The story "Challenge of exloring Venus" is like when we went to moon, and now we are shooting for the stars in this universe for an example "Venus". "The 3 facts are The "Evening star" Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky." The other fact is that Venus is the closest like planet earth, that is why it is called Earth's "twin". The last fact is that Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide on the planet. "Venus, is sometimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the sky". "However, Venus the nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a plant". The author is trying to tell us that Venus is a plant that has alot of people have been mislead on how Venus is a star or a planet, and how Venus is so close to the sun. Like Venus is the second plant from the sun." While Venus does might be easy to get there to some people, the author does talk about how it will still be very hard no matter what. like how the author talks about how an "amateur stargazer can spot Venus on most days." Humans are not wanting to see it in the sky by to really look at it but the auther explains that "it has been proven a very challenging place to examine more closely these days. Venus, often referred to as the Earth's "twin," because "Venus is the clostest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distace too." The auther explains that "Earth, Venus, and Mars are our planetary neighbors." and "how humans s have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the cloud-draped world." Venus also have some cons also because, "no spacecraft survived the landing for more then a few hours." The auther explains that it could be deadly for humans to try to land on the planet Venus, and how "it has been taking humans more then three decades" to study and land on Venus. The other many reason way there are "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challening planet for humans to study, despite proxmity to us, as the author explain to us in the story. The study of Venus has been look at by NASA for many years, "They have been thinking about sending humans to study Venus" The auther explain's the plain that "NASA many have possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus that would allow scientists to float above the fray." The reason why it is so hard to get to venus or get on the suface is because, "most of the time jet planes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms". Flying to venus, over Venus, or flying on venus surface humans would have to deal with the "unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." The aother thing that the auther talks about, that it is "thirty-pluns miles above the surface, that the tempatures would still be nice and toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. This explain that Venus is close to earth, but it is not fully like earth the way we like it today. The story of the "Challenge of exloring Venus" is like when we went to moon, and now we are shooting for the stars in this universe "The 3 facts are The "Evening star" Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky." The seconed fact is that Venus is the closest like planet to earth, that is why it is called Earth's "twin". The last fact is that Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide on the planet. The auther explains that no matter what Earth and Venus are very close in some forms and in other forms not even close but in the end they are still both planets. Like what the author said, "Our travel on Earth and beyound should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
The Face on Mars is a mystery of how it was created. Know one knows how it was made, if it was created by aliens or just a natural landform. People may think that since it is in space it has to do with aliens in some possible way. Scientist Jim Garvin discovered a landform similar to the Face on Mars. The Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It is a lava dome that takes the shape of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. They also have discovered that the surveyor has labeled it a natural landform. The Face on Mars is catergorized as a mesa which is around the American West. Could the Face on Mars be a natural landform? The similar land form in Idaho has the same height as the Face on Mars. The pictures that they have captured shows the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. If this was a alien type of act the MGS would have seen the alien's shelters, airplanes, and pyramids. The Face on Mars is not a alien' s sculpture. NASA's surveyor had labeled the face as a natural landform. The surveyor catergorized it as a natural landform because it didn't pick up any traces of alien activity. Also, if NASA wasn't forsure about their discovery they woudn't have posted it on websites or annonced it to the world. They said that they would have rathered kept this information classified. Why would you put a false statement on the internet, expecially if it involved aliens, because then the world would be going crazy. They would be preparing for them to attack and abduct people. I could understand why some people could believe that aliens made up this rock like object. One of the most obvious reasons is that it is space. On the day when they wanted to take another picture it was very cloudy and you couldn't see the face, which some believe that aliens had hid the face by a haze. But, we haven't had any discoveries or theroies of there being aliens in this galaxy. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is a natural landform that was not created by aliens.
The author supports studying Venus is worthy it even though there is some dangers to it. Venus is the Earths "Twin" it is the closest in terms of density and size. Venus is simple to see from earth, it has shown to be a challenging place to examine. The authors first claim for studying Venus being dangerous is carbon dioxide. The author quotes in paragraph 3 saying "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." Telling how its dangerous and how a human could die from breathing in carbon dioxide. This is important because it tells us the risks you can take if you were to get close to Venus. The authors second claim why it is dangerous to study Venus are the clouds. He said that in paragraph 3 "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmoshpere." Also telling us that venus had many dangerous features that can harm a human if they were to go to Venus. This is significant because we should know what we are getting into and know how to prevent anything harmful and study Venus without being harmed. The last thing the author said aboout being harmful was the heat and the atmospheric pressure being way more extreme than planet earths. He said in paragraph 3 "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 time greater than what we experience on our own planet. This is explaining to us how Venus is very dangerous in many ways. this is important for everyone because we should know what is around us either way whether we are learning about it or not. The author Suggests learning about Venus not only to know it better but for us to discover new path way and to know about our surround planets. But nothing would be learned if no one takes a risk in life to study something new. Like the author claims in the last paragraph no one should be limited by dangers. Everyone can overcome and should learn soomething even if it means risking something you don't want to.
The Electoral College? Some would say this way of voting is a lack of democratic pedigree and should be abolished.  The Electoral College is when the people vote for the elector who are declaring the canidate who recieves the most popular vote. This act is not only unfair but injustice as well. The people should be able to vote directly on who they choose to govern over them. But instead we're using plurality, when a canidate recives more votes than other canidates while not recieving a clear majority of votes. Someone is chosen to speak for them. The Electoral College is very irrational and should be removed from the voting process system. It's known to be said that those voting for slate of electors half the time dont know what they're voting for. Some states have reported that they have yet to see campaign ads, or news regarding the election and therefore dont actually know who to pick. The president goes to the states he/she may think have "swing" votes and lets him/herself be known pubilically to gain more votes. This is a disirable result because a canidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president. But what about the sates who arent caught up to the political races and would like to know more about it. They may feel disenfranchised- to feel that their votes don not matter. They may feel the new presiodent may disregard their interest and is not interested in being everyone's president. People may believe by voting it goes directly to the canidate but in fact it goes to the electors, who vote. When a vote is placed to a certain canidate it doesnt nessicisarly mean they are going to win. They may win the vote but could lose the presidency. It'd be better if everyone just had a say individually of who they wanted to take president. The Electoral College wasnt a very logical idea. Who are the "Electors" ?  the Electors are slate of electors who parties have selected to make a trusted vote towards the party's nominee. Source 3, In Defense Of The Elecoral College: Five Reasons T o Keep Our Despised Method Of Choosing The President; States that the Electors are rare for the trust to be betrayed, however it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. This hasnt happened sense 2000, when Gore had more popular votes then Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was first time since 1888. But who's to say it can happen again. The Electoral College is a chance being taken that you may or may not win the election based on how many popular votes said person may recieve. This is no shocker that there have been disputes over the outcome of an Electoral College vote, its based on winner-takes-all basis. Source 3, The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. This creates pressure for run-off elections, but is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner. Voters in a presidential election are people who want to express a political prefernece rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election, but thats false. The Electoral College? Its not one of the more favorable elections, and is sought out to be uncanny and unfit. The Electoral College is a way for people to interact with the politics taken place, but are manipulated into something else that takes away from being able to have a say in something that will effect said person. We live in a democracy, which means we vote but how can we vote when we don't know who we're voting for. The voting system should remain how it is, with willing participants placing a ballant and knowing that their vote is actually going to matter. Away with  the Electoral College!            
I beam, flashing a smile towards the camera of my mom's iPhone. In my hand, I grip a four-by-three inch square of plastic that, in my perspective, is synonymous with freedom. It's the moment every kid dreams about, lying belly-down on the kitchen floor and pushing a Barbie jeep around their mother's feet as she labors away at the stove, the stark scent of garlic filling their little noses. Finally, I got my driver's license! While definitely a defining moment of adolescence, most teenagers refuse to acknowledge the degrading qualities of driving. Limiting car usage has a multitude of benefits, such as decreasing air pollution and improving the health and quality of life of the world's people. As a new driver, there is nothing I despise more than waking up to servere smog, squinting as I corral my vehicle down blurred roadways en route to school. By utilizing my own vehicle, however, I am adding to the problem. Smog and other forms of un-aestetic air pollution are caused in part by the greenhouse gas emissions from cars' tailpipes. In the United States, passenger cars are responsible for up to 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. (Source 1) Another large percentage of these emissions comes from the unefficient, energy-wasting, carbon-spewing processes required to create gasoline and diesel fuel. Essentially, we emit large amounts of greehouse gases to produce fuel for our vehicles which, in turn, release more greenhouse gases. As an AP Environmental Science student, I know better than anyone the degrading results of excessive greenhouse gases. As these particles accumulate in the atmosphere, light from the sun, including harmful ultraviolet rays, stays trapped in our planet, causing a gradual rise in average temperature. This process is known as global warming. Besides being dangerous to our planet, air pollution is unappealing visualy to all inhabitants of Earth. Smog once reached such high levels in Paris, the capital of France, that a partial driving ban was placed on the city to purify the air. After one day of diminishing the number of cars on the roads by 50%, the smog had cleared enough for civilians to continue their daily activities. (Source 2) The grotesque images associated with smog can harm Paris' economy; tourists want to view the Palace of Versailles with a tear in their eye from its beauty, not from the sting of air pollutants. Limiting car usage also has a variety of physical and psycological benefits that improve the health of earth's people. For example, a suburban community in Germany, known as Vauban, has gone completely car-free. 57% of Vauban's residents sold a car to move in and, so far, the majority of them seem to be enjoying the benefits. Heidrun Walker, a media trainer and mother of two, is one of them. "When I had a car, I was always tense," she said, "I'm much happier this way." (Source 1) Walker's statement shows the improved psychological well-being of those who do not rely on cars for the majority of their transportation. Decreased reliance on motor vehicles can also improve the physical health of humanity. Without personalized vehicles for transportation, many people will walk, jog, bike, or skate to their various destinations. Such a phenomenon occurs annually in Bogota, the capital of Columbia. Every year, they host a "Day Without Cars", during which Columbians rely on their own two feet to move about their sprawling city. (Source 3) Physical activities such as walking have a variety of benefits, including increased cardiovascular health. If more countries hosted events similar to Bogota's "Day Without Cars", emergency rooms may find they have less clogged arteries to deal with. Limiting car usage has many pros, including decreased air pollution and increased mental and physical well-being of the world's people. The next time you unlock your car to drive two minutes to your friend's house, stop and consider the consequences of your actions. Consider the health of yourself and your planet, and try walking instead.
Today we recently just found out that there is something figure like on Mars. Many poeple are saying it looks as if it's a face or some sort. Some peopel are even saying aliens have put it on Mars to tell us soemthing, but I hilly dout that. As I asked a few other scientist about it I knew it would be interesting to see and search on. As we all were looking at this photo of what seems to actually be a human face on Mars a new scientist walked in and talked about it. He began to say that ailens put it there! All I could think of is why and how would they do it. They may not even be real, we have no evidence to show that soemthing living lives up on Mars. I had began to tell him that's it's not possiable! I even gave facts about how anything livinh like humans or animals couldn't live up there. But he still thought it was true. I didn't want to argue anymore so I had gotten up and left to do more research on it. So many poepel had already heard about it and were giving out thier opinions. As I read through so many of them they all had great point and soem didn't even know what they were talking about. I really wannted to show the new worker that he was wrong. Then it hit many me, I knew what I had to do. I began to make my own page abot the face on Mars. I did so much research and as soon as I posted out to the world it got many hits. When I got to work the next day so many poepel were talking about it and were on my side of the arguement. I felt proud of myself doing all this hard work. As I got to my desk that new scientist came up to me. I didn't know if I should smile or say something, but before I could do anything he smiled and told me how what I said changed his mind on the whole thing. At the end of the day everything ahd worked out and went back to normal. The face on Mars had been getting bigger and many poeple hadn't though aliens did it after reading my page. By doing so much research I sort of made a differnce about it and Im proud to say all the hard work turned out to be a amazing thing to do.
In my opinion I think that the author did a great job on sjowing the dangers of venus beause he gave a lot of information. He also tells us about the name that they give venus and the way that they describe the planet. Now that I have read the passage I now know that venbus is a very dangerous planet to explore. In the passage the author states that Venus was the closest planet to earth. Venus was to the closest to the size and distance of the earth. It was often called earths twin. Venus was also called the Evening Star,but that nickname was very misleading since it was actually a planet. Venus is also one of the most easiest planet to spot if you are standing on earth. Although venus was the closest to the planet The author also started to notice that Mars was close to earth also. Then he started noticing that sometimes Venus was closer to Mars and sometimes Mars was closer to Earth then Venus. Venus hasnt been explored since it is way to dangerous to be explored. They would send ships that are unmanned,because when ever they would send people that were inside the paceship they would not survive the landing. That is the main reason why they havent landed there or try to land there in three decades. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide covers Venus. The passage states that "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfic acid in venus Atmosphere. On the planets surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit,And the Atmoshperic pressure is 90 times more greater then what we experience on our own planet". Astronomers are saying that Venus may have once been been a planet like earth. I think that he did a really good job on collenting information abou venus .i hope that one day Astronomers will be able to land on Venus safely and be able to explore it. The reason is because I wonder what it is like to be on that planet. In my opinion I think that one day it will be possible to explore Venus.
The face is a natural landform for many reasons. I am going to tell you those three reasons. The first reason is that all this time from when they first took the picture to the last time they took the picture it has never been touched or even looked like it was messed by anyone. Proving that the so called "human face made by aliens" was not only unrealistic but also doubting Nasa, who has been in work since the first time the United states landed on the moon. Reason two, why would you be doubting a group when they have been working on new technoligy for modern space traveling for a long time. Now your doubting Nasa again and saying that the aliens made the "human Face". Doubting Nasa on there work they are trained to do. Nasa even had qualified scientists to make sure it was't an alien face and even confirmed it. The third reason is because on April 5, 1998 when Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped pictures ten times sharper and confirmed it was just a natural landform. Once again in April 8, 2001 Nasa proved that it was not a an alien sculpture once again. Garvins said " it reminded him the most of the middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Once again proving that it was not a alien made sculpture. People still might believe that it was an alien made sculpture. But multiple times it has been checked and everytime it was checked with a better camera. Multiple Nasa teams went through checking this out and still proved it to be a landform.
Twenty five years ago NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft took pictures for landing spots for its sister ship, Viking 2. While taking these photos Viking 2 noticed a shadowly likness to a human face. There are some people think it was created by aliens, but research shows it looks like a landform. When scientist saw the picture they just assumed it was a rock clumb with the shadows causing it to look like an Egyption Pharaoh. When NASA unvieled the picture for the public to see they thought it would be a good idea to put, "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose, and mouth." They thought it would get more attention towards Mars, and it did. It became such a popular icon it appeared in films, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and check out lines at haunted grocery stores. Conspiracy theorists say that scientist want to hide evidence that there is life on Mars. Other people say it was an ancient civilization on Mars. Even though only some scientist think its an alien artifact NASA made it their top prority. As they as they could they were going to gdet another photograph of the face. On April 5, 1998 Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia. Michael Malin and his team, MOC, took a picture ten times sharper than the first. The picture reavealed that there was no alien monument at all. Most people believed this, but not everyone. they figured the coordinents 41 degrees north martian latitude. In April of 1998 it was winter at the time, which is the time of year Mars becomes cloudy. This means the camera on board had to look through wispy clouds, which could hide some of the evidence. Finally on April 8, 2001 they got a clearer view for another picture. They find out that the picture is equivalent to a butte or messa. Garvin sasy it reminds him of the MIddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. He says that the lava dome is about the height as the face of mars. In conclusion the mysterious face was never actaully said to be Alien markings of a pile of Rocks with weird shadows. According to the study the closest thing to have is figuring it out is the pictures. Will we ever find out what the mysterious face is?
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explains that researching and exploring Venus is a risky challenge to do due to the dangers of it, but he says that it would be worthy to do it. So the dangers of Venus is that each previous mission was umanned and that was for a good reason. "since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" (Paragraph 2). The atmosphere of it is almost 97% of carbon dioxide. The clouds are made of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. But even though that there are these dangers on Venus Astronomers are not going to stop with this. Venus must of had been like Earth once before in the solar system. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" (Paragraph 4). The planet has a rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters that are on Earth today. So the question is what are the choices that is going to both keep the mission safe and scientific productive? Well The National Aeronautics and Space Administration known as NASA has an idea to this solution. Since there is terrible conditions on the surface of Venus. The only was to survive is to be above the ground. So the idea is that having a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the landscape. Thus, even being above it would still be hot around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be kind of like Earth's sea level. And there would be plentiful solar power. And since sending elctronics there would melt it mechanical machines would withstand the dangers of Venus. Overall, Venus is a dangerous planet and dangerous conditions. Thats not going to stop us to explore Venus. Our curosity drives us to do it.
