping amid inflation Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Just In Evil Genius Beer Company brings back seasonal beer, charity race as part of holiday lineup Philly Commerce Department reeling from director's 'toxic' management style, staffers say Carol Tracy to retire from Women's Law Project after 30 years of leadership Former Pa. state Rep. Margo Davidson pleads guilty in theft case Nearly 250 years ago, a Philly nurse saved the Continental Army from a surprise British attack PSPCA investigating fatal shooting of two cats at South Philly's Pier 80 colony Must Read Eagles Eagles at Jets: Five matchups to watch from Sponsored Tastykake recruiting Philadelphia residents for training program and production jobs by Government Philly Commerce Department reeling from director's 'toxic' management style, staffers say Men's Health The prevalence of low testosterone should motivate men to adopt healthier lifestyles from History Nearly 250 years ago, a Philly nurse saved the Continental Army from a surprise British attack Food & Drink Reading Terminal Market celebrates the holidays with weekly events during ‘A Time For Joy’ from Sponsored Adult Health More non-smokers — especially women — are getting lung cancer. Penn Medicine leads the charge to treat them early.
IoD urges government to support jobs and investment after coronavirus lockdown - Article Leicester : Power Thompson Accessibility links Skip to content Accessibility Help You are using an outdated browser. Upgrade your browser today for a better experience of this site and many others. 01162 709228 - accSEND MENU Home About Us Overview Testimonials Services Overview Business Start Up Compliance Services Consultancy & Systems Advice Investments & Pensions Support Services Taxation Factsheets Overview Capital taxes Corporate and business tax Employment and related matters Employment issues (tax) General business Pensions Personal tax Specialist areas Starting up in business VAT Resources Overview accSEND Downloadable forms Market data Online calculators Tax calendar Tax rates & allowances Useful links News Overview Covid-19 Budget Hot Topic Latest News for Business Contact us News Covid-19 IoD urges government to support jobs and investment after coronavirus lockdown The Institute of Directors (IoD) has called on the government to act to support jobs and investment once the coronavirus lockdown ends. In a submission to the Treasury, the IoD has urged the government to act now in order to reduce the cost of employing people as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) comes to a close. The IoD recommends increasing the Employment Allowance and raising the threshold for employers' national insurance contributions (NICs). Within the submission, the Institute also proposed widening the scope of Research and Development (R&D) tax reliefs to support investment in technology and training. Jonathan Geldart, Director General of the IoD, said: 'The government may want to hold back some ammunition until the autumn, but directors have to make hiring and investment plans ahead of time. 'Now is the moment for the Treasury to reduce the cost of employment so companies can retain staff. As the furlough scheme winds down, jobs are at risk, so it will be crucial to soften the blow.' Covid-19 HMRC publishes guidance on the fifth SEISS grant Questions remain over re-opening, say business groups Furlough scheme starts to wind down Business groups press for further support after lockdown easing delayed Bounce Back Loan repayments due for many small businesses Fifth SEISS grant will be open to claims from late July HMRC sets out penalty regime for SEISS abuse HMRC contacting claimants for fourth self-employed grant Start of new tax year ushers in raft of fiscal changes Payment deadline looming for self assessment taxpayers Business rates relief extended with £1.5 billion fund The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS) Business rates Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) Restart Grants Coronavirus loan schemes Clarity needed on taxation of COVID test costs, says ICAEW Borrowers of Bounce Back loans given six more months for repayments HMRC waives self assessment penalties for a month Chancellor unveils £4.6 billion lockdown grant package Chancellor extends furlough scheme until end of April 2021 Chancellor extends furlough scheme to end of March Furlough scheme extended and changed for new lockdown Chancellor increases financial support for businesses affected by COVID restrictions Job Support Scheme expanded for local lockdowns Lockdown grants welcome but more support needed, say business groups Second round of grants for the self-employed opens ICAEW warns taxpayers have 90 days to notify HMRC of overclaimed COVID-19 grants Ensure interaction between VAT and Eat Out to Help Out is understood, ICAEW urges FSB calls for further help for employers as furlough wind-down begins More firms to benefit from CBILS following changes to loan rules Mixed picture for retail sector, CBI finds Public warned to watch out for top coronavirus scams NIESR calls for furlough scheme to be kept open Committee suggests many have 'fallen through gaps in support schemes' Fifth of small firms expect poor performance in next three months, data suggests UK economy 'still stuck in first gear' FRC urges companies to provide high-quality disclosures on impact of coronavirus Claims deadline approaching for first phase of furlough scheme Lockdown has 'negatively impacted young people's labour market outcomes' Business groups cautious on easing of lockdown restrictions Coronavirus borrowing now over £46 billion Homeworking creates new opportunities for cyber criminals, research finds Welsh government to reduce LTT rate Scottish government to reduce LBTT rate HMRC scraps benefit-in-kind charge on coronavirus tests Business groups react to Summer Economic Update Chancellor announces Job Retention Bonus in Summer Economic Update Chancellor to deliver Summer Economic Update VAT cut on PPE extended Private sector off-payroll reforms given go ahead for April 2021 LITRG urges self-employed to check eligibility for SEISS FSB finds late payment crisis has worsened during coronavirus lockdown Furlough scheme now covering 9.3 million workers Business warned about rise in impersonation fraud Job retention scheme closing to new entrants Overseas VAT claims subject to COVID delays IoD urges government to support jobs and investment after coronavirus lockdown Government-backed coronavirus lending now over £40 billion Government urged to consider emergency VAT reduction UK public calls for greater transparency on tax avoidance and evasion Businesses urged to reinstate VAT direct debits HMRC updates CJRS guidance for employers HMRC updates guidance for self-employed coronavirus scheme MPs call for VAT reduction to help firms affected by coronavirus LITRG warns self-employed that SEISS is taxable Government extends furlough scheme for parents on statutory leave £35 billion loaned to businesses through coronavirus schemes Business debt 'will slow economic recovery' from coronavirus pandemic, IoD warns Deadline looming for new entrants to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme HMRC delays VAT reverse charge on construction services One in five highly skilled freelancers face business closure to COVID-19 Strong economic recovery likely, but not certain Over £31 billion borrowed through coronavirus schemes Manufacturers call for coronavirus support Chancellor announces changes to Job Retention Scheme IPSE gives cautious welcome to extension of self-employed scheme Research shows 5.2 million people have fallen victim to scams during coronavirus crisis Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme goes live Government publishes revised Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme legislation Survey suggests one in ten firms cannot implement coronavirus guidance safely IPSE urges government to extend self-employed support scheme Future Fund launches to give start-ups coronavirus support Government set to launch Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme Loan size increased to £200 million under large business interruption scheme BCC survey suggests firms ready for gradual reopening of UK economy One million apply to self-employed grant scheme in 48 hours Close to £15 billion lent through government's coronavirus schemes Chancellor extends Job Retention Scheme until October Self-employed grant scheme to open to applications HMRC extends tax appeal deadline due to pandemic Business groups need more guidance and financial support for return to work UK Finance warns firms over Bounce Back loan repayments Chancellor outlines Winter Economy Plan HMRC publishes guidance on claiming Job Retention Bonus HMRC begins contacting individuals eligible for coronavirus income support scheme Over 110,000 businesses apply for Bounce Back loans on day one Government changes ISA rules to help individuals affected by coronavirus Business leaders eager for lockdown to ease, says IoD Lenders relax evidence requirements for business interruption loan scheme applications CIPD urges government to make Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme more flexible Government launches small business micro loan scheme FSB urges government to increase 80% guarantee on coronavirus business loans Government launches support finder tool for businesses SMEs access £2.8 billion through business interruption loan scheme BCC finds significant number of UK businesses have furloughed employees Recovery advice scheme launched for small businesses Coronavirus pandemic 'has already cost SMEs £277,000 each', research suggests Government unveils support package for innovative businesses affected by coronavirus Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme goes live as it is extended to end of June Pensions regulator issues auto-enrolment guidance for pandemic Government widens eligibility for job retention scheme HMRC releases guidance on coronavirus Self-employment Income Support Scheme Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme set to launch on 20 April Chancellor announces financial aid package for charities Firms struggling to access emergency coronavirus loans UK economic output reduces to 31% as result of coronavirus lockdown Chancellor announces changes to Business Interruption Loan Scheme Majority of UK firms have less than three months' cash reserves Government publishes details on coronavirus grant schemes for small businesses Directors on PAYE can furlough under job retention scheme Government relaxes insolvency rules during coronavirus pandemic Bank of England announces £100 billion stimulus package for UK economy HMRC publishes guidance on recognising genuine government contact HMRC urges businesses using VAT deferral to cancel direct debits Chancellor unveils help for self-employed workers Government and financial regulators tell banks to keep lending UK facing 'worst recession in modern history' COVID-19 Business Measures - job retention and tax deferrals Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme goes live Information for businesses and employers
RCZ is not a shop like the others, and we thought it is important to explain our commercial philosophy, so that you cannot be perturbed by some characteristics of our shop. We invite you to take your time to read this text cautiously before making an order at RCZ. First of all, we are not a private shop, nor an online shop like the others. Our main objective is to propose the best prices in Europe, if not worldwide, on products that can be relatively old. We have very limited availability of current product lines, but we are working to offer products that you will not be able to find anywhere else. Here are a few key words that define RCZ: 1. DELIVERY TIME: the majority of our products are sold through private sales, therefore the waiting time is generally one month (but up to two months depending on the supplier. On some products (for some wheels), the waiting time can be as long as 4/5 months. In addition, you might have to wait a few days between the moment when you make the order and when this is sent. This is because shipping is done by another company. In conclusion, even if we do our best to send out your order quickly, It might be that certain order get shipped slowly and that the announced delivery times end up by being longer than expected. 2. RESTRICTIVE CODE: we sell more and more products with a restrictive code, which means that you are only allowed to buy the product of the voucher code and nothing else. This enables a better preparation of the orders and faster shipping. 3. CUSTOMER SERVICE: we have a customer service, but it is less performant and slower than in other online shops. As a result, you need to wait about 24 hours for a reply, and up to 72 hours on the weekends. For technical questions, we have a technician, but it is possible that we do not have an answer to all your questions, so before you contact us, please look for your answer in forums and on official websites. For warranty claims, there is no problem as we work together with all the customer services of major brands. 4. REDUCED CHOICE: in order to develop the concept of private sales, and to become a shop that only sells items on private sales, we reduce the products we have on our website. The choice you will have is reduced and RCZ will have a little number of products available. 5. SHIPPING COSTS: we have shipping fees, as unfortunately we are obliged to have you pay those, since our margins are very little (due to the low price), we do not have the means to offer free shipping. In conclusion, traditional shops (and online shops) offer you advice, different services and maybe even the fitting of your components. We do not offer this, or at least in a very limited way. If you accept our philosophy, we will for sure make great deals together. But if you expect to receive the same service than the one of other players in the world of cycling, you might be disappointed.
Is Colchicine not working in Covid sick already at the hospital? This is the conclusion found by the Recovery trial in a study released this Tuesday May 18, explaining the use of this therapy "was not associated with reductions in mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death". Yet, this was a promising molecule, according to Montreal Heart Institute in a study released in March 2020 explaining Colchicine was said to be effective against Coronavirus, according to primary results from a clinical trial. Colchicine seems eventually not to be the miracle cure to reduce Covid mortality... Anyway, this is what conclude scientists working for the wide UK Recovery clinical trial, explaining in a pre-print study issued this Monday May 17 the use of Colchicine "was not associated with reductions in mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death". The trial was based on 11,000 patients divided into two groups - one given the therapy, the other a placebo - and "unfortunately" did not provide "clinical benefits", one of Recovery heads Peter Horby explained on Twitter. "There were sound reasons for thinking it might work [...] we found out colchicine doesn't work" another Recovery scientist, Martin Landray said. RECOVERY Colchicine result out now as pre-print 11340 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 randomised to colchicine vs usual care Unfortunately no evidence of clinical benefit in primary or secondary outcomes, or in any patient subgroups. — Peter Horby (@PeterHorby) May 18, 2021 The efficacy of Colchicine was already questioned this past January after the scientific committee as Montreal Heart Institute published a release explaining otherwise. The problem was that data from the clinical trial led in March 2020 were not available to every scientist wishing to check results, as they had only been suggested in a press release. Another problem: 329 participants in the clinical trial had been excluded from the study without explanation in the 4,488 patients first given by the institute. For the record, in March 2020, Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) leads a study, called ColCorona, focusing on a treatment said to be effective against the disease. “We are pleased to offer the first oral medication in the world whose use could have a significant impact on public health” the study main author, Jean-Claude Tardif, says. This is Colchicine, “a powerful anti-inflammatory with a good safety profile already used for the treatment of gout” Quebec university hospital microbiologist-infectious disease specialist and clinical trial associate Guy Boivin explains. A molecule also known to cure chondrocalcinosis, a disease that translates into the calcification of joint, as well as other – and rare – infections such as Familial Mediterranean Fever and Becet’s disease. To be read Good deals of the week - December 6 to 12, 2021 in Paris and Île-de-France Coronavirus in the world as of Friday 3 December 2021: latest case and death tolls in 24h per country Incidence rate in France as of Thursday 2 December 2021 What did the March 2020’s clinical trial consisted in? It has bene led in 4,488 patients in the United-States, South Africa, Spain, Canada, and Brazil. A study that included two groups, one given Colchicine as treatment, the other given placebo, the whole being double-blinded (patients, nor doctors knew who got what). According to the press release issued this Saturday by the Institute, “colchicine has reduced by 21% the risk of death or hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 compared to placebo”. In the 4,159 patients who tested positive to the virus, via PCR, “colchicine reduced hospitalizations by 25%, the need for mechanical ventilation by 50%, and deaths by 44%” the study explains. Works are yet not enough to prove the effectiveness of the treatment. Moreover, no data on volunteers’ profiles – to check if the medicine was effective or if there is another reason that could have originated these results. Anyway, Montreal Heart Institute has told Le Parisien that they will soon publish a release as it is being “drawn up” and therefore soon available to be read by scientists. We also remind you that this past March 5, according to our peers from RTL, Recovery trial scientists were already doubtful about this Covid cure and decided to stop the part of the clinical trial focusing on this therapy. Practical information Tags : traitement, traitement du coronavirus annonce, Covid, traitement coronavirus, traitement efficace, coronavirus traitement, traitements, hydroxychloroquine, traitement covid, traitement covid 19, traitement contre le coronavirus, coronavirus traitement efficace, coronavirus traitement efficace trouvé, coronavirus traitement trouvé, coronavirus traitement 2021, coronavirus traitement trouvé 2021, covid traitement, covid traitement efficace, covid traitement efficace trouvé, covid traitement trouvé, covid traitement trouvé 2021, Colchicine, Institut de cardiologie de Montréal, Institut de cardiologie de Montréal ICM, colchicine traitement, colchicine traitement covid, colchicine traitement coronavirus, coronavirus traitement colchicine, covid traitement colchicine, traitement colchicine, traitement coronavirus colchicine, traitement covid colchicine Worth reading too... Covid: vaccines and therapies still under rolling review in the world Covid: Institut Pasteur Lille's Clofoctol therapy moves clinical trials Covid: take a stock on Xenothera's polyclonal antibody-based therapy, Xav-19 Covid-19: Calquence, an effective treatment against cytokine shocks? Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study Coronavirus: “Positive results” for the remdesivir/diltiazem treatment the Inserm says Coronavirus: interferon beta, an effective treatment soon to be used in France? Covid: WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug against the disease Macron allows himself "8 to 10 days" before easing off restrictions or not past the Winter break Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in France, the situation as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in Paris and Ile-de-France: +11 Covid deaths in 24h, 414 patients in ICU Tocilizumab, the covid treatment to dramatically reduce deaths, Recovery says Coronavirus: are plasma transfusions effective against the disease? Vaccination in France: How many people are vaccinated as of Thursday 2 December 2021 Covid: vaccines and therapies still under rolling review in the world Covid: Institut Pasteur Lille's Clofoctol therapy moves clinical trials Covid: take a stock on Xenothera's polyclonal antibody-based therapy, Xav-19 Covid-19: Calquence, an effective treatment against cytokine shocks? Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study Coronavirus: “Positive results” for the remdesivir/diltiazem treatment the Inserm says Coronavirus: interferon beta, an effective treatment soon to be used in France? Covid: WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug against the disease Macron allows himself "8 to 10 days" before easing off restrictions or not past the Winter break Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in France, the situation as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in Paris and Ile-de-France: +11 Covid deaths in 24h, 414 patients in ICU Tocilizumab, the covid treatment to dramatically reduce deaths, Recovery says Coronavirus: are plasma transfusions effective against the disease? Vaccination in France: How many people are vaccinated as of Thursday 2 December 2021 Covid: vaccines and therapies still under rolling review in the world Covid: Institut Pasteur Lille's Clofoctol therapy moves clinical trials Covid: take a stock on Xenothera's polyclonal antibody-based therapy, Xav-19 Covid-19: Calquence, an effective treatment against cytokine shocks? Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study Coronavirus: “Positive results” for the remdesivir/diltiazem treatment the Inserm says Coronavirus: interferon beta, an effective treatment soon to be used in France? Covid: WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug against the disease Macron allows himself "8 to 10 days" before easing off restrictions or not past the Winter break Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in France, the situation as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in Paris and Ile-de-France: +11 Covid deaths in 24h, 414 patients in ICU Tocilizumab, the covid treatment to dramatically reduce deaths, Recovery says Coronavirus: are plasma transfusions effective against the disease? Vaccination in France: How many people are vaccinated as of Thursday 2 December 2021 Covid: vaccines and therapies still under rolling review in the world Covid: Institut Pasteur Lille's Clofoctol therapy moves clinical trials Covid: take a stock on Xenothera's polyclonal antibody-based therapy, Xav-19 Covid-19: Calquence, an effective treatment against cytokine shocks? Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study Coronavirus: “Positive results” for the remdesivir/diltiazem treatment the Inserm says Coronavirus: interferon beta, an effective treatment soon to be used in France? Covid: WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug against the disease Macron allows himself "8 to 10 days" before easing off restrictions or not past the Winter break Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in France, the situation as of Friday December 3, 2021 Coronavirus in Paris and Ile-de-France: +11 Covid deaths in 24h, 414 patients in ICU Tocilizumab, the covid treatment to dramatically reduce deaths, Recovery says Coronavirus: are plasma transfusions effective against the disease? Vaccination in France: How many people are vaccinated as of Thursday 2 December 2021 Comments Today Tomorrow This week-end Next week Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Refine your search Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Refine your search Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Refine your search Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. Coronavirus: PCR tests validity down to 24 hours Olivier Véran confirmed it this Thursday November 25, 2021, screen tests' validity will be reduced: it moves from 72 to 24 hours starting from Monday November 29, 2021. Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce – our pictures and video of the opening The renewal of the Bourse du Commerce with the Pinault Collection was one of the events the most expected in 2021. This new foundation is to welcome François Pinault’s art collection, a major art connoisseur, and is expected to reinforce the attractiveness of the Halles district… The opening is scheduled on May 22, opening free of charge for a few days! Discover our pictures taken during the premiere. Disneyland Paris uses Standby Pass, the service optimizing queuing again To make social distancing easier amid the health crisis, starting from Thursday June 17, 2021, Disneyland Paris reopens their tool to avoid queuing, the Standby Pass. Available on the resort’s mobile app, it applies to all popular attractions at certain hours during the day… Let us tell you more about it! Villages Nature Paris, the "Centerparc" near Disneyland Paris reopens Center Parcs holding corporation Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney join forces to create a Village Nature in Île-de-France, a few kilometers close to Disneyland Paris. Starting from May 21, 2021, we can go and relax in this green and environmentally friendly village. What can we do there and how does it work amid the coronavirus pandemic? We tell you everything. Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens! The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! The Musée Delacroix: in the heart of painter Eugène Delacroix's studio Musée Eugène Delacroix is a very charming cultural place in Paris taking you to the very intimacy of the famous French painter. From the artist's studio to his former apartment, via the verdant garden, here is what to expect starting from May 19, 2021. Château de Chantilly The Château de Chantilly reopens the estate and the park including a new tour. Let us enjoy a stroll in this magnificent place, as well as the sublime castle and its gems. Jardins du Palais-Royal, one of Paris’ beloved parks The Jardins du Palais-Royal is one of the most coveted places in Paris when the sun shines. Let us tell you why. The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week.
Amos Elon, an Israeli historian born in Europe, has written a beautifully balanced history of a tragic, one-sided love affair. As he says: "Before Hitler rose to power, other Europeans often feared, admired, envied and ridiculed the Germans; only Jews seemed actually to have loved them". No other group of European Jews tried so hard to become a part of their host country. Elon begins his main narrative with the arrival of Moses Mendelssohn in Berlin in 1743, at the age of 14. He was not the first, since Jews had never been totally expelled from Germany, but the reign of Frederick the Great, considered an icon of the enlightenment (though he never overcame his personal antipathy to Jews), made Prussia's capital a promising goal for ethnic minorities. Mendelssohn was the first Jew to rise to prominence in the main stream of German culture, a philosopher who became the most revered figure of the German enlightenment and the inspiration behind Gotthold Lessing's famous play Nathan the Wise. He also encouraged Jews to assimilate. Although he remained an observant Jew, he urged Jews to adopt the customs of the land in which they lived and, most importantly, advocated the use of high German as a secular, day-to-day language, believing that without fluency in German they would remain foreigners for ever. The 18th century was a promising time for German Jewry, particularly in Prussia. In 1779 an anonymous author remarked on the high level of civilisation among Jews in Berlin, and the fact that they socialised with Christians. Wealthier Jews now gave their children a German education, with an emphasis on German Kultur as well as language. Bildung, the refinement of the self in keeping with enlightenment ideals, would make them true Germans. Cultured Jewish women were now running salons where Germans and Jews, men and women, could mix freely. They were famous and popular, even if the hospitality was not returned by wealthy non-Jews. (Shortly after getting himself baptised in a vain attempt to earn a living, Heinrich Heine wrote with bitter irony: "I am becoming a proper Christian. I sponge off rich Jews.") By the late 18th century there were a large number of conversions. In Berlin, it was claimed, half the Jewish community converted, including four of Moses Mendelssohn's six children. For the most part, non-practising Jews became non-practising Christians, and the motives were pragmatic: too many positions were not open to Jews. The status of German Jews changed radically, if only temporarily, with Napoleon's defeat of Prussia in 1806. In most of Germany Jews were finally emancipated and granted full political rights. In Düsseldorf, Heine saw the hereditary ruler lose his crown and his father don the uniform of the local civil guard. Not since the middle ages, apparently, had a Jew held such an office, and he celebrated the event by treating his fellow officers to a barrel of wine. Frederick William III of Prussia dragged his feet, but was finally persuaded by liberal civil servants to approve an edict of emancipation that annulled most of the existing restrictive laws, at least in theory. Most of these gains were reversed with the defeat of Napoleon. Enlightenment and reason gave way to romanticism and irrational, blind nationalism. The new nationalism was linked to Christianity, and claimed a mystical union between tribe and state which, by definition, excluded Jews. The philosopher JG Fichte gave voice to the new anti-semitism and defined nations in organic terms, as born of a common "mystical experience of the soul". Dwindling support for Jewish emancipation was reflected in the emergence in Berlin of the new Christian German Dining Club, which excluded women, Frenchmen and Jews, including converts. The members included almost the entire non-Jewish intellectual elite, and they gloried in the abuse of Jews. Kleist, Brentano and Carl von Clausewitz were among the members, as well as the future husband of Rahel Levin, who presided over Berlin's most famous Jewish salon. If the philosophy sounds familiar enough to those who had the misfortune to live through the Third Reich, at least Germany's 20th-century intellectuals for the most part distanced themselves from it. The risings of 1848 brought new hope to all liberals, including Jews, whose situation made them natural liberals within the political spectrum. But the optimism was short-lived. "The Germans will forever be / Respectful of Authority", wrote Heine. The fragmentation of Germany was also a hindrance to political change, and Jews now pinned their hopes on unification, which did indeed lead to formal - if not actual - emancipation in 1867. But by now the old dislike of Jews had turned to envy and fear. They had become too wealthy, seemed to dominate every business and profession from which they were not excluded. They were blamed for the stock market crash of 1873, and for every disaster that was to overtake Germany in the years that followed. Elon has written an excellent, well-rounded and unprejudiced account of a fascinating and heart-rending subject. In no other European country have Jews given so much, not only as entrepreneurs but in the arts and sciences. No other of group of Jews has shown so much love for the country it regarded as home, and reaped such a bitter harvest. Eva Figes's Tales of Innocence and Experience: An Exploration will be published next year by Bloomsbury.
As a result of COVID-19, some MPs have been less able to vote in Parliament, and this will be reflected in their voting record. Show more detail 11th May to 2nd June 2020 All MPs could vote remotely through an online voting tool. Votes cast remotely are shown as normal on the TheyWorkForYou voting record. 2nd to 9th June 2020 The option of online voting was removed, and a number of MPs may have been unable to vote because they were not physically able to attend. 10th June 2020 onwards The requirements on proxy voting were relaxed, allowing MPs to designate another MP to cast a vote on their behalf. If an MP votes by proxy, it is effectively exactly the same as if they cast the vote in person and it shows up on their TheyWorkForYou voting record. MPs are not required to designate a proxy, and may instead pair with an opposing MP to miss a vote. Parliament does not record when two MPs have come to a pairing arrangement, so on TheyWorkForYou, they will both appear to have been absent for the vote. We will update this information if the situation changes. See more detail on votes during the COVID-19 period here. Voting records for MPs who change parties / have whip withdrawn This MP has either become an independent MP, changed parties, or had the party whip withdrawn over the course of their time in Parliament. In the votes below they are compared to their original party (Conservative). How Phillip Lee voted on Education # Voted for raising England’s undergraduate tuition fee cap to £9,000 per year Show votes 1 vote for, 0 votes against, in 2010. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (1 votes, in 2010). Consistently voted for ending financial support for some 16-19 year olds in training and further education Show votes 2 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2011. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (2 votes, in 2011). Almost always voted for greater autonomy for schools Show votes 12 votes for, 0 votes against, 3 absences, between 2010–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (16 votes, between 2010–2014). Almost always voted for academy schools Show votes 9 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 absences, between 2010–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (17 votes, between 2010–2016). Consistently voted for university tuition fees Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2010–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (5 votes, between 2010–2017). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 29 June 2017. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Transport # Consistently voted for higher taxes on plane tickets Show votes 11 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2014–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (17 votes, between 2012–2017). Generally voted against greater public control of bus services Show votes 1 vote for, 1 vote against, 1 absence, between 2014–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (3 votes, between 2014–2016). Consistently voted against slowing the rise in rail fares Show votes 0 votes for, 5 votes against, in 2013. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (5 votes, between 2012–2013). Generally voted against a publicly owned railway system Show votes 0 votes for, 2 votes against, 2 absences, in 2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (4 votes, between 2014–2016). Voted a mixture of for and against lower taxes on fuel for motor vehicles Show votes 6 votes for, 10 votes against, between 2010–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (21 votes, between 2010–2013). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 31 October 2017. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Miscellaneous Topics # Generally voted for a statutory register of lobbyists Show votes 3 votes for, 2 votes against, in 2013. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (6 votes, in 2013). Almost always voted for restricting the scope of legal aid Show votes 10 votes for, 1 vote against, 1 absence, between 2011–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (15 votes, between 2011–2014). Consistently voted for the privatisation of Royal Mail Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2010–2011. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (3 votes, between 2010–2011). We don’t have enough information to calculate Phillip Lee’s position on Labour's anti-terrorism laws. Show votes 1 vote for, 0 votes against, in 2010. Consistently voted for allowing national security sensitive evidence to be put before courts in secret sessions Show votes 7 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2012–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (8 votes, between 2012–2013). Consistently voted for capping civil service redundancy payments Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2010. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (5 votes, in 2010). Almost always voted against requiring pub companies to offer pub landlords rent-only leases Show votes 0 votes for, 3 votes against, 1 absence, between 2013–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (5 votes, between 2013–2016). Almost always voted for limits on success fees paid to lawyers in no-win no fee cases Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2012–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (6 votes, between 2011–2013). Consistently voted against greater regulation of gambling Show votes 0 votes for, 7 votes against, between 2013–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (7 votes, between 2011–2014). Consistently voted against restrictions on fees charged to tenants by letting agents Show votes 0 votes for, 6 votes against, between 2014–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (6 votes, between 2013–2018). Generally voted for the policies included in the 2010 Conservative - Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement Show votes 58 votes for, 11 votes against, 12 absences, between 2010–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (84 votes, between 2010–2015). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 30 September 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Housing # Consistently voted for charging a market rent to high earners renting a council home Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (5 votes, between 2015–2016). Consistently voted for phasing out secure tenancies for life Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (5 votes, between 2015–2016). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 3 May 2016. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Taxation and Employment # Generally voted for encouraging occupational pensions Show votes 2 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2010–2011. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (3 votes, between 2010–2011). Almost always voted for more restrictive regulation of trade union activity Show votes 9 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 absences, between 2010–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (11 votes, between 2010–2017). Voted a mixture of for and against lower taxes on fuel for motor vehicles Show votes 6 votes for, 10 votes against, between 2010–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (21 votes, between 2010–2013). Almost always voted for increasing the rate of VAT Show votes 20 votes for, 5 votes against, 1 absence, between 2010–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (33 votes, between 2010–2019). Almost always voted for higher taxes on alcoholic drinks Show votes 17 votes for, 4 votes against, between 2010–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (25 votes, between 2010–2017). Almost always voted against increasing the tax rate applied to income over £150,000 Show votes 0 votes for, 11 votes against, 1 absence, between 2012–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (23 votes, between 2011–2015). Almost always voted against a banker’s bonus tax Show votes 1 vote for, 16 votes against, 1 absence, between 2011–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (20 votes, between 2011–2015). Almost always voted against an annual tax on the value of expensive homes (popularly known as a mansion tax) Show votes 0 votes for, 3 votes against, 1 absence, in 2013. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (4 votes, in 2013). Consistently voted for higher taxes on plane tickets Show votes 11 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2014–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (17 votes, between 2012–2017). We don’t have enough information to calculate Phillip Lee’s position on automatic enrolment in occupational pensions. Show votes 1 vote for, 0 votes against, in 2010. Almost always voted for reducing capital gains tax Show votes 8 votes for, 1 vote against, between 2010–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (9 votes, between 2010–2016). Voted a mixture of for and against higher taxes on banks Show votes 6 votes for, 9 votes against, between 2011–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (20 votes, between 2011–2018). Consistently voted for allowing employees to exchange some employment rights for shares in the company they work for Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2012–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (8 votes, between 2012–2014). Consistently voted for raising the threshold at which people start to pay income tax Show votes 29 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2011–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (29 votes, between 2011–2018). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 25 June 2019. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Home Affairs # Consistently voted for a stricter asylum system Show votes 8 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (10 votes, between 2015–2016). Consistently voted for the introduction of elected Police and Crime Commissioners Show votes 8 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2011–2012. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (9 votes, between 2010–2012). Consistently voted for requiring the mass retention of information about communications Show votes 6 votes for, 1 vote against, between 2014–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (8 votes, between 2014–2016). Consistently voted for stronger enforcement of immigration rules Show votes 9 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (9 votes, between 2015–2016). Consistently voted for mass surveillance of people’s communications and activities Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (3 votes, in 2016). Consistently voted for merging police and fire services under Police and Crime Commissioners Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (3 votes, in 2016). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 30 June 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Social Issues # Has never voted on equal gay rights Details 0 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 abstentions, 7 absences, between 2013–2019. Almost always voted for smoking bans Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2010–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (4 votes, between 2010–2015). Voted against allowing terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life Show votes 0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2015. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (1 votes, in 2015). Generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights Show votes 2 votes for, 9 votes against, 3 absences, between 2011–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (16 votes, between 2011–2019). Has never voted on allowing marriage between two people of same sex Details 0 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 abstentions, 5 absences, between 2013–2019. Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 18 July 2019. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Business and the Economy # Voted a mixture of for and against stronger tax incentives for companies to invest in assets Show votes 7 votes for, 7 votes against, between 2010–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (18 votes, between 2010–2015). Consistently voted for reducing the rate of corporation tax Show votes 25 votes for, 1 vote against, between 2010–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (28 votes, between 2010–2016). Generally voted for measures to reduce tax avoidance Show votes 7 votes for, 5 votes against, between 2013–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (13 votes, between 2013–2018). Generally voted for new high speed rail infrastructure Show votes 3 votes for, 1 vote against, 4 absences, between 2013–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (9 votes, between 2013–2019). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 1 July 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Constitutional Reform # Almost always voted against a lower voting age Show votes 0 votes for, 4 votes against, 1 absence, between 2015–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (5 votes, between 2015–2016). Consistently voted for an equal number of electors per parliamentary constituency Show votes 11 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (16 votes, between 2010–2016). Consistently voted for reducing central government funding of local government Show votes 8 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2010–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (12 votes, between 2010–2019). Almost always voted for local councils keeping money raised from taxes on business premises in their areas Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2012–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (7 votes, between 2012–2019). Almost always voted against transferring more powers to the Senedd/Welsh Parliament Show votes 2 votes for, 27 votes against, 2 absences, between 2014–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (35 votes, between 2011–2018). Consistently voted for a veto for MPs from England, Wales and Northern Ireland over laws specifically impacting their part of the UK Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2015. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (5 votes, in 2015). Almost always voted against a wholly elected House of Lords Show votes 1 vote for, 2 votes against, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (3 votes, between 2011–2016). Generally voted for fixed periods between parliamentary elections Show votes 3 votes for, 1 vote against, 1 absence, between 2010–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (8 votes, between 2010–2014). Generally voted against more powers for local councils Show votes 19 votes for, 29 votes against, 4 absences, between 2010–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (52 votes, between 2010–2018). Consistently voted for fewer MPs in the House of Commons Show votes 7 votes for, 1 vote against, between 2010–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (9 votes, between 2010–2016). Almost always voted against removing hereditary peers from the House of Lords Show votes 1 vote for, 2 votes against, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (4 votes, between 2011–2016). Consistently voted for greater restrictions on campaigning by third parties, such as charities, during elections Show votes 12 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2013–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (14 votes, between 2013–2016). Generally voted against a more proportional system for electing MPs Show votes 1 vote for, 2 votes against, 1 absence, between 2010–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (7 votes, between 2010–2016). Almost always voted against transferring more powers to the Scottish Parliament Show votes 4 votes for, 36 votes against, 6 absences, between 2011–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (48 votes, between 2011–2018). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 1 September 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Environmental Issues # Voted a mixture of for and against lower taxes on fuel for motor vehicles Show votes 6 votes for, 10 votes against, between 2010–2013. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (21 votes, between 2010–2013). Generally voted for culling badgers to tackle bovine tuberculosis Show votes 2 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 absences, between 2013–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (4 votes, between 2012–2014). Generally voted for new high speed rail infrastructure Show votes 3 votes for, 1 vote against, 4 absences, between 2013–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (9 votes, between 2013–2019). Generally voted against measures to prevent climate change Show votes 5 votes for, 16 votes against, between 2011–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (25 votes, between 2011–2019). Consistently voted for selling England’s state owned forests Show votes 2 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2011. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (2 votes, in 2011). Voted a mixture of for and against greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract shale gas Show votes 2 votes for, 2 votes against, in 2015. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (4 votes, in 2015). Voted a mixture of for and against financial incentives for low carbon emission electricity generation methods Show votes 2 votes for, 1 vote against, 3 absences, between 2011–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (11 votes, between 2011–2018). Consistently voted for higher taxes on plane tickets Show votes 11 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2014–2017. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (17 votes, between 2012–2017). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 12 October 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Health # Voted against allowing terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life Show votes 0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2015. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (1 votes, in 2015). Almost always voted for reforming the NHS so GPs buy services on behalf of their patients Show votes 6 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 absences, between 2011–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (10 votes, between 2010–2019). Almost always voted for smoking bans Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2010–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs voted a mixture of for and against (4 votes, between 2010–2015). Almost always voted against restricting the provision of services to private patients by the NHS Show votes 0 votes for, 6 votes against, 1 absence, between 2011–2012. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (7 votes, between 2011–2012). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 23 October 2019. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Foreign Policy and Defence # Voted against investigations into the Iraq war Show votes 0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (1 votes, in 2016). Almost always voted against a right to remain for EU nationals already in living in the UK Show votes 0 votes for, 14 votes against, 4 absences, between 2016–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (18 votes, between 2016–2019). Consistently voted against strengthening the Military Covenant Show votes 0 votes for, 3 votes against, between 2011–2012. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (4 votes, between 2011–2012). Generally voted against UK membership of the EU Show votes 4 votes for, 17 votes against, 3 absences, between 2016–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (24 votes, between 2016–2019). Consistently voted for military action against ISIL (Daesh) Show votes 3 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2014–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (3 votes, between 2014–2015). Almost always voted for use of UK military forces in combat operations overseas Show votes 5 votes for, 2 votes against, between 2013–2015. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (8 votes, between 2010–2015). Generally voted against more EU integration Show votes 36 votes for, 57 votes against, 10 absences, between 2011–2019. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted against (123 votes, between 2010–2019). Generally voted for a referendum on the UK's membership of the EU Show votes 6 votes for, 3 votes against, 1 absence, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs generally voted for (23 votes, between 2011–2016). Consistently voted for replacing Trident with a new nuclear weapons system Show votes 5 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted for (8 votes, between 2010–2019). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 15 July 2020. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. How Phillip Lee voted on Welfare and Benefits # Generally voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax") Show votes 12 votes for, 0 votes against, 6 absences, between 2012–2018. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (18 votes, between 2011–2018). Consistently voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed Show votes 0 votes for, 9 votes against, between 2011–2014. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted against (10 votes, between 2011–2014). Consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices Show votes 0 votes for, 5 votes against, in 2013. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted against (6 votes, in 2013). Almost always voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability Show votes 0 votes for, 13 votes against, 2 absences, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs consistently voted against (18 votes, between 2011–2016). Consistently voted for making local councils responsible for helping those in financial need afford their council tax and reducing the amount spent on such support Show votes 4 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2012. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (8 votes, in 2012). Consistently voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits Show votes 51 votes for, 0 votes against, 3 absences, between 2011–2016. Comparable Conservative MPs almost always voted for (63 votes, between 2010–2016). Share a screenshot of these votes: Share Tweet Last updated: 8 May 2018. Learn more about our voting records and what they mean. More on their full voting record on Public Whip Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that is cited as the source. For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou. Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0) TheyWorkForYou Making it easy to keep an eye on the UK’s parliaments. Discover who represents you, how they’ve voted and what they’ve said in debates – simply and clearly. 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In light of recent reports that we are only consuming a small fraction of the fruits and vegetables we need to foster good health, it is also important to acknowledge that some progress has been made in recent years in improving the American diet. For example, people are slowly starting to consume fewer calories. According to a report this week in The New York Times, calories consumed daily by the typical American adult are in the midst of their first sustained decline since federal statistics began to track the subject more than 40 years ago. Since 2003, caloric intake of the average American child has also slowly dropped. Advertisement - story continues below The shift is credited to mounting attention given to American eating and drinking habits because of troubling scientific findings starting in the late 1990s, followed by public health campaigns wagging a finger at our habits and explaining the preventable dangers these habits pose to public health. "I think people are hearing the message, and diet is slowly improving," Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, the dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, told the Times. TRENDING: Watch: Fed-up small business owner has 2 words for Biden when asked what president needs to do Still, it is but a teaspoon taste of good news. The recent reductions recoded represent a mere smidgen of change; the obesity epidemic remains an epidemic. Americans, as a rule, are not eating fruits and vegetables or frequenting farmers markets en masse. So we continue to eat too much junk food; we're just eating somewhat less of it. Eating changes have been found to be most substantial in households with children. The trend does not appear to extend to the very heaviest Americans. Among the most overweight people, weight and waist circumference have continued to increase. According to Kevin Hall, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health, for Americans to return to the body weights of 1978, an average adult would need to reduce consumption by 220 calories a day over the next five years. Advertisement - story continues below The primary focus of anti-obesity public health campaigns beginning in the 1990s – and the area of greatest success – has been on sugar-heavy beverages. According to the New York Times report, Americans, on average, purchased about 40 gallons of full-calorie soda a year in 1998, an amount that has dropped to 30 gallons and seems to be continuing a slow decline. Are you ready for another quick taste of good news? Last year, for the first time, the Food and Drug Administration proposed that companies list added sugars on nutrition labels. As I've mentioned before, the problem is that there is no context provided for consumers to understand what, for example, 66 grams of sugar found in a 20-ounce soda bottle means. It is up to the consumer to do the math to convert the amount into calories. But all that may change. Last week, the FDA proposed that nutrition labels on packaged foods cite the amount of added sugar products contain as a percentage of the recommended daily caloric intake. Should the proposal pass the mandatory review period and be enacted, it would mean that you could know that 66 grams represents 132 percent of the recommended daily intake. The FDA researchers have determined that 50 grams of added sugar should be the daily limit for people 4 or older. Officials further recommend that Americans limit added sugar to just 10 percent of their daily calories. The hope was that the proposal would encourage and incentivize food manufacturers to look harder at finding ways to cut down on added sugar in their products. No such luck. It brought immediate criticism from manufacturers of foods and beverages. The industry fired back with claims that the labels would "confuse" customers and that dietary limits on added sugar are not "scientifically justified." Behind this salvo is a simple and unspoken industry truth: Food and beverage manufacturers love sugar. It covers all manner of shortcomings. Extra sugar generally makes products taste better. This is especially true when fat is removed from processed food. Sugar disguises the blander taste of low-fat foods. Like salt, sugar is routinely packed into processed foods to help extend the shelf life of a product, thus helping the manufacturer's bottom line. Advertisement - story continues below Meanwhile, as we wait to see whether this one little consumer victory holds against industry pressure, still waiting in the wings to be addressed by both industry and government regulators is the real issue at hand: the danger hidden sugar poses and the consequences of consuming so much of it in processed foods and drinks. When we consume more sugar than we need, our liver converts the excess into fat. Some of this fat is stored around the body. Repeatedly eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, as well as an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and liver disease. We should feel good that people are starting to consume fewer calories. At the same time, we should be deeply concerned that according to market research, processed foods account for 70 percent of the American diet. Says Barry Popkin, a University of North Carolina professor who has studied food data extensively, "The food part of our diet is horrendous and remains horrendous." Advertisement - story continues below Write to Chuck Norris with your questions about health and fitness. Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook's "Official Chuck Norris Page." He blogs at Chuck Norris Summary Recent Posts Contact Chuck Norris is the star of more than 20 films and the long-running TV series "Walker, Texas Ranger." His latest book is entitled The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book." Learn more about his life and ministry at his official website, * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Thank you for contacting us. Please check your email inbox to confirm your message and send it to our editorial team. Children's charity director sentenced for stealing from kids What public schools won't teach about Thanksgiving (but you should) Americans make it clear to Biden: 'Don't Tread on Me!' My brand-new limited edition silver coin just for you Harvard epidemiologist: Children should NOT be vaccinated or wear masks See more... Advertisement WND COMMENTING IS BACK! Dear WND Readers and Commenters: In response to WND recently being totally de-monetized by Google (an action Google claims it took, in part, because it objected to content posted by some commenters), WND temporarily removed commenting from the site to allow our tech team time to implement a commenting solution that would allow commenters to continue to voice their opinions freely, while also allowing WND to continue to publish the news fearlessly and cover topics of vital importance to our readers. Commenting is now back! As part of our solution to Google’s attacks on our commenters, we are switching our commenting platform to INSTICATOR. Don’t worry! We’ve saved all your account info and comments from previous articles. All you have to do is sign in with the same email and password you had for Disqus, and you can keep sharing your comments with the worldwide WND community! If you have any feedback or questions about your account, please email us at: [email protected]
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called for an increase in Japan's military spending, in response to what he described as growing threats from China and North Korea The party leaders also talked about how to ensure the recovery of Japan's pandemic-hit economy and respond to any future COVID-19 surges Separately on Monday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno also proposed stepping up Japan's missile defense capability, in response to China's reported testing of a supersonic missile in August TOKYO, Japan: During a televised debate with eight political leaders prior to the national elections on 31st October, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called for an increase in Japan's military spending, in response to what he described as growing threats from China and North Korea. The party leaders also talked about how to ensure the recovery of Japan's pandemic-hit economy and respond to any future COVID-19 surges. Kishida, head of the governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), was selected prime minister earlier this month and called for the October election to be ensured a public mandate for his leadership and policies. Kishida stressed that Japan's security situation has changed significantly, noting North Korea likely possesses several hundred missiles capable of reaching Japan, which must consider gaining the ability to strike back, but in line with international law. As Japan's constitution strictly limits the use of force to self-defense, such a policy is considered controversial, but Kishida responded, "We have to prepare for realistic possibilities to protect our people and discuss a wide range of options." Separately on Monday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno also proposed stepping up Japan's missile defense capability, in response to China's reported testing of a supersonic missile in August. Kishida has not explained how he would gain support from the pacifist Komeito party, his coalition partners. Komeito's leader, Natsuo Yamaguchi, has questioned the LDP's plan to double the defense budget funding to 2 percent of the budget. Mizuho Fukushima, head of the Social Democratic Party of Japan, which is in partnership with the Constitutional Democratic Party, was the only woman in the debate. Share article: Watch latest videos Subscribe and Follow Get a daily dose of Zimbabwe Star news through our daily email, its complimentary and keeps you fully up to date with world and business news as well. Subscribe Now News RELEASES Publish news of your business, community or sports group, personnel appointments, major event and more by submitting a news release to Zimbabwe Star. More Information 35 ℉ Cloudy in Madison International Section Human Rights Watch: Taliban arrested, executed security forces LONDON, England: The Taliban has executed dozens of members of the former government's security forces after the surrender of Afghanistan, ... NATO chief: Countries should prepare for Russian incursion in Ukraine RIGA, Latvia: Jens Stoltenberg, secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has warned that the American-led military alliance should be ... Families reunited after 2 years at Malaysia-Singapore land border JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia As buses of vaccinated Malaysians working in Singapore were ferried across the Causeway Bridge that connects the ... Soldiers burn houses and barns, kill livestock in south of Kalay SAGAING, Myanmar - According to the local residents, soldiers have torched roughly 20 houses and two barns in communities in ... Sixty years after astronaut Alan Shepard, daughter to travel to space KENT, Washington: Blue Origin's New Shepard spacecraft will launch on 9th December, its third piloted flight, with a crew of ... Bomb threat: Malaysian Airliner makes emergency landing in Bangladesh DHAKA, Bangladesh - Following a bomb threat on board, a Malaysia Airlines flight made an emergency landing at Hazrat Shahjalal ... Africa Section Ireland to follow EU's advice to impose S. African travel ban DUBLIN, Ireland Irish residents returning from the South African region where a novel Covid variant has been discovered will be ... Libyan officials disqualify Gadhafi son from running for president BENGHAZI, Libya: Libya's High National Elections Committee has disqualified Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, son of the late dictator Moammar Gadhafi, from ... Large population in India has 'hybrid immunity,' favourable factor against Omicron variant, says senior scientist New Delhi [India], December 3 (ANI): A large section of India's population has "hybrid immunity" against COVID-19 and the "strong" ... Scientists warn border bans too late to stop Omicron spread, hold back studies: Report Moscow [Russia], December 3 (ANI/Sputnik): Scientists have warned that new travel restrictions are ineffective against the Omicron coronavirus strain and ... 18 fliers from at-risk countries tested positive for COVID-19, samples sent genome sequencing: Mansukh Mandaviya New Delhi [India], December 3 (ANI): Union Health Minister Manuskh Mandaviya said on Friday that RT-PCR tests have been done ... Karnataka postpones all events in educational institutes till Jan 15 Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], December 3 (ANI): Karnataka government postponed all events in educational institutes till January 15, 2022, informed state ...
