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kaa_Latn | oylanılǵan | eng_Latn | speculative |
kaa_Latn | Usinis etilgen kislorodli organikalıq zatlar 3 toparga bólinedi. | eng_Latn | These oxygen-containing organic substances are divided into three groups. |
kaa_Latn | Bulardıń bári adamlarda Watanımızdıń táǵdirine juwapkershilik, erteńgi kúnge isenim sezimin ele de bekkemlemekte. | eng_Latn | All of this further strengthens people's feelings of belonging to the fate of the Motherland, their confidence in the future. |
kaa_Latn | Singapur jetekshisi ullı sárkarda Ámir Temurdıń maqbarası hám dúnyaǵa belgili Registan kompleksinde boldı. | eng_Latn | The President of Singapore visited the mausoleum of the great military leader Amir Temur and the world-famous Registan complex. |
kaa_Latn | D) 12, 12. | eng_Latn | D) 12.12. |
kaa_Latn | buray baslaw | eng_Latn | to tighten |
kaa_Latn | minnetdarlıq | eng_Latn | Gratitude |
kaa_Latn | solkárada | eng_Latn | There |
kaa_Latn | 1992-jil ... | eng_Latn | 1992. |
kaa_Latn | Muxammed Xorezmshah dáwirinde paytaxt qaysı qalaǵa kóshiriledi? | eng_Latn | To which city was the capital moved under Muhammad Khwarazmshah? |
kaa_Latn | umıtılǵan | eng_Latn | Forgotten |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Prezidenti Túrkmen xalqınıń milliy jetekshisi menen ushırastı Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoev Ashxabad qalasına kelgennen soń, Túrkmen xalqınıń milliy jetekshisi Túrkmenstan Xalıq Másláháti Baslıǵı Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov penen ushırasıw ótkerdi. | eng_Latn | Upon his arrival in Ashgabat, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. |
kaa_Latn | 1. Kosmonavt kosmoslıq kemeden sırtqa shiqsa, salmaqsızlıq halında bola ma? | eng_Latn | Will a cosmonaut experience weightlessness if they exit the spacecraft into outer space? |
kaa_Latn | mektepten sırttaǵı jumıs | eng_Latn | campus activity |
kaa_Latn | Ol qaytadan olardı arshadan shıǵarıp, qaytadan ornına koydı, taǵı turli túske shıǵarıp, taslardaǵı sırlı jalınlar dengenin kóriw ushın olardı taǵı ján-jaǵına burıp kordi. | eng_Latn | He would take them out of the little chest, put them back in, take them out again, and turn them over and over so they would catch all the hidden lights within them. |
kaa_Latn | Qazıw procesinde kóplegen sopol idislar, tas, súyek, metallardan islengen buyımlar, qural-jaraq, bezeniw zatları, sonin ishinde, temir pishaq, qanjar, balta, oraq, oq jaylardıń oqları, tas jarģishlar, gúmis júzik sıyaqlı zatlar tabıldı. | eng_Latn | The excavations yielded numerous finds: ceramic vessels, stone, bone, and metal objects, weapons, jewelry, including iron knives, daggers, axes, sickles, arrowheads, stone lamps, and silver rings. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısınıń 2019-jıl 1-fevraldaǵı qararına muwapıq, Ózbekstan Respublikası Energetika ministrligi shólkemlestirildi. | eng_Latn | By a decree of the Head of State dated February 1, 2019, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. |
kaa_Latn | al dáwlet | eng_Latn | This is not an employee, but a treasure. |
kaa_Latn | Májiliste ónim jetistiriwdi arttırıw, strategiyalıq rezervlerdi qáliplestiriw máseleleri dodalandı. | eng_Latn | The meeting discussed increasing the volume of procurement and the formation of strategic reserves. |
kaa_Latn | Álbette, bwl jeńiske ádebiy talant óz-ózliginen kóp járdem etti. | eng_Latn | Of course, literary talent itself contributed greatly to this success. |