The limiting of car use can help with many things in our environment and society today.  One reason it could help is all of the gasses gathering up in the atmosphere and damaging crop and other vegettation.  Another reason is giving teens less stress to overcome with all the school work and testing they have to do.  The last reason is less death in the United States and less money spent on car crashes every year possibly pulling us out of debt.  Limiting car usage could possibly save America from drowing in debt. Gasses gathering in the atomosphere are killing plants and possibly animals on our planet.  The toxic fumes our cars release are killing vegetation and harming crops we need to eat and survive.  Most animals need the plants to eat and care for young, but we're killing those plants leaving the animals to starve killing them off one by one.  The Earth is made with specific gasses in the atmosphere to help protect us from the harmful rays of the Sun.  Without those gasses we would be nothing but a lifeless desert. Limiting car usage can help save teens from the stresses of everyday life without the worry of learning how to drive.  Teens today are so excitied to drive but none of them want to take the time to learn the rules of driving before getting behind the wheel.  This causes us stress.  Us teens have too much school work and tests to worry about learning how not to take drugs and drink alcohol behind the wheel.  Driving also causes us stress on the road as well.  If we limited car usage we wouldnt have to worry about car crashes or accidents if there were no cars.  Sure we wouldnt have any fast transportation but thats what bikes, trains, and planes are for. America is in debt.  Thats a fact.  Most of Americas debt comes from car related accidents every year.  Billions of dollars are spent each year replacing, repairing, and financially supporting those involved in crashes.  Without cars, people wouldnt have to worry about if America is going to fall due to the government taxing.  America can survive without cars.  America can be safe and non-costly without cars.  Limiting the usgae of cars can help America live safer happier lives. Limiting cars in America would help in many ways as i proved to you in my following paragraphs.  Gasses can be preserved where they belong.  Stress can be relieved in teens and adults.  Debt can be relieved and save us.  Limiting car usage can help in those ways.  It can also help in other ways as well.  But, you and the government have to make those decisions for each other.  Limit car usage in America.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of limiting car usage according to reading passages about limiting car usage. many people think that car usage doesn't need to be limited because everyone loves their car, but everyone loves their life also. What I mean about everyone loves their life is that people fail to realize that cars are troublemakers, they cause alot of problems, and that is  pollution. Pollution from anything is very harmful especially  to the people who don't have transportation and they have to walk or ride a bicycle to their destination. In many states the usage of cars are banned and thats because their pollution rate is horrific. I mean who wants to live somehwere where you cant even walk your dog because of the pollution from the automobiles? In Paris on Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22- euro fine ($31). But the same would apply to odd-numbered plates the folowing day. Futhermore, in Paris almost 4,000 drivers were fined and Twenty-seven people had their car impounded for their reaction to the fine. Paris has more smog than any other European capital. Did you think that Paris was the only country that has banned cars?, Well you thought wrong because Bogota, Colombia has banned cars for three straight years and only left with buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. Bogota, Colombia goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog violators face $25 fines. In 1990 The Days Without Cars is part of an improvement campaign that began to help decrease the essecive amount of smog or pollution. Since the help to decrese the amount of smog parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and they have built new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. After all I am here to say that many states are banning the usage of cars because they send off large amounts of pollution and pollution is a very harmful depris that can harm many people and it can cause sickness, and possibility death. If you are living or moving to a different state that bans car usage I strongly encourage you to let your car sit in the garage and look pretty because we are trying to save our people, plants, animals, and most important our communities.
. Reason for the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) read the emotional expressions of a student can benefit by how the teacher can teach beacuse if a student make different emotions like confuse,bored or overwelm while a teacher teach can show that what the teacher is doing is not working. Whe a sutend show a confuse emotion is showing that the work the teacher has given is to hard to comprehend. Showing to the tacher that she has giving to much of a hard work for a student to understand it. Giving that situation the teacher can make a plan to low donw to a level of the student grade she is teaching. A bored student is not much good to have in a class because whe a student is bored it intent to start distrubtin a class or come to fall a sleep in class. Thas showing to the teacher that the way is teaching is has become to un-interesting,that should let the teacher know that her has has to come more interesting and\or active so students can show more curiosity to class and get inspired to learn the class. When a student comes overwelm it coem a stress and start to panic for all the work the teaches have givin. Showing the student being overwelm shows teacher that it have giving to many work or the class have become to hard to comprihend. Tha so ones the teacher knows that student s have starting to become overwelm because of her class she has to star changin her plan of teaching so tudent can learn better and a eassy way. In conclution the class room computer could reconice when the student is becoming confused or bore and /or overwelm. That could modify the lesson so it can be an efective to the human instructor. So they are able t o plan a better way to teach students a easy and better way so student can comprehended better
How werid would it be to go to another planet just like Earth? Well in the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author goes into great detail of how NASA is trying to make that thought possible. Even though this idea of visting another planet is somewhat dangerous, the author seems to believe that we as a human species should expand our minds to more imagination and innovation. In the article, the author descibes Venus as Earth's twin. Scientists have said that Venus once could have had many oceans,mountains,and even life just like we do here on Earth. Even though Venus is right next door to us, we still have not been able to send any man to Venus. The article supports this by stating that Venus has very dangerous temperatures of 800 degress Fahrenheit, an atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. The author states in the article, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study,despite its proximity to us." The author then goes into detail of how we can avoid all of those obsticles by explaning a few ideas that NASA has came up with when it comes to visting our twin planet. The article states that NASA is working on a ship to hover over the surface of Venus. Of course, the ship would hover far away from all of the dangerous temperatures and atmospheric pressures near it's surface. The author also states that NASA is thinking back to a form of old technology called mechanocal computers that would be very hard to melt and destroy by Venus's harsh temperatures. Through all of the doubts and crazy things humans would have to encounter, the author still holds hope that someday we as a human species can expand our limitations. At the very end of the article the author states,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
Dr. Huang and his collegue developed a way to read emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face; all 44 major muscles in the the model must move like a human muscle. Eckman has classified six basic emotions. Thsy want to take it to classes rooms to read students emotions. I feel like that is a terrible idea. Let m explain why, I feel like that is not right if you have a student premission then okay, but for the students that don't want it it will unfair because th technology is still in the room and they don't know if you are testing them. Some people like to keep their emotions to theirselfs. I feel that it should stay that way. The technology isn't even valuable. I mean no student is going to be like yes im fine with you seeing all my emotions. Like what are you gainning on see the students emotions ? How much they hate or love a class ? Honestly I think this techology is useless. This is why I think this techology isn't very valuable...
The electoral college is flawed and in result, worthless. While being outdated and irrational, it is also unfair. Not only that, sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election than to the kind we have now, as stated in source two. Election by popular vote can really show what president the people really want, not the slate of electors who pick and choose what benefits them most. The system is corrupted and the popular vote is crucial in progressing as a united nation. The problems grow as we continue to use this outdated and irrational system. The voters simply can't control who the electors vote for, making it outdated and irrational. States that have the most population get the most attention when it comes to presidential campaigns. The smaller states get none of the attention. How will they know who to vote for? It makes the people feel as if their vote is worthless. This just proves that the system is irrational and corrupted. As stated in source three, "The most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election". This is not true, swing states are the cause of people feeling disenfranchised. The campaigners focus their efforts in the swing states where voters will listen more closely, not in states where there is less people like that. It clearly isn't ideal for presidential campaigns to be like that. There is no variety. They should be explaining themselves to the people who know nothing about what they are gonna do for the people, instead of for the people who already know. This is why the electoral college needs to go. Power to the people. Isn't that our countrys core principal? We are losing that right when it comes to voting. All we are doing when we vote is choose some group of people to vote for us. That isn't right; it's unjust. The people have a right to express their opinions and beliefs through the process of voting. Where do our votes end up? In the hands of greedy, power hungry electors who don't care about your opinions. As stated in source two, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters". The votes people cast are worthless and can cause no change. "Abolish the electoral college", in source two. The point is, the electoral college is outdated, irrational, and unfair. It also infringes on our number one right of freedom of speech. A popular vote cleanses the corruptness of the electoral system. This is why we need to thrive as a nation.
Have you ever wanted to just kick back and relax while your car does all of the driving? Have you ever thought about how dangerous that could be? I believe that semi or fully autonomous cars are a danger to the world. The cars are not not truly autonomous, nobody can really tell where responsibility lies when the computer is in control, and the technology that powers the cars may fail. No car on the road today is completely computer controlled. The cars we have today run off of a computer, until it hits conditions it can not handle, requireing the driver to take over. In 2013, BMW made a vehicle that could run the car on its own, but the driver still had to hold on to the wheel. Many other cars have become semi autonomous, but require the driver to take over when there are different conditions, such as roadwork or there is an accident. Some of these semi auatonomous cars alert the driver when they need to take over, either by an indicator, physical vibration, or simply by announcing that the driver needs to take over. What if the driver falls asleep and the car fails to wake the driver to take control of the car? How safe is the car then? Another problem with the reliablitly of these cars is the technology inside of them. The Google car for example, has sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a camera on the rearvier mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. The car runs off of all of these sensors, and needs every single one of them to run properly. But what happens if one of these sensors reade untrue values because they have malfunctioned or got covered up by something. Technology can only go so far into our lives before we are putting human life at risk. All it takes is one failure, one moment where a sensor isn't working correctly , and a persons life could be over. The sensors also cost money. This would make many of these cars almost unbuyable to the general public because of the cost of parts and matenience. With all of that said, who is responsible if the car is in an accident or it kills somebody? Does the manufactorer who made the car get blamed, or does the driver who purchased it take responsibility? I personally belive that these cars are an assumed risk and that if the car is in an accident, that both the driver and the manufacterer are to blame. I believe that the driver could have attempted to do something to change the cars path, but it is more so the manuacturers fault becasue their car failed to stay in its own lane and out of the way of other traffic. The blame also depends on who was inc ontrol at the time of the accident, if the driver had control of the car, it is his or her fault. But if the computer was running the car, then it is the manufacturers fault. These cars are not truly on autopilot, the technology is not completely reliable, and who is to blame for an accident? These points are all good reasons as to why these cars are a hazard to human life and should not be on our roads. So before you get right behind the idea of an autonomous car, think "do i trust my life and others lives to a machine?"
Driverless cars are no longer just a facination of the human mind. In todays world, more and more people are funding and creating automomous vehicles. The advancements in technology and human understanding have come together to soon bring us the driverless car. The idea of a car without human assistance is ghostly, yet very interesting. I believe that human driven cars will soon be a thing of the past, and that the development of these new vehicles will be the new normal. Vehicles without human drivers is the next big thing in society. Already, automakers have created cars that need human assistance when in dangerous situations. These vehicles will provide saftey, comfort, and cleanliness to a world that needs it. Everyone's main goal is to stay safe when they are on the road. With these new vehicles, no one will have to worry about all of the dangers presented today. The cars will brake, accelerate and drive wherever the driver desires. Without all of the stress of long trips, people will be able to rest and be alert for whatever is thrown their way. No one will have to intervene unless absolutely necessary. Many car companies and other organizations have decided to fund a driverless car. I beieve that it is the right thing to do, and that all will benefit from the experience. At some point, many will realize that computers are smarter than humans in many ways. Even though many think that the computers will have internal failure and create issues, I do not think that is the case. Companies involved in this new technology will test the product far before the release of any of their final product. The last thing they want is to have a disaster of driverless car failure. The fact that people support these ideas rather than oppose them shows that the majority of the population will want these vehicles on the street. The advancements that are currently being made and the support of the public make a point. Completely driverless cars will be here soon, and it is only a matter of time before everyone is introduced. Autonomous cars are soon to be here, and soon everyone will recognize the new technology rolling around the streets. The acknowlegement of this accomplishment is astounding to all that try to understand it. This is the new normal, and it is sure to go on for years to come. Everyone will want to see a car that no one has to drive. This is how far technology and understanding has gotten people. Never in anyone's wildest dreams did they think of a car without a human behind the wheel. Now, people do not have to try to believe it. They are going to have to accept and understand that it is happening.
Dear my state senator, I would like to keep the Electoral College. I think it would be better for the people. Voters in presidential elction are people who want to express a politcal preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. The Electoral Collge, ancachronism, a non-demoocratic  method of selecting a president that should be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. The Electoral College method is not democatic in a modern sense. It is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candiate your actully vting for a slate of electors. Our fouding fathers established it. Certanity of Outcome Everyone's President swing States Big Stats Avoid Run-Off Elections A magority of 270 elctors votes are reqiured. 3 Electors and treated like a state of purpose. Running for president has their own group  of elcetors. Help choose the states electors when you vote for canidate. Governer prepares a Certificate of Ascertanaiment. Thanks for your understanding.                                              
The effect of cars in our world today has grown tremendously. As companies create new models of various cars, buyers don't often think twice about how these cars hurt the environment and cause serious global emissions. The production of "Hybrids" is the first step to solving this problem. The advantages of limiting car usage can result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community. Pollution amounts have skyrocketed in the past several years. Due to the increase in the amount of people on the road using motor vehicles, pollution has increased and is becoming more of a threat than ever before. In Vauban, Germany, a new community has been constructed, and contains suburban pioneers that have given up their cars. They are devoted to taking public transit, such as city buses, or even personal vehicles like a bicycle. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) The residents of this community are committed to preserving Earth by limiting their car usage to reduce pollution. Pollution is a harmful matter that can cause negative effects to an area. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) When you limit the amount of time you use your car, not only does it reduce pollution, but it also saves you money, now that you are not paying a monthly fee, or taxes on the car, or for gas every month. In the exquisite community in Vauban, Germany, many of those people have gotten rid of their car, and are now probably saving extremely high amounts of money. Between highway tolls, gas, oil changes, insurance, and the overall monthly payment on a car, these residents are saving so much money because they are not paying for all of these necessities. When they travel, they use public transit, like the city bus, which costs a fraction of what car owners pay. Paris is trying to limit the amount of individual transportation due to the smog in the area, so they made a deal. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday, according to the BBC." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) People taking public transit are saving even more money now. Due to the intense smog in Paris, and the busy streets, a limit was set for the amount of drivers allowed on the road throughout the week. "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters...Twenty-seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Compared to the amount of money car owners spend, people without a car save a lot more money. With the reduction of car usage, a safer community will result as well. The amounts of accidents will be substantially lower. With fewer cars on the road, the risks of car crashes greatly decrease. Many accidents result in impatience at the wheel, and careless drivers. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Bogota, Columbia created a day for no car usage and it turned out to be a very big success, spreading across borders and leaving an impression on other countries about how limited car usage positively effects the environment. "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines." (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota.) Countries across the globe are attempting to limit car usage, and it will begin to greatly help the environments. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture.) The effect of cars today is not a positive thing, except for hybrid cars. Countries are beginning to limit car usage and soon we will see the impact and changes in the enviromments due to car reduction. Clearly, the advantages of limiting car usage result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community.                                              
Would driverless car make our life easier? Would driveless car eleminate accidents. Google had invented the driverless car that is not conpletely driveless. In some cases, human still has to control the vehicle such as going around accident. Driverless car are improving more and more and by 2020 some car companies are trying to have cars that can drive themselves. Driverless car are not nacessary because they are not driverless completely, most states do not allow computer driven car to be tested, and new law may need to pass to recover liability in the accident case. Why would you want to drive the driveless car that still require human skill? Driverless cars are not completely driveless. Driverless cars can steer, brake, and accelerate themself but when the driver has to navugate through work zones and around accidents, it require human skill, so human driver need to be alert and ready to take over the stituation if required. If driverless car may require driver, it is still better to just drive a normal car because even if you drive a driveless car, you must be alert to ready to take control over the car if nacessary. Computer cars are not allowed in most states. Presently traffic laws are written for the human drivers. The traffic laws are written with the assumption that only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. If it is illegal to drive computer driven car, it is not helpful to buy a driverless car because you may not drive the car that you bought, so it would not be nacessary for you. New law may need in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. In a case where driverless couldn't take control, human may has to control. If accident has happened, would it be a human error or techonology error. The techonology is not completely safe because driverless cars are not completely driverless. Driverless car are not necessary for us. Driverless care still nee human to handle in some cases, so the techonology is not completely safe. It is not legle for computer driven cars to be tested in most states because the law assume human driver should be in control to be safe while traveling. New law may need to pass for the case of accident if the accident is human fault or techonology falt. Driverless would not make our life a lot more safer, so we do not need driverless car.
i dont think that having driverless cars would be a great idea. i think this because there could always be something that could go wrong if your going at high speeds such as if you were to hit a bump then the steering wheel would jemp in a certain direction which could cause for an accident. also if there was an accident resulting in injury or death who would be held accountable for that? the driver or the manufacturer of the "self driving car"? i feel like it would also be alot safer to be driving and ready and focused instead of having to pay attention to the road only a certain amount of time and directing your attention towards something else. i also feel as if it would be safer to have a driver in the car because what if you may see something that the car cant like something coming to the side of you and the car didnt react quick enough.
