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kaa_Latn | áhmiyeciz is | eng_Latn | a trivial matter |
kaa_Latn | 2 Listen and repeat. | eng_Latn | Listen and repeat. |
kaa_Latn | 4 Children/round/dance/a maypole. | eng_Latn | Four children dance around a maypole. |
kaa_Latn | shermende bolǵan ada | eng_Latn | Shameless |
kaa_Latn | Bizler usı ҝáӱiplerge ne nárseni qarsı qoyıwımız múmkin, biziń jámiyetimizdin turaklı hám tabanlı rawajlanıwınıń, bizler jasap turǵan regionda geosiyasiy teń salmaqlılıqtı saqlawdıń ne nárse kepili bolıwı múmkin? | eng_Latn | What can we counter these threats with? What can serve as a guarantee of stable and sustainable development of our society - the preservation of geopolitical balance in the region in which we live? |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı sırt el diplomatiyalıq wákilxanalarınıń jańadan tayınlanǵan basshıların Ózbekstandaǵı jumısı rásmiy baslanǵanı menen qızǵın qutlıqladı. | eng_Latn | The head of our state sincerely congratulated the newly appointed heads of foreign diplomatic missions on the official beginning of their activities in Uzbekistan. |
kaa_Latn | 15-oktyabrden baslap biydaydıń bahası erkinlestirildi hám xalıqtıń sociallıq qorǵawǵa mútáj qatlamın finanslıq jaqtan qollap-quwatlaw maqsetinde hár bir napaqa alıwshıǵa ayına 50 mıń sumnan kompensaciya tólenbekte. | eng_Latn | Starting October 15, prices for wheat and flour were liberalized, and to support socially vulnerable segments of the population, each beneficiary of social assistance is receiving a monthly compensation of 50,000 soums. |
kaa_Latn | ázelgi | eng_Latn | formerly |
kaa_Latn | nedoschitacya | eng_Latn | to be short of |
kaa_Latn | Anvar SAMADOV, Ǵolib HASANOV, ÓzA nıń arnawlı xabarshıları | eng_Latn | Anvar Samadov, Golib Khasanov, Alisher Isroilov (photo), UzA |
kaa_Latn | men bunda xesh bir reciz nárseni kórip otırǵan joqpan | eng_Latn | I don't see anything inconvenient about it. |
kaa_Latn | -5 sm; | eng_Latn | - 12 cm; |
kaa_Latn | c3 +1. d = 12a3b3c^d Biragzalılardı kóbeytiw standart emes túrdegi biraģzalını standart kóriniste jaziw esaplanadi. | eng_Latn | c3 + 1 · d = 12a3b3cad. Multiplying monomials is analogous to bringing them from a non-standard form to a standard one. |
kaa_Latn | Joqarǵı Keńes deputatları, jámiechilik wákilleri shıǵıp sóylep, talaban haqqında pikir bildirdi. | eng_Latn | Members of the Jogorku Kenesh and representatives of the public expressed their opinions on the candidate. |
kaa_Latn | Túrli baǵdarlar boyınsha eki tárepleme baylanıslar jedellesti, konstruktiv siyasiy sóylesiw jolǵa qoyıldı, parlamentleraralıq almasıwlar, sonday-aq, mádeniy-gumanitarlıq hám bilimlendiriw tarawlarındaǵı birge islesiw keńeymekte. | eng_Latn | Contacts have been activated in various areas of interaction, a constructive political dialogue has been established, inter-parliamentary exchanges are expanding, as well as cooperation in the cultural, humanitarian and educational spheres. |
kaa_Latn | Nátiyjede keminde 15 mıń isbilermenniń kredit alıwdaǵı girew máselesi sheshiledi. | eng_Latn | As a result, no fewer than 15,000 entrepreneurs will be able to resolve the issue of collateral for loans. |
kaa_Latn | Jetkilikli me? dedi ol Pavel Petrovichke burılıp, - yamasa jáne eki adım kosayın ba? | eng_Latn | "Enough?" he said, turning to Pavel Petrovich. "Or should we add another two steps?" |
kaa_Latn | chinovnik | eng_Latn | official |
