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Strip Tease
Rainbow Dash,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Rainderp Dash
Rainbow Dash becomes all mixed up
<p>A magical mishap occurs that leaves Rainbow Dash turning into a clumsy and silly pony like Derpy. She just doesn't know what went wrong.</p><p>Contains: small bit of transformation, mind alteration, IQ loss.</p><p>Art by: romus91</p><p>An idea I wanted to try out for a while. Not sure really checks the boxes my other stories do, but was itching to write something after such a long time and came up with this. Hope you all like it.</p>
On the outskirts of Ponyville, up in the sky, a rainbow blur sped through the air at a break neck pace. It was none other than Rainbow Dash, one of the best fliers in Equestria. She may have one of the newer members of the Wonderbolts, but that didn’t mean she was any less skilled. Her training regimen attested to that. She would repeat the routine for hours on end, ensuring she was absolutely perfect. That was what she was doing now, completing a triple loop and coming back in to the formation. She was so busy visualizing her teammates next her that she hardly noticed as something flew just a few feet in front of her. THUMP Rainbow fell from the sky, landing in the field below with a thud. Oww… Rainbow said as she picked herself up and assessed herself. Nothing appeared to be broken or sprained. The only part of her that hurt was her head, which was pounding like crazy. She felt dizzy, and tried to take a few deep breaths to get herself together. Oh…What happened? Rainbow turned and saw another crater of dirt just across the field. She flew over, finding somepony she was all too familiar with. Derpy! What in Celestia’s name were you doing?!? Oh. Sorry Rainbow Dash! I was hurrying over to Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes only make one batch of muffins a day. I just can’t go a day without one. Rainbow Dash groaned. She should’ve known Derpy would be the only pony that would mindlessly walk in front of a pony performing stunts. Make sure you watch where you’re going! We both could’ve been hurt much worse than knocking skulls. I will. Sorry Rainbow Dash! Said Derpy as she picked herself up and began flying off again toward Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow looked down at herself. Dirt and grass covered her fur, mane, and tail. Guess practice is over for today… Sighed Rainbow as she took off for town as well. She was headed for the town gym. She had no intention of working out right now, but her membership gave her access to the showers there she could use to get cleaned up. Plus a post work out shake from the juice bar wouldn’t hurt. In minutes she arrived, landing at the foot of the building and heading inside. The warm water felt great on her sore body and aching head. She knew it would hurt for a bit, but was nothing she couldn’t handle. The occasional accident was just part of the game for a flyer. Her body clean and dried, she headed for the juice bar, waiting her turn in line. After a couple minutes of the line not moving, she began to get antsy, flexing and stretching her legs. What was taking so long? She wanted her smoothie already! At one point, she glanced to her side and saw her reflection in the mirrored wall a few feet away from her. Her hind leg was stretched back, and her muzzle was scrunched up. She giggled at her reflection. She looked so dumb! She began making faces, sticking her tongue out and doing little dances. She felt so silly, giggling like a little school filly at her ridiculous actions. Uh…Miss? Rainbow turned and looked forward. The line that had been there a moment ago had vanished, and the pony at the counter was staring at her with a worried expression. A few other ponies stared at her too at the fool she was making of herself. Quickly composing herself, she rushed up to the counter. Oat Grass smoothie please. She quickly blurted out and grabbed a menu to cover her face and hide her embarrassment. Everypony turned back to what they were doing. Rainbow Dash blushed red behind the menu. What was she doing? She had never made such a fool of herself before. She liked to be silly sometimes, but that was usually with Pinkie Pie or her other friends. Not by herself. Here you go miss. Rainbow turned and grabbed her smoothie from the counter, leaving the menu there and heading out the door. She wanted to put some space between herself and the gym now. The further she got, the further back the thought of her humiliating herself would be in her mind. After getting a couple blocks away, she decided to wander a little. She had nothing planned for the rest of the day, and figured she’d socialize with ponies in town until she bumped into one of friends or decided to go home. It had only been an hour of browsing storefronts when Rainbow smelled the most delightful smell she had smelled in a long time. It stopped her in her tracks. Her eyes shot wide open. An uncontrollable instinct was taking over. MUFFINS!!! Rainbow Dash blurted out loudly. The second she shouted it, she caught herself. Where in Equestria had that come from? She looked and saw everypony around her staring at her with confusion. She blushed red and ducted down the nearest alley, hiding behind a dumpster. What was wrong with her? She never embarrassed herself so much in one day. That was it. It was time to call the day early and head home. As she went to take off for home however, she once again caught the smell of muffins tickling her nose. Her body stopped, and began to trot toward where the smell was coming from. What the- Hey! Quit it! She yelled in her head, trying to will her body to stop but to no avail. Her body trotted onward mindlessly, heading to Sugarcube Corner and right up to the counter. Hi Rainbow! What can I get- Muffins… What? MUFFINS!!! AHHH!!! Mrs. Cake leaped back with a shriek. Rainbow had never acted this way before. She quickly grabbed a dozen muffins and put them in a bag, dropping them on the counter. Rainbow threw down a fist full of bits, more than enough to cover the total. She grabbed the bag and dashed out the door, leaving Mrs. Cake with a look or concern. Trotting back to the alley, she ripped open the bag. She shoved her muzzle down into the bag and began scarfing down the baked goods, their flavor coating her mouth. The whole timed Rainbow watched in panic and horror. She had no control of herself at all! As she ate, she began to feel weird. Memories of how to do things now seemed much more confusing. Her flight routine she had down pat now seemed like an unstudied language. Her tasks at the Rainbow factory, that she had just recently left when joining the Wonderbolts also seemed complex and complicated. Her mind began to feel a pleasant tingle as her memories became jostled, scattered, jumbled. She began to feel a warm sense of ignorance coat her whole brain. The simple pleasure of scarfing down her favorite snack was now plenty satisfying for a simple-minded mare like her. Her body changed slightly, her mane and tail going from styled to a messy just out of bed look. Her body, once lithe and thin became pudgy, a side effect of a diet that was cheated on by a few muffins a day, if not a dozen on occasion. Her eyes became cross eyed, the act of keeping both in the same direction now seeming to be too much for the silly pony to handle. As she finished feasting on her treats, she stood up and giggled, wiping the crumbs from her muzzle. Rainbow Dash was no more. She was Rainderp Dash. She was just a clumsy equipment manager for the Wonderbolts, the team taking her out of pity after she had tried so many times to join the team and causing havoc and destruction on the field. The damage had gone down since she became manager, although the tasks certainly took longer and often involved more broken equipment than other ponies. Still, Rainderp didn’t mind. She was too busy having fun with her teammates to care. She giggled as she threw her empty bag away and headed off toward home, nearly knocking over a planter box as she flew off, her mind a cluttered mess of derp.
Mrs. Shy,Zephyr Breeze,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Zephyr commits an act of Greek pantheon
Zephyr Breeze's mom helps him out for Hearts and Hooves Day.
<p>Zephyr Breeze has been turned down by Rainbow Dash yet again, and this time, the reality of seeing her with another stallion for Hearts and Hooves Day tells him the terrible truth: she's not interested in him. But, when he barges into his parents's home as a sobbing wreck, they decide that the perfect way to cheer him up is some attention from a much prettier mare—his own mother! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)</p><p>Written in a hurry for the Incest is Wincest group's <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Hearts and Hooves Day contest</a>, because I left it until there were under 4 hours left to the deadline.</p>
Written entirely during the last few hours of the contest being open for submissions, powered by around 3.5 metal albums and one can of beer. Apologies for questionable wording, lacking details, typos, etc. It was a sunny morning in Cloudsdale, what with the clouds being the ground rather than high up in the sky. Hearts and Hooves Day was just kicking into gear, many happy couples already roaming the streets and staring at each other all lovey-dovey-like. Not all was sunshine and rainbows, though. The door of the Shy residence slams open to the sound of a stallion sobbing. Mr. and Mrs. Shy turn to look at the commotion, and see their son, Zephyr Breeze, having already sat at their front table. He's well on his way to making a sizeable puddle of tears, having dropped his head onto his forehooves. Each of his eyes runs a near-uninterrupted stream down his fur. Mr. Shy's moustache bends down with a frown, and Mrs. Shy sighs as her eyes soften. They move to sit down beside their son, father on the left and mother on the right. Mr. Shy places his forehooves together on the table in front of him, thoughts of having adorable grandfoals to dote on swirling within his thoughts. Mrs. Shy, meanwhile, places her left hoof over Zephyr's back to hold him while gently stroking his mane with her right hoof. Both simply wait for him to speak, unwilling to interrupt him. They know he'll talk when he's ready. A minute or two of empathetic presence later, Zephyr Breeze raises his head and smiles weakly as his mother pulls back from his mane. "H-Hey mom, dad. What's up?" Unlike his normal brash tone, he's nearly as quiet as his parents are at their full volume. Mr. Shy speaks up first. "Don't you what's up me, son. You know we can always tell when you're upset. Now, tell us what's wrong." Zephyr sighs. "I just thought I'd feel better if I visited my parents today. Don't worry about me, I'll me fine." Mrs. Shy frowns for the first time today, and says, "We know there's more to it than that. Maybe we can help." "There's no hiding anything from you. I don't think you can help, but..." Another sob wracks Zephyr's body, and Mrs. Shy pats his back gently. "It's about Rainbow Dash. Yesterday, she said she didn't want to see me anywhere today, and when I went to ask again, I saw her—" His voice hitches, and Mr. Shy prompts him to continue, saying "She what, son?" "She was kissing another stallion! One who isn't me!" At this, his head returns to his forehooves, the only sound coming from him being frequent sniffles. His mother and father look at each other, and nod simultaneously. While they weren't truly telepathic, they each knew they were both thinking the same thing: Execute Order 69. Mrs. Shy pats Zephyr Breeze one more time, then stands. "You let mommy take care of this. Don't worry about a thing, sweetie." Mr. Shy stands, too, saying "We'll hoofle it, son. Give us half an hour." Zephyr watches in confusion as his parents walk into their bedroom and close the door. Are they secretly time travelers, going back to unkiss Rainbow Dash? Maybe they're actually government spooks, and they'll hypnotize her into marrying me. He says nothing out loud, though, keeping his thoughts to himself. A short time later, Zephyr hears his parents's bedroom door opening. He looks up, and gasps, jaw dropping in shock. Mrs. Shy parades out dressed rather intimately. Mr. Shy explains, "This is the sexiest outfit we could find in our closet. Go on, have a look. I don't mind." She has a tall white sock on each hoof, the two on her rear coming up to the bottom of her cutie mark. Over her back, she has a piece of plain white fabric that drapes over each side, and her rear socks are each fastened to it by a strap at the top. The piece also has a collar, somewhat like a loose-fitting shirt, and the front covers her chest fluff. Notably, there is absolutely no covering at all over her rear holes, although she does have a white bra strapped over her crotchtiddies. She smiles at her son, and says, "Well, honey, why don't you take me out so we can show all the other mares out there what they're missing?" Now sporting a massive blush, Zephyr Breeze can barely stammer out "Y-Yes mom.", as he wonders to himself if this is weird. Mother and son trot downtown, neither being in the mood to fly today. Although Zephyr isn't wearing anything himself, his mother's outfit draws plenty of looks, and the two hear gasps and muttered "Oh my"s everywhere they go. Mrs. Shy looks to her son and says, "So, Zephyr, did you have anywhere in particular you wanted to go?" He responds after only a few seconds of delay, saying "I had been hoping to take Rainbow Dash to the Wonderbolts Memorial Park, because I know how much she loves the Wonderbolts. But, do you want to go there?" "This might surprise you to hear, honey, but I actually did think about joining the Wonderbolts when I was younger. I didn't make it in, though, but I don't regret how things turned out." Thoroughly surprised, Zephyr asks, "How badly did you fail the entrance test?" Mrs. Shy giggles over a raised forehoof, and responds, "Oh, I didn't fail the simple test they give to curious prospective members. In fact, I didn't take it at all. Seeing them spinning other hopeful young ponies on some terrifying contraption—the Dizzitron, I think Rainbow Dash called it—scared me straight. I realized that I'm just not cut out for that kind of lifestyle." Not paying attention to anything around him, Zephyr Breeze looks deep in thought, and says only "Huh..." before his mother continues. "As a matter of fact, I'm lucky I didn't try out, and so are you, because I met your father on my way home." During her explanation, Mrs. Shy had led her son toward the Wonderbolts Memorial Park, him following her like a lost puppy, and seeing the entrance sign snapped him out of his trance. "I might not have ever had it in me to be a Wonderbolt, but I still think about it sometimes." Putting a wing over his back, the two enter the park. For the most part, it's a normal park, with well-kept trees and bushes and flowers—all specially adapted for healthy growth in cloud-soil, of course. Scattered around are statues of famous Wonderbolts members, in various awe-inspiring poses. Each has a placard underneath with a blurb about the member's career and a few details about how they joined the team. Mrs. Shy and Zephyr Breeze spend a few minutes walking between the statues, enjoying the floral displays around each one, before suddenly hearing a confused mare's voice behind them. "What the hay‽" They turn to see Rainbow Dash gaping at them, her date beside her giving her a questioning look. "Is this really what it looks like? Are you on a date with your own mother?" Mrs. Shy pulls him close with her wing, still draped over him, and says, "So what if he is?" Rainbow Dash sighs in irritation, pinching her nose. "Dude, I already knew you were lame, but—" Mrs. Shy frowns her largest-yet frown of the day, and interrupts the mare who turned down her hoofsome son. "Just because you're too scared to have a loving relationship with your parents doesn't mean Zephyr Breeze can't. Trust me, he's twice the stallion you'll ever be. Come, dear, let's find somewhere less noisy to enjoy the day together." She turns, her firm wing grip forcing Zephyr Breeze to turn with her lest he lose the comfort of her feathers, and the two trot off together. Rainbow Dash's date looks to her and says, "What's her problem? That's weird, right? It's not just me?" Rainbow Dash just shakes her head. "I don't get it, either. Fluttershy is one of my best friends, but I gotta say, that entire family is weird." Mrs. Shy and Zephyr Breeze walk a little longer, before coming across a spot with several bushes and trees that obscure anypony who might be behind them. She walks them through the foliage, and he asks, "What are we doing going through all these scritchly plants? They're going to mess up my fur!" Mrs. Shy turns toward the young stallion with a look he's never seen on her face before. Rather than her usual demure appearance, her look now feels smoldering, and the blush he had earlier quickly returns. "W-What are we gonna do behind the bushes, mom?" "Your mother. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to blow your leaking head." She gives a pointed look toward his underside, where his stallionhood is proudly fully extended and idly slapping against his belly. True to her words, precum is already leaking out, much to his embarrassment. He hadn't noticed until she pointed it out, but now that he's aware, he feels intense desire awakening in his nether regions, akin to what he felt the first time he laid eyes on Rainbow Dash. Deciding It's only weird if you make it weird., he lays back on the grass, ready to experience a mare's embrace for the first time in his life. Sure, it's not the one he wanted for so long, but that ship has sailed. And, he now realizes, it never left port in the first place. Mrs. Shy nestles herself into the grass between her son's rear legs, and spreads them apart with her forehooves. Not having any need to encourage him out of his sheath, she proudly grasps his rod, admiring its length. Unlike some stallions she's aware of, it's not too girthy, while also not being a pathetic chode. Rainbow Dash doesn't know what she's missing! Eager to feel his precum, she holds him steady with her left hoof and swirls her right underhoof around his tip, causing him to groan and buck his hips upward. Not wanting him to finish too soon, she keeps her touch light, just enough to tease more precum out of him and slicken her entire underhoof with it. At a particularly loud moan, she feels a small spurt of precum against her hoof, and judges by the pressure that it would've achieved perhaps an inch or two of height if she hadn't been in the way. She eases off, then reaches her tongue in to lick between his leaking stud-hole and her frog. He tastes virile, and something about the scent tells her that he's likely to give her healthy foals. She moves her right hoof down to steady his meat-spire with both hooves, then presses her tongue down as hard as she can and gives him a proper lick. He bucks again, hard enough that he pops right into her mouth. Having experienced the same from her husband, she's not surprised, and responds by swirling her tongue all around the sides of his cock's head. Zephyr Breeze moans again. "Oohhh, mommyyy—!" Mrs. Shy feels him flaring inside her mouth, and greedily clamps her lips down as tightly as she can. As the first of his jizz spurts out, she lowers herself farther onto his pony meat and presses the tip against the back of her throat. She could almost feel herself gagging, if she hadn't trained that reflex away years ago. Zephyr's cum-tube contracts repeatedly, and Mrs. Shy swallows it as fast as she can, while the tip of her tongue presses firmly into his flare and wiggles back and forth. If there were a competition for sucking dick, she thinks, I'd cum in first place. Sadly, such moments can't last forever, and Zephyr Breeze comes down from his ejaculation. He glances down, and sees Mrs. Shy giving him a look of unfiltered love. Yeah baby, am I rad or what? I lasted nearly an entire minute with a mare! Mrs. Shy releases her son's slender cock with a thicc pop, having suctioned onto it all the way out so she wouldn't lose even a single drop of cum stuck to it. While Zephyr lays back, still panting with exhaustion, Mrs. Shy notices his willy going flaccid. Oh, that won't do. Luckily for the both of them, she learned long ago how to fix a limp-noodled cock. Jerking along it, while it's still at least a semi-chub, she says, "Don't go soft yet, sweetie. Mommy still needs you to fill her fertile womb with your foal-injector and knock her up~." (This is pretty much exactly what she says to Mr. Shy, the kinky motherbucker, not that Zephyr Breeze needs to know that.) He looks back up at her, and she winks, then turns around and winks from her other end, too. With a juicy squish noise, he witnesses a globule of her marecum leave her moist mare pussy and land straight on his belly. No straight-blooded stallion could ignore such an invitation, not even from his own mother, and his stallion-spire immediately stands proud once again. He groans, almost wanting to fall asleep on the grass, but forces himself to turn over and get up so he can mount that mare! She holds her tail clear, leaving no impediment to imminent incestuous penetration. He might've taken the time to give her winking pussy a taste first, but her display riled up Zephyr Junior too much, and he can wait no longer. He rears up, and lands right on top of her back, shoving his Equestrian baguette all the way up to her cervix in one smooth motion. He pulls back, and slams into her a second time. "Oh!" she exclaims. Mr. Shy hasn't bucked her this hard in years, and she hadn't realized how much she had been missing it. She can feel her precum oozing into her foal hole, and the thought of having a third child excites her to no end. Although Zephyr doesn't know the thoughts running through his mom's head, he can feel the results. Her clit winks right against his family jewels, giving them a warm and wet kiss for nearly an entire second. Zephyr plaps his mom again, and again, and soon gets into a rhythm that lets him feel her clit winking against him as he plap-plap-plaps her. As rad as he may be, though, his mom is a pro at playing the beef whistle, and her walls squeezing around him won't let him hold in his baby batter for much longer. Zephyr grunts and groans in pleasure, slamming into her one final time, balls-deep, and both his and his mother's wings flare out at the same time as her mare muff squirts her slick sex juice all over his dangly bits. He flares, even harder than he did in her mouth, and Mrs. Shy moans deep and long when she feels her son's special sauce penetrating through her cervix and into her womb. I hope I get pregnant... get pregnant... get pregnant... Zephyr Breeze falls back onto the grass behind Mrs. Shy, and although she's no longer bearing his weight on top of her, she finally collapses herself, not even mustering the strength to ponyloaf. The two pant in exhaustion and afterglow, unaware of time passing. Suddenly, they hear a disgusted mare's voice. They turn their heads to see Rainbow Dash poking her head though their side of the bushes. "Dude, really? You actually fucked your mom?" Zephyr raises a hoof to give her the finger, before realizing he doesn't have fingers and he has no idea what he's trying to do. Instead of pondering it any further, he lowers his hoof and says, "You jelly? That could've been you, you know. If you want my foal cream now, though, you'll have to pay for it." Rainbow Dash's snoot scrunches, and she backs away without saying any more. Zephyr looks toward his mom, and sees she's still resting, although in proper ponyloaf form now. He notices the slick juice drizzled down her pussy, and surprisingly enough, she winks at him, again! Not one to turn a mare down (even when she wants to be), he inches forward, tongue extended to taste the entrance to his mom's love tunnel. Mrs. Shy's only reaction is to "Mmmmm~" appreciatively. Zephyr laps up everything he can find, not stopping for a single instant even when his own spunk oozes onto his tongue. He greedily swallows everything he can, and when there isn't enough, he sticks his tongue inside to pull it out, like a dehydrated cat drinking from a bowl of milk. A glob of his stud sauce lands on his tongue, and he enjoys his own flavor mixed with that of his mom's leftover lubricant. He swallows, and the feeling of it going down his throat only encourages him to get more. He grips his mom's ass with both hooves, pulling her onto his face as hard as he can. When that isn't enough, though, he gets an idea. Zephyr flips onto his back, then lifts his mother's rear up above his head. He scooches right underneath, then lets go. Her satisfied yet somehow still winking pussy lands right on his muzzle, letting his tongue get even deeper than he could by simply pressing his face into her. When he runs out of things to drink out of his mom's pussy, he lifts her off again and flops over to stand up. She stands, too, and turns to face him. They stare into each others's eyes, and know no more words need to be said. They tilt their heads and kiss, prenching feverishly. They run out of breath, and pull away, a strand of saliva remaining between them for a few seconds before snapping. Zephyr leans in for a hug, saying "I love you, mommy. You're my favorite mother." Mrs. Shy squints in confusion. "I'm your only mother, sweetie. But, I love you too. Let's go home now, okay? Your father will want to hear all about our day, and I want to tell him while it's still fresh in my mind." Son nods at mother, and the two walk back together, neither noticing that they look and smell like they clearly just had sex and that there's dirt and grass all over Mrs. Shy's clothing.
Lord Shadow Eclipse
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Other,Starlight Glimmer,Crossover,Dark,Mystery,Thriller,Five Nights at Freddy's,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Violence
Springtrapped 2: Blackjack Returns
Springtrap and the Glamrocks are having a great time as a band, but an old enemy from their past comes back to haunt them.
<p>The Glamrocks and Springtrap are now a traveling band, and they're having a great time as a family of possessed animatronics. As they're performing their next show in Starlight's hometown of Ponyville, a mysterious filly starts to follow Springtrap around. As Springtrap gets to know the filly, something sinister arrives. Children begin to go missing in the night, leading Springtrap to come to a horrifying conclusion: his arch-nemesis Blackjack is back. And he's out for blood and revenge.</p>
I don't own the song in this chapter. It belongs to its respective creator * * * * * - Below the Abandoned Pizzeria - It's been a whole year, now. One whole year ever since that night. The night that rotting bastard Springtrap and his vermin friends fought him and caused him so much pain. And now here he was, lying in pain and fury. He, Neighsay, or "Blackjack" now, tried his best for the benefit of Equestria by weeding out worthless students who had no chance of improving and this was his reward? Springlocked in a metal costume and trapped in this rotten state of perpetual agony. Every time he moved in the cramped suit, his rotting wounds would spike with pain. The felt of his suit had somewhat rotted over the year he'd been trapped down there, making his appearance only become more and more terrifying. Despite being trapped underground for a year, he no longer felt the need to eat or sleep. Just like Springtrap, he too was physically dead, but his soul remained in his body and animated it. This and his immense hatred had kept him going all this time. And all this time, he was looking all over for a way out of his underground prison. Ever since he died, he lost his ability to use magic. He wouldn't stop until he got his revenge on Springtrap, and his friends, too! Tonight, Blackjack was hammering away at the rubble when something finally happened. A large chunk of the the rubble fell away and a stream of moonlight shot through. Blackjack would've smiled underneath his mask if his lips hadn't rotted away. He laughed to himself with his robotically distorted voice. "Haha! Now's my chance!" he said. Blackjack set to work clawing away at the rest of the rubble until the opening was big enough for him to climb through. He shot his arm up through the rubble and pulled himself the rest of the way out, basking in the light of the moon. He was now free from his underground prison! And now to get down to business. "Now that I'm free, it's time to get down to business!" Blackjack said. "It's time for revenge! Hope you miss me, Springtrap, because I'm coming for you!" * * * * * - Manehattan, City Recreation Center - The Glamrocks had brought in a large crowd. Ever since their first performance over a year ago, they've become extremely popular almost overnight. They've been getting contract deals left, right, and center. Springtrap was having a hard time keeping up with everything, but he managed. He was happy to be getting a gig at the Recreation Center. Ever since his encounter with Starlight a year ago, his "life" has been changed for the better. He started seeing a therapist to talk about his problems. As it turns out, his therapist happened to be Starlight Glimmer. She really helped him get out of the bad place he was in, and he liked to think that she helped her out with her Glamrock friends. Now that he was able to put his past behind him, Springtrap now had an animatronic family to look after and had a blast being with them as a band. The doors to the backstage areas opened and Springtrap saw the Glamrocks approach looking like they were all ready to rock. Freddy walked up and put an arm around Springtrap. "You nervous, Springtrap?" Freddy asked. "This is your first time performing on stage with us, after all." "Are you sure it's normal for a band manager to be singing with the band they're supposed to be managing?" Springtrap asked. "Ha! Come on! We even wrote a song for you to sing and everything," Chica replied. "You have to sing at this point!" "Well, as long as you all have fun out there, then I'm gonna try to best to rock this out," Springtrap said. "Okay, we'll be heading out soon! Now, if I recall rehearsals correctly, I'm singing and the rest of you will be dancing," Springtrap said. "After that, it should be our usual routines, yeah?" "Yep. And we'll be sure to give them an amazing performance!" Monty said. The group waited until the announcer introduced them to the crowd and the curtain pulled back to introduce them. The ponies in the audience cheered wildly when they saw the Glamrocks and Springlock. Freddy walked up to the mic and spoke to the crowd. "Thank you all for coming out here tonight!" he welcomed. "We have a very special song to start this concert with, performed by our very own manager, Springtrap!" Springtrap walked up to the mic as the crowd cheered him on. He was happy to see that no one was bothered by his appearance anymore. He spoke quickly to get on with the concert. "Hello, Manehattan! Thank you so much for coming to our show tonight and I hope you enjoy my performance!" he said. The lights went off as Sprintrap began to sing while he and the Glamrocks began dancing. Once he was done, the crowd was having a field day. They were cheering louder now that the song was over. Springtrap smiled under his mask and took a respectful bow. He was about to speak to the audience again when he noticed one pony in particular in the front row. It was a small Earth Pony colt with green fur and a brown mane and tail. The dark galsses and cane told him that this little colt was blind. And it looked like he was trying to get Springtrap's attention. He waited for the crowd to calm down before talking to the colt directly. "Hey there, big guy! What's your name?" he asked. "My name is Occipital Optics, Mister Springtrap," the colt replied. "I'm a huge fan of you and the Glamrocks!" "Why thank you, kiddo! How old are you?" "I'm turning seven today!" "Wait, today's your birthday? Well, how about we all sing you happy birthday, then?" Occipital smiled as Springtrap, the Glamrocks, and the whole crowd sang him "Happy Birthday". By the time they were done with the song, Occipital smiled with tears streaming down his face. "This is the best birthday ever!" he cried. "I can't wait to tell my grandpa about this next month when I visit him in Ponyville!" "Well, good thing you brought that up, because we're playing in Ponyville next month!" Springtrap said. The boy was so excited that he actually fainted after hearing that. Springtrap chuckled and let his friends continue with their part of the concert. He smiled knowing that everything was looking up for him and his family. * * * * * - Canterlot Train Station - Blackjack had waited until the cover of darkness to make his move. He had heard that Spirngtrap and the Glamrocks were heading to Ponyville for a concert, and there was no way he was going to pass up his chance for revenge. He waited until the train had loaded up with passengers to make sure no one saw him. Once he saw his opening, he climbed up onto the roof of the last car of the train and held on as the train sped away from the station. He now had a straight shot right to Ponyville. And to Springtrap. He smiled darkly. "Hope you're happy, Springtrap! I'm going to enjoy making you suffer!" Blackjack said. "Once I'm done with you, you won't even remember what happiness feels like!"
Cozy Glow,Flurry Heart,Princess Cadance,Anthro,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Baked With Love
Flurry has her heart broken. Cadance has just the thing to fix it.
<p>Flurry gets her heart broken. Fortunately, her mother knows just the thing to fix it.</p><p>It's pussy. I'm talking about pussy.</p><p>Obviously.</p><p>Contains: Futa/Female, Incest, Lactation, Transformation, Impregnation, and actions of highly dubious morality.</p><p>Written for the 2024 '<a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves</a>' contest.</p>
"Yyrrraagh" Flurry screamed. She put the force of alicorn power behind it, and the fine blue walls of her crystal bedroom cracked. She'd possessed the power since her crib days. According to historical accounts - and her parents, but who cared about them? - when she was less than a year old she'd cried so loud the Crystal Heart itself shattered into a million little fractures. That day, they said, the snowdrift flurries beyond the barrier nearly consumed the whole Empire. Her parents also said that was the day she earned her name. She felt... strangely proud of that fact. Now, as a fresh-faced young adult mare, she'd harnessed that power to throw more targeted, adult-oriented tantrums. "Fucking bitch! Fucking whore! Piece of shit fucking asshole fucking slut! How DARE you break up with me?!" Such as, for example, the turbulations of young love. Shrieking an endless, fortuitous string of curses, she turned her room into the scene of a post-war battlefield. Around every corner her furniture lay in pieces, from the bed to her gaming station and dressing table. Her music system stood untouched, only so she could blast raving death metal tracks at full volume. She'd done so in the hopes of masking her impotent rage. It served instead to mask the outside twinkle of magic, and the slow but steady unwinding of the spell locks she'd put in place. As the Crystal Empress-to-be smashed one of many computer screens over her knee, the door eased open. In stepped Cadance. Who subsequently ducked as the screen's tattered remnants flew her direction. "Flurry, honey," she called, reaching out for her daughter's shoulder. Flurry jerked away on instinct, stomping a framed photo of her and her ex. She cursed, glass shards pricking her hoof, then gathered it all in her magic and beat it against the far walll. Before, suddenly, she stopped. Her crystal blues went wide as saucers, then quivered anxiously towards her mother. "Mom?" she whispered, in a tone that sounded weak. Almost regretful. Then her face fell into a scowl, and she turned to meet Cadance head-on. Her melon curves swung and wobbled with the rest of her. "What are you doing here?" "What do you think," Cadance said, perhaps more dryly than intended. "Everyone in the castle can hear you from two floors down." Flurry's scowl deepened. "I thought the music would've hidden that," she grumbled. Folding her arms - wrapped in fingerless black, bicep-length latex gloves - she squished her mammoth pink-white bosom together. The tits themselves she'd hardly bothered to contain. A simple, sheer black latex tube top stretched across the vast snow-furred expanse, proclaiming 'THOT' in bold, brazen text. "It's none of their business anyway." She narrowed her eyes at Cadance, sharp painted fingernails tapping her arm. "Or yours." "I think it might be, sweetie." Cadance's smooth tone returned, and she stepped closer. Each tink of golden hoofshoe against the floor sent her own taller, broader self jiggling with lustful enticement. At each other, mother and daughter alike tried not to stare. "What's wrong, my little snowpea?" Before Flurry could react, Cadance placed her hands on Flurry's cheeks. Over one foot apart, their fat nipples nearly touched. "Tell me. I bet I know something that can help." Flurry averted her gaze. Blowing hair from her face, she took Cadance's wrists and moved them away. "It's nothing." Cadance surveyed the room. She raised an eyebrow. "Oh my Sun." Flurry groaned, shoving Cadance back. Cadance stifled a gasp from the breast-centered contact. "Fine. You got me. Something's wrong. Happy now?" Cadance smiled, her sparkling violet lips forming a pleased crescent. "A little. I'd be happier if you told me why you've turned your bedroom into a warzone, however." "Of course you would," Flurry chuffed. "And I was gonna put it back together anyway." Cadance smirked. "I know." Muttering to herself, Flurry's magic systematically plucked, gathered, and reforged all the broken pieces to their former state. When her bed was complete, she strode to it, sitting down and hunching over. She spoke the confession half into her own boobs. "Cozy broke up with me." Cadance's eyes got huge. Faster than a spellshot she raced over, pulling Flurry close and coating her with kisses. Several left marks. "Oh my poor baby." She squeezed Flurry tight, no longer caring for the way her pussy pink jugs mashed into her daughter's. "I'm so sorry. Breakups are always the worst, especially your first." Flurry's petulant whining and squirming finally seemed to sink in, and she relented with a wistful chortle. "Your mother and I would know. Just ask us." After Flurry decided, on a greedy and semi-incestual whim, to turn her father into her mother, Shining had renamed herself to Gleaming Shield. She said she'd never thought about being a mare before, but after experiencing it for herself she actually preferred it. Felt more comfortable in that body, or something along those lines. Flurry had a feeling it also had something to do with the ravenous, deafening sex her and Cadance had for thirty-one nights straight. Or... gay? "No thanks," Flurry said, and pushed herself away. "I'll handle it myself. Fucking cunt did it to me right before Hearts and Hooves, too..." Cadance's sympathetic pout morphed to something darker. "I'm all for healthy relationships and knowing boundaries, but that's a bit cruel. Did she tell you why?" "No. She just told me there were 'irreconcilable differences' that she 'couldn't talk about right now'." She paused. "Over text." Cadance's grimace grew stark. Then, as if switching on the lights, her expression brightened. She reached over, patted Flurry's thigh, and kissed the tip of her snoot. "Don't worry your gorgeous little head, dear. Mama's gonna whip something up for you tomorrow that'll make you forget all about her." Flurry grumbled, rolled her eyes. "Sure. Whatever." Cadance nodded, stood, and left without another word. The door clicked shut, and Flurry recast her previous spell lock. A touch tighter this time around. She waited for a while. For what, who could say. Eventually the barren quiet became too much, and she sighed. Hauling herself up from the bed, she paced over to her battlestation and plopped down. The ill-suited for her size office chair squealed, as molten pounds of globular gothbooty assfat poured over the edge. She failed to acknowledge the strain, and would only do so when loyal Lieutenant Office Chair number three-oh-three gave his last for butt, Princess, and country. She spent the entireity of the day gaming. Fortunately, her usual pair of fellow horn-having cohorts showed as Online. Thus, many hours passed with untold legions of whiny, pathetic n00blords getting their asses full-nelsoned by the 'greatest Demand of Service team Equestria has ever seen'. Just as Faust intended. By the end of it, though, she had a thought she couldn't shake. A thought of cock. A thought of great, big, throbbing, long, thick, suitably royal for her majesty kind of cock. Not the desire to please one, oh no no no. Although she definitely did enjoy that. No. Flurry Heart, Heiress to the Crystal Throne, Princess of the Frozen North had higher ambitions. Ambitions of having one. Ambitions of swinging some grand, colossal beast of turgid ponymeat around between her luscious, chairsplitting, gap-destroying thighs. Ambitions that hung lower, to a pair of overstuffed orbs filled to burst with highly-concentrated, densely-packed ballbatter that would glue a snatch shut for weeks and leave its ovaries plugged for years. Ambitions of doing it to a certain pussy. To certain ovaries. A certain pink pussy with cute white freckles, and the teeniest, most adorable tuft of curly blue pubic fluff. Dumb bitch did always yap on and on about how 'yummy' and 'perfect' big marecocks were - as if any marecock existed in a size smaller than 'hole-gaping'. The thought set in her mind, solidified. A wicked, wicked grin split apart her glossy black lips as Flurry crawled into bed, and slid her hand down skintight latex bootyshorts. Tomorrow, she'd start doing some research. Take an innocent look around the palace library. Maybe contact Aunt Twilight and ask to visit. Either way, Flurry knew. She'd get her revenge. Soon. And those were the thoughts she edged to, until she fell asleep. The smell of sweetness brought her downstairs. Early in the morning, tucked sprawled into bed after passing out from orgasm, Flurry's nostrils flared and pulled in a familiar, comfortable warmth. Without conscious processing, she recognized it from fillyhood, when her mother would bake treats for her after school. She came stumbling. Hollow sockets, bloodshot sclera, baggy eyes. On top of her unruly bedhead and exclusively black wardrobe, she gave the impression of a singer from some zompony punk rock band. She'd taken to wear something a touch less family friendly than what she had the previous day - as if it was remotely family friendly to start with. It was her Hearts and Hooves, and she wore what she fucking wanted. Fuck you if you didn't like it. Same gloves. Shorts exchanged for hoofless thigh highs. Broken chain collar, spiked horn ring and, to top it all off, a slim slingkini that covered her bigger-than-bottlecap nipples. Her areola went naked. ...As did her pussy lips, the sling simply snuggling between them. She grinned as she half-recalled a few guards shifting their legs in her presence. They'd saluted her with worried faces and staggered salutes. "I want to keep looking," their eyes said, "But I also don't want to get executed." Flurry would never do that of course. Her mother might! She reached the lower floor, hooves clacking against crystal. Past the corner, poking her head, she saw Cadance in the kitchen. Wearing nothing but an apron. She dashed to and fro between various stations, with various items in hand. Sometimes wearing oven mitts, handling trays filled with dough or heart-shaped sugar cookies. Once her blush faded, Flurry cleared her throat. "Hi." Cadance jumped, fumbled, almost dropped the bowl she was mixing. "Oh! Good morning, dear." She closed the distance in the blink of an eye, mooshing Flurry into a canyon of love-colored cleavage. She let her go just as quick, returning to her work. Flurry's gaze lingered long on her ass. "I wasn't expecting you up so early." Flurry glanced at the clock, then Cadance. "It's ten in the morning." Cadance huffed. "Well usually you don't wake up until noon." She set the bowl down, formed the balls into flawless hearts with her magic, and placed them onto a freshly emptied sheet. "I've already finished a batch or two over there if you want some." She pointed towards a table. Atop it draped a fancy red cloth. Atop that, a plate with cookies piled high. Flurry could smell them - the sugar, the cinnamon, the zest - and see the gentle steam visibly wafting off, up, and away. Her stomach rumbled. Flashing Cadance a toothy grin, she went over. "Maybe I just missed your cookies that much." "Awww, sweetieee~" As Flurry picked up a cookie to examine, Cadance was there to deliver a peck. "Ugh, moooom." Cadance giggled. "Love you, baby." Flurry grumbled a half-formed 'Love you, too' back before turning the cookie over. The spice and zest Cadance put in turned what might be a typical sugar cookie color to a flushed pink, flecked with red, orange, and yellow. On top, she'd dumped a heaping helping of colored frosting and crystal sugar - a secret specialty courtesy of ancient crystal pony confectioners. Ponies said you could taste the facets in every crunch. They were colored about as one might expect. All shades of pink and red, with the occasional violet or lavender. One stood out among the rest. Where the other hearts pointed the right way, it pointed the opposite. It reminded Flurry of a spade. Fitting, given the black color. She placed the first cookie down, and reached for the 'spade', Pinched between thumb and forefinger, she turned it towards Cadance. "Is this one burnt or something?" "Oh, that one! No, not at all. I made that one special, just for you." "Oh." Flurry brought it back to her face, giving it a sniff. "Huh. Licorice. Thanks." "Not a problem, sweetie." Cadance appeared at her back, pregnancy-fattened chestpillows consuming her shoulders. Her hands crossed at Flurry's waist, fingers pushing into tender spots that made her shudder. "It's the least I could do. In fact," she whispered, right against Flurry's ear. "This right here." She tapped the cookie. "Is your Hearts and Hooves Day present. From me, with love." Cadance then pulled away. Flurry's face scrunched, and she turned with a frown. "Wait. Is this it? A cookie? That's all you did for me today?" "There are the other cookies as well." Cadance smiled, notioning towards the packed platter. "You can eat as many as you want." Flurry's frown did not abate. Cadance didn't seem to react either, which made Flurry's frown deepen. Was this a joke, or was she actually that stupid to think this was a worthy post-breakup pick-me-up? She decided not to ask. "Okay," she said, returning to her monotone. "I'll be in my room. Don't bother me." "Sure thing, sweetie!" Cadance called, as Flurry disappeared up the stairs. "If you need anything later, I'll be in my chambers!" Flurry ground her teeth, near stomping back to her room. She threw the door open, slammed it shut, and flung the cookie at her bed. "Seriously?!" she screeched. "That's it! A fucking cookie! After all that fucking hype and that's what she gives me. A fucking cookie?!" She yanked a pillow from the bed, stuffed her face in, and screamed. A few punches later, she felt the pillow had earned its fair share of abuse. Tossing it to the side, it slumped lifeless against the headboard, now a little sadder than before. She found the cookie again, and snatched it with an angry fist. Glaring at it like poison, her grasp tightened. "Should just crush you and throw you in the trash," she snarled. She prepared to do precisely that, even got it above her open trashcan. She couldn't do it. Some ray of loving daughter managed to pierce through the dark clouds of broody bratness. Her face fell, and reflecting on the breakup, how she'd been ready to toss away something her mother put genuine care and effort into made her lower lip tremble. She slapped her cheek. Hard. No tears. Tears were for wussies. Unless she was getting her throat deepfucked. Tears were basically inevitable then. "Another day of breakup misery, another gaming session." She sighed, placing herself before her computer setup. She connected, taking the first bite at the same time. "Oh fuck," she moaned. Her second bite followed. A third, a fourth. Her eyes rolled up from the taste, and somepony pressed to her door might think she was jilling herself crazy instead of eating a licorice spice cookie. When she finished, she licked the smallest dollop and littlest crystal from her fingers. No crumb was spared. She did actually feel a little better now. Maybe she could enjoy her new single life instead of lamenting it. Cozy rarely allowed her to fuck anyone else while they were together. She could go back to doing it again, constantly, like she had wanted. "Mmm." She grabbed the right side of her slingkini, giving it a tug in such a way it ground her moistened folds. A happy croon followed, and she flicked her nipple with her other hand. She reflected, her two unicorn friends had big horns in places other than their foreheads. Maybe she could meet up with them properly. Get to know each other better. Her face flushed, and she felt herself starting to lose it. If she kept going, she'd lock herself in an edging state for the next who knew how long. Today, she actually wanted to play some games, so she reluctantly moved her hands to the keyboard and mouse. She played for all of an hour before the horny returned. Stronger, too. She satisfied the urge flicking her bean for a good thirty minutes, before bringing herself back to games. She'd left all her porn tabs open, though. And it wasn't even half an hour this time before she closed the game altogether. "So fucking horny," she whined. Her whole body burned, eager to be filled with more warmth. Among other things. Other big, long, throbbing things. She'd seen her friends' cocks before. One of them was Luster Dawn, Aunt Twilight's personal protege. She'd interacted with her a lot as a filly. The other she didn't remember quite as well. But she'd still seen her dick. Both were huge monsters of a thing, longer than her arm and thick af to boot. If those two studs could piledrive her from opposite ends, she might die and go to heaven. Videos. Music. Pictures. Fantasies born of her own brain. She rubbed to them as her mind melted, until the only thing she needed to continue touching herself was the fact she was touching herself. Usually, she'd have the wherewithal to keep going. Stem the tide of orgasm. Pull away before it arrived. She couldn't do that with this. It felt like heat, the real deal that left mares debilitated for days on end. Sweatily crossing out calendar days, marking the molasses-like passage of time. Soggy sheets, soggy pillows, soggy everything, and made so by a mix of fevered sweat and cunnysquirt. She rolled over the edge, imagining herself as a marble tossed off by a windstorm. A pure, raw howl of pleasure ripped from her throat, and her violent spasms did her dutiful chair in. Lieutenant 303 made the honorable sacrifice for his Princess, as she practically seizured atop the wasted remains. Deluge gushed from her pussy, splattering the floor and creating a wide, growing wider still puddle of scented maregoo. Somewhere down the line Flurry devolved into a growling beast, spit frothing between clenched teeth or laughing maniacally with her tongue out as she experienced the big o of a lifetime. Her recovery lasted about the same length. Titanic tits heaving as two big ocean swells, she gathered her breath, sat up, and stood from her busted chair. She glanced to the clock, to see how long she'd lost herself for. "Two minutes?!" She balked. It felt like a fucking month she'd been cumming. Whatever. At least she wasn't horny anym- Wait. No. No. She totally was. Hornier, in fact. By a lot. She panted, tongue out. Sweat sprouted from and dripped against her face. As well as basically everywhere else. If it was going to be this bad, she was going to need her bed. She hopped in, pulling covers aside and snatching her phone to browse. It was as she prepared to plunge in, pussy folds spread wide, that she noticed her clit. She tilted her head. It looked... bigger? She reached for it, errantly brushing her thumb. A startled gasp choked out, and she had a mini-orgasm on the spot. "H-h-holy fuuuck you're sensitive." She tested out to see if the same went for other parts. She tried her asshole, her labia, nipples, but got nothing. "It's just my clit," she murmured. "Weird." She tried touching it again, and avoided another orgasm this time. Whenever she touched it the button throbbed and pulsed and... bigger? She squinted, putting her thumb beside it for comparison. It was half as big as the nail now, where it used to be closer to her pinkie. "That's so fucking weird, dude." She shrugged, but made nothing of it. Her clit was bigger and more sensitive. So what? Maybe it was just from her being this horny, and it was kinda hot anyway 'tbh'. Her masturbatory session renewed with vigor. Her room became a jungle in no time, her bed a swamp. She focused all her attention on the clit, with how much better it felt than anything else. It made any chance of edging herself longer than a minute impossible, but that was fine. She didn't edge all the time like a degenerate loser. You honestly couldn't tell the difference. Her brain blanked out, leaving her unconscious for the changes that followed. Her clit never stopped growing. It stood out longer, thicker, hardened from a nub to a rod. Soon, Flurry was pumping it with a finger, then fingers, then a hand and beyond without ever realizing it. The sensation of bumping into something thick, broad, and flat dredged her back to reality. "Guggnh, fuwh." Groaning, her eyes refocused from the parading stream of hour-long PMVs on her phone. Through the haze, she made out the shape of her clit. A clit as tall as her phone, with a suspiciously head-looking end. "Whuh," she breathed, but couldn't stop touching. She watched with horror - and more than a little arousal - as it surged in her palm. The texture changed, thin and delicate like skin. The flesh beneath hardened to steel, becoming a pipe of iron-tough maremeat. A part of her comprehended, even drowning under waves of fucklust, what was happening. "Coooock," she moaned. I'm growing a fat marecoooock~" She smiled like an idiot. Hadn't this been her wish? Her dream? To find some spell or somesuch other thing to grant her a royal pride of her own. Now she had one. Was growing one. "Bigger," she huffed. It was a hope, and to whatever affected her an order it obeyed. "Bigger! Longer, thicker, wider, veinierrrrrr..." She wrapped both hands around her schlong. Big as her forearm now, swiftly darkening to the violet of her nips. Veins spiderwebbed across the surface, and each twitch and second between throbs urged more decadent plowflesh to spill out from her groin. She couldn't see it, but she felt other things. Her slit sealing itself, inner anatomy rearranging. The folds drew up, expanded, formed into her brand new horse sheath. Her ovaries swelled, gorging themselves on whatever foreign magics had taken root. They moved lower, below her cock, bulged out and darkened. The bigger they grew, the further they dropped. She wanted - needed - her sack to hang low, so it could bounce around and slap that cunt Cozy's freckled rump so hard it left angry red marks. Then she could squat her own fine fuckin' goth booty down, and t-bag the bitch's stupid cutsey face. "Gryuhh, FUCK!" Flurry roared, and jerked her hips into her hands like it was a fleshlight. Explosive rivers of cum burst from her broad flare, spewing onto her sheets and drowning them in boiling white ballslag. More came, pouring down and plopping onto the floor, or landing all the way to her wall. This climax had a quicker comedown than the big one prior. Delirious, she took hold of her glorious, chin-touching shaft and gave it a waggle. Spurts and drops shook free with the motion, spattering wherever, and she licked her lips at the sight. She wanted to jerk off some more, but she refrained. Fun as this was, something gave this to her. If a pony managed to sneak anything in or cast a curse without her knowledge, her parents needed to know. She teleported herself right in front of her mother's door, proud of herself that she'd managed to be so responsible. She placed a palm on either side of the chamber doors, breathed in, and pushed forward, expecting to find... Her mother. Laid out on the bed. Spread eagle, looking directly at her and wearing the sluttiest violet lace lingerie Flurry had seen in her porn-drenched years of life. "What." "Oh hello, Flurry." Flurry shuddered at the tone. Blistering hot, oozing succubus-level seduction. Her cock let loose a gob of pre. "I've been waiting for you." "You have? Flurry swallowed. She resisted the urge to ogle her mother so openly, though she didn't know why. She'd already fingerblasted her other mom. Among other things. Other things namely involving a strap-on. "Oh yes." Cadance crawled onto all fours, towards the bed's edge, before standing. Each step closer felt like an eternity, one in which her new needy tool desired more than anything to plug deep inside, get flared, and never pull out. Cadance finished her catwalk by looming over her, then wrapping her into a tit-to-tit mother-daughter hug. And surprise makeout session. Tongue included. Flurry's spear jut upwards, lodged between to sets of Crystal Royalty treasure chests. Her nuts brewed, sack cinching up. It was all she could do not to bust. "Ahhhh~" Cadance broke the kiss, wound their swapped and swirled spit around her finger, then stuffed it inside Flurry's lips. "I'm happy to see you. Clearly," she giggled. "You're happy to see me as well." On any other day, Flurry would have a retort. Some barb, jab, or snipe to prove herself the intellectual if not social superior. She answered with a whimper. "You don't need to say anything, honey. From now on, Mommy's going to take care of you." She leaned in, brushed lips with Flurry's. "I'll be your special somepony as much as you want, whenever you want." She freed Flurry - to her disappointment - and returned to the bed. She resumed the same position, pulling aside her panties to expose a fat, juicy, plump fucking mommymuff Flurry had to breed right fucking now. "However you want." Flurry might have liked to say she debated this in her head. Did she really want this? Was it really reasonable for her mother to knowingly lace her 'special cookie' with something that made her grow a huge, horny, hole-greedy horsecock? Was incest on a basic, fundamental level ever truly ethically sound and consensual? Yes. No. And maybe sometimes. Possibly in that order, possibly not. But no. Suffice it to say, Flurry did not 'debate internally' or 'hold herself back'. Not for a moment. Like a spring, Flurry was on her. Hands and knees, crouched over her larger mother with two plus feet of unmitigated bitchbreaking shemale dickmeat poised to sow the seeds of bastard incestual fillies. Flurry bit her mother's bra, pulling it off with a feral sound. Cadance made a squeak, that devolved into a squeal as teeth followed up the promise on mommy's milker. Flurry guzzled, released with a pop and groan, then met Cadance's lusty eyes. "I wanna fuck you like I wanna fuck Cozy. I want her to fucking scream as I ruin her forever, then hear her beg for more." Cadance stuck her legs in the air. "Then do it. Glue all three of my hooohhhhSHIITT." Flurry punched right past Cadance's open canal, through the tunnel, and into her womb. The cervix? Oh, yeah. That didn't make it more than a second. At the deepest, furthest part of Cadance's womb, the vague shape of Flurry's mast bulged out Cadance's tummy. Parted her tits, flare got between them. Their soft, velvet plushness cradled her dicktip as she fucked her mother, cooing or grunting as she slammed into a wall of MILF tits. Flurry, legs spread, gathered herself into a squat. Her thrusts were wild, uncoordinated, unused to having a cock but the sheer mindfogged frenzy made that fact forgotten. "You always told me you wished I had a cock!" Flurry took hold of her mother's ankles, pinning them in place as handholds. She bounced off Cadance's cunt, using the momentum to swing her thrusts forward with the force of her entire body. "Well guess what, bitch? I fucking have one now!" Cadance grinned, pupils pinpricks. Saliva ran in frothy white rivers down her lips, over her chin, pooling in her cleavage. "Y-yeah! Is... i-is that true?" "Yes. Like drawing a log over earth, Flurry scraped her way out. Bums and ridges catching on fleshy folds, making both cry out in joined bliss. "And!" Flurry yelled, plapping Cadance's double-wide lovebutt with every word. "Now! You'll! Never! Get! Any!" Cadance moaned. Flurry hardly heard anything she said over the frantic plaplaplaplaplapplaplap of her blurring pelvis. "Yes, baby! Fuck me hard! Ruin me! Ruin that fucking cunt bitch! Break her heart like she broke yours!" "Hnngssshhh." Flurry's grunt devolved into a serpent's hiss. The bedframe creaked. Flurry knew the guards could hear them mate like rabbits, and she hoped they did. If any of them were sufficient for her standards, she'd plow them idiotic too. "Get!" she roared. "Pregnant!" Hips kissed for the ultimate time. Flesh slapped, rippled in trembling shockwaves visible only in slow-motion. Cadance came, in addition to however many times she'd covered her daughter's dominating dickhammer in MILF squirt previously. Flurry sank to the root, buried hilt-deep in her marefriend's pussy. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. It poured into her mother's womb. Like batter into a bowl, ready to be set in the oven. Slugs of searing foalmaking syrup engorged Cadance's belly. The womb stretched, straining to contain as much hypervirile, ultrapotent marenutsludge as it possibly could. The rest bubbled out, spat, and ran in sheets and rivers. It curved around the generous swell of Cadance's phat pink pony princess posterior, settled on and soaked into the bedcover. "Ha... ha..." Flurry slid herself out, a sick ssschllluurggghhfPOP! followed by the guttural noises of backed-up spooge burbling out her mom's creampied broodhole. "Fucked... you... good." Cadance, trembling, reached a hand down between her legs. She cupped it, scooped a handful of lumpy, slimy white, and shovelled it down her maw. She came from the taste, and the violence of her orgasm sent more love-filled daughtergoo spattering against Flurry's loins. "Y-yes. Yes you did... Very good, my little snowpea~" "But you're not done yet," Flurry added. She already knew the answer. "No." Cadance hauled herself up, tore a designer breeding plug from a compartment unseen, and jammed it up her twat. A visible shiver rolled down her body, and when she stood she did so with wobbling knees. Flurry tracked her as, totteringly, Cadance made her way to the grand closet. She tossed the doors open, cast a spell, and blue magic shimmered in the shape of a kneeling pony before it burst. New sounds came to Flurry's ears. Buzzing. Crying. Mewling. Muffled mewling. But she was staring at the source of it. Her eyes bulged so wide she worried they'd pop and roll free, searching for a nice place somewhere in the Equestrian countryside to settle down and have an adorable little eyeball family. "Cozy Glow." It was barely a whisper. There she was. Her two days ex, kneeling, arms and wings pinned to her back, bit and bridle stuffed in her mouth, blinders forcing her attention forward. She had a multitude of toys on her person. Electrified clamps on her nipples, buzzing vibes and multiple dildos in her snatch. Flurry imagined there were more in her asshole. "Come, dear." Cadance beckoned with a finger, and Flurry stood without hesitation. She grinned, settling alongside her mother. Cozy met her eyes with mixed emotions. Horny, mostly. But also regret, and more than a hint of fear. "This is what you're missing out on, Cozy." Cadance placed a hand on Flurry's shoulder, the other grasping just beneath her flare. Flurry smirked, shunting her hips so it got dangerously close to Flurry's snout. Flurry's heart fluttered in joy as Cozy attempted to lean forward, nostrils inhaling. "And you're never gonna get any." Flurry undid the bit and bridle, letting Cozy speak. She burst into warbling. "P-please! I'm sorry! I was so gosh darned mean I didn't..." She sniffed. "I didn't mean t-to hurt you, I just wanted a cock! Your cock!" She beamed, trying to give Flurry the smile she used to. "A-and now you have one! You can fuck me with it, fuck me ruined like you said! P-please? DOn't you want t-" "Aaaand, no more of that." Flurry refastened the equipment. Facing away from Cozy, she laced her fingers with her lover's. "Mom?" "Yes, dear?" Flurry pulled her towards the bed. Cadance let herself be thrown against it, and no words were communicated as they settled into doggystyle. Flurry pulled her mother's tail aside. Exposed her succulent donut. Cozy sobbed in the background. "I wanna try your ass next."
Applejack,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Echoes of Another Realm
A young man finds himself trapped in a world of Fantasy. Meanwhile dark powers plot in the shadows...
<p>A young man finds himself uprooted from his home and placed in a world of fantasy. However, never would he have imagined his childhood would play out before his eyes! </p><p>As the lone Human becomes accustomed to his new and challenging way of life, he will soon realize that not everything is as it seems. For as he tries to find a path home, shadows and Evildoers lurk and plot for the demise of this land of fantasy and wonder. Sometimes, a gilded cage is still just a cage.</p><p>Will this man prevail in the face of an impossible reality and find a way home, or will he forever be stuck in a land that goes against everything he has ever believed and known...</p>
A groan escapes my lips as the resounding beep of my phone's alarm blares to my right, its shrillness cutting through the morning silence like a knife. The blasted thing just won't shut up, and ever so slowly, my eyes drift open, heavy with sleep and reluctance. "Ugh, dammit." With a half-hearted swipe, I reach over and press the snooze option on my phone, the digital display glaring back at me accusingly before I turn over and burrow deeper into the cocoon of warmth provided by my blankets. The comforting embrace of my bed lulls me back into sleep, and for a moment, everything starts to fade away into blissful oblivion... ...until the alarm goes off again. "Ughhhhh!" I slam my head into my pillow in frustration, the persistent sound piercing through the fog of sleep like a relentless tormentor. With a groan, I force myself to roll out of bed, my movements sluggish and disjointed as if I'm wading through molasses. A dull ache throbs insistently at my temples, a relentless reminder of last night's indulgence, though I swear I didn't drink all that much. The pounding in my skull leaves little doubt—I'm definitely nursing a hangover. "Another miserable day, that's perfect. Just what I needed on a" I slap my forehead in resignation as my body slowly begins to stir into motion, the impending dread of another Monday looming over me like a dark cloud. Early class beckons, and the last thing I need is to miss it because of a late-night party. The fog around my brain begins to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of urgency—I need a booster if I'm going to make it through the day. Quickly shuffling into my tiny washroom, I navigate the cluttered countertop with practiced precision, my fingers fumbling for the cold handle of the sink... only for nothing to happen. I scowl at the traitorous faucet, its stubborn refusal to cooperate a testament to the perpetual maintenance issues plaguing my residence. I stand there for a moment and look into the mirror. A zombie like creature stares back. My flowing, curly brown hair is a mess, and quite a bit of stubble was finally showing itself. My broad shoulders and decently toned body was hunched slightly from exhaustion, and my left hand idly scratched my skinny right arm. I gave a huff. 'I gotta hit the gym more. I look like a damn skeleton. A strong skeleton, but a skeleton no less.' Groaning in annoyance, I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stalk back into my main room, my bare feet padding softly against the worn carpet. I head straight for the fridge, the lack of illumination inside a stark reminder of the power outage from last night. With a resigned sigh, I resign myself to keeping the doors closed as much as possible to preserve what little coldness remains within. Grabbing a small yogurt container, I close the fridge door with a gentle thud and make my way to my cluttered work desk, navigating the maze of textbooks and discarded papers with practiced ease. I set my makeshift breakfast down with a sigh, my gaze sweeping over the chaos that surrounds me—a testament to my ongoing battle with organization. My room, a canvas of organized chaos, bears the unmistakable imprint of my hurried lifestyle. Despite my best efforts to maintain a facade of cleanliness, my parents would undoubtedly have a field day with the state of my room if they could see it now. But jokes on them; amidst the chaos, I know exactly where everything is. I pause briefly to think about them. Growing up an a farm meant it was usually my mother caring for myself and my younger brother. Life was good when I was young, but I guess it's like that for most people. I wish it was like that currently, but stress, money, and just being a typical University student seemed to slam me into the ground whenever the opportunity arose. Rummaging through my drawers, I pull out a pair of medium-wash jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt, their fabric soft against my fingertips. But before I can slip them on, a sudden realization strikes me—I'm still wearing the same underwear I slept in last night. With a grimace, I resign myself to the fact that a shower is out of the question, the lack of running water rendering me dependent on deodorant to mask the remnants of last night's festivities. Quickly locating my 'Stud Puffins' boxers—a whimsical gift from my aunt—I hastily don them before pulling on my jeans and shirt, the familiar routine of getting dressed a comforting anchor amidst the chaos of my morning. As I slide on mismatched black socks—another casualty of my hasty morning routine—I glance at the phone beside my bed, cursing as I note the time. Ten minutes to get to class—talk about cutting it close! With a sense of urgency propelling me forward, I grab my typical plaid longsleeve from the back of my chair and throw it on, leaving it unbuttoned for ease of movement. Next come my worn black shoes, their brand a mystery lost to the depths of time—I've never been one to splurge on fancy footwear, and these have served me well enough thus far. Hoisting my trusty computer bag over my shoulder and with yogurt container in hand, I step towards the door, the weight of impending deadlines and missed opportunities bearing down on me like a tangible force. But just as I reach for the doorknob, a nagging feeling worms its way into my mind—I can't help but feel something is amiss. Turning, I my furrow my brows as I look around the room. Everything seems in place, but something still feels off. "Screw it." I mutter before pulling my door open... ...and walking into a massive throne room. My legs refuse to move as I stare straight ahead. I feel like a deer caught in headlights as I take in the grand marble pillars, the intricate spirals on the roof, and the stained glass windows depicting strange things. The sun shines with a cozy brightness through the windows, bathing the room in a colourful, but refreshing glow. A plush, blood red carpet travels the room down the middle, and the edges seem to have a golden trim. Looking up slightly, I see stairs leading to a throne of sorts. Flanking the throne are two imposing blue banners. Strange patterns are depicted in their fabric, and they seem to loom over the room like sentinels. A sound greets my ears, and my gaze flickers towards the throne. I can hear what seems to be hooves clopping on the sleek, marble floor, but I can't seem to find it within me to care. My vision was becoming a bit hazy, and my headache seemed to pick up ten-fold. Looking down, I noticed that both my hands are shaking. The clopping stops, and I once more turn my gaze to the throne. It is here that my breath catches in my throat, and my head seems to grow light like a feather. A beautiful white horse stares at me with wide, expressive eyes. Her coat shines like the sun, yet is as pristine as a blanket of snow, her hooves are adorned by polished golden horseshoes, and a massive horn juts out from the top of her head. A billowing, ethereal mane waves in a nonexistent-- Wait, a horn? Are those wings?? WHY IS THE HORSE'S MANE DOING THAT??!! I blink, and everything seems to come back into focus. I can see the horse is slowly, carefully walking up to me, but I simply don't care. I can feel my heartbeat through my chest, it's thumping sounding like thunder in my body. I can't move, I can't even breathe. Where am I?? What is this place?! Holy shit, holy shit, oh my God!! I can see the horse's mouth moving, but that shouldn't be possible. Up close, I can see it wears a golden chest ornament, and a flashy crown sits atop its head, She is as tall as me, and concern seems to be the dominant feature on its face, but that isn't possible. This thing is a horse after all. Suddenly, everything stops. I can once again hear my surroundings, but a slight ringing seems to be in my right ear. I stare at the horse as my mind is flooded with memories of my childhood. They flash by like a rogue wave, and I'm left staring blankly into the horse's eyes like a vegetable. That song... that song I haven't heard since I was seven years old is now playing over and over in my head. "Hello?" I blink upon hearing the horse's voice. Smaller horses in golden armour are approaching from behind the horse now, but I pay them no mind. "Are you okay?" I just stare at her, judging by the voice, it is a her. A smile works its way onto my face, and I can feel a giggle welling in my throat. "Heheh..." My shoulders begin to shake, and my mouth tries to open. The moment stops for half a moment, and I continue staring at the horse. It's ears flick, and it's head tilts in confusion. I can't help it, I can't stop it! "HEHEHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!!!" I can't hear my laughter, but judging from the way the horse and the smaller ones recoiled, I can only imagine it was quite loud. At this point, I've nearly doubled over, the feeling of nausea taking over my stomach. Either this is a dream, or I've finally lost it. My world swims around me, and with a final great shuddering breath, I collapse face first onto the floor. The last thing I hear is the concerned voice, the clanking of metal on marble, and that damn song ringing in my ears.
Applejack,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Echoes of Another Realm
A young man finds himself trapped in a world of Fantasy. Meanwhile dark powers plot in the shadows...
<p>A young man finds himself uprooted from his home and placed in a world of fantasy. However, never would he have imagined his childhood would play out before his eyes! </p><p>As the lone Human becomes accustomed to his new and challenging way of life, he will soon realize that not everything is as it seems. For as he tries to find a path home, shadows and Evildoers lurk and plot for the demise of this land of fantasy and wonder. Sometimes, a gilded cage is still just a cage.</p><p>Will this man prevail in the face of an impossible reality and find a way home, or will he forever be stuck in a land that goes against everything he has ever believed and known...</p>
My eyes flash open with a start, instantly assaulted by the cacophony of sounds and the bustling activity of the change room. A firm pat on my shoulder draws my attention, and I turn to James with a bright smile. "Helluva game, eh Tyler?" he says, his voice tinged with excitement. "Yeah, first place, here we come!" I respond, the thrill of victory still coursing through my veins. James chuckles and takes his seat, joining the other players as they begin to peel off their gear. I feel the weight of my shoulder pads finally starting to drag me down, and I release a tired sigh. Despite the post-game fatigue, my spirits remain high. There's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of a hard-fought win against the former number one team. As I shake my head in disbelief, I find myself standing next to my girlfriend, Sonya. Her sparkling blue eyes, framed by wavy brown locks, captivate me as always. She offers her congratulations on the game, leaning in for a kiss that sends a flutter through my heart. But just as I lean down to meet her, something catches my eye. A figure cuts through the crowd of parents and hockey players with deliberate, almost hypnotic movements. Despite the chatter around me, I can discern a faint humming emanating from the figure as it draws nearer. Sweat beads on my forehead, and I try to turn my head to look down at Sonya, but my neck refuses to cooperate. Panic tightens its grip on my chest as the figure approaches, its silhouette shrouded in dark navy blue with a glint of metal catching the light. 'Wake up, please wake up!' I silently plead, but the world around me blurs, colors swirling into an incomprehensible haze. Nausea churns in my stomach, and my consciousness reels in the opposite direction. With a sudden jolt, my eyes shoot open, and I'm overwhelmed by the urge to vomit. In a panic, I throw off the sheets and scramble out of bed, paying little heed to the unnaturally plush carpet beneath my feet. In my frenzied state, I dash toward the washroom, only to collide painfully with a wall. "Aggh!" I cry out, clutching my throbbing nose as waves of pain and nausea wash over me. Crumpled on the ground, I retch uncontrollably, unable to see what spills from my stomach, the remnants of last night's supper no doubt. I sit there for who knows how long, retching and vomiting what seemed to be every single one of my organs. I hardly notice the fact that a figure is sitting beside me, and a cloth is wiping across my mouth and face. Finally, it stops. The smell causes my nose to crinkle slightly and I gag out of reflex. I hear the figure beside me sigh in what appears to be annoyance. Without looking up, I give the figure a weak thumbs up. "I-I'm good, thanks for the help, whoever you are." There was a moment of silence before a feminine giggle escaped from the person's mouth. My heart seemed to come to a stop, and my eyes widened. What the hell was a girl doing in my room? How did they get in?? Apparently my mouth decided to speak ahead of my brain. "Heh, you have a cute giggle." I immediately grimaced in embarrassment at my own words. I wasn't very good at talking to girls, and here one was inside my dorm room. Either this was my lucky day, or God decided to punish me with my shitty social skills. "T-Thank you." The girls voice was barely audible, and I groaned as I realized I likely made her uncomfortable. Forcing myself to one knee, then onto two legs, I sheepishly rub the back of my neck. "I'm sorry about that, my mouth ran off on--" Looking around, I couldn't spot the women in my midst. Even more confusing were my surroundings, that could wait for now. Who the hell talked to me? I hear a polite cough from below me, and as slow as a snail, my eyes travel downwards, getting wider and wider as I saw what stood before me. A small, light blue pony wearing shiny golden armour stared up at me with wide, cheery and expressive eyes. I could only stare blankly at the waist-high equine as my brain decided to short circuit. The ponies smile faded slightly, and her head tilted to the side in a rather adorable manner. Her tail swished on the floor, and what appeared to be wings attached to her side ruffled slightly. Then the memories hit me. I saw the throne room, the familiar dais, and the white... Pegacorn whom I was somewhat familiar with. Scouring my memory some more, I recalled a name. Celestee, or Celestial or something. "Yep, I'm still dreaming." I mumble matter-of-factly. However, a smile grows on my face. I always found horses rather cute and goofy, and the one sitting before was downright adorable. I mean look at that armour, and the huge eyes! How could I not pet that, not matter if I was imagining it or not! "Now aren't you the cutest little thing!" I chuckle and bend down to her eye level. The little horse -- no, pony, gives me a strange look as I reach forward. Her eyes track my hand with uncertainty, and I can see her begin to move back. "No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you. It's just a dream after all." I chuckled again as the pony gave me a a raised eyebrow, but that soon changed as my fingers began idly scratching under her chin. "Ooohh, that feels nice..." The little pony murmerd, causing me to chuckle. A sudden bang reverberates through the room, jolting me from my thoughts and nearly causing me to leap out of my skin. Whipping my head around to locate the source of the noise, I'm caught off guard as a heavy weight envelops my upper body, yanking me down to the ground and leaving me staring up at the ceiling. Panic surges through me as I struggle against the unseen force, attempting to free myself, but all I manage to do is twist my head to the side, the muscles in my legs protesting with the onset of a cramp. Hissing in pain, I freeze, straining to listen to the commotion unfolding around me. "Private Dusk, step away from the creature!" A gruff voice barks from the entryway, the urgency in its tone causing me to freeze. I can hear the nervous shuffling of the little mare I had been scratching, adding to the tension in the air. "Sergeant Stopper, the creature was posing no danger to myself! I-" The Private's protest is cut off abruptly, replaced by the authoritative growl of the Sergeant. "Stow it, Private! For the next two days, you are on latrine duty! Your insubordination will be brought before the Captain." The Sergeant's voice drips with authority, and I can almost feel the tension crackling in the air. Despite the gravity of the situation, I can't help but chuckle involuntarily, a brief moment of levity in the midst of the chaos. The sudden silence that follows my laughter is as swift and brutal as a thunderclap, and I grimace, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash. "You got something to say, ape?" The Sergeant's voice is a menacing growl, and I meet his gaze defiantly, trying to suppress the smirk that threatens to spread across my face. His horn was ablaze with a pale glow, and he seemed to be sweating slightly. His Roman-esque helmet and poised spear add to his intimidating presence, but I can't help but find the whole scene absurd. "You ponies are too adorable to be intimidating," I retort, unable to resist the urge to poke fun at the surreal situation. A ripple of amusement courses through me. Who knew my dreams could be so realistic? However, a sudden sense of unease washes over me, the nagging question lurking in the back of my mind threatening to disrupt my fragile sense of security. 'What if I'm wrong?' I shake my head, dismissing the thought as absurd. It must be a dream, or perhaps the result of some hallucinogen. After all, reality couldn't possibly be this bizarre. Especially not with beings from a show I watched nearly a decade and a half ago. The pressure around my body dissipates suddenly, and after a moment's hesitation, I slowly rise to my feet, taking in my surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and cavalier. The Sergeant, now seated on the ground and nursing his horn, garners little more than a passing glance from me as I survey the room. To my right, a Victorian-era chair sits beside my bed, invoking a sense of nostalgia reminiscent of my grandmother's home. The room itself exudes an air of opulence, with a plush carpet underfoot and regal purple drapes adorning the windows. My gaze drifts to the door, where marble pillars reach to the roof, their intricate carvings obscured from my vantage point. However, my attention is drawn to the wall blocking the entrance to what should have been my bathroom, a stark reminder of the surreal nature of my surroundings. Obviously I wasn't in my residence. I shake my head, attributing the strange occurrences to a vivid dream or a hallucination induced by sleepwalking. Yet, the lingering sense of discomfort remains, fueled by the unsettling realism of the experience. Glancing down at the vomit-stained floor, a shiver runs down my spine. Despite my efforts to rationalize the situation, a lingering doubt gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, casting a shadow over my fragile sense of certainty. Shaking my head, I once again dispel the thought entirely. "I'm gonna go find that white Pegacorn." I state as I look down at the trembling Private. I realized then that my bag is missing, and once again chalk it up to the hallucination. I reach down and give the little pony another scratch before walking towards the door. "S-stop, creature!" The Sergeant stands in my way, but I see him wince in pain as he tries to light his horn. I lean down with a sneer and give it a flick, causing him to yelp and topple over sideways. Snickering, and with a smirk playing on my lips, I stride confidently out into the hallway, only to be greeted by a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The plush carpet beneath my feet cushions each step, its rich texture inviting and comforting. Sunlight streams in through the arched windows, casting a warm glow that bathes the corridor in a golden hue. As I glance around, my eyes are drawn upward to the majestic pillars of purple-hued marble that rise like sentinels, reaching ever upward in graceful arcs. The ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings and delicate patterns, looms overhead, its height giving me the feeling of vertigo. A sense of awe washes over me, the sheer grandeur of the surroundings leaving me momentarily speechless. Gold trimmings adorn the walls, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections that dance in a kaleidoscope of colors. The air is imbued with a sense of magic and wonder. It was incredible what the human mind could create. Outside the windows, cherry blossom trees sway gently in the breeze, their delicate pink blooms adding to the ethereal beauty of the scene. It's as if I've stepped into a world straight out of a dream... ...I frowned. This was just a dream. When I wake up, all this will be gone. "Y'know, it's not that impressive. I mean, sure it's the VIP wing, and the colours seem to pop during the spring, but it's nothing special." I glance down and see the pegasus is once more at my side. I frown in thought, both at her words and her presence. Surely she would have disappeared by now? Usually, when I dream, details aren't often repeated. Even with such questions, I can't help but take a deep breath. The air is so very fresh, and a sense of giddiness washes over me. What I would give to actually live in a world like this! "I think it's impressive. But then again, the mind is a powerful thing. To see such details and have such realistic things while dreaming and on drugs is quite a feat if I had to hazard a guess. Hah! And I even get to partake in a world that I saw on TV as a seven year old kid! If this is what happens when you get high, then I've gotta try it more often! Can you show me the way to the white Pegacorn? I've always wanted to see a Pegacorn!" I rub my hands together as I look down either end of the hallway. I can see various ponies, many of which are maids. A few seem to have seen me and frozen on the spot. I don't really care, this is all to exciting! "You aren't going anywhere, creature." I hear a grizzled voice from behind me. I groan in annoyance as I see the Sergeant staring up at me. My gaze flickers to the spear held level with my chest, but I can only smile. "Sure I am. Watch this." Pivoting on my heel, I begin marching left down the corridor. I hear the Sergeant pony give a cry of surprise before he gallops past me. He turns on his hooves and shoves the spear at me, causing me to pause. Even if it was a dream, anyones natural reaction would be to not get poked. "No. You aren't permitted to leave until the Princess permits it!" Hearing a huff, I look down and see Private Dusk roll her eyes. She too now holds a spear, but it is held in an upright position. Her fuzzy pony ears are slightly wilted, and she sticks her tongue out at the Sergeant. "Come on, Sarge. It wouldn't be very nice to keep it all locked up. Plus, remember the Princess said not to agitate it-- hold on," she looks up at me, "are you a male or a female?" "I'm a toaster-oven." I immediately quipe, causing the mare to scowl. I give a little smirk. "I'm a dude." "The hay is a dude?" The Sergeant asks. My eyebrows raise in actual surprise at the question, and I stutter as I try to answer them. "Well, a dude is like a cool... guy? Yeah, it's just slang for cool guy. So I'm male." I state as I scratch the back of my head. Upon my movement, the Sergeant raises his spear ever so slightly, and his glare hardens. I give a scoff. "Please, as if you could hurt me. Even if--" "For ponies sake! Stop saying you are hallucinating, it's getting annoying. We are going to see the Princess so you can get sorted out." Private Dusk growls as her wing flaps open and nudges against my rear. There is a surprising amount of strength there, and I stumble slightly from the sudden force. Thankfully, Sergeant Stopper had moved his spear, otherwise I'd be a Human shish-kebab. Grumbling, I follow Dusk as she trots down the hall Even with the ponies moving at a faster pace, I'm more than able to keep up. Being six foot three, I can only imagine what it must be like looking up to talk to me from their perspective. "Still a dream, it's just a dream. You are dreaming, nothing to it!" I notice Stopper give me a side eye, but pay it no mind. There wasn't a chance that any of this was real, right? I'm just a student, nineteen years old! I've lived a relatively normal life. I have a loving family, and some of the best friends a guy can ask for. Only an act of God could send me to a place such as this! I haven't picked up my bible in some time, but I think I just might have to... "Halt." As myself and the two guards came to a stop, a frown was deepening on my face. I woke up in my room on campus, but upon exiting, I ended up in a world with talking ponies. If this is in fact real, then maybe it was a a portal of some sort? Like if my door opened up into this world, but if I were to look out the window, it would be regular old Nova Scotia. My anxiety began to climb, and I could feel my hand beating rhythmically on the side of my leg. My eyes began to dart around, taking in every detail. I saw the suspicious look the guards at the door were giving me. I saw Dusk looking up at me with some concern. Stopper was talking to the guards, explaining why I was here. I suddenly began to sweat, and tugged at the collar of my shirt. The fabric felt like it always had, and the air feels normal, if a bit more crisp and full. There weren't any swirling colours, or shaky visuals, or even random things popping up. Nothing to discern if this indeed was all a figment of my imagination. "Alright, go ahead. The Princess knows you have arrived." I snapped back to the present and watched as Sergeant Spotter saluted the two sentinels at the entranceway. I gulped and tried steady my breathing, but an oppressive blanket seemed to be smothering any courage I had. The longer I stood here, the more I began to hyperventilate. Soft, sleek feathers touched my back, and I jumped. I looked down at Dusk with wide, and what I can imagine would be wild eyes. I was scared, but I don't know how much was showing on my face. The lie I have been telling myself was starting to break apart, along with my sanity. Looking into Dusk's eyes, she gave me a reassuring smile before giving me a gentle nudge. I obliged and stepped towards the doors. The two guards pushed on their respective doors, and the throne room was once again revealed in all its splendor. That is, if you ignored the large wooden and metal cube sitting in the middle of the room. Said cube had pipes jutting out every which way, and its pale colour seemed to absorb the vibrancy of the room. Wires stuck out like hairs, and my heart sank as I noticed the large window facing me. The blinds were closed, and no matter how much I didn't want to believe it, I knew what was behind them Our little group walked at a brisk pace down the corridor, but not once did I take in any of the rather beautiful architecture. Instead, my focus shifted to the large white pony sitting on the throne. Her eyes seemed to burrow into my skull as I stared up at her. With my world crashing down around me, I finally began to understand the situation I'm in. Blinking, I force a neutral mask onto my face. Fear would not help me, nor would panicking. I watched as the Princess raised an eyebrow at me, but otherwise remained silent. It was then that I noticed to other ponies off to the side of the throne. One was beige/yellow with a tattoo of three apples on its flank. It came just above my waist, and of all things, was wearing a stetson cowboy hat. The other pony was nearly pure white, but not to the majestic degree of the Pegacorn on the throne. It's purple hair was twirled and well maintained, and it sported obvious fake eyelashes. I immediately Marked the two as female, judging by their similar stature to Dusk, the only difference being height. Both these ponies looked at me in curiosity. Finally stopping about ten feet from the throne, my two escorts lowered into a bow. I merely raised an eyebrow and glared up at the white horse on the throne above me. My temper was finally at an end. I no longer knew what was real and what wasn't, and my anger was growing at a rapid pace. As the two guards looked up at me, as if expecting me to follow suit, I chuckled. If the universe was going to fuck with me, then what more did I have to lose? After a moment of silence, I finally said what was on my mind. "I bow to no one." I hear multiple gasps, and I can't help but notice the horrified looks the two guards and two ponies are giving me. I just don't care anymore, so I merely raise an eyebrow. After another moment of silence, the Princess slowly stood from her throne before making her way towards me. I gulped as she slowly, methodically walked down the red ramp, her face betraying nothing. 'In retrospect, saying that may not have been a good idea.' Finally the Princess was at my level, literally. We were the exact same height (minus the horn), and we stared at each other in a silent contest of wills. I could feel... something extruding from the equine in front of me, but I could not see it. It was as though her mere presence place a weight on reality and tried to warp and bend it. After a few more seconds of staring, and only moments before I broke eye contact, the Princess smiled. She took a step back and slowly raised her hoof towards me. The ponies in the room, who were no standing, stared in shock. "Welcome, creature, to Canterlot. I'm sure you have many questions, as do I, so I'd like to cordially invite you to sup with me this afternoon." I stared at her in shock for a moment, but ever so slowly, I realized what she was getting at. I gently grasped her hoof in my right and shook it. However, I figured to take it a step further, and quickly bent down tow kiss the top of her hoof. I held back my unwarranted disgust, and was happy to see the look of surprise on the face of the Princess. It quickly melted away and was replaced with a soft, motherly smile. "A very interesting creature indeed. Tell me, what is your name?" "Uh...uhm..." I stumble on my words. I truly did not expect this to happen. Then again, I didn't know what to expect. Whether this was real or not, I decided to play along. "My name is Tyler. Tyler Mackenzie. I'm a Human. It's, um, a pleasure to meet you, Princess. The Princess's smile grew. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Tyler. If you will follow me, we will go to the dining area. It is nearly six in the evening." 'What the fuck have I gotten myself into.' With a shake of my head, and a look at my guards, I began to follow the Princess. It was time I got some answers.
Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Shining Armor,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Anniversary present
A love story between Shining and Cadance with a gender-bender twist in it
<p>There is a little secret to Cadance's status as an alicorn something that few ponies knew about. When she or more precisely “Eros the Wild” the pink Pegasus with the biggest wing spans ever recorded ascended so long ago the changes didn’t end in becoming Alicorn. He became she and that started one of the hardest parts of Eros or Cadance's life. </p><p>But It was a long time ago, now Shining Armor was married to a wonderful wife who gave him their ball of joy in the form of a sweet daughter Shining was looking at his sleeping wife wondering how he could repay all that he received from Cadance and Eros for all their years and idea form in his head with a smile he starts writing a letter. </p><p>Dear Princess Celestia...</p><hr/><p>Yes, another gender-bender story with our great couple:<br/>Princess Cadance as Prince Eros the Wild <br/>Shining Armor as Gleaming Shield </p><hr/><p>Please be aware that English is not my primary language, I hope that with the help of Grammarly<br/>and build in MS Word helper my story will be good for you to enjoy it :) </p><p>Any criticism and suggestions for the adventures that may await our couple are welcome.</p><hr/><p>Inside you will find mostly : <br/><span class="spoiler"> F/M - between gender swap Shining Armor and Cadance - mention of M/M - some light SUB/DOM Thames but not BDSM - </span></p><p>Art artist: Discordthege +18! cropped image :<br/><span class="spoiler"> - 2206550</span></p><p>But most importantly a loving couple having a good time with a few days in their free time.</p>
I am your present. Princess Cadance was enjoying peace for the first time in some time. In the fog of sleep, she silently thanked her loving husband for persuading her to wrap up all the important matters related to the kingdom making a window opportunity for a few days of total relaxation. No meetings, no document to rectify, no bickering nobles to squash under her hoof. Their lovely daughter was already in the care of Shining Armor’s parents’ so there was no need to extinguish any fire or repair any other sorts of magical damage. It was only them, stretching, Candace tried to feel her husband’s body only finding a free but still warm space next to her. At the same moment, she heard a low whisper in her ear. “Let Eros out” – Cadance smiles hearing her lover’s quiet voice, relaxing a pink magical aura enveloping her body, changing her. You see, there is a little secret to Cadance’s status as an alicorn something that few ponies knew about. When she or more precisely “Eros the Wild” the pink Pegasus with the biggest wing spans ever recorded ascended so long ago the changes didn’t end in becoming Alicorn. He became she and that started one of the hardest parts of Eros or Cadance’s life. After countless years of turbulences, self-discovery and thanks to guidance from Princess Celestia, the two personalities finally found a balance. Cadance becomes the dominant one because their new Alicorn body is female, with the promise that she will not forget about Eros’s begging and roots. She becomes an aspect of “True Love” while “Eros” becomes the wilder of “Desire”. This balance however had one flow, finding someone who would accept their two half was no easy task and over the millennia it became a constant battle that they lost many times, no matter what tactic they used Cadance and Eros were unsuccessful. It all changed when their eyes fell upon a white fur unicorn named Shing Armor after one session of babysitting a young filly named Twilight Sparkle. There was something in him that Eros and Cadance attracted and exited like never before. Was it his absolute focus when he was on duty or when training recruits? Was it his build and muscular body that he worked so hard all his life constantly improving day by day? Was it his kind nature when he played with his little sister Twilight or when he took them on long walks around the lake during sunset or maybe it was his love for simple things in life like blueberry pie, or maybe it was all above and so much more? So, despite the advice from their aunt Celestia to wait for the relationship to develop and grow, they decided to show Shining Armor their true We earlier than usual. They just could not bear investing again so much emotion only to collapse just before the finish line leaving Eros and Cadance’s hearts shatter yet again. The moment of transformation was one of the most nervous moments Eros or Cadance could remember, their decision to show their all to Shining Armor would make or break their future. They become so quiet, and Eros was sure that they scared their stallion after all they never hinted anything about their dual nature. “Well, that’s not what you see any day” Shining broke the silence with his signature smile Cadance fell in love. Eros was too stunned to say anything, a million scenarios were running through his head, anger, shouting, and disgust were all on the table but there was no hint of negative emotion. Only Shining calm aura and the fact that he closed his distance. “Well, that wasn’t how I planned today evening but I’m a stallion of many talents” he said still holding his smile and giving his hoof to Eros which he gladly took. What followed was one of the best nights of Eros’s life. Together they drink, dance, and play bowling games cursing uneven floors or poorly selected balls. They nail their hoof together when one of them strikes all pins and later at another bar have competition in assessing the booty of passing mares after too many apple ciders. And when it was time to part it was Shining Armor that initiated their first kiss, slow and tender but full of love. And at that moment their true journey through life started. And now Shining Armor knew all the favourite spots of Eros and Cadance’s body, where and how to kiss and cherish and in return, Cadance and Eros would gladly return the favours. Eros’s transformation became easy as time went on and now only a whisper of Shining’s voice was enough, especially when he was putting a little kiss and nipping on Eros’s favourite spot behind his left ear. He could feel Shining muzzle moving slowly but steadily down his body, nibbling at his flank and when expected kisses came to fruition on his thigh Eros finally moaned. Yet his lovebird was still quiet, focused on kissing and massaging his left foot, moving up from his hoof slowly down and kissing all the way. “Shiining” Eros meowed with a growing lust in his voice. His plea was rewarded by Shining burring his muzzle in Eros’s sheath, taking deep breaths taking all Eros’s musk making him shiver. With a slow movement, Shining focus was on Eros’s balls taking each of them in his mouth and savouring them, while one of his hoofs was moving gently stroking his sheath building Eros’s erection. With another grunt, Eros could feel his lover’s tongue move up from his balls up to his building organ kissing all the way taking exceptional care of his medial ring. Shining gives only a moment for him to take his breath when he stop kissing his head and took most of his cock in one swift motion. Eros was melting, it wasn’t often when he woke up to Shining treatment not that he would ever complain about it. Cadance did enjoy giving Shining special treatment and Shining didn’t have a problem giving the same treatment to either Cadance or Eros, especially when it was harder for both of them to find time alone for each other and they needed just a quick moment for intimacy. But today Eros was in heaven, Shining tongue and muzzle felt different but so much better and the way he took his length. Eros, grunts again when Shining sucks harder his tongue dancing around Eros’s head only to deep dive all the way down to his base almost touching his balls and with accompanying lewd slurping noises coming from under the sheets almost making him explode. “Shining… if you don’t stop this…” – Eros groaned in a brief moment when his Shining was taking care of his head with audible swallowing sounds. “Oh we can’t have it my prince” – Eros’s eyes widened, that was a mare voice coming from under the sheets! He looks horrified as the silhouette rises and moves over him, giving his belly one small kiss and allowing sheets to move away revealing a white mare with piercing blue eyes that was hidden behind a few strands of blue and sapphire hair. “Hello, my Prince” The mere purr while moving ever so closer to Eros, using her forelimbs to massage his chest while her back was stranding his bottom. “I thought that you would enjoy my little surprise” mere continued with a faint voice looking at his stunned features. Eros looked again to his right searching for any sign of their husband finding only free space and an intruder to put her hoof on his muzzle silencing him. “There is no Shining Armor here my Prince only Gleaming Shield, we can have all the fun you can imagine,” she said suggestively, stroking his muzzle and chin, closing the distance between the two of them while her bottom was slowly moving on his cock. Eros could smell and feel the mare somehow, she was pushing all the right buttons, mimicking Shining almost to perfection but there was a new feeling building inside Eros, anger. How this mare dares to enter their chamber, how dare she look so like Shining trying to take his place! Their anger, Eros and Cadance’s anger became a sudden eruption of magic, and the mare unicorn didn’t have time to reflect on what happened. She was suddenly tossed to the ground with a wave of magic. Above her stood the Alicorn with hate in her eyes and with dark pink magic crackling all around them. “Cadance, Eros it’s me, Shining!” – the mare called just before the alicorn attack. “What?” – the double tone of Cadance and Eros’s voices asks, still looking at the mare dead serious ready to strike at any moment. “We agreed that if you gave birth to Filly I would name her and if we got Fal you would name him” – That confession made Cadance stop for a moment, that was a specific detail in their marriage that they never shared with anyone. Still, she and Eros weren’t convinced, after all, they battled Changelings on many occasions. With a new detection spell designed by Twilight, they were still confused but not hostile, Shining the “mere” was still that a mare still looking sorry, guilty and slightly bruised. “Why, how and again why” – Cadance asked sitting on the bed and keeping a close eye on the mere, feeling a headache coming on, this should be just a normal day just the two of them relaxing. The dark energy was slowly evaporating. “Well, that was supposed to be a surprise” – Shining said slowly looking at his wife, moving to laying position on the carpet next to the bed after all she was still a little battered from her magical outburst. “A surprise!? How on earth turning yourself into a mare without talking about it was a good idea of a surprise? What do you expect? That Eros would just clap the cheeks without question? How would you react if you woke up next to a stallion?” – Cadance asks with a hint of anger in her voice “But you are already a part stallion” Shining tried to argue but the death stare she received was enough to stop her in her tracks. “Look…” – Shining said starting again – “I didn’t want to talk about this, because I didn’t even know that it would be safe and possible. So, I didn’t want to give up false hope. I’ve already had strange and embarrassing talks with Twilight and Celestia. After I knew that it was safe, I needed to use the remaining time to make sure that other ‘surprises’ were ready to make this whole ordeal even remotely worth it. That way you know” – She makes a gesture pointing at herself – “Surprise… Eros?” – she ended up pulling a small smile on her face hoping to ease the tension. “And to answer your other question simply Twilight, Celestia and probably Luna. They managed to create a necklace that allows for that transformation to happen” she said showing that indeed there was a small moon-like necklace on Shining’s neck. “But why?” Shining notices that Cadance is again Eros his eyes full of thought one hoof taping beside him on the bed. “Because” – Shining started slowly moving next to her – “ It’s our anniversary” – With confusion on Eros’s face she elaborated further – “Of when you show Eros for the first time to me you silly” – Shining added, smiling when cogs in Eros’s mind finally started to spin, – “I know how much you like our little escapes and sessions when you were the dominant one when we are alone. But it became harder and harder to do things outside our chambers, there was always a slight chance of sprouting unpleasant gossip like ‘Shining Armor cheats on Princess Cadance’, ‘Shining Armor secret gay lover’” – Shining said with a bitter voice making quotation marks with his hoofs. – “Especially after marriage, we barely avoided catastrophe two years ago. When was the last time you could have some casual fun” – Shining asks pointing at Eros’s chest knowing full well that there wasn’t much of it. “But why change gender, why go so far, why not just illusion spell” – Eros asks still trying to understand Shining way of thinking hoping not to sound ungrateful, it was kind of sweet of him. “Because it’s clear that the so-called balance between you and Cadance isn’t working, you didn’t notice how angry you were last time when you mount me? You did leave a permanent mark on my crest that needs stitches. You become trapped in a golden cage and even if I love it when you are rough with me it’s still a cage Eros. Even Cadance mod would erupt from time to time, and I don’t mean pregnancy mood swings. I love you too much for allowing you to torment yourself like that” Shining said taking Eros’s muzzle into his hoof and looking at his eyes stroking him on his neck intended to comfort him. Eros looks down knowing full well that Shining was right. He was trying to bury his part of emotion trying to rationalize it to himself, especially after Cadance gith birth. He thought that he was doing the right thing but now, looking back at some of his past experiences, he began to notice slight but unpleasant changes in their behavior and a scar on Shining neck was evident evidence that something wasn’t right. “And remember illusion is just that an illusion but this, my sweet Prince, this body…” – Shining said, standing up making a small circle and showing it to Eros who could finally see her in full glory. That muscular body that Shining had was replaced by a beautiful, lithe mare’s form with muscles here and there, but they were delicate in their appearance. Eros noticed that Shining was now smaller than the alicorn and even his Pegasus form would easily tower over her, which was something he found refreshing, arousing even. Her new muzzle was also a bit shorter, narrower which would explain why their morning escapade felt different, more delicate. Her flank was a bit wider and curvier with a new cutie mark. Her long tail almost touched the bed and, unlike the previous one, it was larger and denser it moved back and forth in the air so sensually showing her marehood to him only to hide it a moment later. It is as evil as when Cadance did the same to Shining on so many occasions, so yes Eros did find Shining’s new body attractive. “Is real, as real as a mare body can be, there is no way of detecting any anomaly, it will not break or end at 11th hours” – Shining said knowing full well what his tail did back there and was glad that Eros did check her rump briefly, with a smiled she considers it that a good sign. – “The only way to reverse it is by using the necklace or by a strong Alicorn magic, and that Alicorn needs to know exactly how to do it” - She ends up sitting beside Eros their flanks touching. – “Of course, if Eros is into meres. It was just my guesswork and intuition that I hope you would be into mares, after all as Eros you seem more dominant in bed” – Shining asked looking at Eros’s eyes moving her muzzle in his mane inhaling waiting for a reaction. Eros did find Shining body exciting, to say the least, he forgot how long it was since he tried to woo Mare, for most of their lives it was Cadance who took the rains. Inspecting Shining neck with his muzzle he inhales her scent. After all, how he could say ‘no’ when it seems that Shining did put a lot of effort and thought into this whole ordeal, it would be a sin not to taste the effort of his work and she did mention others ‘surprises’ as well. Taking another breath of her it was a new experience of something similar to the smell of the ocean with a touch of a familiar smell of a unicorn that spends too much time with the army. “I must say” – Eros said moving his muzzle to Shining’s tasting her for the first time – “That I’m intrigued and interested.” “I’m glad my ‘female’ intuition was right, but I must insist my Prince, you must check me thoroughly” - Shining responded opening and inviting him, deepening the kiss. They always make a little battle out of kisses like that, slowly building momentum, each of them trying to win over the other, their tongues dancing the tango of love and desire. This time Eros would not give up, with a swift motion of his forelimbs he grabbed Shining’s shoulder and pushed her into the bed trapping her under his body, attacking her exposed neck. He was already affected by her arousing smell and all that she had done earlier his fire was burning a new and her cute attempt at escape from his grasp only escalated his desire to dominate her. His bottom was moving back and forth with his fully erected penis between her udders looking for his price, precum was already leaking from his tip marking her belly with his essence. “Eros…” – Shining call between another session of kisses, knowing full well what’s on the stallion’s mind, but also knowing that they needed to move out soon for her plan to work properly - “… darling please stop for a moment” Eros did stop his advances looking at her questioningly after all, he could tell that both of them were enjoying it quite a lot – “What’s wrong?” he gasped, fighting himself not to mount her right here. “There’s not enough time for you to properly and fully breed me, this will be my first time and I want both of us to take time to enjoy the moment” – Shining whispered into his ear making him blush and shiver – “However, I believe that we have enough time for me to finish what I started in the morning, and if you are a good stallion you will have a chance to return the favour in the shower.” – Shining said kissing Eros neck moving slowly down under his belly until she was meet with her price. Her eyes drifted closed at Eros’s tip with a quick lick enjoying his precum once again she started working on his cock. “There you go,” Eros encouraged, moving his hips just a little moving his cook further into her waiting muzzle, there was no way he would try to stop her now, but a little encouragement wouldn’t hurt with one hoof on her head pushing her down. “Mm mmmm.” And once she started, Shining didn’t need much encouragement. It wasn’t their first rodeo after all, but this one feels special to Eros. Shining felt more deliberate her mouth did feel differently more divine. She was pushing herself down farther than usual her tongue dancing around Eros’s erection while one of the hoofs was massaging his balls. Eros was in haven, trying to keep his cool with one of his hoofs on Shining head trying to dictate the rhythm. Without prompting from Eros, Shining suddenly plunged all the way down on him sucking hard, taking him to the hilt. Eros’s whole body jerked, and he gasped deeply fighting his desire to explode. After a few moments of swallowing and sucking Eros’s cock, hoping for exploding end Shining pulled herself back up off him. Taking part his cock into both of his hoofs and stroking him, her tongue was dancing around his head while magic double her efforts on Eros’s balls massage, Shining knew that Eros was close. “Shining… please inside” – Eros begged on the verge of eruption. “As you wish my Prince” – With that Shining plunged herself down on Eros’s cock, all the way down, even taking some of his sheath into her mouth, her magic massaging his balls at the same moment, Eros push his hip up and grunted, feeling the first blast of cum already surging upward. Shining’s eyes close when she felt first of Eros’s cum visibly gushed into his throat. As a good mare, she drinks all that her stallion was giving her savouring the smell and taste, gulping it down moaning with every pulse of Eros’s cock against her tongue and throat. After a few more jerks that reword Shining with another dose of cum, Eros finally free her muzzle with an audible plop and with another magic trick on Eros’s balls and penis another jet of hot spunk landed on Shining’s neck and chest decorating her white fur with Eros’s essence. Eros looks mesmerized at Shining as she collects more of his sperm from her muzzle and chest only to put a show of deliberately swallow it all showing how good of a mare she is. “All clear, my Prince nothing will go to waste” - she purred at him mischief glaring in the bottom of her eyes. Eros couldn’t find a word still basking at the afterglow and performance his lover gave him. That was something they did discuss but never performed as much as Cadance like giving blowjobs the idea of making a show out of it didn’t quite land with her. To see Shining doing it for him was something out of Eros’s deep dream. Eros could hear his blood moving away from his brain to pump his penis again after what he witnessed and probably because of blood loss he also couldn’t stop Shining next move. “Great Cum tornado attack!” – Was his only warning In a moment Eros was caught in a titanic embrace of Shining love that had only one goal in mind. One body rubbing against another smearing their love juices all over their furs. There was no way of stopping or more importantly, Eros wasn’t able to fight it being caught off guard. It was the same trick Cadance used on Shining when he covered her body in his semen, and now he was on the receiving end. The cum was all over them, the sheets on his back on Shining’s flank or in their hair. The fight turned from tossing and cum exchanging to tickle competition and on that front, Eros has the advantage, his wing. Giggling and laughing the duo finally ended their fight on the ground while being covered in their juices tangled in their bed sheets. “I’m really glad Shining, thank you, my love, I need this” Eros said allowing both of them to finally take a breath, kissing her on her cheeks. “I’m happy you like my surprise, my Prince” – Shining said allowing him to take her into a loving embrace she was still hot down there but it was Eros’s day, and she would not spoil it with whining besides they still got time before needing to take the train. – “So do you want to help me with the shower?” – Shining asks finally freeing herself from the sheets failing to correct her hair, putting her new necklace inside the bedside cabinet and locking it with a spell. “With pleasure my love, you could also tell me more about why it seems that we are on a tight schedule despite your promises of relaxing” – Eros asked, following Shining into their bathroom turning the shower on and allowing her to enter first after all there was still a price hidden behind that lovely tail and Eros will not miss the opportunity. “We have received an invitation to this evening’s gala in Canterlot from Princes Celestia but before the ball, we need to visit the spa and pick your suit darling” Shining told simply taking a shampoo and with the help of magic rubbing it into hair winking at Eros. “Wait, what gala, what suit, spa the best spa in the whole Canterlot? I don’t remember receiving any invitation… Shining what did you do?” – Eros asks squinting his eyes to avoid bubbles that she tossed at him. “Ohh silly me, invitations are for Eros Wild and Gleaming Shield. I’ve booked a spot for us in the spa for relaxation time and to make us more presentable and a friend of Twilight Rarity was kind enough to prepare a few suits for you and me to choose from after all I knew your size.” – Shining said as if it was the most normal thing in the world “Wait… Gleaming Shield” Eros said looking at her, receiving a nod of confirmation from Gleaming – “and Eros the Wild?” – Eros asked with mischief in his voice only receiving a spank in his nose by Gleaming tail that briefly reviled her pink marehood winking at him. “Oh, I can be Wild” – Eros said, a bit surprised that Gleaming could control her vulva that way, after all her smell didn’t show that she was in season – “Celestia did give me some pointers during our test runs” – Gleaming admitted as reading his mind, for the first time there was an embarrassment in her voice but she did nothing to stop his advance. Nibbling on her flank he slowly moved his muzzle under her tail giving her a first quick lick tasting her nectar that was already there. With slow circular movement, Eros’s work was rewarded by Gleaming moans, so he pushed forward with his tongue into her depths. At the same time, Gleaming felt a wave of magic on her body, especially on her crest, cutie mark and base of her horn. She knew exactly what Eros was doing with that spell and she loved every moment of it the slow tingling feeling washing over her in a pattern that she loved. Gleaming breath became irregular punctuated by quiet moans of pleasure that made her lover happy and more eager to please her, and there was a new feeling building inside her depths. Something alien to her, with another jolt of energy around her body and Eros’s sudden switch to her most sensitive clit her body jerked back urging for more and he was happy to oblige. Eros doubled his effort the moans and Gleaming pleading were a clear indicator that she was close, and he was doing an excellent job, with one final lick and combined magic on her sensitive part he pushed his lover over the edge. Gleaming went absolutely still and quiet. For that brief moment, everything froze and then it hit her, like a raging bull or a thousand small needles she had no way of proceeding with all these new feelings that were bombarding her head at once her first female orgasm. It was so unique experience from what he was used to and the amount of different signals and unstopping attacks from Eros’s tongue and magic made her almost blackout. Her body suddenly collapses, jerking against the restraints of Eros’s magic so as not to fall on the bathroom floor. “Shining, Shining please wake up…” – Shining heard Eros’s voice as if through the fog, her consciousness slowly returning to her, and Eros’s features once again became clear. “Oh, sweet Celestia I’m so sorry Shining I’ve…” – The rest of Eros’s apology was cut short by Gleaming‘s muzzle joining with his for a tender loving kiss washing away concern. “So that’s how it feels like, now I know why Cadance loves it so much when I return the favour” – Gleaming said slowly, taking a few deep breaths and looking at Eros with a smile on her face. “But… but I thought that you and Celestia…” – Eros starts only to be silenced by Gleaming hoof on his cheek. – “I’m only yours Eros, Cadance, not Celestia. She helped me with some aspects but I want you to be my first in all those special moments we will share from now on, it was for you Eros that I decided to change myself, and I love every second of it, thank you my Prince” – Gleaming said kissing him on his nose. “I, I also enjoy our time today Shi… Gleam, my little Princess” – Eros confesses allowing himself to be hugged again by a smaller mare somehow knowing that it was the beginning of another fascinating journey for both of them, just like when he showed his true We all these years ago and Shining smiled and accepted them all he would accept Shining Armor as Gleaming Shield. “Now my Prince help me with the shower we have a train to catch” Gleaming said with a familiar smile plastered on her face that Cadance and Eros love so much. “Yes ma’am”
Griffons,Octavia,Original Character,Human,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Love is a reach of a song
A short love story between a human and a griffin
<p>A short story of a love declaration. For valentine's day <img alt=":heart:" class="emoticon" src=""/></p>
I took a deep breath as I watched Octavia and Keeya, both absorbed in tuning their instruments. Octavia was adjusting her violin with astonishing precision. I had never understood how a pony could produce such perfect notes. Her slightly pushed back black mane, closed eyes, and impeccable gray fur all seemed to blend into perfect harmony. Then, my gaze shifted to Keeya, a majestic griffon. Holding a saxophone between her clawed talons, her dark wings spread out an air of mystery. Her deep black feathers were sprinkled with silver highlights, creating a striking contrast with the ambient glow. The sharp beak, a testament to her concentration, seemed poised to release enchanting melodies. Her captivating, bright blue eyes had a predatory glint that further enhanced her charm. They met mine for a moment, making me blush slightly. I adjusted my fedora, hoping to break the spell of her gaze, but the slightly predatory aura persisted. She lowered her instrument slightly, and her facial expression seemed to soften. "Nervous?" I attempted to smile, turning towards a mirror. I was dressed in a complete blue suit with a white shirt and a simple black tie. My fedora was also dark-colored, a gift Rarity had given me after my arrival. "Just like the first day, Keeya." Keeya gave a teasing smile, accentuating the mischievous glint in her eyes even more. "It's cute, you know. First impressions often stay etched in memory." "So when I met you..." I was interrupted by Octavia's voice. "It's our turn." Octavia sat quietly on a stool, starting to play her violin for a few seconds before Keeya's entry, initiating a soft melody. A knot formed in my stomach as I approached the edge of the stage. Neither Keeya nor Octavia knew the lyrics I was about to sing. The first notes rose, carried by the enchanting melody of their instruments. My heart beat to the rhythm of the music. I stepped to the edge of the stage, a crowd of ponies present, and I thought I saw a purple alicorn in the audience. "I dedicate this song to someone dear to my heart," I said as my words formed slowly, guided by the love I felt for Keeya. Keeya, lost in the melody, fixed her blue eyes on me. Octavia continued to play with perfect mastery, creating a musical accompaniment that enveloped every word of the song. The refrains echoed the love I felt for Keeya, a love that even words could not fully describe. The verses unveiled the story of our encounter, each word spoken was a page turned on shared moments, a symphony recounting the birth and growth of this unique love. The audience, held in suspense, seemed suspended at every nuance, captivated by the magic of the music and the lyrics. Yet, I knew that only she understood all the nuances of this song and its true value. As I continued to sing, I heard the sweet melody of a saxophone approaching, before feeling its delicate presence against mine. A tear slowly ran down my cheek as we finished our music, the curtains falling gracefully. I still felt her back against mine as Octavia gracefully retreated with a polite smile towards the backstage. A sigh escaped me. "I didn't know how to tell you." Feeling her presence behind me, my heart raced. The contact of our backs blended into a sweet symphony, a perfect harmony resonating deep within me. Keeya's proximity enveloped me in reassuring warmth, and each beat of her heart seemed synchronized with mine. In the darkness around us, I turned gently towards her, captivated by the light of her sparkling eyes. A tender smile spread across her lips, reflecting all the tenderness and affection we shared. "You don't need words to tell me what you feel," she murmured softly, her voice filled with sweetness and understanding. "I feel it in every note, in every gaze exchanged between us." Her words were like a caress on my soul, soothing my doubts and fears. At this moment of pure connection, we were more than musicians on a stage; we were soulmates, bound by an inseparable bond, guided by the music of our hearts. I gave her a grateful smile, letting my eyes express the depth of my love for her. With a trembling hand, I stroked the fur of her cheek before leaning slightly to seek her beak, kissing her tenderly. Our kiss, though shy at first, gained intensity as her warm wings surrounded me. A gentle warmth spread between us, erasing all distance and creating a cocoon of love. Each beat of our hearts seemed to resonate in harmony, like the natural continuation of the music we had just shared on stage. We returned backstage, her paw in my hand, to find Octavia with a face beaming with curiosity and enthusiasm. "How did that happen?" she asked with a knowing smile, the violin still in hand. I took two seconds to look at the paw still in my hands. "Well, I guess it just felt right." Octavia's eyes sparkled with amusement as she observed us. "Felt right, huh?" she teased, a playful grin playing on her lips. She gently tapped her hoof against the floor, a rhythmic echo to the melody that still lingered in the air. Keeya, standing beside me, joined in the lighthearted banter. "Oh yes, Octavia, it was like a perfectly orchestrated symphony of emotions." Octavia chuckled, adjusting the violin in her grasp. "Well, I must say, you two managed to create quite the musical spectacle out there. The chemistry was palpable." I couldn't help but blush under her scrutiny. "It was... spontaneous," I admitted, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She nodded knowingly. "Sometimes, the best performances come from the heart, unscripted and genuine." As Octavia continued to share her thoughts, I found myself grateful for her understanding and support. The backstage atmosphere was filled with a sense of camaraderie, as if the three of us were part of a unique ensemble creating a harmonious narrative. Keeya squeezed my hand, and I exchanged a smile with her. Octavia's words resonated, affirming that our impromptu performance had indeed been a genuine expression of the connection we shared. The three of us spent the next few moments discussing the intricacies of the music, sharing laughter, and reliving the highlights of the performance. Octavia, with her musical expertise, provided insights that enriched our experience. As the conversation flowed, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the friendship and understanding that had blossomed in the wake of our unexpected musical revelation. The backstage ambiance was filled not only with the lingering notes of the performance but also with the warmth of newfound connections. Hand in pawn,we walked towards the future, ready to write a new page in our lives.
Original Character,Other,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Empty walls
Peach can't go home
<p>Trapped.</p><p>Within the mind. </p><p>Within the soul</p>
The sun dappled the grass as Peach Blossom galloped through her family's apple orchard, weaving between gnarled trunks heavy with ripening fruit. Warm summer air filled her lungs with each exhilarating stride, though the joy felt bittersweet knowing her carefree days of youth were numbered. Soon she would join the rest of the family in their daily chores. But not yet, she decided. There was still time for one last adventure. Peach spotted a break in the trees and slowed to a trot, mane fluttering in the breeze. Beyond the orchard's edge rose unfamiliar hills dotted with wildflowers. She'd never explored so far from home before, kept close by her mother's protective instincts. But Mother wasn't here, and curiosity sang louder than reason. With a glance back at the distant farmhouse shrinking behind her, Peach left the safety of the orchard and ventured into the unknown hills. As she climbed higher, colors blurred into a hazy landscape beneath the August sun. Peach slowed to a walk, savoring each discovery—a cluster of baby birds in a nest, azure butterflies dancing on the wind. Around the next hill's crest rose a shape unlike anything she'd seen. White walls rising high into the sky, vast and featureless but for a single narrow opening like a mouth agape. Peach inched closer on silent hooves, sensing an electricity in the stillness. What strange structure had ponykind placed upon this hilltop? Curiosity gnawed at her recklessly galloping thoughts. As she peered inside the opening, cool shadows greeted her in contrast to the heavy sunlight. Soft grass cushioned her hooves as she entered, waiting for her eyes to adjust from the glare. But darkness held no answers, only deeper questions. Peach took a wary step further, then another, ears straining for clues beneath the dense silence. A squeal startled her, and she reared with a cry as tiny claws scrambled over her fetlocks. When her hooves touched down, the entrance was gone. Panic seized her with its clammy grip. "Hello?" Peach called, voice rebounding endlessly off the featureless walls. Her breath quickened to frantic pants as reality sunk in—she was trapped inside this endless white void. Hours passed in vain attempts to penetrate the solid walls, bruising muzzle and hooves with futile pounding. As daylight dimmed outside, shadows gathered within the tomb where hope was already dying. Peach screamed until her throat burned, screamed for her mother, for anyone, to no reply but her own echoing desperation. When exhaustion overwhelmed terror, she sank to the cold floor with heaving sides, too fatigued even for tears. Sleep offered no relief from torment. Fragments of memory played on endless repeat—her family's smiling faces as they wished her sweet dreams, the warm feel of her mother's mane between her ears. But in the darkness, those familiar comforts warped into a nightmare staged upon the walls. Peach watched helplessly as each family member faded into the void, leaving her alone with a yawning sense of loss. She screamed and kicked but could not break free, only dissolve further into madness as the void consumed all light and meaning. Peach woke shuddering, unsure if reality held more terror than dreams. Cold emptiness enveloped her, leeching warmth from flesh and spirit. Her thirst had deepened to an internal inferno raging beneath parched skin, as unquenchable as the loneliness consuming her from within. Time flowed formlessly without dawn or dusk to mark its passage, leaving only an endless now suspended between living and dying. Peach lost count of her circuits pacing the perimeter, hooves worn raw by futile exploration. As weakness crept through muscles and mind, delirium's whispers grew harder to resist. Visions haunted the barren walls, taunting her with fleeting glimpses of meadows just out of reach. Wisps of color seemed to dance and flee at the edges of perception, cruel reminders of a world now barred to her. On days or weeks or lifetimes since she'd entered this lightless void, reason finally shattered beneath an onslaught of madness. Peach reared with a scream,reduced to a caged animal rattling the bars of its prison. Shadows shifted and flowed across the walls in impossible ways, tormenting her with phantoms of loved ones locked in agonized postures. Blood pounded frantically in her ears, drowning out all but the pulse of her ravaged mind. When lucidity returned on unseen wings, Peach found herself slumped in a pool of slick bodily fluid, coat matted and filthy. Her ragged breaths filled the chamber in a vain attempt to push back the emptiness closing in from all sides. As unconsciousness mercifully dragged her under once more, a single name escaped her bloodied lips in a final, desperate cry. "Mother." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, When awareness surfaced, Peach lay shivering in the fetal position as walls of white bore down from all sides. Time held no meaning, though her aching muscles screamed an eternity had passed immobilized on the hard floor. Attempting to rise, dizziness overwhelmed her and Peach collapsed with a groan. Weak from thirst and fasted in this cell, her mind floated untethered through delirious fever dreams. Flickers of memory danced behind lidded eyes—lazing beneath the apple tree with her siblings, her mother's proud grin as Peach took her first ride alone. But faces blurred at the edges like figures in fog, muddied by dehydration and shadowy whispers that these comforts were as untouchable as freedom. Peach scratched weakly at the dreamscape walls, hoping to claw her way back to loved ones or escape the rising tides of lunacy. But unyielding white revealed only her tangled muzzle, flecked with dried blood and tangled with filth. A name echoed distantly through the fever haze—Mother, come back—but received no reply but the stale silence within these featureless walls. She drifted through timeless torment, unable to resist the tides pulling her under. Visions assaulted in hallucinogenic waves—her family fleeing into a void that consumed the sunset’s fading light, their anguished gazes locked with her own as if blaming her for their inevitable fate. Peach screamed without voice, begging them to stay as cruel shadows dragged them one by one into the abyss. But her hooves passed through insubstantial ghosts, offering no escape or reprieve from the madness festering in her mind. On some unseen dawn, Peach awoke kicking and rolling, fighting invisible attackers with the last dregs of her strength. Gasping and delirious, she collapsed once more into helpless shudders against the wall. As awareness seeped through the fevered cracks, stark walls stretched endlessly in all directions as they had since her imprisonment began. Or had it? Peach doubted even her own memory as a profound sense of unreality set in. Could weeks have passed trapped inside this eternal cell? Or was she merely lost within the looping corridors of a nightmare, doomed to relive torment without end or escape? Peach strained her ears for any sound beyond walls—hooves pacing the distant perimeter, her loved ones calling desperately for signs of life—but heard only absence ringing in the silence. In the void’s reflection, her coat had faded to pale bone and dark circles bruised sunken eyes. Body wasting away without sustenance, she saw a wraith wearing her own face peering back from the wall. How much longer until this stranger dissolved completely, dissolving her sense of identity along with flesh and spirit? Peach retreated within, barricading her fractured mind against the rising terrors within for however long her crumbling defenses might hold. When delirium finally released its claws, Peach took her first shambling steps in countless sunrises. Hooves scraped over raw flesh as weakness dragged her circuits ever slower around the prison’s boundary. Despite madness’ grip, survival instincts refused to surrender completely. With each lap, she raked the walls with her ragged mane and scrabbled blindly at invisible seams or symbols, desperate for any clue to escape this maddening labyrinth. But featureless white offered no handholds, answers or reprieve from torment. Only her mind remained, fraying thread by tangled thread. Voices thundered through the silence now, louder than any memory or phantom—damning her for vanishing without a trace, blaming this anguished fate. Peach reared with an echoing scream and battered the walls until awareness faded once more beneath waves of hysteria and grief. Curled in a pool of her own anguish, she embraced fainting’s sweet release, if only to steal a few merciful moments free from the jaws of insanity closing around her. When murky consciousness stirred again, Peach found she no longer possessed the strength to rise. Muscles spasmed involuntarily as her body turned on itself, devouring every reserve to fuel this engine of suffering. Through the haze, her eyes focused hazily on indistinct shapes writhing across the spectral walls. As vision swam between realities, the apparitions coalesced into phantoms with her loved ones’ tormented faces, locked forever in a hellish dance macabre as punishment for abandoning them. With feverish purpose, Peach scraped her matted coat across the floor, shredding what remained of her coat and digging channels into raw flesh beneath. Anything to drown the damning cacophony erupting from the walls, to drag herself back from the brink even as consciousness wavered. Hands grasped at her withers and a familiar voice called urgently from somewhere beyond, but she could no longer discern vision from voice, memory from madness. Peach cried out weakly as darkness dragged her back into its silent, merciless embrace once more. """"""""""""""""'''''''""""" As days melted endlessly into the void, Peach's family searched without rest. The farm had never felt so empty without her infectious bursts of laughter and playful antics bringing light to their days. Now shadows hung heavy over every room, bearing traces of the daughter vanished without warning into thin air. Peach's mother Moonblossom refused to accept her daughter was truly gone. Each daybreak found the mare combing the endless meadows and hills, leaving no stone unturned in her desperation. Night fell finding her still calling Peach's name until her voice grew hoarse, even as hope dwindled with the setting sun. Her mate Starlight and foals Applejack and Golden Harvest accompanied hersearch, grief sharpening focus as exhaustion wore down resilience. Days grew longer as no clues emerged from the sprawling grasses and wildflowers. By the second week, even Applejack's youthful bravado had faded to solemn silence. The young colt followed his mother's lead without rest, focusing on putting one weary hoof after another rather than confronting the nightmares haunting his waking mind. Golden Harvest gradually let go her hopeful smiles, understanding the search had gone from rescue to recovery. While her family maintained vigil through tears and fading light, the young filly took on chores to feel of use, if only to distract from the gnawing guilt consuming her from within. She'd pushed Peach to explore further that fateful day, carelessly trading a sister's safety for idle entertainment under Summer’s callous eye. Now Peach paid the price for her curiosity and recklessness. As the relentless sun burned away September, all signs of passage faded into this golden radiance. Even the once-bountiful orchard gradually surrendered ripened fruit to rot and decay upon the boughs, mirroring the family's internal starvation. Each wasted sunrise etched deeper shadows beneath Moonblossom's eyes as she scanned endless fields for any disturbance in the grass—footprints, fragments of coat, anything to give flight to desperate dreams no longer daring to hope. On some interminable dawn, Moonblossom's screaming call shattered the pre-morning stillness, summoning loved ones with frantic urgency. Heart in throat, her family raced only to find the mare standing numbly, fixated on the forest's edge. Through glassy eyes, she followed something only her anguished mind could see—a phantom with Peach's youthful features casting one final, despairing look before dissolving into the paling mist. Assembled in silent prayer, no words could salve such wounds or repair the family torn apart by loss and the fickle cruelty of fate. In desperation's echoing wake, only bleak resignation remained. Their last thread of optimism severed, none possessed strength for further search or even the will to return to their empty home. Peach was truly lost to the void, a gaping chasm left in soul and landscape where her laughter and light had colored their lives. For uncounted days afterward, the family drifted through motions of survival without purpose or promise of revival. Moonblossom lay unmoving amongst the long grass, eyes trained distantly on some unseen reprieve refusing to come. Her mate kept silent vigil, sharing her formless despair through vigils uncounted as seasons turned. Their foals maintained a quiet perimeter between orchard and waving fields, finding solace in protecting what little remnants of their broken family could be salvaged. As snow fell to mute the deafening silence where Peach's playful spirit once roamed, the family gradually accepted immutable loss. But in their grieving hearts, a single flame refused to die—the promise her love and light would endure, however briefly, in their memories and her place forever in their broken family. The gaps she left could never fully heal, but in time and through shared suffering, threads of hope might weave fragile repairs against infinite sorrow's void now a permanent fixture upon the barren winter landscape of their lives. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Winter's long nights passed in a blur for Peach, as indistinguishable as the shadows writhing upon walls that had consumed her world. Time flowed formlessly, whether moons or millennia trapped within this lightless void. All sense of passage had long since bled away along with hope, leaving only an endless now suspended between living and dying. Peach drifted through intermittent dreams clutching at memory's fraying threads. Faces blurred at the edges like figures glimpsed through glacial waters—her mother's warm smile, a brother's playful nudge. But when awareness dragged her back into this cold eternity between realities, she found loved ones as untouchable as salvation. In the vast emptiness’ reflection, her own form seemed barely tethered to substance, fraying at the ghostly edges. On some endless dusk, a sound unlike any before jolted Peach from her stupor —a low grinding akin to the earth shifting beneath deep winter snowdrifts. She turned fever-bright eyes toward the noise, finding only featureless white as always. But a sinister electricity permeated silence where only maddening stillness once abided. Her erratic pulse throbbed in ears still unused to foreign stimuli after endless isolation from the living world beyond these walls. Peach scraped raw hooves against the floor in vain attempts to spark further response, but none came. As she strained to hold onto even this most fleeting contact with the outside, seamless white betrayed no change with its flawless disinterest. Doubting her own senses, Peach wondered if this noise signified real change —or merely new machinations of a psyche stretched thin by endless sensory deprivation and fractured beneath loneliness’ merciless gaze. Cold sweat formed in clammy coat, mirroring her fragile grip on reality slipping with each unanswered circuit around this lightless cage. Darkness began tugging at cognition’s fraying edges like spectral talons, threatening to drag her back into an abyss where visions held dominion over objective truth. Then came another faint grinding from somewhere beyond perception, quieter than the first yet stirring the same primeval terror of the unknown. As fragments of perception shifted uneasily between dream and nightmare, memory assumed new textures from madness’ smoky palette. Visions emerged hauntingly tangible amidst the endless white—her family fading into this void like wisps of mist against the milky dawn, pleading through the spectral walls as darkness consumed their tormented forms one by one. Peach watched numbly as their light followed her own down into the abyss. No longer certain which were memory and which twisted wreckage from her own delirium, she wept silent tears that froze upon gaunt cheeks as reason abandoned its crumbling citadel. As reality unraveled the last warped threads binding her to objective truth, a thought surfaced through the storm —had she ever truly lived, or only dreamed a mare named Peach within this infinite, unchanging void? Time dragged onwards, though how many cold seasons passed meant nothing to one suspended between living and dying. Peach drifted through fever dreams where visions held dominion over rational thought. Memories surfaced fragmentary yet vivid as hallucinations haunting the stark walls —nuzzling her mother in green pastures now bleached pale as death, playful siblings whose light had long since faded from a world reduced to featureless white on endless repeat. She no longer knew if these comforts represented truth or merely remnants of a former life decaying within this lightless purgatory. All that remained was an emaciated shell wrapped around a psyche stretched paper-thin, clinging to dissipating threads of identity as psyche yielded fully to the abyss already consuming body and soul. Peach closed sunken eyes and let delirium drag her under once more, hoping never to awaken from oblivion’s sweet release into the long darkness ahead. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Spring's first warm rays melted winter's grasp upon the land as Peach floated through fever dreams within her lightless cell. Time had long lost meaning, her fragile grip on reality dissolving into the abyss where loved ones' faces drifted like ghosts beyond recollection. Even nature's rebirth held no solace, its beauty reduced to apparitions mocking her fragmenting awareness through the endless white. Peach heard songs beyond perception calling from somewhere beyond death's veil, beckoning with promises of green pastures free from this void. But salvation seemed ever a mirage receding into darkness as her final resolve crumbled. In moments of lucidity between delirium's claws, Peach scraped listlessly at raw flesh where coat had long since shredded away. Survival felt pointless without purpose or identity, her tenacious heart echoing in a lifeless shell. Deeper shadows veiled vision as emaciated muscles surrendered their futile struggles, succumbing fully to the abyss awaiting its rightful claim. Peach knew these twilight hours drifting between living and oblivion marked her end. Yet when light pierced heavy lids once more, featureless walls still stretched endlessly in all directions, binding her tenaciously to purgatory without escape. Had she dreamed her brush with mortality's threshold, or did some sinister force tether her defiance of immutable Fate? She could no longer say which world held dominion over perception's ruins. As strength for even anguished thought abandoned its frail house, only primal instincts remained. Peach felt vibrations echoing through her flesh unlike any before, resonating from some imperceptible point beyond walls imprisoning mind, body and soul. Awareness faded beneath this thrall as the cacophony swelled into a dissonant cacophony drowning delirium's final refuge. When vision swam into hazy focus once more, a fractal network crisscrossed the endless white. Peach raised her head weakly, strength abandoned even for comprehension. Lines jagged reality as fault lines through a shattered psyche yet to fully relinquish hold on this prison between living worlds. As awareness sharpened, new arrivals took amorphous shapes emerging from the rupture—sunlight, shadows, indefinable beings observing her ruined visage with concern and urgency in their eyes. A male figure knelt with gentle instruments laying her upon soft linen to soak through matted fur worn damp with illness and prolonged suffering’s marks. Peach knew not what strange visions these wraiths represented—harbingers of oblivion come to claim her spirit’s final anchor... or salvation’s messengers penetrating this void at long last to spirit her condemned soul from purgatory’s jaws. As her rescuers conferred in hushed, unintelligible tongues, Peach surrendered fully to merciful darkness dragging her under once more. Some distant sliver of resolve refused to fade completely however, clinging stubbornly to life through whatever trials must come should she awaken to a new dawn, within this cell or beyond the void’s pale walls binding her stolen lifespan. Mother, I'm coming home at last..., her final thought drifted before oblivion reclaimed its rightful spoils at long last. When next the light found her, awareness surfaced gradually from a place beyond dreams or nightmares’ dominion. Peach’s lidded eyes traced patterns in wooden beams far above, fragrant with nature’s lifeblood renewing her ravaged body’s veins. Beside her, gentle voices conversed in tones too euphoric to grasp completely, though a name drifted joyfully upon the breeze—Moonblossom... Peach knew not whether this reawakening represented truth or merely one final twist reality’s frayed threads might weave to prolong her torment within an endless void. But for now, she drank deep the fragrances of new growth and listened for cherished melodies beyond measure’s grasp, content to let life’s spring winds carry her along whatever course might come, if only a while longer in this world from which salvation had torn her so long ago. Her long vigil in the darkness had ended at last... though whether in truth or dreams remained obscured behind a dawn too radiant and unspeakably sweet to doubt, if only for this moment suspended between what was and what may come.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Glimary the champion born to win
a young man with ridiculously high talent for fighting
<p>glimary&quot;a very handsome young pegasus, too handsome, he attracted several pegasu ponies and unicorns because of his beauty, even so he was very innocent deep down and liked something he always said, justice!? he said like a true king, a guardian nato!, since he was a child he showed that he had a ridiculous talent for fighting, in one of his first fights, it was against a lion with wings that attacked canterlot, despite being just a colt he fought with that monster with claw and almost dying for almost , it was in that The day he got his cutiemark, in Canterlot his parents were Celestia's royal guards and after seeing all this they decided maybe he would be perfectly impeccable for the job,and in this story we will see him from childhood until he grows old</p>
--- Hello, dear readers, today we are presenting a very interesting story! A new baby was born in Canterlot called Glimary. His mother was very happy when she saw him, and so was his father. His father himself was a royal guard and his mother was a landlady from a common house. But Canterlot, as always, was full of high society ponies and with Celestia and Luna taking care of everything. A few years later, at most 10, now we are at this exact moment in this curious story where Glimary is fighting with a teddy bear in a bed in the castle. "Do you really think you can defeat me?! I am a guardian and I will defend everyone around me!" He was cute. At just 10 years old, he already had a relentless sense of justice. That boy, in his own imagination, imagined a wolf attacking him in a dense forest in the middle of the rain. Imagining that big bear attacking him, little breaking his imagination. Now he is holding the teddy bear on the ground, fighting with it and hitting it with his paws. "I'm going to tell Celestia!" He throws his last hooves at the bear's face until his mother arrives. "Son," his mother was someone sweet and very beautiful. Maybe that's why Glimary ended up taking after his mother's suffocating beauty. As soon as she laid eyes on her happy, loose mother, the stuffed animal runs towards her excitedly. "What's wrong, mom?" he says, and his mother responds, "We have to eat." The happy Glimary soon follows his mother to the kitchen. He gets even more sprayed. This is something that every son is proud of for his mother. When his mother arrives in the kitchen, someone also arrived opening the door. It was his father who was a classic pegasus Celestia's protector. "I only have a little time off so let's eat quickly." He seemed very tired but the two of them didn't seem to mind when this happened and the three of them seemed to eat together in perfect harmony until Glimary finished eating and asked, "Dad! How is it being a royal guard? Do you face a lot of powerful guys?" The father would immediately respond but the mother would look empathetically and even make him say, "Son... there are really scary things that appear from time to time, but that's why we are protecting Canterlot." The boy becomes doubtful but then, looking at his mother, understands what was happening, then he talks to his mother. "Mother..., whenever I try to talk to Dad about me being a guardian, you always get in the way." The mother sighs even with a relieved tone and says, "Son, it's not something that you can simply achieve by just arriving at the royal guard." The boy gets sulky and says, "Then at least let me go with Dad for a while there once." The father quickly responds, "Come on... he's right, I'm the only one in the job who hasn't yet taken son to look at the workplace." The mother knocks on the table and says, "That's because half of the children who go there end up working after they grow up!" She says, wriggling with her hooves and then pointing at him. "I don't want him to live like you; you barely have time for me!" And then hugs his son, leaving his dining chair. "Son... please understand, I just want to protect you, but... if you want to go with Dad, I... I'll let you." The child jumps with joy and desire, leaving the chair with extreme happiness, looking like Twilight Sparkle when she was little. And finally here he is, when he was walking in Canterlot and his father was already in armor, still galloping right in front of him, if his mother drew attention to her beauty, the son was amazed by his father who walked around in armor almost all day. "Daddy, where are we going?" His father looks back and then looks ahead, galloping. "Towards Celestia's castle." The boy soon gets scared but then becomes more excited, holding his father's hooves. Then he tries to separate himself and ends up falling with his son. The son looks at him super happy, thanking him a lot. When they arrived, there was a huge gate in the castle with 2 guards protecting it. The child who was right behind was amazed and couldn't believe the absurd luck he had. His father dlee. He just nods his head and lets him enter, obviously with his son. As he walked, the boy realized that when he stopped to notice, there were only guards there and the castle was empty, very empty. However, his father asked him to when he stopped and looked at the boy, holding a gun in his hooves. "Son, there's Celestia and Luna on the other side of the door, I have to stay there to protect her." The boy is about to scream with happiness, impressed, but his father covers his mouth. "Son, stay quiet! Here it's a privileged place but we can't make noise." Glimary soon understands and lets her father go. When the door closes he looks at the hole seeing Luna and Celestia, but the door closes in his face falling back, a little frustrated but not paying much attention to it, he just goes around and there's another very interesting thing, when he went out to a window on a terrace he looked outside and there were several soldiers training below. Glimary dreamed of being a warrior when he listened to a thick, slightly firm, more feminine voice from behind. It was Luna. "So you are the soldier's son." Boy looked back he then backed away scared more impressed. He didn't know what to say or what to say. That was 100% Luna in front of him. Luna, upon realizing this, tries to alleviate the attention by trying to be nice to the muleck. "I heard you want to be a great warrior! Come on, I'll tell you something." He approaches, swallowing dry , but with great determination he approaches Luna. "When he's bigger and has talent I will let you be Celestia Luna's bodyguard!" The boy, without understanding anything else, has bright eyes, jumping around happily and screaming, again imitating Twilight Sparkle jumping around in a cute way. "Yay yay!"
Non Uberis
Other,Princess Cadance,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Drama,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Crystal Confinement
On Hearts and Hooves Day, the endowed ponies of the Crystal Empire are at their most sex-crazed. Unfortunately for Empress Decadence, this comes at a time when she must restrain herself or risk flooding the city.