Now there hasnt been real information on the existence of aliens or any other lifeforms of that kind. Stories behind those creatures are usually made up by many people. We dont have any evidence as to seeing or taking pictures of any aliens or UFO's. So why would aliens be on Mars? Due to the fact that researchers have identified that the "Face" is juast a mesa, I think is safe to say that there are no alien life forms on mars and there never was. Nasa has very good cameras that are way better than the ones in 1976. They can zoom in way more and take 3-D images as well. if there were aliens living on there you would be able to see UFO's and a whole lot of aliens on the planet. And if there were Egyptioan style pyramids or even small shacks you would be able to see them to. The "Face" is a martian equivalent to a butte or mesa as scientifically proven by scientist. Another reason as to why the mesa on mars is a landform and not some alien made artifact is that in the article it said that there were shadowns giving off the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. "Its a good way to enage the public and attract attention to mars", as said in the story. Also making the Face a pop icon also would make more people think that there really is life on mars without any real evidence. The face appeared on movies and magazines, which made more and more people follow this trend of life on mars. The final reason as to why the object on mars is just a landform and not an alien made thing is that on a cloudy, wispy day, the photo was taken. Making it seem like the aliens did it on purpose. But, scientist took the photo again on a less cloudier day and found out that is was just a landfrom after all. when they shot it with their better camera, it showed that is was just made by mars just like earth makes its own lanforms sometimes. So it seems as though technology from back then just wasnt updated enough to get the job done. Ultimately, the reason that evryone thought that there were life on mars is because technology wasnt as evolutionized as it was in 2001 compared to 1976. With the technology today, we would be able to find out right away if there were actually life on mars. So in conclusion, there is not life on mars and there never was.
Schools are full of kids getting their education. Not all of these kids actually care about learning though. Many are only there because they have to be. A new technology called Facial Action Coding System could help lessen the negative attitudes of these types of students. We have the technology to find out how a student feels about the lessons they're receiving. We can figure out what types of lessons interest students the most. This wouldn't fix everything or be the best method for every student but it would definitely be valuable to have this kind of technology. Every teacher has their own method of teaching and every student learns differently from one another. This shouldn't be changed. However, we can make the students more engaged and interested in their education. This won't work for every student, but it can help with many. Facial Action Coding System is a new software that reads the muscles of the human face to figure out what a person is feeling. This could detect what interests, bores, upsets, and delights students. This would allow the computer to help the teacher to plan lessons that have the most positive effect on the students. The software reads the muscles on the face and uses that to detects what they like or don't like. The software could then alter the lesson plan to make it so that it is in a way that the students would most benefit from. Not every single student will have the same opinion as another or take out the same amount of information from a lesson as another, but this could definitely help teachers to see what works for certain students. Facial Action Coding System could be a very valuable technology for educating the youth. We have the technology to figure out what does and doesn't work when trying to teach students. Some students wouldn't benefit from the same things as others but this could still be very valuable to the teacher to see what students benefit from a certain type of lesson. This could help many dissengaged students to find interest in their education instead of dozing off in class.
"On your mark get set GOOO!!!" Some people would miss the sound of NASCAR or other racing events. I personally feel that not having any cars would make the world a better healthier place to live in. First off I feel that not having any cars would save people a lot of money. Just think what you actually need to pay when you have a car. Once a month you have to pay for a car payment (if it isn't payed off), insurance, and gas. Now think that you also need to have a lisence and have your car registered. In VAUBAN Germany residents don't have cars due to the fact that it costs $40,000 just to own a parking spot. 70 percent of the families there don't own a car and 57 percent sold their car just to move there. Now that is a way for the world to survive and now your wallet. Next I will say how having less cars will affect the world's pollution. The people of the world rely on using cars wether it's to go to another state or just for a drive to the corner store. People have burned so many fossil fuels into the air that smog levels can reach record highs everyday. In Paris their was a day where they almost reached a record high and thye had to take half the people off the road and if they used their car anyway they would get fined. This caused the smog level to go down to a safe level after just five days. Smog can't go away over night do to warm daytime hours and cold night time hours and it would get trapped in an air pocket. But i guess this was just a close call. My final reason to write would be due to the level stress driving has on people. Just think everyday you have a chance on dieing in a car due to an accedent. You just drive a metal cage at high speeds and have a chance of running into each other. When you are riding a bike you don't ever have to worry about runing into oter people all you think about is that you're having a nice time. Even when you're walking you don't have to stress about people running into you because its just walking. Besides walking is just human nature so why would we stress over it? In summary I feel that not using cars is helpful due to not having to pay as much, their is less polution in the air and you tend to just be lessed stressed in general. Wouldn't you want to leave this a clean and stress free place?
UNRRA is a great group that helps countries that were just in war to recover and they have started a group of "seagoing cowboys". This a great thiing to particiapate in, so don't miss it. Some reasons to particapate are that it helps people, it may be a once in a lifetime experience, and it's fun. If helping others is important to you, wich it should be, you would love this experience. You can help people by supplying them with horses, cows, and mules according to the article "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves". Also you help alot of desperate families. Even if you don't want to deal with animals you can help by recovering people's food supplies and if you don't want to do that there is even more that you can help with. Also it could be a once in a lifetime experience. If you can't afford long distance travel this would be perfect because you get to travel and help people. Just think about it, a long time from now you might be thinking, "Man I wish I would have helped with that.", or something similare. By now you may be convinced that you would love this, but if you're not, think of how FUN it would be. After you help with your mission you can go visit places like a castle, the Acropolis in Greece, and even go to Venice, Italy according to the article: A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves. Also as you are returning to home you can do things like play baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling according to the same article. Even though those are only a few reasons they would've conviced me to pariciapate. In my opinion, this would be an awesome opportunity for you to experince, so please don't miss it.
Yes,the use of this techology is valuable beacuse maybe what you'er are upset and there is no one there to make you feel better. "That at least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions. The person who is making the software is Thomas Huang,of the Beckman institute for advanced science at the university of illinois"(paragraph 1) .Huang is doing this by trying to recongnize other people facial expression. This computer software is a 3-D printer which can make a mode of the face."The process begin when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 4 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles"(paragraph3).A 3-D printer is way better then a normal printer. At least for a 3-D printer it gives you all the close up details of how they are feeing. The movement of the one is called action unit according to Dr. huang who relies on the work of psychologist,such as Dr. Pual Eckman,creator of FACS (paragraph 3).The computer will calculate this everyday "In fact, we human perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday amd for instance,you can probably tell how a friend feeling simply by the look on her face"(Paragraph5).This can calulate every single movement that you make. So here what the people who is making the software want you to do. This a partner they will like for you to take a mirror a genunie smile and forced one. The real smile is called a zygomatic major that lift the corner of your mouth."Meanwhile,muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes"(paragraph8).I'm pretty sure is the muscle that are around your eyes.
Some people believe in different things such as aliens for example, but what about you? We all heard about the "face on Mars" some might say it's real or others say is it NASA playing a trick on us? But it all started falling into place when we got some news about it. I believe that this is real. No not the alien part but the face it's was fomred by natural landforms. Land forms can be created at any given moment - but this certain one just seemd to catch someone's eyes. So on April 5, 1998 Michael and his Mars Orbiter camera took a shot of the "face" that made it look 10 times bigger than it was the viewers were shocked. Just as NASA revealed that it was only a natural land form. Some people weren't satisified just yet... they needed more information or did they want more to sound right? So for quite awhile the argrument grew bigger on the big question " Did aliens really make this?" No one wanted to believe NASA because, they thought they knew more stuff than they were telling people. Maybe they wanted it to be something bigger or something better.....
The masking face on mars was taking in 1976 by NASA it is really a mesa. (1) Nasa's viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet snapping photos of landing sites for its sister ship vicking 2. When it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. it could've been created by the wind and rocks.It came from a red planet called Cydonia.(2) Scientists figured it was just another martian mesa because,its common around Cydonia this one just had a unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptian Pharaoh.(3) Nasa unveild the image for all to see. The caption said "huge rock formation wich resembles human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes nose and mouth. This attracted alot of attention to mars.(5) the face was starred in hollywood films.(7) April 5, 1998 Mars global surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael and his Mars orbiter camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the origanl viking photos. Web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on JPL web site, revealing a natural landform,there was no alien monument after all.(8) The face of mars is located at 41 degrees north matian latitude where it was winter in April '98 cloudy time of the year.
Do you think there is a face on Mars created by aliens on Cydonia? Lets talk about it. Cydonia is a huge red planet. Better stated in pargraph one, "An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the camera from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia." On this beautiful reddish planet, people thought there was a human face carved in it. They do not know how, and they do not know who did it. What did people see on this great sized planet? People saw a face, with shadows forming human face features! After Nasa had generously let the images on display for everyone to see, it became a huge news story. Everyone was, as said, talking about the unspecified "Face on Mars". The word was soon sent out by everyone ,and the public was attract to what they had seen in the picture of mars! The public went balistic after seeing such an amazing picture! What did NASA and scientists say about this human looking face? They had said it was just a natural created landform! When they flew over the beautiful Cydonia to snap a better picture of "The Face" that was sharper, they had said, "There was no alien monument after all." Not everyone had agreed with what they had said, which cause a comotion. Other people had said they were clearly oblivious to the alien markings hidden by the haze. Which then, NASA had to send more people to look at the face once more. What had happened the second time they send people to search "The Face." Well, they had a little bit of trouble this time around! They had said, it was not easy, and It had been very hard work. They also said, in paragraph 9, "We just don't pass over the Face very often." Next, they found a great cloudless summer day to finally search Cydonia. There team had caught an "Extraordinary photo usimg the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Their picture had been 100x better the second time around! They stated, "Well, If there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" In conclusion, If were unseen aliens on Cydonia, they would most likely know about it! It would have been very,very clear to see aliens after they used their 1.56 meter pixel size. Lastly, they stated in the article, "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as "The Face" on Mars."
Joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is a great place to help with horses, young cows, and mules. You can travel the world and see places like China, Europe, Greece, and Italy. They have unique You also can have fun being on a ship. You can plat baseball and volleyball games in the emty holds where the animals were. You also can play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. The games helped pass the time when you're on the ship. You also get to help people that are in need in other countries. You could help the countries recover their food supply, animals, and more. It could be fun caring for an animal like it was your own pet. In conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboy would be a fun job to do. It will help you experience a once in a lifetime thing. You could be able to go to remarkable places in the world. It also could teach you how to learn responsibility. The adventure will be unbelievable. I would be exciting to be a Seagoing Cowboy.
Emotions are a vital part of human life. Although they are sometimes overlooked or seem to not be present simply by looking at someone's face, they are used every day. The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," introduces information regarding a technology which is able to detect the most common emotions. While this invention is widely seen as incredible, if not revolutionary, the Facial Action Coding System's presence is not valuable in classrooms. The Facial Action Coding System does not have much value when it comes to using this technology to read students' emotinal expressions. The technology itself, while advanced in certain ways, is not that much more effective than a teacher's or students's abiltiy to distinguish feelings. The author, in his article presenting the many positives of this technology, addresses the idea that the system is able, from a 3D model it has built, to analyze the msucles of the face, matching their activity to certain basic emotions. The technology's ability to recognize emotions based on facial features and human behavior is something that humans have been doing automatically for centuries. The specific muscle structure is not necessary to determining one's feelings, as their use show noticeable changes on the face and are visible to the naked eye. Although this might be quicker, the technology would not have much value for classroom situations, as teachers could easily, while paying more attention to their students, notice the same details, identify changes in emotion, and alter their ways of teaching accordingly. Overall, the human's ability to identify basic emotional expressions would render this technology rather unvaluable in classrooms. Similarly, the purely scientific origin of the Facial Action Coding System decreases the value this technological innovation would have for students in a classroom. While it might be successful in identifying the emotions of students, the Facial Action Coding System relies purely on the muscle behavior and structure, as mentioned in the article, meaning that no other factors would be taken into consideration. Many factors other than emotion, such as fatigue, can alter a student's appearance or behavior. The coding system would most likely, as a result of these underlying factors, as well as the very limited amount of emotions it can perceive, make the technolgy unvaluable when comes times to read student's emotional expressions. The generalization of emotions detected would produce false or unaccurate results, rendering the program useless in classrooms. The Facial Action Coding System, due to its computerized nature and lack of human perception, would not be a valuable addition to classrooms. The lack of privacy this new technology brings makes the invention unvaluable. While some may think this to be a good way to improve student's lives throughout the school day, this facial recognition would raise many questions and controversy regarding student privacy. As the author states in the article, the Facial Action Coding System could be implemented in computers with the purpose of regulating ads and personalizing them to someone's preferences, likes, and dislikes. This is not only unnecessary, but would mean having a constant stream of visual information regarding students being sorted and analyzed. If this were implemented in classrooms, a number of parents and students alike would find this to be an intrusion of privacy, resulting in complaints, debates and overall unnecessary problems added to the education system. While this innovation might be somewhat useful or bring more attention to student's feelings, the excessive problems and controversy it would create makes the student emotional expression detector technology unvaluable and not a good addition to school. The Facial Action Coding System is not valuable in reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. The technology, although it could properly analyze the muscles and facial structure of students in classrooms, could easily be matched by a teacher, does not take in all possible factors, and would conjure up many questions regarding privacy in schools. While this program would have little to no value in classes, it could provide help to investigative work. Emotions are extremely versatile and human expressions, although they share some similarities, widely vary based off of each person and circumstance.
We should keep the Electoral College for the voting of the United States. One good reason is they know for sure who is going to the president of the United States because of the way the Electoral College is. This voting process helps avoid a lot of bad things too. There are so many good reasons why we should keep this form of voting. Avoiding Run-Off Elections is one good reason why we should keep the Electoral College according to "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." It states that, "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes." This is good because they keep one of the presidents that got the majority of the votes to win automatically,instead they have to do some math to see who the winner is." In the first writing "What Is the Electoral College?" by the Office of the Federal Register. This writing says that "Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate." This is basically saying that everyone gets to go the presidential election. Some more key points are some more notes in the first and last writing. In the writing "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." and it states, "The Electotoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution..." This is saying that go by a different rule of voting because of the population being than other states. Another good point is in the first paragraph again and it says "The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November." This is good that you have a schedual for for the next voting this gives us enough time to vote, it also gives the time to see if the president is good or not. There is some downsides to this little thing you have going on here though. That is in the second paragraph and it really gets my attention, "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." With this in mind it is telling us the people that we are not voting for the president at all that is what most people believe that they are doing so you are kind of lying to some of them. To wrap things up I am telling you that your Electoral College system is great in most ways. You should try and change some of those things that are bad about it though. Not just the one I talked about but more that others talk about and doing this can you and all that work with ten times better than you were before. Thank you for your time to read this, Sencerily a citizen   
Using technology to read students' emotional expressions while in a classroom, maybe it could be useful. How many students are acutally not learning because of any reason besides that they do not want to? The answer is you may never know, because students could be facing other problems, such as emotional depression, something that is not visible to the naked eye, but maybe, maybe there is a way to tell if students really are facing obsticals rather then just not wanting to learn. Now more then ever we are relying on technology to more and more, technology doing jobs that before it took a trained professional to do. Technology is advancing, technology is going to continue to develope, why should we not try to use computers to see peoples emotional state? Should we not try to figure out what obsticals some people are trying to overcome, while working a full time job, or going to school 5 days a week. I strive to learn more about how people are feeling, if there is something that maybe I can do to help them. As it states in the story, "Shes's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This is just in a picture, do you think that a persons emotionals can be doing any less? I believe that they are doing twice as much! The normal person must run through at least 50 different emotions in one day whether it happiness, sadness, guilt, or nervousness, they are all diffenent emotions, how easy is it for the human brain to process what somebody else is feeling when your brain is busy feeling all the emotions also? All in all, I move to put Facial Action Coding Systems in classrooms, just so we can know the children better, and making sure they are learning to their full ability. In conclusion, I think that FACS could be greatly used and appreciated if they were to be used in classrooms.
