15 values
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am dying to order a yummy pizza!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What yummy pizza joint are you desiring? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to eat from Massey's Pizza for pickup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 33, "text": "Massey's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you know which one you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, let me browse the menu quickly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Take your time. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I definitely need to order the PIZZAGNA Lasagna pizza without the sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 47, "text": "PIZZAGNA Lasagna", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 53, "text": "PIZZAGNA Lasagna pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 73, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For that particular pizza items cannot be take off or replaced.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What. That is stupid. How come.?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am not really sure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Give me another minute to figure this out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ah ha. I got it. I will get the specialty Veggie pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 54, "text": "specialty Veggie pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In what size? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The 8 inch s fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 10, "text": "8 inch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total for that will be $9.99 for a Veggie specialty 8 inch pizza. It will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "Veggie specialty", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 62, "text": "8 inch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, also your receipt will be sent to you via text message. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh. Ok. Thanks again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Enjoy.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, I will. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you order me a pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What store?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Papa John’s", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Papa John’s", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one in Aspen Hill, MD", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 25, "text": "Aspen Hill, MD", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A small pizza with sausage, olives, green peppers and onions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 60, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, they are out of olives and onions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 37, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Uh ok, that’s weird. Just the small with sausauge, olives and mushrooms then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 49, "text": "sausauge", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 57, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 71, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order is now in your cart.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will this be a pick-up or delivery order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’ll get it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time will you be picking up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "8pm", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A small pizza with sausauge, olives and mushrooms at Papa John’s in Aspen Hill, MD has been successfully placed. It will be ready for pick-up at 8pm. You should be getting the confirmation on your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "sausauge", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 64, "text": "Papa John’s", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 82, "text": "Aspen Hill, MD", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 111, "text": "has been successfully placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will there be anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi there, I'd like you to order me a coffee from starbucks please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure which starbuck are you near?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ummm order from the one on North Charles street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 47, "text": "North Charles street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok and what kind of coffee drink do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take the Caffe Americano please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 29, "text": "Caffe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok and what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The largest one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "largest", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great what milk do you want with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Whole milk please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok well it looks like the whole milk actually is not available right now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 36, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well that sucks what is?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Almond, cocunut, soy and 2 percent milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 15, "text": "cocunut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "soy", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "2 percent", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 39, "text": "2 percent milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess I'll take the coconut then please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "coconut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great well I'll order it right now if that's all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yep thats it thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok its ordered, and will be ready at the starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 14, "text": "its ordered", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh and the receipt will be sent to you're phone via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Gotcha thanks again bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem , bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order two grande Verona coffees with cream and sugar", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 43, "text": "Verona coffees", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 54, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 64, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want the coffees ordered from the Starbucks at Great Crossing Mall in Auburn Hills?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 89, "text": "Great Crossing Mall in Auburn Hills", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I want it from the Starbucks at Great Lakes Crossing mall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 62, "text": "Great Lakes Crossing mall", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 63, "text": "Great Lakes Crossing mall.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need room for any cream in your cups?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 30, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'd like plenty of room for cream in one cup but not the other.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 45, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many packets of sugar or Splenda would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "Splenda", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want only one packet of brown sugar.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 37, "text": "brown sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want the sugar to be added to the cups of coffee before delivery?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please add the sugar into the cups before serving.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How much cream would you like in your coffee?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Add sufficient cream in both coffees. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time do you want it delivered to you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like the delivery within 30 minutes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want any cookies or salty snacks served with your coffee?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please add two birthday cake flavored cake pops to my order. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want the cake pops packed in separate bags?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. please pack the cake pops in two individual bags. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to try the new chocolate sprinkled cake pop?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I want to stick to the original birthday cake flavor. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want cup holders for your coffee??", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, cup holders would be great, thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to try our new flavor of the Frappe intoroduced yesterday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 50, "text": "Frappe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'd like to confirm your order now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "I'd like to confirm your order now", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please go ahead and confirm. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Two grande Verona coffees with sugar, cream in one coffee only.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 10, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 25, "text": "Verona coffees", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 36, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 43, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is correct!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Two individually packed brithday cake flaovred cake pops. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is also correct. Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for your business, your order will be delivered to you shortly. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order something from Starbucks to have on the way home, can you put in an order for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure I can just let me know what you want and where I need to order like the location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fort Worth 76108 and I will look at the menu real quick.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Fort Worth 76108", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay take your time no problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay I want a Black and White Mocha and a Blueberry scone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 35, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay what time will you be picking this up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "At 5 pm tonight", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay do you want anything else? Because that Mocha is seasonal and isn't currently available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay just substitute it with a pumpkin spice latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 50, "text": "pumpkin spice latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay the starbucks 132 W Loop 820 S, Fort Worth, TX 76108 is closest to you is that okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 57, "text": "132 W Loop 820 S, Fort Worth, TX 76108", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I pass by that everyday that will be great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay putting in the order now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great thanks so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay your pumpkin spice latte and Blueberry Scone will be ready at 5 pm at the starbucks at 132 W Loop 820 S, Fort Worth, TX 76108.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 29, "text": "pumpkin spice latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 130, "text": "132 W Loop 820 S, Fort Worth, TX 76108", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 131, "text": "132 W Loop 820 S, Fort Worth, TX 76108.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay that's great is the order under my name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes it's under your name and it should be ready to go, is there anything else I can do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you so much that is all, have a great night.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You to, see you tomorrow.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, can you get me a latte from Starbucks?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what store should I pick it up from? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one in Appleton, WI", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 23, "text": "Appleton, WI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size of latte would you like? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get me a Grande, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want a flavor in that? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, just plain. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any milk preferences? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, I would like whole milk please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would you like whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 34, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, it actually looks like that isn't available. Can I get you something else instead? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ummm, what about a mocha?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In a Grande size?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 11, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's actually make it a Tall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 30, "text": "Tall.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, a Tall Mocha with whole milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 34, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will have that ready for you to pick up at the Appleton, WI location shortly.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 61, "text": "Appleton, WI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be texted to you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, bye. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to book an appoint at Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 57, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what is the make, model, and year of your vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ford Focus 2014", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Ford Focus", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "2014", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, what seems to be the problem?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I noticed the engine light was on and wanted a mechanic to check it out", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 71, "text": "I noticed the engine light was on and wanted a mechanic to check it out", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 33, "text": "engine light was on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's unfortunate, when would you like to bring it in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible, is tomorrow morning available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "As soon as possible", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 32, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is no time available then, would you like to change the time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, how about tomorrow afternoon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 23, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 33, "text": "afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a time available at 1pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good, is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that should be it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me confirm the details with you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're bringing your car in tomorrow afternoon at 1pm, there will be an inspection fee of $90. Is that ok?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 53, "text": "afternoon at 1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 54, "text": "afternoon at 1pm,", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I have booked the appointment for you", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 41, "text": "Ok, I have booked the appointment for you", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, good luck!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need a Lyft ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, where to? And where from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "From the Los Angeles Zoo on Zoo Drive to the Los Angeles bus station at East 7th Street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 37, "text": "the Los Angeles Zoo on Zoo Drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 37, "text": "Los Angeles Zoo on Zoo Drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 87, "text": "the Los Angeles bus station at East 7th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 87, "text": "Los Angeles bus station at East 7th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What type of ride will you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What do you mean?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a list of different cars. Personal, shared, luxury, supersized or spacious...", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 43, "text": "Personal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 51, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 59, "text": "luxury", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 71, "text": "supersized", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 83, "text": "spacious", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, I just need whatever's cheapest. And I'm the only passenger so I don't need anything huge.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 63, "text": "I'm the only passenger", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok then, personal ride is cheapest.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 22, "text": "personal ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$15-18 for 33 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "$15-18", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds good enough.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I also see the shared ride option has the same price. Which would you prefer?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Personal's fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Personal's", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nothing that I can think of.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's settled. Your ride is on the way.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Also, you can check your phone for the ride's status.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool, thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are very welcome. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to book two movie tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hi there, I can help you with that. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to buy two movie tickets for Captain Marvel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 23, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 56, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can you please provide me the address of the movie theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, the location is AMC Metreon 16 and the address is 135 4th St Suite 3000, San Francisco, CA 94103.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 36, "text": "AMC Metreon 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 102, "text": "135 4th St Suite 3000, San Francisco, CA 94103", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 103, "text": "135 4th St Suite 3000, San Francisco, CA 94103.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What date and time do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order it for tonight at 7:25PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 46, "text": "7:25PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, it is not available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about at 8:40PM?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "8:40PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, that time is not available as well.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Any other time tonight?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, no more time available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about the movie US?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 22, "text": "US", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That movie is not available tonight as well.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, please do not book two tickets for that movie tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 41, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I am sorry is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all, thank you for you help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to book an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 59, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can you please state the problem?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There is smoke coming out of my engine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 38, "text": "There is smoke coming out of my engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 39, "text": "There is smoke coming out of my engine.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time will you like to come in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When is the next availability?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tomorrow at 9am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 15, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I make a reservation for tomorrow at 9am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 44, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "James Beard.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "James Beard", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make and model of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Toyota Camry.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Toyota Camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Toyota Camry.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2017.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your phone number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4560987630", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have an appointment for you tomorrow at 9am at Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 38, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 45, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 75, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a $35 inspection fee.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me an Uber please. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where do you need it to pick you up and take you to? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at Albert J. Ellis Airport and want to go to Texas Roadhouse.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 30, "text": "Albert J. Ellis Airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 64, "text": "Texas Roadhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 65, "text": "Texas Roadhouse.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will you be alone or are there others with you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "alone", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm alone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "I'm alone.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of car would you like? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just a regular one is fine, nothing too fancy.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 18, "text": "regular one", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Then a Uber X will do?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 13, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Can you tell me the fee for that? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is $34.37.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "$34.37", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 13, "text": "$34.37.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what time do you need it to pick you up from the airport?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 60, "text": "the airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 60, "text": "airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Now, my plane just arrived and I'm in baggage pick up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will call now. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell them to give me about 10 minutes to get my bags. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 37, "text": "10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I will ask for a short delay. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Use my Visa to pay. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. I've ordered the car and confirmed the fee of $34.37.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 60, "text": "$34.37", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are on the way, please check you phone for an update. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant, my car has a problem. I need it repaired.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which vehicle repair shop would you like to have it repaired at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make, model, and year of the vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's an Insight", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 15, "text": "Insight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the vehicle make?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a Honda.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 12, "text": "Honda", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What year is it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2010", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What problem does the vehicle have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's completely dead and won't run. I think there's a problem with the hybrid system.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 85, "text": "It's completely dead and won't run. I think there's a problem with the hybrid system.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need to bring your car in immediately?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You may bring your vehicle to Intelligent Auto Solutions as soon as possible. What name should I schedule the appointment under?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 56, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Jack Jackson", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Jack Jackson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What phone number may they contact you at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "888-888-8888", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The inspection cost at Intelligent Auto Systems for repairing hybrid systems for a 2010 Honda Insight is $100. It will be credited back to you if you decide to repair your vehicle at Intelligent Auto Solutions. Would you like to schedule your appointment to service your vehicle immediately now?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 47, "text": "Intelligent Auto Systems", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 76, "text": "repairing hybrid systems", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 87, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 101, "text": "Honda Insight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 183, "end_index": 209, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your appointment has been scheduled.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is The Lego Movie 2 playing tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 19, "text": "The Lego Movie 2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it is in theaters now. What city are you looking for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hendersonville", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Hendersonville", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What state?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "North Carolina", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "North Carolina", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. How many tickets are you looking for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just two tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Just two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The lego movie 2 is playing tonight at Regal Cinemas Biltmore grande which is 12.7 miles away", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "The lego movie 2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 68, "text": "Regal Cinemas Biltmore grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What times this evening? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's showing at 10:45pm and 8:05pm in 3d.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "10:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "8:05pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 40, "text": "3d", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will you please go ahead and book me 2 tickets for the 8 o clock showing?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 38, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 64, "text": "8 o clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I have booked you two tickets to see The Lego movie 2 tonight at 8:05 and you should have received a text for confirmation!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 56, "text": "The Lego movie 2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 72, "text": "8:05", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I just got it! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent! Does everything look good?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It does! I'm so glad I was able to get this done so quickly! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am so glad to have been able to help you! Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's all. Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're very welcome! I hope you have a great time! Goodbye. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Goodbye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi there, I'll need to schedule an appointment for my car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely, and which repair service can I call for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I just got access to their online interface. Could you share the make, model, and year of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, it's the BMW i8, 2016.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "BMW i8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "BMW i8,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "2016", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, and can I have a name and phone number to put down?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My name is Alexandra Hart, and my phone number is 836-458-9923.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 25, "text": "Alexandra Hart", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 26, "text": "Alexandra Hart,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. What exactly is the problem with the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The engine started making a loud noise, and when I pulled over, there was steam coming from the hood.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 100, "text": "The engine started making a loud noise, and when I pulled over, there was steam coming from the hood", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 101, "text": "engine started making a loud noise, and when I pulled over, there was steam coming from the hood.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Understood. It looks like they have time for you to come in tomorrow at 8am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 68, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 75, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That won't work, this problem is severe. I need to go in far earlier than that, how about 5pm today?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 93, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 99, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me try to book that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, that time slot doesn't look available. It looks like you could bring it in after closing, at 8pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 111, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "If that's the best they've got, I'll take it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If the 5pm slot becomes available, I'll alert you immediately.