<p>For the citizens of the United Crystal Empire, there are few things more important than sex. Of course, the sheer amount of excess produced by this activity requires a great deal of infrastructure in order to prevent catastrophic flooding. It just so happens that this comes to a head one year in the approach to Hearts and Hooves Day, the busiest and raunchiest of holidays, when the filtration system is reaching a critical tipping point. To let the situation continue unabated would invite disaster.</p><p>And so, Empress Decadence, the most productive of all ponies in the Empire, takes it upon herself not to orgasm until the problem can be resolved.</p><p>Surely nothing could go wrong with this approach.</p><div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p>= = = = =</p></div><p><b>Contains the following: </b><span class="spoiler"><b>anthro, hyper (breasts, butt, cock, balls), intersex, discussion of sex, nonsensical autonomous inflation, implied nonlethal bursting, cum (like, a lot of it), worldbuilding, and angst.</b></span></p><p>Cover art by Mr.Pink and myself. (DB ID 2177021)</p><p>Further Decaverse reading:<br/><a href="/story/489012/you-gotta-work-for-it" rel="nofollow">You Gotta Work for It</a></p>
Sunday “You want me to not cum?” Decadence asks, dripping with skepticism, one eyebrow raised as far as it possibly can. “I understand that it’s an…atypical expectation, Empress, but yes,” replies Undertow, the scientist on the scrying screen in front of her. They manage to look forward unflinchingly, yet they still nervously fiddle with the buttons on their straining coat, sweat coating their brow. Even without actually being in the same room, the aquamarine pony still appears distinctly small in her presence. “I surmise that this has something to do with the noises I’ve been hearing from the pipes,” she mutters to herself. “Indeed, they’re significantly backed up,” they say, and they momentarily reach out of the screen’s view to consult some papers. “We’re working on expanding the plumbing to increase the flow, but it’s a dangerous process to work on while they’re still clogged. Earlier we were working on the adjustments when a piece of the piping burst. Two agents were directly exposed and now they’re, um, out of commission for the time being. Which is also indirectly compounding the problem that we’re facing, might I add.” “And just what is the problem?” Decadence inquires with a weary sigh. She shifts in her seat, grinding her rump against the crystal craftwork. Her enormous ass cheeks bunch up behind her in such a way that they simultaneously serve as cushion and backrest, but they also overflow the armrests on either side. More than just the pipes are going to need work, evidently. “The problem, Empress, is that the reservoirs are full,” Undertow replies plainly. This sentence hangs heavily in the air for several seconds before Decadence repeats incredulously, “Full?” “I assure you I am not exaggerating. In fact, I am understating it really. They are beyond full. We are dangerously exceeding capacity.” Their horn flashes, and then the view on the screen shifts, compressing to make room for an additional view. Decadence’s eyes widen. The Crystal Empire has had to see many developments in infrastructure in order to accommodate the changes in its inhabitants over the years. Construction crews are constantly at work all over the city and throughout the country, fighting to keep up with the need for housing for ponies who suddenly occupy many dozens of times the volume they once did. Even before that, however, one of the most pressing matters that needed to be addressed was that of the sewage works, since all those fluids had to go somewhere. The solution ended up being the hollowing out of vast subterranean caverns, huge pits which could fill with jizz filtered in from all across the city. The stuff could then be reconstituted into raw matter which then went toward all those aforementioned construction projects. The Empire’s marketing conveniently leaves out the detail about how most of the crystal used in its architecture was once semen. The screen shows one of those reservoirs—Decadence knows from the dark blue rocky walls, illuminated by enchanted glowstones. The view is elevated above the walkway which rings around the pit’s perimeter, sloping slightly inward with a dividing barrier that is equal parts fence and grate. Sometimes there might be supervisors milling along the walkway, inspecting the levels of the reservoir, and maybe adding to it a little themselves, since even those with such mundane occupations get pent-up in the presence of so much heady, musky goo. Or, rather, all of that is supposed to be there. Instead, the cavern is filled with a lake of white. It is so high that she can barely even discern the top of the fence peeking out from the surface. There are ponies there, their bulging forms swaddled in obscuring hazmat suits, suspended from the ceiling in tethered harnesses. They levitate huge globs of the sticky gunk into the air and deposit them into bags of holding, but the level of the lake is scarcely dropping at all. Distantly, there is a loud grinding and crackling noise, which must be the product of construction efforts somewhere in the cavern. “We are working on enlarging the reservoirs while the refiners step into overdrive on recycling what we have,” Undertow adds, the screens shifting again to give them priority, “but it is a slow process, it will take time for us to make any appreciable difference.” “I…see,” Decadence says quietly. She feels lightheaded for a moment, and when she rubs her brow she feels the dampness of perspiration. Her breath comes hot and heavy. She’s aware that it doesn’t help matters in the slightest that she’s getting hard in the middle of this conversation. The huge pink spire of her loins pulses and throbs as it grinds against the underside of the desk in front of her—keeping it unseen from the view of the scrying screen, thankfully. She can’t suppress the arousal that comes from the very idea of the raw power produced by her kingdom’s sexual excess, the idea that somepony could be a threat simply through orgasming. “And that, Empress, is why we must implore that you…restrain yourself from cumming, just for a short period of time,” they plead. Brushing her mane aside, Decadence asks, “Shouldn’t we make this more of a widespread call to action? Ask the whole Empire to maintain a celibate lifestyle, just for a day? It seems as if that would make more of a difference than just one pony abstaining from cumming.” “Well, actually, as it happens…” the pony begins while referring back to the big chart on a whiteboard behind them, a black line pointing steadily upward in steeper and steeper slopes. This was what the call began with, an update on how the cum output of the Empire has increased significantly over the years, a result of the population growing and the ponies themselves growing, the average size of Empire citizens trending upward as well. Decadence thinks about the damned chair again, knowing that the dimensions of her quarters have had to be adjusted multiple times already to account for how she has grown. Years ago, when she first became sovereign of a nation, she never would have envisioned the width of door frames to be such an overwhelming public concern. “This of course represents the total output of sexual fluids from the Empire populace,” they explain while pointing to the graph, taking care to avoid getting so close that they smudge the marker writing with their obtrusive frame. “However, Empress, the truth is that we have also been paying close attention to a particular source of this output.” Their horn pulses again, and another line appears on the graph, drawn in pink. Even before the explanation for this comes out, Decadence is alarmed to see how this line shows an even steeper rate of progression, starting at a relatively low percentage of the total and escalating to nearly half. “The reality is that you, Empress, are by far the single greatest producer of semen in the Empire,” Undertow says, working into some semblance of a steady stride in their voice even though they are still wary and intimidated. “This is in addition to the unique qualities of your cum, its consistency and its hazardous nature, which make it particularly difficult to work with. And so, while it might be beneficial if we were to enact a citywide bulletin asking civilians to keep it in their pants for a few days, we figure that it might be easier, mitigating the risk of a mass panic, if a single pony could restrain themselves, for the greater good.” They stand as straight and still as they can, arms folded behind their back, the presentation complete. Decadence is barely aware of the pony on the screen and their damnable graph anymore. She’s slumped back in her seat, staring listlessly. Her head hurts and her balls ache, all she wants to do is ejaculate and then lie down for the rest of the day. Except, evidently, she can’t afford to do that. “How long would this have to be for?” she asks wearily, rubbing the side of her face. “We hope…three days.” Decadence groans and now clutches her face with both hands, because three days was the same period of time that she thought to herself when she woke up this morning. “That’ll go right into Hearts and Hooves Day!” she mewls, already feeling the sinking feeling in her own heart. “How can I just not cum on our horniest holiday?!” “We are aware that we are putting you in a difficult position, Empress,” Undertow says apologetically, perhaps even consolingly, “but we simply have no other option. At present rate of output, we may see cum backed up onto the streets by tomorrow. We will be working as expediently as possible to improve the plumbing systems and reservoirs. Perhaps we will be able to finish construction before the end of Hearts and Hooves Day.” Then they muster a wry smile and add, “Perhaps, Empress, you can think of it as…a way to be a role model for the populace. You will demonstrate to everypony that even the most virile of ponies can still use restraint when needed.” There was a time when this might have filled Decadence with a swell of satisfaction, and probably gotten her hard too. She can’t resist an opportunity to satiate the needs of her subjects, and the idea of being revered by them in turn. And she’s certain that the scientist and all their cohort are aware of this too, just like all the functionaries of the Empire who try to curry favor with her, to get into her metaphorical pants (since she very rarely wears actual pants). Today, all she can do is grumble. “Fine, I’ll do it.” Undertow titters on for a while longer, thanking her for cooperating, assuring her that their team is doing everything in its power to get the job done, reminding her to be careful of her own limits and to report any abnormalities, blah blah blah, before finally the connection on the scrying screen cuts out and then she’s truly alone. Sometimes she wonders why she thought it was a good idea to do all this in the first place. Could anypony have predicted that this was how it would turn out? A decade ago, two decades ago, was there anypony who suspected that much of the continent would end up under the thumb of a mare with a dick bigger than most trees and testicles that produce countless gallons of spermatohazard putty? A mare who is more than three times as tall as the average adult pony and just as wide? Of course, that was before the average adult pony height tripled alongside her. Her ear flicks and she looks to the side, to the closed door. A deep watery gurgling emanates from there, and she’s been hearing it intermittently all day. She knows exactly what it is, but she can’t help being surprised by it every time. It sounds too much like a hungry beast, eager to bite into her flesh (and there’s so much of it to be sampled). Decadence stands with no small effort, grunting in a most undignified manner as she unwedges herself from her seat. Her buttocks assume their proper, full shape after being shoved into the hard, angular confines for so long, wobbling gelatinously. Her breasts maintain slightly more rigidity thanks to the sports bra she wears, relatively small compared to the rest of her but still enormous enough as they jut out in front of her that they obliterate all view of anything beneath her chest. And some part of her knows that she needs to be careful about the manner in which she backs away, certain that her cock will knock against the underside of the desk in such a way that it gets turned askew, but the greater part of her doesn’t care, so she haphazardly wrests herself from the spot where she’d been sitting for far too long and the furniture scrapes across the floor. She can levitate it back into the proper position later, when she’s not instead focusing on magically pulling the door open, a task she can’t do physically without turning to the side and leaning far over to reach across the divide of her hip. Thank Celestia—a phrase she still uses out of habit, for she’s not yet vain enough to say “Thank myself” or “Thank Decadence” like her subjects might—that she’s an alicorn or all this would be so much more tedious. A heady mist of musk hangs heavy over most of the Crystal Empire, clouding the barrier dome, but it is particularly noxious and intense as Decadence steps through the doorway. Her personal discharge station is right next to the conference room, and there’s a panel in the wall which allows the scrying screen to flip around, in case somepony desperately needs her to be privy to something whilst she’s in the process of unloading. Shelves along the walls house toys and implements of pleasure she can use to assist in the process of alleviating her internal pressure, dildos the size of fallen logs, gemstone vibrators with the force of jackhammers, buckets and buckets of lube, gilded cockrings like hula hoops, and one portal condom, for emergencies only. She ponders this last one momentarily before turning to the drainage pipe. The star of the show is the huge opening in the wall from which a pipe juts out. Like everything, it’s been getting undersized in recent times, though in this case, structural integrity concerns aside, it’s somewhat of a benefit since the tightness helps her get off. While the cylinder itself is plain metal, the end of it is made of a malleable plastic substance which Decadence can mold as she sees fit, to whatever shape or color or texture she desires, even simulate movement if she can manage the focus for it, with grips on the sides for her to hold onto. Currently it’s been made to resemble a huge pair of glossy purple lips, fixed in an open-mouthed pout. Incredibly horny to her at the time, but now with that gurgle echoing up from it she finds it less arousing. A little—only just. She looks down at herself. Past her muzzle, the curtain of tricolor hair hanging before her face, the bulging valley of cleavage in front of her, there is the horizontal spire of her penis. She is not even fully erect and yet it still takes up so much of the narrow room that she would have to tuck it up against herself in order to turn around. It throbs, yearning, all the same, trembling along its length and down into the depths of her balls, huge pink boulders which unavoidably stand in the way of her legs and rest heavily upon the ground. Her feminine genitalia quivers and whimpers in anguished delight, smothered underneath all the meat of these phallic titans. She has already had to relieve herself of the pressure in her loins three times today: after waking up, again after eating breakfast, and once more right before the conference call, hoping to avoid distractions while the important business was underway. That didn’t stop the needful hunger of her base flesh from steadily building all the same, gnawing at her like a parasite. Every slightest stimulation is another piece of kindling heaped upon the smoldering embers, every lusty impulse a lit match poised to spark a cataclysmic inferno. She may not need to cum now, but it’s only a matter of time before the urge overcomes her, and then she’ll be hobbling in here to stuff her cock in that pipe and thrust for a few unending minutes until the tap is empty. It's fine. She can bear it. She’s had to endure worse. “I suppose I have no need of this for a while,” Decadence muses aloud, and then, with a flurry of teal magic, she lobs some half-dozen dildos and jams them all into the opening. The pipe-mouth makes a muffled burp at her. = = = = = Monday A great deal of effort goes into maintaining an empire. So much of it involves paperwork—and all the paper has to be specially enchanted, page by page, so that it doesn’t turn to pulp in an errant flood of fluids. Correspondence from distant subjects. Treaty arrangements with other nations. Notices of altercations and conflicts, between individuals and greater groups. Correspondence from informants in distant lands, keeping an eye on potential threats. And, as always, ledger after ledger of construction projects in need of approval. That’s in addition to all the interpersonal meetings that need to take place. Scribbling on a piece of paper isn’t good enough for negotiating a trade agreement with the gryphons, they require direct negotiations, squawking for hours about how much of their hunting spoils they’re willing to part with. And the planning committee needs to run her through the itinerary for the annual Hearts and Hooves Day festivities which become increasingly extravagant with every year, especially ever since Pinkie Pie came up from Ponyville. And the royal treasurers need to remind her about how other countries pay in more than just good feels and cum. And Aunty Celestia just wants to see her face-to-face (so to speak, given that the elder alicorn’s head doesn’t even come up to Decadence’s waist) every now and then to see how she’s doing. But now Decadence isn’t tending to any of that. Instead, she’s spent the last hour loitering on the observation deck. The name might sound strange to a laypony coming to the room in its natural state. Situated near the top of the crystal palace, there isn’t much to observe other than the colonnade of quartz pillars supporting the ceiling and a few forlorn chairs and sofas which are scattered about. It is only with the application of magic that the entire outer wall of the circular room changes pigment and texture to reveal the sky and the city spreading out far below. Further channeling can be employed to focus upon a particular section of the view, allowing one to zoom in and see actual ponies on the ground who would otherwise be too far away to discern, even with their giant dicks waving about. It is perhaps invasive, but who other than Decadence ought to have such a privilege? She stands by the transparent wall, tracing along it, and where her hand touches there’s a circle that shows a telescoped view, scanning about methodically. It doesn’t take long to find what she’s looking for: an act of sex. It’s a threeway. A stallion bucks at a mare lying on the ground, twin cocks penetrating her twice over, gelatinous frame wobbling with every thrust, while she in turn has her face buried in another pony’s fat, dripping vulva, testicles dragging over her chest, their penis in turn jammed into the stallion’s mouth to complete the trifecta. And this is all on the outdoor patio of a café while they presumably wait for their drinks. Census data has shown that approximately seven percent of the Crystal Empire’s adult population is engaged in an incident of sex at any one time. They may be by themselves, with their lovers, or with whatever stranger they happened to pass on the way to the bakery. They may be romancing delicately in the safety of their home, rutting out in the front yard, frotting at the public pool, or embroiled in a mad street-spanning orgy. There are exceedingly few places where there is nary a hint of white fluid trickling toward the storm drains, ready to be washed down to the exceedingly overburdened reservoirs. They’re making progress, Decadence was assured when she woke up this morning and received the latest updates on the situation, but the dilemma is nowhere near resolved yet. The ache in her loins must be borne a while longer. She sighs heavily. Even though she has meetings to attend to, very few of those meetings would actually truly be in person. It has been a few days now since Decadence stood in the same room as another Empire citizen. That was when she had to do a new dress fitting with Rarity, a process which couldn’t be done over a call, and which required copious quantities of inhibitors for both of them. And, of course, Rarity had to come waddling over to the palace to do it; the notion of Decadence venturing out to her boutique was simply out of the question. There’s simply too much of a risk for her to go out around crowds of ponies. The development of scrying screens was a major breakthrough for communications across Equestria, but the magitechnicians who developed it would be lying if they didn’t admit that a significant motivation for creating it was the need for Decadence to have a means of interacting with others without them being directly exposed to her. Her involvement in public affairs has diminished substantially over the years. She often doesn’t even come out for fountain initiations anymore. The rare appearance at an open event has to be diligently prepared for in advance, to ensure that all parties involved are accounted for and all the necessary precautions to prevent her from gushing volatile cum over a crowded hall are taken. Shining Armor and her ambassadors taken on the brunt of the burden in overseeing events for the Empire, the voice for public relations, while she is left to merely be the face, the representation of the community’s ideals. She looks down at them, her ponies, filling the city streets (with themselves, or their excess). The magnification of the viewing wall makes it feel like she can reach out and touch them, feel their fur, their flesh, their immensity. But no, her hands are only touching hard crystal. All she can do is imagine their touch. Their embrace. Their clenching loins and throbbing lengths and tender skin and hot breath and— The lurch within Decadence drags her out of her thoughts, and she only scarcely manages to exert restraint on herself before it’s too late to stop the pistoning of her hips. A few seconds later, she loosens enough to let some of her muscles relax, to breathe, to whimper. Her jaw unclenches, and she tastes copper in her mouth, oozing from the cut in her lip where she bit down. With her attempt to distract herself disrupted she is left with no option but to return her focus to herself. It’s almost a miracle that she was able to think of anything else to begin with, given the pressing enormity direction in front of her. Her penis became fully erect while she wasn’t looking. It is a monstrous thing, one of the largest in the whole Crystal Empire. The pink shaft juts out in front of her like an artillery cannon, its length exceeding both her height and width. She can’t even reach the medial ring, let alone the flared tip which extends up toward the ceiling, bobbing with every throb, and she could hug it tight to herself and not touch the urethral bulge on its underside. Even with the structural elasticity afforded to Empire citizens by their fountain augmentations, many ponies still shudder at the idea of being pleasured by the Empress’s cock. This is before taking into account the hazardous concerns which go hand in hand with that cock. Yet that is not the real concern now. That would be her balls, which have been yearning for her attention for more than a day now. The gargantuan bulk sprawls before her, a mattress of flesh—she could ease forward and lie upon it, with her penis wedged in between, a self-heated cushion for her to nestle into. She groans as she leans and stretches to place her fingers upon what little is within her grasp, the base where the scrotum attaches to her groin. The fleshy sac is tender and strained, and it squeezes and compresses, like a huge balloon full of…not exactly water, far too thick, and seemingly too amorphous to be flesh. It does not feel like her testicles are enlarging, more like she is filling with super-dense cum. If she came now, how much of the observation deck would she fill? No, she has to stop, reel herself back in; that’s the kind of thought she has to specifically avoid. “No point in staying here anymore,” she mutters under her breath, dull and emotionless. She has work to get back to, and maybe now that will be enough of a distraction for her. Movement is a difficult thing when one has testicles irrevocably pressing on the floor and standing in the way of their legs. Fortunately, as an alicorn, Decadence has the advantage of both superequine magic and strength to assist her in this endeavor. She’s forceful enough to be able to shove her way around, legs pushing into marshmallow balls with every step, but it’s for the best to avoid resistance as much as possible, so her horn lights up. A shimmering aura manifests around the undersides of her balls, just enough to reduce friction and weight so that she can effortlessly turn and walk, gliding across the floor. The greater concern currently presented to her, however, is the obtrusiveness of her cock, pushed up into the air, into her field of view, by the swollen bulk of her balls underneath it. She ought to be more careful, but she knows that she’s by herself, so she deems it unnecessary. A couple chairs are knocked aside by her advance, a relentless plow pushing through any and all obstacles, as she trudges to the center of the observation deck. A wide spiral staircase leads both further up and back down into the palace. Descending would be easier than ascending, but she still doesn’t particularly want to deal with stairs at the moment, so instead she approaches the central shaft which houses an elevating platform. This still presents its own complications however, because even its capacious dimensions are tested by her increasingly swollen size. She thinks, actually, that she’s swelled even more since her initial trip to come up here; as she shuffles forward, the edges of the opening pinch at her balls, squeezing inward and amplifying the pressure within. Her cock jabbing into the ceiling of the enclosed chamber doesn’t help matters either, her efforts to mentally will herself to go flaccid proving fruitless. The feeling of confinement is all the greater as the doors close behind her, locking her into a room that she can barely fit in. Her bloated testicles spread across the floor and mash into the walls. Even her ass is pressed into the wall behind her, completely hemming her in. All she can do while the platform starts to descend is lean back and relax as much as she can in this limited span of time. She was preoccupied enough with the struggle of her genitalia that she didn’t consider the way her legs were more encumbered as she moved, thighs grinding together more than she’s used to, compressed buttocks riding higher up her back and smothering her wings. = = = = = Tuesday Decadence is already sweating as she enters her personal fitness center, in large part because of the process of entering by itself. Her balls jam in the opening—no, that’s not exactly accurate. They can’t even get through at all. The swollen, wobbling pink globes decidedly stretch beyond the edges of the opening, far past the extent of merely squeezing and shuffling through until she’s free. It doesn’t matter how much she pushes into them, getting a faceful of her own nuts and their heady, intoxicating stench. They wobble and churn, and the sloshing within them sounds like the ocean. When was the last time she went to an ocean, or any large body of water? The sun upon her skin, the salty breeze wafting across the shore, the crashing waves lulling her to slumber. “Ohhh…” The distraction of her self-induced hypnosis causes her focus to break and another pang wracks through her, and the surge of her testicles is forceful enough that it pushes back against her face, a punch from a boulder. Her balance disrupted, she might have sprawled back and landed flat on her ass, sprawling out and then having her cock and balls land on top of her, smothering her, but her ass saves her from that indignity. The alicorn’s bloated balloon buttocks, jiggling as they land on the floor with a thunderous thump, a tremor that shakes down through the palace, are large enough that there’s scarcely any difference between sitting and standing, only hovering just above the floor. Even without her balls factoring into the equation, their new combined width would now substantially burden her efforts to fit through doorways anyway. The impact serves to shock her out of her stupor, groaning again as she takes stock of her surroundings and the knowledge that she just allowed herself to slip under again, however briefly. For a moment, she fumbles with her hooves, attempting to stand, but it becomes apparent that her swollen legs inhibit her too much to make that motion, swaddled in flabby sleeves which keep her hooves from touching the ground. After a few seconds, she’s left with the recourse of having to magically levitate her ass into the air until she’s upright—ironic, she’s aware, when she came here with the intent of being physically active beyond the assistance of magic. “Tartarus with this,” she mutters under her breath, and her horn flashes brighter. The wall peels away, crystal architecture turned to the consistency of cardboard, making an opening far more accommodating for her enormity. Only then does she trudge inside, and now she has to crane her neck just to be able to see over her testicles and around the stiff mast of her penis. She doesn’t bother with fixing the walls, knowing that she’d just have to open them up again later when it’s time to leave anyway—if somepony cares about it then they can just use their own highly experimental crystal magic to fix it themselves. Actually, she considers, she might have to make the opening larger on the way out. Even though she and Shining Armor have to spend more time apart than they would like, she knows that he would be disappointed if she were to neglect her physical fitness. It felt particularly pertinent to her when she woke up that morning and became aware of a new kind of pressure in her already pressure-burdened body: a tightness in her abdomen, pressing out against the base of her penis, a gut that was now distinctly present where once there had been a slim waist, even if her breasts prevented her from seeing it. A baser part of her panicked, wondering if she might have impregnated herself after all, contraceptive enchantments be damned, but when she touched the swell of flesh she found it too pliant to be a baby bump. It might have been wise to consult a doctor anyway, but she internally scoffed at that idea, knowing that her cabinet of consultants wouldn’t want her to see anypony. Of course, that was this morning, and now, two restrained orgasms later, that gut is significantly larger, fuller. She resists the urge to touch it, to attempt to gauge its size via the breadth of her arms. She knows, as she pushes her bulk into the gym—her plowing balls catching on some metal apparatuses, grinding them out of position as she goes past—that exercise won’t actually make a difference under these circumstances. She’s not fatter, she’s just backing up with cum, swelling like a balloon. It makes perfect sense to anypony who doesn’t know how anatomy works, which is fine since the citizens of the United Crystal Empire abandoned all sense of conventional anatomy when they signed on. Maybe the real reason she’s here is just because she needs to be doing anything to keep herself from sinking into the depths of her unconscious hunger and letting the yearning of her loins drown everything out. Having already given up on trying to will herself not to cum, the next best alternative was to make it so that she simply couldn’t cum. A plug wedged into the end of her cock and magically sealed shut handily makes it so that nothing can leak out. She hadn’t wanted to resort to this before, knowing that the stimulation would arouse her further, but at this stage she’s already in deep enough that the lancing pulsations along the fleshy length are a negligible addition to contend with. It hardly even matters that this has caused her urethra to fill with semen, distending the underside of the engorged pink shaft. It’s fine. It’s all perfectly, completely fine. Now that she’s here, Decadence doesn’t have to worry about anything. She can just grab whatever weights or machines she wants—normally she would endeavor to walk around the room, but it quickly becomes apparent, between her obtrusive bulk and her limited field of view, that it’s easier to reach out for them with levitation and pull them into her grasp—and go through her desired reps. The strain of her muscles as she hefts huge barbells, the trickling of sweat through her fur, is a pleasure all its own. She can even clamber on top of her nuts and use them as balance for aerobics, stretching her back and limbs. It doesn’t matter that, every time she rounds the peak of a climax, the ocean filling those balls surges and sloshes and swells. The pendulous wobbling of her ass becomes a little more exaggerated, shaking in broader and broader arcs. Her gut grows rounder and rounder, pushing her up from the pulsating length of her penis. And, at some point, even her breasts start to shake, filling with something too thick and heavy to be milk, straining her bra. By the time she thinks to stop, she no longer has to worry about her testicles fitting through the doorway. They already can’t fit in the room at all, having pushed aside everything that was in it. = = = = = The Big Day! The royal ballroom is a location not normally in the purview of Decadence’s usual haunts around the palace. As they say, however, desperate times call for desperate measures, and so everything and everypony was cleared out to make room for its new sole occupant. The term “ballroom” has also never been more accurate than it is now. She doesn’t “wake” as much as she comes to some semblance of conscious awareness while the waves of pleasure and pressure calm into a lull. Her awareness is largely occupied by the overwhelming, all-encompassing sensation of flesh and tightness and churning and bulk. She tries to move and her arms and legs are stiff, buried within their own mass. Even trying to open her mouth to let out a laborious, anguished groan is met with resistance from her chin pressing into her bloated neck. Her back—mostly her ass, jutting so much farther behind—is pressing against some hard surface, and it takes her several seconds to remember that this is not a wall but the ceiling. For as much as her body has become buried in its own cumlogged mass, inflated well past obesity and into the status of blobhood, it is all secondary to her balls. She can feel them, even if she can’t see them, her legs straddled atop their mountainous enormity, rumbling like a volcano waiting to erupt. Her cock aches in a way that is unusual to her, its urethra so distended that it forms a bulbous, taut girth which is just as thick as the fleshy length itself. The surging growth spurts have never really stopped at any point. It has been a continuous seep gushing throughout her for the past few hours, swelling steadily and relentlessly. It is only in this moment that she is able to consider the reality of what’s happening to her, and what is very shortly about to happen. Because she knows what today is. It’s Hearts and Hooves Day. It’s the day when everypony shows their full appreciation for the ones they love. What was once a simple case of cultural expectation brought on by centuries of hardwired tradition has for the Crystal Empire become the most precious holiday of the year. Certainly nopony needs an excuse to love, to cuddle, to kiss, to rut one another’s brains out, but for one day they can opt to devote themselves wholly to their love. It’s for the benefit of the Empire as well, supplying an extra boost to the barrier, to the enchantments which keep much of their civilization running, and by extension to Decadence herself. On Hearts and Hooves Day she is at her most powerful. And being powerful is an enormous turn-on to her. It doesn’t matter that there’s nopony here with her—nopony to get crammed against a wall by her balls. Not her husband, not any of the other ponies she lusts after. She can sense them, dimly, through the bonds of love which connect them. Shining Armor is elsewhere in the palace, coordinating efforts for the holiday, taking precautions. It is what he’s good at doing, so he might as well keep doing it. Decadence, on the other hand, is good at being huge and inconvenient, so that’s what she’ll keep doing. A groan gurgles up from her throat. Her penis-plug is under unfathomable pressure; she thinks if it were to come loose, it would fire like a cannonball and punch through the walls of the palace, the barrier, and keep flying for miles and miles. But her cock might just burst before then. Everything might burst. Now that would be a real orgasm. She doesn’t need to be on the observation deck to know what’s happening. She can sense the love which pulses through the very air of the city, channeling through the Crystal Heart and into her. It pulls at her consciousness in a thousand different directions. She can hear them, smell them, taste them, phantom scenes which play in her skull, layered on top of each other all at once. Ponies holding each other, grasping, groping, grinding. Ponies bucking into one another, squeezing, clenching. Ponies whispering tenderly, gasping and crooning, then wailing wordlessly, a chorus of passion that screams to the heavens. The alicorn can feel all of this and yet it still eludes her. All she can do is vaguely rock in place and expand, filling every corner and crevice of the ballroom, while she herself gets pressed into the ceiling. It’s impossible to discern the distinction of her anatomical structure anymore, where her appendages and bulk press together; everything throbs, everything trembles, everything is full, everything is cum. The sloshing and churning fills her ears, drowns out her heartbeat, her own thoughts. “Empress!” Somewhere past her ballroom-burying balls there’s a banging noise. Fists knocking furiously on a door. “Empress! Are you there?! I heard you were moved here!” The doors are locked, but there’s no chance of them opening at this point anyway. She can feel them buckling under the continued assault of her flesh. It’s a voice which sounds dimly familiar. A voice that served no purpose other than to deliver her bad news, and that elicits anguish and frustration and hopelessness. Tighter, fuller, higher. Her balls might be rising past her, spreading across the ceiling. But when Undertow continues speaking, it is not with doleful wariness but bright elation. “We finished the construction on the reservoirs!” the scientist cries gleefully. “There’s plenty of space now!” “Oh,” Decadence thinks dimly. “So, I don’t need to hold myself together anymore.” She tastes cum in her mouth. Then everything goes white. A loud rumbling comes from the crystal palace at the center of the Empire. Most ponies don’t even notice, for they are too taken with their sexual debauchery to look. Many of the ponies who do take notice are quick to dismiss it, knowing that the Empress and her Prince-Consort are wont to having their own sexual escapades on Hearts and Hooves Day. Only a few ponies who are not already preoccupied with the impaling of or being impaled by penises take the time to look up at the towering crystalline structure. They see waves of white ooze pouring from every window and balcony and doorway, spilling across the plaza and gardens and out through the streets. There is no time to run. There is only cum. = = = = = Later The sun on Decadence’s skin feels even nicer than she imagined. The atmosphere outside the Crystal Empire, beyond the climate-controlling barrier, is refreshing to her in a way she has not experienced for some time. Gods, just the idea of being out from beneath the barrier is a notion which has been utterly alien to her for the past few years, unable to imagine the idea of making herself so vulnerable. The ocean breeze brings a chill which wafts over her, offsetting the summer heat; she’s used to a climate that hovers comfortably around springtime for mostly the whole year. Well, mostly she’s used to being inside, so it’s also nice just to be able to look up and see the sky, the clouds, the sun, stretching out to meet the ocean on the horizon. But she also reflects that the sensations upon her skin pale in comparison to simply having her skin fully intact to begin with. Thank Celestia—well, in this case she can feel no shame in saying “Thank Decadence” since she was directly responsible for pioneering development in this particular field—for reconstitution magic. She doesn’t need to think about that right now, though. She didn’t come here to think about things, to worry. She doesn’t need to devote any brain space to the circumstances that led her here or surround her very being here. There’s no reason to concern herself with the sentinels who are standing guard far down along the beach, comfortably out of the range of her reactive growth aura. And she certainly doesn’t need to continue to fuss over the CUMBATH dossier in her supply basket which details the aftermath from Hearts and Hooves Day, the structural damage, the flooding, the ponies who were exposed to spermatohazards, the costs and ponypower needed to enact repairs, and the ultimate conclusion that it was deemed necessary for Subject 001 (Empress Mi Amore “Decadence” Cadenza, Priority One) to have a proper vacation to get away from the source of her irritation, the stress of dealing with the Crystal Empire while simultaneously being disconnected from it. Everything is fine. Sure, there are still certain precautions she needs to be mindful of. She has to keep a condom on because her cock is pointed straight toward an open body of water and the ramifications of such exposure could be disastrous. She’s presently not even erect, however, the dull throbbing of her loins nothing more than a soft metronome beat, and she’s only had to cum once so far, when she first set upon her designated spot on the beach. It proved convenient, because the resulting filled rubber, a balloon with enough volume to equate to a cozy house, is currently functioning as a makeshift chair-mattress for her to recline upon. She has recently come to appreciate the option to rest on a bed filled with her cum, and this time she can enjoy it without the discomfort that comes from lying on her own testicles. Her balls are quiet, and they don’t ache at all. The ability to relax offers her a kind of satisfaction which is adjacent to but distinctly different from sexual pleasure. It is not a cascading failure which urges her on to further entropy. It is simply…quiet. The voices of her anxiety, the yearning to tear down the walls dividing her from other ponies, are gone. She breathes in the salty aroma, not of semen but of the sea, and she feels profoundly pleased, yet there is no urge to cum. “Maybe,” she mutters to herself with her eyes closed, “we cum to get rid of our negative emotions. It can’t be good to keep all of that bottled up inside.” Then she chuckles under her breath at the thought that that could be said of the negative emotions or the cum; neither is especially good in excess. One is certainly a lot hotter than the other, though.
Anon,Sunset Shimmer,Human,Second Person,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Sunset Shimmer gives you a Valentine's Day card
On the 14th day of February, you get a card from a certain bacon-haired girl
<p>For all of you, whom, like myself, find yourself alone on Valentine's Day, I write this cute little story.</p><p>Whether you have friends and family to be around and celebrate Valentine's Day, or are just sit alone on this day reading pony stories, I offer this story as a Valentine's Day gift to you all(unless you aren't reading this on Valentine's, then happy whatever).</p>
February 14th. Ugh! For some it's the day of love in the month of love. For you, it's the longest and loneliest day of the shortest month of the year that somehow feels the longest. You roll out of bed and get ready for school. Looking in the mirror, you take in your messy locks. Reaching for a brush, you mentally debate you ask yourself 'Why bother?' You've never been particularly lucky in the romance department. Finishing getting ready for school, you make your way to the kitchen and sit down to have breakfast. Your parents are talking about something, but you've tuned them out. You've tuned everything else and are simply trying to coast through the day, so their words are simply background noise. This day can't be over soon enough. You look up from your toast, cereal and juice, noticing your parents looking at you. They just asked you something, but you didn't hear it. What do I do? You raised your shoulders in a slight shrug. "Uh-ah-uh." Your nonchalant, noncommittal, non-answer earns a scowl of disappointment from your father. Your mother places her hand on your forearm. "Dear, we asked what are you doing for Valentine's?" "Ah-uh-oh." This day can't be over soon enough. Your response that is entirely vowel sounds causes a look of concern on your mother's face. "Let it go for now." Your father's response is gruff, but understanding. Once breakfast is finished, you rinse off your dishes in the kitchen sink and stack them in the dishwasher. You never understood why you had to wash dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Shouldn't it really be called the dish-rinser or the dish-sanitizer? Normally you don't think about things like this. This day can't be over soon enough. Walking out the door and down the walkway to the sidewalk, you get ready for your trek to school. Fortunately it isn't that far of a walk. Pulling out the earbud case and phone from your pocket, you unlock the screen. Putting on some music while on your walk will help you to drown out today. Just as you tap the screen to open the music app, you father pulls up to the curb and opens the passenger side door. "Get in, kiddo. I'll drive ya to school this mornin'." "Uh, won't that make you late?" "What's Jenkins gonna do? Fire me? I'm the only one who knows how to keep everything running. Let him fire me 'cause I decided to give my kid a lift to school, he'll come crawling back in a week begging for me to come back." Letting out a long, slow sigh, you climb in the front seat of your dad's car. The two of you sit in awkward silence for several minutes. You tap your foot awkwardly and you dad drums his fingers nervously on the steering wheel. Today can't be over soon enough. Your dad finally speaks up. "I know today is rough, what with everywhere you look, they're shoving romance this, lovey-dovey that. It can make you feel like you're 2 inches tall when seeing all of that. I know you aren't the luckiest when it comes to the love dep--" "Can we just not?", you interrupt. You place two fingers to your head. "I'm sorry. It's just...I...I don't wanna talk about it, that's all." Your father purses his lips. For a moment a look of hurt is on his face and in the next it's gone. Today can't be over soon enough. Slipping your earbud in, you start scrolling through the music app. You scroll past all the cheesy love song playlists and select a playlist labeled non-love songs for lonely people. It's all emo and pop-punk. Normally you don't listen to people being whiny about their problems, but today, you're in a whiny mood. Your dad pulls up to the front of the school. You take a long look at the plinth that used to hold the statue that was the school's mascot. Then the Friendship Games and Midnight Sparkle happened. Looking around, you zero in on what you didn't want to see today, people holding hands, holding one another in intimate embraces, being overall lovey-dovey. Blech! Today can't be over soon enough. Grabbing the door handle, you pull it and swing your legs out. When your right leg hits the ground, your father nudges your shoulder. You pause your music and look over. "Yeah?" He shoves a small wad of bills into your palm. "When school is over, go see a movie or get yourself a milkshake or whatever it is you crazy kids do." You quickly count the money. It's 28 dollars, mostly in 5's and 1's. Not a lot of money, but you can do something with it. "Uh, thanks." You get out of the car, close the door behind you and make your way to the front door of the school. Entering the school, you look around. Hanging all around are red hearts and Cupids made from crepe paper and construction paper. On the bulletin boards, announcements and fliers are surrounded by construction paper hearts and Cupids. Blech! Today can't be over soon enough. *brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnng* The ringing of the bell snaps you out of your stupor. You blink your eyes as your fellow classmates gather up their belongings and make their way to the classroom door quickly. You follow suit. "Remember to turn in your book reports on Watership..." The teacher's words become staticy background noise as you slip back into your stupor. Today can't be over soon enough. As you walk through the hallway, you notice various students holding hands or hugging or kissing. You also notice the vice-principal interjecting and scolding those students whose public displays of affection are just a little too...affectionate. Your drift back into your own stupor, mindlessly making your way to the next class...algebra. Ugh! Algebra! Doing math where to figure out the value of X, first you have to figure out the value and Y and Z. Why can't they just tell you the value of Y and Z first? The only thing worse than algebra is Valentine's day, which is today and today can't be over soon enough. Mentally you pause, though your body continues its methodical plodding onto algebra. you could have sworn that out of the corner of your eye you saw a pretty amber-skinned girl trying to get your attention. However since you are lost in your stupor and own little world, she is soon enough lost in the background static that is the student body milling through the hallway. Today can't be over soon enough. You coast through algebra as the teacher drones on about finding the value of X by determining the value of A-squared and B-squared divided by D. You really don't know as it's all just background noise. The bell rings and you get up to join the blur of student bodies and faces that makes up the background static. The teacher stops you and starts talking. However you don't hear their words, it's all just background noise and static. Have I mentioned that today can't be over soon enough? Once the teacher stops talking, you nod absentmindedly. You have no idea what they were just talking about and simply join the mash of student bodies in the hallway. You swear as you make your way to civics that the amber girl is trying to get your attention again, but she's quickly lost in the background static made up of the student body. In the cafeteria you mindlessly make your way to where the lunchroom ladies are standing behind the aluminum and glass holding big metal spoons, ice cream scoops and ladles. You grab a tray that has segments for the different foods and slip into line. Sitting at the table surrounded by the background static of your fellow students, you poke at your food with a fork debating whether you should eat it or toss it out and use some of the money in your pocket to buy something from the snack machines. You poke at the bright red-colored gelatin dessert that has a trio of baby carrots suspended within and take some small amusement at how though the gelatin wobbles and jiggles, the carrots seem not to. That's when an amber hand waves in front of your face, breaking you from your simple, stupor-fueled amusement. Looking up, you stare into the face of Sunset Shimmer. "Hmm?" "I've been trying to get your attention all day." "Hmm?" She extends a hand out to you that's holding a white, handmade envelope. Reaching up, you take the envelope. On the front of it in red lettering that looks like it belongs in a period piece about ancient nobles reads, Happy Valentine's Day. Flipping the envelope over, you take note of the little red heart sticker holding the flap shut. You slide your thumb under the flap and lift the sticker up from its place. Inside it is a white and pink handmade card. Pulling the card out, you look over the front of the card. It's a red heart surrounded by little white lace made from crepe paper. It's not the childish, gleefully drawn style of Pinkie Pie or the messy, quickly-drawn style that screams Rainbow "20% Cooler" Dash, but something that had a lot of time and care put into it. You open the card and read the message inside. Dear Anon, I know today isn't the greatest day for you. Just know that I care about you and hope this card finds you happy and healthy, Happy Valentine's Day, Sunset Shimmer You let your eyes linger on the card for a moment. This is a small, bright spot on a normally dull day. "Uh, thanks. Sorry, I don't have anything to give you." A warm smile spreads across Sunset's face. "That's okay. I know how things can be, what with everywhere you look, they're pushing lovey-dovey and romance crap." You nod. Sunset turns to walk away, pauses, and turns back. "After school, you wanna hang out?" You blink. You hadn't planned on anything after school except for walking around town, then going home and playing some sort of ultraviolent video game. "Uh, sure." Sunset miles once again. "I'mm meet ya at the mall at 3:30, okay?" You nod. Sunset smiles again as she turns to go back to her table. 3:30 can't get here soon enough.
Ms Rarity
Applejack,Rarity,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Our Day 💞
Rarity and Applejack spend their special day together
<p>Hearts and Hooves Day has once again arrived 💕</p><p>🦄🐴Two mares, spending one magical day together.</p><p>Now experience both sides of the same love story 💝</p>
As I opened my eyes, the morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the cozy bedroom that I shared with my girlfriend, Rarity. We had been together for a year now, and every day still felt like a romantic adventure. I looked over at Rarity, who was still sound asleep, her purple mane cascading over the pillow. She was so beautiful, with her perfect features and elegant style. She came from a wealthy family and was used to a posh lifestyle, but she had fallen in love with me, Applejack, a simple farm girl from the countryside. I gently reached out and ran my hoof through her mane, waking her with a soft kiss. She smiled and cuddled closer to me, her hoof resting on my hip. "I love waking up next to you." She whispered, her voice still heavy with sleep. I smiled and kissed her again, savoring the feeling of her soft lips against mine. We spent the morning lazily lounging in bed, talking and laughing as we cuddled and kissed. As the sun rose higher in the sky, I decided to make breakfast in bed. I got up to grab some ingredients from the kitchen while Rarity lounged on the bed, watching me with a smile. I'd just learnt to make her favourite pancakes and eggs and we began laughing and teasing each other the whole time. As we enjoyed our breakfast in bed, Rarity suddenly leaned in and kissed me deeply. We fell back onto the pillows, lost in each other's embrace. 'I love you so much, Applejack,' Rarity whispered, her eyes shining with love. 'I love you too, Rarity.' I replied, my heart swelling with happiness. We spent the rest of the day in bed, wrapped up in each other's arms totally lost in our own little world. It didn't matter where we came from or what our backgrounds were, all that mattered was the love we shared. As Rarity and I lay in bed together, I couldn't help but marvel at how different we were. She was a posh girl, always dressed in the finest clothes and speaking with an elegant accent. I, on the other hand, was nothing more than a farm girl, more comfortable in my old stetson and boots. But in this cozy bedroom, none of that mattered. We were just two mares, lost in the warmth of each other's embrace. Our hooves intertwined, as we talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities. As the afternoon sun streamed through the window, I couldn't resist the urge to lean in and kiss her soft lips and in that moment, I realised that despite our differences, we were a perfect match. Two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. The moon shone through the window as the stars twinkled in the night sky twinkled, we drifted off to sleep, still entwined in each other's embrace. In that moment, nothing could be more perfect than a romantic day in bed with the mare I love.
Ms Rarity
Applejack,Rarity,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Our Day 💞
Rarity and Applejack spend their special day together
<p>Hearts and Hooves Day has once again arrived 💕</p><p>🦄🐴Two mares, spending one magical day together.</p><p>Now experience both sides of the same love story 💝</p>
We started the day with breakfast in bed, courtesy of Applejack's amazing cooking skills. We laughed and talked, enjoying each other's company. As the morning turned into afternoon, we snuggled up together and read our favourite book. I never thought I would find someone who completed me until I met Applejack. She was such a breath of fresh air in my life, with her down-to-earth nature and compassionate heart. We had been together for a while now, but today was different. It was going to be a romantic day in bed, just me and her. She lay next to me, her warm body pressed against mine. The sun was streaming through the window, casting a warm glow on her face. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her, the love of my life. My Applejack. We had decided to spend the day in bed together, just enjoying each other's company. It had been a while since we had a day to ourselves, with our busy lives and all. So today, we had declared it our own personal holiday. No work, no responsibilities, just us. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer, our hind legs entwined under the covers. She snuggled into my crest, her soft breaths tickling my fur. I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, cherishing this moment of peace and contentment. As we lay there, we talked about everything and nothing at the same time. We reminisced about our first kiss, our first date and all the other moments that had led us to this cozy bed. We laughed, we teased, we shared secrets. It was the perfect day. But as the sun began to set, our conversations grew quieter and our touches more tender. We both knew what was coming next. We had been waiting for this moment all day. I gazed into her eyes and she smiled back, a silent affirmation of what we both wanted and then our lips met in a slow, passionate kiss. The world fell away, and it was just the two of us, lost in each other's love. Hours passed and we made love like it was our first time. Every touch, every kiss, every moment was filled with so much love and passion. And as we lay there, spent and content, I knew that I was the luckiest mare in the world to have her by my side. As we drifted off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but thank the universe for bringing us together. This was our perfect day, our perfect moment, and I never wanted it to end. As we cuddled under the warm sheets, I couldn't help but admire the peaceful look on Applejack's face. I ran my hooves through her golden locks, treasuring every moment with her. But I couldn't resist the strong pull towards Applejack. I traced my hooves along her jawline and leaned in, capturing her lips in a sweet, passionate kiss. Our love for each other was evident in that moment, as we melted into each other's embrace. We spent the rest of the day lost in each other, our bodies intertwined in endless caresses. It was a day filled with love and intimacy and I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else. As the sun began to set, we lay tangled in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of our love. In that moment, in our own little world, everything was perfect. We didn't need fancy gestures or expensive gifts to show our love. Our love was simple and pure, and that was all that mattered. As we drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was the luckiest mare alive to have found someone like Applejack. She was my reason to smile, my support system, and my forever love. And in that cosy bed, with her by my side, I knew that I had found my happily ever after.
Bat Pony,Griffons,Zebra,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love.
A pair of stories, to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day. Two pairs of hearts, showing thier loved ones, how much they love them.
<p>A small story featuring two separate parts, showing two couples on Hearts and Hooves-Day. <br/>Part 1: Mels x Quill (Feathers and Claws)<br/>Part 2: Lunar x Sumac (Hooves and Love)</p><p>A quick story to help me get back into writing after a while, featuring a nice Hearts and Hooves-Day themed story for valentines day and to also show I am bad at descriptions. </p><p>The first part features Mels and Quill, the Pegasus and Griffon from my main line stories, this does take place after Ring of Feathers, so this year is to show each other how much they love each other, and celebrate their anniversary. But somepony has to stand duty at the castle, but a dear Griffon comes around to brighten his day and deliver part of the days gift. <br/>(the Griffon belonging to my BF) </p><p>The second part features the bat-pony Lunar and her sweetheart, Sumac. The small bat-mare has her doubts of their future together as she gets cold hooves from what she has planned, but a kind word from a wonderful Aunt reassures her as she moves on with the plan with a renewed confidence. </p><p>(Sumac belongs to my friend Vii.)</p><p>Also, there is newer art of Mels and Quill here : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> A bit of art my BF got done by a great artist Amolars who does great Fallout:Equestria art.</p>
So first off, I apologize to anyone who reads what I write, I've been iffy on what I should write and will be re-doing the Trail of Feathers story (a final rewrite) cause I now have a more solid plan of where I want to go with it. Also, I apologize if my writing isn't the best, I've certainly made strides in quality but I don't think I'll ever be as good as many writers here. They have some serious skill, hahaha. But without a further delay, I hope you enjoy these little stories I wrote and hope to see you when I post a revamped and final version of Trail of Feathers and then continuing stories. Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love. A Hearts and Hooves Day story. Part 1: Feathers. ------------------------------------------- Castle duty on Hearts and Hooves day, the gray and purple armor worn by Mels gleamed in the sun as a cool breeze rolled though. The Pegasus stallion smiled as he watched couples move about their day, enjoying the festivities, only a greater joy as last year, he and Quill had proposed to each other. The two married now promised to celebrate with a very well-planned date with dinner and everything. Lieutenant Wind Flare had planned to only have strictly volunteer guards and with Chief Pluma the same with her officers, letting as many as possible enjoy the day with their loves. But for Mels, he decided to stand post due to a fellow guard being unable to show. With his husband’s understanding, and a promise to enjoy the night and tomorrow for their plans, he now stood guard. A silver band on his left hoof glinted lightly as the day went by. Multiple couples wishing him well and the elder couples telling him to go straight home to that ‘Charming Griffon’ once he got off duty. But till then, he stood gladly. Which the solitary post was interrupted by the previous mentioned L.T. “Sargeant Watcher, heh, maybe Sargeant Addison instead?” L.T. Wind Flare, uncle and best Lieutenant you could get. “You doing alright out here?” The smaller Pegasus -well, compared to Mels’s large size, more a standard Pegasus- sat next to him, stopping him from saluting. “Relax kiddo, no saluting today. Unless it’s the princess, ha ha!” A darker shade of blue and lavender eyes was different from Mels, but he was his uncle for sure. “Hey Uncle,” A small blush spread from his cheeks as the name change joke was tossed out. “Guess Cloud Addison isn’t bad. Still part of the Flare household though, but SoftTalon is my adoptive name….mhm….which would-“ Stopping as he realized he was overthinking it again. “right, joke, sorry.” He took a breath and looked to his Uncle. “How’s Aunt Bryle taking the fact you’re on duty today?” “You know your Aunt, she’ll get me tonight, what I get for getting with a Zebra. Especially a Atoli. I’ll admit, she’s well stronger than I am and she knows that all too well.” He rolled his right shoulder and chuckled. “I mention she’s been talking about kids? Imagine, me, a father.” “You’re a great Uncle, you’d be a great dad.” Looking at the few couples sharing the day with their kids, he knew it. “I know you still feel bad about not being there for me when dad died. I’ve told you thousands of times not to worry. I ended up here and with mom, she’s also told you more so not to worry, are you gonna make me tell the Chief of Law that you’re blaming yourself again?” Wind fidgeted for a moment before shifting his wings. “No, no……you’re right. Sheesh, you are my brother’s kid. He was the same way, always making sure everypony around him were better doing better off than he was. Okay, I get it, I’ll try and stop worrying so much about it. Tartarus, I’ll even talk to Bryle about it.” “About what my dear Pegasus?” Speak of the Zebra and she’ll appear, the wavy stripes and long dreadlocks tied up by a nautical bandanna, he tail was a braid with some Pegasus feathers tied in. she snuck around him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “Leaving your poor wife alone, hurts me it does. Mhm. Ah, dear nephew!” Moving past Wind she gleefully hugged Mels. “Stuck on duty on today? Bah, I’ll teach your mean Uncle a lesson tonight, not to worry. Not again will my nephew be on duty, on such a day, oh Wind dear,” She glared at him. “You edge a fine line with this work. Hmph, no worries, Nephew,” letting go of him and grabbing Wind by his armor. “I’ll make sure your Uncle knows better.” Yanking him in and pulling Wind into a kiss. Just long enough to leave Wind slightly dazed. “ Ha, always works. It’s how you get them Nephew, quick and long enough to net them. Like the old fishing ships.” Holding back a laugh at his Aunt holding onto his Uncle. “A-Aunty, he…he’s fine. Heheh, please, I volunteered for it. Gale Stream was sick, so I decided to come in. Quill knows.” He took his helmet off and it showed the long braid of his mane with many Griffon Feathers intertwined. “He decided to give me something to keep me company today. He’s gotten really good at making the braids, so he enjoys experimenting different styles.” The braid immediately caught his Aunt’s attention. “Aw, a lovers braid, this one is one I taught him. Note the wavy nature of it. Atoli enjoy braids and normally keep their manes and tails tight to prevent ship accidents. But to not ramble, I will go home and wait my dear. I heard enough as well. Thank you for assuring him dear Nephew. So, I assure you as well, you and Quill, one day. Will make great parents. Kind and caring and so much worry for others.” Giving a more chaste hug for Mels and quick peck on the cheek for Wind. “I must go, my shop is busy, which surprises me this day. But the ocean is quite relatable to love, the waves and motion, intertwined. But I should go, Wind. I’ll see you tonight, I’ll cook up our favorite fish the way you like it. Then…..well, we’ll see where the night goes.” Giving Mels one last look before leaving. “Tell Quill I say hello, his Aunt-in-law wishes to share more recipes.” Now openly giggling and smiling at the antics, Mels nodded. “Yes Aunty, I’ll let him know tonight.” “Thank you, oh, before I forget. Your sister got the hidden gift from your house. She almost forgot it the poor dear, trying to always show her love for Sumac. Well, goodbye my love and Nephew. Have a lovely Hooves and Hearts Day….no, Hearts and Hooves, hahaha. Such fun pony traditions.” Waving goodbye, leaving the two alone once again. A few moments of silence carried on till Mels cleared his throat. “Always the direct one. Did you share the talk we had about adoption applications? I’m trying to surprise Quill with that, we’ve discussed adoption because we’ve brought up the idea of family before. But I had to start the process of getting approval in the system first. I got it back and…..well….I want it to be a surprise.” Shifting and adjusting his wings, Mels did have a small pool of nervousness sit in his gut. “You told me and when Bryle mentioned having kids, it spilled out and I’m sorry about that. I hadn’t mentioned it any other time. But she’s not wrong, you’ll be a great parent. Like you told me. We’ll both be good at it. I don’t lie when I say you’re like your dad. Many aspects of him I see in you. But I feel you’ll be more like a mother. Sorry kiddo, but you’re very motherly at times, especially around kids. That might come from being raised by Pluma though.” Adjusting his armor and removing his own helmet, showing his light blue short cut mane. “At least our kids will be safe, Royal Guard parents that love them, they’ll be happy.” Mels looked at his helmet and grinned. “You’re right. They’ll be lucky. You think Quill will be happy about it?” Before Wind could respond, a Griffon landed in front of them, quite hard. Dust blowing around them and hiding them for just a moment, before clearing and showing the prior mentioned Griffon. Quill. “Crickey, defo not my best landing, sorry love. Oh, heh G’day Uncle. Hahaha, rushing so made that a bit iffy. Mhm, you two guards doing some hard yakka?” Coughing and clearing his eyes, Mels giggled and quickly closed the distance to quickly kiss the Griffon. “Hey there hun. Always working hard,” placing a quicker kiss on Quill’s beak. “What brings my loving husband to my guard post?” “Had to come see ya, shop is on break, had to come get some loving.” Nuzzling into Mels and chirping happily. “Best break. Prefer ya nuddy, but duty calls for armor I guess.” A mischievous grin was plastered on him as he nipped the soft pony neck. “You owe me tonight for this, tea is nice and all, but I have a better plan for our night, then tomorrow we can do more.” Looking over to Wind he chuckled. “I got ‘em tomorrow, right? Not keeping him, are ya?” “No, he’ll be all yours Quill, sorry I have him for today. I know it’s ya’lls anniversary.” Wind placed his helmet back on and kept up his smile. “Other than seeing my nephew, what brings ya around?” “Oh, right!” Quill opened a saddlebag and pulled out a small box. A jewelry box, holding it out to Mels. “Go ya something.” “Q-Quil… didn’t….I mean….right. Thank you hun.” Taking the box, he opened it and was shown a necklace, with a piece that was two feathers intertwined together tightly, specifically their feathers. A blue one and a dark brown one. Held by a glass or gem-like clear material that added a shine to it. The top was laced with a gold metal that twisted loosely and up to a point where the thin silver chain held it. “Oh my….it’s beautiful. How’d you do this?” “Jewler, the one who made our rings? He came up with it. A permeant intertwining of our feathers in enchanted gem-glass to prevent scratching or discoloration. A lot more magic mumbo jumbo but it works nicely.” He took it out and held it up. “Does the good L.T. mind if you wear it on duty today?” Watching the two and nodding. “Just for today on duty, it’s a special day. I’ll leave you two to it, but Mels will be off Duty in a couple hours. I’ll take over the post till the night guard comes in. So, I’ll be back in a bit.” Without another word, Wind went back into the castle to do whatever the L.T. does, leaving pair outside. “Well,” Mels held his head up. “That’s nice of him. Sorry I don’t have your gift with me right now. B-But wanna put it on me?” Not a beat skipped, the deft talons moved the chain around and hooked it. The feather-gem wasn’t that large, it had two of their smaller feathers to not be as large as primaries but sat nicely against the darker armor. “Look at that, bloody lovely. Almost as lovely as my sweet husband.” “W-well….I….you…o-h my…” Even after marriage, so easily flustered. “Thank you. It’s beautiful, almost as beautiful as my own husband.” Kissing Quill only with a chaste moment but paused before pulling him into a much deeper kiss, his soft lips locking with the beak. Which isn’t as hard as many think. Closing his eyes and pulling Quill closer, enjoying the warmth shared in the cool breeze. Only breaking the kiss when they had to breathe, sharing a nuzzle and silent appreciation of each other before Quill spoke. “Keep kissing me like that and I’ll marry you all over again.” Earning a giggle from Mels. “You just want to have me in that wedding dress again. I know distinctly how much you enjoyed that.” Another short kiss. “I love you.” Clicking his beak cheerfully as his feather’s puffed up. “I love you too. I can’t wait too see what gift you have waiting for me. Oh, is it that lace I saw the other week?” Mels became flushed and was redder than blue now. “W-Well….no….but…..ya know….m-maybe some other day. Sorry, but I promise you, you’ll enjoy it. Then we’ll have a nice dinner and enjoy each other’s company tonight.” Holding onto his talons now, the box set down. “I love you and I’ll see you later, okay?” Quill huffed playfully and nodded “Yeah…..wish you could leave now….I really want to enjoy my husband on our anniversary.” He pouted and hid a smile. “I know, you will. I’ll make sure I have off next year.” Kissing Quill again he gave a wing wrapped hug. “Happy Anniversary, Quill.” Tucking his smaller body into the hug, Quill rested his head on the soft neck. “Good to know. Mhm, Happy Anniversary, Mels.” The two shared the moment a pinch longer before breaking apart and having a quick discussion of what to have for their dinner that night before Quill placed a quick kiss on Mel’s cheek and took off back towards their home. Leaving the stallion standing there, placing his helmet back on, watching the couples passing by again, and occasionally holding the new bit of jewelry to admire the warmth it gives his heart. This is turning out to be a pretty good Hearts and Hooves Day.
Bat Pony,Griffons,Zebra,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love.
A pair of stories, to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day. Two pairs of hearts, showing thier loved ones, how much they love them.
<p>A small story featuring two separate parts, showing two couples on Hearts and Hooves-Day. <br/>Part 1: Mels x Quill (Feathers and Claws)<br/>Part 2: Lunar x Sumac (Hooves and Love)</p><p>A quick story to help me get back into writing after a while, featuring a nice Hearts and Hooves-Day themed story for valentines day and to also show I am bad at descriptions. </p><p>The first part features Mels and Quill, the Pegasus and Griffon from my main line stories, this does take place after Ring of Feathers, so this year is to show each other how much they love each other, and celebrate their anniversary. But somepony has to stand duty at the castle, but a dear Griffon comes around to brighten his day and deliver part of the days gift. <br/>(the Griffon belonging to my BF) </p><p>The second part features the bat-pony Lunar and her sweetheart, Sumac. The small bat-mare has her doubts of their future together as she gets cold hooves from what she has planned, but a kind word from a wonderful Aunt reassures her as she moves on with the plan with a renewed confidence. </p><p>(Sumac belongs to my friend Vii.)</p><p>Also, there is newer art of Mels and Quill here : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> A bit of art my BF got done by a great artist Amolars who does great Fallout:Equestria art.</p>
Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love. A Hearts and Hooves Day story. Part 2: Hooves ------------------------------------------- Slit eyes creaked open as the form they belonged too shifted in the heavy blankets on the large bed, which was curiously colder than they remembered and in turn, more open. “Sumi….?” A small bat-pony mare, Lunar Flare, untangled herself slowly as she stretched out her leathery wings, and stretched out the rest of her body like a cat. Shaking her head as her messy mane was the definition of bed head, fur messy, and brushing was called for. “Where is she?” There were priorities however, such as, the missing marefreind of large proportions, not fat, but literally built like a fortress. A big, grey, silvery, blue eyed, beautiful fortress. “Mhmm…cold…” Was still the colder season and more importantly, Hearts and Hooves Day. “Need warm mare. Where- “Looking around stopped as a scent caught her nose and sounds snagged her hearing. The kitchen, fruit, baking, and…...Sumac. “Oh! She- oh best marefreind ever!” Still groggy and waking up, Lunar followed her nose, the thought of brushing her midnight blue coat and messy blue and white mane forgotten. Here slit emerald eyes locked with her nose on the desired location. Stepping through their home, the bat ‘creeped’ sleepily down the hall, dragging her wings slightly, and sniffing as a well-known smell reached her. Mangos! “Sumi~ Did you get me Mangos? ~” The rough morning voice scratched through the house and got a response in turn. “In here sweetheart, kitchen, I know you can smell them sleepy head! ~” A hearty chuckle echoed from the large mare awaited her, and upon finally seeing each other, instead of the cooked fruit and spread being the first target. Sumac felt a sleepy bat rub against her, the leather wing gliding up and against her cutie-mark of an iron forged plate with rivets. “Awww, ignoring the fruit for me, how sweet.” Her rumbly southern tang with that rough bar-mare mixture, but gentle still, voice reached Lunar as she leaned down to kiss her bat-lover’s head. “Sorry to leave you to the covers sugar, I wanted to start our breakfast. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.” Leaning into the contact, her eyes reaching Sumac’s neck, Lunar returned her kiss by catching Sumac’s lips in hers. An increased return to the simple head kiss. “Thank you honey. You know me too well, heh, remember you’ll get the rest of your gift later. Last night was just part one of it~” Giggling as she nipped the neck that already had marks from the bat-nibbles she gave the night prior. “Oh, I know, that little outfit though, oooh-wee,” Pushing off the nips, Sumac took Lunar with a hoof and kissed those tufted ears and whispered what she’d do in return tonight. “You’ll get me wanting more now if you remind me, which then the mango-cakes would get cold. I knew you’d like the gifts. I have one more for you as well today, but later.” Kissing her cheek and turning back to the pans, she prevented the current batch from burning. “Take a seat sweet-pea, I’ll bring you a plate.” Retreating, even though unhappy about it, as requested. Lunar took her seat at the table and only had to wait a short time before Sumac entered holding one plate and then coming back with another. “Plate of a stack of my sweet bat’s favorite mango-pancakes hot and dressed. Almost as nice as she was last night.” Now slightly more awake, the normally proud and unfazed bat-mare, blushed brightly and her wings strained to not pop out. “W-Well…..ummm….I’m glad to hear my strapping marefreind enjoyed it. Is she itching for another few rounds or does she want- umpfh!” Herr mouth was silenced by a fork-full of pancake. “Hey, no sex talk at the table, we may be a bit vulgar at times, but we still have our manners. I only referenced how beautiful you were, not what we did, and don’t worry. My neck is used to your biting.” Oh, how Lunar loved to nibble and bite in the throes of passion. “You get more and more excited every time, good to know I’ll never be boring to you.” Swallowing and slightly coughing as she was more flustered by such simple words, but it was from Sumac, and it dinged every correct button for her. “W-Well…..yeah, I don’t….well, I love you a lot and I always want you to know that. A-Also, you’re the one who wanted me to bite you more! You told me: ‘more bites means more coc-‘ “ Silenced again by another fork. “None of that talk, or that detailed, at the table. Sorry, I know you mean well, but I don’t like talking about my extra parts while eating…. still brings up more sour memories, even if we share more and more pleasant ones. I love you though and I know you love me; reckon we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t love each other. So, to move off to better pastures for conversation. I have to go get your today gift from the shops. So, I’ll be gone only shortly today, are you doing anything, or should I plan for rose petals and smooth jazz?” “One, not a smooth jazz fan. Two, I also have to go get something, I hid it at my brother’s house, so you didn’t find my surprise for today. Shortly after this I’ll head out….” Looking at herself and sighing. “A shower and brush might help though.” The chest floof was not floofy at all. “Oh~ Mind if I lend a helping hoof in that? You love it when I brush you, a strong hoof gets them tricky licks of fur.” Sumac waggled her eyebrows and tossed her long grey mane, a strand of the silver streak hung in front of her face. Oh by Luna, a look like that got Lunar itching for more of her. “N-No….umm….I want to get it together and have it ready for you. It’s important. I really want to look nice before you get it, so I want to surprise you.” Lunar put her hoof down on this and took a breath. “Sorry, I’ve been working on this for a while, and I want it to be perfect. Please?” Taken back slightly but smiling and nodding. “Of course, I understand, I’m sure whatever it is will be wonderful. Even if it was a fruit basket, which I bet would be mangos mostly, if it’s from you, I love it. Don’t over strain yourself honey, last time you had a severe panic attack and your doctor said to be careful.” Right, the first time she worked on a birthday gift for Sumac, she was so worried and had a full-blown panic attack. Which was not a fun time. “I know, I know, thank you. Trust me, I have carefully planned this and done my relaxation exercises and if I start to creep into panic, I will tell you. Okay?” With empty plates, Sumac came over to gather Lunar’s while placing a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you. I trust you honey, and I’ll wait for ya’ with filly-like giddiness for whatever you may give me. Hopefully what I get you is just as enjoyable.” Relaxing from the kiss, Lunar smiled. “To steal your phrase, I will love it no matter what.” Catching Sumac in a quick, but passionate kiss, she booped the mare. “I love you. Let me get cleaned up and we’ll meet back later here at the house. Oh, and I’m cooking a Thestral meal tonight, a romantic one, so dress nicely. Oh, and I hope ya like spicy.” Heading towards their bathroom she got her normal relaxed response from Sumac as the two went to go about their days to fulfill their plans for each other. A faster paced shower and quick and practiced brushing let Lunar get out of their home quicker than planned. Letting her speed out to where she hid the biggest gift that she’d get Sumac. But her rushing would bite her in the flank as she bumped into a familiar pony, or rather, Zebra. Aunty Bryle. “Oh, dear me, what may this be, my dear niece is who I see. Hahaha, oh my I’m starting to rhyme, that Zecora and her tribes’ ways are starting to trip me up. Now, what has you rushing like a tidal wave towards the shore?” Bryle, the Atoli Zebra steadied herself and Lunar. “H-Hey Aunty, sorry, really. Um, just rushing to get something from my brother’s house. Ya know, Hearts and Hooves Day stuff….” Trailing off and nervously shuffling, Bryle took quick note of how Lunar was acting. “Cold hooves dear Neice?” Placing a hoof on her shoulder, she sat and picked up the bat-pony’s chin in the other. “Is today going to be the day or is there another item of this gift making you scared or nervous?” “No…. well, yes, sorry. Um…. It’s the gifts, yes.” Taking a breath, Lunar shifted her wings. “I’m scared. I’m going to ask her today. If she’ll marry me. Part of me is sure as the moon in the night sky that she’ll say yes, but the other louder part is screaming at me a hell of a lot louder. That’ll she’ll say no. I’m scared and worried and nauseous and….and…..Aunty what do I do?” The previously strained to be calm visage was replaced by worry and edging panic. “Calm yourself my dear night pony. Breath and listen to your heart, what does it say, once the fear and panic pushes past. I can take a guess.” Brushing a few strands of mane away from Lunar’s face, she chuckled and spoke again. “You know Sumac, you love her, and she loves you. It’s, as you’d say, cliché, but true. I am as sure as the waves in the ocean she’ll say yes. Trust a seafaring Zebra on this, we Atoli understand more then we let on.” As the words sunk in, Lunar did calm a bit, and took a minute to rethink it all. “You’re right, heh, funny enough Mom said roughly the same thing. A bit more old school Thestral cryptic. But all the same.” Slowly she smiled again and started to laugh. “So, I’m just having those pre-question jitters then, those cheesy books do sometimes hit the right notes.” Laughing as she yanked Bryle in for a hug and was equally returned. “Thank you, Aunty. Guess I could tell you Wind will marry you, but something tells me you knew that already, huh?” Chuckling like waves on the rocks, Bryle shook her head. “Oh, that stallion is poor at being secret but I’ll let him have his fun. When he does, even if I know, my heart will be ecstatic all the same. Now, go get that gift, and go ask that mare. I have my own love to tango with today.” Breaking the hug, Lunar agreed and as quickly as they had run into one another, she took off. Getting to the house and shop out the edge of town, digging into the closet where it sat, ignoring the poorly hidden ‘clothes’ they had. “Note, remind him to clean up their closet…. where…..ah, there you are!” Snagging a package and small blue velvet box, Lunar had what she needed and took off back home to tuck it away and start preparing for their dinner. Making sure her own dress for the night was ready…hiding the little thing from the prior night under it all really. Have that on right before dinner is done and the items tucked nearby. I box that held a ring, a gold band holding moon-gems and a potion, that could give them a chance at family. She took another deep breath and steeled herself. By hoof and heart, this night would be one of the best they’d have yet. Thank you for reading these stories, please let me know if I missed any typos or word messes. For anyone who's been wondering where I've been (if any at all), just haven't had the writing mojo in me to do anything solid for quite some time. But with these written, I'm gonna get back into it and hopefully continue to improve my abilities, also hoping I have even the smallest amount of readers who enjoy it. I'll see you all next time and wish you a happy hearts and hooves-day!
Metal Fiction
Rarity,Spike,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
The Dragon And The Unicorn
Lust causes many desires to happen, such as a wanting for wealth or a certain person. But for this certain dragon he has a strong lust for a certain fashionista. .
<p>5 years after Twilight's coronation as ruler of Equestria, things have been looking up in the peaceful department as there haven't been any dangerous threats. But a certain strong dragon has been feeling a very powerful lust for a certain unicorn. Well since he all's grown and big there isn't any problem right? Well there may be, that this certain fashionista will say no but we will have to wait and see.<br/>Cover art belongs to suirano on Derpibooru<br/>#2099045</p>
Being the ruler of Equestria makes you think of a lot of things, which depends on who's doing the thinking. For the ruler, it's the stressful work of having to rule over a whole nation and ensure that things go well. They have the full safety and health of the inhabitants on their conscience as they have to make sure no threats try to destroy or harm anypony who's minding their own business . They don't get enough time to rest or any to themselves as like the previous rulers they are always busy and focused on their main primary objective of ensuring this nation doesn't go under as it nearly did thanks to the Legion Of Doom, which consisted of Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek who have thankfully been stopped ever since that dreadful incident. For the inhabitants the populated much of Equestria, they were fine as they had their trusty ruler to keep them safe and happy while they carried on with their lives and activities. Earth ponies like Applejack and Pinkie Pie got to throw their parties and engage in their farm work without the worry of a threat breathing down their necks, and as for Pegasus' like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They got to live in their homes in the clouds and manage the weather with the knowledge of happily knowing that nothing bad would happen to them. And finally for Unicorns like Rarity they got to engage in their day to day activities and not have the chances of a certain bug or crazed filly trying to destroy them. All this change in a period of time affected Spike but in a much more positive light, as he was looking out of his window in his room in Twilight's castle which gave him a comfortable view of Equestria and a perfect temperature that suited his dragonic needs as it felt just right. The blue charming sky and the view of the burning sun warmed everything in it's strong radius, such as the ground, trees, buildings and much more which dotted the overall space of Ponyville and above. Normally Spike would be helping Twilight or maybe hanging out with one of the Mane 6, but this strong desire was effecting his dragonic physiology "I know I moved on from Rarity... but I still have these feelings of lust and romance, as if I saw her for the first time." Spike said to himself as he left his personal window. To be a dragon of lust who slowly grew up over the years was a shocking but amazing experience for Spike. As for example when he was younger he was the personal assistant of Twilight who accompanied her on many adventures and trials, such as the stopping of Nightmare Moon or the defeating of the crazed prankster Discord. Or the event of the nearly failed Canterlot Wedding thanks to Chrysalis and her personal bug army that she led and used for her personal gain? But since all of those events are in the past and he's in the present, Spikey has nothing to think about well except for the changes to his appearance. The strong bursts of strength, followed by the enhanced power of his flaming breath, along with the considerable increase of his height and physique. Made Spike a strong but intimidating dragon that would be able to hold himself in a fight with the strongest threats who would pose as a threat to him and his other friends. But unfortunately this came with a side effect of the mind, he felt his strong feelings for Rarity return and no matter how much he convinced himself that he moved on, these feelings would get more stronger to the point where he would have dreams of just him and her either dancing, or engaging in some erotic activity that would be inappropriate for the average stallion or mare to see. All it took was one thought or image of Rarity and Spike's *other friend* would spring to life and these strong sexual thoughts would race across his mind, as if she was a siren that casted him a spell that would make him have these thoughts. What made it worse was that since it was hotter than normal in Ponyville at the moment Spike's libido would make him relive himself to rid of these thoughts, but it only made it worse as he had visions and actual dreams of Rarity screaming his name as he drove his tool more deeper in her wet canal. Spike's thinking came to a abrupt end as he heard the phone ringing, he picked it up and answered. "Twilight's castle, Spike speaking." "Hi Spikey-Poo! Just the voice I wanted to hear." Spike nearly dropped the phone out of sheer worry and nervously gripped it as the mare of his thoughts was on the other side. "H-Hi Rarity! How are you?" He asked as he cleared his throat, the stutter nearly turned him into a blubbering. "Something you need?" Rarity's laugh was like a bell that rang Heaven as it ringed in Spike's ear before she answered him. "No, I just wanted to see if you was there cause it's been a while since I seen you dear!" "Yeah about that... I've been busy helping Twilight you know. Such as her lists, bookshelves and re-organizing the libraries." Spike reasoned as he was tapping the table with his claw, "And plus you know she gets when something isn't in the right order." "Twilight is a mare who likes things in a certain order, the same can be said for me and for anypony really. As I didn't have things ordered in the way I keep them ordered I've probably would've went insane! Rarity chimed. "But I do have to share half the credit with you my dear dragon." "Well you know I much love to be everyone's assistant." Spike fumbled his words on his tongue but he chatted on. "So what do you need with?" "In all honesty Spikey, I have a few dresses to try on and I could use your assistance in telling me which one is right or not. And aside from myself your quite the useful dragon to have in the boutique. Do you think it'd be too much trouble for you to come by and help me? My dear dragon? Spike envisioned the expression Rarity had on her face, the batting eyelids and the way her dress would accentuate her sweet beautiful curves... Spike's friend hardened at the thought as he saw it. "Yeah I help!" "That is absolutely wonderful dear! Swing by anytime you want, I'll be waiting Spikey!" The click of the dial made Spike hang up before he could grasp his tool to relieve himself and release his potent seed. Forming a smile for not only himself but Rarity. He couldn't imagine saying no the the fashionista of his dreams, and it was a truth that followed him for many years. In fact the only thing he ever disliked at the moment, was the fact he couldn't claim Rarity has his own many years ago. "It can't be that bad. Some hours later... It was in fact as bad as the dragon could imagine it, a kind of bad that leaves a dragon lusting. A lusting dragon wanting for more as he couldn't claim his number one prize right there and there as it out of reach. His blood boiled, his imagination ran wild as a bull as times along with going through three hard phases of the erotic thoughts within. All of those thoughts focused on Rarity. The unicorn was always the type to dress to impress no matter what time or day it was, out of town, visiting her friends or whenever. It was a special trait that Spike admired over the years ever since the early days he knew her. Combine that with her elegant behavior, strong radiating confidence and strong determination to be in the spotlight for people who would smile and obverse, made Spike's heart beat fast whenever he saw that smile. But now that's he older, stronger and more bigger than before he can try his chance for true romance. Her outfit today was as seductive and form-fitting as she was, a bluish cover with long evening gloves, that led down to her white perfect arms along with a couple of gold accessories. Such as ear piercings or earrings along with jewelry that highlighted her perfectly divine marshmallow figure, as her cleavage and massive chest was exposed giving the dragon a delicious sight to take in as whenever she moved or jumped her assets would follow with a strong bounce. Thus making her blessed with a divine perfect figure. Her lower half was no joke, as she seemed to not wear any leggings, pants or even skirts to hide her amazing thighs and wide hips. Spike has heard stories of people who would call certain woman "thick" but he pondered to himself if another term could be used of Rarity. Her legs were long and they had just enough muscle to make her capable if not strong enough to overpower certain beings, such as for example the people she fought at Cadance's wedding proved to be a strong example of her amazing strength. In addition to that whenever she turned around and leaned over to collect something her view would give a peek into the amazing piece of clothing that was her panties that showed off her diamond cutie mark. The way her beautiful rear would show itself only left him to stare as it was the only thing he could focus on. Spike considered it a stroke of small but strong luck that he wasn't drooling in Rarity's divine presence. He tried his hardest to stay composed while helping her and in the process sparing himself from any accident and staying on task. Whenever she needed a word on the dress she was wearing he would give to her in smooth sentences. When she needed thoughts on what color suited her best, he would already be twice as prepared. As Rarity needed the best and in his own vision she deserved it, and he would deliver without any issue. The hours slowly crawled away and Celestia's sun was barley on the horizon as nightfall was approaching. I think that's enough dress trying Spikey. I've made so many dress, I'm ahead of competition!" Rarity declared. Spiked breathed in relief and lounged on the sofa, the cushions allowed him to rest and dangle his feet in the air. "Your not kidding. So this is for a competition in Manehattan correct? He asked. Mmhm! They loved the images of the designs I sent to them and a few more extra will make a big impression in the category of judges. "Thanks for your help Spikey. Rarity said as she approached him. He had little time to move as he felt a pair of soft lips press on his own lips, causing his eyes to shot open and briefly show white before his vision. Drawing back as the kiss ended Spike felt his temperature rise as he nodded. "I feel like I should you repay somehow, Spikey. I couldn't have done this without you. Spike's hand clenched reflexively and his nails started digging into the plush cushion it on rested on while he was still processing what just happened, along with the imaginative ways she could have to fit his desires. "I'm always happy to help Rarity, I like being helpful." "That may be true, but who helps you Spikey?" The question caused the muscly dragon to freeze and be caught off guard, as he frowned and looked upwards into the fashionista's eyes. "I beg your pardon?" Rarity gave a light sight and sat down, moving herself closer to the dragon. Which caused Spike to comprehend the difference in size he had over her, which would normally be a irritation but with Rarity, it brought out her aura all the more as she wrapped her arm around his arm along with bring her hand to his soft cheek. "Darling I'm not the type of pony to miss something or be oblivious to something, I know something's bothering and I want you to tell me what it is. So what is it?" "Nothing! Spike was quick to disagree but this made Rarity scan him more as she knew from the tone of his voice he was hiding something as surrendered a second later, as a second later he took a deep breath and grabbed her hands. "Ok... I tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else okay?" "You have my promise dear," Rarity told him. "And you know I'm the type to keep secrets." Spike nodded and began to pour his heart out. "So you remember when I said I moved on from you right?" He started. "Of course I do dear, at first I was sad but then I accepted your decision." Rarity assured him. "Well ever since Twilight became ruler of Equestria and we all moved on with our lives, I've began having romantic thoughts about you." Spike said "Oh?" Rarity asked. "At first these were simple thoughts such as me and you walking through the park, or eating at Sugarcube corner. But then these slowly escalated over time to the point where I didn't having thoughts of me rutting you..." Spike quietly mumbled the last word a he couldn't bring himself to say it. "What was that last part darling? I couldn't hear you, Rarity told him as she confused at what he said." "Rutting you..." Spike quietly mumbled. "Sorry?" Rarity told him. "I SAID RUTTING YOU!" Spike boomed in his dragon voice which shocked Rarity as she nearly fell off her couch. "Wow Spike... I knew your feelings for me had returned, but I wasn't expecting those type of feelings Rarity assured him. "I know it sounds stupid doesn't it?" Spike said as he looked down. "No it doesn't cause in fact... I've been having those feelings too." Rarity said as she blushed. "Really?!" "Of course darling! I mean ever since I saw you all grown up, I couldn't stop admiring those muscles! Your wings and not to mention your amazing height!" Rarity exclaimed as her eyes scanned all over Spike's body change ever since Twilight's coronation. "Wow... guess that makes both of us-" CLICK! Spike stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Rarity close her front door and apply it's lock via turning, before turning around and eyeing the dragon with both hands on her hips. "The only place your staying my Spikey-Wikey is my lovely couch, "because we are not done talking, as I believe we still have a lot to talk about in our... privacy. Rarity walked towards the sofa and eased herself before, looking deep in the dragon's eye. "Now where was I?" Rarity asked. "I believe you was explaining your thoughts about me?" Spike said as he saw Rarity's eyes lighting up. "Yes of course! Now as I was saying, these thoughts just wouldn't stop and no matter how hard I tried to suppress these feelings. They would come back and I had to take drastic measures." Rarity confessed. "Such as?" Spiked asked. "I've been pleasuring myself to the thoughts of you rutting me..." Rarity said as she blushed in embarrassment, Spike sympathetically cupped her chin with his hand prompting her to look at him. "Rarity... there's no need to feel ashamed OK? Alright we've both had these feelings for a long time, and it's clear that we haven't moved on from one another." Spike reassured his mare as her bright smile returned. "Thank you for that Spikey, I really needed that." Rarity smiled as she looked deep into her dragon's eyes. "So... where do we go from here?" "How do you mean?" "What I mean is with these thoughts we had of each other, are we going to let them come to reality? Or are we going to-MMPH?!" Before Spike could finish his sentence, Rarity pulled him into a strong daring kiss which took the dragon by surprise. "I'm so sorry darling! It's just that... when you asked that question my lady instincts seemed to have disappeared and been replaced with lust." Rarity apologized as she looked at Spike in shame." "Rarity it's okay that you still have those feelings for me, because I have something to tell you." "You do?" "Yes I do." "Well what is it?" "Rarity... I love you... and I hope we can take this friendship to the next level." The room fell in silence as Spike confessed his feelings to the fashionista which left a aura of shock and surprise in the air. "I-I..." "Use your words." "I can't believe you still love after all this time, care to explain in full detail darling?" "Well for starters... your very beautiful and charming, you have the grace of an angel who came to Ponyville to show off her generosity at times. And you carry an aura of elegance and wit that nopony can come close, well except for Celestia of course. And on top of that... you can kick butt and that's really cool to me. Your also an Element of Harmony that anypony is blessed to have like Sweetie Belle and your parents for instance, also your a catch that people like myself can't resist... and on top of that your the type of mare that makes my dream special." With no words to say Spike's arms rested on the couch as he delivered the speech he had long waited for to let out, he looked down and saw that Rarity had tears of joy in her eyes. "My dear Spikey... I'm glad you said what you have said cause, I'm ready to take our friendship to the next level." "Really?!" "Yes dear I'm ready, Spike The Dragon." "Yes Rarity?" "Will you be my coltfriend?" "Y-Yes Rarity! Of course I will!!!" "Wonderful darling! I'm glad to hear your acceptance." "So what now? Spike asked as he didn't know what was going to happen next." "Now we celebrate... by having sex." Rarity cooed as she batted her eyelids." "S-Sex?" "Why of course darling, cause I don't know if you noticed... I've been admiring your *friend* down there and he looks raring to go." "Yeah... ever since I grew up it's gotten quite big." "Which will make this session more perfect... follow me to my room darling." "You got it." The two got up from the couch and proceeded to head upstairs to the fashionista's room, true to her name, personality and behavior. Rarity's room was a sight to behold, the bed was perfectly made with no signs of creases or stains anywhere. The walls were colored nicely and beautiful so that it didn't look like a eyesight to the average pony, and the window gave a beautiful but calming view of the town Ponyville from above. And all of this matched the fashionista perfectly. "I forget how nice and elegant your room looked Rarity." "It's not the only thing that looks nice darling." "What do you mean..." The sight left Spike in complete and utter shock. The mare of his dreams was now naked and her bountiful chest and tits looked liked it would bounce with every step of movement. And her hips was a sight to die for! As with every walk whenever wherever, the average mare would probably stare in a mixture of jealously and envy as they wouldn't be a match for her amazing hips of seduction. And what about her booty? That too was a amazing sight to behold, as no matter what clothes or pants she wore, the unicorn's dump truck would stick out like a strong sight that would seduce and possibly brainwash the average stallion if his libido was too high or too dangerous. "Well? Why don't you have a closer touch and feel Spikey." Rarity invited him. He took it wholeheartedly, gently grabbing it and squeezing it with ease, the feeling and soft squishiness made the mare moan and have her lady juices leak down her thick thigh as her mind was being washed by lust and affection. If Spike was any other dragon or stallion then he would've of tore into her canal right now, but he had the patience and mind of a saint who would wait to get his reward. Rarity gently grabbed his hands and prompted him to let go which he did, both were in bliss and wanting for more as their desires slowly got higher every second the pair shared a sweet giggle together as they had dirty but romantic thoughts of what they would do together. Which made the pair kiss and touch each other as they dragged their hands all over their bodies. "I can't be the only one raring to go right?" Rarity asked as she licked her lips in anticipation. "No... your not the only one." Spike said as he felt his tool hardening underneath. "Well... since we're both nude and wanting to go... let me see what your carrying underneath dear." Rarity stated as she slowly pulled down the drake's pants, freeing his big cock from his tight confines, causing the mare to gasp and squeal as it nearly slapped her face. "I-Is this what you been carrying this whole time?!" "Precisely yeah..." Spike breathed as he started to sweat and feel his heart beating fast as the mare was in shock at the full length of his tool. Just like Spike himself, it was purple and clean from top to bottom and there was no sight of hair at the groin. A sight that pleased Rarity more as she ran her soft fingers across the twitching tool that wanted to penetrated her tight tunnel. "Well I think it's time I've had a taste of this beast... don't you Spikey-Wikey?" Spike only nodded at the question as he knew that Rarity was about to do which made the mare smile. Rarity licked her lips in hunger and she took the whole of his swollen tip in her mouth and began sucking on it which made the dragon moan in pleasure, Rarity knew how hard he was getting from the pleasure alone and she bopped her head faster as she wanted her dear Spikey to feel good. Feeling that Spike's tool was going to implode Rarity grabbed her soft bosom and mashed them against his tool, which made the drake sweat and moan more as he was about to burst. ""R-Rarity! I-I can't keep it in!" Rarity smiled and she mashed and bopped more faster to get it out, the sheer heat of the moment and the increase in activity was too much for Spike as his time limit ran out. "RARITY!!!!" Spike roared and nearly passed out as his tool shot thick amounts of his dragon seed down Rarity's throat like a fire hydrant. Rarity released his tool from his mouth and licked the remaining spunk off her lips and swallowed any remaining amount left. "That was amazing Spikey! You barely held on there." "Y-Your welcome..." "Now that your hard and I'm wet... I think's it time to move on to the main course wouldn't you agree?" "Really?! Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure Spikey, now take me and rut me as your own!" Rarity cooed and stretched her legs out giving the dragon a view of her wet but perfectly trimmed flower, that deserved to be drilled into. Spike licked his lips and got on top of Rarity, and h proceeded to slowly insert his swollen tool in his mare's pussy making her moan and squirt her juices in hard joy. "Yes Spike Yes! Rut me! take me! I'm yours!" Rarity cried as she felt her dear dragon drill deeper in her canal, the soft feeling of her skin along with the heat of the moment brought both Spike and Rarity closer as their desire for one another got higher and higher. Spike's cock only got harder and thicker inside as Rarity's pussy took more of it as she needed it, her soft bosom also bounced and swayed with each thrust as the dragon plowed his mare more and more without a care in the world. "Y-You feel so good Rarity... I can't believe I waited this long to claim my prize!" Spike groaned as he went more deeper in his thick mare without stopping, he grabbed her massive jugs and started to squeeze which made Rarity squeal as he took advantage of her. "More Spike more! Play with my jugs all you want their yours!!" Rarity cooed as her jugs continued to be caressed and squeezed albeit gently. After he was done with her breasts, Spike moved on and he found her G-spot, which was her strong weakness. Cause as soon as he started to play with it she squealed and cummed even more. "YES SPIKE YES!!! Please don't stop! Keep on playing with my clit! Oh your so GOOD!!!" Rarity cried and orgasmed once more as her dragon worked his magic. Spike started to feel his cock swelling inside as he needed to blow, and Rarity knew it. "Rarity I'm getting close! I can't keep it in!" Spike warned his mare. "Good give me every drop of your cum Spikey! I need it!" The command sent Spike's mind to go haywire as he thrusted more deeper in his mare's depths in the hopes of releasing his dragon seed. "I want to feel your seed filling me up Spikey! My desire is getting stronger! GIVE IT TO ME ME!!!!" Rarity cried as she felt the drake's dick hardening inside as he getting closer every second. "SPIKE! SPIKE!! SPIKE!!! IT'S HERE! I-IT'S OH YESSSS!!!!!!!!!! GIVE IT TO MEEE!!!!!" Rarity screamed as she felt her pussy getting flooded by her dragon's seed, with every shot of cum Rarity would violently spaz out and shake as her grip on reality was disappearing and her strong desires was taking over her weak erotic thoughts and feelings. Just as Spike shot his final load inside, he pulled out and the sheets of the bed was soon coated in the sticky fluid that was Spike's semen. "T-That felt amazing." Spike coughed as he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, he looked at his mare and saw just how exhausted and plowed she was. "Rarity?" "I think this is the start of a beautiful, yet sticky relationship my dear Spikey. Wouldn't you agree?"
G r e y
Dean Cadance,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Human,Second Person,Porn,Romance,Thriller,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
You Shouldn't Have Missed Valentine's Day
The Goddess Of Love is upset with you. Now she will exact her punishment upon you, no matter how long it takes for her to GET you.
<p>&quot;Why did you do that to The Great And Powerful Trixie?&quot;<br/>This is what your own guilt asks you over and over again, but only after a certain principal from one school over finds out about the act you had committed against the glorious yet crazy little thing called Love. The final straw that broke the camel's back for Principal Cadance mentally was when you skipped out on Valentine's Day because you didn't want to face the consequences and own up to your misdeed.</p><p>Now, one way or another, she's gonna find ya, she's gonna getcha. Sooner or later, Love always wins. Love always finds a way.</p><p>This story WILL contain explicit (and very descriptive) adult themes in future chapters, so I'm rating it mature.</p>
“Wait wait wait! It was just a joke! I swear it was just a joke!” Sunset Shimmer raises an eyebrow at you, having seen something completely different than what you just said, namely on the slip of paper she saw. She’s not so much smug as she is unamused and almost annoyed by your perceived dishonesty. “My brain says things I don’t mean all the time! Doesn’t everyone’s brains do that?” “The only person here who sees more in Trixie than you do is Trixie herself.” Sunset crosses her arms. ‘Yeah, so?” “And it’s only by a little. Which is saying something. And that’s not including the love letter you wrote her.” You fumble over your words and thoughts you attempt to string together into a coherent, presentable narrative trying to explain yourself. Such an unfortunate trait of people like you who begin to not even believe yourself when you know you’re telling the truth, as soon as you’re being put on the defensive. “I don’t have a crush on her!” You defend yourself with a slight blush peeking its way onto your skin. “I wrote the letter as a joke!” “If it’s a joke then why do you think about Trixie every Valentine’s Day?” “I don’t!!” Sunset grabbed your wrist again before you knew she was reaching for it. There seriously has to be a rule against her doing that whole mind-reading thing without someone’s consent. “I noticed this pattern before!” Sunset tells you with sassily lidded eyes. “That’s just my brain freaking out again! I don’t mean half the things I think! It’s only there because you implied it, and then touched me with me knowing you can read my mind.” Sunset isn’t buying that. “Listen, I’m not trying to shame you for it or anyth-“ “There’s nothing to be shamed here!” “I just want you to be honest with me! Because Trixie is so lonely every Valentine’s Day! And I just saw you remember all the times during every Valentine’s Day thinking about her. What did you expect me to think of that coupled with you being the one who wrote the letter?” The look in Sunset’s eyes silently blares out “How could you? Trixie could have been in a relationship with you all these years instead of spending Valentine’s Day alone”. And that look only makes your cognitive dissonance force the narrative she just fed to you even harder. This wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t aware she was reading your mind, you’d just fantasize about Sunset herself or something like almost every other guy your age and move on. Ah, who are you kidding? She probably caught you doing that too at one point and isn’t comfortable with admitting that she saw it. But your main concern is your brain intentionally sabotaging you at every turn, only thinking what you know is the last thing you want to be caught thinking, right as the mind-reader makes contact with you. How in the world did humans survive through evolution with this BS going on? On the outside, you’ve been perfectly articulate and explaining your side of things, but your mind internally is not sound. And now Sunset doesn’t believe anything you say, because she can see everything you’re thinking… but not everything you’re thinking is reflective of what is actually true about you. “Look. All I’m saying is that the letter was just supposed to be a joke. You weren’t supposed to find out it was me!” You repeat, raising your voice but not enough for the other students to hear. “Not a very funny joke. You got her hopes up that someone else out there wanted to spend time with her tomorrow.” “She. Wasn’t. Supposed. To. Find. Out. Who. It. Was.” “Then why would you write it in the first place?! Entertaining YOURSELF with a fake love letter to a girl everyone knows is lonely?” “It was supposed to be one of those open-ended mystery types of things! Where Trixie knew someone out there who wasn’t her was in love with her but could only speculate who it was.” “I want you to ask yourself something. Does that really sound like a smart idea?” Sunset ripples her now tilted-forward forehead. “No! It doesn’t, I have really crummy ideas sometimes, okay? Can we at least start there?” “We can go there next if you can explain why you not only think about Trixie every Valentine’s Day, but also wrote her a love letter that’s supposedly a ‘joke’, one day before Valentine’s Day.” She’s right about one thing: that really doesn’t even sound like a smart idea no matter which way you look at it. And now you’re stuck with the consequences. Though, it was your horrible luck that let Sunset Shimmer make physical contact with you and see you remember writing the darn thing. The truth is, you just feel bad for Trixie and wanted to do a little thing to make her feel special. Erm… more special than usual. You figured that if she saw that someone who isn’t her wrote a love letter to her, maybe she’d stop being so annoying trying to prove something every day, because she’d feel like she already proved that people love her. Why didn’t you think about all the ways this could have gone awry until after it was too late? Maybe you really are just stupid. Worst part is, if you tell the full truth, you’re still the bad guy anyway for not only not minding your own business, but also imply that you don’t think anyone actually likes to be around Trixie. “Alright, well since you don’t have anything else to say right now, I guess I’ll just leave you with this since I don’t wanna be late to class.” Sunset resumes after your unfortunate silence that lasted longer than five seconds. “I’m just thinking!” “About what? You don’t have to think if you’re telling the truth! And I already saw what you were thinking anyway.” Sunset stops herself, feeling as though she’d gone too far. “There’s just a lot to unpack, is all. I know you probably saw that as an admission by silence. But I really just don’t like being put on the defensive like this! Will you at least give me a second to get my story straight?” “You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry, maybe your thoughts really are jumpy because I came on so strong. It happens to people kinda often.” “Then why didn’t you think of that first?” “I know, I’m sorry. Let’s just… take a step back and start this over.” “Okay, cool. Thanks.” “Alright, so, you did write the love letter to Trixie. Yes?” Sunset begins. “I did. But it wasn’t genuine, I just wanted to… I dunno, make her feel better.” The distant sounds of lockers slamming and doors opening and shutting make you imagine which classrooms are empty enough to be better suited for a private conversation such as this. “So it wasn’t a joke?” Asks Sunset with a more open-minded tone. “No, I just said that because you kinda… It was the best way I could word it off the top of my head, okay?” You clarify with a sigh in your tone. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was something funny or anything like that.” “Okay. Okay okay okay. Okay, so it still wasn’t a real love letter.” “Correct.” “…But Trixie still read it.” “My idea was stupid. I’m sorry.” “Okay well, this means you have to go up to her and tell her yourself what you really did. Before this turns into something more than what it really is.” You groan, knowing full well that Sunset Shimmer is completely right in what she’s saying to you. And only now in this moment do you wish you didn’t get yourself caught up in this stupid mess you have no one but yourself to blame for. “I’m sorry but there’s nothing else I can tell you. You brought this situation upon yourself. I’m not rubbing it in or anything, I’m just being honest.” “I know. I know.” “Okay, so you really should go talk to her. And like, now.” “Now now?” “Now now.” Sunset sharpens her tone back up. “It’d only be worse if you wait until tomorrow to tell her, and let her know her great… discovery… was actually false on Valentine’s Day itself.” “Oh jeez.” You run your hand up your forehead and along the top of your head with an exasperated sigh and take a couple of mini steps as you look around. Sunset shrugs at you, only further solidifying that yes, Trixie is her friend too and it’s not just the rainbow beam crew. “Can’t I just wait until like a week from now and then tell her? So I don’t spoil the moment.” You suggest, not waiting to go out of your way to actually go through with this, and pray that everyone just forgets in a week. There’s a long pause before Sunset answers you. “Okay, hear me out. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Responds Sunset with a gentle rasp in her voice. “She’ll have made fond memories tomorrow thinking she had a secret admirer for real for the first time. Surely you know how… immersed she can get. Especially immersed in herself. Just imagine how she feels about the idea of someone else now being that immersed in her. It’s probably rocking her whole world right now, and the longer this goes on, the more solidified this will become in her head. And the more it’ll hurt when she finds out it wasn’t true all along.” You curse to yourself under your breath. “Look, I know it’s not something you want to do, but you gotta do it. Because it’s the right thing to do. If the crush really isn’t real, then you need to be genuine about it and tell her, otherwise, you might be setting her up for heartbreak if she somehow finds out the truth on her own. I don’t want that to happen to her, I hope you understand.” “I see what you mean.” You internally give up on the hope that everyone will forget in a week. The two of you nod to eachother, and a couple of other students can be heard meandering on by not too far away, hopefully not the kind who would have just been eavesdropping on other people’s conversations. “Trixie has lunch next period. Can you tell her then?” “You sure you can’t tell her?” “You wrote the letter. She needs to hear it from you.” You gulp, now feeling the guilt crushing you like a boulder. Curse under your breath again before nodding with reluctant eyes. Sunset is no longer asking about why you had supposedly been thinking about Trixie every Valentine’s Day, however. Maybe she’s already sure you’re going to deny it whether it’s true or not. ~ Think to yourself in embarrassment and you get ready to get this over with and finally have it out of the way forever. The thing that makes your idea even more ridiculously stupid is the fact that you’ve never been much of a celebrator of Valentine’s Day at all. Aside celebrating casual platonic love for friends and family. But nothing pertaining to romantic or god forbid sexual love. You’ve also never been the type to avoid relationships or even conversations with girls because it supposedly makes you cool or something (it doesn’t). Nor have you then turned around to sing the blues about being alone on Valentine’s Day anyway and blah blah blah… In your case, your life is perfect the way it is and you simply don’t want to pop the bubble you got going on here, not even going out of your way to talk about it to your little circle of buddies. Not only do you figure that your approach definitely nothing unique, but you imagine there’s too much responsibility in being a boyfriend to someone. It’d get in the way of things you care about, and you’d rather not do that. Being only ever platonic friends with everyone you meet is an underrated thing. Besides, you’ve had no trouble simply talking to girls platonically all the time. Talking to people and making friend with them ain’t rocket science, makes no difference to you whether it’s a boy or a girl as long as they’re not weird. And because of all of the above, your little stint writing a fake love letter to Trixie to make her feel better makes even less sense to you. Why in the world did that idea pop into your head the way it did? Why did you actually go through with it? There was no reason for you to even remember where Trixie’s locker was, and you somehow just… knew. Why is that? Why did you suddenly believe you’ve thought about Trixie every Valentine’s day when confronted? Did someone out there hack your brain or something? All these unanswered questions buzz around in your head like a swarm of angry hornets, or a school of piranhas biting away at something in your mind you can no longer identify. None of this reflects who you even are, so why did you bother even going through with such a stupid decision that doesn’t even make sense? Your brain is nerfing you and itself on purpose, it seems. And even then, it’s not going to change who you actually are, as if you’re going to perform reverse-psychology on yourself and make yourself fall in love with Trixie for real. You’re already aware of that hypothetical scenario, and already know it’s not going to happen, even if someone like Sunset looking in from the outside may or may not think it will. Just because she can read your thoughts doesn’t mean she can understand them. The same would apply to her reading anyone else’s thoughts, your case is nothing out of the ordinary. So it should be clear to her that what she assumed isn’t possible to happen, you’re just not interested. There is nothing in this world that can change that fact, no one out there who can change how you look at the world around yourself and what you would like to do with it. Especially someone like Trixie, she’s too much of a handful to even talk to normally without going on and on about herself. You’ve even almost forgotten to go to lunch this class period and tell her. It really is that hard for it to even bother you, at a base level. Had Sunset not been a factor, this would have been one of those things the vast majority of the short-attention-span teenagers here forget after a week or two, yourself included. But all things considered, you are who you are. And you’re just glad Sunset isn’t going to put you in the spotlight and make you prove that as though it’s necessary. And you hope everyone else will forget about these inevitable rumors after a short time like you’re going to. All of the above about you does indeed make you pretty stuck in your ways, but they are your ways. There’s not a single person out there you’re aware of who can change that. ~ Principal Cadance sits at her desk at the end of the school day. Every year on Valentine’s Day, she has made it a tradition to pair up as many students as she can ever since she became Principal of Crystal Prep. She’s always been sure to do it in a non-intrusive, non-invasive way; she vows to simply teach her students the value of love and togetherness outside of hanging out and being friends and teammates. There’s a lot more focus, drive and enthusiasm in what one does when doing something for or alongside someone they’re deeply affectionate for, Cadance knows this and has seen it in real time. Love is a much more powerful thing than most people realize, even when they’re directly affected by it. Love makes people stupid, love makes people smart, love makes people weak, love makes people strong. Love is the most potent catalyst built-in deep inside of everyone and only needs a bit of waking up to make them reach their full potential. With this, Principal Cadance pairs her students up on Valentine’s Day every year to keep a string of nice and healthy romantic relationships so their hearts are more in it when they compete together in the Friendship Games. However, if the home team doesn’t win, that’s still okay. They had a great time doing these things with those they love dearly, and that is what truly matters at the end of the day. The power of love giving them a further boost in drive and all that is simply an extra perk in competing in the Friendship Games. Cadance will not end up like Cinch and make everything about winning and reputation. She will make it all about love and good spirit instead, with a side of hopefully winning (but it’s okay if you don’t). All of which is at least what a lot of the students from both CPA and CHS understand about Principal Cadance to at least some degree. It’s become sort of a running joke amongst some boys about how she’s gonna make it easier for them to get girlfriends using some elusive love magic to make them want to be in eachother’s presence more often. The ancient Greeks did something similar to this in Thebes and it apparently worked. But again, Principal Cadance’s methods are intentionally non-intrusive and non-invasive, at least as much as she can make them. It’s definitely a lot more laid back than some of the other bouts with magic that have gone on around these parts, and Cadance makes it crystal clear that she only uses it for good intentions. While on the inside, she’s developed this mantra that the power of love cannot fail no matter what. Maybe things will take a different turn after the school district’s ethics committee emails Cadance back, depending on how they respond to all of this. For for the meantime, the power of love and its potent practices are full speed ahead as far as Principal Cadance is concerned. And of course, some of the students might find this a little creepy, to put it lightly. Especially those like one student over at Canterlot High who may or may not have written a fake love letter to a classmate for a dishonest purpose. The power of love cannot be topped, and Principal Cadance proved this again and again, which is why she’s excited for Valentine’s Day tomorrow. Her phone rings. “Hello? Luna! What’s goin’ on? … Oh you know, more of the usual. Getting ready for tomorrow and everything. … Mhm… Really… Really? … Which one of your students? … Uh-huh… Well what did he do? … Mhm? … Say what now?” Principal Cadance’s eyes begin to form storm clouds of determination the more and more she hears about the blasphemous act that has been performed over at Canterlot High. One that has entirely to do with love problems, with a clear bad actor at fault who is refusing to be dealt with. He’s currently sat in one of the vacant classrooms with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna doing everything they can to get through to him. “Is Trixie Lulamoon okay?” Asks Cadance into the phone, her heart slowly breaking for one student at the other school and slowly revving up in disappointed vengefulness for the other. “Okay, well did she stop crying now? … That’s terrible! … How could he do something like that? … I know! … Didn’t he realize how much that meant to her? … I see… Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” Principal Cadance soon hangs up the phone with urgency in her heart and a mission in her mind. It’s a good thing the students here will cooperate together without her presence; Cadance is going to be busy tomorrow on Valentine’s Day.
G r e y
Dean Cadance,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Human,Second Person,Porn,Romance,Thriller,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
You Shouldn't Have Missed Valentine's Day
The Goddess Of Love is upset with you. Now she will exact her punishment upon you, no matter how long it takes for her to GET you.
<p>&quot;Why did you do that to The Great And Powerful Trixie?&quot;<br/>This is what your own guilt asks you over and over again, but only after a certain principal from one school over finds out about the act you had committed against the glorious yet crazy little thing called Love. The final straw that broke the camel's back for Principal Cadance mentally was when you skipped out on Valentine's Day because you didn't want to face the consequences and own up to your misdeed.</p><p>Now, one way or another, she's gonna find ya, she's gonna getcha. Sooner or later, Love always wins. Love always finds a way.</p><p>This story WILL contain explicit (and very descriptive) adult themes in future chapters, so I'm rating it mature.</p>
The way it happened was about as one would expect. Except with the inevitable theatrics added in by none other than Trixie herself. You’re already trying to repress it, pretending it didn’t happen as you lie in bed in the middle of the night, but you’ve been thinking about it every minute of the day whether you like it or not. As you wonder how Trixie Lulamoon herself must be taking in in this very moment, you remember the buildup to the event once again. ~ Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush were there with her, as they always were, perpetually prepared to back up Trixie in whatever she had gotten herself into his time. They were the first ones to see you; they watched you mosey on over with one arm behind your back, hand awkwardly cupped onto your other arm as each of your further steps got smaller and smaller. But biding your time in this only dragged it out. “Check it out.” Fuchsia had said to Trixie with a point of her hand in your direction, officially sealing your fate for your punishment for following through on a stupid idea. You now had Trixie’s attention, and of course, she already had the love letter out and in her hand; she must have read it a thousand times. Whether to try and identify which boy in school she figured it was through the handwriting, or maybe just to read all of the nice and pretty things about herself again and again… and again. Heck, she probably did both through the entire day. You gave her an awkward wave, and it barely took a couple of seconds for Trixie’s eyes to light up as she put two and two together the instant she saw you. You had pretty much never talked to her before, and didn’t have a recent reason to randomly walk up to her during the lunch period you don’t even share with her on your schedule. Her two closest friends were standing right there watching as you opened your mouth, getting ready to speak… ~ …Trixie loudly sobs on her bed, now in her room. She doesn’t even remember what she did with the love letter she had received, on account that she now knows where it came from: a place of sheer blatant LIES! All her heart had just built up today had come crashing down; crashing down too hard for her illusions Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace to stop the falling debris from pummeling her from the falling skies above. Trixie’s diary resting on her nightstand before her is nothing but an obscured blur through the thick clouds in her eyes. Her tears run down her cheeks like a monsoon as her wails of emotional agony echo across her walls. Her fast turbulent breathing accompanying it. Those clouds in Trixie’s eyes soon form flashes of lightning, shortly followed by a thunderous growl emitting from her lungs. Her glare turns into a dangerous maelstrom of hatred and thirst for revenge. Revenge for twisting her emotions around only to shatter them so. Trixie balls her hands into fists, glad she left school early after making such a scene over not being the perfect girl of that boy’s dreams as asserted in his love letter that read like a window into Trixie’s own mind. Trixie had never heard someone else say something like that, in a way where it sounded like she was listening to her own thoughts, her own heart… She didn’t even know who this boy was and she was already in love with him, and then he came forward and told her the truth, and forced her to fall right back out of love with him. Putting her on such a… rollercoaster of feelings! It inevitably made Trixie sick to her stomach, thinking about how humiliated and devastated she felt as her forehead ripples and her brow furrows; the event had warranted her subsequent moment of pettiness. How dare he do such a thing to the Great and Powerful Trixie?! Getting him sent to the principal’s office doesn’t feel like it was enough for Trixie. Although, it did help Trixie a little bit to immediately overemphasize her own crying immediately after he made that confession in order to make it seem like he said something punishment-worthy to Trixie and her friends right in front of where Vice Principal Luna was watching from. Had Trixie not played it up so hard, he might not have gotten into trouble at all. He would have gotten Trixie’s hopes up and then crushed them, and then would have gotten away with it. And even thought he didn’t get away from humiliating The Great and Powerful Trixie in front of her friends and all the students, Trixie still feels like she… lost. Lying on her side with her tears now trickling sideways to her temple resting on the dampening pillow below, she shuts her eyes and mopes herself to sleep, hoping to dream up a new way to exact her revenge for this humiliation. ~ God damn it, why did you have to let it sound like you had written a stalker letter to Trixie when Principal Celestia had confronted you about it? You stare at your bedroom ceiling in the middle of the night and grunt to yourself, regretting not having prepared for Trixie’s intentionally exaggerated reaction or for having to explain the context of what you did without looking like you’re the asshole here. All Vice Principal Luna saw was you walk across the empty middle of the cafeteria where barely anyone was walking around, drawing everyone’s attention, then talking to Trixie and her suddenly crying the blues like you had previously promised a wedding ring to her but then just told her she has seven days to live or something. It was enough for Luna to call you both to her office to try and figure out what the whole dramatic issue is that disrupted the entire lunch period and made everyone laugh and clamor like the gossip-y teenagers they are. With Trixie inevitably running away in tears and skipping the rest of the school day… taking the love letter with her. And thus leaving you the only one facing the brunt of the mess you technically started. You may not admire Trixie herself, maybe not a whole lot, probably, but you have to admit you admire her clever spite whenever her high and mighty view of herself is challenged or otherwise slightly invalidated. Maybe this is what you get for being such a fool, and not the kind of fool who falls in love. Maybe Vice Principal Luna was aware of this too somehow, and went along with it while understanding that Trixie’s reaction was deliberately embellished. Hell, maybe that’s why you yourself just went with it and relayed it like you had written something that really had been intended to make Trixie cry like that. Maybe it was your guilt that allowed you to do that subconsciously. Maybe that answers your question. Bit little did you know, that there is another much, much bigger mistake you make on Valentine’s Day that completely blindsided you as it happened. The day after Trixie lies in her bed full of tears and revenge, while you lie in your bed full of guilt and remorse, that subsequent day being Valentine’s Day, was a holiday you had intentionally missed. And you were unaware of just how severe this mistake was, having had no way of knowing as you were debating with your moonlight-lit bedroom ceiling regarding whether or not you should play sick tomorrow… You had resolved to skip Valentine’s Day out of a combination of shame and not wanting to confront anyone about this out of simply wanting it to be over already. You already told Trixie the truth like Sunset told you to… you already did your part. Or so you thought. Wrongfully thought. Your increasingly sleep-stealing decision to skip the next day resulted in repercussions that brought down upon you the wrath of the Goddess of Love herself. ~ The echo of the event shall reverberate on even two days later, and then even longer, but only because of this very conscious second and more severe mistake you make. And as you will soon sit around two days later with even more baggage in your mind, the second mistake that sprouted out from the first now plays again in your head: ~ What a beautiful holiday Valentine’s Day is. All of the students of Canterlot High gradually come to school like they’re supposed to, feeling the warm gentle flutter of love in the air. Boys and Girls all over send some sweet nothings to their crushes, a number of said crushes are reciprocated. There’s no feeling like finding out the one you go to school with who makes you feel funny, finally admits to you that you also make them feel funny as well. A boy will have been crushing on a girl for several months since the school year had started. Had been shy around her, very nervous and hesitant to talk to her, not knowing what his feelings are doing until they get paired up in chemistry class together and are both forced to interact in order to avoid flunking the assignment. Every single word the girl says to him makes him jitter and twiddle his thumbs; he’s afraid to even look at her because she just has that much of an effect on him. More so than any chemical reaction they watch and record occurring in the glass beakers. His very handwriting has become shaky and noticeably clumsily done. Thoughts about her won’t leave him alone and he wishes it would all end as soon as the bell rings, but then after it does, and everyone spills back into he halls, the boy switches to wishing it had lasted all day. Because he felt so uncomfortably good on the inside when she was around and talking to him. And then on Valentine’s Day, all the little moments such as that one suddenly come spilling out all at once through a cheesily decorated slip of paper coated in hearts and corny yet sweet lines from movies such as “stop, you had me at hello”. As Principal Cadance steps through the doors early in the morning, she can sense this all over the place as she hugs herself in serene delight. It is thick in the air: the power of love is in good company here. And Principal Celestia greets her from her own office. The two principals shake hands, their mutual plan between their palms, Aphrodite and Eos, Venus and Aurora, ready to teach a mortal man a valuable lesson about love as he should be entering the school any minute this morning before homeroom. But he’s late… at best. But Trixie isn’t late, though she must have forgotten a bit of her usual self-confidence at home today. Lavender and Fuchsia sit beside her on either side, early into homeroom, patting her on the shoulder and cheering her up. Exactly where Celestia and Cadance expect them to be and doing exactly what they expect them to be doing. Trixie swears that she never really cared about you anyway, her eyes still slightly bloodshot with bags under them from a night of not-so-fake crying. Things may be gloomy right now, but today is going to be a triumphant day for Cadance, as it is going to be a triumphant day for the power of love. Valentine’s Day is going to prove to be a great turning point in your life as soon as you walk through those front doors, a pivotal moment. But the bell for homeroom soon rings… and then the bell for first period. But that’s fine, Cadance’s plan can still go into action anyway. Trixie is called to the principal’s office, which automatically signals to her that she is most likely in trouble for skipping out in tears the day before. But she’s already too bummed out and not feeling that need for self-preservation right now to do anything about this. She figures she might as well just go to Celestia’s office and face the music that she over-exaggerated her reaction to the fake love letter thing on purpose just to make a scene. But when she enters the office, she is greeted by not only Principal Celestia, but also Principal Cadance from Crystal Prep, quaintly standing there in her formal suit uniform very neatly fitting her with her hair tidy and in perfect order. Great, now she has to explain herself to TWO principals instead of one. “What will be the length of Trixie’s suspension?” Trixie immediately begins by asking. “There won’t be a suspension.” Clarifies Celestia. “But we do need to talk about yesterday.” Before it can hit trixie like a ton of bricks and open up old wounds she’s currently trying to close, Cadance steps in. “He really does feel something for you, Trixie.” Trixie knows these two wouldn’t go out of their way to lie to her, which means they must be wrong without thinking this isn’t true. They continue to talk about you without you in the room with them. Trixie’s eyes almost start to tear up again, but it is reduced to her just sniffling as Cadance continues on and on. “I don’t know if you knew this, but he thinks about you every Valentine’s Day.” She reveals. “And this year, he was about to finally declare his feelings for you through that love letter, but was too shy to do it directly.” “Why are you saying this? How do you know it’s true?” Trixie says. It had been established to Trixie that you wouldn’t have gone and told her the opposite of what she believed had your feelings been genuine, and Trixie tells Cadance and Celestia this without a shadow of a doubt. But Cadance rebukes this by simply asserting that it was just you chickening out, and that love makes people do stupid things. “He doesn’t realize it yet, but his feelings for you are… genuine. He’s just afraid that you wouldn’t return the sentiment. You see, he’s just as afraid of rejection as you are, and the two of you were kinda doomed to have a bit of a rough start on account of unfortunate luck.” Cadance tells Trixie. “Wh-what?” Trixie’s glancing back and forth between the two principals is full of confusion. “What she mens is that you have to show him first that you return the sentiment.” Adds Celestia. Trixie gives her an even more confused look as she sits in the cushioned chair, the backdrop of the wallpaper behind her contrasting with her light sky-blue hair. “Do you think you can… write him something back?” Asks Principal Cadance. “Celestia and I already talked this over, and we feel that this is the best way we can help. As in, the best way we can help both of you.” Trixie only just now noticed the blank slip of paper resting flat on the surface of the principal’s desk, one corner slightly jutting off of the edge as if beckoning for her to swipe it up along with the pen resting next to it. “Th-this must be some kind of a mistake.” Trixie forces a laugh and raises her hands up slightly. “It’s clear he just wanted to perform some ill-willed prank on Trixie. Why should she be nice to him?” “Because he’s afraid he ruined everything.” Says Principal Cadance. “And once he sees that he hasn’t, and that you’ve shown him that you understand how he really feels, and feel the same way back, it’ll all come bubbling out of him. Trust me.” “H-how do you know Trixie even REALLY likes that heartless weirdo anyway? He should feel lucky that Trixie was impressed by his fake love letter!” “Why did you cry so much?” Brings up Cadance with a rather humble but interrogating tone. “We all know your first reaction was an act. But-” “W-well yeah! Of course it was an act! Because Trixie doesn’t care about him!” “But you’ve been crying all night, Trixie. While you were in private with no one around. I can see it in your eyes, you’ve been crying all night.” Trixie blushes hard and crosses her arms with a defensive pout. Principal Cadance continues anyway. “It’s clear you care about him. And I promise you that he cares about you too, but he’s too afraid to admit it. And today is the perfect day for the both of you to start over on the right foot. You two can start something so beautiful together!” Insists Cadance with a wide grin, flaunting her ‘expertise’ on this topic. “Trust me! I know this stuff when I see it!” It takes a little bit more convincing, but Trixie (now with the pen and paper in her hands) soon figures that she can now do you you what you’ve done to her. Write a “love” letter to you and then slip it into your locker, then approach you as you’re thinking she actually likes you and wants to apologize for her counter-antics upon you. Then she’ll pill the rug out from under you like you did to her, and then you’ll finally understand how it felt, and on Valentine’s Day too! Meanwhile, in Cadance’s mind, the true power of love with erupt in both of you as soon as one of you starts believing the other one actually has genuine feeling for the other, which has already happened when Trixie heard you talk about her like it was her talking about herself, as Celestia had put it earlier. There’s something funny about the way love works. Knowing that someone feels a certain way about you sometimes, just sometimes triggers a contagious flurry of feelings in return back for that person, solely for them feeling that way and showing it. And once the second letter is given to the other party in this, the first step towards a beautiful and wholesome romance between a young man and a young lady. They’ll both fall for eachother entirely with a little assistance from Principal Cadance. “He’s apparently late to school today. So you have time to write your heart out before he arrives. I’ll let you skip your morning classes to achieve this if you want. Just because today’s a spacial day, I’ll make an exception for now.” Celestia lets Trixie know. “How would you like to give him the letter during lunch today?” With a grin fueled by intentions different than those of Principal Cadance, Trixie responds: “Trixie would love to give it to him during lunch today!” After a couple more minutes, Trixie skips out of the office door without a single tear in her eye. But not before a slight flashing pink glow shoots over from Principal Cadance’s fingertips to the back of Trixie’s head, unbeknownst to her. Cadance makes sure to do this in a way where only she can watch it happening and no one else notices. Those other students with the rumors about her still assume whatever they want, since they’re impressionable teenagers, but they can’t actually prove anything, because she never let them actually witness her Poetry In Motion in real time. Cadance is still waiting for that response from the school district’s ethic committee to her emails she sent. Meanwhile, Trixie begins to happily skip through the hallways during first period, knowing that Principal Celestia has contacted her Calculus teacher to make clear that Trixie is completing an “extra assignment” today. Who doesn’t love to be allowed to skip classes solely because it’s Valentine’s Day and they’re experiencing “love problems”? She has no idea why this is happening, but Trixie starts to get oldie love songs stuck in her head, those really hauntingly classic and wholesome ones with those echoing wall-of-sound vocals and seemingly innocent narratives in the lyrics superimposed over classic late 50s to early 60s love song chord progressions and motown-esque instruments. Really is a sort of specific vibe going on as Trixie gets all giddy with herself in the halls, knowing that yes, someone actually does like her for real, but he just doesn’t want to admit it. Principal Cadance, just out of sight, watches from afar as The Great and Powerful Trixie nods her head to “A Teenager In Love” playing in her head. She silently celebrates to herself as she watches Trixie vibing to the tiny little extra bit of the spirit of love she snuck into her heart. It works every time, and Principal Cadance has always been the optimal matchmaker for her own students at Crystal Prep. The students over here at Canterlot High should be even easier to get through to since they’re even more in need of true love in their lives, because they lack the already existent history with Cadance’s careful, non-invasive reign that only comes from good intentions. Principal Cadance loves to be matchmaker. Not play matchmaker… be matchmaker. It’s her calling, it’s what she knows best… what she does best. The room number of the vacant classroom Trixie was given was easy to find, and she soon sits in one of the empty desks and begins jotting down everything she wants to say to you. “By the way…” Principal Cadance asks Principal Celestia after she returns to her office. “How did you figure he always thought about her every Valentine’s Day?” “I had gotten word from one of my students.” Responds Celestia. ~ Sunset Shimmer glances out the window from time to time from her desk in fourth period Physics class. She is thinking back to the scene that was made yesterday, mostly about how Trixie reacted to you. And about how she volunteered to talk to Principal Celestia after school privately about what her own personal interpretation of the whole situation after you were let out of the vacant classroom so you could go home. Something about this makes Sunset feel like this was all her fault. She is the one who made you tell Trixie when you clearly didn’t want to. If you hadn’t, maybe it could have been kept a secret and Trixie could have accepted that she’ll never know who her finally genuine secret admirer was. Yes, your original idea was stupid as well, but Sunset is starting to think that her own idea for what you should have done about it didn’t exactly help at all. Maybe stupid problems call for stupid solutions. Maybe stupid solutions lead to even stupider problems… Meanwhile, you yourself are being driven to school like a little kid now, since your plan to stay home didn’t exactly work. On account of your acting abilities being even worse than Trixie’s acting abilities. Your parents didn’t buy the fake coughing and sneezing for a single second, but you’re really just glad they didn’t ask you if you have a girlfriend this Valentine’s Day. It’s just like that funny chess meme from the internet: Your parents ask if you have a girlfriend. If you say yes, your dad won’t leave you alone. If you refuse to talk about it, your mom won’t leave you alone. If you say no, they’re both going to be on your case about it. So you’re absolutely pleased that they’re not nagging you about it like some of your peers at school do, but they’re the ones forcing you to be around your peers at school anyway. The minivan drops you off in the chilly February air and drives off. Instinctively head into the building where it’s warmer, making your way over to the Vice Principal’s office where you’ll undergo being jotted down as late attendance. There are only a few cringeworthy Valentine’s Day decorations lining the walls, but it’s enough to mildly annoy you. You already know a lot of your classmates are going to be on your ass about yesterday, which is pretty much the reason you didn’t want to be here today. You were absolutely aiming to avoid that screaming bullet for your Valentine’s Day. Part of which being another over-the-top set of theatrics by Trixie Lulamoon. Because of this, your defenses have gone way up, and you’re on edge about what may happen as you’re being basically thrown into this cage against your will. As soon as your teenage classmates see you, they’re gonna turn into a pack of lions, and guess who gets to be the raw steak that was just thrown into their den? Yeah, your defenses are so up… way up. Wait a minute, is that Principal Cadance from Crystal Prep? The one who… does magic stuff with her students so they fall in love with eachother? What is she doing here? She already caught a glance of you, and she rushes over to Vice Principal Luna to wake her up so she can take your late attendance. You reluctantly, solemnly, hesitantly proceed into the school like you’re trotting down the lane at your own funeral procession. The lion’s den is just past this checkpoint. They’re gonna ask you a million questions at once, they’re gonna gossip, whisper in eachother’s ears, pester you to no end while you sit in your desk, tired as a flight control employee, not wanting to be at school anyway. Have you seen how weird Valentine’s Day makes high schoolers? Even without something like yesterday happening… “Hey!” Principal Cadance’s voice is bright and cheerful, almost as sturdy as her posture. “Aren’t you Crystal Prep’s principal?” You have the stories you’ve heard about her resurfacing in your head. “Mhm!” You pause for a second as the metal door with a large cold window loudly shuts behind your back, thankfully without locking. Principal Cadance smiles over at you as Principal Celestia emerges from her office for a brief moment. “Why are you here?” You can already sense this is about you. “Don’t the prep students… miss you right now?” “Oh, it’s okay. The staff can take over for a bit while I’m here.” “…Why are you here?” You express your suspicion as lightheartedly and playfully as you can with a slightly turned face and corny grin. Cadance looks back at Celestia, while Luna peeks out of her office with bags under her eyes with a lethargic groan before retreating back inside. Cadance and Celestia exchange glances at one another before together looking back over at you, silently telling you all you needed to know. “…So why are you here?” You ask the now useless question. “You remember Trixie Lulamoon, yes?” Cadance begins, changing her posture to something less stiff and intimidating the instant she sees you subconsciously start to back away. “Okay, hold on, it’s alright.” “I did my part already. I didn’t want to, but I told her the truth.” You explain, instantly thinking of ways to now avoid the lion’s den. “A-also… I’m sick today. I don’t have a doctor’s note, I’ll just take the absence.” Principal Celestia raises an eyebrow at you while Principal Cadance softens her tone. “It’s alright. We’re not here to put you on the defensive.” Cadance immediately says something oddly familiar. Did they… talk to Sunset? What did Sunset tell them? You have no way of knowing for sure. You begin anyway. “Alright, look. I just wanna go about my day, okay? Everyone’s already going to bug me about what happened, surely you know this. I just wanna be left alone. I did my part and told Trixie the truth. I’m sorry I did what I did, it was stupid and I wasn’t thinking. But I did everything I can do at this point. I already tried apologizing to her, but she ran away. Can you at least tell her I said I’m sorry and feel bad about what happened?” You drone on and on before trailing off when you realize that what your saying isn’t going to make a difference with Principal Cadance. There’s something about the face she gives you that tells you “yeah, you’re not getting off the hook that easily”. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? What else do you want me to do?” “We talked for a bit, and we personally think you could do more to patch things up with Trixie. And today just so happens to be the best day you can do that.” Oh boy, here we go… “But again, we don’t want to put you on the defensive.” Continues Cadance. “But it’s still true that Trixie is still kind of heartbroken, but I understand that if it’s out of your hands to do anything further, then I’ll respect that.” You’re not sure if she realizes how her words really sound when she says them out loud. She absolutely is putting you on the defensive right now, only, she’s giving you the soft-sell about it. “Just… what is it you want me to do?” You decide to capitulate ahead of time so this doesn’t drag out any further. “I’ll apologize to her in person if you want. Okay? I’m tired, I wanna be left alone today. Sorry if I sound grouchy.” “That would work, if you feel up to it.” Principal Celestia joins in as Cadance smiles and nods. “Okay, cool. Can I just get it over with now? I didn’t sleep a lot last night.” “I see that.” Cadance begins before failing to hold in her next bit of totally not putting you on the defensive. “And I feel like there’s a reason behind that.” “…Huh?” “Um, Cadance. I think now is a good time to remind you that he is still my student.” Celestia interjects. “Right, right, sorry.” Cadance quaintly nods, her hair bobbing back and forth before she turns to you. “I’m very sorry. I don’t want you to feel pressured. It’s just that… I really really care about this kind of stuff.” She turns back to Principal Celestia. “Is it okay if I tell him really quick?” Celestia sighs and nods after a pause. “Quick. We don’t have all afternoon.” “Okay, look. Everyone out there in the world has someone else who is perfect for them. And when you wrote Trixie that letter, she felt that you are that person.” Explains Cadance. “Which is why it made her act out so hard when you told her it wasn’t true what you said. And I think that is the reason why you were losing sleep last night.” “Well… that might be part of it, yes.” “I’ve seen this countless times before. And if it’s not addressed, you’ll end up regretting not saying what you could have said.” “So… apologize to Trixie, yes?” “I um… I think that if there is anything in there you’re feeling for Trixie. No matter how small… I think it would be amazing if you expressed it. It would really make her Valentine’s Day a lot better. And yours too, if you two were to spend the day sort of hanging out and patching things up… just out of spirit is all.” You tilt your head a little bit, almost offended. “But… there’s no crush on my end.” “It’s okay if there’s not, just think about this as a possible little Valentine’s Date! Nothing serious, just a cute little holiday activity that would set you and Trixie off on the right foot. And if it doesn’t turn long term, that’s okay! I don’t want to force you either way, all I’m doing is suggesting this based on everything I’ve seen over the years.” The more you talk to Principal Cadance, the more you believe the stories are true. “So… you want me to not only apologize to Trixie, but spend the day with her?” “Not the whole day, just enough to celebrate the spirit of Valentine’s Day with her. I think she’d appreciate that a lot. I know I would.” “What do you mean?” “Well, this day means a lot to me as well. And I saw you and Trixie had a little bit of a run-in that could be started over on the right foot if you just… tried this out together.” In her head, unbeknownst to you, Principal Cadance is waiting for you to eventually enter the classroom with Trixie, where she’ll hand her own love letter to you. And after having taken a look at it after Trixie showed her the semi-final version, whew, is that love letter an absolute banger. What’s better than a love letter? A love letter combined with an apology. It’s one of the sweetest things Cadance could imagine, and she knows Trixie wrote it from her heart. No way it isn’t genuine. All Cadance really wants to see is you and Trixie get together this Valentine’s Day and make things right between you two again. She’s actually expecting it, while not wanting it to look like it wasn’t you making your own decision to do this. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m just not really into Trixie. She’s a cool girl but I’m not interested in spending the day with her.” You decline. “Maybe not right now. But she’s interested in spending the day with you. And maybe you two could have a great time together, that’d be a great way for you to spend your Valentine’s Day this year!” Cadance softly insists. “I only want the best for you, and this day means a lot, it really, really does. I think it would be really sweet. I can get Trixie to agree not to annoy you too much, if that helps.” You insist back, but not so softly. “Alright, well hear me out. I’m not really into doing Valentine’s Day stuff at all. Just in general. And honestly, I didn’t wanna come to school today… because I’m sick.” You reinforce the lie you originally planned to reinforce anyway. “But… you do celebrate Valentine’s Day, right?” Asks Principal Cadance. “This is the best time and place to do it. It’ll be alright, I promise.” “I do celebrate V-day, I just…I guess just not this year. Too much drama happened and I think it’s better if I sit this one out and get better.” “But you don’t have to sit this one out! You and Trixie can patch things up right now, and you can do it in the sweetest way, it doesn’t have to turn into a serious relationship if you don’t want it to. H-how else are you going to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year if you don’t?” She’s probably expecting you to come up with another way you’ll celebrate this holiday she loves so much instead. But you’re too tired and defensive to think of anything. You just wanna go back to bed. “Look, I’m not celebrating it this year. Okay? I’m sorry I’m not, but… it’s just too much for me this time. I hope you understand.” Principal Cadance stares at you. “You mean… you’re skipping Valentine’s Day anyway? Even though you could easily do something really sweet and help Trixie feel better?” “Yes. I am. I’m sorry. I hope you understand. It’s nothing personal. I’m also really sick and would rather just take an absence on my record for today. I don’t mind it.” “Are you sure?” Asks Principal Celestia in a tone that implies that she doesn’t believe a word about you being sick. “Are you sure you feel too sick to be at school?” “I am too sick, but even if I wasn’t, this whole spending time with Trixie thing just isn’t really my speed. I appreciate the offer, but I just wanna apologize to her and move on. And I’ll do it tomorrow if necessary. I’m skipping Valentine’s Day today, I’m really sorry.” “Well uh… what if we uh…” Celestia begins as Principal Cadance stands there as petrified as a statue. “What if you what?” “What if I told you that we… accidentally told Trixie something else already…” “…You what?” “Sorry, that was our fault. We don’t want to force you to do anything, right?” Celestia turns to a perplexed Cadance, finally starting to step in more. “We’ll revise what we said and say you’re coming over to apologize really quickly. You can do that and then you can go home if you want. But the absence will permanently remain on your record, and you’ll have to make up your assignments. “L-luna! Back me up, here!” Principal Cadance turns to her sleeping best friend who isn’t registering anything she’s saying. “Luna?” Celestia places an apologetic hand on Cadance’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Cadance. We tried. We really did. But I can’t force him to do this thing if he doesn’t want to. It’s not under school policy.” “B-but… this is the perfect day you can make things right with Trixie…” Repeats Principal Cadance to you. “It’s Valentine’s Day. Are you saying you don’t even want to give love a chance?!” “I don’t think that’s what this is about.” Celestia continues to step in more, seeing that this has dragged on long enough. “I think he’s just tired.” “But he’s still obviously not sick!” “No, but I technically can’t force him to stay in the school if he refuses. The most I can do is write him up and contact his parents unless he’s being actively disruptive, which he’s not. But if I recall correctly, both of his parents work during the week, and I doubt they’re going to come pick him up if they hauled him off to school just now.” Principal Cadance turns to you, her eyes now filled with desperation as her voice starts to break a little. “You’re… not really going to choose walking all the way home in the cold over spending one innocent Valentine’s Day with Trixie, are you?” You can’t lie, the way Cadance sounds so hurt right now is wrenching your heart. “Please…” Cadance continues. “She really cares about you. Even after what happened. Don’t you wanna give this a chance?” It so obvious she’s actively trying to get you to cave in. But god damn it, it worked. “Okay, I’ll do it.” You give in, at least in the immediate moment to tell Principal Cadance what she wants to hear. “Thank you! Thank you so much! You’ll love looking back on today, I promise!” Cadance lurches forward and tightly hugs you. “I hope you and Trixie have so much fun together!” As Principal Cadance lovingly embraces you as though you just saved her life, mashing her soft chest onto you and getting you feeling a little torqued on the inside, you can sense that she’s relieved that you gave this a chance. As though it means everything to her. Part of you imagines her sneaking some magic into your heart through your back, after having heard those stories about her. But after seeing how genuinely worried she was that you were about to simply decide not to do this, maybe you’re not so concerned about her capabilities in this moment. And so, you sign in and continue into the school. But after you’re out of Principal Cadance’s eyesight and earshot, you begin scouting for the best side door to sneak out of. You’re not going to do it juuuuuuust yet, but the plan’s all coming together as you calculate in your head how to make it across the field outside. As soon as Cadance leaves, you leave. Right after she’s gone and can’t see you leave. If possible. Celestia’s going to bring the metaphorical hammer down upon you for what you’re about to do, and you’re prepared for that, and preemptively accept that well deserved punishment for when it will happen. If only you knew that your biggest concern wasn’t what Principal Celestia is going to do if you go through with this… but was what Principal Cadance is going to do if you go through with this. Stepping up to the slim metal door you’re used to, you remember your locker combination. Trixie wrote a poem for you and stuck it into your locker, and you have a feeling that Cadance knew about this and was waiting for all this to tug at your heartstrings and maybe convince you to start dating Trixie because this is kind of what that principal is somewhat known for making happen somehow. You had waited until Cadance stopped looking around the corner for you, blatantly letting her know that you don’t want to be followed. But also waited until right before you know the next bell will ring so the hallways flood with students, aiding your escape. You’ll have to dodge a couple of lion claws in the process, but it’s a sacrifice you’re willing to make. Start reading the poem before entering the vacant classroom you see Trixie sitting in. She sees you reading the paper, glancing out at you with a giddy smile on her face. It’s pretty lengthy, but you’re honestly kind of blown away by the fact that Trixie wrote all of this in about a day. You can see that she both said really sweet things about you while also apologizing to you for overreacting on purpose and getting you in trouble. The part at the end is the part that matters, however. Trixie wrote one of those little things that says to read the first letter of each line of the poem, catching you completely off-guard. And as you do this, the true message of the poem reveals itself to you: “Sike, you are an asshole, Trixie writes better fake love letters than you.” Your shock as you glance back into the room to Trixie giving you the middle finger is actually real, and she can see it in your face, with a smug grin on hers. Yeah, she got you back. Well played, Trixie Lulamoon. Well played. You could have just waited until after the bell rang, which it does right now, and left without even letting Trixie see you read the poem, but you feel better knowing that Trixie got the last laugh she probably deserved anyway on account of your initial dumb decision. Whatever, you’ll take the L. You won’t lose sleep over this one, it’s fine. Pull out a pencil and write a quick response on the paper before slipping it under the door, prompting Trixie to stand up and come over to see your reaction and response. A couple of your classmates pouring out of the classrooms immediately recognize you and start making a big fuss out of yesterday. With this, you make your escape through the loud crowd. Trixie watches, perceiving it in her head as you running away in shame as the students heckle you roundly. While she still has her “poem” and your response written on it they all saw you slip back under the door. Trixie reads what you haphazardly wrote on the back in a rush: “Well played, Trixie. You got me. See ya” Trixie gleefully pumps her fist in the air in victory, knowing that you HAD to be impressed by that even after she pulled the old bait and switch on you. She looks out the window at you hobbling across the muddy, slippery field outside towards the edge of the school grounds in “defeat”. She cackles to herself. Whatever, you feel better now, Trixie feels better now, both of you won with Trixie thinking only she won. Perfect solution. …Except for one small problem… From another window on the same side of the school facing the same field, Principal Cadance watches you after having seen you clearly not even enter the classroom Trixie was sitting in before students started walking around the hallways and obstructed her view of everything. You told her you weren’t skipping Valentine’s Day after all, only to display through your actions that you lied right to her face. Having no contentions about betraying the power of love on the very day love must reign supreme. Having no contentions about opting to walk all the way home in the cold just to abandon the very thing Cadance has meticulously set up just for you and Trixie. She had literally just been smiling to herself about the thought of you and Trixie holding hands in the hallways after you had surely went into the classroom after she couldn’t see anymore… before she looked out the window. A stake drives itself into Cadance’s heart, followed by a painful lightning bolt sending a wave of emotional despair crashing through her body as if the stake in her breaking heart doubled as a lightning rod. Her pupils dramatically contract, but her shellshocked smile only gets wider, not knowing what else to do. ~ Just like that lost student surely is doing in his own room, Cadance sits at the foot of her bed two days later. It was actually two days later the whole time, but to Cadance, it’s still been Valentine’s Day. She continues to play out the events in her head again and again, thinking about what went wrong, how things could have gone differently, how love could have been saved. She’s not used to this outcome; she doesn’t know how to process this. The only thing that is certain is that your future fate is sealed, and it’s only going to become more inevitable the longer you run away from it. Principal Cadance will not let this stand! The power of love must prevail at all costs!
G r e y
Dean Cadance,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Human,Second Person,Porn,Romance,Thriller,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
You Shouldn't Have Missed Valentine's Day
The Goddess Of Love is upset with you. Now she will exact her punishment upon you, no matter how long it takes for her to GET you.
<p>&quot;Why did you do that to The Great And Powerful Trixie?&quot;<br/>This is what your own guilt asks you over and over again, but only after a certain principal from one school over finds out about the act you had committed against the glorious yet crazy little thing called Love. The final straw that broke the camel's back for Principal Cadance mentally was when you skipped out on Valentine's Day because you didn't want to face the consequences and own up to your misdeed.</p><p>Now, one way or another, she's gonna find ya, she's gonna getcha. Sooner or later, Love always wins. Love always finds a way.</p><p>This story WILL contain explicit (and very descriptive) adult themes in future chapters, so I'm rating it mature.</p>
Principal Cadance sits alone on Friday night, still thinking about all that could have gone better. As the clock on the wall continues to tick away, Cadance struggles to hold it all together. She never thought something like this would happen. And to think it happened on one of the most important days of the year to her. Surely, there must be some kind of mistake. Some sort of misunderstanding that made things not appear as they are. Maybe Trixie had her first kiss in that classroom and Cadance simply didn’t see it. Maybe you had given her flowers, or asked her if she wanted to go to the movies. Or a restaurant, or even just the park where the two of you could sit together and begin to bond as a potential couple. It’s completely okay if it doesn’t work out, as long as love was given a chance! Right?! Cadance mulls over it again and again and again in her head, desperately beating back at the unrelenting onslaught of cope and cognitive dissonance threatening to make her sky come falling down. The pillars of heaven cannot hold everything up when the crushing weight of its collapse becomes too much to bear. Cadance had always thought she was strong enough, had always believed that the love she introduced to others would always come out as the true victor. Love has always been such a potent, beautiful thing. An unstoppable force of nature that no immovable object can resist after everything eventually boils down to the primordial truth of human nature. Even if through lust, love always finds a way. And that had to be what happened with Trixie, her broken heart had to be mended! That must be why she wasn’t there when Cadance re-entered the vacant classroom that suddenly had a couple of clamoring students laughing about some blasphemy saying this didn’t work out even for a minute. Surely Trixie had run after you across that field, with you just waiting to take her into your arms like the end of a movie as the gentle rain poured down upon you two. Pitter pattering all over the ground to only barely mask your mutually exchanged apologies murmured in between sweet nothings. There was no way this plan failed! Even if failing at first, nothing backed by the power of love is kept from prevailing in the end. Love is something that is eternal, it is unstoppable, and it is something that is built into every person in the world. Hard-wired into everyone’s brains, as far as Cadance is concerned, even if it’s only a little bit. Cadance does everything she can to convince herself that you and Trixie are currently watching a TV movie together in one of your living rooms. Munching on popcorn as the glow of the screen is the only light source illuminating your interlocked fingers as you hold hands, with her eventually resting her head on your shoulder and tickling the side of your neck a little with her hair. There’s no way Cadance can allow these students to stay single when they can have moments like that instead! And they are, Cadance needs herself to believe this. So she knows that love cannot die, and that Valentine’s Day is just as sacred as she always knew it was. It’s the day of love! Love made it to the end of the day like always! Cadance just knows she doesn’t now have to try something for Veneralia next to avenge anything. Principal Cadance stands around still in her full uniform, slowly realizing that she still saw you running away across that murky, sloshy field not even a minute after you had failed to enter the classroom and truly meet Trixie for real like she had intended. Cadance wants to believe her heart telling her that everything’s okay and love prevailed in the end like always, but she has no choice but to believe her own eyes more. Her own eyes and the stake that is still in her heart as she stands before the mirror in full uniform as principal of her school Since she knows she saw what she saw, and still sees it in her head right now, Cadance figures it’s still not too late. And she’s still in Canterlot High and there’s still time to convince you to change your mind and share a moment of romance with Trixie Lulamoon. Maybe the two students went to Crystal Prep instead, where Cadance has more authority. Maybe that’s why she’s still not in Canterlot High anymore, but her heart knows that there’s still hope somehow. Cadance’s heart drives her to turn on her personal radio/mp3 player device and sift through romance-laden oldies she loves listening to. She just needs something to remind her that love didn’t fail, and that it always comes roaring back like she always knew it would. She just needs to feel it! Cadance walks around her bedroom in full Crystal Prep uniform, pretending Trixie and her to-be-boyfriend are right here in the presence of their benevolent matchmaker. Their benevolent matchmaker who’s starting to feel a little dizzy, only slightly lightheaded. She begins to hear the haunting echo-y vocals superimposed over romance-drenched chord progressions of late 50s and early 60s hit songs about love and how potent it is. One old hit song after another plays and reminds Cadance of what a real victory would have felt like, and how different it would be to seeing that trail of footprints spanning across the muddy field, only going in one direction as the sky darkens and Valentine’s Day ends. It’s too much for Cadance to take, to imagine this, even though she knows it’s one hundred percent true but she doesn’t want to face it. It can’t be true, but it simultaneously has to be true. “Now now, it’s alright. You two can still date! It’s not too late to spend a romantic Valentine’s Day together… r-right?” Cadance stutters, trying to keep her neatly done hair from getting all ruffled up. She begins to stumble around the room, resorting to removing her high heels so she can balance more easily. But then continues to almost lose her balance anyway, becoming disoriented. Her eyes shoot wide open with shaking, contracted pupils as her hands begin to tremble. The oldie love songs continue to play for Cadance, and she’s doing her best to have this make her feel better. Her breathing gets heavier, and she begins to feel hot in her clothes. Something is just… Cadance doesn’t know what she’s thinking anymore. She’s just… She’s getting so hot in here. She doesn’t know what’s going on. Cadance tries sitting back down atop the foot of her bed, then stands back up and paces around, twiddling her thumbs then soon swinging her arms back and forth, trying to think. But she can’t think. Her mind becomes a confused flurry of conflicting emotions; her feelings clash and battle it out hard enough to make her jerk herself around the room as though she’s surrounded by a swarm of bees. “Th-there… there HAS to be a way~!” Cadance’s voice becomes breathy and high-pitched as she falls back onto her bed, letting her hair now flail around more than her arms are. “Ohhhhhh… there’s gotta be a way!!” Something keeps telling here that there isn’t a way… that it’s too late to find a way, because the footprints in the field stayed lonesome in one direction as the sky grew dark and the day concluded. “No… no no no NO NO NOO!! It can’t be over! Today was supposed to be love’s day, it can’t be over!” Cadance cups her shaky hands onto her face and releases several hot breaths into her palms, kicking her stockinged heels into the wooden side of her bed. Her gasps for air become louder, her soft chest heaves up and down while she lies on her back atop the bedsheets, letting her hair messy itself up against the quilted surface. Her whole world is spinning as her voice pushes itself higher as the feeling inside boils up like water inside a tea kettle. “You can be together! You can still BE together! I know it! You two are in love, you HAVE to be in love! I knew it was a good match, don’t be scared it’s not too late!!” It’s not too difficult to hear Principal Cadance’s increasingly emotional wails and cries from the outside after she flings herself back to her feet and endures the tizzy fit trying to take control of her pierced, broken heart. Two people who absolutely can’t hear her are the two she thinks she’s talking to. Hyperventilating while she tries to calm herself down, Cadance continues to talk to herself, then whimper to herself as the truth refuses to stop dawning upon her. She continues to fling and flail her arms around, burning up so much in her suit that it might as well almost be in a literal sense if this continues as it is. Her wide gazing eyes dart around wildly, her lip quivers… the stake in her heart burns as the lat 50s and early 60s oldies continue to play on her speakers… “This can’t be the end for love! Love is everything! It’s.. it’s… Ohh, please just give it another try!” Wheezes Cadance, throwing her head back, letting her ruffled hair messily dangle at her back. Her jutted out chin points almost to the ceiling, with the front of her neck swelling with each hot labored breath as her skin begins to glisten. She groans and sways herself around, unable to shake the feeling that she can no longer define to herself internally. Her eyes shoot open once more, vacantly gazing up at the ceiling, then look down as she starts grabbing her hands around trying to grip that stake in her heart before it sends her into any further of a frenzy. With heightened, quickening breaths, Cadance fails to even find that stake, only becoming even more driven by the love songs that were always meant to comfort her and motivate her to follow wherever love takes her. She paces back and forth, tussling around with herself and losing. A slight tingle can be felt forming at the base of Cadance’s spine. “Please! You can’t let this happen to me! You have to get together, you can be such a sweet couple, I know it~!!” Principal Cadance fervently tries to get to the stake in her heart however she can. Principal Cadance’s clumsy shaky hands begin unbuttoning the front of her uniform jacket without realizing it at first. She continuously hyperventilates, soon going back to fix up her hair some more as the love songs she knows so well keep playing, desperately trying to comfort her in her hour of weakness. It’s okay if she unbuttons the front of her uniform jacket just a little bit… she’s not breaking her school’s dress code as long as… Upon looking into the mirror, it’s clear that Principal Cadance’s cleavage is now mostly in plain view. She tries to button her top back up, but can’t bring herself to, feeling like she’s only getting hotter and hotter. She becomes increasingly jittery, something’s trying to get out. Cadance fumbles around with her trembling hands all over the front of her uniform jacket, breaking the dress code of her school more and more until the jacket falls to the floor with a soft plop. A feeling of risk overtakes her as she still believes she’s in her school, and that she still has a chance to save the relationship Trixie almost got into. “I… I-I… I jus… nnnnNGAH~!” Squeals Cadance in her desperate breathy voice, over the sound of a lengthening tear expanding down the front of her thin light turquoise blouse; the cool draft becomes more able to assert itself all over Cadance as her top gradually gets torn open. ~ Hopped up on haunting love songs, Cadance returns to the mirror over the sink in a light grey tank top and tight black leggings, her eyeshadow and lipstick gone as the fluorescent light shines down upon her smooth bare shoulders. Her wild gazing eyes lock onto their crazed reflection with a single eyelid twitch and swirly irises with bright heart pupils; her deranged grin widens and ever so slightly continues to quiver at the curved-up corners. That tingle creeping its way up Principal Cadance’s spine could not be gotten rid of; it only persists and makes Cadance shudder with a quiet squeal between hot shaky breaths. Cadance knows that she cannot go back outside like this until she sleeps it off; until she waits out the severe storm that is her unhinged wicked side. She’s not Cadance right now, she’s not even Decadence or Decadance. She’s Broken Candy. Broken Candy giddily glares at her reflection in the mirror, still seeing her potential to be the most effective and potent matchmaker she wants to be… at all costs. If love can’t win alone, then lust will lend a hand. With this, she waits for the next song to start before she begins to prepare and plan her next move, and Poetry In Motion begins to play on the speakers as she further ruffles up her messy hair. Broken Candy cartoonishly prances around her bedroom to the song, seeking a pen and paper to write and draw up a blueprint of her next move. She bites her lip and moves each of her smooth bare shoulders up and down at a time in a lewd shoulder dance as the music she’s hopped up on overtakes her completely. Oh does the potency of love excite her so! All of her plans are put down onto the slip of paper, both in writing *and* art. Broken Candy knows *exactly* what she wants to do with mainly you, but it’s going to be a little bit before you can properly fall into the snare she’s setting up for you. Maybe it’ll be Trixie whom you’ll fall for, maybe another girl, but sooner or later, Broken Candy is going to find the girl you’re a fool for. But she can’t set her poetic plan into motion until she turns back to normal. She must become Cadance again. Upon feeling the need to keep herself from becoming too unhinged, Broken Candy decides to put herself to bed and sleep her wickedness away for the night, leaving herself free to be her regular self Cadance again by morning. It takes a little while for her to settle down enough to enter the feasible region of sleeping in the first place. But she’s already dressed for the occasion, and find herself drifting off within the next couple of hours after turning everything off. Cadance must sleep now. She must slumber until her darkness goes.
Applejack,Rarity,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
3/3 Problems On Love
Applejack picked the most cliche way to confess Rarity.
<p>It was Hearts And Hooves Day on Equestria yet again. Thinking she would be alone this year, Rarity was just chilling when Applejack came and asked for a favor.</p><p>She agreed, and it ended unexpected for her.</p><br/><p>Obviously, Valentine's Day special. I didn't have the time to draw something for the cover yet, so have this instead. I will draw one and update this as soon as possible.<br/>Special thanks to <i>Terrasky</i> for helping me write this</p>
It was Hearts And Hooves Day in Equestria today. As much as Rarity would hope to spend it with a partner, she was single. Yes, she was. As surprising as it sounded, Rarity was single for this Hearts And Hooves Day. She took another sip from the tea in front of her, it was a quite calming taste. Or, it would be if everypony around her didn't come here with a lover. It was not nice constantly remembering your crush wasn't with you on this magical day. Surprised looks from here and there didn't help either. She started playing around with the cup. It had came with two straws for couples, even if she didn't know who drank tea with straws. And just for today, everything would come with a heart-shaped chocolate and a cookie designed with red and white 'love' letters. Not the best experience as single. "Hey!" she heard a voice from the back call. Which she recognized immediately. "Hello, Applejack. What brings you here?" she asked as calm as possible, even if she felt her heartbeat fasten at the thought of the pony. She took another sip from her tea, while waiting for her friend to approach closer to continue the talk. When Applejack did come closer, she continued "I don't suppose I've seen you around here before. You don't like fancy things." she stated as a matter-of-factly. "Right." Applejack agreed as she sat down. "I'm actually here for you. I need you to do me a favor." Rarity hummed slowly in response. She put the cup –which she had been levitating the whole time– down. Now turning her full attention to her dearest friend. "Go on.." she would help if any of her friends were in need of something. "You know that it's Hearts And Hooves Day, right?" Applejack asked as a start. Rarity glanced at the heart and love shaped sweets and returned back to her friend, as in a 'are you serious'. After seeing Applejack not notice a thing, she looked around at all of the couples one by one. Then she answered with a sigh "Yes, Applejack. I know." "So.. there's this pony I want to spend today with and since you kn..." Applejack's voice was completely cut off from Rarity's mind. She could hear Applejack talking but it was all muffed, she couldn't understand a thing that was being said. Applejack had a date for today. And here Rarity thought she had a change with her love. Guess not... "Could ya?" She escaped her trace with the end of the question. She hadn't heard enough to understand the asked thing. "I'm sorry, darling." she said and took another sip to calm herself down. "What did you say?" "There's this date I wanna go to, and since you know a lot about fashion, I thought you could help me with the clothing." Rarity muffed a 'mhm-hm' with a nod before she could consider it. She regretted it soon but she couldn't as Applejack gave a quiet, relieved 'thank you'. - >< - >< - >< - Rarity levitated some models aside as she and Applejack entered her boutique. The boutique was full of clothings of various colors. The building was purple toned with gem designs all over. It screamed 'Rarity' itself. Her fabrics were neatly placed in order at a shelf, waiting to be used. Some of her design ideas were all over the floor, she has been working on something, as it seems. There was also one much more colorful and less detailed. Applejack guessed it was from Sweetie Belle from the looks of it, she had heard Rarity talk about getting gift drawings from her sister time to time. She moved to take a closer look, but it was levitated away also before she could actually make anything out. She saw a small pinkish hue on Rarity's cheeks as it was put inside a drawer. "Um.." Rarity let out, obviously embarrassed that Applejack saw it. Why? Applejack didn't know. "Didn't know you were busy Rare." she stated while walking around. "Yeah yeah.. I've had thingst to do lately." Rarity replied, a half hearted one as she was still busy cleaning around. "But I manage, don't sweat it." She added as reassurance. Some clothing was taken away to Celestia-knows-where in mere seconds right before Applejack's eyes. "I hope you know how glad I am to know that you trust me with this, darling.." Rarity said in a soft tone while she continued her job. It was in such a gentle with a hurt underneath tone. That didn't fit Rarity at all. "Of course I do!" Applejack gave away in a half-shouting voice. "And ya should know that I'm thankful for you too. I trust you, I'm sure she will like the look you'll give me! "IT'S A SHE!?" Applejack watched as Rarity stopped in the middle of what she was doing and turned Applejack with a bewildered face. Applejack just nodded. 'oh how surprised she will be when she learns it..' she thought to herself. She was nervous, for sure, but was also exited. She looked back at Rarity who was now trying to pick a dress. "What would that lucky mare like on you?" Rarity asked to get more clear about what kind of thing she needed to choose, and avoided the eye contact when she spoke. Applejack merely hummed as she thought about an answer. She didn't know what to say. Her closet was filled with the dozen versions of her cowboy hat, anyway. She wasn't the best in that kind of things, but she needed to give an answer to her friend who was patiently waiting. "She's a fashion lover, so are you. Just pick something you would like to see on me." She said eventually. She didn't have anything on mind, so why not just let Rarity choose hers? Rarity only gave a "mhm-hm" as a response, letting know Applejack that she'd heard her and kept pacing around the dresses and fabrics again. She needed an inspiration. She cared about her, and she really wanted Applejack to be happy on a day like this, even if it wasn't how she imagined it would be. Rarity wasn't happy herself. Since Rarity was taking her time, Applejack thought of this as an opportunity to roam around the boutique. No matter how many times she came here, it was an amusing sight to see. Applejack didn't know the reason. Maybe even the decoration of the boutique itself reminded her of Rarity? But looking at her would be awkward, wouldn't it? The earth pony looked at the properly organized shelves one more time as she heard the hoof steps of a pacing fashionista. "Done!" Rarity called out. She shoved the dress on Applejack in a blink after that. After she could see clearly again, Applejack took a look at her dress. Oh, just how much she hated wearing these unpractical and seriously uncomfortable pieces of fabric.. But it was for Rarity, right? She could stand this just for today. It was a green one with lots of little apple figures. The edges were slightly fluffed up in a white-colored gotten. And the back of the dress was fairly long, it reminded Applejack of the 'caped, renowned royal figures', definitely not suitable for her job, or style, or preference, or in any kind of categories. Applejack remembered the dress, she had wore this before. She felt another cold thing -she supposed it was a metal or something?- was slightly pressuring at her neck which proved that it had high density. She looked down to see it was a necklace with her cutie mark design on it. Applejack also realized that Rarity's gem chest was all ruffled up. "Voila!" Rarity exclaimed. Normally, she would be way more exited when she'd managed to put on a dress to her friends. Especially if it was Rainbow Dash or Applejack, it was a rare moment for them to wear a dress, anyway. But this time, something was missing. Maybe the sparkle in her eyes, or the genuine smile which would appear on her face? Applejack made a mental note to not take love advices from Pinkie and Rainbow Dash ever again. But the only pony who was good at romance was her crush, she didn't have anyone else to ask at all. "Do you think she would love me in this?" Applejack asked rather innocently while she checked her leggings of the dress once more. "Of course she will!" Rarity said as she tried to look cheerful. There was a mare out there who literally not only made Applejack celebrate the Hearts And Hooves Day, but also made her wear a dress to go on a date. Rarity wondered what that mare had and she didn't. She was heart-broken on the inside. But she didn't want to ruin her friend's date for some silly emotions, she had no right to do this. But still, it hurt. It was painful to watch. "Who is she, by the way? Do I know her?" Rarity asked, not being able to hide her curiosity. Applejack put on a rather smug grin on her face. "You know her really well, I suppose." Applejack's sentence had caught attention of Rarity, she slowly took one step closer to the earth pony. She really did want to know the mare. "Won't you give any clue?" Rarity asked with a kind of sad smile. She knew she couldn't hide her sorrow emotions. Her all hopes were that Applejack wouldn't look carefully enough to realize. Applejack also pushed one of her forelegs forward to get close to unicorn. They had a few steps of distance between each other. Or rather, a few confessions. "She's right in front of me.." Applejack said with the softest voice she'd ever managed to do. Rarity stunned with the silence. She had very little hopes for this scenario. If somepony told her that a romance book cliche would be real for her, she wouldn't believe. "It's.. It's me?" she managed to say at least. Her confusion was clear. "I thought it was obvious." Applejack said with a sincere smile. She tilted her had as she waited for Rarity to answer. Suddenly, Rarity jumped with a bewildered face. She prepared to give an answer but she was interrupted by the earth pony before she could even start. She could feel Applejack's hoof on her cheek. She was quick to melt into the touch. She thanked her friend's hoof to cover her reddened cheeks. They were kissing. The pair closed their eyes to live the moment. It was warm and cozy. They just wanted to stay like that forever, but they had to pull back eventually. Applejack looked in Rarity's sapphire eyes. "Yes.. It's you.." Applejack confirmed. They both were unable to hide their joy. It was like the best Hearts And Hooves Day ever. - >< - >< - >< - Yet there was one problem. "Seriously, Applejack... You confessed me _today_ only to give one less gift each year? Only one gift per year for both Hearts And Hooves Day and our anniversary?" Rarity complained jokingly. "Uhh.." Applejack scratch the back of her head with her hoof. "I didn't think about that.." - >< - >< - >< - Maybe there was two problems, after all. "This was.. like.. so cringe, Applejack... And very cliche.. Your couldn't think of a better idea? I've had several heart attacks when you said you were going on a date with your special somepony!" "You know I'm not good with romance.. Plus, you didn't guess it either. You didn't realize. It kinda worked." "Because I thought you were better than this!" "Well I took advice from Dash and Pinkie? What did you expect?" "..." "..." "You know what? You've done well enough with that two... At least you managed to confess.." - >< - >< - >< - Okay, maybe there was three problems. "You know, you don't need the wear dresses only because I want, darling.. Your comfort is also important for me, too.." "If you say so.. I think I don't need to wear this thing anymore." "WAIT, DON'T YOU DARE TO THROW THE DRESS LIKE A GARBAGE!"
little big pony
Anon,Sunset Shimmer,Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Human,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Perverse Pleasures
Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result.