The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" makes me claim that this technology should be used to read students emitonal expressions to help them with their learning. In the begiining of the article it talks about how the new software can detect emotions of others. At first it sounded weird to have your face scanned to see what your emition is. But it later makes sense later on why you should have face scanned to see your emtotion. Later in the article it talks about how the facial reconition can help you through out your life. For example paragraph 6 sentence 4 for says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could moditfy the lesson ,like an effective human instructor." So when I read that it makes more sense to do that becuse not all teachers will not know if a student will understand a question or lesson. Or some students are scared to say they dont understand a question or lesson because they might be scared to speak up. But with a facial scanner no student will not need to be scared to ask if they don't understand a question. Plus not all student's learn the same way, so if a student doesn't understand something becuase the way its being taught the Facial Action Code System can scan their face and find another way to help slove the problem. In conclusion I find Facial Action Coding System as a postive impact for students. Its the latest tech so its not an old system. The scanner can tell if a student doesn't understand a problem. And find another problem to help them. Also knows your emoitions on how you feel about certian things or if you need help on something.
This essay will be about the advantages of limiting car usage. On the outskirts of Freiburg near the French and Swiss borders, parking on the street, your driveway, and your home garage are forbidden. In the streets of Vaubans its car free. Except the main throughfare, the tram to downtown. "As a result, 70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars,and 57 percent sold a car to move here". The people living here are much happier living here. Heidrun Walter, in the verdant streets the chatter of wandering children drown outh the distant motor. On Monday the motorist with the even numberd license plate in Paris were ordred to leave their cars home or they will be fined. 4000 were fined and 27 impounded because of there reaction. Same would aplly to the odd numbers the next day. Paris has enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of global city. Paris has more smog than some European Capitals, because of cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car pollution. Delivery companies complained of lost product while exceptions were made for plug in cars. and cars carrying three or more passengers. Bogota, Colombia in a program Bogota colombia in a program set to spread to other countries. Millions of colobians hiked biked skated or took busses to work during a car free day.
People should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program for three reasons. The reasons for thinking this are: you would be able to help people in need, visit unique places, and care for animals. The first reason for participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you would get to help people in need. The UNRRA is there to help recover food supplies, animals, and more. The Seagoing Cowboys were hired to take care of animals sent over seas for the people in need. Participating in the Seagoing Cowboys gives you the oppurtunity to help people start a new better life after distruction. The second reason for participating in the Seagoing Cowboys is that you get to visit unique places. Luke states "Besides helping people, I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water." Luke got to go to those unique places. He also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China the article states. If you participate in the Seagoing Cowboy program you might get the chance to visit some unique places. The third and final reason you should join the Seagoing cowboy program is that you would get to care for the horses, young cows, and mules that are being shipped overseas. You would be kept busy while you were on your way to your destonation. You would have to feed and water the animals two or three times a day. You would also have to get the bags of hay and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. If you like animals and to take care of animals you would enjoy this. In conclusion, participating in the Seagoing Cowboy program would let you help people, take care of animals, and visit unique places.
Air pollution has been a major issue in the U.S for quite some time now. The number one cause of air polution is car exauhst emisions. Engine exauhst from a cars tailpipe shoots into the air we breathe ever so often. Limiting the use of cars would exponentially help reduce the amount of air poluition we have within the U.S today. Knowing this, our main concern as humans right now should be trying to limting car usage in order to reduce harmful greenhouse emissions that cause air pollution and smog. In Vauban, Germany, citizens have give up their cars and have moved into an experimental upscale community where cars are not highly used. Even though car ownership is allowed, there are only two locations to park the vehichle and would cost $40,000 to buy the parking space. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their cars in order to move into the experimental community. Media trainer and mother of two, Heidren Walter says:"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Germany has already taken a first step in order to help reduce car emissions in the air. David Goldberg, an official of transportation for America states:"All of our development since world was II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." In Europe, passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions while the United States is responsible for up to 50 percent greenhouse gas emissions in some car-intensive areas. On Monday in Paris, motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same ban applied to odd-numbered license plates the following day. Sadly almost 4,000 drivers were fined and twent-seven people had their cars impounded. In the capital of France, congestion of smog was down 60 percent after five-days. Diesel fuel is the leading blame, since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesel makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. Not only is Germany taking small steps in order to reduce air pollution by limiting cars but Paris is also doing the same thing to help reduce smog. Not only is Germnay and Paris trying to limit car usage but so is Colombia. In Bogota, Colombia; there is a program they have in which millions of Colombians either skate, bike, hike or took public transportation in order to get to work for one day out of the entire year. The goal is to promote alternative transportatin and reduce smog. Violators would face a fine of $25. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza commented:"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Two other Colomian cities, Cali and Valledupar, have decided to join the event in order to help reduce car usage. Now we finally reach the United States after hearing about Germany, Paris, and Paris in terms of trying to limit the use of cars. Michael Sivak, who studies the trend of car usgae in America and is a reasearch professor at the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute, reports:"What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down to two to three years before the downturn, I think that means something more fundamental is going on." Mr. Sivak's research has found demogaphic shifts in the driving populations that suggest that the trend may accelerate. There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-39-year-olds getting a license, while older people are likely to retain their license at they age. A study last year has also found that driving by young people decresaed 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Limitng the use of cars is starting to slowy take its place within the United States, Germany, Paris, and even Colombia. Hopefully more and more people around the world will do their part in order to help reduce greenhouse emissions such as smog and air pollution.
The "Face on Mars" had been something that fascinated Scientist's at Nasa and conspiracy therorists alike. With the publication of the pictures, it brought up the question: Was it made by aliens? No, it was not, in fact it was just a nautral land form. The first picture of the "Face on Mars" was taken by Viking 1 spacecraft. It was looking for a landing spot for its sister ship, then made out the shadowy aperance of a face. While this did shock scientists, it didn't last. They put down as just another Martian landform, it's only special charateristic being it looked like a ancient egyptian pharoah. Later the Mars Global Surveyor took another snapshot, the picture being ten times sharper than the orginal. To reveal nothing but a nautral land form. It was actually a mesa, a land form or lava dome. The "Face on Mars" was not alien monument or even an actual face. It was a bunch of shadows and just in general a low pixelated picture.
The passage "Drivless Cars are Coming" have negative and positives. I would say I am against dirivless cars. Why not use cars that we can drive ourselves? Are Drivless cars actually the safest? If you were to ask me those questions I would say we need to stay with the cars tan we can drive. I would also say driveless cars are not the safest. If we continue to use the cars we use today we don't put our safety in a computer hands. I think we should stay accountable for our own safety and make our own decisions while driving. In the passage it states that in certain situation the car will alert the driver when he or she needs to take control. The thing about that is what if it doesn't alert the driver and the car keeps going and causes a car accident which can potentially kill people or put their lives in danger. Then it goes into a even bigger situation if the accident is on the driver or on the manufacturing company. It really could go either way but why even take the risk in putting your life in the hands of a computer. What if a police car or the ambulance is coming and the car doesn't pull over to the side of the road to let them have a clear passage to get where they need to go? Now you can possibly go to jail, but wait is that on you or the manufacturing company. There will be a lot of sewing of company's and a lot of fights between the people of the driveless cars and company's. The thing is we the people have a chance to avoid all of this now if we just decide not to make or buy a driveless car. The question you have to ask yourself is will you put your safety in the hands of a driveless car or will you be accountable for your own saftey? It's your choice just make sure you make the right decision.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" writes about about the many problems us humans have with exploring venus. But he also throws in there reasons why we should support the studying of Venus, and I agree with them on it and here's why. First we need to out what claims the author made that support the idea of exploring and studying Venus. Firstly, the author points out that long ago Venus was most likely like Earth in the fact that it probably had water and lifeforms on it's surface. And they also point out that Venus is the closet option for a planetary visit. Here's my problem with the authors claims, and that is that they have no hard proof or that they don't go into detail. For example, the author theorizes that there were lifeforms and water on venus, but we have no proof for either of those statements. The author also claims that the value of returning to venus is indisputable even though the problems with returning outnumber the benefits. I believe that we should look into returning to Venus, however I don't believe that it's a high priority mission or goal that we need to accomplish, because of the problems we are currently facing on our own planet.
The use of Facial Action Coding System would not be needed to be use on students or evn at schools.For example, It would be a waste on money, we can already tell on how a person is feeling ,and the schools would have to get better computers because it wont be able to handle the program. Even though it looks like a good idea it would also be pointless . To begin, all this programing and computers would be costing big bucks to the schools. Next, the schools would have to but the program and still have someone to install it. Futher on, They would have to pay someone to teach the studrents on how to use it ,and witch would been having to pay for that person . Lastly, the schools could use that money to fund classrooms for the students to have a better enviorment to learn. Secondly , we can tell when someone is mad or sad , we dont need a computer to tell what a persons is feeling. This coud have school money. For example, in the passage it says "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Further on, even they said that by just a look at someones face you can tell what mood and feeling is. Lastly, its like we have our own program in our head. Thrid of all, Going back to money the schools also would have to upgrade to better computers. According to the reading it says"Your home PC cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." Further on, this means the school would have to get rid of the regular computers and install way more expensive ones. Lastly, the school might not afford one for each student to use at once, so whats the point. What is the point of the program FACS ? We dont need to spend tons of money , we can just take a look at someone to figure out their fellings,and we have pretty good computers for just our needs. Yet the technolgy is getting better but should we let computers take over?
W hat if we lived in a world with no cars? What are cars really? According to source 4 "A car is just a means from getting from point A to point B when BART doesn't work." If this is true then a cars only purpose is to polloute and cause trafic jams and accidents. If more people took the bus or walked or rode their bike to work we would see a steady decrese of greenhouse gasses. Also the less cars on the rode the fewer traffic accidents there would be. F irst of all, We all live on the same planet its up to us to take care of it. Source 1 states "Passenger cars are responisible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." This quote states that cars are one of the main reasons for pollotion in the world. Therefore, without cars polloting the streets the world would not only be a better to live in but a cleaner one as well. N ext, without cars in the streets there would be less trafic accidents. This is clear in source 3 when it shows"Clombians hiked,biked,skated or took busses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this cappital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." What this quote is showing is that cars only cause unessacary problems for everybody. Plus the less cars on the streets the fewer recless drivers there would be as a result there would be fewer car accidents. I n conclusion, the limit on car usage can only be possitive. With fewer cars being sold the levels of greenhouse gasses would decrese. But not only that, less cars mean less accidents. Cars only cause problem in the world, whats being 10 minutes late compared to the safty of your fellow man. Source 4 states Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, propsed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cites in which  "pedestrian,bicycle,private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissins and improve safty."  
I do not think that driverless cars are necessary. As we know, a lot of drivers now aren't responsible while driving manually. How could they handle an automatic car? I also feel that not only will this car be very expensive to perchase, but learning how to use the car will cost a lot of money as well. Those who have been driving cars manually would need a lesson on how to control these automatic cars because it is completely different from what the whole world is used to. It would be like driver's school; therefore, that would be pretty expensive. To begin with, cars now are already very advanced (sensors, gps, cars that can be charged, etc.) There are even sensors to help the driver on the steering wheel. Secondly, automatic cars such as these are illegal to drive is a lot of states, as someone could be injured or killed if the computer-cars fail. I don't believe driveless cars are any more safer than manual cars for this reason.
Is Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? The author states that the temperature is 90 time greater than what we experience on our own planet. He also states that venus is the most Earth-like planet and that NASA is working on electronics that could last three weeks in venus. The temperature in venus is something very extreme. As it is state in paragraph 3, the temperature that is in Venus could liquefy many metals. The author states in the same paragraph that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system, it average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact.Venus is a place where its geology and weather presents additional impediments. Venus being the most Earth-like planet makes scientist discuss furthur visits to its surface. As it states in paragraph 4 scientist belive that Venus was covered with oceans. Now Venus is known for having features that are analogous to those on Earth. For example, valleys,mountains and even creaters. Tehy claim that the value of returniig to Venus seems to be indisputable. Even though scientist want to learn more and discover new things they would first have to find a way to make is safe for them to be able to do their jobs. NASA wants to be able to send humans to Venus and for that they have an idea. Their idea would allow scientist to float above the rolling Venusian landscape as it is shown is paragraph 5. They plan to make their jets travel at a higher altitude so it can fly over many storms. They know the conditions wont change but they are trying their best to make it survivable for humans. In conclusion, the author does suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.He gives examples on how the weather is in Venus. The author also helps us under stand and that scientist would like to visit earth because of its Earth-like qualities. He helps us understand what NASA would do infavor. He explains their plan and how it would keep any human that goes to Venus safe.
Dear Senator, According to the articles and arguements given I think the most effective way to get a premeire president for our nation is vote on the behalf of the Electoral College. In my view of the Electoral College has more experience aswell as having a sense of quality and values that they know can change the country.If we depend on the popular vote of the country,only in the favor of the people classes and opinions of the people, it may lead to presidents that cant maintain order of his or her country.Nonethless,the votes of both Electoral College and majority vote is basically as lucky as a flip of a coin,one side may lead to ultimate failure and the depression of a country the other may lead to momentous uprising of the country,in chosing the right leader of the country.Although, based on the criteria I just created is really puzzling your mind about what president is best I believe that the Electoral College may clear things up and make the best decision in favor of the people. Based on the articles,the Electoral College does knows best because although they lack of democratic pedigree doesnt mean there wont be democrats in the whitehouse, because they have requirements of how to find the best fit no matter what party included.Even if they were unsupportive of the democrats Romney lossed as example of equality of parties on the College's choice.The articles also state that no popular votes determine the election of a president showing that although more than half of the population in the nation picks a candidate it wont matter unless that candidate gets a majority vot of the Electoral College aswell.Stating that the expierience of the College will prevail on the birth of a new president,no matter what party,no matter the odds of a popularity vote, the Electoral College is a perfect example of this nation's motto because they are truely a sign of equality between candidates that might become great presidents of our nation. Sincerely,PROPER_NAME
Based on what i read i think that limiting car usage is a great idea. Two reasons why i think its a good idea also is because it will help our envieroment and less accidents and deaths . Now its possible that some countrys already have no cars period but we may need some cars and any type of vehicle because we need some kind of transportation because we can't always walk it will eventually hurt us to walk always. Like it says in source 1 paragraph 2 in vaubans streets its completly car free that means that there most be no accidents at all amd less traffic for them. Here in florida we have many vehicles and need them but it would be something different to not have them and maybe have less accidents and help our enviroment too because if u think about it we sometimes leave our cars turned on and that destroys the enviroment that we live in . I myself prefer to have vehicles because its better because its resourcefull and easier to travel.  
The use of the facial emotion recognizing things can help when kids are stuck on a problem or don't understand it. It may even help explain to a level they understand. It can help with how to teach someone and to read if they are understanding it, not just saying they do. They could even be more helpful outside of the classroom. When police take somene in for questioning they could have to computer read their face to see if they are nervous or lying. Instead of having a human give their opinion on what they think the person is feeling and giving the job to a computer, that was built to understand and read those things. It can help a lot with kids who lie and kids who need help and to get their own special level of understanding in thier education. To get things to be understood on a level for them. Not everyone learns the same and doesn't understand things the same way as others. Building this may help kids learn a lot better and give their teachers a better undertanding on how to teach them and what they need. What pace to take it at for that individual childs mind. To help understand better why certain kids are grasping at the subject they struggle in and help them. Maybe they understand it but it doesn't get their attention. The computer could possibly even help on that. It could help so many kids with grades. Could possibly slow the struggle with kids learning. Kids could learn in their own way at their own pace. Maybe not make them feel so scared and confused. The article stated that it read basic emotions, even a paintings emotions. They think it could help when kids get confused looks on their faces and give them help when needed instead of having to wait for a teacher who has to take care of more than one kid. Could change the way of explaining it to help them, sometimes they just don't understand the way it's explain as others might. The use of this technology could go far, even then could be able to be better with more work done. It may help a lot, in or out of the classroom.
Are you looking for a fun and awsome opportunity? Well you have come to the right place. Here at the UNRRA, we need help, your help! Here at the UNRRA you can do lots of things to help different countires. Such as being a Seagoing Cowboy. Retired Seagoing Cowboys have a special message to you. "Hi! I'm Luke. I am a retiered Seagoing Cowboy. It all started the day my friend asked me to go to Europe with him. In 1945 my friend Don(also a retiered Seagoing cowboy) signed us up for the journey. I know what you are probably asking, Luke what do Seagoing Cowboys do? We get on ships and help take care of horses and cattle on the way to countries in need. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is amazing, not only because you get to help people and different countries, but you get to see different places and things. For example, I have seen Europe and China form doing this. I have also seen the Acropolis in Greece and taken a godola ride in Venice, Italy. It does take a lot of time to be a Seagoing Cowboy, but it is so worth it. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people and other counrtries. I now host a number of international students and exchange visitors." I hope you enjoyed that message from Luke. I aslo hope it inspired you to join the UNRRA.