kaa_Latn | Rayon hákimliginiń májilisler zalında bolıp ótken ushırasıwda "Ózbekstan Respublikasınıń Konstituciyasına ózgerisler hám qosımshalar kirgiziw haqqında"ǵı Ózbekstan Respublikası Konstituciyalıq nızam joybarınıń mazmun-mánisi keń jámiechilikke túsindirildi. | eng_Latn | At the event, R. Mamutov, a deputy of the lower house of parliament, explained to those gathered the essence of the draft Constitutional Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan." |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi kúnge shekem 132 licenziya hám ruxsat beriwge baylanıslı hújjetler biykar etildi, 33 i boyınsha xabardar etiw tártibi kirgizildi. | eng_Latn | To date, 132 licenses and permits have been revoked, and 33 have been converted to a notification format. |
kaa_Latn | namaz oqıwshılıq | eng_Latn | Divine service |
kaa_Latn | Sizler menen keleshekte jańa baslamalardı anıq joybarlarǵa aylandırıw jolındaǵı nátiyjeli birge islesiwimizdi jáne de keńeytip baratuǵınımız sózsiz. | eng_Latn | I am confident that in the future, we will further expand our fruitful cooperation to bring new initiatives to life as concrete projects. |
kaa_Latn | AO B AB AB 4 AO+AO = 5 A0; | eng_Latn | AO B AB 5. AO AB 4 AO + AO = 5 AO; |
kaa_Latn | Siz meni shoshqa baǵıwǵa jiberemen dep jazıpsız, ol da ózińizdin bayarlıq ıqtiyarınızda . | eng_Latn | And you deign to write that you will send me to herd pigs, and that is your noble will. |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekistanda siyasiy repressiya 1937-jıldıń jazında, ásirese kúsheydi. | eng_Latn | Political repression in Uzbekistan reached its peak by the summer of 1937. |
kaa_Latn | Natura-dura, sudba-indeyka, a jizn-kopeyka! | eng_Latn | Nature is a fool, fate is a turkey, and life is a penny! |
kaa_Latn | vıbrosit | eng_Latn | to throw out |
kaa_Latn | aylanba | eng_Latn | District |
kaa_Latn | - Bizler arifmetika menen shuǵıllanamız... | eng_Latn | - We'll do some arithmetic... |
kaa_Latn | qızdırıw | eng_Latn | heat |
kaa_Latn | biyshara | eng_Latn | miserable |
kaa_Latn | Oqıwshılarda tómendegi bilim hám kónlikpelerdi qáliplestiriw: Bilim: ― eki parallel tuwri sızıqlar haqqında túsinikti iyelew; - eki parallel tuwrı sızıqlar hám kesiwshi payda etken múyeshlerdi parıqlay alıw. | eng_Latn | Lesson objective: To develop the following knowledge and skills in students: Knowledge: - to have an understanding of two parallel lines; - to be able to distinguish angles formed by two parallel lines and a transversal. |
kaa_Latn | Eger ol qız bolǵanda quwanǵanınan shıńǵırıp jibergen bolar ma edi. | eng_Latn | If he were a girl, he probably would have squealed with delight. |
kaa_Latn | Keyingi jılları bul turaq jaylardıń tóbesi hám fasad bólegi, kiriw jolları tolıq ońlandı. | eng_Latn | In recent years, the roofs and facades of these houses have been renovated. |
kaa_Latn | Jaslar ushın ádebiyat, tariyx, geografiya, súwretlew óneri sıyaqlı pánlerdi usı dárgaylarda shólkemlestiriw maqsetke muwapıqlıǵı aytıp ótildi. | eng_Latn | It has been determined that it is appropriate to conduct lessons in subjects such as literature, history, geography, and art in these locations. |
kaa_Latn | Al-Xorazmiydin tenlemelerin sheshin: 1) 110 −x + 1 1⁄2 · (20+x) − x = 4x; | eng_Latn | Solve the equations of al-Khwarizmi: 1) 110 - x + = 3 (20 + x) - x = 4x; |
kaa_Latn | ashlarǵa járdem kórsetiw | eng_Latn | to provide aid to the starving |
kaa_Latn | Bul joqarı bilimlendiriw dárgaylarınıń professor-oqıtıwshılarına ipoteka hám tutınıw kreditlerin ajıratıw, olardıń densawlıǵın bekkemlew, sanatoriy hám kurortlarda emleniwin shólkemlestiriw máseleleri aymaq basshısınıń jeke qadaǵalawında turıwı lazım. | eng_Latn | These matters, including the provision of mortgage and consumer loans to professors and teachers in higher education institutions, strengthening their health, and organizing vacations at sanatoriums and resorts, should be under the personal control of regional leaders. |