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, otherwise I'll head over at 8pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 43, "text": "8pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like, given that it's a BMW i8 from 2016, initial inspection should cost around $250.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 36, "text": "BMW i8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "2016", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thank you for letting me know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely. Goodbye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, can you order an Uber for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing Boss, from where to where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am at the Haytt in Downtown Tampa, FL and heading to Siesta Beach.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 39, "text": "Haytt in Downtown Tampa, FL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 67, "text": "Siesta Beach", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 68, "text": "Siesta Beach.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright do you have any preference on a type of car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's go with an SUV that is new and luxurious.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber Black than, let's see if there are any SUV's available", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Uber Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "SUV's", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like there are only sedans nearby, would you like to try Uber XL?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 32, "text": "sedans", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 70, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, just try to find new cars.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, will Honda Crv work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "Honda Crv", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, something more luxurious.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, how about Lexus black GX 470?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 37, "text": "Lexus black GX 470", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This works, how far is he from me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "About 5 min.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "About 5 min", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 11, "text": "5 min", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That works perfectly than.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, your ride is on it's way, and you can check on it via you app, anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, not at the moment. thx", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome boss, bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Goodbye ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will hear from you soon.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "what services are there for two", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which is why I see you are a couple?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, we are", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I need to know what he wants to do to the car", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to enhance the air conditioning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 44, "text": "I would like to enhance the air conditioning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 44, "text": "enhance the air conditioning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "that will come at a cost of 100", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I find it economical", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is the cheapest place you will find in the city", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "and what quality", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it's very good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "really", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We guarantee a job well done", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll wait", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If you are not happy with your money back", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "when they are available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "for Monday of the coming week", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 29, "text": "Monday of the coming week", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "what time can I take the car", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "early in the morning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "early in the morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "and even when it will be ready", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "for Tuesday morning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good to me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "we know that there are people who need their ato as soon as possible", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 68, "text": "as soon as possible", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "you're right and I am one of themyou're right and I am one of them", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We guarantee you will be ready", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "we will see you that day", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We will wait for it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think they do a good job", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "thank you very much sir", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "see you later", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "we are at your service", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Jessica! Can you go get me tickets to see Frozen?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "Frozen", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where do you want to see the movie ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Sure", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Somewhere close by.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "Somewhere close by", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay whats your ZIP Code", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My ZIP Code is 50612", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 20, "text": "ZIP Code is 50612", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "50612", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay let me look if they have tickets available near you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 56, "text": "near you", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay , Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What will be a good time to see the movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Between 7 and 11 will be fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay give me one second.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay they have tickets available at the cinema thats 2.7 miles away.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 68, "text": "2.7 miles away.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! What time is the movie.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It starts at 7:45", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 17, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay that works for me. Buy the tickets please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets would you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need 3 tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "3 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Okay", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually . do you want to join us as well?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No , i have plans for tonight! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Have fun!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, is there an Uber available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, where would you like to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to go from my home to the airport.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "my home", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 25, "text": "home", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "the airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Uber pricing option would you like to choose?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "UberBlack sounds good.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "UberBlack", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Using UberBlack, the cost of the ride will cost $31.27 Would you like to book?.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 15, "text": "UberBlack", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 54, "text": "$31.27", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds good. Go ahead and book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How would you like to pay for this ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll use my credit card.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what type of vehicle would you like to choose?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A 4 door car is fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like your car to arrive?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I should be ready to go in about 30 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 43, "text": "about 30 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where is your pickup location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Here at home is good.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 12, "text": "at home", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "home", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you would like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think that's good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your car should arrive at 2:45 and you can check the details on your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "2:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good trip.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to go to a theater somewhere outside of town today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Do you have an idea of what type of theater you would like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like a sort of unique theater.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have you ever been to the Hangar Cinema?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 39, "text": "Hangar Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. What's that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's a theater down in Maryville, MO that was built in an old airplane hangar.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 36, "text": "Maryville, MO", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 77, "text": "hangar", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Interesting. Do they have any action movies playing right now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do have Aquaman and Experience: Alita Battle Angel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 55, "text": "Alita Battle Angel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 56, "text": "Alita Battle Angel.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think that Aquaman sounds better. What times is it showing tomorrow?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have showings at 11 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, and 9 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "11 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "2 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 40, "text": "6 pm,", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "9 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to go to the 6 pm showing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. How many tickets will you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll need 4 tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 11, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "4 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I've placed the order for your tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 44, "text": "Okay. I've placed the order for your ticket", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. How do I pick up my tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You don't have to. You'll receive a text message shortly with your tickets.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool. Do they have concessions there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, they offer a wide range of food and drink services.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they serve alcohol there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are able to purchase beer and mixed drinks for the theater you have tickets for.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to get a lyft please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, where do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to go to 141 Divisadero Street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 38, "text": "141 Divisadero Street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, that's 141 Divisadero Street in San Francisco, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 49, "text": "141 Divisadero Street in San Francisco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right, 141 Divisadero Street in SF.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 34, "text": "141 Divisadero Street in SF", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and where do you need to be picked up from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at SFO.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "SFO", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Are you at the International, or Domestic terminal?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "International", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 54, "text": "International, or Domestic terminal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 54, "text": "Domestic terminal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Domestic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Domestic", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Would you like to get a regular, shared, or XL lyft?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 39, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 47, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "XL lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the XL?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 18, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The fare estimate is currently $45-60.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 37, "text": "$45-60", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "$45-60.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wow, that's a lot. What about the shared ride?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 45, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The fare estimate is currently $21-24.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 37, "text": "$21-24", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds more like it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to confirm a shared lyft?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 39, "text": "shared lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Your ride should be arriving shortly.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 41, "text": "Ok. Your ride should be arriving shortly.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you tell me how long it will take me to get there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The current estimate is around 26 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 41, "text": "around 26 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "26 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to get my car fixed ASAP.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 31, "text": "ASAP", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "ASAP.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to take it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I need the name and number for the appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ed Scott 614-999-8888", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Ed Scott", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok year, make and model of the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "1998 Chevy S-10 pick up truck.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "1998", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Chevy S-10", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that a V6 or V8 engine?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "V6", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what is the truck doing?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is making a loud grinding sound when I turn corners.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 55, "text": "making a loud grinding sound when I turn corners.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any dashboard lights on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like to take it in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Today at 4 if possible?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 10, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No they don't have anything at that time. What about tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 61, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 74, "text": "10:00 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 75, "text": "10:00 a.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This is quite urgent anything today at all?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they have a 2:00 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "2:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 24, "text": "2:00 pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I can't get there by then, anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What about a 3:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 17, "text": "3:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes i'll take it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The initial fee is 150.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok you have a appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions for Ed scott at 614-999-8888. For your 1998 Chevy S-10 pickup truck V6. Making a loud noise when turning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 55, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 68, "text": "Ed scott", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 99, "text": "1998", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 110, "text": "Chevy S-10", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 126, "text": "Chevy S-10 pickup truck V6", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 128, "end_index": 161, "text": "Making a loud noise when turning.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok the confirmation is being sent to your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you good bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "good bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Where is local Star bucks I would like to order a coffee", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is one downtown sir", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 21, "text": "downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok I will Google it ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's a good idea ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I also could just God the nearest location ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's a good idea ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I could use a phonebook", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's a good idea ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Any reviews of Starbucks ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir very high reviews ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok great looking for a mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I do believe they have those sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could you direct me ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nearest Starbucks please ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok 1000 block of Hampton", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 24, "text": "1000 block of Hampton", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you times ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "8 - 4 ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you prices please ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "5.00 a. Cup ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok time of arrival ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "1:45 sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok is that all", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Should be sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you for your help", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will use you for service on future ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you sir ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, it’s me. Can you make an appointment with my auto mechanic for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what’s going on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two things: first, the car took a long time to turn over while starting.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 71, "text": "the car took a long time to turn over while starting", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what else.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Once it got going, I’m having to floor the accelerator just to go about 30 miles per hour.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 89, "text": "I’m having to floor the accelerator just to go about 30 miles per hour", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. So can you call Intelligent Auto Solutions and see if the can see me now?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 46, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. What’s the car’s information?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It’s a 2017 Audi R8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "Audi R8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 20, "text": "Audi R8.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, a 2017 Audi R8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 10, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 18, "text": "Audi R8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And tell them that it’s me and give them my cell number.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Also, I’m about fifteen minutes away from them. Can you tell them I can drive over and drop off the car right now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will do. That’s a 2017 Audi R8 that’s having ignition and acceleration issues.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "Audi R8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 77, "text": "that’s having ignition and acceleration issues", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 78, "text": "having ignition and acceleration issues.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you can drop it off in fifteen minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, hold on. They say you can drop it off first thing tomorrow morning if you don’t have an appointment.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 62, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 70, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No good. Can you tell them it’s an emergency?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, hold on. They’re saying they can squeeze you in by 1:30 if you’re close by.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 60, "text": "1:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, I’m on my way.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. So that’s 1:30 to see your Audi R8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "1:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "Audi R8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you’re having drive train and power issues.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 46, "text": "having drive train and power issues", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, they’re expecting you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any time.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you find a fancy steak house in Seattle for dinner.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 48, "text": "Seattle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah, of course. Do you want a chain restaurant or something unique for Seattle?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 79, "text": "Seattle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Something unique for Seattle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "Seattle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The two top rated steak houses here are King's Steak and George's.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 52, "text": "King's Steak", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 65, "text": "George's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell me a little about the two of them and their menus. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "George's has a very high Google rating, their menu has a lot of ribeyes and filets on it. Their wine list is limited, but has some good choices.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "George's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about the other place?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's nice as well. King's Steak has a better wine variety, but only has 4 steak options. Their side options are family portion.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 31, "text": "King's Steak", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which one has a better atmosphere?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They both do, but George's is far nicer and has that fancy feeling you are looking for.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 26, "text": "George's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, can you book a table for Sunday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 40, "text": "Sunday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course, for how many people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There's 3 of us. Make it for 8pm, if you can.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 9, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a preference for seating?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer a high top, but can be flexible, if need be. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "high top", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's a 5:30 or a 6pm on Sunday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 33, "text": "6pm on Sunday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there anything later? That's really early to be having dinner. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They can do a 7:15 at a booth for 3 people on Sunday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 42, "text": "3 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "Sunday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I can work with that, go ahead and book it. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect, you are all set for this Sunday at 7:15 for 3 at George's in a booth.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 48, "text": "Sunday at 7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 54, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 66, "text": "George's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 77, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for setting that up for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course, enjoy!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will like to order a Iced Latte Macchiato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 43, "text": "Iced Latte Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "One", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Type of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Whole Milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Whole Milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any Whip?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 8, "text": "Whip", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry there seems to be no Iced Latte Macchiato at this time, will you like something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 51, "text": "Iced Latte Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about an Iced Skinny Mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 30, "text": "Iced Skinny Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Same size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay which store is closest to you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2610 S Semoran Blvd Suite 101, Orlando, FL 32822", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 48, "text": "2610 S Semoran Blvd Suite 101, Orlando, FL 32822", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just sent that over for you, will that be it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yea, that's it, I appreciate that", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No worries, sorry again", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You're fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good one.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need an Uber ride please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where are you travelling?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm going from Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, 7370 Baker St, Pittsburgh, PA to Comfort Inn Conference Center, 699 Rodi Rd, Pittsburgh, PA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 75, "text": "Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, 7370 Baker St, Pittsburgh, PA", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 137, "text": "Comfort Inn Conference Center, 699 Rodi Rd, Pittsburgh, PA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check that for you. What type of car do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a premium car please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "premium", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "premium car", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I can research that for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The price is $31.89", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "$31.89", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, I'm sorry I cannot afford that much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how about Uber XL? They are less expensive.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That would be $24.54.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "$24.54", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 21, "text": "$24.54.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, that is better, but do you have even a lower cost ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, Uber X is just $13.51. Would you like that option?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 11, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "$13.51", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I have booked that for you with your card on file.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 32, "text": "I have booked that for you", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The ride is on its way and you'll receive the status on your phone soon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "The ride is on its way", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome. I thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello. I need to order a Lyft ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Where are you and where would you like to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and I would like to go to Tatsu Ramen at Melrose Ave.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 47, "text": "the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 47, "text": "Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 100, "text": "Tatsu Ramen at Melrose Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 101, "text": "Tatsu Ramen at Melrose Ave.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Lyft has several types of rides. Which one would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the types of rides?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is Lyft, Shared, XL, LUX, LUX Black, and LUX Black XL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 13, "text": "Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 25, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 30, "text": "LUX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 41, "text": "LUX Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 59, "text": "LUX Black XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 60, "text": "LUX Black XL.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What would be the cheapest option?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The cheapest ride would be the Shared Ride at $8-10.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "Shared Ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "$8-10", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "$8-10.