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Who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ All I know is the less brown people the better! :D Although... :\ Perhaps I'm distracted by the prospect of blowing up brown people. While failing to see them coming in the back door!?!? D:
The US and UK are jealous of Russia selling a shit load of out of date weapons to Syria and need some plan to dump the weapon stockpiles. So, bomb the shit out of Syria.
Illegal immigration has soared back to pre-Trump levels because NOTHING is being done about it. They're not afraid.
I don't need someone to explain to me how the Dems are outright traitors. What I need explained to me is how do we get these fuckers hanged.
Tell him to bring his goat and camel fucking faggot ass to America and burn a flag in front of me ... I will beat him into a trauma center bare handed that faggot pussy bitch don’t have the balls to come here and do it
Theresa May is a traitor and needs to be shot like a traitor
Those filthy traitors must hang!!!
Nuke 'em 'till they glow and use them for runway lights.
I hope Iran nukes Israel off the map
I don't mind the occasional gas the kikes thrown in as long as it's satirical and makes me laugh a bit at their discomfort. 😎
Kill them all. Let Allah sort them out.
We signed the Mayflower compact so we could throw the corrupt ass***es out of our government. Keep up the good work Patriots in the WH. True Patriots are proud of everything you are doing to cut the cancer out of our Republic. Just remember Treason = 1 bullet, 1down - NEXT! Never have to deal with those traitors again. God Bless!
I would think your Sweden cops should be able to use their snipers and shoot those with flaming bombs in their hands. Till you crush the muslims they will never stop. muslims only understand force.
If only we could simply rise up and kill every nigger and jew in America just like niggers did to whites in Haiti, but our police state is locked down pretty tight.
Yatzie, those days are gone, sadly we are stuffed, we have now Burkas hijabs and Barbarians all over the place, we need arevolution and start thining them out IMMEDIATELLY
What will you do today, to disrupt, disturb, and defy the enemy?" Ah, good question. Glad you asked. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18785 It's a shame we stopped bombing you. Die soon, there's a good little faggot. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 19339 More black teens should end up like Trayvon aka "St. Skittles.
Another shit talking Nigger that needs a bullet in his head. 😠😠😠😠
The day we’re allowed to remove these pigs 1 by 1 will truly be a wonderful day. I believe once the weak whites, and ALL brown menaces are gone the remaining ppl left will really know freedom.
We are on the verge of a civil war in America. Everyone should start preparing before the war begins. The war could begin very soon so everyone needs to be prepared. It's crazy that the left wants to start a war. The left won't win since they aren't very intelligent and most of them are anti-gun.
Find the guilty bastards, hang them from their balls and spin them!!!
Look at it from the bright side: if they really embrace this — which would be utter suicide — we would have a much easier time completely purging them from society. It's basically a free genocide card. No one would ever blame us.
Should have dropped a bomb on Winston Churchill
James Brown body double sewer mouth 'impeach45' mad #Maxine Water ...and her mad supporters needs to be waterboarded then straightjacketed from politics!
The mainstream left is afraid things are polarizing and destabilizing too quickly. They want to keep things civil so they can continue their destruction of the slumbering masses. I hope they continue their purges and all hell breaks loose.
Those against Christians are aligned with the Jews, our mortal enemies. We don't need witches and warlocks to win this war. And we won't lift a finger to help our enemies. Remember that.
When is the Media going to wakeup maybe Muslims should start shooting newspeople oh that`s they already do wakeup mothrfuckers.
I expect no patriotism from anyone that works in Seattle. Nuke the city. No loss.
Eliminate jews and we'd be living on Mars in 50 years.
Does pedo bashing require a baseball bat?
Citizens grand jury can get rid of them
Every now and then, as sure as clockwork, a miserable little Internet #TROLL (such as you) comes along in order to upset the apple cart to the consternation of all #DECENT* people here online!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And get FUCKED by a horse's cock if *that* is your ultimate desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to see swedes raped to death collectively
@NYRKelsMads Dat damn dog eats betta den most colored folk do.
Dicks are basically ar-15s Only disabled kids whip em out in class
I have a black man in my family tree He’s still hanging there
What's faster than a school full of black kids? A loaded gun.
What did the jew say to the other jew? Jew: Is something burning?
Why did so many blacks die in combat during Vietnam? Every time the Sergeant yelled, "GET DOWN!" they would get up and dance.
What's the difference between a jew and a piece of bread? The bread still works after it's been through the toaster
What two kinds of people are totally different but always look the same? Asians and hepatitis patients
I don't know why the Natives are so mad at us... I mean, we were so nice to them. We even gave them blankets!
What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? The pizza doesn't scream when it's put in the oven.
I've just realized that Indians are an hybrid of white people and black people They are smart like a white man, work like a black man and they have brown skin like a mix of races
People talk about how hard it is to be Black in America these days... But what about being white? Like fuck, we're actually almost on a level playing field. Our grandparents had it easy as shit.