<p>Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result. Sometimes you just want your girlfriends to turn into ponies so you can brush them.</p><p>Twilight and Sunset think Anon's weird. He thinks they're both perverts, so it evens out.</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>Artist is Agfavio</p>
The kingdom of Everhold was in dire straits. Demons and worse things pillaged the land. Villages were regularly sacked and burned. Men and women were taken; to where no one knew, nor did they even wish to guess. The demon lord ruled with an iron fist. Famine and fear were the norm. No one was safe. Twilight Twintail had been born into a middling house of nobility. The seventh daughter in a household already fit to bursting, she had been sent to the chantry to pray to the Goddess for the souls of her father and brothers. It was there, in her early womanhood, she received a vision from the Goddess with a command. Bring together the land’s mightiest heroes. Liberate the people. Banish all evil. Defeat the demon lord and bring her light back to all. Twilight had left the chantry with the blessing of her order, her head held high and her heart resolute. Through trials, tribulations, deeds, and daring, she gathered a mighty party of heroes. With their help, she had freed whole towns, destroyed demon hosts, and made the land safer. Again and again, the demon king sent its horrifying minions to stop them. Mighty bullmen, twisted mutants, dark sorcerers with ten eyes that saw nothing. With skill, luck, and guidance of the Goddess, all had been beaten back and destroyed. For the first time in countless years, the common citizen began to feel hope. They joined Twilight and her party. With them came knights, lords, wizards; those with the means and skill to truly cleanse the corruption in the land. Slowly, but without pause, the monsters, demons, and black-hearted men that had ruled with sword and blood were pushed back toward the capital, where the evil lord had resided for the last three hundred years. They had a mighty army, a host of paladins and magic users, and even a kitchen train ran with the best Halfing cooks to ever live. The army that the demon king was gathering would be terrifying to behold. Even with the help of the Goddess, their chance of victory wasn’t certain. In fact, it was far from unlikely. Even so, Twilight was certain of their success. With her friends, her magic, and the might of the Goddess, they’d drive the forces of darkness away. They’d win, and Everhold would be thereafter known as a land of peace and prosperity. She’d be able to put down her staff and pick up her books once more. Several days outside of the capital, Twilight, her companions, and the army they had gathered were camped near the Whitegail Forest. As they grew closer to the domain of ultimate evil, things became strange and unnatural. Even during midday the sun seemed dim. The nights were colder than they should have been this time of year, and the moon gleamed with a reddish light. Even so, everyone had been in good spirits as they had laid down to rest. Twilight and her party had been given rooms at a nearby inn by an odd but nice couple. While her travels had hardened the young woman, she was still a bookish creature of comfort. At the thought of a real, proper bed after sleeping out in the open air for who knows how long, a deep longing filled her. Sure, she could have slept on the cold, hard ground using her robes as a blanket and falling asleep to her party’s bestial snores; she had done so for many months, in weather both blazing hot and deathly cold. That didn’t mean she liked it. In fact, she had no issue in telling anyone that would listen that she hated sleeping outside, on the hard ground, with bugs flying and crawling everywhere, despite all the spells and charms she used to try to keep them at bay. The dwarf in their party, who had slept on cold, hard stone all of his life, had attempted to protest their accommodations, wishing to give the rooms to others. Twilight had been so excited that she had run through the inn doors before anyone could stop her. After a large, hearty meal, a nice, warm bath, and a good night to anyone that’d listen, Twilight had jumped into her bed and fallen asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillows. With their army around them, in this safe piece of guarded land, she had thought herself safe. She had thought that there would be no need to double check the wards she had placed upon the inn while they had eaten, or that everyone in this inn was who they appeared to be. It would be her greatest mistake. The sound of laughter stirred Twilight. It was a thick, rich sound; a noise that made one’s ears tingle it was so lovely. The average person would have said that the one laughing simply had a wonderful voice. To an experienced practitioner of the magical arts, it was very clearly laced with something foul and black. She opened her eyes and lifted her head. No longer was she in her own room at that little family inn. The air smelled damp and stagnant. A sickly light illuminated hard stone, barren walls. Her bed was gone, and she found herself seated in a chair, tied up. “Well, well, well. I never thought you’d wake up. Pleasant dreams~?” A figure stepped into view. A woman. Twilight’s eyes narrowed, and she sniffed the air, almost coughing as the scent of dark magic tickled her nose. No, not a woman. A monster. No. It was worse. A succubus. At a glance Twilight knew her. Stories had been told about her at the Chantry to scare acolytes since the dawn of time. Sunset Slithermount, a fallen angel cast out of the Goddess’s divine lands, twisted by things so evil and other that they couldn’t be recorded, turned into not just a succubus, but the succubus. She had been the first; the most powerful and greatest of her twisted kind. “Demon,” Twilight hissed, licking dry lips as panic twisted her insides. The Queen of the Succubi was just as bewitching as the stories warned. Even in the strange light, she could see her sunkissed, flawless skin, her fiery red hair, her green emerald eyes that twinkled with amusement. A pair of small black horns jutted out through her temples, and a long black tail was swaying behind her. The outfit she wore was obviously made to draw the eye as much as possible. It was all laces, low cut, skin tight fabric that left nothing to the imagination. Her midriff was exposed, revealing a muscled stomach. In one of her hands she held a riding crop. The demon laughed again. “Please, just call me Sunset. All my friends do,” she said with a mocking bow. “Or mistress if you prefer. Or master. Or cherished beloved.” She sauntered toward Twilight, lightly tapping her crop against her bare thigh. Twilight leaned back in her chair, acutely aware of her situation. She had no staff, no potions, no knife, no spell books, not even a blessed necklace. The only thing she had worn to bed was her nightgown. She was as vulnerable as a lamb, and from the ear-to-ear grin on the Succubi’s face, she knew it as well as her. Even so, Twilight squared her shoulders, looking at the demon with narrowed eyes. “I don’t know how you stole me away from that inn, demon, but I promise that you don’t get away with this,” she said. “I’m sure my party is already looking for me. I don’t care what sort of magic you used; if there’s the tiniest hint of a trail they’ll be able to follow it and--” Twilight flinched as the demon brought the riding crop down on her shoulder. There was a sharp pain, which was followed by a warm, pleasant tingle. Some sort of lewd magic molded into the crop no doubt. “Oh my dear. My delicate, delicious little morsel,” Sunset said, stroking Twilight’s face with the crop. “I couldn’t agree more. You mortals are stronger and more resilient than the demon king was expecting; than any of us were expecting, if I’m being frank. If I had just stolen you out of your bed and made off with you, I don’t doubt that your friends would have moved heaven and earth to locate you.” The demon’s smile somehow grew even wider. “Fortunately for me I don’t need to worry, my sweet. I have you all here.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “No, you couldn’t,” she whispered. “Not with so many--” “The demon lord has powers even beyond my understanding,” Sunset said, leaning down toward the frightened woman. “There is no need to worry though. My minions are doing all in their power to make their stay… comfortable.” Vanilla, cinnamon, and lilac filled Twilight’s senses. The warmth from that hit from the riding crop was beginning to work its way through her body like some sort of poison. She gritted her teeth, sending a silent prayer to the Goddess. “You’re lying,” she spat. “Is that so?” “Yes!” Throwing her head back, the demon let out a laugh. Winking at Twilight, she spun around on a heel and walked away. In the dim light, Twilight could just make out her walking over to something. There were hushed whispers that she couldn’t make out, followed by a grunt and the squeal of wood. The demon let out a clear curse, then more whispering. Several seconds passed before the Queen of the Succubi came back with a wooden chair much like the one Twilight sat on. She placed it a few feet from the spell caster. As soon as she did, another figure stepped into the green light. They hurried over and sat down, handing the demon a jump rope before sitting down. Sunset leaned down to give them a thank you and a kiss on the cheek before wrapping the jump rope around their body and tying it with a loose square knot. “You okay?” “Yep. Do your thing.” “Alright.” Clearing her throat, the demon grinned, placing a hand on the person’s shoulder. Twilight let out a gasp. It was one of her party members; one of the first that she had managed to recruit in fact. A barbarian savage, but noble in his own way and loyal to an absolute fault. He had torn through any beast or monster laid out in front of him with inhuman might and glee. Anon the Axe, Chieftain of the Northern Bearmen. DragonsBane. BoneCracker. His Wintertooth crown sat upon his rigid brow as it always did. His chest was bare, and he had naught but a few straps of leather covering his lower body. His weapons, usually hung on hooks around his belt, were nowhere to be seen. He was looking at Twilight expectantly. Sunset, seeing this, nudged his shoulder. He looked at her. Sunset leaned down and whispered something into his ear. Anon nodded, leaning forward in his chair. Twilight could see that the barbarian was exhausted. It was obvious that he was fighting some sort of charm by the way he shook and jerked, his eyes rolling in his skull as he bared his teeth. The crown on his head was humming, the runes etched into it desperately attempting to ward off whatever was assaulting him. “Are you sure I’m a liar, my little morsel?” the demon cooed, rustling the barbarian’s hair. Anon let out a wolf-like snarl, straining against the rope that bound him. Twilight had seen his mighty strength shatter steel chains, but in these bindings he was like a helpless toddler. “I could bring the rest of your little friends out here for inspection, but just this one will do for now I think,” Sunset said, stepping in front of Anon. “Now, what to do with the two of you? What to do--” “Roll for initiative!” Sunset’s face scrunched up. She looked at Twilight, who, with a smile, wiggled out of the extension cord wrapped around her and reached into her pajama bottom pocket. After some rummaging around, she pulled out a twenty-sided dice. “Do we really need to, Twi?” Sunset asked. Twilight didn’t answer, though her eyebrows did furrow. Sunset clicked her tongue, looking over to Anon, who was looking around. “Hey, Twi. Do you have another dice?” “Anon, I told you to keep one on you!” “Where am I keeping it, smarty pants? You see any pockets on this loincloth?” Rolling her eyes, Sunset walked over to him, reaching into her cleavage and producing two dice. She offered one to him. “What else have you got down there?” “Just be quiet and roll the dice, dummy.” All three threw their dice. They made no sound as they hit the carpet, bouncing once or twice before becoming stuck. Everyone leaned down to inspect their numbers. “Oh, I got a twenty!” Anon said with a smile. “Fifteen,” Sunset grunted. “And I got an eight,” Twilight said, practically bouncing in her chair. “Anon, with a twenty you go first. What would you like to do?” Anon sat back in his chair. The happiness at getting a natural twenty was dimmed somewhat as he realized that he now had to figure out how to proceed. “I, uh… I don’t know,” he said, looking around a bit lost. “Can I try to escape?” “Absolutely,” Twilight replied with a nod. “You can try to break the rope, or wiggle yourself free, or even untie yourself. What’s your sleight of hand?” “...Minus three?” “Then, I recommend the breaking out option, since I’m almost positive your strength is much better than that.” “It is,” Anon said. “I got a plus seven in that.” Bending over, Sunset grabbed his dice and handed it back to him. With a thank you, he once again rolled his dice. “That’s a… two. Alrightly…” “I’m assuming that isn’t anywhere close to beating the rope. to You struggle against your bindings, but they hold. You’re trapped for another turn,” Twilight said. “Is there anything else you’d like to do?” “I don’t think I can do anything else.” “Then, Sunset, it’s your turn.” Sunset, who had been looking at her nails, collected herself, coughing into a hand and standing up a little straighter. “I cast domination on the barbarian,” she said, jabbing a thumb at Anon before leaning down to pick up her dice and tossing it again. “A five. With my magic that’s a twelve.” “Doesn’t beat my wisdom with my crown thing.” Sunset made a face. Twilight, letting out a giggle, was able to lean down to pick up her own dice. She rolled it in the palm of her hand before giving it a toss. “I roll to untie myself. Fifteen, plus two. Sunset, I can’t remember, what’s the AC of your magical rope?” Sunset knew exactly what number Twilight had to beat for her rope. It was one of the many things about her character that Twilight had made her memorize before the three of them got dressed up. It was a fifteen; meaning that the dork should be able to free herself and get out of that chair. That wasn’t going to happen. “It’s twenty-two,” Sunset said without skipping a beat. Twilight frowned. “Twenty-two? That sounds a little high…” “I’m the Queen of the Succubi, remember? I can make some really strong magical rope.” For a few terrible moments, Sunset was sure that Twilight would insist on checking the piece of paper that was somewhere around this room that showed her the succubi stats, taking any eroticism left in this night and throwing it into the trash. Thankfully, with a slow nod of her head, Twilight sat back in her chair. “If you’re sure I’ll take your word for it,” she said, mostly to herself. “Well, if that’s the case, I’m still stuck in this chair. Anon, it’s your turn again.” Anon leaned forward as far as he dared, and was just able to pick up his dice. “I’m gonna try to break out again. Fuck. Natural one.” “As you attempt to escape, your bindings tighten around you. Now you have disadvantage whenever you try to free yourself. Sunset?” Sunset looked over at Anon, who looked as bemused as she felt. Giving him a wink, she tossed her dice yet again. She watched it bounce, then stop on the number three. “I cast domination,” she said. “It’s a natural twenty.” Twilight gasped. She could only watch helplessly as Anon the Axe thrashed against the restraints. The bindings pulsed and flexed as if it were a living thing, giving off a dim red color. With alarm, she realized that it was sapping the barbarians strength as his thrashing became weaker and weaker. She had never known a more powerful man in her life, but even Anon’s strength couldn’t resist the dark magicks in this demon’s employ. In no time at all, he was slumped in the chair, covered in sweat, gasping for every breath. The runes in his crown were growing dim. The demon, smiling, dragged a nail up the length of the barbarian’s Anon. “Now, now. There’s no need to fight,” she cooed. Anon shivered as the nail made its way up his arm, across his shoulder and to his neck. He tensed, but quickly relaxed, doing his best to sit back up. No doubt he was expecting to be killed, and wished to die with some amount of honor. Unfortunately for him, there was no honor amongst demon kind. Sunset placed a finger under his chin. Leaning down, she tilted his head up. Twilight felt her heart leap to her throat when she realized what she was about to do. “I-I cast magic missile!” “I use my legendary action to dispel your dispel at the ninth level.” A lance of golden light appeared in front of Twilight. With a prayer, she sent it toward the demon. It flew faster than any arrow shot from any bow, flew straighter than the truth, and with the power of one beloved by the Goddess. All it took was a flick of her tail and Sunset batted it away. It exploded in a shower of sparks, and Twilight could only let out a cry of anguish. The demon pressed her nose against Anon’s, looking deeply into his eyes. “There’s no need for all of this fussing,” she continued, her voice taking on a bassy, sickeningly seductive tone to it. “Why not just relax~” Her green eyes flashed for a moment. Anon’s eyes flashed the same green. His crown cracked, falling to the ground without warning in a flash of magic. The barbarian jerked, then went limp. He would have slumped forward, had Sunset not continued to keep his head held up. “No, no, no! Anon! You need to fight! Fight it!” Twilight screamed. She could only watch as Anon’s eyes slowly opened. There was none of the usual fury or animal-like intensity on his face that she had come to know since she started traveling with him. His eyes were dull, and he was looking up at the Succubus like some sort of lost puppy. Sunset chuckled. “Am I not the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen?” she asked. Slowly, Anon nodded. “Say it,” the demon demanded. “You are the most beautiful creature that I’ve ever seen,” he replied, his voice monotone and lifeless. “You’ll do anything for me, correct?” “Yes.” “As of this point, I’m your entire world. Your devotion to me is completely absolute?” “Yes.” Twilight thrashed against her restraints, her mind facing. There had to be something that she could do. A spell, a cantrip. Was there something near her that she could use? A rock, some part of her nightgown, the earth beneath the chair? Sunset, ignoring her for the moment, cupped the barbarians face with both hands. In the blink of an eye, the bindings that had held Anon were gone. The man made no move to so much as lift a finger, still staring into her eyes. “You love me?” she whispered, her grin revealing a pair of long, sharp canines. “More than anything,” Anon replied. The chuckle that filled the room made Twilight’s heart skip a beat. “Then, I command you to show me how you properly love your everything, mortal, ” she said. Anon’s body jerked as if struck by a thunderbolt. Some light reappeared back into those fierce eyes of his. He reached out, grabbing the demon by her hips and pulling her into his lap. “Anon! Can you hear me? Please, I know you can. You need to fight this! The demon is controlling you! Anon? ANON!” Twilight attempted to push herself backwards. If she were lucky, this chair was flimsy enough that it would break. If not, perhaps the motion of her falling over would be enough to get the demon away from her party member. Domination was a powerful spell, but she knew Anon. If he had some time, even just a minute or so, she knew he’d be able to free himself from the magical influence, then he’d do what he did best and rip Sunset to pieces with his bare hands. It was, of course, a forlorn hope. She barely managed to push the chair up an inch before the restraints around her waist shifted. Twilight felt them snaking down toward her legs. She let out a cry, trying to kick up hard, but it was too late. The bindings wrapped around her legs, forcing them out in front of her. “No, no, nonononono…” Anon had his face pressed into the demon’s bosom. He was murmuring something, his hands sliding up and down her back. Sunset cooed, running a hand through his hair as her tail slipped underneath his loincloth. “Don’t you DARE hurt him!” Twilight shouted. Sunset looked over her shoulder, looking as if she had forgotten Twilight had been just behind her. “Hurt him? I’d never hurt him, you silly girl,” she said. “Now just sit back. Let your new master show you a thing or two…” The loincloth was lifted. Twilight caught a glimpse of skin before she turned away, her face becoming warm. “Get off him,” she muttered. “Stop doing t-that.” “Aw, has the young savior never seen a manhood before? How… sweet. You’d think the sisters of your order would wish you to be knowledgeable in all things.” “What you wish for isn't knowledge, demon. It’s lust.” “Hah! Well, I suppose you’re right in that.” There was the sound of something being unzipped, followed by a thud that echoed throughout the cave. With a cry, Twilight swung her head around to see what the demon was up to know, only to freeze. Sunset had taken off all of her clothing. She was bare, save a thin leather choker wrapped around her neck. All thought of horror and outrage disappeared, and Twilight should do nothing but stare at the bewitching beauty before her. The warmth throughout her body that she had almost successfully quelled once again flared up. She squirmed in her chair as best as she could rubbing her thighs together. Sunset sat herself squarely in Anon’s lap, using his broad shoulders as support. The barbarian’s hands were no longer stroking her back. They were possessively wrapped around her middle, holding her close. Had Anon been right of mind, at this point he would have simply snapped the demon’s back as if it were a twig. Instead, spellbound as he was, he leaned forward and planted a kiss right on her dark brown nipple. Twilight let out a sudden explosive exhale through her nose. She watched as he did it again, and again. Sunset giggled with each kiss, grinding herself against his lap. All the while, her tail continued to keep Anon’s loincloth lifted, exposing the man to Twilight, who found it increasingly difficult not to take a peek. In the light Anon’s tongue was just visible as it slipped out of his mouth and licked up the length of Sunset’s sternum. The demon let out a heavy breath, biting her lower lip. She pressed her boobs together using her biceps, bouncing them in Anon’s face. He responded by licking every inch of tanned flesh that he could reach. Sunset giggled and growled, looking down at the barbarian intently, a blush on her face. “There’s a good boy. Oh, gosh, just like that~... Remember the te-ETH!” In no time at all, the demon’s chest and neck were shiny with spit. Sunset had stopped her grinding, her belly heaving. There was a noticeable sheen of sweat on her face, and she was beginning to pant. Anon had as much of a breast stuffed into his mouth as he could fit, and was noisily licking and sucking. He was cupping the other breast with a hand, rolling her nipple between a finger and thumb. A particularly hard twist wrung a whine out of the Succubus, who grabbed Anon’s face with both hands and pulled him into a kiss. There was another flash of green as their tongues slipped out to meet each other. Sunset’s quickly coiled around Anon’s before their lips touched. Twilight had seen kissing; certainly read about it in a saucy novel or two that some sisters at the chantry had hidden underneath their beds, but she had never known anything like this. It looked as if they were trying to eat each other, growling and groaning into each others’ mouths. There was so much movement, so much sound, so much spit. Animals would do something like this, not Goddess fearing folks! A smell began to fill the air, making Twilight’s nose scrunch up. It was the scent of sweat mixed with something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Whatever it was, it was heady, slightly sweet, and made the warmth flowing through her body just that much hotter. Despite herself, her gaze wandered from their faces to more southward areas. That tail was still lifting Anon’s loincloth, but there wasn’t any need for it to do so. The barbarians penis had become swollen and engorged. It no longer sat limply against his leg, instead sticking proudly up into the air. Anon was a large and powerful man, and his member was no exception. As Sunset leaned back to catch her breath, that manhood slid right between her buttcheeks, the red, leaking tip pressing up against the base of her tail. “Oh, hello there,” she cooed, wiggling her butt. Anon grunted, reaching down with his large, scarred hands. His fingers dug into her round bottom, spreading her cheeks apart. With a chuckle, Sunset continued her grinding, pulling the barbarian into another savagely lewd kiss. Twilight found herself panting. Reaching into her bodice, she pulled out another twenty-sided dice. Anon was dominated, and Sunset was busy enjoying herself, so she didn’t see why she couldn’t take her turn. Rolling it in her palm, she tossed it. She was a tad overeager, and threw it harder than she meant to, meaning that the dice rolled just out of view. “Darnit,” she mumbled to herself, leaning forward in her chair, trying to see what she had rolled. “And just what do you think you’re doing?” Twilight looked up. To her alarm, she saw that Sunset was standing just a few feet from her, arms crossed, her thighs slick. A spell sprung from her lips in an instant. A fireball formed from nothing and flew toward the demon. Sunset casually backhanded it away. The next spell was a jet of water that erupted from a spot right next to her chair. Sunset just tilted her head to the side, allowing the water to miss her completely. “I thought you were enjoying the show,” Sunset said with a pout. “You were squirming quite a bit there.” On her last few spell slots, but determined not to go down without one heck of a fight, Twilight opened her mouth for one last spell. Before she could even utter a single syllable, the demon plopped herself right in her lap. “W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” she demanded, reeling back. “Maybe you were just a little jealous?” Sunset mused, ignoring the question completely. “Well, as I am a gracious host, I’ll give you some attention.” She placed her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. Twilight, too stunned to do more than gap and blush, allowed it to happen. Then, without warning, her face was forced into Sunset’s breasts. The first thing that Twilight noticed was the wetness. Anon’s saliva still coated the demon’s entire chest. The warmth of her body followed; an unnatural, otherworldly, seductively soothing warmth. A cloud fell on the young woman’s mind. Was this really so bad? Why couldn’t she just calm herself? Relax? Just enjoy what was happening? The smell of vanilla and magic tickled her nose, bringing her somewhat out of her stupor. She growled, forcing herself to look up from between that admittedly lovely rack to glare at the demon. Sunset stared right back, all smiles. The two continued to stare for what felt like ten minutes when Twilight, at a loss of what to do, did the only thing she could. With a mighty battlecry, she reared her head back and bit down on Sunset’s boob as hard as she could. “Twi?” “Yeah?” “Whatcha doin’ there?” “Biting you.” “Sexually?” “No, for an attack.” “...What’s the max damage on a normal human bite?” “It’s one-D six plus my strength. Which is minus one.” “You know I halve all physical attacks right? And I have 200 hp?” “I have to try something Sunset!” “Alrighty. Lets see your dumb roll…” “Let me get my d-six.” Twilight’s teeth sunk into the supple flesh. She bit so hard that her jaw ached. Sunset didn’t so much as flinch. “You are very spunky, mortal,” she said, pushing a stray lock of hair out from Twilight’s face and pushing it behind the ear. “That’s why you’ll make sure a wonderful pet.” She wrapped her arms around Twilight’s head and buried her face into her hair. The young woman once again found herself deep between a pair of soft breasts. She let out a long, low whine, her toes curling as Sunset held her close. The warmth filling her body was becoming overwhelming. She weakly pulled against her restraints, rubbing her thighs together. Twilight tried holding her breath, but the demon’s intoxicating scent seemed to invade her mouth and nostrils. She relaxed in her arms, feeling her mind once again begin to drift. The nightgown that she wore, usually so light and comfortable, being of fine elven make, now felt heavy, coarse, and uncomfortably hot. It was getting hard to breathe, especially with Sunset holding her like this. She needed to get comfortable; if she was comfortable again she’d be able to think clearly, and if she was able to do that she might be able to get Anon and herself out of this mess. Which meant, of course, she needed to strip. She mumbled something. When Sunset just continued to hold onto her and sniff her hair she cleared her throat and mumbled a little louder. The demon let go of her and leaned back so she could look down at her with a raised eyebrow. “You’re getting my gown all dirty, you filthy demon!” Twilight blurted out, blinking a bead of sweat out of her eye. “It seems that way, huh?” Sunset said, reaching up to grope one of Twilight’s tits. “All those fluids are really making this stick to you. Elven stuff is well-made, but just a bit of water and all their clothing is practically see through. I mean, I can see a cute, hard little nipple right there to pinch.” Twilight’s breathing hitched as the demon squeezed her breast hard. “Hmm~ What a sinfully big set of tits you seem to have, oh chosen of the Goddess,” Sunset said before pushing herself out of Twilight’s lap and standing up. “As downright divine you look in that gown, I really must see what’s underneath it. Come on, up you go.” The queen snapped her fingers. Twilight found herself forced into a standing position. Her restraints were no longer around her middle. With another snap of her fingers, she found herself frozen in place. Sunset turned her back to her, walking over to Anon. The barbarian was standing there as if glued to the floor. His arms were hung limply at his sides as he swayed back and forth, his expression dull. Sunset sauntered around him, untying his loincloth and allowing it to drop to the floor. His manhood still jutted out proudly in front of him, freely leaking a clear fluid onto the floor in front of him. “Oh, brave and mighty hero,” the demon said, running a hand up the length of Anon’s arm. “There’s a helpless maiden that needs your help undressing. Be a dear and help her, won’t you?” The barbarian reacted without hesitation. In two strides he stood in front of Twilight, staring down at her with those dull eyes. “Anon?” Twilight whispered, forcing the word out. He placed his hands on her hips, grabbing two fists full of fabric. “Roll dexterity for me, please.” “...What?” “Roll for dexterity to see if you can get the nightgown off me.” “Twilight, for god’s sake, my dicks out. Can’t we just--” “Anon.” “Alright. Fine.” “I’ll give you advantage, since I can’t move.” “Thank you. First roll is a… two.” “A failure.” “I figured, smarty pants. The second is… another fucking two.” Anon pawed at her nightgown, but couldn’t manage to lift the fabric past her ankle. Twilight had no idea if it was the domination that was making his motor skills so sluggish, or that the barbarian was trying even now to fight the spell’s effects. “Here, babe, you can use my dice. Twilight must have done something funny with the one she gave you.” “You know I’d never do something like weigh my dice, Sunset.” “Yeah, yeah. Here, just roll something high enough that we can start actually fucking this dork.” Anon smiled at Sunset, taking the dice from her. He looked down at it, blowing on it for good luck before rolling it around in his palm. “What are you setting for the AC or whatever to beat undressing you?” he demanded from a very pleased looking Twilight. “It’s really low, I promise. Just a seven.” “I get a plus two for dex, so that should--COMEONDOIT!” With a cry, Anon tossed the dice. It spun through the air, bouncing toward Sunset. The red-haired woman watched as the dice rolled right to her feet, the number one staring back up at her. “What did he get, Sunset?” Twilight asked. Sunset looked at Twilight, then at Anon, who was staring at her with a pained expression. Twilight might have been as blind as a bat, even with those glasses of hers, but Sunset didn’t doubt that she could see what he had just rolled. She couldn’t even begin to think what would happen if one critically failed to take off another person’s clothes. Knowing Twilight, it’d probably be ridiculous. “He got a ten,” she said slowly, pushing the dice behind her with a foot. “Anon, start taking Twi’s clothes off right now before I scream. Please.” A shiver ran through the barbarian.. With time, though with still some effort, he pulled Twilight’s nightgown over her head, ignoring the woman’s shout in protest. Balling up the fine elven fabric, he tossed it away. Twilight desperately wished to cover herself, but her body still refused to listen to her. She could only bite her bottom lip and stand there, her face becoming hot. Both the barbarian and Succubus eyed her. Her skin was pale, with an odd mark here and there but mostly without blemish. Twilight had somewhat of a belly, and a respectable bottom with a nice set of legs. Being as she had traveled all through the land--i.e., she was too busy at work--a purple mound of pubic hair sat between her legs. She would have been nothing more than an average looking priestess, if not for what sat up on her chest. Two large, round, full breasts hung for all to see. They were noticeably bigger than Sunset’s, who had a chest that she was awfully proud of. Her bras said that she was an E-cup, but Anon had always insisted that they were bigger. Somehow, through chemical means, scientific experiments that Twilight told no one about, or just plain or genetics, there was almost no sag in those breasts either. There would also never be any sagging, if what Twilight said and if her mother was any indication. Her areolas, while on the larger side, still looked perfectly sized for her chest, both nipples poking out both from the chill and the woman’s excitement. Not for the first time when looking at her, both Sunset and Anon seemed to go into a stupor. They weren’t just staring at her chest either. She could plainly see their eyes wandering all over her body with just as much hunger. It always made her smile seeing them stare like that. It made her feel sexy; like she was some supermodel and not some regular dork. She loudly cleared her throat, breaking them out of the spell she held over them. Sunset looked over to Anon, who then gestured to her. The red-haired woman frowned, the gears in her head churning, before her face lit up. “And there we are,” she said, spreading her arms out wide. “My goodness, just look at you. They really know how to grow ‘em in the chantry, don’t they?” “Y-You perverts,” Twilight said, covering her groin and chest with her hands as best as she could, forgetting for a moment that she wasn’t supposed to be able to move. “I swear by the Goddess I’ll make sure you see her light very soon, demon.” The demon ignored her, moving in close. She leaned forward, planting a kiss on Twilight’s collarbone. Twilight bit her bottom lip, her face scrunching up as Sunset placed her hands underneath the woman’s breasts. She bounced them in her hands. “Holy fuck do I love these things,” she mumbled, leaning down to wrap her lips around a nipple. Twilight let out a yelp. One of her hands shot up, grabbing the back of Sunset’s head as the other woman gave her nipple a hard suck. She grabbed a fistful of hair, and pushed her in close, before remembering that she wasn’t supposed to be able to move. Reluctantly, she removed her hand and forced it back to her side. Sunset, her eyes closed, didn’t seem to notice as she brought a hand up and began playing with the other boob. She watched Sunset have her fun for a few moments before looking up. Anon had somehow walked right up to them without her noticing, and was staring down at her with a wolfish grin. It took a few tries, especially when Sunset started biting, but Twilight eventually managed to focus her gaze on him. “A-Anon, is there anything y-you want to--” She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as his lips crashed into hers, followed by a tongue slipping into her mouth. Twilight sent a desperate plea to the Goddess for some sort of help, some strength that would see her through this night, but all she received was silence. She was a sister of the chantry, pure as snow, and here she was being defiled by a monster and one of her closest companions. She could feel the demon’s tongue lapping at her chest, her razor-like fangs grazing her sensitive flesh. Anon, meanwhile, was attempting to stick his tongue down her throat as if she were a tavern wench. She tried batting his tongue away with her own, but that only seemed to invigorate the barbarian. The heat was unbearable now. Had she control of her body, Twilight’s knees might have buckled from it. She had never, in all of her life, felt this horny before. It almost made her want to scream. She could feel it erode what little willpower she had left to fight. She began to reciprocate the kiss. Being it was her first, with a man at least, it was clumsy. She mostly just poked at the barbarian’s tongue while attempting to pucker her lips. A hand grazed her thigh as she felt a bead of drool fall from her mouth and onto her chest. Panting into Anon’s mouth, she tried to look down to see who was touching her. The barbarian, it seemed, didn’t like that, as he immediately placed a hand under her chin, tilted her head up, and kissed her even more fiercely. “Hmmmm~!” Sunset’s lips left her breasts, slick with spit and aching from the groping and biting. Twilight could just hear her giggle before kissing her belly. A bolt of lightning raced down her body toward her groin. She tensed, groaning into her party member’s mouth. That hand dug into the tender flesh of her thigh, forcing her to widen her stance while the demon planted kisses lower and lower down her body. With one last great feat of will power, Twilight tilted her head back and broke the kiss. Even though her body was not under her command, she could still feel it shaking. Her head was spinning, and no matter how hard she breathed she found that she couldn’t fill her lungs up with enough air. She looked up at Anon desperately. “Anon… Please…. Fight,” she begged. The Succubus pressed her face into Twilight’s bush. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth to tease her clit. Anon just stared at her, no recognition in his eyes as he reached up to fondle her tits. Twilight’s hips bucked, and she let out a low hiss. “Ohhhhhhhh my gosh…” She lifted herself up onto her tippy toes, shutting her eyes tightly while Sunset, wasting no time, slipped her tongue into her. Twilight’s hands balled into fists, feeling it wiggling around. As that happened, Anon was pinching and twisting her nipples while kissing the nape of her neck, leaving the poor woman beside herself. Sunset let out a groan, a hand slipping down between her legs to see to her very neglected womanhood. As silly as this whole thing was to her, she still found herself becoming rather hot and bothered. As she licked and kissed and nuzzled Twilight’s pussy, she could see Anon’s dick bobbing a few inches from her cheek. Her eyes drank in the now purplish, leaking mushroom tip, the veins that ran the length of the shaft. The “demon” let out a whine, her hips bucking against her hand as she licked Twilight’s arousal off her lips. Rubbing the tip of her nose against the other woman’s clit, making her lean forward with a squeal, Sunset tapped on Anon’s thigh. Sucking on Twilight’s bottom lip, he looked down at her. Sunset pointed at his junk, then at her cheek. When he just stared at her in confusion, she lightly smacked her cheek with a hand then batted her eyelashes at him. Anon rolled his eyes but, a second later, he swung his hips around, causing his penis to hit her cheek with a loud smack. Sunset shuddered, feeling a spurt of her own cum leak from between her working fingers and hit the carpet below. “T-Thank y-you…” Magic no longer held Twilight in place. The woman realized that when she found herself stroking her barbarian’s arm as they kissed. She could move now; she was free. Had she the will for it, she might even be able to save herself and the others for whatever fate awaited them. Twilight reached up with a hand. She still had a sixth level spell left. Lightning Bolt, or Thunderclap, or maybe even Piercing Shatter would, at the very least, buy her some time and maybe even damage the demon. Her hand raised up… …And grabbed the queen by the back of her head, forcing her face and that otherworldly tongue deeper into her. “Yessss… take it you demon f-filth,” she mumbled, eyes rolling in her skull. Spells and faith were currently the furthest things from her mind. The demon king may as well not have existed. There, in a damp, dark cave, she was feeling things that she had never felt before in her life. She wanted, no needed, to go further. Without thinking, she reached down with her other hand, grabbing Anon’s penis. It was so thick that she could barely get her fingers around it. Even in his stupor, Anon twitched at her touch, stucking in a lungful of air around her nipple in his surprise. A sick thrill filled her when she heard that sound. She bit her bottom lip, giving the shaft a stroke. The penis throbbed in her hand, and she watched as a spurt of cum shot out of his tip and hit the demon’s cheek. Sunset didn’t seem to notice, orally pleasing her with vigor. “Anon,” Twilight said. Anon looked up to see the dork staring up at him with half-lidded eyes. Her mouth was open, and he could see her tongue hanging out. A shiver ran up the length of her body. Sunset tensed as the grip around her hair tightened considerably, though she continued her licking and kissing. Twilight was taking deep, slow breaths, her belly heaving as she struggled to stay standing. “Ohgosh. Oh my g-goodness,” she whispered, humping the other woman’s face like her life depended on it. “I’m just so… It’s… A-Anon. I need you to…” The man didn’t need further prompting. Releasing the tit, he stood up to his full height. He looked into Twilight’s far-off, pleasure filled face. Thinking for a second or two, he reached up, carefully tilted her head to the side to expose her neck. Then, as quick as a snake, he leaned down and bit her. Hard. Twilight went ramrod stiff, her eyes growing huge. Anon, still latched onto her neck, quickly reached down and began to rub her clit with a thumb. There was a moment of worry when her grip on his dingaling tightened considerably, but then, almost without warning, Twilight went limp. Anon could hear her inhale, and feel her body heat up noticeably. He had to snake a hand around her butt to keep her shaking form upright. Though he didn’t see it--this time at least--Twilight shut her eyes tight and her mouth opened in a wordless cry as she found her release. Sunset, a tad surprised that the girl had gotten off so quickly, nevertheless welcomed the treat. She lapped up what she could, and allowed the rest to coat her face and neck. She licked all through Twilight’s orgasm, only stopping when she felt her weakly trying to pull her from between her legs with a hand. “Whatcha doin’ down there, Sunny? Twi’s usually harder than that to crack. You use some of your horse magic or something?” It took a few moments for Sunset to catch her breath. She pumped her fingers in and out of herself a few more times before, with just a tad of regret, pulled them free. “If she keeps squirming and moaning I swear none of us are getting any sleep tonight.” She eyed Anon’s cock. Staring up at the man, she leaned over and cleaned the precum off his tip with a few teasing slurps. She opened her mouth wide, intending to take him into her mouth, but stopped short. She’d be able to play with him properly later. Right now they needed to focus on Twilight. “Here, give me a hand. This carpet is so hard on my gosh darn knees…” The world was blurry for the chosen of the Goddess. Were it not for the barbarian, she would not have been able to keep standing. She was leaning against him, her cheek pressed against his bare, sweaty chest. Her glasses sat on the very tip of her nose, just a hair's breadth from falling. She still held onto the barbarian’s penis as if it were the only thing keeping her on this plane. The afterglow of her orgasm still pulsed in her veins. Twilight’s eyes were able to focus just as the demon rose to her feet. She could see her face was a ruin of sweat, spit, and cum. Instead of dampening the fire in her belly, the sight only fueled it. Weakly, she reached out to the Succubus. Sunset, with a laugh, stepped away from them. “Slave, pick this one up,” she said with a hand gesture. “She’s had a woman’s touch. Now it’s your turn.” Before Twilight could process her words, Anon scooped her up into his arms like she was a sack of flour. “W-Wait,” she murmured, weakly squirming. “Anon…” The snapping of a finger rang out in the cave. Twilight looked away from the barbarian to see a bed just a few feet away. It looked almost like the one she had fallen asleep in back at that inn, though much bigger. Sunset was already sitting on the bed, grinning from ear to ear. She tapped an empty space right next to her. “No…” Anon, walking over, sat her right down on the edge of the bed. Holding her by her hips with large, scarred hands, no expression on his face. Sunset, with a laugh, leaned forward so Twilight could see her staring cruelly down at her. “Make her first time memorable,” she commanded. “Fuck her until she’s a screaming, howling mess. Take that big dick and break her with it.” She reached down, pinching one of Twilight’s nipples. Anon, meanwhile, laid his manhood over top of the woman’s pussy. He thrust his hips forward, sliding his tip up toward her belly. “Knock her up. Make her your whore.” Light once again came to Anon’s eyes. With it came an insatiable hunger. Twilight let out a whimper as she felt fingers dig harshly into the tender flesh of her hips. He pulled his hips back, sliding his manhood down the length of her slit until his tip was hovering right above her entrance-- “Love you.” Twilight frowned, looking up at Anon. “Hey, no breaking character.” Anon smiled. “We’ve been breaking character pretty much since we’ve stepped into the bedroom, Twi.” Sunset, chuckling to herself, leaned over to take the glasses off the other woman’s face. She kissed Twilight on the tip of the nose, which, admittedly, made frowning harder, but the dork gave it her best attempt. “Love you,” Anon repeated, leaning down to give her a peck on the lips. Twilight sighed, forcing down a smile. She reached up and cupped his face, pulling him into a quick kiss. “I love you too,” she replied. “Both of you. You’re the best a girl could ask for, and I’m going to make it up to you for doing this with me. Now, please get back to raping me.” “Raping?” “It’s just make-pretend, dummy. Now, be rough. I really want you to give it to me, alright? Sunset, I’d love it if you grabbed my arms and held them up over my head… Yep, just like that.” Twilight gasped as she felt the tip of the barbarian’s penis press against her womanhood. Her back arched as the crown spread her lips. Above her, Anon let out a savage snarl. “A-Anon… I--” In one smooth, hard thrust, Anon slammed himself into her. There was a flash of pain, and the unfamiliar sensation of complete fullness. A choked, wet noise escaped Twilight’s lips as she stared dumbfounded into the barbarina’s face. All she had was a second before he was pulling back, slowly sliding what felt like a tree trunk out of her. She uselessly dug her heels into the bed, toes curling. Anon let out a snort. The dull expression on his face morphed into pleasure as Twilight began clenching around him. He pulled back until just his fat, apple-like cockhead was inside of her, and then he pressed forward at a much more reserved speed. Twilight let out a whimper when he was once again buried to the hilt. As Anon ground his hips against hers, she realized she could feel his cock throbbing. This time, as he pulled back, she let out a moan. With each thrust, the barbarian seemed to grow more confident. His pace increased, and with it came sound. A rhythmic, wet, sinfully lewd slapping sound filled Twilight’s ears, though she could barely hear it over the pounding of her own heart. She could not move, could not fight as this man fucked her like some common street harlot. With each throb, she could almost feel his precum filling her up, mixing with her own fluids that were coating both their groins. Anon changed the angle of his thrust ever so slightly. His cockhead slid along her vaginal wall, and then a flash of white hot pleasure hit her. “O-Oh my gosh… Fuck!” “Ohoho~ Looks like someone found the g-spot,” the demon, somewhere to her left. “Keep doing that, slave.” There was a fingersnap. Anon grinned savagely, his hands leaving Twilight’s hips to grab her breasts. Squeezing the mounds of flesh, he began to fuck her even harder and faster, making sure to hit that exact spot with each thrust. Twilight howled, thrashing like she had been hit by a bolt of lightning, the pleasure making her eyes cross. Her legs wrapped around the barbarian to keep him from pulling out. His hips a blur, the Anon leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. “Golly, just look at her. She really is worked up today, huh?” Sunset muttered to no one in particular. She rubbed her slick thighs together, just watching the two fuck like rabbits. From the expression on Anon’s face, she could tell the big guy was about to lose it. Twilight was right around the bend too, but she’d probably need a little push for her finish line. Sunset leaned back, staring up at their ceiling as the dork began to mumble incoherently while Anon squeezed her tits. After a few moments of thought, an idea came to mind. The woman grinned, letting go of Twilight’s arms, she crawled over to Anon, who was trying his hardest to rearrange Twilight’s guts and listening to her very vocal encouragement. Trying not to cackle like some crazy woman, she leaned down toward his ear. “Hey, just so you know, she’s not on birth control.” Anon sucked in a breath, his eyes wide. Sunset watched as he hilted Twilight--who let out a yelp in surprise. His hands left her boobs and snapped to her hips, fingers digging into her skin. Sunset had just enough time to reach between his legs and cup his balls as he began to unload into the woman, his hips making quick, jerky movements as he let out a girlish squeal. Twilight, her eyes growing bigger than his, let out a squeal of her own. Her legs around him tightened, and Sunset watched as her flush, sweat-soaked body began twitching and shaking. Sunset, gently massaging Anon’s sack, used her other hand to pinch Twilight’s nipple as the two rode out their orgasms. With a few more half-thrusts, much of the tension left Anon’s body. Panting, he let go of a still twitching Twilight to give Sunset a dirty look. She just playfully stuck her tongue out at him. Anon leaned down and whispered something to Twilight. The barely there woman whispered something back, kissing his cheek. It took some effort, with Twilight’s legs still wrapped around his middle in a death grip, but he was eventually able to pull back, allowing his softening cock to slip out of the woman. Sunset watched as Twilight’s pussy clenched, and a stream of cum soon followed. With a tired grunt, Anon rolled off of Twilight. Sunset was quick to take up the space that he left behind, kissing Twilight deeply, a hand snaking down between her legs. “Did you enjoy yourself?” she asked, slipping two fingers into her still leaking slit. “Uh-huh,” Twilight replied, eyes unfocused. Sunset watched as her eyes slipped closed, which was quickly followed by quiet snoring. While Twilight could usually out-distance both her and Anon when it came to stamina, she never was able to go more than a round or two before crashing. Anon liked to joke that she was a long distance runner, but not one for marathons. Pulling her fingers out of her now sleeping girlfriend, Sunset examined the cum on her fingers before slipping them into her mouth and sucking hungrily. As fun as this all was, she still hadn’t gotten off yet. Her and Anon could probably go for the rest of the night if she was smart. First, she’d need to get him hard again. With one last fond glance at Twilight, Sunset attempted to locate their boyfriend. To her surprise, Anon was no longer on their bed. Instead, he was crouched down a few feet away, mumbling to himself. Curious, Sunset crawled off the bed and made her way behind him. Leaning over him, she peered down to see what he was so fixated on. It was their twenty-sided dice. Anon had collected all three of them and was rolling them over and over again, becoming more and more frustrated with each roll. “Two, two, one. Three, four, five. Seven, one, two. What the fuck is wrong with these dice?!” Sunset cleared her throat. When Anon looked up at her she gave him her most seductive look. “Roll for fucking my brains out. Two or higher is a critical success,” she said. He looked at the dice in his hand. He frowned as hard as Sunset had ever seen, and gave all three dice a toss. One, one, one. Anon jumped to his feet. “Fuck these busted dice!
little big pony
Anon,Sunset Shimmer,Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Human,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Perverse Pleasures
Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result.
<p>Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result. Sometimes you just want your girlfriends to turn into ponies so you can brush them.</p><p>Twilight and Sunset think Anon's weird. He thinks they're both perverts, so it evens out.</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>Artist is Agfavio</p>
Things were a little bit different for Sunset as a newlywed. It was as if something had been switched on in her brain. There was a sense of security and a sense of purpose that she now felt from the moment she woke up to the moment she laid her head down to sleep. Food tasted better, and colors were more vibrant. She did not walk around anymore, she glided. When she woke up, her hubby was already gone. As much as she would have loved waking up next to him she knew someone needed to support this young family of theirs. She knew Anon worked himself to the bone for herself and Twilight. Long hours, short nights, more crawling through the door than walking. It was man’s work, and a man’s duty to be done without complaint she knew, but even so she was grateful beyond words for what he did for them. Light was just beginning to peer through the window of their bedroom. As Sunset laid there, warm and comfortable, she could still smell her hubby in the sheets. With a sleepy murmur, she nuzzled her face into her pillow, imagining that he was still in bed with her. Those strong, big, rugged hands holding her close against him, something nice and fat poking her bottom… Rubbing her face, the woman slowly sat up. She yawned, blinking slowly as she scanned the room. There was a lot to do today, as was the case most days, but she had to start with possibly one of the most difficult tasks of the day. She looked to her left to see Twilight still dead to the world, a bead of drool running down her mouth as she snored. The blanket covering the two had fallen down her side, leaving a large, round tit exposed for all to see. Sunset licked her lips at the sight of a pink nipple hard from the cool morning air just a foot away. She cleared her throat, leaning over and placing a hand on the other woman’s shoulder. “Twi? Twilight. You need to get up so we can start cleaning,” she whispered, barely giving her a nudge. “Get up. If you don’t then I guess I’ll have to start playing with your tits till you do. I mean really just tear into those puppies. Don’t make me do it, Twi… I’ll do it, I swear…” She rolled onto her belly, doing her best not to shift their blanket. Her eyes never left Twilight’s glorious mounds as she crawled over to her. When she was close enough that she could feel the dork’s body heat, she opened her mouth and moved her head toward the closest nipple. The tip of her tongue had just made contact when Twilight sprung her trap. There was a cry. The blanket flew up into the air. A pair of hands grabbed Sunset’s head and yanked her forward. It all happened so suddenly that it took the woman a few moments to realize that she was face-deep in the greatest pair of breasts this side of the portal. “And what did you think you were doing?” Twilight asked, staring down at her. It was difficult trying to look innocent, especially since Sunset couldn’t help but motorboat Twilight’s boobs, but she did try her best. “I was just trying to wake you up.” “Wake me up?” “Yep. That’s it.” “Not ‘tear into my puppies’, like I heard you say?” Twilight rolled them both over so the nerd was straddling her stomach. Sunset was a pretty strong woman, but in this position she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get Twi off her. While she wasn’t against a little co-wife roughhousing, there was a gleam in Twilight’s that she didn’t care for. “You might have just been hearing things,” she said. Twilight chuckled. She pressed Sunset’s nose against her sternum, and for a glorious moment she was completely engulfed in tit-flesh. Sunset couldn’t help but go limp, her eyes fluttering as she took in the scent of the peach soap that Twilight liked to use. As wonderful as it was, it ended far too soon when the dork let go of her and she fell backward, her head hitting her pillow. She stared up at Twilight, dazed. The other woman stared back, her arms crossed. “I think I should tell Anon you didn’t want to keep your hands to yourself this morning,” she said. “Again.” A trill of panic made Sunset gasp. “Now, there’s no need to do that, Twi,” she said with a weak smile. “Like I said, I was just trying to wake you up. There wasn’t any funny business--” “He could make you sit in the corner when he gets home,” Twilight interrupted, glancing down at her nails. “I could have him all to myself tonight if I say the right things…” The panic grew. “That’s not fair, Twilight!” “Well, you shouldn’t go trying to molest people when they’re sleeping, you pervert.” “I… I was just gonna do it a little bit.” Twilight giggled. She leaned down, getting so close to Sunset that their noses were nearly touching. “Our husband is the only one that can play with these boobs without asking,” she said, rubbing her mounds against Sunset’s, who had to bite her bottom lip to keep from making any noise. “You don’t have that privilege. I don’t go sitting on your face whenever I feel like it because I’m a little hot when I wake up, do I?” “...No…” “Exactly,” Twilight said, reaching down to boop her nose. “So, that means you get punished, right?” Sunset swallowed. Looking away from Twilight, she gave a small nod. The nerd smiled. “Great,” she said, rolling off her. Sunset couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she reached into the nightstand by the bed and began rooting around. One of her hands reached up for a smack, but stopped at the last moment and placed it onto her chest. She was already in enough trouble; no need to keep poking the bear. “Ah-huh! There we are!” Sitting up, Twilight showed her what she was holding. In one hand was a remote with some buttons and a nob. In the other was a small bullet vibrator. This was the main tool of punishment in the house, something that Sunset was very familiar with. It was a thing that she both loved and loathed in equal measure, and a thing that Twilight really knew how to use. A hiss escaped her when she saw it. She looked up at Twilight pleadingly, but there was no mercy in the other woman’s eyes. She just stared back, with a grin, wiggling the vibrator before her thumb and forefinger. It took almost a minute, but Sunset was able to gather enough courage to sit up. She took the little bullet out of Twilight’s hands and, staring down at it with a sigh, quickly stuffed it into her mouth. Plastic and the barest hint of soap tickled her taste buds as she swirled it around her mouth, trying to lube it up as much as possible. Twilight lifted a hand and placed it right in front of her. “Let me have it,” she said, in the tone one would use for a dog. A shiver ran up the length of Sunset’s spine. She opened her mouth, allowing the now spit-soaked bullet to fall into the woman’s hand. Twilight wiped some saliva from her lip, then reached up to pat the top of her head with her free hand. “Good mare,” she said. “Now lie back and let me put it in you. Then we can finally start with the chores. There was nothing sensual about Twilight putting the vibrator into her. She quickly pushed Sunset’s panties out of the way and pushed it into her without ceremony. Even so, it was hard not to make any sound as Sunset felt the toy bump against a particularly sensitive spot inside of her. She bit her bottom lip and grabbed the sheets. To her credit, she didn’t even make a peep, even when Twilight turned on the bullet to see if the battery was fully charged. “Alrighty! Now get your lazy butt up,” Twilight said, slapping her bare thigh before hopping out of the bed. “You keep that bullet in. I’ll be checking throughout the day.” “T-The day?!” “Yep, up until Anon gets home. I’ll take it out then.” “But that’s not until t-tonight!” “Oh I know. Now, be a good little filly and make that bed. I’m going to go brush my teeth.” All smiles, Twilight turned on her heel and made her way to their bathroom. Sunset, red-faced and thoroughly humiliated, slowly climbed out of bed and stood on shaky legs. Her legs barely touched the nice wooden floors when she felt the bullet being switched on. The setting was low, but nevertheless it took some considerable effort for Sunset not to sink to her knees. “O-Oh f-fuck~...” Hips bucking, she used the edge of the bed as support. The setting was turned to high without warning, making her eyes cross, before once again returning to low. Heart pounding in her chest, Sunset reached down to slip a hand into her panties. “Sunset,” Twilight called out from the bathroom sternly. “Make the bed. Keep those darn hands out of your pants too.” It was difficult. Sunset found herself tense in some places and far too loose in others. Her shaking knees made standing hard, and as she brushed her teeth Twilight was messing with the intensity on the remote. However, with sheer determination, she was able to make their bed. Was it a well-made bed? Absolutely not. Their husband was the one that could make a bed with the neatness even a Staff Sergeant would appreciate, not her, even when she wasn’t on the cusp of an orgasm. Still, the pillows were placed in some semblance of a neat row, and the comforter covered the entirety of the bed. That was, under the present circumstances, an almost super natural feat. Now panting, Sunset pushed herself away from the bed. Like a drunkard, she stumbled toward the bathroom door, blinking the sweat out of her eyes. She could feel an orgasm coming. It was making her stomach tense so hard she could clearly see her abs in the mirror that their husband had attached on the door. Her vision was starting to become hazy. Gritting her teeth, she was able to place a hand on the bathroom door before, with a groan, she sunk to the floor. “Oh sweet Fucking CELESTIA~!” She was right there, just nearly ready to boil over and cum all over the floor like some estrus-crazed mare. Just before the end--right at the knife’s edge--the buzzing stopped. Reflexively, Sunset clenched as hard as she could around the toy, trying to push herself over that edge. It wasn’t enough. Still brushing her teeth, Twilight stepped out of the bathroom. She leaned against the wall, examining her co-wife and the sweaty, shaking mess that she was able to turn her into. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “You Equestrian girls really have no stamina,” she said. “All talk, but once anyone tries to get you going, you finish like a firecracker.” Sunset tried to reach into her panties to finish herself, tears in her eyes, but a sharp whistle made her freeze. If she still had the ears of a pony, they would have pinned against the sides of her head as she looked up at the nerd. “T-Twilight, ple--” “What did I say about a punishment? Did you think I was going to make you cum your brains out all day?” “But the--” “Our husband can see to you when he gets home, if he wants to that is. Until then, you can’t cum.” For a moment, the stern glare faded, and Twilight looked very concerned. “I know we already talked about this, but are you sure you can keep this up all day?” Wiping the tears from her face, Sunset gave her a smile. “Don’t worry about me. You’re doing fucking great honey; you took me right to the edge there. Keep that up.” “For eight hours though?” “I’m a big girl. Trust me.” Twilight nodded slowly. “I… alright. Just remember the safe word, alright? I don’t wanna accidentally take things too far.” “You won’t,” Sunset promised. They shared a quick but loving smooch before Twilight’s face once again grew stern. “Well don’t just stand there. We have a lot to do today before Anon gets home!” Forcing herself to her feet, Sunset made her way into the bathroom, still clenching hard around the toy. As she passed, Twilight blew on her hand, reared back her arm, and slapped her on the ass as hard as she could. Sunset yelped as pain erupted from her backside, and were it not for her panties, the viberator would have rocketed out of her. “Get a move on!” ~_~_~_~_~_~_~ It seemed as if her escapades this morning had put Twilight in quite the mood. She had only been allowed to wear the panties she had gone to sleep in, some long socks that were pulled up to her thighs, and a shirt that was a size too small. Twilight, meanwhile, had forgone everything but an apron and some slippers. It felt especially unfair to Sunset as they started their daily chores, seeing a masterpiece like Twilight walking around with just a thin layer of fabric and not able to do a darn thing about it. She tried to focus on her work, sweeping the floor and doing the laundry, but then the dork would walk by breasts and ass bouncing with each step and she’d forget what her darn name was. To add insult to injury, not only was the toy inside of her being expertly used to bring her to the cusp of orgasm, but Twilight wouldn’t keep her hands to herself. Everytime she turned to wipe or pick up something hands would squeeze and grope her. Her tits would be played with, or her ass would be slapped and squeezed. It took her nearly an hour longer than it should have to fold laundry because Twilight pinned her to the wall, playing with her clit while stuck her tongue down her throat. As much as she would have loved to call her out on the double standard, she simply bowed her head and tried not to leak too much on the carpet. Morning turned to midday and lunch time. The two ate a quick meal. Twilight was nice enough to turn on the radio in the living room so that they could listen to it while they worked dusting the furniture. What wasn’t very nice was that the toy inside of her began to vibrate with more intensity and didn’t go down. “Huhhhhhhh… T-Twi, plea--” “Shush. Be a good mare and eat your food.” The rollercoaster of build up and denial revved up in speed and frequency. Twilight, even now, incredibly, was able to pinpoint just when she needed to turn the bullet off. Sunset whined and begged, but the other woman would not be persuaded. Chores went from difficult to almost impossible. Twice, Sunset had been forced to change her underwear because they were soaked through, and she was drinking almost constantly to keep somewhat hydrated. It was honestly maddening. The teasing was making the minutes seem like hours. By early afternoon, cumming was a desire that was rapidly becoming a necessity. She couldn’t even go hide in an empty room and finish herself off, as Twilight would always be near and she’d be told off. All she could do was try to busy herself with the work that her shaking hands could manage and look at the clock. Their husband was a wonderful man. No matter what Twilight said, he’d walk through the front door, see what sort of state she was in and make her cum so hard and so many times the maddening heat in her belly and groin would finally, blessedly, go away. Before that however, both her and Twilight had one important task to get to. Said task required that her little fantasy be put on hold for a few minutes and the toy inside of her being turned off. It was something both ladies were admittedly terrible at. Cooking. It was known all over town that Rarity’s little sister could burn orange juice. They weren’t much better, as loath as they were to admit it. They picked the easiest thing one could make; a simple pot roast. All they needed to do was cut up some vegetables, mix stew powder in water, put in all in a pot with some meat, and toss it in the oven. Both had done some research, and they were confident that they’d be able to make a nutritious, delicious meal. Probably. “Do we have everything?” “Yes. I double checked the recipe. We should be good.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “Absolutely certain?” “Twilight Sparkle, you are one of the best Chemists in the world. I write mathematical equations that make sure rocket ships can leave orbit. I think the two of us can cook some goddamn dinner.” Twilight bit her bottom lip, staring at the dutch oven they had put everything in. “Didn’t you say the same thing when we tried making pizza that one time?” Sunset grimaced. “That… Pizza is a lot harder to make than it looks--” “Fourteen year olds make it all the time, Sunset.” “--this, however, is as easy as pie. We don’t even really need to check up on it. It’ll be fine. Now stop giving me that look and open the oven for me, will you?” Gingerly, Twilight did as she was asked, opening the oven door. As soon as she did it, she stepped away, warily staring at it like it was some wild beast. Just as gingerly, Sunset stepped forward, crockpot in hand. “Which rack thingy do you think we need to put it on?” “What did the instructions say?” “I don’t think they said anything about it…” Sunset took a half-step back. She looked into the mouth of the oven as if she were expecting it to bite her. She stood there for nearly a minute before, steeling herself, she moved forward. Picking a rack, she put the crockpot into the oven. She jumped back, allowing Twilight to lift the door up to close it. The two let out a cheer, attempting to high-five, but missed horribly. “See? I told you we had this in the bag!” “Don’t say that yet. It still needs to cook.” “It’ll be fine. Now, are we forgetting anything?” Twilight walked over to their kitchen table, where her phone was sitting. “All I need to do is set a timer and I think we’re all set.” “Great!” Sunset said, clapping her hands together. The oven made a strange beeping noise. She jumped away from it, giving it a glance before she hurried over to Twilight. “So, it should be ready like an hour after Anon gets home then?” “Yep. You can do whatever weird stuff you want to him before then.” Twilight turned toward her, the remote to the dildo once again in her hands. “Now. Where were we…?” With all the chores for the day finally finished, both women were able to relax. They sat in the living room--Twilight on the couch and Sunset on the floor so she didn’t make a mess on the furniture--and listened to some swing-easy tunes and chatted. Twilight did most of the talking, Sunset now in tears from all the edging, but she didn’t seem to mind. Twitching and bucking, Sunset just kept her eyes glued to the clock. Two hours, one hour, thirty minutes, ten minutes. As the time drew near, the frustration she had felt all day disappeared, replaced with excitement. Anon, her Anon, their Anon was almost home. Five minutes, two minutes, then the telltale sound of the front door being opened. Sunset leapt to her feet. She was able to make it two steps before she felt the toy inside of her being turned to full power. She stumbled, placing a hand over her panties. “F-Fuck~...” Biting her bottom lip, she forced herself to move. Each step was stiff and shaky, and it was all she could do not to sink to her knees, but she made her way out of the living room. Turning the corner, she saw their husband placing his coat on the coat rack. As always, he was covered in black soot, and his shoulders were slumped from exhaustion. Her husband turned. Seeing her, some of the tiredness left his face and he smiled. That smile quickly diminished when he saw the state that she was in. Sunset let out a whimper. Using the wall as support, she walked towards him as best as she could. The vibrator was on such a high setting that she could hear the buzzing. From the way Anon glanced down at her groin he no doubt could hear it as well. Her hips spasmed as a jolt of ecstasy made her vision go blurry. She stumbled and lost her footing. Tensing, she readied herself to hit the floor, only to be suddenly stopped. Looking up, she saw that her Anon had her in his arms. With him this close, she could smell the scent of his sweat mixed with coal. She whimpered again, clenching around the toy as it suddenly shut off. Again, it was right before she came to an eye-crossing orgasm. This time however, she was grateful; the only person that should be making her squirt her brains out when Anon was around was Anon. Her husband shook his head. “And just what were the two of you up to today?” he asked. His voice was husky and raw, but so gentle that it made her heart ache. Sunset shivered, leaning into him. “T-Twilight’s been mean to me all day,” she mumbled. “Stuck a toy in me and won’t let me cum.” Anon cocked his head to the side. “Huh. Is that right?” He reached down into her panties. Sunset grabbed his arm with both hands when she felt his fingertips rub against her lips until they brushed against the end of the toy. With his pointer finger and thumb, Anon got a hold of the dildo and began to pull. Sunset leaned against him with more force, sucking in air through her teeth. The toy made an audible sound when it was fully pulled out of her. Anon, ever the patient and gentle sort, navigated it out of her panties and brought it to his face. Examining the slick toy, he looked down the hallway. There, near the doorway to the living room was Twilight, who, for all the world, looked like a kid that had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “And what’s all this then, Twilight?” Twilight grimaced. “She was trying to molest me while I was sleeping,” she said, pointing a finger at a painting Sunset. “I’m sick of her not being able to keep her hands to herself in the morning, so I decided that she needed to be punished.” Anon looked back down at Sunset. She looked down at the floor, ready to be given a stern talking to. Instead, a finger was placed under her chin, and she was forced to look up. Her husband was not glaring down at her as she thought he would. His eyes were kind and understanding. “If you’re so worked up in the mornings, just let me know, sweetheart,” he said, tapping her cheek with a finger. “I’d be more than happy to get up a little earlier and give you the business.” Twilight let out a loud snort. “The business?” Anon gave her a dirty look before once again smiling at Sunset. “Do you need some help right now?” The toy was no longer in her, but that aching, maddening sensation still remained. Sunset’s fingernails dug into her husband’s arm. She couldn’t trust her voice, but she was able to nod. “Alrighty then. I might still have my shoes on, but I’m sure I can knock your socks off real quick…” Her husband’s free hand slipped into her panties. Sunset tensed, a low, long groan escaping her as fingers slipped inside of her. She was so wet that the entry was frictionless. Anon wiggled his fingers back and forth gently as he pushed knuckle-deep. He twisted his wrist, allowing him to rub her clit with a thumb. Sunset felt herself beginning to shake. She nuzzled into Anon’s chest, using his coat to cover a moan. As worked up as Twilight had gotten her, just that had been enough to have her once again tip-toeing on the edge. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she leaned up onto her tippy toes. Anon began to pump his fingers in and out of her. They felt so long, like they were about to brush against her womb. Each time be pulled out of her, Sunset felt simply empty, and when they were hilted all she could feel was heat and hear buzzing. “FuckfuckfuckingfuckyfuckFUCKYFUCKFUCKFUCK--!” A few more pumps and that thumb toying with her clit was more than enough. Sunset’s body jerked as if she were riding a bull. She threw her head back, opened her mouth, and did something that embarrassed the absolute horse apples out of her. She neighed. Even when she was a unicorn, neighing during any sort of intimacy would have been horrifying. It was what sex-crazed mares did; ponies that weren’t able to control themselves. A mare moaned, or whispered sweet nothings to her lover. If she neighed it was just as likely she’d start swatting flies with her tail during the summer like some neanderthal. This was particularly stressed in Canterlot, where even the idea of neighing while getting rutted could, and would, ruin one’s reputation. Twilight and Anon absolutely loved whenever they could get her to do it. A look of absolute delight crossed Twilight’s face as Sunset was lost in the throes of ecstasy. Anon was grinning while he went from gently her to fingerfucking her as fast as he could. The neigh turned into a whinny as she thrashed, holding onto his arm so tightly that she was able to lift herself off of the ground, and so tightly that a pained noise escaped his lips. Thankfully, just before she could snap his arm, she went limp. He had his scoop her up into his arms so she didn’t crumble to the ground in a heap. She shuttered, her eyes rolling in her skull, before she closed her eyes. Anon stared down at her, trying very hard not to laugh. “Man, it’s been a while since I managed to get her to do that. Just what were you doing to her all day, Twi?” Twilight, grinning from ear to ear, made her way over to him. She grabbed the dildo he still held awkwardly in his hand. Looking the toy over, she gave it a lick. “She had me use this on her pretty much since we woke up,” she said, about to kiss him on the cheek when she saw all of the black soot covering his face. “What on Earth did you do to yourself?” “Sunset wanted to pretend that I was a coal miner or something, so I went to the local hardware store and got a little bag of coal. Rubbed a little on my face before I walked in.” “Why would you be wearing a suit in a coal mine? Also, where did you even get that suit?” “I was thinking maybe I was in upper management or something,” Anon said, carrying Sunset into the living room with Twilight right behind him. “And I got the suit from Goodwill. It was ten bucks.” “It looks… good.” “Yeah, I clean up pretty good, don’t I?” Sunset let out a murmur as Anon placed her onto the couch. Both him and Twilight looked down at her, both smiling. Twilight reached down to give his butt a squeeze. “I also noticed that you didn’t read “Time Turners Old Phrases and Terms,” that I ordered for you. Give you the business might have been the worst thing I’ve ever heard in any context.” “Twi, that thing was seven hundred pages. Nobody on the planet would read that.” “I did.” “Yeah, because you’re a weirdo.” Anon turned, grabbing Twilight. The woman giggled, playfully batting at his chest as he peppered her face with kisses. His hands made their way down the length of her back and to her bottom, where he grabbed two handfuls of ass. “Have you really been naked like this all day?” he asked, kissing her nose. “If I’d have known that I’d have called in sick.” “It’s a lot less fun than you think,” Twilight said, groping the growing tent forming between his legs. “I’ve been freezing my butt off.” A particularly loud snore forced the two to stop their groping to look once again at Sunset. The women had rolled onto her side, revealing a red, well-spanked bottom. “Jesus, you really gave it to her today, huh?” “She was insistent. My hand is killing me. I had to use a wooden spoon a few times.” Anon scratched his chin, looking Twilight up and down. “God… You really do look great wearing just an apron. You need to start doing it a whole lot more.” Twilight let out a giggle-snort. “If I do that nothing will get done around this house. You both would--” A loud ding cut Twilight off. She looked toward the kitchen, taking a half-step back. “You hear that?” Anon asked. “Ah… yes. Sunset and I put something in the oven--” She watched as a look of horror flashed across Anon’s face. If his reaction wasn’t completely justified, she might have laughed. “You two cooked? Are you nuts?!” “We wanted to make you something for dinner. Sunset’s been talking about it for weeks.” “You remember the last time you two tried cooking something, right? How we needed to buy a whole new oven afterward?” “She was so excited about it that I couldn’t tell her no.” Anon opened his mouth to say something, but Twilight quickly cut him off. “It was just a roast,” she said. “We made sure to pick the easiest recipe we could. It’s been cooking the whole day, and no one had to call the fire department this time.” “That’s… an improvement,” Anon said slowly. The timer that Sunset had set dinged again. Both Anon and Twilight took a deep breath. “Would you like me to accompany you to the kitchen?” “Yes please.” With some trepidation, the two made their way into the kitchen. At a glance, everything seemed as right as rain. Nothing was on fire, there was no smoke, their oven hadn’t exploded. Looks could be deceiving however, especially in the kitchen. Twilight stood near the doorward, ready to rush toward the nearest phone as Anon made his way over to the oven. He stopped within arms length. His head cocked to the side and he frowned. “Hey, Twi?” “Yeah?” Anon looked at the oven, then back at her, his brow furrowed. “Did… did you guys not turn on the oven?” Twilight blinked. “What? What do you mean? Look at it; its obviously on.” “No, no, no. I mean, did you bring it up to temperature? Or do anything with the temperature?” Twilight was about to reply, but stopped. Anon, turning back around, opened the oven door and looked inside. He placed his hand near the entrance before, without saying a word, he reached in with his bare hands and grabbed the dutch oven. Closing the oven door with his knee, the dutch oven on one of the oven’s burners, then took the lid off and looked at the roast. Even from where Twilight stood she could see that it was as pink as it had been when they had put it in the oven hours ago. “I-I… oh no…” Wheeling around, Twilight saw Sunset standing right next to her. Her girlfriend had both her arms close to her chest. She looked small, and was getting smaller by the minute, a look of complete defeat crossing her face. Her hands slowly clenched into fists and she gritted her teeth. Twilight reacted without thinking, pulling the woman into a hug. Anon was nearly as fast, striding across the kitchen and hugging them both. Sunset began mumbling something under her breath, blinking tears away. She had come a very long way from those bad days at Canterlot High School, but both Anon and Twilight knew that the unicorn-turned-woman held herself to a very high standard. It made sense; especially since she used to be a student of a magical god-horse. However, this meant she was almost always way too hard on herself when things didn’t do as she expected them to. She didn’t wail or weep or scream. She never did when she got like this. Neither Anon or Twilight said anything while they hugged her. They knew any talking would just make her act aggressive and lash out. So they just held onto her stiff body as she continued to mumble, tears making their way down her cheeks. It took some time, but some of the tension left Sunset. She let out a great sigh, resting her chin on Twilight’s shoulder. Anon reached over, wiping the tears from her face with the sleeve of his shirt. Sunset mumbled a thank you, sniffling. “...How in Celestia’s name didn’t we turn on the fucking thing?” she said. “Because we shouldn’t be in the kitchen, Sunset,” Twilight replied, patting the back of her head. “That’s a man’s place.” Sunset snorted, looking over to Anon. Pain flashed across her face. She sniffled again, looking downward. “I’m sorry, honey,” she said quietly. “We--I really messed up.” “You were right the first time, sweetie,” Twilight said, nuzzling the nap of her neck. “You weren’t the only one that didn’t catch it.” “But I should have--” “No buts. We messed up, we look dumb, and there’s nothing wrong with that. People do dumb things every single day. You’re not a worse person because of it, alright? Now, I’m going to order us some pizzas. Anon, you take over.” Kissing Sunset’s cheek, Twilight ducked out of the group hug, quickly making her way out of the kitchen. Anon was quick to pull Sunset fully against him. Sunset closed her eyes, pressing her face into his chest. “I was really looking forward to making you something today,” she said. “It would have been the perfect thing; a pair of horny housewives making their husband a nice dinner before he fucked their brains out.” “There’s nothing wrong with pizza, Sunset,” Anon told her. “We wouldn’t need pizza if I would have paid attention,” she insisted, grabbing two fists full of his shirt. “It was going to be perfect, but I ruined it…” Anon looked down at her. Seeing tears once again begin to form, he let out a sigh. “Hey, do you remember that piece of garbage pick up truck that you bought from Big Mac in the tenth grade?” “Yeah, I remember that hunk of junk,” she replied, the sides of her mouth twitching. “It broke down so constantly that I knew all the guys at the auto shop by name.” “Remember that day when I was walking home from school and you were on the side of the road trying to put your bumper back on?” “You came over to help. We were there for three hours, then I talked you into pushing it down the road while I steered.” “I bet you didn’t expect Hercules to come along, huh?” Sunset smiled. “You were lucky we were going down a hill,” she said, lightly tapping his shoulder. And didn’t you tear your pants?” “I don’t remember that, but I do remember you being smitten with me by the time I walked home; you up and asking me out on a date and all.” “It wasn’t a date, I just wanted to buy you some food is all. I just thought it was fair that you got something out of helping me.” Anon smiled fondly, recalling that day. Sunset had taken him to the sushi place in the mall where she had worked. The owner of the establishment had tried selling him some pot, and he had gotten such bad food poisoning from eating there that he didn’t go to school for a week. Thus began his adventure with the red-haired women in his arms. Sunset’s arms slid down to his lower back. She began to sway back and forth. With some coaxing on her part, Anon did the same, and the two started to slow dance around the kitchen. “I hated that truck so much,” Sunset said. “It always broke down, was covered in rust, bad to drive in all weather, terrible on fuel, and it was so loud. It was good for one thing though.” “Yeah?” Sunset’s smile widened as she looked up at him. “I could put that crappy mattress in the back of it and drive you and Twilight to somewhere we could all fool around.” “Yeah. The first time we did that you said we were just going to look at stars, you dirty old woman.” “I don’t remember you complaining!” “I was sixteen. I would have crawled through broken glass to get a peek of a g-string.” A laugh left Sunset’s lips. She sniffled, wiping her face with the back of her hand. “Twilight gave you your first kiss in the back of that truck.” “You gave me a lot of other firsts after that.” “Yes. Yes I did.” Sunset suddenly hugged him as hard as she could, burying her face into his shirt and taking a deep breath. They stopped their little dance, Anon reaching up and placing a hand on the back of her head. “...Any reason why you brought up that old truck?” she asked. “Not really,” Anon replied with a shrug. “I just wanted to see if I could get you to smile.” “...I really did mess up.” “You did. Honestly, if you wouldn’t punch me I’d be laughing right now. You heard what Twilight said though. Don’t listen to anything I say; listen to her. She’s the smart one.” Sunset sighed. Pulling herself away, she looked up at him. With a smile, she rose up on her tippy toes to give him a kiss. “I am going to absolutely blow your fucking back out today,” she promised. Before Anon could even begin to form a response, she reached down and grabbed his dick through his pants. “Come on. We can all get a shower before pizza comes.” Giving him a tug, she led him out of the kitchen and through the living room. Twilight, her phone still in hand, looked at them as they entered the room. She opened her mouth to say something as they walked by her, but Sunset simply reached out with her free hand and grabbed her by the hand. “Shower.” “The pizza will be--” “Shower. Please. We’ll be quick.” ~_~_~_~_~ Sunset’s favorite part of the day was seeing her hubby walking through the door after a long day at work. Seeing that he came home safe, and knowing that he had been out there working hard to support the three of them made her heart fill to bursting with love. Her second favorite part of the day was much less wholesome. Anon was usually tired, sweaty, and covered in all sorts of nasty things. Coming home to a clean house meant he had to be as clean, if not cleaner; that’s where she and Twilight came in. It was their duty to march him into the bathroom, peel layer after layer of dirty clothes off him, and scrub him down. If Sunset had trouble keeping her hands off Twilight in the mornings, she was just as bad with her husband. Seeing him in the buff, strong and handsome, was enough to make a girl swoon. Twilight, for all of her disapproval of her lack of self control, was just as smitten with him. She did hide it better, but Sunset saw her biting her lip as they scrubbed him down. Anon had a loofa of his own, which he was using on both women, and he took their pinches and groping with his usual good humor. After a quick clean, the three dressed in pajamas and made their way back downstairs. The radio was once again turned on while the three took seats. Usually, their husband would have sat in his own chair so that he could read the paper until supper was ready, but tonight he sat on the couch with the both of them. Both Sunset and Twilight snuggled up, happy for the affection. Twilight leaned against him, head on his shoulder, while Sunset splayed herself across the couch and laid her head in his lap while he stroked her hair. The radio host was telling one of those new-fangled stories about robots and spacemen. While that played, Anon was telling them about his day at the mine. They managed to wrestle fifty tons out of the earth today. The bosses were thrilled, and it looked like everyone was going to be getting a nice bonus this year. There were also some whispers that one of the crew heads was going to retire soon. It was a difficult, stressful job that not many were equipped to do from what Sunset could gather. While her husband didn’t say it outright, she gathered that he was going to be offered the job. She didn’t like the idea of him staying away from home even longer than he already did, but she was terribly proud of him. Whether it was in a mine or at the house, Anon really was the perfect man. Sunset smiled at the thought. She nuzzled her head against his lap, closing her eyes. While the gesture was meant to be innocent, Anon paused mid-word to look at her. Twilight, tilting her head up, whispered something in his ear. He pulled the hand stroking her hair away. Confused, Sunset opened her eyes to look at him. “And just what are you doing there, little mare?” he asked. The hand came down to touch her cheek. He drummed two fingers against her flesh. “I’m just relaxing, honey,” she said. Those two fingers inched downward. They brushed against her lips. Sunset, without thinking, kissed them. “Are you sure about that, dame? Just relaxin’?” The fingers slipped between her lips, tapping on her tongue. Sunset, even as she felt her face heat up, began sucking on them. Her tongue rose up to lap at the digits. Without skipping a beat, Anon trapped it between his fingers, giving it a teasing little tug before letting it go. “Hmmmmmm~” “We got ways of makin’ you relax, see. Things you’d never even think of, see. Dame’s like you ain’t got a chance in these dog-eat-dog hard streets--” Twilight smacked his shoulder. “That’s. Not. How. They. Talked. Back. Then.” “I can’t ‘ear ya, lady,” Anon said in a terrible Chicago accent. “Been too long workin’ at the ol’ speakeasy. It’s busted muh eardumbs.” There was a knock on the door, making all three of them jump. Anon looked toward the doorway. “Must be the pizza,” he said, pushing his fingers in a little deeper. Sunset, ever the good wife, didn’t so much as gag when she felt them moving toward the back of her throat. She just licked his knuckles, a hand straying toward her pajama bottoms. Another knock echoed through the house. Anon, clicking his tongue, pulled his fingers out of her mouth with a pop. “I better go get it I suppose,” he said. “I’ll help you, sweetie,” Twilight said, standing up. Though she was loath to do so, Sunset pulled herself into a sitting position. Her husband kissed her cheek and stood up as well. She watched both him and Twilight disappear into the other room before, with a sigh, she allowed herself to fall back onto the couch. Staring up at the ceiling, she let her thoughts wonder. Anon had the weekend off, meaning that he’d most likely be around the house. There was some man’s work for him to do; mowing the lawn, fixing the wobbly table, oiling the front door so it didn’t squeak, things like that. Afterward, her and Twilight might be able to talk him into taking them out onto the town for shopping, maybe a nice meal and dancing. They could try to learn that fancy foxtrot at the local soda shop. Anon had two left feet, but with some gumption he’d be swinging with the best of them. She smiled as the image played out in her mind. As what so often happened however, her thoughts of two-stepping and soda pops took a dive into the depraved. Maybe after they came home clothing might be forgotten while they try the foxtrot in the living room. She thought of Twilight, all giggling and bouncy, and her Anon, his manhood swinging as he threw the two of them around like they were toys. All that dancing could very easily turn into something much more physical and far more enjoyable. She bit her bottom lip. Slipping her hand down her pajama bottoms, she gave her pussy a rub. Even though her husband had helped take the edge off by making her cum herself stupid, she was nowhere near satisfied. Fingers and toys were swell and all, but she needed more. Something long. Something hard and twitching. Something that would make her belly swell with a beautiful little boy or girl. She needed her husband. Sunset looked over to the clock that sat on the wall while she continued to rub herself. Speaking of her husband, both him and Twilight should have been back by now. At the very least, someone should have called her from the kitchen… Pulling her hand out of her pants-- and popping moist fingers into her mouth to hungrily suck-- she sat back up and pushed herself off of the couch. Listening carefully, she could hear something coming from the kitchen. Curious, she made her way out of the living room and into their little dining room, which led to the kitchen. “Oh fuck. Just like that. Just like that~” A moan stopped her in her tracks. The noise she had heard in the living room could now be easily identified. It was a rhythmic, dull, meaty sound, punctuated by grunts and heavy breathing. Trying to swallow the lump forming in her throat, she crept toward the doorway leading to the kitchen and glanced in. There was Twilight, her pants hanging around her ankles, the bottoms of her heavy tits pressed against the kitchen table. Behind her, thrusting away, was Anon. With each pump, Twilight was rocked forward. Her feet were hanging in the air, her knees slightly bent. She was holding onto the edge of the table for ear life, her glasses hanging off her nose. Anon’s usual calm and collected expression was replaced with hunger and concentration. He had his hands on Twilight’s hips, holding her in place as he took what was his by his husbandly right. His pace wasn’t desperate. He wasn’t frantically bucking his hips like some horny animal. He was smooth and practiced; tip to root, with a speed that would make any woman weak in the knees. Her Anon wasn’t much for spontaneous lovemaking around the house. He much preferred taking both of them to the bedroom whenever he was in the mood. No, this was clearly Twilight’s doing. No doubt, the dork wanted him all to herself before she let Sunset get her turn. Sunset couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy while she watched. She listened to Twilight try her best to keep her voice down. Anon, with a growl, grabbed her by the wrists. Twilight’s moan turned into a yelp as he yanked, forcing her upward. Her back hit his chest, and Anon quickly reached up and wrapped his arms around her belly, holding her firmly in place. “Oh yesssssss,” she said. She tilted her head and licked his nose. Anon responded by driving into her at greater speed. Twilight whined, shutting her eyes tightly. The scent of sweat and sex tickled Sunset’s nose. She glanced at her co-wife’s pussy, watching their husband’s cock spread her lips apart. The woman licked her lips, slipping a hand into her bottoms. This time, when she touched herself, a spark of pleasure made her jump. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from making a sound. “Oh, I’m so going to get you back for this, missy…” She slipped a finger inside herself, clenching hard around the digit. Frustration began to build as she pumped in time with Anon’s thrusting. She wanted to march into the kitchen to have some fun as well, maybe even give Twilight a talking to about being a big, fat hypocrite, but, no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t make herself take even a single step. Maybe she was worried that Anon would be annoyed with her at being interrupted. Maybe she feared that Twilight would somehow manage to twist things and make things appear as if they were her fault. Maybe she just liked watching the other woman getting railed like she was some cheap floozie. Whatever the reason, her heart was pounding in her chest like crazy as she fingered herself. “Yeah… You give her the business, honey…” Anon had a hand up Twilight’s shirt as the two kissed. She could see their tongue wrestling. Twilight’s face was flustered, her eyes unfocused as she desperately pawed at the air. Anon was now thrusting into her at such a frenzied pace that Sunset could barely keep up with him. She imagined being in Twilight’s place, her hubby spearing her with his fat cock. She could almost feel his weight on her back, feel his warmth, smell his sweat, hear his panting in her ear. If she were lucky, he’d leave her a twitching, half-conscious mess of a woman. If she were really lucky, he’d do that, then carry her into the bedroom and blow so many loads in her no amount of birth control would be enough. Her vision went funny as her fingers brushed against the spot that made her squeal like a broodmare. An orgasm hit her, making her roll her hips into her hand. She panted, sweat and other fluids dripping down onto the nice, clean floor below. She leaned forward, somehow managing to keep from falling over. “Hmmm~” The pleasure diminished. Sunset’s vision cleared. Blinking away sweat, she looked back into the kitchen. Anon had his face buried into the nape of Twilight’s neck, now thrusting as if his life depended on it. He was holding onto the woman so tightly that she was firmly in the air while she was fucked. While it was a lovely sight, Sunset felt her heart jump to her throat when she realized that Twilight was staring right at her. The dork’s eyes were half open, and her hair was bouncing all around her face, but she was clearly looking into her eyes. She must have enjoyed the look that came to Sunset’s face, because she let out a breathy giggle, which quickly morphed into a moan. “Come on baby… put a fucking baby in me,” she said, giving her a wink. Anon’s thrusts morphed into a shorter, more haphazard pace. Twilight lifted her head and looked up to the ceiling, sticking her tongue out. She might have said something, but Sunset couldn’t hear her over her own pounding heart. A savage thrust made Twilight squeal. Anon groaned into her shoulder, slamming into her again, then again, until finally hilting fully. “Yessssssssss~” What length of cock that he didn’t have stuffed in the dork began to pulse again and again, firing load after load of sperm into a tight, wet, fertile hole. Sunset bit down onto a finger, feeling the fire in her belly grow all the hotter. Her Anon was such a heavy cummer; he’d probably knock them both up on the first try if they ever skipped the birth control. They hadn’t yet, since Twilight always made sure to keep an eye out for both of them. Unfortunately. Slowly, Anon’s grip on Twilight lessened. He took a deep breath, pulling his face from her nape. He kissed her neck, then planted a smooch on her cheek. Twilight turned her head to rub her nose against his. She said something, low enough that Sunset couldn’t hear. Anon whispered back, then nodded. With little effort, he lifted her up, pulling her off his length with a wet plop. She shivered, using the table as support as she was set down. Twilight blew Sunset a kiss. Her gaze left the panting redheads face, moving downward. She let out a giggle snort, covering her face with a hand. Frowning, Sunset looked down at herself, her eyes widening when she saw an extremely noticeable wet patch seeping through her pjs. “Shit!” She looked up to see Twilight and Anon kissing. It would take them a minute or two to get cleaned up, maybe a little longer. She had another pair of these exact pants, and she knew right where they were. As quietly as she could, Sunset raced toward their bedroom. She just managed to keep herself from sliding into a wall and darted toward a cabinet. Her pj bottoms and panties were thrown across the room, just missing the clothes bin sitting in the corner of the room. She didn’t bother with new underwear, just getting the bottoms on as quickly as she could. Stopping by a mirror to clean herself up just a little, she made her way back into the living room. Anon and Twilight were already sitting at the couch. Her Anon had his feet up, a plateful of pizza sitting in his lap. Twilight already had sauce on her face, and was no doubt already on her third slice. As she stepped into the living room, Anon looked up at her. She tensed, almost expecting for Twilight to have told him about her peeping, but he just smiled. “Oh, there you are,” he said. “I was wondering where you went. Everything alright?” “I’m fine. Just… using the bathroom, darling,” she replied with a smile of her own. “Is that plate for little ol’ me?” “Yep. Before you sit down, could you be a doll and get me something to drink?” “Of course.” “Thanks, dame. You’re really swell.” Twilight eyed him, pausing mid-swallow. Anon looked over at her. “That better with the old time-y talk?” The dork’s eyes narrowed. She took a great big bite of her pizza, thinking over his question. Slowly, she just shook her head. Their husband, never one to get discouraged, just shrugged. “We got some night left. I'm sure I’ll get it right. Oh, Sunset. Get Twilight some pop too. You know, what, just bring two of those pies out here.I don’t know why we even took them in there.” Swallowing, Twilight grinned at Sunset. “I do.” Sunset, feeling her face heat up, spun around and made her way into the kitchen. It was tricky carrying the drinks along with the pizzas, but she was able to make it back to the couch with little effort. Pizza wasn’t the nice, home cooked meal that she had been hoping for this evening, but sitting snuggled up to Anon as they ate and listened to the radio more than made up for it. There she sat, her belly full, holding Anon’s hand as the two of them watched Twilight tear into the second twenty-cut pie like a starving wolf. If they let her, she’d finish the whole thing in around ten minutes. They would let her too, since they both knew by now to keep their hands well away from her mouth when she was on the warpath. Sunset had no idea where she put it all. One could have said that it went to her tits, but she’d seen Twilight eat twenty pounds of BBQ and then a tableful of sides in less than thirty minutes. Her boobs weren’t that big. “Hey,” Anon whispered in her ear. “Hey yourself,” she replied, resting head on his shoulder. “So, I know the whole cooking thing was a bust, but what do you wanna do now?” he asked. “We just gonna sit here and listen to the radio? Is that what people did in the old time-y days?” “Would you like to go outside and try a cigar? I bought some the other day.” Anon grimaced. “Do I really need to?” “No. I just know you hate cigarettes, and they were big smokers back in the day.” “If it’s the same to you, sweetie, I’d rather get kicked in the nuggets,” Anon said, giving her hand a squeeze. Sunset giggled. It was worth a shot. She’d have liked to smell smoke on him, just to be that little more authentic… “Well, in that case, we can do whatever you want,” she said. “You’re the man of the house. The two of us are your loyal, cute little wives. We’re supposed to do what you say.” Anon frowned, leaning back into the couch. He looked thoughtful as he stared straight ahead. Sunset looked over at Twilight, who, even as she was polishing off half of her pizza, was staring back intently. She had obviously been listening. Sunset placed a hand on his thigh. “You know, if you wanted to have a bit of fun on the couch, I’m sure Twilight would love some desert. Isn’t that right, Twi?” Twilight licked the pizza grease from her lips. Pushing the pizza box away, she raised an eyebrow at Sunset. Sunset, in turn, gestured toward Anon’s groin, sticking her tongue out and wiggling it around. Realization flashed across the nerd’s vision. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind something salty,” she said. “Maybe something that’ll really stretch my jaw out.” Sunset was already putting a pair of pillows down for the both of them. She was trying not to salivate as she got down onto her knees like the good little whore wife that she knew she was. Her husband spread his legs, beckoning her forward with a teasing finger. Twilight, pulling off her shirt, moved to kneel down beside her, squeezing her big tits. Not to be outdone, Sunset pulled her shirt off as well, throwing it behind her. Anon looked at both of them, letting out a low whistle. He then said the four magic words that she loved to hear. “Get to work, girls--er, dames.” Sunset reached up, unbuttoning his pants. With Twilight’s help, they pulled them down. Anon’s penis flopped out, still soft but rapidly hardening as both girls leaned toward it. In the light, Sunset could see it still had some wetness to it from his fun with Twilight in the kitchen. She whimpered, her nostrils flaring. It was times like this when she desperately wished to have a pony’s sense of smell again. “You can have the first taste,” Twilight whispered in her ear. A hand worked its way past the elastic waistband of her pj bottoms. Another found its way to her breast, giving it a squeeze. Sunset’s eyelids fluttered, her hips jerking. “Mouth open,” Twilight commanded. “Tongue out.” Sunset opened her mouth wide. Her tongue lolled out, and drool came with it to fall down onto her chest. “Ahhhhh~” Their husband’s cock jerked. Sunset giggled, reaching toward it. “No,” Twilight said. “Hands behind your back. A good wife doesn’t need her hands.” “F-Fuck...” Slowly, reverently, Sunset moved her still open mouth forward. An inexperienced busy-body might have gone right for the cock and started slobbering away, but Sunset was a good wife. She went lower, toward his balls. Anon’s penis was by now hard enough that it booped her nose as she began to gently nuzzle his sack. “Theeeeeere we go,” Twilight said, pinching her nipple. “Get them nice and clean.” Sunset could taste the other girl as she began licking. She closed her eyes, clenching around the finger that slipped into her. Even after blowing such a big load in Twilight, her husband’s babymakers still felt so heavy and full. She kissed each nut, quietly praying that he’d give her just as big of a load to taste. In a few minutes, Anon’s balls were slick with her spit. Even so, she continued to clean them like the good filly that she was. “Hmm~” Finally, only after she was absolutely certain that she hadn’t missed an inch of skin, she planted a kiss on the base of Anon’s cock. She allowed it to rest against her face, covering her eye. The weight of it, the size, the smell that somehow overpowered even the scent of girlcum; truly, it took her breath away. Her next kiss went a little higher on the shaft. The kiss after that went high still. With each kiss, she worked her way up that shaft, savoring every vein, every groove, every bit of skin. She stuck her tongue out, allowing his mushroom-like crown to rest on it. Anon let out a whine, his lower body tensing. Sunset smiled as best as she could. With an “ahh!” she wrapped her lips around his head. She sucked gently, her tongue tickling his underside. Anon’s cock twitched hard in response. Her jaw was spread just that little bit more as he finally became fully hard. She pulled back with a pop, watching the cock bounce in the open air. She giggled, catching it in her mouth once more. Her tongue swirled around his head. She let out a groan, grabbing the arm down her pants and holding it close to her chest. Taking a few deep breaths through her nose, she began to bob her head. Her jaw was spread even wider, forced to accommodate her husband’s girth. “There’s a good mare,” Twilight cooed, watching as she took the first few inches, her tongue lathering their husband’s shaft. “Get him nice and wet for me. Anon, letting out a grunt, bucked his hips into Sunset’s face. She winced, feeling his tip scrape against the top of her throat with a little more force than she was comfortable with. With a gag, she pulled back, spit falling from her mouth and lips as she let him go with a pop. She coughed, reaching up to grab him by the base and immediately starting to jerk him off without thinking. Thankfully, Twilight didn’t yell at her as she tried to collect herself. “Sweet Celestia, this thing gets bigger every time I see it,” she said, wiping the spit from her lips. “Too much for you?” Twilight asked. Sunset frowned, though it was admittedly difficult to do so while Twilight was quickly bringing her to another orgasm. “What? Of course not. I know this dick like the back of my hand.” “Then let’s see it all the way down,” Twilight said, making her eyes cross by rubbing her clit. “No more teasing. Make it sloppy too. Unless, you know, you need a little help?” Anon could only blink as Sunset’s eyes narrowed. The woman let go of his dick, grabbing him by the butt and pulling him toward the edge of the couch with a grunt. She then placed her hands on his knees, spreading his legs nice and wide as she loudly cleared her throat. Fantasy or not, if there was one thing that Sunset hated it was having her abilities called into question, especially when she had been honing said ability for the better part of a decade. Twilight smirked, and Sunset let out a breathless growl. Anon could hear a train coming, but by golly he knew he wouldn’t be able to get out of the way. “A-Actually, honey, I really wouldn’t mind if you--” Sunset placed a tender kiss on his cock head, then, with little warning, she drove forward. His dick disappeared in the blink of an eye down the warm, tight hole of her throat. Anon let out a girlish squeal as she rubbed her nose against his pubic mount, her tongue slipping out to lick at his balls. Holding the position, she began to swallow over and over again. Anon’s squeal rose several octaves. He tried wiggling away, but Sunset held onto him tightly as he throbbed into her mouth. She held the position until her vision began to go dark, only then did she pull back until just his tip was in her mouth. Anon stared up at the ceiling. His hands were clenched tightly to his sides, and his breathing was coming out in quick, shallow pants. His dick was throbbing as Sunset lazily lapped at his head. Her lips felt so warm and soft around him he just wanted to scream. He tried desperately to catch his breath, forcing his muscles to relax as best as he could. If he hadn’t just fucked Twilight in the kitchen a few minutes ago, he knew for a fact that he would have already emptied his balls into this crazy woman’s throat. A thought made itself known as he sat there, twitching. He might have gotten through the worst of it. Sunset had proved her point; now there was no need for her to suck him like a vacuum cleaner. He could just get a nice, easy blowie, then have some fun with Twilight. Twilight brought her lips to the other woman’s ear. “I’ve seen better.” The world drifted away as Anon allowed those words to encompass him. He knew it was English, those words, but each one felt like a funeral bell being rung. He watched as Sunset’s brow furrowed, her green eyes filled with indignation. She set her shoulders and puffed out her chest at the challenge. “Oh no.” Spit flew as the woman again darted forward, mashing her nose against his pubis with a wet gag. This time, she didn’t bother to pause, pulling back just as quickly until just the tip was in her mouth. She did this again and again, her head a blur, her red hair bouncing. Her tongue worked the whole while, licking and teasing and tickling. If any of the neighbors happened to have been walking by, they would have sworn someone had just gotten shot with a rifle from the screech Anon made. His hands shot up, searching for something to hold onto. To his dismay, they grabbed Sunset’s head. Sunset, taking it as a sign she was doing well and not killing him, began to twist her head as she ascended and descended. “TwilightyoumotherfuckerwhydidyouDOOOOOTHHHHHAAAAAT?!?!?!?!!” Twilight smiled, her face flushed. She could feel Sunset clenching harder and harder around her fingers. Even though she felt ready to fall asleep after her fun with Anon, she did her best to soldier on, picking up the pace. “That’s more like it. You be a good wife,” she said. “Show our husband just how much he means to you.” Sunset groaned around her mouthful. She was pleasantly lightheaded, savoring the feeling of her throat being stretched out. Anon was throbbing like crazy, and each time she pulled back she could taste his precum on her tongue. Feeling more spit drip down onto her throat and chest, she rubbed it in with a hand, her thighs clamping around Twilight’s arm. Taking Anon to the root, she closed her eyes, and, for a moment, truly embraced her fantasy. She might not have been the best cook, she might have been the most prim and proper, but she could see her husband satisfied. That’s all a wife really needed to do; that and take care of some little ones. Beautiful boys and girls that she’d nurture and help grow into fine men and women. All that was needed was just a bit of spunk in the right place and they could really be a real family. She didn’t need to worry about silly things like work or paying bills or what was going on in the wider world. Her duty, no, her destiny, was to watch as her belly swelled, growing a wonderful little life. If she were lucky, she’d be able to do it again, and again, until her house was filled to bursting and Anon would need to build a new extension. She gurgled, throat clenching around Anon’s shaft. Anon, in turn, made some delightfully interesting sounds. Sunset’s tongue slipped out of her mouth to lap at his nuts. She cupped his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Sunset,” Anon croaked. “Gonna--” Quick as she could, Sunset pulled back until just his tip was in her mouth. She sucked on his head like a lollipop, her tongue swirling. Her husband’s hips bucked, and he let out a curse. His cock pulsed, and she could feel his nuts clench in her hand. The first rope of cum hit the back of her throat with enough force to make her gag. The next coated her tongue, making her shiver as her senses were overloaded. She closed her eyes, swallowing her mouthful, then the mouthful after that, and the one after that. Sunset did her best to prolong her honey’d pleasure as long as she could, but eventually she felt him soften in her mouth. “Haaa~” A torrent of saliva and cum erupted from her mouth as she released Anon with a pop, falling to her chest and belly. Sunset gave him a smile, sticking her tongue out at him before her eyes crossed. An orgasm blindsided her, coating Twilight’s hand and completely soaking her panties. She let out a croak, her back arching. “Fuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk~!” Twilight grabbed the back of her head, forcing her into a kiss. Their tongues battled, and a shiver ran up the dork’s spine as she tasted Anon’s cum. She forced her wet muscles deeper into the other woman’s mouth, as if she were desperate for more. Sunset, while a little shocked, was all too happy to give her what she wanted, her hand finding its way down Twilight’s pants to rub a pair of wet lips. Her eyes widened, then became half-lidded. She leaned against Sunset, pressing her large chest against hers. “You didn’t let me have a turn,” she said, licking a bit of cum with her cheek. “Oh, you had enough fun in the kitchen,” Sunset countered. Both women giggled. A groan caused them to look over at Anon, who was sitting there in a daze. “I think you might have overdone it a bit,” Twilight said. “Oh, he’ll be alright. Isn’t that right, honey?” It took several seconds for Anon to focus on them. He squinted, before giving them a smile and a thumbs up. “See?” Twilight’s gaze settled on his groin. She could see that, while Sunset had done her very best, his softened cock was covered in cum. That wouldn’t do. She scooched over, wrapping her lips around the head of his penis. With a soft suckle, she pressed downward, easily taking him to the base. “Hey, what about me?” Sunset said, shaking her cum-covered boobs. “I got something here for you to play with, you sexy slut.” At a glance, she could tell Twilight hadn’t heard her. The dork was lost in her own little world as she cleaned Anon off. She bobbed her head up and down his length, humming as she did so. Anon squirmed, his face scrunching up while Twilight did her best to overcome his spent libido. “F-Fuck, Twi…” Sunset moved to the dork’s side. Her slipped right back down her pants, rubbing her in time with her bobs. “There we gooooo. Get him nice and hard.” “Give me five minutes. Please!” “Don’t listen to him, Twilight. Keep going.” “I--Fuck.” Slowly but surely, despite his protests, Anon began to get hard once more. Twilight had to pull back more and more, lightly gagging as her jaw was pushed apart. Soon, his fat crown was slipping into her throat each time she hilted him. Thankfully, she had just as much practice with this particular penis as Sunset, meaning she had little trouble. Anon, letting out a groan, placed a hand on her head. Even when he was fully hard she spent another minute or so sucking him, still lost in her own little world. She might have eventually gotten a treat of her own, if not for Sunset flicking her ear. “Twi, could you,” she whispered. “With your tits? Just a little…Please?” Twilight’s eyes opened. She looked over at Sunset and, trying not to laugh when she saw just how desperate the other woman looked, let Anon go with a pop. “Alright, since you said please,” she said, hefting her breasts. “Just for a little bit. I know you perverts can go and go, but I don’t know how much cum Anon has left in the tank.” She let her boobs plop down into Anon’s lap. In the blink of an eye, his dick disappeared into a mound of titflesh. “Motherafuckin’shit!” Anon’s hips jerked, and Sunset watched as his dick poked up and tapped the bottom of Twilight’s chin. She pouted cutely at him, grabbing the sides of her tits and pressing them together. Sunset licked her lips, fingering the dork with more urgency. “Fuck yeah…” A dull, wet slapping sound filled the air as Twilight began to bounce boobs up and down, making sure to keep them pressed tightly together as she could. She did her best to keep a regular pace, but it was clear she was getting tired. She broke out into a sweat, her breathing becoming ragged. Her bouncing became less energetic, then it turned into rubbing her boobs together. Seeing this, Sunset pulled her hand out of the woman’s panties and grabbed her tits, bouncing them for her. “You really need to start coming to the gym with me,” she said, giving her mounds a squeeze. “Celestia, I love these fucking things so much. When Anon knocks you up I can’t wait to suck the milk out of them. Twilight bit her bottom lip. “I think that’s enough with the boobs,” she said. “I bet they’d get bigger too. All tender and swollen…” “Sunset.” “I hear human milk is sweet too, and I bet these puppies would give us so much of it…” “S-Sunset. You better slow down. Anon might--” “All pregnant and leaking. I can see your round belly right now. You’ll be such a cute mom…” Anon reached down, placing his hands over Sunset’s. “Sunny. If you keep going I’m gonna blow a load all over Twilight’s face,” he said through gritted teeth. Sunset stopped. She looked up at his pained expression, then looked down to see that he was leaking like a faucet. Two loads already spent, and he still looked like he hadn’t cum in a month. She and Twilight really did pick someone special. That or Equestrian magic had done some really funny things to him. She let go of Twilight’s breasts, allowing the dork to lean back. Anon’s cock, freed from its prison, slapped wetly against his belly. He sucked in a breath as Twilight pulled the other girl into a kiss. Sunset barely got any tongue before she leaned back, looking at their boyfriend. “She’s all yours, sweetie,” she said, gesturing toward her. “Go be her “husband”.” Anon looked at the two. He took a deep breath, then nodded. When he glanced over at Sunset, the woman shivered, once again the meek and doting housewife. He pushed himself off the couch, leaning down and grabbing her. He scooped her up bridal-style, and began to make his way toward their bedroom. Twilight, with a little wave, rested her head against the side of the couch. Not ten seconds later, she started to snore as what little energy she had disappeared. Sunset could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she was carried. Her husband had carried her to the bedroom like this before, but this time it felt different. Anon walked as though he had a task to accomplish, his fingers digging into her flesh almost possessively. Was he finally going to do it? Was he going to hold her down and fuck her over and over until there was no way she wasn’t pregnant? Would she be a mother in the morning? Her mind went wild at the idea. It felt like those romance novels that Twilight liked to read. She was so swept up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize they were in the bedroom until Anon dropped her onto their bed. She let out a squeak, flailing as her back hit the mattress. Placing a hand onto her chest, she gave him a glare. He smiled back. “A penny for your thoughts?” he asked. “I… was just thinking,” she replied as he climbed into the bed with her. “Anon?” “Hmm?” “Thanks for this. For both mine and Twilight’s thing. I know it’s kinda weird, and you didn’t need to humor us.I really do appreciate it, and I know she does too.” He crawled on top of her. She could feel his penis prodding her lower belly as he leaned down to give her a kiss. He pressed himself down on top of her, pinning her to the bed. “I’m happy to do it,” he said. “You both can be weird sex perverts all you like.” Sunset snorted. “You’re the weird sex pervert.” “I know you are, but what am I?” “Don’t you start with that. I’ll punch you; I swear to Celestia.” “What does our high school principal have anything to do with you assaulting me?” “You know that isn’t who I’m talking about!” Anon’s lips were so close to hers they were almost touching. She wondered why he wasn’t kissing her instead of hovering like he was, but then she noticed his chest was rising and falling with hers. A blush exploded across her face. The deviant was sharing breath with her. Outside of marriage! “...You’re really something, you know that?” she murmured. “What are you talking about?” “You know what I’m talking about, dummy.” She grabbed his face, pulling him into another kiss. She could feel him positioning himself. Her hips rose when she felt his tip press against her lower lips. “I love you lots,” Anon said with a smile that made her heart ache. “Almost as much as Tworkle.” “Well, I love her more than you.” “It’s the tits right?” “Oh yeah. I love your fucking dick, but I’d throw you in a dumpster just to motorboat them.” “Is that right?” Without warning, Anon pushed himself into her. Sunset found herself gasping, staring deeply into his eyes. She exhaled. He inhaled. She inhaled. He exhaled. He was doing it again, with the lights on while looking at her no less. She felt herself clenching around him at the sheer degeneracy of it, her hands gripping his sides as he began to slowly push himself forward. He could have just slammed in and started pounding her. It was his right as her man, and she would have had no issue with it, but took his time. He always insisted it was so he didn’t hurt her, but Sunset knew better. He wanted to savor every little inch of her pussy. The hottest, tightest, best pussy he ever and would ever have in his life; with Twilight coming in a very close second. His pace quickened. Sunset could hear the bed creak. Anon rested his arms on each side of her. He shifted his weight, and Sunset couldn’t help but let out a groan when he pressed into her deeper than before. “Fuuuuuuck~ Even faster he went. Tip to base, with each impact enough to make her bounce. Each time he hilted her vision would go a little blurry. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Her hands slid up his back, her fingernails digging into his flesh. If Anon felt them he didn’t show it, pounding her like the good little wife that she was. “Come on! I know you can go faster than t-that, honey~!” Sunset’s belly heaved. It was hard to keep eye contact with him, but she did her best. She could feel Anon twitching inside of her. It was getting harder to think clearly as her admittedly poor stamina was eroded thrust by thrust . Moaning, she lifted her legs, pressing her knees into his butt. A familiar, wonderful sensation began to build in her belly, making her lower body tense up. A jolt of pleasure made her suck air through her teeth and shut her eyes. She dug her nails into Anon’s back as hard as she could. Anon’s hot, moist breath washed over her face. “You’re gonna make a great fucking mom.” Sunset’s eyes shot open as an orgasm ripped through her. Heat and stars filled her being, and she let out a loud, slutty moan. The moan turned into a whinny when she felt cum being unloaded into her. She thrashed against her stallion, her lover, her husband, squirting so hard around his cock that she knocked herself senseless. Anon kept thrusting all the while, growling in her ear. Eventually, his frantic pace slowed. His cock began to soften, and he rested his head on her shoulder. He kissed her neck as, very slowly, she came back to herself. She found herself staring up at the ceiling. Sweat stung her eyes, and it felt like she had just walked away from the beating of a lifetime. It took a good long while, but she was eventually able to slow her breathing and her pounding heart. Lifting a hand, she saw bloody fingertips and winced. She’d need to get Twilight to look at whatever damage she did. “You… fucking dick.” Anon chuckled. “Don’t like a taste of your own medicine?” “You better quit with that sharing breath shit. A girl might get the wrong idea you know.” She kissed the top of his head. Anon sighed, nuzzling into his neck. “You know you can pull out, right?” she said. “I tried,” he replied. “You got me locked down. If you squeezed any harder I think I’d split in two” Sunset was confused by what he was talking about, but then realized her legs were tightly wrapped around his midsection. Slowly, she released him. Even so, Anon didn’t bother pulling out of her. She didn’t mind; it was nice having him this close. “Anon?” “Hmm?” “We should probably get up and get your back looked at.” “Yeah, I think you’re right. It feels like you really messed me up.”
little big pony
Anon,Sunset Shimmer,Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Human,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Perverse Pleasures
Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result.
<p>Sometimes it's nice to take a step or two away from normal and try something different. Sometimes you need to explore your sexuality to find yourself and, perhaps, become a better person in a relationship as a result. Sometimes you just want your girlfriends to turn into ponies so you can brush them.</p><p>Twilight and Sunset think Anon's weird. He thinks they're both perverts, so it evens out.</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>Artist is Agfavio</p>
“We look ridiculous!” It had taken a lot of effort. A lot of letters, conversations, even a few trips across dimensions, but here they were. Twilight considered herself a very smart woman, but any talk of magic went right over her head. She was a scientist for goodness sake; things like magic and spells were supposed to be nothing but hogwash. If she hadn’t personally seen her girlfriend turn into a big demon and try to destroy the planet, she’d still be in blissful ignorance and not have to puzzle out how there were creatures out there that were able to safely move celestial bodies every single day. The pony Twilight, a very important magical princess, had her doubts about Sunset’s plan when it was brought to her, but just like her human counterpart she seemed to love a challenge. Her, Sunset, and a strange unicorn that went by Starlight Glimmer--a mare who had also attempted to destroy all reality; seemed like unicorns were pretty into that sort of thing--all put their heads together. It took weeks, a lot of magical trial and error, but it had borne fruit. Both her and Sunset were on their side of the mirror, and both of them were horses. Twilight had been a magical, colorful, talking horse before, more times than she wished even, and it was still as weird as it had been the first time. She didn’t like being so small, or walking on hooves. Her field of vision was much wider than as a woman, and her sense of smell was so much sharper, as was her earring. Speaking of hearing, she very much didn’t care for the fact that she could now move her ears in several directions. She didn’t even want to think about her tail, or the fact that she currently had a sharp bone jutting out of her forehead. Sunset had taken to her transformation easily. It made sense, what with her being born a pony and all. Twilight just wished she didn’t look so confident walking around while she was trying her hardest not to fall over. “Ridiculous? What are you talking about? You look adorable.” “My glasses are about to fall off my face!” “Then use your magic to push them up your muzzle.” “Oh no. I’m not opening that can of worms!” Rolling her eyes, Sunset’s horn glowed. Twilight felt her glasses being pushed up in a more comfortable position up her muzzle. She scrunched said muzzle up at the thought of having such a thing now. “Oh, looks like I can use magic. I guess the spell didn’t have any issues,” Sunset said with a happy jump. “That’ll be interesting for later when we get our hooves on Anon.” Twilight’s ears perked up, then flattened against her skull. She tried not to freak out at just how odd it all felt. “Sunset?” “Yes darling?” “Don’t you think this is… weird?” Sunset blinked. “Weird? Whatcha mean?” Twilight made a vague gesture with her hoof, and nearly fell over for her troubles. “I mean, Anon wanting to do stuff with us while we’re… this.” “What? Horses?” “Yeah.” “And what’s wrong with a man wanting to fuck a couple of unicorns?” Sunset asked with a frown. “We’re animals, Sunset!” “Yeah, the sexiest animal,” Sunset said, puffing her furry little chest out. “Nothing hotter than a mare. I’d know, I was one for almost my whole life.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Are you even sure he’d want to… you know, with us like this? Did he specifically tell you?” “Nope, but I could put the pieces together.” “What pieces?” “Trust me. You know if a man was made for Equestrian pussy if you’re around him long enough, and we’ve known Anon for a very long time. Besides, he seemed pretty excited when I told him what we were doing.” Twilight shuffled in place, looking down at the ground. Sunset, seeing her discomfort, leaned against her, nuzzling the back of her ear. “If you’re that freaked out about it I could change you back and go alone. I’m sure Anon would understand,” she offered. Twilight took a deep breath. “No… Anon was more than happy to humor us when we wanted to spice up the bedroom. It wouldn’t be fair for anyone if I went and chickened out now, especially since I’m already a horse.” “Pony.” “Pony. I’m sure I’ll get used to it once we’re in the swing of things.” She nuzzled Sunset back, who smiled. “I’m sure Anon won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” she said. “And, if you really start thinking about it, there are a lot of neat things that you can do in your new body now.” “Yeah? Like what?” “Well, your smell is a lot better now, right?” “It is.” “Did you know it’s good enough to smell boners?” “No it’s not you liar,” Twilight said with a chuckle, pushing the mare. This time, she managed to mostly keep her balance. “It’s not a lie,” Sunset said with complete seriousness. “The second you walk through that door you’ll be able to pick up Anon’s pheromones. Since you’ve never experienced it before, it’ll be a little intense at first, especially how much you humans pump them out. I promise the second he gets aroused you’ll know about it.” Her horn glowed. Twilight jumped as she felt something touch her back. Looking around, she saw Sunset had conjured a hand. “He’s a lot bigger than us too,” Sunset continued, as her magic hand ran its fingers through her fur. “He’d be able to pick us up and do whatever he wanted to us as long as he wanted. That dick of his will be something else now too; our pretty pony pussies might have a hard time taking him. Thankfully, we don’t have gag reflexes anymore.” Twilight shivered as Sunset blew on her ear, her magic hand sliding down her back to touch her tail dock. She rubbed it with a finger, and Twilight let out a gasp. “If you want he’d probably just let you sit on his face. With that cute lil’ pair of teats you have now along with that marehood and ponut he’ll have so much to play with. You think my stamina is bad as a human, you should see me as a unicorn; you’ll be the same too. Anon will make you cum so hard and so many times you’ll never want to turn back~.” She nipped Twilight’s side. Twilight yelped, jumping away from her and giving her a stern glare. Her tail was raised, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out how to make it to back down. Sunset just laughed at her. “I’m just teasing, sweetie,” she said, opening the door with her magic. “Just watch me. I’ll make sure everypony enjoys themselves.” As she walked through the door, she lifted her tail, exposing her mare bits to Twilight. The nerd watched as her clit popped out of its hood, sending a spurt of semi-clear liquid to the floor. Twilight’s nostrils flared, the scent of an aroused mare making her tense up. “Come on, no more horsing around. We need to make Anon’s day.” ~_~_~_~_~_~ “Oh my fucking gosh~!” Twilight twisted and jerked. Her hooves tried finding purchase in the ground, but to little avail. Anon stood over her, massive, imposing, keeping her held firmly in place. In his hand was a tool he had been using on the dork for the better part of half an hour, which had left her a twitching, sweaty, dopey mess. “This feels so… GOOD~” Twilight let out a knicker as Anon carefully carved more of her hoof away with a hoof knife. Holding Twilight’s hoof between his legs, he inspected the appendage , then brushed some bits of dirt and hoof away. He hummed and hawed for a minute or two before, with a smile, he slid the knife back into a slot on his belt and pulled out some sanding paper. A few feet away, Sunset was lounging on a bale of hay, frowning. When her and Twilight had walked out into their backyard to see hay, bags of corn feed, cones, barrels, and all sorts of other things she had come in with pretty high hopes. Anon had made them run around for a bit until they were all sweaty like a couple of fancy show ponies. He had them drink out of buckets, offered them some sugarcubes, then disappeared into the house. Sunset figured he’d come out in nothing but a cowboy hat and ride them like a couple of wild mares, but then he appeared in this get up of his and insisted he look at their hooves. What happened after reminded her more of a medical examination than a sexy role play, and then Anon brought out his tools. Twilight, slobbering, neighed. She tilted her head back, grabbing the back of Anon’s shirt with her mouth and tugging on it. Anon, without missing a beat, reached around and gave her muzzle a light swat. Adjusting the hoof between his legs, he started to sand. Sunset glanced away from him and down at her own hooves. Anon had just finished working on them, and while she was rather bemused with what was going on she had to admit that he had done a really good job. She had frequently used Princess Celestia’s personal farrier a number of times when she was younger, and they hadn’t done nearly as good as her boyfriend had. Not only were her hooves so shiny that she could see herself in them, when she had done a little trot around the yard for him she had noticed that it felt nicer just to walk. She rested her head on top of her forelegs, watching as Anon began coating Twilight’s hoof with a weird, syrup-y liquid that came from a can by his foot. Her horn glowed, and with a thought she teleported two pieces of bread to her side. She glanced around the yard and, seeing some dandelions, plucked them and levitated them over. Anon paused his work to watch as she put the dandelions on one of the pieces of bread, then teleported some ketchup and mustard and squirted both on the other. Sandwich made, the unicorn gave them a sniff before taking a big bite. “...What are you doing over there?” “Eating. I’m getting hungry. It’s a lot better when you’re a pony. Trust me.” Whatever hope Sunset had with some interspecies fornication after having her and Twilight’s hooves looked after was quickly dashed when Anon pulled out a series of brushes. What happened after that was nothing less than Elysium. Sunset had been pampered before--she had gone with Rarity and the girls to the spa more times than she cared to admit-- but this was one a whole other level. First her mane and her tail were brushed, then her legs, then finally every inch of her barrel. Anon was as thorough and diligent as he had been with their hooves. He went over and over again with one brush, not moving to the other until he was certain every hair on their bodies were right where they wanted him. The brushes felt wonderful going through her fur. Anon made sure not to tug or rip at any knot or clump of fur he found, and his little touches and scratches made her wiggle and laugh. He did make it awfully hard to seduce him, but she did her best. While he worked on her rump and tail she winked for him whenever she caught his gaze lowering. She also made sure to bump his groin with her snout, and open her mouth to show just how long and dexterous her tongue was. He didn’t take her bait. In fact, as far as she could tell, he didn’t even seem to notice, so lost in his grooming. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him so content. After Anon was done with her, her coat was gleaming in the sunlight. Twilight got much of the same treatment, and fell asleep halfway through, though he didn’t seem to mind much. When he was done with her, Anon carried the sleeping mare into the house. Sunset followed right behind him, doing her best not to get anything on her hooves. They made their way into the living room, where he set Twilight down onto his lap, letting the unicorn rest against him with her head on his shoulder. It took a few tries, but Sunset was able to leap onto the bed. She levitated the remote over and turned on the tv before resting her head against Anon’s thigh. Even with a hot purple mare right in his lap he was still as soft as could be. It was a little frustrating, but that went away pretty quickly when she felt a hand begin scratching her behind the ears. “Ohhhhh~” She leaned back into the hand, her tail swishing. Anon scratched her more rigorously, going from her ears to her neck without missing a beat. When she felt fingertips massaging just above her left right shoulder, Sunset had to put her head back down, letting out a happy groan as she did so. With each breath she took, she could smell him, so much better than when she was a human. She could very clearly detect every little nuance of him. The smell of the shampoo he wore, the sweat he broke in when he was brushing them both down, the cotton from the shirt he was wearing and the detergent that had been used on it. She had always taken comfort in his scent, but now it was so much more amplified. Anon was no stallion, but he was still her mate. The one that made her feel happy, the one that made her feel safe and content and so many other things. Sometime during her petting, Sunset must have drifted off. Her head was still on her boyfriend’s thigh, but his hands were nowhere to be felt. She could also hear giggling. Ears perking up, she opened her ears and lifted her head. Twilight was now awake. Anon was holding her, aggressively nuzzling her furry chest. The unicorn had her hooves on top of his head, her tail wagging excitedly. Seeing Sunset staring at her, she gave the mare a little wave. “Morning there, sleepy head.” “Morning yourself. What the heck is Anon doing?” Twilight looked down at Anon, who was lost in his own little world, then shrugged. “I really don’t know. He’s been doing it since I woke up. It feels kinda nice.” Sunset watched the two for a little longer before sitting up. “In that case, I wanna turn,” she said, poking the man’s side. “You got two pretty mares here, big guy. You wouldn’t want to just go and ignore one of them now, would you?” She booped his cheek with her nose. When he turned to her she leaned into him, aggressively rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. A hand scooped her up by the rump and pulled her into his lap, cutiemark to cutiemark with Twilight. The mares looked at each other, then down at their man. Both grinned, reaching out and grabbing him. What happened after that was a blur of scratching and petting, kissing and ear biting. They were like a pair of affectionate puppies. Sure, it was a little demeaning, and a whinny or two might have slipped out, but they were pretty sure this was what he wanted. With both mares working together, Anon was totally overwhelmed, so much so that they were able to force him down onto the couch. He still did his best to return the affection, looking as content as any man that had ever lived. There were points when he looked like he was genuinely holding back tears, but Twilight or Sunset would just barrel through, fur and mane wiping away and leaking eyes. It was when Sunset found herself sitting on Anon’s chest, using her magic to hold down his arms and legs while Twilight blew raspberries on his belly, when she felt it. She could feel something begin to ebb away from deep within her. “Twi, I think--” There was a poof and a flash of light. The smell of sugar and gunpowder filled the room in the blink of an eye. Anon, who had been squirming and giggling like a school girl, let out a yell as he was flashbanged by magic. It took some time, but his vision cleared, and he was able to see a now human Sunset--who was very much naked--sitting on his chest. While he would have never said it out loud, her pony self was much lighter, meaning that he was having some trouble breathing. Sunset had her arms spread out and was very still, as if she were worried she’d explode again. “Sunset?” Twilight said behind her, sounding not happy at all. “What the HECK was that?!” “The spell gave up the ghost, Twi,” she replied, giving her fingers an experimental wiggle. “When that sort of thing happens it’s usually… violent. Hey, you’re not some monstrous, half pony half human creature are you?” “No.” “Do I look like a half pony half human creature?” “...No.” Sunset sighed, slowly lowering her arms. “Alright. Good. Doesn’t look like there are any bad side effects then…” “Sunset? Were there supposed to be side effects?” Luckily for Sunset, Anon made a pained noise. The woman quickly crawled off him and, checking to see if he was completely fine and not a half horse monster, she got down onto her knees next to him. Twilight, just as naked as her, crawled off the couch as well and moved next to her. Anon looked at the two, still dazed. “Hey, seriously though, Sunny, was there a chance of this all turning out to be bad? I just wanted to pet some horses, not have to worry if you two were going to explode.” “We were fine,” Sunset said with a wave of a hand. “Even if the spell went a little funny at the end we had two powerful magic users and myself working on it. There really wasn’t a chance that there would have been such extreme side effects.” Anon’s eyes narrowed, and he sat up. “Then why the heck did you think you were some horse monster then?” “I didn’t think anything,” she insisted, trying not to look over at Twilight. “It’s just… well, magic here is a little funny. Even if any catastrophic mutations were a incredibly low possibility, I just wanted to make sure--” Twilight reached up, placing a hand over her mouth. “Shhhh. Be quiet before you get yourself in trouble and tell me that what we did was super dangerous,” she said. Sunset did as she was told while the other woman smiled at their boyfriend. “Magical nonsense aside, did you enjoy yourself, honey?” Anon smiled. “I did. It was a lot of fun.” “Where on earth did you learn how to do all that stuff with our hooves? In fact, why did you even want us to be horses in the first place?” A flash of embarrassment crossed Anon’s face. He awkwardly coughed, looking away. “I, uh, I looked up how to do that stuff on the internet. When you both went to Rarity’s for Sweetie’s birthday I actually went over to Sweet Apple Acres and had Big Mac let me practice on a few of their horses too.” He scratched his chin. “And… I don’t know. I’ve heard all your stories about going on to Equestria and being little talking horses I thought it’d be cute seeing you walking around like that. I wanted to see you both do horsey things I guess.” Sunset couldn’t help but shake her head. “Well, I’m sorry the spell didn’t last. We could have really shown you what mares really can do.” Her words were meant with a blank stare. “I mean, I was thinking after the petting I could have tried talking you both into going back outside so I could watch you trot around. Maybe give you a bath afterwards or something…” “I was thinking of a different exercise. The kind where you’re just as naked as us~” The only sound that could be heard was the clock on the wall ticking as Anon processed Sunset’s words. His face scrunched up, and he leaned back in disgust. “What are you talking about, Sunset? You thought I wanted to fuck you both while you were ponies?” “That’s what these date nights are for, honey,” Twilight pointed out. “We’re supposed to indulge each other’s fantasies.” Anon’s jaw opened and closed, trying to form words. “Not all fantasies have to end in sex, you dirty old women!” he said. “Jesus, I knew you were perverts, but this is really something else.” Twilight looked over at Sunset. “I thought it was weird too. Sunset here is the one that told me you’d want to have sex with us like that.” Sunset looked between the two. This hadn’t been what she was expecting when she woke up this morning. All that hard work, making all those trips to Equestria with the thought she was going to fulfill one of her boyfriend’s deepest fantasies, was all for naught. She felt her face heat up under Twi’s and Anon’s gazes. “...You really didn’t want to fuck us as ponies?” “No. Why in the world do you think I’d want to do something like that?” “I just thought… you know. Since you’re such a fan of horses, and I was a horse…” Twilight leaned toward her ear. “Pervert,” she whispered. Blushing harder, Sunset gave her a light shove. “Will you shut up?
Luster Dawn,Other,Rarity,Starlight Glimmer,Sunburst,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Hearts and Hooves Day at Dawn
Luster Dawn wakes to a couples themed holiday and wants to share it with her special somepony.
<p>Luster and her Earth Pony friend Gallop J. Fry started dating a while back and now it's a big day for them after a few months of being together. Hearts and Hooves Day is here! </p><p>Made for Valentines Day, February 14th, 2024! (Yes a little late according to the fimfiction clock but its still on time by my zone's. </p><p>Note: This treats G5 as alternate universe and is part of my <a href="/bookshelf/1277155/successor-verse" rel="nofollow">Successor</a> and <a href="/bookshelf/2170859/headcanon" rel="nofollow">Headcanon </a>Verses for G4. </p><p>Cover Art by Harmony Sparkle.</p>
Luster Dawn woke up on a very special day, one that she’d very much been looking forward too these past couple weeks. Hearts and Hooves Day, the day that revolved around couples and love. She was in her bedroom in the Castle of Friendship, her home since she’d been a filly as her mother Starlight Glimmer served as its stewardess and Headmare of the nearby school once Princess Twilight moved to Canterlot and took her place as the ruler of Equestria. Now Luster herself was a princess, the new Princess of Friendship. It had certainly been an interesting few months after she moved back to Ponyville from spending most of her time in Canterlot. She’d faced monsters, brainwashed guards, and finally the dreaded Grogar who had been behind the attacks. She’d become an alicorn after absorbing a fatal amount of dark magic and turning it back against him after purifying it. The resulting counterattack destroyed him, she’d been reborn as an alicorn, and things had been peaceful ever since. But Luster knew that that could change any day now. More villains could just as they had in Princess Twilight’s time. At least the villains Grogar brought back as well as Grogar himself were gone now, hopefully to never return. But seeing as a certain villain… King Sombra… had been brought back from the dead twice, Luster didn’t want to get her hopes up too high. But who would ever want to resurrect Grogar? Luster soon put those worries out of her mind. He wasn’t coming back, and neither were the other villains. At least not today. She could just focus on enjoying herself with her friends, family, and most of all her special somepony. Luster got up and took a shower in the nearby bathroom. She combed her mane and hesitated before she could put it in her preferred style of a ponytail. Maybe she should do something different today since it was all about romance? Hearts and Hooves Day was a special time for couples. She decided to discard the ponytail in her mane for today and let it flow freely, of course, not like Princess Twilight’s mane which flowed with or without wind and sparkled. She combed it so that looked neat at least and looked at her princess crown. She was expected to look her best and while like Princess Twilight she preferred to only wore it at ceremonial occasions, this could count as it was a holiday, and one she was going to preside over with her mother at least for a brief time. She shrugged and levitated her crown on her head. Princess Luster Dawn, that was her title now. She flapped her wings that she’d taken some time getting used to after defeating Grogar. They’d perhaps proved to be a harder foe to conquer, though he had been far scarier. She still had nightmares of him brainwashing her and making her fight her own mother, or draining fillies lifeforces. But she’d stopped him, and he’d never return. Luster joined her family for breakfast in the dining room. Her mother Starlight smiled at her as she entered the room, along with her father Sunburst and Aunt/Godmare Trixie Lulamoon. "There's my little Princess!" Sunburst exclaimed noticing her wearing her crown. "Literally now!" Luster blushed. "Yes, I'm a princess Dad!" "And a Princess about to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with her fast and furious coltfriend," Trixie remarked. "What's it gonna be? Hayburgers for lunch like he likes?" Luster giggled. "We had a little something planned." Starlight looked at her sternly. "You're not gonna... you know?" Luster blushed bright red at the unspoken term. "No! We're not ready for that yet, Mom!" "Good, cause I'm not ready to be a grandmare yet!" Starlight said. "We sure look it though!" Trixie remarked. "I mean we all look older than some of our parents did at our ages!" "Eh, every generation ages a little different I guess," Sunburst shrugged. Suddenly a large draconeques appeared in a flash of light. “Or someone overlooked that detail in favor of making you look older!” Discord said. He then made a number of little lights appears. “I’ve been looking into some alternate universes and timelines! And in the future of one of them there are these crystals that actually contain a message from Twilight… showing her in her old form! As if she never turned as big as Celestia! What kind of world is that?” Discord exclaimed showing a picture of a set of three crystals and projecting an image of Twilght in her former form. “Whoever creates these worlds needs to keep their lore straight!” With another snap of his fingers he was gone as quickly as he came. Starlight shrugged. “Well, who knows the future will bring in this world and others?” she asked. “I wonder if any of those bad timelines I created with Twilight are still functioning in their own way?” “Let’s just live in the world we live in now and enjoy our Hearts and Hooves Day dear,” Sunburst said. “I agree! Let’s have our selves a great and powerful holiday full of love!” Trixie spoke. “Besides, its Luster’s first time with this holiday!” They ate their breakfast and then headed out to see the decorations around town. Heart shaped banners covered Ponyville for the couples themed holiday. All around her, Luster saw couples her age and older like her parents, or even older. There were even some a little younger in the form of foals just experiencing their very first crushes. She hadn't been focused on romance for a long time until her walls came down when Princess Twilight took her back to Ponyville with her friends and she made her own. "Hi Luster!" an enthusiastic voice called out. Luster looked and saw a blue Kirin approaching. She smiled at River Song, her best friend in her group of four friends that she'd made upon returning here with open eyes. "Hi River!" Luster greeted with a smile. "Made you a card!" River said pulling out a blue heart shaped card. "I know I'm not your special somepony... or special some Kirin I guess it would be if we were dating! But I still love you as a friend!" Luster blushed. "Ah thanks River!" She looked at the card and saw it read To Luster with a River of Love. "Aww," Luster said. "I'll have to make you and the others one!" "Good thing your dear sister River came prepared with just the batch for you!" River said pulling out a stack of pink cards adored with yellow flowers that matched Luster's coat and mane. "Thanks!" Luster said taking one of them and conjuring a feather pen from her room. She quickly wrote one for River after thinking a moment on what she wanted to write. I look forward to walking along the River of Friendship when I get at Dawn every morning." River smiled and the two friends hugged each other. "You're just as pretty as the sunrise Luster! I'm sure Gallop feels the same way." Luster smiled again. "Oh, stop it River! You're making me blush!" “Looks like Gallop has a rival then!” Trixie joked to Starlight and Sunburst who giggled. "Well, I better get these cards to the others!" River said taking her blue cards and walking off. "Love you friend! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!" "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!" Luster replied with a wave. She took the cards River gave her and quickly a message to each of her friends. “Yelena… you are the best Yak Friend I could ever hope for!” Luster said before writing it on the card. “Love Luster!” She continued with the cards. “Georgia, I treasure our friendship greatly and consider myself the richest pony because of it!” “Gallop, you ran straight into my heart! I love you with all of it!” “Aww!” Starlight smiled at that one. “That’s sweet Luster but we really need to get to the Town Hall!” “Oh right!” Luster exclaimed. They made it there just in time. All of Ponyville was gathered for the community announcement. Luster saw Princess Twilight’s friends, at least a few of them. Fluttershy and Discord, Pinkie Pie and her son Lil Cheese (who looked rather like a filly thanks to his long eyelashes). Unfortunately they were not able to share the holiday with Pinkie’s husband Cheese Sandwitch as he’d been among the ponies and other creatures lost during the battle with Grogar. But Pinkie had decided to focus on loving her son for the day in order to honor their family. Big Mac and Sugar Belle, as well as Lyra and Bonbon were also present with the latter having a scar over her eye from the battle. Many other couples were there as well, even some consisting of mixed species like Yona and Sandbar. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” Starlight said. “I know that we had a difficult time last year with Grogar emerging! But his defeat showed that friendship and love always prevail! Now, my daughter Princess Luster Dawn would like to say a few words!” Luster blushed as she stepped forward and faced the crowd. She gritted her teeth in a forced grin. “Well… uh… Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony… and every other creature!” She was clumsy, she knew it. She’d faced Grogar and become a princess only to discover an even more terrifying foe. The foe of nerves, having to face large crowds and address them as a leader. She felt a hoof on her shoulder and saw… him. Her coltfriend. Gallop J. Fry, a light-yellow Earth Pony with an orange-brownish mane, and a cutie mark of a burger. He wore a green suit, the same one he’d worn at the Grand Galloping Gala when they’d gotten together. “Gallop!” she exclaimed, turning redder. “It's okay Luster, just take a deep breath,” he said. “I’m right by your side.” She then saw River, Yelena, and Georgia step forward as well. She smiled. Her friends were here, and she had nothing to worry about as long as that was the case. "Glad of it," Luster said. "Oh, and I made these for you guys!" She levitated out the cards then turned back to the crowd. “Let the light of love and friendship be your guide where you go! It was that light that helped us through all the difficult times both recent and in the past! We may have lost many ponies we loved, but they’d want us to carry on and never forget to love!” There was a moment of silence and Luster was afraid she’d failed, but then Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves. “Well said Luster Dawn! Well said!” Pinkie said. “Yeah!” many ponies cheered. Gallop then landed a kiss on Luster’s cheek and she smiled at him. “You wore your suit from the gala,” she noted. “Figured I should where something at least,” he said. “After all, I’m dating the new Princess of Friendship now.” Luster looked down, seeing she wasn’t wearing a dress. “Maybe I should go get my Gala dress!” she said. “Oh wait, it doesn’t have slips for my wings. Maybe I should get those added on!” “No no no!” Starlight said as her daughter spoke. “You are fine just the way you are! No need to dress up if you don’t want to.” “But if you want…” Rarity suddenly came forward with a smile, wearing a red coat instead of the usual purple one she’d taken to wearing in the recent years. “There is no harm in it. I can even whip something up for you right now if you wish my fellow element of generosity.” Luster smiled. She’d come to embody not just the element of magic but generosity as well in her group of friends. Though magic was her usual shown gift. “Thank you Rarity,” Luster said. “I think I’ll take you up on that though.” Rarity led Luster to her boutique that had been rebuilt after the fire in Ponyville… which Luster herself had caused when Grogar brainwashed her. She soon gave Luster a red dress with a heart broch on the chest and gold lacing. “There you are dear, I had it specially made for you,” the aging unicorn said. “That’s very nice of you,” Luster said as she pulled out her bits to pay. “Keep the change.” Rarity smiled. “Always the generous tipper I see! But please, don’t think you have to repay me for burning my boutique! I bear you no ill will darling! You were under Grogar’s spell and the insurance more then covered it!” Luster looked down, the horrible memory of her brief time serving the Father of Monsters going through her mind. “I know, but it's always polite to include a tip! I’ll never forget what he made me do… or almost do. But I know it wasn’t my fault. Just consider it a friendly tip Miss Rarity.” Rarity smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Luster. Now you go enjoy your date with your special somepony!” Luster nodded back and headed out. Her friends and family had waited outside the boutique. She emerged and saw Gallop’s eyes widen. “Hey handsome,” she said batting her eye lashes. “Hey sweetpeach,” he said uttering the name he sometimes called her as peaches were often pink. He then offered her his hoof. “Shall we?” “We shall,” she took it and the two of them walked off hoof in hoof to enjoy day. They headed to the Hayburger, which was Gallop’s favorite place to eat. He ran a delivery cart as well that sold Hayburgers, but thought these were even better in his eyes… or mouth. They soon had their food served and Gallop moaned in delight as he took his first bite. “Mmm, just like the first time I tried one! I loved it so much and wanted to make my own, so I had my mom teach me.” “And then you got your cutie mark!” Luster said, knowing the story that he’d told her a while back after they’d started dating. “Yep!” Gallop grinned. “Fast and tasty! Of course, the next monster that we face will get a taste of my hooves! Things have been way too quiet ever since we defeated Grogar!” Luster nodded. “A part of me feels a bit bored, but I don’t want anypony to be put in danger when a villain attacks.” “Well, we’ll just enjoy ourselves no matter what comes I’m sure!” Gallop said. She smiled, knowing that would be the case. “Nothing wrong with peace even if it can be boring at times. Besides we can always go on another trip around Equestria to liven things up. We only saw a few things that other time.” “Sounds good to me!” Gallop agreed. “Where you want to go next?” “We’ll have to think about that,” Luster said. “But whatever happens, I’m glad I have you and the others by my side.” They ate their food and then walked outside with full stomachs. “Ah that hit the spot,” Luster said rubbing her tummy. “Yeah,” Gallop agreed. “Always love a hayburger! But there’s one thing I love more! You!” “Aww!” Luster exclaimed with red cheeks. They looked into each other’s eyes, gold into green. Then their eyes closed and they leaned forward, their lips touching, and their hearts beating rapidly. They’d have a long and happy life together and face whatever might come.
Admiral Biscuit
Original Character,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Valentine's Day
KitKat is not a romantic pony, but there are some things she loves.
<p>Some ponies like chocolate or flowers or a trip to the spa, or maybe just staying at home and chilling with their special somepony.</p><p>KitKat isn't one of those ponies. <i>Her</i> idea of a perfect Hearts and Hooves Day is . . . different.</p>
Valentine's Day Admiral Biscuit Close your eyes and imagine the most romantic Valentine's Day that you can. Go on, I’ll wait until you’ve got it fixed in your head. Whatever you’re thinking of, it’s not how KitKat spent her Valentine's Day. Or Hearts and Hooves Day, since she’s a pony. The morning dawned over the creepy forest as mornings often do. The sky got lighter heralding the coming of the new dawn, and a well-muscled pony who loved Cheez-Its pushed open the flap of his tent. Buttercup took a moment to enjoy the pre-dawn vignette, then turned back into the tent to wake his traveling companion. Scratch that, his adventuring companion. Both ponies were adventurers-for-hire. KitKat specialized in general woodsmareship, while Buttercup’s big talent was dealing with unwanted portals. Their mission, removing an unwanted portal in a haunted forest, played to both of their strengths. (The forest wasn’t actually haunted, it just seemed that was because odd creatures kept coming out of it, due to the portal there.) “You want hot or cold breakfast?” She poked her head above the covers and ran a hoof across her forelock as she blinked the last sleep from her eyes. “What’s the weather like?” “Dark, but it won’t be for long.” KitKat considered. As soon as she got out from under the covers, she’d be cold and it would take a little while to warm back up. A fire would help with that, but it would take longer and they'd have to leave it behind. “Might as well be cold.” She pushed the covers back and got to her hooves, strapping her tabarzin across her back before leaving the tent. One never knew; it was best to be prepared. Oats didn’t take long to cook, and it took even less long to not cook them. Since the pair had economized on gear by cutting back to only the bare necessities, they only had one bowl which they took turns eating out of. Buttercup graciously let KitKat eat first, while he folded up their tent. He threw it across his back and then took his turn at the oats while KitKat cleared up the rest of their camp. There wasn’t much; both were simple ponies who were most in their element with the least. Not to say that they didn’t enjoy the finer things in life (such as Cheez-Its); they both felt that the finer things were made all the more enjoyable when they were rare treats. KitKat, for example, thought back to her last time at the spa as she was bathing in a spring-fed pond whose source could only be a glacier up in the Crystal Empire. And Buttercup had thought fondly of the last—and in fact only—box of Cheez-Its he’d ever enjoyed, ones which had been brought back from a portal to Earth. It wasn’t just the taste, when it came to cheeziness they were mediocre at best. It was the satisfaction of a job well done, of addressing the portal that had provided the Cheez-Its as well as the gibbering clerk who had also come through said portal. With a shotgun. KitKat shook off on the bank, restrapped her saddlebags and bedroll (the tabarzin had stayed on because she knew full well foes wouldn’t be restrained by her bathing. While none had outright attacked her, one fish in particular had been giving her the side-eye) and then stood sentry while Buttercup took his turn. Only when he got out, completing the morning rituals, did they discuss their plan for the day. Said plan was sketched out in great detail on the bank of the pond, using a found stick. As plans went, it wasn’t much; when it came to planning the fact was that both KitKat and Buttercup were more reactionary ponies, ones who preferred having direction and then they’d just slog their way to the goal, dealing with whatever arose as it came up. That doesn’t mean that they were stupid ponies—far from it; they were both experienced and skilled at their respective trades. They just weren’t much for planning, and both privately wished that their employer had provided them with more details than a mouth-drawn map that highlighted in broad strokes the general layout of the duchy and had a broad arrow pointed to the forest in question. It had been useful enough in indicating which forest held the portal, less so when it came to actually finding it. Eventually, they decided that the best way to proceed was to keep heading into the forest and keep a keen eye out for what direction the monsters came, thus providing them with a direction to the likely source. That had been the same plan they’d had the day before, and in fact was also the same plan they’d come up with even before they entered the forest. The efficacy of that plan was immediately realized even before they’d both stood up from their makeshift battle map. A flaming arrow flew out from the woods and struck Buttercup directly in the chest. A brilliant shot, to be sure; he just sighed and yanked it out, flinging it back the way it came. For her part, KitKat followed it, unstrapping her tabarzin even as she weaved more arrows that followed the first (on its initial journey, not its return). Every day that she got to wade into combat was a good day in her book. A thunder of hooves behind her as Buttercup came up on her tail, taking an arrow to the knee (which didn’t stop his adventuring days) before they were on the band on archers. None of them had effective melee weapons, which was a shame—for them. In less time than it takes to write, KitKat and Buttercup had ruthlessly dispatched all of them. In another adventure, they might have taken time to pick through the remains to see what they could find. Currently, they weren’t lacking for bits or equipment, and since they knew their end goal, there was little they could learn from the corpses. By noon, they’d dispatched a squad of sassafrass spiders, one lone lobstrosity, and they’d successfully scaled a rock face that was between them and their goal. Or at least they assumed it likely was when an eldritch horror fell off the edge and splattered into rank ichor on the rocks below. They could have walked around it, but both KitKat and Buttercup were direct ponies who didn’t like overthinking things too much. Up top was another Lovecraftian horror who was smart enough to not fall off the edge but not smart enough to realize that two relentlessly adorable equine adventurers were a genuine threat. It met the same fate as its companion, although in a different way; it was not still a going concern when what was left of it went over the edge. There was nothing more fitting than eating their lunch on the churned-up forest floor where the battle had just taken place. Nothing more fitting than sharing dense travel bread and a few thin slices of emergency cheese, flavored with dirt and sweat. Nothing better than a brief interlude as a roc dove for them and only tasted the sharp edge of a tabarzin and a pair of steel-shod hooves. “She came from the southwest, too,” KitKat observed after they’d finished eating their lunch. Buttercup nodded. He had a hoof pick in his mouth and was cleaning his hind hooves. “You want a bandage for your rump?” The roc had managed to rake him with a talon as he’d bucked her away. “Nah, it’ll heal quick enough.” Buttercup looked into the woods, then around their temporary dining spot. “Looks like there’s an animal trail we can follow, at least at first.” KitKat nodded. “Been a few monsters along it, too, judging by the broken limbs and stuff. You ever wonder why monsters always seem to want to attack ponies, or eat them? Or both?” “Guess if they were just after plants we wouldn’t consider them monsters, would we?” “That makes sense.” “Tree might tell a different tale.” He pointed to a splintered trunk, victim to one of the eldritch horrors. “You wanna lead for this leg, or you want me to?” “Might as well be me,” she said. “I got better distance vision.” It wasn’t just monsters that they faced. A ‘haunted’ forest is a dangerous place, as is a normal forest. There were plenty of rocks that could injure a hoof or animal burrows that could turn a pastern. There was also a stream to cross, and of course no bridge. That left them with the choice of either trying to walk over it in a conveniently-fallen log, or ford through it. Each option had its advantages. Buttercup set his hoof on the log, which was rotten and thick with moss and slime. “I”m not sure it’ll hold my weight.” “I could go across first,” KitKat offered. “Even carry your gear to lighten you.” “You with my gear is just as heavy as me without my gear.” “I can set my saddlebags on the other side, then come back.” Buttercup shrugged. It was a decent plan. The first crossing went without incident, and on the other side KitKat unstrapped her saddlebags and bedroll and let them fall to the ground. Going back was easier, and she got complacent on her third crossing—-this time burdened with Buttercup’s gear—and almost slipped off. But she didn't. Just as she set hoof on the other side of the creek, the moleponies attacked.
Admiral Biscuit
Original Character,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Valentine's Day
KitKat is not a romantic pony, but there are some things she loves.