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I'll take a shared ride.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Ordering a Shared ride on Lyft from Griffith Observatory to Tatsu Ramen. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 28, "text": "Shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 62, "text": "Griffith Observatory", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 77, "text": "Tatsu Ramen", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Can I ask you a question?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long will the ride be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The estimated drive from the Griffith Observatory to Tatsu Ramen is about 26 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 49, "text": "the Griffith Observatory", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 49, "text": "Griffith Observatory", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 64, "text": "Tatsu Ramen", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 84, "text": "26 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any other questions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. That is all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Your shared ride has been ordered and should be on its way. You can check its status on your mobile device.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 113, "text": "Okay. Your shared ride has been ordered and should be on its way. You can check its status on your mobile device.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm here to help.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are some good Italian restaurants in the Boston, MA area?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 56, "text": "the Boston, MA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 56, "text": "Boston, MA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's Tutto Italiano, Mamma Maria, and La Famiglia Giorgio's Restaurant", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 22, "text": "Tutto Italiano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "Mamma Maria", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 36, "text": "Mamma Maria,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 62, "text": "La Famiglia Giorgio's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 73, "text": "La Famiglia Giorgio's Restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which restaurants have booth type seating?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 41, "text": "booth type seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tutto Italiano and Mamma Maria have booth seating", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Tutto Italiano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "Mamma Maria", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "booth seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do all restaurants have a wine menu?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think I'd like to give Tutto Italiano a shot", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 39, "text": "Tutto Italiano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what time would you like to book a reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "6:40pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "6:40pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And how many people would you like this for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And that's for an indoor booth seat?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 30, "text": "indoor booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 35, "text": "indoor booth seat", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, 6:30pm is not available for reservation. Would 7pm work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 65, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that would be fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So to confirm, you want a 7pm indoor booth to be reserved for two at Tutto Italiano?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 42, "text": "indoor booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 65, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "Tutto Italiano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, your reservation has been made", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "Ok, your reservation has been made", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 34, "text": "your reservation has been made", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, enjoy!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We're looking to eat Italian tonight, are there any 3 or 4 star one within a 10 mile radius?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, the closest 3 or 4 star Italian restaurant is Gloria's at 8th and Vine St.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 59, "text": "Gloria's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 78, "text": "8th and Vine St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Excellent! Can you book me a table for two at 9?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 47, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but they are all booked up at 9.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 42, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We can go earlier, but not much later.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Gloria's has an open table for at 8. Is that good for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Gloria's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 26, "text": "open table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 35, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "8 is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm informed that the available table is outside, will that be a problem?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 48, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is it likely to rain?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The National Weather Service predicts 0% chance of rain at 8 o'clock.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 68, "text": "8 o'clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, but what's the temperature supposed to be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "At 8, the temperature is predicted to be 52 degrees.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 4, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's too cold is there another Italian restaurant close by?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Guido's is at 12th and Main, it is reviewed at 3 and 1/2 stars and has a table for two available at 9 tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Guido's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 27, "text": "12th and Main", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 78, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 86, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 101, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 109, "text": "9 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is the table inside?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 19, "text": "table inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it's listed as being indoors.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about parking?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Guido's has $10 valet parking.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Guido's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Please wait while I confirm. OK you have reservations for a table for two at Guido's at 12th and Main at 8pm tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 73, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 84, "text": "Guido's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 101, "text": "12th and Main", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 108, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 116, "text": "8pm tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks pal!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anytime.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order a pizza for me from Marcos", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 40, "text": "Marcos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what kind of pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you do the BBQ chicken?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "BBQ chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A large BBQ chicken Pizza, anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 25, "text": "BBQ chicken Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, can you have them switch the onion for pineapple please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 53, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yes. I can do that. A large bbq chicken pizza substitute pineapple for onion. Anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 45, "text": "bbq chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 66, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 76, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope that's it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of crust do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Deep dish", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, the choices are hand tossed or thin crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 38, "text": "hand tossed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 52, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hand tossed", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Hand tossed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK a large hand tossed Bbq chicken, substitute pineapple for onion.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "hand tossed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "Bbq chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 66, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes exactly", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When did you want that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ASAP please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see how soon that can be ready", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is complete and will be ready in 25 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "Your order is complete", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 54, "text": "Your order is complete and will be ready in 25 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Stella, can you book me an appointment at the auto repair shop Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 92, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 93, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, but can you first give me your full name, phone number, make, model, and year of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Full name is Sheila Shobovits, phone number is (333)333-3333, vehicle is a 2010 Toyota Yaris, silver sedan with 100,000 miles.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 29, "text": "Sheila Shobovits", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 30, "text": "Sheila Shobovits,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 79, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 92, "text": "Toyota Yaris", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 106, "text": "Toyota Yaris, silver sedan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what seems to be the problem with the vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There is a lot of smoke coming out of the engine. I would also like a general check up for the car.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 81, "text": "There is a lot of smoke coming out of the engine. I would also like a general che", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 48, "text": "smoke coming out of the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 86, "text": "general check up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I have checked with the online virtual assistant and they have availability tomorrow morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 90, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 98, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I really need to get in in today. The car is almost stalling and I am concerned for my safety, driving it like this.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 60, "text": "The car is almost stalling", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am checking the website again to see if any availability arrises.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The smoke is thick, I don't want to wait.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I understand, can you bring it in after 1:00 PM? I am talking to a representative online now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 47, "text": "1:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, I can bring the car after 1:00 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 39, "text": "1:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right, the online host said they can get you in then. You said you would also like a general inspection of the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, while it is there, I might as well have an overall inspection. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 66, "text": "overall inspection", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, there is a $100 dollar inspection fee but that can be applied to any problems that are discovered upon inspection completion. Please just bring ID and cash or credit cards for payment. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, will do. In the event that my car won't start, can I have it towed there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, the virtual assistant said to call or you can chat with him through the website if you have any issues. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, sounds good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right, so you have an appointment tomorrow at 1:00 PM at Intelligent Auto Solutions, for your 2010 silver Toyota Yaris sedan (100,000 miles). You will be charged $100 inspection fee and will need identification and cash or debit/credit card for payment. You are all booked.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "1:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 87, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 102, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 103, "end_index": 128, "text": "silver Toyota Yaris sedan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 110, "end_index": 122, "text": "Toyota Yaris", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much for your help. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, be sure to check your email and cell phone for confirmation of reservation. I hope everything is ok with your vehicle. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Me too. Thanks again and I'll talk with you soon.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, always happy to help. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'm going to need a Lyft please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I just need to ask a few questions to make sure I get you to the right location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, what do you need me to answer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "First where would the Lyft driver be picking you up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm currently at the LAX Airport and I'm trying to go to the Beverly Hills Hotel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 32, "text": "LAX Airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 80, "text": "Beverly Hills Hotel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nice, you're sunny California! Which size ride would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think I'll need an XL since I have all my luggage. About how much will it cost?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 23, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The fare estimate is $42-$49. Around what time would you need it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "$42-$49", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm hoping to get one as soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks, just one moment while I see which drivers are available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but there are no drivers available with XL vehicles at this time. Let's see...", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 53, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh wow I really needed a ride. Is there anything?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I was just messaging one of the drivers and I can get you a standard sized vehicle. The fare will be cheaper actually, $30-$35...", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 68, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 82, "text": "standard sized vehicle", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 126, "text": "$30-$35", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh really? But I have all my luggage.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Correct and the driver said it wasn't a problem. They will let you use their backseat and trunk space to accommodate you as long as you are okay with it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! That will be perfect! I get the ride I need and can save a few bucks! Ha!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. I'll book the Lyft right away.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. I just want to confirm that your ride is on the way and you can check the status of your arriving vehicle on your phone. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No you've been helpful. Have a great day!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me a ride on Uber.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, from what locations do you want to get picked up and dropped off?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at Starbucks, on 13172 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 62, "text": "Starbucks, on 13172 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, where do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "To the movie theater on 1701 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 54, "text": "the movie theater on 1701 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 54, "text": "movie theater on 1701 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, do you have a preference on the type of service?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What do they have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The lowest fare is UberX. They only charge $12.39", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 49, "text": "$12.39", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the most expensive?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The most expensive is Black SUV, that one is $45.72.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 31, "text": "Black SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 51, "text": "$45.72", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't need an SUV to go to the movies do they have anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have Select which uses premium cars.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 16, "text": "Select", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much does that one cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That one is $26.67.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "$26.67", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lets go with the original Uber.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You mean Black? That one costs $34.33", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 37, "text": "$34.33", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah Black, order me that one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I just completed the order. The ride is on it's way you can check the status on your phone", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 33, "text": "I just completed the order.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome! Is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Enjoy the movie.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Sally", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hey Rain. What's up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to order a car for me. I'm in Jersey and I need to get over to Brooklyn", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 47, "text": "Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 82, "text": "Brooklyn", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, give me a minute. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, exactly where are you in Newark?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "Newark", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The airport.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "The airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "The airport.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And where are you going in Brooklyn Heights?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "Brooklyn", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 43, "text": "Brooklyn Heights", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "To the Promenade.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "To the Promenade", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "Promenade", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Why didn't you just catch a flight to LaGuardia.. this fare is going to be super expensive.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is this relevant? I've got family here, so flew up to see them first. Anyway, let's get back on task. What's the cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, we've got a shared ride on lyft that's about 45 and on a pool on Uber that is about 68", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "shared ride on lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 51, "text": "45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 65, "text": "pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 73, "text": "pool on Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 90, "text": "68", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm bringing the fam with me, so that won't work. We're going to need more space", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " you want fancy or normal", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Normal haha. I'm not made of money", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hah! right ok. So an Uber X will be over 70 and a Lyft XL will be about 5 to 10 dollars cheaper", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 27, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 43, "text": "70", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 87, "text": "5 to 10 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, let's go with the Lyft", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Cool. Plugging in the details now... and it is on the way!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks Sally!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Enjoy your family time, Rain.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will thanks. Bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good morning, I would like to make an appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good morning, sure what is it that you would like to do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to take my car to the auto repair shop called Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 85, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Give me a second to pull up the notes. What is wrong with the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am having some brakes problems.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 32, "text": "some brakes problems", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 32, "text": "brakes problems", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is wrong with those brakes?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "They keep making this odd sound whenever I stop in traffic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 58, "text": "They keep making this odd sound whenever I stop in traffic", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will write that down and let down. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. When do you to drop your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to make the appointment as soon as possible.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 56, "text": "as soon as possible", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check the schedule. They have tomorrow available at 10:00am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 45, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 66, "text": "10:00am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, make it for tomorrow at 10:00am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 44, "text": "10:00am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make, model and year of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a Honda Odessey 2018.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 21, "text": "Honda Odessey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "2018", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great I will put that down and let them know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, anything else you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your full name and contact number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "John Lake and phone number is 548-858-2396.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "John Lake", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you! To recap, you are have an appointment tomorrow at 10:00am for your 2018 Honda Odessey. Your full name is John Lake and phone number is 548-858-2396.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 57, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 68, "text": "10:00am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 82, "text": "2018", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 96, "text": "Honda Odessey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 125, "text": "John Lake", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct. Is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No that is all for today. If anything comes, I will inform you ahead of time. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the specials here today at Papa John?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 45, "text": "Papa John", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The specials here today at our Piqua Ohio location are many thing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 41, "text": "Piqua Ohio", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Like what?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have a 2 topping pizza large for $12.00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Any other specials?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have 2 large 2 topping for $9.99 each.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is that all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Our last special is a medium one topping for $6.00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay awesome!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yup, what can I get for you today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I take a large two topping pizza please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what would you like as your two toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let me get pepperoni & bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 20, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay would you like anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much are your garlic butter bread sticks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are $6.75.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay let me get those too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay your total is $18.75.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will it be cash or credit?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to pay with cash.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. We will have your pizza out shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Large pepperoni bacon pizza & garlic butter bread sticks?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 27, "text": "pepperoni bacon pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yup, that's me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, Enjoy!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get some napkins?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yup, no problem. Here you go.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you! Have a good day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yup, no problem. You have a nice day as well.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yo can you get me a starbucks coffee?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yeah sure what do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "cafe mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "cafe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "grande", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 percent", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "2 percent", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you want whipped creme?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "whipped creme", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what starbucks location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "let me check", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay, ill wait", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Harris Teeter in Durham on 9th Street", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 37, "text": "Harris Teeter in Durham on 9th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 37, "text": "Durham on 9th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i ordered the drink (cafe mocha - 2 percent - grande - whipped creme) from the Harris Teeter on 9th street", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 31, "text": "cafe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 43, "text": "2 percent", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 68, "text": "whipped creme", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 106, "text": "Harris Teeter on 9th street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 106, "text": "9th street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "cool", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it should be ready shortly and receipt was texted to you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "cheers mate!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "no problem mate", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sara, I would love to order pizza from my favorite place.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I can do that for you! It's the pizza place off Main St. called Mando's, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "Main St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 77, "text": "Mando's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is correct! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, perfect. What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't remember the name of it but it had pineapples on them.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 53, "text": "pineapples", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh, you must be talking about the Hawaiian pizza! Those are delicious.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 48, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That might just be it! Can you tell me what other toppings are on that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah, sure. According to their menu, it comes with pineapples, Canadian ham, and onions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 61, "text": "pineapples", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 75, "text": "Canadian ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 87, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, that sounds about right, but can I take the Canadian ham for something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 60, "text": "Canadian ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah, of course. Instead of the Canadian ham, what would you like on it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "Canadian ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I just have Italian sausage? Is that okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 31, "text": "Italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, according to the menu, you are allowed to swap out one topping.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. What are my size options?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They come in three sizes: Med, Large, and Mando!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "Med", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 36, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "Mando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How big is a Mando?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "Mando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's 26\" in size! Great for a family of four.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "26\"", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, that is big! It will just be for me and my daughter. What would be the right size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For two people, I think the medium size would be perfect.