In this writing prompt the topic that is going to be disscused is that if the Idea of technology going to be able to predict what humans are feeling an a emotional level. The Idea of a facial expression reading computer is a good idea but for as long it is used for the right intentions such as using it to read picture of families to know how they are feeling, or using it for a class that is not interested into a subject so the computer alters the lesson to change up the lesson to make more entertaining for the students, but for advertisements that is not very good way to use technology in that way. If the human race is going to use technology like it should be used responsibily and used to help man kind to strive to become better. The technology for this is remarkable and how we are going this far to use technolgy like this for only medical purposes, for learning, and to see if some one is lying or telling the truth. If it is going to be used to fill companies pockets full of cash for advertisements it shouldn't be allowed cause taking photos or using technology to invade on peoples privacy just to adjust their own benefits, and I can see it being used for purposes like art work just like the Mona Lisa . The Facial Action Coding System(FACS) and really what makes it remarkable it tells you all of the emotions that they are feeling rather than just one specific emotion. It tells you from the emotion they feel the most to the one they feel the least about. It is outstanding how technology could come so far in a short amount of time and their is a saying that comes with it comes great power, comes great responsibility and their is technology that is either taken for granted or it is misused for the all of the wrong reasons. The FACS or the facial action coding system it could be very useful in for medical research or it can help detectives to tell them what are witnesses or patients feeling so that they could help them get through their isssues in life.
Do you like to travel around the world? Well if you do you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Even if you dont like to travel your demeanor will change when you join this program. We have table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games to pass the time by. You will be so exuberant that you joined. You will be like a kid on Christmas morning. You will get to see new places ,and you get to say you have been there before when other people have not been there. You will never be melancholy on this trip beacause there is things to do all the time. You get free breakfeast every morning. There will be eggs,panacakes,bacon,sausage and more. If you join this month you will get a free trip to the next place we go. On the boat there is a pool,and there is a hot tub. The pool and hot tub closes at 10:00. I cracked my ribs but that did not stop me from having fun. I only had to stop working for a couple days,and then I was better than ever. When joining in this month you get you dont have to pay for a class abought the safeteys of being on a boat. You will be more exuberant than Christmas morning. My freind Don Reist got me into this program,so I hope I can get you to join this program like he did to me. Lets reacap why you should join this program. We have table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games. These help take up time while going to are destination. You get to see new places,and get to tell people abought it so mabey they will join to. If you join in this month you dont have to pay for a class abought safety of being on a boat,and you dont have to pay for the next place we go. You get free breakfeast every morning. When I joined I did not know abought if I would like the program but I did,and im still it and I like it even more every day. I hope your demeanor will change like mine did when I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. That is why I think you should join this amazing program.
The picture that was tooken by nasa was carefully looked through. They took a picture of it 10 times to try and get a perfect shot of it. Although it was it was hard to get because of the blurr that was in the way from Nasa spacecraft. Nasa first released the photograph to the public on the JPL website. They explanied that the picture was had no alien markings. Nasa had stated that how could it be an alien if there was no alien mounuments found after all. After going and getting a picture they tried again when it was summer time so it would be easier to find. The photograph was took in a ditigal image so if anything like airplans or stuff of that short you could see what they are. Nasa was convinced that it had nothing to do with aliens. On the other hand the public though nasa was trying to lie and cover it up. What the picture really was just A martian eqivalent of a butte or mesa landforms. That was very common around the American west. Some people think it mostly reminds them of middle Butte in the snake River Plain of idaho. There is a lava dome in that spot that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on mars. The face on mars was clearly a natural landform. We have over dozens of explainations for it. All of the explaintions make logocal sense to how the landform of the face was created.
Using a motor vehicle as a source of transportation is part of everyday life and is not rare to the stereotypical American. But cities such as Paris, Bogota, and Vauban are all striving towards reducing the rate of motor vehicle usage in their areas. Advantages of limiting car usage are lower greenhouse gas rates, suburbs can become more compact and more accesible to public transportation, and people are able to live less stressful lives. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emmisions and is responsible for fifty percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States but is slowly making a change towards helping the enviornment and being beneficial towards carbon emissions. In 2005, the number of miles driven in the United States was at it's highest rate. As time went by, the numbers started dropping and getting lower. Many sociologits believe that if the numbers get even lower and stay at that rate, the benefits will come for the enviornment but unfortunetly not for car companys. Paris typically has more smog than any other European capital and is working towards a way to fix that. Paris banned driving due to the intensity and abundance of the smog in their city and had people use public transportation free of charge for about a week. Not using motor vehicles for those days really did help the situation of Paris and gave people an insight as to how life would be without cars. Vauban, an upscale community in Germany, is home to suburban pioneers who have given up their cars. Seventy percent of Vauban's family do not own cars and fifty-seven percent sold a car to move there. "Smart planning" is a component of the movement to seperate suburban life from auto use to create a denser and more compact enviornment and let people be more accesssible to public transportation. This means less space for parking, and more stores compactly placed and at short distances. In Bogota, "Car-free day" is part of an improvement campaign which helps residents of the city to see how life is life without the use of cars for a day. People use public transportation and walk to their destinations with no problem. More parks and sport centers have also been added to the area as a result of less car usage, so more space for other important things. Dropping off your kid at daycare, then driving to work, then having to drive your child to soccer practice can be a constant and stressful cycle for most parents. Residents of suburbs that have low car usage rates claim that they are less stressful. In a suburban community with little to no motor vehicle usage, the suburb will be more compact, having more stores and buildings closer to eachother at very short distances. This makes it easier for residents to get from point A to point B quicker and more efficiently. This also allows for more walking areas with less traffic and dangerous cars to worry about. Cars can be useful in many ways but for the better of the enviorment, peoples cities, and sanity, little to no car use is the way to go.    
Not everything is what it seems to be. What is your take on a driverless car? They seem great! They seem like they would make life easier, but would they really? I think driverless car would be a bad idea. They aren't perfect and could have lots of malfunctions and fail to alert the driver when there is an emergency. Not only that, but if something went wrong, who's fault would it be? Technology is fantastic, it help us with so many of our daily needs and jobs, but everyone knows it's not perfect. They are almost always manufacturing defects. A manufacture defect in a phone or tablet is easy to get fixed, but lets take a driverless car. If you had a manufacture defect in a driverless car, imagine all the people that could be harmed. It could harm anyone in that car or on the road. As stated in the article, "traffic laws are written with the assuption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." The article also says driverless cars aren't fully driverless, humans still have control over the car in some situations. These advances driverless cars "are designed to notify the driver." That is a good safety feature, but it could also be harmful. The car "requires human skills, such as navigative through work zones and around accidents." The driverless car is designed to alert the driver when such emergencies occur. The manufacturers are considering flashing lights on the windshield or using cameras to watch the driver. There could be problems with both of these options. If they decide to use the flashing lights on the windshield, and the lights don't turn off due to a problem, it could hurt the driver more than it could help him or her. If they decide to go with the camera watching them, it couldn't hurt them, but it could make them feel uncomfortable. One other negative side to alerting the driver would be accidentally scaring the driver. The alert could stumble the driver and cause them to take quick action which could potentially harm themselves and others. The problem with who to blame is always there, "if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault; the driver or the manufacturer?" This question could cause lots of conflict. The answer to this question would be up to the law. In conclusion, I believe we could not have driverless cars on our roads. They do sound very harmless and easy to function, but in reality they could cause lots of problems. We should just continue to use regular cars with human drivers in full control of the car.
A Heart Satisfaction The Seagiong programe is more than a programe set up to help those in need. It's an opportunity of a life time. The world has lots to offer than what most people see. There is more to life than what we have in front of us. The Seagiong programe cause people to see what they could never have amagined. Joining the Seagiong programe has people meeting other people, with a different style of living. The people who go with the Seagiong programe like Luck got to do things that they could never do ware they lived. They whent to places other people wish to see. They whent to China, Europe, and even Greece. During their free time they had fun on bored. They played fencing, boxing, and they had time to read. The Seagoing programe helps even the people who are working for the programe in different ways than others. The poeple working in the Seagoing programe get stronger phisicly and emotinaly. It causes the workes to feel happy when they see the smile on the peoples faces they help. The Seagiong programe opened up the world for the workes. It showed them their is more to life than what they see during their normal ways of living. The workes got to see Gods creation in other places like Itly and their excavated castles. At the end of the day the Seegiong programe is a great places to start for those who are lost and don't know what to do. The Seegong programe gives satisfaction to the hearts of the workers when they help other people. It helps people realize at all the stuff God has givin to them. In a good way it changes the way the people live when they come back from the Seegiong programe. Having the opprotunity to see by going with the Seegoing programe helps people charish every little thing they have.
The idea of reducing car usage is a good idea, because the enviornment would be a better place. Limiting cars will not only benefit us with the idea of air pollution but with obesity, and obesity is a big thing in the United States. Its amazing how may people care about there enviornment. In source 3, Bogota, Colombia millions of columbians hike, bike, skate, or took buses to work during a day they call car-free day because they want to reduce air pollution. In the United States one out of every 4 person is obese, and the reduction of car usage will help limit the obesity rate. Walking or even biking from one place to another is a work out and that is a common way to lose weight. We try so hard to reduce obesity and one of the many ways to gain weight is to eat junk food and not jog, run, or walk it off. So reducing the limit of cars is a good idea to reduce the obesity rate in the United States. The reduction of cars will help the air polluting situation in the U.S. The pollution in the air will later in the future bit us right on the rear end. Many people may believe its happening now. The main cause of air pollution is the fuel we have running on our cars that are on the road 24/7. If we limit the usage of cars now we will start to see the difference in our world today. Many people dont really use cars in the United States in source 4 it states that study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between the years of 2001 and 2009. It also stated that in 2005 the number of miles driven dropped steadily. Each year in America people are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by a recent studies found. So believe or not not many people don't need a car to get to point A to point B. As of today we should make a effort to stop using our cars and maybe walk to work and get your exercise for the day while doing it. Let make a change together and stop the mass of air pollution we have going on and and reduce the rate of obesity. Lets make our country a better place to be.      
In this artical the auther explains why exploring Venus is a good idea by stating that it is the closest to earth in size,dencity,and mass aswell as being the cosest in distance. He aso states that it could help us get better at sace travel. In paragrah one he is talking about how Venus is closely similar to Earth in size shae an mass by saying "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of Density and size, and occasinally the closest in distance too." He also states in paragrah five that NASA is working on a methid to buuild on Venus by having large floting blimps that fly over the death and missery of the planets serfice. exploring Benus could also bring about new methids of taraforming to make a planets serfice hospidible. Exploring Venus could also bring about new ways to space travle and new technology. In paragraph seven the auther mentions mechanical computers that dont relay on electricity and small and insitive chips but insted rely on gears and clock works. So all in all exploring venus is a goodish idea if we can figure out how to actualy , one make it there and two figure out how to sistain a perminant bace. there is plenty of good evidence in this artical about space exploration and the such and why i think Venus is an exoplanet (a planet that culd or has sistain life)
The new technology to read emotional expressions I believe is very helpful. Not only helpful in the classroom but also in everyones' everyday life. This new technology helps determain how a person is feeling . They discovered many methods . They use our face muscles to see how we are feeling. There is six classified emotions. There is happiness, surprise, anger, disgues, fear and sadness. They'll use their very advanced technology to determain how someone in a picture is feeling or in person. The techology is very advanced they are now using it towards ads. They'll see if they should continue putting that ad is it makes you happy or as they "bring a smile to your face". If it does not they'll change it and use something else to make you happy. There whole ideal idea is to make people like the thing they are putting out or showing. If the person is showing happiness that will help determain if they like it . I'll show that the person likes the idea and will like to see more of it. Wouldnt you like to see hows a person 100% feeling. With all this new technology we'll always know how someone is . Everyone thought that the Mona Lisa just smiling. No one would've that she was 83% happy , 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry. Now we can see how everyone is feeling. Now we can calculate peoples feelings thats just another step to the future. Our technology is getting more advanced and is getting better. I know alot of people would love this new way to determain peoples feelings. Not just by the way they look now just now a little more detailed. Now we know people arent 100% everything . Students will really find this method really helpful for there work. They can get alot of information then just one thing they can just assume but now they can be very determained in it . This technology is very valuable .
Have you ever wanted to experience a life changing event? Well, now you can. In fact, by joining the Seagoing cowboys program you can do that and much more including: helping others, seeing and experiencing new things, and having fun along the way. Since World War II Europe has been in ruins and many people are searching for help to recover. I alone can't do it all. So, this is why I am asking you to help with the job. With your help you can recover many countries' food supplies, animals and more. In fact, you may have the oppertunity to care for as much as or more than 300 some animals along the way. It helped make me more aware of peoples' and countries' needs and I am sure it will you too. Not to mention all of the incredible sights you will see. We will have plenty of time to see and visit many wonderful sights and places along the way. For example, the first time I went, we took about two weeks to crosss the Atlantic and about a month to get to China. Therefore we had a plentiful amount of time to relax and enjoy the sights and seans. You may also visit places during this time including Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. In these places you can take tours, ride in gondolas, and much more. Please don't forget the time included for fun. Fun is added in many activities during the trip. One example of this is on the boat after returning from unloading animals. During this time we can play baseball, volleyball, and table tennis. We can also fence, box, read, whittle, and play many other games. Of corse by the time to leave you will always have a part left with you from your voyage, the memories. Because of the Seagoing Cowboy's program also known as the UNRRA I am open to the world around me. Helping others, seeing and experienceing new things, and faving fun along the way has contributed in me experiencing a life changing event and I want you to experience this fantastic journey with me. So what do you say? Are you ready to experience it too?
I am absolutely for the new tchnology called Facial Action Coding System. Because this technology can be valuable in more than one way. According to the passage this technology can detect when a student is growing bored and can make the subject more interesting. If that was available for students then learning subjects would be come more memorable, because usually when a student becomes bored he or she tends to "drift of into space" and not learn anything that is being taught. If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, then a similar ad would follow and if you frown then the next ad would be different. That technology could make shopping a lot more effecient, more buying what you do like and less of what you do not like. People around the world would be able to get alot more things done and could possibly become smarter. The technology would break down subjects and materials to help you understand things better like an actual human would. In conclusion technology this advanced would not only expand the growth of your brain but potentionally expand the growth as a country and in wealth.
Intro: I know some people would love not to have to drive cars around and that's all well and good, but what people don't understand is that driverless cars are dangerous in my opinion. I would rather be safe driving in a car, than to be riding in the car with no driver Body: Let's just say that if someone driving a regular car and someone were in a driverless car, it would be the person in the driverless cars fault. Why? Because they don't think they did anything wrong and that they're following the driving laws. I don't think the person that was actually driving in the normal car is at fault, they may seem old fashioned but at least its safer. Being the cofounder of the Google company doesn't mean you know everything, especially about transportation. This is just an idea but it doesn't mean it should actually happen. I understand that some people love cars that drive for them now but at least they still have steering power. I do however like that cars can brake for you when you're not paying attention. And I know that even driving in normal cars is dangerous, but its much safer being behind the wheel than to be just sitting in the car doing nothing. Driving shouldn't be fun. It should be about learning, and to me learning isn't very fun. Driving to me should be a symbol of growing up not so you can go pick up your friends and go out. Maybe on some occasions, but overall its just a means of transportation from one place to another. But hey, this is just my point of view. Conclusion: Some people may not agree and call me crazy, but at least I know I'll be safe when I'm actually being the steering wheel. I would rather not see so many people in the hospital or dead because they wanted to not have to drive to their destination on their own. Driving isn't a terrible thing, it's when people start getting fed up is the terrible thing.
Dear state senator, I believe that we shouldn't keep the electoral college process because it should be in favor of the popular vote for the president of the Unites States instead of how it is now. I believe this becasue for example with this system voters don't vote for the president but for the slate of electors even though this system does come with some positives like it allows them to focus on their campaign efforts but can turn into a complete disaster factor. To begin with,the system of the electoral college does not allow the voters to vote for the president but only for a slate of electors, they are the ones who elect the president. There is always an off-chance that those electors that won the statewide election would go to Congress and the opponent recieves more electoral votes. The electors are chosen from the state they could be state conventions, or the state party's central committee and even sometimes the presidential candidate themselves. This system then leads to several cons such as the voters can not control whom their electors vote for and also the voters tend to get confused sometimes about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. Although, maybe we should be able to keep our despised method of choosing the president because, it comes with several pro's like for example, a dispute over the outcome of an electoral college vote is possible like in 2012's election when Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to 51.3 percent of the votes that came from Romney. In this election the winner is aware with the electoral votes which induces the candidates and allows them to focuses on their campaign efforts. Lead them to the toss-up states which basically mean they are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign so the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election. Last but not least, this system is also known a the disaster factor like for example the 2000 fiasco which was the biggest election crisis in a century because they had to consider that the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking the electors and that they will always define the will of those people. Many of the electors have occasionally refused to vote for their own party candidate and even cast a deciding vote for whomever it is that they want or perfer to please. this method should not be prohibeded any more because of the causes it is doing which is affec In conclusion it is official the the system of the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and also it is concluded to be an irrational system. I still believe that the electoral college should be elected by popular vote for the president.