<p>Some ponies like chocolate or flowers or a trip to the spa, or maybe just staying at home and chilling with their special somepony.</p><p>KitKat isn't one of those ponies. <i>Her</i> idea of a perfect Hearts and Hooves Day is . . . different.</p>
Valentine's Day Admiral Biscuit Buttercup tentatively placed a hoof on the rotten log, keeping his eyes down to make sure that his footing was good. He had broader hooves than KitKat, which would make the log more challenging. Then he heard her shout, and looked up just in time to see her get molepiled by a multitude of moleponies (they may be beneath you, but nothing’s beneath them), and any consideration of footing vanished in the urgency of the moment. She’d carefully picked her way across the log, testing with each step to make sure that her hoof was secure. He crossed at a full gallop, ignoring the splintering cracking sounds from the log under him. It didn’t matter; he could run the last few ponylengths in the air if he had to. Buttercup entered the fray with a flying leap, forehooves already targeted. He heard bones splinter as he landed, and twisted to kick out at another, sending it flying. He ducked down as KitKat’s tabarzin whistled by his head—she was no shrinking violet; she might have gotten ambushed and might be outnumbered, but she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. This was what he loved, being in the thick of it. Just doing without having to think. There had been ten moleponies alive when he landed, and now there were only seven. Six—one staggered off, grievously wounded. He knocked a pair of heads together, taking down another pair, and with only four left standing, the duo was able to make short work of the quartet. After making sure that they were all dead, KitKat and Buttercup washed their weapons (her tabarzin and his hooves) in the stream, and then they washed themselves. So much for walking across the log and staying dry. “Do they count?” KitKat asked. “I dunno, they’d have had to come through the portal and then dug tunnels.” “Coulda come through a while ago, and then dug their tunnels.” Buttercup nodded. “Couldn’t cross the stream, wanted to set up camp next to it. Lotsa things probably cross on the log.” “Not anymore.” The log had broken when Buttercup had jumped off it—that last application of force had been too much for it. One half was still on the bank, its splintered end trailing in the water . . . and next spring, when the snow melted and the water levels came up, it’d be dragged in and make its way downstream, only to jam up somewhere else. That was the circle of life; it might have started out as an acorn that a squirrel buried, and then been the habitat of squirrels and birds, and then it was a home for grubs and stuff, a food source for woodpeckers. Then it had fallen over and been a bridge, and now it was a nice sunning spot for turtles, or maybe a launch ramp for otters. They continued their trek southwest. A few more random encounters with monsters didn’t account for much. Well, except that on the way back they could follow the trail of corpses, which was almost as good as breadcrumbs. Scratch that, it was better. Birds might eat the breadcrumbs, but while some of the corpses they left behind were almost surely being pecked at by scavenger birds right now, there was no chance that they’d eat all of it before they’d found the portal and dealt with it. A strange stillness had overcome the forest, an unnatural quiet. There was still the rustling of leaves, the occasional snap of a stick as the two of them walked, but all the normal animals were silent, or gone. Understandable; most forest dwellers wouldn’t be interested in staying around the source of all the monsters. Most. The two of them paused as an opossum snuffled across the path, paying them no mind as it went on its way. The forest was nearly silent, and then there was a strange magical tinkle and a distant flash, as imagined as seen. To KitKat, it wasn’t worthy of note; it had passed just below her consciousness. To Buttercup, it might as well have been a flashing neon sign. He stood stock still, ears locked on to the distant noise, the fur on his back standing straight up. KitKat might have been oblivious to the noise of a rogue portal vomiting out another monster, but Buttercup’s sudden statue stop was unmissable. A lesser pony might have asked him if he was okay, or if she’d noticed his ear lock, asked him what he heard. She did not; he was still listening and he’d tell her in time. She kept her ears swiveling, just in case something more immediate was sneaking up on them. It wasn’t time to draw her axe, not yet. “We’re close,” he said, lowering his head and returning his ears to a neutral position. I felt it, I heard it. Be ready.” KitKat was ready and willing. KitKat was eager. It had been a while since she’d been more than a glorified foalsitter to some employer—it felt like years. (And then there was the Wizard, but she tried not to remember those times.) Walking through the woods was nice. Visiting a pub was nice. Being in battle was fantastic, and this mission had delivered. Especially today; everything had been really well paced, just enough time between encounters to cool down and relax a little, and then they were in it again. A few easy scrums, and a few more challenging. Her shoulder throbbed from where a molepony had bitten down, and she was sore from using her tabarzin—the good kind of sore. She shivered as a chill wind blew through the forest, an out-of-place arctic breeze, bringing memories of crisp fall days, or a winter overstaying its welcome. “It’s big.” “I’ll go first, so it doesn’t get you.” Buttercup scoffed. Even to a pony who didn’t know much about portals, it was obvious that this was where the portal was. Or maybe not; after all, they were on a mission to find (and close) a portal in a ‘haunted’ forest, so it was natural to assume that anything unnatural was a portal. Well, except for the molepones and lobstrosity and eldritch horrors and so on—KitKat was biased to assume that anything that wasn't a creature and didn’t belong in a forest might be a portal, or near a portal. If portals could vomit out any number of monsters, they could also potentially eject a 1969 Chevrolet C-10 pickup. The giant circle of snow didn’t belong, nor did the chill wind emanating from it. That was, to KitKat’s mind, a pretty good clue that they’d found the portal. An even bigger clue was the giant skeleton guarding it. Or perhaps he’d just emerged from it. Or she; gendering skeletons was beyond KitKat’s ken. A wiser mare might have turned tail and galloped off. KitKat pulled her tabarzin out of its sheath and charged into battle. To say that the battle was epic would be an understatement. Had there been witnesses to the battle, it would have rated at least one ballad. The one advantage that the undead had was that they were already dead. While both KitKat and Buttercup knew plenty of ways to turn something living into something dead, those methods were far less effective against something that was already dead, and could not be hindered by becoming deader. A wizard (NOT The Wizard) could have cast a spell to explode it, or a cleric could have banished it, but neither KitKat nor Buttercup had much in the ways of wizardy, nor were they skilled in clerical work, so they did what they did best, waded in and started whittling the skeleton down to a manageable size. KitKat was light on her hooves and maneuverable, something that worked to her advantage as she juked a strike from an axe which was the grandsire of her tabarzin. Buttercup was not light on his hooves, and he took the flat of the axe directly to his side, launching him off his hooves and through a tree. He shook the stars out of his vision and charged back in—Buttercup was a very durable stallion. Each of them chipped off bones as they could, both knowing full well that there wouldn’t be a coup de grâce on a skeleton. KitKat darted in and ducked back out, working her tabarzin, while Buttercup bucked and bit, shattering its bones with his heavy steel horseshoes. The battle lasted into the evening, and they finished the fight as the daylight faded into darkness, the melee only illuminated by the faint flickering light of the portal. And then it was done; the skeleton’s bones were scattered all around, each of them twitching as it tried to reform itself into its full form. Given time, it would. They both knew this. Fortunately, a solution was at hoof. They tossed the bones, one-by-one, back into the portal. Everything except the skull, they kept that behind. Once that was done, Buttercup worked his magic on the portal itself. He tore it out of the ground and folded it over on itself, sweat pouring from his brow as he worked. Finally, it was crumpled down into something that could be held in one’s hoof, certainly compact enough that nothing could get through except for wasps and spiders. Compact enough that it fit into a magical jar which Buttercup carried in his saddlebags for this very purpose. Some portals could be crumpled up and tossed back into themselves, but this wasn’t that kind. This one needed a different kind of disposal, and they’d deal with that later. For now, it had been found and neutralized and all that was left for them was to walk back out of the forest—now assuredly not haunted—and collect the second half of their pay (both of them were experienced enough adventurers to demand half pay up front). That was a problem for tomorrow. As the stars spread overhead in the dawning dark, KitKat and Buttercup set up camp in the churned-up snow. He pitched the tent, and she started the fire, piling on plenty of wood. They cooked their dinner first, and both ate in silence. Taking turns at the one bowl that they had—they both preferred to pack light. Once they were finished they looked up at the stars for a while, or the sparks drifting up from the fire, and then KitKat grabbed the skull and tossed it in the fire. It glowed like molten steel and then the flames changed color, bathing them in harsh electric blue light. And then it was gone, and the two ponies watched the fire burn low and then crawled into the tent, bundling themselves under their blankets. It was the best Hearts and Hooves day that KitKat had ever had.
Aromatic Brew
Fluttershy,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I Uh, Got You Something...
Rainbow Dash swallows her pride and asks Fluttershy to be her special somepony this Hearts and Hooves Day!
<p>Rainbow Dash has liked Fluttershy for a while. Like she like-likes her. A lot. With the advice of Applejack, Rainbow swallows her pride and goes for it.</p><p>A late Valentine's Day story starring my favorite ship, what could be better?</p>
It was almost Hearts and Hooves Day; tomorrow, it's practically here! Ponies all over town were getting to work on their gifts for their special someponies. Rainbow Dash was doing the opposite, however. Instead, Dash is at Sweet Apple Acres pestering Applejack with her problems, which happens a lot. "I just don't know how to tell her, or if I even can tell her!" Rainbow Dash complained while Applejack bucked trees with a slightly irritated expression. "For Celestia's sake, Sugarcube! You've said the same thing twen'y times now. I've known you for how long, you speak yer mind all the time. Just do that and you'll be fine. Fluttershy's a simple pony, she not lookin' for some kind of big grand gesture." Maybe Applejack was right. She always was. "But I'm gonna be all awkward and stuff!" Rainbow Dash whined and flopped onto her back, "She's just so cute! You know how I get around cute mares!" "Horse-apples , Dash! I'm trying to work and yer o'er here whinin' like a filly about Fluttershy! Get back on yer hooves and go talk to 'er already! You talk to Fluttershy everyday, why's it so hard now? Buy her some flowers and tell her you like her! This is yer shot to do this, take it! And for Celestia's sake, let me work!" Yeah, Applejack was definitely right. Rainbow stood up and nodded, "Yeah, you have a point, I am Rainbow Dash after all!" Rainbow's eyes narrowed and she lifted herself into the air, "I need to tell her!" Rainbow Dash flew away and Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, now she could focus. Rainbow Dash didn't even know where to start, but maybe Twilight would know! Rainbow did her usual crash through Twilight's window that led to her usual crash into Twilight. After Twilight regained her composure, she checked her books on romance and Equestrian courtship and wrote Dash a list of all the things she would need for Hearts and Hooves Day: 1. Flowers 2. Cocolates 3. Something your special somepony likes. 4. To stop crashing through my dang window! All but the last thing was completely doable! Rainbow rushed out of Twilight's tree and raced towards the Markets to start on her shopping. First, Rainbow went to the flower stand, "Roseluck! I need the best and most romantic flowers you have as soon as possible, please!" Rainbow threw some bits on the stall counter and smiled. Roseluck obliged and began to make the arrangement as fast as possible. She looked over to Rainbow Dash and smiled as she set the flowers in front of Rainbow, "So, who's the lucky mare?" Rainbow Dash simply blushed and picked up the flowers with her muzzle. Okay, that's one thing off the list, now only two to go! Next on the list was some chocolates, but where to get them? Pinkie Pie, duh! Dash flew over to Sugarcube Corner and trotted inside. The store was packed and even Pinkie looked swamped with all the customers trying to get their pastries and confections for the next day. Dash stood in line and waited patiently, she was tapping her hooves and fidgeting out of habit, but she was waiting patiently. Finally, it was Dash's turn, "Oh, hey Dashie! What can I get you?" Pinkie mumbled something under her breath about not wanting Rainbow to have a large order, but Rainbow didn't notice. "I need the best box of chocolates you have!" Rainbow said confidently for once. "Are you finally going to ask Fluttershy out?" Rainbow had never told Pinkie Pie about her huge crush on Fluttershy, but it was Pinkie Pie, of course she knew. Rainbow's face turned a deep crimson and she looked down a bit, "Pinkie! There's ponies around!" Pinkie Pie wrapped up a box of chocolates in a red box and pink bow. Rainbow put some bit on the counter and takes the chocolates while wishing Pinkie a happy Hearts and Hooves Day. Now, finally, Rainbow had to get something Fluttershy likes. But what would Rainbow even get Fluttershy? An animal, no that's way too expensive. What else does Fluttershy like? Tea! Fluttershy would love some tea, maybe they could even spend Hearts and Hooves Day drinking it! Rainbow was an absolute genius! Rainbow Dash zoomed towards the town's cafe and burst through the door, as per usual. The cafe was surprisingly quiet, usually there were a few ponies inside. Rainbow didn't care, she whipped her head towards the blue coated unicorn behind the counter, "You sell boxes of tea right?" Sure enough, he did! Rainbow Dash left the cafe with all the things on her list crossed off, aside from the fourth one, she was ready to confess her feelings the next day. If only she knew what to say. So Rainbow went to the only pony who would know how to ask a pony out: Rarity. Rainbow slammed through the door to the Carousel Boutique and yelled, "Rarity, I need help! Now!" Dash didn't hear the usually sighs that Rarity would make when a situation like this came up. Instead, she saw three fillies sitting in a triangle pattern in the center of the room, it was the three fillies that called themselves "The Cutie Mark Crusaders". Their faces all had insanely different reactions: Applebloom looked confused, Scootaloo's eyes were wide and her mouth was turned up into a grin, and Sweetie Belle was absolutely mortified. "You three aren't Rarity?" Rainbow Dash began to look around the room for her friend. "No, we ain't!" Applebloom commented. Rainbow whipped her head towards Sweetie Belle's direction, "Where's Rarity?" "She's off in Canterlot trying to 'bag me a stallion, darling!' That's all she told me," Sweetie responded while shrugging. "Buck, do any of you know how to ask a mare out?" Rainbow frowned a bit as the three shook their heads. She lowered her head and trotted out of the boutique. That was until she remembered what Applejack had said earlier: "Horse-apples , Dash! I'm trying to work and yer o'er here whinin' like a filly about Fluttershy! Get back on yer hooves and go talk to 'er already! You talk to Fluttershy everyday, why's it so hard now?" The next day, Rainbow Dash woke up at a not-so reasonable time and rushed around her house in preparation. Finally, she was ready to head down to Fluttershy's cottage. Rainbow Dash soared threw the air towards the edge of the Everfree Forest where Fluttershy called home. Rainbow stood there and affirmed to herself that she could indeed ask out Fluttershy. As Rainbow Dash was about to knock on the door, it opened and Fluttershy stood before her, "Oh, good morning Rainbow!" Fluttershy smiled that smile that drove Rainbow crazy. "I uh... got you something!" Rainbow responded while shoving the gifts towards Fluttershy, "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!" "Oh, that's so kind of you, Rainbow! But aren't gifts on Hearts and Hooves Day supposed to be for your special somepony?" "Yeah, about that..." Rainbow took a deep breath, puffed out her chest, and made the most confident eye contact with Fluttershy, "Will you be my very special somepony?" Time seemed to freeze for the both of them. Both parties blushed profusely and Fluttershy made a little squeak of surprise. After what seemed like an eternity, Fluttershy spoke at barely a whisper, "Yeah." Woohoo! She actually said yes! Those feelings Rainbow had kept inside since the two's teenage years had been reciprocated! This bucking rocks! Rainbow Dash needed to listen to Applejack more often if awesome things like this would happen again! Rainbow's smile was bright with that crimson blush on her face highlighting it, "Awesome! I got you some tea and I thought we could maybe drink some together." They did drink tea and they talked for hours, until Fluttershy had suggested that they watch the sunset. It was absolutely beautiful and the perfect ending to an incredible Hearts and Hooves Day.
Apple Bloom,Lyra,Main 7 (EqG),Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Profanity
Love in unlikely places
Alone on Valentine's Day, Sunset is refusing to admit to herself she's upset about her relationship status. Trixie is a bit more bitter about her own lack of a relationship.
<p>Sunset hates Valentine's Day. It's just to line companies pockets with money to validate people feeling important. She may be a bit upset she's single again but is refusing to admit it. Trixie is a bit more angry that not a single person at Canterlot High is interested in her. The two run into each other during a school Valentine's Day party. Maybe finally the two can actually admit their feelings to each other.</p>
I propped my head up lazily on the table as I listened to the awful annoying romance songs playing that Pinkie and Vinyl chose. The gym was bright pink with decorations and heart shaped balloons that the girls and I had helped set up along with Flash and a few of the other guys to reach the hard to get places. I’d normally be hanging out with Twilight but she’s sick at home today and I’d rather avoid getting sick. I will admit grudgingly that we did good. Pinkie always goes all out every Valentine’s Day with her decorations and baking. That girl can work wonders by her self in the kitchen. That’s like her space and once we start helping her, we follow her orders. She practically becomes a drill sergeant. I half heartedly bit into my cupcake as I glanced over at Lyra and Bon Bon hugging. About damn time those two got together. I placed thirty dollars on those two doing so this year. Octavia was talking to Vinyl at the dj’s booth and looked frustrated as I sighed. Well, looks like those two aren’t getting together yet. Maybe next year. Thank God I didn’t bet on them this year again. Vinyl is cool and all, but a bit oblivious to Octavia coming onto her. Even Fluttershy had Rumble coming on to her. I feel slightly bad for the middle schooler boy but there’s no chance he’s worth a case over. Every year Fluttershy has to gently reject him. But hey, maybe when he turns eighteen and Fluttershy is like twenty four they will. Joking, I hope not. “Howdy,” Apple Bloom said as she dropped down on the chair next to me. “Hey.” “Ya ain’t gonna go find someone? Plenty of fish out there this year,” Apple Bloom grinned and winked at me as she wrapped a hand around a glass of pink lemonade. Too much pink in my opinion. “Pfft hell no,” I scoffed and leaned back on my chair. “Valentine’s Day is stupid. It’s just to line the pockets of rich ceo’s and make people think they need to spend a lot of money on little things to feel important. Even Wallflower is dating Roseluck this year.” “Are ya sure ya truly feel that way?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow as she sipped her lemonade and made a face. “Too much sugar. Remind me to keep Sweetie Belle away from it next year. That girl can burn water.” I gave a chuckle at that and turned to look around at Button Mash holding the girl’s hand as Rarity watched behind Applejack with a grin. “About damn time,” Apple Bloom muttered as she watched. “Sweetie has been chasing him for three years now. Shame Scoots is busy off doing gawd knows what with Pipsqueak.” “Hmm,” I hummed and shrugged as I gave her a wicked grin. “What about you and a certain Diamond Tiara? I heard a lot about the two of you these last few weeks.” Apple Bloom turned red as I grinned in triumph internally. I had never thought those two would ever fall for each other but rumor has it they did. Based on how red her cheeks are right now, I’d say they are accurate for once. “Ah have no clue what ya are talking about,” Apple Bloom answered as we both glanced at Diamond waving at her. “She probably is waving at ya.” “Are you sure about that?” I echoed flatly as I raised an eyebrow. “Seems to me you got a not so secret admirer.” “Shush you.” I laughed as I looked around again and sighed. I could technically go home. School was over so I have no idea why I’m still here other than it would hurt Pinkie’s feelings if I went home early. “Ah’m gonna go to the bathroom. And hey, maybe ya will find someone today. Love comes from unlikely places after all. Look at mah sis and Rarity.” “You’ve been spending too much time with Rarity and Sweetie,” I scoffed and picked up my pen to go back to drawing. “Have fun with Diamond, don’t get caught in the bathroom and don’t tell Applejack I knew because she will feed me to the pigs.” “Ah won’t,” Apple Bloom promised before pausing as I smirked. “Not that ah’m gonna see Diamond of course!” “Sureeeeee,” I drawled out in an overexaggerated country accent. “And the sky is purple youngin.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and walked away as I laughed into a fist. “Kids these days,” I sighed and shook my head, going back to my drawing of the gym and ignoring the silence around me. “Trixie hates this holiday,” Trixie proclaimed as she plopped down onto the seat Apple Bloom has been in. “The Hot and Beautiful Trixie is single every year.” “Maybe it’s because you speak in third person,” I suggested without looking up. “I don’t mind it but you know how judgemental high schoolers can be.” “True,” Trixie agreed as I finally looked up at the magician and paused as my mouth went dry. She was wearing a short light purple dress that had light blue lining the bottom and a wand stitched on the side with her normal star pin in her hair. “Do not laugh at Trixie’s attire!” “I’m not,” I answered and hastily drank tea lemonade Apple Bloom had left behind. She was right, Sweetie Belle put way too much sugar in it. “I’m just wondering how you’re single looking like that.” “Are you implying that Trixie looks like a slut?” “No? Where the hell did you get that notion from?” “Oh apparently the dress is too slutty according to Flitter,” Trixie answered and I shot a scowl across the gym to the girl with her twin. Flitter and Cloudchaser always had to ruin someone’s day. From laughing at Fluttershy on the track to annoying me every damn day. “Eh fuck em,” I said and shrugged as I set the glass down. “They always were some cunts. Ignore em and do you. I personally think you look pretty in it but that’s just me.” “You think Trixie is pretty?” Trixie asked suddenly with a raised eyebrow and crossed her legs as I nodded. “Well yeah. A lot of people here think it. Just most don’t say it,” I explained. “And besides, you’re my friend. Why wouldn’t I call you pretty?” “Trixie doesn’t know. You’re not so bad yourself,” Trixie gestured down at my orange and red dress. “There was a list going around if I remember correctly and you were number two on it.” “Ah yeah the most fuckable girl list,” I said bitterly with an eyeroll. “What an honor it was to be on that list. Wasn’t Fluttershy number one?” Trixie nodded as she nibbled on a red cookie. I faintly remember Rarity being a mixture of annoyed that she wasn’t higher on the list and the other half glad she wasn’t. “I was number five,” Trixie said as she shifted on the chair. “Still not sure how I feel about it. I hate this school. Still a high rank on the list and I still don’t have a date today. Lavender and Fuchsia are dating so I can’t use one of them to look better and all my other bridges are burned.” “Felt that. I can drink to that,” I chuckled as Trixie and I touched our glasses together and drank. “I burned that bridge with Flash in freshman year but I’m happy for him and Blueberry Cake. About damn time she got over Nolan.” “And then there’s Derpy and Soarin,” Trixie continued as we glanced at the two in the corner. I hadn’t entirely been surprised by that but Fleetfoot sure was. At least she and Misty Fly supported it. “And then there’s us,” I concluded with a frown. “The lonely twosome.” “If we had three people, we would be the lonely threesome,” Trixie quipped and the two of us laughed. It had been a few days since I’d last hung out with Trixie. It was always nice to spend time with her to be honest. She often provided a perspective on things my friends didn’t and gave an hundred percent honest opinion. Applejack sugar-coated hers a bit better than Trixie did. “I agree though. This holiday is awful. It’s just tiring being alone. Like I have a large apartment and the only people to come over are you, my friends and I have Ray to live with. It’d be nice to actually share it with someone.” “I can’t relate but hey, if you ever need a roommate I’m your girl.” “Rent is pretty high,” I mused as I glanced back over at Trixie. “You look really good by the way.” “I know. You said so already,” Trixie flashed me a smile. “Maybe you like Trixie more than you think.” I idly noted she had gone back into first person for a bit. I don’t why she switched back and forth so often but not my place to judge. I will admit, I never really thought about Trixie that way but she did look nice. She certainly dressed up well and I knew she cared a lot about her appearance, akin to Rarity. I’m probably one of the few people Trixie allowed to know her home life was fairly poor and didn’t have much yet never let it seemingly affect her. Seemingly of course. It’s rare for Trixie to talk about her feelings but she oddly felt comfortable doing so around me. “You’re staring,” Trixie shook me out of my musing with a faint smile. “I would normally be mad if someone did but it’s you so.” “What the hay does that mean?” I asked as Trixie rolled her eyes as she pulled her chair next to me. “What are you-mphf!” Trixie kissed me as my eyes widened and I forgot everything else. Where I was, how I hated today, risk of people watching as my mind went on auto pilot and I kissed her back harder. “Go Sunset!” Someone called out as we both jumped and hastily separated, our heads whipping to the side to see our classmates all watching us with grins as my friends gave encouraging smiles. Wallflower gave me a quick thumbs up and waved as she held Roseluck’s other hand. I faintly made out Apple Bloom standing with Diamond Tiara with a mischievous smirk as she mouthed the words “Told ya so.” “About damn time!” High Winds shouted next to Silver Zoom and they all started laughing as I blushed. “Alright y’all, let em be,” Applejack announced as she grinned at us. “Let Casanova over there get back to her date.” “Ah fuck it,” a British voice said as we all looked at Octavia as she kissed Vinyl and I choked on air. “I did not see that one coming,” Trixie said with wide eyes as Lyra whistled approvingly. “Wanna go again?” I nodded numbly as she kissed me again and I sighed contently as I kissed her back, savoring the taste of blackberries on Trixie’s lips and I wrapped my arms around her. Maybe this holiday isn’t all about stupid gifts and baked goods. Maybe it’s actually about spending time with a person you care about. But one things for sure, I won’t be spending it alone next year.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Average Trip to Canterlot
Finding themselves with nothing to do, the Mane 6 grab a golden opportunity to pass their time. Though the activity proves to be slightly more unexpected than they thought.
<p>Twilight and her friends manage to find themselves with nothing to do. With boredom quickly taking over them, the perfect solution arrives. Well, it won't be much of a trip without <i>something</i> unexpected happening.</p><p>(Cover picture not mine, please contact me through the messaging system if you'd like to take it down)</p>
In the magical land of Equestria, there lived the Princess of Friendship, Holder of the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle. *Sigh* "Bored" And today, she was bored. "What's the matter Twilight?" Her assistant and little brother/son, Spike, asked as he put his comic book down. "That's just it Spike, nothing. I've somehow completely ran out of things to do." Twilight complains as she points around the entirety of the crystal library they're in, filled to the brim with books. "Really? You've read every book here?" Spike asked, a bit befuddled on the idea of having read every single book in their enormous library. "Yes!" She exclaimed as she banged her hooves on the table. "I've read everything here, three times over, from the basics of multidimensional travel to issue number 157 of Power Ponies: Plight of Seven Worlds! I even read this stupid library guide!" "The one where Mane-iac becomes the guardian of the multiverse or the one where Hum Drum has to absorb everypony else's powers?" "Both. And I read the alternate timeline!" "Wow. You really did empty the library then." Spike said with a look of disbelief. "I know, and now I don't have anything to do." Twilight responded as she groaned. "Why don't you just visit other libraries then? I'm sure you'll find at least one book you haven't read before." Spike gave his idea as he heard a distinct sound from somewhere. "I already checked." She said as she lifted a book from a pile. "This, was the only one I found that I, either didn't know, or haven't memorized in its entirety." Spike curiously read the title while squinting his eyes. "Ducks and Bread, the need to associate the two" "It was actually quite an interesting read. I never knew feeding bread to ducks was actually a bad thing." Twilight said as she stored the book back into a pile. "TWILIGHT!" A gritty and rough voice calls out as the library doors burst open, revealing the cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane. "Rainbow? What's the matter?" Twilight asked curiously. "Also, please stop kicking doors open." She added with a deadpan face. "This isn't the time for that!" Rainbow yelled desperately as she quickly closed in on Twilight. Grabbing Twilights' face, Rainbow looks straight into her eyes with the most serious expression Twilight had ever seen on her. Just as Twilight had gotten worried, wondering just what could have happened that worried her friend so much, she spoke. "It's horrible! It's disastrous! It's more torturous than anything I've experienced!" She whined as she clutched onto Twilight. "Calm down Rainbow! What is it? What happened? Did Tirek somehow escape? Is Chrysalis back!? IS THERE A NEW VILLAIN THAT'S SOMEHOW AGAINST BOTH READING AND HAVING FUN?!" Twilight kept asking as her voice kept growing louder. "I'm bored" "..." As silence descended the room, Spike just sat feeling a bit uncomfortable from the atmosphere before excusing himself. Twilight just stares with a slightly annoyed expression as she raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her friend. "Alright, I get it, it ain't such a big deal. But you gotta help me! Isn't there anything that I could do." Rainbow asked with a pleading expression. "That isn't an egghead activity." *Sigh* "Sorry Rainbow, I'm also out of things to do. I was just thinking about whether I wanted to go ask the others." Twilight answered with a sigh as she pulled Rainbow off of her. "Well that's too bad cuz we also go nothin' to do." A heavily southern accented voice rang out, catching both mares' attention as four ponies walk in. "Girls! You're all here." Twilight exclaimed with joy and a bit of hope that was quickly extinguished. "Wait, you guys also don't have anything to do?" "I'm afraid so darling." Rarity added with her Mid-Atlantic accent. "It's honestly incredibly rare that we all don't have anything to do." "What about your businesses? I thought you'd be busier than ever with all kinds of orders from all of Equestria at once." Twilight asked as Rainbow Dash took a seat on the reading table. "I completed the last of my orders just three days ago, so right now I'm completely free. I already went to the spa, and the only thing I've left to do is wait for new fabric to be delivered. "Hmm, I see, what about you AJ?" "Oh, Ah had chores to do, but Big Mac did it before ah could even realize. He said something about being late for a date and rushed everything. Honestly, it's a complete miracle that the chores were actually done right with the speed he finished it." Applejack said with a slight complaining tone, being not too happy about having someone else do her job. The other five just stared for a slight bit before moving on. "I also finished the orders and I have to wait for tomorrow before I can carry out my highest cupcake stack record which is currently seventeen layers of all different flavors which is actually a lot harder than you might think and that's just the tip of it be-" Pinkie pie was cut off with a small tap on her muzzle. "We get it dear." Rarity exclaimed with a small eyeroll as she turned to Fluttershy. "What about you Fluttershy? If anything I thought you would be the busiest with your animal sanctuary." "Oh, usually I would be quite tied up with taking care of the animals, but things have been quite peaceful. So, I actually have a lot of free time lately." She spoke up with a calm smile, albeit a little quietly. "What about you Dash, don'cha got some Wonderbolts trainin'?" Applejack asked the mare who had been casually disconnected from reality. "Huh, wha?" She asked. "Your Wonderbolts training? Don't you practice pretty much every day?" Twilight joined in. "Well, yeah, but we just finished a performance. Spitfire told us to fully rest before coming back in or we'll be getting cleaning duty as punishment." She finished with a shudder as she remembered the one time she got punished with it. Murmurs of acceptance and agreement came from the girls as they fully realized the weird predicament they're in. "I never thought we would in a situation where boredom was the enemy." Twilight said with slight surprise as she sat lazily on the floor. The others agreed and just decided to join in on the carpet. Except for the obvious one. "That's right! How could we forget! We have Pinkie Pie!" Twilight sat up with enthusiasm as she pointed towards the vibrating Pinkie Pie who had one of her signature oversized smiles. "Oh Yeah! Pinkie, could you whip up a party for us?" Rainbow asked as she floated in the air. The girls stared with expectation as their party pony opened her mouth. "Nope!" She answered with an extremely proud expression. This dumbfounded the five as they just stared at Pinkie. "Dear, are you alright? You're never one to not throw a party." Rarity added in as Fluttershy nodded behind her. "Oh I'm fine, it's just that my Pinkie Sense told me not to throw one, which is extremely weird because I never actually had that feeling before, but I kind of just knew what it meant." She explained with her enthusiastic smile. "Girls!" Spike yelled as he came in, swinging the door open in the process. "Spike? What is it?" Twilight asked, naturally taking charge. "I got a letter from the Princess!" He spoke as he held up a scroll with a symbol on it. "Oh, thank you Spike." She says as she opened the letter. "What's it say?" Rainbow Dash asked with a tilt of her head as the rest of them stared with curious glances. "Dear Princess Twilight, I send you this letter in hopes of you and your friends joining me and a few others to attend a casual event in Canterlot. I don't fully know why I'm still writing the letter like I'm writing to a normal acquaintance. Basically, I'm inviting you and your friends to a festival that will take place this evening. You won't need formal wear for this, but do bring a few bits for snacks if you're participating. There's quite a few good stalls that'll open up. I will shortly send details about the festival. Please answer soon. Sincerely, Celestia" As Twilight finished reading the letter, she looked around her friends and got the same idea. "Alright girls, we'll meet up at three o'clock, how about that?" They cheer in agreement as Spike brings out a scroll to write their response. "You're coming too Spike!" Twilight yelled, already on her way to wash up. "Got it!" "So." Rainbow Dash started as they all got off in front of the train station. "What exactly is this festival about?" "Hmm. The letter only said that it was a casual thing that may or may not happen again, depending on how well it's received." Twilight explained while scratching her chin. "I'll say, does it really matter. A festival means a party, and a party means a good time!" Pinkie Pie said as enthusiastic as ever. "Ah won't have no problems if there ain't no underhoofed tricks." Applejack spoke up. "It's a festival that the Princesses themselves would be attending. I'm sure there would be nopony foolish enough to attempt such." Rarity added with a bit of flair. "I'm sure it'll all be fine, as long as nothing disastrous happens." Fluttershy commented with a small smile. The others nod in agreement. "Alright girls, and Spike," she quickly added. "The main event is supposed to start, 'exactly at Nightfall,?" She said with confusion written on her face. "Well that's a bit inconvenient isn't it?" Rarity commented. "Yeah, how's anypony s'posed to make it on time?" Applejack added on. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I can make it." Rainbow boasted as she stayed afloat. Applejack rolled her eyes but still maintained a normal smile. "Sure, just make sure you're not sleeping by the time it starts" Applejack said with a slight smirk. "It was one time!" She shot back, before quickly realizing that her friends were snickering. As she joined in on their laughter, Spike came out of the train. "What'd I miss?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Spike, where's all our stuff?" Twilight asked back. "Uh, you didn't bring stuff. I'm pretty sure I told you that in the train." He said with a slightly irritated expression. "Girls? None of you brought suitcases, or even a scarf for that matter." Spike spoke up as the girls started to board the train. They, however, were too focused on Pinkie Pie, who was currently making a cannon made entirely out of strawberry flavored chocolate that shot out blueberry muffins of carrying sizes. Somehow being functional despite not having any kind of gunpowder or any kind of explosives for that matter. Spike followed them to ask them again, but the train doors closed right after he got in. "Girls! None of you brought anything!" Spike told them with an annoyed face. "Oh I'm sure it'll be fine, the train staff probably brought it in." Twilight replied with a distracted face as she focused back on Pinkie Pie, who was cutting into the cannon that had turned into a vanilla cake somehow. "Ok then." Spike said with a shrug before taking his seat. Twilight gave a few sheepish chuckles as she remembered. "But, where could've all our stuff disappeared to?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. "Ya think thay forgot ta actually take thair stuff ta tha train station?" Applebloom asked her friends as they stared at the stacks of luggage in the public library of Ponyville. "I'm just curious as to why Rarity prepared fourteen different suitcases." Scootaloo added. "Believe me, she takes about four times as much if it's something high class." Sweetie Belle commented with a slightly miffed expression, fully remembering the one time she went to a social party with her. "Well, how's about we trah ta bring it to 'em?" Applebloom presented her idea. "You sure that's a good idea?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Come on, they need our help, so why shouldn't we help them?" Scootaloo butted in with an excited voice. "You just wanna go on an adventure don't you?" Sweetie asked with a suspicious expression. "Yes." Scootaloo's answer was short. "Then let's go!" Applebloom exclaimed as they somehow picked up everything at the same time and left. "Anyways." Twilight spoke up, grabbing the attention. "Since we still brought our bits." Pinkie took out a bag twice the size of her head from her mane before putting it back. "And since we're going to meet the princesses, we can just ask them for help." She finished with a proud smirk. "Cool, I'll be in there if you need me." Spike pointed towards a comic book store before running off with a small bag of bits. "Try not to lose track of time!" Twilight warned him, getting a thumbs up. "Well, since we got that settled, how 'bout we enjoy tha festival. Whatever it's s'posed ta be for." Applejack commented. "Aw yeah! Let's get this festival going!" Rainbow shouted with excitement, getting a few stares from the random ponies passing by. "Hold on, where is the festival taking place again?" Rarity asked. "It's in, uhh." Twilight couldn't answer as she thought about the letter again and again. "Canterlot?" She said with a nervous smile. Silence descended as the four stared with incredulous expression. "Wait, where's Pinkie?" Twilight asked as she looked around, only spotting the bag of bits, now slightly smaller than it was, in the place of Pinkie Pie. "Ok so, I want a bit of the strawberry banana ice cream, but make it so that the banana stands out from the banana and add the chocolate after mixing halfway, because it won't have the right texture otherwise." Pinkie continues her order as an employee with an extremely irritated expression and black circles under his eyes continue to listen. "-And then make the blueberry part of the-" Her voice slowly gets drowned out as the worker only continues to stare, now hearing a screeching, loud static noise in his ears, worthy enough to debate whether it's better to hear than the massive order he acted like he was taking. "Alright girls, we'll split up and search for Pinkie, look for clues to the festival while you're at it. We'll meet back here in about three hours." Twilight ordered her friends as she grabbed her bag of bits. They all nodded in response before taking off in their own directions. "Where'd everypony go?" Pinkie asked no one in particular as she somehow held up different kinds of snack and drinks, all of which there were seven of. She was about to go to a random direction before she remembered a lesson from her foalhood. "Don't wander off." She muttered to herself as she rubber her chin with the tip of her mane. "Ok then! I'll hang out with Spike until they come back." She talked to herself once again, this time with a cheery smile before hopping to the comic book store. "Ok, if I was Pinkie, where would I be?" Rainbow asked herself as she flew through the air, watching over the streets as she tried to find her friend. "Somewhere fun?" She said with a small tilt of her head. "Yo, Dash!" A rough voice, slightly similar to hers called out from behind her. Looking back, she slowed down a bit as she noticed the familiar pony. "Spitfire! Funny flying into you." Rainbow said with a smirk as she stopped to give a hoofbump to the pony. "Could say the same to you Dash. What're you doing here in Canterlot? Hope you're not straining yourself, else I'll put you on cleaning duty again." Spitfire finished with a smirk, to which Rainbow shuddered in fear. "Never again." She whispered to herself. Spitfire chuckled a bit at her. Signaling with her head, she takes the lead as they start to glide slowly in the air. "So, why're you here? You usually don't come here without something happening" "How would you know that?" Rainbow asked with fake suspiciousness in her voice. "You told me." She said with a blank face. "Oh, right" An awkward silence envelops the two as they fly through the open skies. The golden glow of the sun gave off a calming sight, distracting the two from the silence. As the winds picked up a little speed, a satisfying feeling went through them as Rainbow thought about how she came to love flying. The refreshing breeze, the adrenaline when she feels when she flies so high up. The only thing missing were some tricks, though she knew she shouldn't, especially with Spitfire right next to her. "So, you haven't answered my question." Spitfire broke the silence. "Oh that, nah, there ain't a big reason really, I'm just here with my friends for a festival. Had nothing to do back in Ponyville, and this sounded good" "The festival?" She asked with a curious expression. "Yeah? Princess Celestia told us it was in the evening." "You guys are pretty early then. The main event is supposed start at Nightfall, it's like four hours from now" "Can you blame me? I was so bored, I was ready to do practically anything" "Anything eh?" "Hey! Practically anything. I am not going to Day Court again." Spitfire laughed in response, fully knowing how annoying it could be. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but those nobles made me want to just kick their flanks to the moon and back!" Rainbow shouted in irritation as she remembered experience all over again. Spitfire let out a satisfied sigh as she wiped away a small tear. "Hey, you still got time before the festival right? How about you hang with the squad before you go back?" "Wait, the others are here?" "Should be, it was a last minute decision, and we did send you a letter telling you about it." "Oh." Rainbow slumped with a slight frown as she remembered who the postal delivery mare is. "My letter definitely got lost." "I'm invited to a hangout?" Chrysalis asks nopony in particular as a letter was held in front of her face in emerald green magic. She was currently laying on her stomach on top of an extremely soft pony inside a very bright and pink room. "Phpfft." Asked her fluffy marefriend, who was acting as a mattress with her extremely soft fur. "Nah, I don't even know who Spitfire is." She said before the letter got burned to ashes by a green fire. "Well it doesn't matter. What matters is how much cider you can drink." Spitfire told her. "Oh I can drink alright!" Rainbow boasted pridefully. "Let's see it then Dash!" Spitfire announced as she picked up speed. "Yeah-he-heah!" She laughed mirthfully and followed suit. A stack of oddly beautiful bottles, all glued to the table, broke down as a rubber ball hits them with incredible power. "What in Equestria?" The owner asks himself with disbelief, fully knowing that the game was rigged. "Ah'll take that one." Applejack pointed at a ridiculously large teddy bear stuffed toy with a smirk. "Uh, Ma'am, Madam, Miss, please, you're killing my business here." He kept talking as he approached Applejack. Unfortunately for him, she remained firm in her stance. "Fine." He relented and grabbed the stuffed animal with magic. "Here you go hun, trah not ta run with it." She gave the toy to a small filly, who was half the size of the teddy bear, as she ran off towards her mother. Applejack chuckled a bit as she looked back at the owner. "You shouldn't trah these things, It'll only get you a bad rep." She left with that small advice. "How else am I supposed to get business." The owner muttered to himself. Just then, a mare with a flower wreath around her head passed by. "Hey!" The owner called out. "Huh." The mare stopped at his voice as he climber over the counter to greet her. "Hello, did you make that yourself?" "Uh, hi, yes, I did make the wreath myself." "Great! Then I have a business proposal for you!" "Nope, haven't seen anypony like that" "Thanks fer your time then." Applejack replied and left. "Ah guess she didn't come here." She muttered to herself as she cruised through the carnival games. After helping a few ponies get out of scams, Applejack found herself to be lost on what to do. Pinkie Pie obviously didn't go this way, and she now had nothing to do. "I could get back to the meeting point, maybe grab a snack on tha way." She made her plans as she prepared to move. "Miss!" A random voice called out. Applejack turned around, meeting the face of a rather fancy dressed mare. "Hi? Could Ah help ya with somethin'?" "Ah, yes, I'm Rosie Styles, and I wanted to ask you something." She introduced herself with a cheery smile. "Alright, Ah'm Applejack, pleasure meetin ya." She responded kindly. "Yes, Miss Applejack, I couldn't help but notice your outstanding physique" Applejack froze a bit as she worked out her next words. "Excuse me?" She said with utter disbelief. "You are very beautiful and your body is extraordinarily athletic." She continued with a clueless smile. "Uh, sorry, but I'm not looking to date anypony right now." Applejack gently refused with a nervous smile. "Eh." Rosie took a few moments to think about her previous words. "OH MY CELESTIA! I am so sorry, that was not my intention. I wanted to ask if you wanted to model for a magazine." She finished with an embarrassed smile. "Oh." Applejack was genuinely surprised as she gave a few chuckles. Clearing her throat, Rosie spoke up. "So, do you have free time? It'll only take about an hour or two." She asked with a hopeful smile. Applejack was about to answer 'no', but she thought about it. She can't find Pinkie Pie. She doesn't really have anything to do right now. And she said it'll only take an hour or two. "Alright, Ah'm free. so why not?" "GREAT! Please follow me!" She excitedly told her as she led the way. "Hmm, I could use some music instruments in the house." Rarity talks to herself as she observed rows upon rows of stalls that all sold something related to music. "Then again, the ones I did have all got broken by Sweetie Belle and her friends" "Achoo." Sweetie Belle sneezes as her friends look at her. "Bless you." Scootaloo said. "Thanks" "Alright you two, we got one more hour before we reach Las Pegasus." Applebloom announced as she climbed down from the window. "Wait, why did we pick Las Pegasus again?" Sweetie asked. "It's cuz we agreed that those guys went towards some kind of celebration, so we picked the first city that came up in a book." Scootaloo explained. "Wait a sec, ain't Las Pegasus a, well, ya know, a pegasus city?" Applebloom asked as she realized something. "Yeah?" The other two asked back. "How are we gonna get up there?" The answer came back as silence. As seconds ticked past, the three facehooved, fully realizing their stupidity. "What do you mean he's not going to make it?" An angry and anxious voice yelled out, catching Rarity's attention. Curiously glancing over, she saw a unicorn stallion yelling at a pegasus mare. "It means he ain't making it. Simple as that." The mare replied. "Why?" "He got hit by a carriage. I told you this already!" The stallion groaned as he held his head in his hooves. "Uh, sir? Are you still going to buy the pick?" An employee at the store asked him. "Yes, here you go." He responded and took the pick with him. Just as they were leaving, Rarity stopped them. "Hello there." She greeted them. "Hello?" The stallion greeted back. "I couldn't help but notice your, predicament, so I wanted to ask if there's anything I could do to help" "Um, unless ya can play the guitar, there ain't nothing you could help with." The mare spoke up. "That's convenient, because I do happen to know how to play a guitar." Rarity spoke with a slightly prideful voice. The two looked at each other, seemingly having an entire conversation between themselves in the span of a single second before the stallion spoke up. "It'll be quite intense, can you handle that?" "I'll be fine." The two held another silent conversation before finally nodding. "Thanks for helping with the birdhouses Fluttershy." An aged unicorn mare spoke to Fluttershy. "It isn't a problem at all Ms. Skies." Fluttershy replied happily. Ms. Skies chuckled warmly at her response. "Oh don't be so modest, not many ponies are kind enough to tend to the park these days." "Oh dear, have you asked Princess Celestia about this? A public space like the park would get taken pretty seriously by her." "I have, and she did send help. She paid those who were willing, even going as far as to pay for whatever they needed." "Oh, uh. I'm sorry, but, the park doesn't really look all that cleaned up." She told Ms. Skies as she stared at random piles of trash on the grounds, public property with graffiti all over them. "Oh I know, it's just that those who volunteered were those hooligans." She spat out, sounding incredibly mad as she pointed her hoof at a group of ponies. Of the group, some were sleeping while others were lazing around, leaving wrappers of all kinds as they grabbed snacks and drinks from a collection of plastic bags. Fluttershy gasped loudly as one finished a can of soda and just threw it behind him. "That's it, I will be taking care of these ponies. They dare destroy such a beautiful park such as this, what if they hurt the animals that are living here." "Ah, are you sure Fluttershy? I was just going to report to the guards." "Yes. I've learned that in times like these, we must act, or the situation will only get worse." Ms. Skies smiled softly at her, seemingly proud of her. "Alright then, just be careful." She said with a motherly smile. "Girls, is it just me or does it feel like we completely messed up?" Scootaloo asked her friends. "Yeah, I don't think they came here." Sweetie Belle agreed. "Um, girls?" Applebloom nervously asked. "Yeah?" The other two responded. "Where are the bags?" The other two looked around, noticing the very clear absence of suitcases. "Uh oh" "Um, girls? What're you doing here?" A very confused male voice calls to them. "Huh?" They turn around to notice a group of ponies. "What are you girls doing all the way over here?" Shining Armor asked, stepping forward with a disapproving stare. "Don't give them too much trouble honey." Cadence told him as she nuzzled him slightly. Shining tried to resist, but easily fell to her attack. "Alright, alright." He relented as he turned to the platoon of guards following him. "Well girls, we'll take you back to Ponyville on the way." Cadence told the girls. "Actually, we need ta head ta wherever our sisters are at." Applebloom told her. "Yeah, they kinds forgot to bring their luggage with them." Scootaloo added in. Cadence looked around for a few seconds. "Um, where is the luggage?" She asked with an amused smile. "We lost it." They all said at the same time, getting a few chuckles out of Cadence. "Well, if it's today, they're most likely at Canterlot." "Why would they be there? Did another villain show up?" Sweetie Belle asked. "There's a new festival that's going to be celebrated today, one that apparently hasn't been celebrated for an entire millennia." She explained with grandiose. The three just glanced at each other. "Uh" "A thousand years." "Oooooh" Cadence simply chuckled at their behavior. She wondered if her own filly would grow up to be cute like them. *Sigh* Twilight let out a tired sigh as she sat down on a nearby bench, tired from her search. "Can't believe that not a single pony saw her exiting the snack alley." She complained to the air. "Actually, that's completely believable" Holding her face with her hooves, Twilight let out another tired sigh as she thought about a few things. "Wait, don't ponies in Canterlot usually flock me by now?" She asked herself. Suddenly, as if the universe was messing with her, ponies of all kinds of different businesses and social standings tried to talk to her. Constant speaking and questions came at Twilight. Yet she held on, as she has been subjugated to this popularity for a while now. Giving an unmoving and gentle poker face with a kind smile, Twilight talked while taking every word, every action in mind, making sure that not even a single scandal can pop up from nowhere as she thought about a plan to escape. "Princess Celestia?!" Twilight randomly shouted, taking all the attention away from her. As every reporter and every nobles trying to curry favor looked away, Twilight was gone with a flash of light. Letting out a relieved breath, Twilight stood up as she looked down from the roof of a building. "Well this just got a lot more annoying." She complained once again. "Why did I have to jinx it?" She asked herself as she started to fly. Calmly flying through the air, she took a deep breath. Satisfaction filled her body as she felt her body relax. "I guess I'll put off searching Pinkie for a bit. I mean, she's Pinkie but, she's still a grown mare right?" As she asked herself that question, her body felt exhilarated as she flew. She looked down, noticing a detail she hadn't thought of. "Have I ever flown this high before?" As she kept going, her body felt more and more relaxed, yet so focused at the same time. Adrenaline mixed with total calmness, something that she doesn't feel a lot of the time. With curiosity and excitement slowly filling her, she remembers a few of the tricks she's seen her friend doing before. "Alright, I've been flying for a while, and I've got magic to save me, so I should be fine." She told herself as a daring smile climbed onto her face. Suddenly closing her wings, she rotated her body as she picked up speed, quickly falling to the ground. Right as she was about to hit a rooftop, she unfurled her wings as she gave a powerful flap, sending her back to the sky. Laughing mirthfully, she pushed her head backwards while raising her back hooves, initiating a flip in the air. Completing a series of backflips, she started to flap her wings once more, gaining more height to try others she could remember. As she picked up more speed, she took deep breaths, her mind calm, her surroundings passed by as if in slow motion. With the increase in speed and her extremely slowed perception of the world, she made tight turns, evading random clouds as she felt every small detail of the air around her. The sweat rolling down her forehead, the muscles in her wings flexing and relaxing, the smallest of winds brushing against her skin. With every flap, with every boost of speed, she felt more and more excited. "This must be what Rainbow likes so much about flying." She thought to herself as she flew straight up. "I wonder." She told herself as she looked straight down. "This should be high enough" With a deep breath, one bigger than the others she's taken, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Slowly opening her eyes, she lets out a sharp breath as she gave a flap of her wings, one stronger than any other she's done before. Except for the time when Tirek escaped Tartarus of course. Flying straight down, she concentrated every part of her body, picking up more and more speed. The winds whistled against her face. Physics worked to slow her body with air resistance. The ground quickly approached, trying to scare her into quitting. And then, she saw it. Now fully gliding as she pushed the pegasus part of her magic to the utmost limit as she picked up more speed, the physical representation of the speed of sound. Breaking through it would mean success. With utmost concentration, she pushed harder and harder as the sound barrier kept getting thinner and thinner. Then, right as the ground was about to come into contact, she flew upwards. But, with a different result. There was no boom. As the sound barrier flung her back upwards, she lost control of her wings as she looked around in panic. With a chaotic but calm mind, she calculated every aspect of her current situation as her height kept increasing. Looking around, she realized that she flew under Canterlot. Calculating the speed at which she was going up and the amount of distance that she was away from Canterlot, she calmly waited for her speed to slow down. As her speed kept slowing down, she saw that Canterlot grounds kept getting closer. And right as she reached max height, she simply landed softly without the use of her wings, completely surprising a couple that were sharing a smoothie. To them, Twilight had appeared out of nowhere. With wobbly legs, she sat down on the ground, leaning against a railing as she looked upwards. "That was fun." She said with a satisfied smirk as she flew up once more. Then she flew back down to a nearby café shop for half a dozen donuts and a cup of coffee before taking off again. Loud crying filled the comic book store as the employees went along, giving out similar cries of sadness as a small group had been formed. "I can't believe Owner of Thunder Zapp had to sacrifice herself like that!" Pinkie cried out as tears came out of her eyes like a water fountain. "Curse you Crimson God!" An earth pony similarly cried. "Wait! True Radiance still has one more eye left on her! Turn to the next page!" Spike yelled out, instantly pulling their attention towards the comic they were reading. "What do you know, I still have the last eye of the first god." Pinkie Pie read it as dramatically as possible, fully creating a beautiful scene. "'But are you sure it'll work' The Last Matter-Horn asked True Radiance, 'She's already ascended without the eye, but what would happen if she consumes an item like that?', 'We'll have to try, the choice is either she will die or she might die' The Pinnacle of Speed told them with a cold attitude, 'Then it's the only choice' Holder of Truth Mare-velous added." "YES!" The others cheered out in joy. "As True Radiance holds the eye in the walls of the multiverse shaped like a cage, she slowly sends in divine power, carefully activating the properties of the eye." Pinkie shows them the comic page, like she's reading it to a group of foals. "Right as she was about to finish the procedure, a blast of pure crimson colored energy collided with her, completely destroying her concentration as she's kncoked out." "NOO! THIS CAN'T BE!" A pegasus yelled in frustration. "The Crimson God, now battered with a broken body, slowly emerges from the depths of the dark start, dragging Golden Drum, who has now lost his glow, with him. 'I'VE LOST, BUT I WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH' He yelled as he truly, gave the laugh of a villain, terrifying our heroes before falling. 'Oh no! The power of the eye is getting unpredictable! Somepony needs to contain it!' Screamed Matter-Horn as she realized the power coming off of the activated eye. 'Give it here!' Yelled a new voice as the ground shattered and a gray hoof rose from the dirt. There she was, Limitless Rager, as she climbed out of ghe ground, muscles bulging as she grabbed the eye with a heavy frown. 'This is our last chance, We'll have to make it count' and that's the end." Pinkie Pie fully finished her reading. A round of rageful uproars rang throughout the store as the small group of four had somehow turned into a large squadron of thirty ponies. "Sorry folks, next issue comes out next month." Pinkie told them with the attitude of an employee. "Wait, I'm supposed to tell you guys that." A pony with a uniform suddenly spoke up. Pinkie only shrugged in response. "Well Pinkie, What'd you think of Power Ponies?" Spike asked as he and Pinkie got up to leave. "It was pretty good, especially Multiversal Diplomacies. I never knew comic books for foals could have such amazing story writing." She happily replied with small jumps in her step. "Well, it's all about the author really. The one we just read was written by a fan, which makes it technically disconnected from the original story, but Line Writer, the original author, took notice of the work and liked it so much that they collaborated with the fan and fully adapted a novel into a comic book." Spike explained with enthusiasm as he shared his hobby with someone. Right as Pinkie was about to reply, something extremely weird happened. "What the?" Spike said absentmindedly as he stared at the sky. "Um, did I have too much cider? Rainbow asked the other Wonderbolts as they stared at the sky, equally confused as to what was happening. "Oh, I think it's starting." Spitfire spoke up. "What the hay? Did that really take that long?" Applejack asked her new friend as she stared at the sky. "It didn't take that long." Rosie Styles commented. "Oh, is it time?" Rarity spoke up, asking her temporary coworkers. "Yeap, where's the axe guitar?!" Her base yelled out. "Hmm, I guess it's time for the festival to start." Ms. Skies casually commented. "Oh dear, had I really stayed here for that long?" Fluttershy asked as she looked to the sky. "Boss! We're finished with the graffiti!" One of the ponies who were loitering came up with a fearful expression. "Good, you get a gold star." Fluttershy stuck a golden star on his chest. Twilight was laid upon a random cloud, happily munching on freshly baked goods as she sipped on one of the many juices that floated around her. After a tiring session of flying around and performing dangerous tricks, most of which almost caused her to crash, she was now relaxing with an admittedly unhealthy and heavy lunch. Until the day suddenly changed to night. "What the? What's happening?!" Twilight freaked out as she stared at the sun, now replaced by a moon. Then, a sudden feeling of nausea came to her, signaling for a teleport. Appearing with a flash of light, Twilight frantically looked around. Walls adorned in fancy materials. The front wall being made entirely out of glass. Several large sofas in the luxurious room with plentiful high end furniture. A bar with all kinds of innocent and adult drinks. A number of different snacks were in view as she looked around with curiosity. Then she felt several weights falling on top of her. "Ow." She let out as she climbed out of the pile. "Oh, hey Twi!" Pinkie chirped up. "Hi? Do you girls know what's happening? And where's Rarity and Fluttershy?" Twilight asked as she helped her friends up. "Not really, I kinda just, appeared here." Rainbow told them with a slightly flushed face. "Yeah, All ah remember is steppin' out of a place called Canterlot Candidates." Applejack said while rubbing her head. "Me and Pinkie were just walking out of the comic store." Spike said as he wobbled to one of the couches. "Hey girls." Fluttershy called out as she approached them. "Fluttershy!" They greeted back and formed a group hug, except for one. "Heya Flutters." Rainbow greeted back with an anxious expression. Fluttershy was in front of her with speed rivaling Rainbow Dash herself as she stared straight at Rainbow's eyes. "Have you been drinking too much cider again?" Fluttershy asked with dangerously narrow eyes. The others looked on with slight surprise, seeing their most shy friend interrogating while exuding a terrifying aura. "Oh, uh, of course not. What makes you think that?" Rainbow answered with a few very nervous chuckles mixed in. Fluttershy's eyes somehow turn even sharper as she observed almost every detail of Rainbow Dash. "You can cut her some slack Fluttershy." A regal voice told her. All eyes turned to the white Alicorn that walked in. "Princess Celestia!" They all called out, though none bowed. Twilight ran up to her and gave a quick nuzzle. "Please, none of you have to call me Princess in informal events, only Celestia. I believe that you all have contributed more than enough to at the very least be called an equal in terms of respect and status." She spoke with her regal tone, yet it didn't feel fake like any other she used. "Did we make it in time?" Cadence asked everyone as she and a few others teleported in. "Cadence!" Twilight greeted her with their small dance. "Girls? What're you doing here?" Applejack asked the CMC as she and the other girls, except for Pinkie, all approached them. Pinkie had simply went towards the snack table, somehow already started on making some kind of impossible contraption that she would consume later. "Wow, what am I? Chopped hay?" Shining Armor asked Twilight with a smirk, who had almost completely ignore his presence. "I don't feel too different." Celestia playfully complained with a small pout, getting a few chuckles out of them. As they started to get comfortable, Twilight raised a question. "Um, where's Pri-, uh, Luna and Rarity?" "Oh that reminds me, please take these." Celestia replied as she brought out ear muffs for each. "It's a, just in case" Everyone grabbed it without much thought. "As for your question, Luna is going to be 'hosting' for the event. Rarity should have been teleported along with the rest of the ponies." Celestia finished with a thoughtful expression. "The rest?" Twilight asked. "Whoa! That's a lot of ponies." Rainbow Dash exclaimed, grabbing Twilight's attention. Approaching the window, Twilight peered down along with the rest of the ponies. Under them were hundreds of ponies, almost reaching the thousands, all seated to face towards a stage. Dozens of employees were handing out free snacks and drinks. "Well my little ponies, it's time for the main event." Celestia said with an excited tone as she dragged a couch to the window, along with a bunch of drinks and snacks. The stage lit up, revealing a band of six ponies, all equipped with their own musical instruments, one of which were their very own fashionista friend. A single full silver double-edged axe the size of the average full grown pony, struck into the ground in the middle of the stage. The ponies were dressed in an extremely unorthodox way. Spikes protruding from seemingly everything. Black being the dominating color of their extremely revealing or edgy clothes with deep blue or pure white being secondary colors. Twilight took a seat right next to Celestia, feeling like she was sitting next to a living heatpad with how warm she was. Celestia looks, noticing her enjoyment, draped her wing over Twilight. Then, a magical wave went across the arena, fully silencing the entire stadium, yet only for a small while. Twilight looked to Celestia with slight worry, only for her to point to her ears. Twilight quickly put on the ear muffs as she looked at the stage. The beautiful night, always filled with stars surrounding the moon. But tonight, that was not the case. The stars disappeared one by one, leaving only the moon, which was slowly getting larger with each star that went silent. Twilight tried to give her concerns. "..." Yet her voice wouldn't come out. With the smallest of nudges from Celestia, Twilight looked towards the stage once again. A misty smoke, filled with the cosmos moved down from the moon. As it fully landed down, it quickly expanded. Then it popped. Revealed now, was their very own Princess Luna, dressed in a terrifying battle armor that looked more scary than effective. And standing right next to her, a very familiar alicorn the same height as Luna herself, dressed in the same battle attire, colored a full black rather than the deep shade of blue. The two looked at each other with impassive faces, slowly reaching for the axe in the middle of them. Pulling at the handle at the same time, Nightmare Moon took the axe while Luna took one made of pure magic. With a valiant shout, the two swung their axes at each other. With the sound of metal bending, the axe broke as Nightmare Moon was lifted off the ground from the force of the swing. Turning into mist, Nightmare Moon tried to fly away, only for Luna to absorb the mist. Now floating in the air, the broken parts of the silver axe came to her, forming into the axe again. This time, held together by pure lightning. The axe formed in her hooves, the handle looking up with the axe head looking down as she held it like a guitar. She slowly placed her hoof at the tip of the handle, before slowly sliding it downwards while pushing into the handle. Seven strings made of pure lightning was left on its path. The sound of a guitar strings being played was the only thing that could be heard as she slowly reached the end of the axe. Taking a deep breath, she gave a wide smile with eyes that looked like a predator's. Two fangs that terrified any creature who saw them. The slit eyes, telling you that you are simply prey. Yet, even with all these aspects, every being who were there, all looked with anticipation. Finally releasing the breath, one of her hooves held the electrical guitar from under. Thunder clouds appeared above the stage as lightning crackled inside of them. As all the electricity followed Luna's movements, she slowly raised her free hoof to the air. The lightning freaked out as it all concentrated on a single spot, slowly descending as if leaking out. Luna's metal clad hoof slowly reached towards it. Electricity made contact with her hoof. And with an award worthy cry, her hoof fell down. "Well everypony, how much did you enjoy today?" Twilight happily asked as Spike put one last bandage on her hoof. The seven were currently staying inside a large guest room in Canterlot. Only sleeping together because they requested of course. "It was pretty fun, met the squad today and the concert was a banger, literally." Rainbow responded while fixing a bandage that had gotten loosen on her wing. "Ah'll say, ah never knew modeling of all things could be so relaxing. Everypony got pretty excited at tha end thou-ouch." Applejack winced as Fluttershy rubbed a lavender colored cream on a burn. "It was too loud for my liking, but the muffs helped and I really liked the lyrics. They were very kind and inspiring." Fluttershy pipped up, being one of the very few ponies who didn't get hurt. "I do apologize for that dear." Rarity spoke while taking a quick picture of her makeup, since it'll be a long time before she dresses up like that. "Oh it wasn't much of a problem." Fluttershy replied. "Well, apart from all the sweat from playing too hard, I certainly enjoyed my time." She finished with a satisfied smile. "All done." Spike told Pinkie Pie, who was entirely wrapped in bandages, apart from her face. "That concert was amazing, it was super duper intense, but it was also somehow lifting. All in all, it was amazing in all parts." Pinkie exclaimed from the inside of her mummy like binding. "I liked it, just lucky that I managed to get on top of Celestia though." Spike shared his thoughts. "So? Is it decided that we'll attend the next one?" Twilight asked the others as she tucked herself in. A round of agreements came in. "Alright, though next year, I'll make sure Celestia hires professionals rather than volunteers for the construction of the VIP booth." She said with a smile. "I still can't believe Luna took it down with only her yells."
Original Character,Principal Celestia,Vice-Principal Luna,Alternate Universe,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Principal for a Day
Starfire, assistant to Principal Celestia, is about to take a walk in her shoes.
<p><b>Commissioned by:</b> <a href="/user/422947/FizzBerry" rel="nofollow">FizzBerry</a></p><p><b>Content Tags (Spoilers):</b> <span class="spoiler">Consensual physical transformations and (later on) accidental mind swaps.</span> They're tame enough to fit the rating, but you have been warned to be safe.</p><p><b>Note:</b> This is a standalone tale that has nothing to do with the <b>Friendship is Worth It</b> series! This is its own thing.</p><hr/><p>Starfire is the dutiful assistant to Principal Celestia. Rarely seen by the student body, he works hard to one day become a Principal himself and do his school proud. One day, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna offer him a chance to take a walk in the shoes of a Principal. Of course, as he will quickly find out, this walk won't be done in the typical fashion. Life in CHS, after all, is far from typical.</p>
“I can explain, Principal!”, exclaimed Gilda with her arms crossed, clearly annoyed by the situation she was stuck in. She was sitting on a chair in front of Principal Celestia’s desk, with the lady herself sitting on the other side while giving the petulant student a calm unreadable glare. Standing to Celestia’s right was her sister and partner Vice-Principal Luna, who gave Gilda a similar glare that had an additional layer of coldness to it that was unique to her. The girl they stared daggers at was not one to be shaken by such a reception, however. With increased indignation and a slightly more restrained tone, she elaborated on her point; “Look, it’s true that the VP here caught Rainbow and me shouting at each other in the hall.” “Your shouting quickly turned into a fist fight by the time I had gotten close enough to intervene.”, Luna added with a professionally delivered deadpan voice that hid any emotions she was feeling over the topic of discussion. Gilda shouted out of pure frustration, her restraint nearly tossed aside; “Yeah, but Dash started it!” “You threw the first punch.”, Celestia noted calmly. Hearing this did nothing to sooth the girl’s anger; “She threw the first insult! I ain’t taking that sitting down!”, the outraged student yelled in response. Neither official was moved by that claim, however, as Luna gave her retort while furrowing her brow ever so slightly; “And yet, you chose to resort to physical violence instead of thinking of a more appropriate response. Your choices matter, Ms. Gilda.” Gilda looked away with a grunt while a most grumpy expression fell upon her face, her arms still tightly crossed. With a sigh, she asked; “What are you gonna do about Dash?” Celestia spoke up with soft dignity, her eyes refusing to move away from the student she sought to discipline; “She’s being treated in the Nurse’s Office as we speak. We’ll talk with her once she’s ready.” Luna chimed in with similar propriety; “Make no mistake, she’ll be held to fair account for her side of the altercation, just as you will be for yours.” After grumbling a little more for good measure, Gilda begrudgingly accepted her punishment (one month in detention and a talk with her parents to be done at a later date) and was politely sent away. Once it was clear to the two sisters that the room was empty, Celestia looked over at the door on her right that led to Luna’s office and said aloud with a small smile; “You can come out now, Starfire!” With a twist of the knob, the door was opened, revealing its occupant to be Starfire himself: a twenty-seven year-old man with tan skin who rocked short red hair that was neatly combed backwards, a dress shirt that looked very much like Celestia’s, brown pants, and black tennis shoes. Appearing to be quite confused, he asked the two officials while looking at each of them; “So… why did you have me hide in Vice-Principal Luna’s office?” Celestia and Luna chuckled politely for a bit before the former answered his question; “For two reasons: to give you an idea of what our line of work can look like and to make sure no curious eyes and ears catch what we’re about to offer you.” He saw anticipation sparkle in the eyes of both women when he asked out of curiosity; “What offer is that?” Celestia’s smile, perhaps unconsciously, morphed to match the sideways smirk traditionally used by a certain bacon-haired student, her excitement over what was to come growing from within her mind… Principal for a Day Starfire was, at his core, a humble helper. He enjoyed being of assistance to others whenever possible, which helped to make him endearing to those he worked under. After graduating from Canterlot University, Starfire grinded his way up the educational system ladder, albeit at a snail's pace. Usually, his jobs involved him assisting teachers, sometimes subbing in for them. His goal was to become the Principal of one of the schools in the Canterlot School District, so that he could help everyone there, from the students to the staff. There was a reason, a driving force behind his work ethic and adherence to that goal: Celestia. Starfire was a CHS graduate and a Wondercolt through and through. He had joined CHS as a student during Celestia’s early years as Principal and he quickly came to respect her for her well-mannered nature, reasonable adherence to the code of conduct, and drive to help her students and fellow staff whenever she could. He came to look up to her as high school dragged on, sometimes wishing that he was in her position. Not out of jealousy, to be sure, but out of a healthy desire to become a leader as great as her. That is not to say that Starfire had no respect for Luna, far from it! In fact, he came to appreciate her stricter but fair style of handling students as well as the good cop/bad cop dynamic that the sisters had together. It was during his short stint as an assistant librarian to Ms. Cheerilee that he had gotten the attention of Celestia, who was impressed by his work ethic and sound mindset. He would become her assistant soon after that. Now, that assistant was looking right at Celestia in her office, listening intently as she asked him politely; “From what I recall in our previous talks, you strive to be a Principal one day, yes?” He eagerly nodded his head while answering professionally; “Yes, ma’am!” With a quick nod back, she explained; “Well then, you should find it interesting that, quite recently, Luna and I have acquired an opportunity for you to get a better sense of what it’s like to have that position.” That really got his attention! With wide eyes and raised nerves, he asked hesitantly while his mind went through several possibilities at a time; “Could you… elaborate, please?” Luna, with a serious glare on point, declared to him with calm sternness; “What is said here does not leave this room. Understand?” Gulping a little, Starfire nodded his head in agreement to this term, which prompted Celestia to speak again; “As you know, magic is a thing these days. Whether it be in the form of stray magical wisps affecting solid objects, sentient creatures from another world taking on Human forms, or magical artifacts finding themselves in Human hands.” As she spoke that last part, she pulled open one of her desk drawers, reached in, and pulled something out from it. Starfire could not see it clearly, as it was covered by Celestia’s right hand. She added while placing the item on the desk; “This is one such artifact.” She then released the item from her grip, revealing it to be a large round disc with decorative carvings on the side that faced the ceiling. Carved in the center of the disc was artwork depicting an Earth Pony standing proudly on all four hooves. Starfire was, in a word, stunned. His mouth was agape for a moment or two before he felt the urge to rant come on. Try as he might, he could not hold himself back. With a loud inhale, he began to nerd out at a rapid pace; “A magical artifact, here?! In your possession?! This is huge, since every time an artifact from beyond the statue portal is found, it is usually by some misguided young person who goes on to use it irresponsibly! But, since you have one in your hands, you are sure to handle it with absolute care without causing any lasting harm! When Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms find out about this, they’ll-!” The two sisters smiled as they watched the young man pace left and right during his rant. As charming as they found this little quirk of his, however, they had to move the discussion forward. So, with a breath, Celestia told him with a carefully raised voice that was bolstered by a sufficient amount of authority; “Calm yourself, Starfire!” Hearing the voice of his admirable boss was enough to bring him back to the present moment, allowing him to take a deep breath and refocus on the Principal and Vice-Principal. With nervousness all over his face, he told them in a soft voice; “I’m sorry. Please, continue.” Their smiles did not wane, which eased his worries considerably. Once Luna began to speak, however, her face switched to a serious expression as she explained with a calm and clear voice; “We found that artifact in a pawn shop during our shopping trip yesterday. We had initially believed it to be a simple hand-crafted decoration of some kind. Wanting to liven up our home, we managed to acquire it at a fair price. Shortly after we returned home and began examining it, Celestia here activated it by complete accident.” Luna shook her head out of quiet bemusement as Celestia continued the tale for her; “Through this error of mine, we had discovered that the artifact allows one to transform into another person.” Starfire’s eyes went wide with shock as a single thought crossed his bewildered mind; “To be able to become someone else…?” An idea popped into his head, but he quickly tossed it aside on account of its ridiculousness as the Principal went on while holding back a chuckle; “Thankfully, it can also be used to undo such a transformation. Through careful testing, we have found that it only allows you to turn into sentient creatures, so you can’t turn into a tree or cat.” “You can, however, transform into any person you want, so long as you remember their name, face, and voice.”, noted Luna, her seriousness cracking ever so slightly as a particularly humorous test played out in her mind, causing a tiny smile to appear on her face. Celestia, having caught this, grinned back at her sister before returning her gaze over to Starfire and getting to the point; “Putting it simply, we would like to give you the chance to spend one day in my shoes, and yes, I mean that in a magical literal sense.” Now, her assistant was floored! His jaw dropped as far down as it reasonably could, his eyes wide with shock. It took him about five or more seconds to reposition his jaw and speak in a stunned voice; “You… you want me… to use that artifact…” He pointed at Celestia with a shaking right index finger as he finished; “To become you?!” After giving Starfire a moment to recover from the shock, Luna spoke again; “To elaborate on the offer given, we would like for you to use the artifact’s magic to act as Principal Celestia in this school for an entire school day, while Celestia acts as you in return. For us staff, as you know, such a day typically lasts from before the opening bell to soon after our after-school duties are finished.” At that moment, the assistant had realized a considerably important detail that he felt had to be addressed. As if sensing this with her mind, Celestia noted with an understanding tone; “If you decide to go through with this, you’ll have to deal with the resulting physical changes for the duration, as will I.” While said changes were quite worrisome to Starfire, the very concept of spending an entire work day as the head of the school he has both learned and worked in was uniquely enticing to him. Feeling torn, he asked his superiors; “Will I get in trouble if I decline?” Their headshakes were a good enough answer for him, but Celestia went further by explaining with a grin; “If you don’t want to undertake this transformation, there will be no disgrace or trouble. We’ll simply give the artifact to Sunset and be done with the whole affair.” Luna added with a playful smirk; “As for why we haven’t given it to her yet… Well, we decided we’d try to have a little bit of harmless fun with it first.” Starfire’s nerves were rising by the second as he thought to himself; “Yeah… harmless…” Adding a layer of sweetness to her grin, Celestia clarified to him; “You have my word as Principal of CHS and an educator that we’ll do what we can to help you and prevent undo harm from befalling you during your short stint as yours truly. With that said, the choice is yours: will you take the chance before you or step away from it?” The poor young man had to take several deep breaths to steady himself enough to think all of this over. To be the Principal of the school for a day? To be Celestia for a day? The very notion nearly overwhelmed Starfire for a bit there! But, once his mind settled down enough, he started to take note of the numerous variables involved; “How would we even make this work? Obviously, we would start the transformation early in the morning, so that I could get situated with the students and staff being none the wiser. But then, once I’m in the office working, how would I fool the others? Luna would probably help me keep up the charade and I know a great deal about Celestia’s mannerisms, so putting on a good act wouldn’t be too much of an issue. I’m her assistant, so I’m acutely aware of her day-to-day work schedule, so honoring that would be easy…” One would think he would lay out such variables in his head, silently at that. But, this was not how Starfire worked, for he noted his thoughts aloud in a rant that was barely above a whisper. Celestia and Luna were patient people, but they felt it best to not let him rant for too long this time. The Principal called out to him with calm authority; “Starfire, compose yourself!” Once again, her voice was enough to pull him out of his rant. After giving both her and Luna an apologetic nod, he listened as Luna told him; “We want a simple answer from you before we proceed further. Do you want to become Principal Celestia for a day, yes or no?” After taking a moment to think about the pros and cons of each answer, the assistant made up his mind. It was a huge risk, doubly so because of the magical variable, all of this he knew. He also knew that opportunities like this were once in a lifetime. If he didn’t do this, he would spend the rest of his life wondering about what could have been. Starfire learned from Celestia herself the importance of taking a risk from time to time. After all, a life without risk would be a life without growth. “Yes.”, was his answer, both calm and earnest in equal measure. Celestia and Luna showed him smiles filled with appreciation as they explained their plan to him in great detail. The next day was going to be the most unique day in Starfire’s life.
Original Character,Principal Celestia,Vice-Principal Luna,Alternate Universe,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Principal for a Day
Starfire, assistant to Principal Celestia, is about to take a walk in her shoes.
<p><b>Commissioned by:</b> <a href="/user/422947/FizzBerry" rel="nofollow">FizzBerry</a></p><p><b>Content Tags (Spoilers):</b> <span class="spoiler">Consensual physical transformations and (later on) accidental mind swaps.</span> They're tame enough to fit the rating, but you have been warned to be safe.</p><p><b>Note:</b> This is a standalone tale that has nothing to do with the <b>Friendship is Worth It</b> series! This is its own thing.</p><hr/><p>Starfire is the dutiful assistant to Principal Celestia. Rarely seen by the student body, he works hard to one day become a Principal himself and do his school proud. One day, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna offer him a chance to take a walk in the shoes of a Principal. Of course, as he will quickly find out, this walk won't be done in the typical fashion. Life in CHS, after all, is far from typical.</p>
Early next morning… Starfire was sitting on a sofa in the living room of the house owned by Celestia and Luna, nervously twiddling his thumbs while thinking to himself; “Me and my big mouth… there are some risks I don’t have to take!” Despite his reservations, of which he had many, he was not one to bail out of an agreement. Of course, this was specifically with agreements that he could actually honor. Whether or not this one had fit the bill, he had not decided yet. He also didn’t know which part of the upcoming scenario was more outlandish: him becoming Celestia or Celestia becoming him! Before he could mull on the details any longer, he heard two sets of steps echoing from the nearby hall that was to his right. He looked in that direction to find the Principal and Vice-Principal walking over to him together, with the artifact that inspired this whole situation in Celestia’s right hand. With a resigned sigh, Starfire stood up to greet them. His boss and idol was the first to speak while giving him an understanding glare; “You are nervous, I see.” Hearing her recognition of his mental state helped him calm down enough to nod at her, to which she replied with a smirk; “So am I, honestly.” Finding out that, in some way, she was in a similar boat to him eased Starfire’s nerves even more, enough for him to give the Principal a genuine smile. He then noticed that little twinkle in her eyes that usually appeared when a student or colleague showed that they would be okay. Celestia was always the caring type, a fact that he had noticed early on in his tenure as her assistant. With a polite cough, Luna had gotten the two adult’s attention. She then asked them; “Are you two ready to proceed?” Starfire still had his reservations, but he also knew that he wasn’t going to do this alone. That fact proved to be a great motivator as he joined Celestia in giving her sister an affirmative nod. The trio stepped away from the sofa to find a spot in the living room that was some distance away from furniture, gave each other some space, and waited quietly. After a few moments, Celestia raised the artifact up to her face and explained its function in greater detail; “Utilizing this artifact is simple: start by saying aloud who you want to change to who, then give its center carving a good spin, and let it do its thing.” Before Starfire could overthink the instructions, she demonstrated them without hesitation. She began by declaring her intention clearly; “Change Starfire to Celestia!” Once that was done, she placed her left index finger on the center carving and used just enough force to make it spin like the wheel from a certain word puzzle game show, only without the loud spinning noise and fabulous prizes. It took about five seconds for the spinning to end, letting the carving sit sideways in front of Celestia’s eyes. One second later, the artifact was covered in red magical energy that glowed and sparkled for a moment before it spread out from the top of the item with the speed of a bullet. It careened through the sky and directly onto Starfire before he could even blink. It slowly spread throughout his body, which produced a warm sensation that he would have found easy to relax into if it weren’t for what he knew was going to happen. No turning back now. He kept his breathing steady, trusting that the Principal and Vice-Principal would honor the promise they had made the day before. Soon enough, the magic was covering his entire body. For a few seconds, nothing else happened. The young man had a quick thought that this artifact was not working, only for it to be proven incorrect in a most intense fashion. His vision was instantly covered by a blinding light for what felt to him like an eternity, even though it was only for a second or two. To Luna and Celestia, that light had exploded from within his body, obscuring it from sight as the magic did its work. Once finished, the light vanished along with the energy, revealing a sight that, to the average person, would have been absolutely outlandish. Starfire took a moment to let his vision settle itself along with his mind. For some reason, he felt a tad taller than usual. Once he looked over at Celestia and the artifact, however, he remembered why he was here. With a gasp that revealed a voice that was not his, he darted over to the bathroom. Once there, he gazed at the mirror, only to see… Celestia! The artifact had done exactly as the Principal and Vice-Principal had claimed: Starfire had become Celestia! The first thing he really took in was the size difference. His boss was always taller than him, after all, so this took some getting used to. Along with everything else about this transformation, to be sure! The second thing he took in was his, or rather, her face. It was one thing to see it everyday, it was another to have it! So, he had gotten a fresh perspective on Celestia’s facial appearance. He already knew this before, but now, it was clearer than ever that she looked beautiful. Her, or rather, his eyes were wide with shock as his mind tried to process the sight before him. Her hands were now his, along with the rest of her limbs. Goodness, that artifact had even gotten the hair right! As he looked over his new appearance, another fact became clear: he was still wearing his actual clothes, which felt understandably tight-fitting. Thankfully, the size change was not so extreme as to destroy his shoes, but he could still feel how strained and stretched they were. As he tried, and failed, to get accustomed to their tightness, not to mention his new body, the real Celestia had walked up behind him and told him with patience in her voice and smile; “Take your time, my faithful assistant.” She winked at him playfully while adding with a hint of excitement; “When you’re ready, you get to watch me go through this too.” Once Starfire had gotten a good sense of how his new body looked, he returned to the living room where Celestia and Luna stood. After dealing with Luna’s barely contained laughter at the sight of him wearing clothing that could barely fit him at best, they helped him get one of Celestia’s spare set of work clothes. He ran back to the bathroom, switched outfits, and returned to find that Luna, to his relief, had calmed down. With that done, the Vice-Principal was given the artifact by her older sister, who looked quite excited over what was about to happen. Luna was too, mainly because she was going to be one to start the process. After taking a few steps back, she raised the item up to her face with her right hand and declared aloud; “Turn Celestia into Starfire!” She gave the artifact’s carving a good spin and watched as the magic inside of it fired out again, this time at Celestia, and did its work. It took a few seconds for the process to finish, allowing Luna and Starfire to gaze at the Principal’s new appearance. Now, the assistant towered over his boss, who now bore his original size and body, her clothing now clearly too loose-fitting for her. It looked, to Starfire, as if a tall teenager was trying to masquerade as an older, taller adult. He had to stifle his urge to chuckle to remain polite. Celestia slowly walked over to the bathroom mirror to check herself out. While he himself was stunned by his own transformation, hers had driven her to giggle at the humorousness of it all; “Oh, it is a good thing that we can keep our minds!”, she exclaimed with mirth while feeling her new hair, which was noticeably shorter and less prominent in color than her original style. Starfire could hear Luna almost letting herself guffaw outloud of the hilarity that was her sister as he made sure to double-check that he did, indeed, still have his own mind. He did this by thinking of something that only he would know to think; “Hinkle-thinkle-dinkle-doo. I’ve got a lovely bunch of scientific theories for you.” Relief poured into his being when he became certain that his mind was his own. He also suspected that a certain lavender student with the biggest brain he had ever seen would appreciate that thought of his. Once Celestia had become adjusted to her new face, she had switched over to a more comfortable men’s outfit that, apparently, she had acquired beforehand. The trio then came together in the living room once more, this time to plan out the day ahead. Luna took the lead on this with a voice of well-versed authority; “Given how frequently the two of you have worked together, it is reasonable to assume that you can at least pretend to be each other?” Celestia and Starfire nodded intently before she explained further; “That will make keeping up appearances easier on us. However, let us not forget that Starfire here works in his office during school hours and only shows up in our offices when we need his services. This is typically when students are not in the halls.” The assistant, with Celestia’s feminine voice, added to Luna’s point; “Which means that most of the student body does not know about me.” A realization had struck him, one that could pose a problem for him and Celestia; “So, if students suddenly start seeing me in the halls…”, he began to note with concern in his voice. Celestia, with his masculine voice, finished for him; “That would rouse curiosity in them at best.” “Suspicion at worst.”, noted Luna before she took a breath to prepare herself to address the elephant in the room, or rather, the pony. She glared at the recently transformed Celestia when she spoke again; “Going back to the ‘pretending’ aspect of this plan of ours, a certain former queen bee will no doubt catch any deviances in my sister’s behavior.” Both Starfire and Celestia knew precisely who she was referring to. It was the latter who name dropped this person with a sigh; “Sunset.” Starfire’s memories of that girl came flooding back like a river of foolish mistakes and magical triumphs. Sunset Shimmer: a senior in Canterlot High. Rhythm guitarist of the Sonic Rainbooms band. Once the wrathful terror of CHS, now a veritable treasure of the school who was beloved by her peers. She was smart, empathetic, known for having anger issues… And, much to the young man’s dismay, notably perceptive. Luna elaborated on her point with calm seriousness; “Sunset is quite familiar with the mannerisms Celestia exhibits on a typical school day. Any perceivable change in them is liable to rouse suspicion in her.” She glared at Starfire before telling him; “It is of great importance that you emulate such mannerisms well enough to satisfy her discerning eyes during your time as my sister.” Tempting as it was to ask Celestia and Luna why they hadn’t brought this up before anyone transformed, Starfire felt it best to not poke and prod on that potentially temperamental bear for now. He told Luna honestly; “I understand, ma’am.” With that settled, Celestia began explaining with an excited grin; “Okay then, let’s plan out how we’ll handle the day-to-day work. There are no meetings or surprise visits from higher-level staff today, so we won’t have to worry about, let’s say, a visit from Superintendent Neighsay…” The three adults went on to discuss and agree upon their plan before it was time to get to the school. Before he knew it, Starfire, as Celestia, was sitting at her desk in her office with Luna standing to his right. Celestia, and Starfire, was already preparing for work in his own office. The morning bell was not set to ring for another five minutes. By this point, the new Principal was nearly ready to get started, with Luna explaining a few more details before the bell could ring; “The morning announcements are written on the paper you’ll find in the drawer under the desk’s left side. Celestia made sure to prepare them ahead of time, which is-.” “One of the things she always does before the morning bell.”, Starfire habitually finished. Upon realizing that he had interrupted Luna, he covered his mouth with worried eyes. She responded to this with a soothing grin and encouraging words; “It’s okay, you understand how Celestia handles things. That will serve you well during the day’s events.” Hearing this calmed his nerves, allowing him to smile right back. With that, she went right back to explaining things while pointing at the small speaker and mic on the table; “The microphone has two buttons on its stand. Push and hold the red button to speak through every speaker in the school that’s connected to the PA system. Push and hold the black button only when someone speaks to you from their end, so that only they can hear you respond.” Starfire remembered seeing how Celestia used the mic and its buttons, but this was a good refresher for him regardless. He nodded in silence as his partner went on; “As a reminder, do be careful when dealing with Diamond Tiara. I know, she has not bullied anyone for quite some time, but the last thing we want is to face the wrath of her mother.” “Who just so happens to be a Canterlot School District board member and one of the school’s investors.”, the new Principal added solemnly while thanking his lucky stars that Diamond was far less antagonistic than she was during her Freshman Year. That should make it easy for him to avoid inciting Spoiled Rich’s financially-backed fury. Before he and Luna could speak further, the morning bell rang, which meant that it was time for Starfire to make his first morning rounds through the school. He stood up, moved around the desk, and was about to take his leave when Luna called out to him; “One more thing!” He turned around to face her. She was giving him a neutral expression at first, only for it to melt into a smile as she declared with confidence; “Have a pleasant day… Principal.” He showed her a confident grin in return while responding as professionally as he could to hide his growing glee; “I say the same to you… Vice-Principal.” He then turned to face the door and walked through it, ready to take whatever CHS could throw at him.
Mayor Mare,Original Character,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Mayor Breaker
Fenris has set his sights on another mare, an ambitious one at that: the mayor of Ponyville.
<p>Fenris was quite the domineering pegasus. While usually friendly on the outside, he had a hidden side that always craved something more, breaking any mare that interested him, always making them his in the very end. This time, his sights were set on none other than Mayor Mare herself, a mare of clear experience... and power.</p><p>Fenris belongs to <a href="/user/235389/Ebonyglow" rel="nofollow">Ebonyglow</a>.</p><p>Cover Art by: @Weloost on Twitter!</p><p><span class="spoiler">Be ready for: Domination, Impregnation, Aphrodisiacs, Mind Control, Rimming, and a lot of mayoral flank devouring.</span></p>
The streets of Ponyville were unusually crowded today. Fenris was making his way through the bustling city square towards Mayor Mare's office. He felt a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach that made him excited about the meeting, seeing as how he's been waiting for this ever since he scheduled it in the first place. As he approached, the town hall towered over him, its grandiose appearance making it easy to distinguish from the surrounding buildings. Fenris entered through the front door, and immediately headed upstairs towards the Mayor's office. The sound of his hooves clopping on the polished marble floors seemed deafening in the silence, as no pony seemed to be stationed at reception. Regardless, he took the moment to admire the architecture and design of the building, admiring how well it blended with the natural scenery just outside the windows. He had rarely, if ever, seen the building from the inside before, and found himself in awe of the interior. There were paintings and sculptures adorning the walls and halls, and he couldn't help but feel like he'd wandered straight into a museum. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the top of the stairs and walked down the hall towards Mayor's office. He knocked on the door, and at first, he received nothing. Then, he heard the faint sound of hooves approaching. The door creaked open slowly, and Mayor Mare poked her head out. "Ah, you're here." Her voice was warm and welcoming, but Fenris could see something else hiding behind her tone that he couldn't quite place. "Come inside and take a seat." He did as instructed, walking past her into the office and settling down on one of the cushioned seats facing her desk. Looking around, he noticed how immaculate it was, not a speck of dust or clutter to be found anywhere. The shelves were filled with neatly organized documents and books, and even the windows were spotless, without a trace of smudges or streaks. "So," Mayor Mare began, sitting down at her own seat across from Fenris, "Fenris Ebonyglow, is it? What can I do for you today?" Fenris shifted uncomfortably in his seat as her gaze fell upon him, feeling a slight shiver run down his spine from how piercing it felt. Even if he knew what he was truly here for, he still needed to find a way to bring it up naturally. "Well, Mayor..." He hesitated slightly, unsure of how to approach the subject matter. "It's... about you, actually. I noticed how busy you seemed, and I... wanted to offer to help." She chuckled, shaking her head and smiling wryly. "Is that what this is about? You wanted to check-up on me, just because you think I look stressed?" The tone in her voice sounded almost condescending, but he ignored it, knowing it probably wouldn't help matters if he got defensive. Instead, he tried to remain calm and collected, maintaining eye contact with the older mare. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." Fenris paused for a moment before continuing. "Look, if there's anything bothering you, or causing you to feel uncomfortable, I want to help." Mayor Mare raised an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair. "And why exactly are you so eager to assist someone like me?" Fenris felt his heart rate quicken, but kept his composure. This was the opening he needed. "Because... you seem lonely, and I thought maybe I could... provide you with some company?" Mayor Mare stared at him intently, studying his face closely as she leaned forward. For a moment, she seemed deep in thought, contemplating his request. After a bit of tense silence, Fenris began to wonder if he had said something wrong or made things worse. Then finally, after an excruciating amount of time had passed, she spoke. "... All right," she replied, nodding slowly, "I'll accept your help." "Really?" he exclaimed, unable to contain his surprise. "Yes, really." She stood up and trotted around the desk, approaching Fenris and extending a hoof towards him in greeting. He took it hesitantly, shaking it firmly. "Seeing as how this is my last meeting of the day, I've been meaning to go straight home and serve myself dinner right after this. Would you care to accompany me, Mr. Ebonyglow?" The sudden invitation caught Fenris off guard, but he quickly recovered. He nodded eagerly, trying not to appear too overeager. "Sure, I'd be honored." "Good. Now that that's settled, let's get going." Mayor Mare gestured towards the door, indicating she wanted to leave. "Uh, you first then." Fenris motioned with his head for her to exit. At first, the expression on Mayor Mare's face seemed to turn confused at Fenris' suggestion. But as he continued watching her, he saw her expression change to amusement, a slight smile spreading across her lips. "All right then," she smiled warmly. She trotted towards the door, and Fenris also smiled, because he finally got the view he was looking for: Mayor Mare's flank. To say it was simply "plump" would be an understatement; it was fat. Fenris watched as each cheek bounced with every step she took, the way it jiggled with each movement of her hindlegs. He'd seen plenty of mares in town with big, shapely rumps, but none as appetizing as hers. He imagined what it must feel like to grip those flabby cheeks with both hooves and squeeze until he couldn't hold any more. As he followed her out the door down the hallway, he couldn't stop himself from staring, imagining what it would feel like to bury his face between those two cheeks. He could feel his cock growing erect under him, already intensifying with every second he spent staring at that glorious behind. They were like a pair of ripe fruits waiting to be plucked. Large, portly, jiggling fruits, and he was ready to devour them whole. That was, if he could even handle them. Slap. A sound all too familiar for Fenris. His ears immediately perked up, and his gaze snapped towards his own side. That sound came from nowhere else than from his cock slapping against his belly. Like an instinct, his face darted forward, his eyes scanning if the mayor had noticed. Thankfully, it didn't appear so. She hadn't even turned back to look at him as she started her trek down the stairs. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was one thing to fantasize about her ass and being buried in it, it was another to expose himself so early. Fenris wanted to plan this whole thing perfectly, and he couldn't risk ruining it now. He needed to keep his cool and play along. All he had to do was to perform the arduous mission of avoiding Mayor Mare's delicious flank. Easier said than done. Exiting the town hall and soon catching up to her, the streets were still relatively busy, but Fenris found that it wasn't enough to hide Mayor's figure from his view. As they walked, the crowds seemed oblivious to his presence, which allowed him the chance to stare unabated at the mayor's body. The view of not only her, but every mare trotting past, made him feel like a voyeur peeking through their bedroom window. The contrast between her and the other mares in Ponyville couldn't have been starker. Where most of the mares he'd seen walking the streets had relatively normal, slender figures, Mayor Mare's shape was curvaceous and voluptuous, and she carried it with confidence. Fenris had no idea how she managed to pull it off. It had to be some combination of age and lifestyle, because her body was unlike anything anyone else in town had ever had. Every time she took a stride, he could hear her buttocks wobbling beneath her. He even admired the way her tail swayed back and forth with each step, providing a subtle flash of the whiter coat in her inner thighs. "We're almost there," she said, turning back to look at him. Fenris immediately jerked his gaze away, pretending to look somewhere else. She didn't seem to notice. "It's just over there." She was referring to a modest-looking house just ahead of them, tucked away behind several other larger residences nearby. The exterior looked fairly ordinary, though the lawn was immaculately maintained, and the garden surrounding the front porch was lush and vibrant. The windows facing the street were framed by shutters painted sky blue, adding to the quaint and cozy vibe. As Mayor Mare opened the door and led Fenris into her home, he felt a strange mixture of nerves and anticipation rising in his chest. It was clear from her behavior that she wasn't interested in him sexually, but the way she acted towards him made him suspect that she wasn't exactly opposed to it either. Perhaps he just had to play his cards right, and she would be putty in his hooves soon enough. "Make yourself comfortable," Mayor told him as he sat down on one of the living room sofas. "I'll prepare us some dinner." She trotted off towards what he assumed was the kitchen, leaving Fenris alone with his thoughts. Unlike the exterior, the inside of her home seemed to be a little more cluttered. There were various trinkets and knick-knacks strewn haphazardly around the rooms, as well as a large bookshelf crammed full of novels. However, there weren't any pictures of family members, and there didn't appear to be anyone else living with her. It was as though she was alone. Perfectly alone. "Here we are." She returned with two bowls of spaghetti in her hooves. "That's all I really have to offer, I apologize in advance." It was definitely spaghetti, but there was nothing to be apologetic for. It looked like it was cooked perfectly, with a sauce thick and flavorful, and a nice mix of vegetables sprinkled throughout. "This looks amazing," he replied, digging in with enthusiasm. Mayor Mare smiled, taking the seat next to him, her own bowl of pasta balanced on the couch cushion beside her. As she ate as well, the sound of their spoons hitting against the dishes created a soothing rhythm, and it was oddly peaceful, sitting here with someone who wasn't expecting anything else from you besides company. "And it, –mmph–, tastes amazing too!" Fenris said with his mouth full of pasta, unable to control himself. "Why, thank you, Mr. Ebonyglow." She smiled again, a twinkle flashing in her green eye. She seemed pleased to see him enjoying her food. "I must admit, I don't usually entertain guests, especially stallions like you. It's refreshing." Her words made him freeze in place, mid-bite. Was that her play? Did he need to take the initiative? No, she had mentioned something else. She had called him a stallion like him. What exactly did she mean by that, if there were similarities between him and her? "Well, I appreciate the opportunity," he said, trying to keep his composure. "And no need for formalities here. Call me Fenris, please." He could feel her staring intently at him as he continued eating. She didn't reply right away, and Fenris felt a sense of unease creeping up inside him. Had he made a mistake, revealing his name? Maybe he should've kept it simple and stuck to "Mr. Ebonyglow"? "Well, Fenris..." she finally spoke, her tone soft and low. "You certainly are interesting. Tell me, are all stallions like you in Ponyville?" "I don't know," Fenris replied. "What do you mean by 'like me'?" Her lips curled upward, and Fenris noticed the slightest hint of a smirk. It made her seem more confident, smug even, than before. "Oh, I'm not entirely sure yet," she teased, leaning in close, so close, he could almost taste her breath. "Let's see... How about this: are you interested in older mares, like me?" She whispered her words so quietly it was barely audible, and if they'd been anywhere else, it might have sounded like nothing, just an empty invitation. But here? In her own home? "Well, uh..." Fenris struggled to find the words to say. "I, um-" "No need to be embarrassed. It's just the two of us here, and you seem like a nice young stallion." She stood up, returning her bowl to the kitchen, and Fenris felt his heartbeat quicken, his blood running hot in his veins. "Mayor Mare, what do y- I mean, are we going to... you're..." Mayor giggled as she came back, her laughter a rare thing he'd expected to come from the professional mare. "Don't be shy, I know you're interested." She trotted over, sat back down beside him and placed her head in his lap, gazing up at him. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly, and the look in them gave Fenris a small chill. "Just admit it." "Okay." The sudden warmth radiating from her stunned him for a moment, causing his face to flush up as well. He swallowed hard before speaking again. "You want me to say yes? Is that what you want to hear?" He was surprised by his boldness, but the mayor seemed thrilled with his response, her tail swaying gently behind her. "Fine, then yes. I'm interested," Fenris said softly. He was still nervous about what she was planning for him, but he was intrigued by it. He had never met a mare like herself, and she seemed to possess a certain aura of power and control. "That's good." She lifted her head up and moved closer, pressing her lips to his neck, nibbling on his skin. "Now tell me, Fenris, what do you want to do to me, hm?" At that moment, he froze. He had never expected things to escalate like this. Sure, he wanted to rut her, and mindbreak her, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable either. Usually the dominant stallion in these situations, Fenris had no clue how to act when the tables were flipped. But his confidence quickly grew once he realized he was in charge. He could do whatever he pleased, and Mayor Mare wouldn't be able to resist his charms anyway, no matter how much power she possessed. In the end, he only smiled coyly. "What can you handle?" He countered. She then smirked at him and pulled away slightly. "You think you have me figured out, don't you?" She leaned in again and kissed his lips, her tongue slipping into his mouth. Fenris groaned and grabbed her head, forcing himself deeper, exploring her. The gruff response caused her to moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding against his body, her hips bucking against his. "Fuck," he gasped when their kiss broke. The trail of saliva hanging between their tongues only made him harder before it broke. She continued her sly smile, pulling away, and began trotting towards one of the hallways leading to the rest of her house. Giving him another view of her flank, she waved a hoof over. "Come on, let's take this to the bedroom. I don't think the couch is enough for someone like you." "Someone like me, huh?" Fenris smirked as he followed, feeling his confidence rising. He was going to have fun with her. A lot of fun. Despite the surprise from her lewdness, he still had his plan in mind. Entering her bedroom, Mayor Mare closed the door behind her, and Fenris couldn't help but stare in awe, taking in every inch of her space. The furniture was simple, with a bed centered against a white wall covered in photos, paintings, and decorations. On the left stood a dresser and a vanity mirror. On the right was a small bookshelf and a reading chair. Everything was clean and well-organized, with a faint smell of perfume lingering in the air. She trotted over to the edge of her bed and turned toward him, beckoning him over with her hoof. "Have you ever heard of a mare like me before, Fenris?" She asked teasingly, her voice husky, her eyelashes fluttering seductively. "I'm sure you've seen most other mares in town, so what do you think of this?" She made sure Fenris saw everything. From her thick thighs, wide ass, to her plump belly. He couldn't stop his gaze, even if he wanted to, and he found himself already growing harder beneath him. "Mmph..." Fenris groaned and shook his head, trying to regain composure. In his mind, this body was his to conquer. He wanted to dominate her. Make her his. "Don't think I don't remember you eyeing my flank while we walked home," the Mayor teased, stepping closer. Fenris blushed, his face flaring red from embarrassment despite his best attempts to hide it. Mayor Mare grinned triumphantly. Clap! His heart skipped a beat as Mayor Mare suddenly jerked her hindlegs upward, causing her flank cheeks to clap together loudly. He could see her tail swaying behind her, the movement making it impossible to ignore, and his erection grew more prominent. Once again, another slap could be heard from underneath Fenris, his cock now visibly throbbing under him. "My, my... Look at this. Already hard?" She jumped on bed, laying on her back. Fenris could only gawk at her, unsure of what to do next. She wiggled her hooves in front of his muzzle, giggling quietly yet mischievously. But Fenris smiled back, his confidence rising. If this mare thought she had control over the situation, she had another thing coming. He stepped forward and jumped alongside her in bed. He grabbed a hold of her forehooves and pinned them down. She gasped as his face huddled up to her snout, his eyes staring deep into hers as he made sure he was on top. Fenris couldn't help but grin, loving how easily she succumbed to him. Mayor Mare, meanwhile, only looked at him with intrigue, seemingly unfazed at how quickly the tables turned. "Well, well... I see you have some fight in you," she mused, her eyes glinting with mischief. Her eyes traveled down from his face, towards his neck, where his scarf hung loosely. "Does this ever come off?" She questioned, her hoof tugging at the fabric gently. He only smiled. The air around the two seemed to grow thicker, and the atmosphere in the room changed. He began channeling magic onto his scarf, and his transformation commenced instantly. Within seconds, his entire form began changing, his muscles growing denser and more defined. The timber appeared in his wings, ears, and forehead, and even the wood on his hooves and tail became thicker. His body was stronger, faster, tougher. He was in his timberwolf form, towering over the mare below him, a predator looking down at his prey. Fenris growled and snarled, his teeth sharp and gleaming, his eyes burning with hunger. His cock had transformed as well, growing larger and thicker. What was already an impressive member had now become monstrous, and Mayor Mare could only gasp in awe as she saw the length and thickness of it. She couldn't tear her eyes away, mesmerized by its size as Fenris positioned himself over top of Mayor Mare's belly, hovering inches away above her. She could feel his hot breath against her fur and the warmth emanating from his body. His cock was pulsing, dripping precum over her, coating her tan belly in sticky fluid. But despite it all, her coy smile remained fixed in place, her gaze unwavering. She didn't seem intimidated by his display of dominance. Instead, she merely chuckled to herself and shifted her position. "My, my. You really are something else, Fenris. And here you were playing innocent this whole time. Well..." She trailed off, her eyes flickering down briefly before returning to Fenris'. "Is that all?" What? Fenris blinked several times, unsure if he understood correctly. "What do you mean by that!?" He snapped. He felt like the tables were starting to turn, as he was becoming the prey instead of the predator. "Are you mocking me?" Mayor Mare only giggled and rolled her eyes. "Mocking you? No, I'm going to humiliate you." Before he could respond, she used her hindlegs to push him back, flipping over and pinning his frame to the bed. Her eyes were blazing with determination as she glared into his own. The fact that she could overpower him in his timberwolf form was shocking enough, but he quickly realized that he'd underestimated her, and that she'd played him for far longer. He tried to struggle, but Mayor Mare was surprisingly strong and determined, keeping him firmly pinned beneath her weight. And what a weight it was. If her ass looked heavy before, it now felt twice as big, squishing against his belly, her thighs pressed together around his head, muffling his screams. Her own shapely figure had its own weight to it, the bed creaking as it adjusted to accommodate both their bodies together. Fenris couldn't help but groan as he felt himself sinking under her. He couldn't believe it. She was dominating him, and he didn't know what to do. The scent of musk filled Fenris' nostrils, making his head spin. "Oh, are you trying to talk?" Mayor Mare giggled, lifting up a few centimeters to reveal Fenris' mouth. Fenris coughed and gasped desperately for air, his lungs aching as he struggled to breathe. He looked up at the mare towering above her, his expression filled with fear mixed with anger. "Heavy bitch," he hissed. She only grinned and shook her head. She lifted her body up, giving Fenris just enough room to move his limbs, but not enough to get free. Then, with the force of a battering ram, she slammed her ass back down, this time right behind his two ample balls. They jolted and wobbled under Mayor's weight, causing Fenris to whimper and moan, as the impact sent shockwaves through his system. "Aw, am I too heavy for you, sweetheart?" She cooed mockingly. "Maybe you should've chosen a different pony to play your sick fantasies out, but I guess it's too late for regrets now, isn't it?" She lifted herself up again, slamming her ass back down repeatedly. Fenris cried out as the pressure mounted, his balls throbbing and swelling under the constant abuse. "Stop it!" He roared, using the strength of his timberwolf form to lift her up and throw her back down, this time on top of him. She landed with a grunt and a thud, rolling onto her side. But he wasn't about to lose control. Not yet. Fenris lunged at her, grabbing Mayor's hindlegs and spreading them wide, exposing her dripping pussy to the air. He could see the folds quivering and pulsing with arousal, her inner juices leaking out onto him like a fountain. Despite her sharp demeanor, she let out a sharp gasp, arching her back in surprise as his tongue slipped inside. "Mmph!" Mayor Mare moaned, her eyes fluttering shut as Fenris buried his muzzle deeper, tasting and probing her depths. The sensation was overwhelming, as his tongue explored every nook and cranny of her pussy, sending waves of pleasure through her body. For an older mare, it tasted sweet and musky, a mixture of flavors he couldn't get enough of. Fenris was in heaven. The scent, the flavor, it was everything he'd dreamed to get out of the mare, and more. He was lapping away at her eagerly, savoring every drop of juice he could, turning more and more into a dog than a pony. That was, until he felt her hindlegs clamp around him. He yelped as they locked in, squeezing his head tightly. He tried to pull away, but it was no use; she had him trapped. He looked up helplessly as she stared back at him with amusement in her eyes. "Got you, wolf. Or should I say..." She took a foreleg and scratched his chin with her hoof. "Pup." Her words echoed in his ears like a death knell, as Fenris realized she had tricked him into thinking that he was going to rut her, when in actuality, Mayor wanted him to submit. He could feel his pride and ego deflate, replaced with a sense of humiliation and degradation. But these thoughts, these feelings, were eventually drowned out by the pleasure from getting scratched. Mayor's hoof was rubbing him just the right way, causing shivers to travel down his back. It was as though all those moments before had faded away, leaving Fenris feeling warm, happy, and satisfied. It was as if he had forgotten about the leglock and being tricked. He felt content. As Mayor continued to scratch him gently, Fenris began panting, his tongue sticking out, drool dangling off. It was embarrassing to be acting so animalistically, but he didn't want her to stop. He loved how she was treating him, and the fact that she was so dominant made him want to give in. "Aww, you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Mayor Mare cooed, stroking his head with her hoof. Fenris nodded weakly, his mind swimming in a haze. He felt like a puppy being petted by its owner, and he didn't want to be anything else but that. He nuzzled her forelegs, licking her coat softly, his cock throbbing beneath him in desperation. At this point, he was drowning in pleasure, forgetting the very reason he was here in the first place: breaking a mayor. Instead, she had broken him. She knew he was weak. She knew what he wanted, and what he craved for. She knew how he liked being treated. She stopped scratching him and leaned closer, whispering softly. "Good boy," she murmured gently, her breath caressing his ears. As if they were some sort of trigger, her words made him tremble with desire, his shaft pulsing with even more heat. Small but rapid thumps came from behind, his tail beating against the bed in excitement. She smiled and stroked his neck tenderly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She knew that she had him, and he knew that he belonged to her. Mayor Mare leaned down and nibbled at his throat, her teeth grazing his fur, her tongue flicking across his coat and leaving it drenched. She could feel his body shaking, his breathing becoming more ragged as he tried to contain himself. She bit down on his neck, and he couldn't help but release a small whine. A whine that sounded more like a dog whimpering than a timberwolf growling. And it made him feel like such an idiot, a pathetic, needy mutt. But it made her smile, and that alone was enough to keep him going. "You're mine," she purred, biting down harder. Fenris flinched his eyes as pain mixed with bliss, the two sensations colliding in an intoxicating rush. She released him and pulled away slowly, her mouth stained with saliva. She gazed deep into his eyes and spoke in a low, commanding tone: "Bark for me." Fenris couldn't help it. His mind was fogged with ecstasy and his instincts had taken over. Woof! He barked like a dog, his muzzle opening to form the sound as his tongue hung out, his eyes staring up at her pleadingly. Mayor Mare smiled wickedly as she rubbed his neck again, her touch soft and soothing. "There's my good dog. You're such an eager pup, aren't you? So desperate for attention from his owner." Fenris whined in response, his body shivering with need, his shaft throbbing uncontrollably beneath him. She turned, leaned back down and kissed him once more, her lips pressing hard against his mouth, her tongue slipping between his teeth and swirling with his. This wasn't a normal kiss. This was the mouth of a frothing, rabid, slathering caninoid, meeting that of a hungry mare with a lust for power. She pushed him backwards as they continued, their mouths locked together as she climbed over top of him, positioning her hips directly above his groin. Fenris could feel a wave of panic building inside him as he realized what her intent was, and yet he found himself powerless to stop her. She pulled away, grinning triumphantly, before slamming her hips downward, spearing herself onto him in one fell motion. While it sent Fenris wincing in pain, it sent a ripple of pleasure through Mayor Mare. Fenris cried out, his cock disappearing within her, his shaft stretching her folds as they wrapped themselves around his girth tightly. She was impaled upon him with ease, the sheer size of his member allowing him to penetrate her fully, his knot resting deep in her core, pulsing with desire. Mayor Mare groaned softly as she adjusted herself to fit snugly around him like a glove. The jiggling that ensued from her movements caused Fenris to shudder and pant, his body trembling as he struggled to control himself. He had never experienced such intense pleasure or stimulation in his life. Mayor Mare, on the other hoof, was clearly savoring every inch of Fenris' cock, her eyes closed, her lips parted slightly, her breath quickening with each thrust. The strength sent down with each bounce made Fenris whimper and cry, his mind reeling with blissful agony. She was fucking herself on Fenris' cock without mercy. She rode him roughly, her hips bucking and grinding into his own, sending waves through his system. Fenris was in heaven and hell at the same time, unable to decide which sensation he wanted to focus on first. His cock was supposed to be huge and monstrous, but now it felt small and insignificant as her body consumed him. He was being fucked by this... this mare who he'd wanted so badly to dominate. But now? Now she was controlling him, and he couldn't escape her spell. He was nothing. Just a pathetic pup, begging for her affection like the slut he was. He felt ashamed, humiliated. Yet he couldn't deny how good he felt. How good she was making him, as her tightness and warmth wrapped around him. It wasn't long before Fenris' climax began to mount, his shaft tensing and twitching within the mare's depths. But she kept riding him mercilessly, refusing to relent, forcing him deeper, deeper, as if trying not to allow him to cum before he'd reached the brink. He whimpered, his mind clouded with desire, his body wracked with lust. He couldn't stop himself any longer. He felt like he was going to explode, but she wouldn't let him. She kept him teetering on the precipice of oblivion, holding him back until his cock was practically ready to explode. And then? She slammed down onto his shaft once more, burying herself deep inside him, pushing herself to the limit. While she had never taken a cock of his size before, it seemed like it was second nature to Mayor Mare, as she took him with ease. She didn't want to show it, but this wasn't any normal stallion cock either. It was a special breed, one that only she knew how to take and enjoy. Finally, Mayor Mare let out an uncharacteristic, sharp cry, her body shuddering as his knot tightened, and her pussy clenching and releasing around Fenris' member. As soon as she hit her peak, his own burst came shortly after. He erupted within her, his hot seed spurting out, filling her up with warmth and wetness that made her gasp in ecstasy. Fenris grunted loudly in relief as he released everything he had inside her, the pressure and pleasure overwhelming him. While the first spurt was intense, it quickly became a flood as his shaft continued to pump, shooting rope after thick rope, his knot expanding, stretching her walls, ensuring that she was thoroughly plugged up. The stifled grunts coming from Mayor Mare were proof positive that she couldn't handle the sheer volume of his load, despite the fact that she hadn't shown any signs of slowing down or stopping. And it wasn't just his cum. Fenris felt like he was losing his grip on sanity, as if his entire being was melting away with pleasure. He had no idea he had that kind of power, and yet he was using it to fill up his new master. "Go on, bark! Bark while you're filling me up, -ngh- puppy!" He obeyed, letting loose several more sharp barks in quick succession, his tongue hanging out and his eyes rolling back in ecstacy. The sound only intensified his release, and Mayor Mare could tell from the sudden burst that Fenris was still coming. She moaned softly and rocked her hips back and forth, causing his knot to rub against her folds, her ass softly rippling and jiggling, as her own juices mixed with his seed. It felt like a warm waterfall flowing through her body, and it sent shivers down her spine, her body trembling and convulsing in response. "Come on, you wanted to break me, didn't you!? Break me like a cheap -nggh- toy!" She growled fiercely, her eyes blazing like fire, as she rode him harder and faster still, her hindlegs slamming down, causing her fat cheeks to clap and ripple, the sound reverberating throughout the room. It was like music to her ears, and she reveled in the sensation of having a stallion so much more powerful than herself completely under her control. She had broken him, and it was a feeling she couldn't help but cherish, even as the last of his seed finally finished spurting from his tip, trickling out onto both her thighs and the sheets. But she wasn't done. She continued to bounce, sliding back and forth along the shaft that still stretched her insides, teasing out the remnants of his orgasm, milking him for every drop left inside. Fenris whimpered and whined, his cock throbbing painfully as his balls drained themselves dry, until he could produce nothing but a few dribbles that oozed down his shaft. "Good boy..." she whispered, leaning down to kiss the side of his muzzle tenderly. "Such a good, obedient pup." She leaned in even more, the weight of her body crushing down on Fenris' frame. "But I'm not done with you." She nibbled at his neck, leaving more bite marks in her wake, her tongue flicking across his skin as if tasting his sweat, before pulling away. Releasing herself from Fenris, she slid off his cock with a wet slurp, her folds dripping cum, before standing up on all four legs, gazing back at him with an expression of pure dominance. Her blue eyes glinted with lust, as she licked her lips clean of his essence before trotting over to a dresser drawer. Pulling it open, Mayor retrieved a collar with a chain leash. The collar made Fenris' heart skip a beat. Was he going to belong to the Mayor of his town forever? He couldn't help but feel a strange thrill run down his spine, despite the humiliation. The thought of belonging entirely to someone, being controlled by them, excited Fenris more than he cared to admit. The very same Fenris that had spent so many years trying to assert his own dominance was now being reduced to a mere pup, at the will of another mare. He could hardly believe what was going on, but he knew one thing: He had been outclassed by the mare who now stood before him, and she wasn't letting up anytime soon. She stepped closer, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Now that we're done with your little game, let me tell you something." She held up the collar with one hoof, dangling it before him as if it were a carrot on a stick. "Your fantasy was cute, and all, but now you're going to have something real to dream about." Her voice dropped several degrees as her face grew serious and determined. "I'm your master here. Understand, pup?" Fenris swallowed warily, but he knew he had to answer. He could only nod nervously, his eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. Mayor Mare grinned, seemingly pleased with his response, but there was still a dangerous glint in her eye. She fastened the collar around Fenris' throat, tugging lightly on the leash to ensure it was snug. She then turned around suddenly and walked towards a closet. Fenris watched as she opened it and pulled out a box filled with potions and elixirs in various sizes, colors, and shapes. He gulped, realizing that she had prepared for this moment long ago. He wondered how she knew what would happen, but decided it didn't matter anymore as he lay back, defeated and submissive, waiting for his new master to do what she wanted with him next. He was already starting to feel a sense of peace washing over him, and he couldn't help but smile softly. Maybe this was what it was meant to be, after all. Perhaps his role in this world, as well as Mayor Mare's, was not to dominate each other, but simply to submit. And perhaps, just maybe, Fenris didn't mind the change of pace one bit. But then she came with the tray of potions, and the smell hit him instantly. These smelt familiar to his own odor of mares he had broken into submission. She smirked at his reaction, as if knowing how uncomfortable he was feeling. She grabbed two bottles and held it out to his mouth. "Drink up." At first, she was met with reluctance. But Mayor Mare was persistent in her demands and shoved it against his muzzle until Fenris opened his jaws and allowed her to pour one of them straight down the hatch. It burned slightly at first, before turning into a soothing, relaxing feeling in his gut. She then grabbed another, this one with a pink, steaming liquid. This flask only had one symbol on it, that one of a heart. "It's time for me to have my fun too." With a wink, Mayor Mare tipped this one back into her throat. Instantly, Fenris felt his cock hardening, and his shaft pulsing back to life, just by the way she drank it. The way she gulped the entire flask down made his head swim, it was reminiscent of a hungry dragon devouring a whole pig, or in this case, a horny mare sucking off her new pup. She set the empty potion down and licked the remnants from her muzzle before returning her gaze to Fenris. He could see that the potion was already taking effect on her, as her cheeks were flushed red, and her breathing was becoming heavy. She had her mouth open wide, showing off the wetness and saliva that covered her inner walls and tongue, and her tongue hung low, her eyes half open with lust and need. The eyes she gave Fenris sent shocks of electricity coursing through his body. The intensity of those blue pools was overwhelming, as if they were boring into his soul and claiming him as hers forever. And yet, Fenris could also see the desire in her expression as well, as if he was about to be eaten alive and used as a chew toy for the rest of his natural existence, and she would love every minute of it. "This is -huff- spicier than I remember -huff- it being. But... still..." Mayor Mare gasped between heavy gasps and pants. She was visibly sweating now and had trouble standing. Fenris watched in amazement as she struggled against the effects, but eventually, the desire became overwhelming. "Some pup like you? Deserves -huff- more. " She turned towards the back, and grabbed the remaining two pink potions. She popped one open and trotted back towards Fenris, who was still stuck panting on the bed. "I hope you still have room." Before Fenris could respond, she poured the second concoction straight into his mouth, causing it to overflow and drip down his chin. He swallowed it all greedily, his body growing even warmer, more sensitive. His cock twitched beneath him, his balls aching to be released, but Mayor Mare was still in charge here. Then, she uncorked the second pink potion, and downed it all at once, causing Fenris to watch in disbelief. This time, it was like she was chugging a bucketful of water, her throat bobbing with each sip. When she was finally done, she slammed the bottle down and sighed in relief, licking up the remaining traces of liquid from her muzzle. She had not drunk not just one, but two obvious aphrodisiacs in a row, and it was already driving her mad. Mayor Mare was now in a frenzy, panting heavily as her eyes glazed over with a look of hunger that made the hair on the back of Fenris' neck stand on end. However, it wasn't as if the effects weren't taking effect on him either. Fenris' cock was now throbbing wildly, the heat and pressure building within his shaft threatening to overwhelm him. Mayor looked back at him and smirked wickedly, as if reading his mind. And then, another thought crept into his mind, one of... servitude. Despite being left panting, belly facing the ceiling and tail in the air for the mayor, his thoughts were overwhelmed. Whatever potion he chugged before that, one that was definitely not an aphrodisiac, seemed to be making him think of Mayor Mare as a master he wanted to please. It was as if he wanted to lick her hooves clean, and make her happy by following her orders and being a good boy. No, a good bitch. Then came the thoughts of pleasure, washing over the thoughts of servitude, and crashing together like the tsunami that had come and gone. He was panting heavily and drooling, his eyes half lidded and glazed from the potions, his tongue lolled and dripping spit, as the heat from within became too much for him to bear. These feelings almost made him forget about the other mare in the room. She was, like him, panting and sweating, struggling against the aphrodisiacs that were flooding through her veins. He was already struggling with the contents of just one, but she had drunk two. It was as if Mayor Mare had become a wild pony in heat, her body radiating warmth and need. No, much more than that. All one had to do was to look at the effects both bottles had on her. She was practically shaking, her hooves stomping the ground as if she were preparing a stampede, her coat drenched with sweat and drool, her eyes burning with lust. She looked as if a single touch would set her off, but that was exactly what Fenris craved. She then gave him the most seductive look he'd seen all day. "Ready for -hfff- round two?" She said, her breath catching in her throat. She was struggling with all this lust, and the fact that her own body couldn't handle it was evident. She immediately jumped on the bed, and directly mounted him with no warning, causing Fenris' gigantic shaft to slide deep inside with no resistance, her pussy enveloping his length as she sank down onto him fully in one swift movement. This mount, however, was different from the last. She was now in reverse, her fat, plush rump pressed firmly against his groin, the softness of which was driving Fenris absolutely mad. He was moaning like a pup, whining and whimpering as he felt her body swallow him inch by glorious inch. This new view allowed him a front row seat to witness the full glory of Mayor Mare's ass and its incredible jiggles as her body moved up and down his cock like she was riding the waves. She was now riding him reverse cowmare style. Fenris could hardly contain himself. He was moaning like a dog as Mayor Mare rode him hard and fast, her hips bucking and grinding into him, sending shockwaves through his system. Each of her enormous cheeks bounced and rippled as they slammed down against his hips repeatedly, causing Fenris's cock to twitch uncontrollably within her folds. She was riding with abandon as Fenris lay pinned, helpless beneath her bulk. It was almost as if her mind was gone. She was lost to the passion and desire that flooded through her like a raging torrent, consuming her every thought and emotion. But this was different from the sex from before. She was fucking him like a machine now, bouncing and pounding away at Fenris with reckless abandon. She was using the entire hindlegs, her tail raised high, slamming herself up and down on him with such speed and power that it almost felt as if she were a bull riding him instead of the reverse. A juicy, jiggling bull who had him trapped and couldn't escape. She was growling, her teeth baring as she leaned down, biting into his inner thigh. She only added to the numerous marks on his body, as if claiming her ownership of him with each bite and scratch. And Fenris loved it. The pain and pleasure mixed together in a way that made his mind reel and his cock swell. His knot was swelling, throbbing with heat, as his shaft pulsed deep inside Mayor Mare's depths. He could feel her tight walls squeezing him tightly, her juices dripping down his length and coating his groin with sticky fluids. She was riding him harder now, grinding her hips into him with more force and power than before, as if she were determined to milk him dry. He felt his balls tighten beneath him as he approached the brink once more, but before he could reach his climax, Mayor Mare suddenly stopped, her body trembling above him. She let out a long moan as she orgasmed, her walls contracting around him in rapid succession as wave after wave of her hot juices squirted onto his fur, soaking his torso and causing Fenris to moan in bliss and despair. These juices felt incredible, but also... hotter. They looked practically steaming, like molten lava, and the scent coming from the two was intoxicating. It smelled of sex, and it caused Fenris' mind to reel in ecstacy. He could feel his balls churning and pulsing as he tried to hold back, but it was no use. "Cu-cumming! Please! Let me cu-" Before Fenris finished the sentence, Mayor Mare slammed her ass back down onto his groin once more, impaling him to the hilt. "Are you speaking?! Bark, pup! Bark if -hff- you're ready to cum!" Mayor Mare cried, her hindlegs trembling as she fought to keep him inside her. This time, there was no hesitation or resistance as his shaft disappeared inside her, her walls gripping around his cock like a vice. Every time his cock slid into her, it felt smaller, weaker somehow. As if he were losing his strength with each thrust, as Mayor Mare rode the waves with more ferocity and power than he had ever seen before from the mare. And that was enough to push him over the edge. Fenris cried out in desperation as he erupted again, his cock spurting hot ropes of sticky fluid within the older mare. This cum was unlike before, as Fenris felt a rush of energy and vitality flowing through him like a lightning bolt, causing his muscles to tense and contract, making him feel stronger, more powerful, like the wolf he always wanted to be, even though it was just for an instant. It was an intense rush, like nothing he had ever felt before as he shot rope after rope deep inside her walls, spurt after spurt coating her insides with warmth and heat. There was so much of it that it began to spill out from their joint connection, seeping out onto her flank cheeks, dripping onto the bed below them. Mayor Mare shuddered and gasped as Fenris filled her completely, his cock buried deep within her core, his balls emptied, his seed spent. Every corner of her womb was coated with his warmth and heat, causing Mayor Mare to tremble and shudder in pleasure and delight. "More! Give me more!" She begged, bouncing on his stiff rod without remorse. Her juices flowed freely as euphoria washed over her once more, her eyes rolling back and her tongue hanging from her mouth in a display of absolute rapture that would have made even the most stoic stallion melt. Fenris was no longer capable of coherent words; he could only groan and whimper, his mind foggy and dazed from the pleasure coursing through him, and Mayor Mare was no exception. "You like my ass, -huff- pup?! The ass of an older, more experienced, -huff- mare?!" She grunted between breaths, her hindlegs still slamming against him like a hammer, her cheeks clapping and jiggling with each impact. "Then take -huff- it all! You're mine!" She lifted herself off his cock and slammed down once more unto him, this time, her flank right in Fenris' face. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scent of her musk, the heat of her fur, the sheer size of those cheeks, and his tongue lashed out involuntarily, licking up every crevice and curve he could reach. "You want a meal, don't you? Then -huff- eat me out!" Her words came between pants and grunts as she continued to slam herself down onto Fenris. He was lost now. His senses were consumed with the smell and feel of her ass, the taste of her flesh, the warmth and wetness that enveloped him completely. "Eat! Show me -hahhhh- how much you love it!" She pushed the entirety of her flank onto his face, and he couldn't help but moan as it became difficult for air to enter his lungs. If her ass felt enormous before, now it felt positively gargantuan. He licked and sucked and slurped at her fur, her cheeks, her folds, her dock , everything he could reach with his mouth and tongue, his muzzle more soaked and sticky from her juices. He couldn't breathe, but he didn't care. Her demands screamed at him internally, his thoughts of servitude and loyalty taking over his mind once more as he lapped hungrily at the soft, plump fur. He lunged his muzzle deep, digging through her layers of thick fur, tasting and exploring every crease and nook of her ass. He had spent hours, perhaps days, daydreaming of eating her ass out. Now it was reality, and he wasn't holding back any longer. He ate her out like a dog with a treat, his nose buried so deep within her fur, he couldn't smell the rest of the room, or even his own body. All that filled his head was the smell and taste of her ass, which he found more delicious and enticing than anything else in the world. "-Ngh!- You like that, you mutt!?" She growled viciously, shoving the deepest part of her flank onto him so that he was practically drowning in her flesh. Fenris didn't answer, he only moaned and whimpered as he licked and slurped with gusto at the older mare who rode him like a bull. Fenris used both of his claws to spread her cheeks, allowing her juices to flow freely and his muzzle to dive in deeper. It was an endeavor, each cheek huge on their own and combined forming an enormous mound that was impossible to ignore. But when he finally was able to spread each mound apart, he finally saw the hidden gem he was searching for. Her ample, winking ponut. He wasted no time in attacking it as he had done before, pushing her cheeks as far apart as possible while sticking his muzzle right into that sweet plump ring, swirling it in slow, agonizing circles. He licked and slobbered over her asshole with fervor and passion, like a starving dog feasting at a banquet table. He licked and nibbled at her hole, causing her body to tremble and shake, his fangs sinking slightly into the soft folds and wrinkling her skin. He had never felt so hungry before, so ravenous and desperate. It was like he was possessed with a single goal in mind: to devour this ass like it was the last meal on Equestria, and to savor every drop of its flavor. She was moaning loudly now, her hindlegs kicking and bucking in response to the stimulation that was coursing through her system. Fenris had found a spot that was making her crazy, and he wasn't stopping until he'd brought her to the brink once more. Mayor had given him a task, a job that he couldn't deny. He was determined to make her proud, as she was her new owner after all. So he kept going, swirling his tongue over her hole, licking and nibbling at it with his sharp fangs and seeing her squirms in response only hardened him further, if that was even possible. He then inserted his snout inside her ponut, his nose sliding in like it was a key fit for a lock. His nostrils were instantly hit with the scent of her sweat and musk, causing him to audibly growl in desire. His knot swelled, throbbing with heat beneath her hindlegs that still straddled him. With the convenience of her pussy right below her tailhole and Fenris' nose, it didn't feel like Mayor was getting any rest anytime soon. His tongue flicked and swirled, darting in and out, his lips smacking as he slurped and kissed at both her hole and her pussy at the same time. He was like a vacuum cleaner sucking up her wet juices and licking her clean of the stickiness that clung to her folds. Her juices were now running rampant, coating his muzzle, his cheeks, his ears. His entire face was soaked in her essence. "You're so hungry, aren't -hhfff- you?!" She gasped, her hindlegs trembling, her eyes glazing over with complete lust. He could sense she was close, and Fenris was eager to give her what she deserved. He pulled back from his meal for only a moment to gather his strength and energy before diving in again, burying his tongue deep within her depths, his snout pressed tightly against her inner asshole, and his lips sucking at every fold and crinkle that he could find. All around him, the flesh of her ass rippled and trembled with each lick and suck. It made Fenris feel as if he were being consumed by her, her endless tan flesh enveloping him like a blanket, wrapping him up tightly, and he wouldn't have it any other way. "I can't believe you've been -huff- hiding such a talented muzzle behind that facade of yours, -hfff- dog!" Mayor's words came between ragged breaths, each punctuated by the sounds of slapping and clapping of tongue on flesh, both of her cheeks rippling and bouncing with each impact, and the sounds of his tongue working overtime, slathering and coating her inner ring with saliva as she rode him like a bucking horse. What was in front of the Mayor, meanwhile, was an entirely different view than Fenris'. His cock was throbbing wildly between her hindlegs like some kind of monster that threatened to burst at any time. The sheer volume and heat emanating from that beast was enough to drive a pony wild, and Mayor Mare wasn't immune. "It's –ngh– time to finish what we –hnnngh!- started! Fill me up, pup! Do it now!" Nearly immediately, she plunged her mouth onto Fenris' shaft, swallowing its entirety to the root in a single gulp, the head hitting the back of her throat. She gagged on its massive bulk, her mouth struggling to accommodate such a large appendage. Fenris moaned loudly as his tongue slipped further and further into her ponut, causing his muzzle to become much more aggressive and feral, as he licked, sucked and nibbled on Mayor Mare's most sensitive parts. The way she bobbed up and down on him was mesmerizing. She was sucking him with a passion that rivaled that of a starving dog, and Fenris was more than happy to provide. With every suck, he felt himself growing harder, thicker, and longer inside her. It seemed as if the potion she drank had not only increased her stamina, but her prowess as well. Or maybe she was always this good, hidden behind her permanently professional exterior. He could tell that she was trying hard to keep him inside as she slurped, sucked, and swallowed every inch of his shaft, the head disappearing down her throat, only to reappear moments later, coated with spit and saliva. She had her lips stretched wide as she struggled to take him all in, her jaw popping as he forced his cock past his limit. The sounds coming from her were wet and lewd, and she was moaning loudly and wantonly as she sucked him down like a vacuum cleaner. The sensation of being orally fucked in her asshole only made it that much worse, as Mayor Mare felt her orgasm building like a tidal wave about to burst. She knew this was going to be one hell of an ending as she felt Fenris' knot swelling, his cock pulsing in her mouth, his body wracking with tremors, and his moans turning into whines of pleasure. It was almost as if he was about to burst as well, which would certainly add another level of ecstasy to what they shared. Finally, the dam burst. Fenris let out a muffled howl into Mayor Mare's hindcheeks as he came, spurting thick jets of hot seed straight down her throat. It felt as though he was shooting gallon upon gallon of liquid fire into her mouth, his cock swelling with each pulse as he emptied himself inside her waiting mouth. Mayor Mare swallowed every drop with enthusiasm, her throat muscles convulsing, causing Fenris to moan louder, and his tongue to dig deeper within her asshole. And it seemed as if he just couldn't stop. He continued to spasm violently beneath her as his cum shot from the tip of his shaft like bullets, filling up Mayor Mare's mouth until it was brimming with his essence. She had no choice but to swallow it all down as quickly as she could, her jaws straining to keep up with the flow of fluid. Her belly bloated and swelled from the sheer amount, and yet she kept on going, swallowing every ounce that he had to offer. Each pulse in her mouth made her gulp faster and harder, her throat muscles flexing and tightening around his cock like a vise, coiling tighter with each passing millisecond. It felt like a dream, like she was caught in a whirlwind of sensations that refused to relent until she'd drained Fenris of everything that he was capable of giving. But even for a desperate mare like her, it seemed to be a losing battle, as Fenris' seed spilled down the edges of her lips and dribbled down her chin in rivulets of creamy white. Mayor Mare's already motherly form looked even more voluptuous and obscene with her belly swollen to twice its regular size, as if she were pregnant. Yet, despite her best efforts to drain him, there was simply no stopping Fenris. The way he was pumping and pulsing, she could feel his cock expanding and contracting within her, every spurt somehow larger and more intense than the previous one. And she knew she was in trouble as she felt the pressure building up within her bowels, the warmth and wetness from her ponut threatening to spill over onto the bed below, soaking the sheets with their combined juices. She was in complete bliss. "Mmmph, bhhhhmph! Hnnnggggghhhh!" She sputtered. She could no longer taunt him with words, for how could she? Her mouth was stuffed full, her lips stretched wide, her throat bulging as she swallowed every ounce of his cum. And she knew it was all too late. Mayor Mare's cries of ecstasy were cut off as she came as well, her body trembling violently, sending shocks throughout her system. She could feel the heat of Fenris' cum pooling in her stomach, filling her up like a bloated pig. She had no choice but to swallow it down greedily, every last drop, but it was too much. Cum shut up her mouth so much that it came spurting from her lips and nose like a fountain as she struggled to breathe. Her own orgasm was nearly as strong as his, her pussy contracting and spasming around his mouth and tongue. The sensation was like heaven itself was coursing through her system, causing her entire body and soul to melt away into a puddle of blissful oblivion. The juices flowed freely, soaking Fenris' muzzle as he continued to lap them up hungrily. The taste was divine on his taste buds, sweet and tangy, with hints of the same taste from the potion he had earlier. The amount that came out of her pussy was like a complete waterfall, he had no idea this amount could even come out of a pony. While Mayor Mare was fighting her own battle of drinking every single ounce of Fenris' cum, he was still lapping and practically gulping the remains of hers like a thirsty animal, not leaving any trace behind. After what felt like an eternity of pure blissful ecstasy, the juices stopped flowing from both ponies as they were drained dry of all fluids, and Fenris slowly removed his tongue from Mayor Mare's asshole. She slumped forward onto the bed, completely spent and exhausted, her hindlegs quivering from overuse and oversensitivity, and her muzzle dripping with cum and drool. For the first few minutes, the only sound in the room was heavy pants and gasps, as both ponies recovered from the intensity of what had just occurred between them. The effects of the potions, as potent as they were, were finally wearing off. Finally, after several long minutes of catching their breath, Mayor Mare managed to lift herself off of Fenris, her swelled weight on him finally relieved. She then collapsed next to him, her stuffed belly still looking obscene as it rested on the mattress. As for Fenris, he lay on the bed panting heavily, his cock finally starting to soften as he stared blankly at the ceiling, his mind reeling with what happened. He could feel Mayor Mare's gaze on him, and he turned to see the her smiling at him with a mischievous grin, as if to say that the fun was far from over between them. He was still wearing that collar, after all. One that said only one word on its shiny silver surface: Bitch. And it only made her smile that much wider.
Main 7 (EqG),Roseluck,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Wallflower Blush,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
A Great And Powerful Friend?
After the Memory Stone incident, Sunset spends a lot of time with Trixie to learn about her new friend with unknown consequences.
<p>After the Memory Stone, Sunset heavily invests time in her friendship with Trixie while trying to figure out where she sits with Wallflower. During her time with Trixie, the pair start viewing each other differently unknowingly to each other while Sunset's time with Trixie accidentally hurts her friends, leading them to believe they've been replaced.</p>
I bit back a curse word and tossed my controller onto my bed as Trixie shot me a smug grin. “I’m the best at video games, am I not?” Trixie asked as she paused the game we had been playing. I had never know Trixie was such an avid gamer like this. “Yeah, you’re pretty damn good,” I admitted as I chugged a pop before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “I’ve never had as much competition before, not even with Applejack.” “I still can’t believe Applejack of all people is really good at video games,” Trixie commented as she glanced at me. “I imagined it would be Rainbow Dash.” “She’s really good too. They go to competitions together and play. Apparently Rainbow gave the Apple family their first console as a Christmas gift.” “Very fascinating,” Trixie said dryly as she picked up her piece of pizza I had ordered and she dangled it in the air and opened her mouth, taking a large bite. “Mhmmmmm.” I giggled as Trixie blushed and wiped the pizza sauce off her mouth with a napkin. The girl loved fast food way too much. I’d have to make her cooked meal one day. “Remind me to cook you dinner one night,” I said as Trixie gave me a sultry look with a grin. “Is that a date offer?” Trixie purred seductively as our lips quivered for a few seconds before we both burst out laughing. “Oh my god!” I laughed as I wiped a tear out of my eye. “That was funny.” “I do have that effect,” Trixie giggled as we both laid on our backs on my queen sized bed. “W-wait,” I chuckled as I forced myself to quit laughing and gave Trixie the best bedroom eyes I could muster at the moment. “Oh yeah that’s a date. And afterwards, we can go to bed and take things to a whole new level. And after all, I’m on top of things. Wanna be one of em?” “Oh of course,” Trixie grinned as she traced a finger up my forearm. “Roses are red, violets are blue, you be the six and I’ll be the nine.” “With school, I just want an A. With you, I just want to F,” I shot back as Trixie chuckled. “That was a good one Sunset. That’s a nice shirt. Can I try it on after we have sex?” I burst out laughing and high fived Trixie. I didn’t expect her to be as vulgar as this and I’ll admit defeat. When I lose of course. “Nice job. I admit defeat,” I snickered as Trixie sat up, wiping tears out of her eyes. “And yes, you can have my shirt after.” “Excellent because I could totally that shit,” Trixie chuckled as she stretched. “Hey can I ask a question?” I asked suddenly as Trixie picked up her light purple jacket. “Yeah, go for it.” “Why do you talk in third person around others and first person around me and Wallflower?” I grimaced at the last name as Trixie looked at me with a smile. “Because I trust you. I was bullied in middle school before you crossed over and I developed speaking in third person as a comfort type of thing. I only speak normal around people I trust. It’s my adhd that causes me to keep speaking in third person. It’s a nervous tic I guess,” Trixie explained as she put her jacket on. “I’m happy you trust me. And I trust you as well,” I said as I patted Trixie’s hand. “With my life. You were the only one there to believe me during the Memory Stone. Not even Derpy did because she was terrified of me. That hurt pretty bad too.” Trixie hummed as she sat back down on my bed. “Can I ask you a question now?” Trixie asked as I gave a thumbs up. “Go for it,” I said as I picked up my own slice of pizza and opened my mouth. “How do you feel about Wallflower? It’s been about two and half months afterwards Sunny.” I chewed on my lower lips in thought as Trixie watched me intently. I’ve been honestly debating that myself. Sure, I said I would be her friend but well I’m not so sure. Out of all the threats I’ve faced, she was the one to target me directly. A large part of me is leaning to forgiveness similar to how my friends forgave me but a small dark part of me wants to make her suffer. “I don’t know,” I admitted honestly after a moment. “I want to forgive her and I don’t at the same time. But it would be very hypocritical of me to deny her that given my past. And she did save you after I had completely forgot you were locked in the yearbook room. Sorry about that again by the way.” “You’re forgiven. Again.” I gave a low chuckle. I had been apologizing the entire time I’ve been Trixie’s friend. I’ve been trying to invest as much time as I could into knowing Trixie better. She was a really nice soul when you get to know her. She just hides it well under her ego that is admittedly not faked. I had used to hate it but now? I find it quite endearing. “If you want my opinion, forgive her. I have and she took my memories too. Memories I’ll never get back,” Trixie commented as she made a fist before relaxing it. “And I don’t even remember that. I don’t remember if I was scared, angry, tried to fight back or just stayed still in fear or if I was in pain during so. But based on what you described when she took your memories, I think it hurt me too.” “I’m sorry,” I said as I made eye contact again. “I never really thought about it from yours or any one else’s angles. I’ll figure a way to start talking to her again.” “Good,” Trixie said as she glanced at my clock. “I gotta head on home. Thanks for putting up with me for a few hours.” “Nothing to put up with. You’re my friend after all,” I commented as we both stood up and hugged. “Drive safe.” “I’m the safest driver on the road. Love you best friend. Wink!” Trixie winked as I snickered. For some reason, she felt the need to say wink before doing so. My phone vibrated on my night stand as I watched Trixie take the stairs from my loft two at a time. I waved as she opened the front door and she returned the gesture before stepping out and the door shut behind her with a thud. I stepped to my phone and examined it with a slight frown. “One missed call from Rainbow Dash,” I read aloud as I swiped the notification. “I’ll call her later after dishes. Don’t want my kitchen to be too messy after all.” I cleaned up the mess Trixie and I had created, walking down the stairs to clean everything up. I prefer everything to be clean around me. Not as bad as Rarity but close. My phone rang again as I scowled up stairs. “I should probably text her,” I mused to myself as I glanced upstairs before looking back at the dishes. “But I’m here already so it makes more sense to do the dishes.” With my mind set, I turned to the sink to get to work.
Main 7 (EqG),Roseluck,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Wallflower Blush,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
A Great And Powerful Friend?
After the Memory Stone incident, Sunset spends a lot of time with Trixie to learn about her new friend with unknown consequences.
<p>After the Memory Stone, Sunset heavily invests time in her friendship with Trixie while trying to figure out where she sits with Wallflower. During her time with Trixie, the pair start viewing each other differently unknowingly to each other while Sunset's time with Trixie accidentally hurts her friends, leading them to believe they've been replaced.</p>
I leaned against the statue as a orange Kawasaki Ninja stopped out front next to my blue motorcyle as the rider kicked down the kickstand and Sunset stepped off, taking her helmet off and shaking her hair around with a grin. “Sunset!” I called out and waved as I pushed myself off the statue. “Over here!” A few students walking up the steps glanced over at me and I internally wanted to tell them to look away. It always felt as if they were laughing at me. Hell, they laugh at my magic posters so it’s pretty damn high they are laughing at me too. I know I’m not the most liked person at Canterlot High. “Heyo,” Sunset called back as she tucked her helmet under her arm as she approached. “Hey, can you hold my helmet?” “Sure.” I accepted her helmet as she tied her hair in a ponytail and draped it over her back. “New look?” I asked as she took her helmet back. “Yeah, wanted to try something new. We should probably hurry along and get inside. Have you had breakfast yet?” “No. I was waiting for you to get here,” I admitted as Sunset frowned at me. “I would have met you in the lunchroom. Come on, let’s go. This girl needs a pancake,” Sunset declared as we both started walking up the steps of our school. “Wallflower might meet us there,” I said and avoided eye contact. “If you don’t mind. Trixie texted you about it this morning but you might have been asleep. Wallflower didn’t say much except maybe.” “I’ll be nice but I still haven’t decided yet if I forgive her. It took the whole school almost five months forgive me,” Sunset waved around her as some students gave her sad looks. I had remembered half of them publicly said they hated her. After being friends with most of them, I’d imagine that hurt more than she admitted. “Trixie knows,” I said and rubbed the back of my neck. “Trixie is sorry for being a bitch to you again.” “You’re forgiven. Again.” I gave a faint chuckle as we turned a corner to walk into the gym. “Have you talked to your friends at all?” I asked curiously as I picked up a tray and moved down the line behind Blueberry Cake. “Didn’t you say in a text when I got home that Rainbow called you?” “Oh fuck!” Sunset cursed and shuddered as Ms. Inkwell frowned at her. “I passed out after that text and completely forgot to call Dash back. No I haven’t talked since the Memory Stone incident. Been busy with you.” “The what stone?” Blueberry asked as she picked up a muffin and gave us a confused look. “The Stone that removed your memories. Made you think I was an evil bitch and all,” Sunset explained as Blueberry Cake looked away nervously. “Also made you think I was gonna fight Trixie.” “Yeah I’m sorry about that by the way. Have no idea why I thought you were mean again.” “Don’t be,” Sunset shrugged as she tossed me a muffin. “It was magic messing with you. You had no control over that. I had my memories erased too.” “Because she tried to sacrifice herself for her friends,” I chimed in as she turned red and received an admiring look from Blueberry. “Gee thanks,” Sunset smirked at me as we left the breakfast line as we both thanked Granny Smith. “Let’s grab a table. Uh, see you around Blueberry I guess.” ² Neither of us knew her all that well but I didn’t entirely like her. She always seemed to dislike me and well, naturally I dislike those who don’t like me. More like I berate them afterwards for months. We sat down at a table as I stabbed my sausages with a plastic fork. We both looked up as Wallflower quietly sat across from us with a single muffin and coffee. “Hey,” Wallflower said hesitantly as her eyes flicked to Sunset and me. “Am I welcome here?” We both looked at each other before Sunset nodded with a huff, spearing some eggs and putting her spork in her mouth. “Morning,” I said as I forced a smile on my face. I had originally planned on this going way better than it currently was. “How are you?” “Eh. You?” “Trixie is okay,” I answered as I started eating and I glanced at a blue girl waving in our direction and I nudged Sunset. “Your friends are looking over.” “First off, don’t speak with your mouth full. That’s gross as hell Trixie,” Sunset said with as disgusted expression and Wallflower laughed softly into a fist. She looked over at a upset looking Rainbow as the girl waved again as Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Twilight copied her slowly as Pinkie gestured her over. “Are you gonna go over there?” I asked curiously as Sunset shook her head and I watched Pinkie’s face fall. “I’m eating and talking. I see them in class, I’ll talk to them then. It’d be rude to just up and leave you girls without saying anything,” Sunset answered as she unwrapped her muffin and took a bite. “Trixie doesn’t know about that,” I commented as Rainbow shot me a look and I immediately glared back as Rarity snapped something at Rainbow to make her nod sheepishly. “They seem pretty sad and well, angry at Trixie. They always did hate Trixie.” “I don’t think they hate you. Fuck those who do,” Sunset snapped as Wallflower recoiled and stared at her breakfast. “Uh sorry. Anyway, I’ll talk to them in class. I have classes with all of em so no biggie. I think they can wait about an hour and a half.” “Uh huh,” I said as Wallflower continued quietly eating and Sunset toyed with her geode. “Well Trixie will see you in second hour. Wallflower, wanna go to the bathroom with Trixie?” “Why?” “Uh all the girls hang out in the bathroom. Besides, Trixie has to wash her hands. See you around Sunny.” “Bye.” “Uh okay?” Wallflower finished her breakfast and followed me quietly as I caught a dirty look from Rainbow and sighed as Sunset kept eating. I hope she was right they didn’t hate me.
Applejack,Discord,Main 6,Dark,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Narcotics,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
What Happened To Discord?