Did you know Venus and Mars are the closest planets to the Earth? Did you also know that it is the brightest star in the solar system during the night time? Did you also know planets are stars? Venus is a hard plant to visit for human because no human knows what it feels like to be on Venus. "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a story that tells us why humans keep studying the planet Venus. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is the most earth likely planet, they are coming up with new approaches , and astronomers and humans are fascinated with Venus . First of all, studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is the most earth likely planet. In the article it states, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of Earth." In the text it says, that humans have sent many spacecraft to Venus. So, since they have sent many spacecrafts to Venus they would know some of the things that on the planet. In addition, to it being the most earth likely planet studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because they are coming up with different apporaches to make it have less dangers. In the article it states, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float about the fray." NASA is not giving up on different ways to make it the Venus, they are also trying to make it safe so people can actually go and see since the spacecraft are not lasting as long. The article also states, "some simplified eletronics of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." But NASA has been testing new technology so their spacecrafts could at least last more time then the orinigal. New computer technology is more equipt than the orinigal. Finally, studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because astronomers and humans are fascinated with Venus. In the article it states, "Venus would go get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." The article also states, people are thinking as if the risk are not dangers but are thinking of them as challenges because they are so curious to know what on the planet. When people want to know something they are going to keep trying and trying until they reach their goal no matter what it takes. In conculsion, Venus is one of the many planets that has not been fully explored but soon that goal is it be reached. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is the most earth likely plaent, they are coming up with new apporaches, and the people are fasinated with Venus. Although, it might take some time the people are going to achive what they have been striving for.
The jouneys of being a Seagoing Cowboy aren't always easy. The waves toss your boat, and the animals are not easy to handle, but the joy you feel when you help people who are in need, all of the rough times are worth it. On the sea, you are able to help people by loading your boat with cattle, horses, and many other animals, because the people are in need of these animals. When you deliver these animals to places such as Greece, Europe, China, Crete, Italy, and many more exotic countries, you are able to see the amazing artifacts that are located in these places. While sailing on the Atlanic Ocean, you encounter different oceanic animals. When you are able to see their beauty in person, ot helps you appreciate different life forms. You also appreciate your own life becuase you realize that people are less fortunate, and you are blessed to be able to help them. You see the uneducated, and you want to help. While continuing your journey as a Seagoing Cowboy, you become aware of all the problems in the world. After I served my time as a Seagoing Cowboy, the awareness stayed with me, and I lead my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. I share knowledge of the sea, and the students become aware of the problems and want to make a difference. You learn to cherish the people who are around you, because at any given moment, something bad, or good can happen. On one rainy night, I was serving as a watchman and after I made my hourly report to the captain, I slid down a ladder, and landed on my back. My heart was racing as I slipped toward an opening if the ship. A small strip of metal caught me and I was relieved to be alive, but in pain at the same time. I cracked my ribs but rhe crew, my friends, cared for me when no one else could. These are the dangersof the sea, but the rush you get when you see the less fortunate people smile, the dangers shrink to the size of a pencil shaving. If you do not appreciate helping people, the oceanic life, friendship, learning, and teaching, once you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will, and always appreciate these traits.
In 1976 a strange humanlike face was found on Mars by NASA's Viking 1. A giant face almost two miles long was thought to be created by aliens. But NASA scientists thought differently. I believe that the face is a natural ladform as well as NASA. Becsause the NASA scientists proved it was a mesa and that they had no reason to cover up alien life. The face was found in one of the regions of Mars called Cydonia. Scientists were in shock at first, but they stated that it was a Martian mesa even though a face like structure was seen in the pictures. A couple days afterward the formation was unveiled for the public to see and they went insane over the images. The conspiracy theroies piled up as some stated that the pictures were perfect evidence of life on Mars. NASA's budget only wished that there was actual life on Mars but knew all to well there was no life on Mars. Only a handful of NASA scientists thought of this as an alien artifact, but getting more pictures of it was a top priority for NASA. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture ten times sharper than the original photos. Thousands of web surfers were waiting for the image to appear on a JPL web site. There wasn't an alien monument. But all it did was reveal a natural landform. I was thrillled when I read this becuase it proved my hypothesis correct. But there were still some people who werent satisfied by the images. Some people claimed that there was a haze that kept the alien markings hidden. On April 8, 2001 on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia the Mars Global Surveyor got close enough for a second look. Using the cameras highest resolution it took a picture of the face. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program stated “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,” also he said “So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!” The face on Mars had captivated people's imagination for years. Wheather in a movie, books, magazines, or even in the gossip magazines. Aleins creating face just doesnt seem logical enough for NASA scientists or for me. Throughout this writing I've stated multiple facts and come to the conclusion that the face on Mars was just a natural landform, and not a alien made monument. I hope that you also will come to the same conclusion yourself.
Letting go of cars is the next big thing treding here in the U.S to all the way in France. Cars have been one of mankinds great accomplishements and has risen since World War two. Although its has in some cases made our live "easier" its has also brought issues. Some of the reasons why we should start to let go of cars is because it will stop the gass emissions or popultion, there public transportation to fall back on, and it will help releave stress. There is going to come soem sort of trouble but there are also great advantages we shoud think about of liming car usage. Starting off, liming the amount of cars is a good thing because of the fact that it helps stop gass emissions. Which is the gas waste and polution it brings adn destroys the enviorment we live in. In Pairs they have took an act on this by banning driving due to smog. They have put in a rule that states "on Mondays motorist with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their care at home or they would have to suffer a 22-ero fine($31)". The congestion was down a 60% in the capital of France, after five-days of intensiifying smog. The congestion from the smog that was produce was  because of the high rate of cars were leting out great amounts of gasses. This causes our air to be poluted and us to get sick. Continuing, another great advantage in limiting care usage is because it means that we will be promoting public transportation. If we have soemthing that is provided for us that we know is going to help why don't we use it?. Public transportation is a lot cheaper than having a car of our own and it does the absolute same thing it gets us from one destination to the next. In soem place that I can't really find in the passage because my eyes are getting irritated and yeah I know I probably spelled that wrong but I am trying to improve. Now I have kind of lost my train of thought because I felt the need to say that, because if I someone here the most they'll say is go to the bathroom and splash some water of them. I actually do like this test not that bad I expected but there is some minner adjustment I think you should consider (if your even still reading this) like giving us a break ? at least a five minute one my eyes yeah you remeber that and siting for this gets me all tense. The stories needs some improvements I mean cars? I know I need to do a little better on these things but that's why im in school pluss this is a practise I think by the real one ill do better. I like to write (or in this case type ) I do but mostly about things that I can either relate to or expressing my self I mean come on aren't I doing good so far ? okay maybe not really but its cause im pretty bet, but next time trust me i'll do better. Also the fact that I miss the same periods these days keeps me from doing what I need to in that class and its a  class I need, sorry but just saying. I'm debating whether to contintue with this essay I think i'll just try. In additon, stress is something that also comes with havign cars. The fact that there is so many cars they cause traffic jams, which causes us to be late to our destination and that brings a great amount of stress. Another is reaching that age were the younger genertation reach that age to get their licenses. It is known that teenagers have the highest amount of leading accidents. This brings griefs to families and if survied post tramatic stress. In conclusion, Cars may have brought us some kind of accompishment but it has also caused some negative effects. Reasosn why we should think about the advanges of lemiting the car usage is because of the gas emissions, promote alternative transportation (public) and it releaves stress. What has been to be done by the amount of cars there are has a great affect on us. We should want to stop it before it get to late.
The Electoral College is not so much a place as a process, created by the founding fathers themselves. It consists of 538 electors and 270 votes, put forth by those electors, are required to elect President of the United States. The Electoral College should be vanquished. Citizens don't always have control over whom the electors decide to support. This is a problem because voters are sometimes mislead with the electors and vote to elect the opposing candidate. In the year of 1960, those who supported segregation were extremely close to having electors that supported Kennedy replaced with new electors that supported the actions of segregationalists. These people attempted this because Kennedy would never actually recieve the popular votes if the votes were to be in favor of him. In the sense that some might argue that the Electoral College is perfect the way it is, this is an invalid statement because the people of America don't realistically have a say in government decisions. The Electoral College doesn't help society, therefor it needs to be removed from our system. Citizens of the American society should decide the president, not electors that think the people aren't of a huge importance. 
The Innovation Driveless cars are a big deal in our modern ,new and innovating society. We try to grow and improve every single and ask ourselves how we can change. Many companies such as Google, Audi and Nissan have an idea that could possibly change the world. Driveless cars are what we all have been waiting for ages. Though many people agree with the idea that driveless cars are the next big thing others simply disagree. There are many pros and cons with the innovation of this project. I agree with the idea that we should try our best get some driverless cars out on the streets. We as the people on Earth should want the world to grow bigger and better, to grow brighter and smarter. Look at us today, we would not have had many of the things we now do if we had never put so much effort on it. Forexample computers, cell phones and even the process harvesting crops. A lot of ideas have bloomed from technology. Technology plays a major role in our life, and if driverless cars are the next new idea then I fully support it. Just image how much driverless cars could impact our everyday lives. It could make public transportation so much innovative and easier. perhaps driverless cars can lower are car crash and violence rates on our roads. Driverless cars could also help out many people who are hurt or in desperate need of help in certain situations. Driverless cars could be healthier for our enviornment, but who will ever know if do not put time into this project. Although having driverless cars are great many do not agree. They believe that it is something dangerous and something that nobody should mess with. They believe that it is out of this world and we should not put any money into this project. I agree that this project can fail but atleast we can say that we tried it, right? We as human beings learn from our mistakes and as of now there are companies like Google who are already making a change. They have dedicated hundreds of hours into cars who today have driven themselves with a passenger more than half a milliion miles without a single crash. The have asked themselves that same question and now we have electric cars, cars with sensors and cameras, cars with gps. We have alerts systems in our cars now which keeps us safer. A couple of years ago we had none of these things. Driverless cars are in the near future. People have dedicated so much time and knowledge to improve are generations to come. There is always something new to improve so lets let it be cars for now, 2020 you are just around the corner.
Im going to tellin you some positive and some neative ways that smart cars could be great and dangous first. Driverless Car are comin thers some postitive and negative ways. First here some positive ways first it could help stop all these wrecks that are happeni. Cause these smart cars will have antilock brakes that will come more advanced and detected and respond to the danger out of control skids and rollovers and the sensors will have the car apply these antilocking breaks at anycrashing moments.That will apply brakes on indivual wheels and reduce power from the engine that will make the car slow down even a top speeds. It also allowing way better response and control than a human driver can manage. Further improvements in sensors and computers hardware that make the car handle more and more driving task on there own that also making drivin safer. At Last they can also help you know whre road blocks and contruction is at and takes you to a diffrent route that will make u take iver the wheel. Now heres some negative ways of havin smart cars would be a not so great idea. Fisrt cause what if car accidents happen and people get hurt who are you going to blame for the hurt people and the messed up cars who gets blamed the manufracturers or the owner.Next new law wo8uld have to be made up for the smart cars cause these law for the old regular cars would work the same. also why would people want a driveless car that needs a driver drivers would get board waitin on there turn to drive.Also That means drunk drivers could still drive and it would be more easier for them to go and get them some achol and get drunk and turn and that turns into violence. Then these cars parts would be outragous expensive for one part and be out all kinds of money on one part.These are my opinion on why smart cars would be great and why they wouldnt be good this i why.
Being able to detect other peoples and even your own feelings when you want to just by looking into a computer to detect whether you are happy,sad or angry is unique. But if you are not willing to share or show that information at a public place it would not be. Especially when your surrounded by your own classmates and one of classmates accidentally sees what the technology detects on you or someone else. I personally think the use of this technology to determine what your mood is pointless in a classroom full of students. I mean what would be valuable about it? Besides detecting your mood. Students come to class just to learn, be creative and open their mind to knowledge. The Facial Action Coding System would be more of a distraction to kids they would not be worried about the right things. Also some students would not take it seriously they would just play around when it comes to this just by making faces into the computer. And inviting their friends to come along and do it with them. Which would be a huge distraction to to both the students themselves and the students that are actually trying to learn. When it comes to stuff like this students would just use it as a toy and will not actually use it for what it is for or see the bigger picture for it. The authority would be very angry once students are playing with it and not paying attention. The Facial Acting Coding System could possibly start some problems with students and their classmates. For example say their is a student sitting down in front of the technology and it detects the student is angry and sad. What if they are other classmates watching what it detects and ask the student "Whats wrong why are angry?". The other student would not want to tell him because it is probably something personal they would like to keep to themselves and not share with others. This will cause the other classmate to go around and tell everyone that the student was angry and sad. It might possibly cause chaos. Therefore these examples show perfect evidence on why this technology should not be available in a classroom. It can cause a lot of problems, playing around and just an unecessary distraction to not one but many. And possibly it may not even be accurate in some cases.
I feel as if having emotional reconization in a classroom would be a great idea. Everyday children are sitting in the classroom worried, confused, or struggling and don't say anything because they are to nervous to do so. If the teacher could walk to the front of their class and see how every single person is feeling they will have a better understanding on how the class is feels, as not only a whole, but as individuals too. Sometimes you just aren't having a good day and would like to be left alone and not called on in front of the whole class. Well I feel as if this technology would help benifit teachers in knowing who doesn't want to be called on just because and who is just simply having a bad day. In my opinion, this will help with the level of respect given to teachers because half the time students are just stressed out and don't mean to take it out on other people. I also think it will help with the mental health issues going on in society today. Many people everyday pretend to be happy and okay, it's like the world has put into our heads that we have to be okay all the time. Possibly with this new technology being able to read all 44 muscles in your face, it will help people become more open about how they are feeling and what is going on.
When people first say this "face" it was from a picture that the Viking 1 spacecraft took. Additional reasearch and pictures have been done to see if this is actually a face, just a huge rock formation, or an alien monument. It has shown that it is just a huge rock. I say its only a huge rock because the passage mentions unusual shadows. THese shadows gave the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth causing it to look like a face. They did not just form any "face" that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. So we know now that t was just a huge rock formation with shadows on it. It is not an actual face carved into rock. The passage mentions that Michel Malin and his MOC (Mars Orbiter Camera) took a picture of the same landform only ten times shaper thn the original. When they looked at this picture it revealed a natural landform. So after all this it wasnt an alie monument after all. Now the image doesnt show a face and its not an alien monument it is a butte or mesa. Those are commo landforms aroung the american west. So we know for sure not that the "face on mars" is actually just a landform with a bunch of shadows that give the illusion of a face. Well thats the truth about the "face on mars"i kinda hope you dont still blieve that it is an alien monument or an acutal face. If you still believe that then you might want to reread this paper.
Others should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because around the world natural disaters and other sorts of things are happening across this Earth we need to help. In the text it says"UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses ,young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." More people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program becauseit is an opportunity of a lifetime."The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveable opportunity for a small-town boy. Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. o was taking a gondola ride in Venice,Italy,and a city with streets of water." THink about joining the Seagoing Cowboys this way,when you sign up like Luke and Don did it will open you up to more than just going places, joining will open you to everything."But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger . It opened
The author supports the idea by telling us how Venus has great temperature. In the text it says "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.' This means this eas the first time they've had great weather on 800 degrees. Venus is the closest place to visit. In the text it says " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains , and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.' Which mean Venus can possibly do space travel back in time. At tthirty-plus miles above surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degreea fahrenheit , but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentful , and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy condtions , but survivable for humans.So its saying it only safe for hmans but other condtions.'However , peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditond because most forms of photography and videography ineffective. This means it only provived those things. In conclusion Venus was a great place to live and sttay at.
