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The minister of information and culture is not a member the high council of media
In the session of the upper house which was held on Wednesday the code of media was discussed and the article of the high council of the media and the article of the commission of the media. The draft which was received from the government, the minister of information and culture had membership in the high council of the media and even during the modification of the post was decent [to be appointed by the government]. The post which was about to be given to the minister of information and culture but today the upper house approved that not only the post can not be given to the minister of information and culture and even the minister can not have its membership but a representative of the ministry can take part in it. Ustad Aminudin Mozafari the secretary of the upper house said that the modification which was entered to the code of media by the lower house explained that two members of the lower house and one member of the upper house should have the membership of the council but the upper house omitted it because both of the houses have the same responsibility. If their representatives exist in the high council of the media then their monitoring work will be sabotaged. He added that two main changes were entered to the code that the period of four years was decreased to two years and the second modification was that the tasks of the commission were increased by the upper house.
Arabic world should present good picture of Afghanistan
A. Karim Khuram the minister of information and culture met with the general secretary of the union of journalists of Khalij [Gulf], the president of the union of the journalists of Kuwait, and Adnan Khalifa Rashed the assistant of the director of Al-Anbar daily. In the meeting the minister of information and culture of Afghanistan and Adnan Khalifa Rashed stressed on the strengthening of relations between the journalists and the media. During his speech, Khalifa Rashed expressing happiness on the security in Kabul city and the rehabilitation process said that the situation is much better than what is released by the international media. He proposed that cultural representatives should be appointed in the embassies of Afghanistan in Arabic countries and this will help the Arabic journalists to get exact information about the situation in addition the Arabic world will present a good picture from the country. Thus Mr. Adnan promised the Afghan journalists to help them in many spheres. The information and culture minister and Mr. Adnan expressed interests during their comments that for an apt introduction of the Afghan culture similar exhibition which has been established in Europe will be established in Arabic world and especially in Kuwait. This is the first time that the general secretary of Khalij journalists’ Union and the president of the journalists union of Kuwait visit Afghanistan.
19th August (28th Asad), an exemplary to uplift and release
Translated by Abdul Hassib
19th August, came across to the day of 88th independence anniversary, once again was commemorated throughout Afghanistan within ceremonial parties/jubilees. Afghanistan has, however, experienced colony and domestic conflicts after it achieved its independence. But the values of 19th August is not only that Afghans fought to make Great Britain formally recognise Afghanistan’s independence, while its value’s foundation laid by the enlighten-men, whom, by taking independence, waged to creating a developed society for the country. Shah Amanullah Khan, the third older son of Habibullah Khan, following the death of his father, by pioneering [from all his family/tribal members], seized the command in Afghanistan. The day after he claimed kingdom, he announced a fight against Great Britain in order to firstly make his government steadfast and on the other hand, he tried to pave the way to constitutionalists to rebuilt Afghanistan, which this resulted in defeat of Great Britain, with all its 340000 soldiers, and Afghanistan’s independence has been formally recognised since then. This was at a time, when Great Britain had just come out of the second world war successfully of course, but with sustaining numerous financial and body damages. At the same time, the brave nation of India was supposed to be standing against the Great Britain. For this reason, it tried to terminate its firing with the Afghan nation, the sooner the better, since it didn’t want the flame to spread out of Afghanistan and capture the outskirts of India alike. Shah Amanullah Khan was appreciated, as a victor of release of his nation in Iran and India, as modernist who wants to replace feudal relations to commercial one in Europe, as a pioneer who could defeat the superpower of the world in Russia, and in Afghanistan as a king who wants to put an end stop to suffering time of his nation. Amanullah Khan, along with his other brave friends like Mahmood Tarzi, Malika Soraya (Queen Soraya), Abdul Rahman Lodin, Mir Ghulam Mohammad Ghubar, Kaka (paternal uncle) Sayyed Ahmad Kandahari, Mohammad Wali Khan Darwazai, Ghulam Haidar Khan Charkhi and other patriotic-men (nationalists) had taken lots of actions to rid Afghanistan of traditions of meddle-centuries, economic backwardness, servitude/slavery, anarchy, and some other difficulties around. He drafted a regulation, in whose enforcement, he spared no efforts. This is why he was listed as real national victor of our homeland within the history. Great Britain governed several years to this country and could not tolerate being withdrawn from. For this reason, it sent its religious and irreligious spies/servants to both sides of Durand line, which by misleading the public thoughts it had been able to create numerous challenges to Amanullah’s kingdom. English Mullahs, under a chairmanship of Mullah Abdullah had started denigrating Amanullah, to such an extent that even they leafleted the semi-naked pictures of Malika Soraya, all of which were prepared by the Great Britain. This had led to a sever conflict between backwardness (if there was antonym for modernism?) and modernism. When Amanullah could bottle up this strife, then Habibullah (Son of Saqaw), with some other friends stoop up against Amanullah’s kingdom. Amanullah, then, due to some hard problems, withdrew the kingdom and left Afghanistan in sewerage of anarchy and ignorance alone.
Killid Radio runs to Nangarhar onwards with the day of independence
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Radio Killid, following its inauguration to Herat and Kabul, now, it is running in the green city of Nangarhar as well. This Radio station, all of whose members believe to improve local cultures under a shadow of national culture, has decided to make its service cover Kandahar and Balkh in the very near futures. The chain-connection between all the stations operating under a name of Killid, along with Killid and Mursal magazines which is distributed to the public by Nay reticulation, is coordinated from a single centre of Killid Group. In all over to broadcasting outlets of history [tales], art, poem, news bulletins, reports, round tables, music, analysis, and discussion forums, Killid Radio stations are used to reflect the problems of the public as well. Inauguration of Killid Radio was increasingly supported by the public, since this radio, avoiding intolerances at all, may be able to open the door of uplift in the future. The members of Radio Killid don’t scare out of objections, but it feels to use them (objections) for its reformatory process, waiting to have opinions of its listeners received and use them as an advice forward to further development, since those media which wait to collect the objections of the public, of course, is expanding day by day. Radio Killid was inaugurated in Nangarhar in glorious day of 19th August which collides with the day in which the superpower of the world was spoiled out of Afghanistan. Several cultured-men took part in the opening ceremony of Killid Radio in Spinghar hotel of Jalalabad. The first person to describe activities of Killid Group and welcome the guests to the ceremony, was Shahir Zahin, the general director of Killid Group, he said,” Killid Radio expands its service to provinces in order to reinforce our genuine national culture.” Afterwards, Alizai, the deputy governor for Nangarhar province appreciated running of Killid to Nangarhar acclaiming the members of Killid Group hotly. Ustad Habibullah Rafi, a famous author and beloved analysts of our country, then, explained the activities the Killid Group has performed over the past five years. The head of Nangarhar department of information and culture, speaking on the occasion, welcomed the opening of Killid Radio in Nangarhar. He also called on the Killid Radio members to abide by equality, away from intolerances within their activities in this province. The last person to speak in the ceremony was Hashim Polad, the Nangarhar delegate in the lower house, he appreciated opening of Radio Killid in this province. By cutting strip, the head of Killid Group and the deputy governor for Nangarhar province opened the Killid Radio station later on 19th August of 07, which afterwards, Killid started broadcastings that day on 6:30PM.
Creating Job opportunity to [poor] children
Azim Resalat
Translated by Abdul Hassib
According to news reports, at least 5000 orphan and destitute children are involved to those heavy tasks which they might have not been involved to, in Mazar-e Sharif alone. They should carry out those appropriate tasks according to their ability and power, such as those going to school, gaining knowledge and carry out those activities a child need to. However, it is very unfortunate that we hear the children are working for the posts like carwash, shoe-making, waiter in restaurants, in bakery, and even sometimes they sell their honour (prostitute themselves) to gain money. Shazia, 12, is one of those street-children. She was disappeared for at least 10days. For this reason, her father applied to the Balkh provincial police department to find his daughter, saying that maybe his daughter was kidnapped. However, Shazia was neither kidnapped nor eloped. Shazia was sold on two men by her mother. She spent at least ten days with these two guys in Kunduz, but now when she is back, her manners completely changed, such that she doesn’t play with her friends, and she looks very sorrowful. Her father still doesn’t know what happened to his daughter, or maybe knows, but can not do something. If Shazia made her father informed of the case, then her mother will force her out of home. However, Shikaba and Samad, two friends of Shazia explained what happened to Shazia, which exactly this is the situation, they, themselves, experienced as well. They (friends of Shazia) are living with their addict uncle, whose only income is depended to begging of them. They beg during the day, but in the night, they should hand the money they earned over to their uncle. Otherwise, they are not allowed to go home. Shikiba and Samad have experienced as much pity moments as they are fed up with their uncle’s behaviour toward them, saying that since their father died, their uncle have had wood in hand making them sever punished, even sometimes he (their uncle) made them forced to beg and earn money to him. Fawzia Hamidi, the head of Balkh department of labour and social affairs claimed to have paved the way to improve the skills of those street-children, through Ashiyana (nest) over the past three years in this province. At the same time, Dr. Shahpoor Marya, the head of Balkh nest said that at least six terms of courses were held for destitute children in fields of computer, plumbing, repairing mobile phones, tinsmith, and some other professions. Ebrahim, a destitute child, who looked very happy, said that,” I learned how to repair mobile phone in only six months. Now I work in my own shop. I am really happy of being able to work and provide means of subsistence to my family.
Lack of schools in Nangarhar
Translated by Abdul Hassib
There are only one or two schools in those districts, which are populated with a large number of people in Nangarhar province, from which the children in near-by to schools can use, and that is it, while the school-students, on the other hand, are suffering numerous difficulties as a result of lack of professional teachers to their schools. Shafiqullah, a 11 years old student in Achin district’s school, while roaming around the school in the time that he might be in the class, said, in the regard of their difficulties that,” most of our teachers have been graduated from six or seven grades, all of whom, either by intermediary or fake documents, were hired as teachers to our schools. “Teachers hardly ever are used to attend our classes, to such an extent that even sometimes, it happens that our teachers come to classes two times at a month, and all. The reason is that the head of schools hold family relations to teachers, and they don’t want to make their relatives upset for students,” he explained. The families of students in this area said that if schools’ situations were not improved, then they will take their children out of school, since their children’s time is getting wasted at school. Yusuf Khan, a resident of Achin district of Nangarhar province, who, along with his family returned from Peshawar, said that,” I had hoped to return my country over the past ten years, but as a result of lack of educational grounds to my children, I didn’t return. When I am back, our children continuously suffer a lack of school, such that, it takes our children 4 hours to walk to school in the central district, it is very difficult to them. “I am happy to have returned to my country, but unfortunately, here our children are deprived of school, and they forgot anything they learned when we were living in Pakistan,” he complained. Asadullah, a resident of Abdul Khil village of Achin district of Nangarhar province, a talented boy, who sometimes composes poems while working on their arable fields, called on Karzai government to establish schools to them so that he, along with his friends go school and gain knowledge. Confirming a lack of schools in this province, Mohammad Eqbal Azizi, the head of Nangarhar department of education said that,” We would likely be establishing at least 500 schools to those areas lacking school throughout this province. On the other hand, we have decided to establish female schools, by consulting the tribal elders in numerous districts of this province.
What do youths say and want?
Translated by Abdul Hassib
<I>Mursal Jan says:</I> “From my attitude, the Afghan high-ranking government officials need to avoid fighting to one another, and think for necessities and difficulties of the public in the country. It is better to the Afghan high-ranking government officials to make efforts to resolve those threats going to threaten the nation during the winter, as a result of expensive prices.” <I>Zuhra comments:</I> “I have heard that this time, the Afghan attorney general took position against the members of the lower house. As I speculate, such strife ties the government to domestic problems, paving the way to opposition groups to profit the situations. The attorney general had better go controlling prices, instead to accuse the government officials.” <I>Khushal Sipahi says:</I> “The attorney general office is an independent organ. I, myself, support the attorney general’s fight against admin corruptions. The attorney general is authorised to enforce the law equally to the whole nation, and to detect those parliament members accused of confiscating the public properties.” <I>Farzana Jan comments:</I> “It is very unfortunate that we heard the attorney general failed in detecting those accused-officials of the government, since they are still working for the posts they used to work with. If attorney general succeeded in dealing admin corruption, then no one will dare to create anarchy in the country.” <I>Khadija Jan</I> “The strife between the attorney general and the lower house would likely be yielding nothing, despite to add the problems. The government officials need to keep patience toward these problems.” <I>Maryam Jan</I> “The law should rule in the country at all. The government officials, together, need to check out for routs of admin corruption and for those people fomenting this problem. I call on my people, on the other hand, to help the law rule in the country.”
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:00 to 1:10PM]</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>11 followers of the Taliban arrested:</U> The international coalition force claimed to have arrested at a least 11 opposition members within two different operations in Nangarhar and Ghazni provinces. According to a press statement issued by the international coalition soldiers stationed in Bagram district of Parwan province, as a result of an ANA-NATO joint military operation at least 6 members of the Taliban were arrested in Nangarhar province. Confirming the incident, the Nangarhar governor said that police took part in this operation as well. However, Hajji Mir Khan, a resident of Nangarhar province said that those arrested people are innocent residents of this province, who don’t have any connection to the Taliban and government opponents. The press statement from Bagram coalition soldiers, on the other hand, added that at least 7 opposition members were arrested in a military operation in Ghazni province as well. <U>USAID to invest 220 million dollar on skill building:</U> An educational development contract was signed between the ministry of higher education and the USAID. Mohammad Azam Dadfar, the Afghan minister of higher educations said in this regard that this contract which costs 220 Million USD funded by the USAID would likely be improving the capacity of the Kabul University and help the higher education’s administrative improve as well. <U>Zhera products increasing in Northern Afghanistan:</U> Zhera (a type of dry seeds they are used to mix it with rice to make it a bit delicious) products, the farmers say, have increased 3times more than last year, this year in northern Afghanistan, which should be listed as a very good alternative crop to poppy. A Zhera trader said in this regard that this northern provinces will produce at least 490tons Zhera this year, one kilo of which is sold with 900afg in the markets. <U>10 sacks of Truteel (a kind of explosive means) seized:</U> The security officials said that they have seized at least 10 sacks of Truteel from Kabul city. Ali Shah Paktiawal, the criminal director for the Kabul provincial police department said that 10 sacks of Truteel were placed into a truck, which the police was able to seize them. He also said that the truck driver, along with one another, was arrested in the charge as well.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Guest: Adela, a member of Afghan independent commission of Human rights Speaker: Miss Shabnam and Miss Ghotay</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[Pashto]:</I> How do you consider the women rights from attitude of the current human rights available in Afghanistan, and from stance of those Islamic customs in this regard? <I>[The Guest]:</I> If we compare the current customs of Human rights with those of Islamic one regarding women rights, we would likely not find any inbuilt difference in, since the Afghan independent commission of human rights have always tried to detect those rights to women, all of which are sanctioned by Islamic customs alike. For example Mohammad (PBUH) said that widow women should get married to another one by their choice, while this is exactly what the human rights sanction it as well. However, the problem in Afghanistan is that the public, especially men, don’t abide by those rights Islam has given to women. If they did, then women may feel out of current difficulties. By the way, I persistently claim that the Afghan independent commission of human rights always acts according to Islamic customs. <I>[Rahmatullah Rishtin from Khoja Boghra area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> Most women are going to mountains to collect wood/Hezom in the morning, when they come back, they are forced to carry out agricultural affairs, to such an extent that even they carry heavy sacks of fertiliser or chemical materials. In all over that they are doing the chores, they are working for stuff (agricultural affairs) outside home as well, while their men are idle wasting their time in most far-flung areas of Afghanistan. What has the Afghan independent commission of human rights done in this regard? <I>[The Guest]:</I> We have regional offices operating in most far-flung area of Afghanistan. If we examine the ability of those women, then we claim that they are really brave and elaborated, since they either do chores, or make for stuff outside the home as well. The key problem which contributes in continuation of women’s suffering time with harassment made of men should be listed as unawareness of the public from Islamic customs. The only thing the public are used to respect to, is that of old traditions, which people legated from their ancestors. This almost ever leads to difficulties to women around Afghanistan. On the other hand, the men think that women exist only to work like an animal, while they don’t know whether or not they are responsible toward their wives. Islam recommends men to provide means of subsistence to women at all, while this is something the rural people don’t abide by. The Afghan independent commission of human rights informs the government of those problems the public are involved to, in numerous provinces of Afghanistan, but it is up to the government to take immediate actions to resolve them.
Agreement of the Taliban and Koreans
Atif Mohmandzai
23 Korean hostages who kidnapped four weeks ago by the Taliban in Ghazni province, two of them have been killed and two other have been released who were ill and 19 other that most of them are women still in their captivity. The negotiation fro their release which took place between Afghan government and the Taliban, didn’t reach to any result and contemporaneous with the hold of joint peace Jirga, the Taliban specified south Korean for negotiation and the negotiation is still in process among them and finally the agreement took place between the Taliban and Korean for the release of hostages and 19 south Korean hostages may release in the next several days. It is determined that Korea government will withdraw their all security forces from Afghanistan till end of the current year. The Taliban with the policy of taking hostage and military pressures act, situated Afghan government under pressure, and they are trying to express them one main side in dealing and military formulas of Afghanistan and situated the government practically in seclusion. This policy of the Taliban group caused that this group once again appear in the eye of international community and came under their attention. NATO’s inflection against the Taliban which announced several days ago, shows that this organization and some other countries may change their strategic policy for the Taliban. Withdrawing of south Korean troops is begin of a new politic movement in the region and world, because this government withdraw their troops without agreement of the government from Afghanistan, and this may have negative outcomes on the government of Afghanistan and security policies of international community especially NATO in this country. If Afghanistan experience once again changes and regional and international game policies, fate of the security not only in this country, but will be effected in all regional and world and actions wont be beneficial either and world will be defeated against terrorism. Unfortunately in the period of six years, Afghan government policy and also policies of Afghanistan supporter countries against terrorism is very weak and couldn’t achieve necessary successions. Therefore, it is necessary to take serous actions and Afghan government especially NATO must effort to strengthen themselves in fighting against terrorism in order to eradicate terrorism and the people move toward peaceful and secure life.
The counter-narcotic process
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
The responsible authorities, obviously, have not been able to duly reach to inbuilt achievements in their fight against trafficking, cultivation and processing of narcotics in Afghanistan. The Afghan government, with the help of the international community, has, however, made lots of efforts to uproot the narcotics, but practically narcotics cultivation has increased, over the past five years. Insecurity, supporting of Afghan high-ranking government officials from trafficking of narcotics, and poverty are the main causes have helped the narcotics cultivation increase creating challenges to security and economy of Afghanistan. Several thousands of national and international conferences have been held to find out a solution to uproot the narcotics, but, due to a lack of awareness from main perpetrators/causes of poppy cultivation, they have yielded no significant results so far. Regarding the previous experiences, they key factor making the farmers dare to cultivate narcotics and the smugglers to operate freely in the community, should be seen as support of the local government officials, and the poverty. If we look at the actions the government is taking toward the fight against narcotics, then it let us know that the government, by drafting new strategies, wants to uproot the narcotics from about Afghanistan completely.
Dispute of the Taliban commanders in distribution of Zakat goods
Atif Mohmandzai
Dispute between the Taliban commanders over distribution of the collected goods of Zakat yesterday caused the dead and wounded of three pf their commanders. Mohammad Ayoub Nayazyar, security commander of Badghis province, told Roz News agency over the telephone. As a result of the clash today morning at 9:00 between Achakzai and Zayi tribes in Qadas district of Badghis province, one of the Taliban commanders killed and two other were wounded. According to Mr. Nayazyar, these people belonged to Chakzai tribe and they are the Taliban commanders and they fought over their daily bread which collected from the people in the title of Zakat from their under control area. He as well stated, they have dispatched aid-forces for the control of situation in that area. Have to mention the clash among the Taliban have been taken place several times over different issues, that some before the clash among the Taliban took place in Ghazni province over Korean hostages which caused the wounding of their several men. Baghis province is situated in northwest of the country that right now hundreds of families shelter to capital of this province because of insecurity in remote areas of the districts.
Private sectors import low quality oil
Atif Mohmandzai
Yesterday, spokesperson of the government stated in his weekly session, private sectors import low quality oil which stabilized in the stores of private sectors in Kabul and in the borders especially in Hairatan. According to the report of economic group of Rah-e Nejaat, Hamayon Hamidzada, stated some private sectors have sold very low quality oil to the market that will be assessed by relevant organs and the people will arrested in this regard and will introduce to attorney general. He stated government is seriously concern from the increase of oil in the country which this issue discussed in the cabinet too and according to the guidance of the president and decision of the cabinet, commerce ministry bound to the control of importing fuel. Hamidzada stated that commerce minister promised to sell good quality of fuel in the bazaar in the near future. Have to mention that yesterday this issue discussed in the session of economic commission and stated to find urgent solution for the solve of this difficulty. It comes in a time that increase of oil in last months caused difficulties in the life of the people and seems that if not access to this issue than this crisis will change to a calamity.
Illegal excavations take place by foreign troops
Atif Mohmandzai
Abdul Karem Khoram, Afghan information and culture minister who invited to religious, cultural, education and higher education affair commission of lower house for accountability, titled that some illegal excavation take place by foreign troops. According to the report of parliamentary reporter of Rah-e Nejaat, he stated that after entrance of foreign troops in one area, officials of this ministry don’t have the permission to visit those area because there are military. Khoram stated after when these troop leaves there are some excavations remain which the main reason is hasn’t cleared yet. He expressed his unawareness regarding whether historical traces received by foreign troops from such excavations. Afghan information and culture minister added he has reported several times such acts of foreign troops to the president and cabinet members. Have to mention some historical traces of Afghanistan observed in the bazaars of foreign countries after settlement of these troops (foreign troops) in the country.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05PM] Speaker: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>7 Korean hostages still held by the Taliban:</U> The Taliban and government opponents are still holding 7 other Korean hostages at the moment. This is while they released 12 others of them after that they agreed with the Korean board in this regard. According to agreement, signed by the Taliban and Korean board, no Korean citizen will come to Afghanistan in the future. <U>ANA soldiers can not stay in secure regions:</U> The commander for 207th ANA Zafar corps, situated in Herat said that Afghan national army soldiers would likely not be staying those areas which were already refurbished from the Taliban and government opponents. He also said that police need to make sure to keep the regions immune. However, the police dignities say that police are just to practice laws in the society. <U>Human rights commission could not survey Nuristan:</U> The members of the Afghan independent commission of human rights said that, due to insecurities, they have not been able to collect reports from problems of the public this year in numerous provinces of Afghanistan. <U>2nd state-owned oil pump station runs in Kabul:</U> The Afghan government, in order to make the oil price fall down in the markets, have started launching oil pump stations throughout Kabul city offering oil with a lower price, which one of them started operating in Shahrara area of Kabul city later this morning and 2 others are supposed to be opened in next two or three days. <U>12 % dry fruit exports increased:</U> The Afghan exports development body has said that Afghanistan had 12% further fruits exported to abroad this year, to such an extent that in first three months of the years, it (Afghanistan) earned at least 43million [Afghani currency] from export of fresh fruit and at least 50 million from the dry one.
Police and coalition forces assessed two offices of one security company
Atif Mohmandzai
Afghan police and coalition forces yesterday inspected two offices of one enormous security company and took with themselves all computers and documents of these offices. One security source which didn’t want to disclose his name told Arman-e Milli newspaper in Kabul, coalition forces under command of US militants in Afghan police cooperation yesterday inspected two offices of one security company by the name of USIP in 12th St, Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan area, Kabul city and took all computers and documents of these offices with themselves. This company was one of the active and important security companies that in the past over several days 10 people of this company killed in the Taliban attack and according to the last report two member of this company killed yesterday in Hawoz Modad area of Kandahar province by the Taliban. The cause and motive of this inspection has cleared yet.
21 Taliban members killed in the past 24 hours
Atif Mohmandzai
According to the received reports, 21 Taliban members have been killed in the past over 24 hours in the south of the country and five other were arrested. In the report stated, as a result of the clash between the Taliban and government and foreign troops in Mosa Qala district of Helmand province, 12 Taliban members were killed, in according to another report from ISAF troop, as a result of clash in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province 7 apposition members were killed, and a well today morning ISAF troop attacked on one house in the west of Kandahar that killed the number of the Taliban members. Press release chef in Kandahar province says, as a result of this clash including one of the Taliban commanders three other were arrested and two of them were killed but there was not casualty to security forces.
Six Pakistanis killed during 24 hours operation
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of 24 hours operation of national police, national army and residents tribes yesterday in Paktika province, six other men of the enemies were killed too. Dr. Akram Akhpalwak, governor of Paktya province says this operation is continuing in Khoshawand, Yahya Khel, Jani Khel and Sar Awaza districts and in addition of the killed people, 16 motorcycles, two PK, the number of grenades, rockets and explosives seized as well. According to him all the killed people in Shekh Abad area of Jani Khel district are Pakistanis decent. Have to mention that the Taliban haven’t said anything yet regarding this operation and casualties of their troops.
Six suspected people were arrested in Ghazni province
Atif Mohmandzai
According to the report, security official announced the arrest of six suspected apposition members in Ghazni province. according to one source, these men arrested yesterday morning in one house in Ghazni province. According to exact information which received these men were planning destructive activities. During the arrest of these people there was not casualty to civilians. According to another report, yesterday security forces in Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province arrested six suspected men and the number of arms and explosives seized from these people too.
New disease killed five people in Paktika province
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of new disease in Paktika province five people were killed and 16 other are in coma condition. According to Akram Akhpalwak, governor of Paktika province, this disease found in Warmami district, but haven’t specified yet. According to the report, one doctors group have dispatched to the area. According to chef of Paktika public health department, the suffered people from disease are consecutively vomiting and they are losing their weight very soon.
Woman trapped in commonplace traditions
stanikzai taken from Ershadul Naswaan
In Islam, man and woman both have the right to select their math of life but in our opinion, not only the woman but even the man is deprived of this right. If a man or a woman voice for willfully marriage then are accused and loathed by their families and people while a man came to the profit Mohammad [PBUH] and told him that “I want to marry so and so woman”, the prophet asked him have you seen the woman? The man replied yes! The prophet told him “go and see her again” now you judge, who is blame for all these commonplace traditions? Thus we see that a male member of a family is accused of murder but the elders and tribal chiefs make decision and a woman or a girl is given to the opposite family on order to compensate the murder. Undoubtedly, the hostility between the two families will be ended by this deal but the future outcomes will be more severe than the previous hostility. When the girl given as a deal to the opposite side enters the husband’s house then she will lead an unfortunate life in the house of husband because she has not married as a result of bilateral agreement between the man and the woman but she is given to compensate the murder and settle the hostility. The groom’s family think that in fact our main enemy is this girl, even if the girl receives sympathy form her husband the other family members will interfere and they cause the life of couple to be hard and bitter. So that the girl in order to get rid of the difficult life decide to commit suicide, you that here two principles of Islam are trampled, firstly, an innocent girl is given in a dealing for someone else’s crime and instead of the murderer an innocent girl is punished, on the other hand we see that the violation made by male members of the family reaches to an crazy level. If a child is beaten by the father is doesn’t matter but if the child is beaten the mother then the men criticize women for that. Men desire to serve good food but women are never allowed even to wish to have good food. Tens of bad customs and traditions are there in our society especially in the rural areas and non of these customs matches with the principles of Islam. As woman is a unique creature then she should be honoured all the rights of women should be respected which are granted to her by Islam. Woman is the symbol of love and emotions, a mother never wants her children to be in trouble.
Saying and action
While five years ago the Islamic Emirate of the Taliban was collapsed by the international coalition forces led by America then the Afghan nation were given many colourful promises by the foreigners. But as the Afghan nation expected and waited but none of those promises were fulfilled despite the fact that some slightly changes were entered to the lives of people and some cities the live of people saved but the Afghans were faced with another disaster and that is insecurity that even now it getting near and nearer to the capital of Kabul. If we study the situation then we will find out that the very in-professional police and security organs have helped in bad security situation and still our poor nation is suffering from it. Since many years the foreigners and especially America repeatedly say that necessarily the Afghan forces should be strengthened and that they should be equipped with modern weapons. Now once again America has said that it will spend $3 billion on the strengthening and equipping of the Afghan forces. In addition to this pledge of America it has also said that America will make efforts to strengthen the police of Afghanistan. If we remember the former clear-pout operations then we will easily find that most Afghan civilians were killed as the result of lack of coordination between Afghan and foreign forces stationed in Afghanistan and this has caused that now the American General say that they should open talks with the Taliban and he has added that military actions against the Taliban is not the solution. Thus, if the Afghan police and army were trained in better way and they were equipped well and they were given power to independently act against the oppositions, hundreds of innocent civilians would not be killed and most the anger of most Afghans were stimulated in time when American forces committed actions against the Afghani cultire and values and they inspected the houses of Afghans entering their houses without permission. Now, if America and the international community want security to be maintained in this country then in addition to strengthening our police and army they should grant power and authority of Afghan forces. Thus the foreign forces should abandon arrests and self-interested military operations.
House of people to decide about human right commission
The members of the house of people decided that the general directors of the independent administrations should receive the confidential of the house. Among these all the human right commission was also discussed. Selection of members, organizational chart and regulations of the human rights commission are the cases that the house of people of the parliament of Afghanistan will make decisions about them on Monday. Receiving the confidential of the house without political and tribal tendencies are among the conditions and were underlined for the present president of the human right commission by some of the house members. Mrs. Sima Samar who is accused of [left wing] tendencies is presently responsible for the human rights commission. She was immediately appointed as the president of human rights commission after she was dismissed from the ministry of women affairs in the interim administration. The commission was established in order to consider the war crimes and violation of human rights in Afghanistan. Mr. A. Rab Rasul Sayyaf the leader of Itehad-e Islami Afghanistan and a member of the house termed the human right commission of great importance and said that hence the president of this commission should take confidential from the house, he said the comments in the general session of the house. The human right commission was discussed by the house members when they were discussing the consequences of taking confidential by the independent administrations on Saturday September 01. The house of people dissolved the independent administration of bribery and corruption from the organizational chart of the presidential as it was termed to be insufficient. On the continuation of discussions about the independent administrations in the house of people the consequences of continuation of work of the independent administration of administrative reforms and civil services was also decided.
Where do Karzai and Maleki go to?
The two countries of Afghanistan and Iraq have a lot of differences one from another but the developments of the late years within the two countries have created a lot of similarities between them such as the collapse of despotic regimes in both of the countries by America and seize of power by America supported teams in Iraq and in Afghanistan, resistance against the domination of western forces and their puppet governments and intensifying the situations in both of the countries and location of both of the countries among the enemies of America –Afghanistan more and Iraq less] and some other similarities. The aforementioned similarities reveal similar situations in both of the countries but a similarity which is going to be forming recently and strengthen the guess that the future of the country will also be similar is of great importance. Noori-Almaliki is recently improving his relations with his neighbouing such Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia and he appreciates their cooperation in respect of maintaining security and political rehabilitation of Iraq it means that Mr. Maleki has got to the fact that close neighbours are better than the far away relative. This process is followed up by doubts in political circles of America and finally the American officials reacted against it and they accused Al-Maleki of insufficiency and sectarianism. In Afghanistan also, nearly same process is in progress and of course the consequences of the perspectives of Karzai are not as clear as that of Maleki’s but we easily observe changes in the stance of Karzai from NATO towards Shanghai and it started from a time when Karzai supported Iran against Mr. Bush in his late visit from America. Previously it was said that words used to come out from mouth by the point of Mr. Bush that Iran for the linguistic bribery should not play a role in making the situation of Afghanistan worse than it was but after the visit of Karzai and his participation in the conference of Shanghai and his non-planned visit with Mr. Bush strengthen the guess of change of Karzai’s stance and America had not reacted about it yet but now NATO has declared readiness for negotiations with the Taliban while Bush had promised Karzai to ruin the last nests of the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is said that the letter of the leadership of the Taliban to the members of the Shanghai cooperation Organization in the name of “it has shivered the earth under NATO” so that NATO showing green light to the Taliban hurried to prevent the relation of the Taliban with Shanghai and within the past years it happened many times. The present complicated relations were clarified by the speech of Mr. Karzai to the governors and provincial police chiefs and the words such as “Afghanistan is not of the foreigners and you are the lords of Afghanistan” is similar to the words of Al-Maleki who said that “Americans are not the owners of Iraq and he called Americans “impolite” and especially the other words of Mr. Karzai when he addressed the civil servants that if they obey foreigners they will be discharged from their jobs are the most exceptional words expressed by Karzai during his six years of government period. He had cried from foreigners in front of friend and enemy TV channels but he had not uttered such clear words against foreigners. But there exist some differences, e. g. Maleki could get the support of some the internal forces in Iraq and the late moves of Muqtada Sadr reveal that they have prepared for a wide-based coalition government but Karzai does not have same conditions with the internal forces in Afghanistan and that he was not able to turn back to America before he attracts the support of internal forces. So, where this bravery is oozing from? Does he depends on Shanghai? Or only he is pleased to mimic from others?
Kabul will not be enlightened by promises!
The troublesome sounds of generators have polluted the atmosphere of the city. nearly each shop has put a generator in front of it. The spoke produced by these generators have polluted the city and has caused breathing [respiratory] problems for people. Mohammad Kabir who has an ice-cream says that as the result of lack of electricity he is faced with a lot of problems. He adds that when he used to use electricity his work was good but he uses a generator and that he makes earns less money. On the other hand lack of electricity also has faced people with a lot of problems. Hot weather, lack of drinking water and other problems caused families to spend money for cold water. Arash who lives in Qala-e Fatullah says that “the water of the well without making it cold by the refrigerator is not usable so that we need to buy cold water from the bazaar and it costs a lot for us. Meanwhile some sellers in Kabul say that since they are faced with the lack of electricity they have to use generator for their work and this affects their business and they need to sell things more expensive. M. Reza who has a sweet-selling shop says that since we used to use electricity we had small expenditures but now we use 8-10 gallon of diesel in our generator. M. Reza says that when we use money for fuel, we have sell our sweets more expensive”. Lack of electricity also affects net cafés and photographers’ shops they say that lack of electricity causes that work stops for hours because they are not able to prepare generators and activate their business with. Rustam a resident of Kabul says that “they only have electricity for an hour or two in evenings. Rustam says that Ismael Khan the minister of electricity had promised to enlighten the house for 24 hours the minister lies to people, Rustam said. According to Rustam, lack of electricity also affects prices in the city. we tried to make contacts with the officials of the ministry of electricity and ask them about the existing problems but we did not find any of them.
Universities of the country will be equipped by IT
Dr. M. Azam Dadfar the minister of higher education yesterday in the second presiding conference of Information Technology for the higher education said that within the upcoming three years 19 higher education institutions will be equipped with IT. The conference which will be continued for three days, the internal and external experts of IT and the presidents of all universities had participated in it. Mr. Dadfar said in the opening ceremonies of the conference that “by the implementation of the credit system and information about the lesson programs of the important universities of the world, and access to these tools without IT is not possible”. The minister of higher education said that he will sign an agreement with the technical university of Berlin that within the agreement the technical university of Berlin will assist Afghanistan in IT and training of instructors. According to Mr. Dadfar five universities will be covered by the program in the first stage and after that instructors and and students will access IT. Mr. Dadfar the higher education minister said that the program will cost $ 2 million and the money will be paid by the World Bank.
Civil war causes escape of brains/minister of commerce and industries
M. Amin Farhang the minister of commerce and industries in the seminar of WIPO said that the few decades of war in Afghanistan has caused the escape of most of brains and faculties which had ability of creation of ideal and intellectual possessions or were devastated. The seminar which was held by the UN-WIPO [international Organization of mental and intellectual possessions] for one day in Kabul some of parliamentarians, government officials and officials of this organization had participated. Mr. Farhang termed the objective of this seminar searching ways of encouraging people in creation of mental and intellectual possessions and said that “the participants of this seminar efforts will be made that grounds of establishment of mental and intellectual possessions will be evaluated and through that we will access the multi-literal social development. According to the minister, the number of brains which they had the ability of creation of mental and intellectual theories in different spheres were eliminated by different regimes after 1357 [1987], he added that by the success of the coup of 1357 another factor caused that some brains were washed and were dependant to foreign ideologies. Mrs. Najima Rahimi the representative of WIPO termed the existence of mental and intellectual possessions as of much importance in the enhancement of the society and said that in those countries which supported the mental and intellectual possessions they developed in different economical, political and social spheres.
Discovery of mark-less mines in Herat
The forces of the national security directorship of Herat province reported about the seize of a depot of ammunitions in Adreskan district of Herat province. The provincial national security directorate of Herat said in a newsletter that in the giant depot of ammunitions, a number of mines have also been discovered which are not labeled to show that in which country were they made in. the ammunitions were seized from a region in Koh-e Saphed of Adreskan district of Herat province. Adreskan and Shindand districts are relatively insecure districts of Herat province. The statement of the provincial directorate of national security of Herat province said that probably a quantity of these ammunitions have been used for destructive activities. The officials of the department showed the ammunitions to the journalists while the police of Herat reported of seize of Iran made mines in the frontier regions of Herat. The officials of the national security of Herat said that they can not guess to know that which country may have made the ammunitions but they have started investigations in this regard.
Jirga is solution not war
The experiences of different countries and especially that the late three decades of Afghanistan showed that war is not the logical solution of the problems, so that in a large number of those countries where fire of civil war was enflamed in chose the reconciliation method so that they overcome the civil war in their countries. Now in Afghanistan the believe is getting strengthened that the Afghan government and the oppositions should take steps towards understanding. They should choose jirga instead of war and instead of conflicts they should tolerate each other. A high ranking military official of America clarified that war is not solution of problems and in parallel to military moves political solutions should also be searched. Hamid Karzai the president of Afghanistan is loyal to the national reconciliation and under the leadership of Sabghatullah Mujaddedi he has initiated the national reconciliation commission and from the time the commission has been established, hereinafter a large number of armed opposition included some commanders have joined the peace process. Now, this process should be accelerated and because the reconciliation process is a bilateral process and both the oppositions and the government of Afghanistan should take mortal steps in this directionin our opinion our government should open talks to those Afghan Taliban who are not under influence of the aliens should be called in a joint jirga for negotiations.
The Taliban have reached to Kabul gates
Atif Mohmandzai
The attack of apposition groups have increased in these lasts in near to Kabul provinces such Lugar, Kapisa, Maidan Wardak, and the security of this areas are bad than the past and increased the anxiety of civilians. Kabul residents are concerned due to these insecure areas that may transfer this insecurity easily to Kabul. The concern of Kabul residents increased when the attacks have increased by apposition groups on national army, national police, foreign troops, good convoys and districts. Employees of governmental administrations and foreigners have been kidnapped from these areas, governmental worker and relatives of high officials have been killed and or they have threatened to death. Lugar province which is situated around north 60km in Kabul-Gardiz highway, Maidan Wardak which is situated in 40km Kabul-Kandahar highway and Kapisa province which is situated in 80km north east of Kabul, security condition in above mentioned areas are getting bad day to day. Chef of Kharwar district of Lugar province kidnapped on 21st August by some unidentified armed men and still there is not any information about him. Also the clash between the Taliban and collation forces carried out last week in 10km Pul-e Alaam capital of this province. According to these all difficulties Afghan people are as well criticize on the government that can’t maintain security. On 12th August a local radio along with some buildings of the districts burned down by apposition members in Syed Abad district of Maidan Wardak province. On August 24th, son onf one governmental worker along with his another relative gunned down by armed apposition members. However, local police claim that apposition members inflicted causalities wherever they attacked, but local people criticize that they even can’t care of governmental buildings. Local people from one side criticize on police forces and say that they have failed in maintaining security, but officials of the mentioned provinces are saying that local people assist in maintaining security as well. One of the officials in Lugar province which prevented disclosing his name stated they have been patrolling since 2 nights, and fighting with apposition group too and beside that effort in maintaining security too. He stated apposition members attack on governmental establishments in mountainous areas but don’t have the ability of face to face clash with governmental troops. He promised that will prevent from such attacks as soon as possible. But Abdul Malik, resident of Porak area of Lugar province stated the armed Taliban members are walking collectively here day and night. He stated, governmental workers can’t walk freely in the area. the Taliban and governmental forces clashed in Tagap, Najrat and Alasay districts of Kapisa province too. We have wanted to get information in this regard from local officials of Kapisa province but we couldn’t success. Wardak province is also witness of lots of insecurities in these lasts. Mawlawi Sheren, chef of scholars council and resident of Chak district of the mentioned province stated, the security decreased in this province that never decreased like this. He criticized on security officials and accused them on carelessness in their duty. He says what should we do with such weak police that even can’t prevent from five apposition members. Governor of Maidan Wardak province as well concerned about the security. He says due to insecurity in Chaghto, Bahsod and Jalrez district, lawyers and attorneys can’t go bravely on their work. He has accepted that lots of difficulties may took place by security officials. Governor Nayemi stated, it is his intention that they wont let those who kill police, destroy governmental establishments and etc. He demanded from the people and religious scholars to assist him in maintaining security. Press release office of national security department in Kabul province stated that they are some groups that even involved in Kabul insecurity.
Prisoners rising in pol-e Charkhi prison
Atif Mohmandzai
Once again from central Pol-e Charkhi prison, there is information of prisoners revolution, but there are not equal information regarding circumstance and the factors. One police officer guard in 4th Block of the mentioned prison yesterday, told Pajhwok Afghan news agency, 9:00 last night prisoners of 3rd Block poisoned several prison officers through foot. He stated after that 400 prisoners of 3rd Block were rising and they were saying “Allah Akbar (God is greatest). According to him, the prisoners wanted to flee through exist doors and after 100 ANA soldiers and police forces prevented from them. He says, the condition is fine now but the prisoners are in the auricles in three floors of the Block. General Abdul Salam Asmat, chef of prisoners of justice ministry told Pajhwok Afghan news agency seems that the number of prisoners in first floor of 3rd Block rised, therefore, the number of police were maintaining security in the auricles when the prisoners pure oil on them and burned several mattresses and blankets. According to him there was not casualty to police in this incident. He stated that after this incident, ANA used tear-gas in order to calm the prisoners and right now the condition is secure. But we couldn’t success for giving details in this regard from the prisoners. Pol-e Charkhi prison which is situated in the east of Kabul city is one of the important prisons of the country. Right now 3 thousand prisoners are in this prison. However, this prison is completely secure and no one can enters easily there, but again this prison is witness of such incidents. There was rise last year in Pol-e Charkhi prison too, which caused the dead of four prisoners and 30 other were wounded.
The Taliban released more hostages
Atif Mohmandzai
The Taliban released more hostages according to an agreement which received on Saturday. They handed over, 13 hostages in several turn to Red Crescent organization in Ghazni province. 23 south Korean residents were in the Taliban captivity since more than one month in Ghazni province. but the Taliban last morning first released three women and after one hour released five hostages more including one man and handed over to Red Crescent organization. Haji Zahir, the person which is mediating stated he has accompanied three women who were health until capital of Ghazni city. Yesterday the Taliban negotiators announced that they have agreed on the release of south Korean hostages. Chon Hoson, spokesman of South Korea government stated according to the received agreement south Korean hostages will release by the Taliban in the case that Souil withdraw their troops from Afghanistan until the end of the current year. 200 south Korean soldiers are based in Afghanistan in the frame of coalition forces under command of US. On tribal elder in the south of Afghanistan stated that the remaining hostages will be released in the next three or four days. But spokesman of South Korea government stated that they can’t confirm the exact date of their release. Mr. Chon stated that south Korea agreed that after this will prevent from the travel of their Christian propagandist. 23 south Korean residents kidnapped on July current year in Safay city of Ghazni province while travelling from Kandahar to Kabul province.
55 million pound assistance of England to Afghanistan
Atif Mohmandzai
Dr. Anwar-ul Haq Ahadi during meeting with international administrational and development deputy of Britain, Dalks Alexander, announced that this country donated 55 million pound for paying the salaries of teachers, doctors, Nurses and etc governmental workers. During the meeting between finance minister and Alexander, emphasized on long term undertaking of this country in support of Afghanistan. Dr. Anwar-ul Haq Ahadi, finance minister of the country meanwhile thank from the cooperation of Britain stated, in spite of that we have received more developments in past over five years, but we have to do many things. He stated, Britain government is one of the biggest donors of Afghanistan and we thank from firm relation of Britain government and we hope our cooperation continue in the future too. Deputy of international administrational and development of Britain stated, reconstruction of Afghanistan is a long period process and it may take one generation or more than one. In the current time annual more than 40 thousand children rescue as a result of more health attention. And right now 5/4 million children are going to school that almost 2 million of them are girls. Have to mention. Britain always supported from the activities of Afghanistan and have been expended 495 million pound since 2002 in basis of reconstruction and development of Afghanistan. Britain expended 107 million pound in the current year in Afghanistan and plans to increase their assistances next years.
Most alcoholic drinks imported by private security companies
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Drinking alcohol has turned to usual habit between most circles, especially youths in Afghanistan. This phenomenon which completely differs Afghani culture and traditions, is most often practiced in wedding parties and entertainment areas. The appropriate people can easily purchase/achieve wine from Kabul and other cities’ markets, while selling, purchasing and drinking alcohol is forbidden in Afghanistan, as an Islamic country. The wonderful thing is that alcohol price is cheaper than Europe in Afghanistan. If we examine the difference, then we find that alcohol is almost ever imported to Afghanistan for especial purposes of creating psychiatric disease to youths, misleading them and fomenting Islamism in the community. Most sellers of wine supply their wine to present to the markets from private security companies, PX belonging to foreigners, and any other resource depended to ISAF. No pragmatic measures have been taken to ban import of alcohol/wine in Afghanistan, which itself owns specific roles and [state] system, or to stop wine-sellers from obtaining wine out of ISAF and NATO PX. Gen. Ali Shah Paktiawal, the criminal director for Kabul provincial police department called private security companies as perpetrators of wine importing, saying that,” those security companies holding licence are used to import wine, as if they obtain to ISAF and NATO troops, but they sell wine to Kabul markets in a very low price. “On the other hand, wine comes out of foreigner comps as well, while the wine they import is only for their individual use,” he added. Giving a hint to activities of police in this regard, he said that,” police have arrested up to 15 people in charge of selling wine, and have seized lots of alcoholic drinks from Kabul over the last month. He believes that the resource, from where wine is obtained, should be discovered and closed. “We have sent numerous letter to those foreign organisations from which wine comes out, asking them to ban it, but we have not received some answer from, so far,” Ali Shah explained. The next step Ali Shah is supposed to be taking toward uprooting wine import is to ask the attorney general office for help to follow up the perpetrators of wine importing. However, Mullah Taj Mohammad, a delegate of Kabul people in the lower house and a member of counter-narcotic commission of the assembly believes that police have been unable to do enough to ban import and selling of wine in the markets. “It is a concern that we hear the people are using alcohol drinks in wedding parties. We have constantly proposed this problem, which youths are not only involved to in Kabul, but rural young generation also have gotten used to, to the ministry of interior affairs and its board of counter-narcotics, but unfortunately they have not been able to do something in this regard,” he complained. Drinking wine, Taj Mohammad said, has been suggested/proposed to the afghan nation by foreigners and those Afghans returned from Europe and America back to Afghanistan.
the kidnapped Mayer released
Atif Mohmandzai
kidnapped Mayer of Grishk distrct of Helmand province released on 28th August. Unidentified armed men kidnapped Syed Dar Ali Shah, Mayer of Grishk district, Helmand province on 22nd August along with his sons and driver. Unidentified armed men released his son and driver in that day, but took the Mayer and his son with themselves. Abdul Manaf, chef of Grishk district on 28th August told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that Dar Alisha released last night at 1:00 and he has reached to his house. He called these kidnapper robbers. Chef of the district stated his son hasn’t released yet, but it is determined that he is going to release today as well. Chef of the mentioned district response to the question that the kidnappers demanded 10 million Pakistani Kaldar from his family, expressed his unawareness. Haji Wali Ullah, one of the family members of Dar Alishah as well confirmed the release of Mayer and stated that he has reached home. He stated regarding the deal with kidnappers to Pajhwok Afghan news agency, I don’t know about the deal, but maybe a mount of money given to them. Incidents of kidnapping for taking money increased in these lasts in Helmand province. in the past over three months 10 kidnapping incident carried out in this province that according to local residents, these people released in exchange to four million Kaldar.
The number of passengers object from Kam Air and Ariana airlines
Atif Mohmandzai
The number of passengers who return from foreign countries to Afghanistan, objected from the circumstance of handing over their gods from Kam Air and Ariana airlines. These passengers are saying their good (materials) hand over after several days after many difficulties by the mentioned air companies. It comes in a time that air-companies in Afghanistan are face with other difficulties too. Right now Ariana air-company faces bank corrupt if the process of creating problem for the passengers continue, Kam Air will be faced with the same difficulty as well.
The government and the nation; how much gap they suffer from?
Hussein Khamosh
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Two years ago, when Karzai spoke from chief of interim administration post, as a candidate of presidential election, he pledged heaps of things to the nation, in order to stupefy the nation to win the election and gain legitimacy within the nation. The statements of Karzai designed with talks about bringing security, was about to gift immunity and welfare to the public. The Afghan nation has, however, not gone voting to Karzai unknowingly, but they approved him as the legatee of the Afghan government in most momentous term of passing from crisis away to security, who has support of the international community with. However, gradually, this wish appears to have turned to despair, and the pledges Karzai had given to the nation seem to have remained like those things being written on Ice and put for sun. If we examine the plenty of aid the international community has been used to pour to the Afghan government to reconstruct its foundations, no inbuilt change has been brought to general situations and lives of the public in Afghanistan, while some of those government’s policies has, however, inflicted negative damages to the public alike. Away from overlooking of achievements of the government, we are able to review achievements and failures of the Karzai’s government as follow: <B>Achievements!</B> <I>The National assembly:</I> Undoubtedly, one of the biggest achievements the Karzai’s government made, with the help of its foreigner counterparts, was that of paving the way to formation of the national assembly, whose none-existence should be listed as a large fault within the state’s sovereignty. However, the key factor which has played role in failure of the parliament is seen as the government itself. Interference of the government to domestic affairs of the parliament, not-abiding by decisions of it, have helped the national assembly fall down of eyes of the public. <I>Media</I> Paving the way to enforcement of freedom of press has made either the visual or print media emerged to the society. However, the political procedure of the government toward this phenomenon (Freedom of press) has created challenges to it. The government, as a result of its weakness to improve the Afghan national culture, has been unable to draft a clear and destiny-maker policy for governmental media to improve them. On the other hand, efforts of the government to bound activities of the private media, is the main cause helping the media not yield significant results within their activities in the society. <B>Failures!</B> <I>Security:</I> The security situations are deteriorating day by day, and the failure of the government to bring security situations under control should be seen as the challenge making the legitimacy of the government come under question. Administrative corruptions, kidnapping of the government officials and foreigners, armed robbery, and other causes are used to disarrange society in the society, which the government is unable to uproot them. <I>Economy:</I> The Afghan government is supporting those economic systems which deepen the gap between the government and the nation inflicting damages mostly to the lives of the public, most of whom are suffering poverty. For this reason, the public hardly ever hope to have a bright future in their country. Now, it is very difficult for the government to re-win the hearts of the public, as the government’s failures have caused the Afghan nation to stay in an unprecedented gap to their government.
The confrontation of state forces/bodies; who the public should fence to?
Translated by Abdul Hassib
By Disjoining and describing the three bodies of the government, within a democracy system, we mean to determine legislative and executive positions of them, through which, they try not to interfere/meddle once another terms of activity. Constitutions as the biggest national treaty, have explicitly elucidated the positions and responsibilities of the three bodies of the government in parts toward their nation in Afghanistan. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to reach utmost purposes of economic and social development, without an organic and cooperative connection between these three bodies. The prerogatives of the legislative power is that, if there is a shortage within law, it needs to fill it out by drafting roles, and this would be observed at a time when the executive power helped the legislative power very closely. Otherwise, it seems impossible to achieve things as it’s expected. The government-parliament confrontation has gotten started since the parliament first begun operating in Afghanistan. A strife for approving two ministers, for whose assignment the government had been persisting, abandoning of the constitution to the supreme court [by the government], rejecting of changing of the development budge of 2007 by the government, and totally impeachment of two cabinet members, who hardly ever were able to do enough to their chairs, are of those cases have made the executive body (government) and legislative body (the parliament) deploy against one another. The recent parliament-government confrontation happened, as a result of the parliament’s wish to impeach the attorney general. Abdul Jabar Sabit, the Afghan attorney general said in answer that the MPs were never competent to impeach him. The question the public has been used to draft is that what their fault was to sustain loss as a result of the confrontation. Who the public should fence to? Which organ does exist to solve their problems? Now, which still three months left to reaching the winter, the public are scaring of cold winter, since the fuel price has increased, been increasingly vibrating the public. Have the Afghan government officials ever thought of the afflicted Afghan nation? What is the sin of the public to forfeit for monopoly of the power-hungry structures? The reality is that those people sustaining the damages of parliament-government confrontation, are just the deprived-circles, all of whom voted to hollow slogans of those people promised welfare to them (the nation) in the run up to the presidential election (Karzai is most often discussed here). However, today those people, who used to talk about national unity, are spending the money they receive for development, toward monopoly, and cultivating seeds of disunity, tribal and linguistic intolerances within the community.
Suicide attack in Barmal district leave the dead of 6 peole
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of suicide attack which carried out on Wednesday in Barmal district of Paktika province, six people were killed and 11 other were wounded. Mohammad Akram Akhpalwak, governor of the mentioned province stated with confirming this incident, in this terror act two ANA soldiers were killed and one police was wounded and the remaining wounded and killed people are civilians. 80 suicide attacks have been carried out since from the begin of the current yearover governmental and foreign troops in Afghanistan by armed anti-government apposition members.
More than 20 apposition members killed in Helmand province
Atif Mohmandzai
Coalition militants under command of US America say, as a result of the clash in Helmand province, more than 20 apposition members were killed. According to the report, the clash took place when joint Afghan and coalition forces came under attack of the Taliban in Shahristan area of Mosa Qala district. In this clash joint troops used bombardment too. According to the report, there was not casualty for Afghan and coalition forces. Mosa Qala district of the mentioned province is a fair place for the activity of terror group since last years, this district was witness of serious clashes and residents of this area have left their houses several times due to clashes and shelter to another areas.
Problems of the university students in the varsity
Mohammad Fahim Azim
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Our great country, Afghanistan, has sustained numerous damages as a result of the three decades of war, in political, social, cultural and economic aspects. The higher education sectors, which lay the foundation of higher studies in a country, have lost all its entities. The Kabul University, which was termed as the best reliable organ of higher education, where students were studying different subjects, with enough facilities previously, is suffering a lack of means of study, equipped labs, curriculum, and capacity at the moment. Following the fall of the Taliban, the international community have, however, supported Afghanistan by several billions of USD, and the government on the other hand claims to have spent large amount of money to reconstruct the Kabul university and improve the higher educations in the country, but, as a result of weak management system, the earmarked-money, most of which spent on decorating offices, have yielded nothing to improve very important aspects within the higher educations system in the country. Here we read viewpoints of some university students about their difficulties in the Kabul University: Complaining about methods of teaching in the university, Najeeba Khaliqyar, a student of Journalism faculty said that” most teachers are used to teach in a theory shape, while they hardly ever guide students practically. It implies to say that teachers are lecturing those ancient/old methods at the university. The teachers need to make lots of efforts to pave the way of pragmatic studies to students. Most of students of law and political science faculty of the Kabul university complain about old curriculum saying that they were unable to duly resolve the professional difficulties, since, they say, the teachers treat them with a bad manner making the students suffer from numerous difficulties. At the same time, students object on the way the teachers test/examine them, saying that teachers are used to teach them in a very low surface, but they take exams as hard as no one expect, such that the bring those questions which the students, with the talent they have, are unable to answer them. This is at a time when at least 16-17000 students are busy studying in 14 faculties in night and daily shifts in Kabul University. The leading board of Kabul University pays few attentions to bring inbuilt changes to the university, they seem to have a symbolic presence in the university. For this reason, the Kabul university students call on the responsible authorities [of the university] to take immediate actions to resolve those problems creating challenge to students.
Poverty and unemployment making the public yell
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Following the fall of the Taliban, and formation of the new government for Afghanistan, with the help of the international community, the Afghan nation thought that wars, terrorism, poverty, and unemployment might had been terminated in Afghanistan. We have listened to lots of slogans made of the Afghan high-ranking government officials over the past five years, with no experience of those pragmatic measures that were expected to improve the lives of the public. Lack of specific economic strategy, lack of appropriate plans, and not exact recognition of situations around the society, have tied the public to a dire indigence, vagrancy, unemployment and poverty throughout Afghanistan. This is while a very limit circles exist to have enjoyed all facilities of the life under a support of the government. Most people, especially youths, due to unemployment and poverty, have been forced to seek refuge to neighbouring countries so that they may be able to provide means of life to their family, while some others are suffering heaps of difficulties, as a result of unemployment and poverty inside the country. Furthermore, it shouldn’t remain unsaid that the international aid has cultivated no positive effects to should have already improved the lives of the public. This is something has been discussed by the local and international media several times over the past five years. The Afghan high-ranking government officials, as they are not engaged to the same problems as the nation does, hardly ever tend to abduct/resolve the problems. This is why the Afghan nation doesn’t trust on their government any longer. The Afghan government, by realising the problems of the public, needs to act against the nation honestly and resolve their problems so that it may be able to win the hearts of the public.
Three insurgents killed in Lugar province
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of the apposition members attack on a wedding party in the areas of Lugar province on Friday night, three insurgents and two relatives of the groom were killed. Abdul Majeed Latifi, chef of security for provincial police headquarter of Lugar province stated, apposition members entered on a wedding party on Friday night in Zarghon city of Mohammad Aghi district, Lugar province as a result father of the groom and uncle were killed. The source added after the information police reached to the area and the clash took place between police and apposition members, as a result three insurgents were killed. According to the mentioned source, two Kalashnikovs seized by police as well. According to the report, relatives of the insurgents who were living in the area were arrested by police forces.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:00 to 1:10PM] Presenter: Abdullah Sahar</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>10 followers of the Taliban killed:</U> The security officials and the international coalition force claimed to have killed at least 10 followers of the Taliban and government opponents in a conflict to them in Nimroz province. Askaryar, the Nimroz governor said in this regard that this conflict took place after that the Taliban attacked on police in this area. On the other hand, according to a press statement issued by the international coalition force stationed in Bagram district of Parwan province, at least 7 followers of the Taliban were killed during a NATO-ANA joint military operation in Helmand province. Another news report adds that unknown armed group killed one and wounded two others in Nangarhar province. No one has claimed responsibility to the action so far. <U>9 people injured:</U> As a result of a landmine explosion 200meters away from Rawza Mubarak in Mazar-e Sharif, at least 9 people were injured. However, the incident, the security official say, appeared to be a suicide attack carried out by the members of the Taliban. No one has, however, voiced responsibility for conducting the incident, but the security director of the Balkh provincial police department said that actions in this way were usually performed by the rebel Taliban. <U>Pul-e Charkhi’s prisoners stand against security officials:</U> The prisoners of Pul-e Charkhi jail of Kabul city said in their interview to media that the security officials treated their visitors with a bad manner forcing them out of the jail and even in some cases the security officials imprisoned them (the visitors of the prisoners) and used teargas to them which this, then resulted in a conflict between police and the prisoners in the jail. <U>Police arrest a security official:</U> Police has arrested a member of Farah’s National security department, in charge of spying to neighbours. Another member of the Farah National security department said, in a condition of anonymity that he (the arrested man) used to share some secretes of the department to neighbours. However, he didn’t offered more details about which country he had connection to.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Ghotay and Miss Shabnam</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[Mohammad Tareq from Campany area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The road connecting the central Kabul city to Campany area, is pretty rugged making the public suffer from difficulties as a result. The Kabul municipality needs to consider it as a great difficulty and take actions to improve the road. <I>[Miss Shabnam the Orator in Answer]:</I> We have constantly discussed this problem to the members of the Kabul municipality and the ministry of public works. They have pledged to will be improving the road, but they seem to have not remained honest toward us. We will invite some members of the Kabul municipality to our program to answer your questions and let you know what the main cause of their apathy in this regard was. <I>[Zubaida from Aqa Ali Shams area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Ghotay][Pashto][indirect]:</I> She was a student of Aqa Ali Shams primary school. Her family, she says, obtain means of school like cloths, notebook and books difficultly to her, in a hope to have their children educated, while the teachers in this school, by not properly teaching students, waste either their or the students’ time. She calls on the ministry of educations to make actions to assign professional teachers in this school so that they get rid of the problems. <I>[Dari]:</I> The foreign troops and the Afghan government have been used to term Pakistan as the resource for the Taliban, while numerous resources of the Taliban exist operating in the provinces of Afghanistan, itself, with the help of the USA. The case that can prove us correct is that the foreign troops have constantly arrested the members of the Taliban, but they released them back. Is it something fair the USA carries out toward the Afghan nation. Everybody knows that the Taliban are made of the CIA of the USA. I call on the government to make sure to force the supporters of the Taliban out of Afghanistan. <I>[Dari]:</I> I used to apply to ministry of martyrs and disabled to gain the privileges the ministry abandons to disabled people. The members of the ministry, then, told me to apply to the department of the ministry in your own province, since, they said, the minister recommended all the appealers/customers of the ministry to gain their appropriate privileges from their own provinces. From my attitude, it is not fair to them to make the disabled people wandered for their privileges. <I>[Nimatullah from Takhar province][Dari]:</I> We are lacking safe water to drink, such that we are using the water flowing to the rivers and streams in our area. We call on the responsible authorities to dig wells and help us get rid of this difficulty. <I>[Rahmatullah Rishtin from Khoja Boghra area][Pashto]:</I> Insecurity speaks very loudly from around the country. Robbers are used to rob electricity cables during the night in the region where we live. The government on the other hand, doesn’t tend to bring security in Afghanistan. <I>[Hazrat from Baraki area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> The Millie Bus Enterprise, while hiring drivers for city line buses, had not destined their (bus drivers) moral. They, in the one hand, treat the public with a very bad manner, and on the other hand, they drive very fast, without to think of traffic roles.
Role of governors and provincial police chiefs in bringing security
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Governors and the provincial police chiefs of provinces, as Karzai, the Afghan president said are the key servers of the public. They have great responsibilities toward their people, history and God at the moment. The governors and provincial police chiefs, in all over that are considered as a connection path between the nation and the government, by dealing against narcotics, supporting reconstructions and solving other problems, they are able to offer great services to their people. Those provinces governed by honest and faithful governors [toward national advantages], of course, enjoy security, and expansion procedure is stepped up every other day in these provinces. However, not only the reconstruction process is going slow, but security is deteriorating everyday in those provinces, whose governor was assigned based on relations, intermediary or some other ways, working to obtain their own advantages. It wont be incorrect if we claim that governors’ responsibility are heavier than ministers at the moment, since they are the governors who can practice goals of the government in the provinces. For this reason, the Afghan government, especially the ministry of interior affairs need to pay further attention to appoint honest governors to the provinces.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05PM] Speaker: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>Taliban; 6 ISAF soldiers killed:</U> The Taliban and government opponents claimed to have killed 6 ISAF soldiers by conducting a landmine explosion in Bala Block district of Farah province. Rejecting the claim, the Farah provincial police chief said that this incident took place yesterday evening which resulted in injury of two ISAF soldiers and that is it. <U>4 Pakistani residents arrested:</U> At least four Pakistani suspected citizens, the security officials say, while were arrested when they, wearing explosive vast, were about to carry out suicide attack in Kandahar province. <U>Crafters warning the government for insecurity in Herat:</U> The owners of industrial companies have warned that they would likely be closing their companies if the government didn’t bring proper security in Herat province. This came at a time when, an owner of a company has recently been kidnapped by armed groups for money in this province. <U>The Surveying Book of Women and Men running to markets: The ministry of women affairs said that the book called “Surveying Book of Men and Women” including 6 chapters, all of which most often discuss human rights, situations of men and women, and women rights, came out of printing. <U>Spanta to leave to Iran and Saudi Arabia:</U> Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, the Afghan minister of foreign affairs is supposed to pay Iran and Saudi Arabia official trips and to meet the Iran and Saudi Arabian foreign affairs ministers.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05PM] Speaker: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>Taliban; 6 ISAF soldiers killed:</U> The Taliban and government opponents claimed to have killed 6 ISAF soldiers by conducting a landmine explosion in Bala Block district of Farah province. Rejecting the claim, the Farah provincial police chief said that this incident took place yesterday evening which resulted in injury of two ISAF soldiers and that is it. <U>4 Pakistani residents arrested:</U> At least four Pakistani suspected citizens, the security officials say, while were arrested when they, wearing explosive vast, were about to carry out suicide attack in Kandahar province. <U>Crafters warning the government for insecurity in Herat:</U> The owners of industrial companies have warned that they would likely be closing their companies if the government didn’t bring proper security in Herat province. This came at a time when, an owner of a company has recently been kidnapped by armed groups for money in this province. <U>The Surveying Book of Women and Men running to markets:</U> The ministry of women affairs said that the book called “Surveying Book of Men and Women” including 6 chapters, all of which most often discuss human rights, situations of men and women, and women rights, came out of printing. <U>Spanta to leave to Iran and Saudi Arabia:</U> Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, the Afghan minister of foreign affairs is supposed to pay Iran and Saudi Arabia official trips and to meet the Iran and Saudi Arabian foreign affairs ministers.
Foreign forces trample Islamic and Afghan values
Some days ago American forces threw footballs in different colours and decorated by the flags of different countries from helicopters in Khost province. In the footballs there were the flags of different countries and among them was the flag of Saudi Arabia in which the pious creed of faith of Islam was written, the creed for which by the outburst of Islam the Islamic Umma sacrificed their properties, offspring and every other thing and they will do. But, sorrowfully and clearly we should say that the very democracy of the world and peaceful countries insult Islamic values and if we remember the very peace keepers in Guantanamu bay took pages of the great book of Islam from prisoners and they threw them in latrine and after that in 2006 a Danish paper published the cartoons of the great prophet Mohammad [PBUH] that the action was never accepted by any Muslim of the world and this time we see that they insult another pillar of Islam, in respect of these balls the American forces say that their only goal was to present gifts to children. What kind of gifts? Such gifts that obviously are gifts but in real meaning poking knife into the hearts of Afghans, can it be call gifts when the creed of Islam is becoming the playing tools of children? It is true that ball is the tool of playing but writing the pious creed of Islam and other Islamic values and trampling them can be termed playing with values. Have someone seen any examples of playing religious values even if any religion apart from Islam? They respect their own religion but they trample Islamic values, you readers! You may have seen that the Hindus worship caws and they never slaughter caws they term it to be their god. In this regard some told me a story and he said that “I was lunching with a Hindu he was my friend, o told him to take meat, but he got as angry as nearly he wanted to beat me and as he was my friend so that he did nothing and after the lunch he told me “brother! This is the meat of our deity and we respect it a lot and we even throw its garbage in such a clean place. This is not the first time that the Jews and Christian insult Islamic values but from the time Islam was divined they started hostility against it and they always try to weaken Islam and its followers but they will never be able to weaken Islam the Allah has promised in Quran and the religion will be saved by Allah. This is right that they will never be able weaken Islam but the question is that what are we created for? We have been created to see if we are able to preserve our religion or not? On the other hand the international coalition forces who have come to Afghanistan to maintain peace security and to eliminate drugs from Afghanistan despite they have never respected religious values but they have also disrespected Afghani values. They inspect houses of Afghans under the pretext of searching for Al-Qeda and Taliban activists but these actions are never accepted by Afghans. When they carry out military operations mostly Afghan women and children are killed but what really Afghans expected from foreign forces was maintaining of peace and security to their country and now it is clearly observed that they are not cooperative to Afghans and Afghans also get away from their friendship and if they continue their actions Afghanistan will once again be enflamed in fire and this case the international community will not be able to solve the Afghan crisis.
Oppressed voice of people of Karez-e Mir
Letter written by the residents of Krez-e Mir and Shakar-dara of Kabul province To the president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Respectfully we mention that nearly 60 years ago hundreds of acres of our ancestor’s land was occupied forcibly by M. Zahir the former king that instead to some people government ruined lands were distributed but to some others nothing was distributed. This is also to be mention here that time the residents of Karez-e Mir were oppressed by late rulers and were accused of cooperation with Habibullah [the servant of religion of Allah] so that king Zahir happily took the lands of people and at that time we thought this was a kind of sympathy of the family of Al-Yahya and thereinafter we did not find an opportunity to ask for our rights. We had retaken the lands after the fall of Dr. Najibullah in 1371 but as soon as Kabul fall to the Taliban similar to the period of Nadir Shah, Karez-e Mir was turned to ruins and the Taliban burned our village. Thanks be to God that now we have selected government and parliament we demand the president and the presidents of the three bodies of the government that soon a commission to evaluate the properties of the former king should be formed and to separate his land and especially those which were grabbed later because the loyal heirs want to sell the land and transfer the money to foreign countries. We, the residents of Karez-e Mir don’t allow anyone to sell the lands because this is the property of our ancestors and if someone buy the land will be faced severe action of the residents of Karez-e Mir and then the government, and the family of former king will be responsible for future outcomes. We demand the presidnential to soon return our lands to us , otherwise the family of the king will once again oppress the people .
If the president does not depend on the west, then what should he do?
The speech that the president delivered against the international community in the anti-drug conference the graph of disagreement with west in respect of combat against drugs and administrative corruption appeared in a most concerning level, a disagreement that can create a deep split between the president and the west and will cause the political and military future of the country to remain unclear. The comments of the president in conference of anti-drug were astonishing, no one could really expect that the president speaks in such an unfriendly manner with the international cooperators and fray them frankly. It is said that the ambassador of Britain tearing his speech papers left the hall and later in an interview with the Reuters he termed the problem of the combat of Afghanistan against drug to be oozing from the mal-management of the government of Afghanistan exchange of such harsh words between the president and the representative of one of the most powerful member of the international community reveal negative desires of the west to Afghanistan. In a meeting that Mr. Karzai had to Camp David, Bush had criticized the method of management of the government of Afghanistan and if this claim of a close source to the Afghan government is true Karzai’s comments will be more meaningful. Of course nowadays, as the result of pressures and criticizes of Democrats is due to make the Afghan and Iraqi governments successful such as harsh criticisms of some American senators of the government of Noori-al-Maleki cause same stance of the prime minister of Iraq so that the criticisms of the government of America and Europe from Mr. Karzai were expectable and the reaction of Mr. Karzai was also predictable such Noori-Al-Maleki did. Based on these evaluations, it is clear that the process of rehabilitation and security in Afghanistan is not persuasive to the west and Mr. Karzai too, only deliver emotional speeches is trying to settle the situation and brings political and social hopes to the society and the international cooperators. But this can not be maintained by criticizing harshly the west and this is also clear that if Mr. Karzai is not able to move the government towards combat against drug and maintenance of security the optimisms in the west about Afghanistan will be faced with great crisis because Mr. Karzai needs the support of the west for his government and in the region also there is no any other power for Afghanistan to depend to. In such a situation, it will be better if the government of Afghanistan and the international community realize the facts not criticisms and non-diplomatic comments against the west. Such criticisms will decrease distance between Afghanistan and the west and even it can cause an unpredictable situation in Afghanistan. The international community should be frightened that bringing pressures on the Afghan government can sabotage it by the warlords and internal superpowers and even the country will be involved in dangerous regional plays and we should not forget that there are certain countries in the region who are prepared to interfere in Afghanistan and they are only looking forward to get an opportunity and especially a pale presence of the west in Afghanistan. The mistakes of the west in Afghanistan also can not be omitted, bombardments and killing of civilians, anti-government feelings are increasing the west of the country, high expenditures and corruptions in NGOs also has enflamed the anger of people, shall Afghanistan be responsible for these mistakes? The government of Afghanistan should also be prompted that now this is time for vast actions and based on program of accountability. Basic changes should be entered to the management of Mr. Karzai especially taking mortal actions against deficiencies, actions against those who are involved in corruptions. Mr. Ezatullah Wasefi the president of the independent administration of bribery and administrative corruption accused the international community of corruption in Afghanistan while according to the report of Guardian, Mr. Wasefi was arrested in 1988 and was accused drug smuggling in Los Vegas and the event was confirmed by Mr. Wasefi so that we can say that a lot of such persons exist within the government who try to conceal their backgrounds.
Implementation of Islamic rules returns feeling of security to society
Since a long time nearly 20 prisoners have been sentenced to death penalty by the Supreme Court of the country and the decision is being waiting to be confirmed by the president but it is not clear that why Mr. Karzai does not confirm the decision of the Supreme Court? In this respect a number of the members of lower house asked the president to confirm soon the decision of the Supreme Court to be implemented and a lesson to other criminals. Possibly in the strategy of development, from the perspective of some persons, it may not be an apt expectation but in the strategy of fair and justice this is an unchangeable and long-lasting principle and in an Islamic regime what is of great importance is fair and punishment for criminals. Islamic regimes should take advantages of Islamic rules such as retaliation to implement order to the society and if the officials could not practice the Islamic justice in the society in fact they have denied the Islamic norms and rules. Of course, it should be said that the implementation of justice and Islamic rules is not only the job of rulers but individuals and the society are also responsible to take part in it. Social fair from the point of Islam has four pillars and here we summarize them: 1. first pillar-law: the source of law and justice is the series of verses and norms which have been divined to the prophet from the god. 2. second pillar-law implementers: the prophets were appointed by the god to practice justice and as the practice of law is a long-lasting need of the human society so that the nearest assistants to the prophet are the religious scholars. 3. executive back up: Iron has an executive relation with justice because it is the factor of power and also a tool of combat with cruelty and oppression. 4. social aspect: in the implementation of this objective the rulers need cooperation of people so that our regime for the implementation of justice and Islamic rules will not have much problems with people because the Muslim nation of Afghanistan expects the implementation of Islamic rules, justice and the punishment of criminals. Today we should not follow up the methods of commissions, organizations and government because they know nothing about justice and we all are witness that the very justice organizations only are the watchers of the innocent people in different parts of the country so that such laws can never protect the rights of weak nations. So that depending on the school of Islam we only term that Quran is the trusty source of divined law.
