15 values
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to order a pizza from Pino's Pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 47, "text": "Pino's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 48, "text": "Pino's Pizza.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is this for pick-up or delivery?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pick-up, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like a large cheese pizza with garlic, jalapenos, and sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "cheese pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 52, "text": "jalapenos", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 65, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We are out of sausage. Would you like to proceed without it or add a different ingredient?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 21, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will get meatballs instead of sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 20, "text": "meatballs", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 39, "text": "meatballs instead of sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 39, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "One large pizza with garlic, jalapenos, and meatballs. Would you like thin crust or Sicilian?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 27, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "jalapenos", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 53, "text": "meatballs", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 80, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 74, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 92, "text": "Sicilian", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the difference?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sicilian pizza is thicker and square.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Sicilian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "thicker", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How many people does it serve?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Both large pizzas have twelve slices.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I will go with a thin crust pizza, then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 39, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "To confirm: you are ordering a large thin crust pizza with garlic, jalapenos, and meatballs.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 36, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 41, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 53, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 65, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 76, "text": "jalapenos", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 91, "text": "meatballs", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your total will be $18.99. Would you like to pay now or at pick-up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will pay at pick-up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. Your order is complete and will be ready in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 54, "text": "Thank you. Your order is complete and will be ready in", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good night. Thank you for ordering.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Help me buy tickets for Mary Poppins, for this evening", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 36, "text": "Mary Poppins", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what city would you like to see the film ? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Evanston", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Evanston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Century 12 theatre in Evanston is showing Mary Poppins tonight at 7:30 pm and 10:00 pm. would you like me to purchase tickets for one of these times?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Century 12", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "Century 12 theatre", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 30, "text": "Evanston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 54, "text": "Mary Poppins", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 73, "text": "7:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 86, "text": "10:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, for the 7:30 show", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 17, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets would you like for the 7:30 show?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "two tickets", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are in luck.There are at least two tickets available for the 7:30 showing", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 38, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 46, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 69, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much do tickets cost at this theatre?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "tickets for the 7:30 showing of Mary Poppins at Century 12 theatre are $5.50", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "Mary Poppins", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 58, "text": "Century 12", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 66, "text": "Century 12 theatre", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 76, "text": "$5.50", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there reserved seating available at this theatre? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, here is a seating chart of seats still available for the 7:30 pm showing of Mary Poppins", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "7:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 93, "text": "Mary Poppins", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the address of Century 12 Cinema?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 33, "text": "Century 12", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 40, "text": "Century 12 Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "1715 maple ave, evanston IL 60201", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 33, "text": "1715 maple ave, evanston IL 60201", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Does century 12 cinema have food other than simple concessions available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "century 12", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 22, "text": "century 12 cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, this location features an eat in theater service", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I see a menu for eat in theatre service? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, here is a link to the menu for eat in theatre service.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How will I recieve my tickets ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will send the ticket voucher to you via text right now. These tickets can be redeemed at the theatre box office.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you for your help", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. Please let me know if you need me!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I place an order at Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one at Cheyenne", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "Cheyenne", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "a latte", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of milk ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Skim", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Skim", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like whip cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any other special requests ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you place a dash of cinnamon", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 32, "text": "dash of cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 32, "text": "cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would that be all", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok placing grande latte with skim milk and a dash of cinnamon", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "skim milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 61, "text": "dash of cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready in 5 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need work done on my vehicle.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, what needs done?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The windshield wiper is broken off.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "The windshield wiper is broken off", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 35, "text": "windshield wiper is broken off.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me look for local vehicle repair shops.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I found one named Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 44, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 45, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are they the best around?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Based on online reviews, yes, they are.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What kind of prices do they have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Since everything is different, they do not have set prices.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I possibly get a roundabout?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like for your issue, it would be roughly a $50 fix, including time, but not including parts.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have all week available in the morning or afternoon.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Afternoon is better for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about Saturday at 1:00 PM?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 18, "text": "Saturday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "1:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, we'll see you then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're very welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like tickets to see A Star is Born - Encore.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 51, "text": "A Star is Born - Encore", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hello, I can help you out with that. Where would you like for me to look up theaters?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In Monterey, California.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 23, "text": "Monterey, California", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, is Cinemark Monterey 13 an acceptable theatre?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 27, "text": "Cinemark Monterey 13", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! What time would you like to see A Star is Born - Encore?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 62, "text": "A Star is Born - Encore", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sometime this evening, what is available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Cinemark has showings at 3:45, 7:15, and 10:45.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "The Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 12, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "3:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "10:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:15 sounds good to me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! How many tickets would you like for the show tonight?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two tickets please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Tuesdays are a discount day at Cinemark Monterey 13, so your tickets will be $5.50 a piece. There is an online fee of $1.70 per ticket. All together, your total will be $14.40. Is that acceptable?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 55, "text": "Cinemark Monterey 13", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 94, "text": "$5.50 a piece", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 122, "end_index": 138, "text": "$1.70 per ticket", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 173, "end_index": 179, "text": "$14.40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that sounds great. One question though, does the theater have an arcade?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, the Cinemark Monterey 13 has an arcade.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 29, "text": "Cinemark Monterey 13", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Would you like me to go ahead an purchase the tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'm ready!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I've purchased the tickets using your information on file. Your tickets are being sent to your mobile device as a text message. Thank you for calling.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks, I appreciate your help today!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, have a nice day.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey there. Can you order me a coffee from Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Which Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Aventura starbucks, inside target", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Aventura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of coffee would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll have a Caramel Macchiato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 29, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any special milk/cream, whipped Cream,.sugar,.flavor.shots", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "milk/cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 37, "text": "whipped Cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 44, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 58, "text": "flavor.shots", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Half & half, whipped cream, sugar, and extra caramel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 16, "text": "Half & half", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 57, "text": "extra caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok just a secOne while.i order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't have that drink.anymore. What can I get you instead?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order a cafe mocha?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 26, "text": "cafe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. All.of the same extras?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No caramel. Do an extra mocha shot.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "No caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "extra mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok hold one.moment.please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your coffee.order is.ready for.pick up. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 38, "text": "Your coffee.order is.ready for.pick up", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks A lot!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Have a great day", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You too. Bye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Howdy!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hi! What can I do for you today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to order me a pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Pizza Hut in Elpaso", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "The Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 13, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "Elpaso", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. What kind of pizza do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Italian Sausage with Pepperoni", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Italian Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 30, "text": "Pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, It looks like they're out of Italian Sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 58, "text": "hey're out of Italian Sausag", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 59, "text": "Italian Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Instead of the Italian Sausage, can I get beef on that instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 30, "text": "Italian Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A large would be fine. That's 14 inches, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 39, "text": "14 inches", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Correct. Do you want anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want delivery or pickup?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to pick it up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. The total is $13.53. Is that alright?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Fantastic. I'll send the receipt to your phone. The pizza will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 46, "text": "I'll send the receipt to your phone", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. Goodbye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Jane, I need you to schedule an oil change for my car", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 46, "text": "oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. Let me try to do it online. Give me one second.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. Try to schedule it for tomorrow or later today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have a spot available for tomorrow morning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 39, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "10.15am", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "10.15am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no, I have a meeting at 10.00am. What about earlier?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "10.00am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "10.00am.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "8:30am?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "8:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. I am going to put it for 8:00am", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "8:00am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is fine. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need another service for the car besides the oil change?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 62, "text": "oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let me think. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I also need the tires to be rotated because I am going on a road trip soon and I want to have that ready.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "tires to be rotated", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Let me add that to the request.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are asking for the make, model and year of the car.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is a Scion im", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 13, "text": "Scion im", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2016", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2016", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me wait and see what else they need to know. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Maybe my name and phone number ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh yes ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Maggie Rivera", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Maggie Rivera", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do I give them your personal number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes. 564-987-7654", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. You are all set. Oil change and tire rotation for tomorrow April 2nd at 8am at Intelligent Auto Solutions. The fee for the initial inspeccion is going to be $50 plus $85 for the other services.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 25, "text": "You are all set.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 36, "text": "Oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 54, "text": "tire rotation", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 67, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 77, "text": "April 2nd", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 84, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 114, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I have family plans with the kids tonight and I need you to order Pizza from Pizza Hut for us.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 90, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutley just let me know when you've decided on your order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm thinking maybe a large meat lovers pan and a pepperoni lovers for the kids", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 42, "text": "meat lovers pan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 65, "text": "pepperoni lovers", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds great , do you need any sides", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "maybe some cheesy bread sticks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "let me think on it a minute", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "go ahead take your time", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "maybe we should add some bone out wings, probably barbecue", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you sure that's all you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think that will be plenty", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will get it ordered right away", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you so much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you are so welcome,", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "did they give you a time on delivery", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " your pizza order is complete and the pizzas will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "having pizza with my children is one of my favorite things", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can imagine, its the same for me and my kids", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "you said about 25 minutes right, that's pretty fast", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " yes I'm about to leave now..", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you we look forward to it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "call me if you forgot or need anything else", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to get tickets to Escape Room.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "Escape Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you seeing this in Orlando?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "Orlando", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square has a showing at 7:45 and one at 10:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "Orlando PREMIERE 14 Fashion Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 56, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 73, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that is good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, 10:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. 10:30 at Orlando Premier. How many tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 28, "text": "Orlando Premier", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. That is $20.00. Shall I charge your card?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "$20.00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. I will text you the receipt. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Can you tell me how long the movie is. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is one hour and forty minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 32, "text": "one hour and forty minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.duration.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.duration.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Thanks. And what is the address of the theater? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "3201 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 42, "text": "3201 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you text me the directions? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes I can. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And what is the rating Escape Room?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "Escape Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is rated PG-13. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am sending your ticket details by text message. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, Assistant. Could you book movie tickets for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. For which movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Captain Marvel.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Captain Marvel.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, which theater would you like to see Captain Marvel at?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 55, "text": "Captain Marve", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 56, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "AMC Town Center in Overland Park.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "AMC Town Cente", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "AMC Town Center", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "Overland Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 33, "text": "Overland Park.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For how many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For when?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tonight at around 1pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "1pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a $12 standard viewing of Captain Marvel at 1pm. Is this okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "$12", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 23, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 49, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 56, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry but there are not two tickets available at 7pm tonight. Would you like to try another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 31, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 56, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, how about at 6pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "6pm?", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but there is no standard viewing at 6pm tonight. Would you like to try another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 43, "text": "o standard viewing", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 50, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about for an 3D viewing?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 19, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, there is no 3D viewing tonight at 8pm. There is an $15.81 3D viewing at 4:55pm. Is this okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 25, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 33, "text": "3D viewing", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 48, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 68, "text": "$15.81", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 89, "text": "4:55pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total cost for two 3D tickets at 4:55pm at the AMC Town Center in Overland Park is $31.62. Would you like to make the reservation now?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 25, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 43, "text": "4:55pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 66, "text": "AMC Town Center", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 83, "text": "Overland Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 93, "text": "$31.62", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the reservation has been made. Confirmation will be sent via text message to your mobile phone. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 35, "text": "the reservation has been made", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I am calling to have you order me a pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to order at your regular favorite pizza shop? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it's at Caruso's Italian Restaurant & Pizza Shop, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 53, "text": "Caruso's Italian Restaurant & Pizza Shop", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And that's at 3545 Marietta Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 52, "text": "3545 Marietta Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's right as well.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what size and what toppings do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take a large Hawaiin pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 33, "text": "Hawaiin pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 34, "text": "Hawaiin pizza.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I will call and order it for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'll be waiting.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hi, they just told me that they are out of the ingredients for Hawaiian pizza but they have a great bar-b-que chicken pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 77, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 123, "text": "bar-b-que chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 124, "text": "bar-b-que chicken pizza.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds interesting, I'll give that a try.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I'll call you back.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I confirmed that order of a large Bar-B-Que Pizza that will be ready for you to pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 49, "text": "Bar-B-Que Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Excellent and that's from Caruso's at 3545 Marietta Ave. in Lancaster, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "Caruso's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 69, "text": "3545 Marietta Ave. in Lancaster", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That will will great!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sending you a text to confirm the order for your pizza. Thank you and have a good one.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to find a fine dining establishment in Huntsville", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 56, "text": "Huntsville", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have found Conners Steak And Seafood would you like me to call", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 38, "text": "Conners Steak And Seafood", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What type of food do they serve?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are a somewhat expensive steakhouse with 4.8 stars on average", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 40, "text": "steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they accept reservations", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. Would you like me to call?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What else can you find?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have also found Texas de Brazil.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 33, "text": "Texas de Brazil", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What type of food do they serve?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are a Brazilian steakhouse with an average rating of 4.9.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 31, "text": "Brazilian steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they accept reservations?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Reservations are accepted and recommended. Would you like me to call?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which one is located closer to me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Connor's Steakhouse is 30.8 miles away and Tex De Brazil is 31.2 miles away.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Connor's Steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 56, "text": "Tex De Brazil", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the hours of Connors Saturday night?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "Connors", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Connor's is open 11 am until 11 pm Saturday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Connor's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the hours for Texas De Brazil?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 38, "text": "Texas De Brazil", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Texas De Brazils hours are 4 pm until 10 pm Saturday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Texas De Brazils", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please make reservations for Connor's Saturday night at 10 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "Connor's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 61, "text": "Saturday night at 10 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 61, "text": "10 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Calling Connor's Steakhouse now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "Connor's Steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good evening! Can you please send an Uber to take me to the Astros game?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure! Where would you like to be picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at 8th Wonder Brewery.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 25, "text": "8th Wonder Brewery", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that at 2202 Dallas St, Houston?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 34, "text": "2202 Dallas St, Houston", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what enterance of Minute Maid Park would you like to arrive?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 38, "text": "Minute Maid Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Crawford Street Enterance.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Crawford Street Enterance", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that 501 Crawford St?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 23, "text": "501 Crawford St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an Uber Black 3 minutes away or an Uber X 7 minutes away.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "Uber Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "3 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 50, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 60, "text": "7 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the price difference?