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds great. I would love to order that please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it. They have your payment information on file, would you like to go with that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that will be perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, so the total will be $15.39 and it will be arriving at your house in 30 to 35 minutes. The receipt can be emailed or sent to you along with your pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would love to have a physical copy of my receipt. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it. I will have the driver print and give you the receipt in person. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome! If you're hungry, you are more than welcome to join us!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you, but unfortunately I do not eat meat!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, I forgot! Next time I will make sure to order vegetarian option for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Haha, thank you! Have a goodnight!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This is Mary Hayes. I need you to call Intelligent Auto Solutions to make an appointment for my 2019 Chevy lumina", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 18, "text": "Mary Hayes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 65, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 100, "text": "2019", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 101, "end_index": 113, "text": "Chevy lumina", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the problem with the car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is making a funny grinding noise. it may be the brakes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 57, "text": "It is making a funny grinding noise. it may be the brakes", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 57, "text": "making a funny grinding noise. it may be the brakes", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there any certain day or time you need.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like it done tomorrow morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 29, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 37, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The earliest they can get you in is wednesday at 10 am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 45, "text": "wednesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 54, "text": "10 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That wont work. Can they do it wednesday afternoon after one pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 40, "text": "wednesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 63, "text": "afternoon after one pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, how is thursday at 11:30 am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "11:30 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No i have an appointment and need my car can you please ask them to work me in in the morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 93, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your number so i can get back to you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "8359105473", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok i will get back in a few.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They will work you in at 8 am in the morning they are not sure how long it will take", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 44, "text": "8 am in the morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok please send me the confirmation", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have sent it to both your email and phone", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I havent got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "let me resend it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "tomorrow morning at 8 am you must be there on time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 24, "text": "morning at 8 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you so much i will be on time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a coffee drink from starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 51, "text": "a coffee drink from starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Starbucks location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one by union square, manhattan.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 35, "text": "The one by union square, manhattan.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 34, "text": "union square, manhattan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "alright. What do you want to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to be adventurous today. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order the Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 56, "text": "Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 56, "text": "Blonde Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's a good choice. Do you have a specific size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just a tall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of milk? Coconut milk as usual?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "Coconut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'm going for the whole milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "whole", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 32, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "But you are lactose intolerance. This is not advised.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I took the lactase pill.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh, alright. When do you need this drink ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In about 5 minutes, just getting out of the train station right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I will put the order in for a Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte, Tall, Whole milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 69, "text": "Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 69, "text": "Blonde Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 75, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 82, "text": "Whole", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 87, "text": "Whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you need from there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. It should be ready when you arrive.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 52, "text": "It should be ready when you arrive.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to buy tickets for the movie, How to train your Dragon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 61, "text": "How to train your Dragon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 62, "text": "How to train your Dragon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What theater would you like to go to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Celebration Cinema South. The address is 1506 Eastport Dr, GrandRapids, MI", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 24, "text": "Celebration Cinema South", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Celebration Cinema South.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 74, "text": "1506 Eastport Dr, GrandRapids, MI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets do you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need 4 tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 8, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What showtime do you need the tickets for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The 5:30 pm showing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "5:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to see the movie in 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 37, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much more is it for 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 26, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is $3.00 per ticket.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 11, "text": "$3.00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will watch it in 3D.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 21, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "3D.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are they all adult tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. There are two adults and two children under 12.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 41, "text": "two adults and two children", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to sit. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to sit in the furthest seats back and on the end of the row.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total cost of the tickets are 53.00. How will you like to pay for the tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "53.00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I already have an account with them.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can do for you ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that will be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So I have you down for 2 adult and 2 children tickets for How to Train your Dragon. They are 3D tickets for the 5:30 pm showing. You want to sit the furthest in the back and on the end seating. The movie theater address is 1506 EastPort, GrandRapids, MI", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 53, "text": "2 adult and 2 children tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 24, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 82, "text": "How to Train your Dragon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 95, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 112, "end_index": 119, "text": "5:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 223, "end_index": 253, "text": "1506 EastPort, GrandRapids, MI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your tickets are being sent to your mobile phone via text.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to orded a pizza from Pandini's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 44, "text": "Pandini's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to review the menu options?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, but just the pizza sizes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pandini's offers pizzas in personal, medium and large sizes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pandini's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "personal", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 43, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 53, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is that in inches?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The personal size is 10 inches, the meduim size is 12 inches and the large is 14 inches.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 17, "text": "personal size", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 30, "text": "personal size is 10 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 31, "text": "10 inches,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 47, "text": "meduim size", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 60, "text": "meduim size is 12 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 60, "text": "12 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 74, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 87, "text": "large is 14 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 88, "text": "14 inches.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do the have an extra large size?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, the largest size is the large at 14 inches.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 15, "text": "largest", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 46, "text": "large at 14 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "14 inches.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'd like to order a large pineapple bbq chicken pizza with Asiago cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 51, "text": "pineapple bbq chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 57, "text": "pineapple bbq chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 76, "text": "Asiago cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 77, "text": "Asiago cheese.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pandini's is currently out of Asiago cheese. Would you like to substitute Parmesan or extra mozzarella?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pandini's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 43, "text": "Asiago cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 82, "text": "Parmesan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 102, "text": "extra mozzarella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, I'll have extra mozzarella.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 33, "text": "extra mozzarella.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 32, "text": "extra mozzarella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like any additional toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have bacon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, would you like to add bacon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah add bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "bacon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bacon has been added. Would you like to add any additional toppings?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You order is one pineapple bbq chicken pizza, with: pineapple, chicken, mozzerella, extra mozzerella andbbq sauce, is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 26, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 44, "text": "pineapple bbq chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 38, "text": "pineapple bbq chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 70, "text": ", chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 82, "text": "mozzerella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 100, "text": "extra mozzerella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 113, "text": "bbq sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 114, "text": "bbq sauce,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to place this order using the account information stored with Pandini's? Payment will be made from your card ending in XXXX?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 86, "text": "Pandini's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's the one.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed. Your order confirmation number and receipt have been sent to your mobile device. Your pizza will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, can you help me buy movie tickets for Wonder Park?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 56, "text": "Wonder Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, which location do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want AMC Village 7 at Third Avenue of New York City.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 20, "text": "AMC Village 7", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 53, "text": "Third Avenue of New York City", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Which showtime and how many tickets do you want? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer 6:00 tonight and two tickets. I would take the 3D option if they have one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 13, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 58, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check. Just a second.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Take your time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, they don't have a show for Wonder Park at 6:00 tonight. And they only have 3D for Wonder Park in the afternoon at 2:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 45, "text": "Wonder Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 61, "text": "6:00 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 84, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 125, "text": "afternoon at 2:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 121, "end_index": 125, "text": "2:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, do they have anything else at around 6:00 tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 45, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check. They do have a show for Dumbo at 6:00 tonight and a 3D version at 6:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 43, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 59, "text": "6:00 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 68, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 84, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! I want Dumbo with 3D option at 6:30 tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 27, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 50, "text": "6:30 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, two tickets right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 15, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, they confirmed two tickets are available for Dumbo 3D at 6:30 tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 56, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 59, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 67, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 75, "text": "6:30 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Please pay the tickets using my account with AMC Village 7.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 65, "text": "AMC Village 7", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. The total amount is $41.25.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 32, "text": "$41.25", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "41.25", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The tickets are being sent to your mobile phone as a text message. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much. Goodbye!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good morning can you order me a coffee to pick up at starbucks on my way in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! Which location would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 Atlantic Ave. Location is perfect!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "2 Atlantic Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I have them pulled up. What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get a Grande Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 43, "text": "Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. I will get that in for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh! You know what can you edit that to have no Caramel Drizzle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 62, "text": "no Caramel Drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 62, "text": "Caramel Drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I have added no caramel drizzle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 37, "text": "no caramel drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 37, "text": "caramel drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, Apparently they have ran out of the cinnamon syrup that is the main staple of the drink. Would you like to try something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 56, "text": "cinnamon syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OH no! Ok, can you just order me the Grande Java Chip Frappucino, with a shot of espresso?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 43, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 64, "text": "Java Chip Frappucino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 89, "text": "shot of espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, So I've got your order of one Grande Java Chip Frappucino at the 2nd Atlantic Ave, Location available for pick up in 10 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 42, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 63, "text": "Java Chip Frappucino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 87, "text": "2nd Atlantic Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you go ahead and charge my card on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I can do that. This will be under the card ending in 8769", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, the Visa. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, your card has been charged. Your receipt has been sent to you via text message. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect! Thank you so much. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Have a wonderful day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "you too! Thank you again. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello i would like some information on getting a tune up for my 2017 chevy cruise.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 56, "text": "tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 68, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 81, "text": "chevy cruise", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I can help you with that, what city do you live in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fort Worth 76108", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Fort Worth", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what time and date would you like to set an appointment for ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tonight at 5pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay give me 60 seconds to see what I can find.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good to me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Fort Worth Complete Auto Repair has an opening for that time and today's date, would you like further info?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 31, "text": "Fort Worth Complete Auto Repair", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes the location please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "15 miles away from the office is that okay?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay sounds great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay great, would you like me to set this up for that time and date?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please go ahead", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will start the process, would you like a link with a map as well?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please and also book it under my name please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay it's all setup for today at 5pm, it's a tune up on a 2017 chevy crusie. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 36, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 62, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 75, "text": "chevy crusie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay it's under your name and it should be ready to go, is there anything else I can do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect, thank you so much for your help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you and have a lovely day", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thinking about ordering some coffee at Starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing, There's a starbucks near by on Main Street in Richland, WA. Would you like to pick up your order there?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 70, "text": "starbucks near by on Main Street in Richland, WA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 70, "text": "Main Street in Richland, WA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'm heading to Kennewick, WA. There should one on 2nd Ave.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "Kennewick, WA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 33, "text": "Kennewick, WA.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "2nd Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. What kind of coffee would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like try out the Caffè Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "Caffè Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good pick, what kind of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a Short, Tall, Grande, or Venti?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "Short", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 28, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 36, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande would be fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Would you like anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, can you add whip cream to the drink please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Checking the Starbucks in Kennewick. I'm sorry but that drink is that available at that location. Would you like something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 41, "text": "Starbucks in Kennewick", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 41, "text": "Kennewick", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would also like to try the Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 57, "text": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good pick, what kind of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a Tall, Grande, or Venti Iced?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 21, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 29, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 44, "text": "Venti Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande would be fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Gotcha, anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That will be it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. One grande Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato with 2%. Is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 9, "text": "One", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 16, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 45, "text": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 53, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, ordering. Your order will be ready for pickup at the Starbucks on Main Street Shortly. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 86, "text": "Starbucks on Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 86, "text": "Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Enjoy", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, can you book two movie tickets for me please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what movie would you like to watch?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to watch the movie, Wonder Park.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "Wonder Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I'll look that up for you. Can you give me more details?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It will be for the movie theater, Regal Cinemas Winter Park Village 20 & RPX in Orlando, at 9:15pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 76, "text": "Regal Cinemas Winter Park Village 20 & RPX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 87, "text": "Regal Cinemas Winter Park Village 20 & RPX in Orlando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 87, "text": "Orlando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 98, "text": "9:15pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, there are no more tickets for that movie theater and at that show time. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you provide any alternatives?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, the movie is availabe at Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square at 9:05pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 64, "text": "Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 74, "text": "9:05pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, that sounds great. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok let's see. You would like two tickets, tonight, at Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square in Orlando, at 9:05pm. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "Orlando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 88, "text": "Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 110, "text": "9:05pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I confirm that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. It will be $21.18, can you confirm if it is fine to book the tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "$21.18", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "21.18", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, it is fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. I have booked the tickets now and sending them to your mobile device as a text message. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The text message has been sent. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's all the help I needed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, if you have any questions, please contact me again anytime.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, thank you. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a wonderful day. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Order a pizza, please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to order a pizza from Derango's or another restaurant?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 46, "text": "Derango's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Derango's please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Derango's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thin crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large , please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "large, thin crust pizza. What toppings would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 23, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sausage, mushrooms onions, green peppers, ripe olives and anchovies.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 18, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 25, "text": "mushrooms onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 25, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 40, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 53, "text": "ripe olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 67, "text": "anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "One large, thin crust pizza with Sausage, mushrooms onions, green peppers, ripe olives and anchovies. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 27, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 51, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 58, "text": "mushrooms onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 58, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 73, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 86, "text": "ripe olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 100, "text": "anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, Anchovies and ripe olives are not available. Would you like to change your order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 20, "text": "Anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "ripe olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, let's try a Hawaiian pizza with extra ham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 32, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 47, "text": "extra ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 48, "text": "extra ham.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to order a large, thin crust Hawaiian pizza with extra ham?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 43, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 58, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 73, "text": "extra ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ordering a large, thin crust pizza with extra ham from Derango's pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 34, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "extra ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 70, "text": "Derango's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Would you like to add anything to your order? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order for one large, thin crust pizza from Derango's Pizza has been placed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 42, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 63, "text": "Derango's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Your pizza will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes. Would you like me to set a timer for 25 minutes? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Enjoy your pizza and have a good evening. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to make an auto appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions, please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 71, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 70, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. I can help you with that. What type of car do you have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a 2018 Kia Sportage", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 13, "text": "2018", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 26, "text": "Kia Sportage", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. What will you be having done?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to get a 20,000 mile checkup, please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 37, "text": "20,000 mile checkup", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What day and time were you thinking of?