There has been a major awareness of the effects that cars have on us as a means of transportation. People question whether or not abandoning cars as our primary use of transportation is worth the health of the environment. The simple answer to that is obvious, there would be no awareness, no statistics, no movements to prevent the use of cars, if there weren't any issue with them. Eliminating cars as our primary source of transportation is almost impossible, meaning that the solution to this fossil fuel emission problem must be an alternative source of energy. As technology has advanced, so has the mindset the majority of the modern society's population towards the issues of cars. Has the mindset of the population surpassed the advancement of technology, or have we been ignoring the fact that these fossil fuels emissions have been detrimental to our environment. The one major thing that has caught everyone's attention is that the health of our environment being negatively impacted by the use of cars everyday. This is because this is the problem that should catch everyone's attention. People have this false notion that we wont see any environmental changes in our lifetime, so this means we dont have to worry  about this now. The problems that we predicted would occur have been occuring over the past few years. A prime example of this would be in Paris. Paris had been experiencing some weather problems. There was an abundance of smog that was filling the air, and diesel fuel was blamed. Paris enforced a partial driving ban as a solution to the smog problem. By eliminating cars as a use of tranpotation, some questions may occur. How will external delivery companies be able to deliver. By not being able to deliver, these companies will lose revenue, due to the fact that Paris has a partial ban on driving. Since this is most likely temporary, and a "partial" ban, this problem may be eliminated from the cons list of implementing this regulation. But a correlation occured. After the partial ban of driving, the smog dissapeared. This shows that by eliminating cars as a use of transportation this would have a significant effect on our harmed environment. Another falacy that the majority of the population has is that the only problem facing the use of cars as the modern society's primary source of transportation is that cars harm the environment. Even though this is the problem that we all need to face now, there are other tedious things that come with the adoption of cars. Bogota, Columbia, has had extreme congestion, has created a movement that has been so successful it has spread to other countries. This movement involves the population abandoning their cars for one day and using any other possible means of transportation. This movement encourages the elimination of cars, physical fitness, and the elimination of traffic jams. The population of Bogota is so dedicated to this movement, that they have participated n this movement through bad weather conditions. This movement treats itself like a fundamental holiday to have every year. "It' s a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."- Carlos Arturo Plaza (participant of the movement). As you can see the process of eliminating cars as our primary source of transportation is a very difficult thing to accomplish. Bogota, Columbia's movement to abandon cars for one day is the closest the modern society has gotten to this. For this reason, there should be an alternate source of energy cars should run off of. By the environmental issues facing the use of cars, there have been many other problems that have sprouted because of the awareness that the modern society's citizen has now. Through the support of cars as the primary source of the modern population's transportation, there has been an abundance of users of cars. Since there was an overproductions of cars, seeing how this is the primary source of transpotation, statistics have occured showing the true dangers of the effects that the overuse of cars has on our environment. By implemeting an alternate source of energy that is not harmful to the environment, this would fix the majority of the problems. Instead we have been focusing on self-driving cars instead of cars that will be able to sustsain our environment before it's too late. A potential solution is energy efficiency, but the number one solution is awareness. Encouraging awareness is the one thing that can produce more potential solutions.
I belive that driverless cars are a good idea. Personaly, I don't trust people on the roads. People get distracted easily, can have slow reaction times, and sometimes just are not safe. Driverless cars can fix all these problems easily. One issue is that people easily get distracted. Smart cars, on the otherhand, are complety built for the purpose of diving and analizing the roads. The feature most appealing to me and that fixes this issue is found here in the passage, " Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings.". The second issue with drivers in cars are the drivers reaction times being to slow. Some people just do not have the reactions to be able to use the breaks fast enough to avoid accidents. These cars do it instantly, as stated in the passage, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply breaks on individual wheels and reduce power from ethe engine, allowing far bettter response and control than a human driver could manage alone.". Finaly, sometimes people just are not safe. Doing anything from texting while driving or taking erratic turns without signal can be extreamly dangerous to themselfs or anyone around them. These cars can prevent that by even forcing people to watch the road constantly or alerting us when danger is ahead. " GM has developed driver's seats to vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.". This is only one of many safty enhancing developments to smart cars and the protection of the "driver". In conclution, smart cars are a great idea. With these cars people will be safer than ever. No more driver error, distraction, slow reactions, or danger to themselfs or to others around thm.
Venus is the secound planet from the sun and yet it is also the hottest. It is also the closest planet the resembile Earth. It orbits the sun just like Earth and it is decently close to Earth. Mars is also kind of like Earth but not like Venus is. I think that Venus is very worthly to pursuit but with all the dangers I don't think we should visit, but I do think that we should keep studing. According to the text "Whille Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very callenging place to examine more closely." This shows that Venus is safe to study here from earth and that there is no dangeres with looking at it with a microscope. This shows that we can study Venus and still be safe here on Earth. I also think that we shouldn't have anyone on a ship go to Venus just yet until we study it more and figure out how to land the ship. According to the text " Eah previous mission was unmmanned, and for good reason, since no pacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe the issue expalins why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." This shows that is is not safe to send people on spacecrafts to Venus woth out them dying in a few hours. I odnt think that someones life is worth a few hours on anouther plant, all though it would be very benfishal. If they owuld take samples of things that we need to look at and some how get it back to us so we can study and get to kow the planet more, but i don't think that it is safe or smart to send people there. Last but not leasat Venus has the hottest surface temperature than any other planet. According to the text " These conditions are far more exterme than anyhting humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hotterst surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." This shows that Venus is not safe and that it is too dangrous to survive. It is too hot and it is too dangrous for any human being. With all of this information we should jsust hang back and study, maybe even try to make a ship that can with stand the pressure or even a suit that can survive with all the heat. We just need to study maybe run some trials on gettings ships there but not with people on them.
I think the Facial Action Coding System is valuable. It also doesnt do any harm, so i think ther shouldnt be an agument on why they shouldnt event ths type of technology. Making these types of inventions can even be helpful not just for the Facil Action Coding system but to many other inventions. They are becoming more advanced in technology and are capable of developing more interesting inventions. Many students also some times have problems trying to fihure out what there feeling or to tell some one how they feel. I agree that the Facial Action coding System is valuable and ould be used for goods. This technology can be used for many thing and in a very good way. For ecample like the author wrote in the article. They can make changes in many things by seeing the emotions in a sudents face. For example in some ones homwork, in a book there reading. By reading there face expresions they can use that technology for the good of a person. They can find new things and make changes. So the things that are boring or sad or anything that is making someone not be intirested in something make them more intiresting. In my opinion people that make stories or news papr aricles want there work to be seen and get many reviews. So by figuring out what some one is really intirested in is a good way know. Many people like new developments. If this type of work becomes more advanced it could be something good. In my opinion i think its valuable. It does no harm to some one and it heps so some one could be under stood and helped. This technology could be used for many thing. Its also once more a new invention and helpful for many more. It also is a very intiresing in the way it works. Just because it was well diveloped to know how the human face works and the changes it makesevery time it has a diffirent expression. Thats why i think this development is very valuable.
Why do you believe the face was created by aliens? When looking at this image, you can think about that at first but if you believe it immediately, then there is something wrong about that. I will explain to you why the face was not created by aliens though i will also explain why someone may believe that. The face is an image we found in 2001 that was taken by our Viking 1 spacecraft that was circling the Mars. The face is an area of land on Mars that has the illusion of a face. The illusion of the face comes from the shadows making the land look like it has a nose, eyes, and a mouth that resembles a human face. It was a surprise for most people here at NASA but we didn't believe it was alien works immediately because we didn't have any real evidence of it. It just so happened to be a patch of land that looked like a face. We couldn't say it was made by aliens because we needed proof of that and we haven't studied Mars' enough to prove that aliens made the face. We know Mars is similar to Earth but it's still a different planet in our solar system. Although we hoped it might've been an alien civilization, we studied the face more and it was simply a landform similar to a mesa or butte of our world. Even though we know it was just a landform, there are reasons we could see people saying it might've been made by aliens. We know Mars is able to sustain life because of it's conditions and there has been few deposits of water found there, but we have never found an actual living species on the planet itself. We as humans still don't know if aliens live on Mars or if aliens from other worlds exist at all. Many people believe there are aliens from other planets and some don't really care about the subject at all but it is possible that there's life on other planets. Because we haven't figured out if Mars has life, people believe the strange and convinient findings on Mars (like the face) are works of alien beings. Although we have confirmed the face was not a work of aliens, we still don't know if aliens exist. We can conclude that the face is not the work of aliens but there just might be unearthly beings on our neighboring planet, Mars. Before we can confirm there are alien beings on Mars, we would need evidence to explain they do exist at all. But we can conclude, the face is not made by aliens.
Throughout history, soceity has grown because of technology. The techonolgy as of today is seen as both a good and bad thing. From "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the article states that there will be "fleets of driverless cars". To imagine driveless cars on the streets frightens me as a person. I believe that there should not be any driveless cars on the streets and/or highways because of the danger it will cause to not only my community, but the country as well. United States of America should not be shown any more technolgy where it endangers others. In paragraph 7, the article states "The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over". This statement already displays a red flag to people reading this article. If the driver is not prepared to take over the car, there would be an accident. Also, there are many people who do not pay attention to the road or are deep sleepers who do not wake up from vibrations or flashing lights. Many people, currently, get into accidents from even paying attention to the road. Although, these new cars seem fun, it would not ensure safety. Furthermore, there should not be any driveless cars on the streets and/or highways because of the danger it will cause. To begin with, my community will be in ruins because of the known amount of accidents that are caused by the manufacturers and the drivers. In paragraph 9, the article states "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" This statement can go both ways because when the driver buys the car, I assume that they already know the consequences of it. Just buying a regular car, you already know that you are risking your own life while driving it. Although, let us say the car blows up, that becomes the manufacturers fault because it is not normal for a car to blow up. During the Industrial Revolution, many workers would slack on the items they were making because there was such a high demand for items. Many of the items were not as good beause the workers would have a deadline. Linking history to this subject, there will be a high demand for these cars, and there also will be deadlines which will cause them to speed the process. Also, The Martian is another example where the workers wanted to send help, but they rushed and the rocket exploded which delayed the help they wanted to send. Furthermore, in paragraph 7, it states that there will be cameras to watch the drivers, but if something happens and they are a second too late, cameras will not be of any help. As a result, the creation of these cars will cause destruction in our country. For decades, there have been drunk driving, reckless driving, and even careful driving that has gotten us in accidents. Driveless cars seem like an amazing creation, but there are many cons with this subject. This new creation would bring the fun out of being in a car, but that is not the point of driving. Cars are a means of transportaion; we might as well create driveless bikes while we are at it. The danger that more technology will bring us is frightening to imagine. Therefore, not only is this a scary idea, but also a reckless idea that might be one of the reasons for the downfall of our country.
Dear State Senator , I wrote this letter to you to talk about keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the President of the United States. My opinion on this intriguing subject is that we should keep the Electoral Collge , my reasons being that voting by a popular vote can sometimes go wrong and we avoid the Run-Off Elections. When its time to pick a new president very few people research about this president and his slate of electors , they just vote for the most apealling to them , the one that is always out and doing meetings, or brunches , or just having a perfect day with their family . People that research or dig deep to find out who they are really voting for . Let me start by saying that the ones whom created the Electoral College , where our founding fathers , these men are thought as wise and caring for their country. The reason stated why the Electoral College should be kept because popular voting can go wrong. Yes the popular vote of the Electoral College its worth but maybe not that much.  In Defense of the Electoral College : Five reasons to keep our depised method of choosing the President , it states that " But each the national popular vote"(source 3).  Posner is stating that each party picks their electors to be trustworthy , not someone who would do dirty work behind their backs. People go out and vote for our next president and see them running our country , but sometimes people vote for a president for the reasons being that they just want to vote . Its not like the lines outside are not long enough for a person to just go into the voting booth and pick a random president and just leave. People dont actually look behind, search for whom they are votting for .Thats why the Electoral College shouldnt be ruled out , the Electoral College is actually helping out more then we thought. When we least expect it we have a crazy wako running our country , then that would be the time when the people would Notice that they made a huge mistake . Run-Off elections , sounds like a tedious process. When Run-Off elections occur some people get annoyed , why its a longer process . We get a little bit delayed on finding out on whom the president of the United States is going to be . People want to know who going to be the next president of their country , whos going to try to fix the small little problems the last president left . THose are mainly alll the questions these voters ask. In The Indefensible Electoral College :Why Even the best-laid defenses of the system  are wrong , Bradford states " At the most basic the "swing" states" (source 2). Bradford claims that the candidates dont spend much time in states that they know wont get plenty of votes. Well true but why would they both of theses candidates are running for president they need to get as many votes they can if they are bad or good . Even though we are technically not being fair with theses states why because the candidiates arent paying so much of the their attention and aren't caring for those states votes . This country runs off on what the people want but sometimes are the people being fair?. Keeping the Electoral College can be a really good thing do to the fact there are people that do know about choosing a president .It's been stated before that some people dont care at all who the next president is, as lonmg as they fix their problems and they have jobs, and good medicare they are perfectly fine who the president is . The Electoral College is like a helping hand .      
The face of Mars has been Mystery for many years. Ever sience the first picture of the face came out in 1976. Some people say it was made by aliens. While other say it is a natural rock formation. I am here to tell you that it is a nautral rock formation, by picture and other edivence. The first pieace of edivence are the picture that were taken by Viking 1 and MGS, Mars Global Survey. In 1976 it looks like a face, but we didn't have the technology that we have. The first picture was 43 meters per pixel, which is a lot. Now if this technology advance we now get 1.56 meters per pixel, so if the face on Mars was really set up by aliens we would see their huts or anything else they built. The second piece of edivence is shadows, as you can see in the pictures it is just how the sun is position and how the statlite is postion to make it look like a face. The last reason is other natural sites that have the same size and looks like the face on Mars. The face on Mars reminds the Auroth of a place in Idaho. It is a Butte in the Snake river Plain. It is almost the same size and shape. In conclusion the face of Mars is a natural site, and not made by aliens. I know because of the picture of the face of Mars. The new technology we used to get a better look at it. Lastly how other natural sites look like the face of Mars.
dear state senator, im writting this letter to you so you consider changing to election by popular vote for the prsident of the united states instead of electoral college. i belive like branford plumer, that the electoral college is very wrong not only because under the electoral college system, voters dont vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. but also because it is very unfair to voters, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. the electoral college is outdated, unfair, and irrational and its time for a change. nevertheless the electoral colleges dispute over its outcome is possible, it also nrequires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, its winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does induce the candidates, the electoral college also restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed on the constition, and it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. the electoral college method of selecting the president is and will turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. according to the gallup poll in 2000, 60 precent of voters would prefer a direct election the electoral college is losing the little defenders it has and due to the spurious arguments the electoral college should be abolished.
Driverless are something you think about in the futrue but no driverless cars are coming. Google's cofounder Sergey Brin envisions a future wth driverless public transportation. The driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis use. They would have more flexibility then a bus. Sergey Brin believes driverless cars would change the world. Google has been working on these kinds of cars since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Google cars arent not driverless ; the car alerts the driver when dealling with complicated traffic. Different companies are making computer driven cars. In 1950s , General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable to a receiver on the car. The problem with smart-roads is that it would be to expensive to upgrade the roads. The problem with driverless car is that if the car got into an accedent who is at fault the operater of the car or the manufacture. Driverless cars are soon to be part of our world. The cars would be extremely use full in big communitys and replace taxis. The problem is the cars are not 100% driverless and if the car get in to trouble and the driver is not paying attention there will be an accident.
In the story a big part is wanting to explore Venus because it's important to see what is outside of the world. The author of this story said that our human nature would most likely take us to Venus to see what's out their for us. There is vaule in going to Venus because we can discover new things and it will help us gain insight in on the planet. Venus is the closest planet to earth. A good and big reason we should go to Venus is that we would want to go out and see what other planets have in store for us. Venus is a good place to start because it's the closest that is to Earth. We have already tried to go to Venus but man could not indure the mission for example if we take tablets or phones it will be like if we pour acid on to them . We sent out spacecrafts that have been unmanned already so just imagin in a coulpe of years what we could do to go to Venus. I think human nature will take us to Venus. Us as humans are willing to go beyond to find out things no matter how dangerous or even if we have doubts. It has big vaule if we go we get to find out if their is human life,diffrent structures. We need to meet the challenges that are presented to us by Venus. We already might have some of the tools for example one of the computers that helped us during World War 2 could help us now because these computers don't need to be electronics they are gears and levers and they are better because they can endure in the physical conditions. Scientists have been discussing and they have stated that Venus is one of the most like Earth solar system. They think a long time ago Venus was covered in oceans and could even have formed life. That's even better readons on why we should travel to Venus. This is why we should travel to Venus all of things we could discover like life structures. Even humans are planning to get ready to for the travel. I think if we give it a couple of years we should be their and maybe even discovered new life.
What if we could get to a new planet? What if humans got off of the Earth, and onto another planet? Would we build a new civilization? Could we even survive? In an article titled "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author explains many problems for why getting people on Venus will be difficult, and they present some potential solutions to these problems. The author supprts the idea that Venus exploration may be possible by using facts already known about Venus, presenting problems with getting on Venus, and presenting solutions for those problems. First, the author knows a lot about Venus. Paragraphs 2 and 3 especially shows plenty of the knowledge the author has, and shows that they did research. The text supports this claim by saying "Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus... A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." All of these facts show that the author did plenty of research and found some facts that can help support his future claims. Next, the author presents multiple problems for why Venus exploration will be a difficult task. It is apparent once again that the author did plenty of research to find as many potential problems as they could. The text supports this claim by saying "No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours... Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study... On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees... Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." This shows that the author knows many potential problems that could harm chances at landing a manned mission on Venus. Finally, the author presents many potential solutions for the problems. The most important solution is for the surface and weather on Venus. The author presents this idea by saying "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Farenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels." This shows that there is a solution to the problem of Venus having unsurvivable conditions by hovering above Venus's surface to flat out avoid the harsh conditions. In conclusion, the author gives a good explanation for why we might be able to conduct studies on Venus. The author supports his claim by presenting knowledge about Venus, presenting potential problems for making it to Venus, and presenting a solution that would negate almost all of the problems presented previously. Perhaps one day, we might be able to land a manned mission on Venus.