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber X is $5.34 and The Uber Black is $15.64", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "$5.34", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 34, "text": "Uber Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "$15.64", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Uber X is fine. Thank you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I've ordered it for you. You should see the information in your app, but you'll be looking for a White Kia Sorento.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is that a car or an SUV?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Suv. Driver's name is Earl and he's on his way to you now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't know what a Sorento looks like, can you tell me the licence plate?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. It's XXX-1111", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you for your help, I'm going to wait outside!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Enjoy the game!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks! Bye!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to order us some PIZZA", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay I can do that for you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "order enough food for 5 people.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok, so I think 3 larges", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "larges", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes that's fine, one with pepperoni and two with cheese", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 35, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 55, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok would you like any drinks to go with that", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, we need some cokes and diet cokes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "unfortunately they are out of diet coke", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok then all cokes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you need anything else to eat with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how about some breadsticks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok, then I will place the order for 3 pizzas, 5 cokes and 2 orders of bread sticks. please confirm", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that is great, confirmed", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok I ordered from pizza hut, ok?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "pizza hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes they are the best", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "we also get a free pizza after we order 10 total pies", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that will be soon enough", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok, your pizza order is complete and the pizzas will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 32, "text": "your pizza order is complete", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "i will be there", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "great. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks you are the best!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, Can you help me get an appointment to get my car looked at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where do you want to set the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to take it to Intelligent Auto Solutions downtown.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 47, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 56, "text": "downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I have that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to get it looked at today. Can you get an appointment today at about 4 p.m?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 81, "text": "4 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see... Hang on a moment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok.. Just let me know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can get an appointment at 5 p.m. but they say they can't guarantee they will complete any work today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "5 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok.. I guess that will work.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is wrong with the vehicle and what is the make/model?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a 2009 Chevy Astro Van. And there is fluid leaking where it is parked.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "2009", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 28, "text": "Chevy Astro Van", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 56, "text": "fluid leaking", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 75, "text": "fluid leaking where it is parked", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What area of the vehicle seems to be involved and what does the liquid look like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is from near the center of the front under the motor. The fluid appears brownish or reddish?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 94, "text": "near the center of the front under the motor. The fluid appears brownish or reddish", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok.. I'll let them know. Will you be driving the vehicle there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'm hoping I can make it safely - that's why I don't want to drive it home tonight and then have to hire a tow truck.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much will this cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The mechanic charges 89.00 to diagnose most things but if you choose to have work done, they'll add that toward the repair.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great that sounds fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They'll charge the card you have on file.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you need or want them to know?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, unless they are having some sale on mechanic work, ha ha.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I don't think I see anything on line about that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok.. thanks a lot, I appreciate it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Drive safely.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a pizza from Rosatis.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "Rosatis", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, will this be delivered or picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will pick this up from the Streamwood location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 48, "text": "Streamwood location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a meat lovers pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 41, "text": "meat lovers pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need a large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, what type of crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like thin crust and cooked well done.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 23, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, how well done?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Medium well done, can I replace the Canadian Bacon with Italian Beef?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 50, "text": "Canadian Bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 68, "text": "Italian Beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I do not see Italian Beef on the menu, did you mean Italaina Sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 25, "text": "Italian Beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 68, "text": "Italaina Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I am sorry that is what I meant.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, when do you want to pick this up. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like it as soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I you have a large meat lovers pizza with Italian Sausage in place of Canadian Bacon thin crust; cooked well medium well done.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 40, "text": "meat lovers pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 61, "text": "Italian Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 88, "text": "Canadian Bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 99, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, this will ready for pick up in twenty five minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that is all thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Go ahead and get me an Uber.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to meet Jen at Arden Fair Mall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 37, "text": "Arden Fair Mall", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where is your pickup location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually, I will probably be at Steven's house.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 46, "text": "Steven's house", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which type of Uber would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "UberX.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a preference in vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Any vehicle will be fine. It will just be me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an Chevy Sedan uber available nearby Steven's residence soon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 64, "text": "Steven's residence", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect. Go ahead and book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The trip from Steven's residence to Arden Fair Mall will be $17.32.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 32, "text": "Steven's residence", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 51, "text": "Arden Fair Mall", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 66, "text": "$17.32", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How would you like to pay for this?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Use my visa credit card.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your uber should arrive in 10 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 9, "text": "uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 37, "text": "10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great I'll be there waiting.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 48, "text": "Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you very much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a wonderful trip.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, order a pizza from me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Order a pizza. What store?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pizza Hut", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What pizza would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large pan pizza with green pepper, onion and olives.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 15, "text": "pan pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 33, "text": "green pepper", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 40, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 51, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will this be for delivery or carry-out?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will be picking it up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like to pick-up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ASAP.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order will be $10.49 total for a large pan pizza with green pepper, onion and olives for pick-up. Ready to order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 52, "text": "pan pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 70, "text": "green pepper", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 77, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 88, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can I have your name and contact phone number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's Ann and 301-458-9988", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed. It will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In summary, an order for a large pan pizza with green onion, onion and olives for pickup at Pizza Hut in 25 minutes has been placed. Total is $10.49.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "pan pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 59, "text": "green onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 59, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 77, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 101, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome! Enjoy your pizza!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to take my car to the shop as soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where do you want to take it to.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions on Dickerson drive?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 45, "text": "Dickerson drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's the one.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the year, make and the model of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's 2013 Toyota Camry.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 9, "text": "2013", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "Toyota Camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the problem you are experiencing?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think my brakes are going out. They are making awful noise.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 60, "text": "I think my brakes are going out. They are making awful noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 60, "text": "my brakes are going out. They are making awful noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are they squeaking or more like grinding, like metal to metal.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think it's like metal to metal. It's loud.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "May I have your name and your contact number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's Jane Smith, my number is 615-555-1232", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Jane Smith", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the shop has an opening at 10 am tomorrow morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "10 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 47, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I really want to bring it in sooner. It's scaring me. Anything open for today?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 77, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like it's fully booked today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have anything earlier tomorrow morning?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 46, "text": "earlier tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 38, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 46, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do have an early appointment open at 8 am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "8 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take it. Please book me 8 am tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "8 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 42, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I will set your appointment at 8 a, tomorrow morning at Intelligent Auto Solutions on Dickerson.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 38, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 40, "text": "8 a", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 50, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 58, "text": "tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 88, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 102, "text": "on Dickerson.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 101, "text": "Dickerson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you very much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome, you will receive a confirmation email in a few minutes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks, bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi. I'd like to go out for Thai food tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Would you like help picking the restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, which city?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "San Francisco", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "San Francisco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, do you prefer certain neighborhoods?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, The Mission or The Castro are best. Nothing too far from the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema because we have tickets for a movie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 16, "text": "The Mission", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 30, "text": "The Castro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Would you like for me to make recommendations using Yelp ratings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. The highest rated Thai restaurant in The Misson is Farmhouse Kitchen Thai Cuisine. The highest rated Thai restaurant in The Castro is Thailand Restaurant. Would you like to hear more about either of these?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 51, "text": "The Misson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 85, "text": "Farmhouse Kitchen Thai Cuisine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 124, "end_index": 134, "text": "The Castro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 138, "end_index": 157, "text": "Thailand Restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 138, "end_index": 158, "text": "Thailand Restaurant.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please tell me more about Farmhouse.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 35, "text": "Farmhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Farmhouse Kitchen Thai Cuisine is at 710 Florida St, between 19th St and 20th St. It has a 4/5 star rating on Yelp with 1735 reviews.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 30, "text": "Farmhouse Kitchen Thai Cuisine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 80, "text": "710 Florida St, between 19th St and 20th St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the price range?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "2 out of 4 dollar signs.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, can you check the Yelp reviews to see if it's a good date spot?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "One reviewer said \"Ambience: Super vibrant and fun vibe! Great for a fun date and also with a group of friends.\"", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'd like to make a reservation at Farmhouse Thai for tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 52, "text": "Farmhouse Thai", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For how many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, for what time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Anytime between 6pm and 7pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "6pm and 7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 27, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Let me check. Unfortunately a table for 2 is not available between 6pm and 7pm. Would you like to check other times?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 45, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 82, "text": "6pm and 7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a movie at 8:30. Can you tell me more about that other Thai restaurant you mentioned earlier?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 77, "text": "Thai restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thailand Restaurant is at 438 Castro St, between 17th St and 18th. It's rated 3.5 out of 4 stars on Yelp.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Thailand Restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 65, "text": "438 Castro St, between 17th St and 18th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "2 out of 4 dollar signs on Yelp.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, do they have an opening for 2 between 6pm and 7pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 45, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 53, "text": "6pm and 7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check. Yes, they have a table for 2 at 6pm and 6:30pm tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 42, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 49, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 60, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 68, "text": "6:30pm tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, can you make a reservation for 6:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. I have made the reservation for 2 under your name for 2 at Thailand Restaurant for 6:30pm tonight. You will receive a confirmation by text. Thank you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 31, "text": "I have made the reservation", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 37, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 82, "text": "Thailand Restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 93, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 101, "text": "6:30pm tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, do you mind ordering me an Uber?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's fine. Where are you and where are you going to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at Newport on the levee in Newport, KY right now. I need to go Walmart in ft.wright.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 42, "text": "Newport on the levee in Newport, KY", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 87, "text": "Walmart in ft.wright", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of car were you looking at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was deciding between a regular Uber or a Uber XL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 37, "text": "regular Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 50, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Why would you need an Uber XL?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm hanging out with three friends. Do I need a larger Uber?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 34, "text": "I'm hanging out with three friends", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A regular Uber will accommodate everyone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 14, "text": "regular Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, sounds good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of fare were you looking at? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It should be about 10-11 dollars usually.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "10-11 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If Uber is surging and is higher than usual do you want to wait on the ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'd like the normal price but I don't mind paying more if I can go now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright I'll go ahead and order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It might take a second to load while it finds the ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That'd be fine but it already connected you to a ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright sounds good!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The car is on the way and you can check the order details from your Uber mobile app.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Be safe!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi. Could you see if there is a table for 4 at Viva Madrid in Claremont, CA?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 43, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 58, "text": "Viva Madrid", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 75, "text": "Claremont, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what day and time would you like the table for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a reservation for tomorrow, April 4,th at 6 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 59, "text": "April 4,th at 6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 59, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Let me check to see if there are any tables available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. There isn't a table for 4 at 6 pm. Would you like me to check another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 37, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 45, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "6 pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please do. Do you have one for 6:30 or 7 pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 40, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 48, "text": "7 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just checked and those times are not available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. What about table at The Press in Claremont for 4 at 6 pm for tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 35, "text": "The Press", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 48, "text": "Claremont", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 54, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 62, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 75, "text": "6 pm for tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check for you. One moment please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do have a table available at that time. Would you like a booth or table near the bar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 67, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 89, "text": "table near the bar", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think a booth with a street view would would work. Is that possible?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 34, "text": "booth with a street view", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I do show that there are two tables with a street view. One near the door and one near the center of the restaruant.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 59, "text": "tables with a street view", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 59, "text": "street view", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the central location please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. No problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Also could you check to see if there are daily specials available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are nightly specials and a happy hour that you would be in time for.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. I have booked your table for 4 at the Press for tomorrow. The booth has a street view and is in the central location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 42, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 55, "text": "Press", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 97, "text": "booth has a street view", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Have a good night.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to book an apointment for my car", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "apointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you have a shop in mind", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "intelligent autoshop", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "intelligent autoshop", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "when would you want the appointment", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think as soon as possible, if there is something earlier than tomorrow morning then let me know", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "as soon as possible", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 58, "text": "something earlier", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 72, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 80, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "which car is this for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "this is for the lotus elise", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "lotus elise", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and what is the purpose of the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "the car is not accelerating correctly, I think something may be wrong with the engine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 85, "text": "the car is not accelerating correctly, I think something may be wrong with the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "is there anything else that you want to book an appointment for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, throw in the general check up and oil change", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 49, "text": "throw in the general check up and oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 49, "text": "the general check up and oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sounds good, they actually do have a few spots open this afternoon so you do not have to wait until tomorrow", "segments": [ { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 66, "text": "this afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 66, "text": "afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 108, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that is great, what is the available hours", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "4 and 5 this afternoon", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 7, "text": "5", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 22, "text": "this afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "let's see if you can book the 5 o clock for me", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 39, "text": "5 o clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just did and the appointment is booked", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that is great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "here is confirmation, I have booked the car at 5 o'clock for general check up, oil engine and engine inspection for potential issues", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 43, "text": "here is confirmation, I have booked the car", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "5 o'clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 132, "text": "for general check up, oil engine and engine inspection for potential issues", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 132, "text": "general check up, oil engine and engine inspection for potential issues", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "sounds good, thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you are welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, could you book me an uber to the Tin Roof please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "Tin Roof", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where are you at right now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We're at the parthenon museum on the other side of downtown. Anything around?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 59, "text": "parthenon museum on the other side of downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I see several ubers in your area. What type of car were you thinking?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That depends, how many people can fit in an uber pool?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 53, "text": "uber pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber pools allow you to bring up to one other rider.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Uber pool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Uber pools", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ahh... Yeah that won't fit us all. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people are with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There are 5 of us total.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 11, "text": "5", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For 5 people, you'll need an UBERXL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 5, "text": "5", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "UBERXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh man... How much is that going to cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Before I estimate, which Tin Roof are you going to? The one on South Broadway or Drumcondra road?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "Tin Roof", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 77, "text": "South Broadway", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 96, "text": "South Broadway or Drumcondra road", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 96, "text": "Drumcondra road", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Drumcondra, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Drumcondra", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An Uber XL from the Parthenon Museum to Tin Roof Drumcondra will be $13.88", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 10, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 36, "text": "Parthenon Museum", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 59, "text": "Tin Roof Drumcondra", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 74, "text": "$13.88", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh that's fine. Go ahead and book that for us please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. Is that for immediate pick up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your driver is on their way now. You can track his progress on your Uber App.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 31, "text": "Your driver is on their way now", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you, enjoy your ride. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I would like to order a coffee drink from Peets.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hello there, how many I help you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a large Iced Caffè Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 46, "text": "Iced Caffè Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What additional items would you like to add?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to add some whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 39, "text": "whipped cream.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 38, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, let me check. Sorry whipped cream is not available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 40, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine, please add milk foam instead.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 33, "text": "add milk foam", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 33, "text": "milk foam", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Awesome, let get that down for you. What location do you want to make this order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order this coffee on 7th Street Boston.