kaa_Latn | -Hár bir basshı óz wazıypasın tereń sezinip, jumısqa sadıqlıq hám juwapkershilik penen qatnasta bolsa, hám sistema isleydi, hám xalqımızdıń talabın orınlaǵan bolamız, -dedi Shavkat Mirziyoev. | eng_Latn | - If every leader deeply understands their task, approaches their work with a sense of duty and responsibility, the system will work, and the wishes of our people will be fulfilled, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. |
kaa_Latn | Ilajda bir qatar Qaraqalpaq estrada juldızları hám universitetimizdiń belsendi student-jaslarınıń atqarıwındaǵı koncert baǵdarlaması jıynalǵanlardıń názerine usınıldı. | eng_Latn | The event concluded with a concert program featuring well-known pop artists from the republic and the "Khurlіman" University folklore ensemble. |
kaa_Latn | Azıraq waqıt ótpey-aq benzin sebilgen mayda tamızıqlar alısıp jańa ketti. | eng_Latn | Within a minute, the small kindling, liberally doused with gasoline, was burning merrily and fiercely. |
kaa_Latn | jámiyetlik rawajlanıwdıń zakonları | eng_Latn | Laws of social development |
kaa_Latn | kúndelikli is | eng_Latn | Prose |
kaa_Latn | BAÁniń "Mubadala" mámleketlik investiciyalıq kompaniyası menen energetika tarawında hám uglevodorodlar qazıp alıwdı kóbeytiw jáne olardı tereń qayta islewdi shólkemlestiriw boyınsha joybarlar islep shıǵılmaqta. | eng_Latn | Discussions are underway with the UAE's state investment company, Mubadala, regarding projects in the energy sector, as well as initiatives to increase hydrocarbon production and deep processing. |
kaa_Latn | tariyxiy | eng_Latn | historical |
kaa_Latn | Apollon Agenordıń súwretine kirip, maydandı boylap qashıp otırdı. | eng_Latn | Apollo, assuming the form of Agenor, fled across the field. |
kaa_Latn | 3. Bilim hám kónlikpelerin tekseriw (baqlaw) sabaģı. | eng_Latn | 3. Control assignment (knowledge and skills assessment). |
kaa_Latn | 1) 963 2) 699 3) c12 6) a3b6c9 7) a12b2436 8) 27a15 12. | eng_Latn | 1) 963 2) 699 3) c12 6) a3b6c9 7) a12b2436 8) 27a15 12. |
kaa_Latn | Usı jıldıń 23-yanvar kúni Berdaq atındaǵı Qaraqalpaq mámleketlik universitetiniń mádeniyat sarayında Qaraqalpaq ádebiyatınıń rawajlanıwına óziniń úlken úlesin qosqan marhum lirik shayır, Berdaq atındaǵı mámleketlik sıylıqtıń laureatı, Ózbekstan Respublikasına miyneti sińgen mádeniyat xızmetkeri Tólepbergen Mátmuratovtıń 80 jıllıǵı hám onıń jaqında baspadan shıqqan "Tańlamalı shıǵarmaları" kitabınıń jarıq kóriwi múnásibeti menen "Poeziya shamshıraǵı" atamasındaǵı ilimiy-ádebiy keshe shólkemlestirildi. | eng_Latn | January 23 of this year, at the Palace of Culture of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, a scientific and literary evening called "The Light of Poetry" was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the State Prize named after Berdakh laureate, who made a significant contribution to the development of Karakalpak literature, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tolepbergen Matmuratov, as well as his recently published book "Selected Works." |
kaa_Latn | Sonday-aq, usı jılı paxta zúrááti ushın ajıratılatuǵın jeńillikli kredit 6 trillion sumdı qurap, ol ótken jılǵa salıstırǵanda 3 esege kóp bolıp tabıladı. | eng_Latn | At the same time, the volume of subsidized loans for the cotton harvest this year has been set at 6 trillion soums, which is three times more than last year. |