The driverless car can make everybody happy. Old and young people would be happy with this car. They would love it because its feathers. Development of the driverless cars would be best to have by being safety, the date the car will be released, and how the car is designed. One reason for the driverless cars would be the safety.The car goes the speed limit.This would make predestrians safer to cross the road or the parking lot. The cars are safer for the enverment. The car will have a lot of sensors to noteify the driver. The second reason would be the date the car comes out. Tesle has the car coming out in 2016.Mercedes-benz has it coming out in 2020. Audi has the car coming out in 2020 also. Nissan also has it coming out in 2020. The third reason is how the car is designed.The car comes with a heads-up display.The car also can come with in-car entertainment. The car can help you if you are lost with the information system. The display turns of when the driver needs to take over. Would you be happy with this car? I know I would love the interior and the exterior. Everyone would love this car for what it is. A lot of the displays are still in the process. This is why I beleive this car would be good for this wolrd.
Driverless cars could be beneficial in many ways including elderly people disabled people or people that don't know how to drive well. Driverless cars are very controvesial by many just because we have told for so long that the only way a car is safe is for it to be driven by an alert human being. With technology advancing at rates that it is why are driverless cars so bad to some people when a computer is capable of knowing everything and people seem to be getting less and less smart every day why are driverless cars not an option. Cars have not really changed in a very long time yeah they gotten safer and more powerful but they are pretty much the same concept. So with driverless cars not only will they be able to let that person thats been in a wheel chair feel like they are behind the wheel of a car but it will be a whole new concept that can be improved on for a very long time just like the modern cars of today. Driverless car will soon be the only thing on roads and thats going to be a big change for a lot of people but it will benefit everybody in major ways. Like there will be a lot less wrecks because of people falling asleep or texting. Also it will be one of those things that people have fascinised about ever since the first car was invented.
dear state senator Over the years many people have complained that voting for a president of the united states is unfair. That they fell that someting should be done to change the voting system. In the articals given to me i have read some resons to keep it and to abolish it. In source one the electoral college is a process, not a place. the founding fathers astablished it in the constitution as a compromise between elections. For the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The electoral college consists of 538 electors but if a majority is 270 electoral votes. Under the 23rd amendment of the constitution the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for pourposes of the electoral college. You are choosing an electors when you vote for president because when you vote for a canidate u a really voting for your candidate's electors. There are some little things that need to be done to fix it a little like fir example the part thats stats that smaller states have barly no power and that most presedents dont even wory about then becuse they don't make muche of a difrance. Each party selects a state of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarly betrayed). The other problen that is with this system is that the winer takes all when the are may poeple that vote for ether for the republican or democratic if the oponunt has more votes they won all the electors and the oponunt does not get any votes from that state so its like you didin't even vote. If it was up to me to keep the electoral callege system i would say yes but they just have to make some few changes. your voter PROPER_NAME                                                                                                      
At first, this face is just a natural landform. Most of the people believe that there is no alien in this world. Scientist figured it was just Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusaul shadows that made it look like an Egyptan Pharoah. Secondly, the scientist keep researching whether is this an alien or it just a natural landform. A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a ¨huge rock formation.....which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose, and mouth.¨ They found this information so some people might think it an alien because it has head,eyes,nose,and mouth.¨ Lastly, it has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted frocery store checkout lines. Although few scientist believed that Face was an alien artifact, and some people believed that it was just a landform. When Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the orginal Vikins photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing..... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. I think it was just a landform and many people argue about this.
The Electoral College is a compromise between the election of the President by electoral votes. This has been around for as long as I can remember. It plays a very big part in our government.  Some people want to get rid of it. Others don't. Do you think we should keep the it? The Electoral College balances out the amount of popular votes. If both candidates are tied, we turn to the state electors. The candidate that has the biggest amount of electoral votes wins. One candidate can have more popular votes and very few electoral votes. The popular votes are just for the state electors to decide which they are going to pick. In the end it all goes down to them, The Electoral College, On the other hand, some people don't like this idea. The electors are sometimes depend on the state. Other times the state conventions, the presidential candidates, and sometimes the sate party's central committee. Voters think it's unfair. They spend a bunch of time voting for who THEY want, but in the end it comes down to the electors. So in reality it doesn't even matter who the voters choose. They really just choose a slate of electors, who then elect the president, I think we should get rid of The Electoral College. It's not fair to the people. We waste all our time to vote on a president we want, to only end up voting for the electors. I understand that it does have its good affects, but it just feels like we don't even matter. Where's the freedom? Some people think we should keep the Electoral College. Others don't. It has it's good things. It has it's bad. I personally feel like we should just get rid of it. What do you think we should do?
Being in a car is how we transport ourselves to and from places. Now what would you do if you had to give up your car. Yes, some people didnt mind giving up their cars but not everyone would be ok with this. We have gotten so used to driving cars that i don't know what some people would do if they had to give up their means of transportation. Its also another factored that what if someone had to drive a long ways, it would take them even longer to get where they're going. Its a very serious topic when you think of how much time one person spends in a car. Well Paris has enforced a driving ban to help clear the air of pollution. "On mondays motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." Many people, in Paris, were fined for driving on the wrong day. Paris wanted to do something about the smog that was surrounding their beautiful city, so they figured if there wasnt as many cars polluting the air then the smog would go away. It actually helped having cars stop driving on certain days because the smog actually cleared. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." American has always had a thing for cars but lately that seems to be a false statement. In the more populated citys, people are using more bikes and less cars. Its easier to get around a city where there are thousands of people on the streets alone. Internet maybe a huge reason why theres less dringing because it feels like your more connected with your friends and family without actually having to go anywhere. The need for cars in the U.S. has gone down dramadically. Ever been to a place where there are no cars aloud. Well in Vauban, Germany there is a place where if you want to go there you have to give up your car. "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden is this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg." People are happier without the stress of a car says Heidrun Walter. This is a place for clean air and no pollution from the car fumes. As of right now, this experiment seems to be running quite nicely. In all actuality, how many people dont realize how long they spend of their life in a car? If one day all cars in the world were banned, how would everyone recate? Some people may want to give up their cars, some people may not want to give up their cars. There are many sides to people giving up their cars. Some people are truly happy and some are not. It may not be that bad, i mean how did people manige before cars were even invented. In one acrtical, it say there is a place where no cars are aloud but it also says that that place is an experimental project. In the end cars are just no as popular as they used to be. is that a good or bad thing, you decide.       
Looking out at a city nowadays can be difficult with all the smog around. Cars litter the strrets and parking spaces, no trees just cars and exaust. The biggest cities, that were onced beautiful are now being looked down upon because of one simple thing. Los Angeles, New York, Paris any one of them is being destroyed because almost every human has or had a car, and they cant seem to be able to live without it. However in Vauban, Germany "They have given up their cars." Vauban, Germany was completed in 2006 to help suburban life move away from auto use. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car intensive ares in the Unitednited States,' ( In Geman suburb, a life goes on without cars) Paris, the city of lights, not anymore, not with smog and exaust littering the air thanks to cars. "Since France has a taz policy that favors desil over gasoline. Desils make up 67 perfect of vehicles in France...Leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine." (Paris bans driving due to smog) Columbias program "Car Free Day has been around for years and it gets better and better each year. Their goal? To promote other means of transportation and reduce smog. If they didn't particpate, or they broke the rules they got to pay a $25 fine. "Its a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," siad business man Carlos Arturo Plaza. There are now more than 118 miles of bicycle paths, which according to the mayor of Bogota, that is more than any Latin American country While demolishing the use of cars will bring car dealerships down the reduction of smog will increase and our beautiful cities will be beautiful again, no more smog infested cities, where everyone is choking on air and making it hard to breathe, just relaxation and less stress
The landform on Mars is very similar to the mesas or platues of the North America's Southwest. The Face of Mars is indeed a natural ocurrance. It has been proven with some very expensive and accurate technology that it is not an alien artifact. It would be in NASA's interest to share it if it is an artifact. The first 1976 Viking photo is not creditable. The credibility of the Mars Global Surveyor has been tested twice on the Face. It took its first picture of the Face in 1998. Sceptics blamed the weather for covering up "hidden alien signs." Three years later, the Mars Global Surveyor took another picture of the Face. This picture was taken with optimul weather conditions and on the highest resolution possible for that camera. The clearity showed that the Face of Mars was mearly an amazing landform, not an alien artifact. If for some absurd chance it was an artifact of some ancient alien race it would have helped NASA. They could have recieved more funds to go explore and find remenants of the alien civilization. They would have told everyone. They could make a huge profit from it. NASA could get more money from investors and taxpayers. It would have been to there benifit. The Viking 1 photo is 40 years-old. The quality of it is not near;y the same as the Mars Global Surveyor. The Face of Mars may have only been seen because of weather conditions that day. In 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor took a picture ten times sharper than the already 22 years-old. The Mars Orbiter Camera took a picture that was a lot clearer but still not good enough for some. In conclusion, the conspiracy theorists have no reliable information. It has been proven by the MOC and the Mars Global Surveyor that it is just a landform. The 1976 picture is too old to be reliable. All it shows is a mesa with amazing shadows. NASA probably dreams it was an artifact so they could get a budget increase. All of these points lead to one obvious answer, the Face of Mars is just a mesa on Mars.
People believe that the Electoral College should go, and the writer agrees with them. Watever happened to "we, the people..." !? The people are to decide who gets voted in as president, or e. t. c. With the Electoral College in play, " The Peoples' " votes mean nothing! ...and that's just no good! Take the Gallop pole of 2000 for example! Al Gore, who won the popular vote, but lost the presidency,  because of the Electoral vote. What the Electoral vote/College is, is a system where voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who then elect the president. "We the people" dont even get a say in the matter. Which is still no good! There have been many disasters in the voting system in the past, like the one back in 1960, with Hawaii sending in two state electors ! Allthough arguably the biggest fiasco, back in 2000, was with the formentioned Al Gore vs. Bush campaign. Now, there are some contradictions in this, thoughts on keeping the Electoral system. one example of this, is that this rarely ever happens, the most recent being the Al Gore vs. Bush campaign. Another example of a contradiction is locations, from where the candidate is from, like Romney (never thought he'd be mentioned here) having nothing to do with the areas outside of the south, so he would be a bad candidate for the  Electoral College. Now that both sides of the coin have been adressed, it's time to look at some of the key facts (and some opinions) of the " Electoral College debate "; The Electoral College, to some and others, votes for us; With or without the Electoral College, people would still get to vote on presidency, as well as other things; Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, and to get the best result, "We, The People..." have to agree on one opinion for the matter at hand.                                
The Face on the Red Planet Many people are convinced that the "face" on Mars is from a living species. This is a myth. Yes, this does look like a face but there are many explanations for this. They named this form was located in Cydonia. I will explain to you what this "face" realy is. When Viking 1 first took this picture in 1976 it really did look like a face. After that in 1998, when another picture was taken it started to fade a little bit and not look so much like a face. It started to look more like a formation with a couple of bumps in it. Then, when the lasy picture was taken in 2001 it looked just as a natural formation on a planet with a few cracks in it, nothing special. NASA has made trips to fly over the formation. On April 5, 1998 thats when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia. The Mars Orbiter took a photograph ten times sharper than the original pictures. When the picture was first let out on a JPL web site, all that was revealed was a natural landform. Skeptics had tried saying that alien marking were hidden by clouds in the picture. Finally then on April 8, 2001 on a perfect cloudless day in Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor came close enough for their second look. They took a picture that expanded 1.56 meters compared to the 43 meter per pixel in the 1976 original picture. These pictures really just show the equivalent of a butte or mesa. All these landforms are common by the American West. Scientists have all the information they need to prove that is is just a landform. There is no form of life living on Mars. In conclusion this landform was sketchy. It did trick people into thinking that there was life on Mars when there wasn't. The original photo did have people thinking that there was life on Mars. The second photo had people thinkin 50/50 on wheather there was or wasn't life on Mars. But, the last picture taken on a perfect cloudless day in the summer of 2001 showed that is really was just a landform.
Dear, Senator I'am a conserend voter that belives you should represent the people of your party and should apose the electoral college. It causes an unnecissary complication for voting for who will represent the face of the best country on earth. We the people do not want to get the wrong president to represent the majority of the population. The chances of an indefined out come through electoral college may be low but when it comes down to the presidency nothing should be left to chance. The voters should know how the system of voting for president. They are the ones that deside so they should know how there vote can be used to have the greatest affect. Bradford Plumer states "voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate...sometimes". A democracy is when the people deside the destiny of there country. For them not to know what there chosing takes power out of the hands of the people. The Winner-takes-all system is ok when your on the playground as a childs it does not work in the real world. This system creates Swing States. Acording to Richard A. Posner "method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focuse their campaign efforts on the toss-up sates". This draws attention away from other states. Bradford Plumer explanes that "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen sates didn't see the candidates at all". He also clames "puting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in ohio". This is not right each vote should be just as important as anyother and no state should be the desiding outcome in an election. Chance is a crazy thing. If there is a chance of something happening and it's given time it will happen. A number of weird outcomes can happen with electoral college. One outcome is the posibility of having a tie. Richard A. Posner explains"A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538- is an even number". If a tie happens the represenetives vote for the people and because each state has one vote per electoral college..."55 representatives from california, who represent 35 millon voters.". Second posible out come is the majority vote goes to one canadite and the electoral college goes to the other. For example Bradford Plumer wrote"This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency." These are just two of the odd outcomes of electoral colleges could cause. Electoral college don't solve problems but creat them. The best way to put it is this..."It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are most assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best."~(Bradford Plumer)~
Driverless cars are coming and are here to stay. There are many doubts about these cars as Dr. Werner Huber has expresssed ,"Why would anyone want a driveless car that still needs a driver?" That is very, very good question , but people fail to realize the benefits that driverless cars bring. Texting and driving has caused many deaths, but that could all be diminished. The driverless car can be taken over by a human whenever it is needed , such as: when going through work zones or moving around accidents. The drivelesss car is able to be turned off and on-on demand . The built in car system feature could safe many lifes. If a driver chooses to use a smartphone on the road , the driverless car could take over. Driving a driverless car means safety , and safe is better than reckless. Driverlesss cars have driven by themselves with more than half a million miles without a crash. These cars have the best technology within them. Radar sensors, GPS recievers, internal motion sensors, the list goes on and on . All these special features are helpful and allowthe car to actually mimic the skill of a human driver. Speed sensors are yet to fail on not detecting and responding to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. Many more improvenments for this car are coming and will allow them to handle harder tasks on their own. The technology needed for this ambitious car is present. The founder of the Google Car projects believes that technology has finally pulled through to catch this dream of driverless driving. In fact in 2013, BMV announced the innovation, " Traffic Jam Assistant." This innovation alerts the driver when his assistance is needed. Work is still being done to perfect the driverless cars, even though some states such as : California, Neveda, Florida, and the District of Columbia have made it illegal to even test computer-driven cars. Driveless cars have various accomadations that can't be obtained by humans. Their sensors allow a better response and control than a human driver when using breaks. It is easy to tell driveless cars will give alot back to society. Even, Sergey Brin, Google cofounder, stated that he believes such cars would fundametally change the world.
Are they really "ok"? Teachers are not just meant to teach math or english to students, but also be a guidance to a student if ever in need or trouble. How can a teacher help a student in the classroom if he or she is unresponsive and not revealing their actual emotions. The Facial Action Coding System, created by Dr. Paul Eckman, has made a 3-D computer process with all 44 major muscles in the human face to detect what actual emotions a person is feeling. This new technology is a valuable tool for teachers, and should be in use to understand a student better, and truly know what he or she is feeling. The facial coding system is computer automated, and has six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Yes technology messes up a lot of times, maybe the emotions the computer has given about a person is not actually what they are feeling. There is also the possibility this coding system does not have enough emotions to express or show a persons true emotion. The author states the Mona LIsa was "83 percent happy" (paragraph 1 sentence 1). What if she was actually 83 sad, angry or annoyed. Even though there are these possiblities of mistake as the author said in paragraph 5, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' everyday" (sentence 1-2). Humans perform the same facial coding system everyday in trying to read how friends or family are feeling. Who says humans do not also mess up in reading a perons emotions the wrong way. No matter the possible mistakes that can happen if a facial coding system can help a teacher reach out to a student in need just off emotions a computer gives them it is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System is a valuable necessity for a teacher or counselor to have. It can prove to help a student in need even when they are shying away from calling for help. This coding system can give people more insight on the mind and emotions of the people around them, and could possibly stop tragedy from occuring. The Facial Action Coding System is an essential value in the classroom that needs to be in use everyday by teachers, to better the classroom enviornment, and better understand the students.