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 54, "text": "7th Street Boston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I will do that right now. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome, how long will the order be ready.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Please give me a second to check.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is being done right.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 30, "text": "Your order is being done right", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is it busy at the moment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am not sure if it is busy at the moment", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem, I will go pick up once ready.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will let you know in a minute.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "will be ready for pickup shortly and that your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to order some coffee from Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what Starbucks would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one in Fort Gratiot, Michigan.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 33, "text": "Fort Gratiot, Michigan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking a Black and White Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 38, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but the Black and White Mocha was only a seasonal offering and is no longer available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 40, "text": "Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, then how about a Java Chip?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "Java Chip", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what type of milk would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Errr how about whole milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "whole", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, any whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, extra whipped cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 24, "text": "extra whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your order has been placed, it will be ready in 15 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 64, "text": "Okay, your order has been placed, it will be ready in 15 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, can I help you with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, have a great day.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to order a pizza", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to order the pizza from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order from Mellow Mushroom", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 42, "text": "Mellow Mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a medium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many toppings would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll have 2 toppings.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which 2 topping would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hamburger and jalapeno.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Hamburger", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "jalapeno", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "By hamburger, do you mean beef?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "hamburger", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any other additions to your pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So you would like a medium pizza with beef and jalapeno?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "jalapeno", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. How would is that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$12.50. Would you like for me to confirm the order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the pizza will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The receipt will be sent to your mobile device. Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order some pizzas from Round Table?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "Round Table", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, How many do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Order me two pizzas.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want it delivered to you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'll go pick it up during lunch. It's for the office.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, What do you want on the pizzas?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Look for some specialty pizzas that have a lot meat, and another that has a lot of vegetables.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 93, "text": "vegetables", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The have the GUINEVERE'S GARDEN DELIGHT, that is all vegetables.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 39, "text": "GUINEVERE'S GARDEN DELIGHT", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 40, "text": "GUINEVERE'S GARDEN DELIGHT,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, order me that one. Do they have one that has a lot of meat?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, they have the ULTI-MEAT pizza, it has pepperoni, sausage, and bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 34, "text": "ULTI-MEAT pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 52, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 72, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That works. Get me those two pizzas.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get them both large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I tried ordering but the GUINEVERE'S GARDEN DELIGHT is not available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 57, "text": "GUINEVERE'S GARDEN DELIGHT", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What else do they have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have the GOURMET VEGGIE. That's all vegetables as well.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 28, "text": "GOURMET VEGGIE", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 29, "text": "GOURMET VEGGIE.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay that sounds good. How much is that going to be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's going to be $43.98", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay great, get me the two large specialty pizzas for pickup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 49, "text": "specialty pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your order has been placed for two large pizzas, the GOURMET VEGGIE, and the Ulti-Meat. It will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 32, "text": "Okay, your order has been placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 73, "text": "GOURMET VEGGIE", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 92, "text": "Ulti-Meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, enjoy your lunch!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order an Uber ride please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, is your current location where you'd like to be picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I want to be picked up here at 85225, and I'm going to the University of Phoenix Cardinal's stadium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "85225", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 104, "text": "the University of Phoenix Cardinal's stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 104, "text": "University of Phoenix Cardinal's stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your travelling from 85225 to the University of Phoenix Stadium correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "85225", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 63, "text": "University of Phoenix Stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. I'd like to arrange for that in 10 minutes please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "in 10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I'll arrange a ride for 8:00 PM then. Can you confirm your type of ride preference?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 40, "text": "8:00 PM then", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "8:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like an Uber X please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber X, got it. And how many passengers?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just 2.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 6, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, Two passengers. The fare price will be $23.44.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 7, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 49, "text": "$23.44", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is fine. Do you have an arrival estimate.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "With the current traffic, your ride should arrive within a 5 minute delay.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 74, "text": "within a 5 minute delay.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 73, "text": "5 minute delay", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's ok, lets book it then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I'm booking an Uber X from 85225 to the University of Phoenix for 2 passengers with a fee of $23.44. Is this correct.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "85225", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 39, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 70, "text": "the University of Phoenix", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 70, "text": "University of Phoenix", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 87, "text": "2 passengers", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 108, "text": "$23.44", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is perfect, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your welcome, is there anything else you need help with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all, thanks for your help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, have a great trip.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please set appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 52, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 53, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will do, for when?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please set appointment for Tuesday March 12 at noon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 43, "text": "Tuesday March 12", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will set the appointment for then, what needs to be done.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need an oil change.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 21, "text": "oil change.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 20, "text": "oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And a tire rotation?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 19, "text": "tire rotation", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "GMC Terrain", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "GMC Terrain", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what year ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2017", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like an inspection?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "inspection", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I will set that appointment for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please confirm details.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions at noon on Tuesday March 12th.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 44, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 52, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 74, "text": "Tuesday March 12th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the appointment for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An oil change and tire rotation, and including an inspection.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 31, "text": "oil change and tire rotation", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 60, "text": "oil change and tire rotation, and including an inspection", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 60, "text": "ncluding an inspection", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What phone number should the appointment be under?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "775-859-7465", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will set the appointment under 775-859-7465", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your appointment has been scheduled.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, i need tickets for Captain Marvel", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 37, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "hello, welcome to AMC. how many ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "AMC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "excellent. How many children ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 children", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i think they will love it, really great movie", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "looks pretty good they have been annoying me all week", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it is worth it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how much ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "where would you like to sit ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "up top towards the back", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok $26", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 6, "text": "$26", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "here you go", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "enjoy !", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks ill try", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i personally like this one myself i think you will like it 2", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "is it good ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "great movie", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "have a good night", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey can you find out what time Us is playing in theatres?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 33, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes in what city is the theatre that you want to see it in? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Buffalo , New York", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "Buffalo , New York", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are a number of times listed for the AMC Theatre.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 46, "text": "AMC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 54, "text": "AMC Theatre", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there a time close to 6 o'clock pm? I want to bring Ella with me to see the movie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 37, "text": "6 o'clock pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 67, "text": "Ella with me", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No I'm sorry there isn't. Is there another time you want to go? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Maybe 8 o'clock.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 16, "text": "8 o'clock.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is showing of the movie at 7:58 pm. Would that be a good time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "7:58 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that would be perfect. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to see it in 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 27, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately there aren't anymore available tickets for the 3D version.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 63, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok that's fine. Can you book me 2 tickets for the 7:58 pm showing please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 41, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "7:58 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes I will book them. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you need anything else? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that was it. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I ordered your tickets. You should be recieving the tickets to your smartphone any minute now. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "I ordered your tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I just got them. Thank you so much. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are very welcome. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey would you mind putting a coffee in for me from Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure! What is the order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A Iced Starbucks Blonde flat white.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 6, "text": "Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 34, "text": "Iced Starbucks Blonde flat white", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 34, "text": "Starbucks Blonde flat white", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti all the way! Need my caffeine!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. Is whole milk okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 26, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No can you ask for Almond or Coconut milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 25, "text": "Almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 41, "text": "Coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have both which would you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Almond milk is fine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Wait! Just went to place the order and they don't have any blonde roast available at the moment.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 71, "text": "blonde roast", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ugh! okay...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a different coffee? Or an completely different drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dang! Okay.. do they have the Pike Place roast available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 46, "text": "Pike Place roast", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pike place roast if fine then if there aren't brewing any more Blonde roast.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Pike place roast", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay sounds good. Sorry about the mix-up", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem! Easy fix.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your drink is officially on order. It will be ready shortly and your receipt is being texted to you. Anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thats it! Thanks again!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I wanna order an NYPD Pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 27, "text": "an NYPD Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 27, "text": "NYPD Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I wanna order a large pizza with spinach and tomato on it", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "large pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "spinach", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 51, "text": "tomato", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What else would you like on it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nothing", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you want any sides?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No sides please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "would you like any drinks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I change a topping?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I wanna have mushrooms instead of tomato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 22, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 40, "text": "tomato", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, that will be done", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "when will it be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In about 25 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will be there", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for your order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You're welcome", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will send a confirmation to your mobile device", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I wanted to set up a reservation for a restaurant downtown?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 62, "text": "downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, any idea what you'd like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking Hubers. This Saturday night.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Hubers", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how about 6 pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For how many people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "6 total. And we need a highchair.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "6 t", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll give them a call to see if they have that available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Huber's doesn't have a table for 6 available this Saturday at 6 pm, but they do have one open at 5 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Huber's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "table for 6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 34, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 66, "text": "Saturday at 6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 66, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 97, "end_index": 101, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that's too early. How about 7?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 32, "text": "7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 33, "text": "7?", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll ask.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What did they say?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't have a table open at 7, or any other point in the night.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dang, I really need one after 6 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "6 pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I could ask anther restaurant if they have something, how about Roma Ristorante?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 79, "text": "Roma Ristorante", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll ask if they have a table for 6 at 6 pm this Saturday and if they have a highchair as well.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 41, "text": "table for 6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 41, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 63, "text": "6 pm this Saturday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 92, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 101, "text": "highchair as well.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I've called and they have everything you need, shall I book the spot?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, will do, you're all set up.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'd like you to see if there are tickets available to the movie Mary, Queen of Scots.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 91, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What city would you like to see this movie in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Denver, Colorado, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Denver, Colorado", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets will you be needing?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need two tickets, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What date would you like me to check for this movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to see the movie tonight, so please check for February 11th, 2019.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right, you would like me to check to see if tickets are available for Mary, Queen of Scots, tonight, in Denver Colorado, is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 94, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 123, "text": "Denver Colorado", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that is correct. Please find the theater closest to Pike's Peak Avenue.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 75, "text": "Pike's Peak Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right, I will check to see which theaters, closest to Pike's Peak Ave in Denver, Colorado are showing Mary, Queen of Scots.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 73, "text": "Pike's Peak Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 93, "text": "Pike's Peak Ave in Denver, Colorado", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 93, "text": "Denver, Colorado", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 126, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 127, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are two theaters showing Mary, Queen of Scots, near Pike's Peak Avenue. One is in the 1000 block, and the other is in the 4000 block. Which one would you prefer?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 51, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 76, "text": "Pike's Peak Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 102, "text": "1000 block", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 128, "end_index": 138, "text": "4000 block", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer the theater in the 1000 block, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 44, "text": "1000 block", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would you like to purchase these tickets for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What times are available, for tonight?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a six, eight, or ten p.m showing of this film tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "six", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "eight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "ten p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like two tickets for the eight p.m. showing of Mary, Queen of Scots, then. How much are the tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 16, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "eight p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 75, "text": "Mary, Queen of Scots", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The tickets are ten dollars each. Shall I place the order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "ten dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. Two tickets for ten bucks, at the theater in the 1000 block of Pike's Peak.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 16, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "ten bucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 87, "text": "1000 block of Pike's Peak", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed and will be sent to your mobile device as a text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me an Uber for 4 people", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 24, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 30, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "4 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, where are you located", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am located at the Golden One Center in Sacramento", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 51, "text": "Golden One Center in Sacramento", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to go.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "To Mikuni Sushi on J St. in Sacramento", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 38, "text": "Mikuni Sushi on J St. in Sacramento", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just a moment while I check", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of car do you want.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The UberX for 4 people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 15, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "4 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is no Uber X for 4 people available right now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 24, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "4 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What other ride is available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an UberXL car available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How far out are they", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "5 minutes away", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "5 minutes away", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, book that ride.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, is that all", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long is the travel time", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Approximately 8 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "8 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the fair", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is $8.65", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 11, "text": "$8.65", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "8.65", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "perfect, bill that to my account and send me the details.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I have sent over the UberXL car info, from Golden One to Mikuni in Sacramento for 4 people", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 33, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 59, "text": "Golden One", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 83, "text": "Mikuni in Sacramento", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 89, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 96, "text": "4 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your ride is on its way.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I would like to place a coffee order. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok where do you want to order it from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order it from the Starbucks on Cates Avenue.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 54, "text": "on Cates Avenue.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 53, "text": "Cates Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a Gingerbread Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 32, "text": "Gingerbread Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the largest size?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 24, "text": "largest size", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A Venti.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I will take a Venti.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and what milk would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What milks do they offer other than cow's milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 46, "text": "cow's milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They offer almond, coconut, and soy.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "coconut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "soy", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok I guess I want almond milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect and would you like whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 40, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "No whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, would you like extra sugar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "extra sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, when do you want it ready for pickup?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In about 20 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect, I'll get the order sent and you will get the receipt.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, the order has gone through, it will be ready for pickup in about 20 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 79, "text": "Ok, the order has gone through, it will be ready for pickup in about 20 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey there. I'm looking at making a reservation for two at a restaurant this evening. I'm trying to decide between Casa Antica in Lewiston or Griffon House in Lewiston.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 54, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 125, "text": "Casa Antica", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 129, "end_index": 137, "text": "Lewiston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 141, "end_index": 154, "text": "Griffon House", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. No problem. I can make these plans for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It sounds like we are going with the Griffon House. They have great food and an amazing beer selection.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 50, "text": "Griffon House", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. That place is wonderful. What time are you thinking?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Probably 7pm. I know it will be busy around then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 12, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, that place fills up fast. So you are looking at 7pm at Griffon House for 2?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 56, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 73, "text": "Griffon House", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 79, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will give them a call and see what I can do for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So, unfortunately the only time slots that are available tonight are either 6:00 or 7:45. Would you like me to try Casa Antica instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 80, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 88, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 115, "end_index": 126, "text": "Casa Antica", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that's okay. I will talk to my friend and see if we can change our plans.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing. Let me know what works best.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, we really want to go to Griffon House. Let's do the reservation for 2 people at 7:45 this evening.