kaa_Latn | jıyrıǵın jazıw | eng_Latn | to roll out |
kaa_Latn | dushpandı shegindiriw | eng_Latn | to push back the enemy |
kaa_Latn | Fotosintez procesinde tiri organizmlerdin dem alıwı ushın kerekli kislorodti bólip shıǵaradı. | eng_Latn | Oxygen, essential for the sustenance of living organisms, is released during photosynthesis. |
kaa_Latn | Sonıń menen birge, bir qatar nızamlar, Prezident pármanları hám qararları, Húkimet qararları qabıl etilip, jámietimizdiń barlıq tarawlarında ámelge asırılıp atırǵan reformalardı huqıqıy jaqtan támiyinlew ilajları korilmekte. | eng_Latn | At the same time, a number of laws, presidential decrees and resolutions, government decrees have been adopted, and measures are being implemented to provide legal support for the reforms being carried out in all spheres of our society. |
kaa_Latn | 292. Cilindr ultanınıń radiusı 3 cm, al biyikligi ultan radiusınan 2 cm artıq. | eng_Latn | The radius of the cylinder's base is 3 cm, and its height is 2 cm longer than the radius of its base. |
kaa_Latn | Eki 8 nC hám -6 nC noqatlıq zaryadlardı tutastırıwshı kesindinin ortasındaǵı elektr maydan kernewliligin tabıń. | eng_Latn | Find the electric field strength at the center of the segment connecting two point charges of 8 nC and −6 nC. |
kaa_Latn | qurılǵan | eng_Latn | built |
kaa_Latn | qara masqarasın shıǵarıw | eng_Latn | To brand with shame |
kaa_Latn | iyilgish bolıw | eng_Latn | to bend |
kaa_Latn | 20-súwrette tuwri tórtmúyeshli parallelepipedtiń AA1D1D jaqlarınıń perimetri 20 cm, ABCD jaģi - perimetri 16 cm bólgan kvadrattan ibarat. a) ABCC, DA1 sınıq sızıqtıń uzınlıǵın; b) DD,C,C jaqtıń perimetrin hám maydanın; c) parallelepipedtiń kólemin tabıń. | eng_Latn | In the rectangular parallelepiped shown in Figure 20, the perimeter of face AA1D1D is 20 cm, face ABCD is a square with a perimeter of 16 cm. Find: a) the length of the broken line ABCC1D1A1; b) the perimeter and area of face DD1C1C; c) the volume of the parallelepiped. |
kaa_Latn | 7. 4 mol metannan alıw múmkin bolgan acetilenniń kólemin (l, n.j) aniqlań. | eng_Latn | 7. How many liters (s.t.p.) of acetylene can be obtained from four moles of methane? |
kaa_Latn | Natriy gidroksidiniń suwdagı eritpesinin 2 litrinde 16 g NaOH bar. | eng_Latn | A 2 L aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide contains 16 g of NaOH. |
kaa_Latn | patırlaǵan | eng_Latn | crackling |
kaa_Latn | Stakanga 50 ml suw quyıń hám ogan 2-3 bólek sóndirilmegen hák salın. | eng_Latn | Pour 50 ml of water into a glass and add 2-3 pieces of unslaked lime. |
kaa_Latn | Biologiyalıq resurslar. | eng_Latn | Biological resources. |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent qalasındaǵı 12 ıssılıq orayınıń barlıǵı 1968-1986-jıllarda qurılǵan bolıp, úskeneleri gónergen. | eng_Latn | All 12 heating plants in Tashkent were built between 1968 and 1986, and their equipment is outdated. |
kaa_Latn | joqarı kóteriw | eng_Latn | Lifting |
kaa_Latn | menmenlik penen | eng_Latn | proudly |
kaa_Latn | tıǵılıs | eng_Latn | close |
kaa_Latn | Japıraqlar dirildep, nálsheler shayqalıp bas iydi... | eng_Latn | The leaves trembled, the poplars rustled, swayed... |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidentiniń Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasındaǵı Xalıq qabıllawxanaları Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidentiniń Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasındaǵı Xalıq qabıllawxanaları mámleketlik organlar, shólkemler hám olardıń lawazımlı shaxsları tárepinen múrájatlardıń nátiyjeli kórip shıǵılıwın shólkemlestiriw maqsetinde Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti tárepinen dúziledi. | eng_Latn | The People's Reception Offices and the Virtual Reception Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan are established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to ensure the effective consideration of appeals by state bodies, organizations, and their officials. |