People believe that the "Face of Mars" was created by aliens. I say that statement is false. "The Face of Mars" was not created by aliens it is a natural landform. I know this because I work with NASA on this very investigation and I'm here to tell you that it is indeed a fact that the "Face" is a natural landform. This worldwide phonomenon started with just a picture. NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was up on mars roaming around and just with one snap of a picture it got it. This picture was a face that apparently according to the article looked like a "Egyptian Pharoah." NASA thought that the people would love to see this. Indeed they did. Immeditley the picture was on talk shows, radios, newpapers, etc. This picture just became the number one thing in the world. Just by one snap of a camera. Peopel may say that,"that's just your opinion," or maybe just a rolling-your-eyes look. But, according the the article "Unmasking the Face of Mars," and NASA it a natural landform. When NASA first got he picdture they were stunned but then figured "it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptian Pharoah." So, even when they got the picture their first thought was not aliens, it was just a Martian mesa. "NASA didn't confirm it was not aliens. They didn't even give out any information about it." False again. We (meaning NASA) did give out information about the "Face of Mars" but we didn't give out anything saying it was made by aliens. We gave out information about how it wasn't made by aliens. "What the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West. If something from Earth can even be compared to something form a differnet planet, NASA can hardly believe aliens. One person even said "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho," says Garvin. In conclusion to my speech, we here at NASA don't believe the "Face of Mars" was not created by aliens. It's just a natural landform like we have been saying since day 1 of out investigation. Hopefully we have convinced some of you to step out of that "alien phase." But, out of all, we hope you enjoyed listening today. Thank you.
Do you ever wonder what life today would be like if we didnt have cars? Not having a car today wouldn't be such a bad thing. Maybe the economy would get better because we would have to pay for fuel. The advantages of limiting your car usage is the it could lower the rate of global warming and people around the worls wouldn't have to pay for parking or tolls to get somewhere. The first advantage to limiting your car usage is to lower the rate of global warming. Cars today are the main source of global warming. Source two says "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of smog...", This is what happens when ther is too much smog in the city and people can't drive around because they can't see where they are going. In Europe, the United States, and other places are startinga movement called "smart planning" where they seperate suburban life from auto use. Source one states "And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions...". That right there proves that the use of cars and fuel are a big part of global warming and that we should limit car usage. The second advantage to limiting car usage is that we wouldn't have to pay for parking anymore and we wouldn't have to pay for tolls. Citizens probably pay millions of dollars everyday for parking and tolls. Source one says "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the adge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." Citizens shouldn't have to pay that much for a parking space and thats just in Vauban, Germany. What if every country statered doing that? Then the economy would really be bad. In the end, there aren't very many advantages to limiting car usage but the adventage of lowering the rate of global warming and not paying parking or tolls is a good start and maybe if we start with something small like that we can conqure something bigger later on and not use car at all.
Many people wonder what the Face on the Mars planet really is. New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars fro what it really is: A mesa. According to this article's explaination, I believe that it is just a natural landform, not created by aliens. Some of the NASA's Mars scientists share their opinions based on what and how they discovered it. To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team revealed that it was a landform and no alien monument after all by snapping a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos to be certain and clear. Also by looking at the picture, it looks like a huge rock that pops up and creates different shapes and forms. In addition, what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common arounf the American West. It also looks like Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, which JIm Garvin stated, " It reminds me most of Middle Butte...." and " ..that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. This proves that it is not an alien handwork. Some scientists are not sure of the Face. They think it is created by aliens. They might be right since it is theory and answer is not given. Nevertheless, the caption noted that " a huge rock formation...which resembles a human head..formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth, " which means it formed by itself that illustrated a human head. All in all, the Face is not created by aliens. It is just a huge rock that formed a human head. Therefore, there is no reasons why it is created by aliens. Also, few scientists prove about it by using their investigations and the photos on Mars planet.
How do feel about driverless cars? I don't really like the idea, but it's for the future and anything is possible. For me driverless cars has it's pros and cons. Driverless cars can be useful, but they can be deadly to other people who doesn't have the car or even be deadly to the driver. If the driverless cars will have sensors and the driver will have to have fast reaction times to help the car if needed. To me safety is more important then anything. Driverless cars are for the future, but anything is possible for the future. There are many possible things that could happen. The car could be a succesful invention. Then again it could be a failure. Nobody wants to be in harms way right? In the passage it says " Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020" to me I think it will take more than four years to invent these cars and mass produce them. To me driverless cars has many pros and many cons. For instance the passage says that " New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident" then, the passage goes on and says " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" What if one of the sensors become defaulted? Wouldn't that be a manufacturing problem? Driverless cars can be useful, but could be harmful to the surroundings if the technology malfunctions. What would you do if you was driving a driverless car and it maulfunctions and crashes into the car next to you and you find out the people in the other car are dead? Would you feel quilty or would you not? Driverless cars can be the future, but I think the inventioina and concept of the car shoukd be taken more serious. To me the maufacturers are just looking to make money. To me as a person i take safety very serious. I think the safety concept of the vehicles should be one of the more serious things the manufacturers should look at if produced. They should only give a certain amount of driverless cars out incase the technology fails. There won't be much chaos if the technology malfunctions. Driverless cars are the future for the world. I don't really like the concept, but it's the future and anything is possible. Driverless cars have many pros and cons. The cars can be useful, but then they could be harmful to it's surrounding safety wise. If the driverless cars will have sensors then what's the use for the person to have to be cautious at all times for? Like i've said before I take safety very serious and I hope the maunufacturers take it more serious for the future of the "autonomous car."
What do you think about joining the seagoing cowboys programs? I think that you should join because 1 you get to help people, 2 you get to bring supplies and other thing to people in need, and 3 you can get experence of how it feels to be a helping hand. first, in August 1945, they received their orders to report to new orleans. we arrived august 14 luke said the day the pacific war ended. their seamen's paper and boarded the ss charles w .wooster,headedfor greece with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oat to feed them. also,it took about 2 weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states and month to get to china caring for the animals kept luke busy feeding them and giving them water two or three times a day and also the stalls had to be clean. last,luke had learned his experence from his auntie at a farm that he helped and he work hard to help and that help him now with his work of taking care of the horses and that really and a big effect on his work now. That is why you should work at the seagoing cowboys.
The story "the challenge of exploring Venus" is about a guy who is trying to persuade his readers on why Venus should be explored despite its dangers, Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our soler system. Venus is a great planet and NASA should explore it because it is earths twin and also because it probably used to have living things or even people, The author tell us that "Venus was probably covered largly with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" he says this which makes us think if Venus really had bodies of ocean and life which also makes NASA think to discover it. In conlusion the author really tries to persuade us by making us wonder and think about how Venuse could be similer to Earth and also makes us think if it did have ife or even bodies of ocean.
The good things and the bad things if we could be able to feel the feeling and the emotions of another human being.If we was able to feel the emotion and feelings of another human it would be bad.Here are some reason why it would good and why would it be bad. Imma start with why it would be good.The reasons why is that it would be good like it would solve lots of things like if there was a murder going on the detectives could try to feel how the person there are doing the interview is feeling to see if he is nervous confused or not or if someone who is thinking about comitting suecide is they depressed. It can and could save lots of lives if we could feel the emotion of another person like u really cant tell if a person is lying to u only if they are making it look like they are lying so many people have beeen incient in crimes they didnt that would solve lots of things save lives and lots of other things. Here are some reasons why it would be a bad idea if we could feel the emotion and the feeling of another person like some people wouldnt feel comtable with they some people like to keep to there self and like to not show how they feeling like the person could have a big smile on there face but really feeling like they want to end it all.Also some people would take that for avantage like some people would amake fun of u and bully u and now thwy can think nd feel how u feel like they never really never gonna stop because they know they hurting u and they doing there job to hurt u but it wouldalso be bad because like there could be people around u that dont even know u trying to see how u feel and stalk u. This is how i feel about it i like both of the facts but they both have turn offs and turn ons like its my opinion im not stating facts that what it is really doing but some people would agree with me and some people wouldnt like we all have a diffrent mind set these are what i think of but i mostly like the reason why because like there no reason why we should invade someones privaciy just to see how they feel like i said some people like to stay to there self.That would make lots of people fear for there life because theres weird snd sick people out here now that knows what u feeling and would harm u but thats just a bad idea to see how others are feeling like i said its my opinion many would agree and many would disagrree.
Facial action coding sytsem should be used because it is a good way to help students and people, First off i think if this is being used on students it is a really good idea because some students be needing help and they are to scared to ask for help and in this way the computer can help and make the lesson easy for the students this might give the students moure confidence of doing something and trying. Also if a student is bored this will make the lesson not as boring as it is for the student. This is a good way to help people to what if they are going through something and they need help or want to talk to somebody but dont want to tell anybody the facial action coding can let somebody know and friends or family can take action. Plus it is cool because you can find out alot of things about old pictuers, Like if you want to find out or just see how somebody is feeling you can use that. This is really cool beacsue you can find out alot of feelings on just a picture. Lets talk about the Mona Lisa , they used this on her and found out how she was feeling in that painting. She was feeling happy for the most part but a little bit of other emotions with that. This is a really cool way to communicate with people, This is also a cool way to make movies and video games better and more reall felling you know.? This can sence 44 muscle in your face and will let you know how your felling just of your expression. We have expressions every day but sometimes can be hard to tell how we are feeling. Most people dont know how other people feel but this can let other people understand what they are going through. This can also let people track the emotion they want to know if that person is feeling. Yes i do think that this system should be used. It can help alot. This would be very useful in alot of things.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the article talks about technology scanning a persons face and reading an emotion. I think it is a good idea and could approve movies,video games and even pictures on the internet. In this case I agree that this is valuable because if you are taking a computer class and doing a project that has to do with a 3d model. You could use the scanner to make your face exactly as it looks and make a 3d model with your face and expression. The system will also indicate muscles throughout your face. I think the Facial Action Coding System could help with school projects and other daily objectives. The Facial Action Coding System is a system that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The system can even scan the emotions of pictures. This could scan a picture and see what the person was feeling at the time. The system can sense happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear and sadness. Overall I think the Facial Action Coding System will improve the use of technology and will be a system that is used a lot. Teachers could teach the kids how to use the system and they could have fun scanning different faces and learn about the system and its features. One downside is that your home PC cannot handle complex algorithms used to decode a certain photo. The system might also not be able to detect every facial expression because of hair or their traits.
Many people are beginning to see that cars are causing lots of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases affect our ozone layer in the atmosphere and causes global warming and causes high pollution levels that make it hard to breathe for most people. Some residents in a small suburb in Vauban, Germany are living life without cars and. This little change has helped to drop greenhouse gases in Germany. Many residents believed that at first they were not going to like walking everywhere but they have now realized that they are cutting down on greenhouse gas emmisions from tail pipes and it helps uncroud the streets. Greenhouse gases have a tremendous effect on our atmosphere and the air that we need to have to be able to survive. In Paris, government officials put out a ban on what cars could be used on certain days to try and bring pollution levels down around the global city. The first day was fining motorists with even-numbered license plates after they were oredered to leave their cars at home. The same would be done to odd-numbered motorists the next day. The smog around the city cleared enough on Monday that the French party decided to lift the ban for odd-numbered motorists on Tuesday. In Bogota, Colombia, Colombian officials took a day to have the city completely car free. Many people took buses to work, hiked, biked, or skated, leaving the streets of Bogota eerily devoid of traffic jams. It was the third straight year that cars have been banned to try and promote alternative transpotation rather than cars and to try and reduce smog around the city. Two other cities joined the event and participated to try and reduce smog around the smaller cities as well. Some municipal authorities from other countries went to Bogota to see the event and saw how much it helped and are now thinking of doing their own version of the event in their countries. In America, recent studies show that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. Many researchers are wondering if America has passed peak driving. America has been one of the worlds prime care cultures do to its inventions for the car. The United States peaked in 2005 but have steadily dropped thereafter. As of April 2013 the number of miles driven per peson was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. These actions have caused less emission of greenhouse gases from tailpipes into the atmosphere dramatically. Studies are going to see if the driving rate steadily goes down or if it is going to pick back up, to see if less greenhouse gases will be emitted from tailpipes to hepl reduce smog around many major American cities.         
I would like to drive a driverless care because you could just sit back and let the car do the driving. A good thing about driving a driverless car is that you could sit back and let the car do the driving as it says in (paragraph 7 and line 5). They only time you would have to actually drive the car is in construction or a place where there has been a wreck. The negitive part to this car is that it is probably really expensive. You would actually have to pay attention to the road because the car might not react to something running in the middle of the street at the last second. And another thing might be it may take more part for the car to be driverless, which makes it harder and more expensive to drive. The driverless car would be a really cool invention that could allow driver to relax but also cause more stress. This wouldn't be a good car for a first year driver but maybe for someone that has plenty of experience with driving.
One day when they were seing how to lande they spoted a face on the red planet mars. It all started like this there were viking 1 was looking for a clear space so his siter viking 2 could lande in the planet mars. So they were looking with the ship camaro to see for a clear spot when they spoted some thing looking straight at the camara and they took a picture because they dint knew what it was. So when they got back home they took a copy of it so the scientist could see what it was. Then when they were looking at it the said it was a face and then everyone started asking queestion. Also the it wasent the body it was just a humen head with"form shadows given illisuin in eye its nose and mouth". So when they saw it had all the stuff they whent back to se it again whe the misioon was over for the viking 1 and viking 2 .Also this time there camara system was way beter then imn 1988 so they took some more photographgs .Then when they came back they kept on studieng it even more and it took them aloong time to figer it out untile whan day the finally knew what it was. So they setteld a miting for everyone come back in one place and when everyone was ready the scientist said that it was just the dust that had made a pile of mountin making it look like it was a humen face so they said it was just a natural landform. So when that hapend every one was bumed because they thought that they had actully found live in a nother planet called the red planet. So everyone was happie because they actully thought they found live in mars but the dint. After that they just left the mission stuff were they were because they were sad because there was no live they just left every thing were it was. So what the picture actully shwode was the martin equivalent of a butt or mesa land forms common around the american. After all that hapend the whole story was about the face and mars and if there was live.
Dear Senator, I am truely appreciative of what you have done for my state, our city, and to help the country in so many ways that can not be explained. But never the less i think that the Electoral College should stay where it is today because it's a fair system in which everybody has a reasonable vote. In ways the Electoral College does help in some ways by avoiding the difficulties and problems of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. For example, "Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively)." According to section (22). But what the real question is here Mr. Senator is what is the Electoral College? It's the process by which the compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. You probably knew that already though. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. In which a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. In other opinions around the world the Electoral Colege is widely regarded as an "anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." According to section (15). Even if the Electoral Colege went away what would the government use as an effect to insinuate a new reaveling method on choosing the president? Also the Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. But don't get me wrong the Electoral College has a lot of diffirences as well. I have to admit myself that the Electoral College  is unfair to some potenial voters as well. According to section (11) " The Electoral College was the single best argument because of the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." Not to mention that the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. And that the best arguments in favor of it are mostly asertions without much basis in reality. "The arguments against direct elections are spurious at best." So you see It's not like it is perfect in every way. It just has it's problems that's all. Mr. Senator i hope you take this letter as a sign as respect from your fellow citizens and as another sign of equality and all i'm saying is that it should stay. Yes it has it's differences, so what nothing is perfect in the world but if treat it as a perfect thing then you will make it perfect. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
The "face" on Mars is just a natural landform. The face on Mars is nothing more than a huge rock formation and is definatly not created by aliens. The face is an amazing discovery that NASA has made when they went to Mars. The face is just a landform that can have the illusion of a face. The illusion is created by shadows giving the look of eyes, nose, and a mouth. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his MOC team took a picture of the face that gave a much sharper look of it than the first pictures ever taken. That's when they truly discovered that the face was not a alien monument. Later they have got an even better picture. The picture shows is landforms that are like the ones around the American West. The face was like a butte or a mesa. Pictures proved that the face is nothing more than a illusion created by shadows. The face is a natural land mark that is like some of the ones on earth. The face is not created by aliens. After all who knows if there is such thing as aliens.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author is decribing how a new technology: the Facial Action Coding System, is enabling computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology: to read the emotional expressions of students, is not valuable. Even though human have simaliar muscles to show the same emotion each one does vary a great significance. In paragraph 6 of the article Dr. Huang made a bold prediction "A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored," This means to him that a students emotions can be completly read by a computer scan. This doesn't seem logical in any means at all. Have you ever watched your classmates facial expression change from confused to them understanding completely in the blink of an eye? Im sure you have. If a computer reads your confused facial emotion in the middle of a lesson right before you understand it, it will change making you have to reset your brain to relearn what you were the the bridge of mastering. In paragraph 5 a sentence contradicted the article "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait," if this is true then why would an artifical intelegence be able to read emotions better than a human who experiences the similar emotions? A real life example is when someone is really good at looking like they don't care. This is a hard face to read because some people just naturally have it at all times. With a piece of simple technology how would the scan be able to look past the same face with the same emotion at all times? It most likely couldnt and would be uneffectful in the end. In paragraph 6 another outside of the box thought was put into words from Dr. Huang "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication...So computers need to understand that, too," The problem with this is that computers don't understand things, they are programmed to do what they are told. Only alive things "understand" which means to learn. If we put a program in our computer to read emotions then the computer will most likely only read that exact facial expression. The use of technology to read emotional facial expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because it is to far fetched and unpractical. This is because we have teachers, emotions change constantly, emotions are sometimes hard to read, and computers can't "understand" how a human is feeling a all times. Maybe one day a computer will be able to read facial expression, but it will be a waste of time and money.