kaa_Latn | Bul ósimliklerdiń shiriwi nátiyjesinde bolsa topraqta túrli organikalıq zatlar, mochevina (NH2) 2CO) hám ayırım waqıtlarda ammiak (NH3) payda boladı. | eng_Latn | The decay of these plants produces various organic substances in the soil, urea (NH2) 2CO, and sometimes ammonia (NH3). |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentimizge Namangan qalasındaǵı "Orzu" kishi sanaat zonasında ámelge asırılıp atırǵan joybarlar usınıldı. | eng_Latn | The President of our country was presented with projects being implemented in the "Orzu" Small Industrial Zone in Namangan. |
kaa_Latn | Kommuniallıq xızmetler millionlaǵan xalıqtıń turmısına baylanıslı másele. | eng_Latn | Utilities are a field that affects the lives of millions of people. |
kaa_Latn | Jeńimpazlarǵa hám sıylı orın ielerine aqshalay sıylıqlar, sonday-aq, ánjumannıń arnawlı diplomı hám estelik sawǵaları berildi. | eng_Latn | Winners and prize-winners were awarded cash prizes, special forum diplomas, and commemorative gifts. All foreign guests who participated in the forum received souvenirs and special certificates. |
kaa_Latn | erte | eng_Latn | Early winter night |
kaa_Latn | ılayıqlasıw | eng_Latn | adapt |
kaa_Latn | Usınıӊ menen mámleketimiz basshısınıӊ Sırdárya wálayatına saparı juwmaqlandı. | eng_Latn | This concludes the head of state's trip to the Syrdarya region. |
kaa_Latn | Ústińizdegi kiyimlerińizdi keptirmeysiz be? - dep soradım, onıń bas-ayaǵına qarap. | eng_Latn | "Would you like to dry your clothes?" I asked, continuing to examine him closely. |
kaa_Latn | Konferenciyada 2019jıl 4-noyabrde Tashkent qalasında o'tkeriletug'ın O'zbekistan Ekologiyalıq partiyasinın' II sezdinde 16 adam quramında delegatlar saylandı. | eng_Latn | At the conference, 16 delegates were elected to the II Congress of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, which will be held in Tashkent on November 4th of this year. |
kaa_Latn | Atap aytqanda, kelesi jılı insan kapitalın rawajlandırıw ushın 102,5 trillion sum qaratıw mólsherlenbekte. | eng_Latn | Thus, 102.5 trillion soums are planned to be allocated for human capital development next year. |
kaa_Latn | untaq | eng_Latn | crumb |
kaa_Latn | óz náwbeti menen bola beriw | eng_Latn | to take its normal course |
kaa_Latn | otırıw | eng_Latn | seat |
kaa_Latn | aytıw | eng_Latn | to spread out, to pour out, to flow, to gush, to radiate |
kaa_Latn | reńi ketiw | eng_Latn | Burn out |
kaa_Latn | 2a 1 1-misal. algebralıq bólsheklerdi uliwma bólimge keltiriń. | eng_Latn | Bring the algebraic fractions 2a/1 and 1 to a common denominator. |
kaa_Latn | "Rombinin maydanı S = (d1 * d2) / 2 formula járdeminde esaplanadi. | eng_Latn | The area of a rhombus is calculated by the formula S = (d1 * d2) / 2. |
kaa_Latn | Bıyılǵı jıldıń segiz ayında eki tárepleme tovar almasıw kólemi ótken jıldıń usı dáwirine salıstırǵanda derlik 25 procentke artqan. | eng_Latn | Despite the consequences of the pandemic, the volume of bilateral trade increased by twenty-five percent over the past period of 2021. |
kaa_Latn | Informaciya texnologiyası insan tárepinen informaciyalardı izlew, toplaw, saqlaw, qayta islew hám onnan paydalanıw usılları hám quralları. | eng_Latn | Information technology is a collection of methods and tools for searching, gathering, storing, processing, and using information by humans. |
kaa_Latn | Ca + C12 → CaCl2 kalciy xlorid. hȧm Qızdırılganda azot, fosfor, kúkirt, uglerod hám vodorod penen reakciyaga kirisedi: 3Ca + N2 → CaN2 kalciy nitrid, 3Ca + 2P → Ca ̧P2 kalciy fosfid, CaS CaS kalciy sulfid, Ca + 2C → CaC, kalciy karbid, Ca + H2 → CaH2 kalciy gidrid. | eng_Latn | When heated, it reacts with nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, carbon, and hydrogen: 3Ca + N<sub>2</sub> → Ca<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> (calcium nitride), 3Ca + 2P → Ca<sub>3</sub>P<sub>2</sub> (calcium phosphide), Ca + S → CaS (calcium sulfide), 2Ca + 2C → CaC<sub>2</sub> (calcium carbide), Ca + H<sub>2</sub> → CaH<sub>2</sub> (calcium hydride). |