After Discord suddenly passes away, Apple Jack looks closer into his death with a gut feeling that something isn't right
<p>It made everything come to a standstill. Everypony kept questioning and constantly ponies would break into his house just to see if they could find a letter or a fraction of a reasoning. The Mane Six were heartbroken. The thought of losing one of their closest friends was too much to bear. Some of them stopped talking to each other, and some completely secluded themselves alone... and some were so angry that they lashed out on everypony they could.</p><p>But as the rest of her friends mourn the loss of what they believed to be family... the Element of Honesty looks closer and realizes that there may be more to this story than meets the eye.</p>
“Did you blame yourself?” The voice yanked me out of my thoughts, my pupils constricting slightly as I glanced up at the stallion. “I… beg your pardon?” “Well, it’s quite common for ponies to feel a sense of guilt. Especially in these situations.” “W-what kind of situation are we talkin’ ‘bout here?” “The suicide.” — “I appreciate the help, y’all. It ain’t the same without Granny Smith around… the family’s takin’ their time to mourn and it’s nice to have a helpin’ hoof every once in a while.” My teeth clamped onto the basket, carrying the load of apples towards the barn. “Of course, AppleJack. It’s the least we can do.” I watched Twilight pick some of the apples up with her magic. She turned, smiled at me, and continued with picking. I took a few steps towards her before a hoof stopped me. “Maybe you should go rest…” I heard Fluttershy’s timid voice behind me, “You’ve been overworking yourself, and… you need time to mourn too.” “I’m okay, Fluttershy… it was bound to happen soon and… well… I don’t want to keep the farm in a rut just ‘cause of her passin’. She would’ve wanted me to keep things runnin’.” “Hey! I know who can help!” Pinkie jumped seamlessly out of nowhere, “Discord could help us get this done in a quick snap with his fingers!” “Good thinking, Pinkie. Anypony willing to—?” “Oh! Oh! Me! I am! Pick me!” Pinkie Pie jumped from place to place, raising her hooves as Twilight scanned the rest of our friends. She sighed, looking over at Pinkie. “Yes, Pinkie?” “I wanna go get him! I do, I do!” She giggled, opening a portal to let her inside his dimension. After watching Pinkie jump immediately through, she turned towards us, “Alright. Rarity and AppleJack, you handle the North side of the farm. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can handle the West, and Spike and I can handle the East. Once Discord gets here… he and Pinkie can handle the South!” — “Darling, you look like you’re quivering, perhaps you should rest?” Rarity suggested. I shrugged, positioning my hind towards the tree stump before kicking the bark. A few apples fell to the ground, and I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Noticing my discomfort, she began nodding, “I suppose you wouldn’t want to talk about it, either?” She picked one of the apples before looking over at me, her eyes darted behind me, and she adjusted her body to look at what was happening. “What?” I mumbled before turning to face what she was seemingly staring at. The rest of our friends surrounded Pinkie Pie, who was sitting down and hyperventilating. In a quick moment, Rarity and I made our way towards her, listening in on what the other girls were asking of her. “Pinkie? What’s wrong?” Twilight looked concerned, but I could tell she was getting frustrated due to her unresponsiveness, “Pinkie??” Fluttershy sat beside her, leaning closely as she began whispering under her breath. Fluttershy’s eyes suddenly widened, and her body jolted upright before suddenly moving behind Rainbow Dash. “What? What did she say??” Dash turned to face her, looking for some sort of explanation. She glanced up at her before her eyes met Twilight's. She opened her mouth to speak, but instead of her voice coming out, it was Pinkie’s. “It was everywhere…” “What was?” Dash asked. “Blood. Blood was everywhere… a rope… a saw… bruised all over.” It was almost as if she was talking in riddles, “A corpse.” That made my heart drop. “You’re speakin’ nonsense, Pinkie. What in tarnation are you on about??” I finally found my words, voicing my thoughts out loud. “He’s dead.” Everything went silent. The only sounds that seemed to land in my ears were the sharp noises of birds singing, Pinkie’s trembling breath, and the occasional hum of wind blowing through the trees. Twilight looked as if she was about to speak, but instead, she walked into the portal, obviously deciding to look for herself. As she finally returned, she looked distraught and confused, her eyes glued to the grass. “Spike?” She began, her voice rather silent and cracking, “I need you to get Princess Celestia. Now.” — “I doubt anypony would've ever guessed somethin' was going on inside that head of his. Hell, I don't think even Fluttershy could've. He seemed happy. Laughin', smilin', jokin' like always. So to suddenly hear he's dead out of nowhere? It catches a fool like me by the tail. The investigation ended up being abandoned not even a week afterward... everypony had just assumed he had just killed himself. It didn’t seem right. It didn’t seem like him at all. But I suppose that’s what anypony would think if it happened to ‘m. Excuse my potty mouth, but everypony was actin’ like a son of a bitch those first few days. I heard my fair share of ponies callin’ him selfish, and I did my best to ignore them. But once they started makin’ those empty rumors on what happened, I drew the line there. Some of ‘m even started sayin’ Pinkie Pie killed ‘m and covered it all up in a suicide act. Those… fuckers… are the reason Pinkie Pie doesn’t even bother leavin’ Sugarcube Corner anymore. She doesn't even talk to us at all, not even Fluttershy… and I know him and she was close, but I know Pinkie's takin' it the hardest. She keeps havin' those nightmares about that night, and even Princess Luna can't stop 'm.” “I can't even imagine what she saw... and it ain't like I want to anyway. But she ain't the only pony with nightmares. Those damn screams… hollerin’ bloody murder.” “She was screaming after she saw him?” the stallion asked. “No. This had to’ve been a week after…? I don’t remember. She wanted to stay the night at the farm with me… scared of being alone. I couldn’t refuse… I mean how could I? She was horrified. But that night… oh that night… I was helpin’ Big Mac do some chores and that’s when I heard this… blood-curdling scream. Nightmares happen, I know… but this was somethin’ you’d hear in a horror film, doctor. I ran up to check in on her but… She was gone.” “Gone? Could you elaborate?” “What more is there to elaborate on? She was just– gone. As if she wasn’t there in the first place. I went lookin’ for her everywhere… and it wasn’t like she just ran away– the window was locked and her door? Well, it was locked too.” “Are you sure this wasn’t your nightmare?” “Are you seriously suggesting I made this up with my head? I don’t lie, doctor. I know damn well I was awake.” “Very well… continue.” “As I was sayin’... I… I looked everywhere for her. I found her in the barn and she… this wasn’t normal, doctor. Dilated eyes, quivering lips… now I don’t know what she saw, but it was beyond a standard nightmare.” “Night terrors… it’s plausible in her case. But let’s move on, how’s the rest of your friends taking this incident?” “Twilight’s been makin’ more-so a fool of herself… she’s been more irritable and I know the whole ‘stages of grief’ nonsense but it ain't like her. Rarity’s been givin’ away practically everythin’ that reminds her of him, and I think it’s starting to scare Sweetie Belle… I think I remember hearing Apple Bloom mentioning it a few days ago. She’s been lookin’ into spells and all that crap, which I expected more from Twilight. Rainbow Dash? Hell… every pony’s been thinkin’ she just doesn’t care. Didn’t cry at the funeral, didn’t even act like it affected her at all. I know ponies mourn differently but…” “And what about Fluttershy? You stated he and her were close?” “Right… yeah… she’s been– well better than now, but I think she’s still in shock.” “And how about you?” The mention of me sort of caught me off guard. I figure rambling about all my friends was quite disruptive, considering the therapy was a tool for all of us… ordered by Princess Celestia to help me through this mourning process… not a tool to ignore my own. “I don’t know how I feel… sick… sure, but I feel like my head’s exploded and a hammer was tossed into my chest. And I… I don’t know how much longer I can ignore it.” He nodded, “Well, that concludes our session for today…” The abrupt change in tone made my brows furrow as I glanced up at him, almost as if I was rudely interrupted during an important conversation… which I was. “I want you to take the time to think about your feelings, however, Apple Jack. You’re right, it’s unknown how much longer you can put up with it… but focusing solely on your friends’ feelings will only make your own more unbearable. In the meantime, I wish you a good rest of your day.” “Very well… doctor.” I stood, making my way towards the door before mumbling beneath my breath, “Thank you.”
Applejack,Discord,Main 6,Dark,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Narcotics,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
What Happened To Discord?
After Discord suddenly passes away, Apple Jack looks closer into his death with a gut feeling that something isn't right
<p>It made everything come to a standstill. Everypony kept questioning and constantly ponies would break into his house just to see if they could find a letter or a fraction of a reasoning. The Mane Six were heartbroken. The thought of losing one of their closest friends was too much to bear. Some of them stopped talking to each other, and some completely secluded themselves alone... and some were so angry that they lashed out on everypony they could.</p><p>But as the rest of her friends mourn the loss of what they believed to be family... the Element of Honesty looks closer and realizes that there may be more to this story than meets the eye.</p>
“Pinkie? You here?” I walked into Sugarcube Corner, my nose scrunching as I looked around for her. The first floor was empty, void of any other ponies and herself. I made my way up the stairs and that’s when I saw a corkboard full of photos, news clippings, and red string that conjoined them all… something you’d see in a police station over a murder. “Apple Jack?” I turned around, noticing Pinkie Pie as she walked towards me. “What’s all this?” I asked, looking back up at the board. The conjunction of photos and clippings was rather confusing… They were vastly different from each other, but the more I looked into it, the more I realized how similar they were. “I was just…” she shook her head, “It’s nothing.” “Sure? Doesn’t look like nothin’.” “It’s just— if I tell you, do you promise you won’t tell anypony else?” “I… okay.” “Promise, Apple Jack. Please?” “I promise.” I felt a lump form in my throat, I couldn’t imagine what she must’ve found out or even thought about that made her so terrified to tell anypony else. I didn’t even notice how tense my body was till she walked downstairs. “I don’t think he killed himself.” She abruptly said, looking out of the window by the front door before locking it. “What?” “You know how Princess Celestia refused to let anypony in his dimension? I… snuck in during the investigation. Nopony was there but… I… I don’t think it was his doing.” “Wait what? Do you even hear yourself right now, Pinkie? Do you even realize what you’re suggesting? You think he was murdered?” “I don’t know what I think… I haven’t been able to think straight since…” I stopped her from completing that thought. “Which is exactly why this is nonsense!” I stopped, realizing my tone was a bit overboard, “Pinkie look… I-I know this is hard for you, it’s hard for all of us, but you’re hurting yourself more than you realize. Clarity, it’s what we all want, but they confirmed it was suicide.” “They didn’t confirm anything. They stopped the investigation ‘cause they couldn’t find any evidence that it wasn’t. But just because they couldn’t, doesn’t mean that it isn’t. Besides, If I recall correctly… I saw a rose by his body.” “And how could a rose determine he was murdered?” My brows furrowed, at this point, I figured this was just a way Pinkie was coping, but it was getting more and more concerning the more she spoke. “Remember that prank we did when we all gave Discord a bunch of Valentine's Day gifts… saying it was from a bunch of different ‘secret admirers’? And then Discord got sick for a few days after Rarity got him roses?” “Didn’t he say he was allergic?” “My point exactly. Discord refused to get roses for Fluttershy that day, and it’s why Fluttershy refused to use roses for his funeral.” “…and what else did you find…?” I didn’t want to encourage this kind of behavior, but the more I thought of it, the more intrigued it made me. “You remember how the funeral was a closed casket? I think I know why, and it wasn’t because they didn’t want us to be more traumatized. If that was the case— every funeral would have a closed casket. But listen— when I saw his body… his neck looked almost ripped open. If it was true he hanged himself, his neck would be bruised and broke, not cut open.” “And how do you know that hoof-saw he used to cut himself wasn't used to... you know?” “I doubt it… it didn't look intentional and it was just on the corners of his neck. And... you remember when the case was closed early? The Noble Council ordered it to be. I think they’re hiding something… I don't think Discord would do this, and even if he thought of it, I’m sure he would’ve left a note or even told somepony about it. Look I know this is a big stretch but I seriously think something is off about this.” I thought long and hard about a reply… some parts of me wanted to encourage this search, and even offer a helping hoof, but the other? My gut twisted and turned, almost instinctively telling me something wasn’t right. I finally decided on what I wanted to say, and I let out a long sigh before meeting her eyes, “I… I don’t know, Pinkie Pie. This just seems crazy. And if I’m to be honest, I think you should just stop this search for answers… ‘cause chances are, you won’t hear what you want to hear.” “I—I’m not lying!” “And I ain’t sayin’ you are, but Pinkie… this ain’t helpin’ you and you know it. A-and if anypony else saw you like this? Frantically searching for evidence that supports murder? You’ll scare them, Pinkie. It’s hard enough as it is, but that'll just hurt everypony else as much as it does to you.” “I thought you’d believe me…” “I believe that this is… hard for you.” Her nose scrunched, “Gah— stop saying that!” She suddenly snapped, “I know everypony thinks I’m just some crazy… bitch… with hallucinations, but I know what I saw!” “I ain’t calling you crazy I just—“ “You just what?” She turned away from me, “You wanted to check in on me? Make sure I’m not spazzing out on the floor with foam in my mouth like some feral timberwolf?” “That’s not what I’m sayin’.” “No, that is what you’re saying!” She looked back at me. “That ain’t what I’m sayin’.” I repeated. “It is! You and everypony else think I’m so traumatized that I can barely talk anymore, and that whatever does decide to come out of my mouth is nothing but stupid misinformation.” She stopped, sighing before turning away yet again, “I’m scared, Apple Jack. I… I loved him so much and now he’s gone. And I think that if I had just talked to him more… and had gotten there sooner, maybe he’d be alive right now.” I honestly had no idea what else to say. I thought up over one hundred different sentences to say but the moment I finally opened my mouth, all that squeaked past my vocal cords was a simple: “I’m sorry.” “Just go, Apple Jack. I’ll be okay. Thanks for checking in on me.” I nodded. I knew it was too late to try to press for more answers about this strange idea, and she was too frustrated to commit to small talk, so I just turned around and approached the door. “I’ll— I’ll check in on you tomorrow, okay? Maybe we can go out somewhere…? And I’ll… I’ll try to listen to this idea of yours.” “Really?” She cleared her throat, “Okay… that sounds good, Apple Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I let out a scoff, a small smile appearing on my face before I finally left the building. I won’t lie, it was odd. The closed-casket despite Fluttershy’s protests, and the whole ordeal of Discord one day deciding to just kill himself… it was sickening. But maybe Pinkie was wrong… My therapist would always say that depression has multiple faces—one of which being a façade of happiness.
Applejack,Discord,Main 6,Dark,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Narcotics,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
What Happened To Discord?
After Discord suddenly passes away, Apple Jack looks closer into his death with a gut feeling that something isn't right
<p>It made everything come to a standstill. Everypony kept questioning and constantly ponies would break into his house just to see if they could find a letter or a fraction of a reasoning. The Mane Six were heartbroken. The thought of losing one of their closest friends was too much to bear. Some of them stopped talking to each other, and some completely secluded themselves alone... and some were so angry that they lashed out on everypony they could.</p><p>But as the rest of her friends mourn the loss of what they believed to be family... the Element of Honesty looks closer and realizes that there may be more to this story than meets the eye.</p>
The Castle of Friendship always seemed out of place compared to its surroundings… it seemed more relative to the Crystal Empire, or even Canterlot rather than in the middle of Ponyville. I won’t lie, I much rather preferred the old Golden Oak Library to this... My hoofsteps clicking on the crystallized floor echoed through the halls, my eyes darting around the castle as I attempted to gain sight of Twilight Sparkle. Once I finally saw her, I approached slowly and carefully, since she was flying towards the higher end of the bookshelves. “Uh, Twilight?” She jumped, her wings failing her as she fell onto the hard surface. Spike ran up to check in on her, and I cringed as I saw her stand back up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I continued. She shook her body, her wings stretching and fluttering, “Yeah, that’s alright. It’s hard getting used to these when you’ve been a unicorn your whole life.” She looked up at me, a slight smile crossing her cheeks, “What did you need?” “Ah, I was... just stoppin’ by to check in on you, things have been tough and—“ “Apple Jack,” she began, causing me to pause and give her a questioning look, “Yep, I know the drill: have I been doing okay? You should stop worrying so much about everypony else, it’s going to drain you.” “A true true friend helps a friend in need.” I smirked, watching as she let out a soft giggle, “Is that a yes then?" I assumed. "I don't suppose I can feel any other way. It's not like I can stop time... it still goes on, even if nopony wants it to." I nodded, "I suppose the Princesses are taking it as well as you then?” Her smile faded, the sudden change in tone catching her rather off guard, “I don’t know. I never asked. But, if you really wanna know what I think: I think Princess Luna is taking it the hardest, the stars have been dimming more and more every night, and it’s starting to worry me. Princess Celestia hasn't been replying to any of my letters and it's... well... frustrating." “Well, maybe they need time to mourn too.” "I guess." She continued her work right then and there, organizing books like always. It seemed more like an escape route from the conversation rather than a genuine necessity. Upon seeing how distant she began acting, I shrugged, “Sorry, I don’t mean to make the mood worse by mentionin’ it.” She gave me what looked to be an empathetic look… till she spoke up, “Look, I… I don’t want to be... that pony, but I’m kinda busy and I don’t want to talk about that. So if you can, it would be nice if you could leave.” I nervously laughed, my cheeks flustering and my head burning as I felt suddenly embarrassed, “What?” It was all I managed to get out, unable to understand why she’d say it like that… I understand not wanting to talk about that stuff but… “I mean, do I have to repeat myself?" she suddenly interrupted my thoughts, "Look just— leave alright? I have enough things to be stressed about, I don’t need to stress about whatever’s going on with you too.” “I… I beg your pardon? You ain’t the only pony that’s stressed Twilight—!” I stopped, knowing yelling would only escalate the tension more. “I just came in to check in on you, not to rant about my bullshit. So don’t worry about me sitting you down and sayin’ ‘poor pity me’ the whole time, Twilight. I don’t spend enough time sitting around to even listen to my thoughts—let alone share them with everypony else.” “But that’s what you’re doing?? I’m not stupid. You can pass that as the truth to everypony else but you can’t lie to me, Apple Jack.” “Ain’t it ironic to tell the literal ‘Element of Honesty’ that she’s lyin’?” I shook my head, “Look I get it. Not wantin’ to talk about that stuff and all, but there’s other ways to say that—and it not involvin’ literal insults to the other pony. If you want me to leave then that’s fine, I get that, but don’t take your anger out on me… cause I played no part in this situation.” She didn’t reply and kept her back turned to me. Nevertheless it answered my question. “Unbelievable…” I mumbled under my breath before taking a swift turn towards the door, and as I finally exited the castle, in my head I wished I hadn’t been so hard on her, but it was true. Her tossing her anger onto me wasn’t healthy for either of us, and it was better to hear the brutal truth from me, than to wait and unintentionally lash out at Pinkie or even Fluttershy. ...Regardless of who it could’ve been, it was good she got this wake-up call beforehand.
Applejack,Discord,Main 6,Dark,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Narcotics,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
What Happened To Discord?
After Discord suddenly passes away, Apple Jack looks closer into his death with a gut feeling that something isn't right
<p>It made everything come to a standstill. Everypony kept questioning and constantly ponies would break into his house just to see if they could find a letter or a fraction of a reasoning. The Mane Six were heartbroken. The thought of losing one of their closest friends was too much to bear. Some of them stopped talking to each other, and some completely secluded themselves alone... and some were so angry that they lashed out on everypony they could.</p><p>But as the rest of her friends mourn the loss of what they believed to be family... the Element of Honesty looks closer and realizes that there may be more to this story than meets the eye.</p>
The Carousel Boutique had been closed for quite some time, obviously due to Discord’s passing, but Rarity still kept somehow overworking herself. It was heartbreaking if I'll be honest. I was still rather distraught and frustrated from the argument with Twilight, and I even considered avoiding contact with anypony else altogether... but I knew it would be nicer to listen to a pony with a generous hoof... than a pony with a hoof stuffed up her rear. I love Twilight... but damn. By the time I entered the building, however, I was met with Rarity’s ecstatic movements and fluctuations… along with Sweetie Belle’s concerned and fearful expressions. “Is she alright?” I mumbled to her, watching as Rarity used her magic to move everything around, writing notes saying ‘for sale’ and completely ignoring my presence. Sweetie Belle shook her head, “She’s been like this for the past few days…” “Alright, let me talk to her, go on to your room.” I ordered, and after she was finally gone, I spoke up again, “Rarity, you alright?” “Oh! Darling, you mustn’t scare me like that. I am doing— perfect, absolutely perfect, 100% perfect. Yes, yes, of course, of course.” Her voice was highly pitched and rather quickly paced… and then it hit me. The dilated pupils, the dark circles under her eyes, and her rather malnourished body. I was about to speak up again when I noticed her nose was bleeding. I cleared my throat and she seemed to have known what I was implying instantly, groaning and wiping her nose rather aggressively. “Stupid thing— hold on.” After she then wiped it away with a tissue, she looked back at me, “Alright! Is there anything I can help you with, darling? I’m on a rather tight schedule today and I—“ I interrupted her, “You’re on it again.” “Pardon?” “Don’t play dumb with me, Rarity. What’d I tell you about using that damn drug?” “Like you know a thing or two about how it helps me!” She snapped, but quickly got out of it, “I… I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to stop it’s just— look I…” she sighed, sitting down on the ground, “I’ll stop using it. Tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow...” “Yeah? Well… it ain’t that simple.” I sat beside her, “If it helps… you’ve been better than you were when— you know.” “It’s just hard… losing him. Especially when everypony talks circles about how ‘Equestria is free from his chaos’… it’s not a joke alright? He’s dead. He— for Celestia’s sake, he... killed... himself. Have some sympathy. Is everypony here as heartless as a Changeling?” “I know… I know I hear it too. They’re just— they didn’t know him like we did. I know for sure if it was somepony they loved, they wouldn’t find it funny either.” “I’m sorry… this must be so hard for you. Losing Granny Smith and then on top of that—Discord? How do you even do it?” “I... I don't know, but don’t worry ‘bout me, alright? Let me do the worryin’.” “But you shouldn’t have to. You focus so much on everypony else, you’ll barely have any time to focus on yourself… you’re drowning yourself and you don’t even realize it… and you won’t until it’s too late.” Rarity sighed, “And maybe that’s what happened to Discord.” “What do you mean?” “Discord always focused on us… what we needed to learn, what we worried and relied on. Not once have I ever heard him say he needed help. It was always about us…” she shook her shoulders, “Maybe… maybe if he had just said something to us— anything at all— he’d still be with us.” “Well, there’s no tellin’ what would’ve happened then. For all we know, he could’ve planned this whole thing out. I don’t think we’ll ever know what was going on in that head of his… or even how bad it had to’ve been for him to even consider that.” “I loved him so much, Apple Jack… I can’t believe he’s gone.” “Hey, look at me, Diamond.” The nickname rather instantly caught her attention, “We all loved him. He was our friend… our family. But he would want us to move on. It ain’t gonna be easy, I can tell you that already. But as long as I’m here? It’ll all be okay.” “You’re a great friend, Apple Jack.”
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Other,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Alternate Universe,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Don't lose hope
After Scootaloo gets expelled from school, her neglectful mother decided that she had enough and ends up selling Scootaloo to a griffonian slave master.
<p>After Scootaloo gets expelled from school, her neglectful mother, who can't be bothered to care for her, decided that she had enough and ends up selling Scootaloo to a Griffonian slave master.</p><p>Imprisoned and enslaved Scootaloo tries not to lose hope but as each day passes, not losing hope begins to become impossible.</p>
“I’m sorry Scootaloo, but what you have done is the last straw.” Miss Cheerilee scolded. Scootaloo was sat in Miss Cheerilee’s office after getting into a fight with her arch nemesis, Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo opened her mouth to say something but Cheerilee cut across, saying “You know full well that fighting is not tolerated at this school, despite this I still kept you on as a student. This time however, enough is enough, I can see that your hatred for Diamond Tiara is not going to go away despite your own friend’s willingness to forgive her. You have given me no choice but to expel you.” Scootaloo’s eyes went wide, “You can't do that, what about all the times when Diamond Tiara bullied me and my friends, why did you not expel them!” she shouted. “Scootaloo, they never got physical unlike you who leaps at the chance to have a fight.” “This isn’t fair!” She shouted, slamming her hooves onto the table that sat in between them, causing the stapler and pencils to rattle. Cheerilee sighed, her patience beginning to wane thin, “Scootaloo, you will soon learn that life isn't fair. I have informed your mother.” Scootaloo’s eyes diluted in fear, “NO! She will kill me.” Scootaloo asserted. “I am sorry but it has already been done,” Cheerilee said her voice filled with finality. Scootaloo started to hyperventilate, she knew that her mother was going to lock her in the basement and hurt her again. Her mother terrified her, she was like a storm and that was on her normal days, when she was angry she was like a hurricane, ready to lash out at any moment for the tiniest of reasons and Scootaloo being the only other pony that lived with her was usually the one to take the brunt of her rage. Scootaloo felt the room go cold as she heard the distant sound of thunderous hooves growing louder as they came closer. Scootaloo instinctively looked around for somewhere to hide but couldn't find one all the while Miss Cheerilee merely looked at her with her eyebrow raised, believing that the terrified filly was being overdramatic. The door to the room slammed open. Scootaloo looked over towards the door in fear, to see her mother standing there, glaring at her. She looked like she was going to throttle her there and there. Instead, she looked towards her teacher in a fake happy voice, “What has my darling Scootaloo done this time?” Cheerily sighed as she explained the situation, “I’m sorry to say that Scootaloo has gotten into a fight with a fellow student.” Scootaloo’s mother stared at her daughter coldly, “Has she now.” she whispered gritting her teeth. “Yes but unfortunately as this is her third fight and as you are aware of the schools strict no tolerance policy towards fights. I am left with no choice but to expel, Scootaloo.” Cheerily said with a heavy heart, she had always hated having to have conversations like this one, truth be told Scootaloo would be the first ever student to be expelled and this saddened the kind-hearted teacher. This time her mother directed her steely gaze towards Cheerilee, sending a shiver down her spine. “Is there not another punishment for her to have?” she asked, dropping the chirpy voice. “No, I am truly sorry.” She said. “I’m sure you are Miss Cheerilee,” she muttered, her voice laced with sarcasm. She then grabbed Scootaloo by the arm and stormed out if the office, dragging her all the way home, both of them ignoring the concerned glances that were sent her way. Scootaloo knew that calling for help was hopeless as every time she would do this, her mother would always think of some sob story and twisted it in such a way that made her seem like the victim. *** When they arrived back home, her mother instantly turned around and slapped her across the face, making her cheek sting. “Do you know what happens to little bullies that beat up helpless little fillies!” she snarled at her fearful daughter. Shaking she tried to tell her that Diamond Tiara had provoked her but she was having none of it. She cut her of saying, “Little Bullies get sent to the basement where they rot their miserable lives away.” She then grabbed her by her mane and dragged her to the basement door all the while Scootaloo was pleading, “PLEASE MOTHER, I’m sorry, Please don't lock me in the basement, it's scary down there.” Her mother got into her face and sneered, “You should’ve thought about that before you beat an innocent filly up.” she then shoved the pegasus filly down the stairs, causing her to tumble into the hard concrete below, bruising her face. She pulled herself towards a corner and began to cry herself to sleep. Suddenly Scootaloo woke up to the sound of her mother shouting “Get up you miserable piece of shit!” She then dragged, Scootaloo back up the stairs into the living room, where Scootaloo laid eyes on a tall, imposing griffon. The griffon had a black moustache and was wearing a black top hat as well as holding a menacing black staff topped with a miniature silver skull. The Griffon spoke in a business-like voice, “So this is the item.” he used his staff to lift her wings, Scootaloo felt uncomfortable as she got the impression that she was being examined by a hungry predator. “It's wings are weak and ruffled. Blank flank too,” he said slapping her flank making her eep. He then stuck his sharp claws into her ears and nose, he tuttered at the mixture of ear wax and bogies that covered his claw, he then whipped it onto Scootaloo. He smelt her mane before pulling back in disgust, “Smells horrid and it is covered in fleas.” “Talk.” he commanded. Scootaloo obliged by asking, “Who are you?” The griffon ignored the question, instead saying, “Such a proud and confident voice, that will be gone.” Her mother asked, “Are you taking her?” “Yes, I'll give you 200 bits.” She bristled in anger, “Hang on, you said 800!” “That was before I found out that she is filthy and covered in bruises, I would accept my offer it will be the best one that you will find,” he advised menacingly. Scootaloo couldn't believe her ears, it was sounding like she was being sold like she was some common farm animal. Her mother begrudgingly said, “Fine.” The Griffon smiled and handed over a hefty sack of gold coins that rattled when they landed before the pegasus and the griffon shook hooves and talons. He then turned to Scootaloo and said “Say goodbye to your mother, slave, You will never see her again.” “WHAT!” Scootaloo shouted, before running to her mother, grabbing her leg. “Get off me, you pest!” she said, attempting to shake the filly of. “Please don't let him take me. I'm sorry, I'll be good.” Scootaloo pleaded, however it was no use as the griffon pulled her off her mother. He slapped her causing her to stumble to the floor, he then held out a blindfold and a muzzle. “Put them on.” he commanded, however Scootaloo, shook her head in protest. The griffon then whacked her on her legs with the staff causing her to cry out in pain, “You will do as you are told, slave.” Scootaloo looked up at the griffon with pleading eyes, “Please don't do this.” The griffon merely punched her in the eye, “Keep talking slave and I'll cut your tongue out.” he threatened. Her eyes slowly turning purple, she finally relented, grabbing the muzzle as she looked at her mother, searching for any sign of remorse or love but finding none she gagged herself with the muzzle. “The muzzle will stay on permanently unless you need your mouth while you are working. The blindfold will only stay on you while we are travelling.” the griffon said, holding the blindfold out. Taking it Scootaloo gave them one last glare before covering her eyes with the blindfold enshrouding her vision in total darkness. Scootaloo could only rely on her other senses to figure out what was happening in the room. She was then shoved, roughly to the floor unable to see, she ultimately slammed her head off the floor causing her to release a muffled, scream of pain as stars exploded in her vision. They then started, tying her wings with chains before pulling Scootaloo’s hooves behind her back and securing them in some form of shackles she then placed a second pair of shackles around her hindhooves. She felt herself be lifted onto, what felt like carpet before being rolled over and over again. She quickly realised that they were stuffing her into a rolled up carpet, effectively disguising her. They then picked her up and placed her onto the back of a wooden cart. During the entire ride, her body ached in pain after each time, the cart hit a rock or pothole. To make matters worse, it was incredibly hard to breathe through the muzzle and the carpet was making her hot causing her to sweat. After what seemed like hours Scootaloo heard the rusted sound of a large gate being opened before being slammed shut. She then felt herself be picked up again and carried off somewhere before being unrolled and released from the carpet prison. *** The blindfold was pulled off and Scootaloo blinked away the bright light that invaded her vision. Looking around, she noticed that she was in a small room that greatly resembled a torture chamber. There were chains hanging from the ceilings and various devices that were meant to cause a great deal of pain. She gulped at seeing these. In the centre of the room was a fire with pieces of hot metal sticking out. The griffon pulled out one of the metal stick, he pointed the glowing end towards her flank as Scootaloo realised in horror that it was a brand. Shaking her head erratically she released muffled screams however the griffon ignored her and stuck the brand into her flank, making her skin sizzle and her fur to be burnt as the smell of burning flesh filled the room, “MMMMMMMMMMPH!” Scootaloo screamed, tears of pain streaming down her face. The demented griffon finally removed the stick to reveal the blackened outline of a a griffon's claw. However, it was not over yet as he then pulled out a second brand, all Scootaloo could do was weakly shake her head. “MMMMMMMMPH!” She screamed again. He pulled the brand away tk reveal the number 48. The griffin then spoke, “You are no longer Scootaloo instead you are slave 48…”
Other,Silver Spoon,Zebra,Anthro,Anthology,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
Jungle Fever
A collection of lewd interracial stories involving zebra-kind
<p>A collection of lewd interracial stories focused on your favorite Equestrian girls (and boys) learning of the beauty of the zebra race.</p><p>This story as a whole contains themes of raceplay and zebra superiority, More specific tags will be listed on a per-chapter basis.</p><p><i>The Old College Try:</i> College-age Silver Spoon<span class="spoiler">, quick hook-ups, facials, and light themes of cheating/infidelity</span></p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Wanna hang out? Come join my Discord server!</a></p><p><span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline">IMPORTANT NOTE:</span> This story is heavily centered around race and the use of racial slurs. This is pure fantasy, written all in good fun and not to be taken seriously. This story's use of slurs against a fictional race of creatures is not meant to make light of, attack or in any way belittle any real-life groups. </p><p>If you are made uncomfortable by such themes, or if you see this story as an invitation to spread bigotry towards real people, this is your one warning: This story is not for you</p>
“Just dump him, duh.” Silver Spoon frowned, unable to shake the nagging sensation that Diamond Tiara hadn’t really been listening to her. For the past ten or so minutes as she flipped through her phone, she had been carefully explaining the various reasons why, despite her current predicament, she specifically did not want to dump Featherweight. Truthfully, she couldn’t think of a single good reason to go through with it. Featherweight was a nice guy, a perfect gentleman with a romantic streak that a girl like Silver Spoon adored. He was courteous, polite, and provided for her, whether that be paying for their dates or writing her essays for her, or updating her wardrobe in her futile attempt to keep up with her fashion-savvy friend. No, there wasn’t any good reason for her to break things off with him. That didn’t make it any easier for her to tolerate his violently dull personality. “So you’re saying that after that whole spiel about how I don’t think I want to dump him, what you took away from that…” Silver Spoon sat up in her bed, eyes darting across the dorm room to Diamond’s. Unsurprisingly, Diamond Tiara was texting, barely even acknowledging that she was being spoken to. “Is that I should dump him?” “What? You asked me for advice, and my advice is to dump him,” snorted Diamond. “I don’t even know why you started dating him in the first place. He’s, like, so boring.” “Yeah, but… He’s nice, y’know? Maybe a little… plain,” admitted Spoon. “But I don’t think he deserves to get dumped for it.” “Whatever. It’s your life, what do I care if you waste it with some loser?” Diamond’s eyes darted up from her phone for just a second, the most concern she was capable of displaying on such short notice. “But if you’re so bored of him, why are you wasting your time with him? These are the best years of our lives, Spoon. Do you really want to spend it going to… What does he even like to do?” “He’s into… antiques…” Silver Spoon was too embarrassed to look anywhere but her bed spread. “He took me to a yard sale last week…” “Not trying to yuck anyone’s yum, but that is icky with a capital ICK.” “Either way, I can’t just dump him. Come on, Di, have a heart, for once. He said I was the first girl to ever go out with him, I don’t wanna be his first heartbreak.” “Oh my God, I wish I could’ve been there to stop you from getting yourself into this mess… How am I supposed to live knowing my best friend was some loser virgin’s first time?” “Relax, I’m not. We haven’t done anything like that yet. He’s only kissed me, like, once.” Silver Spoon smoldered, her lip curled up in a sad sort of self-pity. “In, like, eight months…” “Do you see what I’m talking about? This isn’t good for you, Spoon! You deserve someone who can actually satisfy you, not some dweeb who roots through the trash for old knick-knacks,” said Diamond. “So do yourself a favor and dump him!” She could see Spoon begin to argue, but she managed to head her off at the pass. “And yeah, I know, you ‘can’t just dump him’, congratulations, you’re a saint. But if that’s the case, maybe stop scrolling through Tinder all night.” “I’m not…” Silver Spoon started to lie, but one leer from Diamond killed all hopes of that working out for her. “Okay, fine… But, like, I’m just talking to these guys. Conversating, y’know? Making friends. Nothing I’d have to dump Featherweight over.” “Right… Well, any of those ‘friends’ hot?” “C’mere, I’ll show you some of my matches.” Unable to resist a good “talk about boys” session, Diamond skipped across the dorm and dove onto Silver Spoon’s bed to gossip. No matter how old the two had gotten, it seemed like some things never changed. “Okay, so there’s this earth pony boy, he’s pretty cute.” “Hm… Oh, no, see, he’s a drama major. That means he’s gay.” Diamond Tiara took the liberty of swiping that particular profile away. “Next! Ooh, what about him? Pretty hunky, for a unicorn.” “I don’t know… He’s a gemini.” “Ew. Why is he even here in the first place? In the trash, thanks for coming!” Diamond swiped this profile away as well, then another, and another, before frowning as a new one took its place. “Have you looked at this one yet?” “Hm? No, this must be new. Zane?” Silver Spoon looked at the screen, eyes going a bit wider at what she saw. Her newest match was a zebra, a tall specimen with a head of curly hair, neatly shaved and styled atop his head. His intensely gold eyes pierced through Silver Spoon’s chest, and his strong core and six-pack abs glistening in the photo sent tingles a bit lower. “Wow. Z-zebra, huh?” “Oh no, I know that look,” said Diamond, rolling her eyes. “Going from boring loser to jungle boy is a step up, but, like, barely.” “Di! Come on, you can’t say stuff like that!” “Their country is literally in a jungle, Spoon. But fine, call the Cancel Cops and have me arrested for knowing geography.” “Oh my God, I can’t believe you… But, like, he’s pretty cute, right?” said Silver Spoon. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the screen, from the specimen of masculinity before her. “And he goes to Canterlot U… He could be right across campus for all we know!” “Ugh… Probably some minority scholarship, I don’t know how a zebra would get into this school otherwise,” snorted Diamond. “Either that or, like, basketball.” “Di! Seriously, that is not okay! You’re gonna—” A bright, chippy bleep came from Spoon’s phone and distracted her from the rest of her lecture; A notification from her dating app, and she gulped as she opened it. “Di, look. It’s the zeeb boy, he says he thinks I’m cute! What should I say?” “Nothing, unless you’re finally admitting you want to dump the loser you’re dating.” Despite her less than polite delivery, it was hard to argue with the core of Diamond’s message, and Silver Spoon understood that. Even still, she paused, which visibly annoyed Diamond. “Fine, I guess I’ll be a good friend, after all.” Before Silver Spoon could ask what she meant by that, Diamond snatched her phone out of her hand, and took off. Even though their dorm room was a bit on the smaller side, Diamond’s head start gave her more than space to keep away, even as Silver Spoon leaped up from her bed to pursue. She chased Diamond all the way to the corner, nearly trapping her against the wardrobe if not for Diamond’s speed and agility allowing her to squeeze out in the nick of time. Diamond ran circles around Spoon until, finally, she dove back onto Spoon’s bed and tossed the phone away. “Diamond, what the hell!” Silver Spoon jumped at her phone, scanning to see what Diamond had done. With each line of text, Spoon’s eyes went wider, and her cheeks flushed brighter. “Di! What did you do?!” “Uh, I did you a favor?” Again, Diamond could only roll her eyes. “You obviously wanna hook up with the jungle boy, and you’re too chicken to ask him on your own, so I did it for you. He was going to the gym, but he said he’ll be over in like ten minutes. You’re welcome.” “You told him I’d be his cardio?!” Silver Spoon blushed intensely, burying her face in her pillow. “I’m not that type of girl, Di!” “Oh, shut up. Honestly, who do you think you’re fooling? As soon as you saw the stripes, the snowbunny alarms started sounding.” “Snow… bunny?” “You know, like, one of us who only likes fucking jungle boys. You know the saying: White and black, never going back? They say one night with a jungle boy and you’ll never want to fuck anyone else ever again.” “D-do people really say that?” Silver Spoon swallowed hard, a bit intimidated by the implications. She calmed herself a bit when she remembered who she was dealing with. This was Diamond Tiara, queen of drama and empress of exaggerations. She was just being extra, as usual. “Hey, how would you know, anyway?” Diamond withdrew her own phone and, after a bit of searching, handed it off to Silver Spoon. It was equal parts horror and fascination that compelled Silver Spoon to stare at the photos; Dick pic after big, thick, juicy, near-camera-eclipsing zebra dick pic. Some shots, she could see Diamond’s dainty hand around the dark, girthy organ, while in others Spoon could see the corner of her own bed in frame. No doubt about it, these were definitely Diamond’s own photos from her personal adventures. “You made it sound like you wouldn’t be caught dead with a zebra,” pointed out Silver Spoon, her eyes glued to the screen as she scrolled through what was, hopefully, a preview of what was to come. “Seems like you don’t mind them after all…” “I meant dating one. Daddy would kill me if I brought one home for Hearth’s Warming.” Diamond rolled her eyes, as if what she was saying was as obvious as the sky being blue. “Fucking them is fine, it’s like using a dildo. Doesn’t mean I’d ever marry it.” “Oh God… So, like, what do I do?” asked Silver Spoon. “I’ve never done just like a casual hook-up before. Should I find a movie to watch? Or maybe order a pizza or something?” “You’re not gonna have much room for pizza, if you know what I mean. Outside of that, maybe practice some twerking? I hear that drives the jungle boys crazy for some reason.” There was a knock at the door, three big, thudding raps, which left very little question in Diamond’s mind who it could be. “Oh, well, looks like he’s here. Ready?” The answer, obviously, was no. Silver Spoon was in no way prepared to see anyone tonight, nevermind a hot guy. Her hair wasn’t styled, her silvery-white locks contained into a ponytail by just a simple pink scrunchie she stole from Diamond. She was in her sleepwear, just a plain black cropped tank top, and similarly plain black shorts that barely made it halfway down the length of her thigh. She had no make-up, no jewelry, no accessories outside of her glasses. She felt supremely underdressed for a date. As Diamond went for the door, it dawned on Spoon that, while underdressed for a date, she might be wearing the perfect apparel for what Diamond had set up for her. “Yo.” Zane’s voice was low, deep, smooth as butter and twice as luxurious. That one simple word alone was enough to send Silver Spoon’s knees knocking, and she had to quickly avert her eyes from the zebra’s statuesque figure in order to avoid embarrassing herself. If Zane noticed, he didn’t mention it, instead looking Diamond Tiara up one way and down the other. “I didn’t know you had a roommate.” He winked at Diamond. “I came for your friend, but you’re pretty cute, too” “Take a picture, jungle boy, it’ll last you longer,” snorted Diamond. “I’m just here to make sure there’s no funny business in my dorm.” “Kiss your mother with that mouth, girlie?” Zane seemed generally nonplussed by Diamond’s comments, even smirking a bit at her. Diamond just rolled her eyes, gesturing to let Zane in. He blew her a kiss on his way in, slinging his gym bag to the corner of the room. He slowly made his approach, each step making Silver Spoon’s heart thump a bit harder, until he was almost at the bed and smiling down on her timid form. “What’s the matter, baby? You promised me a workout, now you’re getting shy on me?” “Oh my God…”Silver Spoon finally looked up, her gray cheeks blooming red like a stoplight. “You’re, like, so hot…” “Heh. You’re looking fine, yourself, Glasses. So… What’re you tryna do?” “She’s trying to get Striped so she finally breaks up with her loser boyfriend,” interjected Diamond. “Just try to keep it down. Our walls are thin and I don’t want our neighbors thinking I’d sleep with a zebra.” “You have slept with a zebra,” noted Silver Spoon. “Still, doesn’t mean I want people to think that.” “So, like…” Zane whistled, to stop the two friends from bickering and draw attention back to himself. “Do you really just plan to sit here and watch me pipe your friend?” “Don’t have much of a choice,” said Diamond. “Have to make sure you don’t steal anything when you’re done.” “Oh, so you’re being racist on purpose? I thought you might’ve just been dumb.” He smiled and, much to Diamond’s annoyance, winked at the privileged princess. “Don’t worry, baby, I don’t get my feelings hurt easily.” “Good. Now go ahead, pretend I’m not here.” Diamond slipped across the room and back to her bed, getting nice and cozy as she watched Zane make his approach. He stalked Silver Spoon, like a lion to a gazelle, until he was looming over a flustered, frazzled, barely-functioning Silver Spoon. With one hand gently caressing her under the chin, and the other hand powerfully gripping her ass, Zane brought their lips together. “Ugh. The things I do for my friends…” In a nice change of pace, it was now Silver Spoon who wasn’t listening, as she was too invested in sucking tongue with the attractive stranger she had just met. It was an intense experience, to be kissed so aggressively, by one considered to be so foreign to her. She moaned from the feel of his lips against hers, his powerful presence, his thick fingers groping her backside. It was unlike anything Silver Spoon could’ve imagined in her admittedly limited experience, and this was only the beginning. Zane pulled away for just long enough to pull Silver Spoon’s tank top over her head, exposing her petite, slender body in all of its beauty. With a similar speed and dexterity, he tugged Silver Spoon’s shorts down to her ankles, before scooping her up and dumping her onto the bed. Silver Spoon let out a little squeak, watching past the frames of her glasses while Zane undid the string to his sweatpants to draw his impressive equipment, and her heart stopped dead in her chest. He was just as big and thick as the zebra in Diamond’s photos, if not more so, and it was equal parts excitement and apprehension that filled Silver Spoon as she shakily spread her legs for her “date”. “W-wow. That’s… Wow.” Silver Spoon gulped, reaching for the nightstand beside her bed. She rooted around in her drawer for a moment, eventually coming out with a latex condom; Not a horribly small one, but clearly not sufficient for Zane. “My boyfriend left these when we were… Not that it matters…” “Yeah, I’m not fitting that thing,” laughed Zane. “Put that thing down, Glasses. Trust me. It’ll be worth the risk.” Silver hesitated, naturally, and looked down to the dark, throbbing monster between Zane’s legs. Could she really take that thing inside of her? With no protection? Would something as flimsy as a few millimeters of latex even matter in the face of a specimen like this? Besides, Diamond’s zebra didn’t have a rubber in the picture, and she was fine! Maybe this was just the way to go about things, where zebras are concerned. Silver Spoon looked back up to Zane and, after just a second to psych herself up, gave him a nod. In an instant, the very second she felt his fat head split her snug pussy, Silver Spoon understood. She understood what Diamond meant before, she understood the claim that it’d be “worth the risk”, she understood why some Equestrian girls might swear off anything short of zebra masculinity. Just those first few inches were enough to get Silver Spoon moaning, gripping her sheets, huffing and sweating as she imagined more of that sliding into her. She didn’t need to simply imagine for much longer, because Zane wasted very little time working his hips and gouging a path through Silver Spoon’s tight little pussy. His big, heavy mitts grabbed Silver Spoon by the waist, her hips so narrow that Zane’s hands touched behind her back, and drove her down onto his fat cock like a spike. The fit was so tight, Silver Spoon swore she could feel every bump, every ridge, every vein of Zane's perfect cock pounding against her womb. Her legs twitched with each thrust, and she gripped her sheets for dear life in a fruitless attempt to withstand the shockwaves going through her body. “M-more…” whimpered Silver, reaching up to grab at Zane’s muscular frame. His focus on the task at hand was resolute, and his conviction didn’t waver. If Silver Spoon wanted more, then Zane was determined to give it to her; To suit these ends, he tossed Silver Spoon over onto her belly, splaying her legs open and immediately returning to her cunt. Now both prone, Zane put all of his weight down onto Silver Spoon as he pounded her, making each stroke feel more heavy and impactful than the last. “Oooh, fuck!” Two thick, sturdy fingers slipped into Silver’s mouth, gripping her by the maw while the zebra above her drilled her mind to a fine powder. Such strength, such intensity, such raw, animalistic, savagery. It all made sense now. Diamond wasn’t just being insensitive, after all, not entirely. Zebras were just different, and no matter how problematic it was, Silver Spoon didn’t care just then. In that moment, with this hunk of a zebra feeding her his fingers and shattering her pussy into a million pieces, there was only one thing Silver Spoon was concerned with. “Stuff me with that fat jungle cock!” moaned Silver through a mouthful of digits. “You’re g-gonna make me—” Just as soon as she gave warning, it happened; With quivering legs and a gushing, spritzing cunt, Silver Spoon came hard around Zane’s cock, the pleasure hitting her like a semi-truck. She moaned, tapping at Zane’s arm for some reprieve, but he didn’t relent just yet. He kept pumping, slamming her through the duration of her orgasm until he was satisfied. Once he was, he slid from Silver’s quivering pussy and once again flipped her over to stroke himself to completion. The zebra grunted with satisfaction, and shot thick, sticky ropes of cum onto Silver Spoon’s face. Each pulse of his cock brought with it a splurt of his seed, much more than Silver would have ever believed possible. It splattered her forehead, her hair, nearly painting over the lenses of her slightly crooked glasses, and dripped down her face and chin in thick, salty globs. “Whew. Thanks for the workout, Glasses. Lots more fun than the gym,” said Zane. He rolled over, returning his pants to his body. “Uh… You’re not a cuddler, are you?” Silver Spoon didn’t respond with words, exactly. She mainly just sputtered, trying her best not to drown in zebra jizz. “I’ll take that as a no. Well, catch you later, I guess.” “What, tapping out already?” piped up Diamond. Zane’s eyes darted across the room to her, and he smirked. “And after I sat and waited my turn, too. I thought you jungle boys had more stamina than that.” “And I thought you pony hoes asked nicely when you wanted something.” “Think again, jungle boy.” “Alright, fine then.” Zane hopped up and grinned. “Give me five minutes, I’m gonna grab a drink from the vending machine down the hall. And get ready. I went easy on your friend, 'cause it sounded like her first time with a zebra.” “As opposed to…?” “You, being a snowbunny slut. Meet back in five, cool?” Diamond smoldered, but gave a little nod, and Zane made his way out of the room. She watched him go before turning to check on Silver Spoon. Much to Diamond’s surprise, Silver had sat herself up and grabbed her phone while she was distracted. Before Diamond could ask what was happening, Silver Spoon put the phone to her ear. “Hey, Featherweight? Yeah. Uh-huh.” Silver Spoon was dazed, more than a bit punch-drunk, but her satisfied smile was ever present. “Listen, I’m just calling to say we’re done. I mean we’re done. I’m breaking up with you. No, I’m not joking. See you never, loser.” Silver Spoon hung up and tossed her phone to the side before collapsing onto her back. She made a reach for the box of tissues on her night stand and used a good number of sheets to wipe the spunk from her glasses. Once she could see a bit better, she locked eyes with Diamond, who was smirking the smuggest smirk Silver had seen from her in quite some time. “What?” asked Silver Spoon. Diamond grinned a bit wider and, a bit more playfully than before, she rolled her eyes. “Aren’t I just the best friend you could ask for?”
Discord,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
You Know What Luna? Just Go For It...
Luna has permission to execute someone for the first time in over a 1,000 years.
<p>After a thousand years of peace and harmony, Nightmare Moon returned to change all of that.</p><p>She failed, obviously, and now Luna is here with a lot of catching up to do on modern times. Like a lot a lot. Starting with the fact that Equestria doesn't do executions anymore...</p><p>But perhaps just this once Celestia will cave and let Luna hack at the poor criminal with an axe because she's equally as done with him as Luna is.</p><hr/><p>Featured 02/15/24 with &quot;see mature&quot; off, 02/16/24, and 02/17/24 - 02/18/24 with &quot;see mature&quot; off.</p>
Today would have been like any other. Yes, the day would have started with Celestia getting her morning cup of tea and breakfast and Luna with her pineapple, then they would go about their usual, mundane business. However, the only normal thing that happened that morning was Celestia getting her tea before an infuriated Luna entered the room and broke Celestia's teacup with her scowl. "-sigh- Lunaaaa, that was my favorite teacup..." Celestia groaned. Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed today... or I suppose in Luna's case, she's had a very long night and is in desperate need of sleep. Luna then proceeded to eat the top leaves off of a poor, unsuspecting pineapple and then took a bite out of the plate it was formerly sitting on. Very, VERY desperate need of sleep... Celestia concluded within herself, mouth agape. After an awkward moment of silence and some more questionable diet choices from the younger sister, Celestia dared to speak. "So... how did your night go-" "I SWEAR SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET EXECUTED TODAY!!!!" Luna screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice right in Celestia's face. Celestia rubbed the pain out of her face and ears for a moment before actually comprehending what her very tired and probably delusional sister just said. "W-wait, what about execution? Who's dying? Huh?" "I don't know who DARED to turn my room upside down, LITERALLY UPSIDE DOWN, but when I find them I WILL HAVE THEM BEHEADED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE CROWN!!!" Luna yelled out again. A lesser pony would’ve gone deaf by now. Far in the distance, Twilight was wondering who committed a crime against the crown and if she should write a letter to Princess Celestia about this possible new threat… “L-Luna? You do realize we don’t do that anymore, right? I thought we had this conversation already,” Celestia asked with concern for Luna’s quickly dwindling sanity. “Oh, right. Then I have the opposer hanged!” Luna corrected herself. “Lunaaaaa…” “No to that too? How about poisoning?” “LUNA! I MEAN THAT WE DO NOT EXECUTE ANYONE ANYMORE!!! THERE IS NO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!!!” Celestia yelled in Luna’s face, giving her a taste of her own medicine. It was Luna’s turn to rub her ears, but not because of eardrum pain. “I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? There must have been something in my ears. Did you just say executions are no more?” “I said it and meant it Luna. Even if we still did executions, being on the receiving end of a prank is hardly punishable by death!” Celestia tried to reason with Luna. “That never stopped us in the past.” “These are different times! We can’t just execute anyone who slightly peeves us! That’s just plain murder.” “But we’re royalty,” Luna tried to justify. “And we are not exempt from our own laws! I’m sorry Luna, but NO! You will NOT be executing anyone,” Celestia sighed as she left the room to get another teacup. “Hmph… fine,” Luna begrudgingly obeyed. The next day would’ve been an otherwise peaceful and pleasant day, but a certain draconequus had a death wish for himself. “Ah, picking on little miss Moody Moon is always such a fun pastime! She’ll LOVE what I’m about to do next!” Discord schemed. Discord had snapped himself into Luna’s room while she was sleeping and proceeded to snap her horn and wings away. Then, he moved her bed onto the edge of the balcony. “Now to hope she wakes up on the correct side of the bed!” Discord quietly laughed as he waited at a (somewhat) safe distance for Luna to wake up. Right on cue, she woke up with a dramatic yawn and didn’t bother to take off her sleep mask (the only reason Discord’s prank didn’t fail the second he moved her outside her dark bedroom into the setting sun's light). To his delight, Luna rolled out of bed to be met not with the floor beneath her hooves, but just began falling. “What the- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! OW!!!!” Luna screamed as she fell who knows how far to the bottom of the mountain Canterlot Castle was set upon, leaving a massive Luna shaped crater beneath her. Perhaps it’s for reasons exactly like this her balcony shouldn’t be situated outside the Canterlot ground borders… Discord meanwhile couldn’t contain his laughter, nor the urge to really rub in his prank to Luna as she lifted her mask to see what the hay just happened. Then she saw him. “Discord?” “Moonbutt.” “DISCOOORD!!!! YOU’RE AS GOOD AS DEAD!!! FORGET THIS STUPID ‘NO EXECUTIONS’ RULE!!!! I SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH!!!!” Luna screamed with uncontrollable rage. “Oooh, I’m so scared!” Discord mocked Luna while she rubbed the dirt and pebbles off of her body. “As you SHOULD be…” Luna growled. Luna began to approach him very predatorily with an axe in her mouth. Where that axe came from is of no concern to anyone, except maybe Discord. “You will give me my wings and horn back, and then you will DIE!” Luna commanded rather clearly for someone speaking with an axe handle in her mouth. “Fiiine, but only because I’m sure Celestia would have my head too if I didn’t give them back. You still need to raise the moon after all,” Discord complied as he snapped her horn and wings back on and teleported them back to her balcony. Everything was put back in order and Luna brought forth the night. But while she did that, Discord took the liberty of getting the hay out of there before Luna could do well on her death threat. Luna turned around to find him gone and responded accordingly. “AAAAAAAGH DISCORD!!! YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE!!!” As it turns out, he can hide. Very well might I add. The pranking didn't stop, but Discord was wise enough to keep his distance whenever the pranks went down and just watch from a safe distance then high tail it out of there before she spots him. "Luna, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit? Just a little? Maybe?" Celestia tried to reason with Luna (some poor souls never learn). "Forgive me if I'm wrong, though I most certainly cannot be on this matter, is Discord a menace to society and tried TWICE to usurp the throne and reign chaos eternal? He could do it again at any turn! His only downfall is his love of gloating at his success long enough for us to pew pew him with the friendship laser and petrify him for a thousand years! But do you know a more permanent solution to ridding the world of his scourge? BEHEADING WITH AN AXE!!!" Luna ranted before completely losing it. "By those accusations, doesn't that mean you ought to be executed for, oh I don't know, attempted domestic murder and usurping of the throne whilst trying to bring NIGHT eternal?" Celestia pointed out. "W-we don't talk about that! It's not the same thing. I'm your sister! And a princess. Siblings are bound to get into little scuffles. DISCORD IS EVIL!!!" Luna defended herself. "Uuuuuugh, okay you know what Luna? Fine! Just go for it," Celestia finally caved. "Wait, really?" "Yes, I won't even try to stop you." "... Are you sure about thi-" "Oh so NOW you choose to be sane?" "I-I just didn't think you'd actually go for-" "Oh look here he is!" Celestia said as she yanked him from the mysterious realm that is called "off screen" and shoved him in front of Luna. "Now that's just rude. I was taking a shower you know," Discord humphed as he snapped away his shower cap and shook off the chocolate milk from his body. "Well Discord, prepare to die. Any last words?" Luna asked. "Well actually-" Luna eyes glowed white as she swung that axe above her head with an annoyed Celestia behind her and lopped Discord's head off his shoulders. A moment of silence for the loss of a great and chaotic being... "Why is everyone being so quiet?" Discord asked as he opened his eyes and placed his head back on his body. "Honestly, that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Heck, it didn't hurt at all!" "W-What?! But how did you-" Luna was interrupted as Discord answered. "I'm the Lord of Chaos! I'm made of PURE chaos. Did you honestly think you could kill me?" "... You knew this Tia, didn't you." "Yes, yes I did," Celestia responded smugly as she sipped on a cup of tea (also from "off screen"). "I believe a truce is in order?" "-siiiiiigggggh- Truce, Discord? It seems I have no other choice..." Luna begrudgingly offered. "I gladly accept!" Discord said as he shook Luna's hoof vigorously. Finally, FINALLY the day went normally! All was calm and peaceful in Canterlot and absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary! It's normal for cakes to come flying towards your face right? "What the -SPLAT!!!-" Celestia failed to finish her statement as a cake landed squarely on her face. "HUZZAH!!! A splendid shot my friend! Right on the nose too," Luna clapped as she and Discord came into view. "I told you this would be fun!" Discord said as they hoof-bumped. "Pranks are much more fun when you aren't on the receiving end of them. Oh oh! What should we do next?" Luna acknowledged with excitement. "Heheh, I'm glad you two are getting along now eh- hold on... where did you get this cake?" Celestia asked with suspicion. "The fridge. Why?" Luna asked back. "What shelf did you get it from?" "I don't see what that has to do with anyth-" "JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION LUNA!!" "I don't know! I think it was the middle shelf." "Was there a sticky note under the plate?" Celestia asked, her mood growing dangerously dark for a Sun Princess. "I don't know! Discord, did you see a sticky note when you got the cake?" Luna asked, looking to him now. "Ah yes, I did. It said, 'Princess Celestia's special cake. Please do not touch or eat. I'm looking at you Discord! Thank you :)' As if you thought I'd listen! Ha!" Discord recalled, not noticing Luna face-hoof then make a slow getaway and distance herself from him. By the time he did notice, Celestia's mane had already turned to flames and her eyes glowed like fire. "Ooooh, Sunbutt's a little fiery isn't she. Get it? Hahaha!" Discord laughed, clearly unaware of the danger he was in right now. "Discord, run!" Luna insisted. "Why?" "Oh please, you think I have a temper?! You've just infuriated the princess of a literal giant ball of FIRE!!! You're gonna have a hard time finding all the pieces of yourself this time. So trust me. RUN!!!" Luna explained as she quickly flew out of the palace at Sonic-Rainboom speeds, breaking all the windows in her wake. Realizing just how serious the situation was, for once Discord listened and high-tailed it out of there with an angry ball of flames just behind him. "DISCORD!!! I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU I WILL DESTROY YOU SO THOROUGHLY YOU'LL NEVER RECOVER!!! AND. IT. WILL. HURT!!!" Solar Flare screamed as she chased down Discord for an undetermined amount of time. And that is the story of how Equestria went down in flames.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
One Friday afternoon after school we see two brothers walking out. One was a orange skinned boy with red spiky hair with black streaks, blue jeans, a black leather jacket, A shirt with a flaming skull on it and was 15 years old. The other was a purple skinned boy wearing a green shirt and has green hair, and has black pants. They're names are Spike and Inferno. As they were walking home they were talking about the usual stuff. "Hey Inferno?" Spike said. "Yeah Spike? Something you wanna ask me?" Inferno asked. "Well you remember during science class Ms Fleetfoot had all the students watch that presentation based on the planets and stars? I wonder what it would be like to actually see the cosmos in person?" Spike wondered. "Beats me bro. But if I had to guess it would be pretty sweet to actually head into outer space. And you know what be even more exciting?" Inferno replied. "What would be more exciting?" Spike asked. "Seeing different galaxies and discover new planets that no human has ever seen before." Inferno answered. "Now that would actually be really cool. But it's a real shame that we can't. I mean we don't even have a spacecraft. And even if we did we can't afford it." Spike said in defeat. "True. True. But you know something? We can use our imaginations to make it seem like were in outer space. Remember when we use our imaginations to pretend that we were in Caveland?" Inferno asked. "Oh yeah that was fun. Well we can pretend that we were in outer space. Let's head home bro." Spike said. "Right you are man." Inferno agreed. So the brothers kept on walking home and knew that they will have fun pretending to be in outer space and see the planets and stars. After a hour they came across a nice two story house and went inside. Upon arriving home they were greeted by their parents who were glad they made it home. "Hey boys? How was school?" Velvet asked. "It was good. Busy like usual." Inferno answered. "I'm glad to hear that. Well boys since you're home I got you two a little something. It's waiting in your room." Velvet said. "Your mom got you two a build your own rocket kit!" Night Light smiled. "Really? Thank you!" Spike said as he hugged them. "But how did you know that we wanted that?" "Easy. We noticed that you two were always imagining that you were in outer space and wanting to see the planets and stars. Well you two astronauts better get building cause there's a huge adventure waiting for you." Velvet said. "Thanks mom! Come on Spike! Let's build that rocket!!" Inferno beamed. They went straight to their room and saw the kit. They beamed in excitement and opened it and got started on building their rocket ship. They followed the instructions on the book and placed the right pieces in the right places and once they finished that they hook out some paint and began giving it a cool paint job. After 20 minutes they completed the paint job and smiled at their masterpiece. The rocket is flame painted and has green flames on the boosters. It even has a name on the side. "Well Spike. Teamwork definitely pays off. For we have created The Flaming Phoenix Spacecraft!" Inferno said. "It's beautiful. This is really a masterpiece. Now can we play outer space now?" Spike asked. "You bet we can! Time to journey into the stars!!" Inferno answered. So for the next 30 minutes they played outer space and they used their imaginations to make it look like they were travelling around the cosmos and seeing all the planets and stars and seeing what there is to see. After that time they fell on the floor and laughed enjoying that experience. "Boys! Dinner's ready!" Velvet called out. "Coming!" The boys said in unison. "Race you down there!" Inferno said. "Oh you're on!!" Spike challenged. And then the two got up and raced each other to the dining room. Soon enough they arrived in the dining room and Spike won the race. Then they sat down and Velvet got some chicken fried steaks and cheese fries all ready. Soon enough the door opened and entering was their seventeen year old daughter Twilight Sparkle. She was a little tired and sat down with the family and her mom got her some dinner as well. "Hey sweetie. You doing okay? You look a little tired." Velvet asked. "I'm fine mom. I was at the astronomy club and I was very busy preparing my speech for Monday. But for the weekend I'm planning to join with Timber as we spend some time at the planetarium." Twilight answered. "Twilight. No disrespect but don't you think that maybe Timber would appreciate it if you tried something that HE likes doing?" Inferno asked. "Yeah Twilight. I mean we know that you want to have a good time with him but maybe you should stop thinking about only school stuff and maybe try other things that's not school related." Spike offered. "I can't. With my presentation due on Monday after school I can't focus on anything else. And plus I hope you boys will be there to hear the presentation. So excuse me." Twilight said. She got off her chair and headed straight to her room and started working on her presentation on the planets and stars. The brothers however were annoyed by hearing that Twilight wants them there to hear the speech. "Boys? Are you ok?" Night Light asked. "Dad. We really don't wanna go and hear that speech. Everytime Twilight writes a speech it goes on and on and on and on til it rots our brains out." Inferno said. "I know boys. Ive been trying to tell Twilight that she can't push herself when it comes to school. But I tell you boys this. If you don't wanna go hear the presentation then you don't have to." Night Light replied. "Thank you dad. That would really spare us the trouble." Spike smiled. "But boys? Just remember that when we tell Twilight that you didn't want to come you cannot do anything that might hurt her feelings. You know how sensitive she is." Velvet reminded them. "We know mom. We promise not to do anything that might hurt Twilight's feelings. We swear." Spike vowed. "That's our boys. Ok you two head off to bed it's late." Velvet said. The brothers left the table and went to their room and changed into their pajamas. But before they went to sleep they saw a star shining bright in the night sky. "Oh look at that. A lone star. Wanna make a wish Spike?" Inferno asked. "I sure do." Spike smiled. He closed his eyes and in his mind he pictured him and Inferno in a rocket traveling through the cosmos and seeing all the planets and stars and exploring them. He finished the wish and opened his eyes seeing the star twinkle. Spike smiled knowing that it was a cool wish to make even if it wasn’t coming true. "What you wish for little brother?" Inferno asked. "I wished that we would go on a space adventure. Seeing all the planets and stars in the cosmos. And maybe even making new friends." Spike answered. "Now that is a cool wish. I definitely would like that to come true. Ok Spike let's get some sleep." Inferno said. So the two crawled into their beds and soon enough they fell fast asleep smiling and dreaming about what would happen if they do get to see what outer space has to offer. But while they were sleeping some Equestrian magic came swirling around the city and went in the boys room. It then landed on the rocket and it began to glow but didn't wake up the boys. It suddenly begin to move and quietly flew out of the room. The next morning the brothers woke up and when they were about to head down they realized that the rocket wasn't there anymore. "Hey. Where did the rocket go?" Inferno asked. "It was here last night. Did Twilight take it?" Spike said. "I don't think so. She went to her room last night. So were gonna have to look around for the rocket." Inferno suggested. "Yeah. But let's grab some breakfast." Spike replied. So the brothers went downstairs and saw their parents and Twilight about to head out of the front door. This caught their attention. "Hey. Where y'all going?" Inferno asked. "Oh sorry for not telling you boys this sooner. But were going on a weekend vacation to the seaside. And since Twilight is coming with us were also trying to help her loosen up a bit. So you boys will be fending for yourselves this weekend." Velvet said. "Ok mom. We understand." Spike nodded. "Good." "We'll be home at 7am Monday morning. If you boys need anything give us a call." Night Light replied. "Ok dad." Inferno said. "Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Have fun boys. Call if you need us." Velvet said as she and the others left and closed the door. The brothers didn't know that they're parents were going on a weekend vacation. And plus they still needed to find their missing rocket. "Well that certainly was unexpected. Spike we should probably eat our breakfast and then we go try and find the rocket." Inferno suggested. Spike nodded in agreement and they went to the kitchen and had their breakfast. After that they got up and looked all around the house to see where the rocket was. They searched high, and the searched low. They even looked in every nook and cranny. But they couldn't find the rocket anywhere. They eventually regrouped and met at the slide door to the backyard. "Did you find it Spike?" Inferno asked. "No I didn't. Man mom and dad are gonna be so upset if they hear what happened to the rocket that they gave us." Spike worried. "Now don't worry. It was to be around here somewhere. Maybe we should look outside. I betcha Twilight did this to prank us." Inferno said. Spike sighed as he was not in the mood for a prank. So the two went outside and gasped because to their surprise they saw the rocket! But it was way bigger! And it looked so real like. They couldn't believe their eyes seeing a huge rocket in their backyard. "Dude! Is that our rocket?! It's huge!!" Inferno smiled. "It sure is! Hey wait! I think it was the wish I made! Somehow and I don't know how my wish made the rocket bigger and now we can start our space adventure!!" Spike said. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Inferno asked. "We should go in the rocket and see what space adventure awaits us?" Spike answered. "Heck yeah! Let's rock and roll bro!" Inferno said. So the brothers both went to the rocket and Inferno pressed a green button on the side of the door and opened. They went in the rocket and soon they will begin their journey in outer space!
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The brothers went in the spacecraft and saw a bunch of detail on the inside. But what really caught their attention was the control room they entered. It had their symbols and a control panel with lots of buttons and switches and even when Inferno pressed an orange button it revealed two spacesuits. One red and one green. "Dude! Look at this! Spacesuits!!" Inferno smiled. "We gotta try them on!!" Spike said. Inferno nodded in agreement and proceeded to take the spacesuits and change out of their clothes. Soon after a few minutes they were in the spacesuits. "Whoa! These are awesome! We look like real astronauts!!" Spike replied. "We sure do! And I can't believe that your wish actually came true! I mean were inside the very rocket we built! This couldn't be anymore exciting than this!!" Inferno smiled. "It certainly couldn't be! Hey bro? I think we should began our adventure through outer space and see what sorts of planets and galaxies we can seek!!" Spike suggested. "Oh you read my mind man! Let's blast into space and see the planets!!" Inferno agreed. He pressed a red button and the rocket began to position itself for takeoff. The computer began to countdown from ten as the boosters began to power up. "The Flaming Phoenix is ready for takeoff. 10..9...8...7....6....5....4....3....2....1 and ignition." The computer said. The flames came out and the rocket flew high in the sky with the brothers screaming as they felt the rocket shaking and they panicked a little. "It feels like my stomach is in my throat!!" Inferno yelled. "Ahh!! This is like a ride on Space Mountain!!" Spike shouted. "I hope this crazy shaking ends soon! I think I might throw up if this doesn't stop!" Inferno hoped. The rocket continued flying til it left Earth's atmosphere. Then the ride started to go more smoothly and the brothers sighed in relief. "Ok. That's much better. Man that was crazy! I can't believe that we witnessed a crazy experience like that." Inferno replied. "Yeah. But dude were in outer space!! Now begins our space adventure! So which planet should we go to first?" Spike asked. "I don't know man. Let's look around the galaxy and see what planets there are and maybe we can go check them out." Inferno suggested. Spike nodded and looked out the window. They travelled all through the comsos and saw all kinds of stars shining and a few nebulas, and galaxies. Then they entered the Red Rectangle Nebula because of its red color and unique rectangular shape, is a protoplanetary nebula in the Monoceros constellation. They left it and kept on looking and suddenly they spotted a planet that looked like exactly like Earth. "Hey. Isn't that our home planet? Did we seriously just go in a circle?" Spike asked. Inferno typed some information on the keypad and the computer scanned the planet and pulled up the info. "Um Spike? That's not Earth. According to the computer this is the planet Pandora. You see Spike despite being almost as large as Earth, Pandora is only a moon of a planet that has thirteen other moons. However, due to the smaller mass, Pandora's gravity is 20% less than Earth's, although its atmosphere is much denser than Earth's due to the presence of heavier gases. Depending on the position of the various moons, two or even three moons can be seen at once in the sky of Pandora. This causes solar eclipses to happen on almost a daily basis. Pandora and its sister moons also cast large black shadows on Polyphemus." Inferno explained. "Oh. So it looks like Earth but it could be different from ours?" Spike wondered. "Yeah. We should check it out. Let's head down to Pandora." Inferno said. So Inferno set the ship to head straight to Pandora and they went to the planet. Inferno actived a turbo boost and they travelled fast at high speed and went straight into the atmosphere. Inferno slowed the speed down a bit and they landed on the grass. But before they headed out they needed something. "Wait Spike. We need something to protect ourselves from dying. Because I think the air could be poisonous. Let's get some exopacks." Inferno said. So Spike pressed a blue button and another closet revealed two exopacks for the brothers. They grabbed them and placed them on and actived the oxygen tanks so they can breath. The brothers came out of the rocket and landed on the grass and looked around the planet. They saw it was like a Jurassic area and even floating mountains. Now the reason why they have exopacks is because the high concentration of carbon dioxide in the Pandoran atmosphere makes it extremely poisonous and unbreathable to humans, rendering them unconscious in about 20 seconds and causing death in about 4 minutes when they venture out unprotected by specialized breathing masks. "Whoa man. It's almost like we went back in time to the Stone Age where the dinosaurs ruled the Earth. This is amazing. Let's go look around." Spike replied. "Exactly what I was thinking. But let's be careful. Because the residents of this planet may think were dangerous so let's try not to scare them." Inferno warned him. Spike nodded and they went off further into the environment of Pandora to see what there was to discover. And boy they will see lots of new things when they meet the creatures.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The brothers continued walking and when they got through the thick trees they saw lots of discoveries here. Due to Pandora's lower gravity, most of the creatures on Pandora are hexapods which are six-legged, although the Na'vi which resemble humans and have only four limbs. Creatures roam the air and forest canopy below, similar to Earth's animals, but on a scale several times larger. One of the most domesticated creatures on Pandora is the direhorse, a gray-skinned, hexapodal herbivorous animal with bioluminescent qualities that the Na'vi ride when hunting, and they are similar to the human usage of horses. The Na'vi also ride the mountain banshee to hunt from the air, but the hunter can become prey in the presence of the great leonopteryx. In the canopy below, other deadly yet exotic wild animals roam: vicious packs of viperwolves, thick skinned hammerhead titanotheres and the most fearsome predatory animal of all, the thanator. The brothers couldn't believe their eyes seeing the wonderful environment of Pandora and one of the Na'vi spotted them. He pointed his weapon at them and they got a little scared. "Who are you?! You dare trespass on our land!?" He asked. "Whoa easy! Easy! We mean no harm! We simply came from other planet that is similar to this one but I assure you that we aren't dangerous." Spike said. Then a female Na'vi came out and saw the brothers. She noticed that they were scared and she saw the other one pointing his weapon at them. She then calms him down and slowly takes the weapon away. "Honey. Relax. They seem friendly. Plus I don't see any trace of weapons or evil in them. So lemme talk to them." She replied. She slowly approached the brothers as they shook in fear a little. It was clear that they have never seen a creature like her before and were worried if she might attack them. But to their surprise she didn't. "Who are you two? And where did you come from?" She asked. "I'm Inferno. This is my brother Spike. Please ma'am we don't mean any harm. We were just curious what this planet was." Inferno whimpered. But she smiled. "It's alright. And I'm sorry about my husband. He's not used on relying on humans. But since you gave your names I suppose I shall give mine. I am Ronal, and this is Tonowari the chief of the Metkayina clan and also my husband I mentioned earlier." "So your married. Ok but we don't know what the Metkayina clan really is." Inferno said. "Oh. Well since you're from a different planet I will tell you. The Metkayina are an oceanic clan located on Pandora's reefs on the Eastern Sea. Of the over 50 reef clans, the Metkayina are the largest. The clan is led by my husband Tonowari and of course me Ronal, who we live in the clan's main village, Awa'atlu. We live along the shores of the Pandoran oceans, on islands or near the mainland. Our homes are what we call marui pods which are built into the roots of mangrove-like trees spanning the islands. These homes hang directly above the water presumably for easy access for swimming. Some of the Metkayina villages have existed for thousands of years. The structures are constantly renewed but seldom replaced. The main village of Awa'atlu is protected by a seawall 6 kilometers in radius. It has small docks for canoes, a centralized ilu pen and communal areas for gathering, eating and the telling of tales and singing of songs." Ronal explained. "Whoa." The brothers said in unison. "Your home sounds lovely Miss Ronal." Spike said. "It is. And even though we faced dangers our home is truly a wonderful place to be. In fact would you two like to join us?" Ronal asked. "Sure. If your husband says it's okay." Inferno answers. "Honey?" Ronal asked her husband. He looked at the two boys and back at his wife. Ultimately he didn't want to bring outsiders into his home but since they weren't threatening in any way he made his choice. "Alright. They can come. But I'm keeping an eye on you two. After all it is my duty as chief to protect my kind." Tonowari answered. So we whistled and out came one of the mountain banshees. They all climbed on it and flew straight to the village of Awa'atlu. Once they arrived they got off the creature and the brothers loved seeing what Awa'atlu's main village had to offer. The islands of the Metkayina and the waters surrounding them are home to many unique specimens of fauna and flora. The brothers almost believed that it's like a seaside. The Na'vi in the clan saw the two new outcomers and were a little suspicious of seeing them. "Now now my fellow Metkayinains. These are Spike and Inferno from another planet. Now I admit I too was suspicious of them but they claimed not to be a threat to our kind. I will keep an eye on them but for now if my wife trusts them then I trust them too." Tonowari said. The clan all came to agreement to let them enjoy there time in the village and when on with their activities. Then Ronal encouraged the brothers to try and enjoy the stuff they do. "Go ahead boys. Please enjoy yourselves." Ronal said. The brothers needed no encouragement and went off to enjoy the activities. The first thing they did was was go canoeing and they sailed through the waters and loved feeling the breeze. Then they flew on a mountain bashee and faced another Na'vi in a race. Then they decided to listen to the tales of the Na'vi and what they did through years ago. And finally they joined the calm in singing a song that honors the great Na'vi that did well protecting the clan. When nighttime came in Ronal and Tonowari came to the brothers and the chief had a few words to say. "Well boys. I'm sorry for thinking that you were harming my kind. But I can now see that you are kind boys and that you were participating in the stuff we do." Tonowari said. "It's okay. But we were actually on a space adventure and we only want to discover the new planets that are around. So no harm done." Spike assured. "Well that's good to hear. If you boys want to come back then you are more than welcome to visit us anytime." Ronal smiled. "We will. Well we gotta head out now. But we will visit again someday. Goodbye!" Inferno said. The brothers waved goodbye and they headed back into the thick jungle and found their rocket. The brothers got close enough where Inferno pressed the green button and entered the ship. Once in they took off their exopacks and they can finally breath again. "Whoo! That feels much better. I cannot go another minute wearing this." Spike said. Inferno chuckled at Spike's silliness and they put away the exopacks. "Ok so Pandora was a nice planet. Now let's see what other planets we can find." Inferno replied. He pressed the red button and the boosters were actived and they were up in the air and Spike acts the warp drive and got them out of the atmosphere and back in outer space. They sailed through the sea of stars til Pandora was gone. "Ok brother! One planet down! So where should we go now?" Inferno asked. "Maybe a planet where it's all sweet and nice? I don't wanna enter a freaky alien planet." Spike answered. "Well don't you worry bro. I won't take us to any freaky alien planets. So lemme active hyper speed, and the special space portal blaster....and away we go!!" Inferno said. The rocket kicked off into hyperspeed and a portal opened carrying the brothers to another galaxy and discover a new planet. Where will the brothers head next? We'll know soon enough.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Back on Earth we see Velvet, Night Light, and Twilight coming home for it was Monday. When they entered the house they placed their belongings down and when the living room to relax. "Boys! Were home!!" Night Light shouted. But there was no answer. "Spike? Inferno? Come on boys. Look I'm sorry about telling you to come to my presentation. I was so busy with getting a good record for a college that I wasn't paying attention to my brothers." Twilight said. Then when she entered the boys room they weren't there. Twilight worried and looked everywhere around the house. She searched high and low but she couldn't find them anywhere. She screamed as her parents heard that as she came running down the stairs. "What's wrong sweetie?! Is everything okay?" Velvet asked. "No. My brothers are missing! I looked everywhere around the house but I couldn't find them!" Twilight cried. "Now dear calm down. I think maybe they went on a walk and probably forgot to tell us that they were. I'm sure they'll be back. Just relax." Velvet assured. Twilight sat down on the couch and tried relaxing til the brothers got home. But after 30 minutes they all hadn't heard anything from them. And Twilight worried that brothers weren't on a walk after all. "Ok. I don't think they were on a walk. I need to call my friends. I want to see if they are ok and I hope my brothers are alright. We need to find them." Twilight said pulling out her cell phone. Back in space the brothers ship slowed down after they left the portal and Inferno deactived the hyperspeed. They were in a different galaxy but this one was far different. The stars were actually star shaped, the planets had arms and faces in the galaxies, and even one planet they saw was square! "Wow! Is it me or is everything in this galaxy a little weird?" Spike asked. "Well maybe but look on the bright side. At least we didn't end up on some freaky planet like Darwin IV." Inferno shuddered. "What is Darwin IV?" Spike asked. "Trust me you really don't want to know. But long story short Darwin IV is a grassland like planet that's 6.5 light years from the Earth, with two suns and 60% gravity. It was also depicted in the series ‘Alien Planet’ based on Wayne Barlowe’s book Expedition. According to the story, after identifying Darwin IV as a world that could support life, Earth sends a pilot mission consisting of the mothership Von Braun and three probes: Balboa, Da Vinci and Newton." Inferno explained. "Oh. Yeah I think were better off not exploring that planet." Spike said uneasy. "Yeah probably not. But hey be grateful that we are so not going there. Besides this galaxy made look a little weird but it's also fun." Inferno replied. Then the rocket flew deeper and they came across a galaxy where they see the planets acting really silly. Being that the planets are sentient, they always act very silly. Though they don't have official names, fans have given them their appropriate titles. Spike and Inferno saw the funny acts the planets did and laughed a little. "Ok that's a little funny. Look at them do those silly things!" Spike laughed. "Yeah hehehehe." Inferno giggled. The planets continued to do more silly acts and the more they did the harder it was for the brothers to contain their laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh my!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That planet hit the other on the head with a star! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Now that's so funny!" Inferno laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Man this galaxy is so funny! It's almost like they were born to act all goofy! They oughta call this the Galaxy of Goofs if this keeps up! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Spike said. Then the rocket left the galaxy and the brothers got their last giggles out before calming down and getting back on track to see what planets their were to explore. "Ok. Ok. Let's see what lies in store. If that goofy galaxy wasn't the only thing around these comsos then let's see what else they're is." Inferno said. So they continued onwards to see what else in this galaxy there was to see. Then suddenly they heard a beeping going off on the monitor. Spike worried that it was something evil. "Um Inferno? I think something is close." Spike worried. "Now relax. Lemme see if I can get a closer look on this." Inferno said. He typed in something on the keypad and adjusted some switches to get a clear picture. At first it was glitching with something brown on it. "I think you're getting something." Spike replied. Inferno then tried to get the picture to not be glitchy as he made the final adjusts and the photo stopped being all songy and we see a brown ship flying around the comsos. They looked at it closer and they can tell it was made of cardboard with two rockets wrapped around with rope. It zoomed pass them and they wondered where it was going. "Was that a cardboard rocket? How can it be in the comsos?" Spike asked. "I honestly have no idea Spike-O. But I do have a feeling that I know two somebodies that fly around in that rocket. Let's see where there going." Inferno said. He then calculated a route to follow the cardboard rocket and the two ships went on traveling through the night sky and after two hours they see a planet with different color lines on it and they caught a sweet smell to it. Then they saw the cardboard rocket enter it's atmosphere. "Mmm Spike do you smell that?" Inferno asked. "I sure do Inferno. It almost smells exactly like ice cream! We gotta check that planet out!!" Spike beamed. "Okie dokie artie chokie! Let's enter this sweet looking planet!" Inferno said. So their rocket started to come into it's atmosphere and they were excited to see this planet. I know they will have a sweet time there.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The brothers got out of their ship and saw a wonderful yet tasty sight on this planet. There was valleys made of vanilla, ice cream cone trees, mountains of mocha fudge, hot fudge springs, and even rivers of chocolate sauce. The brothers drooled at this tasty sight. "Wow Spike! When you said that it smelled like ice cream here guess what? It is actually ice cream!!" Inferno said. "Man now that's something you don't see everyday." Spike smiled. Then they saw the hatch of the cardboard rocket open and out came three robots. One was all round and wearing orange shorts, another was a little smaller and wearing a pink dress, and the third was cube shaped. The trio looked at the brothers and the small one giggled and jumped. "Look Olie! New friends!!" The small one said. Then Inferno realized something that the small one said. When she said 'Olie' he knew that it definitely came from one of their TV shows they watched when he and Spike were much younger. Then it finally hit him. "Wait a minute. I know you three! You're Rolie Polie Olie!! And that make her your little sister Zowie! And this guy! That's you best friend Billy!" Inferno smiled. The three robots were surprised that they knew their names. "Um yes. Yes that's us. But how did you know our names?" Oile asked. "Oh that's easy. Me and Spike LOVED watching your TV show back in our world when we were little. And man I gotta tell you it is truly an honor to meet Rolie Polie Olie here." Inferno explained. "Yeah. And now we know who what flying that cardboard rocket. I bet you made that when you had to stop the meanest enemy around: Gloomius Maximus." Spike said. "We sure did. But after we helped him realize that he doesn't really need to steal the fun he reformed. Though how did you two get here?" Olie asked. "Long story Olie. But the short version is my brother Spike made a wish that we would go on a space adventure and we got our rocket bigger. Then we traveled the comsos to see different planets and when we came here we saw this really goofy galaxy before we landed here." Inferno explained. "Ah so you went to the Galaxy of Goofs I see. Yeah that place is really silly. It's guaranteed to make anyone laugh." Billy smiled. "Well what do you know Inferno? It really was a galaxy of goofs!" Spike said. "But what exactly is this planet? We never seen a lot of ice cream in one place before." Inferno asked. "Well your on The Ice Cream Planet. The tastiest planet in the galaxy. And we happen to be here to enjoy a day for some ice cream fun!" Olie said. "Wait you're saying were on an actual ice cream planet?!" Spike asked. "Yep! And if you like we can have you guys join us for a day of fun here." Billy offered. "Are you kidding? We love to enjoy in on some ice cream fun!! Let's go!!" Spike answered. So the gang all headed deep into the Ice Cream Planet and began their day of fun. The first thing they did was go spoon sledding down the ice cream hills and the brothers screamed in happiness as they went down. They fell off the sled and ate some of the vanilla ice cream they landed in. Then they went sailing down the chocolate rivers and Spike managed to grab a cup and drank some. Then they played a little game of hide and seek. "Oh Zowie. Where are you?" Inferno asked. "Olie. Come out come out wherever you are!" Spike said. Then the brothers saw a familiar pink dress hiding in a pile of vanilla ice cream and they smirked knowing who was hiding. So they sneaked up on the being and found Zowie! "Aha! We found you!!" The brothers said in unison. "Aw. Me been spotted. Me wanna find Olie now!" Zowie said. She ran looking for her brother and the boys followed behind. After a good game of hide and seek they all went jumping up and down in puddles of fudge. Spike accidentally slipped in one and got fudge all over him. Then they shared a good laugh and we end it with the brothers relaxing in the hot fudge springs. "Mmm now this is relaxing. Hey Olie? Are their any other planets in this universe besides the Ice Cream Planet?" Inferno asked. "They're sure are. Where we come from is The Rolie Polie Planet. I live with Zowie, Mom, Dad and my dog Spot. We always have a great day every day. Oh and sometimes my uncle Gizmo would visit and his hair is tall as Housey. And Pappy lives there too. You should see his house. It flies!!" Olie said. The brothers smiled and laughed. "Nice. You know we should visit there someday. It sounds fantastic." Spike offered. "Well sure you can visit. And the planet I come from is Planet Cubey. Reason why is that was my original home til me, my mom and dad moved to Polieville. That's when I met Olie and we became best friends. And we definitely shared some fun times together." Billy added. "You sure did. Hey Olie? What other planets did you discover in your universe?" Inferno asked. "Well there's the Jollie Planet. That's where Willy and Wally Jollie live. They were my dad and uncle's favourite TV show when they were little bots. And they happened to be the real defenders of fun when Gloomius used to be evil. But now he was reformed and the Jollies still protect all the fun for everyone." Olie explained. "And there was also Planet Chillsville. That's where Kranky Claus lives. He travels through the whole galaxy delivering all the presents to the good bots and it's really cold over there. If you two headed over then you be freezing cold in no time at all." Billy added. "Brr! I certainly wouldn't want to be on a freezing cold planet." Spike said. "Me either. But I gotta say Olie. Your galaxy sounds like a ton of fun!! I mean there's this Ice Cream Planet, the Chillsville Planet, The Jollies Planet, and your home planet! Is there nothing else you got?" Inferno beamed. "Well there's lots more in the galaxy but it be too long to explain." Olie said. "Olie! Me wanna home now. I want to see mommy and daddy again." Zowie replied. "Ok Zow. Well guys it was great meeting you. But we gotta head back home now. Promise you'll come and visit when you get a chance okay?" Olie asked. "Well we Olie. Thanks for letting us join you in the ice cream fun! See ya later!" Spike answered. The three smiled and headed back to their cardboard rocket and when the rockets were actived they left the atmosphere and the brothers smiled as they made three new friends. "I like Olie. He's nice." Inferno replied. "Yeah and his sister Zowie is cute. I bet she get along with the Cake Twins." Spike said. "Oh definitely bro. And Billy? I bet he would like to meet the Mane Seven back home. Man so far this space adventure Spike is really good!" Inferno smiled. "Yeah. But I can't help but miss mom and dad." Spike admitted. "Hey bro don't worry. As soon as we finish seeing the different planets through different galaxies we'll be back home in no time." Inferno assured. "I hope your right." Spike said. "I'm your brother. You know I'm right. Anyways I think we explored enough of the Ice Cream Planet. Let's shake off the fudge and head back to the ship." Inferno said. They both climbed out of the hot fudge springs, shook off all the fudge on them, quickly grabbed their spacesuits and placed them back on and headed back to the rocket. Once in they shook their bodies and felt all warm again. "Ahh. Back from the cold. It's nice and warm in here. Ok bro. What planet should we explore next?" Spike asked. "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe something from your wildest dreams. Or maybe we'll find one that's like really wacky." Inferno thought. "If it's a wacky planet then can we make sure it's not too wacky?" Spike asked. "Sure. Heck not even I can handle a lot of wackiness. Anyways off we go to the third planet!" Inferno declared. He pressed the button and the boosters actived and they left the Ice Cream Planet and headed straight into outer space again. They flew in the comsos and Inferno couldn't help but play a little music as he pressed the purple button with a music note.https://m. The ship began playing and the brothers started dancing. And as an added bonus they put in some silly acts which fit the song very well. After they finished dancing Inferno pressed the red button and actived hyperspeed and the portal blaster and zoomed really fast into it. Where will the brothers go now? We'll find out soon.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Back on Earth we see Twilight with all her friends as they tried to calm her down because she was crying a little since she couldn't find her brothers. They did their very best to help her but still couldn't get her to stop crying. "What am I gonna do? My brothers are missing and I fear they might have been kidnapped." Twilight said. "There, there darling. It's okay." Rarity said calmly. "How? My brothers are missing and I haven't paid attention to them. I feel like a bad sister!" Twilight cried. "Twilight. You are not a bad sister. I know you love your brothers as much as they love you. Now please calm down. If it will make you feel better we can try to find them." Sunset reasoned. "Yeah. And I know your brothers would not be mad at you." Fluttershy added. "Ok. Yes. I want my brothers to be safe." Twilight said calming down. At the same time her parents came to her. "Twilight. We informed the police. They'll do what they can to find your brothers." Velvet said. "But honey. We don't want you to get upset when you here this. If the police can't find them in six days then the chances are they are no longer here." Night Light added. "Mom! Dad! I don't want to believe that my brothers are dead!! I want to find them!!" Twilight cried. "Ok ok. Calm down. Now if you wanna find them your more than welcome to. But we are to be by your side at all times. And your friends are welcome to join the search." Night Light replied. "Yes Mr and Mrs Sparkle. And we probably should have told you sooner but me and Rarity carried crushes on your boys. So after we find them is it okay if we hang out with them? As couples? We swear to never lose them." Sunset asked. "You know what? Sure you can. After all you both are very nice girls. So after we find them then you have our permission to hang out with them." Velvet smiled. "Thank you. But we better get started on finding them." Rarity suggested. "Let's look at the movie theater! Maybe they overslept after the movie and forgot to come home." Pinkie said. "Maybe. Let's go look." Night Light replied. So everyone headed out of the house and began their search for the brothers. But none of them realize that they are in outer space exploring the comsos. Speaking of space we see a portal opened and the hyperspeed deactived once more and the brothers were still cruising around the sea of stars. This time they entered a galaxy of colors as they shined bright and making a rainbow everywhere. "Woah. Look at all these colors! They're beautiful." Spike said. "They sure are Spike. Because according to the computer we are in The Colorful Comsos. Where here everything is all bright colorful and cheery. Even the planets here are colored theme!" Inferno said. Spike smiled hearing that and there was something that got his attention. He saw a star constellation in the shape of a dragon and got starry eyed. "Bro! You gotta see this!" Spike said. "What is it Spike?" Inferno asked. Inferno looked out of the window and saw the dragon constellation and smiled. "Wow! We found Draco!! It was named after Ladon, the hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of Hesperides. In fact, sad story but true Ladon the dragon was slain by poison arrows in one of Heracles’ 12 labors." Inferno explained. "Poor Ladon. I bet he was a tough dragon." Spike replied. "In a lot of his books yes he was. Anyways Spike. Since we are in The Colorful Comsos let's see what colorful planets are there waiting for us." Inferno suggested. He typed in what kinds of planets there were in the Colorful Comsos and pulled up a bunch! They couldn't decide which one to choose from. "Wow. That's a lot of planets. I don't know which one we can pick. We could try the purpley-blue planet." Spike suggested. "I don't know Spike. Cause looking at its info it says it's a gloomy place and it's known as Gloomtopia. Now do you really want to explore a sad looking planet like that?" Inferno asked. Spike thought about what Inferno said and started gaining second thoughts. "Actually I rather not check that out. Besides if Pinkie was here she probably wouldn't enjoy it anyways." Spike replied. "Yeah that's exactly what I thought. Alright let's see what else there is." Inferno said as he tried relocating another planet. "Ooh this one looks good. It almost looks like a rainbow bubble. And it's not gloomy. Wanna check that out?" "Sure. It's way better than the other planet." Spike answered. "Ok! Then we had a winner! I'll just actived the hyperspeed again. And we head down to the third planet! Let's fly!" Inferno said. He pressed the button and the boosters kicked at high speeds and flew really fast. Inferno was keeping his eyes on the window so he make sure that they don't crash into anything and break the ship. Then after a hour or two Inferno slowed down the speed and they saw a rainbow bubble like planet coming into view. The brothers smiled seeing sight wonderful sights. "Well look at that planet Spike! Ain't this baby a beauty?" Inferno asked. "It sure is! I wonder what we'll see on the planet? And im not sure what it's called." Spike wondered. "According to the computer this planet is called Toompa." Inferno said. "I mean I'm not sure why it's called that but it kinda does make sense that it looks like a bubble." "Yes. Well that planet is good enough to explore. Let's go check it out." Spike smiled. "You got it bro." Inferno said. Inferno took the ship in the atmosphere and went to the planet. The brother are about to see what Toompa has to offer and maybe new people.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The door open and the brothers came out of their rocket. Once out they saw what Toompa was on the inside. They saw a bunch of wacky houses, A tall crystal skyscraper in the far distance, and a bunch of other stuff the saw that was pretty impressive. But ultimately they like the rainbow color vibe that was all around. "Wow. Would you look at this? This planet is amazing! I real like were in a dream right now dude!" Inferno smiled. "Me too! I mean I never seen this much rainbow color before. I guess you could say that this really is 'colorful'." Spike joked. The two laughed at Spike's joke. Spike was really good at telling jokes and his brother sometimes comes up with jokes of his own. "Dude! We gotta be comedians! That is seriously some funny stuff you said!" Inferno said. But then suddenly they heard someone else laughing. And they didn't know where it was coming from. "Spike? Did you hear that?" Inferno asked. "I did. But where did that come from? I think someone is here." Spike answered. And turns out Spike was right. Appearing out of the bushes was a girl with blonde curly hair and wearing a rainbow dress. She smiled and giggled seeing the boys. "It was me. I was the one that laughed at the joke. It was funny. Anyway who are you two?" She asked. "I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We came from another galaxy because Spike made a cool wish to go on a space adventure." "Nice to meet you Spike and Inferno. My name is Meebeedeep. But you can call me Melody." "Well Melody it's very nice to meet you. And we were curious about this planet Toompa." Spike said. "Oh. Well this is my home planet. You happen to be in front of my house. And I can certainly tell you don't know much about it. Would you like to have me show you around?" Melody asked. "Sure! We really want to get to know your planet better." Inferno answered. "Come with me and I'll be happy to show you around." Melody said. So Melody led the brothers to their first stop in Toompa. They arrived at a sea which for some reason smelled like raspberries. "Hey Spike? You smell raspberries?" Inferno asked. "I do smell raspberries. But where is it coming from?" Spike wondered. "It's coming from here. Here is the Great Soda Sea. It's an ocean of raspberry soda that you can really drink and swim in." Melody explained. "Wait! You can actually swim in that?!" Spike asked. "Uhuh. But the bubbles really tickle." Melody added. "Haha! Talk about a fizzy feeling there! You know what I mean?" Inferno joked. The brothers laughed at his joke and Melody couldn't help but laugh too. "Come boys. There's more to see." Melody said. So she led them to another place on her planet. They now arrived at the crystal skyscrapers and saw how beautiful it looks. And when the sun shined it's light it caused rainbows to appear out of the skyscrapers and cover the sky in rainbows. "Whoa. Melody that looks beautiful. What exactly is this?" Inferno asked. "This is the Rainbow Crystal Scrapers. These special scrapers can make the whole sky a bright rainbow color whenever the sun shines on them. And it makes quite a wonderful sight." Melody explained. "Well you sure ain't kidding. This is a wonderful sight to see! You know if Rarity was here she would think that this is so beautiful she create many dresses rainbow themed." Inferno commented. "Yeah. Her customers would be tickled pink seeing the rainbow design on the dresses." Spike added. "I'm glad you're enjoying the view of the rainbow. Come there another place I wanna show you." Melody said. So she led them to a third place her planet has. This building had a bell and was decorated in rainbow color but is presented as a school. "Hey Melody. What's this place?" Inferno asked. "This is where I go to school. But considering it's the weekend I don't have school today. Here I learn many things. Like learning how to create paintings, learning the planet's history from back in the day, and best of all k learn how to have time to be with my friends and not have my head in the books." Melody explained. "Good for you. But we have a sister back home and she always has her head in the books. We do love her but we wish she didn't always think about school." Spike said. "Is your sister always like that?" Melody asked. "Not always. Sometimes. We just want her to try and understand that it's ok to have a little fun every now and then. In fact I bet she's really worried about us leaving." Inferno said uneasy. "Hey it's ok. I know something that can help." Melody said giving Inferno a bracelet. "I made it. But the only difference is that this jewel in the middle will be set off whenever her mind goes unbalanced." "Won't that just frustrate Twilight more?" Spike asked. "Don't worry. This jewel won't frustrate her. The jewel will play a calming tune to relax her brain and try to do something fun so she won't be all panicky." Melody assured. "Oh. Well thank you Melody. This will definitely come in handy." Spike smiled. "Your welcome. Well it was nice meeting you two. But I gotta head home now. I hole to see you two around someday." Melody smiled and disappeared back home. "Wow. That girl really can do all sorts of tricks. Especially on a different planet. Well Spike did you enjoy seeing Toompa?" Inferno asked. "I sure did. Melody was nice. Though I think we should head back to the ship and see if we can find more planets to explore before we head home." Spike answered. "Sure Spike. This adventure ain't over yet! Come on!" Inferno said. So the brothers both headed back and when they stopped at the Great Soda Sea they took two large bottles and filled both of them up with raspberry soda. After that they headed back in the ship and Inferno actived the boosters and headed back into outer space yet again. Back in the endless sea of stars the brothers flew through the comsos and saw Toompa getting smaller as they were leaving. Spike knew that visiting Toompa was great but there's more planets to explore before heading home. "Alright bro. Third planet down. So where to next?" Spike asked. "Hmm. Why don't you pick Spike? What planet would you like to go to next?" Inferno offered. "Let's try a planet with some either icy or fiery surroundings? I wanna see what it would be like to visit a hot or cold planet." Spike answered. "Alright. We will do just that. Now let's see.." Inferno said as he typed some info on hot or cold planets. And to their surprise their were only two planets. One icy blue and cold, and one orange and very hot. "Only two huh? Ok Spike which one do you want to see?" Inferno asked. "Hmm. I'm thinking we can go to the cold one. The hot looks blazing and we could get burned." Spike answered. "You know what? I agree with you. Let's go to the cold one and see how 'cool' it looks.' Inferno joked. The two laughed and Inferno actived hyperspeed and they flew very fast in the direction where their cold planet is. And once they arrive they will get quite a chilly feeling in their skin.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Back on Earth yet again the gang were still looking for the brothers. They looked everywhere. They tried the playground, the movie theater, the mall, different restaurants, the school, and even their favorite spot: The Soda Stop. But no one can find them. Twilight was now even more worried than ever. "Oh Spike, Inferno. Where are you? I hope you aren't gone forever." Twilight said shedding a tear. "Twilight darling. It's alright. Were gonna find them. They certainly couldn't have gone far." Rarity said. Twilight could only nod her head yes. But after a few hours nighttime reached and Twilight was now extremely worried and her friends decided to stay at her home for a sleepover in hopes of cheering her up. But nothing they tried seem to work. And then Sunset's phone went off. "Oh. Sorry girls. I gotta take this." Sunset said as she answered her phone. "Hello?" "Hi Sunset. It's Inferno. Hey listen were sorry if we somehow made Twilight upset. So we wanted to check in and see how your doing." Inferno said on the other line. Sunset suddenly was in shock and in happiness. Then she went back in the bedroom. "What's wrong Sunset? Who's on the phone?" Fluttershy asked. "Girls. Twilight? You ain't gonna believe who's on the phone. It's Inferno!" Sunset answered. "What?! They're alive?! Oh lemme talk to them!" Twilight said as she took the phone. "Inferno! I can't believe you are alive! Is Spike with you?" "Yes he's with me. And sorry for not calling you earlier. But we've been busy exploring the galaxy and we just completely forgot to call." Inferno explained. "Galaxy? Wait you two were in outer space the whole time?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Twilight asked. "Sorry Twi. We thought you wouldn't believe us even if we did. But rest assured we are okay. And we'll be back home before you know it." Spike said on the other line. "How did you two even get into outer space in the first place?" Sunset added. "Long story Sunset. But Spike made a wish on a star and for some reason that made our rocket grow bigger and now were on a crazy space adventure." Inferno explained. "Ok. But thank Celestia that you two are alright. Promise me that you be home soon?" Twilight asked. "We promise Twilight. So were all ok now?" Inferno wondered. "Yes. Ok we'll see you later when you return home." Twilight said as she hung up and gave the phone back to Sunset. "Well Twilight. Your brothers are ok. So you should stop crying now. And they'll be back home before you know it." Sunset smiled. "You're right. But I wish they could tell me before they headed into space. Now I hope they'll be safe in the comsos and know a way back home." Twilight said. She looked up into the sky and silently prayed for her brothers to come home safe and sound. Back in the Colorful Comsos the brothers were a little conserved because they don't know what they will expect when they find the cold planet. But at the same time they couldn't help but feel a little guilty for not telling Twilight sooner about them being in space. "Hey Inferno? Do you we should have probably told Twilight about our space adventure earlier than late?" Spike asked. "Yeah maybe we should have. But we got so busy discovering the planets that we didn't notice that. That was on me man." Inferno admitted. "Next time when we have an adventure well gotta tell Twilight about it so she doesn't get all worried. We did promise mom and dad after all." Spike noted. "Yeah your right. We'll make sure to do that next time. But for now let's focus on finding that cold planet. It shouldn't be too far now." Inferno said. "Well don't have much far to go. Because were coming close to it now." Spike replied. He pointed at an icy blue planet and the brothers knew instantly what planet that was. It was the cold one that wanted to check out. Inferno typed in the info on this planet and presented the information. "Ok Spike it says here that this is the planet Cold Cuts. So there's like a bunch of snow and it's really cold over there. Like freezing cold." Inferno explained. "So how do we stay warm in that weather?" Spike asked. "Don't worry Spike. There's a special panel equipped on our spacesuits. Just press the orange button and it was active the thermal nuclear underwear and it should keep us toasty warm in there." Inferno answered. "Wow. Is there anything that our spacesuits don't have?" Spike asked all surprised. "This ship and suits are created by our imaginations! So there's nothing that they can't do. Alright Spike-O! Next stop: Cold Cuts!!" Inferno declared. So he steered the ship and and headed straight into it's atmosphere and prepared to witness the cold weather as they see snow coming on the ship. What will they witness when exploring Cold Cuts? We'll find out soon enough.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Inferno actived a super heat mode so the wires and circuits won't freeze while they explored Cold Cuts. After he did the door opened, the brothers actived their thermal nuclear underwear and headed out. They landed on the snow and saw that it was like a winter wonderland. "Wow. Now I know why they call it Cold Cuts. It's a winter planet!" Spike beamed. "You bet it is. Now I wonder what we'll find here. Hopefully something not too bad." Inferno said. Suddenly they both heard something. It was almost like somebody was humming a song. “Hear that?” Spike asked. “I hear it, Spike,” Inferno answered. “I wonder who’s singing that,” Spike wondered. "Only one way to find out. We follow that sound and see where it is coming." Inferno explained. So the brothers stuck together and followed the sound. After a few minutes they heard it getting louder and suddenly they saw someone singing. It was a beautiful icy blue woman wearing a ice dress and vocalizing her voice. The brothers couldn't help but listen to the tune.https://m. The brothers decided to dance along to her voice and after she finished she posed and then she heard clapping an turned to see the brothers smiling and applauding her performance. "That was amazing! You have a wonderful voice!" Inferno complimented. "Encore! Encore!" Spike smiled. The girl immediately blushed as she saw them. She thought she was alone and now was completely embarrassed singing in front of two new beings. "Oh geez. I'm so embarrassed." She said hiding her face. "Don't be. You were incredible! We had no idea that you sing that good. So there's no shame in it is there Spike?" Inferno asked. "Nope. Not at all." Spike answered. The girl then uncovered her face and started to feel a little more calmer now. "Well I appreciate you saying that you like my singing. I'm Blizza. The princess of Cold Cuts." She introduced. "Nice to meet you Blizza. I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We come from a different galaxy and planet but rest assured that we are friendly." He said. "Well nice to know. I was out here practicing my singing for a special event my father is holding at the castle. But since you two are here I was wondering if you want to join us?" Blizza offered. "Well sure! We never turn down a party. But we hope your father will allow that." Spike said. "I will talk to him. In the meantime why don't I take you guys to the castle where I live?" Blizza asked. The brothers nodded and followed her to the castle. Once inside they see that the place is decorated with all sorts of ice decorations and even paintings of legends from years ago. Needless to say that they were beyond impressed. We cut to seeing them out of the bedroom waiting for Blizza to come out. "I hope her father will allow us to stay for the party." Spike hoped. "Me too bro. Me too. But sometimes we don't always get what we want." Inferno reminded him. Spike nodded knowing he was right. Then Blizza came out with a smile on her face. "Boys. My father will allow you two to stay for the party. But later on tonight he and my mother will share a waltz for everyone the finale. So whatever you do don't ruin that for him." Blizza said. "We promise. Plus we won't even go near him." Inferno replied. "Your parents will have a great waltz so they be totally safe." Spike smiled. "Thank you. Now come on downstairs! You'll love what this party has to offer!" Blizza beamed. The brothers nodded and followed her to where they were hosting the party. In the throne room they saw all sorts of people having the same icy blue skin and wearing white tuxes and ice dresses. It was quite a lovely party but the brothers knew something to kick it up a notch. "Hey Spike? You thinking what I'm thinking?" Inferno asked. "Yeah. We play a song and groove to it and get this party hopping?" Spike said. "Heck yeah! Let's go!" Inferno smiled. So the brothers went to the record player and waited for this song to finish. Then when it did the brothers took it out and placed another record in there. Once in they danced and turns out Blizza liked it and joined in as she started to sing and everyone decided to join in the fun.https://m. Everyone was having a good time and even the brothers joined in singing with some of the ice men here. They when they reached the solos Spike began playing an epic drum solo and Inferno played an epic guitar solo. Then when the song finished everyone posed and cheered for the brothers and Blizza. Then they all continued to enjoy the party. "You guys that was amazing! Do you do that at parties back on your planet?" Blizza asked. "Yeah. Well maybe not every party. But whenever we can tell that this party goes down hill we always like to pick it up a notch. Don't we Spike?" Inferno answered. "You bet we do party animal!" Spike teased. The brothers laughed and Blizza couldn't help but giggle a little. Then suddenly the doors opened and we see two people that resemble a king and a queen. These were Blizza's parents. "Attention everyone. We hope you are enjoying the festivities here today. And rest assured that these two here are harmless and my daughter Blizza kept an eye on them. Now then. We reached this point of the evening where you will witness the waltz of me and my wife as we keep our kingdom alive." The king said. So Blizza headed to the record player and took out the one the brothers played and placed another one in. Then the music started playing and the royal couple began waltzing.https://m. While they were doing that the brothers wanted to ask Blizza something. "Hey Blizza. I gotta ask. Is there a reason why they do this waltz? Cause I heard them saying something about keeping the kingdom alive." Inferno whispered. "Actually yes. See every year my parents would perform this waltz to power the legendary Ice Bird who will keep protecting our planet for generations." Blizza answered. "What's the Ice Bird?" Spike asked. "It's our powerful guardian that protected Cold Cuts for over millions of years. So it's become a tradition that every year they plan the party and the waltz to recharge it's power and keep protecting our kingdom. Come look out the window to see for yourselves." Blizza insisted. The brothers and Blizza looked out the window and saw a bird in the shape of a rectangle ice cube flying all over the kingdom spreading the snow and also becoming powerful to fight any evil that might lurk around. They couldn't help but smile. And soon after the waltz the royal couple posed and the bird flew off back to it's position and got ready to face any evil and everyone applauded. After the party night came in and the brothers needed to say goodbye to Blizza before heading off. "Well Blizza. Thank you for letting us stay for the party. We had a good time there." Inferno said. "Your welcome boys. And you're more than welcome to visit anytime you want. But be sure you try and warm up before coming out her cause it's cold." Blizza said. "Oh we can do that no problem. Our thermal nuclear underwear will definitely keep us warm from cold weather. So were good there." Spike told her. "Oh. Well that's a good thing. When I gotta head inside now. But come visit anytime." Blizza smiled. "We will Blizza and thanks again." Spike said. She smiled and headed in the castle then the brothers headed straight back to their ship. Thanks to the special heat mode the wires and circuits never got frozen during all the time they were at the party. Then entered the rocket and turned off the underwear and the heat mode and zoomed off back into outer space. Once back in the comsos the brothers stopped in the middle of space to discuss where they can go next. "Ok Spike. Let's review what planets we been through. We started with Pandora, then the Ice Cream Planet, next was Toompa, and finally this planet Cold Cuts." Inferno said. "Yep. That's four planets exactly. So where can we check out next?" Spike asked. "Let's see. We can try exploring a new galaxy and see what new planets await us. Cause I think we seen enough of the Colorful Comsos." Inferno answered. "Yeah. So let's check out one more galaxy and see what planets there are. Cause I want our last stop to be on the Moon in our solar system." Spike agreed. "Now that is a great idea. And in the last galaxy we enter let's discover three planets in there. And after that we'll end it back in our solar system and we head to the Moon." Inferno smiled. So Inferno actived the hyperspeed and the space portal blaster once again and began traveling through another portal and getting ready to experience the next galaxy and seeing the planets. What will they witness? What planets await them? And what galaxy will they be in? All those will be answered in due time.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Out of the portal yet again the brothers entered the next galaxy. This one has star constellations of different instruments and some stars that can actually dance and twinkle. Then they heard a jazzy saxophone playing. They looked out the window and saw the constellation playing. The brothers couldn't help but groove along to the beat. After the beat they continued onwards. "Wow bro! This galaxy is alive with the sounds of music!" Spike smiled. "I know. It's very much like to have the sounds of music because in fact this galaxy is known as the Musical Galaxy!" Inferno explained. "Really? That's pretty awesome!" Spike beamed. Then they saw a lead guitar constellation playing and they rocked their heads to the tune! And it was clear that these brothers love listening to music a lot. After it finished the constellation left. "Haha. I just love listening to music!" Spike smiled. Then Inferno had an idea. "Hey Spike? Since were in a musical galaxy.... maybe we can listen for what planet we can explore!!" Inferno suggested. "Great idea brother!! Ok let's listen!!" Spike agreed. So Inferno actived A special hearing device on the rocket. And that way they can hear what kind of music is coming from which planet. And so far they can't hear anything yet. After a few hours of cruising through the stars they thought that wouldn't find a planet. But then suddenly they heard a catchy little tune coming from a green planet with yellow spots on it.https://m. They instantly recognized that tune and started dancing to the beat. They knew that from one of their favorite TV shows when they were a bit younger. They continued dancing til the song reached the end and they posed. "Bro! Did you hear that?!" Spike said surprised. "I sure did! We know this song! And it came from that planet! And I think I know what it is." Inferno said. Inferno went to the keypad and typed in the info and he got a big surprise when the information pulled up on the planet. "I knew! We found the Wiggly World!! A place that the popular preschool band The Wiggles live!!" Inferno smiled. "The Wiggly World?! I remember that video we watched! It was so much fun! There were so many songs to sing along with and my personal favorite is Sing With Me! With special guest Kamahl!" Spike added. "Well my favorite was Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport. With special guest Rolf Harris. Anyways. What do you say we go check out the Wiggly World and get our wiggle on?" Inferno asked. "Oh you bet! Come on! Take us to the Wiggly World!" Spike agreed. "Wish granted dear Spike!" Inferno said typing in the route to the Wiggly World. "Setting in the route now and off we go! Get ready to wiggle Spike because this music just won't stop!" "Oh goody!" Spike smiled. Then the rocket headed straight to the Wiggly World and they knew that soon they will meet lots of new friends and sing along to some songs and have a wiggly good time!
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The rocket landed on the ground and when the brothers hopped out they saw an incredible sight. There were trees and clear blue skies, different wacky streets, and of course funny looking buildings that most people don't see everyday. And they was also different places where you can actually play on. The brothers feel like they were younger again. "Wow! Look at this world Spike! It's exactly like what we see on TV! Ohh! I feel like were little kids again!" Inferno smiled. "Me too! This is mind blowing! Hey I wonder if we will run into some friends the Wiggles made." Spike wondered. "Who knows Spike? We'll have to look around and see!" Inferno suggested. But just when they were about to explore this world.... "HELP!!!" A voice echoed through the Wiggly World and the brothers definitely heard that. "Did you heard that Spike? It sounds like someone is in trouble!" Inferno asked. "I did. I think we should help out where this person is. But where?" Spike wondered. "We better follow that sound and help out whoever is in trouble!" Inferno suggested. The brothers nodded in agreement nd together they ran off to locate the source of that voice calling for help. Like their sister they never leave anyone in danger. They kept on running fast as they can to try and find whoever needs help. Then suddenly they saw another group running in the opposite direction and everyone crashed into each other. They all groaned and rubbed their heads from the impact and the brothers decided to help them back up. "Oh goodness! We're so sorry. Are you alright?" Spike asked. They helped everyone get back on their feet and when they were standing again the brothers got starry eyed as they recognized them so well. "Wait! You're The Wiggles! Greg, Anthony, Jeff and Murray! And that's Wags the Dog! And Henry the Octopus!" Inferno smiled. "Yes! That's us. But who are you two?" Anthony asked. "I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We came from another galaxy and we were trying to locate a mysterious voice that was calling for help." Inferno explained. "Well we happen to be trying to locate the same sound too." Greg replied. "Since were all trying to find that sound why don't we team up and look for it together? That way we can all help whoever is in trouble!" Spike suggested. "Great idea!" Murray said. All the others agreed and they heard that sound again. Led by Inferno and Wags they ran off to locate the source of that voice again. They kept running til they saw a green dinosaur with yellow spots hanging on a rose bush crying for help. "HELP ME!!" The dinosaur said. "Whoa! It's A dinosaur!" Spike replied. "That's not just any dinosaur. That's Dorothy the Dinosaur! And she's in trouble!" Greg corrected. "Well we better help her get down from that rose bush!" Inferno suggested. The group all headed to where Dorothy was hanging and they all worked together to try and gently get her down. But they were having a hard time doing that. Then a pirate came and everyone fell down and the dinosaur let go of the bush and fell on top of them. "Oh. You saved me thank you. Oh im not hurt at all." Dorothy said. "Neither are we." The Wiggles said in unison. "But we kinda are. Could you guys get off us?" Inferno asked. The Wiggles apologized and they all picked themselves up and helped the brothers stand on their feet again. "Dorothy. You have to be more careful when pick roses." Anthony started. "And always make sure that the ladder is not wobbly." Murray added. "And never stand on the top step." Greg finished. "I won't guys. I promise. But who are these two? Are they your new friends?" Dorothy asked. "You can say that. These are Inferno and Spike. They wanted to help us find you when we accidentally bumped into them earlier." Greg answered. "It's true. But were glad that you're okay now." Spike said. "Hey guys? Since you helped us save Dorothy we gotta do something for you two." Jeff replied. "What exactly did you have in mind?" Inferno asked. "We're planning on having a party later in the rose garden. Would you two be interested in helping out and joining us?" Greg asked. "We love too Greg! We'll can take care of getting a cake if you want." Inferno answered. "That be wonderful boys!" Murray smiled. "Come on Spike-O! Let's go get us a cake!" Inferno replied. The brothers nodded and headed off to find a bakery so they can get the cake. During their way there they saw lots of crazy streets they went on. Like first they were on Sneezy Street which made them sneeze a lot, then they were not Windy Street where the wind was blowing like crazy in their faces, Slow Street where they tried going faster but for some reason can't, and finally they were on Twirl-Around Street where everything and even they were twirling around and around. They finally reached the bakery and went in and bought a huge vanilla cake. The brothers worked together to hold the cake so they won't accidentally drop it. "Woah! This is one huge cake. But I really don't wanna go down those crazy streets again. Let's try and find a shortcut back to the rose garden." Spike suggested. "Good idea Spike. That's probably wise." Inferno agreed. So the brothers went off looking for a shortcut to head back to the rose garden. Of course they ran into different streets with all sorts of crazy stuff happening. But they did they're best to make sure that they don't drop the cake when they got on those streets. They finally reached the rose garden and they see everything all decorated and ready for the party. Then they placed the cake down on the table and high fived for a job well done. "We did it. Nice work bro." Spike smiled. "Thanks. And you did a nice job too Spike." Inferno agreed. Then they saw Greg coming towards them with someone else. The man next to him was brown skinned, has dark brown hair and is wearing a tuxedo. "You both did a nice job getting the cake. And I have a wonderful friend for you two to meet. His name is Kamahl." Greg said. "Hello boys." Kamahl greeted. "Hi. I'm Inferno." "And I'm Spike. Nice to meet you." "Kamahl here sang in many places all over the world but here something very special is gonna happen. What's that Kamahl?" Greg asked. "Well here at this party for the very first time, Dorothy the Dinosaur and i, we are going to sing a song together." Kamahl answered. "Wow. That sounds cool. Well I say that we should get everyone and Kamahl to sing with Dorothy. Come on Spike! Let's all sing with Dorothy!" Inferno smiled. "Let's do it!" Spike agreed. So the gang all headed in there positions and got ready to dance and sing with Dorothy. After they did the music started.https://m. The Wiggles, the brothers and all there friends danced to this tune and on some verses we hear Kamahl singing. And boy was everyone grooving to the beat and near the end we see some people forming a little tunnel and everyone went under it and went off the garden which ended the song. Nighttime came in and everyone went home in their houses to rest. The brothers were back in their rocket soaking in all the excitement from the party. "Was that a terrific party or what Spike?" Inferno asked. "It was Inferno. But I think it's time we check out the next planet." Spike answered. "Right you are bro. Lemme just get this baby started and away we go man!" Inferno said. Inferno actived the boosters and warpspeed and off they went to the next planet in the Musical Galaxy. Where will they go now?
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The brothers were once again in the comsos and traveling through the sea of stars. So far they were having the best space adventure of their lives and nothing bad has happen once. Then Inferno actived the hearing device on their ship and listened once more to see what the next planet will be so they will explore. "Ok Spike keep your ears open for any sounds. If one interests one then we'll head to that planet." Inferno said. "Gotcha on that Inferno." Spike answered. So the brothers both were listening to see what sound might interest them. But after a few hours of traveling they couldn't hear anything and fell asleep. They were getting a little tired and need some shut eye so that way they can be rested for the next planet. Three hours later the brothers were still sleeping. But then suddenly they heard the sound of vocalizing echoing around the comsos. They slowly started to wake up and rubbed their eyes so they can get a clear view. "Spike. When did you start singing like that in your sleep?" Inferno yawned. "I didn't do that. I think it was you." Spike said. "I most certainly did not. I was sleeping the whole time." Inferno said but then realized something. "Wait a minute. If you didn't sing and I didn't sing then who did?" They suddenly heard the vocalizing again and they looked out the windows to see where that sound came from. But so far they couldn't get an exact location of where it was. "Ok Spike. I definitely believe you that you didn't sing. So where is that sound coming from?" Inferno asked. "I have no idea. Try looking on the computer screen. Maybe we can figure out which planet is making this and find the source." Spike suggested. Inferno couldn't argue with that. So he went to the computer and played the sound again and typed in some info and tried to pinpoint a planet to match it and sure enough it pulled up one that mostly covered with water and has colorful spots on it. "I think I got a location Spike. According to the computer this is the planet called Sealantis. It's where mostly fish and other sea creatures live. But there's also a new species that live there. And turns that is where the sound is coming from." Inferno explained. "Then we better head there and track down our mystery sound." Spike declared. Inferno nodded and actived the hyperspeed and off they went! Soon enough they arrived at the planet and Inferno started taking it into the atmosphere. Soon the brothers will explore what Sealantis has to offer and they will get a huge surprise when they meet a creature that's not like most fish.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The brothers arrived and luckily they found a beach and landed their ship there. Then before the brothers got out Inferno needed to discuss something with Spike. "Ok bro. I know it doesn't look like much but if were gonna explore Sealantis then were gonna have to put on some scuba gear. Because we can't breathe underwater." Inferno explained. Spike nodded and the two of them got some scuba gear on and headed out of the ship. Once they were the brothers both jumped in the water and began sinking to the bottom of the ocean. And after a few minutes they landed on the wet sand. "Ok bro. Were underwater. Now we just gotta find whatever made that sound." Inferno replied. Then they heard the sound again. They looked around trying to locate the source til Spike saw some moving seaweed. "Hey Inferno? This may sound crazy but I think the sound is coming from the seaweed." Spike thought. "Dude are you nuts? There's no way that a bunch of seaweed can be making that sound. But I suppose we can check it out if you want." Inferno offered. Spike nodded in agreement and swam closer to the seaweed. The sound was getting louder and Inferno started to believe that Spike was right. And then to their surprise a girl with violet hair, artic blue shells on her chest, and a tail covered in shiny violet scales merged out of the seaweed all tied up. The brothers gasped seeing this. "Please. Can you help me?" She asked. "I can't believe my eyes! You're a!" Inferno sputtered. "Yes and I'm stuck! Please help me." She cried. "Sure we'll help. Spike pull on one end and I'll pull on the other." Inferno said. "Ok." Spike answered. Then with all there might they tried pulling her out of the seaweed but they were having trouble. Then they tried pushing her out of it from behind. But that didn't work either. "Man she's really stuck!!" Spike said. "How are we supposed to get her out of this icky seaweed?" Inferno wondered. "I have an idea. Inferno grab the seaweed and try and rip it off while I get her out of it." Spike suggested. "That could work. Let's do this." Inferno said. So he grabbed on the seaweed and Spike took her hand and when he counted to three they pulled with all their might and Inferno ripped off the seaweed and Spike pulled her out of it. She was no longer covered in seaweed and was free. "I'm free! Oh thank you boys! I owe you two one." She said happily as she swam towards them and hugged them. Then to Spike's surprise she hugged him so tight and rubbed his back causing him to blush crazy red but returned the hug. Inferno smirked and nudged his shoulder. "Ooh. You got a mermaid lover bro." Inferno said all singy songy. "Eh no I don't!" Spike denied. "Relax. I'm only teasing. You know that you have a thing for Rarity." Inferno said. Spike sighed in relief. His brother may tease but at least he doesn't tease a lot. Then they faced the mermaid they rescued and were curious who she was. "Excuse us miss? We didn't get your name. Who are you?" Inferno asked. "Oh I'm sorry. My name is Night Star. I'm the princess of Mermaid De Ray. Which is where I live with my parents. Who are you two?" She answered. "I'm Inferno and this is Spike. We came from a different planet and galaxy. Though we never expect to see an underwater planet. We were trying to find what was making that sound we heard." Inferno explained. "Oh. You mean this?" Night Star said as she started singing. Then suddenly they remembered that sound from earlier. They now realize it was her that made that sound all this time. "Wait. It was you that made that sound the whole time?" Spike asked. "It sure was. We mermaids are half siren you see. Therefore we have the ability to sing to draw people near. It also hypnotizes them but I only hypnotize them when I wanted to. That's what you were hearing." Night Star explained. "Ohh." The brothers said in unison. "Anyways I better be heading home. Although since you two saved me would you like to see my home?" Night Star asked. "Sure! I wonder if there's any more mermaids besides you." Inferno wondered. "Oh there is. Come. Lemme show you two Mermaid De Ray. It will be something you will enjoy." Night Star smiled. She swam towards her home and the brothers followed her. After a hour or two they arrived at her home. It was a huge city in the sea and there was a castle too. We also see many residents enjoying their time and doing there daily activities. To the brothers it was a sight to behold. "Wow. Now that is something you really don't see everyday." Inferno smiled. "Yes. Now come boys. I want you to meet my parents. And we'll explain that you both saved me." Night Star said. So the trio all swam towards the castle gates and Night Star assured the guards that the brothers were completely harmless and won't cause any trouble. They let them in and once in the castle the brothers loved seeing the reef decorations on the walls. Once they arrived in the throne room they spotted the rulers of Sealantis. One was a muscular merman king and the other was a beautiful mermaid queen. Those were her parents. "Intruders!! What are they doing in my castle?! Guards!!" The merman king shouted. "Father wait! They're not intruders! In fact they saved me when I was stuck in the seaweed. I assure you they are friendly!" Night Star worried. "Honey. Lemme go talk to them." The queen replied. He calmed down and the queen swam towards the brothers who were a little nervous seeing royalty. "Is it true that you two truly saved our daughter from being stuck in the seaweed?" The queen asked. "Yes ma'am. We did save her. And we don't mean any harm what so ever. So we really don't want any trouble." Spike answered. The look on the queen's face suddenly soften and she can tell that they were telling the truth. "Well. I thank you boys for doing that. And I'm so sorry for thinking that you were trespassing. But I now see that my daughter is safe and you boys are pure of heart. Guards. Return to your posts. They are free." The queen said. The brothers sighed in relief and the guards returned to their posts. "You two try any funny business with my daughter I will put you in the dungeon." The king threatened. "No you won't. Honey. Everytime we have guests you always threaten them just because you think that they are doing something with our daughter. She's 19 years old and is old enough to spend time with friends even if their boys. So stop being a overprotective king and go to the bedroom. I will deal with you later." The queen said. The king frowned and swam to the room. Once he was out of sight the queen faced the brothers again. "I'm sorry about my husband. He isn't used to relying on others. But I do appreciate you both for saving my daughter. Oh my name is Queen Ocean Wave." She said. "Nice name. It totally fits you. I'm Inferno and this is Spike." "Pleasure meeting you. Now that we got that taken care of how's about we give you both a tour of Sealantis?" Ocean Wave offered. "We would love that." Spike smiled. So the queen or Ocean Wave called in a special sea carriage and allowed her daughter and the brothers in. Thus begins there tour of Sealantis. The first stop they made was a special training ground where mostly mermen train to protect their underwater kingdom. Next was sea like stage they see where they can perform different plays and shows at night. Third was the whole city of Sealantis where they get many friendly waves from the residents and they returned them by waving back. And finally they see the the luxurious Seaside Spa where the residents can go and relax when they had a rough day. Night came in and the queen and Night Star were at the front of the castle gates again. "Well boys. I hoped you enjoyed the tour." Ocean Wave smiled. "We sure did. Thank you for letting us see everything that your kingdom has to offer." Spike said. Then suddenly when a ray of moonlight shined on the mermaids their tails started to light up. The brothers immediately saw the light shine so bright that it lit up the ocean! "Whoa. How is your tails doing that?" Inferno asked. "Easy. Our tails are covered with shiny scales of our color. So when the moon shines it's light on us we can light up the whole ocean." Ocean Wave explained. "Wow. That's so pretty. If only Rarity could see this. She be starry eyed." Spike commented. "And before you leave I wanna sing a little something for you." Night Star said as she cleared her voice and started singing.https://m. (Replace blue with violet) As she sang the brothers immediately swayed their heads to the tune and did a little synchronized swimming to the beat and even sang with her! After the song was finished she posed and the brothers clapped. "Wow. I really felt that one. Deep down." Inferno commented. "Me too. Well thank you for the song. Now we gotta go." Spike smiled. The brothers waved goodbye to the mermaids and swam back to the beach. Once on land again they took off all their scuba gear and headed back inside the ship and dried off. After that they changed back into their spacesuits. "Wowzers! That has probably got to be the best planet we ever been to. Anyways let's go see one last planet before we head back to our galaxy." Spike said. "You got it! Way we go bro!" Inferno agreed. So he actived the boosters yet again and steered the ship out of the atmosphere and back into space. What will the next planet be?
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Back on Earth we see the girls all enjoying a milkshake at Sugarcube Corner. But Twilight however was getting more and more worried that something happened to her brothers while they were in outer space and Sunset noticed her reaction. "Twilight? Are you okay? Please don't tell me you are worried about your brothers again?" Sunset asked. "I'm sorry Sunset but I fear something bad happened. Like maybe they got hit by a meteor! Or got sucked in a black hole! Or worse got stranded on an evil planet!" Twilight worried. "Twilight darling. Please calm down. I am positive that they are okay and will return home when they finished exploring the comsos." Rarity assured. "You say that but I'm still worried! Forget this! I'm going after them!" Twilight declared. "You can't Twilight! You don't have a ship and we don't want your parents worried about you! Stay here and wait til your brothers come home." Fluttershy reasoned. "I'm sorry. But I'm their sister and I have to go find them!" Twilight said. And like that she ran off to her house and opened the garage door revealing a special space pod she worked on. There was also a purple space suit with her cutie mark and got changed into it. She climbed into the pod and actived it. Her friends tried to stop her from going into space but it was too late and she was long gone. "This isn't good. The last time we checked her pod it wasn't completely tested. I think Twilight might need help saving if something bad happened." Sunset said. "Yeah. But her brothers are the only two in space right now. So IF Twilight is in danger we give her brothers a call and they'll make sure that they save her." Applejack suggested. "Good idea Applejack. But let's hope Twilight will be safe out there." Rainbow hoped. Back in outer space in the Musical Galaxy the brothers were cruising around and still have their sound detector on so they can find what the final planet will be before they return home to their galaxy. "Okay Spike. So what's the last planet you wanna check out before we head back to our galaxy?" Inferno asked. "Hmm. I'm not sure bro. There's so many planets to choose from." Spike said. So they kept on looking and suddenly they both heard a jazzy blues tune playing. The brothers were interested in knowing where that was coming from and couldn't help but groove. "Ooh. I wonder what planet is making that jazzy tune? I better go see what's making that!" Inferno said as he went to the computer. He typed in some info and tried to pinpoint a planet to match the tune and after a few minutes it pulled up a planet that was a darker shade of blue and for some strange reason was wearing a fedora and has on sunglasses. "Well that's something no one has seen before." Inferno said. "What is Inferno?" Spike asked. "Well this planet is wearing a fedora and has sunglasses on. And according to the computer it's called the Cool Blues Planet. This is where people play lots of cool, jazzy blues tunes and they follow the beat to keep the rhythm of their day in balance." Inferno explained. "Ooh. Now that is pretty jazzy. Hey Inferno? What do you say we go check out that planet before we head on home?" Spike asked. "Cool idea daddy-o!! Next stop the Cool Blues Planet!" Inferno declared. So he actived the hyperspeed and they zoomed in the direction of where the Cool Blues Planet is. And after a few hours Inferno slowed down the speed and they came face to face with the planet. "Ok now that I see the planet up closer that actually looks cooler than I thought." Inferno commented. "I agree. Now let's go see all the cool cats on the planet." Spike agreed. So Inferno steered the ship into it's atmosphere and knew that once they land they will grooving along to the jazzy tunes and have a cool time.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
The rocket landed yet again and the brothers jump out. They see all sorts of people wearing jazzy outfits. Some wore fedoras, while others have on sunglasses. The brothers were loving the style of this planet and couldn't help but dance a little to some of the tunes. "Now I get it! It's a jazzy planet!" Inferno said. "It sure is! Blues music is everywhere here! I think we should go look around and see what this funky planet has to offer because this is so cool." Spike smiled. Inferno nodded and they went off and looked around the planet. They first were at a shop with all sorts of instruments they use for playing blues music. Inferno tried out the saxophone and Spike tried out the trumpet. They played very well and even got a few fans cheering. Next they tried on some fedoras and sunglasses and boy they looked cool. Then they even tried doing a few jazzy dances and got some people grooving along with them. And finally they got to meet some famous musicians and they gave them autographs. The brothers were happy and they loved what the planet has to offer. "Wow. Im liking this planet bro. It's got a lot of jazzy things to do here. And boy these people do not joke around when playing the blues." Spike said. "Me too man. I wonder what else we might run into while were here?" Inferno asked. He suddenly got his answer as the brothers hear someone singing a swinging beat.https://m. They saw a man with a dice for a head. He is wearing as purple suit jacket, dark purple pants, purple shoes, a dark purple vest, and a tie. This was King Dice. The brothers heard him singing and were grooving to his song and after he finished he posed and the audience cheered for him as a took a bow and left the stage. "Oh that guy was cool! And he sang real good." Spike replied. "You bet. That's King Dice! He's from the Cuphead video game and show where is was supposedly the Devil's right hand man. I wonder what he is doing here." Inferno wondered. "I don't know. But we shouldn't bother him. He's a very busy man and I wouldn't want to get in his way of playing blues music." Spike suggested. "Yeah good idea." Inferno agreed. "Oh you ain't bothering me boys. In fact I always have time for fans." A voice said. They turned around and saw King Dice in front of them. "Whoa! When did you did there? We thought you were on stage." Spike asked. "Oh I was. But I couldn't help but overhear you two commenting how great I was singing that jazzy blues tune. And any fan of mine is also a friend of mine." King Dice explained. "Really. Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Inferno and this is Spike." "Pleasure meeting you boys. I'm Mr King Dice. The gamest in the land and famous blues singer. Any chance you two can swing by for a big show I'm doing tonight?" He asked. "Sure but we gotta ask. What are you doing here? We thought you were working for the Devil." Inferno asked. "Well that's a long story boys. You see I used to work for him but during the years I realized that he was never fair and I quit. That's when I found my real passion to be a blues singer and start fresh on this amazing place." King Dice explained. "You certainly have many fans adoring you for sure." Spike smiled. "Absolutely Spike. Anyways come by the Blues Music Hall later tonight and I will do a grand performance that all of the Cool Blues Planet has ever since!" King Dice insisted. "Sure King Dice. We'll be there." Inferno said. "Great. I'll be seeing you two in a little bit." King Dice said as he took his leave. "See ya tonight King Dice! Bro can you believe that we are gonna see a jazzy concert?" Inferno asked. "I can't believe it. This is gonna be a great show! And knowing King Dice he's gonna do great on that stage!" Spike replied. Night rolled in and we see everyone getting their tickets to see King Dice's big show. In the Blues Music Hall we see the brothers standing and waiting for the performance to begin. Then after a few minutes they lights went dim and we see King Dice and his band members coming on stage as everyone cheered. "Thank you everyone. We appreciate you all foe coming here. To kick things off we will start with a little tune I call The Lovesick Blues. Hit it boys." King Dice said. As he said that all the members began playing.https://m. As King Dice was singing all the people were grooving along and the brothers joined in and pretended to play the saxophone and the trumpet making it look like they were joining the band and having a fun time. And after the song ended King Dice posed and everyone cheered for that jazzy tune. After two hours the show ended and everyone left leaving the brothers the last two people that left the building and before they left King Dice came to them. "Thanks for coming to my show boys. I really appreciate that." King Dice smiled. "You're welcome King Dice. Now we gotta get back home to our galaxy." Inferno said. "Sad to see you go. Why don't you guys stay here? You seem like you can be great musicians." King Dice insisted. "We appreciate the offer but we have a family waiting for us back home and we've been away long enough." Spike replied. "Well in that case I hope you two make it home safe and tell your friends I said hi." King Dice said. The brothers nodded and waved goodbye to King Dice as they took their leave. King Dice waved goodbye to them and headed inside the Blues Music Hall and locked up for the night. The brothers arrived back at their rocket and went back inside. Once in Spike and Inferno sat down and smiled at each other from a wonderful adventure. "Spike. This was the best adventure I've ever been on with you. You made a great wish." Inferno said. "Thanks Inferno. I can't believe we saw many new planets and made new friends. Wait til we tell mom and dad about our journey." Spike smiled. "Yeah. Hey Spike? It doesn't have to end on short notice. What do you say we head back to our galaxy and head to the moons on Earth, and Jupiter? Consider this as the final planets we will explore before we head on home." Inferno asked. "You know what? Yeah. Let's go see what they have to offer before we head back to Earth." Spike agreed. So he actived the ship and blasted back into space and Inferno actived the hyperspeed and the space portal blaster once again and began traveling through another portal and getting ready to head on back to their galaxy and explore the moons of Jupiter and Earth. Their space adventure is coming to an end soon. And also they might need to help their sister later on the Moon.
Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Spike (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Brothers Journey Through Space
Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!
<p>Spike and Inferno Sparkle wished that they could see what the universe has to offer. As in seeing different galaxies and planets. Suddenly when Spike made a wish on a star then embark on an incredible adventure through outer space!! Join them as they journey through the cosmos and meet new friends.</p><p>P.S: Be on the lookout for any references I will put in.</p>
Back with Twilight she was still looking for her brothers. While she was doing that she didn't realize that she entered a meteor shower!! Twilight was scared and tried dodging them but there were too many. That caused her pod to go out of control and spun around. She tried gaining control and was having a difficult time due to the meteors coming. Finally she managed to get out of the meteor shower and sighed in relief. "Whew. That was a close one. Now to find my brothers." Twilight said. But suddenly she saw something on her radar that another meteor was coming. Twilight looked around trying to find it but had no luck. Then all of a sudden he felt something hit the back of her pod and that cause the booster to be broken and she spun around and lost control of her pod. She tried regaining control but it was no use and she crashed on the Moon. The impact knocked her out cold and now only her brothers can save her. Speaking of the brothers they came out of the portal and returned to their galaxy. The brothers smiled and are happy to be back in their solar system. "Ahh. It's good to be home." Spike said. "It sure is bro. Now let's go see one of Jupiter's moons before we head on home. What do you say?" Inferno asked. "I think that is a great idea. Let's fly." Spike answered. So the brothers flew straight to Jupiter at warpspeed and saw that there was many moons. But the one they wanted to discover is Europa. Now that is the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, and the sixth-closest to the planet of all the 95 known moons of Jupiter. It is also the sixth-largest moon in the Solar System. And Europa has the smoothest surface of any known solid object in the Solar System. The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have a hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath the surface. And they reached til they enter it's atmosphere and once they landed Inferno actived a tank mode and they went ahead and entered a crater. In one of the craters they entered was called Cilix, which is the brother of Europa. In the crater needless to say that it was deep and has some ice in there. "Woah. Would you look at that man. I never knew that Europa has craters that contain ice." Spike replied. "Believe it bro because we are making history. And we will have one incredible story to tell when we get home to our parents. They will be so surprised." Inferno nodded. But then they started getting a call. Inferno pressed a button and the screen revealed Sunset and the rest of the girls. "Boys! Do you read me?" Sunset asked. "We heard you loud and clear Sunset. What's going on?" Inferno asked. "Listen boys we need your help! Twilight went into space looking for you and she hasn't answered back! We think something bad happened to her!" Sunset explained. "WHAT?! Twilight went into space?! Well you made the right choice calling us Sunset. When did that happen?" Spike wondered. "It happened when she got out her space pod and was worried that a bad thing happened to you two. But last time we checked her pod it wasn't fully tested. So we need you two to find her and bring her back home." Rarity answered. "Never fear girls. We will find our sister and bring her home. But problem is that we don't know where she can be." Inferno admitted. "Well when you do find her please let us know as soon as possible?" Pinkie said. "We promise Pinkie. Thanks for letting us know. We'll be on the lookout for Twilight." Inferno replied. He turned off the call and the brothers looked at each other in worry. To hear that Twilight is in outer space somewhere and is in trouble they can only imagine what will happen if they don't get her home. Their parents will be extremely worried about their family going missing. "What are we gonna do? Twilight's out there and she could be hurt." Spike worried. "Oh I tell you what were gonna do. Were gonna have to reschedule exploring Jupiter's moons for another day. Because for now were going to find our sister and bring her home." Inferno said determined. "You're right. She's family. And families stick together no matter what. So we have to find her." Spike agreed. "Damn right. Now let's get out of this crater and head off and find our sister." Inferno replied. So he actived the rocket mode again and they blasted out of the crater and flew out of the atmosphere and began their search for Twilight. He put the ship in hyperspeed again and off they went. After an hour or two they slowed down and began searching around the comsos to see where Twilight was. But they couldn't find her. "Oh where can Twilight be?" Spike worried. "I don't know Spike. We don't even know what happened to her that caused her to be lost in the first place." Inferno said. Then suddenly they picked up something on their screen. They looked on it and saw that there was something coming from the Moon and they wondered about something. "Inferno. There's something coming from the Moon. Do you think that it could be Twilight?" Spike asked. "Im not sure bro. But if she's on the Moon then we have nothing to lose. Let's head to the Moon and see if she is. We'll be lucky if we find her." Inferno admitted. The brothers nodded in agreement and Inferno actived the hyperspeed once again and flew super fast heading to the Moon. They have to find Twilight and her get her home to safety. Can the brothers find her on the Moon? Or will they have to keep looking through the galaxy for her?
Main 7 (EqG),Spike (EqG),Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Mystery,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
The Perfect Boy Does Not Exist
What happens when some kids arrive at Canterlot High and have the mane six in their sights?
<p>When Twilight and the girls meet six new male students who just arrived at Canterlot high, and one by one fall in love with them, what will happen? Will Spike be able to save his friends? Or will this day be just perfect for the boys?</p>
It was a weekday, the Canterlot girls were sitting in the cafeteria after finishing their second day of classes. “Seriously, that class is the worst.” Rainbow Dash complained, laying her head on the table. “Come on, it's not that bad,” Twilight said. “Twi, you are an Einstein in calculations,” Rainbow said. Twilight didn't know whether to be offended or flattered by that comment. “Girls, I was thinking, we can go somewhere after school,” suggested Pinkie Pie. “A break from class doesn't sound bad,” Rainbow said as she moved her arms behind her head. "Let's go to a party!!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly. “Pinkie, it's a school week, we can't afford to drink and feel bad the next day,” twilitgh claimed. “Oww, Sunset would agree,” said Pinkie, a little discouraged. “I'm not really sure about that,” said Fluttershy. “By the way, when is she coming back?” Applejack asked. “I don't know, she told me she wanted to visit her world, but she didn't say how many days she would be there” Twilight answered. “Mmm… it feels different without her” Pinkie Pie said. “Yes” they all said in unison. “Returning to the topic of the exit” Rarity spoke to change the topic. “Lyra and Bon Bon told me about a movie they went to see at the Cinema” Rarity said. “Cinema sounds better,” Applejack said. “I think it's better than a party,” said Fluttershy. “It's not a party, but it will be exciting,” Pinkie said with a smile. “As long as it's action, everything is fine,” said Rainbow. They all turned around looking at the girl with glasses hoping that, of her opinion, Twilight raised an eyebrow at her gaze then sighed and said "I don't think we'll feel bad about a movie." "That!" “Yei!” Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash celebrated. Once classes were over, everyone headed to the mall. While Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy headed to the food court to buy some popcorn. Rarity, Applejack and Twilight went to buy the tickets “Pinkie Pie, don't you go a little overboard with the candy?” Fluttershy said looking at the amount of things she carried in both arms. "Don't worry, Fluttershy, this will be over in the blink of an eye," Pinkie answered simply. “I can help with that,” Rainbow said with a tray of refreshments in her hand. The three saw how their friends were already paying for the tickets so they decided to approach them. "And Rarity... what's the name of the action movie we're going to see?" Rainbow asked Applejack laughed at the comment and tried to hide it, Rainbow raised an eyebrow at that, then looked at Twilight who avoided her gaze. “Well… I never said it was action” “Then what is it?” she said confused The movie turned out to be a romance and each of the girls had a different expression. Pinkie Pie was more focused on eating her candy but from time to time she watched the movie, Fluttershy was totally into the movie and sometimes even seemed to shed some tears, Rainbow Dash had an annoyed expression but did her best not to criticize the cheesy moments that they showed, Twilight was analyzing everything that was happening, Applejack was tolerant but a little disinterested in what was happening and finally Rarity was with a handkerchief in her hand drying a tear. After the movie ended... “Oh my God, I don't know how I could stand all that!” Rainbow Dash complained but relieved to get out. “It was very nice,” said Fluttershy. “Yes… he protagonist was so charming,” Rarity spoke. “I would say he is the perfect boy,” she said excitedly. “I don't think anyone like that exists,” Twilight declared. “I agree,” Applejack said, crossing her arms. “Don't be pessimistic,” Rarity complained, turning her back on them. “Maybe Rarity is right,” Fluttershy said. “Maybe if she exists,” she finished, surprising the girls. They all turned to look at Fluttershy, a little incredulous at what she said. When she realized that the girls were looking at her, she hid behind Rainbow Dash. “Oh Darling, that flatters me,” Rarity said with a hand on her heart. “Eh, you're welcome, I guess,” Fluttershy said, looking up, but still behind Rainbow Dash. “Let's see girls, if you dreamed of an ideal boy, what would he be like?” Rarity asked “Me first. "He It would be tall, elegant and detailed" she finished saying, extending her arms as a sign for them to continue. “Oh! Oh! “I want to continue,” Pinkie Pie said excitedly. “He will have to like parties, baking and being charismatic.” Pinkie Pie and Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash. She just looked at them, she wasn't going to answer, but she was getting tired of them looking at her like that “well now!! Let me see… he would have to like sports, be loyal and amazing, not as much as I” she said, crossing her arms egocentrically. Rainbow looked back where Fluttershy was waiting for her to give an answer. "Well... if there was someone like that... I'm not saying I'm looking for one... eh... umm... he would be kind, funny and would have to like animals like me" Fluttershy said, hiding his already blushing face behind her hair. Rarity approached Applejack putting her hands behind her back and looked at her. “Rarity does not exist…” she was going to continue, but then she saw Rarity's eyes and sighed defeated “…that it exists, it exists, but it is not perfect” then she put a finger on her chin “since everyone has answered… the main thing, He has to be honest with me, that he likes to dance to those country songs that I like and attentive” Rarity nodded in thanks for answering, Applejack rolled her eyes, but with a smile. Just like they did in the cafeteria, everyone looked at Twilight waiting for her answer. And Twi? Rarity asked. "Girls, it's-" Twilight was going to object. "Come on Einstein, let's all describe a boy," Rainbow said, interrupting her, "it's your turn." “Seriously Dash, I still don't know how to feel about that nickname.” “¡What does the nickname matter!, we are waiting for you twilight” Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down. “Look, I answered,” Dash said, pointing to herself. “and even the cowgirl did it too,” she said, pointing her thumb at Applejack. “Well, in the hypothetical case…” Twilight began, pausing with her hand, “He would be… mmm… brilliant, creative and methodical. The girls just nodded at the answer. “Sounds very… you,” Rainbow Dash mocked. “Ahh,” was the only thing he said Twilight. “Okay, we already talked a lot about boys, how about we go now?” she suggested “If we should leave now, I'm sure Grandma Smith will call me any minute,” Applejack said. After the girls left the movie theater to head to their respective homes, they didn't realize that a black-haired boy heard their conversation and smiled maliciously. Sparkle Family House “I'm here,” Twilight said as he closed the front door. “Hello Twilight, until you arrived” Greeted Spike who came running on all fours. “Mom and dad aren't here yet?” “Looks like they'll be a little late because of work.,” Spike replied. “By the way, where were you?” “Rarity came up with the idea of going to the movies after school,” Twilight explained. “Could have gone with you” “You know dogs aren't allowed,” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow as if it were the most obvious thing. “I could hide in your backpack,” Spike suggested. “Maybe next time” Twilight bent down to pick up Spike and headed to her room. “What movie did you watch?” Spike asked. "One of romance, Rainbow Dash was exploding when she discovered the movie Rarity chose" Twilight said as she left Spike on his bed. “Hahaha I would have liked to see that” “It's not good to laugh at others behind their backs,” he said as he went to his closet in search of his pajamas. "It was just a joke" Twilight went into the bathroom to change, once she was changed she headed to her bed. “Perfect guy,” Twilight said with a hint of sarcasm. "What did you say? “Nothing, just that after the movie ended, Rarity started talking about how he would be a perfect boy.” “And you don't believe in that?” "Until I see it, I don't believe it, and psychology says so." He said, raising a finger. "Well, let's stop talking about it, it's already late and there are classes tomorrow," he said, moving the sheets to cover himself. “Twilight is still early,” Spike said, looking at the clock on the cabinet. "Not for me" After that she went to bed and turned off the light, Spike had no choice but to get comfortable. It was already the next day of class, the girls were already in their classrooms paying attention. (others not so much) to what their teacher was saying, while this was happening on the outskirts of Canterlot High a group of boys were getting off a bus. “We're here,” said a boy with brown hair. “Welcome to Canterlot High.”