Are driverless cars coming? I hope not. I don't think having a car based on technology would be a good thing for us. People should drive their own cars and not have technology do it for them. People need responsiblity. If a driverless car breaks down on the road, who is there to take care of it? No one, so it could just sit there forever. Driverless cars can be more dangerous then cars with people in them. Say there is a person walking on the side of the road, will the car see them? If the car didnt see them and hit and killed them, who would be responsible? You can't blame anyone, because it's no ones fault. That is why we should not have driverless cars. Say it was snowing outside, and the driverless car didn't sense that the road was icy and ran into the back of another car that was stopped at a stoplight. Driverless cars will just cause more and more problems on the road. We need to stick to actual people driving cars to keep the road more safe. Now I know that driverless cars would help people in many ways. It would save money for some, and possibly give people free transportation, but it's just not worth it. They would cause many more accidents on the road. Yes they would save money, but having non regular cars would save lifes. People just need to realize that having driverless cars is not the way to go. We need to not be lazy and drive our own cars. We need responsiblity. Having driverless cars would cause more and more problems than we need. That is why I think we need to keep non driverless cars on the road.
Have you ever said the words," I wanna travel the amazing beatiful world,"? There is a way you can but there is some danger to it! You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient old pyramids, and see the amazing giantic Eiffel Tower! First, The 7 seas are the one of the best places on the whole entire planet Earth! "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." I can ensure you possibly 1 of your family member has been on one of the great and giant seas and if they haven't you can definetly be the first! I can predict that you've always wanted to visit one of the great seas! Second, The ancient pyramids are a huge mystery of the glowing universe you can discover them and feel the 8 acres of old limestone. You can visit one of the most famous pharohs also! I can infer you will love and adore this exprience! Last but not least, The Eiffel Tower is a candy to the brain, one of the best monuments in front of your naked eye! Paris also has alot of beautiful sights and you can get one of the best views from the top. I can see you want to see the beautiful sky on top of the Eiffel Tower. You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient pyramids, and see the amazing Eiffel Tower! Next time when you want to travel think about joing the Seagoing Cowboys program! "It opened up the world to him."
Technology has always been changing. All the changes have improved our lifes for the better or for the worst. One of the newest technology is the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). This system can classify basic emotion by measuring your face muscles. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Three reasons for why are it helps modify the lesson, helps read non-verbal communication and helps produce emotions. Many students have had an online assigment that was boring to them. The teachers might not have realized if the lesson was not interesting or the students didn't understand it, since the students were behind a screen. If the teachers had the FACS, the computer would be able to detect the students emotions and change up the lesson to make it more fun or understandable for the student. This would help the students learn more better by having a lesson that fits them. According to the creator, Dr. Huang, the computor would work like an a human instructor. There are two ways a person communications to one another. Those two ways are verbal and nonverbal. According to Dr. Huang, the most human communication is nonverbal. The students use nonverbal communication, mostly to show how they feel about the assignment. So if the tecaher doesn't catch the student emotional expression the computer would. The computer will then notify the teacher about it so he can change up the assignment or explain the assignment better. Many people who are feeling down, try to fake their smile. Well, according to the creator, FACS would be able to tell if it is forced. It is going to be able to that becuse it will measure the muscles on your face such as the zygomatic major, oculi pars palpabraeus, and the risoriuos. Even if it is fake eventually it would be able to produce actual happiness. This would work in a classroom, if the students are in a acting class and have to fake their facial expression to fit with the scene. The computor comes into this by reading the student's facial expression, and telling the student how the computer thinks the student feels. In conclusion, the use of the FACS is valuable. It helps modify the lessions, helps read nonverbal communication, and helps produce emotions. It may come with its flaws, but we will improve it so it can be properly used in classrooms. FACS is the new future of the use of technology that will change the way we learn. Not only would it improve our ways of learning, but also help us understand the science of emotions better.
During World War II, 1945, I was traveling the seven seas. I saw many beautiful things outside my window. I think it's a great oppurtunity to get time to spend with yourself and new friends. There are many reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to travel many places and see beautiful things, you get a lot of free time, and you get to play games like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that help pass time. The first reason why you should the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you get to travel many places and see beautiful things, like nature. I got to fly to China, Greece, and all over Europe. According to the text, it states: Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special," and it also states: It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." This explains that you will get to see many things and travel many places, but be patient becasue it takes a while. Another good reason about joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is because you get to spend a lot of time by yourself and new friends. I had time to read, and play multiple games there. According to the passage, "It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." and it also states: "I also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been reloaded," This explains why you could have a lot of freetime on board. The last reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, is because you get to be with animal on board. Now, I know if you're a cowboy, you love animals, so this is a good time to learn about an animal's behavior and learn more about the animal. According to the excerpt, it states: "UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilition Administration) hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas," This explains how you get a lot of free time with animals. With these reasons, the Seagoing Cowboy program is a great place. You should join because of these three reasons, I have explained why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The reasons why you should join are because you get to travel and see beautiful things like nature, you get a lot of free time with yourself and new friends, and you get to be with animals. (You're going to love this if you are an animal lover,)
The image that has been being showed from NASA has studies thinking two different things. Some say it is a face that was created by "aliens", others are saying it is just a natural landform. There are three different images from different years that have showed formation and changes. The years listed on the images from NASA are 1976, 1998, and finally 2001. The name for the image is being called "Unmasking the Face on Mars". The image that is being showed is just a natural landform. If it was something created from the aliens, it would have more evidence than what has been being showed. Aliens want to make themselves noticed not physically but mentally. I am correct because Mars Global Surveyor stated "thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform." With the technology NASA has, they will always prove others wrong who aren't supporting their claim of evidence. If I was a scientist, I would take my time studying the weird natural landform that was created before I let go any information to the people all around the world including studies like myself. Another reason why you should believe that the image is a natural landform is because Garvin stated "that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." In space with all the planets that we have, anything can be formed onto them and turn out to be just a regular sighting for them and not something so mind thinking like this whole natural landform turned out to be. This whole image is just a natural landform that has been formed. My opponet believes that it was a image created by "aliens" which was incorrect. With my proof and evidence my claim has been supported enough to be able to decide that it's just a natural landform. If it would have been created by aliens, then the aliens would have created more than just a face on earth that turned out to be just a natural landform. Everyone may calm down because I have proven that the image all along was just a natural landform.
Dear State Senator, I personally believe that electing a President by popular vote  is a great way to elect the next president. The reason why I state this because ,when voting in an electoral college  the people are voting for a slate of electors instead of the President they want to be in office. But on the other hand,the popular vote declares the candidate that  recieved the most popular votes is the next president. We the peolpe want to vote for the next person to run our country , not a slate of electors. Sometimes the election doesn't go as planned. Back in the election of 2000 Candidate Al Gore had more popular votes than Bush ,but Bush had more electoral votes and became President. I bet the people of America weren't to happy about that outcome , this was the first time this happened since 1888. Let's look at the election of 2012 , it states that our current President Barack Obama had "recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney ." It also states that residents of other regions that don't neccesary have electoral votes want a popular vote because " residents of other regions are likely to feel disfranchised to feel that their votes dont't count that the new president will have no regard for their interest , that he really isn't their president ." Now if the country went by a popular vote the peolpe would have a president that meets their needs and betters the economy for them instead of regions only getting what they want ,now everyone has their president. The President they voted for, not the slate electors.    
This article is talking about Venus where the author suggests that studying this planet is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In this article you can see the description of Venus , its has a nickname called the "Evening Star" , is a place to examine more closely , which is a vantage for the scientists.We have numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study .But its a planet with diferents things that make it a planet diferent to our planet , but interesting . A point that the author used to support the idea to study Venus was that Venus is closest planet to Earth, and has similar things as the author said " Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. " But its has diferences like the temperature , in Venus is 90 times greater than our planet and the author said " These conditions see more far extreme than anything humans encounter onEarth." The author make a questiosn himself that says " if our sister planet is so inhospitable , why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface ?", so what that's mean ,its mean that the Venus planet it's not a good place where humans can be survive about the temperature and the health in this planet .But Venus was probably covered largely with oceans as the Earth . We have the NASA's ideas about sending humans to study Venus ."NASA's possible solutions to the hostile conditions on the surfac of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray ." they said too that the solar power would be pentiful and radiation would not exceed erath levels , not easy conditions , but survivable for human . NASA work on approaches to study Venus like electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos Venus's surface . In conclusion Venus a planet interest to the scientists , beacuse Venus has many similituds and diferences about the temperature , few life and others and with the NASA's ideas its most interesting . this challenge to study Venus has value , not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself , but also beacuse human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors , thats mean it can be a good work and study for humans in our planet , because Venus is a interesting place that make us imagination and importance for more imformation .
Would it be a good idea for a computer to tell a students emotion by the look on their face? I think this would be a good idea in my opinon. A reason that would be a good idea is if the student is falling behind it can let the teacher know. And it can try to change the lesson so that theywill understand. Here are two reasons why it would be a great idea. The frist reason is that during a lesson if a student does ot get what is happening the computer can notify the teacher and she can ask him whats wrong. This would benefit both of them because the student would not be behind anymore. The teacher can continue teaching knowing the student is caught up. So this would help everyone not to fall behind. The second reason is that if a student is in a bad mood the teacher will know. Sometimes students will get a adittude towards teachers and they don't know why. If the computer can tell them that peice of information the teacher would know why. Then after the student gets over what he/she have been through the can apoligies. In conclusion this would be a great idea that will benefit all. teachers can now help students that are struggling. And students can now not be left behind. and this will hopefully help with the teachers be aware of what a students mood is and try not to get them anymore angyer.
If you would be a Seagoing cowboy you could go all over the world like France,Italy,Japan,China,Poland,Germany,and Africa. It would be the chance of a lifetime. The things you would get to do is countless. One of the things you could do is baseball. The other things are volleyball, ping pong, fencing, boxing,reading, whittling, and games to pas the time. There are a lot of more things to do. You may get hurt, but every day you get hurt. I fell off of a ladder I cracked my ribs, but im still doing it. life is about risks. You get to work with animals like horses,sheep, mules,and pigs. It takes time to get there so thats why you have the games so you have something to do. You can do sight seeing EVERYWHERE. Around the world is where we go. My favorite place was Venice, Italy I took a ride in the gondola. My second favorite place was the excavated castle in Crete. If you want to join Im not forceing you to but, if you want to you can. You can do anything you want with in reason. You are helping the victoms om world war ll. The places we are going to may have some ruins. They were destroyed by world war 2. Some think about if you want to come help us to help others. Your Choice....
The Face is a natural landform on Cydonia. Speculators doubt NASA, and say that the landform was created by aliens. Both of these claims have evidence to support their side. One side I believe has more evidence to prove their claim. The side that disagrees with the thought that the Face was made naturally, are called speculators. NASA has realeased information about the Face, but speculators think NASA is hiding something from them which is called bona fide. Since the very first trip to Cydonia, many people have been intreaged by the topic. As said in paragrapgh 5 , "The Face has become a pop icon". The idea that a face was on Cydonia made people think that there had to be a creator. The creators were aliens. The next time the Mars Orbiter Camera went to Cydonia, NASA claimed there were clouds blocking the veiw of the Face. This must have shown that NASA was hiding something. NASA also tried to say that they don't pass over the Face that often. Maybe NASA didn't people to find things out. All these peices of evidence put together must prove that aliens created the Face on Cydonia. Scientist from NASA can help prove the speculators wrong. Speculators assume that the Face couldn't have just been created over time. In paragrapgh 12, it states that there are similar landforms created, called mesa, in America. Next, the speculators say that there were clouds blocking the veiw of alien clues during the Orbit Camera journey. Since the clouds blocked the veiw of the planet, NASA sent another camera on clear day. In paragrapgh 10 and 11 it says the camera took the absolute maximum resolution. If there were any signs of anything strange the camera would have caught it. Speculators say that NASA wants to hide the fact that there were aliens. If there were aliens then that would help NASA's budget in future journeys. The evidence provided proves thay the Face was naturally created. After recieving both sides of the story. I support the NASA and the fact that the Face was naturally created. The speculators had their concerns about the legibillity of NASA. Speculators believed that NASA was hiding things. NASA respnoded to the critics and proved that there were no aliens. Plus, if there were aliens out there then that would help NASA with many things. Those are the reasons why I thing the Face was naturally created. The Face, on Cydonia, will stay a contreversial subject. There will be the speculators and doubters. There will be the supporters of NASA. Both sides have evidence to support their claims. I have picked my side. Now what will you choose?
I believe that there are many advanteges of limiting car use, people should ride bikes more or walk to places that are near by instead of driving it helps clean the world of all the pollution in the air. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving to places that are close enough helps prevent the build up of smog, also you save money on gas. Second it helps lower pollution that is in the air and helps lower peoples stress, and last it helps to conserve energy, lower emmissions and improve saftey. If it is ever necesery to use a car, try car-pooling or get a taxi instead of driving yourself. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the greehouse gas in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. If people who live near stores would use bikes and would walk to the store instead of driving it would help minimize the expansion of smog. After five days of the partial driving ban in Paris the capital of france congestion (traffic) went down 60 percent, the smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Also an advantage for limiting the use of cars is you save on the money you would spend on gas. you would be able to spend it on yourself or on important things like bills and groceries. Second it helps lower pollution that is in the air and helps lower peoples stress levels. Peoples stress levels will come down due to the exercise they will be doing instead of driving, for exmaple in Bogota, Colombia parks and sports centers have bloomed through out their city, also not having to worry about if they they have enough money for gas will help the stress go down. Last but not least a few other advanteges are it helps to conserve energy, lower emmissions and improve saftey. It conserves the fossil fuels that are running out fast due to many people driving. It also helps lower emmission from the cars that people drive aroud the United states and the world, which pollutes the air and then creates smog. And it helps improve safety by haing less car sccidents and people being run over by cars. It will help by making the death rate of accidents go down. In conclusion I believe these reasons are why there are advantages to limiting car usage, walking or riding a bike instead of driving to places that are close enough helps prevent the build up of smog, also you save money on gas. Second it helps lower pollution that is in the air and helps lower peoples stress, and last it helps to conserve energy, lower emmissions and improve saftey.       
Limiting car usuage would help the world In so many ways. First of all, there wouldn't be that much people getting hurt from car crashes. Also cars were affecting France by letting out to much smog. Cold nights and warm days had affected the warmer layer of air to trap emissions. If you limit car usage then you wouldn't have that problem. Another advantage would be that you wouldn't be Inhaling as much polluted air If cars were limited. Polluted air Isn't good to Inhale and also will mess with people allergies so that would definitely be a big advantage. If car usage Is limited, more people would be active. That would help with people's health and decrease the number of lazy people we have In this world. Plus If another advantage would be that beneficial Implications for carbon emissions and the environment. It would definitely help with that since car transportation Is the second largest source of America's emission. Carbon emissions play a pretty big role to so benefiting that would be fantastic. Limiting car usage would also help you save money by not having to repair your car. You won't have to take It to get checked by a mechanic every three months. You would be saving thousands of dollars If you limited car usage. The day without cars Is the day that Bogota has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to Mockus, the city's mayor. Also the parks and sports centers have bloomed through the city. Pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks. Another advantage Is that rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. New restaurants and upscale shopping districts have Increased. There would be many advantages of limiting car usage. People will find a type of way to benefit themselves from it. It would also be way much better air we Inhale If cars are limited. Saves money that people could be using on more Important things. Limiting car usage would be great.          