Names of four Talebs released in exchange for South Korean hostages
Even though no officials reports have been released by Afghan officials about the exchange of 4 Taliban prisoners for 19 South Korean nationals, the [print] media have named Mullah Abdul Wasi, a former official of the Taliban’s foreign ministry, Mullah Dawar Khan, a Taliban commander in Ghazni province, Sayyed Suleyman Agha and Rozi Khan, accused of the murder of a foreigner. These have been released in exchange for the 19 South Korean nationals. No other Taliban sources have [confirmed] the report, but Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, the Taliban spokesman, on Saturday denied receiving $20 million in exchange for the release of the South Korean nationals. Some six weeks ago, the Taliban kidnapped the South Korean nationals when they were driving from Kandahar to Ghazni. The Taliban group killed two men from the group of 23 South Korean hostages after negotiations failed. However, in the second round of the face-to-face negotiations and after receiving guarantees that the 200 South Korean soldiers would withdraw from Afghanistan and that no South Korean national would travel to Afghanistan, the 21 hostages were released within a few days. The acceptance of the conditions of the Taliban by the government of South Korea caused international criticism. Germany and Canada believe that making deals with the Taliban will encourage the group to carry out more kidnaps.
Efforts of Britain for prevention of cultivation of poppy fail
Insecurity, pressures of the Taliban lack of search for ways of solutions by Afghans, lack an active way of combat against drugs by Afghans and in contrary a smooth method of combat against the phenomenon of drug are the reasons that they were presented by Ahmad Zia Masood the first vice president about the failure of the combat of British in the south of the country. Meanwhile, acceleration of combat against drugs including spraying the poppy farms from the air, usage of more violent forces and taking the matters of combat against the drug by Afghans as a new method was presented by the first vice president in combat against drugs. Afghanistan with an increase of 20% in production of various kinds of drugs in 2007 has preserved in place as the giant producer of drug in the world. Mr. Massod termed the unprecedented growth of drugs in Afghanistan that 42% of its production has been specified by the troubled province of Helmand termed as a cancer. In his editorial which was published in Sunday Telegraph, he stresses repeatedly on the failure of ground combat against drugs in Afghanistan and emphasizes on the spraying from air. Considering the expenditure of billions o Dollars in the rehabilitation of the country he says that most parts of the money was used on the road networks and irrigation projects that both played key role in the facilitating of drug s smuggling in the country. He says that most of the money should have been spent in creating work opportunities and development of villages. The senior official of the government of Afghanistan also pointing out to the expansion of administrative corruption in Afghanistan termed it as a factor of expansion of terrorism and drugs but the government of Britain has expressed a slightly soft reaction to these comments of the Afghan official. The foreign ministry of Britain said that as far as the subject of Mr. Masood has been written in relation to the report of the UN, so that they don’t have anything to say about it
Within past six months 46 cases of self-emulation in Herat
Officials of the provincial hospital of Herat say that since the beginning of the current solar year, there have 46 cases of self-emulation registered in the hospital. Dr. Mohammad Arif Jalali the in-charge of the ward of self-emulation said that most of the victims of self-emulation are composed of those women who have attempted to escape from family problems, poverty and escape from imposed marriages. Dr. Jalali said that most of the victims have inflected to burnings of over 90% as the result of usage of fuel that such burning cases not only are not treatable in Afghanistan but are not treatable in other foreign well-equipped hospitals. Dr. Jalali said that most of the families whose family members have committed self-emulation never present information about the reasons behind the action taken by their family member because of fear of law prosecution. He says that even the relatives of the victims tell the victims that if the hospital officials are informed that they have committed self-emulation they will refuse treatment so that even the patient herself conceal facts. Dr. Barakutllah Mohammadi said that only 1 fourth of the victims have had the chance of revival. Dr. Mohammadi said that director of the emergency department of the hospital said that the victims do not only relate to Herat province but some of them are also brought form the neighbouing provinces for well-equipped situation of the Herat hospital. Previously there were reports of high level of self-emulate cases in Herat who committed the action as the result of torture and harassment of the husbands.
Economical commission of the parliament evaluate problems of people
In order to chalk out the economical problems of people and searching ways for the problems, the members of the commission of national economy of the parliament are due to travel to the provinces of the country. Mustfa Kazemi the president of the commission of national economy told the reporters that the commission has resulted that all the activities of the commission should be concentrated in the capital and that talks with people are more valuable. He said that the commission has divided the provinces of the country to many zones and the members of the commission will travel to specified zones. Mr. Kazemi said that in these zones the representatives, people, government and the donors have been invited to evaluate the problems of people in their working environment. He said that in the first step the council will travel to Herat to evaluate the problems of the traders and industrialists of that province.
. Karim Khuram takes part in the international conference of Mawlana Blakhi
A. Karim Khuram the minister of information and culture took off to France to take part in the international conference of 800th birth anniversary of Mawlana Jalaludin Mohammad Balkhi. He said that the international conference of the 800th birth anniversary of Mawlana Jalaludin Mohammad Balkhi will be held in Paris in the centre of UNESCO on September 6th for one day. Mr. Khuram added that in addition to the officials of UNESCO, the foreign ministers of Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey will take part in the conference. The minister of information and culture added that in Paris he will meet with the ministers of information and culture of Turkey and Iran and after the conference he will take part in the ceremonies which will be prepared in honour of the 88th anniversary of the independence of Afghanistan by those Afghans who stay in France.
30 new schools to construct in Ghazni province
Atif MOhmandzai
Officials of education department in Ghazni province are saying that 30 news schools will be constructed until end of the current year in this province. Najeebullah Kamran, chef of education department of Ghazni province last week told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that these schools will be constructed by Equip program of education ministry. Equip by the name of strengthen and development of education is a program which launched by ministry of education. Coast of 20 schools of this program will be paid by World Bank and 10 other schools will be constructed by Saudi Arabia. In the same time, Equip processes in addition Ghazni province in four other provinces of the country in tentative shape. According to Najeebullah Kamran, this money will be paid directly to schools through education department. He stated these money will be given to those schools that are official and has land for the building. According to Kamran, by destining needs of schools 55000 until 100,000 will be given to every school. Kamran added, these money will protect by a technical committee, which education, rural development, state accountant departments and provincial council are included in this committee. He stated that he has demanded assistance for selection of areas for 20 schools from representatives of provincial council and for 10 other from lower house. Joint provincial council session chosen the areas that totally back warded from reconstruction. Engineer Kabir, deputy of provincial council says they have chosen all districts for this program except Khowaja Omry, Da Yak and Khogyani districts. Ghazni province has 18 districts, that most of them remained backside due to security difficulties. Abdul Rahim Dasiwal, chef of Andar district says there are 28 schools in this province that only five of them have building and the remaining all of them must to be constructed. According to him, building of 10 schools in this district have to be constructed immediately. Najeebullah Kamran, chef of education department says this year he want to omit difficulty of studying in open-sky and he has distributed tents to all schools. According to him, until end of 2008 all 493 schools in Ghazni province will have buildings.
Why the situation is getting bad day to day
Atif Mohmandzai
As we know security condition of the country which is pivot of all issues is getting bad day to day. After coming new system there was peace across the country and all were thinking that Afghanistan will step immediately toward development and improvement. Unfortunately hopes has changed to hopelessness, because the peace slowly put it’s place to clash and insecurity. In the beginning insecurity launched from west zone provinces and the mentioned provinces have been burning in clash since three years and the people inflicted heavy body and financial casualties. Insecurity has deployed since one year from southwest zone provinces to other areas of the country and even reached to Kabul doors. The basic question that should answer to that is this why the security condition is getting bad day to day in spite of assistance of international community and heavy assistances to Afghanistan. The response that most of Afghan people give to this question is, carelessness of governmental officials, the government appointed those people in different points of the country who only carry one school certificate with themselves however they are uneducated. They according to ignorance carried out the actions that the people disgusted from the government and joined the apposition members that this process is still continuing.
The Taliban released policemen after repentance
Atif Mohmandzai
The Taliban are saying that they have kidnapped 15 policemen from Barg Matal district of Nuristan province along with arms and ammunitions, but they have released after repenting. Zabihullah Mojahid, one of the Taliban spokesmen yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone from an undisclosed location their men have kidnapped 15 policemen along with their arms and ammunitions as a result of an ambush. He stated, “after when policemen repented from working in the government and they are regretted from working with the government until now, we have released them.” He says they have taken arms and ammunitions of policemen as a booty. Tamim Nuristani, governor of Nuristan province meanwhile confirming this news told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that the mentioned people (policemen) recently joined police. He stated the mentioned policemen kidnapped from Berok village of Barg Matal district, Nuristan province when ambushed by the Taliban. Tamim Nuristani stated the Taliban released 15 policemen except 2 wounded policemen. According to him, after this incident police forces carried out an operation in the area, as a result one of the Taliban commanders by the name of Mullah Abdul Khaliq arrested along with his four colleagues. He stated the mentioned commander is resident of Barg Matal district and he was involved in police kidnapping. Nuristani stated, the investigation is continuing for finding two disappeared policemen in the area.
Nuristan governor claimed the dead of 21 policemen
Atif MOhmandzai
Tamim Nuristani, governor of Nursitan province claimed the dead of 21 Taliban members including their one commander in Kamdish district of that province. But the Taliban are saying that the killed people are civilians. Tamim Nuristani, governor of the mentioned province yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency the operation has been continuing against the Taliban since last night in Ashtegal area of Kamdish district. He stated coalition forces as well accompany Afghan police forces in this operation. According to Nuristani, as a result of this operation, 20 Taliban members have been killed including Mullah Hossain, famous commander of the Taliban. He stated there was not casualty to Afghan and coalition forces. Zabihullah Mojahid, the Taliban spokesman told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone from an undisclosed location that 40 civilians were killed as a result of this operation. He has rejected the dead of Mullah Hossain and their 20 men others in this operation and stated government and coalition forces always bombard on civilians.
One Jihadi commander killed by the Taliban
Atif Mohmandzai
The Taliban killed one former Jihadi commander yesterday in Qara Bagh district of Ghazni province. Colonel Abdul Shokor Safi, chef of Qara Bagh police headquarter yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency the killed ex-Jahadi commander was by the name of Nurullah. He stated that Nurullah was going on 5:00pm yesterday from Rosay bazaar toward his house in Mer Awal village when killed by some unidentified armed men. Safi, called him (killed person) a good and patriotic person and stated that he has killed by enemies of the country. It is determined that Nurullah, ex-Jihadi commander was relevant to Hazb-e Islami under command of Mawlawi Khalis. According to him, Nurullah was using power in the area and he might killed by the Taliban. Qari Yousif Ahmadi, the Taliban spokesman told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone from an undisclosed location that the mentioned commander killed by their men. He stated that the Nurullah was spying to government and foreign troops. Have to mention that in these lasts, process of killing governmental employees, scholars and some other people launched by the Taliban in charge of spying to US troops. During last week, the Taliban killed four people only in Andar district of the mentioned province in charge of spying.
Tens of the Taliban members killed
Atif Mohmandzai
Afghan and coalition forces claimed the dead of 44 Taliban members during two separate operations in Ghazni and Helmand provinces. Abdul Rahim Dasiwal, chef of Andar district of Ghazni province yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that yesterday afternoon 20 Taliban members were killed in Now Abad village of Chardiwal district. He stated that ISAF troop were cooperated police forces in this operation as well. Dasiwal stated this clash was a part of operation which launched two days ago in Ibrahim Khel village of Da Yak district. According to Dasiwal, as a result of yesterday’s clash 12 Taliban members were arrested, that they have taken by ISAF troops. According to Abdul Rahim Dasiwal, there was not casualty in this operation to police and coalition forces. it comes in time that yesterday, governmental forces claimed the dead of 4 policemen in Da Yak district of this province. The Taliban haven’t said anything yet regarding this clash. According to another news, coalition forces under command of US claimed the dead of 24 Taliban members in Mosa Qala district of Helmand province. Coalition forces stated they have bombarded their (The Taliban) strongholds and killed 24 armed Taliban members. These troops stated that there was not casualty to aid-police forces and civilians.
Policeman killed his chef and two collages
Atif Mohmandzai
Chef of security checkpoint of Makhtar area of Lashkarga city, capital of Helmand province killed along with his two policemen by another policeman. Faqir Mohammad Askar, chef of security provincial police headquarter of Helmand province yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency last night one policeman of Mokhtar camp security checkpoint gunned down Abdullah police chef and his two collages. He stated in this attack, chef along with two policemen were killed and the attacked succeeded to flee. He called that the attacker police was hired by the Taliban and he has fled along with vehicle and other materials of checkpoint. It is determined that the mentioned (attacker) policeman fled to Mosa Qala after the attack and he has told his friend over there that he has joined the Taliban. But Qari Yousif Ahmadi, the Taliban spokesman expressed his unawareness in this regard.