Venus is dangerous to human just like many other planets. This author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that it presents. Should this author really study planet Venus? Some people look at Venus as Earth's "twin", because Venus is the closest planet to Earth in density and size, and sometimes closer in distance as well. Since Venus is so close to the Earth they have sent multiple spacecrafts tp the planet but no spacecraft survived for more than a few hours. A spaceship has not touched Venus in over three decades. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide covers Venus, that is even more dnagerous for humans to survive on. On Venus surfce it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit, the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what ours is on planet Earth. Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because a long time ago the planet could have once been just like planet Earth, today Venus still has some features but not many. In this article NASA has discovered a compelling idea for sending humans to Venys to study the planet. To study Venus the scientists would have to float above the fray, which is 30 or so miles above planet Venus. At 30 miles or so above the surface the temperature is still 170 degrees fahrenheit. Scientoss can not take very graphic pictures, get samples of rock, or gas from a distance, therefore the scientists have to get close and personal no metter the risks of he planet. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. Even though there are many dangers on studying thid planet this author still wants to. There are many reasons s to why this author wants to study this planetand they are all great, but i think that it is still dangerous.
Have you ever heard of a driverless car? Well Google has had some cars that can drive themselves since 2009. The cars they made have drove more than half a million miles without crashing. The driver still has to back out the driveways and go around traffic issues like other car crashes or roadblocks, but other than that the car will drive on its own. I think these cars would be useful when the driver wouldn't feel like driving. First off, I think these cars would be useful because what if you don't feel like driving and you don't have anybody with you that can drive the driverless car would be perfect to have in that kind of situation. Yes sometimes the driver would want to drive so thats why they have a heads-up display. When thats turned off the driver would be in control until they turn it back on. Another reason why a driver would want a driverless car is because what if the driver wants to text a person back and they can't use one hand to type they could make the car drive itself so they could that. So that's why some drivers would want to have a driveless car sometimes. Yes the driverless car would be useful when the driver wouldn't feel like driving. However the car could still crash if your not paying good attention to it and also the law could see that your hands isn't on the wheel. Another reason is that there could be an accident with the driverless car and the law wouldn't know who to blame the driver or the car manufacturer.
My position on driverless cars is that I think it would be a good idea. Considering how many car wrecks they're are in everyday life. The idea of driverless cars couldnt have came soon enough. Losing lives is a big thing on car craches. Car crashes come from humans silly mistakes now if the car can drive by itself no silly mistakes. Humans have an intendicy to not pay much of attention to the road like they ae suppose to. Humans get distracted easily by anything. Plus for Semi drivers that have to drive through the night for a delivery, that crash because they are tired wont have the problem of crashing because the semi could drive itself. Theyre would still have to be check ins but just the right idea is that there will be no more car wrecks. A big issue with car wrecks is drinking and driving and texting and driving. Yes the person still has a choice while intoxicated to get in the car or not and put down his destination but its better than him/her being in control of the vehicle.Texting and driving, well you wouldnt have to worry about it anymore because again the person won't be in control of the car. Those are some details that help support my position in this draft. Mainly for car crashes not people's needs. The death rate might go down some more if driverless cars were to come. It is something that society can't say no to.
An unusual face was spotted by Viking 1 in 1976. Looking at evidence that were provided, it shows that the "unusual face" found on Mars was just a mistake. Even though they had picture of the unusual face the first time they spotted, it was a really blurry one so it created illusions for people to make it look like there was actually a face on there. It was later proven by Mars Global Surveyor that it was just a natural landform on Mars using photography. Therefore, pictures don't lie which makes the "unusual face" just another natural landform. In 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, where the unusual face was found, to snap a picture of the unusual face which was ten times sharper than the Viking photos. Since the picture was pretty clear, it reveal what was actually there on Mar's surface. It proved that it was just a natural landform and that it wasn't any alien monument. People may say that since it's winter it was the cloudy time to of the year of for Mars so other things such as clouds could've had an effect on the picture but it doesn't change the fact that it's just a landform no matter how unsatified the people were. In addition, NASA unveiled the image saying that it was just a huge rock formation. They noted that it resembles a human head because of the shadows. It was creating illusions for human eyes so they didn't see the actual object but instead they saw a face on Mars. Although, some scientists believed that the face was an alien artifact which was what got Mars Glbal Surveyor to even begin taking pictures of Mars to prove that it was just a natural landform. Overall, the face on Mars is just an illusion even though some people believe it's real. However, people might think it's real. Looking at the evidence provided by the Vikings which was the first photo of the face on Mars, it really resembled an Egyptian Pharaoh. Even a few scientist believed that it was an alien artifact and it even became a pop icon. It was starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines and radio talk shows which mean people actually believed it. The face on Mars attracted many people's attention. Which is why people could say it's real since the majority believes it but what really matter is how it's proven. It was proven using a camera that snap pictures clearly. Everyone was later informed that it was just a natural landformed because of the picture taken in 2001. In conclusion, the face found on Mars was just a natural landform that looked like a face because of a blurry picture taken by the Vikings in 1976. Many scientists and people believed that it was real but it was just an illusion to the human eyes. In 2001, Marlin's team took a snap of the face on Mars which prove that it was just a natural landform. Garvin compared it to the landforms on Earth so that people could understand and believe that it was just a natural landform. Therefore, the picture taken in 2001 was an evidence that proved that the unusual face found on Mars was just a natural landform.
May i just say that i love the way our we vote and how the Electoral College chooses our prseident and vice president for us. I know that we aren't actually voting for the president our electors of our states do that. They may consider our votes but in the end they decide who our state chooses for president. The canidates have to have a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the right to be president. In reality, the people should be the ones to vote for the president not the Electoral College. We should be able to decide who we want to be the president of the United States to be. "The electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president."(source 1 paragraph 2, the office of the federal register). See we don't actually chose our president even though we should be able too. We are the people of the United States and it's a free country, we shouldn't rely on the electors for our state to chose who the president will be. We shouldn't have to worry if the Electoral College will chose the right person for our country. We should be able to make the right decision and not rely on other people to make the choice for us. Abolishing the Electoral College is a good thing because we Americans dont deserve to come second. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president."(source 2  paragraph 10, Bradford Plumer).The electoral college could make a mistake and choose the wrong person to be our president but we Americans know whats 's best for our country, but sometimes we don't always get what we want. We don't decide who the president and that is wrong, but sometimes we have to deal with things we don't like. Many people will argue with my decision of abolishing the Electoral College. "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have a tran-regional appeal."( source 3 paragraph 19, Richard A. Posner). Apparently the Electoral College restores weight back in to the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment. Yes there may be very  good arguements about keeping the Electoral College but we should be able to vote for our president. We should have someone we dont even know vote for our president, we love our country and we want what's best for it. What is best for our country is allowing the people vote for the president not the Electoral College.       
Driverless cars should be continued. Driverless cars should be continued because we have developed so much new and imporves stuff compared to what we had in the 1900's. In the 1900's I'm sure people were scared for the development of cars thinking of malfunctions, but cars turned out to be a great help for time. I also believe that these smart cars could help us get a new, imporved road system. Time is limited. Let's say if you have a Family gathering to get to and you live in Indiana, but your family lives in California. You don't want to show up and be unrested and not be able to spend time with your family. You want to get sleep. These smart cars are a grea way for that. It's an auto pilot for cars. In the early 1900's the car was invented, thinking back they used horses. I'm sure people were terrified of the thought of the car. It has helped improve so many things for us. It makes our schedules more flexible, it gets us there fast and doesn't wear us out. If we could sleep while driving there would be so many more possibilities, we could leave at 9:00 expecting to arrive at 12:00, if we take a nap onm the way we could be there so quick and be energized for the rest of the day. These reasons support my choice of continuing the development of smart cars.
I am not for or against driverless cars. Driverless cars, in my opinion, have no impact on me. If people are for or against them then that's cool, I really don't care. Driverless cars will just add onto the list of how to be lazy for us. I would think it'd be pretty cool to have dirverless cars simply because it'd show how far we've advanced in technology. Driverless cars could be a benefit and hazard to us depending on when/where they would be distributed. It will probably take another few years before we're able to just sit back and relax as our car takes us to our destination without us having to pay attention because of A LOT of things, but the biggest factor would be humans. It will be a while before technology can react like humans do. If there are a bunch of carless drivers who have normal cars, how would the computers react? Would they be break-happy and keep pumping the breaks every other second to avoid an accident? Would they just continue on and cause an accident? Or would driverless cars be like a requirement? Every vehicle has to have a computer so it can drive itself. That would be safe, it would cause less accidents for people who like to drink their troubles away and get drunk every other minute. It would prevent lots of problems on the road for those who text and drive or who just don't pay attention. I know I didn't write this how I was supposed to and I really don't care. Sorry, but my education means little to nothing to me. At least I typed that much though, right?
MONTH_DAY_YEAR Senator Rubio: Hello, my name is PROPER_NAME, a freshman at SCHOOL_NAME. It is much appreciated that you took time out of your busy schedule to read this. This letter is in regards to the Electoral College. There have been many ongoing diputes on whether or not we should keep the Electoral College in order to elect the President. It is felt that the Electoral College is not the way to go when it comes to voting for the President. The reasons being for this is that the Electoral College doesn't truly represent the people, and it doesn't allow everyone to know the true facts about each candidate. First of all, the Electoral College does not represent everyone truly. The Electoral College is overall risky. It is stated by Bradford Plumer from the passage, "The Indefensible Electoral College..." , that there were several incidents regarding corrupt electors whom did not fufill the popular vote of their state. He stated the incident in the 1960's, when the Louisiana legislature almost replaced Democratic electors, in order to not have the popular vote go to Kennedy. Electors can also choose who to vote for and have no care in who the general public votes for. Why risk giving your voice to people who are shady, untrustworthy, and won't care for your opinion? Furthermore, in the passage of "What Is the Electoral College?" , that most states have a "winner-take-all" system. However, in Maine and Nebraska, they use a system similar to "proportional representation". Why would the USA need this in order to choose a President? Why can't things all be the same? Secondly, the Electoral College does not give everyone a chance to know the candidates a little better. In the passage, "In Defense of the Electoral College:..." , he states that candidates focus more on swing states instead of all of the states in general. This strategy creates a problem for those who want to listen and get to know who the candidates are, but live in states that don't get visited. Which in turn, doesn't allow the general public to get to know who they are. Another problem is that when the popular vote is lost in a state, those who lost no longer have a say in the election. Why have your vote squandered to the majority when you can have a direct election that will always give you a voice in your country? To conclude, the Electoral College isn't the greatest way to pick a President. The Electoral College should be abolished for it does not always honestly voice the general public, and does not give everyone to the same opportunity to understand a candidate's motives. The Electoral College may give a clear winner and is less time-consuming, but are we working towards a speedy election? Or towards what the people want? Over 60 percent of registered voters prefer a direct election. Which would you prefer Mr. Rubio? Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
The future is coming at an alarming rate. Driverless cars are not just ideas anymore. They are being manufactured and tested at this very moment. Driverless cars can be seen as both good and bad, but I do not think they are good for society just yet. For cars to be driverless, they would have to be able to respond quickly to anything, at anytime. They would also need to possess a faster reaction time than humans. If all of these features were put into a car, then it is no longer a car; it is a robotic machine, capable of making decisions that could mean life or death of the passengers and nearby pedestrians. However, as of now, cars are still not entirely driverless. We do not yet have the technology to manufacture cars that have the human qualities that are necessary in driving, such as natural reflexes to avoid obstacles blocking the path. The world we live in today is not the same world we lived in yesterday, or the world we will live in tomorrow. The technology we currenetly have is progressing at an alarming speed. Today it's smart cars, tomorrow it's smart houses, and the next day it's smart people. Technology is a good thing, but humans are so fixated on making everything bigger and better that they forget how good it is now. What will come of the human population if we solely rely on techonolgy and not each other? If driverless cars become the sole transportation for short distances over land, then humans will not find a need to work on their hand- eye coordination and reflexes. If that were to happen, then people will start to lose those motor functions. With the speedy progression of technology, humans are slowly beginning to devolve. With the production of smart phones and other tablets, humans have shorter attention spans than their ancestors. I, personally, am against driverless cars because they will help further society into a pit of technology that no one will be able to escape. With these smarter cars, we are leaving our lives in the hands of technology, and it won't stop there. The future is coming with all new toys and gadgets to make our lives "simpler" and "easier", but who wants the boring life of everything being handed to them?
I claim that the author explained well about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit even though it's dangerous. The author explained a lot about why scientists should study the Venus despite the dangers. In paragraph 3, author talked about the challenges in Venus while exploring; "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahenheit, and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet." The author talked about the condition and why it's a dangerous because of the condition there. In opposite of that, the author talked more about why it is a challenge to study the Venus in details with giving examples rather than just saying to the readers it's dangerous but it's worthy studying and explain it's okay to exploring the Venus because it's worthy pursuit. He/she explained about why it is dangerous to study the Venus. In paragraph 5, author talked about the NASA, that they have idea for the way to sending human to the Venus because they found out that it might be possible for scientists to floating in Venus so they can explore there to study. In the text it stated,"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has on particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imaging a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." The author explained well about NASA's idea by giving examples with the reasons. Also in paragraph 7, the author also talked about the NASA's other approaches to studying Venus. In the text it says, "NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus." It's showing that there are several ways to go to the Venus, study and exploring, it's survivalable. In conclusion, many people might say it is really a challenge and a dangerous for humans to go to the Venus, but after reading this passage, they would change their mind or at least think about these possibilities. As the author explaining why it's a challenge for exploring the Venus, he/she talked about that in detail. Also, the title of this article "The Challange of Exploring Venus" can give interests to all the people, whether they support exploring Venus despite of danger or not.
I can imagine a time without people buying cars for themselves. But isn't that what we're trying to escape from in the technology world? Don't we want to be free of becoming lazy slobs? So how would inventing a car that can drive itself be useful? I don't believe having self drivable cars would be necassarily a good idea. The reason why I say that is because no one would ever expierence the joy in buying their first car. No one would feel the excitment when passing their driver's test. Life would be a little bit more boring than what it's already becoming. Also, what about malfunctions in having a self driving car. Like the paragraph said, would it be blamed on the owner or the manufactorer? I personally would blame the manufactuour for not checking in these precautions. It's very necassary to make sure all precautions and functions have been checked before selling a self drivable car. So what woud happened if an accident were to happen? We'd blame the car, corret? If we're not driving the car and the car functions on itself, in reality it would be the car's functions fault for causing damaging. Now I can imagine a world without people buy cars, but can you imagine a world without fascination? I can if self driving cars become reality.
Dear state senator, I feel as though the electoral college is unfair and irrational. It has messed up so many things in the past as well as the present. The presidential elections would be more truthful about who should win compared to the system of voting we have now. This voting system is untruthful, bias, not fair to everyone else that votes as well. If the entire United States were to vote, the votes would be more honest and real. In my opinion, it is almost crucial to hear what your people have to say about the country they live in, therefore it is important to know who we want as our president. Because we have people of a higher authority standing in for us and voting for the president, it becomes untruthful. Some of these people just vote for whom ever they want, and when something this big is just thrown out the window like that, it is the deciding factor between a good\bad leader of our country; or even whether or not the best president was chosen. But those votes that are just voted at random to say that they did their part in the election are not honest votes. These people with higher authority dont care who wins,[some of them anyway], and that his hurting the human population in the U.S.. Not only is it untruthful, it develops to be bias as well. People tend to use their personal feelings fro someone as an advantage or even disadvantage. When someone does not like a person, they can not look passed that, and during an election as big as this one, you have to be able to look passed the fact that you may dislike them and ask yourself: "Would this person be a good, strong leader and role model for our country?". Same way goes if you like someone, it is not right to vote for someone just because you think they are a good person, there are far more factors needed when running a country. You should ask yourself the same question: "Would this person be a good, strong leader and role model for our country?". The people of the U.S. would most definitly like to have a say in who runs their country, but with the electortal college, they can not do so. The people with higher authority such as the present president, and the senators, etc. should want to hear what their people have to say, as well as use it and put it into perspective. We should decide who runs the country we live in, not just people of "higher rank". Please put this into perspective and help us do something about it.
Many people belive that the face on Mars was created by an alien or aliens. We have evidance that proves it was not. In 1997 (MGS) arrived on the Red Planet and stayed there for eighteen long yeas. On April 5,1998 (MGS) got a picture of Cydonia, while thousands of web surfers were waiting for the picture to apper on the JPL web site. The picture reavealed a natural landform. Also that there was no alien moniment after all. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001—a cloudless summer day in Cydonia—Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. “We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,” said Garvin. “Malin’s team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera’s absolute maximum resolution.” Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,” I added. “So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!” What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West. These are some facts on how we know that Cydonia the face on Mars was not created by aliens, and is just a normal land structure.