If you have been bitten by a dog, do you know who is liable for your injuries? This can often be confusing if the dog wasn't on a leash or ownership of the dog isn't clear-cut. Here are tips to help you determine who might be responsible for a dog biting you. The Dog's Owner Or Keeper The first person that is probably liable for a dog bite is the dog's owner. However, it may also be the keeper if the owner was not around when the bite occurred. The keeper of a dog is someone that has custody, control, or care of a dog. For example, if you were bitten by a dog when the owner was out of town and the dog sitter was home, but failed to keep the dog on a leash, that dog sitter might be responsible for the bite. The person responsible could also be a keeper that isn't there at the time of the bite. For example, if a dog escapes from an animal shelter due to negligence on the shelter's part, the shelter's owner might be responsible. They aren't the dog's owner, but they are responsible for the dog. If the dog bit you, you might be able to sue the animal shelter for inadequate keeping of the dogs. Since these types of rules can vary based on where you live, it is important to know the dog biting laws in your area specifically. Parents Of A Dog Owner In some cases, the dog is owned by a minor, who is responsible for supervising and caring for their pet. In this case, you would most likely hold their parents or guardians responsible, instead of the child. The parents of a minor are usually held responsible for negligence on their child's part. This may include dog bites. Even though it is the child's dog, the parents are typically considered keepers of the dog, since they provide the shelter and most likely buy the food. The child takes care of the dog, but the parents are the adults and therefore the responsible party. Property Owners If someone allows a dog to stay on their property, and they take care of that dog, they could be considered a "harborer" of the dog. This may make them liable since they are choosing to allow the dog to remain on their property, though they aren't necessarily a dog owner or a keeper of the dog. The rule can get complicated when harborers of dogs are concerned, so you should consult a personal injury attorney like Sarkisian, Sarkisian & Associates PC to find out for sure. Share About Me After you are involved in a serious car accident, you might feel confused about what to do next. In order to feel like yourself again, you might be tempted to try to go about your daily activities, only to come across loads of challenges. In addition to focusing on your own recovery, you might also be left wondering what to do about medical bills, pushy insurance adjusters, and annoying family members. However, the right lawyer can help you to find your way. My name is Dan, and I know firsthand how difficult it can be to recover from a bad injury. Read my website to learn how proper legal representation can simplify your journey.
Many programs, even pure programs, can benefit from locally mutable state. For example, consider a program which tags binary tree nodes with a counter, by an inorder traversal (i.e. counting depth first, left to right). This would perform something like the following: We can describe binary trees with the following data type BTree and testTree to represent the example input above: data BTree a = Leaf | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a) testTree : BTree String testTree = Node (Node Leaf "Jim" Leaf) "Fred" (Node (Node Leaf "Alice" Leaf) "Sheila" (Node Leaf "Bob" Leaf)) Then our function to implement tagging, beginning to tag with a specific value i, has the following type: treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> BTree (Int, a) First attempt¶ Naïvely, we can implement treeTag by implementing a helper function which propagates a counter, returning the result of the count for each subtree: treeTagAux : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> (Int, BTree (Int, a)) treeTagAux i Leaf = (i, Leaf) treeTagAux i (Node l x r) = let (i', l') = treeTagAux i l in let x' = (i', x) in let (i'', r') = treeTagAux (i' + 1) r in (i'', Node l' x' r') treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> BTree (Int, a) treeTag i x = snd (treeTagAux i x) This gives the expected result when run at the REPL prompt: *TreeTag> treeTag 1 testTree Node (Node Leaf (1, "Jim") Leaf) (2, "Fred") (Node (Node Leaf (3, "Alice") Leaf) (4, "Sheila") (Node Leaf (5, "Bob") Leaf)) : BTree (Int, String) This works as required, but there are several problems when we try to scale this to larger programs. It is error prone, because we need to ensure that state is propagated correctly to the recursive calls (i.e. passing the appropriate i or i’). It is hard to read, because the functional details are obscured by the state propagation. Perhaps most importantly, there is a common programming pattern here which should be abstracted but instead has been implemented by hand. There is local mutable state (the counter) which we have had to make explicit. Introducing Effects¶ Idris provides a library, Effects [3], which captures this pattern and many others involving effectful computation [1]. An effectful program f has a type of the following form: f : (x1 : a1) -> (x2 : a2) -> ... -> { effs } Eff t That is, the return type gives the effects that f supports (effs, of type List EFFECT) and the type the computation returns t. So, our treeTagAux helper could be written with the following type: treeTagAux : BTree a -> { [STATE Int] } Eff (BTree (Int, a)) That is, treeTagAux has access to an integer state, because the list of available effects includes STATE Int. STATE is declared as follows in the module Effect.State (that is, we must import Effect.State to be able to use it): STATE : Type -> EFFECT It is an effect parameterised by a type (by convention, we write effects in all capitals). The treeTagAux function is an effectful program which builds a new tree tagged with Ints, and is implemented as follows: treeTagAux Leaf = pure Leaf treeTagAux (Node l x r) = do l' <- treeTagAux l i <- get put (i + 1) r' <- treeTagAux r pure (Node l' (i, x) r') There are several remarks to be made about this implementation. Essentially, it hides the state, which can be accessed using get and updated using put, but it introduces several new features. Specifically, it uses do-notation, binding variables with <-, and a pure function. There is much to be said about these features, but for our purposes, it suffices to know the following: do blocks allow effectful operations to be sequenced. x <- e binds the result of an effectful operation e to a variable x. For example, in the above code, treeTagAux l is an effectful operation returning BTree (Int, a), so l’ has type BTree (Int, a). pure e turns a pure value e into the result of an effectful operation. The get and put functions read and write a state t, assuming that the STATE t effect is available. They have the following types, polymorphic in the state t they manage: get : { [STATE t] } Eff t put : t -> { [STATE t] } Eff () A program in Eff can call any other function in Eff provided that the calling function supports at least the effects required by the called function. In this case, it is valid for treeTagAux to call both get and put because all three functions support the STATE Int effect. Programs in Eff are run in some underlying computation context, using the run or runPure function. Using runPure, which runs an effectful program in the identity context, we can write the treeTag function as follows, using put to initialise the state: treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> BTree (Int, a) treeTag i x = runPure (do put i treeTagAux x) We could also run the program in an impure context such as IO, without changing the definition of treeTagAux, by using run instead of runPure: treeTagAux : BTree a -> { [STATE Int] } Eff (BTree (Int, a)) ... treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> IO (BTree (Int, a)) treeTag i x = run (do put i treeTagAux x) Note that the definition of treeTagAux is exactly as before. For reference, this complete program (including a main to run it) is shown in Listing [introprog]. module Main import Effects import Effect.State data BTree a = Leaf | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a) instance Show a => Show (BTree a) where show Leaf = "[]" show (Node l x r) = "[" ++ show l ++ " " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show r ++ "]" testTree : BTree String testTree = Node (Node Leaf "Jim" Leaf) "Fred" (Node (Node Leaf "Alice" Leaf) "Sheila" (Node Leaf "Bob" Leaf)) treeTagAux : BTree a -> { [STATE Int] } Eff (BTree (Int, a)) treeTagAux Leaf = pure Leaf treeTagAux (Node l x r) = do l' <- treeTagAux l i <- get put (i + 1) r' <- treeTagAux r pure (Node l' (i, x) r') treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> BTree (Int, a) treeTag i x = runPure (do put i; treeTagAux x) main : IO () main = print (treeTag 1 testTree) Effects and Resources¶ Each effect is associated with a resource, which is initialised before an effectful program can be run. For example, in the case of STATE Int the corresponding resource is the integer state itself. The types of runPure and run show this (slightly simplified here for illustrative purposes): runPure : {env : Env id xs} -> { xs } Eff a -> a run : Applicative m => {env : Env m xs} -> { xs } Eff a -> m a The env argument is implicit, and initialised automatically where possible using default values given by instances of the following type class: class Default a where default : a Instances of Default are defined for all primitive types, and many library types such as List, Vect, Maybe, pairs, etc. However, where no default value exists for a resource type (for example, you may want a STATE type for which there is no Default instance) the resource environment can be given explicitly using one of the following functions: runPureInit : Env id xs -> { xs } Eff a -> a runInit : Applicative m => Env m xs -> { xs } Eff a -> m a To be well-typed, the environment must contain resources corresponding exactly to the effects in xs. For example, we could also have implemented treeTag by initialising the state as follows: treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> BTree (Int, a) treeTag i x = runPureInit [i] (treeTagAux x) Labelled Effects¶ What if we have more than one state, especially more than one state of the same type? How would get and put know which state they should be referring to? For example, how could we extend the tree tagging example such that it additionally counts the number of leaves in the tree? One possibility would be to change the state so that it captured both of these values, e.g.: treeTagAux : BTree a -> { [STATE (Int, Int)] } Eff (BTree (Int, a)) Doing this, however, ties the two states together throughout (as well as not indicating which integer is which). It would be nice to be able to call effectful programs which guaranteed only to access one of the states, for example. In a larger application, this becomes particularly important. The library therefore allows effects in general to be labelled so that they can be referred to explicitly by a particular name. This allows multiple effects of the same type to be included. We can count leaves and update the tag separately, by labelling them as follows: treeTagAux : BTree a -> {['Tag ::: STATE Int, 'Leaves ::: STATE Int]} Eff (BTree (Int, a)) The ::: operator allows an arbitrary label to be given to an effect. This label can be any type—it is simply used to identify an effect uniquely. Here, we have used a symbol type. In general ’name introduces a new symbol, the only purpose of which is to disambiguate values [2]. When an effect is labelled, its operations are also labelled using the :- operator. In this way, we can say explicitly which state we mean when using get and put. The tree tagging program which also counts leaves can be written as follows: treeTagAux Leaf = do 'Leaves :- update (+1) pure Leaf treeTagAux (Node l x r) = do l' <- treeTagAux l i <- 'Tag :- get 'Tag :- put (i + 1) r' <- treeTagAux r pure (Node l' (i, x) r') The update function here is a combination of get and put, applying a function to the current state. update : (x -> x) -> { [STATE x] } Eff () Finally, our top level treeTag function now returns a pair of the number of leaves, and the new tree. Resources for labelled effects are intialised using the := operator (reminisicent of assignment in an imperative language): treeTag : (i : Int) -> BTree a -> (Int, BTree (Int, a)) treeTag i x = runPureInit ['Tag := i, 'Leaves := 0] (do x' <- treeTagAux x leaves <- 'Leaves :- get pure (leaves, x')) To summarise, we have: ::: to convert an effect to a labelled effect. :- to convert an effectful operation to a labelled effectful operation. := to initialise a resource for a labelled effect. Or, more formally with their types (slightly simplified to account only for the situation where available effects are not updated): (:::) : lbl -> EFFECT -> EFFECT (:-) : (l : lbl) -> { [x] } Eff a -> { [l ::: x] } Eff a (:=) : (l : lbl) -> res -> LRes l res Here, LRes is simply the resource type associated with a labelled effect. Note that labels are polymorphic in the label type lbl. Hence, a label can be anything—a string, an integer, a type, etc. !-notation¶ In many cases, using do-notation can make programs unnecessarily verbose, particularly in cases where the value bound is used once, immediately. The following program returns the length of the String stored in the state, for example: stateLength : { [STATE String] } Eff Nat stateLength = do x <- get pure (length x) This seems unnecessarily verbose, and it would be nice to program in a more direct style in these cases. provides !-notation to help with this. The above program can be written instead as: stateLength : { [STATE String] } Eff Nat stateLength = pure (length !get) The notation !expr means that the expression expr should be evaluated and then implicitly bound. Conceptually, we can think of ! as being a prefix function with the following type: (!) : { xs } Eff a -> a Note, however, that it is not really a function, merely syntax! In practice, a subexpression !expr will lift expr as high as possible within its current scope, bind it to a fresh name x, and replace !expr with x. Expressions are lifted depth first, left to right. In practice, !-notation allows us to program in a more direct style, while still giving a notational clue as to which expressions are effectful. For example, the expression: let y = 42 in f !(g !(print y) !x) is lifted to: let y = 42 in do y' <- print y x' <- x g' <- g y' x' f g' Syntactic Sugar and Eff¶ By now, you may be wondering about the syntax we are using for Eff, because it doesn’t look like a normal type! (If not, you may safely skip this section and return to it later.) In fact, the type of Eff is the following: Eff : (x : Type) -> List EFFECT -> (x -> List EFFECT) -> Type This is more general than the types we have been writing so far. It is parameterised over a result type x, as we have already seen, but also a List EFFECT and a function type x -> List EFFECT. These additional parameters are the list of input effects, and a list of output effects, computed from the result of an effectful operation. That is: running an effectful program can change the set of effects available! This is a particularly powerful idea, and we will see its consequences in more detail later. Some examples of operations which can change the set of available effects are: Updating a state containing a dependent type (for example adding an element to a vector). Opening a file for reading is an effect, but whether the file really is open afterwards depends on whether the file was successfully opened. Closing a file means that reading from the file should no longer be possible. While powerful, this can make uses of the Eff type hard to read. Therefore, the library provides syntactic sugar which is translated such that: { xs } Eff a is expanded to Eff a xs (\_ => xs) i.e. the set of effects remains the same on output. This suffices for the STATE example we have seen so far, and for many useful side-effecting programs. We could also have written treeTagAux with the expanded type: treeTagAux : BTree a -> Eff (BTree (Int, a)) [STATE Int] (\x => [STATE Int]) Later, we will see programs which update effects: { xs ==> xs' } Eff a which is expanded to Eff a xs (\_ => xs') i.e. the set of effects is updated to xs’ (think of a transition in a state machine). There is, for example, a version of put which updates the type of the state: putM : y -> { [STATE x] ==> [STATE y] } Eff () Also, we have: { xs ==> {res} xs' } Eff a which is expanded to Eff a xs (\res => xs') i.e. the set of effects is updated according to the result of the operation res. [1] The earlier paper [3] describes the essential implementation details, although the library presented there is an earlier version which is less powerful than that presented in this tutorial. [2] In practice, ’name simply introduces a new empty type [3] (1, 2) Edwin Brady. 2013. Programming and reasoning with algebraic effects and dependent types. SIGPLAN Not. 48, 9 (September 2013), 133-144. DOI=10.1145/2544174.2500581
If you’re in the process of learning Monday Hour One—the time management system that I teach my clients—this is my wish for you: To feel like you’re doing Monday Hour One your way. So, if you’ve ever felt influenced or swayed by other people’s opinions of your schedule, here are some important reminders for you: It’s okay to work in “sprints and rests” (me!) or do things consistently every single day 💡 It’s okay to batch-create all of your content for the year over the course of a few days or produce one piece per day 💡 It’s okay to be a morning person, a night owl, or a random combo of both 💡 It’s okay to knock out tasks rapid-fire or be a slow, methodical worker 💡 It’s okay to work on the weekends sometimes or implement a “no weekend work” policy 💡 It’s okay to knock out work while you’re hanging out with your kids or be fully focused on family when you’re with them 💡 It’s okay to wear the same one-piece loungewear daily or dress up 💡 It’s okay to have a million ideas circulating in your head at once or savor the one big idea you’ve got in your mind 💡 It’s okay to commit to doing all 5 steps of Monday Hour One religiously every week or take the pieces that work for you and leave the rest Notice how you think about your desires, preferences, and personality traits, and ask yourself this: Does my current way of thinking about them move me closer to or further away from what I want to create in my life? Here’s how I talk to myself: I’m a person who loves to sprint hard and then lounge around for days on end. I love the solitude of early mornings, except when I want to sleep in until 10am. I love structure, and I want time to tinker and putter pointlessly. I wear the same gray loungewear romper—except when I’m wearing heels at home. I’m impressed by how quickly and effectively I knock out work when I feel energized, and I’m willing to work when I’m low-energy, too. (Except when I’m not, and then I work to own my decision.) I know that I gravitate toward high-energy emotions like enthusiasm, inspired, and motivated, but I also want to focus on cultivating low-energy emotions like acceptance and trust. No matter what, I work to believe that I’m healthy in my mind, body, and spirit—even when I’m not. The Pique Coaching community is the space to uncover your unique preferences and desires, in a safe place. You’ll find the truth of what you want, give yourself permission to own it in a way that works for you, and get to work making it a reality. To get started, join the Pique email list below.You’ll receive invitations to future Monday Hour One 5-Day Challenges and free Monday Hour One workshops. You’ll also get the free guide: 5 Reasons Your Projects are Half-Finished Yet. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE NOW About « Productive vs unproductive feelings High value vs low value activities » About Me I’m Cristina, a Washington, DC-based Certified Life Coach. I help overwhelmed, rushed, distracted business owners stop procrastinating, so that they can take their projects from half-finished to done. I (half) joke that I’m the Cross Legged Coach; my goal is always to keep things casual but wildly impactful for my clients. When I’m not coaching and leading workshops, I’m listening to reggaeton, drinking Southern Pecan coffee, reading non-fiction, and going on long walks through DC.
Converts the result of expression to its string representation. The resulting word is equal to the text output produced with the instruction: print expression.
Order Space Sailing at Click on title for order information (new window). 258 pages. Contents: Introduction to Sailing, To Distant Shores, Sailing Ship Design, Sailmaking, Sailing Ship Construction, Sailing Operations, Beamed Power Systems, Scenarios of the Future, Solar Pressure, Forces and Moments, Trajectory Analysis, Heliogyro Dynamics. Introduction Space sailing and light sailing are the general terms for sailing in space using large reflectors for propulsion. Solar sailing is based on the use of pressure from sunlight reflecting off of a large, low-mass sail to produce a force, which results in acceleration of the ship. Solar sailing ships can carry cargo and people throughout the solar system at a fraction of the cost of other propulsion methods. Laser sailing and beam sailing refer to sailing by means of beamed energy which impinges on sails to provide propulsion. Applications for solar sails include: Exploration of the solar system and beyond Delivery of science instruments/observatories and return of samples Maintenance of special 'artificial' orbits for observations, etc. Delivery of large cargos and people to research stations and settlements Serving as concentrators of solar energy and reflectors for communications Protection of Earth and other planets by asteroid deflection, shielding, warming, and illumination. In the 1860's, James Clerk Maxwell predicted that electromagnetic radiation exerts a pressure because of the momentum property of the radiation. Jules Verne recognized the potential to propel ships through space using light pressure. Svante Arrhenius predicted that objects could travel between stars using light pressure. Frederick Tsander developed the concept of, and coined the expression, solar sailing: using sunlight reflecting off of mirror surfaces. Work at Battelle Memorial Institute and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1970's began the widespread interest in solar sailing. Unfortunately, NASA managers then went for more than 20 years without a willingness to fund solar sail technology or a demonstration. The information presented in this site is based on research conducted at Battelle Memorial Institute in 1974-75, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1976-77, and subsequent work by the author. Some of the material is more recent than that in the book Space Sailing, by Jerome L. Wright, published by Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia and London, 1992. However, the book has a more complete coverage of the technology. Where Are the Ships? JPL estimated the cost of the first production unit of an 820-meter solar sail at $65 million, for use in 1982. A second unit would cost a bit less, and could have been produced by about 1984. Adding some electronics to make it functionally independent might have pushed the cost to around $70 million. If launched in 1986, it could have completed six round trips to Mars by this time, delivering a total of nearly 20 tons of cargo. Those voyages would have been done without propellant or rebuilding of the ship, other than normal maintenance. With the success of that ship, it would have been reasonable to have built a 2000-meter sailing ship, perhaps by 1990. The larger ship could have made four round trips by this time, delivering potentially 100 tons of cargo to Mars. Those same ships could still be operating. With the same kind of excitement people had a hundred years ago when they welcomed ships such as Flying Cloud back to their home ports from voyages to distant places, people today could follow the progress of the ships from Mars, past a couple of asteroids, then into Earth's gravity field, before easing into a parking orbit for a stay of a few months before their next voyage to Mars. If you asked NASA managers why such ships were never built, they would likely reply that they were not needed to meet NASA's goals. In the author's opinion, this is an enormous, inexcusable hubris. What NASA managers want should be irrelevant. What the supporting taxpayers want should be of the highest importance. The public has shown conclusively that it has a very strong interest in the exploration of Mars. They have also made it clear in many different circumstances that they want maximum value for their tax dollars. $70 million for a ship capable of making a round trip to Mars every 26 months without consuming propellant is unquestionably cost-effective. So, where are the ships?
The Prose Edda is a text on Old Norse Poetics, written about 1200 by the Icelandic poet and politican Snorri Sturlson, who also wrote the Heimskringla. The Prose Edda contains a wide variety of lore which a Skald (poet) of the time would need to know. The text is of interest to modern readers because it contains consistent narratives of many of the plot lines of Norse mythology. Although Snorri was a Christian, he treated the ancient Pagan mythology with great respect. To this end, Snorri created a quasi-historical backstory for the Norse Gods. Hence the Prose Edda is of interest because it contains one of the first attempts to devise a rational explanation for mythological and legendary events. It is also notable because it contains fragments of a number of manusripts which Snorri had access to, but which are now lost.
本文摘要:第一共享单车假定你是红星中学生李华。你的美国朋侪吉姆在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近泛起的一种共享单车" mobike "很感兴趣,并请你做个简要先容。请你给吉姆回信,内容包罗:1.这种单车的使用方法(如:APP检察车辆、扫码开锁等);2.这种单车的优势;3.你对这种单车的看法。注意:1.词数不少于80字;2.开头和末端已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机智能手机,二维码亲爱的吉姆,我写信是想告诉你更多关于你在最近的信中提到的自行车共享的新形式。 第一共享单车假定你是红星中学生李华。你的美国朋侪吉姆在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近泛起的一种共享单车" mobike "很感兴趣,并请你做个简要先容。请你给吉姆回信,内容包罗:1.这种单车的使用方法(如:APP检察车辆、扫码开锁等);2.这种单车的优势;3.你对这种单车的看法。注意:1.词数不少于80字;2.开头和末端已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机智能手机,二维码亲爱的吉姆,我写信是想告诉你更多关于你在最近的信中提到的自行车共享的新形式。如果你有智能手机,使用起来非常方便。你要做的就是通过应用找到最近的mobike,扫描自行车上的二维码,享受你的旅行。 与其他形式的共享自行车相比,mobike最大的优势是你可以很容易地找到一辆,而不用担心停在哪里。作为一种交通工具,它正在成为一种新的趋势,它减轻了交通压力,也对环境有益。希望在中国和你一起骑摩托车。 你的,李我的低碳生活我的低碳生活节约资源,掩护情况,从身边的小事做起。作为一名学生,我们应该怎样看待"低碳"生活?请以"我的低碳生活"为题写一篇漫笔,简述自己对"低碳"生活的明白及看法。80词左右。提示:1.步行或骑自行车上学;2.节约用水;3.不用塑料袋;4.节约用电;5.充实使用纸张现在人类的生活环境越来越差。 因此,一种叫做低碳生活的新生活方式正在蔓延到我国的每一个地方。作为中学生,如何才能拥有低碳生活?首先,我们可以步行或骑自行车去上学。其次,我们不应该浪费水和电。当我们离开房间时,一定要记得关灯,用完后及时关掉水龙头。 第三,我们应该在日常生活中使用塑料袋,而不是塑料袋。第四,我们也应该充分利用纸张。我们最好回收一些课本。 为了保护环境,我们过低碳生活很重要。3号保持康健如何保持健康近20年来,各方面的观察讲明:青少年的体质不停下降。 请你以"如何保持健康"为题,说说你的看法和建议。80词左右。 提示:1.体质下降的原因。如:吃太多垃圾食品,作业太多.2.合理的康健建议。如:应该多做运动,均衡饮食(饮食平衡),睡眠充足.现在学生的体质逐年下降。 我觉得有一些原因。学生有太多的作业要做,所以他们几乎没有时间做运动。 一些学生吃太多垃圾食品。这对他们的健康也不好。那么,如何保持健康呢?以下是一些有用的建议。 首先,学生应该多做运动。第二,学生的hould eat a balanced diet. They should eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to eat less junk food. Finally, enough sleep is also very important.NO.4就餐礼仪假设上周六晚上,你们全家在一家饭馆就餐。请你凭据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇漫笔,形貌事情发生的经由,并适当加以评论。 80词左右。提示:1. 邻桌年轻人高声说话、吸烟。2. 你请他们不要那样做。 3. 他们不听,反而讽刺你。4. 你认为:①他们在公开场合那样做是差池的。 ②年轻人是祖国的未来,应该......Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a resturant. We enjoyed ourselves while we were at table. However, some teenagers sitting beside our table began to talk and laugh loudly. What’s worse, they began to smoke in the restaurant, which made us angry. After a while, I stood up and advised them to stop smoking and behave themselves. To my surprise, they didn’t follow my suggestions. Instead, they laughed at me, saying that I was too young and too naive. In my opinion, it’s wrong to do that in public. The future of our courtry lies in teenagers, who should not only obey the rules in public but also make contributions to the society.NO.5阅读是一个好习惯 Reading-A good Habit你喜欢阅读吗?请你以 “Reading---A good Habit” 为题写一篇有关阅读的漫笔。80词左右。提示:1. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间所在、购书方式等等)。 2. 阅读带给你什么益处(至少两点)。3. 招呼大家都念书。Reading is a very good habit. I like reading very much. In my eyes, I think that forming a good reading habit is necessary for us. It can not only improve our knowledge but also make us to think over more different things efficiently. Besides, we can do some reading every time when we are free. For example, I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time both at home or in the library. What I like most are story books because most of them are quite interesting. Now I often buy my favorite books on line for its big discount. Finally, I like to share my favorite books with our family or my classmates. Since reading can benefits us a lot, it’s time for us to have our good reading habit now!NO.6与怙恃保持一个良好的关系某报社正就青少年与怙恃关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文运动。 80词左右。提示:1. 怙恃规则太多, 过于强调学习结果, 不明白自己等问题;2. 你对这些问题的看法;3. 你与怙恃保持良好关系的做法。How to keep a good relationship with parents In my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night. They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents don’t quite understand me. However, I try my best to understand them. Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future. In order to keep a good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.NO.7是否应该资助生疏人最近,你们班就“是否应该资助生疏人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见纷歧,你的看法如何?凭据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇漫笔。 80词左右。Should We Help Strangers?Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.Different students have different opinions. Some think we should try to help strangers.Helping others is a virtue,and helping others is helping ourselves.We may come across some trouble and need others' helps ome day.If everyone isn't willing to help us just because we are strangers to them,it's hard to imagine what our world will be like. However,some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble.Sometimes we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of kindness. In my opinion,we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help,but we should also protect ourselves from getting into trouble.If everyone tries a little kindness,our world will be full of love.NO.8着迷网络游戏李华着迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。 作为他的好朋侪,你计划怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的漫笔。字迹工致,语言流通。 Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.NO.9先容中国的传统节日假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋侪MIKE 想通过你相识中国的传统节日。请你凭据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他先容我国传统节日春节的情况。提示:1.春节是中国最重要的传统节日;2.春节期间人们的主要运动(节前、除夕、节日期间)Dear Mike, How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes! Yours, Liu WeiNO.10交通问题越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了许多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。 作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢?提示:1.越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了许多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。2.作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢?With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents. Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.固然,最有效的学习英语的方式还是和西欧专业外教一对一交流!现在即为大家送上外教试听课的福利!马上给孩子摆设上吧!↓点击“相识更多”,价值188元的课程可以免费体验哦!。
If you are one of the many Americans who are in a second marriage, you may need to revisit your estate strategy.1 Unlike a typical first marriage, second marriages often require special consideration in order to address children from a prior marriage and the disposition of assets accumulated prior to the second marriage. Second Marriages Here are some ideas you may want to think about when updating your estate strategy: You may want to ensure that your children from your first marriage are set up to receive assets from your estate, even as you provide your second spouse with adequate resources to live should you die first. Consider titling of assets. Assets that are jointly owned in your name and your second spouse’s name are set up to pass to your second spouse, often regardless of any instructions in your will. If you are designating your second spouse as beneficiary on retirement accounts, remember that once you die, the surviving spouse can name any beneficiary of their choice, despite any promises to name your children from a previous marriage as successor beneficiaries. Consider any prenuptial and postnuptial agreements with a professional who has legal expertise in the area of estate management. If your new spouse is closer in age to your children than to you, your children may worry that they may never receive an inheritance. Consider passing them assets upon your death. This may be accomplished through the purchase of life insurance.2 Consider approaches to help protect against the drain that extended care may have on assets designed to support your spouse or pass to your children. 1. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. 2. Several factors will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, including age, health and the type and amount of insurance purchased. Life insurance policies have expenses, including mortality and other charges. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG, LLC, is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Copyright 2021 FMG Suite. Share | Have A Question About This Topic? Name Email Address Question Thank you! Oops! Related Contents When Do You Need a Will? When do you need a will? The answer is easy: Right Now. Four Reasons Millennials Need an Estate Strategy Estate strategies for millennials may sound like less of a concern than retirement, but young adults should prepare now. Principles of Preserving Wealth How federal estate taxes work, plus estate management documents and tactics. 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We take protecting your data and privacy very seriously. As of January 1, 2020 the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) suggests the following link as an extra measure to safeguard your data: Do not sell my personal information. Copyright 2021 FMG Suite. Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Goss Advisors, a registered investment advisor. Goss Advisors and GSH Asset Management, LLC are separate entities from LPL Financial. The LPL Financial representative associated with this website may discuss and/or transact securities business only with residents of the following states: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, IL, IN, LA, MN, MO, MS, NC, NY, PA, TN, VA, WA, WI
Ginger ale is an incredibly beneficial natural drink that will help you use the countless healing powers of this root, while you enjoy its fizzy taste and high levels of natural probiotics and enzymes that support the healthy function of the digestive system. It is quite simply carbonated water flavored with natural or artificial ginger flavors. It is believed that it originated in Ireland in the middle of the 19th century, but this pale, bubbly drink we commonly consume these days first appeared in the early 20th century in Canada. Most of the ginger ale recipes do not contain alcohol, but this drink has a refreshing and unique flavor, and at the same time, it possesses the health benefits of ginger, particularly when it comes to its powerful anti-emetic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is low in calories but contains important nutrients, such as calcium, iron, copper, and magnesium, among others. Here is how to prepare a homemade, natural ginger ale: Ingredients: 1-2 inch piece of fresh ginger root minced ½ tsp sea salt or Himalayan salt ½ cup fresh lemon or lime juice ½ cup of organic sugar, rapadura sugar, or honey ½ cup homemade ginger bug or ¼ cup whey 8 cups of filtered water Instructions: In a saucepan, mix 3 cups of the water, minced ginger root, sugar, and salt and bring the mixture to a boil in order to make a “wort”. Simmer for 5 minutes to dissolve the sugar, and remove from heat. Add the rest of the water, and leave the mixture to cool. Add the fresh lemon or lime juice and the ginger bug or whey, and transfer the mixture to a 2-quart glass mason jar. Stir well and put the lid on. Leave the mixture on the counter for 3 days, and you might need to stir or burp it occasionally. The use of whey will accelerate the fermentation process. When you remove the lid, it should bubble and should “hiss” like a soda. Note that you should carefully follow the instructions, in order to prevent too much pressure that will burst the bottle. Then, store it in the fridge, and strain it before consumption. Enjoy! Sources: Previous article Wine Lovers! You Can Now Holiday In A Giant Wine Barrel For Your Dream Getaway Next article ‘Dirt is Good’: Why Children Need More Exposure To Germs Advertisement Categories Animals Beauty Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Children's Food Dairy Diet & Weight Loss Exercises Fruits Gardening General Grains Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils Life Low – Fat Protein Foods Natural Remedies Nature Plants Recipes Roots Smoothies Vegetables Video Archives Archives Select Month December 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 April 2018 January 2018 December 2017 September 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 Recent Posts “I Teach Swimming To Kids For Free. Mom Demands That I Teach Her Son Exclusively And Give Her The Money” Stay-At-Home Mom Goes Viral With 2.1M Likes For Showing What She Does All Day After BF Blames Her For Doing Nothing
Anti-semitism means many things to many people, but inter alia it means to deny the right of Jews to self-expression, to demonize them, to try to shut them up with scare tactics. Anti-semitism is essentialist – it claims that Jews cannot have differences of opinions because it mandates Jews to be all of a certain type, no matter how they may appear to disagree. In the L.A. Times, computer science professor Judea Pearl published his latest rant against anti-Zionism, labeling it "hate," "more dangerous than ani-Semitism," "seeking the physical destruction of five and a half-million people," "stabbing in the back" members of the peace camp, and other raving lunacies that one rarely hears here in Israel, thank God. According to Pearl, the "marginal minorities at best" of anti-Zionist Jews around today are either post-nationalist lefties, Neturei Karta righties, or they "hide, disown or denounce their historical roots in favor of social acceptance and other expediencies.". This from a Jew who lives in the city with the largest number of Israelis outside of Israel – Los Angeles! The "arguments" he adduces are the same stale and mindless ones we hear constantly from the dogmatic Zionist camp. My favorite is the "If-Every-People-Has-A-Right-to-a State,-then-Why-Not-the-Jews?", which has got to be the worst argument in the political Zionist arsenal. There are many peoples and ethnic groups that don't have states or homelands – just look at the Wikipedia article on ethnic groups and peoples for a long list. You can believe that Jews are a people or a nation without saying that have a right to a state, or that if they have a right to self-determination, you can claim that it doesn't have to be exercised in Palestine, or, for that matter, in the form of an ethnic state. Or you can argue that even if the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, it does not trump the rights of the natives, a majority of which the Jews ethnically cleansed between 1948-1952. All these arguments were made by Zionists prior to 1948; all are condemned today as heretical. Are Jews a people? Are they a religion? The answer to that question, according to Pearl, depends on how it plays to the advantage of Zionism. Anti-Zionism disguises itself in the cloak of political debate, exempt from sensitivities and rules of civility that govern inter-religious discourse, to attack the most cherished symbol of Jewish identity. All of a sudden we are told that anti-Zionism violates the "rules of civility that govern inter-religious discourse." So Pearl wants to have it both ways – the Jews are a religion, Zionism=Judaism, and hence Zionism, like Jesus, is above discussion! But he also claims that the Jews are a nation, from which "it follows" that they have a right to take over their historic homeland and deny the rights of the native Palestinians to an equal sort of self-determination. To deny them that right would be to offend their religious sensitivities! Look, it is not Pearl's Zionism that I mind – but the crazy logic that he uses to demonize the anti-Zionists, and the sort of hate-filled rhetoric that is taken from the ultra rightwing arsenal (Hmm, where have I seen Jews being accused of stabbing the nation in the back before?) What about this familiar scare-tactic posing as an argument: First, anti-Zionism targets the most vulnerable part of the Jewish people, namely, the Jewish population of Israel, whose physical safety and personal dignity depend crucially on maintaining Israel's sovereignty. Put bluntly, the anti-Zionist plan to do away with Israel condemns 5 1/2 million human beings, mostly refugees or children of refugees, to eternal defenselessness in a region where genocidal designs are not uncommon. This is hogwash. Pearl cannot give an example of one anti-Zionist who advocates a system of government in Israel/Palestine which would make 5 ½ million Jews defenseless. To accuse Jewish anti-Zionists of plotting for the destruction of Jews is viciously anti-semItic. True, more Jews have died since World War II violent deaths due to war in Israel and because of Israel, than in any other place on the globe. But it is also true that the Palestinians have been vastly more defenseless than the Jews for the last eighty years. (And by the way, will Pearl allow the Palestinians a state in which they will not be defenseless, in which they will have an army the equal of the IDF?) But more to the point, transforming a Zionist ethnocracy in Israel/Palestine doesn't mean replacing it with an Islamic Republic (in which state, by the way, the dhimmi Jews would have more rights than the Palestinians currently have on the West Bank). There could be two genuinely equal states (a solution that Pearl probably rejects, though he professes not to), a federation, or a confederation, or one state, or any solution in which both the Jewish and Palestinian peoples would have a great measure of self-expression and self-determination. Because the Zionists adopted the Biltmore platform, because a Russian socialist named David Gruen designed the Jewish State hastily in 1948, and which remains today without a constitution, does this mean that the Zionist regime is the only bulwark against a future Holocaust of 5 ½ million Jews, God forbid? Gimme a break! Calling for regime change to make Israel more democratic and less Zionistic by non-violent means is not tantamount to genocide. By Pearl's logic, when Ronald Reagan called for the end of the Soviet "Evil Empire", he wanted to leave millions of Soviet citizens defenseless and liable for destruction. He did nothing of the sort, nor do the anti-Zionists. Most anti-Zionists today are unhappy with the Jewish State for many reasons, but they do not advocate a violent overthrow any more than did Reagan. And if one looks at some of the recent proposals of the Israeli Palestinians citizens for a more multi-cultural and democratic state then the current Jewish ethnocracy, the Jews would arguably be a lot more secure in the region than they are at present – and Israel would arguably be a much more meaningfully Jewish state, in the cultural and even religious sense, than it is at present. (See Bernard Avishai's book, The Hebrew Republic) What saddens me most about the Pearl op-ed is how it reflects the staleness of Zionist discourse today. Over sixty years ago, there was a vibrant, intellectually exciting debate not only over Zionism, but over what shape it should take. Now, Zionists like Pearl are locked in an orthodox political Zionist dogma that sees only one form of Zionism – political Zionism as expressed in the institutions of Israel – as legitimate, and all forms of anti-Zionism and non-Zionism, as "worse than anti-Semitism." I can forgive Pearl and those like him the anti-Semitism implicit in their remarks. There is a long tradition of Jewish intolerance to Jews, and some of my Jewish friends (though not my best friends) are anti-Semitic in this way. It is Pearl's intellectual suffocation of non-statist forms of Zionism that saddens me. This sort of dogmatically orthodox Zionism is better described as "anti-Zionism." Posted by Jerry Haber at 12:51 AM 51 comments: Avram said... "There could be two genuine states (a solution that Perl rejects, though he professes not to)" Can you please cite a source for this? "Zionistic" I've always thought this wasn't a 'word'. Have I been misled? March 16, 2009 at 1:26 AM Jerry Haber said... I believe to have read it on a listserv of which Perl and I are members. But I added "probably" to be safe. Why the probability? Because I have yet to meet a Zionist who is willing to have a militarized Palestine, and that goes for the leftwing Geneva Initiative crowd. And as I have written repeatedly, Israelis who favor a two-state solution really favor a one-state-one 'state' solution, in which the latter is dependent upon the former and is neither in charge of its borders or defense. Why wouldn't "Zionistic" be a word? It is a good adjective and found everywhere. You find me any Israeli out there who is willing to have a Palestinian state equal in power to an Israeli state, and let me know about. March 16, 2009 at 5:42 AM Avram said... "You find me any Israeli out there who is willing to have a Palestinian state equal in power to an Israeli state, and let me know about." As long as it's not militarily, I doubt many Israelis will worry ... Most of them, like on their side too I assume, have just had enough and want a 'separation'. When their state happens, they'll probably have an army but a similar 'arrangement' as we have with the Egyptians where a certain strip is demilitarized. I thought 'Zionistic' wasn't a word ... I just googled a few online dictionaries and none of 'em have it. March 16, 2009 at 6:20 AM Anonymous said... There's also the irony of a Zionist identifying Jewish Israelis as the most vulnerable portion of the Jewish people--exactly the opposite of what the original Zionist program envisioned. He doesn't seem to realize that he is admitting Zionism to be a historical failure. March 16, 2009 at 8:52 AM Jerry Haber said... Avram, with all due respect, Israelis are not willing to let the Palestinians have an army. No proposed peace plan has even considered it. Period. A police force, yes; tanks, artillery, and an air force, no. The Geneva Initiative, which was rejected by Israeli government, contracts the Palestinian state's defenses to a a multi-national army. How can the Palesti is nian state have a demilitarized strip when it barely has territorial contiguity? And of course, a demilitarized strip would have to include the Israeli side of the border. Look on a map. March 16, 2009 at 9:11 AM Avram said... " No proposed peace plan has even considered it. Period. A police force, yes; tanks, artillery, and an air force, no. The Geneva Initiative, which was rejected by Israeli government, contracts the Palestinian state's defenses to a a multi-national army." Why do you think the bolded is the case? Do the Israelis have any cause for worry? Surely you're not saying there is no need for worry here. The GI's idea in theory sounds 'good' though it wouldn't work either (foreign troops only make it worse) "How can the Palesti is nian state have a demilitarized strip when it barely has territorial contiguity? And of course, a demilitarized strip would have to include the Israeli side of the border." I'd have no issue with the strip being on our side too - I never implied otherwise. Your point about territorial contiguity is irrelevant I feel (please correct me if I'm wrong) as I'm not saying "No people here" (unless I am missing the meaning of a demilitarized zone), but "no armies, army bases etc" March 16, 2009 at 10:11 AM Marcel Dubois said... Hi Jerry. Very interesting post. You might be interested to know, or maybe you already knew, that the 19th century American abolitionists were accused of wanting to exterminate the white race. The same accusation was levied against the French religious abolitionist, Abbé Grégoire. And as you can guess, it was levied in South Africa as well. It seems every time there is talk of equality instead of discrimination, the whole race is believed to be endangered. That might be because discrimination is founded upon, and thereafter reinforces, the demonization of the other. March 16, 2009 at 12:27 PM Anonymous said... The arguments that the people you call "liberal Zionists" make regarding their demands for a Palestinian state to be "demilitarized" are part of the same propaganda the pro-Oslo people to deceive the population into agreeing to bringing Arafat and his FATAH terror gangs to Israel in the first place. Do you remember the "golden oldies" like: "Arafat would never dare start a terror war against Israel because he will be getting foreign aid and the donors would cut it off if he did such a thing". Well, he did start the terror war and the money kept coming...they used the excuse that "Arafat has no contol over the groups that are carrying out the attacks so he is not responsible"....or how about "Arafat would never dare start a terror war because Israel is so strong and even has nuclear weapons so they know the Palestinians know they would be smashed if they tried something". I don't see HAMAS or anybody else deterred by Israel's nuclear about... "Deep down what Arafat and the Palestinians want is the same thing Israelis and power...they want a comfortable life just like us, so they won't start any wars....who in their right mind would do such a thing?". Apparently they don't want the same things Yossi Beilin, Shimon Peres and the others who used these claims want. So too, with the "demilitarization" demand. A sovereign state can not be dimilitarized against its wishes (e.g. post-Versailles Treaty Germany). If the Palestinians want to sign military pacts with Iran, Syria or anyone else and even station troops in their territory then no one will be able to stop them. So do not take this demand by the "liberal Zionists" too seriously. March 17, 2009 at 3:12 AM Anonymous said... Jerry, Is Japan a "state" despite the constitution imposed by the US following WWII? I am an Israeli who would allow for a militarized Palestinian state, but would probably want a period of demilitarization first, given the track record of both their leaders and masses. March 17, 2009 at 3:48 AM Jerry Haber said... Anonymous, Thanks for proving my point. But your analogy is misleading. It would have been more accurate had Japan