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 43, "text": "Griffon House", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 75, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 90, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. I will give them a call back to make sure that is still available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right on. Thanks for your help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. The reservation is confirmed for 7:45 tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 40, "text": "The reservation is confirmed", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. Sorry for the confusion.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem at all. The person on the phone also mentioned that they have opened up a new location in Buffalo that you can consider in the future.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 101, "end_index": 108, "text": "Buffalo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh cool. I did not know that. I'll see how it goes tonight and keep that in mind for the future. Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are very welcome!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you make an order at Starbucks online for me to pickup?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Starbucks do you want me to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one in Covington near the transit center", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 44, "text": "Covington near the transit center", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ah okay I think I know the one that you're talking about. The one on rivercenter street?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 87, "text": "rivercenter street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's it!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll get it. What kind of drink did you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking a cinnamon shortbread latte. I'm in a huge cinnamon mood today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 42, "text": "cinnamon shortbread latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. What size did you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll go with a grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you want whip cream on that or? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 23, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No whipcream actually. I don't want it to cover up the cinnamon on top.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "No whipcream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 63, "text": "the cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I went ahead and placed the order. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do I get the receipt at the store? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, it's going to be sent to you via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long is the order going to take?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order will be done shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do I need to pay at the store?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, since you already have an account.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright! Thank you for ordering for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, Sam I need you to get me movies tickets to see \"Us\".", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 55, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I will look online right now. What location do you want to look in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Definitely, look at movie theaters in Austin since that's where my best friend lives.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "Austin", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a specific preference in Austin?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 43, "text": "Austin", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, I think Kim, my friend said the Regal Westgate is near her job.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 52, "text": "Regal Westgate", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So am I getting just two tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What day and time would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tonight, what are my options for times?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well the times for \"Us\" are 4:55pm, 7:35pm, and 10:15pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 22, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "4:55pm,", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "4:55pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 42, "text": "7:35pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 55, "text": "10:15pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The 10:15pm showing would be great!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "10:15pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay...Wait, the website is stating there are no more available tickets for any of the tonight showings for the movie \"Us\".", "segments": [ { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 121, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Really! Well I guess I have to choose something else. What about Pet Sematary for the same time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 77, "text": "Pet Sematary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh, do you still want me to check at Regal Westgate?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 51, "text": "Regal Westgate", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes and please check for around the same time as 10 something.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 51, "text": "10", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, Austin's Regal Westgate movie theather has a 10pm showing for \"Pet Sematary\".", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "Austin", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 44, "text": "Austin's Regal Westgate movie theather", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 29, "text": "Regal Westgate", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 83, "text": "\"Pet Sematary\".", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 81, "text": "Pet Sematary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's perfect!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh wait...No there are no available tickets tonight for \"Pet Sematary\" either.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 70, "text": "\"Pet Sematary\"", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 69, "text": "Pet Sematary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess it's not meant to be tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you sure? I can look up another theather and location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's alright. I think the bar might be a better option anyway.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it may be a sign.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Haha. Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to get a ride to the Steakhouse at The Tavern in State College", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 40, "text": "Steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 54, "text": "The Tavern", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 71, "text": "State College", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where are you, and where are you going?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at 127 Sowers St, State College, and the address is at 821 Cricklewood Drive.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 80, "text": "the address is at 821 Cricklewood Drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 80, "text": "821 Cricklewood Drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A ride is available now. Is that OK?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. What time and date would you like your reservations for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like reservations for an hour from now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is 8:00 PM Tuesday OK?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 10, "text": "8:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yup.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. How many people would you like to make a reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Two people at 8:00 PM Tuesday. Is that right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 7, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "8:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any other questions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What are your questions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the steak?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bluegrass Fed Filet Mignon is $32.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about The Tavern in State college?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 20, "text": "The Tavern", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 37, "text": "State college", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like to know about them?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have steak?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have a Philly Cheese Steak for $13.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to book there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Should I cancel the other reservations?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done. What time would you like a reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "9:00 Tuesday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "9:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, 9:00 Tuesday. Is that everything?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 8, "text": "9:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a nice dinner. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi! I would like you to purchase tickets for myself and a friend to go to see Aquaman.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 64, "text": "myself and a friend", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 85, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which theater do you want to go to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We are going to dinner in Salem. so how about at a theater there?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "Salem", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. Do you want a late show then?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Any time 9:00 pm or after would work fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 21, "text": "9:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Looks like there is a 9:40 showing at the Regal Willamette Town Center.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "9:40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 74, "text": "the Regal Willamette Town Center", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are there any show times slightly earlier?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, there is an 8:45 at the Regal Santium. Would that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "8:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 43, "text": "the Regal Santium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm. Yes. I don't want to be out too late because I have an early meeting the next day. I could just move dinner up a bit.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to purchase 2 tickets for that showing?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 31, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Have you ever been to that theater? Is it nice?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. It is a good theater. Comfortable and modern, with friendly staff. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let me confirm with my friend. I will get back to you shortly. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Looks like that is a great plan! 8:45 it is!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "8:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will take care of it right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much! I appreciate your help. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "My pleasure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just to I pick up the tickets inside?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. They will have them at the concession booth.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a pizza from Round Table Pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 46, "text": "Round Table Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which location would you like to order from", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one closest to my house.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "closest to my house", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of pizza would you like", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a large combination pizza with anchovies and thick crust", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 47, "text": "anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 63, "text": "thick crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like anything else", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that should be it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order can not be confirmed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 31, "text": "Your order can not be confirmed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the problem", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Round Table Pizza is out of anchovies.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "Round Table Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 37, "text": "anchovies", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay I will change my order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will order a large all meat pizza with thin crust", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 35, "text": "all meat pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 51, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would you like anything else", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that will do it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order has been placed for a large meat pizza on thin crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Your order has been placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 43, "text": "meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 49, "text": "meat pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 63, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, just charge it to my account", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like that for pickup", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I will pick that up", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes and a receipt has been sent to your phone via text.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'd like you to order me an Uber.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where will you need to be picked up and where will you be heading?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at work in Charlotte and would like to go to the Cinemark in Matthews.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 24, "text": "Charlotte", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 73, "text": "Cinemark in Matthews", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. I'll begin making arrangements. Is there a specific Uber you would prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "An UberX would be perfect.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 8, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent. And at what time would you like to be picked up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "6:15 would be ideal.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "6:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it. Also, what time is the movie and would you like to arrive early?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's at 6:45 so no worries. I would like to be ten minutes early.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "6:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.dropoff.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I understand. I just calculate the estimated time and that shouldn't be a problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, thanks. What's the estimated fare?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$14.62 for the UberX.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "$14.62", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's reasonable. Just let me know once it's scheduled.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will. Just to confirm...will anyone else be riding with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, it will just be me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "just be me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 22, "text": "me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will you be making any other stops?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I would like to go directly to the movies.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's easy enough. Your ride is en route and you can check the status on your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for your assistance.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem! Enjoy the movie!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order coffee at Starbucks please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And which store would you like to order from today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one at 3045 East Tulare Avenue, Fresno, CA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 46, "text": "3045 East Tulare Avenue, Fresno, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. What can I get for you today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a iced caramel macchiato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 31, "text": "iced caramel macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. And what size will that be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. And what type of milk do your prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Almond milk, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Almond milk,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, almond milk is unavailable at this time. Is there another milk I can order for you instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Soy milk is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And can you make that with extra caramel syrup too?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 46, "text": "caramel syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, that's it for today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I''ve got a venti iced caramel macchiato with soy milk and extra syrup. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 46, "text": "iced caramel macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 60, "text": "soy milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 76, "text": "extra syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 76, "text": "syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total will be $4.29", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You drink has been ordered and will be ready shortly at the Fresno Starbucks on East Tulare Avenue. A receipt will be sent to your phone via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "You drink has been ordered", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 99, "text": "Fresno Starbucks on East Tulare Avenue.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 98, "text": "East Tulare Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to see if I can bring my car in for a tire check.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 62, "text": "tire check.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What exactly is the make and model of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a 2000 Honda Accord.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 13, "text": "2000", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 26, "text": "Honda Accord", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 27, "text": "Honda Accord.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are looking to schedule a tire check for a 2000 Honda Accord. What exactly is the problem with the tire?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 40, "text": "tire check", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "2000", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 64, "text": "Honda Accord", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a slow leak in the front driver's side tire. It's been going down the past couple of days. I've filled it up and it is back down again.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 142, "text": "I have a slow leak in the front driver's side tire. It's been going down the past couple of days. I've filled it up and it is back down again.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 50, "text": "slow leak in the front driver's side tire", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just want to confirm that your 2000 Honda Accord has a possible slow leaking tire?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "2000", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 50, "text": "Honda Accord", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 83, "text": "possible slow leaking tire", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 83, "text": "slow leaking tire", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yea, that's what I think it is but I need to check to see.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like to bring your car in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible would be great. I really need to get this fixed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I understand your urgancy. We have an open time slot for Thursday at 10am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 65, "text": "Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 73, "text": "10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 74, "text": "10am.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there anything sooner? Thursday is a couple of days away! Is there anything for tomorrow at 8am?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 91, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 98, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "8am is not open. Would you like another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about 8:30am?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 16, "text": "8:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "8:30am is not available either. There is a time open for tomorrow morning at 11am. Would that be better?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "8:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 65, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 81, "text": "morning at 11am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 82, "text": "morning at 11am.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is better, but I have to be at work at 11am and I was hoping to get this done before that.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 48, "text": "11am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an opening at 9am. Would that be better?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long would a leaking tire take to fix? 9am might be a perfect time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "leaking tire", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 46, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The test to see if it is leaking would take 10 minutes, a full repair would take around 30. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'll take the 9am tomorrow morning time. I should be able to get in and get back out to work in time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 30, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me confirm the details one last time to make sure it is correct. You will be bringing your 2000 Honda Accord in tomorrow morning at 9am for a tire leak check and repair for a total cost of $50?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 99, "text": "2000", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 112, "text": "Honda Accord", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 124, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 125, "end_index": 139, "text": "morning at 9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 146, "end_index": 172, "text": "tire leak check and repair", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's all I need and all is correct!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! We will see you tomorrow at 9am at Intelligent Auto Solutions!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 38, "text": "9am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 68, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "hi i would like to order a ride", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "from where and to where", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "from Hell's kitchen to brooklyn hieghts", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 19, "text": "Hell's kitchen", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 39, "text": "brooklyn hieghts", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "which kind of car service do you prefer", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "any", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "choose either Lfyt or uber", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Uber would do then", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay let me check the availabity", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "well", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is Uber X and uber XL", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 27, "text": "uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the prices for each", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "uber X $35.29 and Uber XL $48.68", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 13, "text": "$35.29", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 32, "text": "$48.68", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how long will i have to wait before the car arrives", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The information has not been provided", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay then I will go with uber X", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay let me oder it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "As per for now uber rides are not available", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "uber rides", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "till when", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "maybe 4 hours", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that will be so late", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you can opt for lyft", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "check the availability of the service then tell me the prices", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it has a variety of ride types", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "opt for one that is less than $45 and its a personal vehicle", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 33, "text": "less than $45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "$45", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 52, "text": "personal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "then you will have Lyft Xl", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "Lyft Xl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$42", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "$42", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay the payment should be through my credit card i have an account already", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay the car is onits way check the progress on your phone", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello I need to order a pizza please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Dewey's on Butler street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "The Dewey's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "Dewey's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "Butler street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what can I order for you today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a 17 inch Edgar Allen Poe pizza. But can I get onions instead of whole roasted garlic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 16, "text": "17 inch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 38, "text": "Edgar Allen Poe pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 60, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 93, "text": "roasted garlic.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 92, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok 17 inch edgar allen poe no garlic add onions. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 10, "text": "17 inch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 26, "text": "edgar allen poe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 47, "text": "no garlic add onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They just informed me they can't do edgar allen poe tonight because they are out of goat cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 53, "text": "edgar allen poe t", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 51, "text": "edgar allen poe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 95, "text": "goat cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Would they make it with feta cheese instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "feta cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 35, "text": "eta cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they can do a edgar allen poe with feta instead of goat, and onion instead of garlic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 33, "text": "edgar allen poe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 43, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 59, "text": "goat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 70, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 88, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK that will be ready in 25 minutes for pickup. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I have paid with your account and card on file. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get a receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes a receipt will be texted to your mobile device.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What number do they have for that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "947-588-2545 is that correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it is.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok Dewey's Pizza has your order of a 17 inch edgar allen poe with onions instead of garlic, feta instead of goat cheese ready for pick up in 25 minutes. And receipt being texted to you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 16, "text": "Dewey's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 44, "text": "17 inch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 60, "text": "edgar allen poe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 72, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 90, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 96, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 119, "text": "goat cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect! Thank you good bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "good bye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to get a Starbucks coffee", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Which Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on Elmwood in Buffalo.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "The one on Elmwood", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 29, "text": "Elmwood in Buffalo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. What type of coffee would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My Regular, tall dark.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want the featured dark roast?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "featured dark roast", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want an iced or hot?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 19, "text": "iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like hot.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 12, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need room for cream or milk", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 26, "text": "room for cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Room for cream, half & half", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Room for cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "half & half", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How much?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "About an inch.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need sugar", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, raw sugar", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 14, "text": "raw sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How much raw sugar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 18, "text": "raw sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 packs please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you'd like to order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I have placed your order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready at the Starbucks on Elmwood in Buffalo.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 55, "text": "Elmwood in Buffalo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 56, "text": "Elmwood in Buffalo.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be sent via text", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey I need to order a quick dinner for my son and I Can you please place an order for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! Where do you wnt it from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well he likes Jet's the most, so let's go with there.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "Jet's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh I have to agree with him. Which one will you be closest to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on 24th Street in Port Huron.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 36, "text": "24th Street in Port Huron", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok and do you want it ordered for right away? And pickup or delivery?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 56, "text": "pickup", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 68, "text": "delivery", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please, and I'll stop on my way home and grab it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok great. What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well we don't like warmed up pizza, so let's just go with a small pizza with pepperoni. But then also a small order of Jet's bread.