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
"Uhm, are you sure about this Angel?" Fluttershy asked, bowing her head as she stepped further forward into the dark room, her dark green Mary Jane’s catching the dust particles in their velvet material as she timidly entered the small space. “Hurry up!” Angel chittered ahead of her, waving her forward, and with a calming breath - she stepped up the steps to the darkened mirror. The crystals that lined the purple glass were sharp and angular, cutting the light of the mirror into jagged shapes that grew into terrifying shadows. There was an inscription along the base of the mirror, and just above that lay a small bird trapped in the space between the glass and the inscription plate. “Oh little friend! I’ve been so worried, thank goodness you managed to get the attention of the bats. You won’t find any nesting material in here!” Fluttershy scolded to the best of her abilities as she began to carefully unfurl the wings of the creature, delicately pulling it out of its confines. It wasn’t long until the bird was free, chirping its thanks as it rested happily on her hand. “You’re very welcome! Now let’s go back home and I’ll ask Rarity if she has any fabric scraps for you.” Fluttershy's contemplative moment was interrupted by a soft chittering from her left. Glancing back at Angel for a moment, she returned her attention to the mirror. "Yes, I suppose it is a pretty mirror. And the purple is just lovely..." Pausing to admire her reflection's gentle purple glow, she stepped closer before gently tracing her hand along the inscription below. “In this glassy realm where reflections gleam, Beware, dear soul, of what may seem. In this glassy portal, secrets untold, Beware, dear seeker, as stories unfold. Five moons' passage, a transient spree, A new visage, a different decree. But heed this caution, a crucial heed, For the power gained may plant a seed. Others shall falter, your identity lost, Their actions cruel, perhaps at great cost. So gaze with caution, know the deal, In this mirror's enchanting appeal. For transient change may hold its sway, But the cost, my friend, may lead you astray.” "I wonder what that means," Fluttershy pondered aloud, before taking a step back to gaze at her reflection once more. It was then that she noticed the strange purple mist that had filled the room, enveloping everything in an eerie haze. All at once she began to panic and, with a few panicked breaths, turned back to Angel. “Oh no. This isn’t good Angel, we need to go get Twilight. She’ll know what’s happening.” She turned on her heel and rushed to the door, but it was only when she stepped through the threshold of the castle’s doors that she realised she was alone. She turned back with a start, about to call for Angel, only to see the bunny glaring at her with an energy she had never seen. But she didn’t have time to question it before the bird in her hand suddenly pecked her with an unexpected force and flew away. “Ouch!” Gasping in pain, Fluttershy looked down at her hand, only to be met with a sight that filled her with terror. Her skin, once a gentle shade of yellow, now appeared as a more muted white. Even more alarming, her usually pastel pink hair now somehow had green at the tips, and the pink butterflies of her cutie mark that usually decorated her hand were gone - replaced with the image of a purple crystal seemingly locked in a chain and trimmed with lace instead. Dread washed over her as she realised something inexplicable had happened to her. She clutched her hand to her chest, her mind racing with confusion and fear. She glanced back up to Angel, only to be met with the glare from before once more. “Angel? What’s going on? It’s me, Flutter-“ and all at once, the door to the castle of the two sisters was slammed in her face with such force it caused the birds in the trees to chirp angrily. At least, that’s what she assumed anyway, considering she could no longer understand them. It was that thought that had her turning on her heel with tears streaming down her face, directly back into the Everfree forest with one goal - find her friends and figure out what was going on with her.
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
Navigating the forest alone proved challenging without her usual animal friends. Each step felt a bit daunting, especially as she neared the edge of the forest by Applejack's farm. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being trailed. With every rustle of the leaves above, her heart skipped a beat. So preoccupied was she with these rustling sounds in-fact, that she failed to notice the path's curve or the protruding tree branch ahead that caused her to stumble clumsily to the ground. “Hahaha!” A laugh rang from above, and a second later, as fluttershy was attempting to free herself from the vines that had somehow woven themself around her wrists, a familiar head of pink hair popped out of the trees above and landed next to her. “Oh man, you reeeeeally gotta be careful in this forest, stranger!” “Oh pinkie, thank goodness it’s you! You scared me!” Fluttershy breathed, but she didn’t get much time to be relieved before she felt a sudden cool air behind her. She turned her head just in time to see the pale green material of her skirt get flipped up, exposing her pretty white panties to her audience of one. “Eep! Pinkie, what are you doing?” “What did you say your name was again?” Pinkie asked as she took her position behind the exposed woman, leaning down to grip the waistband of the frilly panties while using the other to cover her mouth, attempting to quiet the giggles but failing miserably. “Pinkie!” “That’s funny, that’s my name!” She called as she began to roughly pull on her panties. Fluttershy squealed as she felt them get pulled deep inside of her immediately, the lace rubbing against her with little mercy. She could feel the burn between her cheeks and the stretch as pinkie began to slightly bounce her by her underwear. “Hey! These are pretty stretchy!” “Please… stop… pinkie… pie!” Fluttershy attempted to call out with every bounce, but it was no use as she suddenly felt the other grab hold of the leg holes and begin pulling up even harsher than before, letting loose all her giggles in full. The material began to slip into her front as she struggled to free herself from the vines that seemed to be taunting her by wrapping tighter around her body. One even began to work its way upwards to wrap around her waist, pulling her down to the ground and elevating her ass upwards. “Nooo!” “Ohh, you like this!” Pinkie suddenly exclaimed - apparently not noticing the vine under her victim’s skirt - and with a second of pause to loosen her grip, she began to move around fluttershy’s body. Fluttershy took this as a chance to begin pleading with her attacker, but she didn’t get far before pinkie moved around to her front and began to pull forward again. All she could do was stare fitfully at the pink and blue leg warmers in front of her and try not to cry, as her panties were pulled even further up her back and between her lips, exposing her to the cool forest air and… oh. She whimpered lightly as the pain began to make way for something else, the burning between her legs started to feel… good. The fabric rubbed roughly against her pussy with every pull and the weak moans of pain began to pick up into weaker moans of pleasure. Fluttershy heard a giggle from above, and then, without any warning, the pulling began to get harsher and more painful again. “Why, thank you Mister vine!” Then pinkie was sitting down, both hands totally free, spreading her legs to reveal her own frilly pink panties. Fluttershy gasped and turned her head just in time to see the vines launch their attack. All of a sudden there were vines making their way up her legs, rubbing against them and prying them far apart to worsen the wedgie. More of them escaped from nearby trees and descended onto her, rubbing against her thighs and making their way upwards, tracing her pussy and asshole with their tips and smacking her whenever she tried to move away from them. The sharp sting of a vine whipping her exposed pussy when she tried to move away almost distracted her from the ones below her, which started to work their way up into her dress. They rubbed along her belly while others worked to undo the lacing on her corset, pulling it open before pushing down the front of her dress, leaving her bra exposed to the world. “Ah! No!” Fluttershy tried to call out, but was immediately pulled forward by the tight grip on her panties - directly into… “Ahh, that feels good. Make sure you get your tongue reeeeeally deep, okay? They don’t like to let go until I’m satisfied.” Her muffled cries as her nose and mouth were buried into pinkie’s spread pussy seemed to only spur the vines (and pinkie) on. The wetness coated the outside of her mouth as the vines finally managed to make their way into her bra, wrapping around her breasts and nipples with alarming precision. They all began to pull in unison - the vines around her nipples started to stretch them and roll them as the one around her panties started to tug faster. The vines whipping her pussy also began to whip directly on her asshole as more began to wrap around her in order to spread her ass cheeks and pussy wide open, giving the others more room to work. Even pinkie picked up her pace, rubbing fluttershy’s mouth and nose harder against her, using her face to get herself off. Fluttershy’s muffled cries were met with no acknowledgement as she was used like a toy - and as she attempted to figure out if the wetness she felt tricking down between her legs was due to the moisture of the vines or from herself, she began to react. If all she had to do to get out of the situation was to please pinkie, then… Fluttershy let her mouth open slightly - just enough for her tongue to slip out and taste the wetness that had gathered on her lips. But this was enough encouragement for pinkie apparently, who immediately began to direct fluttershy’s head up and down, forcing her tongue further up and into her pussy. “Ohhhh that’s right, get in there.” The vines whipping her pussy must have taken that as their cue, as a second later they began to lightly trace the outside of fluttershy’s own pussy. The tips worked their way over her, spreading her even further open to gain access to as much of her as they could. Most of them traced the sensitive skin around her entrance, some traced over the line her panties made, and a few wormed their way over to rub against her clit. A few more snuck their way to rubbing their tips against her proudly displayed asshole - and just as fluttershy began to properly attempt to please her friend, they let go of her panties. Fluttershy felt relief flood her system as the vines began to unpick her wedgie and set her panties right - only to began squealing again as soon as she realised why. The smooth tips now had full access to her virgin holes and were taking full advantage, slowly worming their way inside her concealed pussy. There were only a few inside, hardly equivalent to a few fingers, but to fluttershy it was as if there were a hundred wiggling inside of her, pushing against her walls and flicking her clit with little consideration. Yet above the noises of pinkie’s moans and pussy juices, she could hear another wet sound as they started to move properly in unison, sliding back and forth, in and out of her. She couldn’t suppress her own moans this time as the vines around her nipples began to line up their tugging with the vines fucking her right in her tight little pussy. Fluttershy started to lick in earnest, abandoning her resistance in order to properly get the other off. Pinkie’s own moans picked up as a vine escaped fluttershy’s pussy, coated in her wetness, and began to push into pinkie’s asshole, fucking her in rhythm. Move vines followed, leaving fluttershy’s pussy coated in juice and being replaced only to inset theirselves directly in to her friend, worming their way inside. Soon both of them had at least ten in their respective holes, wiggling inside of them, exploring them and fucking them hard and fast. It wasn’t long before pinkie finally started to cum, spraying her friend’s mouth, forcing fluttershy to have to swallow in order to breathe. She wasn’t far behind though, her orgasm much less explosive but still sopping wet as she finally was able to move her head away and hear how soaked she was from the way the vines moved inside of her. “Welp, that was fun! I’ll see you later, stranger!” Pinkie called, somehow already on her feet and perfectly fine as she turned on her heel and skipped away, leaving fluttershy boneless, bound and helpless, with vines still pinching her nipples and wiggling around inside of her.
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
The first thing fluttershy did once she untangled herself from the vines was to fix her clothes, before making her way to applejacks farm. That - as it turns out - was a mistake. "Applejack?" Fluttershy questioned nervously, stepping back as the rugged farmhand took another one forward. "Applejack, it's me, fluttershy! Oh goodness, I’m so confused-" "Now you listen here, I don't know who you are, why you’re pretendin’ to be my friend fluttershy, or how ya know my name - but you're trespassin’ on my property. I suggest you leave before you make me take action, ya hear?" Applejack answered, taking another step forward and backing her up against the tree behind her. All fluttershy could do was stand nervously, trying to figure out what to do, before the other stepped forward and grabbed hold of her upper arms, turning her around and pushing her against the tree. "That's it, don't say I didn't warn ya!" “Oh no, wait!” Fluttershy attempted to plead, but it was too late. The rough hands of her friend were cold as they lifted her dress, grabbing hold of her panties with such force that she was lifted into the air as they began to mercilessly yank upwards. She yelped in time with the pulls, the hours of working the fields having given her friend enough strength to be able to stretch the panties up her back and to her bra line immediately. “Please!” “Please? Well, if you’re beggin’ for more!” Applejack replied before dropping her back down. Fluttershy didn’t have much time to relax however, as she felt the hands snake around her body and grab hold of the front of her panties. She squealed as the fabric was pulled forward, tightening in all the wrong places. Her pussy lips were cut in half as the lace dragged between them, wedging itself deeply into her, while the fabric at the back was roughly pulled between her cheeks. She felt the burning sensation anew as applejack began to tug upwards once more at the back, practically sawing her in half with her own panties. She felt herself wishing for a second that she could be back with the vines, if only to feel some pleasure to add some sort of lubrication. Instead her friend began to bounce her in her hold as she pulled the front again, yanking so deeply that fluttershy could practically taste the frilly material at the back of her throat. It was a while before she was finally dumped on the floor, pussy aching and ass rubbed raw with her panties. Fluttershy whimpered as she reached down to clutch her pussy and pull the fabric from her crotch in an attempt to regain the dignity she had lost. This was another mistake. “Did I say I were finished?” “No, no, no, Applejack!” This time applejack flipped her over immediately, using the front of her panties as a handle to pull her victim to her feet, before dragging her along behind her towards the barn. Fluttershy tried her best to keep up, stumbling along as she attempted to keep pace, desperate not to trip and wedge the material deeper into her lips. “This’ll teach ya.” Applejack muttered as she lead them both into the barn, giving a few sharp yanks to the panties she held firm in her grasp. A short gasp from fluttershy was cut off when applejack turned suddenly and pushed her against one of the beams, using her weight to keep the other pinned as she grabbed hold of the rope on her holster. “Now ya gonna raise your arms yourself? Or ya gonna make me do it for ya?” Fluttershy nervously gulped as she slowly lifted her arms up, and it wasn’t long before applejack had tied them securely to the beam above her head, immobilising her and forcing her back straight. Two more ropes were unhooked from the wall and used on each of her ankles to spread her legs far apart - and as if that wasn’t humiliating enough, applejack then grabbed her dress and flipped it up, bunching up the material and tucking it into her corset to expose her panties to the world. Then she moved behind fluttershy, grabbing a firm hold on the back of her panties as she hooked her up onto the beam behind her, dropping her down into a hanging wedgie. Fluttershy squealed as her weight settled, gravity forcing the fabric of her panties to push up deeply into her. “Now I’ll be back for ya in the mornin’, hopefully you’ll have learnt ya lesson by then.” And with that, applejack turned on her heel, pulled the barn doors open wide and left fluttershy to hang for the night.
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
Fluttershy awoke to something... wet. Wet, painful and yet, good. She opened her eyes and all at once she was reminded of her predicament as she attempted to move but was met with only a dull ache from her shoulders and hips. Right, she was tied up. She tried in vain to roll her shoulders to relieve some of the built up tension from her night suspended- Something wet was being pushed against her pussy. She whipped her head down to be met with the sight of Winona pushing her muzzle lightly up against her, sniffing her sore pussy. “Ah! No, no, please don’t do that Winona!” She begged as she attempted to wiggle away which, unfortunately for her, only seemed to encourage the eager dog to push her nose up further and blink at her blankly. Right, she couldn’t use her abilities. Which meant she couldn’t ask Winona to stop in a way the dog would understand, either. “No, no, no-“ “What in tarnation is going on here?” A familiar voice called just as the dog let her tongue roll out, giving an experimental lick to fluttershy’s wedgied cunt. She let out a muffled shriek as applejack made her way into the barn, angry footsteps stopping in front of the pair. “Ya really gettin’ on my last nerve, and to think I was gonna let ya go too!” “Wait, applejack- please- it’s not what it looks like I swear! I woke up- ah!” fluttershy began but cut herself off as she felt the wet tongue once again brush up against her. She whined in displeasure, wiggling in an attempt to free herself - which only seemed to add fuel to the fire, as the farm girl in front of her took it to mean something else entirely. “That’s it! I was going easy on ya before, but now you’re really in for it.” It wasn’t long before fluttershy had been cut down and rearranged on the barn floor, a makeshift gag of her own panties taped in place on her face. This time she was laid bare and spread eagle on her back, her legs stretched out and tied down to two opposite beams while her wrists were pulled to two more. She tried to weakly fight the movements as they happened but spending the night tied up had weakened her considerably, so it was all she could do to stretch her arms while she had the chance. As soon as she was roped into position the farmer came back around to her dress, pulling it up at her skirt and down at her chest so it bunched around her waist, undoing her corset in the process and uncoupling the front of her bra to fully expose her body to the cool air of the barn. Her nipples hardened quickly due to the cold which only had applejack tutting. “Can’t help yourself, can ya?” The muffled sound of fluttershy’s pleads fell on deaf ears as the farmer and her dog both took this as cue, advancing upon the bound and helpless girl at once. Applejack got there first, sitting down on the girl’s midsection and grabbing fistfuls of her heavy breasts, squeezing harshly as Winona began to lick against fluttershy’s spread pussy with little resistance. Fluttershy began to whine in displeasure as applejack slid her fingers higher, gripping her nipples and pulling them upwards, even twisting at times as the dog opened her up further, slipping the large wetness into her pussy lightly to lap up the previous day’s leftovers. But that wasn’t the only problem fluttershy had. See, fluttershy valued routine. It was important to her that her animals were well looked after, which meant she had a strict feeding time, bed time and rising time for them and herself. This also meant that she had a pretty consistent schedule for… well… The pressure in her bladder wasn’t helped by applejacks weight pushing directly down onto it. Missing her nighttime bathroom break she could manage, but by morning she was always bursting. Having her legs spread did not help. Fluttershy squirmed in place, desperately trying to hold herself together lest she piss off the farmer anymore, but it was no use. As much as she tried to hold it she was constantly slightly too distracted. As Winona got braver the dog pushed her tongue in harder, lapped deeper, opened her pussy up wider and got her wetter and wetter. But it was applejack who ended up breaking her concentration enough for the metaphorical damn to break. With a sharp twist of her nipples and a slight jump on her bladder, fluttershy was gone. Humiliated tears streaked down her cheeks as she squirted, too weak to keep her stream back once it began. Winona, luckily, didn’t seem to mind all that much as the only picked up the place of her licking, sucking down the warm stream as it emptied out of fluttershy. Applejack didn’t feel the same. “What the- are ya seriously- what is wrong with you? Bein’ tongue fucked by the dog wasn’t enough for ya? How much of a whore are ya?” She exclaimed in a moment of almost wonder, taking off her hat as she turned to watch her dog lick the piss out of the bound girl below her. That seemed to be the last straw as the farmer took it as a challenge, putting her hat back on with a determined look - and with one last sharp tug on fluttershy’s nipples - picking herself up and turning on her heel to leave the barn once more. Winona only seemed to pick up the pace once fluttershy had finished her stream, digging her tongue deeper into the pussy in front of her as though it would help her uncover more. There was an embarrassing wet noise as the dog tongue fucked her cunt that started to really get to her, in more ways than one. She started to pant and writhe in place as the steady shluck of the warm muscle spread her open more and more. Fluttershy could feel herself getting close from the stimulation of the warm, wet tongue cleaning out her insides (as much as the hated that fact) but she tried to hold herself back as more tears streamed down her face. Her cheeks burned a hot red and just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, the farmer returned with a horse and a strange black item in her hand. She was almost relieved when applejack called Winona back, only to realise the farmer had something much, much worse in mind for her. “Fine, if you’re gonna be such a whore then I’m sure ya won’t mind somethin’ bigger than a dog tongue. Ever tried a horse?”
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
The harness she was strapped into was impossible to move in - a fact that fluttershy found out very quickly. Well - that might not have been entirely accurate. It did have the ability to ‘swing’ the inhabitant back and forth once the wearer was attached under the horses belly, but the various buckles and restraints meant that fluttershy was bound up much like a turkey once she was manhandled into place, despite her resistance. Her arms were pushed up against her sides and out of the way (for once) and her legs spread open wide but bent at the knee, so that they could be pushed aside and her ass could be raised. Another lovely feature of this horrific harness was the fact that while most of her was bound and concealed, there were specific cutouts for her breasts so that they dangled down towards the floor and would swing uncomfortably while the horse was being moved - a fact that fluttershy learnt rather quickly as the horse was lead out of the barn and down towards the fields. Fluttershy spent the entire humiliating ride wondering how many other people applejack had strapped into this device. It wasn’t long until they came to a small gated field a little ways away from the barn and general farm area, mainly shrouded by trees but open enough that fluttershy still had the permanent blush embedded onto her face (well, the parts not covered in tape to keep her panty gag in anyway) and quiet tears steaming down her face. Winona seemed happy at least. So did the horse, if the giant boner that had been consistently slapping against her belly for the entire ride over was of any indication. “Alrite, that’s far enough. I’ll check ya both out now.” Applejack called from behind them, and fluttershy hardly had a second to think on what that meant before she felt the wet gloved fingers of her friend trace the rim of her pussy. She immediately began to struggle, attempting to pull herself away but only succeeding in riling up the horse further and annoying applejack more. “Quit your whining’. I’m fingerin’ you so he doesn’t do permanent damage. I need to stretch ya out, so either keep still or he’s going in ya back door instead.” That caught fluttershy’s attention and, with an unhappy squeak, she stilled herself. She sniffled as the lubed fingers began to push inside her tight pussy, opening her up carefully with alarming precision. It wasn’t until another hand took hold of one of her nipples that she reacted strongly again, attempting to push away. Applejack carried on with her methodical approach though, stretching her pussy open with one hand and fondling her chest with the other until she was panting against her gag and writing in pleasure instead, desperately clenching around the invading hand feeling around her pussy. It carried on for so long that fluttershy forgot where she was for a moment, too wrapped up in pleasure to remember what she was being prepared for. It wasn’t until the hand was removed with a wet pop and she was pushed forward that she realised what was about to happen. She hardly had time to struggle before the thick cock was being placed at her entrance and the horse took an elevated position by way of placing his hooves on a very short stump in the ground. It took a lot of manoeuvring from the farmer (which included a few nipples twists, sharp smacks to fluttershy’s rear and even one finger’s pressure over her asshole) until the head of the cock finally pushed it’s way in, the pressure of her cunt being forced open making fluttershy yell out against her gag once more. She was pushed back onto it gradually, her weight shifted slowly to accommodate for the stretch. She whimpered as it was inserted deep inside of her - further than she imagined it could go - eventually settling a while later up against the horse’s balls. “Phew! That part’s always the trickiest, I’m tellin’ ya! This here is one of the smallest stallions we have and still his cock is enough to fill a person up to the brim. But let me tell ya, he can cum buckets more than the others!” Fluttershy whimpered as she settled, feeling uncomfortably full as the thick meat of the stallion pulsed inside of her stretched out cunt. She was glad that applejack was at least experienced in this field - literally it seemed judging by the stains on the grass below her - but that small feeling quickly washed away when the farmer decided she’d had enough time to settle. With a rough pinch that had her yelling through her gag, her nipples were pulled forward - enough to pull her body slightly off the cock that filled her - before applejack suddenly let go. The elevated position gave just enough momentum that when fluttershy’s sore nipples were released, she was flung backwards and impaled on the cock balls-deep once more. She couldn’t help but let out a loud moan, spurring applejack on. Again, her nipples were used to drag her forward, and just as fluttershy was starting to feel more comfortable, they were let go, forcing her to slide back and filling her up uncomfortably once more. This continued on for a while, her hole being stretched again and again as her nipples were abused, until the tell-tale sign of her enjoyment was evident. The wetness helped them slide together much easier and soon the stallion decided he was done waiting around. One minute fluttershy was squeezing her pussy around the base of the horse’s cock, and the next she horse was elevating himself higher and bucking into her. Suddenly the swing had a much clearer purpose as she was flung almost off of the rock-hard cock with only the very tip staying in before she was slammed hard against the base again, the cock pushing itself even deeper into her pussy than before with force that knocked the air out of her. She didn’t get a chance to recover as the horse shifted slightly again and then began to speed up, causing his huge balls to slam against her spread clit with every thrust. She began to yell and whine with every thrust, tuning the world around her out as she was fucked mercilessly. She could do nothing to stop herself when she finally reached her climax from the rough treatment, practically screaming as she came. Her body felt buzzy and light as it clenched down on the thick cock pummelling her pussy, but she didn’t get the chance to cool down before it started up again. The horse ravaged her cunt with no mercy, fucking her through to another orgasm soon after. She was breathless as the waves of pleasure crashed into her and consumed her, leaving her boneless as she was used like a toy for this animal’s pleasure. All she could do was lay there and take it as she was rocked on the thick rod inside of her. It wasn’t until the third orgasm that she got dislodged enough to be able to shift her weight forward slightly, and suddenly she had a much better view of the horse cock pummelling into her cunt and the outline of the shape while it was inside of her. The sight alone pushed her to the edge once more - but before she could fall off the cliff again, the horse suddenly ramped up his speed and started to push as deep as he could go. She screamed once more as she creamed for the final time, feeling the cum shoot out of the cock impossibly deep inside of her and fill her up. She felt bloated with how full she was once he was done, and couldn’t help but whine when he shifted down and off of his stump as the cum got fucked deeper into her. Tears streamed down her face and she sniffled as the gag was removed by applejack, but she was too tired to even attempt words. They stood quietly stuck together like that for a while - the cock acting as a plug to keep her filled - before applejack moved. “I reckon you’re almost done there, ay boy?” For a terrifying moment, fluttershy wondered if that meant a round two. But soon her fears were proven wrong when she felt his softening cock loosen up and begin to pull out. It didn’t get far though before the horse was kneeling down his front legs, elevating her ass upwards and sliding his cock right back into place. For a short time nothing happened. It was only when fluttershy was considering daring to speak up that she realised what applejack meant. It was a short burst at first, a little trickle that she assumed to be cum or something. But soon the horse started to let go properly. The horse was pissing deep inside of her cunt. It felt like a jet stream inside of her, as though someone had stuck a hose as far up as it could go and set it to max, filling her up as much as it possibly could. The wait had caused her to dry up just enough that the horse cock wasn’t slipping around, instead working as a tight seal and making sure all the piss stayed inside of her. She felt herself begin to cry again because of the pressure, how full she felt, as it filled her womb and inflated her shape. Soon it was enough that the seal broke and came squiring out behind the horse, spraying as the pressure built up too much. “Ah!” Fluttershy opened her eyes in surprise, turning just in time to see Big Mac looking quite grumpy as he carried a pile of clothes, a red object and what looked like a handkerchief around to the side so he could face fluttershy head on. She wasn’t able to cover how exposed she was no matter how much she struggled - not that it would matter considering the circumstances anyway. But she did notice how his usually pristine white shirt had a splotch of wetness on it, and realised with a start what had happened. “Took ya long enough. Help me deal with her quickly.” Applejack said, moving into fluttershy’s line of sight. Fluttershy did the smart thing this time and kept herself quiet as she was shifted out of the harness, quickly finding out that the red object in big Mac’s hand was actually a red dildo with an apple engraved into the base as he slot it in place as soon as the cock was pulled free. She was pulled out of the confines and allowed for the first time that day to move freely, stretching herself out as best she could with the intrusions. Big Mac seemed to have taken charge, unraveling the napkin to present fluttershy with… “Panties?” She squeaked, covering her face. “Don’t get too excited now. We keep spares for the ones who come to play, just so happens we don’t want your plug falling out around town. There’s kids there, you know?” Applejack said from behind as she tended to the stallion that had fucked her. Big Mac tended to her in much the same way, as after helping her back into her clothes (and the spare panties) he began petting her down and helping her stretch her limbs. It was almost… nice. Really nice. She was still a bit wobbly on her feet so as soon as she was okay to move again, she was pushed to sit on a log close to the floor. “Hey, come to think of it. Ya did get your fluids on big Mac’s shirt. I think a little repayment is in order, don’t you?” Applejack called over her shoulder as she wiped down the horse, quickly shattering the peace fluttershy had found in those few minutes of care. “Eeeyup.”
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
"Wait, no, please! Anything but that, I'm so sore!" Fluttershy began to beg immediately. Big Mac started to undo his jeans in response, resting his spare hand on her shoulder. "Relax sugarcube, he wants in your mouth." Applejack called behind her as she worked on cleaning the horse. Fluttershy quietened down at that, risking a glance down towards the bulge in his jeans. Well... she did make a mess of his shirt, she supposed. And he took such good care cleaning her up... She took a breath to calm herself before glancing upwards through her eyelashes, watching his face as he pulled out his huge cock and ran it along her lips. One more shuddery breath and then she was opening her mouth slightly, allowing him to slide in. He grinned down at her as she did so, gently petting her head in a way that made her feel buzzy and light, before pressing himself in a little further and resting against his tongue. It had been a long time since she had tried putting anything at all in her mouth (usually her toys during the darkest nights, and even that was too taboo for her usually) so the musky smell and heavy weight overwhelmed her near instantaneously. She tilted her head back a little to give him more room to work with, placing her hands against his highs. Apparently he didn't need much more encouragement as he wound one hand into her hair, lightly tugging her into position and holding her still while he began to work himself over with his spare, every now and then pressing a little deeper. He unwound quickly, finishing with a grunt and a restrained buck as he filled her mouth with the tangy-sweet taste of cum. The interaction was sweet, so gentle it made her sigh and swallow without a thought. That's when he took the opportunity to grab hold of her head with both hands and force her throat open, thrusting his slightly softening cock deep inside. She gagged as he held her in place, trying desperately to accommodate to the sudden girth. The softening luckily helped and soon she managed to find herself as he held her head against the base of his cock and waited. The first spurt was similar to the horse in that it was unexpected. She realised quickly enough to start swallowing as he deposited his piss literally down her throat, a jet stream of warm yellow embarrassingly filling her from another hole. She could taste the liquid at the back of her throat this time though, and had to work to make sure she didn't choke herself on it as she greedily gulped it down. He dragged one hand along the back of her head as he held her down, the other coming around to feel her neck where the bulge of his cock lay, spurting out the stream of sour into her stomach. Fluttershy barely began to fight back as she felt applejack come up behind her and feel her slightly expanded tummy, pressing against her bladder enough to get her squirming a tiny bit, before Big Mac finished using her as his own private urinal and pulled himself out, cleaning his cock with her tongue as she sat there and took it. She shuddered where she sat, pliant and broken as Big Mac traced his hands downwards, once again undoing her corset and pulling down the top of her dress to push his hands into her bra, running his rough hands along her nipples as she bit her lip and tried to keep herself quiet. It was no use as he bounced her tits in her hands and then began to twist her sensitive nipples, causing her to cry out as applejack’s hands lowered further into her panties. She couldn’t help but spread her legs, giving into the treatment as her clit was forcefully tugged and flicked at the same time her nipples were being tortured, the pain and pleasure working together until she was right on edge, panting and pushing her hips up, closer and closer- And then both of them removed their hands at once. Fluttershy whined, opening her eyes to see a sadistic grin on applejack as they swapped positions and pulled her to her feet. Both of them lead her over to a fence and, as she was laid over it, flipped her dress up, exposing her once more. “Well it was meant to be a punishment - but ya took it so well, we figured you can go a little longer.” Applejacks rough hands found her nipples from in front once more and began to rough her up as Big Mac slipped her panties off. The huge dildo in her pussy that was plugging her up was the next to be moved as he pushed himself up against it, rocking his hips back and forth while a hand snaked down to her clit, continuing on the ministrations of his sister. She couldn’t help her embarrassed whine as she felt some of the liquid filling her up get fucked out of her. As soon as she was on edge again, they stopped once more, giving her just enough time to catch her breath and calm down before starting up again. This time applejack leant down and took a nipple into her mouth, rolling it with her tongue and sucking hard enough that she could lift the heavy breast with just the suction alone as she continued molesting the other. She swapped, and pulled hard on them both just as Big Mac slammed the dildo in as hard as he could, making her tummy slosh and her pussy ache as she was pushed right to the edge for a third time… “I reckon she’s wet enough now.” Applejack said as she let go completely, leaving Big Mac to do the same. Fluttershy opened her eyes with a start, whimpering and clenching her legs as she felt the heat start to fade once again. “Now we don’t do that for every pony, ya hear? Now go on, get, and don’t let me catch ya around here again.”
The Equestrian Scribe
Angel,Fluttershy,Main 6,Winona,Alternate Universe,Human,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex
The Crystal Mirror
While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">Please read the warnings below!</span></p><p>While saving a bird in the castle of the two sisters, Fluttershy comes across a mirror that changes her appearance and abilities - suddenly she’s the prime target for pranks and sexual exploits. Que Fluttershy being humiliated and fucked by everyone.</p><p>Contains sexual themes (obviously) and a very loose storyline.</p><p>Includes<br/>- dubcon/nonconsensual actions (but she gets into it and enjoys it after a while)<br/>- wedgies (and lots of panty play)<br/>- vines<br/>- beastiality (dog and horse varieties)<br/>- humiliation<br/>- objects that should not be used as sex toys, being used as sex toys<br/>- bondage<br/>- watersports<br/>- inflation<br/>- size difference</p><p>And a bunch of other depraved shit. It’s not for everyone, don’t read if the warnings above are not for you!</p>
"Oh, please no one see me." Fluttershy whispered to herself as she awkwardly tried to walk with the large dildo still pushed loosely into her pussy. It hadn't taken her long to fix her clothes to be at least presentable after her apple family ordeal, and with an awkward sit down on a bench for a while to recover and a quick hand under her skirt to pull the dildo at least a little free, set off into the evening with a plan to help herself. She considered removing the dildo, but figured the best plan of action was to take the backroads home, clean herself up and then head to twilight's library for help. She just had to get home first without encountering anyone and brutally humiliating herself... further. Easy. "Why are you walking so funny?" A familiar voice called from above fluttershy, immediately making her jump and dive for a nearby bush. "Hey- wait!" She didn't get a chance to hide before a hand was grabbing her by her corset, pulling her backwards and to the ground - and slamming the dildo deep into her cunt again. She choked out a moan as her legs spread open and her hands automatically attempted to move between them to lessen the pressure, but it was too late - the other had seen. "Pfffft-" Rainbowdash spluttered, dismissing her wings as she plopped down to the ground and immediately bent over, grabbing her knees as she laughed. "Bahaha, you should have seen your face! What, did you go visit applejack? Get her wooden dildo? Man, you must have really pissed her off if she sent you off like that, no wonder you were walking so funny - bahaha!" Fluttershy quickly righted herself, awkwardly summoning her own wings to help her get up as she stumbled to her feet, almost falling again in the process. "Here, let me help you up!" The chipper voice of her friend called as she once again felt the exceedingly familiar breeze of her skirt being lifted and pulled up her back. She briefly thanked herself for thinking to put on a corset before her thoughts go cut off completely by the feeling of her panties being pulled down. She squeaked as she bent forward, desperately attempting to grab hold of them while the back of her skirt was used to keep her ass in the air, rendering her totally trapped and exposed as she grabbed the front of her skirt for balance. "Oh man, she used a big one too!" There was a horrendously embarrassing schluck sound as she was pulled backwards, the dildo being dislodged a little by a cold hand as she immediately clenched down, trying desperately to hold the dildo and fluids inside of her so she didn't ruin the panties below her. "No, please, I'm-" "Oh, right!" Suddenly she was being pushed forward, the strong body of her friend manhandling her so that she was lent up against a nearby wall, her shoulders and upper back on the ground while her legs were being held aloft in the air, bent forward by rainbowdash as she stood over her. Rainbow took the extra step to encase fluttershy's head either side with her shoes to stop the other from moving. Fluttershy immediately began to blush, flapping out her wings in an attempt to move away from what she knew was about to happen. But she didn't get a chance as rainbow leant forward and pulled the dildo free with a pop, watching as the mixture of horse piss, horse cum and her own cream blended with her pussy juices and sprayed over her clit, leaking down her body like a waterfall towards her face and ruining her dress in the process. She tilted her head up to try to prevent it from going any further than her neck and tried to close her mouth tightly before it hit, but rainbowdash just snorted and used her strong wings to whip her ass, making her cry out and jolting the cream directly into her mouth. It was sour and sweet, tangy and so strong that she gagged, which only made room for more of the mixture to deposit itself down her throat. Her pussy convulsed as more and more was forced out of her gaping hole, overflowing onto her. She was held in place until the last of the mixture dripped out of her, at which point rainbow finally let go and allowed her to slump to the ground, spitting out as much as she could - though most of it that had entered her mouth had already been forcefully swallowed. Fluttershy turned carefully, trying to crawl away from her friend to no avail as the other began to undo the lacing on her corset as soon as her back was turned. She squealed at the feeling and tried to pull away with little success. "No, please, not again-" "Stay still already!" "Nonono, rainbow, please no!" It wasn't long until she was laid flat on her back and stripped down to only her bra and the panties that hung around one of her ankles. She struggled uselessly as she was overpowered easily. Rainbow settled between her legs, using the strings that bound her corset to instead bind her, wrapping them around her body and pinning both her wings and arms to her sides, rendering her helpless once more. "Ha, and as usual, I win! Now what should I take as my prize?" Rainbow taunted as she dragged her freezing cold hands down the blushing body below, spreading her legs with ease. Fluttershy hardly had time to formulate a sentence before cold air washed over her stretched pussy, making her squeak. "I know!" A wet tongue pushed between her folds, dragging warmth to her core as it began to explore with wide licks, starting just under her hole and ending at her clit, sending sparks through her body. Then it went deeper, prodding into her depths and tongue fucking her with less and less restraint. She couldn't help but moan, wiggling around on the ground as she tried to decide if she wanted to get closer or further away. Rainbow decided for her however when she grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her upwards in a mockery of the position she was laid in before, raising her ass into the air and feasting on the winking cunt below her. The wet squelching noises were almost as embarrassing as the feeling of being cleaned up with a tongue, and as much as fluttershy tried to stop herself, the previous edging by the apples and the sloppy muscle between her legs had her at the edge very quickly. She panted and squirmed, and just as the pressure hit its peak...
Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
Moonlit Madness
Fighting over and over again and over again
<p>With a snap Luna was on the moon </p><p>Alone. </p><p>Or was she?</p>
The cold lunar surface pressed against my flanks as consciousness returned. My head throbbed, and shallow breaths did little to soothe the ache that radiated throughout my frame. Darkness veiled the landscape, though a faint silvery glow cast long shadows across the barren terrain. Slowly rising to my hooves, I steadied myself against the smooth yet piercingly chilled stone. My wings hung limp and useless, the thin atmosphere offering no buoyancy. A parched tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth begged for moisture that did not exist in this desolate expanse. Memories eluded my grasp like wisps of cloud snaking across a horizon, gone before they could take shape. But one realization pierced the fog like a dagger: I was alone. Not a living soul existed as far as my weary eyes could see beneath the ghostly twilight. Dread clutched at my heart as I scanned my bleak surroundings with growing panic. The ashen cliffs and boulder fields seemed to stretch endlessly into the endless night. Broken silhouettes of craters pockmarked the landscape, relics of impacts from eons past. Their depths yawned like empty sockets from some colossal skull embedded in the barren soil. An alien world devoid of warmth or comfort, this place was surely no home for a creature like myself. How did I come to be in this desolate wasteland, at the mercy of unknown perils? Frantic searching brought no answers, only deepening the hollow ache in my soul. All that remained was an unfamiliar symbol engraved upon my flank - a crescent moon, its simple curve a meaningless symbol devoid of answers. Night had now fully fallen, though its coming brought no relief. Only an inky void stretched as far as the lifeless plains, the sun now absent without its glow to offer solace or direction. I dared not call out, fearing any noise might attract dangers hidden in the protecting shadows. And so I began to walk, placing one hoof gingerly before the other across the jagged terrain. As my eyes adjusted, small details emerged from the obscuring dark. Crystalline minerals glittered like frozen stars where they jutted from fissures in the rock. The powdery regolith crunched softly underhoof with each step, scattering in slow drifts disturbed by the breeze. It was a desolate yet hauntingly beautiful world, yet provided little comfort given my vulnerable state. Lost in thought, I almost failed to notice the subtle disturbance on the periphery of my vision. A flutter in the shadows, so quick it might have been a trick of the dim light playing across my frazzled nerves. But some primal instinct refused to dismiss it, kept me scanning alertly through the night. I had come to realize nothing good lurked unseen in this foreboding place. Again movement flickered at the edge of sight, drawing nearer. Low to the ground, it skirted the terrain with a flowing grace that sent chills down my spine. Time slowed to a crawl as I tracked its progress, breath caught fast in my chest. Then it emerged. Rising up on digitigrade legs that ended in hooked talons, the creature towered above my head. Its limbs bent at unnatural angles, as though composed more of shadow than solid flesh. Blank white eyes peered from sockets sunk deep within a skull-like visage, fanged mouth agape in a soundless hiss. I stood paralyzed, heart pounding against my ribs as that horrific gaze bore into my very soul. Every fiber screamed to flee yet my hooves remained rooted, trapped in an uncanny trance. Then with a bone-chilling shriek it lunged, impossibly long claws gleaming in the weak argent light. Survival instincts kicked in at last, propelling me into a desperate evasive roll that jangled my senses back to sharp reality. The monster thudded to the ground in a graceless heap, mouth gnashing as it spun to face me with another unearthly cry. My mind raced frantically for a solution, any means to defend myself against this predator in a world barren of refuge or resource. Magic remained absent, leaving only my physical abilities and native cunning. It circled warily, searching for an opening to finish what it started - and I knew I must find a way to prevent that at any cost. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" As the frigid lunar morning broke, I awoke sore yet alive upon the desolate plains. My mysterious assailant lay vanquished nearby, its gangly form now merely another relic frozen in time upon this barren shore. Though weakened, survival instincts drove me to cover the creature's remains with powdery regolith lest its scent attract further threats. While the struggle had clearly demonstrated my vulnerability, some flicker of hope remained kindled in my soul. My agility and ferocity had proven enough to overcome that first beast, gaining priceless experience against its unnatural speed and strength. As the pale light stretched long shadows across the endless panorama, I took stock of wounds gained in the fray and rested until the ache subsided. Continuing my aimless wander, vigilance remained my newfound companion. Each hillcrest and boulder field brought uncertainty, though I tempered rising fears with the confidence of having endured. As the lifeless lunar day dragged on, memories slowly returned in fleeting fragments. Flashes of green pastures and cloud strewn skies hinted at some former home, yet brought no clues to how I came to be marooned in this barren realm. My thoughts were disturbed by a noise on the wind - a familiar yet distant screech echoing across the desolate plain. Weary muscles tightened in preparation, instincts overriding reason that such a call could mean no good. Sure enough, on the pebbled ridge ahead a shadow flickered, then another. My pursuers had found me once more. Two emerged this time, loping purposefully across the expanse with unnatural synchronization. These were unlike the former; longer limbs terminating in hooked talons suggested greater agility, while ridged spines running along their flexible spines hinted at defense. But they exhibited the same feral tenacity, scenting prey on the barren field below. As the creatures closed, I spurred legs sore from endurance into mad motion. Magic remained beyond reach in this bleak dimension, and so cunning would have to serve where celestial gifts did not. Darting between boulders, I led the hunters on a harried chase across the shattered plain. Their pursuit pressed ever closer, relentless as the twin moons rising cold in the black vault above. At last my strength waned, and the predators sensed victory was near. Wheeling on my hooves, I faced them with heaving flanks and fire in my eyes, prepared to sell my life dearly. But fate interceded - one misjudged a leap, talons scrabbling uselessly on loose scree. Its larger companion stumbled over the fallen form in its haste, and in an instant roles had reversed. Seizing opportunity, I closed with all the speed my flagging muscles could manage. The disoriented beasts thrashed and snapped, but I evaded grasping claws and darted in under their sinuous forms. My horn flashed with the last dregs of stored magic, delivering a painful shock to nerve bundles at the base of their spines. The beasts stiffened and collapsed in pained paralysis, no longer a danger - for now, at least. Exhaustion crashed over me then, days of struggle catching up all at once. Yet as darkness encroached, fingers of hope clutched tighter at my spirit. I had prevailed once more through adaptability and wit where mere strength or speed failed. Perhaps there was more to this barren shore than an endless fight to survive another sunless day, some deeper purpose or meaning to uncover as the eons passed in their inevitable march. With that thought, and the chill rays of twin moons my only comfort, I succumbed to the soothing embrace of sleep beneath the star-flecked vault of night. Come what may with the dawn, for now rest would have to be victory enough.
Main 6,Original Character,Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Dark,Romance,Dungeons and Dragons,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Will of Platinum
Two brothers ripped from their own world and pressed into another without a thought. One a paladin for a mighty dragon of shining propensities, one a powerful elemental magi. The new world shows such difference from where they're from, such peace...
<p>Two brothers ripped from their own world and pressed into another without a thought. One a paladin for a mighty dragon of shining propensities, one a powerful elemental magi. The new world shows such difference from where they're from, such peace... However, for how long.</p>
Upon the mid sized city a purple eyed male, with pale skin, a thin frame, and long black hair sat with a cocky grin at a bar that was open. He was currently at the later half of a contest with a dwarf, a drinking contest. "I really don't think ya' cun handle it fer much long'r." The dwarf said his voice heavily slurred. "Actually, I believe I'll be just fine." The human said slowly, his words precise, but almost too controlled. Another pair of tankards hit the table and both of them chugged them down quickly. They looked straight into the other's eyes until the dwarf fell unconscious, a heavy loss and shame to those there. The human collected the bets and slowly made his way upstairs. He walked down the hall and opened the door at the end. His facade faded and he took a deep breath walking in as a silvery dragonborn sat on a bed opposite his own was polishing his armor. His frame nearly opposite that of the human. "You really should stop drinking, the body is one's temple." The reptilian humanoid stated. The human replied with a much more heavy slur, "well, my paladinoush broter, I am still gunna' be good wif it an Imma give mosht to that little adashion ajuncy." The draconic brother smirked and shook his head, "I know, I know. You always do something good with the bets, and you'll always follow through." He stated as he put his armor down and grabbed his great sword sharpening it. "We seem so different to others, but the truth is that we really aren't my drunken twin. A wu jen following the path of wood and a paladin of Bahumat. One an elemental mage and the other a sword of justice, but both following personal vows to nigh perfection. I believe mother and father would truly be proud Toma." He continued spewing out a long and complicated answer. Toma giggled and went to the little temple he had set up earlier and stated, "yu always had mom's sense of jushtice Drite." He tossed several Platinum coins in and prayed as they turned to smoke. Drite continued with his blade looking at his reflection in the blade, "and you always had father's curiosity and brilliance." There was a loud screech outside and both brothers immediately turned to each other as they knew exactly what was happening. Toma took a potion and chugged it as Drite donned his armor and sword. Toma donned his artifacts and both hoped they could save this province from the hell that was coming. They rushed out the window and an infernal was cackling with demons flooding the town. The town was trying to take care of the evils ruining everything. Drite and Toma slashed and blasted their way through the town. After some time and damage taken they caught up to the abomination. "You who have attacked this province will die tonight in the name of Bahumat!" Drite roared as Toma blasted it with powerful spells. Drite's sword met it's hide and it screamed in pain. "You're lizard God holds no right to me, you shining shit hole." The infernal growled in its abyssal tones. Drite slashed with holy power nothing save for a steely demeanor upon his face. Toma blasted it several times after hoping to distract the beast. After sometime they finally got the horrid thing out of the city, but Toma was nearly out of spells, Drite was slowing down and both were heavily damaged. The abyssal beast took a swipe at Toma, but he got lucky and dodged. Suddenly, a brilliant light blasted down and encompassed the three of them. It seemed as if ages had passed, but truly it was but moments. The three in battle gained sight once more, but now they were surrounded by equine humanoids. The infernal smiled and tried to strike the purple equine, Drite saw what was to come and still blocked the attack. Toma blasted the abomination once more, obliterating the beast. He walked to his twin who was quickly losing what little life he had, tears poured from his eyes as he looked at his brother. "Why my brother, why..." He asked. "Twas the only way... The only way..." Drite answered quietly as blood poured from his many wounds. Toma took out a potion, but Drite stopped his hand and said, "I am too far gone my grand mirror..." Toma closed his eyes and downed the last potion, knowing had their positions had been swapped he would have done the same. He then said "my grand mirror I'll see you again in the worlds beyond." "And I you," Drite said slowly as life left his draconic form. The Equines made their way to them as Toma said, "oh grand Bahumat please don't take you're servant from my life, please don't take my brother..." Tears gushed from his eyes as the equines surrounded the two brothers in a hug, not even accounting for the blood. "Thank you ladies, I know that must have been harrowing for you." Toma said as they backed up. However, when they began speaking he understood none of their words. Then, all of them heard a smooth metallic voice, "I have little power in the realm you are in now my child and cannot return to you your beloved twin. However, I can give to you something to remember him by and a gift of power. I only wish that you keep my name in you're heart." Toma nodded. Then, suddenly the gems upon the seven equines burst out a platinum light mand turned Drite into a glowing sphere that was absorbed into Toma. The only thing left over was his brothers sword. Toma's changes were very quick as he became a draconic creature, looking like a dragonborn, sporting shimmering purple eyes, a long dark black mane and two tails. "Well that was just terrible, I just wish that we could understand him and knew what happened." The white equine stated. Toma picked up the sword and set it on his waist. "I am Toma, and through the power of the platinum dragon god Bahumat, I was given the light within my twin. I couldn't understand you before either so for what you did without understanding or without fear I thank you." He said softly. He noticed that the pink equine's mane flattened a bit she began to bawl. "You mean you just lost your brother, your twin, when he defended me? I'm... I'm sorry." The dark purple one said. "Do not worry to much on what he did, it was truly in his nature... Yeah his nature." Toma answered her. "I am sorry, but I must ask where I could bathe. Truthfully we all could use it." He continued his tone still soft. "I'll teleport us all to my castle and we can get it done there. I'm Twilight Sparkle princess of Friendship." She said. "I'm Pinkie Pie and I'll help make you smile again." She said as her mane puffed up a bit and she hugged him tight. "Rarity and I agree that we must get cleaned soon." She answered. "I'm Fluttershy and I hope we can repay your brother's and your kindness." She said quietly as she looked at his wounds. "Applejack. Fer what you jus lost, the Apple family will always accept yah." She stated. "Rainbow Dash, sorry for what happened, but you and brother were awesome out there." She said looking at the great sword. "Rainbow he literally just lost his twin brother that's not what you should be saying," the orange mare with red and yellow hair stated, "I'm Sunset Shimmer by the way." That's when Toma realized that of the seven equines two were bipedal unicorns, two were bipedal pegasi, two were just bipedal equines and the princess was seemingly a mix of the unicorn and pegasus species. Twilights horn began to glow and she teleported all of them to her castle. Toma was taken to a bathroom and he began his long shower. After the mares were done with their showers, Toma was still cleaning himself. They met at the table, rain came down outside. Twilight recounted the events to Spike, a small purple and green dragon, that was burnt to a crisp once it was finished, sending it to Princess Celestia. "I think we should stay with him tonight after all he's been through,' Twilight said to her friends, they agreed quickly. "That would be nice, I really don't wish to be alone upon this night. I'd probably end up doing something stupid, my brother was always the one keeping tabs on me." Toma said quietly from behind them. They gave him a group hug once again and found themselves in a room big enough for all of them. Preparations went smoothly and they all fell to sleep slowly. A certain princess of lunar qualities felt the nightmares that the group shared and tried to help a much as she could. Making their sleep at least uninterrupted at least.
The saiyan brony
Flash Sentry,Main 7 (EqG),Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,Thriller,Digimon,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Death,Gore,Sex,Violence
Digimon Legend-Arms
When a video game decided to take every player hostage to play a death game, survival of the fittest takes on a whole new meaning. Follow the main character as he takes on his childhood dream turned into a fantasy nightmare made real! l.
<p>A new Digimon game was announced world wide, and people all over the globe have been ready to play, and take the next step in entertainment. However no one ever planned to be sucked into a game where life and death are on the line.</p><p>Kotetsu was just your normal everyday guy, who wanted nothing more than to enjoy a peaceful life and play his favorite franchise. But now he must survive being killed by the very thing he loves.</p>
“Are they still behind us!?” The child under my right arm called out, as I ran as fast as my legs could move while carrying three twelve-year-olds in each arm and one on my back. “They're gaining on us!” The child under my left who was facing the opposite direction shouted as they had a clearer view of the creatures changing us. “We’re gonna be monster food!” The child piggybacking on my back shouted in my ear making me wince. I rounded as many corners as I could to try and shake our chasers, my heart was tense with fear inside this forsaken ghost town, for every corner could have other monsters waiting to chase the three of us. I could feel my legs begin to ache and my lungs straining as I ran; I was holding almost the equivalent of my body weight in both arms and on my back. To make matters worse I couldn’t think of a good way to get away from our pursuers. It was only a matter of time before I would be able to run any longer, my chest was beginning to ache more and I was barely able to keep my speed at that of a steady jog. I could hear the two monsters chasing us gaining closer, their voices shouting as they drew nearer. I hadn’t paid any attention as I rounded the next corner into an alleyway, only to find it to be a dead end. The alleyway was long and narrow, with the back end of a building at the end. There was a ledge to climb onto, but it was much too tall for me to grab onto, not that I had the strength to do so. I was quick to try and backtrack and try another route, but froze stiff. At the entrance to the alleyway, I could see two ominous shadows being cast on the ground, at any second they’ll be able to look down the alleyway and find us trapped like rats. My heart raced and I couldn’t think of anything to do, I didn’t have the energy to run full speed while holding onto three kids, even if I did by the time I crossed the threshold the monsters would be in striking range. I surveyed the walls around the alley thinking maybe one of them would be brittle enough to crash through. But no luck as the buildings making up the alley were made of stone and not wood or plaster. I had no options and to make matters worse the three girls I’m trying to protect are now sobbing in fear, as if they knew what was gonna happen next. Another glance at the alleyway entrance and I could see we only had a minute left before they would look down this way. There was no choice left available to me. “Hey you three.” I addressed the girls promoting them to look up at me. I pointed at the ledge above us. “I’m gonna give you a boost up there and once you are on top, you’ll make a brake for the safe zone alright?” The girls bore worried looks on their faces and quickly shook their heads. “We can leave you behind.” The girl with bright red hair spoke up, tears building up in her eyes. “Yeah, if you stay behind, they’ll get you next.” The girl with short violet hair now looked like he was on the verge of crying, along with her friends. “There’s got to be a way to get out of here.” Lastly, the little girl with light pink and light purple swirly hair sobbed her eyes filled with tears. There wasn’t enough time to argue, so I quickly moved my hands under the girl with the red hair and pink bow armpits and gently tossed her onto the ledge. Not sparing a second thought I mustered up what little strength I had left to do the same for the other two and watched as they stood on the ledge. All three were now looking down at me and tried to reach out their hands as if offering to pull me up. I smiled and shook my head, I knew there was no way they’d be able to pull me up, let alone not get dragged down for trying. “Get moving you three, I’ll try and buy you as much time as I can so get going!” I shouted in a commanding tone, like a parent scolding their children. The tone of my voice got the desired effects as kids jolted slightly and knew there was no point in arguing. I watched as they turned away and walked out of sight, hopefully on a path that will take them to safety. I stood alone in the alleyway now, knowing at any second my life will be stolen away by the monsters close approaching. I could let out a sigh of acceptance as I tried to keep my composure. “At least I can say I went out doing something heroic.” No sooner did my words escape my lips I heard a large stomping sound right behind me. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I could see clear as day that the two monsters were now blocking my means of escape, and slowly began to march their way in closer. Ready to make a kill. It all seemed to be happening in slow motion, as if my brain was giving me time to process a chance to escape. But even with all the time in the world I couldn’t see any real way out of this. Instead, I took this extended time to think on one question. “How did we end up in all this?” But I already knew the answer, because it all happened only nine days ago. (9 days ago) It was a normal average day, the sun was shining, the sky was a clear blue and there was a nice warm breeze, a perfect summer day. Of course, I wasn’t actually outside to enjoy it as I was sitting in my room enjoying a can of soda as I watched the countdown on my computer. The countdown was for the new Digimon Online game, and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to login like every other Digimon fan out there. The game was announced one year ago, and to say that I was hyped for it would bea grave understatement. It’s the year 203, almost eight years since the release of the last Digimon game which some people weren’t too impressed with. And the technology we had now compared to back then is unreal. VR games and holographic technology became so much more advanced, as well as other game tech. And because of that this new game seemed to have everyone more pumped than any other. The game advertises that it will be like a fusion between Digimon World and Cyber Sleuth, a real Digimon RPG where tamers can meet and battle online. The game offered so many things, raid battle, items and weapons for the tamer to use to help their Digimon. To top it off there was a main story quest that whoever can beat it would claim a reward as number one tamer in the game. During that year of waiting, we also found out more information on the game. Such as you get to choose only one Digimon partner to join you on your journey and that was all. And if your Digimon dies it will turn back into a Digiegg and you’ll have to start over from scratch, but there was also another warning for the gamers. If the player's avatar is killed, then it is game over entirely. A lot of us thought this meant that our account would no longer be able to continue the game, and that if we wanted to play again, we would need to make another account, given that the game was free to play and all. This had definitely inspired a lot of hardcore gamers to sign up for the game, but that was just the start. As mentioned before, you were only allowed to choose one Digimon per player, however, there was an exception to this rule. There were going to be Digimon tournaments held all across the globe and if you won in one of these tournaments, you’d be granted one additional slot for another Digimon. These tournaments were all Digimon based, from video games to trivia and finally the TCG. I had participated in four tournaments and lost the first three, but at the TCG tournament I got lucky and won! I was rewarded with a code that I was told to hold on to till the day the game officially opened. Which was only ten minutes away from being active. I had made all the preparations for this day, I got two weeks off from work, I made sure to stock up my fridge with drinks, meals and snacks, and also energy drinks. I was ready to go hardcore gamer these next two weeks. I looked down at my phone to see the chat room where so many people are hyped about the game release. Party Girl7: Ohmygosh ohmygosh it’s almost time! Speed Demon43: Ah ya aiming for the 1# player, you losers are gonna get smoked! Bookworm99: I hear the lore is expansive and they have extended knowledge on every digimon! I was hyped just reading how many people were excited for the game alone. Soon the time had arrived, and the screen changed to show the official Digimon Online menu. I started by clicking the start button and then I logged in with the account I set up a week ago. Players were allowed to create a login and email that they would use to sign into the game, those who did during that specific day would receive a login bonus. After logging in, the most difficult part of any game stood in my way, choosing a username. This was the one thing that always stumped me the most anytime I played any game. I was honestly overthinking it, most people would just enter their names and get over with it. I on the other hand always had to feel the need to be flashy. I wanted to choose a name that would let me stand out, a name people will remember when I climb the ranks and become number one. “Ugh why can’t I just think of a damn name!?” I shouted while ruffling my hair with anger and frustration. Before I would name myself after historical heroes, but people tend to do that as well lately. It would have been lazy of me to name myself after one of the digi-destined from the show, I can already see half of the players doing that. While thinking about the perfect name to choose my eyes became focused on an object hanging on my wall. It was a Japanese katana, a gift my uncle sent me when he went to Japan three years ago. It wasn’t just your average katana; it was one forged by the legendary black smith Nagasone Okisaton, a real Kotetsu katana. It was a rare find, and I was happy when my uncle got it for me. And that’s when it hit me. Without missing a beat, I quickly typed in the username I wanted, and without fail it worked. “Kotetsu, my username will now be Kotetsu.” Once I was done with my name it was on to the real important decision, choosing a Digimon. The screen showed an empty slot with a plus in it, which meant I needed to choose one Digimon. However, at the bottom left of the screen I saw a box that read “Tournament Code”, I already knew what that was for. I clicked on the box and typed in the code I won and watched as a new box appeared. [Congratulations on winning one of our worldwide tournaments!! You have been granted the benefit of an additional Digimon slot!] The screen then flashed back to the previous screen where I saw a second box next to the first one. Thus began my search for my two Digimon partners, which was actually the easiest choice mostly because I’ve had my choices ever since the game was announced. Someone who lacks imagination would have chosen the obvious pick of Gabumon and Agumon, or Veemon and Wormmon. Those being the basic choice for anyone who wanted to do DNA Digivolution. The two I would choose are the same Digimon in my deck that helped me win the tournament that got me to this point. I started looking through the list and noticed that all the Digimon listed were all Rookies, but there were some that weren’t on the list, such as Lucemon, which made sense given it didn’t have any evolutions besides its Mega form. It took me a while to find the two Rookies I wanted but when I did, I was then moved onto the next screen. [Are you ready to begin your digital journey?] I was surprised by this since I had expected that I would have designed my avatar, but I didn’t really think too much about it. “Maybe once the game starts, I’ll be allowed to customize my avatar.” Without any reason to wait I clicked the yes button and waited as a loading screen popped up. I waited a good minute before the whole room went pitch black, and I found myself screaming in rage. “Dammit what the Hell!?” I looked around and only saw bitch black darkness. “Why did the power go off?! I know I made sure to pay the electricity bill!” I leaned back into my chair and sighed, now I would have to go to the breakers and fix the power. As I stood up to go and fix the power a thought occurred to me that caused a chill to run down my spine. “I had the window open, and the blinds were also open….and it's still the middle of the day……so how can it be pitch black?” I turned around to try and look out my window and only saw black, not a thing was around me. I felt my blood run cold as I tried to reach my hand forward to grab my cell phone, hoping if I turned on the flashlight, I’d be able to see. But when I reached for my desk which I knew was directly in front of me, my hand touched nothing, just swooped through the air. I backed up in shock and then noticed that my chair was now gone too! “What’s happening now?!” I looked around trying to see anything beyond inky darkness, but there was nothing at all and I felt myself beginning to panic. That is until a sudden light flashed around the corner of my eye. I turned to see a floating message box with something written on it. [Good luck on your digital adventure Kotetsu] When I tried to reach for the message box it quickly vanished and then a swirling green vortex appeared, it was massive and bright, I then found myself being sucked in. I tried to plant my feet into the ground to resist but I couldn’t get any footing whatsoever. In the blink of an eye my body was sucked into the green vortex. I could feel my body moving violently from side to side, up and down as the sound of wind rushing past me filled my ears. I was beginning to feel nauseous and closed my eyes waiting for it all to stop. Then suddenly… WHAM!!! I coughed hard as I felt my body slam into solid earth and wheezed as the wind was knocked right out of me. I gasped and tried to steady my breathing before opening my eyes. I saw that I was surrounded by groups of legs and looked up to see that I wasn’t the only one around. There were people looking around and talking among each other, some of which were panicking others were just dazed and confused. As I sat up, I rubbed my shoulder since I had landed on it first and felt very sore, the same could be said for the side of my head which made it feel like the world was spinning slightly. “Hey you alright man?” I turned my head to see a guy standing next to me with his hand out. I took hold of his hand and felt myself being lifted back onto my feet; albeit while still a little wobbly. “You’re the fifth person to suddenly crash down hard like that, anything broken?” I shook my head as I dusted my body of dirt and grass, while groaning slightly from the pain. “Nah I’m fine I think.” I stretched my body feeling slight pops go off in my back. Now that the initial shock and pain started to pass, I saw that the man who helped me up was actually someone close to my age. He stood around the same height as me at around 5 '11 and had dark blue hair and light eyes, and light-yellow skin. He wore a pair of jeans and a black jacket with a lighting bolt over a shield on the arm sleeves. “Sorry for the trouble, my name is Kotetsu.” I paused for a moment, as I realized I addressed myself as my username first rather than my real name. The blue haired man in front of me chuckled slightly as he patted my shoulder. “It’s cool, I did the same thing a minute ago myself. I called myself by my username first before saying my real name, my username is Flash Striker, but you can just call me Flash for short.” Flash and I spoke for a bit as we tried to figure out what had happened to us as well as the crowd of people around us. His story was exactly like my own in that he had just logged into the game before things went pitch black, and suddenly swallowed up by a green vortex. Then ending up here with other people who he talked to and got the same experience. “It would seem that everyone’s story has a few things in common with one another. That they all were trying to log in to the Digimon Online game. As well as these.” Flash held up his wrist to show me he was wearing a bracelet. Upon further examination I saw that it was the Digimon Vital Bracelet he was wearing. His was light blue. I took a glance around and saw that everyone around us was also wearing one of these, however almost everyone had but a single Vital Bracelet. “Seems like I’m the only one around here with two of them.” Flash shook his head and pointed towards someone in the crowd. I followed his finger and saw a teenager problem late teen, with two of his own one green the other blue. At this I quickly looked down at my own wrist to see that he was indeed correct. I had a red and black one on my wrists. “Long shot, but did you end up winning one of the Digimon Tournaments?” He asked curiously. I nodded and figured that might be the same reason the other guy has two. “I actually, I won one of the tcg tournaments, earning myself the additional Digimon slot.” From there Flash and I walked off to the side, watching as more and more people started popping out of thin air. He pointed out a few people that he knew from his school and one girl who he saw made him blush, my guess was a crush. Apparently, Flash was here about fifteen minutes before I arrived. Nothing seemed to change in terms of patterns as more and more people showed up before me. The once small crowd of people was turning into a sea of people. There were people from all over the globe, individuals of different race, religion, culture and ethnicity. From kids to grown adults people kept spawning over and over and every one of them was either completely dumbfounded, or terrified. Children crying for their parents, adults trying to establish order and figure out who was in charge or call the local law enforcement. Another thing to take notice of was that we were all in some kind of open field surrounded by dense forest, we couldn’t see anything past the rather tall trees. Speaking of the environment there was something ominous about it that made me feel uneasy. The foliage reminded me of jungle vegetation like the kind seen in the amazon or islands, but some looked like they were emitting blocks of date. Glowing floating squares coming from some of the plants, heck some of the trees looked like they were made of data. “Hey Kotetsu, check this out.” I was snapped from my thoughts as Flash started to fiddle with his bracelet, clicking the buttons on the side. “There are Digieggs in here.” I saw on his little monitor an egg blue stripes, on the orange bracelet. “Got any on your’s?” I was about to check my own when. DING DONG DING A musical chime began to ring across the field despite there being no visible speakers around. The now ocean of people began to quiet down as what I guessed was intended, though there were still people murmuring as they waited. “Greetings all you human players!” A raspy voice suddenly spoke out from nowhere bringing everyone to a dead silence. “I hope this day finds you well, hopefully you all can see me from down there.” Most of the crowd began to turn their heads trying to find the person the voice belonged to, while myself and Hiro started to look up as it was clear by the last sentence that the person speaking was looking down at us. Yet despite this clue, I couldn’t see anyone or anything that would grant a person a high vantage point to look at us. There wasn’t a helicopter, plane nor a drone and no buildings either, I had figured it must be via hidden camera that we are being watched. “Clearly none of you humans can seem me *sigh* very well I’ll lower myself just so you can bask in my presence.” Those of us who were still looking up saw something gliding down, when it got closer a lot of us were shocked at what we were seeing. A round body like a ball with big golden cat like eyes, flapping grayish blue wings and with two clawed feet sticking out from underneath. To anyone else this creature would be unrecognizable, but to hardcore Digimon fans we all knew what it was, DemiDevimon. “There, can you humans seem more clear now?” The little…. I can’t believe I’m seeing this, the little Digimon asked as he fluttered lower and lower down. People began to speak much more loudly as they stared up at the Digimon, almost every person here recognizing him as well as the bad reputation that goes with it. “Well now that I have your attention it’s about time, I perform my duties.” The little bat Digimon moved a wing to cover his mouth as he cleared his throat. “Congratulations you lucky players for logging in to the Digimon Online game, now that all 1,000,000 players are here and accounted for, I can begin telling you about your role here. Let’s start by-“ “What the fuck is this bullshit!?” A voice shouted from the crowd cutting off DemiDevimon. A heavy-set man stood out from the crowd, probably around his forties. The man had unkempt hair, was wearing only sweatpants, a t-shirt and sandals. The man looked like he lacked any hygiene skills at all, as his clothing had stains and sweat marks, and must have reeked as most of the people around him moved away covering their noses. “Who the fuck do you think you are dragging us all out here huh you little rat with wings!?” The man shouted spitting as he shouted which made people move away from him further. “Stop wasting all our time and send us back, we aren’t interested in your little prank of a game!” There were a few moments of silence, as the crowd looked from DemiDevimon to the gross man before finally the Digimon spoke. “Seems to me we have an unhappy participant.” The little bat Digimon floated down closer and extended one of his wings in one direction as if to point for the man. “Then please walk straight that way to quit the game.” DemiDevimon spoke with an almost polite tone and a friendly smile as he pointed in a random direction.” The man grunted and walked past the Digimon, but not before pushing it by its face away. “Bout time you little rodent.” He snorted as he began to march off while DemiDevimon quickly adjusted himself in midair. Something was wrong about all this, the look that DemiDevimon had on his face as he spoke to the man seemed too pleased. I quickly ran to catch up with the man before he could walk away too far. “Hey wait, maybe you shouldn’t go wandering off, who knows what’s out there!” I called out. The man kept walking while flipping me a middle finger as he continued. “Stop being such a pussy, this is just some stupid game show or whatever, I didn’t sign up to get dragged out to the middle of nowhere, so fuck off!” Soon the man was reaching the edge of the forest and the feeling of unease grew more and more. I was about to chase after him when I thought I saw something moving along the tree line. “Don’t bother wasting your breath kid.” I turned to see that DemiDevimon was now floating right next to me. “He’s already made his choice, and now you will all get a glimpse of the danger that awaits you here.” No longer was he smiling sweetly, rather he had a cruel and sinister look in his eyes as he smiled ear to ear. I quickly turn to look back at the tree line to see something making the top of the trees shake. In a total surprise and shock, I watched as a large dinosaur stepped out from behind the trees right in front of the man. Upon further inspection I saw that it had green spikes and red skin and a white underbelly, it looked almost like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then the name of the Digimon hit me, Tyrannomon. The T-Rex Digimon let out a terrifying roar which made some of the crowd members shriek in fear. However, the man who was trying to leave didn’t seem phased at all. “Oooh no what a scary Hologram, I’m shaking in my sweatpants. Tch as if!” The overweight man turned to look back at DemiDevimon with a look of annoyance and frustration. “It’s just a stupid hologram you little shit heads, why are you letting these guys sca-” Suddenly the Tyrannomon swung its head forward knocking the man onto the ground hard both shutting him up and putting a look of fear on his face. “What the hell holograms can’t actually hit you!?” The man tried to stand back up only for the Tyrannomon to lower its jaws down and bite down around the man’s torso before slowly lifting him off the ground. Everyone fell deathly silent as we all listened to the man’s howls of pain, his arms flailing around as he tried to punch the Tyrannomon’s head trying desperately to get it to let go but to no avail. The dinosaur digimon wasn’t even biting down all the way, yet we could see a slow trickle of blood dripping down from the man’s body. “Agh please save me, I'm begging you!!” Tears began to drip down the man’s face as held out his hands to all of us across the field. “I’m sorry I swear I’ll listen!” Even as the man is begging for mercy, DemiDevimon could only turn his back and laugh. “Too late for apologizing human, besides you’ll make the perfect example for the rest of the players. Tyrannomon be a good Digimon and shows the rest of our participants the fate of what losing here will be like.” With a click of DemiDevimon’s talon-like claws, the Tyrannomon lifted its head high and in a swift flex of its jaw, bite the man in to. Everyone watched in stunned horror as the man’s upper body and legs fell to the ground, his screams and pleads for mercy silenced. The silence was shattered as high pitch screams roared from the crowd and took multiple sets away from the traumatizing sight they just bore witness to. After a few seconds, the man’s remains began to suddenly turn into bits of data that was absorbed by the Tyrannomon. Then suddenly the Tyrannomon body began to shine and grow. Before it was thirty feet tall, but soon it grew to three times that height, and its once red skin began to change into hard metal, the Tyrannomon was Digivolving. When then the shining glow had finally subsided, no longer did a red Tyrannomon stand where the man was once consumed, instead with an even more menacing presence a MetalTyrannomon now towered. “Well now, it seems like we went from 1,000,000 players to only 999,999, oh well it can’t be helped.” DemiDevimon shrugged while shaking his head, which was practically his whole body. “I was going to go into great details about rules and things you will all need to know, but thanks to fatso I’m afraid we wasted too much time.” The little bat Digimon gave another click of his talons and almost immediately several more Tyrannomons appeared from the trees at the far end of the forest. “So let’s cut to the fun part then shall we?” Using one of his leathery wings, DemiDevimon pointed behind the sea of people. “About a mile that way is the first safe zone your group will be calling home for a while. It’s a large city accurately named Safe Zone City. You’ll know when you’re in the safe zone after you pass the white outline that defines the perimeter of the city itself.” DemiDevimon flapped his wings and flew over towards the MetalTyrannomon before landing on its snout. “I will give you all five minutes to run as fast as you can to the safe zone. The moment the time is up all the Tyrannomons you see here will start to chase you down, and well I think you all get the big picture.” He said with a mischievous smile as he used a wing to rub the Digimon he was sitting on. “But don’t worry I’m giving you all a handicap by not letting this guy here chase ya, or letting the others use any special attacks, can’t have you all dying on day one, right?” With a flick of his wing a large digital clock appeared with five minutes set on it. “I’ll explain the rest of what you’ll need to know once everyone’s made it into the city.” With another click of his talons the timer had started. With every second that passed the timer made a quick beep sound, a few of these had passed before the crowd began screaming again, and the sound of multiple feet thundering off filled the field. I hadn’t bothered to turn and run because I was in too much shock to fully register what’s been happening. The day was meant to be a day for Digimon fans to enjoy a new game, but now it suddenly became some kind of death game? I was stuck in my own head until a raspy voice snapped me back to reality. “Hey not that I care whether you live or die, but it’s no fun unless you start running.” DemiDevimon was now hovering right in front of my face with a bored expression. He pointed towards the timer, and I saw that two-hole minutes had passed. “If you don’t get a move on your digi-chow.” I tried to turn and run but instead fumbled onto the ground, I barely got up before tripping over my own feet again, the shock of it all had my brain panicking. I raised my arm up and made a fist with my hands, before slamming it down to strike my left leg. The pain snapped me out of my confusion, and I pushed off the ground and bolted for the tree line at the opposite end of the field, where the direction of the safe zone was. I wasn’t sure how many seconds passed, I was just focused on running at top speed straight to safety, at least that was what I was trying to do. The path was full of dense trees that were clustered together, some forming natural walls that many couldn’t squeeze past unless you were thinner than a twig. This meant I had to try and run around the trees and try not to lose track of the direction of the safe zone, however this wasn’t the only problem that this forest had to throw at us. Along the path were deep pits that if you weren’t paying attention to where you were running, you’d easily fall right into, and could possibly sprain a leg. Then there were long thick vines that would dangle from between trees almost like trip wires, something that could easily tangle up a person. This forest was a natural maze, with traps and dead ends made to either waste your time or throw off your sense of direction. Because of this I had managed to catch up with the tail end of the crowd of people who ran just before myself, but most of the people I saw were those that society would deem less than athletic. I tried to help as many as I could, from untangling them from vines they got themselves caught in, to those needing help out of the pit traps. Everyone seemed willing to help one another out until. Suddenly an alarm went off in the far distances, soon followed by monstrous roars from some other world. The roars made my chest vibrate like I was standing next to a lion at a zoo. If striking fear into the hearts of the people was the intended goal, then it definitely had the desired effects. People that I could see were starting to panic much more frantically, from running with reckless abandon to shoving people out of their way in the hopes to get further ahead. The man whom I had just pulled out of one of the pitfall traps suddenly pushed me in before running. “I’m sorry but I need to live!” He shouted as he moved away. Just as I was about to try and climb out of the hole, the ground beneath my feet began to tremble. Looking up I barely got a brief glimpse of a red tail passing over the hole, before it moved away. A few seconds later I hear a roar and the sound of a man screaming. When I managed to climb to the rim of the pit trap, I was horrified by what I saw. The man who had shoved into the pit now was limp and dead in the jaws of a Tyrannomon, the sound of bones crunching and blood spattering on the floor filled the air, before he turned into data that was absorbed into the Digimon. I was on the verge of throwing up, but held my hand over my mouth. Slowly and as quietly as I could, I crawled away keeping low beneath the ferns and bushes. However, due to all the commotion and trying to focus on not upchucking my lunch, I had lost track of the direction that would lead to the safe zone. Once I found a spot to hide in I tried to remember the direction I was facing when I saw the Tyrannomon chase after the man. When I finally remembered I began to run, darting between trees and constantly checking to make sure I wasn’t going to run into any of the Digimon out here. As I made my way through the forest I could hear screams echoing from all around, men, women and even children soon followed by massive roars from monsters from some other world. It was enough to shake me to my core, I felt my heart racing and my mind asking a million questions a second. Was all this really happening? Could this all be just a bad dream, did I fall asleep at my desk waiting for the game to start? I was on the verge of a mental break when I heard what sounded like sobbing, and someone shushing. Looking to my right I saw Fash and a little girl huddling inside a hollow tree. The little girl couldn’t be any older than fourteen, she had pale purple skin and blond hair. She was sobbing uncontrollably while Flash was doing his best to keep her quiet while they hid. Getting down on my belly, I army crawled to the nearest bush around the tree. “Psst psst, Flash.” I whispered carefully, poking my face out from the bush. Flash spotted me and looked instantly relieved but made a shushing motion with finger to his lips. He began to point a finger off to his left. When I turned to see what he was pointing too, I saw a brake in the tree with bright sunlight shining through. If I squint hard enough I could just make out some building-like structures beyond the tree. That had to have been the city DemiDevimon was talking about. It was so close, just one quick sprint and we’d be home free. I was about to get ready to run for it when a thought had occurred to me. If the safe zone was that close, then why are Flash and this little girl hiding in this tree. When I asked him, he pointed back to the safe zone and told me to follow the tree lines to the right. Looking back I wasn’t sure what he was talking about until I saw slight movement, a thick muscular tail twitching ever so slightly, it was the tail of a Tyrannomon. “He’s camping?” I asked in a soft whisper. “Yeah, he’s already snagged three people.” Flash then gestured to the kid that was clinging onto him for dear life. “I found her huddled in here, she’s too scared to move. We haven’t seen anyone else up till you showed up, I think we are the last people who haven’t made it in yet.” I glanced around and figured he was right, I hadn’t heard anymore screams or roars, nor could I see anything behind us. This was a major issue. We knew for a fact that Tyrannomon wasn’t going to move an inch unless some unfortunate soul dared to get his attention. Meaning that one of us would need to play bait. I wasn’t sure what compelled me to do what I did, but I scooped up a handful of rocks that were on the ground and carefully stood up. Throughout my life I had one major flaw, something that often got me in trouble more times than I’d like to admit. And that was, if I ever saw a person in need I’d always go out of my way to help them. From giving my lunch money to a homeless man on the streets and skipping a meal, to dumb shit like trying to stop bullies who were bigger and stronger than me from picking on kids in high school. “As soon as that thing starts chasing me, pick her up and run as fast as you can.” I didn’t give Flash any chance to argue as I quickly ran to the left and moved along the rim of the trees. My plan was simple and hopefully would work. First, I would run to a safe enough distance where I can still see the Digimon, then I would walk out into the open and get its attention, goading it to try and chase me. Once it's far away enough from the spot where Flash was hiding, he and the girl would run into the safe zone, and I would do the same. That was the plan at least, I could only hope that it would work. Once I was far enough from the Digimon and had put some distance between us, I carefully walked out into the open. When I came out from the forest, I was able to get a better view of the city that everyone was running to. It looked like something out of a zombie apocalypse movie, the buildings were old, with windows shattered, moss and foliage covering every building. Some of the skyscrapers were either half gone from the top, or leaning on another ready to fall like a tree. I was able to see the outline of what I imagined to be where you would need to cross to be safe within the barrier. From within the barrier I could see people shouting and gesturing with their hands for me to run to them. Some looked panicked and frightened for my sake. But there were others further back watching with honest to god smiles on their faces, as if they were entertained by all this madness. These would be the people I dare not meet anytime soon. And standing across the way I could see the Tyrannomon who had just caught sight of me. The dinosaur Digimon cocked its head to one side as if perplexed that I would openly step into its line of sight. I half expected it to charge me and try and chase me, yet despite being out in the open it made the littlest effort to move. It just kept staring at me unmoving and less than interested. Could it tell I was too far away from it to catch? That the moment it charged, I would just as easily run into the safe zone? If so, then this Digimon was much more intelligent than I had originally imagined. This meant altercations would need to be made to the plan. First I began to move away from the safe zone, waving my arms in the air to try and hold its attention. “Hey dino brain over here!” I shouted with a light taunt hoping it was smart enough to know when it was being mocked. While its gaze did follow me it still made no effort to move from where it was standing. Did it know about Flash and the girl? I moved onto my next idea. I began to slowly walk closer thinking that maybe if I was closer within striking distance it would charge at me. Where I was once five yards away, I carefully moved to have us 3 yards away. I stopped moving and waved my arms again. “Come on, what wrong can’t your little pea size brain tell an easy meal when it's standing right in front of you?” While my taunting did get an angered snarl from the Digimon it still remained firmly planted to its spot. This only made things worse as I still had no idea if there were anymore Tyrannomon out there, besides this one here. Being this exposed made it hard for me to remain calm, especially since this only left me with one last option. I picked one of the little pebbles in my hand, and quickly threw it towards the Digimon. However it hadn’t reached him and barely rolled up to his clawed toes. The Tyrannomon glanced down at the little pebble before looking up at me as if he was thinking, am I serious. I’ll admit I was rather embarrassed by my less than stellar throw. “That was a warning shot asshole, the next one is going straight into your eye!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I grabbed another pebble, this one was much larger than the last, around the size of a fifty-cent coin. I reeled my arm back, before swinging it around, and making sure to give my wrist a good flick before letting go. The pebble flew out of my hands cutting across the field, and to my surprise and horror the pebble actually flew high and far enough to hit the beast right in the eyeball. It reared its head roaring in pain and frustration, as it swung its head side to side most likely trying to get the pebble out. “Oh shit I actually got him in the eye.” I felt a cold shiver run up my spine as it opened its eyes, and shot me a look that could definitely kill. One eye was bloodshot red from where the pebble had hit it, and it snarled before sprinting forward. “Well I got his attention, what the hell was step two again?” Turning quickly on my heels, I bolted in the opposite direction as fast as possible. In my panic state I kept running forward rather than right towards the safe zone. My only chance to shake the Digimon off my tail was to try and out maneuver him through the forest. I could practically feel the beast’s hot breath on the back of my neck, as I barely ducked through two trees and immediately heard the sound of tree branches snapping as the Tyrannomon crashed against them. I dared to take a glance back to see the mad Digimon trying to shove his way through the trees, and that he got his head stuck between two of them. I also caught a glimpse of Flash carrying the little girl in his arms right into the safe zone. Knowing the two were safe meant that it was now my turn to get myself to safety. Ahead I saw thick vines webbed between many trees and thought that it would make for the perfect trap. As I began to run towards them one of the trees crashed down next to me, followed by an ear ringing roar that told me the Tyrannomon was now free. I weaved my way through the trees in front of me, as I could hear the Digimon snapping its jaws right behind me. Sprinting with all my might I closed the distance between me and the vines where I could see a small gap between some near the base of one tree. Quickly diving one more time, I slipped through the hole and rolled forward, and looked back in time to see the Tyrannomon’s jaw moving in on me. I closed my eyes thinking the vines hadn’t caught him and that this was the end. I heard a loud chomp followed by a heavy thud and opened my eyes to see the vines had wrapped around his lower body, causing it to trip and fall over. Not wanting to press my luck any further than I already had, I ran around the large body back to the safe zone. Sprinting out of the forest, I moved as fast as my legs could move. I saw Flash waiting near the edge of the circle that outlines the safe zone, he was shouting and waving his hands wildly. The moment I got close enough he darted forward and grabbed me by the arm and yanked me in. I was sure why he was so panicked until I heard what sounded like a large object crashing into a wall. Looking back I saw that the Tyrannomon that was chasing me was but two feet away from me now. As I was gasping in air trying to catch my breath, I watched as it tried to ram its way forward only to constantly crash into the invisible barrier, which made ripples in the shield like a stone tossed into water. I had no idea that the Digimon was that close behind me, but I was grateful to Flash for pulling me in at the last second when he did. As Flash lifted me onto my feet and gave me a few pats on the back he smiled happily. “You know you either a suicidal dumbass, or a brave ass hero for that stunt.” I couldn’t help but let out a weak chuckle as I could feel my legs burning and pulsing from all the running I did. “Can’t I be both.” I joked as I began to look around and saw that Flash was by himself. “What happened to the kid?” He pointed a little way behind him, where I could see an older woman with light gray skin, and blonde hair hugging the little girl, both of whom were crying tears of joy. The sight of it alone made everything I went through worth it in the end. “Well well looks like that’s everyone.” Everyone quickly turned to see the owner of the raspy voice, DemiDevimon. “We went from 1,000,000 players to 999,845 in less than 10 minutes of the game, to weed out the weak as they say.” Everyone was shocked to hear that over one hundred and fifty-five people had died in that small amount of time. “Now then, before I leave you all to survive on your own, I should explain a few things, as this is a part of my job.” The little bat Digimon quickly brought up a holographic projection of a planet, one that didn’t look anything like earth. “Now then, your goal is very simple. You and your Digimon partners will venture out into the world to level up and fight your way to beat the game. You will need to discover the hints and clues that will tell you how to do so.” DemiDevimon moved a webbed wing to point to a specific spot on the map that looked to be in the center of a large land mass. “You are all currently here, the clues and answers you’ll need are scattered across the whole planet.” While this information would prove to be useful, it also didn’t help ease anyone’s worries. I could hear the crowd of people murmuring among themselves as they listened. “Since I’m feeling in a generous mood, I’ll tell you where the closest clue is located for your group.” A red arrow that marked our location slowly moved north of the map and stopped about nine inches, pointing to what looked like a rocky mountain area. “The first clue will be found here, it may look close on the map, but let me assure you it is quite far away from here.” He flapped his wings and flew high as he continued to speak. “Now then for those of you mourning the loss of those idiots who got themselves killed, cheer up because I got some news for you.” Everyone became silent as the little devil spoke. “You see those who were killed, aren’t actually dead per say. Only their avatars died, their souls are still very much around just trapped in a sort of limbo. The only way you can lose is if every human in the game dies. When the last player dies, then you will become officially dead. However, should one of you, and I highly doubt it will happen, win the game then you will all be sent back to your world, including those who’s avatars were killed.” No one said a word, we all just allowed those words to settle for a moment as we were told the fate of our lives depends on us winning this game. This should inspire hope to make some of us feel more motivated, but one look around all the grim faces told me that it had the opposite effect. “Well then I think my job here is done for now, if you need more information feel free to ask around the town, there are Digimon living here in this city as well. But don’t worry, they aren’t like those feral Digimon out there.” DemiDevimon started to fly higher and higher, almost looking like a spec in the blue sky. “I wish you humans the best of luck, you’re all going to need it hehe.” And just like that he was gone, and the game had officially begun. (Present day early afternoon.) Nine days. It’s been nine whole fucking days since this all started. Nine days and no one has managed to call out their Digimon partners, but this was just one of many problems we were forced to deal with. The first issue that was the main stem of all problems here was money. The currency used in this digital world is known as bits, and without bits you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t buy equipment or even food. There were a few ways to earn money here, some simple, others not so much. The most common way to earn bits was to take a quest from the quest center, located at the heart of the city. At the quest center, quests were posted daily and there were no shortage of them either. Some quests required a variety of things to do, some easy, others too risky to try. The easiest ones were those that had you delivering items from one place to another, or trading one item for another, a fetch quest basically. While these were the easiest to do they didn’t pay much, just enough to buy you a single meal around here. Next were scavenger quests. These kinds of jobs required players to venture out of the safe zone in order to find items necessary to complete the quest. From picking mushrooms, to gathering herbs the jobs tend to have us leave the safety of the city. These jobs however did pay well enough to keep a single person fed for a whole day. The final set were personal quests. These were sometimes requested by the Digimon who live in the city with us, and they can range from easy fetch quests, to elimination quests, where we would need to defeat a certain Digimon to collect an item they would drop. Of which there was no guarantee they would drop the necessary item needed, meaning you would need to keep searching further out to find what you need. These quests tend to pay a lot of bits, but without the proper gear or lack of a Digimon partner no one is crazy enough to take them. One of the safest ways to earn money was to get a job working for some of the Digimon vendors. Sometimes they’ll hire us humans part time to help set up the shop, and sell products, and be paid a fair amount of money, enough to get you a days’ worth of food at best. Another way to earn money without having to take a quest job, was to defeat a Digimon and collect the money they would give. However, as already mentioned before, without a Digimon partner there is no way of killing another Digimon, that is unless you have some equipment. This was another issue with not having money, buying equipment. Before getting sucked into the game, we were told that in this game our avatars would be able to equip weapons that would let us fight side by side with our Digimon partners, like the game Palworld. In most RPG games you’d at least get a starting weapon to use till you could save up and buy a stronger one. Yet when this whole thing started no one was given such items. The cost for a single basic low level sword cost well over 1500 bits. To put that into perspective, the cheapest food item available for players to buy is a piece of meat that is about as large as a double hamburger, which costs 50 bits on its own. When the game officially started each player had been given only 300 bits. That was worth six pieces of meat all together, which could only keep you fed for three days, that’s if a person only ate twice a day. But we were on day nine of this game from hell, and some people were starving. The people who were starving weren’t the adult and teenager who logged in, the ones who were suffering the most were the children players. After we had entered the safe zone and left to our own devices, we had begun to take a census to see what the majority of people we had all together, we divided the number into three separate categories. Full grown adults, young adults and finally children, and the percentages that each group took up. 10% was made up of full-grown adults, these were people who logged into the game to play with their kids so they wouldn’t be on their own at the start and offer support till they could make new friends to play with them in their places. Mostly 30- to 40-year-olds. 60% of the majority of players were made up of young adults like me. These were people who were either hardcore gamers, streamers, or fans of the anime growing up. The number of these plays most likely doubled given that the game was advertised as an RPG game. People in this age bracket were those from 17-year-olds to 27-year-olds players. 30% was taken by the children players, and here is where the major issues started. This percentage was made of kids who never worked a day in their lives, or even been away from their parents for so long. The age group most of these kids fell under were 10-year olds to at best 14-year olds. After we took in the numbers, all of the grown adults figured it would be best to establish some kind of order. They knew immediately that if something wasn’t done soon they would have to deal with a bunch of panicking children on their hands, and this wasn’t even addressing the food issue. Because the kids weren’t brave enough or had the necessary skills to go out of the safe zone to forage for items needed to complete quests, it was only a matter of time before they would starve to death. Many of the adults considered taking responsibility for a group of children to try and feed, but this posed multiple problems in their plan. The main issue being that there were more kids than adults by a large margin. There was also the fact that some adults logged in with their own children and needed to worry about them more than others. For a time people were really close to giving up on any kind of hope. That is until one person came up with an idea that would prove to help keep people from starving to death. A group of people who were athletically fit enough, and skilled enough to venture out of the safe zone and collect the items needed for someone else to complete their quest in exchange for a small percentage of the reward. These people would be known as quest runners. The quest runners were made up of like minded people, who understood that they would need to step up to help those in need. Some of these people were actually in lines of work that helped people, such as firefighters, police officers or people trained in the military. While I wasn’t either of those three, I myself am a member of this proud and noble group of people. Which brings me to where I am as of right now this afternoon. Sitting in front of the quest center waiting for someone to come and ask me for help with a quest. I usually come out here in the mornings to wait for a possible job that someone may want my help with, and should no one come to ask for one I would instead take a quest all on my own. “Any requests yet man?” I turned my head to see my good friend Flash strolling over. I smiled and waved to him as he took a seat next to me on the bench. “I’d figure you have a line of people wanting to ask you for help by now.” I shrugged as I adjusted myself to be in a more comfortable position. “Must be one of those slow days, or that we helped enough people to keep them from starving for one afternoon.” Before I could say anything else I heard a low rumble coming from right next to me, and saw that Flash had his head turned away. “Speaking of people starving, did you bother to even eat anything this morning?” When he did bother to look my way to answer, and his stomach gave another growl I knew my answer already. “You gave up all your food to the shelter again, didn’t you?” When the quest runners formed, and the adults decided to watch over the kids, we scoped out one of the empty buildings to use as a place to house the children. Since every building was usable and not just some piece of decoration for show, people decided to take refuge in the ones that were stable enough to use. We found one that looked like a stadium used in football, that had a large dome over it. We decided to name it the children’s shelter, this is where members of the quest runners sometimes donate any spare money or food. The big softy next to me has a bad habit of practically donating almost everything he has to that place, including the food he was meant to eat for himself. I couldn’t help but sigh as I opened my item box and pulled out two Cheerful Apples. A strange fruit was found in this game. As the name implies, they look and taste like apples, but they had a smiley face on them, not drawn on mind you, they just came like that. I handed one to Flash as I bit into my own and hummed with joy at the taste. He tried to refuse, but I was quick to shove it into his hands. “You sure man? Shouldn’t you keep this for when you get hungry again?” He asked as he stared at the apple. “A runner should always keep their strength up, for if they find themselves outside of the safe zone, and are too weak to move, then they are as good as done for when a Digimon attacks.” I said with a smile as I bit into my apple. He rolled his eyes and took a bite out his apple, and sighed with a blissful expression. “Really gonna use my own words against me huh?” He chuckled before taking another bite. “Well of course, after all those were the words you said when you formed the quest runners.” Yep, it was Flash who came up with the idea for the quest runners, and who formed the first group during day 4, when people were worrying about food. While the group is seen as an optional job with no actual hierarchy, every one of the runners considers Flash to be the leader. As I took another bite of my apple, a wave of joy surged throughout my body. This was due to the fruit itself. Cheerful Apples are from the game Digimon World: Next Order, and whenever you eat one, you are struck with a wave of pure bliss that can make the grumpiest of people smile in delight. “Did you find these while you were doing a quest?” Flashed asked as he finished his apple rather quickly, probably due to how hungry he was. I nodded and finished my own before leaning back. “Yeah, I found them about half a mile northeast from the safe zone, lucky me, right?” Outside of the safe zone we are often tasked to find items like herbs and mushrooms ect, but when I’m out there I try to collect more than the items required by the quest. While this didn’t give me any special bonuses, it did make it easier on my funds since I could eat anything I found out there. “Yeah, and again I really appreciate you sharing one with me, I’ll try and pay you back when I can.” I waved the idea off and told him not to worry about it. “Oh, hey how close are you to reaching your goal?” I smiled as I held up five fingers. “500 more bits to go and then I can finally buy them.” Because I tend to forage for my own food anytime I leave the safe zone, I’ve been able to save up my money for something I knew I was gonna need for when I’m out there. “I still can’t believe that Zudomon actually gave you a discount, I haven’t heard him doing something like that for anyone else.” Flash seemed a bit salty as he looked away, arms crossed, but I knew he was messing with me. In the city there were Digimon living here as DemiDevimon said, almost everyone here had expected them to be NPCs, Non-Playable Characters. However, we couldn’t have been more wrong about that. The Digimon here have personalities, wants and desires, dreams they wish to make come true. You can hold a conversation with them, and they’ll remember it later on. They’ll ask questions about your day and offer advice. Of the Digimon who lived here was a Zudomon, who ran a blacksmith shop. From swords and spears, to armor, he had it all. When I wasn’t working or foraging, I spent most of my time checking out his shop and admiring all the different weapons he had. Back on earth some guys might be gun or car freaks, but I had a more refined taste in weapons from the ones you’d see in fantasy movies. These were the rare few moments where I was allowed to forget about the horrors of this world and actually have fun. At first, he found my constant visits without purchasing items rather annoying the first three days. But when I asked about the way he made weapons and the kind of materials he used to make them, he seemed to open up. One time he let me come into the back of the shop where his forge was, and I got to watch as he made a sword right before my eyes. I was so entranced by the whole thing I hadn’t realized I went nearly the whole day just watching in awed silence. Zudomon had asked me what my fascination with weapons was? I told him that while modern day weapons like guns are easy to mass produce, and require little effort to use, they lacked that certain flare. They didn’t require patience or passion to create, that if there was no heart or soul put into the weapon, then it was just a hunk of metal. At this the Digimon laughed and gave me a hard pat on the back that sent me falling to the ground. He said he was genuinely impressed with my words and asked to have a look at my stats. Humans in the game all have stats, some different then others. These were based on the humans themselves, an example being if someone was a weightlifter they would have better strength stats, or if someone was a pro at track and field their stamina and speed would be better. As for myself, I was on the track and field team back in high school and when I wasn’t gaming or working, I had fun doing parkour with some friends. Because of this my stamina and speed were at the moment my best stats. When I showed Zudomon my stats he recommended that I consider saving up for a short sword, and a buckler shield. He said that they were lighter than a normal long sword and shield, which wouldn’t hinder my speed and mobility, especially should I find myself in a cramped space. He then offered me a deal, that I could buy a short sword and buckler for 2000 bits. Originally each item cost 1500 bits, so I was being offered a great deal. Back in the present, I hadn’t gotten one client to come up to me, thus I decided to go on ahead to grab my own quests. “Alright man, I’m gonna go see about grabbing a job or two.” I tell Flash as I hop off the bench, and figure if he was gonna stay here, then I wouldn’t have to worry about someone missing out on help from a quest runner. He waved me goodbye as I walked into the building. The inside of the building reminded me a bit of a hotel lobby, in that there are walls with different kinds of quests on them, and a checkout stand near the back. The quests are categorized by different ranks, with F being the lowest, and S being the highest. Everyone so far has stuck to F rank missions, since these were the easiest ones, we could do without a Digimon partner. Players were allowed to take a maximum of three quests at a time, some of which had time limits and others didn’t. To get a new quest, you’d either have to drop one quest that you already have, or complete one. As of now I had one quest already taken, to gather 10 Digistalks, when completed I could be paid 50 bits. As I looked through the quests, I saw two that piqued my interest. One that required you to gather 5 Conductor Lemons for 100 bits, and another need to collect 3 Orange Banana for 125 bits. All together that would add up to 275 bits! I immediately grabbed the two quest and took them to the front desk, which was being runed by an Angemon. This was a Digimon I was familiar with since my childhood as he was a Digimon from the first season. He stood almost eight feet tall and had six large white wings, and wore a helmet with a cross on it that covered his eyes. He greeted me and asked if I was there to take on another quest, complete or drop a quest. I showed him the two I was taking and he nodded before asking me to extend my Digivices out, aka one of my vital bracelets. The vital bracelets could keep track of the progress we were making on our quest and among other things. With everything now settled I left the building and headed out to try and complete the quests I had. I’ve been out here for well over three hours now, and managed to collect the Digistalks needed for the first quest. I found 2 Conductor Lemons, and 1 Orange Banana, however I only found them within the first two hours of being out here. I found the items within half a mile of the safe zone, but for the last hour I couldn’t find much of anything. A common rule around here is that items when picked will eventually reset after 24 hours, this meant it was first come first served. This often became a problem as it would spark fights between people who weren’t part of the quest runners, claiming that we were taking all the easy items for ourselves, when they knew full well why we were doing this job. If someone had already picked the item that was meant to be in one spot normally, then they would need to wait 24 hours for it to spawn again. This meant that I would need to travel further away from the safe zone to find the required items. By now I already knew that the first two miles from the safe zone were safe and didn’t have any Digimon roaming around, thankfully after the first day all the Tyrannomon had left the area and no one has seen them since. Something I wrote down in my notes as I explored further out. Because it was late in the afternoon all the morning quest runners had already picked the first two miles clean, making any items I found a rare find. It didn’t also help that certain items had ranks as well from easy to find, to finding one out of sheer dumb luck. But thankfully certain items were easy to find depending on the item themselves. This world was completely whacked, sometimes things seemed like what you would see back on earth, but other times you’d see a tree twisted into a knot, or purple bushes with flecks of data coming off them. Yet there were some places to find certain items, some of which I had written down. Example being that Conductor Lemons grew near power plants, or power lines. Orange Bananas were often found in trees with orange leaves, which were really easy to spot. But as I said before, the first two miles had been picked almost clean with me getting the scraps. I could head back and try my luck in the early morning, but I wanted to try and forage for dinner and breakfast too, and I’ve yet to go further past three miles. I decided to take my chance and keep moving on my head, my notepad and pen in hand ready to run and document whatever I found. I knew for a fact that there was a small abandoned town some five miles away from the safe zone. I knew this because some of the quest runners walked up the stairs to one of the highest skyscrapers in the city and could see the town from their vantage point. Yet no one has dared explore the town given the distance it was from the town, nor what Digimon lurked near it. I figured if ever there was a time to find out, now would be the best possible time. Twenty minutes later, I could see the small town past a break in the tree line, and it looked like a modern little town out in the suburbs. Some of the buildings, while intact, were overgrown with moss and vines, and others were half destroyed. My eyes caught sight of a fuse box, and I looked down to see that to my luck there was a lemon there. I glanced around to make sure nothing was near, before sneaking my way close, making sure to duck behind a tree at the slightest sound. When I was close enough, I grabbed the lemon and slipped it into my item box. The item box was a marvel and made things a lot more convenient for players, you could store up to 30 different items inside and never worry about food expiring while inside. I could carry 90 Digistalks and 40 Orange Bananas and it wouldn’t be a problem, because so long as it was a different item it would count as using one space of your 30 slots. I started to circle the town careful not to get too excited, and risk drawing any attention to myself. Then when I heard what sounded like someone shushing, I quickly ducked in some bushes and parted some of the leaves to see who made the shushing sound. To my surprise I saw three guys around their early 20s walking into the town. And they weren’t alone as I saw three little girls with them. I was shocked enough to see people out this far, but to see three kids was an even bigger surprise. How were they out here? Did they know the other players? I strained my ears to try and hear what they were saying. As I slowly began to follow them inside the town, I could catch what they were saying. “You’re sure that runner came to this place Score?” A tall man with light tan skin, and brown hairs practically covering his eyes, wearing jeans and a black T-shirt asked as he was checking every corner to make sure they weren’t walking into danger. Score, a short round man wore a black jacket, and blue sweatpants nodded. Like his friend he had hair covering his eyes, but he had bluish gray skin, and his hair was black “Sure did Hoop. Dumb-Bell and, I saw him talking with the leader of the runners before going in and getting a job.” “Why the hell are we tailing a runner anyway? Couldn’t we wait till tomorrow to try and get some jobs done.” The third man asked, he had Reddish brownish gray skin, and light gray hair that didn’t cover his eyes. He wore a red plaid shirt and black jeans. “Because Dumb-Bell, runners don’t usually go out this late unless they are exploring, and I heard them talking about there being a town here, which as we can all see is true.” The one known as Hoop said as he continued to peer around every corner before moving onward. “And if we let him go first and look around, and aren't chased by any Digimon, then we can start looking for stuff for us to sell back at the city.” “But what if he’s already dead? Don’t you think some Digimon got him by now?” Dumb-Bell asked as he looked back, causing me to quickly duck out of sight. “I mean for all we know he could have gotten jumped and pulled away.” After waiting a few seconds, I peeked my head out and watched two of the men walk into one of the empty houses, while Hoops, who I’m assuming is the leader, stayed outside with the three girls. The girls looked like they were close to preteen age. One had light yellow skin and red hair and was wearing a white T-shirt with an apple on it under some jean overalls. The second was a girl in jean shorts and a sweatshirt, she had light orange skin and magenta hair. Finally, there was one with light gray skin and her hair was grayish mulberry with pale, light grayish rose streaks. “You promise we get some items too if we help keep an eye out, right?” The girl with the magenta hair asked. Hoops looked down at her and rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah, you play your part and well give you girls some stuff to take back with you.” He didn’t sound pleased to be sharing whatever they found. This made the little girls happy, each of them throwing their fists in the air with excitement before, each of them turned away to keep a lookout for danger. This raised some questions in my mind. Who were these kids? Why weren’t they back at the shelter? More importantly, why would they risk coming out this far for item? After a couple of minutes the two men came out with arm full of item, some of which were the ones I needed. I felt a surge of jealousy, as I watched them stuff the items into their inventories before moving on. While I wanted to try and move away and try and score some items for myself, there was some nagging feeling in the back of my head. I’ve yet to see a single Digimon around this little town, and while this would be seen as a blessing it felt more like a trap. To the east about the same distance from the safe zone, we discovered a riverbed that was patrolled by Gekomon and Betamon, both of which had water attributes. In the opposite direction we also found a rock quarry where we saw Digimon such as Gotsumon, their environment matched them perfectly. So if the Digimon tend to match their environments, then what kind of Digimon would be found in a town? Just thinking about it made my mind race at a hundred miles a second. Looking around I figured it had to be a rookie Digimon like the others, and that it would probably be bipedal form wise. “Boss I found the jackpot!” I heard someone shout snapping me out of my thoughts and saw that I had let them out of my sights. I followed the sound of the voice who shouted and rounded a corner to see the group entering a cul-de-sac. And near the end of it under a streetlamp was a pile of meats, fruits and other food items, it was the motherload. As well as a big red flag. When Score was walking towards the pile of food, it only now occurred to me why we hadn’t seen any Digimon thus far. I tried to warn them but I was already too late. In a split second a rope had wrapped around Score’s ankle and quickly yanked him into the air and hung him upside down. A moment later all the doors of the houses that made up the cul-de-sac swung open, and it was now that we saw what Digimon called this place home. Standing at around 5ft each, with dark green skin and red mohawks, they wore light brown sleeveless jackets and loincloths, and each was brandishing a wood club with metal bolts sticking out at the end. Their yellow eyes and two protruding fans from their lower jaw told me exactly who they were, it was a horde of Goblimon. The group had just walked into a trap. The realization came too late, as several of the goblin like Digimon rushed out of the houses, and made their way to their first victim, the one who fell for their trap first. Within seconds Score was swarmed by three Goblimon, and he screamed as they began to beat at his body with their clubs. He shouted for help, for anyone to save him as the Digimons beat his body like a pinata. Every strike they made could be heard, hard thuds and cracks, each time they brought down their clubs blood had begun to build up on them. Eventually Score’s scream ceased when one club came down and an audible crack sound echoed out. No one was allowed to moron as the other Digimon quickly moved in on the remaining humans. One Goblimon summoned a fireball into its hand and threw it towards Hoop, when the man saw the fireball, he grabbed the closest body and shoved it in front of him. Dumb-Bell shouted in alarm before suddenly being set on fire, as the ball collided with him. He fell to the ground rolling and screaming in pure agony, before two Goblimon jump towards him, clubs raised and began to beat the life out of him. Hoop’s depravity hadn’t stopped there, when he saw that more of the goblin Digimon were quickly closing in, he forced the three girls onto the ground before running away like a coward. I hadn’t really realized that my body had suddenly moved on its own accord, as I darted forward and quickly grabbed the kids and placed each of them under each arm and one onto my back, and just as fast ran away. “Hold on tight you three.” I commanded as I ran down one street, hoping to out run the Digimon. (Present time) Now back in the here and now, I blinked and saw the two Goblimon now slowly approaching me. They bore twisted smiles as they tap the end of their wood clubs on the palm of their free hand, clearly amused that I was trapped like a rat now. “To think this would be the way I would die. At the hands of Digimons, the very creatures I admired for so long.” I found myself chuckling slightly at the irony. The thing I loved so much would end up being the death of me. I shocked myself at how easily I could find humor in this grim moment. I closed my eyes and waited for the end. ‘Press both buttons on your vital bracelets at the same time, and recite these words. Digimon Awaken.’ A female voice that sounded almost angelic echoed in the back of my mind. My eyes opened and as if on instinct my hands moved on their own. I quickly pressed both sets of buttons on each vital bracelet, and held them out as I spoke. “Digimon Awaken!” The monitors on the vital bracelets shined, casting blinding lights that made both the Goblimon and myself shielded our eyes. The blinding light was slowly subsiding and when I opened my eyes to see what had happened I was utterly shocked. Standing before me were two new Digimon, ones that I knew all too well. On my right was a dragon like Digimon with gold armor and a white cape, and at the end of its head was a large blade with a number 20 on the side. Opposite of him on my left was a Digimon also dressed in armor that looked like it was made from a tank, only his was a military green. The second Digimon wore round buckler shields on his arms and on his head, the last had a number 01 on top. The name of these two came to me almost instantly, as these were the two Digimon that I chose for my partners. “Zubamon and Ludomon?” I asked out loud. The two Digimon turned to look at me and nodded their heads, then quickly turn to face the two Goblimon as they quickly charged forward. One of which summons a fireball in its palm before throwing it straight at me. I was about to try and move out of the way, when Ludomon Jumped up and smacked the ball of fire away with one of his shields. Both Goblimon and I were caught by surprise, before Zubamon quickly charged in. “Twenty Dive!” The little rookie shouted before he began to slice up one of the Goblimon. It all happened so fast, just a blur of blades cutting the evil Digimon making it howl in pain. The second Goblimon raised his club over his head ready to aid his comrade by attacking Zubamon. However, Ludomon was quick to respond as he dashed forward holding one of his buckler shields out. “Shield Bash!” He called out, as he slammed himself into the Goblimon’s face with his shield, knocking him back a few feet. I heard another howl of pain and watched as the first Digimon glowed before shattering into glass like data, which was absorbed into both Ludomon and Zubamon. Then suddenly two windows opened in front of me. Zubamon HP 300 +20 MP 200+20 STR 300+30 STA 190 WIS 100 SPD 150 Ludomon HP 300 +20 MP 200+20 STR 300 STA 190+20 WIS 100 SPD 150 Items Acquired BIT 30 Recovery Disk It took me a moment to understand what I was looking at, it was a status menu of my Digimon, and judging by the +20 near some of them, I can only imagine that it represented their stats growing. Not only that but I got some money and an item too. I wanted to bask in the glory of it all when the second Goblimon managed to recover from Ludomon’s attack. The Goblimon was fuming and foaming at the mouth with rage, he let out a roar and pounded his chest like some made gorilla. “Geez he sounds pissed.” I joked before seeing three more of the evil Digimon suddenly appear. Most likely that roar the first one did was a call to the others to rally together. I was now worried yet again, I feared that my two Digimon alone couldn’t handle them all. Ludomon and Zubamon looked at one another and nodded. Suddenly their bodies began to glow, and I watched as their forms began to morph. Zubamon’s body began to shrink like the blade on its nose slowly grew longer. His tail straightened out forming a grip while his legs curved to form a guard around the handle, like a cutlass. Ludomon’s body slowly compressed in on itself, the helmet like shield it had on its head became the base, and the two smaller shields on its arms moved to either side of the first. The toe claws that were on its feet shifted to the front of the shield, and looked incredibly sharp with the tail acting as the strap. I was in shock and awe by their transformation before suddenly the short sword and buckler flew at me. The buckler latched onto my left arm, while the short sword flew right into my right hand resting comfortably in my palm. The moment I felt my grip tight on the two weapons I felt a surge of strength that I hadn’t possessed mere moments ago. “Can you hear us boss?” A voice echoed in my head making me jolt for a second. “It's me, Zubamon.” I glanced down to see that the eyes on the blade glowed for a moment. “Don’t worry we got your back, just trust in us and we’ll get out of here no sweat.” Zubamon’s voice sounded confident, like he was sure things had just taken a turn in our favor. “Heads up!” A second voice called out in my head, and I looked up to see that one of the Goblimon had jumped into the air, clubbed, gripped in both hands and raised over its head ready to strike down on me. I had let my guard down for a split second and was afraid I was about to pay for it with my life. When suddenly the buckler on my arm began to move my limb on its one. The shield moved in the way to block the attack as it came down, but I still felt the vibration as the wood club slammed against the metal shield. I nearly fell back from the impact but strengthened my stance and pushed back. The push made the Goblimon hover in the air as it had lost its momentum. “Hurry use Zubamon and slash him!” The second voice called out. Immediately I swung my arm forward and slashed the Goblimon down the middle, and watched as it quickly shattered into data. Like before the data was absorbed into my Digimon, and their stats had increased like before, followed by money and another item earned. “That was too close for comfort sir, please be more careful.” The second voice said in a more formal tone than Zubamon. “But not to worry, for I as your humble shield will block as many attacks as possible, that is a Ludomon promise.” Now I knew that the second voice belonged to Ludomon. I turned my sights on the other Goblimon, and found a rather surprising sight. Before they bore proud and confident looks, but now there was hesitation and dare I sound cocky also a hint of fear. “What’s got them spoked?” I wondered aloud. “It's because they can sense the power shift.” Zubamon spoke again in my mind, sending a shiver up my spine, an odd feeling I’m not quite sure I’ll get used to anytime soon. “When you equipped us, our stats combined made us stronger than when we were alone.” “Not to mention we had just got done dispatching one of their comrades, forcing them to think twice about if they want to continue the fight.” Ludomon added as we saw the three Goblimon hesitate to approach, taking on a triangle formation as they moved in. “Oh, sir this is a perfect set up!” Ludomon’s voice sounded excited as I felt the shield in my hand begin to rise making my arm move into position, and then a name came to mind as well as an image. My legs got into a sprinting stance and my center of gravity adjusted. “Ludo Bash!” Pushing off my back leg I darted forward. What I hadn’t expected was the enhanced speed that I moved as the distance between me and the goblin Digimon was shortened in the blink of an eye. My shield slammed into the face of the first Goblimon, the impact was so strong it sent him flying into the two behind him, like a bowling ball hitting pins. The impact alone was strong enough to send the three flying backward out of the alleyway. “Hurry boss chase after them and attack!” Zubamon’s voice shouted in my head, and I darted after my opponents. It was now that I noticed again the change in my speed. It felt so natural for my body, but my mind could barely process the speed I was moving at. So much so that I hadn’t noticed that I had caught up to the three Goblimon before they had a chance to land on the ground. “Now boss it’s time for my move!” As Zubamon’s voice called out in my head, just like with Ludomon’s move an image of an attack came into mind and how to execute it. Without hesitation I moved right into the middle of the three evil Digimon, I spread my legs apart and moved the arm holding my sword across my chest. Pushing off one leg and spinning on the tip of the other I swung my blade in a perfect circle. “Zuba Slash!” In a single swift slash, my blade sliced through each of their bodies. When the Goblimon’s bodies hit the ground they shattered into glass like data, and a window appeared as it did before. Zubamon HP 320 +60 MP 220+60 STR 330+90 STA 190 WIS 100 SPD 150 Ludomon HP 320 +60 MP 220+60 STR 300 STA 210+60 WIS 100 SPD 150 Items Acquired BIT 90 Recovery Disk Recovery Disk After the battle was over, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of calm wash over me, so much so that my grip on my weapons loosened and I fell to the ground exhausted. I stared at the blue sky like this was the first time I ever saw it. I would have stared at the sky for who knows how long, had I not felt a tug on my shirt. Craning my head up I saw the two Digimon looking at me with worried expressions. I smiled and slowly sat up to show that I was fine and well. Now that the threat of death was no longer looming over me, I was finally able to truly look at my digimon partners. “I don’t think I got the chance to properly introduce myself, so let’s try this again. Hi, my name is Kotetsu, and it’s an honor to meet you both.” I held my hand out to shake theirs. Both Digimon smiled and moved one of their hands on top of mine. “We are happy to meet you, let’s work together and become the strongest.” Both said in unison. After everything settled down, I went ahead and messaged Flash using the friend's communication line. It was basically like a cell phone system you can use with people you had friended, of course if someone knew your gamer tag, they could send a call request. When I called Flash, I told him about everything that happened, how there were three girls I needed him to meet up with as they made their way to the safe zone, as well as how to summon Digimon from the vital bracelets. He was no doubt shocked by the overwhelming information I had to dump on him, but he understood the situation right away, no questions asked. Before I left to go catch up with him and the kids, I decided to make use of the now vacant cul-de-sac and collect the bait the Goblimon used on Hoop and his cronies. It was a really good haul, and the remaining quest items I needed were here. One thing I did think about after collecting the loot was whether or not that Hoop guy got killed or not. I didn’t see it happen like with his lackies, so I wasn’t sure if he escaped after using the kids as sacrifices. I told Flash about him, and he told me when we get back to the city, we can inform the adult running the children’s shelter. Either way, if I do see that guy again, I swear I’ll punch his teeth in for what he did. With all the loot collected, both me and my partner Digimons made our way back to Safe Zone City. And for the first time since entering this digital world, I could finally see a silver lining in the dark storm clouds ahead. Digimon featured in chapter and roles DemiDevimon Game Assistant RedTyranomon (feral) MetalTyrannomon (Feral) Zudomon the Black Smith Goblimon (feral) Zubamon & Ludomon (Kotetsu's partner Digimons) Zubamon (short sword form) Ludomon (buckler shield mode)
Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Sex
Love takes many forms
A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somepony
<p>A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somebody or rather some pony who she will grow close with. But will they grow closer.</p>
Hello my name is Amber I am a changeling. I have the body of a pony but I have no fur. Instead I have a thick black chitin that protects me from most weather types. I have natural swiss cheese holes in my legs. A curved magical horn, a long dark red mane and tail with holes in it. Dark red insectoid wings and dark red slanted eyes. I am twenty years old. I live in the Malano hive, one of the great many changeling hives. Our queen is named Malavous. She is much taller than us. She has a long twisted and jagged horn, a light pink mane and tail with holes in it, light pink insectoid wings, and slanted light pink eyes. Our queen is very fair and just puts our needs before her own. The laws are also pretty fair too with only serious crimes being punished harshly. This hive is actually far more democratic. She doesn’t have absolute power. Before laws are passed they must go through parliament. The queen can veto a law she sees as unjust but it can be overturned if at least 75% of the parliament votes a second time for the law to pass. She also doesn’t have total power when it comes to law enforcement, sure she can help to make some choices but our constitution limits her from being able to herself decide what type of punishment is given out for particular crimes. It is a good thing that our hive is far more democratic than a tyrannical one like the one ruled by Queen Chrysalis. She is an absolute monarch and has absolute authority over the law and how it is enforced. She punishes any of the subjects that defy her very harshly. They’ll be locked up and forced into hard labor or they’ll be executed. In my hive executions are only carried out for the worst of crimes. But in Chrysalsis’s hive people can be executed for just speaking up against her tyranny. Queen Chrysalsis even tried to take over a kingdom to the north known as Equestria She is one of the changelings who chooses to not only eat meat, grains, and crops but also love. She has a strong desure for power and since Equestria has love she wanted to gain that power for herself. She kidnapped one of the co-rulers of Equestria known as Princess Di Amore Cadenza and disguised hersel as the princess of love. Fortunately the real princess was rescued by Twilight Sparkle the sun princesse’s student. And the princess of love abd the stallion she was to wed Captain Shinning Armor of the Equestrian royal guard used their love to create a magical shield around Canterlot and repealed the swarm from Equestria. I have no respect for Chrysalsis. Feeding off love is wrong just. And while we can it doesn’t mean we should. Changelings are still able to feel love and emotions. I do so why would I deprive someone of that? Equestria went to war with Queen Chrysalsis and ger hive. I hear theu have troops searching beyond their borders for changelings. They wish to keep their country safe. I hope they don’t see us as a threat and attack because we had nothing to do with Chrysalsis and her hive and do not wish to go to war. We haven’t been at war in sixty years and we wish to keep that peace. I am right now in our territory in large forests that surrounds our hive. I am a member of the hive guard. It is my job to stop people who are breaking the law and to protect others. I usually just stop minor crimes such as theft. Crime very fortuntaly isn’t much of a problem around this nation. This job is quite nice actually. The forest is very beautiful there’s so many shades of green. It’s also full of various wild flowers that smell of lavender as well as all sorts of beautiful animals. As I went down the path I could see some people in the distance As I looked my eyes went wide as I recognized them as members of the royal guard. They must be looking for chaneglinsg I have to warn my hive. A green magical ora formed around my horn and with a poof I teleported away. When I was done I saw a male changeling with a dark green mane and tail with hotels in it and dark green slanted eyes. His name was captain Thorax Thunderstorm. “Captain I spotted members of the Equestrian guard within our southern border.” I alerted. “Go make sure our citizens our citizens get to safety do not engage unless it is necessary.” He ordered. I obeyed with the upmost respect. I could see the foreign guards were scanning the land. I didn’t want them to see me and possibly risk a war so I used my magic and transformed myself into a bird and began to fly in the air in search of any civilians. As I flew I noticed some yonge teengaers taking a troll in the forest. I swopped down and turned myself into my true form. The kids looked a bit scared “We didn’t do anything.” They pleaded. “I know Equestrian guards were spotted near here I am here to get you to safety.” I explained. The kids looked terrified I don’t blame them since Equestria doesn’t really trust changelings all that much. A green ora formed around my horn as I teleported them to one of the safety shelters. “You must remain here for your safety and await further instructions.” I said. I then teleported back to the forest and transformed myself back into a bird and began to transform myself back into a bird. I tried looking for more civilians that may need saving. I could see their were pegasus ponies scouting the skies. I did my best to stay away from them. When one got near me I felt a sharp pain and flew away they must have changeling decetors with them. I then saw the pegasus ponies were heading in my direction shit they must have detected me. I flew as fast as I could but more pegasi guards began to pursue me and it became too much. I let out a scream of pain as my disguise came poff and I feel hard to the forest ground. I then felt a magical ora pinn me to the ground. I could see one of the unicorn guards was preventing me from escaping. I then saw a higher up looking unicorn. He had purple and yellow armor. He had a moderate sapphire bleu, moderate cerulean, and dark phtalo blue mane and tail and moderna cerulean eyes. My eyes widened as I realized this was Captain Shinning Armor of the Equestrian royal guard. He had his eyes narrowed at me. “Please leave we mea n you know harm.” I spoke with genuine sincerity. “Why would I trust a changeling?”Captain Shinning Armor stated with venom. “We’re not with Queen Chrysalsis we had nothing to do with what she tried to do to your kingdom.” I spoke with truth. “Why would I believe you your kind tried to take over my nation and enslave us. We will protect our foals and families from scum like you.” He stated. I then felt mysel get telrotoed. I could see their were other members of the hive guard defending me. “You’re within our territory. You can’t just come in our kingdom and harm one of our guards but we can resolve this peacefully there is no need for war.” A male hive gaurd said. “Then if that is the case why would your kind come into our kingdom, kidnap royalty, and try to take our land and make us into slaves.” Captain Shinning Armor stated. “What happened to your kingdom was done by Queen Chrsyalsis we are not affiliated with that hive. We are a part of Queen Malavous. We would have warned you if we knew and were even planning on revealing ourselves to Princess Celestia but Queen Chrsyalsis ruined that. We have also been at peace for 60 years and have no plans on breaking that peace.” A female hive gaurd said. “Since the rulers of Equestria prevent us from causing unnecessary tensions with other nations we can try to make a peaceful agreement between our nations.” Captain Shinning Armor spoke in a formal yet begrudging tone. “This is good I am glad that we can resolve this matter peacefully.” Captain Thorax said. I was taken to the infirmary abd very fortunately have no bad injuries. During the time my hive and Equestria began to resolve the matter with peace and diplomacy. I am very glad that our countries may finally learn to live harmoniously together who knows I may even get to know some Equestrians someday. I am right now in my home. I live in a small apartment. I have electricity, air conditiongm heating, running water and all that stuff. I don’t really care about living in a big house. I am right now getting ready for bed. I am taking a shower. I need it after this rough day. The warm water helped to calm my mind. A green magical ora formed around my horn and then around a bottle of shampoo. I took off the lid and plopped some on my mane and tail. I used my magic to scrub iyt in making sure to get all the spots. I then leviated the the container of body wabh I opened the lid and plopped some on my body. I then used my magic to scrub it all over my body making sure to get all the spots. I then washed it off and stepped out of the shower I feel far more calm right now. I then dried my mane and tail fast along with my body. I then put deodorant combed my mane and tail and brushed my teeth. I then went in my bedroom and went by the window and looked out of it. I can see other rental apartment complexes within my hive. I feel a bit of fear. “What if we end up going to war countless numbers of our citizens would die because of it.” I said fearfully. I then calmed myself down and realized that was stupid since our nations were already making peaceful negotiations and Equestria and our hive are peaceful nations to begin with. I smiled at the thought that I may one day meet an Equestrian and feel asleep.
Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Sex
Love takes many forms
A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somepony
<p>A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somebody or rather some pony who she will grow close with. But will they grow closer.</p>
The date is August 20 2005. Fortunately our two nations didn’t end up going to war. We managed to sign a peace treaty and I’ve even heard talks about possibly starting trade and exchanges of culture between our two nations. I am very glad that we have been able to keep the peace. It would be wrong to break a 60 year peace. War wouldn’t result in anything good and I highly doubt Princess Celestia would go to war with a country that hasn’t done anything bad to them. The fact that we are a race of one that had attacked Equestria doesn’t matter because we are not like them. Princess Celestia is a very fair and wise pony. I highly doubt she would have any ill will against us. She was the pony that made it that no sentimental being could be killed, brought into slavery, or experimented for the basis of their species after all. Of course ponies like Captain Shining Armor don’t really like us changelings and wish to see us punished over what some of the members of our species did. At least, not everyone from Equestria wishes for our blood to be spilled. I am right now going to visit my brother Thornton. He has a dark red mane and tail with holes in it, dark red insectoid wings and dark green slanted eyes. He is a very nice person and I am glad to have him as my brother. He is a local Author and he writes a lot of scientific fictional stories they’re really good. Our parents didn’t approve of his career choice. Our family has a long line of working for the hive guard and they wanted both of us to do the same and continue the family tradition. I personally liked the idea of fighting crime and protecting the civilians so I chose to follow my parents' hoofsteps and joined the hive guard. My brother, on the other hoof, wasn’t really interested in joining the hive guard. He was more interested in creativity and had quite the skill for writing and decided to become an author. I supported him because I knew this was what he wanted. Our parents went against us at every turn. They kept saying he would never make a decent income from such a career. They also said that being a member of the hive guard was an honor and saying there was no reason to deny such a job and that he should honor the family tradition. Our parents wouldn’t pay for his college if he didn’t join the hive guard but he didn’t care abd made the money to go to college and get the job he wanted. I scowled my parents for refusing to even help him with college just for choosing a different career. They told us it was because he was being “disrespectful” but I’d hardly call choosing one’s career disrespectful. I am still very proud of the person by brother turned out to be. I am right now walking down the various pathways of the hive. It is full of various homes, shops, restaurants, schools, hospitals, everything you would expect from civilization. This hive is alive and colorful unlike the hive of Queen Chrysalsis. When I got there I let out a knock and heard my brother’s hoofsteps approach the door I went over to hug my brother. “I’m so happy to see you Thorn.” I said to my older brother. “I’m happy to see you two A.” He said using that nickname he gave me. “Come inside I got dinner ready.” Thornton said. “I like the sound of that.” I said while smiling. “Oh you will, I made pad thai for dinner.” Thornton said. Pad thai is a noodle dish that many changelings commonly eat. It is very delicious. “You’re right I do like the sound of that. And I think you’ll like that I made cupcakes for dessert.” I said. He had such a cute face at that he does love sweets. He hugged me “Thank you sis.” He said thankfully. I chuckled. “You’re welcome brother.” I said. I then went and sat down with my brother before we ate we did a little prayer. “We thank the providence for this delicious meal and for our family and our lives.” We believe in a religion called the providence. It is a religion commonly practiced by changelings. We believe that our actions determine where we will end up in our deaths nothing more. We began to eat our dinner. tThe pad tai noodles sweet flavor hit my tongue. “This is so good.” I said complimenting my brother for his cooking. “Thank you sis. I put a lot of effort into making sure that our dinner would be delicious.” Thornton said. “Well I should compliment you if you know how to cook after all.” I said. I always admired the skill of cooking and all the foods that the hive has to offer like pad tai and rice noodles. “Well then I guess I’ll be complimenting your cupcakes.” Thornton said. “Aww thanks bro.” I said thankful at the compliment. “Well I should compliment you. You have quite the skill for baking after all.” It was true I did have a skill for baking. I used to bake for the school’s fundraising events and I did quite a good job at that. I even considered getting a job at baking once but then I realized I could instead make it into a hobby because my real passion was law enforcement. “Thank you brother to be honest I bake because not many places around here hive nice found like they used to.” I said. “Yeah quite a lot of places have food that doesn’t quite taste the same it is why I don’t really go out to eat very often.” Thornton said. “Hey we gotta give people some credit there’s still some good restaurants around here like the golden leaf.” I said as a marvelous example of fine dining. “Yes that is a great restaurant and we should be grateful that we have wonderful things like that.” Thornton said. “Oh I am grateful for all the good things we have we’d be nothing but ungrateful assholes if we weren’t.” I said. “It is unfoturnat that some people are like that.” Thornton said. “Yes it is rather annoying that we have to deal with people like that.” I said. “Yes it is but wile we may have to deal with those assholes we musn’t forget all the good things we still have.” Thornton said. “Yes you’re right while there are many bad things in this world there are also good.” I said. “It is nice knowing that the world isn’t completely full of trash.” My older brother said. “Yes we are quite lucky that we have things in this world to value such as each other.” I said. “Yes we are very lucky to have each other family and love are some of the many blessings of life after all.” My older brother said. “Yes you are right blessings such as love and family are what bring worth and meaning to live after all.” I said. “Yes we musn’t forget the passions of life.” Thornton said. “Yes we have to remember what life is like and while it may have some bad things all the good things in life are what make it worth it.” I said. I enjoyed being ankle to have dinner with my brother we had a pleasant time and I was able to catch up with him. Afterwards we began to eat the cupcakes “Amber, these are really good, you did an excellent job.” My brother complimented. “Well I did make homemade frosting after all.” I said. “Aww thank you sis.” He said delighted and grateful. “Well I wanted to make the moment last after all.” I said while smiling. “You know we could make the moment last more by watching a funny movie” He offered. I smiled at him. We picked Shitstorm. It is this movue that is about a bunch of teenage changelings who wanted to act crazy for the night and have a bit of fun. They decided to go swimming in a place they weren’t allowed drunk some beer things that teenagers tend to do. Eventually the hive gaurd showed up and the kids had to run for it. The hive guard kept catchiung them down but they wouldn’t give up. Eventually one of the teenagers took one for the team and distrated the police so everyone else could get away. He was in jail for a week since he didn’t say the names of the other teengaers but they all learned their lesson and realized that whole they can have fun there has to be limits. After that it was time for me to go home. I went and gave my brother a hug thank him for the meal and he thanked me for the cupcakes and I left with the feeling of enjoyment knowing I have such a wonderful family and who knows once things change I may even make a friend that isn’t another changeling for once.
Mane 5,Original Character,Other,Zipp Storm,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
The Wild Mare
While on a camping trip. The Wild Mare gets discovered to be something no one expected
<p>While on a camping trip, Pipp tells her friends and sister a story. That turns out to be more true than thay realised. </p><p>Which just puts a new problem on their hooves. Who is this Wild Mare really? Where did she come from? Maybe Sunny and her friends can help her figure that out, too.</p>
It was night time. Five ponies, and one dragon were hanging around a campfire in the woods. Listening intently to a story being told by the princess popstar. Pipp. It was apparently about three mares who got lost in the woods. “Then, when the three young mares walked beyond those forboding trees… Hoping to find the campgrounds and reunite with their class.” Pipp gnarly told. With a scary voice as she held a torch under face. “They heard the howl once more. Not the howl of the wolf. The howlof the Wild Mare!” Hitch was nervously looking down at Sparky who looked quiet concerned about the story. Hoping Pipp would not go too far with this scary story like he asked. He gulped a bit as he sat on his camping chair. Next to him was Zipp, sprawled across a log, witha marshmallow impaled on a stick. Roasting over a fire. Unline Izzy who was gulping down a bag of marshmallows like popcorn. ”We must get home soon! Cried Stormer.” Pipp was great at voice acting. She made the characters sound scared. Except for Pepper who did not belive anything. “Nonsense. It’s just a rumor! Pepper responded, making a mistake!” Pipp exclaimed before imitating the howl herself. “The three mares hurried on. The howl getting louder every time! Sweat soaked their coats as they hurried through, hooves breaking leaves and sticks. One more howl was enough to make them run! Except for Pepper, who kept her pace, she thought it was someone from their class trying to frighten them… Like Billy who was known for pranks like this…” “This is good!” Izzy commented. ”Wh-what happens next?” Asked Hitch. Pipp smiled ready to tell the next part. “At that moment Pepper was alone. With the campsite lights in sight. She headed towards them. Knowing her friends was already there, hearing the howl once more. Fear struck her heart as she looked at the rustling bush. She was frozen, her legs were like jelly and her heart was racing.” There was a dramatic pause. Pipp jumped forward, as if she was predator pouncing on their prey. Making everyone jump at the sudden movement. ”Then she was ambushed! The last thing she saw had been the face of the Wild Mare before it was night-night forever!” She ended bitterly.“She was never seen again… Only one of the many victims of Wild Mare…” She then ended it with an imitation of the howl. “Yikes.” Sparky hugged Hitch tight. Whimpering a little. Sunny and Izzy clapped while Zipp smirked. Knowing she had based this story of an actual rumour that was apparently trending at the moments. She would not stop speaking about it. “I think its time for bed…” Hitch responded. Hugging Sparky. Everyone agreed. Putting out the fire and heading to their tents. Pipp and Zipp sharing one with each other. Zipp was suddenly woken up in the morning by a sudden noise, sounding distant. She groaned as she lifted her head. Hearing it once more. The howl that sounded familiar, the one from the story Pipp was talking about. She groaned as she rolled over on her mattress. “Pipp…” She groaned, lifting her head. “Pipp, quit it I-“ she then noticed the still lump in Pipp’s bed was Pipp, snoring peacefully. “Huh?” She groaned. Then shrugged figuring she was either imagining things, or Pipp was pretending to be sleeping. Then she heard the howl once again. She lifted her head and looked towards her sleeping sister. “Pipp?” She groaned watching her sternly, the peaceful, quiet music. That was not enough to wake any pony up, but enough that Pipp would sleep to it. Her body was calmly going up and down as she was breathing. There was even a snore that come out of her muzzle. She did not move an inch as the next howl happened. Zipp was a little puzzled. If it was not Pipp. Then who was it? Then groaning, she quietly grabbed a torch and quietly walking out the tent. Looking around. There was nothing but the noise of frogs, crickets and the wind. She took a few steps out into the cool night. Looking around for who could be pranking them. It can’t have been Hitch. It’d just not be something he’d do at this hour. It would more likely be Izzy. Slowly, Zipp made her way to Izzy’s decorated, colourful tent. Taking a quick glance through the window, hoping to catch her in the act. Much to her surprise, the noise was not coming from Izzy. As she was clearly not making that howling noise when it happened again. Sounding a little closer than last time. Izzy did not move her mouth the slightest. Can’t have been her, or her phone that was off and on the chair next to her bed. After checking it was not Sunny or Hitch. She had enough after hearing it again. She took out her torch as walked a few steps away from the camp. “Any pony out there?” She asked. “This is not funny…” She said quickly, before shivering from a chill, she walked away as the wind rustled the bushes. She kept on moving, wanting to put an end on this hoax for once and all. It was already cold enough out here. “Hello?” She called out softly, staying alert as she heard the howl get closer to her. She whimpered as she took a few steps forwards. Maybe this was not a good idea at all. “This is not funny…” She gasped as she shivered form a cold breeze. Soon hearing the howl once more. It was close. Her heart raced as she decided to head back to the camp. It would not be ideal if she went missing. She grumbled at herself for walking too far from the camp. She knows better than this! Then she froze in her tracks as she heard the howl. Very close now, as soon as she noticed rustling nearby. She sped up, trotting quickly. Her heart was racing and sweat was running as she ran faster through the bush. Hoping to get there, she was breathing heavily as she heard hoof steps that were not hers. She kept running, fear rushing through her body. Flying would be an option if the branches were not too low and close together. Flying here would not be a great idea. Going by rumours. This pony is a great climber. She panted as she just reached the area with the tents. She was finally here. Finally safe! Well, she thought she was. She screamed the loudest she ever did in her life as she was slammed to the ground. Face first, looking back to she a shadowy figure. It was all a blur as the thing tried to bite her neck and she kicked it off in self-defence, shaking as she got up. Only to be pounced on, trying to kick away the beast, only for it to bite her ear. Making her eyes water. She did not notice the lights shining on them both. Then the figure bit her again somewhere else as she screamed out in pain. She did not notice the cries of her friends screaming out her name. The next thing she knew. Something sent it flying off her. In a heavy net it kept trying to break free from, despite it pinning it to the ground. “Zipp!?” Pipp’s voice cried as she hugged her shaking body. Ignoring the smudges of dirt from a result of being slammed into the dirt. She couldn’t speak as she stood there. Shaking from the experience. Her heart was racing, this was not a hoax. There was something out there and it was ready to attack. How could she have been so foolish? She thought all the howls in videos were made up. She thought the distant pictures and blurry close ups were costumes. Or photoshop. She closed her eyes for a bit, to try and process everything that had happened. It all happened so quickly. Her heart was still racing, it felt as if her surroundings were spinning as she tried to breath normally. She was like this for a few minutes before she got up, she actually felt as if she was going to die. She gulped as she stood there, not noticing the tears coming from her cheeks as she stared at the creature stuck in the net. Hitch seemed to be keeping an eye on it. With heavy rocks on the outside of the netting to try and lower any chance of escape. He stared at it in shock as it calmed own, feeling safe to have a closer glance at it. His friends soon coming to join him, with Zipp understandably not wanting to get too close. “The-the Wild Mare?” Zipp muttered softly. “It…” Sunny looked down at it as it hissed at her. “It’s a pony? Like us!” ”Well it is called the Wild Mare!” Pipp rolled her eyes, showing Sunny some videos and memes of it on her phone. Then she sadly looked at it. “I imagined it bigger. And more of a hybrid of a mare and some predatory animal…” She sighed. “That’s what everypony said about it. The gang inspected it as it crouched under the netting that was holding it down. It seeming had given up on trying to lift or break the netting. It was designed to only be used in the situation where a dangerous animal invades the camp. So of course a pony her size would be unable to break it. It was a young mare it seemed. It was hard to tell what colour its filthy mane was. But it appeared to be a light yellow and lavender. All ruffled in a mess. Her body appeared even harder to tell what colour it was. It looked brown, but that could easily be the dirt covering it. It hissed as it looked at Hitch as he pondered on his next more. This was not a monster. It was a pony! But what was she doing out here like this attacking others? They couldn't leave her out here. It did not feel right. ”So… What are we gonna do with her?” Izzy asked Hitch. We can’t really leave her out here…”Hitch noticed her wounds and sighed. Everyone agreed, wondering who she was. It was not a surprise that Pipp was just about to reveal it to her fans. “So… Pippsqueaks. We might have found the Wild Mare… Turns out uh… She’s completely real!” She then pointed the camera at the Wild Mare who was hissing and growing. “Uh, Pipp. I don’t think this is the best time. She seems scared…” Hitch warned. “Fine…” The next day . The four mares stood in the Brighthouse. Hitch had to leave earlier to do some important business in his office. Leaving Sunny, Zipp, Pipp and Izzy with the Wild Mare who was in a cage. For her own and everyone else’s safety. The friends discussed what to do with her. “She is literally a feral animal!” Pipp exclaimed. “She is growling, hissing howling! The worst part? She is such a Mess!” “Hey!” Sunny scolded. “I get what you mean. But… I think we can try to help her… Somehow.” “Yeah… Like figure out who she is and why she is in the woods…” Zipp muttered. “Why she is acting like this?…” “Yeah. That too…” Sunny agreed. “Maybe we should start by showing her that we are not a threat…” Izzy grabbed a net in her magic, just in case of an escape attempt. Pipp gulped nervously was she watched, nudging Zipp to move forward. She was the one that the Wild Mare first met, anyway. She sighed, rolling her eye and slowly moved towards the cage, hoof on the latch as she looked down at it. She was scared of thinking of what could possibly happen once she opened it. She would hate to be attacked like the night before. “Hey…” She said in the calmest voice we could. Wild Mare’s ears were flat as she watched. Whimpering a little as the door unlocked and opened. She was now cowering with her tail between her legs. Why was she scared now but last night, vicious? Most likely because she was caught so easily in her eyes. “Hey… We are not gonna harm you. Okay? We just want to ask questions.” “Get to know who you are.” Sunny smiled before introducing herself. “I’m Sunny. That’s Pipp and that’s Zipp!” Izzy nodded, “I’m Izzy and this net is totally unrelated to any of this, okay? Just holding a net for no reason!” “And uh… Reveal Wild Mare the mon-“ Pipp said before getting a glance. “Was just a misunderstanding this while time!” She did not move beyond shaking as it cowered in the cage. The group waited patiently for a few minutes with no difference. Besides she was now laid on her belly. It was sad to see a pony in such a state. Izzy tried her best to convince her. “If we were going to hurt you. We’d have done it already.” She said in a soft tone. Getting a glance from Sunny who then shrugged. Zipp groaned as a result. Looking back at it, she sighed and just inspected it before getting an idea. She quickly zipped to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. She came back and placed the apple on the floor in front of the cage. “You must be pretty hungry! Have something to eat!” She smiled as she watched as the mare slowly inched towards the apple. Sniffing at it before kicking it away with her front hoof. She slowly took a few steps back after. “Confirmed. She is not hungry!” Pipp exclaimed. “Not helping!” scolded Zipp who picked up the apple and tried again. “You don’t like apples?” The mare looked at her, appearing not to trust her with the apple. “It’s just an apple, nothing else! Maybe you want variety?” Then she watched as Izzy grabbed an orange and a banana and placed them with the apple. The two of them stepped back and watched as the mare slowly inched out of the cage. Soon revealing herself as she stood up. Looking at the banana in front of her. She bent down and sniffed it, before biting straight into it. Skin and all, much to the other’s surprise. They didn’t say or do anything, besides Pipp who secretly filmed. They simply watched as Wild Mare gulped down the whole banana. Till there was nothing left. “Eating the skin?” Questioned Izzy. “That’s a new and unusual way of eating a banana…” She smiled, trying to make the situation not feel so awkward. Sunny wanted to correct this pony. But only watched as she went for the orange. Violently biting through the skin and gulping down a whole chunk. Lifting her head to keep an eye on the ponies before she took another bite. It was like she was starving as she violently gobbled up what was left of the orange. Then she gulped down the apple. This time spitting out the seeds when she was eating the core. Leaving little to no waste of the fruit behind. “You want anymore?” Sunny asked nervously. Watching as it got closer to her slowly. Sniffing her all around, ears perked up. Then she sniffed her butt like a dog would do. Much to her confusion. “I don’t think that’s the best way… To uh… Get to know me…” Sunny responded. Slightly nervous. Wondering why she was acting this way. She slowly went to Zipp, sniffing her again. It all seemed fine, till her muzzle touched Zipp’s wing. She suddenly seemed alerted. Before anyone could react, she chomping down hard. “Argh!” She cried out in pain before scolding. “No! No biting!” Zipp shouted in full volume. Holding her wing, the bite was hard enough ti hurt but no damage. “Zipp!” Pipp exclaimed. Watching as it started to whimper and look at Zipp sadly. "Shouting at it won't show we are here to help!" “C’mon, Pipp! She can’t just expect to bite us and everyone be okay with it! That hurt!” “She doesn't know any better…” Sunny watched as Wild Mare hid behind Izzy. Sniffing her behind she did so. “I don’t think she even knows who or what she is…” Everyone watched as Wild Mare let out a howl. It kinda sounded a bit sadder than usual. Zipp kinda felt a little bad for yelling at her, even if it was kinda deserved. So, she sighed as she looked at her. “Hey… I don’t know your name. But I am sorry for shouting…” The mare poked her head from behind Izzy and stared at Zipp. “You just got me by surprise but… But I want to help. I want to help you find out who you are… I just don’t really like being bitten…” ”Yeah! We are great at helping ponies!” Izzy exclaimed with a grin. “But I think It’d be great for us to call you anything other than Wild Mare for the time being…” Sunny gave a nervous chuckle. “Any names you want us to call you for the time being?” It appeared the mare thought long and hard about what she was going to say. She seemed a bit puzzled as she opened her mouth. As if she was trying to talk. It sounded pretty jumbled as she made a few noises. Trying to speak. Which made the ponies concerned. Had she never spoken before in her life? It was like a baby trying to say its first word. Until she finally said something. “Grey.” ”Grey?” Sunny asked. “If that’s what you want us to call you for the time being, then okay!” ”What a nice name!” Izzy complimented. Wanting to make her feel less lonely, scared and more welcome. “It’s nice to meet you, Grey.” Grey perked up a bit, feeling less scared as she saw the group of ponies. The orange one being the most friendly in her eyes. While the ones with the wings and horns still looked kind of scary. But seeing the earth pony being okay with being right next to them and talking to them gave her comfort. But she did not exactly trust any pony to touch her just yet. “Ugh…” Pipp sniffed the air a little. “When do you think we’d be able to give Grey a bath?” “I feel when she gets to know us and feels more safe around us first…” Sunny noted as she watched Grey walk around. Sniffing places in the Brighthouse. Stopping at a chair and raising a hind leg. It took a few seconds before anyone realised what she was going to do. “Grey! No!” They rushed to try and stop her. Sunny joined Zipp as they both led her into the bathroom. She started sniffing everything, getting alerted as Zipp called her name and pointed at the toilet. “This is where you do your business. You sit on top of it and uh… Do what you need to do. When you are done, you close the lid, because it’s more hygienic if you do that…” She then pointed to the top. “Then you press the button on top to flush.” She closed the lid and pressed the button to demonstrate. Sunny them smiled as she pointed at the bath. “This is called the bath. This is where we wash up when we are dirty.” Grey went into the tub itself and walked around, sniffing everything before coming out. It would be kind of useless to sniff everything if you were a pony. But they were gonna work on that later. Besides, if sniffing things made her feel comfortable in a different place, it was no big deal. The two lead her into the kitchen. Where Pipp and Izzy were making lunch. Izzy was piling vegetables on a piece of bread while singing a song about piling vegetables on a piece of bread. While Pipp was live streaming herself do a popular sandwich recipe. “How is it going?” Izzy asked. ”She seems more comfortable about this place..,” Sunny said with a smile. “A bit quicker than I thought. But I got the feeling we’ll need to wait a bit longer before we introduce her to other ponies.” ”And maybe teach her to say the few words…” She looked at her. “Her behaviour makes me feel like she was either lost or abandoned at a young age and had to fend for herself. It would explain her behaviour and her lack of knowledge of things that should be familiar…” Zipp’s claim made everyone feel a bit sad as they looked at her. Hoping that was not the case at all. Who would abandon their child at a young age? Maybe Zipp might be wrong, but she had a point. She did only know a few words. Each one were one’s they’d learn at two or three. She also howled occasionally, as if she was calling out. Like a wolf. Pipp put her phone down and looked at Grey who was taking some oranges. She had quick wiff. “Ugh… We better get her a bath soon. Mother is visiting tomorrow…” ”True… But I got a feeling she might not like it…” Zipp looked at Grey. “Maybe I can convince her it’s not dangerous…” ”You sure? She’s a bit jumpy?” Worried Sunny. ”It’s worth a shot.” She said before noticing Grey walk over to the couches before sniffing them. Then she proceeded to sniff a pink rug that was on the ground. It was round and had a yellow pair of wings on it. It had a nice fuzzy texture. They watched as Grey started trying to dig at it like it was dirt. Much it her confusion, nothing happened as she sniffed it again. Soon lying down on it and curling up. Closing her sleepy eyes. “Maybe when she’s less sleepy…” Pipp watched, a little unamused since she had only brought that rug a week ago. Now Grey and her filthy fur was going to make it dirty. All she could do was sigh and hope she could wash it out. It was a custom, too. ”You know… I think she’s been through enough today. Why not let her be more restful for the rest of the day?” Sunny suggested. Zipp nodded. Even if she had a scary first impression with Her. It likely wasn’t her fault. Maybe she was scared or thought she was food. Whatever the reasoning. She hoped that they would be able to help her. Somehow. She couldn’t wait to figure out the backstory of Grey.