Most likely im in a car every day of my life and the odds are so are you. But What if cars were never invented how many lives would be saved? how much money could we save? And over all how much better and cleaner our world will be. These things are just some of the advanatges that pertains to limiting our car usage. Have you ever heard of the good out weighs the bad? well in this situation the good defiantly out weighs the bad. Our life source is breathing we need to breath air and at that fresh air, but we never are, not with fumes from millions of cars roaming around. Stated in (source3 par24) "Its a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution". That to me sounds like two gains already, whats better than fresh air and less stress. Things just as simple as car pooling makes the world better but what really would is not useing you'r car daily. No, i dont mean walk every where you could use bikes, eletric operated golf carts which are all fun but much better for the air. By useing these we have fewer fumes in the air which makes for better air. If we all began useing these instead of cars in just towns it would become normal to ride bikes and, golf carts rather than big bulky air killing machines. For an example in (source4 par29) "Americans are buying fewer cars and driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by". It just starts with one to make something drastically change. Now i know were not gonna take family bike trips all the way from florida to georgia or drive a golf cart that only goes to 40mph,but thats when it would be decent to make a "car trip". Im not saying stop useing cars completely just only when its not neccassary. Just think about the world you live in the world that God has created is being pulluted every day, but we can all change that. Money, money ,money Seems to be the big talk in America weather its the money were making, the money were loseing ,or the money we just dont have. But Wouldent you rather put your money towards the mouths of your family or the roof over your head, rather than in your gas tank ? Useing less cars would give us more money on more important things in life and, would cause more people to become happier . Just by useing things like bikes can make things more smoother in your every day life for an example(source3 par28) "Rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic". No one i know loves sitting or, nearly wrecking during traffic with this mehtod of less cars we could cut deaths and, stress in half . And i know you would say, but millions of people would lose jobs big money by car usage being reduced,but think of all the new things they could make their money from . People are always looking for the next big thing , well this is it. Dealerships that promote this could now turn into safer mobility shops and, make nearly as much. Stated in(source4 par32) "Americans could not afford new cars and the unemployed wernt going to work anyway". This goes to show that were already leaning towards the idea of less cars we just need to be pushed. All the new inventions that will arise weather its cute bicycle covers to built in tops to block the rain people will be gaining and saving just as much. But what were really gainig is the saftey of people. Kids fall off their bikes everyday and probably get hurt but, a scrape is better than taking your last breath. We all gain from this , and our human nature is to want whats best for yourself, well this is surely better for every one. Almost every day im in a vehicle, but maybe that could soon change. We could gain so much from losing just a little bit of driving time. We would absolutley gain lives,money,and happiness from useing less car usage. Im a firm beliver in useing this method i couldent imagine a better world of things going just so smoothly all of the time. But It takes getting on that bike or walking to the corner store to strike a revolution like this. So get out of your cars and, go make a better place for you and for the world.                                
Giant human face discovered on Mars! NASA phototgraphed an image of a landform on Mars specifically a region called Cydonia that showed the feature of a human face. Some think that Face was created by aliens. Although scentific evidence proves that the Face is a natural land form. When the Face first got phototgraphed NASA "unveiled the image for all to see." in an attempt to get people to be more interested in mars. "Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rahter hide, say conspiracy theorist." Yet the article goes on th say "Few scientis belebed that Face was an alien artifact..." This means that many scientiss knew that the Face was a landform form the very beginning but only used it to get money for NASA to research more about Mars. Not only this but the weather was not an ideal time for the image to be taken. When the image was taken it was at a certain time, year, and season. " this on had unusual shadows..." means that the sun was not hitting it deredctly to elliminate any shawdows that were there. "But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north...where it was winter in April'98-a cloudy time of the year on the Red Plant." This proves that the weather does have an effect on the image. Not only that but the image taken at this time was cloudy and reveladed a natural landform. The article goes on to say "a cloudless summmer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look...Malin's tean captured an extrodinary photo using the carmera's absolute maximum resoluiton." Meaning that the image was as clear as it could be and there were no clouds to make the image blurry. "What the pictue actually shows is the Martian equvialent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This proves that landforms like these were also seen on Earth and alien did not make it. Plus landforms like it had been seen on Earth Further more, this is not the first time a natural landform has been seen on Mars. In the passage it is stated "Scienetist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one has unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptian Pharaoh." This means that in the location where the Face was discovered landforms were common and nothing more than natural. An image of a face was photographed on Cydonia. NASA proved that the Face is only a natural landform on Mars and with enough eveidence to support it. The giant "human" face is just another natural landform and most definatly wasn't created by aliens on Mars.
Have you ever wondered that in the future it might be driverless cars. I personally think that it should be driverless cars because of what it can do to us in the future. Let's say that your'e driving for 4 hours straight with no sleep on a highway and the car takes over if you fall asleep while driving. Well that's when the driverless cars come in handy. So my question is that are driverless cars going to take over in the future? First, let's talk about how can the cars be driverless. Well Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Google cars aren't completely driverless because someone is actually inside that takes over if it looks like something is in the way. In the late 1950s, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. So do you think cars can really be driverless. Secondly, what can driverless cars do? For the driverless cars it needs a whole lot of sensors so that it can identify where the car is going or what's in the way of the car. Googled modified the Toyota Pruis so that it can be almost like a driverless car with so high tech things on it. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Lastly, is the cars assisting or are you driving? Sebastian Thrun the founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up the the dream. In the driverless car do you think that you are driving or is it assisting you while you drive the car. I think that the car is assisting you because why would it be called the "driverless" car. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." Basically what it is that they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. In conclusion, do you think driverless cars are going to take over in the future? I think they will because most people will get tired of diving everywhere they go so the driverless cars will help them out. It really started in the late 1950s General Motors created a car that can drive on a special track by itself. Originall, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads. Driverless cars are going to take over the future.
You know you live in a fascinating generation when there are driverless cars avaliable! Driverless cars are a new invention where cars that do not require a driver to have control of the vehicle at all times. These vehciles will have basic driving skills. Think of all the benefits and oppertunities this new invention could bring to our society. As almost everyone knows driving is a basic skill of being an adult. Sometimes though, adults can get very busy, sidetracked, or be multitasking. It is a normal thing and I am sure everyone does it, but unfortuntaly being sidetracked may mean getting into accidents. With this new driverless cars, the car drives for you, so if you need to apply your makeup or pick up a toy for your child that is crying in the back seat, you can! Have you ever backed out of a busy parking lot and slammed into a shopping cart that was just too tiny to see? Well with the driverless cars, they have sensors and will alert you. GM's invention has been to vibrate the driver's seat to alert the drivers, pretty neat, right? Toyota Prius's latest technolgy is there are 3-D laser beans around the car so if another car, person, etc. come close to the vehicle it will move out of the way, or take procautioins like an actual drive would do. I believe that these cars may be beneficial to new drivers like teenagers as well. The reason I say this is because a new driver needs to watch and see how to properly drive, if the new driver watched the basic skills of the driverless car, it may benefit him/her for when they star to drive independently. I think that with any type or design of vehicle procautions will have be taken into place and lots of research and factors will go into play. Many people are concerned about the liablities and if something would go wrong what they would do, who would be responsible. I believe that the damage and facts would have to be carefully examined, just like any car accident. With this being said, I think the rate of car accidents will decrease because there will not be any distractions for the driver in the car, and it will be quicker for the driver to be notified if something were to go array. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020! Is that not amazing? Think of all the new oppertunities and safety that we will have! Maybe it will make you feel less scared teaching your sixteen year old boy how to drive. It will decrease the rate of car accidents, benefit new drivers, and make drivers feel more safe in their vehicles. So, in 2020 will you be buying your first driverless car?
Would Google make things easy by making a driverless car or would you stick with a normal passenger car? In my understanding I never knew google was trying to make a way to have driveless cars. Im thinking is it safe, will it help with transportation, and will it be alot of technology problems to control. Here is reson why that might be good to have driveless cars. First,Google been working on this project for years. In the passege, it says," Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash."Google is trying to find companies that are willing to help or have some type of different thing that would make driveless cars better and smarter. In the text, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special tets track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the cars. Here are reason they might not be good to have. In paragrph 2, it says," Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways, or dealing with complicated traffic issues". Are they reliable for navigation or accidents? Google thinks by using laser and updated sensors would help the car." The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there, and the mapping wasn't there", said in paragraph 6. Google is trying to help and make ways to have good, easy technology. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Traffic laws are written with the assumpton that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." In conclusion, Google and other companies are trying to make things better for people in this world with new technology. Is it good for them to make this is type of product or new machineries? This story tells everything about it and if its right for people in communies safety. I think it might be good to have driverless cars. Do you think its good to have driverless cars?
Would you ever like to know what your classmate next to you is feeling about you or being in class? The new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. This new system would help students, teacher, or anyone you know what they are feeling based off their emotions. This new way of technology will help us understand what we can do to improve student's emotions in the classroom. This technology is valuable, it will help us know how students are feeling, help us figure out when someone is lying, and may also help produce happiness to students. The Facial Action Coding System will give us an idea how the students are feeling during class. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"(Dr.Huang). With this technology we can now figure out what students are going through during class, and know if there needs to be a change to improve their learning skills. This technology would help teachers have an idea that the students are not following or undertanding the class. The teachers then can find new ways to modify the lesson to get the students on the right page. This new technology will also help give clues when a student is lying. "These muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful,"(Making Mona Lisa Smile, D'Alto). This can also help teachers figure out if a student is lying about a serious problem. This technology will also help improve our schools and help find new ways to improve students emotions if other teachers or students know about their feelings. The Facial Action Coding System can be a way to produce happiness to students. "Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them,"(Facial Feedback Theory of Emotions). It is healthy that students smile rather than be angry, sad, or stressed. Practicing to create a smile is a good way to be happy. In conclusion, this Facial Action Coding System is a valuable piece of technology. It is helpful in so many ways, like knowing how students around you are feeling, gives clues when a student is being untruthful, and may also cause happiness to students who are having a tough time. This technology should be used for schools all over the world. Technology improves everyday and we should take an advantage by using it all around in schools, work, or even at home.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. It can be very useful and impactful to know the emotions that some students might be having. The technology can point out emotions and moods teachers don't see or know for sure are happening. This can be a new step towards help students when they are down and need help with something. The text says, "Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-and then assoicated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." This says that any face expression that is shows by a students the Facial Action Coding System can pick it up and compare it to the emotion the student is having. The FACS can help teachers recongize the emotions because the calculation of our emotions happens every day. Some people or friends might be able to pick up on how a students is feeling based on the way they look, but not all the time. Sometimes it is hard to pick up on how a person is feeling because their facial trait can convey different expression. Dr. Huang with his new computer software has similar anatomical information as electronic code to help and understand the emotions of people through different facial expression. FACS can be even more helpful to students in any classroom. The about 1 teacher for about 12 to 16 highschool students a class, the teacher might not be able to see you at a certain time. If the computer can pick up your emotion of confused it can better help you understand and modify the lesson for the students. The text says, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery." This shows how FACS can also make class and school more enjoying and interesting. Not have to look at the same type of videos over and over, but being able to get different types of video. As humans it hard to try and understand each other because of how different we actually are. We don't really understand each other facial expression besides the ones we actually see. We don't know the difference between a real simile and a fake similie. That why FACS would be good to use because it is programmed to know the difference between all facial expressions. It can help teachers understand students and can also help students inside the class room. If this is actually brought to schools and tested I feel it will have a be impact on students and teachers. You will probably see a change in students behaviors and grades with the helping of FACS.
In this article i read about "Making Mona Lisa Smile" was about the creator of the art frew how she normally felt which was not so cheerful but more like what she's a normal act she was as half as happy as she was she always was more in a good mood more than a bad. but as i look at the art created by Leonardo da Vinci's i can tell her mood its like a slightly smile but also a i dont care type of person like she's happy but also she can careless whats going on and how things are around her that slight smile on her face shows that she's not always angry but its more of a smerk like something you do when your kinda naughty about something. She's giving like kinda that evil eye. In this picture it also not just about her and her actions but look around her where shes's at look like a lonely river where its a thoughtful place where she can think and for me what sets ut off is the fact that this coloring donest really have any color as much as its just a copy and the real one got a slight color to it not alot of bright out there type of color its more of a "ehh" type like its there but not bright like how they express her feelings shes happy therefor its there but than it dont need to be.
Driverless cars are coming, I honestly thin this is not the best thing to come up with. This could alo be a good thing in some ways. An example is people can get work done they havent finsihed or something but the only problem is you have to pay attention to the car and whats going on. If you dont pay attention then you could get hurt. Driverless cars could be very dangerous. First, the text states you have to pay attention to the car and everything but most people will do what they want and not pay attention to whats going on. If this happenes then the car may crash or something and the driver will get hurt.Second, you need the driver to drive or apply brakes, etc. so this isnt the best thing to come up with. Plus some people would get really lazy with driving and not pay attention at all then the world wouldnt be that great, because people would have everything being done for them. A good thing about this car is it has sensors that will detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. This will apply on the brakes and reduce power fom the engine allowing a far better response, but the person could still get hurt because of drivers behind them not knowing that they are stopping or something and crash into them. Overall I think the driverless car is a good idea but mostly a bad idea until it is more advanced.
How do you feel about the electoral college? It's really useless if you ask me. Where not even voting for the president "but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." Just think about what i said and try to make sense of it. Electoral collage is very useless why do i say this you may ask. Well like source 2 says and gives you a great example "if you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledge to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes." A good question you might be asking yourself is, that who are the electors? Well  they can be anyone not holding public office states source 2. Another problem is that the popular vote winner could lose the presidency. All you can do is just prey for the best. Another good reason on why i feel very negative towards electoral college is that "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people" states source 2. So you are basically voting for someong to vote for who you want to vote for and they  might not even defy your will. The electoral collage is just not fair to voters. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in sates they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in  the swing states. Over all "electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational". They are completly right think about you dont wanna give the wrong person all the powers the president has.                                      
The author supports people to study Venus is because Venus is a very intersting planet, and we can larn many great things from learning it. Venus is the closet planet to Earth when it comes to the density and size, according to paragraph 2. And paragraph 2 also mentioned "Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The dangerous things that happended the Venus is that the atmospheric pressure is way greater than Earth. The tempetrature on Venus is incredibly hot, it's known as the hottest planet in the solar system. Humans should also understand that Venus is very similar to earth, the 4th paragraph said that " If our sister planet is so inhospitable" by that quote it explains how Venus is earth's twin. Back in the days Venus was covered with large portions of oceans. Now the planet still has some very alike features to earth, such as valleys,moutains and craters. Those are features Earth has, in other words our planet. according to paragrph 4. Venus is a very intersting planet to learn about, because it explains the differences and similiarites to Earth. A lot of people probably don't know much about the planet. Venus is the closet planet people can visit.
You may wonder why you haven't seen people using their cars lately. This is because those citiznes have realized the advantages of limited car usage. There are many valid reasons why using a car is not the way to go when it comes to transportation. In Elisabeth Rosenthal's article "...Life Goes on Without Cars" she talks to Heidrun Walter who has amited to the fact "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," citizens become happier when they aren't using a car as a way of transportation. Life without cars can make you happier, isn't that what everyone want - to be happy? And this is just one way to do so. There are more advantages to limited car usage than you think. We prevent smog "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." We all hate how annoying smog can be, so all we have to do is the stop using cars as much and we won't see the thing we hate anymore. Even if you think that your city will only be prevented from smog, others will as well. While there are disadvantages to the fact of not having a car, but isn't there more advantages to not having an Earth to live on? That's right, if we treat the Earth like we are now and using cars so much out "home" will be destroyed all thanks to humans like us. In Robert Duffer's article about smog bans he states "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city", so if we take the example of Paris we can stop pollution and prevent losing our home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Dear, State Senator, I argue in the favor of keeping the electoral college. I think that it really doesn't matter what a single person vote can do. One vote will not make a difference. The state uses the americans vote, to see what we would pefer. Every vote an ‘ important ' person makes, it counts that. I personally think its a waist of time to vote,that us americans really have no say so in. I bet that if we all didn't vote this next go around, we would still have a president. All because, of what the ‘ important ' people want. All 538 electors know who is better for the United States of America. So, why we vote? The only thing against the electoral college, is what we might call the Disaster Factor. Back, in 1960, segregationist, in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with the new electors who would oppese John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism. a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be {overruled} by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing the the electoral college method id not democratic in a modern sense. It is the electors who elect the president. NOT the people. When you cote for a presidential candidate you're actaully voting for a slate of electos. So, you might as well just let the electoral collge do the job. I mean if you want to go and vote mor power to you. But, like I said its a waist of time to do so!!! Thank you for reading, Ashlee
Imaging getting hit by a driverless car and not knowing how is to blame. "Driverless Cars Are Coming," talks about the development of driverless cars. It goes into detil about how they work, their function, and how soon they should be avaible for purcuse. Having driverless cars can negtivity effect people because they can be dangerous,not many laws for them, and they takes a important live skill for teens. Driverless cars can have a negtivity effect because they can be dangerous, not many laws, and they takes a important live skill for teens. These cars can be dangerous becaus they don't have the fast reflexes like humans. The sensors are also unpredictable,"they needed a whole lot of sensors" (Driverless Cars Are Coming"). With a lot of sensors who knows when one will fail, or how bad it is. Automakes made antilock brakes they, "used speed sensors at the wheels,"(Driverless Cars Are Coming") these sensor can faill. Leading to why some antilock brakes do not work proprely."human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). If all the sensors worked it would only be a matter of time before someone hits something becasuse their car didn't warn them soon enough. By not having to drive you have already lost some of your alertness. Being told you need to drive and having to take over just like they, is bound to cause problems. With the transsion from computer to driver, the driver need to have enough time to esses the sution and make a decition on what they are going to do, If the car is going too fast, then the driver will not have time to decied. In the article it says "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars"(Driverless Cars Are Coming). Without anylaws to control these cars, or how and what is developed in them they are most to be more umpredictoble. Without any laws they have to follow the creators of the cars can do crazy things. These driverless car can take a impotrant life skill away from teens. The childeren are the future, with driverless cars on the horision, people will think, they don't need to drive this young. There for raising the age for being able to drive so they will have less experence when they do start driving. Is having driverless cars really a good ideal because they are dangerous, there are not many laws for them, and they take away a important life skill for teens. The development of these cars contune today, some componeis even plan to have a car ready by the year 2020. With that inmind we will have to change some current laws. Do you think this is really worth out time, money and effort?