kaa_Latn | sherek finallıq | eng_Latn | quarterfinal |
kaa_Latn | tariyxqa qarsı | eng_Latn | Anti-historical |
kaa_Latn | 9. Natriy acetat jeterli muģdarda NaOH penen reakciyaga kiriskende 22,4 1 (n.j.) gaz ajıralgan bolsa, neshe gramm duz sarplanganın tabiń. | eng_Latn | 9. Determine the mass (g) of sodium acetate used if 22.4 (L STP) of gas was obtained with a sufficient amount of NaOH. |
kaa_Latn | ayaqlaw | eng_Latn | To limit oneself |
kaa_Latn | 4. Usı Pármannıń orınlanıwın qadaǵalaw Ózbekstan Respublikasınıń Bas ministri A.N.Aripovqa hám Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti Administraciyasınıń basshısı Z.Sh.Nizomiddinovqa júklensin. | eng_Latn | 4. Responsibility for the implementation of this Decree shall be vested in the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A.N. Aripov, and the Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Z.Sh. Nizomiddinov. |
kaa_Latn | Isbilermenlikti rawajlandırıw mámleketimizdiń ekonomikalıq siyasatınıń tiykarǵı baǵdarı. | eng_Latn | Developing entrepreneurship is a priority area of our country's economic policy. |
kaa_Latn | - Ózbekstan Respublikası Mádeniyat hám turizm ministrligi hám Singapur Respublikası Sawda hám sanaat ministrligi janındaǵı Singapur turizm basqarması arasında birge islesiw haqqında memorandum; | eng_Latn | - Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Singapore Tourism Board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Singapore; |
kaa_Latn | Bıyılǵı bul sıylıqqa eriskenler qatarında 2 qızdıń universitetimizden ekenligi bul universitet jámáátin sheksiz quwanıshqa bóledi. | eng_Latn | It is gratifying to note that two students from our university are among the awardees this year. |
kaa_Latn | 5) onnan korenler sanının yarımın, yagniy besti al, úsh qaladı (8 5 = 3). | eng_Latn | 5) Subtract half the number of roots, which is five, from it, leaving three (8 - 5 = 3). |
kaa_Latn | Wálayatta aldın bunday keӊ kólemli qurılıslar bolmaǵan edi. | eng_Latn | Previously, such large-scale construction work had not been carried out in the region. |
kaa_Latn | 1-soraw. | eng_Latn | Question 1. |
kaa_Latn | Qalgan 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 cifrlar taq cifrlar dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | The remaining digits 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are called odd. |
kaa_Latn | Jaqsı portret. | eng_Latn | A good portrait. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı oray imaratların jeńil konstrukciyalardan qurıw, wálayat isbilermenlerin bul jerde islewge hám eksport jumısına tartıw, sırt el isbilermenleri ushın barlıq qolaylıqlar jaratıw boyınsha kórsetpeler berdi. | eng_Latn | The head of state has instructed the construction of the center's buildings using lightweight structures, the attraction of regional entrepreneurs to service the center and export, as well as the creation of all necessary conditions for foreign businesspeople. |
kaa_Latn | stuldı bir shetke iyterip qoyıw | eng_Latn | Move the chair aside. |
kaa_Latn | 8) x+y=−1 x+y=9 Qosiw usili Eki ózgeriwshili sızıqlı teńlemeler sistemasın sheshiwdiń jáne bir usıllarınan biri algebralıq qosıw usılı bolıp tabıladı. | eng_Latn | 8) [x+y=9 Method of addition I Another method for solving a system of linear equations with two variables is the method of algebraic addition. |