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
Starlight hesitated. She eyed the key floating in front of her, the blue glow of her magic ready to insert it into the lock and open the door. It’s what we do, it’s what Twi would do… She sighed, and unlocked the door. It was the first time the door opened since its inhabitant was placed in that room. A whole day ago. The shape of the tall bulky unicorn slouched over, sitting on the edge of his more-luxurious-than-deserving bed. Starlight was cautious still, even with the inhibitor on the dark king’s horn, he was still dangerously strong and fast. Today was the planned day he was to begin some basic lessons in friendship and harmony, all that needed to happen; was for Starlight to get over her nerves and speak. “Sombra?” He lifted his head, but didn’t turn. “It’s time… can you come with me please?” The red glow of his eye shown through his thick black mane, it wasn’t menacing at all, just tired. “Must we… at least you can refer my name appropriately.” His voice rumbled, throat stiff from being frozen for a thousand years, and then some. While he resembled a tall and rather young-looking stallion, his eyes and tone betrayed his better descriptors. Narrowing her eyes, Starlight muttered. “Kinda need a kingdom to be a king. Can we move this along?” Sombra kept his gaze, and slid off onto the floor. He approached slowly, stopping just in front of the mare. “Let’s.” Breathing out his submission, anything to avoid these meaningless insults, he then followed Starlight int the hall. Starlight passed through a doorway, and then immediately Sombra was flanked by two royal guards. They were likely placed there to catch him if he ran this way, maybe there were more the opposite side of the corridor. Clever, but I’m not stupid… a long walk throughout the castle and the small phalanx arrived to the front entrance. “I’ll take it from here.” Starlight spoke over her shoulder, and the two armored ponies halted, looking on menacingly as Sombra continued with his jailor down the dirt road. Sombra’s mind wandered, as it often does when faced with an intriguing problem. I’m much too strong for this tiny pony, I could easily break her spine in half. He glanced around, noticing no more guard ponies, just the unicorn. These ponies are either really foolish… His attention again landing on Starlight. Or this is the most dangerous creature in Equestria. However, he thought, it all came down to why he was here in the first place. A promise he made, but keeping it seemed more difficult than before all of the judge and jury, and a seemingly excessive confinement period. But if his absolute freedom was by doing what these ponies told him, and a fake smile, it would be worth it to get away and begin the real plan. More used to the snowy plains in the north, and the organized greenhouses under the protective magical field, this apple orchard he looked over seemed strange. What was to protect this supply of food and income from wildlife or thieves, a short wooden fence? And the barn that stood high in the center, bright red and towering, was impressive as the country ponies were capable of constructing it. “Applejack!” Starlight called out, “I’m back!” The orange earthpony appeared next to a cart, carrying a basket of produce. “Welp…” She locked eyes with the tall dark unicorn. “Ah suppose we’re doin’ this.” “We said we would.” Starlight hummed, “And we’ve only got a day, so better not waste the time we have.” Not settled, but excepting of her position, AJ tipped her hat and approached beside the former king. “Well, ah ain’t got much today. Well, nothing I’m gonna do.” Her tone directing at Sombra, and with a side eye that put off the stallion. He looked down at Starlight, who stood bye. “I’d like to leave.” His bluntness reflecting the farm pony’s. Starlight eyed the two ponies, finding herself the only one to move things along. “Okay!” She forced a smile, walking over behind the two ponies to herd them to the designated area. “We’ve wasted plenty of time, we only have today, so the sooner we can start, the sooner you two can crawl into your little nooks.” Sombra quickened his pace, solely to avoid contact with the pony behind him, and kept a small gap between himself and his hostile tutor. The three stopped by the barn, and Starlight giving AJ an expecting nod. AJ took a deep breath, tipping her head back. “A’ight, so y’all think you’re some kinda ‘all powerful sorcerer-er’ or something.” Sombra looked as though he’d been hit in the face with a brick, and Starlight’s expression was equally shocked. Sombra then narrowed his eyes at the earth pony. “Yes, I do.” AJ was calm, and pointed a hoof at a hoe leaning against the barn. “What about that?” “What about it?” Sombra grumbled. “Pick it up…” “Why?” “You’re so high an mighty, then you can till the field yourself.” AJ points at a long stretch of dirt, weeds sprouting up every few hooves. Sombra was taken aback, yet again, shock and disgust as his teeth clenched. He looked back at Starlight, expecting some kind of reveal to the joke that clearly was orchestrated to humiliate him. But the hoe was forced into his hooves, the force knocking him back onto his haunches. He held it awkwardly, wanting his magic to take over. AJ standing in front of him, he got up and whipped around to face the spectating unicorn. “What is this?!” He demanded, hissing through his fangs. “You’re here to learn, aren’t you? So, learn.” She gave a somewhat encouraging look, but it was forced. This is crazy! Sombra was met by AJ again, who stood by to direct him to the patch of unusable soil. Believing it was some horrid nightmare, the stallion did not resist. He stepped into the fenced off patch of ground, hoof wrapped around the staff of the hoe. He stood a good while, staring at the ground. What was this again? A friendship lesson? He was digging in the mud! He attempted to try leaving again, but Starlight and AJ kept eyes on him while they prepared fertilizers and sprouts to plant. “Ah said, ‘get to it’.” Apple jack grunted. Coming to terms, the stallion kept his back to the ponies, at least keeping them from seeing his face as he gripped the tool with his hooves. Swinging once, it slipped neatly into a clump of grass. As fragile as a single blade is, the plant was firmly set deep in the soil. It took some effort, but a good tug ripped it out of the ground. One down, over a hundred to go. Waste of time, let’s get this over with. Starlight looked on, for quite a while as well. She glanced at her friend, looking concerned. “Are you gonna talk to him?” Applejack looked at her with a blank expression, questioning to herself if she should even do that. But there was no arguing here, the element sighed and walked to the fence. “How’s it hangin’ Kinggy?” AJ rested her arms on the fence, leaning on it as she watched the unicorn stallion. He paused and lifted his head to glare at her, then went back to swinging the hoe. “What is it to you?” “Just sayin’, kinda rough fer your type to be out here workin’ fer once.” AJ stated plainly. “And fer a thousand years, that’s gonna put you up there.” The look in his eyes showed he was thoroughly insulted. “I’ll have you know; Celestia could barely stand against my power.” He grunted, and continued tilling the ground. “I’m more than capable to plant your filthy garden.” “Filthy huh? … What have you ever done to be honest?” Sombra grunts as he pulls a clump of roots from the ground, “The truth has caused nothing but pain.” “And why’s that?” “I’m here, aren’t I?” The stallion sneered, baring his pointed teeth. “Everything I’ve done was to keep this from happening, to keep my empire above all others.” AJ shrugged off his sore behavior, “At least you are here.” The hoe stabbed into the ground, and the stallion leaned on it. He looked up at the farm pony through his matted mane, a clear glare as he sighed. “My actions were just.” “Doesn’t mean you did the right things.” Applejack added. “Ya’ll can still be worse than those who wronged you, whether they deserved it or not.” “I won, didn’t I?” AJ met his gaze, and became stern. “And you caused more pain then needed to ponies who didn’t deserve it. Y’all keep tellin’ yerself you did the right thing, but it was only the start of bad things for everyone, including you.” Before Sombra could speak, AJ added. “You’re here, aren’t ya?” The words caught in his throat, frozen leaning on his tool. A second passed and his teacher turned and walked down the fence, leaving him to his work. With this, Sombra’s mind was clouded for the remainder of his task. It was a few hours later, Starlight came back to the garden plot and found it entirely weed free. Sombra flicked the last clump of grass away with the hoe, and leaned against it. He looked up as Apple jack and the pink unicorn returned. “You did pretty good.” She smiled, “Sure you haven’t done this before?” Sombra glared at her, unamused. The farm pony eyed the ground, expression blank, she stopped and stood in front of Sombra. Starlight stepped back, levitating the tools and empty sacks to move them. “Yeah, kinda does.” AJ muttered, beginning to examine the rows. Starlight ignored her, and watched as Sombra moved to the grass and sat down. The stallion kept his mouth shut, but breathed heavily. He kept expression calm, but his eyes betrayed his exhaustion. Noticing the former king was more “worked” than “friendly”, she rounded the patch to meet Applejack in the middle. “Hey, did you teach him anything?” The farm pony looked at her, and back at Sombra. “All I could, now it’s up to him to do what’s next.” The two unicorns went slowly up the road, Sombra was not having it. “You’re a princess, aren’t you? Just call us a carriage.” He grumbled, now dragging his hooves. “Not a princess, and we’re fine.” Starlight answered, though pondered the idea of becoming a princess. The princess of counseling, if that’s even an element. Sombra groaned to himself, “You’re not the one who slaved away in the sun for two hours.” Starlight raised a brow, “says the stallion who lazed around for a thousand years, some exercise is good for you.” Partly wanting to jest, but also needed to put him in his place. The look Sombra gave her told that the conversation was over, and was like that until they reached the castle. The guards waited inside, opening the doors as the two approached. The two armored earthponies stayed close on either side of Sombra until he was in his room, and the door locked behind him. Starlight left to the library, mind working on what to do next. There’s only a week, not much time to do much of anything, and these things need time more than hopes. I won’t fail you Twilight, most of all, I won’t fail you Sombra. We’ll get you out of this. A moment after dinner in the library, Starlight went to check on the prisoner. Something she’d forgotten, and needed to get to him before he may have fallen asleep. Stopping at the door, Starlight saw the guards had switched out for the Night Guard, with two bat ponies in dark purple armor. One unlocked the door, and Starlight peered into the darkness. She saw nothing but the night sky through the window and some silhouettes of furniture. Feeling like she’d missed her chance, the headmare went in anyway, flipping on the light switch. Sombra was in bed, the blanket suddenly pulling over his head. “Quid agis!?” He hissed. Starlight walked over, “I almost forgot something.” “Unfortunately, you remembered, can’t it wait for tomorrow?” Starlight exhaled her held breath; the moment was ruined. She levitated a small book, quill, and ink pot onto the desk by the window. “You’ll need these.” Sombra slid out of bed, walking over to examine the items. “Why?” He turned the pages with his hoof, “It’s blank!” Starlight rolled her eyes, “Yeah, it’s a diary. Twilight would want you to write down your own experiences, rather than I write your letters for you.” Going silent again, Sombra eyed the small book. Starlight nodded, and turned to leave. Just before walking out, she looked back. “We got someplace else to go tomorrow, so get some sleep.” Sombra did not respond, still staring at the book. The door closed, locked, and he was alone again. The light still on, Sombra turned trudged to it and back to bed. Easily seeing the moonlit outlines, and with there being next to nothing in the room, tripping was the least of concerns. That book however, why, why write down these ridiculous lessons, sleep was all he could think about. With another six days of this, Sombra wondered if he’d even last that long, let alone write it all down.
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
Two days in, and he was in a suit and tie. Sombra’s mind drew back, falling into boredom. The thick padding in the jacket made the already warm room feel hotter and uncomfortable. The pony responsible was the “element of generosity” with whom Starlight had left him with. The mare was white unicorn and purple mane, but also had not stopped talking since the king had arrived. Something ‘Twilight’ something ‘best she can’. Rarity pulled Sombra back to reality with a hair brush snagging on dozens of tangles in his mane, pulling his head back in agonizing popping as the knots were ripped out. “The most important part of my job is listening to the customer, so darling, I am here.” She set the brush on the work bench, Sombra’s mane neatly put back. “Listen?” The dressed-up stallion’s mind went blank, standing on this platform and seeing himself in all the mirrors around. “Yes darling. When one pony, me, hears about another pony’s life and experience and why they think they messed up and I offer whatever advice I think of.” Sombra whipped around and stared at her, turning to a glare as the small mare smiled at him. She turned and went back to sorting ribbons, humming as she compared Sombra’s colors to large pink bows. The stallion rolled his eyes, “Fine, what would you like to hear.” Rarity looked up at him, nodding. “Very well. How about your stay in the castle? You’ve only been there a day, but I’m wondering if starlight is treating you well.” “Hm, she’s not as bad as the guards. And I’m not aloud to walk freely, and my ‘room’ is empty.” Sombra grumbled the whole time, ending with Rarity starring, the mare speechless. “Well…” She looked away, “I suppose I could have a word with her about that, not that I don’t think you deserve anything more.” The comment made Sombra snap his now shocked look at her, jaw dropped. “Don’t deserve?!” He quickly silenced himself, remembering his situation. Rarity however did not leave on that, looking at him sternly. “Yes, as a matter of fact.” Sombra glared at the wall, growing uncomfortably warm in the suit. “As much as it seems unfair, she’s doing a lot to make sure you stick around.” The fashion pony chided as she turned to face him. “Sure, keeping me around to plow fields and play dress up.” Sombra grumbled. Rarity nodded, glancing at some neck ties on display. “Arguably dress up is better than garden work.” She turned her back and began looking over the accessories, “Not to mention our time does have a purpose, much like the work you did yesterday.” Tipping his head too that, Sombra had no response but to listen. After Rarity heard nothing from him, she went on. “You are a king, or at least knows something about being king.” She levitated a red tie up to the stallion’s chest, “It is important to balance your role as a leader, and a pony who understands his subjects.” The tie slid through the coat collar and lopped into a knot. “Even if you may dislike it, surely it is better than making those big decisions on your own.” Sombra looked down at the tie, glare completely gone, and raised his eyes to the unicorn. She had her hoof to her chin, examining the mix of colors. “If you can be generous with your time, I’m sure there’s lots of things we can learn from each other. And open about how you feel.” She set her sewing kit in its drawer, and removed the spool from the sewing machine. One last thing before she looked in the mirror beside her tall mannequin. “I’ll see to some decorations be moved into your room. Hardly fit for a castle of Friendship to be a prison.”
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
The sun was out, but the sky was hardly clear. Clouds of various shapes and sizes littered the space above, and the pony responsible zipped through them. The rainbow Pegasus brought Sombra out for the lesson, and instead made him watch her acrobatics. For several minutes to an hour, the stallion sat, and stopped watching much earlier. Still moping about his awful mane, Sombra only felt how filthy his fur was. He was only allowed to shower once a day, in the spare bathroom with no kinds of amenities. And no hairbrush meant his bedhead showed the whole day, until saving his shower for the evening. Rainbow Dash landed with a thud, flat on her hooves and right beside her distracted audience, startling Sombra back into the world. “How was that?” She gasped. The stallion had no way of telling time at that moment, so he rolled his eyes and grumbled. “It’s still daylight, keep going.” Rainbow grinned, “Oh yeah, I’m supposed to do something here.” She jumped up and glided in slow circles over Sombra. He watched her for a moment, until he suspected the Pegasus had forgotten. Rainbow flew off into the clouds again, leaving Sombra to watch in confusion. Wha-?.. It was longer this time, almost two hours. The sun was getting to its place in midday, the Pegasus had disappeared now. Realizing the streaks of colors had ceased, Sombra squinted his eyes at the flight course, trying to catch a glimpse of blue. What is happening?... Nothing, not even any guards, he was by himself. The Pegasus had said she did not need any guards, and to their uncertainty let her take the prisoner out into the fields by the castle. Now she herself was gone, and after not saying a word about friendship or anything. Sombra looked up at the clouds, opening his mouth to say something, but paused. “Rainbow... Dash…?” He trailed off, barely making his voice heard. He lowered to his knees and rolled onto his side, focus still on the sky. Not long he rested his head on the grass, cool shade from the clouds, he fell asleep in that field. A few hours later, sun between the clouds and hills, Sombra felt a hoof nudge him awake. He opened one eye to see the blue Pegasus, she grinned in admiration. The stallion raised halfway, staring at her. “You didn’t run.” Rainbow took some steps, circling the unicorn. Sombra looked confused, “Was I supposed too?” She stopped, waving a hoof dismissively. “Heck no, I’d get in so much trouble.” Sombra noticed the sun, realizing now it was late. “Where were you?” He directed to the Pegasus. “I… just needed to check something.” She glanced to the side, avoiding eye contact as she sat down in front of Sombra. She met his gaze, looking more professional than the energy drink fueled mare she was earlier. “You really wanna do this whole reform thing.” Sombra stared, then huffed, resting his head on his hooves. “As if it will help, besides, I would love to be doing anything else.” Rainbow smiled again, “Well, you had more than enough time to run off.” Sombra eyed the ground, avoiding to answer. The Pegasus only nodded slowly, “Either you’re really bad at escaping, or you really wanna do this.” She was glared at, and she lifted into the air on her wings. “Hey, you got the right idea, just stick to it and you’ll do great.” As she turned to fly back to the clouds, she looked back. “Starlight’s not the kind to give up either.” As Sombra watched her fly away, he called up to her. “And which one are you?” She stopped and whipped around. “Which element?” “Loyalty!” She called down to him before punching through the cloud platforms. Loyalty… Sombra laid on the grass once more. I’ve had more testing with that than anything else in my life.
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
No sign of that beast… Sombra glanced around warily still, who knows what else is hiding around the corner. The bakery was full of distractions, and being stuck in the middle of the open did not help his concerns. The pink earth pony placed him next to her at the front counter of the Sugar Cube Corner, and went about her job of selling taffy and cookies. Everything was a bright color and ponies moved in and out of the store, some sat at the tables and talked all at once. Two foals ran from one side of the floor to the other, they were pretending to be a knight and princess. “The dragon is right behind you princess!” “Never fear, I’ll keep the cupcakes safe!” Sombra felt a pang as memories came back. Faint, but still clear enough to pull him out of reality. A different filly snuck up beside him, looking in awe. “Are you really King Sombra?” He stared at her blankly, too distracted to have listened. But Pinkie was there to answer for him, her smile big as she gestured to the unicorn. “He sure is!” She exclaimed loud enough for the next two tables to hear. As she leaned closer to the filly, “He’s under cover, so don’t tell anypony!” she whispered, loudly. “Wow, cool!” The filly excitedly jumped away. Pinkie Pie nudges Sombra’s arm with her hoof, “Hey, why so fray?” Sombra stared at her, confused with both occupied thoughts and what she had said. Pinkie paid no mind, instead tried encouraging him. “Don’t you like it here? I think it’s great!” “It’s not my usual area.” Sombra looked around, feeling uncomfortable. Deep down he was wishing he was locked in his room again. All of these were ponies, ponies he had cast mind control spells on last he was here. Without his magic Sombra was outnumbered if they decided they did not want him around. Looking closer he saw none of them even noticed him, or did not care. They were all talking, smiling, and laughing. Opposite to Sombra, Pinkie smiled as big as she could. She looked at her friendship student, in his dismal state. “Come on, I know you had fun at least once in your life.” She urged, looking completely innocent. Sombra looked at her, a kind of expression that might have been offense if he was not feeling so terrible. “Yes… but that was a long time ago.” The pony tipped her head to the side, looking curious. “When? Was it when you were king?” The unicorn slouched over, letting his chin rest on the counter. “It was before that.” He sighed. “My time as king was the worst I have ever felt, and everything after.” Pinkie looked shocked, “But that was so long ago!” She then whispered, “Because you’re so old!” Sombra glared at her, and rolled his eyes. “And I’d rather not remember.” “But it’s the most important thing to remember, like, what was it that made you happy?” Pinkie put her head down beside his. Anywhere else… He sighed, energy draining with every second being here. “Why does it matter, it was a long time ago.” Pinkie touched his shoulder, smile turned sympathetic. “Because all the best parts of my life keep me going on to the next, and laughter always makes the greyest areas bright again.” The pony continued to hoof over bags of pastries as the conversation ended, leaving Sombra to stare off into space remembering his hauntingly happy past. Besides, she’d hate to see her time with you a burden to yourself… Beside him, on his left, Pinkie’s voice. He looked to his right, where the earth pony was not even looking at him, occupied with customers. “What was that?” She looked at him, “Number nine large? Oh, you want one too don’t you. Coming right up!”
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
He had never felt more awkward than this. He was in this cottage only a couple weeks ago, trying to end this little Pegasus. Whichever was worse, that she did nothing but sip her tea, or the chilling presence of the god of chaos Discord lingering in the room. But battling the feeling of that ghostly glare burning into the back of Sombra’s neck, there was a serene atmosphere. The smell of flowers, mint, wood and dirt, coupled with the teas that steamed the air. Fluttershy looked at the empty space behind Sombra, nodding politely at it. “We’re fine for now Discord, he won’t do anything.” The next second the menacing presence faded away. Now Sombra sighed in relief, having a demon like that while himself did not have magic to defend himself, would have been a dangerous situation. Now it was quiet, no pony dressing him up, forcing him to watch acrobatics, or working in a field. Say for the one pony here, the quiet and calm was a relief. Even with the two guards standing outside the front door. Fluttershy set her cup on the table, “So how are you doing, I know this place is uch warmer than you’re used to.” Sombra looked at her cautiously, tensing his muscles from his relaxed position. “It’s fine…” Starlight had tried to express some hospitality, but it was in a more professional manner. This soft-spoken Pegasus had no sternness in her tone, or any clear sign of trying to deceive her guest. “That’s good, are you also getting enough sleep?” She chirped. Sombra stared, and narrowed his eyes. “Yes…” Fluttershy smiled, looking pleased by the answer. “Good thing we had a spare alicorn bed, you’re quite tall.” Sombra’s eyes narrowed at that. “What’s the matter?” Fluttershy tipped her head to the side. Sombra straightened up in his seat, “Aren’t you angry, or scared?” “Terrified.” She smiled, and picked up her cup and sipped her tea. Okay… Sombra relaxed in his chair, “Then what are we doing?” The pony took a deep breath, letting it out as her nerves calmed. “Probably something really important if you have not noticed already.” Her smile faded slightly. “When was the last time some pony treated you with kindness?” It was too good to be true. The question made everything slow down, and the stallion put his face in a hoof. Can he not be left to forget? His past was not worth it after everything that happened. Hmm… not worth it… He let out a long sigh as he met the mare’s gaze from across the gap between them, the steam from the teapot and sun rays gently floating down. “A long time ago…” He answered flatly. “And? Was it nice?” Sombra looked at her, the same distain he mustered in his tone. “Patronizing.” Fluttershy’s wing flipped around to cover her dropped jaw, clearly not expecting the answer. “I was a young colt, lost in the wastes, I could not speak. They pitied me and my situation.” He grumbled, words becoming easier to enforce his lie. In reality during the time he first came to the Crystal Empire he had no perception of what was even happening, but his version was enough. “I see.” The pegasus nodded, “I’m sure they meant well, they tried caring for you the best they could.” Her guest was silent, the stallion thinking of another lie. It was becoming obvious he was covering for something, more so than earlier in the day but now he was wearing out. “You don’t need to say anything if you don’t want too.” The mare spoke softly. Thoughts cleared form Sombra’s mind as he looked up, watching the pegasus take her cup. No more talking, hardly any eye contact. Except for refilling tea and tea snacks, there was not much interaction. Now the sun was setting, Fluttershy’s voice had awoken him, and a small white rabbit pushing his shoulder. “Wake up, it’s time to go.” Sombra had fallen asleep, sitting upright in the chair. His back and legs were sore as a result, but his mind was clear. There was a knock on the door as Sombra knelt down, arching his crackling back. He dragged his hooves down the trail, constantly glancing back. Fluttershy waved goodbye, and he answered with a wave as well. It was a different experience than the other days, much more peaceful. The weirdest part however, was that the element of harmony did not even say a word about lessons. Hmm, now that I think of it, I don’t even know what element she was supposed to be… Maybe Starlight Glimmer knew, he would meet her at the castle soon.
Applejack,King Sombra,Main 6,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Light to the Darkness
The former king, Sombra, is taught freindship by the main five and Starlight.
<p>After his defeat, King Sombra is taken into custody. His sentence for now is to undergo friendship lessons with the Elements of Harmony. Twilight is uncertain it will work. But Starlight, with her own experiences, has hope in the Umbrum stallion's capacity for, at the very least, mutual acquaintanceship.</p>
The former king sat quietly in the small meeting room, the empty chair from across the desk soon to have Starlight Glimmer. The mare was taking a while, speaking with the guard ponies first. Sombra could not hear them with the door shut, neither could he use his magic to amplify his hearing. After a minute the mare unlocked the door and entered, sitting across from sombra. She set her elbows on the top and used her magic to push a button on a small box. It began whirring and crackling, the small bands in the window rotating on cylinders. Starlight spoke first, calm and with an elevated mood, despite her expression being blank. “How’ve you been doing Sombra?” “Good…” the stallion was also calm, reflecting on his week. Starlight smiled, “Good, how about Ponyville? You’ve seen quite a bit of it and the ponies.” “Hm, I would not pick it to retire.” Sombra grinned, “As much as I appreciate the help, I haven’t forgotten what you did.” Smile gone, Starlight nodded slowly. “I see, well…” She leaned back in her seat, “Can we talk about your past? Just give me some general perspectives.” There was a moment of thought, and he took a breath. “I might have done some things ponies would say are ‘horrible’. But I am justified in those actions, whether they believe or not.” Starlight’s eyes widened, very noticeable to Sombra. “But I will try your way, if it is as beneficial as you say.” The headmare smiled again, “It’s more than beneficial, it’s the only way to live.” Sombra glanced away, “I… I want to do better.” Having a more pleased look, Starlight slid some papers over in front of Sombra. “You can fill these out.” Sombra began looking over the documents as Starlight spoke. “You’ll be heading back to Canterlot soon, so if there’s anything you’d like to do here better decide fast.” Sombra huffed with a sarcastic grin, “Back with little-miss-cheery, maybe staying here won’t be so bad.” Two carriages slowed to a halt one after the other, the two guards and Sombra standing just on the side of the road. Sombra rolled his eyes at seeing the rear one, bars filled the windows and large locks on the door. Then out stepped the princess, expression souring as she saw the grey stallion. Starlight stood by, papers levitating beside her. Twilight approached her first, casting side eyes at the prisoner. “Hey Starlight,” She leaned down to hug her friend, “How’s it been?” Starlight smiled, pleased with the results. “Very good, I think he’ll do well with Celestia and Luna.” Twilight gave a less enthusiastic glance at the stallion, just as he was stepping into the strong car. Starlight brought her back with an assuring hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry so much. He’s wearing the inhibitor, and you’ll have both princesses with you.” Starlight then passed the stack of documents to her, “Not that he’ll do anything rash, I’m certain.” Twilight glanced at the papers, and smiled faintly at her friend, still weary. After one more hug, Twilight stepped onto her chariot. Starlight stepped back as the convoy readied to leave, but she stopped short as Sombra caught her eye again. His eyes read annoyed and tired. The massive iron yoke that was bolted to the floor of the carriage only allowed him to sit hunched over due to his size. He saw Starlight watching, a begging look as the guards readied to lock him down. The mare walked over and levitated the harness off of him, to the surprised expressions of the guards. “You won’t be needing that.” Starlight looked around at the guards. The armored ponies looked at Twilight, who showed no objection, only a blank look. Starlight looked at her, smiling with a nod. The carriages rolled away now, and lifted into the air. Now it was a matter of time until there was another visit scheduled to drop off Sombra again. Hopefully he doesn’t screw this up… Hopefully Twi doesn’t either…
Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Horror,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Side Effects Include...
Sometimes the medication can be worse than the disease.
<p>Twilight Sparkle is hearing voices. That's bad! Luckily her doctor has just the right medicine for her to try.</p><p>A psychiatry horror story.</p><hr/><p>Preread by <a href="/user/378104/Love+And+What+Came+After" rel="nofollow">Love And What Came After!</a></p>
"Right this way, Your Highness." "Please, Dr. Pons," Twilight Sparkle said, waving a hoof. "Just 'Twilight' is fine. And may I call you—" "'Dr. Pons' is fine," the cream-coloured stallion said. "I worked hard for my PHD." "...Right, of course." They entered the office, Dr. Pons waving Twilight in first. It was relatively tidy, and nicely decorated, though not without an air of sterility, like a room that was trying its best to appear cozy. Various picture frames and books lay upon the wooden desk at its center. Dr. Pons sat in the large chair on the far side of it; Twilight in the smaller one in front. The doctor’s degrees hung on the side wall, in full view of both patient and professional. "I must say," he said, "it's an honor to attend to a princess such as yourself." Twilight let out a nervous laugh. "Please, Dr. Pons, just treat me as if I were any other of your patients." He nodded. "Oh, absolutely. I completely understand. Now, about your test results..." Opening one of the drawers to his left with his magic, the unicorn pulled out a series of papers and arranged them on the surface of the desk. He scanned them briefly. "Well, our scans picked up an abnormality in your brain," he said, turning his eyes back up at his patient. Twilight sucked in a breath. "In my brain? Is that why I'm... hearing things?" "We believe so," Dr. Pons said. "Is it cancer?" He smiled. "That's the good news, Twilight. It's nothing so serious, nor is it life-threatening. In fact, it can be treated with medication." Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh! That's... ha! That's wonderful news." She smiled. "So, what is it?" "Mind matter mites." The smile quickly turned into a frown of confusion. "Mind... matter mites?" Dr. Pons nodded. "Yes. They're a type of brain parasite native to the Everfree. They live in water and are usually contracted after the head has been submerged in contaminated water." Twilight's eyes went wide and her face went white. "I have a parasite in my brain!?" "Technically, you have several." She slumped into her chair. "Oh Celestia..." Dr. Pons put a hoof up. "Now, Twilight, not to worry. As I said, they're easily treated with medication. Just a small change to your brain chemistry and they'll die right off. You're lucky we caught them this early! You'll be okay. Just trust me, and we'll get this all sorted out in less than a week." He said this with a reassuring smile, and, fool that she was, Twilight believed him. Prescribed: Preditide 20mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess Appears Agitated in Court, Leaves Early".9/28/1009 "Twilight!" Dr. Pons said as he welcomed her back into his office. "How are you?" "Just fine, Dr. Pons," Twilight replied, stepping through the doorway. Her wings ruffled as she sat down in the patient's chair, and the doctor followed her into his own. "That's great to hear.” "I hope you have good news for me?" Twilight asked, smiling. "Ah, yes, about that," he said. "Our scans indicate that the mind matter mites in your brain haven't quite given up the ghost yet." The smile fell from Twilight's face. "But, doctor, you said this would be sorted out in less than a week...?" "Yes, well, I put you on quite a low dose of the medication to begin with," Dr. Pons explained. "Just to make sure you would tolerate it well. It seems a slightly higher dose will be required to put those pesky parasites out of their misery." "Oh..." "You haven't experienced any side effects from the medication, right?" Twilight thought about it. "No, not that I've noticed... Just the voices. Chanting my name over and over." "Well then, we should be fine to move to a higher dose," he said, still smiling. "I promise you, we'll have those voices quieted down by the next time we speak." Prescribed: Preditide 40mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess Cancels Court, Citizens Worried".10/12/1009 "It's good to see you, Twilight," Dr. Pons said. "Likewise," Twilight said, though it hurt a bit to do so. They filed into their usual positions. "So," Dr. Pons said. "How have things been?" "Not, um..." Twilight said. "Not great?" He gave her a concerned look. "Oh? How do you mean?" "Well, I can't stop clenching my jaw," she said. "It started the day after I began taking the higher dose. I just do it unconsciously. And it aches." "Oh dear," he replied. "Is it at night or during the day?" "During the day," Twilight said. "Could you open your mouth for me?" Twilight did so, and Dr. Pons peered in. "Are you holding your jaw still?" he asked. "I'm trying to." "Yes, I'm definitely seeing some unconscious jaw movement," he said, leaning back into his chair, and Twilight shut her mouth. "Some tongue movement, too." "Is this a side effect of the medication?" she asked. "It can be," he said. Twilight smiled. "Well that's okay then, since I won't be on it much longer. Right?" "Actually," he said, "no." Twilight blinked. "What do you mean? Are the mites still not...?" "They seem to be resisting the medication," Dr. Pons said. "But... but you said..." He raised his hoof. "Now now, Twilight, calm down. We'll get this worked out. We'll just have to increase the dosage again." "But—" "In the meantime!" he said, cutting her off. "I'll prescribe you something to help with the jaw movements." "Oh." Twilight seemed to deflate a bit. "Okay. You have something that can do that?" "Of course!" he said. "Modern medicine is incredible." Prescribed: Preditide 60mg, Metafergen 10mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Where is Princess Sparkle?".10/26/1009 "Nice to see you, Twilight," he said. "You too, Dr. Pons," she replied with a smile. They settled into the usual seats. "So," he asked, "how have things been?" "A bit better," she said. "The medicine you prescribed for the jaw clenching has worked wonders, it's not even an issue now." "Well that's fantastic!" he said. "And the voices?" "I think they might have gotten a little quieter!" she admitted. He beamed ear to ear. "Well, then the medication must be working." She smiled back. "I guess so!" Prescribed: Preditide 60mg, Metafergen 10mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess Holds Private Audiences, Parliament Relieved".10/26/1009 "Hello, Twilight!" he said, beaming. She scowled at him. "I'm not in the mood for pleasantries, Dr. Pons." She stomped past him into the office. The doctor froze for a moment, then followed after her. "Is something wrong?" "This drug, Metafergen," she said. "I mentioned it to the castle physician, and he was quite alarmed that it had been prescribed to me." "Oh?" Dr. Pons said, settling down into his chair. "I've been prescribing it to patients for many years, and it's had quite good results—" Twilight stomped her hoof on the arm of the chair. "Prolonged use of Metafergen can cause cognitive issues, Dr. Pons." "Well, yes, I admit it's a possibility," he said. "So you knew!?" "I was aware of the risks." "Well I wasn't!" Twilight exclaimed. "I am the ruler of this nation, Dr. Pons! I can't afford to take risks with my mental faculties! You should have made me aware of this before you prescribed it to me!" "Twilight, please, calm yourself—" "Calm myself!? This is your fault!" "Do you not trust me with your health, Twilight?" Dr Pons said. The question caught Twilight off guard. "I— not if you're going to do things like this!" "Then I won't," he said. "I made a decision, and it was in your best interests, but if you are not happy with that decision, then I acquiesce. The most important thing in medicine is the trust between a doctor and his patient, Twilight, and I value that trust absolutely. If I have broken that trust then I am deeply sorry, and you may choose to seek another doctor if you wish." "I—ah..." Twilight sank back into her chair. "No, it's... alright. I don't want to find another doctor. But I don't want to be on Metafergen anymore." "Done. Remember, that trust is both ways. I trust you, and you trust me, and together, we'll get you through this." Prescribed: Preditide 60mg, Metafergen 10mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess Cancels Appointments Again".11/9/1009 "Greetings, Twilight," Dr. Pons said, warmth in his voice. Twilight gave him a thin smile. "Hello, Dr. Pons." They sat down. "Well? How have you been?" he asked, from across his big desk. "The voices are still there," she said. "And the jaw clenching's back in full force. I'm worried about my teeth..." "You could try wearing a bite guard at night," he said. "The... jaw clenching is during the day," Twilight replied. "Ah, right. Must've gotten my wires crossed. Well, you could also wear a bite guard during the day. They sell ones that you can just submerge in boiling water and then mold to your teeth now, it's quite ingenious." "I... have some reservations," Twilight said. "I don't think I could wear something like that during social obligations, or during court, for example, and that's when the clenching is at its worst..." "Well, even a little pressure taken off would be to your benefit," he replied. "These are your teeth we're talking about, after all." "Right." "Just give it a try," he said. "Okay. Now, about the Mites...?" He sighed. "Our scans show that the mites have not budged. Frankly, I don't understand it; they certainly should have keeled over by now. We can try raising the dosage again, if you'd like?" "If you think that'll do it," Twilight said. "I'm sure everything will be fine soon, Twilight," he said, with another of his reassuring smiles. "Just hold in there a little longer." "Is there..." There was hesitation in her voice. "Is there anything else we could try? Maybe in conjunction with that?" He leaned back into his enormous chair. "Well, there is one other medication that can be used to treat brain parasites like mind matter mites. It's called Aggralazal. We could try it, if you'd like." "Do you think it would be more effective?" Twilight asked. "It certainly couldn't hurt." "Then I think I'd like to try it." He nodded. "Done." Prescribed: Preditide 80mg, Aggralazal 50mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess is Undergoing Medical Treatment - Anonymous Source".11/23/1009 "Twilight!" Dr. Pons said, waving Twilight into his office. "How have you been?" Twilight looked haggard and pale. "Not great, doctor." They took their places. "Oh?" he said. "How come?" "Every night since I started taking that new drug, I've thrown up," Twilight explained. "Oh, that's horrible!" Dr. Pons said. "Tell me about it." "Well, you told me to take it at dinnertime, with food," she said. "But immediately after taking it, I start to get nauseous. It builds and builds until eventually it all comes up." "Hm," he said. "And this has happened every night you took the medicine?" She nodded. "I thought about stopping taking it, but I just want all of this to be over... Please, tell me, has there been any change in the mites?" He shook his head. She slumped down. "Oh." "Perhaps we can try changing the medication," he said. "You're currently taking it in tablet form; your body may find it more tolerable if you try it as an extended release capsule." "Oh. Okay! We can try that." She paused for a moment. "By the way," she said, "I saw that the newspapers have caught wind of my treatment here. You wouldn't happen to have any ideas as to who could have told them, do you?" "Not a clue," he said. "I don't read the news much myself. It's always so depressing." "Hm. Okay. Well, if you have any ideas, let me know." Prescribed: Preditide 80mg, Aggralazal 50mg (capsule). The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "What is the Princess Hiding?".12/7/1009 "Hello, Twilight," Dr. Pons said. "And... who is this?" "I'm Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet," Twilight Velvet said. "Well it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Velvet," he said, ushering them both into his office. "You can pull up a chair from the back wall there." They all sat down. Twilight looked tired. Her mother looked disgruntled. Dr. Pons looked smooth as a cucumber. "So, what do I have the pleasure of the two of you for today?" he asked. Twilight looked down at the ground. Mrs. Velvet spoke up. "I came as an advocate for my daughter," she said. "Given what she's been going through, I thought she needed a little support. She came crying to our house last night, you know that? She's under an enormous amount of stress." "I'm very sorry to hear that," Dr. Pons said. "I understand what she must be going through." "Do you?" Velvet asked. "Because, frankly, it seems to me all you've done is make the situation worse." "Mom!" Twilight blurted out. "You said you wouldn't..." "Look," Velvet said. "She says the voices she's been hearing have only been getting louder over time. And then you prescribe her some dangerous drug, and now she keeps throwing up every night! And to top it all off, she's gained twenty pounds since all this started." "So she's still throwing up, even with the capsule?" he asked. "Apparently!" Velvet said. "Look, I don't want to have a go at you, but this is my daughter. I want what's best for her, and this isn't it. Isn't there something you can do to help?" Dr. Pons leaned back in his chair. "Well, for the vomiting, we could cut back on the dosage of Aggralazal. I do believe that it's in her best interests to keep taking it. And we could raise the dosage of Preditide again. To deal with the stress, you could try meditation, or exercise. I quite recommend meditation, actually; I do it every day." He said it with a smile, lying through his teeth. "Meditation...?" Twilight muttered under her breath. "As for the matter mites, all we can do is keep medicating," he said. "Or..." "Or?" Velvet said. "We could try electroconvulsive therapy." "What's that?" Velvet asked. "Well, we would have a clinician attach electrodes to your temple," Dr. Pons said. "Then, we'd send an electric current through your brain—" "What!?" Twilight exclaimed. "It's perfectly safe," he said, holding up a hoof. "Aside from some memory loss, there's no major side effects—" "I'm not going to let you electrocute my brain!" He held up his other hoof. "Okay, Twilight, I understand. It was just a suggestion. Something to consider if the medication truly isn't working." Twilight slumped back into her seat, her vision locked on her hooves. "Now, in the meantime, I suggest we go through with the changes I proposed to your medication regime," he said. "If there are no objections...?" Prescribed: Preditide 100mg, Aggralazal 30mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Protestors Demand Answer From Princess".12/21/1009 "Hello, Twilight," Dr. Pons said. "Is your mother not here today?" Twilight shook her head as she passed him. "We had a falling out." "I'm sorry to hear that." She sat down, and so did he. She looked tired. He looked the same as always. He opened his mouth, but she spoke first. "Please tell me there's been some change in the mites." He folded his hooves over the desk. "I'm afraid not." "Oh." They sat in silence for a few moments. "Has the vomiting...?" "No. It's not every night, now, but it's still happening." "I see." He sighed. "I think it's time we thought seriously about electroconvulsive therapy. This has gone on long enough." "It's okay," Twilight said. "I think I have another idea." He cocked an eyebrow. "What's that?" "Don't worry about it." She smiled. "Soon, this will all be over." Prescribed: Preditide 100mg, Aggralazal 30mg. The headline in the Canterlot Times read, "Princess Remains Missing".12/24/1009 Dr. Pons hurried through the hospital's corridors. It had been hard, getting through the mob of ponies outside, then convincing the people at the reception desk to let him see her, but he'd managed it. Eventually, he found her room. It wasn't hard to differentiate; there were guards standing outside the door. Dr. Pons told them who he was, and they let him through. There was a doctor standing over her bed. "What happened to her?" Dr. Pons asked. The doctor started. "Who are you?" "I'm her doctor." "Oh." he turned back to the bed. "Well, there's not much either of us can do at this point. She's in a coma." Dr. Pons walked up to the bed, saw the purple alicorn laying there, all intubated, her eyes closed. "How?" he asked. The doctor pointed at a jar full of yellow liquid sitting on the table beside her. Inside was a grey piece of meat—Dr. Pons recognized it as part of the cerebellum. A piece of her brain. "They found it next to her," the doctor said. "They think she teleported it out herself. Maybe on accident. Who knows." Dr. Pons took a quick intake of breath. He turned his attention back to Twilight Sparkle, or what was left of her. "If she'd just trusted me..." he said. But inside, he was thinking something different. Inside, he was thinking: At last, she's the perfect patient.
Fluttershy,Other,Crossover,Human,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
Dead away from home
Fluttershy wakes up in a brutal world
<p>Violence. </p><p>Hunger. </p><p>Survival. </p><p>Fluttershy is forced to either adapt or die trying</p>
Fluttershy opened her eyes to darkness and a jarring riot of strange sounds. Harsh metallic grinding echoes and an endless, distant moan filled the air. She stirred on the cold pavement, pain throbbing through her body. Where was she? What had happened? Her vision adjusted to the gloom, revealing towering skeletons of buildings all around, their windows like black hollow sockets staring down. Rising unsteadily, Fluttershy took in the ruins with confusion and dismay. This wasn't Ponyville—the buildings were made of lifeless stone, not living wood. A noise nearby made her freeze, blood turning cold. Shambling from an alley emerged a figure, skin ghastly pale and mottled, vacant eyes glowing with madness. It reeked of rotting flesh. Fluttershy backed away in horror, then turned and fled down the street as the creature gave chase with outstretched hands, moaning hungrily. She darted down side streets at random, panicked, as the thing pursued with frightening speed. Her lungs burned, legs ached, but she dared not stop. As she ran, more shambling creatures emerged from the ruins to join the hunt, drawn by the commotion. Fluttershy cried out for help between gasping breaths, but her calls echoed unanswered in the dead city. Rounding a corner, she scrambled over a mound of rubble just as grasping fingers snagged her tail. Fluttershy tumbled down the other side with a shriek as the creature dragged itself up after her. Trapped between it and two more approaching, she curled into a trembling ball, waiting for the end. A loud bang suddenly cracked the air, followed by a gurgling moan. She dared to peek through her hooves and saw the creature's head erupt in a mass of gore. Its body slumped to the pavement, swiftly hacked down by a young girl wielding a bloodstained hatchet. "This way, quick!" cried the girl, redirecting the other creatures' attention. As they shambled after, the girl grabbed Fluttershy's arm with surprising strength. "Run!" They fled down the street together as more gunshots rang out. Fluttershy glimpsed a man dispatching the last creature with a pistol. Sobbing with relief, she found herself hauled into an alley, where the man with short black hair now stood guard. "Anything else out there, Lee?" asked the girl, catching her breath. "I think we're clear, Clem," he replied, holstering his gun. Only then did he seem to notice Fluttershy curled on the ground. "The hell...? Where did you come from?" Fluttershy trembled, too frightened and exhausted to reply coherently. The man named Lee approached slowly and knelt, eyes scanning for bites or scratches. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you. Take it easy." His calm tone soothed her frazzled nerves somewhat. "Thank...thank you for saving me," Fluttershy managed at last. "I don't know where I am. Please, can you help me?" Lee considered in silence, then nodded. "You were lucky Clementine found you when she did. Come with us—it's not safe out here." He led them through twisting alleys to a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts. Inside, amid piles of supplies, sat eight other wary survivors. All eyes turned as the ragged newcomers entered, suspicious and judging. Fluttershy shrank behind Lee, intimidated. One man stepped forward gripping a pistol. "Who the hell is this, Lee?" he demanded gruffly. "Found her running from geeks in the city," Lee explained calmly. "Give it a rest, Larry," chimed Clementine. "She's harmless!" As the survivors debated taking in another mouth to feed, Fluttershy assessed them with mounting dismay. These people lived in ruins, scrounging a grim existence and always fearing attack. With no allies or supplies of her own, she had little choice but to accept their hospitality, however reluctant. But could she survive in such a hostile world, where strength and violence seemed the only means? And how would she ever find her way home from this strange and terrible place? Fluttershy could only pray that with time, these wary people might accept a friend in need—and that together, they could endure the ordeals surely yet to come. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The weeks that followed passed in an exhausting blur for Fluttershy. Each day seemed a struggle just to keep the group fed as they scavenged the ruins. She accompanied Lee often, watching and learning stealthily as he demonstrated survival skills. While the filthy work sickened her gentle soul, Fluttershy pushed through it for the sake of the others who had taken her in. This morning, Lee took Fluttershy and Clementine deeper into the city than before. Keep sharp, kids, he warned. Pickings are getting slim the closer we get to the dead zone. They moved cautiously down cracked sidewalks littered with skeletal remains, Fluttershy struggling not to gag at the refuse. All remained silent to avoid attracting walkers in the vicinity. A nearby storefront appeared untouched. Lee signaled a stop, scanning for movement within. All clear. Pick it clean fast, then get back outside. He handed Clementine a rucksack and she moved inside nimbly. Fluttershy hesitated, repelled by the grime, but followed dutifully with her own sack. Methodically they ransacked shelves, gathering any intact canned goods or medicine. Fluttershy froze at a creak on the stairs, heart leaping into her throat. Her hoof lashed out, knocking over a rusty rack with a crash. Clementine swung around with a hiss. Get down! Too late—heavy footsteps thundered down. A massive, muscular walker lurched into view, far stronger than typical corpses. It locked eyes on the closest prey—Fluttershy—and charged with an enraged howl. She shrieked and bolted, the thing gaining fast despite its tattered flesh and bone. Lee's pistol cracked from outside, drawing its attention just long enough for Clementine to tackle the monster's legs. It crashed down with an infuriated roar, snapping at her as she rolled clear. Heart pounding, Fluttershy leapt onto its back and desperately sought to restrain its flailing arms. The experience had honed her survival instincts at last. With a grunt of effort, Lee hacked into its skull from behind, finishing it off. He pulled the girls free with care, panting. You both alright? Fluttershy nodded shakily, trembling as the brutal reality of her world crashed in once more. She had come so close to becoming that thing's next prey. They resumed scavenging, more alert than before. Upon emerging, a familiar figure stood across the street—Gareth, leader of the rival survivors. His brutal gang had clashed with Lee's group over territory before, and bad blood festered ever since. We don't want trouble, Gareth! Lee called warningly. A sneer curled Gareth's lips. You took something of ours last time, Lee. Just having a look around is all. His thugs were armed and poised to pounce at a word. Fluttershy backed nervously towards the others, hackles raising. She had learned much, yet this level of violence still shook her to the core. Please, let's leave in peace, she begged. Gareth spat at her hooves. Pathetic creature—no wonder your little band is struggling. Maybe it's time for new management around here. His men tensed as Lee raised his pistol. We warned you before, Gareth—push your luck and you might not walk away. An electric silence passed before the rival leader signaled a retreat, laughing cruelly all the while. On the journey home, Fluttershy pondered this incursion thoughtfully. She had seen such ruthless hostility tear other communities apart before. These people had shown her kindness when all seemed lost—how could she not defend them, through courage or skill? Spying the warehouse ahead, Fluttershy resolved to convince Lee and the others of a new plan, to fortify their position before Gareth made good on his threats of force. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" The group took well to Fluttershy's proposed defenses over the next week. With additional manpower from Kenny, Larry, and Carley, they reinforced the warehouse perimeter and installed lookout posts. Feeling safer now, tensions eased somewhat within the survivors. Fluttershy accompanied Clementine on regular patrols through nearby ruins. Though lonely duty, it helped the timid pegasus feel useful to her new community while strengthening her bond with the resilient girl. A noise ahead pulled Fluttershy from reflection one afternoon as they scouted an old shopping complex. Wait here, Clem whispered, creeping forward with hatchet raised. Rounding the corner, Clementine glimpsed movement and charged with a yell. But it was no walker - two figures burst from hiding, one of them Gareth. He knocked Clementine's weapon away with a snarl. Going somewhere, girls? Fluttershy rushed to her friend's aid yet froze at Gareth's sneering companion pressing a pistol to Clementine's temple. Let her go, Gareth! Fluttershy cried, near panic. You won't get away with this. The rival leader prowled closer, amused. Won't I? I've grown tired of Lee and his failures holding me back. Time to settle things once and for all. His oily gaze roamed Fluttershy as if sizing her for market. Might keep you though...for my men. Rage and revulsion swelled in Fluttershy's breast at the ugly threat. She would not allow this monster to terrorize her home any longer. As Gareth reached for her, she unleashed a scream like nothing heard before - a hurricane of sound and light that sent the men reeling in agony. They released Clementine who scrambled clear, stunned. You'll regret that, bitch! Gareth howled, eyes burning with hatred. His companion recovered and aimed shakily at Fluttershy who braced herself, out of options. But before he could fire, a hatchet split his skull. Clementine had snatched up her weapon, emboldened by Fluttershy's desperate defense. Together they faced Gareth, standing firm despite his superior size and weaponry. The crazed man locked onto fresh prey in the distance instead - a limping figure and small child, easy targets. With a feral grin, he gave chase. No! Fluttershy darted after him, Clementine close behind. They had to save the innocents from Gareth's madness. Their quarry proved walker bait, unable to outpace the dead. Gareth pulled ahead, cackling. The monstrous horde emerged from surrounding buildings, drawn by frenzied movement and noise. Dozens of corpses converged, cutting off escape. Trapping Fluttershy and Clementine with the hunted family seemed his final cruelty before leaving them to the walkers' mercy. Fluttershy stood her ground, staring down the oncoming tide of rotting flesh. Her magic could not save them this time - only steel and sacrifice. Clementine stood ready at her side, eyes burning with defiance. Together the two had survived so much already—they would be damned before letting Gareth or any other destroy all they fought to protect. As the horde closed in, Fluttershy's fear melted away - replaced by a pure, wordless battle cry erupting from her soul. She and Clementine charged to meet the walkers head on, weapons shining like avenging angels. To save the innocent, or fall trying - this was their moment of truth. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The walker horde fell one by blood-soaked one under Fluttershy and Clementine's onslaught. As the last corpse hit the pavement, the two survivors stood amid a sea of remains, gasping for air. Their fellow travelers stared in stunned silence—a man, woman, and toddler they had fought so valiantly to protect. Please, come with us, Fluttershy panted. Our encampment isn't far, you'll be safe there. The family nodded gratefully and followed on weak legs. Clementine took the child in gentle arms, easing their burden. Back at the warehouse, the sight of Fluttershy and Clem returning alone brought Lee and the others rushing out in fear. Walker herd chasing us—had to lead it off, Fluttershy explained shakily. Found these folks too. Lee swept his daughter into a relieved hug upon confirming she was unharmed. The newcomers were ushered inside and tended, welcomed with open arms after Fluttershy vouched for their spirit. In private that night, Lee spoke with pride. You've come a long way since we took you in, Fluttershy. You and Clem risked yourselves for people in need—that's the kind of heart this world still needs. His praise warmed her soul yet reminded of greater troubles brewing. Gareth still lurked in the shadows, waiting to destroy all they built. The following dawn, Kenny raced inside with urgent news. Walker migration, at least a hundred strong, bearing down from the north. We need to mobilize, get everyone to the armory! Panic erupted as survivors scrambled for weapons and heavy fortifications. Fluttershy flew overhead on scout watch, heart in her throat at the slow-moving tide engulfing the horizon. By dusk the swarm arrived, pounding relentlessly against strengthened defenses as the exhausted survivors held the line by sheer force of will. Fluttershy aided tirelessly by picking off stragglers with Lee's rifle, feeling each shot in her core yet never slowing. As night fell, the horde showed no signs of thinning—it might simply outlast them through attrition alone. Lee approached wearily as she loaded fresh rounds. Got a plan B, Fluttershy? We can't keep this up forever. She scanned the ruins, eyes settling on a distant glow in the distance through her scope. Survivors...their lookouts on watchtowers burning trash for light. Could be our way out of here! At dawn, Kenny led the evacuation as walkers finally breached the lower levels. Fluttershy covered their withdrawal with brave fire, trusting Lee to guide the others correctly through side streets. Emerging at their destination, a walled estate tucked into the urban sprawl, they were met by armed sentries who ushered them inside hastily. Within sat orderly rows of prefab homes, gardens, and even a schoolhouse—a thriving miniature civilization. Fluttershy gaped in wonder at those who had survived so well without the hardships of her band. Please, good people, we request refuge—our home was overrun, Lee pleaded gently. The newcomers were welcomed with sympathy by the community leader, Miss Martin. We'll find space for you all and get your strength back up. Glad some survivors still hold together out there despite the darkness. Her soft voice and kind eyes brought Fluttershy immeasurable relief after so much death.
Applejack,Original Character,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Jest Dicking Around 3 Return Of The Horny Hoser
Jest goes for another walk, but this time at night and in town. Surely he will not end up tricked by changelings weird plants or other weird situations, right?
<p>Jest goes for another walk, but this time at night and in town. Surely he will not end up tricked by changelings weird plants or other weird situations, right?</p><hr/><p>Kinks <span class="spoiler">straight sex, light cumflation, lotsasex</span></p><p>This was a commission for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over <a href="" rel="nofollow">here </a>if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$! Updates monthly.</p>
Jest strolled leisurely down the poorly lit street at the edge of Ponyville. His frequent hikes had left him sore, sticky, and or in the hospital by their conclusion so he had decided to stay in town. Not only that but he had stopped going out at least for his walks, during the day, which would surely lower his chances of ending up in some unpleasant situation. Not like he minded either previous excursion now that he was thinking about it but the constant bait and switch was leading to trust issues. Why just that morning that his yoga instructor was actually some form of replicating alien monster that was devouring the townsfolk in secret. After getting escorted from the premises he had decided that maybe he should keep such thoughts to himself in the future. Since then the day had gone well. He had stayed inside and watched as Derpy delivered his mail. He had eaten his meals in the dark with his blinds pulled so that no one could spy on him and now he was going for a walk. It was basically a long list of wins, albeit ones that no one else could see. Meandering down a side street and emerging only a few houses down from Carasel Boutique, Jest noticed something odd. A mare wearing a hooded dress so voluminous that it hid every last one of her features had entered the alley. Winding her way around the back of the building, Jest heard a door open, a hushed conversation too distant to pick up, and then the thunk of the aforementioned door no doubt closing. It was a curious sight, and one that prompted him to investigate only to stop and remember what had happened the last two times he had gotten curious. Assuming that something similar definitely couldn't happen a third time, he trotted up to the entrance of the boutique and took a look around. What he saw only made more questions come to mind. The first thing he noticed was that there was a small sign in the window that simply said stallions enter here. Though the word ‘Closed’ was displayed right next to it, Jest could see light spilling out from under the entrance. It was intriguing, and after looking around and finding that no one else was present, he opened the door. A hoof pulled him inside and before Jest had a chance to open his mouth he found himself thrust into the boutique. “That's six. Lock the door and turn over the sign,” whispered a voice. “Err I think there might-” Jest tried to interrupt. A gloved hoof pressed against his mouth. “Shh, keep it to yourself and follow me,” demanded the voice. Jest blinked several times, letting his eyes adjust to the gloom. The moment they did so he noticed that he was being led towards the back of the boutique by a masked pony. A mare judging from her overall shape and voice, she wore a sleek body suit that hid all notable features save for her curves, which were many. After a moment of confusion, Jest found himself standing in a small audience of seemingly random stallions. There was Jeff something, the mustachioed bowler with a fetish for rugs. Perfect Pace, or as the guys called him, Perfect Piece. (On account of his imperfect hair peice). That Hooves guy who claimed to be a doctor though had never explained what he had studied. Big Macintosh, of course. And Jack Hammer, the only pegasus Jest knew who could jackhammer a cloud somehow. Before them lay a stage, one that although lit was currently empty. That would change soon, as the same body-suited and white masked mare that Jest had met a minute earlier reappeared. Walking right up to the edge of the stage, she gazed down at the small group of stallions with an intense look that left Jest uneasy. “Good. I see you all received your invitations and now you are here for the main event,” declared the mare. “Well worry not my good stallions. The show is about to begin.” Jest stood there, too confused to say anything. His fellow stallions all seemed excited though, shifting from hoof to hoof and occasionally snorting in excitement. Glancing their way, Jest was immediately able to tell that they were getting rather aroused by the entire thing. Which didn't much make sense to him, but to each their own, Jest thought to himself. “Introducing your partners for this evening… the elements of harmony,” greeted the masked mare. The presenter’s slim hoof gestured to the back of the stage. The curtains parted, and several ponies stepped forth, strutting onto the stage with various levels of confidence. Rarity owned the runway, while Fluttershy meekly stumbled her way forward at the back of the group. “You have already received an explanation on how this all works so I will not waste your time,” the presenter continued. “Merely come forward when your name has been called, and go with your mare. Twilight, take it away.” The grinning alicorn stepped forward and pointed a hoof right at the burly pegasus in their midst. “Jack Hammer. I choose you,” Twilight proclaimed. “Aww come on you know I wanted him,” complained Rainbow Dash. “I got first dibs so he's mine,” Twilight retorted. “Now come along Jack. We have a long night ahead of us.” “Yes ma’am!” Jack Hammer exclaimed. Jest watched as Twilight stepped off the stage, and joined Jack Hammer at a small side exit he hadn't noticed. The pair exchanged flirtatious looks before vanishing out of sight, slipping through the previously unseen door. “Pinkie, you’re next,” offered the presenter. “Moustache, you're with me,” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, pointing at the bowler. “I prefer to be called, the dude,” Jeff retorted. “And I prefer sprinkles with my coffee, now let's get moving. Mama’s got an early shift tomorrow,” Pinkie Pie proclaimed. ‘The dude’, shrugged and went the same way Jack Hammer had a moment earlier. Unlike the previous two, this time there was no attempt at flirting, only Pinkie Pie taking the lead while her partner followed. “Rarity,” offered the presenter. The fashionista stepped forward and glanced out over the crowd before settling on the large red stallion standing at the end. “Big Macintosh. I choose you,” she declared. “Score,” Big Mac muttered under his breath. Once again the pair departed through the side door, the pair bumping hips and exchanging heated glances the entire time. “Alright the choosing is half over and next we have Rainbow Dash,” the presenter declared. “Perfect. I choose you,” Rainbow Dash declared with a smirk. “I wanna see how perfect you are after a three-hour ride.” “I well… oh my,” Perfect Pace Murmured. Jest observed the pair depart, Perfect Pace in front, his partner behind, smacking him across the flanks whenever he started to slow. “Final two,” the presenter continued. “Fluttershy, you’re up next.” “Oh um… I would like mister the doctor,” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Actually it's just ‘The Doctor’, its a third-person gender-neutral pronoun,” Hooves replied. “Oh…” Fluttershy leaned towards the presenter. “Is it too late to take back my choice?” “I’m afraid so. Best have what fun you can darling,” offered the presenter. Fluttershy scowled and slumped awkwardly toward the exit. “Come on then,” she muttered bitterly. “Let's see if we can't salvage this.” “Was it something I said?” Hooves whispered as he passed Jest by. “And last but not least we have Applejack who has chosen through process of elimination…” The presenter declared only to pause and lean forward. “What exactly is your name again?” “Jest. Like jester, but without the er,” Jest replied. “Ahh yes Jest. The reclusive fellow. I remember you from when you ruined yoga class,” the presenter replied. Jest winced. “Whelp, you weren't the one I invited. Rainbow probably yoinked you as some sort of joke but the joke’s on her. I like twiggy little buggers like you,” Applejack declared. “Uhh… thanks?” Jest muttered. “You’re welcome, now get moving, youngun,” Applejack barked. “I had a long day of apple bucking and now I need someone to buck me.” “Sure. I can do that,” Jest exclaimed. The stallion couldn't help but grin. Sure this whole situation was weird as fuck, but he now had the chance to fuck one of the elements of harmony. This was almost as good as that time he hallucinated having sex with Zecora, though hopefully this time it would end without him waking up to find himself hooked up to a catheter. Jest shuddered at the thought. “Now y'all are gonna have to do most of the work here,” Applejack announced, stopping at the back entrance. “I’m right tuckered. That and I don't mind when some young buck takes the reins.” “Young? Aren't you like, two years older than me?” Jest asked, scratching his cheek. “Which makes me older than you. Try to keep up,” Applejack retorted. Jest shrugged and followed after the mare as she entered the back room. Passing over the threshold, Jest felt a faint tingle like someone had cast magic on him. Looking around he found himself in the hallway of a local motel, one far from the small out-of-the-way boutique. “Try to keep up,” Applejack barked. Jest hastily trotted after his partner, his gaze falling to her generous backside only to be surprised when he realized Applejack wasn't much taller than he was. Being slightly effeminate and not exactly the largest stallion in town, Jest had gotten used to most ponies standing at least a little taller than him. Brushing that thought aside he indulged in the knowledge that he was about to fuck a very attractive and very famous pony. He wasn't going to be the one getting fucked, he was going to be on top, there was no weird smoke and mirrors, this was great. Suddenly the weirdness of it all wasn't a big deal, or at least it wasn't in comparison to how great Jest’s night was becoming. With a skip in his step, he followed Applejack into the small motel room and paused. Predictably it was small but not cramped, with a tiny bathroom to the right while straight ahead lay the bedroom. There, waiting for them was a king-sized bed and a small silver platter that sat on the end table. Jest walked over to the curtains and after checking that they were fully closed, turned back to his partner. “Enjoy your night, signed the organization,” Applejack read aloud, only to crumple the letter up and chuck it in the trash. “The organization, bah. Talk about being full of yourself.” “So uh, how do you wanna do this?” Jest asked his forehooves already on the edge of the bed. Applejack didn't answer, at least not with words as she just clambered onto the pillowtop, walked over to the headboard, and fell over. She then rolled onto her back, spread her back legs, and opened her forehooves. “Does that answer yer question?” Applejack inquired. Jest raised an eyebrow and watched as the mare allowed her tail to fall, giving him full view of everything. From her plump, supple teets, to her glistening folds, supple curves, and confident as well as enticing grin, it was all perfect. The stallion couldn't help but lick his lips at the sight, his cock extending from its sheathe and emerging into the cool air. “Ooh ya ain't got a bad package on you either,” Applejack remarked. “Just the right thickness, with a bit of a bend and some nice veins. Could be a bit longer though.” “Uh, thanks?” Jest muttered, slightly defeated. “You’re welcome now come on over here and fuck me,” Applejack demanded, giving her cunt a light smack in emphasis. That was enough to jump-start Jest’s ailing lust and cause him to stumble forward. Falling to the bed in an awkward half crawl, he hastily shuffled into position but stopped just shy of penetration. “Say are you sure we shouldn't get to know one another a bit first? I mean I enjoy the whole thing going on here too but do you even remember my name?” Jest inquired. Applejack scoffed. “It was Best something or other,” Applejack retorted. “It hardly matters.” “I mean, I guess. I just feel like we should at least talk about what we like and dislike,” Jest prompted. “I like it when stallions put their thingy in my hohah and I hate it when they spend all day jawing when they could be fuckin,” Applejack retorted. Jest opened his mouth to respond only to think better of it. “You know what. I can work with that,” Jest remarked. “Good, now get to it!” Applejack barked. Jest did as was ordered, shifting his hips and moving his hooves until he had aligned his fully erect cock with Applejack’s pussy. Without hesitation, he thrust forward, burying his length in the mare’s hole with surprisingly little effort. Now hilting the mare, Jest felt as though she was slightly looser than what the stallion had imagined. That thought vanished the moment he felt Applejack clamp down around his length, squeezing it like a vice. Not only did her internal muscles constrict, but she also wrapped her back hooves around Jest’s back. “Good, now really give it to me partner,” Applejack ordered. “Yes ma’am,” Jest replied. The male began to thrust, slowly at first but picking up more and more speed with time. His partner seemed only half engaged, her critical eye always judging the stallion’s movements. By the time he had picked up to his full speed she at least looked at him with a bit of warmth though so that was an improvement. Though Jest still felt like his partner was still watching him a bit too closely, the naked disdain in her gaze was gone. That alone was enough to let the stallion finally begin to really relax and enjoy the pleasant sensations. The wet, cloying confines of the mare’s pussy, her soft fur, and the surprisingly well-muscled body that lay just beneath. She smelled like apples, as well as flowers, and freshly baked bread. It was a pleasant aroma, and it made the young entertainer feel oddly at home. Even the iron-like grip she held on his torso was nice, even if Jest didn't particularly enjoy being restrained in such a manner. “Mmm better. Keep it going,” Applejack purred. Rocking his hips back and forth, Jest drew his hips back, only to thrust forward, making sure to angle himself downward slightly. His technique wasn't perfect, but Applejack seemed to enjoy it, and the way his dick occasionally brushed against her prominent clit. The ridged head of his cock nearly pulled all the way out before slamming home once more, their bodies flush. With his pleasure rising, Jest did his best to hold back, biting his lip and thinking unsexy thoughts. Yet the iron-hard grip around his midsection, the tight confines of Applejack’s pussy, and the touch of her hoof against his chest made it difficult. She was a hard mare to ignore but despite this, he was able to fight off the first wave that threatened to bring him to an early orgasm. Slowing down slightly, he took several deep breaths before moving once more but only after it passed fully. Applejack grinned up at him, the smirk containing a teasing edge to it that was hard to ignore. Jest just snorted and decided then and there that he would wipe such an expression from her face with his raw endurance. With his lip held between his teeth, he flexed what little muscle he had and really laid into the mare. Driving his hips down and forward, he did everything he could to impress her, hoping that if nothing else his enthusiasm would carry him through. Though clearly enjoying herself, Applejack seemed unimpressed, even when he turned up the speed as high as he could muster. Minutes ticked by, and Jest’s limbs began to ache, his muscles started to burn and what little strength he had was waning quickly. The wet meaty slaps of his thrusts were punctuated occasionally by a slight grunt or stifled moan from his partner. Those small noises were the only real indicator that she was enjoying herself, other than the occasional tremor that ran up her spine. “So,” Jest began, speaking between thrusts. “Should I finish inside, or what?” Applejack shrugged. “Might as well, it's not like you can knock me up anyhow,” retorted the mare. Must have taken some cautionary measures beforehand. Jest thought to himself. Either way its my lucky day. “Alright then, but don't say I didn't warn you,” Jest proclaimed. “Ha, try me,” Applejack shot back. Jest smirked and poured on everything he had left to give. His hooves tensed, his nostrils flared, and with each impact he grunted due to the sheer effort. Dumping on the effort, he dismissed any attempt to hold back and freely embraced his orgasm. “Here it comes,” he muttered. “Come on twiggy. Gimme all you got,” Applejack encouraged. “Don't, call, me, Twiggy!” Jest exclaimed, punctuating the final word with one last thrust. The moment their hips met, he came and came hard, shooting what felt like the full contents of his balls into her. Despite this he continued to thrust, still hoping to impress the mare, and hopefully make her finish as well. He kept doing this until at long last he had finished, and with his cock softening he pulled out, rolled onto his side, and released a long sigh. “Hope, you, enjoyed that. At least a little,” Jest muttered between labored breaths. “You ain't half bad. Sure you ain't even in the top five of best lays, but you’re cute. I like you,” Applejack remarked. “Talk about being damned, with faint praise,” Jest muttered, chuckling to himself. “I just got a lot of experience. Honestly, you should feel proud of yourself. Your performance was above average and by a fair margin,” Applejack added. Jest sighed. “Alright, well just give me a minute here and I should be ready to roll again,” Jest offered. “Take your time,” Applejack replied. The apple farmer leaned over and produced a pack of cigarettes from the end table, as well as a lighter. “Want one?” she offered. “Nah. Never understood the whole smoking after sex thing,” Jest replied, waving a hoof. “You constrict the lungs, and it makes the subsequent rounds harder as well as less fun.” “That right?” Applejack asked curiously. “I read a study about it,” Jest replied. “Not sure how someone convinced the crown to pay for such a thing to get studied in the first place but it's legit.” “Huh,” Applejack murmured. “I suppose that makes sense.” The pair lay there for a moment longer before suddenly a knock could be heard from the door. Before either of them could respond, the presenter barged her way inside holding a bright orange potion. “Apologies for the intrusion as well as the lateness of my arrival,” she greeted, unbothered by Applejack’s cum drooling cunt or Jest’s wet cock. “Oh done already?” “No!” Jest retorted. “We were just about to go again.” “Ahh good. Then this will come in handy,” the masked mare offered, swirling the potion. “Is that what I think it is?” Applejack asked. “It's the endurance potion you requested. Sorry, it took a bit longer. Room two requested a truly inspired bevy of unique cocktails,” the presenter muttered, awe-tinging her voice. “Hot dog!” Applejack exclaimed. The mare got up, trotted over to the edge of the bed, and swiped the offered potion. She then downed nearly the entire thing in one go, gulping down its content and belching loudly. “That hit the spot,” Applejack murmured. “Ahh can I make a request too or, what?” Jest inquired. “I’m afraid it's mare’s choice tonight,” the presenter replied. “Just sit still Twiggy, I got you covered,” Applejack declared. Jest raised an eyebrow and watched as Applejack trotted over to him. She then lowered the bottle, and dumped the last of its contents directly on his cock, coating it completely. The liquid had the consistency of curdled milk and felt not unlike a topical ointment used to treat stiff muscles. “Oooh wow that's… nice,” Jest murmured. His semi-flaccid erection all but jumped to attention, the rudeness of it nearly making his head spin. “I see you two are ready. Just remember that you have three hours until the bell so make sure to finish up before then,” the presenter replied. “Yeah yeah, I know the routine,” Applejack dismissed. “Then I will see you tomorrow darling,” the masked mare replied before tucking out of the room and closing the door behind her. “Right. Best buckle up bucko cus this cowpony is going for a ride,” Applejack proclaimed. With a swiftness Jest had never seen, Applejack straddled him, impaled herself on his cock, and began to move. Up and then down she went, the dull thump of her impact making the bed creek and Jest’s hips ache. A firm hoof on his chest told him who was in charge, and the grin on Applejack’s face said that it was going to be a long time before she was done. Despite everything, Jest grinned, excited over the prospect of watching such an attractive mare ride him. That excitement would not last for long. “Ow, ow, ow, ow,” Jest muttered to himself. “Oh quit yer whining you loved it,” Applejack retorted, pausing to puff on her cigarette. “Why else would you have filled me to the point of bursting.” Jest glanced over to the visible cum bulge in Applejack’s midsection, as well as the trickle of white that dribbled from her gaping pussy. It was an enjoyable sight and usually would have made him hard, now however, his cock barely even twitched. “I mean yeah but I can't even feel my dick anymore,” Jest replied. “Or my back legs for that matter.” “Yer fine,” Applejack retorted, rolling the smoke to the corner of her mouth. “Right, now you ready for round… whatever this is?” “I believe it's thirty-nine,” Jest offered. “Yeah, you ready for round thirty-nine, Twiggy?” Applejack remarked. “I need rest,” Jest tiredly shot back. “The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.” “Aww come on don't tell me you’re giving up already,” Applejack prodded. “Can't we just cuddle?” Jest asked. “No. Now you better get hard or else I’ll have to break out the big guns,” Applejack began, only to pause and perk up. “Wait a second. How long has it been?” “About three hours I’d say. Or a lifetime. Not sure to be honest,” Jest replied. “Ahh shoot. I best get moseying,” Applejack murmured. The mare then awkwardly clambered down off the bed, wincing when her hooves hit the ground. “Damn potion wore off,” she muttered to herself. “Knew I should demanded two of the things.” “I’d offer you a hoof. If I had one to give,” Jest exclaimed. “Nah you just sit right there. I’ll be outta your mane in a second,” Applejack retorted. “Are you sure? You look like you’re having real trouble,” Jest pointed out. “It's fine, I’ll-” Applejack continued, only to be cut off by the sound of a distant bell. “Dammit.” As the sound washed over them, Applejack’s form rippled and vanished. The young farm mare was replaced by a farm mare still, though one far older. “Granny Smith?” Jest muttered in confusion. “Stars above,” Granny Smith cursed. “I knew I should stopped at round thirty-six.” “Huh,” Jest murmured. “You don't look too surprised,” Granny Smith retorted. “Nope. I’m just glad you weren't a changeling harvesting my love or some awful hallucination,” Jest replied. Granny Smith stopped and blinked. “This kinda thing happens to you a lot?” Asked the older mare. “More than I care to admit. Applejack turning out to be Granny Smith barely even registers on my surprise-o-meter,” Jest exclaimed. “Huh,” Granny Smith murmured. “Yup. Thanks for the nice time by the way. I had fun,” Jest offered. “Err yeah. Me too,” Granny Smith murmured. The mare trundled awkwardly toward the door before stopping. “Say, you wouldn't happen to-” Granny Smith began. “Not on your life old timer,” Jest interrupted. “You’ve drained me drier than the Sahara.” “Damn,” Granny Smith cursed. “Well, see ya round.” “Yeah,” Jest replied with a wave. “You too.”
Alternate Universe,Porn,Slice of Life,Fallout,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
Motley's dance
A flexible pegasus performs a juicy hot dance for her stallion, which leads to fetish-flavored sex.
<p>Equestrian Wasteland. Underground bunker. Cozy bedroom. A flexible pegasus performs a juicy hot dance for her stallion, which leads to fetish-flavored sex.</p><p>1) Completely self-contained story, but directly related to <a href="/story/512522/fallout-equestria-parallelism" rel="nofollow"><b>Fallout: Equestria - Parallelism</b></a><br/>2) All the characters are +18<br/>3) Formally, contains a human in the form of a pony (Daniel), but that fact is not utilized in any way here<br/>4) Present tense</p><p>Author of coverart: Misty Horyzon (now - Fuwa) <br/>2371950</p><p><b>Disclamer</b>: The text of the story is purposefully designed to be read and sexually arousing, it is not instructive or inducing in any way inappropriate, and what happens has little to do with reality. Fantasy should remain fantasy. Enjoy the reading!</p><p>Tags: <span class="spoiler">duo, stallion/mare, male/female, pegasus, unicorn, erotic dance, masturbation by telekinesis, fluids, a bit of hoof fetish, multiple orgasm, blowjob, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration, flexible mare, a cock rubs crotchboobs, cum in mouth and pussy.</span></p>
In an underground bunker in a cozy, well-furnished and spacious bedroom with blue walls in the style of a Stable, a fully naked beige pegasus dances with passion. Her shoulder-length chestnut-colored mane sways in time with her movements, while her luxurious tail of the same color follows the sway of her rounded hips with the cutie mark of swirling autumn leaves. Her wings are clasped tightly to her body. The white light of the lamp casts her shadow on the blue carpet beneath her hooves. She bounces springily on the spot, raising and lowering her legs in pairs with expressive sequence and tempo, obeying the inner music—cheerful and invigorating, but not at all intense and vigorous, so as not to tire. This kind of dance softens the muscles and energizes the body, like shaking a bottle of sparkling water. She is always intoxicated by the feeling of a heated body. Standing up on her hind legs, she presses her front legs against her chest and gracefully spins gracefully in place like a whirlpool. No one and nothing distracts her, she is bewitched by the freedom of her body. No thoughts, no worries. After a couple seconds, she slows down, casually spreading her front legs apart while continuing to maneuver on her hind legs. Her ears catching someone's breath, she turns around to the source, expecting to see a particular pony. The first thing she notices is the fixed gaze of the blue eyes of a beige unicorn with a black mane standing at the entrance to the room: his mouth ajar at the hypnotic sight before him. And noticing her staring at him, he swallows with difficulty the viscous saliva that has built up in his mouth. "Do you want to sleep?" the beige mare asks him, continuing to move nimbly on her hind legs, enjoying the touch of the soft carpeting. "No," he almost whispers. "Wonderful. Neither do I." Motley turns her back to him and spreads her wings to the side, wagging her rump with casual grace. Her chestnut tail hangs down, swaying slightly but generally between two firm buttocks. She wants to demonstrate to him the power of inner energy through dance. An energy that feels as if it could jump on him and make him dizzy. She is driven to ecstasy by the desire to show her stallion, which makes her heart flutter with joy, what her body can do, to make him desire her. "Do you like what you see?" "You bet I do," Daniel says. The pegasus doesn't see him licking his lips at that moment, but she recognizes it from the tone of his response anyway. Daniel doesn't see the smug and proud smile on the dancer's lips. An intoxicating wave of pleasure sweeps through her body at the realization that his blue eyes are now running lewdly over her naked body, and a pleasant warmth builds in her lower abdomen in response. And indeed. Daniel can't look away from the attractive curves of the pegasus who is showing off in front of him. His body reacts immediately: it's as if something has moved between his legs, preparing to fill with a sweet heaviness. "Then sit next to me and... enjoy, sweetheart." Daniel closes the doors with anticipation, and lies belly down on the edge of the bed closer to Motley, who continues to move smoothly to the rhythm of her dance. "No," she says. "Sit differently. So I can see all of you." He hesitates a second to figure out the best pose for her, but he finds nothing else to do but sit with his rump on the edge of the bed, hind legs hanging down and spread wide. The dark beige sack with the two balls and the stallion's still flaccid member are immediately in the focus of the pegasus's multicolored eyes, yellow and blue. She makes an effort not to lose concentration at the sight of the stallion's tantalizing crotch. Memories of his scent and taste numb her mind for a moment as a deft tongue licks between her thighs. "Just what I need. And now... don't be shy about anything," she mutters, standing one pony away. Spread and strong beige wings playfully cover her body from the front, hiding her belly and what's below. Her pelvis continues to swing from side to side like a pendulum. Motley's blue and yellow eyes sneak a glance at Daniel's cock, her lips moving restlessly, eager to feel it all over. Daniel keeps his gaze on her beige body: the luxurious shoulder-length mane, the pretty face, the sweet nose, the soft lips, the strong neck, and the fluffy fur on her chest that begs for his nose to burrow into it. Everything below that was already hidden by well-groomed, scrubbed wings. He had seen her charms before, touched and caressed them, but each time he wanted more. This pony knows how to show off in an enticing way what has been seen before, or even licked. His cock was slowly filling with blood and increasing in size. "Come on... I told you," she purrs with excitement in a soft voice, "enjoy... Besides, I wonder how a unicorn does it." She had never once seen him pleasuring himself with his telekinesis before, much less when he would be looking at her from the side while doing so. These musings give her body an exhilarating shiver that makes her hind legs nearly buckle at the knees. Among her frequent fantasies are stallions who sneak peeks or openly watch her when she is in provocatively explicit positions or when she plays with her hoof clamped firmly between her thighs. Firm and taut from constant training. She had no greater desire now than to watch the stallion playing with his cock, which continued to grow larger with each pulsation from the sight of her body in front of her eyes. He doesn't need to be asked twice. The sweet tingle in his throbbing member becomes less and less bearable. He smiles, aware of the pegasus' desires, his twisted horn glowing with blue magical light, and a cloud of similarly colored magic enveloping the sensitive dark beige shaft pointing toward the ceiling. A sigh of relief escapes his lips, and immediately his telekinesis mimics the full-length stroke, intensifying the pleasure and making every part of his cock swell with hot lust. Motley doesn't immediately realize that her cheeks are burning, captivated by the stallion's play with her erection. Her passion takes over her shy desires and she involuntarily bites her lower lip. The large blue cloud slowly descends to the base, reaching her scrotum, and rises upward at the same rate to the tip. Blinking, she remembers that she's the one entertaining her stallion, not the other way around, arousing him with the movements of her body. She needs to try her best to reward him accordingly. She comes to her senses just in time, as Daniel would soon begin to get bored if nothing changed in front of his eyes. "Magical..." Motley whispers with eager, and he hears. She concentrates on the next steps with steadfast determination. "Try to get into the rhythm of my movements." Motley deftly stands on four legs facing Daniel, wings folded. With a thrill of excitement, she feels the contact area of the inside of his thighs gradually becoming slick with her hot secretions. Leaning forward, she bends her front legs and crosses them, resting her chin on them, spreading her back legs wide. Her eyes are level with the cloud of magic on his cock, and just above her is the stallion's gaze enthralled with her, locked with anticipation. He swallows his drool greedily, seeing the languidly covered multicolored eyes above the tip and the satisfied smile on his beige face. His gaze travels higher, along her back bent toward him with her wings folded, and reaches her ass where her chestnut-colored tail began in the center. The white light of the chandelier falls from above on her hips, topped with a display of yellow leaves. The illuminated roundnesses, as if sensing his blue eyes on them, begin to sway from side to side. Slowly and imperceptibly at first, then increasing in width. A wave of warmth swept over Daniel, making him clench his itching cock tighter with his telekinesis. The pleasurable sight of the mare bowed before him, wiggling her ass, complemented by the spreading of her trained wings. Sitting at the edge of the soft bed, he admired her pose, eager to see the view from the backside. Pleased to see Daniel's face, the pegasus straightens up with her wings folded and dances in place in a slow pace. Springily working her knees, she turns her left side toward him and then turns to him with her buttocks and tail pressed against her crotch. Nevertheless, she does not let him see everything there, turning further to his right side. And so on round and round: the right side is replaced by buttocks and tail, vigorously twirling them in front of his face for about a second, and then turns to the left side. "Try to see something," she mumbles in a teasing tone as she continues to twirl her body from right to left and left to right. "Just a little slower," he says. His eyes keep up with her, just not in time to enjoy it. She completely ignores his request, at times she refuses to stop at all, so Daniel doesn't recognize the sequence of the movements. She feels her body heat up even more, her breathing becoming more frequent and the inside of her thighs filling with pleasure. The individual hairs of her pinned chestnut tail teasing her soaking pussy, increasing her arousal and desire for the touch of something soft, firm or... She cast an eager glance at the cock in the shrouded cloud of magic, biting her lower lip absently . ...or hard. She restrained herself from the temptation to move closer and feel it inside her right now. But it's too early for fulfillment. The agile pegasus hadn't shown him everything yet. "What a cute butt you have," Daniel says with a dreamy breath. It's the last straw, she can't hide it from him anymore, and the tingling tail doesn't make it any easier. She turns her back to him, stands up on her hind legs, placing her front ones on the back of her head, and begins to wiggle her ass in long, slow movements like a swing. Left, right, left, right. The relaxed tail swings from side to side like a broomstick even wider than the wiggles of the beige buttocks, rising as high as possible as they move left or right. The mare strives to give the stallion as free a view as possible. A new wave of lust rushes through Daniel's body as he sees the jiggling beige roundness and the glistening moisture between them. His mouth goes dry, unconsciously licking himself and feeling the urge to press his lips to it. "What do you think, huh?" Motley purrs, not turning around or slackening the pace of his wagging croup. "Can't... Can't take my gaze off," Daniel barely utters, mouth ajar. The words sent pleasant shivers running down her back that made her wings flush and shudder—at times like this, nothing sweeter simply exists. "Well... don't," she says. She's having trouble controlling her speech herself. Soon the carefully restrained urges to run up to Daniel will make it impossible for her to speak at all. She also realizes that she needs to wrap it up or he'll cum before she can place her lips on him. Indeed, he feels his cock throbbing at its limit and he would like to get some kind of touch from Motley, but she is radiating such a strong sexual energy in front of him that he doesn't mind cumming with his own telekinesis. Without turning around, Motley walks closer to him on her hind legs, almost at point-blank range to his hard member, and immediately stands on her front legs, throwing her hind legs up to the ceiling—the unicorn feels the breeze on his face as her hooves flashed very close to his eyes, almost touching his face. He displays bewilderment and the magic around his cock dissipates, but the pegasus knows her capabilities and senses the space around her—everything was calculated. A second later, Daniel comes to his senses, realizing he's staring at a beige belly turned toward him. The fit, athletic belly of a mare who regularly practiced dancing and martial arts. His gaze drifts lower, Motley's face watching him with a smile upside down between her front legs, her brown mane hair spread haphazardly across the blue carpet. "You like it?" she asks effortlessly. The abrupt change in posture helped ease the heat in her pelvis, but only temporarily, for from this angle she had an equally pleasing sight before her eyes. "Observing such a beautiful body up close? Absolutely..." he says and his gaze slides upward: over the prominent fur on her breasts, her belly, between the two bulges with nipples on top. And stops at her crotch glistening from the white light of the chandelier. Her two hind legs pressed tightly together, her slick beige fur from the hot moisture clearly visible at this distance on the inside of her thighs. But his gaze didn't have time to linger there for long. Motley smiles self-satisfied, listening to the tone of his words. She steps cautiously so as not to lose her balance, steps closer to him, and with her hind leg slowly reaches up to his face, tipping the other one back for counterbalance. In a second, arching beautifully, she touches the tip of his nose with the frog of her hoof. Boop. His blue eyes are instantly drawn to the unexpected softness against his face. The frog is so tender and soft, and as he inhales in surprise, he discovers that she smells captivating. "Say that more often," Motley adds without removing the hoof from his nose. His hot breath tickles pleasantly. "I love to feel the praise in your voice." "Stay close, then I'll say often," he says, feeling himself smile. The pegasus doesn't answer, but lets out a brief and subtle "hmmm" as if agreeing to such a tempting offer. From the hoof on her nose, his gaze takes a quick trip along the curves of her beige leg, runs up her thigh, and then stops abruptly and gets lost in the curves of her crotch. The dark beige swollen labia, copiously coated with moisture, glisten attractively from the falling light. Between them on the stallion's side, her small pink clitoris peeks out shyly. Because of the pose, her anus and dock are out of his sight. Motley lets him enjoy her pussy for a few seconds, removes her hoof from his nose, and pulls her hind legs back up toward the ceiling. She backs away from Daniel a little and starts twirling her hind legs in different directions. One to the left and one to the right, tilting her rump slightly toward the stallion, giving him a better view of what's under her tail: in addition to the two bulging pieces of skin, a little higher up he can see the firm dark beige ring of her anus, and farther away, her dock. "Beautiful view," Daniel says with a gasp, enveloping his cock once again in a blue cloud of magic. His body tenses with the burning need to get up and rub against the soft and slippery terrain of her crotch, but in this position, he just can't reach. On the other hand, she's comfortable enough to walk over and nuzzle his face there without leaning down. Motley has an equally exciting look. With her upside down, his balls in their dark beige sack dangled upward and his hard cock sticking out downward, blocking his view of the stallion's face. Motley begins to move his hind legs gracefully. One forward, one back. He spreads them apart. Presses them tightly together. Crosses them over each other. "I love your elegant legs," Daniel adds, feeling pleasant tingles in his pelvis. The heat of arousal inside Motley becomes unbearable, but not just because of his pleasant words—the muscles and skin of her heated crotch are in constant motion, and the fur on the inside of her thighs are touching and rubbing against each other. In addition, the stallion's cock looms before her eyes: the sack of two balls now, because of her body and explicit motions, becomes heavy with semen. Hot, flavorful and sticky. Her patience evaporates and she stops. Without lowering herself onto her hind legs, she steps back up to Daniel, and before he can think of anything, she pushes her front ones off the carpet, pouncing gracefully on him. He instinctively leans back and falls backwards onto the bed. She stands over him, her back legs at the sides of his head and her front legs at the sides of his pelvis. In less than a second, the stallion finds himself beneath the mare with a perfect view from above, her brown tail casting a shadow over her buttocks and her wet pussy visible between her thighs. "I need a tip for my services," Motley mutters. In front of her face, his cock pulses, as if shuddering with loneliness. She stands with a frozen face, staring at it with greedy eyes. For a moment, confusion overwhelms her—where should she start first? She wants to do everything with it at once. She inhales deeply, smelling his familiar scent, which sends a pleasant wave down her spine, as if after a hard day's work she's finally sitting down to her favorite meal at home. And the answer came to her, or rather, her brain sent a clear command without hesitation: she stuck out her tongue, pressing her entire width against the shaft of the dark beige cock. Daniel, who had been staring dumbly at her labia from above for the first few seconds after the change of scenery to the six-nine position, shudders at the pleasant touch of the soft tongue. Before his brain could fully process the sensations, the mare's tongue, leaving a glistening trail of moisture, moved to the sensitive tip. A second pleasant and slightly tickling wave of pleasure washed over him, forcing him to inhale noisily and long. The sound is to the mare's liking, but much more pleasurable from the warm hardness on her tongue. Some pre-cum has already pooled on the tip from his urethra—Daniel is close. She's kept him too long and there will be less time for pleasure, but she's not worried about it, hoping for a second round. She licks off a drop, thus caressing his sensitive tip, slowly tasting him. His scent fuels her lust harder and harder, wanting more. Daniel tries to collect his thoughts and get used to the sensation of her firm tongue, and seems to succeed... but then his entire pelvic area tightens violently, as if he'd been electrocuted—the mare is playing with his urethra with the tip of her tongue, unsuccessfully trying to penetrate it. "Aaah... fuck..." he moans through his teeth. It's like honey for her ears. Leaving his little hole alone, the mare smiles broadly, and vigorously kisses the tip. "Love it," she adds. Daniel regains his breath, feeling his mouth dry. His eyes return to her crotch. The horn flashes blue: he uses telekinesis to bring her firm croup closer to his face. The multicolored eyes widen with surprise, having felt the cluster of magic on her thighs. She lifts her right hind leg in a lightning fast motion, her hoof once again rushing towards his face and resting against his nose. At this sudden action, Daniel dispels his magic, surprised at the explanation, feeling the gentle softness of her frog and her scent for the second time in a day. "Later," Motley says, keeping her greedy eyes on his cock. She realizes her level of arousal and doesn't want to be distracted by his caresses. "Now... you just lie there and enjoy, sweetie." She thoroughly waters her lips and wraps them tightly around his tip, forgetting to remove her hoof from his face and nose, as it seemed to Daniel. But Motley had discovered the previous time that she liked the feel of his hot breath into her frog. Daniel lies there in slight bewilderment, but he has no desire to resist. The soft part of her hooves, the scent emanating from there, it is all taken interestingly at the moment. Perhaps because of the arousal burning in his body. Meanwhile, the mare moistens the cock with her mouth and gradually takes it deeper and deeper, generating the smacking sounds that fill the room. The period of wet sounds becomes longer and longer as more and more of the length is taken. She is completely absorbed in the process, forgetting everything around her except for Daniel's breathing under her hoof, by the rhythm of which she determines his level of pleasure. Feeling the warmth and thickness of his cock filling her mouth, the way it occasionally rests against her cheek, she closes her eyes and concentrates on those sensations, trying not to catch him with her teeth. Daniel looks relaxedly at her moist crotch, at her appealing swollen labia, and licks greedily, almost hitting the soft part of her frog with the tip of his tongue. Her brown tail above him faintly wobbles in rhythm with the movements of her head. The rough tongue and tight lips slip soundly over the surface of his member. With each downward movement of her head, he feels the pressing heaviness and slight tickle of her chestnut mane against the bed in his pelvis, and as she moves upward, her hot mouth, sucking in as if pulling him along. "Your mouth is so warm..." Motley's heart bounces joyfully in her chest, hearing him pleasure. She opens her eyes and notices she's getting closer and closer to the bottom. She lifts her front left leg, trying to distribute her weight and keep her balance so she doesn't crush Daniel's nose with her right hind leg. With a slurping sound, she releases his cock from her mouth, catching her breath, and with her front leg she lifts the dark beige sack by the bottom—a pleasant tingle runs through her body from his weight. Her head immediately bends down to his balls, pressing her cheek against the cock moistened by her mouth and rubbing against it. Daniel with her hoof on his face is tickled by her fur, which immediately affects his ragged breathing. Motley's wet and hot tongue licks his scrotum, concentrating on his balls, even managing to greedily nip one of them with her lips. She releases it with an audible smack, and returns to sucking, accompanied by Daniel's satisfied sigh of pleasure. Continuing to work her mouth and tongue eagerly, Motley holds the sack with her front left foot and takes the cock deep enough to reach it with her nose. Her hind hoof blows the hot breath of the long moan. Stunned by the overwhelming experience, especially the throat straining from his cock, Motley loses her composure slightly and presses harder against Daniel's nose. His head sinks a little more into the mattress of the bed. A slight bewilderment joins the blissful expression on his face, but so far the sensation isn't painful, so he doesn't try to resist. Moreover, being at his limit, he finds that the beige pegasus' throaty grip on his cock is perceived bright and fresh because of the novelty—her hoof presses his head against the mattress, and his nose is so immersed in that frog softness that he only has to breathe through his mouth. A familiar tension builds across his pelvis, and his cock begins to tingle from deep in her throat. "Soon..." Daniel lets it out with a sound like his nose is stuffed up with a cold. Motley raises her head sharply—her brown mane bobbing springily—and releases his cock, releasing his sack and inhaling loudly as if she's dredged up from underwater, and on the next exhalation utters, "Fill me." The cock that had been exposed to the cold is back in her mouth, her lips gripping it tightly around the shaft and her tongue vigorously caressing the tip and urethra. A long moan filled with sweet ecstasy escapes Daniel's lungs. The muscles of his pelvis surge with energy that immediately goes into motion, like an underwater stream pushing the body to the surface and comes together at one point. His mind clouds over. A hot stream of cum hits the wall of her mouth, causing Motley to stop her tongue and hum in relief. She grips his cock tighter as it spews viscous fluid in jolts, filling her mouth. The liquid that had been filling in his balls as she jerked over her body—that realization makes a shiver run through her from the ears to the dock, making her brown tail flick. Her crotch has long been bubbling with arousal, and with Daniel's orgasmic moans into her frog and the feel of his sticky cum on her tongue, her head spins, blowing pulses into her ass to fall on his face. Her knees prepare to betray her, but even though aching for the touch of his tongue or something hard, she holds herself back. The last remnants spewing into Motley's mouth, she removes her hind leg from the unicorn's face. Daniel sighs in relief as he feels his cock gradually soften in the embrace of her lips. With a sucking sound, she releases him, locking her lips together. She doesn't move, covering her eyes and savoring his warmth in her mouth. Panting for breath, Daniel only now notices a drop of her secretions stretched out on her wet labia. At the same moment it comes off and falls on his nose. Hot, glistening and flavorful. He also notices how her back legs are tightened to the limit. He doesn't have to wonder why. "I see you're in desperate need of my touch." She swallows his cum—her tip for the dance—with effort but unquenchable greed, then turns to face him. Her lips are still pressed tightly together, lustful lights leaping in her blue and yellow eyes. Motley lies back down beside him, moving closer to the headboard, and rests her head on the pillows. Her hind legs spread apart, the curls of her brown tail spread haphazardly across the white blanket. Between her lips sticks out her tongue, which has just bathed in his murky white liquid. She twirls it playfully from side to side with a look of, "Now it's your turn." Daniel doesn't hesitate to roll over onto his belly and crawl over to her. He tilts his head, ending up between her beige thighs. The pegasus watches his approach with frozen anticipation. The tip of his beige nose stops a few inches away, nostrils flaring as he inhales. By the look in his eyes, he is clearly enjoying the power of her scent. Her body instinctively moves toward him, no longer able to bear it. "I wish," she says in a panting voice, still feeling the flavor of his cock on her lips, "that you'd... go ahead and... fuck me right now... but I realize your... buddy needs time." "Soon..." Daniel smiles. Her puffed up pussy though heated, she feels his hot breath on her. Thoughts collide and jumble in her head from the unbearable anticipation. "Don't hesitate..." she pleads in an almost pitiful voice. "Act quickly." She thinks that if he doesn't bury that adorable nose of his into her right now, she's going to wrap her hind legs around him and pin him down herself. She's going to shove him in there! Daniel can clearly see those intentions on her face. Without a moment's hesitation, he opens his mouth and presses his tongue full width against the two bulging lines of her labia, running it upward and licking off the copious hot moisture. A wave of shivers ripples through her body from the surprise—her hind legs and tail faintly kicked up. "Oooh..." there's a mixture of relief and desire for more in her voice. Her cheeks blaze with the overflowing lewd things Daniel can do with his tongue. Before Motley knows it, that same tongue is down again, to a point just above her plump ring. And at the same pace he runs it upward, probing every spot of her pussy, oozing with secretions like juice from a crushed peach. The two ponies' gazes met. His blue eyes look down at her over the two nipples. Daniel's tongue makes another run from bottom to top, a little slower than the previous time. Motley sighs curtly as she continues to look up at him, biting her lip. Her front legs are tucked close to her body, but so as not to block her view of what's going on between her legs. "I like," Daniel says, defiantly licking himself and tasting her, "the way you're looking at me." Motley didn't realize her face could get so hot. She can't help looking at him now—something under her furry chest tingles lightly but pleasantly. Her gaze rises for a moment a little higher, to the stallion's twisted horn suddenly flashing with blue light. The next moment, she feels her labia sliding apart. Daniel noses into her without delay, slipping his tongue inside and keeping his eyes on the pegasus's face, which is lit up with white light. His tongue actively enjoys touching the slippery walls of her vagina while his breath warms her crotch. Warm bliss spreads through her body. At the same time, she feels both relief and the tension that has gripped the muscles of her pelvic area. Her hind legs involuntarily wrap around his neck and pull him against her. She closes her eyes for a moment, surrendering to the sensations and moaning softly. Daniel's beige ears react to every sound she makes. By it, he guides when to pick up the pace and when it's best to let her catch her breath. His tongue relentlessly continues to pleasure Motley, both inside her vagina and outside. Periodically, the tip of his tongue focuses solely on her clitoris. At times his lips come into play, tightly wrapping around and trying to pull her soft labia and clitoris into him. They make such lewd sounds down below that the heat on her cheeks burns more intensely. "Pretty tongue..." she whispers, opening her eyes and meeting his gaze, which is filled with an intoxicating expression. Through the lust raging in her head, the information from her sensations pound into her mind, namely the one that reminds her that she still has the taste of his cum in her mouth. That becomes the final straw that raises a tingling wave in her lower belly. "Don't stop just... I'm here..." Daniel doesn't even think about stopping, feeling all the sounds, her hot wetness on his face and the expressive flavor making his own arousal pour back down below. His hardening cock rests against the sheet, giving him a sweet urge to rub against it, but he decides to save his strength for the pegasus. With his head, he feels her trained thighs begin to press his head harder into her. He is unable to work his mouth and tongue as freely. The pressure on his head increases, the muscles in her legs seem to harden and begin to shake faintly. Motley exhales long and frantically, as if immersed in cold water as her orgasm swept over her mind in a feverish wave, allowing her to think of nothing but the sweet sensations below. Daniel admires the expression on her face: the relaxed tip of her tongue sticking out of her open mouth, her gaze lost somewhere in the ceiling, and the eyebrow above her right eye—unlike her left—reaching up to her chestnut mane. After a few seconds, her body goes limp and the thighs that had been clutching her head release Daniel. Motley inhales deeply and contentedly. The unicorn on her right side lies down next to her. She gives him dreamy eyes, and immediately their lips with the remnants of each other's fluids intertwine in a long kiss. Motley's pensive gaze drifts to Daniel's lower belly. To her pleasant surprise, she sees the dark beige cock throbbing there again. "I see," she licks herself, "you're ready. It won't be the right evening for me without it inside, if anything." "That won't happen," he says, standing up. She pulls her back legs apart and he hovers over her, casting his shadow over her and spreading his front legs to the sides of her head, her brown hair lying haphazardly on the pillow. The twitching cock hangs over her belly like a crane boom over the ground, its tip pointing toward her face—the sight of it makes her pelvis tingle with the need to take it in. Daniel spreads his hind legs even wider, his rump lowers, and his cock lays between two of her nipples. She feels him throbbing. He begins to move his pelvis and rub over her crotchboobs. "So simple?" she asks with a sly smile, feeling the warm weight on her and realizing the upcoming pose, but her triviality doesn't bother the mare at all, frozen in languid anticipation. "Got a better idea?" "Yes... but I need to catch my breath. You start, and then... you'll see." Daniel enjoys her crotchboobs, moving between them. He alternately guides his head to the left and right, gently touching her gradually hardening nipples. She stares mesmerized at the cock that is rubbing her boobs in circular motions. Daniel's horn flashes and a blue haze of telekinesis forms around his cock, which he uses to lift it up and slap it lightly with a fleshy sound on her motherly bulges. "Enjoying it, huh?" Motley asks, not looking away from what's happening. Daniel pushes his pelvis back, lowering it just a little, and with the tip of his cock he probes the two folds of her hot pussy, moistening against her juice. He uses telekinesis to guide the tip to her clit, which causes a loud gasp of anticipation from Motley, and after adjusting his pose a bit, he presses the shaft of his cock against her labia, pushing them slightly apart, and slides it up and down. The pegasus opens her mouth and begins to breathe louder as she watches the tip of his cock occasionally show between her two crotchboobs. Most distinctively, she feels the moisture—glazed hardness that presses into her crotch and rubs against her clit. She stares into the stallion's blue eyes with a look of intense need to merge with him in a kiss. He has no problem reading her desire. Without losing his pace, he leans his head down and their lips touch, feeling each other's aroused breath. Daniel's lips continue to experience her soft tender lips and his pelvis pauses and with magic the head of his cock rests against her folds below. He increases the pressure and the tip finds itself in the tight embrace of her pussy. With his mouth he catches the intoxicating breath coming from her chest. Throughout the plunge of his throbbing length into her hot depths, he doesn't break the kiss. Motley with Daniel's lips on his own, she enjoys not only their softness, but also the thickness of them that fills her from the inside down below, moving deeper and deeper. The heart in her chest beats faster from the sensation. The kiss breaks and they look at each other. "Finally..." she whispers with a gasp. Her cheeks burn. "Stay in me." Instead of a verbal response, she sees the deep pleasure on his face. He clearly doesn't want to leave her slippery, tight embrace, which almost makes his knees buckle. He slowly pushes his pelvis back, and enjoys the pleasurable slide over the soft walls of her vagina. As soon as only the tip is left inside her, he freezes and plunges back in at the same pace, but only half his length. And then it moves back again. Motley shifts her gaze from the pleasure in the unicorn's eyes to what's happening in her lower belly, and back again. She inhales audibly with each of his inward thrusts, and exhales as he moves outward. In both cases, waves of tickling sweetness rise in her crotch. She hears his unsteady breathing from his enjoyment of her. Her front left leg rests on her stomach closer to her crotchboobs, his cock sliding underneath. And her right leg lifts up to Daniel's front leg and wraps around it, demanding more physical contact. "Do you want anything else?" he asks, and begins to pick up the pace. "Yes... Can you... massage my hind hooves with your magic?" Daniel's horn flashes with blue light, and the next moment Motley feels the gentle pressure of his magic where she asked. The touch of his magic intensifies the tingling sensation in her crotch, making the satisfaction of his cock inside her brighter and more tangible—her back legs trembling slightly from the overwhelming sensations. From her pussy, encircling the cock sliding back and forth, the juice flow down to her firm anus ring, further down to her dock, and from it a thin trickle runs down to the sheet. "Oh... that feels so good..." The dark beige cock emerges from the depths of her vagina and the spread folds of her labia, glistening faintly with her moisture, and then disappears inside her. Squelching sounds are heard, drowned out by the excited breathing of both ponies. Daniel's pelvis is working fast, but not yet at full depth. Only occasionally does he make deep, sharp thrusts, as if he's squeezing joyful moans out of the mare beneath him. Motley is getting tired of lying on the soft bed. She wants to move herself, to set her own pace and depth of penetration of this cock, but she has another picture in mind. The thought of it sends a thrilling shiver through her body. "It's time..." Motley says, and moans—Daniel is deep inside her at this point, his scrotum slamming down on her anus with all its weight. Daniel freezes in anticipation, he feels like his buddy is on fire from the bubbling blood and the tightness of her vagina. "It's time..." Motley repeats, coming to her senses, "to show you something. Come on. let me up." Daniel slips out of her with a squelching sound. He watches as the pegasus returns to the spot where she had been dancing and gets into a pose few can do. Standing with her hind legs spread wide, she leans forward, curling up, her face upside down appearing between her hind legs. Her head slips between them. Her front legs extend in the opposite direction of her head, using them as a support to keep her from flipping forward. The back of her chestnut mane rests against the blue carpet, and her face turns to her crotch - a little more flexibility and she could reach her nose to her clit. "That's it..." Motley utters in relief, looking at her labia. She leans her head back and sees Daniel's surprised eyes and mouth open. "I'll have a better view now. Do you like it?" The very sight of her pose generates tingling sensations in him. Her chestnut tail is thrown back on her back, exposing her crotch glistening with plentiful moisture before him. That was hard for any stallion to resist, especially one with an erection. "Wow... That's some flexibility..." at those words he gets off the bed and approaches Motley. She giggles softly at his compliment, wiggling her butt with inviting movements: her beige buttocks glisten from the white light falling on them. Her cutie mark in the shape of fall leaves is clearly visible on the sides. "Come on... warm yourself inside me." Daniel stands on his hind legs and rests his front hooves on the roundness of her rump. He likes the way they respond to his touch, tight and firm. He strokes her buttcheeks, tries to press them together, spreads them wide. "Haven't you played yet?" she asks, looking in another place—his cock throbbing with energy is angled over her face. So tasty and hard and thick... that was inside her less than a minute ago. She is eager to feel it inside again. "You've displayed them so well, I just can't resist the urge. So pretty." A self-loving chuckle escapes her lips. Daniel moves forward, getting comfortable before entering her. She's spread her back legs wide enough to keep her butt as close to the level of his cock as possible, but it's still a little uncomfortable for him. To her relief, both mentally and physically, his cock does fill her: his pelvis is firmly in contact with her buttocks and dock, his right hind leg is on the carpet to the right of her hip, and his left leg remains raised for comfort. Daniel feels like a dog about to take a leak. Motley bites her lip at the sensation and the sight before her eyes. She is strangely pleased as the stallion presses his butt on top of her, feeling his hot, aroused body and the hard cock inside her. What's more, she not only feels but sees up close how the spread folds of her labia accept his cock, and also the sack with the balls looming over her nose under the weight of gravity. She tries to reach it with her tongue, but to no avail. Daniel, with an eager state of mind, quickly figures out how to move in this position and starts working his pelvis. He lifts it up, and Motley sees his wet cock gradually come out. Then he slides back down, his scrotum slapping against her crotch with an audible slap. He gradually picks up the pace, getting a taste for it. "Unusual..." he says, "but it feels so good!" "And it pleases me even more..." she struggles to utter, feeling the back of her head bearing not only her own weight, but also the stallion's pelvis still in contact with her from above. With a wet sounding slap. At this point, his shaft usually plunges deep into her, causing her to let out a prolonged moan. "Hmm?" "Here's... ooh... such a beautiful view. It's so... ooh.... close and so far away..." Daniel continues to slide into the soft and tight embrace of her vagina, and he can't understand what it's all about. And it's not her confused breathing, he's simply closed his eyes, concentrating on his sensations, so it's hard for him to think about her perspective. His cum-filled balls slurps against her crotch with a juicy slap. She can smell the scent emanating from their act. Her bent body swings slightly back and forth like a pendulum from his thrusts. "Close... ooh... But I can't... ooh... reach." After a couple more moments, it begins to dawn on the unicorn exactly what she's seeing and from what angle. This whets his lustful mind even more. The impending orgasm slowly fills the bottom of his stomach. "I'm about to..." "Inside," she says firmly. Daniel calms down and focuses completely on the pace, unafraid to cum. His cock rubs against the walls inside Motley, oozing hot juices and moaning with pleasure. He feels his sack at the point of sticking to her crotch covered with moisture. For the last time his pelvis lands hard on her upward-pointing buttcheeks and dock, and the head of his cock in the depths of her vagina shudders: a tight jet of semen hits the wall of her uterus. Then a second, a third... An orgasmic moan of pleasure escapes Daniel's lips. Lying with the back of her head on the carpet, Motley watches the squeezing scrotum with ecstasy. White hot fluid floods her from the inside out in thrusts. Her ears pick up a long moan from above. Her cheeks blaze with heat. For the second time today, he pulls his cock completely out of Motley's womb. With a slurping sound he ends up on the outside, completely bathed in her juices and his own cum. Daniel steps back and looks at the result. With each pulsation, the organ gradually softens. Motley remains standing in her pose. "Will you help me cum?" she asks. At that moment a drop of semen appears between the folds of her labia, which, mixed with her own viscous secretions, pools around her swollen clit and falls downward, stretching into a thin stream. Motley had been preparing for its arrival, so he accepts it with her mouth open as the wet white string breaks off. She defiantly tastes what has been inside her. "So?" the mare repeats her question. Daniel blinks in surprise, realizing that the sight has mesmerized him. "In what way?" "Tongue... or magic..." To avoid teasing himself with a possible third flush of arousal, Daniel resorts to magic. His horn flashes with blue light, and a haze of the same color envelops her labia and clitoris, causing Motley to sigh loudly. After a couple of moments of his precise manipulation of the slippery surface of her pussy, she sighs deeply and moans in her orgasm. Motley exhales in relief, straightens up and stretches, stretching out her stiff muscles, then she moves closer to Daniel and merges with him in a long, hot kiss.
Gabby,Gallus,Original Character,Alternate Universe,Dark,Drama,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Collateral Damage
Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.
<p>Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.</p><p>Soldiers fight with guns, blades, and grit.<br/>Politicians fight with money, words, and alliances.<br/>Gods fight with souls, rules, and ideas.<br/>And everyday people are collateral damage.</p><p>This story is part of the <a href="/blog/1030654/behold-the-samsaraverse" rel="nofollow">Samsaraverse</a>! <br/>It happens concomitant to Piece of Parchment and Fólkvangr. While Gallus and Gabby need to deal with their problems, Twilight and Cadance fight Farseer in Manehattan’s harbor and Gilda’s caravan prepares to leave Frozenlake. All the relevant context is contained in the story, though.</p>
Gallus was a griffon. Like most griffons, he hailed from Griffonia, but Harmony had been so kind as to allow him to live in Ponyville. It was a place where even a griffon could make many friends and allowed them to challenge the idea that all griffons were jerks. Truth be told, he considered himself a jerk, but! But he used his powers of jerkiness to the benefit of his friends. That was about as much as one could expect from a griffon who had come to the ‘friendly place’. Most had an idea that he was important, as he was the griffon in Princess Twilight Sparkle’s school. There were others, but everybody knew Gallus. And that was not a good, but the important thing was that when the offer to enroll came, he didn’t even care what it was about. He took it. He held it with his talons as though his life depended on it. Gallus was not particularly ‘nerdy-smart’, but he was ‘clever-smart’, and he could see Griffonia was like a beached whale begging for mercy. He knew the griffon nation was ripe for all sorts of trouble. Really, any griffon with half a brain could see that. From shady politicians, and shadier politicians promising to fix the problem to deep-seated corruption that bled the nation dry. It was almost like a philosophical matter. The problem with Griffonia was the griffons. Of course, many claimed to have the solution while not being shady politicians themselves. But there was a dangerous and vicious griffon lady living in the northernmost hold of Griffonia who thrived on being shady. The kind of griffoness that liked it when the horny kids talked about her as ‘dommy-mommy’. And not in a funny way. She had a thing about telling griffons who they could marry and really, really hated ponies and hippogriffs, and griffons that mingled with ponies and hippogriffs. Like Gallus. And she was important, too. Sufficient to say, griffons living in the northernmost hold of Griffonia didn’t like hippogriffs, and that they had their own champion to fix Griffonia. Not only someone to succeed the present Griffonian Chancellor, but to be crowned King of the Griffons. Because, apparently, griffons thought that democracy was overrated! ‘Complex’ could barely describe the situation. Unfortunately for Gallus, that griffon who would fix all Griffonia’s problems was his half-brother. And more than that, he was married to that griffon lady. Gallus was effectively hiding and shielding himself behind Princess Twilight Sparkle and her school. There was a problem, though. Schools close during vacations and Gallus’ friends, most of them coming from different places of the Equestrian Confederation, went home. Gallus, however, was not going back to Griffonia. No sir, no way, no how. He could have stayed with Sandbar, but Gallus had grown close enough to Silverstream that they might be called more than just friends. It meant making a choice. His legal guardian lived in Griffonstone and hated the fact he had joined the School of Friendship. Grandpa Gruff was not his grandfather, but he was old and treated Gallus as though he were his grandson. The truth was much more complicated than that, and another thing Gallus would rather not deal with. That was a theme with his past. ‘Yeah, cool’, he said casually when Silverstream invited him to spend their vacation together. Silverstream understood Gallus’ situation and probably didn’t want him in trouble, so he traveled with her to Mount Aris. Queen Novo had a problem with the angry griffon lady saying that hippogriffs are a blight upon the world. Fortunately, Her Majesty believed Gallus was a good rooster, especially since he wanted nothing to do with the northerner griffons or the drama in Griffonia. She kindly accepted the teenager rooster to live in her palace with her niece and her daughter. Hippogriffia was the best holiday location in the world by several standards. Like a paradise, even compared to the nice and welcoming pony cities. With two of his friends, Gallus was hopeful about his chances for a more mature adventure. Who could say? He was happy he was safe from the mess Griffonia had become, and there was nothing keeping their relationship from developing. A young griffon could dream.
Gabby,Gallus,Original Character,Alternate Universe,Dark,Drama,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Collateral Damage
Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.
<p>Two young griffons find themselves dragged into a conflict they wanted nothing with, but when gods fight, mortals dance to their tune.</p><p>Soldiers fight with guns, blades, and grit.<br/>Politicians fight with money, words, and alliances.<br/>Gods fight with souls, rules, and ideas.<br/>And everyday people are collateral damage.</p><p>This story is part of the <a href="/blog/1030654/behold-the-samsaraverse" rel="nofollow">Samsaraverse</a>! <br/>It happens concomitant to Piece of Parchment and Fólkvangr. While Gallus and Gabby need to deal with their problems, Twilight and Cadance fight Farseer in Manehattan’s harbor and Gilda’s caravan prepares to leave Frozenlake. All the relevant context is contained in the story, though.</p>
The salty smell of the sea, the cool breeze of the beaches, entered the room. The delicate forms of seashells, starfishes, and cute crabs in the curtain made dancing shadows on the bedsheets. Those were white and cyan, soft as Gallus imagined Silverstream’s belly to be. Everything in that place reminded him of the sea and of nice, comfortable things. From the colors to the shape of the furniture, everything was delicately curvy like the waves, a seashell, fishes, and stars. The hippogriffs owned their identity as the seafaring creatures they were, but also the ‘cloudiness’ of the Pegasi. Very much like the typical pony decorations which showed hearts, horseshoes everywhere, his room had a white ceiling with the top of the walls painted like fluffy clouds. Hippogriffs being half-pony and half-griffons seemed to hold the best of both worlds. While stretching on his giant nest-like hippogriff bed, his neck popped, and he yawned a lungful. The bed was like someone had made a nest out of a cloud. The edges raised like a nest, fluffy and white like a cloud. A small regret crept up over him, though. It was not like he didn’t like the girls; he was sure he loved Silverstream, and even her cousin, but waking up and just staying in bed, without all the overexcited energy and fanfare over breakfast, was nice. He could just enjoy his wonderful bed. The two royal hippogriffs were probably at the beach, doing beach things. Not fond of the sea, Gallus had told them not to wait for him before they went to their rooms last night. He turned on his back in one fluid, cat-like movement. The blue walls of his room invited some more sleep, but Silverstream would be cross with him if he didn’t join them, eventually. As always, his griffon brain told him it would be boring, but he knew it would be fun. He flipped himself like a pancake again and stood on his legs with a groan, arching his back, and raising his wings all the way before he folded them and hopped off the bed. The perfect balance of breeze and cold air and made his feathers and hair stand. Whatever-that-stone-was on the floor was too cold, so he hurried his way to the bathroom. His bathroom was significantly larger than it needed to be, filled with perfumes aligned with the salty aromas of the hippogriff islands. It maintained the cutesy pony-like sea themes with the seashells, colorful crabs, and laced curtains, reminding him of the froth of waves. His sink was literally the shape of a giant clam, and the little soaps all took their shapes after seashells. The bathtub? It was a giant seashell, and the water poured from an amphora held by the statue of a cute seapony baby. It was like a luxury hotel, except for free. But Gallus just yawned again and turned a bored stare at the sink. He washed and vigorously rubbed his face before he took another gander at the young, barely awake blue griffon in the mirror. His feathers were a mess, and he pawed half-heartedly at them with little success in straightening them out. With a frown of mild annoyance, he gave his paw a good lick and began batting his feathers into submission. Once he was tired of the game with questionable success, he walked to his bathroom’s window. Down below, way down Mount Aris and across the city, a passenger ship was coming into the port. Its steam horn blew a salutation to the beachgoers. Hippogriffs, ponies, even yaks, and some griffons cheered and waved at the ship, either from the sand or from the air. Mount Aris was probably the safest place in the world. Among the options he had available, at least. The moment just struck him with just how fortunate he was. Lucky that Silverstream liked him, and that Queen Novo had sheltered him. Also, that Skystar liked him too, he supposed. The alternatives were going back to Griffonstone and lying low on Grandpa Gruff’s house, watching the paint peel off the walls, or… He rather not think about the other alternative. Harmony had granted him a gift to be allowed to hide away in Mount Aris with his marefriends. Well, his marefriend Silverstream and her socially challenged cousin who couldn’t land a date to save her life. They even let her tag along and nobody looked strangely at them since the polyamory was perfectly fine for the ponies and hippogriffs too! Heh… Try that on Griffonstone. Gallus was important. ‘Member of nobility’ kind of important, but nocreature cared about that in Mount Aris. Certainly not Silverstream or Skystar, who were themselves part of royalty, but that was beside the point. And Gallus wanted nothing to do with the political issues going on in Griffonia. The more he repeated that inside his head, the fresher the air going into his nares seemed and the happier the seagulls flying around sounded. He was perfectly fine with spending the rest of his still long life among ponies and hippogriffs and would be happy if he never had to see another griffon in his life. Once he finished relieving himself in the squat toilet, he went back to his room. A complaining empty stomach directed his eyes to the door, but the bed seemed so soft. It was soft, like a cloud, and the sun was shining on it like it called Gallus back to it. It invited him to sleep just a little longer and before he knew, he was already splayed on the soft mattress, letting go a happy sigh through a smiling beak. What was the point of vacations if you’d wake up early, like in school season? Hard knocking at the door made him jump. The sun didn’t seem to be so high that he had slept through the morning, or something. They banged at the door, more insistently, and haven’t even given him time to respond. “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.” He said with a yawn, stumbling his way through the room. “I’m sorry I slept too long, Silvers-” It was not Silverstream or Skystar knocking on his door. On the other side of the door was a big, lime colored hippogriff in golden armor staring down at him. The sleepiness vanished in an instant; the certainty of something going wrong hit him in the stomach like a baseball bat. “Please, come with me, Gallus.” The soldier forgone a greeting and told him with a flat tone that truly did not fit the peaceful and relaxed vacation destination that was Hippogriffia. What was he going to do? He followed the guard and, before he knew, he was standing before Queen Novo and General Seaspray. And none of them had the usual friendly, accepting smile of their kind. It was a grand hall at the back of the palace, where an ample balcony replaced the back walls, all in bluish marble and white gypsum. Queen Novo, with her exuberant mane in multiple shades of purple feathers and magenta eyes filled with pain, looked down at Gallus from her throne at the top of the dais. A small table where an announcer would speak during meetings was empty and only the queen and her general met Gallus. It was too big a room to be that empty, much like Gallus’ stomach, which was now filled with butterflies. The guard waited outside after closing the door behind Gallus’ tail. Novo’s frown and Seaspray’s insistent avoidance of Gallus’ stare clashed with the festive and pony-like beach themed decoration. The gold and blue curtains dancing in the breeze felt like a mocking slight. The seats flanking the hall, where important hippogriffs would sit to listen to the queen and her herald, were as empty as his hopes of a tranquil vacation. He stopped before the hole in front of the steps. The guards used to say that was where Novo would throw her enemies and the currents would take them to a shark vivarium. It was nothing more than a quick way her water-bound subjects could just swim up and meet the queen. There was an underwater waiting room underneath the throne room for them, but those thoughts failed to ease Gallus’ worries. “Did you call me, your majesty?” he sat and wrapped his tail around his legs. “I am sorry, but I have some bad news for you, Gallus.” She said from her throne and keeping a neutral tone, staring at him squarely before she turned to her general. The sympathy in her eyes and her voice had the opposite effect of what she wanted. A shiver crawled up Gallus’ back. “This morning…” Seaspray started, equally careful with his words. Keeping a serious tone, despite his warm voice, that reminded Gallus of Miss Sparkle’s brother. “This morning, I received a report from one of the palace guards. He witnessed another taking money from a griffon lady, confirming to her you are living here in the palace.” Gallus gasped and stared at Queen Novo, but he saw no further reaction from her. Seaspray was not done yet. “There is more. This was not the first time, but now… she also paid him for information on how to reach your room and to leave the servant’s door in the pantry open.” ‘Oh, shit!’ Even though the words crossed Gallus’ mind, they barely even began to describe the gut-wrenching fear that twisted his stomach. They had found him in less than half a month. And Queen Novo probably noticed his apprehension because she spoke immediately after. “Gallus, listen to me.” The hippogriff queen said, and he did. He did not like her anxious frown, though. “Normally, I would just scoff, brush this away and have the guard disciplined and replaced. But… worrying things happened at Griffonstone in the past days. General?” Maybe if he still felt like he had a floor under his feet, Gallus would have understood all General Seaspray was telling him. But the best he grasped was that Griffonstone was full of revolutionary griffons who wanted to replace Chancellor Gail with a northerner griffon lord called Gillad Ironfeathers. Gallus knew him. The griffon whose followers had called him ‘The Lion’ had been urging griffons to stand up against the supposedly corrupt griffonian government, sever relations with the Equestria and its allies, and proclaim him the new Griffon King. Of course, Gallus knew him. He was his half-brother. But it was not his half-brother that worried him. No. Not by a long shot. “But what happened?” Gallus asked, opening his forelegs in surprise. “Griffonstone’s been like that for months.” According to General Seaspray, a couple of nights ago, Celestia showed up in Griffonstone and spooked the northerner sympathizers. He spoke of sides being taken. Griffons being stabbed, shot, and kidnapped in the night. There was a bombing at a hospital—who does that?—skirmishes all over the city. Scary stuff! Then Novo spared her general from delivering the kick. “Celestia and Luna have gone missing after their consort died in the fighting.” “Well, that never happens, does it?” He said raising his voice with a frustrated frown. His sarcasm failed to hold the fears he had been hiding from for the last couple of weeks. They had come back with a vengeance. But Celestia’s consort had died? That was a next level of fear-inducing news. Gallus barely knew him, but hearing that the Princesses disappeared along with his death painted a horrifying image in his thoughts. He let escape a deep sigh. There really was going to be a civil war in Griffonia. Novo lowered her eyes. “Officially, nobody knows anything, but a couple of hippogriff officers in the Griffonian military informed us that Celestia’s consort’s death devastated her. Something scared her in a way no one’s ever seen before, and she teleported away in between ravings of doom and changeling infiltrators hiding everywhere. Luna… She just vanished after looking into a terrible crime in Ponyville.” “Crime in Ponyville?” Gallus’ feathers splayed with his laughter. “The worst that ever happens in there is that somepony stepped on another pony’s petunias!” Details then became fuzzy in Seaspray’s recounting of the intelligence they had received. Gallus could barely believe what he was hearing. While they knew next to nothing about what happened in Ponyville, there was a coup d’état in Griffonstone. It mostly failed, and the young griffon almost laughed, because Chancellor Gail was never in town, doing his damn job. But that was not all. In the middle of all that, an old Second Griffon War general came out of the blue and started pulling some grim skeletons out of closets. The soldiers at Fort King Grover literally rebelled. There was a mass exodus of northerner supporters, with help from the military. In the end, the military took control of the city on behalf of the northerners. The entire intelligence branch of the Griffonian Standing Army was… Gallus grimaced at the word Seaspray used: ‘purged’. The rest of the world, with Princess Celestia’s disappearance, dropped Griffonia like a ticking time bomb and watched from a safe distance. And just because misery loved company, there were rumors of hippogriffs living in the griffon nation having to hide from the north-supporting soldiers that now controlled the capital. The first had arrived at Hippogriffia during the night. Novo’s eyes filled with horror as Gallus listened to Seaspray’s words. Too close to the Storm King’s attack that had claimed the life of her husband. “I don’t know what is happening, Gallus. I don’t know what is going to happen, but I am afraid I can’t guarantee your safety here.” The queen finally said, but her beak twisted, and her lavish crest deflated. “I… You are a danger to Skystar and to Silverstream. You can’t be with them. I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to do.” His puppy-eyed stare did not help at all; she avoided his eyes for a moment before talking to him again. “I can pay you a passage to wherever you desire, and I will offer you some money. But you cannot stay here. If you truly like Skystar and Silverstream, you will understand.” Dammit, he understood. She was properly scared out of her mind. He just didn’t like it. He also agreed, but it if filled his stomach with acid. Suddenly, they were in a hurry too, because since Gallus was going away, it would be better for all involved if he did while Silverstream and Skystar were away. Next thing he knew, he was in his room, hastily grabbing his things while Seaspray patiently waited for him by the door. What was he supposed to do? Queen Novo didn’t really have to kick him away! She could keep him safe. How hard was it? Just keep all the griffons out! Oh. Right. He didn’t have the luxury to sit on his hind and be picky about the stuff he grabbed. A backpack with his identification documents already inside and a couple of rubbers. Beak rubbers and griffon-grade condoms. He rolled his eyes at his own denseness. As though he would have had the chance of actually having sex with his marefriends inside Queen Novo’s house. The problem, or silver lining depending on the point of view, was that he didn’t really have much more than that. He grabbed a couple of issues of Super Ponies that Skystar had gotten him interested in and shoved them inside his backpack. A few Bits he had saved along the years. Not much. Why would he save money? Princess Sparkle practically took care of him, and he even had an allowance. Grandpa Gruff always took care of him since he arrived at Griffonstone, money his half-brother sent him. Even then, Queen Novo said she would give him some. But he took his money, anyway. He shook his head, putting the pouch with a hundred or so Bits in his backpack while he raked his brain for where to go. Maybe Ponyville. No, no. He shook his head again. The school was closed, his friends had gone to their homes, and he’d be alone. He could ask Princess Twilight Sparkle for shelter, but she was away with her own problems to deal with. Griffonstone! He had to go to Griffonstone and stay with Grandpa Gruff! It could be dangerous, but then again, so was Ponyville. Queen Novo said Luna vanished while there! Northerner agents could be looking for him everywhere, but at Grandpa Gruff’s house, he would at least be safe. Kind of. He didn’t know and his grimace at his thoughts showed it. Grandpa Gruff would shelter him, wouldn’t he? He was the one that had taken Gallus away from the north to begin with. General Seaspray watched him from the door, and he never tried hurrying him, but Gallus could see he was not comfortable. His frown showed it through his composed military pose. Head held high, wings tight by his flanks against his golden armor, and an apologetic stare in his blue eyes. Gallus sat in the middle of his comfy room. The soft breeze teased his feathers as he looked one way and another. Nothing there that really belonged to him. He frowned… No point in delaying the inevitable, even if his eyes filled with tears. “I… I think I’m done.” He told Seaspray, donning the backpack behind his back. Gallus was a big boy, and crying wouldn’t help. He could see the pained respect in the general’s eyes. Things happened fast from there. Even faster than before. The general walked with him, and Gallus noted the guards standing in places they normally wouldn’t. He and Seaspray took the servant’s exit from the palace and there was an ordinary carriage waiting for them. A pair of hippogriffs waited hitched to it while Seaspray opened the door for Gallus. All that was hidden under a shed meant to shelter carts bringing supplies to the palace. It hid a fleeing griffon tom from his marefriends and the creepy griffons from the north just as well. The carriage had a decent but squeaky spring suspension that kept it stable and comfortable enough in the well-cared for streets winding down Mount Aris. The interior smelled of the sea breeze like it had impregnated on the stuffed bench. They were a creamy white in the interior’s cyan satin finish with little seashell prints. Gallus and Seaspray sat in silence in the back, but Gallus looked out the window, to avoid looking at him. The sunny, clear skies hurt his eyes, and during a turn on a cliffside road, he let escape a sigh. The beach protected by the bay and the Hippogriffian Archipelago beyond opened for him to see past the buildings of the city. Seaspray called his name to the jingling of coins. A pouch hung from his talons, brown and inconspicuous, and on his other paw he held a white and gold ticket. Gallus lacked knowledge about the different shipping companies, but the blue sailfin logo should be easy to find. “Five hundred Bits ought to get you anywhere.” He spoke. “We booked a passage under the name of Gaius for Beachhome. There you can take the teleporter and go wherever you must. I should not tell you, but her majesty struggled the whole night with this decision. She even told me that if you asked, she would let you stay, and we would find a way.” “But that would be dangerous to the girls, and they are already looking for me in here…” Gallus concluded for him. The large hippogriff nodded. “Secret Service is spreading a rumor that you, the princess and Silverstream will be dating away from the queen in a luxurious beach cassino. The news outlets fell on it like it was a fresh fish in the market.” Gallus shot him the ‘really?’ stare and the General shrugged. “That ought to get their attention and keep the northerner agents off your back for a while. If they are so concerned about their precious prince dating hippogriffs, at least they are predictable. It should let you board the ferry without them bothering you.” Gallus thanked him, and his attention returned to the window. He was not in the mood for much conversation. Outside, hippogriffs started the morning routine in the touristic capital of their nation. Not too different from Canterlot, with its cafes and fancy bistros. That was another door fate had simply closed for Gallus. If the princesses hadn’t vanished at the worst possible time, they might give him some shelter. But there was no use crying over spilled milk. He rested an elbow on the window’s frame and his chin on his paw. A sigh escaped. He already regretted not going to with Silverstream and Skystar to the beach that morning. One last time. Although, had he done that, he might already have been caught. Owners and waiters pushed tables and seats outside, others watered the plants or set up the ubiquitous ‘remember, we are a beach town’ decoration. Tourists and residents were already out and about in the easy-going city. Mansions, stores, food places, restaurants and cafes, snack bars… Things scrolled past his window, but he barely registered them. His thoughts were a cold fog of worry and denial. It was a good thing they had given him a ride, or he would still be sitting in front of the palace’s doors. Too soon the buzz of mana battery operated cranes and winches filtered through the glass. On the other side, the cargo port had full docks with kirin and pony sea-fairing sail and steamships waiting while they waited for clearance to continue their trip to Beachhome. The carriage made a turn to the left, towards the passenger terminal, and once it stopped, the general held Gallus’ shoulder. “Good luck, Gallus.” He thanked the tall adult and made sure his backpack was secured on his back before he hopped off the open door and didn’t look back. Maybe if he put on a brave face and did his best not to look like he had just been kicked out, all the northerner spies would miss him. Hopefully, they’d fall for the distraction the hippogriffs had come up with. Past the large glass doors, the white marble on the floor and all the sculptures pretending they were waves reminded Gallus of Cloudsdale’s cloud sculptures. Literally, clouds made of clouds, except waves made of stones. But Gallus was not there to see the decoration. He kept avoiding stares while making a beeline to the line of check-in desks at the back. Most of the queueing creatures were off to the left where the ticket selling desks were. Without a queue in the way, Gallus walked straight to the check-in desks by the back wall. The plaque of the blue sailfin was easy to identify, and he kept his eyes below the chest line, walking among hippogriffs going to their own desks. Only once he arrived, he looked up to see the adorable and cheerful honey-colored hippogriff lady behind it. Yellow curious eyes all over him and a perky, loud greeting. “Hi, mister! Welcome to Flying Fish Freights and Ferries! How can I help you?!” she quipped while her bouncy manners made her little cyan cap jump from her head. He held his grimace back and gave her the ticket, speaking almost as though he was sharing a secret with her. “Hello. Beachhome, please. It’s already been paid for me in advance.” She took the white and gold slip, hummed while her eyes scanned it and Gallus coughed into his fist. She turned it around and nodded. Finally, she piped and grinned again. “All righty! Beachhome, single, medium class, no luggage! You can proceed to the lounge number five, Mister Gaius! You almost missed you ship! Aren’t you a big boy traveling alone?” ‘Mister Gaius’ glared at the perky attendant. “I’m not a child, you know. I’m almost seventeen.” “You sure are not!” She said with a giggle and returned his ticket to him. “Bye! Have a delightful trip, Mister Gaius!” Annoyed, but sufficiently in a hurry, he let it go, and walked past the desk while he put the ticket in a side pocket of his backpack. A large, gray and white griffon wore a little cyan jacket about to burst open with all the fluff and muscle in his chest. Gallus avoided staring at him and hurried past the door he opened for him and into the corridor on the other side. It was a simple corridor with magical illumination fixtures on the ceiling, elegant milky globes shedding a comfortable light in the mostly unused hallway. Gallus shared it with hippogriff and griffon security, watching as creatures streamed out of a door. A red carpet strip and a sign asked them not to linger and to follow it to Arrivals while Gallus read the signs, looking for Lounge 5. A mercifully short and uneventful walk took him to an open glass door waiting for him. Cyan dominated the lounge, closely followed by white, and Gallus was sure someone meant the things looking like clouds were sculptures of waves. Posts and ropes separated the long hall into different lounges for individual companies, each decorated with different colors, but most of them had the same furnishings. Coffee tables, sofas, sitting pillows, like they all bought at the same store, and just painted in their colors. He stopped and gasped. Not only he was probably the last passenger to arrive, given how full the lounge was, but that place was full of griffons. Of course it was. The line connected Griffonia and Hippogriffia. Every single catbird that had business in the hippogriff islands probably used that line. And every single one of them stared his way and gave him a weird stare. Instead of blocking the door with a grimace, he coughed into his wing and walked with his head down to sit on one of the pillows close to the entrance. It gave him a good view of the lounge and thankfully, nobody seemed to mind his presence anymore. Only then he noticed how stiff his posture was and how much his paws trembled. There was no need for that. It was not like some northerner agent was going to try and nab him in the middle of a lounge full of witnesses. Kidnapping was still a crime. Thus, he did his best to slow his breathing down, but his stomach never stopped hurting. Everywhere he looked, a pair of eyes stared at him. Pretending he was not seeing anything, Gallus took off his backpack and picked up one of his comics to read. He could not care less about Mane-iac and her plans to undo every mane-do in the world; his eyes kept glancing over the edge of the comic. Making sure no one was sneaking at him. Wide glass panes allowed a glorious view of their ship. A magnificent early steamship berthed to a dock under the sun in the clear sky. Hippogriffs flew everywhere, busying all over the steamship and carrying ropes and random things. Designed to allow the passengers to lounge about on an upper deck, it was basically a flat seafaring structure with what looked like a two-story house on top. Most distinctive were the cyan painting, the sailfin painted on the bow, the tall twin exhaust towers, and the paddle wheels. Gallus frowned behind his shield. No griffons worked on the vessel, at least. “How do you fare, lad?” a masculine voice rattled him. His comic dropped from his shaking paws. A mid-aged griffon stared at Gallus. Large and imposing, he was crimson like blood with golden feathers. The hen next to him, elegant and motherly, was turquoise and gray. He wore a fancy black waist coat, shiny with the pristine and quality material, complemented by a top hat. His wife, Gallus assumed, wore a bare-back cyan dress with white frills she must have bought on Mount Aris. Both shared a concerned stare over him, and he imagined his reaction to being addressed didn’t help. “Goodness gracious, child.” She gabbed and raised a paw in a calming gesture, showing fingers adorned with gold and sapphire. “You look rather faint, as if you were about to swoon. Pray tell, what ails you?” “Could you tell us where your parents might be?” The male asked right away, just as concerned as she was. “I ah… I’m kinda traveling on my own. I know what I’m doing. But thanks. Yeah. Thanks. I’m just kinda nervous.” He concluded and offered them an awkward, strained smile. While the male nodded at his words, the female chuckled and smiled warmly at him. “It’s alright, sweetie. You can travel with us if you—” “No!” he cried and startled her. His wide eyes could barely convince anyone, and his stuttering let his dread at being found too evident. His face contorted into a frown; he hated his clumsy reaction and changed his expression into a grin, a forced and false one. “I mean… No. I don’t need it. It’s not a good idea. That is… I don’t want to be a bother. And… Uh…” “All aboard!” a yellow hippogriff in the company’s colors yelled from the door leading outside. Gallus hastily collected his comic book and excused himself, carrying his backpack on his beak and leaping from his seat. The couple tried talking to him again, but the blue griffon ignored them. He rushed to the exit in between other passengers and ended bumping against one of them as he talked to the company’s employee. It earned an angry stare, but he managed to put some creatures between him and that couple. Thank the heavens nobody made an issue out of it either. After presenting his ticket, he rushed past the hippogriff as soon as the griffon in front of him was through the door. Outside, Gallus put on his backpack again and hurried across the cobblestone platform, cutting in front of several passengers and ignoring their complaints. Before stepping on the boarding ramp, another hippogriff employee of the company gave him a stern frown, but said nothing to his sheepish, apologetic grin. Upon getting Gallus’ ticket, the hippogriff shook his head and stowed it away, gesturing the griffon onto the board. What mattered was that Gallus seemed to have lost the couple and was boarding the ship. It swayed softly in the calm waters of the Hippogriffian archipelago, and the steel and wood ramp rocked with it. Below, the water was so clear Gallus could see the colorful corals on the seafloor and a team of seaponies making the final verifications of the painted wooden hull. Several round windows dotted the front half of the ship. But that was not all. Several hippogriffs in the company’s uniform kept watching the boarding passengers and at least one of them kept his eyes on Gallus too long for comfort. As soon as he stepped on the tightly fitted planks of the deck, its openness seemed filled with eyes searching for him and it wrecked his nerves as badly as the crowded lounge. Griffons that did not disembark and lounged about the deck, crewmember hippogriffs, and even a pony family, all watched him. With all those griffons embarking after him, he decided he wanted a roof over his head, because the crewmember hippogriffs too were making him nervous. The entrance to the superstructure was mercifully lacking in griffons, and a couple of cute hippogriff attendant ladies greeted the anxious and hasty Gallus despite being ignored. The inside too reminded him of the lounge. Wide windows showed the deck outside, and comfortable seating waited for the passengers, but eyes everywhere still looked at him. A bar sported a plaque saying they dealt with underdeck cabins. That seemed like a good idea, but he decided for it when he glimpsed the fancily dressed couple looking around the deck outside. Gallus used all the self-restraint in his kernel not to gallop like a stampeding panicked pony to the reception desk. Short of crashing against the fancy varnished wood and golden strips of the counter, he squawked and coughed while startling the older hippogriff mare on the other side. Before her dark gray self could complain, Gallus raised a finger. “Cabin! I need one!” his voice came out too loud and earned him an awkward stare. “Is everything alright, young sir?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and her voice showed concern more than anger. He half-hid behind the counter when the rich griffon hen looked his way through the windows. His words blurted out at the attendant. “No! I mean… No. I’m just. Tired. Exhausted. I gotta take a rest. Like… Right now!” “I see.” The hippogriff on the other side didn’t seem particularly convinced, looking the way he was looking. “Do you need me to call security?” At his negative response, she asked him for his embarking card. At his confusion, she quickly explained she understood he had no reservations, but that it was not a problem either. She turned to look at the key rack behind her with a single, solitary set of golden keys. “I do have a canceled reservation for the Royal Suite. That will be two-hundred Bits.” “Two-honking-hundred?!” Gallus yelped and immediately clacked his beak shut as all the nearby passengers turned to him. “I-I’ll take it! Here!” Almost slamming the golden coins on the counter, he urged the mare to hurry. She laid the keys for him to take them, but gave him a worried sideways glance. “Sir, are you sure you don’t want me to call security?” “No!” He cried and yanked the keyring from the table. “Just… Ah… Nothing!” He held it in his beak and turned around. Only three ways out of the lounge. One was a door at the back marked ‘crew only’. Another was the glass door through which the rich couple was about to enter. He dashed for the stairs down and found an internal corridor with a couple of chatting hippogriffs. A plaque showed the Royal Suite was past the double doors at the end of the corridor. He galloped, barely restraining his impulse to take flight, and shoved a hippogriff mare out of the way. Someone complained about him running, but Gallus ignored them. Did not even look back, slamming against the doors and struggling to fit the key. Once he managed to open the doors, he jumped inside and locked them. Finally, he stood with his back to the door and breathed. “Dammit, get a hold of yourself, man!” he shut his eyes forcefully, holding his head in his paws. “They were just some nice creatures worried about you. I probably drew more attention to myself than I would have gotten.” Having said that, he raised his eyes to his room and his beak hung open for longer than it would have been acceptable was he staring at Silverstream’s hindquarters. It was not a room. A room had a bed, a wardrobe, maybe a window and some lighting. That place had a giant bed, three windows with a secluded little office, which even had a safe and a set of sofas. And the office was secluded because it was hidden behind the room’s own bathroom, and the bathroom had a shower and a squat toilet. It even had a small bathtub. It was almost as good as his room in the palace. He even had a phone with a handwritten paper, in exquisite penmanship, with the numbers for a kitchen, room service and the laundry. Beyond all that, the place was full of shiny whites, cyan arabesques, and golden metals. The room even had fancy magical light fixtures, an elaborate Saddle Arabian rug and garment holders like elegant statues of velvet in the shape of hippogriffs. Gallus was awestruck. The ship didn’t even seem that large to need those things. Well, he may spend the entire trip secluded inside his room, but he had a pleasant view out of the ship’s bow and all the luxury he could ever want. For better or worse, all he had to do was wait until they arrived and keep those doors shut. Just in case, he closed the curtains in front of the windows.
David Silver
Other,Princess Luna,Raven Inkwell,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Dark as Ink at Night
Raven Inkwell was the loyal secretary of the princess, but then a new princess came along. She'd have to learn a new place in Equestria to be useful, and deal with an old princess at the same time.
<p>Raven Inkwell was the loyal secretary of the princess, but then a new princess came along. She'd have to learn a new place in Equestria to be useful, and deal with an old princess at the same time.</p><p>Done as a collab with RadicalDishonesty!</p><p>Should be updated once per week.</p>
Raven Inkwell considered her words, scrawled out busily with her floating quill, her horn glowing gently as she worked. She had the entire day worked out, one event after the other. "Your highness." She looked at Twilight Sparkle, sitting tall on the throne. "I've prepared your schedule." Celestia would have smiled. She would have thanked Raven for her work and took the list for study. Twilight, instead, looked surprised. "I mentioned this before." Her magic easily took the note from Raven. "But I have my scheduling thoroughly prepared. Thank you for the effort, but your talents are better used elsewhere." “Princess,” Raven watched her notes end up in the out box, “You don’t have to do that. My job is to be on top of these things for you.” Twilight pursed her lips briefly, but smiled after. “I know, Raven, but I like to be on top of these things myself, and even for that I have my assistant,” she waved her hoof at a small dragon who was carrying a stack of papers nearly as large as himself. Spike smiled uneasily and tried to hide behind them. Twilight took the stack of papers, pulling out a smaller package of them. “And I meant it, when I said your talents were needed elsewhere.” The package was presented to Raven. “I have a task for you.” Raven took the package, opening it up– —-- Raven’s hoof slipped as she stepped off of the giant log, causing her to splat down in the wet mud underneath. While she had remained on the path Princess Twilight had suggested, the forest remained untamed. It was wet in places a pony needed to step, and sported no few dangers. "Stick to the path," she reminded herself as she pressed forward. "I'll be there shortly." She looked ahead to where she hoped to see the top of a castle, but only trees taunted her in that dense forest of the Everfree. Eventually, though, the trees began to thin. Small bushes turned to clumps of wildflowers, and soon Raven stood before the decaying structure she knew well: the Old Castle. The castle of the Twin Sisters. One of whom used to be her boss, her literal sun, and her reason for being. The castle did not look good. Most of it still stood, but what parts fell into ruin had done so thoroughly. Broken spires jutted out, vines had taken hold across the walls. What windows were left were almost all shattered. But Raven took pride in her job, already thinking through what had to be repaired and in what order those would have to be done in order to see the task done. "I won't fail in this." She made her way into the ruins proper. The interior definitely was not designed in the same way that Canterlot Castle was. The areas in it remained dark, often having corridors with small slits to let in enough light to see, but not enough light to really illuminate the surroundings. The walls were peppered with books and tapestries, too. All valuable historical artifacts, by now, and Raven only wanted to touch them when she had something to do with them, leaving them safe for now. And she noted passages deeper into the castle. Princess Twilight’s notes included that there were underground chambers and secret passageways, which she would have to map out more comprehensively as well. As she explored, looking for a place with enough light to spread out, she found the significant (and possibly active) landmark of note: a glimmering crystal house that was also a crystal tree, the regrowth from the Tree of Harmony, with ties to some of the students of Twilight’s friendship school, back in Ponyville. She peered into it, and in stark contrast to the dilapidated castle, the interior was opulent and new. But also it appeared empty, and Raven was here to fix up the castle. In fact, she would have to be sure the new layout could accommodate this tree, and potentially even accommodate it growing over time. There were lots of ways this project could go, and each of them more complex than the last. And yet, Raven couldn't help but feel excitement. She could prove to Twilight she was worth her talents beyond scheduling. Perhaps that would help open her new ruler and boss to accept her help in scheduling? She paused, ears pricking at a sound. Had something moved? Perhaps it was a wild beast. Raven scowled in its direction, considering her options. While hiding was a perfectly acceptable option, it felt like a dead end. She had to control the castle, not hide from part of it. She strode towards it instead. "Whatever you are, I am Raven Inkwell, and I come with royal authority." Not that a cockatrice would care too much about that. But, coming around the corner, she saw no monster. Instead, royalty, dark furred and with a delicate frown of thought. "Princess Luna?!" Raven jumped with surprise. "I didn't expect you to be here." Luna examined Raven for a quiet moment. "I could say much the same. But this is my castle, so I would say you are the pony in the less likely position, if we had to compare." She rose to her metal-clad hooves. "Why are you here?" "For the restoration project, Princess Luna." Raven glanced at her papers. "I thought you had retired, with your sister. Where is she?" Luna shook her head. "It does not matter." And she started to walk past Raven, back out the way she came. "Not here." Raven grimaced and wheeled around, following Luna. “Well,” she removed the paperwork and hovered them in front of Luna. Luna did not take the papers like Celestia would. “I am tasked with restoring this–” She bumped against the wall, losing some distance, and trotted to try to keep up. “--historic site to a condition that might be usable again.” Was it her imagination, or did Luna speed up? She was certainly having trouble keeping up. “And preserving the information and books within.” Luna abruptly stopped, causing Raven to stumble in place. “But why are you here? Shouldn’t you be keeping a schedule for Twilight Sparkle? Taking notes? Making sure the Diplomats have the tea in time for them to meet with her?” She was so large. Obviously Celestia and Luna were always large, but Celestia was always approachable. Luna was big and staring Raven down with a sour expression. “W-well,” Raven struggled to regain her social footing, standing up. “Princess Twilight Sparkle tasked me with doing this,” She hovered the page showing that it was signed with Twilight’s seal, indicating she personally supervised the paperwork. Luna’s sour expression deepened. Raven got defensive. Of course it had to be Twilight who assigned this to her. She wouldn't have taken this on herself. "My normal work has been reassigned, as Twilight sees fit." Luna waved Raven away. "And, as she orders, and my sister ordered before her, so you must do." Raven felt stunned, smashed by those words. "O-of course?" She couldn't even comprehend an alternative. "They are my liege, and I am their humble servant. This is my job." Luna leveled a hoof at Raven. "I am also a princess of Equestria. Will you listen to my commands?" Raven's gut clenched. The Moon Princess had vanished for years. The idea she was giving direct commands was absurd, considering she had also retired alongside her sister. Luna's eyes narrowed, and she bared her teeth, with fangs gleaming. "I thought not. My domain remains mine. My sister did not see to its disposition, nor did Twilight Sparkle." "And what--" Raven stopped her question, realizing the answer. "Dreams?" "Of course." Luna half-lidded her eyes. "What else would I speak of? Dreams, and the night. Neither of which have another ruler to take their charge. Now, I have a question for you." She nodded at the papers Raven floated along. "Do those tell you what this castle will be used for, in Twilight's mad fantasies?" Raven tried to regain control of the situation. "It is not my place to ponder such things, but Princess Twilight Sparkle intends to use it as a museum." Luna chuckled dryly. "A museum. My entire foalhood--" She sighed gently, turning away. "Turned into an attraction for gawkers." “It’s not gawkers,” Raven argued “It would help this generation gain an appreciation for the events of ancient history.” Luna turned back. “Ancient…” Raven’s expression fell, hearing this response. “If you hadn’t noticed, I am still here.” Luna’s expression was obscured by her facing. “I remain.” “I’m sorry,” Raven scrambled to recover. “It was a slip, it was just… a thousand years ago.” “A thousand years that I was not around for, you mean,” Luna said. Raven considered her trusty clipboard and flipped through it, horn glowing with her lifting magic. "Then, may I propose, this may be of use to you as well, Your Highness." Luna turned around, looking at Raven curiously. Raven presented the top paper, on which were details of her current plans. "We intend to restore the castle to the glory of your youth. In this plan, we'll get to all of the old sections. As we work on this, we will, and must, explain the differences and demonstrate them, of those days, and these." She waved out over the area the castle was in, even if it was night. "Ponies must appreciate the changes, for good, or ill." Luna was silent for a moment, before raising a hoof. "These pages indicate nothing of the sort. They're mostly about renovations to make it livable for your workers. There is not one word about preserving it. No word about leaving any of it untouched. And not even a hint that you will document or label what is different between the old ways and the new ways." Raven adjusted her glasses with a sly smirk. "Astute, but, ma'am, this is only step one. Our first priority is to get this castle intact, so that no further damage can befall it, or its contents. Only then can we even consider what we will do with it all." “And then where is it written that Twilight Sparkle’s intention is to use it as a museum?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “It’s what she told me–” Raven began. “And even if this were true, then it would be turned into one of those awful ‘tourist traps’ that I have been subjected to to show me the various histories of Equestria?” Luna began to pace. “A record of lives, robbed of their gravitas, a place for ponies to go when they need a place to amuse their foals for an afternoon?” “I would not--” Raven was cut off again. “Wouldn’t you?” Luna stepped up. “I saw the memorial to Commander Hurricane. And I saw a group of schoolfoals bored, trying to sneak away. I saw the ancient site where earth ponies commemorate their relationship to the land, and I saw some ponies selling an oversized hat to wear to look like a tree. “Did those ponies believe they were honoring the past? I’m sure. But instead they either turned it stale or turned it into a place to do commerce.” “But–” Raven began again. “This is what Princess Twilight wants.” “I have met Twilight Sparkle before, Miss Inkwell. I do not believe she has a very realistic opinion on the use and regard of such sites.” Raven clenched her teeth, a thousand ideas jostling in her mind, but not a single one of them coming to her lips. "You don't have all the answers." Luna turned away. "Just commands from a ruler wet behind both ears." She marched away without another word, path straight and wings tight. Raven opened her mouth, but nothing came out. The frustration filled her up inside. She grabbed a book from the shelves and threw it in Luna's wake, sending it tumbling into a wall and crumpling to the ground. She realized a moment later the crime she had committed and grabbed the book with her magic, floating it over. She sighed miserably as she put the book back where it belonged. "It didn't deserve that. I am better than that." She closed her eyes, doing her best to regather herself. "My mission is--" She swelled with her breath. "--unchanged." But then, once she had a full breath in, she couldn't let it out. What was wrong with her? Why didn't she argue back with Luna? Why was she so afraid? And she bit back a scream as she took out her quill and started writing out her schedule and observations for that day, trying to calm down. She kept at this for several minutes, before her own actions occurred to her. She frowned deeply. She should be working on this project, not fretting about whether her princess would approve of her. "I need to take full measure." She rose to her hooves. "I need to hire construction ponies. There are things that must be done, and I am here, feeling poorly for myself. What would Celestia think?" She cringed, realizing what she had said. "What indeed?"
Original Character,Sunburst,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Night of Imagination
On one cold winter day, Midsummer Dream settles down by the fire for a cozy night in.
<p><i>On one cold winter day, Midsummer Dream settles down by the fire for a cozy night in.</i></p><p>Contains wet and messy diapers, and hints at plushophilia. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.</p>
It was midwinter in Ponyville and the season had draped the town in a pristine blanket of snow, transforming the familiar landscapes into a tranquil winter wonderland. The town's houses stood adorned with frosty trims, their roofs sporting glistening crowns of icicles. Ponies clad in scarves and hats strolled through the snowy lanes, their breath creating delicate puffs of mist in the chilled air. The atmosphere was brisk, crisp, and serene, the perfect kind of weather that invited everyone to stay indoors where it was warm and comfortable. Midsummer Dream watched the snow fall over the town from the comfort of his kitchen window. As he stood by the stove, the gentle glow of the kitchen light spilled over the room, casting a warm ambiance. The rhythmic sound of a pot of water warming and the fire burner created a soothing duet, a soft background melody to the wintry symphony outside. A large baby bottle of milk gradually warmed in the heated water. His eyes traced the descent of delicate snowflakes, each one a unique masterpiece as it pirouetted from the sky. His hooves occasionally tapped out an unheard melody, aimlessly drumming the serene seconds away as he watched the snow fall outside. The flurries outside only seemed to intensify as he continued to watch. Even with the stove on, he could feel the icy window sapping the heat, urging him to curl up in some blankets in the very near future. After a few more minutes, he extracted the glass bottle from the steaming water. He splashed a few drops of milk on his hoof to ensure that the milk was indeed the perfect temperature. Maybe a little hotter than perfect, but that was okay. He had planned on letting it sit a little bit anyway. With the bottle in hoof, the earth pony trotted merrily into his living room. Although it was more of a waddle because Dreamer decided today was the perfect time to wear a diaper. The diaper was pillowy thick, his preferred type of diaper and was a snowy white. He normally preferred the cute and vibrant designs with soft little animals or colorful shapes printed on them, but there was certainly something special about a simple white diaper. So clean and pristine, it easily matched his white and purple mane and, if the situation called for it, was so easy to see if it was used or not. This was Dreamer’s third favorite place to read a good book and what a cozy place it was. The centerpiece of the room was a crackling fireplace, its warm glow casting a gentle dance of shadows on the walls. In front of the fireplace sat a comfy and inviting couch piled high with soft blankets and plump pillows in hues that echoed the serene tones of winter. Nearby, a well-loved armchair stood as a companion to the couch. It bore the marks of countless cozy evenings, its fabric softened by use and its arms showing the gentle wear of hooves finding their favorite resting spots. A side table, adorned with a vintage lamp, stood between the two seats. This room, like many of Dreamer’s favorite places to read, had its fair share of bookshelves lined with books of all sorts of lengths and sizes. As he stood there taking in the perfectly cozy room he had expertly carved in the chilly house, Dreamer had half a mind to crack open one of the books and start reading, but he resisted the urge. Tonight was going to be special. No need for reading. He had someone waiting for him. He stopped in front of the welcoming couch that sat near the center of the living space. A pony-sized mass waited on top the middle cushion, bundled up under layers of warm blankets. With his thickly diapered rump wagging and wiggling behind him, he climbed up near one of the couch’s arms and settled in. “You’re hogging all the blankets again!” he huffed, “gimme some!” He gave the pile a good tug, dislodging the various layers of warmth that were stacked up high on the couch. The blankets were pulled this way and that, simultaneously giving him some much needed slack and revealing the blanket hog who was hiding underneath it all. It was a pony plushie, life sized even, tailored to be huggable, loveable, and perfectly resembling The Royal Crystaller Sunburst. It was among one of Dreamer’s most treasured possessions. Dreamer tried his best to scowl at the plushie for being so greedy, but he could hardly muster a sour expression as he stared back at the toy. He couldn’t stay mad at Sunburst, not while he kept looking so handsome. Instead he snuggled into the nest of blankets, wiggling with a little giggle as he nuzzled in close to the large toy. He even lifted one of the plushie’s heavy, bean bag-like hooves over his shoulder like Sunburst was pulling him in for a snuggle. Rebundling up wasn’t that difficult either. Once he was all settled in, he grabbed whatever blanket he could grab, layering each one on top of the pair. The ambient cold of the room was chased away with each added sheet, replacing it with a cozy warmth that only the snuggest of bugs could enjoy. And there was no snuggly bug like Dreamer. He could hardly sit still as his body just wanted to wiggle inside the comfy bundle of blankets that surrounded him and his Sunburst plushie. He could hardly contain his excitement as his body bubbled with giddy feelings of cuddling with his most favorite pony. When he finally got comfortable, he scootched right up beside Sunburst, nuzzling into the plush pony’s side as he hugged its cotton filled midsection and draped a weighted hoof over his shoulders. From here he just snuggled more into the toy, giggling to himself as the soft fabrics brushed against his fur in that special way that only soft, freshly laundered fabric could. He hugged him close, nuzzled his side, and even gave the plushie’s belly a couple of rubs which he knew Sunburst really enjoyed. However as he nuzzled and hugged and rubbed, his hoof oh so accidently fell a bit lower than the plushie’s cotton filled belly and brushed itself against something around the toy’s waist. Something plasticy and crinkly. Dreamer let out an exaggerated gasp, “what’s THIS?” He prodded the plushie’s extra thick diaper with a pretend curious hoof, “Sunburst, are you wearing a DIAPER?” He tried his hardest not to smile. The plushie didn’t say anything. Dreamer imagined that it was because Sunburst would be too flustered to come up with a good excuse quickly enough. Afterall, he was a MATURE and ADULT pony, much too grown-up to be wearing a diaper! Gosh how silly Sunburst would have felt if he was caught wearing something so infantile! It took Dreamer forever to get the diaper on the Sunburst plushie. He didn’t have that much experience diapering others and Sunburst, being a toy and all, really didn’t provide much helpful feedback when the front and back were uneven or the tapes were crooked. He ended up having to double diaper the stuffed toy because he messed up the first one’s tapes so badly. But that was okay, it meant Sunburst had an extra fluffier diaper butt. Even fluffier than his own! Dreamer knew very well that the real Sunburst probably didn’t wear diapers. It would have been hard to believe that a smart stallion like him would be able to find time in his busy schedule as the Royal Crystaller to indulge in something so silly. But Dreamer couldn't help but imagine it. The thought brought a smile to his face, as he pictured Sunburst waddling around with a thick, fluffy diaper bulging from under his regal robes. Not taking bathroom breaks but instead wetting himself when the desire struck him. Dreamer of course knew it was a silly thought, but sometimes it was nice to let his imagination run wild and forget about the responsibilities of adulthood for a moment. In his mind, Sunburst was just a silly, carefree colt, enjoying the simple pleasures of life. And for Dreamer, that was enough. “That’s okay, Sunburst, you don’t have to be embarrassed,” Dreamer finally said as he lifted up the blankets and revealed his own diaper to the plushie as if it was the first time such a secret thing was revealed. “I’m wearing diapers too!” That seemed to help Sunburst relax. Or at least that’s how Dreamer imagined Sunburst would react. It was much less embarrassing when you weren’t the only one wearing a diaper. Dreamer gave the plushie his best reassuring hug to let Sunburst know that it was perfectly okay to wear a diaper. He hugged the plushie some more, which very quickly turned into more giddy snuggling as he basked in that wonderful buzz in his chest while his mind was flooded with feel-good hugging chemicals. After much wiggling and cuddling, Dreamer eventually tired himself out. He must have snuggled and cuddled Sunburst for at least another half hour before he settled back down into a more casual lounge. He watched the fire crackle as he held the plushie close with a sigh. Ever so steadily a gentle stillness fell over the moment. The only thing heard was the earth pony’s quiet breathing and the gentle snapping of firewood. The flames painted a dance of shadows on the walls, creating a hypnotic display that captivated Dreamer's lethargic and content gaze. The flickering light cast a warm glow on his blushing cheeks, turning it into a haven of coziness. Dreamer's thoughts drifted, carried away by the crackling fire and the comforting presence of his plushie friend. With a contented sigh, he allowed himself to be enveloped by the calm, sinking into the posh embrace of the couch, the warmth of the fire, and the soft companionship of Sunburst. A few more minutes of stillness passed before he started to shift in his seat. Then he started to wiggle which only got more exaggerated and energetic as he became visibly frustrated with something. He curled his legs up for a moment before plopping them down with a huff, he closed his eyes and got red in the face for a bit only to open them up and grunt in discomfort. After a few more minutes he exhaled sharply as he caught his breath. Still no luck! He scowled at nothing. He felt that this should be so much easier. He was just going to the bathroom. Nothing unnatural about that. It should have just...happened. “I can’t go like this!” he professed to the empty room with a frustrated huff. Leaving the warm nest behind, Dreamer kicked off the layers of blankets and hopped to his feet with a frustrated stomp of his hooves. The hardwood floor felt like ice against his warmed up hooves, nearly scaring him back into his cozy retreat. But he was determined now. He so wanted to poop in his big baby diapers! He squatted in front of the couch, leaning his forehooves into it as his eyes shut. He grunted some more, got red in the face some more, and even fidgetted and fussed some more, hoping something would help things along. Despite him being pretty sure it shouldn’t be so difficult, it was in fact quite difficult for him to actually soil himself like this. What would Sunburst say in a time like this? He would probably tell Dreamer to relax and not get so worked up about it. If it WAS as natural and as easy as he claimed it was, Dreamer imagined Sunburst to say, then stressing out about it won’t do him any good. He should relax, he’d probably say, relax and just let nature go its course. Dreamer took a deep breath, trying to follow Sunburst's advice. He closed his eyes and focused on calming his mind and letting his body take over. He waited and then waited and then waited some more. Sadly, much to his disappointment, nothing happened and his diaper was left disappointingly clean. He was having trouble overcoming those years of potty training, the hundreds of times he’s used the toilet since his actual foal days. Something in him, despite being thickly diapered and willingly wanting to soil himself, resisted this desire, knowing deep down that it wasn’t the right place to go poop. Something in his mind knew that he wasn’t a little foal having an accident. Maybe what he was trying to do was a psychosomatic impossibility. Or maybe he was overthinking all of this. After much huffing and much pushing, Dreamer finally gave up. He stomped the ground with a hoof in frustration. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t do it. The real Sunburst would have probably had a lot to say about it. He was such a smart pony. But the Sunburst plushie simply sat there, staring blankly back at Dreamer once the stallion finally gave up. “I can’t! It’s impossible,” Dreamer conceded. Sunburst said he was being silly. He knew he was being silly, but this should have been SO much easier. Dreamer climbed back into the nest of warmth with a frustrated huff. With his diapered butt crinkling loudly behind him, he plopped back into the bundle of blankets. He scowled at the fire for a bit before sighing and throwing a glance over at the glass bottle of milk sitting on a nearby end table. He was saving it as a reward for being a good diaper filler, but he decided it would be more useful as a pick-me-up. “Gosh, a bottle of milk? For me?” Dreamer asked the plushie. Sunburst, once again, said nothing. Still, Dreamer happily accepted the treat, swiftly popping it into his muzzle. He snuggled back into place next to Sunburst and quickly warmed back up. Pooping himself could wait. He started things slowly to really savor the moment. First was a careful sip that allowed the warm milk to trickle gently into his mouth. The heat could be felt running down his throat and into his tummy, warming it all up as it went on. As he drank, he let himself sink back into the supporting arm of Sunburst. The rhythmic suckling sounds blended with the crackling fire, creating a soothing melody that reverberated in the quiet room. Suddenly a loud gurgle caused the stallion to groan and he was all of a sudden overcome with a rolling pressure. It didn’t matter now whether he was standing or sitting, his body was overwhelmed with the urge to push. He had only seconds to scramble to a more comfortable position and found himself hopping off the couch in a blur of blankets before he had to unconsciously answer the call of nature. A dozen or so blankets came pouring down to the floor as Dreamer hastily got into position. He squatted down before the couch, his diaper-clad bottom hovering just above the floor. His face scrunched up as he began to fill his diaper, his hooves holding onto the couch for support. The room was filled with the soft rustling of the diaper and the gentle sounds of the stallion's grunts. Gradually the diaper began to sag and bulge in the back, growing heavier with each passing moment. The area took on a faintly darker hue, stained by the soft, mushy mess that now formed lumps and contoured the once-smooth shape. Meanwhile, his bladder decided to join in as well and the once pristine white front started to darken. A small trickle of warmth spread through the diaper, seeping into the absorbent material and caused it to swell and bulge. The diaper swelled, sagging slightly under the weight. Once he was finished, Dreamer's expression relaxed into one of relief. A contented sigh escaped his muzzle as he settled back onto his heels, satisfied with his accomplishment. As sweet relief rolled over the panting stallion, he looked up from his spot in front of the couch. Staring back at him, with an expression he assumed to be a mix of surprise and frustration, was Sunburst. “S-sorry...” Dreamer said to the plushie, genuinely guilty about the whole thing. To think he just...pooped himself in front of Sunburst like that. No warning, no asking for permission, just...filled his diapers. How so very rude! If Sunburst were here - the real Sunburst - he would have DEFINITELY found that disrespectful. And to make matters worse, he did it while they were in the middle of an intimate snuggle session. Surely it would have ruined the moment. It was enough to temporarily pull him loose from the vice of playtime. He shouldn’t have even DONE that. "Wh-what's that, Sunburst?" Dreamer looked up from his guilty stuper. The plushie looked back at him with its unblinking eyes in a sort of understanding kind of way as if to say... "y-you're not upset that know?" Dreamer went on. The more he thought about it the more he realized Sunburst wouldn't have been that upset about him messing himself while snuggling with him. Surprised at first, maybe, but...that’s what diapers were for, right? Maybe he was just over reacting. It was all rather sudden, sure, least he was wearing a diaper, right? And the diaper did kinda feel nice this way. It stunk and Dreamer’s conscience told him that it was wrong to be so dirty, but it was kinda fun wearing it. Afterall, it WAS a diaper. The downtrodden shame on the stallion’s deflated face slowly melted into a smirk as he squirmed. That smirk turned into a smile and the rest of his face followed shortly after. That’s what diapers were for! Recovering from the grief ridden accident, Dreamer pulled the big plushie into his arms for a big big hug. “Thanks, Sunburst!” Dreamer beamed, nuzzling into the plushie’s face and climbing back into the nest, “wh-what’s that, Sunburst?” The plushie, mute as always, just stared at him for a moment or two until Dreamer’s cheeks filled with an embarrassed blush. “Y-you wanna...f-feel my diaper?” Picking up one of Sunburst’s weighted hooves, Dreamer snaked it around to his lumpy backside. He shoved the hoof against his diaper butt, gasping and shivering as the mushy mess inside oozed around. The mucky sensation caused his cock to stir and before he knew it he was thrusting into Sunburst, pressing the diaper against the toy’s fluff filled body. Sinking into the many layers of blankets, Dreamer’s heavy, mucky diaper found itself pressed against Sunburst’s double thick diaper as both of them pressed into each other. Dreamer let out a shivering gasp as his soggy diaper crotch made contact with Sunburst’s. It was a delightful contrast, playing this way. He rubbed his stinky, soggy, and wet diaper against Sunburst’s diaper which was, very noticeably, pristine and perfectly unused. It was so very naughty of him! Here he was teasing Sunburst for wearing a diaper and he was the one who ended up filling his like some kind of FOAL! “Mmph! Sunburst! Sunburst! I-I’m a-a...I’m a stinky diaper foal...” the words made Dreamer giddy and wiggly. He wanted to say more of them. “I-I f-filled my diapers! I filled my diapers!” He moaned now, reaching a hoof back behind him to press the stinky mush himself, “I-I...Poopied my diapers!” He thrusted his tenting diaper crotch against Sunburst’s. The smell of his shame floated over the scene like a constant, sour reminder of his naughty behavior. Crinkles and squishes sounded through the room as Dreamer squirmed and moaned and grinded. Meanwhile Sunburst was loving it. Sure, Dreamer was doing all the work, but he didn’t mind that one bit. Especially for such a cute, intelligent pony like Sunburst. He looked especially cute in such a thick diaper. More blankets fell to the floor as Dreamer’s movements became more frenzied and lustful. Even more were tossed aside as his snuggly nest became too warm after his body heated up with arousal. Faster and faster he humped the diapered plushie. Between thrusts he’d squeeze his hooves against the back of the messy diaper, egging him on further and further. His humps became more hasty, more feverish, and his lust for Sunburst grew with it. “S-spank my poopy diaper butt, Sunburst!” he moaned, “I-I’m a poopy foal!” Finally his cock strained and throbbed inside the squishy confines of the diaper and then, with a squeaky, strained sigh, he emptied into the soggy diaper, coating the crotch with the sticky load. Every muscle tensed as he rode out the pleasurable orgasm. After several minutes of silence, he collapsed on top of the plushie, his chest heaving from all the effort. The fresh linen scent of the plushie filled his lungs as he breathed in deep. With his muzzle so deeply buried in the fuzzy fabric, he could only just barely smell anything else. When he finally recovered from the intense orgasm, he pulled himself off the plushie and gave it a kiss on its fuzzy cheek. “Thanks, Sunburst,” Dreamer smiled, nuzzling the toy. He craned his neck downwards to see the hefty diaper that hung heavily. Its gels were well used, swollen, and clumped up away from his slowly fading erection. “I-I should probably change,” he then said, feeling kind of guilty he did...all that. “What’s that, Sunburst?” Again silence before Dreamer blushed. “Oh...well I guess I don’t have to change RIGHT AWAY...” Sunburst couldn’t agree more. In fact, the plushie praised Dreamer for being such a good boy. Afterall, it felt good to be in diapers, no matter how full they got. And in a silly, naughty kind of way, they made Dreamer’s cuddly nest all the more cozy.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
White. That was all Twilight could see in the corners of her vision. Her eyes focused, locking in on the wolves before her. They weren't the timber wolves she was normally used to. They were flesh, blood, and bone. She gulped, turning her head towards the child next to her - a human girl no older than eight or nine. She remained still, frozen in terror as the beasts bared their teeth. At any moment, they appeared ready to pounce, and then...They changed. Like night and day, their personalities transformed. They grew docile, whimpering in contrition for scaring the duo. The leader approached the girl, nuzzling under her chin. Twilight was stunned. "Wha...What's going on!?" The corners of light grew brighter, and in a flash, the unknown world disappeared... The Alicorn awoke in a hot sweat, breaths labored and heavy. That hair...Those eyes...Who was that girl...? Twilight barely had time to process the question before realizing how dry her throat was. It was as though all fluids had been drained from her body. Pushing aside the comforter, she rolled onto her hooves, exiting her chamber as she strolled toward the restroom. Something about that world felt different, yet eerily familiar. She couldn't place her horn on it, but she knew it in some way, like old friends who hadn't seen each other in ages. "Think Twilight, think! I know I've seen it before!" Her memory failed her, dropping the issue entirely upon reaching her destination. She grabbed a glass next to the sink, filling it with water. The hydration tasted sweet - a byproduct of overactive ketones after such a sudden jumpstart. The girl alone was strange enough, but there was something even stranger. Power radiated off her like a thermonuclear explosion. She appeared ordinary, yet was anything but. Something special slept within. It felt so grounded...So real... From the astral plane, Luna watched in horror as the corruption of Earth enshrouded everything. Multiple sources of energy were converging all at once, swallowing the planet from within. The process was slow, but steady, working towards its peak. Something ominous was looming, threatening to spread across creation. A well of anxiety sprang forth, causing the princess to act. "It cannot be true! Something must be done quickly! If the darkness is not contained, we shall all perish! I must warn Celestia!" The next morning, Twilight awoke for breakfast. In the kitchen, Spike had already prepared their meal - sausage, eggs, and toast with a side of hash browns. "Woah! You look terrible! What happened!?" "Weird dream. I was up all night ruminating on it." "What was it about? Must've been pretty intense if it wrecked you this badly." "I dreamt I was in another world - somewhere both close and far away. There were wolves and someone else I didn't know. They looked like a completely new species." "New species? I'd see why you were up, then." "They were bipedal like you, but lacked scales and had hair. They even wore clothes for some reason." "Sounds pretty freaky. Maybe some food'll take your mind off it." "Thanks. I'm starving." The pair settled in, making small talk to pass the time before their daily tasks. "Any word from Pinkie about this summertime jam thing she's been going on about?" "Nothing yet. She seemed awfully excited, though. You know Pinkie." "So true." After breakfast, Twilight and Spike let their stomachs settle. Just before preparing for the day, Spike burped. A letter from Celestia appeared in a spark of green flame. "A letter," Twilight inquired, "What's it say?" "Uh oh..." "What's wrong?" "Take a look." Twilight skimmed over her mentor's writing. The words ingrained sent shivers of dread down the Alicorn's spine. "Twilight, if you're reading this, something terrible has begun to stir. The existence of life as we know it is on the verge of ruin. Gather your friends and meet us at Canterlot Castle as soon as possible." Twilight's voice trembled. Equestria had face many threats before, but they were always under the motive of global domination. No one she'd encountered had ever been evil enough to consider stripping life from another. "All life, gone...?" "Sounds serious. We might wanna book it this time." "Right. Let's go!" As requested, Twilight assembled each and every one of her companions. She was met with varying degrees of fear and hesitation. She understood why, but if there was any chance they could stop it, they would do as the princesses asked. Even more concerning was Luna's presence in this particular crisis. If she was present, things were truly dire. "We came as quickly as we could," Twilight said confidently, "What's going on?" "As you may have noticed, there are no guards present within these castle walls - not even Shining Armor. The reason for this will soon be made clear. What you're about to see is strictly confidential. The public must never know about its existence. Do you understand?" "But...Why!? You've always been transparent with your subjects! What's changed!?" "Under any other circumstance, I would be truthful with them, but if they were to ever learn of human nature, it would incite panic on a global scale. Our ability to maintain harmony amongst our peoples would be forever forfeit." "Did...Did you say human...!?" "Yes, Twilight. Human. Please, follow us." Celestia and Luna led Twilight's party to a secret chamber in the castle never disclosed to anyone. Only three individuals knew of its existence - Star Swirl, Celestia, and Luna. The elder mares lit the way, guiding their compatriots through the deepest caverns of the dungeon. "Princess, please! Tell me what's going on!" Celestia sighed, pensively laying out the details of everyone's predicament. "Equestria is far older than we were led to believe. Much older, in fact." "How much older?" "Billions of years." "Billions!? How do you know!?" "Long ago, Star Swirl discovered a mirror in a distant land. The mirror served as a gateway between worlds, known today as the astral plane. Long before Luna's banishment, she was tasked with watching over each collective universe - a duty she has resumed since her return. You likely know this concept under the name multiverse theory." "So it's all true!?" "I'm afraid so. There are many worlds beyond ours. Some teem with life. Others are empty and barren. The universe we inhabit was born the same exact time as the human world. We are connected by a shared lineage." "I don't understand! Did humans ever manage to get through!?" "They tried, but its power proved far too advanced. For you see, humans lack our mystical abilities. Their strength lies in technology far beyond what we possess." "So whatever's happening is taking place in the human world?" "Yes. We called you here today to investigate." "What's going on, exactly?" "Last night, Luna was watching each universe as instructed when a cloud of smoke began to spread across Earth. It's been expanding slowly, but is gaining traction. We don't know what it is, why, or how to stop it, but the darkness within is overwhelming. We are all in grave danger." "So this darkness is actually..." "An omen of death." Luna opened the confinement unit containing the mirror. It was covered by a drape to prevent prying eyes. "This is the portal," Celestia concluded, "It may appear normal on the surface, but once you step through, all will become clear." "I think it's safe to say none of us fully understand what's happening, but if you say it's dangerous, we trust you. What do we do?" "While monitoring the situation, we discovered twelve faint lights flickering in the northwestern continent. Star Swirl's books were too old and dated, so we had to rely on imaging to figure out where they were. Before we can proceed, we must brief you on your mission." "We're ready." "The continent I'm referring to is North America. It extends through a number of countries, but the lights were found speckled across the United States. The common tongue there is English. It's the same dialect as ours: just under a different name." "Anything else we should know?" "The state you will emerge in goes under the moniker Massachusetts. Upon closer inspection, the first light we found belonged to a human male named Zane Avery, around his mid-twenties. He will be your guide to the others. Time is measured differently there. Currently, the year is 1997 A.D." "A.D.?" "Anno Domini." "The year of our lord!?" "Like us, humans maintain their own beliefs and spiritual practices. You'll be surprised how much we have in common despite our differences. Many youth today have chosen atheistic or agnostic paths, having seen no evidence of divine intervention." "Once we go through, I assume we'll lose contact?" "You may return through Zane's mirror any time you wish. If you suspect signs of danger, retreat immediately." "Yes, princess." "I pray you safe passage, my faithful student - you and your friends." "We'll be back as soon as we can." Twilight stepped through, engulfed by a flash of white light. The others followed reluctantly. Pinkie's blood ran cold. This would be their greatest, and perhaps last challenge they ever faced as a team. At the very least, they hoped Zane's home would provide a safe haven. There was only one way to know for sure...
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
Twilight emerged on the other side of the mirror, followed closely by the others. The architecture was a far cry from what they were used to back home. The walls were solid, constructed from firmer material. The color scheme entailed complimentary tones of beige and white. Upon closer examination, the group discovered a mix of old and new belongings. There were drawers, dressers, and box-shaped objects none of them had ever seen before. They began to understand what Celestia meant by advanced technology. "Gotta hand it to him," Rainbow acknowledged, "For a bachelor pad, place is pretty clean." "This must be his bedroom," Twilight recognized, "Now it all makes sense. We needed to catch him alone so we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves." "Meh. Needs a makeover," Pinkie cut in, "It's so bland in here!" "Maybe later, Pinkie. We have to find Zane. He's our only lead right now. We should spread out and search the area. It's possible he may not be home at the moment." "Why don't you send the princess a letter," Applejack advised, "She might be able to help us out." "Good idea. Spike, would you mind sending it through the portal?" "I gotcha covered." Twilight and Spike focused on writing while the others searched around. There was no sign of Zane, but they found potential clues to his whereabouts. Tools were stacked by a wall in the kitchen, suggesting his experience in handiwork. Celestia's response confirmed Twilight's theory. "Looks like he's at work right now. Guess we'll have to stay put until he gets back." "Oh, brother," Rainbow grumbled, "Of course we have to wait as soon as we get here." "Maybe you guys can help me out. I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm probably going to rest until he gets back. Can you read up on the books here and help me figure out what's going on?" "Sure," Rainbow agreed, "Not like there's much else to do at the moment." "Thanks." Gloomy clouds engulfed the world, sending a chill autumn breeze across Twilight's mane. Her hooves ached as the feeling of asphalt pressed against her skin. In the distance, she saw someone - someone different than before. It was an older girl between her late teens and early twenties. Like the other, her hair concealed her eyes, as though she was hiding something. Unlike her younger counterpart, her veil was dark, shielding her features behind shadows. For a moment, the wind left her exposed, and Twilight saw everything - the sadness, the exhaustion: she saw it all. Never had she seen someone so broken. She tried to call out, hoping to bring solace to the stranger's shattered soul, but her efforts were in vain. The Alicorn's voice had been ripped away by the laws of her prison. This world...Was there nothing for them there...? Twilight slowly opened her eyes. Unlike the night before, she was calm. She'd seen nothing to fear, yet the sorrow was overwhelming. Checking Zane's alarm, it was already past five. Shaking herself into a state of wakefulness, she headed toward the kitchen. The others were busy compiling their findings. They barely noticed her come in. "You okay," Rainbow asked in concern, "You look like one of us died or something." "Not you..." "Huh?" "Nothing. Never mind. Just another weird dream again." "I have to agree with Rainbow, dear," Rarity intervened, "I've never seen you so somber. Is everything all right?" "Honestly? I don't know. I'm worried the princesses sent us into something way over our heads. I don't see anything, but it feels like something's breathing down my neck. It's scaring the heck out of me." "Frankly, I've had the same feeling. There's no reason to believe we're at risk yet, but I feel it in my bones. Something dark has infringed upon this world. I'm not sure we're up to the task of confronting it." "Maybe, but...I don't think that's our job - not for now, anyway." "Then...Why are we here...?" "I think we'll find out before too long." Twilight rested her head against the porch wall. The sun was already beginning to set. Zane would be home any minute. "Come on," Twilight muttered, "The sooner we figure out what's going on, the sooner we can go home." Like clockwork, a figure began approaching in the distance. The closer it got, the more Twilight could make out. The hair, the clothes: there was no mistaking it. It was him. "Mr. Avery?" Zane jumped back, startled by the Alicorn's appearance. "Holy crap! What are you!?" "Please, try to stay calm. I know this is sudden, but we're here to help." "Help with what!?" "It's a long story. My friends are waiting inside. Please, come in. We'll explain everything." "Am I tripping right now or what?" "This isn't an illusion. I assure you, we're very much real." "All right, I guess. I'll take your word for it." In the kitchen, Twilight explained everything - the dreams, the request from the princess, and the portal on the other side. Some of the details seemed to strike a chord. Zane knew something, and he was all too eager to share. "I don't know what's going on, but something bad's taken root here on Earth. Whatever it is scared the princesses half to death." "I'll admit," Zane replied, "It sounds a bit far-fetched for my liking, but I think I know who you've been dreaming about." "Really!? Who!?" "The older girl sounds like Maria. The other's Emily. They've been close friends for over a year now. I've never spoken with Emily personally, but I know a bit about her." "And Maria?" "She and Eric are my best friends. They helped me out when my mom passed away during the summer. I was seriously considering ending it for a while. I wouldn't have gotten through it without 'em." "Now that you mention it, I noticed it was colder here than back home. What's the date today?" "October first." "So it's almost Nightmare Night here." "Nightmare Night?" "It's a holiday where ponies dress up in costumes and receive candy from their neighbors." "So Halloween, then." "I take it they're similar?" "Almost to the letter. I think Emily's birthday is actually the same day, too." "That would explain the dreams. You guys are all connected somehow." "I don't fully understand everything, but if you feel there's cause for concern, I'll do what I can to help." "Is there a way you can put us in touch with Maria? From what you've told us, she might believe what we're saying." "I'd say chances are pretty good. I'll call her now." "Thank you." Zane dialed an area code located in southwest Georgia. Thankfully, Maria picked up on the other end. "Hello?" "Hey, Maria?" "Zane? What's up?" "To be honest, I have no idea. Some people are here asking about you. They said they needed help with something." "Me? Why?" "You should probably hear it from them." "All right. Put 'em on." Zane held out the phone for Twilight. Realizing the chord couldn't extend far enough to levitate, Twilight moved closer so she could speak directly into the output. "Maria?" "That's my name. What's up?" "I know this might sound strange, but I'm not from this planet. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm an Alicorn from the planet Equus. We were sent here by our princesses, Celestia and Luna. We were told you could help us investigate an anomaly in the astral plane." "So you're a horse?" "Pony, but close enough I imagine." "I see why Zane called. No one else was gonna believe this." "So you'll help?" "I know a little about the astral plane. It's been described in various texts and religions throughout history, but our ability to explore it's limited for a number of reasons. What's the anomaly?" "Something's trying to take over Earth. The princesses were worried it would spread if we didn't find a way to stop it." "You mean aliens or somethin'?" "Not exactly. It seems like whatever it is came from within the planet itself. It's something old and powerful." "I see. I don't know how much help I can be, but if you stay close to Zane for the time being, I'll keep an eye out and report what I find. Does that work?" "Yes. Thank you." "You're probably wondering why I believe you, right?" "Why?" "One, I hear genuine fear. That's not something you can fake. Two, I've seen no signs of substance use or mental illness. You sound sane, and I suspect since you needed my help, we'll meet in person fairly soon. For now, lay low and keep this a secret. I haven't seen anything yet, but I'll let you know if that changes." "Understood." "Try to relax for now. I don't know what your pastimes are back home, but I think Zane'll be able to keep you occupied. It won't do us any good to give in to fear now." "Thanks. I feel a bit better now. Should we tell Emily and Eric?" "Not yet. They'll need proof first. My perception of reality doesn't exactly align with most of the population. Hang around me long enough, you'll see for yourself." "I can tell. You're certainly not normal. Neither are we, so I guess it's a good thing we found each other." "Take care. We'll talk later." "Bye." Twilight handed the phone back to Zane. He hung up for her, as she couldn't reach the stand. "She said she'll help." "I'm tellin' ya: there's no better person to have on your team." "You really care about each other, don't you?" "I respect her a lot. She's got a good heart. Seems like somethin' that's hard to find these days." "If you trust her, then so do we. Hopefully this is the beginning of a bountiful partnership." "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I'll make us somethin' for dinner." "Thank you for your hospitality. I'm sorry we sprung this on you so suddenly." "No worries. I'll help however I can." Over dinner, the party told Zane more about Equus. Despite their differences, Celestia's claim held true. Both worlds were normal places where people laughed, worked, and played. The only real difference was the tech and lack of magic on Earth. Since Twilight's sleep schedule had been pushed back, Zane helped her kill time by showing her how the TV and computer worked. "I take it rock music and video games don't exist in your world yet. That's Maria's whole thing. It's how she and Em hit it off." "A constant network of information? This must've revolutionized the whole world!" "It has its benefits, for sure." "I'm conflicted about whether we should integrate it back home. It's a useful tool, but with too much development, it could potentially isolate a population." "It probably will in our lifetimes. Not for us, though. We'd rather use the tool than let it use us. It can't replace real human connections." "I think I understand why you were one of the lights princess Celestia mentioned. Your group appears to possess higher levels of consciousness. Maybe that's why she thought you could help." "Maybe. Time will tell, I suppose." "We should probably turn in. It's getting late." "Yeah. Night." "And Zane?" "Hm?" "I'm sorry about your mom. I know she meant the world to you. We feel the same way about our families." "It's okay. Sometimes shit happens in life. Nothin' we can do but pick up the pieces and try to move on." "I know. I'm here though if you need an ear to listen." "I appreciate it. I'll see you guys tomorrow." "Good night." "Later." Zane left the room, leaving Twilight to ponder her future under the monitor's dim glow. She'd always scored high in intelligence, but depth...These feelings...They were all completely new. She had to help keep humanity safe, but from what? When would the threat reveal itself, and what form would it take? The anxiety returned, and Twilight ruminated until her eyes finally closed against her will. "Maria...Please...Help us..."
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
Twilight's last premonition occurred during the group's first night with Zane. In the back yard of Maria's home, she saw the Drake, Emily, Zane, and two other men face each other down. One of them was clearly Maria's relative - likely her brother. The Alicorn assumed this meant the other was Eric. His complexion and hair were different from the others. Having never seen someone of African descent before, Twilight didn't know what to make of it. Putting aside Earth's variety in people, she watched everyone closely. Maria held something in the palm of her hand - a small knife with a black blade. It was unlike anything Twilight had ever witnessed. Teeth were carved into the steel's upper curvature, and the handle was bent at a similar angle - another product of the modern technological era. A well of energy sprang forth, casting a blue light across the circle. "That power...Is this what I was sensing from Emily...!?" Maria's group engaged in combat. Twilight wondered why such close friends would be fighting, and then it dawned on her. They were training: just like Shining's men back home. "Training...For what...?" That was the million-bit question. Now that she thought about it, Emily did look older than before. Was this a vision of the possible future...? "I have to tell Zane. This could change everything." Twilight awoke exactly at six. It was still dark, diminishing her already impaired vision even further. She cleared her eyes, igniting her horn. Carefully, she trudged toward the living room where her host was sleeping on the couch. She could see the sorrow in his eyes, even when they weren't open. The grief of loss weighed heavy on their minds. Hoping to pull him back from the brink, Twilight nudged him awake. "Zane...?" "Mm..." "Sorry for waking you so early." Zane rubbed his face, soothing his stubble and bringing the pony before him into focus. "Hey, Twi. What time is it...?" "It's a little past six. I had another dream." "What was it about...?" "It was more like a vision. I saw everyone. I saw your powers." "What do you mean...?" "The blue light. I saw it." "Blue light...?" "You mean...You don't know what it is...?" "I'll make some coffee. You can tell me while I'm getting ready..." Twilight expanded on the details of her subconscious. She laid out the scene with as much precision as she could recall. "The light I saw is something unique to humans. I never saw or heard anything about it back home. If you don't know either, it must be more special than we realize." "Do you know what it's for?" "Not a clue, but I thought I should tell you. Maybe if we discover the secrets of this power, we can protect everyone." "You should tell Maria. Between all of us, she's the strongest." "What do you mean?" "She's been training extensively the last three years. It's been part of her routine since she tried to end her life. Guess it was a way to help her regain some sense of control." "She tried to kill herself?" "Poor kid's been through a lot. I don't blame her." "What happened?" "Her dad was arrested when she was five. Got drunk one night and killed a dude during a bar fight. Add that on top of other stuff, it's no wonder she went nuts." "Oh, my goodness..." "She's tried to put it all behind her, but that kinda shit follows you. It never really goes away." "Maybe I can talk to her. We never had those kinds of experiences, but maybe we can inspire some positivity into her life somehow." "You're welcome to use the phone. Can probably catch her before school." "I'll do that." Levitating the device, Twilight dialed Maria's number. She'd seen the digits the night before when Zane first called. "Hello? Maria?" "Hey, Twilight. Any news?" "I think so, but I'm not sure. I never told you yesterday, but before we got in touch, I had a dream about you. I had one about Emily, too, and a third one last night." "What was it?" "I saw you guys training together. You had some kind of power I've never seen before." "Power?" "It was a blue light coming from your weapons. Do you have any idea what it could be?" "Not a clue, but you said we were training together? That's interesting." "How come?" "We've never trained together before." "WHAT!?" Twilight's shriek shocked Zane into full cognizance. "None of us have ever met in person," Maria explained, "I was about ready to change that." "Unreal..." "You knew about Emily, but you didn't know what happened yesterday morning." "Yesterday...?" "She was cornered by a pack of wolves. Somehow, she survived." "You're wrong. I did know." "What...!?" "I saw it in my dream. The wolves surrendered. She changed them somehow, didn't she?" "So...Looks like we're on the same page, then..." "What were you planning to do?" "I was gonna go down to see her for her birthday. Now that you've told me, I know I have to." "But how?" "Brandon'll drive me." "He's your brother, right? The one with the axe?" "You wanna talk about freaky powers. Seems like you've got a fair few, yourself." "More than even I realized. Celestia did say we were connected somehow." "Emily and her folks went to stay with her grandparents. I'll give you the address and we can meet up there in a couple days." Twilight requested a notepad and writing utensil. She wrote the address down, showing it to Zane. He stared knowingly in agreement. "All right. We'll be there." "It's a good thing you called. Now we have some idea what we're supposed to do." "We'll make whatever preparations we need before then. See you there." "Later." Twilight hung up, turning to Zane to solidify their plan. "Sorry, but can you call out of work for a few days? This is kind of urgent." "If that look on your face is anything to go by." "I need to tell the others. We have to pick up a few things before we head out." "Just let me know what you need." Twilight returned to the bedroom, rousing her friends from slumber. "Guys, I just got in touch with Maria. We're picking up some stuff in town and heading down to Arkansas to meet her." "Mm...," Spike groaned, "Five more minutes..." "Sorry, Spike. There's no time to waste. Get up and grab a shower. We'll pick up something to eat on the way." "Fine. Just try to lighten up a little, okay? We're making good time from the sound of things." "I hope so. I'll send a letter to the princesses: let them know what's going on." When the group was ready, they loaded up in Zane's car. Twilight had seen the machine the day prior, but this was their first time riding in one. "We'll stop if you guys start to feel sick. Motion sickness takes some time to get used to, so we'll pull over if you need to shake it off." "Been there before," Spike admitted, "Not a good feeling." "You can get some rest on the way. I'll show you guys some of the music I was talking about. Maria's got some killer tunes." The party loaded into the vehicle. Zane fired up the engine, pressing down on the gas. They headed straight for town.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
On their way to town, Twilight asked something none of them expected. "Hey, Zane? In my dream, what was that weapon you were using?" "Weapon?" "It looked like a metal projectile. We don't have anything like it in Equus." "You mean my gun? It's a self-defense pistol. Standard caliber's nine millimeters for civilians." "So you do have a military. I should've figured as much." "Are martial arts a thing in your world?" "Yes, actually. Rainbow's a black belt in jiu-jitsu, and Applejack's experienced in boxing and wrestling." "I noticed you all had tattoos. They mean anything?" "Our cutie marks? They reflect our special talents. Mine's magic. Rainbow's is athletics. Applejack's a produce farmer. Rarity's a fashionista. She can make us clothes if you buy us what we need." "That was the idea. If we're joining forces, may as well get the look down." "You have a dress code?" "It's a sub-culture thing. Rockers usually dress in dark clothes with some variations in style." "I think it looks cool," Spike cut in, "I'd try it." "My man." Zane and Spike bumped fists. Something about the gesture caused Twilight to smile. "So this is what rock music sounds like," she asked, "It's pretty aggressive." "It's a sub-genre called melodic death metal. Maria's really into stuff from Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland. Out of all of us, she's the most immersed by far." "Can you tell me why she hides her face?" "She doesn't like people to know what she's thinking. Keeps everyone on their toes and gives her the element of surprise." "So she's one of those mysterious types. Now I'm curious." "You'll meet her soon enough. I think you'll get along just fine." "You sound pretty confident." "Like I said, she's a good kid. Just a bit troubled is all. I'm sure even you've got issues to work out." "We've dealt with bad guys before, but nothing like this. This is a whole new breed of destruction." "Based on what you've said, we might be up against monsters. That could be a problem if we're not ready." "I wish we knew how to be ready. The best we can do is fortify our defenses and hope they hold until we gain an advantage." "I'm sure we'll figure something out. Just gotta put our heads together. Speaking of, you got any cloaking spells stored in that horn of yours?" "Right. Almost forgot." "I'll head inside and get what we need. I'll be back soon. Just try to stay put and lay low." "Thank you for helping us. I know we've said it so much already, but it means a lot. The world, in fact." "We'll be all right. I know it. We got your back." "Yeah. Same here." Zane bought supplies for the mares to make garments. Rarity personalized each of their get-ups to suit their individual preferences. Spike's in particular was reminiscent of Eric's with the duster coat and boots. Rainbow's was the most modern, similar to Maria and Brandon. The others resembled stereotypical gothic fashion, making use of leather jackets, dresses, and skirts. Twilight's was fastened with studded belts for a battle-ready aesthetic. "Lookin' spiffy over there. Y'all ready to rock and roll?" "Almost." the Alicorn replied. Her stomach growled in response. "Come on. Let's get ya somethin' to eat." Zane drove to the nearest McDonald's on the way out of town. Their digestive tracts seemed to be able to handle human food without any issues. That made things easier in the long run. "Feel free to order whatever. Maria'll pay me back later." The group chose their respective meals and a drink to wash everything down. With their preparations out of the way, they headed towards their collision with destiny.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
Back in Equus, Celestia and Luna discussed their situation over tea. They managed to slip away for the moment without the public noticing. "Twilight's progress has already been substantial," Luna noted, "I admit, your student has quite a talent for problem resolution." "Now you know the real reason I took her under my wing. Her magic is powerful, but her intellect and lack of ego are what her a force to be reckoned with. Anyone else would grow arrogant with success, but not her. She's careful and calculated. That's why I believe this power she mentioned may yet turn the tide in our favor. If it felt so real from a dream, lord only knows how it will feel in person. This Maria character...She's the one tying this all together. She and Twilight will carve our path to victory." "You speak as though you're plotting something." "Of course not. I would never betray my ponies. However, I cannot lie to you. I suspect there are forces at play far beyond our understanding..." "How do you mean?" "I don't know. It's just a feeling I have, like something's watching over us. Can't you feel it?" "Hmm...Perhaps..." That night, Maria informed her brother of the situation, omitting some of the horsier details so he could see for himself. Like Zane, he called out of work so they could prepare. Maria sent a message informing Emily's family their plans had changed. She made up an excuse to avoid sounding crazy, saying she had things to do and couldn't be there for Halloween, so she wanted to come by early. They didn't question it beyond that, sending their address and apartment number without a second thought. The following morning, the duo began their journey. Maria examined her blade. If all went according to plan, they'd arrive around the same time as the others. Twilight's crew quickly adjusted to the heart-pounding tempos of Swedish death metal, bobbing their heads with cocky smiles as Zane introduced them to the crushing riffs and heavy melodies of Hypocrisy, Entombed, In Flames, and Dark Tranquility among others. With how long the trip was, they made several rest stops along the way. The Alicorn's friends got to try all kinds of foods they never would have imagined. Keeping Maria's history in mind, they refrained from alcohol, making a note to keep their mental faculties intact. When nightfall descended, they stopped at a motel for the night. Zane rented a single room for everyone to cut down costs. Money was expendable, but not unlimited. "You guys mind if I take the bed," Zane asked, "Human posture's kinda finicky. I'll be stiff as a board if I can't stretch." "Sure," Rainbow conceded, "We can sleep anywhere." "You guys end up stickin' around for a while, we might need to build you a personal bunker so you have your own space." "There's one more place we have to visit before we leave." Twilight revealed. Her friends were surprised by this turn of events. They hadn't planned anything in advance. "Where?" "Maria's place. There's a chance we'll have to come back in the future. I need to know where everyone is so I can teleport if necessary." "Magic sure comes in handy, don't it?" "You have no idea." "Guess I'll find out eventually. Come on. Let's get some shut-eye." Maria and Brandon arrived at Emily's complex the night before the others. At Brandon's request, she left her knife in the car. "Wouldn't be a good look showing up with a weapon." Storing her blade on the floorboard, the pair headed inside. Emily's apartment was located on the third floor, marked by a door that read 4-C. "Looks like the place," Brandon confirmed, "You ready?" "As I'll ever be." "You wanna do the honors?" Maria knocked. An older man answered the door - Emily's grandfather, George. Eric hadn't arrived yet either. Celestia made notes of the five lights Twilight had identified - Maria Drake, Age 17, Brandon Drake, Age 20, Zane Avery, Age 25, Eric Thomas, Age 25, and Emily Joseph, Age 9. These were the main combatants in the forecoming struggle. She wondered why someone so young had to be forced on the front lines. The concept of child soldiers was completely alien to her, but called all sorts of moral and ethical concerns into question. However, those fell second to a far more pressing matter. Who were the others...? What roles would they fill? The lack of numbers suggested a more refined system was being put in place - something covert accompanied by strategic, advanced planning. This confirmed her suspicions. Someone else was pulling the strings behind the scenes, but who? And why? "They must be on our side. Why else would they go through so much trouble? It doesn't make any sense...!" "Sister," Luna soothed, "Things will fall into place. You must be patient. Acting rashly will only tempt fate to turn against us. The dark forces are making a mistake. We cannot let this opportunity slip by. We must gather the lights and put an end to this as quickly as possible. You understand this, yes?" "Of course, but..." "Twilight rescued me from the darkest yearnings of my own soul. I trust her with my life, as should you." Celestia sighed, taking a breath to calm her nerves. "You're right. I do. I'm just afraid, Luna. This was not what I had planned for my faithful student, much less her friends. They're our only hope now." "That may be, but a strong hope they are. Maria cooperated with Twilight straight away. Such trusting alliances only come along once in a lifetime. Their goals are the same. That is why I believe they will succeed." "Two forces of immeasurable power against a darkness only spoken of in legend...I wonder, who will emerge victorious...?"
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Crossover,Adventure,Dark,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars
Twilight investigates an uptick in evil energy.
<p>The world of Equestria is inhabited by a multitude of creatures. Each possess their own unique traits and qualities. However, there exists another realm - one where humans thrive as the dominant species. Unbeknownst to the public, a portal exists between these two realities - a mirror which magically connects all of time and space. While monitoring each dimension, Luna discovers things are not as they appear, for evil has taken hold in the hearts and minds of humanity. Under the princesses' watchful eyes, Twilight is sent through to uncover the truth of its origin. What she unveils will forever change the course of their histories.</p>
Further south, Zane's group came across a farm. Livestock were grazing in open pastures, taking in the cool morning air as most would so early. "Hey, look," he teased, "It's your relatives." "I feel like I should be offended by that comment." Twilight muttered, making a sour face in disapproval. "I'm just messin' with ya. They might not have your intellect, but they're majestic in their own right." "Fair enough." Spike chuckled, momentarily breaking his concentration from the music. After just two days, they were already warming up to their host's personality. They enjoyed spending time with him. He was kind and down-to-Earth. They hoped the others would be the same way. "Why don't you open the glove compartment," Zane encouraged, "Maria sent me something a couple years ago, but I never got around to using it." Twilight obliged. She opened the box to find a plastic, rectangular device inside. "What is it?" "It's a custom GameBoy imported from Japan. She sent it with a promotional copy of Pokémon Green. Thought it'd help me pass the time when I wasn't working. Honestly, I never was much of a gamer." "Are you giving it to me?" "If you want it. Why don't you try it out: see what you think?" "Sure. What the hay." "You guys always make horse puns?" "Only when we feel like it." The game was still sealed in pristine condition. Zane opened it with a free hand, telling her to click it into the slot on the back. Twilight switched on the power. "The localized versions are supposed to be out next year. The text might be hard to read, but it should be easy enough to figure out." "I'll keep that in mind." Brandon set up Maria's computer in Emily's room. Emily had enrolled in public school after the incident at her parents' old cottage. They spent the day studying until school was over. After spending some time in town, they returned to the apartment with food, movies, and costumes for the end of the month. It was around this time Eric arrived at Maria's request. Zane followed shortly thereafter. Needless to say, Emily's family was more than confused by the intrusion. "Mr. Joseph?" the young man said to George. "'Nother of her friends, eh?" "You mean Maria?" George sighed, frustrated with the sheer volume of unexpected visitors. He was ready for answers. "What the hell...!?" "Hello," Twilight greeted, "Sorry to barge in like this. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't an emergency." "What the hell are you!?" "My apologies. I'm Twilight. These are my friends. We came from the planet Equus to help." "Help!? With what!?" "It's a long story. May we come in?" George grumbled, throwing up his hands in defeat. "Fine. Whatever." Everyone but Maria was shocked. Six ponies of varying hues and a young reptilian followed Zane inside. Even Emily couldn't help but stare. "Hello, Maria," Twilight continued, "It's nice to finally meet you." "Likewise," Maria replied, "I admit, I had my doubts, but here we are." "Just as intense as my dream. You're certainly quite the showman." "Can some explain what the hell is going on here," Emily's father demanded, "What are you!? Why are you here!?" Chelsea was stunned. Everyone was. Chelsea had never seen her husband so disturbed before. It frightened her. "You must be Emily's father," Twilight realized, "What's your name?" "Robert. Now tell me what's going on!" "I'm sorry we scared you. I'll tell you everything, but I need you to stay calm. There's a lot to unpack. Rest assured, our intentions are good." Robert scowled, but relented. If Maria trusted the mare, he could put aside his frustration for the moment. "I'm waiting." "As I said before, we came from the planet Equus. It's a planet inhabited by sentient animals much like the ones you've raised her. Our bodies have adapted to be more efficient, and we possess magical abilities." "Magic?" "We live in a peaceful society overseen by demi-goddesses, princess Celestia and princess Luna. They control the cycles of night and day." "You'll forgive if I find that hard to believe." "I've seen some of you before - Maria, Brandon, Eric...And Emily." The Alicorn turned her head towards the child. Her expression was soft...Compassionate...Understanding... "It's your birthday this month, right? Zane told me." Emily nodded, completely lost for words. She was stunned. Not only did a magical pony know her name, but treated her as a friend. It was like something straight out of a fairy tale. "How old will you be this year?" "Nine..." "You're practically grown up already." Twilight turned back to the others, her expression serious and somber. "Something evil has taken hold of your world. You're the only ones who can stop it." "What do you mean," Robert shot back, "That's ludicrous!" "It's laying dormant, corroding the earth from within. Just before the princesses sent us here, I started having visions about you. The last one was how I discovered your power." "What are you talking about!?" "That's the part I don't know. It's something new. We've never seen it before." Maria took over, telling the others what she knew. "She described a manifestation of energy in the form of a blue light. We don't know what the effects are, but she seems convinced it can help us fight whatever's here." "You two talked about this!?" "Yeah. I didn't tell you what they were because you wouldn't have believed me. I can hardly believe it myself, and they're standing right in front of us." "For a while," Twilight resumed, "I couldn't figure out how to activate it, but the more I thought, the more I realized how it was achieved. It's something we can tap into by surrendering ourselves to the present moment." "How do you mean." Maria inquired. "When there was no concern for the past or future, that was the moment it awakened. Emily believed she was going to die, and the wolves felt her sorrow. Without realizing it, she unlocked her hidden strength." "So you're saying acceptance of the inevitable is what calls the light forth?" "In a way. Once you rid yourselves of fear, your mind and body will synchronize, working together in perfect harmony." "I think I've heard of something like that before, but I'm not sure where." "It'll take a bit of practice, but once you're able to focus, all things will become possible." "There's something I don't understand. If we've had this power sleeping inside us this whole time, why hasn't anyone else discovered it yet?" "I don't know. This is as far as my observations extend. What happens next is up to us." Unsure what to say or do, George's wife Lisa invited everyone to stay for dinner. The apartment was a bit cramped for so many people, but they were able to make it work. "Thank you for the meal," Twilight said graciously, "I know this must be a lot to take in, but we're here to help however we can." "I believe it. I don't really understand it, but I believe it. That look on your face tells me you're tellin' the truth." "In my last dream, I saw everyone training together. They were so swift and nimble. I could barely keep up." "Who all was fightin'?" "Maria, Zane, Eric, Brandon, and Emily. They each had their own styles and were on even standing with each other. It was like watching a dance of divine light. I felt safe and secure - even more so than I did back home." "You mean to tell me my grandbaby's a superhero, like the old comic book fellas from back in the day?" "She could be if she wanted to. You have her spears, right?" "Those were Robbie's. He used to trade fruit and animal skins for money before all this went down." "He was a merchant?" "Yep. Damn good one, too. Made enough money to build that cottage with his own two hands." "Sounds like he knew how to get by. Him and Applejack have a lot in common." "I figured. Could smell the hay on her soon as she walked in." "So...What now?" "You're welcome to stay as long as Maria's here. We're celebratin' early since things went all cuckoo." "Are you sure? We wouldn't want to impose. I know everyone's a little on edge." "That's an understatement." George grumbled. Lisa shrugged off his complaints. "Pay him no mind. He's just havin' a day." "Thank you, Mrs. Joseph. We really appreciate it." "Lisa's fine, darlin'. Now, why don't y'all get settled in? We'll be keepin' it casual for the time bein'." "We brought a few gifts for Em," Maria announced, "It's nothing fancy, but we thought she might like 'em." The first present was a book detailing various coding methods and programming languages used for computers. The second caused Twilight's eyes to widen. It was a stuffed pony doll that resembled the inhabitants of her home world. "Maria, what is that?" "Guess it's your turn to be surprised. I designed a couple dolls based on cartoons. I had no idea you were the same species." "What's her name?" "Atmospheric. She's part of a set. Emily's got Harmonic in the back." "You made a love story!?" "Benefit of being an introvert. I always have a trick up my sleeve." "I can't believe it. I'm jealous of stuffed impersonations." "Come, now," Rarity coaxed, "You're a very attractive mare. You'll find someone someday. The greatest joys in life always emerge when we least expect them." "Thanks, Rarity. I guess I never thought about stuff like that before. Earth's changed a lot about what I thought I knew. Humans feel things so much more deeply. I feel like our whole lives were illusions by comparison." "How did you know about them," Fluttershy asked, "I'd never heard of them until the princess sent us through the portal." "Folktales," Twilight explained, "There were old texts in the Canterlot library about ancient conquistadors. I thought they were just myths passed down to tell stories, but it was all true. Things are much different now, though. The balance of power is more stable than it was back then. By how much is subjective." "It's been a long day," Maria pointed out, "We can think about what to do later. I've got some stuff I wanna show you guys." "Yeah," Twilight agreed, "I think it's best we take our minds off the issue for now. Worrying won't do us any good, anyway." Maria led the others to Emily's room. Her computer was connected to her sister's via ethernet cable. "We set this up so we could play Doom together on a private server. If we had more computers, we could hook 'em up to a switch." "That reminds me," Twilight reminded, "Zane gave me the GameBoy you sent him. He never got around to using it. I hope it's okay." "It's yours. I figured he might pass it along." "Thanks." "Did he show you how to burn CDs?" "We know what they are, but why would we burn them?" "It's a different kind of burning. Basically, you put the disc into your computer and rip the files, that way you can copy them to a blank disc if the original gets destroyed." "Oh! Now I get it. Sounds like it could be useful." "I brought a bunch of discs with music, games, and movies. What do you guys wanna hear first?" "Why don't you pick? You know the music better than we do." "Gotcha." Maria selected a disc from the Swedish group Excretion. It was the only they released before disbanding, Voice of Harmony. The dark, alternating melodies were calming. Twilight could see herself falling asleep to their comforting tones. She never gloom and despair could bring such solace... After a few rounds of Doom, Maria introduced Emily and the others to Final Fantasy - specifically the PC port of Final Fantasy VII. It was more story-driven and customizable than Pokémon. Twilight found herself drawn to the intriguing visuals and art style. The gameplay was fairly straightforward, promising interesting developments later on. "Hey, Maria...?" "What's up?" "Zane told us everything - about what happened to your family. Why did you lash out at your mom?" The air became tense. Everyone expected Maria to grow indignant - to tell Twilight it was none of her business, but she didn't. She was perfectly calm. "I was weak. I lost hope. I never called her because I was ashamed. I hurt her so much, I don't know if she could ever forgive me." "She still loves you. Nothing would ever change that." "I know...But can she face me?" "She could if you'd give her the chance. No one should die thinking their child hates them. She deserves better than that." "Yeah...You're right...I just need a little more time..." "I won't push you, but try to call her soon, okay?" "We still have time for a couple movies if you guys are up for it." "Yeah. I'd like that." "Maybe we could visit your world someday. It sounds nice." "You're welcome any time."
Apple Bloom,Babs Seed,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Fresh Start can do Wonders
After Applebloom and the girls realized they went too far with getting their cutie marks when they started a gossip magazine and had to move to Manehattan so their families could cool down. The fillies known as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle go on a j
<p>After Applebloom and the girls realized they went too far with getting their cutie marks when they started a gossip magazine and had to move to Manehattan so their families could cool down. The fillies known as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle go on a journey of self-discovery and discover and go on many fun adventures together. And will learn to appreicate what life has to offer as well as make the most of it in their fresh start.</p>
I let out an exhausted yawn as I shifted in my train cart to get moire comfortable. I let out a smile smile of hope as I stared upon the moving train views of the beautiful night sky greeting me with it’s beautiful nightly glow of glorious stars and the gleaming moon. The traveling train represented hope for a better start yet the pains and foolish mistakes that caused such a travel The girls and I really screwed up this time didn’t we. We’ve always been so focused on our cutie marks making sure to try everything we can in order to receive them. But we didn’t know our limits and that caused us to loose sight of what is important to have fun and to truly earn our cutie marks. This foolish and selfish ways led us to even going as far as to try and start a gossip newspaper about the whole town. We even went and done did go after our families and their stories. I embarrassed my brother and he grew angry because of it. Though he and Granny Smith are still at least talking to me and show affection. Applejack however, is a different story she still refuses to talk to me and won’t even show me any affection at all. She said that I was a disgrace to the family name and I don’t blame her for saying that when I didn’t even value what our family values which is showing care towards our family no matter what. And now I must pay the price. Though I am glad that I can finally have a fresh start in Manehattan I get to meet my cousin Babs and her parents who have decided to let me stay with them. They heard about the whole mess and offered to take me in while things settle down and I appreciate them for that. I can’t wait to meet my family because I only ever see them on family reunions so I know it’ll be special. They’ve even said they recognized what they did as wrong but still believe that everyone deserves a second chance and I’d have to agree with that. I am a little upset that Diamond Tiara didn’t receive the punishment she should have for orchestrating the whole event and blackmailing us into sending out more photos. I know it’s might petty but she should have gotten more than just kicked out of her position as head chief editor. I know that Filthy Rich punished her accordingly but she still should have gotten detention. I understand that it would look bad for Filthy Rich’s business if his daughter recieves even one detention but just because there business is necessary for the economy of Ponyville doesn’t mean she should be allowed to get away with everything. I guess Filthy Rich being a prominent business stallion in Ponyville allows for some sympathy among the school board. Fortunatly I won’t be alone. Sweetie Belle also has relatives in Manehattean and her parents along with her sister have already planned for her to leave they said they need a little space same as mine. Which is understandable giving how cruel we were. I noticed that Sweetie Belle was fast asleep. I didn’t want to disturbe her. I then noticed she woke up [Yawn] Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Oh sorry Sweetie for waking you up.” I said apologically. “No it’s alright this move is hard on the both of us.” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah I’d have to agree moving to a new city can be scary especially when we lived in a rural area.” I said. “Yeah I won’t lie I’m a little scared.” Sweetie Belle admitted. “Yeah so am I. But I’m still glad for the fresh start and to see the sights I do love Manehattan fashion a lot and the street food.” I said excited that I get to still see the sights of Manehattan. “Oh I love the fashion too especially all the designer socks they sell.” Sweetie Belle spoke excited. “And I heard that the film crew in Manehattan gives tours.” I said excited and entiustaitc at the idea. “And I heard the same goes for the museums and art exhibits.” Sweetie Belle said pleasntaly. I know that she has a love for the arts and culture. “Well at least despite the fears that come with it there are some joys to like I get to meet Babs.” I said excited and pleasant and the thought. “Yeah and I get to meet my relatives too. I’ve heard their designers.” Sweetie Belle spoke excited to learn about Manehattan designer clothing. “See we have many good things commin our way and despite the fact that there are fears too we can still go through it together.” I say pleasantly that I can go through this with my friend. “Yeah together.” Sweetie Belle said. That was helpful and I won’t lie thinking of all the good that was to come helped me to finally get some sleep. I let out a groan as I woke up to the sound of the train whistle blowing. I looked out the window to see Celestia’s sun rising in the distance. “All passengers we’ll be arriving in Manehattean in thirty minutes.” The ticket stallion said. That was our cue we got our stuff together and went outside. I then saw Uncle and Aunt Orange. They smiled when they saw me. I went over and hugged them “It’s so good to see you Applebloom , you've grown since I last saw you.” Uncle Orange said. “We heard about what happened but we won’t judge so long as you don’t do anything like that here.” Aunt Orange said. “Don’t worry I won’t I learned my lesson.” I said guilt struck. “It’s alright every child makes mistakes and it is best to encourage the best behavior rather than worry over things we can’t control.” Aunt Orange said. I then saw who I believed to be Bab Seed. I could see that she had a short Manehattan styled mane and tail and better yet no cutie mark. From what I’ve heard she and her friends have been bullied for that which is not right but I can relate to that we’ll be the best of friends. “Howdy there I’m Applebloom.” I said politely in my farm accent. “Nice ta meet ya the name’s Babs.” She spoke in a Manehattean accent which I found to be really cool. We moved my things into the room I would be staying in. I found that I would be sharing a room with Babs but I don’t mind it’s a way we can get closer. I noticed that part of the room was decorate dto loom like my old farmhouse. I was awee struken and felt deep appreciation that they were so kind towards me despite what I’ve done Aunt and Uncle Orange smiled “You like it.” Uncle Orange said. “I love it “ I said. “Hey by any chance ya wanna listen to some Sapphire Shores music I just love them tunes and I usually do it about this time.” Babs offered. “I love her music.” I said. We then galloped off. And I knew I would get along great here this fresh new start was turning out great. “
Flurry Heart,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Sunburst,Anthro,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Teasing Her Tutor
Flurry Heart is off to college, but not before she finally achieves her goal of seducing and claiming her tutor. Sunburst hasn't responded to her flirting, but when Flurry discovers his kinky secrets, she has just what she needs to get under his skin
<div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p><b>ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18</b></p></div><p>Princess Flurry Heart is college bound, spending her time preparing for her entrance exams with the help of her tutor. </p><p>At least she would be if she wasn't so distracted by the older stallion. However all of her advances and attempts at flirting are ignored and shot down, making Flurry all the more frustrated.</p><p>However after she happens upon a secret porn stash in his room, all of Sunburst's kinky desires are unveiled and Flurry Heart finds her ticket into her tutor's pants handed to her. <br/>-<br/>Cover image by <b>Sugarlesspaints</b>. <br/><b>Contains the following content:</b></p><ul><li>Restraints and bondage</li><li>Foot Fetish</li><li>Foot Jobs</li><li>Teasing</li><li>Femdom</li></ul><div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p>This was a commission</p></div>
This was a commission for an anonymous client. The afternoon sun shone low in the sky as Princess Flurry Heart looked out the window and took in the sparkling Crystal Empire she called home, the Alicorn Princess never got tired of seeing the sights of her kingdom. A small smile graced her lips before she turned, walking over and sitting down in her private classroom. She was awaiting the arrival of her tutor, more so than usual, as she couldn’t help but think back on her discovery regarding the older stallion that had been very surprising. And very exciting. (Flashback) Flurry Heart was bored, she’d been waiting all morning for Sunburst to arrive, he’d organized a field trip for them and she was looking forward to it. The princess loved whenever he’d take her outside the borders of the city, further into the kingdom or beyond to other realms within Equestria. Though there were times she couldn’t enjoy them thoroughly due to the protection detail her father insisted on accompanying them, Shining Armor’s overprotective streak ran strong when it came to his daughter. Even though the nineteen year old argued for her independence and for her father to lighten up, despite knowing his concerns grew from very real threats he and her mother had faced back in the day, along with Aunt Twilight and Great Aunt Celestia and Luna, it still didn’t make her feel any less suffocated at times. Especially when it came to diplomatic envoys she attended with her mother and Aunt Twilight, during those events it was like Shining went into overdrive. Flurry Heart had finally managed to convince him to rein in the Royal Guards for this field trip however, her mother having helped calm Shining’s nerves, after all Flurry Heart was an Alicorn and while still being a teen, she was legally an adult and Shining couldn’t keep her under lock and key for the rest of her life. Shining had reluctantly agreed, but Flurry knew he’d no doubt chewed out Sunburst further in regards to his duties and to look after Flurry despite the fact they were still going to be within the kingdom of the Crystal Empire, merely going outside the city’s borders, an act they’d done many times before. She felt sorry for her tutor, knowing how much her father would have grilled him over it. Her sympathy however was beginning to wane as she sat on the bottom of the stairs and waited, resting her cheek on her hand as she sat in the same spot she’d been in for the past twenty minutes, they were supposed to have left already but for some reason she’d not seen hide nor hair of the older stallion. Letting out a groan, Flurry Heart stood up and began to climb the stairs. If Sunburst wasn’t going to come to her, she would come to him. Navigating the castle was as easy as breathing for her, she could find her way around blindfolded if necessary, secret passages and entrances included, a fact which still boggled her father and even Sunburst at times when she’d used them to sneak out. Even after all these years, Shining still didn’t know every nook and cranny of the castle, and Flurry wasn’t about to reveal some of her most trusted hidey holes and escape routes. Making her way to Sunbursts private quarters, Flurry knocked and waited a few seconds before calling out. “Sunburst!?” Flurry waited a few more seconds before knocking again, this time with more force. “Sunburst, are you in there?” After getting no response again, she let out a huff before stepping forward and opening the door to his room, walking in and looking around for any sign of her tutor. Technically she was invading his privacy, but it was her castle…Or technically her parents castle, but she still had authority here. And she wouldn’t even be here if he’d been on time. Hearing a sound from across the room, Flurry looked in the direction of the ensuite and walking towards the closed door, could hear the sound of water running. Clearly Sunburst was in the shower, putting her ear to the door she also heard other sounds too, narrowing her eyes for a moment before she realized what it was. He was listening to the radio. In the bathroom, while taking a shower… Letting out another huff and rolling her eyes at the odd behavior, she proceeded to walk back over beside his bed and sat down near the end of it, seeing the hastily remade sheets and covers from earlier still slightly rumpled. Looking around the room, Flurry Heart took in the various knick knacks and keepsakes he kept around the place, while it wasn’t the first time she’d come to his room, she never took the time to really get a good look at everything. Some areas were neat and organized, while others were filled with a collection of notes and study material, some for her and others she knew were his own personal material. Her eyes however stopped when she saw something poking out near the side of the bed. Hopping off the bed, she bent down and saw that it was a large trunk, she was tempted to push it back under further but curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed hold of the handle on the side and pulled it out. While other mares her age would have struggled with the weight without using magic, due to the trunk being fairly heavy, Flurry Heart’s Alicorn strength was on display as she pulled the trunk out without any effort. Seeing it had a lock on the side, it was clearly something important or private. However Flurry also noted the padlock was unlocked, and again curiosity won over as she couldn’t help but open the trunk. What she found caused her eyes to widen in surprise and shock. The trunk was filled with magazines, very adult magazines. “Oh wow, didn’t pick Sunburst to have a collection like this.” Flurry said to herself as she reached down and picked up one of the magazines. “Saddle-Arabian Soles?” she said out loud, reading the title of the magazine which showed a distinctly foreign mare posing seductively, her bare feet lifted up and on full display on the cover. Putting it down, she reached for one near it only to raise an eyebrow as she saw the title. “Perfect Prench Pedicures Volume 8” This cover had what Flurry assumed was a sexy school teacher displaying her bare foot and specifically her toes. Flipping through a few pages, she saw an array of mares who she assumed were all from Prance due to the title, all of the pages showing scantily clad mares showing off their feet and their pedicured toes, she flipped through a few more pages before returning it and decided to look at one beside it. Reaching back down she picked it up and her eyes almost bulged out of her head as she saw the mares on the cover. Specifically three mares who were dressed up to look like Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight. Flurry narrowed her eyes to take in the details and saw the mare dressed up like her Great Aunt Celestia was wearing a fake pair of wings, though good quality, they were clearly fake. The mare who looked like Luna had a fake horn, and similarly the Twilight dressed mare also had fake wings. “HornHub Media presents, By Royal Decree.” Flurry read out as she flipped through a few pages. This one had the ‘princesses’ and various stallions and mares serving them each individually and all together, Flurry could feel her own cheeks redden as she explored the content. There was of course, to be expected by now foot worship pages, but also oral sex, rimjobs, and even a few stallions being pegged! Flurry Heart looked back in the direction of the ensuite and couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter. She wasn’t a prude by any means, and she knew there wasn’t technically anything illegal about owning porn magazines. Though it was definitely weird to have porn parodies of her Aunt and Great Aunt’s hidden away within the Crystal Palace. Her eyes turned back to the trunk as she wondered if there was any of her mother in there? Shaking her head to get rid of the sudden thought, she placed the magazine back in the trunk and was about to look for another when she heard the water suddenly stop from the ensuite. Her eyes darting to the still closed door in alarm, Flurry shut the trunk and quickly slid it back under the bed, making sure to leave it slightly poking out like she’d found it, before exiting the room quickly and shutting the door. As she leaned against the now shut door, cheeks blushing and heart pounding, she took a few calming breaths before her expression shifted. A small smile emerged on her face as she realized just what she’d found. She’d found her opportunity. (Flashback end) It had been a week since then and Flurry had not stopped thinking about her discovery, as well as how she could utilize it for her own ends. For so long now she’d had romantic intentions towards Sunburst, what had started as a schoolgirl crush had blossomed as she had into adulthood and her once innocent crush had grown into a much more mature need and desire for the older stallion, a need and desire she so far hadn’t been able to satisfy. Partially due to having to circumvent her father’s involvement in her life, and partially due to not knowing how she could win Sunburst over. She knew she would need more than just flashing her impressive chest and ass at him, but now she had a secret weapon up her sleeve. Or rather in her socks. Previous attempts at flirting with him had proved uneventful, Flurry hadn’t been able to catch his eye and put it down to him no doubt still seeing her as a little kid, an assumption which irked her to no end. If her father had his way, the entire kingdom and beyond would treat her like she was still an innocent little filly. She was a grown mare damn it! And she needed a good fucking, and knew just who she wanted to provide it. Letting out a huff, her eyes wandered down to her flats. She picked them out today both due to them being cute, but also the ease of which she could take them off and reveal her sock clad feet to Sunburst, knowing what she did now, she knew it would be her ticket to getting in his pants. She was interrupted as the door to their private room opened, revealing a slightly frazzled Sunburst carrying several books and a roll of parchment, not an uncommon sight among the castle when it came to him. Sending her a sheepish smile, Sunburst shut the door behind him with his leg before walking in. “Good morning, Princess.” Sunburst greeted as he walked over to the table she was seated at, giving her a small bow as Flurry suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. He was always so formal when it came to her and her parents. “Good morning, Sunburst. Running a bit late, aren’t we?” “Ah, well yes I was a little preoccupied making sure I had all of your study materials sorted for the day, and I may have lost track of time.” Sunburst replied as he began laying out the various books and tomes. “I’m sorry, Princess. This won’t happen again, I promise.” Again she suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, as Sunburst had a habit of doing this quite a lot even after all these years. Glancing down at the books she almost groaned before schooling her features, she was going over a number of texts and tomes, all of which normally held no interest for her, but was necessary to brush up on again for her preparation for her entrance exams. Her Aunt Twilight had opened up a new university recently, and Flurry was eager to apply and go off to learn there. However her application was being kept a secret, and even sent in with a false name attached, due to her parents not wanting her to get in via any sort of nepotism. There was even talk of magically glamoring her if they had any pre-enrollment meetings! She thought that was going a bit too far, but then she remembered her Aunt’s neurotic and overly enthusiastic ways when it came to academia, and how if she knew Flurry was attending it would no doubt lead to some overreactions in a positive, but still no doubt disruptive manner on Twilight’s part. Turning her attention back to Sunburst, Flurry put aside those thoughts and focused back on what really mattered right now, enacting her plan to win him over. Standing up, Flurry walked over to where he was sitting and leaned down against the table, putting her cleavage on full display near his face. “Would you like some tea, or coffee?” she asked, lowering her voice just enough to gain a seductive lilt as she saw Sunburst turn and his eyes widen slightly at the sight of her breasts so close to his face before he cleared his throat and looked away quickly. “Uh, n-no thank you, Princess. I’m fine.” he said, stuttering lightly before he tried to keep his eyes focussed on the page he was reading. Flurry Heart felt the same annoyance rise in her stomach, the same as her previous failed attempts, but kept her cool as she smiled and walked over to where a tray was set up on the refreshments table. She knew Sunburst had been affected by her breasts, his attempts to play it off clear as day. As she poured herself a steaming cup of tea, she glanced back to see him still going over their work. It was time to pull out her ace in the hole. “Oh Sunburst, what do you think of my flats?” she asked, speaking up suddenly and watching as Sunburst’s head shot up, instantly looking at her. ‘Here we go.’ Flurry thought as she smiled, raising her leg up behind her slightly, bending her knee as she glanced back at him, she could see his eyes were locked onto her footwear and she made a small show of dangling her flat from her foot. She had to suppress a smile yet again as she saw him swallow slightly, his gaze fixated on her dangled shoe as she continued. “I haven’t worn them in awhile, but I thought I’d give them a try with this outfit, what do you think?” She saw his expression shift as he nervously glanced away, but tried to collect himself in the meantime. “Oh, they look….Um, yeah they look great I guess.” Deciding to tease him even further, she put on a mock look of confusion. “You guess? These are expensive, you know, not some store bought mass produced pair. These were custom made with the finest material. They feel so relaxing and comfortable on my feet.” The moment she uttered the word feet, she saw Sunburst let out a small cough trying to disguise his reaction as he again averted his gaze, but she could see his eyes wandering back to her still dangling flat. “Well, I-I just never really was interested in shoes.” Sunburst said as he turned back to their work, trying his best not to meet her gaze as Flurry put her foot back down. Smiling to herself as she finished preparing her tea, she almost laughed at his excuse. She knew just how interested he was in shoes, as well as what was inside of them. Walking back over she sat down opposite him at the table, nursing the cup of tea in her hand as she watched the calm expression on his face, the way his eyes traveled from line to line on the paper as he was lost in thought, she was about to start the next phase of her plan. Slipping off her right flat, she slowly moved her leg underneath the table, stopping only when she felt the legs of the chair Sunburst was sitting on. She didn’t take her eyes off him as she slid further up and hovering over his pants for a moment before she pressed her foot down directly on his crotch. The sudden action caused Sunburst to let out a cry of surprise, glancing down quickly and seeing Flurry’s sock covered foot which was now kneading into his pants. “P-Princess!?” Sunburst exclaimed in confusion. “What are you do-Oooohhh.” Sunburst began to say, only for his words to die off as he let out an involuntary moan as Flurry flexed her toes against his crotch. She found his reaction cute as she spoke up. “What am I doing?” Flurry parroted back at him, tilting her head to the side slightly as she pretended to contemplate her actions. “I think you know exactly what I’m doing.” Flurry said as Sunburst tried to stand up only for Flurry to ignite her horn. Sunburst found himself quickly and thoroughly restrained to his chair and unable to move as his body was tied to the chair via glowing ropes, after a few attempts to tug and pull himself free, even trying to use his own magic at one point to break the ropes enchantment, to no avail. Looking back at his student with anxious eyes, he saw her expression had dropped, her eyes narrowing into a glare as she stepped back. “Did you think no one would find out?” “F-Find out about what?” Sunburst asked nervously to which Flurry let out a scoff. “Find out about your little secret stash, the one you keep under your bed” Flurry said, watching as Sunburst’s face slackened and his mouth fell open in shock. He stammered before trying to speak up only for Flurry to prematurely cut him off by slamming her fist down on the table hard enough to send cracks splintering through it. “DON’T TRY AND DENY IT!” she exclaimed, her eyes glowing as her magical aura increased. “I FOUND YOUR DISGUSTING FILTHY COLLECTION!” Sunburst’s hair and face were blasted back at the force of Flurry Heart tapping into the often forgotten and archaic ‘Royal’ voice, an act of which nearly threatened to blow him back if not for the magical ties keeping him in place, but right now it seemed keeping himself upright was the least of his worries as he began to shake, sweat pooling on his brow as he stammered, trying to form some kind of explanation or excuse. “B-But I…I-it wasn’t supposed to- I mean it’s not-” “AND THAT’S NOT COUNTING THE INCLUSION OF MY MOTHER! AND MY BELOVED AUNTS! SOILING THEIR IMAGES FOR YOUR OWN PERVERSE PLEASURE!” Flurry’s voice echoed out so loudly that the nearby windows were shaking from the force. “I WOULD CONSIDER SUCH ACTS TO BE TREASONOUS!” “T-T-Treason!?” Sunburst exclaimed, his wide eyes now almost bulging out of his head as Flurry’s wings extended out, her full Alicorn majesty on display as she floated up over the table, her magic flaring out and causing the books on the table to fly off and clatter to the floor as she hovered above him. “YOU MADE A PERVERSE MOCKERY OF MY MOTHER! YOUR PATRON, AND THE ROYAL TO WHICH THIS CASTLE BELONGS TO! THE CASTLE YOU HAVE BEEN GRACIOUSLY ALLOWED TO TAKE RESIDENCE IN AND SUCKLE FROM OUR ROYAL TEET!” Sunburst had no words, nor the courage to utter any at this point as his body was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, staring back helplessly as the young Princess continued to hover above him ominously. “I THINK A SUITABLE PUNISHMENT IS IN ORDER!” Flurry declared, causing Sunburst to gulp before shutting his eyes, still shivering from fear. Flurry looked upon him, imagining all the punishments his own mind was no doubt cooking up, the fear and pain he was no doubt expecting to come his way, as well as what would happen when her parents found out. “Pfftt….” Sunburst opened his eyes after a few seconds, hearing a slight scoff and sniggering echoing above before opening them fully as Flurry Heart couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out into laughter, floating back down to the floor as she laughed out loud. “Hahahahahaha! Y-You should have seen your face, hahahaha! Oh man, that was good, ooohh.” Flurry said, breathing heavily as she tried to regain a semblance of composure. “I wish I could have gotten a picture of that.” Flurry said as she wiped her eyes as Sunburst looked at her in a mixture of confusion and anxiety. “What?” he uttered softly, causing Flurry to roll her eyes and sit back opposite him, using her magic to return to the room to its previous state, returning the books to the top of the table and any furniture or object she’d knocked over by using the ‘Royal’ voice. Rubbing her throat momentarily, she wondered if she should prepare next time before letting that one lose. Turning her gaze back to Sunburst she smirked, slipping off her other flat, she reached under the table and slipped off her socks, returning them and placing them on top of the table and instantly getting his attention. Flurry then extended her now bare feet back to his crotch, this time with both feet placed firmly on his lap as Sunburst began to squirm. She could feel his cock harden under her soles and now, no longer having to pretend and maintain an air of ignorance, she was going to enjoy herself. And from the feeling of his hard cock underneath his pants, he would too. “I wasn’t angry with you, Sunburst. I wasn’t disgusted or outraged….A little surprised to be honest, but otherwise I’m not going to punish you, or lock you in the dungeons or whatever else you were thinking. I was just pulling your leg about all that.” Flurry explained. Sunburst was silent for a moment, blinking in confusion. “Really?...” “Yep.” she said plainly, causing him to let out a sigh of relief and no doubt would have slumped down in his chair if he was able to. But he was still restrained with Flurry’s magical bindings. “Um…Princess, about the ropes?” “Oh don’t act like you don’t enjoy it, and don’t act like you’re not loving this.” she said, nodding in the direction of his lap, where she flexed her right sole against his crotch, causing him to let out a moan. “I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time now, and before you say it, no it’s not just some little crush. I really like you, but all you did was look at me like I was a little kid still. Even with these on full display.” Flurry said, gesturing to her breasts, before smirking as she continued to stroke up and down his covered cock. “But I was using the wrong incentive, or at least the wrong starting point. You know if you’d been more open about your kinks, I could have been letting you have some fun with my feet before, but I guess that’s not something you’re open about, is it?” Flurry questioned rhetorically as she cupped the head of his cock over his pants with her toes, making Sunburst let out another moan as he arched back into the chair staring at the ceiling for several seconds as Flurry continued teasing him. “P-Princess, I…We…” he began only for Flurry to reach up with her other foot, squeezing her toes around his zipper and slowly beginning to lower it down. “Yes, Sunburst?” she asked with a small grin, looking down to his crotch with an almost casual air as he let out a short breaths, trying to retain a semblance of composure even with his rock hard cock poking up like that, and one that came out even more so when his zipper came undone fully. Flurry Heart let out a gasp as Sunburst’s cock shot up from out of his pants, bare and free for all to see as she took it in for a moment. She found her mouth watering at the sight of his member which had begun to leak, a bead of pre bubbling to the tip, the sight of which made Flurry lick her lips. “Oh wow….I hoped you were big, but….that’s impressive for a Stallion of your size.” Flurry Heart said with distraction. “I’m average height!” Sunburst shot back, momentary embarrassment forgotten before Flurry’s big toe poked the base of his cock, instantly returning him to his previous state. And while it was true, Sunburst was average height for a stallion, Flurry’s Alicorn physiology still made her tower over him. But in his pants, it seemed he was more generously gifted than an average stallion, what he lacked in height up top clearly was compensated for down below. “Princess….Flurry! We shouldn’t be doing this, it’s wrong, and…and what if your parents found out, I don’t think we should-” Sunburst tried to explain before he was cut off by another moan escaping his throat as Flurry pushed his cock back with her foot, pressing it against his stomach as her toes again cupped the head of his member. Her toes instantly were covered in his pre as she wiggled them slightly, trapping his glans between her big and second toe as she looked him straight in the eyes, a small teasing grin on her lips as she leaned closer over the table. “There’s nothing wrong with two adults having some fun, Sunburst. I’m not a little kid, I’m a woman who knows what she wants, and I want you.” she declared as Sunburst let out another almost ragged breath as Flurry’s other foot came down to lightly tap against his balls. “And from the feel of this big, hard, dripping cock.” Flurry said, listing it off slowly as she rubbed her big toe lightly on his balls, making him tense up against his restraints. “You want me. Don’t you, Sunburst?” she asked. “But…Your parents, they’d kill me. A-And surely you’d be better off with another royal, I know you’ve had some suitors recently.” Sunburst said, before clamping his mouth shut when Flurry traced her toe up from his balls and to the base of his shaft. “Pfft, my parents don’t get to decide my future, nor who I like, nor who I choose to fuck, or give a footjob too in this case.” Flurry began before rolling her eyes. “Besides, all those suitors I’ve been having tea with and engaging in pointless pleasantries with were total bores, and none of them caught my eye like you do, Sunburst.” Flurry rested her elbow down on the table and balanced her chin on her hand, staring across at Sunburst with dreamy eyes before her gaze dropped down to his crotch once more. “So, I’ll ask you again.” she said before she moved her toes down, releasing his cockhead as she began to stroke up and down with her big and second toe, her Alicorn body again showing off it’s advantages as her toes alone were able to jerk him off, but she kept her pace slow and teasing, her other foot ready to clamp down on the base if he was going to cum without her letting him. “Do you want me?” She let the question linger as she saw him moaning out, his expression becoming lost in pleasure as she began to slow her stroking, catching his attention beneath the arousal that was gripping his mind as much as her toes gripped his cock. “I….I….” Sunburst tried to say before squeezing his eyes shut. “I do! I want you too!” he exclaimed, causing Flurry to resume her pace. “You don’t know how hard it’s been lately, your teasing outfits! Your cleavage! Bumping your ass into me when I’m sitting down and you walk past! It’s been driving me insane!” Sunburst revealed as Flurry smiled brighter. Her earlier flirtation attempts had garnered more of a response than she thought! Seems her feet were the straw that broke the camel's back as now she was sure she’d won him over completely now, he was hers and hers alone. She continued to stroke him eagerly, licking her lips again as she saw more pre leaking down his cock, lubricating her toes as she continued to give him a royal toejob. “Just imagine it, Sunburst. All the shoes, all the stockings, socks, and sandals, boots and flip flops, all the coverings I can put on my feet, and that you can enjoy taking off. All the fun we can have together, oh this is just the beginning! I’m going to enjoy exploring every little kink in that head of yours.” Flurry exclaimed with excitement, stars practically appearing in her eyes as she imagined all the fun she could now have with the one person she wanted to have it with. She was going to put this stallion through the ringer till he was dry. And her feet were thoroughly drenched. She could see his flickering and practically feel his heartbeat pulsing through his member as she began to speed up, moving her toes and feet around till she was now wrapping his cock up between her feet, her large soles dwarfing the stallion as she began to pump both feet up and down as Sunburst let out a choked gasp that was almost a sob. “F-Flurry! I’m….I’m…” he began to say, his voice raising higher and higher as Flurry kept jerking him off. She was glad she’d practiced on all those bananas. She could see the eagerness, the desire and the all but consuming need to cum written on his face and soaking into her feet. And smirked mischievously as she saw him panting louder and louder as he reached the precipice. And then she stopped. She pulled her feet back instantly and slipped away before placing her bare feet up on the table in front of him. Summoning her magic once again, she removed his restraints and the ropes that bound him, freeing him as he looked at her with confusion. “But, I was so close.” He said, his voice almost a whine as Flurry giggled. “I didn’t say we were done, I just didn’t want you shooting off so soon. There’ll be time for that, but first…” She began to wiggle her toes, the mere act of her displaying all ten digits in front of him instantly shutting up any whining or begging that might have formed as she ran her hands down her calves and shins, tantalizing him as she spoke. “Why don’t you fulfill a few more fantasies?” Sunburst seemed to pick up on her meaning as he nearly leapt to her feet, grasping the bottoms as he began to kiss up and down her soles. Flurry couldn’t help but giggle at the sensation, flexing her soles as he continued to kiss them, even going up to her toes and licking along each and every one as he moaned out, wrapping his mouth around her big toe and sucking on it. Flurry could feel her own arousal begin to rise, the entire time she’d been toying with him was getting her hot, but now that he was actually worshiping her feet it was a whole other level. The fact he was licking and sucking up his own pre from her feet was also pretty sexy in a dominating type of way, which she knew would only be turning him on more. Leaning back in her chair, she allowed it to go on for a few minutes, relishing in the sensation of his mouth sucking around her toes, his tongue teasingly but eagerly slipping between them and his teeth lightly scraping against them and making little nips along the way. “Oh Sunburst, that feels great.” She said, giggling slightly as his bear tickled against her soles. “I still don’t know what your parents are going to say…” he said after removing her toes from his mouth, his cheeks reddening at the very idea of the royal couple becoming aware of their activities. “You worry too much.” Flurry said with a roll of her eyes, before the same mischievous smirk from earlier returned. “Don’t you think so, Mom?” “Oh absolutely, dear.” Sunburst froze, at the sound of the familiar and very alarming voice behind him. All the color drained from his face as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza stepped into view, walking around the table till she was beside Flurry. Sunburst was close to having a heart attack at this point, his eyes once more bulging out as he shook in his seat, hands now covering his still hard cock desperately trying to hide it from the elder royal’s view. “P-Princess, it’s not-” Sunburst began, only for Flurry to turn to Cadance. “And how are things going, Flurry?” Cadance said, glancing at Sunburst and her eyes shifting down to his lap, making him blush harder and attempt to sink down into the floor. “Sunburst has finally accepted my advances!” Flurry said, excitedly bouncing up and down, or floating up and down as she was taking care to not let her feet touch the ground. “That’s wonderful!” Cadance declared, wrapping her arms around her daughter as she pulled her into a hug. “Though I have to say, it’s about time.” Cadance added as she continued hugging her. Sunburst looked at them with confusion now, still covering his crotch as he glanced between the two. “.....Huh?” he muttered out. Flurry giggled again, knowing he’d been expecting more yelling at best, along with talk of torture, imprisonment, banishment or even death! But her hugging her mother and her mother reacting with excitement? She knew he was baffled. “You’re not mad?” Sunburst asked, causing Cadance to shake her head. “No, I’m not mad. Flurry came to me months ago and told me about her feelings for you, I was very supportive. And she told me today she was going to finally make her move earnestly with you. I’m so happy you said yes.” “But, what about the suitors?” he asked. “Oh they were just to keep up public appearances and royal protocol, a young princess is expected to have suitors, but that doesn’t mean she has to accept them.” Cadance said giggling at his reaction. “Honestly, I’ve made more friends with those suitors than I thought, but none of them clicked as someone I wanted to take as a lover, primary or otherwise.” Flurry added, as she shook her head. “Wait, otherwise?” Sunburst remarked, causing both princesses to look at one another before bursting out into laughter, again baffling the unicorn. “For someone who lives in a royal palace and studies so much, you really have some gaps in your knowledge when it comes to royalty.” Flurry said with amusement, only for Cadance to reply. “Well certain elements of royal life are more open only among royals dear, it’s not exactly out of the question that he wouldn’t know.” Cadance said before turning back to Sunburst. “You see, Sunburst, it’s not uncommon for royals to take a primary lover, as well as multiple partners or lovers on the side. Before or after marriage, I mean even Shining and I have an assortment of lovers, royal and otherwise, who have been invited into our bed chambers.” Sunburst stared at them for a few more seconds, seemingly digesting this new bit of information on royal life. “.....Huh.” he said, blinking a few times behind his glasses before Cadance began to walk towards the exit of the room, one that Sunburst was certain she hadn’t used to enter, no doubt having teleported in. “Does Shining Armor know?” Sunburst asked just as Cadance was at the door, she turned back to him and let out a small chuckle. “He does, but don’t worry. He’s not going to come after you or anything, no…” Cadance began before she walked out, shutting the door behind her as she did and letting her daughter resume her activities. After all, Sunburst hadn’t cum yet. “I’ll convince Shining to not interfere.” She said to herself as she walked down the hall. Cadance stepped into the room with a pleased sigh, having entered into the private chambers that were connected to her royal bedchambers, she walked further into the room, her eyes shifted to her husband before she began to disrobe. “I just stopped by and checked in on Flurry and Sunburst.” “Mmmmm.” “Oh don’t worry, Shiny. They’re fine, Flurry is taking very good care of him.” Cadance said over her shoulder as she used her magic to zip up the leather bodice. “Mmmm! Mmmmm.” Rolling her eyes, she reached down and slipped her feet into a pair of thigh high boots, again using her magic to zip them up as well as she was now clad in a full leather black ensemble, one which showed off her cleavage fully as well as her crotch being free and bare. “We’ve talked about this, Shining, but you still don’t seem to want to admit it to yourself.” Cadance said as she walked over to a wall of assorted toys of all shapes and sizes, reaching for a nice sized dildo, she inspected it before seeing one beside it and grinned. “Oh yeah, I think someone’s in for a nice Yaz Sized surprise tonight.” Cadance said as she took a larger dildo off the wall, her horn lighting up as it was picked up along with a harness that flew down to her crotch, inserting the base of the toy inside of herself before the straps around her thighs tightened, she took a few seconds to breath out and relax herself before grabbing a leather riding crop and turning back to full face her husband. “Flurry Heart will always be your little girl, Shining. But she’s also a grown woman now.” Cadance said as she walked up to her husband, testing the restraints that held him in place and up off the ground, walking around to his front to see the ball gag still in place and the magic suppression ring around his horn. Glancing down at his cock, she saw it was rock hard and leaking, similarly to how Sunburst’s had been. She didn’t even need to use the cock ring, Shining was still hard after the past few hours of being restrained ever since their little ‘talk’ about Flurry. “And she’s got needs, needs that will now be tended to by Sunburst.” she said with a smirk as she saw her husband groan out behind the gag. She knew he still wasn’t happy with Flurry’s choice in her lover, but he’d have to just accept it, Cadance was fully supporting her daughter. “Don’t worry, baby.” Cadance said as she slapped the riding crop against her other hand, smirking down at her husband as he seemed to only now realizing the size of the strap-on around her waist. And she definitely saw his cock twitch. “By the time I’m done with you tonight, you’ll have forgotten all about what Flurry is doing.” Cadance said as she stepped around behind him, dragging the crop along his bare skin as she watched him shiver from the cold leather’s touch, arriving behind his spread legs, Cadance waited a moment before slapping her hands down on each of his cheeks, making him groan out again, but this time from pleasure. “You’ll be lucky to remember your own name by the time I’m done with you.” Cadance said with a lick of her lips as she gazed upon her husband’s prone form. Flurry wasn’t the only one who was going to enjoy herself tonight.
Flurry Heart,Dark,Horror,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Infection AU
A world where alot of bad things come from different places
<p>A world where a lot of bad things come from different places how will I survive when anything can be affected.</p>
I woke up very upset; I kept on shaking , I only had my big sister left. My mum was infected and never heard from other family members since everyone escaped. We stayed in the castle for a few months and written a diary but... We had to leave home. Our mum said it was time to let her go. I kept feeling gloomily in my head. My sister tried hiding everything. Before we left; we saw our mum leave blood all over the floor with skin and crystals over her skin. I wanted to hug her one more Time but we could get infected like our other friends and family possibly. I stared when I left the castle with silently. The place we used to call home is now like ashes town ( where the infection began). The houses in the streets were quite and houses had wood over the windows and doors. My sister and I didn't know anywhere to go but we hopefully would know soon. We kept walking in the wasteland. We saw little scratches and blood all over the floor and buildings. We luckily bringed weapons that we could fit and food supplies. We remembered when the infections began because many ponies got infected because of many things. I did remember when our dad left and never came back. As we walked we didn't see any survivors so we decided to walk and hide to find somewhere to see refued. We didn't know if there were pandemics around still; we remembered when nurse red heart was supposed to head up north but she never came. When me and flurry made it to a forest he hid in the biggest Bush we could find because infected ponies or creatures would try attack us. I randomly had a bad feeling that we can't sleep because we would be attacked in our sleep. I told my sister flurryheart about it and she said to me " I will keep guard because your mental health has been bad for months." I agreed and watched. A couple hours passed and alot of breathing and insane laughing shot into my ears. Tears fell down mu chick's. I later felt my sister's hoof trying to calm me down. Flurryheart tried to use her spells so then no monster noticed us. I kept on thinking about our mum; her face was bloody with sadness , black showed on to her aswell. When I woke up flurryheart was sleeping for a bit. I watched for flurryheart and no monster came up to us. Once flurryheart woke up,I told flurryheart , I watched her to protect eachother. She is all I have left.. We began to leave the Bush even though it could of infected us. We walked even though food could infect us. We stumbled onto a dark cave and noticed a figure in there. We both decided to shine our horns. There was a creepy stallion smiling. Me and flurryheart both decided to run in this forest. We are only a quarter of the forest. We always walked by dead animals fearing they could turn into zombies; we were told as foals that they were mare tails but are they? Later ,Flurryheart decided to try get more food but I suggested it won't be safe because they were probably infected. So we both agreed on that we should rashin. I told flurryheart a few minutes later that if wanted to clean ourselves at a river or lake we should check if it could get us infected. It is also the same for not cleaning ourselves often. When it started to become dark we randomly saw a familiar face who wasn't effected. The light blue mare had tears rolling down her face. Reminding me of when our pets died and vanished one day. The blue mare was comet. She had lots of dirt and a bag with her needs. Me and flurryheart could not tell how many months she has been traveling. We only left home; me , flurryheart forgotten about it. We told comet about what happened days or weeks. Then we found another place to sleep. Flurryheart watched me and comet again. A nightmare kept going through my head. I did know these infections were a nightmare. I still never could never think of how mum felt during the early months and before we left her. She was traumatized when she realised the family has fallen apart. She didn't see my brother or skylar not even her auntie. The worst part happened after dad left us. Mum decided to go to the gardens to have space even though we had many rooms. There was survivors but they got infected, and they had to putted into cages like mum later did. Mum the day she went to the gardens she kept picking things so then we got things to do. I did write a diary which is still on me. My mum bring crystals home that day with some plants and leaves. She washed them just in case they were infected. We were lucky though but our mum went out again later on. Then that's when she began getting sick. The sickness began effecting her physical and mental health. Later her state worsened that we putted her in a cage with things to try make her happy. Flurryheart had a view of this day but it feels like it is long forgotten. I woke up with Flurryheart and comet with their state changing. I slowly noticed roots on me so got them off before I could get infected. I did the same to my last hope of survival. It felt like everyday I had one more or nothing. Flurryheart knew that having atleast a meal will keep us from not getting infected. We usually had blackberries because they never got infected like simple food e.g cakes and salt. Fake meat also got infected some point but herbs usually stopped the effect. I learned what can keep me safe for the few months to come. To be continued
Flurry Heart,Dark,Horror,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
Infection AU
A world where alot of bad things come from different places
<p>A world where a lot of bad things come from different places how will I survive when anything can be affected.</p>
Main 6,Other,Pinkie Pie,Crossover,Human,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
A shape pulling the strings
There was a monster beneath the surface
<p>Dreams. </p><p>Nightmares. </p><p>Then there was It. </p><p>A monster. </p><p>No, </p><p>It eas something worse.</p>
The shadows seemed deeper than usual amid the dense stands of timber as Pinkie Pie trotted through the Everfree Forest under the light of the waxing crescent moon. All around her twisted vines and branches clawed at the night like gnarled fingers desperate to drag some unfortunate soul into the darkness. A shiver raced down Pinkie's spine that had nothing to do with the chill in the air. In the past week, dreams unlike any she’d ever known had invaded her sleep. Nightmares of unspeakable acts that left her waking drenched in sweat, heart pounding in terror and revulsion. At first she’d dismissed them as mere bad dreams, but now... Now there was no denying something was very wrong. Ever since the dreams began, she’d started experiencing urges. Urges towards violence that went against her very nature as an earth pony. Pinkie had never hurt a fly in her life, yet lately she found herself daydreaming about harming others in brutal, bloody ways. Just the thought of it made nausea roil in her stomach. She had to get to the bottom of this, had to find some explanation for what was happening to her before she did something she could never take back. And so here she was, venturing into the ominous woods under the feeble lunar glow, hoping against hope for answers. Before long the trees grew so dense it felt as if the canopy were trying to shut out the sky entirely. Pinkie paused to catch her breath, but the deeper silence of the forest only amplified her rasping lungs. She turned slowly, straining her eyes into the pitch. Something had changed, but she couldn’t put her hoof on what. Her heart jumped as a chorus of startled hoots and cries arose in the distance, echoing weirdly through the trees. Something had disturbed the nocturnal wildlife, and from the sound of it, whatever it was was moving in her direction fast. Too fast to be natural. Pinkie broke into a gallop, branches clawing at her coat as she fled blindly through the gloom. Her ragged breathing drowned out all other noise save the relentless pursuit behind her. She risked a glance over her shoulder and glimpsed a pale, towering shape closing the distance with unnatural speed. Pinkie cried out and pumped her legs faster, swerving wildly to avoid collisions with dense thickets in her panic. Her pursuer matched her evasions effortlessly, as if it could see perfectly in the blackness. She darted left and right but still it gained, an implacable phantom determined to run her down. Her lungs were on fire, legs shaking with exhaustion. There would be no outrunning this thing, whatever it was. With a final burst of effort Pinkie broke from the trees onto a small clearing and skidded to a halt, whirling to face her fate. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears as the creature emerged at the forest’s edge, halting just within the perimeter of moonlight. Pinkie froze, transfixed by a fear unlike anything she’d known as the imposing form solidified before her eyes. It was a human, impossibly tall and covered head to toe in shadowed wrappings that made it seem more ghoul than man. Only its lifeless pale face was exposed, eyes dead and expressionless as it gazed straight at her from across the glade. Pinkie backed away slowly, every instinct screaming at her to flee but her legs refusing to obey. The human didn’t move, merely watching her retreat with an intensity that raised the fine hairs along her neck and shoulders. Suddenly its piercing gaze broke from hers, glancing off into the darkness behind her. Pinkie whipped around and spotted a glimmer of movement at the edge of the trees, some small nocturnal creature poking its nose out to investigate the still figures. In the blink of an eye the human was in motion, seeming to glide effortlessly across the ground towards its new target. Pinkie gasped as it grabbed the terrified animal in one massive hand, lifting it to stare unflinchingly into its struggling form. Then, with clinical precision, it wrenched the creature’s neck around in a smooth twisting motion until she heard the unmistakable wet pop of bones snapping. Pinkie’s stomach churned at the casual display of brutality as the limp carcass was tossed aside like so much trash. Before she could process what she’d just witnessed, the human was turning back towards her with agonizing slowness. Pinkie broke from her trance and spun to run, but her hooves tangled in a tangle of creepers and sent her sprawling forward onto the forest floor with a squeal. Her heartbeat pounded like a war drum as heavy footfalls closed in from behind. She rolled onto her back, scrambling backwards on her hooves as the towering figure loomed over her prone form. Up close its expressionless features seemed carved from wax, peering down at her struggles with the utter indifference of a relentless force of nature. Pinkie opened her mouth to scream but no sound emerged, horror stealing her voice as she stared death in its dead eyes. The human raised a booted foot, poised to bring it crashing down and end her life as casually as it had the animal’s mere moments ago. And then, inexplicably, it stopped. Its foot hovered there suspended as if unsure itself of why it had halted the killing blow. Pinkie sucked in great gasping breaths, every muscle tensed to spring away at the first sign of movement. But the human only stood, considering her trembling form for several long seconds. Finally it lowered its foot back to the grass, turning away to disappear noiselessly into the forest depths. Pinkie lay curled in a ball, shuddering uncontrollably as the adrenaline began to ebb, leaving her numb and exhausted. Her tormented mind reeled from the seemingly endless questions spawned by the night’s impossible events. Who or what was that...thing, and why had it hunted her only to mysteriously spare her life? What dark powers were influencing her own disturbed psyche? And more pressingly, what other horrors might still lurk in the shadows of this accursed forest? Pinkie didn’t know, but she knew one thing for certain - this place now held secrets that threatened not just her own safety, but the peace and security of all Ponyville. Whatever evil had awakened here in the Everfree, it was just getting started. Come sunrise, she had some explaining to do. """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Pinkie Pie felt as if she hadn't slept at all by the time the sun finally rose over Ponyville the next morning. Her body was utterly spent yet her traitorous mind refused to cease its racing, replaying each grim detail of the previous night's horrors on an endless loop. Her friends were beyond worried when she finally dragged herself home just before dawn, coat dirtied and mane unravelled in utter disarray. It had taken all her remaining willpower to force down a weak smile and assure them it was just stress getting to her lately, that she'd be right as rain after a good long rest. Of course that was a lie - she knew deep down nothing would ever be right again, not after what she'd seen lurking in the shadows of the Everfree Forest. But she couldn't burden her friends with the terrifying truth, not without proof. Not until she understood fully what dark forces were at work. So it was with grim determination that Pinkie set out again as the sun rose, headed for the edge of town where she'd last Him. The thing. She shuddered to think what name - if any - such a creature went by. Whatever or whoever it was, she needed answers, and the forest was the only lead she had. As Pinkie neared the treeline, a nagging sense of unease caused her to pause. Her friends' worried looks floated unbidden into her mind. What if by delving further into this madness she only put them in danger? No, she couldn't risk their safety on a hunch. They deserved an explanation, as unbelievable as it seemed. And so with great reluctance Pinkie turned from the Everfree and made for the town square, steeling herself for the difficult conversation to come. Pinkie found her friends gathered as expected in the center of Ponyville, and it didn't take long to realize whispers of strange rumors were already circulating among the villagers regarding the night's bizarre events. Freak lights had been spotted deep in the forest, followed by unsettling sounds carrying for miles on the wind. And now one mare claimed to have witnessed a grisly discovery... Pinkie shuddered, knowing the grim truth behind those rumors all too well. Taking a steadying breath, she launched into her story with as much composure as she could muster, recounting her harrowing experiences in the woods and the mysterious, murderous intruder she'd encountered. Her friends listened raptly yet with obvious skepticism, exchanging worried glances at each new unbelievable detail. By the time she finished, a somber silence had fallen over the group. "Pinkie darling, are you quite sure you weren't just overly tired?" Rarity offered gently, trying and failing to mask her concern. "I know how stressed you've seemed lately, perhaps it was all a dream?" But Pinkie was adamant. "I saw what I saw, it was no dream! that poor animal as easily as breathing. And it was going to do the same to me until..." She trailed off, unable to make sense of that inexplicable last moment herself. "Have you been sleeping alright, Sugarcube?" Applejack probed. "These past few nights seem to've taken a real toll." Pinkie sighed. "I haven't been sleeping great, no. But it's not just tiredness, I know what I saw! Please, you have to believe me." She stared pleadingly at her friends, wishing they could understand the terror gripping her very soul. A chill wind gusted through the square then, causing the assembled ponies to shiver and draw closer. Pinkie glanced around nervously, feeling dangerously exposed out in the open like this. "Look, if you don't believe me that's fine. But something dangerous is out there, and I think we all should be extra careful until we know what-" Her words were cut off abruptly by a horrifying sight in the distance above the treeline. A thick column of oily black smoke was rising rapidly into the clear morning sky from deep within the Everfree, carried swiftly on the wind. For a long moment everypony froze, transfixed by the ominous plume. Then as one they broke into a sprint, racing as fast as their hooves could carry them to the forest's edge. What they found there stole the breath from Pinkie's lungs, confirming her worst fears. A small clearing near the forest road was engulfed in raging flames, thick billows of acrid smoke boiling into the sky. At its center amid the crackling inferno lay the motionless form of an unfortunate pony, consumed but barely recognizable. Pinkie staggered back with a hoarse cry, gagging on the sickening stench of burning flesh. Her friends stared on in silent horror, grasping the grim reality of Pinkie's tale all too clearly now. This was no accident - something, or someONE, had deliberately set that pyre. Something with a taste for blood and fire. The screams began then from within the forest depths, distant yet drawing nearer by the second. Pinkie and the others whirled with a start, glimpsing shadowy movement flickering between the trees. More tormented cries arose, frenzied and agonized, as unseen figures bolted wildly through the undergrowth in a panic. A crashing through dense thickets heralded the arrival of the first frightened ponies fleeing the spreading inferno, eyes wild and flanks lathered with sweat. "Help!" one mare shrieked hysterically. "It's killing us, Celestia help us all it's killing everypony!" She collapsed in convulsions before any could reach her side, frothing madly at the mouth as crimson foam flecked her lips. The others looked on in horror, realization sinking in that this was no ordinary fire. Pinkie felt her blood turn to ice, knowing deep in her gut who, or what, was to blame for this carnage. And then through the billowing smoke strode a lone figure, seeming to materialize from the void itself. Pinkie's nightmares given flesh and bone, stepping calmly from the conflagration with a singular purpose. The human regarded the ponies silently from beneath its shroud, the dancing flames casting sinister shadows across its pale expressionless visage. In one massive hand it clutched a long bladed implement stained dark to the hilt, every serrated edge outlined starkly against the flames. Pinkie's friends looked ready to bolt yet found themselves paralyzed, helpless prey before the abomination's cold inhuman gaze. It tilted its head as if sizing them up, seeming to sniff the air for the scent of fear-laced sweat. Then with dreadful slowness it hefted the blade, taking a lumbering step towards the trembling cluster of ponies. That single motion broke the spell, and as one the group scattered shrieking into the woods. Pinkie alone stood frozen, transfixed by the dark glitter in the human's dead eyes. It tilted its head consideration, remembering her from their last encounter, and took another purposeful stride in her direction. Pinkie scrambled backwards on shaking legs, mind racing in a panic. She had to lead this thing away from her friends, had to buy them time to escape its unnatural abilities. With a burst of effort she sprang up and bolted headlong into the trees, praying her speed and familiarity with the terrain could outmaneuver the soulless hunter on her trail. Her pursuer gave chase at once with shocking swiftness, closing the distance between them in mere strides. Pinkie weaved frantically through thickets and over fallen trunks, senses straining for any sign it was gaining. But though the crashing undergrowth behind her grew ever nearer, she dared not look back, focusing solely on putting as much distance as possible between this beast and her vulnerable friends. Pinkie's lungs burned with the effort, legs aching, but still she pushed on. Deep in her heart she knew she couldn't outrun this thing forever, that sooner or later its merciless hands would find her flesh. But as long as her friends had a chance to flee this doomed forest, it would be worth it. She steeled her resolve and poured on more speed, hoping against hope she could buy them precious minutes or more. Yet all the while as she fled, an insidious thought took seed in Pinkie's weary mind. A dangerous suspicion that perhaps this vile creature was not the only force of evil stirring in these dark woods. For with each forced footfall came flashes of vivid scenes, unbidden urges clawing their way to the surface of her fracturing psyche. Visions of entrails strewn amongst the fallen leaves...of maniacal laughter rising to mingle with the screams of panicked prey...of the dizzying, intoxicating rush of slaughter without end or reason. Pinkie whimpered and shook her head fiercely, squeezing shut her eyes against the horror. Some shadow was whispering in her mind, twisting her thoughts towards depravity against her will. Her exhaustion and inner turmoil proved her undoing. As Pinkie burst from cover into a small clearing, her hooves caught on an exposed root, sending her tumbling head over heels across the open grass. Winded and dazed, she struggled up onto her knees just as a massive shape emerged from the treeline. Pinkie froze, staring up in terror at the pale wraith looming over her prone form. Its terrible blade was raised high, ready to deliver the killing stroke and end her struggles once and for all. Pinkie screwed her eyes shut and hugged herself tightly, waiting for the steely embrace of oblivion. But the final blow never fell. Eyes flickering open, Pinkie saw the human peering down at her in that same calculating manner as before. Considering. Weighing some inscrutable purpose or directive only it could perceive. Slowly, almost reluctantly, it lowered the blade, turning away to vanish back into the consuming shadows as suddenly as it appeared. Pinkie remained curled in the grass long after, quivering from adrenaline and shock. What dark forces guided this creature's mysterious behaviors? Why spare her again when it clearly took such pleasure in the slaughter of others? And more disturbingly...why did some sinister intelligence seem intent on twisting even her own thoughts towards the primal, the depraved? She prayed her friends had managed to flee to safety by now. Far from answering her troubling questions, this latest ordeal had only deepened the mysteries engulfing her with each passing day. Pinkie slowly got to her hooves on shaking legs, knowing one thing for certain - she had to put an end to the evil haunting these woods, before it was too late for them all. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The next few days passed in an exhausted blur for Pinkie Pie as she grappled with the aftermath of the massacre in the Everfree Forest. Thankfully all of her closest friends had managed to escape the horror unharmed, though the damage done could not be so easily fled. Word spread fast through Ponyville of the gruesome deaths, stoking panic and hysteria among the villagers. Wild rumors told of dark omens in the heavens and fell beasts stalking the woods, summoning ancient evils from the depths of oblivion itself. Pinkie knew the reality was somehow both more terrifying and mundane - a lone soulless killer driven by motives beyond mortal comprehension, as lethal as it was inscrutable. The human had vanished back into the forest depths after its latest rampage, but Pinkie harbored no illusions it was truly gone. It was merely waiting, watching, always haunting the fringes of perception. In the meantime she and her friends did their best to reassure the townsfolk, though little could be done to quell the growing sense of unease. The princess' Royal Guard were called in from Canterlot to investigate, and Pinkie recounted her experiences once more to their hardened Captain. Yet even the Guard seemed unsettled by what they found at the massacre site - the grotesque mutilations defied any natural cause, and not a drop of blood remained at the scene despite quantities surely spilled. Their searches of the forest turned up no trace of the assailant, and the captain was forced to conclude it had somehow slipped even their grasp. As the days dragged on, Pinkie found herself growing ever more fatigued and on edge. She could barely force down food, racked by stomach cramps and dizzy spells. Her nights were plagued by fever dreams of blood and shadow that left her waking in cold sweats, sheets clawed to shreds around her hooves. Her friends grew understandably concerned by her worsening state, yet nothing they did seemed to ease her torment. Even their company now brought Pinkie little comfort, her thoughts darkening by the hour under some inexorable influence. She took to isolating herself when possible, terrified of what emotions or urges might slip uncontrolled in a moment of weakness. Yet in the quiet of solitude, shadows seemed to slip from the corners of perception, whispering poisonous notions into her fraying psyche. Dark fancies of violence and depravity intruded no matter how fiercely she fought them, clawing at the edges of rational thought with each waking moment. Pinkie found herself growing paranoid, starting at every rustle of leaves or flicker of motion in her periphery. She no longer felt safe even in the heart of Ponyville, believing unseen eyes watched her every move, predatory intent gleaming just beyond the veil. Her friends likely thought her going mad by this point, and Pinkie feared they may be right. Somehow she knew these visions and torments were no mere psychological breaks, but the malignant hand of some shadowy force at work. Of that she had no doubts - an intelligence far darker than any mortal was twisting her mind in its grasp like putty, warping her thoughts towards madness and slaughter for its own nefarious ends. Pinkie had to find the source of this corruption before it consumed her completely. Yet her friends refused to heed further warnings, insisting she simply needed rest. On the coming night of the Blood Moon, she slipped from town under cover of dusk, determined to unravel the mysteries haunting both forest and mind alone if need be. The moon had already risen bloated and red as ripe fruit by the time Pinkie entered the forest that fateful evening, casting an ominous scarlet glow through the canopy. Not a breath of wind stirred the heavy air, leaving the woods wrapped in an unnatural stillness more deafening than any storm. Pinkie pressed onward with a sinking heart, feeling shadowy presences lurking just out of sight with each step. Her exhaustion and frayed nerves mounted with every rhythmic footfall, beginning to see movement where there was none. By the time she reached the clearing where this nightmare first began, Pinkie found her mind slipping towards panic. A faint rustling from the treeline caused her to whirl with a gasp, eyes straining into the pitch. At first she saw only dense shadow, but then twin orbs glinted balefully from the blackness, locked onto her trembling form with predatory focus. Pinkie stiffened as the pale shape detached itself to glide soundlessly into the blood-lit clearing. The human regarded her silently for a long moment, every inch the incarnation of death. Pinkie expected it to lunge and tried to brace herself, but it merely tilted its head almost quizzically. Then from deep in the woods behind it arose a chorus of tortured wails, melding into a demented howling that raised the coarse hairs along Pinkie's body. Her heart seized as shadowy forms began emerging one by one to join the first, loping into the glade on all fours. These were no mere animals but twisted mockeries of ponies gone feral, eyes glazed and fangs bared in perpetual snarls as foam flecked their blackened lips. They ringed Pinkie slowly, cutting off any hope of escape, and several lunged nipping and clawing at her flanks when she tried darting past. She danced desperately between snapping jaws, shrilling and praying for deliverance from this nightmare. And through it all the human watched impassively, letting the debased beasts toy with their living prey without interruption. Pinkie knew deep down this was no mere incidental encounter - she had been led here, captured for some sinister ritual or sacrifice by the uncaring abomination's design. A mare broke from the pack and bowled Pinkie over hard, jaws stretching wide to lock around her throat in a scarlet blur. Pinkie braced for the tearing fangs, but her assailant suddenly stiffened, toppling away limply to reveal the glinting serrated blade lodged in its neck. The human approached calmly and jerked free its weapon to turn upon the rest of the crazed pack. One by one they fell shrieking beneath its precise strikes, collapsing in twisted heaps till only it remained standing amidst the carnage. Pinkie huddled shaking away from the writhing corpses, but found herself cornered against the human's towering form. She dared not look up, imagining she'd find only cold hungerless eyes awaiting the killing blow. But long moments passed without contact, the thing merely gazing down at her cowering pink mound. Finally it stooped, extending a massive hand towards Pinkie's upturned face. She cringed away with a whimper, bracing for death's gentle caress, yet found herself grasped not in violence but tenderness. The being lifted her easily up to peer into her eyes, searching for something in their depths that Pinkie herself could not fathom. Then without warning it turned and glided noiselessly back towards the treeline, seeming to expect her to follow on trembling legs. Pinkie obeyed almost against her will, drawn inexorably in the creature's wake as it led deeper into the crimson-lit woods and whatever dark fate awaited within. Pinkie's hooves moved of their own accord, blindly trailing the inhuman figure until they reached a small moonlit clearing. There amid wildflowers and crumbling ruins stood a solitary obsidian obelisk before which the human paused, indicating with a nod she was to approach. Pinkie obeyed on legs like jelly, coming to stand before the foreboding pillar whose polished surface gleamed blood-red in the moon's glow. Her breath caught at sigils and runes too alien for mind to grasp, etching dancing just beneath the slick black glass. She could almost hear them whispering unfathomable words that plucked at her sanity's frays. And then the current pulled taut. Pinkie gasped and buckled as searing agony tore through her skull, vision ripped away in kaleidoscopic fractals of color and madness. A voiceless howl echoed from unfathomable depths, answered by demonic chorus as reality warped and curled in on itself like burning parchment. When Pinkie's senses abruptly returned, she found herself collapsed before the obelisk, panting and slick with sweat. Yet her torment had only just begun. For as awareness seeped back in, all restraint and reason fled on daemonic wings, leaving only the beast within to gorge upon madness and slaughter without end or pause. Pinkie rose unsteadily to her hooves, but no longer was she in control of flesh or thought. Some darker entity had slipped past all barriers to seize control, twisting her very nature to suit its depraved designs. And deep in the darkest pit of her stolen psyche, Pinkie Pie could only watch and scream in silence as her crimson-stained hooves carried out nightmares beyond mortal ken under the baleful light of the Blood Moon
Big Imagination E
Rumble,Scootaloo,Alternate Universe,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
A Date For Two Vampires
Scootaloo and Rumble both go on a date to a nice restaurant within the Dragon Vampire Kingdom.
<p>After reuniting with old family members Rumble decided to take his girlfriend Scootaloo out for dinner. In the restaurant they both have a wonderful time. And they share the love between them.</p><p>This was requested by ChazMLPFIM and guys? It's his birthday today so wish him a happy birthday!</p>
In the Dragon Vampire Kingdom where the moon shines bright we see many vampires enjoying the peaceful night. And we zoom in to the room where two vampires were getting ready a special date. We see Rumble wearing dragon vampire prince suit. And like all of his kind they were all half dragon and half vampire. He went to their bedroom door and knocked gently on it. "Scoots babe. Are you ready?" Rumble asked. "Just about honey. I'll be out in a few minutes." Scootaloo said from the other side of the door. Rumble nodded and sat down and waited patiently for his girlfriend. Then after a few minutes the door opened and revealed Scootaloo in her beautiful red dress with heels. Rumble smiled and couldn't deny her beauty. "Babe. You look beautiful and more so since this is our special night." Rumble replied. "Thank you honey. So are you ready?" Scootaloo asked. "Yes. Come my dear. A date awaits us in all it's beauty." Rumble commented. Scootaloo smiled and Rumble took her arm and they both walked out of the castle and headed for their carriage. Being a gentleman he allowed Scootaloo to go in first. Then after he got in the carriage rode off and so begins their date. The carriage rode for a few minutes til it stopped at a restaurant called the Heavenly Sky. It was a fancy restaurant and served the best food in the kingdom. It even was rated five stars cause it was so good. Rumble came out and took Scootaloo's hand and helped her out. The carriage left and they went in the restaurant. "Good evening sir. Reservation for two. Under the name Rumble." Rumble said. "Ah yes. You're right on time. Come right this way." The waiter replied. He led them to a fancy table and Rumble decided to help his lady get seated. Then he sat in his own seat and ordered their drinks. After the waiter left Scootaloo looked around seeing the beautiful structure of this restaurant. "My Rumble. I never been to such a fancy restaurant before." Scootaloo said. "Well you'll be happy to know that in the kingdom there's many kinds of different restaurants. But I picked this one because I wanted this night to be very special for you." Rumble smiled. "You didn't have to do that Rumble. It seems like it's too much." Scootaloo said. "Nonsense dear. I wanted to. You deserve to be happy and enjoy a date with your prince." Rumble reasoned. "Oh you. Now I know why we got together." Scootaloo giggled. Then the waiter came back with their drinks and ordered what they wanted to eat. After they did Rumble shared an idea with his girlfriend that would make this date so much more romantic. "Hey Scoots. I was thinking that maybe after dinner we go take a nice walk in Starry Park. Watch the stars and enjoy the night sky." Rumble suggested. "That sounds like a good idea. And maybe when we get home. Is there anything else you wanna do?" Scootaloo asked fluttering her eyes. "Now baby. We have been together for a while now. But there will be a time and place where we have 'special bonding' but tonight isn't the night right now." Rumble explained. "I fully understand that. You're such a gentleman Rumble." Scootaloo smiled. Then Rumble placed a hand on Scootaloo's and suddenly felt a love flame being ignited and they felt something in their chests. Then the waiter came back with their food. Rumble winked saying that when they're alone at Starry Park they will get that kiss. But for now they decided to enjoy their food. After that delicious meal they paid the waiter and they headed out. Since they were heading to Starry Park Rumble realized he planned something over there and didn't want to ruin the surprise. So he got an idea to make sure that his girl would be surprised. "Hey Scoots. I have a surprise waiting for you in the park. Close your eyes and wait til we get there." Rumble said. Scootaloo did what Rumble said and closed her eyes. Then he led her into the park. They were walking til they reached the top of a large hill and Scootaloo was excited to see what the surprise is. "Ok honey. Were here. Open your eyes." Rumble replied. Scootaloo opened them and gasped seeing what the surprise was. It was a picnic with a velvet blanket and two plates with a slice of cake on each on with a glass of chocolate milk. If Scootaloo thought that the fancy restaurant was nice than this is even better to end a date. "Oh my. Rumble. Did you plan this for us?" Scootaloo asked. "I sure did babe. I vowed to protect you and love you for the rest of my life and I intend to keep that promise." Rumble answered. "Oh Rumble." Scootaloo said as she started to cry happy tears. Then the two shared a passionate kiss underneath the moonlight and after they separated they sat down on the blanket and enjoyed their cake. While they were doing that they looked into the sky and saw lots of stars shining bright. "So Scoots. Did you enjoy this date?" Rumble asked. "Rumble. This was the best date I ever went on. Thank you for making me feel special. It really means a lot to me." Scootaloo smiled. "Hey. You were already special to me. And plus you were like a princess that I always vowed to protect forever. And you Scoots are my princess that will always have your prince be with you." Rumble said. "Could you be anymore sweeter? If that continues I think my heart will burst out all the love." Scootaloo joked. The two laughed and picked up everything and shared another kiss before deciding to head on back. They held hands and walked out of the park and went back to the carriage that was surprisingly waiting for them. When they got in the carriage rode off and headed back to the castle. And thus ends a wonderful date for Rumble and Scootaloo. The End.
Metal Fiction
Mr. Cake,Mrs. Cake,Anthro,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Cup Cakes' Naughty Night
Cup has an idea of a naughty night with her stallion, and thankfully he doesn't know what it is.
<p>Being the owner of a successful bakery and a wife to a well-meaning kind stallion, along with being a mother to two twins as it's pros and cons... thankfully on this night Cup has a way to spice it up, and her poor hubby doesn't know what to expect.<br/>Cover art belongs to pananovich on Derpibooru.<br/>#2944967</p>
The calming friendly road that led into Ponyville was a path that everypony took happily. It was not for sake of happiness, but more of the calming destination that the road led to. The uneven businesses and shops was the one clear way that led to Ponyville's bakery. the exotic location of the town's sweetest treats and foods and a location that most somepony's would go in their spare time. Only the shops known owners, Carrot and Cup Cake, loved the bakery and their responsibilities of being said owners. But on this quiet evening only one of the owners had a bright idea that nopony could think of. Cup Cake stared up at Luna's full bright moon above her, the clear sky of the night along with the clouds allowed the stars to shine upon her blue body. Indeed, Luna's role is controlling the moon and all of Ponyville knew when sunset would and when nightfall would come in. The street lights would turn on and most of the town would lit up to block out the darkness that would obscure of most ponies walking through, but Cup Cake would be engaging in something more erotic with her stallion. Looking away from the moon and into her mirror, Cup again questioned her if she misspoke to the tailor of her need for a proper belly dancer attire than her usual blouse and pink apron. The tailor had been more than happy to assist her, and Cup at first founded for the activity that she wanted to do. But now under the pale moonlight she wondered what the tailor's actual thoughts for a belly dancer attire, a outfit that consisted of red and gold that was soft against her gentle skin and fur. The elegant skirt of red and gold went to the floor which barley covered her pudgy legs, while the belt kept it in place. What Cup didn't realize was how erotic the costume was. The bra was form fitting, in a way that showed off her MILF-like body. It hugged her chubby stomach and made her buxom chest more prominent to the average stallion which would cause their desire to increase as they wouldn't take their eyes off this mare. Her shoulders were also bare and exposed and the final piece being Cup's face veil which showed off her bright red lipstick. Really the only true part of this costume that proper was the satisfaction she bring to Carrot! "Focus Cup. The night is still young and you must prepare." Cup told herself, driving her will and moving forward to carry out her naughty plan. Remembering her plan pushed the suggestive thoughts of her revealing outfit. Listening through the sound of work being done in the kitchen by Carrot, he was always a busy man who would sometimes choose business over love, which wouldn't bother Cup as she knew how much of a hard worker her husband is. Still Cup would never deny the opportunity of her stallion to play with her as the timing of their activities was always on que. Cup never feared the times of Carrot being too tired to play with her, as the running of a successful bakery along with the parenting of two baby twins would probably tire out the average married couple as it was a lot of work in take in both day and night. Especially when you to have to count the fact that your bakery could have a really busy day with loads of customers just wanting to place their special order. With one final glance in the mirror, the mare regarded how special this night before she would get the attention of her special stallion. "Carrot! Your special mare is feeling pretty lonely, and she needs her special gift." The sing-song request by the mare carried itself downstairs all the way to the kitchen which got Carrot's full undivided attention, the full beautiful moonlight from Luna herself provided the perfect yet special atmosphere that Cup herself needed for the plan to kick in, eliminating the worry that Cup had of the perfect mood not being there to spice up the moment. Questionable thoughts filled the mare's mind as her smiled widened at the thought of her stallion's reaction. The smile on Cup's face widened further more when she heard the knob of the door slowly turning as her dear Carrot was slowly entering, getting into position she nearly gave herself away as she struggled to keep in her laughter of excitement in. "Hi dear! How are yo-" Carrot's mouth dropped at the sight that was in front of him. His wife was wearing a revealing yet beautiful belly dancing outfit that struggled to contain her amazing assets and pudgy form, as he took in more of this sight Cup realized how much he was stammering as he couldn't believe what his wife was wearing! "Dear use your words, I won't be able to hear your reaction." Cup giggled. "I-I think the outfit's amazing! I-it really brings out your form..." Carrot said as his turned more red than a tomato. "Thank you darling! I really needed that now said down and stay put, I want to put on a special show for you." Cup cooed. Carrot stayed put in his seat and he waited for his mare to perform her special show. "Ready dear?" "Ready." With the confirmation out of the way, Cup Cake began to belly dance under the pale but revealing moonlight that accentuated her beauty and desirable body. Carrot continued to take in the sight of her beautiful spouse, but he started to feel something... in his pants was his *friend* slowly hardening and making a obvious bulge in his pants as it was excited and ready to tear his wife apart but he managed to control his urges as his wife continued her exotic dance. "Looks like someone's getting excited, if it's this hard then I can't to get up close and personal. Cup cooed as she continued her dance. 10 minutes later... Cup had now finished her dance and she was impressed with how flawless and special the dance went without any issues, she bowed her head when her Cup started clapping. "Thank you for the applause honey-buns, now it's time for the next part." Cup cooed as she walked towards her man with a sway added to her hips. Cup straddled on top of Carrot's lap and pulled him into a strong loving kiss. "I can feel his friend wanting to take me, but he has to wait as this part has barley began." Cup internally said to herself as she continued her kiss. Both stopped kissing as they needed to breath which was followed by Cup kissing Carrot on the cheek. "Ready for the next part my special Carrot?" "Ready." "Good." Cup kissed her dear Carrot and took off her bra, allowing her soft huge jugs of flesh and softness to jiggle about freely without any restrictions." "Do you like them." "Yes!" "Ever since I've given birth to the twins, they've gotten so big... and I want you to touch them, while I work my magic OK?" "Yes Ma'am!" Carrot giggled and began to work his magic and caressing and gently squeezing his mare's soft bosom which made her moan and nearly shoot her juices. "Cup?" "Y-Yes?" "Are you enjoying my caressing of your special girls baby?" Carrot cooed. "Yes! Yes I am, keep going." Cup continued to moan and pant heavily as her stallion continued to work his hard magic, he grabbed her nipples and began to squeeze and pull them completely turning the mare into his toy. Cup felt that her limit was approaching and Carrot knew this, to really help Cup go out with a bang he took a nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it, like a hungry foal. "YES CARROT YES!!! SUCK ON MY NIPPLE, IT'S YOURS! OH CELESTIA! I'M GETTING CLOSE!!!" Cup screamed and neared her orgasm with every second as her sweet Carrot continued his hard sucking. After a few more seconds of hard sucking, it finally happened. "CARROT!!!!!" Cup screamed and sprayed her special thong with her lady juices as her climaxed appeared, after she recovered from her recent orgasm she kissed Carrot on the lips, a second afterwards she got off his lap and pulled down his pants where his large cock nearly slapped her in the face. "Oh my... looks like's someone excited." Carrot cooed as she held Carrot's behemoth of a cock in her soft hands. She gently stroked it and moved her up and down it making Carrot moan. "Are you liking this big boy?" "Yes..." "Good." Cup continued to work her stroking magic and she took it to the next level by licking it and kissing the tip all which made Carrot moan in the glazing moonlight. "Are you ready for me to feast on it dear?" Cup batted her eyelids." "Yeah I'm ready." "Good." Cup smiled and took the whole her hubby's cock and began sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it, bringing her husband to cloud nine. "CUP! That feels so good! K-KEEP GOING!!!!" Cup smiled and continued her erotic duty of sucking on her husband's fat cock, forming a smile on her face Cup grabbed her huge breasts and mashed them around his juicy cock bringing him closer to his explosive climax. "C-Cup I'm not going to hold it in! I can feel it!" Carrot gritted his teeth as he felt his climax approaching slowly every passing second. "It's all alright dearie, let your slutty Cup have it!" Cup cooed as she went back to sucking and mashing on her hubby's dick. After a few more seconds of hard mashing and sucking, Carrot's climax finally came and he blew it. "HERE I CUM!!!" Carrot screamed and shot his thick seed in his mare's mouth, with every shot of his sweet milk Cup would swallow and take it all in very quickly to avoid choking, but no matter what she couldn't stop swallowing her hubby's milk as she enjoyed the taste and she clearly wanted more. After his final shot Cup released his tool and gave him a strong but romantic kiss on the cheek. "That was delicious baby! It was so thick and creamy, and I just wanted more." Cup giggled as she gave her hubby a strong hug. "Now are you ready?" "Ready for what?" "For you too stick that beast of a cock inside me silly!" "Course I'm ready!" "Good! That's what I wanted to hear." Cup got up and she walked towards the bed with a sway added to her hips, she slowly took her attire one by one until she was at the heels. After she took them off she got on the bed and wiggled her jiggly rear, this caused Carrot's tool to harden back to life and with absolute glee he got on the bed and readied his cock. "Ready my special Cup?" "Yes I am stick it in me!" Carrot obeyed his wife's orders and slowly inserted his fat meaty sausage in causing his wife to orgasm and spray her love juices all over his dick, with every thrust the bed would shake and Cup would moan and squeal louder as her husband continued to pound her like the MILF she was. "Keep going babe, drive that cock deeper in me. I need it!" Cup cooed and moaned louder with every passing second as her Carrot's cock went more deeper. An idea popped into his head and he devilishly smiled at it. "I hope your prepared for me to smack those fat cake buns, cause you deserve it!" Carrot readied his hand and smacked his wife's booty with it, causing a loud slap sound to fill the room. "YES CARROT YES!!! SMACK MY BOOTY ALL YOU WANT! IT'S YOURS DON'T STOP!!!" Cup moaned and came more as she loved the wild smacking of her thick booty. The smacking got more louder and personal every second as Carrot enjoyed the domination of his thick wife, eventually he booty was bright red as a apple and he stopped. Cup felt her hubby's cock throbbing inside and she needed his spunk. "Give me your spunk baby and fill me up with it like the slut I am!" Cup cooed as she felt her babe's tool getting bigger inside. "C-Cup! It's getting bigger, I can't keep it in!" Carrot moaned as he tried his hardest to hold his thick spunk back. "Good cum in me, give it to me! I've been such a naughty mare!" Cup cooed as she braced herself for her hubby's cum. After she shouted her commands Cup's wish came true, as less than a second later Carrot blew in his wife like a fire hydrant. "CUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Carrot screamed at the top of his lungs as his dick shot huge amounts of his spunk inside like a fire extinguisher, with every pump of his seed both Carrot and Cake would sweat and heavily pant as their minds were being washed with strong feelings of lust and desire. "By Celestia's sun that felt so good... but we not done yet." "Really?" "Yes I want you to rut me so hard I be unable to walk for a week got it?!" Cup cooed as her strong desire for husband's cock took over her mind. "You got it babe!" Carrot got on top of his wife and licked his lips as he held her in the mating press position, he readied his cock and drove it in at full speed making his thick mare scream in pleasure. "GIVE IT TO CARROT! GIVE IT TO ME AND TURN ME INTO YOUR SEXTOY!!!" Cup screamed and sprayed her love juices all over her stallion's cock as he drilled more deeper than before, he pulled his mare into kiss and ran a hand through her mane as it became long and messy. He continued to drive his fat cock in with malicious intent and as he was doing this another idea popped into his head. Carrot grabbed his wife's tits and started to strongly squeeze and caress like the MILF she was causing her breast milk to appear on his hands, all Cup could do was scream and violently shake as her hubby worked his magic like it was nothing! The squeezing and the hard rutting was too much for the mare as her mind went blank. Minutes had continued to pass and the room was filled the sweet smell of sex, sweat and thick semen as the two lovebirds continued their sticky session, Cup felt her hubby's cock throbbing inside as he was about cum a second and she wanted it. "Cum in me babe! I can feel your dick throbbing!! I NEED IT!!!" Cup screamed and squirted all over her stallion's cock after her command. Carrot understood her demands and he thrusted more harder like never before to get it out, thankfully the wetness of his mare's pussy accelerated the process of his discharge. "CUP! I'm getting close baby, I won't able to keep it in!!!" "GOOD! Give me your cum and fill me up A SECOND TIME!!!!!!!!!" Cup screamed and orgasmed when she felt her stallion's cum slowly approaching, after a few more minutes of non-stop pounding their wishes finally came true as Carrot gave his wife the second best load. "YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE IT TOO ME! GIVE IT TO MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cup screamed and violently spazzed out like a sex-crazed beast, as her big stallion filled up her pussy for the second time like a fountain. After his final shot Carrot pulled out and exhaustively lied next to his mare, who was passed out due to the strong rush of lust and semen flowing through her. "Cup are you OK?" Carrot groggily asked as he tried to get his wife's attention." "I'm fine Carrot baby... it's just that was the best rut you ever gave me!" Cup cheered as she squeezed her milky bosom around her babe's arms, making him blush. "Y-Your welcome honey-buns, and the costume you wore REALLY made this evening more special than it already is." Carrot smiled as he kissed his dear on the cheek. "Aww, you always know what to say, do you know what I'm thinking now?" Cup yawned as she finished the last part of her sentence? "No what is it?" "Bed dear, I'm feeling pretty tired after all the belly dancing I did and the rutting you just gave." Cup giggled as she had thoughts of their recent session. "Yeah I agree I think it's time to hit the hay anyway, I'm feeling pretty tired as well. "Yeah me too." The two shared one final kiss and went to sleep as their fatigue took over their minds, with Luna's full moon shining over them along with the room now being silent the two basked in their sweet afterglow and peaceful sleep without any interruptions.
Main 6,Human,Second Person,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pony Spirit TF Shorts
The spirits of ponies flit about life, and where they choose to land, become one with others. Here are the stories of those who Change.
<p>The spirits of ponies flit about life, and where they choose to land, become one with others. Here are the stories of those who Change. Who become more, who meet their ponies with open arms and leave with open hooves.</p>
Pinkie loves stopping by to help her friends, you included. Every time she comes to you a crashing wave of silly, soft, wonderful joy floods your mind, and when she leaves, she always leaves a little more of it behind with you... And you see it start to appear on your form bit by bit, the hair on your arms turning lighter and softer, the gait of your legs bending, and slowly, with every wave, a set of balloons beginning to etch itself more and more onto your flank... Starting off so imperceptibly light, the picture slowly deepening more and more, never quite fully fading after she comes by and takes you for a ride... Blue, yellow, blue... Thin splashes of party color begin spreading more and more… You try to hide it at first, wearing darker clothes and more layers, but every possession strips you of your vestments, and leaves you feeling fuzzier, your body a little thicker, and a little smaller to boot... Soon the clothes don't fit anymore, and one day you realize with a start that you forgot to wear them at all, how silly... At that point, your mind shudders and wavers a moment before snapping into bright, pink resolve: No more hiding! No more ignoring who you are, no more feeling ashamed of your silliness! You come around to visit more frequently now, staying longer, enjoying your time together. Clothes slowly disappear from their day to day, the spreading pink fur and shifting features rendering such things obsolete as her home becomes brighter, beginning to fill with sweet smells of sugar and icing as they take to baking, almost on habit… You haven’t left in a long time, and you don’t really plan to, not as long as she enjoys it. Humming a soft little party tune as you work, eventually moving to full on singing as your voice hitches higher, higher, higher… Your mane curls and frizzes, massing into a beautiful pink poof, a soft tail of much the same slowly beginning to form, and bouncing as you move and prance about... You’re glad you could help your friend have so much fun, and even more so that you could help them feel like themselves without shame. The balloons on your flank brighten and shine, and as you set your hooves on the ground one morning... You giggle, and decide to never look back.