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 86, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 124, "text": "Jet's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh yeah I love their bread. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually yeah order me an order of the boneless honey barbeque wings please. I can rewarm them for lunch tomorrow.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Those are good too! Anything to drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah tell them to add a 2 liter of Mountain Dew please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. Is that it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah that's enough haha.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok just a second and I'll put the order in onlnine and let you know the total.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 77, "text": "Ok just a second and I'll put the order in onlnine and let you know the total", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. It says $21.22, and it will be ready in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem, talk to you soon!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Talk to you soon!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to make an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 65, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what is the issue you would like fixed?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car only starts up after at least six to seven tries of turning on the engine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 80, "text": "car only starts up after at least six to seven tries of turning on the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 80, "text": "only starts up after at least six to seven tries of turning on the engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you able to drive your car to the shop or will you need the car towed?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It should be able to get started after a while, so I won't need it towed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 46, "text": "able to get started after a while", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the model and make of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a 2017 Hyundai Elantra.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 28, "text": "Hyundai Elantra", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would be most convenient for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer if I could bring it in now.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 41, "text": "now", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "According to the site, there are no available appointments for today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 68, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could you check to see if they have an emergency service or something for more urgent requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, they do not have such services. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's a shame. When is the next, earliest appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have an appointment for the following morning at 8am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 57, "text": "morning at 8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they happen to have any appointments for tonight so I can leave it there and pick it up the next day?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 51, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, they do not have any spots open according to their information. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay then. Well, I have work tomorrow morning, so can they fit me in after 5pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 78, "text": "after 5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 78, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They close at 6 pm, but will be able to take your car overnight if you drop it off before 5 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 94, "text": "before 5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 94, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I will try to make it by 5 pm then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your appointment has been made for 5 pm tomorrow. The initial fee of inspection will be $120.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 30, "text": "Your appointment has been made", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 48, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you very much. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmation has been sent to your phone via text.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am craving an modern fusion restarant dining out", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you have a resraurant in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, let's try roy's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "roy's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For sure, how many people would you want to book the reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "two", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you want to book the reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "today at lunch", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and you want to book the origional Roy in hawaii Kai?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 38, "text": "Roy", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 52, "text": "hawaii Kai", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just check with them, it is too last minute to make reservation for lunch, but you can walk in and wait and they can take you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no thanks, let's make the reservation for dinner tonight then", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they told me it is also fully booked, how about tomorrow?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no, let's try another restaurant", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what other restaurant would you want me to try?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how about orchids?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "orchids", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "for sure, I will check with them now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I think they should be available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yes, as you said, orchids have both room for lunch and dinner", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "orchids", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "let's book it for lunch for two as we origionally discuss", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 31, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have already did, the reservation will be under your name, is there anything else you need", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that would be all, thank you so much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you are very welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I order a large eggplant parm pizza from Joe's Main Street?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 39, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "Joe's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 62, "text": "Joe's Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 62, "text": "Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A large eggplant parm pizza from Joe's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "Joe's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can a I get that with light sauce", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 33, "text": "light sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A large eggplant parm pizza with light sauce", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 44, "text": "light sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Also extra cheese on that.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 17, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A large eggplant parm pizza with extra cheese and light sauce", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 45, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 61, "text": "light sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes can I also add black olives", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 31, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A large eggplant parm pizza with black olives, extra cheese and light sauce", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 27, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 45, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 59, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 75, "text": "light sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually can you replace the olives with artichokes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 51, "text": "artichokes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Remove olives so an eggplant parm pizza with artichokes, light sauce and extra cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 13, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 39, "text": "eggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 39, "text": "ggplant parm pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 55, "text": "artichokes", "annotations": [ { "name": 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"start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 48, "text": "white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Add spinach", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "spinach", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " An artichoke, spinach and mushroom pizza with white sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichok", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "spinac", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "mushroo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 58, "text": "h white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Also add garlic", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An artichoke, spinach and mushroom pizza with white sauce and added Garlic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 21, "text": "spinach", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 57, "text": "white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] 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"segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An artichoke, and mushroom pizza with white sauce", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "mushroo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 49, "text": "white sauc", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I also have salt, pepper and oregano too. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "salt", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "pepper", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "oregano", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An artichoke, and mushroom pizza with white sauce with salt pepper and oregano.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "mushroo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 50, "text": "white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 59, "text": "sal", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 66, "text": "peppe", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 78, "text": "oregan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually can I have red crushed pepper instead of the oregano", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 38, "text": "red crushed pepper", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "oregano", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An artichoke, and mushroom pizza with white sauce, salt, pepper and red crushed pepper", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 12, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "mushroo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 49, "text": "white sauc", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 55, "text": "sal", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 63, "text": "peppe", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 86, "text": "red crushed peppe", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How long will it be", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "20 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please review the order.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, my name is Josh Cramer, my phone number is 717-459-8888 and I'm calling to order a coffee for pickup tomorrow.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hi Josh, what kind of coffee did you want? Starbucks or Peets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I wanted a Starbucks coffee from the Harrisburg at Brindle Road location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 68, "text": "Harrisburg at Brindle Road", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 77, "text": "Harrisburg at Brindle Road location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a preference for what type of drink you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I wanted the Caramel Macchiato for tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 35, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok Josh, I'm looking the online site right now and it seems that the Caramel Macchiato is not available for tomorrow morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 86, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, how about the Cinnamon Dolce Latte?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 32, "text": "Cinnamon Dolce", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 38, "text": "Cinnamon Dolce Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check that, ah yes, that one is available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, I like that one as well. What sizes are availble and what flavors of milk are there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are four sizes available. The short, tall, grande, and venti. The milk types are Almond, Coconut, Whole Milk, 2% ....", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "short", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 47, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 48, "text": "tall,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 55, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 66, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 93, "text": "Almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 94, "text": "Almond,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 102, "text": "Coconut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 114, "text": "Whole Milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 118, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hold up, I don't want any milk because it has the whipped cream so yes, give me a Venti size.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 63, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 87, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time tomorrow will you pick this up Josh?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will be there at 7:30am sharp to pick up my Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I set the order for you for tomorrow morning at 7:30 am sharp.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you that sounds great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, anything else I can get you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. that will be everything.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, to repeat your order you want a Starbucks Venti sized Cinnamon Dolce Latte with whipped cream (no extra milk) ready to pick up tomorrow morning at 7:30am sharp at the Harrisburg on Brindle Road location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 72, "text": "Cinnamon Dolce", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 78, "text": "Cinnamon Dolce Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 78, "text": "Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 97, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 99, "end_index": 112, "text": "no extra milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 171, "end_index": 197, "text": "Harrisburg on Brindle Road", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 171, "end_index": 206, "text": "Harrisburg on Brindle Road location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, exactly what I wanted. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I'm sending confirmation to your mobile device Josh at 717-495-8888 for your review.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, thank you for all your help.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Alice, I'd like you to order a pizza for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! What would you like and when?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to get a pizza pie from Pizza Hut.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "pizza pie", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your usual order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No this time I think I will go with the thin crust pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 50, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 56, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which toppings would you like on that thin pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 48, "text": "thin pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sausage and pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 21, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You sure you don't want any spinach this time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "spinach", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I think I am going to avoid that today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, excellent. Would you like any side orders?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I don't think so, just the one pizza today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I almost forgot to ask you what size, large?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 43, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, a large pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 12, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I am seeing a total price of $8.54 for a large thin crust pizza with sausage and pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 62, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 68, "text": "thin crust pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 81, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 95, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds excellent. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When would you like for it to be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible, I suppose.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order for the thin crust sausage and pepperoni large pizza has been submitted. It will be ready in 25 minutes. Anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 50, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 56, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, Alice. Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome sir.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am looking for a restaurant with enough room for ten people that will be celebrating a graduation.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 54, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 61, "text": "ten people", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm not sure if we can accommodate ten people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 38, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the problem?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, can you tell me what day you were thinking about celebrating the graduation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The graduation is in a month and it will be on a Friday night.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I think that will be doable on a Friday night.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could i reserve a table for ten at 6:00pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 31, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "6:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am booked at 6:00pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "6:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I really had my mind set on a nice steak dinner at your restaurant.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see what's available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ma'am I could get you guys in at 7:00pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 39, "text": "7:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You said 7:00pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "7:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, would that be okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it would be okay. What type seating is available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have a separate room that's available for your party.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "separate room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can we bring in a cake?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but we don't allow any outside food.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, so I guess I will reserve a table for ten.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Could, I please get your name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My name is Faye Patrick", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 23, "text": "Faye Patrick", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay Faye Patrick, I have a reservation for you on friday at 7:00pm for a party of ten.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 17, "text": "Faye Patrick", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 67, "text": "friday at 7:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 86, "text": "ten", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If at all possible please arrive 15 minutes prior to your reservation.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will do that. Thank you so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, we're looking forward to you joining us.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you and have a great day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You too!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a very powerful need for pizza!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me help your need for pizza pie.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. Please order for Zizzznos.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "Zizzznos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Zizzznos it is. What do you want?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Zizzznos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A big pie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 5, "text": "big", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Large pie. Which crust: hand tossed, thin, original or cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 39, "text": "hand tossed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 45, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "original", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 65, "text": "original or cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 65, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Original please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Original", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Original please", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For the sauce: marinara, barbeque, buffalo, or creamy garlic parmesan?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 23, "text": "marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "barbeque", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "buffalo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 69, "text": "creamy garlic parmesan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Buffalo, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Buffalo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Regular, light, or extra cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "light", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 31, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Extra.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Extra", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Toppings: pepperoni, sausage, meatball, ham, beef, pork, chicken?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 38, "text": "meatball", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "pork", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Chicken and sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which veggies? Onions, spinach, olives?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "spinach", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 38, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Olives and onions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Jalepeno peppers, banana peppers, pineapple?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Jalepeno peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 32, "text": "banana peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 43, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pineapple.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. That's a large pie, original crust, buffalo sauce, extra cheese, chicken, sausage, olives, onions and pineapple.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 38, "text": "original crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 53, "text": "buffalo sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 67, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 68, "text": "extra cheese,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 76, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 85, "text": "chicken, sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 85, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 93, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 115, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh no...those dummys have run out of the pineapples!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 51, "text": "pineapples", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no no no.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you still want it without the pineapple?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm ... yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. That's 24.92 with tax, and they will have it ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds aces.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You betcha. Enjoy!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so very much!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to find out what Vietnamese restraunts are in the area", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is Ho Phong cafe, 2 blocks down the street", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 22, "text": "Ho Phong cafe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 48, "text": "2 blocks down the street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is popular at that restraunt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is the noodle bowl with spicy chicken", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much does it cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It costs 9.99", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can this food be delivered?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, it can be delivered with Door Dash", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the number for Door Dash?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is 867-5309", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you call Door Dash for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can call Door Dash for you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will you please call Door Dash then?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Calling Door Dash", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Where can I order desert?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is the Pastry Palace, 3 blocks north of your location?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 26, "text": "Pastry Palace", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 42, "text": "3 blocks north", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is on their menu?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have pies, doughnuts, fritters and other assorted pastries.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is a pastry?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A pastry is a cooked break item that is sweetened.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you find out if they have maple doughnuts?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have maple doughnuts", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much do they cost?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The maple donuts are 1.99", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is that per dozen, or each?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Each", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order it for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is no door Dash for here.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you give directions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Drive 3 blocks north, then turn left.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey I need you to order some pizza for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, where did you want it from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get it from Pizza Classics.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 26, "text": "Pizza Classics", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get me a large canadian bacon and pineapple pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 29, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 49, "text": "canadian bacon and pineapple pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 49, "text": "pineapple pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you want any sides with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, just the pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok when did you need it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "On second thought make it two large canadian bacon and pineapple pizzas.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 50, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 71, "text": "canadian bacon and pineapple pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 71, "text": "pineapple pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. So two large pineapple and canadian bacon pizzas with no side, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 31, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 57, "text": "pineapple and canadian bacon pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 57, "text": "canadian bacon pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright when did you need them?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need them by 7 pm.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright 7 pm. Where should I send them?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Send them to the main field office.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright so two large canadian bacon and pinapple pizzas sent to the main field office by 7 pm. Is that all correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 35, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 55, "text": "canadian bacon and pinapple pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 55, "text": "pinapple pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it's all correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right I'll get that taken care of for you right away.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. I'll let you know when they're ready.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So there was a slight problem with the order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What was that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are out of pineapple. Did you wanna order something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 25, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess just add banana peppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 31, "text": "banana peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything in case they don't have those?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, just the canadian bacon if there's anymore issues.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 27, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, so the order went through and will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi there, can you order me some movie tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely! What do you want to see?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My friend and I want to see Dumbo in Huntsville.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "My friend and I", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "Huntsville", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, which movie theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's playing at 7:40 at AMC Valley Bend 18. That's the movie theater at Jones Valley.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "7:40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 42, "text": "AMC Valley Bend 18", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 84, "text": "Jones Valley", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, two tickets for the 7:40 showing of Dumbo at the AMC theater in Jones Valley?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 7, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 28, "text": "7:40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 45, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 64, "text": "AMC theater", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 80, "text": "Jones Valley", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The 7:40 showing of Dumbo is full.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 8, "text": "7:40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is it playing at another time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, not at this theater. Do you want me to check on another movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, can you see what times the movie Shazam! is playing?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "Shazam", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I sure will! About the same showing time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, they have two different showings around that time. Do you want the 3D show time or the standard showtime?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 73, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 99, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 108, "text": "standard showtime", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "3D, please!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The 3D showing of Shazam! is 6:30 pm and tickets are $13.94 for 3D.