kaa_Latn | Araldı qutqarıw xalıqaralıq qorı - bul bárinen burın, Oraylıq Aziya mámleketleriniń global kólemdegi awır mashqalalardan birin sheshiw boyınsha kóp tárepleme birge islesiw baǵdarındaǵı biybaha tájiriybesi bolıp esaplanadı. | eng_Latn | The International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea is, first and foremost, a unique example of multilateral cooperation among Central Asian countries in addressing one of the most pressing problems on a global scale. |
kaa_Latn | atıp tazartıw | eng_Latn | trend |
kaa_Latn | C, D, hám AD. | eng_Latn | C, D, and AD. |
kaa_Latn | máseleni talqılaw | eng_Latn | to debate the issue |
kaa_Latn | Atap aytqanda, usı jıldıń 3-5-fevral kúnleri Bolgariya mámleketiniń Plovdiv qalasında sporttıń qılıshlasıw túri boyınsha ótkerilgen Jáhán kuboginde jerleslerimiz elimiz bayraǵın kóklerde jelbiretti. | eng_Latn | Our fencers won a silver medal at the World Cup. The Uzbek national team successfully competed at the World Junior Fencing Cup, held in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv. |
kaa_Latn | Ótken dáwir dawamında usı agentlik medicina hám bilimlendiriw mákemeleriniń materiallıq-texnikalıq bazasın modernizaciyalawda, awıl xojalıǵı menen kishi hám orta biznesti rawajlandırıwǵa baǵdarlanǵan bir qatar joybarlardıń turmısqa engiziliwinde belsene qatnastı. | eng_Latn | Over the past period, this agency has actively participated in the implementation of a number of projects aimed at modernizing the material and technical base of medical and educational institutions, developing agriculture, and fostering small and medium-sized businesses. |
kaa_Latn | Tmola tauı nıń kudayı jeńisti Apollonǵa berdi. | eng_Latn | The god of Mount Tmola awarded Apollo the victory. |
kaa_Latn | neytralizaciyalastırıw | eng_Latn | neutralize |
kaa_Latn | 6) noqatı D (7;-2; | eng_Latn | 6) to point D (7; |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevtiń kórnekli ilimpaz tuwılǵanınıń 90 jıllıǵı múnásibeti menen jollaǵan qutlıqlawın Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidentiniń keńesgóyi Xayriddin Sultanov oqıp esittirdi. | eng_Latn | The congratulatory message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, addressed to Naim Karimov on the occasion of his 90th birthday, was read by the President's advisor, Khairiddin Sultanov. |
kaa_Latn | unijyonnıy | eng_Latn | Humiliated |
kaa_Latn | Shukrulla YUsupov Ózbekstan ǵárezsizligin úlken quwanısh penen kútip aldı. | eng_Latn | Shukrullo Yusupov greeted the independence of Uzbekistan with great joy. |
kaa_Latn | atıspa | eng_Latn | shot |
kaa_Latn | A. 30°; | eng_Latn | A) 30 degrees; |
kaa_Latn | Biraq bir nársege kúlip júrgen hayallardı úndemey iyterip asxanaǵa kirip, asıǵıslıq penen jan-jaǵına qaraǵan waqta onıń ayaǵınıń dimarı ketip, shoqınıp jiberip: "Bul ne ózi?" - dep zordan sıbırlandı. | eng_Latn | But when he, silently pushing aside some women who were smiling at something, entered the kitchen and hastily looked around, his legs gave way, and, making the sign of the cross, he whispered with difficulty, "What is this?" |
kaa_Latn | Óz-ara tovar almasıw kórsetkishleri jedel pátlerde óspekte, óndirislik kooperaciyanıń kólemi keńeymekte. | eng_Latn | Trade turnover figures are growing dynamically, and the scope of production cooperation is expanding. |
kaa_Latn | bosańlatıw | eng_Latn | soften |
kaa_Latn | Massası 24 g sirke kislotasınan 60% yonim menen aminosirke kislotası alındı. | eng_Latn | Glycine was obtained from 24 g of acetic acid with a yield of 60%. |