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to bring it in tomorrow sometime after 12 noon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 32, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 55, "text": "after 12 noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 56, "text": "12 noon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. I can book that for you. One moment please. What is your name and phone number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My name is Suzy Q and my number is 555 555-5555", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "Suzy Q", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. There is an appointment available tomorrow at 3pm. Will that work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 53, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 60, "text": "3pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that would be perfect", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. One moment while I confirm", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your appointment is for a 20,000 mile checkup tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. I have your name as Suzy Q and your phone number as 555 555-5555", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 45, "text": "20,000 mile checkup", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 54, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 64, "text": "afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 71, "text": "3pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 99, "text": "Suzy Q", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total charge will be 74.75. Would you like to put that on the card that you have on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, but thanks so much for your help", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're very welcome. Have a great day", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You have a great day, too", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I need an appointment booked for my car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where is your car and where do you want it taken to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's at my house, 123 West Rd, and I would like it taken to Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 86, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can I get a name and number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Jane Doe, 555-1234", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Jane Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make, model, and year of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 2011 Honda Civic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "2011", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "Honda Civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the reason for the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The brakes make a screeching sound. I think they need to be replaced.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "The brakes make a screeching sound", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 34, "text": "brakes make a screeching sound", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like your car towed to the auto repair shop?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I can take it down there. What is the earliest time I can bring it in tomorrow?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 82, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have an availability at 10:30 tomorrow morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 43, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 51, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I would like to schedule my auto repair for 10:30 tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 53, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 62, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. The fee for inspection at Intelligent Auto Solutions will be $25.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 56, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So to confirm, your 2011 Honda Civic will be looked at for brake repair at 10:30 am tomorrow, January 23 and your fee will be $25.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 24, "text": "2011", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "Honda Civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 71, "text": "brake repair", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 83, "text": "10:30 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 104, "text": "tomorrow, January 23", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have your name down as Jane Doe and your number is 555-1234, and you live at 123 West Rd?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "Jane Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, everything is set up for your appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like a ticket to see The Predator", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 37, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What city will you be seeing The Predator in?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 41, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alma, Michigan", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Alma, Michigan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Would you like general admission or 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 38, "text": "general admission", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 44, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "general admission.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "general admission", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "general admission.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets for The Predator would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 33, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. 2 tickets for the Predator in Alma, Michigan. Is that correct so far?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 15, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 7, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 32, "text": "the Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 50, "text": "Alma, Michigan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like your tickets for The Predator to be at NCG Theaters, Alma?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 66, "text": "NCG Theaters", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 72, "text": "Alma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Are you using any student or other discounts?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Predator is showing at 11:30, 2:15, 5:00 and 7:45. What showing would you like your tickets for?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "11:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 38, "text": "2:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "5:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:45", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Got it. 2 tickets for The Predator at NCG Alma at 7:45pm. Is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 15, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 40, "text": "The Predator", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "NCG", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 52, "text": "NCG Alma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 52, "text": "Alma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 62, "text": "7:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your total will be $15. Would you like to pay now or at the theater.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "$15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pay now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Did you want to use card on file ending in 3886?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Your card has been charged for your tickets. Please swipe your card at the kiosk or counter to claim your tickets. Can I help you with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for using this service. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'd like you to pick up a drink for me at the Road 68 Starbucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 70, "text": "Road 68 Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A Cinnamon Shortbread Latte please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 27, "text": "Cinnamon Shortbread Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright what size", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And do you need any modifications to it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, have them make it with soy milk instead of the regular.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, anything else you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that should be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like the Cinnamon Shortbread Latte was seasonal, and they aren't selling it anymore.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 43, "text": "Cinnamon Shortbread Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, then I guess I will take just a regular Latte then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "regular Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay do you want any added flavor in it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, have them put vanilla in it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you still want soy milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright so I have a Grande Latte with vanilla and soy milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 58, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that sounds perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I'll have it over to you shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much, bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need an Uber from the Airport.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "Airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What city, please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Savannah, Georgia.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "Savannah, Georgia", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, to what address?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "To the Hilton at the Historic District.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 38, "text": "the Hilton at the Historic District", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 38, "text": "Hilton at the Historic District", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "At 321 West Bay Street?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "At 321 West Bay Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 22, "text": "321 West Bay Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For what time, please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm arriving in around 20 minutes. I should be done with baggage claim in 30-35 minutes tops.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. What type of vehicle would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "UberXL please, I have luggage and I need to prepare for my meeting.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Let me check the fares for you. The booking fee is $2.45, with $2.47 per mile and $9.45 minimum fare.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 63, "text": "booking fee is $2.45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 63, "text": "$2.45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 75, "text": "$2.47", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 84, "text": "$2.47 per mile", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 94, "text": "$9.45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 107, "text": "$9.45 minimum fare", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I know the rates, that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want me to use your personal account?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'm doing this now......give me a moment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your ride is on its way. It should be there within 33 minutes. All the details should show up on your app.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 29, "text": "your ride is on its way", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 67, "text": "within 33 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 67, "text": "33 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're not on airplane mode and can check your phone, right?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, we've arrived so I'm able to do it...and I just got a text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, this is perfect. Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem at all, have a good meeting!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. Talk to you later.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I'm wanting to get a pizza for dinner from Pizza Hut.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 58, "text": "Pizza Hut.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 57, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okie dokie, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think I want to get a chicken barbecue with onions on it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 40, "text": "chicken barbecue", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We'll just get a medium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, just a second... it looks like they are out of the barbecue sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 72, "text": "barbecue sauce.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 71, "text": "barbecue sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmm, bummer. The sauce totally makes it what it is!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I agree. Their other sauces are the regular red sauce or a white alfredo.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 47, "text": "regular red", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 53, "text": "regular red sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 72, "text": "white alfredo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 73, "text": "white alfredo.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think I'll try chicken and bacon with that white sauce then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 56, "text": "white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, was there anything else you wanted on it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh yeah, make sure you put the onions on it too.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 37, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Gotcha. So a medium pizza with chicken, bacon, onions, and the white sauce, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 45, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 53, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 74, "text": "white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yep! That kinda sucks about the barbecue but I think that will be really tasty too. I'm so hungry! (laughs)", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I think it sounds pretty good. Okay, I'm putting the order through right now. Go ahead and use your card on file?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 76, "text": "putting the order through right now", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, the usual one, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay it says that it will be ready in about 25 minutes!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome. Can you have them send me a copy of the receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, no problem. They can send it through a text message to your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That'll do! Thank you so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Enjoy your pizza and have a good night!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You too! Bye bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi! Can I get you to make some reservations for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nino's please. For this Saturday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Nino's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. And how many people will be coming?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Four people plus the baby. And we need to do a table inside, not a booth.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Four people plus the baby", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 52, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 59, "text": "inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 72, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's plan on 6pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Hold on, let me check availability.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bad News--they're booked solid for inside tables. Would you like to try something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "tables", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's try 6:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hold on, let me check.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No luck at that time either. What would you like me to do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell you what, let's try Vincent's instead, 6pm, Four plus a baby, inside.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "Vincent's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 65, "text": "Four plus a baby", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 73, "text": "inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, hold on.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're in luck! I've got it reserved, you'll have a copy of the e-mail and I've added to the calendar. Do I need to text the details to anyone?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 36, "text": "I've got it reserved", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 37, "text": "I've got it reserved,", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks, that's everything. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Have a good one!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You too!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need you to order me two large pizzas from Grotto.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 36, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 55, "text": "Grotto", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok - I am logging onto their website now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "See if they have any specials", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like they have a pepperoni and extra cheese special.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 35, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 52, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you see if I can get a second topping instead of extra cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 65, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It says I can sub any regular topping. What would you like.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Add bacon and pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Should both pizzas be the same.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, make one sausage and peppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 32, "text": "peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just a second. I am entering everything now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You can put the whole thing on the company card.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like they are busy and it will take 25 minutes. Should I try somewhere else or is this ok?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine, I have to stop at the dry cleaners anyway.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm booking it now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You can text me the details and receipt. Put it in Susan's name in case she gets out of work before I do. You can use my phone number 587-343-4234.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. I am texting you all the details now. Can you let me know if you have them?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I just got the text. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, see you at the office tomorrow. Remember I will be coming in late.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good. See you then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to schedule an appointment with Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 65, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Certainly what is the nature of your appointment", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My check engine light is on", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 27, "text": "My check engine light is on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 27, "text": "engine light is on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok could I get some information?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make/model of the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Toyota camry", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Toyota camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and what is the year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2002", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2002", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I can schedule an appointment for tomorrow is that ok?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 48, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like this done quicker", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "when would you like to schedule", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Later, say 1pm this afternoon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 29, "text": "1pm this afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay we can do that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the name and number", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "David and my number is 9392039423", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "David", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks, your appointment has been scheduled.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "To confirm, you have a check engine light on for a 2002 toyota camry and would like to get it checked out at 1 pm this afternoon", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 44, "text": "you have a check engine light on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 44, "text": "engine light on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "2002", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 68, "text": "toyota camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 68, "text": "camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 128, "text": "1 pm this afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thant is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank for using our service", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order a pizza", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a pepperoni and onion pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 34, "text": "pepperoni and onion pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any other toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. Just those two. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like extra cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 27, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Extra cheese will do.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 17, "text": "Extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of crust would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want the thin crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 21, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. What size pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll have the large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "To confirm your order. You want a large thin crust pizza with pepperoni and onions and with extra cheese. Is that all?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 50, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 71, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 82, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 104, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can order for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be it. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Your order has been placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long do you think it would take?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready to be picked up in about 25 minutes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Thanks. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want tickets for Capitan Marvel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 34, "text": "Capitan Marvel.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 33, "text": "Capitan Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What date?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to go on Friday.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would you like.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to go at 8pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need two tickets as I am taking a friend.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a theater preference.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. I want the Violet Crown Cinema in Austin", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "Violet Crown Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 45, "text": "Austin", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like the Violet Crown is closed for renovations.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 27, "text": "Violet Crown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can we do Alamo Drafthouse Cinema South then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 38, "text": "Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Sout", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 39, "text": "Alamo Drafthouse Cinema South", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. The are open.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do you have something at 9pm since that is further away.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "9pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No the 9pm is sold out.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "9pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about 10pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "10pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. That is the last showing of the day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good I'll take that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I'll book 2 tickets for Captain marvel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 17, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 44, "text": "Captain marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 45, "text": "Captain marvel.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks so much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. The booking is confirmed and the info should be in you email shortly. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Order a coffee from Peets", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "Peets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "is this delivery or pickup", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "pickup", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what time you like to pickup", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ASAP", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "853 Broadway NEW YORK is this your store ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 21, "text": "853 Broadway NEW YORK", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what do you like to order ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell me my favorites from past", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Golden Caffè Latte and Caffe Mocha are your favorites", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "Golden Caffè Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "order Golden Caffè Latte", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 24, "text": "Golden Caffè Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what size ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is your preference on milk", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have trouble placing your order, Golden Caffe Latte is no longer an option. do you want me to order Caffe Mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 53, "text": "Golden Caffe Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 113, "text": "Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what size", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "medium", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is your preference on milk", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I have placed your order it will be ready for pickup shortly and your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 27, "text": "I have placed your order", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello. I would like to buy tickets for The Lego Movie 2.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "The Lego Movie 2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 55, "text": "Lego Movie 2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which city is this for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's for Columbus, Ohio.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 23, "text": "Columbus, Ohio", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Which movie theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Easton Town Center AMC.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "Easton Town Center AMC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a standard showing, IMAX, or 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 33, "text": "standard showing", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "IMAX", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 46, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "3D please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What show time would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It'll be at 7:00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "7:00.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like two tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 12, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 20, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the cost of each ticket?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The cost is $12 per ticket.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 15, "text": "$12", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like the dine-in option at Easton AMC?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "Easton AMC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Your tickets are being sent to your mobile device as a text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I'm going to need tickets for The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 68, "text": "The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what theatre would you like to see the movie at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to see the movie at the Regency Village Theatre, in Westwood, Los Angeles.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 54, "text": "the Regency Village Theatre", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 54, "text": "Regency Village Theatre", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 80, "text": "Westwood, Los Angeles", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets would you like me to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm going to need two tickets for me and my friend.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 50, "text": "me and my friend", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What showtime were you thinking of going?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lets do the 8:20PM showtime for tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "8:20PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to see the movie in 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 37, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, lets just do 2D.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 19, "text": "2D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the current prices per ticket for adult is 12.95$", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 53, "text": "12.95$", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine. Just book two of those tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The 8:20 showtime only has 1 ticket available. Would you like to book a different time today?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 8, "text": "8:20", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "1", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "1 ticket", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, what are the other showtimes available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is one at 6:45 that has two tickets available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "6:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 41, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lets do that showtime then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a front row seat or a seat in the back?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd prefer the closest seats we can get.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the closest seats available are in row C.