won the war and imposed demilitarization on the US. For, you see, the comparison with Japan is an obscene one, and reveals the true mentality (and self-delusion) of the so-called "peace" camp in Israel. Demilitarization was imposed on Japan as a punishment for its military aggression. To compare the armed struggle of dispossessed and occupied natives who are fighting for national liberation with the actions of a militaristic and powerful Japanese state of the early forties fills me with disgust. But I will tell you what. I am willing to accept the principle of demilitarization of Palestine to allay Israel's existential fears, provided that you accept the demilitarization of Israel to allay Palestine's existential fears. The fact that you won't shows that you oppose a real two-state solution based on what the Zionists called once "parity", neither to dominate nor to be dominated by the other state. Israeli two-staters don't really want to give the Palestinians a state that can threaten Israel the way Israel can threaten them. They don't want a fair distribution of power At best, like Anonymous, they are willing to give them a quasi-state and even a military after they have "proven" themselves. And who gets to determine when that is. Why, Israel, of course! What a pity that the Palestinians didn't have this power of veto in 1948! Can you imagine what David Ben Gurion would have said had he been offered a mini-Jewish state in three non contiguous regions -- on the condition that it is demilitarized. He and every Zionist I know would have rejected it out of hand. March 17, 2009 at 5:46 AM Avram said... "But I will tell you what. I am willing to accept the principle of demilitarization of Palestine to allay Israel's existential fears, provided that you accept the demilitarization of Israel to allay Palestine's existential fears." I guess Syria and Hezbollah and Iran also lose their weapons? Just we have a fair game then? I'm surprised you haven't entered politics yet ... You would be a perfect politican I think (and you'd get a nice volvo too!) March 17, 2009 at 5:54 AM Jerry Haber said... littlehorn, your comment could not have come at a better time for me, since I am listening (in my car) to the Lincoln-Douglas debates. (Pretty fascinating, if repetitive, stuff.) The similarities between the fight to end slavery and the fight to end the Occupation are very interesting, and, as you point out, many of the arguments used today are echoes of the ones used then. Ditto for the fight to end apartheid, or any clear injustice. A long-time, indefinite Occupation is a moral abomination. To keep an entire people without fundamental rights against their will, to govern them without their consent, to deny them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is, like slavery (though not of the same magnitude) obscene. This, for me, is the Archimedian point around which people of all persuasion should rally. It does not go back to 48 directly, and it does not strike the problem at its route. But Ending the Occupation -- by withdrawal or even by annexation, if so desired by the Palestinians has to be a moral issue. Anyway, could you give me some books to read. Let them be as mainstream as you like. I won't win points by quoting Zinn. March 17, 2009 at 5:57 AM Marcel Dubois said... Ah well, sorry. But I learned about the above by reading some article somewhere, instead of a book. March 17, 2009 at 9:20 AM Lilliput said... "Ditto for the fight to end apartheid, or any clear injustice." Jerry, I wonder where all those people who faught for the end of apartheid are now? Now - when the murder and rape rates is one of the highest - if not the highest in the world. The extreme poverty and inequality, the corruption, the inefficiency in maintaining infrastructure so that people sometimes have to use candles. Why is nobody screaming for those poor African children now - when they probably need it more then before? I just think that people want to be right over poeple genuinly wanting to help people - otherwise South Africa wouldn't be slip sliding its way to resemble modern day Zimbabwe. March 17, 2009 at 10:14 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Y. Ben David, you can insinuate about Arab perfidy all you like, but at least don't distort facts. It is obvious today that Arafat did not start the Al-Aqsa intifada and was taken by surprise by the events. At some point, realizing that he was in no position to stop it he decided to rides its wave, but he was not behind the popular uprising from the start. Regarding the demilitarized Palestinian state, it is agreed that this demand is hardly achievable or reasonable. And, if we ever come to the two state solution, it will most probably be better for both states that their overall military power be more or less matched for mutual determent. March 17, 2009 at 10:43 AM Jerry Haber said... Lilliput, stick to the Middle East. You clearly don't know much about South Africa if you think it will slip into being Zimbabwe. You also do the South Africans a disservice by dissing them. Yes, there are tremendous problems, and yes, there has been government corruption, not unusual for a government which has been run essentially by one party (cf. Israel in the 1950s and 1960s). But there have also been tremendous successes there. And there is a tremendous spirit of volunteerism and helping there that could serve as a model for other places. Where are they now? Why don't you read up on South Africa seriously and tell me where they are now. March 17, 2009 at 3:43 PM Jerry Haber said... Avram, What you are saying -- what the Israeli have always said -- is that since there are so much more of them than there are of us, we have to have parity with all of them, which means that the Palestinians will lose out, big time. Well, I have another way of doing it. Let the Israelis have peace with Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians -- and the rest of the Arab world will follow. They already could have had peace with Syria and Lebanon. And they already have peace with Egypt and Jordan, who haven't fired on them since 1973. Oh, but maybe you don't trust such a peace with those Arabs? Well, maybe I don't trust the intentions of the Quartet and the US. After all, it was England that gave the Jews the Balfour Declaration. So let's have parity between, say, the Arab world as a whole, and Europe, US, Russia, and Israel. I mean, it's not as if the those countries have never had designs on the Middle East. In that case, Palestine should be kept much stronger militarily than Israel, in order to keep up the balance of power. Sorry, friend, it doesn't work that way. You can't cut the salami and save the biggest slice for yourself, and call it fair. If the price to pay for a Jewish state is a neutered Palestinian state, then you have to be an idiot or a knave to support Israel's so-called "right to exist." Certainly had the Zionist ever said that to the nations of the world, they would not have gotten anywhere. Instead, they lied through their teeth, saying to the world before 1948 that they could have a Jewish state without expelling a single Arab, or doing anything to their detriment. Then as soon as they expelled almost a million of them, they argued that a Jewish state couldn't survive if any of them were let back to their homes. The longer Israel exists at the expense of the fundamental rights of the Palestinians the more people are going to ask themselves whether a Jewish state was a good idea in the first place. They have already started to ask that -- the only think that has stopped them has been the false hope of a two-state solution. That is why the two-staters in Israel today serve the purpose of the Occupation -- and why I endorsed Bibi for prime minister. March 17, 2009 at 3:56 PM Avram said... Peter D - "It is obvious today that Arafat did not start the Al-Aqsa intifada and was taken by surprise by the events." Was it also proven 'false' that most of the children of most of the prominent members of Fatah were sent abroad before the Intifada started? Or was that another myth I was duped into believing? Can you also prove your statement with reliable sources? "You clearly don't know much about South Africa if you think it will slip into being Zimbabwe. You also do the South Africans a disservice by dissing them" Jerry, I was born in South Africa and have much family there. I work with a lot of people in Joburg and Pretoria, all non-Jews. Sadly, if you think many people aren't extremely worried about the future of the country you're wrong. My 'younger' family (ie 20-30) are all trying to leave and the the Jewish community isn't too happy there (though aliyah isn't their main goal, they see Oz & Canada & US as more realistic targets). There's a running joke of the country being 'Zumababwe' ... Alas, s/he (original poster) may have exaggerated their claims but South Africa is in a very bad way (maybe the World Cup can 'shift it' off the course it's on currently). "Oh, but maybe you don't trust such a peace with those Arabs? " I notice this in a lot of your posts - putting words in my mouth. Please stop - thanks. To answer your question, I have doubts about the peace treaty with Egypt (not with Jordan) due to what I know of the country (Won't go into that more) but I'd rather have doubts about peace (cold/warm/boiling hot) than about war. So if you give me an option of either, it's rather obvious what I would pick. "You can't cut the salami and save the biggest slice for yourself, and call it fair. " What countries don't try to do that? "Then as soon as they expelled almost a million of them" The exact numbers will probably never be known, but it's most likely between 650,000 - 800,000. "more people are going to ask themselves whether a Jewish state was a good idea in the first place" Come on Jerry ... 'People' will be asking that non-stop no matter what Israel does (they'll continue even when a big and successful Palestine rises). "the false hope of a two-state solution" And yet you see no 'false hope' in a bi national state either ... Either you're prophetic or you just refuse to see the many glaring issues a bi national state would have ... "and why I endorsed Bibi for prime minister" Didn't your post, related to this, say you hoped Bibi is elected so we can become a pariah state? It would seem by this, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you didn't want him elected to 'end' the occupation but to 'hopefully' begin the demise of Israel. March 17, 2009 at 11:03 PM Avram said... Peter, Please advise if these quotes are false: "The Al-Aqsa Intifada emphasizes these principles and axioms. Whoever thinks that the Intifada broke out because of the despised Sharon's visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is wrong, even if this visit was the straw that broke the back of the Palestinian people. This Intifada was planned in advance, ever since President Arafat's return from the Camp David negotiations, where he turned the table upside down on President Clinton. [Arafat] remained steadfast and challenged [Clinton]. He rejected the American terms and he did it in the heart of the US" PA Communications Minister, ‘Imad Al-Faluji (Al-Safir (Lebanon), March 3, 2001.) "The PA had begun to prepare for the outbreak of the current Intifada since the return from the Camp David negotiations, by request of President Yasser Arafat, who predicted the outbreak of the Intifada as a complementary stage to the Palestinian steadfastness in the negotiations, and not as a specific protest against Sharon's visit to Al-Haram Al-Qudsi" PA Communications Minister, ‘Imad Al-Faluji (Al-Ayyam (PA), December 6, 2000) "In light of the information, [after] analyzing the political positions following the Camp David summit, and in accordance with what brother Abu Ammar [Arafat] said, it became clear to the Fatah movement that the next stage necessitates preparation for confrontation, because Prime Minister Barak is not a partner who can respond to our people's aspirations. Based on these assessments, Fatah was more prepared than the other movements for this confrontation. In order to play the role given to it, the Fatah coordinated its administrative, civilian and sovereign apparatuses, and was not surprised by the outbreak of the current Intifada... The Fatah movement believed that the phenomenon of comprehensive struggle would appear at the final settlement stage.." Sakhr Habash, Fatah Central Committee member (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), December 7, 2000) (Zubeidi said some things in Haaretz backing this - but I don't like using him as an example as I've always thought he was a mash'tap.) The above quotes kind of throws a lot of doubt on ... "It is obvious today that Arafat did not start the Al-Aqsa intifada and was taken by surprise by the events. At some point, realizing that he was in no position to stop it he decided to rides its wave, but he was not behind the popular uprising from the start. " March 18, 2009 at 2:35 AM Anonymous said... "Demilitarization was imposed on Japan as a punishment for its military aggression. To compare the armed struggle of dispossessed and occupied natives who are fighting for national liberation with the actions of a militaristic and powerful Japanese state of the early forties fills me with disgust." This is a smokescreen, Jerry. All I was showing was that you can be a "state" even if you're demilitarized; I was not suggesting that the circumstances bringing about the situation were identical. Were you joking about Israel demilitarizing for the Palestinians? As if Israel's military exists because of the Palestinians? March 18, 2009 at 3:19 AM Lilliput said... Jerry, please, I'll stick to the Middle East, as its your blog and your strength, but as someone who lived in South africa for over 20 years and has parents who still live there - I think I may know a little. And I constantly read up more. Its a bit glass half full/half empty in South Africa as there are some who have benefitted and others who have not. Nobody (including Zimbabwe) would have believed that Zimbabwe could have slipped into modern day Zimbabwe but looking at the rest of Africa - its not such a great surprise is it? Where are they now? I think they're now protesting Israel's Apartheid State and raising more foreign Aid to be misused by the corrupt ruling elite.... March 18, 2009 at 5:54 AM Jerome said... Just want to put this one out there: Why should Israel negotiate with the Palestinian Authority, when the Palestinian Authority is - ostensibly - ruled by Fatah, and Fatah (as Muhammad Dahlan just recently pointed out) has yet to recognize the right of Israel to exist? Speaking about Hamas, Dahlan said: "They say that Fatah has asked them to recognize Israel's right to exist and this is a big deception. For the one thousandth time, I want to reaffirm that we are not asking Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist. Rather, we are asking Hamas not to do so because Fatah never recognized Israel's right to exist." Now, as you might recall, a recognition by both sides of the other's right to statehood was one of the key provisions of the 2003 "Road Map" to peace. Yet while Israeli governments operate and interact with the Palestinian Authority - indeed, we generally even speak of them - in accordance with this principle, the opposite is the case with those who rule the PA. As of right now, one could very well say Israel is negotiating away its existence so long as there is no reciprocity on the "recognition" front. On another issue, I would like to point out that - again - it's useful to read/listen to the words of the Palestinians themselves. Peter mentioned that Arafat hadn't a clue about the al-Aqsa intifada before violence broke out; how does that square, though, with these words? "Violence is around the corner, and the Palestinians are willing to sacrifice even 5,000 casualties." That's from PA Justice Minister Freih Abu Middein, speaking to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, a PA-run newspaper, on August 24, 2000. Arafat ruled the PA with an iron grip. It is reasonable to presume that nothing said by PA ministers, to PA-controlled media sources, was said without his permission. How about this, also from a PA official (an advisor to Arafat, no less) prior to the outbreak of the al-Aqsa intifada: "The next Intifada will be more violent than the first one especially since the Palestinian people now possess weapons allowing them to defend themselves in a confrontation with the Israeli army." Them's fightin' words, not words of peace, from the mouth of one who whispered into Arafat's ears. And speaking of doubt, surely everyone here is aware of the Khartoum Declaration of 1967? I also should think we're all cognizant of the declarations made by Arab leaders in 1948, urging the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes until the war could be won against the Jews? Contrasted with Israel's own declaration of independence, which practically begged the Arabs of the former Mandate to stay...well... Well, all of the above ties in to the question of whether or not a Palestinian State should be armed or disarmed, "virile" or neutered. I mean, what exactly is meant by "perfidy"? Those who rule the PA says they want peace in English, but then in Arabic give sanction to the continuation of violence. Is that not deceitful? Also let us not forget, that it was not Israel which invaded Arab lands in 1948. It was the other way around. It was not Israel that declared war on the Arabs. It was not Israel that wished to drive its enemy into the sea. Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, said on May 15, 1948: "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." Finally, who has the greater claim to existential fears? The Palestinians, or the Israelis? It wasn't an Israeli, but a Palestinian, who said, "If we agree to declare our state over what is now 22 percent of Palestine, meaning the West Bank and Gaza, our ultimate goal is the liberation of all historic Palestine from the River to the Sea..." March 18, 2009 at 7:54 AM Jerry Haber said... Anonymous, I will allow that a state can be a state and be demilitarized. I will not allow that a state can be a state with forfeiting its right to self-defense. The various Israeli proposals for Palestinian self-defense, including the Geneva Initiative, are ludicrous. They reinforce the Israeli narrative of peace-loving Israel and aggressive Arabs. Israel doesn't have a military because of the Palestinians. But if Israel signs peace treaties with Saudi Arabia, most of the Arab world, including Syria and Lebanon, then they will have less of an argument for the sort of military they have. Israel's security needs are paramount to Israel, but should not be paramount to anybody else. They should not trump Palestinian security needs. Israel will not allow Palestine to enter into any security pacts with Arab states, or for that matter, other European states, because they want Palestine defenseless. And my point is that if the price for Israeli security is a defenseless Palestine, then only a moral monster could defend Israel in that situation. Moral and decent individuals should be asking how can there be maximum security for both sides, not for one. March 19, 2009 at 7:33 AM Avram said... "And my point is that if the price for Israeli security is a defenseless Palestine" What's the time scale on your requirements Jerry? I think that the Palestinians can have an army - and it should be allowed to grow with time but there can be limits at the beginning (then both sides can be satisifed). Surely if there's a peace treaty with Israel, then Palestine is not 'defenseless' as who do they need to defend themselves against? March 19, 2009 at 7:46 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Avram, I don't know the specific context of your quotes but it looks to me that they are trying to take credit for thing post factum. Israeli military intelligence itself concluded that there was no reason to believe Arafat provoked the intifada. See also One Million Bullets in October Etc. That the visit by Sharon itself was merely a catalyst to the intifada is not in dispute here. March 19, 2009 at 7:39 PM Avram said... Peter, I cannot find the article right now, but one of the senior PA ministers (I think Erekat but cannot remember) confirmed that almost all the children of the senior members of the Fatah movement were sent abroad a few months before the intifada started. Surely, you don't think that's merely a coincidence ... I briefly skimmed the haaretz & kibbush link and none of them really say Arafat wasn't in the 'know' of what was happening (it is just before Shabbat, so I may have missed it). But again, those are not the only quotes that directly link Arafat to knowing and being a part of the planning of that intifada ... The truth I guess is somewhere in between the black and white ... Shabbat Shalom March 20, 2009 at 7:51 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Jerome I also should think we're all cognizant of the declarations made by Arab leaders in 1948, urging the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes until the war could be won against the Jews? Contrasted with Israel's own declaration of independence, which practically begged the Arabs of the former Mandate to stay...well... So, you peddle a long ago discredited myth here and want to be taken seriously? A student of history at that? March 20, 2009 at 9:40 PM Anonymous said... I think someone needs a hug. March 20, 2009 at 10:07 PM Avram said... Peter - Correct me if I'm wrong (or 'with all due respect' as Jerry says), it seems that you have this 'absolute' grasp on history. Is there any area where you have doubts about your version of history? March 22, 2009 at 2:30 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Avram, go fight straw men somewhere else, would you? The myth that Arab leaders called on the Palestinians to leave the country was absolutely discredited and refuted. There are definitely disputable things about this conflict, but this is not one of them. If you need pointers, I will give them to you; if, on the other hand, you want just to prick me, I am not game. March 22, 2009 at 2:57 PM Peter Drubetskoy said... OK, Avram, I left my last comment in a huff, but I feel like you are abusing good will (which I thought was established between us) with comments like this. Would you expect me to say: "No, I know I am always right"? Then why ask silly questions? From our correspondence, you might have noticed that I don't claim knowledge of things unless I have evidence to support me. If a person comes here and repeats a long discredited myth, I don't see anything wrong with sending him back to where he came from to reexamine what he thinks he knows about the history of the conflict. March 22, 2009 at 8:42 PM Avram said... Peter, I was asking be'ofen klali. Even on falsdi, you come off as someone who has a 'grasp' on history and call most things that don't fall in line with your 'line' myths etc. So I was just wondering where you have 'doubts' that your history is accurate. If you don't, sababa. If you do, just curious (ie: There are definitely disputable things about this conflict) March 22, 2009 at 11:11 PM Avram said... "I left my last comment in a huff, but I feel like you are abusing good will (which I thought was established between us) with comments like this." Sorry ole chap, I just am curious to see where you have questions about the history of Israel (pre or after '48) ... Sorry if I phrased it in a way that insulted you - March 23, 2009 at 7:25 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Avram, "Peter, I was asking be'ofen klali. Even on falsdi, you come off as someone who has a 'grasp' on history and call most things that don't fall in line with your 'line' myths etc I'd be happy to address specific cases of such behavior. If indeed I was being an arrogant prick claiming to "know" the history and calling something a myth while it was not so (beyond reasonable doubt), I will apologize and eat the humble pie. In general, of course, in any argument one employs various methods to drive his/her point home, such as being assertive and confident, dismissive of other people claims etc. I know I do, but, again, I think I try to do it when I can back my claims up. Do you think, for example, that I did not give credit to your idea that I/P conflict has a lot to do with prior Jewish/Muslim tensions? This is not really a factual argument and reasonable people may disagree about it using different set of facts. I disagree with you insomuch as I think that historical Jewish/Arab tensions are relatively minor drivers of the current conflict (even though I never dismissed them entirely). I did not call it a "myth", just stated my reasons to think differently from you. Anyway, glad to see we are still "friends" :) As a rule I really enjoy talking to you. March 23, 2009 at 1:11 PM Avram said... "Anyway, glad to see we are still "friends" :) As a rule I really enjoy talking to you." Peter, don't be hitting on me in public man ... You'll kill both our reputations! ;) What 'event' (or 2!) since 1948 do you feel is shrouded with most 'controversy' with regards to 'what really happened'? On that note, have a good day sir. March 23, 2009 at 11:57 PM Marcel Dubois said... Avram, go fight straw men somewhere else, would you? The myth that Arab leaders called on the Palestinians to leave the country was absolutely discredited and refuted. March 24, 2009 at 1:10 AM Marcel Dubois said... Avram, go fight straw men somewhere else, would you? The myth that Arab leaders called on the Palestinians to leave the country was absolutely discredited and refuted. The following is a part-transcript of this video with Norman Finkelstein. [starting at 15:10] The dominant interpretation, the one which everybody heard, or had known by memory, I'm sure, up until the mid-1980s, was that the Arab armies invaded Palestine in 1948. There were these Arab radio broadcasts telling the Palestinians to flee. The Palestinians followed the orders from the radio, left, and it was supposed to be...uh the Arab armies were going to sweep the Jews into the sea. And then the Palestinians would return. But that's not what happened, and so the Palestinians got what they deserved. Well, already in the early 1960s, there were two scholars. One named Urskin Shilders*, Irish man, and a Palestinian named Vali Khalidi*, and they went back and they checked this original interpretation. Because as it hap- or I should say this official interpretation. Because as it happened, that area in 1948 was very heavily monitored by intelligence organizations, and they all kept tapes of the radio broadcasts. So Mr Schilders and Mr Khalidi, they go and they check the various tapes of the radio broadcasts, go through all of them, they find no evidence of Arab radio broadcasts. Didn't happen. They published their finding in a British periodical called The Spectator, but it had relatively little impact. The dominant narrative remained, though people knew, on the fringes, there were some dissenting voices. The rest is available there. * I can't be certain of the spelling. March 24, 2009 at 1:27 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... What 'event' (or 2!) since 1948 do you feel is shrouded with most 'controversy' with regards to 'what really happened'? Plenty. For most controversy I'd pick the Six Day War as one - was it really a war for survival, as it is often portrayed or actually an Israeli aggression? I am sure some people have very convincing answers, but I haven't spent time researching it myself, so, for me most of the questions about this war still stand. (Sinai campaign is another example, but about this one there is more consensus, I think, of it being an imperial adventure first and foremost). March 24, 2009 at 6:51 PM Marcel Dubois said... I cannot find the article right now, but one of the senior PA ministers (I think Erekat but cannot remember) confirmed that almost all the children of the senior members of the Fatah movement were sent abroad a few months before the intifada started. Surely, you don't think that's merely a coincidence ... Surely, you don't think you can compel us to agree with your views merely by saying that we can't think it's a coincidence. Well, what if I do ? What if I do think it's a coincidence, what if I do think they were sent away for another reason. What will you say now ? March 24, 2009 at 8:50 PM Marcel Dubois said... And then there's also this. Much of the information in the Ha'aretz report comes from Ephraim Lavie, an honors graduate of Israel's National Security College who rose through the ranks in MI's research section and eventually became head of MI's Palestinian research unit during the era of the Camp David talks. "Defining Arafat and the PA as 'terrorist elements' was the directive of the political echelon," said Lavie. "The unit's written analyses were presenting completely different assessments, based on reliable intelligence material." [...] Journalist Eldar found others who had worked inside MI to corroborate Lavie's story. General Gadi Zohar, who once headed the MI terrorism desk, agrees the heads of the MI research unit "developed and advanced the 'no partner' theory and [the notion] that 'Arafat planned and initiated the intifada' even though it was clear at that time that this was not the researchers' reasoned professional opinion." In fact, these intelligence veterans say, MI concluded after Camp David that Arafat was willing to follow the Oslo process and abide by interim agreements. He wanted to keep the negotiating process alive, and even told his staff to prepare public opinion to accept an agreement that would include compromises. He thought violence would not help his cause. In late September 2000, when violence did erupt in a second intifada, it was purely a popular protest, MI found. Arafat and his advisors never expected it, much less planned it. Coincidence ? March 24, 2009 at 8:57 PM Avram said... "Arafat and his advisors never expected it, much less planned it" So the quotes I posted earlier are fabricated? Or is Peter's explanation (ie, 'take the credit') good enough for you? March 24, 2009 at 10:21 PM Avram said... Little Horn, A few more quotes for you ... * "the Palestinian people are likely to turn to the Intifada option" Yasser Arafat (Al-Mujahid, April 3, 2000) * "We must wage a battle in the field alongside of the negotiating battle...I mean confrontation" Marwan Barguti (Ahbar Al-Halil, March 8, 2000). * The July 2000 edition of Al-Shuhada monthly, distributed among the Palestinian Security Services, states: "From the negotiating delegation led by the commander and symbol, Abu Amar (Yasser Arafat) to the brave Palestinian people, be ready. The Battle for Jerusalem has begun." One month later, the commander of the Palestinian police told the official Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida: "The Palestinian police will lead together with the noble sons of the Palestinian people, when the hour of confrontation arrives." Freih Abu Middein, the PA Justice Minister, warned that same month: "Violence is near and the Palestinian people are willing to sacrifice even 5,000 casualties." (Al-Hayut al-Jadida, August 24, 2000 -- MEMRI). * "We will advance and declare a general Intifada for Jerusalem. The time for the Intifada has arrived, the time for Intifada has arrived, the time for Jihad has arrived." Al-Sabah, (September 11, 2000) So I guess that leaves it fairly open there as to what was happening - MI says one thing, the Palestinians say another. March 24, 2009 at 11:15 PM Peter Drubetskoy said... Avram, a couple of things: 1) We were talking about Arafat, not Fatah or PLO or Barguti etc, don't conflate those. Read carefully what I said to Y Bed David. 2) The quotes you bring could be understood in many different ways. For example, there is no doubt that the Palestinians were fed up with the peace process and were ready to use violence to force Israel to make concessions. Kimmerling and Migdal, among others, blame the failure of the Oslo process on the fact that Israel got most of what it wanted - the end to the Palestinian violence and recognition - from the very start, while Palestinians got mostly bupkes, with settlements growing faster than ever to add insult to injury; so, Israel had almost no incentive to make further concessions and the Palestinians recognized it. Note what Avi Issacharoff says in today's Q&A in Haaretz (with yours truly question at the bottom :-) ): Shalom Avi. I read that the second intifada started because Ariel Sharon went up on to Temple Mount, and I read that it was because Arafat had planned it all along. Which is true? Thanks Mark Gold New Jersey, USA Avi Issacharoff: Shalom Mark. I believe that neither is true. Sharon's visit was a spark that started a fire that was almost there anyway. I don't think that Arafat planned the intifada, he joined the uprising. I believe that what happened on September 2000 was an expression of the feeling that negotiations failed, while violence might work. and [...]After the failure of the summit in Camp David in July 2000, there was a Palestinian attempt to reach a better deal in the negotiating table through the intifada and the use of violence. All this is consistent with the view that Arafat himself preferred a negotiations route. Did he and those around him sense that a violent uprising was around the corner? I bet they did. They probaly also thought they'd be able to control it. Finally, remember that belligerent quotes on their own don't constitute intentions. March 25, 2009 at 7:03 AM Avram said... "We were talking about Arafat, not Fatah or PLO or Barguti etc, don't conflate those" Come on Peter - Barghouti wasn't under Arafat? These people were 'his' wingmen, surely he was well aware of what they knew. Just look what Zubeidi says if you think, unlike me, he isn't an 'agent' of Israel in some way. "Read carefully what I said to Y Bed David" Which thread? "I don't think that Arafat planned the intifada, he joined the uprising" And was in rather good control of it, as pointed out by Zubeidi or the many 'signed' stuff the IDF pulled out of the Mukata during Defensive Shield. "Finally, remember that belligerent quotes on their own don't constitute intentions." I hope you honestly don't feel that way about belligerent quotes in general ... March 27, 2009 at 2:17 AM Avram said... Pete - I'm off to miluim on Sunday for shavoah shetach (don't you miss those days eh?) and then vacation to the good ole US of A. So I may not respond for a while - Chag Sameach (to Jerry too, and the others here who are celebrating) March 27, 2009 at 5:20 AM Marcel Dubois said... So I guess that leaves it fairly open there as to what was happening - MI says one thing, the Palestinians say another. The Palestinians. Yasser Arafat. Wasn't the whole discussion about who launched the intifada ? I thought it was. My bad. Well, I guess the Palestinians did say they wanted to launch an intifada before they did it. That changes everything. And that explains why Arafat continued the negociations and had a delegation sent to Taba. He wanted the peace process to fail so much, that he launched the Intifada, and then, as a kind of coup de grace, he continued them. Ow ! End of the peace process forever and ever and ever. April 2, 2009 at 10:49 AM Peter Drubetskoy said... Come on Peter - Barghouti wasn't under Arafat? What do you mean "under"? It seems like you have a very primitive view of power games in Fatah and PA in general. Arafat of course was the most powerful leader but he did not have nowhere a total control. Well, I think this is a rather pointless argument. MI having all the info that we have and then some concluded that Arafat wasn't interested in starting a new intifada. The only source for the opposite claim was Amos Gilad in contravention of his superior and other MI analysts (the same guy who promised that the earth will shake when Americans discover stockpiles of WMD in Iraq) and Ehud Barak. You don't have a point, unless you bring some credible source to support you. Now, a more interesting question is whether the Palestinians had a better alternative than starting the intifada. I don't know. Israel wasn't giving them anything and was about to vote for a right-wing government. Barak did not have a mandate even for the Camp David offer, which the Palestinians would have been ill advised to accept. So, looks like they had only bad options. But that's Israel's fault, mostly. Have good milu'im and trip. P.S. Re: shvua shetakh. Yes, I miss this and a lot of things about the army. The camaraderie, my soldiers, the landscapes of South Lebanon... But this is gone and there are better things in life. April 7, 2009 at 7:36 AM Avram said... "He wanted the peace process to fail so much, that he launched the Intifada, and then, as a kind of coup de grace, he continued them" Little - Did you ever read the quote from the Saudi reps who directly blamed Arafat for the failure of the 'peace process' (or whatever you want to call what Barak & Arafat were playing at) in 2000? I guess they are just trying to frame him anyways. Peter "It seems like you have a very primitive view of power games in Fatah and PA in general." Thanks "the same guy who promised that the earth will shake when Americans discover stockpiles of WMD in Iraq" I guess if you're wrong twice, you're wrong always! I still think, and I'm sure you do, there were WMDs in Iraq. Were they ever a threat to Israel (amount, intention etc)? I highly doubted it then, which is why I thought that Operation Screw Sadam II was a mistake (at least form an 'Israeli perspective') "Israel wasn't giving them anything and was about to vote for a right-wing government." You seem to, in general, basically think Israel has never given the Arabs anything - so there's always a reason for 'that' option. "But this is gone and there are better things in life." There are better things in life, but it's always good to take a break from it all. I enjoyed the drills this past week but it's not the same when you have a wife & newborn at home - still gotta be there. April 7, 2009 at 6:37 PM Peter Drubetskoy said... I guess if you're wrong twice, you're wrong always! Well, not always, but when you frame your positions in such an arrogant, uncompromising, know-everything way and then it is found you did not have a clue what you were talking about, then everything you say is suspect from the get-go, yes. "I still think, and I'm sure you do, there were WMDs in Iraq Huh? No I don't. Not after all the effort put into finding even a shred of of a shred of evidence of there ever being ones. "You seem to, in general, basically think Israel has never given the Arabs anything - so there's always a reason for 'that' option." I think I have a good reason to. "I enjoyed the drills this past week but it's not the same when you have a wife & newborn at home - still gotta be there." Exactly :) April 8, 2009 at 8:00 AM Avram said... "WMDs in Iraq Huh? No I don't. Not after all the effort put into finding even a shred of of a shred of evidence of there ever being ones." If you think Saddam didn't have any, then ok ... I don't believe for one second he had enough to threaten 'the West' the way it was portrayed, but he definitely had them and they were either destroyed or moved ... ""You seem to, in general, basically think Israel has never given the Arabs anything - so there's always a reason for 'that' option." I think I have a good reason to. " Oh well ... If only European Jews and Arab Jews had 'Palestinian sized balls', eh? Would have been an even more interesting last century! April 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM Peter Drubetskoy said... If only European Jews and Arab Jews had 'Palestinian sized balls', eh? Would have been an even more interesting last century! I admit I have no idea what you are talking bout. By the way, there has been an interesting discussion over at Ricard Silverstein's blog regarding the exodus of Arab Jews, (see the link to a comment on Mondoweiss in Arie's comment, as well as several comments below that of Arie). The events behind the exodus are another example of things about the conflict I am agnostic about. April 14, 2009 at 9:58 AM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Followers About Me Jerry Haber Jerusalem, Israel Jeremiah (Jerry) Haber is the nom de plume of Charles H. Manekin, an orthodox Jewish studies and philosophy professor, who divides his time between Israel and the US.
David Koch (May 3, 1940 – August 23, 2019), was a businessman, Libertarian vice-presidential candidate, and member of the Koch family. Koch funded Ed Clark's 1980 presidential campaign and following his exit from the Libertarian Party in 1984 would finance political advocacy groups and further support libertarian and conservative causes. Contents 1 Personal 2 Politics 3 Libertarian Views 4 References Personal Koch was born on May 3, 1940 in Wichita, Kansas along with his twin brother Bill and was the younger brother of Frederick and Charles. He graduated from the Deerfield Academy prep school in 1959 and later earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in chemical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Koch was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1992 and despite treatment against it would continue suffering from it and die from it on August 23, 2019. He is survived by his wife, his three children (David Jr., John, and Mary), and his brothers. Politics On September 8, 1979 Koch was nominated as the Libertarian Party's 1980 vice-presidential candidate at the national convention.[1] Koch had previously given Ed Clark a donation of $1,000, the maximum amount set by federal standards, and pledged $500,000 of his personal funds to the Libertarian campaign now that he was a candidate. The funding given to the campaign allowed it to become both the first third party campaign to gain ballot access in all 50 states as well as the first Libertarian campaign to do so as well. The ticket received over 900,000 votes nationwide for 1% of the popular vote and Koch surpassed his pledge and gave over $2 million to the campaign.[2] Before leaving the Libertarian Party Koch endorsed Earl Ravenal for president who would later be narrowly defeated by David Bergland by 27 votes at the 1983 national convention.[3] Koch left the party after it gave support to the elimination of all taxes and joined the Republican Party.[4] Although, Koch may have realized that position at that time, the elimination of all taxes has been the position of the Party since its founding. In 2018, the national LP published a tribute article David Koch, we owe you. Signed, Liberty. Libertarian Views Though Koch left the Libertarian Party to support Republican candidates, he always identified as a libertarian. During a 2014 interview with Barbara Walters the following discussion ensued:[5] BW - Describe your political point of view. DK - I'm basically a libertarian and I'm a conservative on economic matters and I'm a social liberal. BW - You support gay rights, you support a women's right to choose, but conservative candidates you support, many of them, do not have those views. DK - Well, that's their problem. I do have those views. What I want these candidates to do is to support a balanced budget. I'm very worried if the budget isn't balanced inflation could occur and the economy of our country can suffer terribly. BW - The candidates you support are because of their fiscal policies most importantly. DK - That's exactly right, Barbara. I'm really focused intensely on economic and fiscal issues, because if those go bad, the country as a whole suffers terribly. References ↑ "Libertarian VP top contributor". ↑ "Libertarians: a brainy, offbeat bunch". ↑ "David Koch Ran for Vice President with the Libertarian Party in 1980. The New York Times Thinks You Should Care, Isn't Sure Why.". ↑ "The Billionaire's Party". ↑ David Koch: "I'm a Social Liberal" Preceded by: David Bergland Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate 1980 Succeeded by: Jim Lewis Retrieved from "" Categories: Pages containing cite templates with deprecated parameters 1940 Births 2019 Deaths Biographies Infoboxes with birth information 1980 Candidates for Vice-Presidential Nomination Candidates from the 1980s Former Libertarians Navigation menu Personal tools English Log in Request account Namespaces Page Discussion Variants Views Read View source View history More Search Navigation Main Page Browse Categories Getting Started Policies Recent changes Random page Sand Box Needed Articles Help Join Tools What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link Page information This page was last edited on 2 January 2020, at 14:19. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported - LPedia unless otherwise noted.
According to the new study, currently in press at the journal Cognitive Brain Research, electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings of 10 individuals with autism show a dysfunctional mirror neuron system: Their mirror neurons respond only to what they do and not to the doings of others. Mirror neurons are brain cells in the premotor cortex. First identified in macaque monkeys in the early 1990s, the neurons – also known as "monkey-see, monkey-do cells" – fire both when a monkey performs an action itself and when it observes another living creature perform that same action. Though it has been impossible to directly study the analogue of these neurons in people (since human subjects cannot be implanted with electrodes), several indirect brain-imaging measures, including EEG, have confirmed the presence of a mirror neuron system in humans. The human mirror neuron system is now thought to be involved not only in the execution and observation of movement, but also in higher cognitive processes – language, for instance, or being able to imitate and learn from others' actions, or decode their intentions and empathize with their pain. Because autism is characterized, in part, by deficits in exactly these sorts of social interaction and communication skills, previous research has suggested that a dysfunctional mirror neuron system may explain the observed pathology. The current findings, the researchers say, lend substantial support to the hypothesis. The UC San Diego team collected EEG data in 10 males with autism spectrum disorders who were considered "high-functioning" (defined as having age-appropriate verbal comprehension and production and IQs above 80) and 10 age- and gender-matched control subjects. The EEG data was analyzed for mu rhythm suppression. Mu rhythm, a human brain-wave pattern, is suppressed or blocked when the brain is engaged in doing, seeing or imagining action, and correlates with the activity of the mirror neuron system. In most people, the mu wave is suppressed both in response to their own movement and to observing the movement of others. Subjects were tested while they moved their own hands and while they watched videos of visual white noise (baseline), of bouncing balls (non-biologic motion) and of a moving hand. As expected, mu wave suppression was recorded in the control subjects both when they moved and when they watched another human move. In other words, their mirror neuron systems acted normally. The mirror neurons of the subjects with autism spectrum disorders, however, responded anomalously – only to their own movement. "The findings provide evidence that individuals with autism have a dysfunctional mirror neuron system, which may contribute to many of their impairments – especially those that involve comprehending and responding appropriately to others' behavior," said Lindsay Oberman, first author of the paper and UCSD doctoral student working in the labs of senior authors V.S. Ramachandran, director of the Center for Brain and Cognition, and Jaime Pineda, director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory. The current study, the researchers say, adds to understanding the neural basis of autism and may point the way to early diagnosis and to potential therapies. A first step, Ramachandran said, might be to test those individuals who seem to have a greater genetic likelihood of autism: the younger siblings of those already diagnosed. Though EEG is not at present designed to measure the brain rhythms of low-functioning autistics – whose many repetitive movements confound EEG signals and where mental retardation also plays a significant role in behavioral deficits – it can be used as a tool for earlier diagnosis of high-functioning autistics, whose disorder today is typically not recognized until age 3 or 4 and often later. Earlier diagnosis in turn could lead to earlier interventions. One therapeutic possibility suggested by the study's findings is biofeedback. Pineda, who also works on a number of brain-computer interface projects, says that the mu rhythm is one that we most readily learn to control. "We can learn to increase or decrease the strength of the mu signal at will. By imagining action, subjects are able to move a paddle in a computer game of 'Pong' after just four to six hours of practice," he said. "Because this rhythm is one that we have access to volitionally, it may prove useful in therapy." Another possible therapy would involve ordinary mirrors. Ramachandran has successfully treated amputees who experience pain or paralysis in their missing, or "phantom," limbs by using a mirror reflection of their healthy limb to "trick" their brains into believing that the missing limb has been restored to pain-free motion. Since autistics' mirror neurons respond to their own motion, the researchers say, perhaps their brains can be induced to perceive their own reflected movements as the movements of another human being. "We have a long way to go before these therapeutic possibilities are a reality, but we're that much closer now that we've linked autism to a specific region of the brain," said Ramachandran. "More than just documenting a brain anomaly in autism, we've been able to relate symptoms that are unique to the disorder – loss of empathy and imitative skills – to the function of a particular circuit, the mirror neuron system." Other authors on the study are: Eric Altschuler, former UCSD postdoctoral researcher now at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who with Ramachandran and Pineda originally presented preliminary findings on mirror neuron dysfunction in one autistic child in 2000; Edward Hubbard, recent UCSD graduate now at the French National Institute of Health (INSERM) in Paris; and UCSD graduate student Joseph McCleery. The team is now pursuing another, related line of research: Are mirror neurons involved in the ability to understand metaphors? Autistic individuals typically have difficulties with metaphors, often interpreting them literally, and the researchers believe this too may be connected to a dysfunctional mirror neuron system. "Even as the clinical study of mirror neurons is giving us insights into autism and other disorders," Ramachandran said, "it is also giving us glimpses of a host of uniquely human – and elusive – mental capacities: making metaphors and passing on proverbs, to name just two."