It was a stormy night, the wind shook and almost tipped this dang ship to the bottom of the sea. "Captain we need to go back to shore, if we don't we'll all die!" My captain said nothing, and then without hesetaition he screamed" This is NOTHING, got it men I've expiranced worse so die or be dead." All the men start screaming, in the backround I could hear the cows and people grabing on to them to save there lives." Captain I see something, it looks like a watermelon?" Then a quick swoop and he grabbed the telescope and saw a tree."We're SAVED." We actully arrived at France. "A man walked up to me and said you here to bring cows?" My freind Don all ready got some cows of the ship, people started gathering around and they were exited because they had hope. I asked the captain if I could make an anouncement. "Why, yes you've been such a good man I let you, but only this time." He had a dread look. I walked up to the podem and said and quote this,"People, we are short of some cowboys for our program and we'd like some voluntiers, if anyone of you are grateful enough please join." No one raised there hand, I could see mothers sushing their child. I gave up and backed down. My friend Don came up to me and said." It's okay we really don't need any more people, besides we'll have less food for us." He knew I had a sad look so he just walked away. After I woke up I went to the kitchen to get my breakfeast and no one was there, so I yelled out. Anyone home!?" Then I went on the regerstration room I saw hundreds of people waiting to sign up, we didn't even have any more ships to carry that much. I asked Don how did you do this, he just said. "Hope."
There was no technology back when the Mona Lisa was made. They had pictures and the picture showed emotion. There are some people that can see the emotions of people and some are herd to see then others. They are making technology to read the emotional expressions and that it knowns when your lieing. There are pictures that show emotion, people that see other peoples emotion, and now there making technology that reads emotional expressions. First, of there are pictures of people and there always will be. In those pictures you can see someones emotion and how someone is feeling. Back then they only had pictures to see. From theose pictures most artist and people could see peoples emotions, but it was meanly the artist that could read someones emotion. The artist could see throw someones fake smile or if it was real. That's why there pictures showed how many emotion she had. Next, there are some people that can read others emotion and for it's hard or they can see them. Everybody is different most people that read somebody's emotion is because there a love one or a every good friend and they can read your emotion. There is just other people that don't care. Most people should be able to see if your angry, sad or happy. Those emotions are easy to see, kids show it all the time even when there not feeling so good. Finaly, there is technology being made that reads someones emotion. The technology even know's when it is a lie. So somebody can just take a picture of somebody and there emotion. There is going to be a person that lie's the technology. Technology isn't going to make you feel better. That person is going to need a love one or a close friend, to help them out. There always going to be somebody close by that will help you out. Could be throw a picture and that could help you. Or a friends that sees you happy, sad, or mad. The technology might tell them there emotion, but wont help them out. There are pictures that show emotion, people that see other peoples emotion, and now there making technology that reads peoples emotional expressions.
The author has a lot of background knowledge of Venus. The author supports their idea very well, making it easy to understand where he/she is coming from. The author puts in facts, opinions, and really gives the readers an understanding of why exploring Venus would be worth the danger. The author states many facts to help their article thrive. They list all the reasons why it would be a good idea and what the dangers would be with going forth with exploring Venus. There are many different dangerous things that come with Venus. First of all, the article states that Venus has the "hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system... 800 degrees Fahrenheit" meaning that even metal would melt on Venus. Not only the horrible heat, but it's made up of about 97 percent of carbon dioxide. Venus is just not the right place to get a hands-on experience with. However, Venus is the "twin" of Earth. Meaning that they are close to the same shape and size. The only reason studying Venus would be worth it is because it could of been another Earth at one point. "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" states the article. Which means that it is something to look inot. Possibly once having life on another planet other than Earth? That's a big deal. NASA can find out more about our Earth if they were able to actaully discover Venus. Concluding this, I do not believe that we would ever really be able to find out much about Venus. All of the spacecrafts sent there have not lasted, the atmosphere is too complicated, and it would be to much work for little to no pay off. Yes, it would be nice to understand more and discover something that hasn't been done before. All in all it just doesn't seem possible. Even if the scientists were to float above Venus it just wouldn't be enough. They wouldn't be able to get samples, get a lay of the land, or even really good pictures for that matter. The author did put in some good facts on why we should and the dangers, it just doens't seem possible at the moment.
Venus, our future sister home, is the second planet from our sun. To this day, Sicentists study its similarities to Earth's size and density. Most times Mars is closer to Earth or Earth is closer to Mars. Venus's atmosphere is different that Earth's, most of Venus's atmosphere is carbon dioxide. "The planet's surace, temperatures averge over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater thatn what we experience on our own planet." (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" well supports the idea that Venus is worth the pursuit. Though that Venus is Earth's twin, the obrit around the sun run at diferent speeds. Somtimes human minds turn towards Mars, others towards Venus, but Venus seems to be more suitble. Numerous of spacecrafts have been lanuched, but none survived the landing within hours. This became a challenge for humans to study for decades to come. Venus's environment are more extreme compared to Earth. The planet's suface temperature is more hotter than the other planets in the solar system. Then why scientists bother to continue visits to its suface? Well, Venus, long ago, was once a Earth-like planet. It is said that Venus had oceans and various forms of life. This inspire astronomers. NASA are coming up with idea that would help send humans to study Venus. Hover vehicles that would avoid ground conditions, 1800s mechanical computers to make calculations that don't require electronics. Today, Earth is running out of natural resources; trees are being cut down more than usually, pollution in the air then into the atmosphere, even worse ocean levels seem to rise. Solution are being made, but if time seems to run out and humans tend to find a planet similar to earth, then so be it.
The advantages of limiting car usage is that there would be less pollution in the story it says that paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. There would be less trafic jams in the artical it stated that millans of colobians hiked,biked,skated or took busses to work during a car free day, because there are less cars they were able to replace bad sidewalks with smooth nice sidewalks and new restronts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. In the artical it said that parks and sport centersalso have boomed throughout the city uneven pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad,smooth sidewalks, rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic and new restronts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. Some other advantages of limiting car usage would be that people would be more fit and not fat since they have to bike or walk places instead of eating mcdonalds and driving around. And since there alweays biking or walking places they would feel stronger and not as week they would know that in a situation where there stranded witout a car they can ralay on walking places since there more used to walking than driving. And i feel that if people started walking instead of driving people would be more friendly to each other and they would know one another but if everyone was driving like how they are they are there only way of comunication is to honk at one another so they never actually get to talk and get to know each other. Some ideas i have to make this work is to make the tikets of driving a car higher and make smoother and better roads/sidewalks, and if you really want this to work you have to make better bikes that are easyer to ride faster sronger and more reliable other than selling a piese of metal on two weels or you could lover the prises of bikes and walking shoes because not everyone can afford the best bikes and walking shoes so if you lowerd your prises people can actually afford transportation such as bikes, skateboards and all that other good stuff instead of a car. Right now would be a good time to start trying to make people ride bikes or walkn other than using a car because according to the artical americas love affair with its vehicals seems to be cooloing , when adjusted for population growth ,the number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and dropped stedially thereafter. Car ownership per household and per person started to come down two or three years before the downturn said Mickael Sivak ,who studies the trend and who is an reaserch professor at the university of michigan transportation reaserch instatude. And if the patterns keep going like how they are it will have benefical implications for corbon emission and the enviorment. These are all the reasons and facts why we should limit car usage and start walking or riding bikes.
Now today I am going to disprove your statement that aliens created the Face seenon the red planet of Mars. The first thing that you have wrong is that the Face seen on Mars is of alien orgin. The Face that you see in the picture is just an oddly shaped Martian mesa. In fact there are very common on that region of Mars so for all we know there could very well be more oddly shaped mesas in that area. The fact is that you miss read the caption of the picture or didn't even look at it at all. If you would've you should have seen the caption stating that the reason it resembles a human head is because of the shadows giving the illusion of eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The only reason the let people see that photo is because they wanted more people to be intrested more in Mars. Plus on April 5, 1998 NASA reaveled to everyone on their website the Face was mearly an oddly shapped Natural landform. In conclusion there are several ways that we could disprove your statement. The first being that it is just a mesa which dosen't have a distinct form, which means that if another one forms it could very well be a dog or a cat. The second being that you may have just miss read or not have read the caption. Which clearly states that the reason the Face looks like that is because of the shadows and thats why it has a mouth, a nose, and eyes. Those are just two major reasons we know it's definetly a natural landform and not an alien made face.
Are aliens accually real? Scientists have been wondering that for many years. I believe they are not. The Face is just a natural landform. The Face was not created by aliens. In fact, NASA has no proof that aliens even exist. After all, if they did exist we would have found more creations of theirs by now. Therefore, they do not exist, meaning that the Face is just a natural landform made by weather. NASA has never seen any type of alien life on Mars. The Face could not have been created by aliens. The photographs show that the landform changed over time. Although aliens could have changed the creation, it would be very unlikely. The weather could have made the shape of the Face change. Some of the Face could have eroded away. Therefore meaning that aliens do not exist, and the Face is only a natural landform. Others say the Face was created by aliens. However, if aliens existed, they would have made more of these exotic creations. If aliens did exist, why would they give themselves up for some landform after they had stayed hidden for so long? The puzzle pieces just don't fit together. It wouldn't make any sense. The creation is not alien made. The Face is only a natural landform. It is not something that was created by aliens. In fact, NASA has no proof aliens even exist. They could not say that aliens created it when they have no evidence. In this essay, it is stated that aliens are not real and did not create the Face.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," it gives you many reason why we should explore Venus. You can tell from this artical, although there are many dangers that might be presented there are many good thing that can come. Some people believe that life can be found in other planes. The author gives us valid reason why we should explore Venus. He states that Venus is closes to the Earth, he also states that Venus and Earth have many similarity. Lastly because of the challenge. In the first Paragraph, the author says that Veuns is often referres to as Earth's twin. Venus is the the closest planet to earth distnace wise. Also the density and size are very similar. Since the sun orbits at different speed sometimes we are closer to mars and other time we are closer to venus. Venus is sometimes right around the corner. Since somethimes it is the closes plane towards us humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on Venus. Meaning we can gather more information on it. Venus may have once been the most Earth-like planet in the solar system. Many years ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Today Venus still has features that are analogous to those on earth. The author states the plante has a rocky sediment and familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can be our nearest option for planetary visit. Lastly, facing the challenges presented by Venus has a important value. Human curiosity will most likely lead us into many equally intimdating endeavors. Our travels on earth should not be limited by the dangers and doubts it should be expanded to meet the last edges of imagination. By trying to explore Venus we could have a better understanding . As the human population grows we will need more space than earth. If sicentist could find a way to form human life it would be helpful to everyone and everything around us. In conclusion, the author states the artical with many valid facts and gives a good and strong supporting ideas. There are many thing we can benifit from if we challenge and explored Venus. The author also gave very good and constructive reason as to facts. He also gaves us the prositve and negtives but told us how the positive out ruled the negitive in many ways.
The use of this technoligy to read emotional expressions of students in class rooms is valuable. the paragragh talks about professer Thomas Haung institute for Advanced Science the University of illinoins. He callaborated with Professer Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Where they both develop better ways for humans and computer to communicate. I believe so with the process they use that includes 3-D computer models of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like humans. They can can use this to identify the emotoins of a character i a video game, movie, and painting. Dr. Paul Eckman the creater of FACS classifies the six basic emotions such as happy, suprised, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and assoctiate ech with the movements of the facial muscles. The Using video imagery the new emotion-recognition sofware identify mixed emotions each is comperd against neutral face. the home pc we use cannot handle the complex algorithms used to decode mona lisa smile. My conclusion to this essay is I believed this new brand of tech is valuable. the facts shown indecate it is possible to identify the emotions in her smile.
Dear Senator, Have you ever thought about changing a certain system of voting that is currently in place? This system that I am talking about is the electoral college system, used for voting for president, vice president and sometimes other congressmen. This system unites both views from small states and big states, having two senators per state, no matter the size, and also acquires electors based on population. Some people think that this is an effective system and should not be replaced because everyone is president and because of the presence of swing and big states, as stated in source 3, but I beg to differ. I strongly feel that this system should be removed because it is inaccurate, the electors vote, and lastly because of the disaster factor. Additionally, The reason why I don't agree with this current system is an issue that can have multiple consequences and none are positive, which is that the electors vote, not you. We do not have the ability to vote for president, we only acquire the ability to vote for the electors that will hopefully vote for the president of your choice. Sometimes, the elector completely disregards what the people want and who the people are voting for,  and they do have this ability to ignore the majority's preference and vote for the opposite candidate of the people's choice. If their is a tie situation,as stated in source 2, in which both presidents have the same amount of votes, the case is tossed to the House of Representatives, where state electors who would normally vote for the vice president is now obligated to vote for the president. Additionally, another reason that this system be removed immediately for the reason that it is not very accurate. This system doesn't show who the people actually want to vote for, it just gives the electors some ideas as to who to cast their vote for. So in reality, the people are actually voting for the electoral college and the electors, as opposed to voting directly for the president. According to source 1, most states have a "winner-take-all" system in place in which all votes are awarded to one candidate and is not based on personal opinion. This shows who the state in general or in majority wants to be awarded president; but in source 2 it states, if you want to vote for a democrat and your state is a republican state you have no choice as an individual to change your state's opinion. Referring back to source 1, when you vote for your candidates you are actually voting for your candidate's electors, so if your candidate wants to change opinion, you have no choice. And it shouldn't be like that , we shouldn't have to indirectly choose our president hoping that our messenger doesn't change his/her mind. Finally, the last and, in my opinion, the most significant issue to this system is the fact that a disaster factor could take place in any election. Looking back to source 2 and also in source 3, we caught a glimpse of this unfortunate situation in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. But this was just a minor part as to what this system is capable of and can do. Another example stated in source 2, in 1960 segregationists almost succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with other electors that would be contrary to John F. Kennedy and would throw him off. According to source 1, each candidate has his or her own group of electors, but there is a possibility that these electors could revolt against his candidates and vote for the candidate's opponent. To conclude, I feel that this system used for voting the presidents and vice presidents should be replaced by another system that does have a direct correlation to the voters opinion and who they choose in their voting screen. Not acccurate, electors vote not people and the disaster factor- these are all flaws that I have found in this system that is currently in place and I feel that this should be fixed. So I agree with Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Bob Dole where they believe that the electoral college should be abolished and replaced by a better system. Do something about it!
The Emotional Classroom Using technology when trying to find out if a student is lost or just does not get the topic is a useful thing to have in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System which enables computers to identify human emotions is a great feat in artificial intelligence. Using technology like that in a common daily use could be what the future is all about. I know that the Facial Action Coding System is what the future of learning will be all about. For one, it helps teachers figure if students are interested or not, two, it allows computer programs to advance, and three, it will more importantly help the students. For the longest time teachers have been trying to figure out if a student is in need of help. With new technology coming out people have been getting closer at achieving that goal. With the Facial Action Coding Systems teachers may now be able to figure out just how their student feels about a certain topic or problem they may be facing. According to details from the text Dr. Huang predicts, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." With that type of technology there is no reason why any student should be failng any of their classes. With facial recognition being the next big thing in the world, people are coming up with more useful things than just capturing human emotions and giving back it to them. People are using this type of technology to advance their own needs. " The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive--- for video games or video surgery." Meaning, that when people want to make an expression for an animated movie they could just use a real person and track their movements and put them in the scene. Kids could learn from the facial software to help them understand different expressions made by other people so they know how to act in front of them in real life. Let's say a student wants to ask their teacher a question but they just don't know what they want to ask, or they do know but don't know how to express their question. The FACS picks up their worried expression and gives it to the teacher. Now the teacher knows that the student is troubled and now finds different ways to help them out. Those are just some ways to help a child in need. I'm pretty sure that more scientist are coming up with more solutions to help students in the classroom. Most students are usually inable to ask the question they really need or are just too slow to get their question out before the teacher moves on. With FACS teachers are able to quickly catch on to what they just said and help the student out when they trully need it. In conclusion I do belive that schools should get their hands on the Facial Action Coding Systems. For one, it help their teachers, two, it advances science, and three, it most importantly help the studensts in all that they need. Facial recognition is the kind of future that requires you to do minimal work.