Driverless cars are pretty helpful, although they have some flaws but that doesn't stand away from the good points of driverless cars being invented. The idea of cars that can function without a driver doing anything whatsoever is something that has been dreamed of since the first invention of cars, next to the whole flying cars ideas. Cars operating with barely any human involvement of touching the steering wheel is creative. The idea also lets the driver be able to handle things without having to stop the car. Plenty things would be made easier in the driving world due to this invention. Cars like the Google car are very helpful by stopping accidents from accuring. The car warns the driver when the vehicle is in trouble for example: backing into an object, upcoming highways, and even if a car crash is ahead. Speaking of warnings, the car gives notifications to the driver when they need to take over. Tthe car is an excellent way to prevent accidents that may happen. There was also be less problems of texting and driving because the car will do most of the driving. The thought of self-driving cars have always been around so why throw away the chance of it becoming reality? The cars have been in the making since the early 2000s and even beforehand but the technology wasn't developed enough for the plan to become reality. After all these years of waiting to create driverless cars it has finally been created. The car that could only be thought of in dreams are now existant in reality. With the car being able to function without the need of a human unless an emergency is coming then the driver can pretty much relax. If the driver has a baby then they can tak care of the baby while the car is going. The driver will have less chances of stress with a car that can dive itself. Even if the car does get into an accident, it won't be your fault therefore you will have no worries of having to pay off the accident, most of the fault will be on the manufacturers. Traveling will be made much easier by the help of self driving cars. You can travel for hours and you won't have to worry about getting tired from the constant wheel turning when your car does it for you. Adding on to traveling with the car you won't have to pay hundreds of dollars like you would if you decided to go by plane or train. The only payment you would have to use would be to refill the gas tank. In conclusion, creating the driverless cars would be a big movement for the car and driver world. The car could prevent car crashes which would make the driver have to spend hundreds of dollars on repairing the vehicle. Traveling would be made 100% easier and faster with the self driving car. The car crash rate would also go down quite the bit. Self-driving cars would be an amazing addition to the car industry.
Luke Bomberger works at two jobs and has a busy life style. He works at the grocery store and at the bank. Don, his friend asked if he wanted to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke didn't know what to say, because it was an opportunity of a life time. So he decided to go, they were to go overseas to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. In 1945 they recieved there orders to New Orleans and they arrived August 14, 1945. Eventually, they headed to Greece with 335 horses also with eniugh hay and oats to feed them. Luke turned the age 18 before arriving to greece which meant he could be ready to participate for military service. When they learned he was on a cattle boat they told me to keep doing what I was doing. Luke had made 9 trips, more than any Seagoing Cowboy ever. It was an amazing opportunity for Luke, he loved visiting ancient things. Luke didn't just have to me stuck in a boat with horses he got to also go out and adventure. It took 2 weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean, from the eastern coast of the United States. Also another month to get china, this seems like hard work. But the animals kept Luke busy, they had t be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay had to be pulled from ship to feed them. Luke had some experience by helping on Katies farm as a boy. On lukes second trip at a Seagoing Cowboy, he was to be night watchman his had to check on the animals every hour. A rainy night he had to go down a ladder, his feet slipped then a small trip of metal caught him from tumbling of the boat. He was happy to be alive, even with a few cracked ribs so he couldnt work for a couple days. Luke always had fun on board though. He got to play games which would make time go faster. Games such as volleyball, baseball, tennis and more. Being a Seagoing cowboy wasnt just an adventure he had fun to and the world open up to him. It made him aware of many opportunities. As you can tell Luke has a busy life with everything going on but he enjoys being a part of many things. Luke is glad his friend Don let him go on this trip.
Driverless cars have a positive and negative aspect to them. Here are a few positive aspects of driveless cars. Driverless cars have the ability to help a driver when coming too close to a car which is called a sensor. Sensor help drivers know when their to close to a car or any object that may put your life in danger. Another positive thing about driverless cars is that keep improving for example in paragraph 7 the 2013 BMW announced a system called "Traffic Jam Assistants." Traffic Jam Assistants allows the car to handle driving functions like accelerate,steer,and brake by themselves. It allows the driver to know what they need to do to be in a safe postion. Driverless cars can make you think about the "What Ifs," like what if something goes wrong with the technology and it puts your life in danger or others. Who fault is its yours or the cars? Driverless cars have negative aspects to them too because their not truly driverless as said in paragraph 2. Driverless cars may seem like their great but they have disadvantges that you should consider for not only your safety but for others to.
I think they should join the club. They are the best you can go to many different places. Luke got to go sight seeing. He got his wish. So come on and join. You will have so much fun and you will be so happy. I hope you do come. It Wilber fun. To see you here and having fun. This is only for people out of high school Luke didn't have to pay so it is free. People that are like over 20 want to join a program for the summer go for it it's free. No cost at all hope I see any time you are free. For as long as you want that you have here. See the world for as long as you want. If you have to leave early at least we know you were happy. So if you like boats then they would like a trip come on and join. Luke was so happy when he joined. You can join and be happy to so if you join you can be happy to. Hope we see you next time you want to see the world. We can meet and talk. We will actually Be taking many trips so don't forget to check and call for your parents.
The facial action coding can be used in good ways and in bad ways. It can also be all up in peoples personal bussiness and maybe people don want that and dont want you knowing all about their life. The technology is getting too advanced and people are starting to feel uncomfortable because they cant hide any secrets or any feelings that they have because the technology is getting so advanced that one day someone will make sonething that can read your mind or etc. This machine can only be valuable on some occasions like when someone says that they want you to know their emotions and how they are feeling then they will tell you theirelves you dont need a machine to do it. Becuase then you will be all in their business and people dont like that. They want their personal space and they want their thoughts to be kept to theirselves without the whole world knowing or people knwoing what is wrong with them and what their thoughts are. This machine does not need to be bulit because people can just tell you how they feel you dont have to go make a machine to knwo. If they wanted you to know then they can tell you theirselve. People can use this machine uncontrolbaly and it could get out of hand and share more things then it was suppose to and that could make people feel uncomfortable and not so happy. Also if other people found out your secrets and things they can get spreaded and start rumors and other things that can be bad for you. I would not want this machine in my life because i dont want people reading everything that i have and everyday because its my buiness and if i want to share it then i will. I want to keep everything to myself and not let anything get spreaded around and make my life worst or bad because of it. If you want people to have good lives then you dont need these kind of things in the world.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," a man creates a program that can detect human emotion. That man is Professor Thomas Huang. The program he created can detect on how a person is truly feeling. I only know 6 emotions so far and they are happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, fear, and disgust. The program could lead to major scientific/artistic break throughs. The program uses muscle identification to determine what emotion the person is making. A specific muscle is used to make an emotion. For example, the zygomatic major is used to move the lips up to make a smile. The zygomatic major and the risorius is used to force a smile like if you feel awkward, depressed, or upset but doesn't want to show it. So even the program can tell if you are forcing a smile or you are actually happily smiling. Expressing emotions everyday could improve how you actually feel and you may get more out of life than you would with a straight face. People will think you are are happy if you smile, sad if you frown, content if you have a straight face, etc. People analyze how you are feeling to share iin your happiness, make you feel better so you are no longer sad, and calm you down if you are angry. With this program, people can now understand human emotions better than than naked eye. This kind of program could be used in therapy sessions, doctor's offices, and hospitals.
Based on the infomation that I was given,I know that there are reasons to join the program. Those reasons are/is because it could be a oppurtunity of a lifetime or maybe you wanted to watch horses,that would be the place to go,or to have many trips than other Seagoing Cowboys. Some of Luke's claims are getting to have nine trips,feeding the horses and toured the excavated castle in Crete and maravled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. He also got to cross the Alantic Ocean. Also for his second trip he got to be watchmen. he couldnt work for a couple of days beacuse he cracked his ribs. He also enjoys when he can play table tennis ,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and other game to do in the past time. He also got to play baseball and volleyballl with other cowboys/his friends. When Luke said "yes" it opened up the world for him. It made him more aware for people and there country. Luke says " I am glad I had this oppurtunity to help people. What I'm trying to say is open up to school sports,activies that you either like or want to try out for.
Exploring Venus is just as important as Exporing the solar system. Venus is Earth twin sister in the terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Exploring Venus would help us better understand more about our solar system and even our galaxy. With Venus being just like Earth in terms like density and size it would be fun to explore Venus but also Venus isnt that far from us. But by better understanding Venus would help our space techology improve greatly. With better understanding of Venus will better our konwledge not only of our solar system but our galaxy. Venus has a thick atomsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide which is bad for us because carbon dioxide is gas element which traps heat that the sun gives to all the planet in our solar system and with Venus atmophere being mostly carbon. Most heat is trap in Venus atmosphere with little escaping with all that heat that is trap it the tempiture on Venus is very hot even for our spacecraft. But despike this exploring VENus is still a good thing because long ago Venus was once a Earth-like planet just like her twin sister Earth. Despite the challenge that Venus is giving us we will find a way to get past the acid clouds and the thick carbon dioxid atmosphere because through out human history we have had many challenge as a species but we have proven that we are more than comble of over coming this types of challenges. One day we will get to Venus and we will learn about her because human curiosity always win. No matter how challenging it is we will overcome it. By us finlly understanding Venus will as a species will better our understanding not only our solar system but our galaxy as well.
Imagine if your online school computer could analize if you are understanding your lesson on exponents or not? This could one day be possible. Prof. Thomas Huang and his collegue Prof. Nicu Sebe, are working on a new software that can recogize your emotions. It may know if your happy or sad and by knowing how you feel it will read how you feel about the subject. This technology would be of an imense help in virtual classrooms. This technology could also analyse pictures and videos taken before to see how the person feels while at a public event, or in a old family picture.This technology could help many fields including the advertising industry, as it could tell how you feel from different ads, and change the type of ads you see as suggested by your reaction to them. However how would the computer know if we are happy or sad? "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of all the face". In the 3-D model our muscles are copied exactly and the computer analyzes how we feel based on our expression. As if it scaned your face at a family reunion where you don't to be there, but your smiling for the picture. How does it know if your smiling for real, or if your smiling so you don't apear bored in the picture? " In a false smile, the mouth is streached sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius... these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." In conclusion Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe new technology is a inovation that could help many different fields in many different ways. It would help people really see how people feel about a certain topic or person. It could help stores know when a person is mad or annoyed at their products or staff. This new technology would be a great partner with facial recognition working side by side to know how each person feels. This new technology would be important to an online classroom as with an online course you never really truly understand if a person is frustuated with the material, or if a person really feels motivated and understands what they are being taught. This New technology would be a great addition to the teaching field, and would help students learn to their fullest potential.
Everyone knows the conspiricies of the little green men from Mars but what if I told you that that all might be true. In 1976 a disturbing photo was taken of what seemed to be a face on Mars' surface. But in September of 1997 a new surveyor arrived on the red planet and so in 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor took pictures of the ever famous face on mars that were ten times sharper than the previous pictures. The pictures show that the famous face on Mars was just a common Martian mesa. The face on Mars is a myth, Some say that the pictures from 1998 were not clear because there was a haze that the camera was shooting through but on April 8, 2001 the surveyor came close enough for a second shot so on that clear day pictures were taken finally confirming that the face on Mars was infact, not a face at all,"What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This landform is common around Cydonia, a region of Mars. The face on Mars though an amusing and interesting idea is just another Martian rock formation. The idea of life on Mars is not completely impossible but this is not a viable sign of it.
I think that the driverless cars that google has made today are enough to prove that they are a definite possability and that it has its positive and negative side. I think driverless cars are the way to go because, car accidents are a large cause of deaths in countries like the US where there are many. Diverless cars could potentialy cut that down if not eliminate it. The google cars have suppossedly driven more than half a million miles without a crash and are still out there, which is enough evidence to show that it could definately save lives. Driverless cars must be the better way to go due to the fact that it eliminates many of the variables that make driving as humans, diffucult. It would take out the nessesity to sleep for the automated car and could run long distances without haveing to stop and rest, which would also be good for delivery companies to start taking advantage of. Computerized cars could even be programed to be able to comunicate with each other leading them to be able to sycronize their paths and speeds and reduce even more risk for everyone. Despite how the laws may look at it automated cars could be safer without a driver than with one. It would even use less fuel to operate, with an integrated efficency system. With the technology that is avalible it may even be possible to soon run a computerized car on solar power and take out the fueling proccess entirely. Automated cars could also become so much more than just a vehicle, it will have lots of technology onboard as well as a powerful computer. Just the addition of the computer could provide many more possabilities and have many more powerful aplications than your tablets or your smart phones. These cars would also be a luxury I don't think these cars will be cheep but may become easier to obtain later on just as most technology.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboy and UNRRA program because you get to see many unique places. Another reason is you get to help people by getting them food and helping them stay alive. Another reason is you get to help hungry soldiers thatare helping our country. In the passage Luke wanted to join the program not just to help people but to see all the amazing places in the story Luke said his favorite place was Greece. You could also see some amazing animals along the way. Luke liked Greece and the other places so much is in Greece he liked Acropolis. He liked the other places but Greece was his favorite. He also went on nine trips! The most of any Seagoing Cowboys. He also had to clean the stalls of the lower levels of the ship sometimes. One day he had to stop working for a couple of days because of cracked ribs because of flying overboard. The best part of being a Seagoing Cowboy is having fun. The cowboys played baseball,volleyball,and table-tennis and alot of other things too but Luke really loved being a Seagoing Cowboy.
In the passage "The Challenge Of Exploring Venus" the author supports the idea of exploring venus despite the dangers there can be. The author describes exploring venus as having value. This means something that is worth alot important to find useful. Venus can be another earth and maybe that way people can find many resources in venus. First, the author despite the dangers that venus can be the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then earth atmospheric pressure. Not one spaceship has survived the landing no more than a couple hours. Even though the dangers this can be the author still says theres alot of value in venus. Scientist cannot take samples of rocks or stuff that venus has stuctures nothing do to the pressure and unsafety it is to land on the surface. Next, the author says on paragraph 8 that "our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangerd and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". In this saying the author is saying thsat no matter what dangers are they shouldnt matter should not stop from earth expanded and growing shouldnt stop them from exploring venus. The author want to know more about venus despite every kind of danger and its a challenging planet to study. Finally, after reading and discussing what the author suggests venus is worthy but therer are many dangers to exploring venus. dangers of landing,also dangers of the atomspheric pressure, the dangers of other creatures being there. Throught all of it the author will still agree that its valuable and shouldnt keep no one from studying it more.
Dear Florida's state senator, Everyone, whether old, young, tall, or short, have an opinion. In America, we have many amendments protecting us so we can share our opinions with whomever we want. However, the electoral college is flat out taking away our right to share our thoughts about the future leaders of the nation. The electoral college is irrational, and unfair. The most basic reason why the electoral college is unfair to our country is because not everyone is fairly represented. For example, there are 55 representatives in California to represent 35 million voters. As you can see, it is an unfair ratio. It is impossible for the House's votes to reflect the views of the people in California. That also means that since each state only has one fianl vote, a state such as Wyoming, who has 500,000 voters, would have as much say as California, with 35 million. California has more people, and my making every state have equal representation, it is messing up representation in states like California. In the system we have today, it is very easy to have a dealocked election. In 1968, a mere 41,971 votes would have caused a major deadlock in the election. The same thing happened again in 1976, if 5,559 votes in Ohio and 3,687 votes in Hawaii decided to vote differently. In both cases, and few thousand votes could have caused a serious disaster. History tends to repeat itself, so if the almost exact situation happened in the span of less than ten years, what makes you think it won't happen again? The electoral college creates an unfair system to gaining votes. In 2000, 17 states, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, who are home to some of the largest media markets, didn't even get the chance to see a campaign ad. If you were a canidate, wouldn't you want your ad to be seen in the some of the largest media markets? The canidates had already thought they won those states, which is a ignorant move to make. Because of the electoral college, and the unspoken rules that have been set in place about certain states views, the canidates missed a greatly helpful opprotunity to gain more votes. However, many might think that the electoral college is a good system because it gives a clear winner, and it makes the states have equal representation. If the people are barely being represented, and a state with less than a million voters has as much say as a state with 35 million voters, then it doesn't matter if the process gives a clear winner. The people want to have a say, not someone choosing for them. The electoal college may have been a good idea back when it was first created, however, times are changing and the number of people being able to vote is growing day by day. The voters want to give their opinion through voting, and by having the electoral college in place, it is making voting unfair, irrational, and nearly impossible to do. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME