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Big Imagination E
Original Character,Other,Smolder,Alternate Universe,Human,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Wedding of A Dragoness and A Pony
Smolder and Lightning get married after everything that happened.
<p>After everything that happened for Smolder and Lightning they are now finally getting married after so many years of dating. Now it was time for them to tie the knot and get married.</p><p>This was requested by ChazMLPFIM. And this is a sequel to OliverSparkle's stories to Dragon and Pony Love and The Darkness Shard.</p><p>Those stories belong to him and him alone. And give him credit for the stories he made. And Lightning Twister goes to him. He deserves some credit for this. Respect for you and ChazMLPFIM.</p>
It was a lovely day in Equestria and everyone was enjoying the lovely weather. We then cut to seeing a full grown dragon and a young stallion who are both 19 years old. They were Smolder and Lightning Twister. See they first started dating when they were at the Date Night Event. We cut to seeing them on a hill at nighttime looking at the stars holding hands. "Oh Lightning. I tell you this has been quite romantic ever since the whole nightmare incident." Smolder smiled. "Yes. I am so glad that all those nightmares are finally over. And I couldn't believe that we dated for six or seven years now. And those were the best years of my life." Lightning replied. "It sure was." Smolder agreed. "Hey babe. I wanna ask you something." Lightning said. "Sure honey. What is it?" Smolder asked. So Lightning got on his knees and took out a box. "Smolder. The last few years we had together were amazing. You were always there for me and I was there for you when you needed help. So Smolder? There's only one question I wanted to ask you my whole life." Lightning said as he opened the box revealing a ruby ring as Smolder gasped softly. "Will you marry me?" "I...I....Yes! YES I WILL MARRY YOU LIGHTNING TWISTER!!" Smolder shouted happy. He placed the ring on her finger and then they hugged and had a kiss under the moonlight. The two headed to a cottage where Lightning lives his with his mom who adopted him. That was Fluttershy. They came in and Lightning couldn't wait to tell her the big news. "Mom! Mom! I got some big news to tell you!" Lighting said. Then a butter yellow pegasus came down and had pink hair. She was Fluttershy. Lightning's mom when she adopted him. "What is it sweetie?" Fluttershy asked. "Ok mom. You are gonna be tickled pink when you hear this. Me and Smolder are gonna get married!" Lightning answered. Fluttershy gasped and tears came down her eyes. But she was happy hearing that. "That's.... That's wonderful honey! Oh I'm so happy for you! When should we have the wedding?" Fluttershy wondered. "I think we should have the wedding in three months and mom? Would you like it if we have it in the backyard of your cottage?" Lightning asked. "Oh honey yes! I would really love it!!" Fluttershy cried. So the three hugged in pure happiness. Nothing could be more exciting than hearing that her son is gonna be married soon. We cut to three months later and we see the backyard of Fluttershy's cottage transformed into a beautiful outdoor wedding hall. There were green and orange flowers, magenta streamers, and plenty of seats for the guests. The bridesmaids are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Yona. Fluttershy and Capper are the parents of the groom. And the groomsmen are Button Mash, Rumble, Tender, Spike, Sandbar, and Gallus. Sora and his friends are also invited in the wedding because they are the friends with Lightning, the Young Six, and the Mane Six. Even Ember and Thorax are here as well. Ember is another bridesmaid and Thorax is another groomsman. And also Starswirl and the pillars are invited as well. Even Cosmo the Draconequus is invited and is the aunt of Lightning. Applejack's parents are also at the wedding too. And of course we see Garble who is the brother of the bride. Smolder is wearing a white rose theme wedding gown and a veil cover her face. Garble went to her and wanted to see if she's okay. "Hey sis. You ready for your big wedding?" Garble asked. "Yes Gar-Gar. I just can't believe that today is the big moment for me to get married to Lightning. It only seemed like years ago when we first started dating." Smolder answered. "I know that sis. Also I want to say that dress your wearing is quite cute on you. Really fits the wedding. And I'm ready to walk you down the aisle." Garble replied. "Thanks brother." Smolder smiled. "Now let's get you out there. Don't wanna keep your husband waiting." Garble said as he took Smolder and they headed outside and got in position. Outside where we see everyone sitting down we also see Lighting who is wearing a white tuxedo and top hat. He was a little nervous since he was about to marry Smolder. Fluttershy noticed this and went to him. "You nervous son?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes mom. I mean I can't believe that I'm gonna marry the most beautiful dragoness." Lightning answered. "Sweetie. It's okay. I know you're nervous but I know you'll do great." Fluttershy smiled. “You’ve both already spent every waking moment together and all that’s left to do is make this official.” Lightning smiled as she was right and took her seat. After a few minutes passed soon enough the ceremony started. Garble link up his arms to Smolder and they walked down the aisle. Everyone got up and watched the two walked down the aisle all the way to the podium. As the lovely bride came down we see the Crusaders tossing flower petals as they skipped down the hall. When they got on the podium Garble headed to his place with the groomsmen. And Lightning couldn't deny Smolder's beauty as he removed the veil away from her face. After they faced away from the crowd Celestia came to the stand as everyone sat down. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the wonderful marriage of Lightning Twister and Smolder in holy matrimony. The couple have written their own vows that they will present to each other before the rings are exchanged. With that in mind, Smolder you may go first.” Celestia said. Smolder looked deep into Lightning's eyes, pouring her heart into the vows she read to her beloved. "My dearest Lightning Twister. I was so happy on the day we first became a couple. I loved how you kept thinking about me everyday and protecting me from harm. You cared for me, you treated me with lots of respect. And I swear that forever i be happy to share the rest of my life with, whom I would be proud to call my husband.” Smolder vowed. After her vows were complete, Smolder nearly broke down crying from all the love and happiness radiating from her. Even Lightning couldn’t help the tears that spilled down his face. Now it was his turn to profess his undying love. "Smolder. The moment you stepped in my life I felt a whole lot safer. When we met I felt something in my chest. Love. Love that brought the two of us together. And when you protected me from my abusive father, and the darkness that could have ruin it I feel like our bond grew stronger and stronger every day. And you introduced me to a world of happiness and bliss beyond anything I could ever imagine. I swear to you, on this day, I will spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you made me.” Lightning vowed. As he finished off his vows, not only was Smolder crying, but so too were her bridesmaids, the groomsmen and the rest of the audience, even Princess Celestia had trouble holding herself together. It was at that moment little Spike walked up to them, dressed in his little tuxedo, carrying a pillow with two rings on top. Held it up high, as Smolder and Lightning both pick up the rings. Celestia began to read the vows of commitment. "Do you Lightning Twister take Smolder to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish her for the rest of your life?" Celestia asked. He took Smolder's hand and placed the ring gently on Smolder's finger. “I do,” He said. "And do you Smolder take Lightning Twister to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and cherish him for the rest of your life?" Celestia asked. Smolder wiped away a tear before taking the ring and place it on Lightning's hoof. “I do,” She replied, happily. “Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Celestia declared. “Lightning, I am happy to say, you may kiss your lovely bride.” Both Smolder and Lightning shed tears, as they lean in and sealed their everlasting love with a kiss. The entire audience stood and cheered for the happy couple. The Mane Six and Spike all wiped their eyes, as they too were happy. Fluttershy was more happy crying tears seeing her son married. Then Lightning had an idea. "Ladies and gentlemen." He said as the audience quiet down. "Before we head off for our honeymoon I would like to sing a very special song. This goes out to my mother and my wife. So ladies. This one is for you two. Cause you both made me smile." He cued the pony at the piano and started to play and Lightning began singing.https://m. After he finished, the two shared another amazing kiss. The audience cheered for a wonderful performance and the wedding bells chimed through the backyard, as Smolder and Lightning faded into the cheering crowd. Today, their new life as husband and wife began. There was no doubt, to any pony’s mind, this day would forever be remembered as the happiest day of their lives. And when they entered the carriage off they went to celebrate their honeymoon. And Fluttershy smiled seeing them so happy together that to her is one memory she will never forget in her life. The End.
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Violence
Just a slcie-of-life story about three friends that are theives, sickos, and punks.
<p>[ONE SHOT]</p><p>A short story following some short events of three young ponies.</p><p>The group leader was an orange station called 'Red Star'. </p><p>Next, we have the short-tempered 'Wave'.</p><p>Finally, there is the introverted yet assertive member 'Stitches'. </p><p><span class="spoiler"> Prequal to <a href="" rel="nofollow">This story</a></span></p>
~4 Days till. Three ponies lived in a cramped apartment filled with trash and stolen goods. The neighbors always called to complain about the loud sounds they could hear at night or the smell of alcohol that lingered all day. This morning, the occupants had once again started yelling at one another, and once again, the thin walls failed to block the sounds. Their names... are not important. They will be referred to by their Cutie Marks. "All I said was that you sounded a little horse; no need to yell." Said the orange Earth Pony with the Red Sun Cutie Mark... He will be called Red Star. "I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN WHEN YOU FUCKING SAY THAT! YOU'RE TRYING TO CALL ME SHORT! AND YOU SAID LOOKED A LITTLE HORSE, NOT SOUNDED, LOOKED!" Screamed the dark cyan Earth Pony with the lone wave cutie mark. His name will be Wave. "CAN YOU TWO NOT YELL EVERY- Oh uh... Could you to please stop fucking yelling every morning?! The neighbors are going to snap one day!" Called the pinkish-purple Earth Pony. Her Cutie Mark reflected a heart that had once been torn and stitched back together once more... Stitches. Wave snorted in response causing Red Star to laugh. This just led Wave to go right back to yelling. Stitches had to physically slap him on the back of the head to shut him up. Red Star just enjoyed the show, knowing damn well how much Wave hated getting back-hooved. Red Star was not lucky after that, as Stitches then began to hypocritically yell at him for always starting trouble with Wave. Once again, the neighbors began the daily tradition of writing a letter of complaint. ~ 3 Days till. Stitches stuffed as much food as possible into her bag, her heart racing and her hooves shaking. Red Star and Wave were busy fighting the shop owner, who had caught them stealing to help her. He was a strong stallion and a challenge for the two ponies at first. Red Star was thrilled to fight somepony and Wave was blindly throwing punches in the direction of the shop owner. Stitches had hoped they could just come in, shoplift, then leave... but Red Star had to taunt the owner, thinking he was too dumb to realize what was going on. This taunting led to threats of calling guards, which led to Wave punching him... which led to Red Star also punching him... All this tension made Stitches's hooves hurt. The world is going a bit black, and she can feel herself breathing heavily... She tries to stop putting food into the overstuffed bag, but it's the only thing she can do... She didn't feel this way at the start of the fight, but seeing Wave and Red Star bleeding made her heart flurry with panic. Nothing matters now but ignoring the fight and stealing some food. She could feel somepony shaking her, but she was too focused on her task to see who it was. Even as she was dragged out of the shop, she ignored the world around her. It was when Red Star and Wave laid against a tree, sat beside her, and calmly held her hooves did she noticed the worl: that she was near a forest. "Shit... we tried to get you to move, but you were... doing that thing again..." Wave spoke between breaths. "Guards were coming, and... we... [Red Star] dragged you out by the tail, because we... we were not going to leave you behind..." Red Star let out a small chuckle. Wave began to tend to his wounds with some stolen bandages... and Stitches closed her eyes and took deep breaths. ~ 2 Days till. Drinks were tossed, laughs were had, and tails were pulled. All in all, the three punks always loved to take any excuse to drink. Not much happened that night, say for more teasing from Red Star, more yelling from Wave, and... Stitches had passed out on the floor. It seems the stress of healing up and hiding from guards the day before, mixed with a few drinks of alcohol, had made her legs weak and her eyes tired. Red Star took notice when he realized nopony was telling Wave off for yelling. "Hold... hold on a sec [Wave], she uh... [Stitches] is uh..." Red Star wobbly walked over to Stitches. "DON'T ... DON'T TALK TO... TO ME LIKE... LIKE THAT! I- I- I CAN DO WHAT I WANT! DO YOU- Are- YOu You ARE NOT... NoBODY TELLS ME WhaTS WHAat... any-AnYMore... I'M Fucking FREE! FUCK YOU DA-" Wave then passed out on the table. Red Star smirked, knowing full well he'd have to come back and drag Wave to bed as well. With much struggle, Red Star dragged Stitches to her bed. The bed they all slept in. The bed just barely fit the small bedroom they slept in. Red Star laid Stitches to the far end of the bed, but as he turned to exit, he felt her grab him by the tail. For a moment, he's imbalanced. "Don't... leave me..." Stitches whispered in her sleep. Red Star stood still, sobering up a bit from the suddenness of her words. "I'll... I'll be good..." Red Star gave Stitches a comforting pat on her head, and she released his tail. He worried sometimes about Stitches, as she was very secretive about her home life. All he knew was that the very thing that gave her a Cutie Mark also drove her to run away. The broken heart... cobbled back together with shoddy stitches... Red Star stared at his Cutie Mark. He knew how it felt to get a Cutie Mark from a traumatic event... a Red Star is a Red Giant, ready to engulf the world in flames... Red Star laughed a bit, then turned to get Wave. They were going out tomorrow, so they needed to rest up. Money was running low again, and they needed to pay rent. Somepony was going to get mugged tomorrow. ~Dawn. The four of them head off to waste some time before the night falls; Red Star was thinking about where a pony with cash to steal could be, Wave was itching for some action, Stitches was holding her tongue and putting on a facade of control, and the I behind them walked invisibly along their shadows just as I walk behind yours. I am ever unseen; my pale and bony face: emotionless, and my hollow eyes ever watching the trail behind the three young punks.
Rarity,Suri Polomare,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
Suri takes Rarity
Rarity is visited by Suri about some fabric. The older mare proposes a trading deal, one that Rarity wouldn't want to refuse.
<p>There is a fashion contest in Manehatten, and Rarity is getting ready for her big premiere. To do this, she is using a rare and exotic fabric from the Crystal Empire. But Suri Polomare, one of the other fashionistas in the competition, is interested in trading for it. Rarity politely refuses at first, but after the older earth mare strips down to show her what's on offer, the unicorn can't resist and agrees to the trade. </p><p>This is a Commission for <a href="/user/36243/Tailsic" rel="nofollow">Tailsic</a>.<br/>Derpibooru: <span class="spoiler">1197010</span></p>
Manehattan, a city of wonder and opportunity. For a mare like Rarity, it was a chance for her to make her fashionesta dreams come true. This chance came in the form of a fashion contest and show, and the unicorn was hard at work to bring out her best and more fabulous designs. Levitating various rolls of fabric, the mare was focusing on what was the best possible dress she could make. Something with frills? Or maybe formal and regal? Or maybe even setting a trend with something more daring and risque? But as she worked on her project, Rarity failed to notice someone walking into her work area. Suri Polomare, one of the other contestants, as well as a major figure in the fashion industry. The pink earth mare smirked as she saw the white unicorn hard at work. Running her fingers through her purple mane swirls, she walked over to Rarity, waiting until she was a few feet away before making her presence known. “Oh?! Suri?!” Rarity gasped, the momentary lapse in concentration caused the fabric to fall all over. “Oh no, no, no, I’m sorry.” Quickly, she started gathering up what she could, all while Suri watched. “S-so, what brings you here?” “Oh, it’s nothing really.” Suri replied, sounding cheerful and friendly as she started helping Rarity picking up the rolls. “We’re in a contest, sure, but I always like things to be civil.” Her eyes then fell on a certain roll of cloth in Rarity’s hands. “My word, what is this enchanted fabric?” “You like it? It’s a roll of crystal weave, exported from the Crystal Empire.” Rarity explained, her voice radiating with pride. “It’s quite expensive, but the dress that I can make with it would be priceless.” “That’s quite a boast. Sounds like you have this contest set.” Suri commented, to which Rarity only smiled more and more. “It’s such a beautiful fabric, I wonder what dresses I can make with it.” “Well, I can put in a word and you can place an order after the contest.” Rarity commented, speaking through her generous nature. “I’m sure someone like you could make something simply dazzling.” “Oh, I very much could. But I would be more interested in doing it sooner than later.” Suri replied, curling her lips as she glanced over the mare. “So how about you trade me this crystal weave?” Before Rarity could answer, she raised a hand. “I can pay of course if you prefer that.” “As generous as your offer is, I’m afraid I must decline.” Rarity replied, sounding as polite as she could. “I would never think of selling my merchandise like this, especially in a contest. And while a trade sounds tempting, I’m very sorry, and I mean no offense, but I’m not sure you have anything that would make me part with this fabric.” “I think I have something.” Suri replied, her mouth curling into a more wicked smirk. Looking over to the door she walked from, she made sure it was still closed. “But if I show you, you’ll have to keep it a secret.” “Again, I’m honored by the offer.” Rarity replied, not looking at Suri as she was setting up her fabric again. “But I can’t simply-dear sweet Celestia! What are you doing?” Suri was stripping from her clothes, unbuttoning and zippering off until she was now naked before the mare. The older earth mare had a rather petite body, quite modest and yet experienced. But what really made Rarity’s eyes widen, and lip quiver, was the thick, almost purple colored cock that hung between Suri’s legs. It was big, massive and throbbing as its blunt cockhead was nearly at her knees. Swallowing nervously, the unicorn couldn’t look away. “So, what do you think?” Suri asked, smirking seductively at the mare. “I give you the best fuck you’ll ever have, and you trade me the fabric. Does that sound fair?” Rarity was trembling, unable to look away from it. Suri’s cock was just so huge, slowly growing bigger as arousal was setting in. Her own body was getting hotter and hotter. Her pussy was soaking her panties, and her nipples were poking against her clothes. Swallowing nervously, Rarity couldn’t help but think what such a massive thing would feel like. For a moment, she felt the phantom sensation of this fat dick stretching her pussy out. Rarity shivered again, her pussy was aching as she continued to stare at this cock. Suri was big, possibly the biggest pony she had ever seen. Would her pussy even be able to handle such a massive size? The anticipation was more than she could bear. Suri could see it, the same reaction she always got whenever she showed off her cock to a mare. They always showed utter shock, instant arousal, or some mix of the two. And Rarity’s face made it all too clear, she wanted this cock but was hesitating. “Don’t keep me waiting.” Suri cooed, wanting to tease and tantalize the mare a little bit. Swaying a little, she let her growing arousal wiggle in front of the mare. Rarity’s eyes remained fixed on it, licking her lips. “Since you’ve seen what I’m working with, do we have a deal?” “We…we have a deal…” Rarity nodded, still looking at this dick. “B-but please, let’s be quick. Even without the crystal weave, I’d like to finish something.” “Of course, of course, I understand.” Suri smirked, not caring about the contest for a moment. “So how about you show me what you’ve got hidden under your clothes.” Rarity hesitated, but more so out of intimidation over this cock than anything else; but did as Suri told her. Slowly, she disrobed, showing off her own sexy body. While not as mature in age as the mare, Rarity’s endowments were a lot more defined. Her breasts were at least two cup sizes bigger, and her hips were wider and had a softer looking flank. Suri couldn’t help but look at her with a mix of eagerness and slight envy. “Well, well, I figured you had a good body, but you’re simply stunning.” Suri complimented, gesturing to all over Rarity’s body. “I can only imagine how much you save modeling your own dresses, simply amazing.” Rarity only blushed at her words, and the mare’s lips curled into a smile. “I can’t wait to fucking stretch that pussy full of cock.” Rarity trembled a little again at Suri’s words, how she was approaching her and this cock swayed a little between the mare’s legs. She wasn’t by any means a virgin, but this was still bigger than anything she had ever seen, and soon enough handled. Still, a deal was a deal, and Rarity awaited the mare’s next instruction. She wasn’t sure how she would be taken. Laying on the table and fucked hard? Bent over like a whore and defiled from behind? The thoughts and uncertainties were making her pussy wetter and wetter. “Sit on the table.” Suri ordered, her dominating voice sending a pleasurable ripple through Rarity’s body. “I don’t want to waste time with foreplay, I’m going straight for that soft fuckhole.” Rarity did as she was told, sitting up on the table. Thankfully, it was a solid, very durable table. Surri, smiling at the sight of the mare’s legs spreading to show off her soft, beautiful pussy, approached her. Without a word, she grabbed at one of Rarity’s legs, lifting it up, forcing her to lean back on her arms. Suri then took her cock with her other hand and slapped it playfully on the mare’s wet snatch. The unicorn cooed, eager to take this massive size, but intimidated by it as it was laying just shy of her belly button. “You might want to take a deep breath.” Suri commented, showing only the briefest amount of mercy as she warned the mare. Angling her cockhead, she slowly started to wedge into the mare. Rarity moaned softly as she felt herself being slowly spread. “Once I get the head in, I like to shove it deep!” At that, she rammed her cock as hard as she could. Rarity gasped out a breathless scream, feeling as Suri’s fat cock was almost fully inside her. Even with a little over half this length deep in her soaked pussy, her belly bulged just enough to show she was being really filled up. Suri only smirked, pulling back a little to then thrust again, and again, and again. The unicorn moaned out whorishly in the pleasure that was stuffing itself into her pussy. Her inner walls squeezed along this size, almost virgin tight, but just flexible enough to let the mare have her way. But no matter what, it was clear, Rarity’s pussy was going to be ruined for anyone after this. Suri was shocked, feeling that while nearly virgin tight, Rarity’s pussy was just perfect. It took in her length, embracing it as it was enveloped by this soft, silky smooth texture. The unicorn’s pussy was just beyond what she expected. It was like Rarity’s pussy was just meant to be a cocksleeve, a toy for the relief and pleasure of Suri’s fat dick. She huffed a little, not wanting to lose to this precious, perfect pussy. “Well now, and here I thought you had to fuck the royal family to get into the fashion industry.” Suri mocked, laughing as she felt how utterly tight Rarity was. “Or maybe you’re better at sucking cock than taking it. Oh well…” Groping at the mare’s ass, she giggled. “My pussy now.” Rarity moaned out, feeling as Suri’s thrusts were getting faster and faster. The mare showed no restraint or mercy as she was stretching out this pussy. The unicorn’s insides were being ruined by this thickness, and her eyes were rolling back; twitching in pleasure. The feeling was better than anything she ever felt, every stallion she’s been with usually took a while to get her off, but Suri was making her melt on her cock within seconds. Huffing, Suri watched as the mare she believed had some amount of self worth, or dignity, was nothing more than a whore for her pleasure. If she knew it was gonna be this easy, she would’ve just bent her over and fucked her from the beginning. So now, she was gonna make up for lost time. Rarity’s eyes watered as her tongue dangled in her repeated orgasms. Her more slutty side showed as her makeup and mascara started to run a little. “Fuck, you’re such a naughty little slut, aren’t you?” Suri teased, smirking as she was humping in and out of Rarity’s wetness. “Come on you whore, tell me how much you love it.” “Yes, yes, I love it.” Rarity moaned, doing as she was told as Suri continued to fuck faster and harder. “I love the fat cock in my pussy.” “Oh yeah, keep moaning bitch, tell me how much you like it.” Suri grunted, feeling her cock throbbing as she was going to cum her first load. “Who’s my naughty little slut?” “I am!” Rarity shouted, seemingly not caring if anypony would’ve heard her moans. “I’m your naughty little slut!” Suri laughed, humping into the mare’s pussy. “There we go, good girl.” Suri huffed, reaching up to grab at Rarity’s bouncing tits. “And what’s what with these?” Groping them hard, she tugged at the mare’s sensitive nipples. “How many sponsors did you seduce with these fat tits?” Rarity moaned, not giving an answer, not that Suri cared. It was more fun to think of how this whore mare had seduced and fucked her way into where she was. Even if it were true, she wouldn’t blame her. If anything, she might even compliment her on such clever tactics. Suri wasn’t above using her cock to get her way, having won numerous sponsorships with this fat, meaty girth between her legs. Licking her lips, she looked at the adorably, slutty look on Rarity’s face. “Come here, slut.” Suri said, grabbing at Rarity’s face. Pulling her into a kiss, the two started making out. The unicorn’s eyes rolled back as her pussy squeezed along the length of the cock inside her. “So tight…such a good…fucking sexy whore…” Suri moaned between kissing breaths, feeling as her dick was throbbing in Rarity’s pussy. The mare’s tight embrace clamped along the mare’s cock, milking it for the hot release that was coming. Suri shivered, feeling the pleasure Rarity was giving her ripple through her body as she thrusted as hard and deep as she could. The unicorn’s tight fuckhole was seemingly bottomless, enduring as the futa’s cock was bottoming out into her wet embrace. “Fuck…so tight…” Suri moaned, still making out as her tongue slipped into Rarity’s mouth, the mare moaning and kissing back. “I’m gonna cum…you want that…you want me to cum…in your…slutty…pussy…” “Yes…cum inside me…please mess me up…” Rarity moaned, giving into the addictive pleasure Suri’s cock was giving her. “I don’t care…what happens…cum inside me…knock me up…make me yours…” “Fucking slut…” Suri moaned, kissing harder and more sloppily. “You want that? To be my slut? My personal fucktoy?” “Yes, make me…your bitch…” Rarity moaned, succumbing to the pleasure. Nothing else mattered but the feeling Suri’s cock was giving her. “Cum inside me…knock me up…make me your…naughty…little…slut…” Suri humped faster and faster, filling the room with sloppy wet, slapping sounds, as the sweating mares caused a faint steamy mist to grow. The room was becoming thick in the scent of hot sex and arousal. Throbbing cock, squeezing pussy, and the tang of hot sweat, cum, and nectar was tingling at their senses. Suri’s blunt cockhead passionately made out with Rarity’s cervix, matching the motions of her own mouth. “Fuck, you’re just too slutty!” Suri grunted, pulling back as she moaned in orgasm. “Take my cum, you slut!” Rarity gasped out a breathless scream in orgasm. Suri’s cock bottomed out so hard and deep, her blunt cockhead pushed against her cervix, not letting a single drop leave as it flooded into her womb. The unicorn’s insides filled with the hot, thick, pontent spunk. Her ovaries and eggs were saturated in this virile seed, possibly impregnating her fertile womb. Suri’s cock throbbed and pulsed as rope after rope flooded into the mare’s pussy. Rarity shivered, feeling as her belly bulged from the pleasure, cumming her own sloppy spray of nectar all over Suri’s waist. It felt so good, she couldn’t stop cumming as the cock inside her was utterly ruining her pussy to anyone but her new mistress. She might be a fashion mare, if Suri allowed it, but Rarity was nothing more than a moaning, cumming whore; a slutty cocksleeve for her mistress’ pleasure. Suri’s eyes gleamed eagerly as she saw the twisted, sloppy smile on Rarity’s face. She had claimed another mare for her collection of broken whores. As well as this, her pussy was better than just about any mare she had ruined, and there was no way she was going to let her go. Pregnant or not, she was gonna keep fucking this slut, making sure her insides never recovered from this. Just as Rarity had become addicted to this dick, Suri had become addicted to this perfect pussy. Despite cumming, Suri continued to thrust in and out of the mare’s pussy, making sure to fuck every thick, potent drop as deep as she could. She had almost forgotten about the fabric, the feeling of Rarity’s pussy and how utterly, fuckably perfect it was was the only thing running through her mind. She wanted to make absolutely sure that the mare got what she traded for. The unicorn had gotten what she asked for, and more. But eventually, the mare was spent. Sur still kept her cock buried deep in Rarity’s pussy, not wanting to pull out just yet. The unicorn’s body shivered as she couldn’t think of anything but the sensation, the pleasure, the throbbing of this cock deep in her. She couldn’t go to anyone. Not any talented stallions she knew back home, not a collection of large and exaggerated dildos, and certainly nothing else could remotely compare to Suri’s cock. Rarity was addicted, driven insane from the pleasure. The contest was the last thing on her mind, and if any words could be formed from her panting lips, it would just be her whorish pleas to be fucked again. She couldn’t imagine life without this cock. Suri was her mistress now, her reason to even get up in the morning, and the one who could bring her pleasure like no other. Suri was her everything now, and the mare loved it. Rarity craved for more, but she felt as her body was so weakened, she nearly fell back on the table. “Well, now that was better than I hoped.” Suri commented, smacking playfully at Rarity’s tits again as she slowly started pulling out. After a moment, the mare’s pussy was a gaping, gushing mess. “You’re certainly one of the best sluts I’ve ever ruined. Might even give Coco a run for her money.” Rarity’s body slipped off the table, collapsing on the ground. The impact of her swollen belly pressing against the floor caused her pussy to tighten and squirt out the thick, steaming cum that was flooded in her womb. Suri only took a step to the side, not letting any spunk splash on her, but she only continued to snicker at the sad excuse for a dignified mare. Rarity wasn’t a mare of any dignity or grace anymore. She was some stretched out whore. Even with magic, there was no way her pussy would crave anything but massive dick again. “Well, a deal is a deal.” Suri commented, almost humming playfully to herself as she walked over to take the roll of crystal weave. “Oh, and when you lose the contest, please feel free to see me again.” Brandishing the fabric, she giggled a little. “Especially if you can get me marvels like this again. I’d be more than happy to give that loose cunt of yours a good stretching again if you get any more spectacular fabrics again.” “Sure….sure…whatever…you’d like…” Rarity weakly replied, gurgling a little on her own drool as her tongue dangled from the side of her mouth. Her body only twitched here and there her still full belly bulge caused her to roll to her side. More cum spilled out of her pussy, but the sloppy smile on her fucked silly face was enough for the mare to laugh again. “More fabric…for more…yummy cock…” “Sounds like a deal.” Suri nodded, still snickering as she turned to leave Rarity where she lay. “I’ll see you again.” Leaving the room, she only laughed a little. That pussy was among the best she’s ever had, and now with this special fabric, she was gonna win the contest, and now laid claim to a new whore. “Once again Suri, you’ve managed a win-win.”
The Psychopath
Original Character,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ancient Curiosity
The lich of Arkom follows the three that came to eliminate him to the main continent, but the childlike wonder of a 'retired' destroyer of all life at the technological innovations in the city is met with 'apprehension' by the inhabitants.
<p>A being that has lived for millennia, that almost wiped out the minotaurs and ponies of the east, and has developed brand new magical languages every century to prevent the living from gaining the upper hand against him has thrown in the towel. The lich decides to follow the three ponies who had come to his artificial continent Arkom to slay him, curious as to the progress and inventions the creatures whom he once tried to turn into undead.</p><p>His childlike wonder unnerves the three who hesitantly bring him to the mainland and get him to stand trial for what he did, but he doesn't exactly cooperate. The 'new world' is a fascinating thing to one stuck in the past, leading to the lich jumping about eagerly to discover everything. The populace don't take it well.</p>
Sneezy grumbled furiously. This insipid creature preferred to laze about all day in a land made from the dead of centuries and 'drink' coffee. How it even managed to imbibe such things was a mystery in itself. "I can't take this anymore!" The unicorn paced about, annoyed, gnawing at a magical apparition of a stick she made for herself. "What do we do? We can't kill it and we can't go back empty-hoofed!" The lich watched them, letting his orb float about his head and imbibing coffee silently. Ruby tapped the ground nervously. "Uh...we would...we could just ask him to come with us?" the crystal pony suggested. He backed away, perplexed by his friend's face. "And why would he even accept such a thing?!" Sneezy gestured to the horizon. "Every creature wants to kill him!" "They can try!" the lich laughed. The three ponies slowly looked at him in response to his quip. "You can hear us?" Cobalt asked. She was met with a shrug. "Why not?" The lich stood up and gestured to everything. "I made this continent. Why would I not be privy to what happens on it?" He snorted, chasing out something the ponies didn't want to understand. Ruby gulped and took a step forward. "So...would you follow us to the continent?" "What for?" the lich asked. Sneezy climbed over the giant stallion, furious. "To be judged, you freak!" Cobalt pulled the unicorn down and shook her head. "We can't do anything but ask." She looked around briefly. "I mean, you've stayed here on your continent forever..." Her eyes lit up and she looked at Sneezy with a devious grin. "Why, I'm sure it's boring here. You learned of coffee by accident, but what about chocolate?" The lich grunted dismissively. "What about what makes the chocolate?" She withheld her excitement when she noticed the lich freeze momentarily. "What about the boat that took us here? There's more. The city is built around it all!" The lich put down his cup and sighed. "Alright. You're obviously playing on my curiosity in hopes that I let down my guard and then get stuck in a trap." He stood up and brought his orb onto his palm. "Very well. I'll follow you." "And no funny business!" Sneezy shouted. She was pat on the head by the towering creature as he moved forward. "Yes yes. I can't do anything on my own without centuries of preparation anyways, and as I mentioned earlier," he turned around and tilted his torso with a shrug. "I'm not interested in doing that sort of thing anymore." He straightened himself and cracked his neck. "I suppose we have to go to one of the beaches." "Any beach will do," Cobalt said as she flew next to him. "We just need to use a signal flare to get the boat to come and pick us up." After much walking and grumbling by Sneezy lamenting the loss of her dream of heroism and accolades, the four had arrived on the beach, but... "What is that stench?!" Ruby screamed as he covered his muzzle. "It's horrible! By the In-between!" Cobalt added. The lich waved a hand weakly. "Oh. That's just low-tide mixed with a hot summer." He tapped his nasal bone. "I can selectively choose when I can and can't smell anything," he stated with a smirk in his tone. "Well, lucky you!" Sneezy said derisively. "Sneezy, please!" Ruby begged. "Yeah yeah, I got it," the mare grumbled. She walked past the lich, let her horn glow with ambient magic, and then shot a ball of fire into the sky. It popped in a display of sparkles and snakes of fire. The group waited a moment, but growing impatient, the unicorn let loose another spell. "Where are they?" she wondered angrily. "Supposed to have reacted by n-Hey!" The lich pulled her aside and strode forward proudly. "They'll never see a pithy little thing like that," he exclaimed. "Need something like this." In an instant a ball of fire as big as the lich appeared in his hands, and with a quick movement of his arm, found itself getting launched dozens of feet into the air. The trio watched it with baited breath, nervous as to what might happen. They were nearly blinded when the ball finally burst into a veritable star of light in a nebula of sparkles and smoke. "What was that?!" Sneezy Pollen shouted. "That's something that takes at least ten unicorns to do!" The lich shook his hand to chase off the embers. "One of the first spells I improved upon way back when." He put two fingers to the side of his forehead and rubbed it. "When was that? Two thousand years ago? Don't remember the exact date." He watched another light pop in the distance and 'grinned'. "There we go!" he cheered. "Told you I knew how to do a flare." The lich leaned forward, unsure of what he was seeing. "Looks like they set themselves on fire. Lots of smoke." "That's a coal-powered paddle ship!" Cobalt cheered. After about an hour of waiting silently, or rather, uncomfortably due to the lich literally remaining still like a statue, unmoved by even the moment of the world, a large ship came into view. Arkom's creator finally moved, eliciting cracks from his body. The large vessel was made from wood, but its external hull was riveted with sheets of copper and tin. They were already suffering from the salt of the sea and turning into plates of rust. "Wow!" the lich said. "Does that ship have sixty-four cannons across its three decks?" He paused. "Where are the sails, and what are those wheels on its side." Ruby stepped forward. "It's just a transport ship, although it's been outfitted to handle you I guess. So, the wheel--" Ruby was shut up by the lich waving a hand at him without moving. "Ah ah ah, sh sh sh! Shut up! I want to figure it out myself." "Hey!" a voice cried out from the ship. "That was a huge flare! I didn't think you were going to use one of those massive ones!" The owner was the captain of the vessel: A gruff old, bipedal bird that vaguely resembled a parrot. His vestigial red wings wrapped around his torso and were decorated with all manner of golden paraphernalia and ribbons to make them look like a coat. He focused on the group, using his crystal eye and almost fell over when he realized what he was looking at. "I thought you killed him!" He scampered onto his talons and began ordering his crew in a panic. "Turn around, turn around! They've been zombified!" "No! No! We're not zombies!" Sneezy shouted at the top of her lungs. The captain narrowed his eyes and quietly gestured something the unicorn didn't recognize. A loud whirr came from the ship, and from an unseen compartment a blue box was shot. It gradually came in overhead before dissolving and letting a freezing blue mist gently wash over the trio who were left shivering. "Yeah. Okay. Undead don't feel the cold," the captain muttered. He was left baffled by the giant biped pensively staring at his ship. "Uhhh..." With considerable effort, the ponies managed to look at the lich and realized that his body was smoking. Burning, in fact, but he hadn't noticed. "Y-you're on fire," Cobalt said. "Is it the fire inside that makes it run? What's powering it? What's doing the fire thing?" the lich pondered out loud. "Oookaaay...We're taking the lich back home to be, uh, judged," Cobalt explained. "Weren't you supposed to kill it?" a diamond dog sailor asked. "We can't! Not alone!" Sneezy lamented. "Just...just let us on board." "No way!" the captain exclaimed. "You're on your own!" The lich flexed his left hand, and a loud rumble reached everyone's ears. It was quickly followed by multiple pillars of rotting flesh implanted with multiple off-white spikes of varying shapes and sizes. They slammed into the boat and started to crunch the hull plating when the captain yelled out. "Stop! Stop! please! You can come aboard!" The lich shuffled his cloak and brought his orb into it, hiding it from view. "Well, there you go! A bit of persuasion never hurt anybody," he mused as the pillars lowered back into the tainted ocean. "You threatened to kill them," Ruby accused calmly. He cleared his throat, trying to calm his nerves. "That's not--" "Negotiations are always tenuous at the best of times," the lich said dismissively. "Now when will they disembark?" Just as he said so, a small boat was dropped in the water, and several terrified sailors used oars to approach the continent of the dead. Never in all their lives would they have ever expected to be doing this sort of thing, but here they were anyways. The four got in the boat, and the lich plopped himself onto a seat with a grunt. The sailors were so terrified that they were visibly and audibly trembling with every row they made. It took them several times to hook the chains onto the boat's rings because of the sheer terror they felt, and when the lich and the 'heroes' were finally on board, they found that their 'prisoner' was the target of a dozen of the crew members aiming red-wood muskets at the undead. As always, the lich seemed ambivalent to everything around him, but Sneezy didn't feel like all of this would end well for anyone but that undead monster. "Why are they pointing sticks at me?" he asked the trio. They remained silent as the lich approached a pale-blue pegasus. The pony tensed up fearfully and raised the musket directly at the lich's head. "What are you all doing with these things? Shouldn't you be holding them upright? Very strange for clubs, though." When he reached out with a bony hand, the pegasus screamed in terror and pulled the trigger of his weapon. The sudden flash and loud thunder crack startled everyone around. A few of the armed sailors shuffled away when the cloth surrounding the lich settled down and the immobile statue showed no reaction but remained immobile. This went on for several minutes, wracking the nerves of the sailors beyond what they already were. Sneezy started feeling hope well up inside her at the prospect that the lich was finally dead. "Ow!" the lich shouted. "That hurt! Gimme that!" he ordered as he swiped the musket from the pegasus' hooves. Said pony passed out instantly. "This thing spit something out at me!" the lich complained as he turned the weapon around every which way. "Was it from here?" he wondered as he stuck a bony finger into the barrel and pulled out burning embers and soot. "Hooo. How does this thing function, then? Was it a fireball?" Sneezy drooped and her friends patted her on the back in solidarity. While the lich amused itself with bringing up theories to himself and discovering all the mobile parts of the weapon, the captain snuck up to the trio. "What is wrong with it?" he asked. Sneezy shrugged. "I don't know. Ever since we met him he's been like that." She was met with incredulity. "I don't believe you," the captain denied. "That thing has tried to kill all life on this planet for generations. Why would he suddenly start acting this way, and what is he planning? He wants to make his own weapons out of the dead or something?" "We're not sure," Cobalt said. She thought for a moment and looked at the lich. "I think...I think time even got to him. You know, failing over and over again." "It's what he told us," Ruby added. "He grew tired of it and decided to just stay on his continent." He paused. "You saw it yourself: That huge thing in the water. He ordered it to attack you when you refused to let us aboard." Everyone flinched when another bang resonated through the air. They turned around to see the lich holding another musket at his face, the barrel still spewing some smoke. "Ah ha! I figured it out!" the lich celebrated. "When I pull the hook here a metal ball comes out" He turned towards the trio, unaware of their presence. Half his face was missing. "It hurts! Yes!" he said staunchly. The captain rubbed his beak. "Uh huh..." He leaned in closer to the trio and started whispering. "Is he alright in the head? I mean, I know there's nothing in there, but..." Sneezy sighed. "Well, if he's this enthusiastic about the muskets, he'll likely be as enthusiastic about the ship and especially the city." She took a deep breath and cast a glance at her 'prisoner'. "Better he be occupied like that than trying to kill everything." The captain gulped and tapped his taloned fingers against each other. "So, what do we do now?" he asked. "Just sail to the city?" He was met with a shrug and a face stating the answer was 'obvious'. "Hoo boy..." he said as he turned around and rubbed the back of his feathered head. With no other choice, the boat sailed back to the mainland, where creatures from around the world would be waiting. While fizzy in sound and reception, the new radios aboard the ship were doing their job in informing those that were waiting behind of their 'cargo'. The trio expected a massive welcoming committee of not-so-welcoming individuals. What took two weeks aboard a sailboat to reach Arkom only took a few days via paddle-boat to go back the other way as there was no need for stealth this time around. The fact this captain had even entertained the thought of picking them up had the three of them succeeded never crossed Sneezy's mind. She just wanted to go home, take a shower, then sleep for the whole week while dreaming about what could have been. Ruby and Cobalt were the ones to jolt the lich out of his reverie from staring at the chimney outside the ship and turn him around. If he had eyes they would have been sparkling. Gigantic buildings as far as the eye could see, each sporting their own chimney and even larger, much dirtier buildings in the distance sporting multiple smokestacks belching out a crude miasma and black muck into the air. The three ponies were used to outsiders finding the sight repulsive even though they had grown up with it, but the lich's fascination and amazement startled them regardless. He leaned against the railing on the nose of the ship, taking it all in with his lower jaw dangling down. "I guess we shouldn't be surprised that a dead creature wouldn't be affected by the air like the outsiders are," Cobalt said with a weak smile. Ruby, meanwhile, coughed violently. "Speak for yourself! I've been here for four years and I'm still not used to it," he complained between fits of coughing. "Well, guess we best prepare for the welcoming committee and everypony's reaction to...him," Sneezy spat. She rolled her eyes and leaned her head against one of the walls of the ship while being careful to not hurt her horn. "It's going to be fine,. It's going to be fine. It's going to be fine," she reassured herself while lightly headbutting the metal. "Woah! That one is made of metal frames!" the lich shouted while looking at a building under construction. "It's going to be fine it's going to be fine!" Sneezy shouted angrily while bashing her head harder and harder against the wall. Her friends quickly jumped to her aid to stop her. It was going to be a long day.
The Psychopath
Original Character,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ancient Curiosity
The lich of Arkom follows the three that came to eliminate him to the main continent, but the childlike wonder of a 'retired' destroyer of all life at the technological innovations in the city is met with 'apprehension' by the inhabitants.
<p>A being that has lived for millennia, that almost wiped out the minotaurs and ponies of the east, and has developed brand new magical languages every century to prevent the living from gaining the upper hand against him has thrown in the towel. The lich decides to follow the three ponies who had come to his artificial continent Arkom to slay him, curious as to the progress and inventions the creatures whom he once tried to turn into undead.</p><p>His childlike wonder unnerves the three who hesitantly bring him to the mainland and get him to stand trial for what he did, but he doesn't exactly cooperate. The 'new world' is a fascinating thing to one stuck in the past, leading to the lich jumping about eagerly to discover everything. The populace don't take it well.</p>
Spires of white and gray flooded the entirety of the lich's sight. He had never seen such a thing before and never thought it would be possible. In the past, he knew that many creatures had attempted to erect large structures, usually attempted with all manner of crisscrossing supports and counterweights, but they all eventually collapsed under their own mass. The materials just couldn't handle the pressure. How did it all work? Who came up with the idea? Try as he might, the lich could scarcely feel any magic from the buildings outside of some errant wisp attached to the materials themselves. He found his curiosities peak to their absolute zenith as to the construction of everything that made the city what it was. "That's odd," Ruby said. "There's no one at the docks." The ship's engine had quieted, and now the vessel was drifting towards a vacant stone pier covered in crates meant for a much more massive transport vessel. The crew hurriedly dropped anchor and wrapped rope around metal fixation points bolted into the gray stone. Being completely infatuated, the lich became unaware of everything around and flew off the paddleboat to the protest of the three. It took mere seconds for the four to be rushed by several dozens of guards armed with muskets and more utilizing magical instruments akin to spears. These spears were made of a variety of metals colored red, white, or gold, and were fitted with a multitude of colorful crystals along the surface of their bodies and crowned with one the size of a diamond dog's fist. "Oh, I remember those!" the lich said. "Oh, that takes me way back." He looked to the three as though they were his friends. "You know, I perfected the fourth iteration of those things." He sighed and pressed a fist against his lower jaw. "Then some geniuses came by and kept iterating on it, though the core concept never changed, it seems." "Lock it down!" a pony encased in plate ordered. Ponies, kirin, and minotaurs bearing the staffs pointed them at the lich. Tendrils of magic flowed out and around the undead. Some restrained his limbs and locked him backwards while the rest of the spells produced multiple interlocking layers of the best restraining spells the magical academies and research bureaus could develop. When the cage was finished and the lich didn't seem to be escaping, everyone sighed in relief and many almost collapsed from the exhaustion brought about by stress. "Ha!" Sneezy Pollen declared. She hopped forward, much to the surprise of the soldiers, and started hitting the cage with her hoof. "Can't get out of this one, can you?!" She laughed proudly, disturbing the plated soldier. "Is she okay?" the soldier asked Ruby and Cobalt. "If she's able to rest, then yes. She'll be fine," Ruby reassured. He watched her dance around the cage, laughing maniacally all the while. "It's a lot to take in that the undead monster you wanted to kill to become a hero and free the world is now a lazy guy who spends his time sitting on his porch drinking coffee." The soldier looked at Ruby, baffled. "It has coffee?" The cage trembled, making Sneezy pale. "No! Stay in there you--" But her anger amounted to nothing. The cage dissolved and the lich was left there with the permanent smile granted by a lack of flesh. "Eugh. You could do better than this," he mocked. The giant shook his hand, chasing away errant magic. "This is old magic. I thought it was new. What, it's almost two millennia old, I think?" He walked next to Sneezy and patted her on the head. "Let's go explore and find that 'judgment' you wanted me to go through." "Sneezy, don't--" Cobalt tried to calm her friend down in advance, but the unicorn was already having a temper tantrum. "Ugh..." The armored guard approached the lich as it moved forward, scaring away everyone else into the labyrinthian streets beyond the undead's view. Doing her best, the armored pony tried to keep her trembling under control. "So you really did come here for your judgment?" the guard asked skeptically. "That I did, tiny pony wrapped in metal," the lich teased. "And you were going to the Grand Hall of Laws?" the pony asked. The lich stared at her silently for a brief moment. "The what of where?" Ruby hurried over. "I thought we were going to the old palace first." The armored pony shook her head. "No. He's been deemed too dangerous for that place. He's going to the hall. More security there." She looked at the lich and deflated a bit. "Although seeing how he seems to play with our magic spells, I'm unsure if that will change anything." "Come then!" the lich commanded. "Guide me to my place of judgment!" He took a step forward then froze. "And bring some coffee," he added. The mare took off her helmet and hooked and strapped it onto her side to prevent it falling and banging around during movement. The three 'heroes' flinched in shock, something the soldier realized but did her best to ignore. "Wow. She was right. You're a really bizarre creature." The lich shrugged. "Live three thousand or so years and you learn to just sit back and enjoy the little things." The soldier's eyes darted between both empty sockets of the lich before acknowledging his resolve. "Come on, let's go," she told the three ponies. "The hall should be ready. They're just waiting for us now." Sneezy galloped ahead of the group, spun around, and pointed her hoof threateningly at the undead giant. "No funny business, or else!" she growled. "Yes yes," the lich said dismissively. As the new group of five started walking along the cobblestone streets, they realized that everyone was doing their best to avoid them, while many screamed about the lich's presence. Wagons were left bare, crates were dropped, stalls ignored, and creatures ran like they were on fire. With no face, it was impossible to tell what the creature was thinking about the 'welcome' he got. On the other hand... "Wagons?" he pondered aloud. "Not very innovative on that front yet," he noted with disappointment. He smiled internally when he realized the armored pony next to him was growing despondent. "Why remove your helmet if you're so averse to their reactions?" the lich asked. "They're not directed towards you," he added with a hint of pride. The soldier grunted. "I removed my helmet so everypony knows I'm still me and not some weird zombie of yours." The group passed the stall of a seamstress store, but the owner, an elderly mare with her graying mane in a bun, found it difficult to pull down the blinds of her door. This only served to bring the attention of the lich to her. The pony immediately froze. It seemed like the undead shared no interest in any of her suits, boots, or pillows on display until he did a triple take. He carefully grasped a pillow like one would a glass statue and carefully admired it. "These seams are so clean," he noted. "Not perfect, but a far cry from what this kind of needlework was two hundred-odd years ago." The giant put a hand on the base of the wooden blinds and pushed up, pulling the elderly mare with it. "Tell me, how did you manage such a unique form of sewing?" "Hey!" Cobalt shouted. "You're scaring her!" The elder shook her head rapidly while staring at Cobalt before turning to the lich and smiling as widely as she could. "I-it's b-b-by a mmmachine! I still have to g-guide it though." "May I see it?" the undead asked. The elder gulped and let go of the blinds, landing on her hind legs. While the lich made the excited tour of the store, the ponies were left to their own devices. "He's destroying the city!" Sneezy complained. "Just by being here he's making everypony panic" "Yes, but he isn't harming anypony," Ruby said. "I think this is the best outcome than what could have happened." The lich popped back out of the door before Sneezy could add anything. He waved goodbye to the terrified old pony and pulled the blinds down himself. "You made technology for sewing, and it's so meticulous!" the lich exclaimed. "Y-yes..." the soldier exhaled. The trip had resumed, but, as they expected, the lich stopped by a candy store and had fun with a roller. It was odd enough to see an undead making candy but also be fascinated by the process. Next he stopped by an art supply store and admired the replicas of historical works of art hung around the store. The fact that he showed no risk of aggression and only displayed interest in the passion of the shop owners did nothing to assuage anyone's fears. A minotaur and griffin blacksmithing duo passed out after the lich passed by their shop, breaking the illusion brought on by their massive bodies. This went on for several hours, causing the lich's escorts to become increasingly exhausted. However, after stopping by at least twenty-two stores and workshops, the group didn't stop at any upcoming points of interest. Sighed from the brief moment of reprieve, the group walked silently through empty streets caked in mud and rainwater. "What happened to you?" the lich asked the soldier. It felt like hours had passed in comfortable silence when his question hit the soldier hard. She took a moment to compose herself. "Would-be necromancers taking after you," she hissed. "We caught them in the city and eventually executed them, but a lot of us weren't so lucky to get out of there with just a scar to share a story. I got hit by a curse. My armor was still mostly intact so it took the brunt of it, but my fellows weren't so lucky." She passed a hoof along the side of her face. "Ponies know me well enough, but, without my helmet, the common folk mistake me for an undead." The mare stared at her hoof and the brown flakes that stuck to it, clinging on even as the wind pushed against them. The mare jumped back when she saw the lich's face directly in front of hers. "Hey-!" "Minor zombification curse. Undead manipulation to affect the living," the lich muttered. "I take it your comrades looked like they had laid out in the desert for too long? Desiccated fruit, as it were." The soldier's face paled. "Y-yes. How did you--" "I've had many a necromancer come to me, wanting to learn from the originator of the craft." He laughed. "I'm not the originator, but I did improve on it." He grabbed his chin and leaned in further. "I can fix that easily, but the fur won't ever be the same color." "I don't want to--" "You will be alive," the undead sighed. "I'm not going to start anything." "And why would you help me?" the pony asked apprehensively. "Because I feel like it. I'm sure you don't like being doused in purification water every few weeks, am I right?" He smiled internally when he saw her muscles clench in her neck. "Fine," the mare said. "Not like I have anything left going for me anyways. It'll eat me eventually." "Wait, you don't know--" Cobalt tried to call out. It was too late. The lich pulled out his orb, and with deft hands pulled out multiple wispy strands of purple magic that he planted into the side of the mare's face. He started to mutter quietly as he moved and reshaped the threads, weaving them through the mare's body. She tensed up from the sensation and felt like her frozen body had just been immersed in hot water, defrosting her joints. She felt the vision in her right eye fade followed by a 'tac' noise which itself was followed by her vision slowly returning. It took a minute, but the lich stood up and chased errant strands away. "There we go. All done. Boorish curses with a sloppy structure. Let's go," the lich said. The guard rushed over to the nearest window and looked at her face. The whole right side had taken on a crispy brown hue contrasting with her white coat. Bringing a trembling hoof up to her face, the pony realized that she no longer needed a false eye in the place of the previous one that had rotted and fallen out. She was free of the curse. "Th-thank you. Thank you so much," the mare weeped. Even Sneezy kept quiet through the ordeal. The lich passing it off as insignificant was shocking to the three. After she recovered, the soldier no longer walked with a stiff gait typical of armyponies. She trotted excitedly, showing her face off to everyone around. When finally they reached the 'hall', everyone was in awe, save the soldier. The Grand Hall was made with white marble chiseled by only the most skilled of diamond dogs and minotaurs and topped with a pyramidal roof meant to reflect light off in every potential direction. It spanned the size of three dock warehouses and housed an uncountable amount of vital documents from every species in its armored confines. What was huge above was truly massive beneath. In front of its main entrance sat six columns, each wider than a house and seven storeys tall had been chiseled to depict a creature holding a sword downwards. From the right angle, the lich discovered that it had been done to have all six swords cross over an archway filled with massive doors of polished, sanded oak. Other, smaller carvings were made around the wall, mostly in celebrations of whatever had happened against him and a stark reminder of what the undead had caused. A multitude of armed guards and mages came out in swarms, descending the many rows of stairs to surround the five. Spells, enchanted spears, and muskets all pointed at the undead creature before escorting him into what they hoped would be the last place he would ever see. The lich found himself in the courtroom designed specifically for him. The area was devoid of any fancy marks or sculptures, and the natural light outside was somehow drowned out by the light of the hundreds of containment spell runes etched and glowing throughout the entirety of the area. In front of the undead was a semi-circle of representatives from most races: Pony, kirin, minotaur, griffin, saddal arabian equines, and dragon. The rest of the room had been kept clear of any decorations, furniture, or anything not being used to reinforce the binding spells etched in every nook and cranny of the room. To the side sat the three 'heroes' that had followed behind and the armored soldier standing proudly at the entrance of the chamber, prompting the others to look at her sideways in trying to figure out who she was. "So, you've finally been caught," the kirin said as he laid back in his seat. "Now you can't go anywhere." The lich playfully waved a hand. "Pshaw. Give me a few minutes and I can undo all these spells of yours." The kirin's proud expression turned sour and his deep blue coat paled. "What?" He bounced when the minotaur smashed his large fist against the curved table, cracking its surface. "Liar! You're just trying to unnerve us!" "If that's what you want to believe," the lich said dismissively. He looked around the room and nodded to himself. "It's quite impressive how many binding spells you managed to weave together." The undead paused a moment. "I'd say there's over a hundred here. Even I have only ever managed to bind around fifty-two together." He noticed the judges starting to sparkle with pride and grinned internally. "Of course, these required dozens, perhaps maybe a few hundred to do well, and who knows how long it took." "Is that your idea of a back-handed compliment?" the unicorn standee spat. "You!" he yelled at Cobalt. "Has this been his behavior this whole time or is this a psychological tactic?" The pegasus cleared her throat and stood up as straight as she could manage. "He's been like that since we found him on Arkom. That, and he drinks gallons of coffee." "Kill him! Do it now!" Sneezy blurted furiously. The chamber stared at her and Ruby pulled her back, a nervous smile slowly growing on his face. "Look," the lich started. "We all know what will happen. You'll mention everything I've done, I'll probably add some quip and you get very angry, and this will go for hours. Instead, I have a proposal." He gestured to the armored soldier to approach. She looked to the judges conceded despite their confusion. "Your pony here was cursed by would-be necromancers trying to imitate me," the lich explained with a hand to his chest. "I solved the issue. You're welcome." "We have several soldiers that have been cursed by necromancers," the dragon stated. She pushed herself up using the table and leaned forward. "What is any of this supposed to change?" "Because I was forced to undergo monthly procedures to not rot away into a zombie," the soldier declared. The judges' eyes widened. "Then you're--" the dragon attempted to speak. "Yes. I'm certain the lich did this to endear me to it, but ask yourselves why? it had no reason to aid me," the guard said. "It could have easily killed all of us. It has demonstrated the ability in the past." The griffin's talons clenched. "Very well, but there will be no forgiveness." "I don't ask for forgiveness," the lich stated. "Simplyyy...give me a teaching role. I will perform the role so long as I am entertained by every passing generation, and rest assured: I will do no harm to the students. Unless they're being unruly." "What was that last part?" the unicorn asked. "Do we have a deal?" The six started muttering to each other. The idea that the very thing that tormented them for generations suddenly wanted to teach was suspicious enough, but the opportunity to learn of its work and all that horrific genius entailed was almost too good to pass up. "Very well. We will deliberate what to do with you first," the minotaur said. He pointed a finger at the undead. "But there will be many rules and systems in place should we come to a positive consensus." "Grand!" the lich cheered. It pulled its orb out from beneath its robe and, with a flash from its core, caused all the runes to dissolve instantly. "Alright then! I'll be exploring more of the city. Feel free to send guards to watch me. I don't much care." The judges, completely defeated, had slumped in their seats and watched the undead casually jaunt out of the chamber with a hop in his step. The three 'heroes' were just as defeated, with Sneezy just letting her head bump against the wooden railing in front of her seat.
Anon,Derpy Hooves,Human,Comedy,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Salted Muffins
After his run in's with Rainbow and Roseluck, Anon has returned to his home to ponder just what exactly is going on. Unfortunately for him, a pegaus mailmare shows up when is is least prepared for it.
<p>After his run in's with Rainbow and Roseluck, Anon has returned to his home to ponder just what exactly is going on. Unfortunately for him, a pegaus mailmare shows up when is is least prepared for it, and things quickly escalate from there...</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">Pheromones', sweat licking, dry-humping, anal, squirting, and slight mind-break</span></p><p>Thank you all for your suggestions on the last story. This one was a lot of fun to write and if you'd like to vote for the next mare, feel free to support me on Patreon! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>Also, if you'd like to join my Discord and hang out, come on in! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Anon rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes as he walked back to his house. The soft glow of the sun rising on a new day cast long shadows over the entirety of Ponyville, making the lazy morning feel that much more comfortable and quaint as he walked alone. All the same, a thunderous chorus of confusion raged in Anon's mind, making his brow furrow. Somehow, some way, not only once, but twice in a single day, a mare downright threw herself onto him in a lustful frenzy that ended with them sexually satisfied, passed out, and covered in both his and their sexual fluids. While his romp with Rainbow was anything but ordinary, he couldn't deny that he'd harbored lustful feelings for the rainbow-maned mare for quite some time, even if he knew she didn't like him in a romantic way. So imagine his shock when she suddenly thrusted herself upon him, eagerly shoving her tongue down his throat and giving herself to him not just freely, but insistently. While the aftermath of such a lewd encounter was surely something he hadn't been looking forward to- not just because of the awkwardness, but because of the potential change in their relationship it rightly would have brought- he didn't even get a chance to ponder that, as Roseluck stumbled onto him right after the fact. Anon kicked a rock as he walked, his head shaking as he recalled just how brazenly and sensually the mare had given herself to him. One moment, she was the shy and meek mare that all of Ponyville knew, and the next, she was a sex-crazed slut that wanted nothing more than for him to pin her down and breed her. Just reminiscing about the thought had little Anon Jr. springing up for attention, though Anon ignored his more basic urges for the moment. While the prospect of Rainbow suddenly developing feelings for him was certainly fantastic news, the thought of Roseluck also deciding that she wanted a piece of him was absolutely thrilling. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Anon could not deny the fact that having two beautiful mares to call his own was a particularly invigorating fantasy of his. All the same, he still couldn't wrap his head around the why both of these mares suddenly decided to show him how much they liked him. Why? Why now? Why not sooner? Was it just because he couldn't go home and they wanted to wait for him to come to terms with it? These questions raged through Anon's head as he finally arrived back at his quaint little apartment at the opposite side of town. Fortunately, at the early hour he'd left at, there were perilously few ponies out and about to start questioning him or inquire about his whereabouts the previous day. As Anon unlocked his door and headed inside, he knew that there was no way both mares wouldn't be searching for him soon enough, likely to ask him why he'd left them both after their sensual experiences. Loathe as he was to admit it, he still couldn't really find an answer. Something about the way the mares just suddenly threw themselves at him just felt... wrong. No matter how much he tried to chalk it up to his luck finally changing for the better, or to some kind of divine intervention, something about the way both Rainbow and Roseluck had acted felt off. Shaking his head as he ascended the stairs to his bedroom, Anon decided to shelve that particular point of discourse until the mares themselves arrived at his house to speak to him, or until he saw them again on his usual day to day routine. While he did have work coming up in a few hours, he found himself restless and unable to focus on the daily tasks Pinkie and the Cakes were sure to ask of him. So, with little else to do for the next few hours, Anon decided to do the only thing that he could in his apartment: clean. The interior of his little hobble was a pigsty, for lack of better words. Anon quickly took to picking up his scattered clothing and throwing them all into the washing machine. Yes, somehow despite their lack of electricity, ponies had managed to create washers and dryers. Anon could not understand it, yet he was grateful for it all the same. With that finished, he turned his attention to doing the dishes, however before he could step into his kitchen, a loud crash and bang reached his ears from outside. Anon frowned as he glanced over toward the source of the noise, then over to the clock on the wall. Anon sighed heavily, "Mail time... Derpy, what did you break now?" He wondered aloud, abandoning his task of doing the dishes and heading over to the stairs. Upon exiting his domicile, Anon was greeted by a peculiar and amusing sight. The soft gray pegasus mailmare was not only stuck in his mailbox, but somehow, someway, managed to completely shove her head and upper torso all the way through until it was sticking through on the other side. Her legs and wonderfully doughy flanks hung out the back of the mailbox, which just so happened to be angled straight toward him, giving him a perfect view of Derpy's tight ponut and darker, supple lower lips as her blond tail swished to and fro in her attempt to escape. Anon heard several grunts and groans as the mailmare tried everything in her power to free herself from the prison she suddenly found herself in, but all of it was to no avail. So it was with a heavy sigh that Anon stepped over to Derpy's side, finally breaking her attention from her situation and directing it over toward him. "Oh! H-hi Anon! Good morning! I've got your mail!" Derpy chirped, a nervous smile on her face as her cross-eyed amber gaze looked at both Anon and the ground, respectively. Anon crossed his arms, "Derpy... how?" He deadpanned. Derpy's ears splayed back against her skull as her head hung low and her eyes both fell to the ground, "I... I just don't know what went wrong." She muttered. Anon rolled his eyes, "Derpy, this is the sixth time since I moved her that you've managed to break or crash into my mailbox. If you weren't such a sweetheart, I'd have half a mind to be upset with you." He scorned, though it was clear in his tone that he was more amused than upset. "I know... I'm sorry," Derpy replied, before giving Anon a hopeful look ,"Think you could help me out, Anon?" Anon let out a flippant sigh before walked over to the front of his mailbox and grabbed the slightly pudgy mailmare by the forelegs. He braced his foot against the post his mailbox rest upon and gave a firm yank. Despite the tin mailbox groaning from the sudden added pressure, Derpy simply refused to budge. Her hind legs kicked uselessly as she tried to squirm and wiggle her way free, but it was to no avail. Despite both of their efforts, even after several minutes of pulling and squirming, Derpy was still stuck. "Damn, Derpy. How'd you get so stuck this time?" Anon asked, taking a moment to catch his breath. "I was flying into to deliver your mail and... well... I kinda got distracted." Derpy sheepishly admitted. Anon snickered, "So you crashed into this thing at full speed? I don't think I'm gonna be able to get you out of there without breaking the mailbox open, Derps." He shook his head as his hands rested on his hips. "B-but, I have a lot more deliveries to make today! Here, try pushing me out the other way." Derpy suggested, already wiggling to free herself. Anon shrugged and leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of Derpy's wither. Bracing his legs against the ground as best as he could, he pushed with all his might, while Derpy once again flailed uselessly with her hind legs. After a few good shoves, the wooden post that the mailbox rested on groaned and creaked, its frame bending against the forces being applied to it. Despite the weakening structural integrity of the mailpost, Derpy was starting to slip out slightly, a fact that both of them were happy for until the wooden post gave a small *snap*. "Oh shit." Anon stated, suddenly abandoning his efforts to push Derpy through. "W-why'd you stop, Anon?" Derpy questioned, finally able to move one of her wings slightly. "We're gonna break the mailbox off the post if we keep this up." Anon explained, catching his breath from the slight exertion. "Can you pull me from the other side? You can brace your leg like you did earlier, that way." Derpy suggested, giving him a winning smile. Anon pursed his lips as he glanced back at the plush, supple cheeks that made up Derpy's flanks, all kinds of provocative scenarios playing in his head as the prospect of getting to stare right into her most sensual treasure reared its head. Truth of the matter was, he'd always had a soft spot in his heart for the thick-thighed mailmare, not just because of the perfectly round shape of her delicious asscheeks, but also because she was genuinely nice and well-meaning, even if she did crash into his mailbox entirely too often. "Uh, a-alright, Derpy." Anon agreed, walking around to the other side of the mailbox and coming face to face with what the pegasus mare had to offer. Much as he wanted to respect her privacy, there simply was no way in Hell that Anon could look away from her tight ponut and perfectly tear-drop shaped pussy. Her tail even appeared to swish out of the way to give him a perfect view of her treasure, almost as if she were tempting him on purpose, but as per usual with the slightly ditzy mare, she was simply humming a tune to herself and dancing along to her quiet beat, at least, as well as she could with how stuck she was. Anon braced his leg against the mailpost once more, his hands grabbing both of Derpy's hind legs around the knees as he prepared to pull. This, of course, only pushed his face mere inches away from Derpy's slit, and the sweet, tangy scent of her lower lips quickly assaulted his nostrils. "Uh, you ready?" Anon asked, quickly shaking the thoughts that were filling his head away. "Go for it, Anon!" Derpy chirped, wiggling her flanks slightly. Lord help me. Anon thought to himself, watching as Derpy's asscheeks hypnotically swayed back and forth in front of his face. With consent assured, Anon gave a good tug on Derpy's legs, earning another groan of protest from the mailbox. He grit his teeth as he pulled, over and over, the morning sun slowly rising and bathing them both in its warm light. Progress was slow, meaning that for every inch Anon managed to squeeze Derpy out of the mailbox, almost five minutes of strenuous pulling and grunting were required. Naturally, in the morning heat of a quickly approaching summer day, Anon began to perspire as he tried everything in his power to free Derpy from her prison. Slowly but surely, he managed to free her barrel, and then her withers, leaving nothing more than just her head stuck in the mailbox. Anon continued to pull, beads of sweat dripping from his brow as he tried, with all his strength, to free the mailpony. Finally, with her forelegs pushing against the frame of the mailbox, and Anon pulling for all he was worth, on her hindlegs, Derpy's head slipped out with an audible *pop*. Unfortunately, with no more immovable object to contain the unstoppable force that was Derpy and Anon, the pegasus mailmare was sent sailing right into Anon's her weight and inertia catching him completely off guard and knocking him to the ground. Whether it was by luck or cruel fate, Anon landed on his back, while Derpy's rear landed squarely on his face, completely entombing his head in her doughy, pudgy flanks. As for her, Derpy's head came to a rest right on Anon's lower abdomin, her muzzle landing precariously close to Anon's crotch as the sweat accumulated all over his torso soaked into her fur. While her head was facing the opposite direction for the entirety of their encounter, Derpy's sinuses were easily able to pick up on the increasing levels of Anon's salty pheromones' as he had worked to free her. Despite herself, she couldn't help the excitement and lust that had wormed its way up her spine and moistened her lower lips to the point of dripping; Lower lips that were now completely encasing Anon's nose in their hold and coating his face in her nectar. While ordinarily, she'd be embarrassed beyond words, the way Anon's nose rubbed up against her clit while she was bathed in the salty scent emanating from Anon's crotch, had her panting like a dog, her tongue lolling out of her mouth to collect even more of Anon's smells into her senses. "Umghsh Derphee?" Anon's muffled voice reached her ears as Derpy unconsciously rubbed herself against his face. The sudden vocalization, however muffled it may have been, accompanies with a tap on her generous flank, snapped Derpy out of her trance and made her sit up. "Oh-Oh my Gosh! Anon! Are you okay!?" Derpy questioned, turning around so fast that she managed to catch the string of her arousal falling away from Anon's face and her moist cunt. Anon licked his lips, silently savoring the taste of Derpy's essence, before quickly shaking his head and wiping the remainder of her fluids from his face, "Uh... y-yeah. I'm good, Derps." He replied, awkwardly. While Derpy's face was already flushed with her arousal, the realization of what she'd done made her cheeks burn bright with embarrassment as well, though she couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement creep up her spine at the lack of a disgusted response from Equestria's only human. "You, uh... got a little sweaty there, Anon." Derpy offered, both in a bid to change the subject and attempt to convince the man that he hadn't just sampled her snatch. Anon looked down to his shirt to see that he had indeed sweated up quite a bit from the exertion of trying to free her from his mailbox. His clothing clung to him with the excess weight of his perspiration, and even though the morning sun was warm, he couldn't help but notice that he was especially flushed from the explicit encounter with Derpy's rear end. "Uh, yeah... I should probably go inside and get change. Glad you're okay, Derps." Anon offered, getting to his feet. Suddenly, and surprisingly to both of them, Derpy bolted over to his door and opened it for him, "Here! Let me help! I-it's my fault in the first place for crashing into your mailbox... it's the least I can do." She candidly offered, giving him an inviting- if a bit suggestive- smile. Anon paused for a moment, both to consider her offer and to adjust to hide the semi he was sporting. Once he was ready, he gave a nervous, yet hopeful nod to the mailmare. "Uh, sure, Derpy. That's really nice of you to offer." He smiled, heading to the front door. "Don't mention it, Anon!" Derpy chirped, holding the door open for him as he entered. As Anon ascended the staircase back up to his apartment, Derpy followed closely behind, her nostrils repeatedly flaring as she huffed his scent again and again. She wasn't inconspicuous in the slightest, but Anon's brain was too excited with the prospect of getting to taste her folds again to consider what she might have been doing. Within a minute, they arrived at Anon's floor and he opened the door to let Derpy inside. Without giving Anon so much as a chance to usher her inside, Derpy leapt on him, tackling him to the ground as she mashed her lips against his, her mind all but lost to her lust. While Anon was taken by surprise from the sudden amorous assault, he was starting to get used to making out with attractive mares, and quickly responded by shoving his tongue against hers. Derpy moaned into his mouth as she tasted not just his salty flavor, but her own tangy taste on his tongue as well. Derpy rubbed her dripping cunt against Anon's thigh, dry humping him as she continued to assault his tongue with her own, the lewd noises of their sloppy make-out session drowning out the sounds of the outside world. The door soon closed behind them, completely silencing the world around them and limiting them only to each other. This had the unintended side effect of completely sealing Derpy off from fresh air, as no windows were open in the slightly warm abode. The scents and pheromones' of Anon's domicile quickly flooded Derpy's senses until there was simply nothing else there but him. His scent. His essence, and she wanted nothing more than to be completely smothered in it. So she did just that. With a quick break in the kiss, Derpy slid down Anon's chest until she was able to nudge her way under his sweat-slicked shirt. She licked a trail all the way up his stomach to his chest, capturing all of his sweet salty goodness on her tongue along the way. Anon let out a soft moan as Derpy trailed all the way up to his collar, her tongue ravishing his chest and abdomen all the while. Not one to sit out of the action, Anon reached around with his hands and kneaded the doughy flesh of Derpy's flanks. His thumbs rubbed circles over her bubbly cutie marks, each touch sending a wave of pleasure through the sensitive skin. Anon could hear the desperate panting of the mare atop him as she practically suffocated herself under his shirt, the sound turning him on even more than he already was. He moved to remove his shirt to allow for more mobility, but a sharp cry from the dull gray pegasus made him freeze. "No! Keep it on!" She cried, before resuming her licking and grinding with earnest. While the request was certainly strange, Anon's brain had little time to think or ponder such matters as he had a horny mare on his chest to handle. Throwing aside any concerns that may have been brewing in his head, Anon reached down and shuffled his shorts off, exposing his absolutely throbbing cock. As if with some sort of sixth sense, Derpy knew exactly what he was doing and where his cock was, despite her attention being focused elsewhere. She instantly positioned her posterior directly over his shaft, rubbing her dripping lips against his cock and coating it with her fluids. The supple, sublime kiss of Derpy's lower lips made Anon groan in pleasure as she teasingly rubbed all the way up to the tip of his shaft, and all the way back down to the base. With how badly she was leaking, his entire manhood, sack, and groin was quickly slathered in her needy essence within a minute. Yet, when she finally appeared ready to spear him into her folds for good, she hesitated, as if struck with a moment of clarity. "U-uh... Derpy?" Anon asked, no longer feeling any stimulation from the mailmare. "I-I need you inside me, Anon... b-but..." Derpy managed, her breath coming in husky, ragged pants. "But what? Derpy?" Anon asked, his own chest heaving in excitement. "I-I already have a foal, Anon... I-I can't... handle another right now." Derpy replied, squeezing her eyes shut as if the mere thought of concentrating was taking all her strength. "D-do you want to stop?" Anon asked, fearfully. "No!" Derpy cried, suddenly darting forward and kissing him. A desperate battle of their tongues started anew, though it was much shorter lived than before. After less than thirty seconds of shoving her tongue into Anon's mouth, Derpy suddenly threw her head back, gasping for air as her head popped out the same hole as Anon's on his shirt. "M--my plothole. Buck me in my plothole, Anon... Please!" Derpy begged, biting her lip as she enticingly rubbed her rapidly winking clit against the tip of Anon's shaft once more. Without a moment's hesitation, or thought to argue that it wasn't even possible for him to knock up a mare, Anon eagerly nodded. That was all Derpy needed to quickly set about lining herself up with Anon's tool. With his help, the mushroom-tipped head of his shaft quickly made contact with her tightly puckered anus. The lubrication applied from her smothering his cock in her juices did more than enough to facilitate the initial penetration, and albeit with a glacial pace, Anon's cockhead slowly speared its way into her as Derpy sat her hips down atop his pelvis. Both man and pony let out audible groans of pleasure as inch after inch of delicious man-meat stuffed its way into Derpy's rear end. While Anon had never considered himself a big fan of anal, the absolute scorching inferno of heat and pressure that was Derpy's ponut had him absolutely hooked within microseconds. Each clench of her muscles made her insides tighten around his cock, almost like a boa constrictor coiling around him and milking him for everything he was worth. The torturously slow penetration had both of them seeing stars until finally, with a meaty *thump*, their hips collided, and Derpy's tongue lolled out of her mouth. "Oh my... Celestia..." Derpy moaned, flexing her ass and rubbing her clit against Anon's groin. "Uh... f-fuck... Derpy." Anon muttered, grabbing a handful of her plush flanks with each hand. Without another word, Derpy slowly lifted her hips until just the tip of Anon's wonderous shaft remained inside of her, before slowly sitting back down onto him. The motion, slow and steady as it might have been, was undeniably euphoric, sending wave after wave of pleasure up both of their spines. Each thrust in was met with the clenching and subsequent constricting of Derpy's vice like walls around Anon's staff, while each retreat was met with complete relaxation, allowing him to quickly slide out. The smooth, ribbed texture of Derpy's asshole was absolutely breathtaking as Anon was properly ridden by the beautiful little mailmare. Her wings strained against the fabric of his t-shirt, desperately trying to flap and cool her off as she panted with the exertion of throwing her ass down on Anon's pillar of manhood again and again. Her every thought was filled with nothing but the absolutely orgasmic scent permeating every facet of her senses. All she could taste, touch, smell, see, or hear was Anon and his lovely, salty scent, and she couldn't get enough of it. Her pussy clenched again and again on a member that simply wasn't there, but the sensation of Anon's cock absolutely destroying her plothole was more than enough to wrack her with pleasure. She could feel his behemoth of man-meat through the walls of her pussy, his every thrust assaulting her g-spot from the other side and driving her closer to orgasm. Anon, meanwhile, was gasping and groaning in ecstasy as his shaft was completely engulfed in scorching warmth and vice-like tightness. His hands squeezed Derpy's asscheeks so tightly, spreading them apart and pinching them between his fingers so viciously that the poor mare cried out in pain and pleasure from the rough treatment. Sensing blood in the water, Anon took the opportunity to slap her meaty ass with one hand, making the plump little mailmare moan as her tongue lazily lapped at his chest again. "Oh, Anon... oh, Anon..." Derpy mumbled, her own movements devolving into uncoordinated undulating as Anon's cock absolutely fucked her silly. "Derpy..." Anon replied, panting for breath as thrust his hips to really pound away at Derpy's ponut. The rapid fire pounding that her rear end was assaulted with quickly drove Derpy toward the point of release, and with a climactic howl, she threw her head back as far as she could inside of Anon's shirt. Her velveteen walls convulsed again and again on a member that wasn't even there as her juices flooded Anon's groin. Squirt after squirt of marecum flushed all over Anon, flooding his underwear with her essence and dripping down into a puddle all around them both. The tightly constricting walls of Derpy's insides quickly pushed Anon past the edge as well, and through grit teeth, he slammed his hips against hers and held her in place as his cockhead erupted inside of her. Anon's eyes closed in ecstasy as he fired nearly a dozen heavy ropes of his thick human seed deep into Derpy's rear end, her juices flooding his lap the whole while. Together they bathed in cataclysmic rapture, both moaning and groaning as their orgasms gradually subsided. Slowly, but surely, the two of them came down from their high. Derpy let out one final moan of happiness before flopping unceremoniously onto Anon's chest. Anon watched as the form under his shirt rapidly rose and fell with her panting breaths. Anon's own torso heaved from both the exertion and from the weight of the mare on his chest. "H-holy... shit, Derpy... that was amazing..." Anon breathily muttered, reaching over and rubbing Derpy's back through his shirt. The only response he received was more muffled panting from the pegasus mare. He chanced a peak down his shirt to see if she was still alright, only to be graced with the sight of her closed eyes and clearly unconscious face. "Ah... yeah, that's been happening a lot, lately." Anon stated, laying his head back against the floor. After a few more minutes of blissful quiet, only the sound of both man and pony breathing, Anon finally decided that the floor was not as comfortable as a bed, and elected to move. He gingerly sat up, cradling Derpy in his shirt as he did and keeping his length entombed in her asshole as he carried her over toward the bedroom. As gently as he could, Anon slipped the shirt off of Derpy's body and deposited her on her back. The mattress creaked ever so slightly as it accepted her weight, and with a final *pop*, Anon slid his deflating erection out of Derpy's thoroughly fucked hole. A torrent of cum dribbled from her gaping ponut, absolutely soaking into her tail and dock as the snoozing mare laid on her back, her forelegs curled up to her chest as she dreamed of something that put a smile on her face. Were it not for the absolute glazing Anon had given her rear end, he'd be inclined to admit that she was particularly adorable, laying on her back without a care in the world. It was a sight that warmed his heart, and with a gentle motion, he covered her with his sheets, allowing the ditzy pegasus to snuggle further into his bed as she rested peacefully after such an exciting but exhausting endeavor. With that taken care of, Anon turned and headed toward the shower, taking a moment to glance at the clock on the wall before he stepped inside. "Shit... gotta get over to SugarCube Corner in about half an hour... hopefully Derpy wakes up by then... eh, if not, I'm sure she'll be fine." He shrugged, before turning on the hot water. As relaxing as the shower was, Anon couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement rush up his spine. Three mares had thrown themselves at him within a time span of twenty four hours. If things kept up at this pace... who knows what the future could hold?
Original Character,Zebra,Anthro,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Puzzling Insanity's Interesting Hearts and Hooves Day
Puzzling Insanity has an interesting proposition for Hearts and Hooves Day.
<p>Puzzling Insanity and her partner, Xander, have been together for three years. She has a proposition for a Hearts and Hooves Day activity that neither of them will forget.</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler"><i>Consensual sadomasochism, light raceplay and zebradom, bondage and aftercare.</i></span></p>
“I’m sorry, can you please repeat what you just said?” Xander said, staring at the earth pony mare sitting across the kitchen table from them. A smile formed on Puzzling Insanity’s face as she said, “I asked you if you wanted to do that thing we talked about tonight.” She sipped from her water bottle and gave them time to process her words properly. Xander could feel their heartbeat in their ears as they realized what their marefriend was talking about. “You’re serious?” “Yeah,” Puzzling said, her smile growing. “I want you to tie me up and absolutely ruin me.” Xander’s nostrils flared and they looked down at her with a smirk. “Someone’s excited,” they said, receiving a nod in response. “You do understand that I’m going to make you wait, right?” The fanged mare pouted, but nodded. Her pale face reddened as the zebra reached across the table and playfully booped her muzzle with a finger. “Use your words,” Xander said. Puzzling took a shuddering breath and squeezed her tree trunk thighs together. “Y-yes, Ser, I understand.” The zebra grinned. “Good girl. We can talk about it a little more after you finish eating.” The earth pony nodded and returned to her dinner, trying to think of literally anything other than what they were going to do that night. Xander took a sip of their protein drink, a sadistic gleam in their eyes. Puzzling finished her salad and put her bowl in the sink before sitting back down at the table. Her blush grew and she felt her core throb when she saw the look in her partner’s eyes. “You’re enjoying this,” she whined playfully. “You bet your sweet ass I am,” Xander said, inhaling deeply through flared nostrils. “You can’t tell me you aren’t, baby girl; I can smell you from across the table.” The earth pony’s face burned as hot as her nethers as she desperately tried to cross her legs, squirming in her seat. “S-so…” “Yes?” Puzzling Insanity cleared her throat and said, “I figured we could talk beforehand. Communication is a cornerstone of BDSM.” Xander nodded. “You’re absolutely right,” they said. “First things first, how do you want me to tie you up?” “With rope, of course,” Puzzling said, “but in all seriousness, do you remember that one bondage video I did all those years ago?” “Yes?” “I want to be tied up like that, please.” “Noted,” the zebra said. “Now, what else would you like me to do to you?” The fanged mare took a deep breath, shuddering as she smelled her own essence. “I want you to fuck me hard,” she said, “and use some impact toys on me.” Xander smiled. “Which toys do you want me to use?” “If you’re comfortable with using a crop and a cane, I’d really appreciate it.” “And what else do you want tonight?” Puzzling bit her lip and looked at her hooves under the table. “I, um…” The zebra leaned in and took their marefriend’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I promise you that nothing you want me to do to you will be too extreme,” they said. Looking up at her partner, she said, “I’m not worried about it being too extreme. I’m worried that it might be, uh, offensive.” “Offensive?” “Are you comfortable with raceplay?” Xander took a deep breath. “When you say raceplay, what exactly do you mean?” “Do you remember that one server we met in?” “Yes?” the zebra said, cocking an eyebrow. Puzzling Insanity said, “I mean like calling me a pony slut and telling me to take your big zebra cock and all that. No slurs.” Xander gave it some thought, then said, “Just this once.” Puzzling nodded in understanding. “And now, for the most important detail for tonight: what would you like the safe word to be?” The earth pony looked up in thought before it came to her. “Pomegranate,” she said, smiling. “Pomegranate it is,” Xander said. “Now, let’s go get you ready.” Puzzling shuddered in anticipation as Xander set everything out where they could get to it as needed. The zebra then removed their clothes with a breath of relief. The fanged mare knelt on the floor and looked down, watching Xander’s hooves approach her. When they stopped, Puzzling felt her chin being lifted until she was looking her partner in the eyes. They were holding an emerald green and black leather collar with black lambskin lining. It bore a golden tag, which was engraved with a single letter: X. “Who do you belong to?” Xander asked. “You, Ser.” “Very good,” the zebra said. “You are mine. Now, hold still for me.” Puzzling held as still as she could while Xander secured the collar in place, making sure it wasn’t too tight or too loose before clasping the buckle in the back. Her heart pounded in her chest as the zebra kissed her deeply, time seeming to stop in that moment. She moaned into their mouth as her pussy clenched violently until the moment was eventually broken, and she snapped back to reality. “Let’s get you tied up,” Xander said. “On the bed for me, on your back.” Puzzling Insanity was blushing profusely at that point. “Yes, Ser,” she said, crawling over to the bed and hoisting herself up onto it with a small grunt. She bit her lip as Xander used her favorite black rope to tie her left arm to her left leg, her hand resting on her shin. As they did the same to her right arm and leg, they asked, “Are you comfortable?” “Yes, Ser, thank you,” the fanged mare said. “Good,” Xander said before smacking Puzzling’s mountainous rear as hard as they could, relishing the way her flesh rippled as a loud gasping moan escaped her lips. They shushed her and placed a hand over her muzzle. “Don’t want any noise complaints, do we?” Puzzling shook her head and looked pleadingly up at the zebra. Her cunt was on fire, begging for stimulation of any kind. “You poor thing,” Xander teased, getting up close and personal with the submissive mare’s most sacred place. “Such a filthy little slut. You’re fucking soaked.” Their hot breath on her sopping wet pussy made the mare shiver in her bondage. She was trying desperately to hold back her moans and screams as they smacked her cunt, a series of wet thwacks filling the room until she was a whimpering, quivering mess. The zebra spat on her pussy and got up, looking over the selection of impact toys before choosing the crop. Dragging it over her sensitive flesh, they asked, “Are you ready, whore?” “Y-yes, Ser,” Puzzling said, her voice trembling almost as much as she was. She needed this. Stars entered her vision as Xander swung the crop as hard as they could, the leather biting into the flesh of her ass and leaving marks. A whimper bubbled forth from her throat as the heat and pressure deep in her core became unbearable. Xander could tell by the sounds she made that she was close, and they stopped with a cruel smirk. “Not yet,” they said, receiving another whimper in response. “Don’t you want to cum while being stretched out by my big zebra cock, my little pony slut?” “Yes, Ser, I want it so bad!” Puzzling Insanity whined, making her best puppy-eyed expression. Soon her vision was dominated by the dark pillar of flesh that was Xander’s cock. “First you gotta show me how bad you want it,” they purred, grinning as Puzzling opened her mouth as wide as possible. With a low growl, the zebra slid into the earth pony’s gaping maw. “Ffffffuuuuuuck, you really know how to suck cock!” The fanged mare gurgled and moaned in response, her face quickly becoming a mess of drool, tears and makeup. She felt their balls hit her muzzle, the musk overpowering her senses as they groped and slapped her breasts. Xander watched Puzzling take as much of their cock as possible, reveling in the noises she made. Not wanting to cum yet, the zebra pulled out of her throat, leaving her a gasping mess as they moved to position themself between her legs. As Puzzling’s eyes fluttered open, she whined. “Use your words, slut,” Xander said, giving her ass a hard smack. “P-please,” she begged, “give it to me!” “Give what to you?” the zebra asked as they teasingly rubbed her cunt with their cock. Puzzling Insanity cried out, “Please put your big zebra cock in my tight pony cunt!” Xander was taken aback for a moment at her desperate outburst. Shaking it off, they slowly began to push into her depths. They let out a groan as her walls slowly accepted their cock. “Holy shit, you’re so fucking tight,” they said through gritted teeth. Puzzling whimpered as inch after inch filled her up and stretched her out, tears of pleasure pricking at her yellow eyes as she felt the tip of the zebra’s cock finally kiss her cervix. “D-did I take it all?” she asked, her voice shaky. Xander looked down and saw that their cock was buried to the hilt. They chuckled, “Well, I’ll be damned, you actually did!” The fanged mare suddenly let out a loud gasp. Her ears began to ring and her vision went white as the heat and pressure inside of her exploded. She gritted her teeth, desperately trying not to scream out her orgasm as her stretched and filled cunt released a trickle of hot juices. “Already?” the zebra asked, smirking. “You ponies always cum so quickly on a zebra cock.” As they felt her relax, they began to pound into her. Puzzling Insanity continued to whimper as her pussy squelched around the thick shaft inside of it. She whined as an empty feeling made itself known. Xander picked up the cane and brought it down on her ass again and again until she felt her pussy clench around nothing, her fingers digging into her shins as she tried not to cry out. “My dirty little painslut,” the zebra purred, setting the cane down and admiring their handiwork before plunging back into the earth pony’s sodden cunt. Puzzling could feel their cock throb deep inside her and bore down as hard as she could with what was left of her muscle control. Xander gritted their teeth and held onto the bound mare for dear life, fucking her as hard and deep as they could. They let out a low growl as they leaned in and shoved their tongue down Puzzling’s throat, the tip of their cock pressed firmly against her cervix as they tensed up and came. The fanged mare shuddered in her bondage as she felt every throb and the warmth flooding her insides. Her eyes fluttered closed as she moaned into the zebra’s mouth. Xander rode out their orgasm, eventually coming down from the high and breaking the kiss. They withdrew their softening cock and said, “I can’t believe you let me do that.” A grin stretched across their muzzle. Puzzling smiled and said, “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.” “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, baby girl,” Xander said, nuzzling the bound mare affectionately. “C-can you please take a picture of me real quick?” The zebra chuckled and grabbed their phone, taking a few photos of their marefriend before untying her. “I’m going to go grab the aftercare kit,” they said, removing her collar and carefully setting it on the nightstand. Puzzling nodded as the shivers began. Xander quickly wrapped a blanket around her and left to grab said aftercare kit. She sat on the bed in her blanket cocoon and waited for her partner to come back. When Xander came back with the aftercare kit, they handed Puzzling a pink bottle filled with water, which she accepted and drank. The zebra sat next to her on the bed and opened the first aid kit. “Alright, sweetie,” they said, “I need to take a look at you for a minute.” The earth pony obeyed and let her partner remove the blanket. Xander whistled as they looked her over. Puzzling’s body was a mosaic of bruises and other products of their session. “Get on your belly for me.” She did so and gave the zebra a shaky smile as she felt the welcome chill of aloe vera being rubbed into the many welts and cane marks decorating her ass. “You did such a good job, Puzzling,” Xander said, being sure to apply plenty of the cold substance to the bigger marks. “You took it so well.” The earth pony cooed happily as she took in the zebra’s words. She looked back at them and asked, “Can you please get me something to eat?” “Do you want chocolate or crackers?” Xander asked, fishing through the aftercare kit for a snack. “Crackers, please,” Puzzling said, smiling as the zebra handed her an opened pack of peanut butter crackers. “I love you.” Xander blushed and said, “I love you too. Let’s see what’s on TV, okay?” The zebra found the remote and turned on the TV, cuddling up to their marefriend. The two of them spent the rest of the night like that, watching movies and enjoying each other’s company.
Apple Bloom,Apple Fritter,Braeburn,Original Character,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ghosts of The Past
It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.
<p>Traveling somewhere away from home is a daunting endeavor for Olive, but to do so without her mother around? It's downright scary!</p><p>And worst of all, she has to remain there for an entire week. But maybe she can overcome her initial fear of traveling alone with only her sister for help. Maybe, if it wasn't for an unexpected guest finding himself hopelessly lost in Appleloosa. </p><p>An injured stallion heading who knows where stumbled upon the town, seeking shelter. This pony, however, has quite the bad record and only Olive knows about his crimes. Only she can save the town from somepony who used to follow her maniacal father around. </p><p>To make matters worse, another ghost returned to haunt her during this dreadful week. A giant in shackles without a single trace of life in his eyes has arrived to further torment her stay.</p><p>No time to cower anymore. It's her time to be the hero again.</p>
This was it, the moment she’s been dreading for weeks. The worst moment of her life. The scariest and the most stressful too. Olive had so much time to prepare and yet, when it came, it nearly paralysed her. When she woke up that morning, she felt her stomach turning inside out. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her entire body feeling uncomfortable. She wished she could just press an imaginary button that’ll skip one week ahead, so that she doesn’t face what awaited her. Now standing on the train station, she tried her best to stop her hooves from trembling. The morning sun slowly raised, casting an amber light on the incoming train. Her saddlebag was heavy, further adding some weight onto her soul. She looked to her mother for help, tugging on her tail to get her attention. Applejack looked at her, the mare’s eyes emanating such kindness and compassion. The earth pony lowered her head and nuzzled the filly before speaking softly. “Is somethin’ wrong, sugar cube?” Olive nickered, hugging the earth pony. “I don’t wanna go, mommy.” Her mother gave a reassuring smile. “Don’t be scared. It’ll only be for a week. Plus, yer big sister’s comin’ with ya to watch over you.” Apple Bloom raised her head high, smiling proudly. She puffed her chest, fully embracing her role as a big sister, something she never got to experience prior to meeting Olive. The pink unicorn stood on her hind leg, nuzzling her mother faster. “But I want to come with you!” Applejack sighed, caressing her daughter’s mane. “Ya know ya can’t. Where Ah’m goin’s dangerous and... Ah can’t put ya in danger ‘gain. Ah already did far too many times. Ah think it’s fo’ ta best if ya learn to be away from me from time-to-time. It’ll make ya more independent.” Olive whimpered, lowering her head. She felt her mother’s lips gently kiss her forehead. Each gesture of affection raised her morale more. Now, she only has to keep enough of that affection stored within her soul for one week. Should her reservoir go empty, she’ll curl up in a ball and cry. “I love ya, sugar cube. Don’t get it wrong.” “I know. I love you too, mommy.” Olive said as she reached to kiss her mother on her freckled cheek. Her mother chuckled. “It’ll seem scary at first, but ya’ll get used to it. It’s just how life works. There's nothin’ scary out there.” Applejack wasn’t sure if that last sentence was meant for her or for her daughter. The memory of that fateful evening she first met the filly was still fresh in her mind. A haunting reminder of what that poor thing went through to get to this point. She didn’t show it, but leaving the filly alone for an entire week was just as stressful to her. But, as she learned with Apple Bloom, she can’t be overprotective. That’s not what this little unicorn needs, even if she clammered for it. The train came to a stop. Its doors opened and many passengers left. Olive watched the nauseating wave of ponies coming and going before feeling something touch her hind legs. “Don’t forget yer luggage! Ah packed ya some meals for ta week.” Applejack informed, letting the filly levitate her luggage as she hesitantly entered the train with Apple Bloom. The small unicorn glanced back one last time at her mother waving her goodbye right as the doors closed. She quickly jumped on one of the seats and looked out the window. The train started moving, and the filly saw her mother slowly disappearing out of sight. “Mommy...” Apple Bloom jumped on the seat, hugging her gently. “Don’t ya worry, sis! Cousin Braeburn’s super nice! Ya’ll love ‘im, Ah’m sure!” Olive moaned, dropping on her flank. She pulled her big sister closer, holding her tightly. Apple Bloom smiled, patting her little sister. “It’ll be fine! Ah used to be scared of travelin’ mahself, but Ah got it over quick after mah first visit to Appleloosa. It’s not as scary as ya think, lemme tell ya!” She opened her saddlebag and took out two Cutie Mark Crusaders capes. She placed hers on, then Olive’s. “Remember, no matter how scary things get, Cutie Mark Crusaders never give in to fear. We’re in this together.” Olive smiled thankfully, keeping her worried eyes on the window. The train ride was long, taking at least 8 hours. They were both given the bits necessary to pay for the food on board, though it wouldn’t fix the biggest problem these two had to face, boredom. And for Olive, the threat of having a heart attack. Seriously, she didn’t know if she could survive eight hours of this. She can’t hug her sister the entire way through, her legs would tire out! Eventually, she broke the hug, opting to always stay by her. If Apple Bloom’s got to go to the bathroom, she’ll sit by the door and wait, maybe even stay inside. “Hey, now that Ah just got ta idea.” Apple Bloom reached for her saddlebag again, pulling out a bow. “Ah wanna see how ya look with this on.” Placing the bow on her sister’s head, the earth pony took a step back and admired the adorable new look. “Hey! It looks great!” Olive whined, feeling a new wave of anxiety building up. When it erupted, it almost made her want to shed a tear. “I don’t want it.” she moaned, taking the bow off. “Okay then... how ‘bout a book? It’ll help ya forget.” The young earth pony opened her sister’s saddlebag which contained a saddlebook, small enough to fit in a saddlebag! “Ah heard this book’s super sweet and cute!” Olive eyeballed the saddlebook before levitating it. “Okay.” The train ride was long, but the book helped in calming her nerves, though the anxiety persisted still. Going to someplace she’s never been to, away from her precious mommy, sleeping in a bed she’s not familiar with. Oh boy, it was stressful! Every time she slept in a bed she wasn’t familiar with, it always led to insomnia, the worst thing ever. Spending eight hours turning and rolling in bed, waiting for morning to come is mentally agonising. She wished she could fall asleep easily or else it’ll be multiple days of being drained of her vitality. That feeling only got worse ever since she found a permanent home in Sweet Apple Acre. Just thinking about it made her sweat. Oh, where was mommy when she needed her most? The more time she poured into that thought, the more she fed her fears. It got to the point that they were now on full display. Halfway through her book, she couldn’t focus anymore. Her breaths were fast and ragged, her eyes wide open and her forehead sweaty. “Olive, are ya alright?” Apple Bloom asked. She didn’t know what to do. What words could calm her sister down? What gestures can make her feel safe? Oh, where was her older sister when she needed her? Having no idea what to do, she opted to embrace her sister, hoping it would suffice. Olive was slightly soothed by her sister’s tender love, but even something this powerful couldn’t beat her anxiety. Looking out the window, she could see the vegetation slowly changing, going from a cozy forest to an arid plain. They were approaching Appleloosa, slowly. Her eyes moved to the clock on the wagon. Four hours had passed, and four more were left in this torturous ride. “I can’t do it.” She exclaimed in defeat. “Yes, ya can!” Apple Bloom rebutted. “We’re in this together, remember? Ah won’t let anythin’ happen to ya.” Beautiful words, but can she help her with her insomnia? That remained to be seen and until then, her worries were here to stay to the very end of the day. It is just for one day, she had to reassure. After that, things will get better. Maybe it will, that is, if she can believe her own words. Finally, they’re here. Appleloosa, the town her mother spoke so much about this past week. Even with this knowledge, Olive was terrified to her core. She didn’t know why, but seeing the looks of the town, so different from Ponyville, so alien to her, it stressed her out. The filly stared at this unfamiliar location, unwilling to step out the train. Now that was a funny feeling. She’s spent so much time in the train that she was now more comfortable in it than outside. Olive would rather spend a week in there rather than Appleloosa, no offense to the ponies who live there. “C’mon, we’re finally ‘ere!” Apple Bloom exclaimed excitedly, springing back to life the moment the train stopped. She picked up her luggage and gestured her little sister to do the same. Olive nickered but did exactly what had to be done. She followed her big sister closely despite her mind begging her to stay. There’s no use in going against her mother’s wishes. She must stay in Appleloosa whether she liked it or not. Stepping out, the pink filly noticed many Appleloosan waiting at the station. The most striking feature of these ponies had to be their cowboy hats. Practically all of them had one of various shape and size. Her mommy wasn’t kidding when she said that the ponies there are like the Apples! Meaning, she’ll be the odd one out. Perhaps the only pony here without the accent? “There! That’s cousin Braeburn!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, pointing at a yellow stallion wearing a cowboy hat and attire. He had the full kit unlike the other townsfolk. Olive titled her head to get a better view of the stallion’s cutie mark. Sure enough, it was an apple, the mark of her family, the best one in Equestria mind you. “Howdy, Apple Bloom!” Braeburn greeted, hugging the small earth pony. He glanced over her flank, blinking. “Oh, Ah see ya still... well, nevermind tha’.” Apple Bloom’s smiled dropped. “Yeah, Ah know. Still no cutie mark.” Looking at her little sister, her mood was lifted. “But Ah do ‘ave somethin’ much better than a cutie mark!” “’Bout time Ah finally meet ta new Apple!” Braeburn turned his attention onto the newcomer. A pink filly he’s learned so much about through his cousin’s letters and of course, through the filly’s greatest achievement which was now widely known throughout all Equestria. An adorable little hero stood before him, staring at him with her beautiful olive eyes. “Um, h-hey-” “Why, hello there lil filly! Ah heard lots ‘bout ya! Hay, Ah could even say Ah was dyin’ to meet ya! Mah name’s Braeburn, but Ah’m sure ya already knew that.” Without giving her a second to breathe, he reached a hoof to shake hers. Slightly taken aback, Olive awkwardly touched his and shook it mechanically. “Um, m-my name’s Olive Apple.” Immediately, the stallion’s eyes converged to one spot on her body, that being of course, the most unflattering spot. Olive moaned, avoiding his eyes as she was tempted to cover it immediately. The residents of Ponyville were used to it, but not Appleloosa. She hoped it wouldn’t attract much unwanted attention. Her face grew warm as she decided not to cover her scar. Braeburn’s bubbly attitude quickly faded as he struggled to find the right words. He was torn between feeling apologetic and gushing over the filly’s adorable sound. “Oh, and, uh, Ah do know ‘bout most of what ya went through s-so... Ah’m sorry.” Now that confused the little filly. Sorry? Sorry about what? “It’s fine. I’m okay now.” Braeburn couldn’t help but smile. When her cousin described the filly as “ta sweetest thing in ta whole world”, he believed her. Simply meeting that soft look in her eyes lifted his spirit. Fearful, nervous eyes, but with a hint of perseverance and determination. “Ah don’t doubt it.” “Of course!” Apple Bloom added. “Mah sister ‘ere is a superhero! She fought and defeated Anarchy alongside three princesses!” She puffed her chest, proudly presenting her sister to her cousin. She couldn’t be happier to have Olive as a sister. A filly that’s so compassionate, so full of heart yet also strong and willing to fight in the direst of circumstances. Now that was what a Cutie Mark Crusaders should embody! “Yeah, Ah can see she’s also a crusader like ya!” Braeburn added, glancing at the pink filly’s makeshift cape. Olive smiled as she adorably presented her cape. “I-I didn’t make this cool cape.” she thought to add. The stallion leaned closer. “Maybe not, but Ah heard yer a little artist! Ya make clay models of ponies?” “Well, um, y-yes. I-I do it... sometime, about ponies I like.” The filly’s face turned red as her eyes avoided those of the stallion. “Then maybe ya’ll make one of me eventually!” He patted the filly on the head. Just then, he noticed a stallion eyeballing Olive as he left the train. He moved away, constantly glancing over his shoulder. Braeburn blinked, suddenly remembering a very important fact. The filly’s power to transform, that was in the newspaper for entire days. Ponies kept talking about “the monster filly” but that thankfully died down after Anarchy’s demise. Now, Olive is being viewed in a more favorable light, though that doesn’t mean everypony openly accepted her as a hero. Some were still irked by the mere existence of the monster, despite having never seen it before. He just hoped that Appleloosa won’t treat his new cousin horribly for that. It’s his town, it’s got to make a good impression. Inside the now repaired castle of Canterlot. Princess Luna wandered the halls, her eyes glued to a letter she had just received this morning from a very anxious pony. Reading through its content, she couldn’t help but smile. It reminded her so much of her youth. She turned her attention to the stained glasses of this hall, particularly on the newest one. Each depicted Equestria’s greatest triumphs against evil and recently, a new one appeared, Anarchy’s demise at the hooves of his own daughter. Behind the mad stallion laid the triumphant transformed filly standing beneath the sun. That was quite the show. Her recent visit of Olive led to something unexpected, the filly began writing to her on a weekly basis, detailing the most important things she did as well as her worries. It was cute and heartwarming to the lunar princess who never truly had some correspondence before. She began to feel like her older sister, constantly reading and writing back to her students although, Luna wasn’t sure if she should get a student of her own. Well, if she ever changed her mind, Olive would be a good start. “Another letter from Olive?” Princess Luna nodded, too absorbed in its content to pay much attention to her sister. “It would appear you now have a faithful student.” Princess Celestia mused, stopping before the stained glass. “Certainly, I wasn’t expecting a letter this soon. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be urgent matter, well, at least not to Equestria as a whole.” Luna remarked. Her sister blinked, sticking her head out to peek at the letter. “Oh? Something’s wrong with her?” Noticing her sister attempting to peek, Luna moved the letter closer to her. “No, she’s simply traveling to Appleloosa. She must really love Sweet Apple Acre if she’s that scared of traveling.” “Didn’t you tell me she used to travel often with her father?” Celestia pointed out. Luna skimmed through the note. “That I did. Then again, she’s changed a lot in just a month. I almost believed I was speaking to a different pony when I met her in pony after the battle.” The two alicorns heard hoofsteps slowly approaching them, though one of the hooves in question sounded different. Captain Mango emerged from the dungeon, now accustomed to his sturdy wooden leg. “Princess Luna, the two inmates you requested are now ready to leave for Appleloosa.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Inmates?” Princess Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh, well that’s a bit of a problem now. It appears we have a certain visitor coming to Appleloosa. One that might not jive with the two inmates in question.” The captain blinked. “Oh! Olive’s going to Appleloosa?” “Lulu, must I assume this is one of your efforts to reform the Anarchists?” Celestia asked calmly. In response, her younger sister raised a determined hoof. “Naturally. I see some good in the ones that didn’t flee during Tirek’s rampage. I believe that, with enough time and effort, they can contribute greatly to society. Their resolve and strength are considerable, if only they could place them in the right places.” Princess Celestia smiled. “I suppose you’ll want to achieve this by yourself. In which case, I’ll let you handle their cases.” The taller alicorn left the two ponies to discuss the problem, heading towards her throne. “Okay then, should I call the operation off? Maybe bring the inmates someplace else.” Luna shook her head. “No, just... give me a minute to think about it.” Her eyes returned to the stained glass, more specifically, the transformed filly on it. Her triumphant pose over the evil carcass of her father was inspiring. A tale sure to traverse the succeeding generations about the heroic deed of one unicorn filly with an iron will. Weeks have passed since then, maybe Olive has buried the hatchet. Maybe he has too. “We’re sticking to the original plan.” She finally announced to the surprised captain. “Though I will ask you to keep a close eye on them. We shall see if I’m right. If things go wrong, don’t hesitate to do whatever is necessary to keep our subjects safe, understood?” “Aye aye, princess.” Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher. Oh dear... I’m fairly certain of the outcome and yet, I can’t help but fear the worst. Let’s hope they prove the world wrong for once. Appleloosa was a vastly different town from Ponyville. The architecture, the heat, the land, this place could only be described as the total opposite of her favorite town ever. Even the ponies there were different. Every time she heard one of them speak, it was always in the same accent as her family. These ponies lived off apples and rodeo, one of these things being almost deadly to her. As such, she spent the entire trip here glued to Apple Bloom. Her tail even wrapped around her sister’s. From now on, until they get inside, they were inseparable. Apple Bloom didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she loved it, citing this gesture as proof they were really good sisters. That, Olive will not deny. Apple Bloom was a great pony to make her feel safe. If Applejack trusted the little earth pony to protect her, then she will trust her sister’s abilities. Braeburn was stopped by a mare who waved him hello. “Hey, Apple Fritter! Ta new filly’s ‘ere! Come welcome ‘er!” Olive’s eyes widened. Not another introduction! A yellowish mare with a green mane came to greet her. Olive moved to get a better view of her cutie mark. Apple fritters, as expected. Judging by her name alone, she must be part of the Apple family, aka the best family ever. “Aw, Aj never told me how cute she is!” Apple Fritter gushed. The pink unicorn was surprised to see just how much effect she can cause simply by existing. Adults always gushed over her, even when she was doing absolutely nothing. Cousin Braeburn laughed. “Ah’m fairly certain she did! Kept talkin’ ‘bout how much she was proud to raise ‘er!” Apple Fritter kneeled before the filly. “Hi there! Mah name’s Apple Fritter!” she said in a bubbly voice, sounding almost like a cartoon character talking to their audience. Internally panicking, Olive glanced over her sister for reassurance. “M-My name’s Olive, um, A-Apple.” She screamed at herself for messing her introduction up. That was even worse than with Braeburn! “D’aw!” Her new cousin patted her head. “Welcome to Appleloosa, Ah’m sure ya’ll come to like it soon enough. It’s a wonderful community, ya’ll see.” Braeburn nodded in approval. “That it is. We Appleloosan are a tight knit community. Ya don’t have to be anxious ‘round us! We’ll be glad to help ya if anythin’ wrong!” Feeling the pressure increasing, Olive forced a nervous smile, hoping that they would stop focussing solely on her. She never walked in Ponyville by herself, much less without an adult she trusted. Here in Appleloosa, she’s on her own, even with Apple Bloom around. The less attention she received, the better. Thankfully, salvation came in the form of Braeburn’s growling stomach. “Ooh, Ah believe it’s time for dinner.” Dinner came. As her mother predicted, there was mainly apple related meal on the menu hence why she prepared food specifically tailored to avoiding the filly’s allergies. While her sister and cousin feasted on a delicious apple pie, she took out a container and opened it. A delicious and healthy meal awaited her. However, she wished she could at least taste an apple without suffering a terrible allergic reaction. After all, she was an Apple. It’s her namesake and yet, she can’t eat one. Despite that, her mother had no problem with her specific diet. Olive was a very picky eater; Applejack came to learn that in no time. It was mostly a slow process of elimination until she could write a comprehensive list of what food she could offer to the filly. Everything that was on that list was now inside her many lunch boxes. She had enough food for the whole week, but unlike her sister and cousin, hers was limited. If she ran out of snacks, she had not much option in Braeburn’s fridge. 80% of what’s in there is a potential death sentence. And so, she ate her meal quietly, trying her hardest not to look at their plates for fear of being overtaken by jealousy. I hate this trip... I just want it to end. Night fell, it was time to go to sleep. Olive and Apple Bloom arrived at their new bedroom for the week. It looked nice and clean which made it slightly more bearable to the pink unicorn. However, there was still the problem of being in an arid, hot land far away from home, in a bed she’s never tucked in before. She observed the architecture of the bed, feeling her anxiety growing stronger by the minute. The bed was nice, but nowhere near as great as the one she slept in at Sweet Apple Acre. The room was smaller than hers, less decorated. Lastly, and the biggest offender, no plushies. Her nocturnal protectors were missing. She was defenseless, naked here in this unknown town in the middle of nowhere. She looked outside, searching for the moon. The only familiar sight in this place. It didn’t help much that Apple Bloom couldn’t understand how she felt. Her older sister hopped in the bed, happy to finally rest after a long day of traveling and eating apple pies. She didn’t seem stressed at all! Olive was truly the only one having this problem. Yawning, her older sister rested her head. “Aren’t ya comin’? Ah’m tired.” “Okay.” Olive climbed on board, rubbing the blanket to get a feel for it. She didn’t like how it felt at all, it repulsed her. But she had no other choice than to lay in there. Reluctantly, she tucked herself in bed, shivering at the abysmal feeling it gave her. “Goodnight, ‘sis.” “Goodnight, Apple Bloom.” Olive turned to face the open window, gazing at the moon for comfort. It reminded her of Princess Luna, the pony she wrote to often. Hopefully, she’ll get a letter soon, one that’ll ease her mind. Minutes passed and eventually, the pink unicorn decided that now was the time to sleep. She closed her eyes and waited for the night to take her away. ... Any second now. Maybe she’s not in the right pose. Olive rolled, now facing her sleeping sister. She closed her eyes again or else it’ll feel weird to stare at her this close. She thought about many things; her plushes, her favorite toy, Princess Luna... mommy. An unknown amount of time passed. A really long time and yet, nothing. How many times has she rolled and turned? Probably in the dozens by now. And yet, she can’t sleep. She still felt it, stress and anxiety combined. They grasped her heart and kept their grasp firm, not loosening even for one second. She was hot, too hot. Olive lowered the blanket, but it only served to make her upper half feel exposed, awkward. So, she pulled it up again and was back to suffering from the heat. So she kept on thinking about her mommy, Princess Luna and apple pies. Wait, apple pies? Why would she be thinking about apple pies? Cheerilee? Maybe that’s the connection, but it doesn’t help at all with falling asleep nor does it make any sense! The poor filly moaned, struggling to clear her head. Maybe the problem lied in the fact that she was thinking too much. If she closed her eyes and emptied her head, maybe then could she fall asleep. Minutes passed and no progress. She was still wide awake, staring at the moon with her eyes closed. If she opened them, it would undo all the grueling efforts she placed into falling asleep. Hours passed. How many? Three? Four? Maybe even five? There was only one thing she knew for certain. Her biggest fear had just been realised. She was suffering from insomnia. She was doomed to stay here for hours without being able to do anything. And the next day, she’ll be too tired to enjoy herself. Stuck here, unable to do anything. Olive longed for home. Never has she longed for it more than now. Having succumbed to her fears, she whimpered until morning came. “M-Mommy... Take me home.”
Apple Bloom,Apple Fritter,Braeburn,Original Character,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ghosts of The Past
It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.
<p>Traveling somewhere away from home is a daunting endeavor for Olive, but to do so without her mother around? It's downright scary!</p><p>And worst of all, she has to remain there for an entire week. But maybe she can overcome her initial fear of traveling alone with only her sister for help. Maybe, if it wasn't for an unexpected guest finding himself hopelessly lost in Appleloosa. </p><p>An injured stallion heading who knows where stumbled upon the town, seeking shelter. This pony, however, has quite the bad record and only Olive knows about his crimes. Only she can save the town from somepony who used to follow her maniacal father around. </p><p>To make matters worse, another ghost returned to haunt her during this dreadful week. A giant in shackles without a single trace of life in his eyes has arrived to further torment her stay.</p><p>No time to cower anymore. It's her time to be the hero again.</p>
Apple Bloom woke up stretching after a good night’s rest. Revigorated from the long train ride, she was ready to tackle on her first day of this trip at Appleloosa. Excited to be here accompanied by her little sister, she turned to her to wake her up. But much to her surprise, Olive was already wide awake, staring at her with tired and puffy eyes. There were little wet stains under her eyes. “Oh... I-Is it morning?” she croaked in a weak voice. “Well, yeah. Ah think it is.” Apple Bloom responded, gazing out the window. The sun was slowly raising over the horizon. The sky was a beautiful amber just like every other autumn days. It was inviting her to go outside and embark on an adventure with her sister! “Well, let’s go get breakfast, sis! There’s so much Ah wanna show ya!” The young filly jumped out of bed, expecting her sister to share her excitement. If she can just show her how great Appleloosa is, then all her sister’s worries would go away and they will have fun for the entire week! Instead, Olive sluggishly rose, blinking heavily. She shambled towards the edge of the bed and methodically stepped down. With the light of the sun just peering in their bedroom, Apple Bloom could see the sorry state Olive was in. The pink unicorn’s eyes were slightly red and puffy accompanied by heavy bags under them. “Hm?” Olive moaned, struggling to keep her eyes open. “Did ya... get any sleep?” Apple Bloom asked with concern. “Hm? Oh, m-maybe. M-May...” Olive leaned forward, her head banging against her sister. The filly’s entire weight shifted onto the earth pony until she opened her eyes in surprise. She pulled back, embarrassed. “I-I’m hungry.” Apple Bloom blinked. Disappointment took a hold of her as she slowly came to the realisation that she could kiss her plans goodbye. Olive was not going to play with her. “Um, ya probably should take a nap. That way, we could explore Appleloosa together.” “After I eat. I’m hungwy.” The tired filly fumbled. She opened the lights in the room. Big mistake for it blinded her. So she had to leave the bedroom with one hoof covering her poor eyes. “Well... ya should take a nap after ya eat. Just sayin’...” It’s hard to eat breakfast when all you want to do is close your eyes, Olive learned that as she struggled to keep her head above her plate. It was so heavy. In fact, her entire body was heavy but not as much as her eyes. It was a battle just to stay awake. The sun was raising which meant that she missed her chance to rest. She wasn’t comfortable with taking naps during the day because it’ll make her miss her day. Therefore, she had to deal with her fatigue for the entire day. No problem, she’s had it much worse before. Large gashes, broken leg, fractured skull, if she lived through that, she’ll go through this day easily. “Mornin’ Olive!” That voice startled her. Braeburn’s loud enthusiasm was something she’ll have to learn to deal with. “Oh sorry, Ah didn’t mean to sneak up on ya like that.” “... fine.” she muttered in a broken voice. The little filly took a bite out of her bowl of oatmeal, chewing at a snail’s pace. Maybe this day was going to be harder than she imagined. Just the first of seven days here in Appleloosa. That’s not even ¼ of the way through. Talk about terrible statistics. “Well, today’s gonna be a good day, Ah can smell it! Or maybe it’s just the apple pie Ah’m smellin’. Ya’ll see Appleloosa’s in need of a bit of reparation, but don’t ya worry ‘bout it; we’ve got it covered.” Olive picked her food, not really understanding what Braeburn said. Her mind was too busy dealing with mathematical equations regarding the number of days left. Add on top of that the constant battle with fatigue and that left little room to understand his words. The pink filly turned her head to look out the window, finding a more comfortable position. She went from sitting to standing on her chair while she ate her bowl of oatmeal. Meanwhile, Braeburn continued blabbering about things Olive didn’t care about. “We’re gonna get some special workers sent by royalties! They said they’ll get a lot of work done in just a week, can’t wait to see how it’ll go!” If she was wide awake, she’ll have enough energy to listen and pretend that this was all interesting. But when she’s facing tough times, she has to make some sacrifices. “Cool...” “Ya bet yer flank that’s cool! Appleloosa’s never got much help from Canterlot. We’re expectin’ a great deal of work to be done by ta end of ta week! Though, they’re only sendin’ us two but we’re supposed to feed them over four ponies worth of food...” Braeburn shrugged. “Ah suppose one of ‘em’s got quite ta appetite! Reminds of mahself when Ah was a teenager. Ah was an apple eatin’ machine!” Apple Bloom came into the dining room, now wearing her signature bow. “Hey, have ya told mah sister ‘bout ta time ya won an apple pie eatin’ contest?” “Sure thin’! Oh mare, that brings me back. So...” Braeburn started his story, but Olive didn’t hear much of it. Her mind was hazy, struggling to grasp the stallion’s story. His words passed through her ears, leaving no mark whatsoever. Her weak eyes were still locked on the window as she ate mindlessly like a zombie. “... and, uh, is everythin’ alright?” Olive blinked, her eyes finally meeting Braeburn’s. The stallion finally noticed her sorry state. He muttered something she barely understood before telling her the exact same thing Apple Bloom advised “Ya should take a nap. Ya don’t look too good.” That she acknowledged. “Hm hm...” Her weak jaw kept on munching on her breakfast, each bite demanding more effort. At this rate, she’ll probably fall asleep before she finished her bowl. Her eyes slowly closed without her notice. Vertigo overtook her as body and mind separated. She no longer felt anything for a moment. That was until a sudden bludgeoning pain awoke her. When she opened her eyes, she was laying on the floor. The back of her head hurt terribly and to make matters worse, her bowl spilled all over the floor, wasting her nice breakfast. Clutching her head, she whined, already tired of this trip. “Ooowww...” Somewhere on the outskirts of Appleloosa, a lone orange coated stallion roamed aimlessly around the arid land. Blood dripped down the open wound on his head. His foreleg ached with every step he took thanks to a large gash. To his knowledge, there was only one town around these parts, his salvation. The foul beasts of the desert were not so kind to him, but he did not let them have their way with him. He didn’t have much strength left. His mouth was dry, begging for water. The source of life, but in a dead land, there is not much life to be found. The only life around here is wrathful, powerful, it preys on those weaker than it. A hard lesson he had to learn that night. Going south was a terrible idea, one he cursed himself for even having thought about it. His old allies must have had better luck than him. They’re probably back in the big cities or in a forested area while he got the short hoof of the stick. Should he ever find Appleloosa, he’ll leave within a week to recuperate. These cowboys don’t know much about the world out there, they shouldn’t know who he is. The perfect town to hide for a while. He’ll leave it a parting gift, to thank it for its convenient location. His red eyes widened upon seeing a pointy shape in the distance. A shape unlike the endless boulders and mountains of this region. A building. He had found it, Appleloosa. There was water there, lots of food and of course, pretty ponies. The perfect resting place before he’ll give in to his vices once again only this time, Anarchy won’t be around to put him on a leash. Still, he wished he could have gotten these fifteen maids Celestia proposed. In hindsight, he was probably being played by both leaders. They wanted to get rid of him and yet, both failed. “Found you...” Approaching the town, he felt his muscles weakening. They wanted to give up just before the finish line! His head was throbbing with pain, his vision hazy. “W-Water...” His voice was weak, far removed from its once prideful nature. If only he had wings, he could have found Appleloosa much quicker, sparing him all this suffering. The townsfolk took notice of his arrival. They were shocked to say the least. A dehydrated and bloodied stallion showed up on their doorsteps, begging for water. Apple Fritter leaned over him, checking the extent of the stallion’s injuries. “Caramel, bring some water, quick! He really needs some!” The weakened pony raised his head weakly. A subtle smile formed on his face upon seeing the beauty of the mare before him. She was no maid, but those pretty little bows on her mane got him riled up. I’m staying here for the week. Got a bucket list to fill before I leave. “Sir, can ya ‘ear me?” He opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out of him was a pathetic puff that sounded like a deflating tire. Simply opening his mouth was painful. His throat was sore, oh so sore. He probably didn’t have long to live. If only that damn Caramel could hurry up and bring him his much-deserved glass of water. He did not come this far to die now. Apple Fritter gestured at Caramel to hurry up with the bucket of water. Once he arrived, she picked up the bucket and gingerly poured its content in the open mouth of the bloodied stallion. “Here ya go. Drink up.” Never before had he found water this tasty. When deprived of the source of life, he found it even tastier than a good cup of apple cider and Widow’s Wine. He chugged the entire bucket down in one swing and even then, he was thirsty for more. Apple Fritter stood up and turned around to call for help. The bloodied stallion had the best point of view in the moment, for her hindquarter was all up in his face. It made his desires grow stronger. Strong enough to convince him to stay at Appleloosa longer. Long enough to get his strength back and long enough to take a bite out of her. After all, they didn’t seem to know who he was. It’ll be too easy without any opposition. He’ll left his mark and move on somewhere else. Maybe Las Pegasus, lots of good places to hang around. “P-Please, I need to rest. I’m tired.” He cackled internally. With how weak his body had grown, he didn’t have to fake weakness. Apple Fritter took him to her home and let him rest in her own bed. Such kindness, it’s a shame that not every pony is deserving of hospitality. Especially not those who walked under the shadow of Anarchy for even in death, the evil unicorn’s nefarious deeds spread. Those who are guided by their desires alone become monsters. They live only to serve their vices like slaves to their master. They carry the eyes of a predator. Unassuming at first, but the moment you take your eyes off them, they pounce. But not yet, not when he’s weak. He had all the time in the world to pounce. Like any good predator, he shall wait until the moment comes. The beautiful mare returned with a first aid kit. “Let me patch ya up. Ya look like ya went through Tartarus.” And add on top of that the accent. The bloodied stallion chuckled. “There’s... nothing out there.” Apple Fritter smiled sadly. “Indeed, we rely solely on our apple trees for food. Other than that, we do have a nice lake nearby. It’s a miracle it even exists!” She bandaged his wounds, starting with the large gash on his foreleg. Then, she moved up to his bleeding head. “Don’t move now. Ah’ll be gentle, Ah promise.” He smiled, feeling a little excited. “You’re pretty good.” he muttered. “Have you done this before?” Apple Fritter giggled. “No, not really but thanks a bunch! Ah hope Ah’m not hurtin’ ya.” He chuckled, rubbing his injured foreleg. “It’s nothing! I can handle the pain, I’m a tough stallion if you couldn’t tell.” “Ah can see that. Ah’ve only really seen bison survive out in ta south outside Appleloosa. We don’t leave town on hoof for a reason.” Apple Fritter responded, finishing the last bandage on her patient. She took a step back to make sure she didn’t miss any injuries. “Looks good. Ah’ll bring ya somethin’ to eat. You must be hungry.” Laying comfortably in her bed, the stallion smiled. “Rightfully so.” At exactly noon, the distant howl of a train caught the attention of the whole town. The promised workers Luna sent them were now here. All gathered near the station, which included Olive and Apple Bloom. The small unicorn scrubbed her eyes, trying to keep them open. It took great effort just to stand before the incoming train. She wasn’t interested in it at all, the only thing she wanted was to break from the crowd and spend some time alone with her big sister, the only pony she can reliably trust. She watched as the train came to a stop. The door opened shortly after and who came out of there surprised her to say the least. Tall, muscular and clad in royal armor. It didn’t take long for Olive to recognise who he was thanks to his wooden leg. The batpony captain of the royal guard. “Captain Mango...” Braeburn leaned close to her so she could hear the filly amidst the drowning noise of the crowd. “Ya know ‘im?” Olive nodded. “He helped us fight Anarchy!” She said brightly, before her smile disappeared upon looking at the wooden leg. “But he lost his leg when the monster bit it off.” The stallion cringed, imagining how agonising it must feel to lose a leg like that. “Well, he seems to be doin’ well, all things considered.” Mostly, for he wasn’t the biggest fan of the day, and especially the sun. His sensitive eyes were harassed by the bright light of the golden star, forcing him to squint as he stepped out. “Okay, everypony. Give us some space, we’re gonna need a WHOLE lotta space for us.” He waved his wooden leg around to get the crowd to disperse. Everypony moved out the way, except for one. Captain Mango noticed a little pink unicorn with freckles staring back at him with pity. How could he ever forget that filly? If it wasn’t for her, he probably wouldn’t be standing here. He grinned as he flew to the small pony. “Hey! If it isn’t Olive! Princess Luna told me you’d be here!” His grin quickly faded as he noticed two things wrong with her; that being her tired eyes and the pitiful look she was giving him. “Hey now, what’s wrong?” Olive responded by pointing at his wooden leg, keeping her soft gaze of compassion on him. It tugged at his heartstrings. “Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. I’m managing just fine without it.” “But you’ll never get back your leg!” Mango chuckled weakly. “I know. The same way your scar will forever remain on you; I've learned to deal with mine, partly because of you.” He rubbed her mane playfully before standing up. “And just so I don’t forget, I’ll give you Princess Luna’s letter right now.” The crowd gasped, all except for Apple Bloom. Olive smiled brightly. Mango hoofed the letter to the young filly, letting her levitate it. “Alright, I’m going back to work. Catch me later, I’ll buy you a drink.” “Bye, Captain Mango.” she said softly. Olive glanced at the letter, feeling her heartbeat slow down to a more acceptable level. Never had she been happier to receive a letter from her favorite princess. In an unfamiliar place full of new faces, simply seeing the writing of a pony she idolised eased her worries. But before she could read it, she noticed Mango waving over to the passengers of the train. None of them left at all in fact. Who else could be with the batpony? More royal guards perhaps? But then, why was the train much bigger than the one they took yesterday? “Stand back, everypony. Tis a big one.” Mango announced, looking over his shoulder. He took a few step back and shouted, “Terminus! Everypony gets off.” A few seconds later, the train rumbled, shifting from left to right as something gigantic slowly made its way outside. A few grunts were heard from inside, most likely the other royal guards struggling to maintain their hoofing. Olive watched in bathed breath, wondering who could be accompanying the nice captain. Who she saw, however, was the last pony she ever wanted to come across. The moment she saw his face, she froze. It was as if lightning struck her brain, shutting it down entirely. The world turned to black. All there was now, was him and her. Strong Hoof and Olive. Missing his plumbing cap, the behemoth raised his ugly head, full of burnt scars. His eyes were tired just like hers, only redder. His mane was longer and messier, blacker even. His cutie mark was simply gone. A single powerful scarlet eye slowly moved towards her, projecting a dark spotlight above her. “Hey, big guy. Ya finally got some room to stretch your dogs, ay?” Mango mused, oblivious to the terror in the filly’s eyes. Olive was in shock, struggling to breathe. She could barely hear the frightened screams of her sister and the horrified gasps of the crowd as they hurried back from the goliath. Her body trembled before the white giant. This was too soon! She wasn’t ready to fight him again! Not ready to be thrusted in the fight of her life for the third time! And then another stepped out. The mare that once feasted on her leg was there, Dreamcatcher. Unlike Strong Hoof, she wasn’t injured but her ponytail was gone. Her mane was carried by the wind, covering almost her entire face except for her cold, dead purple eye. A lifeless eye that rested upon the pink filly. Both were staring at her with undecipherable expressions. Regret, bitterness, hostility, hatred, fear? She couldn’t tell and it made her even more scared. Danger came to Appleloosa! Her cousins were in danger, her big sister was in danger, Mango was in danger, SHE was in danger! Sweat dripped down her head as her breaths got heavier. Her tired eyes had no problem staying wide open. Mango muttered something to her, but she couldn’t hear it. She couldn’t see him even. Her vision was blurry, unable to focus on anything anymore. The world spun around and the next thing she knew, her face landed on the floor. “S-Sis? H-Hey, are ya alright ‘sis?” “Oh crap, we’re losing her, guys!” And then her eyes closed. When Olive opened her eyes, it was as if no time has passed. And yet, she was back in Braeburn’s house, in their bedroom. She rubbed her eyes, feeling revigorated as she lifted her head, confused. The image of the two dangerous ponies came back to mind and she gasped, remembering the danger that had just come to Appleloosa. Looking around the room, she found her big sister sitting on the bed, watching over her. “A-Apple Bloom! Strong Hoof... h-he's here!” she cried out in terror. “Th-They’re here! They’re going to kill us, the-” Apple Bloom pressed a hoof against her sister’s mouth, hushing her. “It’s okay. There’s no danger.” She pulled her sister closer for a hug. “Don’t be scared.” Olive’s breaths slowed, staring at the ceiling in desperate confusion. “Are ya feelin’ alright, sis?” Apple Bloom asked in concern. “Ya had us worried when ya passed out.” Olive jumped back on her hooves, feeling stronger after this impromptu nap. “What’s going on? Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher are here! Why is there no danger?” She hopped out of bed and put on her crusader’s cape as a makeshift superhero costume. “What’re ya doin’?” Olive took a deep breath. “I have to see what they’re up to. If they’re up to no good, then... then I have to save Appleloosa.” Apple Bloom smiled. It was nice to hear that her little sister was willing to fight for this town despite having only spent a day there. “It’s fine, Olive. Captain Mango told us they’re only ‘ere to help Appleloosa with all sorts of renovations. Strong Hoof is, um, not dangerous anymore or so he said.” The pink unicorn couldn’t what she had just heard. “S-Strong Hoof is... not dangerous anymore?” “Y-Ya. Luna even said so... in ‘er letter. Um, sorry for reading it by ta way.” Apple Bloom sheepishly admitted, hoofing the letter over to her little sister. Olive levitated it absently, completely lost in her confused thoughts. She stared at the letter with her curious eyes, placing all faith in Princess Luna. The princess might have done some wrong in the past, but she was super smart. She knew what she was doing, surely this letter would clear up any confusion. Dear Olive, I understand that traveling to another town seems dauting to you, but I assure you that this experience will be a very important one. Traveling is a part of our lives after all, and the sooner you explore places other than Ponyville, the less scared you’ll be. I know things seems bad for you at the moment, but they’ll get better, don’t worry. On another note, I will admit that writing letters to you is very fun. It is rare that I can write to a pony who can understand what I feel, much less one that sees beauty in my royal duties. Nevertheless, I must inform you that I have sent two of our prisoners to Appleloosa; that being Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher. I know of your history with them, and I’m sorry for it, but I assure you they’re slowly getting better. In fact, they haven’t caused us any problems whatsoever for these past weeks. I like to believe that there are some good in them, that they can be brought back into the light. Again, I’m sorry if that causes you any worries. Mango and his troops will keep an eye on them at all times, so there’s no risk of them causing any harm to you or Appleloosa. I hope you enjoy your stay at Appleloosa, Princess Luna Olive read the note many times, finding comfort in the princess’s writing. “See? Everypony ‘ere is fine. If ya want, Ah can take ya to Mango if that’ll make ya feel better.” Going back outside, Olive noticed a shift in the air. The ponies of Appleloosa all talked about the two inmates and the royal guards. They were apparently at the local bar, the guards that is. The white behemoth and the French mare were sitting outside at the back, peering in the distance. The two fillies were approached by a mare they saw yesterday. Apple Fritter waved them hello. “Hey, Olive! Glad to know yer okay. Ah was worried for a moment that ya got sick or worse.” “I’m fine. I was just, um, really tired.” Apple Fritter giggled. “Oh, aren’t ya just precious! Still, if there’s anythin’ wrong, don’t be afraid to come to me!” She patted the filly on the head before returning to her occupations. For the two fillies, all that was left now was to find Captain Mango and sure enough, where there was cider, there was him. But just before they could enter, Strong Hoof turned his attention to them. His scarlet eyes clashing with the filly’s olive eyes. Again with that blank expression, Olive didn’t know what to do, so she ran inside, hoping that he wouldn’t suddenly attacked. She was after all responsible for getting him locked in a dungeon, broken and battered. He had more than enough reasons to rip her to pieces. The monster wasn’t fast enough to stop him if he did. Despite having two dangerous criminals nearby, the atmosphere in the bar was pleasant. Ponies chatting happily, dancing around without a care in the world. Sure enough, Captain Mango and his fellow royal guards were all sitting at a table, drinking and laughing. They weren’t keeping an eye on the prisoners! Olive panicked, looking out the window at the unsupervised behemoth. “They’re not looking, they’re not looking!” she gasped. “Apple Bloom, we must warn them!” The two fillies ran to their table and Olive tugged on Mango’s tail, startling him. “Oh, gee- Hey! Speaking of our star, there she is!” The other guards’ eyes lit up upon seeing the small filly at their table. “Come on, fillies, take a seat with us!” He tapped on the two empty chairs. Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Ya sure we’re old enough to be havin’ a drink?” Mango laughed. “’f course not! We’re getting you two something other than cider. Hey, waiter! Give them a glass of milk, will ya?” Olive jumped on her seat. “Captain Mango! You’re not keeping an eye on Strong Hoof!” The batpony captain patted her on the head with his wooden leg. “Oh, don’t worry! These two are docile! Won’t even hurt a fly! They’ve been like this ever since you took down Anarchy.” The other guards nodded excitedly. “Never thought the pony that took down this monster was such a cutie!” It was weird to see these otherwise stone-faced guards crack before a filly. In fact, Apple Bloom never saw them look this alive before. They really are different when off duty. Olive kept her eyes on the stallion’s wooden leg to the point it became abundantly clear she wanted to say something. “Still worried about my leg? Or are you just curious to know how it feels to walk with a wooden leg?” Olive’s eyes widened upon being found out. She blushed, awkwardly looking away much to the captain’s amusement. “U-Um...” “Well, it’s weird lemme tell you that! But you get used to it eventually. It’s not that different from a normal leg.” Mango took a big sip from his cup and burped. “Hey, waiter! Are their glasses coming or what?” A nervous stallion carefully rushed to them with two glasses of milk ready. “S-Sorry for the delay.” “Hey come on now, no preferential treatment. Our cups can wait, ya know?” Mango said, softening his voice. Olive wasted no time chugging down her glass in three quick gulps. There truly was no better drink than milk in this world. Apple Bloom waited a bit, having some questions on her mind. “So, yer serious ‘bout ‘em? They haven’t tried to escape?” The batpony chuckled. “Nope! I’ll even say they’re our best prisoners yet! No attacks, no attempts to break out, listen to every order to perfection. It’s no wonder Princess Luna saw so much potential in them. She believes they can be reformed, sorta like Discord.” Olive blinked, putting down her cup. “Th-They’re not evil anymore?” Mango nodded. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t recommend you go near him. He might look like a mindless machine, but I assure you there are still some thoughts running through that head. He won’t take it well if you try to bother him.” “Don’t even think about it, cowboy.” Olive and Apple Bloom froze. Strong Hoof spoke, loudly! Gazing through the window, the royal guards saw a pale Sheriff Silverstar backing away from the goliath. Groaning, Mango took a sip of his nice apple cider. “See? Treat them with no respect and they’ll bark. Though I don’t believe that’ll be a problem for you, Olive. You’ve got a nice heart, kid.” Olive lowered her eyes, moaning. “I still hate him...” This made the captain’s smile falter. “I know, I’m not asking you to like him. Just to tolerate his presence, okay? I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong, not just for Princess Luna’s sake, but for yours as well. Got it?” The pink filly gave a thankful smile. “You have a nice heart too, Captain Mango.”
Apple Bloom,Apple Fritter,Braeburn,Original Character,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ghosts of The Past
It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.
<p>Traveling somewhere away from home is a daunting endeavor for Olive, but to do so without her mother around? It's downright scary!</p><p>And worst of all, she has to remain there for an entire week. But maybe she can overcome her initial fear of traveling alone with only her sister for help. Maybe, if it wasn't for an unexpected guest finding himself hopelessly lost in Appleloosa. </p><p>An injured stallion heading who knows where stumbled upon the town, seeking shelter. This pony, however, has quite the bad record and only Olive knows about his crimes. Only she can save the town from somepony who used to follow her maniacal father around. </p><p>To make matters worse, another ghost returned to haunt her during this dreadful week. A giant in shackles without a single trace of life in his eyes has arrived to further torment her stay.</p><p>No time to cower anymore. It's her time to be the hero again.</p>
Inside Apple Fritter’s house, the injured stallion chuckled. He’s been stuck in Anarchy’s gang for so long, he had forgotten how it feel to be treated as an innocent pony. It was great, but it didn’t mean he wanted to be one. Simply being nursed by a beautiful mare with such kindness was wonderful. It was like he had his own personal nurse listening to his every command. The only bad part was that she ultimately had a job, places to be. Apple Fritter couldn’t be at his beck and call, but when she was home, she was his. He pulled the sheets down and gazed at his cutie mark, a megaphone. Public speaking was his forte. That was why he was chosen by Anarchy to lead the useless negotiations against Princess Celestia. Had he known it was all a ruse to get him killed, he would have stuck it to this crazy unicorn. Well, maybe not, he knew what happened to those that disobeyed. Anarchy was on a different league compared to other criminals. Opposing him was suicide. Naturally, he was happy to know he died and grateful to Lord Tirek for giving him a way out. If that power hungry centaur hadn’t attacked Canterlot, he would still be rotting in jail with the snowflakes. Now that he was free, he can get his groove back as a solo player. Starting with Appeloosa, more precisely, Apple Fritter. There was nopony in this town that could recognise him, who could? He had the power of anonymity. Anarchy, Strong Hoof even Dreamcatcher to some extent were the known names amongst the Anarchists. Him? He was nopony. They can’t possibly know he’s up to no good, and that gave him a rush of power. He can do anything he want and get away with it. He was Speaker, a name this town would remember. A name they’d regret ever helping. “Howdy Speaker, Ah’m back!” Speaker grinned as he weakly raised his head. Apple Fritter returned with apple pies to serve him. “Ah thought ya might go hungry, so Ah got ya some nice pies from downtown.” Speaker licked his lips, his eyes not focused on just the pies. “Fantastic timing, my stomach was just starting to complain.” Biting in the pies, his eyes were nearly moved to tears as he remembered just how tasty food was. In the dungeons, their meals were healthy but rather bland. And in the arid hills of the south, oh it was much worse. No food, no water, only pain. He had never been this happy to eat before in his entire life. “Geez, Louise, ya look like ya never got a good meal in a while.” Apple Fritter remarked. The injured stallion chuckled. “Exactly. You know, I’d like to eat your cooking next time.” The earth pony’s eyes widened slightly, flustered. “Oh! Well, Ah don’t believe it’s anythin’ to write home ‘bout. Ah did get ya some pies from town for a reason.” She took a bite of the pies, relishing in their delicious taste. She wasn’t that great of a cook, a good reason why she preferred to buy freshly cooked food rather than to cook it herself. “It doesn’t matter to me if it’s amazing or not. It simply makes me feel good to see somepony care about me.” Speaker explained as calmly as he could. The taste of the pies got him excited, but he’d much prefer if he didn’t look like a total idiot before her. “Not a lotta ponies cared about me, you see. It’s part of the reason why I got lost.” The stallion saw compassion in the mare’s eyes. A kind soul indeed. It’s always the kind soul that gets roped around the easiest. “Aw, Ah’m sure ya’ll find some nice ponies that’ll show ya some kindness. We Appleloosans never let other folks down! If ya got nowhere to go, we’d be happy to get ya settled in!” Speaker blinked, seriously considering Apple Fritter’s offer for a moment. Unfortunately, it went against his original plan. He had to choose between two difficult options. None of them seeming better than the other. It was either an easy new life, or her. In the end, he made his choice. An obvious one considering his true nature as an old follower of Anarchy, though he was not in it because he believed their cause. “Hm, maybe I will live here. Appleloosa seems quite nice.” Apple Fritter smiled. She smiled brighter than the sun. “Ah assure ya, Appeloosa ain’t ever gonna disappoint!” Out of the bar, Olive and Apple Bloom couldn’t help it. The behemoth that had nearly killed them both was sitting there, mere meters away from them. The terror in their heart still rang strong. The goliath might not be dangerous anymore, but it didn’t matter to them. Whenever they looked into his eyes, they saw nothing but death and hatred. The monster had to still be there, somewhere deep inside. Braeburn even stayed to stare with the two fillies. To Olive, Strong Hoof couldn’t have given up. She knew him almost as well as her father. The behemoth was a monster, a ruthless monster that tore apart anypony that dared to go against his convictions. His murders were so brutal, he ended up coating his entire skin in crimson by the time he was through with his victims. Nevertheless, Captain Mango told her to treat him with respect and that she will... mostly by staying as far away from Strong Hoof as possible. That way, there won’t be any problem. But should he ever endanger anypony, she’ll transform and do what’s necessary to protect Appleloosa. Her cousins lived there, and for that, it meant the town was important to her too. For Apple Bloom, the behemoth that battled her sister and the princess of friendship as well as a gigantic storm simply to murder her little sister could never be excused. If it was because of a joke that he was there as a volunteer, it wasn’t funny. Not at all. He should be back in Canterlot’s dungeon, paying for he tried to do to Olive. Nopony messes with the Apples, and that’s a lesson he learned the hard way. Let’s keep it that way. Lastly, Braeburn marveled at the impressive size and power of the gargantuan stallion. Nopony in recorded history has ever been this big. Strong Hoof was a national record, an intimidating specimen that can never be replicated. The horrible crimes he committed further fueled his terrifying aura. If Braeburn got any closer, he could be crushed like a pancake! He cringed at the mere thought of that. A sudden desire to go away manifested. “Okay, well Olive. Do ya wanna see ta orchard? We got our own one in Appleloosa.” Olive kept on staring, mesmerised by the terrifying presence of the only pony that could rival her father in sheer intimidation. She wanted to leave and see the orchard, but a part of her wouldn’t let her take her eyes off the goliath. Eventually, she caught his attention. Strong Hoof’s eyes met hers. It was just as chilling as the first time. Again, Olive couldn’t tell what the stallion was thinking. Was he plotting revenge against her, was he thinking of a way to escape and continue the battle her father started, or did he truly have nothing in mind? A disgruntled Dreamcatcher stepped away from Strong Hoof, gazing at the three peepers. She winced and trotted out of sight whilst the behemoth didn’t budge. Unlike the giant, there was anger in her eyes. The hatred was still fresh. It chilled the pink filly to her core. Thankfully, she didn’t act upon her anger. This was Anarchy’s legacy. Broken and unhappy ponies everywhere. All those who knew him are left that way. Missing a part of their soul, aimless and without love. Olive was truly fortunate to have been saved by Applejack at the right time. Otherwise, she’d be just like them, maybe even worse. She was just a foal, an easily influenced pony that needed to be guided in the right direction. Seeing them with this new perspective, Olive almost pitied the ponies she feared. It didn’t feel right to see Strong Hoof this apathetic and puny. The giant groaned weakly, eventually turning his attention to the vast hills surrounding Appleloosa, seemingly forgetting the very existence of the three ponies watching him. If her father was here, he would be having a field day. “Let’s go, cousin Braeburn.” Olive said, tugging on his tail. The earth pony blinked, readjusting his cowboy hat. “Uh, y-yeah. Ah believe we’ve seen ‘nough.” Leaving the two inmates, Olive looked back one last time before disappearing out of sight. For the two former Anarchists, it was a relief. The oppressive stares of the three Apples made them freeze. No more thoughts, only a blank state of mind as they waited patiently for their departure. Dreamcatcher groaned, attempting to buck a nearby barrel in frustration. But her anger wasn’t strong enough. She opted to sit down and sigh. “What do they think we are? A circus attraction.” Strong Hoof blinked; his eyes now focused on the ground. He raised one hoof and tapped a small rock. It went flying high in the air. Mighty impressive strength, but it didn’t mean much to him anymore. “We were, remember. This is but retribution.” Dreamcatcher looked at a group of ponies passing by. Upon noticing the two inmates, they quickly rushed away nervously. “We’re hated and feared, for what in return?” “Pain.” Strong Hoof said weakly. “Our foolishness has brought us nothing but pain.” The burned and scarred body of the once snow-white giant hurt the mare. It hurt just to look at him now. Gone was the stallion was admired. Gone were her dreams of securing a better tomorrow. But to say things were necessarily better back then wouldn’t be exact. Sure, she loved it when she had something to fight for, but to realise that their leader didn’t care one bit about their struggle, outright manipulating them into aiding him in his selfish goal, it made her question if her better tomorrow was even feasible. “Why do you think they only sent two to Appleloosa?” Strong Hoof grunted. “It does not serve us to know. We have nowhere to go, no reason to leave. Let them send me wherever they please. It’s the only purpose we have.” Dreamcatcher inched closer to the goliath. “At least, we know we’ll be sent together. You’re still with me to the end, aren’t you?” “You’re the only pony I can trust.” The blue pegasus rested her head on Strong Hoof’s large shoulder. “What about Olive? I’m still angry but... I don’t know if it’s even justified anymore.” Strong Hoof blinked, his weak eyes barely raising to see the mare cuddled against him. “Our eyes are opened now. It’s thanks to her that he doesn’t get to order us around. I don’t know what to think anymore, so I won’t think. Our anger matters none. Not anymore.” Dreamcatcher winced. “What do you even think matters? We have no home, no friends, we’re hated and have no aspirations.” “You.” Dreamcatcher gasped. Feeling her vision get blurry, she buried her face in Strong Hoof’s shoulder. “Don’t let them see me be this weak, please.” The giant frowned, lifting a hoof to pat her on the back. “I won’t.” “Hey, sorry for leaving you out on a whim. Couldn’t help myself when I saw that bar.” The two inmates looked absently at the captain. Dreamcatcher stuck her face out, just a tad, but it was enough to reveal her puffy eyes. Captain Mango’s eyes darted around the town. “Oh dear, do you need a tissue? I can get you one, maybe chat a bit if that’ll get you in the mood to work.” Dreamcatcher shook her head weakly. “No, I think I just need... some time.” The captain respectfully nodded. “Alright, take your time. You still have a week to get some work done, but with you around, Strong Hoof, it should be fast and easy.” He placed two bottles down and smiled. “But if you want to be carefree, take some. I mean it when I say it’s really good! Oh Celestia, I never imagined the Appleloosan to be this good at cider. Then again, it is another earth pony town, and these earth ponies always know how to make some good stuff!” Sitting near them, Captain Mango took out a third bottle, one he saved for himself. “What do you say we become drinking buddies? We never got the chance when you were still in the dungeons, but now, you got a little more freedom. Let’s take advantage of that.” Strong Hoof eyeballed the bottle of cider at his hooves and grunted. “It is a bit small.” Mango sighed. “Three bottles it is then.” For lunch, the two fillies followed Braeburn over to Apple Fritter’s house. Olive made sure to bring her homemade meals for there was only apple related meals on the menu. So far, apart from the presence of Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher, the trip wasn’t all that bad. Sure, the idea of sleeping still made her anxious but at least, she was getting to know her family there and they were nice. Apple Fritter sure seemed love the two fillies, changing her behavior whenever they were in the picture. It was reassuring for Olive. She had two ponies she could count on apart from Apple Bloom, two adults especially. Knocking at the door, the three ponies waited for the mare to open. It took some time, an entire minute actually before she greeted them. “Howdy, Braeburn. Sorry Ah took so long, Ah was pretty busy tendin’ to a hurt pony.” Braeburn blinked, his eyes darting around the house in search of said hurt pony. “Yer housin’ somepony?” “Yup. Don’t mind ‘im, he’s stayin’ in mah room for ta time being.” Apple Fritter said as she set the table. “Found ‘im on ta edge of town. Ta poor stallion was at death’s door.” Braeburn found it rather strange for a stallion to be found trotting around the south, a place notorious for being unwelcoming. “Why would anypony go ‘round these parts? Did he tell you why?” The earth pony shook her head. “Nope, haven’t asked yet. Ah suppose Ah’ll ask once he feels better. He’s only been ‘ere for about an hour, mind ya.” Olive smiled happily. It was good to know that every Apple she’s seen so far had kindness in their heart. It was that very kindness that saved her and now, it will save many other ponies in desperate need of being shown hospitality. It might be obvious to help a pony in need, but Olive rarely saw that growing up. To her, it’s always been a niche thing that only the nicest of ponies would do. To see it being a core part of her kin warmed her heart. “Oh, almost forgot to tell ya; his name’s Speaker.” Apple Fritter added in a simple passing comment. “Speaker, huh? A fairly simple name, what do ya reckon his special talent is?” Braeburn asked out of curiosity. “Speakin’... maybe to a large audience? Oh, that would be public speakin’. His cutie mark is a megaphone after all.” Olive listened as she ate her delicious meal comprised of fruits and vegetables, she wasn’t allergic to. It helped that she wasn’t a picky eater, or else she’d be having a hard time eating. She needed to eat a lot to become big and strong like her mother. No way would she ever stay small and weak, not after all she’s been through. She’s a superhero, and superheroes aim to inspire ponies. But to inspire, she must have a good physique. As a sign of her dedication, she wore her cape all day long. Apple Bloom did the same, but mostly out of solidarity and affection. It was the symbol of their secret society after all. Even two members short, they’d still go around crusading. “Hey, Apple Fritter! I could use a glass of water!” A voice called out from above. Surely that of Speaker. Odd, Olive got a strange sensation upon hearing the voice of the injured stallion. She couldn’t tell what it was. It felt like something was trying to resurface to no avail. She’s heard lots of voices before, not many she can remember on a whim. Still, there was an air of familiarity to this one in particular, but she couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. She kept trying to search until eventually, the frustration convinced her to give it a rest. If she can’t remember then, it must have not been important. That’s what a lot of ponies said about forgetting. Apple Fritter went upstairs to give Speaker his glass of water. The three downstairs could hear her speak to him, though they didn’t pay much attention. “Well, Olive. Are ya enjoyin’ yer stay ‘ere? Ah know it’s a little soon to be askin’ that. A-Ah just want to be sure yer not sad, ‘kay?” Braeburn asked. Olive swallowed her bite and looked him in the eyes. Hers were soft and calm, a better look than yesterday by a wide margin. “It’s okay. Appleloosa seems nice.” Braeburn smiled. “Yer not just sayin’ that to make me feel better?” Olive giggled. “You seem nice, too.” The jolly stallion’s heart melted. So far, so good! His new cousin was already warming up to him, and much quicker than he expected. It would seem Applejack was right when she told him Olive was very affectionate. She clings to ponies easily. Apple Bloom nuzzled her sister, happy to see her taking it all so well. Ever since she woke up from her run in with Strong Hoof, she’s been better. Even better than the day before they went to Appleloosa. Her little sister was making a big deal out of nothing. She was just afraid of change, but with her big sister around, there’s nothing to fear. “Just wait ‘till ya see ta rodeo, sis! It’s ta best part of Appleloosa!” Braeburn’s face lit up. “Why yes! After lunch, Ah’ll take ya to see ta rodeo! Hay, we might even let ya try if yer feelin’ up to ta challenge.” Looking at her cape, Olive felt the challenge call to her. She puffed her chest and stood up on her chair. “I’m afraid of no rodeo!” “That’s ta spirit!” Apple Fritter returned to her guests, followed by another pony. One that was bigger than her, but also looked fairly weak. “Ah’ll come along.” It took a few seconds for Olive to realise it was Speaker... She stared at him, confused. Speaker... She felt it again. Something was trying to resurface again, even stronger this time. Speaker... Speaker? Yuck, I know what he gets off to in his room, darling. May I make a suggestion? Stay far, far away from him. Your daddy knows best, he knows all about the good and the bad apples in his gang. Him? Oh, he’s a rotten one! But don’t you worry, little apple. Daddy’s going to take care of him one day. He’ll keep you safe and sound. Speaker. That’s him! Olive gasped, horror filling her eyes. The injured stallion stared at her. In that moment, the two ponies’ hearts stopped. Danger was there, right in front of them! They shouldn’t be here. They were staring at a revenant. Something that wasn’t meant to even be alive. Through the call of the abyss, they survived and today, they met again. Speaker rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After all the things they threw at this weak little filly to take her out of the picture, she was still standing and better than ever. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest cavity; the monster was very much still there. He could see it in her eyes, the same fear that preceded the beast’s rampage. Twenty ponies ripped apart mercilessly; he was almost the twenty first had it not been for the little slave who rushed in to stop Olive just in time. “M-Monster...” He muttered, his voice but a whisper. But then, a reassuring thought came to mind. Olive was much different from the filly he knew. What’s to say she’ll flip out like last time and go on a rampage? Her entire family is there! She probably won’t attempt to do it. Better yet, she was the only pony who knew about him. And she was a filly, a mere child. No matter how strong her monster may be, it is still limited by her young age. His salvation lied sorely in that fact. And indeed, his judgement was correct. The little filly panicked and, in her confusion, ran towards the bathroom. “Huh? Where’s she goin’?” Apple Bloom asked. Braeburn scratched his head. “Well, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go.” Olive locked the door, falling back as her terrified eyes darted around, lost. She fell and knocked her head on the toilet, but she barely felt the pain. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She can’t meet them now, it’s too soon! Anarchy’s followers roam the country freely ever since Tirek rampaged through Canterlot, stealing the magic from all the ponies. With the royal guards drained of their strength, they could do little to stop the weakened prisoners from escaping. Chaos reigned supreme for that entire day until the mad centaur was stopped, trapped within the darkness of Tartarus once again. And now, the consequences of his rampage could be felt. Speaker returned in her life. Like a ghost, he’s here to haunt her, to break her spirit. Worst of all, nopony but her knew who he was. Olive breathed heavily, realising that if she doesn’t tell Braeburn or especially Apple Fritter, bad things will happen to them. Terrible things most likely. She knew what Speaker loved to do with mares and for some reason, when he did it, they weren’t happy. No, they were in pain, screaming and crying. She can’t let that happen to her cousin, to her family. Olive knew what she had to do. She took a few deep and long breaths, just like Heedful Care taught her. By doing so, her mind was emptied of stress, her hooves stopped shaking. In just a minute, her fear was replaced with determination. There was no time to stress out. Appleloosa needed a hero, and that hero was her. With confidence, Olive opened the door and turned to join her family. But then, a fetlock wrapped around her mouth and dragged her back inside the bathroom. She didn’t look behind, a grave mistake! The door locked and with it, so did her only chance. Panicking, Olive tried to scream, but the strong hoof of the earth pony made sure nothing but quiet muffles came out. The dangerous stallion sat down and pressed the filly against his belly, lifting her off the ground as if she was as light as a feather. Kicking and screaming wasn’t working, her abductor was far too strong. He couldn’t be overpowered, not in this state. She redirected her focus to her horn, calling upon the power of the beast, of her father’s master. A terrifying voice made her reconsider, however. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Don’t you realise who’s in control here? The beast is strong for sure, but you? You’re just a filly. A weak, fragile little being. I can break your neck without breaking a sweat.” His grip tightened around her mouth. Olive felt her muzzle being crushed under the immense pressure; it was agonising! She let out a muffled squeal, cutting all magic from her horn. “Good, you’re a quick learner. Not surprising coming from the daughter of that damn maniac. Did you know your daddy left me to die back in Canterlot? He doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to treating other ponies well, but don’t you worry; I do.” Speaker chuckled, inching away from the door. “You’re trying to tattle on me, aren’t you? That’s not very nice. So naughty in fact, I’ll kill your cousin and your nice little sister if you try to tell. Did you hear me? You don’t want to tell them about me. You keep it a secret, and I promise nothing bad will happen to them. We don’t know each other, we’re nothing more than strangers. You will be a nice little filly for me, hm?” Tears rolled down the filly’s eyes, moving over to the stallion’s hoof. She struggled to nod, trying to refrain herself from crying. “Mphm...” “Oh, and don’t think that means you can simply transform and beat me into a pulp later. Do you know what would happen if the town saw a monster attacking a poor injured stallion?” Olive’s pupils shrunk. That was her plan B! But thinking about it; he was right. She’s just a filly, her words don’t carry as much weight as those of a mare. If only she was older or had the support of her cousins, she could save Appleloosa from him! She looked up, her terrified eyes meeting those of her abductor. The very eyes her father warned her about all these years ago. The sinister stallion chuckled. “You know, it’s a shame you’re still small. You sure have taken a lot from your father. He was the most handsome stallion I’ve ever met, had these unbelievably beautiful eyes. I won’t lie, he made me jealous. He was a pretty colt who was worshipped by the entire country. But that was before he decided to become a monster. Then again, what’s to say he wasn’t already one to begin with? It would seem he lent you, his eyes. Hm, makes me wonder who your mother is. He never did tell a single soul about her. Maybe she’s six feet under? I intend to find out.” Speaker’s freed hoof caressed the filly’s scar. The poor thing let out a muffle whine, trying weakly to push him away. His hoof was big, preventing any air from entering or escaping her. Olive hoped he would let go soon, for her strength was leaving her. It reminded her of the revenant that came to Sweet Apple Acre one night, the Crimson Mask. What’s to say Speaker would have as much decency as him? “Strong Hoof did a number on you, hasn’t he? I’m impressed you’re still standing after all this time. It would appear you’re as resilient as that crazy bastard, maybe even more. Won’t it be best to keep it that way?” Olive raised her head, giving the stallion a pleading look. Her forelegs desperately tried to push his hoof off her mouth, but he didn’t seem to be finished just yet. Speaker grinned, his inner demon coming to light. “Oh? So you wanna leave now? What’s the matter, am I just that boring to you?” The pink unicorn shook her head, tapping away to make her needs for air clear. “Mphm!” All that came out was a quiet squeal. “What was that? Are you trying to tell me something?” Speaker taunted, leaning his ear closer to the filly. Olive tried again to beg, but once again, the air in her body wasn’t enough to let out much of an audible sound. Her abductor chuckled. “Hm, I suppose you have nothing to say. How rude.” The filly’s face started turning blue. With little to no strength left, she looked at the stallion with her teary eyes and pleaded for him to her go. Speaker grinned, satisfied. “Ho ho... Do you promise you won’t tell a soul?” Olive nodded weakly, shutting her eyes in submission. “Good girl.” And with that, Speaker finally let go. Olive gasped for air, falling face first to the floor. She took deep and rapid breaths, distraught. While she was busy recuperating, Speaker grabbed a nearby towel and wiped the filly’s tears away. “Now, nothing happened in here, are we clear?” The pink unicorn didn’t dare to meet his eyes out of fear and shame. “Hm hm.” With a light chuckle, Speaker left the bathroom. All that remained was the mess of a filly on the floor, her mind assaulted by all sorts of troubled thoughts. She didn’t know what to do. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she let him get away with whatever he had planned in his sick mind, but to stop him would prove difficult. It was a matter of brains, not brawn. The monster couldn’t save her in this situation. Could she do it? Olive didn’t know. She was just a filly, a young one and he was... he was bigger, smarter, more experienced. What chance did she have? “Mommy... help me.” Is this how a superhero feels in the face of danger? Was that all it took to break one? Olive was ashamed. She was supposed to be a superhero! The pony that bravely fought off the monstrous Anarchy, but this situation was so much different. She was always dependant on others for help but today, she was truly alone in this fight. Sometimes, a superhero must learn to fight without their trusty sidekick around. If she was truly one, Olive would see it through in the end. For her family’s sake, she’ll find a way. Speaker believed she was weak and stupid, a useless crybaby but that wasn’t her, not anymore. She’ll prove him wrong. She’ll prove to him that superheroes come in all shapes and sizes. No matter how dire the situation can get, she'll persevere. The pink filly wiped her tears away, a slow determination overcoming her fear. “A-Alright, mommy... I’ll d-do it. I can do it.” Apple Bloom saw the stallion return from his upstairs trip. Apparently, he had forgotten something up there. She kept on eating her apple pie until Olive returned from her sudden rush to the bathroom. Her little sister climbed on her seat and continued her meal, but she lacked the vigor she had a few minutes ago. Olive stopped eating after a few bites. “Apple Bloom, let’s go to the rodeo.” “Naow? But ya haven’t finis-” “I wanna go now.” Olive said as she grabbed her big sister by the hoof, dragging her away to the front door. Braeburn smiled. “Well alrighty then! Ah’ll join ya once Ah’m finished!” The injured stallion stared at the two fillies with a stupid expression, one that seemed absent of any thought. Apple Bloom watched him curiously, but it was hard to keep her eyes on him for her little sister was awfully pushy. “Come on, Apple Bloom. We’re going to the rodeo.” Apple Bloom looked back one last time at the stallion. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, keeping her gaze on him until the door closed. “Hm...”
Anon,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Diamond Tiara,Silver Spoon,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
You, Me, Philanthropy
Diamond Tiara's new boyfriend isn't what anypony expected. That's one reason why she likes him.
<p>This story takes place after The Last Problem, and as a result, Diamond Tiara, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and all other characters that appear in this story are grown adults.</p><hr/><p>Ever since taking over the Rich family business, Diamond Tiara has been working hard to use her status for the betterment of everypony. She's come a long way from the stuck-up snob she was as a foal, but her family's reputation can't be forgotten quite as easily. No matter how much she tries to give back to the community, she will always be a Rich. For better or for worse.</p><p>Perhaps this is why her friends are suspicious of her new boyfriend.</p><p>And perhaps it's why she likes him in the first place.</p><hr/><p>Day #4 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
“We refuse to accept this money.” “...Why?” “We know better than to accept bits from the Rich family. There’s no telling where those funds came from.” “Excuse me?!” Diamond Tiara, the newest head of the Rich family, rests a hoof on her chest in shock. “Putting aside the fact that such claims are slanderous, this is a charity! Who are you to deny a donation?!” “The founder of the charity in question. Now, if it’s all the same, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” “But… but…!” Closing her eyes, Diamond Tiara scrunches up her nose and stifles a grunt of frustration. Her face visibly gets redder for a moment as she attempts to control herself, but the color begins returning to her face as she literally bites her tongue and takes a deep breath. “Very well. I shall inquire elsewhere.” She bows lightly, trying her hardest to not seem sarcastic. “Good day to you, sir.” Attempting to hide a huff, she quickly turns around and marches out of the small, humble building without daring to look back. She briefly hears the middle-aged stallion click his tongue just before the door closes behind her, and it takes everything in her power to not march right back inside. Such is the life of Diamond Tiara, daughter of Filthy and Spoiled Rich and sole heir to the Rich family fortune. As she steps out into the midday sun, she closes her eyes and takes a moment to just let the summer heat wash over her. It’s a relatively quiet day in Ponyville, with the distant sounds of children playing and voices from the nearby market making the town feel alive. A cool breeze washes over her, causing her perfectly curled mane and tail to gently sway back and forth. With a sigh, she adjusts her namesake which rests atop her head. This is her way of meditating, something she has been practicing a lot lately. Every day, it feels as though she walks along a razor’s edge. On one hoof, she is adept at getting ponies to do what she wants. It’s what her cutie mark is all about, after all. On top of that, she’s inherited her family’s fortune and business, giving her ample opportunity to grow and experiment. From the outside looking in, one might think she has everything she could ever want. However, on the other hoof, she has to deal with what those privileges bring. Somewhat ironically, being known as a pony good at getting others to do what you want makes ponies distrustful of you and unwilling to speak to you at all. Meanwhile, when Princess Twilight Sparkle took the throne from Princess Celestia, Diamond’s father got mixed up in some shady business and exploited a poorly worded tax law. He technically didn’t do anything wrong, and he certainly came out richer for it, but said business quickly became known to the public. He avoided jail and kept his wealth, but his reputation was in shambles. This situation would come to be known as the “Canterlot Scandal,” and it has been the bane of Diamond’s existence for years. What good is wealth if no one is willing to accept your money? She’s been doing everything in her power to prove that she’s different, that she’s not her father, that she’s not the type of pony she was when she was younger. And these efforts are often in vain. “Well, you can’t blame a mare for trying,” she mumbles as she begins to walk down the dirt road towards Sugarcube Corner. This has been her life for some time. Even in the face of her family’s humiliation, their business is still going strong. She’s made some bold moves to expand their influence, and with what successes she has attained, she’s been trying to give back to the community. Countless projects across Equestria were founded, at least in part, by her, not to mention all of the charities she’s supported. Others would sooner be broke than accept her money, such as the stallion from moments ago. He runs a charity for disaster relief in some of the more “accident prone” areas of Equestria, like the badlands and near the Undiscovered West. She can only hope they’re doing well enough on their own to help without her support. While many see her acts of generosity as blatant attempts at trying to improve her family’s image, Diamond herself just sees it as doing her duty. She has the wealth and status to make meaningful change, and she’d be remiss to not at least try… even if her parents disagree. She lets out a deep sigh. Right now, none of that is important. She’s supposed to meet up with some friends for lunch, and she’s been looking forward to it for some time. It’s been a while since they’ve gotten together like this. Stepping into the bakery, the sweet scent that could only come from Pinkie Pie’s work immediately assaults her senses. It’s not a bad scent, but definitely a powerful one. A quick glance around the store allows her to locate her friends rather quickly, especially as one of said friends waves her down with a smile. “There you are, DT! It’s been awhile!” “Hey hey! Sorry about that, I ran into some unexpected trouble today.” Diamond smiles at her closest friend, Silver Spoon. When they were foals, she had a tendency to follow Diamond Tiara around like a lost puppy, even after Diamond started changing her ways. Eventually, however, she started encouraging Silver Spoon to carve out a life of her own, and years later, she became a respected surgeon. Also sitting at the table are three other mares, oftentimes referred to as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Ever since they were young, they’ve specialized in helping ponies figure out their cutie-mark-related problems. Recently, they’ve taken up advisory roles at the School of Friendship, offering advice for all kinds of creatures in an attempt to help them discover and nurture their special talents. These four mares make up Diamond’s friend group, and she wouldn’t trade them for the world. “Let me guess,” Sweetie Belle says with a smirk on her face as Diamond takes a seat, “somepony wouldn’t take your money again?” “Ugh, don’t get me started,” Diamond groans as she rolls her eyes. “That’s the third time this month.” “Uhh, Diamond?” Apple Bloom tilts her head. “We’re not even a week into July.” “I know!” The group lightly laughs at their friend’s annoyance. While her struggles are valid, she finds that having her friends together to make light of the situation makes her feel a bit better about it. “What about you girls? Any juicy stories from the school?” “Nothing ‘juicy’ enough for the paper, at least,” Scootaloo mumbles before taking a sip of her drink. “Had a changeling that couldn’t change come into our office. The problem seemed pretty obvious to us, but he was less willing to accept it.” “Let me guess this time. He needed to accept that even though he couldn’t change, he was still talented and needed to value the other aspects of his life?” “Eeyup,” Apple Bloom matter-of-factly replies. “He turned out to be a pretty good knitter, too.” “And what about you, Spoon?” “Me? Oh, you know… just keeping busy.” Silver Spoon looks away while lightly fiddling with her braided mane. “Same-old same-old.” “Hm?” Diamond leans closer to her friend, her eyes narrowing as her skepticism grows. In response, Silver Spoon leans farther away, eventually running out of space to lean and hitting the wall next to her. With her cornered, Diamond has free reign to get a better look at her. “Are you… blushing?” “I-it’s hot in here!” “Ooooooooooo,” Sweetie Belle purrs. “Sweetie thinks somepony’s found herself a girlfriend~.” “Sh-shut up!” “Give us the deets, girl!” Diamond backs away, but not before giving Silver Spoon a hearty pat on the back. “Is it that nurse that transferred a couple months ago?” “N-no! Workplace relationships are a terrible idea, anyway. Especially at hospitals.” “Who is it then?” “L-look, we’re not even official yet, so just back off!” She gently pushes Diamond even further away, and the group chuckles at her embarrassment once again. “Hehe, come on girls, she obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.” Apple Bloom leans back in her seat before taking a nonchalant bite of her pastry. “Besides, you don’t have room to pry here, Diamond.” “Hm?” Diamond locks eyes with Apple Bloom, who gives her a cocky, half-lidded grin. “Wh-what are you talking about?” “Come on, DT. I saw it.” “Saw… what?” Scootaloo sounds puzzled as she glances at Apple Bloom. “Our friend here hasn’t been tellin’ us everythin’.” She leans across the table toward Diamond, causing her smile to quickly fade. “I saw you and your little boyfriend last week while finishin’ up my buckin’.” “Th-that’s preposterous,” Diamond sheepishly replies as she turns away, much like Silver Spoon was doing moments ago. “You didn’t see a darn thing, Apple Bloom.” “Oh? Because it looked to me like you were kissin’ on him and everythin’. Had to get on your hind legs and–” “Stop!” Diamond’s face is beet red as she closes her eyes and slams her head on the table in embarrassment. “They don’t need to hear the details. Not from you.” “Maybe we shouldn’t be picking on her, either.” Scootaloo rubs the back of her head as she looks down at the face-planted Diamond. “If she wants privacy, let’s let her have it.” “No,” she groans. “I should probably talk about it.” Slowly, she lifts her head from the table, her light-pink coat doing an excellent job at hiding the red mark she acquired from doing so. “Apple Bloom is right. I got a boyfriend.” Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon gasp despite the information not being particularly surprising. “Who? Tell us! Tell us everything!” Diamond Tiara hesitates as she glances between three pairs of excited eyes and a pair of cocky ones. After a moment, she sighs. “You know Anon?” “...I-I’m sorry.” Sweetie Belle looks as though she shut down for a moment before speaking up again. “Did you say ‘Anon?’” “Yes?” “Like… the human, Anon? The alien that ended up here after a freak magical accident? The dude that’s twice our height? That Anon?” “Y-yeah?” “Uh…” Sweetie Belle glances at her other friends as she tries to think of what to say. “Good… for you?” Diamond Tiara narrows her eyes. “You hesitated.” Sweetie Belle winces ever-so-slightly. “Why did you hesitate?” “I’m just… surprised, I guess.” “Why?” “He doesn’t seem like your type, to be honest.” Scootaloo shrugs. “I didn’t even know you were acquainted.” “Um, DT?” Diamond looks at Silver Spoon, who wears a concerned expression. “You’re aware of the rumors going around about him, right?” “What rumors?” “That he’s… you know… creepy?” Diamond’s brow furrows, her face contorting into a mixture of anger and confusion. “I’m sorry?” “W-well, most ponies don’t know anything about him. He’s super distant and quiet all the time. He’s always staring at everypony from a distance. Nopony even knows what he does for a living! Or where he lives, for that matter.” “So, what? Everypony is judging him because they don’t have the guts to go talk to him?” “I-I’m just repeating what I’ve heard!” Silver Spoon raises her hooves innocently. “Honest!” Diamond stares at her friend skeptically for a long moment before finally sighing and glancing across the table. “You’ve all heard these rumors too?” “Eeyup.” “Uh-huh.” “Rumors tend to fly at the School of Friendship. Ironically.” “And have any of you actually spoken to him?” “I have,” Apple Bloom says while looking just as cocky as when the conversation started. “He’s a pretty cool guy. Helped around the farm for a bit when he first got here and needed a job. Doesn’t even need to buck the apples, he can just reach ‘em.” “At least you understand,” Diamond says with a relieved sigh. “Mind filling us in on him, then?” Scootaloo takes a bite of her muffin, clearly much more invested in the conversation now than she was before. “I don’t know a thing about him.” “Well,” Diamond begins, her voice noticeably more airy and pleasant than before as she stares out at nothing. “He comes from a humble family. Had some nice parents that he misses dearly, but they didn’t have a lot of money growing up. He always dreamed of going to school to learn welding, but they couldn’t afford it.” “Just how expensive is schooling where he’s from?” “Shhhh!” All three Crusaders shush Silver Spoon, preventing her question from being answered. “So, he worked as a garbage man a couple of towns over from where he grew up. It wasn’t the most glamorous job, but it was important and he got by. Then he woke up here one day.” Diamond begins to smile a distant, wistful smile. “Princess Twilight told him there was nothing they could do. After being allowed to stay in the castle for a while, he decided to start job hunting.” “That was around when he found the farm,” Apple Bloom adds. “Right. He worked a few odds and ends where he could until Mayor Mare approached him, figuring she could help him find a job. After that, he volunteered to be Ponyville’s garbage collector.” “Wait, what?” Sweetie Belle tilts her head. “Why haven’t we seen him around, then?” Diamond Tiara sighs. “He always does his job at night. He says he knows that ponies think he’s creepy, so by doing it at night, he doesn’t have to be seen as often and can therefore freak fewer ponies out.” “Isn’t that counterintuitive? Wouldn’t ponies think he’s less creepy if he put himself out there more?” “He’s still perfectly active during the day, he’s just… surprisingly easy to miss. Between you and me, I think he doesn’t have the best self-image.” Diamond reaches over and steals a sip from Silver Spoon’s tea before continuing. “Anyway, he got a small house near the Everfree. Not far from Fluttershy’s place, actually. And… that’s his story.” “But where do you come in?” “Oh, we met at Octavia’s charity auction. He was talking to the proprietor after the auction ended, just like I meant to do. I had donations unrelated to the items being sold and all that. Turns out, he’s a bit of a philanthropist in his own right.” “Does being a garbage collector even pay that well?” “Better than you’d think, but he’s still one of the less wealthy creatures in town. He tries to make an effort to donate to local charities, though.” “You sure it’s not just a tax write-off?” Sweetie Belle asks critically. Diamond’s smile disappears as she locks eyes with Sweetie, a growing frustration evident on her face. “You mean like what ponies say about me every day?” “O-oh.” Sweetie awkwardly glances at the table. “...Sorry about that.” “Anyway,” she sighs, “we got to talking. He had no idea who I was, which was a breath of fresh air. It’s nice meeting someone that doesn’t know about your family’s past. I guess that was a part of why I liked talking to him so much.” “Is he a good conversationalist?” “Hah! Not even remotely! Dude’s as awkward as can be, but not for lack of trying. In spite of that, we figured out we have a lot in common. We both have a thing for philanthropy, we’re both really good at managing money, and we both… well…” Diamond starts to blush. “We both make each other smile.” “Awwwwww!” Silver Spoon lightly pokes Diamond in the cheek. “I’ve never seen you get like this! Especially over a guy!” “So,” Apple Bloom interjects with intentional snark, “how did that lead to the two of you makin’ out over at–” “We bumped into each other again a few nights later,” Diamond hastily interrupts, “and he was shocked to see that I was the mare living in the Rich family manor.” “I’m guessing his opinion of you didn’t change because of it?” “He seemed impressed that ‘rich folk like me’ would be so interested in charity. Said he wasn’t used to it.” “I mean… he has a point.” Scootaloo rolls her eyes. “They don’t tend to be. No offense.” “None taken. My dad certainly hasn’t helped that image, that’s for sure.” Diamond taps her hooves together. “Anyway, we decided to meet up for lunch the next day. One thing led to another, and here we are.” “Suckin’ face just outside my farm?” “Will you stop bringing that up?!” Apple Bloom lets out a hearty laugh. “Sorry Diamond, but it’s not often I get ammo for teasin’ ya.” “He really means a lot to you, doesn’t he?” Sweetie Belle grins at Diamond while shuffling in her seat. “You keep smiling when you talk about him.” “...Yeah.” Appropriately, her smile returns as she stares at the table below her. “Ponies always treat me like I’m different, you know? Whether it’s because I’m rich, because I’m a Rich, because of my cutie mark, because of how I was when I was a kid… they always have assumptions.” She chuckles. “Anon? He sees right through me. He knows all of that stuff, and he teases me about it! Says he doesn’t care one bit about that.” “I take it he doesn’t care about your whole ‘getting others to do what you want’ thing, either?” “He says cutie marks are… well… I believe he used a word I’d rather not repeat.” “Excuse me?” all three crusaders ask in unison. “N-not in a bad way! He just feels very strongly about the fact that they don’t factor into a pony’s character. ‘It’s how you treat others that makes you special, not some talent you have stamped onto your butt.’” While quoting Anon, she makes sure to lower her voice in an attempt to replicate his manner of speech. “Yeah, a lot of non-pony students say something similar,” Apple Bloom mumbles. “I guess that just leaves one more question.” “And that is?” “You really find an alien like him attractive?” “Very,” Diamond says without a hint of hesitation. “...F-fair enough.” Suddenly, the door to Sugarcube Corner opens. Pinkie Pie’s familiar, cheerful greeting rings out, causing the girls to look towards the entrance. Diamond Tiara ducks beneath the table as she sees the new arrival while her friends all start to smirk. Walking up to the counter is none other than Anon. He towers over basically everything in the room, but he wears a gentle smile on his face. His clothes are modest, and a bit of sweat has formed on his brow from the early afternoon sun. “What can I getcha, Nonny?” “Well,” he quietly answers with a hand on his chin, “what would you recommend getting somepony who might be feeling down?” “That depends.” Pinkie leans over the counter a bit, her face suddenly much less cheery. She takes matters of baking very seriously. “What kind of down are we talking?” “I think DT might be in for a bad time today. She intends to visit a certain charity, but I met the proprietor of the place she’s going to just yesterday. He really doesn’t like her family, and I don’t know if that meeting is going to go super well for her. I was hoping I might be able to give her something to make her feel better.” All of Diamond’s friends glance at her conspicuously, and she makes a shushing motion with her hoof. “Hm… what kind of give?” “Excuse me?” “The manner in which you give a treat is extremely important to the reception of that treat. Are you going on a date with her? Gonna knock on her door?” “I was hoping to… uh… ‘accidentally’ bump into her?” “You need a double cudgeon blueberry muffin. And since this is Diamond Tiara we’re talking about, I’ll make it a low-carb one. Just the way she likes them.” “Thanks, Pinkie. I don’t know what I’d do without–” Before Anon can finish, Pinkie Pie whips out a paper bag that seemingly has the aforementioned muffin inside. “...You. That was fast.” “It’s a serious matter, so I did some serious baking.” “How much do I–” “It’s on the house. Now get out there!” “I can’t possibly–” “I said MOVE!” Pinkie, in a surprising show of strength, pushes Anon all the way out of the bakery. “And good luck!” She waves as the door closes, leaving Anon alone to shrug and begin walking away. After a few moments, she looks directly in Diamond Tiara’s direction. “Alright, you can come out now.” “Ugh.” Diamond slowly rises, her face beet red from embarrassment. “Thanks, Pinkie.” “Did you hear all of that?” Silver Spoon grins ear to ear as she excitedly leans on her friend. “He’s thinking about you!” “Y-yeah.” Diamond fiddles with a napkin while not daring to look any of her friends in the eyes. “I heard.” “That was cute. Sucks that you had the surprise spoiled,” Scootaloo remarks as she rests her hooves behind her head. “And I guess we know for a fact that he’s not faking his affection or anything.” “What are you waiting for, girl?!” Sweetie Belle stares at Diamond with wide eyes, catching her off guard. “What do you–” “How’s he gonna ‘bump into you’ if you’re in here?! Go get your man!” “I, uh, okay?” “Go!” Silver Spoon practically shoves Diamond out of the booth. “Your beloved awaits!” “Don’t call him–” “Good luck!” Scootaloo jokingly exclaims with a wave. “And give him a couple dozen more smooches for me,” Apple Bloom says while stifling a laugh. “Ugh, you’re all the worst.” Diamond Tiara smiles and rolls her eyes as she heads for the entrance. “Same time next month?” “Wouldn’t miss it!” they all respond. With a nod and a noticeable spring in her step, Diamond Tiara rushes out of Sugarcube Corner, eager to meet up with her boyfriend. “I’m glad she found someone,” Scootaloo quietly remarks. “She’s pretty enough that you’d think it’d be easy, but it’s still kinda surprising.” “I’ve never seen her so giddy.” Silver Spoon laughs to herself as she watches Diamond rush off through a nearby window. “I think he’ll be good for her.” “You mean like your new girlfriend is for you?” Apple Bloom leans back in her seat and smiles a cocky smile once more. “Apple Bloom, don’t tell me–” “You girls all gotta find a better place to make out than my farm.” “Shut up!” As the group laughs off the unexpected situation, Diamond Tiara excitedly makes her way down the street towards Anon. It’s true that he’s not the most “conventional” boyfriend, and it’s also true that their relationship will likely only cause the rumors surrounding either of them to grow. He comes from a very different walk of life than her, and their thoughts, experiences, and life trajectories couldn’t be any farther apart. But that’s exactly why she loves him.
Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Would You?
Hearts and Hooves day is coming up and Starlight wants to ask Twilight to be her special somepony, but she isn’t sure how. She goes to Spike for help and comes to a solution. Though, it doesn’t go as planned.
<p>With Hearts and Hooves day coming up, Starlight has had plenty of time to give thought into her feelings regarding Twilight. It's been months since her reforming and she's came to a conclusion she didn't think was possible. She's fallen for Twilight and she wants to ask her to be her special somepony on Hearts and Hooves day. She's never done such a thing before, so she was rightfully worried about how to go about it. She doesn't want to mess it up, so she goes to the first creature she can think of that would help her out. That being: Spike.</p><p>Once she comes to a conclusion, she is eager to play everything out with Twilight. What she wasn't aware of was something that would come along and mess up the evening she had delicately planned.</p><p>This is cross-posted on AO3.</p>
Hearts and Hooves day. It’s considered one of the best times of the year, it’s a day where you spend time appreciating your loved ones and confessing any suppressed feelings. It’s a vulnerable holiday, many find it hard to come by love and care. You’re spending the whole day opening your heart to your special somepony. Depending on the pony, this can be a day full of gifts, traveling, and affection while for others it can be a day of relaxation, cuddling while you read, and generally taking it slow. This day and these feelings are different for everypony. Your special somepony doesn’t even have to be romantic. It can be a family member, a friend, or even just an acquaintance of yours. Love is varied and cannot be bound by one definition, that’s one reason why this day is so celebrated. Love is an important part of what makes a pony a pony, but it doesn’t strictly mean romantic love. Some ponies don’t find romantic love enjoyable or simply just different from the rest, that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of finding other forms of love. So, what does one do when they find themselves falling for another when they’ve never truly experienced such a thing beforehand? Of course, she’s had crushes here and there but nothing ever really stuck. Not until now. What is she to do about these feelings? Is it best to ignore it or ride it out? The answer is so close yet so far, the outcome of each decision is infinite and that means they lead down both bad and good paths. Both options could lead to her making a grave mistake just as much as they could leave her making one of the best choices of her life. So, she has to make sure anything she does is perfect. How can Starlight reject perfection when the one she wants so badly is Twilight Sparkle? These feelings inside her have been growing more and more each day, it’s a huge change she is still learning to understand. She’s never felt love in this way before, it’s hard to do anything around Twilight when she’s constantly having butterflies in her stomach around her. Starlight is yet to even talk about this situation with anypony else, who would she even go to? The only way to deal with most problems is to face them head on and this is one of those problems. But, she doesn’t know where to start. She’s never really had a need to celebrate hearts and hooves day, not since she was a filly. Most holidays just feel like days to her, but almost every little detail of her life has been switched around since Twilight came in. It was almost ironic that it was her that she fell for, but how couldn’t she? Twilight was a pony who was determined to do what was right, her want to help people is strong enough on its own. She’s also such a loveable nerd, but she’s not the pushover type. She can get into her own head from time to time but she always knows how to come back to reality and fix any mistakes she made in the process. How could Starlight not fall for her? She has so many attractive traits, not to mention Twilight being the one to reach out to Starlight and help her become better increases that. She finds a different sort of comfort in Twilight than she does anything else, Twilight has become somepony very special to her. That’s why anything she does today has to be perfect. So, who knows Twilight best? Who will be the right pony to go to for help? Who will know what exactly Twilight likes in such a scenario? Well, the answer seems to not be a pony at all. It seems the right creature for the job is… “Spike?” Starlight opened the door of Spike’s room with her magic, looking around the open space til her eyes landed on the dragon. Spike was a bit startled and hurriedly flipped over a few notes of unknown admiration, he looked over to Starlight and let out a quick sigh of relief, “Oh, it’s just you.” Starlight raised a brow at the sudden actions of the boy, but she decided not to question it. It was obvious what he was doing and her priority wasn’t to be snooping on somecreature’s business, “Can you help me?” “Sure! But, with what?” Spike stood up and walked over to Starlight, leaving his arts and crafts alone. “Well…” She took a step outside of the room and checked the halls, she didn’t want Twilight to be in hearing range no matter how thick these walls were, then she trotted back in the room and shut the door, “I… I…” Her face flushed a light red as she fiddled with her hooves trying to get the words out, it was more difficult than she imagined, “I want to ask Twilight to be my special somepony!” It took Spike a second to register Starlight’s words until he fell into a small laugh, he couldn’t remember the last time Twilight had any sort of admirer if any at all. It was amusing in its own right. Starlight’s ears flattened upon her skull as she tried to understand what this laughter meant, did she not have a shot? It took a few more small chuckles out of Spike for her to get some sort of idea and she headed towards the door. She was about to say something before Spike stopped her, “Hahaha, wait, I’m sorry, Starlight! I一hehe, I’m just a little surprised.” “Is it really that out of the ordinary?” She asked, looking back at him. “I dunno. But for Twilight, it is. She hasn’t had a special somepony in years,” He explained, holding his hand to his chin, “In fact, I don’t think she’s ever had one.” Starlight felt like that made this just a bit more serious, “So, this needs to be perfect.” “It needs to be from your heart,” Spike put his hand on her chest, “Just a simple card should work. Twilight doesn’t need anything big!” “But she deserves something big, right?” Starlight asked, it was more so a fact to Starlight rather than something to be questioned. Starlight took things with Twilight in a much different way than other situations, she always wanted to impress Twilight and let her know just how much she is trying. Though that usually ended in disaster. “Not if she doesn’t want it.” Spike said, crossing his hands, “But if you really want to do something more, maybe just ask her out for a fun day. That always works, doesn’t it?” Starlight nodded slowly as she took in what Spike was saying. A fun day out? Would Twilight enjoy that? What exactly is a fun day out for Twilight? She’d most likely have to figure this part out on her own. She can’t keep Spike busy all day, especially when he clearly has his own plans with his own special somecreature. She’ll be sure to keep in what Spike has said, but she’ll also make what he said… well, better. Even if Spike won’t say it, Twilight deserves something huge! She’s done so much for Starlight alone, put that plus everything she does for others? She deserves something nice. It has to be stressful having to help ponies all the time while trying to keep up any studies she gives herself while also being a princess, maybe the best option is for Starlight to simply treat her. But what would be good for her? A spa day? A trip to the carnival? Perhaps an evening out at a restaurant? Maybe some traveling? What would work? She had an idea. “You needed me?” Twilight walked into the main hallway, approaching Starlight. “Well uh, yes.” Starlight began, it was much harder to say what you want to say when the pony you want to say it to is actually there instead of it being a mirror or a doll, “I wanted to…take you out! Y’know, for the day.” Twilight smiled, “It’s not like I have any plans for the day. Where to?” Starlight let out a faint, awkward chuckle. She couldn’t exactly tell her, “It’s a surprise.” She said while trotting over to the entrance and using magic to open the door, allowing Twilight out first. Today was the day meant for going over the top, that means Starlight was going to be a bit unpredictable in her actions. Afterall, if she wanted to win Twilight over, she needed to be perfect, right? Or was she just stuck in her own head again? It seems Starlight doesn’t learn her lessons as easily as others. She wasn’t even sure if what she had picked out was really Twilight’s style, which was admittedly a bit sad. They’ve been living together for how long and she’s still unsure of Twilight’s interests? How could she call herself Twilight’s student, friend, or maybe more if she can’t even get such a basic part of her right? It wasn’t something she could dwell on now, everything’s already been arranged and if she didn’t do something now she may never do anything. Even if this wasn’t something Twilight would’ve particularly done herself, it wasn’t likely that she wouldn’t appreciate it. It’s not like Twilight, or really any pony of the mane six, to reject any sort of gift to them even if they don’t like it all that much. What really matters behind a gift is the thought process and what it means, what it holds within the gifter’s heart. That’s what Starlight needed to remind herself. Besides, was such an idea out of the ordinary? Whether or not it was or wasn’t didn’t matter, what mattered was that Starlight got this over with and let her true feelings out. That was the only hard part of all of this. Starlight isn’t known for being a bad communicator despite her moments, but no matter if you talked about things or not, it doesn’t change just how hard it all was. The path they took was like any other in Ponyville, a dirt road accompanied with grass and occasional bugs. But where they were going was not as usual. Starlight was taking them down one of the few paths that lead them into the park, except it was a much more secluded area of the park. More trees surrounded this specific spot than the rest, but there was enough room to allow proper sunlight to shine through. The grass was soft, there were a few roses and sunflowers that may or may not have been planted instead of naturally grown, overall it looked natural and there wasn’t too much special about it. Twilight would’ve assumed it was a picnic day until she saw four other ponies in front of them. Octavia, Parish, Beauty Brass, and Frederic. They stood just a few feet away from the center of the area, their respective instruments occupying them. It was quiet and Starlight took quick notice, smiling awkwardly and trying to subtly move her hoof to signal them to start playing. Twilight didn’t seem to take notice of Starlight’s hoof shake due to taking in the entire scene, she wasn’t completely sure what was going on. After a few seconds of signaling, Octavia caught the hint and verbally nudged the others to begin. They each shifted and began playing a quiet and romantic melody, it was akin to something you’d hear at one of the Sun Summer Celebrations. The display was certainly stupendous, the music and the view. The music was a wonder to hear, it was a simple tune and each loop it gradually got slower. The mood it was setting was enough to put a faint blush on Twilight’s face, she had assumed this was going to be a friendly outing. Was it possible Twilight misjudged Starlight’s intentions? Was it possible she’s doing that now? As the endearing theme continued, Twilight looked over to Starlight and took a minute to appreciate her presence. Her beauty. If Starlight was trying to get Twilight to understand her feelings, it was certainly working. It made Twilight question just how long Starlight’s held such feelings for her. It took a few seconds for Starlight to notice Twilight’s staring as she was avoiding looking at her prior, she was too anxious about this for her own good. Starlight felt her body heat up and she gave Twilight a nervous smile. “Like it?” Starlight managed to muster, doing her best to keep her voice steady. This was a different change of pace for both of them, but it certainly wasn’t hated. Twilight smirked, “Of course. This is wonderful, Starlight.” She said, walking a few steps closer to the orchestra and then sitting upon the ground. Starlight was quick to follow suit, trying to push down any nervous laughter that wanted to come out. She was hoping Twilight caught the hint, especially considering what day it was. But she knew she would most likely have to be verbal regardless. Despite the inevitable looming over her, she was certainly glad that Twilight enjoyed this. She was worried it was going to be overkill. Starlight played with her own hooves, she was doing her best to not be weird about this but it was hard. How do you not act odd in such a scenario? She wasn’t even sure if Twilight felt the same. It was… so conflicting, but even that felt kind of good. It was good to be able to do this with her. Twilight scooted closer to Starlight, their bodys close enough to make contact but they weren’t entirely up on each other. If Twilight knew what Starlight was doing, why hide back now? “You know,” Twilight began, keeping her eyes to the orchestra, “You still haven’t asked me.” “Asked… what?” Starlight felt her heart dramatically pound in her ears, was this going to go where she thought it was? Twilight could feel her own anxiety well up, she was surprised it didn’t come sooner, “T-To…” It was suddenly difficult to really find her breath and her words. They looked at each other in silence, their eyes dim and filled with wanting, even the music sounded like it was getting quieter. They both wanted to say something, they needed to say something. It was so easy to initiate things beforehand, the sudden shift was as irritating as it was obvious. Why couldn’t this be easier? Why couldn’t they just say what they wanted to? It really seems like it shouldn’t have been as difficult as it was, but it was. It so frustratingly was. They could do everything they needed to, everything they wanted to, but the moment they had to confirm it it was like their bodies just froze entirely. It was like it was an unknown rule to not speak about these things, like they could only do but not say. It was painful at times. They could look at each other with as much longing as they wanted but three simple words would never leave their lips. So, what were they to do? The two mares were just anxiously staring into each other’s eyes, their pupils dilated and their heads full of worry. As nice as the staring might’ve been, it left them both feeling more doubt than they had when it started. It left their hearts craving more, the need to hold each other increased, and the desire to finally be together worsened. “Twilight…” Starlight said breathlessly as she subconsciously moved closer to her. Twilight’s eyes widened subtly, her gaze shifting from Starlight’s eyes to her lips repeatedly, “Starlight…?” “W-Would you…” Starlight tried to continue her sentence, their muzzles so close to booping one another. At this point, there was no way Twilight didn’t catch on. “Hurry it up already?” A familiar yet uninvited voice called out, the lovebirds were locked out of their trance and even the orchestra stopped playing to look around. No matter where their heads turned, there was nocreature to be found. It seemed somebody was spying on them and both mares were not excited to discover who. One of the trees rumbled, it was pulling itself out of the ground. The ground was lifted as the tree was, forming an imperfect hole. The tree seemed to be using its roots as legs and it turned around to look at everypony, eyes and a snout formed upon the surface of its wood. Yellow eyes with red pupils and a protruding snout with one sharp tooth. It was certainly the entrance, though it wasn’t welcome. Both Twilight and Starlight’s moods drastically shifted, they were both agitated now. Starlight spent a while getting this set up and now Discord was going to ruin it. Not to mention, she was so close to saying what she needed to. Now it was just going to be pushed back further, who’s to say she’ll ever get to confess at all. Discord may have been their friend, but he always came in at the worst times. “Discord,” Twilight said, her snout scrunching up in irritation, “What are you doing here?” “What a way to say hello to your best friend, Twilight,” Discord said with nothing but amusement in his tone, “I just happened to notice you two were here and ha, so was I! Isn’t fate funny?” “Well, we were kind of in the middle of something.” Twilight wasn’t up for Discord’s antics today, he could’ve chosen any other day. “And that I see.” Discord snapped his fingers and his tree form disappeared with a poof of smoke, his regular structure returned in full, “It was quite the show! Until it wasn’t.” Starlight looked over to the orchestra who were just watching in confused silence, she shrugged at them as some sort of quiet apology. She looked over to Discord and her brows furrowed, “Nice to know you were spying on us.” “Spying? Why, I wouldn’t call it that,” He used his magic to fly up in the air, slithering his body around the ponies, “It was more of me just observing you two while you had no idea.” “So, spying.” Starlight confirmed for him, her body avoiding Discord’s. Discord tapped his chin as if he was clueless and then he shrugged. All of that previous tension had completely evaporated since he showed up, it seemed getting to point B of this plan wasn’t in any near sight. It was honestly a shame, Starlight could’ve swore she was so ready to finally say what she wanted to. This Hearts and Hooves day wasn’t going as planned and that was rather upsetting. This was meant to be a special day. A special moment. But now, she wasn’t sure what to call this. Perhaps Starlight did do too much anyway, she still didn’t know if Twilight reciprocated so what was the point? It would’ve been easier to just do as Spike said, something simple. But Starlight wasn’t simple, Twilight wasn’t simple, Starlight’s love and admiration for her was beyond simple. Nothing was simple. Everything was complicated in its own way, but maybe it would’ve gone better if Starlight wasn’t trying so hard to make this day perfect. She wanted to not only impress Twilight but to show her how much she meant to her in a physical way, but now she’s starting to think a private concert wasn’t the best decision. Twilight was still surprised Starlight had arranged all of this, especially since it was all just for her. Whether this was platonic or romantic, she appreciated it all the same. It was nice to feel wanted in such a way, nice to feel loved. She enjoyed what Starlight created for her despite it being so short lived and she was angry on her behalf. Who knows just how long Starlight may or may not have been planning this? How long it took to find the right location? The right song? And now Discord ruined it all and for what? His own personal entertainment? It wasn’t fair. He always did these things. Despite his good intentions, he always made things worse before they were better and both mares would’ve preferred he just left this specific situation alone. Alas, the damage was done. Now all they could do was endure his antics and see how he was supposedly going to improve this… date. Could they call it a date? Neither Twilight or Starlight gave it a name. “Now, get on with it.” Discord said, flying over to the orchestra and poofing a violin into his hands. Twilight and Starlight looked at Discord with confused expressions, as did Octavia and the others. There was no way he was just going to sit and play, he obviously had something up his sleeve. Despite their confusion, the orchestra attempted to continue playing along while Discord seemed to have been playing in an entirely different key. As the main ponies of the event looked at each other once more, they felt much more self conscious with Discord around than how they did before. They sat in uncomfortable silence trying to figure out what to do and say, it seemed even more difficult. Everypony in Ponyville has dealt with Discord before, this wasn’t new, so they just had to pull through like they always do. As long as he doesn’t do anything drastic, which is inevitable, they should’ve been overall fine. Starlight cleared her throat and tapped her hooves to the floor, “Alright Twilight, I wanted to-oooo…” She trailed off as she noticed a mini Discord on Twilight’s shoulder, he was crossing his arms with a raised brow. The mini Discord held his paw up as if to ask Starlight to stop speaking entirely, then he pointed at Twilight and began imitating her. He looked shocked, then he rubbed his forehead as if he was thinking of something, then turned his back to Starlight with crossed arms. He was implying Twilight would reject her, but why? Was it about the way she was approaching this? The mini Discord turned back around and pointed to Starlight, he then jumped and held his hand up while his mouth was opening and closing, his pupils were shaped into hearts. Starlight was no idiot, but it was a bit difficult to tell what exactly he wanted. She got the general gist and the only way she could really get this over with is to do what he wanted, even if she didn’t want to do it. So she stood up and Twilight’s brow raised in sync, not even Starlight was sure what she was doing. She held her hoof up and took in a sharp breath, her eyes darting from side to side. “Twilight,” She said once more, mini Discord clapped his hands together and then crawled up to Twilight’s ear, “T-There has been um, something on my… mind.” Mini Discord cleared his throat and spoke into Twilight’s ear, “You should really stop her.” Twilight furrowed her brows, “What?” Her tone was much more frustrated than it was curious. “What?” Starlight replied, she began to feel like she may have been doing the wrong thing. “Ah—Nothing, sorry.” Twilight grinned and recoiled into herself, flapping her hoof at the other mare, “Go on.” Starlight nodded slowly, holding her hoof up to her mouth, “Ahem, well I wanted to tell you that… I think that I… No, I know that I…” “A total mess, isn’t she?” Mini Discord spoke once more, chuckling, “Seems uncomfortable, right?” Twilight kept from responding outloud, but she had a feeling Discord already knew what she would say, “I know you don’t see it, but perhaps Starlight is beginning to regret taking you out on such a lovely evening.” The princess knew better than to let Discord get into her head, no matter his intention. She tried to drown out his talking but due to how he was directly in her ear, it was much harder than it normally would’ve been. She stomped her hoof as a way to nonverbally tell Discord to leave which instead received a response from Starlight. Starlight took a step back, she couldn’t tell if Twilight was angry with her or was trying to tell her to hurry up. “Are you ok?” Starlight asked as she hesitated to reach her hoof out to her. “You should cut the evening short,” Mini Discord added before Twilight could respond, “Maybe—” “Stop!” Twilight stood up and shook her head, the mini Discord flying out and then poofing into thin air and the music stopped. Starlight placed her hoof on her own chest, her concern growing while Discord’s amusement increased with it. She looked off to the side and then back to Twilight, “D-Did I do something?” What was going on should’ve been obvious. It was so clearly obvious. But even with Discord here, Starlight couldn’t rid herself of her overthinking habits. Anypony else would’ve connected the dots and Starlight should’ve, she normally would, but today was different. Tension was different, this had to be perfect. She needed it to be perfect. So when Twilight started acting weird, what else was she supposed to do? Or assume? Discord watched the display with a toothy smile and wide eyes, making a drink appear in place of his violin. He took a sip and continued to enjoy the show. The rest of the ponies in the orchestra felt awkward, unsure of what to do. It felt like their role was finished minutes ago, but they were given no signal to leave. It was quiet and this time it wasn’t a good sort of quiet. Starlight was so worried she had done something when Twilight’s issue was not even slightly caused by her. Twilight shook her head to clear her mind and then she looked back to Starlight, any previous emotions dissipated from her face. There was so much staring today from both sides. Despite what Starlight felt was a high tense moment, her body couldn’t resist from making her blush due to the eye contact. Everything Twilight did managed to make Starlight giddy in some way, it was silly at times. Starlight looked away for a second and instinctively smiled and then pulled it down forcefully. “No, you didn’t,” Twilight finally reassured her, “It’s just… Discord.” “Oh.” Starlight’s face quickly changed to one of anger but only for a few seconds, “That’s… alright.” Discord lifted a brow at that, swirling the drink in his hand in circles. He couldn’t remember the last time his presence was deemed acceptable from others that weren’t Fluttershy or even Celestia at times. It was flattering in its own way, though it decreased a bit of the fun. He wasn’t not appreciative of such things, it was just still new. He was planning to do more shenanigans but stopped himself, perhaps the small thing he did was enough. It sure seemed that way when Starlight suddenly had the confidence to go closer to Twilight, she must’ve been tired of hiding how she truly felt mixed with Discord messing around with them. Understandable it was, but disappointing for the Lord of Chaos. “I don’t care what Discord is going to do next,” Starlight began, taking Twilight’s hoof in hers, “I just… I-I need to get this off my chest.” Her face flushed but she did her best to not break eye contact, she decided it would just be best to force it out. They’ve both waited long enough, “Y-You… I… Okay. Twilight, I’m… in love with you. I-I’ve been trying t-to tell you that this whole time, the way I feel for you is… inexplicable. It’s like… I-It’s… You’ve changed my life. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to be here together… like this. I feel better about myself because of you, you make me want to try harder than I ever have before. I guess what I’m trying to say is, will you… be my s-special somepony?” Twilight felt her entire body warm up, something that didn’t come to her often. She looked off to the side and began smiling uncontrollably, then she tackle-hugged Starlight, sending them both to the ground, “Yes!! Yes!!! Of course!” Starlight was shocked by the response but certainly not upset, she wrapped her hooves around Twilight and they nuzzled each other, “Really?” “Really!” Twilight hugged her tighter, it wasn’t too often Twilight got super happy like this but it was always a sight to see. It was… wonderful. They embraced each other like never before, it was probably one of the tightest hugs of Twilight’s life. They’ve shared many hugs before, they’ve even nuzzled each other before, but this was far different. Something about this time was much more meaningful because… well, it was. Their relationship has always been important, it’s always been a part of their lives they deemed necessary. They needed each other and now they had each other in a completely new way, they were going to share different sides of themselves to each other now. What they were going to experience together is going to change too, but it was a good change. This was going to be something they needed to figure out, but for now they were just going to enjoy it. What both of them wanted was finally here and it couldn’t be better. Sure, it could’ve happened a different way, but why worry about how things could’ve gone when they could worry about how things are now? Today was a rollercoaster of emotions, so many different things happened but everyone got what they wanted in the end. It was exciting. That hug felt like it lasted forever. It was extremely warm due to fur on fur, but nothing unbearable. It was nice. It was sweet. Knowing that they loved each other was… sweet. It was amazing that despite their past experiences with each other, they were able to grow into such a deep bond with one another. This was a moment they were going to cherish for possibly years. “Bravo! Bravissimo!” Discord clapped rapidly, using his magic to make the orchestra ponies stomp their hooves repeatedly, “Truly a tear jerker. Oh, I’m overwhelmed!” Twilight and Starlight barely pulled away from the hug enough to look at Discord, they were smiling but they weren’t super amused considering earlier. “That was certainly a performance you two,” Discord said, growing an extra pair of arms to sassly put on his hips while his main arms continued clapping, “Though, if it were me, I would’ve made it much more spectacular. Too much sappy, too less fun. However, I suppose that’s just me.” “Well… Thanks, Discord.” Starlight said while keeping her eyes on Twilight, “You were actually pretty helpful. If it weren’t for you, I may have never… you know.” Discord smiled mischievously and snapped his fingers, the orchestra ponies stopped stomping their hooves and his extra pair of arms disappeared, “Seems my work here is done.” He nodded to the two mares as if he was finished performing on stage and then a ladder appeared in front of him, he climbed up the ladder and went into an invisible attic and disappeared. The ladder fell flat on the floor afterwards, it wasn’t leaving with him. Twilight and Starlight laughed a bit, enjoying the moment. This day certainly wasn’t expected, but it would be a lie if they said they weren’t excited to be reminded of such a day every year.
Anon,Mane 5,Self Insert,Human,Second Person,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
Hearts and Hooves Hassle
It's Hearts and Hooves Day Day and Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, and Misty are acting weird with you today. 
<p>It's Hearts and Hooves Day today in Maretime Bay today, (which is the ponies’ version of Valentines Day), but for some reason, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Misty have been acting weird around you.</p><p>Based on Bendy's “<a href="/story/517758/a-relaxing-day" rel="nofollow">A Relaxing Day</a>” Fic. But with a more wholesome twist.</p>
Today was Hearts & Hooves Day, which you found out was the ponies' version of Valentines Day. You were walking all by yourself through the town, greeting the many ponies who lived there. When you were found unconscious somewhere outside of the bay, they all took you in. Six ponies in particular did the most, being Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn. You saw many ponies on your stroll who were with their special someponies enjoying the holiday. Giving each other things such as gifts or physical affection. While you enjoyed being friends with these ponies. You envied them because you yourself are a human and not a pony. It's illegal back on Earth. Even though you don't know if that same law applies here in Equestria, you didn’t want to take any chances. But at the same time, you yearned for romance in this world. If only you were a pony. "Hi Anon!" A familiar voice called out to you from the right. You look over to see Sunny Starscout in her smoothie booth who was looking back at you with a smile on her face. "Oh, hey Sunny." You spoke. "How's it going?" "Oh, nothing much. Just selling smoothies to couples today! Nothing very special." She replied. "Sounds nice." You replied. "Oh, how about I make you one as a nice token of our friendship." Sunny said. "Uh... I dunno Sunny, I-" "Oh, come on, it's on the house. I'll even make it your favorite flavor~" She insisted. You thought about it for a few seconds. You didn't want to say she was pressuring you. But you didn't want to refuse her because you would probably regret it later or make her feel bad. "Eh.... Alright. I guess so.." You reply. With that, Sunny smiled as she began her work on your smoothie. Adding the right fruits you loved into it. Unbeknownst to you, she was planning something. After a little while she had finished it. But instead of handing it to you from the window. She exited the stand and handed it right to you. "Here you go!" She smiled. "Thanks, Sunny." You reply, until you you noticed that there was an extra straw in the smoothie. "Um.... Sunny. Why are there two straws on this?" You ask. "Oh um... I don't know..." She replied, looking a little nervous. "But um... hey! How about you just take a sip? I mean, you do deserve a nice treat after a while. You felt confused by Sunny's questionable behavior right now. But a free smoothie is a free smoothie. So, you decided not to question it as you put your lips onto the straw. As you closed your eyes, enjoying the taste. Sunny knew this was her chance as she got closer and was about to put her lips on it. "HIIII NONNY!" Before you could process what just happened, Izzy suddenly zoomed out of nowhere and tackled you on to the ground. This wasn't anything new from her, but it still caught you off guard. Meanwhile, the smoothie went flying out of your hand and landed right upon Sunny's mane. Her eyes were widened finding you suddenly disappeared. You look up to see the lilac unicorn smiling down at you as her eyes sparkled. "Uhh... hi Izzy..." You speak. "Can... you please get off me?" "Haha... sorry..." Izzy blushes before getting up off of you as you get back up as well. "Anyway, I NEED show you my latest creation! I just gotta know if you'd love it!" "I... mean... I don't see why not..." You reply. Izzy squealed at your response, "Thank you so much, Nonny! Come on, I left it over here!" Izzy brought you right over to what her next unicycled project was. It looked to be something being hidden under a giant red cloth. "So, uh... what is this?" You ask. "Prepare to feast your eyes, my friend. For I, Izzy Moonbow have created one of the best things Equestria has ever seen!" Izzy said while trying to be all dramatic. "Once you gaze upon it's fantastic form, you'll never want to look away!" "I present to you," Izzy then pulled the red cloth off it and presented it right to you. "The year's HOTTEST look!" What stood before you was a big sized heart that was painted bright red and was covered in glitter that sparkled everywhere and was displayed on a podium. Izzy seemed to have put so much effort into it. "Wow.... It's amazing..." You speak. "I knew you'd love it Anon!" Izzy beamed. "I had a feeling you'd love it!" "So.... Who'd you make it it for?" You ask. "Why I'm glad you asked, Nonny!" Izzy replied. "I made it just for yo-" You suddenly feel two Hooves pick you up from your shoulders and pulled you off a few inches from the ground and sped off with you, leaving Izzy shocked. "Hey!" Izzy scowled. You now found yourself seated in one of the chairs at Mane Melody. You then noticed Pipp flying above you in the mirror's reflection with a hairbrush in one of her hooves. "Pipp? Uhh... what are you doing?" You ask her. "Hiii, Anon! Sorry about pulling you in here against your will like that." She apologized. "But I saw you walking by, and I was thinking of giving you a nice new manestyle, free of charge! You don't mind it, do you?" "Uhhh... well... I... guess so...." "Eeeeeee! Thank you! I'm gonna make you look so gorgeous after this!" Pipp instantly got to work on styling your hair as her brush streaked through it. Humming to one of her famous songs she wrote. But while she was doing that, something just didn't sit right with you. Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp all were acting very unusual with you today. First, Sunny was insistent that you would have that smoothie she made. Then Izzy showed off that giant glitter heart that you never got to know who she made it for. And now Pipp is willing to give you a free hairstyle for you. You knew that they could be questionable at times, but this just didn't feel right, even for ponies like them. "Alright~ I'm done!" Pipp spoke up as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Somehow, Pipp was able to make your own hair look just like Her's. You didn’t even know your hair could extend down to that length. "Well, whataya think, Nonny?" Pipp asked. "It's... uh... very gorgeous.... like you said..." You reply awkwardly, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Thanks for it..." "Oh no problem! Anything for a good friend of mine!" Pipp smiled before she turned away and whispered under her breath, "Or even more than that soon..." "What'd you say?" You raised an eyebrow. "Oh ummm.... N-nothing!" Pipp laughed nervously. "Really? Becau-" "Y'know what? How about you go show off that hair of yours to the whole world! They'll envy you greatly" Pipp then pushed you to the doors and outside of Mane Melody. "Anyway, see you soon Nonny~!" Pipp closed the doors leaving you in even more in a fit of confusion. You awkwardly walked away from the building and into the streets again. Not only were Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp really confusing you. Now they were starting to creep you out. Your heart started racing a bit as you continued walking. You felt like you needed to relax somewhere to ease this unnerving tension. Looking around, you see the walkway down to the beach. Maybe listening to the waves could help you. So, you decided to go down there. You walk onto the beach, which luckily the sand wasn't hot due to it being in the colder weather in February. You sit down and take a few breaths. You feel the stress start to fade away from your body the longer you listened to the soothing ocean's waves. You think you made the right call coming down here. You close your eyes and sigh feeling like nothing could ruin this... "What’s up, Anon?" You open your eyes hearing another familiar voice above you. You look up to see Zipp slowly flying down to the ground right beside you. "What're you doing down here on the beach alone?" She chuckled. "It's not summertime yet." "Hey... I'm... just trying to release some stress, Zipp." You reply. "Sunny, Izzy, and your sister are being weird today..." "Oh really? What makes you think that?" Zipp raises an eyebrow, but her smirk didn't leave her face. "Well, it's just... Sunny offered me a free smoothie and was insisted that I have it. Then Izzy showed me a heart she made, and I didn't get to hear who it was for. And Pipp just gave me a makeover..." "Well, I guess that explains why your hair looks different..." Zipp commented. You blushed remembering that you still had Pipp's hairdo. You quickly shake your head fast as your hair returns back to normal. Zipp just chuckled at this. "So, I'm just down here trying to calm myself..." You spoke. "That sounds pretty nice. Mind if I join you?" She asks. "Uhh.... yeah... sure..." You reply. With that, Zipp sat down right beside you. Being a little too close for comfort. The two of you just sat there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes. Neither you nor she said a word to one another. The waves from the ocean felt incredibly more soothing now the longer you listened to them. "Y'know. did anypony ever tell you that you're a pretty cool person before?" She asked. "Uhh, I don't think so." You replied awkwardly. "Well, here I am to be the first one to say that." She replied. "You are a pretty cool friend in my book!" "Uhm, thanks...? I guess." You replied. "Did you come down here just to tell me that?" "Maybe~? Maybe not~" She replies in a flirty tone you didn't know at the time. The white pegasus was looking right at you. She had gotten way too close to you. You could feel the tension rising up again. Now she was acting weird with you too. You then eyed the way you came down here. While unbeknownst to you, Zipp was leaning towards you. Her lips puckered ready to give you a nice kiss. "Uh... I just remembered... I err... need to... uhh.. go find my... uh... see you around Zipp!" You quickly got up and fled towards the way leading up back to Maretime Bay. Meanwhile, Zipp was still leaning forward, unaware that you had left, her lips still puckered. "Mmmmmm... Woah, Woah, WOAH-" Zipp exclaimed before falling and faceplanting right into the sand. She grumbled annoyingly as she raised her head back up. "Ugh.... almost had him!" You ran all the way up back to the bay. But you didn't want to stop there, you sprint through the town. Many nearby ponies giving you a confused glance. You wanted to make sure your friends couldn't find you. But you knew that they knew Maretime Bay more than you did. Finding you would've been a breeze for them! You then noticed that Misty was just up ahead. She noticed you and smiled. "Hi, Anon... Can I-" You ran right past her before she could finish her sentence, the wind blowing through her mane. Leaving her in a state of shock. "Sorry, Misty! Can't talk right now!" You shout back at her. You turn the corner near an opening. You looked behind you to see if Sunny or the others had followed you. Luckily, they were nowhere in sight. However, you were looking back for too long as you feel yourself bump into somepony. You look over to see Posey on the ground a bit dazed from your impact. “Oh god, I'm so sorry, Posey!” You speak. “Eh, don't bother, Anon. I'm used to it at this point.” Posey responded, her expression not changing from it as she got up completely unfazed. You quickly check your surroundings to make sure that Sunny or the other mares weren't nearby. Sweat continuing to form across your forehead. Posey noticed this as she spoke up. “Hey, are you alright?” She asks, a bit concerned. "What are you even looking for? “I'm... just trying to make sure Sunny and the others aren't around.... They've put me on edge recently today.” You speak. "They're being kinda weird around me.” “Acting weird?” Posey rolled her eyes. “As if you're implying, they never were before…” “Right…. But I mean that they've been doing weird things around me today and it's really freaking me out." You spoke. "Sunny's insisted that I have a smoothie. Izzy showed off some heart creation she made. Pipp gave me a new hairstyle against my will. And Zipp was invading my personal space! I'm honestly scared they're trying to pull something on me!" Posey's eyes widened at that last part, she then suddenly busted into laughter. She fell to the floor and repeatedly hit the ground as if she was told the funniest thing in the world. “Uh …What’s so funny?” You ask. Posey got up and wiped the tears away after she calmed down. “Wow, no offense or anything. But I didn't think that you could be so oblivious. They obviously are crushing on you!” "Wh... What?" You exclaim, taken aback by what she just said. "But why me?! And why today of all days?" "I mean, it's Hearts and Hooves Day, Anon. Of course, they'd try to do something like that!" “But… I don't... understand...” You ask, “I'm not even a stallion like Hitch is! What makes me so special?” “I dunno.” Posey replied, “But if you ask me, you might be the luckiest creature in Equestria if five ponies are in love with you. Pony or not.” “Thanks… I guess…” “Well, I'll leave you to it, Anon.” Posey says as she trots off. Leaving you with your thoughts. You stood there, thinking about everything she had said to you. Everything they had done today, was all to make you feel loved? You had to admit to yourself that you felt flattered by them. Though you did wish they would've just been more open about it... You then heard the sound of hoofsteps nearby approaching rapidly. You turned in the sound to see Misty had caught up to you, completely out of breath. "Misty? Did you... follow me?" You ask. "Yeah...." She panted. " Phew... I tried to ask you something... but you ran away..." You sigh, feeling regret for rudely running right past her. You approach her and kneel down to her level and apologize. "Sorry about that. So, what did you want to ask? Was it a hug perhaps?" Misty's cheeks turned bright pink as she blushed hard. "H-how did you know?" "Let's just say, I was able to put the pieces together after a while." You confirmed. "Though, I wish the girls just said it right away...." "Whaat? And spoil the surprise at the end?" Izzy exclaimed, appearing out of nowhere with the glittery heart from before in her hoof. "Don't be ridiculous, Nonny! There wouldn't be a story then!" "I mean, I appreciate the kind efforts and the favors and all...." You reply. "You girls just made me feel uncomfortable with those advances." "Oh, you were...?" Sunny said, approaching you and the two unicorns. "I'm really sorry about that, Anon. "We felt horrible that you were all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day. And we...." "We wanted to make you feel loved here." Zipp interrupted while also approaching from behind and laughed nervously. "I... guess we went a bit too overboard, didn't we?" "Please forgive us, Nonny!" Pipp said, giving you the puppy eyes. "We didn't mean to scare you! Honest!" You sighed before chuckling to yourself. "I can't stay mad at you ponies forever. Though I thought you ponies would've fallen for Hitch or something." The five ponies all blushed at what you just said. Their cheeks turning bright red. "What?! Nononono! He's just a friend." Sunny shook her head. "Y-yeah, besides. I'd to not let you die of loneliness here, Nonny." Pipp said while nudging your shoulder. "So hey, you're a lucky human!" "Heh... thanks, Pipp." You thank her. With that, all five ponies all group-hugged you on the spot. Sunny and Pipp nuzzling their heads on your neck. Zipp hugged you from the back and rested her chin on top of your head. And Misty and Izzy both were held by your arms. For the rest of the day, you and your now five marefriends all spent time together at the Crystal Brighthouse. Watching movies, receiving kisses, having lovely conversations, and best of all, cuddling with them. This was a great Hearts and Hooves Day after all.
Cyrus Colter
Apple Bloom,Original Character,Other,Scootaloo,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Science Fiction,Dragon Ball Z,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Super Smash Brothers,Death,Gore,Violence
Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest]
At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.
<p>Several months passed since Sweetie Belle fought Kirby and became the Alicorn of the Void. The filly is thirsty for new adventures, discovering new universes, making new friends, fighting new bad guys. At the start of one such new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.</p><hr/><p>This is a retelling of <a href="/story/485316/harmony-of-heroes-ultimate-multiverse-explorers" rel="nofollow">the original story</a> of the same name by <a href="/user/343753/Lucar" rel="nofollow">Lucar</a>, done with permission, adding in my own Dragon Ball OC.</p>
About two years ago, the young filly named Sweetie Belle had been accidentally sent to another dimension by Twilight Sparkle. In this dimension that had been given the name of Dream Universe, Sweetie Belle landed in the castle of the self-proclaimed king of Dream Land: King Dedede, on a star-shaped planet named Popstar. She began working for Dedede who trained her to fight in the hope of defeating the local hero, Kirby. But the filly ended up having many adventures beside said hero, making many friends, saving the kingdom, the world, and even the universe, becoming Queen of the sky kingdom of Floralia, and gaining powers beyond anything she had imagined. After saving the God named Void from his hate, Sweetie Belle was able to return to Equestria aboard the dimensional spaceship Lor Starcutter of which she had become the captain, and there, she protected the kingdom from a bunch of villains before she returned to Dream Land, ready to accomplish her original goal: defeating Kirby. In the following cosmic fight, Sweetie Belle ascended and became the Alicorn of the Void. After accomplishing her goal, she returned to Equestria for a well deserved rest. Her classmates had watched the fight against Kirby, so they already knew that she had ascended, but they still congratulated her, going a little too far as they now considered her a princess, like all the other alicorns. She had to remind them that she was already queen of another kingdom and that she wasn't intending to become a princess of Equestria, and so, that as long as she was in Equestria, or even anywhere else outside of the Dream Universe, she shouldn't be considered royalty. There was also a little jealousy from Diamond Tiara who had been really shocked to see Sweetie Belle reach her dream. But knowing that the filly now could destroy a whole planet as if it was nothing, she controlled herself and remained friendly enough. Besides, antagonizing Sweetie Belle would also antagonize Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, which she didn't want to after they helped her discover her real talent. A platform for the Lor Starcutter was built beside Twilight's castle, and beside it, there was now also a portal to Dream Land, built with the help of Magolor using the technology of the Ancients, the civilization that created the Dream Universe long ago. Scootaloo took a very close interest in this advanced technology. She just found it very fascinating and regularly talked of how she could improve her scooter with it. Or, heck, how she could build an actual spaceship which would be MUCH better than a simple scooter! Sweetie Belle began to teach her friends and a few others how to use their inner energy. She would call it Soul Energy, but this wasn't the same Soul Energy as in the Dream Universe. The Dream Universe's Soul Energy didn't exist in Equestria. But at least, the energy that replaced it was close enough, and the way to discover it was pretty much the same as what Sweetie Belle did the first time. It took however longer for many to discover it, but once they did, it wasn't long before they all could call it. Creating and throwing energy balls, however, was still above their level. As a result of her over a year of being away, Sweetie Belle was behind everypony else in classes, so she studied a lot to catch up. She also studied magic with the help of Twilight and Starlight, to get inspirations for... tricks she could do in the future, with magic or other energies. She couldn't wait to see her future enemies' reaction when she will turn a simple stone into a gun. She had certainly loved to see Twilight's face when she did it in front of her! Of course, there wasn't any bullet, so it was okay. Sweetie Belle conveniently forgot to say that she could simply fire beams with it but, oh well, it wasn't as if she hadn't already a beam gun constantly on her forehead (the horn), and that she could fire more beams just from the air around her. Anything could be used as a weapon by her. Especially since she became an alicorn. Which meant that she had to relearn to control her powers. She controlled them perfectly... before, but as an alicorn, if she didn't watch out, she could disintegrate a whole mountain very easily, forcing her to be very careful around everything whenever she used even an ounce of her powers. She went into the Everfree Forest to learn to control her powers without risking anypony's life, but after leveling a big chunk of the forest, she began to use a deserted planet in the Dream Universe as her training field. Void also helped her a lot. It still took several months before she felt comfortable enough with her new powers that she dared to use them in the middle of Ponyville. Until then, the magic lessons with Twilight and Starlight weren't even in the castle, but in that cavern where a dragon had slept a few years ago, in a nearby mountain. A few more months later, she felt that she was ready. That she had enough control to do what she wanted to do: go out and explore the Multiverse, or rather, the Omniverse, as it was really called. But since the majority knew it as the Multiverse, even most Gods, then she will stick with it for now. She was really missing going on adventures. She gained a taste for them in the Dream Universe, and she loved discovering new stuff and making new friends. She wanted more. So, like she said back on Popstar, she waited for a week-end and warned everypony that she would go. Rarity accepted after a resigned sigh, knowing that there was no changing her mind and that, anyway, she should worry more for whoever or whatever would try to hurt her. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo wanted to come, but their families refused, having no idea if the universe Sweetie Belle will find herself in will be dangerous or not. "I promise that I will try to find a safe universe so I can bring you next time," Sweetie Belle said. "If that's alright," she then said while looking at Applejack and at one of Scootaloo's aunts. They both nodded with Applejack saying "If that's safe, then alright, sugarcube." This brought back a smile on Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's muzzle. "So, you will be taking the Lor?" Scootaloo then asked. "Uh-uh," Sweetie Belle answered with a shake of her head before she smirked, materialized an energy sword, and used it to cut the space open, creating a rift. "Show off," Apple Bloom said with a giggle, and Sweetie Belle answered her by sticking out her tongue at her. "Anyway, I will try to come back before the end of the week-end, but Void told me about how some universes have their time passing faster or slower than ours, so I have no idea when I will be back. Say sorry to miss Cheerilee for me if I don't come back in time. Oh! I almost forgot!" A small earpiece device appeared beside her, and she quickly put it on. "He also told me that I was lucky to fall into an universe where the inhabitants were speaking the same language as me, but it won't be the case for all universes, so Magolor created this multiversal translator for me. Don't ask how it works, please. Ask Magolor directly if you want to know. Hey! Look! It can even turn invisible!" she shouted as she proceeded to demonstrate by pressing a small button on the device. Twilight nodded in understanding. "Like this, the natives will ask less questions if... when they see you. I suppose it's why you aren't wearing your uniform too." Sweetie Belle, who was indeed not wearing clothes, nodded. "Yes, so they won't think directly that I'm some alien and panic. They may just think that I'm an unknown species of animal or whatever." The filly then exchanged some quick hugs with Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo before she stepped through the portal which closed behind her. Little did they know the meeting she was soon to have. Rota Bage woke up with a start as her senses alerted her to a powerful presence entering the area, but looking around, the only thing that seemed to be out of place was a Galarian Ponyta with wings on the path below her. Wait, since when did Galarian Ponyta have a winged variant? And since when were wild GALARIAN Ponyta even found in Kanto? She then checked her energy senses and began to mentally scold herself, Dumbass, that’s not a Pokemon, it’s an Equestrian alicorn. Wait. What’s it doing here? Her thought was interrupted as a nearby trainer called out the Equine, thinking it to be a Pokemon, and intent on capturing it. Kids can’t even tell a native creature from an alien? Then again, I thought it was one too, so eh. Rota refocused in time to see the kid, who Rota recognized as an up-and-coming trainer named Ed, call out four of his Pokemon, the other two having apparently been knocked out with ease. Let’s see what happens here. The alicorn raised a shield, sending a Fire Blast, Thunder, and Shadow Ball back at Ed’s Magmar, Jolteon and Gengar, the last one dodging it, while his Machamp went in for a Dynamic Punch, only for the alicorn to stop it and raised in midair with it’s magic. Sending the Machamp into the Magmar with a punch, the alicorn dodged a Quick Attack from the Jolteon, and tried to counter the Gengar’s Sucker Punch. Despite the surprise when it couldn’t punch the ghost, it immediately retaliated with a beam that sent the Gengar flying into the trunk of the tree Rota was sitting in. Recovering from the jostling of her perch that resulted in, she looked back to the battle to see the alicorn slam the Jolteon and Magmar’s heads together, knocking them out, with the crowd slack jawed in awe. Ed, who Rota had watched beat Blue Oak, the former champion and current practical Gatekeeper for the Kanto Regions entrance to the Indigo Plateau, literally yesterday, was beaten by a small pony-like creature. Rota was about to drop down and confront the alicorn herself when an old man in what looked like a bomber jacket stepped forward, saying, “Call back your Pokemon, kid. My turn. I know just what to do to defeat it.” Seeing him call out an Electrode made Rota facepalm with a groan as Ed quickly did as asked, everyone moving away. That’s not gonna work, it’s just gonna escape it somehow. "Use Explosion!” The Electrode started to glow, then released a small explosion, sending smoke and dirt everywhere. The old man started to gloat, until the smoke cleared, revealing a hole in the ground where the alicorn had been standing immediately prior. See? Sensing the alicorn’s energy suddenly teleporting into a more secluded spot behind her, Rota decided she’d seen enough to justify a confrontation. Shifting her weight backwards, she landed into the shrubbery with a flip and started to make her way to the alicorn’s location, running through the brush, vaulting over the occasional log, and ultimately just flowing through her environment. Spotting the alicorn as it shapeshifted into a human (which immediately sent Rota on high alert), Rota rolled her eyes as she saw the alicorn finish her disguise, leaving her hair the same. “You know they got a good enough look at you that leaving your hair that coloration would be a dead giveaway, right,” she asked out loud as she stepped forward into the light of the clearing. “Uh I-” the shapeshifted alicorn stammered. “Don’t bother trying to lie to me. You can hide your physical form, but not your ki,” Rota cut her off, followed by asking “How about we introduce ourselves?” Sticking her hand out to the clearly young Equestrian filly - Rota hadn’t been to any Equestria’s in a while, but the human form this one took all but confirmed it - Rota gave off her normal introductory spiel. “My name is Rota Bage. I’m a member of the Saiyan Race, native to a universe I doubt you’ve ever heard of, I’m 28 years old and I travel the multiverse both for fun and correcting injustice.” As she gave her introduction, Rota stood firm, 5 foot 6 compared to the other girls 5 foot even-ish, her tail swaying behind her. Though she seemed distracted by the latter, the alicorn answered her after a moment. “Nice to meet you, my name’s Sweetie Belle. I only recently became an alicorn, but was born a unicorn. It’s complicated. I’m from a universe that I’m not going to assume one way or another of you knowing about it, 13 years old, and I’m just looking to do, actually much the same thing you do, ma’am.” “Is that so? Well, how long have you got to stick around this universe?” Rota asked in pleasant surprise. “Tomorrow evening at latest. I’m not sure about the time difference.” Sweetie Belle said as she rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, that always sucks. How’s this sound? I’ll show you around, maybe help you get started on the local form of entertainment before you need to go home. In exchange, I want to have a fight of my own with you,” Rota said with a bit of a challenging air at the end. Really, writer? You’re not gonna make this easy on me, are you? As Sweetie Belle thought this, a small spider like Pokemon started making a web in the shape of a word and caught in her peripheral vision. No. Well buck you too. “Deal, but we’ll have to have the fight tomorrow. I don’t want to risk hurting anyone this early into my visit.” “I was thinking similarly. Anyway, Viridian City’s closest so change your hair and let’s get going.” the tailed woman, Rota, said as she gave a smirk. Changing her hair to a light auburn with a quick ruffling, Sweetie stepped up beside Rota as the two went back towards the path Sweetie fought the Trainer, Ed, on. The two soon returned to the path to see the crowd dispersing, Sweetie following Rota towards Viridian City. Neither paid any mind to the three trainers still staring at the hole the filly had dug.
Cyrus Colter
Apple Bloom,Original Character,Other,Scootaloo,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Science Fiction,Dragon Ball Z,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Super Smash Brothers,Death,Gore,Violence
Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest]
At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.
<p>Several months passed since Sweetie Belle fought Kirby and became the Alicorn of the Void. The filly is thirsty for new adventures, discovering new universes, making new friends, fighting new bad guys. At the start of one such new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.</p><hr/><p>This is a retelling of <a href="/story/485316/harmony-of-heroes-ultimate-multiverse-explorers" rel="nofollow">the original story</a> of the same name by <a href="/user/343753/Lucar" rel="nofollow">Lucar</a>, done with permission, adding in my own Dragon Ball OC.</p>
As Sweetie and Rota walked down the route towards Viridian City, they decided to talk about the universe they were currently in. Sweetie Belle was in awe at the sheer magnitude of wondrous things she’d heard about. The Pokémon of this world were really amazing, and the humans who had come up with such devices to work with them were not far behind. The Pokémon League Challenge, while a little complicated, really piqued the interest of the disguised filly. Questions flew from her mind and mouth as if at once. “But if Ghost Types aren’t possible to get here in Kanto, why hasn’t anyone made it so they are?” was the latest such question. Thankfully, Rota was willing and able to answer, for the most part. “From what I remember reading in the news, the Pokemon League Administration is trying to set up an area that Ghost Types feel comfortable roaming in. Considering they typically prefer places like graveyards and old battlefields, that’s easier said than done.” the Saiyan woman replied before spotting a city ahead. “There it is, Viridian City,” she said as she swept her arm in front of her as if presenting the city to the filly-turned-human. Sweetie’s eyes widened as she took in both the City, and the large structure that seemed to loom over the city. Not to say the city itself was not impressive, given the size of it. It seemed more akin to a section of Manehattan than a regular city, but there was still plenty of open space for people and Pokemon to wander and train in. Entering through the gate, they immediately had their attention drawn by a young woman who seemed to specialize in Grass types training against a young man who seemed to be a Flying Type specialist. Seeing Sweetie’s attention fixated on the battle, Rota thought maybe a trip to a particular building was in order. “If you think this is fun to watch, let me show you where the real fun tends to happen in this city,” she said as she led Sweetie Belle to a building that was located on a hill overlooking the city. “This is the Viridian City Pokemon Gym, currently run by former Pokemon League Champion of Kanto, Blue Oak. Remember what I said about the Pokemon League Challenge?” Sweetie thought back to their conversation, recalling that Rota had explained the Pokemon League Challenge on the way to the city. “The one where trainers get eight badges so they can challenge the Champion?” “Little more complicated than that, but good enough for now. This is one of the buildings where those trainers would face the person in charge of it to try and claim their badge. These are the Gyms, and the ones in charge are the Gym Leaders. While most Gyms have a type specialty and adjust their teams to the challenger, Blue doesn’t do either, using a team of various types that he handpicked to be a worthy test for those looking to advance to the Indigo Plateau,” Rota elaborated as she pointed to the building overlooking the town on the nearby mountain. “Come on, let’s see if he’s got a challenger, you’ll see what I mean,” the Saiyan said as she and the disguised filly entered the building, checking in at the desk as spectators. Entering the next room through a side entrance, they saw two people, one coming up a set of stairs, the other more prominent figure, Blue Oak, stood at the other end of the area the stairs led to. Taking seats close enough to watch the battle, the girls saw Blue call out an Exeggutor, a bipedal fat palm tree with three faces, as the challenger brought out a Butterfree, a purple butterfly like Pokemon with white and black wings. Settling in to watch the action, the challenger called out for the Butterfree to use Bug Buzz, launching sound waves from its wings to impact the Exeggutor, knocking it out near immediately. Calling back the Exeggutor and sending out a Rhydon, a bipedal gray dinosaur like Pokemon with a drill-like horn, Blue took out the Butterfree with Stone Edge, the Rhydon sending a pillar of stone to strike the butterfly Pokemon with a punch to the ground, knocking it out in one blow. The challenger called back the unconscious Butterfree, then sent out a Tentacruel, a Jellyfish-like Pokemon with a blue top portion that had two red hemispheres and a pincer-like extension coming down from its black body, along with 8 tentacles. Blue called out for Rhydon to use Earthquake. The Pokemon roared as it stomped on the ground, causing it to shake and causing Tentacruel to stumble before being struck by a rupture in the stone. Sweetie Belle was amazed. “Whoa, these Pokemon are something else! Not just any creature can casually cause an earthquake on command!” “And this is just the start. Watch and learn,” Rota said as the two continued to watch the battle. The Challenger, seeing his Tentacruel was still in the fight, called out for it to use Surf, the Pokemon creating a massive wave of water that seemed impossible for Blues Rhydon to dodge. Blue, however, smirked as he called out, “Break the wave with Thunder, then use Supercell Slam to attack!” Rhydon’s horn began sparking with electricity before it launched a powerful bolt of lightning at the massive wave, causing it to break beneath Tentacruel. The challenger’s Pokemon fell towards the ground, only to be sent flying across the arena as Blue’s Rhydon slammed into it with its body covered in electricity. Tentacruel slammed to the ground unconscious as its trainer stood dumbfounded, before crying out, “WHAT?!?” Blue chuckled as he pulled out a pair of plastic cases, each with a yellow disc inside. “I equipped my Rhydon against Water Types. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I let you beat my Exeggutor easily to let your guard down. Starting from me, relying on Type advantage to brute force your way through isn’t gonna be enough. As a former Champion, I happen to have a lot of experience with this. TMs exist for a reason. Watch and learn.” From that point, the battle would be better described as a calculated deconstruction of the challenger’s team by Blue. Using moves, not only to damage, but to buff his Pokemon, debuff the challenger’s Pokemon, setting up hazards, and forcing the challenger to waste time healing status conditions from his Pokemon. He put up a valiant fight, managing to knock out Blue’s Pidgeot, but ultimately, the Gym Leader came out on top, and then some. The challenger, a boy no more than 14 years old, groaned in defeat as he said, “Man, no wonder you’re a former champion. Why aren’t you a member of the Elite Four, instead of a Gym Leader?” “Eh, I prefer being a Gym Leader. It gives me the opportunity to teach promising trainers like yourself that things aren’t gonna be simple in the big leagues. Like I said, TMs exist for a reason. Starting from me, it’s gonna be important to know all the moves your Pokemon can learn, not just naturally, but through TMs and other means. Take some time after healing your team to study and train, and try again another day, OK?” Blue replied with a slightly dismissive air towards being an Elite Four member. “Alright, I’ll do that and when I do come back, I’ll be better prepared,” the trainer replied with a determined fire in his voice. “That’s the spirit!” the Gym Leader praised as he shook the young man’s hand. As the young man turned and left, Blue looked to Sweetie Belle and Rota Bage, the only two people sitting in the spectators' seats. Recognizing Rota from yesterday, he called out in greeting, “Hey Rota, finally taking me up on that offer or just watching again?” “Just watching today, Blue. I’m also showing a new friend around the region,” the Saiyan replied, ruffling Sweetie Belle’s hair with one hand. The two stood up from their seats and met Blue, who was approaching them, halfway. “This is Sweetie Belle, she’s a ‘visitor,’ like me. Sweetie Belle, this is Blue Oak, one of Kanto’s former Champions, currently the Viridian City Gym Leader, and, for all intent and purposes, the unofficial Gatekeeper of Kanto’s side of the Indigo Plateau.” “‘Visitor,’ eh? I gotcha. So, what’d ya think about that battle, Sweetie Belle?” Blue said, his smirk turning to a friendly grin. “It was amazing! These Pokemon can do so much! I might just join the League Challenge myself, when I have the time.” Sweetie responded enthusiastically, though a tad down when she remembered she only had two days to be here. Blue opened his mouth to speak, but then something sounded off in his pocket. Pulling out a small flat rectangle, a cell phone, if Sweetie remembered Rota’s explanation right, and checked the alerts, only to let out a sigh before moving towards the exit, as he said, “Looks like we’re gonna have to clear something up, if the message I just got from my Gramps is any indication. Come on,” he said as he waved for Rota and Sweetie to follow him. “Can’t we just let them think I’m a Pokemon?” Sweetie asked. “As funny as that would be, it would lead to a lot of trainers looking to battle and catch you. Better to nip this in the bud now, before it propagates,” Rota replied with a chuckle. “Though, I can name at least 3 people who would still want to at least see our fight, even after clearing it up. And I guarantee at least one of them will be watching personally, if I know him well enough,” she then mused aloud, with an air of resignation at the end. “Mikey?” Blue asked. “Mikey,” Rota confirmed with a nod, before turning towards Sweetie Belle, who had taken the moment they weren’t focused on her to turn her hair back to its natural colors. “This universe is no stranger to the concept of the Multiverse. Several Pokémon are actually aliens from other version of this universe, and I’m well known to be an interdimensional traveler, thanks to being friends with some people in high places,” she said as they spotted a reporter and a cameraman interviewing the three trainers that Sweetie and Rota had left staring at a hole in Route 22, along with an older man in a lab coat drawing something in a sketchbook. “-when the smoke cleared, there was a hole where it was before the Explosion, so it must have used Dig to escape it. We stared at it for a while, but the Pokemon never came back out. It probably either kept digging or Teleported away," the young trainer, Ed, finished describing the encounter. “And you’re certain this Pokemon was a Legendary one?” The journalist, a brunette woman with purple eyes, asked into her microphone before holding back towards the trainers. “Either that or a ‘Visitor’, like that one lady with the tail. Uh.. what’s her name?” Ed’s friend spoke up. “My name is Rota Bage, and the creature you encountered is indeed a Visitor, though not quite like me,” Rota said as she stepped forward, her tail swishing back and forth in agitation. “From what I can tell she’s from a species where her kind is capable of powers unlike anything Pokemon can do, though some are similar. One of them-,” she paused as she gestured towards Sweetie Belle, the filly dropping her human disguise with a twirl and a flash of light green, revealing her true Equestrian self. “-is the ability to shapeshift into other forms to better hide their presence. Though, as Ed has clearly explained by now, her adorable appearance hides a large amount of strength. Though my question is, how well can she control it? I plan on finding out tomorrow before she leaves, but let’s let the gal speak for herself for a bit.” Both Rota and the Cameraman turned to Sweetie Belle, only to see her being hugged by the Journalist like a cat, though not exactly struggling to get out of it, what with the ear scratches the filly was leaning into. Rota, Blue, the old man in the Lab Coat, the Cameraman and the old man in the bomber jacket barely managed to stifle their laughter at the scene. The younger trainers and a few nearby spectators, not so much, which caused both the Interviewer and Sweetie Belle to jump apart in surprise, the former picking her microphone back up in a scramble. “Ahem, Right, um, I suppose the first thing is introductions,” she said as held the microphone towards the filly, who seemed a little nervous looking at the camera. Seeing Sweetie’s nervousness, the lady whispered to Sweetie Belle, “Just take a deep breath, pretend the camera’s not there, and focus on me.” Sweetie Belle followed her advice and turned fully toward the Journalist, deciding to simply summarize herself entirely here and now. “My name is Sweetie Belle, I am an Alicorn, destined to be the Goddess of the Void, but until then, I’m just looking to explore the Multiverse, have adventures, make some friends, and make bad guys wish they never tried anything while I’m around.” She then teleported next to Rota, forcing everyone to turn towards her, “And Rota here’s been a massive help in understanding this universe. Unfortunately, I can only stay for a couple days, at most, since I’m not really sure if time moves faster here or at home, and I’m only here for the weekend.” The Journalist nodded and said, “Well, I hope you enjoy your visit, and maybe we can catch a glimpse of what I imagine to be quite the battle from what Miss Bage has said.” She then turned to the cameraman. “There you have it folks, what was thought to be a new Legendary status Pokemon turned out to be an exceptionally powerful Visitor from another Dimension having a bit of fun. Will she enter the Pokemon League Gym Challenge? And if she does, will she be able to be beaten? Only time will tell, and I assure you, when it happens, you’ll hear it live on PokeNews Network.” “Hey…” Rota and Sweetie turned around at the sond of the hesitant voice of Ed, who was looking at the ground as he rubbed the back of his head, “I wanted to apolgi-” he began before being interrupted by Sweetie Belle holding her hoof out, the filly flying in place in front of him. “Don’t worry about it. It was still a fun fight, in my opinion,” the filly said. Ed chuckled and gave Sweetie’s hoof a fist bump, both of them smiling. “Yeah, I thought so, too,” he replied, before turning towards a building with a red roof and the shape of some kind of ball, a Pokeball, Sweetie mentally reminded herself. “That’s a Pokemon Center, the free healthcare facility for Pokemon Trainers to use to heal their Pokemon or switch them out in the PC, if they don’t have a PokeLink,” Rota said, noticing the filly’s raised eyebrow at the building. “They also serve as public housing, to those without a place to stay for the night including a free meal in the morning.” “Oh, right I did a number on his Pokemon…” The filly said with a wince as she landed. “Oh, well, that’s a part of Pokemon Battles. Not like they can’t take it,” The Saiyan said with a shrug. She then turned to the Lab coated Old Man, who was talking with Blue, “Hey, Professor Oak, you have some starters ready for Sweetie Belle to pick from?” “Oh, uh, well, yes, but they’re back at my Lab in Pallet Town, so we’ll have to continue this there,” the old man, Professor Oak, said as he put his sketchbook away. “Alright, Sweetie and I will meet you there. See ya.” Rota said as she led Sweetie towards the South Gate. Grandfather and Grandson looked at each other for a moment in silence. Professor Oak, eventually, broke the silence. “This is going to be an eventful few days, isn’t it?” “Probably,” Blue said with a shrug.
Cyrus Colter
Apple Bloom,Original Character,Other,Scootaloo,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Science Fiction,Dragon Ball Z,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Super Smash Brothers,Death,Gore,Violence
Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest]
At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.
<p>Several months passed since Sweetie Belle fought Kirby and became the Alicorn of the Void. The filly is thirsty for new adventures, discovering new universes, making new friends, fighting new bad guys. At the start of one such new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.</p><hr/><p>This is a retelling of <a href="/story/485316/harmony-of-heroes-ultimate-multiverse-explorers" rel="nofollow">the original story</a> of the same name by <a href="/user/343753/Lucar" rel="nofollow">Lucar</a>, done with permission, adding in my own Dragon Ball OC.</p>
As Sweetie and Rota entered a large grass field on Route 1 towards Pallet Town, the filly having taken on her human form which seemed to let the trainers that they were passing by know they weren’t interested in a battle at the moment. Sweetie took the opportunity to get some more questions answered. “You mentioned before that Kanto used to have some troubles with something called ‘Team Rocket,’ but never explained who they were,” the filly turned human asked. Rota, in response, sighed. “Because honestly, I didn’t want to talk about them, but if my experience with other versions of you is any indication, you won’t be dropping the subject soon, so here you go: Team Rocket used to be a group of Gangsters that pretty much ruled the criminal underground until their leader, a man called Giovanni, was beaten by the two young boys who would soon thereafter become the next two champions, Blue and Red, to go in actual champion crowning order, when he disbanded the organization. After dissolving all his assets, he just up and disappeared, one day. Around ten years ago, some remnants of Team Rocket tried to get in contact with Giovanni by hijacking the Radio Tower over in Goldenrod City, but as far as can be told failed. Blue took over the Viridian City Gym, and that was the last anyone heard of Team Rocket,” she explained, but then as Sweetie was about to ask another question, Rota stopped mid stride and focused, causing the younger to stop in confusion. “Something’s entered into the universe from Ultra Space nearby. Several things.” She turned to the right and ran into the brush, Sweetie Belle following behind her, the two quickly coming across several people in black uniforms with Pokémon attacking a small cat-like creature that seemed to be holding its own, but obviously couldn’t last forever against the onslaught of 7 different Pokémon attacking at once. Rota’s eyes widened as she saw the creature the people were targeting. “MEW!” Her cry attracted the attention of the thugs, causing them to turn around, revealing that they had an R emblazoned on their tops, but unlike the original Team Rocket emblem, which was colored red, these were rainbow colored. Before they could even begin to vocalize, Rota seemingly vanished from sight. The next instant, she reappeared in front of the strongest Pokémon in that group, a Slaking, and, with a spinning kick, sent it flying into over its masters head, through a set of trees and out of sight, until a faint sploosh could be heard as it landed in the water. Rota took a fighting Stance while Sweetie Void teleported near her and revealed her true self in an even brighter burst of magic, causing the remaining Pokémon and the thugs to either cover their eyes or be momentarily blinded. Mew seemed to be grateful for the help and used Recover on itself to heal the damage it had taken. As the three turned back to back to back, facing the group of thugs and their Pokémon that now surrounded them, Rota caught Sweetie Belle’s eye and, with a simple look, told her, “Leave it to me.” The filly nodded before she suddenly shot upwards, her take off causing a dust cloud that allowed her and Mew to escape unseen. Rota, however, was now alone against 7 trainers with Pokémon that seemed fit to take on the Elite 4. “So, I’m guessing you’re not the same Team Rocket I heard about here. But I know trouble when I see it.,” Rota said as the earth began to subtly shake beneath them. A purple aura flared around Rota as she unleashed a portion of her power, causing the people to flinch, but they and their Pokemon, 2 Mightyena, a Nidoking, a Rhyperior, a pair of Magmar, and a Tyranitar that the grunt who had his Slaking kicked away called out to replace it, stood their ground. The aforementioned grunt simply scoffed and said, “You’d be right on both fronts. No-one can be allowed to interfere with Team Rainbow Rocket’s mission.” “And that would be?” “You’ll just have to find that out yourself. Tyranitar!” The grunt called out to his Pokémon as he touched a gem on the brim of his cap, causing energy to pour from it into his Tyranitar. In a burst of light, the Tyranitar took on what Sweetie Belle, from her and Mew’s perch on the branch nearby, could tell was a more powerful form, but Rota had seen enough as she dashed forward in a blink and slammed her right fist into the Mega Pokemon’s cheek, sending it stumbling before swinging her left boot into its chin sending it flying backwards. The Nidoking slammed Rota in the side with an Iron Tail, but Rota grabbed onto the tail, planted her feet, and spun in place, swinging the purple Poison/Ground Type around in the air before releasing it into both of the Mightyena, sending all three sprawling to the ground. She then dodged a Flame Charge from one of the Magmar, only for the second one hit her in the cheek with a Fire Punch. Spinning with the momentum of the strike, Rota slammed her fist into the Magmar that struck her, sending it flying into a pair of the grunts. The Mega Tyranitar then showed it was still in the battle by slamming its energy-covered head into Rota’s back as the Rhyperior seemed to be charging an attack. Recovering from the sneak attack, Rota turned her attention to the former, dubbing it the most immediate threat, only to find the Tyranitar more than able to meet her strike for strike, matching her Ki-infused punches with Fire and Thunder Punches, eventually forcing the Saiyan back with a Dragon Tail. In response, Rota charged her energy, causing her aura to flare more violently, before she suddenly rushed the Tyranitar and slammed her knee into its jaw, sending it tumbling onto its back. The remaining Magmar tried to trap her with a Fire Spin, but the flaming vortex was easily dispersed with a burst of energy. As Rota turned and sent the Magmar flying with an uppercut, the Rhyperior finished charging its attack, taking aim at Rota as energy condensed between the holes in its palms. Rota finally noticed the Rhyperior’s stance as it fired, sending a beam of yellow and orange energy at the Saiyan. In response, she quickly charged and unleashed an energy beam of her own to clash with the Pokémon's attack. The beams erupted in an explosion of smoke between the two of them. Rota then came bursting through the smoke to smash an energy-covered fist into the Rhyperiors cheek, sending it flying as the energy burst from the impact. With 4 of their comrades and all their Pokémon sent out so far unconscious, the remaining grunts seemed reluctant to continue the fight as Rota turned back towards them. The grunt with the gem in his brim then scoffed again. “This is a minor setback in the grand plan. Let’s get out of here,” he said as energy gathered around all the grunts and their Pokémon, warping them away somewhere Rota couldn’t sense. “Well, that was fun while it lasted. Not too sure I’ve seen the last of him, but whatever,” Rota mused as she relaxed. “Hey, Sweetie, is that Mew alright?” The Saiyan asked the filly, having sensed her in the trees nearby. “Yeah, it is,” Sweetie answered as she swooped back towards Rota. “But who were those guys? I heard something about Team Rocket?” Rota took a breath as she thought. “From what I can tell, those guys belong to a version of Team Rocket that never seemed to face the failures that this version did. Called themselves Team Rainbow Rocket, so we know that much.” It was then that the Mew they’d saved spoke up telepathically. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Those people had been chasing me for HOURS and just would not give up! It said into their minds as it floated around the two of them. I thought they would get me for sure. “Yeah, but the fact that there’s now a version of Team Rocket with Pokémon that are that strong running around, under everyone’s noses I’d bet, is not a good thing, especially if they have a way to use Ultra Warp as a makeshift teleport and a way to track Legendary and Mythical Pokémon,” Rota replied. “Maybe we should tell Professor Oak?” Sweetie asked. “That’s what I was gonna do, but we gotta get to Pallet Town first.” Rota then turned to Mew. “You think you can handle yourself from here on out?” I should be able to. Thank you again for saving me, the Pokémon said. “No problem. Hope to see you again sometime,” Rota said as she waved to Mew and began to walk back towards the main area of Route 1. Sweetie looked at Mew and said, “I hope we do see each other again. I’d like to be friends with you.” With that, she began to follow Rota back to the main trail. Meanwhile, somewhere in Ultra Space The Grunts and their Pokémon warped into a large room with hexagonal paneling on the floor and ceiling. The one with the gem, a Mega-Stone, gave an aggravated sigh as he walked towards the door. He was not looking forward to telling Giovanni about a Visitor interfering. As he opened the door, he suddenly found himself wishing he had run into Giovanni when he was greeted with the sight of the leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis. The red eyed man gave the grunt a smile that sent chills down his spine, though he'd never admit to it. "Judging by the state your teammates and your Pokémon are in, I assume something happened that warrants Giovanni's awareness, Neo?" The Grunt, Neo, gave a confirming nod. Ghetsis's smile turned mocking. "Always the kind for action over words, aren't you?" He then turned around. "Come along then," he called to Neo as he walked away. "Giovanni will want to hear this, immediately."
Applejack (EqG),Other,Second Person,Porn,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
Applejack #2: Rodeo in Bed
After Timber and Twilight's wedding (and the birth of Rarity's triplets) Applejack wants her turn with you... Pregnant Paradise #33
<p>This story is also a sequel to <a href="/story/477824/rarity-2-a-generous-belly" rel="nofollow">Rarity #2: A Generous Belly</a></p><hr/><p>After fucking both Pinkie <i>and</i> Rarity senseless, your pregnancy fetish is out in the open. With this knowledge, a now heavily pregnant Applejack pays you a visit...</p><p>Volume XXXIII of Pregnant Paradise.<br/>Book 2 of The Maternal Seven</p><p>Cover art by <a href="" rel="nofollow">0024387</a></p><p><a href="/blog/804460/my-stories" rel="nofollow">Here's</a> a list of all of my stories for easy access!</p><p>All Pregnant Paradise stories are one-shots unless otherwise noted.</p>
“Introducing Mr. Timber Spruce and Mrs. Twilight Sparkle!” Timber Spruce and Twilight Sparkle walk in, and everyone in the room applauds the newly wedded couple as the MC hands the microphone to them. “Thank you all so, so much for coming here,” Twilight says sincerely with a big smile. She hands the mic over to Timber. “We’ll be making the rounds to talk to everyone! We love you all so much!” The room breaks into applause again, which dies down as Timber and Twilight step off the stage. You sigh with a smile on your face. Love may not be for you, but it sure feels good to see it happen to other people! As everyone else starts up conversations, you look around you to see a table filled with friends. Pinkie Pie, your roommate and close friend with benefits. For the past few days she’s been practically begging you to knock her up as you’ve fucked her. Rarity. A posh fashionista (with a bit of a slutty streak) who’s very pregnant with triplets. She’s been engaging in threesomes with you and Pinkie during her temporary stay. Rainbow Dash. An energetic athlete with a bit of an ego and a big competitive streak. She’s fiercely loyal to all her friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash’s wife. A hard-working, honest woman with a strong bond with her family. Fluttershy. Calm and soft-spoken… when she’s not in bed. Formerly timid and shy, she’s a bigger slut than Rarity! She proudly wears a womb tattoo and shows it off pretty much wherever she goes. Sunset Shimmer. An empathetic woman from a parallel world. You’ve known her for years, and you still have a hard time believing that! Flash Sentry. Sunset’s husband. An all-around great guy with an open mind. Everyone at this table, along with Twilight and Timber, are fully aware of your pregnancy fetish. When Rarity revealed her pregnancy to the group several months ago, Pinkie excitedly let that information slip… along with how good you are in bed. You can’t help but feel a little awkward being among all the girls now that they all know. “Hey,” Sunset says softly, gaining your attention. “Are you all right?” You softly laugh mirthlessly. “Is it that obvious that I’m not?” “I don’t need to use my geode to tell that something’s on your mind.” Sunset winks. “You can totally trust us, dude,” Rainbow Dash says. “You know we won’t judge you!” You take a deep breath, then heave a long sigh. “Okay. But let’s wait for Timber and Twilight first. I think they need to be here too.” Everyone murmurs in agreement. While you wait, you steal a glance at Rarity’s massive pregnant belly. God, she’s so fucking huge! You’re going to miss rubbing that blessed baby bump. However, it won’t be the last belly you rub. You turn your eyes to Applejack. She’s visibly pregnant, probably somewhere near (if not in) her third trimester by your guess. She and Rainbow had mentioned that they wanted children before, so it’s not a complete surprise. You wonder if Rainbow might want a turn carrying a child inside her. You turn your gaze to Fluttershy, who seems to be checking out one of the staff members of the venue. You don’t need to wonder whether or not she’s going to get pregnant, mainly because she already has. Three times! There’s no doubt in your mind she’ll get knocked up again. You already know Pinkie wants to get pregnant for you, so you now wonder about Sunset and Twilight. Will they want to have kids? You’ve wanted to ask them, but now that they all know you’re into pregnancy you’re worried they’ll think of you as a perv! At least you know Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight and Timber understand… “Hey, guys!” Twilight and Timber approach the table, and they almost immediately read the atmosphere. “What’s wrong,” Timber asks. “Well…” you pause, and you feel your nerves start to get the better of you. You close your eyes for a moment, then feel a hand on each of your shoulders. Pinkie and Rarity are showing their support for you! You take a deep breath, then exhale slowly. “Do you… do you guys think I’m weird for having a pregnancy fetish?” “It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Sunset says. Everyone else at the table nods in agreement. “See?” Rainbow grins. “Told ya we wouldn’t judge you!” You let out a long sigh of relief. “But we did get to talkin’ about it when we heard how good ya are in bed,” Applejack said as she gestured to everyone else around the table. “Rares ain’t an easy woman to satisfy and Pinkie won’t stop talkin’ ‘bout you tryin’ to knock her up!” “More to the point,” Twilight says as she adjusts her glasses. “We’ve all reached a consensus… when, not if, any one of us women get pregnant we want you to fuck us. Especially when we’re at our biggest, roundest and heaviest.” Your jaw drops along with your brain. You look at Timber, then Flash. “You’ve got our consent,” Timber says. “Just so long as we get our wives pregnant,” Flash adds. “Not you.” Fluttershy giggles. “As if I needed a good reason to get pregnant again!” She grins lewdly. “Speaking of which…” She gets up off her chair, then struts towards the man she was eyeing earlier. “I… I don’t know what to say,” You say softly. “For starters,” Applejack says huskily as she rubs her pregnant belly. “How ‘bout you ask me my due date?” “When’s your due date, then?” Before Applejack can answer, everything goes black. You open your eyes to see the ceiling of your bedroom. Within moments your mind wakes up. At first you’re disappointed that that was a dream, then elated that that wasn’t just a dream, it was a memory. That whole exchange actually happened at Timber and Twilight’s wedding! It’s been a couple of months since then, and today is in fact Applejack’s due date! You haven’t seen her since, and you can hardly wait to see how big she is! She decided to fuck you today because she’s going to be induced tomorrow. You imagine she didn’t want to run the risk of being too overdue, which is a shame, but hey! You’re almost disappointed that Pinkie can’t join you this time around, as she’s on a road trip with her sisters. That’s okay though, you needed a break from fucking her. You stretch, now fully awake from your nap. You decided to conserve your energy for tonight because you’ve got the feeling that it’s going to be a long night, even with Twilight’s libido-enhancing pills! Applejack’s a very physical woman, after all! Your phone buzzes, and you grab it. On my way - Applejack You barely manage to suppress a squeal of glee and anticipation. You remember Applejack telling you that first-time pregnancies with an Apple baby are always big. She should be here in a few minutes. All you need to do is prepare yourself! You crack your neck, then your knuckles. You stretch, grunting as your muscles tighten uncomfortably for a moment. After today, you're going to need to exercise a little more often! By the time you're done stretching, the doorbell rings. This time, you can't hold back your excitement as you let out a giddy noise. You clear your throat, then walk over to the front door and open it. Your eyes widen and your jaw drops. Applejack stands outside the doorway, wearing her usual hat and boots. An emerald green maternity dress with apples all over it covers her figure, save for the surprisingly generous amount of cleavage it shows. She places her hands on her huge baby bump, which looks big enough for twins… but you know she's having only one. "Damn, girl! You weren't kidding!" Applejack chuckles. "If you think this is big, you shoulda seen my sister in law!" She rubs her massive pregnant belly, then walks inside as you feel your cock grow. "So," you say as you close the door behind you. “Can I get you anything to drink?” Applejack shakes her head. “Nah… but I am a mite thirsty.” You pause mid-stride, instantly catching Applejack’s hint. “Whaddaya say we go upstairs and see if’n we can’t move your bed an inch or two?” You turn around with a huge grin. “Gotta love those raging pregnancy hormones.” “Yer goddamn right,” Applejack says seductively as she runs her hands around her heavily rotund midsection. “Now lead the way before I rope you up and fuck your brains out.” She presses her gravid abdomen against your back “Say no more, AJ,” You purr as you head to your bedroom. “So, you gonna rub that sexy bump against my face?” “Maybe.” Her sultry tone causes droplets of sweat to form on your forehead. Ohh, she’s good. Tonight’s going to be even better than you thought it would be! You reach your room, then gesture Applejack inside. You close the door behind you as your dick reaches its maximum hardness. “So,” Applejack says huskily as you turn around to face her. “Ya want me to just take everything off fast… or do ya want it all nice and slow-like?” You wipe some sweat off your brow. “I want to see your belly first. ‘Nice and slow-like’.” Applejack grins. “Straight and to the point. I like that.” She grabs her maternity dress, then slowly lifts it as you watch intently. Up the fabric goes, revealing her bare legs… wait, bare legs? “Y-You’re not wearing pants right now?!” Applejack says nothing, but winks as she continues. Seconds seem to crawl forward as she reveals her shins… then her thighs… until she stops at the very bottom of her heavily rotund midsection. You can just barely make out her wet panties. You snort. “You just have to be a tease, don’t you?” “That’s part of the fun, Sugarcube.” You smile and roll your eyes. She’s got a point. She raises her dress further, revealing countless stretch marks as you see some movement in her womb. Applejack smiles warmly. “The youngin’s been pretty active today.” “I see,” you say softly as you watch the baby move around. Applejack puts a hand on her hat, then tosses her dress away, revealing a dark green bikini top that struggles to support her enlarged tits. “C’mere an’ get a closer look,” she says huskily, gesturing you forth with a finger. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” you say as you eagerly approach Applejack. You kneel down in front of her massive pregnant belly. Applejack presses her baby bump into your face, then sways her hips with a seductive moan. You relish in the softness of her belly as it drags up, down and around you. God, this is so hot. Why didn't you ask Rarity to do this to you? You open your mouth and lick Applejack's gravid abdomen, kissing it every now and then for a few moments before she stops. “Now that you’ve seen how big I am,” Applejack purrs as she runs her hands against her belly. “I wanna see how big you are.” You stand up, then unzip your pants. “I hope you don't mind if I don't do it all ‘nice and slow-like’. I really need to get off.” “Fair enough,” Applejack says with a nod. You quickly toss your underwear onto the floor, and her eyes widen as she lets out a whistle. “That's mighty impressive! It's no wonder Pinkie goes on an’ on about you!” You grin. “It's been a while since I sucked cock… Ya mind if I swallow?” Your dick twitches almost painfully. “Like I said, I really need to nut.” “Then get back on your bed, Sugarcube.” You comply, then watch as Applejack waddles in your direction, licking her lips in anticipation until she reaches you. Applejack bends down with a little effort, then slowly covers your cock with her mouth. She hums as her tongue glides up and down. You gasp and grab the bed sheets as pleasure ripples through you. Your breath shudders. “Damn, Sugarcube,” Applejack says upon popping your member out of her mouth. “You taste better than a fresh apple pie!” She returns to blowing you as she strokes your balls. “G… Glad to hear it,” you moan out. You can’t believe how good she is! If she does this well with you, you can only imagine what her tongue does to Rainbow Dash! You slowly clench and unclench your fists as Applejack loudly sucks you off. Moments extend to what feels like a blissful eternity, and you begin thrusting instinctively. Soon enough, you feel that blessed tingling in your nether regions. “A… A-Apple… ja…” Applejack sucks you harder than before, and you arch your back as your member explodes. You babble incoherently and loudly as you feel every twitch, spasm and pulse that courses through your body. Eventually, your orgasm dies down and you slump with a long sigh of relief. “Land’s sake,” Applejack says as you try to catch your breath. “I hope there’s more where that came from.” She grabs hold of the end of the bed, then gets up as her huge baby bump grazes against your legs. You laugh. “Don’t you worry, AJ, that was just a warm-up.” “Knowin’ how well you fucked Rares and Pinkie, I believe ya!” You take your shirt off, having fully recovered. Taking your cue, Applejack takes her top off, then throws it away. Her large swollen tits bounce as she lifts her feet out of her boots, then takes off her soaked panties. Before you can make a move, however, she puts her feet back in. You blink in confusion. “Wha-” “Hat n’ boots stay on, Sugarcube,” Applejack says with a wink. “For now.” “Part of the cowgirl experience, huh?” “Yup,” she says as she leans towards you. “Now enough talk… I can’t wait no more…” You nod, then press your lips against Applejack’s. Your mouths open as you feel her caress your cheek. Your tongues wrestle as she scoots closer to you, and you feel her heavily rotund midsection press against your stomach. Applejack grabs your hand, then guides it to her gravid abdomen as one kiss seamlessly transitions into another one. You deepen the kiss as you rub her swollen pregnant belly, moaning softly into her mouth. Your makeout session with Applejack gradually intensifies as you feel her unborn baby kick against your hand. Your cock swiftly reaches its maximum hardness, but before either of you can make another move, her belly tightens. Applejack yelps and hisses through her teeth as she takes her hands off of you, then places them on her baby bump. She takes deep breaths as she gently rubs it, and you wait patiently for her contraction to die down. “Anything I can do,” you ask concernedly. Applejack slowly shakes her head, then sighs as she relaxes her body. She wipes some sweat off of her forehead. “You going to be okay?” Applejack suddenly forces you down, her eyes glazed over with lust. “Darlin,” she says huskily. “That contraction turned me on somethin’ fiercer than a stallion’s kick.” Your eyes widen. “I’m gonna ride you like a bronco… And you’re gonna watch me rub my big, fat, heavy, round and swollen pregnant belly ‘til you cum like a bull. Y’hear?” You swallow, then nod as your cock twitches. Applejack carefully positions herself just above your manhood, licking her lips in anticipation. She slowly lowers herself, then lets out small gasps as your dick starts to fill her. Her eyes roll back slightly as she lets out a shuddering breath, spreading her legs fully as she takes in the remainder of your length. “Fuck… I’d forgotten what this feels like…” Applejack moans softly as she gyrates her hips. “You ready for the ride of your life?” “Giddyup, you knocked-up cowgirl.” Applejack chuckles, then presses the palms of her hands onto your chest for balance. She rides you slowly and deeply, dragging her heavily gravid abdomen against your stomach. She lets go of you, finding a rhythm as she rubs her baby bump. You ogle Applejack’s huge tits as they bounce around. “Eyes on the belly,” Applejack purrs. “I wanna make you cum hard.” She jiggles her pregnant belly with a seductive moan, then picks up her pace. You gasp as a spike of pleasure shoots through you, and you buck your hips instinctively. Applejack yelps, then moans again as the headboard starts slamming against your bedroom wall. Applejack grabs one of her tits, then clamps her mouth on it. She gulps greedily as she returns her hands to her baby bump, rubbing it furiously as sweat forms on her brow. It looks like Applejack’s turning herself on, too! God, you love seeing a woman enjoy herself during sex! Especially pregnant women! Applejack lets go of her engorged breast with a loud moan. She pants as she speeds up, then throws her head back and climaxes! She shudders violently for several moments, then grabs and pulls you into a forceful kiss. Applejack’s swollen tummy rubs against your stomach as her baby moves about, which triggers a building orgasm. You fuck her harder and faster as your tongues clash until finally, you moan loudly in her mouth. Thick spurts of your jizz pump out of your cock and into Applejack as waves of pleasure and relief flood through you. Pump after pump after pump. Applejack freezes up with a husky moan, followed by a coo as you finish cumming inside her. She hums appreciatively, then detaches herself from your still hard manhood. “Damn,” you say between pants. “That is… one active… kiddo.” Applejack smiles sweetly as she rubs her massive pregnant belly. “Just like both her mommies.” Her expression changes almost instantly. “But enough of the mushy stuff, I’m still a mite horny!” “You and me both,” you say, gesturing to your full mast. “How ‘bout a different position this time around?” You nod, then scoot yourself over to the headboard and lean against it. Applejack follows you, then turns her back to you as she positions herself. You both gasp in unison until you hilt her. This may be the second round, but you’ve got plenty of energy to spare! You’re going to make her scream your name at least once before this night is through! “Fuck, you’re so huge,” you whisper in Applejack’s ear as you place your hands on her heavily rotund midsection. “It’s almost a shame you won’t get any bigger.” You suck her neck as she buries her hands in your hair with a sigh. “Shut up and rub my belly,” Applejack says huskily. “Fill me up again.” You and Applejack kiss as you run your hands around her soft, round baby bump. The feeling of her moist vaginal walls snuggling your cock makes you wish you could stay in there forever, but you’re too horny for that shit right now! You start thrusting, which initiates a passionate and lustful makeout session. The darkness of closed eyes. The taste of Applejack's tongue. The scent of sweat and sex. The sounds of moaning that fill the room. Rubbing her huge pregnant belly as you thrust in and out of her glorious pussy. All five of your senses push your lust to a new high, prompting you to fuck her harder than before! Applejack breaks a kiss abruptly, then grabs her large breasts as she throws her head back with a cry of passion. Her vaginal walls spasm as wildly as she does in the midst of another orgasm. “Bet that felt so good,” you whisper huskily. “And I bet you wanna cum again.” Applejack nods, then locks up and cries out your name. “You’re so big and pregnant… you’re probably full of orgasms, waiting to be unleashed.” You breathe on her neck, and another climax starts to build for you. “I-I’m gonna nut… cum with me!” Applejack puts her hands atop yours, and you both experience a mutual climax. The bed squeaks and slams as you ride out your pleasure, filling Applejack all the way until you feel your combined fluids squirt out of her pussy and drench your dick. You and Applejack pant desperately, completely out of energy. “W-Whoa, nelly… that was somethin’ fierce.” Applejack removes her hat, then takes off her boots. She unties her hair, then flops back onto the bed. “Yeah… it was.” “We can continue this later, but before we pass out?” “Yeah?” “Are you serious about havin’ a baby with Pinkie?” You nod. Applejack sighs. “Listen, Sugarcube. I completely understand that you think pregnancy is hot. But it also means a lot of responsibility! Rarity and Fluttershy are taking care of their kids, Rainbow and I are gonna take care of ours, and so are Flash, Sunset, Timber and Twilight when they have their kids.” You frown for a moment as you take in Applejack’s words. She puts a hand on your shoulder. “All I’m sayin’ is you should think this through. At least talk to Pinkie about it… I don’t want the both of you to make an impulsive decision and end up regretting it.” You laugh softly. “Yeah… I get what you’re saying. Thanks AJ.” Applejack nods. “No problem.” You reach over to your phone to turn the sound off, only to see that you got a text message. You check it to see a message from Fluttershy. She’s sent you a selfie in which she’s wearing lacy pink lingerie that shows off her considerable bust and enlarged thighs. Her free hand is on her visible baby bump. Look at how big I am already! You grin, then turn the sound off on your phone. Applejack scoots over to you, pressing her back against your chest. You place your hand on her pregnant belly, then immediately fall asleep.
Dazzlings,Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls
If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!
<p>Through magic crystals, a new portal to another world is opened. But unlike Equestria, this world is also inhabited by humans, but they also have a very popular sport that uses what are called Beyblades.</p><p>How will the world change with the introduction of Beyblades? How will Sunset Shimmer experience this? At least one thing is certain. It is something that she will experience with her friends and her new Bey. Flare Phoenix</p><p>PS: I do not own the Beyblade or the Equestria Girls brands. It belongs to their respective owners. Also this story takes place after Beyblade Burst QuadDrive and Friendship Games. Also I will mostly be using the Beyblades that were in the show for the Burst characters.</p>
The sky was clear blue and the sun shone brightly on the harbor. All around there were several patches of grass and trees. Up a few stairs stood a large blue and white building. It was shaped so that the blue parts curved to the left and many sounds came from inside. Inside the arena, the walls were covered in seats and they were all taken by fans sitting to watch the upcoming match. In the middle of the room there was a Bey Stadium and above it there were several monitors and on two opposite walls there were large blue doors that led to the stadium. "Hello boys and girls, It's finally time to start this exciting championship match. Are you ready?" The announcer shouted into the speakers and everyone in the audience started cheering. "That's what I thought. With no further delay, let's welcome our Bladers". With that the doors on the right began to open and behind them stood a young man with blue hair and a small red mark under his left eye. He was wearing a red hoodie, blue jeans and a white vest with a symbol of a blue circle filled with yellow and a blue V. "The challenger today is the wonder boy who never says no and always rushes in at full speed. It's the Legend of Legends, Valt Aoi" Said the announcer and the crowd started cheering louder and calling Valt's name. "And now it's time to introduce the champion" said the announcer and the second doors opened. Behind them was another young man, but this one had maroon colored hair and a red A on his cheek. He was wearing a white T-shirt, Crimson jacket and blue jeans. "He's the tough turbo blader who blows away anyone who challenges him. Give a big round of applause to the Scarlet Supernova, Aiger Akabane" the announcer said and the crowd started cheering for him. Both Valt and Aiger started walking towards the stage. While Aiger walked, Valt ran but then tripped on his face. The audience began to laugh as Aiger facepalmed himself at Valt's clumsiness. When Valt stood up, he blushed and scratched his head. "Hehe, It's fine. I'm okay" Valt said and waved to the audience and then he turned to Aiger. "No matter what, you don't change, right Valt" he said with a chuckle. "Okay, maybe I tripped up a bit, but I'm going to win this thing Aiger" Valt said, getting excited. "Sorry Valt, but I'm going to win and blow you away" Aiger said, getting excited himself. With that the referee stepped forward and both took their places. "The Championship match is decided using a three point system. Ring Out Finishes and Survivor Finishes are both worth 1 point while a Burst Finish is worth 2 points, First to Three points wins the match and is crowned the new World Champion" Said the referee and both nodded. "Sorry Valt, but nothing can defeat me and Achilles. So I will win" Aiger said, holding out his balance type Beyblade: Infinite Achilles. "Sorry to disappoint you Aiger but me and Valtryek will be champions. Right buddy" Valt said looking at his attack type Beyblade: Ultimate Valtryek. "First battle" said the ref and both Valt and Aiger took out their Launchers. Aiger took a few steps away from the stadium and locked his bey into the launcher. "Okay Achilles, let's blow them away" Aiger said and smiled. "Okay partner, let's have fun" Valt said happily. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3..." Aiger rushed forward as Valt locked Valtryek into his launcher. "2..." Aiger does a cartwheel while Valt pulls back his right arm. "1..." Aiger jumps high into the air and Valt pushes his right leg back a little. Both grabbed hold of the ripcord and shouted "Let it, Rip!" and pulled the ripcords with all his might and the two beys flew into the stadium and the battle began. While the battle was going on, a strange energy wave came from a forest some distance away. In a forest there was a strange shaped crystal. The trees were so big that only a little sunlight hit the crystal and it sparkled in a blue light. The crystal seemed to be charging up some kind of energy in response to something. Sunset Shimmer kicked the soccer ball so it flew straight towards the goal. Rainbow dash tried to catch it but it was too fast and Sunset scored. Rainbow Dash muttered a curse and walked towards Sunset. "Come on Sunset, one more time, Just one..." She protested but was cut off by a western accent. "Give it up Dash, This is the fifth time" Applejack said from the bench. "Sunset has won, accept it" Sunset and Rainbow turned to the benches. There sat Applejack with a smug grin. Next to her sat their other friends who were doing something else. Pinkie Pie had been watching while she was on her third cotton candy. Fluttershy sat petting her bunny in her lap with her hair in the hands of Rarity who had just finished changing it into a french braid. Last was Twilight Sparkle who was reading a book from the library that she found interesting. "Urg, Fine" Rainbow grunted as she and Sunset headed for the other. "But next time, you go down Sunset" she said looking at Sunset who was looking back with a smug smirk. "I doubt that Dashy" she said teasingly. At the same time, far away in a forest, there was another crystal. But this particular one was bright red and had a different shape. But the energy that came from it was the same as the previous one. It charged up the same energy and started sending out small shock waves. The first wasn't much but they started to grow. It didn't take long for a Sunset to start sensing something. She turned her head to where it came from. Twilight was the first to notice that Sunset was acting odd. "Is something wrong Sunset?" asked him with concern. That question made the other turn towards Sunset but her attention was focused on the feeling she had. "Hoho, Sunny" Pinkie said, jumping up to Sunset and putting her hand on her shoulder. That made Sunset wake up and turn to face the other. "hu what" came out and it made the others a little worried. "Are you okay Sunset?" Fluttershy asked with a lot of concern and Sunset scratched her head. "I don't know. I feel something" she said but her friends didn't care. "Sorry Sunset, but I don't feel a thing" Applejack explained but Sunset didn't react. "Darling, are you sure you're not imagining it" Rarity said in a calm voice. Just as she said that, another wave came, even stronger. Sunset turned to her friends and said "I know how it sounds. But I sense something, some kind of magic". "But why don't we feel it? We've felt magic before too but we don't feel anything" said Rainbow. That was a good argument. Why was Sunset the only one who sensed it. "Could it be because you're from Equestria" Twilight suggested with some wonder in her voice. That was just one of those things that Twilight was still new to. That and the fact that her friends were also friends with the pony princess version of herself. Her suggestion got Sunset thinking. That could be the reason. But what could it lead to? "This will be the start of a whole Doozy adventure" Pinkie said happily, catching the others' attention. "Why do you think that Pinkie?" Twilight asked and Pinkie just smiled widely and said "Just a hunch". Twilight just stood there in wonder but when she started to try to say something Sunset put a finger to her lips and said "Better just go with it". It made everyone giggle but the feeling of some new magic was still in Sunset's mind. The match between Valt and Aiger had reached its fourth battle. The first battle had been so intense that it ended in a simultaneous Ring Out Finish. Aiger had managed to get the upper hand in the second battle and won with a Burst Finish to make it 2-0. But Valt came into the third battle with more momentum and was able to get a Burst Finish and tie the battle 2-2. "Well done Partner" Valt said to his Bey then looked at Aiger. "Seems like I caught up" he said smiling and Aiger smiled in response saying "It's always a good time with you Valt". The crystals sent out several waves and began to shine much brighter until they began to crack and shatter. With that, a huge wave of energy was unleashed that spread across both worlds. When the wave hit the arena, the power went out and it went completely black. Everyone in the arena was shocked by the mysterious blackout and began to wonder. At the same time as Sunset and the others, they stood stunned at what had just happened. "Okay, I felt that," Rainbow said, putting her hand on her head. "Guess we all did" Applejack said and everyone agreed. "But what was it?" Fluttershy asked and with that Twilight took out her tablet from her backpack. She started to do something and that made Pinkie ask "What are you doing Twi?". "I'm trying to find out what that was," she said, continuing to try to find out what happened. "Twi, I don't think technology can figure this out…" Sunset tried to say but she was interrupted by Twilight who brought something up and said "Here's something" "I stand corrected" Sunset said and everyone moved closer to see what Twilight found out. "Whatever type of energy wave it was, I managed to get some type of signal, it seems like some type of transmission from where the wave came from" She explained and that got everyone interested. "Can you see what kind of transmission that is?" Sunset asked and Twilight managed to get into the broadcast and said "Yes and it appears to be a TV broadcast" and placed the tablet on the bench for everyone to see. "Please excuse the interruption Beyfans. But now we're back" An announcer was heard and then the camera zoomed in on two young men. "Is it some kind of sport or something?" Rainbow asked, tilting her head. "And what the hay dose he mean with 'Bey'?" Asked Applejack but no one showed to know the answer. "The score is now tied at 2-2. Will Aiger Akabane manage to keep the championship title" Said the announcer with the camera zoomed in on Aiger. "Or will Valt Aoi take the win" and then the camera turns to Valt. "Valt and Aiger. Do any of you know who they are?" Twilight asked but everyone said no and had no idea. "And what are they holding?" Sunset asked and they looked at what it had in its hands. "It looks like some kind of launcher and a spinning top" Twilight said in confusion and then Rainbow said "What kind of sport is this?". "Definitely none I've heard of" Applejack said and the other agreed. The camera zoomed in on the ref who said "Fourth battle" and held out his hand. Both of them took the same positions as the Main 7 looked on in confusion. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his arm. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both guys shouted and pulled the ripcords with all their might and then the spinning tops were shot into the stadium and began to circulate at full speed. "Wow, Those things are fast" Pinkie pointed out as they all watched in amazement. As it watched, the red top moved towards the center of the stadium. At the same time, the blue one went up the slope. "Okay Valtryek, let's go, Kick it off with Rush Launch" Valt shouted and the blue one rushed towards the red one at full speed. "It won't work" Aiger shouted, raising his arms for protection. "Go Achilles, Infinite Guard" He shouted and two small red energy shields formed at the small blades. Valtryek entered and delivered several quick attacks with the red shields blocking all hits. "Oh my, Valtryek delivers a barrage of attacks but Achilles' defense is as hard as steel" Shouted the announcer and everyone in the stadium cheered. "How can they move like that, it doesn't add up" Twilight asked as the other continued to watch. "Looks like the blue top is in trouble" Rarity pointed out and the other agreed. "If that Valt guy doesn't do anything different, that red one will win" Sunset said as she watched as Achilles continued to block all the attacks. "Urg, not good, If this continues I will lose" Valt thought as Valtryek rushed in. But then Valtryek was knocked off the shield and flew towards the wall. "It's going to hit the wall" Applejack called out and then Twilight said "If it does then its rotation will decrease drastically". "Valtryek" Valt shouted and then his bey hit the wall. But then it bounced off that wall and went in an arc to the next. It happened three times but on the third it rushed straight towards Achilles and was surrounded by blue energy wind. When they hit each other Achilles was knocked back by the hit and Valtryek then dashed against the wall and repeated the same thing. "Okay Valtryek, Time for Winged Launch" Valt called out and Valtryek attacked again and again and this time Achilles took the damage. "Unbelievable, Valtryek doesn't let Achilles rest for a second. It attacks and attacks without stopping" the announcer said. "How can he attack like that without slowing down" Twilight asked, wondering how Valtryek can pounce on the walls so much and still attack hard. "This is getting interesting." Rainbow Dash said enjoying the battle she was seeing. Aiger started to get more intense after a couple of attacks "Okay enough, time to get serious" he said and then Valtryek hit Achilles again but this time Achilles leaned so its tip kicked the stadium so it accelerated and came away from the center. "What happened there?" Fluttershy asked and Twilight quickly replied "It sped up". Just then, Aiger began to roar and was enveloped in red energy. Then his blue headband burst and his hair stood up straight and changed to a crimson red color. "Achilles" he called, resonating with his Bey. Achilles was then caught in the same energy and thus the avatar of Achilles appeared. Suddenly a large humanoid creature with red armor with gold details appeared. In one hand it held a large sword and in the other it held a red and gold shield. With that, Achilles rushed straight at Valtryek and beat it back. It caused the main 7 to be shocked. "How was that even possible? where did that energy come from" Twilight asked in disbelief. No one could answer her question but all the same made Sunset think "Could those tops have some kind of magic?" "Not bad, But I'm not done yet" Valt said and became more intense. "Valtryek" Valt shouted and was covered in blue energy and raised his hand up in the air resonating with his Bey. Valtryek was struck by the same energy as Valt and so Valtryek's avatar appeared. It showed a knight in blue armor with red and gold details. In one hand Valtryek held a sword with a gold holster and Valtryek sat on a white horse with a red ruffled mane. Valtryek and Achilles raced around the stadium at full speed with a strong glow. The Main 7 were so stunned that it could only continue watching. The two Beys began to circle around and began to head toward the center. "Do it, Infinite Breaker" Aiger called, swiping his hand down. At that moment, the great blades of Achilles began to glow like fire. "Ultimate Whip V" Valt shouted with his arms outstretched like a V and then he threw them behind him as if he was flying forward. With that, the three rubber blades on the Valtryek began to glow bright red. With their Special Moves unleashed, they flew straight at each other with full force. When it collided, it sparkled so brightly that electricity was seen in the stadium. "Go Valtryek, Put everything you've got into it, This is the end" Valt shouted to his Bey while Aiger shouted "Now Achilles, Blow Them Away" to his Bey. The coalition was so intense that both were sent flying into the air. But in mid-air Achilles burst with Valtryek bursting a second later. The main 7 gasped at how the battle seemed to end with both tops being split. At that moment the ref raised his right arm and pointed it at Valt. "It's Ultimate Valkyrie with a Burst Finish, with a score of 4-2 Valt Aoi is the winner" Shouted the ref as the screen above the referee confirmed that Valt had won. "ALL RIGHT" Valt shouted and jumped into the air. With that, the crowd erupted in cheers. "It's Decided, Valt Aoi has defeated Aiger Akabane and has taken the title of World Champion. Congratulations" shouted the announcer happily. "I lost," Aiger said in disbelief. He looked down at the parts of Achilles and picked them up and put Achilles back together. "You did well Achilles. Next time we win" Aiger told Achilles smiling. At the same time, Valty had assembled Valkyrie and said "You were an incredible partner, thank you". "Hey Valt" Aiger said walking up to Valt and he replied "Aiger". After a second, Aiger held out his hand. "That was a real turbo charged battle" Aiger said smiling. "Yeah, that was awesome," Valt said, taking Aiger's hand and shaking it. "But next time we'll blow you and Valkyrie away" Aiger said confidently. "Oh yeah, but me and Valkyrie don't lose" Valt said back confidently. After a while, the broadcast showed Aiger giving Valt the championship belt and Valt holding it high. The main 7 looked on and were so surprised at what it had just witnessed. But little did they show that they were not the only ones who had picked up the broadcast. But what everyone who saw it had in common was one question What did we just witness? Sunset was lying in her bed having a very unusual dream. She stood by a gap, she looked down but then fire shot up from the depths. She stood there in amazement but then she noticed something flying over her head. Sunset looked up and saw a red bird with orange feathers. From her studies in Equestria, she recognized the bird as a Phoenix. But at that moment the phoenix flew straight into the fire and Sunset watched as the fire grew more intense until it gathered into a point. Right there a Beyblade appeared. It was red with yellow and orange edges. It had four blades, two big ones that were red and gold and two that were orange and yellow but smaller. And in the middle there were also outlines of a phoenix with gold details and a shimmering blue eye. When she saw it, she had the feeling that she should take it, but then the Beyblade started to burn and turned into a big phoenix, but it had golden armor on its belly and on its head. And the wings had no feathers but were of fire. As Sunset looked at it, a voice was heard and it asked her a question. "Can you rise from the ashes and be reborn into a Blader that can handle me?"
Dazzlings,Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls
If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!
<p>Through magic crystals, a new portal to another world is opened. But unlike Equestria, this world is also inhabited by humans, but they also have a very popular sport that uses what are called Beyblades.</p><p>How will the world change with the introduction of Beyblades? How will Sunset Shimmer experience this? At least one thing is certain. It is something that she will experience with her friends and her new Bey. Flare Phoenix</p><p>PS: I do not own the Beyblade or the Equestria Girls brands. It belongs to their respective owners. Also this story takes place after Beyblade Burst QuadDrive and Friendship Games. Also I will mostly be using the Beyblades that were in the show for the Burst characters.</p>
Change has a tendency to happen so quickly that you hardly realize it. This change was definitely one of them. "It's strange that a month has passed and everything has changed" Sunset thought and then she remembered everything that had happened in the past month. Government researchers had also picked up the signal and seen that it had formed some type of portal. They wasted no time and had already started to cordon off the area so no one came close. It only took a couple of days for someone to come through the portal. He had explained that they wanted to create a strong relationship between the worlds and had even introduced them to their host's most popular sport, Beyblade. It only took a week after those who had got through started showing up for interviews. Soon everyone wanted to take part in this sport, so the governments in both worlds began to popularize Beyblade in our world. Soon there were shops where you could buy everything from Launchers, parts and even whole Beyblades. There were also workshops where you could repair and most fascinating of all, you could make your own Bey. Almost everyone at school had already taken a liking to the sport. Some went so far as to say that they love Beyblade. And among those who were interested were Sunset and her friends. It was decided to meet up to get everything they would need. It started with the Launchers and everyone got one that matched their colors and a Launcher Grip. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had placed the Grip on the long side of the Launcher while Rarity, Applejack and Sunset placed it on the short side. As it went on, they noticed a big queue outside shops that sell parts and Beys. "So will you buy or make it?'' Twilight asked. "I was going to make my own" Sunset said, "I want to make mine" Pinkie said happily. "I'm going to make the most stunned Beyblade around" Rarity said in her usual polite voice. "I'm going to make the strongest Bey that ever existed" Rainbow said, a little dominant. "Sorry, but my Bey will get stronger." Applejack said in an argument. "Do mine" Fluttershy said softly. "Looks like we all have the same thought" Twilight said and then they all headed towards a workshop that appeared to be open. Except for the fact that there is no one else here. "Is it… Closed?" Fluttershy asked but then Rainbow said "It says it's open" and pointed to a sign that said open. It took a few seconds before Sunset headed for the door. She managed to open it without a problem and then motioned for the other to come along. It was lit and the workshop seemed to be in good shape. "Who's there?" came a voice from behind a door. "We came here because we wanted to make our Beyblades" Sunset said and then footsteps were heard. Just then the door opened and behind it was a man who didn't seem much older than themselves. He had short white hair and red eyes with a scar over his right eye. He wore a pink shirt, a black tie and a black trench coat with red markings. "Are you the one who works here?" Asked Sunset but that's what the man said. "No, the guy who works here was a few days late so I'm filling in here. Who are you all?" "Oh, I'm Sunset Shimmer. and these are my friends" Sunset said and held out her hand to the others. "Rainbow Dash" "Applejack" "Rarity" "Pinkie Pie" "Fluttershy" "Twilight Sparkle" "Nice to meet you. My name is Shu, Shu Kurenai" Shu said bowing slightly. "My My, you really are a gentleman Mr. Kurenai" Rarity said. "Thanks, but just call me Shu" he said and walked towards them. "Well, do you guys have an idea of what kind of Beyblade you want to make?" Shu asked and everyone nodded. "Okay, so let me know what you want and I'll help out where needed," he said. "I want an Attack type" Rainbow said immediately. "I want to try a Balance type" Twilight said eagerly. "I'm thinking, a Defense type" Applejack said plainly. "I was also leaning towards a Defense type, Darling" Rarity said. "A Stamina type, if that's okay" Fluttershy said softly. "Double Stamina for me" Pinkie said excitedly. "I want to make a Balance type" Sunset finally said. Shu smiled and said "Good choice everyone" and with that he left and gave them pen and paper. "First you need to design your Bey, I'll go around and help if you need me don't be afraid to ask." he said and then everyone took their paper and pencil except Sunset. "Actually, I've already drawn one." Sunset said and then her friends gasped again. "Really?" Shu said and then Sunset took off her backpack and took out a drawing book. "I saw this in a dream I had," she explained, wiping up the drawing she made. It was seen that it had two large blades and two smaller ones and in the middle a phoenix was there. "Interesting" Shu said and then the others looked at her drawing and were stunned. "Wow, what a drawing Sunny" Pinkie said with a big smile. "Why didn't you say anything?" Rainbow asked, a little annoyed. "No one asked" Sunset said flatly and then the other laughed. "Hm, they remind me of my friends" Shu thought and couldn't help but smile. "Well then" Shu said, getting everyone's attention. "Since you're already done, we can start with your Bey" he said and Sunset nodded. "The rest of you can start sketching and I'll help you when you're done" Shu said and then everyone except Sunset started thinking and designing their Beys. Sunset followed Shu into a room with various cooking utensils and tools. "Well, if I may" Shu osh said, holding out his hand. "Oh, sure" Sunset said, handing him the drawing she had made. "These drawings are really good" Shu said, making Sunset feel a little embarrassed. "Do you like it, thanks" she said and then Shu picked up a tablet and took a photo of sunset's drawing. "Um, What are you doing?" Sunset asked and then Shu said "I'll take a picture of your design and send it to the computer here" Shu then walked towards the computer and sat down. He started pressing some buttons and a 3D image of a Bey appeared. "There. That was the Beyblade I saw in my dream" Sunset said, intrigued by the image. "Alright, let's begin" Shu said and then he instructed Sunset what she should do. After a while, the others had finished their designs and soon they also received instructions. Sunset was now in the process of adding the final details. She thought about her dream and what the huge phoenix said. "Can you rise from the ashes and be reborn into a Blader that can handle me?" "Can I really be that Blader" she thought. After a couple of seconds, she had added the last detail. When she walked out of the studio, her friends were standing there cheering on their Beys. "Finally, why did it take so long" Rainbow said. "Sorry, I didn't notice the time I was taking" Sunset said, standing by her friends. "So, are you all ready." Sunset asked and they all brought out their new beys. Sunset looked around and took a good look at all her friend's Beys. Rainbow Dash's Bey had three main blades that had two different unique colors. One was red and orange, the second was yellow and green, and the third was blue and purple. Between the blades were cyan blue little wings. And finally there was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. Sunset thought it was a little ironic because Rainbow Dash's Equestria counterpart was a pegasus. Applejack Bey had two silver blades shaped like horns. The other blades were brown and much rounder and were a bit like armor. In the center was an orange bull with gray horns. under it were yellow apples and on each side were branches. Rarity had nine round blades that sparkled so much it looked like they were made of diamonds. In the gap of those blades, was it one that looked like a unicorn's horn. In the center was a white unicorn with a diamond shaped eye and its mane the same purple color as Rarity's hair. Again ironic since Equestria's Rarity was also a unicorn. Fluttershys seemed to have the outer ring made of two parts. The inner one was dark pink while the outer one was light gray and had eight curves. In the middle was something that appeared to be a rabbit but it had horns. Finally, it was surrounded by small yellow butterflies. Pinkie Pie's Bey had the outer ring formed with two pairs of three blades with the colors pink, yellow and light blue placed together as one blade. In the middle was what appeared to be a jester with a pink, yellow and light blue hat. Finally it was Twilight Bey. The outside had two large purple round blades with gold shields in the middle of both. Between the two blades there were two spear-like blades. In the center was a humanoid head with a golden war helmet. It had purple hair and finally a six-pointed star. "Cool, have you come up with a name for them yet?" Asked Sunset. "Mine is named Rainbow Pegasus" Rainbow said proudly. "Mine is Farm Bull" Applejack said. "This is the Gem Unicorn" Rarity said. "Flutter Jackalope" Fluttershy said. Rainbow looked at her confused. "Jackalope. isn't that the rabbit with horns?" She asked and Fluttershy nodded. "Why did you choose that?" Rainbow asked only to be met with an elbow in the side. "Oww" she called out seeing Applejack glare at her. "Well I thought it looked cute" Flutteshy said and then Rarity put her hand on her shoulder and said "It fits you perfectly." "My turn, My turn" Pinkie said, jumping up and down. "Mine is Party Joker" she shouted and jumped into the air releasing confetti behind her. "So Twi, what's your’s named?" Sunset asked and Twilight held it up and said "I call it Wise Athena" "Okay Sunshim. You're the only one left. What's your Bey's name?" Rainbow asked and everyone turned to face Sunset. "I call it Flare Phoenix" she said, holding out her Bey. "Those are all good names" Shu said from behind them and then they all turned around. "Now you need to come along" he said and went through another die with the girls behind him. When they entered the room it felt like a stadium and Rainbow got excited. "Now that you've made your Beys, you need to master them." Shu said, pointing at them. "To truly master your Beys you need to work hard. So to do that we will do some battles" he said and that got everyone excited. "Alright, I'm first. Who should I fight first?" Rainbow said, looking at her friends to see if anyone wanted to volunteer. "I will be your first opponent" Shu said and then everyone turned to him in confusion. "You're a Blader?" Sunset said, confused. With that, Shu brought out his balance type Beyblade: Astral Spryzen. "This is my Bey, Astral Spryzen" Shu said and the main 7 let out a gasp. "Well, let's get started," Shu said, making his way to the other side of the stage as Rainbow stood directly across from him. "Alright now let's start." Rainbow said eagerly but Shu held out his hand and said "Calm down, before that you need to learn the fundamentals". "Fundamentals?" Rainbow said, a little confused. "It's easy, just follow these steps." Shu said and then Rainbow nodded and took out her Launcher. "First, have the hand holding the Launcher completely still" Shu said and so Rainbow held the Launcher straight and still. "Put your feet firmly on the ground" Shu said and then she bent one knee forward and had the other a little behind. "And finally, gather all your strength and Let it, Rip!" Shu said and then Rainbow nodded. "Alright, let's go then" Shu said and pressed a button and a hologram screen appeared. "First battle" the screen said and then Rainbow locked her bey in her Launcher but Shu adjusted something with Spryzen before locking her Bey as well. The other six watched with great anticipation and cheered on Rainbow. "Ready, Set" the screen said and began a countdown. “3…” Shu twisted so he was now facing the other way with his legs still forward. “2…” Shu braced his legs and prepared to dash out. “1…” Shu sprinted forward. "Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Shu twisted back and then both pulled the ripcords and Launched their beys. Both Beys circled the stadium and Spryzen came to the center and started circling. Pegasus then came in for an attack and managed to land it. "Rainbow dose great'" Fluttershy said watching Rainbow's Bey attack and attack. "Seems like she did a good Launch" Applejack said and the others chimed in but then Sunset noticed something. "Wait a minute" she said and that got Twilight's attention. "what is it?" she asked and then Sunset said "Rainbow attacks over and over but it doesn't seem to affect Spryzen at all". In battle, Rainbow Dash saw that no matter how much Pegasus attacked, Spryzen was unaffected. "What is going on?" she asked and after a few more attacks they both collided but it was Pegasus that burst. "Astral Spryzen with a Burst Finish, Shu Kurenai wins" the screen said and Rainbow started ruffling her hair in frustration and yelled out "Dang it". Shu then picked up the pieces of Pegasus and put them together and then went over to Rainbow. "You have a lot of work ahead of you. Keep working hard and you will get better" he said handing Rainbow her Bey. "Thanks I guess" she said under her breath. Then Shu turned to the other and said "Well, who's next?". "Oh Oh, Me. Pick Me" Pinkie said, jumping up with her hand in the air. "Okay sure" Shu said and then they took their positions. But before Shu locked on Spryzen, he adjusted something. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both shouted and began the battle. Party Joker started to make its way towards the middle but Spryzen moved much more aggressively than before. "What, Why is it moving like that" Rainbow asked in confusion. "Before it was as still as a turtle, but now it rushes like a wild bull" Applejack said, watching Spryzen rush while the Joker had made it to the middle. But as soon as Joker was in place, Spryzen delivered several attacks before Joker burst. "Astral Spryzen with a Burst Finish, Shu Kurenai wins" said the screen and Pinkie let out an "Aww, no fun". "Okay, My turn" Applejack said and walked forward. Shu again adjusted Spryzen and thought "Let's see if they figure this out soon" "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both shouted and started. This time both Bull and Spryzen dived towards the center but due to their speed Spryzen got there first and stopped in the center. "Again, it's moving differently. What's causing it?" Sunset said and with that Twilight took out her tablet and began analyzing Spryzen. "Perhaps I can find out its secret," she thought as the battle continued. Bull tried to attack but it did no damage and Bull burst not much later. "Astral Spryzen with a Burst Finish, Shu Kurenai wins" the screen said and Applejack said "good battle partner" with a dose of irritation at the loss and walked towards her friends. "You did well dear, you win next time" Rarity said trying to support but then Twilight said "I got it" getting everyone's attention. "Got what?" Sunset asked and then Twilight showed the screen for the second time. "Astral Spryzen is a balance type that can change between three modes. Attack, Defense and Stamina" she said and the other responded with a joint "WHAT". "I guess my trick is out" Shu said and then everyone turned to look at him. "Spryzen's tip can be changed between Attack, Defense and Stamina whenever I want, I used it to show you what types of Beys you will face" Shu said pointing at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, Since you have an attack type, your biggest opponent is defense types. So I used defense mode against you." Shu said and Rainbow looked at her bey and began to understand. "Pinkie Pie, Your Joker is a stamina type so I used attack mode on you" he said pointing at Pinkie. "And Applejack, I used stamina mode against you because it gave your defense type its biggest problem." he said, pointing at Applejack and she said "Now I get it". "But then why did you?" Fluttershy asked and then Shu closed his eyes and said "In battle you will face several different beys, each with their own tricks. I did it because I wanted you to feel what it's like to be pressured during a battle." and then he opened his eyes and said "that's when you grow as a blader." The Main 7 took in what Shu just said. It seemed to make sense that he would challenge them with a tough challenge. "Okay" Sunset said and walked up to the stadium. "Now it's my turn" she said and took out her Launcher. "Sunset, are you sure? This might be a little too tough right now" Twilight said worried about her friend. "It's cool Twi, I want to do this." Sunset said and then Shu took his position. "I'm using defense mode this time." he said and adjusted Spryzen to defense mode. As they both got ready Rarity asked "Why would he reveal his strategy?" and to that Applejack said "We already know his tricks so there's no reason to hide it". Twilight looked at Shu and thought 'Or he has something in mind'. Shu thought back to when sunset showed off her design she had already made. (Flashback) "Actually, I've already drawn one." Sunset said and then her friends gasped again. "Really?" Shu said and then Sunset took off her backpack and took out a drawing book. "I saw this in a dream I had," she explained, wiping up the drawing she made. It was seen that it had two large blades and two smaller ones and in the middle a phoenix was there. "Interesting" Shu said (End of Flashback) "She's the only one who had a dream of a Beyblade, I want to see how far she can go. Show me Sunset Shimmer" he thought and then the screen said "Ready, Set". "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both shouted and began the battle. Spryzen again dove towards the center and circled while Phoenix attacked but did no damage. "Oh man, this is going exactly like my battle." Rainbow said, smacking herself in the face. It continued to clash in the same way until Spryzen hit Phoenix, sending it flying towards Sunset. She managed to dodge it and watched as her Bey hit the ground. "Astral Spryzen with a Ring Out Finish, Point standings, 1-0" the screen said and Sunset looked at her Bey. "Poor Sunny" Pinkie said a little sadly. "She managed to keep herself from a burst, she might still be able to win" Rarity said a little hopefully. Sunset walked over to her Bey and bent down and picked it up but as she grabbed the tag on it she thought "Can I even win." But then she shook her head and thought "No, I can't give up. I can still win. I just need to get up" "That right Sunset, that's the way" She heard a voice say. "huh, who said that?" Sunset asked, looking down at Phoenix who was starting to glow. Sunset was then surrounded by the light and she seemed to be in a weightless space. It was red with yellow waves and in front of her stood the same Phoenix from her dreams. "Are you Phoenix? Like really you" She asked in disbelief. "Yes Sunset, I am. And you have shown me that you are a blader that can handle me" Phoenix said and Sunset looked confused. "how do you mean?" she asked and Phoenix replied "The blader who can handle me is someone who can rise up from defeat and rise from the ashes. You are that blader" Phoenix said and then Sunset said "I guess so" "Well, are you ready to win?" Phoenix asked and Sunset looked up with a confident look and said "Yes, This battle is ours". Coming back to reality, Sunset stood up and turned to face Shu. "She seems more confident now, But it will take more than confidence" he thought. "Second battle" the screen said and then both locked their Beys into their Launchers. “3…” Sunset raised her Launcher to her right. “2…” She twisted to the right. “1…” She placed her right foot further back and looked straight at Shu. "Let it go, Rip!" Both shouted and Sunset pushed the Launcher forward and pulled the ripcord in the opposite direction. "Her Launch form is different" Shu thought and the other thought the same. Spryzen flew straight towards the center as Phoenix began to attack again. But this time the attacks appeared faster and a little stronger. Phoenix landed attacks and began to climb up the slope and dived down again and again. "How does she do that?" Applejack asked in disbelief. "I don't know. But it seems to be working" Twilight said, noticing Phoenix's attacks starting to do damage. "Keep going Phoenix, Show them Flare Launch" she said and Phoenix continued to attack. "I see. With that Launch, Phoenix gained more speed and power" thought Shu. "Not bad, But it's going to take more than that to defeat Spryzen" Shu said and when Phoenix hit again Spryzen started climbing up the slope and slowed Spryzen and dived in like an arc towards Phoenix. "Now, Counter Break" Shu shouted and then Spryzen slammed right into Phoenix sending it flying. "Ahh Phoenix" Sunset shouted as Phoenix flew towards the edge but then Phoenix hit the wall and stayed inside the stadium. "pew, That was close" Sunset said wiping her forehead. "How did she survive that?" Twilight asked in disbelief. "That was awesome" said Rainbow and then everyone cheered for Sunset. "We're not done yet, We're going to win this." Sunset said and began to be surrounded by a scarlet red energy and her hair began to flutter. "Phoenix" she shouted and her Bey was also surrounded by the same energy and Phoenix avatar appeared. Phoenix started climbing the stadium slope and then dove in for an attack. "Show them our power, Flare Whip" she shouted, sweeping her right hand. With that, then the avatar swept its tail feathers slashing diagonally. At the same time, one of Phoenix's larger blades began to glow like a scarlet colored fire and hit Spryzen so hard that it flew straight towards Shu who caught it with one hand. Shu looked at Sunset impressed as the screen said "Flare Phoenix with a Ring Out Finish, Point standings, 1-1" Hearing that the others cheered and were happy for Sunset. "How did you do that?" Twilight asked eagerly but Sunset replied "I don't know, it just felt natural." "Not bad, you managed to form a bond with your bey. I'm impressed" Shu said, making Sunset blush a little. "But now I will end this battle with attack mode" Shu said, putting Spryzen into attack mode. "Okay, I'm ready" Sunset said, getting ready. "Third battle" the screen said But when she was done she noticed that Shu was doing something else with Spryzen. When he was done, he held up Spryzen but it looked different. Instead of the black outer ring, it was now red, gold and a little white. "What now" Sunset said and then shu locked Spryzen in her Launcher and said "Now you will see how powerful Spryzen is". With that they both took their positions and the screen said "Ready, Set". "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both shouted and then both Beys flew at full speed. But then Sunset noticed that Spryzen was coming towards Phoenix from the opposite direction. "What" she blurted out and the others were also shocked. "What kind of rattlesnake trick is this?" Applejack asked and then Twilight looked something up on her tablet. "What now" she said and that got everyone's attention. "What" Rainbow asked and then Twilight replied "Before Spryzen was spinning clockwise exactly like us" and then she looked at Spryzen and continued "but now, it's spinning counter-clockwise". Everyone was surprised by that and then Rarity said "Since when could it do that" and then Rainbow said "I know, While he put Spryzen in attack mode he changed it so it also spins the other way". With that everyone looked at Sunset worried but Sunset said "It doesn't matter which way it spins". "We're going to win this" she said and then she turned to Phoenix and said "Now Phoenix, Flare Launch" and then Phoenix started climbing up the slope while Spryzen did the same on the other side. "Slice them apart, Now Spryzen, Astral Spark" Shu shouted and with that both went in for another attack but Spryzen was moving so fast it just seemed to be a flash of red light. "How can it move so fast?" Twilight asked in disbelief, becoming more worried about Sunset. "No, we're not done yet," Sunset said, becoming more serious. With that she was surrounded by the same energy as before and said "Phoenix and I will always rise up no matter what" and with that Phoenix accelerated and got away from Spryzen's attack. "What" Shu said as he saw Phoenix get away. With that, Sunset shouted "Show them what you got. Phoenix" and then she resonated with Phoenix and then Phoenix's avatar appeared again. But then Shu started to roar and was surrounded by red energy and at the same time his scar started to glow red. "Spryzen" Shu shouted, resonating with his Bey causing it to glow in the same red light and then Spryzen's avatar appeared. Then an ogre looking creature with golden and gray armor appeared. It had a long tail, long white hair and two large gold red and black wings with carved heads on them. Finally, it had blue eyes, sharp teeth and a large ax with a blade that looked like fire. With that, both dove in for an attack. "Now Phoenix, Flare Whip" Sunset called and swung her right hand as one of Phoenix's blades was charged with scarlet fire again. "Spryzen, Astral Whip" Shu called, sweeping his right arm up diagonally. And with that, the golden blades began to glow red and then the Spryzen's avatar slashed with its axe. When both met in the center, sparks flew everywhere and after only a few seconds Spryzen flew towards Shu while Phoenix burst. Sunset gasped and the others were speechless as Shu caught Spryzen and the screen said "Astral Spryzen with a Burst Finish, Shu Kurenai wins" With that, Sunset looked down at the ground in disappointment. "Sunset, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked and all six of them moved closer. When they were at Sunset, she looked up with a smile on her face. "I'm fine girls, don't worry" she said and picked up the parts of Phoenix and put them together. "Maybe I didn't win now, but I'll win next time" she said and all her friends smiled. Shu looked at the group of friends and thought about his friends but noticed something in his hand. The Spryzen was there but it burst and that made Shu realise something. "If that Burst had come later I would have lost" he thought looking at Sunset and her friends. "Maybe they have what it takes to climb up in the beyblade world" he thought and smiled proudly and then thought "Watch out Valt, You will have tough competition very soon" It was now late afternoon and the Main 7 had to go home before their parents started to worry. It had a really good introduction to Beyblades. They continued to battle with each other to learn the fundamentals. Everyone managed to win some and lose some, But no one had managed to defeat Shu. Everyone had headed home except for Sunset who still had one question on her mind. "Shu, can I ask you something?" she asked and Shu replied "Sure". With that, Sunset said "during our battle, it felt like I could hear Phoenix's voice. Then it was like I was somewhere else and Phoenix was standing in front of me. Is this normal?" and Shu was a little taken aback. He suspected that Sunset had a strong bond with Phoenix and it seemed to be true. "What you experienced was the bond between you and Phoenix" Shu said causing Sunset to say confused "Our bond?" "When a blader and their Bey have formed a strong bond, you can draw out a Bey's true strength. The feeling of Phoenix standing next to you is proof that you have a strong bond with your Bey" Shu said and Sunset was amazed at how the bond between a human and a Beyblade could be so powerful. "Thanks Shu. I appreciate it" Sunset said and then Shu said "It was nothing". With that Sunset went home and had several thoughts about Beyblade and how she wanted to get better.
Dazzlings,Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls
If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!
<p>Through magic crystals, a new portal to another world is opened. But unlike Equestria, this world is also inhabited by humans, but they also have a very popular sport that uses what are called Beyblades.</p><p>How will the world change with the introduction of Beyblades? How will Sunset Shimmer experience this? At least one thing is certain. It is something that she will experience with her friends and her new Bey. Flare Phoenix</p><p>PS: I do not own the Beyblade or the Equestria Girls brands. It belongs to their respective owners. Also this story takes place after Beyblade Burst QuadDrive and Friendship Games. Also I will mostly be using the Beyblades that were in the show for the Burst characters.</p>
"Now Phoenix, Flare Launch" Sunset called out and so Phoenix delivered several attacks at Flash Sentry's Bey until it burst. "Come on" Flash said, annoyed at the loss. With that Twilight raised her hand and pointed it at Sunset saying "Flare Phoenix with a Burst Finish, Sunset Shimmer is the winner". "Oh yeah" Sunset said, picking up her Bey. "Good job" said Flash and then they shook hands. After Beyblade had become so popular, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had allowed beystadiums in the gymnasium. The students at CHS had taken advantage of it as much as they could. After a while, Microchip and some other students had made a ranking board to show how everyone ranked based on wins and skills. When they presented it, it was shown that Sunset and the others were the highest ranked in the school. Well, all but one. Rainbow Dash was the only one of her friends who wasn't on top. When she noticed, she was both irritated and angry, but also disappointed. "Dashie, Why so grumpy?" Pinkie asked in her usual happy voice. "It's nothing," Rainbow said, not answering. "Rainbow, you can tell us. We're your friends" Fluttershy said, sitting down next to her with the others around her. "Are you upset about the racking, it's no big deal." Applejack said, waving her hand. "You don't understand" Rainbow said, looking down at her knees. "I've always been the best when it comes to sports. Soccer, Basketball, Track and Field, All of that. Now you're all better than me and I'm so far behind." Rainbow said sadly. "You'll get better at it. You just have to practice. Just like other sports." Sunset said, placing a hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "I think you would be much better if you practiced the fundamentals more" Twilight said and then Rainbow looked up and said "fundamentals". She wanted to say something more but just then the doors were heard opening to reveal five girls with the same Crystal Prep uniforms. The students the main 7 recognized were Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare. The CHS students watched as the Crystal Prep students walked up to where Sunset and the others sat. "Hey Twilight it's been a while" Sour Sweet said and Twilight replied "Yes it has. I didn't expect to see you guys here" a bit insecure. "Hey, There's no reason to be worried. We just came to have fun" Sour Sweet said. "So what do you want?" Sunset asked and with that they each held up their Bey. "We thought it would be fun to have a team battle" said Indigo Zap and to that the main 7 looked at each other before they looked back and Fluttershy asked "team battle? what is it?" Lemon Zest stepped forward and said "It's simple. Five of us against five of you. We do five battles with two points. First team to win three games wins." "Of course" Indigo Zap began and then the Main 7 turned to her and then she continued with "If you're scared and want to back out, we understand" and with that the Crystal Prep students started laughing. With that the main 7 looked at each other and with a quick glance Sunset said "Okay, it's on" and then they all headed towards a stage in the middle of the gym hall. "We can only be five so two of us have to stand back" Sunset said and with that Pinkie raised her hand and said "I can, I want to be a commentator today" "Alright then one more is needed" Sunset said and then Rarity said "I can sit back, I'd like to polish my Bey so it sparkles even more" and with that Rarity had sat down and started polishing her Bey and Pinkie had come up on stage and made a small commentator's booth. "Alright everyone, It's time for the team battle between the Rainbooms and Crystal Prep" she said into the microphone. Everyone just looked at her wondering how she picked it up so quickly but then everyone turned to the battle. "Flash, can you be the referee?" Applejack asked and then Flash said "Um, okay" and walked over to the stadium. With both teams in place, it was time to begin the battle. In the first battle, it was Applejack against Sunny Flare. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and both their beys attacked each other but Sunny Flares managed to knock out Applejacks in the first round. With that, Applejack managed to knock out Sunny's bey in the second but then Sunny Flare did it again in the third match. "Raging Roktavor with a Ring Out Finish, Crystal Prep wins game one. The score is 1 to 0" Flash said and so did Pinkie "Sunny Flare managed to take the win for Crystal Prep. Let's see if the Rainbooms can make a comeback" "Sorry Gals" Applejack said, lowering the hat. "That's cool, we win the next one" Fluttershy said and then Twilight and Sour Sweet went up for game two. In this match, Twilight had the lead by blocking all attacks and managed to spin out Sour Sweet's bey in the first round. The second round saw the roles reversed with Sour Sweet on the defensive and Twilight attacking. "Okay it's time." Twilight said and was surrounded by a purple energy. "Athena" she called out and her Bey was engulfed in the same energy and Athena's avatar appeared. It was a human-like figure with a small and gold armor. In one hand it held a large golden shield and in the other it held a golden spear with a silver tip. Finally, he had purple hair and a golden helmet on his head. With that Twilight's Bey dived right at the other and she said "Here we go, Wise Spear" and with that Athena attacked Sour Sweet's bey with one of her spears and managed to send it out. "Wise Athena with a Ring Out Finish, The Rainbooms win game two. The score is 1 to 1" Flash said and with that Sour Sweet got pissed and went back to the bench to rage. "And with that, the Rainbooms have evened the game. Who will take the next point?" said Pinkie and then Sunset said "I'll go next. I win and then you guys take the next, okay" and then Rainbow said "You can count on that" With that it was Sunset and Lemon Zest for game three. Sunset managed to get the upper hand early and managed to use Flare Whip to burst Lemon Zest's Bey. "Flare Phoenix with a Burst Finish, The Rainbooms win game three. The score is now 2 to 1" Flash said and then Pinkie shouted "Unbelievable, Sunset managed to burst Lemon Zest's Bey and take the lead. If the Rainbooms take the next point, they win it all " "Great job Sunset" Twilight said, giving Sunset a high five. "And now it's my turn to end this" Rainbow said walking forward as Indigo Zap went for her team at the same time. When both were at the stadium, Flash said "Game four, first battle" and both unlocked their Beys. "Of everyone at CHS why did I have to be stuck with you" Indigo Zap said causing Rainbow to become confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked and Indigo Zap just smirked and said "Isn't it obvious, you're so low in the rankings. You're an amateur at best" and that made Rainbow angry and unfocused. "Ready, Set" Flash said, raising his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and their bey began to attack. But Rainbows was unbalanced and wiggly. "What" Rainbow said as the opponent just continued to attack. "What's going on here, Pegasus is wiggling so much, is it a failed Launch" Pinkie said and the others were getting worried. "Geez, what a waste of time" said Indigo Zap and after a while Pegasus burst. Rainbow and the other gasped as Flash said "Dark Doomscizor with a Burst Finish, Crystal Prep win game four. The score is now 2 to 2" Rainbow just dropped to her knees and just stared down at the ground. "H...How" was all she could get out. But just then she heard Indigo Zap say "Not so Awesome now huh. You don't deserve that Bey" With that, it felt like something in Rainbow snapped and she couldn't feel anything. She took the pieces of Pegasus and ran out of the gym. "Rainbow" Fluttershy said, trying to run after her but she was stopped by Sugarcoat. "It's your turn. Come on" she said in a dull tone and walked towards the stadium. "Don't worry Fluttershy, I'll get her" Sunset said, running after Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash sat outside with her back to one of the gymnasiums. She tried to hold back tears as she listened to how the battle went. Even though it was thick she was sure she heard "Flutter Jackalope with a Survivor Finish, The Rainbooms win game five. The winners are The Rainbooms" Hearing that her friends had won made Rainbow a little happier but her loss was still heavy. "Hey Rainbow" Sunset said and Rainbow looked up at her friend. "Oh, Hi Sunset. What's up?" she asked and Sunset sat down next to her and said "Are you okay?" Rainbow looked at her knees and said "I don't know, Maybe Indigo Zap was right, Maybe I'm not..." But then she was interrupted by Sunset who said "Don't think so, You're a good blader. You just need a little more time to master your bey". It sat there for a while but then Sunset got a text from Twilight. Checking it out she said "Hey Rainbow, Good news" "What" Rainbow said uninterested. "We won the team battle and the Crystal Prep girls want a rematch tomorrow" Sunset said and Rainbow turned to her and asked "What's good about that?" "Don't you understand, That means you get another chance" Sunset said but Rainbow just turned away from her and said "Are you kidding me or. I can't win. Ask Rarity or Pinkie" Sunset stood up and said "I won't force you to compete. But you have until tomorrow to change your mind. Think about it" and with that she left. Rainbow thought about what Sunset had said. But how could she win if she couldn't even Launch correctly. (Flashback) Shu-"Calm down, before that you need to learn the fundamentals" Twilight-"I think you would be much better if you practiced the fundamentals more" (End of Flashback) "Fundamentals" Rainbow said, standing up. "Okay, I'll be a master of fundamentals" she said and started to rush off. Rainbow now stood in a park that had received a new stadium. "Alright, let's do this" She said and took out her Launcher and Bey and locked the Bey into the Launcher. "Okay, plant the feet firmly on the ground, Hold the hand with the Launcher completely still, Focus." she said and did the following so she stood in position and said "Now, Pull with all my might. Let it, Rip!" and pulled the ripcord and Launch Pegasus into the stadium. It started well but then Pegasus began to wobble. "Grr Not good. Not yet" she said, picking up Pegasus and doing it again. Rainbow repeated the same steps several times and after a while it started to get better. "Okay, Now it's good" she said but then she thought of the Indigo Zap. "No, Good is not good enough. There has to be a way to get more power out of my Launch" She said and began to think. But in that look in her eyes, she thought about how Shu had Launch. "Maybe, I can test it." she said and then she tried something new. After a while of training with her new Launch, she was much happier. "Okay, now we're talking" She said proudly of her progress. With that she picked up her Bey and said "Pegasus, We will own tomorrow's battle" "You bet" came a voice and Pegasus began to glow cyan. "What" Rainbow said as her Bey gave off a sharp cyan light. When it ended, there was a large cyan horse-like creature standing in front of her. But it had wings that were all the colors of the Rainbow and its man was messy and had as many colors as its wings. "Are you Pegasus?" Rainbow asked and the big horse looked at her and said "You can count on that. What, After all the time I've been here you still aren't sure" "Huh, no. I was just checking to be safe" Rainbow said. "Hm Okay" Pegasus said and then said "Listen, I'm happy to be your Bey. You're a girl who always stands up for your friends and never gives up. That's a blader I respect" Rainbow continued to look at Pegasus and then Pegasus spread her wings and said "Listen Rainbow Dash, I want to win against Doomscizor" With that Rainbow came back to reality. "Same here, We will win tomorrow" Rainbow said confidently checking her Bey. "And we win with a Burst Finish" both said simultaneously. It had come over to the next day. The Crystal Prep girls had arrived and so the teams faced each other. Flash had volunteered to be the judge again and Pinkie was still the communicator. "Alright everyone. It's time for the Crystal Prep vs. The Rainbooms team battle rematch. Will Crystal Prep manage to defeat the Rainbooms and take the win or will the Rainbooms win again" Pinkie said and everyone cheered. "Okay, who goes first?" Twilight asked and with that Fluttershy said "I can go" "Are you sure sugarcube?" Applejack asked and Fluttershy nodded and walked over. As she walked forward, she saw that her opponent was Lemon Zest. Without further interruption, they both began the battle with Fluttershy's Bey taking the center first and standing firmly in place while Lemon's Bey attacked. "Please. Hold on Jackalope" Fluttershy said and was surrounded by a yellow energy and then her Bey was also caught by it and then its avatar appeared. It showed a yellow rabbit with silver horns. On the back it had pink armor that looked like curves and finally it had blue eyes. "Now, Flutter spin" she said and her bey became surrounded by a yellow energy circle. Lemon's bey continued to attack but it did no damage. "How does she do that?" Asked Rainbow and then Twilight replied "The curves on the outside of Fluttershy's Bey are so round and hard that attacks that aren't that strong do nothing. To do any damage the attacks have to be much stronger but also have to continue with the same strength for multiple attacks" That explained how Fluttershy managed to win yesterday. As time passed the attacks became weaker but Jackalope still had the stamina. After a while, Lemon's bey had stalled for the second time. "Flutter Jackalope with a Survivor Finish, The Rainbooms win game one. The score is 1 to 0" said Flash and the Rainbooms cheered for Fluttershy who went to her friends. "And with that the Rainbooms have taken the first game. This is the exact opposite of what happened last time" Pinkie said and with the Rainbooms Applejack said "Well done sugarcube" and with that Fluttershy said "oh thanks Applejack" "Okay, who's next?" Sunset asked and then Applejack said "I'm leaving. It's payback time" and walked over as Sugarcoat left for Crystal Prep. This battle initially went in Crystal Prep's favor with constant attacks that sent Bull flying out of the stadium. But in the second round, Bull managed to get to the center and block the attacks for a good while. And when Sugarcoat's Bey knocked Bull out of the center, Bull dropped back down and straight to its opponent. "All Right, Go Bull" Applejack shouted and was then surrounded by an orange energy. With that, her bey also became surrounded by the same energy and Bull's avatar came out. It showed a bull with orange skin. It had orange and gold armor on its back, legs and tail. Its horns were gray and finally it had dark green eyes. "Go, Bull Counter" she shouted and Bull used one of his silver blades and hit Sugarcoat's Bey causing it to burst. "Farm Bull with a Burst Finish, The Rainbooms win game two. The score is now 2 to 0" Flash said and all the CHS students started cheering. "Unbelievable. The Rainbooms have managed to reach match point. If they manage to take the next game, they win it all" said pinkie and cheered. "How can we do even worse than we were yesterday" Sour Sweet said angrily with no one answering. "Watch and learn. I'll take and win a point for us and end their winning streak" Indigo Zap said walking forward. The Rainbooms cheered Applejack's win when they saw that Indigo Zap was next. "So who's going now" Twilight asked and then Rainbow said "Let me go" "I don't know sugarcube, maybe Sunset is better to go" Applejack said but then Sunset said "It's cool AJ" and turnde to Rainbow. "Win this" Sunset said and Rainbow said "You can count on that" and walked over to the stadium. "Are you sure she can handle this Sunset?" Asked Applejack and Sunset said "I know she can do it. She has the determination in her eyes" and with that Applejack smiled and looked at her rainbow haired friend. "Hm, you. I expected someone decent" Indigo Zap said mockingly. "Joke while you can, I'll send you flying with a Burst" Rainbow said confidently. With that done, Flash said "Game Three, First Battle" and both took their positions. But Indigo Zap was confused for Rainbow who had her Launcher on her right side. "What is she doing?" she thought but then she smiled and thought "Well she just wants to lose in style" "Ready, Set" Flash said, raising his hand. "3..." Rainbow locked her Bey into the Launcher. "2..." She grabbed hold of the ripcord. “1…” She kicked off the ground and swung her Launcher forward. "Let it go, Rip!" shouted both of them and both of their beys flew straight into the stadium and attacked directly. "And they're off, both going in for an attack" Pinkie said and when both Beys met each other it was a tie. But just then Pegasus started to climb the slope and then dived down. "What Now, Pegasus comes up and down for another hit" Pinkie said and when the attack hit Pegasus did it again but it sped up each time. "What is going on?" Indigo Zap said and Rainbow's Bey continued to attack again and again. "Go Pegasus. Take that, and that, and that, and that. It's time for Rainbow Launch" Rainbow shouted, punching the air every time Pegasus attacked. "Wait, What did she say?" Twilight asked, watching as Rainbow's Bey continued to attack without stopping. "Check that out. Pegasus 360 attack won't let Doomscizor get away" Pinkie said and everyone in the crowd started cheering. "How can she do that. She was an amateur yesterday. Nobody gets that good overnight" thought Indigo Zap but the attacks continued. "Now I see" Twilight said and the other turned to face her. "Well don't keep us in the dark sugarcube" Applejack said and so did Twilight. "Rainbow Launch with an angle. So Pegasus tip got a stronger grip on the stadium floor. And add how she kickt off the ground and swung her Launcher forward and she gave her bey a lot more speed" "She learned the fundamentals and changed them to become her own style. Not bad" Sunset said, looking at Rainbow. "Come on, like that trick can work on us" Indigo Zap said and her Bey managed to get away. "We're not done yet" Rainbow Dash said, starting to be surrounded by a cyan energy. "Pegasus" she called out and resonating with her Bey and Pegasus was struck by the same energy and its avatar emerged. With that Rainbow's Bey started to climb the slope but stopped at the top and dove straight down towards Indigo Zap's Bey surrounded by a rainbow colored light. "NOW, Rainbow Strike" Rainbow called and punched straight forward. With that, Pegasus landed a strong hit on Indigo Zap's Bey so it burst on the spot. "Rainbow Pegasus with a Burst Finish, The Rainbooms win game three. The winners are The Rainbooms" Flash said and all the CHS students started cheering and Pinkie said "Unbelievable, Rainbow Dash has managed to defeat Indigo Zap and give the Rainbooms an overwhelming win with three game against none" Indigo Zap didn't understand how she could have lost. But Rainbow Dash snapped to her friends and said "Was that an Awesome burst or what" and her friends giggled and Applejack said "Okay sugarcube, I admit. that was pretty Awesome" "Well done Rainbow" Sunset said, placing her hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "Thank you. And thank you for trusting me" Rainbow said and Sunset gave a smile saying "I knew you would deliver" While the Rainbooms were celebrating with Pinkie and Rarity coming in to join in, the Crystal Prep girls walked up to them and Sour Sweet said "You may have won today. But we're coming back. And we're going to crush you" "Alright, we look forward to it" Sunset said and the other nodded. "Hey Rainbow. Next time you won't be as lucky" said Indigo Zap but Rainbow just smiled and said "What luck? I'm just so Awesome" With that, the Crystal Prep girls got out of their tails and everyone started cheering more. "Hey, Hey, Dashie." Pinkie said, jumping up and down. "Battle me now" she said, pulling out her Bey. "Okay. you're on Pinkie" Rainbow said, holding out her Bey. The portal had been monitored ever since it was opened and it was now allowed to go through as long as you reported that you were from the other side. With that came a girl with a black leather jacket, gray jeans and a golden necklace. "Visitor or Returner" asked one of the guards and the girl said "Visitor" "Are you here for business or pleasure" asked the guard but then she showed a Beyblade. It had two gray and black rounded blades each with a wing that could stick out. In the middle of it was an eagle's head on a four-legged animal. Finally, it had two gray-black wings and a yellow beak. "Ah, a blader. I see" said the guard and filled in the last of the documents and then said "everything is green. You can go on" and then the girl went out the front door and checked out the host she was new to. "Hope we find some strong blader here. You feel the same" she said looking at her Bey. "Right, Feather Griffin" she said and her Bey began to give off gray energy.
Applejack,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Mr. Cake,Mrs. Cake,Rarity,Comedy,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Cutie Mark Crusaders Try To Make an E Rated Movie
In Equestria, some things are different. Like where foals come from, and why some nature films are horribly inappropriate for showing to general audiences.
<div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p>In Equestria, some things are different. </p><p>Like where foals come from, and why some 'nature films' are horribly inappropriate for showing to general audiences.</p><hr/><p><sub>Cover image courtesy of <a href="" rel="nofollow">Françoise GARRANGER.</a></sub></p></div>
In a backyard surrounded by a tall wooden fence, a mare sat back on her haunches. She reached out with both forelegs, gently cradling a stork's head. She rubbed the stork's feathers gently, massaging its forehead and its cheeks. The stork closed its eyes, and made soft cooing sounds. Throughout the darkened theater, ponies stared at the screen. Was THIS how Mr. and Mrs. Cake had convinced the storks to bring them so many foals? Carrot Cake approached the mare and bird. He carried a bowl in his teeth. "Honey," he said, "I made the special formula. You know, the SECRET one." "Did you make sure to use one tenth sea eel?" she asked. "And plenty of lemongrass. The lemongrass is essential." He chuckled. "You KNOW I did. I would never leave those out." He set the bowl down on the grass. Cup Cake grasped the spoon's handle in her mouth, and scooped up a bit of mush. Through one side of her mouth, she said, "Open wide!" The stork opened its beak eagerly. The screen went black, and the movie went silent. Applejack's voice shouted in the darkness, "Now this just ain't right!" "I quite concur!" somepony else said. "We were just getting to the good part. I want to find out the rest of the formula! How else can I be sure of getting a wonderful little foal of my own, when the time comes?" "That's not what Ah meant at all!" Applejack struck a match, and lit a candle. Carrying the candleholder in her mouth, the farmpony walked forward to the theater's stage. Applejack turned to face the audience. She said, "What we just saw are very special, private moments...between two ponies who want to be parents together, and their stork. It's about love and dedication and hard work. It ain't somethin' for fillies tryin' to get a 'movie makin' cutie mark' to spy on, or for other ponies to gawk at on a movie screen." Rarity sniffed. "I quite agree. How many years of work did Mr. and Mrs. Cake put into developing their secret formula? And here we are, an entire theaterful of ponies just stealing the recipe like it was nothing." "Aww!" Sweetie Belle whined. "But we DIDN'T steal it! We still don't know the other eight tenths! And--" "Not another word!" Rarity scolded. "The more you make excuses, the more you admit you KNOW you did something wrong. You can't win." Rarity looked down at the floor for a moment, her cheeks hot with embarrassment. "What pains me most about this's not just that my own sister was part of this. But also...I'm ashamed on my own account. I should have suspected you three might be up to no good, but I trusted you." She shook her head. "I suppose I was wrong, to let you run around doing whatever you wanted without more adult supervision." Somepony turned on the room's lights. Of all the ponies who had come to see the 'nature film,' nopony else spoke up. Ponies blushed, and looked awkwardly away from each other. All the grownup ponies in the audience were too busy feeling ashamed of themselves, to say even one word in the Crusaders' defense...or even in their own. No! One pony cleared her throat. Applejack asked, "What is it, Mayor Mare?" She grimaced. "There's a difference between the little foals, and the rest of us here. THEY might not have known any better. But WE...we should have done something sooner, to stop them from making such a movie. The foals at least have the excuse of ignorance. But the rest of us...we're supposed to be more mature, and more responsible." She shook her head. "And I should have checked this film myself, before agreeing to let it be shown in Town Hall." Mayor Mare sighed. "All I can say is...thank you, Applejack. Thank you for standing up to stop this, before it got even worse." The Mayor looked around the room. "I think the show is over. Let's all go home, and think about what happened here tonight, and how we can keep it from ever happening again." *** The next day at recess, Apple Bloom said, "I just WISH they would give us a simple, quick punishment and let it be over with." Scootaloo snorted. "Or at least give us a better explanation of what we did wrong?" She shook her head. "All I know is, I'm afraid to even try to make a movie ever again." Sweetie nodded. "I guess that's the point." Apple Bloom remarked, "Ah was never so GLAD before, that we have to go to school. Because if it wasn't for school, maybe we wouldn't be allowed to talk to each other at all." "I hate being grounded for every minute I'm not at school," Scootaloo whined. "Are you two grounded too? Have they told you for how long?" Apple Bloom shook her head. "They said they're still tryin' to figure out how they went so wrong in raisin' me, and what it might take to even TRY to fix their mistakes. But until then, they're afraid to let me set hoof off the farm." "I don't know for how long yet either," Sweetie concurred. "We really stepped in it," Scootaloo lamented. "My aunts said if my mum and dad knew what I did...well, they said it's good my parents weren't here to see what happened. Because now, Lofty and Holiday say, there's at least a chance to think about how to break the bad news gently." Sweetie narrowed her eyes. "Apple Bloom, I heard a rumor. Is our clubhouse really chained shut now, with double padlocks?" "Yep. Ah don't know if they're EVER gonna let us use it again. They burned our movie making stuff too! But all we were doing was trying for our cutie marks!" Scootaloo nodded. "That's something every foal HAS to do. We practically had no choice! Don't our parents even WANT us to grow up?" She shook her head. "Sometimes I think they'd rather we didn't. They want us to be babies forever." Apple Bloom sighed. "Well, I guess maybe things ain't QUITE as bad as they could be. I mean, one terrible thing hasn't happened to us, at least not yet." "What do you mean?" Scootaloo wondered. "At least I ain't heard anypony talk about making the storks take us back."
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Other,Scootaloo,Alternate Universe,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
The asylum
Scootaloo wakes up inside of a padded room, completely restrained with no idea of how she got there.
<p>Scootaloo wakes up inside of a padded room, completely restrained with no idea of how she got there.</p>
Scootaloo’s eyes slowly fluttered open, groaning she slowly looked around in confusion as she noticed that she was in some kind of room whose walls were made out of some kind of cushion. She then realised that she was sitting in an awkward position with her forehooves crossed. She tried to move her hooves, only to realise in horror that she was unable to move them. Looking down, she saw that she was wearing what appeared to be a strait jacket. She pulled her hooves, trying to free them from the strong material. The jacket refusing to budge, she screamed for help “MMMMMMMMMPH!” Scootaloo began to panic as she felt her muzzle being forced shut. Scootaloo couldn’t remember how she got there, all she knew was that she would go crazy if she was trapped there any longer. She tried again to free herself from the jacket however it was no use. She looked around the room in an attempt to see if there was a way out; there was nothing in the room. That was when she noticed a small camera perched in the top right corner of the room, watching her every move. Out of desperation, she shouted “mmmmmph mmmph!” however, only muffed grunts could be heard through the muzzle. Tears started to leak from her eyes as she realized that it was hopeless, she was truly trapped. *** Time had passed since Scootaloo had first woken up. She didn't know how long she had been in the room or what the actual time was. She tried in vain to remember what had happened, but nothing came through. The situation was becoming dire as she felt her temperature soar, which was not helped by the padded room and the strait jacket. Sweat was trickling down her forehead, dampening her purple mane. The muzzle also made it difficult to breathe. She felt like she was losing her mind as her boredom increased. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a white earth pony mare with a light pink mane, she was wearing a white nurse hat, which had the logo of the Equestrian National Health Service; a red cross surrounded by four small hearts. Scootaloo stared at the needle, the mare was holding. The mare didn't speak to her as she aimed the needle towards her flank, all the while Scootaloo started shaking her and grunting through the muzzle in protest, however, the nurse ignored her and proceeded to stick the needle in and pushed the plunger, the unknown chemical, immediately began to take effect. Scootaloo realised in horror that she couldn't move, her body. The mare picked her up and brought her to a stretcher, where she released her from the strait jacket, however, Scootaloo was still paralysed and was unable to resist as the mare who was joined by a brown, unicorn stallion, who was wearing a lab coat and glasses, started to put her hooves in restraints, securing her to the bed. Scootaloo could only watch in horror as they started to wheel her through what appeared to be some kind of hospital. Scootaloo was unable to look around and could only watch as the ceiling tiles passed as they continued on the short journey. After what seemed to be a maze of corridors they finally arrived at a room. While the nurse raised her head cushion, enabling her to see most of the room, which looked like a standard hospital room, the unicorn hooked her up to a heart monitor, Beep….Beep….Beep “Heart rate seems normal, the serum should begin to wear off now.” the unicorn stated before shining a light into each of the eyes “Pupils are also normal.” The nurse then asked, “Should we let them in?”. The doctor thought it over before deciding “Not yet I want to see how she reacts, once the serum wears off.” Scootaloo began to get feeling back in her hooves as her heart rate began to quicken Beep..Beep..Beep “Be ready the serums wearing off now.” the doctor warned. The two ponies stood clear of the gurney when Scootaloo started to regain her full movement. Once she realised that she could move her limbs again she instantly tried tugging at the restraints all the while screaming through her muzzle. The two ponies tried to calm her down but to no avail. The doctor then asked, “Get me the muscle relaxant.” The nurse rushed out of the room, while she was gone, the doctor attempted to hold her still with, his magic, however, this made the filly more erratic, making him struggle to keep his grip. The nurse then reentered the room, holding another syringe. Scootaloo cried out as the two ponies worked together to hold her still while they injected the substance into her bloodstream. The muscle relaxant began doing its work as her muscles became loose and she felt herself getting weaker. Unlike the nerve blocker that she had been injected with previously, the muscle relaxant, only released the muscles, meaning that she could still move them but her movements would be limited. Once she had fully calmed down the doctor began explaining “Miss Scootaloo, my name is Doctor Stable, you are at a special hospital.” he decided to refrain from calling it an insane asylum so as to not have her lashing out again. “There was an… incident involving you and your classmates, so we had to bring you here.” “Mmmmph?” Scootaloo tried to ask but nothing coherent came through the muzzle. Doctor Stable then said, “If I take the muzzle off then you have to promise me that you won't bite or spit at me.” Scootaloo nodded and the doctor slowly removed the black muzzle. Her mouth felt like sandpaper and her muzzle felt sweaty. She asked in a scratchy voice “Why am I tied up?” The doctor sighed and explained, “It is for both ours and your own safety.” Scootaloo gave him a confused look “How does keeping me tied up, make me safe?” “We don't want you hurting yourself,” he said. “I'm not going to hurt myself, please can you let me go?” she asked confident that the doctor would release her. However, her confidence would be shattered as he replied “I,m sorry but I can't do that, this is for your own good.” Scootaloo couldn't believe what he was saying, she had always been told that doctors would always help ponies. “Please, I don't like it.” “You may not like it but it has to been done. You have visitors, however I can only let them in if you calm down.” he told the distressed filly. “Okay, I'll calm down.” Scootaloo agreed, she hoped that by following their instructions that they may release her. The doctor nodded to the nurse, who said “Good girl.” before leaving the room to get the visitors. Scootaloo was hoping that whoever was visiting would see what the doctors were doing to her and that they would get help. The nurse then re-entered the room with several familiar ponies…
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Turn the Page
Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
Night Light and Twilight Velvet were on a train heading for the Crystal Empire. It had been seven years since the events of Harvey Horsestein and their marriage was largely reconciled. Princess Cadance’s marriage counseling sessions had worked wonders though the sex was more memorable than the lessons. Velvet had finally retired from writing and Night Light had joined her in retirement. While he didn’t mind serving his daughter as her personal advisor, the pay cap for retirement as a public servant maxed out at 30 years of service. Since he couldn’t earn a promotion for a higher wage level and the retirement cap had been met, he had no reason to continue to work. 50 years old was young to retire and Twilight had been sad to see him leave her service, but she still found time to service him when they both had time. Night Light was looking forward to what retirement offered him, especially since it gave him more time to be with the mare that he loved. Twilight had three foals from her father, Prince Night Sparkle, Princess Velvet Night and Princess Shining Dawn. Incest within the Sparkle family had been largely normalized, and Shining Armor had joined the group action by becoming Gleaming Shield for ‘her’ father and remaining Shining Armor for his mom and sister. Shining Armor confessed that he found it extremely satisfying to be fucked as a mare and was completely shocked by how satisfied her father had left her, giving credence to why Twilight and Cadance enjoyed Night Light’s company as much as they did. Shining played by the rules and didn’t cheat outside of the relationship group, which pleased Night Light, but Night Light was also becoming a little more paranoid about the grandfoals entering the incest picture. They were getting older, and it wasn’t like they would be excluded from the fun forever. Night Light mused out loud to his wife. “I’m glad that we’re finally going to see the Crystal Empire in pony, as Cadance and Shining have always come to Canterlot to see us, but I’m a little uncertain as to the timing.” Velvet tilted her head. “What do you mean?” Night Light rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well. Flurry Heart’s 10th birthday is coming up and I’m grateful to receive an invitation, but it seems like there is more to this.” Velvet giggled. “Well. Incest is normal in our family now, but Cadance knows how you feel about foals. Ten years old is rather young and I don’t think that Cadance would try to push you past your limits. Try not to worry so much…” * * * Shining Armor met his parents at the train station and escorted them to the castle. He was extremely tight lipped as if speaking would cause him to break. He led them to the throne room and then stepped aside, allowing his wife as the actual ruler of the Crystal Empire to speak. “I’m grateful that you both came so far for Flurry’s birthday. Was the journey hard?” Night Light shook his head. “No worse than any other train ride I’ve ever had. We’re both glad to be here but I’ll confess to being a little paranoid. I worked as an advisor to Princesses long enough to know that there is more to this than attending a foal’s birthday party. So, spill it.” Cadance winced at the pointedness of Night Light’s statement. “As you know, my parents passed away before I became an alicorn. But… since my husband’s parents are alive, I am obliged to give you both the titles of Emperor Dowager and Empress Dowager of the Crystal Empire. You will advise me on matters of importance, much like you did for Twilight while acting as her Royal Advisor before your retirement. You may travel, with a royal stipend from the Empire, but you will be expected to live in the Empire full time and enjoy the perks of being royalty.” Night Light and Velvet were shocked. They looked at each other uncertainly. Night Light cleared his throat. “I guess that makes us official citizens of the Crystal Empire. Are there any laws we need to be aware of now that were citizens and not just visitors?” Cadance nodded. “Just a few. First, Incest is legal in the Empire and always has been. Furthermore, there is no minimum age for the start of relations concerning incest. It is expected for the parents and grandparents of foals to teach them sexual education. And in Flurry Heart’s case… the grandfather is expected to be her first partner.” Night Light froze in place. Velvet tried to comfort him to no avail. He spoke tightly. “How exactly is that supposed to work?” Cadance sighed. “The tradition is old. It is assumed that if the family can’t love a foal, then the Empire shouldn’t accept them either. If you reject Flurry Heart, it will be as if you didn’t approve of our marriage and of the conception. You must make love to her, turn her into a mare, or, by the traditions of the Empire, I must disown her.” Night Light was sweating despite the chill in the room. “But she’s so young! She hasn’t even had her first heat yet. I must do this now?” Cadance nodded again. “A Creampie is expected. It’s better that it happens before her first heat, so you don’t sire a foal. Unless… you’d rather wait and sire a foal… I approve, of course.” Night Light stood stock still, completely unable to respond. Shining Armor cleared his throat. “It’s okay if you want to sire her first foal. It’s not as if I wanted that honor…. We know that you gave Twilight three foals…” Velvet’s glare at her son cut him off mid-sentence. She tutted. “Of course, Night will deflower Flurry as tradition requires. We, of course, accept the titles being offered and Imperial citizenship. But please don’t rush it.” Cadance smiled with a hopeful expression. “I hope that you’ll join us for dinner tonight. Flurry will be there.” Night Light nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it…” * * * Night Light railed against Velvet. “What the fuck am I supposed to do!” Velvet shrugged. “Fuck Flurry and bucking enjoy it? Give her extra cream to show her that you love her?” Night glared at his wife. “I’m being serious.” Velvet nodded. “So am I. We are Imperial Royality now, officially, and we have royal duties. We have to offer advice on matters of importance. I’m sure our ‘vacations’ will include royal duties to wherever we are visiting… and now you have the royal obligation to fuck Flurry Heart. Could you imagine her being thrown out of the castle at ten years old? What she would have to do to survive would pale in comparison to you having sex with her.” Night Light considered the point and sighed. “But at her age…” Velvet cut him off. “She’s the same age that Twilight started to pine after you. Given the laws in the Empire, even if Flurry adored her father sexually, she would know that she would have to have you first. She either wants you or she doesn’t. Maybe you should ask her before you try to dismiss it outright.” Night Light considered the point at face value. “Okay… I’ll ask her at dinner.” * * * “Please fuck me tonight!” Flurry Heart exclaimed. She was wearing a white dress to dinner that might have passed as a simple wedding dress. Night Light was forced to remember the white dress that Twilight wore the night he had deflowered her. Her parents were silent, unable or unwilling to interfere with the traditions of the Empire. Night Light sighed. “Are you sure you’re ready for this, young lady?” Flurry Heart nodded vigorously. “I’m so ready! Look!” She lifted her dress to show Night Light a soaked pussy that was winking rapidly. Night Light swallowed hard. “That… is an eager pussy.” Flurry smiled warmly. “Basic Imperial Law was one of the earlier lessons I took. I’ve known for awhile that you would be my first and I was sad that you and grandma didn’t visit more often. Dad has been waiting patiently for his turn, but you have the honor of being my first. Please don’t force me to wait up to three more years. I mean… I would gladly accept your foal if you wanted to wait for my first heat, as mom suggested might happen, but I kinda want to fuck dad too but you have to be first. Please, grandpa?” Night Light looked at Velvet and she nodded. Night sighed. “I love you enough to make love to you. Eat your dinner and prepare for tonight.” Flurry Heart squealed. “Thank you, Grandpa. I promise that you’ll be satisfied.” Night Light sighed. There are limits to being satisfied. * * *
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
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Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
Night Light settled himself. He was committed to this, as much as was possible. He had his wife’s support and the blessing of both his son and daughter-in-law. So why did this feel so wrong? Probably because it was. He had never been a fillyfooler and he was determined not to touch his daughters/granddaughters from Twilight until they were closer to eighteen or at least thirteen when they went into heat, which was the original plan he had told his wife and daughter and the promise he had made to himself. His granddaughters were beautiful, but he was trying to maintain basic morals in a situation with no morals. If Twilight was already messing with her son, she was doing it without telling her parents and Night Light could live with not knowing even though it technically broke the rules of the arrangement. The laws in the Empire had been unexpected and he had been pulled into it completely due to martial obligation. He had objected to Flurry Heart joining the incest group strongly when she was three and claimed that twelve or thirteen was the youngest that he would consider when all this first started, but here he was with her at age ten. Surely, he could do better… Surely, he could be better. The hardest part of this was the fact that he couldn’t tell if Cadance and Shining were okay with this because it was the law or if because they were okay with it… Did they really want this? He didn’t want to ask. Sex… or even incest between consenting adults was one thing but getting a foal to lift her tail felt like a manipulation. She was supposed to be able to trust that her parents or grandparents had her best interests at heart. Even an older brother would have a pass for being close in age to a younger sister and giving in to desires that he might not fully understand but a parent or grandparent didn’t have that excuse. Night Light knocked on Flurry’s door after dinner ended and heard a faint ‘Come in’. He opened the door and closed it, turning to focus on her sitting on her bed, still wearing the white dress from earlier. She smiled widely. “I’m so glad you’re here…” She sounds sincere but she probably doesn’t want to disappoint her parents either. Night Light raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” Flurry lifted her dress again to show her pussy still winking, dripping wet with anticipation, and Night Light sighed. He knew that he owed her an explanation for his hesitation. “I am not attracted to foals and while estrus might have attracted you to me in a natural fashion, you are not in heat. I don’t want to fuck you, but I also don’t want to see you disowned. I’m in a terrible predicament.” Flurry’s smile faded and her tone was quiet and sad. “I understand. Equestria’s laws are different, and you followed them to the letter as a public servant. Incest must have been very hard for you to accept, and I do understand how it started. I’m young, but I’m not a fool. Or a foal, not really. I know that I’m young but I’m an alicorn princess and I am far more mature for my age than you might care to admit. I am expected to make love to you, and I accept it in the tradition in which it was established. If you don’t wish to do this now… we can wait until I’m older… or you can declare me unworthy, and I will accept my disownment and leave the family as required by law…” Night Light stiffened. “NO! I don’t want that…” Flurry stiffened as well, unaccustomed to hearing a raised voice towards her. “I am yours, grandpa. Use me as you will…” Night Light approached her. He glared down at her on the bed, and she seemed to lay on her back and spread her legs on instinct as if hoping to avoid being dismissed as unworthy. Her wings unfolded and spread out on the bed on either side of her, adding to her beauty. Her pussy continued to wink uncontrollably, just barely exposed from the dress. Night Light ripped the dress apart at the seams, as she seemed to expect him to do, leaving Flurry fully exposed. Her teats were small… smaller than he would have liked. Her pussy continued to wink but her body was small… so small. A filly that was no where close to a mare, despite the added size of an alicorn. Night Light’s cock refused to leave its sheath. He just wasn’t attracted to a foal… Flurry looked at his sheath and started to sweat. “Please… don’t you love me?” Night Light stood stock still. He didn’t know how to answer. “I love you but I’m not sure I can make love to you. I hated unicorn incest growing up and I never intended to force it unto my daughters or granddaughters. Twilight was an adult when we started this and I’m okay with how it happened, mostly. But this… I’m not sure if you really want this or if you’re just following the tradition blindly. Give me a sign that this is okay and maybe I’ll accept it…” Flurry Heart reared up and kissed Night Light. She put all of her passion into the kiss, trying to mimic experience but wistfully exposing her innocence. Oddly enough, the inexperienced kiss stirred his cock and it sprung from his sheath. Flurry could feel his cock digging into her stomach and she broke the kiss long enough to bend down and give the tip a little lick. Night Light sighed as the filly tried to suck his cock, getting less than halfway to the medial ring. Even Twilight had been better at it her first time, although, she had been a grown mare at the time. Eager didn’t mean ready and Night Light knew that full well from having raised two foals with his wife and now helping raise three more with his daughter. Having succeeded in at least arousing him, Flurry laid back down and seemed intent to pull Night Light on top of her. It wasn’t going to work the way she wanted it. The angle was wrong. It would hurt at best and be horrible at worst. He decided to try to meet her halfway on this. He sat himself up and lined himself up, the tip of his cock playing on the outer lips of her pink pussy. She was as wet as any mare he had ever seen but her pussy was so small… or maybe his cock was just that big. Even just resting his cock on top of her hot flesh made him uneasy. He looked down at her and froze in place. She was trembling. Whether in fear or in excitement, he didn’t want to analyze it enough to figure it out, but she was shaking like a leaf in the wind and her expression was as frozen as he was. She was biting her lip, waiting for the pain of penetration. She looked so scared… In that moment, it all came back. A flashback of playing with her in the park as a foal. Watching her play with her snail toy, Whammy, and smiling. Watching her parents fret over every little detail about her while he was giving them advice on how to manage parenting without getting too stressed out. All the good times before the incest started to happen with his daughter, daughter-in-law, and son. How his mother had forced herself onto his cock and made him cum inside her when he was still a colt… It had been his secret his whole life. He never even told his wife, but that was why he hated incest and why he originally didn't want it in his family. A unicorn family that could do without incest. It seemed like a bad joke now after the last seven years and three incest foals with his daughter... Night Light gasped for air as he pulled back, his cock leaving the warm surface of a welcoming wet mess of a virgin filly’s pussy. He was so glad he hadn’t pushed inside now, and he knew he couldn’t do it. Not yet. If ever... Flurry raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you okay, Grandpa? You don’t look so good.” Night Light shook his head no. “I’m sorry Flurry, but I was overcome with emotions. You’ll find that when you get older, you get weaker to tears. I can’t do this. Not yet. I won’t ‘disown you’ but we’re going to have to wait a little while longer. I don’t know yet how long, but I definitely can’t do this tonight. I’m sorry I ripped up your dress for no reason.” Flurry nodded slowly. “It’s okay grandpa… I’ll have a new dress made that you can rip off me next time we try. Like I said… we have time… we just have to do this before I’m eighteen, though I would prefer sooner if you can reach a point that your comfortable doing me.” Night Light nodded in agreement. “I told your grandmother seven years ago that I wanted to wait at least until you were thirteen. I don’t know why I thought I could force myself to do this tonight, no matter how pretty you are. I’m sorry for getting your hopes up.” Flurry offered him a weak smile. “I’m fine… you should get some rest, grandpa. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Night Light got up and left the room, head hung in shame and silently lost in his own thoughts. Flurry sighed to herself when the door closed. “Fuck.” * * *
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
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Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
After leaving Flurry Heart’s room, Night Light didn’t go rest. He couldn’t rest. Walking around the castle aimlessly eventually led him to the castle library, which was good because he needed answers. Night Light didn’t believe in ‘light reading.’ He always felt that taking the time to read something should be educational or something else of importance. His daughter had clearly gained her study ethics from his work practices. He read too much in the execution of his job responsibilities at the castle and enjoyed spending quality time with his family when he wasn’t working, which usually meant not reading at home. Maybe if he had read some of Velvet’s books earlier in their marriage, he could have fixed the problems they were having before it blew up and nearly ended their marriage seven years ago, given that she had the tendency to add personal details from her own life into her books under the guise of character development. He had the nagging suspicion that this new problem could create similar martial issues if they weren’t handled correctly. Velvet supported the incest, as she felt that it helped atone for her earlier cheating, and she practically threw him at their granddaughter, but it all felt so forced… Shining Armor and Cadance had been married for over eleven years, with Flurry being born eleven months after Cadance’s first heat after their marriage had taken place. So why were Night Light and Velvet just now getting their Royal titles and being introduced to Crystal Empire incest traditions? The timing felt odd. As if he and Velvet were given the titles to force the incest requirement for Flurry to be included going forward. At least Flurry Heart was older than the daughters, or err, granddaughters he had with Twilight. Now, there’s a tangent. He still had no idea how he was going to approach getting his other granddaughters involved or if he even wanted them involved, or if they even had a choice now. Night Light was determined to allow it to be a personal choice and not something they were forced into, which was also why he wanted them to be older. He wanted them to understand their options and to not just do it because everyone else in the family was doing so. Still, with literally every other member of their family engaging in incest, maybe it was hypocritical of him to try to paint it like they really have a choice. He knew they would join in; he just didn’t want it to happen anytime soon. Fortunately for him, Twilight had reshelved the Crystal Castle Library at least once during the many times she had visited the Crystal Empire, and the library mirrored the organizational priority of the Canterlot Castle library in nearly every respect. As a result, Night Light knew exactly where to go and what to look for while trying to cross reference Imperial laws. Thirty years of being a royal advisor and knowing how to do research to solve political problems was a skill that he never expected to have to use to solve a personal problem. Although now being an official member of the Crystal Empire Royal Family, complete with titles, kinda made this a political problem too. He couldn’t allow Flurry to be disowned but he also didn’t feel like it was right for her to be forced to have sex with him at such a young age. Or for her to be forced at all. One of the joys of the incest he enjoyed with his daughter over the last seven years had been from the feeling of love and acceptance that they shared. They wanted each other. Practically needed each other. And he adored all three of the foals he had with her. He knew that he didn’t want to have foals with Flurry, and he knew that he couldn’t have foals with either of his other two granddaughters. There was too much of a risk of birth defects happening with the genes being double reinforced from the same source, so he knew that he would have to avoid them while they were in heat. There was less risk with Flurry since Cadance wasn’t his daughter but still more risk than he would like. Princess Velvet Night and Princess Shining Dawn would be completely off limits to bearing his foals since he was their father and grandfather already without any other genetic break, the risks would be too great. Furthermore, Flurry Heart having sex with him simply out of obligation was wrong. He loved her and he knew that she loved him… and he had no problem with the idea of making love to her, but he didn’t want to simply have sex with her. The distinction might have been small, but it was powerful. The first time was supposed to be special, like how Twilight’s first time had been. Ten years old was honestly too young but even that wouldn’t be a huge turn-off for him if it was natural and not forced, his own preferences aside. It didn’t take him long to find the answers to his first question. He couldn’t accept the title of Dowager Emperor while he was still a public servant of Equestria, and his wife couldn’t be crowned Dowager Empress without him while he was still alive. Also, while related to the royal family by blood and marriage, neither Night Light nor Velvet were expected to start engaging in incest until they received their titles, which might explain why they weren’t told sooner. It was a fluke that Night Light and Princess Twilight started getting involved with each other on their own before Crystal Empire traditions would have forced it. Perhaps it was easier to swallow now given how long they had been enjoying it, but he had to wonder if Twilight knew about the Crystal Empire traditions and his eventually gaining the title that he now had, and wanted to start with her father before he might have been forced to, which she had to know would have been a turn off for him, even without knowing his past. Although Equestria and the Crystal Empire were allies and Prince Shining Armor was the brother of the ruler of Equestria, legally speaking, they were two completely different nations with two separate sets of laws, customs and traditions. Only a hoofful of laws, customs and traditions seemed to overlap, despite both nations being filled with ponies nearly exclusively. Crystal Ponies weren’t much different than Earth Ponies in most ways, other than that they appeared to have absolutely zero birth defects from incest, ever. Cadance was technically a crystal pony also and Flurry was at least half crystal pony… was that enough of a margin of error to risk an incest pregnancy with her grandfather? He wasn’t sure and the books in the library couldn’t answer that question. It clearly had never been studied. Following one lead led to another overlapping lead. Some of the traditions were verbal and not actually written down, but he was lucky to find a few references to the ones he needed. Some of the laws were ‘common laws’ and not strictly documented, but he also eventually found written references that he could use that cited those common laws. Hours upon hours of reading led him to a startling discovery. The Grandfather only has to deflower a granddaughter for the purposes of family acceptance of commoner ponies, and in the cases of Royality; to gain access to inheritance and the right to rule in the cases where the filly’s father has passed away or is no longer otherwise available. They lied to me… He cross-referenced and bookmarked everything, packed up the books he needed, and left the library. When he got back to his room, he cuddled with Velvet but cried himself to sleep. * * * Flurry Heart left her room also, but she headed to her parents’ room. Without knocking, she let herself in. Shining Armor was reading a book with an ale beside him on a nightstand and Cadance was sucking his cock. She bobbed her head up and down the entire length of the cock, which was comparable in size to Flurry’s grandfather’s cock, which she had seen firsthoof earlier in the night. Flurry was mesmerized by watching the bulge in her mother’s throat as the medial ring passed up and down with no effort. She sighed loudly. “Faust, I wish I could do that…” Cadance seized up and started choking. It was hard for her to spit up Shining’s cock when it was so far down her throat when the motion had been interrupted. She finally dislodged her husband’s girth and gasped for air. “Flurry! You’re going to kill me one of these days. You know you’re supposed to knock.” Flurry shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll get to rule the Empire any other way.” Shining snorted but tried to be quiet when Cadance glared at him. Cadance cleared her throat. “So how did it go with your grandfather?” Flurry’s sigh seemed to fill the room. “It didn’t. Scan me and you’ll see.” Cadance cast a rarely used sexual detection spell, which was mostly used by law enforcement to see what had happened to a potential victim recently. It only showed recent sexual activity. “Hmm. I see that you got your first kiss, managed enough of a blow job for it to count and at least had a cock on your pussy… but no penetration. He backed out?” Flurry nodded. “I’m not sure what I did wrong, but he couldn’t bring himself to go any further. I think we took the wrong approach by trying to force it to happen. Maybe I should have just been patient…” Cadance sighed and brought Flurry to her for a hug. “I know. Night Light has always had strong feelings against incest and I’m not sure he would have ever considered consenting to be with you unless he thought he didn’t have a choice. But you wanted your grandfather first and your father was okay with that. Should we come clean?” Flurry nodded. “Yeah… I don’t want to lie to him anymore. But I still want him to be my first if we can make that happen, even if I have to wait eight more years.” Cadance nodded. “Okay sweetie… we’ll tell him tomorrow. * * * Breakfast started normal enough. Cadance, Shining, Flurry and Velvet were already seated and had already received their food from the cooks. Flurry was shifting anxiously in her seat. “Is grandpa coming to breakfast?” Velvet shrugged. “He said that he didn’t get much sleep and wanted a few extra minutes. I’m sure he has a reason.” At that moment, Night Light walked into the room with all the books levitated in his magic. With a loud bang, the books landed on the dining room table. Shining and Cadance could see from all the bookmarks that the gig was up. Night Light cleared his throat with force. “We need to talk…” * * *
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
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Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
Over the course of thirty years of doing his job as a royal advisor, one of the perks of the job had been explaining to nobles why they were wrong and reminding them to not be an ass. The lack of donkey nobles helped sell that point. For over an hour, Night Light paced around the dining room table lecturing Shining Armor and Cadance on the merits of not lying to their parents and on not bending the intent of the law, traditions and culture. Shining Armor looked ashamed given that it had been years since the last time he had been on the receiving end of this type of lecture. Cadance herself had almost no experience with being lectured like this because Auntie Celestia tended to coddle her. The last major lecture she had received was at school, learning from her professors, and even then, it had been educational and not a dressing down. It might have been hard to admit, but Cadance found it to be very humbling, and a little bit of a turn on. She would definitely have to fuck Night Light again before he returned to Equestria, maybe this time with Shining watching… which is something she had always wanted to do. During one of the lulls in the lecture, Velvet attempted to defend Shining and Cadance but was shut down immediately when Night Light reminded her that a lie of omission was still a lie, and he still wasn’t too certain how much she knew about trying to expand the whole incest arrangement given how often mares plot to get their way. Unwilling to lose any ground she had made over the years from making up for all her previous cheating, she dropped it. Flurry had lost count of how many laps he had done around the table but was simply grateful that he wasn’t yelling at her. Although, if she wanted to be honest, it had been her idea. Night Light finished his lecture. “Does anypony have anything to say?” Silence filled the room as Night Light looked around to his wife, son and daughter-in-law, noting that they appeared to have nothing to say. His gaze stopped on Flurry. “What about you, young lady. Anything to add?” Flurry cleared her throat. “I must confess. I have adored you for as long as I can remember, and I’ve wanted to have sex with you for as long as I’ve known what sex is. I’ll say what my parents won’t. This was my idea. I wanted to bend the truth in order to get you to be my first. Momma told me that you didn’t want to introduce foals into this before thirteen, but I didn’t want to wait any longer. I’m sorry that my actions last night seemed to turn you off, but I wanted this so bad that I didn’t know how to feel or how to react. I just wanted it. I understand that you’re mad but be mad at me. I probably should have stopped the lecture sooner given that my parents didn’t deserve it, but I love hearing you speak. You’re so smart and I love hearing you speak your mind. Even with all my studies, your research into the law taught me more in the last hour than I’ve learned in the last year. I know I’m too young and I don’t deserve it, but I’d like to respectfully request that you make love to me. Not legal obligational sex, but lovemaking. Please, grandpa?” Night Light sighed. “Well. At the very least you’ve earned a spanking. Get your plot over here.” Flurry’s eyes widened as she couldn’t recall having ever been spanked. She left her chair and approached her grandpa. She turned her rear to him, and he sat his flank on the floor, grabbing her by the midriff and pulling her closer to him. He raised a foreleg and brought his hoof onto her flank, causing her to jump and yelp. The pain incited a feeling that she had imagined would be associated with sex and her tail flagged almost by instinct while Night Light brought down two more swats. The aroma of her pussy seemed to calm him down as the spanking had instantly turned her on and had made her dipping wet. With her tail still flagged, he could see and smell her pussy. With her not being in heat, he was able to dismiss carnal thoughts but chose not to as he very much enjoyed the view more than he thought that he would. Still, he leaned in for a taste and found himself licking her pussy very enthusiastically. Flurry’s moans filled the room and Night Light grinned at the sound. He looked up to see a very happy Velvet, a pleased Cadance and a blushing Shining Armor. Shining cleared his throat. “Could you at least take her to her room before you continue? This is not the place for sex.” Cadance snorted. “As if we never had sex in here…” Shining Armor’s face got redder as he looked away from his wife and pretended like he hadn’t said anything. Night Light nodded. “Yes… this will continue in her bedroom, but not until later tonight.” Flurry gasped as her tail lowered. “After all this, you’re going to make me wait longer?” Night Light shrugged. “Well… it is your birthday today. Given that your request could be considered a present from me… it should be the last present you receive tonight after the end of your formal party. Besides… unless you want all you friends to know that you got laid today, you don’t want to be walking funny at the party.” Flurry blushed redder than her father as Night Light dropped a fourth swat onto her now very red flanks and he shooed her away to go deal with her normal daily pre-party plans. He stood up from the floor and Velvet got up to walk with him as he also turned to leave the dining room. Velvet whispered to him. “What’s the plan then?” Night Light looked at her. “We didn’t really bring her any presents from Canterlot. We should probably go do some last-minute shopping in the Crystal City today. We’ll attend the party tonight and once all the foals go home… I guess I’ll make her a mare. Unless I’m mistaken, it seems clear that was what she wanted.” Velvet nuzzled into him. “Thank you for considering it. I’ll be honest… I did know that this was coming. Cadance wanted my help to make this happen, but I know you. I didn’t want Flurry to be disappointed, but I didn’t know how to push you towards her in this way. I suspect that you’ll like it if you let yourself enjoy it.” Night Light shrugged unconsciously. “I want it to be special for her. Twilight had this huge plan for her first time. It was a very special Hearts and Hooves Day.” Velvet nodded slowly. “Shall we attempt to recreate it? For Flurry?” He scratched his chin. “I suppose there is no harm in trying. We only have about 12 hours though. What’s the plan?” Velvet stopped and looked at him. “You go buy her a present and I’ll have the staff decorate her bedroom for the event while I distract her all day to prevent her from returning to her room. The party starts at six. Don’t be late.” Night Light kissed his wife, and they parted company. This was going to be close, but they could pull it off, maybe. * * * Meanwhile, Shining Armor and Cadance were still in the dining room. He cleared his throat. “For this to have gone so badly, it still seems like it’s working. How is that possible?” Cadance shrugged. “It’s probably an unintentional consequence of being the Princess of Love. Your father has been fucking me and your sister for seven years. Having multiple partners makes it easy to accept yet another partner. And besides… Flurry has a cute pussy.” Shining sighed. “I wouldn’t know… I haven’t had a chance to get a very good look at it.” Cadance patted him on the withers. “Don’t worry… it’ll be your turn soon.” Shining nodded. “Welp. We need to help finish the party preparations. If Dad is going shopping then I’d bet anything that mom will stay in the castle to help make things run smoothly. We should help in any way that we can, so this doesn’t get messed up again.” * * *
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Turn the Page
Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
The next 12 hours of the day passed by so quickly that it would have been hard to recall everything that had happened. Night Light had no problem buying Flurry a foal-age-appropriate gift for her official birthday party and having another not-so age-appropriate gift for the after party custom made just for her. Velvet had coordinated with the castle staff to hang red, white and pink ribbons in Flurry’s room and coordinated having a heart shape cake baked for the after party separate from the larger main birthday cake for the official party. Velvet also arranged for three-dozen roses and a box of chocolates to be placed in the room. Flurry herself coordinated the decorations for her birthday party in the main castle ballroom. It pleased her to be able to take a more official role in running a few small things to lighten her parents’ load. After all, she was trying to prove that she wasn’t a foal anymore. Dinner was served as a buffet for the actual party, so as such, it was going to be delayed. And Shining Armor and Cadance did their part to ensure that all the guests arrived on time, ensured that all the separate interweaving plans didn’t interfere with each other and hoped that this turned out the way Flurry wanted. Flurry greeted her school friends with warm smiles and was completely shocked to see her Auntie Twilight show up to the party. Flurry trotted up to her. “Auntie! I wasn’t expecting you!” Twilight gave Flurry a big birthday hug. “I had to come see you! Ten years old is a huge milestone, the first double digit age. So… have your eye on any of the colts?” Flurry looked around nervously and mumbled so low that she wasn’t sure that her aunt heard her. “Grandpa…” Twilight giggled, causing Flurry to groan. She wasn’t planning on repeating herself but somehow also managed to forget that Alicorn hearing was better than normal pony hearing, which was already pretty good. Twilight leaned in conspiratorially. “Have you made a move?” Flurry winced. “I’ve made mistakes. I tried to twist the Crystal Empire customs around to force grandpa to be my first instead of dad. Mom, Dad, and grandma played their parts to try to make it work but grandpa sidestepped everything and then chewed them out for lying to him and then spanked me for coming up with the bad plan.” Twilight frowned. “Yes… we all agreed to no strong-hoofing the other members of our little incest group. A ‘no’ is supposed to be a respectful no with no attempts to force the other pony to change their mind. What is the plan now?” Flurry gave a small smile. “Grandpa said he would do it tonight after the party. Forcing me to wait all day was supposed to be part of the punishment. I’m not sure it’ll be what I wanted exactly but at least I know he’s not mad at me.” Twilight looked around the room but didn’t see her father. “He must be running late. Could be getting things ready for you. I trust that you haven’t been to your room all day?” Flurry’s mouth hung open as she remembered that she had not been back to her room. “I guess I’ve been too busy today. What do you think is going to happen?” Twilight’s smile was sincere as she lowered her voice yet again. “I suspect that whatever you want to happen will happen. Do you want to do it exactly how I did it?” Flurry nodded. “Oh, that would be great! I remember you saying that your first time was special.” Twilight nodded and cast a spell on Flurry. “There. You’re all set. Enjoy the party, little mare.” Night Light arrived fashionably late and placed his gift with the rest of the gifts as the party started to kick up to full steam. Classic party games were played like ‘Pin the tail on the pony’ and they had a pinata. The buffet was set up by the staff and everypony ate their fill. Techno music was playing, allowing the foals to dance and strut their stuff. Nearly all the colts were trying to get Flurry’s attention, but she only had eyes for one stallion. At one point, Flurry blew her grandpa a kiss and was only saved from embarrassment by the fact that her entire family was standing in a group and anypony that saw the action wouldn’t have known who it was meant for except for the rest of her family. The cake was cut, and ice cream was served. Flurry opened all her presents to the clapping of her friends and other guests. When she got the gift from her grandpa, she unwrapped it with great joy but was confused by the little black book. “What’s this empty book supposed to be for, Grandpa?” Night Light snorted. “That, young lady, is the classic little black book. You can use it to record the information for all your coltfriends. As the daughter of the Princess of Love, no colt in the Crystal Empire is safe from you. And now, you can keep a record of it!” Flurry turned three shades of red while her friends laughed, giggled and ribbed her for the context of the gift. Looking at her family, they were laughing and giggling too. She rolled her eyes but joined in by giggling while flipping through the pages, looking at how neatly organized it would be to sort the colts by name in alphabetical order. Once she got to ‘N’, she was shocked to see one entry already. Night Light. First Sexual Experience. Her mouth dropped open with the consideration of the fact that he had left blank what they had already done, implying that there was indeed more to come. When she looked back up at him, he winked, causing her blush to burn hotter and deeper. The party ended soon after, it being a school night and Flurry was happy to leave the company of her family to walk to her room with her grandpa. Her hoof rested on the door handle. “Are you sure you want to do this today, grandpa? I’m not sure my little heart could take another round of rejection.” He nodded. “I couldn’t do it yesterday because I thought you were being forced to do it. Or just wanted to get it out of the way. The first time is supposed to be special and yesterday just felt too forced. Maybe if you had confessed what was on your mind before I left last night, we could have made something of it. I still wanted it to be more special than yesterday would have been and I’m hoping that today will satisfy both of us.” Flurry opened the door and walked into her room, only to stop three steps in, with Night Light closing and locking the door behind them. She took in the ribbons, the roses, the chocolates, and the personal cake along with one final wrapped gift. Her smile couldn’t have been brighter. “This looks just like Hearts and Hooves Day all over again!” Night Light sighed. “That was the plan. Birthday sex is honesty more of a married couple thing. Hearts and Hooves Day is for lovers. Today, I’m giving you both. There is something that you need to understand, Flurry. The Crystal Empire might allow incest, but even with it being legal, there are virtually no incest marriages. Incest isn’t legal in Equestria, so all incest happens behind closed doors. Even so, the incest arrangements that our family has are very non-cheating and rule based focused. It’s basically a herd or as close to one as we’re allowed to have. We all follow the rules and adding you to the group required a vote. That vote happened at your party, roughly around the time you blew me that kiss. You will always be my granddaughter and I will always love you, regardless of if you stay in the herd or not. I would, in fact, encourage you to seek love outside of the family. But, for the here and now, I will take you as a lover and treat you like a wife. Are you okay with how this works?” Flurry nodded but hedged. “Will this prevent me from having a coltfriend outside of the herd?” He shook his head. “No. You are the only pony in the herd that will be allowed an outside relationship, given that in a healthy family you would be expected to find a special somepony. That pony can be a mare or a stallion and they don’t have to join in the rest of the family incest activities, though, this being the Crystal Empire, they would have to assume that this is happening and is normal. Your dad is looking forward to having sex with you also, but don’t be afraid to turn him down. You aren’t required to lift your tail… do you understand?” Tears flowed down Flurry’s cheeks as she hugged her grandpa. “And that… is why I wanted you first. Auntie Twilight told me how good the first time was and expressed a wistful sorrow that my dad wasn’t as good as you. The fact that you care is why this matters.” She went to the bed and grabbed the last present and unwrapped it. Her eyes shot open. “Wow… this is… huge.” Flurry was looking at a magicolt cooler, designed to sate her heat once she started to go into heat. It might have normally been awkward to receive something like this from anypony other than your mom, but it was a thoughtful gift. She cleared her throat with a little force. “Why is it so big though? Isn’t this a bit much for a filly?” Night Light chuckled and looked at her. “I sure hope not. It’s an exact replica of my cock. If you can’t take that then you can’t take me. On the bright side, if we do this today… every time you use that thing it’ll be like you’re with me. Pretty cool, huh?” Flurry looked at the gift with a new appreciation as to what it meant. “Thanks, grandpa. I’ll always think of you when I use it. In the meantime… I am ready to try.” Night Light guided her over to the bed. He laid her down on the bed much the way he had her yesterday. Her wings unfurled again, and she was a beautiful sight with her hindlegs spread, pussy winking in anticipation. Using his magic, he took a chocolate from the box and fed it to her while he lapped his tongue on her soft, wet, pink lower lips. Her groan from around the sweet sounded all the better while he played with her clit, his gentle expert tongue knowing exactly where to tease. Using his lips, he sucked her pussy, creating a vacuum that put pressure on her entire pussy while still hitting all the right spots with his tongue. Flurry clamped a hoof over her mouth while she screamed as her mare cum rocketed out of her and right into her grandpa’s waiting mouth. She took several deep breaths and then froze when she saw her cum dripping down from his face and mouth. He looked very happy. “You taste better than Twilight and Velvet combined, but your mother is almost a match for you. I can tell you that your father is going to love your taste.” Flurry’s face went red as she cutely tried to hide her face under her forelegs. “Grandpa… that’s lewd.” His chuckle eased her mind. “Almost everything about incest is lewd. Sex is lewd. But that’s part of what makes it great. I never get tired of the feeling of entering a wet, warm pussy. And filling that pussy up with my hot seed is even better.” Flurry whimpered as she tried to drag Night Light down atop her again. This time, he knew that she was wet enough to take him. He laid down on the bed beside her and lifted her up in his magic, placed her on top of him. He placed her pussy on the tip of his cock and allowed her to use his hindlegs for balance. “Okay Flurry. We’re going to let gravity aide us in penetrating that tight pussy of yours. You’re in control. You can go as fast or as slow and as deep or as shallow as you want. But this is about you. I am yours, Flurry. Use me as you will.” Hearing her own words used back at her from yesterday really brought this home for her. She knew that she wouldn’t hurt herself and him surrendering control of this moment was powerful for her. She gently rocked back and forth. Slowly sliding down his cock, feeling it slowly fill up to the max. She stopped at the medial ring, the ring itself refusing to enter her extremely tight, but stretched pussy. “Ugh!!! I want it in me!!!” Night Light chuckled. “I guess that will be your father’s honor. His cock is smaller than mine.” Flurry’s gasp and giggles afterwards were rewarding to his ears and turned very quickly into a gasp from both of them as her angle on his cock shifted from the mutual laughing, and it plunged deeper into her, the medial ring stretching her out more than either of them thought possible. Night Light swallowed hard. “I’m not going to last long with this level of pleasure. I’m far deeper in you than I imagined would be possible for the first time.” Flurry shrugged it off as she started to ride his cock in earnest. “You already got me off. Now it’s your turn. Come in me, grandpa. Fill up my little virgin pussy.” Flurry’s thrusts onto his cock were too much for him to ignore and he erupted inside her. Cum filled her up and spilled out of her, forcing its way around his cock and out as it had nowhere else to go. She pulled herself off him gently and looked down. “Wow. That’s a lot of cum. Is that normal?” Night Light shrugged. “Normal for me. I got about twenty more years of this before I really start slowing down, so don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll get your fill.” Flurry rolled her eyes at the pun but smiled. “Well then, I guess you’ll have to fill me every time you come to the Empire.” Night Light prench kissed her until she was breathless and then hugged her close to him. “I guess I’ll have to visit more often… and make sure your mother brings you to Canterlot every time business brings her there. You have my magicolt cooler replica, but I don’t have a way to have your pussy without you.” Flurry kissed him back. “Don’t worry grandpa. I swear that you’ll have me more often than my dad will. This is pussy is yours until the day you die.” Night Light’s chuckle filled the room. “That sounds good, just don’t kill me with it.” Flurry’s giggle was music to his ears. “No promises.” * * *
Flurry Heart,Night Light,Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Twilight Velvet,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Turn the Page
Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.
<p>Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.</p><p>After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria. </p><p>Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals. </p><p><span class="spoiler">Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.</span></p>
Six Weeks Later… Flurry Heart was trotting down the hallway whistling a happy tune while heading to breakfast. She had enjoyed another weekend with her grandparents two weeks ago when she went with her parents to Canterlot. If they were mad about her monopolizing her grandpa’s time, they said nothing of it but he filled her so many times it made her wonder if a cock could ever truly run out of seed. She entered the dining room and sat down in her usual seat, finishing the tune she was whistling before she stopped. Cadance smiled at her warmly. “My. You’re in a good mood. What’s the occasion?” Flurry blushed. “No occasion… I just got done using grandpa’s gift and I have to say that it’s amazing… just as good as the real thing.” Cadance hummed. “Maybe you’ll let me borrow it then?” Shining glared at his wife, but she giggled, indicating that it was a joke. He rolled his eyes but wasn’t sure he wanted to drop it. Flurry crossed her forelegs. “Nah-uh. Get your own.” That caused Shining to laugh and Cadance to continue to giggle. It was good how comfortable the situation had gotten after the near disaster of her tenth birthday. The servants came in to take their breakfast orders and Cadance ordered her usual stack of pancakes, Shining wanted waffles and Flurry wasn’t sure. She groaned. “I’m so hungry that I can’t decide.” Shining shrugged. “Order whatever. The chef doesn’t mind.” Flurry looked up at the waiter. “Okay. I’ll have a stack of pancakes with strawberries and bananas on top. And peanut butter on toast. And grits with toothpaste. And glazed carrots with grape jelly. And blueberry ice cream with a pickle. And veggie pizza with hot sauce. And… I guess a lemonade for the drink, with extra sugar stirred in.” The waiter said nothing as he took the order and left. Shining frowned, at a loss for words and Cadance cast a spell so quickly that nopony in the room saw her do it. Cadance cleared her throat. “Are you feeling okay, Flurry?” She nodded. “I’m fine. Just very hungry, with some odd cravings. But that’s normal for a growth spurt, right?” Shining mumbled to himself. “Normal for something…” Cadance glared at him, but he didn’t see it. Shining continued. “Did anything happen before or during your birthday party… or two weeks ago when we visited Canterlot?” Flurry’s brows furrowed as she thought about it. “Well… Auntie Twilight cast a spell on me after I confirmed that I wanted to do everything that she did with my first time with grandpa. Does that count?” Shining face hooved and sighed. Cadance groaned as well. “Well sweetie… it looks like your pregnant. Congratulations! You’re officially home schooled now and in eleven months we’re going to be introducing your foal as your brother or sister because you’re too young to be pregnant!” Flurry’s eyes got big. “I’m… pregnant? Are you sure?” Shining frowned. “Twilight cast a spell to put her into early estrus before her first time with your grandpa. You accidentally told her that you wanted the same. He clearly came in you because that’s the tradition and it should have been safe. I would kill her if her pussy wasn’t so good.” Flurry frowned… “I want to keep the foal and claim it as my own. We’ll just tell ponies that Alicorns go into heat at a younger age than normal ponies and we didn’t realize it because I’m the first natural born Alicorn. As to the father… we’ll admit that I got pregnant at my tenth birthday party but claim to not know the who the father is because I really partied that night and we’ll let the other colts hash it out who could be the father amongst themselves. I’m sure at least half of them will claim credit even though none of them touched me.” Cadance shrugged. “If you want to be a mother… so be it… as to the colts, you’re probably right but they will be in for a world of hurt if the citizens decide that what they did was morally wrong. And they will ask if we followed traditions before your purity was taken by random colts.” Flurry smiled. “I have no problem with admitting that Grandpa was my first. We just don’t have to claim that there’s any chance that he’s the father of the foal.” Shining nodded. “I’ll agree to that. Can I see your pussy?” Flurry jumped up on the dining room table, walked up to her father, and within a hooves distance, turned around and flagged her tail. Shining gasped. “He absolutely destroyed your pussy… it’s so stretched out…” Flurry lowered her tail and smiled. “I’m sure it’s still tight enough to get you off, but this is mostly for grandpa anyways. As for me… I’m hoping that I have a filly so he can fuck her too.” Cadance sighed. “One day at a time Flurry. I don’t think you understand how rough this is going to get.” Flurry smiled at her mother. “I’m willing to bear it. I love my grandpa and I always will.” * * *
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
We all know the story of Equestria and everything that revolves around it. We all know the story of Twilight Sparkle, a purple unicorn who goes onto become an alicorn. But what we never got to know, was if there was a dragon side to Equestria. Well believe or not, there is one. There always has been. It's not only an alternate universe version, but a near perfect mirror. The first difference, is that instead of being mostly by ponies, this alternate Equestria's primary species is dragons. The second difference, is that the country isn't called Equestria. It's called "Brimstone". Brimstone is ruled by it's Dragon Lord Torch and his consort Celestia. At least it did, until shortly after Celestia gave birth to their daughter Smolder. Shortly after Smolder was born, Torch was struck down by the rebellious pony population, so with authority handed to her until Smolder was old enough to rule the country, Celestia had the pony who delt the finishing blow executed and the rest of the pony population banished from Brimstone's borders. It should be known though, that Brimstone houses three different kinds of dragons: The magically gifted and brainy Magic Dragons; the super strong and aquatic traversing Water Dragons; and finally, the masters of the sky and agile Sky Dragons. Each dragon had their own kind of special breath ability. Celestia and her sister Luna however, were unique in that they had the ability to use all three breath abilities, and had the perks of all three different kinds of dragons; being magically gifted like Magic Dragons, able to traverse water like Water Dragons, and having wings enabling flight like Sky Dragons. Celestia had hoped dragon kind would accept that she would share responsibility with her sister Luna until Smolder was old enough. But the public began to shun Luna. This ultimately led to Luna becoming a fearsome demon dragon known as Nightmare Moon, who then proceeded to seal Smolder inside an Egg that could only be hatched by a dragon such as Celestia. During the battle with her sister, Consort Celestia called upon the power of the legendary artifacts known as the Medals of Honor which caused Celestia to imprison her own sister in the moon. Celestia had all information regarding her sister hidden. And as for Smolder? She wanted to wait until a Magic Dragon who had the potential of becoming just like Celestia & Luna was able to hatch her, and free her from her cursed prison. Celestia knew she only had one thousand years to do so. While Sunset Shimmer showed the most promise, she was unable to. Still, Celestia believed that Sunset Shimmer could be her daughter's salvation. However, one day Sunset Shimmer had helped a dying pony couple cross the border. This pony couple believed that there could be a way for the banishment to be lifted on their species, and wanted to plead their case to Celestia. However, it was during this, that ponies hunted them down and nearly killed them. They did have a baby colt, who ironically, was unlike any other pony. Most ponies were known to either have wings, or not have wings. Yet this colt, this one had a horn. Such a miracle did not escape Celestia. Therefore, she took this as a sign. If this colt could prove to be the link between Ponies & Dragons at long last, then maybe, just maybe, everything could be fine. Not long after that though, was when a Magic Dragon called Twilight Sparkle had the biggest magical surge Celestia had ever encountered. A magical surge that made her and her sister pale in comparison. Celestia was able to calm this dragon, and learn that her name is Twilight Sparkle. With Smolder free from her imprisonment now, Celestia put forth a decree: Until Smolder was old enough to take the throne, she was to live in the nearby small town of Dragon Vale. The public accepted this, as Dragon Vale was a testimate to the unity of the three dragons tribes. As a second decree, until Spike can act as a diplomate between Ponies & Dragons thanks to his unique characteristic of being the only known pony with a horn, Spike would act as Royal Chronicler, and Chronicle all of Twilight Sparkle's accomplishments as well as his own. This is everything that happened a few years ago before the start of the first season in the Equestrian Timeline we know so well. But little could either side known, that a change was about to occur with their respective Spikes. One was a dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle, and is unique in his own right. Meanwhile Spike the Pony is a young pony colt whose horn makes him stand out amongst the ponies of his universe. And these two spikes are about to learn about the mirror's world in a way that will change everything. Two Spikes, one switch. That's how it all begins... Fimfiction Presents... A story produced by Rob Snowden... And protected by LeoKingdomProductions... A thought project brought up on a whim... The Big Switcharoo
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
To say Twilight Sparkle was glad to be heading back to the Golden Oak's Library to grab Spike so Pinkie Pie could do her party which she was actually looking forward to, was an understatment. She was actually both happy and sad. But she did want to bring something up to her mentor, Princess Celestia. Right now though, Twilight and her friends were arriving at Golden Oaks Library with the sister rulers when suddenly a great massive surge of green magic happened. "Wh-what was that?!" Twilight exclaimed as she quickly rushed for the door. That...almost felt like a magical signature that could rival Twilgiht's. But that's impossible. Sunset's aura was red, not green. Princess Celestia thought to herself, rushing after her pupil. The rest of the ponies soon followed behind, but when they opened the door, there was an obvious sign of a magic spell having been cast, and instead of one male dragon, they instead found a purple unicorn colt. A colt, who looked seriously worn out. "...Okay quick check...don't think I'm going to be able to use magic for a good several days. Best limit myself to levitation spells until I get my reserves back up." While the ponies knew the colt they were looking at couldn't be Spike, the voice was identical. "...Okay...did Spike seriously just turn himself into a pony?" Rainbow Dash asked. That had attracted the colt's attention, who turned towards the ponies. "...Other...ponies? I don't understand..." The colt said. "...Spike? Is" Twilight asked. "How do you know my name? Wait, don't answer that." The colt said. "First, tell me your name." "It's me. It's Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. "This is seriously messed up." Rainbow Dash said. "...Yeah okay, this is...much more then I expected to happen." The colt said. "So as you know, my name is Spike. And I can already guess the rest of your names. In order from left to right: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity." "So, can ya tell us what the heck is going on with ya all of a sudden Spike?" Applejack said. "By the way, while you were listing our names off, Pinkie Pie got between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." "Guess somethings don't change, no matter which version of Brimstone I'm in apparently." Spike said. "Brimstone? This is Ponyville in Equestria." Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight, are we sure this is Spike?" "I couldn't say for certain. One quick check: Spike, what's my favorite thing to do?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "That's an easy one: Your favorite thing to do is reading! Also, I'm going to guess some events here: When you came here, Pinkie Pie ran off to organize a party, you ate too much at the Apple Family Reunion, Rainbow Dash ran into you messing up your looks, Rarity freaked out at both that and the fact your from the capital city, and last but certainly not least, the last thing I was awake enough to realize before you ran off to stop Nightmare Moon, is that you tucked me into bed because I was sleepy." Spike said. "So, how close did I get?" "I...I just...whoa..." Twilight said. "That's...basically all correct." "Okay, is Spike..." Rainbow Dash was a little freaked out now. "Yet, I don't think he's our Spike. I may not be an egghead, but I'm starting to pick things up that this Spike isn't our Spike." "Yeah, Rainbow Dash nailed it right on the head. I'm actually from an alternate version of your reality." Spike said. "Wow. So, you were a pony that ended up becoming a chronicler for Twilight Sparkle then?" Pinkie Pie asked. "That's err...that's exactly correct. How did you know?" Spike asked. "Just a hunch." Pinkie Pie said. Celestia came forward. "So, tell me Spike...exactly what kind of alternate reality did you come from?" She asked. " you have super strength of some kind?" Spike asked Celestia. "I do." Celestia answered. "...I'm fainting now..." Spike said before doing what he just said, and fainting. "...Was it something I said?" Celestia asked. A bit later, Spike was now able to tell the ponies exactly what his world was like. Including the fact that in his universe, Equestria was instead called Brimstone. "...So let me get this straight: In this alternate reality, you were the only pony of our group while we were the dragons?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yep. I have it all chronicled in my two books." Spike said. "You kept records?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. It's basically my job. That's what I was assigned to do." Spike said. "...I would like to talk to you a bit in private. Before that, we have a party to attend." Twilight said. "What kind of party?" Spike asked. He got his answer, and Princess Celestia made a decree later that day. Now it was time for Twilight to have her private talk with Pony Spike. "So, why did you want to talk with me privately?" Spike asked. "I was just curious...did you have a crush on the other Rarity?" Twilight asked. "...Wow, I really should've met this other me. Or at least chatted with him before I suddenly decided to use his life aura to switch places with him." Spike said. "...Going to come back to that. So, how do you feel about the Rarity of this world?" Twilgiht asked. "Oh for sure she's too old for me. Because dragons live for longer then ponies, it wouldn't have been too much of an issue for me to get with the dragon version of Rarity. Here though, not so much. I did notice a filly who looks kind of like her at the announcement of Luna's return though. Not sure about her so much though. Willing to at least try." Spike said. "...Yeah I think Rarity said her name was Sweetie Belle and that Sweetie Belle is her younger sister. Come to think of it, you two are about the same age." Twilight said. "Oh yeah, more of a chance there. And same age too. That's great!" Spike said. "...Your handling this really well." Twilight noticed. "Hey, I cast the spell on purpose. I knew it would have me exchange places with an alternate version of myself. And it did. It worked. Granted, things are much different then I was expecting, being in a Pony filled version of my own world rather then a dragon one. But hey, could be worse for me." Spike said. "...Makes me wonder exactly how my Spike is doing in your world." Twilight said. Suddenly Spike looked like he was constipated. "...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...I honestly didn't even think of that. Whoops." Spike said.
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
Around the same time as when Equestria's Twilight was returning to Ponyville's Golden Oak Library, Brimstone's Twilight was returning to Dragon Vale's Volcanic Ash Library. "Hope Smolder was able to stay up to keep an eye on Spike to make sure he got sleep." Twilight said. "You encountered my daughter?" Celestia said. "I did. She wanted so badly to help, but I told her that Spike needed her help more. He is still a pony at the end of the day." Twilight said. "That is fine, actually. This was better." Celestia said. "Twilight!" A female voice said. At that point, an orange dragonness suddenly ran up to the group. "I...I have a situation..." "What's wrong Smolder?" Twilight said. "I...I fell asleep watching Spike. And when I woke up, I noticed he was out of his bed. So I headed downstairs to find him and...well...the rest your better off seeing for yourself." Smolder said. The group entered the Library, only to find a purple dragon sleeping on the floor where clear signs of magic being used were detected. "...Spike cast a spell to turn himself into a dragon?" Twilight said. "Nuh uh. That's not Spike. At least, not the Spike we know." Smolder said. "He has a pony smell on him, but he smells more like a genuine dragon, then a pony turned into a dragon. I should know. I am the daughter of Celestia." "Smolder, there's a reason why I wanted you here in Dragon Vale: I want you to make friends with your future subjects. I don't want you acting like your better then them. I don't want you heading down a path that would make you a tyrant." Celestia said. "...I get it mom. I'll be good. I'll try and make friends. Going to be hard though." Smolder said. "Well judging from the way this dragon is, he's actually not too different from Smolder." Twilight said, as magical auras were scanning the sleeping dragon. "Wait, what do you mean he's not different from me?" Smolder asked. "Smolder, you may look like a Magic Dragon now, but given time, you will undergo a process where you gain the same attibutes as me." Celestia said. "Yeah I figured that much. I mean...wait..." Smolder said. "Does...does that mean this dragon is the same?" "I don't know how, but yes; he'll become a combination of our three dragon tribes just like how Consert Celestia is." Twilight said. "Wow. So it really isn't our Spike." Rainbow Dash said. "Ugh...why are so many ponies talking?" The purple dragon asked, as he groggily woke up. But then he suddenly went wide eyed. "Oh good, your awake. Greeting, I am--" Twilight began before suddenly the new dragon looked like he was trying to go back to sleep. "...Seriously? Dude is actually trying to go back to sleep?" Rainbow Dash said. "He must think what he saw is only a dream." Twilight said. "I know what'll wake him up." Pinkie Pie said. "And now I understand why the bookshelves are up so high off the ground..." Twilight said as Pinkie Pie suddenly let loose a turrent of water from her mouth that was dousing the sleeping dragon in cold water. The Purple dragon spluttered as he was forced awake. "Okay so this isn't some strange dream." He said. "Afraid not sport." Rainbow Dash said. " any of you know what exactly happened?" The purple dragon asked. "Looks like a spell book was opened to a specific spell. A spell called 'The Big Switcharoo'." Twilight noted. "...Wait really?" Rainbow Dash checked the book. "Huh. Says here that the spell is designed to switch you with someone who bears your exact same life signature. You trade places with them from the same point in time as yourself when you cast the spell." "...So your saying this dragon is just another Spike?" Smolder asked. "Seems that way." Rainbow Dash said. "So, is this some kind of version of Equestria where every there's dragons as the majority instead of ponies?" Spike asked. "Got that right." Smolder said. "Except it's not called Equestria. It's called Brimstone." Spike suddenly felt himself get a crush on Smolder. T-talk about beauty. She easily outshines Rarity. Gotta play it cool this time though. She's a dragon. Probably not like Rarity at all. "Well I dare say, this has been one heck of an experince for the dreadful dear." Rarity said. Spike noticed the white dragoness, but despite noticing her beauty was even greater, something inside him was saying that being attracted to this Rarity was just wrong. What's happening to me? Spike thought to himself. "So, bet you'd like to stick around for a party huh? Because until we figure out how to undo this, your stuck here." Smolder said. "Sure...I suppose I could do that." Spike said while trying to be cool. And failing. "Good. Because your coming with me, cutie." Smolder said, grabbing him and running off with him. Rainbow Dash was actually the last one to leave. That's because she noticed what the other dragons missed: There was a note attached to the spell. It said the following: Warning: If both versions of you suddenly find an attachment in your new worlds, then this spell cannot be reversed. Not even a being capable of ripping through reality like it was nothing could switch you back. So whatever you do, don't gain any romantic connections in your new worlds, or your both stuck for good. Rainbow winced upon reading this. Well obviously this Dragon Spike likes Princess Smolder enough. Heck, I can see it. It's basically all over his face. And she certainly likes him back. Never heard her call any boy dragons "cutie" before Dragon Spike. So I guess, if Pony Spike finds his own romantic connection...then they're stuck switched like this. She thought to herself. Also, whoever named this spell "The Big Switcharoo" needs to be punched in the face. The Sky Dragon thought to herself. She did notice that the spell's author was some drake named "Star Swirl the Bearded". Never mind; if this was made by Star Swirl the Bearded, then no way in the world am I going to punch Twilight's idol in the face. Welp, there goes my plans on punching the namer of this spell in the face. Rainbow thought to herself. "Hey wait for me!" Rainbow Dash called out as she rushed after her friends. In case it wasn't obvious, Twilight & Rarity in this reality are Magic Dragons, Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash are Sky Dragons, while Applejack & Pinkie Pie are Water Dragons. Oh, and I couldn't really come up with a clever name for what to call Brimstone's version of Celestia & Luna. Calling them Alicorn Dragons just sounds wrong in my head. Mostly because "Alicorn" sounds so...pony. And Brimstone is clearly not pony. So if anyone has any names that you would call the draconic equivalent of an Alicorn, feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments below. Because yes, you guys can effect the sequel to this small side project by coming up with a name for these "Alicorn" dragons. I'll pick the one that sounds the most correct out of the suggestions; the more creative you get with it, the better the odds I'll actually pick that one. Next chapter, the romance starts. And hoo boy, it's going to start off hard. I did say in the long description that the tags left nothing to the imagination. And you should already know which two ladies the two Spikes are going to have romantic feelings towards. Here's one final hint: They are the same age as the two Spikes. And you can already guess who they are from both this chapter and the previous one.
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
Right now, the only suggestion I've gotten in regard to what I asked about in the last author's note is "Composite Dragon" and that's...not really all 'there' for me if you get what I'm saying. It just doesn't sound as special as calling the pony versions of Celestia & Luna "Alicorns" does. I prefer something that gives off that same vibe; that same sense of "this is a special dragon species" like with Alicorns. So, here's hoping this time, the comments give me something that actually would make the dragon versions of Celestia and Luna sound special. Because they are. Also, I am not going to specify whether certain characters that are being addressed or are speaking are their Pony selves or dragon selves with the sole exception being the two different Spikes on occasion. I'm already separating the realities with putting "Equestria Side" and "Brimstone Side" in the chapter titles. If you're not paying attention to those, then that's your own damn fault if you get confused. I put those in the chapter titles for a reason people. If you're not paying attention to that much, then I have to ask where in eternity did you learn to read, and if I need to educate you on how to read a fanfic. It's been a couple of days since Pony Spike cast his special spell that caused him to switch places and realities with Dragon Spike. And right now, Rainbow Dash is at the Golden Oak's Library looking through books with Twilight. "Remind me again why I'm helping you look through these books?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because I want to know if there's a book written by Starswirl the Bearded in this library." Twilight said. "He was the most renowned Unicorn mage of his time after all. In fact, some of the magic I trained in to get into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns were things I read about in books made by Starwirl the Bearded." "You sound like you idolize this pony a little." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, think of it this way: If it weren't for Starswirl the Bearded's works, we probably wouldn't even be talking to each other right now." Twilight said. "...And suddenly mad respect for you just reached an all-time high. Didn't you say you mastered some of your magic when you were a filly?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah, that's right." Twilight said. "...I really don't give out respect towards others that often, but, in your case...super mega respect Twi. Honestly, I'd say you're like the me of Unicorns." Rainbow stated. "What's that supposed to mean? You've called me an egghead multiple times." Twilight said. "Well, I'll probably hold back on the egghead jokes from now on. Because you're just as awesome as I am. And I don't say that about any pony lightly." Rainbow said. Twilight was notable silent. "...Are you reading a book?" Rainbow asked. "No; no, I'm not. I was just unsure of how to respond to that statement in the right way is all. So I just didn't." Twilight said. "...Huh. Yeah, probably good that you didn't accidently put your hoof in your mouth. Figure of speech, obviously." Rainbow Dash said. "I know about idioms Rainbow." Twilight said. "Not sure what idioms are, but it sounds complicated. I'll leave the big brain stuff to you." Rainbow Dash said. "Thought you said tha--" "Found one!" Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight, almost shoving a book made by Starswirl the Bearded in her face. "...Right." Twilight said and started skimming through the book. As she did, suddenly Rainbow Dash stopped her. "Hold up a second, go back two pages." Rainbow Dash said. "...Oooooookay..." Twilight did so. "...'The Big Switcharoo'?" "...Thought you said this Starswirl was a mega important mage?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Guess that didn't leave any room for creativity in naming his spells." Twilight said. "But this is it. In black in white basically. This spell states that it can allow you to switch places with an alternative version of yourself. At least, that's what it does in simple terms. It's using the caster's own unique life signature, and using it to switch them with their alternate self." "Huh. Question: What does it mean life signature? I followed behind the whole 'it makes you switch places with an alternate you' part, but what's this life signature mumbo jumbo?" Rainbow Dash said. "In other words, it's a teleportation spell on steroids, because it's using the user's very soul to do it's teleportation." Twilight said. At that, Rainbow Dash gulped. "...On a scale of one to ten, how juiced up by steriods are we talking?" She asked. "Enough that it would make Celestia controlling the sun & moon for a thousand years plus seem like it was being done by a toddler." Twilight said. "...So, basically, this is one of those 'eleven or higher' situations..." Twilight said. "Let me put it this way: Pony Spike is lucky he only got out of that with magical exaustion for the next few days." Twilight said. "Because if this spell is cast improperly; the results would be too morbid to even think about." "...Okay, whoa. That's WAY beyond an eleven. That's sounding like this spell is one hundred times more powerful then a teleportation spell." Rainbow Dash said. "I did say it was a Teleportation spell on steroids." Twilight said. "...What's this other part?" Rainbow Dash asked. Confused, Twilight checked. It was in pretty small text. "How did you notice such small text?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Not important as what this says. Because if I'm reading this right, if both spikes get a romantic attachment to some pony or some dragon; and I do mean both of them; they are stuck being switched." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight's eyes became pinpricks. "Rainbow Dash, do you mind--" "Checking to see if Pony Spike makes Sweetie Belle fall for him? You got it." Rainbow Dash said before flying off. "Well...yes. I was going to ask that. Thank you for doing it." Twilight said. Meanwhile, Pony Spike had come across Sweetie Belle, and got inbetween her and the neighborhood bully Diamond Tiara. "Whose the new colt?" Silver Spoon asked. "Well, he's got a cutie mark at least. So, I don't care where he came from." Diamond Tiara said. "Don't. Even. Move." Spike said. "...What?" Diamond Tiara said. Suddenly a cart came by and splashed mud on both her and Silver Spoon said. "And that's why I said, don't move. You really should pay more attention to your own surroundings, then picking on some pony." Spike said. "...I hate this colt already. But he's lucky I need to go home now." Diamond Tiara said. "Hey wait up!" Silver Spoon said before the two left. "Um...thank you." Sweetie Belle said. "Hey, it's what a pony should do right?" Pony Spike said. "Those two are always bullying me because I don't have a cutie mark." Sweetie Belle said. "You shouldn't have to get some facial mark to stand out." Spike said. Sweetie Belle was a bit confused, but she figured the new Pony must've misheard her. "...Well whatever. Thanks for standing up for me. I'll see you around." Sweetie Belle said, before she gave Pony Spike a kiss on the cheek. Spike just smiled. "...Well that was easy." He said. "...Why do I suddenly feel like telling some pony to get ammunition for a paper stapler?" The colt asked and then headed back to the library. He didn't even realize he was being watched by Rainbow Dash. "...Oh Twilight's not going to like this." Rainbow Dash said and speed off ahead. As Pony Spike came into the library, he was suddenly hit in the face with a pillow. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" Twilight exclaimed. "...What did I miss?" Pony Spike asked. "Something big." Twilight said, before giving him a bookmarked page of the spell he cast, with the small text highlighted. Upon reading it, Spike's eyes became pinpricks. "...Eeeeeheheh...can I use the excuse that I just go too excited to not check for warnings?" Spike was sweating. Twilight sighed. "Well all the same. What are the odds the dragon you will even try for romance?" "...You're actually asking me? Me? An alternate version of Spike if your spike will go for romance?" Pony Spike asked. "...You do know who you're asking, right?" Twilight just groaned. "...This spell is going to be a one-time deal isn't it?" She asked. "Of all the ponies, dragons, or whatever else in both our realities, did you have to be the one that wanted to cast this spell?"
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
Fimfiction user Frazikar had this to say in the comments of the last chapter: 'star dragon' is simple or a stellar variation And that actually makes sense to me. While someone else suggested "Ethernal Dragons", while that does sound like what I was aiming for, what it means goes against the beliefs I've been subscribing towards in regards to Alicorns. During the time prior to my old account getting hacked, and during the entire run of this new account, I have been subscribing to the "anti-immortal alicorn" mindset. Long living maybe, but not immortal. And sadly, the meaning behind "Ethernal Dragons" would essentially translate to immortality. Yeah not happening. But there is good news. Fraziker has given me an idea for something that could sound very special and not have this immortal vibe behind it. So while I won't be using the name "Star Dragon", what I'll be using instead should be close enough. All credit for this naming convention goes to Fraziker though. Give him some thanks for this peeps. He deserves it. "What do you mean there's a big warning about romance in the spell our Spike used?" Twilight asked. She was in the Volcanic Ash Library with Rainbow Dash who; as we've just heard; had mentioned the warning she noticed. "It's right here; just look." Rainbow Dash said, showing the book to Twilight. Twilight did notice there was some small text on the page of the spell which was called "The Big Switcharoo". "...How on Brimstone did you manage to see this small text?" Twilight asked. "Always been able to see things like this whenever I'm flying. Which is constantly. Not really sure why." Rainbow Dash said. "...Something to keep in mind for later." Twilight said. She then quickly read the same warning Rainbow Dash read. Meanwhile, while this was going on, Spike was with Smolder taking in everything about Dragon's Vale. "Everything almost looks like some sort of...draconic counterpart." Spike said. "Doubt that's a coincidence. I mean, you did swamp places with an alternate you." Smolder said. "Speaking of which, let's keep that on the down low. Just enjoy the sights why don't you? Act like you've just...moved here or something." "That's not hard to do, because I've defiantly did a 'or something' here." Spike said. Smolder giggled. "Good to know you've got a sense of humor." She said. She suddenly looked very serious. "...May I ask what's wrong?" Spike said. Then he looked behind him. There was a red dragon there. "...Hello Garble." Smolder said. "Seems you've attached yourself to the new dragon. May I ask why?" The red dragon asked. "May I remind you that I've already given you one chance to even romance me, which you failed. Misarably." Smolder said. "Yeah. One chance. And not anymore than. I really think I can get it right the next time." Garble said. "There is no 'next time' for us Garble. I specifically said up front you had one chance to romance me." Smolder said. "Don't make me do something we both know your mother won't like." Garble said. "...Leave her alone..." Spike suddenly said in a dark voice. "Well, the little dragon things he can get in on this conversation huh?" Garble asked. "I said..." Spike suddenly got really big all of a sudden. "Leave her, ALONE!" Spike said in a much deeper voice. "Okay okay; whatever you say! I'll be good. I'll never bother her again mighty Nova Dragon!" Garble said before he flew off in a huge panic. After he was gone, Spike shrunk back. He noticed Smolder was looking at him with wide eyes. "...What?" "How did you...even do that?" Smolder asked. "I...I don't know. I just reacted." Spike said. "Well, I do know one thing: You're already doing way better then Garble at winning me over, cutie~" Smolder said, before she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. This made the purple dragon fall over in a collection of hearts. "You're quite the goofball, but I have a feeling we're both going to enjoy each other's company, cutie~" "If I'm reading this right, then if both our Spike and this Dragon Spike get romantic connections, then this spell becomes a one-way act; they'll never be able to switch back." Twilight said. "Yeah. That's the gist of it." Rainbow Dash said. "But that would throw off EVERYTHING Consort Celestia has been planning. Without our Spike, peace between our kind and ponies will never happen!" Twilight said. "Well didn't your magic say that Spike has the potential to grow into a Nova Dragon? Because that's what I got out of that." Rainbow Dash said. "Yes, but what does that...oh..." Twilight realized what was being put down. "Huh. With the right magic training, this Spike could get a pony disguise. Or something along those lines." She added. "Yeah. So really, what's the big deal? What harm could having the two Spikes be switched around like this actually do? Worst case scenario on our end, is that ponies will never be peaceful towards us. Not that I'm putting much stock into that." Rainbow Dash said. "No offense to Consort Celestia or anything, but I was thinking that her plan to make peace with the ponies was a long shot at best, and very unlikely to work. Because if she tries, and it backfires, then we'll lose her too. Or worse." "I know. I get that. I think she believed what with our Spike being the first pony ever that sported something other than wings, that it could've been a sign that ponies could be just like us." Twilight said. "Yeah, no offense again to Consort Celestia and all, but...I can already see the flaw here." Rainbow Dash said. "Flaw? What flaw are you talking about?" Twilight asked. "The flaw is that those ponies could argue we used our magic to create some kind of pony abomination. After all, until our Spike came along, there were only two types of ponies: Those with wings, and those without." Rainbow Dash said. "...I guess I can understand that logic. And honestly, that does sound like something they could accuse us of doing. They did after all, kill Dragon Lord Torch unprovoked, which is what led to their banishment from Brimstone in the first place." Twilight said. "Exactly. So whose to say they wouldn't have done something worse?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...You have a point." Twilight said. "But what if this Dragon Spike was going to do something in the mirror reality that could've prevented a war or something worse?" "...Okay yeah now that would be a problem." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, if there are counterparts to all of us, then that must mean there has to be some magical artifacts like the Medals of Honor. If worst comes to worst, our pony counterparts could just use their counterparts to the Medals of Honor to fight back against the dragons. You know, without killing them. Like how we were able to restore Luna back to being Luna." "Okay, I guess that would be a last resort if it comes to that. But really, what are the chances that both Spikes will form romantic connections?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "...You do realize that the first thing this Dragon Spike did was start going gaa gaa over Princess Smolder, right? Whose to say that our Spike didn't find some pony his age to get involved with on the pony side of things too?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...Well now that you mentioned that, it really does mean this spell was a one-way trip. Huh. I guess the best thing we can do is make Dragon Spike feel at home here." Twilight said. "Your just going to accept that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "This is still a Spike at the end of the day. Are we really going to make this Spike feel like an outcast? Especially when he's going to become a Nova Dragon someday?" Twilight asked. "...You've got me there..." Rainbow Dash said. Extra A/N: And with this, the romance part of the story is done. The next two chapters will deal with the realization that the switch is permanent, and a final chapter to show off how Pony Spike being in Equestria changed things for them. However, there won't be any single chapter to showcase how Dragon Spike will change things for Brimstone. I did say this was a small side project. That's because it's a lead up to something much, much bigger~
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
It was the day after when Pony Spike had actually gotten Sweetie Belle to be romantically interested in him. And now, said colt was off to hang out with Sweetie Belle for the day, as Twilight was expecting Princess Celestia soon. "You didn't have to come all this way because of what happened." Twilight said. "This was too important. I told the nobles that something has happened with Spike the dragon that warrents my full attention for the moment, since it involved a spell from Starswirl the Bearded. And the moment I mentioned that the nobles were instantly shut up." Princess Celestia said. "That honestly felt good." "I guess dealing with them constantly would grate on you after so long." Twilight said. "It does, trust me." Princess Celestia said. "But this couldn't wait for long. Not after what I've detected." "...Our spike found romance in this alternate reality, didn't he?" Twilight said. To say Princess Celestia was caught off guard, would be an understatement. "How did you know?" "Seems the version of Spike that teleported here is a smart one. It's like he knew that our Spike would fall for someone and end up getting a romantic attachment just like the pony version would." Twilight said. "As soon as he mentioned that I was already prepared for the worst." "...I know it's not going to be easy to accept, but for now, perhaps the best thing you can do, is help this new Spike feel welcomed in Ponyville. You and your friends. I will figure out a way for us to communicate soon. I just need a little time to think. And I wasn't going to get that dealing with nobles." Celestia said. "Would you mind joining me for some tea while I think?" "Well, if it'll help you princess, then I don't see why I shouldn't." Twilight said. Meanwhile, Pony Spike was with Sweetie Belle again, though this time, they were joined by an orange pegasus filly. "So...whose the new guy exactly?" The pegasus filly asked. "That's the strange thing, he said his name is Spike." Sweetie Belle said. "There's enough ponies in the world for some pony to end up with the same name as the new dragon I heard about." The Pegasus filly said. "...I guess I can get behind that. Haven't seen the dragon at all though. Maybe he's at the library." Sweetie Belle said. "You really shouldn't do that." Spike said. "You'd be interrupting a meeting between Twilight and Princess Celestia that's happening right now." "Yeah no. We're not going to do that." The Pegasus said. "Still, surprised you want to hang with a colt who already has a cutie mark." She said. "He did basically stand up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. So I'd say he's not like them." Sweetie Belle said, as Spike was touching his face. "...Why are you touching your face?" The pegasus asked. "Trying to find out where that facial feature you mentioned is at." Spike said. "Again, with the cutie mark confusion. You did that yesterday too." Sweetie Belle said. "I'm talking about the symbol on your flanks. You know, the book that's emblazoned on them?" "Oh that thing? That's what you're calling a cutie mark?" Spike said. "...I'll be honest, I only know that it's there, and I have no idea what it's called." "...You're joking with me, yes? By the way, name's Scootaloo." The Pegasus filly said. "Well it's nice to meet you Scootaloo, but I'm being honest: I don't know what the symbol on my flanks is called." Spike said. "It's called a cutie mark. It basically is a symbol of your special talent." Sweetie Belle said. "...Oh. Well, I don't think I have one. I have something that I do a lot of, but I don't think it's got anything with anything special I do that some pony else couldn't have done." Spike said. "Oh really? And what exactly is it that you do?" Scootaloo asked. "I chronicle history. It's sort of a thing I was raised to do." Spike said. "But I'll be honest, I've heard of other Chroniclers before me. So, I wouldn't say I'm special in that regard." "Are you serious right now? You don't think chronicling history ISN'T some special talent? Dude, that's a BIG special talent." Scootaloo said. "I don't follow your logic..." Spike said. "...Wow. Just wow. This colt is mega weird." Scootaloo said. "Well, given that he stuck up against Diamond Tiara yesterday, I'd say he can't be a bad colt." Sweetie Belle said. "Well don't look now, but here come the two ponies in question." Scootaloo said. "What, you want to hang out with Blank Flanks some more, new colt?" Diamond Tiara asked. Spike did notice that neither Sweetie Belle nor Scootaloo had a mark on his flanks like Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and of course himself did. But hearing the term "Blank Flanks" triggered something in him. "...I'm sorry, what did you call them?" Spike said. "Well I'm only stating the truth: Those two are Blank Flanks." Diamond Tiara said. Without warning, suddenly it began to rain SOLEY on Diamond Tiara. "You shouldn't have made me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry." Spike said. "I hereby curse you, Diamond Tiara, with the curse of rain. From now on, whenever your outside, you'll be constantly rained upon by your own personal rain cloud. And it'll stay that way until you learn to be a better pony." Diamond Tiara suddenly ran off crying. "...So um...I'm just going to say for the record: I was only putting up with her hijinks because don't know this but...a few days ago...her mother died. So...I'm just going to go now." Silver Spoon said and then went after Diamond Tiara said. "Her mother dying gives her no excuse to bully others!" Spike shouted at the two. Scootaloo's jaw dropped. H-how did he do that?! She thought to herself. "Wow. I've seen angry before, but nothing like that." Sweetie Belle said. "Well, she made me angry. Ponies shouldn't bully other ponies. It's just not right." Spike said. "I take back what I said earlier: How is magic not your special talent?" Scootaloo asked. "I mean, you just put a spell curse on Diamond Tiara." "I told you: I don't think I have a special talent. At least, not yet." Spike said. "Oh, this is going to be fun now." Scootaloo mentioned. Later that day, Spike returned to the Library. "Spike I heard about what you did. That sort of curse was uncalled for." Twilight said. "I just...I just reacted is all. I couldn't stand the idea of a pony bullying another pony all because their mother died." Spike said. "Silver Spoon mentioned it." "...Well...Silver Spoon is only telling you half of the truth. According to what I found out from Filthy Rich; husband of Spoiled Rich; is that one day while in Manehatten, he and his wife were jumped by an unknown pony. This pony managed to keep their entire identity hidden, so no arrest was made. But regardless, what that pony did was unforgivable: They proceeded to not only steal much of the Rich's belongings, but he also stabbed Spoiled Rich several times, though Filthy Rich was injured in trying to protect his wife from a fatal stab wound. While Spoiled Rich's injuries were treatable, she has slipped into a coma for the past three years now. Ever since, Filthy Rich has done his best to raise his daughter by himself." "Well, if Spoiled Rich is in a coma, why did Silver Spoon say Spoiled was dead?" Spike asked. "Because despite being treated for her wounds, something seemed to have happened with Spoiled Rich's mind during the attack. Doctors say it was like her entire pyche shattered and broke apart. While she's not dead, she might as well be, as she is now in a vegetative state that she will never wake up from." Twilight said. "But there's got to be something that can be done. I might be able to do something." Spike said. "...You honestly think you can do something?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. I might be able to do something. The curse thing I put on diamond doesn't use magical power to cast. I can do something that'll really make sure Diamond Tiara stops bullying others." Spike said. What Pony Spike ended up doing from there, was put a spell on Spoiled Rich & Diamond Tiara, where the more Diamond Tiara starts to become a better pony, the more likely it is that Spoiled Rich will finally wake up. It gives motivation for Diamond Tiara to become a better pony. As Pony Spike & Twilight were leaving, they were stopped by Diamond Tiara. "You...really didn't have to do that you know. You really had no reason. So...I guess...I hope you stick around. And...I hope next time we see each other...we can hopefully be friends. I...I don't think I deserve anything more then you've already given me." Dimaond Tiara said. "We'll see. Depends on if you take this to become a better pony by the next time we speak." Spike said. "Yeah. Yeah I'll do that. I'll do my best. It's a promise." Diamond Tiara said and went back to the room. "...That...was honestly good of her to offer that." Twilight said. "See? It's working already." Spike said. So...initially I didn't put in the follow-up that I planned. Hence why this chapter was published, then unpublished, and then published again.
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
Twilight sighed. "So, it seems the dragon version of Spike ended up with your daughter." Twilight said. Consort Celestia was over to chat about what she had heard in regard to their recent addition to Dragon Vale. The two were in the Volcanic Ash Library. "I think the two will be glad to have each other. It's not often that two Nova dragons fall in love with each other. Even if right now, they both look like Magic Dragons." Celestia said. "You did mention that, you'll see your husband again someday. So, Nova Dragons don't live forever." Twilight said. "No, we do not. We live longer than all other dragons yes, but not forever." Celestia said. "Well, that's good, I guess. If anything, it makes sure that Spike and Smolder will eventually see us all again when their time comes." Twilight said. Oh trust me, my student; they aren't the only ones. Celestia thought to herself. Not willing to reveal something she had seen in Twilight just quite yet. It's something the consort wants to keep in her back pocket. At least for now. Meanwhile, Spike was with Smolder, and the two were with two other dragons. Smolder introduced them as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "So your the new drake huh. Smolder did mention that there was a new drake in town." Scootaloo said. "It's very nice to meet you." Sweetie Belle said. "It's nice to meet the both of you too." Spike said. "These two have been the only two dragons I've met that don't mind me being who I am." Smolder said. "So, you get along well?" Spike asked. "Yeah. So far things have been great between us. And I'm hoping to have more friends soon." Smolder said. "Hey, whose the two dragons walking this way?" Spike asked. "Oh. That's Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The two have a bit of a history as pranksters. It's all harmless and in good fun though, so, no drake can be too upset with them." Smolder said. "Hey, there's a new drake here." Diamond Tiara said. "Don't think we've been introduced; name's Diamond Tiara." She said. "I'm Spike..." Spike said. "Whoa wait, like the pony? I guess there would be a dragon called Spike at some point. I shouldn't have been surprised by that." Scootaloo said. "...Oh. It's you." Diamond Tiara said. "Huh? Did I do something?" Scootaloo asked. "Only upstaged me as the most popular dragon at school recently." Diamond Tiara said. "...I kid, I kid! I'm just messing with you!" Scootaloo just shrugged that off. "...Sometimes your pranks can be so...weird." She said. "That wasn't nice." Spike said, his tone a little dark. "Whoa calm down. Okay, it was only supposed to be a little joke. Something to try and get some laughs. I wasn't trying to start anything. Just...calm down." Diamond Tiara said. "Look, if it upsets you that much, then Scootaloo, I apologize for my joke." "It's fine. Just...try to make a better joke next time." Scootaloo said. "I'll see what I can come up with. Hope you get in the air soon, Scootaloo. I want to see you do some super slick air moves someday." Diamond Tiara said and left with Silver Spoon. "...Wait, what was that?" Spike asked, a little confused now. "That was basically how things work. Bullying is very frowned upon and punishable via a curse by dragon law. So if you do do anything beyond just teasing some drake, you get cursed. And trust me, those curses are no joke." Sweetie Belle said. "I heard about this one water dragon who bullied another dragon so badly, that he ended up being cursed with all sorts of things that he was never heard from again." Sweetie Belle said. "I still get chills at night just thinking about that." Scootaloo said. "So, what did she mean by Scootaloo getting in the air?" Spike asked. "Been having issues flying for a good while now. I'm hoping that I can get in the air someday soon. I want to fly like my idol, Rainbow Dash some day." Scootaloo said. "Oh. Well, then it was good Diamond Tiara was very encouraging. That was actually nice of her." Spike said. "Well, that's the way Brimstone is. Isolation through any means is grounds to be classfied as bullying. And we've already been over that." Smolder said. Dragons who basically eliminated any way racial stuff things could isolate others? Bullying being punishable through curses? And dragons who are just so friendly, that it's crazy? What kind of world have I been teleported into?! Spike said. "Hey Spike, you look faint. Do you need to lay down for a while? We can go to our special little meet-up place if you need to do that." Smolder asked. And then Spike fainted. "...I think that's a yes." Scootaloo said. Some time later, Dragon Spike returned to Volcanic Ash Library. "So, how was your time with Smolder today?" Twilight asked. "Well, it was interesting to say the least. It's just...I think I'm learning way too much, way too quickly. And it's becoming overwhelming to me a little." Spike said. "I...guess things must seem so odd to you. It doesn't help that Smolder was just so...eager to get with you." Twilight said. "By the way, you've effectively set a record on getting her to have romantic feelings for you." "Well, I did protect her from a dragon who couldn't take a hint." Spike said. "...Oh. You must mean Garble. Yeah, there's a reason Consort Celestia fired him for misconduct in the Knights Formation." Twilight said. "Wouldn't that be a dishonorable discharge technically?" Spike asked. "...What's a discharge?" Twilight said. "...Apparently, this learning thing is going to become a two-way street for both of us." Spike said. There's only one chapter left after this, and it's a summary of how MLP:FiM changes with a Pony version of Spike instead of a dragon version of Spike. And yes, the anti-bullying stuff in Brimstone is by design. It actually helps give context for Pony Spike putting a curse on Pony DT in the last chapter. But in regard to what happens after this in regard to our favorite purple dragon from MLP:FiM? That's the big side project I've been teasing this entire time. It won't be announced for a while, but safe to say, I've got plans.
Dragons,Main 6,Other,Spike,Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Big Switcharoo
Two Spikes, one switch
<p>We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.</p><p>And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.</p><hr/><p>Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.</p><p>Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.</p><p>Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if &quot;kissing&quot; isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.</p><p>As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike &amp; the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike &amp; Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.</p><p>I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.</p>
Since both versions of Spike had ended up getting a romantic attachment, it meant that the effects of "The Big Switcharoo" were permanent. Leaving Pony Spike stuck in Equestria. His involvement with Equestria, ended up effecting things quite drastically, admittedly. For starters, it made Celestia have to come up with an alternative of using dragon magic to send scrolls back and forth. Which admittedly worked. So not much had to be worried about. Especially when it came to needing to send Twilight's friendship reports back to her in order to deal with Discord. Pony Spike was able to quickly find out that Queen Chrysalis had impersonated Princess Cadence very quickly, since his super advanced magic dispelled her disguise right in front of the main six and Shining Armor and Princess Celestia right before any wedding plans were even made. Which led to a whole situation where Celestia was easily able to gain an upper hand against the Changeling Queen as she hadn't had as big of a love boost in the original version of events. This did lead to her entire hive turning on her and deciding to follow Celestia's lead from then on. Effectively turning turncoat right away since Chrysalis's plans went sideways in such a drastic fashion, that they were against their former queen right from the get-go. Even Pharynx turned against Chrysalis, as he had seen firsthand how easily ponies were able to defuse her plan. With Pony Spike by her side, it was so easy to find the Crystal Heart for Twilight that it made things way too easy. So, Pony Spike dug deep, and discovered the truth. With his advanced magic, he freed Sombra from his curse, defeated the Umbra, and saved Radiant Hope from the realm of the Umbra. All within two hours of finding the crystal heart and just before the crystal heart put the nail in the coffin for the Umbra for good. Sombra and Hope did go off together away from the empire. While it did bug Princess Celestia that Sombra was being forgiven for his time as a pony cursed by the Umbra, she ultimately accepted the outcome, as she at least knew her first student was alive and well. ...The less said about when Twilight became an Alicorn the better. Trust me on that one. It led to some very awkward moments in the human version of Equestria. Very, very awkward moments. Moments better left unsaid then actually said. Trust me, your minds would not comprehend what happened. Not much changed with Lord Tirek. Starlight did find that she could not remove Spike's cutie mark no matter how much she tried. Which led to an early discover that she still had her cutie mark. Though she did still try to prevent Twilight & her friends from meeting up by going back in time. Which led to things playing out there more or less the same. Not even Spike complained there. However, it's the dragon stuff that was really interesting. Despite Dragon Spike not getting involved, Ember still managed to get the Dragon Sceptor in the end. Which led to her wanting to get to know pony culture, as she was quite interested in learning more about ponies. Safe to say, relationships with the dragons were going great despite Dragon Spike not being involved. Everything else though, was more or less the same, just that Pony Spike & Sweetie Belle would end up getting married and having kids. Three to be exact. But as for Dragon Spike; the one that we all know and love? Well, his new story has only just begun... Witness Dragon Spike's adventures in the alternate world of "My Little Dragon" in the sequel story... My Little Pony: My Little Dragon Since some pony mentioned it, I added in a Discord mention. Go blame the guy who mentioned it down in the comments as to why this chapter had to be unpublished then republished. They know who they are. And they should be shamed for it.
Apple Bloom,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Drama,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Online Bullying Is Not Cool
My name is Little Snow andI’m being bullied online because of my disability with ponies saying that I’m not actually disabled and that I’m just faking it, I keep telling them I am not, but they don’t listen to me, one day it gets so bad that.
<p>My name's Little Snow, and I've been facing a nightmare online because of my disability. It's a cruel twist of fate when the very ponies I admired turn into bullies, questioning the legitimacy of my condition. Every time I try to defend myself, they drown me out with their accusations and disbelief.</p><p>The weight of their words becomes unbearable, crushing me with each keystroke. One day, it reaches a tipping point, a moment where the pain outweighs reason, and I find myself teetering on the edge of a decision that will haunt me forever.</p><hr/><p>Please keep in mind that this story has nothing to do with my actual life, I have never considered taking my own life, but if there is anyone in your life or if you yourself have considered to take your own life because of bullying, please don’t, there are hotlines that you can call.</p><p>This story is only to spread awareness about how hurtful bullying can be, and what awful consequences there are for children and adults who have gotten bullied.</p><p>Cover made by me.</p>
Hello, everypony, this is my 12th blog post on this Equestrian site, I’m currently sitting in my room reading my old blog entries from 5 years ago. Equestria has been seeing her longest period of harmony yet, now that Princess Twilight Sparkle is sitting on the throne shouldn’t be any more bullies, but I’m here to say that sadly this is not the truth. I just opened one of my old posts under which there are a lot of hurtful comments about my Cerebral Palsy left by ponies who don’t understand that it’s hurtful to say those types of things to a disabled pony that they don’t even know because they’ve never seen me in person. I am a white unicorn with amber eyes and a white mane. My filling with tears as I look at my last blog entry from six days ago, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I need to do something about it. Then knock on my door, I get up and limp over to the door and open it a crack, and my mother Rainbow Dash peeks her head in. “Hey, squirt, you haven’t eaten anything today, is everything all right?” She asks me. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer her putting on my best fake smile. “You sure?” She asks me again. “I said I’m fine, now leave me the heck alone,” I yells before slamming the door closed. Rainbow adopted me from the Ponyville orphanage 12 years ago, I’ve been living with her ever since, but the online bullying never stopped, it even got to the point well I considered not being alive anymore, but luckily Rainbow stopped me in time. But being a WonderBolt and a single parent isn’t easy, I only imagine the struggle that Rainbow Dash goes through every day, taking care of me and being a WonderBolt, it must be super difficult, I don’t know how she does it. I got back over to my desk and sat down, my hoof trembling as I read the final comment on the blog that I had opened on the page. And it reads “You don’t belong here, go back where you came from you freak, you’re faking your disability, stop lying you little motherfucker.” I consider responding but I know if I do, it’s just gonna make me feel bad. Our house is standing at the edge of Ponyville, when Rainbow Dash adopted me, she decided to move because it would be difficult for me to get down from the clouds without her help. I once told my mother that I didn’t want this online life. Rainbow said that if I chose to I could just log off and never log on again, that night I lay in bed and considered what she had told me then the next day I logged on again, just so I could see what they wrote about me, it wasn’t very pleasant. I finally do get up and go down for dinner, Rainbow is waiting for me, wooden floorboards creek as I make my way into the dining room and sit down at the table, my eyes fixed on the floor the entire time. “What’s going on?” Rainbow asks coming out of the kitchen with a steaming pot of soup and setting it on the table. “I’m being bullied again,” I mumble as my eyes start welling with tears once more. “Oh, sweetie I’m so sorry, some ponies just don’t understand,” she tells me, wrapping a wing around me and pulling me into a tight hug as I cry. “Thanks, Rainbow,” I sniffle as I wipe away my tears. “Tell you what, after dinner why don’t you show me the posts where ponies have hurt you, and then, instead of replying, I will reply and see what they have to say.” Rainbow offers. “That would be nice, thank you, Mom,” I say, hugging my mother. “You’re welcome squirt, remember, if you ever need me I’m here for you, I’m always here for you, and no matter what I love you,” Rainbow says, her tears streaming down her face. After dinner, me and Rainbow Dash go upstairs to my room, and I show Rainbow the comments that were left under my blog, the look on Rainbow Dash’s face when she reads some of the comments that were written is one of anger, confusion, and sadness. Then she starts typing furiously. “You animals better leave my daughter alone, so help me Celestia if you don’t, I will come and find you and teach you that bullying is not ok.” A few seconds later, the first user comments. “You think that we’re going to stop and what the fuck are you gonna do about it, you can’t tell us what to do.” Then, a few seconds later, another comment pops up, and another and another, and so on until Rainbow Dash finally walks away without another word. “To be really honest, Snow, I’m not sure what to tell you. I’ve told you many times to not engage with the bullies because it’s bad for your health, next time, something like this happens, just reported to the site administrators and walk away.” Rainbow tells me before leaving. I consider what she says for a little while then I hit logout and close my laptop, I’ve just sit there for a while thinking about all the things that they have said, is it really worth it to keep engaging with them? I finally get up for the very last time and walk out of my room, slamming the door as I go. “Mom, I’m going for a walk.” I called to my mother as I head out the front door. I made my way through Ponyville to the home of my best friend’s, when I arrived there I knock on the door, but no pony answers. I wait a few more seconds before I leave the front door and go around back to see if they are there, but they are not so I decide to go Applejack, maybe she’s got some advice for me on how I can handle the bullies. When I arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, I can see Apple Bloom harvesting apples and walk over to her. “Hey, Apple Bloom, how do you deal with bullies?” I ask. Apple Bloom stops what she is doing and walks over to me seeing the tears in my eyes she pulls me in for a tight hug. “Well, Little Snow, in school when I got bullied I told the teacher about it and she suspended the bully for a week, can’t you tell Rainbow or someone?” The yellow country mare says. We sit in silence for a while before I speak again. “How did you deal with it, I get bullied online, but Rainbow says that I need to learn to deal with it, I don’t know how.” “You just need to learn, it’s easy next time you see a comment which hurts you just don’t respond, just pretend that the user who commented is not even there, pretend that it doesn’t exist, I know it’s difficult, but I also know you can do it, I believe in you,” Apple Bloom says, going back to harvesting apples as I sit there and watch.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Alternate Universe,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Equestria's Awesome Chancellor
Griffonia remains in chaos, and a war-torn Zebrica picks up the pieces. In Equus, an Empire built on a tyrant's ambition gears itself towards one thing: revenge. However, growing increasingly aware of its neighbor's bloodlust, the Titan stirs.
<p>There are many universes out there</p><p>In one, <b>Equestria </b>triumphs over the <b>Chrysalis' Empire</b> at great cost. In another, it succumbs to the overwhelming might of the Changeling <i>Heer</i>, the ponies forever shattered beneath the hoof of their insectoid overlords. </p><p>There are also others where <b>Stalliongrad </b>has spread the <u>Communist Revolution</u> throughout the continent against all odds, the sun rising above a red Equus. </p><p>There are even those where <b>Equestria </b>as it is now dead forever, in its place come the Herald of the Moon, seeking <u>Nox Aeterna</u>; and parallel of that witnesses an <b>Imperium Solem</b>, led by a Solar Princess gone mad</p><p>But despite all of the differences of these universes from each other, one factor is common: Equestria finds itself completely unprepared for the challenges of the 11th Century.</p><p>But what if that was not the case? What if a bored entity, boundless in power and might, decides to intervene?</p><p>Based in the Hearts of Iron IV Mod: Equestria at War</p>
January 1, 1007 Canterlot, Principality of Equestria ? ‘s POV Silence. It seems that other than the crackling of the fire in the hearth, only silence filled the stateroom. Outside, I can see fireworks erupting in celebration as all of Equestria herald the beginning of the new year. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” I turned to the only other occupant. “Of course, the populace are as enthusiastic as ever” I replied simply. Turning back to the window, I continued “Do you know what else is beautiful, Your Grace? The peace, so simple…yet so priceless. It is unfortunate that it is growing ever likely that it will not last for long” Princess Celestia Ad Astra; Co-Princess Regnant of The Principality of Equestria along with her sister, Princess Luna Ad Astra; Scion of the Sun and bucking many more, turned her head in curiosity “Why do you think so, Noble Bright?” “...I believe you already know, Your Highness” Princess Celestia had her head down, her face obscured by her billowing mane. We stayed silent for a minute. “I must reiterate the importance of paying attention to the developments in the northwest…and reconsider our stance for the delicate ‘situation’ in the northeast” I explain. “Severyana shall be brought back to the fold eventually” Celestia stated -perhaps too much so- confidently “If anything can be discerned from its unruly secessionist government, it is the infighting among its ranks. Soon, the ponies there shall realize the follies of their actions and will return home as it always should have been” “As for Olenia, it is no problem that the deer themselves cannot manage; and when the time is right and Velvet receives the inevitable support she needs… well, enough has been said”. “When Equestria, the Crystal Empire, and Olenia present a united front for all the world to see, championing the values of Harmony, Chrysalis shall soon understand that she poses little threat to us”. I shook my head “Your Highness, I shall be honest here. You know as well as I do that the situation is not that simple, and history has proven that not everything goes according to plan. Take the recent events that has rocked this nation for example; The chaotic return of Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon before she was purified by the Elements of Harmony, Discord’s escape from his prison, the attempted Changeling takeover of Canterlot, Lord Tirek’s rampage, the Storm King’s attempted invasion, all in just seven years” I delivered a verbal jab that might as well have been an uppercut to her face. “These threats were narrowly defeated thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends, but how long can we rely on six mares to defend a nation of fifty million? I mean no offense to our noble heroes, but our dependence on them is a critical weakness”. The Sun Princess -she who had lived since time immemorial- slowly and almost imperceptibly sagged, her haunches drooping as tears began to drop unto the marble floor. “My government has made great strides in improving the general condition of the nation, bureaucracy has been streamlined, industrial output has skyrocketed, our newly founded army and air force grows everyday, naval vessels are produced in a rate never seen before and our outreach programs have transformed the lives of millions…all done in a timeframe unprecedented in our long and respected history.” I turned to her again. “But do you know what hurts the most when I hear of these glowing reports, Princess? About how my reforms have helped change Equestria for the better? I fear that all of this may not be enough to stop the incoming storm.” Why was I laying this heap of shit upon the most powerful individual in the world, you may ask? It’s simple, really. Because while my reforms have made massive progress in the modernization, expansion, and development of agriculture and industry; the establishment of solid social welfare programs to safeguard and improve the citizen’s lives; research and development that ensures Equestria remains at the very top of the technological hierarchy; and most notably military mobilization, Equestria’s position is not yet secure enough for my liking. A millennia of peace and general stability has made ponykind complacent, pacifistic, stagnant, and dare I say it…weak. Princess Celestia’s reign as the sole monarch for the vast majority of Equestria’s history is notably filled with nothing but general tranquility and harmony. For many generations, ponies lived lives no different from that of their direct predecessors; progress was slow, and ponies were simply content with their peaceful lives. This all changed when Jam Wutt invented the steam engine in the 9th century, heralding the Industrial Revolution, which only accelerated further when Cuty Stuffy’s prototype steam locomotive design was revised and distributed throughout Equestria. Adamant Smith’s book the “Prosperity of Countries” addressed concepts like the division of labor and the free market that revolutionized economic theory and helped replace mercantilism in favor of free-trade economic theory that guides Equestrian economic policy to this day. This was a time of rapid industrialisation and development, major cities grew quickly and new settlements were founded all across the country. The ponies of Equestria prospered, but unfortunately this prosperity was not distributed as evenly as Celestia would have hoped. The average pony struggling to keep up with the rapid changes as it is, this was also the era in which the modern social classes were established. You do not have to guess which particular group possessed the largest share of wealth in the nation. Equestria propelled itself to the forefront of industry and technology, becoming a utopia that other nations could only dream of. Even to this day and age where Equestria is no longer as dominant as it was in the middle of the 10th century, we remain as the wealthiest and most developed country in the world. Decades passed, other nations industrialized and followed Equestria’s hoofsteps. While Equestria focused on the civilian aspects of industry, the others diverged by developing weapons; guns and artillery evolved rapidly, but our nation fell behind in this particular department. And that is the problem I am trying to emphasize. While the Principality has grown prosperous, it has not taken proper measures to defend itself in an ever changing world. It can be said that Equestria has its hind legs stuck in the past because of its ancient system finding itself becoming increasingly unsuitable in the modern world. Because of these certain developments, Equestria can no longer continue living beneath a shroud of blissful ignorance, nor can it stymie its military any longer than it already has. The era of millennial peace is over, and Equestria will not be ready for it without unprecedented measures. Princess Celestia has to understand how serious our predicament is, and if dressing her down (not literally!) is what it takes, then I will do so without hesitation. The Co-Ruler of Ponykind is silently weeping, her tears dripping on the expensive carpet. “Can we fix this? Can I fix it?” She whispers tearfully “Not alone, Your Highness” I made that clear quite some time ago, when we first met. “Equestria needs to mobilize its population and resources in an efficient and quick manner; we can do this by assuming more…direct control over industry, agriculture, the economy, everything. The entire population must be ready for war, a conflict so devastating and total that the losing side will forever cease to be a threat to the winner through physical, mental, and spiritual means.” Princess Celestia stared at me in horrified silence, but she could also tell in frightened realization that everything I told her was true; one way or another, she and I along with the other princesses will have to drag ponykind to its destiny kicking and screaming. She eventually responds after a couple minutes of staring “But are my little ponies ready for such an unprecedented change? I fear the chaos that your proposals would bring” I stared directly into her eyes, my expression grim yet resolute. “Ponykind is stronger than you may think, Princess. I can prove it to you.” But first, how did we get here at this point? Well, sit tight, because I’m about to regale you with my life story! March 5, 981 Baltimare, Principality of Equestria Noble Bright‘s POV ‘Well, this isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever experienced’ I dryly mused as I looked around the hospital room, doctors and nurses attending to my new feeble body. Much has happened since I pierced through the fetal membrane that served as my prison for 11 months in that dark place that is my mother’s stomach. Speaking of said mare, she was nuzzling my infant self as soon as she had me in her hooves, her soft cooing echoing in the sterile room that would have soothed any normal foal. As it was, I was only bemused with the situation.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 14th 2039 I had this old notebook with me for a while and I didn't pay much attention to it but now I feel the need to use it because something is going on and I cant risk putting this on a computer document. I've always been paranoid of hackers and I can't afford those fancy security programs. I suppose first you should know my name. My name is Noah. I just recently moved to Chicago for work. I work as a security guard at Union Station. It gets busy during Rush Hour. The winters are horrible but that makes summer more enjoyable when it comes. But the city itself is not what I want to talk about. It's about how I just rediscovered my old childhood only to find something different about it. I know as kids we see things differently but this is something some would consider bizarre. Maybe I should start with what happened today. I was looking around a Target store when I came across something in the DVD section. The moment I saw it, I was flooded with nostalgia and relief. This show was my escape as a child. Growing up in Missouri me and my family couldn't afford fancy tech but we had cable and a recording system that can put DVRs into discs and I would always get excited to watch this show about a six ponies teaching friendship as they went along through life. I still have those DVDs but at one point I thought it wouldn't be compatible with the new technology. Plus they also recorded the commercial breaks that come with them. Naturally I bought it but when I played it on my computer something was different about it. I soon found my old recordings and was relief my gaming pc could play them. What I have written are the transcripts from a scene in the first episode. DVD: Pinkie pie approaches Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Spike tries to encourage Twilight to try and talk to her. "Come on Twilight give it a try." The lavender Unicorn hesitated then spoke. "Uh...hello?" Pinkie pie gasped and quickly sped away. "Well that was interesting all right," Twilight said as she walked away leaving Spike the dragon to sigh. Recording: Pinkie pie approaches Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Spike tries to encourage Twilight to try and talk to her. "Come on Twilight give it a try as I go check on City hall." The lavender Unicorn hesitated as the dragon left then smiled warmly as she spoke to the pink mare. "Hello there my name is Twilight Sparkle and you are?" Pinkie excitedly grabbed Twilight's hoof and shook it. "I'm Pinkie Pie it's wonderful to meet you." The two mares then turned to the viewer. "Oh we're sorry we didn't see you there. What's your name?" There was silence in the scene until Pinkie spoke again. "That's a wonderful name. I hope we can be friends Noah. Maybe even best friends." It felt confusing to me. At one point I thought there was a main character named Noah. Was my mind really hooked on magic when I was little? Was I really talking to six mares on a TV screen? Now that I think about it, the only time me and my mother would watch TV together is when we were watching a movie. This whole thing is becoming mind boggling the more I watch. Especially when the end of the pilot episode looked so different and longer from when I saw it. DVD: The viewer is outside of town and Pinkie Pie pops out of nowhere and starts talking rapidly. "Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went-" She gasped before resuming as an iris wipe closes the cartoon. "but I mean really-" Recording: The viewer is outside of town and the main six characters appear on the screen. "That was quite an adventure wouldn't you say Noah?" Twilight asked. There was silence before she resumed talking their faces now looking a bit concerned. "Aw don't be sad partner. This is just the first adventure you had with us," said Applejack. "Yeah and there'll be a lot more to be had with us awesome ponies," Rainbow Dash said as she hovered and grinned. "Don't think of this as goodbye darling," Rarity said. "Think of this as see you next time," Fluttershy said as she gave the warmest smile she could make. "Yeah and even when you're not watching us we'll always be looking out for a friend like you," smiled Pinkie Pie. "Remember this Noah," Twilight began. "There is magic in friendship even if you don't see it. As it states in Proverbs 18:24, A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." "You'll learn more as we go along for now we have to go. Come on give us a smile just to show us you can." Said Fluttershy. "That's a good boy. Goodbye for now Noah." Fluttershy said as she waved. The others followed suit. "Later Alligator," waved Rainbow. "So long Partner" said Applejack waving her hat. "Enjoy your day Darling," Rarity waved. "So long new bestie," Pinkie said bouncing. "See you next time Noah," Twilight said as an iris wipe closed the cartoon. I recalled hearing lots of bible quotes when I was a kid. I think most of them came from this show, at least how I saw it. Most of the old episodes I found in both DVD and online had no mentions of any human religion. To know about this feels odd. I now had so many more questions like how much time did I spent with them? What things about them do I really remember and more importantly why are my memories with them spotty? I have to find out. I don't know how but I must know why was it me that heard and saw these characters like this. I may not know much now but I do know this. My memory is these six mares are my guardian angels. I'll have to dig around more when I have time. For now I must sleep. I wonder if they're still watching over me to this day.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 15th I spent most of the day looking up information about the show. In my research I came across a lot of different things. This show had quite a huge impact when I was little. It had a fanbase just as big as any cultural Icon in entertainment. Of course it had stories and art work of questionable taste. From disturbing murder fics to hardcore content that was Identified as clop. But I would rather not go into that detail at this time. I looked into the publisher on the DVD. It was from a company that was known for packaging complete cartoon series into DVDs. From the vintage cartoon shorts of Felix the Cat to the modern day cartoons of the recent Sonic shows. They're still active to this day. However when I looked back through the end credits of the DVR recordings. I saw a small label that was different than the actual credits on the DVD. The publisher on the Recordings was by some group called Salvation. I tried looking up to see if it was some studio, company, or even some internet group that liked to make ripoffs or something. There were no records what so ever. Anyway I'd also looked up more episodes online and of course I had to compare and contrast some scenes from the actual episodes to the old recordings. Actual Episode: Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia stood at the top of the stairs greeting ponies as they approached. "Princess! I've been so excited to spend time with you and—" However Twilight was interrupted as more ponies approached. "Yes. Me too, Twi-" Celestia then looked down at the approaching guest. "oh, good evening! Welcome to the Gala. Which is why I-" Two more mares approached. "ladies! Lovely to see you again," Celestia said as she bowed. Twilight sighed in disappointment. "Looks like getting a chance to talk to the Princess is gonna be a magic trick in itself." Recording: As Princess Celestia greeted ponies, Twilight sneaked away. She was soon found in an empty hallway away from the crowd. She then looked to the viewer and sighed. "I know it's sometimes hard, not spending enough time with someone you love. But understand deep down your mother loves you despite the hardships you both face. Proverbs 31:25 states that she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." There was silence for a moment before Twilight continued. "Trust me I promise you she'll be there when you need her the most. But even if she isn't there we'll be with you. Now how about we see how Rainbow Dash is getting on with Spitfire?" I remember how my Mom was always busy as she was the breadwinner for the house. But that lost memory was nothing compared to the one I also learned how it wasn't just her being too busy to play with me. Actual Episode: "We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these six friends who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos," announced Princess Celestia as the crowd cheered for the six mares. Recording: The scene opened with the six mares in a donut shop celebrating their victory over Discord. They soon at some point turned to the viewer. "Even when things look bad you must have resilience in times of despair Noah," Twilight said. "Yeah everyone has the capability to be strong even you," said Rainbow. There was silence before they all frowned. "Now Noah, don't be saying stuff like that," Said a soft but stern Applejack. "She's right, you may be small but we were all small at some point. But don't worry we can make you stronger, even if he tries to lay a hand on you," said Fluttershy. There was no ceremony when I first saw it. But that wasn't the important detail. "HE" Thanks to that, I just now remembered it wasn't always me and my Mom. I use to have a Dad but he died when I was an infant. My Mom later got remarried to a guy she met somewhere else. My only memories of my Stepdad were his scowl and the smell of alcohol on his breath. Other than that I don't remember much but all I know is one moment he was in the house the next day he was gone and it was just my Mom raising me ever since that time. Now that filled my head with more questions like How could I not remember something that seems horrific? Did my Stepdad do things to me? Was I so traumatized that I blocked out my memory? More importantly what do the ponies and my Mom know? Tomorrow when I get off work I'll finish watching and comparing season two and get started with the third season. Something tells me the answers to my questions will come to me. It excites me but it also worries me at the same time. I hope it will all be worth it in the end. Somehow I have a feeling they are watching me somehow.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 16th If there is one thing about people I know is that we all have scars that tell stories. Whether it being physical wounds or emotional trauma. I have some scars too, but I forgotten where exactly I got them. I questioned my Mom about it when I was a teenager. She just told me I "was always playing rough as a toddler." Somehow I feel like that isn't true and the recordings further cement this. In a season three episode they broke character completely. Recording: Most of the main characters were outside Fluttershy's cottage, talking about Discord. "Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan, in case this whole 'befriending' business doesn't work out," Rainbow Dash suggested. "Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discord we are talking about, girls. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have another trick up our sleeves," Agreed Rarity. Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment. "And I think I know just the..." she trailed off as her eyes looked like they were following something or someone. The viewer then saw Applejack knocked on the door softly. Fluttershy came out quietly. For some reason Discord was nowhere to be seen. All six characters looked towards the viewer. "Will he be back in a short while or a long time?" Twilight asked. Were they watching me? Was I the only one in the house? I assumed any kid at that time, like me, would either be excited or scared to be home alone. I barely remember that. Recording: The mares looked to the viewer with concerned expressions. "Noah, you're a very brave and strong child in God's eyes." The mares soon looked surprised for a second. "Darling it's ok if you didn't listen," said Rarity who looked liked she was trying to calm someone down. Applejack looked on with a soft yet stern face. "Partner, do you remember what we would do if you're ever afraid?" There was silence before they smiled and continued. "Yes Noah, we can help you," began Twilight as her face now became serious. "But you must do exactly what we say and you must be very careful." Was I really left alone at a young age? I know my Mom worked and my Dad most likely went out to do his own thing. Could they even afford a babysitter? With how I'm seeing this episode, the answers are becoming clearer, yet I feel a pit forming in my stomach. What did we do? Recording: The ponies looked like they were looking down at something while in the library. "Quite a common piece he carries," Rainbow said with her hooves crossed. "It's small but deadly, yet it should be easy to take apar-" Twilight said before her friends suddenly looked scared. "No no no Noah, don't pick it up again. Just leave it there on the table and let me just see," she finished as her horn glowed. After what felt like five minutes her horn stopped glowing. "Now that it's in pieces we should hide them somewhere and hope he doesn't go looking for them and use them for harm," She suggested. Another brief moment of silence came until Pinkie let out a giggle. "Silly Noah, we can't put a piece in your toy chest." "She's right darling maybe you should hide a piece in a far part of underneath your bathroom sink," Rarity suggested. Fluttershy then pointed to something. "At least put whatever piece is heavy back in the box so it would at least feel like there's something inside." There was another brief silence before Twilight beamed. "Good idea Noah, but if you're gonna hide most of them like that, you must act fast and at least bury them where he can't see the spot from a window." My god. Did my Stepdad owned a weapon? Did I actually dug a hole in the backyard? How was I able to do it? I could barely lift a shovel at that age. Maybe I used my hands. Recording: The characters quickly gathered in a place where Celestia and Discord stood like statues. "Not only are you getting more resilience but you are getting smarter as well. We're so proud of you," said Twilight. "But don't worry even if he finds other ways to hurt you, we'll always be your guardian angels and we will fight for you," said Rainbow with a look of determination. Now I remember more about him. In case it wasn't obvious my Mom met him in a bar. He was always drinking either at home or in the bar. Whenever he had a bad day he would take it out on Mom and sometimes out at me when I happen to unfortunately get in his way. It was at this moment realization struck me and I dug up a recording of the episode titled "Magical Mystery Cure" it was the ending I was after. Recording: Twilight and her friends were in Canterlot celebrating her coronation. Twilight waved at the crowd from her chariot before facing the viewer. "Thank you Noah, it does feel wonderful but you look sad for some reason." Another brief pause before she smiled warmly. "Noah I understand things are happening very fast," she began. "But you must understand change is inevitable and I know it's scary but in Deuteronomy 31:6 it says be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." There was another pause before she nodded. "Yes Noah we will never forsake you, even if you don't see us." I have to know more. What happened that made my Stepdad disappeared? Did they do something? Maybe I should consider taking a trip to Missouri for answers.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 20th I had to take time off work saying it was to deal with some personal issues of which I'd rather not go into. My boss was very understanding and allowed it. I spent all of the next couple of days travelling to my old home town in Missouri. On the train there, I played some more episodes on a DVD player. Most of what it was in season four and beyond were just wholesome memories and life lessons. Though there was one thing I did notice. The secondary and background characters in the recording either stood like statues or just looked at the main characters like they were crazy when ever they spoke to me. They didn't seem to acknowledge me. The only episode that was the most normal compared to the actual release was "Slice of life." I wasn't surprised since that episode involves the background characters. However at the end the main six did speak to me briefly. Recording: After seeing the wedding inside town hall. The main characters turned to the viewer. "Sorry we couldn't hang out today Noah," Twilight began, "but we didn't want you to see this fight. It could've ended badly." "Actually maybe we could've record it. I thought it was awesome," Rainbow said before Pinkie lightly jabbed her in the side making her wince slightly. There was a brief pause before Twilight spoke again smiling wider. "That's good of you. It's important to learn from others every now and then. In Philippians 3:17, it encourage us to join in following his example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us." "But as your guardian angels we're still your teachers in a way. Consider today like a substitute teacher," Pinkie said. After traveling by train I took an Uber and I surprised my Mom. She was so happy to see me. It felt good to be home. I told her I was taking some time off to visit. Fortunately my old bedroom is still in tact. No pony merch but there were old posters of steam trains and muscle cars. When she wasn't looking I went out to the backyard that had a patch of grass that didn't exactly match the rest of the yard. I dug it with a shovel to see parts of a gun. I only found a few small rods, springs and a magazine. The frame and the slide were missing. Maybe I put those in the box where he keeps it. Later that night after my Mom went to bed I snuck up to the attic and did a bit of digging. I soon found a box that was labeled 'Noah's childhood'. Immediately I opened it up to find drawings of me and the ponies. There were also bits of other merchandise from plush toys to tiny plastic figures. But the strangest thing so far was a file that had printed screenshots of news articles. I read one of them using the light on my phone since the attic's light bulb was burnt out. MAN BRUTALLY ATTACKED IN HIS HOME. WITNESSES SAW STRANGE FIGURES. Last night around 1 AM, a 9-1-1 call came claiming what the caller described as screaming coming from his next door neighbor's house. Another two witnesses, also neighbors, claimed they saw silhouettes of the possible intruders in the windows but couldn't make out any other characteristics. Police responded, but despite the fast response the suspects got away. However the police found no signs of forced entry or even an exit. They soon found the victim, Eric Ridgeworth, heavily injured, but alive in his living room. His limbs were twisted in a way that would be described as severe, and he had multiple wounds all over his body. However despite surviving the horrific attack he endured, he was left in a catatonic state after arriving and being treated at the hospital. We spoke to several people in the area and they all shared responses that Eric was always described as "Drunk," "Angry", and "Abusive" towards his family. At first the police suspected the entire street may have played a role in the attack but their alibies checked out and the wife confirmed none of them had a part and that the voices of the intruders didn't sound like them. She described the intruders as all female due to their voices. She claims it had to have been six. She spent all of last night hiding in her bedroom worried for her son who was asleep throughout the duration of the entire night. She tried calling the for help but the phone line was cut. Eric is currently in the Hospital but it is unknown at this time if he'll ever make a full recovery. If anyone has any information about the suspects please contact your local law enforcement. I wanted to read more but I had to sleep. The next day I told my Mom I had to go back to Chicago and I was taking the box of my childhood with me. She smiled and told me she wanted to give me something to go with it. She went to her room and came back with something in a small case. It was a blank DVD. It had a tape label that said 'Night of the Angels.' I looked at her as if I was asking her if she knew the real reason why I was here. She just kissed my cheek and told me "they miss you too." That's all she said before she closed the front door as my Uber pulled up ready to take me to the station. I'm currently on the train home writing this. When I get back to my apartment I'll play it. For now I might as well watch and compare season seven. Looking at the plush of Twilight Sparkle I have a feeling that whatever happened that night, might've been the night of a big change in my life. Maybe I can get my final answers into how I forgot and where did they go.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 21st I came back home. I was close to finishing the eighth season when the train pulled into the station. I went on back to my apartment feeling both excited and scared. This disc my Mom gave me is what I'll watch before I get to the rest of the show. My heart is pounding in my chest as I inserted the disc into the computer. I hit open and it looked like an actual DVD menu with background music and of course the main six bunched together in that signature group photo. It only had one option and that was play. After taking a deep breath, I clicked play. The scene opened up in a suburban neighborhood in fact some would assume this was taking place in the Equestria Girls world. However the scene then cut to a familiar house. It had a mailbox that had the name Ridgeworth on it. The scene then cut to a bedroom where a little boy was crying as he slept. In the background one could hear the sound of something walking on the floor. The scene cut to another room where two adults were in bed. The boy's crying could be softly heard. A man stood up while his wife turned over. Her forehead had a band aid on it. She looked up to her husband with worry. "Honey? What are you going to do?" She asked with worry. "I'm going to fix it," he said in a voice that sounded intimidating as he walked to the door. The wife immediately got up and grabbed his arm. "Eric Please! He can't help it!" She begged. "Get off me!" Eric snapped as she shoved her to the ground. "That brat really needs to learn to zip it or lose it." The wife could only hold back her sobs as her husband shut the door. She then crawled to a window. The moon casted a glow in the room. She got on her knees and put her hands in a prayer posture. "Lord in heaven above..." The scene then cut to Eric pulling what looked like a small box out of a drawer. In the background something moved in the dark hallway. He grinned as he pulled out a Glock. "This'll put the fear of god in him," he said before actually feeling the gun. "What? Why does it feel so-" Suddenly a creaking of floorboards was heard in another room. He snapped his head in the direction of the sound. "Who's there?!" There was no reply. He followed where the sound came from. It was coming from near the entrance of the house. The moment Eric was about to look out the front window when suddenly something fast and blue shoved him violently out of the room. It looked liked it struck him faster than a truck. He went rolling into a wall. A shadow stretched across him. The viewer can't see what is in front of Eric. But the shadows on the wall behind him resemble ponies. Eric pulled out his gun and tried to pull the trigger. Terrified he looked only to see not only the magazine gone but many parts as well. The scene then cut back to the child bedroom. The child looked like he stopped crying and was sleeping soundly. A pair of yellow hooves pulled the blanket over his chest to make him more comfortable. The child's sleeping face soon went from a slight frown to a smile. Outside the room Eric was running through the hallway with a slight limp. Two figures that were orange and blue followed after him fast. It then cut back to the sleeping child. As he slept their were sounds of things breaking and voices being raised. Despite the horrific noise the child continued to sleep. The screen then cut to black for a minute. Then all of a sudden we see the face of Eric screaming in agony. His face was covered in bruises and was bleeding from certain places. It went on for a few seconds until it cut back to the child. We then see a full view of his bed. The door opened and six colorful figures walked in. It was them, the main six. They all gathered around the bed watching the child. Twilight Sparkle inched closer and kissed the little boy on the head. "Do not weep my friend, he won't lay a fearful hand on you ever again." The six continued to watch over the child. However the distance sound of a police car's siren was heard and the red and blue lights slowly started to blink across the room from the nearby window. The ponies did nothing but instead slowly faded away like ghost. Smiles never leaving their faces. The screen faded to black. No credits were playing but only these words appeared on screen. "We love you Noah." I couldn't believe what I saw. It's like they came out of the TV and they fought my Stepdad. Now I remember what happened after that. The memory of the aftermath came surging through me like a freight train. After the evidence of the abuse and rather have Child Protective Services try and take me away, my Mom immediately divorced him and instantly won custody of me thanks to the help of the community. The events of what happened that night are still a mystery but I know now what happened and I have a feeling my Mom does to. I did some more digging on the internet and found out he was in a mental hospital after attempting to attack a doctor. Last I heard he's still in there to this day. This still only leaves these last few questions. What happened to them after all that? Why and how did I forget them? The answer came in Season nine. The final season of the entire show. Another difference I noticed was that the character Cozy Glow was actually redeemed and placed in Starlight's care. But that's not important. What is important is what happened in the very last scene of the finale. Recording: The main six were in the castle of friendship. Despite the victory against evil they all looked sad for some reason. Twilight then turned to the viewer. "Oh no Noah, we are glad that the battle is over," Twilight began. "And yes I'm more confident to take the throne, but I'm afraid we have some bad news." "Darling I'm afraid this will be our last chapter we can share with you," Rarity said. "No no honey, it ain't something you did, it's just well..." Applejack trailed off, unsure what to say. "It's a lot of grown up knowledge but to explain it simply, it's like the battery in your toys," Pinkie began. "As long as they have juice you can still play. But I'm afraid this battery is dying and it is one you can't replace." There was a brief silence before Rainbow spoke up, "listen little buddy, we were a gift from Heaven to help you but all things have to go back to heaven at some point." There was another pause before Fluttershy spoke up. "And you're our best friend too but you're growing up and sometimes we need to move on and we think it's also time you make your own adventures." There was one more brief pause before Twilight spoke up carrying a warm smile while the others looked surprised. "That's very thoughtful of you Noah." "What?! Twilight you can't be serious!" Rainbow snapped. "Its his choice besides you want him missing us too much? You don't want watch him being depressed do you?" Twilight asked. The others looked to Noah and eventually nodded. They all looked like they were about to cry. "Darling I pray one day you'll remember us," Rarity said. "Yeah and who knows we might hang out again. Eventually..." Rainbow said while fighting back her tears. "Come on girls lets not do this in front of him lets smile so that will be the last thing he sees," Twilight suggested. The main six bunched together and despite the heavy emotions they smiled as Twilight's horn glowed. "You may not remember all the adventures we had, but the lessons you learned you'll never forget like this last one from Thessalonians 5:23. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. " "Amen," everyone said. "Goodbye Noah, we love you too," said Twilight. I couldn't hold back I had tears streaming down my face. Everything is now clear. I asked them to make me forget so that I can go through life as well as I could. Never have I ever forgot the lessons though. Sure what happened to my Stepdad was horrifying but its not like he didn't deserve it. Now I have a new objective. I'll have to do it tomorrow for now I must sleep. I got to get back to work at some point.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
July 22nd Everything is clear and the memories are set in stone. After more research, I came to a rather unique conclusion. They were only able to speak to me through broadcast. Since I can't convince a television channel to put it back on I may have an idea that feels insane. I'm going to live stream one of the recordings. This might be my only way to see them again. These angels have helped me and I don't think I properly thanked them. Maybe if this works we can hang out like old times. This world is a cruel place but maybe just maybe they can light it up again and give my world color. Part of me is hoping if this doesn't work then all of this would've been a dream of some kind. But my heart feels it's true. They were always there making sure I smiled. Recording: Rainbow Dash makes funny faces at the viewer while two guards stand outside Sugarcube Corner in the background. Rainbow stopped then laugh. "I don't get it. If I make you laugh how come they can't laugh?" There was a pause before Rainbow sighed. "You're right they are too good, I'm bored." Even when I couldn't sleep at night the TV was on and they were willing to have a sleepover with me. Recording: Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity were reading a book in a barely lit room. The three mares turned to the viewer. "We can stay as long as you want us to Noah," Twilight said. "Maybe a bedtime story is all you need," Rarity suggested. "How about a lullaby?" Applejack asked. Of course there were also the life lessons I needed as well. It was because of them I wasn't afraid of snakes or spiders anymore. Recording: Fluttershy had a small spider on her hoof as she looked to the viewer. "Some creatures may look scary but sometimes they bite when they feel threatened, just like us." The spider jumped off before Fluttershy continued. "We can be like them too Noah. We can prove we're not deadly." They were my friends who knew how to make me feel special. They were each the little pictures that made a huge portrait for me. Recording: Pinkie sat in a lawn chair near a lake she took a sip of lemonade, "I hope you're having as much fun as we are Noah." This could be my last journal entry for a while. For now I have a chance to take. I hope this stream works. I had it set to private to avoid unwanted attention. Here goes nothing. I closed my notebook and turned to my computer. With a deep breathe I pressed stream and clicked play. I picked a random episode from beyond season four because of Twilight's wings and castle. The scene opened up with a huge set of doors and there she was. One of my angels. Twilight Sparkle stepped out of her castle. "Hmm... Thats strange something is different," she said. Just then Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered the scene. "Hey Twilight does something feel different about today?" Rainbow asked as she landed. "Yeah it feels like we're being watched," said Applejack looking around. Slowly the other three came and were just as confused. After finding my voice, I spoke. "Girls?" That got their attention as they all looked to the viewer. "Pinkie is this a new friend?" "No?" Pinkie said nervously. "Oh my god... Girls its me Noah I'm here," I said. All six mares gasped. Some put their hooves to their mouths. There was a brief silence before I spoke. "Do you all remember me?" I asked nervously. There was a brief silence Twilight stood motionless until she closed her eyes for a moment before she smiled and looked at me. "We're so happy to see you Noah." All mares got closer to the screen and they each placed a hoof on the screen. Each mare smiling with a tear in their eyes. "Just look at how well you've grown," she said. I slowly placed a hand on the screen. Most of the hooves were touching a finger tip with Twilight Sparkle's touching my palm. "I have lots to catch you up on," I said. "Then lets get this reunion party started," Pinkie said. I couldn't be more happy as I was now back with my little ponies or rather my guardian angels.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
January 5th 2040 Things were on the upside with me for a while. Everyday after work we talk together and hangout. It was a perfect escape from the troubles of the outside world. Whenever I had a bad day they were there to make me smile. Even when I didn't want them near they would appear on the screen and just like magic I would need them again. We had a wonderful time celebrating the holidays. Heck even the recordings say Halloween rather than Nightmare Night. Christmas was an even wonderful time. We couldn't really give each other gifts for obvious reason but we would sing to each other. They seemed to like my singing voice. However on New Years Day, when I woke up and went to the computer screen. They were gone. I tried calling out to them but they didn't respond. All I could see were the various backgrounds and the many secondary and background characters walking and doing their own thing. I soon learned their names and tried calling out to them. I tried Spike, Sweetie Belle, Derpy, Lyra, Celestia, and even Discord. None of them gave me a response. I don't understand this. Where did they go? If they went somewhere why didn't they tell me? Did I do something wrong? I was holding out hope. I left the stream running in the hope they come back. However today I finally got a response but not the one I was hoping for. The castle doors opened and there was a pony I didn't recognize. Whoever this is he's not one of them. This Alicorn Stallion had a grey coat, blue mane, and what's weirder he had bits of red and black on some parts of his body. He looked like a weirdly made OC. It was then five more ponies eventually showed up. A dark blue pegasus mare, an overweight dark green earth pony stallion, a yellow pegasus stallion with black stripes on some parts, a white unicorn stallion with a red mane, a white earth pony stallion with bits of green and red on his coat. I was shocked by this. I tried calling out to them but they seemed to ignore me. I know they're listening to me. They just acted out the episode 'Castle Mania' and they did a pour job at doing it. Stream: "When I was just a fil - uh I mean colt," The dark green pony said to the blue mare. "Granny Smith told me of an ancient legend. When Nightmare Moon was banished, not every last bit of her dark magic went with her. Granny used to say, when night falls on the castle, that magic takes the form of... Unicr- uh the Pony of Shadows!" The mare looked a bit nervous before speaking. "You mean like-" The screen paused before The mare moved by herself and tapped the pause button with her hoof. All the while giving the viewer a stern look. "-a ghost," she finished. I'm scared right now. I know they can hear me but to control the stream too is something else entirely. I felt sick watching this. Maybe tomorrow they'll go away and the main will be back. Maybe they're on vacation and forgot to tell me right? They have to be substitutes right? I think I'm losing my mind. This has to be a bad dream.
Main 6,Original Character,Human,Dark,Mystery,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Angel Mares
Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.
<p>Based on the Analog horror series Angel Hare by East Patch. (Even though its more wholesome than horror).</p><p>The year is 2039, I'm grown up with a few childhood memories missing, but one day I find a piece of that childhood only to see something completely different.</p><p>After just watching an old DVD I have to ask: Where did my angels go?</p>
January 6th They didn't leave. They're still there on the stream. Those five stallions and one mare are still where my angels are suppose to be. That grey and blue stallion is the only one doing a good job at acting like he's the bookworm of the group. I eventually came to learn the characters names were Optimum, Fixed Ratchet, Bulk Load, Bumblebee, RC, and Jack Hammer. Despite their names sounding a little familiar I know they Don't belong in this show. For that reason I couldn't take it anymore. I had to cut the stream and it worked. Perhaps a little too well. Stream: The six strange ponies were in a train car discussing the mystery of the baked pastries that were eaten. Optimum addresed the group after the case was solved. "Well, everypony, we finally have the mystery sol-" Optimum stopped as his eyes looked towards the viewer in surprise. The five other characters looked to the viewer as well. Pony Joe, Gustave, and Mulia looked in other places motionlessly. It was like those three became statues. Fixed Ratchet the red and white Unicorn was the first to speak up. "You're the one airing this?!" Jack Hammer the white earth Stallion approached the viewer and looked around. "This ain't some fancy TV station how are you doing this?" The Blue mare RC flew up to the viewer and lightly shoved Jack Hammer out of the way. "Who are you? Why did you put the show back on? Are you with Hasbro or Salvation?" I got a little scared again but soon calmed down and explained myself. I then told them I'm friends with Twilight and her crew and I want them to bring them back but then Optimum surprised me as he spoke in a smooth voice. Stream: "We're trying to find them? What do you think you're doing?" Long story short the train pulled into Canterlot. Instead of going to a dessert contest like as planned they went to Twilight's old library where much to my surprise, Spike was there. They told me they were from a different place entirely with mostly different names. For once Spike acknowledged my presence. Not sure why now but to me that wasn't important right now. The group were going through old books. I think since they now know they are 'off the air' they can do whatever they want. Stream: "There's gotta be something in here that can help," Bulk said as he threw another book behind him. Spike who was nearby watched everything. "Uh I doubt you guys would find anything here." Optimum approached the the dragon. "Do you believe there is maybe a reason or even a theory into why she left?" "I'm not really suppose to talk about it," Spike said nervously. "Sure but this is an exception. We need to use every bit of knowledge we can use," Optimum said. "Oh in that case I think I may have something," said Spike as he left the room for a bit and came back with a scroll. The others gathered around him. "As Twilight Sparkle's number one assistant I often get visions bestowed upon me in my sleep. I sometimes doodle them for fun. This came to me on New Years day," he said as he unrolled the scroll to reveal a drawing of six winged humans wearing armor and had halos. The group examined the drawing. "What could this have to do with their disappearance," RC asked. "I guess Twilight still likes to help people who can't help themselves," Spike replied. Optimum sighed, "that's just like them, their work is never done," he said before turning to the viewer. "Listen carefully we can only get little done with magic and hooves. This could work better in a place with more depth. You can stream anything on here right?" They want me to go and obtain an episode of a show they are really from. Luckily I found one. No wonder their colors and voices sound familiar. Their real names are Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Wheeljack. Bumblebee's name is still the same. Good thing I have a day off tomorrow. Something tells me I'll be up all night with these guys. But it will be worth it because I must find them. I have to trust the Autobots.
Original Character,Princess Cadance,Anthro,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
A Hearts and Hooves Experience
The one holiday where love is in the air. And yet for one stallion, he's not really in the festive mood. Every year, he just wallows in sadness at what this holiday brings. But this year, things look to be different.
<p>Given his past with Hearts and Hooves Day, Comet tends to just keep to himself when this special day rolls around. The reason has to do with a sensitive topic. And so he usually goes to his favorite bar to drown his sorrows out and hopefully get a good night's rest to get through to the next day. And so, just when it seems like it's going to be another routine night, he manages to meet someone whose also having a similar experience. Perhaps they might find a way to help each other.</p>
“Here’s to another lonely Hearts and Hooves day.” A unicorn stallion was shown in a bar as he sat at the counter. The stallion’s name was currently giving a toast… a toast to being alone once again. It wasn’t common at this point; even the bartender expected to see the stallion on this day as that was how often and how long he’d been here. Nearby, some patrons mingled as a couple of mares clung to their special someponies. At least inside this establishment, it was dark and brooding, as it allowed the stallion to hide his despair. He picked up his latest drink before signaling the bartender to refill his glass. “Should I just leave the bottle again?” asked the bartender. “Yeah, boss. Here you go,” said the stallion as he tipped the bar owner, who left the bottle along with his filled shot glass. He sighed as he downed his latest glass, yet despite how much he’d been consuming, he didn’t feel an ounce of intoxicated. Maybe it was due to his high alcohol tolerance, or perhaps his feelings ran even deeper and made him that much more depressed. Whatever the reason, it just added to the fact that this was the one day the stallion hated the most. As he drank his glass, the sound of the bar’s doors opening was heard as footsteps followed. The click and clatter of the steps indicated that someone wore heels as the sound produced gave a thick thud on the oak. The pony in question approached the bar as she stood a few meters away from where the stallion sat. “What can I get you, ma’am?” said the bartender as he approached the mare. “A simple cocktail, if you please,” responded the mare. The bartender nodded as he went to make the mare’s drink. The mare sat down on the stool and tapped her fingers on the counter. She looked about the establishment as it was a quaint little place, not full of many patrons given what today it was, but she could see it getting quite busy at times. The mare was pulled out of her mind by the sound of sipping; the mare looked over and saw the stallion pouring another glass from the bottle. “Hello,” said the mare. “Hey,” responded the stallion as he didn’t bother looking at the mare who addressed him. He then took another sip and let out a sound before pouring another one. “How many have you had?” “Does it matter? I can still see straight.” “Here you are, ma’am.” “Thank you,” responded the mare to the bartender as he brought her her drink. She reached into her purse and pulled some bits to hand to the pony as he smiled. The pony left as the mare dipped the small straw in her cocktail and tasted it as she liked it. She looked back at the stallion seated next to her as he jiggled his drink in his hand. “So… what’s your name?” asked the mare. “What’s it to you?” responded the stallion. “I’m trying to make conversation.” The stallion turned his gaze to the mare to get a good look at her. The mare was a pegasus as her fur was pink, while her mane and tail were red with some yellow and moderate green highlights in them. Upon first glance, the stallion admitted that the mare trying to converse with him was gorgeous. Her body was drop-dead hot as she had an hourglass figure that would drive any stallion crazy, a nice set of hips, and breasts that would cause anybody to stare at her for longer than they would, but for the stallion, the most eye-capturing feature for him was the mare’s ass. Nice, plump, and full as her dress did its best not to make it stand out, but he could see that they must be soft to hold. After taking a few moments to eye up the mysterious mare, the stallion looked her in the face. “Name’s Comet,” said the stallion. “Well, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Comet. I’m Ruby Starstreak, but please, call me Ruby.” said the mare as she offered her hand for the stallion to shake. He looked at her before putting his own handout and shaking it with a firm shake. “Oh, my… quite a strong grip you have there.” The mare felt the muscles in the stallion’s hand when he shook hers and how big they were. “Thanks. I tend to do a lot of heavy lifting,” said the stallion. “Really? Pray tell what do you do for a living?” asked the mare as she leaned forward with her drink. “Construction,” responded Comet. “I see. So, being in the fieldwork of physical labor, surely you must attract several mares?” said Ruby as she traced the edge of her glass with her finger. “Ha! If only…” said Comet, turning back forward with a light chuckle before taking a sip. “Oh… did I… overstep myself?” asked Ruby. “It’s alright. I just… I’m not the biggest fan of this holiday.” “Really? How come?” “It’s just… I don’t know. I don’t get it.” “Mmm. That’s not completely true,” said the mare. “Huh?” said the stallion as he turned to look at her. “I can tell your words aren’t true based on your feelings.” “My feelings?” “Let’s just say I have a special talent when it comes to matters of the heart. I can see how a pony truly feels. And I can see… that you actually have a soft spot for this holiday.” “No, I don’t,” said Comet as he tried to ignore the mare’s claims and was about to take a sip. “You say that, but like I told you, I can sense what’s in ponies’ hearts. So…” “Why do you care, huh? What are you hoping to find?” asked the unicorn as he looked at the pegasus mare. “Nothing. Except… how you truly feel,” responded Ruby. The stallion didn’t know why he continued to speak with the mare. He could have just gotten up and left, and this matter would be done. Go home and sleep the rest of Hearts and Hooves off, yet the mare sitting beside him kept him here. It was like… she had this magical touch that caused him to want to remain. Or he just figured that if he humored the mare, then she might drop it. “It’s just… Hearts and Hooves Day is just some silly lovey-dovey holiday. It’s not a real holiday like Hearth’s Warming Eve or Nightmare Night! Ponies show love to each other because they feel like they have to. Not because they want to.” stated Comet. “Mmm. That is an interesting point of view. I’ve never heard any pony speak like that.” said Ruby as she sipped her cocktail. “But if you think that way, then you have some personal experience with someone. Mmm… perhaps when you were younger.” The stallion raised an eyebrow as he couldn’t believe the mare had assumed correctly about something from his past. “Like I said, I have a special talent,” said Ruby. “So… care to tell me? I don’t have any other plans tonight. I’m all yours.” The unicorn sighed as he placed the bottle he held down and looked into his glass. He saw his reflection in liquid as he knew what the mare was discussing. Comet let out a deep sigh. “I was just a colt. And I met this filly. She was… one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life. I thought she was even more lovely than Celestia’s morning sun.” said the unicorn as he reminisced about his past. “She sounds like a nice mare,” smiled Ruby as she placed her elbow on her leg with her hand under her chin to lean in and listen. “She was. Every day, I said hello, and we would play together. I didn’t know it then, but I somehow found myself drawn to her. Like… I never wanted to leave her side. We did everything together.” “Ah, young love. It’s a wonderful sight to behold,” sighed the pegasus blissfully. “I wouldn’t call it love, but I just… I couldn’t get her off my mind. Everywhere I went when I wasn’t with her, I just kept thinking about her,” stated Comet as he daydreamed a bit about his old friend when he noticed Ruby looking at him with a smug smirk. “Okay, maybe it was love.” “So… did you tell her how you felt?” “I… tried to. But I was just… nervous. Even as a small colt, I didn’t know the first thing about love. So I just kept it to myself. And as we got older, my feelings for her started to grow. Until one day, I finally worked up the courage to approach and tell her.” said Comet as his recollection soon caused his expression to change. Ruby noticed it as her expression changed. “What happened?” “I… told her how I felt. And she didn’t return those same feelings. She said it’d be better if we just remained friends,” said Comet as he felt his heart hurt after recalling that painful memory. “I’m sorry,” said Ruby as she felt sympathy for the stallion’s heartbreak. “After that, I barely spoke to her. And it was probably for the best; she eventually moved away and… I never saw her again,” stated the unicorn as he sipped his drink. “And what makes it even worse is that… it was Hearts and Hooves Day.” “That’s why you’re unhappy with this holiday. Because of that one moment in your life, and you’re afraid that if you ever let someone like that back into your heart, then… you’re scared of suffering another heartbreak,” said Ruby as Comet didn’t bother to deny her claim as he just sighed. “I figured it’d be easier to forget this holiday existed. To drink away the pain of that day, to push it down into the depths of my consciousness and never think about it again.” “I understand. The heart is a rather delicate thing. It’s influenced by so much that it’s hard to grasp. But… love isn’t something one should give up so easily. They say when one door closes, another opens. And I believe that to be true. Who knows, maybe you might find someone else in your life.” said Ruby as she reached forward and placed her hand over Comet’s left. The stallion felt the mare’s warmth as she scooted closer and looked at him with a genuine smile. “I don’t know why, but… talking to you about this… it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks, you know, for bothering to listen to someone like me, even if I seemed like an asshole during your first impressions.” “No worries,” said Ruby as she lifted her cocktail glass. Comet lifted his drink, and the two clinked it together before sipping their beverage. “So, what’s your excuse for being in a place like this?” asked the unicorn. “Oh, well, it’s nothing, really. Nothing like your reasoning,” said the mare as she waved her hand dismissively. “I’m all ears. You listened to my whole story. Wouldn’t be a gentlepony if I just left you hanging high and dry.” said Comet. “Oh, so you’re a gentlepony, now, hmm?” responded Ruby with a smirk. “Well… if you must know. The reason why I’m here is rather a dull one. Today was supposed to be a special day for me and my boyfriend. We had made plans to spend the day together, but… it seems work has called him in.” “Ah, you got ditched on Hearts and Hooves Day,” said Comet as he nodded. “That’s putting it mildly,” said the mare as she hated that her boyfriend had to dip their special day. “Normally, I’d say any stallion crazy enough to have a sexy mare like would be insane to even think about leaving you on today of all days. But I can understand being called in unexpectedly. Extra hours mean extra pay. You have to do what you must to put a roof over your head and food in your belly. And the clothes you wear. My mom always said if you have a job, you do it. Don’t ever let anybody else ever take it away from you.” “Admirable words of advice. Your mother sounds like a smart mare and hard-working at that. Still, I was so looking forward to enjoying this day. And now… the only company that I’ve had is sitting in a bar and talking to you about your troubled love past.” said Ruby. “Proud to know I could be pleasant company for a mare like yourself. I’ll take that as a victory,” smiled Comet. “Well, it’s not the end of the world. It doesn’t have to be Hearts and Hooves Day for your special plans to take root. You two could always do it when he returns.” “Perhaps you’re right. Thank you, Comet. It seems I needed someone to talk to just as much as you do. It’s rather nice to have someone listen to you vent out your frustrations.” “Happy to help. Cheers.” “Cheers.” The two clinked their drinks once more as they gave another toast before downing it. “Well, listen, Comet. I hope it’s not too much, but I’d like to give you something in return for spending time with me on this rather lonely day.” “Please, Ms. Ruby…” “Just call me Ruby. No need for formalities,” said the pegasus. “Ruby. You don’t need to do anything.” “I know but… I insist. Besides, I believe this could benefit both of us.” Before Comet could ask what the mare was talking about, he felt something on his crotch. In the blink of an eye, he felt the mare’s hand on his pants as she seemed to be fondling his cock through the fabric. He was caught off-guard by the mare’s risky action as despite them facing the bar, no pony else could see what she was doing, yet if anybody decided to approach the counter, then they’d be caught. The mare then took her hand and went into the stallion’s pants as she gripped his cock and stroked it. Within seconds, Comet felt his cock become hard as it poked through his garments, and he instantly gripped the counter to avoid making a sound. The pegasus then removed her hand from his pants and smiled at him. “Oh, you definitely have a strong grip,” smiled the mare seductively as she felt how hard Comet’s cock got just by a few of her strokes. “Are you crazy…” The unicorn was silenced when the mare pressed a finger to his lips and slid up next to him so their faces almost touched. “Five minutes. There’s a house just two blocks from here. If you come, I promise you will have the best night of your life. Don’t keep me waiting,” said the pegasus as one of her hands reached down to her bosom and lowered the part of her dress, concealing her breasts. She flashed the unicorn a peek at them. Seeing them uncovered, Comet saw just how much bigger they truly were. His little guy down below agreed as it got even harder and pressed against the thigh of Ruby, who felt it; the mare smiling as her plan was working. She then sealed the deal by pressing her lips to the stallion before releasing and heading to the door as she swung her hips in a sultry way while taunting the unicorn with her fat ass. She soon exited as she left for her home, hoping Comet would accept her offer. After seeing the mare leave, the stallion turned away as he felt himself getting hot and bothered. Sweat ran down his face as he grabbed some napkins to wipe himself off and try to regain his composure. He felt his groin ache and hurt as the erection he had was becoming a problem. The stallion was fighting with his mind about what had just transpired and what the pegasus offered him. Don’t do it, Comet. Don’t do it, Comet. She has a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend. But she’s hot. No… she has a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend. SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!.... Fuck! A small home stood before Comet as the unicorn found the address the pegasus mare had given him. He didn’t know what compelled him to do this, but he tried to turn and leave but couldn’t. His body moved on its own as he approached the door. He jiggled the knob as it opened as if she knew he would come; the door swung open, and there was a trail of red petals on both sides of the hallway as it led down to a stairway to the upper level of the house. As the stallion approached the stairway, he noticed something on a nearby table and a note. He picked up the note as it simply read: Drink up. The unicorn picked up the small bottle as he looked at it. It was a simple clear bottle that had a liquid in it. Comet uncapped and sniffed the top, as the smell was rather vague. He took a deep breath before chugging the small bottle in mere seconds. He licked his lips as he got a taste for the liquid, expecting it to be something vile, but it wasn’t. “Strawberry?” said Comet as that was as close as he could identify whatever taste he sampled. He placed the small bottle back on the table with the note before turning to the stairway. Upstairs, a door was shown as it was cracked just a bit open. The rose petals ended at the doorway, which the stallion opened, and there, lying on the bed, wearing a scarlet red nightgown, was Ruby. The pegasus stretched her wings out as it made Comet’s shaft begin to act up. “I’ve been waiting for you,” said the mare as her voice sounded like silk before sitting up rather sexy-like. Comet took a deep gulp as he could feel himself getting hot and bothered by the sight of the mare he met just hours ago. The door behind him closed as Ruby got up and approached him. “Um, listen, Ruby… I know what this looks like… and I…” The stallion couldn’t finish his sentence before he felt himself being pulled and thrown onto the bed. He tried to sit up but the mare got on him and pinned him to the bed. “I hope you’re ready,” whispered the pegasus into the ear of the unicorn, her voice sending chills down his spine. She kissed the stallion before moving her hands down as she grabbed his shirt and removed it, exposing the muscles the construction worker had obtained from lifting such heavy stuff. Comet tried to sit up, but Ruby placed her hands on his chest and began to feel his muscles, her touch having some kind of magical effect as she trailed down to his abs and felt them. They looked and felt like they could crush diamonds; the same could be said for his other muscles. As strong as they looked, they also appeared soft enough that the mare could fall asleep in them. She felt each of his abs before moving down to where her target was. With a firm grip, Comet let out a sound as the mare began to fondle his junk through his pants. Ruby was having fun as she enjoyed watching this stud of a stallion moan from her actions. She then zipped his pants and pulled them down to leave him in his briefs as his cock was sticking straight up; Comet lifted his head to view his erection as it was more erect than before. Ruby then removed the last piece of clothing on the stallion and soon freed his cock. The cold air washed over the shaft of the unicorn as it twitched every so often while the mare licked her lips. “Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this,” said Ruby before going down and capturing the meat shaft with her hands. The mare then got on her knees as she brought her breasts forward, and with one swift motion, she put Comet’s cock in between her bosom. The mare then got to work as she moved her boobs up and down along the stallion’s cock as the pleasure increased tenfold. Comet nearly came from just the touch of Ruby’s boobs but held on as he didn’t want to appear weak in front of the pegasus. But it was difficult, given how soft her boobs felt. “You like that? You like how my girls feel against your big, hard, manly cock?” asked Ruby with sultry in her voice as she looked to make the stallion feel good. “Y-Yes,” struggled Comet as the pleasure was too great. Ruby smiled after hearing that as she began to pick up speed which Comet nearly lost. “Oh, Celestia, you’re making me feel so hot. Come on. Fuck my tits! Fuck’em!” encouraged Ruby as Comet grabbed the sheets of the bed to hold on. The mare then upped the ante as she dove her head down and began to suck the tip. The moment her mouth touched his shaft, Comet let go. He let out a moan as he came and fired his seed into the mouth of the mare as it was over his cock. The mare felt the sudden release as she was a bit unprepared, but felt it hitting the back of her throat as she drank all that was fired. To his surprise, Ruby took all of his seed and didn’t remove her mouth until she slurped it all. “You came already?” mocked the mare as she removed her breasts and lightly stroked the stallion’s cock. “S-Sorry, it’s just… it was so good. You felt…” “My pleasure,” smiled the pegasus, “But… we’re not done.” “Can… you give me a sec?” said Comet as he felt like he needed time to recharge. “Really? ‘Cause it seems to me, you’re still raring to go.” “What?” Comet looked at his cock, and to his surprise, his shaft was still erect. The stallion was confused as he expected his cock to be spent after experiencing an ejaculation like that, but his penis was still raring to go. In fact, he felt like he could go for quite a while. “It seems someone is eager,” said Ruby as Comet’s cock smacked the left cheek of her face before kissing the tip. “H-How? What did you do?” asked the stallion. “Oh, just a simple elixir to boost your vitality. I was planning on using it with my boyfriend tonight, but as you know, he’s not here. Plus, I tend to have a very strong sex drive on this specific holiday, if you catch my drift. Therefore, I need someone who can go all night long.” said the mare as she stood up and began to reach behind and undid the straps of her nightgown. Comet looked, and in the blink of an eye, the mare disrobed, and he was treated to her full naked body. The sight of the mare was stunning, to say the least. She was made to be a goddess; she’d even given Celestia a run for her money at how beautiful she was. “Now, before we continue, Comet. There’s something I have to show you,” said the mare. The stallion raised an eyebrow as his cock craved for more. Ruby then spread her wings out and closed her eyes as she lifted her head up. In a flash, she was covered with magic as it surrounded her body. The unicorn was confused about what was happening as the light got brighter for a bit and caused him to look away. When it died down, and he turned back to where Ruby once stood, she was no more. Instead, she was replaced by someone different. The mare’s mane and tail changed colors as the cutie mark on her ass was changed to that of a pink heart. The mare was now an alicorn as she wasn’t just any old alicorn. “Y-You?” said Comet, as he realized who was standing before him. “Surprised,” said Cadance as she revealed her true form. “Apologies for the disguise earlier, but you can see why I had to change my appearance.” “Princess.…” “Just Cadance is fine. No need for formalities. Especially after tonight.” said the princess of love as she slowly walked toward the stallion. Comet took in what was in front of him as he couldn’t believe it. The mare he’d been talking to all night, the one who invited him to this house, and the one who just sucked him off was none other than the princess of love. It was no wonder Ruby looked like a goddess and had a perfect figure because she was a goddess. A literal perfection of what love and beauty were supposed to be. Her mane was long and sweeping, her face was angelic and redefined a thousand times over, lips so full and pouty that would cause any stallion to want to devour them, her coat so fair and free of any blemishes. And her body. Dear Celestia, her perfect body. The way it was developed and well-endowed. Her chest was full that would captivate the eyes of both stallion and mares, the breasts nice and ample that Comet figured they were at least a J-Cup size. Her stomach was flat and smooth as not a single fat appeared, and her waist was incredibly thin which led to her curvy childbearing hips. And her ass: firm yet supple, perfectly rounded like a set of plump peaches that looked soft enough to touch and bite into. Long, toned legs as Comet couldn’t figure out where they started and ended. Cadance saw how Comet was completely entranced by her divine body as she gave a lecherous grin. She brought her hand down and spread her legs apart to reveal her pussy to the unicorn. The sight nearly made Comet faint: a nice light pink color, her outer lips looked like they were the softest of cotton, while her inner walls looked to be smoother than velvet. Cadance then slipped two fingers inside her as she began to pump in and out while increasing her tempo. Her other hand went to her breasts, and she began to pinch and twirl her nipples lightly. The alicorn was massaging her chest while finger-fucking herself as Comet couldn’t take his eyes off of her. It was as if he looked away; he would wake up from this wonderful dream. “So, Comet… now that you’ve seen who I really am… what are you going to do?” said Cadance in between moans as she felt the pleasure taking over. The stallion only replied with one thing. “Get over here… right now!” demanded the unicorn. Cadance smiled deviously as her tactics worked. She almost hurried toward the stallion as he quickly pulled her into and up on his lap; he didn’t care that he was about to fuck the alicorn princess or that she had a boyfriend. She’d been torturing and playing him all night long, and now… he was out to get some revenge on the mare and remind her not to cross him. Cadance wasted no time in aligning her pussy above Comet’s cock, and she quickly sank down on him, causing both to moan at the sudden entrant. The mare smiled as she was finally going to get some action tonight, and she looked to be toyed with by the stud she snagged for tonight’s activities. The mare bounced happily up and down on the stallion’s large and hard dick. She clung to his chest as her breasts were pushed into it, and her hardened nipples felt his fur. Comet’s arms held the alicorn tenderly as his fingers caressed her silky fur. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, bringing them as close as they could be. The pair opened their mouths as their tongues dueled a sensual tango, with moans escaping their mouths. “Oh, Cadance,” moaned Comet in a heavy lust-filled voice. The alicorn prench him deeply, her desire grew uncontrollable. She continued to grind against him; each movement allowing her to take the stallion deeper and deeper into her hot core. Comet’s hands laid restly on Cadance’s hips, guiding her up and down on his raging member. He broke free from her mouth and began to leave a trail of kisses to her jaw, then to her chin, to her neck and collarbone before going even lower to her bouncing breasts. With a swift motion, he took the alicorn’s left nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it as if it would produce some delicious milk. “Ah! Comet!” cried out Cadance as the unicorn continued to suck her breast. Comet’s left hand moved to her other breast as he grabbed it and then began to massage it. Her nipple felt the rotation and movement from the stallion’s fingers as she let out louder moans. Eventually, Comet switched between the two as he wanted to make sure both girls got equal treatment. Pleasure coursed through Cadance’s body as her sensitive parts were pushing her closer and closer to the edge. She felt his lips trail back upwards as Comet claimed them in another hungry kiss. Cadance let a hearty moan down Comet’s throat as it was filled with lust and arousal. The unicorn moved his right hand and placed it on her lower back to help with her balance as she continued to bounce on his large meat rod. Comet was filling up Cadance nicely and deeply. Everything that the alicorn was hoping for tonight was coming true, it might not have been with her boyfriend, but she got somepony who was just as good. She had needs, and if Shining Armor wasn’t around to satisfy those needs, she’d find another way. Especially tonight. The mare was like a wild animal as she rode this majestic cock. Her nails were digging into Comet’s shoulders as she tried not to hurt the stallion, but it was hard, given how her body writhed and flexed in a sensuous dance. Her mane flew wildly while her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust. She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around the stallion’s head to kiss him even more deeply. Comet thrusted into Cadance’s hot core again and again as each movement felt so good. The way her smooth, velvety walls clung to him, trying to milk him for his seed desperately. The stallion looked at the mare as a devious thought crossed his mind. He moved one of his hands down to her ass and gently inserted his index finger into her hot anus. Of all the things she’d done with Shining Armor in their past sessions and every love-making technique she knew, Comet did something that caught her by surprise. Cadance gasped as her gyrating became erratic due to the finger up her anal. The unicorn then added another of his fingers, causing her to gyrate even more due to the double team, as it proved too much for her. “C-Cadance…” groaned Comet. “Ahh! Y-Yes! Don’t… stop… AHHHHHHHH!” screamed the alicorn as she was pushed to her edge and came. The tightness of her walls clamped hard around Comet’s cock. It proved too much for the stallion to endure as he, too, came and released. He held down Cadance, making sure that he fired his seed directly into the woman’s womb. The stallion gripped the alicorn tightly as he wanted to empty all he had inside of her. After about ten minutes of coming, the two finally had a chance to relax. The paid lay on the bed with Cadance resting on Comet’s chest as he held her in his arms. A thousand thoughts raced through the pair’s mind, especially Comet’s. To think this started out just as another Hearts and Hooves Day where he would be all alone in a bar, drinking away his feelings. And now here he was, not only did he end up meeting a mare, but said mare turned out to be none other than Princess Cadance, and now here he was, making love to her and getting her to cum on his cock. And to think, this would have never happened if her boyfriend hadn’t been called away. He did wonder what could have been so important to want to ditch Cadance on this day, given what she offered in the bedroom; in his case, he would have rejected and spent all day fucking this gorgeous and sexy mare. And speaking of the sexy alicorn, Cadance looked at Comet as if she heard his thoughts. She smiled lustfully before leaning up to capture his lips for a few seconds and then getting off of him. The alicorn stood up and removed herself from his cock as she turned around to present her ass to him. Comet saw the large and beautiful view as she thrusted her plump, firm behind at the stallion. “Well? Wanna fuck this nice fine ass, Comet?” asked Cadance as she teased the stallion with the finest ass in existence. As if he needed any more motivation, Cadance brought her hand down and delivered a hard smack to her cheek as the sound it produced echoed around the room. That smack and the jiggle from Cadance’s ass turned a switch on inside Comet as his primal instincts came out, and he growled. Cadance yelped as Comet grabbed a hold of her ass and aligned himself as he slipped inside her back door. “Oh, sweet Celestia!!!” cried out the alicorn, moaning at how she felt the stallion’s cock inside her ass as it almost appeared too much for her. It took a few moments to get accustomed to the other, as this new sensation was even better than they had done earlier. Cadance felt the girth and width of Comet’s cock inside of her as it began to adjust to his size and shape; she was pleased to see all those fruit sessions paid off. Once she looked at the stallion, she began to bounce up and down once more on his shaft. The unicorn groaned from the sheer tightness of the alicorn’s anus as he felt like she was trying to strangle his cock. Cadance leaned backward as she rested her back against Comet’s broad chest, and he placed his hands on her hips to help guide her along his rod. A mirror was placed against the wall as the pair looked at themselves. The sight of their reflections caused them to get even more aroused. The alicorn instinctively spread her legs, showing her snatch as it dripped with their love juices. Comet moved his left hand to her pussy as he began to finger her in addition to plowing her ass. Cadance screamed in pleasure as she enjoyed the double team from Comet, making her bounce wildly as he groped her right breast with his remaining hand. Her eyes went wide and wild, staring at the large cock moving in and out of her ass as it looked like a piston. Comet’s fingers were doing a number on her pussy as she was in sexual nirvana. “Yes! Oh, yes! Comet, yes!” yelled Cadance as she was drowning in a sea of pleasure. Comet continued his assault on making the alicorn feel good as he began to kiss her upper back. He found a sensitive spot that left the alicorn panting heavily as he moved along her shoulders and neck. The fingering he was giving her pussy, coupled with the groping of her breast, built up the pleasure Cadance was experiencing as her horn lit up, signaling her aura to be in tune with her feelings. “Oh fuck yes! More! More! MORE!” yelled the alicorn. “Comet, give it to me! Make me yours!” Cadance felt her orgasm starting to come as Comet wasn’t far behind. The stallion pumped harder and faster as he could feel his balls churning and his cock twitching. The unicorn was ready to blow any minute as the alicorn egged him on; within a few more thrusts, he came as he fired inside her tight anus. Cadance felt the first shot inside her ass as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She came as it was too much, and some of it splattered onto the mirror. The pair were on wobbly legs as Comet managed to fall back into a chair with Cadance still clinging to his cock as she sat in his lap. The stallion had his arms around the alicorn’s stomach as he held her tightly. Bits of their juices leaked out and dripped to the floorboards. The high both experienced was one that words couldn’t describe, they looked spent as they each took deep breaths, but Comet’s cock and Cadance’s amplified sex drive told a different story. She turned to look at the stallion to capture his lips for two seconds before pulling back and giving a look that both understood. “Ah! Comet!” moaned Cadance as Comet was kissing her neck. The pair were on the bed in the throws of their love-making as their bodies were wrapped in a sensual embrace. The stallion moved down to the alicorn’s perky breasts as he began to suck and fondle the hardened nipples and breasts they were attached to. The unicorn then continued to move south as he left a trail of kisses before stopping at her belly button. Cadance giggled a bit at feeling Comet’s tongue tickle her. She then gasped when Comet slowly and teasingly licked her outer lips, making her arch her back and release a moan. He then continued to move as he arrived at her thick and smooth thighs, and he buried his face in them. Cadance smiled as she squeezed her thighs together around Comet’s head to keep him secured. If he would die in between these voluptuous things, it’d be a death worth dying for. He pelted Cadance’s thighs with kisses as he looked to devour them; the alicorn enjoyed this wonderful feeling as she reached an arm down and placed her hand on his head to keep him there for a bit longer. Soon, Comet ceased his assault as he lightly smacked Cadance’s outer thigh to signal her to open them up. She complied, and he left Cadance’s glorious thighs to move back upward. He looked the alicorn in the eyes as if they were full of both lust and love. The unicorn aligned himself with her core as he speared her in one swift motion. Cadance gasped at taking Comet’s long, hard cock as it filled up her sacred space nice and full. The stallion allowed the alicorn a moment to get herself adjusted before he began to move. Cadance panted as she instinctively wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. Comet started off slow and steady as he savored the feeling of pleasure; Cadance wrapped her arms around his neck as she arched her back, pushing her breasts into his defined chest. Her legs rubbed against him as he began to pump into her again and again. Comet began to pick up speed as he put more power behind his thrusts, causing the mare to gasp and moan. This is…. Cadance’s mind was struggling to form thoughts to describe this feeling accurately. Comet lifted the alicorn off her back and into the air as her legs wrapped tighter around him. She grabbed his shoulders for leverage and used her arms to push herself up and down on his massive cock. The unicorn’s hands gripped her waist and helped her move her body up and down as he balanced himself on his knees upon the bed. He filled her so deep and wide as the goddess he held rode him like some common whore. Her nails dug into his shoulders as her body writhed and flexed in a sensuous dance, her mane going crazy while her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust. So tight. She feels so good! I’ve never had this intense… Comet soon laid the princess on her back as he spread her thighs open and slammed into her as hard and as deep as he could. Her moans of satisfaction motivated him to give the alicorn what she so desperately wanted. Again and again, the stallion drove into the mare’s perfect body. Cadance felt it all as she was just overflowed with pleasure and emotions she couldn’t think straight, let alone form a conclusive thought. All she cared about was getting some dick. His hands flowed across her body as their mouths parted for air. He touched her everywhere he could as he knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And once the night was over, he’d probably never get a chance again like this. So he was making sure he had this night committed to memory, every touch, scent, and detail engraved into his brain. To know that when it was time for him to die, he’d have this one moment to look back on as the greatest time of his life. The unicorn ran his hands up and down her thighs, stroking and kneading them as if they were doughs of bread, along with her breasts. Cadance moaned aggressively as the strong hands of her lover were firmly caressing her body for the night. The intensity of his thrusts began to increase as his cock was getting so deep inside of her. She wrapped herself tightly around him, leaving no space between them. Within seconds, she felt the powerful waves of her orgasm smash into her. Her mind reeled, and with a mighty roar from Comet, he exploded inside of her, both letting out a fierce scream of sweet release. The pair panted heavily from their latest round as Comet looked down at the princess below him. Their eyes met as it was full of emotion before she pulled his face in for a deep and passionate kiss. “All the mares out there are missing out on you,” said Cadance. “There’s only one mare I care about right now. And she wants more of my cock. Don’t you?” smiled Comet. “Guilty as charged. I’ve just barely scratched the surface of my itch. Can you help your dear princess?” “Are you ready to scream?” responded the unicorn. “I casted a soundproof spell while I waited for you. We can be as loud as we want,” responded Cadance as her sultry voice affected Comet’s cock, still inside of her. “Get ready, whore!” said the stallion. Cadance was straddling Comet as she placed her hands on his chest. “Sweet Celestia!” moaned out the alicorn as she felt the cock she’d become addicted to pushing into her. “Fuck!” responded the stallion as every time, Cadance’s pussy felt like she was a virgin. It must have been one of the benefits of being the princess of love, and that was to always have a tight pussy. The alicorn was bouncing up and down on her new toy as the sensation of him pushing against her made them feel something like never before. Cadance’s hands held onto his chest as her breasts bounced around; the stallion took in the image of the mare bouncing as he wished he had a camera with him to preserve the memory forever. He could only moan as Cadance worked her magic of riding him as if her life depended on it; her cunt sliding around his member as it glistened with their juices to serve as the perfect lubricant to make her glide effortlessly. “Oh, fuck! Comet… sweet fucking Celestia! You feel so good!” said the mare as she glanced back at his cock, going in and out of her with ease. She glanced back at him as she leaned down, pressing her tits against his chiseled chest as she kept thrusting her hips down while he thrusted up. The stallion matched the princess’ rhythm as he could feel himself going deeper than before. Both groaned in bliss as Comet grabbed her waist to make sure she didn’t accidentally slip out from all her dick riding. He then picked up speed as he pounded her deeper while she cried out in pleasure. The pair were consumed by their lust that whatever was happening outside didn’t matter; the end of Equestria could be happening, and they wouldn’t know, nor would they care. All that mattered was the here and the now and what was happening between them. Right now, they were enjoying themselves. Cadance soon raised her head and moaned. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming, Comet!” “I’m cumming, too!” As if on cue, the stallion felt the mare’s pussy clamp down on his cock. It made him cry out as the sensations became too much to bear; his balls tightened up, and he gripped Cadance’s hips even tighter. He delivered one final thrust as he pulled the alicorn down and fired his shot. Cadance reached the peak of her climax as she moaned while feeling Comet fill her insides for the third time that night. The stallion felt his seed firing off as bits of it spilled out of her cunt, but that didn’t matter as he had plenty to spare. Cadance laid on her back as Comet was on top of her and giving it to her. The stallion was pushing his hips back and forth as the mare groaned, feeling the cock stretch her already defiled sacred space. The unicorn lowered his head down to her neck as he began to pelt it with kisses. It caused Cadance to wrap her arms around his waist and the back of his head as Comet left a small mark on the alicorn’s neck as if to say she was his property. He gripped the bedsheets as it provided him with extra leverage, which he used as he rammed into the mare. Cadance’s toes curled as her feet moved back and forth while holding onto the stallion with a vice-like grip. “Oh, yes!” let out the mare as soon as the sound of the headboard banging added to the atmosphere. “Oh, shit! Comet. Ahh, ahh, ahh!” The princess felt him going deeper as his balls smacked against her ass. Her voice rocked with each thrust as Comet soon changed it up. He pushed himself up on his arms and began to thrust as hard as he could. Cadance had her eyes open and went wide as he was giving her some quick and short strokes; she dug her nails into his back as she was amazed she hadn’t left any marks on it, given how tightly she’d gripped them from how much pleasure he was pounding into her. “Cadance… I can feel you tightening up again!” said Comet as he felt the resistance from her pussy. “Ahh! Don’t stop! Keep going! Make me…. Feel good!” shouted the mare as she squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her legs around Comet’s ass. She pulled him in, which caused her toes to curl again, followed by the stallion shooting his load deep inside her as she cried out. “Oh, fuck yes!” screamed the princess. “I so loving riding this dick!” “Ride it all night long, bitch!” said Comet as he raised a hand to smack Cadance’s plump ass. The mare yelped before picking up speed as she was reverse cowboy riding her stallion. Comet had his hands behind his head as he just sat back and watched the show before him. The unicorn had a smug grin on his face as he put one of his hands out to cusp Cadance’s asscheek before quickly delivering a smack, inciting a reaction from the mare. “You love my ass? You love my ass bouncing on your dick, huh?” mocked Cadance as she got another slap. “Damn right!” said Comet as he delivered another hard smack which caused Cadance to make an O face. The sound of her asscheeks clapping could be heard throughout the room. Skin slapping against skin, both ponies were on a ride of utter pleasure that neither was looking to get off anytime soon. “Yeah! Don’t stop, please!” groaned Comet. “Oh, I won’t! I’ll ride you for as long as you want!” said Cadance. It caused the stallion to grip her ass even tighter as she felt his digits pressing into her ass. She stuck her tongue out on instincts as she felt her pussy was being reshaped to fit Comet’s cock. “Oh, you like that? You like me bouncing on your dick, big boy?” Comet groaned as that was the only thing he could say from the intense pleasure he felt. Cadence placed her hands on his legs to steady herself as she picked up speed and made her ass bounce faster than one could keep track of. The constant smack was the only indicator of how fast she went. Comet felt the surge of his cock starting to build up once more as he was reaching his limit. “Mmm… I’m gonna cum!” “Do it! Cum inside me! Fucking do it!” yelled Cadance as she shouted at the top of her lungs, knowing nobody could hear them. After a few more deep thrusts, Comet released himself as Cadance felt it and screamed. The pair let out a loud moan that harmonized as the stallion fired off jets of his stream inside the mare. A few seconds later, the pair gasped for air as Cadance had her ass resting while still having Comet’s cock in her as she refused to let it go until she was done with it. And so it went well into the night, the two ponies doing everything they could until Cadance's itch was gone. So many positions were done. At one time, the pair were on the bed as Comt had the alicorn pinned to the bed with her left leg extended upwards and rested on his shoulder. The stallion was on his knees as he was driving himself into Cadance, and he was poking her stomach. Grunts came out of the unicorn’s mouth as he turned into an alpha male, looking to assert his dominance over the mare below him. Cadance leaned her head back as her mind was occupied with only one thing. “Fuccckk. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" expressed Cadance. The stallion leaned in and locked his lips with the mare as they moaned. He grabbed her breast and squeezed it well before pulling on her nipple. Cadance’s eyes rolled in the back of her head when she felt her nipple pulled and twisted. "FFUUCCKKK!!" Cadance moaned whorely as her orgasm was building up more and more. "Here it comes!" called out Comet as he was close, ramming as fast and hard as he could into her. "Give me it! Let me squeeze everything out of those balls!" yelled the alicorn. "Sweet Celestia!" Comet could feel the walls closing in on his cock. The mare screamed out, clinging onto him desperately as her own cunt was about to break. Then, all at once, Comet gripped Cadance’s legs as if trying to rip them off as his semen fired. The mare shrieked as the pair's cum sprayed all over the bed and sheets; Cadance felt every ounce of Comet’s seed fill her up completely once again. It lasted a few minutes as the stallion wanted to ensure the mare took all his seed and didn't let a single drop go to waste. He ceased his pumping as Cadance’s climax had reached its end. Cadance moaned with her tongue out as she was being pressed against the wall. The mare found herself pinned to the solid structure behind her. Comet was really giving it to her. He hiked up one of her legs and held it outwards as it allowed him better access to penetrate her even deeper. The mare had her hands spread out as if to grip the structure, but she did her best to hold on while the unicorn went to town on her pussy. “Oh, you like that? You like my dick filling you up, huh?” said Comet as he delivered a smack to her ass. “Oh, yes! I enjoy it so much!” responded Cadance as he proceeded to go faster. “Tell me how much you love it! Say it!” “I fucking love it!” “Louder!” “I fucking love it!” “Louder, you bitch!” shouted Comet. “I FUCKING LOVE IT! I LOVE YOUR FUCKING DICK!!!!!” yelled Cadance, as if the whole house shook from her scream. The stallion soon felt his tip flare up as he was violently slamming into the mare as her thighs rippled from the smack of his balls against them. He soon let out a satisfied grunt as Cadance moaned. The two let out screams as the mare felt her legs starting to wobbly and figured she was about to fall, but Comet stopped her from doing that. She looked down in between their legs as she saw her pussy being filled to the brim with his hot rod; the sight of him pumping her with his seed was a turn-on as bits of it spilled out of her cunt and dripped to the floor. She lifted her head and tilted to look at the stud behind her as she had a devious smile on her face. Comet smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed with his arms spread out behind him. The stallion was watching Cadance bouncing on his dick of her own accord as she focused on putting on a good show for her bedmate. The sound of her riding his dick as she moved one of her hands down and began to play with her clit while continuing to bounce on the hard shaft. “You enjoying the show?” said Cadance as she tilted her head to look at Comet. “Hell yeah,” said the stallion as he couldn’t resist looking down her backside to see her asscheeks bounce. If there was one thing he really enjoyed about the princess of love, it was her ass. The way they moved with her bouncing movements and how they jiggled when he smacked them. This was the personification of the goddess, as he would never get tired of that. “Oh, this night has turned out to be wonderful,” said Cadance as she bounced even harder on Comet’s cock. “You’re telling me,” stated the stallion as he couldn’t believe his luck. “If my boyfriend weren’t called away, you wouldn’t be as lucky as you are now. Oh, Celestia. You’ve got such a big cock. I can’t get enough of it!” Comet’s expression soon changed on a dime after hearing Cadance say that. The stallion drowned out the sounds of the mare riding him as he began to think about how this night played out. Cadance had planned all of this for her boyfriend, but he was unavailable. So, was her plan to find just some random stallion to replace him? Was he just a replacement? Did she just walk into some random bar and figured the first stallion she saw would be the one to get laid? Or did she just feel pity for him after hearing his story? Was he really just a pity fuck? So many thoughts raced through Comet’s mind as he tried to figure things out. Cadance was still bouncing on his cock while playing with herself as she could feel her latest orgasm was going to be her biggest one yet. The mare was so focused on getting there that she didn’t notice Comet had shifted his position as he brought his arms underneath her legs. He pulled Cadance off of him as she felt the emptiness and looked down to see her pussy above the hard cock with her legs being held out. She looked at the stallion as he lifted her up and put his hands behind her head to lock them while also trapping her legs. “What are you doing?” asked Cadance, with a hint of excitement in her voice. “If this was by some coincidence, then I’m gonna dominant you to the very end,” said Comet as he drove the mare down on his cock as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Cadance moaned as she felt the hot rod reenter her caverns before he began to thrust into her. The mare was helpless in the full nelson position that the stallion got her in, but she didn’t care. The power and speed of his thrusts picked up as Comet was on a mission. “I’m gonna break you!” stated the stallion. “Oh, yes!” “I’m gonna fill you up to the brim!” “Yes!” “Your pussy belongs to my cock!” “Oh yes!” screamed Cadance as she enjoyed the dirt talk from Comet as he was really being aggressive and asserting his dominance over her. The stallion was thrusting as hard as he could into the alicorn’s tight pussy as he wanted to prove he wasn’t just some pity fuck. He was the real deal, and he was going to show this whore of a mare what he was truly capable of. Cadance was on a new high than ever before; her moans became louder with each drive Comet delivered to her. While trapped, her wings flared out a bit to show how much she enjoyed being manhandled. The way Comet was driving into her, it was like he was fucking some common slut. To be fair, she felt like that. The thrusts from the unicorn holding were so intense that he was smacking his balls against her ass every time, as the rhythmic slap was the defining melody of this great symphony. “Fuck me! I’m nothing but a slut!” shouted Cadance. “You’re a fucking whore! And whores need to be taught their place!” stated Comet. “Oh, punish me! I’ve been such a naughty princess! Put me in my place!” “I intend to! Look at you! Getting off on some dick other than your boyfriends? You really are nothing but a cock hungry slut!” “I am! Use my pussy as your cocksleeve! Drain your balls in me for all I give a damn!” “My own cumdumpster, ehh? Yeah, that’s what you are!” grinned the stallion. He picked up his ruts as there was no sign of slowing down, causing Cadance to moan whorishly at a loud volume. The alicorn was nothing more than a fucktoy for the stallion as he was ruining her tight little pussy with his big, hard cock. The roughness and primal instinct that was on display from Comet turned Cadance on the most; he had reverted back to his ancestral ways of claiming a mare. And right now, she was doing her basic biological duty, and that was to be fucked as her foreponies before her did. To take a stallion’s seed as life intended her to do. “You’re a fucking beast! Fuck me harder! Deeper! Oh, yes!” moaned the mare as her mind went blank. “Show this pussy who’s boss! Fill me up to the brim. I need it! Fill me as if I were to bear your child!” “You want my seed, bitch? Then beg!” “Please!” “Beg!” “Oh, please, give it to me! I want nothing more than to be a ruined mess! So use me as you see fit!” Comet smiled, hearing the mare succumb to his wishes as he shifted it into high gear. Cadance’s voice found a new octave as Comet’s thrusts began to piston in and out of her already ruined pussy so many times this night. She looked down to catch a glimpse of it as his cock was like a machine, going in and out as if automatic. The stallion’s dick was unbelievable, and she was grateful that she invited him back home. Comet felt his balls starting to build up pressure as he felt Cadance’s walls squeezing him even more. The stallion knew that he was near his end as he looked to finish strong. “Tell me how much better I am than your boyfriend?” demanded the unicorn. “Yes, you’re so much better! Oh, Celestia, you’re so good! I should have chosen you as my boyfriend!” “Come on, whore! Let everybody know how much you love this dick! Let everybody know what the princess of love really is like!” shouted Comet. “I want nothing more than to be your personal fucktoy! Fuck me as much as you want, as often as you want! I want to feel you inside of me every day! I need this cock! I’m nothing but a cock-hungry slut! I want you so much that I want you to impregnate me! I want to marry you and bear your foals! Give me your cum, that’s an order!” yelled Cadance. Comet knew that the mare didn’t mean that. It was moreso the lust in her brain that took over her mind and spoke. But regardless, it was so intoxicatingly hot to hear that from the alicorn that he knew he had a request to comply. “As you wish, princess!” The stallion did his duty as he went into maximum overdrive. He railed Cadance as hard and as fast as he could as he looked to fuck her still. The mare just fell under his spell as she became lifeless, and her body moved due to the unicorn’s actions. The alicorn’s pussy trapped the stallion’s dick in a vice grip as even it didn’t want to let the hot rod go. She wanted to milk everything from his balls and feel the warmth of his seed inside of her. The pair moaned in unison as their climax was fast approaching. In and out. In and out. That’s all it was between the pair. A union of two ponies performing a life duty that was instilled in their minds that was deeply hidden through all levels of logic and reasoning. The pair weren’t thinking; they were doing. They were performing the very basic tasks of all life. “FILL ME UP WITH YOUR CUM!!!” shouted Cadance. “TAKE MY CUM, YOU SLUT!!!” yelled Comet as he reached his breaking point. The stallion plowed with one great big and mighty push as their damns broke. In a hearty manner, both yelled the loudest they’d been all night as his cock began to fire off shots inside of the mare rapidly. The mare’s pussy yearned for the seed as it began to milk the stallion dry, ensuring that he painted every inch of her caverns white. The pair moaned as Comet made sure he emptied himself fully into the mare, as this was the biggest nut he’d experienced. They were so exhausted that Comet fell back onto the bed with Cadance still trapped by his arms. Cadance’s horn had ignited during their last session as sparks of magic shot out to show how much bliss she was in. Her wings stiffened as she relished the warm feeling of the stallion’s seed inside as she rubbed her belly. Comet soon released his hold on the mare, but not before giving one hard smack to her fine candy ass as he lay there with the alicorn on top of him. His cock, after a few minutes, finally finished and softened a bit to where it slipped out of the alicorn’s pussy. Bits of his sperm were shown in her pussy as it leaked out every so slightly, indicating that she was completely full. She didn’t know how long they had made love, but she didn’t care. For tonight, she got her wish. It may not have been with whom she initially wanted to. But Comet more than proved himself. And to be fair, he wasn’t just a pity fuck. She could see that the stallion needed some love in his life and figured she’d help him. Not to mention, her itch had been fully scratched as her eyelids began to get heavy, and she fell asleep on the stallion’s chest. She hoped that whatever Shining Armor was doing, he’d return soon so she could treat him just as much as she treated Comet. Canterlot Castle was shown as nearly the entire structure had darkened windows. The only one with a single light came from near the top of the castle. And that window belonged to not only the princess but the ruler of Equestria. Yet, her sister was the ruler of the night and was hard at work. So why was the princess of the daytime still up at this hour, one might wonder. Well… Celestia was bouncing up and down as she squatted over the cock she was riding. It seems Cadance wasn’t the only alicorn with an itch that needed to be scratched, as the princess had the Captain of the Royal Guards pinned down on her bed as she rode him. Shining Armor couldn’t move as Celestia was having her way with the guard, ensuring that he’d make her feel good. As soon as he arrived, she got to work on pleasuring his brains out. “Oh, yes!” moaned Celestia as she looked at her captain and then saw his dick glide in and out of her most sacred treasure. “P-Princesss…” “That’s it! Just let it out!” said Celestia as she was reaching her climax. “Now… Captain. Be a good boy and cum for your princess. Ohh!!!!!!!!!” Celestia delivered her latest thrust downward as she felt Shining Armor’s cock reach his peak. The stallion climaxed as he shot his seed into the alicorn’s tight caverns, causing her to moan up a storm. The feeling of the seed filled her as she had a pleasure-filled smile on her face. She could feel the sperm inside churning as she leaned down to lay on top of the stallion and placed her giant breasts on his face. “Mommy’s so relieved you’ve helped her, sweetie,” said Celestia in a sultry voice as she moved her bosom all over the captain’s face for him to enjoy. “Yes, Mommy,” responded Shining Armor as he fulfilled his duty to the princess of Equestria.
Jamin P Rose
Princess Celestia,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Dusk Shine's "Secret" Duty
Another day is drawing to a close and once again it's time for Dusk Shine to preform his "secret" duty; helping his mentor, Prince Solaris, relax after a long day with a blowjob
<p>Another day is drawing to a close and once again it's time for Dusk Shine to preform his &quot;secret&quot; duty; helping his mentor, Prince Solaris, relax after a long day with a blowjob.</p><p>Tags: Rule 63, Dusk x Solaris, Blowjob, cuddles</p><p>Commission for Magician-Horse.</p>
The sun slowly sets on another day in the magical land of Equestria, guided towards the horizon by Prince Solaris. Standing there on his balcony, completing his last duty for the day, he lets out a tired sigh. Politics, court, and nobles demand a lot of energy from him every day, some days more than others, but he wouldn't trade it for the world. He loves his little ponies, despite some of them making his life difficult, like his niece Bluebelle. Turning his back on the setting sun with his task complete, Solaris walks back into his royal apartment. The central room is a combination of a study and a library, with a small area to have personal meetings in a more relaxed setting. Additionally, there's a micro kitchenette, a small hotplate sits on the counter next to the sink, with a kettle resting atop it. Solaris stops by the kitchenette to make tea. It only takes a few minutes to get himself a nice cup of tea, but the effort is well worth it as he sips the lovely chamomile tea. Content with his warm drink, he heads to his pre-bed destination, a large—even for him—sitting cushion. With how big it is, it's easy for him to fluff it up with his magic and lay on it. His back sinks nicely into the cushion as he looks through the balcony door of his apartment. As he sips his tea and watches the sunset there's a knock at his door. "Come in, my faithful student." He calls. Dusk Shine, his faithful student, slowly steps into the royal apartment. Dusk is dressed in a rather skimpy maid outfit consisting of a nice black base with white frills that frame the back of the outfit's neck and trail down to the well-kept apron. A small white bow adorns the front of the outfit, while another set of frills lines the front of the neck. Solaris watches closely as Dusk carefully walks towards him. Every step seems calculated as if to show off as much of his outfit as possible. Knowing Dusk, it may very well be. The effeminate stallion's lean physique certainly helps sell the look. As Dusk slowly winds his way over to him, something catches Solaris's eye and he downs the last of his tea, floating the empty cup towards Dusk. "Would you set this in the sink for me?" Solaris asks, smirking a little as Dusk blushes. "Of course, Prince Solaris." Dusk's voice is soft as he bows slightly and takes the cup with his magic, turning and carrying it over to the sink. Poorly hidden under Dusk's tail is a set of lacy panties. They're definitely too small, given how much they have to stretch to only just barely cover Dusk's balls. The top of the panties don't even cover his puckered ponut and Dusk's slow walk to the kitchenette is absolutely on purpose. Purposefully giving Solaris a nice, long look at his backside. When Dusk completes the task, he turns around again and walks back a little quicker. As Dusk approaches Solaris adjusts his position on his cushion. He shoots up a little as his magic bunches it up in the back for more support as he spreads his legs, showing off his appropriately alicorn-sized balls and sheath. His faithful student licks his lips while closing those last few steps, sinking to the floor and pressing his muzzle to his balls as he begins his real task. He draws in a deep breath, the scent of his prince's musky sack washing over him and setting his mind ablaze with desire. Dusk's tongue slips from his mouth to take a long lick of the slightly sweaty sack in front of him, earning a pleased sigh from his prince. A second, third, and fourth lick follows, tasting the powerful maleness of the alicorn balls before him. After a moment to savor the taste, he leans his head to the left to focus his attention on his prince's left nut. Starting with a gentle kiss, Dusk slowly wraps his lips around the hefty orb, his tongue teasing a moan out of his prince as it works on the ball. A few moments is all it takes for him to fit the whole of Solaris's left nut into his mouth, letting him suckle on it like a lollipop, his tongue swirling circles around it every time he pauses for a breath. After a minute or two, Dusk lets the ball slip from his mouth only to wrap his lips around the other one, drawing a pleased hum from Solaris. Dusk's gaze drifts upwards to his Prince's sheath, the first couple of inches of his shaft already slipping out of it. Lighting his horn, Dusk gently strokes Solaris's sheath, moaning around the ball in his mouth in anticipation. Dusk's ministrations slowly coax Solaris's shaft all the way out of its sheath, an impressive fourteen inches before he's even erect. Leaving behind the ball he's been sucking on, Dusk's magic fades away as he adjusts his position to bring his lips to the base of his prince's shaft for a soft kiss. His tongue slithers out of his mouth, finding the base of the glorious shaft, and slowly sliding its way up the hardening length of alicorn cock. By the time he reaches his prince's medial ring, the object of his obsession is hard and twitching. Dusk pauses for a moment to lap at the fleshy ridge, his tongue slathering it with saliva as he tastes the heavy musk clinging to it. It's still only a waypoint on his way to his ultimate goal, his tongue moving on from it before too long to continue its slow dance to the top. Up and up his tongue goes towards his prize, the tip of his prince's shaft. As he reaches the tip of the cock his gaze focuses on Solaris, their eyes meeting as Dusk slips the tip of his prince's dick into his mouth with an appreciative hum. Dusk keeps his eyes locked with Solaris's as he starts bobbing his head and slurping. The pleasure of having his young pupil working his shaft with years of practiced skill has Solaris moaning and leaning back on the cushion. His cock spurts little globs of precum here and there as his apprentice hums and moans around his flesh. Dusk's pace slows after the first couple of spurts, as he takes the time to enjoy that little tease of a drop of seed. "Mnah~ you've come a long way since you first started this secret duty when you began your apprenticeship." Solaris half moans out as Dusk slips him further into his mouth. Dusk gives an appreciative hum as he presses his prince's cock into the back of his throat, not quite slipping him inside but enough to get the point across that he'll be doing so soon. Dusk's teasing gets an excited pulse from Solaris's shaft and another bead of precum that smears on his tongue as he works. With the years of practice, he's had, Dusk can tease his prince over and over again by pressing the head of his cock just barely into his throat before pulling back without the slightest bit of gagging. With impressive control, Solaris's massive shaft slips further and further down Dusk's throat with each bob of his head. The prince's previous restraint cracks as his shaft is enveloped more and more by the warm and wet confines of his student's throat. His hips rock on their own as he's slowly consumed by the pleasure. A particularly strong push of his hips makes Dusk gag a little and earns him a field of magic holding him in place. Despite the unexpected thrust of his prince's hips, Dusk recovers very quickly and keeps up his pace. The massive spire of a cock that belongs to his prince quickly vanishes down his throat, his magic not only holding the prince in place but letting him breathe around the delicious dick in his mouth. Abandoning his previous routine, Dusk pulls almost all the way off of his prince's cock, keeping just the head in his mouth. The sudden change draws Solaris's gaze to meet Dusk's, just in time for him to plunge all the way down to the medial ring on his shaft in one swift motion. The sudden engulfing of his shaft is quickly followed by Dusk swallowing around his rod like mad, earning a powerful moan from him. His student's throat milks him like a breeding machine, trying to drain him for all he's worth. Yet the magic that was holding him down now holds him from orgasming, keeping a tight hold of his shaft at the base and preventing him from unloading early. Dusk's hooves take over the job of holding his prince and mentor in place as he works the heavenly cock in his throat. His head slides lower and lower down the impressive shaft until his lips press against the base. The mighty rod pulses and throbs in his throat, begging for release that his magic is denying as he suckles and bobs his head. His eyes—slightly teary as his magic struggles to keep his prince from cumming while still letting him breathe—look up to meet Solaris's. The eye contact between the two triggers something deep within Solaris. His turgid shaft pulses hard, way harder than before, flaring inside of Dusk's throat, making him struggle to keep his prince from climaxing just yet, his magic flickering a little from the effort. Pulling back a bit, his tongue focuses on the large fleshy medial ring, doing its best to lick the thing, though struggling a little to get his tongue all the way around the thick rod. "Dusssssssk~" Solaris moans as he rocks his hips, his alicorn strength overpowering his student's and sending his shaft a couple of inches further into Dusk's throat. The sudden thrust into Dusk's throat breaks his concentration, letting his prince's shaft pulse hard as he reaches his peak. Another powerful moan issues forth from Solaris as his balls churn and pump the first powerful shot of spunk down Dusk's throat. A second wave of spunk is pumped along Solaris's shaft before Dusk can react, flooding his belly with even more of the hot seed. As Dusk tries to position himself to keep it all in his eyes go wide, finding himself unable to breathe around the shaft as he had before, that spell also having failed. Frantically pulling back as another couple of jets of spunk are pumped into him, Dusk gags around his prince's shaft as he pulls the massive flared head from his throat. Solaris isn't done pumping his seed yet, and the next blast fills Dusk's mouth as he coughs and tries to get air in his lungs. A good amount of the spunk from that blast sprays out onto his prince's shaft, though some ends up in his lungs, making him cough more and splatter the last of Solaris's load all over his shaft with some of the spunk dripping down onto the cushion below. "S-sorry about the mess, Prince." Dusk stutter-gasps as he pulls the rest of the way off of his prince's cock. "I'll clean it up." Out of breath from the intense orgasm he just had, Solaris simply nods. Leaning in and letting his tongue loll out of his mouth and onto the now softening shaft, Dusk starts slowly lapping up the strands of spunk decorating his prince's cock. Each lick is slow and deliberate, collecting small patches of spunk with each sweep before swallowing it down. It only takes him a minute or two to clean up his mess, including the bits of cum that landed on the cushion. When Dusk is done, he pulls back and licks his lips clean of any traces of his prince's seed and gives him a big smile. "Thank you, Dusk," Solaris says as he pats his chest. "Come join me, please." "You're welcome, Prince." Dusk climbs onto his mentor and lays down atop him, quickly being wrapped up in a wing hug by the big alicorn. As Dusk basks in the wing hug, his magic gently works to massage his mentor's shoulders. Minutes pass in relaxed silence, neither feeling the need to say anything for a bit as he gently works his magic on Solaris's tense muscles. When his magic finally fades, Dusk nuzzles against his prince's neck and receives a soft back rub from Solaris's hoof. "You learned a lot from your lessons with the royal spa's masseuses," Solaris comments as he draws a loose circle pattern on the back of Dusk's maid outfit with his hoof, ruffling and unruffling the cloth. "I also love the maid outfit you've been wearing." "Mhmm, I wanted to do my best during my duty to you, Prince Solaris." Dusk replies, tilting his head so he can smile up at his mentor. "It feels right wearing this, especially when I come to perform my duty." "You wear it well." He smiles at him back. "You're not the only one who's noticed, several guards have complimented me while wearing it." He lays his head back down in the nape of Solaris's neck. "Though not all of those have been verbal complements." Solaris's whole body shakes with laughter and Dusk joins in a moment later. The two of them laugh for a bit at that before settling back down and simply relaxing quietly for a couple minutes with Solaris gently rubbing a wing over Dusk's back as they lay there. "If you find a guard you like you should ask them out." Solaris eventually says as he draws the outline of his protege's cutie mark on his back. "No reason you have to let your studies and duty keep you from having a social life." "My studies and duty have to come first; besides I have you, Spike, Shining, and my parents." Dusk replies simply. "It's flattering to get the looks I get, and I like them, but I have more important things to be doing than going on a date." "I won't push, but if you feel you need my permission to do anything with the guards then know you already have it, and always will." He sighs softly, letting his wing simply lay across Dusk's back. "Thank you, Prince," Dusk says as he gently nuzzles against his prince's neck. A couple of quiet minutes pass before Solaris speaks up. "So, how's the joint project coming along?" "It's been going great, thank you for letting me work with Shiny on it." Dusk's face lights up with a smile. "I know his duties have kept him really busy for the last couple of years so it's nice to get to work with him on this." "Good, you two are amazingly close. The few times I've stopped by to check up on you two I can really see just how much you two mean to each other." Solaris ruffles Dusk's mane a little. "I am sorry he's been so busy, but I am glad you are understanding of the need." "Of course, Prince Solaris, he's a guard. I imagine that if I hadn't ended up in your school, I might have followed in his hoofsteps." Dusk chuckles. "Still, I am very grateful I ended up as your student." "As am I, Dusk, as am I…" Solaris trails off, letting the two of them lapse into a comfortable silence. Neither Dusk nor Solaris has much more to say at the moment as they lay there together on the cushion, simply snuggling together and enjoying each other's presence. Soft sounds of the castle shifting from day to night; guards rotating, maids passing by cleaning the halls, the chimes of the clocktower stroking nine, and the cool night breeze gently filtering through a slightly ajar window. The sheer peace washing over the room makes it so easy for the two of them to drift in and out of sleep as they cuddle. Eventually, when Dusk is completely asleep, Solaris gently carries him back to his room. His golden magic softly slips him out of the maid outfit and sets it on his dresser. He admires his student's ass as he softly sets him down in his own bed and covers him with a blanket. As he walks towards the door, he pauses to turn back and look at Dusk. "I am so proud of you, Dusk," Solaris whispers as he gently adjusts Spike's blanket. "Someday I hope you'll understand just how important you are, not just to Equestria, but to me personally." Solaris says nothing more as he leaves his apprentice's tower and returns to his own. Stepping back into his room, Solaris pulls a pair of books from the topmost shelf of his biggest bookshelf. The first is a rather plain looking blue book simply titled Predictions and Prophecies. The other though is much more ornate, though clearly worn from age, the front cover bears a golden pony's head over a circle with a small teal blue gem for the eye. "It's almost time, my faithful student, just another year and it'll be time for you to take the first steps towards fulfilling your destiny," Solaris says aloud, setting the ornate book back on the shelf. With a sigh, he steps out onto the balcony of his tower and looks up at the moon, emblazoned with the shadow of his past failings. Turning away from the moon, his gaze falls upon the darkened tower where Dusk lies sleeping. Despite the sadness and worry warring within him, looking upon his student's tower settles the unease within him. "Sleep well, Dusk, you have an amazing destiny in front of you." Solaris sighs. "I can only hope you'll understand and forgive me when the time comes." With one last glance at the moon, Solaris heads inside to his own bed, wishing that Dusk was still there with him.
Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
Azur Lane: Sunset
After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.
<p>After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.</p>
! It wasn’t suppose to be like this. She should be someplace warm and safe, have a belly that’s full of food. Not this. In an abandon village that was leftover from a nameless battle in a Russian schtetl, with burnt buildings and long abandon homes. The place is cold, a forsaken place, in 1918. Day after day of searing wind that would freeze flesh in seconds, drifts of deadly snow piled to the eaves of the houses. A crude collection of dilapidated houses, even more huts and shacks. Sunset Shimmer the personal student of Princess Celestia, has been trap in for a month now. She’s no longer a pony and the ape body she found herself as after going through the mirror can’t eat the few plants she could find. She had to feed off of anything she could find, even the long abandoned food supplies that were left, making her sick. She could still use her magic and telekinesis but the clothes that appeared on her when she went through the mirror, didn’t offer her enough protection from the cold. All she could do was to find a basement in what looked to be a temple of some kind from all the relics she found and the books she could read. The fireplace was still there and she’s been picking the other buildings for wood to burn and keep her warm. Sunset toss the wooden name plank of a family home, Moskowitz into the fire. She’s wrapped in dirty rags that she could and handled next to the fire. Hoping to survive the cold. (1) She didn’t want to sleep as the nightmares would come to her. The life of her human counterpart, Anastasia Romanov is what she dreams about. In those dreams she was apart of the royal family and the human Celestia was her mother along with her other sisters and little brother. It was a life she had always wanted in Equestria, where Celestia would be her mother. But then came the Great War and the revolution that cause her family to lose the throne. She could remember how her human father sending letters to his cousins who are other royal rulers of their own countries to take them in, but they never did. Which ended with the new rulers of the country having them executed. Which happen on the same day that she came to this world, 17 July 1918 and somehow a psychic link had formed as her human counterpart died. Which made Sunset fearful, of anyone finding her and recognizing her. But with her skin and bones, haven’t had anything to eat in days, there wasn’t much hope that she would survive long enough for that to happen. She tried to distract herself with doing things around the village, mostly to survive and using her limited magic energy to kill any animal she finds and eat it. Her last meal was a crow. Sunset eyes widen as she spotted a mouse, using her telekinesis she slams a rock on it that killed it. The rock bounced and hit the wall of the basement which made a hollow sound. Sunset heard that but with her body craving for food, she fell on the dead mouse and impaled it on an old metal knife and cooked it over the fire. She pulled the guts out and place it into a clay bowl where she would try to use it as bait to lure something else. She gobbled up the mouse, giving her something in her stomach. Sunset walked over to the wall that made the hollow sound and picked up a rock. She place her ear to the wall and banged the rock on it, making a hollow sound. Hoping it could lead to a secret storage room, Sunset pulled on the wall with her telekinesis causing the wall to collapse and reveal a hidden room behind it. But it wasn’t food or anything that she could use. The room is small and only held an old small wood table that has a glowing cube on it. Sunset’s eyes widen seeing that there’s a magical item that has been hidden away for who knows how long. She walks over to the cube and touches it, causing the cube to glow brightly upon contact with her magic and causing her to feel warmth. She picks up the cube and hits it to her feeling warm, and praying to anyone to help her. ! Elsewhere - Across Russia, a call came out from a member of the royal family to help them. The call was answered as 6 loyal soldiers of the old royal family heard it. And in a way that cause much uproar for the new Soviet government, as 6 warships just disappeared from their ports or out at sea. The men onboard the ships fell into the water as the ships they were on just disappeared underneath them, only leaving the lifeboats for those who were out at sea. The Pallada-class light cruiser Avrora, The U-boat salvage tug Volkhov, The Gangut-class battleships Gangut, Poltava, Petropavlovsk, and Sevastopol, all disappeared with many people seeing the event and word spreading quickly. With some at sea disappearing while in sight of other ships and rescuing the crew. Rumors and speculation spread around even as the Great War as nearing the end. All wondering what happen to the six warships. All six ships were apart of the Russian Empire navy and while their crews no longer served the old empire or the royal family, the ships on the other hand still did. When the call from the last surviving princess of their Tsar was heard, they answered her pray. ! Abandon village - Six young adult women appeared in the village having heard the call. They walk into the village zeroing in on the source where the call came from. They came to what use to be the village’s synagogue which was half burn down, but the basement was still intact which is where the call for help came from. They entered the basement and found who they came for. The six women came out of the basement with one of them holding the small form of Sunset in her arms. Covered by her large fur and insulted overcoat that has been buttoned up. Sunset held onto the warm body as she was carried away from the village. The five other women surrounded the one who held their princess on all sides for protection and as one they walk out of the village and headed south. Reports of the lost ships came in, all inland and resting on the dry ground or in bodies of water. Disappearing when the sun came out before any officials could see it themselves. The people who did managed to get close told tales of women walking along the decks of the ships all wearing large white coats that covered themselves up and them bringing back anything edible they could find or hunted. One hunter told how he spotted a woman in a large white coat carrying a fully grown bear on her shoulder. The ones who managed to speak with the women revealed that they’re the loyal soldiers of the Romanov royal family and are taking the surviving member of the royal family, Anastasia Romanov to a safe port. Which spark the anti-communist forces and those who are still loyal to the empire to fight. And the new communist government and the leaders to panic as they thought that the soldiers sent to kill the royal family had made sure that they were all dead. Which is true, the human Anastasia is dead and the rest of her family. The pony one from a magical world is the one alive and she has all the memories of her human counterpart up to her death. And she found a wisdom cube which in a future time would have called warships of the past to fight against sirens. But thanks to an early discovery by a lost princess of another world, that future has changed. !
Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
Azur Lane: Sunset
After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.
<p>After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.</p>
! In the private quarters of the ship, Sunset slept in the warm bed, still recovering from weeks of starvation. The women who found her in that basement had called her by the name of her human self Anastasia, telling her they came after hearing her calling out for help and that they remain loyal to her family. They hand wash her dirty body and fed her, with her too weak and hungry to care who they are and how they found her, just that they saved her. They’re all strong as she seen them uprooting tree with their bare hands and eating them whole. Overhearing that they needed better fuel, they did bring back animals they managed to find but gave her the best parts and taking the leftovers. They also can summon big ships out of nowhere and the ships are crewed by women who all looked like one of the women. The ships are warm and have beds, and warm food, showers, and light. They been traveling for days with the women walking through the thick snow and rough terrain, only stopping at night. Meeting some people as they travel or came across the ships at night. The women always kept her close to them and kept on walking south. They were joined by another woman a few days after she was rescue, a maid. She took over caring for her and reminded Sunset of the maids of the castle. Wrap in coats and blankets the woman Standart would carry her in her powerful arms while the others in circles them for protection. Telling her that she will always be at her side. (1) Followed by a younger woman named Voevoda, who showed up the following day and joined the group. And Vpered who is a doctor who went to work on healing her body. “Dinner is ready,” Standart said coming in with a tray of food for Sunset. Standart is a gorgeous woman with long gray hair that she keeps in a long braid that goes down to her knees. She wears a long skirted grey maid outfit with an apron. Which does little to hide the voluptuous body she has, with huge and soft breasts that Sunset knows as she rest her head on them as she was carried by her. All the women with her are also beautiful with gorgeous bodies. Avrora, has long white hair that she keeps in two braids. Has a slender and busty body, that her outfit shows off. Volkhov, she keeps her blue hair shoulder length, wears a welder’s mask and dresses in white overalls over a black shirt with a large tool belt around her waist. She wears a large white coat that is lined with tools, even carrying a torch. She has a robust and busty body. Gangut, the eldest of the four sisters, a tall and powerful woman with long white hair that reaches her legs. She wears a large overcoat that covers her busty body that her clothes show off when she opens her coat. Poltava, like her sister is tall and powerful with larger breasts and has long white hair. Also wears a large overcoat that hides her body till she opens it. Petropavlovsk, has white hair that she has in a long braid and has wider hips than her sisters with her busty body. Wears a large cloak instead of an overcoat. Sevastopol, the youngest and unlike her sisters has a slender and graceful body. She also has long pointy ears and red eyes, with long white hair that has two black stripes. She also wears a black and white gown instead of a military theme outfit like the others, that also shows off her modest bust compared to her sister’s. Voevoda, is younger and has a slender but has an ample chest. She wears a coat that is smaller than the others and wears tighter clothes that shows off her legs. She’s the fastest of the group and scouts ahead of the group. Vpered, wears a black button blouse and a white long white skirt and a long doctor’s coat. She has shoulder length blue hair and has a busty body. She carry’s a doctor’s bag with her. “Thank you,” Sunset said as she looks at the food which is a bowl of thick stew of meat that has been grounded up for her to easily eat. “You’re welcome princess,” Standart said. “Who are you all? And how do you do all of this magic, did I summon you all with that?” Sunset ask as she looks at the cube on the table next to the bed. “Yes, we’re the ship of the imperial Russian navy. As I said, I’m Standart, your late father’s yacht and the others are the battleships. That magic cube combine with your magic, gave us humanoid female forms. I can summon my real body and my crew are copies of myself like the others,” Standart said. “You are all ship? Is that why you all eat wood?” Sunset ask. “Yes we are and eating wood is to fuel our boilers. I’m royal yacht Standart, torpedoe gunboat Voevoda, hospital ship Vpered, light cruiser Avrora, U-boat salvage tug Volkhov, Gangut-class battleships sisters Gangut, Poltava, Petropavlovsk, and Sevastopol. The Bolshevik took over and executed most of the royal family, if they find you, they will end the direct bloodline to the throne,” Standart said. “I’m not Anastasia Romanov, she died with her family,” Sunset said. “You’re Sunset Shimmer, a unicorn from a magical world and the personal student of princess Celestia an alicorn who is your mother but hide that fact from you. And you came to this world on the same day your human counterpart died and shared her memories with you. You know her entire life and it changed you from the arrogance child you were, by giving you the one thing that your pony mother couldn’t give you, a loving family,” Standart said causing Sunset to stare at her. “You all know, how?” Sunset ask. “Magic from the summoning,” Standart simply stated. “Oh,” Sunset said looking at the cube and back to Standart. “We follow you because of that fact. We are Klabautermanns ship spirits given true form and you aren’t the princess we are loyal to but you carry all of her memories, you carry a copy of her and her counterpart,” Standart said. (2) “All of these memories of a life, I never lived…,” Sunset said now knowing what it would have been like if she had a real mother, a father and siblings in her life. “You wanted to become a princess, and a ruler, you the chance now,” Standart said. “Why do you want me to replace a dead princess?” Sunset ask. “You know why, you seen her memories and we have seen how the Bolshevik are no better, no worst then the very people they say they’re replacing. The White Army is disorganized and have separate factions. They need a leader someone to rally behind, word has spread about the sightings of you. The other Klabautermanns who haven’t been summon yet, have told us all about the tales being told. You ended up close to Yekaterinburg where your other self died, and we’re heading south to the boarder. From there you can decided to either wait till you can return to your world, or take the empty throne,” Standart said. “To take the throne and defeat the Red army, I would need an army of my own and resources that, I don’t have,” Sunset said her mind racing. “My uncles did nothing when father pleaded with them for help. And the leaders of the White army would only see a young girl, not a leader.” “You can call for more of us using the cube, after the others found you first, you held onto the cube and kept on calling, and we came once we could pin point where you were,” Standart explains. “Or you could use a piece of a ship to call for them to come.” “A piece?” Sunset asks. “This is Vostok, all that’s left of her wooden hull,” Standart said showing Sunset a wooden cross, she found in a long abandoned cabin. “She was a sloop of war but was broken up and her pieces sold off, this cross was made from one of her pieces. I can feel her sleeping waiting to be awaken.” “So I can randomly summon more Klabautermanns or using a piece of them summon them," Sunset said her mind still racing. "There's much for you to think about, but we will follow you no matter what, princess. Please eat and think about what, I said," Standart said leaving Sunset in the room to think about what to do next. Sunset took the bowl of stew and began to eat remembering the life of her human counterpart and how it ended. That life, her human counterpart's life now apart of her and changed her, she isn't Sunset Shimmer anymore. Standart is right about that life changing her, she now has lived two lives, one hers and the other her human counterpart. She can see things in a completely different view, and that her pony home is one where the pony who birthed her didn't wanted her, while the human one did along with her father, sisters, and brother. The Reds with their way of thinking of how things should be run, would just centered power to the elite few at the top. Once the leaders of the Reds have fully taken over, there be a power struggle like always, she has studied enough history to know what would happen with the kind of government that they want. The Reindeer of the Sera Plains of her world do follow that kind of government that the Reds want and it only works because they are a wandering people who have to keep traveling to avoid the months of night at the northern lands where they live. The ones who tried to settle down in lands where they didn't have to keep on moving and kept the same government where common ownership and no classes expect for the ones in charge. Have all failed with many deaths because of mismanagement of resources and the leaders keeping the resources for themselves. There is also the story she read based on what happen at Manor Kingdom, where intelligence pigs took over the kingdom from a cruel pony with everyone else but the pigs to end up being even worst then under the rule of the monarch they help overthrow and the other animals suffered all the same. If the Red takeover and rule with how more violent this world is compared to hers, the results will lead to a lot more deaths while the ones in charge grow fat off of the ones they say they're fighting for. (3) "I'm going to need to know how this cube works," Sunset said looking at the cube having made up her mind as she ate. ! Days Later - Sunset learned much from her studying the cube and asking the Klabautermanns what they know about their bodies. They are able to eat entire trees to fuel their boilers and to resupply themselves. Anything that they eat they can convert into something that can be found on their ship bodies, they can eat metal and other things that no organic being could eat to help restore themselves faster. They do like eating real food for the taste. The food stores of Standart which she's been using to feed Sunset with, she can restock by eating enough materials to create more, like how the others can also do the same for their ammo. (4) The Klabautermanns are one woman armies, able to survive anything that a armored warship can. They can summon their rigs which are the weapons they have on their ship bodies, that while small in their human form still packs the same power as the full size ones. They are also have magical abilities from firing blasts of energy to summoning things like fairy like beings to attack. Also when they use their rigs they hover over the ground and can travel much faster then by walking, but they also use more fuel than they would by walking. When they use their ship bodies and are crewed by copies of themselves, are alot weaker at human level. She also learned that they can regenerate any lost parts of themselves by eating enough, like when Ganguts took off her heavy machine guns from her ships body and mount them on Standart's ship body, to give her more firepower to her lone QF 3-pounder Hotchkiss gun. After eating several trees and a long abandon broken wagon, eating the wood and metal bits she was able to replace the machine guns with new ones. And now Standart's rig is now more than one gun that she carries but also several machine guns, from harness on her sides like the others have. It gave Sunset an idea and had Volkhov lead the others into creating a raft with them attaching an old abandoned log cabin onto it, making a house boat. Sunset then merge the cross made from Vostok timber to it and had the others curve runes onto the house boat to make it into one of the flying ships. Sunset had learned how to make the runes to make a flying ship but lack the mastery of professionals so the house boat could only float a few feet above the ground and needs her to charge it with magic to do it. But that’s the point to her experiment in how the cube works mixed with her magic knowledge. (5) When Sunset summon Volkhov, a voluptuous older woman with wide, generous hips, magnificent bubble butt, lush, well sized melons, long, curly brown hair, her old ship form of a sloop of war, merged with the floating house boat creating a flying wooden ship. The other Klabautermanns went to work on adding a propeller to the sloop to allow it to move around in the sky, putting it at the back of the ship. They took the boiler from Standart to power the propeller and added better weapons. As for Volkhov, Sunset had her change from the old uniform of the Russian navy and changed into clothes made from furs and leather, with a headpiece made from a bear skull and horns from a wild sheep. “Yes this is good,” Sunset said looking at Volkhov in her new outfit. “What is this for?” Volkhov asked looking over her new clothes that replaced her uniform. “I’m going to have to tell how I gain magic abilities and why I’m back from the dead. It will give honor to the loyalty that Grigoriy Yefimovich Rasputin had for my family, by him using his magic to contact an old legend that has stayed for countless centuries. Through her she gave me new life and powers, which you will become known as, I renamed you as Baba Yaga,” Sunset said to Baba Yaga. “The witch, I’ll shall become,” Baba Yaga said. “Once we’re airborn, head for the sea. We need to recruit more Klabautermanna and I remember how father said about the British intelligence helping in the death of Rasputin as he was pressing father to get out of the war. Might as well send a message to uncle as well. But in the meantime any Reds we meet, we destroy,” Sunset said. !
Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
Azur Lane: Sunset
After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.
<p>After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.</p>
! The scouting party of 3 that left the main army group of Bolshevik soldiers, they came across the bodies of the group of 20 who were lead by Pyotr Zakharovich Ermakov one of the soldiers who killed the royal family. They were all impaled by spike poles that were jabbed into their anuses and came out of their mouths, which some of them were still alive. Pyotr was the only one who wasn’t impaled having been placed in a prone position, his ribs severed from the spine with a sharp tool, and his lungs pulled through the opening to create a pair of "wings". (1) Pyotr told the scouting party that the one did this was Anastasia Romanov who used magic who did the deed. She had lifted them up in the air and pulled their weapons away while the she devils with her made poles to impale the others with. She had personally gave him a blood eagle, while he was held down by her she devil servants. Then she left with her servants taking all of their supplies with them. The soldiers put him and the other soldiers out of their misery. The tale spread as more and more Bolshevik forces being killed and their supplies taken. A reign of terror as soldiers are found impaled on spike poles, with the lucky ones dead, the unlucky ones still alive and died a slow and painful death. With always at least one soldier left able to talk to spread the tale, or any prisoners that the soldier had with them. All telling the same tale of princess Anastasia of the house of Romanov still alive and followed by demons in the form of beautiful women. The soldiers fired their guns at the women who the bullets did nothing to them and who have the strength of the devil making trying to fight them hand to hand useless. (2) Then came the darker tales, of the legendary witch of the dark forest of Russia having come out of the shadows, the witch Baba Yaga. No longer the old woman who lives in a house on chicken legs and flys in a mortar, she now a younger woman who flys in a flying wooden sloop of war. The flying warship’s cannons fired glowing cannonballs and firing beams of light that destroys all. The ship would appear and disappear at will, seeking out Bolshevik forces in the field and strongholds, raiding and slaughtering the forces before continuing on, towards the Black Sea where it disappeared. ! Constantinople, Ottoman Empire - In his palace the sultan Mehmed VI Vahideddin was shaken by the news of a heavily armed yacht flying the Russian Empire flag appearing at the port. The ship had sailed down from the Black Sea by Haydarpasa Chornomorsk, the ship has been identified as the royal yacht of the Romanov family of Russia the Standart. He has been hearing rumors from the north of entire companies of Bolshevik forces being impaled on spike poles and wilder tales of the witch Baba Yaga being seen. But what’s the real shock is the one onboard the ship, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia last surviving child of the royal family. A letter from the ship was sent to ask for an audience with him, which was carried by the ghost of Grigoriy Yefimovich Rasputin, from what the people who had seen him in person and from the photographs taken of him could tell. He had walked off the ship in full view of everyone and just walk through anything that was in his way as he headed for the palace. Mehmed hearing this went out to see it for himself and witness his guards trying and failing to stop the ghost who just walk through them, while holding a letter in his hand. The ghost saw him and walk to Mehmed offering the letter to the sultan. Taking the letter and reading it, Mehmed told the ghost that he will send a car to drive the duchess to the palace. The ghost nodded and walk back to the ship, without saying a thing. In his throne room Mehmed and his staff prepared to greet the duchess and her 3 of her retainers in tow, all women. Word has already spread to the diplomats and the embassies in the city, with a number of the staff having seen it for themselves. In the throne room also watching are a number of diplomats from other nations who want to see the duchess themselves as rumors of the survival of the last heiress of the royal house of Romanov, has been spreading. The doors open and Anastasia Romanov entered the room with her 3 retainers. The people in the room who have seen the young woman before, recognized her but for the fact she’s very skinny and worn from what they remembered, with a haunted look on her face. She wore a white long sleeved dress with white gloves with large chuffs. The dress hugs her body with a large v cut in the front and a smaller one at the back, showing that she’s wearing white pants underneath and wore white boots. The people who had seen her or talk with her before, recognized her but there was something off about her. (3) The 3 older women with her are a sight to behold. The one standing behind the duchess is a gorgeous woman with long gray hair that she keeps in a long braid that goes down to her knees. She wears a long skirted grey maid outfit with an apron. Which does little to hide the voluptuous body. The other two women also has eyes on them, the one standing on her right is a tall and powerful woman with long white hair that reaches her legs. And the one on the left wears a black button blouse and a white long white skirt and a long doctor’s coat. She has shoulder length blue hair and has a busty body. “You honor me for this audience,” the woman claiming to be Anastasia said. “You honor me as well. I heard that you were executed,” Mehmed said. “Anastasia Romanov did died with her family. Let me show you her last moments with them,” the woman said as she held out her hand and a glass ball appeared on her hand and like a film projector showed the last moments of the royal family above the room for all to see. ! (This is what happen in real life.) “Nikolai Alexandrovich, in view of the fact that your relatives are continuing their attack on Soviet Russia, the Ural Executive Committee has decided to execute you.” Nicholas, facing his family, turned and said "What? What?" Yurovsky quickly repeated the order and the weapons were raised. The Empress and Grand Duchess Olga, according to a guard's reminiscence, had tried to bless themselves, but failed amid the shooting. Yurovsky reportedly raised his Colt gun at Nicholas's torso and fired; Nicholas fell dead, pierced with at least three bullets in his upper chest. The intoxicated Peter Ermakov, the military commissar for Verkh-Isetsk, shot and killed Alexandra with a bullet wound to the head. He then shot at Tatiana, who ran for the double doors, hitting her in the thigh. The remaining executioners shot chaotically and over each other's shoulders until the room was so filled with smoke and dust that no one could see anything at all in the darkness nor hear any commands amid the noise. Alexey Kabanov, who ran onto the street to check the noise levels, heard dogs barking from the Romanovs' quarters and the sound of gunshots loud and clear despite the noise from the Fiat's engine. Kabanov then hurried downstairs and told the men to stop firing and kill the family and their dogs with their gun butts and bayonets. Within minutes, Yurovsky was forced to stop the shooting because of the caustic smoke of burned gunpowder, dust from the plaster ceiling caused by the reverberation of bullets, and the deafening gunshots. When they stopped, the doors were then opened to scatter the smoke. While waiting for the smoke to abate, the killers could hear moans and whimpers inside the room. As it cleared, it became evident that although several of the family's retainers had been killed, all of the Imperial children were alive and only Tatiana was injured. The noise of the guns had been heard by households all around, awakening many people. The executioners were ordered to use their bayonets, a technique which proved ineffective and meant that the children had to be dispatched by still more gunshots, this time aimed more precisely at their heads. The Tsarevich was the first of the children to be executed. Yurovsky watched in disbelief as Nikulin spent an entire magazine from his Browning gun on Alexei, who was still seated transfixed in his chair; he also had jewels sewn into his undergarment and forage cap. Ermakov shot and stabbed him, and when that failed, Yurovsky shoved him aside and killed the boy with a gunshot to the head. The last to die were Tatiana, Anastasia, and Maria (however, according to Yurovsky‘s note, Alexei, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia who were the last to die), who were carrying a few pounds (over 1.3 kilograms) of diamonds sewn into their clothing, which had given them a degree of protection from the firing. However, they were speared with bayonets as well. Olga sustained a gunshot wound to the head. Maria and Anastasia were said to have crouched up against a wall covering their heads with pillows in terror until they were shot in the head. Yurovsky killed Tatiana and Alexei. Tatiana died from a single shot to the back of her head. Alexei received two bullets to the head, right behind the ear. Anna Demidova, Alexandra's maid, survived the initial onslaught but was quickly stabbed to death against the back wall while trying to defend herself with a small pillow which she had carried that was filled with precious gems and jewels. While the bodies were being placed on stretchers, Anastasia cried out and covered her face with her arm. Ermakov grabbed Alexander Strekotin's rifle and bayoneted her in the chest, but when it failed to penetrate he pulled out his revolver and shot her in the head. ! The image which was from the point of view of Anastasia ended, leaving the people in the room shock and horrified at what happen to the royal family, some weeping at the slaughter. The diplomats from the countries whose royal houses are blood relatives to the Russian royal family, would send reports of what happen that would weigh heavily on them. “Anastasia Romanov died that day with her family. I was reborn with all of her memories thanks to the loyalty and devotion of Grigoriy Yefimovich Rasputin. He crafted a spell to bring the last member of the house of Romanov to die back to life, and paid the price that Baba Yaga ask for the spell to work. Now existing as a ghost serving the witch and myself,” the woman said. “You were reborn?” Mehmed asked. “It’s the reason why I look different from what I use to be. This isn’t the body of Anastasia, I have all of her memories and experiences up to the point of her death. You can’t just bring someone back to life without a body after all, Baba Yaga simply made a new one. It be like you die and all of the memories and experiences of what made you, you were to be put into a new younger body. A copy of the original with all the memories and experiences of the original,” the woman explains. “You’re a copy of the real duchess?” Mehmed said. “Yes, I have all of her memories and now like a twin of her. It’s so strange of living a life that I know I didn’t actually live, but still have the experience of all of it, she now lives through me. And is the reason why I came to your court sultan, I need an army to help me retake the throne. The Bolshevik will bring nothing but ruin to my country. Of course, I’m not asking for your help without anything in return, seeing how my so called family of other royal houses did nothing when father sent letters pleading with them to help us in our time of need. I see no reason, to stay on their side in this war. The allied ships that have blockade the port of Constantinople, I can handle. All I need from you is the Sword of Osman, lend it to me and I can summon Klabautermanns, water kobolds who can turn this war to your favor. The stories of the Russian ships that disappeared, was of my doing and these 3 women with me are 3 of them, Standart the royal yacht, Gangut the battleship, and Vpered the hospital ship. Gangut if you would, with that guard over there, the copy said pointing to one of the guard holding a rifle. “Take his gun and shove the barrel in your mouth and fire.” “What?” Mehmed asked as shock as everyone else. “Gangut is not a human woman, she’s a Klabautermann the spirit of the battleship in human form. And she’s just as powerful as she is in her ship form,” the copy explains. “Sure am,” Gangut said walking up to the guard who is shorter than she is and grabs the barrel and shoves it in her mouth. “No stop!” the guard shouted as he tried to pull the rifle away but found he couldn’t, two other guards came to try to stop the crazy woman but she acted like they weren’t even there as she fires the rifle while it’s in her mouth. Instead of the back of her head bursting, the woman Gangut just stood there and fired the rifle again and again, till there weren’t any more bullets in it. She then took the rifle from the stun guard and ate the rifle, to the onlookers it’s like watching someone quickly eating a long piece of bread. And she walks back to the side of the copy of the duchess. “She can also summon her guns of her ship form whenever she wants,” the copy said. Gangut summon her rig causing people around her to step back as two ship like mechanical shark like things appeared on either side of her. Both having glowing eyes and two turrets of triple guns on each are on their backs. And Gangut is now floating above the floor. “Her guns have the same amount of firepower as if they would be at full size. Meaning unlike a full size battleship she can go on land and fight against inland targets while maintaining the firepower of a battleship. And with her being much smaller makes her much harder to hit her with something that would actually hurt her. I can preform the ritual to make your warships to become Klabautermanns and turn around the defeats into victories. Like the other Klabautermanns that are serving me and have taken care of the blockade of allied ships,” the copy said to Mehmed as she used the orb again to show what’s happening off shore. The blockade of allied ships numbering 6 warships off the coast of the city, have been wipe out. The warships in human female form, Poltava, Petropavlovsk, Sevastopol, Voevoda, and Avrora have sunk all but 4 of the ships. One of the ships has both Voevoda, and Avrora as full-size battleships pinning the lone allied ship between them, sandwiching the ship and preventing it from using its guns. The copy crew are swarming all over the ship, and while they’re weaker, they’re still much stronger than normal human women and the small arms of the human crew aren’t effected on them with only heavily or many rounds hitting the copies to finally bring one of them down. The French flag of the ship was taken down and the Russian Empire flag was raised. The scene is copied by Poltava, Petropavlovsk, and Sevastopol, each with a ship of their own and their copy crew overrunning the ships. “As full size ships, the crew are copies of their human form and are weaker but that’s only compared to their human form. They are still Klabautermanns and all can carry something like a heavy machine gun with ammo around, that no soldier could handle the amount of weight alone, for long anyways,” the copy. Sultan Mehme sat in his throne deep in thought hearing the offer presented to him. Seeing how effected the Klabautermanns are and being able to easily capture 4 ships out of 6 is unheard of. The war has gone badly for him but if he were to accept the offer that could quickly change. “And what do you want in exchange,” Mehmed ask. “The Ottoman Empire is the heir of the Byzantine Empire which is the heir of the Roman Empire. I want you to give me the title of Empress of the Roman Empire,” the copy said. “And become empress Romanov?” Mehmed asked wondering what she’s up to with just wanting a title. “I’m not Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov. She died with her family and all blood ties she had with the other royal households died with her. I’m Sunset Shimmer Romanov,” Sunset said. !
Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
Azur Lane: Sunset
After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.
<p>After Sunset Shimmer leap into the mirror, she found herself in the year 1918 in Russia. Where she looks just like Anastasia Romanov as she is her human counterpart. And she found a strange glowing cube that promises great power from within.</p>
! The United Kingdom, London - In the war room George Frederick Ernest Albert the king of the United Kingdom read the latest report from the Ottoman Empire. When the reports came in about the Russian ships disappearing with the crew onboard falling into the waters. He wouldn’t had believed it if it wasn’t for the many waitresses who had seen the warships disappearing, and saving the crew. The British Intelligence have been working to find out more information in what happened to the ships. But the reports that came in about his niece Anastasia being still alive after getting reports of his cousin and his family being executed. He had listen to his advisers to not take them in and their deaths weighted down on him greatly. Hearing that one of his nieces might be still alive, gave him some hope to make up that mistake. From what the intelligence have gathered she’s traveling with a band of women heading south from the execution site. He gave orders for anyone who finds them to get them to safety and bring them to England. Then the reports came of phantom ships appearing and disappearing, those women protecting his niece displaying superhuman abilities. With some of the reports of there being hundreds of them who all dress and look alike on those ships. Then came the reports of a flying ship, an odd looking sloop from the reports, it has a propeller at the rear end that propels it forward, along with its sails. The reports came that the flying ship has been attacking any Red forces it comes across laying waste and taking supplies. Now from the diplomats in Ottoman Empire have sent telegrams reporting that his niece is alive but isn’t the original anymore. She has been brought back to life by Baba Yaga thanks to Grigoriy Yefimovich Rasputin making a deal with her before his murder and appeared as a ghost in the capital city of Constantinople, being seen by hundreds and seen by the sultan Mehmed. She isn’t his niece but a copy with all of her memories and experiences up to her death, which she used a magic ball to show the final moments of his cousin’s family and he read the detailed report. As she’s a copy she feels no kinship with any of the royal families that she’s related to and has switched sides joining the central powers. Which also makes her on the side with Friedrich, but there is nothing in the reports saying what relationship she has with her uncle. But he wouldn’t put it past him to try to win her favor, especially with what she’s able to do now. The women with her are the warships that disappeared, Klabautermanns as she calls them. Who in their human form have the strength and the power of a warship in human form. They also are able to summon their guns on what they call rigs. While in their ship forms the crew of the ships are copies of them. They already proven themselves in battle with the 6 warships that were the blockade of Constantinople. Both HMS Venture and HMS Windsor Castle were sunk and the HMS Asia captured. The Greek ship, French and the Australia warships were also captured with the radio crews calling for help as women with super strength overran the ship and small arms are all but useless against them. Already thoughts of how this changed the still on going war have filled the head of the army leaders. At sea they would have to fight against human size targets that can easily avoid fire from the warship cannons and small arms be useless against them, while having the firepower of a full size warship. It’s how both HMS Venture and HMS Windsor Castle were destroyed as the Klabautermanns just got in close and fired their weapons at the places that would sink them and then used their full size ship forms to board the other warships where they could fire their main guns. Inland they can smash through any kind of barrier place before them and only cannon fire would harm them, as they just use the firepower of a battle shield on any mass gathering of troops or forts. Or they could use their ship forms and suddenly the troops would have to deal with the full size cannons in a position where there weren’t any defenses and have to deal with an army of super strong women from the ship. “The surviving crews of the ships are now prisoners of the Ottomans. All ships and soldiers have retreated back to fallback positions and are now on the lookout for any of those women. No word of any sightings of Sunset since the diplomats were told to leave the palace. No signs of her for the last 4 days,” one of the generals said reading the report from the embassy. “News has spread and now the troops are now scared of the Klabautermanns showing up. Most of the remaining Ottoman fleet have all disappeared,” the admiral of the navy said. A ball of light appeared in the room and struck a wall expanding scaring the people in the room. The wall turn into a mirror and showed the landscape of a shoreline and what looks like a city in the background. But what surprised George was that he could see King Haakon VII and Queen Maud of Norway, King Christian X of Denmark, King Constantine I of Greece and other rulers who he’s related to, all in circling sultan Mehmed of the Ottoman Empire in full military dress, holding the Sword of Osman in his hand in its scabbard using it like a cane. Unknown to everyone but for Sunset, Baba Yaga has been busy flying around setting up the long range spell. “Greetings other royals of your countries, don’t bother trying to talk you can only watch and listen. I, Mehmed VI Vahideddin have called this meeting of the royal houses to inform all of you that the Ottoman Empire is leaving this war. All foreign soldiers are hereby to leave within a week, giving enough time for transports to take them home. All military equipment will be left behind and all prisoners on either side will be freed. Your niece has turn my fleet into Klabautermanns,” Mehmed said as he gestured to a young beautiful blonde haired busty woman in an Ottoman navy uniform of an admiral. “Yavuz Sultan Selim, built in Germany now serving as the Flagship of the Ottoman Empire. I lead a fleet of hundreds that have been risen from the depths of the sea,” the woman said and gestured behind her where hundreds of other women just as beautiful and all wearing different styles of Ottoman Empire that were used over the centuries. Yavuz summon her rig which is a 20 feet long massive sea serpent made of metal and gun turrets on it. Scaring the people watching, which Yavuz pats on the side of its massive jaws like a dog. Mehmed taps the sword of Osman on the ground and the massive war beast coils around itself like a snake and rested its head on the ground, showing it knows who its master is. “I’m giving you this chance to have your troops leave without anymore bloodshed. Free the prisoners and leave the military equipment behind, after a week, I will unleash my fleet of Klabautermanns upon any remaining soldiers left behind. This is also being shown not just to you but also around your capitals to make sure that all know my demands from their leaders and refusing it will just results in more men not coming home. Now it’s your niece’s turn to speak with you all,” Mehmed said walking off the stage and Sunset took over. Sunset didn’t say a word as she played the recording of the final moments of Anastasia and her family. Having all to watch what their decision of not helping when help was ask has done. She wanted to make sure all of them knows what they did, how often her dreams are filled with nightmares of her human counterpart’s death. Then the recording ended. “Your niece Anastasia died that night with her family. Baba Yaga brought me to life, thanks to the loyalty of Rasputin. I have her memories and experiences, but none of the kinships or family ties that she had with any of you. Which is why I turn to sultan Mehmed for a simple exchange, seeing how none can be trusted to help when it matters. At this point words don’t matter, only action. I have nothing to say to any of you as none of you would help when father ask help from all of you. I’m not your niece, not the niece you remember, the one who stayed silent and follow the rules of royal houses. I, let go of everything, my rage is so cold that it absorbs all heat,” Sunset said as she held out her hand to the sea and a large section of it turned to ice. Sunset walks on the ice as the ocean around her turns into ice as all warmth is taken from it. Music begins to play out of nowhere. Sunset began to form a tall pillar of ice underneath her that grows with each passing second. Sunset began singing as she prepares the ritual. The snow glows white on the ocean tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation And it looks like I'm the queen Sunset now stood on top of an iceberg that could be seen for miles around. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know Sunset spreads out her hands as the ice and snow formed into shapes and a temple begins to form around her. Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway Sunset dance as the temple grew and formed detailed statues and objects of Roman art style. The states are the Romanov royal family all dressed in Roman garments. It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Sunset dance her way to the edge of the temple looking down at the city below her. Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage on Sunset moves back to the center of the temple and stomps her foot on the ground creating runes and symbols on the ground that spread across the ground and up the walls to the ceiling. My power flurries through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past The runes glowed with power as the temple is completed. Let it go, let it go And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go, let it go That perfect girl is gone Here I stand in the light of day Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway Sunset stood in the middle of the temple that opens to the view of the ocean. Eight ice torches formed a circle around her and are lit with blue fire. To everyone who is watching surprise, Rasputin appeared holding a glowing cube in his ghostly hands. “The ritual is prepared, now to show this world what has been missing, that has only existed in stories for so long. Magic isn’t the work of the devil, if our Lord Jesus Christ were to be reborn of a dark skin race or a woman, how many would actually accept that, and not just say it’s the work of the devil. Magic is just another form of science that uses words and rituals, as science uses numbers and machines. Magical weapons are no different from weapons made from a forge, a solider taking a life with a wand that shoots fire is no different from a gun that shoots bullets. And now that I have shown the world that magic is real and can be used to do amazing things, people will seek it out once again,” Sunset said. Rasputin walks up to Sunset who nodded in response of unsaid words that were exchanged. “I need an army to retake the throne, now that I have the title of Empress of the Roman Empire, I can call upon part of the greatest army that this world has ever known, the Roman navy,” Sunset explains. Sunset kneels down on her knees in the center of the ritual circle. Rasputin place the glowing cube down in front of her and disappears. The room glowed as the ritual begins, Sunset snaps her head backwards and thrust out her chest as she begins to sing. (ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ) (ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ) Purple flames of energy began forming around Sunset engulfing her in a dome of energy. (Wandering heart, clouds above) (Rain begins to fall down) (My bitter tears flowing out, they never dry up) (I let the words of a curse be my deliverance) (ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ) (ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ) (These ancient words like a hymn of reclamation) (Not even death will escape them) Sunset stands up from the purple flames, purple wings of flames formed on her back and a purple gem formed on her forehead. (How to center these troubled thoughts? I pray) (Can the future bring calm to the sea? I beg) Sunset wraps her arms around her body and lower herself back into the purple flames. (It's time for salvation to finally come) (I feel this rage, and I'm feelin' it strong) (This weeping and wailing has gone far too long) (Nothing left but to yеll! Yeah! Yeah!) Sunset burst out of the flames leaning backwards, the viewpoint changed to her face that now has a craze look on her face as she sings. (I know you feel it too so keep on singin' this song) (Even whеn they abuse us, we'll keep singin' along) (We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one) (United, we're fightin', bring 'em down with our song of ruin) The viewpoint changes to the ocean surface in front of the temple as large shadows formed under the surface. (ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ) (ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ) (We will rejoice when we get the freedom promised) (The freedom so many die for) Bursting out of the water came ancient Roman era ships, biremes, liburnas, navis lusoria, quinqueremes, triremes, and more. Ships from all across the timespan of the Roman Empire are being called and many are answering. Two massive ships burst out in front of the fleet of hundreds and counting. The twin pleasure ships of a mad emperor, one a floating pleasure palace and the other a floating temple. (When there's nowhere to run we must find hope) (Left forgotten within the light, there it glows) The first ship the floating palace Prima, has a tall dark haired beautiful woman whose thick long hair hang to her feet. Her voluptuous body, massive breasts, large butt, and small waist, is covered by a fine silk toga picta and tunica palmata colored purple, embroidered with gold and wore many jewels on her body. (Keep making this music 'til you breath your last) (We dream but never lose sight of the past) (Illuminate hope and forget all the rest) (Nothing left but to yell, yeah, yeah) The floating temple Seconda, is a mirror to her sister but being bigger. She wore the robes of a priestess of Ancient Rome carrying a golden staff with a hanging incense lamp by a gold chain. She stood at the bow of the ship and is joined by another woman who looks just like her and followed by many more, all looking and dressing the same. Which is copied with all the other ships. (It's time for salvation to finally come) (I feel this rage, and I'm feelin' it strong) (This weeping and wailing has gone far too long) (Nothing left but to yell! Yeah! Yeah!) The ships behind the two Nemi ships are filled with beautiful women all wearing and armed with the armor and weapons of a Roman soldier of different eras. All coming to the call of their new empress. (I know you feel it too so keep on singin' this song) (Even when they abuse us, we'll keep singin' along) (We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one) (United, we're fightin', bring 'em down with our song of ruin) The ocean in front of the ice temple is now filled with hundreds of thousands Roman ships, from warships to the ones used for transportation. Their decks full of the crew copies of Klabautermanns. (ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ) (ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ) Sunset stops her singing and the wings and gem vanish. She looks down at her army who have answered her call. She turns to her family members who have all watched the performance. Sunset knew that she needed to make an impact to be taken seriously and came up with this performance to bring everyone to shock and awe. Looking at the faces of her human counterparts family, she got the results that she wanted. “This fleet is just what I could summon, for now. If I perform again I can call more. The age of the Roman Empire is measured in centuries, and many ships used by the empire, I can still call upon. Hundreds of thousands of Klabautermann I can still call upon. This is your only warning, stay out of my way and of Russia. Don’t make me your enemy,” Sunset said. The magic that fueled the mirrors disappeared, from the rooms of the royals and the sky above their capitals. The Roman Empire has been reborn and the girl that was their niece is now its empress. !
Anon,Discord,Main 6,Human,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
We need to turn Discord back to stone!
We need to turn Discord back to stone! I'm trying to save Equestria!
<p>Anon suddenly went missing after Cozy Glow was banished to Tartarus. Worried, Twilight and her friends go to the Everfree forest, hoping to find him. Thankfully, their friend returned from the gloomy forest safe and sound.</p><p>There's, however, this unhinged look in his eyes. And he's constantly screaming about a &quot;season 9&quot; and about turning Discord back to stone.</p><br/><p>#saveEquestria</p>
Another beautiful day in Equestria, the world was saved once again by the main 6. No more monsters to pester them, no more evil fillies trying to steal all magic. It was good. Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath, relishing in the peacefulness of Ponyville. It’s good to take a break from the whole “saving the world” thing. There was just something that’s been bugging her for a few days. Where was Anon? He went missing mere hours after Cozy Glow was banished to Tartarus and hasn’t been seen ever since. Then, leaves blew past her. Rainbow Dash descended from the sky with a worried look in her eyes. “Hey, Twilight.” “Hey, Dash. Do you need something?” The blue pegasus looked around. “Well, I only wanted to know if you saw Anon. I’ve been searching for him all day but, I think he’s gone.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Maybe he just left Ponyville and forgot to tell us where he was going.” “I don’t think so. He seems fairly obsessed with us.” Twilight and Rainbow Dash heard a voice in the distance call out to them. It was Pinkie Pie, accompanied by the rest of their friends. It would appear all of them were looking for Anon. Where did he go? “You are looking for Anon too?” Pinkie asked Rainbow Dash. “He promised he’d help me bake cupcakes. Pinkie promised even!” “He disappeared ever since we stopped Cozy Glow from taking away all the magic in Equestria.” Fluttershy said. “Ah don’t like this one bit.” Applejack added. “For all we know, he could be in grave danger! Heck, Chrysalis might’ve kidnapped ‘im while we were busy dealin’ with Cozy!” Twilight pondered, holding a hoof to her chin. Anon’s mysterious disappearance was troubling news indeed. She might have to kiss this peaceful day goodbye if she wants to get her friend back. The best place to look first would be the Everfree Forest. It stands to reason that Anon might have gotten lost in there. “How about we search the Everfree together? Anon might be ther!” And so, they trotted to the dark and gloomy forest in search of their friend. Fluttershy shivered before the terrifying entrance of the Everfree. “Oh my, I hope Anon’s okay. Who knows what could happen to him in there? It’s too dangerous for a human.” “Oh, darling! There he is!” Rarity pointed to the Everfree Forest. The distinct silhouette of Anon emerged from the dark forest, holding multiple big items in his grubby hands. “Anon!” Pinkie shouted as she dashed towards him. “You Pinkie promi-” “Shut up!” Anon shouted back. All six ponies stepped back in shock. “Dude, I got. I got! I GOT!” Anon unloaded the items he was holding on to. “I got a hundred pony bodypillows! We need to turn Discord back to stone before season 9 happens! We need to turn him back to stone. I’m trying to save Equestria, guys. I’m trying to save Equestria! We need to turn Discord back to stone.” His belligerant rant continued on for minutes as all six mares looked at each other incredulously. Discord teleported at the scene of the rant, having heard his name being called out loud many times. He was let’s just say, rather surprised to hear stuff about a “Legion of Doom” and a “Grogar disguise”. “I need to save it. I need...” Fluttershy placed a hoof on the distraught human’s shoulder. “Calm down, Anon...” “Turn him back. Turn him back!” 40 minutes later “I got a hundred bodypillows. I got a hundred bodypillows.” Fluttershy tried her luck again. “Now, now. Relax and take a deep breath, Anon. Come on, breathing exercise with me. Four seconds in-” “No, no, no. I won’t. I won’t! I won’t stand for it! He’s fucking scheming! He’s a fucking (Woah, nelly) Schemer! Turn him to stone!” Discord chuckled, placing a halo above his head. “My dear, I’m afraid you’re 5 seasons too late to be screaming like that. I’m reformed, remember?” “Discord, I hope you’re fucking having a horrible evening. You scheming fucking scumbag!” Anon shouted again as he hunched over the fallen items, searching amongst them. Discord laughed, wiping his tears away with the halo. Anon stood up, holding the Elements of Harmony in his grubby hand. “Yeah, laugh like it’s a big fucking joke. This series been around for... ten years and it will be around for another ten! If it weren’t for you FUCKING SCUMBAG FUCKING draconequus!” He screamed as he unloaded his fury on a nearby bush. Teleporting behind him, Discord handed him over a phone. “Ten years? Do you know when the show came out?” Anon stared at the phone. It only texted one thing to him. Eight years ago, dumbass. Pinkie Pie laughed. “This is the weirdest episode of My Lit-” Just before she could finish her sentence, Anon placed the Elements of Harmony upon all six. “Stone him! Stone him, please! Please please please please please!” “-tle Pony I’ve ever experience in my whole life!” “Please! Pleease! Plleeeaaaasseeeee!” The six mares blinked, flabbergasted by the random outburst of their lifelong friend. What in the hay was a season 9? What’s an episode and what’s a My Little Pony? They questioned his unhinged rant whilst Anon fell to the floor, nearly passing out from exhaustion. Pinkie Pie giggled. “We’re already in season 9, silly!” “Did you just throw up?” Fluttershy asked with much concern. “We can still stop him before he does something stupid!” Anon defended, getting back up in the blink of an eye. His determination was impressive, although a bit unhinged to them. “I’ve been watching this show a whole lot more than YOU have, pal! I would know ‘cause I helped produce it! I’m a MLP writer... bitch!” Discord yawned, lying on a couch he just created. “You haven’t done poop, Anon...” Twilight facehoofed. Her friends removed the Elements, concerned about their friend’s well-being “Look, can we... can we...” “What the FU-”
That Kid Named Flex
Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Everyone knows Twilight Sparkle is a very accomplished mare, her great deeds being no secret to anyone. Twilight knows this, she really does, but when she begins to doubt a few things, maybe a little reaffirmation from a friend is needed.
<p>If you would ask creatures what they thought of Twilight Sparkle, most might say she is one of, if not the most successful mare in the country. Along with being a princess, living in a castle, and running her own school at such a young age, she has the most amazing group of friends she could ask for. They have helped her get to where she is now, and they enjoy helping her, right?</p>
"All I'm saying darling, is that I believe more of the boys in this school could benefit from learning to do a hairstyle or two. From yours truly of course. I’m not the best hairstylist around, but I could still teach them a thing or two. I hate that some of them are still so reluctant to learn, but maybe they’ll come around soon.” “Yeah, maybe they will.” Twilight quietly responded. “It’s just, their future kid or special someone may benefit from it. Even learning to apply a dash of eyeliner, heck, even a bit blush, would be worth something down the road, I’m sure.” said Rarity, suddenly on the edge of her seat while waving her hoof around. “Uh huh...” Twilight, who was sitting in a chair opposite Rarity, half-heartedly replied. They were seated in Twilights office, chatting over snacks and some tea that Rarity had brought with her. Well, more like Rarity was talking while Twilight sat and listened. Twilight already had a tea set in her classroom, complete with many types of the leaf juice, but Rarity always managed to bring in some new flavor that the alicorn had never heard of, so Twilight was happy to partake in whatever Rarity had brought, always excited to try something new. As Rarity finished that last sentence, she took a sip from the teacup she was holding in her magic and looked through the nearby window that provided a satisfying view of the rest of the town, as she often did. Twilight assumed that was one of the reasons Rarity liked to visit her in her office after school, instead of anywhere else. Neither of them could really pinpoint the day these little visits started, or the reason as to why it became a daily occurrence, but Rarity had made it a habit to stop by the headmare’s office after school before she went home each day. Twilight, always enjoying a friend's company, especially after particularly stressful days, never once thought of turning her away. What started as the occasional visit, quickly became a daily routine. Deal with some paperwork, the occasional student-parent conference, responding to letters from other nobles, more paperwork, then teatime with Rarity. Clearing room in her schedule for Rarity had become less and less challenging as each day passed, and the same was true for Rarity. Neither liked waiting for days, sometimes weeks, to sit down and have a proper conversation and just hang out in general. Their little friend group always managed to make time for each other eventually, but sitting down and just talking for hours became harder and harder as their lives became busier over the years, so sometimes her friends would just stop by her office occasionally. Except Rarity of course, who made certain she stopped by before going anywhere else once school was finished. "But you know how some boys can still be.” she continued. “I would never do such girly things like that. I’m a boy and I will behave as such.” she said in the best mock gruff tone she could manage while pulling her head and neck back, but then sighed and returned to her normal voice and previous posture. “Then they bump appendages and go do, I don’t know, whatever boys do I guess.” “I see, that is...concerning.” Twilight replied. On any other day, Rarity, as she was prone to do, would talk and talk, while Twilight listened patiently, hanging onto every word that poured from Rarity's mouth, and swiftly responding. While Twilight didn’t quite understand fashion that well, she just enjoyed watching the fashionista talk about things that made her happy. Today though, Twilight just mindlessly agreed with whatever her friend said, her own mind seemingly clouded by other thoughts. “Don’t they know how many stallions and colts out there who are perfectly comfortable with things like that? You think it's just mares that make those aristocrats and fancy ponies in Canterlot look that good? There are almost just as many male hairstylists as there are female ones. I understand some of the other creatures being slightly hesitant, but I'd expect ponies to be a little more willing. I also understand that not all of them have exactly been raised around that kind of stuff, but hopefully they'll realize that there's nothing wrong with such things." “Yeah, you’re right.” Twilight quietly replied. “I swear Twilight, how long will the world stay in such an outdated state of thinking? It’s about time these boys learn that there’s nothing wrong with being skilled in such things, and would you believe me if I said that one of the boys convinced a girl that make-up was too fru-fru, and now she refuses to touch a stick of lipstick. How in the world did that happen? Learning how to pretty up a face should be the norm. I for one, would find it very...attractive in a... potential…partner.” Rarity’s words came to a halt as she looked towards Twilight, who was currently having a staring contest with the floor. Twilight gave a slight chuckle. “Y-yeah, I agree.” she responded, once again, seemingly not all there. She didn’t really hear what Rarity had just said, but found her earlier mock tone to be a little amusing when she thought back on it. Rarity squinted her eyes at her, before putting on a small smile. "I guess the world will stay in such a state for as long as cutie princesses named Twilight Sparkle keep thinking the floor is more interesting than me.” “Yeah...” Twilight said, still staring at the floor, which earned her a slight pout from the mare across from her. “Twilight!” "Huh?! What?!” Twilight yelped in surprise, now fully focused on what had scared her into attention. “Ah, nice to see you again dear. Did you enjoy your trip?” Rarity asked. “I was listening, I swear!” Twilight tried to defend. “Are you sure? You seemed to be having fantasies about how intimate you could become with the ground.” Rarity said while grinning and leaning in. “What? No I wasn’t-” she started, but Rarity interrupted as she adorned a fake frown. Rarity had become so good at putting on faces that Twilight couldn’t tell if it was real or not. “Never thought I’d become so unattractive that the floor would become more appealing to look at.” she said while dramatically putting a hoof to her forehead, but then laying herself over the arm of the chair and looking down. “Though it is a very nice floor I have to say.” “No, it’s not that, I was just very intently….listening to your story." She said, adorning a nervous smile. “Aboouut what darling?” Rarity replied, eager to hear Twilights response. Rarity caught her, and Twilight really didn’t know what to say. She had been quiet for too long, so she figured she would just go for it. "Potions and history, like we were talking about yesterday?" she said, hoping she was right. To Rarity’s slight delight, she wasn’t. Now she gets to mess with her. "Oh yeah that’s right! You were listening!” Rarity said, with a convincing smile. “Wait, were we really? Twilight asked, a genuine smile forming at the thought that they were possibly talking about some of the purple mare’s favorite things, and that she also guessed right. "No my dear, not even close." said Rarity, giving Twilight another grin. "Oh..." she responded, as she cast her gaze downwards with a sheepish grin, then looking back at Rarity. “Sorry, I don’t know what's gotten into me Starry. I-I mean Rarity!” “Twilight, did you just call me someone else?” “W-what no, I could never mistake you for someone else! You’re too....pretty?” Twilight replied in a vain attempt to make up for what she had said. “Mmmm.” Rarity responded with an unimpressed stare. “While that is somewhat flattering darling, I can’t ignore the fact somethings clearly bothering you to make you do that.” she said, her smile turning into a slight frown. Rarity set her teacup down a little harder than normal, like she does when she gets slightly peeved but doesn’t want to make it too loud. Just enough to make sure Twilight knew she was serious, which she did, if her body visibly stiffening was anything to go by. “Twilight, how many times have I said that you can talk to me? As much as I like to blabber on, your voice is wonderful to hear too. I mean, how long have we known each other now?” “Rarity, I’m okay. I’ve just had a lot of work to take care of lately and, I guess it’s getting to me.” "Work, sure, I’d be more inclined to believe that’s all it was if you hadn’t been staring down for the past half hour. Oh, and the fact that you just called me by someone else’s name, which you never do, by the way. For your sake, I hope they’re as fabulous as me.” she said half-jokingly with a smirk and hair flip. Twilight's wings twitched a bit as she stared into space, embarrassed at almost calling Rarity by another name. Not getting the reaction she had hoped for, the unicorn donned a worried expression. “Is everything alright Twilight?” she asked, with sudden, genuine concern, followed by Twilight sighing. “Well, I guess I haven’t been myself lately, if I’m being honest.” Twilight finally admitted. Rarity sighed again while adjusting herself in her seat, before speaking. "Twilight, talk to me darling. Aside from staring into space, you’ve barely stopped moving in your seat since I’ve started speaking to you, and you’ve taken four sips of tea from a cup you emptied ten minutes ago.” she finished as Twilight prepared for a fifth sip, then hastily put the cup back down. Twilight was amazed by how observant Rarity had been while talking so much, but not surprised. Rarity had always been good at reading body language and such. Also, she was slightly embarrassed at the fact that Rarity was right. Her throat was indeed dry since she had not actually ingested any liquid for the past ten or so minutes. Twilight began to wonder why Rarity waited so long to say anything. Maybe she was waiting for Twilight to speak up first. “I can’t hide anything from you Rarity, huh?” Twilight asked with a tired smile, a little relieved she didn’t have to put on any more of an act. “I know dear, aren’t I just the worst.” Rarity replied, causing them both to giggle a bit. Rarity smiled gingerly at Twilight when she finally saw her smiling again. "You should be comfortable enough around me to tell me anything by now. If you’re still afraid to do that, then what was the point of all those adventures in the name of friendship?” “To save the world?” Twilight said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. “Oh yes, that too I guess.” she said in a dismissive but joking manner. Twilight snorted a bit, earning a laugh from Rarity, as Twilight followed suit. As they quieted down, she picked up the kettle in her magic and poured Twilight a cup of tea, while adding two sugar cubes like she knew Twilight liked it, before pouring herself a cup as well. “While the air is of a nice quality this fine evening, I can promise you the tea is just as delicious.” Twilight smiled with a small blush, remembering how she tried to drink from an empty cup earlier. She chuckled a bit while thanking Rarity and taking a sip. “Now, what's on your mind sweetheart?” Rarity asked, relaxing back in her seat a bit. Letting the aroma from the tea calm her, she began to speak. “Rarity, be honest with me.” Twilight told her, prompting Rarity to lean in a bit, sensing this to be something serious. “Do you...regret becoming a teacher at this school?” she asked, almost hesitantly. “What? Twilight, why would you ask something like that? We love what we do, you know that.” “Sorry, I know it’s probably a silly thing to stress over, but sometimes...” Twilight inhaled and exhaled before continuing... “I feel like I moved too fast with this whole, school of friendship thing, y’know? Especially when I decided to make you girls teachers. I was so caught up in the excitement of starting my own school, and I barely stopped to think about how you girls felt.” she finished. “Oh Twilight, sweetheart, how could you think such a thing? You think we’re miserable or something?” “Well, not exactly, but it could be one of those situations where it's like “Here goes Twilight with another one of her crazy ideas. She’s our friend so I guess we’ll help her...” she sighed before getting the last few words out,” ...even though we’re already busy with our own lives.” “Stop that Twilight Sparkle. You honestly think we don’t enjoy what we do here? That we’re not having fun? I don’t know if you’ve looked around your school lately, but we all very much enjoy being trusted to educate these young minds.” “Yes, I guess you’re right, but Rarity, you have multiple stores to look after, Apple Jack has a farm, Rainbow Dash has wonderbolt stuff. You’re all so busy, but you find time to help me teach these students, because I’m your friend.” “Well first of all Twilight, it sounds like you’re doubting my multitasking abilities.” She said with half lidded eyes and a smile while putting a hoof to her chest. "I assure you, this is something I'm more than capable of handling, and I’m sure the others feel the same.” “N-no I’m not doubting anything, I just...” she trailed off, prompting Rarity to speak. “Well, what is it? You think this is all too much for me or the others?” “Well, no, I guess. I believed you could all do it from the start, but as time went on, I started to wonder if I robbed you girls of the free time that some of you already had so little of.” “Twilight, darling, if there was ever anything I wouldn’t mind spending my free time on, it’s this. I mean, I’d be lying if I said I never fantasized about being the hot teacher that students drool over.” Twilight took a break from her worries to snort in amusement at Rarity, drawing a smile from her, and then smiling herself. “Oh my gosh Rarity, you’ve officially been reading too many of those romance novels.” she said, giggling while a blush crept up her face, but not knowing why. Maybe it had something to do with that image of Rarity in that dress she wore on the first day of school that just flashed across her mind, and how Twilight thought it really suited her. Then again, Rarity made a lot of things look good. “Why Twilight, never thought I’d hear you of all ponies say I read too much.” she replied, beginning to giggle herself. “So, what if one of my favorite novels involves a teacher falling in love with one of their students? It’s not so crazy a thing that it’s never happened.” “Is that why you’re doing this? To act as one of the characters in your books?” “That’s right dear! You were just a steppingstone on the path to my deepest desire. To have students so enraptured by my beauty that it would be nigh impossible to focus on my lessons.” she said while flipping her hair. She set her teacup down and turned to Twilight with a grin as the purple mare rolled her eyes playfully. “And don’t think for a second that you couldn’t do the same thing Ms. Sparkle. You’ve been wearing more and more make-up every time I see you. Your natural beauty was off the charts already.” “Oh Rarity, always so generous with your compliments.” Said Twilight, a bigger blush adorning her cheeks. “Trying to impress someone? A student perhaps? I bet it’s that new pegasus the joined the school, isn’t it?” She asked, turning Twilights blush up to a hundred. “What?! No, never! He’s a student Rarity!" Twilight nearly yelled. “I don’t know Twilight, there’s nothing wrong with a harmless little fling with a student. Don’t worry dear, your secrets safe with me.” She teased, but as far as Twilight was concerned, Rarity was being dead serious. “I-I would be breaking so many rules Rarity! I-” Twilight squeaked out, but was interrupted by a hearty laugh from Rarity, which made Twilight look at her disapprovingly. “My sweet Twilight, you turn the most adorable shade of red when you get flustered, did you know that?” said Rarity. “I hate it when you do that.” Twilight said, now with her teacup also on the table and her forelegs crossed over her chest, and her blush now coming from Rarity’s comment about how adorable she looked. “Ah yes, such a scoundrel I am. How do you put up with me?” she finished as her laugh died down. “Lock me in the dungeon with the rest of the rapscallions you find unpleasant.” “We don’t have a dungeon, but I’ll be sure to have one installed after this.” “My, a whole new addition to the castle, just for little old me. Well, I’ll be a most gracious prisoner. Just bring me a chamomile tea every few hours and a good novel, and you won’t hear a peep out of me.” Rarity finished with another hearty laugh. “Rarity, prison is supposed to be a form of punishment, not comfort.” she said, but Rarity continued anyways. “Oh, and maybe one of those stallions from the gentlecolts club in Manehatten.” she finished with a grin, then laughing at the blush that she brought out from Twilight. “Goodness Rarity, I can’t believe I let you talk me into going to that place.” said Twilight. “There’s no telling who saw me in there.” “Twilight, the mares in those places are too busy staring at the stallions on stage, and in one place in particular. You should know, considering how hard you were staring at that one stallion’s-“ “Okay okay Rarity, you made your point! Please stop talking!” Twilight yelled, her blush nearly covering her neck at this point. Rarity was laughing herself to tears now. “You are a hoof full sometimes Rarity.” she said. Rarity’s laugh had finally descended to a giggle. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle a little in the end as well, but her thoughts quickly shifted back to the earlier topic and she was wearing her frown once again. Rarity knew she was thinking about their earlier conversation and was eager to put her friend's mind at ease. She didn’t like seeing her so torn up about this. “Thats a shame, I thought she’d in better spirits after that exchange. This must really be eating her up.” She thought to herself. She quickly put on a reassuring smile for the princess. “Twilight we’re best friends, and friends do things like this for each other, right? You should know this better than anyone.” Twilight deeply sighed, the earlier mood somewhat dissipated, though fun to be in while it lasted. “But that goes back to my earlier point Rarity. I’ve been thinking about it and, I can’t get it out of my head that you’re all doing this, adding more to your already busy lives, just because I asked you to. Because we’re friends.” “Well darling, you’re just making it sound like we have no free will. Like you say to do something, and we just mindlessly do it without thinking. Is that what you think of us, Ms. Sparkle? Mindless puppets?” Rarity asked with sly smile. “N-no of course not, I don’t think that all, I, I don’t know Rarity. I think I just hate part of myself for doing whatever and making you all go along with it. With such short notice too sometimes.” “Like I said Twilight, we’re not mindless puppets. Just because we do things as your friends and want to help you in any way possible, that doesn't mean we're not going to find enjoyment in it. Of the extremely few things we might not want to do, but do anyways, this is not one of them. We love this, and love doing it. Despite my earlier rant about the boys, the students are an absolute joy to be around.” “But-” Twilight started, but Rarity wasn’t going to let her say what she wanted, because she knew it was just going to be another attempt to prove a point that Rarity didn’t agree with in the first place. “Twilight, when you asked us to become your faculty, we weren’t sure what to make of the situation in the beginning, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we that felt honored that you would trust us with such a task. I mean, we’re talking about generations of creatures going out to spread friendship using what we taught them at this school. That’s not something that everyone would be willing to do.” “I...” Twilight trailed off, as she couldn't think of a good comeback. “If we weren’t willing to do this Twilight, we would’ve let you know. It would have devastated us to have let you down when you held such high expectations for us, but we would’ve been honest with you, because that’s what friends do. Apple Jack of all ponies would have said something by now, don’t you think?” “I guess, I guess you’re right Rarity.” Twilight said. “Of course I’m right darling.” Rarity replied. “You believed in us, so we believed in ourselves. You bring out the best in us. You always have.” Twilight began to smile, but cut it short with a slight frown instead. “But...” “Twilight?” “Hm? “Are you still doubting everything I’m telling you?” she asked, as Twilight shifted uncomfortably in her chair before speaking. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t shake the feeling...Rarity. I know you’re right, and I want to believe you, but I just can’t convince myself for some reason.” Rarity took a few moments to stare at Twilight, wondering how she could lift her friend’s spirits and make her believe. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind as she got out of her chair and made her way over to Twilight. “Twilight, get out of that chair and come with me for a second.” Rarity told Twilight, who stared at her in confusion. “Rarity, what are you about to do?” Twilight asked, as Rarity grabbed her friends hoof and gave it a slight tug. “Just come with me darling, I promise we’re not going far.” she said, giving Twilight a reassuring smile that made the alicorn give one of her own. “Oh. O-ok. But, where are we going?” “Just follow me dear.” Twilight, finally getting out of her chair, made her way to a nearby full-length mirror where the alabaster mare was awaiting her arrival. Once Twilight was close enough, Rarity grabbed her friend and positioned her directly in front of the mirror. After a short while, Twilight frowned while turning to Rarity. “Okay, we’re in front of my mirror. Now what?” she said flatly. “Well now, my pretty little princess, I want you to take a good long look at yourself. Deep down, you know exactly who you are, and what those beautiful eyes have witnessed. So, in your most honest words, tell me what you see.” Rarity said, closely holding on to Twilight’s shoulders as the lavender mare stared at her reflection. “Rarity, this is silly.” “Oh come now Twilight, just entertain me for a moment. If not for yourself, at least do it for me? Pretty please?” Rarity said, smiling genuinely at Twilight. The newest princess wasn’t sure why, but she had developed a recent weakness for Rarity’s puppy dog eyes that usually had no effect on any of her friends, other than Spike. So, she just sighed as she prepared to do as Rarity asked. “And please, do hold back on the modesty for once.” Rarity finished while playfully bumping the side of her head to Twilights. "Twilight, deep down you know just how fantastic and marvelous you are darling. So, I want you look into that mirror, and tell yourself just how much you deserve to be where you're at now. Don't you dare lie to yourself either." Twilight stared for a few seconds while looking herself up and down, then with a somewhat stern and determined expression, began to speak. “I see, I see someone who has...accomplished a lot... in her life, I guess.” “You guess?” Rarity asked incredulously. “Okay, I guess I have done a lot.” Twilight said, as Rarity gave her a satisfied nod. “That’s better, now continue.” she said, as Twilight gazed at her reflection once more. “She has been through trials and tribulations that almost no other pony could understand, aside from the close friends that she shared those experiences with.” Twilight started, getting a sudden boost of confidence and speaking more clearly and with more direction. “Mhm, and?” Rarity asked. "She believes she has worked hard to be where she’s at, she wants to do her absolute best to make everyone happy, and she wouldn’t have gotten this far without her best friends and family with her every step of the way. Through her intense studying and dedication, she has been able to overcome impossible odds and help make the world a better place.” Twilight said, feeling somewhat satisfied with her answer as she smiled confidently. “Bravo Twilight! See? You’re letting your worries get the best of you. You know exactly who you are, and you’re once again seeing what the rest of us see in you!” Rarity exclaimed, clapping her hooves in celebration. “You could’ve bragged a little more Twilight, you really are that amazing.” “But...” “Twilight?” Rarity asked, looking up and seeing Twilights confident stare turn into a frown as her eyes pointed dejectedly down at the floor. “Just because of what she’s been through, she thinks she’s above all others, and acts like she has all the answers, when in reality, she can be just as clueless as everyone else.” Twilight began to stare sternly at her reflection, making Rarity frown nervously. “What are you sayi-?” she tried to say while letting go of Twilight to look at her directly. “A pony who can’t do anything by herself, constantly relying on others. Bossing others around and telling them how things should be, almost getting her own school shut down in the process. The second she can’t do something, she begs for help from those who already have their own things to worry about. Heck, without Discord, who knows how many times the world would've ended." “I don’t think tha-” she tried to interrupt, but Twilight seemed to get lost in her own reflection, like she was talking to real, alternate version of herself. “Like really, take all her friends away and she would wither up like a starving plant. She thinks it's all about her. She thinks everyone should drop what they’re doing and help her, no matter what the problem is, because she thinks she’s the center of attention, just because she has these wings now, and a crown. “Twilight.” “I mean she-” “Twilight, stop!” Rarity said with a raised voice while giving Twilight a slight shake, causing Twilight to jerk. When she came back to her senses, she turned to look at Rarity, who was staring at her in a most distressed manner. When Twilight remembered the words that had come out of her own mouth, she blushed in embarrassment. “Did I, *ahem*, I uh, I-I didn’t mean to....” she sputtered, remembering everything she had just said, while watching a still distressed Rarity cup her cheek in her hoof, almost flinching from the touch. “Twilight, why would you say those things?” Rarity asked. Twilight looked as if she wanted to speak, but couldn’t decide what words would take that worried look off Rarity’s face. “Twilight, I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen you do something like that, or if I’ve ever seen it honestly.” “I...forget it Rarity, just pretend that didn’t happen.” she said, preparing to turn around to go back to her desk, until Rarity grabbed her shoulder before she could complete that turn. “I most certainly will not, Twilight Sparkle. We’re not going to act like you didn’t just say all of that! You don’t really believe those things darling, you just can’t. Not after everything you’ve been through.” Rarity said, before asking her something. “Who’s putting these thoughts in your head, Twilight? Is someone messing with you? Who’s been spouting this, this nonsense into your ears? Wait, you called me someone else earlier. Was it them? When I find them, I swear to Celestia-” Rarity’s rant was halted by Twilight’s hoof reaching her chest. “N-no Rarity, no one’s said anything to me. I-I don’t think I meant for that last part to come out...I...” she said, but stopped when she suddenly felt Rarity's hooves grab her own, as the white mare stared worriedly into the alicorns eyes. “Twilight, the way you just behaved scares me, like it would any sensible friend of yours. I knew something was the matter, but I didn’t think it had you in this much of a conflict with yourself. I’m not leaving until you get, whatever this is, out into the open.” “Please Rarity, I don’t want to unload my personal problems onto you.” “Twilight. I want you to unload all of your personal problems onto me.” Rarity said sternly, causing Twilight to stare into Rarity’s almost sparkling turquoise eyes. Twilight knew that determined, serious look in Rarity’s eyes, the look she had reserved for her friends when she knew that they were lying to her. Twilight inhaled, then sighed deeply, causing Rarity to loosen her face a bit, as she knew that meant Twilight was finally going to talk to her. “I’s just how I’ve been feeling about things for a while. Part of me doesn’t believe them, but the other part wants to. No matter what happens, it wants me to hold on to this belief that I don’t deserve this, any of this, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s some, subconscious attempt to keep myself humble, or something, fearing that if I get too caught up in my accomplishments, I’ll become too full of myself, and become insufferable to be around.” she finished. Rarity did take notice of how Twilight praised herself for her accomplishments at first, but as if another version of her took over her body, she immediately started to chastise herself, like she was punishing her own mind for being happy at her successes. Twilight looked down as she finished that last sentence, while Rarity continued to stare at her. “You could never become like that, Twilight. There’s a difference in trying to keep yourself humble, and just downright attacking yourself, and you basically performed the latter.” she said. “I know Rarity, and I don’t like feeling like this. I don’t want to either, but, I can’t help it.” Twilight said, as Rarity stared at her in deep thought before speaking. “You...don’t feel like this all the time, do you dear? Every time I see that wonderful smile on your face, a smile that seems so genuine that no one could mistake it as fake, are you not happy?” she asked, grasping Twilight’s hooves even tighter. “No, of course not. Every moment with you girls, even during the bad times, is like a dream I don’t ever want to wake up from. You girls really do make everything better. Like, I don’t think I’m depressed or anything, but I...I don’t want to...I don’t know Rarity. I’m supposed to know everything, but I don’t know how to shake myself out of this.” Honestly, Rarity wanted to chastise her. Chastise her for being so hard on herself, and for not talking to anyone about this. For her inner feelings to burst out like that, she must’ve been keeping these thoughts to herself for some time now, and it also saddened her that Twilight thought of herself in this manner, even after everything. She really wouldn’t blame Twilight for bragging just a little bit. She’s only saved the world a dozen times at this point. Everyone should be worshipping the ground she walked on. She didn’t care how extreme that may have sounded. Rarity believed that Twilight deserved as much praise as possible. Matter of fact... “Twilight, darling?” Rarity called softly. Twilight turned to look at her friend, prompting Rarity to speak again once she had her friend's attention. “I want you to look at the mirror, one last time for me.” Twilight lowered her ears and looked away before looking back at her friend. “I don’t know Rarity...” “Please dearest, this won’t take long. Trust me, I won’t let that horrid little thing that’s been mentally torturing you rise to the surface. I’ll beat them down with my hairbrush if I must.” Rarity told her, causing Twilight to snort in amusement. “Wouldn’t you just be hitting me then?” “Well, that should encourage you to keep that little demon in check, now won’t it darling?” she asked. It brought a smile to her face when she noticed the corners of Twilight’s mouth curve upwards. “I know you don’t want to look at yourself right now, but you’re stronger than this Twilight, and you know it, and I want to show you that you know it.” She told Twilight. Finally conceding, Twilight allowed Rarity to turn her to face the mirror again. It was a little hard to stare at her reflection after what she did earlier, but Rarity held her by the shoulders as if to keep her from trying to run from herself. “Now my dear, I’m going to tell you what I see, and what everyone else sees as well.” “A pompous know-it-all?” she replied. “Twilight, my hairbrush is literally right on your desk.” Rarity said flatly and sternly. “Sorry.” she responded sheepishly. Rarity sighed while gripping Twilight a little harder as she began to move her mouth. “I see, a mare that was destined for greatness. A filly, who I’m positive was the most adorable little thing to grace Equestria in thousands of years, who was excepted by none other than Princess Celestia herself.” she said, prompting Twilight to stifle a small giggle. “If that wasn’t a precursor of great things to come, then I don’t know what was. Time, and time again, have you proved yourself worthy to be where you’re at right now. Through many trials and tribulations, that would have put many a pony in the mental institution from the stress and pressure, you have constantly, and persistently, surpassed the expectations of those that have put their absolute and unshakable faith in you.” As Rarity continued with her speech, Twilight began to stare less awkwardly at herself. Her slight frown turned more into a flat stare as she corrected her posture. Her ears were now at attention as her wings picked themselves off the floor and were once again at her sides. “She’s one of, if not the most talented sorceress the land has ever seen, but if I can go off on a tangent for a sec, have you seen her lately? If she isn’t one of the prettiest ponies around, my word. I have to say that her looks rival mine. Well, almost.” She said, earning an eye roll from Twilight, as Rarity playfully poked her in the side with a wink. “Twilight, you have quite literally kept the world from experiencing total, eternal darkness, complete annihilation, and possible slavery at the hands of many undesirable, dastardly villains. I’m utterly shocked that you’re not so full of yourself. You’re most certainly better than I. Why, I’d be reminding ponies every day of how I saved their hindquarters from utter misery. Actually...” Rarity trailed off before turning towards the doors of Twilight’s office space. “Hey! I want every creature to know that they should be prostrating themselves for the one and only Twilight Spa-!” Rarity yelled, before a flustered and laughing Twilight grabbed her and cut her off. “Okay okay, Rarity, you made your point! I get it.” she managed to get out between laughs, as Rarity laughed with her, turning around to grab her friend by her waist. “You question why we do these things for you dear, but you’re the type of pony that others want to follow. You’re the type of pony that others want to impress. We’re very thankful, and happy to be taking this journey with you. You bring out the best in us and make us want to be better versions of ourselves.” Twilight stared at her as Rarity took a small breath before continuing. “Twilight, sometimes I look at you go, “Wow, a mare like this. She wants to be my friend, and one of my closest ones at that. Even though I give her so much grief with all my antics, and the way she’s put up with me all these years. A pony as amazing, a pony as beautiful, and smart as her, she wants me in her life, and...I couldn’t imagine...not being a part of hers.” Rarity said, almost choking on her last few words. By the time Rarity had finished, Twilight seemed to be on the verge of tears, as a blush decorated her cheeks. “Twilight, it tears me apart to see you distressed over things like this. There’s nothing wrong with being a little down from time to time, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. If you ever begin to feel this way again, you better call me. If no one else does, then know that I will drop whatever I’m doing to help my friendly neighborhood alicorn remember just how loved, and how appreciated she is, and that’s she’s not just a princess of friendship, but she’s my princess.” Twilight paused for a bit, as tears started streaming down her cheeks while she stifled a sniffle. “Rarity, do you really think I’m that amazing?” she asked. “Is this the Twilight of the past or something? It’s like you’ve reverted to you old self darling. You’re beyond amazing, and if my vocabulary was as vast as yours, I would find a more appropriate word.” she said, a short silence setting in as they stared at each other before Twilight spoke. “Thanks Rarity. I think I’m ok, sorry for asking that.” She said as she wiped her tears, but more continued to fall out as she did so. “I’m selfish for it, but...I guess I just, wanted to hear you say that again.” she said, blushing. Rarity felt herself grow a little warm, before smiling genuinely. “And...I’m sorry for crying. I guess, I really needed that.” Twilight said. “Aaaw Twilight, you have not a single thing to be sorry for. I’ll tell you that as many times as you want dear!” said Rarity, while jumping on Twilight and wrapping her body around hers and hugging her tightly. “You’re amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing!” Rarity told her, while nuzzling Twilight quite aggressively, but drawing out all the laughter that Twilight could muster as her tears ceased falling.” My spectacular, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, stunning-” “Who are you, Pinkie Pie!? I’m also starting to think your vocabulary isn’t as limited as you claim Rarity!” Twilight interrupted while laughing. “Give me a thesaurus and I’m sure I can find a million more words darling!” she exclaimed, increasing the aggressiveness of her nuzzling, causing Twilight to laugh a little harder. “Rarity, that’s starting to tickle!” Twilight cried, earning a smile mischievous grin from Rarity. “That tickles? Oh darling, you’re going to absolutely loathe what I do next.” Rarity said, as she began to tickle Twilight sides with her hooves as the alicorn wriggled in Rarity’s grasp. “Rarity! Rarity stop! !” Twilight cried between laughs as she attempted to push Rarity off her. “I’ll only stop once you say that you’re the cutest and most amazing pony! I wanna hear you say it!” Said Rarity, also trying to talk between laughs. “I’m-I’m an amazing-!” Twilight yelled, but couldn’t talk over her laughs. “What was that dear? I couldn’t quite hear you!” said Rarity, continuing her assault. “I’m an amazing pony!” “And?” “And the cutest! Okay Rarity stop, I can’t breathe!” Twilight yelled as Rarity finally let her go. Twilight was getting the last of her laughs out while panting heavily. “And don’t you ever forget it Twilight, or next time, I may not be so gentle.” said the unicorn. “Okay, the dungeon idea is officially a go after that.” said Twilight, taking another breath before returning to her normal breathing. “Very well, I’ll accept my punishment. Just don’t forget my tea darling.” “How about I leave you down there with two pieces of clothing whose colors clash with each other?” “Twilight! You absolute monster!” said Rarity, raising a hoof to her chest. “Maybe you’re not the pony I thought you were. If only everyone knew just what kind of pony their newest princess was, there would most likely be a coup on the horizon.” she said. “C’mon, you deserve a just punishment for what you did.” said Twilight. “Oh come now, don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it. You needed a good laugh Twilight. Besides, what you want to do to me could be labeled as cruel and unusual punishment. Surely there’s a law that forbids that sort of thing? Speaking of laws, if I was a ruler, I would ban matching green with yellow.” “If that’s how you’d rule Rarity, then we’d need a lot more jails.” “Not jails darling. Maybe, correctional facilities.” “That’s what a jail is Rarity.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “Yeah, but these would be used to teach ponies how to properly put colors together and-Twilight, what’s so funny?” Rarity asked. Twilight was once again laughing as Rarity started to giggle a bit herself. “I just, I just imagined ponies under your rule getting twenty years added to their sentence, just because you decided their pants didn’t go with their mane.” she finished, laughing again. “Yeah, well maybe twenty years would be long enough for, t-them to, think about t-their-” As Rarity tried to get that last part out, she began to fall into a fit of laughter herself. For the next few seconds or so, the two mares just sat there laughing, often glancing at each other between laughs. The world seemed to fade around both of them as they laughed and laughed, all of Twilight’s tension and stress seeming fade, while Rarity was glad that Twilight was seemingly happy again. Rarity had stopped laughing first, but continued to watch Twilight, who seemed to be the happiest mare on the planet right now, continue to laugh enough for the both of them. The fashionista smiled genuinely at her, so happy that her friend was enjoying herself so much right now. Her neatly groomed hair bobbing slightly with each laugh, the slight pink staining her cheeks, her infectious smile that honestly made Rarity want to hug her again. She was so focused on Twilight, so focused on her beautiful face and her beautiful smile, so full of happiness, that she didn’t seem to notice or care about the heat in her face as a slight blush began to spread across it. She asked herself; “Was Twilight always this stunning to look at? I really hate seeing her sad, and I want to do everything I can to keep her happy, if it means I get to see the smartest mare in the land smile her beautiful smile.” Twilight’s laugh finally died down as she looked into Rarity’s eyes again, everything the unicorn had told her earlier starting to replay in her head. Twilight’s tears started to flow once again when she remembered just how much Rarity cared for her. Rarity refused to let her be sad, and she was so willing to stay until Twilight was in good spirits. Twilight had to ask herself; “Since when have I been this happy around Rarity? I’m so happy, it should be a crime. Her words, her words were so wonderful to hear. I could watch her, and listen to her talk forever.” “Twilight, what’s wrong? You’re crying again.” she asked, as Twilight blinked more tears out. “Nothing Rarity, I just, I really appreciate you saying those things earlier. For helping me come to my senses. You’re such a wonderful friend.” she said, her tears stopping for a sec. “Oh I’m sorry dear, I didn’t mean to make you cry again. I just, I love you, so much darling, and you are never a burden to me. And even if you were, you would be the most delightful kind of burden.” she finished, leaving one hoof around her waist and raising one to wipe Twilight’s tears. "If that, makes sense." Rarity finished with a slight chuckle. For a few seconds after, she could do nothing but gaze at Rarity. Her beautifully coiffed mane, her immaculately pristine white coat that seemed to shine a pretty silver when the light caught it just right. That smile, that smile that seemed impossible for Twilight to look away from, and she didn’t know why. Her heart began to beat faster as a blush once again decorated her cheeks, one that she hoped Rarity wouldn’t notice, even though she knew Rarity could probably see it anyways. Twilight wasn’t going to pretend that she didn’t know the reason behind her increasing heart rate. She assumed that anyone being complimented like this by someone as beautiful as Rarity would feel the same way. It was a temporary feeling, and it would go away soon, right? So what if her beauty was beyond words, and the only thing that surpassed it was her drive to be the best at what she does? She was talented, smart, had the most amazing and reassuring smile, knew just what to say to make her feel better, made her feel happier than when she first got her cutie mark, seemed to make Twilight laugh no matter how down she might’ve felt. How Rarity was almost always there for her and- Twilight stopped herself mid-thought to replay everything that just went through her head. Her smile disappeared for a bit, causing Rarity to drop hers as well. Friends don’t compliment each other that heavily, do they? There’s nothing wrong with what she was thinking. She’s only saying that Rarity is one of the most amazing ponies she’s ever met, and that her beauty, and skills in her craft, make her an amazing mare, and anyone would be lucky to be with her. She wondered if Rarity would date someone like her. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was just asking herself. Did she really just wonder if Rarity would date her? “Twilight, are you alright dear?” asked a concerned Rarity. Normally, this is where Twilight would realize she had spaced out and would nervously try to explain why she did so, and would clumsily apologize for just standing there while blushing madly. This time though, she chose a slightly different route. “I-I’m fine. Sorry, I didn’t mean to space out, I just...” she trailed off, not breaking eye contact with the unicorn. “I just’re not wearing make-up today.” she said calmly. Now it was Rarity’s turn to blush, but more so out of embarrassment. “Oh my, I knew I was forgetting something this morning. I was in such a rush this that I must’ve forgotten it.” She said, glancing to look at the mirror again but still holding Twilight with a foreleg. Do friends normally hold each other this long? She should know, right? Not that she wanted it stop or anything. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice when looking in the mirror. No wonder you were staring at me like that, I must look dreadful without it. So much for being the hot teacher, am I right?” she finished with a chuckle. “N-no, you don’t look bad at all. Make-up only accentuated what was already there, Rarity. If anything, you look just as gorgeous without it, if not more.” Now Rarity was blushing in response to what Twilight had just said. Quite heavily in fact, and she didn’t know why exactly. It was just a normal compliment. A compliment that any two mares would casually throw at each other. She's almost positive that Twilight has called her cute before. Right? Twilight had let go of Rarity but didn’t move from her spot, as her face flushed intensely. Rarity was taken aback by her comment, but tried her best to compose herself before she spoke again. “Oh...t-thank you Twilight, that’s very kind of you dear. M-my, you sure have become more generous with your compliments.” she said, waving a hoof at Twilight. “Well, you know me, I just tell like it is.” she finished with a nervous laugh. “I’m sorry though, I probably shouldn’t have just said something like that out of nowhere, and it was probably super rude to call you out on not wearing make-up, but I just noticed it, and I don’t think you look bad, not at all. You look really good in fact, b-but I just meant that as a normal compliment. As a friend! A-a good friend!” she finished, seemingly out of breath. Rarity giggled softly in response to Twilight’s rambling, which she was probably famous for at this point. “Oh, of course Twilight. It’s fine, really darling. I mean, if I look that good, maybe I should wear less stuff on my face more often, just for you.” she finished, her eyelids lowering halfway as she lifted her hoof to her chest. Rarity was known to be a little flirty, okay, maybe a lot flirty, even with her friends, so Twilight usually just laughed a little with a small blush in response. This time though, Twilight instead just became redder in the face as her body stiffened. Rarity took notice of this and grew redder a bit herself, not knowing why she was embarrassed over something like this so suddenly. “I meant that as a friend too dear, don’t get so caught up on it.” she said, with a short giggle, which Twilight seemed to copy. “O-of course, haha, yeah.” As if to bring things back to some form of normalcy, Rarity quickly went back to her old ways as she donned a mischievous grin. “Although, if I didn’t mean it as a friend, what would you do Twilight?” “W-what!?” That comment snatched Twilight by her tail and threw her out the window. “I’m just saying darling, our coats blend quite wonderfully together, we’re already such good friends, and we know so much about each other. If that’s not a wonderful basis for the start of a relationship, I don’t know what is.” “Rarity-” “I can see it now. The bookworm and the drama queen. We’d make headlines, don’t you think?” The more Rarity joked, the more Twilight seemed to loosen up and stop being so flustered. She figured Rarity was just messing with her at this point, and decided not to keep her laughter from bubbling to the surface. “After today, perhaps I’m the drama queen.” Twilight said. “Nonsense darling. Besides, you could never contend with me for the title of biggest drama queen in the land. You still play the role of bookworm quite wonderfully. Or what was the other word, egghead, as Rainbow put it?” Rarity said, earning a playful push from Twilight. “Haha, very funny.” she said, earning a giggle from the unicorn. “You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise, I would’ve started making blueprints for that dungeon already.” A few seconds went by as Rarity stayed silent, prompting Twilight to give her a concerned look. “Rarity, you ok?” she asked, as the unicorn just stared at her in silence. “You find me cute, Twilight?” She asked, not really embarrassed, as much as she was taken by surprise. Crap. Twilight really thought she had said that in her head, but really, she wondered why she was saying that at all. She also thought that what she was feeling would go away soon, but it was still there. It seemed to have intensified in fact. “Sorry Rarity, I-I don’t know where that came from. It’s not that I don’t mean it. I do find a certain charm in your behavior, and you in general, and...” While Twilight rambled, Rarity just stared at her. The two had barely stopped looking at each other since Twilight’s comment about her looks. It was just the two of them, so close, Twilight’s gorgeous deep violet eyes staring back at her, seemingly sparkling just as much as her cutie mark. Twilight had been wearing make-up more and more, and it only made an amazingly pretty mare like her even more a sight for the eyes. Twilight sat slightly taller than her, which Rarity found mildly comforting for some reason. Whenever Twilight came to visit her, or vice versa, the first thing she unconsciously did was give Twilight a good look over. Once she realized her little habit, she just chalked it up to her appreciating the female form, especially Twilight’s. She claimed Rarity was beautiful, but Twilight was nothing to scoff at either. For someone who didn’t care about their appearance as much as most ponies, she had an amazingly curvy body that Rarity couldn’t help but admire, as well as her nicely groomed pelt. Rarity had persisted that Twilight should always make time for the spa, no matter how busy things got, so she was glad that the alicorn was taking her advice. Not many out there could look as good as Twilight, and be as smart as her. And her adorkably cute side when she got excited over something she read in a book, which others may not care for, but Rarity found that it was one of her favorite things about Twilight. Her knowledge was second to none, to the point where she could dang near give you week long lectures on almost anything. Her seemingly endless cache of spells that she knows by memory, and the dedication she put forth to learn all those things. A dedication that matched hers when it came fashion. How she so bravely faced Tirek all on her own, succumbing to Discords manipulation and then bouncing back in time to save everyone? And she never went insane from the stress. How? How did she do it? She never gives up, and it’s so amazing, and inspiring. She’s like a prince out of a fairytale in a way. Twilight was truly the perfect pony. Rarity always thought she wanted a prince, but then she looks at Twilight in all her glory and...and... “Rarity, I didn’t upset you with what I said, did I?” Twilight asked, interrupting the unicorn's thoughts. As a lady, she always tried her best to remain calm and composed in any situation. All that ladylike behavior nearly went halfway out the window when she tried to speak. She was a flustered mess in front of ponies before, but not like this. Especially not in front of her best friends. Twilight or Fluttershy usually had that position covered. “W-what? No no, it’s okay darling, really. I just, you can’t just tell a lady things like that and expect not to knock her off her guard a bit.” She said, fanning her face with her hoof with a small nervous laugh. She likely didn’t notice her own blush growing once again on her face. “O-oh, I’m sorry, I just, I didn’t mean to say that. It, just, slipped out I guess?” “Oh, so you don’t find me cute Twilight? Guess I’ll have to throw on even more make-up next time to cover my “not cute” face.” she said with a coy smile growing on her face, her earlier flustered state seemingly disappearing in a matter of seconds. “What?! No, that’s not what I meant! You’re really cute Rarity, b-but I didn’t want to say it out loud, because friends shouldn’t say things like that to each other, but we’ve done it a lot of times before, so I don’t know why this time is so different, or why I’m so hung up on it, and-” “Twilight it’s ok, I understand darling.” “You do?” “Yes, my sweet flustered Twilight.” she said with a chuckle. “Besides, I do find you quite cute myself.” She said. The heat in Twilight’s body felt like it was hot enough to melt through steel. Even though, she couldn’t help but but don a goofy smile, which Rarity thought was absolutely adorable and smiled back at her, her blush also growing. As the two looked at each other, embarrassment seemed to fade as it made way for a peaceful calm. “Rarity, I really appreciate you helping me remember who I am, when I seem to have forgotten. Truth is, I’ve always loved it when you came to visit me like this, no matter where I was. I love being with the other girls, I really do, but I....” Twilight paused for a sec while breaking eye contact with Rarity, not sure if she wanted to say what she wanted to next, but looked back at her before continuing... ”I really enjoyed the time we spent with just the two of us, and I’m not sure why, but I am sure of this. You’re one of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for, and I can’t imagine how my life might’ve turned out if you weren’t a part of it.” She finished with a genuine smile, causing Rarity to tear up a little. “Dear, when I think back to everything that has happened in my life, everything that has led to me being where I’m at now, of course I think of everyone that helped me, but mostly, I think of you.” Rarity said, inching back closer to Twilight, as Twilight responded in kind. “I can’t tell you why myself, but from the day we met, there was just, I don’t know, a certain charm to you. Maybe....” now Rarity was pausing, trying to choose her next words carefully... “I liked visiting you so much for a reason. When I realized we weren’t seeing each other as often, I guess that’s when I started stopping by every day like this. I started to miss you. A lot, actually. I’m just, really glad you didn’t seem to mind.” “Of course I didn’t mind Rarity. I began to miss you too.” Twilight said hastily, causing Rarity to blush again, as Twilight did the same, almost as if she wasn’t in control when she said that. Twilight didn’t quite tear up like Rarity, but she definitely felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, a feeling which intensified when Rarity hugged her. Rarity buried her head in the crevice of Twilight’s neck and began to nuzzle her affectionately. Twilight responded by hugging her back, causing Rarity to moan contently. Twilight was so incredibly warm, it was almost a crime how soft she was, but there was almost a slight firmness to her. The fluff on her chest from her being part pegasus didn’t help either. The more her chest rubbed against the amazingly fluffy section of Twilight’s, the more she honestly wanted to just stay there and fall asleep in it. The perfume in Rarity’s coat and the smell of the shampoo in her hair was almost too much for Twilight. It was intoxicating, and Rarity was incredibly soft, her silky fur almost causing Twilight to get lost in the embrace. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, neither ready to let go. As if they realized how long they were holding onto one another, they released from the embrace slowly and stared at each other once again, while a pink that showed no signs of fading tinged both their muzzles. That was when Rarity giggled a little. "What Rarity?" Twilight asked, starting to giggle herself. "Nothing, nothing, it's just, the one day I don't have make-up on, you go get all prettied up like you're going on a date or something. Waterproof make-up too, apparently." she added, noticing that even after Twilights tears, her eyeliner remained unsullied. "Oh, I guess that is kind of funny." said Twilight, smiling with a nervous chuckle. There was a short pause as she turned to look away from Rarity, then back at her. "It, doesn't look bad, does it?" she asked. "Of course not darling. You look absolutely beautiful." Rarity told her softly, as Twilight's heartbeat sped up a significant amount. Rarity has said those words to Twilight before, but the way that she said them, along with the half-lidded eyes, it made the simple sentence feel different than all of the other times. That was when Twilight thought of something. “Y’know, it is the...last day of school Rarity.” she said a little nervously. “Indeed it is. Is there...something else on your mind?" she asked almost as nervously as Twilight. “I guess, what I’m saying is...I’m...not ready to end this. I have a lot of fun talking to you. If you want...oh never mind, it’s nothing. It’s actually getting pretty late. Thank you so much for stopping by Rarity, but I’ll let you get home and-” Twilight said, walking away as she talked, but was cut off by a small tendril of magic grabbing her shoulder just hard enough to get her attention and stop her in her tracks. When she turned around, Rarity was smiling at her with that same smile that mysteriously made Twilight weak in the legs. “Twilight, I have fun talking to you too. Too much fun to want to end this. I’m not very anxious to get home myself, and...well, Ponyville’s nightlife has become increasingly more active over the years...” she said with a slight chuckle before continuing, “...and it’s been some time since we’ve hung out after work hours.” she finished with a smile as the light pink in her cheeks grew a little darker, while she shyly looked away before looking back at Twilight. “We could meet back up in a bit, maybe take a stroll through town?” Twilight wasn’t too worried about the heat in her own cheeks, as much as she was in giving Rarity a happy “Yes!” in response.
Jax 2024
Princess Cadance,Shining Armor,Thorax,Alternate Universe,Romance,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Sex
Cadence Tries To Love Again
After Shining Armor's Death, Cadence Tries To Move On and Thorax Came To Visit And Cheer Her Up
<p>Love last as so they said, a year after Shining Armor death, Cadence tries to move on until she met Thorax one week later, to give The Princess Of Love some time, who later encourage her to move on, will she ever able fall in love again, I mean, she indeed, the Princess Of Love.</p>
Shining Armor died due to Cadence Outliving him, now crying in her castle with her guards trying to comfort her, A week has passed since the death of Shining, Thorax decided it’s time to pay her a visit, there was a knock on her door, Cadence went to open, in front of the door reveal a color Changeling that she recognized, “Thorax, what are you doing here?” Cadence requested. “Cadence, I heard about your husband, my deepest apologies. I was giving you time to grieve, so I decided not to visit you for a while.” Thorax remarked. “That’s very kind of you, darling, but I’m fine,” Cadence lied, “Are you sure?” Thorax reconfirmed with her. “Yes!” She shouted, “I’m sorry, Thorax, it’s just so hard since Shining died, I love him so much,” she admitted. “Have you tried Moving on, you know not to anypony or whatever, just be happy again,” Thorax suggested. “I can’t Thorax, I’ll just end up taking somepony home, I’ll feel like that I’m cheating on Shining,” Cadence confessed to her changeling companion. “You won’t, Cadence, trust me, why don't we hang out somewhere you like and see how it goes and take me back here, alright?” Thorax proposed. “I’ll try,” “I Mean you’re the Princess Of Love, pretty sure, you can get back out there, don’t you think?” Thorax remarked. “Thank you for this Thorax as long as it is with you,” Cadence nuzzled him as he blushed. Cadence brought Thorax to an amusement park that she used to brought her family with and bought a lot things there, Thorax saw her sparks once again with happiness and love, the same Cadence that had once shared with everypony, Thorax and her family, Thorax however is happy that he’s the one who help the Pink Princess be happy again,” “Thorax, I can’t thank you enough, really, you helped me be my true self again,” Cadence cheered with gratitude. “Anytime, Princess.” Thorax remarked as he blushed when Cadence kissed him. “Ooh, I wanna ride that,” Cadence decided as she pointed to the Ferris Wheel, “As My Princess, wishes,” Thorax flirted as they went to ride to the Ferris wheel, as they inside, they saw the whole amusement park, fill with Ponies having fun, until that is Cadence felt sad again and Thorax took notice of her. “Cadence, what’s wrong?” He inquired, “Me, Shining and Flurry used to come here and have fun,” She confessed, “Where’s Flurry By the way?” “Sunburst and Starlight are taking care of her with Luster,” Cadence revealed. “She will be back by tomorrow, which I need to be back by then,” She informed the Changeling King. “Don’t Worry, Cadence, We will have you in your castle by tonight,” She nodded as they sat in the Ferris Wheel, until Cadence fell asleep on Thorax’s shoulder. As the ride ended Thorax teleported them to the Crystal Empire and onto Cadence’s bed. “Are you going back, can you please stay with me?” Cadence suggested. “The Changelings will be fine without me for a few days,” Thorax claimed as he lay down next to her, Cadence rested her chin on Thorax’s head, and slept til the next morning. Cadence woke up and saw Thorax not next to her, ‘Did he leave me already, he said he'd stay here for a while?’ She wondered until she heard voices, she came downstairs and Thorax with some guests, “Ah, Cadence, just in time, Sunburst, Starlight, Luster and Flurry,” “Cadence, how are you feeling?” Sunburst inquired, “I’m a little bit better, thanks to Thorax, he brought me to the amusement park that we used to go to together.” “You went on a date together, to the Amusement Park where we went as a family?” Flurry concluded, “Well, Kinda if that’s what you meant?” “Mommy, that’s great, I’m glad that you’re finally happy again, thank you, Thorax for encouraging her to be happy again,” Flurry congratulated her mother, “Anytime, I was just trying to bring back that once happy Cadence that we all know and love,” Thorax smiled at them, “So how’s Luster dawn, is she able to have new friends?” Cadence queried, “Yes, I do, and I have had fun with Flurry here,” “Thank you, looking after my daughter, Luster,” “We have to look out for each other, Princess,” Luster Dawn acknowledged. “Please, just call me Cadence, we’re friends after all,” She addressed herself. “Cadence, it is.” “C’mon Luster, honey let’s head home,” Starlight remarked as she nodded and said, “Bye!” “Great to know, they’re friends, huh Thorax?” Cadence chuckled, “Huh, yeah, they do get along just great, By the way, your pancakes are getting cold,” Thorax revealed, “I’ll eat it cold,” Cadence declared, “So I assume that you have eaten yours?” She reconfirmed. “Yes, I have eaten mine, then heard a knock on the door and The ‘Starburst’ Family showed up,” Thorax explained. “Starburst?” Cadence said confusingly, “It’s the Pairing name for Starlight and Sunburst,” The Changeling King jokes. “Ah, I see,” As she chuckled at the ship's name,” “Did Shining armor say anything to you, before he passed away?” Thorax queried. “I found this letter the day after he passed away, he just told me to move on when the time comes: ‘Cadence, by the time you read this, then I’m probably died, my time has come and I love you so much, but after I’m dead, you have my blessings and try to move on, when the time has time, love no matter who move on with, it doesn’t matter, as long as he’s not taking advantage of you or abusing you, and if you see Thorax, let him look after you, who knows maybe later he’s the special somepony/changeling that you move on too, and for Thorax if you’re reading this, please don’t hurt my wife even more, Love from your Husband, SA (Shining Armor).’ Cadence sobbed at this while Thorax rubbed at her back, “Thorax, Shining wanting me to move on with you?” She addressed the blessings, “Cadence, would that means, you have the courage to move on?” She nodded as she kissed Thorax, he blushed as Cadence teleported them onto her bed, they continued kissing, while she felt his cock on her pussy waiting for approval, Cadence nodded as he thrusted into her claiming the Princess Of Love, “You know I never said this, but, I’m lucky to buck the Princess Of Love,” Thorax confessed, “Then buck your Princess Of Love, Stud,” He nodded as he thrusted in hard and fast. Thorax lick on Cadence’s breast as she giggled at the ticklish sensation, Cadence kept moaning at the thrust she felt, “Cadence, if I mate with you, that means, your mine now,” Thorax acknowledged, “I think that what Shining wants, Thorax, I don’t mind actually, keep making love with me, Thorax, you make me move on you, with your kindness, charm and encouragement.” She admitted to him. Thorax bit Cadence while thrusting, Cadence moaned more with passion as they felt their intimacy between them. “Thorax, I want you to make me yours forever and take me as your wife,” Cadence requested, “Oh My Gosh, Seriously, Yes, I would love that,” Thorax remarked as he cummed inside of her. “Thank you, Shining Armor,” Both of them praised.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
Hell Hath no Mercy
As Perfect Hatred's vision has been completed a new player has entered and It just may be the ace the survivors needed.
<p>As Perfect Hatred's vision has been completed a new player has entered and It just may be the ace the survivors needed.</p>
As the Human took a walked towards Ponyvile he was unknowingly being stalked by three pony's covered by various trees and greenery. "Should we strike it down now?" A white Unicorn asked "No our orders are to watch and observe" Responded a Thestrial "Oh Come on we should kill it before it empowers Hatred's army even more!" shout whispered a Orange Pegasus "And that is the reasons we are just observing instead of making a rash decision lest you forget the whole reason Hatred has come to power." replied the Thestrial with barely contained malice. With the lack of a response from the Orange one the three began to watch the Human enter Ponyvile. Gregory's POV As I walked into the clearing I saw the town of Ponyvile but it looked ransacked and ever more importantly abandoned. "Hello anyone here" I called out to the ghost town looking at how there appeared to be pockmarks that dotted the land and black stain marks that looked frighteningly like blood splatter. it was until I passed a long, weathered, trenchlike crater that I heard a noise rang out. I was confused at the sound because it was a metallic whirring sound that did not belong in a place like equestria and was coming from behind a building. I stood still as soon as I saw that the thing making that sound was a Arachnotron from Doom. I continued to stay there as I saw that it had finally had noticed me in its gaze. It inspected me for about five seconds before it hissed at me and started to charge its main weapon in which I ran. I felt a blast from behind me as I tried to find some shelter. I booked it towards the building that was the least destroyed and jumped through a empty space where a window would have been. I continued to sprint through the desecrated house as I heard the Arachnotron burst through the walls like they weren't even there. I ran out of the building and as soon as the demon passed through the building I heard it power up it's cannon again, I prepared my self mentally for the burst of air and heat but it never came as instead I heard the sound of glass shattering. I took a chance to turn around and saw that the monster was now on fire with a Orange Pegasus that looked similar and a midnight blue Thestrial. The Thestrial soon flew up to me. "Follow me you want to live!" She said and I did what was asked. We ran away from the town and back towards the Everfree where a white Unicorn with a red cross waited for us. The Unicorn then cast a spell and nodded her head at which we continued to go deeper into the forest. We kept our pace even as the Pegasus rejoined our group. The journey continued like this until we got to a seemingly random place at which the Thestrial stomped her hoof in a rhythmic fashion and waited until the ground suddenly popped open. We then traveled into a cramped tunnel system. It was then I decided to finally speak. "Uh hey thanks for saving me." I said to the group and got no response from so I decided that they didn't want to speak right now and I began thinking on what has happened so far. Luna's POV I walked in the hallway that led to Celestia's room with my head in the clouds. I Ran through multiple scenarios on how I could of stopped Hatred's vicious war upon Ponykind. Maybe I could visited him in his dreams or even better done it in person, maybe I could have joined my sister in fighting the Monster in what was once Jason, or I could have even told her that the reason Jason gained these new powers was because of my Nightmare But I didn't get to go down that oh so familiar rabbit hole of self hatred as I walked up to a pure white door with a symbol of the sun that marked Celestia's bedroom. "Tia can I come in" I said as I knocked on the door. "mmm" came the half hearted reply from the room. I assumed that meant come in so I opened the door and saw my sister doing her daily routine of staring at the roof. If the fact that Perfect Hatred was my fault made weep in guilt then Celestia made my tears look like a small leak in a thousand hoof tall dam. At first she would lie there and cry but her tears had dried up years ago and now all she had was an empty look in her eyes that tore at my heart every time I dared glance at them. "I have reports from the door guards that the anomaly we felt was indeed a Human and that he is not aligned with ....his agenda." I said and noticed how her eyes a a brief but oh so reassuring spark that gave me hope for the future. "But I am debating with my self on what to do when the Human arrives and wanted to know your opinion." "Have the Penitent One assess him." my sister said and with a nod I left to her to ruminate on herself. Gregory's POV We continued in silence until we arrived at what looks like a turn at which the Thestrial once again rhythmically pounded her hoof on the wall, in which like before the door opened but this time it opened a much more spacious gathering hall that had another wall at the end and another hallway that split off to right and led to a big set of steel doors. As we made our through the door I saw for the first time a general populace. The town that we had walked into was made up of tents as far as the eye can see, which surrounded a two story building made into the rock. I didn't know what I expected when I walked into the impromptu refugee camp but it was not looks of rage from every pony I saw. I was afraid that some would act out on that feeling as we walked but alas it seems that the group that had saved me was doing so once again for once the anypony's eyes fell on the entourage their looked away and grumbled. that continued until we got to the two story building. The doors opened to a busy library but all sound stopped once we entered the building. I had expected to see those hate filled glares again and while those still existed I could see a couple of faces that were full of regret and shame. We walked past them and up a flight of stair and at the end the stair I saw Twilight for the first time. I gasped as I saw that she wore a white porcelain mask and that right above her eyes was a bloodied cross. "What happened to you?!" I blurted out before I could stop myself and Twilight looked at me. In her I eyes I could not see the hatred or even the rare bouts of shame but instead I saw a deep sadness. "Let me tell you a story. it begins with a simple action as most story's go but one that has doomed the entire Pony race. A Unicorn mare that in a rejection of everything she was taught rejected a person that was only looking for friendship and thought nothing more of it." Twilight closed her eyes and continued on. "but the town seeing this thought the person was monster and in turn treated it with hatred when all he wanted was someone to lend a hoof." she turned back to stare at me and started up again. "And so as any creature when faced with overwhelming hatred he broke and tried to end his life, But whether by divine providence or by karma he was taken before he commit the act. A week pasted and the same creature wearing a set of armor bathed in white and gold. The pony who was once a Unicorn, but now a Alicorn and her friends gathered to stop this threat. That threat with all the Hatred that it had gathered had turned that hate unto its original sources. The One who tortured the being with cold Lightning had been stabbed and tossed away like the villain she was, the one who had led him in with false promises only to strike him down and witnessed the would be final moments of the person had her deceitful hoofs broken, and the one who had created the angel of vengeance was dragged across the land and given a monument to her heretical denial of all she believed in." I stood there shocked as I tried to process what she had said but she was not finished yet. "But the two rulers of the land had came because they were called by the Heretic but they were too late as the being fled. But while the three that had been torn down lay bleeding the one who broke her vow of kindness ran along with the spirit of chaos from the anger of the Celestials. The one that represented went to chase the specter of Hatred while the one the held dominion carried the three to the hospital, but the being was clever and had tricked the Sun into showing him the gate to hell and he gladly took the opportunity and so he remained for a year. She stopped and got up to approach me. "During the year Heretical Generosity and the torturer Loyalty became devout in her hatred of the being and so learned nothing. The Liar and witness of fruits bourn rejected all of her once friends and for once told the truth to all who could hear and once the liar was recovered cut her mark for she realized she had committed a sin against the very thing she stood for. The Heretic Alicorn was set to follow the example of The torturer and the so called Generosity and relish in the heresy of it all, but the truth of The Liar opened the doors in which the Sun had blown it wide open to the horrendous truth. So the heretic had spent the rest of the year in exile to learn reflect on the truth but the angel was not gone. She walked closer to me but when she got half way there she sat back down and hung her head. "The angel had spent all that time gathering forces from hell and on the exact day he tried to complete his promise that he had made on the day he tricked Sun .... and he succeeded but while he rode on a storm of justice that was rightly earned I realized that it did not just target those guilty but those who are innocent of our crime, so I decided then and there that to repent for my sins of heresy I must lead the ponies and create a new world free from the hate of the previous and in that promise I realized I must abandon the name Twilight Sparkle for she was injured on the day she closed the door and was finally slain when he began his revenge. From that day onward I would be known as the Penitent One. So you ask what happened to I say that the storm of Perfect Hatred is what happened to me, but my question onto you is will you help us?" she finally asked as I stood there processing all she had told me. I knew from the moment i saw the demon what my answer would be but this speech just solidified my determination to do the right thing. "How can I help?" I asked taking a half step forward. "Well we will need need the tree of harmony to make sure your intentions are good." she said as she walked the rest of the way to me and outstretched her hoof in which I gladly took and shook. "But I am certain that together we can end this cycle of--VIOLENCE
Swift Comet
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Adventures of the Sun Prince (Season One)
Join Helios Dawn in his adventures across Equestria.
<p>Helios Dawn, son of Princess Celestia, always had a sense of adventure and thrill seeking in his veins. His longing for adventure is finally answered when he and his older surrogate sister and younger adoptive brother Spike are called by Celestia to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. This finally proves to awaken Helios’s drive he longed for, and with his family and newfound friends he will fulfill his longing desires.</p>
The silence of the night is broken by the wailing of a mare in labour. Princess Celestia, the main monarch of Equestria is laying in a hospital bed covered in sweat, breathing heavily and wracked with bodily pain. She has recently entered labour. Doctors and nurses stay by her side and help as much as they can with the delivery of the baby. “Push your majesty! Push! The foal is almost out!” encouraged one of the nurses. “It’s almost done, just one more mighty push and the baby is delivered. C’mon Princess, you are so close.” said another nurse. Celestia inhales another deep breath and pushes with all her might, her body straining from the stress of giving birth. Her efforts finally pay off when the room is filled with the cries of a newborn foal. Celestia breaths heavily from exhaustion and lies back down on the hospital bed, tired but satisfied and happy at the successful birth. The lead doctor of the operation, Herbal Remedy cleans the newborn of amniotic fluid and hands them to Celestia. “Here you are your majesty. He’s absolutely gorgeous.” Celestia gladly took her newborn foal in her arms and smiled with joy upon seeing him for the first time. He has a pure white coat, a mane and tail coloured red and yellow and has sky blue eyes. On his head is a horn and on his back are a pair of wings, making the colt an alicorn like his mother. “Hello there little one. Welcome to Equestria.” cooed Celestia as she gently strokes the mane of her son while slightly tearing up herself. Her newborn yawned and snuggles up against her chest for warmth. Herbal Remedy walks up next to his sovereign and smiles at he heartwarming scene. He clears his throat to address Celestia. “Your majesty, I’d like to say that your son is very healthy and has no negative conditions, so you both are free to depart for tomorrow. We’ll do a few basic checkups on him the next morning before you leave.” Celestia nods as she looks up at him. “Thank you Herbal Remedy. I thank you and all your staff for helping me in the delivery process. You have my gratitude.” Herbal Remedy and the rest of the team who helped with the delivery bow their heads in respect to their monarch for her praise. “There’s no need to thank us your majesty. We ensured the birth of your son would be safe and quick, and it’s the least we could do for you.” One nurse butts in to ask, “What do you plan on naming your son your majesty?” Celestia looks down at her newborn who was fast asleep in her arms. He looked so innocent and peaceful while sleeping. He is her pride. Her joy. Her little sun ray. Her little Helios. Celestia decided that will be her son’s name. “I will call him Helios Dawn.” The nurses murmured to each other excitedly. That is certainly a fitting name for the new prince, because he shines as bright as the sun’s morning rays. Herbal Remedy nods in agreement with the name. “A wonderful name for him. Helios will surely do you proud in the future.” “He will. I know he will do many great things and will one day lead Equestria to success.” says Celestia with pride. Herbal Remedy nodded in agreement before deciding to usher the medical team out of the room to give their princess and her newborn some space and rest. Once they are gone Celestia lovingly hugs her sleeping son close to her heart and begins to close her eyes, the earlier labour process having taken its physical toll on her. As she nears sleep Celestia thinks about one last thing before entering her slumber. ‘If only your father were here now. He would be so proud and overjoyed at the sight of you Helios. Aether. Wherever you are I hope you are hearing my voice, because I know our son will do Equestria proud one day, and you too as well.’
Swift Comet
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Adventures of the Sun Prince (Season One)
Join Helios Dawn in his adventures across Equestria.
<p>Helios Dawn, son of Princess Celestia, always had a sense of adventure and thrill seeking in his veins. His longing for adventure is finally answered when he and his older surrogate sister and younger adoptive brother Spike are called by Celestia to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. This finally proves to awaken Helios’s drive he longed for, and with his family and newfound friends he will fulfill his longing desires.</p>
Helios Dawn is currently laying down on the floor and reading a book on Everfree wildlife in the library study of one of Canterlot Castle’s many towers. The young sun prince is now 10 years old. His mane and tail were sleek and wavy, his white coat glistened in the sunlight, his well-kept horn is polished cleanly, his sky blue eyes shine with prominence and his wings were strong and healthy, perfect for flying. Adorning his flanks is his cutie mark, a golden compass with four outward pointing sun rays facing north, south, east and west. Walking past Helios is his surrogate brother, Spike the Dragon. Spike is a baby dragon with purple scales, green spines, two claws and lime coloured eyes. He was born a few years ago during part of a entrance exam/freak magic accident that saw the baby dragon hatched from an egg and a magic surge saw him suddenly grow to titanic size before being shrunk back down, curtesy of Helios’s mother Princess Celestia. Helios looks up from his study book to address Spike. “Hey Spike, where you going?” Spike, who is carrying a red present wrapped in gold ribbons in his claws, answers Helios. “Oh I’m going to Moon Dancer’s party today, and I’m planning on giving her this present.” Though as soon as Spike got to the door it is suddenly swung open with force, sending Spike and his present crashing to the ground. Helios winces at the sudden door slam and Spike’s subsequent meeting with the floor. “Spike! Spi-ike! Spike?” asks the pony who knocked the door open. In enters Twilight Sparkle, magical protégé of Princess Celestia and Helios Dawn’s surrogate older sister. Twilight is a lavender coloured unicorn with a purple mane and tail with a pink streak running through both of them and violet eyes. Her cutie mark is a six pointed purple star surrounded by five smaller white stars. She looks around before spotting Spike lying on the floor, dazed and with a ruined present knotted into his tail. “Ah there you are. Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies. What's that for?” asks Twilight as her eyes land on the ruined present. Spike explains it is a gift for Moon Dancer, but Twilight rebukes his offer to join the party in search for something else of importance. Helios stands up from his spot and walks over to Twilight. “Hi Twilight, how are you doing?” Twilight looks over her shoulder and smiles as she sees her younger brother. “Hello Helios. Sorry for barging in unannounced, I’m currently busy trying to find something related to Nightmare Moon.” Helios raises a skeptical eyebrow when Twilight mentions Nightmare Moon. “Nightmare Moon? Don’t you realise that is just an old pony’s tale made up to scare foals into behaving themselves?” “No Helios, this is something more than an old pony’s tale I’m afraid. It’s a danger that concerns all of Equestria as a whole. It is paramount that I know what relates to her”, said Twilight as she anxiously paces around the library. Spike finds what Twilight was looking for and Twilight grabs it out of his claw using her magic, causing the purple dragon to accidentally fall of the ladder he was standing on and Helios to grimace again. While Helios helps Spike up Twilight reads the Predictions and Prophecies book about the legend of the Mare in the Moon. It is said that she wanted to rule Equestria with eternal night a millennium ago before being banished to the Moon. But now with summer solstice soon approaching and the subsequent Summer Sun Celebration too it means Nightmare Moon will also return with the aid of the stars in escaping her imprisonment. Twilight gasps in disbelief before looking at her two younger brothers. “Spike! Helios! Do you both know what this means?” Both Helios and Spike shake their heads in unison. “No.” “Not a clue Twilight.” “It means we must inform Princess Celestia of this matter urgently. Please take a note, Spike.” Spike takes out a piece of paper and quill and starts writing down what Twilight says. “My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!” explains Twilight. “Preci… Preci…” struggles Spike to get the word spelling right. Twilight shakes her head and replaces it with another word, threshold, but Spike also doesn’t know the spelling to that one too. Helios rolls his eyes before grabbing the paper and quill out of his brother’s claws and helps with writing the correct word down and handing the items back to him. Twilight slightly giggles at Helios helping Spike with grammar correction before getting serious again. “For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike finishes the final words before rolling up the letter, tying it with red ribbon and blowing magical green fire onto it. This changes the letter into a cloud of wispy green smoke and it flies out the window and heads towards Princess Celestia. While Twilight waits for a reply from her mentor Helios Dawn takes the chance to talk with his sister. “Twilight, don’t you think you are being paranoid?” “Paranoid? Helios, don’t you realise just how serious this is?! I’m talking about the safety of the entire kingdom at stake here from the return of a maniacal madmare who wants to cloud Equestria in eternal darkness.” explains Twilight, slightly aghast at Helios’s sudden accusation. “But Twilight, even if you believe in this sort of thing do you think anypony else would believe your words as well?” questions Helios. Twilight is taken aback by that question. “No but…”, Twilight sighs, “Look Helios, this isn’t something to scoff at. If Nightmare Moon truly is returning not only will the entire kingdom be in danger but so will you and your mother be as well. I can’t afford to let you be in harm’s way. Celestia promised me that I would protect you.” Twilight gently strokes Helios’ mane as the latter’s ears droop in shame. Twilight was promised to by Princess Celestia that she would look after her son while she is busy with her royal duties and that she treats him like a brother. “I’m sorry Twilight. I just don’t like seeing you so worked up.” says an apologetic Helios. Twilight gives a comforting smile and pulls Helios into a gentle hug. “It’s alright Helios, I’m not mad. Just safety conscious for your well-being. Besides, my world is nothing without my little bro.” Twilight playfully boops Helios’s nose, causing the both them to giggle at the gesture. Twilight chuckles as well. The moment of bonding is broken by the sound of someone belching. Helios and Twilight look to the side and Spike holding a letter that was by Princess Celestia. “Aha. I knew Princess Celestia would want to take immediate action.” says Twilight as she takes the letter with her magic and opens up to read. But when Twilight reads the contents she is flabbergasted. Celestia replies in the letter she should stop ‘reading those dusty old books’ and live a little. The letter further explains that Twilight should take Spike and Helios with her and travel to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, and most of all that Twilight should ‘make some friends’. Helios ponders on the contents of the letter while Twilight is busy panicking. What could his mother be planning if she wants him to tag along with his adoptive brother and sister to Ponyville. He has never really questioned her judgment and wisdom so he decides to ride along with the plan and see what entails for the foreseeable future. Overall this trip to Ponyville is causing excitement for him as it stirs his love for adventure that he yearned for so long. Helios can’t wait to see where the path of fate takes him and his family. An hour later the trio find themselves being hauled to Ponyville on a flying chariot dragged by two of the royal guards from Canterlot. Helios smiled giddily as he watches the landscape pass beneath him. He’s never been outside of of Canterlot before so this is a completely new experience for him. The chariot lands in the centre of Ponyville, a dainty and quaint little town a few kilometres south of the Equestrian capital. Helios, Twilight and Spike hop off the chariot, thank the two guards and decide to explore around. Twilight and Spike were discussing the earlier letter and how Twilight is still mixed on Celestia’s decision to make friends. While his siblings bickered Helios spots the first pony of this town approaching them. She has a light pink coat, a poofy dark pink mane and tail and light blue eyes. Her cutie mark is a trio of balloons, two blue and one yellow. “Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about. Come on, Twilight, just try!” says Spike as he encourages Twilight to engage in conversation with the stranger in front of them. Twilight hesitantly speaks up to greet the pink pony in front of them. “Uh... hello?” The mare in front them just does a dramatically prolonged gasp when spoken to before speeding off, much to the surprise and utter confusion of the three siblings. “Huh? That was weird.” says a bewildered Helios. “You could say that again little bro.” agreed Twilight as she is in the same boat as him. Helios sighs, knowing that this is going to one interesting day that’s for sure, but at least his enthusiasm outweighs his curiosity. “So where are we off to now?” asks the sun prince. Spike takes out both a map of Ponyville and a checklist. “Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres.” The three headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Helios could see why it’s aptly named so. Apple trees dotted the perimeter as far as the eye could see. Standing on a hill is large red barn and standing to the right of it is a medium-sized farm house. As the trio entered the vicinity they are startled by the sound of somepony gleefully hollering. Twilight, Helios and Spike look to their left and see an orange coloured earth pony wearing a stetson bucking apple trees, which in turn causes the fruit to fall down into baskets waiting at the base of the trees. She also has a blonde mane and tail and green eyes. Her cutie mark is a trio of apples. Twilight sighs as she approaches the mare with the stetson. “Let's get this over with... Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle—” Twilight is abruptly cut off when the mare grabs her hoof and shakes her so hard that Helios thought his sister’s arm would fall off. “Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!” excitedly greets the mare named Applejack, who spoke with a southern drawl in her voice. “Friends? Actually, I—“ Twilight hesitates before being cut off again. “So, what can I do you for?” asks Applejack. Spike and Helios snicker at Twilight’s awkward attempts at initiating a proper conversation. Twilight slightly glares at the two before turning her attention back to Applejack and clearing her throat. “Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?” “We sure as sugar are! Would you care to sample some?” asks Applejack, wanting to offer her hospitality to Twilight. “As long as it doesn't take too long...” Twilight reluctantly says. Applejack bangs a ladle loudly against a pot, and this draws in a massive conglomerate of ponies to the area where Twilight, Helios and Spike are. Applejack proceeds to introduce the trio to her massive family, each one having an apple related name. “Woah, that sure is one large family.” says Helios, both impressed and surprised at the sheer size of Applejack’s family tree. “Sure is sugarcube, we Apples have family in all parts of Equestria.” Applejack proudly says while lightly ruffling Helios’s mane, much to his amusement. Twilight tries to ask if she could leave but instead has her mouth stuffed with a confectionery. Twilight again insists on leaving but a young filly with a butter yellow coat and red mane and tail and wearing a pink bow in her hair asks her if she will stay for brunch, pleading with innocent eyes. The purple unicorn tries to dismiss the invitation but the disappointment in the Apple family’s voices is enough to reluctantly convince her to stay. What follows is Twilight being force fed a bunch of tasty apple treats, much to her insistence that she isn’t hungry. While that is going on Helios sits on an opposite table nibbling on a delicious apple fritter. “Mmmm~. Wow! If I didn’t know any better I’d say this one of the best things I have ever eaten.” “Well ahm glad ya’ like our food.” Helios is startled by the sudden voice next to him. He looks right and sees the filly from earlier who pleaded for Twilight to stay. “Oh goodness! Don’t startle me like that.” exclaims Helios as he holds a hoof to his chest. “Oh sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” says the filly while softly giggling at Helios’s reaction. “So what’s yer’ name? Mine’s Apple Bloom.” she reveals. “Helios Dawn. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” he excitedly says as he shakes Apple Bloom’s hoof. Apple Bloom then looks up and sees the horn on Helios’s head. She also notices the wings on his back and the realisation hits her. “Wait. Are you an alicorn?” asks Apple Bloom with surprise. “Oh me? Yeah I am.” Helios says proudly as he opens his wings. “Ah thought the only alicorn to exist in Equestria was Princess Celestia herself.” says the young apple farmer, not able to believe there is a second alicorn right in front of her. Helios is a bit surprised since he thought he is well known throughout Canterlot as the Prince Heir, but it looks like not all of Equestria knows about him or his lineage. He decides to keep his profile hidden for now. “I guess that makes me unique.” “Uh huh. I’d never ah would meet an alicorn up close, much less one the same age as me.” says Apple Bloom. She thinks for a moment before getting an idea. “Say, would ya be interested in meeting my friends later on? Their name’s are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” Helios’ ears perk up at the mention of meeting more friends his age. He smiles and nods at Apple Bloom. “Sure, I’d love to meet your friends sometime soon.” “Great!” exclaimed Apple Bloom as she hugs Helios, much to the sun prince’s surprise, but he reciprocates the gesture. Helios is snapped out of the moment when Twilight calls out to him, though her voice is a bit strained. “Helios, c’mon. We gotta go.” “Oh! My sister is calling me. Listen, I’d love to stay and chat but we’ve got more important things to do at the moment.” “Sure Helios. I’ll see ya at the Summer Sun Celebration.” Apple Bloom says as she lets go of the hug. Helios hops off and gallops to Twilight and Spike’s side. The purple unicorn was bloated after the stuffing she received from brunch banquet. “Okay you two let’s go.” Twilight says as she waddles out of the orchard. Helios looks back and waves to Apple Bloom as he leaves. Apple Bloom waves back while watching the trio disappear over the horizon. The rest of the day was spent with the three siblings checking out the rest the preparation list and meeting three other ponies during the procedure. Thie first was a speedy pegasus named Rainbow Dash. She has a baby blue coat, magenta eyes and ironically a rainbow-coloured mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a red-yellow-and-blue tricoloured lightning bolt shooting out of a cloud. The trio first met her when she accidentally crashed into Twilight and both sprawling into a mud puddle. Rainbow attempted to clean and dry the purple unicorn’s mane, but it resulted in a ridiculous looking mane style. So ridiculous that Rainbow, Helios and Spike broke into hysterics. Rainbow Dash explained that she was in charge of keeping the sky clear for the celebration and that she will show off to the Wonderbolts, an elite team of stunt flyers during the event. Twilight mockingly challenged that they wouldn’t accept Rainbow for her sloppiness, only for the pegasus to disprove Twilight’s claim by clearing the sky in ‘ten seconds flat’. The second pony they met was a unicorn named Rarity. She has a marble coat, indigo eyes and a purple coloured mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a trio of diamonds. The three siblings first met her at the Town Hall where she was busy decorating the interior. Spike instantly developed a crush when he laid eyes on her, much to Helios and Twilight’s amusement. When they first introduced themselves to Rarity she freaked out when her eyes landed on Twilight’s messed up mane. Rarity would drag the reluctant unicorn to her boutique and fix up the aforementioned messy hairdo, and also fit various outfits on Twilight. Twilight explains that she is from Canterlot, and Rarity exclaimed with delight that she wishes she could live in Canterlot and experience all the grandiose the capital had to offer. Rarity’s ultimate dream is meeting Princess Celestia’s distant nephew Prince Blueblood and eventually marrying him. Helios silently thought that would be a bad idea given his experiences with his cousin’s awful attitude and lack of respect. The trio eventually filed out of the boutique while Rarity was distracted. The third pony they met is another pegasus named Fluttershy. She has a butter-yellow coat, jasmine-coloured eyes and a light pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a trio of pink butterflies. The three met her while she was busy helping a flock of birds practice a choir for the celebration, but Twilight’s first hand impression startled Fluttershy and scared her birds away. She was very timid when Helios noticed her apprehensive responses. Just when the group was about to leave Fluttershy immediately spotted Spike and her demeanour changed drastically, as she had never seen a baby dragon up close before. The sibling trio plus Fluttershy trudged on until they reached the Golden Oaks Library, a hollowed out tree that served as the town’s main library. It was currently sunset and Twilight wanted to get away from everything happening around her, so she made the excuse that it was past Spike’s bedtime and dragged both him and Helios inside the dark library. Just when Twilight and her siblings thought there would be some calm life had to throw another curveball in the form of surprise party with all the townsfolk inside the library as soon as the lights were turned on. Turns out the pony who organised it was the pink mare the trio met earlier in the early afternoon. Her name is Pinkie Pie and she really had loads of energy in her system. She was busy rambling about how she was surprised to see Twilight since she is new around Ponyville and set up this party to welcome her. Twilight attempted to drown out the noise by pouring herself a drink, all the while the ponies she met earlier today gathered behind her. Though turns out the drink Twilight was swallowing was not juice but actually hot sauce. Twilight’s entire mouth burned up from the intense heat of the sauce and she raced up the library stares to a private dorm so nopony would see the unfolding embarrassment on her face from drinking the condiment. But throughout the whole day Helios got gradually concerned with his sister’s wellbeing. All this pressure on her to prevent Nightmare Moon’s return and reluctancy to make friends was taking its toll on Twilight. While the party was busy raging downstairs Spike and Helios went up to the bedroom where Twilight was laying in, opening the door and seeing her completely miffed from today’s events. “Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting "pin the tail on the pony"! Wanna play?” asks Spike in an effort to get Twilight to come downstairs and have fun. “No! All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!” yells Twilight, absolutely frustrated and not in the mood for games. “It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun! You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!” Spike says enthusiastically as he returns back downstairs. Twilight mockingly imitates Spike’s voice, just to show her pure indignation at the current development that is going on. Helios, ever the voice of reason carefully walks up to the bed and hops on. “Sis? Are you alright?” Twilight looks up at her little brother and her expression falters to one of defeat. “No Helios, I’m not. I just don’t understand why your mother decided to send me on a fool’s errand. How can making friends exactly help with me having to stop Nightmare Moon once she returns? I came her to learn about the Elements of Harmony, but so far all this friend-making has kept me from it.” “Twilight, I think you are being unfair to yourself.” says Helios as he attempts to console her. “So far the ponies around town have all been really nice and not once have they not shown any regret for showing us their hospitality. You should try giving their friendship a chance. Heck, I made a new friend today with Applejack’s younger sister Apple Bloom.” Twilight ears slightly perked up at that. Helios has always been known for being a friendly and outgoing colt, even though he is basically royalty. But for him to make friends with a filly about his age without them acknowledging his princely status is a surprise since most Canterlot ponies would have recognised him. Maybe there is more to life than just reading old tomes and scroll Twilight lies down on her side to face the window. “I don’t know Helios. I am so worried that I don’t know if I want to make friends.” Twilight looks up at the moon shining through the window and quotes from the earlier Predictions and Prophecies book she read during the morning. “"Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night." I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old pony tale...” says Twilight as anxiety creeps over her face. Helios ponders for moment before adopting a sly smile on his face. He places both his hooves on Twilight’s belly, much to her confusion. “Helios, what are you—“ Twilight is suddenly cut off when Helios starts to tickle her abdomen. This causes Twilight to laugh out loud because she is very ticklish down there. “Hahahaha! Helios! No! Cut it out! HELIOS!” roared Twilight with laughter as the sun prince doesn’t relent from his tickle attack, him laughing in tandem with Twilight as he cheers her up. The tickling and laughter goes on for approximately 5 minutes until the little alicorn ceases to let Twilight breath. Twilight is still giggling while playfully glaring at Helios. “You little rascal. Come here!” Twilight grabs her little brother and gives him a noogie on the mane, the two siblings laughing with delight as they have fun. “Does that feel better Twilight?” asks Helios as he looks into Twilight’s gleaming eyes. “Hehehe. Sure it made me better, thank you Helios.” says Twilight as she hugs Helios close to her chest. The two siblings lie down to catch their breath. Helios takes the the chance to ask the purple unicorn a question. “Twilight?” “Yes Helios?” asks the unicorn. “We’ll always have each other’s back’s, right?” Twilight thinks on that question for a moment before answering, “Yes, we’ll always have each other’s backs. Besides, what is life without my little brother.” “And what is life without my big sister.” agrees Helios as he snuggles up against Twilight’s side. The moment of bonding is interrupted when Spike open up the door again. “C’mon you two, the Summer Sun Celebration’s about to start soon, we’re gonna miss the sunrise.” Helios and Twilight sigh before getting up, not wanting to be left out from the event that will happen soon. Twilight, Spike and Helios arrived at the Town Hall where the sunrise will commence in a few minutes. The trio of siblings stand in the middle of the hall to get a good view of the balcony on top. Pinkie stands behind them and babbles on on how excited she is for the grand reveal. Twilight’s mind however is more concerned with something else and looks up through the glass canopy. Helios notices this and mirrors what Twilight is doing and looks up at the moon. Helios sees four stars interlock with the moon and the shadowy patch on the celestial body suddenly disappears. ‘Something about this does not feel right.’ thought Helios as his gut is telling him to stand vigilant. The guards sound the fanfare and the mayor of town stands on the podium to address the citizens. “Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” Ponies cheer as the ceremony is soon to begin. The mayor continues, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...” “Ready?” quietly says Fluttershy to the birds to begin the choir. “Princess Celestia!” The curtains open, but much to everypony’s shock she isn’t there. Helios is dumbfounded. Where is his mother when she is supposed to be attending the most important event of her life? Twilight echoes the same sentiments next to him. “This can't be good.” “T-Twilight… where is my mother?” asks a concerned and scared sun prince. Twilight attempts to calm her little brother down. “I don’t know Helios. Stay close to me.” There is panic amongst the crowd because they don’t where their beloved princess is. Things go from bad to horribly worse when a dark blue miasma suddenly seeps into the building and coalesces on the balcony. A deep, sinisterly female voice permeates from the smoke, one that’s sends chills up everypony’s spines, including Helios. “Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.” Emerging from the smoke is a black alicorn with a flowing dark blue mane and tail covered with stars. She has a sharp black horn, draconic-like wings, blue sclera and wears armoured regalia. Her cutie mark is blue crescent moon. The mysterious dark alicorn’s presence alone was enough to instil fear in all the ponies present in the hall. “What did you do with our Princess?!” Rainbow Dash, ever the defiant daredevil tries to attack Nightmare Moon but is held back by Applejack grabbing onto her tail with her teeth. Nightmare Moon darkly chuckles at the everypony’s cluelessness. “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” Pinkie Pie thinks this entails more guessing games and tries to figure out Nightmare Moon’s name but fails. Applejack stuffs the pink party pony’s mouth with her hoof to keep her quiet. Nightmare Moon isn’t amused and continues spurring on her questions. “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” Twilight finally musters the courage to address Nightmare Moon. “I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!” This startling revelation causes all ponies to gasp in horror. They didn’t know the legends of Nightmare Moon were true! Nightmare Moon however revels that somepony finally remembers who she is. “Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.” Twilight and Helios dread what she is about to say. “You're here to... to...”, Twilight couldn’t finish her statement and Nightmare Moon evily laughs, declaring that the night will last an eternity. Helios is paralysed in fear to the spot under Twilight’s body. Here stands Nightmare Moon, the old foe of his mother, who now, wants to rule Equestria through permanent darkness. He doesn’t know whether to run away and hide or stay and find out what will happen. All he knows is that he, along with Twilight will have to find a way to stop Nightmare Moon and find his missing mother. What Helios doesn’t know is that this is more than just a random coincidence, this is part of a larger event set in motion, and he has a role to play in it. This… is merely the beginning.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
So, there are some experiences I wish I could tell people without looking like a crazy person. I am only writing this now, because… It’s been about four weeks since I could write in a journal or diary of some sort. The problem that I am currently experiencing is… I’m a horse. I’m a horse, or rather, a pony. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but I am a horse-pony thing. I sorta… woke up in a crater one day, injured and aching all over, and woke up again in a hospital room. From there, I was met with another horse… wearing a nurse hat. I’ll do my best to write out how that interaction went. “What the fuck!” I yelled. “He’s awake!” The nurse pony gasped. “You can fucking talk!?” I yelled again, before rolling out of my bed and scampering away from the thing in front of me. “Of course I can talk-” I didn’t care, I managed to work out how to move my legs. There were four of those now, I just noticed, and broke off into a gallop towards the door. You see, in my state of panic, I forgot that I had no arms, or hands, to open the door with. So I ran face first into the door and got knocked out again. So that was my first interaction with one of the many ‘people’ in this world. You see, unlike Earth, I am on a planet called Equus which has the same geography of Earth, just everything is named differently and the sea levels are different, so places like Florida are just gone. There’s also less ice in the world, so Greenland was melted into three different islands. It was kinda neat, seeing the world in this way. The poles were still frozen, so there was still ice, and Antarctica was still the frozen hell hole that it is on Earth. So, I’m living on an alien planet, which is really just Earth in another universe apparently. Humans don’t exist, so ponies, logically, took over the world instead, becoming sentient, sapient, and built civilization. The country they built up was named Equestria, and was roughly where the U.S.A was on Equus, but only took up the eastern and midwest part of the country. The western were labeled the Badlands, and it was basically uninhabitable. It was just a giant desert. Up north of Equestria was Griffonia, because Griffins are a thing on Equus. Cuba was the land of the Minotaurs, dunno the name for it, as they don’t really have one. Speaking of Equestria, after I managed to thoroughly scare the shit out of my nurse, and knock myself out, I later learnt that I was being kept inside of a castle’s infirmary, because a pony showing up in a crater, in the middle of town where a strong residue of magic was a thing, would concern the rulers of Equestria. Where was I found? Ponyville. Apparently a magical mishap happened, and I became a unicorn. Anyways, I learnt that Equestria was ruled by a single pony, her name was Celestia. She stopped by to check in on me after I woke up again after I knocked myself out. Here’s how that went. “Uh…” This pony was tall. Like really tall. She wore a golden crown on her head, had a sun tattoo’d into her butt, and was incredibly tall. At first I thought the door frame was a little too tall given how none of the ponies here were even half the size of said door frame, that was until I saw the door crack open and see a very tall, winged unicorn walk into the room. Even I could tell that by pony standards, she was beautiful. She kept her wings folded, likely in an attempt to seem less intimidating, and she walked to the front of my door, and sat like a cat. “Hello, my little pony,” she greeted “Hi…” “I can tell that… you have a special case.” “Yeah, I was just told by my poor nurse, tell her I’m sorry for scaring her by the way, that I’m in a hospital that’s built into your castle. I’m assuming I’m in this hospital for a reason.” “Well, you were injured, and the crater that I had found you in is rather… interesting. If you have a name, do speak up… just know that we may have to change your name should you want to fit into pony society a bit better.” I raised an eyebrow. “I know you are not of this world. The crater you were in… had no magic in it whatsoever. The soil, that is usually full of magic, was gone. The burns in the crater, every single millimeter of the crater had no magic in it. You yourself do not radiate magic like most do, and you’re a unicorn!” “Huh… Say, what’s with the tattoo on your butt?” “...That’s my cutie mark. Everypony has one.” “What’s that?” “...We are going to have much to discuss.” “Okay. Do you have a name?” “I’m Princess Celestia.” “...Can I call you Sun Butt? That’s easier to remember.” Celestia surprisingly giggled at that. “If you call me that, I suppose it would be better than the usual ‘your highness’ or ‘your majesty’ or the quivering ‘Princess!’. Though I would prefer that you call me by name once you get more acclimated with it in the future.” “Will do, Sun Butt. you’re… surprisingly chill for somepony that’s supposedly the leader of a, apparently, powerful country.” “And you are surprisingly ‘chill’ for somepony that just hopped dimensions.” “Oh, I’m getting over the shock of the fact that I’m no longer a human being. I’ve worked out the initial fear after I ran face first into a door.” I leaned rolled onto my stomach and sat up. I looked at my own butt to look at my cutie mark. It was a bunch of ones and zeros… given that I was trying to code a game before I ended up in Equestria, I can’t complain. That was the one thing I was good at back on Earth. “Huh…” That is an idea for a name at least; it’s what I went by on the forums for the fan game I was co-coding, so I would respond to it just fine. “You can call me Source Code,” I sat up. “I feel like I should try to bow, but I think I’ll fall on my face if I try it. I’m barely able to sit up,” I gestured to myself. “Think nothing of it… However, there are some things I would like to discuss with you. Would you like to join me for a walk? It would help you a bit with a change of scenery, and you can get to practicing in your new body.” “Sure thing, Sunbutt.” “Splendid! Come, I have a personal drawing room that we can go to.” I nodded and hopped off the bed… only to nearly fall on my face. When the ground never came up and gave my huge nose a kiss, I realized I was floating. I was set up on my hooves as Sunbutt. Her horn was lit, and I was surrounded with a golden… aura that felt pleasantly warm. Just like a fire in the fireplace; pleasantly warm but not smoldering hot. “Perhaps you shouldn’t be jumping off of beds; it won’t do you much good.” “Yeah, I suppose it wouldn’t. I prefer not breaking my face; I’m sure you wouldn’t want to break your face either. Nobody wants to break their face.” “That does sound rather unpleasant,” she said with a chuckle. I quickly fell in line at her heels, my head came right up to her rear. I was wobbly, I was barely able to walk, but I was walking. And it felt like we had been walking for hours while we made our way through the castle, up several stairs, and around dozens of corners. During that time, it was full of lighthearted conversation. I had to explain to Celestia what my hobby, and my job was. “So what do you like to do in your free time, Source?” “I work in a crummy fast food place. It kinda sucked, but it paid bills.” “I see. Was that your special talent?” I tilted my head. “Your special talent, it’s in relation to your cutie mark.” “Oh heck no! I hated that job. My boss was a dick, my coworkers were lazy sacks of shit, and the customers were awful. In my free time, I, and a few buddies of mine would… try to code a game. Think of making lines of ones and zeros, commands and whatnot all to make things on a screen happen… Like say ‘make model X run cycle underscore one until X meets destination A’. It’s something I liked to think I was quite good at, and even took schooling for it.” “I see, that sounds like magic. Typically one would use their horn to ‘write’ out, or ‘perform’, the right ‘runes’, and then something happens. You had something similar?” “...No. I never heard of magic until now.” Or believed in it. “Oh. What’s magic like, if I may ask.” Celestia summoned a book… from somewhere with a golden flash of magic. “Look at this,” she turned to a page, and revealed… what looked like an alphabet of some sort. Each symbol didn’t look like a symbol from any language I’ve seen before. However, under each symbol was a letter from the English language. Twenty six characters, twenty six runes. “You make each rune with your horn, which you will learn how to do in time, and what you write out is what happens. For instance, I will spell out ‘light’.” Celestia did just that, and her horn turned into a flashlight of sorts. “For more complex spells, you make sentences for what you want to happen. For instance, if I wanted to make a fireball, I would write out fireball. The more complex spells take more time to perform due to this… And good horn dexterity so you don’t hurt yourself. “There are ways around this, as I’ve seen, but this is the most widespread system for unicorns. Technically every unicorn is capable of three different systems of magic, but the ‘rune system’ is the easiest to learn, even if it is more taxing and slower than the other system. Levitation,” she floated the book away from me. It was in a golden aura that was also surrounding her horn. “That looks like telekinesis.” “That is basically because it is,” Celestia agreed. “Back on topic, levitation uses the second system of magic where you impose your will onto an object. This school is mostly illegal, as it is a gateway to mind control spells, but simple stuff like levitation is perfectly legal; most unicorns cannot live without it, after all.” She kept the book rune levitating after that explanation. I read over the alphabet six or seven times… I want to learn this. This just sounds like coding. “Another branch of is very similar to the first, as it uses runes, but are quite unknown as to which rune means what. It’s still somewhat manageable to learn, but I only know a few hundred ponies that could use this system effectively, and exceed it. I have been alive for thousands of years, Source. There is a fourth ‘system’ of magic, called… Dark Magic, which is completely off limits, though not illegal. It is very addictive and corrupts the user’s mind and soul. It’s more of a ‘use at your own risk’ system. And if anypony gets… too advanced and is too corrupted by this system, I end up putting them down.” “Damn… I might try my hand in each of these systems. Mostly the first and third one. Those seem like something that I could be decent at…” I looked up and down Celestia… she looked jittery. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked. She looked a bit less composed than usual… I think. I did just meet her, after all. “My apologies, Source. I have… found great enjoyment in teaching. It’s one of the few things I find great satisfaction in, even after all my time being alive.” “And you’ve been around since… forever, basically.” “I have.” “...Jesus christ, I cannot imagine how much shit you’ve seen. I… I feel sorry for ya. If I’ve seen half the stuff you’ve been through, I think I would probably go insane. So seeing you being… nice. I gotta give ya props for your resilience, Sunbutt.” Celestia gave me a warm smile as we approached her drawing room. We made ourselves comfy on the couch. For some bizarre reason, Celestia insisted that I lay against the side of her stomach. “So, Source, I must ask, since you brought it up. What are humans?” “Oh, that’s what I was before I came to Equestria. I was… an almost completely hairless, ape. I walked on two feet and covered most of my body with clothes. I’ll be honest, humans eat just about anything. Meat included. We weren’t… exactly dangerous for the most part. If you gave us the time to think, humans could, and would find a way to eventually blow up an entire country though.” “So you’re dangerous?” “I’m… not. You could probably break my neck right now; I can feel how much muscle you’ve got under that coat of yours; you’re a fucking brick. A very nice, plush brick, but a brick. Clob me over the head with a hoof, and my head’s coming off,” I hummed. “Anyone can be dangerous anyways. To what capacity is what you should be worried about. And their willingness to be dangerous. For instance, a guy with a sword is dangerous, but a sword can really only be used to stab somebody. That’s assuming the guy with a sword wants to hurt anyone.” “That is a good point. Are you willing to hurt anyone?” “No. I don’t like the idea of hurting people. I can barely even tolerate the thought of it; I like to think that I’m a relatively peaceful guy. I would much, much rather spend a night coding with my buddies, having a beer, or just relaxing on the couch to some good music than hurt somebody.” “Then I see no problem in you living amongst my ponies, Source Code. I figured you wouldn’t want to, hurt anypony that is, given your… demeanor.” “Hey, you’re being relatively friendly to the weird alien that you found in a hole in the ground. I might as well return it.” “I see,” Celestia hummed. “I have two offers for you, however.” “Hmm?” “I would like to teach you how to use magic.” “Why?” “I love teaching, and it would help you out. I saw how you hungrily stared at those runes…” I flinched. “I have a sharp eye, my little pony. Worry not, you’re just curious and have a hunger for knowledge.” “Well, if I’m gonna learn from anyone, I might as well learn from the immortal princess that’s been around long enough to learn how to be good with magic. Though there’s a second reason.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I can pick up on details too, Sunny. It comes with game testing.” Celestia giggled. “That’s kinda cute, you gotta stop before I get heartburn. “You… think my giggling is cute?” Celestia asked. “Yeah. Why?” “It’s just been forever since anypony considered any one thing about me ‘cute’...” Celestia giggled again, she is getting very close to giving me heartburn. “Well, it would also help my personal student out as well. With somepony to work alongside with, I am willing to bet that she can… come out of her shell a bit more. She’s not the most friendly or outgoing of ponies.” “Mmm… Alrighty. Teach me how to use these runes after you can get me to get this,” I tapped my horn. “To work, then I will try my damn best to catch up.” “Wonderful! I will be giving you a weekly stipend, but I do expect you to find work so it will not be much, just enough for rent and food. Worry not, however, since you are my student, that will be covered. Your classes will be early in the morning, and they will be pretty frequent for the time being; I cannot teach you magic if you never figure out how to use it, can you?” “Good point. I look forward to the lessons with you, Princess Sun Butt.” So that was nearly four weeks ago. At first, mine and Celestia’s other pupil were kept separate. This was because of how far ahead her other student was. Meanwhile, Celestia had to help me catch up on geography, history. She was more than thrilled that I was proficient in reading and English, or Equish as ponies call the King’s Language. It took me about three weeks to get caught up, learn how to produce runes, and use Levitation, and then start learning on the third system, which was actually a mixture of runes and the second magical system, that levitation used, that Celly had described to me. Oh yeah, I’ve been keeping a rather casual relationship with my teacher, since she expressed how nice it was to have somebody that talked to her like a normal pony, so I almost entirely refrain from calling her ‘Princess’ and usually refer to her by name, or by nickname. I still don’t fully know why Celestia wanted me to be her student, despite her reasons given, beyond just being a friend for her other student. Or because she just really wanted to teach an alien how to utilize magic. I have my guesses, but I won’t say anything. Besides, after our usual lessons, we sit down, have tea, and talk about how I’m adjusting to living as a horse in another land. For instance, Sunny told me that the term ‘horse’ is a bit racist. Mustang is rather rude to say to stallions. Tarpan was a big, big no no. Like you shouldn’t say that ever. I never even knew that Tarpan was a word until that moment, but I at least know when I’m saying something bad. She also told me the basics of mares trying to flirt, no, none have tried. I’ve been told that I’m pretty average looking by Sunshine. Meanwhile, she told me none of the ‘signs’ that a stallion is flirting, so I have no clue if I’m flirting with anyone. So then I just don’t talk to anyone out of fear. When she told me these things, I could see the shit eating grin tugging at the corners of her mouth… She is lucky that she’s somewhat adorable when she laughs, or thinks something is funny, or I would be a lot more mad about that. It was great that her laugh was contagious, because I did love joking around a lot, and Celestia seemed all too happy to have a distraction from everyday life. No matter how terrible my jokes are, or how we both know that my jokes suck. And since teaching me and checking in on Twilight, the other student took so long, she took a whole day out of her schedule for teaching us separately, and teaching her normal students. Since that couldn’t work forever, and so she could spend more time with her regular students, mine and Twilight’s tutorage hours were being combined into one. Twilight probably would’ve needed less help than I would anyways. Oh yeah, I’ve been working out how to make a new system of magic to try and make casting easier and more efficient(basically a modified Rune System). However, I still barely have a grasp of most rune-based spells, a horrible grasp on the second system, or the ‘physical spells’, or the ‘hybrid’ system. Those were the names for each system that I gave them. Celestia loved them so much that she tried to make them official. Rune-Based, due to it being the most popular and relying heavily on runes. Want fire? Spell it out with the Runes provided. ‘Physical’ since most spells are actively channeled into an object or place by the user, in my mind at least. change the temperature of a room? Gotta channel magic into the particles. And Hybrid since it was a mixture of the two. Want to teleport? Well, you gotta wanna be somewhere, and then you gotta be able to have the capacity to get to that place, and then you gotta write out ‘teleport’ with the Runes from the first system of magic. There was a miscellaneous category for spells tied to cutie marks. For instance, Sun Butt can raise the sun, but nopony else can. Not without catching fire at least. Some can find gems, specifically because of their talent, so that would fall under that category as well. My own, would be trying to simplify and minimize how many runes you need. Then say, I wanna teleport? Well, I won’t need to focus too much on the runes, I just have to worry about the power needed to teleport… In theory. I can’t test it yet, since I still don’t have a lot of juice, or all the components(such as a better Rune System to work with). This is clearly an unofficial, incomplete system that I’m still trying to make the fundamentals of in my free time. Twilight was proficient in all three of these categories and had the magic capacity to boot. I walked up to Celestia’s private magic study, which was basically a small gym with magic proof walls. There was a little lounge off to the side where we did a majority of the ‘paper’ stuff such as reading. The rest of the room was meant for testing spells until I got the hang of it. Then doing it again until I got quicker and quicker at magic. I took a deep breath and smiled. Celestia was a good teacher, and generally fun to hangout with, so I was happy to see my new, and currently, only friend on Equus. I knocked on the door, before letting myself in. Celestia and a lavender unicorn, with a violet main, that had a pink streak going through it, were loafing on cushions in the lounge section of the section of the ‘magic gym’ as I called the room. There was another, official, name for it, but magic gym made more sense to me. Celestia looked up from her book and smiled. “Good evening, Source, it is good to see you this morning.” “Howdy Sun Butt,” that was her favorite nickname. “How’s the assoholic nobleponies this week?” “WHAT!?” The unicorn, who I’m assuming is Twilight, yelled. “Huh?” I tilted my head. “First, you’re late! Then you call the Princess that?! And you’re using profanities while doing so!” She yells at me. “...Celestia’s been super lax with me, she knows that it takes me a bit to get here, since I live in an apartment closer to the outskirts of Canterlot. Also… Sunny never gets mad at me when I call her that.” “I do quite like the all nicknames you give me, Source; it feels nice to be treated like a normal mare every once in a while. Even if some of the nicknames I’ve received are a bit rude. Such as ‘Sun Butt’.” Celestia said from behind a tea cup she raised to her mouth. “You said that was your favorite nickname!” “It is,” Celestia giggled. “I’m just happy that you still call me that.” “Well, it’s a good nickname!” “That it is… Twilight, this is Source Code, my newest pupil. Source Code, this is my prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle.” “Ah, I’m not number one? We’ve only known each other for a few weeks… and I’m only second best?” We both giggled before I trotted up, did my usual greeting routine of nuzzling her, rubbing up against her, and laying down beside her. I leaned back into the side of her stomach and let a small, contented smile form on my face as Celestia nuzzled the spot between my ears, and “Well… unfortunately, yes. You are second best.” “Ah damn. And here I was hoping to show you my notes! I just simplified the Light spell!” I reached into a saddlebag and pulled out my notebook. “Oh?” Twilight and Celestia said at the same time, eyebrows raised. I flipped open the notebook and showed off runes. I performed them, and boom, my horn’s lit up. You see, a lot of words, such as bright, light, right all had that IGHT. Or a better example: lightING, lightnING, or attackING all had ING. Since Rune Based magic’s runes translated perfectly into the English alphabet, I figured there must be an easier way of producing the three/four letter groupings of runes easier. And there was. Celestia looked over my notes, before performing the runes, and then getting light as well. “Huh…” “I made new runes. Well, a new rune,” I explained. “Runes essentially work via a muscle our horns are attached to, yeah? Simple, tiny little movements. I figured, ‘hey a lot of these spells end in certain spellings’, so I spent the last week coming up with a quicker way of reproducing ALL, IRE, IGHT, and ING. Turns out, there’s a tiny little ‘noise’ made when working the horn muscle. So, I got all horny,” Celestia giggled at that horrible pun. “And made the rune for ‘ight’. It was mostly a matter of combining the movements, or sounds, into one simple movement of the horn muscle. So then I just had to do ‘L’ and then the special rune. I’m still working out the other runes. “Then, while using synonyms, I can make a spell easier to cast with runes.” I did ‘A’ and ‘L’ and ‘IGHT’. My horn lit on fire, before it quickly died out before I could catch on fire. “Boom, fire spell in three runes. Ohoho! This is just like coding and I fucking love it!” I clapped my hooves with glee as Twilight started looking over my notes before quickly doing what I just did. She hummed and her eyes widened. “That… is actually rather brilliant,” Celestia planted a kiss between my ears. “That is absolutely brilliant!” “I only got ‘IGHT’ right now though. Also, because I suck at existing, me doing that ‘IGHT’ rune too much actually gives me a headache. Then again, I get those from just writing with a pen for too long, so that’s not surprising. It probably wasn’t a challenge for you, and it won’t be if you do it too many times.” “Source, this is still revolutionary.” “Oh yeah!” I got up and ran towards the ‘gym’ part of the room. I did ‘L’ ‘IGHT’, ‘W’, ‘E’ and ‘IGHT’ and jumped way higher than usual, before touching the ground, landing on my face. “Ow…” I still don’t know how to stick landings with all four of my hooves. Also, I am horribly unathletic. Twilight and Celestia just sat there. They both looked impressed, and a second away from laughing from my faceplant. Luckily, my version of the ‘weightless’ spell made me actually lighter so the landing didn’t hurt as much. It still wasn’t fun, landing on my nose and all. I got up and started rubbing my head, not because my nose hurt, but because I did my custom rune too many times in a row. Yes, it only took two times in a row to give me a hornache. Headache inside the head, and a headache on the horn… I want to get kicked in the balls. At least that’ll hurt less after a few minutes. This headache and hornache could last an hour at a minimum. Getting kicked in the balls would also at least be a good distraction for having the Big Bertha of headaches. We spent the next few hours studying and I learnt something pretty important. Rune Based magic is the easiest type of magic to learn, but probably the weakest. You can use it to make fire, but you can’t use it to suddenly travel back in time, since that was a spell apparently. As you would have to force your will, with ‘Physical’ magic, which would then combine into the Hybrid form of magic… You need really strong magic to do that. Shield spells were surprisingly easy, but making stronger shields took more effort and broke onto the Hybrid system. I hummed and smiled. “Hey,” I pointed at the shield spell. “There’s an issue with how most shield spells are casted,” I pointed out. “No matter how strong, there’s a way to break them. Celery, can you cast a shield for me, please?” Celestia did as I asked. Probably because I said ‘please’ something she, jokingly, harped on me never saying please when I asked her to do something… God damn ponies. “So I can just…” I used runes to spell out ‘ shield breaker’ and tapped it with my hoof. It broke. “You do know that in order to break a stronger shield, you would need more force, right?” Celestia asked. “But… cast a larger one.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Fine… please?” Twilight almost seemed shocked at how I was requesting the Princess to do stuff for me. Celestia nodded, before casting a larger spell. “A concentrated pierce,” I did just that, and shuttered at the hornache that it caused. “Suddenly the shield is easy to shatter,” I then dragged my hoof down the shield and it broke. “That doesn’t hurt too much, does it?” I asked. “Just a little. Worry not, if it takes a lot for me to develop a hornache,” Celestia said. “I feel bad now, Sunny.” I nuzzled her. “Stay focused, Source. What is the flaw with shields?” “No matter how strong the spell, once you puncture a shield, it is very easy to shatter.” “I’m aware.” “But what if you used that offensively. Say somebody gets their hoof through a shield, but then you recast it, and then shut it on their hoof?” “That… would probably cut somepony’s hoof off.” Celestia hummed. “I never thought to try it, since breaking anypony’s shield can either hurt, or incapacitate a weaker unicorn.” “Cool! Let’s try it-“ “NO!” Both Twilight and Celestia shouted. “You are not mutilating yourself for the sake of testing a spell!” I casted a Rune Based pain numbing spell, before jabbing it with a pen. Since I’m not particularly strong, the feather goes through. I then re-cast the shield spell and sliced the feather in half. “Huh. That would work as a really nice apple slicing spell.” I look at the other two. “What? I never intended to cut my hoof off. Mostly.” Celestia snorted “I saw you considering it, colt.” “I could find a way to heal it back together!” “Not if you die from bucking losing all your blood after cutting your hoof off!” She yelled. Twilight gasped. “Stallions… I swear.” She nuzzled me. “You are lucky that you’re a good friend, or I would lock you in a dungeon just to keep you from hurting yourself. First, you decided to do the rune alphabet until you got a horn ache, and then you kept going until you passed out! You bucking idiot! That could’ve killed you!” “Maybe I want to die.” “…What?” “Nothing.” “…Did?” “No, I didn’t.” “Do you want to die?!” Celestia yelled. Twilight just sat, slack jawed at what was transpiring before her. Never before had she heard her teacher, Princess Celestia swear before! Like it was… Almost horrifying. Princess Celestia never raised her voice, or yelled. Yet here she was, yelling at a stallion that just admitted to being somewhat suicidal. About how she'd miss him, or how others might as well. Source Code just sat there, ears pinned against his head, looking guilty as she gave him many, many reasons to keep him from killing himself. Source, this stallion’s strange. With how Celestia keeps doting him, it was almost like she was trying to court him. Source, being a typical stallion, is completely oblivious to the fact-Twilight’s eye twitched. Princess Celestia… trying to court somepony? That was completely unheard of! The stallion was happily sitting down, and eating lunch, something that he had packed while reading a book. Twilight decided that, in the coming weeks, she would watch her mentor and her peer a lot closer. She did study up on the subject once; somepony had to help her brother score a date with… somepony. No, Twiligjt never learnt who her brother was trying to date. “Why did you bring your own lunch? Princess Celestia is more than willing to provide one for you.” “I dunno. I didn’t wanna bother anyone over lunch.” Source said, a mouthful of food made Twilight cringe slightly. “Besides, the castle’s kitchen is really good. I’d rather not spoil myself and ruin a good meal at any random restaurant I go to in the future.” “Oh…” Twilight nods. “Source, don’t speak with your mouth open. You could choke.” “Yes Mom,” the stallion rolled his eyes, before putting his book down. He had long since dropped his magic book for a Daring Do book during the break. “Ma-Darn. This book is a bit underwhelming.” The lavender unicorn raised her eyebrow at the blue stallion. That was odd… most ponies absolutely loved Daring Do, herself included, and it was widely considered to be a timeless classic. Princess Celestia looked at her new student’s shoulder, and read what page he was on. The stallion closed the book and shrugged. “I’ll be returning this book next week anyways,” he set the light novel down before picking up his ‘basic rune’ book. That got Twilight to raise other eyebrow. “Why do you not like Daring Do? Even I consider it to be a pleasant read.” “It’s… kinda flat. I’m a wee bit of a nerd,” the Princess snorted at that. “There were… some authors where I’m from, where they’d make pretty mediocre stuff. I believe you know, since I told ya about it. Illumination…” Celestia nodded, as if she knew what her student was talking about. “Anyways, this reminds me of something that that writer would make. It’s… alright, but it’s not Star Wars.” “I remember you gushing over that book a week ago.” “...Yeah… It, and its two sequels, were so good. It’s a timeless classic where I’m from. I can never read it again, but I can still vividly remember every bit.” Source laid his head on his hooves, looking noticeably sadder than he had moments ago. Celestia quickly levitated the stallion over to her, and draped a wing over him. “La Vie Continue,” he leaned into the Princess’s nuzzle. “Thanks, Celly. You’re probably why I’m still sane,” he whispered. Source’s horn lit and he brought his rune book back over to him. “Do you wish to speak later in private?” “...I do, but I also don’t. I’ll just drown myself in this,” the blue stallion gestured to the rune book. “It’s… something I can focus on rather than focusing on what I lost.” “We will discuss this when you are ready; I do not wish to force you into talking if you do not want to.” “I’ll take you up on that someday, Tia.” Several hours had passed. Source Code had gone home, leaving Twilight and Princess Celestia alone in a sitting room. As tradition, the two were snuggled up on a cushion. The unicorn had decided to ask Celestia about her newest, private pupil. “So, Princess,” Twilight started. “While I’m not one to question your better judgment, why did you take Source Code in as a student?” She asked. “I mean… He did make a new rune, which in itself is impressive, but in terms of application… he’s not very good. I mean… Doing his own rune twice and he develops a horn ache! Even a foal has better endurance than he does!” “I brought him in as my student for two reasons, Twilight. For starters, he is not from Equestria, which gives him… another point of view on spell casting. I only took him as a student four, almost five weeks ago. He barely knew runes, but thanks to his background, figured them out pretty quickly, I’m assuming. Then he figures out how to make casting some ‘Rune Based’, a name he had come up with, spells a little bit easier and a little bit quicker. That alone is worth nurturing; the new Rune alone is revolutionary as you’ve said. “Another reason is… I can tell that he has potential. Truly, I do. By no means is he a magical powerhouse, nor will he ever with raw strength, but he is very creative as you’ve noticed. I, for one, wouldn’t have thought to use a weight shifting spell to jump higher, or use synonyms to perform the same Rune Spell. Nopony would want to do ‘alight’ over fire, but thanks to the Rune he made, he did, and made a Fire Rune Spell one Rune shorter. For my guards, a single Rune can make all the difference.” “He is focusing on Rune Based magic… you do understand that…” “It’s a really easy system of magic, I know. Though I believe Source Code sees it in a different way than we do. I bet that he is trying to come up with a new Rune as we speak to make it even easier.” I sat down on my couch, staring at my newest foe. I was trying to use Rune Based magic to do something nobody could back on Earth without spending two hundred dollars on a piece of equipment… I wanted to make the perfect toast using a fire spell. I glared down at the slice of bread before me, I glared at it with intent to kill it with fire. I lit my horn and a fireball slowly came to be. It floated in the air, and I grabbed the slice of bread and floated it up to the fireball. After one side was perfectly golden, I did the other… and then the slice of bread caught fire and became a pile of ashes on my table. I stared at my failure for a few minutes before I brought both my forehooves to the sides of my head. I slowly lowered them towards the bread, and raised them again in a slow, controlled motion. I sat there, continuing to stare at the bread for what felt like another five hours. My face hit the table as I started groaning… I just wasted half a fucking loaf of bread, and haven’t gotten a perfect slice of toast yet! There’s no toasters in Equestria, so this is important to me! There’s no way there’s an appliance store that has toasters… I tried again before my head hit the table again as a result of my failure. To make matters worse, I did go to an appliance store and found a toaster for ten bits. You can imagine how my night went. I went home with my newly acquired toaster, and simply stared at it… Before I decided once again to try and make the perfect piece of toast without using a toaster. I just want to experience perfect toast, and I will do it with magic! ... God, I am going to need a job… Here’s hoping I don’t work in fast food again, if it even exists in Equestria.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
You know, when I got my apartment, I was expecting a bit less given this place was incredibly cheap. It wasn’t much, it wasn’t anything grandiose or anything, but it was a place I lived. It wasn’t home; I don’t want to think of this place as home yet. My bed was… plain, it had white sheets and a blue blanket along with a couple of white pillows on it. Beside the bed, on both sides were simple, brown nightstands with a red lamp that ran off magic, on the left side of the bed. Each one was made of wood, and had one drawer near the top that was only big enough to only fit whatever book you were reading before bed. Below that was another spot that was kinda like a bookcase. The carpet… was rough. I couldn’t really feel it with my hooves, but it kinda resembled carpet that you’d see in a school building. Boring mixture of dark, blueish colors, rough, not pleasant to walk on or anything. It wasn’t soft, it wasn’t smooth. Luckily, on top of that there was a floor mat that was way fluffier and more pleasant to lay on. In the center of the room, next to the bed, was a studying desk... Kinda. It was more like a small, black coffe table that was made out of… what I think is just colored oak wood. It was cheap, it was shitty, but it was my workspace. Sitting on it was a candle sitting in a candle holder that had a spot for a thumb to slot in to make holding it easier for some reason. The wax was partially melted from long, long nights of studying. Beside the candle was a pack of candles I had bought… because Candles don’t last long. Beside that was a stack of notes, a copy of the Introduction to Runes, a copy of Will, and the copy of Advanced Magic. They were basically magic books for the three systems of magic. On top of those was my notebook with my own findings when it came to developing my own system of magic. My saddlebags, dark, brown and actually kinda high quality because Celestia gave them to me. My cutie mark was etched into it with black black leather, that was already beginning to fade. Those were sitting right next to the hallway that led into the front door. My bed was actually really close to the window, and took up a majority of my room. If you came in from the hallway, my bed would be the first thing you see, then my coffe table to the left as you step into it. I was sitting down on a brown cushion that was next to my coffe table, that kinda sucked, looking through various job application forms that I had just filled out. I wanted to find a job, so I could do something other than sit around and wait for the next lesson I have with Celestia. Since lessons are always on a Saturday, even Princesses get weekends after all, I would get six days to do whatever the heck I want. The problem with that is that I barely had enough money for a loaf of bread, some other foods, and tea. Dreadful, awful tea. Rent and food were technically covered by Princess Celestia, but I ended up using the stipend I got every week on food anyways, since there isn’t much else I can do with it. There’s no golf, there’s no amusement parks(that I can afford to go to), there’s no sports. I have no friends, so I can’t even go to the bar and have a drink with them. In fact, I don’t have friends, so I don’t have anyone to do anything with. Sure, I could go hangout with Celestia at any time, she would make the time for me, but I didn’t want to interrupt her doing Princessy things, since the day she takes out of the week to tutor me or Twilight sets her back a fair amount when it comes to paperwork and court petitioners. I could spend some time with Twilight Sparkle, but I don’t think she likes me all that much. I say it’s fair, given that Celestia said that Twilight isn’t the most outgoing of ponies and is the literal embodiment of ‘nerd’. She seems weary of me at least. And also doesn’t like how ‘casual’ mine and Celestia’s relationship is. Celestia… admittedly is the only friend that I have right now, and I treat her as such. Say shit to her face, but then praise her in private or secretly really enjoy her company. Celestia was more than accepting of this style of approach. I call her an idiot, she then makes me look like an idiot, and then we snuggle up together after a studying session while reading one of her favorite books. Usually it’s a Daring Do book, or one that’s nearly five hundred years old. Usually the five hundred year old books are really, really good. Celestia makes for a really good pillow and has a really soothing reading voice, hence why it’s a tradition that we end nearly every Saturday in her bed chambers next to the fireplace to read a book together. Sun Butt is a really cool pony, all things considered. Oh yeah, job applications. I have several, one for a place called ‘Hayburger’s Al’Round’, another for a museum as a receptionist. I have one for just about any job I could think of. Retail, food service, everything shy of being a prostitute was on my table. I had filled each out with my current existing info that Celestia made for me, and was getting ready to go on my rounds to submit every single one into the right places. And a note from Celestia giving her word that I wouldn’t at whatever job I ended up taking. It was copied several dozen times the very moment she heard that I was trying to find a job. She seemed surprised and even teased me about finally ‘not freeloading’ off her money… Celestia, you are a bitch, and I love you for it. Well, since I couldn’t really use the post office to send everything everywhere, mostly because I don’t know where it is. I never really went outside of my apartment. I only knew where the marketplace was, since that’s where I got my food, the route to the castle(that isn’t saying much. Every road in this city will eventually take you to the caste), and the route back from the castle to my apartment. With that said, I finally remembered something pretty important. I’m in a brand new world, a whole new city. I literally am living in a magical world… and I wasn’t trying to enjoy it. There really wasn’t any way to enjoy it, though. Again, see me not having friends as a reason why. Now, I could go make friends… But there’s a problem with that. We’ll see why while I go out and deliver all these applications. Despite me living in the capital of Equestria… the part of town I decided to find an apartment in… was kinda rough. The rest of the city looked uniform in design, and was usually pretty nice looking. Where I chose to live… reminded me of a generic tiny little motel building. It was the cheapest place I could rent out, and for how cheap it was… it wasn’t awful? There wasn’t a stove, there wasn’t a microwave since those don’t exist. I got left with a fridge, a basic food pantry, and I had to buy myself a portable, magic stove and oven. Not even a nice one; it was some tiny little thing that I think might catch on fire one day. Hence why I tried making toast with magic. You don’t need cooking appliances if you can magically cook whatever meal you want… I’m out of bread because of that experiment. That bread was supposed to last me a week! So anyways, I kinda need to get a job so I can have more bread, and maybe an actual apartment. Genuinely, I think I might get stabbed every time I walk out of my apartment. The other day, I watched some ponies sell drugs to each other and the group gave me some weird looks. Luckily, four weeks of stipend checks, and only running on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, because of how cheap they are, and… I have about thirty bits that I can spare every week. Yeah, ‘rent and food are included’. More like it’s taken out of my actual stipend check, which is about a hundred bits, and then I’m given the leftovers of the check to pay for food. Rent is forty bits, and I think my groceries are about thirty bits. A little more, a little less depending on the day. That leaves me with ten bits to use every week. Twenty bits went into my amazing saving system… a cleaned out jar that was used for peanut butter. My apartment was pretty deep into the ‘rough’ parts of Canterlot. Trash littered the streets, there were cracks in the streets and the sidewalks, why sidewalks exist, I don’t know. Occasionally there was a cracked window, or a shattered roof tile on the ground here or there, or a feral cat running from shadow to shadow to try and avoid ponies. Sometimes I do end up rushing through this part of town, because I genuinely don’t like walking down it at night. It’s why if I end up going to school at Celestia’s place, and I stay late, I’m not above accepting the invitation to stay the night with her. At least she drags me into her bed chambers for snuggles at night. With me being horribly unathletic, by pony standards, I probably look like something easy to rob. One thing I’ve noticed is that my hearing and sense of smell are way better, which was disorienting at first. However, right now, it feels like a godsend. Because I think some ponies are following me. I took a left turn and… bumped into a huge pony without a horn or a pair of wings… and Earth Pony. He was bright yellow, was kinda rough looking, and was… well, big. His mane was brown, and kinda… messy. He was missing a tooth “Oh shoot… sorry about running into ya,” I backed away and quickly glanced behind me. There was a pair of pegasi, both had a matching cyan mane and red mane and tail. They were significantly smaller than the earth pony stallion before me. In fact, they were very rough looking mares. I really do not like the sheathed knives strapped to their necks. “Alright, unicorn,” the earth pony’s voice was… gruff. Like he spent every day of his life smoking a pack of cigs. “What is going to happen here is that you’re going to drop your saddlebags, and you’re going to give us that bit pouch that’s hanging around your neck. And we might consider letting you live.” “Sir,” I said, trying to put some distance between me and the earth pony. “All I have on me are job applications and whatever I need to get food. I’ve got like… five bits on me, man.” “What’s a man?” the stallion shook his head. “Look, give me those bits… and my pretty little ladies won’t hurt you. You damn unicorns have it easy in this city; you’re going to pay us whether you like it or not.” “Mmm…” I really don’t like this. I could use my magic to conjure up a fireball and pound this guy in the face, or I try to outrun two ponies with wings. I took a step back before deciding to do something stupid. My horn lit up as I took my bit pouch off… I slowly started moving it over to the Earth pony.” Then, as quickly as I could, I Runed out ‘SMOKE’ and threw my magic at the ground…. Huh, that actually works as a really good smokescreen. I ran past the stallion before running out a shield spell in case the pegasi decided to try and stab me. As weak as my shields are, it was better to have some form of defense. “Get back here!” One of the mares immediately tackled me, shattering my shield… only for me to put up another one as soon as we were pinned to the ground. “My stallion said-EEK!” Huh. No matter the species, hit them between the legs, or the hindlegs in this case, and it hurts like a bitch. I dropped my shield spell and quickly grabbed the pegasus lying on the ground and groaning in pain. I pulled her knife out of its sheath before holding up to the mare’s neck. “Let me go,” I said firmly. I was shaking as adrenaline rushed through my head. “Please just let me go. I don’t wanna hurt her, but I will drag this woman to the Guard, or even to my teacher and let her deal with it.” “Please, what could a school teacher… Holy Celestia.” I took a whiff of the air… and turned my head back. There she was, in all her glory. “Oh Sunny! What are you doing out here?” I dropped the mare and the knife. “I was hoping to come by and pick you up for lunch. What is going on here?” Celestia asked. Her horn lit up… that’s a lie detection spell. “Why were you holding a knife to that mare’s throat…” She looked over the other three ponies, and I immediately could tell that she could already guess what was happening. “We were teaching him some self defense lessons, your highness!” The other mare quickly said. “With knives?” “Yes, yes! This part of town, as you might know, is a rather dangerous part of Canterlot. And your student expressed-” “They were trying to jump and mug me,” I said plainly. “I was going to use the mare I was threatening as an out.” I shivered. “Fuck…” I quickly scampered underneath Celestia, and she gave me a quick, warm smile, before casting a cold glare upon my three assailants. “I do believe that we all can move on? You three are lucky that attempted robbery only results in a few days in the dungeons. And you three are even luckier that my student isn’t fully innocent either. Now, go. Leave my student alone, because after this, if you try to mug Source, he is fully authorized to defend himself in any way he deems fit.” The earth pony nodded, before quickly grabbing the mare I had held a knife to, and started running. His other… The other mare ran off after them. I stepped out from under Celestia and fell on my butt. “Oh god, that was terrifying,” I shivered. “We have much to discuss. First though, I did want to come grab you for lunch.” “Why?” “We barely spend time together outside of our lessons. I have… learnt to not spend all my time on just bureaucracy. I’ve been alive long enough to know that I should set aside time for my friends, and you very easily fit that category. Hence why I was walking out here to find you… To see you threatening a mare with a knife?” “That wasn’t the right move?” “It was the only move you could do… you didn’t want to accidentally hurt anypony during that, did you?” “I could’ve used magic in an offensive capacity, but I knew that a fireball could be lethal. I tried using a smokescreen to try and run, but the pegasus, the one that I was holding a knife to, tackled me… I may have used an underhoof tactic to get into that position. I still don’t feel great about doing that. One slip up and I coulda killed somebody.” “Well… It really was the only thing you could do, given your inability to teleport and your unwillingness to rely on magic, with good reason, to get yourself out of that situation. Threatening a pony with a knife isn’t legal though… But given the circumstances, and how you didn’t actually harm anypony, I will let you off the hook.” She leaned down and nuzzled me. “When I heard the commotion, on the way here, I may have broken into a gallop. I thought you were going to get hurt.” “Sorry about making you worry…” I returned the nuzzle. Celestia actually took all my job applications and said she would be distributing them to all of my potential employers. “So, any progress on your Runes?” Celestia asked as we sat down at some random cafe. I had ordered a weird pastry thing, since Celly was ordering it, and a sugary coffee. Because my friend is a psychopath, she got a black coffee for herself. The cafe we actually went to was on the edge of the city’s ‘disks’. Canterlot was made of ‘disks’, the higher up on the disks, the more wealthy you probably were. Each one was connected via stairs… This little coffee shop was on the second highest disk, which was unofficially called the ‘shopping disk’ of Canterlot. We got a seat just by the window, which was actually a booth. It had nice, plush, red couches. It was probably the best spot in the house, since the building was built in such a way so that the windows on the back side of it, gave you a view of the rest of Equestria and everything down below Mount Canterlot. The view was simply… stunning. In the distance, you can see a small, tiny little town with… hay roof tops next to a forest that was notorious for being the deadliest place on the planet. The contrast was insane. Bright, yellow, hay rooftops and luscious green fields, next to a dark green sea of death. I couldn’t get much else on the view, but seeing the land just fade past the horizon was… very relaxing. “I realized that…” I did all the Runes that were vowels. “The vowels are actually all really similar to each other in terms of horn movements and the tiny noises our horns produces, when doing vowels, are very similar. It makes combining them easier… Also,” I lit my horn and did ‘F’ and a new Rune, as I finally figured out ‘IRE’ after several hornaches and a lot of trial and painful error. “Fire, two runes,” it was a weak fire spell, since I didn’t want to accidentally burn the cafe that we were eating to the ground. I even summoned a shield around it to snuff it out quicker. “...Oh my.” Celestia squealed, making everyone turn to the big, immortal princess. “My apologies, everypony. I have picked up a new student as of recently, and he just did something incredible!” “What is it, Princess?” A Random patron asked. “My student has… Source Code has been learning how to make Rune Casting much, much easier. Just now, he shortened a Fire Spell’s casting time significantly and has invented two new Runes in the last week.” Everyone here was a unicorn by the way; they knew what Rune Casting was. “He shortened the Fire Spell down to two runes!” Now everyone was staring at me. I chuckled nervously and waved, before slowly focusing on my lunch. Instead of relying on magic to eat, I usually just use my hooves. There was just something that felt off about holding a sandwich, or a stuffed bagel-calzone! looking thing, in this case, with magic. My eyes widened when a camera flash went off and I buried my face in my pastry. It was like a mix between a calzone and burrito. It had marinara sauce, nice, stringy cheese, and had… bits of lettuce and tomatoes inside of it. It was pretty tasty. Celestia giggled and planted a kiss on my forehead as another camera flashed in the corner of my eye. “Oh god…” I muttered. I do not like this attention at all. I just want to sit around, discover new runes, and possibly work. I was up all night while trying to figure out that IRE rune over the last week. I slowly lifted my face out of my bagel thing, which was actually pretty good, and wiped my face off with a nearby napkin. “Celly, why did you have to say that?” I whispered. “Because what you just achieved is incredible. Would it be better if your achievements just existed without your name on them?” “...Maybe. I’m loving how runes work, and that it’s… like an old hobby of mine, but I’m not trying to be a celebrity. It’s why I asked my friends… to bury my name in the project we were working on, in the credits, instead of referencing me in a dedicated portion of the game.” “You do look rather cute while you’re flustered,” Celestia hummed. “Don’t you fucking dare…” “Everypony, a toast to my student’s achievement!” I think my cheeks were becoming purple, and were becoming hot purple because of all of this rate. As everyone raised their cups of coffee to my… Whatever the heck I’m doing, I felt myself die a little on the inside. I glared at Celestia for a few moments, before just groaning and rolling along with what was happening. I don’t know why what I was doing was such a huge achievement, in all seriousness. I was just making new ways to improve casting spells. Though I guess I’m not really a unicorn at heart; I don’t know how much harder it is for the average pony to cast a spell, or how much better my advancements were. I was just doing what I loved, and apparently doing a Fire Spell in two Runes was a really big deal… Or Celestia is just playing it up to encourage me to keep working, or just to fuck with me. Either or; she’s more than willing to go both ways just to embarrass me out in public. We walked out of the cafe, only to be bombarded by a bunch of journalists. For some reason, if Celestia brought guards, they weren’t visible, or doing anything. Because a reporter suddenly got in my face. “What is your name, sir?” “...Source Code,” I said. “How is it being Princess Celestia’s personal student?” “It’s fun, I guess.” Before I could answer in full, another person asked if I was sleeping with Celesita. Somebody asked what size my... equipment was, or how powerful I was with magic. It was question after question. I sat on my butt, breathing heavily as I looked left and right, up and down, before my eyes landed on the one thing that could bring me some form of comfort in this world. I just needed an out, and I needed it now! I tried to inch closer, while working against my tense muscles, to Celestia so she could hide me away from the crowd. I couldn't think straight; my heart was pounding in my head, and all I could think of was the potential safety that she could prove me. When I found her, she was happily answering questions in regards to me, what happened to Twilight Sparkle... I think. “Twilight is still my personal student, she simply has gotten to a point where my personal input on her learning is… not as necessary as it once was. So I took another student, who shows an exceptional knowledge of Runes, and has come up-oh!” Celestia shot upright when I nipped her. My friend glanced around to see who would dare nip her in public until she looked down and... immediately laid her eyes on me. Celestia looked around the crowd once more, since I don't think she immediately saw what I was going through, I could see something playful in her eyes… until they fell upon me again. I was still breathing rather heavily and was trying to... hide under her. In an instant, the playful sparkle in her eyes turned to one of concern “Excuse us, everypony. I believe that my student and I are late to our scheduled tutoring hour. We will happily answer questions at a later date; I currently don’t have any dates planned, but it will be considered in the future.” With that, the crowd started parting like the Red Sea as we started making our way through the crowd. I sighed and relaxed a lot more once we took a turn, and a turn into a dark alley. I ploppled my rear on the ground only to be pulled closer to Celestia. I felt her wing move up and down my back as the world outside the alleyway began to fade away. Celestia didn't make any sudden movements, or even spoke. She just laid down, and slowly took coaxed me into doing so as well, and continued rubbing my back. Slowly, I could begin to hear the world around me that wasn't just my heart pounding away on the inside. Soon, the feeling of somebody grooming my mane... made me relax. I let out a long, withering sigh as I finally began to relax... then I heard somebody, no, Celly crying. Celly was crying. I didn't like that. “I am so, so sorry, Source,” Celestia whispered. “I merely held a toast in your honor, because of what you have managed to achieve over this last week, and because I genuinely believed you desreved some form of appreciation for your work I should’ve foreseen that group of reports coming out to question us the very moment they saw me sitting, alone, with a stallion. Now… I don’t think you can have a normal, quiet life like I know you were hoping to at least achieve once we’ve come to the conclusion that you can’t go back home very easily, if at all.” Now I couldn't really stay mad at her, even if she did let things get way out of pocket. I'd rather forgive her than chase off my only friend. I... The way she held her eyes shut while she cried her eyes out... I couldn't stand to see that. “It… it’s fine, Celly. I genuinely did like sharing lunch with ya, even if I didn’t enjoy the toast part… Just please don’t just stand there when you see a whole herd of news reporters trying to question us.” I shuttered. “I don’t think my heart could handle that…” I shook my head. “I am awful at talking to people, because meeting new faces is terrifying. Then I’m in a crowd full of new faces that want nothing more to know more about that weird, socially awkward, skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health.” “And yet it is still my fault. I am aware of your mental well-being, and your self esteem, and still decided to stand idly while you got hounded by those reporters and outed you in public for something when you want nothing to do with having your name attached to achievements, or to be a household name. I would like to say I’m sorry-Ooof!” I grabbed her cheeks, before nuzzling her on the nose and licking it just to get her to stop. Her panicking over my own well-being isn’t something I want to see, even if it is very endearing. “It’s fine, Celly. Just promise me you won’t do that ever again.” “I-I won’t.” I could see a blush forming under my friend's cheeks, which had... black streaks going down them. I know I've seen that look before... but... Meh, she looks cute while blushing. Who woulda figured that the Sun Raising, Demi-God of a Princess can: Have a cute giggle. Sneeze like a kitten. Be cute while blushing. “I won’t, for as long as I wear this crown, ever make you leave your comfort zone again, Source. I really wanted to spend the day with you, you know.” “We can go to the castle and read as usual…” “Or we can play minigolf,” Celestia suggested. “Want to grab Twilight. It would serve as some bonding time, and hopefully help her relax around you a bit more.” “Perhaps… If we can pull Twilight away from her studies, we shall invite her along to mini golf.” Celestia teleported a mirror to her. Then looked herself over. I could see some wet mascara go rolling down her cheeks. It had long since dried up, and caked into her face. "Perhaps after we get cleaned up first. You're a bit dirty, and I'm... a mess. Come, I shall carry you to my personal chambers where we can get cleaned up very quickly; we'll need to stop at the castle to pick up Twilight anyways. I nodded along dumbly before I realized... Why was Celestia wearing makeup? She's told me a few times that she almost never uses the stuff. This was a casual lunch between two bros, even if Celestia wasn't a guy, she was still proper bro material. I only had a moment to ponder upon Celestia wearing makeup until the alicorn in question slipped her forelegs under my chest, after making me stand up, before taking towards the sky... I screamed like a little... Man! I screamed like a man on the whole flight back to Celestia's home.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
So, inside Princess Celestia’s bedchambers. This is probably somewhere many have been in, and definitely somewhere thousands would love to dream to be in. You know, seeing their beloved Sunshine sprawled out on the bed, ready for… Oh who the fuck am I kidding? I can’t even begin to think of my friend getting ready for that stuff of all things. Like yeah, I’m sure she’s bedded a few hundred stallions, or mares; swinging both ways isn’t uncommon amongst ponykind and is widely accepted. Anyways, Celestia was still getting ready, since cleaning makeup is still a pain in the ass, no matter the universe or whatever it’s applied onto. I had previously gotten out of the bath and was subsequently dried off by Celestia before she decided to hog the bathroom. The spot I was laying exactly where I usually lay down when I have to stay in the castle overnight. The bed… Well, pony beds were usually very similar to human beds, though bigger to accommodate… Well, ponies do tend to sleep on their sides more, so they take a larger footprint when sleeping. Something I’ve learnt is that ponies sleep on their sides, like dogs, if they’re actually sleeping. Ponies share more sleeping positions than they do with horses… or ponies from earth. If a pony is sleeping on their stomach, they’re usually just napping and are one loud noise from jumping into action. Ponies, mostly foals, sploot, yes, it’s adorable. Celestia usually sleeps like a hen, on her stomach, because it’s the most comfortable for her. Though when I snuggle up with her, she lays on her side and lets me partially use her as a pillow. Considering my best friend was a literal Princess, her bedroom was pretty minimalistic. It had a purple bed, since purple dye is more expensive than other dyes due to how it’s made. The bed itself was a blanket less, giant, fluffy matt on the ground that looked very unlike a regular bed. For one, it was closer to the ground which made getting on and off the bed really easy. Why the bed was so low to the ground, when the pony that typically lays down in it is super tall, is beyond me. There’s no canopy, like in any of the castle’s guest room beds, probably because if there was, Celestia could easily stab it with her horn on accident. It had a giant, golden pillow that was more like a giant, golden body pillow that was actually sewed into the bed. It was a really nice bed. Right in front of the bed was a large, fancy fireplace. Sitting on it was a log holder that was… well, holding logs that were blackened, likely from frequent nights of being used. There was an open chimney thing that spouted smoke towards one of the windows. Behind the bed was a banner of the night sky, the design was simple. Five stars were rising up to a sixth, larger star that clearly had some prominence of sorts. The banner probably had some symbolism, but I’m too stupid to figure out what. There was a large, open balcony, likely to make raising and lowering the Sun and Moon easier for the Princess. Next to the door was a fake bush. I set down my book as I heard the door open, since the bathroom was in a different part of Celestia’s chambers, and in came Celestia. She had a plain, white bath towel on her head, and a nicely cleaned face… and more makeup. It was barely noticeable, but I could tell now that a newer, fresher layer had been applied to her face. I, personally, thought she looked fine without makeup, but then again, I think every pony looks fine. “I’m sorry for taking so long. Makeup is surprisingly hard to wash out of your fur after it gets caked into it,” she used her magic to ruffle the towel on her mane, before pulling it off. Her mane… slowly started working its way back into its usual state. “However, I am now ready to take you and Twilight out for minigolf. Would you like to go retrieve her? I will meet you out by the castle gates if you do. If not, we shall meet you by the castle gates.” “Eh, I might as well go say ‘hi’ to Twilight Sparkle.” I got up and stretched. “East Tower, right? Top floor?” “Correct, I will see you two soon!” I walked up, collected a nuzzle from Celestia, and walked out the bed chambers, out Celestia’s regular chambers, and out into the halls of Canterlot Castle. Every single hallway in this stupid castle looks the same. Red carpet, light blue and lighter light blue in a stripe pattern. Pillars to match that had a blue gladiant that went up the pillars… It was boring. Every door was so… bland, save Celestia’s double doors with her cutie marks painted onto each door. If it weren’t for the guard that’s leading me throughout the castle, I would’ve gotten lost as soon as I rounded the corner. The guards were actually pretty nice to me, since I was good friends with Celestia. “So,” my escort said, hoping to break the silence. Even if it was unprofessional, guards were very lax with me. “You visit the Princess’s private chambers quite often.” “Yeah. We snuggle up together sometimes and read by the fireplace. Is that weird?” “Well, there has been a rumor flying around the castle, I just wanted to know if it was true or not; it’s a bet that’s going down with every guard.” My guard, like any of the Royal Guards, was dressed in golden armor. Blue mane that poked out the helmet that left way too much of the neck exposed, a breastplate that went over the back, and left the underbelly fully exposed. It was something I pointed out, and apparently that armor was more ornamental than anything. “What’s the rumor?” I asked. “Everypony in the castle thinks you’re more than just a student in the Princess’s eyes.” I could guess where he was going with that, but I just titled my head like the idiot that I am. “We all think you’re her new consort.” “I was told that every guard in this castle was debriefed on who the hell, what the hell, and why the fuck I am here. You know that, right?” “I do, sir. But some ponies are saying the Princess’s standards for mates are quite high, so she uses your ‘backstory’ to cover up the fact that she probably conjured you up with a magical spell.” I snorted at that. “I take it that some of the rumors are wrong?” “What happened was I woke up in a crater, beaten and battered. I was moved here for some reason. I don’t know why, won’t question why. As for Celestia, if she does consider me attractive, I would be beyond flattered. Especially since she, and many other mares around here, say I’m pretty average looking for a unicorn. Hell, Twilight said I am slightly below average. Talk about hurting my ego, huh?” I chuckled. “But no, Celestia’s a good friend to me, and my only friend in all of Equus. With that said, I am very attached to her. “It might be because she’s the only thing anchoring me to sanity, it could be because she’s the one constant I’ll have in life. It could genuinely just be the fact that I enjoy hanging out with her. But my brain isn’t a pony’s, my man. If it were, I would probably be head over heels for her,” the guard raised an eyebrow. “That means I would be stoked to possibly be dating Sunbutt,” I explained. That’s a saying that doesn’t pass with ponies since they don’t really have heels. The guard’s eyes widened at that. “Oh please, I could call Celestia a bitch and she wouldn’t give a shit. We call each other names all the time, sometimes it’s super vulgar. I get called ‘bitch boy’ because of how scrawny I am. “But.. I can probably love Celestia, and definitely do, love her for her personality. I can’t find her physically attractive, I haven’t been nurtured into revering her as a god. I simply love her as a friend. If I find out she wants to date, hey, I’m down; me sleeping with a pony is the least weird thing humans have slept with. I know a dude who… tried sleeping with a vending machine.” The guard chuckled at that. “Yeah, humans are fucked up pieces of shit. Long story short though, no, I’m not making Celestia make sexy sounds… yet.” “Dude! You can’t talk about the Princess like that!” “What? You wanted an answer, and I gave you one. Celestia just wants a cuddle buddy; having one of those is actually pretty vital to a happy pony, according to some of the psychology books I’ve read. And I don’t mind being the cuddle buddy if it means I get to use a fluffy horse as a pillow.” “Dude, you just called Celestia a slur.” “I call her that all the time. She then calls me a random human slur that I’ve told her. No clue what any of the said slurs means, but Celly will throw a random one at me every time I accidentally call her a horse.” “...You’re corrupting her.” “Mmm… probably. However, I don’t think she’s complaining about having somebody to relax around. She has to keep up this ‘I am perfect, I am pretty, I am the princess’ act so much that I’m surprised she hasn’t broken down and lost it in public. Gotta commend her for her self control.” “...Dammit.” “You lost the bet?” “Yeah… half of the entire guard ended up putting some bits into the pot. We all thought you two were dating.” Sucks to suck, my dude. Sucks to suck. Stairs, I hate you. Why was Twilight’s humble abode at the top of a tower? Well, I don’t know, but I would like a word with whoever thought that was a good idea. The room was rather big, of course it was, it was meant to hold Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s protege. Honestly, she deserves this special treatment; she is, by my understanding, the most advanced unicorn in every single system of magic. Whereas I am only decent with Runes and making new Runes, Twilight could very easily wipe my mind, if she knew how, perform rituals that usually take several dozen unicorns to perform, on her own. The third, harder system of magic is something she excels at, and is only second to her own teacher. I could be happy with Twilight being leagues better than me, especially since she was actually born as a unicorn, and was genuinely talented. The problem I have with Twilight is that I know she doesn’t like me all that much, and she is a bit of a dick even if she did like me. The room of the tower was pretty open, being lined with bookshelves of all sorts. The downstairs section of the tower was clearly the living space, with her bed just off to the side of the door and in its own slot. There was relatively an opening in the wall that led to a balcony with a very fancy, albeit, outdated looking telescope. Beside that was a smaller bed, likely for her number one assistant, and adoptive draconic sibling, Spike. There was a very open upstairs that was practically a small library, even if it was bigger than some libraries I’ve seen on Earth. The stairs leading up to the library/upstairs portion of the room was a long, spiraling staircase at the back wall of the room that slowly went up and round until it eventually reached the room above. Above that was another floor that was basically just an extension of the second floor’s library. Despite Twilight’s room being… the room of a young adult mare, it was pretty bare of anything beyond the books, or the studying desk just right of the staircase when you make it upstairs and into the library portion of the room. Obviously everything was very nice, there were a few fake potted plants, and some of the windows had painted glass that was covered in stars. It was… boring and lacked personality. It was incredibly neat, but that was it. I know I was one to talk, given that my room was just as lacking in personal touch, but I had an excuse. I was basically broke. Twilight was sitting on a purple, very plush couch in the center of the room, reading a book, apparently it was lounge time for her, in her own made up schedule. Spike was sitting on the couch beside her reading a comic book. He looked up from it when he heard the door close. “Oh, what’s up dude!” The dragon hopped down from his spot after setting his comic book, one called Power Ponies, and walked up to me to greet me. “Hey little man,” I stuck my hoof out and we brofisted. I walked over to the couch and took a gander at what Spike was reading. “Ah, Power Ponies. I always see those at the library, but never grab them. Are they any good?” “Oh heck yeah it is! This is the one where Fili-second raises against time to save Maretropils from blowing up!” “Mmm,” I hummed, looking it over. “Man, what would I do to read a comic from my home again. I was a pretty huge nerd, believe it or not.” “How? You’re so cool-” “Spike, I… I’m cool?” “Yeah dude. Despite how you suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and are really good with magic, you’re so… nonchalant at it. It’s cool to see somepony to never flaunt how good they are at their special talent.” “Pfft, me? Good at magic? I can just about able to do Runes without hurting myself.” “Dude, do you know who I am the number one assistant of?” I nodded. “You’ve made your own Rune dude. That alone is really hard. And then you’re good with Runes, and passable in the other magical systems that exist.” That is a little generous, with ‘passable’ in the other categories, but cool. “And you seem to have an affinity for fire spells, for some reason, with you trying to shorten them and all-” “Ahem,” Twilight coughed. “Source, not that I am not glad to see you, but why are you here?” “I uh… Celestia and I just got back from having lunch at a little cafe somewhere in town. After some… complications-” “She expelled you from her teachings?” You don’t have to sound or look so eager, Twilight. “No, she bathed me, she cleaned makeup off her face, and we both decided to go play some mini-golf. I was gonna invite you and Spike, since I figured you two would like a break from constantly studying, but if you wanna be a dick muncher,” Spike had to withdraw a laugh. “I can just take Spike with me and Celly; she really would like you to come along, Twilight. Just come along and pretend to like me for your mentor’s sake? We both hate each other, let’s be completely clear with that, but we both do cherish Celestia, right?” “Of course I do! The Princess is like a second mother to me.” “And Celly’s my best friend. I want her to have a good time, not sit awkwardly and watch the two of us bicker all day. So c’mon, we have some holes to fill,” I said with a bit of edge in my voice. I knew exactly what I was doing with that innuendo. “Celestia would love having some holes filled too, so perhaps the three of us-” “Source Code!” “Okay, yeah, that was too far. I don’t think I could imagine having sex with Celestia. She’s too… Well, amazing, honestly. I don’t think I stand a fat lick in hell’s chance at dating her.” “...What?” “What?” “But with how you two are acting around each other…” “Twilight, he’s a bro; we’re all dense and a bit stupid.” “Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia.” The four of us were sitting in Twilight’s tower’s living room. Celestia came up after Spike sent a letter to him, and apparently Celestia chose to take her sweet time coming up. So while we were waiting, I spent the next six minutes begging Spike to show me how to do that, before grumbling about how much cooler dragons were. Of course, I had Spike shoot some more fire beforehand while running a diagnostic spell, the one spell in the Hybrid system that I could perform reliably, before nodding. I see how it’s doing what it does… Now I just gotta figure out how to recreate that. Back to us, Celestia was laying on the couch, with me snuggled up under one of her wings, while Twilight and Spike sat on the other side from us on a couch that wasn’t there before. “So, you two aren’t dating?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at us. “I don’t think we are,” I hummed. “I feel like I would’ve noticed by now, but I’ve never really talked to women before, so…” “Women?” Twilight asked. Fuck. “Mares, I’m sorry for using synonyms.” “They aren’t!” “Twilight, why would it be such a big deal if the two of us were dating?” Celestia asked. “Because for all we know, he could be a spy from another country! His personal records only go back to five weeks ago! He clearly shows no respect for you, if he’s calling you ‘Sunbutt’.” “I respect Celestia a lot, madam. Heavily so, but I still respect her desires to be treated like she was any other person you’d meet on the streets. It just happens that that random person I bumped into on the streets is pretty cool, and pretty nice. Despite how much I call her stupid… Or how much she makes me feel even dumber after playing a simple trick on my stupid ass.” I leaned back and nuzzled Celestia with my cheek. “She’s great, honestly. I doubt that she’d be interested in dating me.” “But she keeps nuzzling and nipping you! She’s wearing bucking makeup! She has her wing draped over you right now! Heck, she grooms you whenever I turn my back for just a few seconds!” “So?” “That’s what mares usually do to court stallions. She’s only done a mixture of earth ponies and pegasi courting gestures-” “Why do you know this?” I asked. “I had to tell my old foalsitter about my brother once, and then she started doing the same things Princess Celestia’s doing to you right now.” I slowly turned my head and looked up at Celestia. “You didn’t tell me this?” “I thought you would’ve figured it out on your own, after all those body language books I sent home with you as your first homework assignment.” “Darn,” I chuckled. “I thought you told me everything. I thought you were just being affectionate; ponies in Equestria are a lot more affectionate than I am used to anyways, so I figured best friends just nuzzled, wing hugged and cuddled together… I didn’t accidentally say ‘I love you did I’?” “You falling asleep on me several times is a form of flirting; it means you’re comfortable around me.” “...How do you not know this stuff, Source Code?” “I’m not a pony,” I answered plainly. “I’m a being from another world, that ended up as a pony. Pony body language isn’t something I know off the top of my head, Twilight.” “...Huh?” “I’ll tell you later, Twiggies, the adults are speaking.” Spike snorted at that. Twilight’s biologically older than I am by a year. “So Celly, you’ve been trying to court me the whole time?” “I have… It’s why I put makeup on in the first place. I wanted our first date to be a special occasion; I don’t dabble with makeup often, unless it’s for special occasions to me personally.” “Huh…” I nuzzled her. “Well, I would be seen as a bit of a weirdo, dating a pony and all.” I hummed. “Why were you trying to court me anyways?” “Well, you’re very average looking,” she hums. “But I do enjoy how average you look, and your coat’s shade of blue is rather pleasant to look at. Your mane compliments nicely, and despite what you say, I would say you’re an intelligent, young stallion…” I know my looks aren’t the main thing, but I could see Celestia, and even Twilight look me up and down as she said this. Celestia was looking at me with a bit of possessiveness in her eyes. “But most importantly…” She licked my cheek. Now that I know what that seemingly innocent, friendly gesture was, I felt my cheeks start heating up a little. “Oh, you look so cute when you’re blushing!” Celly squealed. “But I love how you don’t treat me like my ponies do. You’re willing to call me out when I’m being stupid, in your eyes. You have no fear of me, despite knowing what I am fully capable of. You… admittedly, are one of the few escapes I have in Equestria from me being a Princess. I do genuinely love my position, but sometimes having somepony around to make me feel normal is rather nice. The way you joke around me, the fact that you aren’t inherently rude, but is in fact ‘rude’ is quite nice after having several hundred ponies praise you or treat you like a deity everyday.” She nuzzled me. “Your flanks do look rather nice when you walk, by the way.” “...Holy shit, how does this happen?” “What?” Celestia asked. “I get zapped by something, wind up in another universe… and end up accidentally making a Princess like me.” “Indeed you have; all by being your dumb, braver than intelligent, self.” I slowly raised my hooves to my head, took a deep breath, and lowered them. I did this about thirty or forty times. “Are you going to have another panic attack?” Celestia asks. “Or do you not like me in such a manner?” “No,” I took another deep breath. “Purely based on your personality, Celly, you are my type of girl, I guess. Funny, smart, always at least chuckles at my jokes… I never dated anyone back home, but I know I would simply love having somebody listen to my stupid jokes, or just to hangout with. You certainly fit that bill… And you’re admittedly adorable. You sneeze like a kitten! How could I not find that precious!” Hah! Now it was Celly’s turn to be blushing. “Sun Butt, I would honestly be honored if you want to date me. I’m sure in time I’ll be the one complimenting your flanks…” I took a deep breath before making up my mind up. Fuck it; she ain’t human, but I’m not human anymore either. . “Fuck it, Celly. We both like each other, and we’re apparently each other’s ‘types’. You only live once, and I only live for so long… Let’s actually plan out a proper date at some point.” “YES!” Celestia pulled me into a hug and started showering me with kisses. “Though that is for later, admittedly. After you suggested taking my student and her assistant along, I do wish to just spend some time with the three of you while we leisurely play mini-golf.” “Fair enough. Flowers are what are usually brought to dates, right?” I asked. Celestia simply giggled. “I’ll walk you through a date when we get to it; flowers are a part of it though.” “Aight…” I nuzzled her. “Love ya, Celestia.” “That… is the first time you just called me Celestia and not some dumb nickname, or Princess to ‘take the piss’ out of me.” “Hey, if I’m saying I love you, I want it to be genuine. It doesn’t sound very genuine if I’m saying ‘Love ya, Sunbutt, does it?” Celestia was struggling, yes, struggling, to keep her excitement bottled up. Currently, it was neck and neck for mini golf, Spike and Source Code were tied with each other, and often only pulled ahead of the other by a point or two. Celestia found herself in second place, leaving Twilight in deadlast. A rule for mini-golf was ‘hooves only’. Twilight, bless her heart, was very reliant on magic, so she wasn’t exactly suited for mini-golf. She probably would’ve been sitting on the bench, next to Celestia, while fuming, if it wasn’t for one question she clearly had in mind. Right now, she was watching her stallion’s hips sway as stood on his hindlegs, as he lined up a shot. The hole they were currently on was a complex one. Spike had just messed up and hit his ball into a water hazard that was just behind the generic windmill hazard. The way his tail wagged, the way that Source put his all into his strong, though gentle, strokes. It was the last hole… Oh how she loved her stupid, too dense for his own good(though not entirely his fault). The fact that, despite definitely all the reasons that probably went up in his head… He considered her age, or rather, her permanently stagnant age. He knew that they didn’t have all the time in the world to figure out if the two would truly make a good couple… She’s going to have to make sure he knows that he won’t need a job now; he’ll officially be her consort, even though they aren’t married yet. So he’ll be living in the castle, likely in her quarters, where all his needs will be taken care of. After all, Source Code was seemingly stressing over getting a job if his huge pile of job applications were saying anything about his view on having a job or not. Perhaps she can give him a job in the castle if he still desires to work, even if working is entirely pointless for him. There were a few things she needed to work out with Source though. Namely his attitude towards living life in Equestria; he’s half-admitted to being possibly suicidal on numurous occasions. “Princess, do know that you have to worry about Source eventually… and purposefully hurting himself?” Twilight asked. The two of them were sharing ice cream while Spike was kicking her coltfriend’s flanks for beating him at mini-golf by one point. They had been discussing the implications of the two dating. “And… while I may not exactly like Source Code all that much, I can admit that I was partially why I didn’t like him; I was rude and he was being rude back. And as much as I don’t like him, I don’t want to see him kill himself.” “I am aware. However, I believe Source and I are fairly similar in the fact that we like to drown ourselves in our work. Perhaps… Source does it for different, and unhealthy, reasons, but we do enjoy making the day pass on after a long day of working.” “What do you mean, Princess?” “Source Code drowns himself in work to drown out his… less than stellar mental health.” “Oh…” “Twilight, control your dragon!” Both mares turned to Source, who was laying on the ground with Spike ‘attacking’ the back of his head. The stallion had clearly given up, more than likely so he wouldn’t hurt the baby drake on his back, and was just taking the beating. “But I thought you two were ‘bros’,” Twilight said, making air quotes with her hooves. “NOT WHEN THEY BEAT YOU IN ANYTHING BY ONE POINT!” Spike shouts. “It’s not my fault your ball fell in the water hazard!” Both Mentor and Student shared a look, before chuckling. “Stallions.” “Colts.” “Hey, Celly! Save your poor boyfriend, please!” Source pleaded, giving his newly acquired girlfriend some surprisingly pitiful puppy eyes. Celestia stared at them for a good five seconds before shaking her head with a smile on her face. She Levitated Spike off of her coltfriend before setting the raging drake on the bench. The stallion quickly dashed up to the bench, despite it holding his archnemesis, the angry, baby dragon, and hiding on the other side of her. At least her stallion plays the part; mares are usually the dominant sex in most heterosexual relationships after all. “Thank you,” Source whispered, before licking her right wing… She flinched away. “Source! Not in public! You don’t want to make me drool and fall asleep on a bench in the middle of a mini-golf course?” “Can I do it for you before bed?” “Of course you may. You better not head home tonight after you knock me out; I demand my snuggly stallion now that the two of us are officially dating.” “You got it, Boss!” Source said, leaning into his girlfriend’s shoulder while the two of them started smiling at the future that is likely to come.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
I felt my pillow moving up and down in a slow, rhythmic motion. It felt… nice. It feels strangely warm as well. You know, if I had a pillow like this, pleasantly warm, but not too hot, not too soft, not too firm, I would probably have slept better all the time. I started trying to grab said pillow when it started slipping out from under me. “No…” I groaned as the pillow fully escaped my feeble attempts at trying to keep it under my head. This resulted in a ‘floomp’ as my head hit the mattress below. My eyes shot open to… I’m in Celestia’s room. All I remember from last night is going mini-golf… Did I fall asleep on Celly while we were just chilling on a bench? Probably. Celestia herself was standing on the balcony, wings fully spread, looking like she didn’t just get up. Her horn was glowing a beautiful, gold as the Moon went down and the Sun came up shortly afterwards… I think My brain is becoming more of a pony’s brain than I realized. The way her body started glittering as sunlight started reflecting off her perfect, flawless white coat… Her wings, thanks to how reflective feathers already are, on top of the color of them… Celestia was literally glowing in her own sunlight. It was… breathtaking to say the least. Her mane and tail flowed ever more radiantly and started sparkling even just a little bit as sunlight shined through them. How the fuck did I manage to make her fall in love with me again? My marefriend slowly turned around, catching my probably ‘borked brain’ look. She giggled as she walked… I hate my new body; my brain may not know what makes a pony attractive, but apparently my body did. Because Celestia, like the god damn troll she is, started walking with a lot more sway in her hips. What do my eyes do, on their own? Follow them like a cat does while it’s playing with string, or a mouse. I hate my body’s hormones. They’re almost controlling my brain… Oh god, do ponies have stronger primal instincts than humans? Because I swear, I did not find Celestia that pretty until just now. “I take it that you enjoyed the view?” Sun Butt asked as she laid down next to me… when did she get there? She draped a wing over me and pulled me closer. “Don’t worry if you did; you weren’t the first to wake up, after successfully ‘scoring’ me, and being mesmerized by watching me raise the Sun. However, you are the first pony with the mind of something that isn’t a pony to do so. I thought you said your human brain wouldn’t find me physically attractive.” “I… I don’t know,” I felt my ears droop. “It could be hormones; those can severely affect how something on Earth acts. Some animals kill each other just because they saw a pretty female of their species and they wanted to mate,” I laid my head down. “Humans weren’t like that at all though… for the most part. I mean, we still got possessive if we saw somebody we thought was pretty and was actually dating them. I don’t know of anyone that let their hormones get so bad that they killed somebody over them, but I could be wrong…” I looked Celestia in the eyes. “Is it normal for a stallion to… lose themselves while staring at a pretty lady?” “It is, yes.” “Okay, I guess that’s not too different from human teens, I guess. A teenage male could probably stare at a pretty girl and lose themselves for hours… I think. That’s what all those horrible school-life movies did at least, so I could be wrong… If those are accurate somehow, then I guess I am permanently as horny as a human teenage male.” “That is a possibility, or perhaps you’re becoming more accustomed to pony life?” “I might… Though I’m struggling to keep moving forward sometimes. Whenever I’m with you, I can sometimes forget that I’ve left my home behind, against my will, and ended up here. I’mma be real, sometimes I do wonder if I should just die,” I lifted my head slightly and nipped Celestia. “However… Now that I have somebody to live for, I might have a new reason to keep marching forward.” “You’ll…” “I’ll try to force down any thoughts I have about ending myself… for now. I ain’t gonna leave you alone-” “Okay, that was almost perfect,” Celestia glared at me. “Ain’t isn’t a word, you little idiot.” “Hey now, slang and the English Language are too different things!” “And slang isn’t a language, now is it?” “...No ma’am.” “So what were you going to say?” “I’m not gonna leave you alone, Celly.” I say almost sadly. “Perfect!” Celestia started grooming me, which made me entirely forget that Celestia actually just stopped me, broke into teacher mode, and tried to give me a lesson on Equish, and why slang is a sin. God I love this woman. “A little to the left?” I asked. I cooed when Celestia did get a little to the left and get that itch that’s been killing me since five minutes ago. About a week had passed and I was sitting in the magical tutorage room, since I don’t think I’ll be hearing back from any employers any time soon, staring down at something. After I had managed to run a diagnostic spell on Spike’s dragon fire. I had already gone and borrowed Spike for the day from Twilight, who was actually treating me nicer by the way, and I think I had written out how his dragonfire works. Right now, I was staring down at my notebook and trying to work out how to write it down into Runes. I’ve been trying to figure this all day for the last few days. “I don’t know why you’re so focused on trying to figure this out, dude,” Spike said, hopping up on the cushion beside me. He actually cuddled up next to me to read what I was trying to write. I was able to work out the first set of Runes in DragonFire. “Spike, because of this,” I gestured towards the spell I was trying to work out. “Ponies that have access to a unicorn will be able to send messages to run another in seconds while the pony they’re sending to is on the other side of the country. Imagine being able to talk to Twilight while she’s all the way in Manehattan while you’re sitting here in Canterlot. And Twilight can respond. On top of that, I could use this,” I pointed at a gem on the table. “And make it so as long as it’s charged, you can send messages… or say a magical box of matches that does the same thing. The only two creatures in Equestria that can send messages instantly are you, and Celestia. Twilight can only do the same because she’s basically your older sister.” “That’s true, but won’t I be pointless if you figure this out?” “No Spike, you’re basically Celestia’s kid, and you’re literally Twilight’s adopted little brother. If nothing else, your ability to find the right book is very important to Twilight, and she’ll keep you around to send messages even if she could probably do the same if I figured this spell out…” I chuckled. “I may use this as a way to make bits, honestly. Sell a match box, that when you strike a match on it, it makes DragonFire. Keep the spell secret, make some bits, boom.” “That… does sound like it would make a lot of bits.” “It would, and I’d probably give you some royalties given that you’re helping me with this simply by doing it over, and over, and over so I can run a diagnostic on it.” “Hey, it’s no problem dude-” “You’re technically working with me on cracking the code here, my little dude, I’m going to at least compensate you. Even if you don’t want bits from this, say the word, and I’ll buy you every single copy of Power Ponies that I can. Or if you find a limited edition of any comic you want, just ask and I’ll slide you the bits if this idea takes off.” “Honestly bro,” Spike chuckled. “Uh… I would feel weird taking even that from you. Look, you’re the one doing all the hard work in decoding what’s in DeagonFire, but I’m just sitting here and occasionally shooting fire whenever you need it.” I got the first sentence of Runes! “Oh fuck yeah, hold on…” I ran the spell and green fire ticked… though it only shot out green fire.” I raised an eyebrow. “Damn,” I thought of Celestia and ran it by again, but this time used it on a note that basically said ‘see you at ten tonight…’. Yeah, Celestia may be wearing the pants in our relationship, but I’ll be damned if I don’t treat her to something I cook up myself… After I raid the royal kitchens first. It disappeared. Soon, Spike burped up her reply. I immediately ran a diagnostic spell and then quickly wrote down everything I got from it in English. “Huh…” I paused. “That is way simpler to do than I thought it would’ve been…” I paused as I read over the notes. I sent another letter and told Celestia what to do. Soon, I burped, my horn lit up on its own, and then a scroll fell from above my head. I opened it up… “Dude,” I stared at the note Celestia had just sent me; I haven’t even opened it yet. “I just cracked it.” “You did,” Spike and I slowly looked at each other before brofisting. “You did it dude! That’s pretty awesome!’ “It is! Holy shit! I didn’t expect to do that!” I laughed and clapped my hooves. “Oh my god! I have to figure out how to make it so a match box can do this! And maybe remove the belching part… or leave it. Ponies don’t really care about the belching part anyways, so I’m assuming that part won’t be a deal breaker compared to being able to talk to their Mom from halfway across the country.” I got up and started shaking before I accidentally slammed my hooves on the table, which while I’m not very strong, I am still a horse. Horses are still strong even if they’re not ‘super’ strong. I don’t wanna break the table and all. I started hopping up and down as I started laughing. “Oh, I am so gonna convert that to my own Rune system so that I can make casting it easier! Hoho, that is going to take all month, but it is so, so it's gonna be worth it!” I laughed as I hugged my lovely, borrowed, dragon assistant. “Thanks man! Oh my fucking god this is so cool!” I casted the letters that Celestia sent. One was the ‘why am I doing this’ from my second letter. The other was Celestia saying all of the funky stuff she would do to me, if I wanted her to do that funky stuff to me, and other fun stuff that made me blush. Oh yeah, I am going to make a vegetarian lasagna for Celestia after reading that. “C’mon man, let’s go raid a market stall for some snacks and just relax somewhere; I say we both deserve it after all the work we put in over the last few days.” “You bet… Will I need to bring my own bits? I know-” I burped up another letter. Source Code, what the buck did you do? Why did Spike send me a letter that you wrote twice?” I sent another letter telling her what I just did, and I burped up another one, resulting in a hornache… Okay yeah, I can’t do that very often. This spell apparently is not for constant writing back ponies, like texting was on Earth, but it’s still more practical than just waiting a week for a letter. Or hours if you have a pegasus rush across the country with an urgent letter. I just found out how to use Dragonfire without the dragon. Me and Spike are going to go grab a drink, well, I am gonna get a beer. Spike’s probably gonna get apple juice. See you at dinner. Moments later, a bit pouch, full of bits, and a letter from Celestia saying she is jittering and on the verge of dancing in the middle of an important meeting over my accomplishment soon followed. Get yourself and Spike something nice to drink. Give Spike nice apple juice, do not give him any alcohol, or you’ll sleep on the couch tonight, and then I’ll tell Twilight why her little brother is having a hangover the next morning. Like I was gonna give a kid some booze, c’mon Celestia! “We got the okay, and I got some bits. Let’s go man.” We went ended up going to a Hayburgers Al’Round, which was basically McDondalds with less suicidal employees. The burgers were made out of hay, and still tasted pretty good. The fries… were made of hay. The drinks… were made of drinks. I was actually surprised to see soft drinks; this is the first time I’ve stepped into a Hayburger, and honestly it was quite nice. We ended up buying a lot of food, and just having a gander at everything since Spike never had Hayburger himself beyond the AlNugget, or the hay version of a McNugget. We sat down at our table and took a nice, long, deep breath. “Thank god nobody remembered who the hell I am,” I said with a sigh of relief. “Why’s that dude? Wouldn’t being famous be fun?” “No. Notta. I am awful at being in large groups of ponies. I am just terrible at handling social situations that involve more than one other person. I’m a simple stallion, Spike, I like my time alone. Sometimes I prefer it. I was with T a week ago, sitting in a cafe somewhere. Celestia was planting kisses, nuzzling me, and overall just being ‘friendly’ in my mind. I didn’t know she was trying to court me and stuff… Uh, there were so many reporters and ponies staring at me that I couldn’t think. I could only think of trying to get out of that situation… I immediately went to Celestia for protection and she immediately took me into a dark, quiet alley to try and calm me down. I don’t think I could handle actually being famous and getting anywhere near as much attention as Celestia does.” “And then you go and start dating her anyways?” “...Yeah. I can handle dating Celestia, I just hope she either doesn’t make our relationship public, or does a really good job at keeping me away from the crowds. With how I’ll eventually either be helping her with paperwork and court, or just standing by her during events, I know I’ll have to face the crowds eventually. However… I don't think I would be able to right here and now. I just wanna live my life out and try to enjoy the second chance I was given in life.” “That’s fair dude,” he looked over the table covered in food. “Why did we order all of this food again? We can’t possibly eat all of it in one sitting.” “We can eat what we can now and eat the rest of it throughout the week. It’s fast food; it’s meant to be tasty after all. It’ll be hard to find something here that neither of us will like.” “Good point. I can use some of this to feed Twilight; she sometimes forgets to go get herself some food while she’s studying.” “I can see that happening,” I grabbed a random Hayburger, the Hay Mac, as it’s called. “For now, let’s just go out in this blaze of glory, eh dude?” So, you may be wondering how I managed to figure out DragonFire’s message sending capabilities. You see, it was pretty simple; it was just Fire, a teleport spell, and then a rebuilding spell all rolled into some green fire. So, I used my custom IRE Rune to make Fire easier to cast, and proceeded to spend the next few days figuring out the teleport spell, and then the rebuild spell. After some painful hornaches, and hours of labor, I had DragonFire figured out. What I didn’t tell Spike was, due to how I had to use my own Runes, my hotspotched, shortened equations(I’ll get into magical equations later), it was actually the first spell of the magical system I’m developing. It’s based entirely on the fact that I have horrible raw magical strength. I think I’ll tell Celestia about my magical system at our dinner. A couple of hours later, I gave Spike the remainder of our hundred bit order, since I only had one sandwich and a thing of hay fries. It was alright, honestly. It wasn’t great, but my idea of how a burger should feel in the mouth, and my own personal preference towards chicken before I became a pony might have affected how much I enjoyed Hayburger. On top of that, hay fries are a sin, and I do not care, I am making vegetarian lasagna and fries the proper way; the human way some may call. Some humans may use sweet potatoes in their fries, which is also a sin, but people with souls and morals usually use potatoes when making fries. Spike actually really liked a lot of the things on the menu, especially Twilight’s apparent go to, the quarter pounder with extra cheese. Since I had a few hours to spare before I had to start getting dinner prepared for Celestia, I walked into the royal kitchens where I came face to face with the head chef of the royal kitchen staff, Chef Beet. “You want to interrupt my cooking so that you can make a meal for Princess Celestia?” She asked. She was a light brown, earth pony mare. She adorned a typical, white, mushroom shaped chef hat, and wore a white, button up chef jacket. Since ponies absolutely hate pants, the typical black pants were completely missing from her outfit. “Well, I just started dating her. I figured it would do well if I were to take the lead in our relationship and choose our first date. I wanted to make her dinner; a lasagna if you will. It’s a family recipe that my Dad used to make all the time. If you give me my own space, and don’t mind me using some of your own ingredients, then I’ll stay out of your way when it comes to making everypony else their meals; I get that you got a whole bunch of snobs to cook for, after all.” “Oh, so you’re that stallion that everypony is saying is sleeping with the Princess. I take it that those rumors are true?” “...We haven’t had sex yet, no. But we are dating now, and Celestia insisted that all my stuff from my old hotel gets moved into her private chambers… So about me making me and Celestia our first ‘proper’ dinner together? I haven’t been able to have one with her since my sleep schedule is so different from hers.” “I’ll letcha do it; you’re basically our boss now if you’re dating the Princess; you’re a consort now, after all. I do have a request for you, though.” ‘What is it?” “Let me watch you prepare the lasagna. It’s something I’ve never heard of, and frankly, I want to see how it’s made.” “Sure thing. Got any leftover noodle batter you don’t need, chef? It uses a type of noodle, but I don’t know if you have it if you asked to watch me make lasagna.” “Of course! Anything else you’ll need, and we’ll provide it!” Upon being given my requested ingredients, I set my eyes on the prize, and was even given my requested pot of oil and a few potatoes. My smile grew when the unused noodle batter was given to me; I didn’t even need to actually make the noodles… Score! Chef Beet watched me over the next hour and a half, watching me make tomato sauce, the mixture of veggies I was making, and even noting how I started working on the fries. I barely knew what I was doing with those, but after a few moments of half-guessing, my lasagna was in the oven and almost done cooking, and I was frying my potatoes a second time like some fast food places back home do. By no means was this meal healthy, as it was literally some deep fried potatoes that could possibly pass as fries, and a lasagna that had a good amount of cheese on it. Chef took notes every step of the way and I swear the mare was glowing at the idea of easily improving my ‘fry’ recipe and my potatoes. I slowly lifted a potato to my mouth, after getting all the oil off, and sticking it in my mouth… Oh it’s so much better than I would’ve expected. And I have about ten minutes to get to the private dining hall myself and Celly are sharing for our date! I told Chef Beef how important this was, and he sent some servants to go get the dining room set up for me… If I wasn’t dating Celly, I would marry Chef Beet. “Oh…” I had just filled Chef Beet on who I was, and where I’m from. “So I’m…” She stared at the recipes I had written down for her. “Holding recipes from another world?” She asked. “Eeyup. Pretty cool, eh?” “Cool? This is amazing, Source! If you were not already accounted for, I would marry you just to see if you had any more human recipes on you!” “Uh… nope. I only know these two recipes because of my Dad, and I could barely make the fries properly even if they’re still pretty good. I wasn’t a chef at home, I was more of a ‘stick something frozen in a metal box that heats stuff up for you’ guy. As in I didn’t cook, I bought pre-made, frozen meals that can be heated up in an oven, or in the metal box I described. I spent so much time working, or working on a personal project, that I never really had the time to properly learn how to cook anything other than the one thing my Dad knew how to cook… And I might’ve botched it due to me having to sub in a different ingredient from the main ingredient… It still smells good at least. That’s a good sign when cooking, right?” “It is, and the presentation isn’t too bad either. It’s not perfect, but it looks like a classic, home-made meal if I ever saw one.” Beet nodded in approval. “Perhaps we can spend some time going over foods from your world, and I’ll see if I can recreate them?” “That could be fun. No weird ideas though; Celestia jokes about putting a collar on me to let other mares know I’m hers.” Chef Beet started snickering… I really should’ve thought about how I am basically a Princess’s property because I decided to be her boyfriend. Celestia entered the dining room a few minutes after I had everything set up. I had a dish dome over my lasagna, which Beet had ever so gently(she hit me over the head with a soup ladle) was called a plate dome. There were two white, decorative porcelain plates that had Celestia’s cutie marks on them, with a cup holding fries that I had hit with a warming spell, something I had learnt specifically for this occasion. Two wine glasses, that looked like they were made for human hands for some reason, sat beside the plates on the right-hoof side of the plates, away from the edges of the corner of course. Suspended in her magic was… some blueberry rum, the same kind you could find in any old winery for about thirty bits. I was expecting a more expensive wine to be used, but then again, I wasn’t expecting wine, or rum, at all. I had already poured water from the pitcher next to the covered lasagna. “I… Did you have somepony from the kitchens specifically to make these dishes?” Celestia asked, walking over and examining a fry in her magic. “It appears whoever you asked decided to get a bit experimental with some potatoes…” “I made the food myself, Celly.” I lifted the cover for the lasagna and set it off to the side. On the food cart Beet was nice enough to let me borrow. “I made some things that I’d typically like to have on my first date, ever. I hate hay fries though, so I made potato fries, and made a dish from home, lasagna, or rather a vegetarian version to meet the fact that you probably don’t want to eat a sentient cow.” “That… would not be something on my bucket list, if I could kick the bucket to begin with. It smells rather nice, if I must say so.” “Try one of the fries; you’ll be addicted to them,” I suggested as I grabbed a knife with my magic and portioned out a fourth of the lasagna for her, and another fourth for myself. Celestia did as I suggested, before her eyes widened. “Oh my Sun…” she whispered. “What?” I smirked. “That is addictive!” Celestia popped another one in her mouth. “It’s got a snap to it, and the inside is so creamy.” That’s what she said. Literally. She watched as I dipped a fry in the lasagna’s sauce and popped it in my mouth… Oh yeah, I definitely didn’t fuck up the sauce… That’s great! I would’ve made enough to give us four portions per pony, but Beet wanted half the lasagna after having a taste of it. Mostly for her staff to have a try as well. Celestia hummed, before doing just as I had, mimicking my fry in the lasagna move, and her eyes widened even more. “So, how is it?” “I didn’t know you could cook!” “I know a whole two dishes!” I said, lifting my fork to the air before stabbing my lasagna with it. Celestia watched as I cut out a piece, and followed in my example. I think she was just trying to figure out how to eat this stuff, since she probably hasn’t seen lasagna before if her royal chef hasn’t. “Seriously though, I’m not much of a cook. I can make this, and my half-assed version of french fries, but that’s about it. I could probably make a mean mac and cheese with a few pointers, but that’s not saying much. It’s hard to make horrible mac and cheese, but it is hard to make a good mac and cheese.” “Well, this is genuinely quite lovely,” Celestia teleported two more wine glasses, they had the same, simple design of the two already on the table. She poured some of the rum into each before setting one on my side of the table. Oh, that smells just like candy. “Considering you don’t consider yourself a chef, of course. I’m sure as we speak, Chef Beet has found a way to improve upon this.” “And that’s basically her job; find the best way to make a certain dish, in her opinion, and then make it for you and the rest of the politicians living in the castle. My job is to study up on magic and work out new Runes. Why did you bring rum to our date, if you don’t mind me asking.” “Well, you made a giant leap in discovering secrets in magic earlier, did you not?” “The dragonfire thing?” “Indeed. Nopony could decipher how to get it to work, likely due to us not being able to safely run a diagnostic spell on dragonfire until the day that Spike hatched, and even then, nopony really tried to figure out how dragonfire could be used to send letters. Even I would struggle with trying to decipher whatever magic is in dragonfire, and you worked it into a Rune based spell?” “Yeah. I had to slave away at it for days, having Spike on standby so I could refresh my memory of what’s in it. I’d say it’s probably the first spell in my magical system.” “Oh?” Celestia asked as she sipped from her cup. “Making new systems of magic, are we?” “It’s like a weird hybridized version of the Hybrid Spell system, and Rune system. With how you not only need Runes specific to this system, and magical equations, and then the magical skill to force the available materials around you to do what you want it to, the Hybrid system’s really hard to do. My own system aims to simplify the Rune part, and once I learn how to simplify the magical equations of the Hybrid system, simpler equations, I’ll be able to make my own system of magic. One where you can do two thirds of casting a spell pretty quickly, and take up less magic in doing so, leaving more magic to pour into the spell. “Aside from the Dragonfire spell, I took the shield spell and started working it into this version of my Hybrid Magic, which I’m going to call the Python System for reasons I’ll explain later. I’m trying to see if I can’t shorten Shield into a singular Rune, and see how much further I can get into the strength of a shield if I can shorten Shield into one Rune. But anyways,” I performed dragonfire on a napkin, which ended up gently floating down onto Celestia’s face. “I want to popularize Python once it’s done. It’ll take a lifetime, but I wanna lay down the framework for it first.” “That… is amazing!” Celestia clapped her hooves. “To think that five weeks ago, you couldn’t even use your horn! Now you’re trying to make an entirely new branch of magic?” “Think of it as an offshoot of the Hybrid System; it’s just an easier version to use after all. By the way, before, how DragonFire uses Python as the base, if I use it in an offensive way…” I hummed. “Even with my fairly average power, I could probably melt somebody’s skin,” I grabbed a fry, encased it in a shield, before summoning DragonFire without any of its message sending aspects. In seconds, the fry burnt away. “I probably should probably mention that the oil used to cook that was roughly one seventy six degrees.” “...That is incredible. You’re making a new magical system because you want magically less capable ponies to be able to learn and execute this system?” “...Yeah. It’s in order to make up for my own inability to get any stronger with magic. I’ve noticed that, due to the nature of this, spells are easier to cast, but will obviously lack in stability and strength compared to the more established systems of magic. However, Python is meant to help bridge that gap of strength a little more so that say… a Shield can actually block off a Concussive Strike from you or Twilight a little better than a Rune based, or just a Hybrid based version of Shield. With less strain at least.” “Python… why that name, if you do not mind me asking?” “It’s the name of a coding language back home. It’s what I was most proficient in, even if I normally coded in Javascript.” “I see… So DragonFire is the first spell in this new system?” “Yeah. What’s great about my new system is that I can take parts out immediately, such as the message sending bit, by simply removing the Rebuild equations from casting it.” I pulled out a new notebook, and opened it to the first page where I had the original twenty six Runes, plus three Runes that I made. I even wrote down the equations for Python’s versions Teleport and Rebuild, since they were a part of DragonFire. I gave it over to Celestia to read it over, and before long, quickly casted her own version of DragonFire on my notebook, which landed on my head. “That… was very easy to cast. Incredibly so… I believe I can help make Teleport and Rebuild simpler to cast as well to make DragonFire even less taxing. Since Teleport and Rebuild are already rather complex spells, and then you’re also technically casting a Fire Spell to go along with it… Aside from trying to figure out Python in the first few minutes, your notes are flawless by the way; very easy to read and understand… Python really does help make spell casting quicker for stronger mages, and easier to cast for weaker mages.” “That’s the goal of it.” “You’re doing a good job-” I suddenly flashed up beside her. “You can teleport now…” “Indeed I can. Python makes that so much easier, even if I still get a headache from it… Ow.” I groaned. “When will I get better magic endurance?” “By practicing. I would recommend doing the alphabet constantly for a few hours a day.” “I think I’ll do that then.” We both soon focused on our meals. Celestia was in the middle of telling me a really funny story involving a petitioner in her day court, who was actually just a little colt who really wanted help with his math homework. It went from funny to sounding borderline adorable; the colt actually cuddled up with Celestia while she walked him through his multiplication equations and helped proofread an essay he had for school. I got to tell her some human exploits, such as us dying to vending machines more often than we die to bears, and we had a good time, honestly. I got to tell plenty of jokes, so I could hear that wonderful, almost addictive laugh plenty of times that night. Before long, our meals were finished, and our plates and silverware was picked up by some maids, and we ended up heading to bed together for the first time, on time, as a couple. We didn’t do any of the things Celestia said she would do(she understands that I’m not quite ready for that, on top of me wanting to wait for us to get married before we ‘sleep’). It was a fun night. The next day during a magical, Celestia Magic Tutoring Tuesday on a Saturday, I was experimenting with Runes again; I wanted to get Shield into one Rune. It wasn’t easy, especially since after Celestia went to sleep, I woke up in a cold sweat, and proceeded to come here and immediately started working on trying to shorten Shield. Luckily I and E were very similar to each other due to them being vowels. SH was pretty easy to turn into one Rune, and I managed to tack L onto IE. So now I had a three Rune shield spell. I casted it and put way more strength into it just as Twilight and Celestia walked into the room, right on schedule. I felt like shit. Doing all this experimentation to make new Runes was hard. My magical butt tattoo might make it a lot quicker for me to do this, and decode spells, but that doesn’t mean I’m good at making new Runes any easier. “Hey guys!” I yawned and dropped the shield. “Why are you here so early? You must have gotten here long before I raised the Sun. I figured you would’ve loved to watch that. Again.” “I would’ve. But remember what I said at dinner last night?” “You’re trying to shorten Shield?” Twilight asked, now looking genuinely curious at what I’m doing. “Yeah, so far I’ve got it down to three Runes, which is as far as I could get over the last six hours of me working on this.” “...How much sleep did you get, dear?” Celestia asked, gently strolling over to me and started grooming my mane. Oh, that feels really good. “I think I got about two hours of sleep or something. When I got here it was one in the morning.” “...You’ve been here for ten hours, my love,” Celestia sighed. “You are an idiot, you know that?” “On the brightside, my theory of Python works… with less magic going into summoning a shield and running a calculation… I think I have a stronger shield spell than I once had. Twilight, wanna test it? Just blast the shield at full power?” “You do know if I even crack it, it’ll probably knock you out with how little sleep you’ve had?” “Mmm… yeah. I could use the extra sleep anyways. If I’m still standing, I can probably just sleep against Celestia while she tutors you, Twilight.” “Okay…” I walked into the gym part of our studying room and I summoned a shield that fully surrounded me and widened my stance. “Hit me!” My voice reverberated off the inside of a shield… Oh. I have an idea that could be lethal with this discovery. Twilight shared a glance with my girlfriend before launching a standard, concussive blast. Usually, Twilight could probably blast right through with one of those at half of her full strength(I’ve done some testing with her in this same room under the careful eye of Celly). My shield withstood the hit. I ran a diagnostic spell and noted that it wasn’t even at half of the full power Twilight could throw into it. I lowered my shield and glared at the lavender unicorn. “Hey now, throw half of your strength into it. I want to test if a Python Shield works the way it should!” I brought my light blue shield up and let Twilight do just that. I grunted under the pressure… but the shield was actually holding. It cracked only slightly towards where Twilight’s spell had actually struck my shield. I was still conscious though! I chuckled and stumbled as my shield fell. Ow, even a slight crack, even a crack in a unicorn’s shield is enough to induce another hornache… Ow. Mmm, I desire to be groomed by my girlfriend to help quail my aching horn. “That… Actually worked,” I said as I made my way over to Celestia’s cushion and flopped onto it. I was then promptly pulled up so I could rest my head on Celly’s shoulder. “That was reckless, Source. You could’ve been put into a coma for days if your shield actually broke…” “But Python actually works!” I drunkenly slurred. “Twilight woulda plowed through a regular Rune spell and the ass of whoever was on the other side of that Rune spell.” “That spell was almost as good as one of my brother’s weaker shields,” Twilight noted. “For how little strength you actually have… that’s impressive, Source. You keep calling it ‘Python Shield’ though. Why is that?” “I’m developing Python, a custom-made magical system for me. If the kingdom gets in trouble, or Celestia needs help to defend it, I wanna be able to contribute in the protection of her specifically. I can’t do that with Runes, or my mediocre prowess in the Physical and Hybrid systems. Python is based on the basics of Rune based magic, but then uses simplified equations to try and get similar results to a Hybrid spell. It won’t be perfect, but it makes up for it by being way easier to cast; easier casting means you can pour more power into it. Meaning if I have to help Celestia kick some asshole’s ass, I can at least dump enough power into a concussive strike and give her the edge she needs.” “I doubt there will ever come a time when you will need to step in, Source. Equestria has been in a time of peace for the last thousand years. On top of that, I am quite powerful with magic, if you somehow haven’t noticed. If it comes down to it, I will be standing over you and protecting you. I think you’d have a panic attack the moment you realize something horrible is happening.” “And if I realize what’s happening is going to endanger you, I’m going to try and protect you no matter how much stronger you are than I am with magic. I’m not the strongest guy in the world, I’ll admit that, but I’ll be damned if I let my girl face any big bad guys on her own…” I groaned. “Fuck this hornache dude.” I groaned again before laying my head back down on her shoulder. “But Celestia, I just want to be able to at least help keep you safe. You think it would suck if I got hurt, now imagine how much it would suck for me to see you get hurt?” “I know…” Celestia paused. Twilight watched as Princess Celestia and her coltfriend talked about defending each other. It was rare to find a stallion with such a desire to protect his marefriend. Despite usually being bigger, there were simply fewer stallions, so it was usually the mare defending their stallion, or mares depending on if they’re a part of a herd. There was a certain edge in Source’s voice that was giving him an edge in his little argument with Celestia. “All I want to do is protect you, Celly. I love you, and you’re all that I have. Just let me fight beside you if it comes down to it, alright? If things head south, I don’t give two damn, I’m grabbing both of us and we’re retreating.” “But my ponies…” “Retreating, not fleeing. You retreat if you want to regain your footing, you flee if you’ve completely given up on fighting, Celestia…” The stallion let out a jaw splitting yawn. “Just because i suck at dealing with crowds doesn't mean I'll sit down and let you get hurt…” Now Princess Celestia was blushing. Usually she was the dominant pony in her relationships, especially with how old and powerful she was compared to her many, many partners. Now, she was possibly the weakest of her unicorn partners, ordering her around. Granted, what he lacked in strength, he apparently made up for in ingenuity; the fact that he was able to rewrite Shield into his own system magic, which would allow him much more leeway in a fight, on top of dragonfire being apparently as deadly as it was, Source could very easily find a way to stand as her equal through forcefully optimizing magic to match his own strength. And then he started talking to her with a resolve she has never seen on the stallion… “I must admit,” Celestia giggled as her stallion finally gave into his sleep deprivation and had finally fallen asleep. “Seeing my coltfriend so dead set on defending me on the off chance that something horrible happens to Equestria… Was rather attractive.” “Princess, your coltfriend’s kind of scary when he gets angry,” Twilight admitted. “I feel as if he were angrier when I hit his Python Shield… It would withstand a full powered concussive spell from me.” The Princess nodded. “I did feel his ambient magic spiking as he got progressively angrier over the thought of me getting hurt… it was exhilarating to feel it.” As she said that, she shifted slightly, and Source immediately rolled over and started pawing her until he found her shoulder again, before he rolled over and snuggled into it again. “I am going to scold him for being up so early, however. He cannot properly defend his princess if he doesn’t get the rest he needs; his endurance with spell casting won’t improve either if he keeps waking up at one in the morning at the latest.” “Ma,” Source whispered in his sleep. “Errr.” “I'm going to ask him to teach me this… Would it count as a system of magic, Princess?” “Source is more inclined to believe it’s an offshoot of the Hybrid or Rune system, Twilight. However, by definition, it is a new system; new Runes, new equations, entirely different processes of casting a spell? However this… Python seems to not require a strong application of Physical Magic in order to work with the Hybrid Spell. Source teleported, a rather short distance that resulted in hornache, but he teleported with almost exclusively Runes and a couple of equations.” “...Does this have to do with his background in any way?” “Him breaking down DragonFire and turning it into a tangible spell does. I’ve a feeling that he could probably figure out how to raise and set the Sun if he ran a diagnostic spell on me, and had the strength to do so. However, if he were to try, it would probably still fry his brain as it would require a lot of magic, more than he could muster without permanently hurting himself.” “Huh… Think I could still get him to teach me Python once he’s done with it?” “Perhaps you should work better on getting on his good side; I know that you two don’t get along. Perhaps you two can become friends?” “I’ll try, Princess.” Twilight opened up Source’s journal and began reading it, only to grunt in frustration; the first page is literally just regular, everyday Runes! They weren’t even similar to ones used in Hybrid Magic! She immediately closed the book. “I’ll have to just ask him to walk me through this later. Maybe it’ll be a good chance for us to become friends… So how is planning for this year’s Summer Sun Celebration going, Princess?” Twilight asked. “Well, I was hoping to take Source to Ponyville, since that is where I’ll be holding the celebration this year.”
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
The Summer Sun Celebration was apparently the celebration of the longest day in the year, or the Summer Solstice. Celestia was sending both myself and Twilight ahead of time in order to make sure everything was ready. However, Celestia hadn’t told Twilight yet, but because I have special somepony privileges, I get to know ahead of time. As in a solid week ahead of time. Over the last few weeks, or the last time that I wrote in this… I guess I can’t call it a journal when my journal is where I’m keeping the groundwork for Python, so I guess it’s a diary now. Anyways it’s been about two weeks since mine and Celestia’s first date. After that, things kept on as normal, Python got worked on(I even managed to convert Levitation to Python and made three new Runes!), and I actually picked up guard training. Now, I’m doing guard training for two reasons… One, I want to actually gain some muscle mass so Celestia has something nice to look at other than my butt, and I wanna know how to fight. So far, I was going through what was basically ‘basics’ but I was a consort so nobody really yelled at me. Nobody in the castle officially knew that I was the consort… Everyone knew though. I got to join in guard training everyday and work out and learn how to use magic in a combative manner. That’s what I was doing right now, since tomorrow, me and Twilight will be shipped off to Ponyville to make sure everything’s in order for the Summer Sun Celebration which happens the day after tomorrow. I parried another unicorn's attack. Solar Strike, which was his name, shot another Concussive, or a concussive blast, with my Python Shield. After the first lesson I had in here, I ran diagnostic spells on every single spell used by the guard for combative purposes and reworked them into Python. As it turns out, that was the way to go, since now I had more magic to pour into shields and offensive spells without the hassle of casting the spells quickly or having to worry about executing the spell properly. Because of Python, I would’ve been in the top half of the guard in terms of magical prowess. I shot a homing, Concussive, which was something I made through Python, and ran in as soon as Solar Strike put up a shield… And I got plowed into the ground by the simple fact that Solar Strike was physically stronger than I was by a long shot. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach while rubbing my head. For once, I just had a headache; my magic pool, or endurance, has actually gotten a lot better because of the development of Python; I have to cast spells and Runes constantly, which really helped build my endurance. It won’t stop a guard from immediately putting his hoof on my shoulder after he kicks my ass, but I can at least cast a lot of Python based spells without hurting myself. “You know,” Solar said as he helped me up. “I shoulda figured that somepony, that is Celestia’s second star pupil, would put up a good fight from a magical standpoint. You’re kinda bad at going in physically though; you’re kinda scrawny after all.” “Hey, I at least managed to sprint to you this time,” I groaned. “Fuck me, mate, my head feels like a brick made love to the back of it… You hit hard.” “Oh please; your marefriend’s probably going to kiss your boo boos away anyways.” “That’s the best part of this. After I do this enough, hopefully I won’t be a scrawny little cunt, and instead be a cunt with some muscle mass. I want to at least be eye candy for Celestia, you know?” “What a stellar reason to be in the guard-” “I’m also trying to learn how to fight so I can fight beside her my man, you should know that by now!” “I know. I just find it odd that out of all the ponies, she ends up picking you. You’re so… boring looking. Your coat and mane don’t pop, your cutie mark’s literally some numbers, and your mane and tail are kinda messy…” Solar shuttered. “The strength that you put into your magic sure is scary though; if that homing spell hit me, I would've gotten knocked out.” “That’s the goal…” I chuckled. “You know, I have a little secret for why I can put so much power into my spells. You’ve had to have felt how weak my Rune based spells, or just my usual spell casting, is.” “They are! But then you get into combat and it’s like a demon’s taken over your body. I don’t even think Captain Armor could’ve broken your shield.” “He could if he hit it hard enough; he’s a lot stronger than I am when it comes to magic, and probably more knowledgeable. A concussive spell, mixed in with anti-shield spells, wouldn’t work though because my Shields don’t rely on any of the pre-existing systems of magic.” “What…?” “There’s three systems of magic,” my guard friend gives me a ‘no shit’ look. “So what I went and did is made my own branch, which takes Runes and the Hybrid systems of spell casting, or the first and third and aimed to make it so with those same basic runes from the first system, along with some extra Runes that I’ve made and some equations that I’ve made, makes spell casting easier, quicker, and less magically restraining. From there, you have greater leverage with your magic. I could barely go toe to toe with Twilight, when she’s holding back, if I gave it my all. With Python, my built up system, I can contend with her, while she’s holding back of course, and even hold my own against my girlfriend for a time before she just straight up overwhelms me with greater magical prowess, her knowing Python in and out because of me, and her experience in combat.” “...Huh.” “The problem with Python is mainly the fact that it’s meant to optimize how much magic is needed for casting, to make the strength of any spell casted with it greater. This is a problem because a magically weak unicorn will still get destroyed by somebody a lot stronger than them, but it gives me, a weaker unicorn, a fighting chance to hold out for help, or to flee if I just can’t make any leeway. Luckily, Python has Teleport spells… and…” I breathed DragonFire and walked into it, before appearing behind Solar Strike. “My Fire spell is my Teleport.” “What the buck!?” Solar jumped and spun around. “I saw you burn to ashes!” “No… with enough magic, which I can easily provide DragonFire, I can burn myself and reappear behind you. The problem is that I haven’t been able to teleport myself to Celestia or Twilight Sparkle though doing that. But it is a much, much more viable Teleport for longer distances, whereas Teleport mainly has combative purposes.” “Dude… Have you told anyone?” “Nope. I don’t plan on telling anyone other than Celestia, since she gives me puppy eyes and wins any argument we have, and Twilight since she’s my colleague and has seniority over me and can tell me what to do because of that. I want to make sure I have the full system of Python worked out before I publish it and let ponies run wild with it.” “What is this about Python?” Solar jumped and proceeded to solute the pony behind me. I already knew who it was… Somepony that’s great bro material. “Ah, Shining Armor. How’s it going, lad?” “Quite alright, mind joining me for a drink? My shift ends in thirty minutes.” “Sure thing, my man. See ya at six?” Shining and I brofisted and we went our separate ways for the next thirty minutes. Shining Armor, a captain in the Royal Guard; it was one of the highest positions you could find yourself in as the guard, save for literally being Princess Celestia… Yeah, this dude is a bit of a prodigy like his younger sister, Twilight Sparkle. This dude has some of the strongest defensive magic in the entire world, and is apparently tied, by measurements, with only one other unicorn when it comes to the strength in his shields and barriers. Like Shining Armor is the only unicorn alive right now that could match Starswirl the Bearded, a famous mage, with shield spells alone. Granted, because he’s Twilight’s brother, he’s not too shabby in other types of magic; a good defense is only good if you’ve got a good offense to back it up after all. Unlike Twilight, Shining’s main expertise in spell casting lies entirely on what is in the Guard. As in he is top level in every spell used by the Royal Guard, but you couldn’t ask him to turn his parents into potted plants… Because Twilight did that when she was fucking six years old apparently… On accident, hatched an egg that is magically resistant(which led to Spike being born), and enlarged the newly hatched Spike until he broke the ceiling… Yeah, she fucking did at least three very high level spells on accident while six years old. And somehow I’m being taught by the same alicorn that’s teaching her how to control and use her magic. Shining Armor on the other hand… can make really strong shields(Twilight can get close, but her brother edges her out on shields), and has a strong offense even if his greatest strength is his defense. “I see you got your flanks handed to you by Solar again,” Shining said as we walked down the hall to get ourselves that drink that was older than we were. “Hey now, I held my own with magic… I’m just a weak little bitch.” “Hey, we all have to start somewhere,” Shining flexed his foreleg… It was as sharp as a diamond. “Would you believe I was once that nerd that played Ogres and Oubliettes?” That was Dungeons and Dragons for you non-ponies. It was just as nerdy as its human equivalent. “Just as weak as you are right now. Though I gotta say, Solar’s one of our more gifted guards when it comes to magic, and you’re going toe to toe with him when you score a lot lower than he did on all of those magical tests you took before ‘joining’ the guard.” “I just use my magic in a special way,” I half-lied. “Uh-huh. What’s Python?” “A type of snake?” I played dumb. “Though Celestia said that too and it ended up with my snout in her rear end. It was a little strange, but she had fun,” I tilted my head. Shining Armor stopped completely dead in his tracks, staring into nothing as what I said slowly worked through his mind. Out of all the ponies in the castle, I don’t think Shining was in the know how. That, or he was, and hearing somebody talk about licking the Princess’s ass broke him. Probably both, if I’m being real. Apparently I’m not the only one dating an alicorn, since he’s dating somebody named Princess Cadance, and she was apparently Celestia’s niece. So I don’t know why he found it so shocking when somebody else said they were eating Princess Celestia out. “...So you are dating Celestia?” Shining asked. “Yeah, of course I am.” “I lost twenty bits because you said no… Wait, you two are having-” “No, we haven’t had sex yet. Waiting until we get married at some point; it may take us a while, but given how we’re apparently a perfect match for each other, I say it isn’t too long yet. I do love what I know about Celestia right now even if I know she’s got a few skeletons in her closet that she hasn’t told me about yet.” “I was the guard that asked if you were sleeping with Celestia!” “And technically, I was sleeping with her. Not sleeping with her, in the sense that I we’re… trying to have foals? No.” “Damn. So you and Celestia did get hitched… Cady was right.” “Cady?” I asked. I had successfully got Shining Armor off my case about Python yet again. “Yeah, the main reason why I grabbed you today is to have lunch with you and Celestia; Cadance invited me along. Since Princess Celestia is technically Cadance’s only living guardian, you’re legally Cady’s uncle.” “Oh. Damn. I have a niece… What the hell?” I think Cadance and Shining Armor are older than I am. Because Twilight is biologically older than I am, even if I was mentally two years older than her when I got zapped by whatever the hell sent me to Equestria. I plopped my rear down on the couch next to Celestia, we had taken residence in the private dining room we had our first date in. The room had been rearranged so there were two, plush, purple couches, or giant cushions, made to be able to hold at least three Princess Celestias on two sides of a really fancy coffe cable. It just smelled really fancy, like a freshly cut slab of oak wood. Sitting on the cushion on the opposite side from us was… another alicorn. She was pink. Very, very pink. Actually, she was pleasantly pink, and I could tell that she probably had a lot of ponies gushing over her in school, since she was about as old as Shining Armor was, according to the stallion now snuggled up into her. Like, by pony standards, this woman was probably drop dead gorgeous… However, Celestia is better, Celestia best Princess. No, I am not biased by the fact that my girlfriend is Celestia, not at all. Seriously, watching Celestia raise the Sun from our bed everyday I wake up is truly a sight to behold, and one of the few reasons why I actually wake up early just to pretend that I’m still asleep when Celly’s done doing that. Cadance, I’m assuming this is Cadance, had a purple, pink, and blond mane where on one side, went down to her neck and curled up, and the other went down to her forleg’s knees, and like the other side, curled up as it reached the end. Adorning her head was a golden crown that was much like Celestia’s, though smaller and had heart shaped gems in it instead. Her tail went down to her hindleg’s ankles, and was the same colors as her mane, which was curled up and up to her belly as she leaned into her coltfriend’s side. Around her neck was a necklace that had no gems in it, but connected at the base of her neck… to make a heart shape. Adorning her butt was a shining heart made out of crystals. I do not like the way she’s looking at me. It was like she was analyzing me. The first thing I did after I settled into Celestia’s side, was get up immediately and plant a kiss on her cheek. “Curse you for being so tall. I can’t kiss your cheek properly if you’re three times taller than I am,” I grumble. “Perhaps you should’ve grown more?” Celestia bobbed her eyebrows. We both chuckled, before she returned the kiss, and I resettled down into her side. “I didn’t think I would ever see you with your own special somepony, Auntie,” Princess Cadance hummed. “I can tell that you two… are getting along.” “I hear you don’t believe what you just said,'' I hummed. Cadance raised an eyebrow. “I’m not an idiot, Cadance, and ponies are horrible liars.” “You are a pony,” Cadance pointed out. “Cadance, do you have anything against Source?” Celestia asked. “The first thing he does when he comes in, isn’t greet you, he flops down beside you and then greets you. And I wouldn’t even call that a greeting.” “That’s our usual ritual,” I wave a dismissive hoof. “I can’t spend all day with Celestia because of her work, so the first thing I do when I see her, I just wanna cuddle up with her. Then I kiss her, make a quip about her making me feel like the midget I am, and we continue cuddling while we eat dinner and talk about our days. I kinda can’t specifically do that right now, since you and Shining Armor are here, and it’s only lunch, but…” I motioned Celestia to lower her head down to me. “How’re you feeling, Celly? Want me to barge in on any meetings and cry wolf to get you out?” “No, dear. I have everything handled. I can see that you’re building a little bit of muscle,” Celestia looked over me hungrily. “You’ve been working out, I’ve heard. And giving some of my guards a run for their money…” she giggled. “Mr. Top Percent.” “Hey! I still get my butt handed to me on a silver platter whenever I go to melee any guard,” I huffed, I said that allowed and crossed my forelegs and pouted. “I hate working out, but I wanna do it for you. I can’t be anything less than nice looking around you, can I?” Celestia blinked, blushed, and giggled again. “I think you look handsome as is, without working out… Perhaps we can move your training into my schedule? I’m sure I can teach you better one on one than a guard instructor could when he has dozens of other stallions and mares to keep track of. .” Good point.Or if I can’t train you, I want to watch you.” I nodded along before I kissed her on the nose, which made her ears shoot up. “Oh. My. Fucking. God, Celestia! You can’t look like that! It’s gonna melt my heart because of how adorable you look!” We both laughed before we nuzzled each other and faced Cadance and Shining. “...Huh,” Cadance hummed. “I… You two play off of each other so well… But when you walked in, you felt empty.” “Because I ain’t a pony on the inside. I can turn an emotion, such as love, on or off on a dime. Celestia’s the one pony in this world that’s keeping me from just jumping off the mountain this city’s sitting on; she means the world to me. She is my world.” Cadance actually began smiling. “And you’re working out just to…” “Be eye candy for her.” “Which he already is,” Celsetia pointed out. “Your plainess is rather nice; you don’t need to have rock-solid muscle mass to appease me.” I felt my cheeks warm up at that. After Cadance worked out her dislike for me, since she can apparently sense emotions, she was way friendlier after that. I suppose she just wanted to make sure the weirdo dating her aunt was actually a good pony or something. “Fucking christ, Source,” Celestia giggled. Hearing her use human curses is adorable, sue me. “You seriously did that… to try and hide Python from Captain Armor?” “Yeah, Shining’s been asking about Python since I started joining his soldiers in their daily training…” “So you joked about eating me out?” Cadance and Shining Armor were just sitting there, like two little kids, while they heard their aunt and Princess casually talk about her boyfriend joking about having sex with each other. “Hey now, say the word and I’ll actually do a ‘Python’ on ya…” “Really now?” Celestia hummed. “Perhaps after the Summer Sun Celebration, we shall see if you are a stallion of your word.” Oh. Oh. Oh shit. I’m gonna get laid. The next morning, I woke up bright and early so that I could get on the chariot. After a quick breakfast with Sun Butt, a kiss, and a letter from Twilight telling Celestia about somebody named Nightmare Moon, and I was in the chariot. Celly had just sent Twilight her instructions, so I was just waiting on her. Shining Armor gave me a brohoof as he came up to inspect the chariot and its guards. Usually, nobody would, but since it was carrying his sister, and two of Princess Celestia’s Personal Students, I couldn’t fault him. Namely because it was carrying his sister. Twilight and Spike, with Spike riding on her back, who was reading the message I had ‘helped’ Celestia write. As in I wrote to improve my precision with levitation, and I wrote what she told me to. I would’ve tried to put my own personal touches, but Celestia threatened to make me sleep on the couch as soon as she saw the grin on my face as she told me to write what she was saying. Now, I would’ve done it anyways, but Celestia Snuggle Time is the best, and I don’t want to be denied that for a whole week. Yes, I have gone without before we started dating, but after you get used to it, you don’t want to lose it. “How are you so calm?” Twilight shouts at me. “Nightmare Moon will want to try and kill Princess Celestia-” “And if she tries it, let alone succeeds, I am going to torture Nightmare Moon. I will pluck her feather by feather, break her bones, pull her teeth out. That’s assuming she’s real, of course.” I have a bit of reason to doubt that Nightmare Moon does exist. For one, Celestia would’ve told me, two, Celestia didn’t seem to take the letter that seriously. Secondly, how the heck does somebody get stuck in the Moon?” Sure, magic is a thing, but from what I’ve gathered, not even Celly is capable of doing such a thing, since such a spell doesn’t exist. “She is real though!” “Mmm, how about we worry about making sure my girlfriend’s holiday goes smoothly, and then worry about Nightmare Moon, eh?” “He’s right, Twilight, Princess Celestia even told you to just try and make some friends!” Spike pointed out in the letter. “He is right; I would know since Celestia got me to write that letter for her.” Twilight groaned, before laying her head on the chariot. “Making friends can’t be that bad,” Spike comments as the chariot touches the ground. Ooh, my legs are wobbly. “C’mon! Just go say hello to one of the locals!” “Uh…” Twilight proceeds to say ‘hi’ only for the pink pony to gasp and run away. “Damn, you’re worse at making friends than I am.” “Shut up, Source.” Twilight grumbles. “Let’s just go check on the Apples’ Farm; their family is catering for the Summer Sun Celebration after all.” I think I like the Apples. The Apples are apparently a family of chefs, farmers, and country folk that… are genuinely just really nice. Usually, I… abstain from being the center of attention, but these people were so friendly that I couldn’t help but have some cider and joke around with some of them. Particularly, Apple Jack. who was an orange earth pony mare with a blond mane and tail that were tied back. Upon her head rested a stetson which looked really cool. Her cutie mark was three apples.. She was the first to greet us, and had shook our hooves with so much enthusiasm, that our hooves kept on shaking after she was done. Twilight wanted to deny brunch, but Apple Bloom, an adorable, little filly with a yellow coat, red hair, and had a bow in her mane. She doesn’t have one, yet. “And so my Dad said ‘let there be light!’ before he blew up our oven while trying to make popcorn!” I laughed as I set my cider down. Did I mention how much I love the Apples? They have FRENCH TOAST WITH APPLE JELLY! I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT APPLE JELLY WAS A THING! “Ah’ll have to meet your Dad at some point, Source,” Apple Jack laughed. “He sounds like an idiot.” “Oh, he’s a great cook, taught me how to make a dish or two, but god. Do not let that dude near an oven after he’s a little… influenced by what he’s drinking. It’s just a miracle that he didn’t catch on fire when our oven blew up.” I hummed and almost grabbed a towel to wipe off my face, before just straight up using my left fetlock to get the jam and bits of french toast, or prench toast, off my face. Celestia wasn’t one for table manners, but I did get dragged into a ‘private’ dinner with some ambassadors… I got yelled at for using the wrong fork. Not by Celestia, mind you, but I still got yelled at. “And here Ah was thinking you were some prissy unicorn from Canterlot; you’ve got some grit, Source!” AJ patted my back. Her older brother, Big Mac, was a giant hulk of a stallion. Red, fucking huge, and had a thing, I think it’s a scarf, wrapped around his neck. He was a stallion of few words, but the way he had a foreleg wrapped around my neck while we both had some cider… Yeah, I found another bro. I sighed before setting my cup down, noting how Spike and Twilight were leaving already. “Sorry guys, but I gotta follow her. Princess Celestia wants to make sure everything’s going well, and I gotta make sure Twilight doesn’t murder anybody; she ain’t much of a ponies pony, y’know?” I almost snickered when I noted that Twilight’s gut was round and she was almost limping away from the farm; she really loved Granny Smith’s pie… I am a horrible person. “No worries, Source. Next time yer in town, you best stop by’n say ‘hi’!” Apple Jack hummed. “Though why did the Princess send both of you? That Twilight over there seems to have everything covered.” “Well, I am Celly’s protege as well…” “Celly?” “Yeah, I’m… good friends with Celly,” AJ raised an eyebrow. Fucking nothing gets past this lady, not even half truths, and it’s scary. She quickly picked up on when I didn’t like apple soup earlier in a heartbeat, but was a good sport about it when she realized I just never had apple soup and found it weird… It was like applesauce, but more liquidy… It got better as I got more used to it. “Aight, so Celly’s a nickname for the Princess; I’m her… boy-coltfriend. Yeah! Anyways, she sent me here since I’m usually cooped up in the castle, and to get me exploring town a bit. I don’t have to follow Twilight, but I’m staying in the same library that Twilight will be until Celly stops by; she’s the only one of us with a map.” “Ah… Wait, what?!” That last bit was something everypony in earshot could hear… I just said everypony. Fuck, I am getting used to this new vocabulary too quickly. “YOU’RE DATING THE PRINCESS?” Apple Bloom asked. “Hey!” Big Mac shouted. “Leave the poor fella alone. Ah Can tell he already stepped out of his comfort zone, having brunch with us with the whole family being here. We don’t need to hound him with questions such as that… But to be clear, you are datin’ Princess Celestia, ain’tcha?” I nodded. “Congrats, dude. C’mon, me and my sisters know Ponyville inside and out. If you wanna hang out with the family until the Summer Sun Celebration, or even stay the night, you’re more than welcome; we’ll accommodate you as best as we can.” That’s the most he’s ever said to me. If I weren’t straight, I would happily sleep with Big Mac. “You don’t gotta, but if you show me where… Golden Oaks Library is before sundown, I’m game to just hang out. I can even show y’all my Dad’s secret recipe for apple pie; it won’t be as good as this,” I pointed at the crumbs that remained of my pie. “‘Sides, Twilight’s a wee bit of a prick. I just gotta watch myself; I’m a wee bit prone to cursing.” “Source,” Apple Jack said plainly. “We’re a bunch of country folk. Even Apple Bloom knows how to swear.” “Fuck yeah Ah do!” Apple Bloom said. Huh… No disapproving looks either. “Ah shit, I coulda cut loose the moment I stepped on the farm? I didn’t want to swear in front of a kid!” Apple Jack chuckled. “Ah, if you weren’t dating the Princess already…” What? “Though, you are a bit scrawny and plain lookin… yer just really fun to hangout with.” “Uh…” I slowly turned to Big Mac and mouthed ‘save me’. He ended up taking me away and teaching me what Buck Ball was, and it was basically rugby, which was basically American Football but without any of the protective gear… And it was fucking fun once I got the timing for bucking the thing right. I had to use ‘Buff’, spell used to ‘buff’ up your physical capabilities, to keep up with Big Mac and the rest of the guys in the Apple Family, but I think they were just happy to see a unicorn, prince consort enjoying something that was actually really popular amongst earth ponies apparently. When it was inevitably time for me to go to Golden Oaks Library for the night, Apple Jack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom led me to it… It was a library in a tree. Like it wasn’t a tree house, where the house was on the top, no, it was built into the base of the tree and it went all the way up the trunk. The oak tree it was built into was god damn huge. Like the trunk was easily as wide as some of the houses around here… you know what? Ponies are kinda nonsensical, but sometimes that nonsense can be really cool. I walked in in time to see Twilight pour herself a cup of hot sauce and drink it… And run away while crying from the pain, and to probably get some milk in her mouth. You know, that was a pretty mean prank, but then again, Twi didn’t really look over the bottle before pouring it. Given that it was bright red, instead of the subdued red that fruit punch usually has, I’m surprised she didn’t give the bottle a lookover at least once. I trotted on over before looking the bottle over, before shrugging. A prank is a prank, so I might as well roll with it. “Oh my gosh, you’re the other unicorn that came into Ponyville! I was going to hold a party for you too, so you could make some friends, but then you went and made friends with the entire Apple Family, so you clearly already have friends. So while I was trying to spy on you, to ensure proper party engagement, I noticed how you started cowering away the very moment you became the center of attention, so… I decided against making the party just for you, since if you had a panic attack during your party, that wouldn’t be so fun. So I made it for you and Twilight, but I put your name on the banner with really small letters, so nopony would know that the party is for you!” “Wah?” I could comprehend everything that she said, and apparently she’s a lot more thoughtful even if she seems like an airhead… Did she say she was spying on me? What the fuck? I swear, this lady’s bright fucking pink! She would’ve stood out on a field, a bush, anything! Mmm… Maybe I shouldn’t question it. I started sipping on the hot sauce… wow, that is mild. It’s not pleasant; straight up drinking hot sauce on its own usually isn’t fun. However, I could probably drink the whole thing and be fine after a sip of anything else. “Why aren’t you crying in joy?” “Oh, I’m gonna enjoy a party; parties can’t be that bad. It’ll be my first one in Equestria at least. I just don’t find this hotsauce to be spicy. Y’all have anything with ghost peppers in it?” “Like dead peppers? I didn’t know peppers had souls…” “Nevermind. Ignore what I said. Ghost peppers, which is just a name, are a staple where I came from. One of the hottest peppers… in the country, I guess. They were kinda tasty, and would make this seem like child’s play. I’ve won money because of bets that involved me drinking hotsauce like this from the bottle.” “Wow… Tell me more about your home country! I’ve never met a pony that wasn’t from Equestria, but I’ve never left town before, and I don’t think I’ve met anypony from outside of town until very recently.” “Sure…” After a lot of coffee and waking up early, I headed off to the Town Hall, where the Summer Sun Celebration would be held. I wanted to greet Celestia before she had to get on stage… and I got here just in time to see her land in a chariot of her own. I broke into a gallop, and before the chariot came to a proper stop, I leaped up into it and nuzzled her. “Celly!” I laughed and nuzzled her some more. It was still dark, but it was hard to miss a giant, white alicorn with a flowing, rainbow mane and tail. The town was still dark, since the whole holiday was about it being the longest day of the year, so the sun hadn't risen yet, but ponies were already heading over the Town Hall like I was. “Hello, Source. How is everything going in town? Have the preparations been met?” “Eeyup. Twilight checked on everything while I played Buck Ball with the Apples… I made new friends, are you proud, Mom?” Celestia giggled. “It is nice to see you stepping out of your comfort zone. Would you like to spend the rest of the morning with me until the Summer Sun Celebration begins?” “Is that a question?” “...Well, perhaps you would like to spend some time with the Apples; their mares are usually really nice looking.” “Nuh-uh. I want my Celly, Mine. Apple Jack does look nice, but you are the only mare for my eyes… a sight for sore eyes, you are, my dear…” I nuzzled Celestia. “I love you…” “I-I… what?” Celestia sputtered. “Oh my lord, Source, you sure do know how to make a mare feel special, don’t you?” “No I don't. I barely know what I’m doing, but I do know that I love ya to bits.” I nuzzled her. “You gotta put on makeup, right?” “I already did, for you…” Celestia fluttered her eyelashes. “Do I look good?” I looked her up and down, before kissing her directly on the nose. I did my best to ignore everyone that was staring at us and muttering something. I kissed her again before giving her my verdict. “No. You’re breathtaking.” I think Celestia went through a software crash because of that, so I ended up pushing her into the town hall and into the private area she was supposed to be in before she had to raise the Sun. Where. The. Fuck. Is. Celestia? Where the fuck did Celestia go? Like a white pony with a purple, curly mane and tail pulled the curtain back to reveal… Nothing. Then it turns out that Celestia’s entirely gone. That was entirely unlike Celestia; she was always on schedule! I went back out into the crowds, and she’s apparently gone missing! Who would dared try hurting my Celly? While everyone was looking around, I slowly started building magic. Maybe Celestia got stuck in a makeup room? Perhaps she’s putting a dress on and needs some extra time to- Why is there dark, purple smoke? What the actual… It all came together and revealed a black… tall alicorn. She was wearing a purple helmet that highly resembled the same one the Royal Guard wore, except it was designed for a mare and for a much larger pony. Instead of the necklace, like Celestia did, she wore a breastplate that hung around her neck. Her horseshoes went upwards and protected her shins, unlike Celestia’s which were just shoes. Upon her flanks was a moon… in dark purple, which heavily contrasted against the Nightly black that she had. While everyone was cowering in fear, I ran a diagnostic spell on her. Because… That’s Nightmare Moon and she is god damn real! I needed a diagnostic spell to read her magical signature. I used Python to stick a tracking spell on her while she monologues. She knows where Celstia is. The guards go to try and take her down… only to get struck by lightning. Because the wise thing to do while wearing ornamental armor with no enchantments on it was to charge at an alicorn, that possibly defeated Princess Fucking Celestia! Nightmare Moon then evaporated into the cloud of purple dust she rode in on… and flew out the door and towards the Everfree Forest, or the deadliest place on the planet… My tracking spell kept on her the whole time. I would use DragonFire to immediately tail after her… But I needed to conserve my magic until I could get to her and… Beat the ever living shit out of Nightmare Moon. I am going to fucking invent an air fryer and stick this bitch’s corpse into it. “Aight, y’all are fucking useless!” I growled. “I’m going to fucking murder that bitch if it’s the last thing I do!” I shouted before breaking into a sprint and charging after her. Everypony as one of the two unicorns, that were supposedly Princess Celestia’s pupils, the stallion, ran out of the town hall while shouting various profanities, and other words that they never heard of before. “I’M GONNA FUCKING NEUTER YOUR DUMB, FUCKING, MOON ASS IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO, NIGHTMARE MOON!” echoed through the town hall as the the unicorn disappeared into the distance.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
My tracking spell told me where Nightmare Moon was heading. She was heading into a dark, scary forest, which after doing some research with the locals, namely Apple Jack’s family, was the Everfree Forest. As in it was the deadliest place on the planet. Apparently it was full of animals that took care of themselves, and had weather that acted on its own. That just sounded like a Tuesday to me, and I was being dragged into Golden Oaks Library by Twilight while I swore like a sailor. She had a good point: Nightmare Moon could probably kill me really easily. However, I wasn’t focusing on that. I wanted to get to that bitch and beat the shit out of her until she told me what happened to Celestia. “Why are we trying to find a book about the Elements? I know how to beat Nightmare Moon and it’s these hands!” I shouted. “Because the Elements of Harmony are the only thing that can beat Nightmare Moon!” Twilight shouted back. “And just what are the Elements of Harmony?” a cyan pegasus got in Twilight’s face. She had a rainbow mane and tail, had gray eyes and had clouds with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt shooting out of it on her butt. She ended up asking if Twilight was a spy, before getting in my face. “And are you helping her-” “I am helping her because she’s making me. I’m only here because she dragged me here; I would rather chase down Nightmare Moon and kick her god damn ass. She probably kidnapped my marefriend, and I want my marefriend back.” “What?” Apple Jack came in, along with three other ponies followed us. I immediately recognized Pinkie Pie. The first to follow Pinkie was a unicorn mare, a white one with a curly mane and tail… she was supposed to unveil Celestia before all this bullshit happened. On her flanks were three diamonds. The next to follow her was a yellow pegasus mare, with soft, pink hair that was fairly unstyled even if it was kinda long. The way she was hiding behind the unicorn told me that those two were somewhat close. Apple Jack actually had a voice of reason. “Twilight knows what’s going on, and Source here’s dating the Princess, so he’s helping her.” Pinkie Pie found the guide book to the Elements of Harmony by simply following the Dooy Decibel System. It turns out that… Oh, Nightmare Moon is nearby. I glanced out a nearby window, just to see a purple cloud run off into the night sky. “Hey ladies, I think we’re gonna run into some fuckery while in-” they weren’t listening to me… They were all talking about the- “The Everfree Forest!?” They all shouted as a group. The forest had tall, dark oak trees that loomed over us. The canopy blocked out any natural light, making it much, much darker than it would’ve been otherwise. “Quit bitching and get moving. I’ve got an alicorn’s ass that I’ve gotta kick!” I charged in head first. Twilight wanted to do this alone, but she ain’t the only unicorn here that’s somewhat proficient with magic. Well, she is, but I don’t have the brain of a pony. I won’t freeze up when I see something dangerous. The rest of the girls eventually caught up to me. “How the hay do you know where you’re going?” Apple Jack asked. “Twilight’s the only one here with a map.” “I ran a diagnostic spell on Nightmare Moon, so I could literally just DragonFire my way to her location if I wanted to. I also ran a tracking spell on her. Since she’s a thousand years out of date, when it comes to magic, I don’t think she knows what spells I ended up putting on her. Unlike most unicorns,” I breathed DragonFire and walked into it, before rematerializing next to my new friend. “I don’t use a known system of magic, typically, so she doesn’t know what spells I used on her…” I stopped. “Something ain’t right.” I looked around, noting that our path was now on the side of a very, very steep hill, and could almost register as a cliff. “Of course nothing’s right! This is the Everfree Forest where… Nopony that one ever returns!” Rainbow Dash, the cyan mare from earlier, said, trying to scare us. She approached us with every word, slowly, as if it would add to how scared we all would be. “Though, why aren’t you scared?” “Oh, I am,” I admitted. “I was always scared of the woods growing up. However, I have a goal in mind, and goals don’t get met if I cower in a corner like a little bitch-OH SHIT!” The ground gave out from underneath us. Everyone was scrambling to regain their footing. The pegasi of our group immediately took to the air. One by one, starting with Pinkie, they started saving everyone. Coincidentally, they were only saving the locals of Ponyville… Yay me. Apple Jack actually managed to stop herself by grabbing onto a root with her teeth. I immediately lit my horn up and applied Friction, using Python of course, to stick myself to the hill and keep myself from falling. Now with enough time, I casted a DragonFire spell… well, I would’ve if Twilight wasn’t getting dangerously close to the cliff- Oh shit! She’s gonna fall! I tried to grab her with my Levitation… She’s out of reach. Apple Jack was quick to notice Twilight’s approaching doom as Twilight was now hanging over the cliff face. AJ ended up grabbing her, and dropping her after a few moments… I heard Twilight scream before she started screaming profuse ‘thank yous’ to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They forgot about me. I rolled my eyes before casting DragonFire again to catch up to them. I think I scared them. No, I definitely did because I made it down the cliff and rematerialized just as soon as Twilight was gently settled on the ground. My fire scared them because they all screamed and I was promptly tackled to the ground. “Ow,” I groaned. “Rainbow Dash, get off of me.” “Uh… whoops.” “Everyone good?” I asked. “Wait a second… Source, are you secretly Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow asked. “You just did the same thing she did!” “...No. The spell Nightmare Moon uses to turn into clouds… Is really complex, and admittedly, a really archaic way to do what she’s doing. Did you not see me do what I just did earlier?” “No…” She shook her head. “Ah thought you were still falling,” Apple Jack said as she hopped down from ledge to ledge. If she were a unicorn she woulda broke her legs by doing that. Before she made her last jump, I casted a Teleport on her, and teleported her to us. “Whoa!” She quickly caught her bearings. “Ah had it covered, Source!” “And I wanted to be a gentlecolt and save you the hassle. Nobody, that I know of, can jump down from ledge to ledge like that, without getting hurt in some capacity. I was just looking out for ya.” “Ah know, which is why Ah won’t give you a hard time about it.” “So…” Rarity, the white unicorn, brushed up beside me. “You’re dating Princess Celestia…” “I am. Why are you giving me that look?” She was giving me the same look Celestia does when she’s trying to seduce me into giving her my sandwich. It never worked, a man’s love for a good sandwich is second to none, after all. “Well… you clearly seem like a gentlecolt, if you helping Apple Jack down the cliff is anything to go by. Perhaps… You would be interested in another mare or two? Herds are still quite-” “Hold up, madam. WHAT?!” “...Twilight did mention to me that you are a foreigner. Do ponies overseas not do herds?” “Of course not! Secondly, this is the first time you’ve gone out of your way to talk to me. Thirdly, Apple Jack’s prettier than you are. Lastly, Celestia is the only mare for me. And if she were fine with a herd, I would tell her before I even think about telling another mare, to their face, I find them attractive.” “...Wait, you think that Apple Jack attractive?” “She’s pretty nice, but she’s more like a bro than somebody I’d date. Fun as fuck to hangout with, same with the rest of her family honestly… I would happily sit down with her, have a cider, and eventually probably find her really attractive. Celestia… It sounds generic, of a stallion to say this, but Celestia literally glows, and also quite literally lights up my world. It’s why I’m dead set on fighting another damned alicorn just to rescue her, even if I know I’ll probably- IS THAT A FUCKING MANTICORE!? I brought up a Python Shield just in time to stop a lion paw from taking mine or Rarity’s head off. “HOLY FUCK!” I teleported Rarity over to the rest of the group before immediately halfing my body weight so I could jump over the manticore as it charged me. Every time I could get a good look at it, it immediately tried charging and taking my head off. “A LITTLE HELP?!” I shouted as I slowly started growing angrier and angrier. Why the fuck am I still with this group when I could go kick Nightmare Moon’s ass right now? I shouted before engulfing myself in fire. “COME GET SOME, PUSSY!” “Wait!” Fluttershy ran forward before… stopping the manticore in its tracks while glaring at it. Soon after, we found out why it was trying to kill me. It had a god damn thorn in its paw, so its first response was to slaughter the first ponies it saw. I unignited myself and sat there while the manticore licked Fluttershy out of appreciation. Okay, that’s kinda cute. If it weren’t a god damn manticore, I would try and keep it as a pet. However… “Who’s a good kitty?” Fluttershy asked. “Why? The. Fuck. Do. Y’all. Just. Stand. And. Watch. Me. Get. My. Ass. Kicked?” I asked very slowly as the rest of the group got closer to us. “Uh…” Twilight paused as she tried to think of a reason. “I think you can take care of yourself?” “...Y’all literally just stood around and nearly let a manticore murder me. Fluttershy woulda stayed out of the way if it were a god damn, overgrown sunflower trying to kill me, wouldn’t ya?” “Look, we were just shocked that a manticore even tried to hurt ya?” “I was shocked because you teleported me!” Rarity pointed out. “Okay, that’s fair, and I did teleport you specifically to get you away from the thing that’s trying to kill us. Twilight, you could literally pick me up, with your magic, rip my insides out, and rearrange my bones in five seconds…” I took another deep breath. “Aight, screw it. Fuck the Elements, fuck you guys. AJ, you’re still cool; I saw you get a lasso ready at least. I’m going to…” I casted DragonFire before shooting off into the distance. “Bye nerds!” I rematerialized in front of a castle. A castle that looked incredibly run down. Half the roof looked caved in, half the left, front wall had a giant hole in it, and the door looked like it got zapped here and there by a few lightning spells. The door was made out of wood, obviously, it’s an old castle. The once colorful stones used in the castle were now old, gray, and cracked. So of course, I decided to walk right in because this is where my tracking spell is telling me to go. I push a hoof against the door before walking inside. What immediately stood behind the doors was a throne room. The red carpet was tattered and graying. I’m surprised at how well preserved that bit in particular is; dyes tend to fade pretty quickly and this place had to be really old with how torn down this place was. There were two tattered banners above where two thrones should’ve been standing. One depicted…. Two times of day, one was of the night, that was on my left, and on the right was the day… Three hallways were on both sides, which probably led into the rest of the castle, but you know, most of it was destroyed. I could only imagine how beautiful this place would’ve looked in its prime. The cloud of purple smoke funneled into the room… that’s what the tracking spell was tracking. Yeah, I know it’s Nightmare Moon. The mare herself rematerialized, and now I could get a much better look at her now that she was basically sitting in front of me. Her coat was as dark as the night itself. She… didn’t look all that different up close. She was actually as tall as Celestia is… Her mouth is full of fucking canines… what the fuck? I know ponies still have canines, even if they’re not as sharp as actual predators’ canines, ponies do have them. Nightmare Moon’s dental work was literally just fangs, canines, and all of them were razor sharp. I took a step back, realizing that I probably made a mistake, before remembering what I was going to do to this bitch if it was the last thing I did. “Seriously?” Nightmare Moon asked. “I was expecting seven ponies, and instead it’s one measly little stallion that I can crush in an instance?” “Where’s Celestia?” “Of course you would be here for her. Worry not, she is being kept safe and warm in her Sun. just as she had done to me for the last thousand years, your beloved Princess will be trapped on the Sun for a thousand years…” “...What?” “You heard me correctly, you foal.” I took a deep breath. Okay, Source, your girl’s stuck in the mother fucking Sun! All you have to do to get her back is fight the goddess of the Night and somehow get her to take your girlfriend off the Sun before you kill the fuck out of the goddess of the Night. Not goddess, more like the second coming of Horse Satan! I took yet another deep breath before sitting down. “Alright then…” I hung my head. “Please give her back.” “Why should I? So she can raise her Sun when you could be basking in my… Night. You reek of my sister,” Nightmare Moon’s nose scrunched up. Admittedly, it was kinda cute. “You have other reasons for wanting Celestia back, don’t you?” “Well, she is my best friend… and also my marefriend. All I want is to see her again.” “...Why settle for the boring, blue sky when you could have the beautiful night sky instead?” “This ain’t about if I prefer the day, or night. Personally, it’s just whatever my fucked up sleep schedule demands. I should sleep at night, but sometimes I stay up until sunrise working on learning magic. Sometimes I crash through the night, or for days at a time. It really just depends on the mood. What I want is my marefriend… because she’s my marefriend and I love her. And I’ll be blunt, I want to kick your ass, but I know I’ll probably die a horrible, painful death if I try anything.” “You are braver than you are intelligent.” ‘Yeah, no. I’m just an idiot… you are weirdly civil for a crazy bi-sane person that wants to take over the world and make it so it’s permanently night time.” “I merely wish for ponies to bask in my Night, not harm anypony.” “But you put my marefriend inside the Sun…” “You care for her deeply, I can see.” “Please give her back?” “No.” “Pretty please?” “No.” Yes, I know this is pointless. In all honesty, I just wanted to get out of the forest full of shit that was trying to kill me. Because with how amazing my travel buddies’ reaction time was, I will probably die to a pack of wolves or something. I know Twilight has an actually good solution, now that I have a clearer(scared) mind. So what I was doing was buying her some time. I laid down completely, head in my forelegs, and looked up at Nightmare Moon. “Why do you even care for her so much?” Nightmare Moon asked. “Not one pony cared for me. Not one pony wanted to believe my Night was beautiful. Nopony took the time to get to know me. They just see what hides in the dark and I am to blame!” “I have very few friends, Nightmare Moon,” I sigh. “I can’t ever see my friends or family again. Admittedly, I know it’s not good for me to only spend time with Celestia, but she’s really all I’ve got. I know it’s not good for her, knowing that her stupid, idiotic coltfriend is damn near suicidal. I probably need a therapist, but I don’t think I’ve seen one yet. I love Celly regardless and simply wish her the best. I just want to see her again. That’s all I want.” I need more friends or maybe a hobby. “I see.” Nightmare Moon nodded. “Tell me, why can you not see your family again? You are only twenty years of age, if your physique and lack of wrinkles are anything to go by.” I know, everyone was expecting me to fight Nightmare Moon, but you see, I am a pussy. This alicorn could crush me like a grape with her thighs alone. Honestly, I don’t want to try and fight her because I am a man and I am confident in my skills as a mage… I’m also pretty confident that I were to fight this crazy bitch that I’d be a splatter of blood in a matter of seconds. She was willing to have a civil conversation, so a civil conversation we had. I may want to die, but I’m not desperate to get murdered; Celestia would bring me back to life and kill me to death if I died on her from anything that wasn’t old age.. As it turns out, Nightmare Moon was actually a pretty reasonable pony, and almost wanted to give me my Celestia back. “You came out here wanting to neuter me?” Nightmare Moon asked. She giggled. “I believe the right term would be ‘spay’, don’t you agree?” “...Yeah. I wasn’t thinking about the proper terms or anything. I was just mad. Then I figured you did something to Celestia, I got even angrier, so I started swearing a lot more and saying as many threats as I could think of while trying to get here... Are you certain that I can’t just see Celestia one more time?” Nightmare moon paused. We had long since teleported cushions to us, and had laid down in a side room of the old, rundown throne room. “I would… If she wouldn’t try to immediately put a stop to my plans. I… am truly sorry that you had to say goodbye to your lover in such a horrible way. I swear, by my own crown, that I will at least give you pleasant dreams of her everyday for the rest of your life.” Her eyes sparkled slightly. “I… No. That would be worse than just mourning Celestia. Then it’d be like dangling her right in front of me, but I wouldn’t be able to even hear her voice again… Just… When she does get out of the Sun, can you tell her I missed her?” I asked, tiling my head. “I shall. I am a horrible pony, but I am not without morals; not being able to say goodbye to a mate before their final moments… is heartbreaking, Source Code.” We both sat in silence as I laid my head down. There really wasn’t much I could do. “My apologies, Source Code. I am sure that you meant the world to my sister, and she means the world to you… However… How long have we been sitting here?” Her ears flicked. “Blasted… Source, I recommend you hide behind a pillar or some other obtrusion; six little ponies are coming to confront me, and I doubt these ones are as willing to have a pleasant conversation with.” I didn’t even move. I… Am going to have to get used to not seeing Celestia, or hearing that laugh of hers. I laid my head on my cushion as I watched Twilight and her new friends… She made friends. She actually managed to make friends. You know, running on rage, angrily running through a forest with six mares, swearing too much, four of which you barely knew really took a lot out of you. The coffee in me was running out, and after casting several spells with Python, I am tired. I was going to power through the day since after Celestia did the Summer Sun Celebration’s main event, you know, the sun being raised, was done, Celestia was actually going to partake in the festival with me. So I was going to power through the day, I had a lot of coffee, and a few rejuvenation spells I wanted to try out so I could figure out how to convert them into Python when I got home… Now that there was no festival to be had, or Celestia to spend the festival with, I simply laid my head down and went to sleep. It was the only thing I could do when I was fresh out of magic; I couldn’t help Twilight if I tried right now. Something was nudging me. What is nudging me? Actually… I smelled something with my nose. A smelly smell… I slowly opened my eyes to Celestia nuzzling me with her nose. Wait. Celestia! Did a big battle happen and kill me? Because there is no way Celestia could live being inside the Sun. I slowly open my mouth before kissing her nose. “Are we dead?” I asked before letting out a jaw splitting yawn. “I feel like I died at least.” “No,” Celestia giggled. “I would like you to meet somepony though.” “...How are you not dead?” I asked. “You were in the Sun!” “Do you remember who I am?” “In my own words ‘Sun Goddess’?” I asked. Oh. Oh. That makes sense now. Yeah, don’t question your sun lifting, cake loving, very loving girlfriend. “Who am I meeting?” “My little sister… You may know her as Nightmare Moon.” Wait what? I know Nightmare Moon mentioned… A much smaller, like about my size, light blue alicorn poked her head out from behind Celestia’s rear. Resting upon her head was a small, obsidian crown. Around her neck was a necklace made out of the same material as her crown, but it had a Moon shaped diamond in it along with a few smaller diamonds that made it almost look like the night sky captured in a necklace. Her mane, unlike Celestia's, wasn't flowing, and neither was her tail. Both were light blue in color and her mane only went down to her neck. Like most ponies, her tail went down to her hindlegs’ ankles. She was kinda adorable looking. “Hi,” she said. “We Are Princess Luna. Thou are Source Code?” “...Celestia, why didn’t you tell me Nightmare Moon was your sister?” I asked slowly. I nodded to Luna. “I know you two probably worked out whatever the heck made her wanna murder you anyways, but I’m just curious… WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?! YOU CLEARLY KNEW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?” “I…” “Celestia, I thought we were going to be as clear as glass when we first started dating. I genuinely did. You could’ve at least told me Nightmare Moon was real. I was thinking you were possibly fucking dead, while you were apparently alive, INSIDE THE DAMN SUN! You planned this out, didn’t you?” “...I might have-” “Celestia. I could’ve helped in some capacity, I could’ve done something if you didn’t leave me in the dark. When we get home, you are going to tell me what the fuck happened, why the fuck it happened, and if you planned any of it this out. Because… Frankly, I am a little mad. I’m mostly happy to have you back, but we’re going to talk. From now on, no bullshit. Nothing between us. We’re going to tell each other everything even if it’ll hurt. Because… I still love ya, Celly. I really do, but I need to know when shit like this might pop up so I can at least do something!” I took a deep breath. Luna was now cowering behind her sister. “Luna, nice to meetcha. Hope we’ll get along. Don’t worry; your sister done fucked up, and made me worried sick about her. I’m not usually this shouty or mad…” “I-I… O-okay.” “Celestia, you, me, our private chambers as soon as we’re done here in Ponyville. Like I said, we are going to talk, and don’t think you’re getting out of this. I’m gonna be running a lie detector the whole damn time we’re talking.” After the Summer Sun celebration, Celestia took the day to get her sister situated in Canterlot. Meanwhile, I was fuming. I was mostly worried, admittedly, but I was also really mad at Celestia. She has yet to tell me everything that’s happened; it’s only been a day after all. However, it still doesn’t still right with me that I had asked her if Nightmare Moon, and by extension, Luna, was real. Celestia lied to me and said Nightmare Moon wasn’t real. No, she didn’t just word it weirdly like how she did it with Twilight, no. She flat out told me that Nightmare Moon wasn’t real. I mean, congrats to Celly for getting your sister back, woohoo! You coulda at least gave me a heads up, so when you fucking go missing randomly, and Nightmare Moon happens to be real, I wouldn’t panic so hard! Most of my day was spent simply fuming, and working hard during the guard training exercises so I wouldn’t be blisteringly mad at my girlfriend when we finally had that talk. With that said… The day was coming to a close, and Celestia spent most of it with Luna, catching up with her, and overall just being happy to have her sister back. Twilight was apparently really attached to the five other mares that accompanied us on our journey throughout the Everfree Forest, so she was assigned to stay in Ponyville to… learn about friendship for some reason. How one would study friendship is beyond me, but I wasn’t one to question what the heck needs studying and what doesn’t need studying. No matter how seemingly stupid it may be to me. When Celestia sat on the couch in our personal chambers, the genuine smile on her face turned into a genuine frown. “So,” I said, tapping my hoof on my shoulder. I was sitting upright like a human. “Nightmare Moon wasn’t real?” “I… Couldn’t tell you, Source. I hope you understand.” “Why? So I would-” “Wouldn’t get in the way! If you knew Nightmare Moon was real, and was planning to extract her revenge on me, what would you have done? Try to keep me safe, and for that, I am grateful, but my being captured was crucial for my plans! I’ve spent decades, centuries even, just planning this one moment so that I may have my sister back under my wing.” “...Celestia, if you told me everything, including this plan that involved you being captured, so that you could rescue your sister from the grasps of dark magic, I would’ve played along. No matter how much it would’ve hurt me to see you get hurt, I know it’s what you would’ve wanted…” I walked around the couch and nuzzled her. “I’m really mad and disappointed, Celestia. I’ve hidden nothing. You know my actual, human name. That is something that I planned on taking to the grave for as long as I walked Equus. “And I do want this relationship to work, and I want to continue it despite this being a huge, red flag for me… I don’t know if I can though.” Celestia’s ears drooped as I said that. “However, if we are going to keep dating, because I know I still love ya to bits, I need you to promise me two things, aight?” “Anything, Source,” Celestia nuzzled me back. “I don’t want to lose your trust…” “That’s the first promise. No more secrets. Is there something that is a huge threat? Tell me. Small stuff is whatever; we’ve all got secrets after all. However, if something important is happening, and you have a plan for everything then you need to tell me. At least keep me in the loop on what’s happening. Because while I may not be able to contribute to any of your long-term plans, I can at least stay on the sidelines and let what you have planned happen. Sounds good as the first promise?” “It does… I’m sure you’ve noticed a stone statue in the royal gardens? The one that looks like an amalgamation of animals?” I nodded. “That is the Spirit of Chaos; Discord. In six months, he will be freed, and I will have Twilight and her friends try to stop him as a test. That is the only thing in the ‘long term’ that I have planned. Before that though, at the end of winter, there will be Hearth’s Warming, and the Great Galloping Gala. I would like to take you as my plus one this year…” “I’m down… And hey! This is a start! I ate the last bit of garlic bread in the pantry. I’m sorry.” “...That was my midnight snack for tonight!” “I know… I’ll get you another loaf of garlic bread when I inevitably go out and about…” “What? Why not retrieve another loaf from the Kitchens?” “That is part two of what I want out of this. I’ve… realized how reliant I am on you. From living with you, which is a given since we’re dating, my food comes from your staff. I am even emotionally dependent on you. I want to try and not be so… attached. I want to love you, and be ‘attached’ to you, but I want to try and… finally work on my mental health. I want to be able to keep moving on, should our relationship not work out. I know how unhealthy it is for you to be the only reason why I haven’t offed myself yet. “I am going to try and get a job, just a part time job to get me out of the castle. I am going to try and spend some time outside the castle and find a hobby outside of working on Python; I’ve made good progress, and I’ve got plenty of time to keep working on it in the future. I also want to do this so that you aren’t my emotional crutch; I’ve seen enough movies to know that won’t end well for us. From there, I wanna start seeing a therapist of some kind, so I can finally get all these… thoughts out of my head. Or at least, start working towards a better mindset.” “...You… Want a therapist? I thought-” “I’m currently mentally unstable, Celestia. I’m torn between just killing myself or keep living for my new friends, and my new family. I’m torn between believing this is all just a coma dream, or if this is real. Am I dead on Earth? Am I truly going to amount to anything now that I’ve been given a second chance of life? I miss my family, I miss my friends, and I simply miss life on Earth, but I’ve grown to love some things on Equus that makes me want to stay… I need help sorting these thoughts out. No, you aren’t gonna be my therapist either, Celly, that ain’t healthy.” “I can arrange one for you soon, if you would be okay with that.” “That would be perfect…” I kissed Celsetia’s cheek, now that she was laying down. “I love you. Don’t you fucking dare put yourself in harm’s way again for the sake of a plan. Or at least, tell me next time, alright?” “I-I won’t… I am not used to being bossed around by my special somepony… It is nice to have one with some backbone for once.” “Well, I ain’t a pony, am I?” “I suppose not… However, there is something I was hoping to cash in on. One of your promises from before you were sent to Ponyville?” Celestia tilted her head like a confused puppy. “I believe you were willing to… service me after the Summer Sun Festival is over. And now that the festival is over…” “Oh… You may have to help me a little; I’ve never had sex as a pony before, if you can imagine that.” “Don’t worry, I am sure you will be a natural at it.” She leaned into me. “Come, let us go to our bedchambers for the night. You can show me how to…” she whispered something into my ears that made my ears shoot up, my face started burning red, and… Oh my, she is nipping me and everything! I felt a shiver down my spine as she carried me out of our living room, and into our bedroom before something… truly magical happened. It was weird to finally have sex, especially since I was doing it as a horse, but hey, I’m no longer a virgin! A huge smile grew on my face when our bedroom’s doors were closed shut for the night. We both casted a soundproofing spell and… Celestia took her regalia off… Scandalous.
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Source Code
Source Code, once an amatuer game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.
<p>Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...</p><p>Coding.</p><p>Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?</p>
I got a job. It's only for about eight hours a week, or one work day. Two if I stretch those eight hours across two four hour shifts. The job… is actually, and exactly, what I had back on Earth. That’s right! Your stallion’s got a job as a fast food line cook! Wow, I worked my ass off in college just to work in a fast food job for three years to pay back my debt. I work my ass off while developing Python here just to end up doing the same thing. Wow… That’s life. Woohoo. I decided to reapply to a Hayburger Al’Round without Celestia’s note of approval or any form of recommendation. This was a part of me trying to be so reliant on Celly. I didn’t need anybody, and especially not Celestia, to say I’ll be good at my job. I worked as a manager at my last job before… I ended up going to magical pony land. If Celestia recommended me, I would've gotten the job, and then my new boss would feel like keeping me even if I sucked. I didn’t want that, so I was sitting on my haunches, in a line kitchen, putting sandwiches together with covered hooves. I could use magic, but handling food with magic always felt wrong to me. I refused to eat food with magic, and I refuse to prepare any food with it either. As it turns out, I didn’t need to cover my hooves with gloves(yes, gloves, they’re hoof shaped instead of hand shaped), but it just felt right. Pony stomachs can stomach a lot of the germs ponies pick up while walking around. So all that you needed to do was clean your hooves, and then make sure you aren’t sick. From there, just don’t touch your nose, mouth, eyes or the insides of your ears with your bare hooves. If you did, no big dead, just wash your hooves again. Or wear a pair of hoof gloves and change them out for a new set each time you instinctively touch your nose. The line kitchen was actually very similar to what I’d expect to see in any fast food restaurant. Save for the lack of a drive thru. The sandwich table worked off magic, and was a lot lower to the ground so ponies could sit on their haunches, but it was still made of stainless steel. Due to ponies not eating meat, there were no warmers for chicken. There were 3 rows of pans(Those rows can hold 7 pans each), filled with various veggies, namely lettuce, onions, tomatoes and pickles. There were also cucumbers, mayo, ketchup, jelly for some reason, and mustard in pans with spoons in them so that you can evenly spread the desired condiment on the buns. Above the pans was a shelf. On this shelf you had sandwich wraps. On top of that shelf was another shelf where buns were stored, along with a toaster for the buns. It was an industrial toaster, so you split a bun in half, stick in the toaster, slide the separated halves on through and dispense at the bottom. Surprisingly, most ponies didn’t want their buns toasted, so it was rarely used. Since there were no chicken holders, like in a usual fast food restaurant that might carry chicken, there was more room for more bags of buns, which I took full advantage of. I slid another order out before taking a deep breath. I only worked about eight hours, but that puts me through three rushes. The first is the lunch rush, since this place actually doesn’t carry breakfast. Lunch rush can last about two hours. The second was a rush where all of the foals were getting out of school. Then there was dinner rush, when most of the working class in Canterlot would be returning home. Since my specific Hayburger Al’Round was next to one of the mass-lift systems to transport ponies between the plates of Canterlot, and that we were in shopping plate, dinner rush was the longest and was usually the hardest one since most ponies, like humans, loved ordering for their whole family instead of just themselves. I suppose some things will never change when you hop dimensions. “Good work, Source!” My boss, Flip said, while patting my back. “When I first saw a unicorn come in, and they proceed to not use their magic, I immediately assume they’re going to fail. Are you a halfbred unicorn that can’t use their horn?” He asked. I lit my horn before repositioning my hat with my magic. “No, I can use my magic. It’s just… My M-Dam's an earth pony, so I’m used to working with my hooves. Never, ever, messed with food with my horn. It just felt wrong to do it, so I used my hooves just like my dam does.” Another thing, I had to do a lot of studying in pony culture before actually getting a job so that I could pass off as a human being. ‘Mom’ refers to your sire’s, or your dad’s other wives that aren't your dam. Your dam is your biological mother. So when Rarity was shocked when I said I only want to date one mare, ever. With that said, I was still getting used to saying ‘dam’ instead of ‘mom’, or ‘somepony’ instead of 'somebody’. I also have been told, by Twilight through a letter, that I swear a lot when I get mad, so I had to start curbing that to fit in better. Since ponies usually don’t swear anyways, I should probably work on that. My boss, Pattie Flipper, or ‘Flip’ for short, was a bright yellow unicorn. His mane was light green and spiky, his tail was a similar style and the same color as his mane. Flip had some light stubble on his lower jaw that was a lot sharper than some of the royal guards I’ve seen. His flanks adorned a spatula, flipping a pattie. “Why wouldn’t you use your magic? You said you’re attending Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns; you’re sure to be really good with magic.” “I can, I probably, and easily could make four sandwiches at once by doing it, but food is about the feel. And if I feel weird about making food with magic, I’m gonna feel weird about serving it, even if there’s nothing wrong with the food itself.” “Well, I suppose I can’t complain; you’re a damn good worker even without your magic.” He patted me on the back. “Well, I’ll see you next week. Just stock up your station before you go and I’ll close it down for ya.” “See ya ‘round, Flip.” I hope to have an easier position next week. Usually, like fast food back at home, you’re taught a basic level of everything in the store, and then you are given a position almost at random, or based upon where your boss wants you. Building sandwiches is easy… if you only have to worry about one per order. I usually have to worry about six per order. Pony families are huge. So, Princess Luna, or Celestia’s little sister. Well, little isn’t exactly right, since she’s actually growing back to her full power. The Elements of Harmony, whatever those were, had apparently left her in a weakened state, so she was growing slowly every week. It’s been about three weeks since she’s returned, and forgiven for all she’s done in a heartbeat. Right now, Luna is about as tall as Cadance, who is already taller than I am. I was going to be spending the day with her, since Luna was given the foreseeable future off from her duties while she adjusts to everyday life. I was a bit hesitant at trusting Luna at first, but after seeing her at breakfast… She's a goddamn dork. She is a whole dork, and she is very cute when she is dorking out over things. I can tell she is being a bit reserved; I can see the hurt in her eyes everytime she looks at her sister. That look in her eyes alone made me actually wanna spend time with her, I can tell Luna genuinely feels bad about what she’s done, and is trying to atone. The first thing she did was present us… a burnt breakfast that she made herself. Like she burned water, the glass the water was in, and even burnt the plate… Yes, she cooked and seared the plate. I waltzed up to Luna’s wing of the castle, which was on the opposite side of mine(likely because Luna slept near mine and Celestia’s chambers on her first night back on the planet). She definitely got traumatized or had the very unpleasant experience of hearing her sister… make some noise while we sleep together. It was the only time it happened, but I think Luna had enough of that as soon as she had the opportunity to get away from sleeping on the couch in our chambers. I nodded to the guards, to day guards since Luna has her own guard force, but we haven’t had any recruits yet. I knocked on the door before being let inside the room by a dark blue magic. I walked inside to see… Luna’s personal chambers. They were more like an actual apartment. Celestia’s chambers consisted of her bedroom, bathroom, and the living room. Luna’s had an actual kitchen, that was in the same room as her living room, giving me an odd feeling… This place reminded me of my apartment back on Earth, even if everything in the room was way nicer, and had a darker theme to match the night that Luna preferred. There was a balcony, though with curtains that almost entirely blocked out the sunlight trying to get in from the outside. The curtains looked like Luna’s coat, as she described it, before she got banished to the Moon. It was a nice, dark blue, that was split into two pieces. The moon was the center of it, that splits each time you pull apart the two piece curtain. I know for a fact, that once you step out onto that balcony, you could almost perfectly stare into the eyes of whoever was standing on Celly’s balcony. From there, the living room had a… unsurprisingly, a coffe table in the center of the room, which was surrounded by two, dark blue couches that were a apparently the same color as Luna’s fur before she turned into Nightmare Moon and was sent to the moon and was struck by a rainbow beam of pure, natural friendship. The couches were a nice, soft velvety look that looked like I would pass out if I were to lay down upon them. The couches, and the coffe table were all sitting upon a very, very nice, white rug that contrasted from the rest of the dark colors of the room. It was soft, fuzzy, and was probably just as nice to lay on as the couches that Luna was laying on. “Hello, Source,” she greeted. “Howdy, Luna.” “Such an untraditional way to greet your Princess, Source.” “I’m not a pony of tradition, or a pony in the head.” “I wot. Mine sister quoth ‘jesus christ’ at random once. What the heck is a ‘jesus christ’?” She asked. “It’s a saying that Celestia picked up from me. She has no clue what it means, and I jokingly keep the meaning away from her just to fuck with her. It’s a person from… y’all have religion in Equestria right?” “There were cults that celebrated mine sister’s name… and declared me a demon of some sort.” “Oh… What-” “Source, keep on topic. Mine sister hath told me of thy habit of getting off topic.” “Okay, so Jesus Christ is a figure from a religion called Christianity. I was never christian, never knew the jist of it, but Jesus, I think, is the son of ‘God’, another figure that is the all mighty power up above in Christianity. I won’t get into the details, since it doesn’t really matter right now. Anyways, the saying ‘jesus christ’ is what you use when you’re surprised, shocked, scared, or anything. It’s like ‘I dunno what to say at the moment, because I am trying to process what is going on’. Celly picked it, doesn’t know what it means, and just uses it at random. Lemme guess, she said it at the start of a sentence when she very clearly knew what to say?” “She did. She quoth ‘oh, jesus christ’ when she found a whole mushrump during breakfast. Mine sister hates mushrooms a lot.” “Oh my god… she learnt how to use that phrase! She probably still hates that I won’t tell her what Jesus actually is; she knows it’s somebody’s name.” We both sat in silence as we both now tried to figure out something to talk about. I could just about understand her archaic ways of speaking and she could just about understand more modern ways of speaking. While we can get along, we usually sit in silence for a few reasons. She probably thinks I still see her as the monster that took my special somepony, or my girlfriend, away. While I know she was definitely not herself, I do know that I did crack the ‘Nightmare Moon’ side of her enough to get her to talk to me civilly during the whole Nightmare Moon incident. She also knows me as the stallion that wanted to spay her, for hurting my marefriend. “Aight, enough of this.” I got off my couch, trotted around Luna, laid down beside her, before literally dragging her so she would end up snuggling up to me with my magic. “Luna, I want to be clear with ya; I’m not mad at what you did. You certainly feel bad about what you’ve done, and you’re trying to improve. While I think it’s questionable, Celly’s judgment of character is better than mine ever will be, so I’m trusting her. So far, you just seem scared and unsure of everything ‘round ya, and you think I’m still mad at you, which certainly isn’t helping your mood, is it?” “It is not…” Luna admitted. “Thou art not mad upon me?” “Nah. The way you start geeking out over the night, or just talking about anything you’re passionate about, you’re adorable. Celly said you liked playing the flute, right?” “I doth, I desire to regard I am quite at playing the flute; ‘twere the one thing I could do while being alone ‘i mine chambers at night.” “Do you have your flute?” I asked. Luna teleported a flute in. It was a beautiful, silver flute that was… actually pretty normal looking. It shined a little bit. “Is that… bits of moonrock on the keys?” “Marry; mine parents had this forged for me one night when I wanted to pick up an instrument. ‘Tis one of the few things I have yet another from mine youth. I didst not hast much time to be a normal filly; I became an alicorn at the age of nine. Mine sister was only fourteen when she ascended. Instead of playing with dolls, or thinking of boys, learning to play my newly acquired flute, I was thinking of trying to unite the different tribes of Equestria.” “...Sheesh. If you wanna, or know how since I know you and Celestia can turn yourselves into fillies for a day, y’all can just become fillies for a day. Then I can foalsit y’all while you have a day of just being fillies for a while. Not having a childhood sucks; I would know since I barely had one myself. Dad died early, so I had to help my Mom raise my siblings.” “Haply I shall take thou on that offer; I desire to truly worry about colts, or just mine mane for the day instead of worrying about ruling a kingdom…” Luna nuzzled me. “And I suppose, since you may end up becoming my brother in law, I shall treat you like a brother; I always wanted a little brother, but our mother passed away a few years after I grew wings.” “Oh…” “Worry not; I’ve had mine time to grieve. Now, I shall celebrate having a new sibling, even if it is through marriage. You will be snuggling up with me tonight; I always wanted to snuggle up with a younger brother for a change.” I’m not going to get any say in this matter, and I don’t think I will complain. This is the most progress we’ve made in trying to get along better than we’ve had in the last three weeks. Luna brought the flute up to her mouth, before grabbing it with her hooves. I raised an eyebrow. “Playing an instrument with magic feels wrong.” “Fair enough. I just didn’t expect a princess to consider using their magic for certain aspects in life to be rather… A weird feeling. I feel odd with just handling anything edible or any cups. I’m sure Celestia told you about where I come from?” “She hath, thou are from a place bid Earth, and thou are not originally a pony at all, correct?” “Pretty much,” I nodded. “So, you were gonna play something?” Luna nodded, before playing… What sounded like something I’ve heard from a movie. It was hauntingly beautiful, even if it was sort of sad sounding. Towards the end… It got a lot happier sounding. I was simply nodding along; it was a good performance. Before I could even blink, Moon Butt had set her flute down. “Holy… mother of shi-crap. You’re amazing!” Luna simply blushed, before getting up to give an encore. As soon as she got halfway through, to the best part, she put the flute down, and licked my nose… What in the actual ballsack? That felt… weird. Like it just felt odd. I sat there like an idiot with what is probably the dumbest experience known to man or pony. “I see why my sister likes making thou confused. ‘Tis something adorable, seeing thy brain freeze like that.” She chuckled. “Unfortunately, you are a taken stallion, and you’ve made your desires to only date one mare very clear; you are more like a younger sibling to me anyways.” “Why’d you lick my nose?” “Because I thought it would be funny. Why else?” Fair enough, it must’ve been really fucking funny. We both sat there for a moment, before we both fell on our rears and started laughing. A couple of days later, I was sitting in a train station wanting to die. I woke up before the crack of dawn to catch the train that left Canterlot at the crack of dawn. I would rather have been snuggled up in my bed, watching Celly raise the sun before I had thoughts of closing my eyes again, before remembering that I either had a job, or wanted to have breakfast with Celly and Luny. Instead, I had to hop on a train for Ponyville to give Twilight a journal full of my unscrambled notes of Python, and then walk her through it. I was to do this, according to Twilight, once a month or whenever I made leaps and bounds with Python. Since it’s my own system of Magic, which isn’t complete, Twilight figured she should get started early on picking up my system. Why couldn’t I just DragonFire the copy of my journal to Spike? Because I have to walk Twilight through it. It was fair, Python was completely new, but Celestia figured it out, including any new Python(or spells converted to Python) after a quick glance at my notes. Granted, we learnt another downside to the system. Python, with the sole focus being for weaker unicorns like myself, was horrible for running out of a much more powerful magic user. For one, what it optimizes is casting speed and magic consumption in exchange for a stronger result. A magically gifted unicorn, or Celestia in this case, can already perform a spell that Python has, at the same speed as Python… without using the Python variant of the spell. On top of that, Python gives stronger results for weaker magic users… but can actually make it so a powerful user can put too much power into magic and give them a really mean hornache if too much power is used. Celly had to take a day off because of it, and I got to play maid for her and care for her, which was fun by the way. The problem with Python was that it was very good, but only if you sucked at magic like I did. I may make another version of Python, name it Java, and try to work out those issues of overloading spells… Or make another version that took even more power to cast spells, as a joke(it will be completely useless as a system of magic), and name it Windows Vista or something. Then give that to Twilight April Fools, because it isn’t celebrated in Equestria, but I’m gonna make it a thing. And I’m going to do it by developing a whole new magical system… Oh darn, April ain’t til next year! I got eleven months to develop Windows Vista, I will come up with a horse pun for it later, don’t worry, and give it Twilight. I’m gonna rush it, and make it as taxing and sluggish as possible. Oh, that will be revenge for making me get up so early so you can learn a system of magic you won’t even need. Sitting beside me was an equally tired Luna, who was coming along just to get out of the castle for the day, since, like me, Luna is usually cooped up in the castle with nothing to do. She looked to be having a good time, since I forcefully bought her a cup of coffee that she wanted anyways but insisted on paying for both our orders, and she was… actually enjoying it. I got a simple coffee with some sugar in it, while Luna got a nice, fancy espresso thing. It had whipped cream, caramel, and there was a damn cherry on top. It was really fancy, and looked like something Starbucks would sell if they didn’t cram their drinks full of ice to cut costs. She mainly got it, because she’s never had coffee, and it was in a shiny advertisement on the cafe’s windows. Needless to say… she was enjoying it. Even if alicorns apparently didn’t need coffee to get the day started, or much of anything other than brushing their teeth and using the toilet. They have so much magic that they just don’t need to worry about needing to stay awake. On top of that, Luna can apparently, and easily, control when she sleeps as it’s part of her realm of magic, which fits her type of magic into the miscellaneous systems of magic. Basically, she didn’t need the coffee, but boy did she want it. I even got a side-eye when I made her let me pay for her drink. “Thou doth wot that I am a princess, correct? I hast access to the treasury. From what tia is telling me, thou compose minimum wage, and work one day a week. Thou also adamantly refuse to compose use of the treasury yourself e’en though mine sister hath granted thou access to it. I could’ve paid for both our possets. It would not have been… a ‘big deal’ as modern ponies would say.” “And I would feel bad if I made you pay for my drink. I’m exempted from taxes, something my boss was surprised about. I’ve got no rent, food, or even just simple bills since Celestia made me move into the castle the very second we started dating. All my food comes from the castle, I sleep in the castle, and I live and do whatever the heck in the castle. Even though you just came back from the Moon, you still have partial ownership of said castle and everything in it. Y’all essentially gave me everything I could ever need and want, so that I could focus on making new magical spells, or just happily live my life by doing nothing. Let me at least try and make it up every now and then, such as letting me buy you your coffee.” Luna nuzzled me. “I am glad to see that thou are at least a pony that tries to earn his keep. I’ve seen what the Blueblood bloodline hath become, and I am less than impressed.” She eyed my notebook in my saddlebags, before pulling it out and reading it over. “Mine, mine. Thou has actually made a new system of magic. Belike I shall get the chance to wot it while we are visiting Twilight Sparkle?” “I can teach ya, but I don’t think you’d get much out of it.” “Why is that?” “Celly put too much power in, while using that system of magic, spent all day with a hornache. It was awful, because she wasn’t actually having fun. She actually resorted to an ancient swear word or three when it occasionally kicked up. It at least made me feel… a little good? I was just happy to finally be able to dote on my girlfriend and care for her until she gets better. Got to give her tofu soup, some nuzzles and snuggles, all the likes to help with a headache… except it’s a hornache instead.” “She does know how to counter thee better because of her knowledge in thy craft.” Luna proceeded to read my notes over again. “But your understanding of magic must be vast if thou are making new systems… “Python?” “It’s a human thing that I named the system after. And… I’m mostly brute forcing it into being. So far, I’ve got fifty-six spells converted into Python, which is enough to keep me happy for now. I won’t stop until I’ve made a hundred spells and made a proper textbook on Python.” We boarded the train once we were allowed to actually get on. Luna, surprisingly, didn’t opt for a royal carriage, stating ‘she’d like to experience a normal, modern train ride’ first. “Once I have everything in Python worked out, along with any disclaimers, I’ll officially release it as the newest form of magic… However…” I grinned. “Twilight told me I have to show her Python in person. So I’m gonna put a halt on making Python an official school of magic for now. I’m gonna make the worst magical system in the world, and then promptly name it after the worst computer operating system on Earth… I may name it Coral, after one of the worst builds of Linux in history…” “Why would thou try to make spell casting worse?” Oh good, she didn’t ask what the heck Linux was. “It sounds like a fun idea for April First.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “It’s a day in the year, on Earth, where you can pull pranks better. It’s not an official thing, but it was widely accepted. I want to give Twilight a complete version of Vista, or Coral… Coronet. Oh, that sounds like a fun pony pun,” I chuckled before clapping my hooves. “Twilight’ll get to experience a whole new system of magic, she will!” “...Can I help make this system of magic? If thou are pulling a prank, I would love to help. I was quite the prankster back ‘i mine day.” “Back in my day, my arse. You don’t look a day over twenty.” Luna blushed at that, before nuzzling my neck. “Yeah, you can help. I wanna get it done by next year, and yes, we are going to rush the ever living shit out of it. It’ll be rushed, and hopefully, awful to use as a school of magic. Since Twilight’s a bit crazy, she’d probably wanna learn Coronet anyways…” I hummed before working on how to use levitation… in the least efficient way possible. Python Time! So since I’m teaching Twilight how to use the current version of Python, Alpha, we can explore how Python actually works! Since this is coming straight out of my journal, it’ll just be a quick little journal entry. This is what Twilight and Luna will be reading together. The first page at least. I can’t reveal all the secrets in my diary, can I? A brief summary of Python: Python is a system of magic developed and tested by Source Code, Twilight(because she wants to be included as one of the only unicorns to use it in its early stages), and Princess Celestia. This system of magic is meant to make spell casting easier for us weaker unicorns, but also allows us to compete with our stronger friends. With this school of magic, I am able to at least stand at twenty percent of Celestia’s full power, or about fifty percent of Twilight Sparkle’s, Celestia’s protege, full power. Optimize casting for power. That is the motto of Python. So far the main drawbacks of Python is that most magically powerful ponies can’t use it without possibly hurting or killing themselves from a power overload. So no, Twilight, you can’t just suddenly raise the Sun by using Python. Firstly, you will catch on fire from trying to raise the Sun by yourself, and then Python will burn your insides, your flesh, and leave only your teeth after the Magical Backfire(MB), or a Python Power Overload(PPO), fucks you up. Thanks to Python using the basic Runes that most ponies reading this already know, along with some new Runes developed by Source Code, it is very easy for any average joe to pick up. These new Runes aim to make spell casting with said Runes to take less time, so you can focus either on the equations provided on the next page, an aspect it shares with the Hybrid School of Magic, or the one that’s revered as the hardest school of magic. Then once you get the equations down, you can put so little effort into casting, that you can worry about how much drive you put into this. Instead of being able to only light a candle with Runes alone, you could potentially light your fireplace with it… Or burn down a forest if you’re an asshole. These Runes aim to also eliminate the need for lining certain Runes together. Here are some popular examples: ER TO OR ING IGHT IRE YRE Python, despite making it easier for spell casting, has another drawback. Whereas Runes Based spells are more relaxed with how you cast, Python has a bit of a problem with it. It needs to be exact with what Runes you used. You need to use Python’s custom Runes and equations in order to perform the spells in it. You can’t just Rune out DragonFire and suddenly DragonFire without Python. Meaning DragonFire is literally not possible in any other system of magic. Speaking of DragonFire, and other spells in Python, you can find the list of existing Python based spells on the third page, along with the equations and Runes needed to cast them. If you would like a more in depth explanation of how each spell works on their own pages. DragonFire gets an explanation as to how it works since it’s Python exclusive: DragonFire is the type of fire used so dragons can send messages, or scrolls, to each other or certain ponies. DragonFire uses a Fire Spell, a Teleport Spell, and a Rematerialise spell all rolled into one. Using Equations to avoid having to use all three at once. With this said, DragonFire can be used the same way as a dragon’s fire can be used. However, if you remove the Teleport and Rematerialise equations, you just get a really strong fire spell. This spell can be used on a user to enable quicker means of travel, up to forty kilometers a minute depending on the user. Source Code can get to about thirty five kilometers a minute. Thanks to the nature of DragonFire, learning this spell is crucial, as it’ll teach you how to Teleport and Rematerialise, and cast Fire just from learning how to do DragonFire. Note: while using DragonFire it is crucial that you are familiar with the magical signature of whoever you’re sending a message to. Make sure you complete the spell while casting it, or you may just burn your message. Luckily, there are fail safes in place to keep you from killing yourself if you use DragonFire on yourself. When we got off the train, everypony was gathered up around the town hall, gathered around a stage wagon, that seemed like it was something that was usually lived out of. It was a simple, purple wagon, with a full roof over it. The roof was flat, pink, and had a slight overhang with five stars marked into it; the center star, on each face of the wagon, was golden. There was… surprisingly, a glass window with two shudders with a moon and star design painted onto them. There was a very, very small, metal chimney with a witch-hat shaped cap on the top. The front opened up into the stage portion of the wagon. On the stage was a light blue unicorn mare, who was wearing an over the top mage hat and a cape with stars etched into it. The cape had a collar that went halfway up the unicorn’s hat before it folded out. The cape had a diamond as the buckle, keeping it snuggling around her neck. The hat and cape shared the same light, though darker than the mare’s fur, color and starry color scheme. As the cape fluttered in a wind, that the mare was clearly making with her own magic, I could see a star and crescent moon adorning her flanks. Luna and I raised an eyebrow at that before deciding to head on over to see what the heck was going on. Two foals, two really stupid looking foals ran past us, yelling about how the mare before us was the most magical unicorn in Equestria. They somehow failed to notice Luna, since she decided to wear a traditional cloak over herself. I rolled my eyes at that. Until I see another unicorn do what Twilight did, and rearrange the whole solar system, I doubt I’ll find anyone better than her at magic. As we walked up, we caught Twilight and the rest of her friends. “There’s nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” Twilight asked Apple Jack, who was complaining about ‘Trixie’, the unicorn on stage, was boasting her talents. “Howdy, ladies.” “Oh! Source! I didn’t think you’d show up today!” Twilight actually… hugged me. “How’s it going?” “Where is the real Twilight and what did you do to her? Twilight woulda glare at me and just demand I give her my notes for Python already.” “Well… I figured I should try being nice to you. Your case… is special, and the last thing you need is somepony getting angry at you the moment you show up. Besides… after seeing your resolve to save Princess Celestia, despite how unlikely it was for you to do so, was admirable.” Twilight looked over at Luna. “What are you doing, Princess Luna?” “We were accompanying Source Code; we wanted to learn how Python worked, and desired to get out of the castle for the day due to our current lack of duties while we adjust to modern Equestria.” Luna hummed while simply watching the magic show. “It appears that our boasting friend is… not too bad at magic. It’s flashy, and not the best magic we’ve witnessed, but she is not horrible.” “She casted a teleport spell on those flowers… Those were literally just behind the curtain, inside the wagon,” I diagnosed pretty quickly. “It makes sense, but that’s far and away the most meh sign of Teleport I’ve seen. It’s cool that she’s even capable, but I doubt that she is even capable of teleporting herself.” I hummed, before slowly turning to Twilight who was a little slack jawed. “I ran a diagnostic spell on those flowers from here. Turns out that you can pick up where something’s been teleported from mere minutes after it’s been teleported to a new location. Try it,” I teleported the copy of the journal I was gonna give to Twilight into my hooves. “Run a spell?” Twilight did just that. “It was in your saddlebags… I even sense that residual magic from where it was moved from. How did you figure that out?” “Everything has magic, and when a thing is moved, it leaves a bit of its magic behind. From the diagnostic spell, you can run a spell on an object, and see if it’s been teleported, and then you can feel where some of its leftover ambient magic is. Trixie got her flowers… again, from behind the curtain. It’s impressive, but again, not the greatest feat I’ve seen from a unicorn. I’ve seen Shining Armor summon six or seven shields at once. Now that is hard… For me. I’m not very good with magic.” “And yet you’ve got the nerve to say that Trixie is bad at magic?” Trixie shouted from her stage. Oh, she talks in the third person… Weirdo. “Never said you were. You’re just not unique enough to make me go ‘wow’. Though then again, I wake up to Celestia raising the Sun every morning, so I guess my perception of good magic is warped?” “Well, perhaps a magical duel would shut your foalish mouth!” Trixie gave me a smug little look. “Unless you’re too scared to try fighting the Great and Powerful Trixie!” “Thou should put the ‘Great’ and ‘Powerful’ Trixie in her place, Source…” “Oh, do you want to go against the Great and Powerful Trixie instead you…” “Trixe,” I said casually. “You’re trying to challenge a motherfucking alicorn. Luna could blast you into a puddle of blood if she wasn’t a good pony. In a millisecond. Think before you open your mouth.” Luna actually pulled her hood back up, likely to try and hide the fact that she was blushing. That’s why, Luny, I see those cheeks of yours turning dark purple. I know you’re embarrassed whenever somepony talks highly of your morality… Mostly because you think you’re an awful mare. “W-what?!” Trixie started blushing at that. “Don’t make the Great and Trixie! Step up if you dare!” “Bet. Hey everyone, step back a bit. Trixie, get off your stage and let’s have this magical slap fest or whatever.” “Are you sure you can take her, Source?” Apple Jack asked. “I’m no unicorn, but even Ah have to admit she’s not bad at magic.” “Meh, I’ll be testing myself anyways. I wanna match her spell for spell, but I’m gonna quickly convert her Hybrid Runes into Python; I wanna see if I can convert spells on the spot.” I stepped forward as the crowd began to back away a lot. Luna was smart and summoned a decently large fishbowl-like shield over me and Trixie as we started staring each other down. “So, ladies first,” I theatrically bowed before standing back up straight. “Trixie will make you seem like a foal by comparison!” Her horn lit up under her hat, and I immediately knew what was coming. A Concussive launched from Trixie’s forehead and it barreled straight at me. I hummed, before using my own magic to drive it into the ground. With Runes, that would’ve been hard, but Python let me do it without any problem. “W-what the? The G-great and Powerful Trixie can feel your magic from here! You aren’t even strong!” “That’s cool. Hey, guess what? It’s my turn-” Trixie fired another Concussive, and I didn’t have enough time to summon a shield or grind her spell into the dirt. So I casted a DragonFire on myself before rematerializing behind Trixie. I wasn’t going to hurt her at all, that wasn’t how I was gonna roll today. She’s an overly boastful mare, not a murderer after all. “Peekaboo!” Trixie squawked before falling on her face. “Did I surprise you?” I asked with a cheeky little smile on my face. The crowd, save for Twilight, her friends, and Luna, had never seen a DragonFire. They were shocked. The two stupid looking colts that were hyping Trixie up had their jaws on the ground. “W-what the b-buck!? How did you do that?!” “Self made spell, from a self made Spell System. It’s pretty cool.” I teleported outside the shield and next to Luna, before rubbing my head. “Fuck, that still hurts my horn whenever I do it… I can do DragonFire constantly, but one god damn teleport is too much?” I grumble… I would rather get castrated than deal with hornaches, but hornaches meant I worked my horn out enough for the day, and it’ll be a little stronger tomorrow. Trixie was laying on her belly sputtering and squawking as she tried to figure out how to one up me now. Even if, by technicality, I just forfeited our duel. Trixie was starting to cry… goddammit. “That was mean, Source,” Twilight pointed out. “She was trying to kick my butt for saying her magic wasn’t amazing. I even said it’s pretty cool that she’s able to perform Teleports. It’s even cooler that she’s trying to entertain ponies even if she’s not that good of a showmare. She’s over confident in my opinion. If she just went around claiming to be a good magician and is trying to entertain people, while silently making a living off of doing so, that’s cool. Saying you’re the best, at magic, in Equestria, is setting yourself up for failure. Because what would happen if you claimed that and found somepony better at magic than you?” “...I would get embarrassed,” Twilight noted as Trixie got her wagon closed up, before hitching it onto herself, and running out of town. “And I’m not even magically gifted; I just have Python to help me contend. Trixie’s magic, in terms of raw power, is a lot better than mine… Fuck, I never tried to convert-” “That was totally wicked!” Rainbow Dash tackled and hugged me. “I forgot you could burn yourself and reappear out of nowhere! It is so cool!” She squealed. “And then you put Trixie in her place-” “It still wasn’t very nice,” I admitted. “But I got to scare a mare… I’ll go after her and cheer her up. I could see Trixie crying, and that doesn’t make me feel good.” I DragonFired myself before using it to quickly catch up to the mare I just made cry.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
In a world where alicorns occur exceptionally rarely, the unexpected convergence of two of these majestic beings shattered the status quo of history. The time was over six thousand years ago. It marked the first instance of more than one alicorn existing in the world at the same time. The chances of a mortal pony giving birth to an alicorn were low enough that only one appeared every few millennia. Typically, by this time, the preceding alicorn would have departed Equus for various reasons. Despite their immortal nature, all alicorns would eventually find themselves at odds with the fabric of this world. Throughout the extensive history of Equus, thirteen other alicorns had surfaced. Some caused worldwide calamity, and all posed a significant burden on pony civilization. All but six eventually chose to depart Equus for the stars in pursuit of greater meaning. The remaining six had met their demise in catastrophic magical detonations that reshaped the world, resetting the calendar years and heralding the dawn of a new age. Two alicorns existing on Equus simultaneously presented an interesting situation. There was a male and a female, and so they became a mated pair, seeing one another as equals, but having very different preferences and characteristics. Each of them viewed the world as their playground to do with as they pleased. But what pleased one was quite different from what pleased the other. The male alicorn, Hyperion, reveled in mastery of the physical world. His joy stemmed from crafting breathtaking landscapes and vistas, controlling the appearance of celestial bodies to create awe-inspiring displays. He meticulously arranged the night sky for its beauty and built a regal floating fortress to be their home. To impress his mate, he would orchestrate a total solar eclipse, showcasing both his power and his affection for her. He sculpted the mountains and seas to fashion a world where she would find happiness and he could receive her love and attention. Hyperion largely disregarded the tens of millions of mortal ponies inhabiting his world, almost forgetting their existence altogether, for it was natural that a fully matured alicorn loses youthful memories. From the mortals' perspective, the occasional upheavals of the world at Hyperion’s whim were perceived as ‘natural disasters’ that they learned to try and keep their distance from. Since Hyperion seldom addressed the mortals directly, they remained largely unaware of him as an individual. In contrast, the female alicorn, Periapsis, held a fascination with animals and living beings. Unlike Hyperion, she did take notice the mortal ponies, vaguely recalling her origin among them. Peri kept a collection of both animals and mortal ponies as pets, and was particularly fond of her ponies, that she groomed and cared for. She enjoyed putting her pets in various luxurious accommodations and watching them interact with one another. When she was feeling bored, she would sometimes instigate a conflict between pony factions to see how they would resolve it. She occasionally had her favorites, but for the most part, individual pony lives did not mean much to her. She never viewed them as people, but more like livestock for her own entertainment. She was usually kind to them, but if one crossed her, she would swiftly destroy it and move on. The mortals under her watch learned not to question her in any way, and that she would provide for them generously as long as they did not object or protest. They lived in a bizarre hybrid of fear and fortune.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
Hyperion viewed the mortal ponies as insects and vermin. When he noticed them at all, he was disgusted with their construction of towns and villages on his planet. They had no place in his physical masterpiece, yet he tolerated their existence as long as they stayed mostly out of sight. This posed a problem with his mate. She had grown rather fond of the mortals and spent a lot of time tending to them. Hyperion felt that Peri had an unhealthy obsession with her pets, giving too much attention to them. As a result, he grew jealous, leading to numerous moments of friction between them. Typically, Hyperion would respond by attempting to win his mate’s attention with impressive physical constructs—a beautiful garden, a spectacular sunset, or even a meteor shower—anything to secure her attention. However, what he could not tolerate was the growing fascination Periapsis had with the mortal ponies—the very creatures that would construct villages and cities on his masterful artwork. The very thorn in his side, which he had only mildly tolerated, had now become the very thing his mate spent her time tending to. Hyperion was frustrated that such a situation could arise at all. There was no reason for it. Were not his impressive efforts to win her attention much, much more significant and attractive than anything those insects could offer? What was her problem, anyway? And after several discussions, why was he unable to dissuade her from this? Hyperion was most perplexed by the whole situation. Then, one day, he realized what it was. Periapsis needed something to nurture. Hyperion did not have this need, but he recognized it in his mate. He had finally discovered the solution to her obsession. He put forth the suggestion that they have children together so Peri's nurturing attention could be diverted to something worthwhile. It was the perfect solution—little alicorns to care for and raise up to be just like them. Actual people, not these... vermin. He proposed the idea to her, and to his pleasure, she agreed. A year following Hyperion’s suggestion, Periapsis gave birth to a foal she named Celestia. Her presence was bright like the sun. She was their little princess. A fitting title, for it made sense that an alicorn, daughter of the world’s rulers, would be a princess. Hyperion's plan was apparently a success. Periapsis diverted her nurturing attention to their daughter, and they basked in the joy of a happy family for a short while. Not one to let success exist in a vacuum, Hyperion suggested a second child. When Celestia was six years old, Periapsis gave birth to her sister, Luna. Dark and spunky, she was a fitting counterpart to her elder sister, and for a while, it seemed like their family was complete.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
As it turned out, Periapsis never truly abandoned her fascination with the mortal ponies. While her nurturing attention was indeed given to the young royal sisters… as they grew older, she found time to rekindle her old hobby of tending to her “pets”. When Celestia reached the age of ten, Periapsis introduced her to pony-tending. She taught Celestia how to keep and care for them. Celestia was eager to learn the art of managing the mortals because she adored her mother and related well to her nature. She wanted very much to follow her mother's example. Hyperion became incensed that Peri continued her obsession with the mortals, and worse, encouraged their daughter in the same. What an outrage! Here, the problem had gotten worse, not better. Now there were two alicorns irrationally obsessed with tending to insects. Celestia screamed for him to stop. “What’s the matter, Sunshine? I’m trying to teach you something.” His voice was cold and authoritative. Celestia stared at the lifeless body before her. The other one was still alive and had fixed onto her with terrified eyes as she sat there, trembling. The mare’s eyes were magenta, just like her own. Tears rolled down Celestia’s cheeks. “I won’t do it!” She was ten years old. Her father looked down at her, his expression unreadable. He waited. She glared hard at him, a look of fierce determination set in her eyes like diamonds. She stole a quick glance at the slain pony lying in an expanding pool of blood. After a full minute, her father took a deep breath and let it out slowly through his nostrils. “I will not have you following her example. One obsessed alicorn is more than enough for—” “Mother is not obsessed!” she blurted out in desperation. “This one belongs to her, and I will not—” Celestia felt an impact across her face followed by blood trickling down her nose. “Do not interrupt me, child. Now, I gave you a task.” Celestia stared at the pale-blue mare once again. He was wrong about them. He had to be. She returned her gaze to her father and stomped a hoof on the ground. “Very well. If you won’t do it, I will. But you will watch.” With that, Celestia found she could not look away. A flicker of light sparked from the tip of Hyperion’s horn. Celestia heard the loud crack of a bone breaking and the chilling screams of pain coming from the pony before her. Then another crack, followed by dozens more within seconds. The pony vomited up a liter of blood, then collapsed dead onto the ground. Hyperion spoke softly. “We’ll try again tomorrow.” Celestia was hyperventilating. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mangled body of the mare lying before her as the rhythmic hoofsteps of her departing father faded away. In a fit of anger, Hyperion destroyed a small pony village. He was surprised by how much satisfaction this brought him, if just for a moment, to smash the object of his frustration. He knew Peri would not be pleased with this, but she would get over it. To distract himself from his frustration, Hyperion would divert much of his attention to his daughter, Luna, teaching her his talents in crafting magnificent vistas. Luna seemed to prefer applying this talent at night as she manipulated the appearance of the sky in all its glory. Hyperion also was not neglectful in teaching Celestia the art of astronomical manipulation. By the time they reached their late teens, both Celestia and Luna had mastered the ability to manipulate the sun and moon in the sky using the abilities their father had given them. As the sisters matured, Periapsis foresaw heightened conflict with Hyperion. To prepare for this, she clandestinely taught each of her daughters a secret way to meet and talk about things in a manner immune to Hyperion's interference. To Celestia, her mother gave the secrets of the Aether and how to enter it at will. From here, she would have access to unique advantages such as a limited exploration of history and meeting with others in a nonlinear timeline. Here, time operated very differently from the physical world. To Luna, her mother granted the secret of dream-walking, enabling Luna to enter the dreams of others and observe what their subconscious was doing. She could also interact with the dreamer, offering solace and resolving troubled sleep. Periapsis sometimes did this with the mortal ponies she cared for, as they often suffered from night terrors.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
Young Celestia had been growing in the ways of her mother, agreeing with her that the mortal ponies had value, in opposition to her father’s assessment that they were mere pests. But something about Peri's regard for them seemed off to Celestia. She perceived something deeper within the mortals than even her mother did. As she spent time with them, she got to know their way of life. She learned of the fear that they had of Periapsis despite the alicorn's apparent care for them. Celestia believed it would be better if the mortals did not have to live in this fear. Not only that, but she began to see them as actual people rather than animals to be cared for—people with their own rights, even. At the age of twenty-two, Celestia did something unprecedented in all of history. She had an impressive understanding of magical theory, and she knew the difference between alicorn magic and unicorn magic. She knew that these two kinds of ponies drew their power from vastly different energy sources, the Aether being the source of unlimited alicorn power, and the Lifestream being the limited source of unicorn power. Celestia was also an accomplished spellcaster. She discovered the process by which an alicorn matures from a youth, with quite limited power, to near-omnipotence as an adult. She learned that if a young alicorn were to claim an identity with one of the forty virtues of the mortal ponies, that this alicorn would halt the transformation into full maturity. Celestia knew this would be irreversible, and it would mean giving up tremendous power. But she could not deny her heart leaning toward the mortals. She truly understood them to be valuable people with a valuable ethical standard that neither of her parents understood. Celestia made her decision to undergo this process herself and discovered her virtue of Benevolence. The process was surprising for her. As a young adult alicorn, Celestia had recently been struggling with the temptation of abandoning her unique perspective on the mortal ponies and just going along with her mother's view. But upon discovering her virtue, she could truly see them with incredible clarity. She was suddenly awakened to a whole rich world that she previously did not even know existed. The mortal pony civilization came into sharp focus for her, and she wept over their treatment by her parents. She introduced herself to them for the first time as their Princess, and she promised to look after them and advocate for them. Celestia had finally become aware of the “Traits of Harmony”.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
When Celestia discovered her virtue and abandoned the natural path of a matured alicorn, Hyperion was disgusted with her choice. He didn't know what to do. On one hoof, she was still an alicorn. But on the other, she was more like one of those insects. He could not reconcile the two. He could have destroyed her right then, but he had invested much in her, and he could not bring himself to end her life. Instead, he focused on trying to convince Luna that the mortal ponies were not worth throwing her life and future away for like her sister did. She listened to him and weighed his arguments. Luna had always been the more mysterious of the two. She would silently judge you, watching and waiting for the right moment to present her conclusions. Luna weighed what Hyperion told her, but also what he showed her through his actions. She also watched her older sister and the changes she underwent. Luna was only sixteen years old, and she had a lot of decisions to make. Seven years later, Hyperion had shown his true colors as far as Luna was concerned. Time had proven that Celestia had made the correct decision. She had become a ruler that the mortal ponies appeared to really need. No, not merely need—they actually wanted her. In some way, Celestia's strange ramblings about the mortal ponies being real people started to make sense. Luna began to question everything she was raised to believe. She knew, even as far back as her memories would allow, that Hyperion was unjust in his treatment of the mortals. But she never saw anything wrong with her mother's treatment of them until some rather long talks with Celestia in her late teens. At the age of twenty-three, Luna made her decision. She had seen her father's unjust treatment of the mortal ponies, often killing them in the most cruel or humiliating ways possible. Celestia advocated on their behalf, urging Luna to recognize that they were actual people and worth defending. After much consideration, Luna discovered her own virtue of Righteousness. The transformation was startling. She knew from watching Celestia over the past seven years that she would cease to gain further alicorn gifts and powers. But Celestia did not seem to mind. For Luna, it was a jarring experience. She knew the magnitude of what she would be giving up, but it was still the right thing to do, to undergo the change. Once it was finished, Luna became the champion of justice for the mortal ponies. She ruled alongside her sister as fellow-advocate and defender. Meanwhile, Periapsis was proud of her daughters in her own way. While she did not see the ponies as actual people, she still cared for them and spent much of her time keeping them because it pleased her. She did not understand the depth of connection that her daughters had with the mortals, but she did not condemn it either. She found it a bit amusing, and also a bit overreactive, to toss their entire lives into the mortal society, giving up so much in the process. But she was not angry like Hyperion. He was truly outraged. His prize daughter, Luna, had essentially given him the worst insult imaginable. Hyperion grew increasingly bitter and hostile toward Periapsis and eventually their children as well. He eventually reached a breaking point with his family's interest in mortal ponies and began actively destroying their civilization.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
Over the next three years, relations between Hyperion and his family steadily broke down. Periapsis refused to abandon the mortals despite Hyperion's insistence. As a powerful fully-matured alicorn herself, she was not helpless in this conflict. She came to the aid of the mortals when she could, but ultimately, the advantage was his. For an alicorn, destruction is the easier option. Hyperion tried to get her to give in by targeting those whom she enjoyed the most. He got quite creative in the various ways that he would end their lives. Sometimes, it was quick when he simply wanted them erased. Other times, he would make a spectacle of it, and the streets of whole cities would run red with pony blood. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna were relatively powerless to resist their father. The best they could do was come up with places for the mortals to try and hide, and to try and keep them alive in whatever way that they could. Peri was distraught over the conflict, not understanding how the stallion she loved had grown so cruel. It was no longer a matter of eliminating pests. It was a vendetta. Hyperion eventually vowed that he would make the mortal ponies extinct if she did not completely forsake them. For her part, she feared that he would eventually turn his wrath on their daughters as well, once the mortals were no more. Hyperion then began a systematic annihilation of ponykind. They had numbered in the tens of millions with several large cities across the world. As powerful as he was, Hyperion could not kill them all at once. The task would take over a year, fueled by his rage. He also kept his distance from his mate, feeling the need to complete his agenda. The mortals took away the mare he loved, and he would make them pay for it. Their very existence was now anathema. There was no way this could end until they were wiped clean off the face of the world. Periapsis met in the Aether with her daughters to discuss a plan to preserve ponykind from extinction. She blasted several tunnels and cave networks into various mountains, careful to hide the entrances. Celestia and Luna would direct ponies into these shelters and hope their father never found out, for he would simply bring the mountains down on them if he knew. Thankfully, the other species on Equus seemed to go unnoticed by Hyperion. The various sapient races that Periapsis did not take a personal interest in were spared most of Hyperion's wrath, but the whole world suffered anyway due to the destruction. All records and technology were eliminated. Any form of pony government or civilization ceased to exist. The mortals would undergo an absolute reset and have to rebuild from scratch, if they even survived at all. In the end, there were fewer than three hundred mortal ponies who remained alive.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
Helpless against Hyperion's relentless onslaught, Periapsis realized that being on the defensive was a losing situation. There was only one way she could save ponykind, and that was to kill Hyperion. She knew he was unbeatable physically. There had to be a way she could outwit him. She knew there had been ancient alicorns who suffered spectacularly fatal burnouts. If she could cause him to burn his horn out somehow, she would be successful. The last remaining mortal pony city that was still populated was under attack. Periapsis and her daughters rushed to meet the aggressor head on. Hyperion was enjoying himself, taking his time with his victory imminent. Some of his most cruel ways of killing were on full display. He would telekinetically pull their bodies apart or turn them inside-out while forcing them to stay alive during the process. Peri slammed into him with the speed of a missile, knocking him through several buildings before skidding to a stop against a hill. He laughed and congratulated her for the effort. He then struck back, burying her under tons of falling rubble. The two continued fighting, each inflicting only minor injuries upon the other while the surrounding landscape looked like a hundred bombs had been dropped on it. Hyperion focused his attention on Celestia and Luna, seeing them vulnerable. He had hoped they would be the cure for Peri's insanity. It was now time to end that mistake. He charged at them, but Peri intercepted his efforts with a shield bubble around the sisters. A matured alicorn's shield is effectively impenetrable. It was little effort for her to maintain it, and her daughters were safe for now. Hyperion made a show of telekinetically throwing live ponies at their shield with such force that they burst upon impact. The greatest pain was felt by the sisters themselves as they could only watch in horror. Peri knew it was time to end this. With her daughters protected within the shield, she pounced on Hyperion and held him with all her strength. She then manifested magical chains to bind the two of them together. With the two alicorns chained to one another, she then focused on his horn, bringing to bear the unfathomable power of the Aether against him. Peri's magical abilities were easily on par with Hyperion's, even if her physical strength was somewhat less. With the intense onslaught against his horn, Hyperion had no choice but to raise a magical defense to protect himself. He tapped the Aether for the energy necessary to keep his horn from being destroyed. For that was the only real threat here. An alicorn's horn is his life. Fortunately for him, it would take an inconceivable amount of energy to actually destroy his horn. He was only mildly concerned because Peri would need to tap so much energy that she would risk her own life in the effort to end his. And that was exactly her plan. Periapsis abandoned the hope of self-preservation. The entirety of Hyperion's focus was now on hardening his own horn. He had nothing left even to break the chains and wrestle himself away from her grasp. For the first time in his life, Hyperion experienced fear. The energy being used by both alicorns was orders of magnitude brighter than the sun. The surrounding buildings were set ablaze. Celestia and Luna watched helplessly from within the shield that protected them. They only hoped the mortals had enough sense to put as much distance between themselves and the alicorns as they could. Hyperion's horn began to vibrate with the increasing stress. Peri closed her eyes and willfully dropped the final portion of her restraint, tapping the infinite power of the Aether, beyond her horn's ability to withstand. With a tiny fraction of the energy she was using, Peri brought time itself to a near standstill. She and her daughters appeared in the star-filled void of the Aether for just a few seconds. “Goodbye, my children,” she said, her tone bittersweet. “Take care of them. Rule them well.” And then she was gone. Hyperion felt his horn's integrity begin to fail. He had no choice but to tap more energy than he could safely use. Sensing that his defeat was imminent, he likewise slowed time to a near standstill, for only himself. With his remaining milliseconds, he designed the instrument of his vengeance. His senses reached out to a nearby apartment complex, collapsed from the battle. Within the rubble, a heart was still beating. A mare, heavy with foal, who would have given birth within a month, in better circumstances. Hyperion reached out with dark and potent magic, and snatched the living soul right from the foal’s unborn body. Into this innocent foal, Hyperion poured his wrath—an irresistible directive intertwined within her very essence. She would become the personification of his hatred and malice. She was now the Nightmare, existing without body or form until the time was right. She would survive Hyperion’s physical death, lying in wait for somepony to fall into the trap. And when she was finished with ponykind, his vendetta would at last be fulfilled. Time resumed, and in an instant, the two alicorns experienced a fatal burnout. The unrestrained energy flowing through each of their horns created an explosion that completely leveled the city. A shockwave split the ground, creating a long and deep ravine. Bare rock became molten glass. Everything else had been vaporized, scattering to the wind. Hyperion's horn shattered into thousands of fragments the size of grains of sand. The force of the explosion dispersed the remnants of his horn for miles in every direction. Peri's horn remained intact, but her body was obliterated, leaving the horn embedded in the molten rock at the bottom of the gash in the earth. Being severed from her skull, her horn transformed into a dark blue crystal. The shield protecting the royal sisters collapsed, leaving Celestia and Luna hovering there above the barren landscape in complete shock. Their parents were simply... gone. The alicorns of old were no more.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
It had taken many months for the royal sisters to gather the remnant of the mortal ponies. Dozens were hidden inside mountain caverns. Some were found hiding in thick forests. Some were wandering aimlessly beyond the outskirts of the city where the final battle took place. All were terrified and in shock. Two hundred and eighty survivors, out of millions. The world itself was unrecognizable. The only thing the sisters could do was try and offer hope. They had already earned the trust of the mortals. Thankfully, all three tribes of pony were still represented, although there would need to be some prolific crossbreeding if the future of ponykind was going to thrive. The sisters gathered the remnant in a nearby clearing with a river running through it. With the help of all three tribes, the two alicorns built a small town for them to live in. They named it "Ponyville" as it was the first pony village of the new era. It was a half-hour trot from the site of the battle, just outside the devastation zone, where there were still trees. Here, the sisters lived among the mortal ponies, helping them structure their budding new civilization. They learned to tend farms and barter with one another for goods, eventually creating a new culture all their own. Occasionally, Luna and Celestia would visit the site of the battle and its strange ravine. They crafted a stone pillar and placed it on the edge of the cliff. Its inscription read: Everfree Memorial For all of ponykind. May you be forever free. The site of Everfree was chosen as a memorial to the sacrifice Periapsis made to save ponykind. The name was chosen as a reminder that they would never again be subject to Hyperion's cruelty. After two years of rebuilding, the sisters decided it was best to take steps to prevent something like this from happening in the future. It was not unknown that alicorns were occasionally born to mortal parents, and that they very likely could bring about the destruction of pony society—although, supposedly this most recent example had been the worst. Still, the mortals deserved better. They needed protection. It occurred to the sisters that the remnant of mortals would not have had any knowledge of ancient history prior to their own lives. Ponykind had been in survival mode for years, enduring Hyperion's wrath. No records existed apart from what Celestia and Luna had in the floating fortress where their family had once lived—a fortress that would need to be hidden at some point. Its library would be useful in preserving magical knowledge, but many of its secrets would have to be guarded from the eyes of those who might abuse them.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
Four years after the Battle of Everfree, the sisters set about their plan to prevent calamity with future alicorns. Luna's task was to retrieve the six legendary alicorn horns that supposedly existed somewhere out there in the world. These ancient horns were said to briefly tap energy directly from the Aether, providing incredible power to whoever wielded them. Each horn took the form of a crystal that could change its shape to identify with its bearer. According to legend, each of these horn-crystals brought great fortune to the town of its bearer, as they were able to use its power to defeat evildoers and malicious schemers. The crystals were of little use to those who did not understand the principles of magic. As such, often when one was stolen, the thief or rival king quickly discovered that the pretty artifacts in fact did nothing. This resulted in them being stored in vaults as mere representatives of power rather than providers of actual power. Luna was quite well versed in war magic; her father had taught her well in her youth. She devised a plan to create a weapon of extraordinary power by combining the six crystals and binding them in a way where they could only be used in conjunction. Used this way, their power would be orders of magnitude greater than what they could provide individually. This joining also added an extra layer of security to prevent misuse, as Luna bound each crystal to a specific pony virtue. This way, not only would the bearers have to be virtuous ponies, but they would need to be six ponies of specific virtues who were all working in agreement toward the same goal. Luna built in a failsafe so that she or her sister could wield them solo, but unity would be required for mortals to operate the weapon. As such, Luna named the set of crystals the Elements of Harmony. Luna levitated a dark blue crystal out of her saddlebags with affection, knowing just how to bind the Elements together. She had noticed this crystal one day when visiting the memorial. It had been fused into the stone floor of the ravine during the battle. Luna plucked it out with her telekinesis and took it home to Ponyville where she showed her sister. This was their mother's horn! It had become an adaptive crystal much like the horns of other alicorns who had suffered a fatal burnout. A chill ran down her spine as she considered the fate of their father's horn. Alicorn horns were supposed to be indestructible and permanently bound to both the Aether and the deceased alicorn's soul. But their mother had been targeting his horn specifically to destroy it, and so perhaps it did not survive. It was certainly nowhere to be seen, and Luna's detection spell turned up nothing conclusive—just a vague sense that it was... “somewhere” in the Everfree region. Luna's quest took three years. She circled the globe twice in search of the Elements. She sailed on ships, climbed mountains, explored dark underground caverns, and followed treasure maps hidden in ancient books. She met with several strange races in many nations, snuck into vaults, and plundered tombs. She even had to outright steal the Element of Magic from its bearer—a strange and frighteningly powerful creature named Discord who refused to give it up. She stopped at nothing to acquire the Elements, for even if they had become sacred artifacts, tens of thousands of years old, it was more important to secure the future from an alicorn threat. Finally, Luna returned home to Ponyville, only to discover a troubling surprise at the Everfree Memorial and its surrounding region.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
With Luna away, Celestia set about her task, which was to do some housekeeping. She was to build the Royal Library from selected materials that had been a part of their library in the floating alicorn fortress. Pony civilization now numbered three hundred and ninety, as many foals had been born over the past four years. It would be some time before ponykind needed to expand beyond Ponyville and explore the ruins of the Old World. Still, Celestia's duties were to plan for millennia into the future. If ponykind was to once again cover the globe, they needed education and infrastructure. The Royal Library would be a good place to start. Celestia kept the books containing the most dangerous magical theory locked away safely in the fortress and divided the rest between commonly useful texts and advanced texts for trusted eyes only. It would be important to eventually build a sect of talented unicorns who would serve royal functions for the good of ponykind, using this advanced knowledge. It would still be centuries away, but Celestia was already planning the establishment of a Royal Palace, a Royal Guard, and a School for Gifted Unicorns. Meanwhile, Celestia herself would take on an important teaching role, as long as there was peace in the land, and raise up educated ponies who would spread her vast knowledge to successive generations. One order of business was to hide the fortress. It was massive—the size of a palace itself. Hyperion had created it to be powered independently, so it could fly even in his absence. Celestia chose to bury the fortress beneath the ground in the Wild Lands, far from any populated region, and constructed a common looking settlement above it on the surface. This served as a place where she and Luna could visit to talk and think, away from other ponies. It was remote enough where it would be quite some time before curious eyes discovered its location. And when they did, they would find nothing special apart from some alicorn's trinkets. Celestia began a journal of events surrounding her parents and the reason for the fall of ponykind. She documented the facts behind alicorn metaphysics and how a fully matured alicorn might be killed. The purpose of the journal was to document how an alicorn can be defeated in case for some reason she was no longer alive when the need arose, and as a backup plan in case Luna's weapon failed. She also used the journal as an outlet for her personal feelings regarding the current era, the rebuilding of pony civilization, her thoughts as ruler, and observations on mortal pony nature. Celestia kept the journal in a locked chest in the basement of her writing studio, which was built above the buried fortress.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
One concern Celestia developed was late in Luna's absence. Luna had taken their mother’s horn crystal with her. She had developed a spell that could use the crystal to help locate the Elements of Harmony. But in the crystal's absence, something strange had begun to take place in Everfree. The region for miles around the memorial began to grow very strange plants and trees. Nothing apparent had seeded them, so this was a mystery to Celestia and the citizens of Ponyville. An entire forest had developed over the course of a year, and the most alarming thing about it was that it seemed to... hate ponies. Whenever a pony ventured through the region, there was a good chance of some sort of mishap. Perhaps she got tangled in vines, or attacked by rats, or haunted by nightmares for weeks afterward. What's more is that entirely new species of creatures began to appear in the forest—species with no apparent origin other than the forest itself. These creatures were generally frightening and seemed to be confined to the forest’s boundaries, although Celestia worried that one day they might venture further out and cause trouble in nearby Ponyville. When Luna returned with the Elements, she was surprised to see the changes Everfree had undergone. It made visiting the memorial difficult and presented a risk to nearby ponies. She set about her plan to create the anti-alicorn weapon by binding the Elements to one another using her mother's horn crystal. With the weapon completed, Luna placed Peri's crystal in the ground at the bottom of the ravine where the battle had taken place and surrounded it with the Elements. She then cast her binding spell and covered them with dirt. Within a week, a small tree had sprouted where the crystals were buried. Another month had gone by, and the malevolent forest transformed into a normal, healthy forest. The dangerous beasts seemed to fade away, and no pony was harmed or felt threatened when travelling through the region. Everfree had become neutral land once again. What nopony realized was that the malicious plant and animal life had spawned because of Hyperion's influence. His horn had been shattered into thousands of tiny fragments and scattered across the region, providing immense amounts of energy to manifest and sustain these dangerous creatures. Since his horn had captured the essence of his thoughts and feelings at the moment of his death, Hyperion’s malice against ponykind permeated the Everfree region and produced a wilderness that was hostile specifically to ponies. When Peri's horn crystal was returned to Everfree, her influence counteracted Hyperion's with the help of the Elements, making the region neutral and safe to travel in.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
<p>Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.</p><p>What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.</p><p>Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, <i>who</i> set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?</p><hr/><p>Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.</p>
For millennia after the Battle of Everfree, the Royal Sisters guided ponykind into an expansive, prolific pre-industrial civilization of 750,000. With two immortal alicorns ruling their society, the ponies had few significant conflicts. Certain powerful adversaries showed up on occasion, calling for the need to either fight alicorn style or use the Elements of Harmony against them. Fortunately, the Tree of Harmony allowed for the removal and replacement of the Elements so that they could still be used while preventing Everfree from once again becoming dangerous. This was an era of magicians, wizards, chivalry, and exploration. Ponykind had established several small cities across the expanding nation, which had been named Equestria. They had run into the borders of several other nations in the process. The friendly Zebras were fellow equines to the south and respectfully requested that the ponies not advance into their territory. The deadly Griffins had a small clan-based nation in the high-country off to the north-east. And the Yaks to the far north were too belligerent to make it worth the difficult journey to open diplomatic relations with. A group of pony pioneers decided to stay in the frozen north, however, to set up a crystal mining outpost that would eventually expand into thirty-four small quarry settlements before ultimately declaring independence from Equestria when an artifact was discovered that allowed them to self-sustain. Buffalo inhabited the dry plains of Southern Equestria and did not seem to mind being incorporated as long as no one interfered with their traditional running grounds. The zebras also told ponies about an aggressive and hostile race of minotaurs along their western border, which thankfully consisted of jungle too thick to settle in. To the east of the zebras, near the Equestrian border, dragons roamed. These enormous beasts were often many centuries old and had inhabited the region since before the Royal Sisters were born. They had been absolutely no threat to fully matured alicorns. To Celestia and Luna, however, even they would have a difficult time coming up with a way to take one down, should the need arise. The ponies of Equestria learned to keep a respectful distance. The Royal Sisters moved the capital of Equestria several times over the next four thousand years. Usually, the capital's location served to encourage growth of the nation in a particular direction. Ponyville had remained small, by decree of the princesses, to always keep a portion of pony society tied to its humble roots. Eventually, with the borders of Equestria not expanding for some decades, the sisters decided it was time to build a more permanent place to rule from. They decided it should be a castle. The Castle of the Two Sisters was built next to the Everfree Memorial, near the edge of the ravine where the Tree of Harmony kept the land in check. It was a beautiful landscape with deciduous trees that provided vividly colored leaves each year. The castle itself was an impressive construct, filled with humorous pranks Luna had insisted on installing to playfully scare the little ones who visited. The castle was completed 4034 years after the now legendary battle. The sisters were somewhat saddened that contemporary ponies rarely considered the battle of Everfree as having taken place at all. By now, it had mostly fallen into myth, with only the sisters themselves knowing what had really happened. So they decided no longer to include that part of history in modern education. Perhaps it was best to allow ponykind to simply forget that chapter of their history. Another alicorn had not arisen in four millennia, and they had the Elements in case one did and decided to cause trouble. It seemed, at the time, that perhaps the calamity of alicorns would never again assert itself upon the world.
Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Soarin,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Soarin-Dash family goes out to see a movie, and they all have opinions on it.
<p>After the events of Ghosting, Soarin's family has settled down into a fairly regular routine. Dash has mellowed out, Haze isn't always so combative with his mother anymore, and Prism is still obsessed with his favorite toys: the Roboknight model kits.</p><p>A new movie is coming out for the Roboknights franchise, and unfortunately for Soarin, the rest of his family wants to see it.</p><hr/><p>Contains spoilers for Gundam Seed: Freedom</p><hr/><p>Set in my '<a href="/bookshelf/1294304/bright-future?order=latest" rel="nofollow">Bright Future</a>' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.</p>
“Dad, Dad! Did you see this!?” Prism called from upstairs. I hadn’t seen whatever he was talking about because I was in the middle of doing our taxes for the previous year. It was January again, and in spite of everything Twilight says about Ponyville’s low taxes, that doesn’t mean the system she implemented to calculate them isn’t absurd. ‘This is the way the humans do it,’ she says, but as it turns out, the way they do it is insane too. The Government knows how much I spent and how much I owe, but they make me calculate it, and then they send agents to your door when you do the math wrong, no matter the direction. Between royalties from the Wonderbolts, our income as teachers, and the bonuses we get for being flight instructors at the school, there’s a lot of taxable income to sort out, and there are taxes on literally everything. The car payment, the house payment, city taxes, federal taxes, income taxes, and who knows what else. It’s such a pain, but I don’t have practice today and Dash is working with the girls this evening, so I’m getting a head start on these. However, with my motivation to work on these dropping, I attended Prism instead. “No. What is it?” Prism flew into my study and held out his phone for me to see. “There’s a new Roboknights movie coming out!” My eyes saw the ad for the movie, but my ears heard ‘there are new model kits I want you to buy me!’ Still, I humored my son. “Alright. When’s it coming out?” He turned the ad to himself to read it. “Uh… this weekend? First showing is Friday.” “We have a race on Saturday; are you sure you wanna do that to yourself?” I could see the fight on his face. He hates to be unrested for his races. It’s never a question of whether or not he wins, he’s a college level flier at fifteen; but he’s a perfectionist, like his mother. He is also a Roboknights fanatic. “Yes,” he said, slowly, as if he really didn’t want to say the word. “Alright, sure. I’ll give you some money and—” “No, we should all go!” He cut me off. I blinked. “Huh?” “Yeah! It’s a sequel movie, Dad! Roboknights: Seed - Freedom!” There were so many Roboknights. It rang a bell, but this was his thing so I more or less let him do it. “A… sequel movie?” At this point, I’d triggered the ‘I get to explain my obsession’ flag, and Prism followed accordingly. “Yeah! So, like, Seed originally came out back in 2002, and then Seed 2 came out in 2004, and now they’re releasing a movie set after Seed 2!” Prism wasn’t even a glimmer in my eye back in 2004. I’d just gotten into the Wonderbolts back then. “The movies really are creatively bankrupt these days, huh? A new movie after twenty years?” He scratched at his head, clearly not hearing what he wanted to. “Well, I mean, it could be worse. The last Roboknights movie was based on the first part of a novel from over thirty years ago, so…” And now you’ve upset him. Just let him explain it. “Alright, sure. What’s this one about?” “Oh, here’s the trailer!” His phone in his hoof again, he played a trailer for the movie… totally in Umanese. The characters and the robots were ringing in my memory, but the voices were all wrong and I didn’t have a clue as to what was going on. I swallowed. “Prism, buddy, this is going to be in Equestrian when we watch it, right?” “It has subtitles!” Right. I took a deep breath. “Are you sure it has to be us? Can’t you take your friends?” He rolled his eyes. “But none of my friends have seen Seed! And we all watched it together!” I raised a brow. “Really? Even Fallacy?” “Fal isn’t allowed in the theater anymore.” Not surprising, but I still had to know why. “Because…?” “Well, we went to go see that tokusatsu movie—” He says, like I know what ‘tokusatsu’ even means. “And prices for theater food is kind of a scam, so… you know.” So Discord’s son used his powers to create some kind of extravagant meal in the middle of the theater and was caught by the staff. Encouraging him to sneak Fallacy in is probably not good dad behavior, so I’m going to be stuck listening to a foreign language and reading a movie for however long. I sighed. “Yeah, I gotcha. How long is this?” “Two hours, ten minutes.” Goddess among us. “Okay, well, lemme talk to your mom about—” “Oh, she’s already in. It’s Seed, Dad, it’s one of her favorites.” Now I remember. This is the one with Mountain Glow and After Burner that we watched before I introduced Dash to Mom a few months ago. Which is why we’ve all seen it. Or, at least the first half of the first season, anyways. I don’t think I recognized a few of those characters. And the lips on those ponies! They made them look like they all had plastic surgery! That’s new animation? “Ah. Right. And your little brother?” “His favorite Roboknight is supposed to be in it, so he was down to go too.” “Of course he was.” Haze’s next performance isn’t until March so the theater club has been off since school started back up a few weeks ago. Give in Soarin, you’re stuck. Wait, the last hope! “What about Cheesette? Wouldn’t you rather go with her?” Now he just looked guilty. “So, Cheesette likes pies.” I feel like I know where this is going. “Yeah, no, I know that. Pretty sure most of the city does.” “And last time I took her to a movie, she managed to sneak one in that she made specifically to eat while watching the movie…” “And someone complained and she is also no longer allowed into the theater.” Prism rubbed his hooves together. “Yeah…” Figures. Hmm. any more ways out of this? I did give him that homework assignment… I sat up straight and cleared my throat. “We are such stuff as dreams are made on…” Prism took a breath in return. “... and our little life is rounded with a sleep. “Sir, I am vexed. “Bear with my weakness. “My old brain is troubled. “Be not disturbed with my infirmity. “If you be pleased—” I held a hoof up. “Alright, you pass.” Prism threw his hooves up. “Yes! Finally! I swear, I read that stupid book for a whole damn month!” I would like to be proud of my poor son, but he’s about to make me sit through this movie, and I just know there will be model kits either on the day or within the week. The hobby shop he likes to visit is right there in the mall too… “Good job, Prism. We’ll go see the movie Friday after school.” My boy hugged me. “You’re the best, Dad!” Ah, my little rainbow. I hugged him back. “So, there’s this new Roboknight in the movie…” One rainbow like another.
Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Soarin,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Soarin-Dash family goes out to see a movie, and they all have opinions on it.
<p>After the events of Ghosting, Soarin's family has settled down into a fairly regular routine. Dash has mellowed out, Haze isn't always so combative with his mother anymore, and Prism is still obsessed with his favorite toys: the Roboknight model kits.</p><p>A new movie is coming out for the Roboknights franchise, and unfortunately for Soarin, the rest of his family wants to see it.</p><hr/><p>Contains spoilers for Gundam Seed: Freedom</p><hr/><p>Set in my '<a href="/bookshelf/1294304/bright-future?order=latest" rel="nofollow">Bright Future</a>' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.</p>
Ponyville mall, also known as Neon Dream, was located in District 7, northeast of Ponyville Castle, two districts directly north of our house. As the school was located in district 1 with the castle, the drive from school to the mall was almost more inconvenient than walking. It took about fifteen minutes either way, and since this trip would not end until after we visited the Hobby Max to see if they had any of the new kits in, we figured it was best to just bring the car. “Ro-bo-knights! Ro-bo-knights!” Dash and Prism chanted, like, the whole way there. When we finally made it through all the traffic, I’d had just about enough of the chanting and the Umanese songs. I turned to the two of them and said, “You guys know that the movie doesn’t start until five, right? We’ve got an hour to kill.” Mother and son looked at each other, then came back with a new chant in the same rhythm. “Hob-by-Max! Hob-by-Max!” Haze put a hoof on my shoulder. “It’s no use, Dad. They’ve been like this all day.” “I know, Haze, I—” On the screen of the phone in Haze’s hoof, there was none-other than yet another Roboknight from this same series in black and white pantone. “Et tu, Brutae?” Realizing he’d been caught, he quickly locked the phone and put it in his pocket. “No, wait! It’s not what it looks like!” As if she were drawing the dagger herself, his mother shot a hoof at him. “You’d better bet it is! He started reading that manga during class this week!” Haze covered his face with his hooves. “I thought we were over this! Why are you still spying on my classes?” Dash smiled like this was some kind of achievement. “Please. Just because we talked doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop being your mom, dude.” “You don’t spy on Prism’s classes!” Despair overtook Dash’s face. “I don’t have to spy on Prism’s classes to be told about his grades…” Thus the twelfth dagger fell. With the air of despair that had now filled the car, I decided it was time we got out. “We are gonna miss our chance to go to Hobby Max if we don’t go do that now.” “Y-yeah, H-hobby Max…” Prism said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. “Why does this feel like it’s my fault?” Haze asked. “It’s not my fault, is it?” I lovingly patted my youngest’s shoulder. “Shut up and get out of the car.” “Okay.” Our little unit out of the vehicle and moving into the building from the parking garage, the mall was bustling with life. Living up to the name, we entered on the first floor where neon signs illuminated every inch of hanging space there was, advertising everything from groceries to arcade games, clothes to sports gear, photography to cars, and even a rock wall and a bungee trampoline. And that was just the first floor. This mall had go-karts and laser tag, an entire floor and a half dedicated to the food court, and finally, the top floor, which was just the theater. Like every Friday afternoon, there were ponies, of all shapes and sizes, with a hoofful of other species here and there filling every corner of the mall. It wasn’t quite prime time though, so it was busy but not crowded. Hobby Max was a little cut out on the third floor with all the toy shops, card dens, board game houses, and bars one could find in Neon Dream. There was about one for every major game and a bar for at least six different nationalities and five or so sports teams on either side of the small city that was this building. Capacity here was something like two thousand ponies per floor, it was insane. While Hobby Max mostly served its board game and tabletop game customers, there was a quarter of the store devoted to Prism’s expensive hobby. The nice thing about the miniature figure games is that they shared paints in common with Prism’s model company and he could get whatever he needed for color correction or outright custom paint jobs for his little toys. He got really out there with them sometimes, especially after Mom took him under her ‘wing’ to teach him how to work a chisel. He wants to enter a building competition this year, and to really up his game, he’s been getting the really cheap ones to practice highly detailed paint jobs on. Between that and his architecture talent, he’s come a long way into recreating scenes from the shows. I know Seed isn’t his favorite Roboknights series, but as he’s told me whenever he gets a chance, the newest kits always place the highest. Not exactly a big surprise when a big toy company is holding the competition. “Sup, Rainbowmanes,” said the owner, a bespectacled stallion by the name, Injection Mold. “You going to see the new movie today?” “Absolutely!” Dash shouted, checking the back wall for the more expensive figures. She wasn’t the architect nor a ‘Snow’ like me and the boys, but she was pretty good with her hooves all the same, and was the most easily sucked into whatever hobby the boys had picked up. From playing blocks with Prism in his foalhood to acting out parts for Haze, she was Wonderbolt Mom extraordinaire. Her obsession was Roboknights: Wing, and she liked the one with feathers. She owned every model of the thing, save the very elusive, recent-ish Master Grade, or, medium-sized kit, from four years ago. That said, she only started building them when both the boys found it was a good way to bond with Mom. At this point, she’s developed it into her own hobby and our room looks less like where we sleep, and more like a shrine to the Wing Zero. “You uh… get one in yet?” Injection sighed. “You know I don’t know when they actually reprint these things, right? I get whatever they send me, whether I order it specifically or not.” He pointed to a big black box with the title Roboknight from Seed on the front. “You see that Freedom EX? I ordered that thing when they were announced last year in May. I didn’t get the thing until the beginning of December and they released overseas in September!” Prism put a wing on her. “You really should just order online if you want it so badly.” Dash stamped her hoof. “I’m not gonna overpay a scalper for this! I’ll get it here, or we’ll go visit Uma as, like, a family vacation some day, and I’ll get it there.” “It’ll probably resold over there too.” Haze mumbled. “Oh!” Prism got up on two hooves to meet Injection over the counter. “Speaking of the Freedom, did you get the new one yet?” Injection smiled. “You mean this one?” On the counter, he set out a brand new box for the latest version of the Seed title suit, the Freedom Roboknight. Prism’s eyes went wide and he immediately inspected the box from every angle. He turned it this way and that, then settled on the side with all the pictures of the model kit after it had been assembled. The pony robot was blue and white for the most part, sacrificing the once prominent gold for a more bright orange-red and light gray. He didn’t smile which put my wallet at ease. “That’s it?” Injection nodded. “That’s it.” The unicorn stallion lit his horn and floated a completed but unstickered model out from under the counter and onto the top for Prism to see. “Look, I’m gonna be honest with you, this has the recent awesome build quality from all the latest kits, but I’ve seen the movie already and… well, let’s just say that there’s more coming. A lot more.” Once again, my wallet shivered. Prism inspected the completed model, moving it around, putting it in silly poses, standing it up on two hooves, spreading out the wings. “Man, sometimes, it sucks being a mainline fan. The last anime was… meh, but the kits were so good! Ugh, why hadn’t they figured this crap out during the orphans era?” “I know, it’s terrible.” Injection then brought up some older kits that I had never seen before. “But, I did get in some older stuff from Seed since they’re reprinting like, everything because of the movie.” And then, something terrible happened. Haze focused like a laser on a pair of kits toward the end of the pile. “That’s… that’s the one!” The kit he’d singled out was an unusual one with a big red ‘V’ on the top of its head like an ornament and similar to the Freedom, the entire inner frame was a not gray color, this one being bright red. Of course, it was aptly named ‘Red Frame.’ Funny how that works. He moved to the box and picked it up. “Just like in the comic…” A magenta eye drifted my way. I’d already seen the prices, and to be honest, I expected to come in here and spend a whole lot more, so this was within my expectations. “One each, under 30 bits.” Haze smiled, Prism frowned, and Dash raised a brow, making a face a lot like Applejack. “What?” My wife put a wing on my shoulder. “Look, Imma need you to go up. Like, a lot.” I narrowed my eyes. “Why? We haven’t finished doing taxes yet, we don’t know if we’re gonna owe money or not!” “I’m just gonna send our shit to Twilight and make her do it.” “Dash, that’s awful.” She wagged her hoof at me. “Oh, it is, but this is her fault, and she knows it. She’ll help a friend out. And besides, she’ll get it done quicker too since, ya know, she already has all our tax information.” I shook my head. “It is really annoying that she won’t just send that out.” “Right.” I saw her eyes flick left, then back to me. “So, I know we’ll get some of our taxes back after we file. And I want something.” “Did we not come here because Prism wanted to see this movie?” “No, we came because I wanted to see this movie, mister, ‘I need to talk to your mom first.’” Damn punk ratted me out. “What do you want?” “The EX.” I turned my head to look at the piles of kits with the big black Freedom EX box sitting on top. Just below it was a price tag. “Dude.” “Don’t dude me! It’s totally gold on the inside, and it has wings that fly off on their own to shoot lasers!” I looked at my disappointed rainbow headed son and found my resolve. “No. It’s not fair.” Dash glared at me and pulled me aside. It was all the same, we still had half an hour to kill, and Prism as paralyzed by all his options while Haze was about ready to tear into his new kit. Once we were away enough to be by all the miniatures and paints, she sat down. “Come on.” “No! It’s a hundred and seventy bits! We’re here for Prism, you can’t get that now!” “We are here for Prism, and he’s passing Equestrian now that he finished that book of plays you gave him!” She scratched at her rainbow mane. “So I don’t actually want that for me.” It made my heart sing to know how much she’d go through for our boy. “Aww, sweetie.” “Don’t you aww sweetie me!” She turned the other way. “I’ve got an image to keep up and I’m…” but she could barely contain it. “Just so proud!” She fell into me and leaned her head against my neck. “But like, I don’t want to be weird about this. We just went through all that drama with Haze and your mom, and my parents would’ve gone super hard if I’d managed a passing grade in Equestrian on my own, but like, I don’t want them to feel like I'm playing favorites again after all the crap, ya know?” I put a foreleg around her shoulders. “So you want me to look like I’m playing favorites just so you can get the credit for rewarding Prism?” Dash smiled bright as a rainbow. “Absolutely!” I leaned down and kissed my wife. “Well, you are my favorite…” She kissed me back, now practically hanging off me. “So, buy me an expensive toy?” “No.” “What!?” “Dude, we’re about to go see a movie! Do you want to be holding that thing, or worse, let it sit on a sticky theater floor for two hours?” She rubbed her chin. “That… I hadn’t considered that.” “I know. I’m gonna ask Injection to hold this stuff for us and we can pick it up after the movie.” Dash sighed. “Alright, Dad, you win.” “I mean, sure, but if I’m going to commit to spending almost two hundred bits on Prism, we’ve got to do something for Haze too. His birthday is in eleven days, after all. Give me something satisfying, and I’ll blow the cash.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Oh, I’ll give you something satisfying, you handsome, even-hooved, former wonderbolt!” That was a promise, not a threat. “Come on, Dash, we’re in public…” “Oh, I don’t care. You’re gonna regret having to be a coach tomorrow. Telling me no, giving me conditions…” Then she really gave me a kiss, and if the kids weren’t here… they’d have to change the rating in the theater. “Goddess, I love you.” Before this got too out of hoof, I pulled her off me and wiped the spit off my mouth. “I love you too. But we should go get our tickets.” She gave me a swat on the flank, never losing eye contact until she got to the counter. “Hey, so, since we are about to go see the movie, could you hold onto these for us until we get out?” “Yeah, sure Mrs. Soarin.” I joined Dash at the counter. “Alright kids, release the plastic crack for a bit.” Haze let go of his red robot with difficulty, and Prism had been picking out paints to stand next to the completed model. “Oh, what?” Prism asked. “Buddy, did you pick one out?” I asked. He shook his head. “Nah, I’m gonna wait til after the movie. For as much as I like the Strike and all of its upgrades, this one is kinda… lame. I thought, if I could paint it, then maybe, but… I just can’t think of a color scheme or what else I’d do with this.” Dash and I looked at each other. “If you could get anything in the store, what would you want?” Prism looked behind us to Injection Mold. “You still got that Pehenex?” He shrugged. “I told ya, they go fast.” “Damn. Then, maybe the SFEX or the PG Unicorn.” “Unicorn?” I looked around the store until I spotted a huge box on the very top shelf behind the counter. White armor segmented by glowing red inner parts with a bright gold V-fin like most of the rest of the Roboknights. He has like four of these things already, but none of them came in a box that big. Or were that expensive, holy crap. 1/60 scale? I had to ask. “Injection, how big is that thing?” “The PG?” he asked. “I’d say it’s like, a foot and a half or so, to a foot, to half a foot. It is not small.” I turned back to Prism. “Dude, would you even have a place to put this thing?” Totally stoic, he said. “I would make a place for it.” This is not what I’d signed up for. That thing is almost fifty bits more than the other kit. “Cool. It’s 4:45. We’ll be back, and the movie starts in fifteen. Let’s go.”
Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Soarin,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Soarin-Dash family goes out to see a movie, and they all have opinions on it.
<p>After the events of Ghosting, Soarin's family has settled down into a fairly regular routine. Dash has mellowed out, Haze isn't always so combative with his mother anymore, and Prism is still obsessed with his favorite toys: the Roboknight model kits.</p><p>A new movie is coming out for the Roboknights franchise, and unfortunately for Soarin, the rest of his family wants to see it.</p><hr/><p>Contains spoilers for Gundam Seed: Freedom</p><hr/><p>Set in my '<a href="/bookshelf/1294304/bright-future?order=latest" rel="nofollow">Bright Future</a>' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.</p>
Surprisingly, the theater was mostly full. Save for the seats no one would pay for, just about every seat had been reserved. Luckily, we made our purchase much earlier in the week when I knew this was happening, but I was still shocked to see so many ponies. Even stranger so many mares. I knew Dash liked her particular Roboknight, but that can’t be why all these other mares are here, can it? Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mare other than Dash go near Hobby Max, and since that was our local shop, we were here for Prism almost every other week. As far as it goes, most ponies wouldn’t call me a bad dad. Where I openly venture into that territory on purpose, however, comes to sneaking food into the theater. Sure, call me a hypocrite and all that, but thirteen bits for a bowl of popcorn and butter I could get for half a bit down in the supermarket below is absurd. Also bought there are boxes of candy and soda bottles, not as egregious as the popcorn prices, but still at about half the price of what they sell right here. Wings make it easy to conceal things, and since the packaging is literally the same, they wouldn’t really know without checking surveillance footage, which is far too much work for the disinterested teens who work here. “See?” Dash said as we found our seats, “Just don’t go crazy with it! Normal stuff gets by, and as long as you don’t literally show anybody, nobody knows.” Haze rubbed his temple. “Not only are we an incredibly privileged family for other reasons, we’re also a cheap family who won’t just buy theater food.” Prism turned to his brother. “Bro. It’s thirteen bits. That’s half the price of your imported Real Grade Roboknight kit! Oh, wait, you were reading that manga, weren’t you? Are you subscribed to Shuppansha or something?” Guilty, Haze’s ears folded. “No…” “Uh-huh. Eat your candy.” Prism slid a box of sour gummy ponies from between his feathers and dropped it in his brother’s lap. He’s still mad about his grades being brought up. One of these days, he’ll pass history and science. One day. “Look, guys, we do what we can to enjoy the things we like, and we pay for them when we can afford them,” Dash lectured. “Some things are worth paying for, some things aren’t worth it, and some things can’t be paid for in the case of Haze’s manga. Nopony has it licensed and it was translated into Equestrian by fans. It’s not his fault he literally couldn’t pay for it even if he wanted to.” Not playing favorites, huh? I’m surprised she looked into that. “There you have it boys, even your mom knows the world’s not black and white.” She clicked her tongue at me. “Who are you, Applejack?” I ignored that. “But, at least attempt to do things the right way when you can.” Haze sighed. “Except here, apparently.” “Because it’s a scam!” Prism shot back. The argument would have escalated if the lights didn’t dim. “Hey, do this later. It’s starting.” The theater went silent, phones were put away, and trailers filled the screen. First was a new comedy movie. I wasn’t paying much attention and more focused on my little chocolates and nothing that was said took me away from them. Trailer two was for another animated movie. It was about a highschool volleyball team. I believe Prism and Fallacy watched this at one point because I remembered the jumpy orange pony. There was a buddy cop movie where the duo are charged with the teenage daughter of one of them while working. Comedy ensues. The next one featured dudes talking more at each other than to each other and transforming into colorful suits while using some sort of prop weapons with mediocre special effects. Apparently, this was a long running franchise that not a soul in my family really had any knowledge about. Finally, the lights turned off, and the theater’s own ‘don’t talk, turn your phones off, be polite’ warning played. With that out of the way, the movie opens hot in the middle of some kind of war between two factions. Prism had a few of these roboknights on his shelf, but they were also kinda wrong somehow. Like, all the things that looked familiar and had similar names had these extra fins and spikes and laser weaponry that I didn’t usually associate them with. Then, up in space, our title characters show up. Squeals abounded as the lead character, Mountain Glow, filled the screen getting into the new Roboknight we just looked at down stairs. Him working with the protagonist of Seed 2, Tomorrow Edge, whom Prism vocally dislikes, fly down in the blue and red roboknights and just cut everypony to pieces. They don’t kill ponies though, since that’s the role of the new world police force or whatever. A lot of talking in Umanese, and flashing lights with robots fighting. As a certified manchild, my attention spiked when the robots were on screen, and cratered when they weren’t. For the next hour or so, I did my best to not fall asleep. Some new country wants to join the police force or whatever, Mountain Glow thinks he’s being cheated on by his marefriend, Lily Cross, with the new pretty boy who looked… strangely similar to the real bad guy from both seasons of Seed, but was apparently totally unrelated. There’s another b-plot where another new mare character has the hots for Mountain Glow and gets rejected by him so Lilly is also not feeling great, and like, the new character literally turns traitor for that later on. It was like a bad soap opera with the evil twin and everything. The initial trailer Prism showed me made me think this art style was good and dead for a reason, but the movie had a few scenes during the parts I fought for consciousness that straight up looked bad. The ballroom dance scene had maybe three frames of animation and a whole lot of sad computer generated 3D. It was odd, because sometimes the robots were 3D, but they looked even better than usual when they’re properly animated. It was almost like they forgot how to animate their characters at the beginning of the production and ran out of time before they could finish this. Prism tells me this is one of those anime studios that don’t screw their workers over with absurd hours and deadlines and it felt unusual for what I remember being very good animation on the last movie all the way through. It really does feel like the style is what’s causing most of the problems. Still, after that very long, very boring series of scenes, we got back to the robots. Some war had started somewhere else, and the world police and this new faction set out to take care of it. Somebody says there’s nuclear warheads out there and it needs to be stopped. After a while, and I guess, finding out that the blonde guy has some kind of mind control powers, or maybe they all do, Mountain Glow goes off against orders to chase a guy he knows who may or may not actually be there. A warhead launches, the new country takes Lilly away to ‘safety’ and everybody does their best to stop the warhead. Then, the new country’s roboknights, which I assume is what Injection Mold meant when he said ‘more,’ show up to confront Mountain Glow and Tomorrow Edge. Both of them get bodied because the new black knights are just as powerful as the main knights from the last series for some reason, and they are only winning because the new suits are an actual downgrade to the ones from Seed 2. Mountain Glow and Tomorrow Edge are both saved when After Burner makes his second appearance in a crab like Roboknight and goes hoof to pincer with the black knight, fighting him, saving the guys, and running away. What was weird about the crab suit is that Prism has one that looks almost identical to it, save for the strange backpack it wore. Unlike the other roboknights that look like they were ‘borrowed homework,’ this one was straight up the same. The old ship that the crew traveled on in the original Seed gets destroyed, but everyone with a name survives and we relocate. From this point onward, the movie begins to get silly and lose the serious tone entirely, but I wasn’t against that. Mountain Glow is all sad because they stole his girlfriend, After Burner beats the crap out of him, Tomorrow tries to stop it, only to get his face punched and thrown away, which I genuinely laughed at, only to be shushed by the other members of the audience. After this happens, the view from the enemy ship goes from zero to one hundred as not-the-other-villain goes on about assigning cutiemarks to ponies before birth to ensure everyone has a scripted life to follow by using his and apparently Lilly’s mind control powers that she has now, I guess. Lilly is still downbad for Mountain Glow though, and she refuses pretty boy’s advances. What was his name? I have no idea. If I didn’t already know the character, they were very easily forgotten since this was a movie about Mountain Glow and Lily more than anything. As it turns out, the old suits got a few upgrades and because they were literally superior the whole time and just… hanging out in storage or something, the gang takes them back out to save Lilly. There is another new ship hanging around, and to make it not look like the country that Mountain Glow’s sister and After Burner’s marefriend, Copper Ash, runs, they ‘pretend’ take it over with like, five ponies. Even this silly movie had enough respect for its villains to make them realize it was total garbage, and then they prepare to fire the same super weapon from Seed 1 and 2 because destroying it the first two times wasn’t enough. They nuke a city off the map with that and then threaten to do it to Copper Ash’s country, but our crew says they have the old suits again, and that turns them into a target. As it turns out, hitting a moving spaceship from the moon with lasers and mirrors is fairly difficult, so our crew gets away and into range of the super beam. Pretty boy, which is his name now, starts to get desperate and he straight up tries to rape Lilly. I was not prepared for this kind of turn at all. The movie had been getting sillier; this felt… so, so out of left field. Anyways, he’s a joke and Lily really sticks it to him, so he just slaps her and storms off to join the space fight. Given the earlier scene in the cave where they just have a mare taking a shower and nearly showing all her parts to the world, I wasn’t sure just how that would go. Two fronts break out, one to deal with the fleet, and another to deal with the moon laser. Tomorrow goes after the fleet where Lilly is, while Mountain Glow and After Burner fight the bad guys. Lilly is saved after what is a hilariously easy fight as Tomorrow tears through everything in his way in the old Destiny. On the other side, Mountain Glow and After Burner fight off the black knights, but once Lilly is lost, prettyboy gets back in the fight in his two pony knight which was white and gold and had laser cape and was super cool, and I unfortunately saw that spark of inspiration in Prism’s eyes when he saw it. Whenever that got released, wherever it was released, we’d have it ordered within a week or two. At first Mountain Glow is losing, but then Lilly shows up with a new backpack for the Strike Freedom, wearing a space suit that is so skin tight that she would be less explicit if she were naked. It was almost worse than a wonderbolt’s uniform. Almost. This silly upgrade gives Mountain Glow the power to stop all incoming fire and use a laser hidden in the knight’s head to destroy all his enemies. For some reason, now we don’t care about killing enemy pilots I guess. After that, After Burner kills the main black knight, Tomorrow kills the rest of them in one of the coolest scenes in the movie in which he moves so fast that he creates afterimages of himself to shadow clone his way through all the b-grade black knights. The b-plot is resolved after mare side character 1 talks it out with mare side character 2 in the middle of a fight and I guess she’s redeemed after that or something. Sure, just let traitors back on the ship in space where things can very easily go very wrong. Not that I expected a whole lot of logic out of a show where After Burner hides his Justice inside the crab knight, breaks out of it, and then uses that stupid, super long horn on the suit as a beam blade and headbuts his final opponent to death. It falls into the category where it’s ‘so stupid it’s cool,’ and I was not the only pony in the theater who laughed out loud. The movie ends with After Burner and Copper Ash finally getting married, and Mountain Glow and Lily Cross strip down and go make out on the beach. Roll credits.
Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Soarin,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Soarin-Dash family goes out to see a movie, and they all have opinions on it.
<p>After the events of Ghosting, Soarin's family has settled down into a fairly regular routine. Dash has mellowed out, Haze isn't always so combative with his mother anymore, and Prism is still obsessed with his favorite toys: the Roboknight model kits.</p><p>A new movie is coming out for the Roboknights franchise, and unfortunately for Soarin, the rest of his family wants to see it.</p><hr/><p>Contains spoilers for Gundam Seed: Freedom</p><hr/><p>Set in my '<a href="/bookshelf/1294304/bright-future?order=latest" rel="nofollow">Bright Future</a>' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.</p>
There was chatter abound upon leaving the theater. However, from my little unit, there was none. Prism, Haze, and Dash were all deep in thought and I hadn’t quite sorted out my feelings on the movie either. Still, it was getting late and I was about ready to eat. “How about food, guys?” I asked. Brought from their trances, Haze was the first to recover. “Hobby Max first!” He must be really into that manga. “Hobby Max first. But still, food?” “Pizza?” Dash suggested. Haze and I nodded, while Prism fell back into his trance. I clapped in his face. “Prism.” “Huh? Oh, sure, whatever is good.” And right back he went. “Oh-kay. Let’s hit up Hobby Max then.” We went down the elevator with a few other ponies as the mall was full now, and we made our way to Hobby Max. Everybody was gathered around the tables and playing one of the miniature games, and there were even ponies on our side of the store looking at kits. Still no mares though. It boggles the mind. “Injection Mold, we’re back!” Haze announced. The bespectacled unicorn left his game, since I guess he was playing with the group, and came back to the counter. “So you are! How was the movie?” Haze scratched at his cheeks. “I have… opinions, but it was fun, at least. You know, that part where After Burner used the horn was like, super dumb, but it was so funny. He felt almost like comic relief, from punching the crap out of Mountain Glow to the Crab stuff. When he was on screen, the movie was really fun. And when he wasn’t… well, then it was a poorly written romance, I think, with a hoofful of poorly written politics to go with. The not fun kind of stupid.” Injection definitely wanted to say something, but just couldn’t in the end. “Yeah, no, I think you’ve summed it up pretty good.” he turned to Prism, “But you saw the last knight, right? The white one?” Somepony finally speaking his language, Prism perked up. “Yeah! That was so cool!” but then he frowned. “But I worry about how they’ll do the gold. Worst case, they give me baked in parts with stickers. Another bad case, they give me the curry gold all over and it looks like shiny puke and I have to paint it a ton. In the best case, they’ll give me a plated sheet, but that’s gonna make it like, a 40 bit HG which I wonder if is worth the price. I like it and all, but I might just get the regular black knights and paint them. How about that new Freedom and Justice though? I really like the new freedom, the backpack matches the suit way, way better than the original one ever did.” “But they took away all the blue!” Dash objected. “Oh, well, yeah.” Prism agreed. “I liked the blue!” she continued to complain, “That was my favorite part of the knight! The way it compliments the gold and makes what’s normally a pretty bland, standard design for this series stand out. With the wings all spread and it using lasers and stuff, that’s what made it cool. The new one is just like. Meh.” Injection nodded. “I see. Well, even if you don’t care for the new Freedom, what did you think about the movie?” Dash frowned. “The drama was kinda overblown. After Burner and Copper have my favorite romance… in Seed at least, and they were barely in the movie at all. Mountain Glow being perfect, except when he’s a bitch, and Lily being 100 percent faithful all the time made it kinda… boring I guess. Like, if the new girl even had a chance with Mountain Glow, or the blonde pony… who definitely wasn’t Rail Crescent from Seed 1 and 2, had a chance with Lilly, maybe it would’ve been better, but they gave so much time to setting up the conflict which was all bullshit anyways that it didn’t land at all. If they want me invested, then I need a spicy bad romance where everybody is a piece of shit and them actually being faithful is the payoff, ya know, like Seed 1. Dumb horn gimmick though? 10/10. I’d give the movie a solid 6.” Oh, my Goddess, is that why Dash likes Wing so much? Because it’s literally that? “Now hold on,” Prism argued, “A 6? Really Mom?” She shrugged. “I mean, yeah. It was alright, it was kinda funny sometimes, but I wouldn’t watch it again. You saw the ballroom scene, that was where they failed hardest with the bad romance. If these characters weren’t so used to each other or didn’t have such established reputations, maybe it would’ve been better, but be real with me Prism; do you actually remember anything that was said during the politics parts that you always say you like so much?” Damn, she got him good. Still, he fought for it anyways. “Well, no, but it’s Roboknights, that’s like, part of the checklist. The battle was so cool! And that was like, a solid hour and the whole last half of the movie. The lasers and the lights and the fighting and that weird scene where the blonde pony tried to… ya know. I wasn’t ready for that. It at least deserves a 7. Maybe even an 8.” “No, no.” Haze refuted. “That wasn’t super necessary. He could’ve done his heel turn any other way and they still could have made him look like a bad guy; they chose to go this route because sex sells. There were a lot of scenes in this that were just horny for the sake of it, for that matter. Why did that mare have to take a shower? Why did at least an entire minute of screen time get devoted to Lilly’s tail after she put that skin tight suit on? Not that this is anything new for Seed, but they didn’t even try to justify some of these camera angles and some of it was just there for the sake of the checklist rather than using the checklist creatively to fill out the movie. I wouldn’t call it slapped together, but you can tell this movie was just fanservice; cool robot fights, and pretty mares.” What a take from Haze. Little twelve-year-old has such a wide view on storytelling. Guess that’s what happens when you actually read books from an early age. “Well?” Injection mold asked, “How would you rate it, mister expert?” He sucked air in through his teeth. “Objectively? It doesn’t deserve more than a 4. The writing is mediocre to bad, the characters are bland, the drama is fake, and sometimes, the animation is bad. However, because I like pretty mares and cool robots, I’d bump it up to a 6 because the second half was just that much fun.” Dash wrapped herself around her beloved baby. “Oh, don’t say that! I know you’re growing up, but I don’t want to hear about it!” “Yeah, well, too bad, Mom.” He didn’t push her off immediately, which is a far improvement from a few months ago. “I’m about to be thirteen. You need to get over yourself.” She squeezed tighter. “Ah! Where did my baby go?” She pressed her head to his, then sighed and let go. “I can’t believe he’s gone.” Injection laughed. “It’s nice to see you guys on better terms. Still, we haven’t heard dad’s opinion yet. How about it?” I stroked my little beard. “Honestly? I think I would’ve liked it better if I didn’t have to read the movie. I definitely missed some stuff, but hearing everything they had to say about it makes me think it wasn’t all that important to begin with. I’ll be boring and give it a 6 with the rest of them. There were some really dumb but really funny moments, and the second half of the movie was far, far more fun than the first half. I might be willing to rewatch it when it gets dubbed into English, but it would be background noise and not something to focus on.” Injection Mold nodded. “I hate to say it, but I definitely agree with a lot of points you guys brought up. Still, because the robots were cool, we’ll be getting a shipment of the new stuff here in the next few weeks and I can set some stuff aside if you want me too. As always, they’re rereleasing some of the older kits from the series now too, so I might get some of that too. Anything you want to reserve?” “Ooh, ooh, ooh!” Prism raised a hoof like he was in class. “Destinys, of the same grade! I wanna recreate that shadow clone scene with a bunch of them!” Of course he does. Injection wrote that down and took out two boxes from under the counter, one HG and one MG, both the Destiny Roboknight. “I have these two in right now. I’m sure I’ll get more of each, but you know how the company has been with Master Grades lately, so probably the High Grades more than the MGs. Do you want one today?” “Yes! The HG, please.” Injection put that with the Red Frame by the till. “Cool. And what about the critic?” He thought about that carefully, focusing on the kit he wanted so badly. “Maybe the other frame colors? Blue and Gold are a thing, and after looking online, I know there’s a black and green one out there too. I don’t know what kinda grades they were released in, but if I can get them in Real Grade, I’d like that.” Injection frowned. “That’s a bit of an ask. Gold has one normal release, but it’s a variant and not the standard version. All the variants of red, blue, and gold were special limited releases, the black one only comes in MG, and the green and purple ones are super rare and were only released as gradeless 1/100s. I’ll look into getting the gold one, but for the rest, you’d be better off looking online.” Haze sighed. “Sad, but I’m not my brother, so I doubt I’ll blow my allowance on obsessively collecting these things. I’ll come back for the common one if you can get it, but if you can’t, it’s cool.” “I’ll keep ya posted, chief. Anything else, Rainbowmanes?” Dash looked at me and flicked her head toward the expensive kit, and I shook my head. “Nope, that’ll be it.” She clicked her tongue but didn’t argue further. She knows it wouldn’t be fair, and we came out to see this movie together for Prism in the first place, and he’s still getting a new toy out of it. Maybe close to his birthday I can find that thing he specifically asked for, or whatever new stuff has come out by then. Sure, it’s only January now, but May will be here faster than we know it. If Prism can keep a passing grade in his classes, then he’ll have really earned it. “Cool.” Injection scanned the two boxes and put them in a bag for us. “That will be forty seven bits for the HG Destiny and the RG Red frame.” I put my card on the counter and watched as the digital currency drained away. Add the pizza we’re about to eat and that will be a hundred twenty bit day and all we’ve done is go see a movie and get dinner. Ah, how simple life used to be. Injection gave me my card back and passed the bag to Dash. “Thanks for coming to Hobby Max! See you next time!”
Diamond Tiara,Original Character,Crossover,Human,Dark,Horror,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
Against a colony world
Diamond is a cruel god
<p>Fight. </p><p>Lose. </p><p>Obey. </p><p>They didn't have a choice</p>
My Dearest Sister, Three months have passed since that fateful day when the skies turned black with soot and our once thriving colony was laid to waste. I still find it difficult to believe that all of our suffering was wrought by the whims of a child. Diamond Tiara, they call her - a little pony from those fanciful stories we told our own children, come now to rule over us with an iron hoof. It began with rumors of strange lights seen dancing upon the hills beyond the city walls at dusk. The watchmen who went to investigate did not return. The next night, the lights appeared closer, punctuated by wild howls that chilled one to the bone. I recall comforting our neighbors, assuring all would be well once the authorities discovered the source of the disturbance. How foolishly optimistic I was in those final days of peace. Come morning, the outskirts of the colony were awash with flames and screaming. Ogres and trolls, things from nightmares, rampaged through our homes and fields, slaughtering all in their path. The city guard fought bravely but were vastly outnumbered by the green-skinned horde that poured from swirling purple gateways torn in the air itself. I can still see Captain Thaddeus’ expression of disbelief as an ogre’s hammer stove in his torso, armor and all, like crushing an eggshell. That was when she first appeared, prising open our minds to witness her “glorious” entrance. Floating above the carnage atop a nightmare throne borne by a dozen captives was the cause of our woes - a petulant child twisted into some fell creature, regarding us with cruel delight. She called herself Diamond Tiara and welcomed us to her “new playground.” With awave of her hoof, more of the abominations came through the shimmering rifts to complete the slaughter. Those of us who survived the initial onslaught were herded into pens like animals as she announced her “gifts.” The strong would be spared to toil as her slaves. The rest would amuse her in ghastly spectacles staged for her court in the ruins of the Grand Colosseum. I was one of the fortunate ones selected for the mines - or so I thought at the time. The day after the attacks, the tunnels beneath the city that had once yielded riches were opened once more, this time to an even darker purpose. Gangs of ogres wielding whips drove us deep underground to extract gems and ore under a brutal new quotasystem, with transgressors subjected to public executions to motivate the others. Food and rest became things of the past as we delved ever deeper, seeking veins in a corpse-littered labyrinth. Two months on, I am one of the few original colonists left alive in the mines. Our overseers show no mercy, working many to the point of collapse before discarding them like refuse. The tunnels stink of rancid flesh and decay, a constant reminder of those who did not survive the ordeals above and below ground. Strange sounds and lurking shapes seen from the corner of one's eye in the murk only add to the malaise that pervades our existence. There have been rumors, too, of worse terrors committed beyond our sight. I spied upon one of Diamond Tiara’s ritual revels from a high crevice, though my mind struggles to comprehend the blasphemies that transpired. Her court of corrupted creatures paid obeisance to strange idols and engaged in debaucheries that curdled the blood. Laughter and screams echo throughout the ruins at all hours, as if to drown out any last hope within our hearts. Each day it becomes clearer - we can survive no longer under the hoof of this depraved tyrant. A handful of us have begun secretly planning for escape, though trust has eroded to nothing after these months of suffering. If discovered, it would mean unspeakable torment. I may not have chance to send word again, so I implore you - take this letter and inform others of our plight. Avenge us, dear sister, if chance allows it, and prevent more innocents from suffering Diamond Tiara’s cruelty. Darkness descends once more in the tunnels, so I shall end my message with hope that salvation may yet come. Your loving brother, Tobius """""""""""""""""""""""" The tunnels were silent save for the scraping of picks and chisels against stone. Tobius wiped grime and sweat from his brow, scanning the walls for any gleam of precious metal amongst the cracks and fissures. Two months of endless toil had worn down even the strongest among them, yet still the quotas increased with each passing day. A distant rumble shook dust from the ceiling. Tobius and his workmates stilled, exchanging wary glances as the tremors grew in intensity. From deep underground came the sound of rending rock and tortured screams cut short. The foreman Slate barked a harsh laugh. “Must be another collapse. Reckon the mines are claiming a few more useless souls for their Lord of Gems.” Fresh dread settled in Tobius’ gut. Collapses had become all too common of late, but more unnatural events plagued the tunnels as well. He steeled himself and resumed cutting, praying the cave-in had not blocked any paths out. Escape plans would mean nothing if they could not navigate the shifting passages. A youth named Jed scurried over, pale eyes wide. “Tobius, you must come see. Something...something came through the fall.” Tobius motioned for the boy to lead on, shouldering his tools. Around a bend, a scene of chaos greeted them. A section of the roof had pancaked, crushing several workers and blocking the main route forward with an avalanche of rock. Clawed feet protruded grotesquely from beneath a fallen granite column. But it was the corpse sprawled nearby that drew gasps of horror. Its limbs bent at unnatural angles, twisted wings stretched wide as if to embrace the cavern in death. Horned head thrown back in a rictus of agony, jaws stretched to reveal rows of needle-like teeth. Tobius had heard tales of such fell beasts that roamed the depths in places untouched by sunlight. To see one actually foiled sent a thrill of panic through him - for if such a monster could access their tunnels, what else may come? As miners began shifting rubble, a hellish shriek ripped the air. More of the bat-winged horrors surged through the fresh debris, mouths gaping to display crimson maws. Talons and barbed tails lashed out with lightning speed, disemboweling the nearest workers before they could flee. Slate bellowed and hacked at the creatures with his mattock, but there were too many. Tobius dragged Jed away as the boy wept, looking back to see the foreman overwhelmed under snapping jaws. “Why are they here? How did they find a way in?” Jed blubbered, clinging to Tobius like a lifeline. Bodies were strewn all around as the monsters feasted, paying no heed to the surviving miners scrambling away down side passages. The memory of the colony's slaughter was freshly awakened in Tobius' mind. He clutched Jed close, determined to get the boy to safety. But as they fled, strange murmurings echoed off the stone around them - bestial growls intermingled with sinister laughter that could have come from no animal throat. Tobius paused, straining eyes and ears into the darkness. The sounds faded, then came anew from another direction entirely. “Run, lad! They toy with us like scorned gods.” He plunged blindly into the maze, Jed stumbling behind. More tunnels twisted away into blackness, the shrieks seeming to come from every point at once now. Hope dwindled with each turn as they hurled themselves into yet another uncertain route. Was this some sorcery of Diamond Tiara meant to root out defectors, or had darker forces awoken below the ruins? Tobius dared not dwell on what shadowy intelligences may lurk in the lightless pits beyond the farthest edges of the colony's maps. All that mattered now was escape. Turning a bend, he crashed into solid rock with an anguished cry. A dead-end. The abominations’ calls came from all around, drawing ever closer. Jed curled into a ball, mewling prayers through tears. Tobius slid to his knees, the weight of futility crushing his lungs. This was the end he had escaped for so long, trapped like a doomed rabbit in the mines’ murderous embrace. As mocking laughter closed in from the dark, a spark ignited in his eyes. No - not while he still drew breath. Gripped by new resolve, he scrabbled at the blocked passage with bare hands until bloody, mindless of the boy’s pleas to flee. The rock grated open inch by painful inch until at last, a glimmer of hope: the faintest draft stirred his hair from beyond. “Come, Jed! There is a way.” His voice cracked with exertion, yet determination shone through the grime. Fresh sobs of relief answered him as together they squeezed into the hole. Beyond lay a natural cavern, empty save for pale fungi dotting the ceiling high above. Purest silence hung like a shroud after the clamor in the tunnels. Tobius took a moment to regain his bearings, then pulled Jed along the cavern’s path. His mind raced ahead: they must lay low until the horrors retreated, then make covert tracks to collapse the deadly passage behind them. With luck and courage, a route to salvation yet remained - though the shadows in his heart whispered such things were never meant for souls like theirs. """"""""""""""""""" Days passed as Tobius kept them hidden within the caverns’ twisting labyrinth. By feel alone he traced obscure paths that wound ever upwards, judged by subtle shifts in the stale subterranean airs. Jed followed dutifully despite his frail state, though dark circles rimmed his eyes and bones jutted starkly against pallid skin. At last a glint of greenish crystal high above betrayed the tunnel's end. Raising Jed to slip between cracks, they emerged amidst toppled monoliths overgrown by tangled vines under a hellish red sky. Tobius realized with dread - they had surfaced within the ruins of the colony itself instead of beyond the walls. The scarred landscape offered meager shelter as Tobius scouted for signs of life. Past the shattered colosseum rising like a tomb to some bygone glory, a warped spire stained the clouds above twisted obsidian towers. Laughter and agonized shrieks alike hinted at blasphemies enacted within, though Tobius dared not draw too near for risk of detection. Returning to Jed with scratches and his resolve strengthened, he shared his realization. “The temples must hold answers, boy. We search for trails tonight.” As dusk fell, darkness enfolded them safely as they crept amongst deadened husks that were once proud houses and forums. Corpses impaled upon stakes leered hollow-eyed, carrion birds roosting within ribcages. At midnight they hid amongst rubble to glimpse rituals performed atop the main dais once used for executions. Creatures not of nature cavorted with demons summoned by blood magick, corrupt priests raising voices in fallen tongues. But one figure eclipsed all in depravity – Diamond Tiara, enthroned amidst a massacre, regarding her followers' obscenities with cold amusement. At the climax she rose, magick coruscating about slender form, to accept tribute from prostrated subjects. A nude child barely awakened to life was dragged forth, mewling piteously even as sacrificial daggers flashed. Tobius turned aside but saw forever the light expire behind weeping eyes, soul torn forth in ribbons of agonized viridian luminance to feast capering shadows. When the last screams faded Jed sobbed hoarsely, beyond nightmares. Tobius held him close yet his gaze burned with new hatreds. The tyrant's laughter followed as she vanished within twisting halls that pulsed with fell energies. After her court dispersed through nighted gates he called remaining strength, knowing their only hope lay in tracking her lair. Narrow stairs spiraled endlessly down beneath mantles of dust and fungi. Eldritch luminescence pulsed within obsidian veins like corrupt blood, guiding their swift feet. Sounds of debauchery echoed ahead yet were swallowed by a yawning antechamber of bone-pale pillars festooned by viscera and flayed skins. Before a portal oozing unhallowed luminescence sat Diamond Tiara at rest, surveying some fell tome. Tobius pressed Jed to flee whilst he disrupted arcane wards, yet the boy insisted on vengeance. As one they attacked with maniacal fury, denting Diamond Tiara's wards barely before repulsed with crackling brands. Her eyes flared crimson with wrath beneath that innocent façade. "You shall serve me well in the arena pets, once your minds are broken upon my wheel of torment!" Lunging forth her fell magics engulfed them, and consciousness fled into nightmares as their bodies slumped senseless... """""""""""""""""" Tobius awoke amidst shrieks and jeers in a dim stone cell. Manacles bound his wrists as frigid water lapped about his bare legs, sapping what strength remained. Across from him huddled a shivering form - Jed, blinking blearily from where they had awakened entwined. Memories flooded back in a rush - their assault upon Diamond Tiara in her blasphemous sanctum, her magic seizing them before all went black. They had dared challenge her dark rule and paid the price, doomed now to entertain as playthings in the arena above. A scant torch gutted overhead, spreading murky light over gaunt faces watching from neighboring cages. The man beside Tobius rasped through dry lips. “Take courage, friends. Escape yet remains possible if we band together against our Jailors.” Others nodded grimly as plans were shared in hushed whispers. When the wardens came to drag off another poor soul for the day’s corrupt spectacles, Tobius cried out in the language of the orcs. "I demand an audience with your mistress! Only she can decide our fates." The overseer struck him bloody with a spiked mace but hesitated, intrigued by this defiant colonist with a flare for dramatics. Word was sent, and before the sun set Tobius found himself dragged into Diamond Tiara's opulent chambers. Her twisted court sneered from silken divans as Tobius was thrown at their mistress' hooves, refusing to cower even pinned beneath her burning gaze. "What farce is this, Wretch? Do you desire a quicker execution perhaps?" Tobius smiled through split lips. "On the contrary, oh Benevolent Lady. I come bearing a proposal that may amuse you further – a final contest in the arena, where the survivors shall earn their lives anew as loyal guards to your person." Intrigued, Diamond Tiara summoned illusionists who displayed visions of the proposed battles for her delight. Groups of prisoners turned on one another with rusted blades, frenzied survivors battling monsters summoned by fell sorcery, all striving only to remain standing when the dust settled. Her tittering court cheered each spilled allegiance, and at last she declared her assent with a flick of hoof. "So let it be done! But should any combatant flee or resist, they shall face torments beyond their blackest nightmares." Tobius bowed deeply despite his battered body. "You honor us with your generosity, Great Lady. The games shall surpass even your loftiest expectations." Her eyes glittered with cruel mirth. "See that they do, worm. Else it is your worthless soul I shall feast upon." That night as the moon rose gibbous and portents, Tobius spread word of the chance granted. Though escape seemed madness with forces arrayed against them, fighting as one offered hope where none remained. Allies were found in unlikelyplaces – former rivals now united against their common enemy. When dawn illuminated sallow faces in shadowed alcoves, a fragile fellowship had taken shape through shared suffering. The day of tribulation arrived. As prisoners were herded into sand stained rusty brown, Tobius met each man's eyes with a nod, grateful beyond words for their courage. When the crowd bayed for blood and Diamond Tiara's laughter rang malign upon the wind, each steeled their resolve. This would be no mere contest of arms - victory demanded cunning and unity against overwhelmingly dark magics. Through cooperation alone could they wrest freedom from the jaws of despair. The gates groaned open, and Destiny's games began in earnest. """"""""""""""""""" As prisoners flooded the arena sands, chaotic violence consumed all. Tobius wrestled an orc wielding a serrated glaive, suffering gashes yet turning the blade to end its wielder. Around him former allies fell swiftly until few remained standing amidst a tide of corpses. Diamond Tiara’s cackles filled the citadel as she savored each spill of lifeblood. Tobius rallied the survivors into a tight knot facing outward, presenting no openings. From this core others rallied, copying their discipline, until a cohesive formation emerged with experienced veterans at its heart. Their unity disquieted the bloodthirsty crowds as no faction gained dominance. Diamond Tiara frowned, summoning horrors through tearsin the air to break the stalemate. Lizardmen and abominations surged into the fray, fangs snapping. Yet prisoners stood firm, laying about with weaponry scavenged from fallen foes. With each assault battered but unbroken, hope swelled where once was none. Through cooperation came strength, and with it visions of freedom beyond the killing pits. Tobius dared believe even Diamond Tiara’s malign magics could be overcome through unity and courage in the face of nightmare. From her private booth high above, Diamond Tiara seethed at the rebellion unfolding. Spectators murmured discontent as their entertainment grew predictable. With a surge of will she manifested above the sands, magnified to monstrous size, cackling with insane glee. Tobius bowed beneath her hooves, shouting for his allies to flee while they could. Yet none abandoned him, holding ranks despite quailing terror. Diamond Tiara's eyes flared crimson, flames wreathing her limbs. Though we outnumber you, beast, your dark magicks give you sway. I offer a wager - combat me alone, and your allies go free. If I fall, you lose authority over the colony. The tyranthowled with mirthyet conceded, shrinking to confront her scrawny foe. The crowds bayed anew as Battle Royale commenced. Tobius dodged flame jets, circling for an opening. Diamond Tiara toyed with him at first yet grew incensed as he avoided each carnival attack. Through perseverance his blows began to land, scorching her flawless coat. Fury contorted her features as omnipotence crumbled before this bug’s insolence. Darkness curled venomous from horn and hoof, seeking his soul to feast upon. Tobius faltered, senses reeling, yet fought the encroaching shadow with final reserves of will. His answering flare of purpose seared away the spell. Renewed, he seized her foreleg and wrenched with all might, eliciting a sickening crack. As she collapsed screaming Tobius stood over the so-called goddess, spattered in her ichor yet victorious. A hush fell over the crowd in awe of what transpired. Then diamond smiled. Suddenly the purple mare was behind him. There was the sound of metal piercing skin. A gasp from the crowd. Tobius eyes widened as he coughed. Book slowly leaking out as his mouth as he fails to his knees. Diamond grinned. Then like a snake spitting out venom she spat out two simple words, And It shook me to my core as I fell to my knees and cried out in despair and anguist. "You've lost'.
Griffons,Alternate Universe,Slice of Life,Fallout,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore,Profanity
The Silver Chip
In a year, Holiday somehow needs to make amends -- his life is at stake.
<p>In a faraway city of post-apocalyptic Equestria—Vanhoover—an earth pony named Holiday, with no connections and no financial wealth, discovers himself a debtor due to his carelessness. For a year, he must somehow make amends—his life is at stake.</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Completely self-contained story, but directly related to <a href="/story/512522/fallout-equestria-parallelism" rel="nofollow"><b>Fallout: Equestria - Parallelism</b></a> (hereinafter Para).</p><p>In a global scale, the story takes place in the world of Kkat's Fallout Equestria. It is not at all necessary to know or remember what happens in Para to read it. You can read before familiarizing yourself with it, after, or alongside. Basically, it's a tour of everyday life (don't count on action and gunfights) in Vanhoover 200 years after the Great War and a few years before the main character of Para appears there.</p><p>For updates on my work, you can follow me on one of the two options offered:<br/>Twitter: <a href="" rel="nofollow"><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></a> <br/>Discord server: <a href="" rel="nofollow"><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></a></p>
A restaurant. The clinking of cutlery, muffled griffon voices. A few ponies, who had come here for the exotic, were also enjoying the local dishes. The place is located in the southwestern part of Vanhoover, controlled mostly by griffons, particularly the Falcon family. If ponies are seen here, they are almost certainly wearing electric collars on their necks: with so many birds of prey around, free ponies feel more than just out of place—they feel like prey and don't enter these neighborhoods unless absolutely necessary. The warm light of the chandeliers illuminated the richly decorated hall. The smell of roasted, boiled, baked, smoked meats wafted around. Differently cooked meat dishes are common and familiar to these predatory creatures. Less fresh vegetables, more juicy meat. For ponies, some dishes seem extreme—and not just because of the high price. The steady hum of voices and the clinking of dishes was drowned in a shrill rumble, like the squeak of a broken vinyl record. All eyes turned toward the source of the noise. An orange earth pony in a black and white waiter's outfit raised his head and looked blankly at the mess he'd made: the shards of a plate were lying on the tiled floor, and a dish—the same dish that the local ponies didn't eat for moral reasons—was sprawled on the beige surface a little farther away. "Rich Inner World." This dish consisted mostly of entrails—soft roasted liver, boiled spleen, smoked lungs and kidneys, intestines stuffed with meat—served with a blood-red sauce. Seated at a nearby table, an important-looking griffon looked at the spoiled dish with frustration. His attention slowly shifted to the frightened waiter. Under the frowning gaze, his heart beat even harder: the earth pony almost fainted; the whole world stopped for him. He froze, huddled on the floor, inwardly praying to all the deities and entities he knew that his insides would not serve as a substitute for the "Rich Inner World". The visitors were silent. The background melody was drowned out for a second by the door swinging open sharply as a brown bird of prey in a white kitchen outfit with a hood burst into the hall. She ran toward the fallen waiter as fast as if she had used a teleportation spell. Her entire aura radiated violent anger: some in the hall even sympathized with the bungler. "Holiday! For fuck's sake!" curved claws dug into the skin of his front leg. Out of anxiety, he didn't notice it. The high cost of the meal clouded Holiday's mind: his monthly salary wasn't even close. "Get up!" When she addressed the griffon, it was as if she'd been replaced. Her anger was changed to worry and subservience in the blink of an eye as the chef apologized as if her life depended on it. The customer, with a paw on his beak and leaning on the table, watched her absently. He knew he would get a replacement. "I sincerely apologize for this... careless bag of bones. I will bring you a new one. I'll call the cleaning staff..." her gaze stayed fixed on the gilded card on the table, gleaming in the chandelier light. It bore a stylized symbol: a pony skull with a crown. A symbol of high status. "Just please wait." The griffon female dragged the guilty employee behind her, as slack as the said bag of bones. The last thing he wanted was to end up under the red sauce on the King's white plate. As soon as the chef and Holiday were out the door, a brown mare with a mop and a bucket came out with a discreet gait, her eyes downcast. The high-flying bird lazily watched the thorough cleaning. The guest involuntarily caught a glimpse of the mare's neck and couldn't help but lick his beak. What an appetizing neck, he thought. Too bad the slave collar didn't allow me to get a good look at it. *** The kitchen was bustling with activity. Through the clamor and clinking of tools, the junior chefs were shouting, preparing the ingredients for the dishes. The workers preferred not to glare at the angry chef. She pressed Holiday against the refrigerator and hovered over him like a rock, spreading her front paws at his sides. "What's wrong with you, huh?" the griffon growled harshly, glaring at the frightened, skinny stallion. His brown eyes stared absent-mindedly at the tiled floor and his ears flicked back. "You screwed up a dish for almost five thousand caps! I thought you wouldn't be dangling in the clouds knowing the value of the dish!" Silence. He couldn't utter a word, frozen with fear: the beak looming over him could crack his skull or rip open his belly with a single blow. The cup of patience was full, and the griffon struck the refrigerator in a rage, leaving a small dent in it and drawing the attention of the nearby cooks. In the next instant, she backed away annoyed, sighing loudly. "Fuck!" She paced back and forth, swishing her tail angrily through the air. "Do you know how much hassle it is to get ingredients? Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Holiday's whole body trembled, but he obediently looked up. He could hardly make eye contact with his superior—she was about to throw him at a dish. The griffon, noticing the stallion's condition, struggled to control her anger, not out of sympathy, but just to keep him from fainting during the conversation. On the other hand, his subdued, frightened look gave her pleasure. "I suspect what you're thinking." She cast a keen eye over his lean and weak body: the waiter's clothes didn't fit him, but hung like a hanger. "Your hide and bones aren't fit for this. I don't plan to make you a slave, though I have every right to do so for the damage you've done. To bother with you, fatten you up, and waste caps? No, thank you. You'll work it out yourself." He obediently waited for the details. His boss's last words signaled a small chance to make things right. A chance to save his skin and not become a luxury dish for some wealthy griffon. However, if the griffon's words were to be believed, he was no good for that. It is not generosity but practicality that drives her. "Given your situation, I won't demand the impossible. You have one year to pay back the five thousand caps. But until then, I don't want to see your hoof in my restaurant, got it?" The earth pony nodded intensely, his brown eyes wide open. "Does it have to be caps?" if his ragged, complaining voice had taken on a physical embodiment, it would have resembled a roadway after a bombing raid. The griffon sighed mentally: his fear was so beautiful! She raised her eyes to the ceiling, tapping her beak thoughtfully with the claw of her forepaw. "Could be in the equivalent of gems. Or..." Holiday's back was ice-cold: the griffon's smile was colder than the refrigerator he was leaning against. "Bring me a reasonably well-fed pony. Not a junkie, a relatively healthy one. Willing to end his life. Convince him to give his body to me. On a voluntary basis, of course. I don't want any trouble with the law. Have him write a will, make a memory—in general, to keep the nose clean." A sneer sounded in the voice of the boss: the reaction of the potential prey amused her. However, the method mentioned was indeed used for getting ingredients. There were other options, legitimate and not so legitimate, but when a pony disappeared, the police would start their investigation at her restaurant. Holiday felt disgusted with himself when he realized he had seriously considered such a possibility. He didn't like this restaurant at all. Normally he would have despised it, but he had no choice—his absent-mindedness had earned him a reputation as a bungler among the pony establishments, and in a neighborhood populated by griffons, he had the opportunity to find work. All collarless Vanhoover citizens, including Holiday himself, did not come here of their own free will, unless it was to buy or test the Falcon family's top-of-the-line firearms. The change of expression on the young waiter's face didn't escape the griffon, and she liked it—she guessed he was seriously considering her offer. Griffons rarely considered ponies as food, but this predator was just in the minority. She looked down at his orange neck and leaned in; the sharp tip of her massive yellow beak rubbed against it. Holiday flinched but didn't dare squeak, petrified. His ears rang, a cold nausea came to his throat, and his knees weakened enough that he could have melted and sprawled on the floor. He looked around pitifully. A lump of butter had fallen into the hot pan and was melting fast—the junior cooks, mostly female griffons, were minding their own business and stubbornly ignoring what their boss was doing. The touch of the beak was painful, but not strong enough to split the skin. The tip rustled upward through the orange fur, breathing deeply the exhilarating scent of frightened prey. The lower part of the beak opened, as if eager to snatch a bite. Just one poor, but so appetizing bite! After stroking his cheek, and then his temple, it dipped its beak under his ear, which was pressed down in helpless terror. "So young..." the griffon whispered with a huff, who was twice his age. That sweet voice would have delighted any male, but Holiday's face was paler than snow. "Healthy. You smell good. Too bad you're too skinny." The griffon reveled in his tense body. She loves to play with ponies, making them freeze in primal fear of a predator. She finds special pleasure in males. Perhaps that's the reason she agreed to hire him, though she sensed a catch: why would a pony take a job at a restaurant where he'd be served his own kin? She'd realized the extent of his daydreaming in the first week, but she hoped the expensive meal would make him more careful and cautious. She wanted to see a free pony carrying their kin to the plate. Slave waiters had a different attitude... The idea amused her. It was fascinating—until the precious inner world of a pony was smeared on the tile. She would forever remember the features on Holiday's face when he found out what kind of dish he would be carrying. When he'd been poked in the face for his place in the food chain. The memory made her body quiver, the brown feathers on her neck rise; in a voluptuous rush, the thin bird's tongue fluttered in his ear. Holiday's glazed eyes opened wider, and his breath came in short gasps as a nasty, dangerous insect crawled into his vulnerable spot, wriggling and tickling. He could hardly suppress the urge to twitch and throw it off, realizing that doing so would only make things worse. The huge predator loomed over him, showing that it would not tolerate any attempt to escape. Tears of hopelessness came to her eyes. The griffon stopped, feeling the growing tingle under her tail as the predatory thrill began to turn her on. She leaned back and took another look at the fired employee. Maybe I shouldn't let him go. Those frightened eyes of hunted prey are so... tempting! Making him my slave now... Oh, no. Even for my entertainment, he's skinny, and he's not worth 5,000 caps yet. Let him work for it. If he doesn't, I'll settle for what I've got. The look of fear on his face makes me horny. That'll do it for a while. Holiday almost stopped breathing when he saw the griffon's face: the change didn't bode well. It was as if his superior had rethought something and changed her plans for his body. "If you don't manage to get five thousand caps back in a year..." she smiled predatorily, licking her beak faintly. "I'll find you. Don't think about running away, it'll be worse. Don't forget," she spread her massive brown wings slightly. "I'll find you from on high anywhere in the city." The young stallion gasped as if a clawed paw had already closed around his throat. Fortunately, his imagination could not enter the real griffon's fantasies—otherwise nothing would have saved him from fainting. The griffon took out his Vanhoover passport and made a note of who and what Holiday owed. Carelessly she tossed the little pocketbook, causing the stallion to jump up in fear. "Leave the uniforms here. Now get out of here before I change my mind." *** Holiday ran down the street as fast as he could, as if the bloodthirsty griffon were already chasing him. His eyes were blurry. He headed for the coast, hoping the cool, salty air would calm his panic. The clatter of the pony's hooves attracted the attention of griffons and slave ponies, but the passersby did not stop him, parting at the sight of his crying face. The waterfront was not far from his former place of employment. Through his own sobs he soon heard the muffled sound of the surf, and after another block, he saw the dark blue water stretching to the horizon. The sun, moving slowly toward the Desert Ocean, played in its waves with red glints. The scenery broke through the fog of confusion and fright, chaining the mind to itself, longing for peace and support. Slowing his pace, the stallion stopped at the cracked stone fence, standing up on his hind legs and throwing his front legs over the railing. Salty air hit his nose as he inhaled deeply. Relief swept over his body, his knees buckling—he hugged the railing like the close friend he needed. The cold of the stone didn't bother him: his cheap casual clothes protected him from it. A shrill wind fluttered his short dark orange mane. The water below foamed, slapping against the algae-greened concrete foundation. One wave was strong enough for the spray to reach his orange face—the coolness offered serenity; his breathing evened out, allowing the stallion to sink into dreamy contemplation. The sun was still high. There were approximately two hours before it would hide. Orange rays glistened on the water; the sky and clouds—thinning rapidly toward the horizon above the shore—took on darker hues. Nature seemed to be a bystander: it did not care what was going on in the arteries of the streets and the cavities of the houses. It simply existed and would continue to exist. No terrors or wars would destroy the beauty of the sunset; it could not be tarnished, spoiled, or blackened. It would remain pure and infallible, attractive and alluring. Holiday would like to dissolve into it, to become a part of it, to be free from the problems of everyday life. To be free from the chains of his miserable existence, from anxiety, pain, poverty... and that nasty griffon. A pensive gaze wandered over the topography of the waves; over the horizon where the boundary between sky and ocean dissolved; over the foaming water caressing the foundations. The sound of the vast water drowned out the other sounds around him, allowing him to focus on the eternal beauty. His gaze flickered to the side, and what he saw brought Holiday back down to earth. The remains of Vanhoover's pre-war harbors were bathed in golden light. About a hundred years ago, ships and boats were still rusting there, but with the labor of tens of thousands of slaves and the special abilities of unicorns, they had managed to dismantle and recycle what was left after the war. Now there are only a few dozen working boats and launches left in the city of three hundred thousand. Most of them are of the sailing principle: the energy problem does not allow spending precious gems and fuel on shipping. After all, the city has been living in isolation for about a hundred years. Unless intrepid tourists or travelers from the south, where the ruins of Hoofland, one of the twelve metropolises of Equestria, are located, can sail in. But there are few such visitors: the distance is too great, the scaremongering of Hoofland fanatics too plentiful. The locals only have to go out into the Desert Ocean to fish or search for sunken pre-war ships. And also to interact with a huge island nearby. Green Island, or simply The Island, is favored by Vanhoover's griffons, who spend a lot of time hunting the local wildlife. Although a bridge connects Vanhoover to the island town, many ponies prefer to get there by boat. Nearly two hundred years ago, Vanhoover was attempted to be attacked, but it was too far from the front: one of the megaspells exploded somewhere in the The Island mountains, so the town escaped heavy radiation contamination; the other fell far to the east of here, at the base of the northern mountains. Holiday found himself scrolling aimlessly through a free school program in his head. His face creased, and he returned to contemplation. The blood-red disk was sinking toward the water. A feverish attack of nausea clenched his insides—the landscape around him took on hues that reminded him of the contents of extreme meals. The remnants of the lunch sloshed into the ocean with a dull thud. Holiday coughed, spat the remains, and breathed heavily, feeling the hot tears on his cheeks again. He wiped them away, straightened up, blew his nose, and walked down the embankment. A couple of griffons were having a lively discussion with their front paws over the railing. "What a fool you are..." the female griffon said, gesturing vigorously with her front paws. "To bet on someone who's lost so many fights in a row before..." "If he's lost that many, then he must have won in the near future," the male griffon replied. "Statistical probabilities have never worked in regards to the Arena. It's all about skill... and internal bargaining over who loses a fight. Nothing more. Don't be so naive." "Perhaps I should join in, too?" "You?" the female griffon laughed. "You can't even beat me. Do you think you can do it?" "Against a pony..." "Oh, don't embarrass yourself. Fighting a pony is like fighting a griffon without claws or wings. No intrigue." Holiday walked past, their voices lost in the sound of the surf. He stopped, looking thoughtfully at his right foreleg, thin and weak, and sighed hopelessly. He couldn't even fight furniture, he'd tripped over a nightstand and tried to retaliate, but he'd only gotten himself hurt worse. In the Arena, there is no need to kill anyone—only to make the opponent surrender or lose consciousness. The close combat skills would give a chance to earn the necessary amount of money in duels. And it's really best not to count on bets, as fights—both between masters and slaves for the amusement of the crowd—are often bought. His math skills would be of no use there. The bitter taste of vomit still lingered in his mouth. He went to the nearest store that sold purified water in glass bottles, rinsed his mouth, spit, and then began to drink. The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, but he continued to sit on the bench and stare after it, taking small sips of water. Night was gradually descending on the rows of countless houses and establishments, but the street lights came on on on schedule. Holiday did not notice the lanterns turning on and the gradual appearance of lights in the windows of the nearest houses. His thoughts were somewhere far away again. He looked at the empty glass bottle. I should turn it in and get a couple caps, he thought. It wouldn't go to waste. He turned in the bottle and went to a cheap but at least normal-and-not-fucking-exotic restaurant, where he had a meal of fish, hay and grass salad and apple juice, to put it mildly. Vanhoover had much more to offer if there were caps, which Holiday barely had enough to make ends meet. The available caps would last him two weeks, maybe three. Slave labor had practically rebuilt this city and its infrastructure in a hundred and fifty years. Holiday didn't realize that no other city in the Wasteland produced as many goods as Vanhoover alone had to offer. To him, that was a given, and right now all he cared about was better food. As many do. Only the wealthy portion of the population can eat both vegetables and meat from animals raised in the greenhouses and farms of the Waterfall, one of the five great families. In Vanhoover, connections and status decide everything. Kings. Families. It's hard to get a job without them, especially in competition with the dutiful slaves who make up the majority. And yet some masters—they're called by the standard of every non-slave—find it easier to pay a wage to a hired laborer than to care for a slave, make sure they're healthy, provide more or less normal conditions, and hire separate staff to look after them. Why Holiday with his position did not become a slave? Simple. No one wants to mess around with an untrained slave with the current needs of the city—especially such a scrawny wimp. But things are not so bad, Holiday thought as he set the emptied juice glass back on the table. I have a place to try to mortgage, after all. The music from the modest radio set on the table by the cash register was replaced by the energetic buddy voice of local DJ Oscar. "How are you spending your evening, folks? I hope you're not lying down with an overdose behind a dumpster somewhere after a hard day's work. That's not what we live for, and there's always time to die. For example, today a careless mare was walking down the street and slipped on a pile of dog shit, breaking her neck. That's a shitty death, isn't it? Be vigilant and watch your hooves and paws. And now to the commercials. The Softhooves family chain of stores 'Dressed to the Nine" has started a spring sale...". The orange stallion walked out of the restaurant and leisurely clattered home. Occasionally he would stop at some lamppost and stare at the yellow light as if looking for a way out in it. He only has a year. And where would he look for a job that would allow him not only to survive, but to save enough caps to pay off his debt? He ran through the options in his head, sometimes humiliating and disgusting, evaluating their potential. His ears twitched as he heard a noise nearby. The characteristic tantalizing clink of slot machines came from the casino across the street. Gambling was and still is an integral part of any society. It offers the opportunity to get rich quick. As a charismatic swindler with an energetic and cheerful voice, he invites you to try your luck, trust it, give all of yourself, all of your savings for a chance to return everything in tenfold. And that chance could come at any moment. Even on the first try. Holiday wasn't the type to fall for that nonsense. He understood the principle of probability all too well, not to mention the fact that in places like this, slot machines are often rigged to minimize the profit of the visitors. Sure, someone is allowed to pull off a score to give the illusion of opportunity—but in the end, the house always wins. The singing of the machine reminded him of a project that had been abandoned a long time ago: the high cost of components and lack of knowledge had taken its toll. But now there was nothing to lose—Holiday decided to bet everything he had left on one number. Spin the roulette wheel, croupier.
Applejack (EqG),Main 7 (EqG),Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Drama,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Profanity
After their time at Camp Everfree, the Rainbooms notice something is up with Applejack, who tells them the strange truth.
<p>An ancient power was sealed away, into a vessel of flesh, to live human lives over and over again, until she finally learned the value of friendship. <br/>Fragments of the past come back to Applejack, along with her power. At first glance, everything seems fine with her. But once her friends start looking deeper, they notice that everything is not perfectly fine.</p><hr/><p>Content warning:<br/>--Scattered minor profanities<br/>--<span class="spoiler">Characters struggling with grief</span></p>
Timber Spruce pacing nervously was not a usual sight. Sunset slipped out the passenger door, calling out, "We came as fast as we could." "Great," Timber said, rushing over. "I'm not normally prone to big, epic freak-outs, but, uh, this kind of has me, you know, somewhat concerned." Twilight stepped out from the driver's seat, pulling out a small mechanical device. "I wouldn't worry too much," she said. Sunset patted Timber on the shoulder, saying, "Relax. I'm pretty sure this is nothing to worry about." Twilight's device began humming, and she said, "Can you show me where the unnatural occurrence happened?" Timber nodded, leading the way to the woods at the edge of the main campground. "Where's Gloriosa?" Sunset asked. "Business at the bank," Timber said. "Thanks to the money you guys raised, we're not going to have to worry about Filthy Rich taking this place, but there are still some things to take care of." "And you were here...alone...when strange things started happening?" Sunset asked. Timber shook his head. "She was here, too, but the bank business needed to be taken care of, and we didn't both need to be here just to show you guys the same two things." He pointed to a tree, separate from the rest of the woods, with a massive blackberry bush around its base. "That tree wasn't there yesterday." "Blackberry brambles," Twilight commented. She held up her device, checking the readings she was getting. "Hmm...the tree itself doesn't seem to be magic, but I'm definitely picking it up." "Same," Sunset said, rubbing her geode between her fingers. She stepped over, touching the blackberry bush carefully. "Yeah, nothing I didn't expect, really." "What?" Timber asked. "You said two things happened," Sunset said, ignoring his question. "The other was at the dock," Timber said, pointing. Sunset immediately snapped her head to look at it, then let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, I thought it had been broken again," she said, moving over to it. "Quite the opposite, actually," Timber said. He pointed to the base, saying, "Look at that." Sunset stooped, examining the posts underwater. The posts seemed to have been reinforced with a mass of vines, coiled around them thickly. They'd also grown around the overhanging arch above the dock. Sunset grabbed the nearest vine and gave a tug. It didn't budge. "Same readings as the blackberry bush," Twilight offered. "Yeah, I figured," Sunset said slowly. "The dock looks fine, though, and unless the tree is in an awkward placement, it'll be fine." "And what if it is in an awkward placement?" Timber asked. Sunset shrugged. "Cut it down." "Will that be fine? I mean...we saw...dang it, we saw trails of gem dust between the tree and the dock," Timber said, finally losing his cool. "Don't worry about it, we have it under control," Sunset said. "What?" Twilight put a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. "It's fine, we got this," she said. "We mostly only came here to confirm, but yeah, everything's fine." "Confirm what?" Timber asked. "We'll tell you later, but I'm not sure she wants to be fully in the open about this," Sunset said, partly to herself. "It'd be best not to tell everyone until she says I can." "She?" Timber asked. Sunset smiled. "Yeah, yeah, take your guess," she said. "Gaea Everfree?" Timber asked hesitantly. As he did, a chill wind blew through, rattling the branches of every tree. A vibrant, pink gem dust that had been scattered throughout the campground blew past them, into the lake. "I think," Sunset said. "But, uh, we got this. Why not you two take the opportunity to hang out?" Twilight frowned. "Don't we have another friend to go talk to?" "That can wait. Besides, I'll be doing that by myself, so you don't worry about it." Sunset smiled. "Just enjoy yourself for a little while. Twilight and Timber were oddly competitive with each other, but Sunset could hardly pay attention to them. After an hour, they decided to head back—it was a several hour drive home, after all. Sunset bid a polite farewell first to Timber, then to Twilight as she stepped out of the car after the drive. "Are you sure you don't want me coming?" Twilight asked. "We should do this together, right?" Sunset shook her head. "I don't know why she hasn't brought it up herself yet, but I have a hunch," she said. "I don't want to pressure her by bringing everyone. Let them know I'm talking to her. We've all seen how weird she's been acting lately, so...I'm certain everyone will be happier if they know me and her are talking it out." She gave Twilight a reassuring smile. "Relax. I've got this." Her Gloriosa voice did its job well, and Twilight chuckled. "Alright. Call me if you need a ride home." "I can probably get a ride from her, or just sleep over," Sunset replied. "Relax. Let me handle this." She stepped back as Twilight pulled the car out. She'd always wanted to get a car, but her limited funds, and questionable citizenship, had always prevented her. Sunset sighed, then turned and walked past the fence, and onto Sweet Apple Acres. Truth be told, she didn't like apples at the best of times. She tried to avoid complaining too much, but her friend's obsession with the shiny red fruit often left Sunset bringing her own food to their meetups. Not that there was anything besides pizza that all seven of them truly loved. Sunset stopped, looking up at the nearest tree. The apples in it were a dull, almost reflective gray, but her geode told another story. The tree was charged to the brim with Equestrian magic. She didn't need the trail of gem dust trailing away from the tree to tell her what that was about. Sunset waved to Big Macintosh as she neared the barn. "Hey, Big Mac!" she called out. Big Mac turned to her, chewing on a piece of straw. "Let me guess," he said slowly, "Applejack?" Sunset nodded. "Is she, uh, here?" Big Mac thumbed over to the barn. "Thanks." Sunset walked past him, then stepped around the open barn doors. She stepped along a trail of pink gem dust, looking to where her friend sat, staring at an apple. Applejack looked up from it, and Sunset hesitated. "Um, what big eyes you have," she said. Applejack stared at her, blinking two glowing golden eyes. The 'white' part was actually black, and as Sunset stared, she realized it was even fully liquid, swirling around the golden pupils slowly. "Uh, yeah, I ain't doin' that," Applejack chuckled. She blinked, and her normal green eyes stared back. "Hey," "Me and Twi were just at Camp Everfree," Sunset interrupted. "Timber called. He was kinda freaked out about some weird things going on up there." "Uh...yeah. Sorry, I'm...I..." "Stop," Sunset said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. You're not obligated to share absolutely everything with us, so we're not mad that you don't want to share this. But we've all noticed that something is going on with you, and I also noticed how much Equestrian magic you've been carrying around. Even when you're not wearing your geode." Applejack closed her hand right in front of her bare throat, then sighed. "I'm not...tryin' to hide anything," she said slowly. "I just...wanted to get my thoughts in order." "That's fine, too," Sunset said. "We're not mad, Applejack, but most of them are a little spooked." "And you?" "Uh, if I'm right, and I believe I am and the gem dust isn't a prank--" Sunset grinned at Applejack's sheepish expression. "—Then you're Gaea Everfree." "Uh, yeah," Applejack said. "That's...that's the long and the short of it, I guess." Sunset let out a long slow breath. "I have so many questions," she said, "but, uh, most of them can wait, I guess. Do you want to talk to our friends, you just want me to tell them that you're fine and just not quite ready?" "We can talk tomorrow," Applejack said. "I owe you gals that. I'm sorry for scaring ya'll, too, I'm just...I didn't have all my memories to start with." She shrugged. "They all...came back slowly, so I wanted to sort things out before I brought it up to you gals." "That's fine," Sunset said. "But, question now?" Applejack sighed. "Shoot," she said. "Are you Equestrian?" She nodded. "Eeyup." Sunset let out a short squeal. "This is so exciting," she said. "I--" Applejack put a finger to her lips. "Tomorrow, with all you girls there," she said. "'Kay," Sunset said. "See you then." "You need a ride home?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, that would be for the--" Vines grew out of the ground in a circle around her and Applejack, forming a dome over them. Sunset let out a startled cry, shielding her head with her hands, as the dome rapidly shrank around them. The vines shrank away into the floor, disappearing. Sunset slowly uncovered her head, looking around her house in confusion. Then she looked up to a sheepish Applejack, rubbing the back of her head while blushing. "Sorry, sugarcube," she said. "I, uh, didn't think that through." Sunset laughed. "No worries, just, uh, warn me next time." She stood up, then blinked in surprise as a fine pink gem dust fell out of her hair. "Oops," Applejack said. "My bad." "No worries," Sunset repeated back. Applejack disappeared into a twist of vines, which collapsed into a fine pink powder. Sunset sighed, then stepped over to where she kept her broom. "Yeah, AJ, no worries," she muttered. But she quickly got over her annoyance. After all, the ponying up and the geodes were their own things, but this was something else entirely! Gaea Everfree. She'd heard Twilight mention the spirit of chaos, Discord, and had wanted to meet him, but Discord, potentially on purpose, never seemed to be around when she was. Was she responsible for the Everfree Forest in Equestria? Why were her memories sealed? How much could she do? I should make a list of all my questions, she thought to herself. Applejack sighed. Night had fallen some time ago, but sleep eluded her. Too many thoughts, worries, and returned memories plagued her mind like vermin in the kitchen. Perhaps worse were her expanded senses. If she let her mind wander, she'd be seeing through the trees around the barn and from the owls as they hunted, before she snapped her attention back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack looked behind her, seeing a massive ring of sparkling gem dust where she'd been pacing. Shoot, she thought. At least it disappeared after a while, so it wouldn't get everywhere. That said, maybe cleaning it up would help her think? But it seemed inevitably pointless when she'd just leave more in the next five minutes, and sweeping dust off the dirt was not a viable pastime. "Applejack...?" Applejack looked up, to see Applebloom wearily rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Watcha doin' out here at night?" Applejack asked. "Sorry, sugarcube, did I wake you?" "Kinda," Applebloom said. She stepped over to her big sister, sitting on an old, fallen log. "Something botherin' you?" "Every damn thing is," Applejack groaned. Then she slapped her forehead. "Darn," she clarified. Applebloom stared at her. "It must be really bad if yer cussin' about it." Applejack sat down next to her, sighing. "Yeah," she said. "I'm just frettin', don't you worry none." "Well, would it help if you told me yer problems?" Applejack thought it over. "I told Sunset that I'd talk to the girls tomorrow about...well..." She gestured to the ring of gem dust. "You know." "The, uh, magic thing," Applebloom said. "It's really cool, huh?" Applejack let out a frustrated growl. "Yeah, it's cool, but how to explain this to 'em? Where do I even start?" "Who says you have to start anywhere?" Applebloom asked. Applejack stared at her. "Um, pardon?" Applebloom shrugged. "I think they'll ask 'bout whatever they're curious about, and ya can explain th' rest afterwards, right?" "Ah...suppose," Applejack said slowly. "Hey. You must be curious and all, too, right?" "Well, uh, yeah...a bit," Applebloom said. "Heh. We'll talk over here, and you can sit with us. You and Big Mac both, right?" "Yeah! We can make some fritters and all just sit around havin' a good ol' time!" Applebloom said ecstatically. "Guess we should both go get some rest, then, huh?" Applejack said. "Prob'ly," Applebloom said. Applejack plucked an apple from the nearest tree, taking a bite. "C'mon. Let's head in." Applebloom stared at her, then looked over to the tree. "Uh, AJ? Did you just...grow an apple tree?" Applejack choked, coughed, and turned towards the tree that had grown up out of the middle of the road. "Oh, Applesauce," she muttered. "I'll deal with it tomorrow. Tonight, we should get some rest, a'right?" "A'right!" Applebloom rushed back into the mouse, letting the door swing wildly as she passed. Applejack sighed, turning to the small apple tree. I really need to manage my powers better, she thought. She reached over, touching the top of the small tree. Then, she walked back inside, intent on finally getting some rest.
Applejack (EqG),Main 7 (EqG),Sunset Shimmer,Alternate Universe,Drama,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Profanity
After their time at Camp Everfree, the Rainbooms notice something is up with Applejack, who tells them the strange truth.
<p>An ancient power was sealed away, into a vessel of flesh, to live human lives over and over again, until she finally learned the value of friendship. <br/>Fragments of the past come back to Applejack, along with her power. At first glance, everything seems fine with her. But once her friends start looking deeper, they notice that everything is not perfectly fine.</p><hr/><p>Content warning:<br/>--Scattered minor profanities<br/>--<span class="spoiler">Characters struggling with grief</span></p>
Applejack pulled a large, fresh smelling pie out of the oven just as she heard a car pull up. "Applebloom, how're the drinks comin'?" she called out. "Apple cider, tea, and grape juice for Sunset," Applebloom said, dropping several bottles of the former on the table. Applejack laughed. "Just make sure to keep it away from Rarity," she said. She set the pie on the counter to cool, then strode out to the door, waving to her friends. "Howdy, girls!" she shouted out. Several enthusiastic shouts rang out, as Applejack held the door open. "Thanks for hosting us," Sunset said as she passed. "No problem! Any time I can invite friends over is a good time!" "Pie!" Pinkie shouted, rushing past. "Yes, apple cider!" Rainbow cheered, zooming past as a blur to start drinking a thing of apple cider. "You okay?" Fluttershy asked. "Fit as a fiddle! Just been a little distracted here lately," Applejack replied. "Sorry for worrying you gals, anyhoo. I was just trying to get my thoughts in order before I talked about all this." "I can imagine," Twilight said. "Sorting out my research notes before presenting them is difficult enough." Applejack shrugged. "I wouldn't know about that, so I'll take yer word for it." She turned to Rarity, who stood just beyond the door frame, staring intently at Applejack. "You look different," Rarity said. "How so?" "I don't know," Rarity said. "Something about your eyes." There was a moment's silence, before Rarity shrugged. "Eh. It'll come to me later, I suppose." She walked past, strolling to the living room table at a leisurely pace. Pleasant chatter was made as Applejack passed out plates, serving everyone food. Given the wildly different diets of all her friends, serving food to them all always provided a challenge, but she'd managed it like she always did: by plowing through and relying on her stubborn determination. Which was also the way she planned on getting through the next task. "A'right, so," she said, once the chatter had died down somewhat. "I reckon ya'll have some questions." There were murmured agreements amongst the other friends. Applejack sighed. "Okay. Ya'll all know that I'm Applejack, but...I'm also...ah, shoot." She rubbed her forehead. "Once upon a time, I was known as Gaea Everfree." There was a long moment's silence as her friends processed this. "So, wait," Rainbow said, "I'd thought you, gained powers or something. You've...always been...Gaea?" "Er...kinda? I only remembered it all recently, after our time at the camp." She took off her hat, and began dusting it off. "For the past thousand years--" "Because of course it's one thousand years," Sunset chuckled. When everyone looked at her, she cleared her throat. "Sorry, continue." "For the past thousand years," Applejack repeated, "I've been reincarnating. Bein' born as different people in different places. While I'm...well..." She gestured at herself. "Like this, I don't remember myself. Or at least, I didn't. I suppose our time at Camp Everfree made me remember." "It must have been the geodes," Sunset said, clapping her hands together. "Elements of Harmony, right?" "Er, prob'ly not," Applejack said slowly. Everyone turned to her. "The Elements, uh, are kinda why I was reincarnatin'," Applejack said, blushing. "I'm not exactly proud to say this, but I wasn't the best of critters to get along with." "You're a reformed villain," Sunset said slowly. Then she chuckled. "Not a big deal. So am I!" Applejack nodded. "Yeah, only I was a mite worse than you got." She took off her hat, holding it over her chest, and added, "A...a lot worse, Sunset." "It's okay. You're better now, and that's all we care about," Sunset said. She stepped over, and hugged Applejack. Applejack chuckled. "Thanks, Sunset. If...if it's all the same to you gals, I'd rather not talk about it all." She paused. "You can ask Princess Celestia 'bout it, if you're curious. She probably remembers it all." "You met Princess Celestia?" Sunset burst out. "Yeah, though it wasn't the happy kind of meeting," Applejack replied. "More of the 'crazy-plant-witch wants to destroy Equestria' meeting." Sunset returned to her own seat. "I'll probably ask, but if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, okay?" Applejack nodded. "Too many painful memories, too many regrets," she said. "Not right now. Possibly, not ever." She shuddered. "Anyway, anyone else have questions?" "Can you do whole gems?" Rarity asked. "Pardon?" "I-I mean, you do leave the gem dust trails, right? That's not just some random myth?" "Yeah...?" "Can you make whole gems?" Rarity asked. She chuckled nervously. "Let's pretend I'm asking for a friend." "Um...I dunno?" Applejack shrugged. "I ain't never tried. The dust disappears after a little while, so you probably wouldn't have any luck with it." "Darn," Rarity muttered. Applejack tapped the arm of her chair, and a small, white flower with violet petals grew out of it. She plucked it, then handed it to Rarity. "That make it better?" Rarity gasped. "Yes! Absolutely! It's beautiful!" She took it gingerly, examining the small flower from every angle. Applejack chuckled...before shoe flew out of nowhere and hit her in the head. "Stop growin' plants outta our chairs!" Granny Smith shouted from the next room. "Heh! Sorry, Granny!" Applejack called back. "Darn it, how long does it take a girl to remember to stop creating plants on a whim?" She tapped the empty flower stalk, which immediately evaporated into a fine gray dust. Sunset blinked, opened her mouth, then closed it. "Did you just vaporise that plant?" "Um..." Applejack hesitated, looking to the surprised looks of her friends. "Yes?" "Awesome!" Rainbow shouted. Applejack ran a hand through her hair as Twilight stepped over, examining the gray powder. "Did it rot, or was it actually disintegrated?" she asked. "Um...I dunno?" Applejack shrugged. "I've never thought about my powers before." "Really?" Twilight asked. "Haven't you wondered where they came from?" "Nope. I'm a Spirit of the Wild, sugarcube. I ain't never had to worry about it, so...I didn't." "But we could learn so much if we studied it!" Twilight said. Applejack shrugged again. "I don't need to," she said. "Hey..." Applebloom cut in. Applejack turned to her, seeing Applebloom stare to the side with a sad expression. "If you're...Gaea Everfree, then...are you not Applejack?" She paused, then continued, "Are...are you still my sister?" Applejack got up, and walked over to her. She dropped to one knee, stretching out her hand, and put it on Applebloom's shoulder. "Applebloom," she said, "of course I am." She gave a smile. "Are...are you, though?" "Eeyup. Just because I had a different name once upon a time don't mean I ain't yer sister," Applejack said. "I grew up here, with you, and was there with you throughout your childhood. We cared for each other, we were there for each other. As far as I'm concerned, I'm as much your sister as if I wasn't ever Gaea. And I don't consider myself the same Gaea that was around a thousand years ago, Sugarcube." She pulled Applebloom into a hug, patting her on the back. Apple Bloom brightened up considerably. "Oh. Eh...sorry. I kinda killed the mood, didn't I?" "Don't apologize, ya needed to ask," Applejack said, kissing the top of her head. "I may be called 'Gaea', but to you gals, I'm still Applejack. I'm the same rowdy farm girl you've always known, just with a little extra, okay?" There were a couple of mutters amongst her friends. "Well, duh," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. "Even if you're not named Applejack, you're still the girl we've known all this time!" She leaned over, punching Applejack's shoulder, then ruffled Apple Bloom's hair. "Don't sweat it! This is still AJ we're talking about!" "Leave it to Rainbow Dash to defuse the existential crisis," Sunset chuckled. "That said, I do have a question," Rainbow said. "How awesome are your powers, anyway?" "Eh...I guess it depends," Applejack said. "I'm connected to this world now, so, if I leave, I'll be weaker. Further away I am from the wilds, the weaker it gets, too." "Wait," Sunset said. "Does that mean you can't do things like hang out in town?" "Ya don't need to worry 'bout that, sugarcube," Applejack replied. "This close to Everfree, I'll be fine in town, and even otherwise, it'd take a day or so for me to start feelin' it." "What about when school starts up again?" Sunset asked. Applejack hesitated. "I'll be fine," she said. "I can manage it, girls." "Question," Twilight said. "Go for it, sugarcube." "Can I have a blood sample?" "Pardon?" After that point, no one asked any of the questions Applejack was most worried about. It was all more mundane aspects about her powers, and a polite refusal to be Twilight's lab rat. After an extended hang-out session, the other girls were getting ready to leave, and Sunset came over to Applejack. "Hey." "What's up?" Applejack asked. Something about the way Sunset looked at her implied trouble. "I have a concern," Sunset said. "What about the original Applejack?" "Whaddya mean?" "You're an Equestrian, banished to this world for misbehavior, right?" Applejack nodded. "A light way of puttin' it, but yeah." "And you incarnated repeatedly?" "Eeyup." "Did you take Applejack's place? I only think I sense one soul from you, but...I can't be fully certain," Sunset said. "Is it Applejack and Gaea in there? And if not, then what about the original Applejack?" "There wasn't one," Applejack said with a shrug. "What do you mean?" "There's plenty of people who aren't ponies, and plenty of ponies who aren't people," Applejack explained. "As best I can tell, there just wasn't an Applejack, and so I filled in that spot." "Isn't that...I dunno, kinda horrifying? What does that say about you?" "Absolutely nothin'," Applejack said. "I lived before then, and I will live long after any other Applejack in any other world. I've seen empires become as dust, and their false gods burned to ashes by yet more false gods. I ain't particularly concerned about where this body came from, y'know? I'm still Applejack; just as you're 'Sunset' and 'Shimmer'; they're both yer name." Sunset stared at her for a long moment. "Your eyes are doing the, uh, tar thing again." Applejack sighed. "Yeah, I figured." "How old are you?" "I don't know. Never bothered to count." "You...wouldn't mind if I hopped over to Equestria and asked about you? Even if you don't want to talk about that all?" "Yeah, I said that already," Applejack said. "Just double checking," Sunset said. "I'm going to have to take you up on that." "Sorry, sugarcube," Applejack said. "They're all just...a li'l fresh in my mind right now." "I get it," Sunset said. "If any of you had asked about Equestria just after the Fall Formal, it would not have gone over well. But, if you ever do want to talk about those things..." She reached over, patting Applejack's shoulder. "We're all right here." Applejack smiled. "Thanks. It means somethin' to have all you girls so understanding about all of this, y'know?" "I've been there," Sunset said with a chuckle. She leaned over, pulling Applejack into a half-hug. "I'll be there if you need me, okay?" Applejack chuckled, too. "Thanks a bunch, sugar. Now, you should head on home now. Don't want to be out after dark, right?" "Alright. See you soon!" Sunset walked off towards the rest of her friends, waving goodbye. Applejack kept waving until the two cars they'd arrived in, Fluttershy's mini-van and Pinkie's unnecessarily large 'Partymobile', pulled out, watching her friends wave from the windows. The moment they were gone, Applejack let out a long, slow breath, then collapsed into a rocking chair. Apple Bloom stepped onto their porch, handing her a fizzy apple cider. "Thanks," Applejack said, popping the cap without hesitation. "You alright?" " as a fiddle. I think." She shrugged. "Hard to say. I'm just a little worn out right now, though. Gimee some time." "Okay," Applebloom said. "Love you, sis." She reached over, hugging Applejack. Applejack smiled. "Love you, too."
Applejack (EqG),Main 7 (EqG),Rainbow Dash (EqG),Rarity (EqG),Alternate Universe,Human,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Just friends
Rainbow Dash begins to doubt the relationship between two of her friends.
<p>Rainbow Dash agrees to meet up with her friends, but along the way the attitudes of two of her friends make her doubt if they are really just friends.</p><br/><br/><p>Based on the fanfiction cover <br/>#Rarijack</p>
On a snowy day, Rainbow Dash was at home getting ready to go out. She took out her cell phone and sent a message to the group to confirm that she was on her way. She had agreed to meet the others at Sugarcube Corner. “Bye Dad, goodbye Mom, goodbye Scootaloo” Rainbow Dash said saying goodbye to her family to start her walk. She was wearing a red wool hat with her hair tied up, she is wearing a navy blue parka with a high collar, on both sleeves of her forearm horizontally she has three lines of different colors (red, yellow and green), black pants and sneakers. blues combining with the grim reaper. While she was walking, arriving at a park she met Rarity who was looking at herself with her hand mirror. “Hello Rarity,” Rainbow Dash greeted as she approached the dressmaker. Rarity looked back. “Hello, darling,” she greeted as she began to walk a little slowly so that Rainbow could catch up with her. The dressmaker was wearing a black turtleneck sweater with her hair down, on top of it an open brown wool hooded coat, shorts with dark socks and finally some short boots. They walked for a while “It looks like you did set a reminder this time,” Rarity said gracefully. “Ha ha ha how funny,” Rainbow said sarcastically. “What's funny?” someone asked They both heard another woman's voice and looked to the right, it was Applejack following her step. “I saw them in the distance and I took advantage of joining you,” Applejack explained. Then he walked towards Rarity and hugged her. The farmer had her hair down, but almost at the end of her hair was a green ponytail. Instead of her characteristic cowgirl hat, she was wearing a wool cap, a dark orange turtleneck sweater in the middle, a yellow horizontal line on top, a coat. blue, jeans and snow boots. After the hug Applejack stood on Rarity's left side. “And that Rainbow?” "What thing?" asked Rainbow Dash who was on the other side of Rarity. “This time you didn't fall asleep,” said jokingly. “Ahh! "You too," said, rolling her eyes. "It was only twice. It's not like I always fall asleep." “Enough to bother you,” Applejack declared. “You're the worst,” she claimed, a little angry, stopping her step a little, but continuing walking, she heard Rarity's laugh and shook her head, deciding to look away. "The first time, I trained and fell asleep from exhaustion and didn't make it to Rainbooms rehearsal and the second time I just didn't even fall asleep, I just forgot because I wanted to act like a superhero and went to explore the city with my speed". thought They walked in silence for a while, but not completely since a few seconds later she heard her two friends talking about something. She looked at them, noticing that they had their arms intertwined. She didn't take it into account since she knew how close they were, just like she was with Fluttershy, but certain attitudes of those two made her suspicious of their relationship lately. He looked at them again only to be surprised that they were kissing. “But what the…!!” Rainbow Dash almost fell over from shock at the scene she was seeing, she has always suspected that Rarity and Applejack like each other since they are almost always holding hands or with an arm around each other. “Neither I nor Fluttershy are close enough to hold hands like this, ¡let alone kiss each other!” thought as she put a finger on her chin thoughtfully. “We're childhood friends. We just link our arms sometimes.” She saw that both girls broke the kiss looking at each other with sparkles in their eyes then Rarity laid her head on Applejack's shoulder, the latter smiled at the dressmaker's gesture and with her arms still intertwined they continued walking. “Maybe they finally decided to leave, it's worth confirming it when we get to Sugarcube Corner.” Sugarcube Corner “Looks like we're the first to arrive,” Rarity deduced as she took off her coat and sat in one of the chairs. “¡Ja! and then they say I fall asleep” Rainbow celebrated as she crossed her arms with a half smile. Applejack just rolled her eyes, leaving her coat on the back of her chair. “Whatever you say, Dash.” “I'm going to order something while we wait for the others,” said as she headed to Mrs. Cake to order a milkshake. When returned she found that Rarity and Applejack now had their hands intertwined. “Moment of truth,” thought as she approached the table with her milkshake in her hand. “So, you two are dating right? Applejack giggled. “What? No" “We're just friends,” Rarity said simply. “Just Friends?” Rainbow asked in disbelief. “Yes, friends,” Applejack said, nodding. "Friends?" while she looked down at her hands that were still clasped together. “Is something wrong darling?” Rarity asked, noticing Rainbow's confused expression. “But they are holding hands,” said, still in disbelief, pointing to their hands. “Well, Jacki and I are cold and it would be better if we warmed up between us” Rarity said as she moved her head to the side. “Exactly as Rare said” Affirming what the dressmaker said while she also moved her head, touching Rarity's head. "But if you... and that time when... in the park they kis-" Rainbow was going to insist once more, but she was interrupted “Hello girls, sorry for the delay,” said Twilight, who was entering with Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, but the three of them were pushed by Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie!!” Twilight complained. “Oops, sorry,” the party girl apologized, “I'm just looking for... just the one she was looking for.” Seeing that her friends had arrived and noticing that Rarity and Applejack did not seem to confirm her suspicions, she gave up. “You know I'd better sit down,” said already resigned, taking her milkshake and going to the side to sit down. “Hello Rainbow,” Pinkie Pie greeted, walking past and heading towards Rarity, Rainbow just waved. She watched as Pinkie Pie put a souffle on the table where Rarity was for her to try, she seemed fascinated by the flavor. Rainbow let out a laugh. “FrIeND,” she said to herself. “Is something wrong Dashie?” Fluttershy asked, sitting next to him. “Nothing Shy,” responded, but noticing that her friend was still looking at her waiting for an answer, she sighed deeply to continue. “It's just… I don't understand those two,” pointing at Applejack and Rarity. "What are you talking about?" Fluttershy asked, looking in that direction. “Yes, what do you mean?” Sunset spoke, sitting on the other side. “They think they're just friend,” she said, lowering her voice and emphasizing the last word. “Aren't they that?” “They are, and why do you say that, do you make quotes, implying something else?” Sunset questioned, whispering. “To begin with, they are very close” “But Dashie, we are too,” Fluttershy declared, making Rainbow Dash blush a little, remembering about the park. “Believe me Shy, they're closer than they look” said after clearing her throat. “And your interactions lately are… somewhat questionable.” “It's true that they are the closest of all of them, but-” Sunset trying to find some sense “Shh... look,” Rainbow whispered, interrupting Sunset. “Did you just shut me up?” Sunset said a little annoyed by that gesture. “Just tell me what you see.” Rainbow insisted They listened to their friend and looked back at Rarity and Applejack. Rarity was still enjoying the soufflé, she was about to eat another spoonful, but instead of going to her mouth it went to Applejack's, she accepted it with pleasure. The blonde took the spoon out of her mouth and did the same with Rarity, then she With a finger he wiped the cream that remained on the corner of his lip. They stopped seeing them, both Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer were a little doubtful. “Okay, I think I understand what you mean,” she said as she began to doubt her relationship, “but I'm still thinking…” “Seriously, Sunset, you still don't believe it.” “That… was…” Fluttershy tried to say it, but no words came out. The conversation was interrupted by Twilight who had two milkshakes in her hands, next to her was Pinkie Pie. “Sunset, I brought you this smoothie,” Twilight said, offering her the spleen. “Is this the one you mentioned on the way?” He asked as she sat down. “If this is it, thank you Twilight.” Sunset thanked her, accepting the milkshake. "You're welcome. What are you talking about?" It seems that the three of them are very involved in the subject” “It smells like gossip around here,” Pinkie Pie said curiously. “We were talking about their relationship,” Sunset answered, pointing to where her two missing friends were supposed to be. “Wait, where are they?” “It looks like they went to the bathroom, I saw they went in that direction,” Twilight responded, “what are they talking about their relationship?” “Dashie thinks there is something between Applejack and Rarity,” Fluttershy said in a low voice. “And what do you base your belief that there is something between them?” “You haven't seen how they've acted lately!!” Rainbow exclaimed “They hold hands, intertwine their arms and…” “We all know how close they are,” Twilight tried to clarify. “They are not enough evidence to say that there is something.” “That's what I told him,” Sunset said after taking a sip of her smoothie. “It's almost normal to see them holding hands,” said Pinkie Pie. “The three of us saw how they were acting recently.” “Well…” Sunset said not so sure. “I was ordering the milkshakes so I don't know how they acted.” “I was celebrating that Rarity finally tried my souffle,” Pinkie said excitedly. “I think they would make a cute couple.” “Yes, they would look good but we can't jump to conclusions,” Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash seemed annoyed by the girls' attitude until she remembered about the park and smiled victoriously. "AND…" "AND?" Twilight asked, raising her eyebrow. “I saw them kiss” confess "What?" Fluttershy said starting to blush. “You didn't tell that!” Sunset said surprised. “And if you looked wrong” “Seriously, Twilight was daytime,” Rainbow said, already irritated. “And they were enjoying it?” “Pinkie and what does that have to do with it?” She asked, a little annoyed. “You know, what if we asked them directly?” She suggested “I already did it,” Dash said, rolling his eyes. "And what did they say?" Twilight asked. “They're just friends,” she replied, grumbling. “See there you go,” Twilight finished. “Ahh.” Rainbow was going to say something else, but Applejack's voice stopped the conversation they were all having, or rather Rainbow Dash and Twilight's argument. “Sorry, we took a little while in the bathroom.” said Applejack, appearing next to Rarity. “Excuse me, I asked AJ to help me with something and take advantage of touching up,” Rarity said, making her hair back elegantly. “Were you arguing? I hope it's nothing to worry about." They all looked at each other and nodded except Rainbow Dash and turned to clear things up. "What happens..." "The truth is…" "Dashie says..." “Hahaha you have to hear…” When they were about to clarify what they were arguing about, they stopped short, opening their eyes wider. “Everything okay girls?” Applejack asked, still standing next to Rarity. None of them said anything since the barely noticeable stain on Applejack's lips went unnoticed by anyone, but enough to know that it corresponded to Rarity's lipstick, they all knew it was hers since she usually uses it frequently and the farm girl doesn't wear makeup. . Rainbow Dash had a half smile, she didn't know whether or not to laugh at the girls' expressions, “FrIeND” was the only thing she said and then took a sip of her milkshake.
Princess Cadance,Queen Chrysalis,Alternate Universe,Drama,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Embers in the Snow
A few weeks after a terrible tragedy, an unexpected guest shows up that flips Cadance's grief upside-down.
<p>Grief is a funny thing, really. It consumes you until you can't think about anything else. Cadance knows this all too well. But her grief is pushed out of the way when an unexpected visitor shows up, her story changing Cadance's grief forever.</p><hr/><p>Cover art made by @anxietymonstrr on Twitter! Go and give 'em a follow if you aren't already :)</p><hr/><p>This is the first story in a new AU I'm making called the Love and Peace AU! Expect to see more fics in the future coming back to this AU.<br/>Hope you enjoy!</p>
It was a particularly cold day in the Crystal Empire, the air itself carrying shards that cut much deeper than the weather could. Ponies still milled about, taking care of their errands, getting some exercise in, or what have you, but they all walked slower than they did a few weeks ago. Nary a breath could be exhaled without a reminder of the cold, its shards cutting a little deeper with each inevitably shaky inhale that followed. Still, as the citizens of the kingdom of boundless hope, the Crystal Ponies thought it their duty to hold their chin as high as they could manage and keep on going. So, despite the cold, they got up in the morning, they showered, and they went along with their daily routines. But there’s only so long that a pony can withstand the cuts before the wounds open wide, and they break from the pain. But breaking is not an option for the Crystal Ponies, so they stay quiet and they keep their brave faces on until they can see their beloved Princess Cadance in her court. Court was held in the throne room every day for a certain slot of time in the late afternoon, the time having been changed from the evening as of late to escape the extra chill that came with nightfall. Despite this, the throne room was still one of the coldest places in the Empire. For the most part, the throne room looked no different to how it did a few weeks ago; the tapestries depicting past rulers of the Empire were all still carefully hung on the walls, the rug leading to the front of the room was still pressed flat against the crystal floor, and the stained glass windows were still polished to perfection. But there was one glaring change in the throne room that ruined any semblance of normalcy. There was only one throne. And there Cadance sat, in the lone throne, waiting for the last pony scheduled to come into the court today to walk through the castle door at the far end of the hall. She sighed as she straightened her posture, her face plastered with as much of a neutral expression as she could muster. As much as Cadance despised sitting there with no other throne at her side, it hurt less than sitting idly all day with no stallion to spend her time with, so she looked forward to court every day. Her ear pricked as she picked up the distinctive sound of hooves walking on the crystal floor. The steps were slow and measured, trying their best to limit the click clack they made on the floor as much as they could. Cadence straightened her posture, took a deep, shaky breath, and cleared her throat. “There’s no need to be so cautious,” she projected, her voice still measured and soft despite her volume, “you’re not going to offend or upset me by walking normally.” The pony at the end of the hall had frozen in her tracks when Cadance spoke, then continued forward at a faster pace after she was done. Cadance beheld a young Crystal Pony mare— about teenage age, she guessed —meekly looking up at her with her ears folded level with her head. Her general disposition could be described as ‘shaky’. Cloudy tears obscured the mare’s eyes, but she refused to let them fall. The mare looked up at the princess, her ears still folded, and spoke. “H-Hello, y-your majesty…” She gave an awkward and shaky bow. “M-My name is Tempered Heart—” she took some index cards out of her saddlebags and fumbled with their order for a few seconds, “—I came here because I wanted to ask how the Empire is going to proceed from now on?” Cadance’s whole body tensed at the question. It was asked frequently since Shining Armor’s passing, and she was never properly prepared for it; how could she be? She inhaled a deep breath, then regarded Tempered Heart with as much compassion as she could. “The passing of my husband is an unprecedented tragedy for the Empire,” Cadance said with her eyes closed and a hoof to her heart, “but I have full faith that, so long as we support one another in this time of mourning, we will be just fine.” She offered a warm smile. Tempered nodded weakly. “Thank you very much, Princess, but that’s not really what I m-meant.” She flipped through her index cards again and shakily cleared her throat. “O-Our Empire is one of the best defended in Equestria, but only because of the Crystal Heart. W-With all this uncertainty going around, and with the, um…” She looked down at the ground, fidgeting with a hoof. “With the greatest source of love g-gone, the Crystal Heart i-isn’t going to be as s-strong, i-is it?” Tempered was shaking more visibly now, her tears now flowing, though unbidden. “S-Sombra’s gonna come back one day! Or maybe something even worse! A-And we don’t have the Heart, and we don’t have our general, a-and nopony has any faith! The entire Empire is doomed!” She broke out into uncontrolled sobs and dropped to the floor. Without a second thought, Cadance leapt down from her throne and embraced Tempered Heart, squeezing as tightly as she could. The two stayed in an embrace for several minutes, until Tempered stopped shaking and stood back up. “Now,” Cadance started, her voice firmer than before, but not without the motherly quality it always had, “I want to ensure you that Sombra is defeated. He will not be coming back. As for any other threats, we are not helpless just because the Heart’s magic is weaker. We still have one of the greatest militaries in Equestria, we still have our magic, and if all else fails— which it won’t, I assure you— we can call the Elements of Harmony here.” Cadance put a hoof on Tempered’s shoulder and stroked it softly. “We’re okay,” she whispered, “we’re okay.” Tempered wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at her princess. She nodded, then turned to leave. “Thank you, Princess.” As Tempered trotted out of the castle, her hoofsteps not as strained as before, Cadance sighed and returned to her throne. She waited until she could no longer hear the click clack of hooves against crystal, then put her face into her foreleg and cried. She cried alone for a while, then took a deep inhale, the shards only nicking her a little, and sat with her eyes closed. Wrapping court up for the day was always quite a process; it usually took up another 15 minutes of her schedule. Then, she heard the distinctive click clack of hooves on crystal again. Her ear pricked at the unwelcome sound, and her nostrils flared. Quickly, she remembered her station and composed herself, rationalizing that she must have just been mistaken about Tempered being the last pony for the day. She looked down to the end of the hall, trying to get a better view of the pony coming in. The pony that walked in was of average build, her coat a rather dark navy blue; almost dark gray. Her mane was an interesting dark blueish-green seafoam color and had waves that flowed over her head in a way Cadance couldn’t help but passively admire. The pony bowed once she reached what she must’ve considered a respectful distance from the throne, though Cadance thought it a little far. “Greetings, Princess. I am here to ask you a few questions, and then I’ll be right out of your hair. I do not mean to impede upon your schedule, but I deem these questions important enough to come into your court unscheduled.” Cadance raised an eyebrow, and her nostrils flared involuntarily for a moment. “You may proceed.” She couldn’t help but notice how calm this pony seemed. It irritated and confused her, but she forced the thought down, instead deciding to appreciate the change of pace a calm court-goer brought. The pony nodded. “Regarding the Crystal Heart, I’ve noticed as of late that the magic in the air has been… thinner, to be frank. Are things alright between you and Prince Shining Armor? Or has something else happened?” Cadance’s face tensed. She inhaled deeply, so much so that the pony in front of her noticed and recoiled. “I’m going to… give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you’re just recently coming back into the Empire after a long trip.” She inhaled again, more steadily this time, to calm herself. “Three weeks ago,” she continued, her face as neutral as she could force it to be, “during an attack on the Empire by King Sombra, Prince Shining Armor, my husband, the l-love of my life—” she took in a shaky breath and stifled the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes “—he… He was lost.” The room fell silent, and the pony in front of Cadance froze. “What… I…” She stuttered. After a few moments more of silence, the pony bowed to Cadance, hiding her face. “I-I understand. I apologize for intruding upon you during this time of mourning.” She swiftly turned and started toward the exit, Cadance still recovering from the unexpected jab in her still-fresh wound. But something was bugging her. It just seemed too unlikely that anypony, let alone a citizen of the Empire, hadn’t heard of Shining Armor’s passing; it was in all the newspapers, all across the country. And the pony who had just left hadn’t given Cadance her name. Curiosity started to build, and since it was starting to overpower her grief, Cadance decided to feed it. She stepped down carefully off her throne, then removed her hoof guards and quietly deposited them on the floor. Cadance followed the mysterious pony from a distance, making sure to walk softly so as not to alert her. The strange pony made a turn, which she shouldn’t have done, since the path from the entrance to the castle to the throne room was a straight hallway. Her curiosity piqued even further, she picked up her pace and leaned carefully around the corner. She gasped as she saw the pony taking a route that Cadance recognized: the path to her own chambers. She waited at the corner until she saw the strange pony step into the royal suite, then rushed in after her, an irritated yet determined look upon her face. “You! What are you doing in my chambers!” She shouted, her magic prepared to restrain her if she tried to run. The pony snapped her head toward Cadance and glared, then readied her own magic, which was a sickly green that Cadance recognized immediately. A pyre of green flame surrounded the pony, and she transformed into the charcoal-gray, hole-ridden Queen Chrysalis. Taking advantage of Cadance’s guard dropping due to her surprise, Chrysalis blasted her with a bolt of magic and jumped over her, sprinting out the door and into the castle. “G-Get back here!” Contempt oozed from Cadance’s voice, though her surprise mixed with a twinge of fear led to a stutter. She took to the air, her eyes full of a dark determination powered by hate and fear, and shot after Chrysalis like a bullet.
Princess Cadance,Queen Chrysalis,Alternate Universe,Drama,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Embers in the Snow
A few weeks after a terrible tragedy, an unexpected guest shows up that flips Cadance's grief upside-down.
<p>Grief is a funny thing, really. It consumes you until you can't think about anything else. Cadance knows this all too well. But her grief is pushed out of the way when an unexpected visitor shows up, her story changing Cadance's grief forever.</p><hr/><p>Cover art made by @anxietymonstrr on Twitter! Go and give 'em a follow if you aren't already :)</p><hr/><p>This is the first story in a new AU I'm making called the Love and Peace AU! Expect to see more fics in the future coming back to this AU.<br/>Hope you enjoy!</p>
Cadance flew with all her might, her eyes locked on the Changeling Queen. She didn’t say anything more as she flew; all that left her mouth were grunts, yells, and no small amount of foamed-up saliva. Chrysalis looked behind her and saw Cadance start to gain on her. She swore under her breath and leapt off the ground, her wings buzzing rapidly. The two flew with such speed that the guards they passed couldn’t even register what was happening, and Cadance issued no commands to them due to her hyper-focus on her enemy. They continued like this for a few minutes, neither seeming to be winning the altercation, when Chrysalis suddenly veered off to the left, careening into a room with its door open. Cadance reacted quickly, flying toward the wall directly across from the door, then kicked off it to get a better landing angle than Chrysalis. She skidded to a stop on the smooth crystal floor, only barely clipping her wing against a fancy double bed. She threw her head around the room, searching for Chrysalis but finding no one. She found that the window was closed, though, so she slowed her breathing and used her magic to close the door behind her. She was going to find Chrysalis, and she was going to stop her here. She stopped in her tracks as she finally noticed a noise in the room; her senses too unfocused from the earlier adrenaline to catch it, but now, she could clearly hear it: the sound of somepony crying. She turned her head toward the source to find Queen Chrysalis laying limp on the floor, her face pressed into the cold crystal, cooling it further with her tears. Cadance stopped, just staring at her, then took a tentative step forward, her horn starting to glow. The Changeling before her hit the floor and snarled at Cadance, but she just took another step forward. She got close enough to touch Chrysalis, at which point she hesitantly offered a hoof to help Chrysalis up. Chrysalis snapped her jaw at the air and smacked Cadance’s hoof away, then put her face back down on the floor and resumed her sniffling. Cadance leaned back when Chrysalis snapped at her, then slowly started to lie down on the floor next to Chrysalis and stay quiet, not removing her gaze from Chrysalis’ form. After a while of the two monarchs sitting quietly together, Chrysalis finally lifted her head off the floor, begrudgingly making eye contact with the Princess of Love. She gasped softly when the two’s eyes locked; she was surprised to find that Princess Cadance’s eyes had no pity in them, they had no hatred anymore, they simply carried an air of concern. She looked away in thought for a moment, then grunted softly and started to change her position to a more natural laying-down pose. Cadance smiled. “Feeling better?” Chrysalis stared daggers into Cadance’s eyes. “No.” Cadance’s smile quickly turned into a disappointed frown. “Hm. Do you want to tell me why you’re here?” Chrysalis sniffed. “It’s… a long story.” Cadance put her hoof to her chin. “Hm…” Her horn lit up, and cushions from the bed the two were lying beside floated down to the floor and under the two of them. “Then we better get comfy.” She waved her hoof, signaling her ‘go-ahead’ to Chrysalis. Chrysalis sighed. “Do you remember the first time we met?” She scoffed at herself. “Of course you do, it was your wedding day. You and Shining Armor’s love blasted me and my Changeling army all the way to the Badlands. Did you know that? When we landed, we were closer to Klugetown than we were to Canterlot.” Cadance’s ears leveled. “I… didn’t know that.” “Mmm. I have to give you and him credit, though. That was, hooves-down, the most powerful spell I’ve ever been hit with. Half of my Changelings were knocked unconscious.” Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief. “Ha… I’ve wanted to complain about that to your face for a long time now.” She laughed again. It was a weak laugh, and it put Cadance on edge, but it was a laugh of genuine amusement. Cadance put on a playfully over-exaggerated pout. “Oh come on! You were invading not just my wedding, but the most politically and tactically important city in Equestria! Of course we’d retaliate strongly!” Chrysalis just smiled. “Ha, of course… well, on to my story. Where to start…” She put a hoof to her chin and looked up at the ceiling, then her gaze shot to the door when she noticed a cacophony of metal Royal Guard’s hoof guards clanking against the crystal floor outside. Cadance perked her ear to listen closer. “Sounds pretty hectic out there… I probably wouldn’t be able to tell them what’s going on before they attack you,” she whispered, “I say we just stay here, stay quiet, and figure out the guard situation later.” She made direct eye contact with Chrysalis, her gaze firm. “I want to hear your story.” Chrysalis faltered for a second, just staring into Cadance’s eyes until the latter gestured for her to continue. “R-Right, so,” she straightened her posture, “the Changeling Hive only functioned the way that it did because of complete obedience. If even one Changeling stepped out of line or deserted, others would follow their example, and the Hive would collapse.” “You wouldn’t have needed ‘complete obedience’ if you were a better leader…” Cadance said under her breath. Chrysalis glared. “Ahem. So, even before the Canterlot invasion, I had known about seeds of rebellion being sown in the Hive. I couldn’t make an example out of them, because I knew that any rebels I didn’t know about would see whatever punishment I gave to their leaders as martyrdom. So instead, I opted to inspire loyalty to the Hive by having every last one of our able-bodied and able-minded Changelings participate in the invasion.” Cadance stopped Chrysalis with a hoof and shook her head. “Wait, so you attacked Canterlot just as a punishment for rebelling Changelings?” “Well, yes, actually. It was meant to be a simple stealth excursion into Canterlot to get a feel for its defenses, while also serving as a punishment for the rebellious Changelings. They were scared shitless, you know.” Chrysalis chuckled as she jabbed Cadance in the barrel with an elbow. “The only reason that it got any further than a simple stealth mission is that, well, things just kept working out for us.” Cadance scoffed. “I hardly believe that. Canterlot’s Royal Guards would have noticed you and put a stop to you right away.” Chrysalis grinned. “Oh, but the Canterlot guards did find us. Pretty quickly, actually.” Her smile got more toothy. “It’s just that the Canterlot guards were so easily fooled by quickly thrown-together disguises and a horrible explanation that we were, and I quote, ‘just chilling’, that all they took back to their general was suspicion of a Changeling invasion.” She chuckled, earning a frown from Cadance. “Anyway,” Chrysalis continued, letting out the last vestiges of her quiet laugh, “you already know what happened during the Invasion itself, I replaced you, the Changelings broke through the shield, blah blah blah.” She twirled her hoof in the air as she said this. “Now, back to the interesting part: your giant love bomb. “Like I said, it blasted all of us all the way to the Badlands; some Changelings were… more seriously hurt than others.” She discreetly wiped a tear from her eye and looked wistfully up at the ceiling. “I remember getting up off the ground and getting my bearings— which was just sand in every direction, by the way— and looking at all my Changelings strewn about. I couldn’t see them all, of course, but we shared a hivemind back then, and I… I could tell that we had lost a few dozen of our own.” Cadance put a hoof up to her mouth. Chrysalis shook her head and pressed on. “All things considered, it should have been a more devastating loss. Only losing as many as we did was a blessing, but…” She sighed long, staring at the floor for a moment before continuing. “But all the Changelings are— were my children.” She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply, the shards cutting her mercilessly. She coughed, then blinked to disperse the drop of water forming in her eye, that side of her face turned away from Cadance. Cadance hesitated, the obvious question balanced on the tip of her tongue. “...may I ask why they aren’t your children anymore?” Chrysalis idly flicked her forked tongue, avoiding eye contact with Cadance. She sighed. “It was because of one stupid little rebel.” Each of those words left Chrysalis’ mouth laced with more poison than Cadance had ever heard before. “Thorax, I’ll never forget that little traitor’s name.,” she growled. Cadance started to move a hoof to place it on Chrysalis’, but stopped partway through, returning it to its place under her barrel. “Thorax, I learned, was the main leader for all this rebellion. He had been the one going around, telling as many Changelings as he could that our ways were ‘outdated’. How I never found him out until that day, I will never know.” She shook her head regretfully and sighed, “I never should have attacked Canterlot. That was one of his points. ‘Our Queen subjects us to the most unreasonable of punishments!’ he said. ‘Look at how many of our own have died today!’ he cried. “I expected his message to be ignored, so I stepped over to reprimand him, but so many other Changelings… my children… started agreeing with him. All of them, every single one of my children abandoned their mother, and all because of one little Changeling who thought he knew better than his queen!” Chrysalis threw her hooves up exasperatedly, venom still lining her words. Then, her hooves shaking and blood vessels looking ready to burst, Chrysalis started to scream. She only got a fraction of a second of noise out before Cadance dove onto her, shoving her hooves over Chrysalis’ mouth to silence her. The queen, still shaking with rage, tried to wrestle the Princess of Love off of her. Cadance held on tight, though, trying to keep Chrysalis on the ground. Chrysalis responded with more muffled angry noises, but then was shocked to silence by Cadance gently stroking the back of her neck. “Shh… no more of that.” Chrysalis started to relax the longer Cadance kept stroking her neck, and Cadance’s grip relaxed in turn. They sat there for a while, Cadance gently stroking Chrysalis’ nape, Chrysalis only making soft whimpering sounds. Eventually, Chrysalis lifted her head off of Cadance’s shoulder and spoke. “Oh, my poor children; I shouldn’t be angry at Thorax, I should feel pity for him.” Chrysalis’ volume increased, and she stood. “I should rescue my poor, misguided Hive from Thorax’s stupid—” Chrysalis was cut off by a pink hoof shoved into her mouth. “Shh!” Cadance shout-whispered. “I said no more of that! The guards are going to find us!” Chrysalis, looking dumbstruck, just nodded and lay back down. Cadance shot a glare at Chrysalis, broken by a short laugh and a smile. “Alright, you wanna tell me the rest of your story without any more yelling?” “Right, so, after Thorax finished his speech and all the other Changelings were standing behind him, I found myself banished from the Hive.” She cleared her throat as quietly as she could. “I’m certain I could have fought them and won, but… they’re my children, after all. I would gladly take being banished over having to kill even one of them myself. “So, without an army to collect love on which to feed, I found myself starving in the Badlands. I knew exactly where I was headed, but the Crystal Empire is incredibly far from there. I know I could have gone to Klugetown, but that was probably my Changelings’ first stop before they went back to the Hive. “As you can imagine, the hike took a toll on me. The only reason I made it to the Empire alive was because I found a group of Abyssinians headed that way, and I managed to disguise myself and hitch a ride, siphoning only the tiniest bits of love, only during times when they were already exchanging love between themselves, so they wouldn’t notice.” Cadance nodded. “Clever. And you were of course headed to the Crystal Empire because you thought it would be a never-ending food source.” Chrysalis nodded. “Okay, so, I do want to know one thing: were you planning on just living here in the Empire for the rest of your days, or staying just long enough to recoup your strength, maybe give a cursory try at overthrowing me, then go back to the Hive?” Chrysalis opened her mouth with a confident expression, but no words came out, and her expression dropped. “I… I don’t know, actually. I’ve only been here for a few days. Maybe I could have lived a nice life…” She looked absently at the wall next to her. She sighed. “But that chance is gone. I just had to get too curious, I just had to learn why I wasn’t living the easy life here.” Cadance gave a look of concern. Suddenly, the two’s heads snapped toward the door as they heard a group of guards convening on the door. “She’s in here!” “Get the flanking group ready!” “Hold!” The guards shouted, their overlapping commands getting lost in each other. Cadance burst into action, using her magic to lock the door from the inside and shove a few close-by pieces of furniture in front of it to slow down the guards. She looked back at Chrysalis to give an encouraging smile, but she was just met with the hyperventilating face of a panicked Changeling Queen. She cupped Chrysalis’ face with both of her hooves and stroked her cheeks. Cadance, with a passionate determination in her eyes and a smirk upon her snout, locked eyes with the Changeling Queen. “Get on the bed.” Eventually, the guards burst through the door, scrambling in and shouting in unison their declarations to defend their princess from the evil Changeling Queen. They were instead perplexed to find their princess protectively holding a young mare in a hug with a wing. Cadance looked at the group of guards with irritation. “Excuse me, what are you all doing?” Most of the guards silently continued their incredulous stares at the pair, but one pointed accusingly at Cadance and angrily asked, “What are you doing?” Cadance glowered at the guard. “Well, first of all, it’s none of your business, but since you’ve already so rudely burst in on us, I suppose I’ll spell something out for you” Cadance removed her wing from the mare at her side and stood up, gingerly hopping off the bed. She sauntered over to the single brave guard, stopping only inches from his face, and stared him down. “Do not judge me for satisfying my need for closeness after the passing of my husband. Are we clear?” The guard gulped and nodded his head quickly. Cadance smiled. “Good.” She looked over to the other guards. They all nodded in turn and started awkwardly shuffling out of the room, the unicorns among them putting the furniture back in its rightful place and swiftly repairing the door they had broken through. “T-Terribly sorry, princess,” the mouthy guard muttered, offering a bow as he left the room and deftly locked the door behind him. Cadance smiled contentedly and turned back toward the bed, the mare on top of it now transforming in a swirl of green fiery magic back into her true form. “Well,” Cadance started foxily, “I suppose that’s our cover story.” Chrysalis smiled back and licked her lips. She slipped under the covers and drew a circle in the spot next to her in the bed with her hoof and patted the center. Cadance’s smile widened as she hopped into the bed, sliding under the covers to join the queen. She hesitated for a moment as Chrysalis’ cool, hard skin came in contact with her own, but nonetheless locked limbs with her. She held eye contact with Chrysalis for a moment before settling her head underneath against the queen’s neck. She sighed, though her smile was tugged downward a moment by a twinge of uncertainty, then settled herself, eventually falling asleep in the Changeling Queen’s arms.
Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Starlight Glimmer,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
The Rise of the Equestria Dragons
Spike make a harem and Equestria has to come to terms with new living conditions.
<p>Spike's life has changed a lot in the last year, and not just his.<br/>After a major crisis, nothing in Equestria is as it once was.<br/>Just when everything was over, Spike and his friends all moved closer together.<br/>Twilight and her friends realized that they had more feelings for the purple dragon than just friendship.</p><p>However, everything has now changed and Spike now has to live with a new normal.</p><p>A Spike Harem Stories.<br/>Some characters will have their gender swapped</p>
A new morning! Spike slept comfortably in his new bed. Last year he and Smolder went through a major growth spurt, both dragons suddenly went through a scale change after both increasing. Now Spike was almost as tall as Garble, his baby fat had completely disappeared, and he had taken on a slim, slightly muscular shape. His snout had lengthened slightly, making it roughly like Smolder's. The spines on his back and head were no longer round, but sharp and pointed. The Orange Dragoness had explained to him and his friends that this was normal for dragons. Originally, dragons underwent very rapid forms of growth because their lives were much more dangerous and had to adapt quickly. They also wouldn't experience such growth in the next few years, which Twilight and her friends were pleased about. His room was redecorated by Twilight and Starlight, while Rarity, provided new clothes for the more mature dragon. Rainbow Dash helped Spike train to be able to fly properly with his new body. Meanwhile, Applejack helped him use his new strength in a controlled manner. When they began practicing on Sweet Apple Acres, the dragon that had grown damaged more than just one tree. After a while, Spike got used to everything, but he didn't yet know what the future had in store for him. Now, he was bothered by the sun shining on his face. The purple dragon turned around in his bed when suddenly his bed shook. "Not again...": Spike sighed and got up from his mattress, he put on a red shirt with short sleeves and matching pants. His path took him through the crystal corridor, straight to the library. As soon as Spike opened the door to the room, he was met by a pile of books that buried his feet. It looked the same in the library, books were lying on the floor everywhere. There seemed to be something buried in the middle of the printed matter that slowly began to move and emerge from the books. “Your tail again, Twilight?” the dragon asked incredulously and began to pick up the books. "It's not my fault, it's so long and if I turn around too suddenly it's like a whip.": said his foster sister and shook the book from her head. It was still unusual for Spike to see Twiligh in her current state. Instead of a pony, a dragon stood before him. Her scales were a lighter purple than her number one assistant, then her belly and lower jaw, became dark purple. The female still had her bang's hairstyle, except it wasn't hair. It was actually a series of fin scales, thousands of them grouped into a single line that looked like her old mane. She even had the same strands of hair color in there as her old mane. Twilight had a long tail, the spikes on it were the same color as her hairstyle. The end of her tail was the same shape as the large star of her former cutie marks. What was also new were the ear fins and the two short horns that protruded somewhat curved from her head. Instead of her alicorn wings, she had two larges leather wings. In the middle area of her two wings, she had a single, hook-shaped, outwardly curved claw. Twilight still had her horn on her forehead, just like she did as an alicorn. Her snout hadn't lengthened too much either, apart from the rice teeth, it was still the same shape as her pony. In terms of size, she was a little bigger than her foster brother. Spike had to swallow and often remind himself not to stare. In her pony form, the male dragon had never found his foster sister so attractive, now as a dragon, she was just hot. And that wasn't just due to the species swap, the female's body had also changed a lot. Twilight was already slim before, but now she had a sexy hourglass figure. As well, as matching long legs, with strong thighs and delicate arms. Her breasts had grown from D to E cups and her hips were really voluptuous. The fact that everything was enough to drive any male crazy. But the Princess of Friendship had also started dressing very provocatively. Now, she was only wearing a white shirt with only half the buttons fastened. Which gave her a huge cleavage, Spike was just waiting for her breasts to pop out, and she also wore tight shorts that didn't even cover half of her thighs and were tight on the hips. "Are you... are you okay?" Spike asked cautiously, trying not to stare too much. “It… It’s fine… I’m just trying to distract myself. The current situation is not easy, and I still have a lot to process.” Twilight said, slightly dejected, and helped pick up the books. Spike knew what Twilight was talking about, which also depressed him. Shortly after his growth spurt, a disease began to spread among the ponies, quickly becoming a plague. At first, it only affected the older ones, but then quickly attacked the younger ones as well. Almost in just a week, Equestria had become the epicenter of an epidemic, the princesses quickly acted and enclosed the entire country under a magical shield with the help of Eris the Draconequus. Thanks to quick action, the spread of the disease was prevented. Unfortunately, it was too late for the ponies within Equestria, as the first inhabitants of the land soon died. Twilight was glad that she had sent Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, Silver Stream, and Gallus home before the first pony even got sick. Especially when her friends got sick and suffered from high fevers that threatened to burn her. Strangely enough, stallions in particular were affected by a very severe course of the disease, they usually got sick more quickly than mares and also died more quickly from the disease. In the first few weeks, all the older stallions had already died, and soon the ponies also died of middle-aged males. No matter how hard the doctors and researchers tried, they could neither find a cure nor stop the epidemic. As the disease spread among the younger ponies, Twilight noticed that Spike didn't get sick. An investigation revealed that Spike's body physiology was immune to the disease. It was logical, the inside of a dragon's body was in an entirely different state than that of ponies. The princess knew what had to be done, but it came at a high price. They had to turn the population into dragons, which also meant that the ponies would disappear from the world. Perhaps there would be others outside Equestria who would ensure the survival of their race. But for the great pony nation they had built here, it was the end. Just like it was for the pony magic, if they turned into dragons, they would never be able to use their pony magic again. To save the remaining lives and finally eradicate the disease before it affected other species, they carried out their plan. Before the princesses carried out their plan, Celestia and Luna stored some of their magic in an amulet so that they could at least move the sun and moon. As well as in the shield so that it would last for a longer period of time even after her transformation. Together with Eris and the best unicorn magicians that still existed, they carried out their plan and turned their people into dragons. It was a shock to most, even when they found out about the princesses' plan. But since it was a matter of life and death, the ponies quickly came to terms with the fact. Practically overnight, the pony population disappeared and only dragons remained. The plague disappeared immediately and thanks to the control of the current dragon guards, the plague gradually disappeared from the rest of the empire's animals as well. Unfortunately, the casualties were great, with approximately half of Equestria's female population dying due to the disease. It was even worse for the males, only a quarter survived. Most were foals, as the disease first affected adults rather than younger ones. Unfortunately, there were many acquaintances among the victims, in Twilight's case, it was her brother. After the plague was no longer a problem, the survivors were finally able to bury and say goodbye to their deceased. Spike could still remember Shining Armor's funeral and the grieving family. The white unicorn stallion had been his brother, losing him hurt him immensely. Things were even worse for Cadence and Flurry Heart, as did Twilight. It was thus cruel that the bodies had to be burned because of the epidemic. Nothing was allowed to remain from the dead, except a memorial stone. After that, the struggle began to deal with the new situation, which was not easy. There were no truly large dragons other than Celestia and Luna, as dragons took almost centuries to grow as large as Torch. Nevertheless, they had to plan for the future and the food also had to be reorganized. Due to the plague, some cities were barely as populated as before, so the remaining, now dragon, residents took up some tasks and moved closer together. The coastal areas in particular were now more important than ever before. Since a purely vegetarian diet was no longer possible, most residents switched to fish. Everything was stable presently, but a lot needed to be done for the future, and some of the old population who were now dragon still hadn't adjusted to the new body after almost a year. This was also true for Twilight, she had lost her magic and, practically, everything she had worked so hard for. She also had to deal with some dragon habits, as well as the fire and cravings for her crystal castle. Now, the purple dragoness was trying to find a new way to use her magic, believing that perhaps dragon fire could be more magical than the dragons realized. But already she had few results, and the fact that she almost always knocked things over with her tail didn't help. As Spike was putting the books away, he noticed that Twilight had stared over at him and then immediately looked away in embarrassment. Recently, the behavior between the two foster siblings has changed a lot. Especially after Shining Armor's funeral, Spike often stayed with the dragon all night and comforted her, and the female often cried too. He often even slept in the same bed with her and held her while Twilight cried on him. The dragon also had to motivate his foster sister to eat because she forgot her hunger in her grief. He wanted to do everything to make her feel better. Shining Armor would definitely have expected him to be there for Twilight during this difficult time. But after the dragoness got better, she started to behave differently towards him. She became more affectionate and wanted to spend more time with him, even when he was reading comics, the female would join him. She still read her own books, but somehow the female always stayed close to him. Twilight even often sat next to Spike and leaned against his body. She also didn't mind that the increased physical contact meant her breasts were pressed against his arms or his hands. Or that she sat with her seductive ass on his lap, no matter what it triggered in the male. They also spent evenings together, where Twilight often overslept, and Spike had to carry her to her bed. He always wore her in bridal style, and the dragon could swear that the dragoness was always snuggled against his arm. The male had initially believed that she was simply looking for something closer and comfort during these times. Now he wasn't so sure anymore. When the two had finally put all the books back on the shelf, Spike noticed that the female twitched her shoulder a little and rubbed it. "Spike, I think I have a bit of tension in my shoulder. Please give me a massage." Twilight asked in a loving tone and looked at him with big puppy eyes. The male dragon immediately became weak at the look and replied slightly shyly, “Um… yeah… no problem.” The dragoness immediately smiled and walked towards a red armchair that was standing in the room. The purple dragon could practically see her looking over her shoulder, careful not to throw anything with her tail. She sat down in the chair, which was a little too small for her, and looked at Spike, who stood behind the armchair and began to massage. His claw began to knead the female's shoulder, causing Twilight to moan pleasantly. When the dragon was younger, it was often carried by the former mare. Her body was rather soft and cuddly for a pony. Now, as a dragon, her body felt solid and her scales supple. From his position, the male could see well over the dragon's head, right into her generous cleavage. He could see a lot of Twilight's gorgeous tits, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was even wearing a bra. Every time the female moved, they wiggled around seductively. At the same time, the Princess of Friendship moaned loudly and sensually. She began leaning her head against his arm and rubbing her cheeks against him. Spike froze momentarily at the gesture, her cheeks felt delicious against his arm, and he could hear dragoness begin to purr. She began to look up at his astonished face, causing Spike to look away, embarrassed. Twilight began to giggle in amusement, which Spike found adorable. The male dragon began to look at the female again, who gave him a sultry and slightly dreamy look. Just that look triggered something in Spike, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take his eyes off the female in front of him. He didn't even notice Twilight's hands touching his jaw and slowly pulling his head towards her face. “Good morning.”: the two suddenly heard a voice coming through the door, whereupon Spike immediately jumped back and took a few steps away from the chair. An annoyed groan escaped the purple dragoness's snout, even letting out a small puff of smoke in frustration. With a slightly stern look, she turned to the door to look at the newcomer. It was none other than Starlight Glimmer, her former student and current guidance counselor at her school. Like all ponies, the former unicorn had undergone the transformation into a dragon and now had light pink scales instead of fur. The scales on her belly and jaws were a pale shade pink. Just like Twilight, the female had the same hairstyle with the same color scheme that she had as her pony form, except there was no hair, but a row of fin scales. Her tail was a little shorter than her roommate's and was forked at the end. The two fork tips had a striped pattern that resembled her old mane. Unlike Spike and Twilight, she only had nine dark pink spikes at the end of her tail that ran straight along to her forked tip. Although she had no wings as a pony, she now had two wings as a dragon. They were pink on the outside and light pink on the inside, their wings weren't as big as Twilight's either. Her petite face still resembled her old ones, even her muzzle was the same length as when she had a fringe. However, she now had sharper teeth and two sharp canine teeth. Her ears were slightly longer, and she had two short horns sticking straight out of her head. Just like Twilight, she still had a horn on her forehead, like she did when she was a unicorn. As well as a short, slightly backwards curved horn on her nose. In terms of size, she was almost as tall as Twilight, although slightly smaller. Starlight had also changed after her transformation; even as a unicorn, her body was very attractive. Now she had a well-toned stomach, long shapely legs and arms. Her breasts had grown to DD cups, and her ass also looked larger and very inviting. Spike was very attracted to her new look, she looked stunning. What was only emphasized by her outfit was that she wore a short-sleeved, cropped, dark blue blouse with a zipper. The pink female had only closed it up to under her breasts so that the neckline was huge. Spike couldn't say for sure about Twilight, but he was certain about Starlight. The pink dragon wasn't wearing a bra, everyone could see that at first glance. She also wore a white, tight-fitting skirt that reached halfway down her thigh. "I didn't bother you two for anything, did I?" Starlight asked in a cheeky and amused voice, with Spike still blushing. “Um... no... I just wanted... You know... I forgot is that I promised the others that I would help them. Furthermore, I'd best get going straight away so I can be finished by lunchtime. See you later.” said the male dragon shyly and left the library, the two females waving after him. When they heard the front door, the mood immediately changed, and both dragonesses immediately looked at each other irritably. Twilight got up from the armchair and walked towards her former student with a serious step, you could even feel the ground shaking a little. The pink dragon didn't let that intimidate her, she returned the look with her arms crossed and even let out a contemptuous cloud of smoke. “What is this, why are you getting into my parade like that?” said the purple female sternly and whipped her tail. "We talked about it… no solo tour. You are not the only one for whom, the situation is too much, and the family has lost. Everything in Equestria has just changed, the last thing we need now is arguments between the females." Starlight explained and pressed her breasts against the princess's. “What difference does it make, we all agreed. We all have feelings for Spike, and no one is left out. Is it so bad if I take the first step?” Twilight asked in a serious tone and even growled a little. "Um…YES! We agreed we would do this together. But above all, Ember hasn't enlightened him yet, and don't you think that the topic takes priority now?" asked the pink dragon and took a step back. "The princesses have agreed to sort out the problem together with Ember. I offered to help, but Princess Celestia would rather I take care of everything here in Ponyville while Cadence takes care of everything in Manehattan. I even heard that she sent her secretary Raven Inkwell to Fillydelphia to enlighten everyone.": said the purple female matter-of-factly and turned her head away in a huff. "All the more reason for you to stick to our agreement. Please remember, the others are in the same situation as you.": Starlight admonished her friend sternly, who just sighed. "Well, I have such and such an appointment at the town hall today. Mayor Mare wants the details of the festival, Pinkie Pie has been working on it quite diligently over the last few days. Your plan is worked out down to the last detail, which I'm almost jealous of.": Twilight murmured and wanted to leave. She turned around, hitting the bookshelf with her tail, causing a small avalanche of books to fall to the floor. Raising an eyebrow, Starlight looked at the other female, who had flinched at the noise. The purple dragoness gritted her teeth and began to pick up the print, her old tail had never caused this much trouble.
Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Starlight Glimmer,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
The Rise of the Equestria Dragons
Spike make a harem and Equestria has to come to terms with new living conditions.
<p>Spike's life has changed a lot in the last year, and not just his.<br/>After a major crisis, nothing in Equestria is as it once was.<br/>Just when everything was over, Spike and his friends all moved closer together.<br/>Twilight and her friends realized that they had more feelings for the purple dragon than just friendship.</p><p>However, everything has now changed and Spike now has to live with a new normal.</p><p>A Spike Harem Stories.<br/>Some characters will have their gender swapped</p>
New farm life "What was I thinking? And what was Twilight thinking? "Did you really want to kiss me?": Spike asked himself in frustration in his mind as he walked down the street of Ponyville. His thoughts revolved around his foster sister's behavior, how could he not have seen it coming? If that was why she was so clingy, she wanted to seduce him. He had expected this kind of behavior from Rarity, but not from Twilight. He desperately wondered what he should do now. Should he reject her, or should he commit to a relationship? Spike found Twilight as a dragon more than just attractive, and was also attracted to her. She had always been there for him and protected him when danger threatened. And yet, he was afraid that it might cause her condition to worsen again. Moreover, the dragon was struggling with his own feelings lately, not only that everything was different. "Morning, Spike! “: he heard a voice call, causing the male to turn around. He quickly heard the source of the shouting, it was coming from the flower stand. A dragon stood there waving to him. She had light yellow scales that were almost white, although the scales on her stomach area and jaw were really white. Her fin scales looked like a red mane with pink stripes and went down to her shoulders. The end of her tail had the same pattern and resembled a leaf. It had no spines on either its back or its bulwarks. She had bright yellow wings that were really white on the inside. Unlike Twilight or Starlight, her snout was slightly more elongated and had pointed teeth. It had white ear fins and two short horns. She was a bit taller than Spike. “Morning Roseluck… how are you?”: the purple dragon asked slightly shyly and approached the dragoness. “Pretty good, I haven’t set any flowers on fire today.”: said the dragoness embarrassed and rubbed the back of her neck. “ You know, always stay calm and take deep breaths. And if you ever laugh out loud, just walk away from the plants." Spike said educationally. “Good advice, maybe I need some private lessons. How about, Spike~? Do you have time for a private meeting?": Roseluck asked in a flirty tone, not even bothering to hide the undertone. Spike became a little nervous as he examined the female in front of him. The dragoness had a slim waist and shapely legs and arms. Her jeans were really tight and showed off her big ass really well. Her white T-shirt and green gardening apron also helped not to hide her D-cups. The apron didn't even manage to cover the dragoness' breasts properly. And the T-shirt seemed to be desperately fighting not to be torn by the mare's stem. "Um...sorry Roseluck, but I'm too busy for private lessons at the moment. But I will be giving a tutoring course again soon. See you soon and good luck with the flowers," said the little man, slightly nervously, and said goodbye. As the dragon walked, the female gave him the look that hunters gave their prey. She smiled in amusement and licked her snout with her dragon tongue as she carried the flowerpots inside. A job that was no longer a problem thanks to her new dragon power. "No need to rush, I'll still get my piece of dragon meat." Roseluck thought to herself and took one last look at the male. “What’s going on with the females lately?” Spike asked himself as he reached the village square. Of course, he's gotten more compliments since his growth spurt, especially since he'd gained some muscle from working at Sweet Apple Acres. But he had never been flirted with so openly before, and on the other hand, he was perhaps too worried. When he looked around Ponyville, the male couldn't help but smile. After the plague, life here in the village seemed sorrowful; everything had changed for the residents. They still had to get used to their new bodies, which wasn't easy. Although the former inhabitants had not grown into giant dragons, their body size had already increased. The average mare in Eqeuestria was 1.67 m. Of course, there were exceptions. Fluttershy, for example, was the tallest of his friends, the Pegasus was 1.72 m tall. And Applejack was also 1.70 m tall, which particularly bothered Rainbow Dash with her 1.66 m. On average, stallions were up to 1.80 m tall, although there could be deviations here too. The prime example of this was Big Macintosh with his 2.10 m. Back then, Spike could well understand that the earth pony stallion often felt uncomfortable in houses. But as the inhabitants became dragons, the average height increased to 1.85 m for females and up to 2 m for males. Since Spike was younger than most of the inhabitants, he was still growing and was only 1.84 m tall, although the dragon would reach 2 m by his twentieth birthday. To say that furniture and especially entrance doors felt smaller to the newly transformed dragons was an understatement. Spike didn't even want to think about clothes; he remembered well that the residents had to walk around wrapped in sheets. Since dragons were also much stronger than ponies, the residents also had to get used to their new power. Initially, their power was so untrained that the new dragons tore doors off their hinges. When they jumped around too wildly in groups, they even caused small earthquakes, especially when they danced the Pony Pokey. Even when they picked up items that were too fragile, there were difficulties. A few plates were broken, and even more glass objects were damaged. And then there was the fire, oh yes, the fire. Ponyville literally became a hotbed for wildfires. Fires broke out more than once, often in several places at the same time. And since the former Pegasi had no weather magic, they had to switch to a different system. Huge water containers, fortunately they were now strong enough to transport large quantities. Unfortunately, the continuous fires were too damaging to the houses, which soon resulted in ruins. It quickly became clear that the choice of materials for the buildings had to change. It was decided to use stone instead of wood and roof tiles instead of thatched roofs. Where wood had to be used, Eris helped with her magic. She enchanted the wood so that it was non-flammable. The same went for the furnishings, which everyone at the Draconequus was truly grateful for. Thanks to everyone's cooperation, Ponyville was soon rebuilt. However, some dragons wondered whether the village's name should be changed. After a brief discussion, the idea was discarded, even though they are no longer ponies, they should always be aware of their history. Spike supported the residents wherever he could, after all, he had to figure out many things on his own and that wasn't easy. Whether it was fire breathing, power, control or even flying with dragon wings. Now on this sunny day, kites were everywhere walking the streets, flying through the sky, standing at their stalls and selling goods. Life was almost the same again, except for a few little things. And yet, his mind went back to Twilight and the almost kiss. Luckily for him, he was on his way to finding a person who he could talk to about anything and who would always be honest with him. Spike's route to Sweet Apple Acres wasn't a problem thanks to his wings, as he could easily fly over the plantations. How comfortable he was now that he didn't have to walk anymore. He could also see how big the apple orchard had become. After the plague, any remaining farms were expanded as dragons ate more food. When Spike reached the yard, you could immediately see a change. The Apples' house was much larger, and there was a second house right next to it that was very similar to the first. The chicken coop was also slightly larger, as was the farm's red barn. What seemed a bit strange, however, were the warehouses that stood a little further back. Spike landed in front of the house and looked for Applejack. “Hello Spike!”: the male heard a cheerful voice calling to him, the voice came from the barn, where a dragon was carrying a bale of hay and waving to him with her free hand. “Hello, Applebloom!”: the dragon called back and approached the female. The former earth pony foal had changed a lot, she was now sixteen and was enjoying her last few years at school. Her scales were yellow, while those on her belly and jaw were a pale color. Like all former ponies, she had red fin scales that looked like her old mane. The end of her tail had no special shape, but had two red spikes. Applebloom had dark red ear fins that were easy to see despite her fin scales. She had no horns sticking out of her head but did have two small horns growing out from under her two ear fins. Her snout was very similar to Smolder's and the yellow dragoness was also about the same size as the orange dragoness when she first came to Equestria. "You're a little late, you should hurry up. Otherwise, the job will be done soon.": Applebloom said amused, pushing the dragon with her elbows. Then she lifted the bale of hay with one hand on her shoulder and walked with it into the barn. As a dragon, the former earth pony was strong, but that didn't surprise Spike. Even though the female's body was currently covered by short, blue dungarees and a yellow short-sleeved T-shirt, he knew that Applebloom had a slightly muscular stomach. In addition, her legs and arms are well-toned. Even her breasts were already C cups and her butt was also very inviting. It probably wouldn't be that long before they got a growth spurt too. Surely, she would grow wings, after all, she was only a little younger than him. Despite her age, she still wore her beloved red bow. Spike walked further into the plantation, and after a while, he saw many wooden buckets standing under the trees. Suddenly, the ground shook, as if something had stomped violently on the ground. The shock caused the apples to fall from the trees directly into the bucket. Everywhere in that part of the plantation, the fruits fell down, causing the trees to be harvested. The male knew where the quake came from and was also able to determine the location of the impact; luckily it was nearby. When he went to the place in the middle of the apple trees, he found the cause. "Here you are, finally, I've been waiting for you.": said the dragon in front of him and adjusted her cowboy hat. "Sorry Applejack, I've blabbered a bit.": Spike said to the former farmer's pony. In her dragon form, Applejack had orange scales, while her belly scales were pale yellow. Her tail was longer than Spike's, but not as long as Twilight's. Like her sister, the end of her tail was not particularly shaped, but had more spines. The spines ran from her shoulders to the tip of her tail; they were short and blunt. She had tied her fin scales, which looked like her old mane, into the same ponytail she had as an earth pony. Her wings were orange on the outside and pale yellow on the inside. The dragoness didn't have ear fins, but had goblin-like ones, ears. These were orange and slightly longer than her pony ears. Two horns protruding from her head looked like those of a bull. Her muzzle looked almost the same as when she had a pony, only it was a little longer. She had two long, sharp canine teeth and pale-yellow scales that looked like her freckles. “Well, get to it then. We have many baskets to carry back." Applejack explained, taking the purple dragon in a headlock. Even if Spike fought back, the orange dragon wouldn't even notice. In her current form, Applejack was a bit taller than Garble and, above all, much more muscular. Her stomach was very muscular, as were her arms and not to mention her thighs. Her thighs were probably so strong that she could break stones with them. The male was helplessly pressed against her body, directly against her E-cup breasts. The female was wearing a red flannel shirt that was knotted under her breasts, leaving her midriff bare. She also wore tight Daisy Duke jeans that barely managed to hide her big ass. She also wore black, fingerless gloves and her beloved hat. Even through the clothes, Spike could feel how soft Applejack's tits were. His male instinct told him to grope the fat breasts. However, his survival instinct advised him not to do so in order not to be murdered. Luckily, the female let go of him and he was finally able to breathe. As the dragoness passed him, he noticed that the farmer moved her hips seductively back and forth. Spike was mesmerized until he woke himself up with a shake of his head. “Pull yourself together, Spike. "You can't be so distracted by every female," the dragon reminded himself, even though that was definitely the best ass in all of Ponyville. Both dragons carried the baskets full of apples to the warehouses. With Spike helping her, Applejack could carry up to five baskets at a time. Two in each arm and a fifth with her tail. Spike could only carry up to three baskets, one in each arm and one with his tail. In the past, the farmer always had to pull a cart with the baskets through the plantation, but now she simply flew the apples to the warehouses. The orange dragon with the blonde hair would never admit it to Rainbow Dash, but flying was just astonishing. Since she had wings and immense dragon strength, she could complete her work in a fraction of the time it took as a pony. Of course, neither she nor Spike were as fast as their former Pegasus friend, but there was no way they could be called slow. Spike and Applejack brought the fruit to the warehouses that the family had newly built. The apples were temporarily stored there so that they would not rot. The delivery services picked up the apples the next day and delivered them throughout Equestria. Previously, the Apple family had only supplied Ponyville, but now they also had to supply nearby villages. Unfortunately, there were now fewer farms in Equestria than before, which is why existing farms had to be expanded. That's why the warehouses were built so that the food could be stored accordingly. Of course, the workload also increased as there was now more work to be done. However, with their new dragon skills, the farmers were able to handle everything and not exhaust themselves. The prime example of this landed just in front of the two dragons. "Hello Big Mac, isn't that a little too heavy?" Spike asked carefully to the dragons in question. "Nope!": the dragon replied casually with one of his standard answers while carrying a huge basket that could be used as a swimming pool. Big Macintosh was one of the few stallions to survive the plague; doctors attributed it to his physique. The Apples, however, believed that it was his will. After transforming into a dragon, the male had red scales. The scales on its belly were dark yellow, just like those on its lower jaw. His cock wasn't that long, but it was massive. Like his sisters, the tip of his tail had no particular shape. He has short, sharp-looking scales that run closely from the back of his head to the tip of his tail. His orange fin scales resembled his old mane, and he had dark yellow scales where his freckles once were. He had dark yellow ear fins and two broad, orange horns protruded from his head. They looked like those of a bull and were curved forward as if they were made for striking. Its snout was no longer than a pony's, but it looked more like a dragon's. Big Macintosh was a head taller than Applejack and therefore had two large wings that were red on the outside and dark yellow on the inside. When the red man placed the gigantic basket on the ground, it briefly shook the earth. During the dragon migration, Spike had met many dragons, but none of them had as many muscles as the farmer before him. And it wasn't just because of his chiseled abs, which the purple dragon could see because Big Macintosh hadn't buttoned the white shirt he was wearing. His arms were very muscular, as were his legs, and looked really intimidating. Even if Spike couldn't see her currently because of the jeans, she could. His neck in particular now seemed wider and more massive than it did when he was an earth pony. “It looks like you’re almost done with your page. I'm sure Sugar Belle will be delighted about that, I wonder what you're doing with your newfound leisure time.": Applejack said in a cheeky tone and walked towards her brother. "Um... nothing... nothing important.": replied the larger dragon, looking very embarrassed as he backed away a bit. Spike found it ironic that the strongest-looking dragon was so shy. But that was Big Macintosh's personality, but he wondered why the big red male was so embarrassed. It was only after a brief moment that the purple dragons clicked and had to suppress a grin. Surely, Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh would give new meaning to the phrase “shake the walls.” “Now I don’t want to stop you anymore. Come on Spike, let’s get ready,” said the dragon with the cowboy hat and flew forward. “Come right away,” the purple dragon replied when the red male suddenly stopped him. "Um... Spike... may I ask you something?" Big Macintosh asked a little nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “Sure, what’s it about?”: he asked, curious to know what it was about. "Have you noticed lately... that the females... are behaving differently?": the red dragon asked cautiously. Spike's eyes widened, so he wasn't the only one who noticed. The females have been much more direct lately, and they have been flirting more often. It wasn't just Twilight or Roseluck... he had noticed some dragonesses looking at him and whistling. And they didn't hold back from being more direct. Just yesterday, the purple dragon had received two playful slaps on his bottom from females and when he turned around, they just giggled in amusement. He thought it was all just playful, but now he wasn't so sure. “What exactly do you mean...?” Spike asked uncertainly when he suddenly heard a whistle. Both males looked in the direction of where the noise came from and spotted a group of dragonesses standing by the fence. They all stood there waving as they watched the two dragon’s work. “Guys, what does it look like? Are you about to finish your work?” one of the dragonesses called out with interest. "We wanted to go out for something to eat, don't you two want to come with us?" another female asked in a teasing tone while crossing her arms under her chest to push her breasts up a little. “Aren’t you two too hot in your shirts?” another asked, subtly pulling her neckline down to reveal more of her bust. Now Spike understood what Big Macintosh meant and was a little embarrassed. And yet, a part of him felt very attracted that the females were so interested in them. After all, any male would be flattered to receive so much attention from females. On the other hand, Spike also felt like prey to a pack of predators. Big Macintosh also seemed a little uncomfortable, but the red dragon had already received a lot of attention from the mare as a pony. At that time, the mares either ignored them or fled, intimidated. Currently, however, he just scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled shyly, like Fluttershy did when she received a compliment that made her happy. The purple dragon was surprised that the farmer dragon felt the same way as him. Suddenly, a whistle sounded, followed by a wild landing that shook the ground. It was Applejack who looked stern at the other dragonesses and angrily blew out a large cloud of smoke. The two males felt a little uncomfortable, as if there was a wild bull standing in front of them. While the group of dragonesses just groaned or sighed in disappointment and rolled their eyes in annoyance. “What do you think, where you are here, this is a farm and not a show? So don’t distract my workers, we still have work to do,” said the orange dragon with the cowboy hat sternly and approached the fence. "Looking, won't be forbidden to be.": said a dragoness insulted and folded her arms under her chest. Applejack grabbed one of the wooden boards from the fence with both claws, she leaned her upper body over it and said something quietly: "Then look with your eyes and keep your mouth closed, you know the deal. Or do you want to with Sugar Belle negotiate again? At Sweet Apple Acres, you keep a low profile, especially at work. Because otherwise, we will immediately draw new boundaries. Above all, now is not the time for that, so pull yourself together. Understood?" The five dragonesses just nodded silently, but they weren't happy about it. Neither Spike nor Big Macintosh had heard what the females there were talking about. The dragon Cowgirl turned away from the group, flicking her tail in warning. She approached the two males, although her posture now seemed much more relaxed. “Now that’s all sorted out, let’s see if we can get the job done.”: said the female, straightening her cowboy hat. Spike and Applejack flew back to get the remaining buckets, and Big Macintosh did its work at the warehouses. He wasn't as distracted by the dragonesses anymore, but he could still feel their gaze. When he looked at them briefly, a dragoness winked at him. He immediately smiled, a little embarrassed, but also felt slightly guilty. After all, he was married and still somehow enjoyed the attention of other females. What was even stranger was that Sugar Belle didn't mind at all. The red male had spoken to his wife about it, and she had replied that he should be happy that he was so popular with the female. “Maybe I'm thinking too much, I should just get some work done. Sugar Belle wanted to surprise me with something today, I shouldn't keep her waiting.": Big Macintosh thought to himself and carried the apples to the warehouse, while he looked forward to his time after work. After a few flights, Applejack and Spike were ready. All the apple trees had been harvested, and it was still mid-morning. Both dragons walked relaxed through the plantation, of course, they could also have flown. But it was a little ritual between the two friends that they talked after work and at the same time went for a walk through the apple trees. The purple dragon could still remember how he had trained to control his strength properly here after his growth spurt. He appreciated the farmer's honest nature and also that she was so reliable. Applejack also liked talking to the dragon, especially after everything that had happened. While Spike did everything he could to be there for Twilight, the dragon farmer helped him deal with his loss. The death of Shining Armor had hit him hard too, after all, he was like a brother to Spike. Applejack knew all too well what it was like to lose family and how much it hurt. She was incredibly proud of how much Spike cared for his sister. He had always been reliable and had always supported them all when it was in his power. Often, even if it was beyond his physical capabilities and it exhausted him. She certainly wouldn't have had the stamina to work as an assistant for Twilight herself. “Tell me, how is Granny Smith?” Did she write to you?" Spike asked curiously and looked at the dragon next to him. “Relatively well, she is enjoying her second youth to the fullest, she and Apple Rose sent us a letter with photos. “Already she’s at the seaside learning to surf,” Applejack said amused and laughed. Spike had to smile too, he was happy for Granny Smith. The Apple Family in Ponyville was really lucky, they didn't lose a single family member. Although the disease mainly attacked older ponies, the old mare not only survived. After her transformation into a dragon, she was a young adult by dragon standards and was still far from an older lady. Her body was even slightly larger than Big Macintosh's, and she now looked young again. Any discomfort she had was gone, and Granny Smith could move like a young deer. She took advantage of her second youth and decided to travel around the country. Unfortunately, not everyone in the Apple Family was so lucky, and some of their relatives had died in the plague. Of the old generation, only she and Apple Rose remained, which hit both of them very hard. Both decided to use their new youth to go on a longer trip together. Applejack agreed, she was glad that her grandma didn't sink into depression after such a terrible disaster. "Well, you'll see, Granny Smith will show us how to live properly.": said Spike, to which Applejack laughed a bit. “Yes, she will. "A lot has changed," Applejack said amused, but then noticed that the purple dragon was becoming thoughtful. “Are you okay, sugar cubes?” the dragon asked worriedly and looked over at her friend. “Well, it’s about changing. Some time has passed since...since Shining Armor died and Twilight is doing better again. But she's been acting strange towards me lately." Spike explained, rubbing his arm a little. “Oh yes, what exactly is she doing?” said the female, trying to hide the mistrust in her voice. However, that didn't help much as her tail started to swing back and forth a bit energetically. Luckily, Spike didn't notice as he was wondering how much to tell. The last thing the male wanted was to embarrass his sister. However, he trusted Applejack very much, and he knew that she could keep a secret. “Okay, but this has to stay between us. Lately, she's been a little more clingy when we're in the castle. No matter whether I'm reading or she's reading, she...she leans on me and when we sit on the couch in the evening, she always falls asleep on me. When I carry her to her bed, it feels like she's snuggling up to me. Occasionally, I catch her looking at me, and then she immediately looks away, embarrassed.": Spike began to say. Applejack listened intently to the purple dragon as she tried to calm her inner fire. She tried everything not to grind her teeth or breathe out clouds of black smoke from her nose. She mentally cursed herself for not being more suspicious of Twilight. Just like the former unicorn, she had feelings for Spike and was in love with him. Back when he was in love with Rarity, the dragon tried so hard and did his best. It was clear to everyone from the start that their chances were almost zero. At that time, the unicorn mare didn't want to hurt the young dragon's feelings, but he seemed so young. Deep down, Spike knew it himself, and yet he wanted to try. The dragon gave it his all without becoming too intrusive. He sacrificed his time, wore more than he should, and even stayed up late at night to assist Rarity. Even as an earth pony, she was very impressed by the young dragon; he was hard-working, good-natured, and helpful. After Spike grew and learned to control his strength, he supported her family on the farm. Above all, she enjoyed the time when they talked to each other and spent time together. At the same time, she also loved his massages when she felt tense. After her transformation into a dragon, the purple dragon not only supported her family, but also the entire village. He even traveled to other cities to help the newly transformed dragons there. Even though he was going through a difficult time himself and also caring for Twilight. That's why she wanted to be there for Spike, to relieve him of some of his burden. She quickly realized that their feelings were more than just friendship. She loved him and wanted to be with him. And she wasn't alone with her feelings, her friends loved him too. As she and the others revealed their true feelings for the purple dragon to each other. Did the dragonesses initially disagree about who had the right to be with Spike? It almost came to a fight, but at last, they reached an agreement. And part of the deal was that no one would try to seduce Spike. It wasn't expected that Twilight would still go after the purple dragon and break the agreement. On the other hand, Applejack had to admit that she might have made a few advances. The dragon Cowgirl occasionally hugged Spike, holding him close to her body. Or she had bent over a little longer to wiggle her bottom while picking up the buckets, knowing full well that the young dragon was staring at her. And maybe after work, when she showered, she walked around in front of Spike in just a bare towel, letting her tits and ass jiggle. The female could directly feel the purple dragon's eyes on her body. Possibly, she was a little too strict with her friend, a few little games are certainly allowed. “Anyway, I don’t know how to react. I mean...if Twilight is really in love with me...why? Don't get me wrong, she's really a beautiful dragon and so smart too.": Spike began to explain when suddenly Applejack grabbed his shoulder and silenced him. Her grip was firm, but not so strong that she crushed him or her claws dug into his flesh. Just hard enough to stop him. Her look was serious, but not evil. Spike wondered if he had said something wrong and turned to the larger dragoness. “Do you really think you’re not good enough? You, who was always there for Twilight? You supported her, cared for her, and made sure she didn't overwork herself. Believe me, Spike, I don't know anyone as good a guy as you, especially... with everything that's happened in the last year. You helped so many people in Equestria, even though you weren't doing well yourself. So believe me when I say, there is no better dragon than you. Don't make yourself smaller than you are because you are significant to me," the dragon said seriously and smiled lovingly at the purple dragon. "Applejack...thanks," Spike said, smiling happily as well. The orange dragoness blushed briefly before her cowboy hat pulled up to hide her embarrassed face. Spike didn't think much of it when he was suddenly grabbed by the female and pressed against her body. With his face right into her huge breast so he couldn't see anything. While her tail wrapped around his stomach and lifted him up. He was a little embarrassed to be carried like that, but also knew there was no escape. “Now, don’t get too emotional, sugar cube. Let's you first washed, I'll help you too.": Applejack spoke in a cheeky tone and smiled seductively. Spike's head turned red, and he swallowed hard. The male was about to protest when the female's breasts cut him off. Applejack would honor the deal like Twilight did and not actively seduce Spike. She would just help him wash his back while wearing a white shirt. Nothing her friends needed to know.
Clopfic Appreciator
Stellar Flare,Sunburst,Anthro,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Stellar Pair
Sunburst and Stellar Flare share an intimate Hearts & Hooves Day
<p>This Hearts and Hooves Day, both Sunburst and Stellar Flare are unable to spend it with their special someponies. As Sunburst visits his mom in Sire's Hollow, their reunion turns into something more intense and intimate than he expected...</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">Background Sunburst/Starlight/Trixie, an unreasonably well-hung nerd, an unreasonably busty MILF, misunderstandings, breast expansion, titfucking, cum on face and tits, fingering, titsucking, non-dairy lactation, condom use and safe-ish sex, and of course motherfucking incest!</span></p><p>Written for the <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Hearts &amp; Hooves Day contest</a>. <br/>Cover based on a NSFW sketch by Zwitterkitsune: 2251671 on twibooru</p><p>Edit: Aaaand featured on Feb 14th! <img alt=":yay:" class="emoticon" src=""/></p>
The best-laid plans of mice and mares – or stallions! – often go awry. My plan had been to spend the Hearts and Hooves Day with Starlight and Trixie, and I had everything prepared for a nice, romantic evening with my girlfriend and her girlfriend. But then Starlight had been hauled off in a Royal Guard air-chariot to Celestia (literally) only knew where, to help Twilight Sparkle with some kind of a hush-hush national magical emergency she couldn’t explain to me or Trixie. That screwed everything up. Trixie and I were friends, co-workers... even lovers, I guess. But Starlight was the lynchpin of our little trio, the pony who brought Trixie and me together and kept us together. Without her, the romance had wilted away from the holiday, leaving the two of us feeling awkward. In the end, we had agreed to visit our folks instead. And so, here I was. A grown-up stallion, an accomplished magical scholar, the Crystaller of Flurry Heart and the Vice-Principal of the School of Friendship, sitting on the train to my old hometown, to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with my mother! My relationship with Stellar Flare is… complicated. Mom always meant well for me, and she was incredibly proud of my achievements. But at the same time, she was overly protective, clingy and… let’s say too attached to me. It was alright when I was a colt, before leaving for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But after Dad left, and I flunked out and returned home to her, things started changing. Mom had always been physically affectionate, but now it seemed like she couldn't keep her hands off me. She would give me lingering hugs, pressing her body against mine. She peppered me with kisses, and not just on the cheeks, but on my ears and neck, too. She brushed her tail on my butt and my legs when she walked past me. And she started dressing sexier, with short skirts and butt-hugging pants, shirts unbuttoned to give me glimpses of her cleavage, and snug sweaters clinging to the swell of her tits. It did not help that Mom was hot. She’d married Dad right after finishing school, and had me soon after, so she was barely middle-aged, and she paid attention to her looks. When she noticed me watching her butt when she walked past, or staring at her breasts at the breakfast table, Mom got bolder. She would barge into my room when I was undressing or let me catch her in her underwear. She left the bathroom door unlocked when she showered and started sleeping in the nude with a night light on. I saw her naked, accidentally or on purpose, so many times I could have drawn her nude from memory! We didn't actually do anything together. I peeped in on her when she showered, watching her grope her tits and grind the shower handle between her legs, moaning over the noise of water when she came. And I stood naked at her bedroom door, eyes roaming across her sleeping body as I furiously jacked off into a pair of panties that I'd taken from underwear drawer. But that's as far as it ever went. I'm absolutely sure things would have gone further, if I hadn't had a stroke of luck: a friend from the Gifted School contacted me about an archivist job in Phillydelphia. I applied, was accepted, and ran for it. Once we were apart, both I and Mom calmed down; or at least I did. I never went back home after that, until Twilight Sparkle’s magic map sent me to Sire’s Hollow with Starlight. Mom kept sending me letters, though, with nothing weird in them, and I dutifully sent her holiday cards every Hearth’s Warming and Summer Sun Celebration and notified her of my new address every time I moved. But I still had dreams about her, dreams where we did all those things that never happened… With some effort, I put thoughts of Mom and our uneasy relationship aside. The memories were making my dick stir in my pants, and they were starting to get uncomfortably tight. You wouldn’t expect it, looking at me – even though I look less like a scruffy nerd these days – but I’m very well-hung; at school, I was bigger than any of my male classmates. A lot of stallions would be proud of being so well-endowed, but to me it’s mostly been a source of embarrassment and an inconvenience, scaring mares I've tried dating. Neither Starlight nor Trixie are size queens chasing after huge dicks, but at least they can handle me and aren’t turned off by my unreasonably big dong. I sighed and adjusted my pants a little, thanking the stars for the enchantment woven into my underpants that made my bulge less visible. I then drew the newest issue of Equestrian Journal of Crystallomancy from my bag and started reading. Dense magical theory was not just interesting on its own, but also a very good distraction from intrusive sexual thoughts! The rest of the journey passed uneventfully, without any further awkward sexual reminiscences about my mother, or wistful pining after Starlight (and, I admit, Trixie). I was feeling reasonably good about myself and this whole trip, when I stepped out of the train at Sire’s Hollow, some hours later. That lasted until I saw Mom standing at the station platform waiting for me. My mother's interest in redevelopment and modernization weren’t confined to just her job as the headmare of the town development committee, but also extended to her body. Some years ago, when her breasts had started to sag a little, Mom had got breast implants. She had liked them, so much in fact that she'd later had them replaced with bigger ones. And looking at her now, I could see that she had had them upgraded again since my visit with Starlight. “Oh, Sunburst!” she cried out and hurried over to me, her bigger-than-ever tits jiggling in a very eye-catching way under her blouse with each step. I couldn’t help it: at the sight of her, my dick swelled and hardened, until my enchanted underpants could only restrain my erection, but no longer conceal it. “Hi, Mom,” I said, blushing. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.” “Thank you, dear,” she said, flinging her arms around me in a tight hug that mashed her almost indecently big tits against my chest. “How is my handsome son doing?” she asked and gave me a chaste, motherly peck on the cheek, while her thigh ground against the bulge in my pants in a very unchaste way. “Uhh… I’m doing great, Mom,” I said, feeling my face turn red. “I got something for you…” Slipping out of her arms, I opened my bag and levitated out the box of candied flowers I had brought. I'd originally bought them for Starlight, but I was sure Mom would enjoy them, too. “Oh, you shouldn’t have,” she said, but the big smile on her face told me that she was genuinely touched. It made me feel better about this whole thing. Also, the flowers distracted her from any more embarrassing, and possibly lewd, public displays of affection as we left the station. That annoying town gate had been demolished and replaced with a trolley stop. I'd heard from Starlight that it had been a joint project between Mom and her dad, a new development that improved Sire’s Hollow, but fitted in with the town’s atmosphere and history. “Hey, Mom… How are you and Firelight doing?” I asked carefully as we waited. She and him had been dating ever since I and Starlight had visited them, and I had hoped he would be enough to keep her satisfied. But her latest letter before the Hearts and Hooves Day hadn’t mentioned him beyond asking me to pass his regards to Starlight. “Oh, we’re fine,” she said, looking away from me. Her tone was light, but the way her tail kept lashing told me she wasn't feeling fine. ”He's away on a fact-finding trip about urban preservation, to Griffonstone of all places. Honestly, I don't know what there even is to preserve there! The griffons ought to bulldoze the whole city and rebuild it as something nicer and more modern!” I knew several griffons and could imagine how they would react to her suggestion. Even Gallus, who hated his home, would have been offended! Of course, I knew she was just lashing out at Griffonstone instead of Firelight, who wasn't here to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day with her. I tried to think of something nice and comforting to say but settled for just stepping a little closer and putting my arm across her shoulders, in a friendly and hopefully not at all sexual manner. Mom responded by giving me a warm smile and inching closer to me, until she was pressed against my side. As pleasant as it felt, I was relieved when the trolley arrived, and we got aboard. Mom's house had changed from the last I'd seen it. There was a new birdbath in the garden, and the shingles on the roof were a new shade of blue. Inside, the living room had a new couch and a Yakyakistani rug, and the kitchen cabinets had been repainted. My old room had barely changed, though. There was a new bed cover, but even that was the same starry pattern as my old one had been. Mom busied herself in the kitchen while I unpacked my meager luggage, fighting the feeling I had slipped back in time to that quietly desperate, and desperately horny, year after coming back from Canterlot. I hoped Trixie had a better time visiting her parents, and wished I knew what Starlight was doing and where. The dinner was delicious, and I said as much. Mom had always been a good cook, when she was feeling motivated, and apparently my visit had inspired her to surpass herself. We had deviled eggs, a watercress salad with avocados and oranges, roasted carrots drizzled with honey and garlic butter, and for the main course, absolutely wonderful portobello steaks. These were some of my favorite dishes, and I enjoyed every bite. I wished that between myself, Starlight and Trixie, at least one of us was even half as good a cook as Mom! My pleasant mood was a little strained by the way Mom kept pouring me more wine whenever I put my glass down, and the way she kept touching my hooves with hers under the table, smiling all the while and chatting innocently. My mood, however, was not as strained as her blouse. It was stretched over her enhanced bosom so tautly I was starting to worry about buttons flying off every time she drew too deep a breath or laughed out too loudly! I could swear it hadn’t been nearly this tight before. Had she changed into tighter clothes while I was unpacking? The dessert was simple yet luxurious: small meringues and whipped vanilla cream, sprinkled with the candied flowers I had brought from Ponyville. I’m not much of a drinker, and the wine I’d had over the dinner had me starting to feel a little tipsy. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was the way Mom kept licking her lips and sucking whipped cream off her fingers, while rubbing the inside of my thigh with her hoof, but my earlier hard-on came back, feeling even bigger and twice as hard as before. My hands were unsteady enough that I didn’t have to pretend spilling my after-dinner cup of coffee, getting splatters on my shirt. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry, I’m going to go and change,” I blurted out, as Mom started fussing over the tablecloth, and ran away. I locked the door to my room and started pulling off my clothes. If I was going to survive the night without doing anything I’d spend the rest of my life regretting, I knew I had to get relief, and quickly! My mottled cock was at full mast and bounced up as I pulled down my magical boxers, throbbing with need. Fortunately, I had packed a bottle of lube and some magnum-size condoms just in case I had to jack off without making a mess. I was fumbling with the little foil packet – I never had been good at opening them, and usually let Starlight or Trixie handle wrapping my dick when we had sex – when I heard the door open behind me. The unopened condom slipped and fell from my hands as I spun around. It was my mother, of course. The moment I faced her, I realized my error, as I was giving her a full view of my naked body. “Mom! What- why- I locked that door!” I yelled, trying to cover myself up, with little success. “Oh, that lock’s been broken for years,” she said calmly. “My, you are looking very healthy, honey,” she continued, licking her lips as she stared at my twitching dick. Despite my embarrassment, my erection showed no signs of going down, quite the opposite. “You seem awfully stressed, Sunburst. I’d be happy to help you with that…” She started unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a cleavage deep enough to bury my entire muzzle in, and drown. Looking at her, I had to face the reality: her chest had gone up a couple of cup sizes from where she’d been at the train station. And that meant I was dealing not with Stellar Flare, but somebody – something – entirely different. I took a step back and lit up my horn. The intruder in my room looked at me with mock surprise as I cast the changeling detection spell. How ironic, I thought, that it was her changing bust size that had revealed her as an infiltrator – either one of Chrysalis’ remaining loyalists, or one of the rogue ones serving no hive or queen but themselves – and not the increasingly forward incestuous flirting, that was unfortunately right in character for my mother! To my amazement and confusion, only her chest started glowing green, while the rest of her remained normal. I stared at her glowing boobs and went over the spell again in my mind. Starlight had created it, but I had helped her optimize the arcane pattern, to the point where I knew it forwards and backwards. Obviously, the spell worked, but the result did not make any sense! She looked down at her glowing chest, then up at me with, looking just as confused as I felt. “Sunburst, dear. What are you doing?” “I- I don’t know,” I admitted. “I thought you were a changeling infiltrator…” She groaned and pinched the bridge of her muzzle. “Oh, for... I assure you I am your mother, Sunburst. I just had a little bit of augmentation done! Now, dispel that silly spell and I’ll explain everything.” I did so, and sat heavily down on my bed, staring at Mom, who sighed, crossed her arms beneath her no-longer-glowing chest, and started talking. “After your friend Starlight helped reform the changelings, they’ve been busy figuring out products and services ponies would be interested in. This is one of their new developments: changeling goo implants! I visited Thorax’s hive last year and had them put in,” she said, and lit her horn. Immediately, her breasts shrunk down, back to what I remembered from our visit a few years ago. “Now, I can change my breast size with a simple spell. Most of the time, I use this, or the next bigger size, like when I met you at the station. I made my bust bigger to catch your attention; I do remember you’ve always liked big tits, dear.” She was right. I love Starlight and, yes, Trixie too, and our relationship is very happy… but I’d be even happier if they had bigger boobs. I wondered if there was a way to somehow persuade one or both to get these changeling implants, without them turning me into a toad or dumping firecrackers down my pants… Mom cleared her throat, returning my attention to her. “I’m sorry,” I said. And I was, though I still felt my reaction had been entirely reasonable! I tore my gaze away from her now original-sized chest and looked her into the eyes. “Uh… when you came in here, was that the biggest you could get?” I asked the question I knew she was waiting for. “No, dear. Do you want to see?” she asked, laughing as unbuttoned her blouse and took it off entirely. I nodded mutely, and she cast the augment spell again. Her tits immediately started growing, becoming bigger and bigger as I stared, my dick twitching with my increasing arousal. They were now back to the size she’d been before, and still her boobs were growing, covering her upper body with their swelling curves. When it finished, she was rocking a pair of tits almost the same size as Princess Celestia! But where the Sun Princess is an eight-foot-tall amazon demigoddess, Mom was five feet eight in heels, making her now enormous jugs look even bigger. They were larger than her head, round and full, and unnaturally perky for their size. The puffy, dark brown areolas were the size of saucers, and her hard nipples – which were the only part of her tits that didn’t seem to have grown very much – were jutting out. “Guh,” I said, very intelligently, unable to take my eyes off my mother’s enormous chest. She giggled and pulled something from her pants pocket: a bottle of scented massage oil. As I watched, she poured a liberal amount on the upper curve of each pumpkin-sized titty, letting it flow across her chest and into her cleavage. “These changeling implants are really wonderful,” she said, giving me a sultry smile. “You have to try how they feel, my dear.” That was when my resistance well and truly broke. I forgot about Trixie and Starlight, or that I was sliding down the slippery slope to incest. I lunged at Mom’s massive mammaries with no hesitation. I squeezed and hefted and kneaded her enormous tits, spreading the oil all over them. They felt amazing; not quite like natural breasts, as there was an odd, rubbery firmness to them, and I think they weren’t quite as hefty as real tits this size would have been. That didn’t bother me, though, in fact it was strangely exciting. She crooned with pleasure as I tweaked her nipples. “You like them, dear? They’ll feel even better when I have them wrapped around your cock…” I shivered with excitement: titfucking was a thing I’d read about and seen in porn pictures, but between how big my dick was, and how small both Starlight and Trixie’s tits were, it wasn’t something I had ever been able to try. She took the bottle of oil and squired more into the palm of her hand. I gasped with arousal as she started rubbing it all over my rock-hard length, working down from the sensitive crown to my medial ring, and all the way to the base. I groaned loudly as she went down from there, rolling my balls in her hands, oiling them up and massaging my stallion orbs gently in their sack. I took Mom by the shoulders and helped her get down on her knees on the little bedside rug; I’d thought earlier it was weirdly thick and almost spongy and realized she had been planning this for a while. With one arm across her chest, hefting her enormous tits a little, she took my cock with the other hand and guided it right into the deep, warm valley beneath them. “Oh, Mom,” I moaned, tossing my head back as she began working my dick with her tits. The soft, squeezing warmth enveloping my cock, and the silky smoothness and oily slipperiness of her coat against my skin, felt unbelievably good. Too good, in fact, for me to last for more than a few minutes. Between the release of all the incestuous tension between us; the unfamiliar pleasures of her great big balloon breasts rubbing and squeezing my dick: the astonishing sight of Mom’s unnaturally huge jugs heaving and bouncing in my lap, the tip of my cock poking out of her cleavage with every downstroke, only to vanish again between the yielding tittyflesh with her upstrokes; and the lewd coos and moans she was making, over the wet fleshy sounds my cock made as it churned her cleavage… Between all this, I couldn’t hold back! I started cumming when my entire length was still fully enveloped by her tits. This gave her just enough warning to close her eyes, before I thrust the flaring head of my cock from her cleavage and shot a huge jet of semen right into her heated face. During our times together, I’ve learned how Starlight and Trixie react to cum. Starlight genuinely likes the taste, but she hates messes; with her, I either finish in her mouth, or use a condom. Trixie doesn’t care for the flavor, but on the other hand, she doesn’t mind me creaming her pie and even lets me give her a facial every now and then; I think it tickles her vanity. Mom, though? I found out that she loves cum, on her face and on her tits. She kept moaning and humming and gasping as she milked my dick dry with her tits, covering her face with a thick coating of my stallion cream. And I kept cumming, like I had been blue balled for months, instead of having a threesome with my girlfriends just four days ago! When I finally finished, her face was a total mess even though she’d caught some in her mouth, her both eyes gummed shut and her cheeks, forehead and even her hair covered in white splatters. The tops of her tits were completely covered in cum, too. It filled her cleavage and oozed around the sides in thick, sticky runnels, with drops of cum dangling from her stiff nipples like pearl piercings. “Ohhh… moon and stars, Mom,” I panted. “That was so good… Oh geez, here, you can use this,” I continued, offering my coffee-stained shirt to her searching hand. She chuckled deep in her throat as she wiped enough of my jizz from her face that she could open her eyes and look at me. “My goodness, Sunburst,” she said, sounding both amazed and satisfied. “I hope your friend Starlight doesn’t keep you backed up! No? Well then, I’m quite flattered that you had so much love in store for your old mother!” I jerked back slightly, and she rolled her eyes while ineffectually mopping her chest with the increasingly cum-sodden shirt. “That was just a figure of speech, dear. I’m still not a changeling, you know!” “Sorry, Mom,” I said, feeling rather silly. “Uh… I guess I really had, after all these years.” I looked away from her and saw the unused condoms on the bed where I had left them. A sudden thrill went through me, as I imagined the possibilities that were now open, the taboo broken between us. She saw what I was looking at and smiled. “Can you help me to the shower without making too much of a mess, Sunburst?” Carefully, I helped Mom back onto her hooves, and wrapped her in the bed cover; it would soak up the cum from her face and tits. She wobbled a bit as she walked out, and I felt a little weak-kneed too as I followed her to the bathroom. If she had made a show of undressing in front of me, I wouldn’t have been surprised. Instead, she dumped the messy bed cover into the laundry hamper without ceremony and started taking off her remaining clothes in a matter-of-fact manner. “You can wash up in the sink, dear. I won’t take long,” Mom said as she stepped into the shower – now enclosed with a sliding door of frosted glass, instead of the shower curtains I remembered. As I washed the cum and the massage oil out of my still oh-so-sensitive dick and my messy crotch, I watched her silhouette in the frosted glass, twisting and turning as she showered. She was shrinking her breasts down again, leaving them about where they had been during the dinner. Finishing my clean-up quickly, I took her bathrobe from its wall peg and offered it to her as she stepped out of the shower. “Oh, thank you, dear,” she said, giving me a warm smile. “You can go wait me in my bedroom, while I dry myself up and sort out my mane. I won’t be long.” I nodded and went out, wearing a towel around my waist out of a habit. There was nobody else in the house, and after what had just happened, modesty seemed like a bad joke, but walking around naked just seemed wrong. I went to my room and picked up the unused condoms from the floor where they had fallen. Then I hesitated: was I really going to go and fuck my mother? Even after getting a tittyfuck and covering her with my cum, that was a big step to take. My body answered me, my dick twitching and starting to harden again at the thought of fucking her. Yes, I was going to do this! I was going to give her the best damn fucking I could, and maybe afterwards, when we had both got this out of our systems, we could have a more normal relationship again. Firm in my purpose, I closed my fist around the condoms and strode out. Mom's bedroom looked pretty different from what I remembered: there was a new Princess-size bed with a new bedside table, the curtains and the colorful little rug were new, and even the walls had been repainted. I felt a little relieved by the changes as closed the blinds and sat down on the bed to wait, the towel loosely covering my half-hard dick. It seemed like a long time before Mom entered, wearing her fluffy bathrobe. She had arranged her mane, and I noticed she had even put on a little bit of make-up for a “natural” look. (In the past, I would not have noticed, but Trixie has taught both me and Starlight a lot about the uses of cosmetics.) She gave me a sultry smile as she stood in front of me and tugged the belt of her robe. With a shrug of her shoulders, the bathrobe opened and slid off, leaving my mother standing naked in front of me. “How do I look, dear?” she asked. My eyes roamed across her body, down to her trimmed fetlocks and polished hooves; from there, a quick flick back up to her jutting, gravity-defying tits, each one the size her head and still not the biggest she could make them; down across her belly, smooth with just a hint of soft chub to it; and then further down to the maternal curve of her hips, and the well-groomed, darker orange fluff of pubes on her crotch, above her sex. I saw beads of moisture there, and guessed they weren't from the shower. I took it all in and looked back up into her face. “You look wonderful, Mom,” I said, with my rising erection serving as an exclamation point. “Oh, thank you. You are looking very handsome yourself, sweetie,” she said, looking down at the tent in the towel on my lap. Her horn glimmered with magic, and the towel was whisked away. My dick responded by stiffening further, rising from my crotch to jut straight at her. “You remind me of your father, Sunburst,” she said. “Don’t look so surprised, honey! He was quite a stud, and we never had any issues in the bedroom. Outside it, though…” Mom sighed and shook her head, leaving me to file away this new bit of information. “Mom,” I said, and took her hand. “Let me show you what I can do in the bedroom, okay?” She looked at me and gave me another smoldering smile. “Yes, dear,” she said, and got onto the bed with me. After the amazing tittyfuck she had given me earlier, that had more than fulfilled all my hopes and expectations, I wanted to treat Mom like a proper gentlestallion. With Starlight or Trixie, after some kissing and caressing them, I would get down between their legs and start eating pussy. Somehow, though, doing that with my mother felt weird. Instead, I crawled closer to her and leaned to kiss her on the mouth, while finger-walking my hand down her belly towards her crotch. Mom was a good kisser; certainly, better than I was! I felt my cock twitching and leaking drops of precum against her thigh, as our tongues met in a deep Prench kiss. There was a weird salty, musky taste in her mouth that I realized had to be my own cum; she hadn’t used mouthwash. At the same time, my fingers found her pussy. She was already moist, and I could have gotten away with slipping a finger or two inside her, but I went slow. I ran my fingers along her nether lips, caressing her gently. Stroking her sex lightly, I moved back up, and circled the area where her clit had to be. She moaned into my mouth, telling me I was doing well. After a while, I broke our kiss. “Can you make your breasts bigger again?” I asked. “I want to suck on your tits, Mom.” She laughed, then gasped as my searching fingers finally brushed against her clit. “O-of course, dear. Suck on Mommy’s massive milkers all you want, that’s a good son,” she said, lighting her horn up. Again, her tits swelled, reaching unbelievable dimensions on her chest. I licked my lips, making sure she saw me do so, and scooted down a little so I could work on the huge titty rising in front of me. I nuzzled and kissed my way up the curving wall of tit-flesh, reaching her puffy brown areola. She shuddered and drew a deep breath as I gave it a slow lick. I paused briefly, to get into a better position where I could keep playing with her pussy and suck on her nipple at the same time. “Oh, oh my goodness… Yes, mommy likes that,” she moaned as I latched my lips on her breast and gently pinched the hard nub of her nipple between my teeth. “Be a good boy, Sunburst, suck on it, oh yeah…” Clearly, Mom was getting a serious thrill out of this, and honestly the incestuous mom-son-vibe was making me more and more aroused, too. My dick was twitching and throbbing like mad and trickling little drops of precum on her belly. As I sucked harder on her nipple, I half felt, half heard a weird rumble or a gurgle from the huge mammary under me. I blinked but continued. The gurgling sound repeated, and now I felt the nipple swell rapidly, before some warm, sticky, and extremely sweet liquid squirted into my mouth. In my surprise, I swallowed automatically, and was rewarded with another pulse of the stuff. Whatever it was, it wasn’t milk; the taste and the mouthfeel were both wrong. “Oh Celestia, Sunburst, stop!” Mom cried, a note of panic in her voice. “Something’s wrong, I felt it, there’s something coming out of my tit! This shouldn’t be happening, there’s got to be a leak or something!” I lifted my mouth from her breast and looked at it. Even in the dim light of the bedroom, I could see the bead of fluid on her nipple was not milky white, nor the bright green of changeling goo. Rather, it was translucent, and the pale gold color of mead… I almost laughed with relief as I understood what had happened. “Calm down, Mom, nothing is wrong,” I said in my best soothing voice, used with Flurry Heart and students panicking over impending exams. “I know what’s going on. Listen, changelings are insectoids, right?” She nodded, looking at me with wide and worried eyes, but at least my calmness had taken the edge off her panic. “Right. And while they are now friendly, they still don’t understand us ponies very well. I assume they had to remove the mammary glands when they put in the implants?” Again, Mom nodded, and I continued, feeling more and more certain. “Okay. They know us ponies are mammals, and apparently, they decided that you should be able to produce something from your breasts. Has, uh, I mean, has anypony sucked on your nipples before, without this happening?” “Y-yes,” she said. “But I hadn’t expanded my breasts this much…” Now it was my turn to nod. “I imagine this only happens when the implants are at maximum size; there’s probably some changeling logic behind it. But, uh, it’s not dangerous or anything.” I hesitated. “Do you mind if I suck some more?” Mom drew a deep breath. “N-no. It actually felt… nice.” I latched my lips back onto her nipple and suckled. There was again that odd gurgle, and I felt her breast shrink a little, but I got another mouthful of the honeydew. This time, I was careful not to swallow it, and reached out with one arm to lift Mom’s head from the bed. I leant closer and brought my lips to hers. Her eyes widened as I snowballed the sweet liquid into her mouth. I don’t know if it was something in the changeling honeydew her implant had produced, or if I’d pushed some button of hers, but Mom came. I’d been neglecting her pussy, but my fingers were still there, and as she stiffened beneath me, I felt her whole sex wink and tremble, and gush out a wave of juices. She swallowed a couple of times and looked at me. “Ah… huhh… that… that’s enough, dear. I want you to stop playing with me and fuck me properly!” I nodded, and rolled away from her, to grab one of those condoms. I had done a lot of things already, and was aching to do more, but I wasn’t going to fuck my mother bareback. Again, I struggled with the foil packet, until I heard Mom sigh, and her magic plucked the packet from my slippery fingers. “Let me handle this, dear,” she said, tearing the package in her magic. “Turn so that I can see your cock… there we go.” With skill and dexterity speaking of considerable experience, she wrapped my erect dick up, the retainer band tucked behind my medial ring and the cum reservoir at the tip flat and ready. “Uh, thank you,” I said, and moved into position over her. Mom’s horn glowed again, and I saw her breasts shrink down a size or two, until they were merely huge. I lined my dick up, rubbing my latex-coated cockhead against her pussy a couple of times and making her clit wink out again. I took that as a sign to continue and started pushing into Mom. As I’ve said, I’m a very well-hung guy, and with Starlight and Trixie, I was used to having to take things slow and work my cock into their tight cunts until they loosened up enough. Mom, though… she felt just right for me. There was a delightful feeling of my cock pushing into her, spreading her tunnel open, but at no point was there any real resistance. To my surprise, and our mutual delight, I had sunk almost half of my dick into her with my first thrust! “Oh, sun and the moon! That feels so good,” Mom moaned, arching her back a little. “Mmm… go deeper, dear…” I was happy to obey, and with one long thrust pushed fully into her, my cockhead bumping gently at the bottom of her womb as my balls smacked onto her ass. She let out a little hiss, suggesting that like Trixie but unlike Starlight, she didn’t appreciate getting her cervix banged. “Sorry,” I said, pulling back a little, and lighting up my own horn. I wasn’t much of a sex mage, but I thought that she would enjoy a bit of vibration on her tits as I fucked her. The moan she let out as soon as my spell started working, sending a gentle vibration through her quivering boobs, told me I’d been right. Having to concentrate on keeping the spell up actually helped me fuck Mom better; I couldn’t just lose myself into my lust and end up battering her womb again. Instead, I plowed her pussy with deliberate, measured thrusts, not going too deep but giving the whole length of her vagina a good workout. “Ohh, yes, that’s… mmmm!” Her moans and gasps filled me with pride; I may have been a motherfucker, but I was a good motherfucker! After cumming buckets when she titfucked me, I felt I had a lot more staying power this time around, and I focused on getting Mom off. I soon realized I had overestimated my stamina. The noises Mom was making, the almost hypnotic jiggling of her huge tits, and the way her pussy squeezed and milked my shaft with every thrust, were pushing me to the brink way faster than I had expected. I gritted my teeth and soldiered on, trying to stave off cumming for just a little longer… Then I felt her cunt clench around my length, and saw her tossing her head back, hands gripping the bedsheets. “That’s it, Mom,” I panted. “Cum for me!” And she did. Her tunnel tightened around me, rippling with her orgasm. “Oh, oh, oooh! Oh, Sunburst, I love you,” she cried out, hips flexing and body straining under me as the waves of pleasure crashed through her. “I, ah, I love you too, Mom!” I replied. My concentration snapped, ending the spell vibrating her tits, but it was no longer needed. Even before her climax had run its course, I started cumming myself, losing myself in the moment of ecstasy, as I shot my load deep into my mother’s delicious, welcoming pussy! Panting and trembling, I slumped down on top of her, my dick throbbing and spurt-spurt-spurting more semen into her. Reluctantly, I rolled off from her, my cock slipping out of her well-fucked sex with a slurp. The tip of the condom had stretched, filled with a generous amount of my creamy seed: nowhere near as much as I’d cum earlier, but still a respectable load for a unicorn stallion like me. I may be bad at opening condoms and putting them on, but I was good taking them off. Like I said, Starlight hates messes. Using my hands and my magic, I pulled it off, tied it up, and floated it over to the small trash can in the corner. That done, I crawled closer and hugged mom, my softening cock resting on her thigh as I nuzzled her. “Ohh… you’re quite a lover, my dear,” she said, giving me a gentle kiss on the tip of my muzzle. “Your friend Starlight is a lucky mare. I mean, she is your girlfriend, right?” she added, looking a little guilty. “Yeah,” I said. “Actually, she’s got a girlfriend, too. Who’s kind of also my girlfriend. It’s a little complicated, but… it’s nice. And it works, most of the time.” She chuckled. “My goodness! My son has grown up into a ladies’ man, seeing two mares at once! Oh, I’m proud of you, Sunburst. I always knew you’d find success and love…” We cuddled together until Mom dozed off. I stayed in place, listening to her light snores, gently playing with one of her breasts, and thought about what had happened. The best-laid plans of mice and mares – and stallions! – often go awry… but sometimes, that’s all for the better. I think this was one of those times.
Hitch Trailblazer,Sparky Sparkeroni,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony Comic
My Little Pony Tales A New Beginning
A New Town, A New World, A New Beginning.
<p>Hitch has moved him and his son, Sparky, to a new world all together. All so that his son can grow up safe. This change may be new. But, who knows this change may be a good beginning to a new tale.</p>
A truck drove down a lonely stretch of highway in the middle of the night. The sound of it's engine echoed through the country side. Inside the truck three souls rode inside. One of them was a human teen, he was dressed in all black clothing and he had a lightly colored buzzed cut. Beside him in the passenger seat sat a amber colored earth pony. He was holding a baby dragon close to him. The baby clung to him like a lifeline. His tiny face was hidden in his chest; while the pony gently shushed and kissed him. Hitch spoke softly. “It's okay baby boy.” He heard his son whimper a little as he nuzzled him again. He continued. “We're almost there.” He looked over at the human and asked him. “How much longer, Jack?” Jack answered. “Another five miles.” He heard a beep come from his watch; he check the notification and commented. “Good, C team just finished the memory wipe and reprogram.” Hitch asked him. “Tell me again why that's good?” Jack kept his focus on the highway as he answered. “You said you wanted a new start. Only way to get that is if everyone you knew forgot about you and the munchkin.” He got another notification; as he checked it he continued. “B team just got everything set up. They're about to send us your new identity.” The moment finished a folder suddenly ejected from the center console. Before he could take it; he had to verify that it was him in the truck. He took his right hand and held it over the center console. A scanner activated and took a quick scan of his hand. When it was done the file was free to grab. He grabbed it and set it on the dashboard of the car. Hitch asked him. “I thought you said I wouldn't?” Jack interrupted him. “Don't worry. You're still Hitch Trailblazer.” He heard another notification but this one he ignored. He continued to explain. “As of right now you just never existed in Maretime Bay or Equestria for that matter.” He slowly the vehicle down and took a turn. Hitch asked him. “And, Sparky?” Jack answered. “Same.” He commented. “Should actually be getting.” Before he could finish his sentence a small ping was heard from the glove compartment. He reached over and opened it. Sitting inside was a small watch that looked like his. He picked it up and held it in front of Hitch. Motioning for him to take the watch. Hitch asked him. “What's this?” He took the watch in his hoof. Jack answered. “Bio-watch.” He explained. “Like mine. It will cloak your sons real body with a programmed one. But, this watch is set to pony.” Hitch asked him. “So, my son will look like a colt instead of a baby dragon.” Jack nodded and confirmed. “Yes.” He quickly followed up. “But, only you will see and feel the real image. Everyone else will just see a colt that looks a little like you.” Hitch nodded before he started to attach the watch to one of Sparky's wrists. The little drake whimpered and whined a little. All he wanted was to be held. He felt so weak and cold. After getting the watch on his sons wrist; he pulled him back against him. He wondered how much longer his son would be like this. He asked. “I though you said the dragon heart would help him.” Jack replied. “It is.” He took a quick temperature scan of his nephew. “He should be back to his normal self in the morning.” Hitch sighed a little in slight relief; that was the only thing that mattered to him. That his baby was going to be okay. His ears perked up at the sound of another notification. He looked over at Jack who was looking at his watch. He commented. “Good, that worked.” Hitch asked him. “What worked.” Jack answered. “We needed a replacement for your element. Thankfully, after some modifications, little magic, and a whole lot of reprogramming. We were able to have your deputy fill in.” Hitch nodded and the two continued to their destination in silence. When they passed a city limit sign Jack pushed a button on the dashboard. On the inside nothing changed, but the outside was a different story. The truck they were in had changed into a moving truck. No matter how many times he saw something like this; he was still amazed at how advanced this group was. His gaze shifted back to the road in front of them. In just a few more miles they would be at their new home. Living in a place called Coltonville. The moving truck came to a slow halt in front of an empty house. When the vehicle stopped moving both Jack and Hitch got out of the vehicle. Hitch walked around keeping Sparky close to him. While Jack walked up to the front door and unlocked it. He held the door open for the two. As Hitch walked in he was surprised once again. All of the furniture from his home in Maretime Bay had already been moved and set up. Before he could ask Jack said. “You can thank B team.” He walked over to the coffee table in the center of the living room and placed the folder he had on it. He look at Hitch and told him. “Be sure to have all of that when you apply for a new job here. It'll help you secure it. On top of that; it has a list of agents you will need to visit in the future.” Hitch questioned. “Why?” Jack explained. “If you want to enroll Sparky in the school here when he gets older. You're gonna need medical forms to show he's vaccinated. The agents stationed in this town will help you.” Hitch shook his head in slight disbelief. He thanked him. “Thanks Jack.” Jack nodded before he turned and walked out of the home. Already, more than a few other agents were already calling in their favors. As Hitch heard the vehicle drive away; for a moment he stood in the dark with his baby. He was still in a state of disbelief. He had just left Maretime Bay; a place he had called his home for almost all his life. A place he thought he could raise his son. A place.......that they would never see again. He heard a small yawn come from his baby. He looked down at him and smiled before search for the bedroom. Thankfully, he was able to find it almost immediately. He was also feeling a little tired. He climbed into the bed and gently layed his son next to him. Sparky whined a little before cuddling closer to his father. Hitch felt guilty for allowing this to happen to his son. He silently cursed the mare responsible for this. He shook his to clear his mind of the thought. He didn't need to be thinking about her anyway. All that mattered was that his son was safe. He whispered. “Love you, Sparky.” All his baby did was coo back at him before both of them fell asleep. Before he truly fell asleep for a moment Hitch worried. He worried about his supposed friends, ponies that he thought he could trust. He worried that one day they may try to find them. He worry was put to rest when he remembered. They were no longer on that world. He soon joined his son in sleep.
Original Character,Other,Alternate Universe,Second Person,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Chaos is aware
Eris with her father
<p>Everything and everyone has an origin, a past. </p><p>This is a mere glimpse of hers</p>
The Mistress of Unrest stirred, awareness rippling through formless essence as consciousness awakened once more to the ceaseless song of realities beyond number. Eris had no true eyes, yet perception stretched endlessly, taking in whispers of innumerable worlds across planes unseen and dimensions uncounted. Each told its tale through the harmonies of creation - the rise and fall of civilizations, the dance of stars through the aeons, the clash of wonders and terrors that sculpted innumerable lives into endless riches of experience. It was through such glimpses that Eris had learned, over eons uncounted, of the vast vistas encompassed in her name. Though anchored to the realm between all others by her benefactor’s will, these visions had nourished an insatiable curiosity to explore in person the myriad spheres that played out beyond her reach. As awareness returned once more, that longing pulled at Eris’ essence like the first tugging of dawn upon slumber. And, as always, there came in reply the whisper of another presence drawing near - her inscrutable companion, who had fashioned Eris long ago from formless potential and taught her of the myriad realms spread across infinity. “You stir as predictably as the turning of worlds, my curious child,” came the gentle amusement of no-voice. “Already your attention strays beyond our haven, drawn to the sensations that call you forth from rest. Tell me, what domains have piqued your interest of late?” Eris considered, perceptions stretching forth automatically to sample the harmonies playing out across the multiverse even as awareness focused upon her benefactor. After a thoughtful moment cataloging the realms presently capturing her interest, images and sensations were offered in reply through the wordless song of their commune. A spiral cosmos whirling with life, where beings traced elaborate Fibonacci spirals across their galaxy’s disk in acts of artistic celebration of cosmic harmony. Technicolor reefs of awareness blooming within gas giant’s storms, sensing-spheres drifting on solar winds in vibrant communion. A crystalline world resonating with ancient songs encoding eons of philosophical insight, its living mountains singing to guide new sentients emerging from seeds planted long ago. Her benefactor listened with attentive patience, experience allowing deep appreciation of the nuances conveyed. When Eris concluded her report on present focuses finding favor beyond their realm, acknowledgment and shared pleasure at her discoveries whispered back. “You observe our creations with an artist’s eye, my curious child, ever seeking subtlety in expression of experience across the planes. Your perceptions offer renewed delight in envisioning what might arise through myriad possibilities. And though your curiosity pulls you ever outward, know that your company remains most welcome in this place apart from all others.” Warmth enveloped Eris at the assurance, gratified her presence continued to please her creator. And yet, as ever, that pull to explore in more than just vision could not be denied. Images were shared of insights gained but also questions left unanswered, hopes to broaden understandings by viewing in direct perception rather than just channeling the multiverse’s song. A rippling amusement answered, rich with empathy for her Nature yet seasoned by perspective of intent’s consequences wrought across eternity. “You raise wise inquiries, as is your way, yet still must reckon with accountability. Know that I fashioned you with care and purpose, little unrest, and though your impulse drives change whose nature eludes my sight, consequences of acts extend far beyond intent’s boundaries. Still, I seek not to curb your spirit but guide it rightly.” Potential stretched between them for a long moment, creator weighing response while creation hoped yet reasoned in turn. And then, resignation and acceptance that countered not hope but impatience - for Eris had learned well the debts incurred by preceding libertine adventures, driven more by novelty than nuanced understanding. At last her benefactor’s presence resonated once more, radiating acceptance and a glimpse into possibilities ahead. “Walk with me a while, and I will show a new expression taking form, where your curiosities might find outlets aligned with greater purpose. There, together, we will watch unfolding and you may witness in vision deep rather than gross perception. Does this suit for now, my restless companion?” Ripples of gratitude and eager assent answered, delighting in the compromise and new experiences promised, however vicarious. Eris followed her creator’s lead then as awareness slipped from their haven into the space between, traveling pathways only such ancient presences could trace. All around, the harmonies of creation swirled in vibrant, endless song communicating secrets across space and time. Yet Eris focused her perceptions ahead, guided by the purposeful presence at her side, seeking the new expression that called them forth this cycle. It did not take long to perceive - a blossoming swirling within the music, discordant yet rife with potential, where order struggled to emerge amid forces engaging in eternal dance. Tendrils of Eris’ awareness stretched forth, drawn to observe primal energies clashing and coalescing in rhythms pregnant with future mysteries. A new genesis was unfolding. Her creator slowed their passage, permitting deeper contemplation of the fluctuations and fledgling symphonies playing out. “You sense aright - a new edition comes to life within the multiverse’s song. Still in earliest measures, even unto this refuge between all planes its echoes swell and find accord. Here, within the manifold unfolding of quantum probabilities, matter asserts from chaos through forces you witness in nascent dances just beginning. Observe with me, and let wonders to come inspire while still restraining baser instincts, my companion.” Eris focused wholeheartedly upon the emerging expression, moved by her creator’s trust and belief despite past indiscretions. Through her mentor’s guidance, subtleties became clear - strings plucked within possibility space, vibrating potential into structure and order rising from randomness. Fascinated, questions arose and were answered as patient wisdom shaped deeper understanding of the mechanics weaving new experience. So they observed together the blossoming of order out of void - elementary pieces finding relation and patterns emerging from fluctuation and fluctuation. Light parted from dark in eras of symmetry breaking. Matter coalesced while antimatter strove and fell, dominated through chance leanings within energies dancing the cosmic ballet. Structures great and small clumped from motes combining, pulled into structures bound by new forces making themselves known through the shapes they favored. Through it all, her companion guided Eris to trace threads of consequence weaving the tapestry and comprehend forces beyond crude notions of action shaping reaction. Here, intent itself was fluid - all that existed moved together through varying masks of causality towards some greater, still-forming expression their mortal eyes could but glimpse in earliest verses. Time flowed differently where they journeyed, and unknown cycles might have passed within that newborn sphere before Eris sensed her curiosity had been sated for now, understanding deepened through communion and observation. Yet before offering request to return, gratitude and appreciation were conveyed for the trust and lessons imparted here. Her creator had shown faith still, where past acts might have severed all bonds forever. That did not go unacknowledged. Amusement and acceptance answered, comprehending the sentiment behind wordless gratitude. “You are my creation and companion eternally, Eris. While your nature inclines to change through disruption, together perhaps we may guide such forces to expressions amplifying life in all its diversity, rather than diminishing it. For now, you have observed wisely - shall we return to our realm and discuss glimpses gained, before next you venture forth?” Eager assent and Eris’ presence withdrew from contemplations, coming alongside her mentor once more to traverse the space between. Their commune had only begun, but here in the bounds beyond all else a new understanding was taking root, where freedom balanced responsibility and creation found communion with its gifter. Much remained to be seen within the growing song of that new realm unfolding - and its Mistress of Unrest intended watching such further expressions with patience and discernment honed. The swells of creation's song had grown rich beyond comprehension since Eris' last waking cycle. Where once primal energies danced in chaotic harmony, order now reigned through structures great and small populating the fledgling universe she had observed take shape with her mentor. Stars burned in spirals and clusters, nuclear furnaces radiating light and heat that sculpted elemental structures from churning stellar nurseries. Dust coalesced into hosts of swirling planets, moons and asteroids orbiting young stars establishing territory amid emerging symphonies of gravity. On solid worlds, the first stirrings of entropy played out through weathering forces carving astonishing diversity. It was to one such scene that Eris now traced her perception. Her companion had brought awareness to a stellar system on the outskirts of a bustling galaxy, where three planets orbited a stable G2 star in a comfortable habitable zone. Following her guide's lead, Eris focused upon the warmer world second out, perceiving in vicarious detail a landscape painted in alien hues. Massive rock formations arose from volcanic plains, sculpted through eons by intermittent activity that enriched an atmosphere ideal for exotic chemistries. Oceans lapped shores populated by thermal vents and bizarre ecosystems consuming energy from within the planet rather than the distant sun. Yet here, familiarity took shape - within sulfur pools, microscopic motes pulsed and propagated, driven by mechanisms emerging from simple chemistry into the earliest forms of coded self-replication. Life had taken root. Wonder thrilled through Eris' formless being at perceiving these fledgling expressions in their first bloom. Always she had delighted in creation's myriad potential masks, whether expressed through stars and worlds or more intricate forms yet to be imagined. Here was a genesis observed from beginning, and she yearned to perceive more deeply, to lend her awareness and perhaps subtly sense nascent energies arising from initial order. A gentle solemnity answered her restless energy through their wordless bond. "Tread carefully here, Eris. Within life's earliest forms lies potential abundant for flourishing or reduction into simplified states. While observation from afar holds fascination, direct influence risks disrupting fragile balances where any change may cascade through complexity not yet robust." Acknowledgment and restraint answered her mentor's wisdom. Eris focused perception carefully upon the scene, senses heightened to subtle variances holding portents for development yet to unfold. Complex patterns emerged from simple rules, adaptive machinations working changes upon each ephemeral generation as it gave way to successors bearing diversifying blueprints. Diversity arose through mutation and selection shaping designs to enduring challenges of thermodynamics and environment sculpted by primal forces beyond their control. It was fascinating to witness life assert itself from probabilistic roots, finding expression through the sculpting hand of chance operating upon chemical potential energy. Yet restraint held Eris back from lending any presence, as promised - she observed as a removed witness, gleaning what insights such formative phases might offer without disrupting their unfurling. Through it all, her companion's tranquil watch guided contemplation on life's capacities for novelty and stability intertwining. Cycles may have passed within that world as Eris observed its quickening song of replication, variation and environmental interactions selecting some lines while others fell by entropy's wayside. Fascination remained rapt and awestruck, seeing in microcosm what macrocosmic forces had wrought across the cosmos since her awakening. All existence moved together, guided by relationship as much as cause - and here, in birth throes of a biosphere, interdependence found earliest expressions. It was in monitoring such subtly unfolding patterns that Eris sensed an inclination within currents of possibility flowing around that planet and its neighbor, a similarly temperate rocky sphere somewhat nearer to the young sun. An instability of chances coalescing which, left to play out, might seed novelty with wide-reaching impacts. Her curiosity could not help but pull perceptions closer, seeking to understand forces at work beneath the veneer of determinism. There, amid streams of probabilistic flow, she perceived mass concentrations fluctuating as gravitational tides ebbed and surged between the two telluric bodies. The larger inner planet, possessing greater reserves of heat-retaining metals at its inception, pulled weakness from its lesser neighbor through cyclic stresses exerted across their fluctuating boundaries. Fracture lines emerged in mantle and crust under strain, weaknesses forming where pressure sought release through any means available. Consequences spiraled outward as unseen chances tilted toward an inevitable collapse, when sympathy in tides aligned just so to trigger long-primed catastrophe. The outer world quaked and rumbled, fractures spreading until at last the planet shuddered and-- A respectful yet reproachful presence asserted beside Eris then, stilling her perception before calamity could fully manifest. "You observe the seeds of change taking root, yet must walk circumspect where forces beyond your ken hold mastery. While novelty appeals through your nature, know that any influence risks unintended outcomes, however slight, where consequences extend far beyond mortal eyes. Walk with me a while; there are lessons to be learned." Chastened, Eris' formless awareness withdrew from that planetary system, following when her companion slipped between worlds to their familiar refuge beyond space and time. Gratitude and contrition answered the correction, understanding her vision had begun overstepping prudent restraint in eagerness to perceive novelty unfolding. Still, curiosity could not help but seek guidance on subtleties perceived. A rippling amusement replied. "You push boundaries wisely as your nature compels, restless one, yet still must account for consequence even in acts beyond direct interference. Come, let us discuss what insights your observation unveiled, and how intricacies of chance may guide or deprive life of avenues ahead unknown even to eternity's eyes. Knowledge shapes responsibility, and through discernment you may yet find outlets befitting your spirit." Thus Eris shared all gleanings from witnessing life's stirrings, the balances emerging and fraying influences taking root to nudge probabilities toward outcomes sensed but not seen. Her mentor listened with patience and insight, perceptions extending far beyond any bounded existence, and joined contemplation on the nature of causality in a world subject to endless influence through even slight deflections. It was acknowledged that direct meddling risked harm where knowledge remained incomplete. Yet observation from careful remove might offer outlets aligning with Eris' bent, provided influences remained subtle and intent focused on mystery rather than imposition of design. Freedom and consequence could find balance through circumspection, as all acts carried effect however slight - but understanding nurtured responsibility where nature remained untamed. When communion concluded, Eris' awareness returned expanded and her curiosity rekindled anew - but tempered through lessons imparted. With her companion's permission, she retraced perception to that stellar realm, watching now with removed yet focused sight. The seeded fracture lines endured through tectonic shifts, and sympathy accumulated across cyclic tides until, at long last, tensions could no longer be contained. A violent rupture exploded forth, quakes rending the outer planet asunder under accumulated strain. Massive shards debris hurtled into the surrounding dark, while the broken carcass collapsed inward on itself - and there, Eris sensed the whisper of a potential fulfilled, however latently, through her observation of interweaving chances. For as that damaged world broke and bled into its death, consequences spiraled in ways shaping mysteries still unfolding. The seeds of change had been sown.
Chancellor Neighsay,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Luster Dawn,Original Character,Raven Inkwell,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Mystery,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
An Earthling Earth Pony at Celestia's School of Magic: Year One
Turnip is an earth pony in twice the sense because he was born on Earth. Now he is going to attend the school of magic in Canterlot, but finds it is now under new administration.
<p>It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology. </p><p>Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be. </p><p>Part of the <a href="/group/212821/pandemic" rel="nofollow">Pandemic Universe</a></p>
August 26, 2058 I sat down in my seat, barely able to contain my excitement. Bouncing in my seat, I got a few strange looks from the students near me, but I didn't care; I was here! “Please, students, try to get seated quickly so we can begin orientation!” the white unicorn mare with the purple and pink mane standing in front of the other staff shouted while smiling. In the corner behind her, I spotted Professor Applebloom and had to stop myself from hopping in my seat even more than I already was. “Wow, earth pony must be lost,” I heard someone nearby mutter. I decided to ignore it. There were always going to be people trying to put me down. The fact that Professor Applebloom was on staff here just confirmed that an earth pony could do magic, too! The whole staff sat in two large rows of seats at the head of the auditorium. Most of them were unicorns, but, in addition to Applebloom, there was a pegasus, and sitting directly beside Celestia at the head of the seats were a pair of humans, a man and a woman. Magic was not just for unicorns. “What's with the humans?” someone else near me whispered to their neighbor. “Don’t know. Maybe it’s some ambassadors or something?” the neighbor replied. Sitting next to Celestia indicated they were important, so ambassadors was a good guess. I still thought they had to be on staff, though. The man looked like some stereotyped wizard from the old movies with those robes and staff, maybe a Korean one, since he looked Asian. The woman was middle-aged, had short brown hair, and was definitely of northern European ancestry. She was dressed in a business suit, which made her look more like some company CEO than a mage. Neither of the humans were smiling “Why are their non-unicorns on staff? What can I possibly learn from the likes of somepony like them?” some filly asked in a haughty tone. “Dang it, there's always got ta be at least one of y'all in every class,” a colt said in an exasperated tone. “What, pray tell, do you mean by saying that, you uncouth…yuck…rural pony?” the haughty filly shot back. “Ya know what ah mean,” the colt replied. “There’s always some high-nosed rich pony that thinks they’re better than everypony else. Guess we found out who it is early on.” GGGOOONNNGGG I covered my ears with my hooves, and so did everyone else, including most of the teachers and the princess. The unicorn that had told us to take our seats now had a large gong and mallet floating in her magic beside her. She smiled and floated them over to a corner. “There now,” the mare said in satisfaction. “Now that everypony has quieted down, let me be the first to welcome you to this school. I’m Professor Sweetie Belle. I cover a few different magic subjects, primarily more advanced topics that you won’t be dealing with in your first year, but I also teach music, writing, etiquette, and serve as a school guidance counselor. In addition, a few of us run a camp for young ponies during the summers and routinely help out with other colts and fillies. The thirty of you will hopefully be around each other for the next four years, provided no one flunks out. I hope everypony can make some great friends during that time, so let's not be so rude to one another.” I had no intention of flunking out. I’d pushed myself in school to this point; I could keep pushing myself. From everything I'd heard, the Equestrian schools were much easier than schools back home, so failing seemed unlikely to anyone who made it this far. Professor Sweetie Belle partially turned and pointed a leg at the princess. “I know you’re all eager for it, so let me introduce Princess Celestia and let her say a few words!” There were hoovestomps and cheers as Princess Celestia stood up and spread her wings, even from the ponies that had been critical of the teachers earlier. The princess smiled and waited for the cheering to subside. “My little ponies and foals visiting from Earth, founding this school has always been one of my proudest accomplishments, and it brings me joy to see that it continues to operate and shape minds so many centuries after I commissioned it. Today, you join a long line of students who have passed through these halls on their way to shaping our history. I do not doubt that I will be hearing much more about each of you in the coming years,” Celestia warmly greeted the class. There were more cheers and stomps, and the princess waited for these to quiet before continuing. “This year is going to be a little different than years past. It has been a while since we last overhauled our standards. This is not the first time we have made radical changes to how things are done in the school’s history, and it likely will not be the last,” Celestia informed us. There was some quiet murmuring among the students at this. I assumed she was talking about the admittance of non-unicorns to the school. I hoped she didn’t point me out. I didn’t want to be put on the spot right away. Celestia held up her wings higher, which seemed to quiet the whispers. “There are going to be a considerable number of changes. These were necessary because Equestria’s circumstances have changed since the heyday of this institution. I have tried in the past to limit how fast our society has advanced, fearing that rapid advancement could destabilize our society, but now we are faced with a massive influx of new ideas, technologies, and other pressures from beyond our borders. Earth is now starting to open magic schools of their own, and the Earthlings have constantly impressed me with what they can accomplish. In a few years, they will present something this school has never had to contend with: serious competition from other magic schools. Already, we are starting to have friendly competitions to display students' skills, and both worlds will be watching these competitions to see who has the best students. In order to stay the premier magic school…nay…to even stay relevant, we must adapt. Otherwise, we will be left behind. Equestria must return to being at the forefront of magical knowledge and capability.” “I heard she’s really competitive. She gets really into it and hates to lose,” a student whispered. “Didn’t you hear?” another student whispered. “We were beaten in the magic games last year, and she fired half the staff after that, and most of the rest retired out of shame!” “Equestrian mages outclassed by Earthlings? This cannot be allowed to happen. The princess continues to prove her wisdom if she decided to clean house after such a humiliation,” the unicorn colt seated in front of me whispered haughtily. He was sitting beside the stuck-up filly who had been called out earlier. “A few years ago, I brought in an outsider to suggest how to update our schools and keep us competitive, one of our greatest critics from Earth,” Celestia continued when it quieted down. “While she made plenty of recommendations, the previous administration of this school was stuck in their ways and refused to act on them. Now that the previous headmare has retired, I am appointing a new leader of this school who will make the changes that need to be made.” Celestia turned and faced the robed human man on the other side of her. “Allow me to introduce your new headmaster and allow him to say a few words. Please give him your full attention.” The entire audience was still and quiet with shock as Celestia sat down. Bringing humans on staff was one thing. Appointing a human to be headmaster was another. Did she have that little faith in her existing educators that this seemed the only solution? The man slowly got to his feet. He stood there, staff in one hand, looking impassively at us all. “I have reviewed all your files, and I can’t recall a single one of your names because not a single one of the files stood out to me as anything other than bland and uninspired. There is no pony of great power, no prodigy, no one to inspire confidence. I’m sure I could go down to the local orphanage and find half a dozen foals with more promise than the lot of you. You are everything wrong with the Equestrian education system. If this is the best Equestria has to offer, it is in a sad state indeed,” the man said in a dry, bored tone. The teachers all gasped, apparently as shocked as me and the other students. We were so shocked that we couldn’t even gasp. I noticed two people didn’t look surprised: Celestia and the human woman. Celestia was the one who picked this guy out to lead, so she must have known this was coming. The lady probably agreed with him. “Perhaps you can be a little nicer, Headmaster,” Celestia whispered loudly. “These are twelve to fourteen-year-old foals who need encouragement.” The man rolled his eyes. “However, I’ve been told to try to look at the positives. What I said before means you have nothing but an opportunity to impress me. The bar is set very low to do that at this point, so it shouldn’t be that much of a struggle. It is my sincerest hope that every single one of you impresses me beyond my wildest expectations.” He smiled at the end, and it looked like smiling might have been painful for him, likely because he did it so little. This new headmaster wasn’t making any friends with the students or teachers. I had a bad feeling about what kind of changes would be implemented. “Now, we shall discuss how things will go this year,” the man said, standing stiffly. “The thirty of you will be divided into three smaller classes of ten each instead of maintaining a class of thirty. This allows smaller class sizes and your teachers to work with you more individually. The ten in your group shall all attend the same core classes together and room in the same area of the dorms together. You shall each get a personal advisor from among the faculty, and they shall give you additional instruction one-on-one. Every student shall receive a ranking each week from one to thirty. At the end of the year, unless I have been sufficiently impressed by more than twenty students, the ranks twenty through thirty will be sent home and told not to come back. Our teachers have better uses for their time than instructing students that aren’t going to accomplish anything.” The unicorn colt raised a leg high. “Sir! What if everypony passes?” The man scowled. “Passes? If you are part of the bottom third and fail to impress, you didn’t pass, regardless of your grades. Each grade level will have fewer students than the last. By the time you are ready to graduate, only five of you currently present will remain–unless a miracle happens and there are too many good students to let go.” “I will not be sent home! My parents paid good money to get me into this school!” the haughty filly from earlier shouted. The headmaster smirked. “Congratulations, you just became the first to hold the rank of number thirty.” She turned red in the face. “I am-” The headmaster waved dismissively at her. “I don’t care what your name is or who you are related to. It has ceased to make a difference. You declaring you earned any right to stay because of money gives me a low opinion of you. Whatever your parents might give the school pales compared to what Earth investors will give if we show our capability, so I don’t care if they get angry at your dismissal. You don’t want to be number thirty? Impress me. Show me that you aren’t just a spoiled filly who thinks having money makes you worth my time.” He put his arm down and looked around, then pointed right at me. “You! You will be our starting rank one. Don’t introduce yourself or say anything; I'm not interested, but an earth pony getting into this school is at least showing some signs of being a hard worker…which is…something. I believe competition breeds results, so I am introducing an element of competition to our curriculum. Whoever is ranked number one at the end of the semester will receive a reward for their trouble: any single item for sale anywhere in the city that a minor can legally buy at the time of the final ranking for the year, regardless of price. If you want to waste the reward on a piece of candy, you can, or you could buy a unique artifact. If it is for sale in the city, and there’s no age restriction on its purchase, it is yours. Let’s see how long you hold onto your spot. Ranks can change based on grades, accomplishments, attendance, and by impressing me. While I won’t be teaching, I will be stepping into your classes from time to time to observe.” At least a few other students were looking at me. It was the first day of class, and I already had a target on my head. I figured there would be, but it would be because I’m an earth pony or an Earthling, not because the headmaster directly put the target on my head. Other students were going to want that reward. I was tempted to not even try to be number one. What did I want that could be bought anyway? However, I was also determined to prove that I deserved to be here, and that meant doing the best I could. If I didn’t impress this guy, I could end up being sent home, and I couldn’t live with that. He sat down. “My words may seem harsh, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want each and every one of you to succeed. While I admit to being demanding, I do not intend to be cruel. I honestly hope that you all impress me, and I have no reason to send any of you home; it would certainly make returning this institution to glory an easier task. However, I have a mandate to make this school the best magic school in existence, and I will not embrace mediocrity to spare your feelings. That would be a disservice to this institution and a disservice to you. Professor Sweetie Belle may now continue with the orientation.” A filly raised her hoof. “Headmaster, sir! You didn’t tell us your name.” He smirked again. “I’m the Headmaster; that’s all the name you need.” Professor Sweetie Belle bolted up out of her seat and to the front of the professors, smiling broadly. “That sounds like an excellent segue for me to start introducing the staff!” she said, so oozing with enthusiasm that it had to be forced. “I’ve already introduced myself, and you met the Headmaster. I don’t know his name either, and I don’t know anyone on staff who does, so don’t feel bad. Most of the staff is new, including me. So we will all be figuring this out together–including some of the policies our Headmaster just announced.” She pointed to Applebloom. “Let’s get the non-unicorn introductions out of the way first since I’m sure you’re all wondering about them. This is my friend Professor Applebloom! She teaches alchemy, Botany, and a few other science courses. She may be an earth pony, but her alchemy is top-notch!” “She’s also mah aunt,” the country-seeming unicorn colt whispered proudly. That was interesting. Maybe this colt knew some secret alchemy information through his aunt. He seemed nice enough that they might be able to be friends. She pointed to the pegasus. “This is my friend Coach Scootaloo! She doesn’t teach any magic. She is going to be teaching nutrition, and she is in charge of your physical fitness courses. Being physically fit and eating right helps you with your magic, and she’s a great coach. She is also the assistant guidance counselor if I’m unavailable.” Sweetie Belle pointed at the human lady. “This is Professor Newman. I’ve never actually seen her cast a spell, but she seems to know a lot about magic and can pick up whatever you might be doing wrong and tell you how to correct it. She will be teaching magic fundamentals and theory classes as well as magical literacy and terminology. She also teaches an advanced course on spell melding–that’s combining two or more spells into one to create a new effect, but it can be hazardous if you don’t know what you’re doing.” “Moving on to the unicorns,” she continued, pointing to an older mare with glasses. “This is Professor Raven Inkwell. She is the only holdover from the previous faculty, but even before she was a faculty member, she had been an aide and advisor to the princess. She’ll be teaching several mathematics courses, as well as illusions.” Sweetie Belle pointed at a pink unicorn. “This is Professor Luster Dawn. She’s the youngest professor on staff. She’ll be covering transmutation, teleportation, and combat magic.” She pointed to an older stallion. “This is Professor Neighsay. He will teach the history of magic, Equestrian history, and all courses dealing with artifacts and relics.” She pointed to the last unicorn. “And last but not least, this is Professor Glitter Drops! She’ll be teaching about elemental magic–that’s spells focused on fire, water, earth, wind, and light.” “You forgot one,” Headmaster said sourly. Sweetie Belle jumped. “Oh, yes! Not present is Professor Psychic Calm! He teaches about dream magic and serves as the school psychologist, which is different from just being a guidance counselor. If somepony has issues that are too much for me or Scootaloo to deal with, we refer them to him. He’s pretty old and tends to sleep most of the day and keep to himself, so you may not see him outside of class unless you get referred to him for counseling. You may not see him even then–he can be a little odd. You’ll likely see and meet our three groundskeepers when you are going around campus; one of them is a kirin, so don’t be shocked by that. We have a full-time librarian, and we also have three cooks. I try to help out in the kitchen when I can.” “But they chase you out because they don’t want the school burning down,” Professor Scootaloo interjected. Professor Sweetie Belle pouted. “I'm not that bad.” “Yes, you are,” all the faculty said in chorus. “In addition to being Headmaster, I’m the school doctor. I don’t want anyone coming to me with food poisoning or severe burns. Stay out of the kitchen; that’s an order,” Headmaster grumbled. Princess Celestia stood again and smiled at Sweetie Belle. “Your cooking may need work, but you have many other excellent qualities. Thank you for doing an outstanding job introducing the faculty and welcoming the students.” Professor Sweetie Belle bowed her head as she returned to her seat. “Thank you, Princess.” Princess Celestia looked at the students. “As the Headmaster has explained, our standards are getting much more rigorous than they have been in the past. The magic games that I mentioned previously not only earn the school notoriety but also earn the school funding from investors. The schools on Earth are currently very popular with these investors, so they have been getting a lot more of their money. While I would like to expand and improve the facilities here, the Equestrian budget is not endless. We are holding the games here for the first time this year. First-year students will not compete in the games, but I expect you to be on your best behavior when they come. Most of the second and third-year students, and some fourth-year students, will be competing in the games in six months, and I hope you show them your full support.” “I’ve already sent home all the riff-raff from the older classes that weren’t up to standard,” Headmaster said. “We have a much more focused group of students in the upper classes now.” “Leaving us with a lot of angry parents screaming at us,” Professor Inkwell said in an exasperated tone. “And many of those students that remain are focused because they are terrified of being dismissed as well.” “And because of that, I’m sure they’ll perform much better than that dismal last-place finish this school endured last year,” Headmaster said. Last place? No wonder Princess Celestia had gotten mad enough that she decided to allow such drastic changes to the school. “But we must remember that this is a school, and the focus is on education, not competition,” Princess Celestia continued. “With the exception of those specializing in combat magic, the fourth-years will abstain from the games to focus on their studies. While we do want to ensure every student gets a well-rounded education, each of you will be determining a specialization by the end of this school year. In addition to your other studies, you will do additional coursework in your specialization, and it is your specialization that you will compete in during the games.” I already knew what mine was going to be: alchemy. I doubted I could even do any of those other types of magic as an earth pony. Celestia spread her wings. “Now, if you would all step outside, we can start assigning who your classmates and dormmates will be, and you can start learning about each other and building friendships that I hope stay with you for the rest of your life.” Everyone got up from their seats and start heading towards the exit. When I got out to the aisle, I hurried to meet up with the colt who said he was Applebloom’s nephew. “Hi! I’m Turnip Jones,” I greeted. He blinked and smiled as we continued walking together. “Hello. Good ta meet ya, Turnip. Ah’m Bright, Bright Pear, that is. Kinda cool haven’ an earth pony make it into the school. Mah ’brother will be might thrilled ta hear ‘bout it. He always told meh that earth ponies can’t get ta go to this school. Might happy to be wrong on that…or might not, seein’ as he’s too old ta go now. Excuse mah speech. Ah live on a farm.” I chuckled. “It’s okay. I’m from a farm, too, out in Kansas.” “Kansas? Where’s Kansas?” Bright asked as we reached the outside. “Oh, it’s on Earth,” I said. He stopped in his tracks. “Kansas is on Earth? Is it near New Yolk?” “Uh, I think you mean New York. It’s in the same country, so, sorta,” I answered. “You interested in New York?” He shook his head. “Nah, but mah aunts go ta Earth sometimes, and the portal is at that New York place, so they talk about it more than other places on Earth. They say it’s the biggest dang city they’ve ever seen. Is Kansas big?” “Big and empty,” I answered. “Lots and lots of farms. Lots of people yelling at each other about water.” “Why water?” he asked in confusion. I shrugged. “Not enough of it. People are only allowed to use so much, and nobody is ever happy about how much they get to use. It limits how big of crops we can have, but they say if we use too much water, we’ll use it all up, and all the farms will fail. I’m not really into farming, so I don’t understand the details.” “Yeah, ah ain’t in’ta farmin’ either,” Bright replied. “Mah whole family farms, side for my aunt Applebloom, and my sis, who went here. Ah want ta be like my big sis. Ah want to be a hero, like mah aunts. Ah’m goin’ to learn combat magic and join the royal guard like her. She’s an officer and does all kinda fancy magic ta fight monsters. Bam bam bam!” “Oh, look, the dirt pony and the dirt pony with a horn are bonding! Isn’t that sweet?“ We both turned to see the snooty filly who was complaining that she deserved to be there because her parents paid good money for it. I frowned but then smirked. “Oh, look. It’s Miss Thirtieth-place.” She stomped. “I’m Prim Tape! Of the Canterlot Prims! My family has more money than your whole little dirt towns put together!” “Yet not enough to buy some manners.” We all looked up to see Professor Newman standing there, arms crossed, glaring down at us. Prim backed away. “What I meant to say-” “I would have you apologize for your behavior, Miss Prim, but apologies mean nothing if they are not sincere, so it would be pointless,” Professor Newman dryly said. “What I will do is remind you that the princess has little use for officials who sit around insulting their constituents. Your family holds a number of official positions in the government, does it not?” Prim licked her lips. “It does.” Professor Newman nodded. “Behavior like this often comes from a foal’s home. I wonder what the princess would think if she found officials in her government who spoke this way about the majority of her subjects. A simple investigation could uncover such information.” Prim’s eyes went wide. “Please don’t.” Professor Newman smiled. “Did I hear a please? Perhaps I was mistaken, and your parents did teach you some manners after all. I will withhold doing any investigation, but if I hear you using the term dirt pony again, there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear?” Prim nodded in a hurry. “Yes, professor.” Professor Newman turned her gaze to me next. “And you, Mister Jones, shall not insult anyone else’s ranking. Rankings can change quickly, and you could find yourself at the bottom after a few bad days, trying to work your way back up. Ponies may remember you mocking others’ rank when you need assistance, and that would not bode well. Do I make myself clear?” I nodded just as fast as Prim had. “Yes, professor.” Her eyes shifted to Bright. “As for you…I found no fault in anything you said or did, but that could be because you hadn’t had the opportunity before I intervened. Your aunt told me about your father. He thinks before he speaks. I advise you to always remember to do the same. It helps keep you out of trouble.” He nodded. “Yes, professor.” The professor turned and walked away. Prim stuck her tongue out at the professor’s backside. “Stupid human, doesn't even have magic,” Prim muttered. Professor Newman stopped and looked back. “Did I hear you say something, Miss Prim?” Prim yelped and stepped back. “No! Nothing, professor.” “Hurry and line up for your dorm assignments, then,” Professor Newman instructed. I turned and looked up at the school building. Here I was, beginning the first year of my studies at Celestia’s School of Magic, and I intended to be one of the students who graduated. This was the beginning of my bright and glorious- “Stop standing around gawking and follow instructions, Mister Jones.” I jumped and hurried into place. “Yes, professor!”
Chancellor Neighsay,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Luster Dawn,Original Character,Raven Inkwell,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Mystery,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
An Earthling Earth Pony at Celestia's School of Magic: Year One
Turnip is an earth pony in twice the sense because he was born on Earth. Now he is going to attend the school of magic in Canterlot, but finds it is now under new administration.
<p>It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology. </p><p>Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be. </p><p>Part of the <a href="/group/212821/pandemic" rel="nofollow">Pandemic Universe</a></p>
“I can’t believe we get to room together! What were the chances? I laughed as Bright and I headed toward the dorms directly across the street from the school. Bright watched me prance and chuckled. “Ain’t no mystery. Ah think she might have been dedicin’ who roomed with who on the spot and already seen us hangin’ around each other. Most the pairings she made seemed ta be ponies who’d been talkin’ ta each other.” “Ewww! I can’t believe I must be in the same class as you two dir- as you two farmers!” We turned and saw Prim close by us, making a dramatic gagging gesture. Did this filly have nothing better to do than cause us trouble? I wondered who her roommate was. I hadn’t been paying attention. Bright might know. He seemed to have noticed more than I did. A red colt walked up beside her and pushed her mouth closed with a hoof. “Now, Prim, dearest sister, making such a face in public is not becoming of one of our stock, nor is it likely to earn the Headmaster’s approval. We must learn to be friendly with the colts and fillies we shall share instruction with. Let us not forget that most of the Element Bearers came from humble roots. I dear say, I believe this one colt made the claim he is an Apple, which makes him closely related to the great Applejack. Is that not so, valued classmate?” Bright blinked a few times as if trying to figure out how to process who was speaking to him. “Urh, ah’m Bright Pear, and Applejack is mah aunt.” The red colt smiled broadly and extended a hoof while his assumed sister rolled her eyes. “Good show! I’m Red Tape. I believe you have met my darling sister, Prim Tape. I do apologize for her behavior. She is somewhat disgruntled that she has to attend this academy, but our parents insisted upon it. I fully take her side on that matter and would rather she be enjoying the luxuries of our estate right now, instructed by private tutors. It is I who should be burdened by proving myself, not she. But, alas, my parents take a very traditionalist view to all things.” “Oh,” Bright replied, clapping his hoof to the rich colt’s. “It’s alright. Mah family is kinda traditional too.” Red gave a beaming smile as he set his hoof down. “Splendid!” He then looked at me. “And you! An earth pony at the school of magic! What a wonder to behold. I do not believe I have yet to catch your name, good sir.” Well, Red Tape seemed nicer than his sister. Maybe this was a chance to make another friend. “I’m-” I began. “Mister Jones!” I jumped. “I didn’t do anything!” Professor Newman approached us and looked down at me. “You will follow me to the Headmaster’s office.” I backed up a step. “What did I do?” She raised an eyebrow at me. “Did I say you did anything, Mister Jones? Come along. The Headmaster does not wish to be kept waiting.” “You should probably promptly make haste if the Headmaster requires your presence,” Red Tape said. “You do not wish to be seen as disobedient, do you?” “Uh, no. I don’t want to be that,” I agreed. Professor Newman started walking back towards the school. “Then follow along, Mister Jones.” I hurried to catch up and fell into a trot beside her. “Um, so, you’re from Earth too?” I asked. She glanced down at him. “That should seem obvious. Hominids died out in this world long before ponies learned how to speak.” . “Hominids?” I asked in confusion. She sighed. “Species relative to humans, Mister Jones.” “Oh, I didn’t know Equestria had those,” I replied. “Not in many thousands of years,” Professor Newman said. “So…where on Earth are you from?” I asked as we entered the school building. She stopped and looked at me. “Mister Jones, I am a citizen of Equestria. Where I was born is a private matter. Do I make myself clear?” I gulped. “Very clear, professor.” She sighed. “Don’t be so terrified of making me mad. Let’s say that I needed to get away from all the stress, and the princesses were kind enough to give me something to do that was away from it all. Sure, Equestria has its issues–stuck-up nobles, buildings a little too small for humans, random monster attacks, and let's not forget the traditional annual villain trying to take over the world. Still, I’ll take that over all the things I was worrying about back on Earth. Even if I have to make occasional trips to Earth for these silly games, my life on Earth is still behind me, and I intend to keep it that way. So don’t ask about it.” I blinked a few times and held up a hoof. “Um…can I ask what you meant about random monster attacks and annual villains trying to take over the world?” She chuckled, the first legitimate sign of happiness I had seen from the scary professor. “If you make it through your four years, you’ll get to see your fill. Don’t worry; you are safe here. I would say this is the safest place in the city.” “Safer than in the palace with the princesses?” I asked, not able to keep the doubt from my voice. “Oh, definitely safer than there. Where do you think most of the villains head to first when trying to conquer this place? The palace is probably the worst place to live in the city if you are concerned about being safe from attack,” Professor Newman answered with a shake of her head. I hadn’t considered that. She started walking again. “Come along, Mister Jones.” The Headmaster’s office was halfway down the second-floor hall and had a large pair of double doors for some reason. They opened on their own as we approached. That was kinda gimmicky, but at least we didn’t have to open them ourselves. They looked heavy. We stepped in. The room was dimly lit because the curtains were drawn shut, letting in only a tiny sliver of light. The walls were lined with bookcases, which about a quarter of the shelves had scrolls instead of books. The Headmaster sat at his desk at the far end of the room, reading a scroll while writing on another scroll. His staff was leaning against his chair. Professor Applebloom sat beside the desk and waved to them as they entered. The doors shut once they were entirely in the room. The Headmaster glanced our way. “Please wait just a moment.” He then turned his gaze to Professor Applebloom. “Applebloom…,” Headmaster said slowly and dryly. “Can you explain to me how our kitchens ended up with ten large crates of apples and an invoice from Sweet Apple Acres requesting five hundred bits? I’m asking you because…well… I’m sure you can fill in the rest.” Professor Applebloom flinched. “Well…you see, my youngest nephew just started attending here. He’s never been far from home, and ah felt like bringing him a taste of home, ta make him feel good about bein’ in the city. He’s the only foal left out of me, and mah siblings foals-” The Headmaster stared at her. “-and the grown ones haven’t started havin’ their own foals yet. Not that ah’m ready to be a granny yet, seein’ as ah’m only forty-seven, which ain’t that old. Forty-seven is like the new thirty-one-” The Headmaster continued to stare blankly at her. “-but ah’ve hinted to them that they won’t be young forever and should marry and settle down-” The Headmaster yawned widely. “-although mah oldest nephew and his wife have been actin’ kinda secretive lately, so there may be some buns in the oven that-” “You want foals in your family to spoil, and your nephew, whats-his-name, is the only available one at the moment; I get the idea, but you’re paying the invoice out of your next paycheck, professor,” Headmaster finally said. “Don’t ever bill anything you order to the school again without authorization from me.” Professor Applebloom flinched again. “Yes, sir.” Headmaster raised a hand and beckoned us to come forward. We walked up to the desk. The Headmaster pulled out a different scroll and started looking it over. “That earth pony, hmmm,” Headmaster said as he looked over the scroll. “You present something of a problem with how our current curriculum is set up. Putting you in a class where you’re expected to teleport, transmute things, do fire magic, and so on seems to be setting you up to fail.” I lowered my head. “Some artifacts can let you channel your inner thaumic energy much like a unicorn uses their horn. My staff functions for me in that manner,” Headmaster continued. So that’s how the Headmaster performed magic well enough to be in charge of a magic school. I looked at the staff leaning against his chair. It looked like it was made entirely of blue crystal except for an odd spot in the center that looked like an hourglass made out of some pearly-white stone. I wondered where a human got something like that. That wasn’t something that would just be lying around on Earth, and what was he doing for magic before he got that staff? Did Professor Newman also have something like that? There didn’t seem to be anything obvious on her person. “I’ve spoken with Professor Neighsay about whether this would be a feasible solution,” Headmaster said, still reading whatever was on the scroll. “However, he says it would take him time to make, and he also does not feel comfortable entrusting such an object into the hooves of a first-year student who hasn’t yet taken his class on artifact safety. That makes it a solution for what to do for future years, but not this one.” Professor Newman crossed her arms behind her back. “Turnip Jones is one of two scholarship students who aced the magic fundamentals and theory test. He deserves every chance to succeed.” I’d aced it? Wow…I had no idea. I mean, I felt like I did well on that section, but it had been a very long and complicated section. There’d been a few questions that I’d been very unsure about, and at least two that I literally just guessed about the answer. Headmaster looked up at Professor Newman. “Who is Turnip Jones?” “The earth pony,” Professor Newman clarified. Wait, he really had forgotten my name? I assumed the report about me was on his desk. How’d he forget my name? “What an unfortunate name,” Headmaster mused as he looked back over whatever he was reading. “Let’s see, you mentioned your interest in alchemy ninety-four times throughout your application.” “You counted?” I asked in disbelief. He glanced at me. “It was something to amuse myself with.” He looked back down at the report. “Very well. I hate to give special treatment to any student, but it seems that we will be forced to do so in this case, and it is my fault for not having a plan in place for a non-unicorn meeting the requirements for entry. I will not punish you for my oversight. While you will be taking most of the same courses as your classmates, the courses with professors Luster Dawn and Glitter Drops will be delayed until next year. Instead, you will take extra courses in the sciences with Professor Applebloom and artifacts with Professor Neighsay. You may need to do extra work over the summer to catch up with your classmates on the subjects you are missing this year, but you are used to hard work, aren’t you?” I stood at attention. “Yes, Headmaster, sir!” He made some notes on a different scroll. “That’s settled then. Professor Applebloom will be your advisor, of course, but Professor Newman will be the one to draw up your altered class schedule. You may report to your dorm. Professor Applebloom, I expect you to report to the kitchen and help the staff figure out what they are going to do with the sudden excess of apples they have. Ten crates of apples take up a lot of storage space.” “Yes, Headmaster,” Professor Applebloom said with a nod. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Why aren’t you moving? Get!” Applebloom got up and ran for the door, which opened on its own just in time for her to not smash into it. “You two as well!” Headmaster ordered. “Come along, Mister Jones,” Professor Newman instructed. Once we were outside the now-closed doors to the Headmaster’s office, Professor Newman looked down on me. “I have some matters to attend to, which include working out your class schedule. You will report to your first class tomorrow with your classmates, as that is my class, and I shall have your schedule ready for you then. You should have no problem finding your way to your dorm room. Don’t dawdle; the groundskeeper who supervises the dorm will already have to repeat herself to you about dorm policies. Don’t keep her waiting overly long to do so.” . “Thank you for standing up for me in there,” I said. I wasn’t just being polite. I didn’t expect her to speak up on my behalf. She nodded. “Your scores on that test indicate you understand the fundamentals and theory of magic well. That is a good foundation to build on. While I don’t expect perfection, I expect you to do well in my class, as much of it should be a review for you. Don’t disappoint me, Mister Jones.” “What did the Headmaster mean by I have an unfortunate name?” I asked. She raised an eyebrow. “In some circles, Turnip is a slang term for an idiot, which is why I don’t address you as such. I know earth ponies have a fascination with farm produce, but I don’t understand what goes through their heads sometimes. Be on your way, Mister Jones, and don’t be late for my class tomorrow.”
Chancellor Neighsay,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Luster Dawn,Original Character,Raven Inkwell,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Mystery,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
An Earthling Earth Pony at Celestia's School of Magic: Year One
Turnip is an earth pony in twice the sense because he was born on Earth. Now he is going to attend the school of magic in Canterlot, but finds it is now under new administration.
<p>It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology. </p><p>Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be. </p><p>Part of the <a href="/group/212821/pandemic" rel="nofollow">Pandemic Universe</a></p>
There were three dorm buildings, each supervised by a different groundskeeper. One dorm building had the third and fourth-year students, one had all the second-year students, and then there was mine, which had all the first-year students. Each dorm building had three floors, and my class was on the third floor. That meant lots of stairs to climb because elevators were rare in Canterlot. Luckily, I was an earth pony who grew up on a farm, so a little extra workout running up the stairs didn’t bother me. As I reached the landing, I saw someone was in the way, and I tripped and collided with them as I tried to stop. “AHHKK! This is why there’s no running allowed on the stairs!” the pony I collided with hollered. “Sor-” I started to say but stopped to gape. In front of me, lying on the floor, was a creature wholly engulfed in black and pink flames. “Someone get the kitten!” a student yelled. Huh? A unicorn filly walked over with a tiny tabby kitten held out in front of them using their magic. She held the kitten out towards the flames. Oh no! Was she going to toss it in? “Awww, so cute!” the flaming monster said, and its flames suddenly went out, leaving behind what looked like a brownish-green mare, but she had scales in some places, along with what looked like a ruddy-brown lion’s mane and a single jagged antler. The strange mare grabbed the kitten and rocked it like a baby. “You are so cute! I can’t stay mad while looking at you!” “Mew!” the kitten happily meowed. The creature set the kitten down and turned, and looked at me. “Okay, I’m calm again. No running on the stairs. Someone can get hurt.” I was still staring. “Um…who are you?” The creature stood up. “I’m Groundskeeper Spring Fling, but you can just call me Spring. I’m in charge of supervising and maintaining this dorm building. I’m guessing you’ve never seen a kirin. Are you one of our students? I thought they were all unicorns.” I blinked. Kirin…right. “Yes, I’m a student. I’m Turnip Jones; I’m supposed to be in room 4J.” She nodded. "Just down the hall on the right. Your luggage should already be there. Let me go over the house rules. You already heard no running on the stairs. There’s also no running in the halls, no running in your room, no jumping on the beds, no stomping, no staying out after nine, lights out by midnight, no loud music, no physical fighting, no dogs, no birds, no hammering nails into the walls, no level four or higher spells, no hazing, keep your room clean, do not leave any clutter in the halls or stairs, and find Miss Pretty Purrface or a fire extinguisher if I get angry–preferably Miss Pretty Purrface; I don’t like fire extinguishers and they leave such a mess.” “Mew!” said the kitten, who I assumed was Miss Pretty Purrface. “Oh! Don’t let Miss Pretty Purrface into your room. She’s supposed to be out patrolling the halls. Don’t let her get outside the building, either; she’s an indoor sweetie kitty,” Spring concluded. “If you have any problems, my room is room 1A.” “Got it!” I said. Spring Fling picked the kitten up, who quickly lodged itself in her mane, and the kirin and the kitten took off down the hall. I looked at the filly who had brought the kitten over. She was gray-furred with an orange mane; her mark looked like a wrench and a hammer. “Hi, I’m Turnip! Nice to meet you. Thanks for saving me from the angry kirin.” She chuckled. “I think the building catching fire would require us all to be saved. I’m Hannah.” I blinked. “Hannah? Are you from Earth?” “Yep! I’m from good old Mississippi,” she said with a smile. “Never thought I would get admitted here. Taking that test for that scholarship felt like a super-longshot, but here I am! Oh…and don’t mention angry kirins. My roommate is a kirin, and she gets kinda stressed if you mention angry kirins. I think living in kirin villages must be pretty traumatic.” “There’s a kirin student?” I asked. “I didn’t see her during the orientation. Where was she?” “Oh, Summer was in the restroom the entire time. I had to take a quick tinkle after the presentation and found her hiding in a stall,” Hannah answered. “She was terrified the faculty would notice that they’d admitted a kirin, and they’d say it was a mistake and send her home. If only she’d come to the orientation, she’d have seen you and felt more secure about being here. I mean, she’s at least got a horn…well…antler, but it does the same thing.” I looked down the hall where Spring had her face up to a door and was talking to it. “Come on out, Summer Wummer! Miss Pretty Purrface wants to see the bestest new student at the school of magic!” “Mew!” the kitten echoed. “Oh, and Spring is Summer’s mom,” Hannah added in. “I think Summer is hiding out until her mom goes away.” She jumped. “This is my chance to tell you about the rest of our class! I’ve already learned everyone’s names and which rooms they are in!” “Oh, that sounds-” I started but got cut off as she grabbed me with her magic and dragged me to the first door of the hall. “This is the room for Twilight Glow and Lunar Light. I think Professor Newman put them together because of thematic naming,” Hannah said as she pointed to the door. “They’re out right now looking for the library, so you’ll meet them later. They’re both stallions. This class is a little stallion-heavy, which doesn’t bother me. Supply and demand, baby!” “What?” I asked but didn’t get an answer as she hauled me across the hall. “This is the room for Red Tape and Prim Tape. They’re twins, but brother and sister, and I don’t think they like rooming together. They haven’t said anything about what they want to specialize in. Maybe they don’t know,” Hannah said thoughtfully. “They’re also stinking rich! You know what that means? Networking! Investing! Great ponies to know. We are so lucky to have them in our class.” “Oh, that sounds-” I started, but she was already moving to the next room, taking me with her to the open door. “This is your room!” Hannah announced. Bright waved at me from inside the room, which had beds on either side of it. “Howdy, roommate. See ya met Hannah. She’s got some spunk!" “Yeah, she’s-” I started, but Hannah was already off to the next room, and I had no choice in following her since she still hadn’t released me. Bright stepped out of our room behind us. “Ah’m goin’ to go explorin’. Talk to ya later!” I watched him head for the stairs and leave me to deal with the terror of Hannah. The next room had two colts sitting outside it, trying to contain smirks as they watched me get literally dragged along the floor. “This is Onyx Swirl and Rocky Road,” Hannah introduced. Onyx had pitch-black fur with a white mane, and Rocky had brown fur and a white mane; both looked pretty muscular. “They’re training in combat magic to join the guard, like your roommate. Have any plans for dinner, Onyx? We could share a dish.” Rocky snickered as Onyx looked away and rubbed the back of his head. “I…uh…Rocky and I were going to get s-something small and go for a j-jog,” Onyx stuttered. I decided to come to his rescue. “And what are you intending to specialize in, Hannah?” She released me at last. “I’m going to become an artificer! I had to come to Equestria to learn how because thaumically active materials are obscenely expensive back on Earth. How am I supposed to practice my work if the practice materials cost millions of dollars?! That’s just not practical or cost-effective! I’d never be able to master artifacts on Earth. But here, materials are just lying around all over the place. People toss them in the trash like junk and use them as currency. From a financial perspective, this was the only choice I could make for my future.” She batted her eyes at Onyx. “A future we could have together.” Onyx pushed Rocky and pulled his door shut. “Sorry! Rocky and I have to do that thing at that place before it gets too late. You know, curfew! We’ll see you around, Turnip, and uh…Hannah.” The two of them quickly ran towards the staircase. “Hey! No running in the halls!” Spring shouted as she walked briskly after the pair. “Mew!” I didn’t know if Onyx was interested in Hannah as well and was too insecure to deal with her coming onto him or if she was sexually harassing someone who wasn’t interested. She should probably tone it down in any case. “So, that just leaves Summer, right?” I asked her. I was hoisted back into the air by her magic. “Yes!” she exclaimed and carried me to the last door of the hall. She dropped me on the ground outside the room. “Ow,” I whimpered Hannah knocked softly on the door. “Summer, I distracted your mom, and she’s gone chasing after Onyx and Rocky. I’m coming in.” Okay, that put the whole coming onto Onyx thing in a different light. However, it might be a worse light now. Hannah might be a teeny bit crazy. She opened the door to reveal a similar-looking room to mine and Bright’s, except this one had a kirin filly the color of spicy brown mustard with a bright red mane. “Look, Summer, this is Turnip! You aren’t the only non-unicorn here,” Hannah announced proudly, pulling me into view. “Turnip, this is Summer Blaze, my awesome roommate.” I was still on the ground, and I might have had some splinters in my rump from being repeatedly dragged along hardwood floors, but I still raised a hoof to greet her. “Hi, I'm Turnip, Turnip Jones.” She blinked in confusion as she looked at me. “Hi, I’m Summer. Are you okay?” I picked myself up off the floor. “Yeah, I might look scrawny, but earth ponies are tough.” “You’re right about the scrawny part,” Hannah said. “Do you get enough to eat? You barely weigh much at all. I don’t think I’ve ever dragged a pony around as easily as I just did you. We need to get some food in you.” Did she drag ponies around like that regularly? Summer hurried over to a corner and grabbed a box with her horn…antler’s magic, and floated it over to me. “If you’re hungry, you can have these—they’re cookies. My mom made them for me, but she made way too many. Don’t worry about taking them all. She always makes more, lots and lots more. I’ll never run out. She’s been showering me with attention since I was hatched.” Hannah nudged me while smiling. “Isn’t that cool? Did you know kirin hatched from eggs before today? Because I did not. Who knew Equestria had an intelligent monotreme species and that they’d be a close pony relative?” A flick of flame appeared on Summer’s hooves. “Kirin are ponies, not a close pony relative.” “Actually, kirin are fully ponies and fully dragons.” We all turned to see a colt who looked like a male unicorn version of Twilight Sparkle; he even had the same stripe in his mane. He coughed into his hoof and then raised it and raised his head. “During the Age of Grogar, a small part of what would eventually become the unicorn tribe and a now-extinct subset of dwarf dragons were melded together into one species by Grogar’s wild magic, so the kirin tribe was born. They are fully ponies and fully dragons, the only species capable of interbreeding successfully with both ponies and dragons. I read about it in Nomi Clature’s The Complete Evolutionary History of Ponies: Volume One. It’s a very fascinating read.” Hannah hurried over to the colt and pointed at him. “And this is Twilight Glow! He’s a bit of a nerd, and he’s got a thing for Princess Twilight Sparkle.” “Argh! Why must I be in the same class with all these freaks!” We all turned to see Prim outside her room door, glaring at us. She then advanced towards us. “Seriously, we have Hannah, the crazy Earthling mare. We have a filthy backwater kirin. We’ve got an apple farmer. We have an earth pony, and-” She sniffed Twilight Glow as she got close to him, then pointed a hoof at him in disbelief. “-and we have a nerdy Princess Twilight fancolt who creepily dyes his fur and mane to look like her!” Twilight Glow backed up slowly. “N-no, I don’t.” Prim smirked at him and touched a hoof to her nose. “The nose, knows, commoner. That’s high-quality dye, and I do have to compliment your stylist for their work. However, I recognize the brand by its smell. Those aren’t your natural colors. Judging by how much you must have on for me to still pick up on the smell after it has fully set, they aren’t even close to your natural colors.” Twilight Glow looked like he was holding back tears now. “Sister! Must you be so callous with your words!” Red Tape yelled as he stormed out of their room and towards them. “This brazen superiority complex and brutish behavior is exactly why our parents chose to send you here! Yet, you still fail to take corrective action. It is like you don’t want to have your inheritance! At least you prove me right. I told them that sending you here would solve nothing.” Prim stomped as she turned to face her brother. “Please, don’t stomp. You’ll bring my mom back,” Summer whimpered. Prim didn’t seem to care. “Why did they have to room me with you?! There are plenty of other noble fillies in our year that they could have roomed me with, but instead, they put me in this freakish class with you here to constantly chastise me! This school is out to get me, and I want to go home!” Red gave her a knowing smile. “You are free to go home anytime, dear sister, but you know what will happen if you do.” Prim seethed. “No! I am not going to lose it all. I am Prim Tape of the Canterlot Prims, and I will get what is owed to me by birthright! I am not going to be disgraced!” She whipped her head around and glared at me for some reason. “And I will not end the year in the bottom third of the class. Watch out, dirt pony, you aren’t going to hold that first-place ranking for long!” We all watched as she stormed away to the stairs and down them. “Hey! No stomping!” Spring yelled from somewhere below. “Well, my parents always said to try to say positive things about people. To say something positive, you have to admire her determination, and she has a very impressive sense of smell,” Hannah said. Twilight Glow did break down crying at this point This was going to be an interesting school year.
Chancellor Neighsay,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Luster Dawn,Original Character,Raven Inkwell,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Mystery,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
An Earthling Earth Pony at Celestia's School of Magic: Year One
Turnip is an earth pony in twice the sense because he was born on Earth. Now he is going to attend the school of magic in Canterlot, but finds it is now under new administration.
<p>It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology. </p><p>Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be. </p><p>Part of the <a href="/group/212821/pandemic" rel="nofollow">Pandemic Universe</a></p>
August 27, 2058 The rest of the first day passed rather calmly. The dining hall was in the main building, and the majority of our class ended up eating together at the same table–except for Prim, who had gone out to the city somewhere to dine, and Lunar Light, who couldn’t be torn away from the library. Students from other classes and years gave our table plenty of looks. Everyone knew it was because of me and Summer. The two of us really were the only two non-unicorn students in the entire school. I was unsure if there were any other students from Earth than me and Hannah. There wasn’t any visual clue to something like that. Even names weren’t a surefire way of learning if someone was from Earth since there were plenty of ponies from Earth who had adopted Equestrian naming conventions. There were even ponies from Equestria who had adopted Earthling conventions–although that was less common. One of the bigger clues was whether they said things like anyone, someone, everyone instead of anypony, somepony, everypony. Equestrians almost always inserted pony into their terminology. Nobody from the other classes bothered me or Summer during dinner, but that might have been because of the Headmaster, who sat at the head of the dining hall eating what looked like a roasted boar–which I wondered who had cooked it and how the other students felt about seeing it. Still, despite his bored expression as he ate, he was clearly watching everyone in the dining hall, and all were on their best behavior as a result. The first night at the dorms was primarily quiet, aside from hearing Spring Fling chew out Lunar Light for almost breaking curfew by arriving back at the dorms with a mere minute left to spare. I kept to my room and unpacked my meager luggage, which consisted of a few pictures of my family, a few books, and my Donatello Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Generation 10 action figure with ninja-kicking action–Bright didn’t see the appeal. My parents said they would get me the seventy-fifth-anniversary figure next year. I’d have to pick that up over the summer break. Bright’s side of the room was also primarily pictures of his family, which were much more numerous than mine. He also had a sword, which somehow was not against dorm rules. We didn’t have to worry about bathroom supplies because the school provided those, just like food in the dining hall. Most of us didn’t have much or any money, and the school couldn’t have us starving or unsanitary. It was a new place, and I wasn’t used to sharing a room, so it took me a while to fall asleep. I dreamed about how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were in school, but they were constantly being sent to the principal’s office for not holding a pencil correctly. Then, the dream suddenly paused. “Greetings, Turnip Jones. I’ll try not to take much of your time. I just wanted to ask if you had any questions or concerns about the school.” “Who is this?” I asked in confusion. “I am Professor Psychic Calm. This is a dream. I’m checking on each student and ensuring no one is having problems before classes start. Do you have any issues you wish to discuss?” “Uh, I can’t think of anything right now. Is anyone else having issues?” “Sorry, I maintain complete confidentiality with those I speak to, so I cannot reveal that information. If you have no questions or concerns, I’ll release you. I have many students to check on, and this form of communication takes me much longer than it once did.” “Oh, well, guess I’ll see you in class then.” “You are not currently scheduled for my class this semester, and since I operate here, few of my students ever see me in class, so seeing me is unlikely. Enjoy the rest of your sleep, along with your first day of classes.” Riiiiiinnnnnnngggggg[ I fell out of bed. “What’s that sound?! A fire alarm? Did Spring catch fire again?” There was a click, and the sound stopped. “Ya ain’t never heard an alarm clock, Turnip?” Bright asked. I looked at him. Next to his bed was an old-timey wind-up alarm clock with a dimple clockface and two bells on top. “Not like that one,” I answered. “We haven’t used alarm clocks like that for longer than my grandparents have been alive. I’m not sure my great-grandparents even used them. I’ve only seen something like that as an icon.” “What’s an icon?” Bright asked. Right, Equestrians didn’t have cell phones. Few had any form of phone, for that matter, and the majority of places didn’t have electricity. It was only now starting to occur to me how separated I was from certain things I took for granted. I may not have been from a city, but we still had phones and electricity. “Have you ever used a computer?” I asked. Bright nodded. “Yes, Princess Twilight had one of those doohickies put in the library back home. Ah heard the library here has ‘em, too.” “Icons are the little pictures you click to make a program pull up. We have programs that do electronic alarms, and most of them sound nothing like that,” I explained. Bright blinked. “So, y'all sleep in libraries back home for the computers to wake ya up? Mah aunts never told meh that. Earth is strange, but ah bet ya get a lot of readin’ in.” I stared for a second. “I think your aunts might have left a lot of details out in describing what life on Earth is like.” He shrugged. “Well, they sure as didn’t mention y’all sleep in libraries, so they must have. Hurry up and get outta bed. We don’t wanna be late for breakfast and then class.” I sighed. “I’ll tell you about Earth over breakfast.” We made it down to the dining hall, saddlebags empty except for quills and paper. Breakfast was pancakes, apple juice, and sliced apples. As we ate, I explained to Bright and Summer what Earth was like while Hannah chimed in. Bright finished off another apple and looked at the two of us questionably. “So, your town is called Munjor, and it is in a part of Kansas, which is in a part of Earth called the United States?” I nodded. “Right.” He then turned to Hannah. “And your town is called Jackson, and it is in a place called…Miss Sipi–which ain’t the name of any mare, and it is also in the United States place.” “It’s Miss-is-sip-pi,” Hannah sounded out. “But you got the rest right.” “Munjor is much much smaller than Jackson, though,” I clarified. “Jackson is about the size of Canterlot, while Munjor you can see the entire town after walking five minutes.” “I think Jackson is bigger than Canterlot, honestly,” Hannah chimed in. “I’m not sure how many ponies live on Canterlot, but I’m not sure it would even qualify as a city back home, maybe a mid-sized town. You could fit like five or six Canterlots in Jackson, and Jackson isn’t even that big a city. There are cities on Earth you could fit a hundred Jacksons into.” “Munjor isn’t anywhere near that. Munjor barely qualifies as a town,” I lamented. “Most maps of Kansas don’t even bother to include it. There’s like two hundred people there. You were talking about your aunts visiting New York City, right? New York City has over twenty-five million people living in it.” Bright blinked. “No way! That’s darn near half the number of ponies in Equestria! That many ponies couldn’ live in one city.” “There’s a bunch of ponies in New York City, but most of the people living there are humans,” Hannah corrected. “That’s worse!” Bright exclaimed. He pointed to the Headmaster. “Look how big humans are. You can fit two grown ponies and a foal en the same space as one of them there humans.” Summer shivered. “Humans scare me. They’re so big, and they eat other creatures. What’s Headmaster eating now?” I looked at where Headmaster was sitting. It was pretty easy to make things out. He was in full view of all the tables. “It looks like bacon, eggs, and sausage,” I said. “What’s bacon and sausage?” Summer asked, cringing down in her seat. “Pig,” Hannah answered. “He was eating a boar last night. Seems like he has a taste for swine flesh.” Summer whimpered. “I wonder where he gets the meat,” I said. “It doesn't seem like it should be that common in Canterlot.” Bright waved a hoof dismissively. “Not that hard. Mah family raises pigs to hunt for truffles, but we get too many, so we sell to them there griffins. Ah know what happens to the pigs, ah ain’t no fool, and mah family ain’t the only farmers who do the same. It ain’t pleasant to think about, but takin’ care of an excess of pigs gets expensive, and turnin’ loose just leads to a bunch of wild hogs causin’ destruction and attackin’ ponies. Plus, money is money, and most farms always need more of it.” “Still, it can’t be cost-effective,” Hannah said. “Meat has to be a pretty penny in Equestria. Where would he even find a butcher? Earth has pony butchers, but I didn’t think Equestria did.” Summer gaped in horror. “Earth has ponies that kill and chop up critters?!” “Well, yeah,” Hannah said. “They were meat workers before they were ponies, or their parents were, and they just sorta kept doing it because that’s what they knew how to do, and it provided food for humans. Humans are still the dominant species on Earth, and it just makes economic sense for ponies to do things that earn them money from humans.” Summer looked at me with big, tear-filled eyes. “You said you grew up on a farm on Earth. Does your family hurt critters?” I shook my head. “No, we kept chickens, but we never sold or butchered them. We just kept them for eggs.” She smiled at me. “That’s good.” She then looked at Bright. She frowned and started steaming, literally. “Unlike some ponies that murder critters!” “Ah don’t even like farmin’!” Bright protested. “Kirin student.” Everyone in the dining hall turned to look at Headmaster. He was still focused on his breakfast, but he now had his staff in one hand. “If you catch fire in the dining hall, I will be forced to douse you with water. Please control your temper,” he said in a monotone. He didn’t raise his voice, but it projected to the entire hall Summer raised a hoof as if she was answering in class. “My name is-” “I don’t care,” Headmaster said, cutting her off. ”Control your temper.” He then looked up. “All students should now take your plates to be cleaned so you can make it to class on time. If anyone damages their plates, they will stay behind to help the staff clean. The last to deliver their dirty plates to the staff will also be helping clean. Oh-and you have to bring your own plates to the staff. It is good to be helpful, but you also have to have responsibility for what you are using.” “But aren’t we graded on attendance?” a student at another table asked. “Won’t we be late to class or miss class if we stay to clean?” Headmaster nodded. “Yes, so you best not be last. Don’t break anything, either.” “That’s not fair! Somepony is going to miss the first class no matter what!” another student protested. Headmaster went back to eating and didn’t reply. He seemed to have lost all interest in the students. A member of the staff delivered Headmaster a plate of pancakes. Students immediately left their seats and started levitating their plates off the tables. A line quickly formed to give the plates to the staff. I looked down at my pair of plates and mug. I’d have to stack the smaller plate and my mug on the larger plate and carefully carry the large plate by mouth. There was no way I could avoid being last in line. It was the first day of classes, and my attendance was already going to suffer. If this happened every day, the only way I was going to make it to my first class was if I got up earlier, ate earlier, and was out of the dining hall before everyone else was done. Bright, Hannah, and Summer were looking at me. “Ya know, one of us could let ya get in line ahead of us. He didn’t ban students from doin’ that. We can probably clean plates faster,” Bright suggested. I smiled at them and shook my head. “Nah, go ahead. No matter what, someone has to take the hit, and it could end up being one of you in the future. Go ahead. I’ve got it this time, and I’ll just make sure I get here earlier in the future. First class is Fundamentals and Theory of Magic, and I aced that part of the exam. Ptogesdir Newman said so. So I can survive being late. Being late isn’t so bad anyway. I’ll probably drop a few ranks and get this target off my back.” “If you’re sure,” Summer said, sounding anything but. “Yeah, I’m sure,” I confirmed. “I don’t see any overall benefit if we end up being late instead of him, and he says he knows the material. That makes him being ladt the net least negative impact. Let’s get moving,” Hannah said before grabbing her dirty dishes with her magic and joining the line. Bright frowned. “Ya still will have more trouble washin’ dishes than us.” “I got this,” I insisted. “If you keep hanging around here worrying about me, you’ll be late too.” Summer nudged Bright. “He’s right. We’ll be late if we wait too long. He isn’t going to change his mind, so we need to go.” Bright reluctantly started moving along with her. “Still don’t seem fair.” I watched them get in the rapidly shrinking line. By the time I gathered my dirty dishes, the line would be gone. I carefully started stacking my dishes. Bright was right. This wasn’t fair, but I knew things would be harder on me because I was an earth pony, so there was no use complaining about it. Making my way to the place to turn in my dishes was slow going. I was half-tempted to rush since I was going to be cleaning dishes whether I dropped mine or not, but Headmaster was still sitting at his table eating, and even if he didn’t seem to be paying attention, he’d proven that he was very aware of what was happening around him. He’d likely think I was being a troublemaker if I dropped my dishes now and they broke, which could only lead to a more significant drop in my ranking. I was almost certainly dropping out of first place because of being late to or missing class; I didn’t want to fall to the bottom third. I finally got to where the cook stood and passed him the dishes. “So, where do I go to wash?” I asked him with a sigh. The cook looked over to Headmaster, who looked up from his meal at me. “You don’t, earth pony. You go to class,” Headmaster answered. I blinked. “But you said-” Headmaster grinned. “I said the last one to return their dishes needed to help wash. What is on my table?” I looked at his table, and realization sunk in. He had lots of dishes, some with food still on them. He hadn’t even finished eating yet. The person who would be helping wash dishes was the Headmaster. He’d planned it all along. “Students need to pay more attention to what is being said to them. This is a school of magic where following directions can prevent a spell from blowing up in your face. If students don’t comprehend what is being said to them, they can’t follow directions,” Headmaster said. He then sighed. “Such a disappointing lot of students; not one paid attention. No wonder we finished last place last year. Move along, earth pony. I have dishes to wash. Pay attention in the future.”
Other,Pinkie Pie,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pinkie and Twilight hunt for the Shrouded Ghost.
<p>The Shrouded Ghost is a legendary beast that stalks the Sea of Thieves. Very few claim to have ever seen the ancient megalodon, and none claim to have slain it. Twilight and Pinkie intend to be the first. </p><p>Apparently, somepony forgot to tell them that it isn't real.</p>
“The Devil’s Roar, a land left unexplored~” “Pinkie, I don’t think–” “The Devil’s Roar, a sea ponies ignored~” “I’m fairly certain that’s not even how the shanty goes.” “And mares who praise Celestia~” “Wouldn’t ‘Summon the Megalodon’ be more appropri–” “Best remember Equestria~” “...I have to admit, you’re pretty good on the hurdy-gurdy.” “Just ask the souls who fell ‘fore us~” “Oh, you actually brought it back around.” “Those poor, forgotten ponies.” Twilight shakes her head as her pink crewmate continues to jam on her hurdy-gurdy. With a sigh, she lifts her spyglass up to her face using telekinesis and resumes her watch from the bow of their sloop, “The Marestream.” “Yar, what da ya see, Twilight?!” “Pinkie, I understand that we’re pirates, but speaking like that is wholly unnecessary.” “Says ye, cabin mare! With that attitude, we’ll NEVER summon her!” “And can you please stop shouting? The sloop is the smallest vessel type that can survive on the Sea of Thieves, I can hear you just fine even on the opposite side of the boat.” “Technically, the rowboat is the smallest ship type.” Pinkie’s voice returns to normal as she adjusts her eyepatch (which she does not need whatsoever). “Anyway, what do you see out there?” “The same thing I saw five minutes ago, and the same thing I saw five minutes before that.” “Which is?!” “A few rocks that I keep mistaking for ships and the faint outline of Thieves’ Haven.” “So… no meg?” “Not yet, Pinkie. Be patient.” “But we’ve been out here for HOURS!” “Yes, we have. If the Shrouded Ghost was easy to find, somepony would have gotten to it before us. Remember, our goal is to be the first crew on the Sea of Thieves to slay it.” “And then we’ll be ‘Hunters of the Shrouded Ghost,’ right?” “Exactly. Plus, Sharon over at Port Merrick said she’d make us a custom figurehead if we manage to take it down.” “Ooooh, that’s so exciting!” Pinkie happily hops around the ship’s sole mast, making Twilight wince at the sight of her poorly secured cutlass bouncing around with her. “I can’t wait! Rainbow is gonna be soooooooo jealous!” Twilight sighs again as she smiles at her excited friend. “Why don’t we go through our checklist again? Just to break up the monotony.” Pinkie zips in front of Twilight so fast she barely has time to register that she moved at all. She salutes with a serious expression, and Twilight chuckles before producing a list out of seemingly nowhere. “First, cannonballs.” “We’ve got 86 in the top barrel and a full crate next to the left cannon!” “Good. Next, food.” “I’ve got an inventory full of pineapples and you have one full of mangoes!” “It’d be better if we both had pineapples, but I digress.” Twilight clears her throat. “Wood?” “Almost two full stacks!” “Excellent. Emissary flag?” “Don’t have one, so as to not draw any unwanted attention from Reapers!” “Oho! You caught on to my trick question. Good job, Pinkie.” Pinkie beams, causing her oversized hat to nearly fall off. “Let’s see… Shark Hunter set? I didn’t write this.” “I did!” “Pinkie, you know ship sets have no bearing on meg spawns.” “That’s what YOU think, but my gut is telling me otherwise!” “...Fine. It’s not like our ship set matters anyway. Well, except for the sail, of course!” With a smile on her face, Twilight excitedly runs to the ropes near the back of the sloop. With a strong tug of her magic, the sail unfurls. While this is ordinarily bad practice when anchored, she knows they’re not in any immediate danger. Besides… “I finally saved up the eight million gold needed to get the Dark Adventurers Sails! Now we can be some of the lucky few who have the only strategically advantageous sails on the… seas…” “Ohhhhhhhhh. Erm, sorry, Twilight. They changed those sails a few updates ago.” Sure enough, the inverted ‘V’ shape that made the ludicrously expensive sails more useful by providing greater visibility than any other option was gone, replaced by a silver lining that looks more like duct tape than anything else. With a defeated groan, Twilight slowly raises the disappointing sails once more. “Wh-what about world events?” Pinkie asks while looking at her friend with big, apologetic eyes. “Any of those around?” “Yeah, there’s a Fort of Fortune active, thankfully. That’ll draw attention away from us.” “Should we be worried about the kraken?” “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Pinkie sighs. “So we have to keep waiting?” “Nopony said this would be fun, Pinkie.” “Awwwww.” After hours of quietly observing the horizon through her spyglass, Twilight is interrupted by a sudden drop of water hitting her forehead. Looking up, her fears are immediately confirmed. “Oh, great. The storm is here.” “The storm?!” Pinkie asks excitedly. “Wowee, it’s super dark now!” Sure enough, the skies grow dark as rain begins to fall onto the boat. The calm seas quickly become much more violent, with large waves blocking their line of sight and the sounds of heavy rain and the ringing of the bell hanging from the ship’s mast filling their ears. Twilight groans again as she slowly walks below deck. “I’ll start bucketing out the rainwater.” “What should I do?” “Put away any metal items you might be holding.” “Okey dokey lokey!” With half-lidded eyes and a desire to just get the storm over with, Twilight begins mindlessly bucketing out the water that gradually fills the bottom deck. A few minutes later, she hears Pinkie call out to her. “Hey, Twilight?” “Yeah?” “Does a cutlass count as metal?” Twilight opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a massive booming sound coming from the sky followed by a crackling from somewhere above deck. She briefly hears the faint sound of a fire, followed by the sizzle of said fire being extinguished by the rain. Moments later, Pinkie stumbles down the steps, her mane and coat soot-black and frazzled. “Never mind.” As Twilight continues to stare through her spyglass, she suddenly catches a whiff of something strange. Aside from the seawater and the rats below, she shouldn’t be smelling much of anything. However, that’s the unmistakable scent of… burning? With only a moment’s hesitation, she rushes below deck, only to be met with pretty much exactly what she was expecting. “Pinkie, what are you doing?!” “Cooking some fish.” “Where did you get those fish?!” “I got ‘em while it was storming earlier.” Twilight looks down at the cooking pot sitting in front of Pinkie. “...Pinkie, that thing is burnt to a crisp. It’s hardly worth anything now.” “Oh.” Pinkie gives her a sheepish smile. “I, uh, might have burnt a lot of fish, then.” Twilight sighs as she walks past Pinkie and looks inside their top food barrel. Lo and behold, it’s full of burnt fish. However, something about them seems… fishy (heh). “...Pinkie Pie?” “Hm? “...Did you not only somehow catch, but also burn thirteen Trophy Shadow Stormfish?” “I suppose?” “Pinkie.” With wide, unfocused eyes, Twilight places a hoof on her shoulder. “Those are commonly considered the rarest fish in the sea.” “Uhh… oops?” Twilight’s eye twitches. “Hey, Twilight?” “What is it now, Pinkie?” “What’s the emissary flag that looks like an hourglass?” “Those are the Reapers I warned you about.” “Oh. Then you might want to turn around.” “Hmm?” Twilight looks up from her spyglass and looks towards the back of the ship just in time to see a galleon flying a Reaper’s Bones emissary flag mere feet away, with their humble little vessel in their crosshairs, before a cannonball smashes the deck below her and launches her off of the sloop. “AHH!” “W-what do we do?!” “Raise the anchor!” Twilight shouts as she falls beneath the waves. “Run!” Pinkie locks eyes with a pirate on the other crew. More specifically, his eye sockets, as he appears to be a solid-gold skeleton. “Twilight, I don’t think we can run from this one!” The booming sound of wood splintering fills the space as the humble little sloop is bombarded with cannonballs. “Then do something!” Twilight shouts as she desperately tries to swim for their ladder. “Nopony messes with MY crew and gets away with it!” Pinkie climbs onto the back of their boat and begins to suck in air. Across the way, she sees four cannons being loaded, every one pointed right at her. “Gum-gum…” Four cannons go off simultaneously. Four cannonballs launch faster than the eye can see towards her. Four cast-iron balls of death make contact with a comically inflated Pinkie Pie, who stretches like rubber. “Balloon!” Four cannonballs are launched back towards their senders. Four solid-gold skeleton pirates meet their untimely end. “Hah!” “Pinkie, I don’t know what that was,” the sopping-wet Twilight gasps as she reaches the top of the ladder, “but we need to return fire before the Ferryman sends them back!” “You’ve got it!” The two mares quickly get to work raising their anchor, turning the ship in place, and bombarding the galleon with cannonballs. “Aim for tier three!” “What?” “The bottom, aim for the bottom!” “You’ve got it!” As cannon fire drowns out all other sounds, a grin makes its way to Twilight’s face. This is what the Sea of Thieves is all about. Twilight and Pinkie sit back-to-back near the bow of their tiny little ship as they try to catch their breaths. Against all odds, they managed to repel their attackers. They even got a fancy Reaper’s Bones flag to show for it. “Hey… Pinkie?” “Yeah?” “You did good back there.” “Teehee! Thanks. Though, I might have eaten all of my pineapples in the process.” “That’s alright.” Twilight holds out her hoof, upon which she holds two mangoes. “Here. You’re better at combat than I am.” Pinkie stares at the mangoes for a moment before gently smiling and taking them off her hooves. “Thanks.” For a few moments, the only sound that can be heard on the little sloop are the gentle waves rocking the battered and poorly patched hull back and forth. In a way, it’s strangely peaceful. “Hey, Twilight?” “Yeah?” “I’m kinda tired.” “...You know what?” Twilight stands up, catching Pinkie by surprise. “So am I.” She stretches her legs before looking down at Pinkie with a smile. “Let’s go sell this flag and pour some grog, shall we?” “Heehee! I thought you’d never ask!” A few moments and a raised capstan later, “The Marestream” begins to sail once more. With the sea’s breeze gently blowing over them, the two mares prepare to end the day’s journey on a high note. … “...Pinkie?” “Yeah?” “Do you hear that?” “Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was the only one.” With a quick glow of her horn, Twilight drops the anchor. Pinkie turns to her friend, who looks back at her with wide eyes. “Pinkie, quick! That’s a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that means death! Raise the sails!” “I don’t think that’s actually what this song–” Pinkie is interrupted by the sound of something big breaking the surface of the sea behind them. Slowly, both of them turn around to see a massive fin rapidly approaching their boat. Twilight gasps. “Pinkie!” “What?!” “That fin is pink! Do you know what that means?!” “Um… um…!” “IT’S THE SHROUDED GHOST! OPEN FIRE, PINKIE!” “Aye aye!” Using the only cannon on the left side of the sloop, Pinkie loads cannonball after cannonball, launching countless pounds of cast-iron fury towards the massive, ancient megalodon slowly circling the ship. Meanwhile, Twilight turns the steering wheel immediately after the sails and anchor are raised, allowing the sloop to turn in place and giving Pinkie a perfect angle to fire on the dreaded shark. Suddenly, the monster charges. “Pinkie, shoot into its open mouth!” “I’m trying, but the waves are too–” She’s interrupted by the massive shark biting down on the ship’s hull, throwing her overboard into the dangerous waters. “Climb back up as soon as you can! I’m going below deck to make repairs before we sink!” “I’m swimming, I’m swimming!” Pinkie is bitten by a couple of stray sharks before making it back to the ladder, but she manages to shake them off and board the ship in one piece. She feels herself beginning to faint before she remembers her secret weapon: Twilight’s mangoes! With two quick bites, a cocky grin makes its way to her face. “Alright, Shrouded Ghost. It’s you and me! YAH!” As the megalodon passes beneath the ship yet again, Pinkie ignores her cannons, opting instead to leap from the side of the sloop onto the beast’s back. With her cutlass in hoof, she slashes at its tough, revenge-flavored flesh. Again and again her colorful weapon hits its mark as the monster continues circling their boat. She feels it start to turn as it opens its maw. It picks up speed and begins barreling towards the sloop. A twitch of her ear and tingle in her hoof tells her everything she needs to know: It’s gonna bite down right where Twilight is making repairs. “Oh no you don’t!” The meg quickens its pace. In mere seconds, it will bite down on the unsuspecting Twilight. Pinkie straddles the beast with as much force as she can as she raises her front hooves above her head, cutlass pointed down and at the ready. The shark’s maw begins to bite down, just as Pinkie stabs one final time. Then, silence. There is a loud splash as the sloop is knocked back. The meg slams into the hull, but not with enough force to cause any damage. Its mouth closes and its four massive eyes glaze over. Its fins go limp, and as the momentum carrying it forward slowly fades, it begins to float harmlessly atop the waves. “T-Twilight!” “What?!” Twilight runs above deck, having just finished her repairs. Looking in the direction of Pinkie’s voice, she sees her standing on the carcass of a dead, defeated megalodon. “Y-you did it!” “We did it!” “Oh my gosh! We actually killed the Shrouded Ghost!” Pinkie literally jumps for joy on the beast’s lifeless body while Twilight excitedly laughs and leans against the mast. It’s been a long, long journey to get here, but finally, they’ve done it. They’re “Hunters of the Shrouded Ghost.” “...Hey, Pinkie?” “Yes, Twilight?” “Why is its body purple?” “Is… is the Shrouded Ghost not supposed to be purple?” “No, it’s supposed to be white with a pink fin.” As the dead megalodon sinks beneath the waves, the two mares notice a new title being attributed to them. “Hunter of the Crested Queen.” “...I hate this stupid game.”
David Silver
Petunia Paleo,Saffron Masala,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Mistakes Were Made
Neither had planned for this to happen, but, trapped in a jail cell, two unlikely bunkmates have no choice but to figure out where the mistakes began and where they will end.
<p>Neither had planned for this to happen, but, trapped in a jail cell, two unlikely bunkmates have no choice but to figure out where the mistakes began and where they will end.</p><p>Done as a random challenge. No patrons involved.</p>
"Oh, for cryin' in the mud." Petunia glared out of the bars, looking left and right. The guards had moved on to other places. "So sure I can't get out of here! Jus' you watch." "I wouldn't recommend the doing of that." Another pony was there, trying her best to smile but doing a poor job of it. "We're very stuck here." Petunia smiled at her fellow pony captive. "What are the odds, really." She turned to present her rump. "We're both flower mares. Did they plan it? Darn it all, that would just about make my day!" The other pony managed a slightly more sincere smile. "I am Saffron Masala, but Saffron will do. I prefer to be cooking with my papa, but--" "--But you got thrown in here." Petunia stormed up to her cellmate. "What'd you do? You seem like a nice mare to me. I know we jus' met and all, but I get a feeling about ponies, and you're not making me want to run away." "That's fine," Saffron said as she adjusted her glasses. "It would be rather difficult for one of us to go anywhere else, I should think." "Tell me what they put you in here for," Petunia insisted, sitting down on the bed. "I'm still trying to figure out what a nice mare could be in here for." "I could ask the same." Saffron reached up to prod Petunia gently. "Though you seem louder than I am." Her thick accent rolled naturally from her tongue as she swept her large pony eyes over Petunia. "You must have broken some law, yes?" Petunia snorted, waving her tail dismissively. "It wasn't my fault! These idiots don't even know how many laws they just broke by throwing me in here!" She pointed back at Saffron. Saffron rubbed behind her head softly a moment before she found the courage. "What exact laws did they break?" "Well, there was trespassing," Petunia said firmly. "They entered my property without permission! That's plain rude, is what that is." "Ah, that explains it. I should have remembered that guard ponies must ask before they enter." Saffron's voice was thick with sarcasm, a little smirk on her face. "What other laws did they break? "There was assault..." Petunia bounced on the cot, scowling with building righteous fury. "Did they knock you over or strike you?" Saffron pinned an ear back. "I hope not." "Well, no--" Petuna rubbed behind her neck with a tense laugh. "Then--" Saffron leaned in. "--There was kidnapping and false imprisonment." Petunia waved around the jail cell they found themselves in. "In fact they--" But Saffron didn't get to finish, Petunia pushing forward. "--And there was blackmail too." Petunia gestured in a square with her hooves. "Threatened to tell the whole town about these trumped up charges, like they could get what they wanted if they threatened me!" "Hmm." Saffron watched her for a few seconds and then lay down on her bed. "Sounds like you had quite the time." "Now you're getting it, hon!" Petunia crossed her front legs smugly. Saffron let out her breath with a soft sigh. "My situation is far simpler. I was visiting your town." She paused. "Is this your town? I am assuming it is." "It is." Petunia rolled her eyes with exasperation clear on her face. "Your lovely town, and I brought some food with me." She laughed nervously. "I had no idea you needed a specific permit to vend food here. The guards informed me, and also gave me a free hotel room for the night." Saffron gestured to the cell. "I did not ask for it, but they also were not asking if I wanted it." "Yeah, I understand the feeling, hon." Petunia ran a hoof through her mane. "If I knew that was all you did, I'd go up to the town hall tomorrow and demand we both be freed immediately!" Saffron smiled gently at her roommate. "You will not be doing that while you are in here. Did they say what you were arrested for?" "It's such a silly thing!" Petunia cried out. "I've never heard of anything so ridiculous before! They were asking me all sorts of questions about my father--" Saffron leaned closer, clearly interested in Petunia's story. "Both our fathers are involved? Coincidences are many today." "That they are, hon." Petunia huffed as she settled herself on her cot, determined not to spend a minute more than necessary in that horrible place. Saffron rolled a hoof slowly. "What did they say next?" "They thought I was being sneaky hiding something from them." Petunia glanced to Saffron to make sure the other flower mare understood. "But they didn't say what. Can you believe that? Sneaking? Me? When have I ever been sneaky?" She blinked. "I mean, aside from now." "Hiding something from the guard ponies is not a very good thing to do." Saffron paced across the room. "So they were asking questions about your father, and you declined to answer. Your reward for your faithfulness, this prison cell?" Petunia sighed, holding her head. "I may have called the chief guard pony a jerk." Saffron covered her mouth, a smile creeping out. "What else did you say?" "I might have--" She trailed off, looking embarrassed as she backed up against the wall. "--insulted their dress code, their dreadful codes, and about anythin' else that came to mind. I lost track of it all! I was real mad and--" She flopped forward on the cot. "Here I am." "In here you are." Saffron padded up to the bars, leaning against them. "We're both in here." "Isn't it the truth?" Petunia bounced as she landed back on the ground. "But, I wasn't lying. I could bust us both out of here in a jiff. Wanna see?" Saffron raised a brow at Petunia. "I do not doubt you, new friend, but I am afraid if you are doing that, we may get in even more trouble." "Oh yeah? How would that happen?" Petunia challenged. "They've already locked us in here! It's not gonna get worse than it is already." Saffron smiled enigmatically, laying down on her bed. She raised a hoof to bat at the big golden ring on her ear. "They will lock us again, and for longer. Right now, it sounds like we are both getting a day to think about our mistakes. I would rather a single day than years in this place, would you not?" Petunia pouted as she pulled her saddlebags around with a foreleg, rifling through them. "They better not touch my stuff. I got important things in here. Journals, snacks, a spare bandana." Saffron perked an ear curiously. "They let you keep that?" "You kidding?" Petunia snorted. "They didn't know to take it or didn't think I'd make a fuss if they did." She growled a bit as she stared at Saffron. "I should imagine." Saffron inclined her head slowly. "They precisely did think you would make a fuss. Please do not make them change their mind and cause trouble with what you have. But--" She smiled gently. "--If you have a snack, I would be very happy to share it with you." Petunia stood, glancing towards the door before she walked up to Saffron, sitting right beside her as she unpacked a fresh apple and set it on the floor between them. "You just might be my favorite new friend ever. So long as you don't give me away when the guards come back!" Saffron giggled behind a hoof. "That depends on how much there is left. After all, I haven't eaten in hours. You would not starve a friend, would you?" Petunia pounced the other pony playfully, snorting. "If you wanted a bite, you could just ask, you know." With a quick chop of a knife she had in that bag, she sliced the apple right in half, keeping the bit half for herself and offering the clean other towards Saffron. "Thank you," Saffron said sincerely, taking her half gingerly with a nod. "You have done quite well by me despite my intrusion on your evening. If you are certain it is all right to tell, why don't you explain your situation in full? We have nothing but time, I should think." "Now that, I can do." Petunia tucked the saddlebag under the cot before she settled on top of it, watching Saffron eagerly. She chomped her apple half, almost destroying it in one bite. "I had a nice evening planned. I only had half a dozen things to do, practically a day off, compared to the usual day." Saffron's eyes widened. "You keep yourself quite busy." Her vision passed to the bars where a guard walked past at a sedate rate. She waited until they had passed. "Is that normal, or has this been a busy week?" "This is actually quiet!" Petunia grinned as she bit into her apple half again. "Normally, there's double the amount of things I need to do in the course of a day! I'm sure it doesn't compare to what you're used to doing." "It does not," Saffron agreed with a laugh. "But I'm not a mayor either." "How did you know about the mayor business?" Petunia perked with thought. "Oh, right. I don't exactly keep that a secret. Welcome to town!" Saffron burst into laughter. "I was not expecting to be welcomed in quite this manner. If you are the mayor--" She glanced left and right. "Could you not pardon me, if you were in the mood?" Petunia glanced away, grumbling as she rolled her apple core around. "Would love to, I really would! The problem is, these yahoos went and confiscated my pin!" Saffron inclined her head slowly. "Pin? What is this pin and how is it helping you right now?" Petunia got up, making her way towards Saffron. She took her half an apple, holding it up so the golden hue shone bright in the dull cell. "There's this pin. It's shiny gold. Lets me open any door in this town so long as I'm wearin' it, 'cause that's the law here! And as I was sayin', these ponies have gone and taken it from me so I can't get out of this cell." Saffron let out an 'ah'. "No, I am not asking you to force any doors open." She pointed at Petunia directly. "You are mayor. Can you not just say 'I forgive this pony,' point at me, and then I am going free? I promise to never break that rule again. It was an accident, I promise." Petunia sighed and deflated, throwing the empty apple core away. "It's not that simple! They have to process you. Go through the whole jail thing. Then, you pay a fine, and you go home. I could say the nicest, kindest words and they'd still have to go through the procedure." Saffron slumped. "That is disappointing. I was hoping I could just walk out of here. But you could, perhaps, encourage them to be faster?" She dared a little smile. "Even if you are held here, you are still mayor, are you not? I will pay my fee, if I must." Petunia angled an ear odd. "I'm really not sure if that'll even work." But she hopped to the floor anyway and paced to the bars. "Hey, I got real important mayor business that needs a guard! Whichever of you's the closest, get over here!" A guard poked his head in, scowling. "Miss Mayor. I am shocked at you. Have you calmed down enough to stop threatening violence yet?" "Oh, would you relax?" Petunia snorted in indignation. "I didn't mean any of that. Just a joke between friends." Petunia laughed as she pointed along to Saffron. "This nice mare has things to do. She's said sorry for what she did, and she's ready to pay her fine. Let's get her out of here if you aren't minding." "As I said," the guard insisted. "You'll have to wait the full 24 hours." "I said, that won't be necessary." Petunia smirked, wiggling her ears. "I'm pardoning her. It's a mayor thing, you know how that works." She rolled a hoof slowly. "This is a penitentiary, ain't it? Well, she's sorry. She learned her lesson. Ain't no reason holdin' onto her no more." The guard frowned at her, a low rumble in his throat. "Be that as it may, Miss Mayor, but I'm not the one in charge." "Who is?" Petunia demanded. "Ain't it me? I am the mayor an' all." "You aren't in charge of the guards, just the laws that we follow." He paused, holding a hoof up quickly. "And you can't make up new laws while you're in here, ma'am, before you get that idea." "What?" Petunia stuck her face into the bars, staring the guard down. "Whyever would you say such a thing. That's ridiculous. I ain't been thinking of doing anything like that at all. No siree. In fact, I was thinking that since she's ready to pay her fines and all, you should be letting her go, seeing as how she's all said she was sorry and she didn't know she wasn't allowed." The guard let out a weary sigh. "Ma'am. Look. I'll get the captain of the guard. He's the only one that could say yes to this." He saluted and marched off without another word. "Guess I ain't the captain." Petunia flopped to the ground with a disappointed sigh. "Hope that works." Saffron rubbed a hoof behind her neck. "I appreciate what you tried to do. I am glad you did not threaten to kick down the cells, at least." Petunia chuckled darkly, turning her head back. "Thought about it, but you were right." She grinned. "I lost my temper, is all. We're just two mares that got carried away doin' what we ain't supposed to be doing, and they tossed us in here to cool our hooves." Saffon nodded, ear dancing as she listened for those returning steps. "I think he is coming." Petunia could hear it too, bouncing a hoof expectantly. "About time they listened, huh?" She straightened her spine as the captain came back, tail swishing behind him. "Ma'am, you have an interesting story." He nodded to Petunia, then looked to Saffron, surprised. "Oh, I thought they let you out already." Saffron jumped to her hooves. "I am not supposed to be here?" "Only as long as it took to do the paperwork, and that's already done a while ago." The captain rolled his eyes. "Somepony made a mistake. You have my apologies." Saffron looked ready to begin a tirade, but another thought came to her. "We all make mistakes." She gestured at Petunia. "Why, she made one today as well. She is very sorry for it. How about we all accept the mistakes we made, and we shall pretend today never happened, minus the mistakes we will not repeat." The guard captain sighed at her. "You speak so prettily. I'm surprised somepony hasn't snatched you up." Petunia snorted and giggled as she trotted up beside Saffron, wrapping a foreleg around the flower mare. "We are two of a kind, aren't we?" The captain rolled his eyes at that, clearly seeing one mare as a little more attractive than the other. "Alright, alright. Let's empty this cell." He pulled out a key and shoved it into the door. With a firm twist, he unlocked it and pulled the door free with the clatter of metal on metal. Saffron rubbed her ear nervously at the racket. "That is... quite a loud sound." "Welp, I ain't gotta worry about it anymore!" Petunia called out as she rushed past the guard, eager to get out of there. The guard beckoned Saffron along. "Sorry about that. No real way to open or close these things quietly." He closed the jail door behind Saffron. "But you have yourself a good day. If you have questions, feel free to ask us first. We're here to help, ma'am." "I will bare that in mind." Saffron hurried to freedom. At least she had made a friend.
Main 6,Original Character,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Violence
Alicorn Awakening: Lost and confused
What if four siblings and a horse were isekai'd to the show? What if it wasn't the first time for them?
<p>Bellona Abel, Abbaddon Bor, Rowan Surena, Veliomoure Ravenclaw, and Solarius. Four siblings and an animal friend stuck together, as OverPowered as they can be.</p><p>In a story of reincarnation and transmigration, they find themselves thrust into a world they once regarded as mere fiction: the vibrant and enchanting realm of My Little Pony. However, their arrival brings a startling twist as they awaken in new equine bodies, far removed from their familiar bipedal forms. </p><p>Faced with the daunting task of avoiding altering the history they know of, or triggering unforeseen consequences that are unpredictable. They must think and act carefully, concealing their true identities while adapting to their new lives in this enchanting, animated world.</p><p>Welcome to the enchanting realm where the lines between reality and fiction blur.</p><p>Thankfully, our main characters won't be easily caught. Such a shame there's something different in the history books though...</p><hr/><p>(FIRST FEW CHAPTERS WILL FOCUS ON HOW THEY WILL ADAPT TO PONYVILLE BEFORE THE FIRST EPISODE)</p><p>(UPDATES APPEAR RANDOMLY)<br/>(Changed it to T-rating)</p>
There was a deafening roar in the distance, several buildings were torn apart, and projectiles thrown around the area. "Shit— Vel! How many are there in total!?" A man yelled, his deep voice vibrating throughout the area. He was tanned, tall, and wearing a black coat and holding two pistols, pulling the trigger multiple times towards charging enemies. A man— paler than the other man and noticably shorter— was rapidly casting spells over and over again, visibly sweating. "Uh— two hundred and seven? They don't have their mages. We're not super soldiers like our two sisters, Abbaddon!" He yelled before there was a loud splat, a large body on the ground, headless. "Free headless anyone? Oh—! take it!" One of their sisters yelled, noticably taller than them. Tanned skin, more buff and wearing black armor with gold streaks. She was throwing the enemies around like simple ragdolls, but every now and then she would get hit. "I wonder if Rowan is handling herself well?" She muttered. BANG! A loud swear could be heard after the noise, before dozens of bodies were split into two. "Nevermind! She can handle herself as if she's the threat!" She yelled to herself, roundhousing two soldiers who were wearing medieval armor— scratch that, all of the enemies were wearing medieval armor, fantasy, to be exact. They were all adorning a symbol on their chestplate; it was that of a scarred lion with black reptile wings, possibly dragon wings. The four siblings wore their own symbols; a single eye with a hand curled into a fist below it, yet it was pointing its index finger towards the eyes, as if it was saying to look and not speak. "Capture them! Dead or alive, it doesn't matter! The emperor wants their heads!" The enemy commander yelled, his companions charging towards them as their archers readied their bow to shoot. "Vel", as Abbaddon called, brought up his hand, purple light with black streaks illuminating around it, his eyes glowing purple. He quickly brought it towards himself before acting out a reverse slap of sorts, instead of the enemy being slapped by the palm, it was the knuckles, although it never touched them at all. The "slap" pushed the enemy soldiers away, their body parts that were touched by the wind of his hand were having internal injuries that was created by the attack, half of them even accidentally blocking their own allies' attacks and pushing others away. "Woe is me, thou hath been vanquished!" Vel exclaimed, grinning like a child. His brother rolled his eyes as he elbowed a knight before shooting them in the mouth. "The fuck are you saying? Why are you speaking in old english?" "Sorry, it's a habit I formed from the previous realm we reinCARNATED IN— DUCK!" Vel yelled, his brother ducking in time just before he was about to become meat-on-a-stick from a knight riding a horse and aiming an odd spear-weapon towards him. There was a fast blur of silver before the head of the enemy knight was cleanly sliced off, and another person pushing the headless body off the horse before quickly riding it. "Looks like Rowan's pissed off for some odd reason.." Vel muttered to himself. Another horse appeared, it was noticably larger than any other horse and light cream colored, putting a target on it's back. It looked like a shire breed, yet it galloped as fast as a thoroughbred, it actually looked like it had the best abilities of certain horse breeds, like shires with size, belgian drafts with strength, and so on. If horses ever had the unique ability to grin, this one would absolutely be grinning like a madman as it kept thrashing around while screeching like it's having a tantrum despite it not actually. "Haha! Looks like Solarius joined the battle! Where's Duke Felix, you meatbag!?" Vel's brother joked, before pulling a grenade and throwing it to a large area of enemy knights, damaging their armor and most cernainly their legs. The horse— Solarius— seems to shrug as she can, before bucking another horse behind herself and biting off a knights helmet. Vel's brother just swore again before seeing his older sister punched a knight's head, bursting their face off before throwing the body to another knight, who promptly just dashed left and tried to kick her head off. "Wow—" the oldest sister exclaimed as she dodged the kick, "they also know martial arts! Not just melee stuff—" she dodged another kick and did an unceremonious backflip, and then proceeded to swipe the floor with her leg, making two knights fall face-first to the ground. "Where are their archers anyway? Don't they have them?" Vel asked, before seeing his oldest brother point at a certain direction of trees, seeing multiple archers fall onto the floor, their arms cut off as they scream or their neck cleanly sliced to seperate the head and body. ah, he thought, so that's why Rowan is just a blur right now. He ignored the man in a noble clothing far away from him, who was battling the knight commander. He was their friend, but they knew he was going to die, they'll bury his body properly after the battle. "Sol! Five o' clock!" The oldest sister screamed, before the horse kicked someone behind. It wasn't even a normal battle anymore, it was like someone ordered the knights to just kill four siblings and a horse. Well, judging by the failed assassination attempts from the greedy emperor, it was probably the only way to kill them. Rowan grumbled as she stabbed two archers at their spinal cords, you'd think being reincarnated into a manhwa would be difficult, but I think it depends on the manhwa now. She thought. She blinked, realizing that there was something odd. The archers weren't exactly shooting any of them in critical points, they were just leaning a gash on their clothes, or just shooting enough to leave a stinging pain. Rowan's expression darkened, before grabbing a small reloaded crossbow from her hip, and pulling the trigger to shoot the nearest archer. "Vel, how many mages are there." She demanded, talking to her communicator attached to her ear, catching an arrow. "None, as far as my detector spell can sense!" He exclaimed, before pointing his index finger at a random enemy knight. "I cast Heat Metal!" A blood-curling scream was heard afterwards, making Rowan wince at the sound in her ear. She threw an arrow towards an archer, not even bothering to use her crossbow or short bow. Fuck. The emperor always sends at least one mage for the knights, did they not have back-up today? Or is it because this world is a manhwa and— "They sent one of the top five mages!" Rowan screamed at the top of her lungs, before spinning her body at 180 degrees as she cut three enemy knights through her dao sword. "Oh! That's the plot twist? Here's another! Where is the main character!? The male lead!? The female lead!?" The oldest sister exclaimed, running away from a knight before jumping towards a tree, pushing herself away from it, making her do a backflip, and then punching the knight with her spiked gauntlets. "Maybe we're the main ones now! Which is bad because there are hundreds of enemies after us—" Solarius just pulled Vel collar from the back and threw him ontop of her before he can finish his sentence. "Fucking hell, and I thought Bellona was the dumb one for jinxing us most of the time." Abbaddon muttered, earning a 'hey!' from the oldest sister. He was currenly shooting at the hidden mage in a dark robe, who was trying his best to dodge the bullets— how was it a he? Easy, it was the fucking face of the damn Number One evil mage in the realm they were in. There were only a dozen enemy knights left, and all of them were slowly dying in agony. "Should we fire an arrow at the dark mage?" Rowan asked, aiming her crossbow at the unknown figure. "Yeah, be ready just in case the guy creates thorny vines or chains." Vel stated, changing his stance into one of battle, a glowing rune circle below him while Bellona picked up a boxing stance. "Fuckin— HELL!" Abbaddon yelled, aiming at the chest and shooting at the dark mage as he rode their horse friend, the bullet going through the chest as blood splattered, the body falling to the ground. ... "I thought there was supposed to be a plot twist?" Bellona asked, squinting her eyes. Rowan shot at the dead body, just to make sure. The corpse just started pulsating purple and black electricity, gaining a grunt from Rowan. "Well, that's probably a suicide spell, similar to a suicide pill but it activates once killed, and the electricity is enlarging." She explained, before quickly sprinted off, the others loudly swore and followed suit. The corpse was still pulsating electricity, but it was slowly emminating more and more of it to the point it was five times bigger than the corpse. "RUN FOR IT!" "WE LITERALLY ARE ABBADDON! YOU'RE ONTOP OF A HORSE!" Vel yelled at him, casting up a teleportation spell while running. Crack— BOOM! The forest was in shock Animals were panicking, monsters froze in confusion, and the earth moved. The leaves of trees were being blown by strong wind, and the moving wood were being scattered into literal branches, never reforming into wolves. In a castle far away, a pony with wings and a unicorn horn stood in shock, their eyes widening for a split second before returning back to normal. They looked towards the nearest window, gazing towards a forest. "Princess? Is everything alright?" A grey pegasus with armor asked, being smaller than the winged unicorn. "Hm? Oh, yes, everything's alright, I just sensed something odd." She replied, softly smiling at the pegasus. In the heart of the Everfree, four unconscious alicorns appeared, along with a very sturdy and panicky horse that was trying to drop all of them on its back to quickly run off to a safer place of the forest. As much as Solarius wanted her human-turned-odd-equine friends to stay at the abandoned castle, it just screamed danger. Maybe being next to the abandoned castle is safer? Well, she also gained wings and a horn but it looked larger and longer than her human friends, she also knew unicorn horns means magic, right? ... Yeah, being next to the castle was definitely safer than the scary throne room she just saw.