I think that they should get rid of the electoral college, becuase each person shoule just be able to vote who they want to be president, instead of having to vote on someone and then they represent your and they vote on the president of the united states. One of the other reasons i think the electoral college should be Abolished is that for instence say you voted for a elector, well that elector you voted for could always pick someone else instead of who you thought that they were going to pick for president. Another reason that i belive they should get rid of the electoral college is that acording to the article by The Office Of Federal Register . most states have a "winner take all system" which awards all electors to the winnong presidential canidate. When you go to vote, you shouldnt have to pick an elector to elect who you want to be the new President Of The United States Of America, when you go to vote, you should just pick who you want to be president, so that you dont have to rely on someone picking who you want to be the Pesident.
I think that we shouldn't use the technology to read a students emotional expresions everyday in a classroom at school. It should just be used playing a video game and using technology that advanced coud be more fun for the game heads. Using technology that advanced in the classroom could distract students by playing with the technology or just not having intrest for the lesson but intrest for the machine. But using it could help the teachers to make sure that the students are understanding the lesson and are not confuesd with it or even bored. The students can interact with the technology more and want to invent something of their own one day to make the children happy like this facial expression technology made them. Or even start something to get rid of the technology of this day. The process of doing everything could also take some time away by having to constuct the 3-D model. Having all of the major muscels on the 3-D model will also help by knowing when the students are faking something just to get through the day. Having the classroom facial expression reader could be embarssing for some students that are quiet and don't like to interact with the classroom. Faking a smile could help sometimes but having to force to do one everyday could affect a person and how they feel about life. The technology can affect the students at home when they go and tell their parents, aunts, and uncles maybe because of religion or just because of the parent or gaurdians way of raising their children. Also we have to think about if the machine would break down and read a students facial expresions wrong and the student would have to do something they were not expecting to do. The teacher could also be agaist the facial expressions and not want to use it but having to use it, or if the students want to read the teachers facial expressions and it says disgusted and happy for the percentage what would the classroom think of the teacher. At the end of the day you shouldn't depend on technology to do everything for you when you can understand a person perfectly by talking to them and interacting instead of a technology doing everything for you. Having video games is where the technology should stay at and advance in.
Venus, the second planet from our sun, the "Evening Star" as some say is referred to as Earth's "twin." The atmosphere of this raging planet is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, the clouds are formed of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. This planet named Venus is deemed inhospitable by the author of this passage, yet the author feels he/she should express and support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author supports the idea that Venus may have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus has a rocky surface of sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. The author also includes the statement that long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been working on different types of equipment to be able to behold many different methods to send technology to Venus. The author states that this technology will allow humans to further understand Venus's complex array of difficulties presented by wanting to send exploration teams to the planet. The author allows the reader to have a clear view into why it is valuable to be able to have the tools to explore Venus in the near future. He/she shows that human curiosity could lead us into situations where we need this certain technology to help us with different challenges presented in the future. Humans have a lot to learn not only about the problems we face when trying to meet exploration needs, but to gain the valuable insight the author states learning about Venus has. Striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus could lead humans into expanding their knowledge to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation the author feels so strongly that humans should aspire to reach.
The Challenges that we have in our world of tecnology is that some of it is not good enough and that is ok because we are getting better. The challenges we face trying to go to Venus is that there is a thick atmosphere of almost 97% Carbon Dioxide is covering it in like a blanket which is very hard to get through. According to the author, " Often referred to as Earth's (twin,) Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." It would be nice to have another planet to go to in case of this one had gotten distroyed or in like population. We have faced many challenges in our technology now that trying to go to another planet like Venus in paticular, maybe in the future we could live there but not now, It would be nice to have another planet to go to if there was something bad to have happen to our planet now or maybe if we got to crowded in this world with the population. The challenges we face trying to go there is that its is the second planet from the sun so it would be hot. Our technology is not good right now but soon it will be good enough to have successfully landed on Venus. The seasons like on Earth are months but on venus it might not be. Not a single spacecraft has landed or has survived a landing which is very scary. It has said in the article, that not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus for more that three decades. This is one of the challenging planets but soon in the end when we figure it out and we will celebrate. Also on our planets surface temperatures averages over 800 degrees Farenheit, but Venus atmospheric pressure is over 90 times greater than what we experience now on our own planet! There is no way that if our technology cant make it then there is no way that we are. Not even a second. We cannot live there for so many reasons but soon we will have been able to figure it out successfuly landed on Venus. There is reasons why we cannot live there and here is some reasons why. Venus is the hottest planet and its the second planet from the sun. Mercery is the planet that is the closest to the sun but Venus is the second but yet it is the hottest. Its very hot but we probably would have no season because the Venus spins an orbits around us alot faster than we do. The carbon dioxide, acid, and even gas is scary poisons that can kill us in seconds. Also that we would have to worry about if we did go there. If none of our spaceships can go there and not survive then we are more than likely not to have survived by the time we reach the outer layer. It would be nice to live there but there are so much bad that could happen to us. If we were to have figured it out then we are more and likely to surive if we could also figure out what we can do to keep us alive like maybe have a space suit on the whole time. We could totally go to one planet and have a greater chance of living then to be stuck on one and be trapped. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well be the only chance that we have. It is almost Earth-like planet in our solar system alone. Venus was probably once covered in largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Venus has a surface of rockey sefiment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountins, and even craters. Venus is also the nearest option for planetary visit, but the crucial visit of space travel to get some people there is going to take awhile. Is it an identical twin to us and it is the closests to size and even density. It would be a good place to go and seek shelter if our world would have gotten distroyed. In the long run it would be really good to figure it out and actually have a spacecraft successfully land. There are its challenges but we as humans do not give up until we find the answers. We will have eventually be on Venus but it will take a long time considering that it has taken 3 decades and it might be longer to have sent out a spacecraft and it succesfully land. The reasons why we can't live there is many of reasons but we will soon fine out ways. Even NASA has an idea of what could work. It might be a really dumb way but in the end if it does work then we will have successfully be on Venus. Even if we are floating blimp like around 30 or so miles about the roiling Venusial landscape.
To start off I see electorcal college as a bad thing... Not for one reason For many reasons but the main one is that its unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all-system in each state. Anther Reason is because canidates dont spend time in the states they know they have no chance of winning. Abd there only fucosing only on tight races in the "siwng" states. And plus its unfair, outdated, and last irrational... Reason i say that is because it doesnt give no chance for us to find our right leader and to me you need to be fair with your voters and need to have the right president for your country. So he could do smart decisions for your people and state... And plus i disagree wuth this system because am in the democratic side of the hole system. And the Electorcal College is not democratic method of selecting a president that ought be overuled... In otherwords it is the electors that choose the president not the people. And to me theres no point of voting because if you cant oick what you want then whats the point of even trying to vote. And your not voting for president your voting for the state of electors so they could choose the president for you... But the only thing positive thing that i see that each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the partys nominee. But there are many rataining things about the Electrol College that you may not or may know about but i think i need to tell you... Its a lack of democratic pedigree, all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons. What am trying to say with this hole thing its that it doesnt fucos on the people as much as it should. And the Electorcal College method of selecting the president may turn off alot of voters that are intrested in voting or taking place in our country, or just has no hope of carrying there state. For example Demorcrats in Texas, or Republicans in California. There votes will not be effected. Reason being because they have less incentive to pay attention to the compaign than most of them would have if the president were picked by the popular vote... But lets face it non voters swings in a national election, and in spite pf that, about one-half of the American population did vote in 2012 election. So if you think about it, it was only succesful during 2012 or maybe a little before that... And another negative thing about the Electoral College with the Big states that might really get your attention is that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance so that means large states have lose by the virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decrease in the Constition.. For example the popular vote in Florida was very close.  Obama who won that vote got 29 electoral votes. So that means a victory for him... But the one good thing about it is that the larger states get more attention then the smaller states do. Well to end this letter I want to say i disagree with keeping Electoral College and those were the reasons... Hope you get to read what i got to say and i Hope I make a change about this issue.                                  
Just imagine how many information you can get reading "the challenge of exploring Venus" It can teach you a lot of things that maybe you did not know before. The author speak about Venus how if he went there, he give you a lot information about the planet like, to Venus people sometimes calle "Evening Star" and explain why people give it this nickname. Explain the Venus it is really close from our planet and scienfics should examine better. Maybe the author thinks that there can be life. Venus is Earth's Twin because have almost the same density and size, and occasionally th closest distance. He says the other planets orbiut the sun a differents speed too. What he means is that sometimes we are closer from mars and others from venus. Venus is a planet not really safety because a thick atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, The temperatures can be 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than our planet is, There is not humans who can resist this. Venus was a planet almost like the Earth, it was covered with ocean and various froms os life. And today still have stuff like the Earth so this mean that scientific should verify this planet better. Maybe is our next planet to live? Venus maybe could be our next country, no one knows, is amazing and would be amazing if in a future we have to live this planet to another. The posilibilities of that this can happen are not a lot, but if th Scientifics or the NASA find a planet identical to this wil be a big step for the humanity.
Driverless cars could be good and bad. I personally think that it's bad because the technology could stop working at any given time and someone could get hurt. People wouldn't really get to learn how to drive a car if cars started driving themselves. It would just defeat the purpose of learning how to drive if all cars were automatically able to drive. Since the sensors in the car could just stop working at any given time, it would probably be the manufacturers fault and not the person driving. Any kind of technology has problems for no reason. Most teenagers look forward to learn how to drive and get their first car. It would just defeat the purpose of learning how to drive if everybody was having driverless cars. In conclusion, I feel like driverless cars shouldn't be a thing because you would have to make new laws for it, it would defeat the purpose of learning how to actually drive a car, and the technology for the driverless car could stop working at any given time. It could be very dangerous.
January 23rd, 2015 Greetings Mr. Senator, There is one particular issue that has been boggling my brain recently. It is none other than the electoral college system. Irrational, unfair , and outdated is exactly what the electoral college system is. Isn't the virtues of American's built on foundations such as rationality, equality/fairness, and mobility? The head of the United States government isn't even elected to the standards that we, the American people, hold ourselves to. Mr Senator, I agree with the clause "majority rules" to an extent, with "winner takes all" being on the whole other side of the ball park. If Americans had a straight voting system, meaning no electoral college, where simply stated, whichever candidate recieves the most votes wins, the process in which we elect our government head would hold truer to our values. With our current system, hundreds of thousands of Americans votes don't matter. This mass of people is citizens of eligibility to vote. Where are there rights? What does this say about our system? The "winner takes all theory" ignores voters. If a state leans 51% democrat, then the entire state is accounted for the democratic party. What about those 49% of republicans. Where does their vote go? - down the toliet along with the credibility and accuracy of the electoral college. Now, if this predicament occurs in near half of our 50 states, a candidate who did not recieve the popular vote will reign triumphant over a candidate who a majority of the American people elected to be their new president. According to, "The Indefensible College", by Bradford Plummer, Americans lose out on more than just an acountable vote. Candidates don't even spend time in the states they are certain of having no chance in winning. Logically, candidates only spend their time in the "swing states" where they could possibly steal al of that states eleectoral college votes (lines 13-20). Shockingly 17 states didn't see a single candidate during the 2000 election (lines 20-21). We sure did suceed and ignoring hundreds of thousands Americans there. This neglect isn't the fault of the candidates though. Where shall i place the blame, Mr. Senator? There is no childish, frivilolus blame to be placed. Simply stated, the fault lies in our electoral college system. The candidates are just playing the game of the electoral college. The counterclaim for my argument may suggest that the certainty of outcome and the expulsion of run-off elections is enough to substantiate the electoral college. Are you saying that America doesn't have the time to recount votes to ensure the prosperity of the American people. Is that the messege you want to project? It sure isn't coming off well. The certainty of outcome is ludicrous as well. Source 3, "In Defense to the Electoral College", even admits that the electoral college is a non-democratic method of selecting a president (lines 15-17). Liars, we are liars then. Americans project an image of America to the world that we are a peacful democracy. However, if the way that we select our leaders isn't even democratic, why are we portraying this false mirage. The electoral college is an anachronism (lines 15- 16). We are a stage four country on the demographic treansitions model. Therefore, our aspirations should be looking forward and not rooted in the past. Mr. Senator, I know you are a sensible man who cares about the people he represents. The people's right to vote matters, yes? Do not be so arrogant as to ignore the people who elected you. May I direct you to the preamble to our constitution? Isn't that the sole foundatio of our government? The electoral college system is a mock of the American people and an outdated idea that does not fit in with our current state as a whole. A win by the popular vote is much more commendable by a landslide victory on false pretences. Thoughtfully, PROPER_NAME  
Studying Venus is a very worthy pusuit. To study Venus we could learn so much more information than we already have. Venus is said to be the closets realtion to Earth but we cant prove that unless we go explore it. In the Article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author describes Venus as a very dangerous place full of many challenges that could extreamly hurt anyone trying to explore it. Venus has challenges like air pressure, heat, earthquakes, lighting strikes to probes, volcanos, storms, radiation, and highly corrosive sulfuric acid clouds. The heat on the surface of the planet is said to be close to 800° Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater than it is on Earth. Because of these factors it is almost immposible to be explored by any human. Venus should still be explored because there are so many things we need to find out about it. The planet Venus "might have at one point been the most earth like planet in our solar system"(paragraph 4). This is something that would be extreamly important to find out since is could have recources like water and minerals living on the surface. It is also not for sure but "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth"(paragragh 4). This is something that could help scientist to determine if or what life forms could have one survived there. This could also help scientists figure out how other planets eco-systems work and thrive. Although that would be great to find out, the dangers are so high on the planet that it would be almost impossible to figure out. However, some solutions are there. one solution would be to "allow scientists to float above the fray"(paragraph 5). This means scientist and explorers would float about the clouds and the surface of Venus and examine it from the top. Doing this would keep everything away from the person and make their travels safer. At that level "the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth"(paragraph 5). The dangers from the air would be significantly less than that at surface level. This is a very plausable solution that would help us explore and keep science safe. Venus is a planet that needs to be explored despite the dangers. It would be very profound to science and would help us understand how it use to be in the past, as well as how it has changed over hears. It would be a risky mission but thanks to science and engineering there are always possible solutions to keep everyone semi safe and explore all that we can.
he here are the great value of using technology. there is sofeware that can recongize emotions better ways foe human and computer to commmunic. I know what you thing we can calculate human emotion. the process begins with thecomputer conster a 3-d mold of the face there are 44 mojor muscles in model that make a action untit. classfild as happyiness , suprise , anger , disgust , fear , and sadness when your frontails rise when suprise or you orbicular oris will tightens your lips to show anger . facial expression are univer observers . Can track exprees in the mona lisa as human everyday we perfrom samne imprees calculation every day tell if your freind is sad by looking at her or his face look at human art we can see what the painter or paniting was express . with this you could ue a mirror that look at your face express to see a differt of a genunie smile and a forec one new computer sofeware we cold maybe croack a new da vinvi vode thing tenconly is be come great use of our time see what engone the paint is desiceing
Do you think Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present? Studying Venus should be worthy because its so close to earth we have to worry and also have to be concerning. Studying Venus should be worthy to us because its the fact that its so close to Earth. For example in paragraph 8 it says "Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of immagination and innovations."This showing we shouldnt have to worry or imagine it. Studying Venus should be worthy to us because we are now having to worry and imagine the worst coming to us. For example "Each previous mission was unmanned,and for good reason, since no space crafed survived the landing more than a few hours . Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than 3 decades." This is important because this shows why we worry and why no one has went to study the planet Venus. Another reason why studying Venus should be worthy to us is because theres a thought of something happening if you even thought to go try to study Venus. For example "Just imaging exposing a cell phone to acid or heat of melting tin."This is important because the thought of taking a cell phone or just exposing any device to Venus would be dangerous. This is all significant because theres lives and things on our Earth that Venus for example when you expose any kind of device that was tested the chaos of Venus surfac it only lasted 3 weeks in such conditions. Venus is way to close to this earth that we have to test and study lots of things about the planet by it effects the devices.
The use of the new "facial Action Coding System" is a brilliant idea: also a great use for people who help others. This could do so much good and could also be an advantage for teachers who can't keep their students awake for lessons. Advertisement could be better too; they'll know what we're feeling by our expression. The "Facial Action Coding System" could tell how you're feeling by reading your facial expressions. This could help in so many ways; as in to help others, to keep students awake in class also for good advertisement. According to the article " Dr. Haung new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code". This could be a good use in society; to know how people actually feel about certain ideas. According to the article " You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy worried, etc." It could be easier to help close ones, even friends to know how they feel. Therapists job would be easier to perscribe meds to people who actually need it. According to the article " Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." This could change so many things for the better. A computer that could read facial expressions could help students do their work and keep them awake when its hard to pay attention to the lesson. According to the article "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. 'A classroom computer could recognized when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts." The long dreding classes won't be as long and unbelievably hard to stay awake, if the computer notices when you're falling asleep it'll do something to keep you awake. It also will send a notification to your teacher; if speaking in class is too terrifying. According to the article " The same technology can make computer-animated faces more experssive- for video games or video surgery. 'Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication.' notes Dr. Huang. 'So computers need to understand that, too.'." Video games will be more exciting and enjoyable if it has amazing graphics with the facial reader. The "Facial Action Coding System" has a very good use in this society with the new iphones/Andriod, and also the new consoles. It could help so many people and could do amazing projects. It's a wonder machine and should be published and used.