kaa_Latn | qara qu | eng_Latn | griffin |
kaa_Latn | Tayarlıq jumısların, bárinen burın, bul boyınsha jaǵday awır bolǵan 56 rayon hám qaladan baslaw kerek ekenligi atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | It was noted that work should begin first and foremost in 56 districts and cities with a complex situation in this area. |
kaa_Latn | Nızamda jeke menshik múlkke bolǵan huqıqlarǵa qol qatılmaslıǵın, isbilermenlik subektleri mápleriniń isenimli qorǵalıwın támiyinlew názerde tutılmaqta. | eng_Latn | The law provides for reliable protection of the inviolability of private property rights and the interests of business entities. |
kaa_Latn | xalıq dástúri | eng_Latn | folk-custom |
kaa_Latn | Vakcina 30-40 kún aralıgında úsh ret jiberiledi. | eng_Latn | The vaccine is administered in three doses, with a 30-40 day interval between each dose. |
kaa_Latn | Geometriyalıq progressiyada S1 = 105, S1 = 423, b1 = 1 tabın A) 4; | eng_Latn | 181 16. In a geometric progression, S1 = 10%, S5 = 42%, find b1. A) 4; |
kaa_Latn | Bizge civilizaciya kımbatlı, aua, awa, márhamatlı taqsır; bizge onıń jemisleri kımbatlı. | eng_Latn | We cherish civilization, yes sir, yes sir, your graciousness, we cherish its fruits. |
kaa_Latn | 1. Balıqlar haqqında nelerdi bilesiz? | eng_Latn | What do you know about fish? |
kaa_Latn | 14-iri jer suw haywanları; | eng_Latn | 14 - giant amphibians; |
kaa_Latn | maqluq | eng_Latn | individual |
kaa_Latn | Bunday jagdayda sirtqi hám ishki cikllar óz ara ajiraladı. repeat 5 repeat 20 next costume wait 2 seconds TAPSÍRMA Sizińshe, súwrette keltirilgen skriptda qaysı esaplaģish (a - sırtqı cikl, b - ishki cikl) az ózgeredi? | eng_Latn | In this case, the outer and inner loops will differ from each other. repeat 5 repeat 20 next costume wait 2 seconds TASK In your opinion, which of the loops changes less in the given image (a - outer loop, b - inner loop)? |
kaa_Latn | Ol Prezidenttiń kelisimisiz jınayıy juwapkershilikke tartılıwı, uslap turılıwı, qamaqqa alınıwı yamasa hákimshilik jaza sharalarına tartılıwı múmkin emes. | eng_Latn | He cannot be prosecuted, detained, arrested, or subjected to administrative penalties without the consent of the President of Uzbekistan. |
kaa_Latn | kóz qamastıratuǵın jarıq | eng_Latn | blinding light |
kaa_Latn | Draupadi MURMU, Hindstan Respublikası Prezidenti *** Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti Ullı mártebeli Mırza Shavkat Mirziyoevqa Ózbekstan Respublikasınıń ǵárezsizligi kúni múnásibeti menen Siz, Ullı mártebeli Mırzaǵa hám dos xalqıńızǵa qızǵın qutlıqlaw hám jaqsı tileklerimizdi jollawdan oǵada quwanıshlıman. | eng_Latn | Draupadi MURMU, President of the Republic of India * * * To His Excellency Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan It gives me pleasure to convey to Your Excellency, and through you to your friendly people, sincere greetings and best wishes on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
kaa_Latn | Turaqlı siyasiy másláhátlesiwlerdi dawam ettiriw hám parlamentleraralıq almasıwlardı jedellestiriw, mámleketlerimiz arasında diplomatiyalıq qatnasıqlar ornatılǵanınıń 30 jıllıǵına baǵıshlaǵan eki tárepleme ilajlar baǵdarlamasın tayarlaw boyınsha kelisimlerge erisildi. | eng_Latn | Agreements have been reached on continuing regular political consultations and intensifying inter-parliamentary exchanges, as well as preparing a program of bilateral events to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. |
kaa_Latn | usatılıw | eng_Latn | to crack, to split, to break apart |