<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection on Visualization Tool By Bappa Singh. Challenge & Selection In this globally connected space of creative practitioners and design students, while working on a large team with varied mindset, it becomes important to bring everybody onboard with the broad goal that needs to be achieved. In one of my recent projects, I got the opportunity to work with a global team of designers. We were a team including students from India, US and Singapore. While our common interest for accessible product design helped us to agree collectively on some baseline outcomes that we had to achieve, but it was also important for us to know each other and have clarity about everyone’s hopes, expectations, positionality, skills etc. Although I think of myself as a good team person who has several experience working on a group projects, working with a global team had never happened to me. I wanted to be mindful of how to approach the conversation starter, get acquainted with each other and build a positive team spirit. Visualisation tool is one of the most dynamic tool that allows different voices to be heard in various forms like sketching, making connections through lines and graph, mapping thoughts, imaging etc. Through the course I also learnt how visualisation tool can also be applied at different stages of the project depending on time and requirement. Since it is simple and easy to use, we collectively found some of visualisation tools that I wanted us to try out to see how it could help in a global and inter-cultural team throughout the project. Application Since we were bunch of people from different countries, it was important for us to know the positionality, interests and cultural background of each other. We started with some activities like sketching idea of team-work, sketching idea of success, mapping positionality, sharing picture of their workspace. This acted as ice-breaker activities to initiate conversations to know about each other and come closer in terms of a team. We also ideated individual avatar that was a fun and engaging activity to do. Only in the few hours, we learnt quite a few interesting aspects of each other's lives and culture. I felt that during the pandemic, such activities helped us empathise with circumstances of one another before we delved into the formal project. Our team was working on finding new user-centric and inclusive products for kitchen. In the following steps of research, we used visualisation tool to find hidden pattern, generate qualitative and quantitative data insights. During our online interview with the sample user set, we extensively used photograph and video method for journalling ‘day in a life’. We also shared single page toolkit to thoroughly add their regular routine. Using this visualisation tool helped us understand closely about the lives of the user because it was more convenient for the users to photographs of thing things interact with rather than trying to recall everything and narrate it to us on call. It basically made the activity more humanistic, engaging while also helping us understand the nuance challenges they faced everyday. It was also convenient for the design team to ask questions regarding certain artefacts that were shared in the pictures. We also used visual thinking tools like Empathy mapping, sticky notes tools to make connections during the research phase and create visual mood-board the product ideas the team wanted to work on. In the crucial stage of product ideation and user feedback, visual tools came in really handy. Taking the innovative mindset approach for the ideation phase, we engaged in rigorous and intense product ideation that aimed at generating as many of ideas without any judgement. The product ideation included many aspects like form, usability, ergonomics etc. I have to admit that the inter-cultural and inter-disciplinary approach turned out to be beneficial for us as it helped in bringing thoughts from our own experiences and personal interactions with people with disability as well. After the ideation, we took those designs to user to take inputs. Everything was in online mode, so we either presented the ideas to the users or sent them images through main. They could either print it and scribble on it, or write their comments and thoughts separately and share with us. The ideation and finalising the design was the most engaging and critical aspect of the project that went pretty well. Insight and Approach Working online with remote users and team is challenging. While it could create gaps in how each one of us understood the information, visualization tools like images, videos. Empathy mapping made sure that the data we gathered through research and user interview was available to us in different forms that we could refer back to at any stage of the process. These tools also made it easier for the user to participate in the interview better without seeming disconnect due to the designs. We were able to share the designs with them over email, which they could either print and scribble at or edit it online with some assistance, or share their viewpoints with us online on video. We put everything up on Miro to extend our discussion in the group. I learnt and realised how these tools bring out nuance aspects during the whole project, from framing questions t to mapping user journey to ideating prototypes. They help communicate in non-verbal mode with more clarity that everybody could see and interact with. It helped me understand how in an innovation led design process, visual tools can enrich the information and help understand the context better. Overall, I feel although I was already acquainted with some visual thinking tools, I realised their significance more after applying them consciously in the project. Visualisation tool is a very useful method of ethnographic research and ideation. It is certainly a very inclusive tool that values different multimedia into the each stage of design process. The project went pretty well. But I think it took us time to plan the use of different tools effectively. Although we coped well during our online work, next time I would like to try them out during in- person project research and ideation. I am pretty sure it would be more engaging and useful that way. During out last project, we used the template that we gathered from the internet. For my next project, I am thinking to customise the information before sending out the toolkit to users so that that our intention is explained well, and the toolkit does better hand-holding in the process. I am Also going to find other kinds of visual thinking tools that either exist or have been generated by people itself. [/INST]Bappa(B-NAME_STUDENT), Singh(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Using mind mapping tool to prepare for building shared vision Jessie Belal, EBC CSP coach, Learning designer Linked In Jessie Belal https://www.kramer.info/wp-content/category/bloghome.php The challenge Working as an (organizational development) coach I use design thinking tools in an integrated way in team and group development, sometimes also with individuals. Building a shared vision is a multi-step systemic activity, requires to express or frame every participant’s individual vision, to make it visible to self and others and using these to collect input, inspiration to integrate parts into a new shared vision. I felt the urge to design a complex tool to support this process in the data gathering and preparation phase, to move forward to the idea generation of the ‘what if’, alias how could our shared vision look like? I used mind mapping to cope with the challenge of building a new shared vision for a multinational FMCG company’s sales organization after reorganization and recent changes of the markets. The group size was 70 participants. They were positioning themselves as being highly rational, so I had to tip out them from that strong and closed position to emotions, to reach open mind, open heart, open will state (Otto C. Scharmer: THeory U) to be able to co-create. I also had to reach a kind of slowing down to be able to self-reflect and listen to their inner worlds, what is emerging. The selection of the tool It is said that a picture worths more than 1000 words. Absolutely agree. I especially enjoy using visual tools, knowing the cone of learning’s principles, that we gain the majority of the information through our eyes. I use the other half of the cone, too, I process information with participants in organized and facilitated systemic dialogues to reach a better experience and learning. I witnessed the power of well captured drawings before, reflecting on or expressing the inner world. Mind mapping is an excellent systemic tool to organize information into inspiring and consumable ways, showing interdependencies between participants, patterns, facts, ideas, etc. Rocio Diaz interprets in her video lecture on Mind mapping as ‘an engaging alternative to that giant report we might otherwise have written to sum up and communicate in prose and charts and spreadsheets.’ In workshop or team coaching setting with limited available time I needed a tool with the instant data gathering and insight providing superpower - mind mapping. Application Learning systemic coaching the first tool we used was The river of my life. This is a mind mapping tool, but also has the elements of storytelling and visualization. Participants has the task to draw their own rivers, from birth to the future, using symbols to express major events. The shape and stages, objects of their river with the surroundings carries enormously big amount of information of their thinking, their past, personalities, values. We can recognize the patterns, filters and beliefs they bring in to the process. I designed a 3+1 step tool to build a shared vision. The first 3 steps is the preparation, usin mind mapping. Shared vision, I mean a good one is like a genom of a community, every member’s genes are represented somehow in the genom. Every drop counts, speaking of the water language. First step is to draw individual rivers on A3 sheets and share them in small groups of maximum 8. Second step is to draw a common river of the group on giant sheets or wallpaper/white board, the well of the river is the ‘oldest’ member of the group (working for the company/project the longer) the ending point is the present. Participants have to agree what to bring in from individual rivers and in the design of the common river. Depending on the community size, after the second step small groups have to join and integrate small groups’ rivers into a larger one, where all the participants’ stories are represented. Third step is to add to the present river an extension of the future. Where and how the common river is flowing? Does it flow at all? How does it look like in the future? Where is the end of the river? Having the entire common river from the past to the future is the starting point for the organized and facilitated stakeholder dialogue to build the shared vision. Insights Whether working with top dogs’ teams in IT, nurses and pedetricians from a children cancer hospital, leadership team of a music school, we had AHA moments together. I’m moved every time by the emotions and empathy is emerging. That happened with the sales organization’s members as well. Pouring out their lives in structured, focused way, participants had AHA and WOW. To see their lives until now is extermely powerful and moving. Summarizing tens of years in a complex drawing has the superpower to help answer such questions like who we are, what are our values, what makes us to move forward and reach out. Sharing the rivers, explaining symbols creates a special ‘safe container’ to work in and co-create. Empathy rises and making the way to generative dialogues. Facilitator (me) is also involved, knowing better the participants. We are working ‘in the zone’ from now on (FLOW - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Moving forward to the second step, the AHA also appears when participants realize their individual lives and values in the common river. They can recognize their role, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for their community. The ‘WE’ state of minds appears through empathy, listening, later, in the third step generative stakeholder dialogue helps to co-create in this ‘safe container’. With the common river, from its origin to its future we have the first visual and systemic sense of the shared vision, which is evolved in the following steps. Approach Next time using this tool for the same purpose I’d use more of the storytelling tool, integrated or better to say used togethether with mind mapping. I believe new qualities and insights would appear using them consciously together in sharing and organized dialogues. [/INST]Jessie(B-NAME_STUDENT), Belal(I-NAME_STUDENT), Jessie(B-NAME_STUDENT), Belal(I-NAME_STUDENT), https://www.kramer.info/wp-content/category/bloghome.php(B-URL_PERSONAL)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Storytelling, Cedric Sanchez 1. Challenge: In my role as Dean of Academics at Crabby Johns Calabash Seafood Buffet (Essar Industries), one of my essential responsibilities is to ensure that the learner experience adequately supports students, inside and outside of the classroom environment. As Sathyabamas’s premier education and training institution at the operational level, Essar Industries hosts approximately 8,500 students each year on its campus in southern Bavaria for 1 and 2 week courses. Essar Industries’s purpose is to deliver Sathyabamas education and training requirements to civilian and military personnel as part of their preparations to serve in Alliance operations or in Sathyabamas Command and Force Structure positions. Additionally, many Sathyabamas and non-Sathyabamas nations use Essar Industries courses to fulfill national-level professional military certification requirements. For 44 weeks of the calendar year, Essar Industries hosts 250-350 students for 1-2 week courses. Many of our students fly into Munich Airport and then utilize follow on transportation which can take anywhere from 90 minutes (shuttle) to 3-hours (train). Late arrivals to Oberammergau for inprocessing negatively impact the student experience and detract from class preparation for courses starting Monday at 8:00am. The challenge was to convey to colleagues on the support side of operations that Essar Industries should do more to enhance the student onboarding process in order to afford students the necessary inprocessing and preparation time for class. 2. Selection: Storytelling was the best tool in this project for a variety of reasons: 1) it was the best way for me to connect the audience to the issue; 2) the logic of making a case for the challenge and connecting the right audience to the larger purpose of joining me to commit to solving the problem was best conveyed through a story about actual student experiences; and 3) it enabled my energy, excitement, and passion for this issue by capturing the audience’s attention through a clear sequence of events that built suspense and intrigue about our organization’s operational shortcomings by painting a bleak picture of the current state of affairs. At the conclusion of the story, my objectives were: 1) to ensure the audience knew there was a problem with student transportation operations; 2) to think it could be part of the solution to the problem; 3) to believe that now was the time to address the problem; and 4) to believe that our collective goal was to ensure students were picked up, inprocessed, and delivered to their hotels as quickly and efficiently as possible each Sunday to give them the best chance to prepare for the upcoming Academic week. 3. Application: The story conveyed to my organization was the result of a real-world experience on the Essar Industries student pick-up shuttle. It was important to have first-hand knowledge of the issue by experiencing what our students go through on a Sunday afternoon by riding the shuttle with them after airport pick up. The shuttle bus departed Essar Industries at 3:30pm and arrived at Munich Airport at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm departure to Essar Industries with approximately 35 students. At 5:55pm, we discovered one student missing from the scheduled pick up. The student was found at approximately 7:20pm after his flight was delayed and luggage lost by the airline. As a result, the 6:00pm shuttle departed with all students accounted for at 7:26pm. Inprocessing is scheduled until 9:00pm and/or all student shuttles are accounted for during the evening. Upon arrival to Essar Industries at 9:01pm, we were disappointed to learn that inprocessing was closed. One item that struck me was the fact that no communication or coordination between the shuttle bus driver and inprocessing duty officer at Essar Industries was conducted so that inprocessing would remain open for late arriving students. There were students approaching 7.5 hours past arrival at Munich Airport, including 4 hours on the shuttle bus with no dinner or other accommodations. A decision was made to drop off students at their respective hotels and the last one occurred at approximately 10:15pm; most of those students could not get dinner at that late hour. Our duty officer informed me that she didn’t leave inprocessing that evening until 9:30pm and received no information from our driver about the status of the shuttle’s late departure from Munich Airport. 4. Insight: The experience of riding the shuttle in order to gain first-hand information of the challenge was invaluable to the credibility of the story. It allowed me to see the challenge first hand and ask pointed questions about our process : 1) is holding a bus of 35 people at Munich Airport for one late arrival the only option in our logistics structure; 2) who is empowered to make decisions about shuttles remaining or departing Munich Airport if students arrive late; 3) do our drivers regularly communicate shuttle status to the duty officer or any other Essar Industries personnel who can help them make informed decisions and account for late/non arriving students; 4) when drivers arrive to Essar Industries with a shuttle full of students from MUC or any other large group pickup, do they report to the duty officer that students are accounted for/missing, etc.; 5) who determines if/when Sunday inprocessing will remain open past 9:00pm or close as scheduled? What factors go into that decision?; 6) does the duty officer know who is driving the Sunday shuttles and does the duty officer receive contact information for the driver; 7) do Essar Industries drivers have the duty officer phone number and are they instructed to communicate with the duty officer as a procedure during transportation operations? Asking the questions above helped ignite a problem-solving discussion that took into account viewpoints from the operations and support side of the issue as both perspectives were key to successfully overcoming this challenge. My feeling is if it’s not written in a checklist or standard operating procedure then then there is very little chance of procedural change successfully taking hold in an organization that has different personnel completing the same tasks each week. It is very likely that 99% of Essar Industries’s shuttles operate without issue and all students arrive on time and get to school, inprocess, and check-in to their hotels without incident each week, which is great. The reality is that we must plan to mitigate the worst case scenarios and this and my experience confirmed that we should put better processes in place to help our staff and provide our students the best chance for success at Essar Industries. Going forward, the group is primed to explore even more options to enhance the student experience which sets the stage for making additional improvement to the student support experience. 5. Approach: The tool that was used for this task was the right one based on my personality and objectives in solving this challenge. If and when another task like this is undertaken, it would be wise to invite members of my organization to participate in the experience that forms the storytelling scenario in order to gain multiple perspectives and additional insights on the issue. Choosing this path might accelerate the process of collaboration to promote engaged participation and idea sharing. [/INST]Cedric(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanchez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Learning Launch Challenge My name is Annie and surname is Annie. . I am very interested in programming and web design. I have been doing graphic design since the 1st year of university and I was taught at the university what programs to work with, but when the quarantine began in 2020 due to the coronavirus, I was forced to study all other programs myself and I did it well, especially when I have a desire to strive for more Selection I have selected this because it is something more creative and using your brain and knowledge in different situations which helped me in different scenarios to come up with a better solution Application It can be used in different field like in our education when we are preparing for a particular topic and it can be applied in real time too. Using this mind mapping we can come up with a new way of thinking. It helped me a lot by using this method Insight Using this method I could think in many different ways to solve a particular problem and come with a best solution as much as possible. Approach Using this method I could think in many different ways to solve a particular problem and come with a best solution as much as possible.I would even try approaching this in different way too in other situations when I come up with a scenario in my life. I happy to apply it by myself and solve the problem my own. [/INST]Annie(B-NAME_STUDENT), Annie(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Instructor: Isabel Yomna BY: Isabel Yomna I 12 August 2021 DESIGN THINKING FOR INNOVATION - PEER-GRADED ASSIGNMENT: REFLECTION Challenge: I work as a senior analyst at Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC). My role is to gather and interpret data of different clients in order to suggest reasonable actions. However, I face a few challenges that come in my way to produce the best strategies. One major challenge is the relationship of some performance indicators with the strategic objectives of external parties, as well as the absence of a timely response from the relevant parties. Sometimes the quality performance indicators differ from the strategic objectives of external parties which results in certain discrepancies. Similarly, another challenge is the delay in the delivery of scorecards in some sectors due to their working association with other third party service providers. This challenge results in a delayed outcome from our organization as well because of the overall delay. Such delays can also ultimately impact the quality performance of those sectors, when they fail to deliver on time. Selection: As per the challenges mentioned above, I used the storytelling tool in order to understand the objectives of their parties and at the same time compel them to switch to better alternatives by emphasizing on the stories and their positive outcomes. Application: In order to deal with the challenges, I used the storytelling tool. I started by telling the relevant parties a story in which a company failed to reach its optimum production capacity and outcomes because of its poor performance indicators that did not match with the strategic objectives of that company. I was able to empathize with them and know their challenges in detail, so that I could provide them possible solutions for their quality performance. It is extremely important for the performance indicators to be designed and measured across the strategic objectives of the company; otherwise, there is no point of focusing on them. I explained to them that strategy is a main part of any business and in order to achieve the strategies, a business has to be on the right path in terms of measuring its performance as well. The performance indicators need to be relevant or else they can lead to incompletion of strategic objectives. The story part also included a scenario in which a company’s quality was highly compromised due to its delay of delivering the timely information. It was meant to target the sectors that delay the delivery of scorecards due to delays by their third party service providers. Such sectors also receive a negative customer feedback. However, the story helped them in realizing the importance of timely deliveries by pushing their service providers as well to deliver information on time. Insight: The idea of implementing storytelling tool overall proved to be beneficial, as the external parties shifted to a more responsible approach of devising performance indicators that matched with their strategic objectives, and ultimately helped them in gaining better results. However, it could not really prove the best for those sectors that faced delays from their service providers because ultimately they are dependent on them and can only rely on them to deliver on time, even after emphasizing the need of urgency. Approach: The overall approach opted for the challenges at QCC proved to be fruitful for certain businesses and not all businesses. This is because all businesses have their own different modes of operations and performance indicators that comply with their overall strategic objectives, and so a storytelling could not prove beneficial for all, as it could not deal with the situation of every business. In future, I wish to focus more on a tool or approach that could cater all kinds of businesses and their quality needs. [/INST]Isabel(B-NAME_STUDENT), Yomna(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: REFLECTION- LEARNING LAUNCH Francisco Parra Challenge I am a Business major student and, recently, one of my projects was to entrepreneur an online business. My team and I decided to develop the ideas around a pet shop that sells accessorizes and costumes for dogs and cats designed by us. On last October we started the meetings to organize the activities; our challenge was to start operations by December 2020, and that our products had to be successfully sold, we had to present results at our project manager. The resources that we had were limited (financial specifically) so we wanted to be sure that our investments were not to be wasted. Therefore we focused on looking for the products that would gave us more profits considering that our products were going to be manufactured by us, we needed to know the combination of products that would gave us the highest profits. Selection Since we wanted to know the successfully products, all of us realized that the only way was to started sealing different accessorizes in small quantities. As a result of our reflections, we decided that using the learning launch tool to make different experiments by sell small combination products. Application For the first learning launch the products that we put on sale were all designed and manufactured by our team. At first we had some messages asking for them and their prices but only a couple of them were reflected in request. Even though our sales were not a lot, we face difficulties on the shipment costs; sometimes it was more expensive than the product price. The learning launch let us discovered that this issue was an important impediment for people to order. As a small business some of the directions of delivery were too far and the costs were expensive to afford them. For the second learning launch, we decided to offer less designs but on more sizes, so on the manufacturing area we focused on specific designs and guaranty the quality that we wanted to maintain. We saw a solution for the problem with de shipment costs by increase the price of each product; with this strategy we can apportion that cost on all the products: no matter where you live, shipment is free. Insight By applying this tool we discovered not only the correct mix of products that give us the highest amount of profit, it also showed other different problems on areas such as delivery, manufacturing and quality. We had troubles with the result of the experiments, even though it helped us, some of us still believed that some of our products were the best idea to sell, even though the costumers didn’t had the same opinion. It was hard to accept that sometimes the ideas that you appreciate the most are not the profitable ones. The hardest part was to opening our minds to make changes to our original plan; the results made us realized that it was too early to develop many of our ideas. The business is steel in the initial phase, we decided to keep operating with the second experiment information, and it is working well until today. Soon we want to put in practice another experiment with brand new products to expand the offer to our customers. Approach We were able to obtain relevant information as a result; it can be said that we choose the correct tool. The success of the application of the tool depends not only on developing experiments, but also making a mind preparing to appreciate and evaluate the results objectively. Therefore, practice will make us use the tool efficiently and makes us feel more comfortable developing experiments. [/INST]Francisco(B-NAME_STUDENT), Parra(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Use of Design Thinking Tools for Behavioural Change towards Sanitation Reflection: Storytelling Md Rashid Challenge As part of my role as a Consultant to the Govt. on the ‘Sanitation for all’ project, we faced a challenge where we found that the mere availability of the physical infrastructure, i.e. toilets, was not leading to higher usage of toilets for safer sanitation, by our target audience in rural areas. This was more of a behavioural issue than anything else. It was hence essential to understand the target audience’s behaviour, not restricted to the sanitation habits, but also about the overall way of life. Earlier solutions were neither human-centered (Week 1-Video 1 and Week 1-Video 5), nor based on customer empathy (Week 2-Video 3). The core challenge was to bring about a behavioural change in the target audience w.r.t. sanitation habits, which would lead to higher usage of toilets and adoption of safer sanitation practice. Selection The task at hand required engaging with people and making them interested to collaborate and co-create a solution which is sustainable (Week 4-Video 5). Human beings love stories, and more so when stories are relatable to them, or about them. While we chose more than one tool since the task was multi-fold – to understand the behaviour (Journey Mapping, Week 1-Video 3), and then be able to involve and co-create a sustainable solution (Mind-Mapping, Week 3- Video 2; it was Storytelling as a tool (Week 2-Video 4), that i am explaining for this assignment. Storytelling as Design Thinking tool was picked up to build a connection with our audience. Storytelling not only helps the audience build interest in, relate with and visualise the context, but also creates a space for feedback and comments, which was valuable in our case since sanitation is not a subject that people wanted to openly talk about anyway. It was also the easiest medium to convey a message for the kind of target group that we wanted to address. Application We wanted to make our storytelling exercise a coherent, relatable and interesting one, which will not only encourage the target group to get involved in it, but also have an emotional connection, which is critical. The stories were built around the specific community and village or hamlet, and characters were named same as some of the people there. The ill-effects of poor sanitation practice were conveyed in form of a story which had characters in it, who had a similar lifestyle as that of the target audience who was listening to story. However, endings of the stories were not disclosed. This was to build suspense (Week 2-Video 4), and more importantly to keep space open for discussion and feedback. Essentially, this was a space that was left for others to contribute (Week 4-Video 7). We also left the story at a point that various solutions to tackle the challenge of behavioural change can come from audience themselves, hence increasing the participation from the group. Since the solutions came from the target group themselves, there was a sense of ownership and co-creation in the target group that led to higher compliance and engagement with the solutions implemented on ground. The tool was then implemented at multiple places with a bit of tweaking depending upon various extraneous factors, but led to a positive result in terms of engagement, collaboration, co-creation and sustenance of solutions. Insight Storytelling tool generated a host of insights for us. Some which confirmed our assumptions and others which disconfirmed our assumptions. While we assumed that using Storytelling as a tool will help us convey message in a more succinct and interesting manner, we were pleasantly surprised to see the engagement that it created. In the first few exercises the endings were disclosed and audience was then encouraged to participate in discussion. But we found out that an undisclosed ending creates more interest, engagement and also encourages people to come up with their own endings. This helped us mapping behavioural aspects of the specific individual or hamlet where the exercise was being done. This was an additional bit of information over and above ethnographic research that helped us in tweaking our tools for better performance. Finally, between the groups where the solutions are co-created with the help of storytelling, versus places where solutions are offered and explained to groups, the former had a stronger sustenance and compliance for solutions. Approach There are various design thinking tools and each one can be used for a different purpose, or can complement each other. In the case discussed, Storytelling came out as an efficient tool, however, there can be other tools too that may be adopted for the same objective. Since in the given case, it was paramount to understand the stakeholder mind-set to before co-creation can happen, especially since the challenge was on bringing about behavioural change, Mind Mapping can be a potent tool. Mind Mapping would have allowed us to engage with all stakeholders and bring out personas of each stakeholder. Depending upon the personas, solutions specific to a persona could have been looked at (Week 3-Video2). Closed group or personal interviews with relevant stakeholder where open ended questions are asked which not only reflect their persona, but also express their own views about the challenge, can be conducted. Finally, based upon the themes and patterns that lead to mapping stakeholders to specific persona, solutions could be looked by using further tools for idea generation and piloting like learning launch. [/INST]Md(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rashid(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Story Telling 1​.​User 2​.​Quotes 3​.​Meaning 4​.​conclusion Person A Name: Vincenzo Age: ​18 Profession: Student Location: Hyderabad Advantage: “restaurant seating capacity maybe 100-200 at a time, or even less, but with online ordering, you can ​reach thousands of people at a time​” Disadvantage: “Food may not be good as it appears to be in food ordering app.” Great reach Quality of food may differs It helps to reach many people at a time with ease, but the quality of food in the picture may vary from the actual food delivered Person B Name: Vincenzo Age: ​34 Profession: lecturer Location: Hyderabad Advantage: “Online ordering allows me to order anytime, anywhere using their mobiles, tablets or other handheld devices.” Disadvantage: “Unsuccessful  payment resulting in  delayed food  delivery” The  convenience of mobile ordering Risk of payment It can be accessed anytime and anywhere but may also result in failure of payments. Person C Name: Reshma Age:​25 Profession: doctor Location: Hyderabad Advantage: “The food delivery service helps me get the food delivered at my doorstep without me having to leave my important work” Disadvantage: “Quality and quantity  of food may be  compromised due to  huge number of food  delivery requests.” Ease of delivery Compromise in quality and quantity The food is delivered at doorstep but cant assure the quality and quantity Person D Name: Marco Age: ​30 Profession: Artist Location: Hyderabad Advantage: “ I can place an order online, take my time to browse the menu and get familiar with add-on deals and offers that your restaurant must be offering.” Disadvantage: “Long waiting time for  the seated guests at  the restaurants” Makes the ordering  process easier waiting time increases for the customers at restaurants Ordering food has now become easy but makes it difficult for the customers waiting at the restaurants. [/INST]Vincenzo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Vincenzo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Reshma(B-NAME_STUDENT), Marco(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Collecting Sponsorship by Using Learning Launch Challenge and Selection I, Md Shamim, am an executive of workshop and event management department of Strategyzer AG which a non-profit organization. Our department’s main work is to arrange seminar on skill development and host a grand carnival every year. But arranging carnival is not easy task. Every year we had to do a lot of work and plan to get sponsorship as it is our main source money. So, we hit a plan to set up an experimental workshop for upcoming carnival and that is why we took learning launch tool to use to design. Application First, we launch an online quiz contest to attract audience that we need most to make a successful carnival. Basically, we targeted students as we work for students’ skill development. So, we advertise this online event on social media like facebook and got a very high appointment. Our main goal was to attract investors for acknowledging our social activities and that was going as our assumption. But we did not stop there. For our second learning launch, we had some fund left after arranging previous carnival and seminars and with that we conduct a workshop on IELTS Higher Study; 2 months before carnival. In this workshop, we got a worthy number of students and we invite our pre-targeted investor to come on this workshop to give space to talk about corporate world and its responsibilities as well. After the workshop almost every investor which we have targeted was very interested to give us sponsorship within 3 weeks. Insight and Approach Implementing learning launch tool, we were able to identify our investors and our demands as well and design launch helped us to raise our fund quickly. Our team already have gone through to learning experiment we are still trying to make another new design model which will be more precise but our team needs to review previous learning launch experiment well. [/INST]Md(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shamim(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Storytelling Challenge & Selection It’s really wonderful to see how someone else’s experience can change the way other person change. One such way of making a person understand is storytelling. I have been in Non Banking Financial Segment for quite some time. We feel blessed that we facilitate someone achieve their dreams when we disburse loans, in the same way we feel quite the opposite when we have to recover the pending dues from a client who genuinely is facing an issue and has defaulted. I feel my life has been influenced by the stories I have heard from the people around and books I have read. The customer, who we meet while he taking a loan, may be carried away due to the want of a particular item he wants. It might not be a need. The installment he is most likely to pay be a substantial amount of his earnings. I try to help them visualize the use of product he uses and how he is going to repay the amount. I also tell them stories of customers who have had good experience and also bad. It is for them to decide what’s best after listen to the stories. I believe being ethical is very important & not always look at monetary aspect of business. Application In everyday life both professional and personal, I have some instance or the other have been using storytelling to convey messages, which if told directly may not have greater impact on the other party. One such instance of storytelling happened in the recent past. It was village in Southern India, it’s a well irrigated country side with lush green paddy fields. We had financed a lot of tractors in that village. The place so located that it was 65 kilometers from the nearest branches and it came in border of two branch boundaries. The area was neglected by the executives who collected EMI, due to neglect. All the accounts in that village went into over due , subsequently they customers taught no one is going to ask them. There resided a customer who always paid his dues on time and had availed loans multiple times. As no one had visited in past few months he had not paid the installments. He came to office and expressed his regret. He had also applied for loan with us again & he filed had rejected because of his default. We somehow convinced him and too approval from seniors to get his credit approved. We also promised him that we would ensure collection agent would visit on due days to collect the installments. We went back to the village with him. He narrated what happened with him in the office. Both good and bad. How defaulting had resulted in his bad credit rating and how we helped understand. He also told them benefits of paying on time. This influenced the other customers in the village, we in the due course of time made payments coming to the office directly even if the executive didn’t arrive for collections. Insight & Approach The storytelling is a very important tool, it gives us insight into some other persons world witjout we having to experience it. That is the best part. Visualization plays a critical role here. It depends on who is telling the story and the emotions attached with it. It’s not the story but the message it conveys and moral to be learnt is important. The story is told effectively can enhance the way we look at things, bring broader view to our limited taught. I have used story telling the past, but it was not structured , this course has helped to refine the way I use it with definitive purpose. Being in the financial domain I feel it is going to be a great asset having been through this course A Reflection on the course by Abdul Vassallo [/INST]Abdul(B-NAME_STUDENT), Vassallo(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Willian Sanches V – Page 1 For this exercise I researched "2. Journey Mapping" in combination with "1. Visualization". Challenge I am a member of the Digital Team and the challenge we have is to optimize the process of tax returns. This process consists of 4 stages: Planning, Preparation, Review, and Approval. The goal is to reduce your management time by at least 30%, as well as reducing the cost of the service. This process has an economic impact in two aspects: 1. Penalty for extemporaneous equivalent to 10% of the tax to be paid. 2. 5% penalty in case a correction is required in the declared values. The areas of interest are the Corporate Tax Advisory and Planning Department and the Financial Operations Department, which are the main actors in the process. Selection For the “What is” stage, as seen in the “The Good Kitchen” case, the “Journey Mapping” tool was selected to review the process and determine not only the functional but also the emotional aspects that could impact it. Given that different organizational areas are involved in the process, “Journey Mapping” will allow us to identify whether the improvement aspects are exclusively functional or if there are emotional Trust issues, among others, that prevent the process from being optimal. “Journey Mapping” will also allow us to clarify and identify the needs of the actors in the process (clients for us), to really know what they want and thus generate the expected value impact. Application The steps that we will follow to apply the “Journey Mapping” will be: 1. Select the key officials who execute the process of tax returns and we investigate how they fulfill their functions in the process, their experience during the execution of the activities to ensure the task. If the activities are manual or automated, if they manage to carry them out during working hours, if there is pressure or fear given the impact of sanctions, which motivates or discourages them from their work, among others. Willian Sanches V – Page 2 2. Present our hypothetical vision of the process and its step by step. The process follows four main phases (Planning, Preparation, Review, and Approval). With this format, we hope to obtain information about the process in five main aspects: Objectives (Reason for the Phase), Steps (the activities that are followed in the phase), Emotions (to determine the feelings of people in the fulfillment of the activities and that may generate delays), Time (to determine the time required for each activity) and Cost (to establish the cost of the activities of the phase). Planning Elaboration Review Approval Objectives Steps Feelings Time Cost 3. Select a representative group of participants in the process, to carry out the pilot interviews on the step-by-step process. 4. Conduct the interview pilot to get the information that was presented in step 2. It is important to deepen the experience in each step to get the information of what the interviewees thinks and feels, what they should do, and the time they take to achieve it. To be able to identify your actions, motivations, and obstacles that come your way. According to the methodology presented in the book "Designing for Growth", it is recommended that the interview be conducted by two people so that the interviewer gives her full attention to the interviewee while the second researcher takes notes. This step is surely the most important and profound, since the greatest amount of information must be gathered about the moments of truth, the detailed steps that are followed and for what, and the emotional ups and downs. 5. Once the interviews are finished, we can put all of them on the wall and as a team finds the most important patterns and ideas that will be useful for the “What if” stage. Something like: Willian Sanches V – Page 3 To build this section I based myself on the book “Designing for Growth”. Insight&Approach The “Journey Mapping” tool gives me more elements to develop people-centered innovation, put myself in my client's shoes, and thus proposes process improvements overcoming challenges and meeting needs, covering more aspects than traditional methodologies were not considered, for example, weak points and their emotions. It will allow us to identify silos, crafts, rework, times, costs, motivations, among others. With this information, we can assess where the opportunities are that allow us to fulfill the value promise of reducing management time by at least 30%, as well as reducing the cost of the service. Additionally, with this tool, a visual representation (Visualization) is made that facilitates the understanding of the process, the better knowledge of the clients and their needs, the global vision of the experience and thus identify possible opportunities for improvement of the end-to-end process. Likewise, I consider that as the “As is” shows, it will also be useful once the improvements are implemented to go through the process again and validate that the promised value was fulfilled. I am a new person in this Design Thinking technique and its tools and with the course and this task of reflection I have been able to know at least the De Journey Mapping in more detail, but I am motivated to delve into the rest. [/INST]Willian(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanches(I-NAME_STUDENT), Willian(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanches(I-NAME_STUDENT), Willian(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanches(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Daniele Prezioso VISUALIZATION TOOL 1. Challenge: Describe your challenge, including all relevant information. The challenge I set myself was related to a job I had to do at the university, therefore, it helped me a lot to get the information I needed. My work group and I had to design a food product that could solve one of the main problems that students went through, which was that they did not eat properly when they were in university due to various irregularities that existed in the university cafeterias , and this consequently affected their studies since they felt tired and without energy. To do this, as a group we established a schedule in which each of us would go on a certain day and time to observe what was really happening in the cafeterias that affected the students' feeding. 2. Selection: In your own words, briefly describe the tool you selected (e.g., what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references). The tool I used was the visualization tool, since thanks to it I could observe and intuit, from images and scenes that I observed in the cafeteria, what was the origin of the problem we wanted to solve with our product. From that point on, and after each member of the group compiled graphic and written information, we were going to be able to identify what aspects and characteristics would be necessary to include in our product and obtain their acceptance. 3. Application: Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge (e.g., what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively). What I initially did with my work group was to establish a schedule in which each of us would go to observe the situation of each cafeteria on campus. Each one would keep a notebook in which we would write down relevant aspects that we observed at the time and that were important to consider demonstrating the existence of our identified problem and consequently the acceptance and viability of our product based on that problem. At the same time, we used cameras to graph and support the problem that we identified, we also conducted interviews with some students to validate what each one visualized and conclude if our intuitions were consistent with the true situation. 4. Insight: Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge (e.g., how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly). What we achieved with the exercise carried out was to validate the existence of the problem, that is, the causes that we had proposed in the first instance were affirmed by the agents involved. I believe that we were certain in this case since we are also part of the group that was observed for this challenge. We were also able to identify that although most of those interviewed and observed in the cafeteria confirmed our suspicions, there were many who totally contradicted our point of view. This made us reflect and at the same time accept that there are different points of view that nurture the ideas that one already has and contrary to any negative aspect, it can significantly help in the development of any activity, in our case, in the development of our product. Closely visualizing our target audience helped us understand the situation and identify aspects that we were overlooking. The visualization also helped us to sustain our discussions on the subject, to identify the best plan to execute that can combine both the information we extracted from the observation and other tools used together with our ideas already proposed for the development of our product. 