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 6, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 24, "text": "Shazam", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "6:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 59, "text": "$13.94", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 59, "text": "13.94", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh. Is there any later 3D showings? We'll still be at the restaurant at 6:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 25, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 76, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, not for the 3D movie. The standard showtime is 7:30 and those tickets are $10.67 each.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 18, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 47, "text": "standard showtime", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 84, "text": "$10.67", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 84, "text": "10.67", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Shoot. We really wanted to see the 3D movie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 37, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah, I understand. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess we'll cancel the movie and just do something else instead. Sorry for wasting your time. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Have a good night!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sarah, can you get me a coffee?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 31, "text": "can you get me a coffee?", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure boss, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm thinking something...chocolate.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Can you be more specific?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, great, I will get myself something too, if you don't mind...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Not at all, get whatever...consider it your bonus this month.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Very funny. Other than chocolate Starbucks, what would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 42, "text": "chocolate Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm glad you asked. How about a Cherry Mocha?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "Cherry Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's not really chocolate. That's mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 27, "text": "not really chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, how about a Cordusio?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 24, "text": "Cordusio", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Again, not very chocolate. Are you sure you know what you want?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 25, "text": "not very chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 25, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, how about a Caffe Americano?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 31, "text": "Caffe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll tell you what. I will get you a black and white. That has chocolate.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 52, "text": "black and white", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 72, "text": "has chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 72, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Isn't that also a mocha?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is but it also has chocolate.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "has chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 31, "text": "chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine. That will be fine. Just charge it to the account and get yourself something.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks! What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What do you mean?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How big?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How big is what?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The coffee.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will surprise you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks Sarah! You're the best!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I would like to buy some move tickets.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. What movie do you want to see?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hellboy.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Hellboy", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What theater are you wanting to go to? The usual?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I am in Ocean City. I want to go to the Sun & Surf Cinema.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 22, "text": "Ocean City", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 61, "text": "the Sun & Surf Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 61, "text": "Sun & Surf Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh. I see. Just one ticket for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I need two. I also need the tickets to be for a time before 7:30 p.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 72, "text": "7:30 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am sorry, but there are no more tickets for that show at the time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What? Oh snap. Well what about Pet Sematary?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 43, "text": "Pet Sematary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, there is a showing tonight at 7:15 p.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 43, "text": "tonight at 7:15 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 43, "text": "7:15 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. I am going to need two reclining seat tickets please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, they don't have any of those tickets available. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are you sure?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you double check? I really want those seats.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I will do that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am sorry, but those seats are certainly not available. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine, I guess we won't be seeing a movie tonight then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry about that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's not your fault.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "HI, I would like to order 2 large pizzas please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what type of pizzas would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like one large veggie pizza with mushrooms, peppers, onions, broccoli, eggplant and olives. I would like to order another large pizza with pesto, chicken, mozzarella cheese and sliced tomatoes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 35, "text": "veggie pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 50, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 67, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 77, "text": "broccoli", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 87, "text": "eggplant", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 98, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 99, "text": "olives.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 147, "end_index": 152, "text": "pesto", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 154, "end_index": 162, "text": "chicken,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 154, "end_index": 161, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 163, "end_index": 180, "text": "mozzarella cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 185, "end_index": 200, "text": "sliced tomatoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 185, "end_index": 201, "text": "sliced tomatoes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Would you like thin crust, regular crust, or pan pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "thin crust,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 44, "text": "regular crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 52, "text": "pan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 58, "text": "pan pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Regular crust please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Regular crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would like to have gluten free crust on both of the pizzas.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 43, "text": "gluten free crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is no eggplant available for your veggie pizza. Would you like to substitute the eggplant with another ingredient?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 20, "text": "eggplant", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 52, "text": "veggie pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 53, "text": "veggie pizza.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take the veggie pizza without the eggplant.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "veggie pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 49, "text": "eggplant", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is also no pesto sauce for the pizza with pesto sauce, chicken, mozzarella cheese and sliced tomatoes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 28, "text": "no pesto sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 28, "text": "pesto sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 60, "text": "pesto sauce,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 68, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 69, "text": "chicken,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 87, "text": "mozzarella cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 107, "text": "sliced tomatoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Do they have any specialty pizza with grilled chicken that is highly popular?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 57, "text": "grilled chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, they have the Louis Street Pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 37, "text": "Louis Street Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What does that pizza come with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Louis Street Pizza comes with grilled chicken, bacon, and ranch.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 22, "text": "Louis Street Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 49, "text": "grilled chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 56, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 57, "text": "bacon,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 67, "text": "ranch", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order the Louis Street Pizza instead of the pizza with pesto sauce, chicken, mozzarella cheese, and sliced tomatoes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 44, "text": "Louis Street Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 82, "text": "pesto sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 83, "text": "pesto sauce,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 91, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 110, "text": "mozzarella cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 111, "text": "mozzarella cheese,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 131, "text": "sliced tomatoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 117, "end_index": 131, "text": "liced tomatoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that would be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. I have a large veggie pizza with mushrooms, peppers, onions, broccoli, and olives, a Louis Street Pizza, both with regular and gluten free crust. Your total is $27.71. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message. Can I help you with anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 31, "text": "veggie pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 46, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 55, "text": "peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 63, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 73, "text": "broccoli", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 85, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 86, "text": "olives,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 106, "text": "Louis Street Pizz", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 107, "text": "Louis Street Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 126, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 131, "end_index": 147, "text": "gluten free crus", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 131, "end_index": 148, "text": "gluten free crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When will the order be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok great. Thank you for your help. Good Bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi there, could you order an Uber ride for me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "Uber ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! Can you tell me where you are waiting?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at Wooster Community Hospital, Beall Avenue, Wooster, OH", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 60, "text": "Wooster Community Hospital, Beall Avenue, Wooster, OH", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and where would you like to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "To Wooster ENT Hearing Aid Services, Cleveland Road, Wooster, OH", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 64, "text": "Wooster ENT Hearing Aid Services, Cleveland Road, Wooster, OH", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, let me schedule that for you. Which ride would you like to have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you give me the options that are available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber X and Uber XL", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 18, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the prices?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uber X is approximately $6.90, while Uber XL will be around $9.10", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "$6.90", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 44, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "$9.10", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, go ahead and order Uber X", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And I'd like to get picked up in 30 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I'm very sorry but Uber X is not available. Are you okay with Uber XL?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 75, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, I prefer the cheaper ride, but since that's not available, I'm fine with Uber XL", "segments": [ { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 86, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Very good, I have Uber XL scheduled for you and they should be there within 30 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds great! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Also, you can check Uber's status on your mobile app. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to dine out for the evening?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any places in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Green Dragon and The Pho Hut in Richland, WA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "The Green Dragon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 32, "text": "The Pho Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 48, "text": "Richland, WA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many are coming with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just my wife.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay 2 people. Any time requirement?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 6, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Anytime after 6PM-7PM tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 21, "text": "after 6PM-7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would you like to sit indoors or out?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "out", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Indoor please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Green Dragon is all booked. But the Pho house one opening at 7:30PM. Is this later time okay with you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "The Green Dragon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 16, "text": "Green Dragon", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "the Pho house", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "Pho house", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 71, "text": "7:30PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any other questions about The Pho Hut before I reserved your time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 49, "text": "The Pho Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 49, "text": "Pho Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Does it have a bar?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Pho Hut does have a bar. Any other questions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "The Pho Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "Pho Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the average price for this restuarant, I haven't visited in awhile.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The average price according to Google Reviews is $20 a person. Any other questions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. Book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Booking. Ok. We have reserved a table for two at the The Pho Hunt at 7:30PM. Enjoy your night.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 45, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 65, "text": "The Pho Hunt", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 75, "text": "7:30PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will, please send me a reminder 30 mins.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will send you an alert at 7:00pm to get ready.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, my name is Eric Pressley and my phone number is 717-495-9999. I am calling to book a car for tonight to pick me up at a restaurant and take me to a movie in the local area.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 124, "end_index": 134, "text": "restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, first of all, what kind of car service do you want, an Uber or Lyft?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take the Lyft, I like their service very much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what time do you need the Lyft ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make it around 6:30pm at the 1700 Degrees Steakhouse at 1 North 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA 17101", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 92, "text": "1700 Degrees Steakhouse at 1 North 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA 17101", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, looks like there is not a Lyft available for that time in that area of town, unfortunately.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, then what about an Uber?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of Uber would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "An Uber Black or an Uber XL if you have it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 13, "text": "Uber Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 27, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, let me check. Yes, there's an Uber XL available at 6:30pm at address: 1 North 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA 17101", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 41, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 61, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 110, "text": "1 North 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA 17101", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds great, just what I was looking for.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what is the destination that you want taken to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to go to the AMC Classic Theater. The address is: 3432 Simpson Ferry Rd, Camp Hill, PA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 39, "text": "AMC Classic Theater", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 93, "text": "AMC Classic Theater. The address is: 3432 Simpson Ferry Rd, Camp Hill, PA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 93, "text": "3432 Simpson Ferry Rd, Camp Hill, PA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me look up the Uber XL estimate for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you that sounds great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, for an Uber XL the estimate is approximately $21.05.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "$21.05.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 56, "text": "$21.05", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, that's great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, it's all set for an Uber XL to pick you up at the restaurant and take you to the movies departing at 6:30pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 31, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 64, "text": "restaurant", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 111, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there going to be any wait time? Also, I wanted to thank you for all of your help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, no wait time involved. I'm sending confirmation to your mobile device at 717-495-9999 that an Uber XL will pick you up at 1700 Degrees Steakhouse at 6:30pm and take you to the AMC Classic Theater. Thank you for calling, Bye.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 105, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 126, "end_index": 149, "text": "1700 Degrees Steakhouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 153, "end_index": 159, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 180, "end_index": 199, "text": "AMC Classic Theater", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant, I need to order a few pizzas tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, where would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I haven't had Dominoes in a while.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "Dominoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I'm pulling up their website right now, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, I need two pizzas, one pepperoni and bell peppers and one sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 55, "text": "pepperoni and bell peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 55, "text": "bell peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 71, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Extra large on both, I have a few people coming over.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok... it looks like they are all out of pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hm. Do they have Canadian Bacon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 31, "text": "Canadian Bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like that's still in stock, yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Then I will go with Canadian Bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 34, "text": "Canadian Bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done. Any drinks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll go with a bottle of coke.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you want this for delivery, correct?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "If you could, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, it will be ready in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's terrific, everyone will be here by then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like help with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, not right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Have a great evening!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi I wanna place an order for pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "where from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "NYPD Pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "NYPD Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In Surprise, AZ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "In Surprise, AZ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 15, "text": "Surprise, AZ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what can I get for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a large onion and tomato pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "onion", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 37, "text": "onion and tomato pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "tomato", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That will do it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, well there are no onions available", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, then olives instead", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "so a large olive and tomato pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "olive", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 33, "text": "olive and tomato pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 27, "text": "tomato", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "will that be all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay the order will be ready in twenty minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 46, "text": "Okay the order will be ready in twenty minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have sent you the info to your mobile phone", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Sam, can you order me an extra large pizza for tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, from where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4th Street Pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "4th Street Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You love that place.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You know it! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get a combination pizza, instead of olives, can you have them add pineapples and artichoke?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 23, "text": "combination pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 42, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 76, "text": "pineapples", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 90, "text": "artichoke", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They said they don't have any more artichokes for tonight. Do you want to add anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 45, "text": "artichokes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mushrooms then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "An extra large combination pizza, no olives, add pineapples and mushrooms.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 14, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 32, "text": "combination pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 43, "text": "no olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 59, "text": "pineapples", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 73, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need any plates to go with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, 4 plates please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I just ordered your pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 31, "text": "Okay. I just ordered your pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready to be picked up in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt is going to be sent to your phone via text message if you need to see it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, that's perfect. Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Call the nearest Starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 26, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Starbucks? Do you mean the Starbucks on Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 76, "text": "Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, the Starbucks on Riverside Drive.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 37, "text": "Riverside Drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Calling Starbucks on Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 17, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 51, "text": "Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Nonfat Vanilla Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "Nonfat", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 29, "text": "Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hot or cold?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hot.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size Nonfat Vanilla Latte?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And your name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Angela.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirming Grande Nonfat Vanilla Latte for Angela.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 24, "text": "Nonfat", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 38, "text": "Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, could I also have chocolate sprinkled on top?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 41, "text": "chocolate sprinkled", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirming Grande Nonfat Vanilla Latte with chocolate sprinkled on top for Angela.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 63, "text": "chocolate sprinkled", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. How much will it be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your account will be charged $4.95. Do you want to leave a tip?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please. Add $1.00 for the tip.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Adding $1.00 for the tip. $5.95 will be charged to your account.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When will it be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your Grande Nonfat Vanilla Latte with chocolate sprinkled has been ordered, and will be ready for pick up soon at Starbucks on Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 57, "text": "Grande Nonfat Vanilla Latte with chocolate sprinkled", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "And my receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt has been sent to your phone via text.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I see it now - thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello Jenn! Please, do me a favor a place an order for pickup from the local Starbucks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 86, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing! Will this be from the Starbucks on Wanaque Ave. in Pompton Lakes?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 76, "text": "Wanaque Ave. in Pompton Lakes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that one exactly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! What are you looking to get?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, so it's going to do a Venti Caffe Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 43, "text": "Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any milk or sugar in that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, splash of 2% milk and 3 sugars.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 22, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 35, "text": "3 sugars", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What about whipped cream? They like to put that on top.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Of course! Whipped cream on top!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 24, "text": "Whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, you got it. Are you sure you don't want anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that will be all. Oh yeah! Get yourself a coffee too!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you so much! I've been craving one of their iced coffees all day.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome, go right ahead and get it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Should I put this on the regular card that they have on file under your name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, the American Express.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it! I'm on it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much Jenn!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, so your drink is on order at the Starbucks on Wanaque Ave. It's going to be ready for pickup in 5 minutes under your name. Also, your receipt has been emailed to you!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 46, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 61, "text": "Wanaque Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much! You are the best.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey! Can you get me tickets to Escape Room tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "Escape Room", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, which location?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In Atlanta, Georgia.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 19, "text": "Atlanta, Georgia", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "AMC Parkway Pointe 15.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 21, "text": "AMC Parkway Pointe 15", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "AMC Parkway Pointe 15.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. There is one showing left at 10:05 PM, is this okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 43, "text": "10:05 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is this a standard show? No 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 18, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "standard show", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 30, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They only have a standard show.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 30, "text": "standard show", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Two adult tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Two adult", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, two adults.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "two adults", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That'll be $14.30 each, is that okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "$14.30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's my total?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$28.60", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "$28.60", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done. I have texted you the tickets.