kaa_Latn | 5) 3) A (4; | eng_Latn | 5) 3) 4 (4; |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi waqıtta 40 kımbat baqa metall kánleri izertlenip tabılǵan. | eng_Latn | Currently, 40 deposits of precious metals have been explored. |
kaa_Latn | taǵı-basqalar | eng_Latn | et cetera |
kaa_Latn | bólinip qalıw | eng_Latn | to break away |
kaa_Latn | Samarqand mámleketlik universiteti - 2 520; | eng_Latn | Samarkand State University - 2,520; |
kaa_Latn | Sonday da bolsa keselliktiń aldın alıu ushın taza suudıń bolıuı emes, al suudıń jeterli bolıuı -xmiyetlirek. | eng_Latn | However, to prevent disease, having enough water is more important than having pure water. |
kaa_Latn | negr | eng_Latn | Negro |
kaa_Latn | ókinishli sózler | eng_Latn | penitential words |
kaa_Latn | jumıstıń qoyılıwı | eng_Latn | cessation of work |
kaa_Latn | - Saylaw kodeksine muwapıq, Oraylıq saylaw komissiyası tárepinen hújjetler kórip shıǵılıp, bul partiyalarǵa 2023-jıl 9-iyul kúni bolıp ótetuǵın Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti saylawında qatnasıwı ushın ruqsat berildi. | eng_Latn | - In accordance with electoral legislation, the Central Election Commission has reviewed the documents and subsequently granted these parties permission to participate in the early presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held on July 9, 2023. |
kaa_Latn | mazmunsız | eng_Latn | absurd |
kaa_Latn | (Bunda táreziniń ónim qoyılatuģın tárepine taslardı qoyiwga ruqsat berilmeydi.) | eng_Latn | (At the same time, it is not permitted to place any weight on the scale pan where the product is placed.) |
kaa_Latn | "Men uyde joqban!" - dep buyırǵan túrde baqırıp jiberdi grafinya. | eng_Latn | "I'm not at home!" - the Countess declared authoritatively. |
kaa_Latn | Sóylesiwler waqtında pandemiyadan keyingi dáwirde turizm tarawı ekonomikalıq ósiw lokomotivlerinen bolıwı múmkin ekenligi atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | During the negotiations, it was noted that the tourism industry could be one of the drivers of economic growth in the post-pandemic period. |
kaa_Latn | Diaminomonokarbon aminokislotalar siltili, monoaminodikarbon aminikislotalar kislotalı tábiyatqa iye hám sogan qarap indikator renine tásir kórsetedi. | eng_Latn | Diamino-monocarboxylic amino acids have alkaline properties, while monoamino-dicarboxylic amino acids have acidic properties, and they change the color of indicators accordingly. |
kaa_Latn | 11. Qabırǵası 1 ge teń bolgan ABCDA,B,C,D1 kub berilgen (66-súwret). | eng_Latn | 11. Given a cube ABCDA,B,C,D, with an edge length of 1, (AB+BC) • BB. |
kaa_Latn | Onıń ushın 20 million dollar esabınan zamanagóy elektropoezdlar alıp kelemiz,-dedi Shavkat Mirziyoev. | eng_Latn | "To achieve this, we will bring in modern electric trains worth 20 million dollars," said Sh. Mirziyoyev. |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan - Qırǵızstan keń kólemli strategiyalıq sheriklik qatnasıqların jáne de rawajlandırıw, ekonomika, sawda, energetika, transport hám logistika tarawlarındaǵı birge islesiwdi keńeytiw hám aymaqlar aralıq baylanıslar hám mádeniy-gumanitarlıq almasıwlardı jedellestiriwge ayrıqsha itibar qaratıldı. | eng_Latn | During the dialogue, an exchange of views took place on issues of developing political, trade-economic, social, and cultural-humanitarian cooperation, including expanding women's entrepreneurship, strengthening the role of women, and ensuring gender equality in society. |