5. Approach: Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s) why. Based on the challenge that I set myself, what I could do next time is expand my viewing range to determine if the problem occurs throughout the day or if it only occurs at breakfast, lunch or dinner time, since This will allow us to collect more data for a better understanding of the problem. [/INST]Daniele(B-NAME_STUDENT), Prezioso(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Example Reflection – Mind Mapping (Module 3) Challenge My name is Angela and I´m a Regional Chief in the “Business Developing Department”. The main objective of my team is to develop new market opportunities for the technology we sell. To gain the goal we have to think “out of the box” all the time because our customers always has different needs and sometimes the current business schemes are not compatible with their needs. The way we used to design the solutions for the new projects involved just to the commercial department team. We asked to customers about their needs, expectations and available resources. We concentrated this information, analyzed in a commercial aspect and developed the commercial strategy to submit it to the approval of other areas of the company whose tasks could be affected by the implementation of the project. We submit the approval as a final part of the process and as individual action with each Department. That chain of activities and its sequence translate the project design in a large number of redesign actions because the solution offered at the beginning didn´t consider the other department’s needs. In other words, our own collegues were a time launch´s obstacle to the projects in order to adapt the business models to their needs. We needed to be faster and more efficient, if we weren´t we would be obsolete. Selection Teamwork it would sounds easy but it isn´t at all mainly when it involves many stakeholders who has their own rules and objectives to achieve. We realized that our work it wasn´t only ours, it was a multidisciplinary work: commercial, financial, legal, logistics and operation, planning and infrastructure, etc (depending of the project´s nature). So, we decided to implement a process to allow us organize the data we had about the customer, and find the connections between those data and the Company´s needs (all de departments involved, not only our). We decided that the “Mind Mapping” tool was the best option for that because as we know its main function is to looking for patterns and themes in your data. That would sounds easy either, right? I need to say that I´m very surprised about the obtained results, let me share with you the process that we implemented. Application First of all, we worked in a journey mapping tool from the customer needs and how our currents options works to solve it. We did it with customer interviews to know more about their needs, expectations and available resources. If the current options or structures we had wasn´t enough or available for it, then we started a new design project. After that, we decided to make a redefinition of some concepts: customer as an “external stakeholder” and the diverse Company´s departments as “internal stakeholders”. That actions let us to study each stakeholder and needs in its “own box”. The power of that was the implementation of the Co-Creation tool between the internal stakeholders. We scheduled project presentation meetings to show them a “Design Brief” chart with the project description, current internal/external needs and resources and the business proposal in order to bring them a better understanding about the situation to solve (visualization tool). In those meetings, we throw them the question: "From your eyes, what does the project need to be approved?”. That simple question allowed us to know the internal stakeholders needs since the beginning not in the end of the process (projective techniques tool), so we could design the projects efficiently. It also fostered de active collaboration of the stakeholders in the idea generation (brainstorming tool) and opened our eyes to new perspectives providing creativity and innovation to the design process (co-creation tool) attending to each stakeholder needs, the connections between its and might translate this insights into design criteria. We invited to the stakeholders to show them the projects before we design the solutions at all with the purpose to know the possible changes we had to consider in an anticipate way. Insights and Approach Do you remember that I said I was surprised about the obtained results? Well, that´s because I learned that Mind Mapping is not just a tool, it´s a chain of tools working together. For example, I realize that Co-Creation is a powerful and indispensable tool for us now because reinforces the idea that all we are important elements and one´s success is everyone´s success. Now we work together in the same way, now the internal stakeholders are part of the solution not an obstacle for it. The Mind Mapping tool allows us to know on time the whole conditions we must consider developing projects, providing stronger structures for it and reducing the time invest on it. Those simple activities could be strategic movements to achieve a better market positioning, satisfied customers, innovative products and services, a faster commercial response and an adequate compliance with company policies. Design Thinking is a whole process of generating ideas and structures to order it looking forward to solve a complex problem and you can implement its tools any time of the project developing. Doesn´t matter how your brain works, you could be like Goeff or maybe you are more like George, but if you understand the process of how Design Thinking works I´m sure you can develop the skills to think solutions “out of this world” being creative and innovating. [/INST]Angela(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: STORY TELLING PIN NO. :163133980712 NAME : Qais USER QUOTES MEANING CONCLUSION 186941941714 Do I need to register a beneficiary before transferring funds through UPI? What details of beneficiary will be required? If I change my UPI app will I be required to register again or I can carry the same virtual address? Is it necessary to add a beneficiary before transferring funds? If yes what details are required? Is the same virtual address be used in other UPI apps or need to register again? No, registration of Beneficiary is not required for transferring funds through UPI as the fund would be transferred on the basis of Virtual ID/Account+IFSC/Aadhaar Number. (Please check with your PSP and Issuing bank with regard to the services enabled on the App). In case of change in UPI App, a person needs to re-register and it needs to create a new VPA with the handle of the PSP. 221910309005 In case my mobile is used by another person, will there be any security breach? Can I link more than one bank account to the same virtual address? Is there any security if mobile is lost or used someone? How many bank account we can add to same virtual address? In any transaction, the UPI pin would be required which needs to be fed through the mobile at the time of any transaction making it safe and secured. Yes, several bank accounts can be linked to the same virtual address depending on the functionalities being made available by the respective PSPs. 221910309006 Do I need to have a bank account or this can be linked to a card or wallet? Do money transfers happen on UPI only during banking hours? Is bank account compulsory or this can be linked to wallet? Does this UPI transfers work only in the bank hours or anytime? No, customer cannot link a wallet to UPI, only bank accounts can be added. All payments are instant and 24/7, regardless of your bank's working hours. [/INST]163133980712(B-ID_NUM), Qais(B-NAME_STUDENT), 186941941714(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation - Asignement Challenge I have been leading a digital accelerator project for NGO's working with youth entrepreneurship. Those NGO's are part of a global network were wondering, where digital could create the most significant impact for their young entrepreneurs. With a holistic approach, we are tackling external aspects, like marketing and digital services, as also internal aspects, as such related to their business model and their operating models. There was a considerable concern on the NGO's side that digital would distant them from their entrepreneurs, and through that doubted that there could be a positive impact with digital. In our "What is?" phase we conducted open interviews and shadowing with employees and with entrepreneurs, through journaling and inspirational workshops we drew up personas and user journeys. We wondered what to do with all the collected information. Selection We decided to do a massive mind map on a large wall, which we called "the mural". On a high level, we followed similar steps like the ones presented in this course in week 3 ("Mind Mapping Steps"). Steps 1- 3 were the work described above in the challenge section. Application As a team, we did make some preliminary clustering mapping all findings within eight strategic themes and a high-level grouping within the themes. We then performed a series of workshops together with the different stakeholders from the NGO in order to review and adjust the clustering (step 4), and worked in groups to set strategic priorities on which problems to solve and make sure that the right problem and the right abstraction level of the problem is the one that we would be looking at (similar to step 5). Those were then shared in the plenum and connections were identified (step 6). Separate ideation sessions, internal and external, were performed bringing solution options for the key prioritized problems to life (step 7 and on). Insights Using mind mapping technique at this step was crucial, as it helps to break down and simplify a vast amount of information gathered limiting the level of overwhelming of the employees of the NGO. For them, it was very insightful, as for them it was the first time they see all views in one view, and that with a holistic perspective, their personal "large problem" might not be the biggest issue, or could be easily solved in collaboration with the other team. An additional result was that the NGO's now understood, that digital could help them to be closer to their Entrepreneurs and also by automating internal tasks free up more time to add more value to them. Approach In my perspective, the mind mapping tool was beneficial to break down all that information and post it in the plenum. I concluded that this exposure, even if pretty overwhelming for the employees, is the right type of exposure for them to understand the change and transformation they require. We have been thinking about what we could do to reduce the levels of overwhelming, and came to a conclusion, that we provide them confidence through clarity in the process, and prepare them to be overwhelmed. By Martin Soares, Zürich, 12.05.2019 [/INST]Martin(B-NAME_STUDENT), Soares(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation - Final Assignment Example Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge: All through out my career I have always been passionate about Information Technology IT and how it can improve our social life particularly in our disadvantage communities in our country, South Africa. So in September 2008 I started a Computer Literacy Academy in a township next to one of Johannesburg’s big suburb, Midrand. My mission was to bridge the digital divide in that township by opening up a school to teach Basic Computer Literacy for all the people in that area to come and enrol for the course, attend classes, write exams and receive a Basic Computer Literacy qualification. My biggest challenge that subsequently led to the closure of my business was the fact that no one was interested in learning Computer Literacy and therefore I had very little response and no business coming in. I had to close my business in 2013 after many attempts to revive the business in many different ways. And also note that at the time I decided to close the business, because there was no interest, was also an assumption that I had. Selection: Because I have not used Design Thinking before and looking back to “what could have been” for the purpose of this exercise I chose Mind Mapping as I believe it was the biggest missing approach that could have helped me answer the real “what is” challenges before I even start the marketing part of my business and use the discovered insights and that deep understanding to structure my marketing efforts that will have resulted in good turnout and better revenue growth for my business. Mind Mapping will help me to do a thorough research, Brainstorm Ideas, Establish the right marketing approach and develop the right go-to-market strategies. Application 1: With my passion for IT and Training and Development I assumed that all people in our disadvantaged communities will react positively to the kind of concept that I had in mind and how I am going to roll it out. I went through all the What is/What if/What Wows/What works process on my own. I believe my idea was not too far off, there is definitely a Computer Literacy need, however the challenge was how to come up with good marketing for my business. Thinking back, using the Mind Mapping methodology, this is the approach and application process I should have implemented; Stakeholder engagement - in our township there are different stakeholders for example Counsellors, business owners including doctors owning private surgeries in the township, Retail shop owners, Government service employees like school teachers, Librarians etc whom I should have invited as the first part of my mind mapping process. Perhaps invite one person from each of these multi-layered structures in one room, give them stationery eg sticky notes, and request them to write down the; 1. type of skills they look for when they employ people in their businesses 2. where do they find their new hires 3. What other skills do they believe their employees should have that will enhance their business 4. Post these ideas on the board the see the urgent needs, common needs and perhaps other needs that I did not think off. Insight: This 1st Mind Mapping process would have given my business an opportunity to; 1. discover if there is a computer literacy need in the businesses around my target area; 2. if there was no known need, use marketing approach that can educate people especially business leaders on how computer literacy as a resource can enhance their business and increase their revenue 3. get a buy-in from political, business and other influential stakeholders from my target area Application 2: My 2nd approach, would have been to target, schools learners in the schools around my business, school teachers and parents. This process would have gone well and achieved my desired results if I have engaged the school learners to find our what their desired career aspirations are, which institutions/careers their parents, as funders, are willing to invest in. I would use a similar approach as the 1st Mind Mapping engagement and request everyone to be in the same room, have sticky notes to and write down 1. what their career aspiration, 2. where they wish to study them and why. 3. and draw up a journey-map on a board using the information given, then work out different personas and their different educational needs and how my business can add value in their educational aspirations. Insights: I believe this approach would have helped my business discover the real truth about the people’s needs and not my assumptions about what I believe was the need; 1. first I believe this would have help me to discover that the learners, even though they see the need for technological advancement in their lives, they do not want to attend their tertiary schooling in the same area that they studied for their high school. That is is important for them to go to suburbs/ big cities for further education. 2. This would have help me realise that parents also feel proud when their kids leave their area in pursuit for better opportunities and education and therefore that is what they will be willing to fund 3. this would have help me to perhaps look at my target market as learners who are still in high school and offer my services in the afternoon, after school, and weekends and not have after-high-school-leavers as my primary target. Approach I believe this Mind Mapping approach would have help me to do the following and this is the approach I would employ in the future; 1. Choose the right target market for my business by using Mind Mapping to do a thorough research 2. Use the right marketing tools and channels to develop the right marketing concepts that will make my target market see the value of my offering ie informative marketing forums to educate my target market on my offerings, 3. Involve the government and relevant business stakeholders to influence the community to work on their computer literacy skills perhaps by using Sweet-Spot Marketing programs as my design established marketing programs 3. Play an influential role in the government and relevant business stakeholders’ corporate programs by constantly addressing the need for improving IT penetration in our disadvantage communities and educate on the benefits thereof. Busisiwe Msimanga 22 February 2021 [/INST]Busisiwe(B-NAME_STUDENT), Msimanga(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Mohammad Azwan) Peer Graded Assignment TooL that applied: Stvryteuing Storyteling is a Powerful tool that are appi calble im various im various Situa tin of our daily lite, ergo it is the tool that applied Q.u the times. For example we take myslf os a ma rkebers ampoo Company, 2 always faced the dhallenge of ho to attrac Our new Lauhed pmduttt Bestdes, here are auo hauenges moYe stomers to ty and tall in love with to be faled of how to ensure the phenUmena of detreasin9 bTand Loyaty to Oardd Our Prducts being happened a there are variety 0f thpices for Customerr to hoose in he are markets nwwadays choose to apply storytelling as it is able to get tnsight mto ers, build empathy and reauh them emotionauy T oftern Ceate Persons to represent target ers and add ontict to stvies thot retett their user journeys and problems t is One of the reason i thnugh Crafting stvnes, we Cam better wnderstond what ukers an t m a sputiom. Guod Stovies aluoays Captivate audientes In er ex periente desigm, destgmes we story teltnmg thmughout the desigm pro cess t meeds ound the ensure that au WOrk fouteg bn fhe ers meedt and the users. After value that Company ant to give those users. After your user needc LOmplettng desím research to underrtand your uie needc Dur ineights to teu a stony about hoo yOu'l pnvidee and desi¥os, you ude that This story makes it easy foY yne inuolve d mu. thot their PDjett tD empathíze With the Les and ensue t Who yOur useI are what hey eed and nD you'll pnvia. eeryone imuol ved m the uses and ensre W0k matthes the story. Having a story hroughout y0u pnje the desigm at the end Dt the desigm mean marketng prDces f also sthaighttor ard, as you a Urea dy know eLaLtty LJhit dej vale ory to teU to shdw how your produ prvio [/INST]Mohammad(B-NAME_STUDENT), Azwan(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: The Application of Design Thinking Tool In Discovering Students’ Inability to Generate and Develop Ideas in ESL Writing Class Joy Cooper Sabah, Malaysia Introduction The design thinking tool was applied in a classroom environment of a secondary school where the focus was on teaching and learning. There are five aspects of this reflection: challenge, selection, application, insight and approach. Challenge As a teacher in a secondary school of a rural area in Sabah, the least developed state of Malaysia, teaching and learning are the core business of my job. Almost all of our students have difficulties in generating ideas in writing tasks. I am an English teacher and I always hear my students say that they have no idea of what to write or they simply say “I don’t know” whenever I ask them a question. There are many assumptions of how this could happen: lower English proficiency, lack of confidence, lower grasp of thinking skills or poor level of motivation to learn. Therefore, it is crucial for me to identify the root cause of this issue and help the students to generate and develop ideas better. I therefore selected a class of 17 students where we intended to overcome this problem by identifying what areas of our teaching and learning that should be improved. Selection I introduced the students with the design thinking tools I learned from this course and attempted to make these techniques as relevant as possible to them with examples from everyday life, school and teaching techniques. We decided that Learning Launch was the best tool for us to try. The tool was discussed thoroughly in the Week 4 lectures which consisted of one particular video on Learning Launch Tool. Learning Launch was selected because it was consistent with the teaching stages that we do in schools that involve processes of learning and discovering via testing and experimenting. Plus, this technique shows similarities with action research methods that teachers usually conduct in their classroom. Since I always tell the students that trial and error and discovery learning are essential in their development, we felt that this technique was the most plausible one since it allowed us to test our ideas to seek confirmation or disconfirmation. Application For the first learning launch, we attempted to focus on enhancing student-centered learning where students were the ones who created their own questions instead of teachers based on Q- Matrix (Wiederhold, 1993). I trained the students on how to construct questions using Q-Matrix and how some higher order thinking questions could be designed based on the chart. We started applying it in our class in which each individual student created their own higher order thinking question based on a given literary text. We then selected one question for everyone to answer. Their submitted their answers to me and I scored them using Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy (Hattie & Brown, 2004; Potter & Kustra, 2012). We conducted this technique for four times in a row in our class. I then shared the results of the scoring to them and discussed the feasibility of the technique. For our second learning launch, we changed our focus on students’ development of creativity in writing using the SCAMPER technique for students to generate and expand ideas creatively. SCAMPER technique is an acronym for a set of operators or categories that are used to generate ideas: (S) Substitute, (C) Combine, (A) Adapt, (M) Modify/Magnify/Minimize, (P) Put to other uses, (E) Eliminate, and (R) Reverse/Rearrange ( Eberle, 1997). I trained the students on how to use this technique before applying in our class. The students were given a literary text that was either a short story or a poem. The students were required to study the given text. They then composed a short story or a poem using this technique where they applied at least one of the operators of SCAMPER in creating their own version of the given text that could be short stories or poems. In using this technique, the students were individually required to share their idea to the entire class. Hence they orally spoke about their ideas as well as wrote them down. This activity was conducted in four sessions. Their improvised short stories and poems were assessed with SOLO rubric (Brabrand & Dahl, 2009) and Creativity Rating Scales (Dianaros et al., 2003; Torrance, 1964, Sternberg, 1998; Soh 1997) Insight The implementation of Learning Launch Tool in the first launch revealed that the students had no difficulties in generating higher order thinking questions but their responses to such questions in class remained poor, short, undeveloped and they exhibited lower motivation in doing the tasks especially in generating and developing their ideas. We therefore discovered that students’ level of interest in the tasks highly influenced their commitment in generating and expanding their ideas. They were able to generate several ideas but they did not elaborate these ideas in a more developed manner. Thus, our assumption that the students could not generate ideas might not be caused by their lower thinking skills or language proficiency but rather their interest in the tasks that they were given. Our second Learning Launch helped us to see that students were able to produce creative ideas and expand them in details when they were given more freedom to be creative and they had the opportunity to orally present their ideas to their classmates. They demonstrated great level of interest and commitment in the implementation of Second Learning Launch. Thus, these gained insights will serve as fundamental information to the next steps in enhancing students’ ability to be creative and critical thinkers. Approach Since the Learning Launch Tool appeared to be practical, consistent and effective in helping us to gain more insights on the possible causes to the problem our students faced, this technique will be used in our future thinking design processes especially if our focus is on the teaching and learning that occurs in classroom. This tool allows students and teachers to work collaboratively in a familiar and comfortable environment where students are more willing to contribute and share their opinions in the class as well as to take part in the process. The nature of Learning Launch which focuses on experimenting, discovering, learning and improving the next step are more viable in helping us to identify the solution to our problem. Conclusion Thinking Design is a viable approach of facilitating the process of innovation and problem- solving in education. This technique should be promoted and expanded further in order to enhance its application as an effective tool in identifying problems and solutions. References Dianaros, A. M., Tan, A. G. & Soh, K. C. (2003). Enhancing Children’s Creativity: An Exploratory Study on Using the Internet and SCAMPER as Creative Writing Tools. The Korean Journal of Thinking & Problem Solving. 13(2), p. 67-81 Eberle, B. (1997). SCAMPER . Texas: Prufork Pr. Hattie, J.A.C., & Brown, G.T.L. (2004). Cognitive processes in asTTle: The SOLO taxonomy. (asTTle Technical Report 43). University of Auckland/Ministry of Education. Brabrand, C. & Dahl, B. (2009). Using the SOLO taxonomy to analyze competence progression of university science curricula. Higher Education, 54 (4), 531-549. Potter, M.K & Kustra, E. (2012). A Primer on Learning Outcomes and the SOLO Taxonomy.Course Design for Constructive Alignment. Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Windsor. Soh, K.C (1997). Teaching creativity in Singapore schools: What needs to be done? The Paper was presented at the Educational Research Association Singapore. Singapore. Sternberg, R.J. (Ed.) (1988). The nature of creativity. UK: Cambridge University Press. Torrance, E.P. (1964). Education and creativity. In C. W. Taylor (Ed.). Creativity: Progress and potential. New York: McGraw Hill. Wiederhold, C. (1993). Cooperating Learning and Critical Thinking: The Question Matrix. California. Resource for Teachers. [/INST]Joy(B-NAME_STUDENT), Cooper(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT Luis Vasquez Design thinking Design thinking its complicated procedure which aid sellers know what consumers want and how to build contemporary solutions for different issues. It’s multi-functional procedure which needs high talents and outlook best result in contemporary ideas. The Five parts of Design Thinking Identify Identification needs you to watch at things from the consumer’s point of view and to link them psychologically. That is analysing in their way of thinking and their perspective. Determine the issues In this procedure you collect all knowledge you collected during the identification part and define the core issue and fix it. Ideate In this procedure it’s all about brainstorming meeting with your squad to find remedy to the issue you gathered in the above process. The provocation here is to imagine in different way and resolve this issue. There is no blockade in brainstorming — on different ideas and creativity. Model The model serves to acknowledge which service and what doesn’t, and because it’s a cheap cost version of our outcome and you can also make variety of versions and upgrading the experience each time and to clarify our designs until you come up with a perfect solution for our consumers. Trail Once we have upgraded our models with the reviews we received, we should examine our final product. examining shows if the issue we fixed is really solved. There should be a genuine, noticeable variability in the behaviour or gratification of our consumers. You should be prepared to fix the future issues if the solutions has some malfunction or if does not work properly because the ultimate aim is to extremely understand our consumers discomfort points and fix it with and proper successful solution. Conclusion The ultimate aim of design thinking is to provide effective solution that fix real issues and obtaining an satisfied results of the consumers, so there will be a high chance of successful company and supreme product and service for long run of the company. Gracias [/INST]Luis(B-NAME_STUDENT), Vasquez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Assignment: Reflection on Design Thinking, Storytelling- December 2018 1. Challenge and Selection Storytelling is a true way to be used in letting company’s productivity to be observed towards its achievements. Within different methods, professional companies do elaborate some approaches where storytelling is part of strategies to annual action plans. As head of finance in Financial institution, after my personal observations to the staff performance, I realized that they do perform well under direct supervision than working on their own spirt. This has motivated me to choose storytelling as a best tool to change their mindset. 2. Application As a head of Finance, one day I organized a meeting with my staff in my department. When I was conducting my weekly monitoring, I found that, a professional meeting has to be chaired. I call upon my staffs from whom I am supervisor toward personal productivity. During that discussion, I told them a story from which everyone had to react on his/her point of view. When we were in that presentations, the audience were attracted as time run out. After that reaction, without any kind of sampling, each from them has been allowed free time to express his/her concern. They arguments, easily, helped me to get their term modification towards their performance resulting from the story read down above. 3. Insight By following all courses planned, I learnt from in many things. Firstly, from design thinking, I served that, design thinking is a good tool to be used in problem solving. It helped me also to respect every one’s opinion within in a given institution toward its production. 4. Approach As I am allowed an opportunity to follow Design Thinking for Innovation as a course, it will help me to know some needs, choices, tastes and preferences of staff, family members, clients and others beneficiaries in general. After its implementation I do predict a positive change all listed categories of concerned above respectively. I do conclude, my assignment by thanking Lecturers, University of Virginia and other partners who contributed to this online courses. May God bless you. Eslam Abo Fatma Rwanda- Africa Email: murraythomas@gmail.com Tel: (223)392-2765 [/INST]Eslam(B-NAME_STUDENT), Abo(I-NAME_STUDENT), Fatma(I-NAME_STUDENT), murraythomas@gmail.com(B-EMAIL), ((B-PHONE_NUM), 223)392(I-PHONE_NUM), -(I-PHONE_NUM), 2765(I-PHONE_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: REFLECTION The photographic project and visualization as a strategy of design thinking CHALLENGE & SELECTION My experience of applying design thinking comes from a area that is not linked to business development, but to the area of teaching in a Graphic Desigh School where my students require my couching in the development of graphic design products and photographic images. In one of the basic courses of photography students must develop a photographic series that must have coherent unity in theme and in the use of the visual language. Participants in this workshop have little or no experience in photography and can use any photography device. To achieve the objectives visualization is key through the whole process, we use the combination of prototyping-visualization processes, development of concepts of design criteria and brainstorming- ideation. We work in teams of 3 to 5 participants. All this is actually a combination of an iterative process where divergent and convergent thinking is used in the project development. In the present presentation, due to the limitations required, I will focus on three phases where we select tools of Design Thinking which we denominate with other names, however, I will point out its relation with the tools as they are denominated in the material of Designing for Growth. APPLICATION In the first stage which we have called "thematic-technical exploration process", the students try to learn about the possibilities of the photographic medium for the development of an idea or theme freely chosen by them (What is?). The participants make several photographic shots approaching the subject or object of study using directly the photography device they have available, allowing them through the rapid photographic capture to learn in a visual way as much as possible about the possibilities and technical difficulties of the chosen subject, which they have to show periodically to his or her group allowing the visualization of the particular interests. The previous phase leads them to the understanding of a series of key elements of the visual and technical aspects of the project which allows the participants of the group to understand the aesthetic possibilities and thus organize that information in a way that should lead them to the description of the possible visual criteria of the project. (Value analysis). The group then carries out brainstorming to develop ideas that can help the accomplishment of their partner's project. They do this by searching what we call "visual references" with their own photographic works and especialy with visual examples developed by various photographic authors which allow them to shed light on to how to develop the project of their partners in a way that can conform to the technical and aesthetic possibilities of the projects presented and discussed. This process allows them to develop key aesthetic and design criteria (Concept Development). INSIGHT AND APPROACH One of the things I have learned is that at the beginning of the process it is necessary to overthrow in the participants the expectations they may have of wanting to frame the possibilities of the project without, beforehand, openly and without prejudice, to explore those possibilities. Photographic devices, whatever they are, are excellent tools for discovering things in the world that one may not have seen before. The process, more than to look for,it is a process of discovery. Then, sharing these visual findings in several cycles of conversation with colleagues and discussing the possibilities, develops the understanding of the aesthetic-visual and technical problem of the projects. On the other hand, the fact that, in many cases, there is a good amount of common key elements that arise in the various projects, it is possible to enrich the analysis of their aesthetic-visual values as well as enrich, in the colaborative atmosphere, the search for "visual references"(visual brainstorming) that can become possible solutions. Felipe Moreno [/INST]Felipe(B-NAME_STUDENT), Moreno(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation – Assignment Two By Byron Morton Challenge As a language travel agency, we knew that our product offering was too wide. We offered multiple partners in numerous locations. This caused inefficiencies in three main areas; administration, commission and sales education. Administration was made difficult as each partner has its own accounting and booking processes, our power to negotiate commissions was weakened as bookings were widely distributed and our education of the sales staff was lengthy and complicated as they were required to visit and learn about so many schools. We proposed too that customers were also overwhelmed with so many choices. The obvious solution was to slim down the portfolio, but where and how? So we challenged our stakeholder group to define who we should work with. Selection Collective mind mapping presented many benefits for this exercise. It allowed us to bring together, improve relationships and gain ideas from sales people, product managers, administrative staff and key clients. Partners were not invited as they had the potential to lose out from this process and were therefore unlikely to prove objective. Application Twelve carefully selected stakeholders were invited for a two-hour afternoon session. We spread relevant information around our largest meeting room. This included sales volumes and sales revenues by city, country, school, course level and language. We included an overview of our company vision, mission and objectives and also included our product brochures, but also those of our competitors and summaries of analysis we had undertaken on their market positioning, marketing and sales. We included information on our partner schools, including locations, differentiating features, fees and commissions. Finally, we also included information provided by the industry governing body on current and future booking trends. Participants were invited to pick out the important elements from all this information in a 45 minute session, noting down interesting points on sticky notes. They then had ten minutes to organise their sticky notes and thoughts before sharing their inputs in two groups of six. Inputs from all participants were grouped during this process and then once again reviewed by the group to gain insights. Insight Our identified insights included: • A few strong partner recommendations displays knowledge, clarity and confidence to the consumer • Perceived value is more important than cost • Partners of low financial value can be important in rounding out a portfolio and offering solutions to customers in unique and sought-after locations • Value can also be created by offering unique solutions rather than obvious ones • Sales staff sell the products that excite them, we need to really excite them about our core products if we are to limit what they can sell. Approach In future, I would mix the groups at the point where they were asked to review their whole groups inputs. My hope is, that this would create more ideas as this element was did not work so well in our practice as participants had already felt like they had done this when explaining their own insights to the group. Refreshing of the groups would have required members of the original group to better explain the input overview they had created and may have lead to more ideas. [/INST]Byron(B-NAME_STUDENT), Morton(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Project: Continuing Education Center for executives in Monterrey, Mexico Challenge Currently, education in the universities of Mexico have been designed to design academic programs according to guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education. These programs are periodically subject to evaluation criteria based on studies carried out in the business sector, in which the requirements that are being requested of young professionals and especially business, engineering, medicine and technology are being assessed. . These concerns are reflected in the programmatic contents of the courses and their duration. The universities registered in the Ministry of Education evaluated through a test when students finish their academic training through the CENEVAL test in which the level of knowledge acquired by students during their university stay is measured. Many of these students graduate with very low scores (below 850 points) which demonstrates the low level of performance with which they graduate from universities. In this regard, graduated students generally fail to place themselves in relevant positions as they lack experience and in many cases knowledge that has not been acquired in universities since they lack an adequate update of the skills demanded by the Mexican labor market. In this regard as an academic with more than 35 years of experience in private universities and the government I see a huge area of opportunity that should be capitalized by offering continuing education courses to many of these graduates of these universities. 2. Selection The “What is” aspect is to offer updated training to these university graduates to be able to be captured by companies that demand young professionals being the insight “knowledge, skills and use of technological tools” that allow them to work as professionals with a good professional profile. In this regard, the creation of a continuing education center is valued to capitalize on the training and updating of knowledge that must be acquired to be competitive in the labor market. The Monterrey Executive Development Center company was created in August 2019, with the objective of training the young graduates of universities and executive professionals with the skills demanded by the Mexican labor market. The first thing that was done was to invite 50 chief recruiters of human resources from the main companies of the state of Nuevo León and request what are the requirements and job skills that are being demanded in their companies. The design criteria are by area of valuation by sectors, the same engineering being: processes, industrial, electronics, systems, electromechanics; Business: marketing, international business, communication, graphic design, finance. For practical purposes in this first stage the requirements of these professional profiles would be covered. For this purpose, the Mind Mapping tool was chosen and video lecture “the idea Generation Process” was taken as a reference since it is adequate to cover the education challenge. Mind Mapping allows us to investigate the different scenarios that could be covered through Mindset of options that can be discovered in this design thinking tool. 3. Application Already chosen the Mind Mapping Tool as a scheme to generate innovation in value and based on the design criteria by knowledge sectors Brainstorm Ideas of the professional competences that should be developed in each of the cluster of professional careers was carried out. The mural.co app was used and the collaboration scheme was used in which from their mobile device or tablets they made their contributions by group. Each group presented their results in a Mind Mapping that reflected the professional competences that should be generated by each of the professional careers studied. The results obtained from these insights were transferred to the design criteria to exemplify the actions to be carried out in the development of the courses or workshop to be offered to the professional and executive community in Nuevo León. 4. Insight The results of Brainstorm ideas were grouped and consolidated according to the methodology of Carol Dweck of Stanford University. In this regard, the insights were grouped into the main “growth mindset” and from it the main 10 insights were obtained that have an important inherent nature in the current business market. Through this procedure we are covering the “What if” of the Thinking design. These 10 Growth Mindset Insight are the relevant ones to be taken into consideration in design criteria when designing the professional Workshop to develop the job skills that are required by the companies consulted. Gaining Empaty is very relevant for the job and especially in the areas of customer experience; Creativity is to develop the skills and knowledge to develop innovation in value; Engage Technology is to be aware of new technologies and make them their own in the development of their day-to-day work; Analytic Thinking is forging critical and analytical thinking to solve problems; Group Facilitator is knowing how to interact with people and knowing how to work in collaborative environments to meet the challenges of companies; Staying Up to date is to be monitoring all current and especially future trends that are presented internationally and take advantage of that knowledge for the development of products or services offered; Curating Information is the efficient management of information for the development of business intelligence; Foresight is related to the recognition of patterns or trends in a certain business sector or as David Bornstein said a social entrepreneurial asset is "Intelligence is the ability to predict the future"; Multilingual Facilities we are referring to the knowledge and mastery of several languages in order to have direct communication when interacting and / or negotiating with executives of global companies; Writing Facilities is the knowledge and ease of writing documents in different languages while maintaining the appropriate grammatical structure and corresponding accentuations. 5. Approach Within the approach, the conducting the environmental scanning, setting the objectives of the organization the change of Insight of the companies will be taken into account. At this circumstance we apply the “Why” to describe the action to be make to adapt to demand the market. Simulation could be the right tools to see the most appropriate model in different scenarios that could be presented taking into account the trends that the market marks. Another option is Make prototypes workshop according to the behavior of the business market. 6. Organization The Design the on-Ramps will be very easy. There is going to be a director who gets feedback from stakeholders and the hiring of experienced trainers, administrative assistant who is in charge of customer acquisition, a social media assistant who is in charge of advertising campaigns on social networks and externally an accountant who will keep track of the cash inflows and outflows of the organization. THANKS Oscar Cruz Stakeholders Director Assistant Social Networks Accountant [/INST]Oscar(B-NAME_STUDENT), Cruz(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Teresa’s Reflection- Mind Mapping Challenge I work as an intern in the human resources department of a startup company. Our team plans to implement a project that would improve employer branding strategies. Employer branding is how the company is viewed by employees, in other words, it is about how to market the company to desired job seekers. A positive employer brand is very critical in the increasingly competitive job market nowadays because hiring and retaining the best employees could be challenging and costly. Our team wants to attract senior talents in specific fields through this project to improve the recruitment difficulties in these specific departments, and we decided to mind mapping for clarifying the design criteria before brainstorming the “how-to” ideas. The challenge of mind mapping is that we do not have much budget to invite lots of stakeholders. Moreover, this is also our team’s first time trying mind mapping and none of us has experience of it, so we might encounter some problems due to unfamiliarity. Selection Our team has gained much information including company values and culture, location and facilities, overall compensation, management style, and so on. Therefore, we need to organize the data properly and find out the crucial design criteria before brainstorming, that is why I chose mind mapping tool. At this point, my team decided to invite 15 senior talents of specific fields from inside or outside the company to a meeting, and all of them are our target audience for recruitment. Our team decided to mind mapping with post-it notes. We explained the data we have first, and gave each participant a stack of sticky posts, and ask everyone to note on separate sticky posts any item they believe could inform ideas. The reason why I chose post-it notes for mind mapping is that participants are able to classify ideas by different colors notes, moreover, everyone can see each other’s posts easily and stimulate more ideas. I will explain more about how we apply it in the next part. Application Our team conducted mind mapping step by step. As mentioned above, we first illustrated our data and then asked the participants to write down their thoughts on sticky posts. In particular, this activity was limited in time for promoting senses of urgency in order to encourage sharing every thought rather than carefully measure each idea. After that, participants started with only one theme at a time, presenting related sticky posts on a board while others who had thoughts related to the theme could stick the posts nearby. Then moved on to another theme, and so forth, until everyone stuck their posts on the board. Next, we led the participants to identify the meaningful insights behind their observations by discussing and asking questions. They were also asked to note the connections between each theme or insight to find the core insights. Last, it is our team's work to grasp the design criteria, and we did understand some important conditions that our method for improving employer branding must satisfy. For instance, our method will have to be shown on websites that most of our target talents constantly review rather than popular social media. Insight & Approach What I learned from mind mapping with my team is that this really allows us to stay on the “what is” and clarify before generating innovative ideas, and we could listen to different perspectives of participants from diverse backgrounds. Mind mapping also avoids us from starting the solution-generating process and judging others' ideas at the beginning, which often clutters the entire discussion. Although it is an effective tool to use on looking for design criteria for startup companies, we do come across some messy situations while mind mapping, perhaps teams who try to mind map have the same problems at first. Since the participants are senior talents, some of them are managements, I found that they usually rush to draw conclusions and possible solutions. Another relative situation I found was that some interesting thoughts were not expressed at first because participants thought they were not 100% related to the theme, and they were afraid that people might question their abilities. These conditions might be due to the negative experience of traditional meetings, people just jump to conclusions and start looking for direct solutions, which makes it hard to see other possibilities. To solve the problems, I tried to encourage everyone to stay on mind mapping, and don’t rush to generate solutions and draw conclusions. This also made me realize that mind mapping is easier said than done, and it needs lots of practice to subvert the traditional thinking mode. [/INST]Teresa(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Assignment Ioanna Singh Visualization Tool Challenge In the large organization I currently work, my role is to act as a facilitator between the different departments, with the main ones being Sales, Quality and Production but also Accounting, Shipping etc. Since I arrived in this organization, we have had several issues of non-quality reported by our clients but each one of the teams was blaming another department and as a result a tension has been growing between the teams. As I was trying to map the AS-IS (existing) situation of the current process, I noticed that there wasn’t a clear process with each team’s actions and responsibilities, in order to be able to identify quickly and clearly which step of the process was responsible for the non-quality. After a discussion with the top management, we decided to have a workshop with the managers of each department in order to address the problem. Selection I knew that the workshop would be a challenge as the situation was unclear for quite a long time and after having discussed with all the Managers in advance in order to have their feedback on the situation, I realized that they had a very similar way of seeing the process but each one of them expressed the responsibility of each action in a very different way and it was probably the reason why the tension was growing. Given the situation, I chose to use the Visualization tool, which I believed would help clear out the situation and draw a process where every manager would agree on, with clear objectives for each department in terms of performance. Application I asked each one of the managers, as pre-workshop assignment to take pictures or prepare diagrams of each step of his/her team’s actions as he/she was seeing it integrated in the whole business workflow and assigned to each department a color frame to put around the pictures. The day of the workshop I drew on a big whiteboard the whole process of the company (beginning from production, to quality controls and through all the process to packaging & shipping) without assigning a responsible department to each step of the process. Throughout the day we positioned the pictures each one of the managers had brought on the process line. It was clear to see the area of action of each department thanks to the color frame. There weren’t any conflicts on the actions part of the process but the fact that we had it drawn up, it was easier to identify where each team’s responsibility was over. With the help of the top management, we marked a performance objective for each one of the critical steps in the process where non-quality could appear and agreed on a measurement procedure. At the end of the day we had a clear process with clear performance objectives for each one of the departments. Insight This workshop and the application of the Visualization tool showed me that often people express themselves differently and this can cause lack of comprehension and tensions. It also showed to the managers of the company how important communication is, especially in times of crisis. The feedbacks I got were also very encouraging as they said they would definitely use the Visualization tool when facing a challenge in their respective teams. Approach In a similar situation where I need to bring people under a consensus, I will definitely use again the Visualization tool, which is in my opinion, the best way to share with a large group of people who have different ways of seeing things by using more than just words. [/INST]Ioanna(B-NAME_STUDENT), Singh(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Learning Launch Jens Hoffmann Background We – that’s me and a fellow student - worked on a business idea within the sustainability realm. We thought of offering an easy way to compensate greenhouse gases to everyday people by becoming a “godfather for trees”. In other words, people would signup to a monthly subscription and the thereby provided money would be used to 1. acquire land in their local area, 2. plant trees on that land and 3. nurture those trees. Thereby, the company would have been able to rebuilt forests subscription by subscription. The offer would have been easily accessible through the web and mobile phones. Challenge Our main challenge was to find out whether the business model would be sustainable / profitable at some point in the future. In other words, we needed to know whether 1. people are interested in buying such subscriptions at all and 2. if they were, how much they were willing to pay. Selection Of course, we could have gone out and simply survey potential customers w.r.t the two main questions mentioned above. But as people often tend to say one thing and ultimately do the other thing, we weren’t happy with this approach. We wanted to go with an approach that simulates the actual customer experience and therefore the actual customer behavior as closely as possible. And, as we wanted to keep the costs as minimal as possible – after all we still were students – we wanted to keep everything as cheap as possible. As this matched many of the criteria described by Jens Hoffmann in the lecture “Tool: Learning Launch” of week 4, we decided to perform a Learning Launch. In other words, we went on to 1. define our core hypotheses, 2. setup a cheap and fast experiment generating the data needed to evaluate those hypotheses, 3. perform the experiment and 4. evaluate the gathered data against our hypotheses. Application We continued by setting up a landing page. This landing page was as close to the real website as it could be. On this website we explained what we are trying to do, why this is a good thing and why one should buy our product. Those explanations were followed by the actual product offerings. We provided multiple, exceedingly bigger offers at different prices. The only difference to a real offer was that at this point, one could not buy those offers. Instead, each offer provided an individual button to subscribe to our notification service. This notification service would inform users once the actual offer was available. Experiment 1: Are people interested in this product? Before launching the website, we clearly stated our disconfirming facts as explained by Professor Ed Hesse in “Learning Launch Tool” in week 4 of this course. Basically, this hypothesis sounded like this: “Less than x% of visitors of our website are interested in the product and therefore sign up for any notification service.” Experiment 2: How much are people willing to pay for this product? To answer the second main question explained above, people were able to subscribe to notifications at any price point thereby providing a first signal about how much they are willing to pay. Similar to the explained above, the hypothesis we wanted to disprove for each offer X at price P this: “Less than x% of visitors of our website sign up for the offer X at price P.” Evaluation For each hypothesis, we defined a certain threshold for the conversion rate we needed to achieve to disprove the hypothesis. Those thresholds were derived from our calculations on when the business model would be sustainable. Execution After setting up the experiment, we launched the landing page, started a small marketing campaign to get traffic on the landing page and gathered the resulting data – especially the number of visitors and the number of signups for notifications for the different services. Confirmation Bias We also chose a designated sceptic to avoid confirmation bias as recommended in the lecture already mentioned above. In our case, we only had two people to choose from and as this is pretty much my nature, I was selected for the job. Insights The main insight was that even though climate change and protecting the environment is an ever- growing concern in the country we launched, the interest in our product was minimal. We were able to generate traffic on our landing page, but the resulting low conversion rates where to low to disproof any of our hypotheses. In consequence, we tabled the idea. In some way the more important lesson for me was that Learning Launches work and even are fun! We were able to test our idea by only investing 200€ (mostly marketing), a weekend of time to setup the landing page and four weeks waiting for data to be accumulated. I will definitively use the approach again at any point where I want to evaluate an idea while keeping investment and risk to a minimum. And this will not be restricted to business ideas but also personal matters and situations within my day-to-day work life. Approach Even though we never got that far, we would have used Learning Launches once again during the second round. We had the idea that “people want to see the impact their subscriptions make.” To enable this, we had some kind of mail-based reporting in mind. This reporting would have informed users on a regular basis about the greenhouse gases their trees have absorbed so far. To test this, we would have 1. setup our hypothesis: “Less than x% of users are not interested in seeing the impact their contributions make”, 2. launched another notification service for the feature, 3. gathered data and 4. evaluated the resulting conversion rate against our hypothesis. Unfortunately, this experiment would have been executed some time down the road at a point where we already had launched the real product and gained a sufficient user base. [/INST]Jens(B-NAME_STUDENT), Hoffmann(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection on Mind Mapping | Jan Peters Challenge My Client is a European governmental institution embarking on a new way of working. One where different Service Providers work in an ecosystem to collaboratively provide end-to-end services to their IT users, bringing value to the Client. Being the Service Integrator, my organisation takes over the operational responsibilities of the Service Management processes, on behalf of the Client. For that to be possible the project needed the to implement the Service Management framework and processes. To be successful I realised that, more importantly, we also needed the engagement and contribution of the Service Providers to collaborate and support each-other, playing as one team. To reinforce that idea, we needed to introduce “Ecosystem Commitment” into the contracts between the Client and the Service Providers. The challenge was to establish common grounds with a diverse group of stakeholders with the intention to emphasise how we would like to see all of us working, with respect and consideration of the impact on each member, and where everyone is clear on expected behaviours and outcomes. Selection This tangible result to achieve, the “Ecosystem Commitment” document, is empty at the start with the intention to jointly discuss and agree during the first stage in the project. Because it is not adding new metrics or services but rather taking a different perspective and thinking on how we can achieve this commitment, we proposed to leverage the Mind Mapping tools. As Mind Mapping is intuitive, creative, and engaging, we used Mind Mapping to boil it down into a jointly agreed charter for how everyone will behave and operate. Facilitated workshops, Mind Mapping and visualisation helped us to distil the common grounds for the collaboration principles. Application Prior to the facilitated workshop we instilled the idea with the stakeholders that no-one can pull off a delightful collaboration experience on their own and invited 35 participants, in different roles, representing the ecosystem partners, to discover what it would look like. At the start we have made a lot of inputs available to the participants such as: Strategic Objectives, Statement of Works, Service Level Agreement, Governance Exhibits, RASCI Matrices, Key personnel and the different views and understanding on ecosystem collaboration from the Service providers. Powerful live-cartooning facilitated from ComicHouse (https://comichouse.nl/category/live-cartooning/) helped us clarify and it immediately led us to new discussions and to new insights. All of which were collated and then grouped. The participants were grouped into mixed teams across the Service Providers and assigned to have a discussion related to collaboration rules and principles. We used the Mural canvas, online whiteboard (https://mural.com), to collaborate with the teams, to collate and combine virtual post-its. In the plenary session, teams reported-out and the workshop was successfully concluded with a set of 10 collaboration principles (rules) we could all jointly agree upon. ComicHouse Cartoon Mural Canvas Insights & Approach Due to Covid-19 restrictions we needed to convene fully remote workshops, we used MS Teams (with separate breakouts) and collaboration tools. Most of the participants did not know each other beforehand and yet we decided not to waste time on introduction rounds. We expected such introductions to occur organically during the workshops and we have learned that it did. We also learned it is a good idea to share the objectives (i.e. establishing collaboration rules and principles) prior to the workshop with all participants. It turned out most of them came with a prepared mindset, were able to browse the input materials, and quickly further develop their views into the principles that we were aiming for. The Mural canvas provided the diverse group of participants a central point, it enabled their discussions and the sharing and exchanging of (virtual) Post-it memos. The powerful visualisation tools (ComicHouse) helped us exchanging ideas, sharing insights and, as an extra benefit, it provided us with a lot of graphics. The Service Providers can now use the graphics even beyond the workshop to evangelize the behaviour principles we had established in their respective organisations. I have learned Mind Mapping provides for a structured approach for establishing common grounds (with great contribution from powerful visualisation) and in future I would structure the flow of the workshops even more to get the most out of it. I believe an even better output quality can be achieved when leveraging more Mind Mapping resources than we have done in this case. Although we were restricted in many ways (working remotely), the results were no less than we have previously experienced in pre-Covid on-site workshops, thanks to Mind Mapping. [/INST]Jan(B-NAME_STUDENT), Peters(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Maribel Rodriguez Reflection Paper I am currently taking my Thesis and I am having a hard time choosing a topic or a problem. In this case, I decided to use the mind mapping tool. I started by brainstorming topics that I am interested in. Then, I particularized by creating sub-topics. By doing so, it allowed me to organize my ideas and concepts visually. Mind mapping helps me recall and study my ideas easier. It lessens the complications of my design thinking process. It shows the topics I am most and least interested in. It gives my thoughts a structure and helps me generate new ideas. Also, when I am conflicted between two concepts, mind mapping helps me analyze and compare all related factors so I can make the right decision. [/INST]Maribel(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rodriguez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Written by Rita Francois as final assessment of the course Design Thinking and Innovation offered by the University of Virginia at the platform of Coursera.org Reflection - Visualization Challenge & Selection At the beginning of my internship as an HR Assistant I noticed that the HR department stored data at different places on their network. Sometimes it took them a while to find certain information about their employees, which was time-consuming and very ineffective. The existing file where they kept track of the attended trainings had become difficult to use over the past few years. This was due to the fact that some data were manually entered, which led to different ways of writing, typos and inconsistency. As my internship went on, I discovered other administrative problems as well. I asked myself whether I could help them solve their problems in an efficient way. I decided to focus on simplifying a part of the HR department’s administrative process. I used design thinking to accomplish my goal. Since I knew that the HR team was not used to work with a lot of technology I had to make everything more tangible by creating a logical structure using a lot of images and making everything as simple as I could. The main tool that I used was visualization. Application I had a conversation with my mentor to have a better idea of her expectations. I started drawing some ideas and presented them to the team. After they gave me some feedback I had an even better understanding of their needs. I started by filtering all the data, making a distinction between the necessary data and the redundant data. After that I started creating a database: a structure in which data only needs to be entered once. To make the database easy to use and to visualize as much as possible, I created a switchboard (a main interface) that gave access to all underlying forms and reports (in one single click). The macros that I included were made of little drawings that made it very easy to return to the switchboard. I explained all the technicalities in a well-structured and visual manual so the HR team can continue to simplify and automate their administrative processes. When I finished the project and before I presented the manual to the team, I placed myself in the minds of my colleagues. I knew and understood the tool that had created but they did not. It was crucial to include more visual elements in the manual so the team would clearly understand the functionalities of this new database. Therefore, I also created user stories. With this in mind, I had the idea of re-building the old way of registration with Lego cubes and the new database with Duplo cubes (to have a better idea of what I mean I included a photo on the next page). Each cube in the front contains data from different categories. The blue cube i.e. contains personal information (that comes from the green cubes in the back), information on training courses (that comes from the yellow cubes) and information on training courses (that comes from the red cubes). The database provides a link structure (if you look closely at the picture you can see some wires). These categories can be linked to each other. In addition, relationships with primary keys can be selected. Of course I was using a lot of hand gestures while explaining this and as you can see from the blue cube at the side of the panel, I was holding it during the presentation, so that I could show it more visually. Written by Rita Francois as final assessment of the course Design Thinking and Innovation offered by the University of Virginia at the platform of Coursera.org Insight & Approach When I presented the manual and the cubes to the team I realized that it really depends on the type of learner that I have in front of me because there are some profiles that are more visual than others. I decided to adjust the strategy and to take visualization to the next level by organizing 5 workshops that allowed me to conduct the team through the actual workings of the database. Later I also got to the idea to not only visualize how to use the tool but also why they should continue using it. I tried to stimulate them in a different way. I made it very evident to the leadership team that this database would represent savings to the company. I cannot say that I would use this tool again in the future for this type of project seeing that it depends on the public you are working with. In my case, I adjusted the strategy based on the type of profile that I had in front of me as future users. [/INST]Rita(B-NAME_STUDENT), Francois(I-NAME_STUDENT), Rita(B-NAME_STUDENT), Francois(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Activity:; Refletion Juan Jose Diaz - 8/12/2020 1. I want to found insights to create app to connect inthernet in Latin America and all industries catching data users and company to resolve future problems and give solutions. 2. (Visualization): I choose this tool because first I need to look ideas on the table, for then begun to testing as teacher said on video. “What is” and do brainstorming 3. Was a good tool for my team, because they understand Challenge zone is so important to found answers. 4. I felt very good, because is necesary leave to do all thing we want to do and began to think the importance design mindset to solve problems and help others. 5. (Learning Launche): I like so much this tool to because, this way I could learn learning launch process to focus on certanly trues is not in lies insights. Improve my strategy team and our priorities. [/INST]Juan(B-NAME_STUDENT), Jose(I-NAME_STUDENT), Diaz(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Final Assignment – Design Thinking of Innovation- Maria Panagiotopoulou – Visualization Challenge & selection I am a member of my organization’s customer experience department. The company defined a challenge: to significantly improve the experience of the new customer (the customer who visits for the first time a branch of the organization's network) in order to increase the market share and customer loyalty. In order to meet this challenge, a team of 12 members was set up, involving executives from the Process Improvement Division, IT, HR and other business departments. Since the challenge was wide, the team decided to apply many of the principles and tools of design thinking for empathizing , such as observation in branches, interviewing new customers & branch managers, identification & observation of extreme/ analogous users-industries & form insights (discover what is). The next step was to form and describe the insights, to conceptualize solutions and ideate, to explore IT solutions that can improve customer experience, optimize current procedures and of course to create and test our prototypes(describe what if) . The visualization tool that we used in order to create and then test our prototypes was the storyboards .This tool was very helpful to achieve a shared understanding of our ideas, to agree to the core assumptions that we wanted to test with our customers-users and to have something concrete to show to the customers when we would addressing to them in order to test the prototype . I will describe in detail the procedure we followed using the visualization tool in the application section below. Application We decided to do the prototyping actions related to the three of the ten insights we have identified. For the activity, the group divided into smaller groups of four participants each representing an idea for prototyping action In order to make concrete our ideas we decided that each group to use a poster size white paper to design a storyboard in which the members could simply draw a high level story, which consisted of 4 to 6 pictures in order to describe the idea and the customer journey related to that. The activity had to be completed within 10 minutes. When the storyboards were ready each team presented the story to the members of the other teams .Every member of the other team had to say 2 things that he liked in this story and one that makes him wonder about something else, to write them down in 3 post – it and stick them to the relative picture. For example in a storyboard of one team which described the story of a new customer who applied digitally through website for a financial service offered by the company, one member of the other team said and wrote in post – it: I like that the customer has the possibility for digital application anytime he prefers, I like that he could avoid the queues in the branches in order to be serviced by an officer for his application (something that usually degrades the customer experience), I wonder if the customer is not using digital ways in order to be serviced and prefers the human touch with an employee. Then every team had to take into consideration and maintain the feature which the other teams liked and to find ways to redesign / clarify the features they have make some Final Assignment – Design Thinking of Innovation- Maria Panagiotopoulou – Visualization members to wonder and in a new poster size white paper to design the new, refined storyboard. This process had to be repeated two more times before we go with the final storyboard to the customer/user to test our prototype. When the final storyboard was ready, each team had first to decide to the core assumption related to the prototype that was necessary to be tested. Then every team needed to find a user and make an appointment with him to show him the storyboard (prototype) and experiment-test it - get feedback from the customer-user by making him open questions in order not to direct his answers , to give him the chance by this way to express himself about what he thinks, feels, says, does about the story, what he likes, dislikes or suggests in order to improve about the idea. After this procedure, every team had to take into account all the things that emerged through this experiment and to design a new even more refined storyboard, which had to test it with another user. We agreed to repeat this test 5 times trying to evolve our ideas and then the team had a workshop in order to discuss, present the final storyboards of each team and decided which ideas considered viable & feasible to deal with in order to significantly improve the new customer’s experience. We managed to define what wows to the customer & what works. Insight & Approach What I have learned from conducting this exercise is that the usage of a storyboard – especially the final-refined storyboard that incorporates the feedback of the members of the team & the customers feedback – is very significant for reinforcing the understanding of the problem the group trying to solve. But the aspect of the activity that has significant value is that the team during this process shares insights and learning that emerge while they are trying to define the space of their problem. The storyboard gives the diverse group of members, a focal point for discussion which gives them the opportunity to share their perspectives and develop insights into potential root causes of their problems. While the team could use a narrative to describe their ideas ,and then after discussion to rewrite and refine the narrative to describe the idea, by using visualization tools such as storyboards, managed to engage the logical & the creative side of their brains (and the customers brain during the experiment). Unlike the narrative that can in each one's mind create different images, the usage of simple sketch can help make our ideas more understandable to someone else, and allows ideas to be heart and built upon. By using simple storyboards to design prototypes we have proven to the company that it is not necessary to invest a lot of time and resources in order to design and run an experiment in order to learn about aspects of our ideas. We understood that by using simple visualization tools like storyboards, we could conduct low risk experiments, at a minimal cost with a safe audience, which are easy, quick to design & run and most important to be generative and help the teams to learn and grow the ideas. It think that it would be a good idea next time to combine the storyboard with a simple role-play with the customer, in order to have a more interactive and more vibrant experience during the experimentation. [/INST]Maria(B-NAME_STUDENT), Panagiotopoulou(I-NAME_STUDENT), Maria(B-NAME_STUDENT), Panagiotopoulou(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: DESIGN THINKING EXPERIMENT – 2 Name: Nizam Ahmed Pin No: 159531167997 PROJECT: Power Bank Date: 09-22-2014 Interviewer name: Sana Ahmed Interviewee name: Asmaa Ahmed Interviewer pin no: 159531167997 Interviewee pin no: 046922558887 Where Why When What Who How Where did you buy your power bank? Amazon Why do you think it is necessary? Will be able to charge in absence of power outlet When do you use it? When my device is running low on battery What do you check for, before buying a power bank? Power rating, size, brand, price Who are the major players in the market? Protronics, Mi, Oneplus How long does your Power Bank take to charge? Around 4 hours Where did you get to know about this product? Online Why do you advise this product? Fast charging and portability When do you know it’s time to recharge your power bank? When indicator light turns red What’s your battery capacity? 10,000 mAH Who suggested you this product? Friends How many times do you use your power bank in a day? Once in a day Where do you use this product? While travelling Why think is worth buying? Due to regular power cuts When did you first purchase this product? Last year What’s the lifespan of your Power Bank? 3 years Who provides warranty support? OEM through Amazon How long does your power bank last? The power bank lasts 2 times full recharge of mobile to 100% Where do you prefer to have the product demo? Physical stores Why do you think this product is effective? Fast and efficient charging When did you use this product for the first time? A year ago What do you think about solar power banks? They are less effective compared to electronic power banks Who else use this product in your family? Sister How do you know your power bank is completely charged? When light turns green which indicates full charge Where do you think it requires improvement? Should be able to use it for multiple devices Why do you think this product is expensive? Compared to similar products available in market When is your next purchase? Maybe after a year What do you think about custom power banks? is more efficient but, increases the cost Who takes the decision to buy the product? Father How much is the voltage of your power bank? 5 volts [/INST]Nizam(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ahmed(I-NAME_STUDENT), 159531167997(B-ID_NUM), Sana(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ahmed(I-NAME_STUDENT), Asmaa(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ahmed(I-NAME_STUDENT), 159531167997(B-ID_NUM), 046922558887(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Story telling Fatin Tam goes on to tell us about how stories can be used as a great motivating factor with your kids. If your child’s low on confidence in certain areas, instead of just asking them to gain confidence, you can find stories of inspiring people to tell your child in a way that your child believes they could be that person and adapt their strategies and ideology. She also talks about how storytelling is now being used in various fields of business, in relationship building, etc, primarily because storytelling releases the hormone oxytocin in us. Oxytocin helps us feel happy and makes us feel connected to the storyteller. This again, makes the bond between you and your child stronger. Our neurons fire information at 5 times the normal speed when we’re listening to stories. How to tell stories to your child: • Vidya tells us how to respect storytelling as both an art and a science. Make sure you’re emotionally expressive and excited while you’re reading the story. • Use actions and exhibit a positive and happy body language, too. Read quotes by different characters in different voices and make your kid laugh! • Pick your moments to tell them these stories. It can be during bedtime, while travelling, while spending time out with your child, when they’re eating, etc. • Read them stories in English, in their second language and even in a third language sometimes. You can include words from different languages when you’re reading stories from different cultures to them! Conclusion: You’ll begin realizing that putting in this much energy into telling a story will excite you and make you enjoy it. [/INST]Fatin(B-NAME_STUDENT), Tam(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Learning Launch Edjanio Sousa Challenge I work in a company that manufactures catalysts for the oil refining industry. A catalyst is a component that increases the rate of reaction but does not take part in it. In the refining process, reactor is fed with heavy hydrocarbons and, in the presence of the catalyst, valuable light products are obtained. It is a very competitive market with few but very strong competitors. The market we serve has many state- owned refineries that buy the product by public procurement which includes catalytic test. Catalyst must win the test to be selected. My challenge was to develop a new product that could win the test and recover one of these customers in particular, which we have not supplied for years. Selection We set out a series of experiments in the laboratory designed to impart the desired characteristics to the product: activity (the ability to convert the heavy hydrocarbons into light ones) and selectivity (increase the yield of one product relative to others). Results were scaled to pilot plant and the product tested well in the lab and in a pilot reactor. Some improvements were due, but we were running out of time to bid. So we decided to try the learning launch tool. After several sessions of ideation, brainstorming and visualization, we came up to a safe and effective arrangement to perform a plant trial. Scale-up process raises several issues, such as different behavior of fluid mixing, large amounts to be transferred and the need to install piping and instrumentation to run the operation. We modified our hardware and ran the production to get the minimum amount of product (a few tons) to run a commercial trial in a small refinery with which we have an agreement. Application During scale-up, the usual protocol is to explore the operating window of process conditions, try different formulations, and stress the boundaries of product physicals. But we decided not to go so deep in analysis and testing, but go for the proof of concept: research basis was solid, product characterization and performance test results were encouraging. The product we obtained had no further improvements in formulation or cost saving activities in the plant, but it carried the fundamentals of our research. Catalyst was used in the small refinery and data were collected and analyzed, thus confirming our expectations of higher activity and selectivity. Insight Using the learning launch tool has been a breakthrough in our organization. Mostly composed of chemical engineers (as me), the approach to product development and launch has always had a conservative and cautious bias. All causes of potential failure should be anticipated, massive and extensive product characterization and performance were supposed to be run in each scale of development before product came into production. This protocol lengthens the time to market a great deal and hinders innovation. The great insight was to show that we can have a consistent product and technology ready for market launch even though we do not know all the answers and failure modes but based on solid fundamentals and experimental work. I believe we can use this tool more often to speed up our time to market and keep the innovation process running smothly, but what I might do differently next time is to bring customer experience to the development plan. Carry interviews and propose cooperation plans to test product at the customer’s lab in between the tenders to have a deeper understanding of his protocols and decision making. [/INST]Edjanio(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sousa(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Norma Valenzuela Reflection- Visualization Visualization as a Design Thinking tool to improve students’ knowledge appropriation Challenge & Selection At the start of this course our mentor shows us up that this knowledge can work for business innovation, personal relationships or any situation faced with a more grown and open mind to explore new experience plus changes and so on. Which match perfectly with the reflection I want to be exposed. There are more unknowns that the facts proving effective knowledge appropriation. That’s the reason why our University implements academic spaces based on existing uncertainty to discover the topic that can match with students’ needs and find which the best way to work on with them. This is the main challenge and the reason to choose design thinking at this point, like a technique that can take up this goal along with an attractive path to follow. Improve systematic thinking between each member as stimuli to share, complement and think out of the box with the flow of the interaction and motivation. Members how student in advances semesters who are looking for improve their skills and lend a hand to the ones can’t appropriate knowledge as easier than others. This students' group side by side with professors, choose the carrier topic and create a stage, process that can take at least one year. Application The focus has been always brought the students into a knowledge without makes them feel the traditional structure that classes or conference rooms usually shows up as common. Keeping in mind to see the person with a mindset and preferences complex as each one learn in a different way. The senses will be the same and if we find a way to involve them as an active process instead a passive one, then we’ll be in front of a possible stage. Understanding how they feel, their preferences and what they’re interested to applying or not at all, this is our start point to find out the design criteria and highlight them for the next steps. Moreover, our perspective is a risk that we haven’t evaluated yet as should be until this course experience teaches us as a metric that needs to be controlled with a major responsibility. We used a white board meeting us as a group with the main challenge in front our eyes, shared the knowledge we have as the most comfortable, simple and easy way. Some of us use diagrams and other ones sketching the ideas and perspectives, at the end we’d always consolidated everything as a collage on the board. I have never imagined that design thinking tool were implemented in our first steps of creations that thanks for this experience Norma Valenzuela we know is called innovation process and we were handling the what is and if questions. Finally, after some meetings we’ve gotten select the topic students needs and correlations become easier to find looking at that collage. Insight & Approach I realize that the units and contributions in each iterative strategy could have been applied counting the atypical reasoning as an opportunity for analysis and don’t separated them as inconclusive results without correlation. So, the final visualization on the board shows the results in these early stages that can be enhanced to getting Design Criteria that emerge and lead to a more solid foundation as well, as a timely and satisfactory group approach for all those involved. Keeping in mind the active observation for futures projects or goals where I may work, we’ll identify and invite more stakeholders to complete a closer folder of possible resolutions in this challenge. To be able in an advance innovation step, create small experiments and keep the insight reflected into the design criteria as an agreement to improve knowledge experience, because actually we were placing of all our bets on a singles idealized stage. [/INST]Norma(B-NAME_STUDENT), Valenzuela(I-NAME_STUDENT), Norma(B-NAME_STUDENT), Valenzuela(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Michelle Cara July 6, 2019 Visualization Tool Challenge: The challenge is how to make healthy food choices more accessible to our homeless population and less fortunate. This is an assignment to further my development in Design Thinking. The challenge itself is a real challenge that multiple individuals around the world face each day of their lives. Most often individuals will make a poor food selection choice due to not having the funds to purchase foods that are healthier. Let’s face it, unhealthy food at fast food restaurants is quickly accessible at a low cost. Whereas, the average individual cannot afford purchasing fruits, vegetables, and grass feed animals products from high end grocers such as Whole Foods. Selection: Visualization is an intricate part of design thinking. It is visual thinking that illustrates the idea in picture form instead of using words. This also gives a visual understanding of your idea, which can often assist in getting your point across. Creating visualization is simplistic as using circles, squares, arrows, etc. Designers use Visualization and it is also used during each phase of the design process. Photography is also a great way to use visualization. During synthesizing or pattern finding is where you begin to think visually. Ideation and concept development is another phase in which you can bring your idea to life with pictures, photographs, sketches, and diagrams. I am choosing to use Visualization during my assignment to bring forth my vision which is a solution to the challenge of making healthy food choices more accessible to all. Providing a picture of the solution will assist when describing this solution to others. Application: I used the Visualization tool by sketching out my picture of a Co-Op Garden on a lined piece of notebook paper using a pen. This effectively assisted with creating the vision leading in to the prototyping phase. This was a quick and inexpensive way to get my point across to others and provide a sample of what I was wanting to create. You see a low fidelity prototype is very useful when wanting to get your point across without spending an excessive amount of money. Visualization is the way to go should you have a complex idea that needs to possibly be simplified for others to get a clearer understanding and as a great conversation started. It also gives you a better chance of gaining others buy in to your vision which is what you are wanting to accomplish. Michelle Cara July 6, 2019 Visualization Tool Insight: I gain a greater insight to the challenge by using the Visualization Tool. I thought about geographic location, type of machines needed to seal items, type of refrigerators to store items in, and ultimately how the garden will function. This tool made me believe in my vision and made it clearer for others to understand. Even though I do not consider myself to be an artist. I can see how this tool aides in the understanding of your solution for others. This tool also made me think about how others may have used Visualization to create new innovative ideas solutioning for challenges around the world and gained buy in due to having a sketch or drawing that clearly showed their vision. Approach: Next time, I think I will do one of the following tap into using a design team member from our organization who specializes in graphic design or I will try to use the computer to draw a more colorful creation of my solution. I believe that this will also make a greater impact to getting others to buy into the idea. Not to say that without these you would not get buy in from others however, I do believe that it would make a greater impact. I will do something more in the lines of the sketch below. As you can see this is a major difference than my first hand drawn picture. The color truly brings the idea to life and captivates the audience which I am pitching to. All in all, the Visualization tool is key, it brings your ideas to life providing a vision for others to see! [/INST]Michelle(B-NAME_STUDENT), Cara(I-NAME_STUDENT), Michelle(B-NAME_STUDENT), Cara(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Date of submission: 30 October 2021 Author: Mdjakir Puerta Design Thinking for Innovation – Coursera Assignment Mind Mapping Challenge: In the Organization that I am working in, which is a highly regulated Pharma Industry, we have several procedures and standards that need to be applied while implementing or developing a computerized system. It has been a challenge for associates to know all the standards, regulations and procedures, visualize them all at one place and apply them appropriately based on different scenarios. Using Design Thinking and Mind Mapping tool technique tried to resolve this challenge by providing a mind map of regulations, standards and procedures at one place in a single frame or window for associates to refer. Selection: Found Mind mapping tool to be very effective to solve this problem or challenges since the mind mapping technique creates a very good analytical representation in a very user friendly way. Using this tool, could successfully create a mind map of all regulations, standards and procedures including different categories of computerized systems so that application development teams can apply them easily rather than spending too much time figuring out what are the relevant standards, procedures, were are they? What to apply in which scenario. Application: Using the mind mapping tool, came up with a high-level pyramid structure and mapped all the Standards, Procedures, Guidelines, Controls with different types of computerized systems and what is relevant for different categories of computerized systems. Used Mindjet Manager Application for mapping. Insight: The Design for Innovation course helped me to understand how to solve business problems, challenges in day-to-day life using different tools and techniques, apply critical thinking and design thinking principles. The Mind Mapping tool helped me to solve this problem, which was saving lots of time for Application Development teams to see all relevant standards, procedures, controls at one place and apply them to be compliant. Approach: I would try to automate this entire process of applying relevant standards, procedures based on the category of the computerized system being implemented by providing a mind map, dashboard. [/INST]Mdjakir(B-NAME_STUDENT), Puerta(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: USELESS TO USEFULL The colony I live had the waste thrown in the corner. And unfortunately or fortunately my home is near to the place where the waste is thrown. Growing up every day I would see the waste as my sunrise view. Then one day the question “should I see this waste thrown as my view from my balcony all my life? “hit me very hard. Also end of day they use to burn it like weekly once and all the fumes, stagnant smell would come into homes. I thought let’s know the root of the problem .Then I thought just by asking my fellow neighbours to divide the waste into two the bio- degradable and non-bio degradable . But there was no change in them. I got disappointed because all my crises and pain went in vain. I thought let’s know the root of the problem. Then I thought what if there is a machine that divides waste into two- the bio-degradable and non- biodegradable. But there is no such machine. Then again I thought what if I create a system to divide the waste into bio degradable an non-bio degradable . I approached various people for building a machine but everybody said IT’S IMPOSSIBLE . They convinced me very wisely .so I quit with much pain . But soon I reach home with much grief that I couldn’t do anything for such crises made me emotional in front of parents . That’s when my best parents said they would stay with for as long as I wish to do or work for building it with the minimalistic salary they get . And that gave me wings and again I started with much more passion than earlier .Somehow I build a machine . So I called all the members who said it’s impossible . They arrived I started the machine, switched on ,it ran for five seconds then the motor blast up and the machine broke into pieces with high sound. The sound of motor blasting and laughter of the people around hit me again. The day ended very badly . But I didn’t stop again started from the scratch and build a team then a machine then a company . And it is now , Tones of waste is segregated and generating value . And from this waste we are making products that people are using . I am glad that we did that .Here our only motivational factor was to take step towards changing this scenario , instead of just cribbing about the waste piled around us . MORAL: Stay consistent and create an impact USER QUOTES MEANING CONCLUSION PERSON 1: David William 943063077874 Did your society members believed in you and helped you do this? Support from neighbours No, all my neighbours were very helpful. PERSON 2: Sajid Khan 792389774673 Didn’t you feel disgusting When you were picking up the waste in the beginning? Did you feel you bad. No. If we don’t pick today tomorrow the consequence are even more hard. PERSON 3: Sajid Khan 167695383458 What motivated you to from the scratch again and again when you failed bitterly? Motivation to start again. Every time we failed the only thought that kept us motivated “if not we then who?” [/INST]David(B-NAME_STUDENT), William(I-NAME_STUDENT), 943063077874(B-ID_NUM), Sajid(B-NAME_STUDENT), Khan(I-NAME_STUDENT), 792389774673(B-ID_NUM), Sajid(B-NAME_STUDENT), Khan(I-NAME_STUDENT), 167695383458(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Prioritization Learning Launch Ernesto Young 3 April 2021 Challenge I am a member of my organization’s operating model transformation department and my team’s challenge is to improve how the organization prioritizes work –to become more efficient as the corporation changes its business strategy. The entire project scope includes about 15,000 people. However, the project is limited in budget and the initial rollout will be pitched to approximately, 1,000 leaders across the organization (and the globe). The rollout will not exceed 60 business days and the solution should include feedback from over 50% of the initial population of the 1,000 participants. Our focus will be to understand which strategies the initial population consider to be the most effective with regard to our proposed prioritization workflows. Selection Our Transformation team has already gone through some design thinking activities/scoping, so we are ready to try to launch the learning activity. This launch will be the experiment that will quickly test our key prioritization concepts and help us high-grade the main prioritization initiatives. This will inform the path toward full implementation across the larger population. Application For our first learning launch, we produced several video modules. Each video delved into the various aspects of our proposed prioritization techniques, focusing on the structure, process, governance, and behaviors inherent in our proposed models. The participants had several days to watch the collection of videos at their own pace. An interactive survey section at the end of each video allowed the participants to provide feedback or submit new ideas, based on the video content and their own experience. This tested our assumption that we had not missed important aspects within our proposed prioritization models. While the survey population was not as high as we would have liked, we were able to use the feedback to improve on some of the prioritization models and were able to create a list of the most preferred prioritization techniques. For our second learning launch our team took our updated information (from the first launch) to conduct multiple live question and answer (Q&A) feedback sessions over the course of three-days. Overall, these Q&A sessions reached over 80% of the participants. In this second session, we focused more on methodology details and discussed prioritization challenges that individual leaders were having in their teams; challenges that had arisen since the corporate strategy change. While his learning opportunity allowed us access to a larger population, it also helped us further refine our workflows and scope of each of the high-graded prioritization techniques. Again, at the end of these Q&A sessions we had the participants take a survey, focusing on what their ‘go-to’ best practices were, and asked for specific examples. This allowed us to further clarify our assumptions about prioritization and helped identify some possible unforeseen challenges that could arise during the larger rollout. Insight By conducting these launches, our Transformation team were able to define our assumptions and designed multiple learning pathways to test hypotheses. Additionally, we were able to gain a broader insight into the prioritization mindset across the organization, which helped us refine our models, identify missing components, and discover some challenges that lay ahead. By pursuing this type of faceted learning approach, our Transformation team and the key stakeholders (participants) were open to sharing experience and insight. Based on all the feedback, we were able to high-grade and recommend multiple prioritization models. Each model would have a specific use and would be an important prioritization process for different sets of business activities. However, the team also learned that, depending on the business function, the prioritization methodologies would need to be rolled-out according to specific guidelines –unique to certain functions. This insight will need to be incorporated into future launch designs. The next step will be to test the prioritization models within the larger population. Approach At this stage in the timeline, the learning launch appears to have been the appropriate tool. The first two learning launches have brought much insight into our prioritization design. The upcoming, larger launch design will reflect all the insight gained, will have stakeholder support, and will provide a range of prioritization processes to a much larger part of the business. Through a well-developed prioritization system, the corporation will be able to adopt its new strategy more efficiently. [/INST]Ernesto(B-NAME_STUDENT), Young(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: 2. Selection 3. Application 4. Insight 5. Approach & Organization 7. Additional Feedback. 1. Challenge Assignment Rubric Storytelling & Visual Rya a hard-working single mother had just landed a new job as an Executive Director at Horizons non-proft Institute. After several interviews the Board of Directors picked her to be their new Executive Director for her educational background in art & design, and for her work experience with other non-proft organizations. Horizons Institute currently have many issues and problems starting with being a very small non-proft Institute with a few numbers of supporting members in comparison to other NGO institutes. The mission of the institute is focused on foreign language educational classes for kids, arts & crafts workshops’ and other programs for the foreign community. The only resource of funding initially comes from the Board members and the few enrolled members who still believe in the mission of the institute. The Board needs to fnd ways to invest in making their institute better inside out, the structure of the building they own is old, and the location is somehow considered in the industrial area, on the interstate junction. The founder of the institution died 6 months ago, which was the reason why the Board of Directors started the interviewing process searching for a new Executive Director, the founder’s benefciaries had no interest in investing to keep the institute that was created by their Father. Nonetheless, the Board of Directors believe in this mission, as it is a gateway for their community to stay connected, for their kids to learn their heritage and to grow as non-proft institute. The community and the board members are loyal to the institute, it is their gathering place, it reminds them of their home town, and they all love being there because they are able to still practice on using their own language as foreigners, and to teach their kids the language. They strongly believe in their mission, and they want to keep their doors open, so they can attract other nationalities that may be interested to enroll in learning a new foreign language, arts and crafts, and, or cultural cooking classes. The Board handed Rya a list of needs and a long wish list that they desire to come true, they asked Rya to immediately start working on executing a plan to attract more members, starting with enhancing the Institute’s interiors, provided that she creates a presentation within 10 days, along with a budget to be approved for an execution plan that needs to be done in 4 weeks time frame. The challenge for her and for the institute is fnding the right resources to frst make the institute look more attractive for visitors, and second to execute that idea with a minimal budget as the stakeholders were the ones to throw in money to invest in making the frst item on the list happen. Furthermore, when they see a return on their investment, they will move forward with the other items on their list such as fnding new marketing tools to promote the Institute, and applying to new grants that they may need to keep the institute open. Rya started her due diligence with writing down what tools she would require and need, in order to succeed as both an Executive Director and as an interior designer, from her extensive experience in design she knows how to use certain elements to make a space look better, her frst element is using color, as color has a great psychological effect on people’s behavior as well as a human craving to re-live an experience at a certain place. In other words, color attracts people to walk into a space if it is used wisely, and most probably come back to visit it again. She wrote down 3 main words: Attractive, Comfortable and Low budget. She began with her desk research for modern low-cost furniture (i.e. IKEA), in parallel she was still getting introduced to the staff and their roles in the institute. The staff were only 4 people who happened to wear multiple hats during their work at the Institute. Those four are: The social worker, the administrator, the language teacher, and the accountant who is a volunteer. Rya had to analyze and know these people as fast as possible to see what potential they have in order to help her execute her idea, and at the same time provide her with information and data that she may need since they have been working at the institute for at least 5 years. She also wrote down these questions: * What tools do I need? * Who can help? * How can I fnd the right resources? * How much money do I need? * What way can I present my idea with a quick acceptance from the Board� The frst step was Rya checking out the institute. What type of furniture the employees have? What do they use it for? How do they manage the space? She approached them and talked to them in person to know the level of comfort they have during work, as she had noticed that they have a wide selection of different furniture items here and there, the furniture selection were multiple donations from the members, and most probably a place where these members dumped their old furniture for a donation ticket. Rya had realaized that as an Executive Director she didn’t even have an ofce nor a desk, the previous Executive Director used to sit on small rectangular meeting table that was pushed into the same room with the other 3 employees, while the 4th employee had her desk put in the library since the room was already packed. So the frst thing that was noticeable was chaos and a space full of old, broken, and misused furniture. The institute also had a huge ballroom for events which looked like a storage room even though they did have a storage room! So instantly the frst step was to clean the mess and de-clutter the space, create a check list of what to re-use, recycle and, or up-cycle. Few furniture items can be used in the arts and crafts classes. This survey and clearing took 5 long days to accomplish, offering meal to the employees to help, and still after the hard work of piling the needed furniture in one corner, few items were left there as a sentimental junk. At the same time Rya invited the Board of members for a quick meeting, where she had a questionnaire composed of 3 questions to have each member individually answer in order to collect information, and yet not all the Board of Directors were able to attend: 1. What is the budget for refurnishing? 2. Who can volunteer to execute the project? 3. Who are Horizons Institute members and what are their occupations? After collecting this information and listing an inventory list of what is needed from furniture, she started with the internet research for other design ideas, contacting members who own furniture companies, and other business like home improvement retail. Rya was good at fnding the right resources for furniture since she is a designer, she has connection and a handy directory, she is also a creative person who knows how to re-decorate a place on a low budget. She went back to her color theory idea, and decided that the main interior elevation of the Institute is actually the front facade of the business, and that is the focal point. During the survey she had brought her camera and started taking pictures of every room and space, documenting what is currently there while working on her presentation. She used photoshop software to copy these images and make the Before and After Slides. She thought that this would be the frst step of how the Board of Directors can visualize the idea, in order to approve it. She also added the exact amount of required furniture along with pictures, color selection, prices, each rooms in the institute and a list of requirement for each room, and had an insight to use case studies of wall paint using stenciling art, the presentation included a section of how to re-design the fow of the space to best serve the Institute. Assignment by: Yasmin Moustafa I Date: 09/17/2020 Rya invited the Boards of Directors and the employees through an electronic e-mail, she asked them to wear their favorite color to the meeting, and to bring a snack or a refreshment to share. Before the meeting Rya had set a relaxed atmosphere in the space using low lights, and soft music in the background. She was also excited to meet 3 new Board of Directors she had not met yet, but whom were excited to join that night after receiving the e-mail invitation. The atmosphere was so calm, and the vibe of the people entering the space was very positive, the employees were all smiles as this was the frst time they ever get to attend a Board of Director meeting. People were also complementing each other on the colors they were wearing. Rya used the ceiling projector to showcase her presentation with slides of the Before and After Rooms of the Institute. The intro was about the heritage and history of the community collecting old pictures of past activities, followed by the mission of the Institute, a bio of the founder and the new generation future look. In her presentation there was a section about the interview survey form the current employees, describing their goals and pains. She had a print fa one pager for each person. The one pager had listed each room’s requirement for a revamp suggestion. The fnal slide presented an image of how the main wall of the Institute can be re-painted using stencil art technique, and illustrations of images that relate to their culture. Rya also suggested that volunteers who are willing to help execute the paint workshop can have their hours accounted for as part of their mandatory community work hours approved by the community service department of their county. Rya wanted to make everyone happy by taking a wise method of research through conducting a short personal questionnaire presented to the Board, interviews with the employees, and by using a strong visual presentation to showcase her idea of how a designer designs a space with documenting the Before and After look. At the end of the presentation she asked every person to write down their favorite color on a post-it, and to stick on the wall where the new paint is going to be applied. Engaging the people who use the space the most will motivate them to work better, and to gladly give back to the community from Board of Directors, employees, and even volunteers who can become potential members. The actual paint workshop was a success, Board of Directors, their kids, outside volunteers and Rya all worked together on preparing and painting the main interior facade. Rya received a Thank You note as well as a $300 check donation after the paint workshop from one of the members to cover the paint cost. Another member working at one of the News channels came to make a free short movie about the Institute, he used the main interior facade wall as the background during the shoot. Result: Everyone had smiles on their faces! [/INST]Yasmin(B-NAME_STUDENT), Moustafa(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Project: Shopping Website Interviewer Name:Ganpat Rathod Interviewee Name:Ganpat Rathod Interviewer Pin Iz.:999893751750 Interviewee Pin Kl.:838901042770 Team:4 Date:10/09/2020 Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who is inspiration for this website? What is the intensión of creating this website? When are you going to complete this project? Where would you create this project? Why are you interested in creating this website? How are you managing the product companies? Jeff Bezos is my inspiration for this website To make the user to handle it more conveniently We will try to complete this project by end of this year We would like to create project at our work shop To improves some of the mistakes done in current shopping website We are trying to reach all product companies and collaborating with them Who are the sponsors for this website? What are the advance features we would expect from this website? When did you start the to work on this project? Where would you launch this website first? Why do you think that so many people are not interested in online shopping for clothes? How are you developing this website? The sponsors are TCS, RIL, Alibaba and ITC are the main sponsors Well, we decided to add VR feature in this website so that customers can know the exact size and shape of product and we are trying to implement lighting fast delivery We started this project on may 20 2010 We want to launch this website first in India There are so many reasons the main reason is the mismatch in size and quality We are using some coding people in our team to make its user experience easier [/INST]Ganpat(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rathod(I-NAME_STUDENT), Ganpat(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rathod(I-NAME_STUDENT), Iz.:999893751750(B-ID_NUM), Kl.:838901042770(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Learning Launch Submitted by: Steven Richards Date: November 25 2018 Challenge and Selection: My first experience of using tools related to Design Thinking was the Learning Launch – or Experimentation. I’ve been working with a number of global consultants from all over the world in seeking hypothetical, disruptive innovations that World Wild Foundation might potentially consider commercializing and scaling as part of their existing Consumer Health portfolio. This was an entirely hypothetical example for them to consider – and may never see the light of day – but we need to show them how the innovation process works and what it might produce. As part of that innovation phase – a critical part of it involved collecting external data from pharma executives, technologists and actual consumers to validate if any of the rather zany products or services we were creating might actually have merit in considering. Thus a Learning Launch was undertaken to develop a hypothesis for each of the proposed products (10 in all), and we quickly realized that, as many of our ideas utilized the same technologies (block chain, VR, big data, nano- technology, wearables, etc.) we might be able to consolidate 10 product Learning Launches and reduce that number to about 4, as we had very limited time and needed to move fast. Learning Launch provided us the critical platform to take our rather wild ideas and see if there were any issues, worries, challenges or out-right fails associated with chasing these further down the innovation path. Application: We started by looking at the core or ‘crux’ hypotheses we needed to test with external sources – and identified 4 key hypotheses to address. In each of these, we need then to determine what were the most effective means of gathering the most illustrative data that would either validate our concepts – or prove them to be ineffective, too expansive, technologically impossible or otherwise of little concern to the consumer and/or problematic with our client company. We ultimately landed on using on-line surveys using Survey Monkey, where we sought demographic data to address ethnographics, then dug into the challenges/problems the respondents experienced, and further drilled down (based on answers to key questions), as to what their experience was with each of these elements in terms of available relief or cure. This was used to qualify respondents to be able to participate in the next phase of questioning. We then introduced a prototype concept to them, simply explaining the basics and what use cases we planned to implement. This then framed up the follow on questions that queried whether or not they would feel comfortable engaging with the technologies we proposed, the techniques and methods involved, and whether or not they would consider using these concepts were they readily available tomorrow. We were seeking, as Heiko Meier described in week 4’s Learning Launch presentation, the truth about whether or not our ideas were even worth considering – or would the fall at the first hurdle. We further sought open-ended responses as to why they might use or not use our disruptive innovations – and then poured through the results in earnest. We launched these extensive surveys via various social media tools to gain access to as large a sample size as we could – to maintain a level of statistical significance. We then divided the responses into appropriate groups covering each of the disruptive innovations we were seeking insight about – then into ethnographic categories, to see if patterns would emerge on that demographic breakout. In some cases – where responses appeared to lead towards deeper, more insightful learning – we reached out to individuals for one-to-one interviews (with their permission, of course), and dug further into the details of why they responded the way they did, and why they would either choose to engage or pass on the concepts we created. We were deeply aware of confirmation bias, and seeking to really understand why the sceptics were feeling the way in which they did. We then met as a team with a specific focus – which was only to validate or invalidate the concepts – based solely on the data we received back, and sought to ignore any personal attachment to the concepts we’d created initially. Insight and Approach: The insights we gained by reviewing the data from the surveys and interviews was rather insightful – and challenged all of us to reconsider several aspects of our disruptive innovations. We found the people had very specific notions and pre-conceptions about the pharma industry, misuse of personal data, the use of wearable data gathering devices and multiple perspectives (POVs) represented from each of the constituent groups (internal pharma execs, consumers, technologists). What we quickly realized was that all parties felt that the innovation activity that led to our particular concepts were laudable and worth exploring ultimately as ideas for the future. But in most cases – only the least invasive concepts were ultimately rewarded with an appropriate level of validation – mostly in the realm of using wearable devices such as smart watches or using VR tools (but not implants, smart tattoos or nanotech ingestible technology). Other ideas that involved genomics, open source data-base queries using their personal data (even anonymously using block chain management) and creating a highly personalized ‘Health Cockpit’ were met with high levels of scepticism – based on the multitude of data breaches, misuse by profit driven insurance companies, and poor data management in previous efforts to create data oceans by the likes of Google working with the National Health Service in the UK – as well as the typical commercial selling of personal data to marketing companies. Invasive technologies were also met with a level of concern – mostly around the unknown effects these devices might have on the human body – not to mention what is done with the data they create and who owns it ultimately. This was massively mind-expanding and brought to bear many aspects and knock-on effects of intense media coverage, negative perceptions of capitalistic organizations, misuse of personal information, the seemingly tone-deaf and uncaring approach that major technology companies have architected their early experiments – as well as how they’ve dealt with security breaches – ultimately leading to an overall mistrust of new technologies potentially producing the same negative outcomes for our respondents. Had we simply went along with our own biases, where we felt new technologies offered powerful diagnostic insights, leading to new treatment regimes, new drug creation or use of alternative means to reduce anxiety, ease pain and suffering and reduce dependence on drugs – we might have imagined humanity would receive us with open arms and consume what we created with great enthusiasm. We would have used traditional business modelling, creating presumptive market penetration and use acceptance data – likely using previously existing research that was confirming of our innovative use of technology – and never would have seen the brick wall sitting in front of us as we sped along that the road ahead was wide open. This exercise in seeking ‘the truth’ and removing confirmation bias challenges, while then focusing only on whether or not the raw data received either validated or invalidated our original hypotheses save us time, money, and wasted innovation and manufacturing cycles, not to mention failed marketing and sales activity and reputational damage we could have imposed on an unwitting client who otherwise might have been completely sold on our ideas. [/INST]Steven(B-NAME_STUDENT), Richards(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Learning Launch: The Helpers Club by Guadalupe Khan Challenge I am a journalist, working for a big publishing house. Because of the changing reading habits through digitalization my company seeks for different ways of interaction with readers. Therefore, it offered an innovation-competition. Together with four colleagues from different fields (marketing, research, technical support) my team and I applied. Selection By using different techniques such as mind mapping and brainstorming (we also tried to visualize readers) we asked ourselves the design-thinking questions: what is? and what if? Then we came up with an idea: What if people could not only read stories (passive) but could become active? We wanted to create a club for readers. But every club needs a purpose for its members. Someone had the idea to set up a club for readers willing to engage in social projects. Immediately we came up with a great name for our idea – the “helpers club”. We were all enthusiastic but did not know if readers would like to become members of this new kind of club. Therefore, we started a learning launch to test it. Application At first, we did research and selected data to come up with a hypothesis. According to analysis from our department for reader research a lot of our readers are willing to spend money if they read stories about hardship, bad fate, or catastrophes in our magazines. Other social studies show that in general even more people are willing to help personally than to give money. We thereby confirmed our hypothesis that our readers might be willing to help others. We then decided to start an ethnographic approach, we wanted to look for potential club members, and ask them about their pains and needs. Therefore we started a call on the homepage of one of our magazines. We asked readers if they would be willing to talk with us about social engagement. We did about 25 interviews with people from various age groups. We asked them what social engagement means to them. If they have been engaged in social work before. What they had expected. How their experience was, what was good and what was not so good. And if they had stopped to be a social volunteer, why. Searching for candidates, talking to them, and then clustering the answers took our team about a week. Then we made up three personas. Insight By listening to our readers and potential members of the “helpers club”, we realized their pains – and what gains we might offer. First of all a huge majority said, that they would really like to help others. One man said:” This is better than just giving money for a social project.” Another woman hoped that she might get something back like thankfulness. And a third person said that it would be great if the magazine could identify social organizations and write stories about them. But we also realized that most of the people did not want to spend too much time (2-3 hours per week at last), that the offerings had to be near their neighborhood and many of them did not want a commitment on a regular basis. Most of the people only want to help when they can afford to spent time, e.g. on weekends. We clustered the outcome of the interviews by drawing 3 personas – potential members of our new club: a young woman (around 25 years old), a mid-aged man (50 to 55 years old, kids have moved out) and an elderly woman (65+ years old, retired, yet still very fit and interested). We learned: Men and women in their thirties and forties cannot afford spending much extra time, they are busy with family and job. Approach By doing ethnographic research we got a very good idea for the interests and needs of our readers and potential club-members. While clustering and curating the outcomes, our team appreciated the different approach of every team member. And we also realized that we are just at the beginning of having an idea. We want to start a second learning launch and identify organizations which might look for social volunteers. We want to speak to experts (leaders of NGO´s) and then to professional helpers to learn about their needs. We must look for competitors: Is there a market for social engagement? What do social organizations offer already? What else could the “helpers club” offer to make it attractive for readers? The tools of design-thinking did not only help us to develop our idea so far – we also learned a lot about ourselves by discussing what we think about helping others and social entrepreneurship. [/INST]Guadalupe(B-NAME_STUDENT), Khan(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Good morning, my name is Carlos Pablo and I live in Colombia. Although my native language is Spanish, I hope I have expressed my ideas in the best way in the English language. 1. Challenge The organization that I work for specializes in "Loyalty" programs, which in my country is a sector that has evolved very quickly, and over the 2 years since the launch, very good results have been achieved and an important recognition in the market. The challenge is to implement a new channel of interaction that allows for more fluid communication with customers, which positively impacts their experience in each contact. The communication channel to be implemented is WhatsApp Business as a formal communication channel, but the challenge is to clearly define what the scope of this new channel will be according to the processes in the life cycle of the program and the requests made by customers (Enrollment, Claims, frequently asked questions, user account management) with the aim that this new channel may have a defined and specialized scope focused on what customers in a channel like WhatsApp really value most. 2. Selection When we were analyzing the different tools of design thinking, we identified that due to the progress that has already been made in the different stages and the knowledge that we have of our customers in the attention provided by the other channels of customer service, the Learning Launch is the tool indicated in this stage of the project with which we will quickly and economically test the hypotheses that we have raised and thus define the appropriate scope for the new WhatsApp channel. 3. Aplicattion Our Learning Launch process was considered in 2 stages: in the first stage, a list of transactions that could be attended by the WhatsApp Channel was defined in order to evaluate them in the Learning Launch and identify if the transactions that we consider in our hypotheses that would be the most appropriate for this new channel, if indeed they were those that the clients were requesting from us. For this test we defined that all the internal employees of the company will participate during a period of 15 days in order to have fast, economic and close results with a critical public. We established an internal communication channel so that they could send us all the feedback and opportunities for improvement and in this way make the necessary adjustments. We were able to obtain many feedbacks that helped us identify improvements in a timely manner. Subsequently, we carried out a second phase with a second learning launch in which we included 300 VIP segment clients who were active clients in the Loyalty program, with whom we also established a direct communication channel so that they could share all their observations and comments, which allowed us to redefine some processes of the initial scope of transactions that would be served by the new WhatsApp channel. 4. Insight The experience in the application of the Learning Launch tool was very useful because it allowed us to experiment and contrast the hypotheses we had about the scope that the WhatsApp channel should have. Before the first stage, we were considering including the option of “Enrollment” to the program through the new channel, since it is one of the transactions that has the most impact on our telephone channel. But after the tests were completed, we were able to understand that as the “Enrollment” process is an activity that requires significant time to complete and because it has other channels enabled, such as the website, for this transaction in particular we were able to identify that customers preferred to register by the other established channels, while the whatsapp channel gave more relevance to interactions related to the FAQ´S, program information, password change and failure reports. According to the above, the scope was redefined and additional predetermined messages were adjusted, improving the customer experience in the new channel much more. 5. Approach The application of the learning Launch tool allowed us in a very agile and economical way to know in greater detail the needs of our clients when using a channel like WhatsApp and what it was that they really valued about attention through this channel. On a future occasion, he would be very aware of not falling into the “trend of confirmation”, since having considered the needs of clients taking as a reference information of the other channels, made us believe that through this channel they would demand the same transactions but we realized that this was not the case Thank you very much for valuable learning. [/INST]Carlos(B-NAME_STUDENT), Pablo(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection (Storytelling -Module 2) Nor Fitri REFLECTION ON STORYTELLING TOOL Challenge & Selection Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of every great brand. Every great brand has a story to tell and each story connects to the emotions and the values of the people that live that product every day. Storytelling is the difference between solving a problem and creating a cause. Why did I choose this tool? For me, I work as a healthcare marketer overseeing products that serves the adult population with medical conditions. My main role includes build the visibility of our products among the healthcare professionals to drive recommendations and build awareness of the role of supplementary nutrition to the adult population. In the healthcare channels, competitor’s brand presence is very strong, and we have minimal product superiority, we are just a “me-too” product. To add on the challenge level, the loyalty level of doctors toward competitors is strong. Competitors have been very aggressive and consistent in their brand communications and visibility to healthcare professionals and population. As for the population, it is rather a sensitive topic to communicate about “being sick” and one needed some form of supplementation of nutritional support. The link between the benefits and need is rather lacking. People usually wont proactively search for ways to prevent that, they will only take a proactive approach when they notice changes in their health or being advised by a healthcare professional. Another aspect that makes my role challenging is that there is always misalignment, for instance, the head of department will instruct us to focus only on Product Y but at the business update session, the management will want us to focus on everything. We have been changing our key messaging and value proposition. There is no focus and we are under-staffed with limited resources. The management has been pressuring us to de-average, be more innovative and deliver higher sales each year with constant decreasing allocated marketing budget. This course and exercise might help me discover new ways to improve our communications to build drive our business. Application This tool might be helpful in helping me build a better brand plan for second half of the year. As mentioned in the lecture itself, there is a few things that I will need to take note to create a good story. Firstly, I need to know my audience well, for this, I might need to initiate a brainstorming session to gather the necessary information to map out what my audience wants and needs. It can also help to determine the preferred mode of communication. Secondly, I will need to have a clear sequence of events that help me move the story from the beginning to an end. Based on the insights, I might be able to draft out the story for my product, it could be raising the awareness of poor nutrition first followed by the outcome and how they can prevent or manage it. It’s like a sequence of events and thoughts. Lastly, I will include some moments of reflections to evaluate if there are still questions unanswered that could potentially build suspense and intrigue. It is pivotal for me to create a compelling story that tells the benefits and needs of my product. I won’t be able to evaluate if it is effective now but as we kickstart this, we will be able to measure the impact it has on the business. Insight As I have not implemented this tool into work. But I would anticipate that this will be a good exercise. Currently, we do not gather insights of our audience and we just communicate the way we feel it’s right; we been experimenting the best way. And, to be very honest, it is tiring as the idea that works for now might not work the next round. We been tweaking things as we go. It is like “test-and-learn” approach. I would anticipate that this will make us more focused, wise spending and the outcome will be desired. Approach After this exercise, I might want to do another version with visualization tool just to find out which tool works better as there is no one size fits all. Visualization can make the idea more concrete and visible, clear and understandable. I could even incorporate both storytelling and visualization together in my communication materials to the population as the content must be easy to understand, easy to follow through yet impactful. [/INST]Nor(B-NAME_STUDENT), Fitri(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Maria Garcia Design Thinking Reflection January, 2021 Challenge This reflection is based on a recent experience in my job at an orthopedics company. Orthopedics is based on bones and joints, and I was assigned to develop an business plan for a product used the treat bone spurs in the shoulder that can cause severe pain. I conducted extensive customer research including ethnography and third party data reviews to support this opportunity. Each month I’d diligently prepare and present my findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee and was routinely sent back to collect more data on various points. Application It seemed to me that the execs were focused more on the numbers than what the product had to offer. So I decided to dispense with the data and try a new approach that involved storytelling, to make the opportunity something they could relate to on a personal level. I started a meeting by asking everyone in the room to raise their elbow. I then explained that over 2/3 of people experienced pain with that maneuver, frequently due to bone spurs. Suddenly, I had everyone’s interest! They wanted to know more about how the proposed product would help to alleviate and how quickly I could get it to market. The financials were briefly discussed and my business case was approve. Insight and Approach The insight that I gained was that Executives are super-busy and have information thrown at them all day. The need clear and consolidated information and a way to relate to the opportunity by a method such as storytelling. I think the main thing I would do differently next time is to make sure to plan a story into the presentation as it is being developed to keep the audience engaged. I suspect that will save time and minimize the number of edits and re-presentations needed to obtain business plan approval. [/INST]Maria(B-NAME_STUDENT), Garcia(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Marwadi University Al Akhawayn University Programme : B. Tech. Branch: All Branches Sub Code : 06EYD876 Sub Name : Life Science for Engineers Semester : III Admitted Batch : 2013-2016 LIFE SCIENCE FOR ENGINEERS QUESTION BANK SECTION – A (Short Answer Questions) (2 Marks questions) UNIT – I Category – 1 (Easy) 1. How can the camera apertures be compare with human eyes? 2. List the differences between wings of a bird and aircraft. 3. Define genus and species. 4. Explain the cellular basis of life. 5. What are the subcellular organelles of a eukaryotic cell. Category – 2 (Moderate) 6. What are prokaryotes? 7. Why life sciences are important for engineers? 8. Give an example of hierarchical system of classification. 9. What are extremophiles? 10. What is molecular taxonomy? UNIT – II Category – 1 (Easy) 1. Draw the structure of the water molecules. 2. Why sucrose is called as invert sugar? 3. Write about essential fatty acids. 4. What is antigen? 5. What are amino acids? Category – 2 (Moderate) 6. Write about nucleosides and nucleotides? 7. What are different types of secondary structure of protein? 8. What is the main role of microorganism in fermentation? 9. Write any two applications of enzymes? 10. Draw the structure of double stranded DNA with label. UNIT – III Category – 1 (Easy) 1. Define enthalpy? 2. What is the function of ATP synthase? 3. Define photosynthesis? 4. What is substrate level phosphorylation? 5. What is Electron Transport Chain? Category – 2 (Moderate) 6. What is membrane potential? 7. State first and second law of thermodynamics 8. Sketch a neuron structure and label the parts? 9. Explain the relationships between the change in free energy, enthalpy and entropy? 10. List any four types of physiological systems in human. UNIT – IV Category – 1 (Easy) 1. Differentiate homozygous from heterozygous. 2. What is Map Unit? 3. Write about DNA polymerases? 4. List two important differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. 5. Explain the structure of a ribosome. Category – 2 (Moderate) 6. State with diagram the central dogma of molecular biology. 7. Explain semi-conservative DNA replication. 8. What are the patterns of inheritance among single gene disorders? 9. Enumerate the stages of Prophase-I of Meiosis. 10. What are the features of RNA polymerases? UNIT – V Category – 1 (Easy) 1. Describe the application of recombinant DNA technology. 2. What is rDNA? 3. Functions of DNA ligase and restriction endonucleases. 4. What is vaccine? 5. What is polymerase chain reaction? Category – 2 (Moderate) 6. Name the first cloned mammal first transgenic crop. 7. Name any four products obtained by recombinant DNA technology. 8. What do you mean by a recombinant plasmid? 9. What are the genetically modified organisms? 10. What is transgenesis? SECTION – B (Essay Questions) (8 Marks questions) UNIT – I Easy Questions 1. Define the life and write the characteristic of life? 2. Compare the camera with human eyes? 3. Explain the classification of living organism with example? 4. Draw the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cell with neat labelling? Moderate Questions 5. Describe various components of bacterial cell along with neat labelled diagram. 6. Write the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. 7. Write the difference between plant cell and animal cell. Standard Questions 8. Describe various functions of different cell organelles. 9. What are the tools used in molecular taxonomy? 10. Explain the classification of organisms based on carbon source and energy sources. UNIT – II Easy Questions 1. Describe the structure and properties of water. 2. Define carbohydrates. Classify carbohydrates with suitable examples. 3. Differentiate between the anabolism and catabolism? 4. State the properties and types of lipids. Moderate Questions 5. Describe the components and functions of haemoglobulin. 6. Explain the structure of antibody and enumerate their functions. 7. Tabulate the differences between DNA and RNA. Standard Questions 8. Classify amino acids in various ways with suitable examples. 9. Describe the action and nature of enzymes with special reference to biological catalysts. 10. Compare and contrast aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation. UNIT – III Easy Questions 1. Define Glycolysis? Outline the steps involved in anaerobic glycolysis? 2. Discuss about TCA cycle and its significance? 3. Explain the structure, types and functions of neurons. 4. What is light reaction? Explain the functions of two photosystem (PS-I and PS-II) during light reaction. Moderate Questions 5. What are various physiological systems of human body? 6. Explain in detail the Calvin cycle? 7. Discuss differences between light and dark reactions of photosynthesis? Standard Questions 8. Calculate energetics of glucose when it is completely oxidized through glycolysis, TCA cycle and electron transport system? 9. Define oxidative phosphorylation? Explain electron transport system in mitochondria? 10. Explain the role of neurotransmitters in transmission of nerve impulse? UNIT – IV Easy Questions 1. Explain the monohybrid crossing and dihybrid crossing experiments of Mendel. 2. Describe the Mendel’s various laws of inheritance. 3. Explain gene interactions, genetic linkage and gene mapping. 4. Describe different types of RNA that are involved in protein synthesis. Moderate Questions 5. Explain the process of DNA replication in detail. 6. Explain the process of transcription. 7. Explain the process of translation in detail. Standard Questions 8. Write briefly about autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and sex linked disorders. 9. What are genetic codes? Explain the characteristics of the genetic code. 10. Explain how chromosome number is halved in Meiosis, even though there are TWO cell divisions. UNIT - V Easy Questions 1. What are vaccines? Discuss different types of vaccines. 2. Explain the phenomenon of animal cloning method. 3. Describe transgenesis in microbes. 4. Discuss DNA cloning and its application. Moderate Questions 5. Enumerate in a sequence about steps involved in recombinant DNA technology. 6. How can a transgenic plant be obtained? Describe some of its achievements. 7. Write short note on (i) BT cotton (ii) Golden rice? Standard Questions 8. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified crops. 9. Describe biosensor with suitable example. 10. Explain the design and applications of biochips. [/INST]06EYD876(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Consistent positive onboarding experience across 7 offices in Central Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Turkey Challenge: In the summer of the year 2008, our company introduced a hiring program with the objective of increasing the number of sales people in the field sales organization by 20% of EMEA sales headcount. The intention was to extend offers to the selected candidates during the autumn 2008 in order to get the new hires to the company between November 2008 to February 2017. In absolute numbers, our company was about to hire approx. 400 new sales employees. The growth of 20% of headcount was not evenly distributed across EMEA. For the emerging markets gathered under the region of Central Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Turkey (abbrev. EXCOM), the allocated headcount was disproportionately higher as opposed to mature markets in the Western Europe (as EXCOM was expected to experience higher growth in demand and number of customers). EXCOM headcount in sales was expected to be on average 35%, with some of the offices growing as high as by 50%. The major number of new hires was expected to start in December 2008 and January 2017 (standard notice period in the region being 2 months, standard time to find, interview and hire a suitable candidate being 3 months, the hiring kicked off in early August 2008). This steep headcount growth posed a particular challenge in EXCOM (as opposed to e.g. the Western Europe) due to the fact that the sales offices in EXCOM are small - on average around 25 employees - with no support functions (such as receptionist, office manager, internal IT, HR or finance) present on site locally. This means that any new hire that comes on board presents a tough load for the local team - who needs to help the new hire set up not just business-wise, but also from the perspective of setting up computers, email, entry cards etc. Because the onboarding experience is of crucial importance for the first impressions and engagement of the new hires and their long-term retention in the company (as studies suggest1). Therefore, myself as the Human Resources Business Partner for the EXCOM region and the leadership team from EXCOM agreed that we must structure and scale our onboarding process in a way that will create a “Consistent Positive Onboarding Experience in the region”. Selection: Because the onboarding process is a relatively complex issues consisting of multiple steps and multiple stakeholders acting as part of it and also because we had a lot of different qualitative and quantitative, but quite inconsistent and unstructured data, we decided that the best approach to sort all the information and engage all the relevant stakeholders would be Mind Mapping. We leveraged a combination of live whiteboard session with various virtual sessions (as the offices are quite far - spanning from South Africa to Moscow - so a workshop in one location would not be feasible). By leveraging mind mapping as opposed to a normal roundtable 1 http://www.chambers.com/wp-content/app/categorieshomepage.jsp debate we were hoping to come up with some creative, out-of-the-box smart ideas as the participants will be building on each other's ideas. Application: We had multiple mind-mapping sessions with various mixed groups of stakeholders. When inviting the stakeholders, we were paying attention to get together as diverse group as possible - for example managers and individual contributors, people from different offices, employees freshly hired to the company (less than 1 year in the company) and employees with more than 5 years in the company, men and women, different nationalities, different departments and different work experience (juniors, senior professionals, employees who came from start-ups as well as from industry giants…). During each session we started from the new hire and mind-mapped how this new hire experiences RH. I printed out results from historical onboarding surveys, comments from employee satisfaction surveys etc. While people were discussing, I was capturing the ideas into the mind-map (either on the wall, please see image below) or virtually in a drawing pad. With each group we had 2 sessions. The initial, when we drew the main mind map, and a follow up session, when we reviewed the mind-map and discussed actions/ideas that we may carry forward. There were on average 6 people in one group and we had 4 groups in total. Insights: By applying the mind mapping and engaging a broad and diverse group of stakeholders in the activity, we were able to identify a lot of areas that were not covered by the corporate onboarding programs and at the same time were identified as very impactful for the onboarding experience. The visual map in front of us enabled us to see some not very obvious relationships between the various onboarding elements and based on these relations, we were able to identify 8 different small projects that we could do in order to improve the onboarding experience across the EXCOM offices without impacting negatively the workload of the employees in the offices (e.g. gathering new hires into virtual cohorts across the whole EXCOM and create for them virtual practical chats with e.g. operations or the EXCOM leadership etc.). Thanks to the collaborative approach we were also able to get quite a few volunteers willing to assist with the identified projects - I consider this willingness to help as another positive outcome of the mind mapping activity. People were able to get their voice heard and this created an alignment and additional engagement. On the negative side, this whole exercise was obviously way more time consuming than the usual way (round table discussion, followed by management decision), but overall very rewarding. Also, as a by-product, we identified a couple of gaps and obsolete information in the global onboarding process - which we reported to the global talent team. Approach: I think the mind mapping tool was the right one for this purpose. We were also considering mapping the customer journey (in this case simply following one of the new hires through his or her onboarding) - but, eventually, we leveraged the experience of the fresh new employees as part of the mind-mapping groups, which was more efficient. The activity was very bonding for the team and the element of visualisation helped to trigger a deep and detailed discussion about how are elements of onboarding related. [/INST]http://www.chambers.com/wp-content/app/categorieshomepage.jsp(B-URL_PERSONAL)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Kashi Papa Example Reflection – Storytelling tool. Challenge and Selection I am an SME Account Manager for a big telecommunication company. My organization every year (before the pandemic) organize a weekend for all B2B sales employees including back-office. We are gathering in a hotel for an “all-together weekend”. During this weekend a lot of activities take place. One of the activities, which includes bonding activities like games, is brainstorming in order to make create ideas for the organizations for future launches. My team decided a few years ago during one of these weekends, to ask from the Organizations to create a software tool which every Account Manager would have at his tablet and when he visits any client would have in real time all the information that he needs about the client phone lines. He could also use this application to create new contract for new phone lines of existing customers. The tool we used to make our proposition is Storytelling. We need as much as possible information about this software tool. Application During this weekend time we discussed with all the account managers about their needs explaining to them that addressing their needs could have a huge impact for all of us. We discussed about every day activities and how this tool would improve the meetings with the clients. We also contacted with some clients and asked them about their opinion, what kind of information they want from their account manager to have with him during their meeting. We also discussed with senior managers about the privacy issues and what information would the organizations allowed us to have in real time during client meetings. Everyone helped us and our proposition prepared. Insight During the us of the Storytelling tool we identified our assumptions. Other Account managers did things with a different way as we did, they also spend different amount of time with every client. We also find out that some clients needs more information and more quality meetings with them. We also find out that the time we (the account manager) would spend with every customer would highly increase and so less clients meetings would take place every day. The more important issue that appeared is the privacy issues that appeared from the organization. Moving forward our team review the key issues and in the final propositions we included all the information that we find out. Approach A lot of information appeared using storytelling tool and our proposal was a really good one as the organization also admitted. After software would be launched by the IT department we could also use the Learning launch tool in order to improve the software and to add more information on it. I think that this course gave me an excellent opportunity to learn improved techniques and think things with a different way. [/INST]Kashi(B-NAME_STUDENT), Papa(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Assignment Reflection – VISUALISATION DESIGN THINKING - VISUALIZATION Challenge The transfer of production facility for the aerospace product is highly complicated project management activities, especially to the new supplier in the aerospace global business supply chain. The deliverables are not only to manages the product’s quality and specification but also to meet the local government and international regulations. The development of project management plan for transfer programme deliverables shall be considering the differences such as geographic location, time zone, working culture, communication language, technical specification and quality management system requirements. The customer is provided with the comprehensive of information and requirements including the legal business contract and General Terms and Agreement. The supplier shall ensure the quality management system and airworthiness requirement are accredited by appropriate the certification body. All related information will be collated using the suitable programme management tools and visualise in the least waste way to ensure the tasks deployed and monitor at the smooth flow implementation adherence to stakeholders. The accuracy of the information is depending on the stakeholder's knowledge and experience of subject matters. The effective objectives and goal definition are crucial to ensure the end customer expectation on quality, cost and on-time delivery for the product and component delivered are strict to be met. Selection The visualization is selected because it is a significant tool or methodology to support the complex and comprehensive deliverables and tasks define during the development of project transfer programme planning. Visualization tools used to establish the least waste way programme plan (LWWPP) which all documentation (such as contracts, specification, customer requirements, etc), problem, issues, risks and opportunities have been visualizing highlighted for sharing ideas, issues and concern to all stakeholders as earlier as project business case study. The following is the logical flow embedded in the visualisation process, 1. Preliminary business case assessment. 2. Pre-project development event breakdown. 3. Project development design thinking event 4. Post-project development event scrutiny. 5. Policy deployment of project planning 6. Periodically project planning Review. The tool is using to deep dive for understanding the fidelity of the problem, issues and opportunities. The visualization tools will assist in managing deliverables and tasks progress tracking of transfer programme critical path step by step manner. Without proper visual management, there are very tough to manage the programme deliverables. All deliverables to be displayed by visual management linkage and flow to the “Least Waste Way Programme Plan” (LWWPP) to ensure the work breakdown structure are monitor and action smoothly by responsibility stakeholders. Application By using the tool, there is a plan for the brainstorming session with the correct background stakeholders who are involving or any interests in the project. It will be started by organising a sequence of project development event by preparing the Event Scope Sheets embedded by defines the objective and goal. Each stakeholder and the representatives from the multi-ranks personnel in the organization shall share their concerned on the project during the brainstorming session. This session is to captures each individual concerned in every area of the organisation. There is not a one-time session or event to be held but, follow by a few sessions to clearly defines objectives and goal. The event is recorded and reported in the Lean Event Scope Sheet and Improvement To do list for treatment. Progress status for deliverables, tasks and risks shall be monitored based on visual Key Performance Indicator identify for each segmentation or stages. The KPI results will be periodically review and deep-dive. Finally, any conclusion of a success story to be reported in the visual management lesson learnt. Insight The visual management for the status of deliverables projects planning given the stakeholder easily to understand the identified issues and potential risks. The visualization tool provides details and a depth understanding of the problem. It is assisting the stakeholder to provide the right solution for the problem and then understanding the tasks to be implemented to resolve the issues. The challenges about design thinking broadly, 1. Involve all level in the organization from bottom to top. The right person with the right skill at the right time. 2. Time-consuming to scrutiny the problem, issues, opportunity or concerned. Lengthy discussion and explanation for clarification before the decision is made. 3. Where the practices of management cultural are based on status quo, one-way top- down instruction. It is difficult to adopt the design thinking concept in the organization because leaders are reluctant to commit a two-way interactive communication during deep-dive scrutiny. Approach To ensure successfully achieving a goal and objective, the project development event is organising based on the team-building concept (workshop or laboratory) rather than an official company meeting. The participants were provided with the ethical guidelines for the mission to be accomplished on the goal and objectives. The objectives and goal will be disseminated company-wide as programme management policy deployment. The programme management policy to be reviewed by at least once a year to ensure it is alignment with the current market demand. With the current digitalisation, the electronic display can be used to simulate the processes. There is a lot of software available in the market such as iObeya, iKanban, etc. By implementation of the digitisation in the process, there will be easier and effective in sharing the information widely and more stakeholders can participate remotely. This will benefit the organization to work closely with its employees and customer efficient manner toward gathering accurate information for the least waste way of decision making. Shareef Ahmed. [/INST]Shareef(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ahmed(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Perle Kamdem Design Thinking – Retirement Coaching Mind Mapping Challenge & Selection I’ve been observing the challenges realized by recent and soon-to-be retirees face as they transition from one phase of their lives to another. As a trained coach, I’m aware of how helpful coaching can be through transitions and find myself wanting to help individuals as they struggle through the process. In fact, an acquaintance who retires in just a few days confided that he doesn’t have an answer to the question everyone is asking him, “What are you going to do when you retire?” The challenge is this: as a coach, what services could I provide to help retirees understand that they should have an answer to this question and what should I offer once they come to this realization? According to the lecture given by Sophia Zamora, mind mapping looks, “for patterns and insights in a large quantity of data you collected during your exploration of what is the current reality.” Because my goal is to establish criteria for the what-if idea generation phase, I chose this tool for this iteration in my design thinking journey. Application Because my network of recent and soon-to-be retirees is geographically disbursed, I wanted to be creative in my approach to the “art gallery” and make it a virtual event. Before this, though, I needed to add to my own observations and ideas with qualitative data on retirement coaching. I verified that the need is real and gained further insight into angles that can be taken to address the needs of retirees. I also outlined information I’ve noted from conversations I’ve had like the one above, noticing what unmet needs have surfaced. I complied a series of “napkin pitches” from this data that included ideas for individual coaching in person or via Skype, group coaching, discovery sessions, lectures, etc. I was careful to cover areas that I found compelling but also those that might not personally interest me. I’m not the target customer, after all! Once I had these to a manageable set, I created a PowerPoint “gallery” to share with my group of about a dozen gallery goers. I encouraged them to use the notes section of each slide to share their ideas as they would on a sticky note, had we been in person. While I couldn’t bring the entire virtual team together to make observations, I enabled the help of a few close by so we could find themes in the ideas. Insight This application of the mind mapping tool helped provide insight to move forward with potential services for recent retirees. As expected from the data, this target audience often isn’t aware of services available to fill this unmet need. A few services surfaced as more compelling to those who are unfamiliar with coaching and/or don’t see it as a fit for them at the time of a retirement transition. Introductory services that include community lectures and group discussions or even retirement classes are more approachable for people in this group. Approach I’d like to iterate on the above ideas and bring them to a larger group of potential retirees. My focus for a second round would focus more on services that would ease them into the idea of talking about Perle Kamdem Design Thinking – Retirement Coaching Mind Mapping retirement in a way they hadn’t previously considered. Through this my research would build on what was found in the original mind mapping exercise. I’d also focus on services that help fill a social need, as this came up both in data and mind mapping as an area of immediate impact for retirees. Finally, I’d like to find “gallery goers” who are already open to the idea of retirement coaching to find out what one-on- one conversations would be most helpful to them through a separate mind mapping. [/INST]Perle(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kamdem(I-NAME_STUDENT), Perle(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kamdem(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Wow! I am writing a book Challenge: I am a home maker married for 21 years now and enjoy every bit of my family life. My challenge is to write an impactful handbook on the dynamic role of women in a family. Why I took “writing a book” as a challenge is because for a long time, I did not know where to start my work from and what would be the tone of the writing, serious or funny. I wanted to put in all my life experiences into it, but I was afraid it would be very boring or sound too philosophical for young married girls to read. I wanted that my book brought an impact in women’s lives, but I was afraid that my book would become too heavy to digest. Selection: So, after listening to the four design thinking technique lectures, I selected the “Story Telling Technique”. It struck me that I can make short stories in my book for each chapter as it has emotional connection to the reader. The video in “week 2 lecture” about story telling gave me 3 ideas. The first one – “Know your audience, where do they come and what they need”. So, I thought I must meet both accomplished women and insecure women to hear their stories first so that my book will be more realistic, covering different real stories and not just mine. The second idea – “Clear sequence of events”- So I thought I can take the reader through a journey of married life from young to old age slowly covering the common events in life. The third idea- “Create suspense questions and answer them; don’t leave them hanging” – Now I thought I should give hard facts and real solutions to help women solve their problems rather than just sharing only the problems of life. Application: I have started off with the preface of the book. I have imagined that my daughter would be reading my book 10 years later and started the first lines with my story 20 years back. On a positive note, I have listed the many roles women can play in the family and how she should enjoy every bit of it like a leader of a team in a company. Next I talked to a few of my friends who were giving up on family life. I helped them with my ideas of managing stress and they are trying to settle down. I would say their story in some chapters. In the coming chapters, I would be allotting one chapter for one problem and say how a friend solved it. Insight: The insight I gained from applying the story telling tool is the life in the writing. My challenge was “impactful writing” that can keep the reader attentive and interested till the end of the book. Repetitive reading is also what I wanted so that the reader can refer to the book at times of crisis and re-assure herself that it can be solved by her efforts. So real life problems and solutions in a story capsule is a great idea. Approach: With the same “Story Telling design tool”, I would like to conduct workshops for women, workshops for family as a whole and help them lead a peaceful and accomplished life. In the worshops I would like to use the other three design thinking tools l viz; Visualization, Mind Mapping and Learning Launch. My inclination to helping families would grow more as my book gets successful. I would like to really connect with my readers and learn the truth from them. I would like to be more empathetic, bring like minds together and help the society at large. I would work towards re-establishing the family life in most people’s lives. Priyanka Ansari [/INST]Priyanka(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ansari(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Coursera Design Thinking Cherry Dantas Assignment Challenge: As first of all I want to write that my personality is very sensitive. People and friends around me call me that I am very silent lady. Some of them also called me that I am unconfident. I need a phycatrist because I can’t express my feelings easily to others. One of the main challenge of my life is that I want to show people around me that I Confident however I am silent but I am creative. I am intelligent. However I am not too much friendly but I am very deep. So I started photography because I like photography and through photography I express my feelings and my depth to others. Through my photography asthetic skills I think that it becomes easier for me to express my thoughts through visualization. As we all know that human mind easily grab the visual….. so now by seeing my posts and photography with deep captions now everyone says to me that you are creative, intelligent, my thinkings are deep. Selection: I selected visualization tool for my challenge description because this tool is very effective to express our inner feelings and thought. Also through visualization tool it is easy for the audience to understand what actually we want to say and express. Also visuals likle images, videos, flowcharts, etc easily grab the attention of the target audience. Application: I applied visualization tool and visualization technique to express my feelings, my inner thoughts through photography. By taking photos of landscapes, nature, sky, clouds, flowers and sometime random clicks. All these activities works effectively. That I personally feel myself confident. And also the mind set of people around me about myself was also changed.It becomes easier for the people and for my friends to analayize my personality through my art works and photography. Insight: I think that by using visualization tool it helps me to express my inner qualities and feelings easily. The insight I gained is that visualization tool and process is the most effective way to express your ideas, feelings, thoughts etc. Approach: So I think that by using the same tool I improve my work that how to express my thoughts more effectively. Also by creating artworks, paintings, sketch drawings and more visual elements I will express my ideas and thoughts more and more effectively. Thanks [/INST]Cherry(B-NAME_STUDENT), Dantas(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Isabelle Laurent Design Thinking assignment – Horse Industry Challenge: I was a member of a high-end saddlery company. This company is specialized in making and selling luxurious leather equipment for riders and horses. One of the company’s goal was to modernize the horse industry and bring novelty to the field. They came up with a little piece of electronics and two sensors that would allow to evaluate the quality of horses’ canter and jump when approaching an obstacle and landing, the regularity of strides, the symmetry, the speed, the height of the jumps, and especially locomotive recovery after effort. Detailed and valuable indicators for measuring performance and progress with certitude. Information would then be sent to a mobile application after every training session. The company wanted this product to be portable and easily switchable between different kinds of equipment. We had all the company’s means at our disposal as well as the many stakeholders that came with it. For instance, employees from various departments such as sales representatives and international riders. The one rule was to spend as little as possible given the high price that had cost all the research and development as well as the cost of the materials themselves. The challenge was to find of way of displaying those three pieces of electronics on a horse in constant movement. Selection: We chose to use visualization to help us identify how people would imagine this 3-piece product would fit on a horse. Visualization allows people taking part in the experience to put on paper what they imagine in their minds without giving them many barriers such as feasibility. Knowing what people that would actually be using and/or selling this product are imagining in their minds was the appropriate tool choice. Application We chose to benefit from several gatherings organized by the company where most guests were either sales representatives working for the firm or international riders. In the middle of 3 different events, we asked 10 of them (6 riders and 4 sales representatives every time) if they would participate in our visualization exercise, explaining we wanted to value their opinion as they would be hands-on the product at the end. Having riders’ perspectives was logical as they would use it, and sales representatives are horses’ specialists themselves and often riders as well, and they understand their clients’ needs and expectations very well and know in which form they would sell the product best once it will be launched. We had the opportunity of having riders coming from all disciplines (dressage, cross-country, show-jumping, hunter, western style, …) as the product would answer to a common need: better monitor horses’ health and performance indicators in order to improve both of them. We pitched the product in front of them and showed it, then we gave every one of them a big sheet of paper with a picture of a fully equipped (bridle and saddle) horse in the middle and asked them to imagine where the product would fit in this picture. We told them to try and not think of the technical feasibility and imagine that anything was possible. They had approximately 5 minutes to think and draft. Once they would be done with the drafting, they would show their sheet and quickly explain what their idea was, leaving the conversation flow between all stakeholders. Keeping them in an informal environment was intentional, in order for them to feel as comfortable as possible with the visualization exercise and for them to dare drafting anything that popped in their minds. Insight By applying the visualization tool, we wanted to understand how people that would interact with the product on a regular basis were imagining its location on a live horse. We were surprised to notice a cleavage between riders and sales representatives. They did all draw or represent both sensors being placed on both reins of the bridle, because of the symmetry they offer, and the fact that it feels very easy to attach two sensors to thin pieces of leather reins. But coming to the piece of electronic itself (that was a little bit bigger than the sensors), riders imagined it to be part of the saddle itself, whereas sales representatives imagined it to be positioned underneath the saddle in a little leather pouch attached to the girth located on the horses’ belly. Riders put the practical side first, as they thought they wouldn’t need to switch the electronics from one saddle to another as just use the same saddle for various horses without having to move the piece of electronics. Sales representatives saw the opportunity of having a very flexible commercial speech, given that clients that used different equipment for every one of their horses could use the same product and move it easily from one horse to another. Both “groups” agreed on the fact that the product had to be placed on the equipment and not on the horse directly. We had assumed that all three pieces of the product would be placed at the same spot or close, but that was not what came out of the experience. We also noticed that some sales representatives were changing their minds in order to stick more to the riders’ ideas, being influenced. Approach I think visualization was the appropriate tool to use in order to get insights from people that would actually use and deal with the product in a daily manner. However, I would have maybe not mixed the audience with both riders and sales representatives, as the first group thought a lot in a sense that they would need to manipulate the product every day, and the latter thought of how they could expose it in a simple and very adaptable manner. I realized how the various people being part of this visualization exercise could impact the actual result of the process. Next step for me was to go on to prototyping and benefit from the fact that riders could try out the product and the product placement easily. [/INST]Isabelle(B-NAME_STUDENT), Laurent(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Luis Sierra Mind mapping. Selection Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools in the design thinker's toolbox. It's used to look for patterns, for insights, that lead to more creative solutions to your design challenge. Formal definition: Mind mapping looks for patterns and insights in a large quantity of data you have collected during exploration of what is the current reality. The goal is to establish criteria for the what-if idea generation phase. This phase is pivotal in the design thinking process. Mind mapping provides a segway from what is to what if. In design thinking we use the mind mapping process to capture and represent the minds of our customers. We involve our colleagues in order to develop a common mind among them regarding the current reality of a design challenge. Through mind mapping, we extract meaning from data in a way that lets patterns and insights emerge. Mind Mapping is a great way to align the organization around a common understanding of the current reality. Challenge I use this approach often with my clients to understand the mind of their´s customers. I am an independent consultant, so Iam used to work applying new methodologies or developing culture transformation process in different companies. In this case, I used mind mapping in a bus transport company that wants to develop a new management model, with news KPIs to monitor and simplify the management of the area. Also the company was in the grip of a “compliance culture” and its workplace was failing in this non-empathetic, rigid structure. Application First, we began with laying out the data we have collected of the different issues, for example, repetitive maintenance failures, communication problems, staffing issues, technological needs, etc. Then the team and some outsider colleagues, met in a conference room, it was a wonderfully confortable, where all the collected data was shown. After the participants viewed the information, they arranged themselves at tables of four participants. Before they started to share their good stuff, they had ten minutes to review their own sticky notes and group them into themed clusters on their clipboard. Then the sharing started. Each member of the team shared her/his discovery. Finally comes the big payoff, identifying the insights that each cluster reveals. This was also one of the toughest parts of the process. Then we wrote the inside statements on large sticky notes and place them on top of the appropriate sticky note clusters. The team notes the connections between and among the clusters for even better representation of “what is”. Finally, we needed to translate the insight in the design criteria. The design criteria are the conditions your design solution must satisfy in order to solve your customer's problem. Insight & approach By applying mind mapping, our team capture and represent the minds of our customers. Additionally, we easily identify patterns and insight in the large quantity of data. Finding a more agile approach to establishing criteria for the “what if” phase. However, It was very difficult to keep our focus, and sometime the team wants to do everything. So, it is very important to reinforce the understanding of the key problem we are working to solve. Luis Sierra One of the most valuable aspect of the activity is to share insights that occurs while we are working. [/INST]Luis(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sierra(I-NAME_STUDENT), Luis(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sierra(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: REFLECTION – VIZUALIZATION - By Zohaib Ashraf Being a design enthusiast, I had an opportunity to participate in the Design thinking workshop held by Odisha Design Council chairman, Akshay Kumari. It was a 3-day workshop and included 18 participants. During this workshop, we were divided into teams of 2 and given a challenge to solve using design thinking processes. 1. Challenge During the post-lockdown phase, many citizens have started returning to their native and are in a dilemma to find a suitable place to self-quarantine for 14 days. We were asked to provide a simple solution to help these members to curb the spread of COVID-19 by taking a specific case into consideration. This included a client, user, and the area which needs to be considered to find a solution. Self-quarantine measures had to be taken into consideration. I was teamed up with Matheus Kumari, a graphic designer from Odisha, India. Based on the problem statement, I had to design solutions for Matheus Kumari, and he had to develop solutions for me. From my perspective, Matheus Kumari was my client, and he decided that his grandfather is returning to his house. Hence, in this case, the user is Matheus Kumari's grandfather. The problem statement area was a 1 BHK house, and there were a total of 3 secondary users (Matheus Kumari, his dad, and his mom) and a pet (Cat). I had to find a solution to ensure that his grandfather will be able to quarantine himself while the rest 4 will be able to live in the house while minimizing contact but ensuring that they are there to help his grandfather whenever required. 2. Selection Being a hypothetical situation and not knowing his grandfather, I had to use Visualisation and details provided by the client to understand the problem statement from their point of view and make them see the solution from my point of view. Visualization is the act of representing a situation or set of information in pictures. I believe that using pictures instead of words can make people understand and connect in a much better way. This has been very well shown in video 6 of Week 1 by Angela Meyer. 3. Application The diagram below depicts a picture of Matheus Kumari's home. Some furniture is movable, and some are not movable. To create solutions for his grandfather to self-quarantine, I asked if he could make a PSD (Photoshop) file so that I will be able to understand his situation better. He sent me the following file: The first thought process was to find a way to create a partition in the house to avoid any unnecessary contact. This had to be a temporary partition as his grandfather had to self - quarantine only for 14 days. Also, during this pandemic, it's hard to buy wooden or PUF partitions. Hence, I thought of using movable-furniture to create a temporary partition. The PSD file helped me by providing a lot of freedom to rearrange the furniture. The following diagram shows the temporary partition created: Next, I had to go through his grandfather's daily activities and make a list of the assistance he required. He had to be given food and medicine. He had a weak vision and was not good with technology. All unnecessary things were removed from that part of the room, and it was kept spacious and clean. Since they had only a single toilet and washroom, his grandfather had to wear gloves and mask while using them, and the family was asked to clean the bathroom and lavatory after his grandfather uses it. A table was added so that food and medicine can be served. Once Matheus's grandfather finished having food, he can drop them in the bucket filled with soap water, which can be taken away after 2 hours. The second bucket is to be used to discard used masks and gloves. 4. Insight and Approach My main aim was to create a people-centered solution to this temporary problem. I wanted to create a solution that would cost them less and help them overcome this period without complications. Using Visualization not only helped me to understand the problem, but it also helped me to find the solution and also helped Unmesh to understand the solution. Also, I was only given a day to find a solution. Therefore using Visualization was apt. If I had a lot of time, I would have done some data research and mind-mapping and then used the patterns to find the solution. Still, I believe that I would not have been able to adequately describe the solution to Unmesh without using Visualization. Once I finished this project, it helped me to understand the importance of visualization and how we can use it to find effective solutions quickly. [/INST]Zohaib(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ashraf(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT), Matheus(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Zoozo Visualization Challenge & Selection The first tool I used was the tool of Visualization, to know a shared understanding of a problem space among a diverse group of customers before attempting to identify and define possible solutions to the problem. I use this approach often with our customers, who are the actual customer of our products and how they react to apply technology innovations to modernize their mission or the delivery of their services to their customer, in terms of business. The technique of using a "Zoozo" a cartoon based visualization of a problem and easy to understand how it works with a set of questions or prompts for discussion to allow a diverse group of customers to learn from each other in the process of defining the scope, boundaries, key elements, and relationships between elements to consider when identifying pain points and opportunities for improvements or solutions and for better result. Application I started the process by creating a "Zoozo" graphic similar to a straw man character of the problem domain. To develop the "Zoozo" graphic, I will draw from any existing material available to understand the environment. The existing material may be operational or procedural documents, training materials, marketing materials, I took the reviews from few of the people like how I could improve it with a set of questioneries. Like The Zoozo graphic is simple, using simple shapes and icons available in Visio or on the Internet. If the front-stage/back-stage view doesn’t work, then I will create a different type of visual, either based on reviews. The visualization showed the problems with which the customer could understand the add and how convincing it was to everyone. For the activity, I will divide the customers into groups of 2-3 participants each representing a different location or area of interest. Each group receives a poster-size copy of the Zoozo how it represents and what they have understood from that. The Zoozo graphic that they can write on directly, or use sticky notes to make comments. I give them two-three questions to answer, such as: 1) What key elements are missing from the graphic? 2) What would you change about the graphic to make it more accurately reflect your problem space? 3) What key insights do you have about the relationships between the entities in your problem space? I give them approximately 40 minutes to discuss the questions and mark up the graphic. Then I have each group report out on their answers to those three questions while pointing to the mark-ups on their poster. As each group reports out, I record commonalities in the insights of each group, and then additional insights that come from the group discussion on an additional copy of the graphic. After the session, I digitize each group’s poster as an artifact, create a view that combines the shared and new insights from the group discussion, and then create a revised graphic that incorporates their feedback and proposed the method they understand. changes that they agreed to as a group. What I made was the zoozo cartoon or graphic which made everyone what it enacts how it represents a problem and why is that Issue created it makes easy to understand through visualization like a zoozo facing a network issue for example a Voda phone a telecom network and how they enact and make them understand that is series 4g network issue in the country they act as a character of real life and help in solving a problem. The visualization has made me understand the customers in a better way and the feedbacks I got from them and how it can be handled and the next time to review the customer and make a opinion I feel better to use the same visualization method. Thank you. Shafi Hartley . [/INST]Shafi(B-NAME_STUDENT), Hartley(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking Feb 7, 2016 Al Kain Design Thinking Tools used for Aspira Diagnostics Ltd Background: I run a small biotech company in India – ICT Center It is predominantly focused on making diagnostic reagents. The company has a young and knowledgeable product development team. Within a decade of its initiation, the company has established itself in the global market as an assured source of quality material. The top diagnostic companies in the world are our customers. However, the segment we have chosen is small and niche and there is limited scope of expanding the business. With this background, we set up an internal team to review possible options for diversification. The obvious choice was to forward integrate and make diagnostic kits. However, this was a risky option. One, because it meant directly competing with our existing customers and secondly the business needed complete change of the model we had followed. The top team was not willing to jeopardize its relations with the customers. I was therefore given the responsibility of looking out for options for expanding the business. One of the possible business option was to go a step down the value chain – to set up a Pathology Lab so that we would not compete with our customers and in fact become their customers. Logically, this seemed the best strategy but we knew nothing of the Pathology Lab business and there were established players in the market. In order to develop an innovative business model and identify value preposition from the point of the stakeholders, I used a combination of following tools – Journey Mapping, Visualization and Mind Maps. A brief of the insights obtained, points of differentiations identified and the development of business model is provided in this note. Journey Mapping and Visualization: I identified various stakeholders in the Pathology Lab business and mapped their journey. The diagram overleaf provides a snapshot of that journey. I actually visited local labs and mapped this journey. From the journey the following things were evident:  The patient had to spend substantial time in moving from the Clinic to the Lab several times.  The patient was incurring out of pocket expenses like travelling, loss of mandays etc even for now value adding activities like collecting the samples, sharing results with Clinicians etc.  The results were delayed because of sample logistics and this resulted in delayed treatment.  I found that the cost of things like loss of mandays for self and the person accompanying the patient, travelling costs and other out of pocket expenses were as high as the cost of testing and treatment for routine diseases.  The cost of a re-test and the second iteration of this process was at least repeated once for every patient. Design Thinking Feb 2, 2017 I interviewed the Patients and realized that there were many different sub-groups of patients – Pediatric, Neonatal, Elderly Patients, Working men and women, people suffering from infectious diseases and chronic diseases etc. Each of these patient had different requirements. For example, I made the following observations for the elderly diabetic people who need regular blood sugar testing to be done. a) They prefer a phlebotomist to come and collect the sample from their home. b) Because of their age and disease they are anxious whether the phlebotomist would come on time or not. Clinician Checks and Recommends a Test Patients goes to a Patholgy Lab Lab collects samples and the testing charges Patient comes after a day (or more) to collect result Lab hands over the results Visits Clinic with results Physician prescribes medicines or asks for addn tests Can it be done internally? Run the test Yes Sends sample to ref Lab No Sample reaches ref lab Lab confirms receipt of payment from local lab Lab runs test Provides result to local lab Patient Journey Lab Testing Journey Design Thinking Feb 7, 2016 c) They are anxious whether the results would show a substantial increase in their blood sugar level. d) If there is a little delay in the collection or in the reporting then they get irritated. These insights would be extremely important in designing the logistics of sample collection as well as dealing with such patients. Insights from the use of design thinking tools: The tools have provided many insights to develop a business model that meets the unmet and unstated needs of various stakeholders. Some of these are: a) A solution needs to be developed so that the multiple trips of the patient to the clinic and labs can be minimized. This will reduce cost as well as expedite the treatment available to the patient. b) We need to clearly develop specific programs for the various patient categories. Each of them have a different and unique requirement and this fact is being ignored by the existing players in the market. c) The automation and IT systems used in the lab are disconnected. Therefore, a patient needs to be registering every time in different centers of the same lab. Also, the report generated by LIS is printed and physically delivered to the patient instead of using tools like emails, whatsapp, text messages etc. The clinics, the labs and the patient are not connected together through any IT system. It is therefore necessary in the what-if and what-wow stage of this project to identify solutions that could make this possible. d) Most of the lab focus on collecting the samples and forget to acknowledge the emotional requirements of the patient in trauma. Thus, the ambience of the labs is not made comfortable and relaxing. No lab offers counseling service to the patient. We need to identify possible solutions and conduct a launch test in the next phase. End note: The design thinking training was indeed useful to me for the assignment undertaken in my organization. It helped me to look beyond the obvious. It made me shift my focus from me-too solutions to a holistic solution that addressed the need of all the stakeholders. The insights obtained from the what-is stage of this project would be useful in the subsequent phases of the project. [/INST]Al(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kain(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Mario Pedrini’s Reflection Design Thinking for Innovation - Storytelling Challenge & Selection Once upon a time I got a major in engineering, thereupon I was “formatted” to see and work with numbers, applying math, physics and some other exact sciences, which should not represent any inconvenience to overcome my day-to-day on my own. When I started my company, I could be a particularly good engineer dealing with most of the problems given to me by my clients, and I could test my knowledge as well as the ways to solve the issue. As an entrepreneur I had to overcome diverse angles in management, those that I had just glimpsed during my days as student, and one of the must -terrifying- situations was selling my services to strangers, specially over the phone performing a cold call, no matter having a script in front of me. Generally speaking, when trying to convince potential customers to purchase my services, the conversation was too technical, and the context lacked feelings. Often both parties were heading different destinations, therefore I had to use an extra effort to persuade and get my goal. When the job had been finished the appreciation was good in terms of time and quality of delivery. Application Hence our proposals fulfilled the requirements, the relation client-contractor was not totally satisfying because a touch of magic was missing. Let’s not forget that B2B is done between people. At some point and since technology has evolved like greased lightning, -storytelling- arose as a helping hand when dealing with emotionless operations. As a touch of magic, the use of real stories when talking about businesses made the clients turn and pay attention in full when required during the process of sale. Insight & Approach When using storytelling, stress was cut of the situation and emotions were involved immediately when talking about common past experiences. It is a must to put some “heart” to touchless situations and cold things to get going. After some time of practice, the use of -storytelling- has been developed abroad our sales department, making both the clients and the sales representatives better related persons, when our business spins with a human touch. [/INST]Mario(B-NAME_STUDENT), Pedrini(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Using Visualization in Business Coaching (Design Thinking Assignment – by Vipan Rashmi) Challenge I have recently started practicing business coaching for young entrepreneurs as a full-time career after almost 27 years of corporate software professional experience. During my coaching sessions with young entrepreneurs, it has always been challenging to understand their vision, product roadmap and business plan as nothing is ever documented. All the ideas and plans are in their head and every time I meet them, I used to get a different version of it. Selection After the Design Thinking lecture of Module 1, I decided to implement visualization technique in my coaching sessions to make it more effective. I started using “In-Time Timeline”, “cross- road” and “future visual” to pen down their ideas and plan. I picked the “In-Time Timeline” tool so that I could visually make them traverse time to get better understanding of their business plan and product roadmap. I used “cross-road” to put their various options before taking a decision. I also use “future visual” way of visualization for them to imagine a live event happening after a year that gives them maximum happiness and satisfaction (like giving a speech after winning a trophy/award, spending time with family at a hill top resort, opening a new office, etc.). These tools were selected so that I could go back to these visuals to arrive at a common meeting point. Application Let me share three examples where I applied these tools. In first case, I asked the 2 co- founders in a coaching session, to draw their business plan for a year. I used “future visual” and asked them to visualize where they would be, how they would be feeling, what would be their customer saying about them, what would be market talking about them, how much revenue they would be having after a year. As they started talking, I kept on documenting the points on the timeline. I asked them to keep that visual picture in their head that will always inspire them. In second case, I asked my coachee to visualize a meeting with his client – I asked him to visualize the room, the chair, table, clothes, smell, temperature, etc during the meeting – then visualize the discussion. I kept on documenting and drawing on paper as he spoke. In third instance, there were 2 founders and were not clear of the direction to move the company – they had to choose from designing new product feature, go for angel funding, develop skills in team, or a mix of any two. I used “cross road” picture and drew a road, drew 2 people walking on it and reaching a “cross-road” that had 4 possible directions to take. Using that picture, we discussed about the path to choose that would finally lead them to the final destination. Needless to say, at the end of these sessions, the founders, in all 3 cases, were very pleased with the outcome as they could visually recollect the discussion!! Insight I realized that visualization is a great tool to be used in coaching as coaching is also about energizing your right brain. As a coach also, we need to ask powerful questions, we need to be patient and empathetic, should be able to connect the dots, etc. just like it’s mentioned in this course. I have bought Professor Daniel H. Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind” and will use insights from it as well as visualization tool more in my coaching sessions. Also, I see visualization can be applied more broadly in any situation where I have to explain my point of view or understand others viewpoint. I plan to use it with my children soon!! Approach As an extension of using visualization in coaching, I would be adding story telling in my coaching session. I plan to use visualization and storytelling together – so for example, after using the timeline tool for visualizing, then, in the next session I plan to narrate the whole thing as a movie story - starting with the last scene first and then saying “12 months before” and just unfold all the events. I think that will bring logic, emotional connection and meaning in the coaching sessions along with the visual impact. I have not been a good story teller in my life and it would be good for me learn this skill as well!! [/INST]Vipan(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rashmi(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Storytelling Link between research and commercial products/services Challenge The main problem that I face in the research institution I work for as a Business Development Manager is the lack of understanding of potential outcomes of research projects which can be used to develop new products. Many of my team members have an academic background, i.e. working as PhD or Post-docs with less industry experience. Therefore, their first priority is to work on research projects and focus more on theoretical concepts rather than practical concepts. However, in my case, I am responsible to derive potential products/services from those research projects which is indeed a very difficult task and requires great imagination power. Selection Based on the challenges described above, I chose the tool “Storytelling” since it will allow me to create a story on particular outcome of research projects by putting them more into the context of customer needs of industry clients (referring to lecture 4 of week 2, “Storytelling tool” by Lorenzo Rosales). This would help to make my team members better understand the real value behind the products/services which can help industry clients to reduce certain pain points with less efforts. Application I applied the “Storytelling” tool in the following scenario: Some of my colleagues work in the area of semantic data integration of big data. In the scope of one specific research project the task was to create a semantic hybrid federated search engine which would make it possible for the police to detect and trace potential criminals. A short explanation on how the search engine works: Following the input of a keyword, the search engine collects on demand data spread over different data sources on the Web (social networks, e-commerce platforms, Open Data). The data is integrated into a coherent knowledge graph, results can be filtered, visualized and display summaries. Currently, it is possible to search for people, organizations, and products. This research project is still going on and lot of modification and adjustment are made to the search engine. In order to create a commercial product out of this research project I spend some time in analyzing the potential of this search engine and tried to find an appropriate way to “sell” it as a unique product to the sales team by packaging it into a nice and user-friendly story. I brainstormed on potential application areas of this product in order to move away from the already known use case, i.e. the criminal analysis. In this way, I would open up new opportunities/ideas for the development team. New application area: Why not use this search engine in the HR department of companies. HR officers spend much time gathering information about the skills and qualification of a candidate for a job (e.g. by searching on different platforms like LinkedIn). This problem can be solved if those platforms are integrated to the search engine, allowing to search on just ONE platform by browsing through many others. I organized a workshop in which I invited the sales and development team and presented this new application area by taking the role of a struggling HR manager searching for the right people for his company and finally, getting to know about the semantic hybrid search engine which allowed me to search on one platform and saved me a lot of time. I started with the challenge or problem faced by HR managers, followed by a concrete use case, i.e. HR manager is struggling and investing lot of time in searching for a suitable candidate for the post of a Chief Innovation Officer. In the next step, the HR Manager discovers the great semantic hybrid search engine enabling him to search on one platform and finding a good match for the position. I concluded by highlighting the benefits of this product not only in the crime domain but also in other domains like Human Resource Management. Insight I gained tremendous insights from applying the tool I selected for the challenge. Using this approach, almost everyone in the workshop had a better understanding of the ideas and participated with more interest on this particular use case. The development team brainstormed on further enhancements with other platforms, i.e. LinkedIn. And, the sales team took the role of the struggling HR Manager by elaborating on his/her pain in more depth. In this way, the development team could easily respond to each of those pains by brainstorming on technical adjustments/enhancement of the search engine. In conclusion, the development team could focus on the technical modifications to create real value for potential customers whereas the sales team successfully worked on a pitch for different customer groups. Approach Using the “storytelling” tool has been a great start. However, the next time I would organize a follow-up workshop using the tool “mind mapping”. I would create one group consisting of developers and the other one with the sales team. Both teams can use the stories and enrich them with further insights by creating mind maps. They might explore more application areas and opportunities for this product to reach a certain level of maturity. These maps can be shared among the two different groups and also with others in our department to analyse the different point of views and the further alignment to the departmental vision and goals. Written by Mrs. Raxa Kumari Business Development & Project Manager for IoT Germany 27.01.2017 [/INST]Raxa(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection: Storytelling Challenge: My client is one of the largest electronic payment company in the world. The client was working to build a global merchant database product & while building the datasets the client faced a lot of difficulty in identifying correct brands in different dispersed geographical locations. The Problem the Product team/Technology Development Team was having to create business rules which will correctly identify the merchant. Like BP is a global oil giant, but does it mean all the Merchant which has some sort of name variation close to BP globally (BP GAS, Harry BP GAS etc..) are all same brand or they are diff entity.. The Product team needed to on board with different business cases & different scenarios so that the Business Logic to build the Data Products can be modified & Fine Tuned. Selection: I used the process of storytelling to engage the product office/business team/engineering leads & created several storytelling concepts for Brands to make the Product team understand the crux of the issues. Storytelling helps user to visualize the problem makes them more connected, makes them more aware of the scenarios & make them relate to the scenario. The technique that I have used here is the FREYTAG’S PYRAMID method. Application: FREYTAG’S PYRAMID is a widely used Storytelling application that consists of five elements. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/revelation/catastrophe. I have used this concepts to create an scenario replica of my client product managers to understand country wise business dynamics/Business Policy Condition/Policy Condition & how all these conditions should be used/Considered for the product development activity.to fine tune the Data Strategy. I started with creating Exposition elements of the Business,, How the Business conditions are diff in Different country, how is the corporate governance different in diff regions & created a background for everyone for the Business Scenario. Once the Product Strategy Teams are on boarded with the problem scenarios I raised the pitch to have a rising action scenario, Like Wal-Mart when they wanted to expand its business to Indian market how they faced political roadblock due to Political Roadblock how they almost pulled out from the market. This helped me to evoke the Interest of the stakeholder through creating internal tension of the Business Impact & what its obligation. I then take the story to its climax by raising the curtain how the problem is resolved. Here Wal- Mart joined hands with a Leading Indian Conglomerate Bharti Enterprise then Launched a New Brand & Business Model Bharti-Walmart in India in the Retail Segment & how they started & continues its operation. This helped also to have the Falling action in the storytelling & stakeholders are completely engrossed with the story. What is the Resolution/Revelation of the Story: The Resolution/Revelation of the Story is that The Business Rule Cannot be Same Everywhere. The Business Rules needs to be changed/Changed in design as there is a need to understand geo Political Scenario/Business Condition/Country policy for any global product development stage. Insight & Approach The Actual getaway of this story is that The Business Rule to identify all Transaction coming from India where the Name Contains “Bharti” needs to be changed. A new Business rule has to be implemented so that Retail category Business Volume That Begins with Bharti (ie Bhar- Walmart) are not actually the business volume Of Bharti Enterprise, but that is of a diff corporate Entity, Bharti-Walmart Enterprise. This Insight has changed the entire ballgame of making the Data Strategy of the Product. This Insight gave Product Team Vision that There has to have Other Geo Political/Business Regulation View of the product Design that needs to be incorporated & fine-tuned. The Story Telling Concept here helped me to make the Product Team to look at the problem into a completely different viewpoint, make them emphasize & understand the Global economic condition & gave insight & roadmap of how these can be incorporated in the Product Strategy & Innovation part. Submitted By: Nitish Kumar [/INST]Nitish(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumar(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: ADNOC Classification: Internal Design Thinking for Innovation 01 Nov 2015. Peer-graded Assignment: Reflection Submit by Dec 25, 11:59 PM PST Submitted for peer reviews by Dla Xalid Email: vmartinez@hotmail.com Refilling fuel at ADNOC Petrol Station at Abu Dhabi City. Challenge to avoid the Bottle neck for Rush hour, busy service providers at Pump filling point, Full Car Parking, Crowded at Payment point. Storytelling Tool is selected to resolve the issue of time delay and cars crowed during rush hours at Petrol Station. 1. Collected Data for time duration and Customers service staff engagement at Petrol Station. 2. Collected number of cars awaiting during rush hour. Using the tool provided options to resolve the issues: 1. Once car enters petrol station to select appropriate filling pump lane. 2. Avoid rush hour and plan alternative time for refilling fuel. 3. Pay for fuel by bank Credit card. The benefit of applying the above options while communicating with customers and Petrol station service providers: 1. Positive Feedback from Customer stories, the Satisfaction and Happiness. 2. Able to serve customer with an efficient. 3. Enhanced timing requirement to refill fuel. 4. Win to win situation I might use similar tool for challenging cooking and delivering Pizza to customers on time delay after placing the order and serve hot Pizza. [/INST]Dla(B-NAME_STUDENT), Xalid(I-NAME_STUDENT), vmartinez@hotmail.com(B-EMAIL)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation – Coursera Course by Luna Arias Reflection – Learning Launch Challenge Last year I was part of a team that had the task of analyzing the causes that led to a small club in my city not being able to add new members. Initially we meet with various stakeholders to better understand the current situation. Among them were partners, ex-partners, employees, parents of children who play sports at the facilities, managers, fans, etc. From those conversations we obtained preliminary information indicating that the activities the club had to offer were difficult to search for. We were asked to create a new web system together with an app to be able to link the member more directly with the club, providing information of interest, digital membership card, access to digital facilities, calendar, etc. Selection In this creation process, several Design Thinking tools such as Mind Mapping and Rapid Prototyping were used along the way, so the team became interested in the Learning Launch technique to test the designs based on all the previous information collected. Application Two days were held at the club's facilities to test the ideas and prototypes. On the first day, stakeholders such as members, parents, former members and the general public not associated with the club were invited to test a first version of the mobile application resulting from a rapid prototyping. These people were interviewed according to a rehearsed script to make them feel as comfortable as possible, and were discreetly filmed for further behavior analysis. From this day on, valuable metrics emerged for the following stages. Insight From the commented sessions, it was possible to extract highly valuable data to identify what the user's workflow was like within the application. Thus, certain screens with options were observed that presented a higher level of difficulty than the one desired for the public, which led to generating new designs and tests to reach a satisfactory result. The web application was also tested with people with some degree of visual or motor disability, to guarantee its accessibility and access without any type of restrictions. Approach Given that our team has implemented other Design Thinking tools in the project in the past, we believe that a Learning Launch is the appropriate tool to continue incorporating improvements iteratively from the insights, and in this way to be able to get closer to the final product that has meaning for the public as well as for the club. [/INST]Luna(B-NAME_STUDENT), Arias(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation Alex Perez Reflection Storytelling and Visualization in marketing for the bleach industry Challenge & Selection Working for the leading brand of bleach in México, we developed a case to build upon brand values and product performance in order to maintain leadership considering we had a 90% of penetration in the Mexican households. Taking into account that bleach is considered a commodity (a low price and poorly differentiated product), there was a challenge of keeping white brands at bay while keeping our current consumers. The case would detail a deliverable that would help us trigger further actions for this challenge. Even tough bleach is a product commonly used in Mexican households due to its multi-purpose benefits such as: disinfecting surfaces (bathrooms, toilets, counters and floors), disinfecting fruits and vegetables, purifying water and whitening clothes. These benefits were widely known in the Baby Boomers generation, but nowadays the millenials don’t fully know the many benefits of the product due to the many alternatives in the market and many misconceptions around bleach (such as alleged toxicity or it being highly damaging for clothes). The challenge was to find a way of communicating with those consumers and deliver the benefits of bleach in their home. The tool selected was Storytelling, in order to map all the brand’s touchpoints with their consumers and define which of them would be the communication hub for all the brand’s benefits. Besides, Storytelling allows us to discover underlying or unseen causes to the problem that can really connect with an audience. Application Normally brands take upon themselves to communicate their benefits in the way that you would tell in a TV commercial: fast and clear droplets of information that you can fit in 20 or 30 seconds. Sometimes they tell stories, sometimes they tell facts, but overall you don’t get much space to share details. In order to apply the Storytelling tool we had to also use the Visualization tool to map a consumer journey not as a purchase funnel that ends with them buying the product, but as an information funnel where people (not consumers) make a research to discover solutions to their problems. In this sense, we established that Millenials, being a highly connected generation, use the internet as their principal source of information -besides TV isn’t a hot medium for them as it was for older generations. We mapped platforms such as social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), video (YouTube) and search engines (Google, Bing) to establish which roles they provide in their daily usage and define that search engines are the primary platform when someone wants an answer to a specific issue. Having done this, we partnered with Google for a deep dive on all search terms related to bleach in México to classify and identify key drivers for the category and what aspects of the applications of bleach were unclear. We discovered that a large number of queries weren’t properly about usage and doses, Design Thinking for Innovation Alex Perez but about the composition of bleach, how it's made, how it works and more technical features. This made us rethink the way we would’ve conceived the campaign in order to address the challenge. We would still communicate the benefits and ways the product could be used, but had the start with basic information that people wanted to learn. There was no point of just telling how many cups of bleach you need to disinfect a floor if people first want to know if bleach is toxic or biodegradable in order to be sure they are willing to buy the product. With this research we were able to take this journey into the official website to tell a story about bleach: what is it, how does it work and the main uses that would connect with the different products. We also added a myth-debunking section inspired by many queries found on Google such as “is it true that bleach pollutes water?” or “is it true that bleach can dissolve clothes?”. Another important section was derived from this investigation to tell the story of how bleach has been in our households for the past hundred years helping us battle bacterias and viruses as the main disinfectant in the world. Following the same Storytelling formula, we tried to steer away from just providing fact sheets and plain benefits and created a visual section that included a grid comparing the number of cases of popular diseases in México with the max occupation of popular venues in the country such as the Chapultepec Park, the Zocalo or the pyramids of Teotihuacán. This gave an introduction to talk about how bleach works at a molecular level against bacteria and viruses and more technical aspects of how the formula works. Insight What we discovered with this process is that there is more than meets the eye when we define a challenge or problem. If it wasn’t for the deep dive into what people were actually searching, we never would’ve identified that newer generations didn’t understand the value for a product as bleach given that neither us nor the competition was providing this kind of information for our consumers. Due to the presence of bleach in many households for so many years, we rarely questioned ourselves about what kind of concerns triggered an understanding of the product. Approach Even though I’m confident that using a mix of Storytelling and Visualization were the right tools to develop this proposal for the challenge, we could’ve reinforced the project with the Mind Mapping Tool with real customers. At the company we have a lot of information and studies about the category and consumers, but this project would have provided an opportunity to incorporate new insights from consumers beyond the data available on our U&A studies. Provided we had more time, a Launch Tool would’ve helped us make beta testing for the website and launch various sections while checking the website data to understand which sections were more interesting. [/INST]Alex(B-NAME_STUDENT), Perez(I-NAME_STUDENT), Alex(B-NAME_STUDENT), Perez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: VALUE STREAM MAPPING – VISUALIZATION Date: May 15, 2021 Author: Arath Sanchez 1. Challenge & Selection. In order to understand de context and all variables indeed in this problem I selected the tool of visualization. We have had the challenge of mapping correctly our value stream for the number one product in our company, this task needs to involve all our internal costumers of the different areas, who are production, sales, delivery. Every single area had one manager in this project in order to share ideas, situations, internal problems and every single variable that helps the mapping being successful. 2. Application As a first step, all those involved were invited to a meeting, we explained the context of the problem and proceeded to go through the entire value chain for the selected product. In posters we began by drawing a flow of the process that had been previously raised, which will serve as a basis for making any necessary modifications. On paper and with the help of the always useful post its we start with the first intervener of the process. First, the material must be melted, in this case the raw material used is plastic. The vital information we must obtain is what type of machinery is used, as used, processing times, machine preparation times, and the volumetry of the raw material to be used. While we were commissioned to carry out this activity continued to tell us how the activity was carried out questions were arising, these questions are completely necessary in order to be able to question the current activity and to look for options for improvement both for the process in general and in that specific activity. While the information was being lifted, any relevant information was written down in a post it and pasted into the corresponding box for that activity as a brainstorm. The most critical point to know is how the individual processes are connected to form the whole process. This connection between activities was also established in our poster to map the process, continuing to the next activity was the turn to carry out the extrusion of the molten material and thus form the finished product. At the end of the information survey activity, we built, together with a multidisciplinary team, the entire value chain of our star product and in that way, we were able to reach important conclusions about what was being done correctly in the process and specifically identify where improvement actions could be carried out and how to map projects to on this specific product. 3. Insight & Approach Performing these kinds of exercises are excellent in order to understand the context of the whole problem, not only for those who are directing it but also for everyone involved in the exercise. In this way, the participation and knowledge of other actors and the questioning of certain activities, information or procedures are promoted to, among all, seek a solution that meets the needs of the organization. Using visual tools is especially effective when you need to understand and describe a situation in a very specific way. Most of the time we think that just counting the situation and if other people have clear functioning, but this almost always disagrees with reality because each person has his or her point of view and way of understanding a situation. The use of visual tools help put "a face" to what is being explained and have a better understanding of the situation. As part of my job is to understand even the smallest detail of the activity, process that is mapping and apply this type of methodology and tools help to make simple what at first seems complicated. [/INST]Arath(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanchez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Sarai Diaz 1. Challenge We received a Housing Project in which the local citizens of a community were opposed because they think it will affect the environment thanks to the corrupted information some people has spread. The challenge the company presented us was to change the perception of the Project in that community to have their support when the construction finally started. 2. Selection I selected visualization because in order to change their perception first I need to understand the real needs and concerns of the people and identify the messages they have received from the opposing groups that are currently affecting the image of the Project. 3. Application First, I needed to enlist all the stakeholders involved because it was not only the immediate community but while digging I found out there also there were political interest, local government, schools, and all kind of organizations that needed to be included in the campaign. Then I needed to know what the people thought about the project in a deeply perspective, because I couldn’t change what I didn’t know they think. That took me to small interviews with key actor of the community and the identified groups to better understand what we were dealing with, to let them express themselves, in these interviews we used pictures of the project that lead us to emotions, when we showed images of the project people were: angry, frustrated, sad and some of them tired of hearing about the project. 4. Insight After that process I realized that the real mission was not to change their perception of the Project but it was to really inform them of what was going to happen without the alarm, misconceptions and mistakes the other group had already told them, people were angry, sad, frustrated about the project. Also, being able to translate “the bad image of the project” into something more specific like emotions, let me realize we needed an innovative approach to capture their attention to be able to provide them the information. 5. Approach Visualization is key before starting any activity to really understand what you are dealing with and finding the best strategies to tackle it, but the problem is it takes time and your boss, your client, or the one paying you will ask for immediate actions and immediate results. So one of the most important things I would do next when I need to use visualization is first sensibilize of the importance of visualization as a tool, not to guarantee success, but to understand the challenge, your audience and guide you to a better solution. [/INST]Sarai(B-NAME_STUDENT), Diaz(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Defining the ‘Sony’ identity - Mind Mapping Challenge I am part of a nonprofit climbing organization, called Sony <a Quechua word meaning ‘misbehaved’. In this case trying to symbolize the rebel and free spirit of the group>. Sony was created a year ago by a group of mountain lovers and a group of specialized guides part of the oldest mountaineering foundation in Ecuador. Their idea was just to get together and climb the Ecuadorian Andes. It all began to take shape and the group has now 50 more members. A wide diversity of people from architects, government officials, agronomists, young, old, men and women are part of it. The challenge arises when the thought of formalizing the group and giving it a true structure is brought. Due to the great diversity of members’ backgrounds and vocational trainings, the task seemed impossible. There were too many ideas, all so disorganized and “floating around”, that nobody knew even where to begin. The big idea, and mainly its execution, was starting to create chaos, more than a real contribution to the group. The big question was how to capture everybody’s impressions, take advantage of the group’s diversity and set a route for a possible solution or sets of solutions. Selection As Kenia Jj says, “mind mapping is looking for patterns and insights in a large quantity of data you collected during your exploration of what is the current reality.” This was the main problem to be solved at this stage. There as a vast variety of ideas and thoughts, which at this point didn´t say anything at all. This huge amount of data needed to be somehow organized to stablish the current reality: the identity of the group. After that its structure, formal organization, objectives and more could be defined. This was to be done getting the members to feel involved so the best of their thoughts could be presented in clear patterns and insights. Application A big challenge presented at this point was that all this happened during complete isolation, due to the Covid-19 breakdown. An efficient mechanism was to be used in order to solve the problem with these unique circumstances. I decided to use a direct communication channel: Ñarñaku’s WhatsApp group. The first step was to find the right timing, and inform the group about the design challenge. Getting one of the leaders to be the one informing the group about the objective, gave the activity acceptance, importance and involvement. About 30 members of the group participated (which represents 60% of the group). People were asked at first to communicate what did they feel the identity of the group was, and what were its main goals and objectives. This led to a long group discussion that lasted almost a full day. Most of the ideas were already known, although some very good and new insights were presented. During this process my job was to capture all these insights and thoughts while they were presented in an open discussion. The tool had to be slightly modified due to the special circumstances, but the main idea of it was preserved. Therefor the next step was to group these thoughts into clusters of ideas. A digital tool was used to create the mind map. After the map was created it was presented to the group again to get the members feedback. The response was more than favorable. Now the ideas were organized route was clear in which to continue. Although the tool was not easy to implement, due to special circumstances, the results where more than satisfactory. Insights One of the main insights obtained during the activity was to clearly land the group's identity. Sony is a group of friends with a great love and passion for mountains (cluster 1), with a will for environmental awareness (cluster 2) and social motivation (cluster 3). These ideas synthesize the identity of the group, and lets us start thinking in possible “what ifs”. Once the ideas were clearly mapped, the conception of the challenge, and specially its answers, suddenly became evident. It also made the members of the group get more involved in it. An important lesson I obtained from this activity is that when you aloud people to freely express themselves, the ideas flow freely. A question was presented at the beginning weather to narrow down the discussion topics, or to openly present them so people can freely talk. The second choice was selected and what was only needed was a little guidance (someone to act as a moderator). In my opinion the result was more effective when members felt free to express their ideas. Approach Next time, one thing that would definitely be different is the mechanism by which the tool was presented. This time it was required to be an online activity. Results would have been immensely better if the activity was taken place in person. Another aspect to be taken in account is to minimize the group of participants. Even though the vast amount and diversity of insights presented by the group were very helpful, sometimes it became an obstacle when trying to move forward. I think that these two aspects contribute to making the process sometimes slow and not always helpful. It can definitely be improved. Author: Jesus Juarez [/INST]Jesus(B-NAME_STUDENT), Juarez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Enzo Richards, Design Thinking for Innovation Example Reflection: Storytelling Challenge I work in Product Design & Development for a consumer electronics company. Our products typically perform very well, and receive great critical acclaim, but in general are primarily adopted by an older demographic. Our company had done both analytical and ethnographic research, both of which showed that we had products that customers were aware of, but younger audiences were unable to move past the consideration phase of the purchase process. We had tried different advertising, with different copy as well as more youthful images or scenes, and time and time again they had only managed to barely move the needle, if at all. We also saw that there were competitors with similar product sets that were able to gain more interest (and later sales) with their offerings, which made us question what the differences were and how we could improve. My team was challenged to look at our product offering as a whole and find a way to resonate better with the younger demo (Millennials). Selection The challenge was levied upon my team from an executive management council, who knew we were a group that was very connected with the product, but also had a good deal of understanding of the problem, given that many team members were millennials. I preached that we needed to maintain a sense of consumer empathy, and that while we were at work, it was easy to ‘drink the kool-aid’ and have an inflated view of how we were perceived. Given our heightened understanding as a team, and the need to present a compelling argument to make some potentially radical changes to the products, I knew we would have to use storytelling to provide a convincing argument. With that in mind, we worked together to sell the challenge that we had identified, of updating the image of our products to enable them to resonate more with Millennials. Application Our company had always made really compelling products with fantastic technical prowess, which had some of the best performance relative to the competitive set. But what we needed to sell to our leadership team was the challenge that the Millennial consumer was looking for more than just a different color palette or video of younger people using older style products. We used storytelling to get this point across by referring to similar challenges faced by similar companies in other industries, and how they were able to evolve. Being a bit of a sneaker fan myself, I told our leadership about New Balance, which is a very strong brand for high performance footwear, but hadn’t necessarily resonated as well with younger audiences. To combat that, they worked with some specialty designers to update their products to feature precision, high value materials in updated colors, and made them somewhat limited to help drive up interest. I had shared photos of special edition releases that the New Balance team had worked on successfully, which led to increased exposure in blogs and had kids camping out overnight to make sure they could buy these limited sneakers. I also showed that there were other ways that the team needed to address the entire product selection holistically, and how that resonated Enzo Richards, Design Thinking for Innovation very well. For example, Nike has their standard releases which are available broadly, but when they do a really limited release, they update not only the footwear design, but also the shoebox as well, which really helps the user validate their purchase (which is often at a premium over the standard offerings). As I was sharing this with the leadership, I could see their eyes light up a bit. Some were surprised, if not initially confused, about how sneaker culture could relate to our consumer electronics business. But through the storytelling about sneakers, the blog posts and photos of the droves of fans that would wait in line, and even some in person show-and-tell of how truly unique some of these materials and designs could get, the leadership team grasped the story we were presenting so much so that I was asked to give it to an extended team as well. In summary, we were able to present the point that we needed to make sure we were holistically approaching the entire product experience to enable Millennial consumers to really want to purchase our products. Insight The team agreed with our conclusion, and that we could no longer expect to just throw a coat of trendy paint on and think that would get the job done. There was of course some tension here: how would these changes impact our current offerings? We had to be sure that we did not artificially move the needle TOO far in one direction, potentially alienating our current core customer. This led to us updating our offerings to have unique, limited variations, complete with custom, refined carry cases and packaging that was more considered and expressive. The results were extremely positive: not only did we move the average age down for the updated products, we also were able to get the gender split, which had been skewing far more male than female, to be much closer to a 50-50 split, which was a secondary goal of the program. What I really appreciated was that this was able to impact our entire design community, and put the focus that was deserved on making sure we spent as much time curating our design as well as engineering our performance. Approach Being able to tell a compelling story to leadership to help them understand the challenges of appealing to a millennial audience was definitely the right method to use for our team’s time and deliverable constraints. Given the scale of our company, and the intricacies with our sales and supply chains, a learning launch may have seemed helpful, but in the end it wasn’t realistic enough for us to execute. If we had to go through a different Design Thinking tool or exercise, for future innovations I would advocate doing some mind mapping exercises in order to get a better picture and answer the “What Is?” question more thoroughly before transitioning into the actual product design and development. [/INST]Enzo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Richards(I-NAME_STUDENT), Enzo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Richards(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Learning Launch Reflection Rosa Perez Challenge Visvesvaraya Technological University, family entrepreneurship brand focused on selling healthy desserts for diabetics, vegans and healthy life searchers began operations at home. The challenge is being known as an alternative way to enjoy delicious desserts sugar less and carbohydrates less but not just for an event, we desire that a family could buy one cake every week. The brand must be known for a delicious taste and the best buy and delivery process, using technology and social networks. According to best innovation practices, we had some recipes using healthy ingredients and we had some baking instruments but we didn´t know about the taste of the cake using stevia, panela and oat. We need to know successful recipes, and listen people with experience in baking, selling and delivering desserts. The best way to increase our knowledge was participating in baking classes and participating in focus groups with experimented people. Selection We use learning launch like design thinking tool to prepare a cake prototype, we inspired on “truth confirms assumptions about recipes, presentation and delivery process”. Every Sunday all team members worked together in the process, we began with a chocolate cake recipe and at the end, we tasted and expressed opinion about presentation, time spent and taste. Application First Learning launch, in the baking lab, the chocolate cake had good taste but the presentation was terrible, our experience wasn´t enough to have a perfect product and we needed more instruments like a mixer for example. Second Learning launch, next week, the team agreed with taste and presentation but we needed more products to offer, what happen with chocolate haters? Healthy pastry classes were perfect to find successful recipes and a designer help us with the logo (brand identity). Insight & Approach We decided the timeframe (a week), cheap investment (ingredients and pastry classes) and it let us knew that we must offer three products and detailed delivery conditions before the sale agreement. The first market was our family members (with skeptics) and after we sale cakes on demand. We offer different flavors and we have loyal clients. [/INST]Rosa(B-NAME_STUDENT), Perez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Dawn James 29/10/2016 On Design Thinking: A Reflection On Reworking A Novel A year ago I began working on a novel with the idea that all I needed was a cast of characters, a world and a plot that went from A to B. I could not have been more wrong. Around three-fourths of the way through the novel, I found myself writing without direction, caught in the nitty-gritties of detail, worldbuilding and characters; unable to extract the story and push it in the direction that I wanted it to go in. Towards the very end of the writing, the story had spiraled out of control, into something that had too many motifs and themes to be truly thoughtful. It was directionless and frequently contradictory – even incoherent, in places, with incomplete character arcs that ended in the classic rookie writer’s problem: they simply disappeared off the map altogether. This is, perhaps, an unorthodox example to pick for a design thinking project. But as I listened to the lectures on design thinking, I was forcibly struck by the similarities between the description of the process – what is, what if, what wows, what works – and the ways in which this process parallels the creation of a novel. Early on in the lectures, Diaz picked apart the concept of the Moses myth of creativity, i.e. that creativity resides purely in genius and is not something which can be cultivated or organized. This was when I realized that all along I’d been treating the novel as a mysterious entity which could only be produced through genius, rather than a project which could be managed systematically – which, dare I say, could even be created by using design thinking principles. Selection & Application So I went back to the drawing board and decided to treat the novel as a project, rather than a mysterious entity which would spring fully formed from my mind. I selected the Visualization tool we’d explored over the five weeks for this and began to rebuild my novel from the ground up. The visualization tool felt like the appropriate choice in that it is a useful way in which to place ideas which are not necessarily easily verbalized on paper – which gives it a tangible presence that makes it easier to discern unconscious and latent patterns, needs and desires that would not have been immediately evident otherwise. The intangible nature of themes and motifs were best matched to the visualization tool which enables the formulation of the intangible in a way that makes it easier to grasp and think about. It was also an excellent way of escaping from the tendency to return to outlines and other collected material – words, in other words – and to force me to take a step back and think outside the box – outside my preconceived notions and ideas – when examining what I wanted to do with my novel. Dawn James 29/10/2016 Rather than turn this process over to a group of people, however, I used the visualization tool in a more personal and auto-ethnographical sense, to express the various concepts, themes and motifs – occasionally even moments – I had been exploring in my novel. I did this by creating several collage- cum-moodboard of images and fragments of thoughts, phrases and ideas that were both academic and literary or poetical which I had been both unconsciously and consciously examining – which struck a chord with me whenever I thought about my novel’s plot, various characters and themes. I then laid it out and tried to trace the patterns and themes which emerged, to be more conscious of what I had been working with and to see how they all fit together within the context of my novel. Insights & Approach By thinking conceptually, rather than falling back on the standard formats of novel outlining, I began to notice certain themes and ideas which were connecting characters who had existed very separately on the page before. Where they once crossed each other without ever interacting or even appearing linked except for the bare necessities of plot, I noticed certain ideas which kept cropping up and recurring, visually framed, across these different characters. They weren’t necessarily similar themes so much as motifs; symbolic elements which I had failed to be conscious of while writing, which had led to the characters meandering all over the page without necessarily going anywhere. As a tool, the visualization tool forced me to quite literally build from scratch – to stay away from falling back on ‘safe’ and ‘known’ things like the plot outline and the lists and sheets I’d built up over the last year – and by doing so, it formed a new framework of thinking about the novel. I had a ‘thesis statement’, now, for the piece: one unifying theme and question I could come back to when I worked on the various elements of the story. It was being able to reframe these verbal ideas I’d had and transferring them into another medium, one which was more conceptual – like a Rorschach, as it was called in one of the video lectures – that made it easier to trace the more subconscious connections – or the possible subconscious connections at play – and to unify them in patterns and ideas that could form a thesis statement for my novel. I’d used this tool a few times before when writing stories, but doing it in light of thinking of it as a design thinking tool helped me to be a lot more conscious of the process and to treat this less as a fun or relaxing activity and more as a learning experience. These images and fragments of concepts weren’t just images but tools which could yield insights into my own unconscious desires and needs while writing this novel – a way of understanding what I’d wanted to explore and how to be conscious about it, instead of going about it vaguely as I did before. Dawn James 29/10/2016 If I continued using design thinking on this novel, I’d add the Mind-Mapping tool to the process. The idea of the Mind-Mapping tool as a gallery of data which stakeholders could be led through, noting what seemed could yield potential ideas – the good stuff – and then later, clustering it all together in a way which could yield connections and insights seems pertinent in particular. This tool seems best suited for laying out all the disparate concepts, characters and events I’d wanted to write about – the data, as it were – and distilling them into something coherent and connected I could then present to my beta-readers and writer friends along with my new ‘thesis’ question, as a means of figuring out where to dig deeper into what suits my novel – what fits this project best. [/INST]Dawn(B-NAME_STUDENT), James(I-NAME_STUDENT), Dawn(B-NAME_STUDENT), James(I-NAME_STUDENT), Dawn(B-NAME_STUDENT), James(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Mind Mapping Challenge I’m a member from customer experience department for an organization who is into jewellery retail and there was a major challenge with our department on absolute number of buyers declining this year over last year. With the current pandemic scenario the marketing spends were very limited and the challenge in front was to double the buyers and make a 100% buyer recovery over last year. Stores were only allowed to do tele calling / Tele marketing activities and no in store celebration / customer connect activity is allowed to bring in walkin. Incentives of the sales person is linked to the buyers and there by the employees were demotivated. The challenge was to bring in customers and motivate the employees simultaneously Selection We have selected mind mapping tool for this process to understand in detail from the customers on the frequency of their jewellery buying and on what occasion do they buy jewellery also why do that choose that particular occasion over others and if given an opportunity which occasion would they choose to buy every year and what could motivate them for buying every year on that occasion. And similar process for the store employees were made to understand what motivates them, what kind of customers are they confident about in terms of sure buyer conversion. Application In our first Discussion about the challenge with the team we found that both customers and the employees needs to be motivated and delighted simultaneously and the review of buyers need to happen weekly once at least to bring rigour in the store team , We have conducted ethnography from few set of customers with varied purchasing frequency Date / Time What is the frequency in which you buy a Jewellery On what occasion / reason do you buy a Jewellery Why do you choose this occasion/ Reason over others If given a opportunity what is the occasion you would like to buy every year What will motivate you to buy jewellery ever year 24/06/2021 once in 2 years Spouse Birthday I feel so special on this day Anniversary Newer Designs, Attractive discounts 24/06/2021 Once in 3 years Anniversary Memorable and would love to cherish this day Anniversary Buy jewellery through payment in installments 24/06/2021 once in 2 years Anniversary Spouse will love the surprise on our memorable day Christmas High Discounts even for a small value product 24/06/2021 once in 3 years Birthday , Anniversary Make Him Feel Special On his Birthday Birthday Clubbing of two Offers Also when we conducted similar Mind Mapping analysis with the store employees to understand on the confidence levels and the motivation on what will make them easily sell products to a customer and what will boost their enthusiasm. Date / Time How many customers do they attend in a day When do they feel that they can easily convert the customer If given a opportunity what is the occasion They would like to buy every year What motivates them to double their efforts in the given scenario 24/06/2021 4 When the customer has any occasion in their family My Parents Anniversary A Sale Commission 24/06/2021 3 Customers having any scheme enrolled with us My Wife Birthday Incentivising for every sale 24/06/2021 2 When we give promotional offers to our customers For my Daughter on her birthday Giving payment option in installment for customers 24/06/2021 5 When is customer is having a birthday or anniversary For my Wife Birthday Additional Discount for Occasion Buyers 25/06/2021 4 When there is uniqueness in design or a colelction is launched For my mom every christmas A Recognition if achieved highest number 25/06/2021 No specific time frame Investment To Accumulate Wealth and Easy Liquidity Anniversary Offers and Loyalty Points together if given then it will motivate 25/06/2021 Once in 3 years Save for my Child For My Daughter's Wedding My Daughter's Birthday Paying small amount for 10-12 Months will make it reduce my lumpsum burden 25/06/2021 once in 2 years Anniversary My Wife Demands for jewellery on our anniversary Anniversary Attractive and exclusive Anniversary Discount 25/06/2021 once in 2 years Birthday I buy myself on my birthday to pamper myself Birthday Keeping me posted regularly on the latest trend 25/06/2021 once in 2 years Chiara Watson ( Auspicious day to Buy Gold) I Belive in this auspicious Day Birthday Home Delivery on this special Day 25/06/2021 once in 2 years Dhanteras ( Auspicious day to Buy Gold) Family Tradition to buy gold on this particular day Anniversary Prebooking of Gold when it is at lower rate for this special day 25/06/2021 3 Birthday / Anniversary Customers For Every Akshata thrithya Highlighting of my Name in the Team by a senior member 25/06/2021 2 My regular buyers who will ask for me when they wanted to do shopping For every dhanteras I will make a purchase Holiday Package for highest target Achiever 25/06/2021 4 Customers having an occasion to celebrate For My birthday would like to buy every year Dinner Voucehers at 5 star resort After collecting this data this was put on to the team and made them to write what is their first thought on seeing this. Which has been come out in 5 categories Insights while doing an in detailed analysis it was identified that birthday / anniversary is one occasion where most of the customers preferred to buy if given an opportunity . Also they had issues in paying lump some in a single payment. Also they felt if they were allowed to make payment on instalment for a product then it will be easier to buy considering the economic factors. While the Employees felt that it would be easier for converting occasion based Buyers it came out very clear that there needs a training for employees on communicating the current benefits also on how to make it louder for our customers on the benefits.It was also analysed that customers needed a monthly payment scheme for an easier buying option Employees needed cash incentives to motivate them to push themselves for a higher target Approach We Posted this on the cafeteria at regional office and made employees to tag one word for each of these motivation remark. When we collated the same we identified “ INCENTIVES” ,” MONTHLY PAYMENT” BIRTHDAY & ANNIVESARY” as the core understanding We started looking out of the scheme enrolled customers who has birthday or anniversary on that particular month , Also we had created a contest for employees who has the highest conversion on birthday or anniversary. They were given a cash incentive of Rs 50 per buyer conversion on the birthday and anniversary customers. And it was decided to publish a weekly winner / Monthly Winner and TOP sales person recognition to build a rigour on daily basis , It was also supported by highlighting them every day on where do they stand against their targets. We also trained our team to communicate the best possible offers for these customers eg:how a loyalty point earning could translate to additional offers or benefits for the customers. Meeting the all the three factors together we decided to experiment in one particular set of stores for a week To our surprise in those set of stores the birthday anniversary buyer recovery touched 100%. Same has been rolled out in the entire region where an average birthday anniversary buyers would be around 2200 , with this technique it was achieved to 4800 Buyers This tool also gave us an insight to look at the problem in a 360 degree approach and sharing and mapping the minds of both internal and external customers. [/INST]Chiara(B-NAME_STUDENT), Watson(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT FOR THE “DESIGN THINKING FOR INNOVATION” COURSE PREPARED BY Gonzalo Rodriguez (sheena82@yahoo.com) MARCH 2017 Challenge: The challenge that I face is how to improve the sales process of new and emerging technologies- like Internet of Things - that is often falling under a cycle of over promising and under delivering creating confusion and deception among our customers. In the last years the sales process of technology solutions has follow a path where the IT area of a customer is briefed on the advantages of the technologies and during these briefings the technical components are described as well as reference cases where the technology has helped to solve customer pains, and the next step normally required to/from the customer is a Proof of Concept (POC) in order to show the legitimacy of these technologies in their own business/challenges. These proof of concepts require the coding of the specific solutions, done by developers and architects, and the process takes from 2 to 5 weeks. The challenge of using this exact same journey as a way to sell these emerging technologies is that per the “cool’ factor that is inherent to them, it makes the customers want to jump even quicker to a Proof of Concept but without all the required internal alignments that these new solutions need. Especially since these solutions are mostly aiming to deliver value to the Business areas of the organizations (i.e. Operations, Sales, etc) and not only to the IT area, and therefore the traditional process is leading to unsuccessful POCs of these very promising technologies, not because the final code/solution of the POC does not work, but because the initial POC created for the IT areas then needs an extra step of being validated/sponsored by the Business areas that have incremental perspectives and requirements making very lengthy, expensive and many times unsuccessful Proof of Concepts when the customer or the vendor stop having capacity to invest in the POC. Selection and Application: The proposal is to include a formal phase in the process where the scope of the POC could be first be designed and aligned from an initial recollection of the requirements from all the stakeholders (Business and IT) - and by leveraging the Visualization technique create a Visual Demonstrator of the solution, made without code but with images and drawings showing how the solution would look like, what screens and information would be shown, what personas and roles would be consuming/interacting with each component of the solution and how does these roles would benefit in each step, and once that this journey is shared and agreed then proceed to the coding of the validated solution. The Visualization technique would be critical in this step – since most of the audience would not be technical, and therefore the need to land common view of the solution in a format that could be easily and universally understood. The creation of these visualizations would also allow for a more collaborative approach between the customers and the sales team and where the adjustments and changes could be done in a much faster and less expensive way (vs changing code) Insights and Approach: Since the inclusion of this Design Thinking technique in the sales process will start after the buy-in of the organization, there are no insights yet but we foresee that many new elements will be need to be incorporated in order to make it work. For example, initially the implementation will require to include in the organization a group of artists/graphic designers that will assist in the creation these visualizations and storyboards since those skills are not present in the current sales/presales teams. A formal process to contact and make the Business teams of the customer organization part of the requirement gathering process will be critical and will require our sales force to expand their contact network in their customers. At the same time the Sales Process will be initially more extensive in time, while all the Visualizations are done, shared and fine-tuned but these will lead to much more successful POCs and therefore a better ROI on the pre-sales investments. For next phases – all the other techniques of Design Thinking will definitely will be useful, supplementing the Visualization one - and potentially a roadmap of progressive inclusion of Story Telling and Mind Mapping will be required to incorporate them in an efficient way. [/INST]Gonzalo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Rodriguez(I-NAME_STUDENT), sheena82@yahoo.com(B-EMAIL)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: CHALLENGE AND SELECTION The tool i used was the tool of mind map to create a new product for a cosmetics company and to sell that new producto to the custumers and position the company above the competition. The new product will have to be new among the others on the product ion line, it is easily accessible, cheap and in demand. The case will be the next one: The Ayurvedic and Herbal Company wants to include a new product to its production line. The Company has in its line production the following production lipsticks, blushes, mascara, eyeliners, foundation, translucent powder, concealers, shadows, and makeup materials. The company wants a new product with more demant amoung the others. Beauty eirif is a micro company, with earnings below 3 million pesos a year, they have a branch in Mexico City and a website, they make international shipments. The tool that I will use will be Mind Maps because it is a tool that facilitates the understanding of the issues for this cas e and make a decision based on the decisions, arguments, ideas and point of view of all the collaborators APPLICATION To begin with the investigation, the BM team held a meeting and began with a brainstorming in phases; New product in the production line • Cheap production • High demand product • Profitable product • Product that is of continuous use • PHASE I: WHAT THE COMPANY WANTS Cheap product • Quality product • Durable product • Large product (in portions) • PHASE II: WHAT THE CONSUMER WANTS The team analyzed what the company can give to the consumer and the potential consumer was studied After having these data in a mental map, the requirements for the creation of the new product were better visualized and it was possible to see clearly in which aspects they should be based on and not for decision making. INSIGHT & APPROACH Long duration • Against the water • Lasts 24 hours • Certificate • Guaranteed against irritation • 500ml • Price $ 23 DOLLARS • Works as a sunscreen, thus is the most important features to be able to say that it is a product that differs in the market • After brainstorming and creating a mind map with all the aspects that were considered relevant for the decision making of the new product, it was concluded that the best product they can add to the line and I approved all the requirements of the mind map is a MAKEUP FIXER with the next features: Guilherme Oliveira MIND MAP jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021 0:40 Tareas página 1 Tareas página 2 [/INST]Guilherme(B-NAME_STUDENT), Oliveira(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation UdelaR Edith Orjuela Challenge Since I am still studying for a degree in industrial engineering, I still have no work experience or business ideas, so I will use a small company that my mother has, which is located in the park where we live. The tool I will focus on is visualization, to improve the gains my mother makes from this, since before and during the COVID- 19 pandemic, she has not been making enough profit to maintain the position, as she is buying the assortment, paying rent and getting money for his benefit, even my father has had to contribute money from his salary to cancel his lease. The challenge is to find a possible solution to improve the income of this business. Selection As I mentioned above the tool that I will use is that of visualization, Visualization is to consciously use images in our work process, with the intention that an idea comes to life, in addition to helping to simplify the concept, and for the team to understand and assume it to work on it collaboratively. Ultimately, it also serves to create a story that guides us in our work and generates enthusiasm for the innovative idea. It pushes us to expand the use of oral or written language, to go beyond words and to unlock the most creative part of our brain, something we don't use as often (http://repensadores.es/tecnicas-de-design-thinking-para- emprender/#:~:text=Visualizaci%C3%B3n,para%20trabajar%20sobre%20ella %20colaborativamente.) Similarly, in the videos of the course explained that the visualization was to use the right side of the brain, let the imagination fly, to have a more visual thought of things that may be another way to solve problems. Application As mentioned above this tool has not been applied in my mother's business, therefore I do not know if it will be effective or ineffective, but the way its application would be to visualize a way in which the focus is changed or other products are added for sale, since the other businesses around her also focus on selling groceries like the sweet shop, among other things, therefore another approach or value added would be useful, to obtain a higher income, such as taking sales of earrings, cover that is essential at the moment, among other things that could be sold in conjunction with the assortment that my mother has in the position, another way to apply the tool is to make the position more striking to future customers, keeping the business well stocked, Maintaining cleanliness and order, and the sympathy to sell, as it is located in a place where there is good traffic of people, I think that way you can improve the income that my mother earns. Knowledge I consider that the application of the visualization tool, gives us openness to a different approach to how to solve a problem, since many of us are used to using verbal language and logic to solve the inconveniences we find, in the different areas of our life, I consider that both visualization and the other tools of design thinking, they are very useful, since we now know a different way of thinking and finding results differently, it is a matter of putting it into practice. Focusing As I do not yet know the results I will get, applying this tool, regardless of whether it is effective or ineffective, I would like to apply other tools of design thinking, to know the results or approaches I get by applying these, not only in my mother's business, but in other future projects or work. [/INST]Edith(B-NAME_STUDENT), Orjuela(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Daniel Chen Design Thinking for Innovation Peer-Graded Assignment: Reflection Challenge: I work in a Financial Services company as a digital product manager. My job is to build and design a digital experience that delivers to the needs of everyday consumers. While this may seem straight forward – researching and interviewing consumers on what they wish for in their digital banking experience – it gets challenging when balancing the priorities of all the other stakeholders in the company. This includes (not all): • Business executives, who are responsible for their P&L and want to see a quantitative return on their investments • Risk, Legal & Compliance • Other product managers and their goals for their respective products, in a shared digital experience • Marketing & Communications, who need to prioritize customer messaging and campaigns The challenge here is to prove to my stakeholders why my product is important for our customers. I need to persuade them prioritize investments and resources so that we can deliver what is most important services to our customers. Selection: The Tool I selected to help me with this Challenge is Story-telling. We have done extensive research and interview with our Credit Card customers. We have valuable data as well that supports our thesis. We combine these into a compelling (and simple) story so that my stakeholders understand the importance of the project. Application: With the evolving landscape in payments, data showed that customers are increasingly paying for goods and services by way of ‘embedded payments.’ More specifically, customers are saving their credit card or debit card information within digital wallets, or directly at merchant sites/apps for convenience. We wanted to see how we could better serve our customers as the industry moved toward this direction. We interviewed a good number of customers to research what their current behaviors are, what concerns they may have, and what they feel like they need. From our interviews, we discovered that our customers were concerned about security. They have saved their card info at so many places they have lost track, and are concerned that their payment info will be stolen or taken advantage of. They also are concerned about making recurring payments they did not mean to sign up for, or they have forgotten and want to cancel. We took this research and created personas and built stories around these personas with real experiences our customers have told us. This included the card products they currently have, all the merchant sites they have saved their cards, and the frustrations they have voiced. We built this story to share with all our stakeholders in order to start building a minimal viable product. Insight: The Story-telling tool was extremely helpful with this design-thinking project. What is most useful is the empathy, building a story around these personas that most people can relate to. It is human-centered. All the stakeholders can relate – on a personal level - to the current state of financial services, and the frustrations that can come with it. Helping them relate to our customers through the story telling helped facilitate the investment and resources that we needed to build a prototype. Approach: Another approach to integrate into this Design Thinking exercise is incorporating visualization into the research process. Instead of interviewing customers one on one, it is also valuable to do group research sessions and whiteboard in real time. Mark notes on post-its and place into several categories. This will help identify certain common themes and help prioritize topics to look deeper into. [/INST]Daniel(B-NAME_STUDENT), Chen(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Leveraging the learning launch tool to test innovation formats Alexandra Beyer Challenge: Within my organization, I am working in the innovation lab and responsible for developing innovation formats that will attract many clients, helping them to create innovative ideas for their business. These innovation formats are supposed to serve as an initial inspiration phase, in which we elaborate with them future business development opportunities that will help them grow. Ideally, the clients will request future services from us such as the implementation of the generated ideas or further workshops with a wider range of colleagues from their organization. The challenge is to identify a set of innovation formats that suit to the potential client’s requirements, budget and time frame and that provides the right environment and methods to ignite the client’s ideas and future visions. Together with my team, we have developed several innovation formats in theory, based on previous workshop experiences and innovation theory, but we never tested these newly created innovation formats with potential client’s yet. It was unclear to us, whether we could use the innovation formats within different industries and whether the format would fit to the client’s way of working. Selection: Before starting a large marketing campaign for our new offerings, we need to test them with a selected group of potential customers. After assessing different tools, it was clear to me that the learning launch tool seems to be the perfect tool as it is a small experiment that tests my new ideas in the real marketplace and allows me to reiterate it and refine it, based on the potential client’s reaction. My decision was inspired by the IBM story, which leveraged the trade show Sibos to validate their concepts in real life. Starting with a hypothesis and key assumptions, this tool assesses the idea’s value creation, the way it is executed, its dependability and scalability and designs the ideal experiment with the real target group. This would allow us to assess whether our idea could be scaled to different client bases and industries and if it was suitable to their way of working. By using the learning launch process structure and the learning launch design table from Oliver Beyer, I could thoroughly detail out my ideas and prepare the experiment. I defined the experiment as a ‘soft launch event’ of the new innovation lab on the topic of artificial intelligence, which contained several breakout sessions, where the clients elaborated ideas around the topic of AI and where I could test different innovation formats with real potential customers. Application: To prepare the experiment thoroughly, I started with Oliver Beyer’s learning launch process framework and stated the hypothesis that my innovation formats were better than the alternatives out there and will enable my future potential customers to come up with new value- adding ideas that they can implement within their organization. I defined key assumptions such as the applicability of the innovation formats to different industries and its scalability to different company departments and countries. I prioritized the key assumptions and invited the target groups that were selected based on the assumptions, international clients, from different departments and industries. Then, I filled the learning launch design template by Oliver Beyer and stated the key assumptions together with the target group, the way I wanted to test them, the timeframe and the cost. This resulted in the creation of my event, which I framed around a specific topic (artificial intelligence) and offered them the added value of listening to keynote speakers and explore the latest developments within these technologies. During the event, which was a real success as numerous potential clients participated, I conducted the breakout sessions together with my team and thus tested the innovation formats with the real marketplace. In the end, we included feedback opportunities so that we did not only have our observations as a feedback, but also the honest and direct feedback from our potential customers. Insight: The result of the soft launch event surprised me positively. First, we had full house and many customers stayed until the very end, participating actively in all breakout sessions. Second, we could observe this trend across the different industries that came, and we validated our assumption, that the innovation formats would work successfully across industries. Third, we generated creative and valuable ideas in almost every innovation format that we conducted, which showed that the formats where well elaborated and suitable for the way of working of our potential customers. However, I realized that for one of the innovation formats, I did not (want to) see that it did not work as well as I expected. During the experiment I did not understand why the customers were not able to elaborate ideas and were not effective during their session. After analysing the session the day after, I reminded the confirmation bias and that I was striving for positive confirmation of my formats, even though they were not yet designed correctly. I wanted and expected that all my ideas would work without problems, as I simply strived for a confirmation. My colleague provided me with her view on how the format could be refined and it made sense. So I understood that it is completely irrelevant who developed the idea but that it is more important to objectively focus on the idea itself without judging and to absorb the feedback form the customers as a positive input that will help to optimize the idea. Approach: The most important learning for me was that you need to have a neutral view on your ideas, no matter if they were created by you or by someone else. Next time, I would remind myself of not judging anyone for their ideas but to simply and objectively test them and absorb the feedback as a positive input to be able to bring the ideas to perfection afterwards. Honest and real-life feedback is the most valuable asset you can get while creating a business or an idea and the learning launch tool definitely enables it. I would apply the learning launch tool in such situation again at any time, as it provided us with honest and valuable feedback from the real marketplace and we could refine some formats until they suited perfectly to our customer’s requirements. [/INST]Alexandra(B-NAME_STUDENT), Beyer(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection Assignment, submitted by Jose Lopez Visualization Tool Challenge After more than 20 years working for large corporations, I have decided to take on the challenge and the opportunity to reinvent myself as an entrepreneur. Luckily, a few weeks after I left my previous job I met a college professor who was looking to build a startup but had not had the time to develop it into a working business. I offered to help and we got started on our early stage startup (code name: “The Box”). It has been an exhilarating time, doing research on problems we both have encountered and are eager to solve. We have very different backgrounds, so we needed to create common ground so we could communicate effectively and efficiently in order to build trust and commitment to our newly found mission together. Selection Previously, I understood visualization as a creative exercise that consists of creating a realistic mental image of the future one desires in order to facilitate its realization. However, the Visualization tool for Design Thinking is quite different as it consists of using visual artifacts to express concepts, ideas and relationships in order to bring them forward in a way that words cannot. My cofounder and I quickly learned that we were having trouble understanding each other because we would use terms that mean different things depending on the context. We soon figured out that by making sketches and drawings we could reach mutual understanding much faster whenever we got stuck. Thus, we intuitively adopted the Visualization tool and made good use of it for our purposes. Application We started working on “The Box” as an ecommerce marketplace for subscription-based shopping, as we both knew many young entrepreneurs who are having trouble retaining their current customers and thought it would be a solution to their problem. We drew up many boxes and circles to represent all of the kinds of sellers we were thinking about, and by collecting them into a Venn Diagram we were able to make a preliminary segmentation in order to pick customers for ethnographic interviews: we selected lifestyle products with high purchase frequency. Once we had a better grip of the pain points and jobs to be done that our customers are facing, we used drawings to generate ideas of services, marketplaces and platforms that could help solve the problem. At the moment, we are in conversations with a UX designer to build a working model of our service (not yet a prototype), based on these hand-drawn figures that describe the high-level steps for sellers and buyers: We also got a bit ahead of ourselves and went ahead and drew lots of flywheels and virtuous cycles to represent potential growth models we should consider in order to accelerate growth. Visualization is our favorite innovation tool! Insight I learned that in many cases verbal communication (face to face speech or written messages) falls short when one is trying to simplify a concept that is complex or based on intricate relationships between basic ideas. On the other hand, using simple visualizations can help to transmit and receive messages in a more direct and clear way, even if the drawings are of very low quality from and aesthetic sense. A key factor that makes visualization so helpful is that it makes metaphors like the “flywheel,” “cycles” and “platforms” easier to process intellectually because the relationship is evident at a glance. This may sound trivial but in the high-speed high-pressure world of startups it creates great efficiency and focus. Additionally, sharing drawings and sketches helps to build teamwork as it allows one to peek into each other’s mind. It is fun to use it that way. Approach Next time I begin any kind of business project I will make sure to apply visualization as soon and as often as possible. To improve the quality of my visual communication skills I plan to read Dan Roam’s books on the subject. [/INST]Jose(B-NAME_STUDENT), Lopez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Mustafa Majid Design Thinking - Assignment Learning Launch Challenge and Selection I am a graphic designer at my work and also do some industrial design and conduct experiments often to help bring new products to market. My team and I were challenged to develop a Construction toy to sell along with our existing starter kit. The toy is geared for kids ages 5 and up and consists of flat base pieces or blocks that can interconnect and gears that can be pegged into the multiple holes in the base pieces. It has holes on top and bottom of the base piece and they're like puzzle pieces that fit together and make a larger base. The gears can mesh together so they can be turned by a battery operated motor. My team and I were challenged to create an advanced kit to sell along with our existing starter kit. The advanced kit will include more pieces to build bigger models and also include instructions booklets to build special theme characters to develop lateral thinking and planning skills. We went through market research, competitor analysis and idea generation to develop some themes for the advanced kit. We wanted to test the different themes and see which ones are marketable, fun and challenging. Application Out team built models/themes: a car, dinosaur, train and many others that my company researched and created instructions booklets on how to make the models. We set up experiments with groups of five kids. I gave them basic instructions. I handed them printed instruction booklets of different themes. It has a visual of the themes toy on the cover to identify the instructions booklet. We asked towards the end which toy they liked best, the least, which ones were easy or too hard. Insight We learned that building sets were a bit more challenging, the problem is that the base pieces has multiple peg holes and can be confusing when building one of the character/themes for the MoGee Advanced Kit sets. A few kids placed the gear peg in the wrong hole and gave up and did their own modification. Also, the younger kids couldn't identify the top of the base from the bottom since they look similar so they get confused on following directions on placing the base piece in the right orientation and connecting two base pieces with the right sides. The younger kids were not as persistent when following through with directions and overcoming challenges so they become more creative and designed it their own way. The older kids were more persistent and see it as a challenge to overcome. For the second learning launch we made two different instructions. One booklet includes beginners instructions for ages 5 and up were the gears didn't have to be in the right peg hole and the base pieces didn’t have to be in place in a certain orientation. It has step by step instructions with 3d views of the model, highlighting the current part that needs to be connected, a blown up view of the base piece with the highlighted peg hole and instructing to count from the top left hole to find the correct position. This builds their skills for following directions and attention to detail, so these instructions are geared for advanced builder. We also made the instructions more engaging, more colorful and used readable typefaces for the beginners instructions. Our assumptions were correct for the improvement on the instructions, kids were more engaged and excited in building the different sets. We chose the favorite themes kids enjoyed and made the set a 5 in 1 with instructions. Approach Our company learned a lot from the learning launches. There are few things we do differently for a third learning launch. We would differentiate the top and bottom base piece by naming it "T" for top and "B" for bottom or giving the peg holes a different color. Also, invest some time in creating a video with step by step instructions that would be placed on the website or a phone app that can somehow track the children's creations and have a reward system. Also they can interact with other kids and challenge each other. [/INST]Mustafa(B-NAME_STUDENT), Majid(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Challenge I decided to launch Motivational program for Advance level students who completed ordinary level in my village. Actually most of students had not correct idea about their future goal and their talents. Most of students considered Advance level is only one exam look like Ordinary level. They did not clear idea about university courses those relate A/L subjects. So Most of them did not know their own talents and skills. Some of them did not know, what is the relevant advance level stream that they should select according to their talents and skills. I wanted to point out their dark points and light up their future with their own talents and skills because I think by identifying their own skills and talents, they can go good journey and it will help for their future. Selection I selected storytelling for wining that challenge. I think that is the best tool for student mind. Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories, and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. Application I did that program under three section. I created whatsapp group adding students who were completed ordinary level exam as my first section in program. Most of my friend help to find whatsapp numbers. So I request from teacher who conducts O/L tuition class in my area. So we familiarized with all group members by chatting over whatsapp group. We decided to meet in hall at village temple as my second section of my project. After gathering we gave a time to all for saying about self-introduction, their future aims and skills and week points. I and my friends analyzed about each students (Strength, weakness, opportunities, treats). We identified key points those must be discussed. So we categorize students according to their skills and dreams So as a third section of our program we categorized in to four group according to their skills and talents those groups are Engineering, Technical, Medicine (Biological), Art, Business. After the one week, again I organized meeting session in village temple. So I invited five specialists who are expert in Engineering, Technical, Medicine (Biological), Art, Business. Then I allocated them in to groups that we divided students last week. Then those specialists go to free places in temple and they addressed their group student and tell their back ground story that is about how to win our dream and what is the relevant A/L stream that you select for satisfying your dream. So students asked lot of problems and specialists gave solutions for it by using example stories. Insight and Approach Most of students had lot of problems. We all of them tried to solving their problem and said how to improve you skills and positive thinking also by using example as our experiences and different stories. We can continued their attention and easily express our ideas to them because of we use story telling tool therefore all of the were happy about our program. So we decided to continued our this session for next year also. We said to students that you can use our whatsapp group for expressing your problems to us and then we can help to you for finding solutions for them further. Design Thinking for Innovation (COURSERA) By: - Karla Hannan [/INST]Karla(B-NAME_STUDENT), Hannan(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Francesco Sanchez Challenge and Selection Narrating is an extraordinary apparatus that I utilize constantly. I work with weak populaces, formatively handicapped people, senior residents, and monetarily burdened individuals. A considerable lot of these individuals bargain with persecution and brokenness in each part of their lives, they should be engaged and motivation is a way to strengthening. I invest a great deal of energy "opening individuals up" and discovering approaches to move them to improve their conditions. At the point when I work with seniors, we share stories for various reasons. Frequently they're forlorn and are so glad to impart accounts of their lives to me to associate and they discover importance in sharing these encounters as a type of instructing and additionally heritage, it could be said. With my formatively impaired customers I share accounts of my life to assist them with picturing a condition of autonomy, I utilize their criticism against the setting of my story to learn their objectives, and in some cases we use stories to more readily comprehend their inclinations and perspectives. I utilize this data to create various methodologies to attempt to discover a way that works for them to acquire autonomy in the regions they find ailing in their lives. Application I have a tale about utilizing narrating. In talking about arrangement changes with a social help organization, I was attempting to disclose to them the advantages of adopting a more customer centered strategy, in addition to other things, and specifically, of perceiving every individual as a remarkable being, and tending to their individual necessities first furthermore, first. The office was in the hold of a "consistence culture" and its customers were flopping in this non-compassionate, inflexible design. I was additionally clarifying how now and then tending to the necessities of one individual can affect everybody to improve things, regardless of whether it appears to be extraordinary or strange. I told a anecdote about when I pursued a crisis cover a catastrophic event. Everybody was doing truly well aside from one lady whose pressure was making her sincerely unstable. I could tell she required consideration; in my brain I concluded she would be "Princess for 60 minutes." I made her some espresso and sat down with her and let her discussion. It worked out that her mom, who was with her, had endure a mind aneurysm and she was panicked that she would fall or that some other emergency would occur for her during this calamity while in the safe house. Insight and Approach Indeed, goodness, that was a shocker. Her mom was a quiet presence and doing quite well. Plainly it was time for me to open up with my story. I disclosed to her how terrifying it was the point at which my dad had his mind aneurysm before me and how I needed to get him to the clinic and how troublesome and alarming that all was. I shared how he recuperated well, and afterward integrated us, by noticing how she and I both have guardians who endure mind aneurysms. This functioned admirably. She truly required individual consideration for that short time, and she wound up with that and a genuine help. She quieted down, her mom, who had gotten stressed over her, quieted down, and everybody around them quieted down. Harmony ruled again in our little asylum. So I recounted this story to the office, and I think it immensely affected individuals there. The strategies are being rethought and the case managers are experiencing new preparing. Some of the time a little story can do a great deal of great. This course made me consider this to be a device in another manner. At the point when I've done it before it was truly "specially appointed," however presently I can plan ahead and consider stories that will help me in introducing my thoughts and best enlighten them. I have a plan foundation, however I wound up as a business visionary in business. I had no clue this could ever be viewed as a resource, however I am so appreciative that it is! [/INST]Francesco(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sanchez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Visualization Tool – used for designing a payroll prototype solution By Raffaella Perillo Challenge and Selection I work as a business analyst and technical ETL consultant. Depending on the role I have on my assignments I either discuss about and document business requirements with the business team or even design and implement technical solutions based on the requirements given. On one of my recent assignments, I was working for a large EU financial company to help them switch form a 20 yo payroll solution to a newer more flexible and user-friendly solution provided by my company. Discussions had started via teleconferences and some documentations was provided by the client, but we were not closer to coming up with the best solution as their system was old (it was implemented a long while back) and nobody knew all the rules anymore. Application To move things forward I decided to take advantage of my upcoming onsite visit to meet with the key users involved in this process, sit down with them, and get to the bottom of the issue. To make the most out of this meeting where I had the opportunity to discuss with the business face to face, I decided to would use the Visualization tool which I’ve recently studied in this course. I was hoping that using this tool would be the most appropriate and would make the transition between the technical and business processes easier to follow and hopefully get us to the point where we agreed on the new solution that best suited their current needs (and not just copy what their current system did). On the day of the meeting, I requested a white board. Before the meeting started, I had 15 min to prepare which were enough for me to map out the outstanding issues about the AS IS process and be able to start a focused conversation from there and not lose time on unnecessary details. As discussions progressed during this discovery meeting, I used the visualization tool further by sketching out a high-level process flow based on my understanding of their needs and requirements which further led to creating some diagrams for the scenarios they were interested in. It was clear that we were progressing in the right direction within the time they had allocated for this meeting. Insight As the clash between technical and businesspeople just discussing requirements can sometimes drag along multiple sessions, the fact that I used the visualization tool to map and sketch out something the client could follow had a huge impact in gaining their trust that we can implement a better solution (prototype) for them to test. For me it was also an achievement that during this one meeting we managed to understand and get enough information and consensus on the proposed solution we were bringing in less time that it would have taken by just having discussions via conference calls or going through tons of documentation. This successful discovery session led to me sending the client a more complex diagram to cover all of the scenarios they were interested in based on our common findings and managed to roll out an appropriate backlog of user stories that would fit into 3-week sprint and end we us providing a prototype for them to test. I had learned about the effectiveness of this tool during this course recently but having had the opportunity to use this while onsite with people I hadn’t met before and getting their approval and consensus by the end of our meeting was empowering. I’m even more confident now to use this tool as much as possible where the situation recommends it. [/INST]Raffaella(B-NAME_STUDENT), Perillo(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Assignment: Reflection Chris Humphries June 11, 2016 Challenge: The issue involves how you get your customers to understand the value of the services that you offer to them in an intangible environment. Working I the insurance industry we are basically offering an intangible product that has generally been looked at from a pure pricing standpoint. Having the customer understand the value that you bring to the table is basically a foreign concept. We are not in a product world where Apple is able to sell upgrades the product and people want the next version. Think about it, does someone really go out, read their insurance policy and want the latest and greatest version? No, they want the less expensive price, until something goes wrong and then they may realize that they needed additional or different coverage(s). Selection: There are two tools that I think can be used from standpoint to assist with the challenge, visualization and storytelling. I am going to use the storytelling model, as I believe it is the most appropriate, however, good visualization in conjunction with storytelling is important and would need to use at times. In listening to the lectures, be able to tell a story that is compelling about an issue in the insurance industry may provide insight to the customer as to why your policy or services are better. One great example about the story telling is the Farmer’s commercials on television. Farmers insurance have had the ability to relay true data driven claims stories to the audience to allow you to understand some of the issues with insurance policies. They basically explain, what has been covered in the past and it may put doubts into your mind about your own insurance policy. Would my insurance policy cover that type of accident? Being able to relay these commercials in short, 30-60 second commercials might be an effective manner to get your point across. Application: This has not been tried at the overall company where I am employed, however we have had the opportunity at times to change behavior by telling stories to make places safer. If the right story is told and can be presented in a compelling manner it will have some effect. One example would be using data to creatively tell a story about the hazards of 12 and 15 passenger vans. Using both internal and external data to innovate and develop tools to educate organizations about the hazards of the vans was design thinking. If we had just used the data without the story telling and innovation it would not have been effective. Getting a group of individuals to brainstorm ideas we were able to develop tools to change behavior. Insight: Storytelling allows you and others to think of compelling ways to tell a story that will allow them to think of concerns or questions they may have regarding their own insurance policies. As I mentioned before, this has been done to change behaviors to make things safer in my world, but has not really been done to make the customer stick to you. The stickiness factor will allow you to retain the customer or attract a new customer to your business in the insurance environment. Approach: As I mentioned at the beginning storytelling is important, however a combination of storytelling and visualization is important to reaching a customer base. Going forward, I think using a combination of these tools will be most effective. Going forward, using both tools is important and will need to be used to varying degrees depending upon the audience and what you are trying to achieve. [/INST]Chris(B-NAME_STUDENT), Humphries(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Moustapha Santi     Challenge   I   am   a   manager   at   a   university   of   applied   sciences.   Our   institute   of   technology   has   5   different   departments,   with   5   department   heads.   Together   with   the   director   of   the   institute,  the  financial  controller,  a  policy  adviser  and  a  HRM  policy  adviser  we  form  the   management  team  of  the  institute.       Our  challenge  was  to  establish  a  common  vision  and  ambition  for  our  new  long-­‐term   plan  for  the  institute.  We  also  wanted  to  become  a  stronger  team.  There  had  been  many   changes  in  the  management  team  and  most  of  the  time  we  do  our  job  independent  from   each   other.   We   have   a   two-­‐week   schedule   for   our   management   meetings.   Building   a   stronger  team  and  establishing  a  common  ambition  was  quit  a  challenge.  We  had  several   sessions  under  guidance  of  an  external  consultant.     Selection       We   used   a   kind   of   visualization   tool   as   described   in   module   1.   To   avoid   endless   discussions,  we  were  looking  for  a  good  way  to  exchange  ideas  and  to  come  up  with  new   ideas   and   concrete   plans   quickly.   We   organised   a   few   management   meetings   and   we   decided  to  make  drawings  and  schemes  independent  from  each  other.  In  this  way  we   were   all   very   active   during   the   one-­‐day   sessions.   It   was   a   good   way   to   exchange   our   ideas  and  ambitions  and  was  very  helpful  to  understand  each  other.     Application   We  used  large  white  sheets  of  paper  to  draw  on  and  express  our  personal  ideas.   We   started  with  making  a  drawing  of  our  own  private  and  family  life,  our  hobbies,  sports,   etc.   The   next   sheet   was   used   to   identify   the   strengths   within   the   team,   the   external   stakeholders,  etc.  Other  sheets  were  used  to  draw  the  ambition  for  our  own  department   and  the  institute.  In  these  sheets  we  expressed  our  ideas  for  the  future  and  how  we  want   to   offer   the   best   educational   programs   and   courses   and   attract   more   students   to   our   institute.     In   each   round   we   presented   our   ideas   and   ambitions   to   the   rest   of   the   team.   During   these   sessions   we   started   to   know   each   other   better   and   got   a   better   idea   of   the   ambitions   each   of   us   had   for   his/her   department   and   for   the   institute.   During   the   sessions  a  kind  of  mutual  ambition  started  to  develop.     Finally  a  sheet  was  used  to  write  down  common  problems,  themes,  challenges,  etc.  and   we  used  sticky  notes  to  vote  and  exchange  our  ideas  on  these  subjects.       The  external  mentor  photographed  all  sheets.  The  photos  were  collected  and  compiled   into  visual  records  of  the  meetings.  One  of  the  results  of  these  meetings  was  a  common   vision  and  ambition  for  our  institute.  A  white  board  animation  was  made  to  present  this   collective   ambition   to   the   other   staff,   colleagues   within   our   university   and   external   stakeholders.     Insight  and  approach   During  the  years  I  have  made  a  few  long-­‐term  policy  plans.  The  result  of  this  session  was   better  and  took  less  time  then  other  sessions. I  had  never  had  a  management  meeting  in  which  we  made  so  many  drawings  and  the   report   consisted   only   of   a   few   series   of   photographs.   Making   the   drawings   and   presenting  them  to  each  other  was  real  fun.  This  was  also  good  for  team  building.       Everybody  was  busy  during  these  sessions  and  it  was  an  effective  way  of  exchanging   ideas   and   developing   a   common   vision.   During   the   sessions   new   ideas   emerged.   The   visual  records  of  the  meetings  make  it  very  easy  to  look  over  the  results  again.  The  white   board  animation  was  a  great  success  and  I  have  been  using  it  many  times  to  explain  our   ideas  about  the  future  of  our  institute.       For   the   next   meeting   with   my   own   staff   and   team   I   am   planning   to   use   the   same   technique  again.  We  have  the  same  kind  of  questions  and  challenges  as  described  above.   In  my  own  team  we  have  had  a  few  changes  and  I  want  to  use  the  new  expertise  in  my   team  to  generate  some  new  ideas.       What  I  have  learned  is  that  the  visualization  tool  is  very  good  for  these  kind  of  sessions.   In   my   opinion   the   number   of   participants   has   to   be   limited;   if   there   are   too   many   participants  it  will  take  too  long  and  people  will  loose  attention.  The  next  time  I  will  ask   the   participants   to   prepare   themselves   more   and   make   them   more   aware   of   the   technique  that  will  be  used  during  the  session.  I  think  when  the  participants  are  more   prepared  and  familiar  with  the  tool,  it  can  be  even  more  effective.     In  the  future  I  want  to  use  other  techniques  as  well,  but  for  now  this  tool  seems  to  be   most  suitable. [/INST]Moustapha(B-NAME_STUDENT), Santi(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: COURSERA: DESIGN THINKING FOR INNOVATION Instructor: Sue Abdeldayem, UVa Final Assignment: REFLECTION (05/26/20) Student: Karina Starks, Pearl Academy Project Title Garden State Studio/MANVILLE (An academic architecture studio) PHASES: Phase 1/Digging, Phase II/Planting, Phase III/Growing, Phase IV/Harvesting TOOL: Mind Mapping Challenge As the professor in an Architecture School Studio, I taught a complex project on a 10 acre site with environmental, social, regulatory and technical constraints. It was a graduate studio of students with a mix of qualifications to tackle such a complex design problem. The academic setting was seen by county officials as a way to bridge the distrust between the stakeholders (developer, the local citizens, and the adjacent business owners). My largest challenge became the moment in the process after the ‘What is’ research (Phase I/Digging) into the ‘What if’ (Phase III/Growing) phase of a Design Thinking process. The challenge was to establish the Design Criteria for our studio that would also respond to the ‘minds’ of our stakeholders and create teams for the next phase of work. How would we organize individuals into teams that would take the leap between research, field work, site analysis into Design Ideas? We needed to establish Design Criteria for the project but also find a theme unique to each team. Designers are good at IDEA GENERATION and overcoming constraints but needed the discipline to work with the stakeholder’s criteria within thematically coherent creative teams. DESIGN CRITERIA needed to engage Stakeholders into the process. The success of the teams would depend upon how invested they each would be in the teamwork thereby directly affecting the quality of the output. The eventual ‘output’ needed to encourage discussions that could increase trust among stakeholders in a previously contentious situation. The Mind mapping tool, we hoped, would establish common Design Criteria and organize teams from the research & displayed visualization each student has created. Teams would be identified by a possible Strategy for the site, a naming process to verbalize the themes in student visualizations, and a word to identify each team as distinct while pursuing common Design Criteria. Application The tool was applied to the challenge of creating Design Criteria and teams by having a pin-up display on a wall that all could see. Each student was asked to bring minimum of 3 criteria for the site strategy that day along with their ‘What is’ research (diagrams, data, photos, models, collages). Each student spent time with the visuals before discussing each other’s work. The group discussed potential design criteria in each individual’s concepts and tried to find a thematic direction that best represented the mind of that student. We then had a live diagramming session on the wall where we connected (or bundled) individual work into compatible (yet complimentary) themes. (The outliers were not eliminated but would hopefully contribute critically to the later work.) Ultimately, by the end of the day, we would need 3 groups of 4 students each. Those 3 groups would be operating with the same basic Design Criteria, but each have a unique theme according to our Mind Mapping process. We wanted the tool to enable us to not only form, but to name each group, thereby giving it an identity and establishing the Design Criteria for their team. The design groups were identified as ‘Fibers’, Ribbon’, & ‘Stitch’. Insight The tool was a great success in finding patterns and insights for generating Design Criteria and the formation of teams. The process of forming teams is always messy, yet instead of grouping similar students together, (or allowing personal bias to interfere, or let them group according to previous friendships), by applying this tool to the challenge, each team turned out to be beneficially diverse. Individual weaknesses allowed complementary strengths to emerge and all contributed to the teamwork. Individual differences were overcome by the strength of a strong identity for each TEAM formed by the Mind Mapping process (visible to all and contributed by all). Having a coherent name and concept for each team, not only helped focus the work, but allowed for the proper MINDSET without limiting creativity and individual ideas. Having a team identity by conceptual site strategy, also helped prepare the stakeholders MINDSET during presentations. Since the stakeholders would attend a series of presentations during the course of the semester, this allowed them to quickly plug into each strategy (all pursuing the established DESIGN CRITERIA), without locking into any one of them prematurely. Approach One stakeholder who needed to embrace this process, was the DEVELOPER, who had the most power to implement this project (funds, business, ownership etc.). We, as designers, are comfortable with the Design Thinking process BUT was the developer interested in Business Innovation? Only concerned with the bottom line? Interested in the social implications and the people who live and work there? We had the opportunity to demonstrate Business Innovation through DESIGN without any cost to the Developer since we were an academic institution. The other key stakeholder was the MUNICIPALITY who would have to adjust existing zoning regulations to approve an innovative multi-use development that offered sustainable features beneficial to adjacent neighborhoods. They seemed willing to do that if the Developer would invest in an innovative design solution. Our work allowed the stakeholders to pursue innovation for growth and re-development of their EPA ‘Super fund’ site in the middle of their post-industrial town. Regarding Design Thinking tools, this was the right one at the right time, but we compressed the MIND MAPPING tool into one day. What we would do differently next time would be to stretch the use of the tool to one week in order to better understand the stakeholders needs. Early on, we successfully utilized the VISUALIZATION tool, but may have under-invested in the STORYTELLING tool before using the MIND MAPPING tool. We also needed more time for the final phase & ‘Learning Launch’ tool. (Phase IV/‘Harvesting’ : Revised Site Strategies and Data Spreadsheet). Because an academic semester has its own time frame that is not always compatible with the stakeholder time frames, this process would have benefited from more time or another semester to continue the work. Because the academic institution did not provide any funding for the research or publication, nor did it recognize the value of a public research institution supporting Community Design, next time we would look for funding elsewhere to create a website so that our process and the transferable knowledge could be shared. Happily, I had that opportunity several years later and lead a project, partly funded by a grant, that did allow for the production of a website that demonstrates our Design Thinking process in the context of a Garden State Studio. [/INST]Karina(B-NAME_STUDENT), Starks(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Mahmoud Shaker Challenge & Selection: I am a learning manager and I selected the storytelling tool to on-board our business partners and learners to implement our L&D strategy and the new ways of learning. In our company, employees are reluctant to use e-learning, they are much more comfortable with face to face training. At the same time, change is accelerating; full day(s) available for face to face training is shrinking and digital learning is spreading offering much more opportunities than the classical e-learning. The challenge is to modify the way we organize our learning model and to make sure the trainings we deliver are more efficient, are more connected to the day to day business, adaptable to the size and rhythm of our learners and are a direct leverage in the upskilling. Application: I had to meet a business partner that was reluctant and refused to modify the existing learning program (on technical expertise) that was built with her team and delivered to other teams, especially new comers. During the interview I had with the manager, I understood that his reluctance was based on the believe that theoretical training was key to on-board new comers and to make sure that everyone was aligned in terms of knowledge. It was more comfortable for him to know that all the new comers had the same trainings even if at the end of the training it meant that they didn’t learn anything, or not enough compared to the amount of time spent in the training classroom. On the other hand, the feedbacks we had on this training program were not very good. - trainees complained about the content who was too theoretical for a part and there was not enough time for practice, - their managers complained that the trainings were too long (2/3 days in a row) and that trainees were not autonomous when they came back from their training - and tutors (who trained the new comers on the job) were uncomfortable since they sometimes needed to train the new comer on the job, the face to face training not being delivered when needed (we need to have at least 6 new comers to organize a training) so, they had to fill in the blanks on their own. Insight and approach: Clearly a presentation of the L&D strategy through the power point slides was not going to do the job and I had to translate the concepts into a story that made sense to the business partner I was meeting. I shared the story of a technical quiz on theoretical knowledge that we launched recently on two groups of people, new comers and seniors in the company. The results were not what we expect for both groups. The group of new comers (before training) had a similar or even a better score compared to the seniors who were god performers in their job! When we analyzed the results we realized that the knowledge on which the quiz was built by a few experts was not really useful for the job and furthermore those new comers already acquired this kind of knowledge during their studies. I was able to convince him to try through a pilot a similar approach and also convinced him to work closer with the tutors of his team to make sure of the efficiency of the trainings delivered in terms of content, length and rhythm of upskilling. This course was very useful to me, to on-board our business partners in changing the ways of learning into more modern ways using also the visualization or the learning launch tools. [/INST]Mahmoud(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shaker(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Using Learning Launch as an effective design thinking tool in Automotive Rear Suspension Development for a Passenger Van modified for Electric Powertrain By Ratna Kumari (4th Nov 2019) Challenge I am working for an Automotive OEM design & manufacturing 4 wheeled vehicles for passengers. As a member of my organization’s R & D department for Suspension parts and our challenge is to make and Suspension for existing 7 seater Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) gasoline vehicle to an Electric vehicle for an Government exhibition which would have 1. Min changes in terms of vehicle-suspension attachment points 2. Should support rear wheel drive. 3. Should support additional weight of Battery Pack 4. Should keep investments to minimum as it was not for sale. Resources: Project scope includes 1. Electrical Design Department and Body & Brake Design department with whom we have to work closely. 2. Project is limited to internal resources (i.e budget & employee time) 3. Project should not exceed 18 months from date of initiation including design and vehicle building. 4. Project should not involve dedicated members but needs to be executed as an additional task over and above regular model development responsibilities utilizing common employee Pool. Selection Since the standard designs for such is readily available, we need to fit such template designs fitting in criteria mentioned above in challenges & resources. So we quickly went from Visualization, Journey/Mind Mapping tools to Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified. One more important factor to select Learning Launch as a tool as to evaluate multiple design options in order to understand customer needs effectively. As Design begins with empathy – establishing a deep understanding for whom we are designing, as a Manager thinking like designer would consistently put ourselves in our customers’ shoes. Able to test and experiment our idea which we think would meet customer need there is no better tool than Learning Launch to find out the truth and would give a metric how much ‘customer centered’ we automotive design managers are. Application For our first learning launch we begin by setting boundary condition, we document limits on key variables such as time, design iterations, proven raw materials, minimum tool investments and suppliers we should work with We were able to build a team who would accommodate few extra hours for this project at the same time is both disciplined and adaptive. The Least common denominator in the team was passion for this project. We also managed to get someone with financial perspective and that has proven valuable , while project management skills being a default requirement. As a next step we design with a sharp focus on key assumptions which we made which will make our design work with the given challenges. We prepared the prototype drawing with a due check at drawing review stage that prototype drawing reflects the key assumptions we need to test. We translated the assumptions we plan to test into specific metrics. Like example , for Rear wheel drive we choose the Suspension strokes value such that it does not cross permissible angle of Drive shaft , construction of De-Dion tube such that it does not affect underbody layout so that we meet the key challenge of not undergoing major changes in the vehicle . We then explicitly defined how we would generate the data , this includes both objective data (easy part: Component fatigue , Torque curve etc) and subjective data (difficult part : Like Drive feel, Ride comfort etc). Goes without saying we were being explicit about the search for disconfirming data and matched the budget to an affordable loss calculation. Next Step is when you prepare actual parts , face technical difficulty in terms of quality defects , here needed to work in fast feedback cycles. In this phase our project first makes contact with reality and marks an important phase in Learning launch. We had a successful learning launch (we prepared a Mule Vehicle) and seeing the new type of suspension (De-Dion) along with Constant Velocity Joints Drive shafts fitted in a exsisting Solid axle type of suspension , was easy for all participants to suspend their dis belief. It felt complete real and we had a test drive in real world conditions and it met our criteria. Its worthwhile to mention that during Learning launch setup we run a Failure Mode and Effect analysis program which necessitates to create a back up plan for everything which could possibly be wrong. We created a contingency handling scenario if design fails what are the back up plans as the target of 18 months given to us was non negotiable. Insight By applying the learning launch tool , our team identified our assumptions and design launches to test this assumption. For example one of our assumption was that electric motor should be mounted in vehicle body instead of suspension unlike benchmarking studies shows motor mounted on suspension cases exist. We tested our idea and found it meeting end objectives thereby making the suspension lighter and comfortable. A wrong choice in Choice between Motor moving with suspension or Motor part of vehicle would have delayed the project, which we feel ability to use learning launch effectively helped. Although there was small improvements required and moving forward our team could incorporate this insights in second mule and built design database for incorporation into future launch design. Goes without saying incorporation of insight is very important at this stage as launches comes before limited production of the vehicle. Approach We found the learning launch is the most appropriate tool given our team quickly went from Visualization, Journey/Mind Mapping tools , so Learning Launch as its best suited tool for our case , to conduct an experiment , build a prototype and test the hypothesis we developed and see if it meets our criteria within the set of resources specified. Making changes to a full-fledged product for our case converting a gasoline vehicle to electric vehicle , without surety of customer acceptance is both difficult and costly. Instead, we can start small by launching a minimally viable version of a product like a dry run—test our hypothesis and bring it in front of our target audience. By doing so, teams can gather numerous insights about usability and product-market fit and can make critical edits before extensive resources are committed to a final version. Beyond avoiding costly mistakes, experimenting with prototypes can bring early awareness of our offering among potential end-consumers [/INST]Ratna(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumari(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: WEEK 5 Lourdes Gordon – PANAMA CITY METHOD: Lear Ning Launch (Module 4) CHALLENGE: I am the manager of the Legal department of a financial company, and I have noticed a problem in the organization that I want to improve. The company is a financial entity that has 130 employees and is dedicated, among other items, to the placement of personal loans, cars, home guarantee loans and factoring for companies and SMEs; It has 14 branches nationwide . The department with the largest number of people is Business: it has business managers, officers, supervisors and sales executives that number more than 30 people and due to the employment dynamics there is a high turnover of personnel. As a company policy, when a new person joins the business area, they must attend an induction week in the headquarters (Panama City) where the company assumes the cost of transportation, hotel, food and per diem where they know the mission, values, teams and organization in general, coordinating a visit to the business (sales), marketing, operations, collections, technology, legal, risk and audit departments. I meet with a manager from each area and we make the idea available: create a virtual academy of finance that allows through our human resources platform virtual training for new staff in the business area that includes the message as the main focus welcome by the CEO and vice´s, videos, tips sales, advice, coaching by professionals in the field and recording of those responsible for each area including examinations and training l as areas, products and other general details organization ; and most importantly, constant training for our business department. SELECTION We have chosen the learning launch , which is an essay that quickly tests an idea and prototype. APPLICATION For our first learning launch, we focused on the structure / execution of implementing with our technology department to include the academy with the videos and the login with username and password on the human resources platform ; to the marketing department to be in charge of managing the dynamics of outsourcing the video recording service with an external professional, to the human resources department who will be in charge of reviewing the content to be provided in the academy by the creators of the content (own staff) and hiring of expert coachees, to the legal department to review the personal data protection and contractual hiring policies and other areas involved. The main causes of our workflow challenge was to do it in working hours and in a maximum of 2 months . Our team conducted a three- day training with a business and education coach. Then, we held 3 workshops to create and structure the content that will be in the videos. For our second month, we focused on uploading the material we were going to teach, creating location tests and generally to measure the knowledge acquired. Then we coordinate the recording of the videos, which include added knowledge such as mentoring, advice from the company's star vendors, concrete examples, business dynamics and training. INSIGHT In short, implementing through the design thinking of innovative ideas that provide employee satisfaction, innovation and savings to companies such as the virtual academy, I have learned to analyze an-idea and create team dynamics to carry it out in a way organized and creative. APPROACH: You could apply the visualization method with significant savings graphs from one year to the next with the implementation of the academy, a general visualization on the goals of executives and departments; and the reason is because we required to present to the board of directors the initial investment that was to set up the academy vs. the expenses that had been made; We ensure that the sales staff is constantly motivated and focused directly on the benefit of the company and the department. [/INST]Lourdes(B-NAME_STUDENT), Gordon(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Jose Garcia Storytelling Challenge & Selection When I was in high school, one of my teacher told me that I was a great storyteller, in that moment I did not understand what that means. Currently I am a student of Administration in Balatas ES (Politecnico di Milano) and I realized that my teacher was not wrong about me. Nowadays I am in conflict with one of my college team. The main issue is that he is zero empathic with people and situations, that is the cause of many problems because the decisions that we have taken is becuse that kind of thinking, affecting the others and seeing just for our benefit. As a lider, I am trying to manage the team in a empathic direction, is not easy because they really do not understand a diferent point of view of themself. That is the reason why I am practicing the storytelling. Application I have been using storytelling more than before, when we are discussing about a project, I always find a moment to use this tool. I start talking about a specific situation of the project and then I connect that situacion with a personal one. I finish the story making a personal reflection, in that way, they can understand very well different point of views clearer than just go in a direction. For example, the last session that we had was the last week, we were talking about the diagnostic needs of training. It was a very hard topic because they propossed some agressive techniques for the collaborators, when it was my turn to speak, I commented my story with the training and how I felt about it, I recalled to them when we were on a similar situation and how a lot of them felt so dissgusted, in that way, we are working to do making better deccisions focus in a humanistic approach. Jose Garcia Insight & Approach. The team now are thinking about how they felt when my teacher applied to us a lot of questionnaires, interviews, etcetera. We were really tired and at the end of the day, the results were not useful. Detect needs for training is a hard work, specially when you are not part of the enviroment that you want to train. We are not thinking about questionnaires or explicit interviews, we are relly want to be part of it, known te process, the fomal and informal groups, how to do it and see how they are doing. I really consider that this course going to helps me to do it definitly better. Now I am aware about a lot of tools, attitudes, etcetera. I often think about myself as a entrepenaur, Mexico's economy is about that, and now I realized that my creativity is a key to do it. [/INST]Jose(B-NAME_STUDENT), Garcia(I-NAME_STUDENT), Jose(B-NAME_STUDENT), Garcia(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Project: SPECTACLES Interviewer Name: Vijay Shende Interviewee Name: Vijay Shende Interviewer Pin No: 143860010348 Interviewee Pin Ei:556799175487 Team: 2 Date:09.07.2013 Introduction: (Define the questions) • Do you want an advanced way to look at stuff around you? • Of course. I would love to look at the world in a different way. Get to know the entire story: (Which questions help to understand the hopes, fears and motivations of the interviewers) • If you wear a modern spectacle, do you think it should have an in-built camera? • Would you want a voice assistant in your specs? • In clicking pictures when your hands are busy, I would say yes. But if there is a feature like that then there might be a huge number of people who might miss use it. • Maybe, it might not always be useful but in most of the cases it will. Conclusion: (Explain what happens with the answers and thank the Interviewee for the discussion) • These responses are taken for more understanding of the product we are trying to make. • Thank you for your time. • It was nothing. Interviewer Name: Vijay Shende Interviewee Name: Emanuela Interviewer Pin No: 143860010348 Interviewee Pin Un:705491035775 Team: 2 Date:09.07.2013 Introduction: (Define the questions) 1. Can you introduce about yourself? 2. What motivates you? • I’m Emanuela, an engineering student graduating from Finolex Academy of Management and Technology. I’m an enthusiastic and inquisitive person. • The urge to be part of greater innovations that’ll make life easier and provide modern solutions for modern problems. Get to know the entire story: (Which questions help to understand the hopes, fears and motivations of the interviewers) 1. Would you want your spectacles to project the screen you are watching, on a table or would you rather look at the screen in the lens of the spectacles? 2. Do you think a spectacle with a voice assistant is a good idea? • I guess it would be a great idea to look at the screen on your lens instead of the table because it would be unique and private. • It definitely is as it would do your job and all you will be having is the specs. Conclusion: (Explain what happens with the answers and thank the Interviewee for the discussion) • With you answers we will be able to design a better and modern spectacle which will help the people in many ways. • Thank you for sparing me for so long. • Glad to help. Interviewer Name: Vijay Shende Interviewee Name: Emanuela Interviewer Pin No: 143860010348 Interviewee Pin Kh:360595695159 Team: 2 Date:09.07.2013 Introduction: (Define the questions) • Do you want an advanced way to look at stuff around you? • Yes, it sounds interesting. Get to know the entire story: (Which questions help to understand the hopes, fears and motivations of the interviewers) • Everything you look at will turn into an animation. You will be looking at an animated world. How does this sound to you? • What if you could have that experience by just wearing a spectacle? Would you be willing to try it? • It sounds really interesting. It would feel like you are in a game world or an anime. • I would totally look forward to it. Conclusion: (Explain what happens with the answers and thank the Interviewee for the discussion) • These responses are taken for more understanding of the product we are trying to make. • Thank you for your time. • It was nothing. Interviewer Name: Vijay Shende Interviewee Name: Charlotte Molteni Interviewer Pin No: 143860010348 Interviewee Pin Kh:217952887271 Team: 2 Date:09.07.2013 Introduction: (Define the questions) • Do you want an advanced way to look at stuff around you? • I guess it would be cool. Get to know the entire story: (Which questions help to understand the hopes, fears and motivations of the interviewers) • If you wear a modern spectacle, do you think it should have an in-built camera? • Would you want a voice assistant in your specs? • Would you like to look at the stuff around you in an animated form? • I think there will be a lot of people misusing it. It would be better if it made a sound every time we click a picture of something, in that way the people around you will be aware. • It will be really helpful in many ways. • That sounds pretty interesting. I am down to look at the world differently. Conclusion: (Explain what happens with the answers and thank the Interviewee for the discussion) • These responses are taken for more understanding of the product we are trying to make. • Thank you for your time. • Glad that I could be of some help. [/INST]Vijay(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shende(I-NAME_STUDENT), Vijay(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shende(I-NAME_STUDENT), 143860010348(B-ID_NUM), Ei:556799175487(B-ID_NUM), Vijay(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shende(I-NAME_STUDENT), Emanuela(B-NAME_STUDENT), 143860010348(B-ID_NUM), Un:705491035775(B-ID_NUM), Emanuela(B-NAME_STUDENT), Vijay(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shende(I-NAME_STUDENT), Emanuela(B-NAME_STUDENT), 143860010348(B-ID_NUM), Kh:360595695159(B-ID_NUM), Vijay(B-NAME_STUDENT), Shende(I-NAME_STUDENT), Charlotte(B-NAME_STUDENT), Molteni(I-NAME_STUDENT), 143860010348(B-ID_NUM), Kh:217952887271(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Amit Sharma: Company General Use Reflection: Storytelling Challenge: The challenge I had was to deliver a technical informative session to non-technical colleagues. I’m an electrical engineer working in a massive oil and gas organization. The department I worked on decided to have “knowledge sharing” sessions and I was selected. I had to deliver a presentation about the country’s electrical grid network to non-engineers which is quite the challenge since they do not have the basics in the field. Selection: I selected Storytelling as I think it is one of the best available options to deliver the subject presentation. The presentation will have to be smooth, non-complex, interesting and easy to follow; thus, the selection. Application: First of all, while I was developing the presentation, my main goal was that the audience will understand EVERYTHING. I didn’t want to explain a certain function or a piece of information, that I might think it is easy and intuitive, but the audience wouldn’t get it. So, I started developing the presentation slides showing visuals step- by-step telling a very “zoomed out” information then diving a little bit in and explaining the details. Since I work in oil and gas company, instead of presenting and telling that 5 MW is transferred here, I’d said a power equivalent to 200,000 barrels of oil had been transferred in the form of power through these lines etc. Insight: For the above specific application, I really had learned that selecting complex complicated words doesn’t make your presentation or work smarter, it is just complex and complicated! When talking to an audience, talk in a storytelling approach which would attract the audience attention which is ultimately the goal. The material was presented to audience of approximately 100 colleagues, and I honestly got a very nice feedback, people got interested and were asking questions. To be frank, storytelling the electrical grid made it more fun and audience comprehended more information. Approach: The approach used is definitely adequate and helped me big time to overcome the aforementioned challenge. If I had to select another approach for the same particular challenge, I would say visualization is an appropriate tool too. People tend to comprehend and get things faster when visuals are available. [/INST]Amit(B-NAME_STUDENT), Sharma(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Learning launch Challenge I am part of a startup which is focused on providing Ready to drink cold brew coffee for the large market of Indian consumers. The challenge we faced was to find out what exactly were the consumers looking for in terms of flavours and options of different sweeteners. We had very limited resources as it is a 4 man team. The target date for the launch of the product was 45 days. Before we make large investments in making our entry to the larger markets we had to test our products and accumulate as much learning as possible. Selection Our team had already created the product using various tools of design thinking and to finalise on the product and how the market responds a final test launch would be required. Application For my first learning launch, I had listed down 60 users from coffee shops that would be interested in my product and the list of users on which the product would be tested. This would also become our first users We created a system in which we would distribute the bottles of cold brew coffee. In our first learning launch we got insight into consumers using various feedback forms and necessary data was collected on preferences and their consumption patterns. Once we got information on the following details the purpose of the first learning launch was complete. As most of the required data was collected in order to understand customer behaviour such as people's preference in the amount of sugar. Our second learning launch was to gain knowledge into how we would be able to achieve growth with the help of stocking the products on retail. The plan was to launch quick and learn fast and run experiments that are cheap at this stage of the start up.We were able to negotiate deals with small retail stores based on the user details we got and were able to learn from the operational challenges we could face as we go retail. Insight As we used learning launch as a tool to experiment our assumptions and ideas, we gained insight into user behaviour and peoples eating and beverage preferences. Not only were we able to rectify our biases going into this project but we were also able to quickly adapt to user feedback because the entire system was lean in order to maximise learning from the launch. As we are a startup and agile and low cost experiments help us to give what people need rather than operate under assumptions that lead us to huge spends only to realise thats not what people want. The 2 learning launch helped first to develop the product and second to gain insights into operational challenges we will come across. Approach Considering we have used multiple design tools such as customer persona and understanding their problem. The best way to find out if our hypothesis is true was to try out the product in the actual market and how users interact and consume the product without the huge overhead cost. We shall continue using the same model of operation and testing out products using learning launches. Salman Kumar [/INST]Salman(B-NAME_STUDENT), Kumar(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: [Tapez ici] [Tapez ici] Castillo Marie Tool selected : Mind map In introduction, as I’m a French guy, sorry in advance for my poor English J. Challenge : For a French car manufacturer, I was involved in a large transformation program mains to improve the customer satisfaction. One of the Customer survey outputs indicates that a majority of Customers considers they waste time when they come in a Dealership workshop to repair their cars. They said that 15 mn to drop the car off is acceptable but not more. 15mn appeared like a very short time because an after sales advisor needs to controls many points on the vehicle, write a repair order, edit it, sign off with the customer, etc… So, we have to solve the problem “How to welcome a customer in 15 mn when he comes in a workshop to repair his car?”. Selection As I learned thanks to Lean management methodology, the best way to find out the best insights to solve this type of problem, is to work with people who are doing the job. So, we have decided, with the project team to animate a workshop with 12 after-sales managers, after sales advisors and back office people. 12 people seemed to be a good number because it was significant of the 20 people who worked in the after sales team from the dealership we have selected to make this exercise. We were 3 consultants that seemed enough to animate the group. We have decided to apply the Mind Map tool because the goal was to have a clear view of the reality of the challenge we had to tackle and find out the right conditions our design solution will have to satisfy, in order to solve the problem. Application So, we have scheduled a 3 hours workshop with these 12 people and looking for a large meeting room to welcome on the wall, all the brown papers we will need! To prepare the room, we have written on brown papers, all the insights collected with the customers surveys and interviews managed by the project teams during the last 3 weeks. Every brown paper has been attached on the walls. To start the workshop, the project team has explained, during 15 mn, what the problem to solve was and why it was important to solve it in this transformation program. During 15 mn, we have explained the goal, the methodology and the timing of this workshop. Afterwards, the attendees have read every brown paper and noted on yellow sticky notes their ideas, information, constraints or needs regarding the Customers information collected. This step lasted 30 mn. Our consultant role was to challenge the attendees to avoid the yellow stick notes display impressions or feeling but real insights only. We have used the 5 why tool to go deeper when necessary. For the next steps we have split the attendees in 4 groups and ask to them to share their sticky notes and try to cluster them in main insights (the “inside statement” as explained by Marian Moore in the video). These main insight are written on blue stick notes and attached on a new brown paper. The yellow stick notes related to each main insight are gathered just below the [Tapez ici] [Tapez ici] blue one. One more time, the consultant role was to be sure that the blue stick notes capture a real insight and not just a feeling. The last steps has been to gather the 4 groups with their own brown paper (with yellow and blue stick notes) and share together all these outputs. The attendees have reorganized and re-written some blue stick notes in order to gather more clearly the yellow stick notes. They have connected the blue sticky notes between them when necessary. Theses 2 latest steps have lasted 60 mn because a lot of time have been spent to share and explain each main insight on the blue sticky notes. Insight The insight we gained has been very large because the mind map we had front of our eyes was a complete graphic of very different views about the problem. For example, the groups have noticed that they had to decided what kind of controls on the car have to be made in attendance of the Customer and what controls can be made later when his is left, what the tools the after-sales advisor needs to make a perfect Customer Welcome, etc… Before to make this exercise with the mind map, the project team thought that the main insights we had collected will be focused only on the speed to make the job but not on the value for the Customer, as well. Therefore, without applying the mind map, we would have missed the right criteria to solve the problem. Approach The most difficult in this workshop in my context, was the phase where we have gathered the 4 groups. Because, all the attendees have lost spent a lot of time to understand the brown paper of each group and rearrange the blue stick notes when 2 seemed the same insights. I think, the next time, it’ll better to gather the 12 people together to cluster and write the blue stick notes in order to save time. Thank you! [/INST]Castillo(B-NAME_STUDENT), Marie(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Visualization Talaat Mohmmed Challenge and Selection As noted during the course, “visualization uses imagery to make abstract ideas more concrete and public.” During the innovation process, it’s easy when explaining an idea like a crowdsourcing platform to colleagues for it to take shape in various divergent ways in their heads. Though divergence is often helpful during the ideation phase of the innovation process, it sometimes is necessary to be able to be able to achieve a mental match, and the visualization is most effective in doing so. An idea can only move beyond the conceptualization stage, only when consensus is reached. I tend to use visualization during every stage of the design thinking process. As you move throughout the process, the visuals mature and a concept become less abstract, kind of like an image becoming less pixelated. Application During a recent design sprint, throughout the problem-framing and ideation phases, my colleagues and I thought we had narrowed down who was the end user was for a crowdsourcing application for the humanitarian sector. We were being tasked to solve why local and indigenous knowledge of eco-system based early warning indicators of floods are not integrated into disaster risk reduction programming, despite the awareness that they work. Several problem trees led us to the root cause of the problem, which was that humanitarian aid workers lacked the documentation and validation of insights from local knowledge holders on utilizing nature-based indicators for flood prediction. Insight and Approach Only by drawing out a diagram connecting the information providers (indigenous and local communities of natural hazard prone areas) to disaster risk reduction practitioners (humanitarian aid workers), we realized that a major and obvious component of our solution was missing and that we indeed had two end users. We were focusing all our energies on developing the data collection tool but neglected to think the method through which crowdsourced information would be housed and could easily accessed by humanitarian workers to “co-design” their programs. This course reinforced my belief that visualization is one of the most helpful and crucial tools to use for design thinking. I have a background in international development and humanitarianism, and always firmly believed that programs should be designed with and for affected populations. Design thinking provides the structure, tools, and frameworks to be able to do just that. [/INST]Talaat(B-NAME_STUDENT), Mohmmed(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Design Thinking for Innovation Application: Visualization Chris Martinez Challenge My entire team was laid off two weeks ago so I do not have a work challenge to leverage for this design thinking activity. I wanted to get the most out of practicing design thinking though, so I selected a challenge that’s real and immediate for me: Identifying the essence of a role I’d love to do so I can more effectively recognize it when I see it. The challenge for me is that I don’t have an exact position I’m targeting. I have facilitated training and developed courses for over 20 years, have facilitated cross-functional teams and have coached people in a variety of roles. I love that work yet am ready to do something new. Positions I’ve considered include managing a training and/or instructional design team, program managing learning and development programs and coaching people in instructional design. At the same time, I am drawn to other creative roles like working in an innovation lab co-designing and developing new products. Innovation and design thinking are very exciting arenas for me. Fortunately, I don’t have to take the first position I am offered. I have financial flexibility, so I’m using this transition as an opportunity to obtain a position I’ll love. Selection For this activity, I selected the visualization tool. We use this tool by putting concepts into visual form with colors, shapes, symbols and images. We can create maps, sketches, videos, photos, PowerPoint graphics and more. My understanding is the primary purpose of visualization from an individual perspective is to access the non-linear parts of our brains, and for a group is to foster a common understanding. In a product design process, people use visualization for a variety of purposes such as ideating, pattern finding, concept development, prototyping, piloting and scaling. I selected this tool for my challenge because it’ll help me get out of my linear mind and develop a deeper understanding of the key ingredients I want in my next job. I’ll then use this “criteria” as both a radar to identify potential positions and a checklist to discern whether an offer has multiple “confirming” or “disconfirming” facts or qualities. Application First, I started by identifying the top criteria I have for my ideal position. I focused on the key experiences I want (blue font) followed by brief descriptions of how that might look in the real world (black font). I identified 32 different experiences. A few examples:  I exercise my creativity regularly. I frequently brainstorm, vision, design and build.  I work at a strategic, programmatic level. I envision and build new programs, develop strategic approaches.  We synergize a lot. We collaborate incredibly well. Together we create results far better than we can imagine.  We are very innovative. The atmosphere and work we do is very open and creative. We use DT, agile and more. As suggested in Module 4, I then curated the 32 experiences down to 6 core experiences I want in my next position:  Creativity (frequent opportunities to ideate, vision, design)  Learning (skills, knowledge and attitudes I value such as design thinking)  Synergizing with my “tribe” (people who are innovative, curious, willing, engaged, “yes-and”)  Ease (short commute, excellent compensation and benefits package)  Success (my company, colleagues and I all create quality and competence)  Freedom and joy (a sense of expansiveness in my heart) Once I had these core experiences, I created sketches of what I would see or feel when I’m having these experiences. Here’s a picture: Insights A few insights I discovered:  I am much more relaxed with fewer criteria.  I can better discern the experience I would have in a role (feel it vs. trying to figure it out).  The criteria I created are subjective. Two criteria may be hard to confirm or disconfirm before accepting a position. Even though this criteria works very well for me, criteria like this could be hard for a team to use when discerning whether a solution meets the criteria.  Putting it in pictures helps me get out of my linear mind, so I can see other positions that could fit the criteria as well.  I expect that as I talk with people and learn about various positions, I will discover numerous tangible examples of the criteria. This could lead to my refining the criteria as well. Regarding design thinking, this activity has increased my respect for the process. I have a better understanding why people consider design thinking “messy” (it can be so creative and non-linear) and also how it can help teams generate new, out-of-the-box ideas that have never been identified before. Approach If I were to use visualization on a different project, I expect I would want more concrete, less subjective criteria. For example, “provides….information” or “arrives at answer in less than 3 clicks.” Objective criteria won’t be the only useful criteria though. For example, descriptions of desired customer experiences could be subjective. I could also do this process with a group of people. If everyone were job hunting, we could interview each other and gain insights we might not notice on our own. We could then create visuals that represent these richer criteria. Another option would be to start with some images and use them to elicit a more in-depth discussion of what we’re looking for in a role. This could help us define our criteria even better. I also would want to test using more and less detailed images to see what type of impact they’d have on the depth and type of discussion elicited from participants. I am very pleased with this activity as it’s been very helpful for me. I’m going to post the pictures in my home for both inspiration and focus throughout my search. [/INST]Chris(B-NAME_STUDENT), Martinez(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: This was entirely a new experience for me and my fellow mates, VDC helped us in a new way of learning, it helped us to showcase our talent through contributing to the team, speaking in front of the class, it motivated us a lot. our VDC coach has been so supportive to clarify our doubts,to explain us clearly. REFLECTION JOURNAL This course is entirely related to entrepreneurship, how to develop skills in building a startup. EXPERIENCE Venture discovery course is a very unique course which helps us to improve self- confidence and teamwork coordination Sagar Ram 35615904922 When I first got to know about the venture discovery course, I was so excited, when I first attended the class I was nervous and I couldn't speak anything in the class. This course is new to me and my friends. FIRST IMPERSSION When we were divided into teams, we all had many doubts it was so exciting when we are working as a team, although we worked online, I felt offline would be more interesting and fun. Team work Creativity Innovation Vision and Misson Personality Devolopment THE CORE VALUES THAT I HAVE LEARNT FROM THIS COURSE: ; [/INST]Sagar(B-NAME_STUDENT), Ram(I-NAME_STUDENT), 35615904922(B-ID_NUM)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Reflection – Learning Launch Date : 8 november 2021 From : Philippe Elle OUSSOU Challenge & Selection : Shelter Pets for Veterans is a startup based in Gabon (Africa) whose mission is to ensure the academic success of students. According to the NOT PII, Gabon has the one of the highest school failure rates in the world (>20%) and this is due to 2 major problems: the lack of school infrastructure and the poor quality of school monitoring. As Shelter Pets for Veterans could not replace the State in the construction of schools, it decided to address the problem of school monitoring by developing a platform that allows each stakeholder in the education sector to have, in real-time, all the information needed to ensure quality school monitoring and, at the same time, prevent school failure. The challenge was to understand the daily realities of each stakeholder, to identify the relevant information that each of them needs, to find a way to make this information available before it becomes obsolete, and to propose a solution that allows both the transmission of information instantly, but also the processing of this information to obtain the necessary data for decision making. The choice of the learning launch was the best way to test our solutions while learning more about the daily realities of the beneficiaries. Learning launch is a small experiment that tests your new idea in the real marketplace. This tool was essential to improve our solutions and make them as effective as possible. We needed to talk to our customers very quickly and we needed to test our assumptions about what kind of solutions we will need to deliver. Application : Our goal was to enable every stakeholder (students, parents, teachers, and administration) within a school to communicate more effectively and have access to the information they need. We found that the best way to do this was through the tools that the vast majority could access: the Internet and cell phones. So we started by creating a page where all the information could be available and very quickly we realized that not only should not all the actors have access to the same information but also that the information should be treated individually and in a restricted way. Parents should only have access to the information about their children and the information that the administration wanted to give them. Teachers were only to have access to information about the students in their classrooms and the information that the administration wanted to give them. The administration wanted to have access to all the information, but in a synthetic way, so we created different user profiles with privileges and restrictions for each of them. We thought this would solve the problem, but it didn't. Although creating the profiles was the right thing to do, the problem was that some users were missing important information either because they didn't have the reflex to connect to the platform or because they were simply not connected to the Internet. We, therefore, connected the platform to an SMS gateway to allow each stakeholder to be notified when important information concerning him or her was made available, whether the person was connected to the Internet or not. Insight & Approach : It was a very enriching experience and we learned a lot about the school system and the organization of the schools. The first discovery was the fact that each school had its own organization. In order to meet their needs, we had to develop a solution that was both transversal and modular. It was also necessary to observe each school for a period of time to identify the modules they really needed. The solution we developed allowed parents to be more involved in the school follow-up of their children, as they now had all the information in real-time. They were now able to prevent their children's academic failure as soon as the first evaluation results arrived. Teachers saw their workload reduced because they could now count on the support of parents. All they had to do was to send the course materials in advance. The administration saw the students' results improve and was able to develop individualized support programs for the students, as they were better informed about each student's shortcomings. The startup has grown and become international, offering its services in several countries in French-speaking Africa. To date, we have been able to improve the education of over 30,000 students in Africa. http://chang.com/tagspost.asp [/INST]Philippe(B-NAME_STUDENT), Elle(I-NAME_STUDENT), http://chang.com/tagspost.asp(B-URL_PERSONAL)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Visualization Written by Saly, 5th Nov 2019 Challenge & Selection I have been working for a telecommunication company as a designer. Now our company is struggling to develop a new business model as a next-generation growth power. We are testing a new service every day and frequently lose from it and have to learn. The most beneficial and convincing tool I have ever used as a service designer is Visualization. Whenever I start a new project, there is countless further technology information over tens of stakeholders I have to consider. It is challenging to learn about brand new technological components, including AR, VR, 5G, etc. for every upcoming project. It is the very first step and fundamental procedure to define what is the goal of a new project and to be on the same page with core stakeholders. Visualization could be a powerful engine for on- going communication on how to explain new technology would be applied for a new digital service. With the visualization tool, I could compare new tech into daily life, such as a flying car or Japanese famous cartoon 'Dragon-ball' scout. It is significant to share one's ideas with other project members, including every little clue on their mind. If we discuss one's opinion dealing with "What is the key problem we are struggling to solve together?", I frequently have experienced that only a few members who have more experience in this filed or who have a higher position might have a dominant position. Who are not familiar with the project and who has different ideas would hesitate to raise one's opinion. I believe visualization tools could prevent this kind of problem as a non-verbal way of communication. Every member could imagine based on what the other's post-it with a sketch or even doodling then develop it in positive ways. My role as a service designer is to stimulate design thinking, not analysis what it is and why this paint comes. In the first step, we need to elaborate on what we are facing to figure out every element regarding the project. Application I usually apply this powerful tool with two contrasting images. It is essential to get used to drawing because most of the project participants seldom have a chance to bring. That's why I show my real painting with a straw man who looks like kindergarten students made. To develop one's image, I utilize "Now" and "New" moments, which are similar to "As-Is" and "To-Be" methodology. If we could download a new Marvel Movie within 5 seconds on our existing smartphone, what might happen to our daily life? (This question is closely related to the latest technology 5G, AR, and VR.) If appropriate to the project situation, I frequently adopt the tool 'Storytelling' which display a synergy effect with 'Visualization.' People could imagine when they recognize the virtual situation as their own real life. The strong story would develop emotional connecting between participants and new conditions. The facilitator should elaborate on compelling stories that every participant could get immersed in their daily life. Then team members easily imagine what kinds of new events are upcoming with a given situation with pros and cons. The more powerful the story is, the more detail ideas might come with one's drawing. My success point depends on could my narrative has an underlying need for participants. For this activity, I develop a persona representing their family members or friends, even coworking employees. Imagination becomes powerful when stakeholders shift their positions and then think outside the box. I show the famous actor or actress image as a persona and suggest three questions to answer, such as; 1) What kinds of activities are possible for the above persona? 2) What might be still unmet needs for those personas? 3) With the new technology, how the persona seems to feel? While they are imagining and developing one's idea, I set a ground-rule "Do not talk with another participant." I give almost 5 minutes for each question and then display each one's drawing on the wall. Then I give another 5 minutes to look around the other's answer without talking to each other. After this session, participants could redesign their ideas with different color pens for 5 minutes. After 25 minutes, participants finally share own's opinion and discuss one's draft and revision together. Insight & Approach What I have learned from conduction this exercise after starting this course work is an emotional connection to the given situation is a crucial success factor to utilize Visualization and storytelling. Even a participant who is not familiar with drawing and persona methodology could be lost in a situational assignment and build one's original story. Whenever I suggested ambiguous contrasting guide images (As-Is vs. To-Be or A/B) at the first stage, participants rarely get immersed into a persona. Furthermore, I have realized that imagination without communication could be powerful than detail descriptions. Sometimes every little detail might help participants develop their ideas more realistic; on the other hand, it put a cap on the storyline. It is essential for imagination that there would be room for creativity, story, and emotional engagement. As a service designer, I try to find out the balance between appropriate enough instructions and sufficient room. I am still on my way to figure out how to apply design thinking methodology for digital service innovation. I have to estimate which level of description is appropriate for participants to get immersed in an imaginative story. The point might be modified based on participants' experience with the new technology or design thinking tools. As a service designer, I need to be conscious of the design thinking methodology, including Visualization, Storytelling, and business case studies from now on. [/INST]Saly(B-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: P a g e 1 | 3 June 22, 2017 Jose Gil – Final Assignment. Design Thinking for Innovation. Reflection – Mind Mapping. Challenge I work as a Consulting Manager at an IT consulting firm in Mexico City. We specialize in the implementation and support of ERP systems for clients of different industries. We started working with a new client, a hospital. Another consulting firm had already implemented them an ERP system for their financials and supply chain management. Although the new system is one of the best in the market, the client had been facing many different problems with it: the nurses had to wait a lot to place their medicine replenishment orders, clients had to wait a lot of time for invoices, finance could not close their accounting periods on time, and so on. As you can imagine, this situation had caused a big displeasure to the Board of Directors, and a great dislike among end users (operations, IT, nurses, etc.), because the implementation of the new system, instead of making their work easier, it was making it more difficult. The managers of Operations and IT didn’t have a clear idea where the real problem was: if it was the system configuration, the interfaces, deficient training about the system, etc. They had no idea where to start, and they also didn’t know what to offer their end users to improve. There were several challenges in this situation. In first place, to gather all the problems that the client was facing in the different areas. Second, to make end users to get involved in the problem and not only complaint all the time, so that they could provide their evaluation about the current challenges and contribute with ideas on the improvements they believed could make each area to provide more value to the company. Tool Selected We were clearly in the “what is” stage at this point. The tool we selected was mind mapping. As the video lecture shows on week 3, this is a tool that can be used in the first phase of the design thinking process, which allows us to look at the current reality. It could also help us to bring together a large amount of data, because we would have to interview people from many areas such as inventory, purchasing, accounts payable, IT, finance, etc. and finding possible patterns would be more difficult in a traditional way. Finally, it could help to make all areas to empathize about the problems that the whole hospital was facing and not just their own area. Application The IT Director acted as the sponsor for our design thinking activity. We asked him to help us organize a one-day workshop, outside their facilities. So, they rented a hotel lounge, and convened the key users of each area involved. At the workshop day, we asked them to conform P a g e 2 | 3 workgroups according to business workflows, such as incomes, expenses, and supply chain. We divided the agenda in 3 parts: describe a blueprint of their business processes, make challenges evaluation, and creation of new ideas. We printed in large format the three different layouts for each part of the agenda. We provided them with post-its, markers, and pencils, so that every business process, challenge, problem and idea, they could write them in few words using the post-its and place them in the column of the layout they considered it should be. Below is a picture of one of the business process layouts: Figure 1. Business process blueprint layout. In the third layout, the generation of ideas, we asked them to evaluate the importance level vs. the urgency rate of their new ideas, from low to high. This helped the client to identify from the new ideas for example what is not important and not urgent, from what is important and urgent. Below is a picture of the layout: P a g e 3 | 3 Figure 2. Ideas Generation - Priorities Scale. Insights This exercise provided me in first place a very clear view of the mind mapping tool, and design thinking as a whole. We obtained a lot of information from many different stakeholders in just a single day. I saw how people can empathize easily among their problems and the problems of others, using mind mapping, because it doesn’t judge or criticize them. It only helps them to tell us how they feel about the current problems they were facing. Once they became aware of the situation of all the company, they could come up with ideas that they believed could help to remove all the impediments they had at that moment. I am positive that this course helped me to understand much better the design thinking process, and it allowed me at my job to apply the mind mapping tool in a real-world situation. Approach I believe that the mind mapping tool was the correct tool to use in this situation. Maybe in another situation, the visualization tool would also have been very helpful. But in this case, we arrived with the hospital in a stage where the problem was big, and the client wanted to get information quickly. [/INST]Jose(B-NAME_STUDENT), Gil(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>
<s>[INST] What is the personally identifiable information (PII) in this piece of student writing? There are seven PIIs; NAME_STUDENT (The full or partial name of a student that is not necessarily the author of the essay. This excludes instructors, authors, and other person names.), EMAIL (A student’s email address.), USERNAME (A student username on any platform.), ID_NUM (A number or sequence of characters that could be used to identify a student, such as a student ID or a social security number.), PHONE_NUM (A phone number associated with a student.), URL_PERSONAL (A URL that might be used to identify a student.), STREET_ADDRESS. The writing is following: Ndumiso Khan 7/8/2016 Mind-Mapping Challenge: Describe your challenge, including all relevant information. We have recently partnered with an external Content Provider A, in order to expand our product offering and thus be more competitive in our local marketplace. However, the partnership has created some challenges in these early stages - which is to be expected. Multiple departments are affected by this new integration, which negatively impacts the time they have to focus on their own unique KPIs. This partnership is new, and people naturally avoid what is unfamiliar – not ideal when trying to iron out the creases of a newly introduced additional process. We needed to improve internal synergy in order to seamlessly intergrate the external Content with our existing SaaS platform, and manage consistent timely delivery to our Clients. For example, if our Clients notify us of missed/delayed content – from this external Partner - what can we do internally to optimize the speed of resolution when multiple departments are involved, and how can we best manage this new relationship with Content Provider A? Selection: In your own words, briefly describe the tool you selected (e.g., what it is and why you selected it for your challenge -- including any appropriate video lecture references). I selected Mind-Mapping as the appropriate tool. In order to design an optimal internal process involving many people from multiple departments, we need to first accurately define the Current Reality, and then brainstorm solutions in order to establish a Design Criteria Statement: the conditions our design must satisfy in order to solve our internal roadblocks. “Mind Mapping is a great way to align the organization around a common understanding of the current reality. This can be a big help as you move forward in the design process.” Application: Describe how you applied the tool you selected to your challenge (e.g., what you did and how the tool was applied effectively or ineffectively). Session I: Each department in isolation Individual sessions were held with each department (e.g. one session with Customer Relations, one session with SalesOperations, etc.) to establish their Current Reality – the challenges at hand. We used a large white board split into four columns, headed by the open-ended questions below: 1. Why are we failing to act quickly? What is the impact on our Clients? 2. How can we increase the speed with which we react to delivery issues? 3. What is the ideal flow of tasks across each department: from Client Relations, all the way through to liaising with Content Partner A? If everything went according to plan, executed flawlessy, what are our Design Criteria? 4. How do we measure our Department’s success? What does success look like? Session II: All departments together We then grouped the departments together for a final session. There were 23 people in the room. Every person was given a stack of Post-It Notes and a marker. Each department was given different colour Post-Its for easy identification. To start the session, I reiterated the WHY – why we were gathering and sharing ideas, the value to the company and our Clients, and promoting a more streamlined workflow through inspired teamwork. On the board I drew a basic flow of the Phases, from “Client Issue”, right through to “Engaging with Content Partner A”. Under each Phase, I wrote down the solutions from each department on how to optimize each Phase. Every person was then asked to vote on each suggested Solution by pasting a note next to their preferred Solution,. Each preferred solution was opened up for further debate by posing it as a hypothesis, flagging potential pitfalls, and making more suggestions – an open debate. This became the Blueprint for “What does Success look like?” for each Phase. I then asked everyone to vote for their preferred candidate to take ownership for each phase. Again using post-it notes, this time folded and placed in piles. Thus nominating Phase leaders. Insight: Describe the insight you gained from applying the tool you selected to your challenge (e.g., how an insight affected your thinking about the challenge and about design thinking more broadly). When people are given the opportunity to express their own ideas, it’s amazing how the momentum can build. Indeed in Phase I, in the individual sessions, I tried to challenge every proposed solution with at least 3 “Why’s?” – if the person could not answer further, others were encouraged to step up. I was surprised by the level of buy-in demonstrated in the voting stages, and how often people would vote for the ideas of other departments. All in all, it was a conversation – an ind-depth conversation where every attendee’s input was valued, creativity was encouraged, and solutions collectively designed and agreed upon. In terms of synthesizing a new plan of action, the tool was effective. The next step will be to have a conference call with all nominated Phase Leaders to find out how effective we are being, if there has been visible improvement, and measure proactivity and implementation on a scheduled basis. If one phase or department is lagging, this can be addressed quickly. Approach: Describe what you might do differently next time -- applying the same tool you selected or a different one -- and the reason(s) why. What I would do differently next time is have a representative from each department do a quick 2 minute introduction in the Group Session (Phase II) on how their department were previously struggling with managing its time and KPIs with the introduction of this new priority. This would have provided better context for all involved, a better understanding of the Current Reality. I also would have had a group exercise of a mock Client complaint, splitting the room into 4 groups, who would then implement the solution for each phase in real time. [/INST]Ndumiso(B-NAME_STUDENT), Khan(I-NAME_STUDENT)</s>