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me know if you need anything else.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I need to make an appointment for car ASAP!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 47, "text": "ASAP", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! Where do you want the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make it with Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 39, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I have their schedule up in front of me. What seems to be the problem?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car keeps overheating and the only way to stop it is to pull over and turn off the car. I can only drive it again after letting it sit for 20 minutes with the ignition off.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 89, "text": "My car keeps overheating and the only way to stop it is to pull over and turn off the car", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 174, "text": "car keeps overheating and the only way to stop it is to pull over and turn off the car. I can only drive it again after letting it sit for 20 minutes with the ignition off", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, that sounds like a pretty bad problem. I'm on their interface now, and I need to put in your phone number as well as your full name. Remind me again, what's the spelling of your full name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's Jaquan Davidson. First name spelled J-A-Q-U-A-N. Last name D-A-V-I-D-S-O-N. Phone number 555-328-4747.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 20, "text": "Jaquan Davidson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 79, "text": "J-A-Q-U-A-N. Last name D-A-V-I-D-S-O-N", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I've got your info entered.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. Now please book the appointment for 9 AM. I need to get there first thing in the morning.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 47, "text": "9 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 95, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "9 AM? Unfortunately I'm looking at tomorrow's schedule for Intelligent Auto Solutions and they don't have any openings at that time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "9 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 45, "text": "tomorrow's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 85, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Come on! Really? That's ridiculous! Fine. Make it 10 AM instead.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 55, "text": "10 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm so sorry, but 10 AM isn't available either. The first available time is 10:30 AM tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "10 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 84, "text": "10:30 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 85, "end_index": 93, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine, let's do 10:30 then. I wish I could get in sooner though!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I understand. It sounds like this is an urgent problem that needs to get fixed fast!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! I'm so glad you understand. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I've gone ahead and scheduled the appointment for 10:30 tomorrow. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 55, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 64, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Here are all the details then: appointment is at 10:30 AM tomorrow at Intelligent Auto Solutions. The purpose of the inspection is to determine why your car is overheating. The inspection fee to evaluate the car will be $29.99 and then after that they will quote you on the estimated cost of repairs to be done based on what is discovered on the inspection.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 57, "text": "10:30 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 66, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 96, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 171, "text": "The purpose of the inspection is to determine why your car is overheating", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 153, "end_index": 171, "text": "car is overheating", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, thanks for making the appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're very welcome. Have a good day and good luck!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will you please order me a coffee?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! From where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I feel like some Tim Horton's.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get me a large iced capp please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 24, "text": "iced capp", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yum! What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's do a large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. Want anything special with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah I need an extra boost of energy so have them put an espresso shot in it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 70, "text": "espresso shot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I don't blame you. Ok got it. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I want it to be hazelnut flavored as well.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 37, "text": "hazelnut flavored", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That sounds so good. Anything else about the coffee, or anything to eat?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually some donuts sound really good too", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they do! What kind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I like just the old-fashioned glazed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh yeah those are delicious. How many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's do 2, that way I'll have one for later. And that will be all ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect I'll be there shortly with your items.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome thanks so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi I would like to order an Uber please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 32, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, will be happy to help you out with that", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and how many people will be with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just myself and one other", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 25, "text": "myself and one other", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, so you would like an Uber X not Xl correct", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 38, "text": "Xl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes Uber X is fine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 10, "text": "Uber X", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK and where are going to and from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "From my home location to the AMC theatre on main street", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 21, "text": "my home location", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 55, "text": "AMC theatre on main street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, 1 minute please while I enter this information", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok your estimated fare is $9.86", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "$9.86", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to order it now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I order you an Uber XL to go from your home location to the AMC theatre on Main st.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "Uber XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 56, "text": "your home location", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 56, "text": "home location", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 87, "text": "the AMC theatre on Main st.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 86, "text": "AMC theatre on Main st", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They should be there in about 6 minutes and you can check the status on your phone", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "They should be there", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 39, "text": "about 6 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 39, "text": "6 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok fantastic thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you a swell, have a great night", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK Google, please schedule an appointment with Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 73, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What day and time is ideal for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thursday, between 2 and 5", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 25, "text": "between 2 and 5", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "2 and 5", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The closest appointment slot is at 1:15, does this work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "1:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's another day that would work?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sunday between noon and 5", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Sunday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 25, "text": "between noon and 5", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "noon and 5", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions is not open on Sunday, is there another day that would work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "Sunday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, next Tuesday, any time", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 17, "text": "next Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, there are appointments at 9AM, 10:15AM, 12:30PM, and 2:45PM. Does one of these times work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "9AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "10:15AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 51, "text": "12:30PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 63, "text": "2:45PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'll take the 10:15", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "10:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK - I've reserved an appointment at 10:15AM, next Tuesday. Intelligent Auto Solutions requires a bit more information - are you ready to give additional information about your vehicle?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 44, "text": "10:15AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 58, "text": "next Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 58, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 86, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make and model of your vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My vehicle is a Toyota Tundra", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 29, "text": "Toyota Tundra", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. What year is your vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2011", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2011", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. What is the reason for your appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dashboard button lights have gone out", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 37, "text": "Dashboard button lights have gone out", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK - you have succesfully made an appointment for electrical issues with your 2011 Toyota Tundra, next Tuesday at 10:15. What name and number should I use for the appointment?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 67, "text": "electrical issues", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 82, "text": "2011", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 96, "text": "Toyota Tundra", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 110, "text": "next Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 103, "end_index": 110, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 119, "text": "10:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Raymond Fairfly, 555-555-5555", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Raymond Fairfly", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you - your appointment has been confirmed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 47, "text": "your appointment has been confirmed", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, can you order me an Uber", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, where are you and where do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at the four seasons in Manhattan and need to go to Chipotle on 22nd avenue", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 36, "text": "four seasons in Manhattan", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 78, "text": "to Chipotle on 22nd avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 78, "text": "Chipotle on 22nd avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want a specific ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just get me the uberx", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "uberx", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time do you want to leave?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want the car for now", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I don't see any uberx available for now, is an uberxl okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "uberx", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 53, "text": "uberxl", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yeah, that's fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The wait time is about 15 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 33, "text": "15 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay that's fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it's going to take a total of 30 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 40, "text": "30 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok, sounds good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it's going to cost about $12", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "$12", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "sounds good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that was it, thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you need me to arrange a ride for you get back to the office", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no, i''ll be here for a while", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay, everything is set", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a pizza from papa john", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 29, "text": "papa john", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you want to order for delivery or take out", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will pick it up myself", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "very good, will this be the place close to our office", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, that is the one", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and should we use the account we already have with them", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what would you like to order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want the meat lover", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 21, "text": "meat lover", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sounds delicious, sizes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want the extra large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they just told me they are out of italian ham, would that be ok", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 45, "text": "italian ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no, let's switch to the special with everything", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "that one is very good too", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, but I was craving meat though, well nothing we can do about now", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have placed the order, the pizza will be ready for picked up in 25 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 23, "text": "I have placed the order", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "very good, what about the receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "it will be sent to your phone", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "enjoy your pizza", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello i would like you to order me a coffee from starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok which starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "the nearest one to me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an Iced Cherry Mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 33, "text": "Iced Cherry Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of milk?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Whole", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Whole", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Regular chocolate or dark chocolate?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "Regular chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 35, "text": "dark chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dark chocolate", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Dark chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok so you would like a Iced Cherry Mocha with whole milk and dark chocolate, wth whip on top?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 40, "text": "Iced Cherry Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 56, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 75, "text": "dark chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 85, "text": "whip", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok when would you like for me to get that for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok i will leave now and come back in 15min.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 51, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what kind of car do you have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "saturn l200", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "saturn", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "l200", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what is the reason for the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need my engine fixed", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "I need my engine fixed", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "engine fixed", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "is there any specific issue?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, it is making a strange rumbling noise", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 42, "text": "making a strange rumbling noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 42, "text": "strange rumbling noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "when is a non busy time there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Morning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will do a morning appointment", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How does 9 sound?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 10, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That works", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "can I get your phone number", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, 5555555555", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "so are we all set?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yes, the appointment is set", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 27, "text": "yes, the appointment is set", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "see you tomorrow at 9", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 16, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 21, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I wanted to order a coffee from Starbucks, can you help me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I can do that", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, my account should be saved to the computer. I want to order from the one by my house", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me look it up", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is it 2704 SE Santiam HWY Albany, OR 97322", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 42, "text": "2704 SE Santiam HWY Albany, OR 97322", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I wanted an Americano", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 21, "text": "Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else you want in it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A splash of Almond milk, and 5 Stevias please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 38, "text": "A splash of Almond milk, and 5 Stevias", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 8, "text": "splash", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "Almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "5 Stevias", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me put that it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is placed, it'll be $3.50 at the Starbucks on Santiam", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "Your order is placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "Santiam", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, how long before it will be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "About 15 minutes, is there anything else you need.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That was all, thank you for your help. Have a good day", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you, you too.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "do you mind ordering a pizza from dominos for me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 41, "text": "dominos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yeah, sure, what kind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "i wanted to get their medium 2 topping deal they have", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "do you know what toppings youd want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yeah get it with sausage and pepperoni please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "just the regular crust?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 22, "text": "regular crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "actually get it with the thin crust please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 35, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and what about cheese? whatever normally comes on it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yeah thats fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and for the sauce?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "get it with their pink sauce they offer", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "pink sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "alright will do. just one pizza right?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yeah ones fine thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "almost forgot, do you want any drinks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no i think im all good on the drinks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and no sides of wings or breadsticks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no just the pizza is fine thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "did you want me to grab some Parmesan or red peppers while im there?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "Parmesan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 52, "text": "red peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no i think i have that here already thanks though", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "no problem itll be done in about 25 minutes", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I am needing to order movie tickets", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where are you located?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Colorado Springs", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Colorado Springs", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what movie did you want to see?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Green Book.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Green Book", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "AMC Classic", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "AMC Classic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "At what time did you want to see the show?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tonight, around 8pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Tonight, around 8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me search that for you. I found one showing at 6:45 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "6:45 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like they are booked at that time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's another showtime tomorrow night at 6:45 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 50, "text": "tomorrow night at 6:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 50, "text": "6:45 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool, let's book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, just to confirm that's two tickets at the AMC Classic in Colorado Springs for the Green Book at 6:45 PM, tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 59, "text": "AMC Classic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 79, "text": "Colorado Springs", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 98, "text": "Green Book", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 109, "text": "6:45 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 119, "text": "6:45 PM, tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the tickets are booked. They will be sent to your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 28, "text": "Okay, the tickets are booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 29, "text": "Okay, the tickets are booked.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to go see Us tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 25, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, where would you like to see it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to see it in Omaha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "Omaha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which theater do you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer the Alamo Drafthouse.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 29, "text": "Alamo Drafthouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Alamo location do you prefer? Midtown or La Vista?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 11, "text": "Alamo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "Midtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "La Vista", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer La Vista.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 17, "text": "La Vista", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What showtime do you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about 7:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately that showtime is sold out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there anything shortly after 7:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 36, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The only later showing is 10:40.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 31, "text": "10:40", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Dang it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a showing at 7:00 or 8:00 at the Midtown location if that will work for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "8:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 49, "text": "Midtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 58, "text": "Midtown location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Midtown will be okay. 7:00 sounds great.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Midtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like there is no 3D or super screen options. Is this a problem?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 28, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "super screen", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 52, "text": "super screen options", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem, a standard theater is just fine thanks.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 30, "text": "standard theater", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. How many tickets do you need me to order for you this evening?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am meeting a friend there so 2 please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 32, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great I will order 2 tickets to the 7:00 showing of Us at the Midtown location of the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema ordered for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 20, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 28, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 40, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 54, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "Midtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 78, "text": "Midtown location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 109, "text": "Alamo Drafthouse Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are on order and will be sent to your phone via text shortly. Enjoy the show!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm looking for a place to have dinner tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " Okay, any ideas where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a resturant that's intimate, and serves good woodfired food?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any other specifications?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like it to be near Portland, Maine, say within walking or Uber distance?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 38, "text": "Portland, Maine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 39, "text": "Portland, Maine,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how about Fore Street?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "Fore Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could you tell me more?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do wood fired food, beer wine and whiskey, and they in Portland, Maine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 75, "text": "Portland, Maine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 76, "text": "Portland, Maine.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds phenomenal, are there other options there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I can also suggest Provisions which is quite near by the location of Fore Street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 34, "text": "Provisions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 85, "text": "Fore Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 86, "text": "Fore Street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, let's try book for 7PM tonight at Fore Street?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "7PM tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 51, "text": "Fore Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, one moment. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That reservation is not available unfortunately. There is a slot at 9PM available though.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 71, "text": "9PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm, can we try to book for Provisions instead for 7PM tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 39, "text": "Provisions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 55, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 63, "text": "7PM tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me see.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Try for 7PM or 7:30PM, I can do either time slot.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 11, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "7:30PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, they have a slot available at 7:30 PM tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "7:30 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 51, "text": "7:30 PM tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, perfect, that will be for 2 of us, preferably in the main dining hall.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 76, "text": "main dining hall.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's all confirmed, table for 2, 7:30 tonight, in the main dining hall at Provisions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 47, "text": "7:30 tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 72, "text": "main dining hall", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 86, "text": "Provisions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Good bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, Josh? I need an appointment for my car by this week. I'm driving home from work right now, but I rather not go.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Uh, sure, is there a specific shop you'd like to go to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions, they have a website you should be able to book an appointment from. The company computer has my details saved, so go ahead, and log in.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, one moment please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it! What type of work are you looking to have done? What time this week works best for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need it by Tuesday, Josh. No later than 8 in the evening. My daughter noticed there was a scraping noise every-time I drive her to school. I've started to hear it too, and its getting louder, and louder.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 204, "text": "there was a scraping noise every-time I drive her to school. I've started to hear it too, and its getting louder, and louder", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 125, "text": "scraping noise every-time I drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 146, "end_index": 204, "text": "started to hear it too, and its getting louder, and louder", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh man, that's not good! What's the model of the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 2009 Mercedes-Benz S550 SUV, black and grey interior.