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The year 2020 was an emotional year for the world (to say the least). There were forest fires, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the United States Presidential Election. Whew! In the middle of that there were back-to-back news highlights of violence towards people of color. Hearing and viewing the news coverage towards people of color is absolutely exhausting and stressful. Impact of Racism and Hate Crimes on Mental Health Witnessing racism and hate crimes personally or on television can have a damaging effect on people, whether you are of color or not. Some of the things people notice are chest tightness, moodiness, fatigue, nightmares, worries and sadness. Many people feel so fearful about whether this will happen to them or a loved one, that they often are worried while in their cars and even at the grocery store. That’s no healthy way to live, but unfortunately, it’s the reality of many people of color. 5 Ways to Cope with Mental Health after Experiencing Racism and Hate Crimes Racism has the potential to make the “strongest” person to feel weak, hopeless and scared. Here are 5 things you can do to help yourself and others you know cope with stress after experiencing racism and hate crimes. #1 – Set Boundaries The news coverage helps us to be informed of what is happening in the world and our communities, but there are many times it can lead you to feel overwhelmed, defeated and burned out. Remember that there is only so much bad news that our minds can handle at once! Protect yourself from information overload by noticing when too much is really TOO MUCH. Take a break from the news and social media to focus your thoughts on uplifting and refreshing things (i.e., favorite TV series, reading a book, listening to music or other important tasks). This helps you to reboot and focus on caring for yourself rather than what is painful. #2 – Practice Intentional Self-Care Situations like racism and hate crimes can lead others to feel helpless and stressed. It is important to focus on what you CAN control – self-care. Taking care of yourself differs from person to person, but doing what helps you to feel calm and refreshed important. Here are some important coping skills that children, parents and adults that can use to calm down and think clearly. #3 – Connect with Others Spend quality time with other people that have shared experiences with racism and hate crimes as you. Talking with others about your experiences and feelings can help you feel less alone and more understood. Community is a component of the healing process that cannot be overlooked. Some examples of community can be your family, friends and religious/faith-based groups. #4 – Participate in Activities Aligned with your Culture and Faith The portrayal of violence towards people that have shared race, culture and faith as you can give off negative messages about who society thinks you are. Participating in activities that remind you of your values can help cancel out the negative messages and bring out the empowering ones. Some activities could be preparing meals, viewing art, praying and faith-based readings. #5 – Advocate for Antiracism One you are able to calm down and think through next steps, you may feel that you want to do more to address the problem of racism and hate crimes. Advocating for yourself or others is another ways to bring something else into your control. Some ways to advocate for antiracism include speaking out through calling, writing or filing a report with your local and state officials, placing supporting signs in your yard, peacefully protesting, volunteering in an advocating organization and speaking up when you see injustice and racism occurring in your presence. Here are some advocacy group to join or volunteer with to get started. Next Steps for Emotional Healing Many times the coping skills and personal supports you have may not be enough to help you on your healing journey. You may notice that you need more support in working through your experience. Therapy can help you to notice those defeating messages from your experiences, including racism and hate crimes, finding more empowering ways to view yourself and your life despite what happened. A licensed therapist can help talk you through your situation, providing different perspectives and encouragement in ways that you have not considered. Adorned with Life, LLC provides mental health therapy to children, teens and young adults who are experiencing depression, anxiety and even chronic illnesses/pain. We can talk through your personal experiences and find ways to overcome your sadness and worries, reaching more hope. Although you cannot control the people who have done these terrible actions, our mindsets and intentional actions afterwards are big steps for healing and feeling in control. You can schedule your first appointment with me by booking a 15-minute consultation call using this link. References [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container] Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Alicia M. Dorn, LCPC Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor specializing in child, teen and young adult anxiety, depression and chronic illnesses. Specially trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches. Recent Posts Finding More Energy with Your Chronic Illness and Fatigue Parenting with a Chronic Illness or Pain 5 Ways to Talk with Someone About Your Chronic Illness Diagnosed with a Chronic Illness… What Happens Now?! Coping with Mental Health after Experiencing Racism and Hate Crimes Facebook Instagram © 2021. Adorned with Life, LLC. Designed by A2dd | Branding & Digital Marketing - SEO Services Tampa Bay
As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, A Family for Every Orphan continues to pray for you and your family. We turn to God during times of fear and uncertainty. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.—Philippians 4:6 (NIV) Please join us as we pray for God’s truth to dwell in us and show us how to face these new challenges posed by the coronavirus. Times like these can be daunting, and it is our goal to be a source of hope and encouragement for you. Father, we ask you to bless everyone around the world. We pray for healing for those who are sick and comfort for those who have lost someone due to this pandemic. We ask you to bless everyone who is experiencing financial hardship during this time of quarantine. We pray for all world and local leaders, that they would make good decisions and provide guidance to the public that will protect those who are vulnerable. Please give them wisdom on how to keep economies running despite the necessary quarantines. Orphans and vulnerable children need you now more than ever! COVID-19 is affecting the communities we serve in, but our ministry efforts continue still. How COVID-19 affects vulnerable children and orphans Currently, there are over 1 billion children around the world unable to attend school due to COVID-19 Children are 3x more likely to be exposed to violence during times like these Many of the families you have helped are facing stressful financial concerns due to the virus’ impact The value of local currencies has dropped substantially around the world The children with and without families need our prayers and support more than ever Recent news about COVID-19 has impacted us all. Our primary concern is for the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. We are continuing to monitor information around COVID-19, including guidelines from federal, state, and local authorities. A Family for Every Orphan will keep you updated with each of our international programs and their specific prayer requests. Many of our on-ground partners are reporting business shutdowns, curfews, lack of testing kits and ventilators, and many children out of school and without meals – all of which are negatively affecting vulnerable children and orphans. *Please continue to check back to this page for further updates.* COVID-19: AFFEO’s Response Our ministry continues thanks to your generous support! Specific things being done: Praying! With and for our on-ground partners throughout the world Helping children who have been adopted or are in foster care, especially those with situations that make them even more vulnerable, such as: Single parents Children with special needs Vanya, a 2 year-old boy with a compromised immune system. Read his story here! Helping connect local churches with local child protection service units. This offers coordinated support to children and families at risk during this crisis. Helping transfer in-person counseling/resources/trainings to be online and by phone. For example: In Romania, transitioning to trauma training online In Paraguay, providing support on Skype and phone to brand-new foster families. *Many of these families have welcomed children who have experienced trauma and are now adjusting to being in a new family while quarantined inside.* Long-term impact and our plan: Keeping mission focus: children deserve to be safe and loving families Continuing or modifying as many programs as possible Empowering and partnering with local leaders Strengthening families that need support now more than ever Providing resources for parents on how to explain and approach COVID-19 with their children Partnering with governments and continuing legal advocacy for orphans and vulnerable children. For example: Non-emergency court cases are halted in many countries right now, meaning fewer adoptions/foster placements are happening. Advocating for swift returns to this and better systems of support How you can help: Amidst the fear and craze of this world COVID-19 pandemic, you can protect one child. A gift today will help Vanya continue receiving his immunodeficiency medicine which is critical right now. Give him life-saving medicine today! Consider giving to help vulnerable children and orphans around the world during this crisis. Your support enables vital work to continue, helping children grow up in loving families. GIVE TO HELP Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Updates and Prayers Eastern Europe and Central Asia – Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan We have received messages from several of our partners on-ground that they have had to stop normal services to children and families but they are now trying to react to the new crisis of families running out of money for essentials such as food and disinfectants. The most vulnerable families to the current crisis are the single mothers and families with special needs children who cannot leave with their children to go get food. Christian large group foster homes are having to keep staff on-site 24/7 and incurring additional expenses due to increased hours and the amount of food consumed. In Ukraine and Romania, all of the government social service offices have been shut down and adoptions, foster placements, and identification of children in crisis have halted. We have had some partners move training and support services to parents to online platforms. We are looking for ways to work with our partners to utilize this time to finish video and translation projects that can be done from home offices. In Romania an adoptive family camp that was planned in May will most likely be cancelled, but our partners are hopeful they can run another camp in August. According to our partner in Kyrgyzstan, there are 1 million people in Bishkek (capital and largest city in Kyrgyzstan), and only 12 respirators available. Father, we pray for the children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, especially those who are vulnerable. We pray for all of the single mothers and families who are now without work and cannot afford to buy essentials like food and disinfectants. We also lift up all of the families who care for children with special needs and do not have anyone who can stay with them while they get food or supplies. We pray that you would strengthen and encourage the parents who are struggling, especially those who have children with special needs or who suffered from trauma before being adopted. We pray for the children who were waiting for adoptions, foster placements and reunifications to happen but will now have to wait even longer because all of the government offices are shut down. Lord, protect the people of Kyrgyzstan who are experiencing a shortage of respirators for their hospitals. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Southeast Asia – India, Bangladesh, and Nepal Our on-ground partners in India and Nepal are reporting that towns and cities are facing shutdowns. In India, a curfew has been declared, which is affecting many people in the country. Government school is shut down until April 14 and many children will go hungry due to the school shutdown. 80 children’s homes in India have been trained on COVID-19 prevention, risks, and hygiene measures and masks have been provided to children who are ill. Many of our partners have also shifted to telecommuting. The virus has not spread through Bangladesh, but the government is encouraging people to stay home. Our partners in Bangladesh say that they are fully running on faith every day and they are depending on God’s grace for their ministry and for their families. Father, we lift up our brothers and sisters and their families in Southeast Asia. As these countries shut down completely, we pray for everyone and especially the most vulnerable. Make ways for your people to serve the most vulnerable during this time, while keeping them and their families healthy and safe. We pray for hospitals that are over capacity that you would protect the nurses and doctors as they serve the sick. Father, we also want to lift up the children and families who are in the adoption process currently, both domestically and internationally in Southeast Asia. Father, would you make ways for these children to come home, make ways for them to be with their forever families despite this crisis. We pray for the government to act with compassion and haste for the protection of the kids. We pray this is Jesus’ name, Amen. Africa – Uganda and Ghana Our partners in Ghana report that all the COVID-19 cases are adults and most are imported cases and few are local transmission. They hope that the closure of borders will facilitate the import cases as we reduce the community spread. On-ground team members report: “The numbers are on the rise, our prayers will also rise up. May God save us now in Jesus’ name.” Lord, we join our brothers and sisters in Ghana and Uganda in praying for their country. As our friend said: “As the number (of cases) are on the rise, our prayers will also rise up!” Please protect the many children who are living in orphanages right now, and their caregivers. We pray against despair and abuse. Please strengthen their caregivers, give them wisdom to comfort the children, and keep everyone healthy. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. South America – Paraguay The on-ground team in Paraguay reports that aside from the health crisis itself, the biggest impact on children and families has been the decision to close schools and other public institutions. As seen in previous outbreaks, closure of schools has negative consequences for children, especially those in the most vulnerable communities. The distribution of the food kits has already begun in the indigenous communities of the country in order to mitigate the economic impact. The government’s Ministry of Children is continuing to provide food to families and children who are part of its programs (who work and or live in street situations). However, because the work itself of the program has been suspended during this quarantine, more children seem to be seen in the streets (without adequate adult supervision) to beg. Pray for South America: Heavenly Father, we pray for the children in Paraguay and other countries in South America who were already highly vulnerable and are now even more at risk. Many of them are being cared for by a single parent or grandparents who are at high-risk for coronavirus. Many children are no longer getting their meals through the public school system. They are also noticing that more children are begging in the streets. We join our voices with orphan care leaders in Paraguay to pray that these children will not be left behind or forgotten as the nation goes into survival mode and experiences economic hardship. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Tehsils 1. Thiruvananthapuram, 2. Chirayinkeezhu, 3. Neyyattinkara, 4. Nedumangadu(Varkala taluk)(Varkala) Vehicle registration KL-01, KL-15, KL-16, KL-19, KL-20, KL-21, KL-22 Colleges and Universities Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram Points of interest Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Napier Museum, Ponmudi, Attukal Temple, Kowdiar Palace Destinations Thiruvananthapuram, Kovalam, Varkala, Ponmudi, Poovar Thiruvananthapuram District is the southernmost district of the coastal state of Kerala . It is the largest city in Kerala. It came into existence in the year 1957. The headquarters is the city of Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) which is also the capital city of Kerala. Contents Map of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Origin of name History Geography Climate Economy Administration Transport Demographics Language Religion and caste Socio economic conditions Culture Flora and fauna Tourism Education Media Sports Rural development References Map of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala The district has an area of 2,192 square kilometres (846 sq mi) and a population of 3,307,284 (as per the 2011 census), the second-most populous district in Kerala after Malappuram district. It is the densest district in Kerala with 1,509 inhabitants per square kilometre (3,910/sq mi). It is divided into six taluks: Thiruvananthapuram, Chirayinkeezhu, Neyyattinkara, Nedumangadu, Varkala and Kattakada. The urban bodies in the district are the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, Varkala, Neyyattinkara, Attingal and Nedumangad municipalities. Thiruvananthapuram district is situated between north latitudes 8°17' and 8°54' and east longitudes 76°41' and 77°17'. The southern-most extremity, Kaliyikkavila, is 56 kilometres (35 mi) away from Kanyakumari, the "Land's End of mainland India." The district is 33.75% urbanised. The district has three major rivers, several freshwater lakes and more than 300 ponds. The eastern region is forested, northern regions are mostly under rubber cultivation and the remaining areas have mixed dry land crops of coconut, plantain, tapioca, etc. Built up areas and rice fields complete the land use. Origin of name The district has the same name as its headquarters city, Thiruvananthapuram. The city gets its name from the word "Thiru-anantha-puram", meaning the "Abode of Lord Anantha." The name derives from the deity of the Hindu temple at the center of the Thiruvananthapuram city. Anantha is the serpent Shesha on whom Padmanabhan or Vishnu reclines. The district was officially referred to as Trivandrum in English until 1991, when the government decided to reinstate the city's original name, Thiruvananthapuram, in all languages. History Thiruvananthapuram city and several other places in the district loom large in ancient tradition, folklore and literature. In 1684, during the regency of Umayamma Rani, the English East India Company obtained a sandy spit of land at Anchuthengu near Varkala on the sea coast about 32 kilometres (20 mi) north of Thiruvananthapuram city, with a view to erecting a factory and fortifying it. The place had earlier been frequented by the Portuguese and later by the Dutch. It was from here that the English gradually extended their domain to other parts of Travancore. Modern history begins with Marthanda Varma, 1729 CE–1758 CE, who is generally regarded as the Father of modern Travancore. Thiruvananthapuram was known as a great center of intellectual and artistic activities in those days. The temple of Vishnu reclining on Anantha, the Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple, which dates back to the 16th century, is the most-recognizable iconic landmark of the city as well as the district. Along with the presiding deity of Padmanabha, this temple has temples inside it, dedicated to Lord Krishna, Lord Narasimha, Lord Ganesha, and Lord Ayyappa. The temple was built by King Marthanda Varma of the Travancore royal family when, in 1745, he shifted the Travancore capital from Padmanabhapuram, which is now in Tamil Nadu. King Marthanda Varma started reigning as 'Sree Padmanabhadasa', the Slave of Sree Padmanabha. The vast temple complex, with its tall Gopuram decorated with detailed carvings reflected in the huge temple tank, is today a center of attraction for the pious, the tourist, and the merely curious. The city was the capital of the Travancore state before India's independence. Consequent to the recommendations of the state Reorganization Commission, the Vilavancode taluk from Thiruvananthapuram was merged with Tamil Nadu, along with three other southern taluks of Thovala, Agastheewaram and Kalkulam from Travancore which eventually formed the Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu. The state of Kerala came into being on 1 November 1956. Geography The district is situated between North latitudes at 8.17°–8.54° and East longitudes 76.41°–77.17°. The southern-most extremity, Parassala, is just 54 kilometres (34 mi) away from the southern peninsular tip of India, Cape Comorin (Kanya Kumari). The district stretches 78 kilometres (48 mi) along the shores of the Arabian Sea on the west, Kollam district lies on the north with Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu on the east and south respectively. Climate The climate of Thiruvananthapuram district is generally hot tropical. The large forest reserves favourably affect the climate and induce rains. Cold weather is experienced in the mountain ranges, whereas lower down, the weather is bracing and is generally hot in the coastal regions. The mean maximum temperature is 95 °F (35 °C) and the mean minimum temperature is 69 °F (20 °C). As the district stretches from north to south with the Arabian Sea in the west side, the relative humidity is generally high. It rises up to about 95% during the South-West monsoon. The total annual average rainfall in the district is about 1,500 mm (59 in) per annum. The southwest monsoon, from June to September is the principal rainy season. The district receives most of its annual rainfall in this season. The second rainy season is the Northeast monsoon. It is from October to November. The district also gets thunderstorm rains in the pre-monsoon months of April and May. December to February are the coolest months. The average temperature goes down to 69 °F (20 °C) in these months. It is generally considered as the winter season. The summer season starts in February and continues until May. The average temperature goes up to 95 °F (35 °C) in these months. Economy The economy of Thiruvananthapuram district mostly consists of tourism and leisure, information technology, agriculture and education. The modern economy of Thiruvananthapuram is dependent on the media and IT sector. India's first animation park, The Kinfra Animation Park, is in the district. In Thiruvananthapuram district there are 2 central-sector, 14 state-sector, 1 co-operative-sector, 4 joint-sector and 60 private-sector medium- and large-scale industries. The Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) units employ 9262 people, with an investment of Rs. 3439.4 million (as of 31 March 2003). In 2002 there were 901 registered working factories. They include oil mills, cashew factories, cotton textiles, saw mills, printing units, rubber industrial units, chemical units, match factories, general engineering units and automobile workshops. The S.M.S.M. Institute in Thiruvananthapuram is a major institution through which the products of the handicraft industries are marketed. The Neyyar Irrigation Project, commissioned in 1959, irrigates an area of 116.65 km2 (45.0 sq mi). Neyyar is the source of water for the reservoir. The length of the dam is 294.13 metres (965.0 ft) and the height is 50.6 m (166.0 ft). The catchment draining into the reservoir, covering an area of 140 km2 (54 sq mi) of forest land, receives an annual average rainfall of about 2,260 mm (90 in) 2260 mm from two monsoons. The total length of the main canal and its branches is 266 km (165 mi). Administration The headquarters of the district administration is at Vanchiyoor, Thiruvananthapuram. The district administration is headed by the District collector. He is assisted by five deputy collectors holding charges of general matters, land acquisition, revenue recovery, land reforms and election. There are six taluks: Neyyattinkara,Thiruvananthapuram, Nedumangad, Chirayinkeezhu, Varkala and Kattakkada, each headed by a Tahsildar. There are two parliamentary constituencies in the district. They are Attingal with constituency number 19, and Thiruvananthapuram, with constituency number 20. Transport The National Highway 66 (earlier known as National Highway 47) stretches from Kaliyikkavila at the southern extremity to Navaikulam near Parippally in the north, covering a distance of 80 km (50 mi) within the district. The MC Road covers a distance of 55 km (34 mi) and passes through Kesavadaspuram, Vembayam, Venjaramoodu, Kilimanoor and Nilamel in the north. PWD maintains about 1,552 km (964 mi) of road in the district. Local bodies maintain 9,500 km (5,900 mi) of road. There are 116 bridges in Thiruvananthapuram District. The rail transport in the district is operated by Southern Railway zone of Indian Railways. Thiruvananthapuram is connected to the rest of the country by broad gauge railway line. eighty-two km (51 mi) of railway line passes through the district. There are currently 20 railway stations are in the district, including the Thiruvananthapuram Central station. Services are being operated by domestic and international airlines from the Trivandrum International Airport. Trivandrum International Airport has direct flights to many international cities like Kuwait, Dubai, Dammam, Singapore, Malé, Colombo, Sharjah, Muscat, Bahrain, Doha, Jeddah and Abu Dhabi. It is linked with Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkatta by domestic flights. Demographics According to the 2011 census Thiruvananthapuram district has a population of 3,307,284, roughly equal to the nation of Uruguay or the US state of Connecticut. This gives it a ranking of 103rd in India (out of a total of 640 districts). The district has a population density of 1,509 inhabitants per square kilometre (3,910/sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade 2001–2011 was 2.25%. Thiruvananthapuram has a sex ratio of 1088 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 92.66%. Language Malayalam is the mother tongue. Thiruvananthapuram city is more cosmopolitan, with people speaking languages like Malayalam, English, Tamil, Hindi, Tulu, and a minor percentage speak Gujarati. Religion and caste Hindus (68.09%) constitute the majority of the population, followed by Christians (18.41%) and Muslims (12.52%). The Hindu community lies grouped on the basis of castes and sub-castes as elsewhere in the state. The Brahmins, Nadars, Ezhavas, Nairs, Viswakarma, scheduled castes and 11 tribes form the majority of the Hindu community. Christians belong mainly to the Latin Catholic Church, the Church of South India and the Syriac Orthodox Church. The Muslim community also forms a major division of the total population. Economic, social and other ties bind the members of religious groups at the local level. People live in peace and amity, influencing and being influenced by the culture of one another. Socio-economic conditions More than 50% of the total population depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Agricultural labourers constitute 42% of the total labour class. Most of the people are engaged in low-remunerative pursuits which require very little capital. Political and social consciousness, coupled with the efforts of the social, religious and cultural leaders, have helped to pull down the age-old feudal order. Economic changes have also affected the social life and attitude of the people. Culture Thiruvananthapuram witnessed a cultural renaissance in the twentieth century. Kerala Varma Valiakoi Thampuran (1845–1914), who spent a major part of his life in Thiruvananthapuram, translated Kalidasa's Abhijñānaśākuntalam into Malayalam which won him the title of Kerala Kalidasa. He is regarded as the father of modern Malayalam prose. A strong film culture prevails in the district. The city is home to animation companies, including Toonz India Ltd and Tata Elxsi Ltd. The Kinfra Film and Video Park is near Technopark and is an advanced film and animation production facility. The Malayalam film industry was earlier based in Chennai (Madras). It slowly started moving to get rooted in Thiruvananthapuram towards the end of the 1970s. Other major events include the annual flower show in Thiruvananthapuram city, the Attukal Pongala, Varkala Sivagiri pilgrimage in December, the Kaalioottu in Sarkara Devi Temple, near Chirayinkeezh, the Navarathri festival at the Poojamandapam near Sri Padmanabha Swamy Temple, the Aaraat of Padmanabha Swamy Temple, the Beemapally Uroos, Vettucaud Perunaal etc. Flora and fauna The district has a rich variety of plants ranging from rare orchids, medicinal plants and spices to hedge plants, tuber crops, plants yielding edible fruits and fibre. Aromatic plants and spices such as pepper and ginger are cultivated on a large scale on the hilly tracts. Nedumangad taluka is one of the biggest centres of cultivation and trade of pepper and other hill produce. A major portion of the district comes under the middle plain and the region is under the cultivation of coconut, rice, tapioca, tuber crops, plantains and vegetabless. The forests of the district abound in a variety of animals and birds and are excellent wildlife habitats. Elephants, bison, monkeys and rare species of reptiles have the place of prominence in them. The Neyyar reservoir and nearby areas abound in wild life. Nestled in the lap of the Western Ghats, a wildlife sanctuary is quickly growing over an area of nearly 777 square kilometres (300 sq mi) around this reservoir. The forest under the Kulathupuzha range is the habitat of rare species of snakes and lizards. Mammals are well represented in the district. Nilgiri langur, the lion-tailed macaque, the Nilgiri brown mongoose and the Malabar civet are characteristic to this region. Carnivores include: tiger, wild cat, jackal, leopard and wild dog. Sloth bear, gaur, a few species of deer and elephants are also seen. Reptiles include snakes, lizards, crocodiles and tortoises. There are about 75–80 species of snakes in this area. Some of them are very poisonous. Tourism Tourism has contributed heavily to the economy of Thiruvananthapuram. The entire tourism package such as hill stations, back waters, beaches, lagoons, and wildlife sanctuaries are present in the district. Foreign tourists flock to Thiruvananthapuram, a major destination for chartered flights to India for medical tourism, as there are more than fifty recognised Ayurveda centres in and around the city. This is primarily due to Ayurveda's immense popularity in the West. Medical tourism is further promoted by world-class modern medicine hospitals in the city. Recuperation facilities are available at five-star beach resorts and hill stations nearby. Education Thiruvananthapuram district is a major academic hub. The University of Kerala is in Thiruvananthapuram city. There are 20 arts and sciences colleges in the district, and the strength of students is estimated to be 15,926. The University of Kerala has its research and higher-education centres at Kariavattom. Thiruvananthapuram Medical College, the premier health institute of the state is one of the finest in the country. It is being upgraded to the status of an All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). The College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram and Government Engineering College, Bartonhill are the two main engineering colleges in Thiruvananthapuram. The schools in the district are classified as Government, Aided, or Unaided schools. There are 1,129 schools in the district. The government schools are run directly by the state government and follow the syllabus prescribed by the state government. The aided schools follow the state syllabus. In addition to this, there are four Kendriya Vidyalayas run directly by the Central government, which follow the CBSE syllabus. Private schools run by education trusts or boards follow CBSE and/or ICSE syllabus and/or NIOS and/or state syllabi. The first international school in Kerala, the Trivandrum International School, was started in August 2003. Media Thiruvananthapuram has long been a center of media in India. Kerala Chandrika, the first newspaper of the state, was published from Thiruvananthapuram in 1789. Now, more than 30 newspapers have been published from the district, including The Hindu, The New Indian Express, The Deccan Chronicle , The Times of India, Malayala Manorama, Mathrubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Desabhimani, Deepika, Madhyamam, Chandrika, Thejas, Siraj, Janmabhoomi and Metro Vaartha. Weeklies, fortnightlies, monthlies, bi-monthlies and quarterlies are published from parts of the district. The Kerala Information and Public Relations Department is the main agency of the government to disseminate information to the public and to provide feedback. Most Malayalam TV channels are based in Thiruvananthapuram. The government-owned Doordarshan began broadcasting from here in 1981. Asianet, the first private Malayalam channel, began its telecasts in 1991 from Thiruvananthapuram. There are many radio stations in the district. Most of them broadcast from Thiruvananthapuram city. All India Radio has an AM (1161 MHz), an FM (Ananthapuri FM; 101.9 MHz) and a SW ( various frequencies ) station in the city. FM radio channels broadcast from Thiruvananthapuram are [[All India Radio#South regional service|Gyanvani 105.6 MHz,IGNOUAnanthapuri FM]] (AIR) 101.9 MHz, Big FM 92.7 MHz, Club FM 94.3 MHz, Radio Mirchi 98.3 MHz, Red FM 93.5 MHz and Radio DC 90.4 MHz. The Radio DC broadcasts at low-power CRS. The channel is only available at a 15-kilometre (9 mi) radius around the broadcasting station. The wireline telephone services are provided by BSNL, Reliance and Tata Indicom. The main GSM networks operating in the district are BSNL CellOne, Airtel, Tata Docomo, Idea Cellular, Vodafone, Reliance, and Virgin Mobile. The main CDMA providers are Reliance, MTS and Tata Indicom. Major broadband internet services are provided by BSNL DataOne, Asianet Dataline and Siti Cable. Sports The most popular games in the district are football and cricket. Basketball, badminton and volleyball are also popular, mostly in schools. The Kerala Cricket Association (KCA) is headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram City. The Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium, in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, is a prominent football stadium and has hosted both national and international-level matches. The University Stadium has hosted two international cricket matches. This stadium is under the University of Kerala and is equipped with synthetic tracks for athletics games. The Central Stadium has facilities for athletics, football, basketball, volleyball and cricket practice nets. The Jimmy George Sports Complex, is another major sports establishment in the district.The Kariavattom Outdoor Stadium, is one of the largest international stadium which can use for both cricket & football. Rural development There are 12 development blocks in the district: Parassala, Perumkadavila, Athiyanoor, Nemom, Thiruvananthapuram Rural, Kazhakuttom, Vellanad, Nedumangad, Vamanapuram, Kilimanoor, Chirayinkeezhu and Varkala. The District Rural Development Agency co-ordinates the work in these blocks. Several welfare schemes are carried out in the blocks, such as Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY), Total Sanitation Scheme (TSS), Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), Prime Minister's Grama Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Indira Awaaz Yojana (IAY), etc. There are a number of villages in the district, including Kaduvakuzhy, 16 km from the state capital. 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From virtual assistants like Siri through to self-driving cars, Artificial Intelligence is making very rapid progressions. While we’ve come to expect the technology to look like vaguely humanoid robots thanks to science fiction books and movies, it actually encompasses everything from autonomous weapons to Google search algorithms and IBM’s Watson. Narrow Vs General AI The proper terms for Artificial Intelligence today are Narrow, or Weak, AI. This is because it’s been designed to perform narrow tasks like facial recognition only, just internet searches, or solely driving a vehicle. While this type of AI may outperform humans at finding sites that offer a huge range of real money pokies, for example, the long-term goal is creating General or Strong AI. AGI would outperform human beings at almost all cognitive tasks. The Risks of AGI The majority of researchers agree that a hyperintelligent AGI is not very likely to display human emotions like hate and love, and there’s no indication that it would become purposefully kind or unkind. The risks, say experts, are most likely to be one of two scenarios. The first is that the AI gets programmed to wreak havoc. Autonomous weapons are an example of the kind of systems that are programmed to kill. Should this technology fall into the wrong hands, it would be very easy for it to cause devastating casualties. Additionally, an AI arms race could unwittingly lead to an all-out AI war, which could also result in wholesale slaughter. To avoid being thwarted by the combatant, this kind of system could be designed to be nearly impossible to switch off, so it’s not too much of a stretch of the imagination to see humans losing control of the situation. The second is that the AI gets programmed to do something helpful, but develops a ruinous method for achieving its goal. This could happen if we fail to fully align AI goals with our own, which is more difficult than one would assume. For example, if you asked a compliant intelligent car to take you to the airport as quickly as possible, it might do that but your vomit-soaked entrance could be greeted by police helicopters wanting to talk to you about obeying speed limits! It’s not doing so much what you need it to, but literally what you asked of it. So, in this scenario, if an ultrasmart system is tasked with accomplishing a progressive geoengineering project, it may inadvertently wreak havoc with our ecosystem and see our attempts to stop it as threatening. The Concern is About Competence So scientists are not so much worried that AGI will become malevolent, they’re struggling with increasing its levels of competence. As good as this technology will be at accomplishing its objectives, if those are not properly positioned with ours, problems will occur. You probably have no particular issue with ants and don’t make it a priority to step on them. But let’s say that you’re heading up a hydroelectric green energy project and the region you need to flood is filled with anthills? One of the key goals of safety research into Artificial Intelligence is that we’re never put in the position that those ants are in.
total views <% if ( today_view > 0 ) { %> , views today Caring for Second Childhood - Catholic Herald '); //$('.elementor-element-6528424').remove(); //$('.elementor-element-2ca3841 .elementor-widget-container').after(''); $('.ribbon').html(''); //$('.elementor-element-2ca3841').remove(); Pigeon.widget.status(); Pigeon.widget.prompt(); }); })(jQuery, window, document); SPIRITED THINKING SINCE 1888 Get unlimited access My Account Sign In Subscribe Sign Out DONATIONS NEWSLETTER NEWS United States United Kingdom Vatican Europe Rest of World SECTIONS Arts Books Features Life & Soul Opinion Sports Tech Travel & Pilgrimage CHAPTER HOUSE MAGAZINE Arts Books PILGRIMAGE Jobs Patron’s Fund Archive SUBSCRIBE Coronavirus Free Access Opinion The estimated reading time is 6 minutes Caring for Second Childhood Nicholas Frankovich January 28, 2021 at 8:43 am A sadness close to grief, but approaching horror, pervades our thinking about nursing homes — they combine the anxious atmosphere of the hospital with something of the morbid finality that accompanies hospice. At least tombs are still. They’re conducive to meditation on the possibility of eternal peace. Nursing homes, in contrast, are troubled by a constant, mostly unarticulated foreboding in the air. Forgive me for describing them as most of us, I think, perceive them to be, groaning waystations to the grave. They remind us of death by gathering the dying, whose demands on our conscience are more urgent than those of the already dead. We Look Away The pandemic has put an exclamation point on this widespread impression, of nursing homes shrouded in gloom and infected with misery. Not only have they taken a hard, disproportionate blow from the coronavirus. They’ve been shaken by a surge in death from causes in addition to Covid, as Charles Camosy explained in The Catholic Herald in November. How much do we care? Even in the best of times, nursing-home residents are prone to suffer from neglect, a consequence of our instinct to look away from the bodily and mental deterioration that we recognize as leading indicators of natural death. Most people who move to a nursing home will die within a year. Even in the best of times, nursing-home residents are prone to suffer from neglect, a consequence of our instinct to look away from the bodily and mental deterioration that we recognize as leading indicators of natural death. Most people who move to a nursing home will die within a year. No one goes to live there except under duress, typically of advancing senescence. The decline might be managed and mitigated. It will not, in this life, be forever reversed. Both my father and my mother spent their last months in a Catholic nursing home. They died there within three weeks of each other. All the medical professionals who cared for them were competent in a textbook sense. But only some cared for them in the psychological sense of the word care. Bless those who communicated respect without drama, and warmth without lapsing into baby talk. What they did was often a matter more of body language and tone of voice than of saying anything in particular. They practiced benevolence. It can’t be verified or quantified on an exam you take at a Prometric center. The Girl Has Grown Aged My heart sank when, walking down the street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan many years ago, I passed an ancient woman sitting outside a nursing home and beaming with tranquil joy as she stroked a doll. Briefly overcome by pity, I wondered then, as I wonder now, why the sight of her second childhood should fill me with emotions so different from those I would have felt if, at the other end of her lifespan, the toddler she once was had invited me to join her for a while in her magical kingdom where the distance between what you imagine and what is true shrinks almost to nothing. We feel a certain shame for her. Only yesterday she dressed herself and went where she pleased. Now, again, as in her infancy, she stretches out her arms as her caretakers dress her and prepare her to be led wherever they decide. What would have charmed me then discomfits me now that the girl has grown aged. We smile at the four-year-old denizen of Neverland, trusting that soon enough she’ll join us full-time in the “real world,” as those of us midway, more or less, between conception and death are so myopic to regard it. We frown when, not a century later, her lease here is about to expire and she begins to make the move in reverse. Not in entire forgetfulness, but trailing clouds of glory did she come from God, who is her home. Wordsworth did not add, but could have, that the clouds that come rolling in to escort her on the return trip are much the same. Our reaction isn’t. Her involvement with the other side as she babbles on her deathbed unsettles us, whereas we were delighted when she was a cute tyke and babbled mysteries we didn’t comprehend then either. We feel a certain shame for her, the nursing-home resident with one foot in the grave and her head in the clouds. She’s lost control — of her faculties, we say, venting our chauvinism of the roughly middle-aged. She no longer exercises her will in her own interest. Only yesterday she dressed herself and went where she pleased. Now, again, as in her infancy, she stretches out her arms as her caretakers dress her and prepare her to be led wherever they decide. Follow the Logic We who have acquired and still retain the ability to navigate this physical world have a duty to protect the infirm elderly, as well as the unformed young, from bodily harm and dangers that could lead to their premature death. The ancient woman stroking her doll remains as human as she was as a charming toddler, as worthy of our care now that she is dying as she was when she had her life ahead of her. But we tend to forget that, especially when we see the aged in the groaning waystation to the grave. Our emotional and economic incentives to care, in both senses of the word, for the beautiful child more than for the decrepit Alzheimer’s patient are obvious. We should care for them with equal effort and concern, but be ready with an answer for the skeptic who asks why. It’s harder to make the case for elevating principle over sentiment and over expediency than we like to think. Let’s be clear that we start from the proposition that all human lives are of equal moral worth. We don’t consult public opinion or determine the value of an octogenarian’s last year of life in dollars or pounds. This conviction leads us to affirm the dignity and humanity of the infant even when she’s still in the womb. Let’s follow our logic and advocate for her with the same resolve when she’s near-helpless again, at the other end of her life, in the somber rooms and hallways of her nursing home. Nicholas Frankovich is an editor at National Review. His last article was Defeated by Truth and Raging Against Honor. This page is available to subscribers. Click here to sign in or get access. 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Click here for more information about contributing to the Herald Patron's Fund CATHOLIC HERALD Subscribe Contact Us Advertise About Us Classifieds Jobs Terms & Conditions Privacy & Acceptable Use Exact Editions Archives Historical Archives © Catholic Herald 2021 Please Donate Having been unable to sell in churches for well over a year due to the pandemic, we are now inviting readers to support the Herald by investing in our future. We have been a bold and influential voice in the church since 1888, standing up for traditional Catholic culture and values. Please join us on our 130 year mission by supporting us. We are raising £250,000 to safeguard the Herald as a world-leading voice in Catholic journalism and teaching. For more information from our chairman on contributing to the Herald Patron’s Fund, click here.
Pokémon Go Health Benefits [Infographic] | Confessions of the Professions Pokémon Go Health Benefits [Infographic] – Confessions of the Professions Menu Pokémon Go Health Benefits [Infographic] Posted on September 6, 2016 April 1, 2019 Will Stadtman 13m 3,190 Abroad in The UK [Infographic] Interesting Facts About E-Waste Management [Infographic] Sign Up For An Account To Start Posting Your Own Confessions! The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions. Get up, Get Moving, Get Healthy – Catch them all! Parents all over the world have been trying for years to coax their children to stop playing video games and go outside for some fresh air and physical activity. And then the Pokémon Go phenomenon happened, and suddenly kids and adults are running around in public trying to catch them all. The guy who caught them all is Nick Johnson from Brooklyn NY who caught every Pokémon in the country possible. How much did he walk? About 8 miles or 13 kilometers a day on average; It took him two weeks, totaling up to about 180 kilometers! While most people don’t clock up that much distance, there is no doubt that they are more active since they started playing Pokémon Go. Here are some ways that Pokémon Go has benefited peoples physical and mental health: Lots and lots of walking: You need to physically get to new places to find Pokémon and Pokéstops. Eggs need a certain distance (2km, 5km and 10km) to be walked before they hatch and reveal a Pokémon inside. Fresh air & sunlight: The health benefits of clean outdoor air and natural light are well known facts. Sunlight is also critical for Vitamin D production Benefits of short breaks: A wide range of studies have established that taking short breaks during the work day is beneficial. You can visit a Pokéstop, catch a couple of Pokémon and get back to work (Unlike Facebook. Twitter or Solitaire, that can easily eat up couple of hours! Educational: Pokéstops are found near landmarks of significance – fountains, parks, museums, historical buildings etc. You get to learn about your city as you visit them. The Social benefit: Pokémon encourages people to explore, meet up and even band together for Gym battles! A mobile game that is healthy! Who would have thought? Click to open / Right-click for save options Text-Friendly Version CRAZY THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT POKEMON GO Developers The game is developed by Niantic, Inc. which is an American Software Development Company based in San Francisco, California. Apart from Pokemon Go, the company is best known for developing another augmented reality game, Ingress. The company was formed in 2010 by Keyhole, Inc. founder John Hanke as Niantic Labs, an internal startup at Google, before it was spun out of Google as an independent entity in October 2015. Niantic’s systems use high throughput real-time geospatial querying and indexing techniques to process more than 200 million game actions per day as people interact with real and virtual objects in the physical world. In September 2015, it was announced that Niantic was solely developing Pokémon Go in partnership with Nintendo and The Pokémon Company for iOS and Android. The inventor of Pokemon, Nintendo, has an undisclosed stake with Niantic Inc. Impact of Pokemon Go on Nintendo According to Bloomsberg, Nintendo’s value reached $39.8 billion on Tuesday, beating out Sony, which stands at $38.34 billion. Following the release of Pokemon Go, Nintendo topped single-day performance of big-name companies such as Tokyo Electric, SoftBank, Mizuho, Nippon Steel, and Aiful. Gameplay After establishing a game account, the player creates an avatar by selecting a hair, skin, and eye color; style; and outfit. After the avatar is created, it is displayed at the player’s current location along with a map of the player’s immediate surroundings. Features on the map include a number of PokéStops and Pokémon gyms. Both of them are real world buildings and monuments PokéStops provide you with items such as PokéBalls, eggs etc. Gyms serve as battle locations for team-based king of the hill matches. As players travel the real world, their avatar moves along the game’s map. Different Pokémon species reside in different areas of the world; for example, water-type Pokémon are generally found near water. When a player encounters a Pokémon, they may view it either in augmented reality (AR) mode or with a live rendered, generic background. AR mode uses the camera and gyroscope on the player’s mobile device to display an image of a Pokémon as though it were in the real world. During an encounter with a wild Pokémon, the player may throw a Poké Ball at it by flicking it from the bottom of the screen up toward the Pokémon. After capturing a wild Pokémon, the player is awarded two types of in-game currencies: candiesand stardust. A player can use stardust and candies to raise a Pokémon’s “combat power” (CP). However, only candies are needed to evolve a Pokémon. Each Pokémon evolution tree has its own type of candy which can only be used to evolve or level up. The player can also transfer the Pokémon back to the Pokémon professor to earn one more candy and create room for more Pokémon. The ultimate goal of the game is to complete the entries in the Pokédex, a comprehensive Pokémon encyclopaedia, by capturing and evolving to obtain the original 151 Pokémon. All Pokémon are displayed with a combat power. A Pokémon’s combat power is a rough measure of how powerful that Pokémon is in battle. Players earn experience points for various in-game activities. Players rise in level as they earn experience points. At level five, the player is able to battle at a Pokémon gym and join one of three teams, which act as larger factions within the Pokémon Go world. If players enter a Pokémon gym that is controlled by a player that is not part of their team, they can challenge the leader to lower the gym’s “prestige”. Once the prestige of a gym is lowered to zero, the player will take control of the gym and is able to deposit one Pokémon to defend it. Similarly, a team can upgrade the prestige of a gym under their control by battling the gym leader. Each time a gym’s level is raised, another player from the same team can deposit one of their Pokémon. Read Another Confession: ONET Insights: Allergists and Immunologists The Teams Once the trainers reach level 5, they are required to choose one of three teams. Trainers then battle the gyms controlled by other teams. Team Valor Color: Red Leader: Candela Mascot: Moltress: One of the three legendary Pokemon of Kanto. Flame and Flying Type Team Mystic Color: Blue Leader: Blanche Mascot: Articuno: Freeze and Flying type legendary Pokemon Team Instinct Color: yellow Leader: Spark Mascot: Zapdos: Legendary Electric and Flying type Pokemon Ideologies of the Teams Valor: Candela is the head of the red team, and she’s got spunk for days. Her M.O. is very much in line with what Pokémon trainers have been taught from the get-go – To be the very best Pokémon master, you’ve got to train for it. Bonding with your Pokémon helps to tap into their strengths, according to Team Valor. If that sounds good to you, go Valor. Also, if you like the fire bird legendary Moltres, that’s another reason to go with Valor. Mystic: Blanche is in charge of Team Mystic, the brainiest of the bunch. The blue team is most interested in evolution; beyond that, the members of this faction are cool to a point of intimidation. If you’re interested in the science behind what makes Pokémon tick — and are convinced that keeping calm is all it takes for success — choose Team Mystic. Mystic is represented by Articuno, the icy legendary. Instinct: Spark is all about trusting your instincts — hence the name of the team. (Spark is not one for nuance.) If you feel that Pokémon are innately talented, and that success in battle can be chalked up to trusting your gut, Instinct is probably the way to go. Team Instinct’s mascot is the legendary bird Zapdos. Advertisement Some Crazy Facts As of now, the app is only (officially) available in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, Canada and U.K. but in those countries, it has already caught fire. On July 8th, only 2 days after the app’s release, it was already installed on 5.16% of all Android devices in the US. If that doesn’t seem like much, consider that by Thursday, July 7th,Pokémon GO was already installed on more US Android phones than Tinder. Over 60% of those who have downloaded the app in the US are using it daily, meaning around 3% of the entire US Android population are users of the app. This metric, which we refer to as Daily Active Users has put Pokémon GO neck and neck with Twitter, and in a few more days, Pokémon GO will likely have more Daily Active Users than the well-established social network. In terms of Usage Time, Pokémon GO is taking up a ton of its user’s time. As of July 8th, the app was being used for an average of 43 minutes, 23 seconds a day, higher than Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, and Messenger. Outside of the US, users around the world have been trying to download Pokémon GO using an apk, bypassing the official app store. Since the app’s release, traffic to absolutely exploded, increasing from just over 600,000 visits on July 5th to over 4 million visits on July 6th. Pokémon Go rapidly topped the American iOS App Store’s “Top Grossing” and “Free” charts. The game has become the fastest game to top the App Store and Google Play, beating Clash Royale, and in its first week became the most downloaded app on the App Store of all time. According to SensorTower, the game was downloaded more than 10 million times within a week of release, becoming the fastest such app to do so, and reached 15 million global downloads by July 13. According to SurveyMonkey the game became the most active mobile game in the United States ever with 21 million active users on July 12, eclipsing Candy Crush Saga’s peak of 20 million. By July 15, approximately 1.3 million people were playing the game in the Netherlands, despite the app not being officially released in the country. On the day of release in Japan, more than 10 million people downloaded the game, including 1.3 million in the first three hours. By July 26, SensorTower estimated the game to have been downloaded 75 million times worldwide.[113] The average daily usage of the app on Android devices in July 2016 exceeded Snapchat, Tinder, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Read Another Confession: Easy Upgrades To Turn Your Home Office Into An Efficient Workspace Pokemon Go downloads in 15 minutes In the last 15 minutes since you’ve been on this page, Pokemon Go: Has been downloaded 49,638 times on iOS devices Has been downloaded 23,359 times on Android Devices Has earned $163,099 in revenue Meet the Person who Caught them All Nick Johnson, 28, the Brooklyn-based Pokémaster, told BuzzFeed he walked an average of eight miles a day for two weeks to complete his collection. And in that time, he got to level 31, caught 4,629 Pokémon (609 of which were Pidgeys), hatched 303 eggs, walked a grand total of 153 kilometers (about 95 miles), and lost a whopping 10 pounds — and yes, he has a job. The only pokemon missing from his collection are (Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, and Mr. Mime), which are only available outside the country, and Articuno, Ditto, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, and Zapdos that have never been spotted anywhere and are believed to be uncatchable at this time. Total Pokemon According to their types 151 Pokemon in Total in the game as of now, 5 of which are legendries (Mew, Mewtwo, Zapdos, Moltress and Aticuno) that are deemed uncatchable at the moment. Pokemon Go Statistics Launched: July 6, 2016 Daily Active Users as of 23 July 2016: 21 Million 75 Million downloads till 25 July 2016 10.81% Android Devices have Pokemon Go as of 13 July 1016 5.92% of Android owners use the app daily Users Spend 43 minutes daily on an average playing Pokemon Go Pokemon Go generates approximately $1.6 million daily from the App Store Pokemon Go had more first week downloads from the App Store than any other app in history Largest Pokemon Go demographic: Men in between the ages of 21-27 78% of Pokemon Users are between the age of 18-34 It took Pokemon Go just 13 Hours to reach the top of the highest grossing app chart in the USA Nitendo’s market value increased by $9 billion, 5 days after the launch of Pokemon Go 197,000 pokemon themed playlists pooped up on Spotify after the launch of the game 6.60% of Australian Android users use the app daily 7.98% of New Zealand Android users use the app daily 16.04% of Android Devices in Australia have Pokemon Go installed on them 15.13% of Android Devices in New Zealand have Pokemon Go installed on them More than 30 countries have active Pokemon Go players even the app hasn’t officially launched in them 7/10 people who download the app, return to it the next day Pokemon Go is expected to generate $3 billion for Apple in the first 24 months The average daily usage of the app on Android devices in July 2016 exceeded Snapchat, Tinder, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Japan turns more than 3000 McDonalds into Pokemon Go Gyms 153 million people interacted about Pokemon Go on Facebook after its launch 645 million posts, reactions, comments, shares on Facebook related to Pokemon Go, since its launch Apart From the legendary Pokemon – Moltress, Aticuno, Zapdos, Mew and Mewtwo; all the others have been caught Starting Pokemon Players can choose from 3 standard starter pokemons at the start of the game. They are: Bulbasaur: Grass Type Charmander: Fire Type Squirtle: Fire Type However, you can also get Pikachu as your starting pokemon. All you would need to do is keep walking past them until they disappear from your map. However, these Pokemon will pop-up once again once you get too far away from them. So, you’ll have to ignore them continuously four times, and in the fifth try they will be accompanied by a Pikachu. List of Items in Pokemon Go and their functions Pokeballs: These are your staple item for catching Pokemon. From Squirtle to Charizard. Great balls: They’re an improved version of pokeballs and thus your odds of capturing a Pokemon with one of these is higher than with the standard model. They get unlocked at level 12 Ultra balls: Available at level 20. Ultra balls are another step up in effectiveness – and in price. Master balls: They have a 100-per-cent capture rate; master balls never fail. They’re best saved for legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo. Lucky Eggs: For half an hour, if you’ve used up a lucky egg, you’ll get double the experience points (XP) Read Another Confession: Retirement Planning When You’re 40+ Pokemon eggs: Incubate them until they hatch. Found every so often at Pokestops and use the distance you have walked while playing the game as a measure of when to hatch. Longer the distance to hatch an egg, better the pokemon you’ll get Potions: Potions restore the health of your Pokemon after battles. Unlocked at level five, to coincide with your introduction to gym battles. Super potions: Potions, but more effective. You’ll find them available to you from level 10. Hyper potions: The best healer, these highly restorative lovelies are essential if you’re regularly attacking other teams’ gyms. Max Potions: Max Potion, fully restores your Pokemon’s health in one go. Lure modules: Lure modules can be attached to Pokestops, in order to lure Pokemon to that location. One player drops the lure module, but it then works for all players – for 30 minutes only. Incense: If you use incense in the game, you’ll become a magnet for Pokemon – again, just for 30 minutes. Razz berries: Razz berries help make it easier to catch Pokemon, when you give the razz berry to the one you’re targeting. Available to you at Pokestops from level eight upwards. Egg incubator: You get one of these to start off with, and can buy more for 150 Pokecoins a time. They’re the means by which you can move a Pokemon egg closer to hatching. Camera: It’s a neat feature that saves you having to screenshot that rare Pokemon you just stumbled across. Revive: If your Pokemon’s health falls to zero during a battle, that means it’s fainted; you’ll need a revive to put it back on its feet, or paws. Advertisement Own Your Copy Today! Max revive: A fainted Pokemon will be propped back up with full health restoration if you feed it a max revive. Pokemon Go Tips & Tricks Getting Pikachu as a Starter Pokemon: In order to get Pikachu as your starter Pokemon, what you need to do is keep walking past the original three starters (Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle) continuously for four times, and in the fifth try they will be accompanied by a Pikachu. Don’t ignore duplicate Pokemon: If you keep finding Ratatas and Pidgeys, keep catching them. Catching Pokemon gives you XP and that helps you level up faster. You can also transfer your duplicate pokemon in exchange of candies, which help in evolving your Pokemon. Smart use of Lucky Eggs: Don’t waste the lucky eggs. Use them when you have a couple of Pokemons ready to evolve. Evolving a Pokemon or catching a new one typically gives you 500 XP. You can double that XP by smartly using a Lucky Egg Don’t use Stardust to Power Up Pokemon till you reach Level 12 or 15: Stardust will help you later in increasing the power level of the top-level Pokemon. The Pokemon that you catch when at low trainer levels are ignored when the level increases, so, any usage of Stardust over them will just be a waste. Throw a curve ball: You can tap the Pokeball at the bottom of your screen, drag it forward, and swirl it in a circular manner while you are trying to catch a Pokemon. This will earn you extra XP Hatch your Eggs: A 5 km or 10 km egg has a higher chance of getting you a rare Pokemon. So, always make sure that you have eggs in the incubator while walking. Go to places where many people are playing: If you want to catch some amazing Pokemon, you can move over to a place that is populated with Pokemon Go players. The players typically put out lures that will attract various Pokemon. Try to group with other people while playing the game and select a region where there are numerous PokeStops around to get the best results. Evolution of Eevee: Eevee is a Pokemon that can randomly evolve into any of the three Pokemon, namely Jolteon (electric), Vaporeon (Water) and Flareon (Fire). The Eevee Brothers from the original anime were named Rainer, Pyro, Sparky and they owned a Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon respectively. If you nickname your Eevee either Rainer, Pyro or Sparky, your Eevee will evolve into that desired Eeveelution! Winning Gym Battles every time: You can easily win any gym battle against an opponent using this simple dodge and attack technique. All you have to do is notice the yellow flash of your enemy, and then dodge their forthcoming attack immediately. After dodging their attack, hit the enemy Pokemon back by tapping at your own Pokemon. Abroad in The UK [Infographic] Interesting Facts About E-Waste Management [Infographic] ( Related Confessions Health Benefits Of Shirataki Noodles [Infographic] Health Benefits Of Outdoor Living Spaces What Are The Health Benefits of CBD Oils? 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Curcumin sensitizes human colorectal cancer to capecitabine by modulation of cyclin D1, COX-2, MMP-9, VEGF and CXCR4 expression in an orthotopic mouse model Int J Cancer. 2009;125(9):2187-97 In 2007, in the United States, 10% of the overall cancer incidence was colorectal cancer (CRC) becoming the third leading cause of cancer death. Due to their resistance to chemotherapy, very few patients experience complete pathologic responses, thus making it necessary to look out for novel approaches to enhance the effects of chemotherapeutic drugs and reduce their resistance. Several study results have shown that NF-ĸB pathway plays a major role in CRC growth and metastasis and hence, agents that block NF-ĸB activation will reduce chemoresistance. Curcumin is one such agent that has been shown to be inhibiting NF-ĸB activation and downregulate the expression of NF-ĸB-regulated gene products that play a role at various stages of cancer cycle. Moreover, Curcumin has been reported to be augmenting the effects of chemotherapeutic drugs, such as paclitaxel, docetaxel and gemcitabine in vivo. Objective: To determine whether Curcumin can modulate the effects of capecitabine against CRC, in an orthotopic nude mouse model. Study Design: Proliferation assay was carried to determine effects of Curcumin on cell proliferation Role of Curcumin in potentiating the apoptotic effects of capecitabine in colon cancer cells was determined by apoptosis assay Male athymic nu/nu mice (4 weeks old) were injected with HCT 116 cells to implant the tumor One week after implantation, mice were randomly assigned to the following treatment groups (n=5-8): (i) corn oil (100 µL daily) as the vehicle; (ii) curcumin alone (1 g/kg once daily, orally), (iii) capecitabine alone (60 mg/kg, twice weekly by gavage) and (iv) curcumin (1 g/kg, once daily, orally) and capecitabine (60 mg/kg, twice weekly by gavage) Tumor volumes were monitored weekly At the end of the study, extracted tumor tissues were evaluated for various immunohistochemical parameters Protein concentration was determined using nuclear extracts from tumor samples NF-ĸB activation was also determined using colon cancer cells Results and Discussion: A dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation was seen in all three-cell lines when treated with Curcumin; HCT 116 cells being the most sensitive Depending on the type of cell line, Curcumin enhanced the effect of capecitabine from 5–11% to 47–95% NF-ĸB activation was significantly inhibited by Curcumin in a dose-dependent manner Curcumin also inhibited the expression of cyclin D1, c-Myc, COX- 2, VEGF, MMP-9, ICAM-1, CXCR4 and Bcl-2 in a dose-dependent manner, which are known to be regulated by NF-ĸB Effect of Curcumin was determined by measuring tumor volume in in an orthotopic nude mice model, wherein the curcumin and capecitabine group significantly lowered the tumor volume than that in the capecitabine or control group by Day 27 after treatment (p< 0.001 vs. capecitabine; p < 0.001 vs. control) Curcumin alone (p<0.001 vs. control) significantly decreased CRC growth, which was further decreased when curcumin was used in combination with capecitabine (p<0.031 vs. capecitabine) Curcumin in combination with capecitabine more significantly decreased cell proliferation and angiogenesis markers when compared with Curcumin alone, which also showed a significant inhibition vs. control Conclusion: Overall, Curcumin was found to be potentiating the antitumor and antimetastatic effects of capecitabine by suppressing NF-ĸB cell signaling pathway, thus could be an effective adjunctive in the management of CRC. Saga of Inflammation In vitro Evidence Preclinical Evidence Clinical Evidence About Sabinsa Sabinsa Corporation is a manufacturer, supplier and marketer of herbal extracts, cosmeceuticals, minerals, dietary supplements and specialty fine chemicals for the nutritional, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Read More.. Certificates Headquarters Sabinsa Corporation 20 Lake Drive East Windsor NJ 08520, USA Tel: +1.732.777.1111 Fax: +1.732.777.1443 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Headquarters Sabinsa Corporation 20 Lake Drive East Windsor NJ 08520, USA Tel: +1.732.777.1111 Fax: +1.732.777.1443 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Global Contact List USA Utah, USA Australia Brasil Canada China Germany India Japan Poland South Africa South Korea Contact Presence Message... ©2021 Sabinsa. All Rights Reserved | Powered by Edkal Technologies | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Site Map | Disclaimer Disclaimer US-FDA: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Usage disclaimer: The information pertaining to any marketing materials by Sabinsa, is for general purposes only. Users are urged to check the validity of patents if any, on any Sabinsa items for their intended use. EFSA: This statement has not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Australia: Please note as an ingredient supplier the information contained in this website is for marketers of finished products formulations and is not intended as consumer advice. Marketers should ensure finished products are lawful and comply with the regulations of the countries in which these items are sold. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided at the time of publication.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. Form 20-F x Form 40-F o Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): o Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): o EXHIBIT INDEX Exhibit 99.1 Press Release regarding Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2020 issued by Weibo Corporation on September 28, 2020 2 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China. Role trust and permissions The way these roles differ is in their trust relationships. Let's take a look at an example trust policy for an unauthenticated role: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "": "us-east-1:12345678-corner-cafe-123456790ab" }, "ForAnyValue:StringLike": { "": "unauthenticated" } } } ] } This policy defines that we want to allow federated users from (the issuer of the OpenID Connect token) to assume this role. Additionally, we make the restriction that the aud of the token, in our case the identity pool ID, matches our identity pool. Finally, we specify that the amr of the token contains the value unauthenticated. When Amazon Cognito creates a token, it will set the amr of the token to be either "unauthenticated" or "authenticated" and in the authenticated case will include any providers used during authentication. This means you can create a role that trusts only users that logged in via Facebook, simply by changing the amr clause to look like the following: "ForAnyValue:StringLike": { "": "" } Be careful when changing your trust relationships on your roles, or when trying to use roles across identity pools. If your role is not configured to correctly trust your identity pool, you will see an exception from STS like the following: AccessDenied -- Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity If you see this, double check that you are using an appropriate role for your identity pool and authentication type. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. Please refer to your browser's Help pages for instructions.