Why was the pastor bad at slang? He took the saying, "I feel you" too literal.
Why don't bookmakers take bets on the special Olympics? because they're all winners
I was sitting next to some really hot Thai girl on the bus today. All I could think to myself was, "Don't get an erection, don't get an erection!" But she did.
What do African teenagers and bad wizards have in common? They both don’t know how to spell
Wanna hear the biggest lie? "Men and women deserve equal rights"
you may have a family that love you, real love, and that ever nagging resposibility that feels inescapable . still, once black, you never go back home to the kids
A gay guy, A black guy, and A Jew get hit by a bus They all appear in front of the gates of heaven. The Angel says. "Welcome to Heaven!" The three guys beg him for a second chance. The angel says,"I can only do it if you promised to give up what you love doing the most." The three men immediately agreed to do that. Suddenly, they're on the street and the bus is passing by. They cautiously cross the street, and continue walking, until they come across a car which has an open window and a purse. The gay guy says to the black guy, "Don't do it man, you're stronger than that!" But he reaches in anyway. Poof! Black guy disappears. They continue walking until the Jew comes across a penny. He bends down with the gay guy behind him. Poof! Gay guy disappears.
What's the difference between a woman and a car crash? A car crash won't kill you slowly.
What's the best thing about being Ethiopian? You won't have to be for very long.
What's the difference between heroin and a black person? Police care about people shooting heroin
sluts dont have hormones they have whoremones
What's the best thing that came out of Auschwitz? An empty train
So blacks are the fastest runners and whites are the best swimmers, the polar ice caps are melting, Evolution at work
How to know if you're good at sports Your not good if your not black
What do you call a black spider? No daddy long legs
Just how Americans draw themselves slimmer. Japan does the same, they make anime have giant eyes while in reality they can’t see what their drawing
What do bikes and black men have in common? The chain
Whats worse than a Jason Aldean concert? Being black
Secret Language During the holocaust the Jews had a secret language they used to speak... it went something like this, "OH MY GOD! I'M BURNING ALIVE"
Aan indian was taking a dump and died. Strange, isn't it?? He didn't pay attention to the train heading towards him...
So I failed to get accepted at Harvard. So I worked in a coal mine for a while, and one day forgot to shower after work. I visited Harvard again then I got accepted.
What do you call winning battle royale in China? Winner Winner Dog dinner
What is the fastest way to get jewish guests out of your house? vacuum cleaner
Muslims aren't terrorists They just want to die on their own terms but don't want to do it alone.
What did the black, blind, deaf and mute kid get for christmas? Aids.
What would you call an Arab with a wooden leg? A sticky bomb.
I wish my grass was emo... So it could cut itself.
How do you pick up black girls? You burn their village, chain them up and raise the anchors.
How do you stop black guys from hanging out in front of your house? Cut the rope.
What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice.
Where do jews go when they die? Out the chimney.
What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan
A black guy finds a genie in a bottle Any three wishes he had would be granted, the genie informed him. "I wanna be rich," said the black guy. The back yard filled up with chests of gold coins and jewels in the blink of an eye. "I'm no fool," said the black guy. "I wanna be white." And there he stood, white, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. "Last but not least, I never want to work another day in my life." And he turned black again.
What's the difference between a black person and a bicycle? The bicycle doesn't start singing when you put chains on it.
What do babies and black people have in common? Theyre both good for target practice
How do you name a jew pokémon trainer Ash
What do jews and meat have in common? They're both better cooked
A wife is killed after a car drives through her living room and kills her. Who's fault is it? The wife's because she should've been in the kitchen
Finally something positive I found of the Ethiopians HIV
Everyone is so politically correct these days... You can't even say "black paint!" You have to say "tyrone can you paint that wall please?"
What place do black people like to be peaceful? In their coffin.
Recent medical studies shows that obesity can cause lots of problems in pregnant women. I think there’s nothing to worry about it. If a woman is obese, she won’t be pregnant in the first place.
What's the difference between a black person and a chicken? One's free range
Why do police officers never get incarcerated for shooting unarmed black men? Because animal cruelty is not punishable by jail time.
Why is chinese the best race? They can do everything with their eyes closed.
What's A Jew's Biggest Fear? Taking a shower.
What did God say when he made the first black person? Dammit, I burnt one.
How do you stop a Jewish man from smoking? You let him out.
What's the difference between a black person and a bucket of shit? The bucket.
What separates man from animal? The Mediterranean.
Why don't Africans need help? They already have aids.
Why are black men good at basketball? The whole point is to run, shoot and steal. Oh and their knee grows.
More than one-third of Africa lacks clean water. I guess black people will even steal from their own kind.
What do you get when you add 1 + 1? The average Ethiopian lifespan.
What do you feel when you see a black man running? The recoil
I’m starving and scared That I might offend Africans because I’m culturally appropriating them