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, grab those then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else you need for this showtime?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that is all. Just order the tickets please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order is confirmed. Your tickets are being sent to your mobile phone via text message. You should receive them shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you so much. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to order a coffee from Starbucks located at George Street, New Brunswick New Jersey.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 101, "text": "Starbucks located at George Street, New Brunswick New Jersey.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 100, "text": "George Street, New Brunswick New Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what type of coffee would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they still have available the Gingerbread latte?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 50, "text": "the Gingerbread latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, sorry. The Gingerbread latte is not currently available at this Starbucks location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 32, "text": "The Gingerbread latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'll just order a Caramel Macchiato.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 39, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 40, "text": "Caramel Macchiato.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like your Caramel Macchiato to be?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 47, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a Venti.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to add sugar and whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 45, "text": "add sugar and whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 45, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would like 3 Splenda, but no whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "3 Splenda", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 49, "text": "3 Splenda, but no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 49, "text": "no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of milk would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like skim milk please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 22, "text": "skim milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like vanilla flavored syrup with your coffee?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 37, "text": "vanilla flavored syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. I would also like it topped with caramel drizzle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 61, "text": "I would also like it topped with caramel drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 62, "text": "caramel drizzle.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, would you like anything else added to your order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that would be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is a Venti Caramel Macchiato, 3 Splenda, no whipped cream, with skim milk, with vanilla flavored syrup and topped with a caramel drizzle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 39, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 50, "text": "3 Splenda", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 68, "text": "no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 84, "text": "with skim milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 84, "text": "skim milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 147, "text": "with vanilla flavored syrup and topped with a caramel drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 113, "text": "vanilla flavored syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 132, "end_index": 147, "text": "caramel drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, how much is my total.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your total is $5.00. Your order will be ready to be picked up shortly at the Starbucks on George Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile phone by text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 132, "text": "the Starbucks on George Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 132, "text": "George Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you very much. Good Bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, Good Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to order coffee from Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What store would you like to pick up your coffee from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to pick up the coffee from Starbucks in Northvale, NJ.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 66, "text": "Northvale, NJ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So, you want to pick up the coffee from the Starbucks Northvale branch in NJ at 271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA. Is that right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 139, "text": "Northvale branch in NJ at 271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA. Is that right", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 124, "text": "NJ at 271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of coffee do you want to order? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a Black and White Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 39, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, not a problem. What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 24, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what type of milk do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want 2% milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 14, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, not a problem. Would you want whipped cream on it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please add the whipped cream to the top.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 44, "text": "whipped cream to the top", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, good. Do you want to add any special flavors.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that should be good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time do you want to pick up your coffee from Starbucks on 271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 107, "text": "271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 108, "text": "271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to pick it up in around an hour. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, not an issue. Do you have an account with Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the coffee has been charged to your account. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The drink should be ready for pick up in an hour at the Starbucks branch at 271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 48, "text": "The drink should be ready for pick up in an hour", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 121, "text": "271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 120, "text": "271B Livingston St, Northvale, NJ 07647, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, thanks so much. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to place an order from Antico.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 42, "text": "Antico", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order the large Napoletana pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 48, "text": "Napoletana pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 42, "text": "Napoletana", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Im sorry, the Napoletana pizza is unavailable?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 24, "text": "Napoletana", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 30, "text": "Napoletana pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are there other vegetarian pizza's available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 26, "text": "vegetarian", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 34, "text": "vegetarian pizza's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, the Verdura and Marinara are available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 16, "text": "Verdura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 29, "text": "Marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the toppings for the Verdura?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 37, "text": "Verdura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Broccoli, mushrooms, and garlic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Broccoli", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the large?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$19", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What comes on the Marinara?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 26, "text": "Marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tomato, garlic, and anchovies.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Tomato", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 14, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 29, "text": "anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the large?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$19", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I order 1 large Marinara and 1 large Verdura?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 28, "text": "Marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 48, "text": "Verdura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have an order for 1 large Marinara and 1 large Verdura.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "Marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 56, "text": "Verdura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your pizza order is complete and will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 28, "text": "Your pizza order is complete", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "hi, i'm running all over town i'm exhausted can you order me starbucks to pick up", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sure i'd be happy to do that for you, which location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "bayview", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "bayview", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "got it, do you know what you want to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "an Iced white chocolate mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 29, "text": "Iced white chocolate mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok great, what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok and what kind of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "coconut milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want whip cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have dairy free whip cream?`", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 34, "text": "dairy free whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 34, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "no i'm sorry they don't", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "oh no whip cream then", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 16, "text": "no whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it looks like this location is out of coconut milk do you have a second choice?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 50, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "almond milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok a venti iced white chocolate mocha with almond milk no whip cream is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 37, "text": "iced white chocolate mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 54, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 68, "text": "no whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes it is", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok I'll put that in for you right now", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "perfect", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I placed your order at the bayview starbucks it will be ready for pick up shortly and the receipt has been sent to your phone via text message", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "bayview", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, can you order me a ride on Uber please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Where would you like your ride to depart from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My current location, 5436 Moorhead Ave.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 39, "text": "5436 Moorhead Ave.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 38, "text": "5436 Moorhead Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What is your destination?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Backcountry Pizza and Tap House on Arapahoe Ave.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 47, "text": "Backcountry Pizza and Tap House on Arapahoe Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 48, "text": "Backcountry Pizza and Tap House on Arapahoe Ave.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What fare would you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't know. What is the price for Uber Select?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 47, "text": "Uber Select", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber Select is $14.45.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Uber Select", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "$14.45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "$14.45.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the price for UberX?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "UberX is $8.57.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "$8.57", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And what is the price for Uber Pool?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 35, "text": "Uber Pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber Pool is $8.14.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Uber Pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "$8.14", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I will take the Uber X.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 27, "text": "Uber X.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, should I order it to leave now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the car is ordered and on its way. It should arrive in 3 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 69, "text": "in 3 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 68, "text": "3 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "While you wait you can check the car's progress on your Uber app.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wonderful, thanks so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Let me know if you have any problems.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will do. Bye!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to order a drink.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "From where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Peets! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good choice. What Drink do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Latte Macchiato.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 24, "text": "Latte Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A small.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They can't give you a small.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about a medium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, that one is a available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of milk do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take soy.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 13, "text": "soy", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Anything else for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that is it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you want to pick this up, right?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. I just ordered a Latte Macchiato in a medium with soy milk for you. The total is $3.46. It will be ready to pick up on 473 main street shortly. A text receipt is being sent to you phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 36, "text": "Latte Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 62, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 123, "end_index": 138, "text": "473 main street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yay. Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anytime. Enjoy.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Gerard, can you swing by and grab me some starbucks on your way back? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure Boss, which one? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one near the airport.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 24, "text": "near the airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Gotcha, Whatcha want? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you grab me a quad, venti, non-fat, chocolate macchiato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "quad", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "non-fat", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 39, "text": "non-fat,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 59, "text": "chocolate macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can do", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hey Boss, they can't make the macchiato with chocolate. They can make a mocha instead", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 39, "text": "macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 54, "text": "macchiato with chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 77, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, that's fine. Can you put whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 44, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 66, "text": "chocolate drizzle", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah! No problem!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sweet! Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just picked up the Coffee, ETA is 10-15 min", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Did you get yourself something too?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " I didn't", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Gerard! Go back, and get yourself a coffee", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yessir", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And make sure it's put on the company card", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, if you insist", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I do, Let me know your new ETA", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ETA: 20-25 min", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I forgot to schedule a mechanic appointment. Can you do that for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Do you have a specific mechanic that you use?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I forget the exact name. It's the VW dealership in Evanston.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "VW dealership", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 59, "text": "Evanston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. I'll check. It's it The Autobahn?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "Autobahn", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's the one!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's the appointment for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car is making a loud knocking noise when I drive at higher speeds. I think it's the drive shaft.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 99, "text": "My car is making a loud knocking noise when I drive at higher speeds. I think it's the drive shaft.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 69, "text": "loud knocking noise when I drive at higher speeds.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 98, "text": "I think it's the drive shaft", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. They can get you in Friday. You just need to drop the car off before 9 a.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "Friday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 78, "text": "before 9 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Anything earlier? My car isn't driveable in its current state.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I see an opening for 10 a.m. Thursday. How is that?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "10 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "Thursday.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 41, "text": "Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's your car make and model?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2017 VW Tiguan.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "VW Tiguan.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 14, "text": "VW Tiguan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What should I put for contact information? Your name or Joe?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 59, "text": "Joe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mine. Sophia Smith. Use my work cellphone 312-555-5555.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 18, "text": "Sophia Smith", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "To confirm, the issue is with your drive shaft?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 46, "text": "issue is with your drive shaft", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's what I suspect, yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. To confirm, your appointment is at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Autobahn.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 46, "text": "10 a.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 72, "text": "Autobahn.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks! Do you have a cost estimate?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be $100 to check the car, and then any associated costs on top of that.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could you please place an order for me at Pizza Hut?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 51, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a large stuffed crust pizza please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 34, "text": "stuffed crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 40, "text": "stuffed crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What toppings would you like on it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get sausage, mushrooms, green peppers and onions please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 28, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 43, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 54, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. You want a large stuffed crust sausage, mushroom, green pepper and onion pizza. Correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 36, "text": "stuffed crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 44, "text": "stuffed crust sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 44, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 54, "text": "mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 68, "text": "green pepper", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 84, "text": "green pepper and onion pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 78, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I am ordering it now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pizza Hut ran out of sausage. What should I do?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You can just replace the sausage with Canadian bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 32, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 53, "text": "Canadian bacon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 52, "text": "Canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. You want a large stuffed crust pizza with ham, mushrooms, green peppers and onions. Correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 36, "text": "stuffed crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 42, "text": "stuffed crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 51, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 62, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 63, "text": "mushrooms,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 77, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 88, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will order that right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. The pizza will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They will send your receipt via text to your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you schedule an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 66, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Something wrong with your car? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, my rear right tire seems to have a slow leak. I want to get it fixed before I drive to LA tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 50, "text": "my rear right tire seems to have a slow leak", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That makes sense. One minute, pulling up the site now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool. I'm supposed to leave after work tomorrow, so see if theres a slot before work. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Gotcha. First things first, what's your cars make and model?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2017 Honda CRV.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 14, "text": "Honda CRV", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Honda CRV.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Cool. They need a phone number too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "520-267-8910. Put it down under Rob Grosster.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "Rob Grosster", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Should I just say slow leak for the problem?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 39, "text": "slow leak", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, and oil change too actually. Light just came on.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 20, "text": "oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. You said before work right? So, 8am?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 39, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Actually, looks like thats not an option.. earliest time is 9am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 63, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess I'll have to come in a little late tomorrow then. Tell Jan for me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 51, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. Looks like the total is estimated to be about $50. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine, it's a company car anyway. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I booked it for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 29, "text": "Alright, I booked it for you.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect. Read it back to me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tomorrow, 9am, at Intelligent Auto Solutions. For your 2017 Honda CRV.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 13, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 44, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 59, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 69, "text": "Honda CRV", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a frappuccino from Starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Will you be picking it up at your usual Main St. location?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 52, "text": "Main St.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 61, "text": "Main St. location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of frappuccino would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 24, "text": "frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "oasted White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 28, "text": "oasted White Chocolate Crème", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 40, "text": "White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Of course.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any other flavors you would like to add?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that's it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want this charged to your credit card on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your total comes to $4.17", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you would like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that is all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your drink order will be ready for pickup shortly and your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi I'd like to order a coffee from Starbucks please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, where are you located?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Port Huron, Michigan", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A Black and White Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 23, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but the Black and White Mocha was a seasonal special that is no longer available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 40, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, then how about a Cafe Latte?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 33, "text": "Cafe Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what type of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Whole milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll place the order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed. It will be ready in 15 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Your order has been placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can I help you with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, that'll be it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, have a great day", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you get me a drink from Peets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, which store?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on 4th Street, downtown.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 31, "text": "4th Street, downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what specific drink do you want me to get?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A cappuccino with extra foam.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 12, "text": "cappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "extra foam", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Small.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Small", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Do you want anything else extra or just anything else in general?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, can you get me a couple of sugar packets and extra cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 46, "text": "sugar packets", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 62, "text": "extra cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Anything to eat?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thanks. I'd just like to get the drink and that's it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I've just put in the order. It'll be ready for pickup soon.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, I appreciate it. Did it come with a receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. It'll be sent to you through text on your phone. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, great. I appreciate it, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that'll be all. Thanks for your help. I'll contact you if I need anything.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Take care.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Diedre, I need you to book an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 71, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. Which car is this for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's for my 2012 Porsche 911.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "2012", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 28, "text": "Porsche 911", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. They're asking for the information of the owner. What name and number do you want to use?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lloyd Harrington. Use my cell, 555-555-5555.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Lloyd Harrington", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. They're asking what the issue is?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car is starting to smoke. I'm pretty sure this is urgent.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 27, "text": "My car is starting to smoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 27, "text": "starting to smoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it absolutely is. They want to know if there's any strange sound coming from the car?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 90, "text": "strange sound coming from the car?", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I hear a grinding sound in the engine. Is it safe to drive?