kaa_Latn | qısqı kúni | eng_Latn | winter day |
kaa_Latn | úyretiw | eng_Latn | learning |
kaa_Latn | Xorezmshax Abil Abbas Mamun II sarayında toplangan alımlar menen birgelikte Mamun akademiyasında ilim dóretken. | eng_Latn | He worked at the Academy of Ma'mun alongside other prominent scholars from the palace of Abu l-Abbas Ma'mun II. |
kaa_Latn | 33-TEMA. | eng_Latn | TOPIC 33. |
kaa_Latn | Al Ben Gann bolsa ózine tiyisli mıń funt aqshasın alıp, úsh hápte yamasa anıǵıraq aytqanda on kunnin ishinde sauıp, joq qılıp, jigirmalanshı kúni bizge diyuanası shıǵıp keldi. | eng_Latn | As for Ben Gunn, he received his thousand pounds and spent it all in three weeks, or, more precisely, in nineteen days, since he appeared before us penniless on the twentieth. |
kaa_Latn | AB hám BC vektorları boyınsha júrgende payda bolgan AC qosındı vektori A noqatınan C noqatına orin awıstırıwdi kórsetedi. | eng_Latn | The resultant vector AC, obtained by moving along vectors AB and BC, shows the displacement from point A to point C. Fig. 16. |
kaa_Latn | ketiw | eng_Latn | to step aside, to move away |
kaa_Latn | Sudlar tárepinen 2 ay dawamında kórip shıǵılǵannan soń qarar qabıl etilip, 1 aydan soń nızamlı kúshke kirmekte. | eng_Latn | The decision is rendered after the case is reviewed by the courts within two months, and it enters into legal force one month later. |
kaa_Latn | enot | eng_Latn | rac oon |
kaa_Latn | Pisip ketkende sebnu kollanılmay, qatan tazalıqtı saqlaap, terige sterilli (qaynatılǵan) ósimlik mayın (mısalı, ayǵabaǵar) jaǵıw kerek. | eng_Latn | If diaper rash occurs, do not use powders. Instead, maintaining the strictest hygiene, lubricate the skin with sterile (boiled) vegetable oil (for example, sunflower oil). |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent, Namangan hám basqa da wálayatlarda da áhmietli agrotexnikalıq ilajlar talap dárejesinde ámelge asırılmaǵan. | eng_Latn | Necessary agricultural practices have not been carried out to the required standard in Tashkent, Namangan, and other regions. |
kaa_Latn | tesilgen jerge ornatıw | eng_Latn | to turn on |
kaa_Latn | Sóylesiw Ózbekistan - Qazaqstan qatnasıqlarına tán shın júrekten, doslıq, óz-ara túsinisiw hám húrmet ruwxında bolıp ótti. | eng_Latn | The conversation took place in a traditionally warm and friendly atmosphere, in a spirit of mutual understanding and respect that is characteristic of Uzbek-Kazakh relations. |
kaa_Latn | tesiw | eng_Latn | perforation |
kaa_Latn | Hár bir jumısımızdı abaylılıq penen, aqıbetin puqta oylap, tek ǵana ózimiz emes, al shańaraǵımız hám perzentlerimiz aldındaǵı juwapkershilikti tereń sezinip orınlawımız kerek. | eng_Latn | Each of us must perform our work carefully, thoroughly considering the consequences, deeply understanding the responsibility not only to ourselves, but also to our families and children. |
kaa_Latn | kompressor | eng_Latn | compressor |
kaa_Latn | Bul haqqında Milliy gvardiya baspasóz xızmeti xabar berdi. | eng_Latn | The press service of the Northwestern Military District announced this. |
kaa_Latn | =den asqan | eng_Latn | for |
kaa_Latn | baǵdıń | eng_Latn | garden |
kaa_Latn | ırısqal | eng_Latn | treasure |
kaa_Latn | 1-oqiwshi: "VII ásirde Vizantiyada oylap tabilģan altınkúkirt, selitra, túrli smolalar aralaspası. | eng_Latn | Student 1: "A mixture of sulfur, saltpeter, and various resins invented in the 7th century in Byzantium." |