In this passage, it is made very clear that exploring Venus is very unsafe for humans. While it is stated in paragraph 2, Venus can be thought of as a twin to Earth and it has many similarities, there are also many differances that make it very difficult for humans to set foot on Venus. In paragraph 3, it states "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." The atmosphere of our similar neighboring planet is just too toxic for a human to last long on the surface, let alone be able to call that planet their new home. Also in paragraph 3, it is stated that Venus's average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit which is impossible for earth living creatures to survive in. Also, the atmospheric pressure is so much greater than Earth's that the two conditions combined are too extreme for human life. Scientists may be able to find a way around all these issues, but it will take great amounts of time and effort. Over time, all the issues involving the conditions of Venus may not matter. NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has been looking into the issues for years. NASA is attempting to travel to Venus, but not land on the planet to evaluate it. If NASA could get rock samples and test the atmosphere around Venus, they could possibly find ways to edit it or edit human immunities to make it more likely to support human life on Venus. This would take a while to achieve and there is potential that nothing scientists find could improve the liklihood of life on Venus. Recently, NASA has found kinds of electronics that can survive on Venus, but don't last long. In order to find out more about the probability of eventually having life on that planet, someone needs to develop a form of technology that will last long enough to evaluate the living conditions that future humans would have to undergo. Finding the materials needed to make electronics last on Venus is very difficult. The temperatures are so extreme that most materials would just melt. Eventually, it was discovered that mechanical computers, a very old form of technology, could last on Venus. If all electronics could be composed of the things the mechanical computers are composed of, it is probable that electronics could last for long periods of time on Venus and be able to collect the data needed to investigate the idea of human life on Venus. Thanks to the data the electronics could gather, eventually things could be altered on Venus, on Earth, or both in order to allow life on the planet. These changes could take generations to be completely effective. The great difference in climate between the two planets, for example, could take many years to become less of an issue. Although, there are many things keeping people from living on Venus, people must first make enough advances to visit Venus. If people are not able to set foot on the planet for long enough to collect samples to test back on Earth, there would be no way of supporting life long enough for people to live there. If people can get to the point of being able to stand on Venus without issue, then the advances will pretty well be enough to support life on our neighboring planet. The first step, however, is also the largest one. Advancing that much could take a large period of time, but it is definitely possible. Life on Venus could be a lot closer than some may think. In all reality, the differerances may not be that great, especially compared to the differences between Earth and other neighboring planets. There is evidence of water on Venus in years past, so if water can be put back on Venus or if waterbodies can be found on Venus once again, life could be supported in the years approching. Although there are many dangers of life on Venus, it is nothing that Earth living creatures couldn't handle. Besides the temperature and atmosphere, life could easily be supported. These are big obstacles to pass, but there is no doubt that it could be overcome.
Can less driving or having no car at all help you and the Earth? In this eassy it will review how an experiment in Germany and many other plasces are trying to have car-free cites. Also how in Paris, France they try to ban cars because of so much smog and air pollution. Last it will review, car-free day in Bogota, Colombia. In Germany on the out skirts of Freibury, there was an experiment for a community to have less cars. Many people who moved there said that it changed their lives in a very good way. Many people sold their car just so that they could have enough money to buy a house in the car-free strees of Vauban. Only very few people have a car because you have to buy a $40,000 car garage to keep your car. As a result of the really high price, 70% of people dont own a car, which is helping the pollution rate go down. The community is home to over 5,500 car-less people. Finally, some other countries have even deicided to take on this action to help the pollution rate go down. Next, in Paris, France on a Monday Paris enfored a partial driving ban in order to help smog and/or pollution rates go down. People who were caught driving were given a 22-eurofine ($31 US), which then unfortunatly almost 4,000 people were fined the ticket. Even almost about 30 people had their car impounded for having a bad reaction over the small fine. On the good side, the traffic was down 60% in Paris. They kept blaming diesel engines becase about 67% of vehicles in France are diesel. Finally, due to giving free public transit, they did the parcial ban the next day. Bogota, Colombia starts a car-free day, that even spreads to other countries. During the car-free day, millions of people hicked, biked, skated or even took the pubic bus to work. The goal of this is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog and/or pollution. On the car-free day only buses and taxies were the only ones able to drive, anyone who violated the rule was fined $25. Even a businessman said, " It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The event was so great and powerful, people from other countries were comimg to celebrate too. Last, The car free day has been a major improvment since the mid-1990s, bicyle paths have been constructed and even many sidewalks have been replaced with newer ones too. In conclusion, it is belived that the car culture is slowly coming to an end. As each year goes by less and less people are getting cars, licenses, and/or even driving much less. in America, in 2013 the number of miles driven per person was down but 9% than of 1995. Many people are now car-pooling which has a result in less cars being used to go to the same place. Last, even a study show from 2001 to 2009 young people driving decreased by 23%.
The Facial Action Coding System created by Dr. Paul Eckman, it is a man-made computer, in which it constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. Many would say that this new break in technology is useless, but there is more that meets the eye when it comes to the Facial Action Coding System. This coding system can read the emotional expressions of any student in a classroom! This is extreamly useful as it can recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, it will then modify the lesson to fit the needs of that student, and human communication is nonverbal so therfore the computers are trained to react like a human in any situation. When a child is sitting in a classroom with many other students while the teacher is explaining a lesson plan, they might fall to boredom or simply be confused. Many students could say, that they have at one point or another felt overwhelmed by a certain lesson in their classroom. The Action Coding System can, as said by Dr. Huang, "..recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Imagine having a computer that would allow you to read into the emotion of a student. This device could be the greatest asset to any teacher. Many students will subside their emotion for the thought of being cast out by their peers for not understanding a lesson, now with the Action Coding System created a student will not feel the pressure of being discriminated against, and teachers have a reliable source of technology to make sure their classrooms are being used to the best of their ability. As well, the Action Coding System not only can scan a student's emotions, but when it finds a student confused or bored, it will modify the lesson for the child. As said by Dr, Huang, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This piece of technology can even modify a lesson plan for a child struggeling to understand the curriculum or a student who struggles with ADHD. A teacher with this device could always know what is happeing in her class and how his/her students are feeling. In a sense, the teacher can have a weight lifted off their soldiers as he/she knows all students are taken care of. Finally, the Action Coding System is wired to run like an actual human being. Therefore, since humans are mostly nonverbal, the system will produce in the same way. Dr. Huang said, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, So computers need to understand that, too."The computers will work in the same sense as an actual human. In a classroom, the students and teacher will feel as if they are being cared for by an actual human other than a piece of metal and plastic. This is a key attribute in the foundation of the product, as it is better to have a new technology that acts like a human, rather then a robot that tries to contol. In conclusion, the Action Coding System is a must have in any classroom. It can recogzine when a student is becoming confused or bored, it can then modify the lesson, and it runs functionally like a human being. This piece of technology is universal and has a vivid array of uses.
While reading this story, I noticed that there where alot of of negative things about Driverless Cars. These things are what cought my eye. Even though having a car without having to drive it is an awesome thing, I can see that it can also put the riders in the car at risk. While thats said, I personaly do not think that driverless cars are safe. For many reasond of cause. Reason number one is, that they are not totally diverless. In the story it saids," They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are desighned to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navagating through work zines and around accidents." The scary thing about this is, the driver might not always hear the alart in time to react and then comes an aweful accident. These cars are designed to give the divers a break (I'm guessing) but if the driver are totaly relaxed, than that could resolve in a huge problem. Reason number two is, that even though you are not driving you still have to pay attention to roads. Which now tells me that this car was not made to give the drivers a break after all. I read," Manufacturers are aslo considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road." Now, this article has me wondering. Why was this invention was even made? it doesnt give the driver a break nor is it able to handle any road conditions. And reason three was, thats this is not even legal in all states. Which now has me thinking about why other contries think that this is not such a good idea either. The article said," Presently, traffic laws are written with the asssumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is ilegal even to test computerdriven cars." This has to tell you something about how safe this really isan't for humans if it is ilegal in other states. Even thought this sounds like a pretty cool idea, I dont think that it owuld be safe at all to put out for humans to buy. They dont alwasy drive themselves, they are ilegal in some states to even be inventing, and they could be the cause of many accidents. Now, they dont sound all that safe. But, of course, the choice is all yours... Would you give it a try?
Are driverless cars a good or bad thing? In my opinion driverless cars can be a bad thing. These next few paragraphs will explain why I think this and all the cons of the cars. If driverless cars ever do become a pratical thing one big problem we would have to worry about is the GPS or the LIDAR malfunctioning and the car doesn't know whats going on around it. If something like that did happen and the person in the car was not paying attention the car could seriosly indjure some one or it could total itself. A lot of these cars features rely on the fact that if something goes wrong then person behind the wheel is ready to take over but if some thing does go wrong and the the person is sleeping they could swerve into a semi-truck or a building. One of the biggest problems of this car is the fact that tech can stop working and cause accidents. Another con of these cars is the fact that they could get hacked by other people. Recently in 2015 two people (with permission) hacked a car that was not even driverless they could control speed,steering,door lockes,brakes,and so on. Imagine what could happen if criminals hacked into these cars they could potentialy kill lots of people by making the cars crash into buildings,cars,and other things. Another problem is human error. What if something does go wrong and the person is not ready to take over? I have touched on this a bit already but I'm going into a little more detail. Much like normal cars the driver has to be awake behind the wheel ,in the case of driverless cars, just in case they need to take over the wheel of the car. If someone is on a long drive and decide to let the car drive itself but as they are sleeping the cars malfunctions and the driver does not know they need to take over the car and the person could end up in in a ditch or end up crashing into another car or even worse a semi-truck. After these reasons and some others I think that these cars can be a bad thing on the road but only time can tell if thats the case. Are driverless cars a bad thing? In my opinion yes they can be after reading the artical and looking at the facts i conclude that these cars could be a hazerd on the road.
Throughtout history times were different, technology was not advanced and emotions were hidden. People adjusted, became comfortable with their current situtions and never knew how others truly felt. This lack of knowledge lead to wars,confusion, and dispositon in our schools, states, and government. Using the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom will be very affective. Not only will it help the students, it will improve lesson plans and become a positive impact. Using the Facial Action Coding Systems in the classroom will be very affective. Teachers will now be able to adjust and intervene with their studnets who don't seem to understand the lesson plan. Also this creates exposure and can appeal to studnets emotions in a sympathetic way. Having the data and capability to intervene with students is vital because you never know what a kid pehaps maybe goign through. As instructors it is not always about the job but how can we successfully make this students day better. This tool can prevent school shootings, bullying and even slef harm. Just a simple acknowledgement can go a long way. In many ways this can have many beneifts. Futhermore, this device can be used to change the atmosphere of the classroom. You may be asking what do you mean by this? Changing the atmosphere of the classroom simplying means to make the students feel safe and comfortable. For example the student maybe struggling in a particular aspect of the lesson plan, using the Facial Action Coding System can define the emotion of the point where the student is a flawed at. Using this evidence can be a tool to help the student so that in the future they may understand. In the text it says "The facial expression for each are universal'. This portrays hows each feeling is connected to one another in order to make a change. The text also says "... individuals often show varying degress of expressions'. So perhaps the student may not feel what it says it is still good to have that information. Lastly, this device can not only help the students but the teachers as well. The teachers are the leaders of the classroom. With this infromation teachers can use this information to better help th students. The device as the text says can "signal mixed emtions". It can captivate and expose what relly happens in the classroom. Teachers can often check on students to see how they are doing on a personal level. Having this information can potentially cause students to expond on issues and seek ways to get help. To be brief, this tool can be affective and used in a positive way. It can be valuable to a great range of areas that need to be touched on. As a developed society we have all the knowledge at our fingertips. Let's implement these things to make our students and teacgers happy, our classrooms more efficent and safe and be a tomorrrow for our future.
Camel,Anthony 9856 sw 152 ave Miami, FL 33196 Dear Senator, What do you think about the Electoral Collage? The electoral collage is a process,not a movement. The Electoral collage is unfair to the citizens of the united states. Its unfair to voters because they are not able to vote for a president of their like. Another reason the Electoral Collage is unfair is because citizens are not voting for their president they are voting for a slate of elector how will pick the president for them. Citizins are givin the rights to vote. The electoral collage is a way of taking voting away from them. Why would someone want to vote if they are not going to be able to vote for a president of their like. The single best argument against the electoral collage is what they might call the disastor factor. The electoral collage is also unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning president candidate. What is voting to a citizin? Isint voting a right for citizens to vote for their president of their choice? Why take it away from them with the electoral collage. If you look at it from an american citizen prospective its like they dont even have a word when choosing their president. What di Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, The U.S. Chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all agreed on? they agreed on abolishing the electoral collage! According to a Gallup poll in 2000 over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct elections. Thank you, Anthony camel          
On earth there are so many things to do like go running, hiking, going to the beach,etc. But some of those things may be rsiky or sometimes they won't it just depends on what you do. Likewise on Venus, there are limits to things you can and cannot do. Going to Venus doesn't always have risk. For example, simplified electronics that are made up of silicon carbide have been tested.Computers were very helpful for calculations by using gears and levers.If you had sent a cell phone or a laptop into acid it meltf in a matter of seconds. If scientists really wanted to study Venus very well, they would need to go personally to despite the risks.Instead of just researching and gettting information from other people. Some of that information that you have received from others or the searching the web ,may be false facts. Humans have sent tons of spacecrafts to land on Venus. "Each previous mission was unmanned,and for good reason,since no spacecraft survived the landng for more than a few hours ." On this planet it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times great than what we deal with on our planet, Earth.Almost 96 percent of carbon dioxide covers Venus.
I think you should be a Seagoing Cowboy because it is a good program to do. If you like farm animals, and taking care of them. Then you will really like this job. Be careful not to get hurt. Make sure you take good care of the animals. The program is fun you get to travel around the world. This job is a one in a life time chance and I like every one will enjoy this job. A lot of people that like those things would be good or great at being a Seagoing Cowboy. I know I enjoy it, so I think you will like it to. You will have lots of fun. If you are a farmer or you help take care of farm animals then this would be an easiy and fun job for you. If you do it or ever do the job you should encaurage other friends and family to do Seagoing Cowboys. Be careful and do not get hurt. I smashed my ribbs during a storm, and about went over board. It was scarie and I was glad to still be alive. When storms come make sure you stay in a safe place. I think if you do this job you should always be careful not to slip or trip over anything in the way while feeding the animals. Take good care of all the animals aboard the ship. Feed and water them all two or three times a day. When you feed them make sure they have a hay and oats or grain. You will mostly have younger cows and mules on the ship but you will have other animals to. Their will be a few horses because they are going to the World War II and the UNRRA. These are the reason why I think you should be a Seagoing Cowboy. This is a one in a life time chance and I know you will like it.
The use of Facial Action Coding Systems is valuable. This technology would help teachers and students help understand how their classmates are feeling. The use of this technology would help with the way students learn and could help prevent serious issues with the students. By using Facial Action Coding Systems it would help students become more engaged in class. In the article by Nick D'Alto he states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". By using this new technology it would provide an effective learning way for each individual student. The computer would be able to reconize how each student is feeling then would modify to what helps each indiviual get engaged and learn. This technology would help students get better grades and it would customize to exaclty what helps them get engaged. This new technology would also help you reconize exactly how each person is feeling. Many people are stuggling through depression or even worse things and they are so afraid to open up. Some people just don't know how to open up to anyone and this technology would help express what each person is feeling. In this article it state, "Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conves happy, worried, etc" (Nick D' Alto). Eventhough we might think we know how someone feels we never truly know what is going on. This technology could help bring in end to the depression that some students are going through alone. This technology could also open up ways to reconize if people are lying. Nick D'Alto states, "Faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being truthful". Being able to reconize how politicians or celebrities are feeling would help open up many truths to the world. For example if a student was to be lying you would be able to tell which could help out a lot in the classroom. Students might find it easy to lie which ends up getting the innocent introuble. This technology would bring an end to that. The new technology called Facial Action Coding System enables us to identify humans emotions. This new technology would bring many different benefits to the world like helping people with their emotions, being able to reconize if people are lying, and it would help students become more engaged in their learning. Facial Action Coding System is a wonderful idea that should be brought into this world to help us get answers and help those who are going through a lot alone.