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 37, "text": "I hear a grinding sound in the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 37, "text": "grinding sound in the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions says it's only good to drive for a short distance. They want to know if you can bring it in at 9 AM tomorrow?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 122, "end_index": 126, "text": "9 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 127, "end_index": 135, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need this car. Make it earlier.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They said you can drop it off at 7 PM tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "tonight.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright. What's the inspection fee going to be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "According to them, a diagnostic will run $150. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds fine. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, so I just want to get the details correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Go on. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You want to book an appointment with Intelligent Auto Solutions for your 2012 Porsche 911.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 63, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 77, "text": "2012", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 89, "text": "Porsche 911", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The appointment is because your car is smoking and making a grinding noise.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 75, "text": "your car is smoking and making a grinding noise.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 74, "text": "car is smoking and making a grinding noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You will be dropping your car off at 7 PM tonight, and are willing to pay a $150 fee.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 41, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 49, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, you're booked.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 22, "text": "you're booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem. Call if you need me!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Give me a movie to watch", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What are you in the mood for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A comedy movie", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How new of a movie do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A movie that is brand spanking new", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you prefer male or female leads?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer male leads", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you prefer a buddy cop movie or a spring break movie", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 28, "text": "buddy cop", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 52, "text": "spring break", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Buddy cop is the way to go", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Buddy cop", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you like kidnapping plotlines, or drug plotlines", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Depends on my mood, but right now i prefer drug plotlines", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, one last question, do you like the rush hour movies?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The rush hour movies were quite tacky for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright based on your preferences you could watch The nice guys, it's a little older but it should fit your tastes well", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 63, "text": "The nice guys", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ill check it out right now thanks for the recomendation", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem it's what im here for", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I need a ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which service would you like to use?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Uber, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people are going to be in the party?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Three people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Three", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where is the pickup location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "123 Main Street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "123 Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "123 Main Street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where are you going to be dropped off?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "8th Avenue.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "8th Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "8th Avenue.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. When did you need the ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right now would be great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of ride did you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Uber pool.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Uber pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Uber pool.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, there are no Pools available in your area.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "Pools", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I suggest that you try a Uber X.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine. How much will it cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$15.60 and will take 10 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "$15.60", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 31, "text": "10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright. Go ahead and book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent. The Uber X is on its way. Have a safe trip.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to order some pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what city are you in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Flint Michigan", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Flint Michigan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what place would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Domino's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Domino's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 large pizzas", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What toppings would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One pepperoni, and one bacon and mushroom", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 13, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 41, "text": "mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what type of crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thick crust for both", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, any other preferences?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, so you wanted 2 large pizzas, both with thick crust, one pepperoni and one with bacon and mushrooms. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 72, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 91, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 105, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would you like to pick those up or have them delivered?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll pick them up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, great, I'm putting your order in now. It will be ready in 40 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 75, "text": "It will be ready in 40 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, great, thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, have a great day.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello i would like some information on getting a tune up for my 2017 chevy cruise.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 56, "text": "tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 68, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 81, "text": "chevy cruise", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I can help you with that, what city do you live in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Springtown, TX 76082", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "Springtown, TX 76082", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what time and date would you like to set an appointment for ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2:00 pm on april 13", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "2:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "april 13", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay give me 60 seconds to see what I can find.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Springtown Complete Auto Repair has an opening for that time and date, would you like further info?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 31, "text": "Springtown Complete Auto Repair", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay great, I'll wait for the info.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The address is 506 E Hwy 199, Springtown, TX 76082.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 50, "text": "506 E Hwy 199, Springtown, TX 76082", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 51, "text": "506 E Hwy 199, Springtown, TX 76082.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay sounds great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay great, would you like me to set this up for that time and date?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please go ahead", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will start the process, would you like a link with a map as well?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great thanks so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay it's all setup, I have it set up for 2:00 pm on April 13th for a tune up on a 2017 chevy crusie. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 49, "text": "2:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 63, "text": "April 13th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 77, "text": "a tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 77, "text": "tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 87, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 100, "text": "chevy crusie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 101, "text": "chevy crusie.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay that's great is that under my name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes it's under your name and it should be ready to go, is there anything else I can do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please when you are done booking send me the info please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will and I am booking now,", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks again !!!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you order me a coffee to pick up please? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You've got it. Starbucks or Peets today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's go with Starbucks, on the Morehead State University campus.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 64, "text": "on the Morehead State University campus", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 65, "text": "Morehead State University campus.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, what drink do you want? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 29, "text": "Cinnamon Dolce Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, they said they're out of the dolce syrup that goes in that drink right now. Do you want to try something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 47, "text": "dolce syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's fine. In that case, I'll just go with an Iced Caffe Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 69, "text": "Iced Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what size? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No whipped cream on that, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "No whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And can I have it made with nonfat milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 39, "text": "nonfat milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, of course. Will that be all for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, so a venti Iced Caffe Mocha, made with nonfat milk and no whipped cream came out to $4.73 today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 33, "text": "Iced Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 56, "text": "nonfat milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 77, "text": "no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 77, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds wonderful.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt is being sent to your phone by text, and your order should be ready for pickup shortly at the store.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. Thank you! Talk to you later.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, I'll talk to you later. Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Patrick! I need you to do me a favor.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what can I do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’m driving right now, and I’m a little concerned because my car is making a weird knocking sound periodically and I feel like I don’t have firm control of the steering when I’m making turns.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 190, "text": "my car is making a weird knocking sound periodically and I feel like I don’t have firm control of the steering when I’m making turns", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 97, "text": "making a weird knocking sound", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That doesn’t sound good. Should I arrange for someone to look at the car to figure out what’s going on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be great. Do you have any repair place in mind? I don’t know any in this area.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I would suggest Intelligent Auto Solutions. They have good reviews and an online portal where I can arrange an appointment for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 43, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 42, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be great. I’ll hang on while you do that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, working on it now! Can you give me details on the car that you drive?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’m driving a 2018 Ford Focus.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "2018", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "Ford Focus", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I just put in the details and they have an appointment available for tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 83, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 101, "text": "afternoon at 3 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Only tomorrow! Patrick, I don’t feel comfortable with that. The steering issue with my car is making me nervous, and I don’t want to get into an accident.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 13, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 78, "text": "steering issue", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let’s see if they have an expedited service. Hang on.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks, let me know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I’m seeing that they have an option for emergency service.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be great. How much does it cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The standard cost for an inspection is $50, but an emergency appointment is $80. And of course, after that, they will bill for whatever repairs they do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’m okay with that price. Go ahead and make the emergency appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I’m on it! They have an open slot for one hour from now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 55, "text": "one hour from now", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I’ll take it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just need your name and contact phone number to complete the online appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My name is Beth Grant and you can use my cell number, 917-333-5555.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 21, "text": "Beth Grant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it! Okay your appointment is set for one hour from now at 12 noon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 70, "text": "one hour from now at 12 noon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "12 noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Just give me the address.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are located downtown at 101 State Street. Do you know where that is?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 45, "text": "downtown at 101 State Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I know that area. Thanks so much for your help Patrick!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem! Any time! Hope they figure out what the problem is! Be safe!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello. I need to schedule a shop appointment for my vehicle.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, can you please give me the make of your vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a Dodge Sprinter.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 22, "text": "Dodge Sprinter", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What year is your Dodge Sprinter?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 32, "text": "Dodge Sprinter", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a 2006.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "2006", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, and where would you like to have it looked at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A place called Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 42, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I have found it. What do you want me to tell them the problem is?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There seems to be a leak from the turbo.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 39, "text": "leak from the turbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Your 2006 Dodge Sprinter has a leak from the turbo. Is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 17, "text": "2006", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 32, "text": "Dodge Sprinter", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 58, "text": "leak from the turbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I will see what time Intelligent Auto Solutions can see your vehicle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 54, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like Intelligent Auto Solutions can see your vehicle Tuesday at 1PM, for an initial inspection fee of $150. Does this work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 40, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 76, "text": "1PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, it is actually an urgent issue I need seen right away.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, let me check if there is another time available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like Intelligent Auto Solutions could fit you in this evening at 6PM, does that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 40, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 70, "text": "this evening", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 77, "text": "6PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please schedule the appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. You are all set to be seen at Intelligent Auto Solutions for your leaking turbo on you 2006 Dodge Sprinter. The appointment time is 6PM this evening and the inspection cost is $150. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 68, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 91, "text": "leaking turbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 99, "end_index": 103, "text": "2006", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 118, "text": "Dodge Sprinter", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 119, "text": "Dodge Sprinter.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 144, "end_index": 147, "text": "6PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 148, "end_index": 160, "text": "this evening", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, that is it. Thanks for the help!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you make an appointment right now for me to take in my car to the auto shop, Intelligent Auto Solutions? Maybe book online?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 112, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what's the make and model of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 2008 Toyota Corolla S model.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "2008", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 28, "text": "Toyota Corolla S", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, what name and phone number do you want me to make the appointment under?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make it under the name Jane Williams and phone number 555-678-7878.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 36, "text": "Jane Williams", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's the reason for the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car is making a weird noise when I brake, and I want to get it checked out.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 43, "text": "car is making a weird noise when I brake", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what day and time works best for the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's pretty urgent that I get this checked out, so just as soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, you have the option to bring it in tomorrow anytime before 12 pm or you can request a tow to the shop tonight before 5 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 47, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 68, "text": "before 12 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 68, "text": "12 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 113, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 125, "text": "tonight before 5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 121, "end_index": 125, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, let's schedule a tow for 4:30 pm today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "4:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "4:30 pm isn't available, but 4:45 pm is. Would that work instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "4:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "4:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, let's do 4:45 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "4:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, any other questions before I make the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, how much will the tow cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The tow will cost $50. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about the appointment itself?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The diagnostic appointment will cost a base rate of $80 per hour plus any additional parts or labor needed to diagnose. Sound good?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, let's make the appointment. Can you confirm all the details?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I am confirming a tow tonight 1/22/19 at 4:45 pm to Intelligent Auto Solutions auto shop that will cost $50 for the tow and $80/hour base rate for diagnostics plus any additional parts or labor for the issue of grinding, loud brakes. I will be sending you a confirmation text with these details. Can I help with anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 41, "text": "tonight 1/22/19", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 41, "text": "1/22/19", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "4:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 82, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 192, "end_index": 236, "text": "labor for the issue of grinding, loud brakes", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that sounds great, thank you! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem! Have a good night!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good afternoon! I'd like your assistance with a restaurant reservation for Friday evening at 7.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 94, "text": "Friday evening at 7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Certainly! To start with, what type of restaurant are you interested in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like something that is atmospheric, classy, and serves excellent charcuterie.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What price range are you looking for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would say the mid to high price range.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have two suggestions that meet those requirements: Dario's Brasserie in the Dundee neighborhood in Omaha, and The Grey Plume in the Midtown neighborhood in Omaha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 70, "text": "Dario's Brasserie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 106, "text": "Dundee neighborhood in Omaha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 112, "end_index": 126, "text": "The Grey Plume", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 134, "end_index": 163, "text": "Midtown neighborhood in Omaha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is great! Which one would be best for an after-dinner cocktail? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Dario's Brasserie has many unique cocktail creations, however, The Grey Plume really only offers wine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "Dario's Brasserie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 77, "text": "The Grey Plume", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer Dario's Brasserie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 33, "text": "Dario's Brasserie.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! I am very sorry about this, but there are no tables available for 7 PM on Friday at Dario's Brasserie. What other times or days work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 87, "text": "7 PM on Friday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 108, "text": "Dario's Brasserie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm flexible. Anything available for 8 PM?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 41, "text": "8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, that is definitely available. At Dario's Brasserie there are half booths and tables. Which one would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 55, "text": "Dario's Brasserie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 77, "text": "half booths", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 88, "text": "tables", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Definitely a half booth!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 23, "text": "half booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many seats should I reserve?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please make a reservation for ten people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can definitely do that. In that case, there is actually a special Party Room available for large parties. Would you like to reserve that instead of the half booths?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 78, "text": "special Party Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 78, "text": "Party Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 154, "end_index": 165, "text": "half booths", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect, there's just one last detail I need. What is the name of the event or party?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The event name will be \"Angelo's Retirement Party.\" ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I have booked your reservation for a party of ten in the Party Room of Dario's Brasserie in Dundee for Friday at 8 PM. Anything else I can help with?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 56, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 74, "text": "Party Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 95, "text": "Dario's Brasserie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 99, "end_index": 105, "text": "Dundee", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 110, "end_index": 124, "text": "Friday at 8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 120, "end_index": 125, "text": "8 PM.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, you've been great. Thank you!.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, Can you book some movie tickets for me. I want to see Aquaman.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 66, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What city do you wan to see the movie in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Edison", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Edison", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what time do you want to go", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "9:30 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "9:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "how many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "two", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "child or adult?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two adults", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Two adults", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "an adult ticket is $14. So it will be $28", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "$14", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "$14.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 41, "text": "$28", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what part of the theatre do you wan to sit in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to sit in the middle row in the middle of the theatre", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is your password and email to login", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": " pass. love me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "whats the total afer tax", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "its 31.96 after tax", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "31.96", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thanks. Send me the screen shot of the receipt", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sent boss enjoy your movie", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like some mexican food for lunch.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay, dinner or takeout?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a sit down dinner. Can you find me a good place?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay let me see about booking a table", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks, I need it for two people, and prefer el jalisco", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 25, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 55, "text": "el jalisco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "El jalisco is not available for two people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "El jalisco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sigh, okay who can accomadate two people for 12pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "12pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "only chuy's but at 12:30 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 11, "text": "chuy's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "12:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay, that is fine. Does their menu have fajitas?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looking now...yes it does", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, can you book me a table at chuy's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 39, "text": "chuy's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sure, okay do you have a seating preference?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "indoors near the entrance", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 25, "text": "near the entrance", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay, you are booked for 12pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 20, "text": "you are booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "12pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "is there anything else you needed?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "do they have vegetarian options", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yes they do, you can also request changes be made to make a dish vegetarian", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "great, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your welcome, enjoy!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Donna, I need you to book a restaurant table that features ultra-luxe fine dining.