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "2009", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 34, "text": "Mercedes-Benz S550 SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Niceee. I've entered this information intoIntelligent Auto Solutions' website. They need your name and number, sir. Should I give it to them?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 68, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mm...yeah. Go ahead and give them the number I called you from, 534-405-2343, and my name as Mr.Pickford.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 104, "text": "Mr.Pickford", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. One moment please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, wait, can you hear the noise, Josh?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir, it's really loud! I'm glad you're getting it checked out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Haha, me too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The earliest time they can do is 7:30 AM tommorow morning. Are you sure you want to wait until Tuesday, sir?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "7:30 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 49, "text": "tommorow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, acutally, give me the earliest time. The noise is getting louder and harsher, so I need it as soon as possible. I'll take a Ubermo to work tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 80, "text": "The noise is getting louder and harsher", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 143, "end_index": 151, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I've booked your appointment for 7:25 AM, tomorrow morning for your 2009 Mercedes-Benz S550 SUV car, for problems with the engine regarding a harsh noise when you drive. Is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "7:25 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 50, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 58, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 72, "text": "2009", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 95, "text": "Mercedes-Benz S550 SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 153, "text": "the engine regarding a harsh noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 119, "end_index": 168, "text": "the engine regarding a harsh noise when you drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct, and great timing.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Awesome, I'll send the details your way right now. Phone or e-mail?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Phone and E-Mail. Josh, you forgot to mention the price for this appointment!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, sir! Let me search that up real quick.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hahah, it's alright. Just wanted to be sure. IAS likes to add surcharges when they think you don't know the price.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tell me about it. The initial price for this check-up will amount to around $250 at a base fee, additional fees will be added depending on what they find.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mm...I can live with that. Go ahead and send it over.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just did sir. Will that be all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Should be. I let you know if I need anything else. Have a good night, Josh!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You too, sir!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to place a starbucks order for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "which location ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "174 littleton rd. westford, ma", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 30, "text": "174 littleton rd. westford, ma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what would you like? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "a grande cappuccino", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 8, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 19, "text": "cappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what type of milk would you like? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok. is there anything else? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "now that i think of it, please also order me a blueberry muffin", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok got it. will do", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok i've ordered you a grande cappucinno with 2% milk and a blueberry muffin at the westford starbucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 39, "text": "cappucinno", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 91, "text": "westford", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 101, "text": "westford starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your order will be ready for pickup shortly", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "excellent", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you will be receiving a text message on your phone with the details of your order including the receipt", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "perfect. thank you very much for your assistance", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you're most welcome. is there anything else i can help you with? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no thank you. have a good idea", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "thanks. you too", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, can I get a lyft car please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where would your pick up location be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "AMC Theater in New Brunswick, New Jersey.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 41, "text": "AMC Theater in New Brunswick, New Jersey.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would your destination be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The restaurant Stuff yer face in New Brunswick, New Jersey.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 58, "text": "restaurant Stuff yer face in New Brunswick, New Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. At what time would you like to get picked up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For how many people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There will be 4 of us.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 15, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of car would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an XL please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 25, "text": "XL please", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 18, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am sorry. An XL car is not available at this moment. Would you like to choose another car?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "XL car", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 17, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which cars are available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are regular and Lux available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 25, "text": "Lux", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the price difference between these two options?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A personal ride costs between $8-$10 dollars. The Lux costs between $12-$15 dollars.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 15, "text": "personal ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 44, "text": "$8-$10 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "Lux", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 83, "text": "$12-$15 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 84, "text": "$12-$15 dollars.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I'll take the regular car please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "regular car", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. You have ordered a regular Lyft ride for 4 people. Your pickup location will be AMC theater in New Brunswick and your destination will be at Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick. Your ride will arrive at your destination in 6 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 35, "text": "regular Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 40, "text": "regular Lyft ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 46, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 53, "text": "4 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 112, "text": "AMC theater in New Brunswick", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 145, "end_index": 176, "text": "Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 145, "end_index": 177, "text": "Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 223, "end_index": 233, "text": "6 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, great. How long will the ride be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your ride will be approximately 9 minutes long.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 41, "text": "9 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 46, "text": "9 minutes long", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. How much will my total be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your total will be $8.00. Your Lyft is on the way. You can track your ride through your Lyft app. Is there anything else that I can help you with?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "$8.00", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that would be all. Thank you very much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your welcome. Good Bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I need to get pizza from Pisano's.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 38, "text": "Pisano's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Whatcha want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like two large pizzas with mushrooms and tuna", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 40, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "tuna", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay let me give them a call", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hopefully they have the fish", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 28, "text": "fish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are out of fish right now", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "fish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "right", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no, I'll change my order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What topping would you like instead?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I guess I'll go with the mushrooms and banana peppers for each of the pizzas.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 53, "text": "banana peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay let me try that. What sizes?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make one medium", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And the other?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm, make it large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, do you want any sides?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, just the pizzas", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I think this should work. For pick up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I will get it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the order is processed, it will be ready in 30 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much for your help", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be in your inbox on your mobile device", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to have an appointment at an auto repair shop, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which auto repair do you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I like to go to \"Intelligent Auto Solutions\".", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 43, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. They have online interface to communicate about the repair.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I know. There's water accumulate in my trunk. I need to fix that ASAP.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 64, "text": "There's water accumulate in my trunk. I need to fix that", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 69, "text": "There's water accumulate in my trunk. I need to fix that ASAP", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 69, "text": "ASAP", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Let me check with them.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are available tomorrow anytime after 2:00 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "after 2:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good! 4:00 pm works for me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 13, "text": "4:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I will set up an appointment at 4:00 for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.auto_repair" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "4:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll need some information. Your name, please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's Matt Smith.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Matt Smith", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your phone number, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2128973178", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Make, Model, and year of your car, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Honda, Civic, 2013", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Honda, Civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "2013", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's all I need. You are all set.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 35, "text": "You are all set.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. It's 4:00 pm tomorrow, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "4:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 32, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's right. You have a nice day!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You too!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need tickets to the How to Train Your Dragon, The Hidden World", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 64, "text": "How to Train Your Dragon, The Hidden World", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What day would you like to see that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about tonight", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. How many tickets would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like 4 tickets", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 18, "text": "4 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 10, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to see the movie in 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 34, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that's alright", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "No", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about 2D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 12, "text": "2D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm, do they have an IMAX showing?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "IMAX", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they do", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "So 4 tickets for the IMAX showing tonight", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 4, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 25, "text": "IMAX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time tonight?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What times are the showings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "1pm, 4pm, and 7pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7pm sounds great.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This is for the AMC Kabuki on post street right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 41, "text": "AMC Kabuki on post street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So I have 4 tickets for How To Train Your Dragon, The Hidden World tonight at 7pm, in IMAX, at the AMC Kabuki theatre on post street. Is that all correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 11, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 66, "text": "How To Train Your Dragon, The Hidden World", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 81, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 90, "text": "IMAX", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 99, "end_index": 132, "text": "AMC Kabuki theatre on post street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Absolutely, thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're tickets will be sent to you via text message in moments. I'm using the credit card on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Absolutely. I'll talk to you tomorrow", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a pizza from Jets pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 45, "text": "Jets pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the address?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is 416 44th St , Kentwood, MI", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 32, "text": "416 44th St , Kentwood, MI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the grilled chicken pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 38, "text": "grilled chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a large pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many pizzas would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just one pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you want the square or round crust?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "square", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 38, "text": "square or round crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "round", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the square crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "square", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "square crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can get you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. I don’t like green peppers. Can I sub that with black olives?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 65, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They said that will be fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I also get that with extra sauce to?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "extra sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I got that down. Do you want breadsticks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": " No the pizza will be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want it delivered or pickup.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will pick it up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have your order as 1 large grilled chicken pizza with a square crust. I have you subbing the green peppers with black olives and you would also like extra sauce. You will be picking it up at Jets pizza, 416 44th St, Kentwood, MI.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 50, "text": "grilled chicken pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 64, "text": "square", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 70, "text": "square crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 126, "text": "subbing the green peppers with black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 108, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 126, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 151, "end_index": 162, "text": "extra sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 193, "end_index": 203, "text": "Jets pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 205, "end_index": 230, "text": "416 44th St, Kentwood, MI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You can pick it up in 25 minutes and I will send you your receipt via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a pizza from Blue Line pizza for dinner with my family tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 50, "text": "Blue Line pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How large of a pizza would you like to order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How many people does a small feed?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "2-3 people.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about a large?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "3-5 people.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll get a large Brass Monkey specialty pizza. What comes on top of that?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 45, "text": "Brass Monkey specialty pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Spinach blended with ricotta & feta, mushrooms, onions, garlic, mozzarella, sausage.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Spinach blended", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 35, "text": "Spinach blended with ricotta & feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "ricotta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 46, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 54, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 62, "text": "garlic", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 74, "text": "mozzarella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 83, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get that with grilled chicken instead of sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 35, "text": "grilled chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 54, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do not have any grilled chicken. There is chicken sausage if you like.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 36, "text": "grilled chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 62, "text": "chicken sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Chicken sausage is good. What other cheese options are there?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Chicken sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Fresh mozzarella, gorgonzola, feta, parmesan, ricotta.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Fresh mozzarella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "gorgonzola", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 44, "text": "parmesan", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 53, "text": "ricotta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get feta on top?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will request for them to put it on the side.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. This is a deep dish pizza right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 33, "text": "deep dish pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much is the large pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "$26.25.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, a large Brass Monkey with chicken sausage and feta it is.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 27, "text": "Brass Monkey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 48, "text": "chicken sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 57, "text": "feta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your pizza order is complete and the pizzas will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes. A receipt will be sent to your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 28, "text": "Your pizza order is complete", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, please order a pizza for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You just want one pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is this going to be pick up or delivery?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pick up", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Small, medium or large?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 13, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make it a large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Medium crust as usual?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Medium crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and what type of toppings do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Philly steak and Italian sausage", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Philly steak", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 32, "text": "Italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what about sides?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I do not want any sides.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want some drinks with the pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I just want the pizza", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your order has been placed and it will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You will receive a message on your phone with store details and details of your transaction.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to order me a drink at Peets", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is Peets on 55th Street okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 23, "text": "Peets on 55th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "55th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that is fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will take your order. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want an Iced White Chocolate Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 36, "text": "Iced White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 36, "text": "White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, an Iced White Chocolate Mocha, what size?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 33, "text": "Iced White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 33, "text": "White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Which dairy option would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take 2% milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 12, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 17, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need sugar free syrup?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 28, "text": "sugar free syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No I don't.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry. The Iced White Chocolate Mocha with 2% milk is not available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 37, "text": "Iced White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 37, "text": "White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 45, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 50, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. I will make another choice. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your choice?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will have a cappuccino with 2% milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 24, "text": "cappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 32, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 37, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No I don't. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Your drink will be ready to collect at 55th Street in 15 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 54, "text": "55th Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be sent by text. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thanks. Bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to make a dinner reservation.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Allright, where do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking of either Duo or Il Posto.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "Duo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 40, "text": "Il Posto", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You always go to Duo, why don't you try something different?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "Duo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I've heard a lot of good things about Il Posto, can you see what it looks like inside - I'm looking for something romantic...", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "Il Posto", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's described as \"airy and bright\", lots of light with bright yellow walls.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ahhh, I was thinking more intimate.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks nice, but I wouldn't call it intimate.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll just stick with Duo, I like that place.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "Duo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Allright, when did you want the reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thursday the 21st around 7PM for two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 36, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see, there's nothing around 7, how about 8:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "around 7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 36, "text": "7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 52, "text": "8:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's a bit late... so nothing earlier?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's a spot at 6PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "6PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I suppose 8:30 would work, we could get a few cocktails before.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "8:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good, it even looks like they have a cozy booth available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "cozy booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds perfect!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So a table for two at Duo on Thursday the 21ST at 8:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 18, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 25, "text": "Duo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 54, "text": "8:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, go ahead with that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Allright, it's done!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thanks a lot!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bon appetite!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to buy tickets to the grinch", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 35, "text": "the grinch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "grinch", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what city would that be in", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want that in Manhattan, Ks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "Manhattan, Ks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what day would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer this friday", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What theater would you prefer this at", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer it at cinema west.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 32, "text": "cinema west", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay we have a showing at 5:30 and 7:30 at night", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer the 5:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how many tickets will you need", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would take three tickets", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 26, "text": "three tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "are any of them children or elderly?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There are two children", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 13, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "two children", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, great. Would you like any special food", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We will just be getting popcorn", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright great. The total price for your tickets will be 20$", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 59, "text": "20$", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, do I have to pay now or can I pay at the theater", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You can do either, which would you prefer", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to pay now and pick up at the theater", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, please provide me with your payment information", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "*gives payment information*", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks, Your tickets have been reserved", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 39, "text": "Thanks, Your tickets have been reserved", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to order a pizza from Domino's Pizza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 47, "text": "Domino's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 53, "text": "Domino's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 53, "text": "Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely. First What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Extra Large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Extra Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Regular sauce and cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 17, "text": "Regular sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK would you like any additional toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, any other toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sausage as well.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok great. Would you like to order anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I think just that pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. To confirm, you would like to order one extra large pizza from Dominos with pepperoni and sausage?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 55, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 61, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 74, "text": "Dominos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 89, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 101, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "that is correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok. When would you like this order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "as soon as possible please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok. Would you like it charged to your account?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok I am placing your order. It should be ready for pickup in 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A receipt has been emailed to you.", "segments": [] } ]