In July 2021, "The Wall Street Journal" reported the company's annual revenue to be approximately $800 million with a loss of $70 million. By May 2021, it was reported that the video-sharing app generated $5.2 billion in revenue with more than 500 million users worldwide.", free tiktok fans and likes Users of the app have the option of connecting their account to other social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This allows for easier sharing of content through other social media apps. The app also has a live feature that can be activated through opening the "Live" tab on the bottom right corner of the screen. When activated, this feature allows users to view others' broadcasts without them having to create a live story and even allows them to comment on others' broadcasts while they are ongoing without affecting their viewers' activities.", offers more than thirty genres of music videos (with more being added), along with channels featuring music videos from artists such as Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande and Mark Ronson. Artists can create their own channels and videos on the app by uploading video content via an account on, and by using one of the special cameras which allows users to share videos via the app's social network platform. The soundtracks used in the music video clips are also available upon request for those who cannot afford them, although they are not advertised or promoted as part of the app.'s dance routines and other filmed material can be viewed by creators without additional payment starting at $5.00 each.", The app has won numerous awards: Most Innovative Mobile App (2021), Best Entertainment App (2021) and Best Mobile Culture App (2021). The app is also listed on the Google Play Store as "Best Apps of 2021". According to Alexa, the website of Tiktok has one of the highest tem rankings in the United States as ranked by its users.", Tiktok video has 100+ best tutorials for learning fun new things in simple ways like games, dance, puzzles and dress up. The Best TikTok Features: -You can record and upload videos with various effects including stickers, emoji's and text effects. These videos are saved on the camera roll of the Videoplayer app which is also available for both iOS and Android users. -You can also add music to the videos which are saved in your device. -TikTok allows users to share their videos with their friends, relatives and fans through various social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. -If you are in a group conversation on TikTok, you can start an audio or video call with each other. You can also live stream and one on one chat facilities are also available. -You can join a group of any interest such as funny groups, fashion group or gaming groups and find new friends while spending time with them by sharing your interests. You can invite new members to the group anytime by sending them a request for joining the group. -You can also add photos and share them with your friends on TikTok.", free tiktok followers and likes tiktok for free free tiktok likes without verification In April 2021, TikTok began introducing advertisements into its videos. The advertisements contain short videos of celebrities and influencers that users can choose to watch. The ads are categorized as "Scenes" or "Music Moments". Scenic videos are 15- to 30-second clips of real-life events such as a pool party or a bride's wedding day whereas music moments are the same clips but with an audio overlay of a popular song. The ads are between 15 and 30 seconds long and can be skipped after 5 seconds.", Several celebrities have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American singers Selena Gomez, Camila Cabello and Ariana Grande have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American actors Bella Thorne, Vanessa Hudgens, Joan Smalls and Vanessa Hudgens also have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American singer-songwriter Ariana Grande has attracted attention for her Tiktok account which is followed by more than 100 million people worldwide. Introduced in September 2021, Grande received backlash from fans over the fact that she was able to make millions of dollars from her YouTube channel's ad revenue while still living in a house with her parents. In addition to the controversy, Grande was also criticized by her fans for featuring a luxury handbag in her videos, while proclaiming herself as a feminist.", tiktok free views free tiktok followers no human verification or survey In July 2021, it was reported that TikTok had reached a deal with Snapchat to produce sponsored videos for the Snapchat Discover platform. This arrangement came after Snapchat's CEO Evan Spiegel had shared an Instagram post of himself and a TikTok exec riding in a helicopter.", In an article published by The Wall Street Journal, it was alleged that "Bytedance is one of China’s biggest tech companies. Its services connect hundreds of millions of users to news and entertainment. It has also created its own internet services, with a popular video app called Jinri Toutiao." This article was published on The Wall Street Journal. In an article published by CNET, it was alleged that "The company's flagship product is Jinri Toutiao, a news aggregation app similar to the now-defunct Google Reader and Apple News." This article was published on CNET. In an article published by TechCrunch, it was alleged that "Bytedance has a unicorn status and is considered to be one of the top five tech companies in China with $11 billion valuation." This article was published on TechCrunch. In an article published by The Verge, it was alleged that "Bytedance is the parent company of products like news app Jinri Toutiao, which boasts 120 million daily users." This article was published on The Verge. In an article published by Fortune, it was alleged that "Bytedance is also known for its popular news aggregation app Jinri Toutiao." This article was published on Fortune.", freer pro tiktok You can share your recorded videos from TikTok on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with just a few clicks of your mouse or tapping some buttons on your mobile application. You can also add music to the videos which are saved in your device. The app also allows you to create and join group conversations on TikTok. You can invite new members to the group anywhere with a click of a button by sending them a request for joining the group.", get free followers on tiktok In July 2021, Chinese regulators forced TikTok to censor its content globally in order to comply with local laws. The company was also forced to remove 985 million monthly users from the platform. This led many young users to fear that their accounts would be permanently deleted and their personal information sold on the black market. TikTok’s only option to comply with such a mandate is by removing any inappropriate content that exists on the platform, leaving YouTube-like platforms as the primary destination for such content.", free tiktok coins It was reported in April 2021 that over one-third of TikTok's 100 million daily active users were located in China and India. In December 2021, TikTok reported that more than half of its 1.5 billion videos were viewed in India.", In an article published by The New York Times, it was alleged that "Bytedance is one of China’s most successful start-up companies, with the two apps under its belt — Toutiao and — each boasting more than 100 million users globally." This article was published on The New York Times. In an article published by TechCrunch, it was alleged that "Bytedance is one of the key players in China’s internet industry. The company runs three of the country’s top 10 internet properties in terms of monthly time spent by Chinese users – news aggregator Jinri Toutiao (known as TopBuzz outside of China), video app TikTok (known as outside of China), and question-and-answer platform Zhihu." This article was published on TechCrunch.", free followers for tiktok The app has also been used to help promote charitable causes. In Japan in May 2021, the app teamed up with the Japanese Red Cross while in July 2021, it partnered with UNICEF and its Baby + Me campaign.", hack tiktok fans free free tiktok likes trial how to get free tiktok followers According to a study performed by UpStream in March 2021, TikTok users are mostly female, majority from the age of 17–24. The study also found that Instagram users' content tends to be more highly produced while TikTok's audience is made up of more everyday users creating content on the app. The countries where TikTok is most popular are India, Indonesia and Brazil. 93% of all TikTok videos uploaded are generated by users.", buy tiktok followers free free tiktok like In June 2021, it was reported that TikTok had uploaded more than 1 billion short-videos in India from January 2021 to May 2021. This is compared with 500 million videos uploaded throughout 2021 by and Kuaishou combined. It is estimated that the app was used by approximately 18% of smartphone users in India in December 2021, a number that drastically increased to 81% of users in March 2021.", has been targeted by spyware developers who have attempted to take advantage of vulnerable accounts. In March 2021, "CNET" reported that the company had pulled PathMate, a tethering app which could be used to record and spy on users' mobile video activity; however it still remained on iTunes and Google Play Store after its removal from's website. In June 2021, mobile security firm Lookout released a report noting that spyware apps were disrupting IMEI access through compromised accounts. Lookout also found that spyware apps were being offered as "likes" or "cheats", with some marketing them as offering or allowing access to features that the app otherwise does not have. The report also noted that it was possible for users to be infected just by scrolling through the app's stories without clicking on anything, and users would often have no idea they had been compromised until a notification popped up telling them to install an update to their security software in order to remove malicious threats.", The only remaining question is whether TikTok can continue to grow into a brand that people trust like WeChat in China. Many users of the app have openly voiced their concerns about this, worrying that the app may develop a reputation for being more like Facebook than Instagram (which is more closely related to Twitter). If this turns out to be true, then TikTok may see a dip in share price.", 3. Another interesting feature of the app is that it doesn't allow users to turn off the auto-playing video feature once they've opened the app. If this function for any reason isn't turned off, users will have to wait about 2 minutes before a video will play automatically and as a result of this, if they're not on Wi-Fi, it could even take longer for them to render the video.", There are several websites that have been set up by Chinese authorities aiming to monitor, investigate and censor both illegal and questionable content published on other sites such as Weibo. The following is an example of a page on one of these sites.",
Preacher Bud PrattJeffJeff WatsonPastor BudPastor Bud PrattPastor Jose RivasPastor Lorie JonkmanPastor Matt CookRev. Bud PrattRev. Dr. Carol BechtelRev. El Zwart Series Topic Book Help is on the Way December 5, 2021 We have characterized Advent as a season of preparation. And yet, there is a sense in which we can’t prepare for Christ’s advent into our world and into our lives… Passage: Luke 1:68-79 A Future World November 28, 2021 Amid dark portents, signs in sun, moon, and stars, Jesus commands us to “raise your heads,” and tells us to offer testimony that “the kingdom of God is near.” It’s… Passage: Luke 21:25-36 A Grateful Heart November 25, 2021 Preacher : Pastor Bud Pratt Passage: Ephesians 5:18b-20, James 1:17-18 Acknowledging Who’s in Charge November 21, 2021 Many people in power (for that’s what politics is about— power) are tempted to believe that they are very important, very powerful people, in charge. The last words of David,… Passage: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; John 18:33-37 Shaking the Heavens and the Earth November 14, 2021 Right at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus apocalyptically announced the coming reign of God. The coming of God into the world is a mix of good news and bad… Passage: Mark 13:1-8 License Plate Tabs and the Great High Priest November 7, 2021 The author of Hebrews looks at the crucifixion from a theological standpoint, not focusing on what happened from a historical point of view, but what it means for the world.… Passage: Hebrews 9:24-28 Unbound October 31, 2021 In today’s Gospel, Jesus raises from the dead his friend Lazarus. “Unbind him and let him go,” Jesus commands when he gets to Lazarus’ tomb. Jesus goes to the place… Passage: John 11:32-44 Are the Righteous Rewarded? October 24, 2021 The God who has done these things to Job has spoken out of a whirlwind. That whirlwind becomes a kind of metaphor for the God that we meet in the… Passage: Job 42:1-6, 10-17 The Ladder of Greatness October 17, 2021 Jesus changes the definition of greatness. Greatness isn’t about climbing the ladder of superiority, it’s about descending the ladder of humility. Jesus came not to rule and reign but to… Preacher : Jeff Watson Passage: Mark 10:35-45 Good Teacher October 10, 2021 This is a story with a sad ending. Someone is invited to follow Jesus, and the invitee refuses. And yet we must note that the episode doesn’t end with the… Passage: Mark 10:17-31 1 2 3 … 11 12 13 Photo Galleries Advent Festival 2021 Advent Festival 2020 This year our Advent Festival was a drive-thru event. We have included pictures from the drive-thru and also pictures that were sent in of people at home doing their crafts. Thanksgiving donations to the Domestic Crisis Center Thank you all who so generously donated items to the Domestic Crisis Center. They were thrilled! This is our biggest donation yet. We filled the van and the bus! Children’s Ministry Happenings Summer 2020 Even though Children’s Ministry didn’t happen at church this summer this is some of the things they did!
A big part of product creation is the tools you use to take your initial idea through to the completion of your product. In this article, I will give you some examples of tools that can be used for different types of products. Ok, what kind of product are you creating? I am writing an ebook If the product you are creating is going to be in an e-book format, you will probably want to choose a tool that produces file formats that can be easily converted to PDF. While this is not required, it is a very good idea because the PDF format has become the expectation when someone visits your sales page and purchases your e-book. Common file formats that can be converted to PDF are word processing files, presentation slides, and text files. For the most part, any file that you can print on your printer can be converted to PDF. If you are collaborating with someone, it may be a good idea to choose a tool that is compatible with theirs. Here are some tools you can put in your e-book product toolbox: – Microsoft Office suite – Productivity Suite – Microsoft Works – Apple iWork – Notepad / Textpad – Google documents I am creating a video product If you are creating video products, you have several formats to choose from. Your restrictions will depend on how you plan to deliver your product. Of course, there are many ways to submit video: online from your website, online from a video streaming server, as a download, on CD or DVD. There can be significant costs associated with distributing video, so I suggest starting with low-cost options to the point where you find that you will create numerous amounts of video that can justify higher-cost methods. Here are some tools for creating videos: – Flip HD Camera (low cost alternative to higher priced professional HD cameras) – Camtasia for screen recordings (there are several free alternatives like – Microsoft MovieMaker – iMovie – iDVD – Apple’s built-in screen recording software – Adobe Premiere Elements (low-cost alternative to Adobe Premiere) I am creating an audio product Believe it or not, audio products can be one of the easiest to create. They definitely take less time. Here are some tools that you can consider for creating audio (some of these tools may also be useful for creating your video products): – Audacity sound editing / recording software – Adobe Soundbooth sound editing software – (good for recording interviews) – Desktop condenser microphone – Support for microphone and pop-up screen – Portable sound booth (good for improving sound quality) – Verbal ink transcription service Please note that all of these tools are indicative of what is available. There are always other alternatives in terms of cost, features, ease of use, need, and availability. You will need to choose what is best for your own projects. admin Post navigation Business Guess what your business needs? Small Business Finance and Working Capital Loan / Loan Options 24 Sep 2021 Comments: 0 Read Ahead Guess what your business needs? Small Business Finance and Working Capital Loan / Loan Options
A person has been affected with tuberculosis since three years. Two Muslim doctors have decided that he should not fast due to this disease. Is he allowed not to fast then?. Answer Praise be to Allah. As Muslim doctors have determined that he will be harmed by fasting, then it is permissible for him not to fast, but he should make up the missed fasts after he recovers, in sha Allaah. End quote. Fataawa al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allaah have mercy on him) (4/181, 182). But if he cannot fast after that, then he must feed one poor person for each day. Was this answer helpful? No Yes Source: Islam Q&A Add a comment share Question Or Comment Type of commentComment on academic contentComment on spellingRequest translation of the answerRequest clarification of the answer
'America is back,' Biden says in international speech unwinding key Trump foreign policy initiatives | Just The News Skip to content 'America is back,' Biden says in international speech unwinding key Trump foreign policy initiatives Earlier in the day, the president announced a $4 billion commitment to COVAX By Sophie Mann President Biden on Friday, in his first international address as president, declared "America is back," couching a series of initiatives he'll make throughout the day that draw sharp contrast to those of the Trump administration. "I speak to you today as president of the United States at the very start of my administration, and I'm sending a clear message to the world – America is back," Biden said at the top at of his virtually address from the White House to the Munich Security Conference. Earlier in the day, Biden participated virtually in the G7 Covid-19 meeting of world leaders, during which he announced that the United States will spend $4 billion on COVAX, the global initiative to create access to the coronavirus vaccine. He intends later in the day to announce that the U.S. will officially reenter the Paris climate accords. Both moves diverge from foreign policy under former Trump, who withdrew from the international climate change agreement because the though the terms were unfair to he U.S. and his decision to focus coronavirus spending on the U.S. Biden told the group Friday that America is "fully committed" to its NATO allies and the group's alliance – Trump, in contrast, was critical of the behavior of some NATO allies, particularly when it came to fulfilling the economic commitments of the agreement, which often resulted in America paying in full, while European nations shirking their financial responsibilities. Biden emphasized the need to unite the U.S. and its European partners to address concerns over China, including its control cover international currency and steel markets. "Competition with China is going to be stiff," Biden said. "That's what I expect. And that's what I welcome," Biden said. The president also said that the focus now is on who will "own the race to the future," adding that he is hopeful it will be America and its European partners. Iran also came up as a threat to the safety and ongoing development of the Middle East, as did Russia, which Biden called a challenge "different than" China, but "just as real." He closed the address by speaking of the need to fortify American and European democracies for future generations.
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Totally wireless high-performance earphones Up to 9 hours of listening time (more than 24 hours with charging case) Adjustable, secure-fit ear hooks for lightweight comfort and stability Reinforced design for sweat & water resistance during tough workouts or running Protect your Beats with AppleCare+ - Add AppleCare+ to your order and receive accidental damage protection and 24/7 priority tech support from the people who know your headphones best Features the Apple H1 headphone chip and Class 1 Bluetooth for extended range and fewer dropouts Compatible with iOS and Android Enhanced phone call performance and call handling from either Earbud With fast fuel, a 5-minute charge gives 1.5 hours of playback when battery is low What's in the box: Power Beats Pro totally wireless earphones, charging case, ear tips with four size options, lightning to USB-A charging cable, quick start guide, warranty card Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 2 Tempo 30 Rose Gold Wireless Earbuds for Small Ears Women, Cute Pink Bluetooth Bass Boost Earphones... 【Best Wireless Ear buds for Small Ears】 We include 6 sizes of ear-tips with these small earbuds, so the Tempo 30’s can fit even the smallest and largest ears comfortably. The low profile earbud case can easily fit into the smallest pockets. 【Extra Bass Mode】Easily switch to bass mode to give yourself the boost you need to finish an intense workout. Bass mode cranks the bass loud while preventing any distortion. When you don’t want heavy bass, switch to Back Bay’s Signature sound 【Fully Sweatproof + Water Resistant】Full IPX-7 rated waterproofing allows you go for runs in the rain and snow. Sweat all you want, the true wireless earbud won’t fall out while you are running or jogging! [NOTE: Not designed for swimming] 【32 Hours of Battery Life】 Super long battery life! The ear buds can play music for 8 hours straight, and the charging case holds 24 more hours of playtime. A single charge of the metal charging case with a USB-C cable can power 30 total hours 【Dual Microphones】Take cordless calls and control music without touching your iPhone, Android or Computer. The two built-in mics allow for clear low-latency cordless phone calls. You can take phone calls, Zoom, or Skype with a single earbud or both Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 3 TOZO T10 Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Earbuds with Wireless Charging Case IPX8 Waterproof Stereo... [stereo sound quality] TOZO T10 Earbuds' 8mm large size speaker driver (the drive area is 1.77 times than the normal drive area) delivers powerful bass( lowest 16Hz), mellow midrange, and clear treble(up to 20kHz). Reproducing your music vividly. [ BLUETOOTH 5.0] Features with the advanced Bluetooth 5.0 technology, TOZO T10 Earbuds support HSP HFP A2DP AVRCP, which provides instant pairing and stable transmission without interruptions. [One step pairing] Simply take 2 headsets out from the charging case, and they will connect each other automatically and then only one step easily enter mobile phone Bluetooth setting to pair the earbuds. [IPX8 waterproof] Earbuds and charging case inner Nano-coating makes it possible to waterproof for 1 meters deep for 30 minutes. Waterproof and sweatproof lastest technology can effectively prevent from the damage of the splash by sweat and raindrops. [Charge on the go] Playtime lasts for over 6 hours from single charge and total 30 hours with charging case. Enjoy fast charging, to fully charge the rechargerable case only 1.5 hours via fast charge USB-C cable or less than 2 hours via wireless charger. Providing convenient charging way with no strings attached. Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 4 Wireless Earbuds, Tribit 100H Playtime Bluetooth 5.0 IPX8 Waterproof Touch Control True Wireless... Battery Champ True Wireless Earbuds for both phone calls, music, and video Long-lasting Battery(100H playtime) - Get up to 5hrs music playback per charge, and up to 100hrs with the charging case for wireless headphones. You can also use the charging case as a power bank for your phone. Immersive Sound headphones with microphone - FlyBuds 3 true wireless earbuds with Hi-Fi stereo sound good for phone calls, music, and video. You can enjoy your very clear phone call with your love one regardless in any noisy environment, you both have no issue at all to hear each other. One-step Pairing (No Need To Take The Ear buds Out) - Open the earbuds charging case they'll automatically connect to the last paired device! Press the button on the charging case to show the battery percentage or press and hold to unpair the device for re-pairing. IPX8 Waterproof - FlyBuds 3 wireless earbuds boast IPX8-rated protection that defends against liquids in any weather conditions. Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 5 Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Earbuds - Bluetooth Wireless Earphones, Triple Black, the World's... Noise cancelling earbuds – Engineered with the world’s most effective noise cancelling. Bose controllable noise cancellation and full Transparency Mode allow you to eliminate distractions, let your surroundings in, or a little bit of each. High-fidelity audio – An exclusive acoustic architecture brings your music, podcasts, and videos to life, while Volume-optimized Active EQ keeps the sound crisp and balanced at any level. Comfortable wireless earbuds – Three sizes of StayHear Max eartips are included for a secure fit. Crafted from soft silicone, they provide passive noise blocking with total comfort. Simple touch controls – It’s as easy as tap, swipe, or press. Control your noise cancellation settings, pause, play, and volume right from the side of the earbud itself. Enable it all in the Bose Music app. Noise-rejecting microphones – Tiny microphones work together to focus on your voice, filtering out surrounding noises for fewer distractions during phone calls. Long battery life — Listen for up to 6 hours on a single charge. The charging case provides an additional 12 hours and charges via the included USB-C cable or wirelessly with any Qi-certified charging mat (not included). Weather and sweat resistant – These IPX4-rated wireless earbuds can withstand sweat, water, and some inclement weather. Bluetooth earbuds with microphone – Bluetooth 5.1 provides a strong, consistent connection to your device within 30 feet. Compatible with iOS and Android – Simple setup and custom settings available through the Bose Music app. Refer to the PDF attached below in Technical Specification for the Manual and FAQ Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 6 Bose Sport Open Earbuds — True Wireless Open Ear Headphones - Sweat Resistant for Running, Walking... Open-ear sports headphones — first-of-their-kind workout headphones that don’t go in your ears, instead they rest securely on your ears without covering them, so you can hear your music and your surroundings at the same time Comfortably, secure running headphones — Designed with athletes in mind, Bose Sports Open Earbuds are meticulously molded to stay put, no matter how much you move Sweat and weather-resistant earbuds — Rated IPX4 and designed to help keep out water and debris Up to 8 hours of listening on a single charge — Fully charge in 2 hours or get up to 3 hours of play from a short, 30-minute charge Bluetooth range — Wireless headphones with Bluetooth range up to 30 ft (9 m), Bluetooth version 5.1 (A2DP, HFP, AVRCP, BLE) Crystal-clear calls — Advanced mic system focuses on picking up only your voice. And with nothing in or covering your ears, it feels as natural as talking to the person next to you Easy control — Control music and calls and access Siri or Google Assistant via buttons on the open-ear headphones. Use the Bose Music app for even more custom settings Accessories included — Charging base and protective carry case included with every pair of Bose Sport Open Earbuds Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 7 Joymiso Tangle Free Earbuds for Kids Women Small Ears with Case, Comfortable Lightweight in Ear... COMFORTABLE EARBUDS FOR KIDS WOMEN SMALL EARS - With lightweight and ergonomic angled in ear design, these wired earbuds fit in ears comfortably without any annoying droping like other heavy and bulky earphones (not for intense exercise). 6 different sizes eartips are provided for personalized fit as well as noise isolation from ambient noise. 3 standard sizes for adults, and extra 3 tiny sizes for people with small ear canals like kids (recommended for ages 8+), petite women, boys and girls. DURABLE EARBUDS WITH CASE AND TANGLE-FREE CORD - These wired earphones are built to last, with sturdy cable, reinforced jack and durable ear pieces. Flat wire is tangle free and won't get twisted after winded. A handy carrying case not only offers easy storage, tracking and portability, but also keep earbuds from being damaged in backpack or pocket. All these make it easy to hold up daily use at work and kids use at school class. Besides, a 12-month warranty is offered if you have any problems. BALANCED AND CRYSTAL CLEAR SOUND FOR MUSIC, PODCASTS, AUDIO BOOKS, VIDEOS AND GAMES - These stereo in ear headphones deliver an superior listening experience with decent bass, clear vocals and crisp treble. A variety of eartips provide individual fit, comfort and noise isolation, which allows you to be fully immersed with the acoustics. No matter what music or audio you are listening to, you will get an optimized sound output. WIRED EARPHONES WITH MICROPHONE AND VOLUME CONTROL - These earbud headphones are built with 3 buttons in-line remote control, which allows you to easily pause/play music, skip tracks, answer/end phone calls, control volume and activate voice control. Through the noise cancelling mic, you can talk to others on phone calls, video chat or while gaming, with no echo and muddy voice hassle. Please note NOT SUPPORT volume control on iPod, PC, laptop and kindle. COMPATIBLE WITH MOST AUDIO DEVICES FOR DAILY USE - These wired ear buds have a standard gold plated jack and are compatible with most 3.5mm audio devices including iPhone (ligtning adapter needed for iphone 7 and above version), iPad, Macbook, Samsung, smart phones, MP3 players, laptop, tablet, computer, Chromebook, kindle fire, Android/Windows cell phones (might need type C adatper), xbox, ps4 and Nintendo Switch. The connector is small enough. It will not conflict with your phone case cutout. Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 8 TAGRY Bluetooth Headphones True Wireless Earbuds 60H Playback LED Power Display Earphones with... LED Power Display and 60H Playback: Dual digital LED power display outside of the case is to show the power level for charging case and earbuds. When charging for the case, the LED light will start to flash from 1 to 100. When you put earbuds into the case, then earbuds will start to be charged. 470mAh battery capacity charging case can provide 6 times full charging for both earbuds, each earbud can last 5H on single charging. So, you can enjoy 60H music time in total via using in turn. Wireless Charging and IPX5 Waterproof: The charging case of these bluetooth earbuds support wireless charging and USB C cable charging. These wireless headphones are rating at IPX5 waterproof, the nano-coating on earbuds surface can prevent water and sweat from penetrating, which can use as sport wireless headsets. You can listen to the music while running, working, reading, sleeping, meeting, etc. One-Step Pairing and Easy Touch Control: TAGRY X08 bluetooth earphones adopts hall switch. After first connection, these wireless earphones will connect with your device once you open the charging case, which is faster and more convenient. During using, you can touch either earbud to control the phone, such as the music switch, volume adjustment, phone calls, voice assistant, etc. No need to adjust through your mobile phones. Ergonomic Design and Lightweight: TAGRY X08 headphones' structure is the study of thousands of people's ear canal before design. Comes with three different sizes of ear tips, our X08 are fit for most people's ear cannals. These wireless bluetooth headphones are small and light, single earbud is only 0.14oz, earbud size is 1.57*0.78*0.59in, charging case size is 2.56*2.16*1in, It’s more convenient to carry. Superior Clear Call and Immersive Stereo Sound: These music earphones with 13mm speakers and triple-layer composite diaphragms provide powerful bass, stunning treble and clear mids. These earbuds are designed for sound and music lovers. It can support the mono mode and twin stereo mode, you can share the earbuds with your friends and families. Each earbud has a build-in microphone for phone calls. CVC noise reduction can make others hear your voice very clearly while phone calls. Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 9 Wireless Earbuds, Bluetooth 5.2 in-Ear Headphones with 100H Playtime Charging Case, IPX5 Waterproof... HiFi Stereo Sound and Clear Calls: The FPDTLPC true wireless earbuds adopts multilayer composite titanium plated diaphragm, which reduces audio transmission loss, delivers fantastic sound beside your ear with mellow bass and clear treble. On the other hand, CVC 8.0 noise cancelling technology reduces background noises, so that your callers can hear you clearly like you are communicating face to face no matter where you are. Bluetooth 5.2 and Widely Compatibility: The advanced Bluetooth 5.2 technology ensures a stabler connectivity, higher transmission speed, lower power consumption and ultra-lower latency listening experience(35ft no-obstacle range). You can also use either ear bud solo or both, with a seamless transformation. Additionally, widely compatibility makes the wireless bluetooth headphones can pair with Bluetooth-enabled devices on Android, iOS, and Windows system freely! One Step Pairing and Touch Control: For first pairing, just remove the wireless ear buds from charging case, they will power on. Then enable the bluetooth of your device to search "TWS" and connect. After that, the earbuds can connect automatically to the last paired device. Compared with traditional physical buttons, touch control is more convenient and simple. You can tap the earpods to play or pause music, answer or reject calls and more. Long Playtime and Lasting Battery: FPDTLPC bluetooth earbuds have 5hrs playtime from a single charge, besides, the charging case with a built-in 2000mAh battery offers extra 100hrs which makes you can enjoy the music all day! You can also charge the earbuds automatically when put them into the case and check the power of the charging case in real-time by the LED display. Plus, the charging case can work as a power bank for your phone in emergencies. Perfect for Sports: The wireless in-ear earbuds boast IPX5-rated waterproof protection that defends against water drop or sweat damage. Ergonomic design ensures a secure fit and long-lasting comfort. 3 pairs of different sized soft rubber ear tips come for options(M size is installed). All in all, the wireless earphones are perfect for your workout, sports and more. Don't worry about your purchase, we'll do whatever it takes to make sure your satisfaction. Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 10 Bose Sport Earbuds - Wireless Earphones - Bluetooth In Ear Headphones for Workouts and Running,... Wireless Bluetooth earbuds engineered by Bose for your best workout yet. Bose lifelike sound: Makes your music sound like the performer is right there beside you, pushing you to go 1 more mile or do 1 more rep. Secure and comfortable earbuds: Customize your fit with the included 3 sizes of StayHear Max tips that won’t hurt your ears and won’t fall out no matter tough your workout is. Weather and sweat resistant earbuds: IPX4 rated, with electronics wrapped in special materials to protect from moisture wherever you exercise Clear calls: A beamforming microphone array separates your voice from surrounding noise so your callers can hear you better. Simple touch controls: Instead of buttons, the capacitive touch interface lets you swipe up and down for volume control (opt in feature via Bose Music App), tap to play or pause music, answer calls, and more Long battery life: Up to 5 hours per charge with the included charging case, plus up to 2 more hours with a 15-minute quick charge on the go. Reliable Bluetooth connectivity: Custom-designed antennas hidden inside each Earbud ensure dropouts are rare. Compatible with IOS and Android and has a Bluetooth range of 30 feet (9 meters) Bose Music app: Start by downloading the app and syncing your earbuds, then name your earbuds, set the controls, check battery life, and more. Buy on Amazon Trending Earbuds For Small Ears to Buy You may read this review to know what we have recommend for you. Don’t worry, you can contact us without no hesitate when something’s you think wrong information about earbuds for small ears. After researching thousand product about earbuds for small ears and huge users reviews, we rank earbuds for small ears in this year. In this post our the best quality recommendation to buy on the market, including the top rated product, and this product are affordable for every people ever released.. When you choose any earbuds for small ears you need to know about guides from trusted sources. Here we help you choose the earbuds for small ears and what to consider when buying the best earbuds for small ears and where you select the earbuds for small ears However, our recommendation is simple and we try to provide better for customer. Thanks for reading our review, we value your feedback and invite you to join the conversation. There you get the top 10 earbuds for small ears in this year. Out best quality list of earbuds for small ears are updated regularly, that’s for you can trust us that the information provided is up to date. Go to Amazon 60% Off Promo Codes and Great Deals This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar Copyright at 2020 Misterlau All Rights Reserved -As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
You can create a recommendation based on the best items overnight diapers for babies likewise items, and so on. Especially purchase for a product we use the most popular algorithms to generate lists of the best brands. Our recommendation of the overnight diapers for babies are regularly updated. So you can consider making purchases the overnight diapers for babies in an individual’s preferences. Because of a timely right recommendation can lead shoppers to choose on overnight diapers for babies over another. That’s for a look to our purchasing the overnight diapers for babies. SaleBestseller No. 1 Pampers Diapers Size 4, 58 Count - Swaddlers Overnights Disposable Baby Diapers, Super Pack... Pampers Swaddlers Overnights are extra absorbent for dry nights Keeps wetness away from skin for up to 12 hours Designed to keep skin dry and healthy with LockAway Channels Helps soothe and protect skin with our BreatheFree LinerTM that lets skin breathe Soft Flexi-Sides provide a cushiony stretch for a secure, comfortable fit Gentle on baby’s delicate skin, Pampers Swaddlers Overnights are hypoallergenic and free of parabens and latex ( Natural rubber) 8 nighttime prints for the sweetest dreams New and Improved! Packaging & product may vary Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 2 Nighttime Baby Diapers Size 3, 66 Ct, Huggies Overnites Huggies' Most Absorbent Diaper – Help baby get a full night's sleep with an overnight diaper that has extra absorbency & Double Leak Guards DryTouch Liner – Quickly absorbs moisture & provides up to 12 hours of nighttime leak protection Designed for Comfort – Contoured shape plus SnugFit Waistband & Double Grip Strips provide a secure fit. Material: Cotton Drier Nights for Better Mornings – Breathable outer cover helps keep skin dry & comfortable, plus wetness indicator Fragrance free, lotion free, paraben free, and free of elemental chlorine & natural rubber latex Packaging may vary from image shown Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 3 Sposie Overnight Baby Diaper Booster Pads/ Doublers for Newborns to Size 3 Diapers| 32 Insert-Pads|... OVERNIGHT COMFORT FOR YOUR NEWBORN BOY & GIRL: The Sposie overnight diaper booster pads were designed for newborns that wear Diapers up to size 3. Our pads help absorb excess moisture from your little one’s diapers, keep them comfy and rash-free throughout the night. SOFT FOR NEWBORN SKIN & HIGHLY ABSORBENT: All our baby diaper doublers feature a unique fluff-based construction that feels silky smooth to the touch, is highly absorbent and perfect for even the most sensitive skin types. THE SAFEST BOOSTER PADS FOR NEWBORNS: Sposie sets a high standard when it comes to both safety and quality. All our nighttime booster pads are hypoallergenic, made in USA with cruelty-free materials and are 100% free of fragrances, latex, chlorine and phthalates. NON-ADHESIVE: To bring a higher convenience factor into your daily life as a parent, our 10” baby overnight diaper doublers are non-adhesive, allowing for faster change of the diaper and easier repositioning when necessary. SPOSIE-A LEGACY IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Our goal is one of simplicity- to give you the absolute best customer experience from A to Z. Enjoy a product that’s tested and trusted by Pediatricians, Dermatologists, and our Money-Back Guarantee policy. Let’s make parenting just a tad easier and your purchase, risk-free! Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 4 Nighttime Baby Diapers Size 4, 116 Ct, Huggies Overnites Huggies' Most Absorbent Diaper – Help baby get a full night's sleep with an overnight diaper that has extra absorbency & Double Leak Guards DryTouch Liner – Quickly absorbs moisture & provides up to 12 hours of nighttime leak protection Designed for Comfort – Contoured shape plus SnugFit Waistband & Double Grip Strips provide a secure fit Drier Nights for Better Mornings – Breathable outer cover helps keep skin dry & comfortable, plus wetness indicator Fragrance free, lotion free, paraben free, and free of elemental chlorine & natural rubber latex Packaging may vary from image shown Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 5 Sposie Overnight Diaper Booster Pads, 90 ct, No Adhesive for Easy Repositioning, Helps Stops... Satisfaction Guaranteed! The #1 product for parents to help stop diaper leaks. Promotes healthy sleeping habits by reducing nighttime diaper changes. Safe for your child! 100% Hypoallergenic. Pediatrician and dermatologist tested. Helps reduces discomfort and skin irritation (diaper-rash) caused by excessive wetness. Universal fit works well with most diaper brands and sizes. Also great for extended use situations like naps and long car trips. The perfect travel accessory. Helps eliminate nighttime leaks and works great with overnight diapers and daytime diapers. Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 6 Honest Overnight Baby Diapers, Club Box, Sleepy Sheep, Size 4 (54 Count) Weight Recommendation: 22 37-pounds. ADORABLE DIAPERS: This box is packed with hypoallergenic, super soft, ultra absorbent, gentle, and safe disposable diapers in adorable, posh prints, with soft, stretchy side panels, a comfy elastic waistband, sure fit leg cuffs, and fastening tabs SUPER SOFT LINER: A cloudlike liner provides the ultimate comfort for babies’ delicate skin while rapidly funneling away moisture. Super absorbent multi layer technology locks away moisture, holding 20 percent more for overnight leak protection ECO FRIENDLLY & SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS: Super absorbent Honest diapers have a bio based core with sustainably harvested fluff pulp and plant derived materials that are gentle on babies’ delicate skin, keeping them happy, dry, and comfortable MADE WITHOUT: Latex, chlorine processing, fragrances, or lotions, because we believe you shouldn’t have to choose between what works and what’s good for you HONEST PURPOSE: We love our babies. We love your babies. That’s why we err on the side of caution when it comes to ingredient selection, doing our best to avoid chemicals of concern. We use smart ingredients and create trusted products that work Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 7 Sposie with Adhesive, Stop Overnight Diaper leaks, Nighttime Protection for Heavy Wetters, Potty... OVERNIGHT COMFORT FOR YOUR BABY BOY & GIRL: The Sposie baby diaper boosters were designed to absorb excess moisture from your little one’s diapers, allowing both them and you to enjoy a restful night’s sleep- with no discomfort caused by leaking ADHESIVE STRIP FOR SECURE PLACEMENT: Is your little one an active sleeper? Then enjoy full peace of mind as our pads feature an adhesive strip that keeps the diaper doubler securely in place even if your baby tosses and turns during the night. FOR BOTH PULL-ON & REGULAR DIAPERS: We designed our diaper booster pads as a one-size-fits-most. They can be easily placed in both regular and pull-up diapers. It can also fit in almost any size diapers, to eliminate guesswork. 20% MORE ABSORBENT (compared to size 4-6 boosters): An excellent choice even for a heavy wetter, our doubler pads enhance the diaper’s absorbency thanks to their fluff-based construction. Silky smooth to the touch, the Sposie baby booster pads are ideal for even the most sensitive skin types. PERFECTLY SAFE-THE BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY: Sposie sets a high standard when it comes to both safety and quality. All our nighttime booster pads are hypoallergenic, made with cruelty-free materials and are 100% free of fragrances, latex, chlorine and phthalates. Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 8 Diapers Size 2,112 Count - Pampers Baby Dry Disposable Baby Diapers, Super Pack Pampers is the #1 pediatrician recommended brand Protect your baby’s skin with 5 layers of protection and up to 12 hours of dryness New and improved Dual Leak-Guard Barriers help protect where leaks happen most ( sizes 1-6) LockAway Channels absorb wetness and lock it away from skin Skin Health Alliance, dermatologist approved - hypoallergenic and free of parabens and latex ( natural rubber) Color-changing Wetness Indicator Fun and colorful Sesame Street designs and characters! New Look! Product & packaging may vary Buy on Amazon Bestseller No. 9 GroVia O.N.E. Reusable Baby Cloth Diaper (Basil) TRUE ALL IN ONE CLOTH DIAPER: The O.N.E diaper comes with everything you’ll ever need to cloth diaper a baby: enough absorbency to forget boosters and doublers (even overnight), two built-in closure options, and a heavy duty construction that is built to last. TWO CLOSURE TYPES IN ONE DIAPER: With the O.N.E. diaper, you have both the Hook & Loop and Snap closure! The removable Hook & Loop closure is perfect for those who love a no-hassle fit but want to transition to a Snap closure later on. FROM BIRTH TO POTTY TRAINING: The Modular Snap In Soaker System allows for customization and use from birth to potty learning (fits babies from 10 to 35+ lbs). EXTRA ABSORBENCY INCLUDED: The built-in extra absorbency means the O.N.E. Diaper is the perfect night time solution! There's no prepping necessary with this cloth diaper, so you can starting using the cloth diaper right away! MADE OF SOFT MATERIALS: 100% Polyester Microfiber, 100% Cotton topped with 100% Polyester Microfleece, and 100% Water Resistant Polyester TPU (Exclusive of Trim), and is completely machine washable! Buy on Amazon SaleBestseller No. 10 Sposie Overnight Baby Diaper Booster Pads/ Doublers for Newborns to Size 3 Diapers| 96 Insert-Pads|... OVERNIGHT COMFORT FOR YOUR NEWBORN BOY & GIRL: The Sposie overnight diaper booster pads were designed for newborns that wear Diapers up to size 3. Our pads help absorb excess moisture from your little one’s diapers, keep them comfy and rash-free during night. SOFT FOR NEWOBORN SKIN & HIGHLY ABSORBENT: All our baby diaper doublers feature a unique fluff-based construction that feels silky smooth to the touch, is highly absorbent and perfect for even the most sensitive skin types THE SAFEST BOOSTER PADS FOR NEWBORNS: Sposie sets a high standard when it comes to both safety and quality. All our nighttime booster pads are hypoallergenic, made in USA with cruelty-free materials and are 100% free of fragrances, latex, chlorine and phthalates. NON-ADHESIVE: To bring a higher convenience factor into your daily life as a parent, our 10” baby overnight diaper doublers are non-adhesive, allowing for faster change of the diaper and easier repositioning when necessary. SPOSIE-A LEGACY IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Our goal is one of simplicity- to give you the absolute best customer experience from A to Z. Enjoy a product that’s tested and trusted by Pediatricians, Dermatologists, and our Money-Back Guarantee policy. Let’s make parenting just a tad easier and your purchase, risk-free! Buy on Amazon Trending Overnight Diapers For Babies to Buy You may read this review to know what we have recommend for you. Don’t worry, you can contact us without no hesitate when something’s you think wrong information about overnight diapers for babies. After researching thousand product about overnight diapers for babies and huge users reviews, we rank overnight diapers for babies in this year. In this post our the best quality recommendation to buy on the market, including the top rated product, and this product are affordable for every people ever released.. When you choose any overnight diapers for babies you need to know about guides from trusted sources. Here we help you choose the overnight diapers for babies and what to consider when buying the best overnight diapers for babies and where you select the overnight diapers for babies However, our recommendation is simple and we try to provide better for customer. Thanks for reading our review, we value your feedback and invite you to join the conversation. There you get the top 10 overnight diapers for babies in this year. Out best quality list of overnight diapers for babies are updated regularly, that’s for you can trust us that the information provided is up to date. Go to Amazon 60% Off Promo Codes and Great Deals This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar Copyright at 2020 Misterlau All Rights Reserved -As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
COVID-19 in Glacier Regions Update: Latin America Responds, Italy Uses Drones to Enforce Quarantine, and the US Copes - EasyBlog - MRI Who We Are Our Activities News Events Resources & Opportunities Find An Expert Who We Are Our Activities News Events Resources & Opportunities Find An Expert Home Guest Blog Global COVID-19 in Glacier Regions Update: Latin America Responds, Italy Uses Drones to Enforce Quarantine, and the US Copes Back to overview North America Europe Global Asia Latin America Africa Uncategorized COVID-19 in Glacier Regions Update: Latin America Responds, Italy Uses Drones to Enforce Quarantine, and the US Copes Uncategorized North America Europe Global Latin America A village below the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca For the past two weeks GlacierHub has made space in the usual Monday news roundup for coverage of the coronavirus pandemic as it impacts glacier regions. In continuing that reporting, the following is an aggregation of coronavirus news stories from global glacier regions, written by guest author Peter Deneen. South America Though the novel coronavirus has yet to infect Latin America on the same scale as other regions, governments there have learned from the failings elsewhere and acted swiftly to mitigate the virus’ impact with military roadblocks, curfews, and border closures. Economist Eduardo Zegarra wrote in Noticias SER.PE: The Peasant Federation of the Department of Puno (FDCP) is a major branch of the Peruvian Peasant Federation, representing the mountainous region of the Peruvian altiplano. On March 27, the FDCP issued a declaration about the pandemic. It stated that peasant communities, often seen as a backward element in Peru, and as a sign of rural poverty, are a fundamental part of the “social and economic fabric to face the crisis.” However, in reality the communities are a “very important local governance space,” with well-demarcated territories, and Indigenous knowledge to manage their lands and natural resources. The FDCP declares that it is “urgent to bring the rural areas closer to the national defense system against COVID-19 in rural areas, to strengthen territorial control measures that (already) are being successfully implemented by local communities and governments.” They state that it is important to “maintain virus-free territories, extending control and surveillance systems in all provinces and districts, and establish a rigid protocol of entry and exit to those areas. ” In other words, the peasant communities claim a position for themselves as key actors in the territorial control that is needed to managed the pandemic in the vast rural areas of Peru. #mountainpandemic Holy Week processions, a longstanding Andean tradition for Easter, cancelled in the Peruvian mountain region of the Cordillera Blanca. @TheMountainInst @_CONDESAN — GlacierHub (@GlacierHub) March 20, 2020 In Peru, the crisis has also brought the issue of access to clean water to the fore. The well-known sociologist Maria Teresa Oré, of the Peruvian Catholic University, published a post on 23 March in PuntoEdu, the web portal of that university. She stated, “Washing your hands with soap and water for twenty seconds, a number of times a day: this is the first measure recommended worldwide to combat COVID-19. Water has returned to take center stage in times of pandemic. However, who in Peru has access to drinking water 24 hours a day, in cities and in rural areas? A family from Carabayllo or the Lima district of Surco? The peasant families of the Apurímac or Puno regions? Having access to drinking water is a right that is not shared by all Peruvian families…What lesson have we learned in the wake of March 22, International Water Day, in the time of coronavirus? The pandemic opens a window of opportunity to draw attention to the need for transparent public water management that provides water security, and access to drinking water and sanitation for all Peruvians. This is the way to protect and guarantee the health of the entire population, understanding that access to drinking water is a human right and water is a common good.” While Latin American governments are acting early, enforcement of quarantine regulations has exceeded that of most Western nations. In the video tweet below, more than 50 people have been detained in the early hours of the stay-at-home order in the northern cities of Chimbote, Huaraz, and Coischco. Al menos 50 personas fueron detenidas durante las primeras horas del toque de queda en las ciudades de Chimbote, Huaraz y Coishco, para evitar la propagación del COVID-19. @PeruECpe. — Laura Urbina (@laurbinasa) March 19, 2020 In a protective measure, indigenous communities in the Ecuadorean Andes used available resources to physically block a road: Road blockages by indigenous communities in the Andes: a centuries-old form of political action. Put now to a new use. #mountainpandemic @ILASColumbia @DanielGAlarcon @TheMountainInst — GlacierHub (@GlacierHub) March 26, 2020 Europe In South Tyrol, a glaciated region in the Italian Alps, drones are being used to enforce stay-at-home regulations: Weil sich viele Bürger nicht an die Ausgangsbeschränkungen halten greift die Landeshauptstadt Bozen jetzt zu drastischen Mitteln: Kontrolle aus der Luft — This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (@RaiSuedtirol) March 28, 2020 In a tweet, the French mountaineering society said, “don’t come to the mountains, let health care professionals focus on coronavirus.” #COVID19 | Limitez fortement vos activités en montagne | Afin d'aider les professionnels de santé et de permettre aux différents services hospitaliers (urgence, réanimation, etc..) d'être totalement disponibles pour traiter les personnes atteintes du COVID-19. — FFCAM (@clubalpin) March 16, 2020 Central Asia The coronavirus pandemic has brought joyful moments, like this scene outside of an isolation center in Pakistani Karakoram, a region with one of the world’s densest concentrations of glaciers. Happy moments as a couple recovered from #Coronavirus receives a farewell ceremony outside the Muhammadabad isolation center located in Danyore, in #Gilgit#PakistanFightsCorona #CoronaVirusUpdates — PAMIR TIMES ® (@pamirtimes) March 27, 2020 North America In the US, shelter in place orders have been issued unevenly across states and municipalities. The half measures have left many people to opt outside, where they have congregated in outdoor recreation areas, including Glacier National Park, which has since closed as of March 27. Mount Rainier National Park also made the decision to shut down operations. Perhaps telephones are not the best way to communicate with glaciers right now. Try using other capabilities: Respect. Gratitude. Awe. — GlacierHub (@GlacierHub) March 27, 2020 In Bellingham, Washington, residents hosted community based socially distancing with a “Lawn Chair Happy Hour.” Mount Baker makes an appearance at the end of the video. This article is written by Peter Deneen and republished from Read the original article here. Cover image by Pixabay user Thorge. About the author Peter Deneen Peter Deneen is the senior editor of GlacierHub. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the US Coast Guard Academy in 2009, spending the subsequent eight years as an active duty officer specializing in high seas narcotics interdiction. Peter earned his masters in Climate and Society from Columbia University in 2019. His articles have been published on Earther, Mongabay, and State of the Planet. Peter maintains a rigorous sourdough bread baking schedule and enjoys soccer, running, cycling, backpacking, and plastic-free living. He is a native of Ojai, California. Follow him on Instagram: @dancin.pete and Twitter: @pete_deneen Related Posts Austrian Glacier Serves As Site for Mars Simulation Europe The cold does not bother her anyway Asia Observing Glaciers in 'Real Time' Europe New Study Highlights Loss & Damage in Mountain Cryosphere Global Mountain Glaciers: Vanishing Sources of Water & Life Global By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to
Coined and developed by Paul Smith, smith charts were essentially deployed to provide electrical, microwave and electronic engineering solutions much before the advent of digital computers. The charts were brought to limelight in the wake of World War II to evaluate the problems associated with the transmission of radio waves. Smith Charts A Smith chart can largely be identified as a diagrammatic illustration revolving around the behavior of transmission lines. It can be most importantly touted as a graphical tool or calculator that assists in displaying and understanding the impedance and frequency values associated with transmission lines with the help of equations. The chart was acknowledged as a transmission line calculator owing to its prime purpose of use. Gradually, the charts were effectively opted for various other parameters to visualize as well as analyze complexities of functions to derive accuracy and productivity in results. Smith charts play an integral part to evaluate the impedance values of transmission lines in circuits associated with high frequency. The chart is a basically circular structure constituting of two major circles or arcs, namely the Constant R Circles and the Constant X Circles that help to visually define the shape and the data values incorporated in the chart. In simple terms, the graph can be considered a collection of circles, where each of the circle is placed at different locations in the plot area. Each of the circular structure either denotes the constant resistance or constant reactance. Example: Impedance Smith Chart (Image Source: Impedance matching is the chief and consistently used offering from Smith charts along with designing, tuning and validation of similar networks. Additionally, parameters like admittance, scattering values, analysis of mechanical vibrations, noise figure circles, and reflection coefficients can be simultaneously exhibited with the help of the charts. Formula for reflection coefficient On a more technical perspective, a smith chart incorporates a polar plot of complex reflection coefficient (symbolized by Γ) and is implemented by inspecting the load whose impedance must be matched. The reflection coefficient value can be generated from the equation as below; Here, Z0 is the value for the impedance of the transmitter, and ZL represents the impedance of the load. In cases where the impedance cannot be considered directly, the reflection coefficient (symbolized by ΓL) of parameters like admittance, gain, as well as trans-conductance can be used to characterize the load. The reflection coefficient value is specifically essential when working with RF frequencies. Types of Smith charts Smith charts are plotted on a coefficient plane constituting of two dimensions, namely the Z and the Y-axis and can be distinguished as the impedance smith chart or the Z-smith chart, the admittance smith chart or the Y-smith chart and lastly the immittance smith chart or the YZ charts. Impedance charts or normal smith charts are common and widely used out of all three categories. Impedance smith charts are related to impedance and show excellent efficiency of results in impedance matching with regard to the load data that is made up of series components and is the most sought after type of smith chart. Admittance charts are rarely used as they employ the distribution of load data in the form of parallel components, and the most popular applications of smith chart demand the arrangement in a series format. As admittance can be addressed as the inverse parameter of impedance, its importance can be recorded in many scenarios to cut down the complexity of the former mentioned popular smith chart. While the immittance charts are availed when both the series components (in impedance charts) and parallel components (in admittance charts) are involved and bring in a lot of complexity. Applications of Smith charts Taking insight from the various categories of charts enumerated above, the important applications of smith charts can be identified in its extensive use in calculating admittance and impedance on a transmission line along with impedance matching for relative data. All these computations impose a lot of complexity owing to the calculations and concrete structures of the charts. Results for impedance matching can be estimated by simply reading and analyzing the sequence of values along with the multiple circles, which can be accounted for one of the major advantages derived from smith diagrams. Estimations associated with the distances and lengths of transmission lines in short circuits that offer the necessary capacitive or inductive reactance is another feather in the use of smith charts. The charts are additionally deployed to determine the values related to Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR of transmission lines as well as wave-guides in electronic units. Smith charts can be crafted and constructed with the help of the value derived from the standard reflection coefficient formula and later manipulating it to generate the equations concerning the multiple circles of various radii. Constraints The main disadvantage of deploying smith charts is the complexity of the resulting graphical structure embedded with mathematical equations which makes it hard to perceive at a glance. Another prominent hindrance is that there is no presence of a frequency axis which arouses intricacy of interpretation at a glance or two. As the circuit associated with the transmission lines matches the values at the centre frequency and thrust the same quantity of discrepancy at the edge frequencies, the efficiency of the results can be hampered to a considerable extent. Easy construction of the charts imposes a good perception and high-level knowledge of the basics of algebra and complex numbers. To procure the complete understanding of the charts, a user needs to be familiar with a primary understanding of impedance and its associated variables in electronic circuits. Conclusion Owing to its massive support in predicting and obtaining results for the values of impedance, admittance and immittance among various other benefits it provides, fabrication of smith charts can be attributed as an efficient method and analogy to solve numerous RF design problems. The charts have been employed since the 1930s and are still extensively used besides being the only podium to generate accurate results effectively without the need of any calculator. They are reliable for analyzing and generating complex as well as multifaceted solutions apart from determining the circuit fundamentals and parameters.
0.999808 have been doing a bit of research into best vitamins and supplements for women in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Here’s what I found: 1. Folic acid(folate or vitamin B9): it supports brain health and cell reproduction, enhances verbal fluency and memory, and is believed to enhance one’s mood.Pregnant women should take at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid each day. It can help prevent problems with your baby’s brain and spine. Ask your doctor if you need more than 400 mcg. It’s best to start taking folic acid before you get pregnant. You can get folic acid from taking a prenatal vitamin. You should take this every day. Don’t take other vitamins or supplements without your doctor’s approval. PS: This article is the intellectual property of 2. Iron: this is an essential supplement for women. Iron deficiency isn’t a joke – women lose significant amount of iron during their menstrual flow monthly. 8 Vital vitamins and supplements for women in their 30s, 40s and 50s 3. Fish oil: contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids, is a great supplement to support overall health, heart and brain health, both of which are essential for maintaining well-being beyond the 30s. 4. Antioxidants: Vitamin C & E are powerful antioxidants and support healthy skin from the inside out. 5. Vitamin B Complex: A vitamin B-complex is made up of 8 vitamins — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, biotin (B7), vitamin B12, and folic acid. 6. Vitamin D: known as the sunshine vitamin because we can generally make it from exposure to sunlight. 7. Calcium: Calcium is important for bone health. Our muscles and nerves also need calcium to function optimally. Calcium is an important mineral which is required for the strength of bones and teeth. It also conducts nerve impulse. Helps in clotting of blood. Deficiency of Calcium may cause ● Muscle spasm ● Osteoporosis ● Hormone disruption ● High Blood Pressure ● Abnormal Blood Clotting ● Fatigue ● Memory loss ● Depression ● Tooth decay From what found out, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults age 19-50 is 1000 mg. That number increases to 1200 mg for women beginning at age 51 and for men beginning at age 71. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need dairy milk to obtain calcium. READ ALSO: List of blood tonics in Nigeria 8. Magnesium: play a role in calcium absorption and bone health. It is used by every cell in your body and plays a role in hundreds of processes, making it a truly vital nutrient for wellness. ❇️Women have slightly different nutritional needs than men, and these needs can change during the various stages of a woman’s life. ☝🏾Not sure how to go about all these plenty names? Speak to your doctor and ask them to recommend a multivitamin for you. One that suit your needs. Sources: Original article of Dr Udomoh Dr. Christiana Stephen Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Previous articleDear Nimedhealth, Does tramadol cause impotence? Next articleTot’hema Blood Tonic: Uses, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects, Benefits & Price Udomoh Eshemokha I am a practicing medical doctor, a philosopher, critical thinker, a globalist, a patriot, SEO expert and a patient blogger. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR General Health 10 amazing health benefits of eating papaya seeds General Health Home remedy for toilet infection in Nigeria General Health Creams and Drugs for skin infection in Nigeria LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ 7,459FansLike 450FollowersFollow Recent Posts How to use garlic and ginger to cure Staphylococcus Udomoh Eshemokha - December 8, 2021 0 Is egusi good for high blood pressure? Udomoh Eshemokha - December 8, 2021 0 Does drinking water make you last longer in bed? Udomoh Eshemokha - December 8, 2021 0 How to use Goron Tula for weight loss, FERTILITY and Infection Udomoh Eshemokha - December 7, 2021 0 Foods that cure staph infections + Foods to avoid with staph infections Udomoh Eshemokha - December 7, 2021 0 Nigeria Health Blog is a research-based health site that specializes in Science-Backed facts about diseases and treatments, cost of surgeries, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and anatomy of the Human Body with the aim of enlightening, educating, and informing the public.
On June 20th, OSHA published a memorandum to Regional Administrators outlining its temporary enforcement policy for 29 CFR 1910.137(b) and 1910.269; and 29 CFR 1926.97(b) and Subpart V 29 CFR 1910.137(b) and 1910.269 are for general industry. 29 CFR 1926.97(b) and Subpart V are construction standards. This subject of electrical protection is in keeping with all of the attention that Arc-Flash seems to have at OSHA these days. OSHA Arc-Flash Interpretation Here is the text of the OSHA Temporary Citation Policy memorandum: June 20,2014 MEMORANDUM FOR: REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS FROM: DOROTHY DOUGHERTY DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARYTHOMAS GALASSI DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE OF ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMSJAMES MADDUX DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE OF CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT: Temporary citation policy for 29 CFR 1910.137(b) and 1910.269; and 29 CFR 1926.97 and Subpart V The purpose of this memorandum is to establish a temporary enforcement policy for: 29 CFR 1910.137(b) and 1910.269; and 29 CFR 1926.97(b) and Subpart V. On April 11, 2014, OSHA promulgated a final rule revising the general industry and construction standards for work on electric power generation, transmission and distribution installations and for electrical protective equipment. The new standards become effective on July 10, 2014, although some provisions have compliance deadlines in 2015. For enforcement purposes, OSHA has determined that it will accept compliance with the prior version of 29 CFR 1910.269 (i.e., the version of that standard that was in effect on April 11, 2014) as compliance with revised 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR 1926, Subpart V until October 31, 2014. OSHA will also delay enforcement of paragraph (b) of revised 29 CFR 1910.137 and paragraph (b) of 29 CFR 1926.97 until October 31, 2014. Therefore, beginning July 10, 2014, and continuing through October 31, 2014, the following policy applies: no citations will be issued under 29 CFR 1910.269 or 1926, Subpart V to employers who are in compliance with the version of 29 CFR 1910.269 that was in effect on April 11, 2014, and no citations will be issued under 29 CFR 1910.137(b) or 29 CFR 1926.97(b). Paragraphs (a) and (c) of 29 CFR 1910.137 and 29 CFR 1926.97 become effective and enforceable on July 10, 2014 and are not affected by this policy. If, on or after July 10, 2014, an Area Director determines that an employer is not in compliance with the prior version of 29 CFR 1910.269, citations may be issued, as appropriate, for violations of any effective and applicable provision of revised 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR 1926, Subpart V. Any citation proposed to be issued under this temporary enforcement policy shall be forwarded to the Directorate of Enforcement Programs or the Directorate of Construction, as appropriate, through the Regional Office for clearance, which will include review by attorneys in the OSH Division of the Solicitor’s Office. Note that for purposes of this policy, employers engaged in construction work will be deemed in compliance with the prior version of 29 CFR 1910.269 only to the extent they are also in compliance with 29 CFR 1926, Subpart M requirements as they apply to fall protection in aerial lifts. Please share this information with the State Plans and On-Site Consultation Projects in your region. If you have any questions regarding application of this memorandum in general industry, please contact Art Buchanan in DEP. And if you have questions related to application of this memorandum in construction, please contact Chuck Harvey in DOC. 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Eric Kemmeren (Editor), Peter Essers (Editor), Cihat Öner (Editor), Daniël Smit (Editor), Michael Lang (Editor), Jeffrey Owens (Editor), Pasquale Pistone (Editor), Alexander Rust (Editor), Josef Schuch (Editor), Claus Staringer (Editor), Alfred Storck (Editor), Georg Kofler (Editor), Karoline Spies (Editor) Department of Tax Economics Fiscal Institute Tilburg (FIT) Department of Tax Law Research output: Book/Report › Book editing › Scientific › peer-review Overview Fingerprint Abstract Both the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital (OECD Model) and the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention (UN Model) are designed as a tool for legislative harmonization and therefore often serve as a basis for tax treaty negotiations between different jurisdictions worldwide. At the same time, however, interpretation of a particular tax treaty provision may still differ from country to country due to a number of reasons. The risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation is therefore not entirely removed, and this will adversely affect the international exchange of goods and services and movements of capital, technology and persons. In order to increase a uniform interpretation of tax treaties worldwide and, hence, reduce the risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation, basic knowledge is needed on how various tax treaty issues are resolved by different jurisdictions. It is widely known that a unified approach to interpretation and application of international tax treaty rules may benefit not only the countries/parties to a certain tax treaty, but also their taxpayers, as well as international trade and investments in general. This topic is therefore an ongoing concern for many tax practitioners, representatives of international organizations and public officers and tax scholars. The “Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe” conference was held at Tilburg University on 15-16 May 2020. This international event took place for the ninth time and was jointly organized by the European Tax College of Tilburg University and the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU. The conference was dedicated to the analysis of the most important cases on international tax treaty law decided in 2019 in different tax jurisdictions worldwide. Thirty-two cases were presented by outstanding tax experts from more than 20 different countries. Each presentation was followed by an intensive and fruitful discussion. The participants of the conference compared the interpretation approaches existing in both OECD and non-OECD member countries and came up with comprehensive conclusions and suggestions. The main scientific results of the conference are presented in this book. Each report in this book is dedicated to a court case or a number of cases on a particular article of the tax treaty at issue (often based on the OECD or UN Model) which was decided in a certain jurisdiction in 2019. Every report is structured in a similar way: the facts of the case, the decision and reasoning of the court and the observations and conclusions of the authors, including the possible impact of the decision on international tax law development in the respective country and other jurisdictions, are presented. This clear and concise structure enables a solid and accessible overview of the global case law on tax treaty application in 2019. The systematic structure of each report allows for different tax treaty case law to be studied and compared in a comprehensive and efficient way. The editors believe that the reports presented in this book are of high value and will therefore be of particular interest for tax consultants, public officers, academics and all those interested in international tax law. The fact that many domestic decisions are otherwise available only in a national language makes the materials contained in this book even more valuable. Original language English Place of Publication Amsterdam/Vienna Publisher IBFD/Linde Number of pages 374 Volume 126 Edition Series on International Tax Law ISBN (Electronic) 978-90-8722-712-8 , 978-3-7094-1007-3, 978-90-8722-713-5 , 978-3-7094-1192-6 ISBN (Print) 978-90-8722-771-1, 978-3-7073-4442-4 Publication status Published - 2021 Event Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe - Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands Duration: 15 May 2020 → 16 May 2020 Publication series Name Series on International Tax Law Publisher Linde Volume 126 Keywords tax treaties Case Law International Tax Law Interpretation Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. treaty Earth & Environmental Sciences 100% tax Earth & Environmental Sciences 89% jurisdiction Earth & Environmental Sciences 25% tax law Earth & Environmental Sciences 24% OECD Earth & Environmental Sciences 21% taxation Earth & Environmental Sciences 18% book Earth & Environmental Sciences 15% court Earth & Environmental Sciences 10% View full fingerprint Cite this APA Author BIBTEX Harvard Standard RIS Vancouver Kemmeren, E., Essers, P., Öner, C., Smit, D., Lang, M., Owens, J., Pistone, P., Rust, A., Schuch, J., Staringer, C., Storck, A., Kofler, G., & Spies, K. (Eds.) (2021). Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020. (Series on International Tax Law ed.) (Series on International Tax Law; Vol. 126). IBFD/Linde. Kemmeren, Eric (Editor) ; Essers, Peter (Editor) ; Öner, Cihat (Editor) ; Smit, Daniël (Editor) ; Lang, Michael (Editor) ; Owens, Jeffrey (Editor) ; Pistone, Pasquale (Editor) ; Rust, Alexander (Editor) ; Schuch, Josef (Editor) ; Staringer, Claus (Editor) ; Storck, Alfred (Editor) ; Kofler, Georg (Editor) ; Spies, Karoline (Editor). / Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020. Series on International Tax Law ed. Amsterdam/Vienna : IBFD/Linde, 2021. 374 p. (Series on International Tax Law). @book{24d37425a52a4807a29f668b9bc08a28, title = "Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020", abstract = "Both the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital (OECD Model) and the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention (UN Model) are designed as a tool for legislative harmonization and therefore often serve as a basis for tax treaty negotiations between different jurisdictions worldwide. At the same time, however, interpretation of a particular tax treaty provision may still differ from country to country due to a number of reasons. The risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation is therefore not entirely removed, and this will adversely affect the international exchange of goods and services and movements of capital, technology and persons. In order to increase a uniform interpretation of tax treaties worldwide and, hence, reduce the risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation, basic knowledge is needed on how various tax treaty issues are resolved by different jurisdictions.It is widely known that a unified approach to interpretation and application of international tax treaty rules may benefit not only the countries/parties to a certain tax treaty, but also their taxpayers, as well as international trade and investments in general. This topic is therefore an ongoing concern for many tax practitioners, representatives of international organizations and public officers and tax scholars.The “Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe” conference was held at Tilburg University on 15-16 May 2020. This international event took place for the ninth time and was jointly organized by the European Tax College of Tilburg University and the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU. The conference was dedicated to the analysis of the most important cases on international tax treaty law decided in 2019 in different tax jurisdictions worldwide. Thirty-two cases were presented by outstanding tax experts from more than 20 different countries. Each presentation was followed by an intensive and fruitful discussion. The participants of the conference compared the interpretation approaches existing in both OECD and non-OECD member countries and came up with comprehensive conclusions and suggestions. The main scientific results of the conference are presented in this book.Each report in this book is dedicated to a court case or a number of cases on a particular article of the tax treaty at issue (often based on the OECD or UN Model) which was decided in a certain jurisdiction in 2019. Every report is structured in a similar way: the facts of the case, the decision and reasoning of the court and the observations and conclusions of the authors, including the possible impact of the decision on international tax law development in the respective country and other jurisdictions, are presented.This clear and concise structure enables a solid and accessible overview of the global case law on tax treaty application in 2019. The systematic structure of each report allows for different tax treaty case law to be studied and compared in a comprehensive and efficient way.The editors believe that the reports presented in this book are of high value and will therefore be of particular interest for tax consultants, public officers, academics and all those interested in international tax law. The fact that many domestic decisions are otherwise available only in a national language makes the materials contained in this book even more valuable.", keywords = "tax treaties, Case Law, International Tax Law, Interpretation", editor = "Eric Kemmeren and Peter Essers and Cihat {\"O}ner and Dani{\"e}l Smit and Michael Lang and Jeffrey Owens and Pasquale Pistone and Alexander Rust and Josef Schuch and Claus Staringer and Alfred Storck and Georg Kofler and Karoline Spies", year = "2021", language = "English", isbn = "978-90-8722-771-1", volume = "126", series = "Series on International Tax Law", publisher = "IBFD/Linde", edition = "Series on International Tax Law", note = "Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe ; Conference date: 15-05-2020 Through 16-05-2020", } Kemmeren, E, Essers, P, Öner, C, Smit, D, Lang, M, Owens, J, Pistone, P, Rust, A, Schuch, J, Staringer, C, Storck, A, Kofler, G & Spies, K (eds) 2021, Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020. Series on International Tax Law, vol. 126, vol. 126, Series on International Tax Law edn, IBFD/Linde, Amsterdam/Vienna. Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020. / Kemmeren, Eric (Editor); Essers, Peter (Editor); Öner, Cihat (Editor); Smit, Daniël (Editor); Lang, Michael (Editor); Owens, Jeffrey (Editor); Pistone, Pasquale (Editor); Rust, Alexander (Editor); Schuch, Josef (Editor); Staringer, Claus (Editor); Storck, Alfred (Editor); Kofler, Georg (Editor); Spies, Karoline (Editor). Series on International Tax Law ed. Amsterdam/Vienna : IBFD/Linde, 2021. 374 p. (Series on International Tax Law; Vol. 126). Research output: Book/Report › Book editing › Scientific › peer-review TY - BOOK T1 - Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020 A2 - Kemmeren, Eric A2 - Essers, Peter A2 - Öner, Cihat A2 - Smit, Daniël A2 - Lang, Michael A2 - Owens, Jeffrey A2 - Pistone, Pasquale A2 - Rust, Alexander A2 - Schuch, Josef A2 - Staringer, Claus A2 - Storck, Alfred A2 - Kofler, Georg A2 - Spies, Karoline PY - 2021 Y1 - 2021 N2 - Both the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital (OECD Model) and the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention (UN Model) are designed as a tool for legislative harmonization and therefore often serve as a basis for tax treaty negotiations between different jurisdictions worldwide. At the same time, however, interpretation of a particular tax treaty provision may still differ from country to country due to a number of reasons. The risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation is therefore not entirely removed, and this will adversely affect the international exchange of goods and services and movements of capital, technology and persons. In order to increase a uniform interpretation of tax treaties worldwide and, hence, reduce the risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation, basic knowledge is needed on how various tax treaty issues are resolved by different jurisdictions.It is widely known that a unified approach to interpretation and application of international tax treaty rules may benefit not only the countries/parties to a certain tax treaty, but also their taxpayers, as well as international trade and investments in general. This topic is therefore an ongoing concern for many tax practitioners, representatives of international organizations and public officers and tax scholars.The “Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe” conference was held at Tilburg University on 15-16 May 2020. This international event took place for the ninth time and was jointly organized by the European Tax College of Tilburg University and the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU. The conference was dedicated to the analysis of the most important cases on international tax treaty law decided in 2019 in different tax jurisdictions worldwide. Thirty-two cases were presented by outstanding tax experts from more than 20 different countries. Each presentation was followed by an intensive and fruitful discussion. The participants of the conference compared the interpretation approaches existing in both OECD and non-OECD member countries and came up with comprehensive conclusions and suggestions. The main scientific results of the conference are presented in this book.Each report in this book is dedicated to a court case or a number of cases on a particular article of the tax treaty at issue (often based on the OECD or UN Model) which was decided in a certain jurisdiction in 2019. Every report is structured in a similar way: the facts of the case, the decision and reasoning of the court and the observations and conclusions of the authors, including the possible impact of the decision on international tax law development in the respective country and other jurisdictions, are presented.This clear and concise structure enables a solid and accessible overview of the global case law on tax treaty application in 2019. The systematic structure of each report allows for different tax treaty case law to be studied and compared in a comprehensive and efficient way.The editors believe that the reports presented in this book are of high value and will therefore be of particular interest for tax consultants, public officers, academics and all those interested in international tax law. The fact that many domestic decisions are otherwise available only in a national language makes the materials contained in this book even more valuable. AB - Both the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital (OECD Model) and the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention (UN Model) are designed as a tool for legislative harmonization and therefore often serve as a basis for tax treaty negotiations between different jurisdictions worldwide. At the same time, however, interpretation of a particular tax treaty provision may still differ from country to country due to a number of reasons. The risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation is therefore not entirely removed, and this will adversely affect the international exchange of goods and services and movements of capital, technology and persons. In order to increase a uniform interpretation of tax treaties worldwide and, hence, reduce the risk of double/multiple (non-) taxation, basic knowledge is needed on how various tax treaty issues are resolved by different jurisdictions.It is widely known that a unified approach to interpretation and application of international tax treaty rules may benefit not only the countries/parties to a certain tax treaty, but also their taxpayers, as well as international trade and investments in general. This topic is therefore an ongoing concern for many tax practitioners, representatives of international organizations and public officers and tax scholars.The “Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe” conference was held at Tilburg University on 15-16 May 2020. This international event took place for the ninth time and was jointly organized by the European Tax College of Tilburg University and the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU. The conference was dedicated to the analysis of the most important cases on international tax treaty law decided in 2019 in different tax jurisdictions worldwide. Thirty-two cases were presented by outstanding tax experts from more than 20 different countries. Each presentation was followed by an intensive and fruitful discussion. The participants of the conference compared the interpretation approaches existing in both OECD and non-OECD member countries and came up with comprehensive conclusions and suggestions. The main scientific results of the conference are presented in this book.Each report in this book is dedicated to a court case or a number of cases on a particular article of the tax treaty at issue (often based on the OECD or UN Model) which was decided in a certain jurisdiction in 2019. Every report is structured in a similar way: the facts of the case, the decision and reasoning of the court and the observations and conclusions of the authors, including the possible impact of the decision on international tax law development in the respective country and other jurisdictions, are presented.This clear and concise structure enables a solid and accessible overview of the global case law on tax treaty application in 2019. The systematic structure of each report allows for different tax treaty case law to be studied and compared in a comprehensive and efficient way.The editors believe that the reports presented in this book are of high value and will therefore be of particular interest for tax consultants, public officers, academics and all those interested in international tax law. The fact that many domestic decisions are otherwise available only in a national language makes the materials contained in this book even more valuable. KW - tax treaties KW - Case Law KW - International Tax Law KW - Interpretation M3 - Book editing SN - 978-90-8722-771-1 SN - 978-3-7073-4442-4 VL - 126 T3 - Series on International Tax Law BT - Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020 PB - IBFD/Linde CY - Amsterdam/Vienna T2 - Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe Y2 - 15 May 2020 through 16 May 2020 ER - Kemmeren E, (ed.), Essers P, (ed.), Öner C, (ed.), Smit D, (ed.), Lang M, (ed.), Owens J, (ed.) et al. Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2020. Series on International Tax Law ed. Amsterdam/Vienna: IBFD/Linde, 2021. 374 p. (Series on International Tax Law). Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine™ © 2021 Elsevier B.V. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies
Succeeding Context: , in the County of Flanders (today in Belgium) and was named after his great-grandfather, Philip the Good. In 1482, upon the death of his mother Mary of Burgundy, he succeeded to her Burgundian possessions under the guardianship of his father. A period of turmoil ensued which witnessed sporadic hostilities between, principally, the large towns of Flanders (especially Ghent and Bruges) and the supporters of Maximilian.
Preceding Context: Israel proposed that the Palestinians be granted "custodianship," though not sovereignty, on the Temple Mount, with Israel retaining control over the Western Wall, a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Temple Mount, and one of the most sacred sites in Judaism outside of the Temple Mount itself. Israeli negotiators also proposed the Palestinians be granted administration, but not sovereignty, over the Muslim and Christian Quarters of the Succeeding Context: , with the Jewish and Armenian Quarters remaining in Israeli hands, and indicated readiness to consider total Palestinian sovereignty over the Muslim and Christian Quarters. Palestinians would be granted administrative control over all Islamic and Christian holy sites, and would be allowed to raise the Palestinian flag over them. A passage linking northern Jerusalem to Islamic and Christian holy sites would be annexed by the Palestinian state. The Israeli team proposed annexing to Israeli Jerusalem settlements within the West Bank beyond the Green Line, such as Ma'ale Adumim, Givat Ze'ev, and Gush Etzion. Israel proposed that the Palestinians merge together certain outer Arab villages and small cities that had been annexed to Jerusalem just after 1967 (such as : Abu Dis, Alezariye, 'Anata, A-Ram, and eastern ) to create the city of Al-Quds, which would serve as the capital of Palestine. Israeli neighborhoods within East Jerusalem would remain under Israeli sovereignty. Outlying Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem would come under Palestinian sovereignty, and core Arab neighborhoods would remain under Israeli sovereignty, but would gain autonomous powers. Palestinian Jerusalem would be run by a Palestinian civilian administration, with the possibility of merging it to Israeli Jerusalem, in which case Palestinian Jerusalem would be governed by a Palestinian branch municipality within the framework of an Israeli higher municipal council.
(BPT) - Days are getting longer and warmer, inspiring many to want to spend more time outside. Lots of people enjoy gardening this time of year - it's an outdoor activity families can do together, especially if parents are looking for ways to keep their children occupied. It's also a great way to get some fresh air, light exercise, relieve stress and add to your home's curb appeal. 'Sprucing up your landscaping with some new flower beds and shrubs can give your home a refreshed look,' said Christopher O'Rourke, vice president of property claims at Mercury Insurance. 'A well-maintained yard can also help protect against common homeowners insurance claims like water and fire damage. For example, keeping gutters cleared of leaves and debris can help prevent blockages that might direct water into the home. Regularly mowing the lawn, pruning bushes and keeping the yard free of grass clippings and twigs is aesthetically pleasing and can help mitigate against wildfire risk if homeowners live in an area where these are common.' Here are three additional tips O'Rourke recommends. 1. Well-planned landscaping can help mitigate wildfire risk. Homeowners who live in areas with dry climates that are susceptible to wildfires should evaluate their landscaping - if laid out in a certain way, it might increase your home's insurability. 'The plants surrounding a house have one of the greatest influences on its chances of survival,' said Douglas Kent, wildfire expert, author and professor of land management at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Plants within the five feet closest to your home should be fleshy and moist, as they are reluctant to produce a flame. Instead, they'll sizzle and wilt when exposed to flames and heat. If properly maintained, these plants can catch and extinguish a firebrand. O'Rourke notes that homeowners who don't live in fire country can also take precautions to protect against fires. 'Trimming tree limbs so they're at least 10 feet away from your home and pruning unruly bushes can help prevent fires caused by lightning strikes, for example, from jumping onto your roof or exterior walls,' he said. 2. Before hiring expert help, inquire about coverage. Some gardening jobs may take an expert to complete. However, this brings added exposure to a homeowner if they don't check on coverage from the contractor. With shovels, rakes and power tools being used, an accident could happen at any moment. 'Before signing a contract with a landscaper or gardener, ask them for their proof of insurance,' said O'Rourke. 'If they don't have coverage, you probably want to find one who does. In most cases, the contractor's coverage will act as the primary insurance should one of their employees get injured while on the job.' O'Rourke also recommends homeowners read their insurance policies in full, so they know what is and what isn't covered in the event of a loss. 'Knowledge is power, so understanding your policy is of utmost importance,' he adds. 'Talk to your agent if you have questions. They're also the best resource to help you determine if you have the right amount of coverage.' 3. Consult with your insurance agent after hardscaping. Most gardens feature a combination of plants and decorative, non-living features or structures, like pathways, fencing or even fountains to help better define and add character to the space. Many homeowners also like to indulge in the warm weather by expanding their outside living space, which can include anything from remodeling a patio to building a garden oasis for relaxing and entertaining. Regardless of how you may want to enhance your landscape to better showcase - and enjoy - your gardening prowess, it's a good idea to speak with your insurance agent after making any significant changes to your property. 'Our homes are typically where we spend the majority of our time, so it's natural to want to customize them to our specific needs and wants. However, renovations - including those done outdoors - can increase a home's replacement cost if it's damaged or destroyed,' said O'Rourke. 'Talking to your agent about enhancements you've made will help ensure you're properly insured so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years to come.' Home Improvement Tips March 10, 2021 Comments 0 Comments Leave Comment Be the first to review this listing Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your Rating What is the sum of: 9 + 0 = Submit Comment Δ Listings Widget LivablePods Categories Widget SIP Buildings Custom Homes SIP Kit Homes Tiny House / Studio Sheds SIP Construction Contractors Homebuilders Installers SIP Houseplans Tiny Houseplans SIP Professionals Architect Consultant Engineer SIPs Manufacturers Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Other Panel Types Polyurethane Panels (PUR) Advanced Search Keyword Category SIP Buildings Custom Homes SIP Kit Homes Tiny House / Studio Sheds SIP Construction Contractors Homebuilders Installers SIP Houseplans Tiny Houseplans SIP Professionals Architect Consultant Engineer SIPs Manufacturers Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Other Panel Types Polyurethane Panels (PUR)
(BPT) - This holiday, people around the world are getting ready for a season that looks dramatically different from past years. As millions decide to stay home, the desire to make the most out of the holiday festivities is driving people to find more creative, convenient, and memorable ways to enjoy the season and eliminate unnecessary stress. Whether you're relaxing at home or celebrating with family, a smart home can help take care of daily tasks around the house, giving you more time to enjoy the things that matter most. Not only can smart home products enhance the holiday ambiance, but they can also simplify daily tasks and help you keep your home and family safe. These affordable devices provide the perfect blend of good cheer and peace of mind that are exactly the combination in high demand this year. Here are five ways smart home devices can take the stress out of the season and help you enjoy a safe, relaxing holiday. 1. Automate holiday lights with smart plugs Using an automatic timer for holiday lights is nothing new, but smart plugs take convenience to the next level. They're easy to setup and, unlike fussy old-school timers, give you greater control. With smart plugs, you can simply use your smartphone to turn on holiday lights right from the couch, without kneeling behind a tree to plug in a power cord or stepping out in the cold to turn on lights or inflatable decorations in your yard. 2. Upgrade to a Smart Christmas tree If finding, transporting, and composting a live tree is too much hassle this year, consider upgrading to an artificial tree with smart lights built in. A smart Christmas tree comes with lights pre-installed and, using your smartphone or Amazon Alexa, you can easily select the lighting color, turn lights on or off, or schedule the lights to turn on at a certain time each night. Many smart Christmas trees even let you change lighting modes with a simple voice command like 'set Christmas tree to blue,' or 'set Christmas tree to sparkle' to create a flawless festive mood. 3. Keep track of comings and goings with smart security cameras For the holidays and beyond, one of the best investments you can make is a smart home security camera. As online shopping for everything from holiday presents to daily household essentials continues to increase, having a smart home security camera can alert you when your purchases arrive and help keep them safe. Popular smart home security cameras like Blink Outdoor are wireless, weather-resistant, and offer up to two years of battery life, making them easy and convenient to install anywhere around your home. For indoor settings, Blink Indoor security cameras can help you check in on your home day or night with motion alerts and infrared night vision. The full range of features are detailed at, but their cameras also provide two-way audio and live video, so you can check in on your family, accept deliveries, and greet visitors remotely. Not only does this help encourage social distancing, it also means you stay cozy with fewer trips to the front door. 4. Protect against winter hazards with smart alarms Upgrading to smart alarms is another top strategy for staying safe during the winter. You might not associate fires with winter, but house fires are actually more prevalent with the increased use of fireplaces and heaters. Smart smoke alarms alert you to problems even when you're not at home, ensuring you get help as soon as possible. Winter also means keeping your home sealed up tight. While this saves energy and keeps you warm, it also increases the risk of carbon monoxide build-up. Smart CO detectors give you up-to-the-moment information about the air quality in your home, allowing you to breathe easy. 5. Sink into a holiday soundscape with smart speakers Finally, smart speakers are the best choice for immersing yourself in the sounds of the holidays. People are missing the cheerful carols and soaring classical music that normally fills the air when you're out and about this time of year. Capture that feeling with smart speakers. Use them to sync your music throughout your home, and transform it into a winter wonderland in no time. While this winter will certainly be different, smart home devices can help encourage holiday cheer while keeping everyone safe and sound. From security cameras to dazzling lights, there's a smart solution out there that can make your holidays even brighter. Home Improvement Tips March 2, 2021 Comments 0 Comments Leave Comment Be the first to review this listing Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your Rating What is the sum of: 7 + 4 = Submit Comment Δ Listings Widget LivablePods Categories Widget SIP Buildings Custom Homes SIP Kit Homes Tiny House / Studio Sheds SIP Construction Contractors Homebuilders Installers SIP Houseplans Tiny Houseplans SIP Professionals Architect Consultant Engineer SIPs Manufacturers Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Other Panel Types Polyurethane Panels (PUR) Advanced Search Keyword Category SIP Buildings Custom Homes SIP Kit Homes Tiny House / Studio Sheds SIP Construction Contractors Homebuilders Installers SIP Houseplans Tiny Houseplans SIP Professionals Architect Consultant Engineer SIPs Manufacturers Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Other Panel Types Polyurethane Panels (PUR)
Some of these symbols feature heavily in beauty and fashion. They also enable the users to connect with useful ideas and elements. Some of these symbols have been used by pagans for centuries. Today, they still retain their allure, meaning, and symbolism. What is Paganism? Paganism involves spiritual practices that are removed from the practices of the main religions. Another way of looking at it is that paganism is the practice of religious activities that do not conform to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism, Bahaism, and any of the other major world religions. Most pagans worship nature. They are also heavily involved in the practice of modern witchcraft. Practitioners of modern witchcraft are sometimes called Wicca. Paganism has its root in the religious practices that were upheld before the advent of Christianity. Pagans can be found in all cultures and continents across the globe. Meaning and Significance of Pagan Symbols #1 – Air Symbol Air is one of the four elements revered by pagans, and it features prominently in Wiccan rituals. The Air element stands for the East direction, which means it connects the soul with divine life. It is closely associated with the colors white and yellow and the East direction. #2 – Earth Symbol The is another one of the 4 elements that are held in high regard by the pagans. It is represented by an inverted triangle with a line at the tip. The Earth element is closely linked with feminine power. It stands for the abundance, fertility, growth, and life of Mother Nature. This element is closely associated with the colors brown and green, and it stands for the North direction. #3 – Water Symbol This is one of the 4 classical elements that is used in pagan rituals. This symbol stands for feminine energy. In Wiccan rituals, water was carried in containers that symbolized the womb. This means that this element was taken to be a sign of fertility, growth, and increase. Pagans also take this symbol to stand for healing and purification. It is used to cleanse Wiccan members who seek healing and spiritual revival. This symbol stands for the West direction, and it is represented by the color Blue. #4 – Fire Symbol Fire is one of the 4 classical elements that is used by the Wiccans. It stands for masculine energy, and is closely associated with the South direction. This symbol is taken to be an agent of purification, strength, and raw energy. Although Fire destroys, it’s capable of creating new life. This symbol is used by the Wiccans in their initiation rites of passage. It is represented by the color Red. #5 – Pentacle/Pentagram Symbol The Pentacle is a five-pointed star that is contained within a circle. The 5 stars stand for the 4 classical elements and a 5th element, Ether. In Pagan tradition, Ether stands for the Spirit and Self. Wiccans use the pentacle extensively in their rituals. It is used to designate rank, and to protect the adherents against evil forces. The Pentagram is used by modern-day witches, freemasons, Satanists, and other pagan and occult gatherings. #6 – Seax Wicca Symbol This is a tradition of the Wicca that heavily relies on the 8 Wiccan Sabbats, the Sun, and the Moon. The symbol of this tradition is protection and self-sufficiency in spiritual matters. The Wiccans borrowed this symbol from the Angelo-Saxon pagans in the 1870s. It inspires Wicca to be true to its vows and promises. #7 – Elven Star Symbol This is a 7-pointed star that is used in the magical traditions of pagans. It serves as a reminder of the hallowed position taken by the number 7 in the order of things. Pagans take the number 7 to stand for the sphere of victory. It also represents the pillars of wisdom and other well-used magical theories. #8 – The Solar Cross Symbol This is a variation of the 4-armed Celtic Cross. It stands for the power and influence of the Sun, the 4 elements, and the 4 seasons of nature. Pagans use the Solar Cross as a visual representation of the Earth and everything in it. This symbol also goes by the name Wotan’s Cross in some quarters. There are many variations to the Solar Cross depending on the geographical location of the pagan group using it. #9 – Horned God Symbol This is one of the basic symbols used in the pagan religion of the Wicca. The Horned God is an important deity among pagans as he represents masculine energy in pagan rituals. This symbol is closely linked to sexuality, wilderness, Mother Nature, and the unending cycle of life. #10 – The Triquetra Symbol This is indicated as a triangle that creates a connection in the mind, body, and spirit. It is very common with pagans who can trace their roots and belief system to the Celtic culture. The Triquetra indicates the divine connection amongst the earth, sea, and sky. #11 – Thor’s Hammer (Mjollnir) This symbol is popular with pagan groups that closely adhere to the traditions and culture of the Norse. The Hammer of Thor indicates Thor’s control over lightning and thunder and other powerful elements of nature. Pagans who wear the Hammer as a talisman believe that it protects them from the vagaries of nature. They can avoid major accidents and life-threatening conditions because of the protection given by this amulet. In the modern world, the symbol of Thor’s Hammer is used by the Asatru and other modern pagans. #12 – The Yin Yang Symbol This symbol shows as a circle that is split in the middle by a curved line. One of the two halves takes the color white while the other takes black. This symbol has its roots in eastern cultures such as China and Japan. It stands for the opposing powers that exist in all of us. Pagans believe that there’s light and darkness in every person. Everyone carries the forces of good and evil. The Yin Yang encourages the adherents to work for the right balance in their lives. Those with the Yin Yang symbol are inspired to work towards achieving balance in all spheres of their existence. #13 – The Sun Wheel Symbol This symbol stands for the 8 Wiccan Sabbats. It is also referred to as the Wheel of the Year. It was used by Wiccans to determine solstices and equinoxes. #14 – Triple Horn of Odin This is a special drinking horn that represents Odin, the father of Nordic gods. It is made up of up to three horns that the Norse held in high regard when it came to toasting rituals. According to Norse mythology, the 3 horns also represent the 3 draughts of a magical mead known as Odhroerir. #15 – Hecate’s Wheel Symbol This symbol belongs to the Greek goddess Hecate, who’s known as the guardian of doorways and passageways. Hecate’s Wheel is used by pagans as a symbol of magic and witchcraft. It is used to indicate the power of sorcery that is borne by females. It is also used among pagans to accentuate feminist traditions. This is more so because it stands for the 3 aspects of females: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. #16 – Chalice or Cup Symbol This is a tool used in pagan rituals. It stands for the feminine element of Water. The Chalice is used by pagans to communicate emotions, psychic ability, intuition, and incubation of life. It is closely associated with feminine organs such as the womb and breasts. It indicates motherhood and nurture. With time, Christians borrowed this image from the pagans. In Christianity, it stands for the special cup that held the blood of Jesus during the Last Supper. #17 – Triple Moon Symbol This is a common symbol amongst the Wiccans and Neo-Pagans. This symbol is presented as 3 crescents. The first crescent symbolizes rejuvenation, rebirth, and new life. It is a sign of new beginnings. It indicates the Maiden. She’s vibrant, youthful, and full of life. The center crescent indicates the full moon. It stands for the Mother. She’s fertile, responsible, and exudes a lot of power. The pagans take advantage of this phase to unleash their full magical powers, for they are likely to achieve the best results at this time. The last crescent shows the waning of the moon. It indicates the Crone. She denotes fulfillment, wisdom, and endings. #18 – The Ankh Symbol This symbol is drawn from the ancient Egyptian religion. It looks like a cross with a loop at the top. Pagans regard the Ankh as the ‘Key of Life’. It shows that life does not end with death. Dying is just a passageway to eternal life. This symbol reinforces the pagans’ belief in resurrection, reincarnation, and rebirth. The cross shows there’s unity between the physical world and the world of the dead. The loop indicates infinity and eternal life. #19 – The Besom Symbol This is a rounded broom that has a long pole and straw or twigs tied on one end. It is a symbol of the release of negative energies. Before any Wiccan or pagan rituals, the adherents are required to let go of anything that may hinder them from receiving positive energies. The besom is used to symbolically help them achieve this. It enables them to ‘sweep away’ undesired energies and to create room for positive ones. The besom was also used for cleansing in marriage ceremonies. Newlyweds are asked to jump over the besom to clear their souls of any malice and to strengthen their vows. #20 – Triskele (Triple Spiral) The Triskele is used among pagan groups aligned to the Celtic way of life. This symbol stands for the unity between the earth, sky, and sea. It shows that all things in the physical world are interconnected to the 3 realms of Celtic existence. In Conclusion… Pagans take symbols with a lot of seriousness in their rituals. They use them to create the magic they need to achieve their spiritual goals. The value of pagan symbols is pegged on how well they enable the adherents to connect their lives to the spiritual realm. In modern times, pagan symbols feature prominently in the world of beauty and fashion. They are used in jewelry, ornaments, and tattoos. Some of these symbols have secular as well as religious connotations attached to them. Ancient pagan symbols are used by modern pagans in their rituals and traditions. They indicate the power of the elements and help the user to generate new ideas concerning their lives. The power of these symbols has been so obvious that many of the world religions have adapted some of them in their worship rituals. 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When you need to test semantic equality between things that do not necessarily have mathematical equality. Examples 5 IS 5 --> TRUE 5 IS 6 --> FALSE 5 IS NULL --> FALSE NULL == NULL --> NULL (not mathematically equal, but ) NULL IS NULL --> TRUE (they are semantically equivalent) 1 == TRUE --> TRUE (mathematically equal) 5 == TRUE --> FALSE (not mathematically equal) 5 IS TRUE --> TRUE (semantically equal) EDIT: There is also testing semantic unequivalence (if that is a real word) using IS NOT: 5 IS NOT NULL --> TRUE NULL IS NOT NULL --> FALSE NULL <> NULL --> NULL There is also "ISNULL" which is equivalent to "IS NULL" and sometimes a more easy statement to use, so that: ... WHERE a IS NULL; is exactly the same as saying: ... WHERE a ISNULL; (3) By J.M. Aranda (JMAranda) on 2021-08-23 12:56:50 in reply to 2.0 [link] [source] Thank you. It's overwhelming. (8) By Lifepillar (lifepillar) on 2021-08-24 11:50:29 in reply to 2.2 [link] [source] Sorry for nitpicking, but I can't resist noticing that null next to “semantics” forms an oxymoron :) To expand on the above: is differs from == only when the considered expression contains a null. The difference is that == obeys Codd's Substitution Principle, while is does not. According to Codd's Substitution Principle, an expression has the truth value “unknown”, if and only if: each occurrence of null may be replaced by a (distinct or already used) non-null value so that the expression’s truth value becomes “true”, and each occurrence of null may be replaced by a (distinct or already used) non-null value so that the expression’s truth value becomes “false”. This is a pretty ad-hoc principle, which (1) was formulated by Codd strictly under the “existing, but unknown value” interpretation of nulls (but it is logically incompatible with such an intepretation), and (2) leads to many unresolvable inconsistencies in the treatment of nulls in SQL. Unfortunately, that is cast in stone in the standard, so one has to live with it. The best way to live with it is to avoid using nulls altogether. Re (1), I'll just note that null cannot be interpreted as “value at present unknown” in general, because, if that were the case, then select x=x from T should always return true, even when x is null. IS has instead a clean semantics. Any expression that contains a null IS (the same) as any other expression that contains null and IS NOT (the same a s) any other expression not containing a null (so, it's either true or false). This rule is used, among the rest, for the elimination of duplicates: create table T (x int); insert into T values (1), (1), (null), (null); select distinct x from T; and for set operations: select x from T intersect select x from T; select x from T union select x from T; select x from T except select x from T; again, in accordance to what Codd himself warned being a "preliminary and in need of further research" proposal. (9) By Ryan Smith (cuz) on 2021-08-24 12:46:45 in reply to 8 [link] [source] Nice writeup and nitpicking is very much welcomed - it serves only to improve everyone's understanding, but you make false claims right off the bat during your nitpick, which achieves the opposite. To expand on the above: is differs from == only when the considered expression contains a null. Not True which is clear from my examples, but to reiterate: SELECT (5 = TRUE) AS ' == ', (5 IS TRUE) AS ' IS ' -- == | IS -- -------|------------ -- 0 | 1 Nowhere in that statement did NULL appear and yet "IS" produced different results than "==" did. Not disagreeing with the theory btw - big fan of Codd myself, but reality rarely conforms to ideals. (10.1) By Lifepillar (lifepillar) on 2021-08-24 19:26:48 edited from 10.0 in reply to 9 [link] [source] you make false claims No. You are not taking implicit type casting into account. Let's make your query more explicit: sqlite>select 5 = cast(true as int) as "==", cast(5 as boolean) is true as " is "; == is ---------- ---------- 0 1 From SQLite's manual: The boolean identifiers TRUE and FALSE are usually just aliases for the integer values 1 and 0, respectively. However, if TRUE or FALSE occur on the right-hand side of an IS operator, then they form new unary postfix operators "IS TRUE" and "IS FALSE" which test the boolean value of the operand on the left. So, 5 = true is the same as 5 = 1, and 5 is true is the same as true is true. (13) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-08-24 22:01:39 in reply to 10.1 [link] [source] The tests IS TRUE and IS FALSE test the ZERO flag. If the ZERO flag is set in the CPU register when the value is loaded, then the value IS FALSE. If the ZERO flag is not set when the value is loaded into the accumulator, then the value IS TRUE. In other words, any value that is 0 IS FALSE and any non-zero value IS TRUE. This has been the state of affairs for about a decade shy of a century. How people do not know this I cannot fathom. NULL is neither True nor False (it is NULL). As a conditional, a NULL value evaluates as False. This issue can probably be attributed to a lack of education and understanding of how digital computers work. Also note that cast(something as boolean) does nothing because boolean is not an understood type (it means NUMERIC). Therefore a NULL or INTEGER value is unchanged, so cast(5 as boolean) is nothing more than a CPU and RAM intensive way to say 5. However, in platforms that DO have a boolean type (SQLite3 not being one of them), then a cast to boolean becomes either 0 or 1 depending on whether the ZERO flag is set or not. Claiming that cast(x as boolean) when x is already either integer or float does anything at all other than waist CPU and MEMORY resources is demonstrating their lack of understanding. (14.1) By Lifepillar (lifepillar) on 2021-08-25 09:41:32 edited from 14.0 in reply to 13 [link] [source] My point has very little, if anything, to do with how SQLite internally treats certain SQL constructs. My point is about the logical meaning of certain expressions. It was claimed that the value of 5=TRUE (0) being different from the value of 5 IS TRUE (1) contradicts my assertion that = and IS evaluate differently only when the expressions contain null. My answer was that 5=TRUE and 5 IS TRUE are two totally unrelated expressions, because (as per the documentation I have cited): TRUE is an alias for 1, so that 5=TRUE is actually 5=1; as an exception to (1), is followed by true becomes the unary operator is true, which (logically) takes a Boolean as an argument. So, 5 is true is (logically) equivalent to (true) is true. The internal representation in SQLite source or inside CPU registers is irrelevant to my argument. To elaborate further: is [not] behaves like is [not] distinct from is PostgreSQL; is [not] distinct from in PostgreSQL adheres to the rules of ISO SQL; the rules of ISO SQL can be summarized as follows: given the expression V1 is distinct from V2: if both V1 and V2 evaluate to null, the result is False; if V1 is null and V2 is not null, or vice versa, the result is True; otherwise, V1 and V2 are both definite values, which can be compared with standard equality, so the result is True or False accordingly. Hence, = and is can evaluate differently only when nulls are involved, because in cases (1) and (2), the result of = may be null, and in case (3), the result of = is the same as the result of is by definition. I hope my explanatio is clear. I am not addressing the rest of your post (please attack the arguments, not the individual formulating them), except for this: As a conditional, a NULL value evaluates as False. Most of the time, but now always: create table (x int check (value > 0)); insert into T values (null); -- OK Clearly, here NULL evaluates to True. Nulls are tricky! (15) By anonymous on 2021-08-25 09:46:51 in reply to 14.0 [source] For check constraints there is an additional implicit CAST to NUMERIC involved. The outcome of this CAST expression decides whether a constraint is violated. In this case the value of the expression itself, which is NULL, is not directly used to determine result. The CAST value is interpreted in a specific way. See section 3.7: "Each time a new row is inserted into the table or an existing row is updated, the expression associated with each CHECK constraint is evaluated and cast to a NUMERIC value in the same way as a CAST expression. If the result is zero (integer value 0 or real value 0.0), then a constraint violation has occurred. If the CHECK expression evaluates to NULL, or any other non-zero value, it is not a constraint violation." (11) By Lifepillar (lifepillar) on 2021-08-24 19:25:42 in reply to 9 [link] [source] Not disagreeing with the theory btw - big fan of Codd myself, but reality rarely conforms to ideals. On the contrary, you should disagree with Codd's “theory” (about the specific topic of nulls—not about the Relational Model, of course!), which is untenable, hence far from ideal (on the other hand, the problem he was trying to address is inherently intractable, as it entails detecting tautologies). The reality is that SQL conforms really really well to what Codd proposed, despite his proposal being incoherent and, to his own admission, “preliminary and in need of further research”. For the curious ones: read Codd's paper, §2.3, and compare the definitions therein with the behaviour of y̵o̵u̵r̵ ̵f̵a̵v̵o̵r̵i̵t̵e̵ ̵s̵y̵s̵t̵e̵m̵ SQLite :) (12) By Lifepillar (lifepillar) on 2021-08-24 20:51:13 in reply to 9 [link] [source] To be fair, I have not been entirely accurate when I wrote: Any expression that contains a null IS (the same) as any other expression that contains null etc. That should read “Any expression that evaluates (or reduces) to null IS (the same) as any other expression that evaluates (or reduces) to null etc. For instance, true or null is obviously not the same as null. Ok, enough. Nulls are tricky, avoid them if you can! (4) By Larry Brasfield (larrybr) on 2021-08-23 13:00:24 in reply to 1 [link] [source] See expression syntax and explanation of IS and IS NOT. To answer your question: IS is used when applications or users determine that functionality is needed and act accordingly. (5) By Richard Hipp (drh) on 2021-08-23 14:27:24 in reply to 1 [link] [source] The "IS" operator in SQLite works like the "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM" operator in PostgreSQL. Similarly the "IS NOT" operator in SQLite works like the "IS DISTINCT FROM" operator of PostgreSQL. SQLite PostgreSQL IS IS NOT DISTINCT FROM IS NOT IS DISTINCT FROM (6) By J.M. Aranda (JMAranda) on 2021-08-23 19:39:09 in reply to 5 [link] [source] SQLite reaches a surprising level of detail. Greetings and thanks to all. (7.1) By Harald Hanche-Olsen (hanche) on 2021-08-24 07:15:41 edited from 7.0 in reply to 6 [link] [source] Given the fact that SQLite is old enough to drink legally everywhere in the US (I think), you should perhaps not be too surprised. PS. The question reminds me of Bill Clinton, during his impeachment process I believe: It depends what the meaning of “is” is.