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 44, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you know what restaurant you want to do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, not quite. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of fine dining are you looking for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to do French restaurant, ideally one that's known for upscale prices. Obviously a five star rating. Maybe a prix fixe menu?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 36, "text": "French restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I did a quick search. I would suggest French Laundry or Eleven Madison Park.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 52, "text": "French Laundry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 75, "text": "Eleven Madison Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "French Laundry sounds great. Is it a romantic setting?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "French Laundry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it's actually famous for its romantic ambiance. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Excellent. I'd like to book a table for two at 7 PM for this Friday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 67, "text": "7 PM for this Friday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. (Pause.) According to their maitre d', they are actually full-booked for Friday.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Full booked?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have bar seating we can snag?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 24, "text": "bar seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nope. They only offer indoor restaurant seating. Sorry.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What does their reservation schedule look like for Saturday?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have two options available right now. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are they?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For this upcoming Saturday, you can book a table at 6 PM or a table at 8 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 48, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 56, "text": "6 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 75, "text": "8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hm. Do you know much about their prix fixe menu? How long do people spend eating their?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Their prix fixe menus are tasting menus that have anywhere from 5 to 9 dishes. Since they do things the \"French way,\" the time spent there is fairly relaxed. I'd expect to spend at least two and a half hours there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I see. I'm definitely going to go for the 6 PM Saturday booking.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "6 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 55, "text": "6 PM Saturday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds great. I'm about to book it. Their site is asking you to pre-pay for reservations.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine, use my Mastercard.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will do. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How is it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're booked. Bon appetit!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "You're booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "You're booked.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a Lyft ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where do you want to go from and to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to get from Union Square to Astor Place A.S.A.P.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 31, "text": "Union Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 46, "text": "Astor Place", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So you want it right now. Alright let me check how quickly it will be.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It appears the next available is 6 minutes. Which size do you want?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "6 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The cheapest.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is it just for yourself?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, just me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 12, "text": "me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I recommend the shared option. It is between $4-6.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 22, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "$4-6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the regular lyft price?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 24, "text": "regular lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The personal ride is between $9-$12.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 17, "text": "personal ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "$9-$12", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I see.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I recommend the shared option given the short distance, you will most likely be last in and first out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I see.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want me to book this for your right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I've booked the Shared ride from Lyft. It is going to arrive at Union Square in 6 minutes. Look for the Totoya Camry, Black car.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "Shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 76, "text": "Union Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 89, "text": "6 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there any other information you can provide? There's a lot of camry's.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The information will be sent to your phone. The driver will call you when he gets there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a drink from starbucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "drink", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay what kind", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a grende latte", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "grende", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What sort of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Soy", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Soy", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Flavor?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Chcolate", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Chcolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay let me check on that", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like soy milk is not available what other option would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Almond milk is fine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No just the coffee", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 18, "text": "just the coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pickup at local store?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will get that order ready for you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be ready shortly for pickup", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 32, "text": "Your order will be ready shortly", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for using our service", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to place a coffee order for pickup.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can help you with that. What location would you like to pickup your coffee from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to pick it up from the Starbucks in Del Mar California.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 63, "text": "Del Mar California", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay is that the Camino Del Mar store or the Villa De La Valle one?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 37, "text": "Camino Del Mar store", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 62, "text": "Villa De La Valle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Camino Del Mar store/", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 24, "text": "Camino Del Mar store", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll have the Caramel Cloud Macchiato in Grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 37, "text": "Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 47, "text": "Caramel Cloud Macchiato in Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 47, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Are there any order specifications you'd like to make?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. Just a grande Caramel Cloud Macchiato.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 41, "text": "grande Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 41, "text": "Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately this drink is not available. Is there something else you'd like to order instead?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's too bad. Okay I'll have the Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato in Grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 69, "text": "the Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato in Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 59, "text": "Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 69, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No ingredient specifications for this either?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. Just as it comes is fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I see you have an account with Starbucks so your payment information isn't necessary. Is there anything else you would like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that will be it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay your drink will be ready shortly at the Del Mar Starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 62, "text": "the Del Mar Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 62, "text": "Del Mar Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will text your receipt to your mobile device.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that will be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. Thank you for your order!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for your help!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a great day!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You too! Good bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey google buy me 3 ticket for the movie Missing link", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 19, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 26, "text": "3 ticket", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 53, "text": "Missing link", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In what theater in New York?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "New York", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "AMC Empire 25", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "AMC Empire 25", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok that's AMC Empire 25 right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "AMC Empire 25", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In what theme?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Real 3D.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Real 3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok in what time? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "tonight would be the best.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately 6:pm is all sold out. Would you like me to give you a reference?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "6:pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes please ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Dobly Cinema and Digital, which one would you choose?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Dobly Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "Digital", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dobly Cinema.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Dobly Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately Missing link in Dobly Cinema doesn't have showtime for tonight.What do you want to do here?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 26, "text": "Missing link", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 42, "text": "Dobly Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 76, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about digital?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "digital", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The movie Missing link showtime for tonight is 8:45 pm and 11:15 pm, which time would you love to watch it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "Missing link", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 54, "text": "tonight is 8:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 54, "text": "8:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 67, "text": "11:15 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "11:15 PM tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "11:15 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "11:15 PM tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it, in what sit?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In the middle section, from D to F.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to see the availability of sit?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have D9 and D8 E9 to E5 , F11 to F5, which one would you like to be sitted on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "F11 to F9", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok that's perfect, how many adults?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many kids?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "1", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "1", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok your watching Missing Link in digital in 11:15 pm tonight with your family correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "Missing Link", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 52, "text": "11:15 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 60, "text": "11:15 pm tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok perfect your all set you can watch missing link with your family in 11:15 pm tonight in AMC Empire 25 Enjoy the show and your tickets will be sent via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 50, "text": "missing link", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 79, "text": "11:15 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 87, "text": "11:15 pm tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 104, "text": "AMC Empire 25", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to call for a ride tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to go and where are you being picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am currently at the Hollywood Palladium and want to go to the movies in Westwood.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 41, "text": "the Hollywood Palladium", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 41, "text": "Hollywood Palladium", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 83, "text": "the movies in Westwood.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 83, "text": "movies in Westwood.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, at what time do you want to be picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In about 15-30 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good! How many passengers will be traveling with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have 3 other friends with me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 8, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 30, "text": "3 other friends with me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, so you will only need a normal car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, what car model will be being sent to us?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A Honda Civic will come to pick you up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What will its license plate be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be 4CV29AS.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The driver should be arriving in approximately 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 57, "text": "25 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It should come out to about 25 dollars for the entire ride.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 38, "text": "25 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "To double check, you are being picked up at the Hollywood Palladium and will be dropped off at the movie theater in Westwood - is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 67, "text": "the Hollywood Palladium", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 67, "text": "Hollywood Palladium", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 124, "text": "the movie theater in Westwood", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 99, "end_index": 124, "text": "movie theater in Westwood", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're driver will be arriving shortly. Have a good night!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Where is the closest Starbucks to me right now?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 30, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The closest Starbucks is located on the Nova Southeastern Campus.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 64, "text": "Nova Southeastern Campus", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are their hours of operation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are open 24 hours a day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Id like you to put in an order for me to be picked up. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like me to get. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Id like two chai lattes with almond milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 11, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "chai lattes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many pumps would you like of chai?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want 10 pumps in each of them.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 15, "text": "10 pumps", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like them to be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want both of them to be venti.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else that you would like. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I also need to get two venti creme brulee lattes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 48, "text": "creme brulee lattes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of milk with those?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want those with soy milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 26, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like whipped cream on that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No whipped cream on those. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would that be it for this order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that will be it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How will you be paying. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will be paying with my gift card that I have on file. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I will let you know when your order is ready to be picked up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Youre welcome. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you get me movie tickets for Aquaman.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which theatre do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to go to the theatre in Hartford CT.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "Hartford CT", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you talking about Hartford Spotlight Stadium?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 48, "text": "Hartford Spotlight Stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When do you want to see the movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's only 1 showing today, and it's at 9:20PM. Will that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "9:20PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets do you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want 2 tickets for that show.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 8, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Whose the lucky lady?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My girlfriend flew into town, we are going to David Burke for some drinks and then head over.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, I just put in the order for 2 tickets to see Aquaman at the Spotlight Theatres for 9:20PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 35, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 58, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 84, "text": "Spotlight Theatres", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 95, "text": "9:20PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's awesome. What do I need to show them.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The confirmation will be sent to your cellphone. All you got to do is show them the phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Really? When did they implement this?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Two years ago.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Technology now and days. I haven't been to the movies for a while. heck I'm only getting to Aquaman now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 99, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yah.. Well anyways, the tickets are now in, you should be getting the confirmation. Remember to use your account when ordering anything from the concessions.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will do. Thanks for doing this.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem, and you are welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me a coffee drink please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes what location and where from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Starbucks inside Target long beach california.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 46, "text": "Starbucks inside Target long beach california.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 45, "text": "long beach california", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what would you like today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Iced coffee please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Iced coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Trenta", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Trenta", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't have trenta lids is that ok?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 22, "text": "trenta", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No it's not do a venti then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Soy please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Soy", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't have that option available. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok do they have almond?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 22, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok can you add a pump of raspberry syrup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 40, "text": "a pump of raspberry syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 40, "text": "pump of raspberry syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes that is available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok that will be all then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I have a venti iced coffee with almond milk and a pump of raspberry syrup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "iced coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 46, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 76, "text": "pump of raspberry syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok that ill be charged to your card and receipt sent to your cell via text.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "THank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready in 15 minutes at target starbucks long beach california.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 72, "text": "target starbucks long beach california", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 72, "text": "long beach california", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you good bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "good bye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "my feet hurt, i need a car", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i'll call a carservice. uber or lyft", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "uber", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "uber black, xl, or uber poole?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "uber black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 14, "text": "xl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "uber poole", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "i'll take pool, it's better", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is your location", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2100 Barton Springs Rd Austin, TX 78704", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 39, "text": "2100 Barton Springs Rd Austin, TX 78704", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is your destination", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "920 Colorado St, Austin, TX", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 27, "text": "920 Colorado St, Austin, TX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "the fair is 6.19 for uber pool", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "6.19", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 30, "text": "uber pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "when will it be here?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i'm sorry, uber pool is not available", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 20, "text": "uber pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "what is?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "uber xl, or uber black", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "uber xl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "uber xl,", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "uber black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "xl, i guess", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "xl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it's 14.41", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "14.41", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how long?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it will arrive in 11 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "11 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "please check your app for arival", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to schedule a car appointment", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure where at? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The make is dodge", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "dodge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The model is grand caravan", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "The model is", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 26, "text": "grand caravan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it, and the year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2015", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2015", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Name please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bob Dole", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Bob Dole", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And a good phone number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "321-678-8970", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And reason for appointment?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Several lights are out.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 23, "text": "Several lights are out.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok we can schedule for tomorrow at noon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 39, "text": "at noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No I need this done asap.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "No I need this done asap.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok we can do 5pm this evening sir. To confirm intelligence auto Solutions and several lights are out?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 16, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "this evening", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "evening", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 45, "text": "To confirm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 73, "text": "intelligence auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 100, "text": "several lights are out", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, we will see you then.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'd like to order one pizza please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like a large meat lover's pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 35, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. One large meat lover's pizza. Is that it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 13, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 32, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. But can I have kobe beef on that instead of sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 29, "text": "kobe beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 56, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, sorry that is not available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. How about lamb. Can I have lamb on that instead of sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "lamb", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 62, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, sorry that is not available either.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is on the meat lover's pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 33, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pepperoni, sausage, and ground beef are on the meat lover's pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 18, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "ground beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 65, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. That sounds good. We'll just buy our own kobe beef.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "kobe beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. So that's one large meat lover's pizza. Is that everything?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 42, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Your pie should be ready in about 25 minutes. OK?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, can I pick it up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, you can pick it up. Can I place the order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, place it for pickup.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order for one large meat lover's pizza has been placed. It should be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 43, "text": "meat lover's pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, cool.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be texted to you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. Have a great night.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order pizza from Papa John's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "Papa John's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm in Boston Massachusetts", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 27, "text": "Boston Massachusetts", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what kind of pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like one large pepperoni and sausage pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 46, "text": "pepperoni and sausage pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good, let me see if that's available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, sausage is unavailable at the Papa John's location you want to order from, would you like to change your order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "Papa John", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 56, "text": "Papa John's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you add bacon instead of sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, bacon can be added", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So to confirm, you want one large bacon and pepperoni pizza for pickup?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 59, "text": "bacon and pepperoni pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been sent through and it should be available for pickup in 25 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Also, a receipt has been sent to your mobile device", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good day!", "segments": [] } ]