The doctrine (or principle) of double effect is often invoked to explain the permissibility of an action that causes a serious harm, such as the death of a human being, as a side effect of promoting some good end. It is claimed that sometimes it is permissible to cause such a harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a means to bringing about the same good end. This reasoning is summarized with the claim that sometimes it is permissible to bring about as a merely foreseen side effect a harmful event that it would be impermissible to bring about intentionally. 1. Formulations of the principle of double effect 2. Applications 3. Criticisms 4. One principle or many? Bibliography Other Internet Resources Related Entries 1. Formulations of the principle of double effect Thomas Aquinas is credited with introducing the principle of double effect in his discussion of the permissibility of self-defense in the Summa Theologica (II-II, Qu. 64, Art.7). Killing one's assailant is justified, he argues, provided one does not intend to kill him. Aquinas observes that “Nothing hinders one act from having two effects, only one of which is intended, while the other is beside the intention. … Accordingly, the act of self-defense may have two effects: one, the saving of one's life; the other, the slaying of the aggressor.” As Aquinas's discussion continues, a justification is provided that rests on characterizing the defensive action as a means to a goal that is justified: “Therefore, this act, since one's intention is to save one's own life, is not unlawful, seeing that it is natural to everything to keep itself in being as far as possible.” However, Aquinas observes, the permissibility of self-defense is not unconditional: “And yet, though proceeding from a good intention, an act may be rendered unlawful if it be out of proportion to the end. Wherefore, if a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful, whereas, if he repel force with moderation, his defense will be lawful.” Aquinas does not actually say that intending to kill the assailant as a means to self-defense would be prohibited. The passage can be interpreted as formulating a prohibition on apportioning one's efforts with killing as the only goal guiding one's actions, which would lead one to act with greater viciousness than the goal of self-defense would allow. In contrast, Augustine had earlier maintained that killing in self-defense was not permissible, maintaining that “private self-defense can only proceed from some degree of inordinate self-love.” Later versions of the double effect principle all emphasize the distinction between causing a morally grave harm as a side effect of pursuing a good end and causing a harm as a means of pursuing a good end. We can summarize this by noting that for certain categories of morally grave actions, for example, causing the death of a human being, the principle of double effect combines a special permission for incidentally causing death for the sake of a good end (when it occurs as a side effect of one's pursuit of that end) with a general prohibition on instrumentally causing death for the sake of a good end (when it occurs as part of one's means to pursue that end). The prohibition is absolute in traditional Catholic applications of the principle. Two traditional formulations appear below. The New Catholic Encyclopedia provides four conditions for the application of the principle of double effect: The act itself must be morally good or at least indifferent. The agent may not positively will the bad effect but may permit it. If he could attain the good effect without the bad effect he should do so. The bad effect is sometimes said to be indirectly voluntary. The good effect must flow from the action at least as immediately (in the order of causality, though not necessarily in the order of time) as the bad effect. In other words the good effect must be produced directly by the action, not by the bad effect. Otherwise the agent would be using a bad means to a good end, which is never allowed. The good effect must be sufficiently desirable to compensate for the allowing of the bad effect” (p. 1021). The conditions provided by Joseph Mangan include the explicit requirement that the bad effect not be intended: A person may licitly perform an action that he foresees will produce a good effect and a bad effect provided that four conditions are verified at one and the same time: that the action in itself from its very object be good or at least indifferent; that the good effect and not the evil effect be intended; that the good effect be not produced by means of the evil effect; that there be a proportionately grave reason for permitting the evil effect” (1949, p. 43). Double effect might also be part of a secular non-absolutist view according to which a justification adequate for causing a certain harm as a side effect might not be adequate for causing that harm as a means to the same good end under the same circumstances. Warren Quinn provides such a non-absolutist account that also recasts double effect as a distinction between direct and indirect agency. On his view, double effect “distinguishes between agency in which harm comes to some victims, at least in part, from the agent's deliberately involving them in something in order to further his purpose precisely by way of their being so involved (agency in which they figure as intentional objects), and harmful agency in which either nothing is in that way intended for the victims or what is so intended does not contribute to their harm” (1989, p. 343). Quinn explains that “direct agency requires neither that harm itself be useful nor that what is useful be causally connected in some especially close way with the harm it helps bring about” (1989, p. 344). He remarks that “some cases of harming that the doctrine intuitively speaks against are arguably not cases of intentional harming, precisely because neither the harm itself (nor anything itself causally very close to it) is intended” (1991, p. 511). On this view, the distinction between direct and indirect harmful agency is what underlies the moral significance of the distinction between intended and merely foreseen harms, but it need not align perfectly with it. 2. Applications Many morally reflective people have been persuaded that something along the lines of double effect must be correct. No doubt this is because at least some of the examples cited as illustrations of DE have considerable intuitive appeal: The terror bomber aims to bring about civilian deaths in order to weaken the resolve of the enemy: when his bombs kill civilians this is a consequence that he intends. The strategic bomber aims at military targets while foreseeing that bombing such targets will cause civilian deaths. When his bombs kill civilians this is a foreseen but unintended consequence of his actions. Even if it is equally certain that the two bombers will cause the same number of civilian deaths, terror bombing is impermissible while strategic bombing is permissible. A doctor who intends to hasten the death of a terminally ill patient by injecting a large dose of morphine would act impermissibly because he intends to bring about the patient's death. However, a doctor who intended to relieve the patient's pain with that same dose and merely foresaw the hastening of the patient's death would act permissibly. A doctor who believed that abortion was wrong, even in order to save the mother's life, might nevertheless consistently believe that it would be permissible to perform a hysterectomy on a pregnant woman with cancer. In carrying out the hysterectomy, the doctor would aim to save the woman's life while merely foreseeing the death of the fetus. Performing an abortion, by contrast, would involve intending to kill the fetus as a means to saving the mother. To kill a person whom you know to be plotting to kill you would be impermissible because it would be a case of intentional killing; however, to strike in self-defense against an aggressor is permissible, even if one foresees that the blow by which one defends oneself will be fatal. It would be wrong to throw someone into the path of a runaway trolley in order to stop it and keep it from hitting five people on the track ahead; that would involve intending harm to the one as a means of saving the five. But it would be permissible to divert a runaway trolley onto a track holding one and away from a track holding five: in that case one foresees the death of the one as a side effect of saving the five but one does not intend it. Sacrificing one's own life in order to save the lives of others can be distinguished from suicide by characterizing the agent's intention: a soldier who throws himself on a live grenade intends to shield others from its blast and merely foresees his own death; by contrast, a person who commits suicide intends to bring his or her own life to an end. 3. Criticisms Does the principle of double effect play the important explanatory role that has been claimed for it? To consider this question, one must be careful to clarify just what the principle is supposed to explain. Three misinterpretations of the principle's force or range of application are common. First, it is a misinterpretation to claim that the principle of double effect shows that agents may permissibly bring about harmful effects provided that they are merely foreseen side effects of promoting a good end. Applications of double effect always presuppose that some kind of proportionality condition has been satisfied. Traditional formulations of double effect require that the value of promoting the good end outweigh the disvalue of the harmful side effect. For example, a physician's justification for administering drugs to relieve a patient's pain while foreseeing the hastening of death as a side effect does not depend only on the fact that the physician does not intend to hasten death. (After all, physicians are not permitted to relieve the pain of kidney stones with potentially lethal doses of opiates simply because they foresee but do not intend the hastening of death!) A variety of substantive medical and ethical judgments provide the justificatory context: the patient is terminally ill, there is an urgent need to relieve pain and suffering, death is imminent, and the patient or the patient's proxy consents. Michael Walzer has argued that an additional condition is required: that agents minimize the foreseen harm even if this will involve accepting additional risk or foregoing some benefit. Whether this kind of condition is satisfied may depend on the agent's current circumstances and the options that exist. Thus, for example, as techniques of palliative care have improved and as new techniques for managing pain have been refined, what might in the past have been an adequate justification for hastening death in the course of pain relief might now be inadequate because current techniques may provide the better alternative of managing pain without hastening death. A second misinterpretation is fostered by applications of double effect that contrast the permissibility of causing a harm as a merely foreseen side effect of pursuing a good end with the impermissibility of causing the same kind of harm as one's end. Since it is widely accepted that it is wrong to aim to produce harm to someone as an end, to rule this out is not part of double effect's distinctive content. The principle presupposes that agents do not aim to cause morally grave harms as an end and seeks to guide decisions about causing harm in pursuing a morally good end. For example, double effect contrasts those who would (permissibly) provide medication to terminally ill patients in order to alleviate suffering with the side effect of hastening death with those who would (impermissibly) provide medication to terminally ill patients in order to hasten death in order to alleviate suffering. In the allegedly impermissible case, the physician's ultimate end is a good one — to alleviate suffering — not to cause death. The principle of double effect is directed at well-intentioned agents who ask whether they may cause a serious harm in order to bring about a good end of overriding moral importance when it is impossible to bring about the good end without the harm. A third common misinterpretation of double effect is to assume that the principle assures agents that they may do this provided that their ultimate aim is a good one that is ordinarily worth pursuing, the proportionality condition is satisfied and the harm is minimized. That is not sufficient: it must also be true that causing the harm is not so implicated as part of their means to this good end that it must count as something that is instrumentally intended to bring about the good end. Some discussions of double effect wrongly assume that it permits acts that cause certain kinds of harm because those harms were not the agent's ultimate aim or were regretted rather than welcomed. The principle of double effect is much more specific than that. Harms that were produced regretfully and only for the sake of producing a good end may be prohibited by double effect because they were brought about as part of the agent's means to realizing the good end. When minor harms are permissibly brought about as part of the means to a good end — for example, dentists are allowed to probe causing pain saying “tell me when it hurts” as a means to their diagnostic end — double effect does not explain their permissibility. Double effect is silent about cases in which a small harm might permissibly be brought about as a means to a good end. To invoke double effect, as it has traditionally be understood, is to make a comparative judgment: it is to assert that a harm that might permissibly be brought about as a side effect in promoting a good end could not permissibly be brought about as a means to the same good end. Those who defend double effect often assume that their opponents deny that an agent's intentions, motives, and attitudes are important factors in determining the permissibility of a course of action. If the permissibility of an action depended only on the consequences of the action, or only on the foreseen or foreseeable consequences of the action, then the distinction that grounds double effect would not have the moral significance claimed for it (see the related entry on consequentialism). Some opponents of double effect do indeed deny that the distinction between intended and merely foreseen consequences has moral significance. Yet many criticisms of double effect do not proceed from consequentialist assumptions or skepticism about the distinction between intended and merely foreseen consequences but instead ask whether the principle adequately codifies the moral intuitions at play in the cases that are taken to be illustrations of double effect. Doubts about the explanatory value of double effect have often focused on the difficulty of distinguishing between harmful effects that are regretfully intended as part of the agent's means and harmful effects that are regretfully foreseen as side effects of the agent's means. Since double effect deems the former to be impermissibly brought about, while the latter may be permissible, those who wish to apply double effect must provide principled grounds for drawing this distinction. For example, if the soldier who throws himself on the grenade in order to shield his fellow soldiers from the force of an explosion acts permissibly, and if the permissibility of his action is explained by double effect, then he must not intend to sacrifice his own life in order to save the others, he must merely foresee that his life will end as a side effect of his action. But many have argued that this is an implausible description of the soldier's action and that his action is permissible even if he does intend to cause his own death as a means to save the others. Shelly Kagan points out that if someone else were to shove the soldier on the grenade we would certainly say that that the harm to the soldier was intended by the person who did the shoving. Equally, Kagan argues, we should say that it is intended in this case (p. 145). The same kind of argument can be made for cases of killing in self-defense. Those who take this view can claim that what is often called the proportionality condition associated with double effect is really doing all of the explanatory work: it is because the end is judged to be worthy that the harmful means is considered to be permissibly brought about. Those who reject double effect for this reason may still maintain that there is a morally significant difference between self-sacrifice of this sort and suicide, but that the difference depends on a difference in the agent's motives and ends, not a difference in the means adopted. This kind of criticism about the explanatory reach of the principle of double effect might also be associated with the worry that we will be inclined to describe a harm as a merely foreseen side effect if we believe that it is permissibly brought about in the course of pursuing a good end, and, similarly, we will tend to describe a harm as one that is intended as part of the agent's means if we believe that it is not permissibly brought about in the course of pursuing a good end. Disputes about the permissibility of killing a fetus in order to save the life of a pregnant woman have often been thought to take this form. Those who say that it would be impermissible to perform an abortion to save the life of a pregnant woman say that this is because this would involve intending the death of the fetus. However, if it is also maintained that a hysterectomy may be performed on a pregnant woman with uterine cancer because the death of the fetus would be a merely foreseen side effect of surgery, it is hard to find a principled ground for drawing this distinction that could serve as a guide to moral judgment. Warren Quinn has argued that double effect does not rest on the distinction between intended and merely foreseen harm, but instead is best formulated using a distinction between direct and indirect agency (see the Formulations section). Quinn's view would imply that typical cases of self-defense and self-sacrifice would count as cases of direct agency. One clearly intends to involve the aggressor or oneself in something that furthers one's purpose precisely by way of his being so involved. Therefore, Quinn's account of the moral significance of the distinction between direct and indirect agency could not be invoked to explain why it might be permissible to kill in self-defense or to sacrifice one's own life to save the lives of others. But perhaps this is as it should be: double effect might be easier to explain and justify if the range of cases to which it applies is limited in this way. If Quinn's view is correct, and if the distinction between direct and indirect agency is easier to draw clearly, and is not subject to redescription under the influence of our moral judgments about permissibility, then perhaps the objections outlined above can be answered. A second striking feature of Quinn's interpretation (or revision) of double effect is that it analyzes the disfavored kind of agency as conduct that subordinates the victim to purposes that he or she either rightfully rejects or cannot rightfully accept, thereby violating the victim's right not to be surbordinated in this way (1991, p. 511). Equally harmful indirect agency would not violate this right, but it is violated, according to Quinn, only when other rights are violated. Therefore, its force is not entirely independent from the kind of wrong that is present in cases of indirect agency, since it amplifies this, but it is additional to it, and distinguishable (Quinn 1989, p. 349). Thus, the harms brought about by fair competition, or in justifiable punishment do not violate any right of the persons affected, and so, on Quinn's view, do not violate this additional right even if they are brought about intentionally. 4. One principle or many? It is not at all clear that all of the examples that double effect has been invoked to justify can be explained by a single principle. Proponents of double effect have always acknowledged that a proportionality condition must be satisfied when double effect is applied, but this condition typically requires only that the good effect outweigh the foreseen bad effect or that there be sufficient reason for causing the bad effect. Some critics of double effect have maintained that when double effect has been invoked, substantive independent justifications for causing the kind of harm in question are implicitly relied upon, and are in fact, doing all of the justificatory work. These independent justifications are not derived from the distinction between intended and merely foreseen consequences, and more significantly, might presuppose different ways of drawing the distinction (Davis, McIntyre). Thus, self-sacrifice and killing in self-defense might involve permissibly causing death as a means to a good end, while dispensing medication to relieve pain in terminally ill patients and the strategic bombing of military targets might involve causing death as a side effect. If this is true, then perhaps the cases that have been cited as applications of double effect are united only by the fact that each is an exception to the general rule that it is wrong to cause the death of a human being. The historical origins of double effect as a tenet of Catholic casuistry might provide a similar explanation for the unity of its applications. If one were to assume that it is absolutely prohibited to cause the death of a human being, then it would not be permissible to kill an aggressor in self-defense, to sacrifice one's life to protect others, to hasten death as a side effect of administering pain-relieving medications, or to endanger non-combatants in warfare. If one were to assume instead that what is absolutely prohibited is to cause the death of a human being intentionally, then these exceptional cases can all be classified as cases of non-intentional killing. Critics of double effect might then claim that a better way of explaining what these cases have in common is to point out that they are exceptions to the prohibition on causing the death of a human being, and that the pattern of justification that they share requires that the agent acts in order to promote a good end and shows adequate respect for the value of human life in so acting. What the critics of double effect emphasize is that the distinction between what is intentional and what is foreseen does not explain the permissibility of these exceptions. Bibliography Anscombe, Elizabeth. (1982). “Medallist's Address: Action, Intention and ‘Double Effect’”. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 12-25; reprinted in Woodward, ed.:50-66. Aquinas, Thomas. (13th c). Summa Theologica II-II, Q. 64, art. 7, “Of Killing”, in On Law, Morality, and Politics (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Co., 1988), William P. Baumgarth and Richard J. Regan, S.J., eds., p. 226-7. Augustine. (4th c). De Libero Arbitrio Voluntatis. (Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1947): 9-10. Bennett, Jonathan. (1966). “Whatever the Consequences” Analysis 26, 83-102. Bennett, Jonathan. (1981). “Morality and Consequences”. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Vol. 2, ed. Sterling McMurrin (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press), especially Lecture III “Intended as a Means”. Bennett, Jonathan. (1995). The Act Itself (New York: Oxford), 194-225; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 85-118. Boyle, Joseph. (1991). “Who is entitled to Double Effect?”. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16, 475-494. Boyle, Joseph M., Jr. (1980). “Toward Understanding the Principle of Double Effect”. Ethics 90, 527-38; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 7-20. Connell, F.J. (1967). “Double Effect, Principle of”. New Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 4 (New York: McGraw-Hill), pp. 1020-2, p. 1021. Davis, Nancy. (1984). “The Doctrine of Double Effect: Problems of Interpretation”. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 65, 107-23; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 119-142. Duff, Antony. (1982). “Intention, Responsibility and Double Effect”. The Philosophical Quarterly 32:126, 1-16. Foot, Philippa. (1967). “The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect”. Oxford Review 5, 5-15; reprinted in Bonnie Steinbock and Alastair Norcross, eds. Killing and Letting Die 2nd ed. (New York: Fordham University Press, 1994), pp. 266-279; reprinted in Woodward, ed.:143-155. Foot, Philippa. (1985). “Morality, Action, and Outcome”. Morality and Objectivity: A Tribute to J.L. Mackie, Ted Honderich, ed. (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul), pp. 23-38; reprinted in Woodward, ed.:67-82. Garcia, Jorge. (1995). “Double Effect” entry in Encyclopedia of Bioethics, revised edition, Warren Thomas Reich, ed., (New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan): 636-641 Grisez, Germain G. (1970). “Toward a Consistent Natural-Law Ethics of Killing”. The American Journal of Jurisprudence. 15, 64-96 Kagan, Shelly. (1999). The Limits of Morality. (New York: Oxford University Press): 128-182. Kamm, Frances M. (1999). “Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Doctrine of Double Effect, and the Ground of Value”. Ethics. 109, 586-605 Kamm, Frances M. (1991). “The Doctrine of Double Effect: Reflections on Theoretical and Practical Issues”. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16, 571-585. Mangan, Joseph. (1949). “An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect”. Theological Studies 10, 41-61. Marquis, Donald B. (1991). “Four Versions of Double Effect” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16, 515-544; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 156-185. McIntyre, Alison. (2001). “Doing Away with Double Effect”. Ethics 111, 2, 219-255. McMahan, Jeff. (1994). “Revising the Doctrine of Double Effect”. Journal of Applied Philosophy 11, 2, 201-12. Quinn, Warren. (1989). “Actions, Intentions, and Consequences: The Doctrine of Double Effect”. Philosophy and Public Affairs 18, 4 (Fall): 334-351; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 23-40. Quinn, Warren. (1991). “Reply to Boyle's Who is Entitled to Double Effect?”. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16, 511-514 Uniacke, Suzanne. (1984). “The Doctrine of Double Effect”. The Thomist 48, 2, 188-218. Walzer, Michael. (1977). Just and Unjust Wars. (New York: Basic Books), pp. 151-9; reprinted in Woodward, ed.: 261-269. Woodward, P. A., ed. (2001). The Doctrine of Double Effect: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle. (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Other Internet Resources List of References for the Principle of Double Effect [PDF], maintained by Jörg Schroth. Whether it is lawful to kill a man in self-defense?, New Advent, Catholic Encyclopedia. The Principle of Double Effect, originally written by David Solomon in The Encyclopedia of Ethics. U.S. Supreme Court decision Vacco v. Quill, concerning the challenge to laws prohibiting assisted suicide posed by Quill, et al., Legal Information Institute, Supreme Court Collection.
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So if you’ve been anticipating creating a PayPal account or hoping to have Amazon Gift Card as a withdrawal option, am sorry to disappoint you. McDVoice does not offer any of such payment options. If you prefer to get paid with any of such payment methods, I suggest you check out survey sites with Direct Bank Deposit, Amazon Gift Cards, or Walmart Gift Cards. Overall, I don’t think the coupon-based reward is a bad method to reward you for your opinion. After all, the opinions gathered are to better improve McDonald’s customer satisfaction. Personally, I believe it will only be appropriate they appreciate you with free food or a discount on your next order. See also: Best Survey Sites for Free Visa Cards How Can You Make Money On McDVoice? Unfortunately, McDVoice doesn’t offer multiple opportunities to earn rewards like other online surveys such as Swagbucks and PrizeRebel. The major reason for this is simply because McDVoice is not designed as a normal online survey platform. McDVoice survey is only a way to gather feedback from McDonald’s customers while they get rewarded for their sincere opinions with free food. Well, one could say they adopted an online survey sites system since the aim is to improve McDonald’s customer satisfaction. However, McDVoice can’t be totally categorized as an online survey site. As a result, the only way you can get a reward from the McDVoice survey is by answering surveys designed for McDonald’s customers. To participate in the survey, you must have a valid receipt. All you need from the receipt is the 26 lineup survey code printed on it. However, in a situation whereby your receipt does not have the survey code, the McDVoice survey offers an alternative method. In such a case, simply enter the store number, visit date, and time after selecting your preferred language. You must ensure all information you enter is correct. As soon as you are done entering the required information appropriately, you will be given access to the survey page where you get to answer the survey questions. One of the things that set the McDVoice survey apart is the fact that you can never get disqualified from a survey. It’s frustrating to waste your precious time on a survey you’re not eligible for. McDVoice get rid of that introduced the receipt-based system. I’m sure you understand the aim and objective of McDVoivce by now. Therefore, you should expect questions regarding the quality of food, service and also the attitude of McDonald’s staff. How to Avoid Disqualification To make your effort and opinion count, I advise you to answer each question honestly. If your feedback is not candid, you’re not helping the company. In fact, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be honest with your answers. After all, it’s all about improving their service so you can be happy and satisfied next time you eat at any of their restaurants. McDVoice isn’t your regular survey site where member’s personal information is requested. So even if your answers sound negative, don’t worry, you’re safe. The last important thing about the McDVoice survey is your “Validation Code”. How do you obtain a validation code? After answering all the survey questions, simply click the “Submit” button. Once you submit your answers, you will be given a validation code. You must have this code recorded somewhere safe. You can screengrab it, write it down in a notebook or anywhere you can access it next time you visit McDonald’s restaurant. The Validation Code is what you need to redeem your reward. See also: Best Second Job Ideas to Max Your Monthly Income Pros It is completely free to join No disqualification from surveys No payout threshold Simple, easy questions Teenagers can participate (15+) Owned by a reliable company Cons Only available to US residents No cash reward Validation code can be suspended anytime Limited earning opportunity Alternatives There are many other survey platforms like McDVoice that lets you take surveys to earn amazing rewards in your spare time. These sites include: KFC Survey ySense iSurveyWorld SurveyLion Respondent American Consumer Opinion Panel Champ Univox Community Maru Springboard America SEE: Best Surveys for Money Apps FAQs What are the surveys on McDVoice about? Anything that has to do with McDonald’s restaurants. It can be about their foods, menu, surrounding of the restaurants, or the attitude of their staff. It can even be about a particular meal you’ve taken at McDonald’s. The surveys on McDVoice are aimed at finding out the customer experience and opinion towards McDonald’s in general. Through a structured questionnaire, you will have the chance to tell them what you think. How long does McDVoice surveys takes? The processes are simple, and there are no complicated or perplexing questions. So you should be able to complete the survey in about 5 – 10 minutes. Can all the member of your household participate in the McDVoice survey? Yes, each member of your household can take part in the McDVoice survey provided each of them has a valid receipt. Don’t forget, a valid receipt mean a McDonald’s receipt you obtained 7 days ago. Conclusion In conclusion, unarguably, McDVoice online survey is a legit way to get yourself and your family a free delicious meal or amazing discount on your next order from one of the many McDonald’s restaurants. McDonald’s is always working to ensure customer happiness and maintain high standards. They are attempting to obtain genuine input through their survey and feedback site, as well as rewarding customers who complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey. I believe the McDVoice survey is a great opportunity to express yourself about their foods, services, and their staff attitude towards you if you’re already eating at McDonald’s restaurant. It’s obvious the online survey offers very limited opportunities and does not even reward the participant with cash or Gift cards like other survey sites. If you are looking for a survey site with numerous offers and rewards in addition to the McDVoice survey, here are the Best Paid Survey Panels. Surveystor provides relevant details on how to earn extra income on survey platforms, GPT sites, cashback platforms, and PTC sites. I hope you found this McDVoice guide helpful. Thanks for reading. Ready to Participate in McDVoice Survey? Click the button to get started with McDVoice online survey. Make sure you have a valid last week’s (7 days) McDonald’s receipt at your reach.
Thomas Dausgaard (Danish: [ˈtsʰʌmæs ˈtɑwˀsˌkɒˀ]; born 4 July 1963 in Copenhagen) is a Danish conductor. He "studied conducting at the Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen and with Norman Del Mar at the Royal College of Music in London. He has taken part in masterclasses with Franco Ferrara, Leonard Bernstein and Hiroyuki Iwaki, and in 1991 he won a conducting fellowship to attend the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute." In Scandinavia, Dausgaard has been principal conductor of the Swedish Chamber Orchestra since 1997. From 2001 to 2004, he was Principal Guest Conductor of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra (DNSO), and became principal conductor in 2004, the first Danish conductor to hold the post. He concluded his principal conductorship of the DNSO at the close of the 2010–2011 season, and subsequently became the orchestra's æresdirigent (honorary conductor). In May 2017, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra announced that Dausgaard is to conclude his tenure as principal conductor after the 2018–2019 season, and subsequently to take the title of conductor laureate with the orchestra. Outside of Scandinavia, Dausgaard first guest-conducted the Seattle Symphony in March 2013. In October 2013, the Seattle Symphony named Dausgaard its next principal guest conductor, effective with the 2014–2015 season, with an initial contract of 3 years. In March 2016, the Seattle Symphony announced the extension of Dausgaard's contract as principal guest through the 2019–2020 season. In October 2017, the Seattle Symphony announced the appointment of Dausgaard as its next music director, effective with the 2019–2020 season, with an initial contract of 4 seasons. In March 2015, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (BBC SSO) announced the appointment of Dausgaard as its next chief conductor, effective with the 2016–2017 season. In January 2018, the BBC SSO announced the extension of Dausgaard's contract as chief conductor through the 2021–2022 season. Dausgaard has been a regular conductor of the music of Per Nørgård, and is the dedicatee of Nørgård's composition Terrains Vagues. For the Chandos and DaCapo labels, Dausgaard has conducted several recordings of Danish and other Scandinavian music, including works by Per Nørgård, Johan Svendsen, Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann, Rued Langgaard, Dag Wirén, Franz Berwald, August Enna and Asger Hamerik, as well as Denmark's most famous composer, Carl Nielsen. He has also embarked on a series of recordings for SIMAX of the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, as well as two CDs for BIS of the symphonies of Robert Schumann.
US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Thursday that US President Donald Trump Administration's way of handling the coronavirus outbreak in the United States was one of the reasons he was trusted by fewer foreigners than Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The US is set to hold a presidential election on November 3. "I've been doing this for a long time. I never ever thought I would see such a thoroughly totally irresponsible administration," Biden said during a CNN town hall in the Pennsylvania state. "It's one of the reasons why if you take a look at the Pew Foundation poll -- guess what, Russia's Putin, China's Xi Jinping are trusted by more people in the world than the president of the United States of America. And one of the reasons they say is COVID." According to Biden, not only did the Trump administration's response to COVID-19 cause loss of lives in the US, but it also caused Washington "to lose [its] influence in ways that are profound." The Democrat politician further described China as a "serious competitor" and Russia as an "opponent" to the US, vowing more sanctions on Moscow in the case if it meddles in the upcoming presidential election. The United States repeatedly accused Russia of meddling in its political processes, in particular, during the 2016 presidential election. Moscow has consistently denied these allegations. Last year, US Special Counsel Robert Mueller, mandated to investigate the alleged interference, found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia but established that Moscow systematically interfered in the US elections via two chief methods -- social media campaigns and intelligence-backed cyberattacks. Moscow responded by pointing to the lack of actual evidence to support this assumption. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Read our full coverage on US Presidential elections 2020 Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor First Published: Fri,September 18 2020 13:22 IST Business Standard is now on Telegram. For insightful reports and views on business, markets, politics and other issues, subscribe to our official Telegram channel
AG Ferguson files lawsuit against national sorority for charging and threatening UW students in violation of eviction moratorium Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit against the collegiate sorority Alpha Omicron Pi for unlawfully charging University of Washington (UW) students more than $6,000 in rent even though the students could not access or live in sorority housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alpha Omicron Pi, a national, Tennessee-based sorority, also illegally charged late fees and threatened students with suspensions of their sorority memberships and damage to their credit if they did not pay. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 22 2021 AG Ferguson releases 2021 legislative agenda, unveils legislation to require law enforcement use of deadly force data, prohibit price gouging during emergencies OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced his 2021 legislative agenda, which includes new bills requiring the collection and publication of data on the use of deadly force by law enforcement and prohibiting price gouging during emergencies. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 21 2021 AG Ferguson: Some cases against federal government will continue despite President Biden taking office Attorney General Bob Ferguson today offered an update on his lawsuits against the federal government in the wake of President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 20 2021 AG Ferguson: Low-income housing provider to pay $50,000 to resolve lawsuit over illegal threats to evict Spokane County tenants SPOKANE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced a Hayden, Idaho low-income housing provider, Whitewater Creek, will pay $50,000 after evidence revealed they illegally threatened tenants in April 2020 with eviction. In order to resolve Ferguson’s lawsuit, Whitewater Creek entered into a legally enforceable agreement to make this payment and will take additional accountability measures to avoid future violations of law. The Attorney General filed the resolution to his lawsuit in Spokane County Superior Court. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 19 2021 AG Ferguson: Federal court blocks Trump Clean Power Plan rollbacks OLYMPIA — A panel of federal judges, including a Trump appointee, today blocked the Trump Administration’s effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan and replace it with the so-called “Affordable Clean Energy” rule, which would not require significant carbon emission reductions. The ruling came in a challenge brought by Attorney General Bob Ferguson and a coalition of 22 states and seven local governments. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 12 2021 AG Ferguson: Sham charity must pay $95,000 to be donated to legitimate veterans’ charity Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that a sham veterans’ charity is legally required to pay $95,000 to Washington state. Healing Heroes Network Inc. deceived donors into believing most of their donations would help provide medical care for wounded veterans. In fact, it spent less than one percent of individuals’ donations on veterans’ medical care. For example, in 2016, the charity received $2.7 million in donations nationwide, yet spent only $1,128 to fund veterans’ medical care. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 12 2021 Charity can pay veterans back wages as a result of $1 million payout in AG lawsuit TACOMA — As a result of Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit, non-profit organization Veterans Independent Enterprises of Washington (VIEW) has received $1 million — the maximum allowed under its insurance policy — to pay its creditors, including 74 veterans who are owed wages. The employees’ claims range from $192 to $48,925 in unpaid wages, totaling $310,489.37. Click here to read the full news release... Jan 11 2021 Tacoma judge imposes penalties in AG Ferguson’s first lawsuit to fight pregnancy discrimination using 2017’s Healthy Starts Act TACOMA — A Tacoma judge has ordered over $41,000 in penalties and mandatory training for a FedEx contractor and its owner for firing a pregnant employee immediately after she asked for an accommodation. An accommodation is a reasonable change to the working environment to accommodate the pregnancy and the health conditions after the birth of the baby. The judge’s decision came in the first case brought to trial by the Attorney General’s Office under the 2017 “Healthy Starts Act.” Click here to read the full news release... Jan 8 2021 79 individuals share their personal stories as part of AG-led coalition’s motion to halt National Archives' sale SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson and a legal coalition of 40 tribes, states, and community organizations filed a motion late yesterday for preliminary injunction to halt the federal government’s planned sale of the National Archives building in Seattle. The motion includes 586 pages of declarations from tribal officials, heads of community organizations and historians from across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The 79 declarations include deeply personal stories of connection to the archives and statements of outrage against "cultural erasure." Click here to read the full news release... Jan 4 2021 AG Ferguson announces coalition lawsuit to save National Archives SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that his office filed a lawsuit against the federal government for illegally proceeding with the sale of the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) building in Seattle. The government plans to ship the National Archives building’s irreplaceable, un-digitized records more than a thousand miles away to archive centers in Kansas City, Missouri and Riverside, California. This will effectively eliminate public access to the records. Twenty-nine federally recognized tribes, Alaskan tribal entities, and tribal communities from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska, as well as nine community organizations, historical preservation societies and museums and the state of Oregon joined Ferguson’s lawsuit.
We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Thank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee ourprivacy notice Social distancing, stricter hand hygiene and the wearing of face coverings have become part of our everyday lives now as the fight against coronavirus continues. Since August, the use of face coverings in certain indoor settings, such as shops or shopping centres has been mandatory. You must also wear a face covering on public transport. In more recent weeks, this has been extended to include airports, banks and some government offices, as well as private buses and taxis. A man wearing a face mask walks past an entrance to Belfast City Hospital (Image: Brian Lawless/PA Wire) We have pulled together the most recent information and guidance on face masks in Northern Ireland, from the NI Executive. The reason for using face coverings Coronavirus usually spreads by droplets from coughs, sneezes and speaking. These droplets can also be picked up from surfaces, if you touch a surface and then your face without washing your hands first. This is why social distancing, regular hand hygiene, and covering coughs and sneezes is important in controlling the spread of the virus. The best available scientific evidence is that, when used correctly, wearing a face covering may reduce the spread of coronavirus droplets in certain circumstances, helping to protect others. Read More Related Articles Northern Ireland coronavirus figures show first person under 19 has died after testing positive for Covid-19 Read More Related Articles Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Full breakdown of Wednesday's Covid-19 figures Because face coverings are mainly intended to protect others, not the wearer, from coronavirus, they’re not a replacement for social distancing and regular hand washing. Face coverings in indoor public places On August 10, it became mandatory to wear a face covering in a relevant place. A relevant place generally means a shop or shopping centre, the NI Direct website explains. As well as ordinary day to day shopping for items such as clothes, food or electrical goods, a face covering is required in any other indoor place where goods or services are available to buy or rent. This includes, for example, a bookmakers, a food takeaway business or a dry cleaner. Since October 14, banks and other similar businesses, restaurants, cafes and pubs, and offices that deliver Government services, have also become relevant places and you must wear a face covering. Micheal Burns, owner of the Glenpark Bar in Ardoyne (Image: Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live) People who work in relevant places must also wear a face covering, unless they are separated from members of the public by a partition. This includes, for example, someone stacking shelves in a supermarket or a waiter in a café. It is not mandatory to wear a face covering in a business that is able to maintain social distancing by using a system of ticketing or appointments. This might include, for example, a cinema or a solicitor. You do not have to wear a face covering if you are seated in a restaurant, pub or café, though you must replace it if you have any reason to leave your seat, such as when entering or leaving the premises and when visiting the toilet. If you are a customer of a food takeaway business, or a shop that sells food or drink for immediate consumption, and it provides seating for its customers, you may remove your face covering while eating and drinking at those seats. You do not have to wear a face covering in a gym or other place where the purpose of your attendance is aerobic exercise. Face coverings on public transport, coaches, taxis and tour buses All passengers and staff on public transport must wear a face covering: On bus, coach and train services, including private buses and coaches, and taxis In public transport stations and airports In indoor areas of a ferry and outdoor areas where you can’t keep two metres social distance Your driver should also wear a mask, unless he or she is behind a partition. Learning to drive If you are learning to drive, both the learner and instructor must wear a face covering, unless they live in the same household as you. The same rules apply for driving tests. Exemptions from wearing a face covering You don’t have to wear a face covering in a public indoor place: If you are under the age of 13. If you are a member of staff or employee of the shop, shopping centre or bank and are behind a partition, or if you are in an area not open to the public and can maintain a two metre social distance from your colleagues. If you have a reasonable excuse not to. In addition to this, you do not have to wear a face covering on public transport: on school transport if you are a member of staff and are behind a protective screen An employee of a shop or shopping centre can tell you to wear a face covering, and can tell you to leave the shop or shopping centre if you refuse to wear one and do not have a reasonable excuse not to. Belfast City Centre (Image: Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live) Some circumstances make it difficult for some people to wear face coverings. In these circumstances people may have a 'reasonable excuse' not to wear a face covering. There is no need to get a letter from a doctor or the government to show that you do not need to wear a face covering. If you have a condition (for example, a disease such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis) which means you cannot wear a face covering you only need to say, if asked, that you cannot wear a face covering because you are exempt. If you do not wear a face covering and you are not under 13 or have a reasonable excuse for not wearing one, you are committing an offence and could be fined. How to wear a face covering In line with the advice from the World Health Organisation, when you wear a face covering it is important that you: Do not get a false sense of security about the level of protection they may offer. Continue to practice social distancing. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it. A face covering should: Cover your nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably. Fit comfortably but securely against the side of the face. Be secured to the head with ties or ear loops. Be made of a material that you find to be comfortable and breathable, such as cotton. Ideally include at least two layers of fabric (the World Health Organisation recommends three depending on the fabric used). Unless disposable, it should be able to be washed with other items of laundry according to fabric washing instructions and dried without causing the face covering to be damaged. A vent is not recommended, according to the NI Executive. A spokesperson added: "Masks with valves allow air breathed out to pass unfiltered into the environment, along with potential droplets, defeating the key purpose of protecting those around you." When wearing a face covering When wearing a face covering you should: Make sure the face covering covers your mouth, nose and chin without any gaps at the side. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on. Avoid wearing on your neck or forehead. Avoid touching the part of the face covering in contact with your mouth and nose, as it could be contaminated with the virus. Change the face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it. Avoid taking it off and putting it back on a lot in quick succession (for example, when leaving and entering shops on a high street). When removing a face covering When removing a face covering you should: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before removing. Only handle the straps, ties or clips. Do not give it to someone else to use. If single-use, dispose of it carefully in a residual waste bin and do not recycle. If reusable, wash it in line with manufacturer’s instructions at the highest temperature appropriate for the fabric after every use. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser once removed. Face visors or face shields The NI Direct website states: "Face visors or shields do not offer the same protection as a cloth face covering which sits directly over the nose and the mouth. Read More Related Articles Top doctor says nurse shortage is huge concern for NHS as Covid marches on Northern Ireland Read More Related Articles Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Department of Health dashboard shows nine further deaths and 840 new cases "If you wear a face shield or a visor you should also wear a cloth face covering. "The use of cloth face coverings is recommended, as they provide much better protection from the risk of infection from the Covid-19 virus." Follow BelfastLive FacebookTwitter Comment More On Coronavirus News all Most Read Most Recent In The NewsArthur Labinjo-Hughes: Northern Ireland mum raises thousands in memory of six-year-oldThe six-year-old collapsed and died from an unsurvivable brain injury in June, 2020 Northern Ireland Covid Omicron wave will be “large” and “rapid” when it comes warns expert CoronavirusChief Scientific Adviser says it remains unclear how virulent new variant is Newtownabbey woman graduates from Queens University after leaving abusive relationship Queen's UniversityCatherine struggled to cope with the stress of being a new mum and an abusive partner Jason Lee Martin murder trial hears how friend at party was allegedly 'soaked in blood' BallymenaAccused pleaded guilty to manslaughter but this was rejected by prosecution PSNI defend bid to withhold material from Noah Donohoe inquest Noah DonohoeA barrister for the police said applications for Public Interest Immunity certification are not infrequent in all types of inquests CoronavirusNorthern Ireland vaccine passport: How to apply for mobile and paper certificateDomestic certificates will be enforceable from December 13 Stormont Covid restrictions unlikely to change before Christmas say Ministers Coronavirus"The current measures that we have in place, if people follow that, that will be able to get us through the Christmas period” Wayne Boylan murder: Three men previously arrested released following questioning PSNIThe 37-year-old was shot dead at a property in Warrenpoint in January 2019 NHS headache as 160 people 'missing' from A&E every month NHSPolice and the NHS have launched a new campaign to address the issue which costs £4.8million pounds per year Covid lateral flow tests 'measure which will help to protect us all' insists chief scientific adviser Coronavirus“I would encourage people to use them if they’re travelling within the Common Travel Area.” Most Read Most Recent In The NewsArthur Labinjo-Hughes: Northern Ireland mum raises thousands in memory of six-year-oldThe six-year-old collapsed and died from an unsurvivable brain injury in June, 2020 Northern Ireland Covid Omicron wave will be “large” and “rapid” when it comes warns expert CoronavirusChief Scientific Adviser says it remains unclear how virulent new variant is Newtownabbey woman graduates from Queens University after leaving abusive relationship Queen's UniversityCatherine struggled to cope with the stress of being a new mum and an abusive partner Jason Lee Martin murder trial hears how friend at party was allegedly 'soaked in blood' BallymenaAccused pleaded guilty to manslaughter but this was rejected by prosecution PSNI defend bid to withhold material from Noah Donohoe inquest Noah DonohoeA barrister for the police said applications for Public Interest Immunity certification are not infrequent in all types of inquests CoronavirusNorthern Ireland vaccine passport: How to apply for mobile and paper certificateDomestic certificates will be enforceable from December 13 Stormont Covid restrictions unlikely to change before Christmas say Ministers Coronavirus"The current measures that we have in place, if people follow that, that will be able to get us through the Christmas period” Wayne Boylan murder: Three men previously arrested released following questioning PSNIThe 37-year-old was shot dead at a property in Warrenpoint in January 2019 NHS headache as 160 people 'missing' from A&E every month NHSPolice and the NHS have launched a new campaign to address the issue which costs £4.8million pounds per year Covid lateral flow tests 'measure which will help to protect us all' insists chief scientific adviser Coronavirus“I would encourage people to use them if they’re travelling within the Common Travel Area.” Top Stories PSNI defend bid to withhold material from Noah Donohoe inquest Noah DonohoeA barrister for the police said applications for Public Interest Immunity certification are not infrequent in all types of inquests Omicron: ‘Rapid increase’ in cases expected in Northern Ireland before Christmas CoronavirusChief medical officer Sir Michael McBride was speaking after the first three confirmed cases of the variant were announced Wayne Boylan murder: Three men previously arrested released following questioning PSNIThe 37-year-old was shot dead at a property in Warrenpoint in January 2019 Tesco Northern Ireland warehouse workers suspend pre-Christmas pay strike TescoUnite members had voted for industrial action on Monday at sites including Antrim and Belfast West Belfast community launch first ever Christmas Market West BelfastIt all kicks off this weekend Sick and dying birds wait 'all day' for vet treatment at Waterworks EnvironmentUSPCA stood down a Wildlife Rescue Officer it was sending first thing after council said it was acting Covid lateral flow tests "measure which will help to protect us all", Chief scientific adviser says Coronavirus“I would encourage people to use them if they’re travelling within the Common Travel Area.” Newtownabbey woman graduates from Queens University after leaving abusive relationship Queen's UniversityCatherine struggled to cope with the stress of being a new mum and an abusive partner Derry crash: Glenshane Road closed near Claudy following serious collision Northern IrelandMotorists have been advised to avoid the area NI paralympian to appeal conviction for gluing himself to plane EnvironmentJames Brown had been given a 12-month jail sentence Bernard Sanke: Police 'increasingly concerned' for missing Fermanagh man last seen in Co Down Co FermanaghMr Sanke was last seen on Sunday, December 5, in the car park at Tollymore Forest Park, Co Down
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Navy men’s basketball returns plenty of talent, expects to contend for Patriot League championship - Capital Gazette Skip to content Sections xml:space="preserve"> Search xml:space="preserve"> Breaking News ENewspaper Advertising Ad circulars CG fund Ex-Navy football player Brian Bourgeois killed in SEAL training accident; officer to be honored during Army-Navy game After students felt threatened during spirit week, Pasadena volunteers color Chesapeake High with positive messages for Unity Day ‘An amazing individual’: Navy WR Mychal Cooper earned the respect of teammates, coaches during career What to expect in the search for a new superintendent of Anne Arundel County schools | COMMENTARY Maryland Democrats send new congressional map to Gov. Hogan Unbeaten Annapolis bests Old Mill in wrestling for first time in 18 years Letters: Navy secretary’s decisons on pro sports unlikely have recruiting consequences; Thoughts on mental health | READER COMMENTARY Courtney Buiniskis: We are training Maryland’s future workforce. It’s time we were treated like it. | COMMENTARY 'Truth and Lies:' Laci Peterson's mom recalls disturbing last visit with murdered daughter Anne Arundel springs surprise inspection at Cancun Cantina over reported COVID violations Home of the Week: Resident finds new, active senior lifestyle at BayWoods condos Lawyers Mall construction to require temporary removal of Marshall statue Pasadena teen charged with fatally stabbing 5-year-old half sister left note saying he wanted to kill family, authorities say Army-Navy football game at MetLife Stadium a recognition of 20th anniversary of 9/11 and its impact on New York City School board picks Howard County's Mamie Perkins as interim superintendent Advertisement Advertisement Navy Sports Navy men’s basketball returns plenty of talent, expects to contend for Patriot League championship By Bill Wagner Capital Gazette | Nov 24, 2020 at 6:00 AM Navy point guard Cam Davis, shown shooting a pull-up jumper against archrival Army last season, was a second team All-Patriot League selection as a junior. (Terrance Williams/Capital Gazette) Navy men’s basketball has become accustomed to being picked to place near the bottom of the Patriot League standings in the preseason poll. It has been a motivating factor for the Midshipmen, who have made a habit of consistently finishing higher than predicted. Advertisement That narrative figures to be upended this season since Navy has already been rated in the top tier of the Patriot League by several media outlets. With four returning starters and a total of 10 returning lettermen, the Midshipmen are expected to contend for the conference championship. Navy last won the Patriot League regular season title in 1999-20. Several college basketball publications and websites have picked Navy third behind defending Patriot League Tournament champion Boston University and runner-up Colgate, which captured the regular season crown. Advertisement Advertisement “Yes, I do think we can compete for the championship. We have some talented returning players and we’re deeper than in the past. We’ve got a good amount of experience,” Navy head coach Ed DeChellis said. “I think we’ll be a good defensive team and a good rebounding team. I think we’ve got the ability to be effective offensively.” While Navy returns a solid nucleus, it is from a team that finished with a losing record (14-16) and lost in the opening round of the Patriot League Tournament. The Midshipmen tied for sixth in regular season race with an 8-10 mark. DeChellis has cautioned his players to remain humble, saying “this team hasn’t done anything yet.” Starting point guard and team captain Cam Davis said the Midshipmen came into the 2020-21 campaign confident but not overly so. “We like to play with a chip on our shoulder. We take the approach that people are still doubting Navy basketball,” Davis said. Advertisement Davis is coming off a breakout season during which he led Navy in scoring (16.3 points per game) and assists (75). He was named second team All-Patriot League after averaging almost 35 minutes per game and topping the team with 64 3-pointers. Davis is a true combination guard, capable of bringing the ball up-court and initiating the offense while also serving as the finisher with his perimeter shooting and pull-up game. DeChellis would like to see Davis do a better job of driving to the basket and finishing at the rim. [More from sports] Ex-Navy football player Brian Bourgeois killed in SEAL training accident; officer to be honored during Army-Navy game » “I also want Cam to become a lockdown on-ball defender,” DeChellis said. “He needs to set the tone defensively by accepting the challenge of taking the opposing point guard and containing the ball.” Navy lost an exceptional captain in pivot man Evan Wieck, a classic lead-by-example type. The 6-foot-8, 240-pounder was a solid defender and rebounder, but many of his contributions were intangible in nature. Davis, the lone captain, hopes to fill the role of elder statesman showing the younger players how to prepare and improve. “Personally, I want to really develop as a leader. I want to hone my leadership style so it can transfer from sports to the fleet,” he said. “I want to be the best teammate possible. I want to be the one that pushes all my teammates to be the best version of themselves.” Davis acknowledged the tenuous nature of this college basketball season, which begins this week amid the predicted winter surge of coronavirus. With college football canceling or postponing games left and right, one wonders how an indoor sport will fare. [More from sports] ‘An amazing individual’: Navy WR Mychal Cooper earned the respect of teammates, coaches during career » Navy opens the season Wednesday against George Washington of the Atlantic 10 Conference at Alumni Hall. It is being billed as the Veterans Classic, although the doubleheader format and many other elements of the event will be missing. Davis spearheads a back court that figures to be Navy’s strength with juniors John Carter Jr. and Greg Summers also returning as starters. The 6-foot-3, 195-pound junior is a pivotal figure for the Midshipmen, a Patriot League All-Rookie team pick in 2019 who suffered through somewhat of a sophomore slump. Navy's John Carter Jr. drives towards the basket past Mount St. Mary's Jalen Gibbs in the first half. The Navy Midshipmen played the visiting Mount St. Mary's Mountaineers in men's basketball at Alumni Hall Friday. (Paul W. Gillespie) Carter was second on the squad in scoring (10.6 average) last season but shot just 33 percent from the field. He had the most 3-point attempts (203) among the Mids but made just 28 percent (58). On a positive note, Carter did contribute in other ways — leading Navy with 27 steals and ranking second in rebounding average (4.9). After almost a month of preseason practice, DeChellis feels the Tennessee native is poised for a bounce-back performance. “I think John Carter has grown and really stepped up. I see a much more confident young man,” DeChellis said. “I think John got down on himself toward end of last season. Now he’s playing with a smile on his face and a higher level of confidence.” [More from sports] How Bill Belichick helped revive Navy football with a 20-minute phone call » Summers had a breakout campaign as a sophomore, starting all 30 games and leading Navy with 6.8 rebounds per game. The versatile 6-foot-4, 200-pound wing finished third on the team in scoring (9.7 points), while ranking second in both assists (70) and steals (26). After attempting only 26 3-pointers last season, Summers has worked hard to improve his range from beyond the arc. DeChellis believes the Florida native can create offense for himself and others. “We want Greg to handle the ball and get other guys shots. He does a good job of driving and dishing or driving, getting fouled and going to free throw line,” DeChellis said. “Greg is a guy that can grab a rebound and lead the fast break. He needs to do a better job of absorbing contact and finishing around the basket.” Navy Midshipmen guard Greg Summers (20) in action against several Lehigh Mountain Hawks defenders during an NCAA men's basketball match between Navy and Lehigh Patriot League opener. (Daniel Kucin Jr./Capital Gazette) Luke Loehr is the lone returning starter in the front court after averaging 4.9 points and 4.0 rebounds a year ago. The 6-foot-7, 221-pound senior ranked third on the team in 3-pointers made (29) and the coaching staff would like to build on his talents as a stretch forward. “We’re trying to find ways to take advantage of his perimeter shooting ability,” said DeChellis, noting Loehr can come off screens and shoot jumpers. [More from sports] Army-Navy football game at MetLife Stadium a recognition of 20th anniversary of 9/11 and its impact on New York City » Junior Richard Njoku (6-7, 230) and Daniel Deaver (6-8, 225) are a pair of wide bodies battling to replace Wieck in the starting lineup. Deaver, who exploded for 25 points against Lehigh, is more offensively skilled, as he’s able to score in the post or off short jumpers and is a strong passer. Njoku is a powerfully built player who makes his mark as a rebounder and shot blocker. “Deavers has completed changed his body. He’s stronger and in much better shape. He’s a typical sophomore in terms of having two good days and one bad. He needs to be more consistent,” DeChellis said. “Njoku needs to slow down and play with some rhythm in post. He sometimes plays too fast.” Other reserves that saw significant action last season include senior forward Alec Loehr (Luke’s twin brother) and a trio of sophomores — backup point guard Sean Yoder along with wing forwards Tyler Nelson and Jaylen Walker. DeChellis said sophomores Christian Jones (Annapolis High) and Patrick Dorsey are both vastly improved, then mentioned three guards P.J. Roach (Virginia Beach), Trae Broadnax (Savannah, Ga.) and Austin Inge (Greensboro, N.C.) as plebes that could contribute at some point. [More from sports] Severna Park boys basketball knocks off Northeast, 60-48 | Anne Arundel varsity roundup (Dec. 7) » Advertisement “I think our strength is in our numbers. We’ve had very competitive practices and guys are pushing the returning starters,” DeChellis said. “I really like our overall spirit and mentality. We have a certain level of toughness and play very hard.” Advertisement Navy at a glance Head coach: Ed DeChellis, 10th year (114-166 at Navy, 333-397 overall) 2019-2020 Record: 14-16 overall, 8-10 (tied for sixth) in Patriot League Top players: Cam Davis (Sr., G); John Carter Jr. (Jr. G); Greg Summers (Jr., G) Latest Navy ‘An amazing individual’: Navy WR Mychal Cooper earned the respect of teammates, coaches during career 2:13 PM Ex-Navy football player Brian Bourgeois killed in SEAL training accident; officer to be honored during Army-Navy game 1:14 PM Navy men’s basketball’s five-game winning streak ends with road loss at George Mason 10:34 AM Season opener: Wednesday (noon) vs. George Washington (12-20, 6-12 in Atlantic 10) Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Latest Navy ‘An amazing individual’: Navy WR Mychal Cooper earned the respect of teammates, coaches during career 2:13 PM Ex-Navy football player Brian Bourgeois killed in SEAL training accident; officer to be honored during Army-Navy game 1:14 PM Advertisement Advertisement Most Read Navy Ex-Navy football player Brian Bourgeois killed in SEAL training accident; officer to be honored during Army-Navy game 1:14 PM Education After students felt threatened during spirit week, Pasadena volunteers color Chesapeake High with positive messages for Unity Day
It's summertime and for a lot of people, that means summer vacation! As an oncology nurse practitioner, I know that some people fighting cancer want to go on vacation too! Do you want to know how I know? Well, I am asked some variation of the question, “Can I go to the beach or lake?” at least a few times a week. This made me think that this topic is something that should be addressed more specifically for the cancer community. So let’s talk about it! Before we get too much into this topic, bear a few things in mind. We are still in an ongoing pandemic and though things are getting better, COVID-19 is still among us. However, hopefully, by now, most of us have had our COVID vaccines. All cancer diagnoses and cancer treatments are not created equally and all people do not respond to things the same so what is ok for one person may not be ok for all persons. Understand? The answer to can you (a cancer fighter) go to the beach or lake specifically will depend on where you are in your treatment plan and schedule, the kind of treatment you are receiving, and most importantly the answer that YOUR health care team gives you when you ask them. Finally, I recognize that the beach and lake are not the only vacation options for the summer. However, they are two of the most popular options and are options that I am asked the most about during this season. So this post will specifically discuss these two vacation types. As an aside if you want to hear tips or recommendations for the mountains or theme parks as it relates to cancer patients let me know! Now that I have set the stage. Let’s get on with it, shall we? So can cancer fighters go to the beach or the lake for summer vacation? Yes and no. That’s the short answer but that doesn’t tell you very much does it? Ok, here are some of the things that I take into consideration when a patient asks me about going to the beach or the lake. Where are they in their treatment plan? The treatment plan includes whether or not they are currently receiving chemotherapy and or radiation and if they are pre or post-surgery. How have they been doing with treatment? This includes if they have been tolerating the treatment well or poorly and how I anticipate they will do on a trip based on this answer and their treatment schedule. What is the goal of their treatment? Goals include whether or not a patient is considered curative (treating with the intent to cure) or palliative (treating with the intent to get the best possible outcome without being able to cure). If you are a cancer fighter reading this post then you and your family may know the answers to these questions. Your physician, nurse practitioner, and/or physician associate should definitely know the answer to these questions. So talk to them specifically before you make a decision. So let’s say I have given a patient permission to go to the beach or lake. Here are a few things I am going to recommend that they do: Absolutely use SUNSCREEN! This goes for white, black, blue, and green patients. Many cancer treatments make you more sensitive to the sun so using sun protection is a MUST. An SPF of 50 is ideal. Wear a hat or use a head covering especially if you do not have hair. Use sunscreen on your head too. Wear sunglasses (some treatments make your eyes more sensitive to sunlight). Wear sleeves if you can tolerate it. Also, let me point out that there is specific swimwear available for women with breast cancer who may have had one or both breasts removed. Don’t plan to be in the sun ALL DAY. Limit your time in the sun to whatever is reasonable based upon your situation. A good rule of thumb would be one to two hours. Around two hours is when you should be reapplying sunscreen anyway so that may be a good time to take a break. Have plenty to drink. Treatment for cancer often impacts appetite and hydration so it can be easy to forget to eat and drink but DON’T. Keep a water jug or Gatorade bottle handy and drink it, refill and repeat. Avoid large crowds. This is especially the case if your immune system is weaker. Because treatment impacts your immune system, you are likely having blood work checked pretty often depending on where you are in your treatment plan. And if I had to guess, your healthcare team is taking your immune system into account when they give you an answer about whether or not you can take a trip. I know that I do with my patients. Avoiding large crowds reduces the risk that you will catch an infection from someone. This was the case even before COVID-19 and is, even more, the case now with COVID-19. Speaking of COVID-19, be sure to have gotten your COVID-19 vaccine IF you have been cleared to receive it from your health care team. Side note, most oncology practices are recommending that cancer patients receive the vaccine but discuss with your team specifically regarding the best timing for you. If you have open wounds, you may need to avoid the water or at least use waterproof bandages. Certain cancers cause a wound. Certain treatments can cause a wound or impair wound healing. Some wounds are a result of surgery or a procedure. Depending on the type of wound and why you have it (an example would be skin burn from radiation treatment), you will need to follow the directions given by your health care team. Keep in mind that even if you can’t swim or play in the water you can likely still play on the water such as being on a boat or something similar. DON’T go alone. In the event that you start feeling poorly, it is helpful to have a family member or friend who can help you. When a patient tells me that they want to go on a vacation, I always ask who is going with them. Consider the timing. Depending on where you are in your treatment plan, some times are going to be better than others for travel. For example, let’s say a patient will complete chemotherapy in one week that will be followed by surgery later. There is usually at least a 4 week period between chemotherapy and surgery. This would likely be an ideal time to take a trip. Don’t forget your daily medications or your maintenance medications. Just because you may not need them all the time doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take them with you on your trip. You don’t want to get caught without your nausea meds should an unintentional smell hit your nose the wrong way. You also don’t want to leave your stomach meds in the event that you eat something that causes diarrhea. Hope for the best but be prepared just in case! Having cancer, though life-altering does not necessarily mean that you can’t do some of the things that you enjoy. This includes summer travel to your favorite beach or lake! It is paramount though, that you take the recommended precautions and that you NEVER travel against the advice of your healthcare team. Happy Summer! Is there anything else that you would add to this list? Did you find this list helpful? Are there any other questions that you would like me to address? Have you considered traveling as a cancer fighter or family/friend of a cancer fighter?
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In this article: av, coronavirus, COVID-19, Discord, gaming, gear, Go Live, internet, personal computing, personalcomputing, services, streaming Jon Fingas/Engadget In the wake of the coronavirus, streaming platform Discord is temporarily upping the limit on its Go Live service to 50 people at a time. In a blog post, the company said that it recognized that people in areas hit by the virus are using Discord to "keep in touch and stay on track with their everyday lives, from attending classes remotely to working from home," and that it wanted to find a way to help. The Go Live feature, which usually supports up to 10 users, is designed to lets gamers stream directly to other people alongside video chat and screen share options. As Discord notes, however, it's now being used in a variety of ways away from gaming, and is proving particularly useful in the face of lockdowns and quarantines. It's not clear how long the expanded limit will be in place for, although the company does say that it anticipates a surge in demand for Go Live, and "hopes you'll be patient if you happen to encounter any performance issues." All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more. Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone. You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them. Create Relevant Content Writing a blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field and captivate your readers’ attention. Do you want to improve your site’s SEO ranking? Consider topics that focus on relevant keywords and relate back to your website or business. You can also add hashtags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help visitors search for relevant content. Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Choose a great image to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement. Are you ready to get started? Simply create a new post now. 0 views0 comments Post not marked as liked Recent Posts See All Female Robotics Team Wins Major Award 00 Post not marked as liked Countries with the Best Parental Leave Policies 00 Post not marked as liked Can Ballet Be Feminist? 00 Post not marked as liked © 2020 Good Shepherd Vicksburg | 629 Cherry St, Vicksburg, MS 39183 | 601.636.7687 | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Like us on Facebook
COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and in particular businesses should consider the risks to their workers / volunteers and customers. As an employer or as an operator of sports or leisure facility, you also have a legal responsibility to protect workers, volunteers, customers and users from risk to their health and safety. This means you need to think about the risks they face and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising you cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19. (Reference: Back to Squash at Grafton (Phase 1) Following the recent announcement by the government that indoor sports facilities can reopen from Saturday 25th July we are pleased to be able to confirm that our squash courts will once again be available. Squash England has issued some guidelines that we MUST stick to. They can be found at Below is a summary. The courts are ONLY open to members and MUST be pre-booked. Squash membership is available, so if you know non-members that want to play then please point them in the direction of our membership forms. Squash England has allowed the following activities ONLY; Games between two players from the same household or social bubble Individual practice Squash lesson with a qualified Squash England coach Two players to do drills with each player staying on one side or part (front-back) of the court, with only one player handling the ball to start the rally It is frustrating that we cannot immediately commence playing competitive games but we must stick with these activities and if members do not then the Committee will consider closing the facilities again. Most of the other guidelines are quite obvious in this COVID world. Please bring your own water (ideally in a labelled bottle) and a towel (to wipe down sweat). You must arrive at the court already changed and ready to play. Always sanitise your hands on arrival and take all of your equipment onto court with you. You must stay on court for your entire playing period. Please do NOT wipe your hands on the walls of the courts or sit on the floor whilst having a break. Minimise contact with surfaces in the court building and be mindful of other players especially when in the corridor. The balcony is off limits to non-coaching staff other than at the start of the session to open windows for ventilation if necessary (see below). The clubhouse is accessible but the showers and changing facilities will not be. Ventilation is a key part of our strategy and the more we can simulate an external environment the better. The following steps should be followed: All windows to be left partially opened (approx 15cm) from the start of the session Front door to be propped open from the start of the first session A minimum of 15 minutes of free air movement must be left between consecutive sessions Squash court doors to be left/propped open during the 15 minute ventilation period and all players must have left the squash building The ventilation fans should not be adjusted or switched off — these are set to optimise humidity activation and air changes To provide space for these ventilation periods, all games will start on the hour and last a maximum of 45 minutes; every 4th session, at 45 minutes past the hour, will be blocked out, so that you only need to take note of the first 2 numbers of your booked slot. This is illustrated in the table below: Time on booking system Actual time to play 1600 1600 1645 Blocked 1730 1700 1815 1800 1900 1900 1945 Blocked 2030 2000 2115 2100 2200 2200 As you are hopefully aware, the club has agreed to extended memberships for the period when the courts were unavailable. This offer supersedes the free lights offer, but is a gesture of goodwill and to get players back on court. Lights will be FREE until Monday 3rd August. To enable this, a lights key will be left likely in the lights machines, or somewhere equally obvious. This must not go missing otherwise we will not be able to continue offering this service. The light key must be sanitised before and after it has been used. Single player practice Harry Parkes has drawn up guidelines on how best to carry out single player practice (posted on the noticeboard). There are also some really good videos on YouTube. It’s a really good thing to do and, if done properly, can lead to much enhanced technique and ball-racket control. It’s also hard work if you do it properly. We suggest using a single dot ball is best, it’s faster and better replicates a real game. Splitting sessions into 5 minute chunks and having a short rest between them helps with focus and concentration and enables the best outcomes. Harry has some new single yellow dot balls available for £2.50 per ball. Sides and Front-Back play For obvious reasons, Squash England has called having two players in the court, one on each side, as “Sides”. There is a video on their website explaining what they mean. You can play a game (for points) hitting crosscourt every shot or do classic coaching drills such as the well-known boast drive (one player at the back the other at the front). These can be played for points as well. Coaching Graeme Hogarth and Harry Parkes will both offer 1:1 coaching sessions at reduced rates of £15 per 45 min session. If you are interested then please contact them individually. (; Fitness and Stretching While I am sure that some of you will have kept super-fit over the break, others may not have. Squash is hard on the body and muscles that you don’t normally used can take a battering. Please try and stretch out before and after play, ideally building up some muscle and tendon strength BEFORE you go back on court. Players’ Responsibilities By making a booking you are agreeing to “responsible members” and agree to take part with NHS track-and-trace if it becomes necessary. As responsible members you are expected to comply with all aspects of the above guidance and remind any non-compliant members of the risks they are taking with your health. Back to Squash at Grafton (Phase 2) From 1st September 2020, England Squash have introduced the concept of squash bubbles. What is a squash bubble? A bubble consists of a maximum of six players. Players can only be part of one bubble at a time. Players within the bubble can play full-court matches, but with the following modifications and hygiene measures; · Only two players on court at one time. · Play best of three games. · Play first to 11 points, sudden-death, at 10-all. · During each game, when the first player reaches five points, both players should wipe away excessive sweat, sanitise their hands and the ball. Repeat between games. · The same player to serve / touch the ball during each half of a game, and at the halfway point, switch servers. · Players are strongly advised to wear protective eyewear or visor. · Players must not touch the court walls. · If you want to switch bubble, you must take a 7-day break from playing the full version of the game before joining a different bubble. However, ‘Sides’ or socially distanced practices, can be played during this 7-day break. The same protocols on court usage, such as finishing 15 minutes early, cleaning the door handles, etc. still remain important. For the full guidelines visit:
The home has been built on behalf of specialist dementia care provider, Vida Healthcare, which was established to transform the care available to people living with dementia in the UK. The company already has two purpose-built care homes – Vida Hall and Vida Grange. The new multi-million-pound facility is situated on a 3.5-acre site off Beckwith Head Road and will be home to 100 residents in eight self-sufficient houses, all with en-suite bedrooms. Communal and social facilities on offer also include a newsagent, coffee shop, private cinema, and sensory gardens. Although the 18-month build experienced challenges due to COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions, the scheme has swiftly progressed. Chris Allott, senior contracts manager at Caddick Construction, which built the facility, said: “This is a fantastic home-from-home environment for families looking for the very-best care for their loved ones. “It has been a very-rewarding project to work on knowing we are bringing these much-needed facilities to Harrogate when demand is so high.” James Rycroft, managing director at Vida Healthcare, added: “Our residents deserve the very best and we have seen first hand the positive impact that good design can have on people’s lives. “Vida Court is a national facility which will pioneer dementia care with its unrivalled facilities and surroundings, all designed to support our residents as they come to terms and adapt to living with dementia.” The architects for the project was Leeds-based Den Architecture, with principal design services and quantity surveying provided by Projex Building Solutions. Tags construction dementia Popular News 1 Cambridge A&E doctor among those shortlisted for hospital design prize 2 COMFORT, CLEANLINESS AND HYGIENE IN THE WASHROOM 3 Dementia and mental health design best practice comes under the spotlight 4 Fast deployment emergency Nurse Call systems from Courtney Thorne. 5 Yeoman Shield Protects with Style at New Dental Facility 3 6 £13bn Budget boost won't cover NHS backlog and will only 'paper over the cracks' 7 MTX Awarded Latest Expansion Project at Queen Elizabeth Hospital 8 NHS tells suppliers to cut their carbon footprint 9 Leading Scotland’s healthcare estate out of COVID-19 10 Healthcare construction industry weathers the storm Related Stories Construction industry comes together to make history UK manufacturers and design teams have been at the forefront of the country’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. The healthcare building forum has been postponed to 18th & 19th March 2021 The healthcare building forum has been postponed to 18th & 19th March 2021 so It is not too late to register for your complimentary place and join a wide range of companies. If you are from the NHS trust, council, contractor, healthcare lead architect, care home designer, working on existing healthcare projects and looking to extend your supply chain. Morgan Sindall Construction wins £19m contract at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospita Morgan Sindall Construction has won a £19m contract to deliver an extension and programme of improvements to the emergency department at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust selected its main contractor for the scheme through the Southern Construction Framework; a collaborative delivery vehicle run by Hampshire and Devon County councils. Plans were submitted to expand the hospital’s busy A&E last year, due to significant service pressures. The new build will hel... Work due to start on Salford trauma hospital NCA chief executive, Raj Jain, said: “This important facility has been many years in the planning with a number of our local, regional and national partners, and it’s great to now be just weeks away from the official start date of construction.” Rob Bailey, BAM’s healthcare construction manager, adds: “We have worked extensively on the design and programme with the trust to understand fully what its requirements are and to focus completely on what matters to them – providing a high-quality building in wh... New leadership for new hospitals projects The Government’s commitment to build 40 new hospitals by 2030 has been boosted by the appointment of Natalie Forrest to oversee the construction programme. Forrest has worked in the NHS for over 30 years and is a registered nurse. She most recently led the construction and operationalisation of NHS Nightingale London in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside this role, she was also Chase Farm Hospital’s chief executive, where she successfully led operational and clinical teams to design an inno...
A number of documents unintentionally leaked by UBC contain information that hint at the reasons behind former UBC President Arvind Gupta’s resignation in August after less than a year on the job. The documents were unintentionally made accessible via attachments included in a Freedom of Information request released on by UBC on January 25th. The FOI request consisted mainly of emails, most of them between Gupta and the former chair of UBC’s Board of Governors, John Montalbano. While the emails remain cordial, some of the exchanges point to possible friction between Montalbano and Gupta. Photo credit: UBC News For example, an April 7th exchange between Montalbano and Gupta shows this friction. In their exchange, Montalbano expresses his disappointment that the board was not informed of an athletics announcement. On July 27th, Montalbano asks for a confidential meeting and then, just a few days later on July 30th, Montalbano sends a follow up email that says, “I am following up on our meeting yesterday morning and particularly in relation to your…” However, the remainder of this sentence and the rest of the email are redacted from the report. On July 31st, the board called for a meeting to discuss Gupta’s resignation, which suggests that Gupta resigned during or sometime after his confidential meeting with Montalbano. On August 6th, Gupta’s resignation was accepted by the board and was made public via a university-wide email on August 7th. Photo Credit: UBC-records The reasons behind Gupta’s resignation were unknown at the time of the university-wide email on August 7th, but in one of the leaked documents, a review of a meeting held on May 18th by Montalbano provides detailed criticisms from the board regarding Gupta’s “leadership style and managment skills”, which the board believed required a ‘course correction’. Some of the criticisms from the board included: 1. The “low level of trust” between Gupta and board members, who accused Gupta of acting in a “confrontational”, “dismissive”, and “demoralising” manner. 2. Gupta’s lack of “collegiality and collaboration”. 3. A lack of communication, particularly between Gupta and the board. 4. Gupta’s lack of engagement with the board. The review also accused Gupta of treating the board as a “distraction or a nuisance”. Photo Credit: UBC Insiders On January 28th of this year, Gupta broke his silence regarding his resignation and the leaked documents in an interview with Global BC. In the interview, Gupta admits that he ‘regrets’ his resignation and confirmed that friction between a ‘subset’ of the board contributed to his resignation. According to Gupta, an ad-hoc committee created over the summer by a group of board members approached Gupta and cited their lack of confidence in his leadership skills. Gupta also said his request to appear before the board was denied and that he feels that he did not have the full support of the board. In regards to this, Gupta said, “I felt like I was boxing with shadows and dodging ghosts all the time.” In the interview with Global BC, Gupta expressed that many of the issues that the university has faced since the summer of 2015 could have been avoided had he not resigned. Gupta referenced UBC professor Jennifer Berdahl, whose allegation that UBC had impinged upon her academic freedom was confirmed in a report that resulted in Montalbano’s resignation earlier this year. Berdahl had written an article that was critical of the university’s handling of Gupta’s resignation, and Montalbano impigned upon her academic freedom in response. “Maybe that wouldn’t have happened [had I not resigned]”, said Gupta in reference to Berdahl, “I do wonder, if I’d made a different decision, whether the university would be in a better place today”.
Both teams are opening their World Cup Super League campaigns after the International Cricket Council has introduced the competition to bring context to ODI cricket. Zimbabwe's skipper Chamu Chibhabha, in red, and his Pakistani counterpart Babar Azam, left, walk back after the toss for their 1st one-day international cricket match at the Pindi Cricket Stadium, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.(AP) Updated on Oct 30, 2020 02:47 PM IST Share Via Copy Link RAWALPINDI, Pakistan | ByAssociated Press Pakistan captain Babar Azam won the toss and elected to bat Friday in the series-opening one-day international against Zimbabwe at the Pindi Cricket Stadium. Both teams are opening their World Cup Super League campaigns after the International Cricket Council has introduced the competition to bring context to ODI cricket. The top seven teams in the league will directly qualify for the 2023 Cricket World Cup in India. The league features 13 countries playing four home and away three-match ODI series. Babar, who leads Pakistan in Twenty20s, will be captaining for the first time in the ODI format. He was appointed ODI captain during the lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. Pakistan gave an ODI debut to fast bowler Haris Rauf, who received his cap from bowling coach Waqar Younis before the toss. The home team has packed its playing XI with four fast bowlers, with allrounder Faheem Ashraf getting a nod ahead of uncapped leg-spinner Usman Qadir. Zimbabwe, led by Chamu Chibhabha, left out experienced batsman Elton Chigumubura for the first match of the three-match series. Fast bowler Blessing Muzarabani returned to ODI format after nearly two years. Lineups: Pakistan: Babar Azam (captain), Imam-ul-Haq, Abid Ali, Haris Sohail, Mohammad Rizwan, Iftikhar Ahmed, Faheem Ashraf, Imad Wasim, Wahab Riaz, Shaheen Afridi, Haris Rauf Zimbabwe: Chamu Chibhabha (captain), Sikandar Raza, Brian Chari, Tendai Chisoro, Craig Ervine, Wessley Madhevere, Carl Mumba, Richard Ngarava, Blessing Muzarabani, Brendan Taylor, Sean Williams.
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- also: Setting up public read only access and requiring https for commit in an svn repository via apache I'm not going to go in to the why of converting, just the how. I assume if you found this page you've already debated the why and are interested in finding some tips and gotchas in moving from cvs to svn. First I should point out that my cvs tree may not have been normal, which may be why I had so many problems. Plus I'm picky and I wanted the data to make it in clean without having to remember corner cases about what I had to do to get it imported. The first tool I tried was cvs2svn, a python script that does a great job of importing cvs trees in to svn. You point it at a cvs root and it imports the files to svn under trunk/, branches/, and tags/ The problem here is that I organize my cvs tree like this: c powwow termkey xautomation java cheeselab3 ... etc Using cvs2svn it will import everything under /trunk/ and tags under /tags/. Unfortunately early on some programs have release tags like v_01 or v_05, which means you get /tags/v_05/ but you have no idea what it's for. Later I started using the program name like xautomation-0.95 or whatever, but still even with that the /tags/ directory was getting very full and I didn't like the way it looked. I wanted instead each project to have it's own trunk/, tags/, and branches/ subdirectories so there would be no confusion. This would also make it easier to make some stuff public, some stuff read only, and some stuff password protected. After experimenting with cvs2svn I realized it didn't need a cvs root, just a part of a cvs tree to import. It just recursively processes the rcs files and creates change sets from that. This meant (I thought anyway) that I could be able to do something like: cvs2svn --trunk=powwow/trunk --branches=powwow/branches --tags=powwow/tags -s svn cvs/c/powwow Turns out this doesn't work though, and cvs2svn as of version 1.3 emits and error saying that it can't handle the paths. That sucked and so I thought about it some more and decided there wasn't any reason I couldn't just import to / and then move /trunk /branches and /tags to /projects/powwow/ or whereever they need to go. So I built a quick perl script to do this and imported a few projects to see how it looked. It would run cvs2svn from some subdirectory in my cvs tree, like java/cheeselab3, and import that in to my svn directory at /trunk. Then it would create the /projects/name directory and move /trunk, /tags, and /branches under /projects/name using the svn command line. After I was happy with the way things looked I went ahead and imported all my cvs projects. At this point things seemed great, but little did I know that the history of moving the projects from / to their home in /projects/name/ would bite me in the ass later. However thinking things were great I proceeded to figure out how to set up remove svn access. One thing I was excited for was http and https access because I hated the cvspserver and having to have ssh accounts for revision control. It seemed like overkill. Since I use debian I just had to aptitude install apache2 and the libapache2-svn packages and follow the instructions for setting up webdav and svn access from the svn book site. Things got frustrating here because I wanted read only access available from and write access available if you use HTTPS at which turned out to be a little tricky. Plus I run apache 1.3 for my sites and I don't want to migrate them to apache2 and I don't want my svn repo to have some funky port on it. So after some thinking I used apache 1.3's reverse proxy from both and along with some limit directives and setenvif on apache2 to make it work. My apache2 config for this virtual host looks like this: NameVirtualHost *:8022 <VirtualHost *:8022> ServerAdmin ServerName localhost ServerAlias DocumentRoot /home/svnroot/htdocs <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNPath /home/svnroot/svn # Per directory access AuthzSVNAccessFile /home/svnroot/auth.conf Satisfy any Require valid-user # Auth info for writing AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion repository" AuthUserFile /home/svnroot/htpasswd SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Host "" HTTPS=yes <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT> # Require https for anything but reading Satisfy all Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from if env=HTTPS </LimitExcept> </Location> </VirtualHost> Under apache 1.3 which is listening on port 80 I set up: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ProxyPass / http://localhost:8022/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8022/ </VirtualHost> And in my mod_ssl.conf I added the same ProxyPass elements but under /svn/ instead of just /. This way I could get to the apache2 webdav stuff from over http, or over https. The LimitExcept line makes it so that you have to use https in order to do commits, since my https hostname is and I redirect the regular http from to https of the same there is no way to access the subversion repository using regular http and the secure hostname. Something very important to note in your Location directive, do not include the trailing slash otherwise you'll get wierd errors like: apache2: subversion/libsvn_subr/path.c:376: svn_path_basename: Assertion `is_canonical (path, len)' failed. In your error log. Apparently if you include the trailing slash, going to something like and trying to do a list using the svn client will fail because internally the webdav converts that to the local path svn:// instead of svn:/ which fails the is_canonical check. So if you do that anything under /, like /projects, will work as expected. But trying to do any svn commands on the root of your subversion tree will fail. Irritatingly. At this point I thought I was home free. Read only access was available over regular http for anyone under /svn/. Well that's not entirely true, I started the read only access point under /svn/projects/ which is where my FOSS projects live. I also set up password protected directories using my auth.conf file. One thing to watch out for there is to not include trailing slashes on directories when setting permissions there either. For example: [/secretprojects/] bpk = rw Does not work for some operations and the authentication does wierd things. So Don't include that trailing slash. Also worth noting, if you override all users access using the * = then you also need to reset permissions for other users that were set earlier in the tree. For example: [/] * = bpk = rw [/public] * = r Will fail to let bpk have rw access to /public since you set * = to read only. This seems obvious to me now but was very frustrating at the time. I kind of assumed that giving bpk = rw at / would give bpk rw access on the whole tree. And it would have except that the * = overrides that. After wrestling with the cvs conversion and the bizarre apache2 webdav assertion error, I was getting pretty irritated. The fix is of course to do: [/] * = bpk = rw [/public] * = r bpk = rw OK so at this point I thought I was done. I had /projects set to read only except for me, and / was set to readable by only me so no one can list the root (I'm crazy like that). So I went to test anonymous access and pulled out the files fine... then I tried to pull a log on a file. I got nothing. Well not nothing really but basically nothing. It would say that there were 4 log lines or something, but they would all be blank. At this point I freaked out a bit. I had already committed some data to the repository and now I didn't even know if it had retained my history. Frantically, I tried to check the history several ways and it didn't work, via http, https, authenticated, not, etc. So I logged in as root and used a file:/// access to the repository and lo-and-behold all my history was there. Puzzled I tried some more things out then remembered reading about "pegs" in the svn book, and how different files may have occupied the same space at different times. In my case, all my imports started as /trunk, /tags, and /braches. When I added read-only access to those directories, all my history suddenly came back over http. Well this is OK I thought, but after a bit of time I realized something bad, I have some repositories password protected. Those were at one point under /trunk, and I have to make /trunk readable to allow history to work for other projects.... Well if you peg the release you can pull out /trunk from before those files were in the password protected area. Well crap now I'm screwed. By this time I was about to ditch svn and head back to cvs land in disgust, but I remembered one other command from glossing through help documents. The svnadmin dump command. I dumped my svn repository and checked out the human readable format. It looked easy to understand and initially my intention was to write a perl script to mungle up the paths so they never existed in /trunk, etc. I started working out a script when a better idea hit me though. After checking out how to load a file, I saw you could specify a parent directory to put the dump in to. This was what was going to save me and my sanity. The new plan was to use cvs2svn to export a cvs directory in to a temporary svn repo. Then dump this repo out, using svnadmin, and load it up in to my new master svn repo using svnadmin load and a --parent-dir prefix. I did some tests and amazingly this would work. Everything imported under it's own directory, never existing in some bizzare location in the past opening up security holes. So after all this I made a script that takes a directory from a cvs repository, the svn repository you want to put it in, and the subdir that it should live in. I then made a tab-delimited file listing all the various cvs directories and destination svn directories and I got these scripts. doimp #!/usr/bin/perl use FindBin; my $svnroot = "$FindBin::Bin/svn"; while( <> ) { chomp; my( $proj, $location ) = split( /\t+/ ); next unless $location; my @dirs = split( /\//, $location ); print "Creating parent path for $location...\n"; my $path = "/"; for( @dirs ) { $path .= "$_/"; print " > $path\n"; system( "svn", "mkdir", "-m", "preparing import tree", "file://$svnroot/$path" ); } print "Importing $proj to $location\n"; system( "./mycvs2svn", "$proj", $svnroot, "$location" ); } mycvs2svn #!/usr/bin/perl my( $from, $to, $module ) = @ARGV; die( qq{ Usage: $0 fromcvsdir tosvnrepo prefix } ) unless $to; $from .= "/" unless $from =~ m!/$!; if( ! $module ) { ( $module ) = $from =~ m!^.*/(.*)/!; } print "Executing cvs2svn...\n"; system( "rm", "-rf", "tmpsvn" ); system( "cvs2svn", "--force-branch", "DEFAULT", "-s", "tmpsvn", $from ); print "Dumping temp svn\n"; system( "svnadmin dump tmpsvn > tmpsvn.dump" ); print "Setting up new module dir and importing...\n"; #system( "svn", "mkdir", "-m", "creating module $module", "file://$to/$module" ); system( "svnadmin load --parent-dir $module $to < tmpsvn.dump" ); print "Deleting cvs cruft...\n"; for my $move ( qw/trunk tags branches/ ) { for my $cruft ( qw/DEFAULT START HEAD/ ) { system( "svn", "delete", "-m", "removing cvs cruft", "file://$to/$module/$move/$cruft" ); } } imports.txt (tab delimited) cvs/bpk/c/powwow projects/powwow cvs/bpk/java/cheeselab3 projects/cheeselab3 The doimp script is fed the imports.txt either via STDIN or the command line, perl's <> operater does that, and it initializes the parent directories for mycvs2svn to load the cvs data in to. mycvs2svn calls cvs2svn to create a temp svn repository from the source cvs directory, dumps it out, then imports it again in to the final svn repository under the prefix specified on the command line via the config file. The directory should contain the cvs directory, the new subversion repo (named svn), and the scripts. It went something like this: $ svnadmin create svn $ ./doimp imports.txt Creating parent path for foss/termkey... > /foss/ Committed revision 1. > /foss/termkey/ Committed revision 2. Importing cvs/bpk/c/termkey to foss/termkey Executing cvs2svn... ----- pass 1 ----- Examining all CVS ',v' files... cvs/bpk/c/termkey/keytable.h,v cvs/bpk/c/termkey/mktable,v cvs/bpk/c/termkey/termkey.c,v cvs/bpk/c/termkey/Makefile,v Done ... a bunch more stuff in here ... <<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 2 * adding path : foss/termkey/trunk/Makefile ... done. * adding path : foss/termkey/trunk/keytable.h ... done. * adding path : foss/termkey/trunk/mktable ... done. * adding path : foss/termkey/trunk/termkey.c ... done. ------- Committed new rev 4 (loaded from original rev 2) >>> <<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 3 * adding path : foss/termkey/branches/HEAD ...COPIED... done. ------- Committed new rev 5 (loaded from original rev 3) >>> <<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 4 ------- Committed new rev 6 (loaded from original rev 4) >>> <<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 5 * adding path : foss/termkey/branches/DEFAULT ...COPIED... done. ------- Committed new rev 7 (loaded from original rev 5) >>> Deleting cvs cruft... svn: URL 'DEFAULT' does not exist svn: URL 'START' does not exist svn: URL 'HEAD' does not exist svn: URL 'DEFAULT' does not exist svn: URL 'START' does not exist svn: URL 'HEAD' does not exist Committed revision 8. svn: URL 'START' does not exist Committed revision 9. And now I finally have a pristine svn repository that retains all my cvs history, and formatted the way I want with decent access controls. The final format worked out something like:
Peter Berkowitz is the Tad and Dianne Taube Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In 2019-2021, he served as the Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, executive secretary of the department's Commission on Unalienable Rights, and senior adviser to the... Enter one or more search keywords: Seminar featuring Hoover senior fellow Peter Berkowitz Peter Berkowitz, the Tad and Dianne Taube Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, presented a talk titled “The Future of Conservatism” on April 15. The event took place at the Hoover Institution. Enter one or more search keywords: Date Range Date E.g., 2021-12-08 And Date E.g., 2021-12-08 Sort by RelevancyDate The New Progressivism: Same as the Old Progressivism? Research | Articles | by Peter Berkowitz Thursday, January 21, 2010 To understand the sometimes glaring gaps between candidate Obama’s promises and President Obama’s policies, it is useful to appreciate an old tension in American progressivism. . . . Liberal Democracy's Advantage In Addressing COVID-19 Research | Articles | by Peter Berkowitz Sunday, March 29, 2020 “While in Beijing, the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom [Ghebreyesus] extolled China as a model in the war against SARS-CoV-2, better known as ‘coronavirus,’” reports Josef Joffe in The American Interest. “According to China’s state media, he [the director-general] gushed that ‘China’s speed . . . and efficiency . . . is the advantage of China’s system.’” SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY: The Global AIDS Crisis Research | Videos Thursday, August 26, 2004 The global AIDS pandemic is now in its third decade. Although treatments have improved and infection rates have slowed in the West, AIDS continues to take a staggering toll in Africa. And experts believe that Eurasia, particularly Russia, China, and India, may be next. Is the United States doing enough to combat the global AIDS crisis? Should the United States continue its current policy, which includes an emphasis on getting antiretroviral drugs to millions who can't now afford them? Or does the United States need to focus more on pressuring affected countries to reform their inadequate social and economic institutions? Peter Robinson speaks with Carol Adelman and Greg Behrman. The Trade-Offs on Tariffs and International Trade, with Professor Douglas Irwin Research | Articles Tuesday, April 21, 2020 TRANSCRIPT ONLY The impact of a health crisis that has businesses across the country re-examining their investments abroad. 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Profiles in Political Courage Research | Articles | by Peter Berkowitz Monday, January 23, 2012 Clarity of purpose is only half of a winning political strategy. The other half involves a clear understanding of the possible. By Peter Berkowitz. Trump, China, And The Geopolitics Of A Crisis Research | Articles Tuesday, April 7, 2020 TRANSCRIPT ONLY Peter Robinson and Stephen Kotkin discuss Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, Kotkin’s thoughts on the Chinese leadership class and the advantages they may seek to exploit, and which country—China or the United States—will come to represent the more successful or compelling model to other nations. Boot Camp Prepares Students For Policy-Making Roles News | News/Press Monday, August 26, 2019 Monday, August 26, 2019 A look at the 2019 Summer Policy Boot Camp. No More “Party of No” Research | Articles | by Peter Berkowitz Wednesday, September 29, 2010 How conservatives can reclaim their heritage of prudent reform. 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A Most Ingenious Trick Research | Articles | by Matt Ridley Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Matt Ridley, author of The Rational Optimist, insists that we humans must face the truth about ourselves—no matter how good it might be. An interview with Peter Robinson. Pages 1 2 next › last » More from Hoover Featured Fellow John Cochrane John H. Cochrane is the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and an adjunct scholar of the CATO Institute. Learn More » Featured Publication Renewing Indigenous Economies Before the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans had thriving societies based on governing structures and property rights that encouraged productivity and trade. Learn More » Support the Hoover Institution Join the Hoover Institution’s community of supporters in advancing ideas defining a free society. 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TOKYO. KAZINFORM Over 70 percent of Japan's population has been fully inoculated against COVID-19, government data showed Tuesday, ranking the country among the top three in the Group of Seven nations after an initially slow vaccine rollout. Related news Kazakhstan acknowledges COVID-19 vaccination passports of 24 countries Of Japan's population of 125 million, 70.1 percent had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the government, Kyodo reports. The inoculation rate is now almost on par with Italy, which is second only to Canada, where 72.65 percent of the total population had been vaccinated as of Oct. 16. G-7 members the United States and Britain, which were initially far ahead of Japan in inoculating their populations, have seen their vaccination rates slow after reaching 60 percent. Among people aged 65 and over in Japan, 90.4 percent had been fully vaccinated as of Monday, compared with 60.8 percent of people in their 30s, 57.0 percent in their 20s and 47.7 percent of those aged between 12 and 19. A total of 185.98 million doses have been administered in the country, with 76.7 percent of the population having received at least one dose, the data showed.
St. Louis Metropolitan Police shot and killed a man about 4 miles from the suburb of Ferguson, where people have been rallying since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer on Aug. 9. The knife-wielding 23-year-old was "acting erratically," Police Chief Sam Dotson said in a news conference. He said two officers drew their weapons and "gave verbal commands," and that the man approached police "in a threatening manner with a knife in an overhand posture." Stephanie Lecci of St. Louis Public Radio says this appears to be an "isolated incident," not connected to the protests in neighboring Ferguson. Here's a summary of the events, according to Dotson (and reported by Lecci on All Things Considered): -- Two calls were made: one by a convenience store owner who said a man had stolen items from his store and was then pacing up and down the street with a knife; another by a St. Louis alderwoman who described a man talking to himself, walking in the street, armed. -- Two officers responded to the calls, initially approaching the suspect without drawing their weapons. -- Then the suspect grabbed a knife from his waistband and told the officers, "Shoot me now. Kill me now." The officers gave verbal warnings and drew their weapons when they saw the knife. -- The man did not comply with orders to drop the weapon and move back. When he came within 3 to 4 feet of one of the officers, both officers fired and killed the suspect. Dotson defended the officers' actions, saying they have a right to defend themselves and that 3 to 4 feet is within lethal range. Lecci says witnesses are still being interviewed by police. NewsChannel 5 in St. Louis says a crowd had gathered in the area "within an hour of the shooting ... chanting 'Hands up! Don't shoot!' " It also reports: "Alderman Antonio French told NewsChannel 5 he has talked to the community gathering at the scene and reminded them this isn't Ferguson, and implored them not to act violently." Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Dana Farrington Dana Farrington is a digital editor coordinating online coverage on the Washington Desk — from daily stories to visual feature projects to the weekly newsletter. She has been with the NPR Politics team since President Trump's inauguration. Before that, she was among NPR's first engagement editors, managing the homepage for and the main social accounts. Dana has also worked as a weekend web producer and editor, and has written on a wide range of topics for NPR, including tech and women's health.
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