Two coalition soldiers wounded by the Taliban
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of the Taliban attack in Zerok district of Paktika province, two coalition soldiers were wounded. Gul Mohammad Mangal, spokesman of local police commander in southeast zone yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that the Taliban attacked last night on Zerok district of the mentioned province. He stated as a result of this attack two collation soldiers were wounded, but there was not casualty to anyone else. Mastaq Khan Zazai, member of press release department of 203 Thunder military corps in Gardiz as well confirmed the incident. He stated last night, from seven until eight night the clash took place between the Taliban and police forces for one hour. Sardar Mohammad Zazai, police chef of Paktika province expressed his unawareness from this clash.
Suicide attack in Kabul-Jalalabad highway
Atif Mohmandzai
Yesterday around 3:00pm a suicide attack carried out in Jalalabad-Kabul highway. General Ali Shah Paktyawal, chef of criminal department provincial police headquarter of Kabul province meanwhile confirmation of this news told Pajhwok Afghan news agency one suicide bomber using one Jeep vehicle exploded himself beside press of Nabraska university. According to his information, as a result of this explosion the suicide attack himself killed but there was not casualty to anyone else. Three NATO soldiers were wounded in Farah province According to the information of security commander of Farah province, as a result of one landmine blast in Shewan area of Farahroad district, three NATO soldiers were wounded.
Gen. Ali Shah Paktiawal; support of the public helping us succeed in fulfilling well.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The Islah correspondent has detected viewpoints of General Ali Shah Paktiawal, the criminal director for the Kabul provincial police department, regarding activities and effective-achievements of police ahead to reducing of criminal graphs in the society that here we go with; Q: How much has crimes’ dimension been reduced since you first assigned as a criminal director in Kabul? A: “It is clear to all, that criminal graph has descended over the past three years from any side. Robbery, kidnapping and murdering have had a duly reduction since then. The serial/cause of our success should be termed as reinforcing of the national police, trainings of them, making them further equipped, and also the assistant of the public, which makes the police more able.” Q: You have fulfilled your responsibilities based on honesty and patriotism, whose scars could be felt upon reducing of crimes, is it possible to elucidate those solutions which are most often effective on decreasing the crimes? A: “Support of the public, honesty, chastity, and hard perseverance are the main causes of development within working background, and makes a person succeed. With very vigour courage, I claim that everything goes duly in those offices where there is no corruption and bribery, and the members of the department, with sympathy to the public, can stem any crimes out.” Q: From your attitude, what does mainly cause the public to join carrying out crimes and commit violation of humanity and social customs? A: “We check the key factor making the public commit crimes, out of poverty and illiteracy. On the other hand, conducted-criminals, those perpetrators whom are deceived by this or that thing, those who don’t enjoy patriotism that even no senses of humanity exist to their feelings, those who support the criminals either inside or outside the country, over and over all are considered features of crimes in the society.” Q: What do you think is there any [estrange] hand supporting insecurity and convulsions in Afghanistan from abroad? A: “I can not particularly comment in this regard, since police don’t engage to policies of the government. However, it shouldn’t remain unsaid that those circles have connections to terrorism conducting insecurities, and have committed crimes against the Afghan nation previously as well, whose background check is held by us, probably are supporting convulsions and turmoil right here, but it is unclear who and where from they were.” Q: The public are satisfied of what you have achieved so far and from your method of activity, are the high-ranking government officials supporting you within your routine? A: firstly, the most important issue is to recognise the responsibilities, which from my viewpoint, we are carrying out our responsibilities and that is it. However, that the public review my achievements positive, it is utmost stage of their honesty. The government, on the other hand, has always backed/supported us on our way to honesty and legislations.” Q: What are your next infrastructures to reduce crimes, and from which solution is it possible to uproot this fatal problem? A: We have drafted widen security plans for Kabul and its outskirts, which hopefully they will be followed up crucially. Police is getting equipped with modern means every other day, sparing no efforts to meet any of the wishes of the public.
Karzai with two water-melons in one hand
Baktash Siawash
Translated by Abdul Hassib
“We hold very lot close and good relations to Iran” this is Karzai sentence has made Ahmadi Nizhad to visit Afghanistan within his regional trips, as well. Karzai’s trip to Washington, in opposite to anticipations of the US dignities, came effective and based on choice of Iran. The spotlight of Karzai-Bush discussion forums, however, was the counter-insurgency, civilian death in military operations, and Afghanistan’s relations to its neighbours, but the clear and focus point of discussion was the Washington’s anxiety upon further influential of Iran to Afghanistan. <B>The important trip!</B> Ahmadi Nizhad, the Iranian president, visited Afghanistan, exactly at a time when the westerner media and governments had been used to reflect things about frosted Afghan-Iran relations, since the US and westerner dignities used to accuse Iran of equipping terrorism and sending them to Afghanistan to weaken the central government. This was something approved by the Afghan provincial members of the government, but the central government has not paid decisive attention in this regard. The afghan government, out of its allies’ choices, had confirmed its relations to neighbours, especially Iran, based on recognition of independence and national advantages. <B>Colonisers!</B> Ahmadi Nizhad has called foreign troops stationed in Afghanistan as coloniser force asking for their evacuation constantly. The Iranian president said in his statement later on 26th November of 06 that,” we need to put hand together to help Iraq, Philistine, Afghan, and Lebanon nations, as by assisting one another, we are increasingly able to scroll up the outskirts of estrangers out of the region. <B>Anxieties!</B> The blatant presence of the westerners, especially those of US militants in Afghanistan has instigated distress for the Iran high-ranking government officials which the signing of contract of strategic cooperation between the USA and Afghanistan has added to the concerns, since the US comp in Shindan district of Herat province, is supposed to be the start point of the US attack on Iran. <B>Dangers!</B> The political analysts believe that the recent positioning of the Afghan government would likely damage the Afghan nation, since Afghan-Iran relation became close as much as that it has fomented an antagonism of thought between Karzai and Bush. Such close Afghan-Iran relations, the analysts say, could be seen as dangerous, since the USA is the key counterpart/colleague of the Afghan government on its way to modernism and development and has taken very significant steps in this regard since the fall of the Taliban. The analysts also say that close Afghan-Iran relation may change the attitudes of the Washington dignities about Afghanistan which, if it (changing of the viewpoint) lasted long, it allegedly may result to a very dangerous outcome to Afghanistan.
The minister of public health; health services to increase 50% in next three years
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Offering reaction to the report recently used to be released by the Afghan independent human rights commission regarding health services in Afghanistan, the Afghan ministry of public health said, in his interview to Bakhtar news agency that,” The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission has recently issued a report of health services in Afghanistan, it said, the health centres of course had been increased but the health services are not good in and that the health centres are placed to those area out of the public’s reach. “We appreciate what the human rights commission told about health services in Afghanistan, but here it seems necessary to me to put either the public or the human rights commission to the light of those measures have been taken to improve/recuperate health services in the country,” he said. “According to studies, the health services mounted 25% more than it was on 2004, which in contrast to industrialised countries, this increase should be seen as an inbuilt one”, he praised. He hinted that,” In proportion to improving of 25% health services during the past three years, I assure to my people and the Afghan independent human rights commission that it (health services) would likely reach to 50% in next three years. On the other hand, I confirm that if health services were not good, then could we salvage at least 89100 children over the past five years, while numerous diseases were threatening this amount of children to death, on 2001. “The ministry of public health have drafted new health proposals of establishing sub-health centres and mobile clinics, through which it may be able to cover more people. With accordance to the ministry, UNFPA (United Nation’s Monitoring Fund) has been offering standard health services to those provinces where the health services’ coverage is low,” he explained. “We have drafted the plan of establishing at least 389 sub-centres of health throughout the country, 81 of which were already done. This may help the human rights commission feel out of concerns in this regard,” he assured. “As we promised, the health services may cover 85% of the whole Afghanistan till end of this year. Recently we have succeeded to attract 34.1 million USD from Global health Organisation, 1.5 million from Japan, 2.7 million from the US public health ministry, which this made it possible that health services may cover 88% of the country till end of this year,” he hoped. He said about the rest, which health service will not cover them, that,” this same of people makes at least 3.7 million people, all of whom are deserved to have access to health services, if we could attract the international aid, then this problem would likely be completely removed in next three years.
A dangerous way in front
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
The incidents over the past five years show that the Afghan nation is moving toward reaching to their wishes, but very slow. It takes a dangerous [long] path/time to establish a society, in which justice is enforced, welfare is brought to the public, the public will not suffer anxieties as a result of conflicts around, and other social facilities are obtained to them. The terms of passing this path away seem to be very difficult and sometimes impossible. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is a very poor country. There is no wealth resource to result in welfare of the public. It is correct that full-of-water Rivers are flowing around the country. There are virgin mines, and from geographical point Afghanistan is considered as bridge connecting the important points of the world. However, it is a bit difficult to reach the aforementioned purposes, since all of them need large cashes which still it is not provided in Afghanistan. The strategy of passer-by away from state economic system toward free economic bazaar has been drafted by the government. The course of time showed that Afghanistan has kept its [custom] door open for import of foreign cloths over the past five years. None of the neighbouring countries have supported that policy which could help Afghanistan turn to an exporter [crafter]. However, it was only Afghanistan that, by opening the doors of import of foreigner means, has paved the way to annihilation of traditional economic system (agriculture and husbandry) making tens of thousands of rural people forced to sell Chinese, Pakistani and Iranian commercial means along the streets. Some people believe that patron of creators of free economic bazaar allegedly was the experiences the USA and Europe have from the free economic bazaar, but they forgot that negative outcomes of it may tie the government to difficulties. If we evaluate, up to millions of Afghan people are unemployed. Iran and Pakistan will force another million of Afghan people out of their countries in the future. How long this multitude may be able to sustain all these? If we forecast the reactions of the public to the government, by a very short hint we claim that the public and the Afghan government have completely been changed, such that previously, the public used to not expect anything from the government, if they were in utmost stage of poverty, but nowadays, the public increasingly expect things from their government. The Afghan people have left at least three decades of agony behind. On the other hand, the Afghan government has pledged lots of things to them, which this added to expects of the public times two.
Narcotics funding terrorism
Translated by Abdul Hassib
According to UN report, narcotics cultivations have increased 17% more this year in Afghanistan. It is said in the report that, Afghanistan is now producing 93% narcotics of the world, which in proportion to last year it increased 1% more. A member of counter-narcotic department of the UN, who prepared the report, himself, called the recent amount of poppy cultivation horrible in Afghanistan. The UN gives hint to crop-spraying to uproot poppy cultivation, but the Afghan and British dignities increasingly oppose it. NATO troops were asked to take part in counter-narcotic mission, along with the Afghan army. According to a member of the counter-narcotic department of the UN, if the Afghan government didn’t take decisive steps to uproot this cancer (narcotics), which most often threatens the economy, then later this time, it will be nearly difficult to eradicate it. The increasing process of narcotics cultivation has made the commanders of the US and NATO troops concerned, since, as they believe, narcotics have funded the Taliban and government opponents over the past years, especially in the recent two years. On the other hand, they believe that, by supporting narcotics trafficking, the Afghan high-ranking government officials have helped the public turn their backs on them. Narcotics cultivation has inflicted numerous domestic and international damages to the afghan government, since on the one hand, it badly damages the agricultural system and on the other hand, it makes the international prestige of Afghanistan glazed. The international aid, especially of those countries whose presence could be a blatant one in Afghanistan, can help the Afghan government move ahead to uprooting the narcotics.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1;00 to 1:05PM]</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>One ANA soldier died:</U> As a result of a suicide attack, security officials say, at least one Afghan national army soldier was killed and one another injured in Kabul-Jalalabad highway. The Kabul provincial police chief said that an ANA convoy was driving from Surubi to Kabul while they doubted on a suspected man ridding on a car, the ANA soldiers then stopped the car and ordered the suspected man to get off, the suspected person blew himself up afterwards, which resulted in death of one army soldier and injury of one other. However, a security resource who asked to remain anonymous said that a car belonging to the Afghan national army soldiers were visually destroyed which probably all of its soldiers might have been killed. <U>3 ISAF soldiers injured:</U> ISAF troops stationed in Farah province reported that at least 3 of their soldiers were injured in a landmine explosion in this province. However, the Taliban and government opponents claimed to have wounded at least 6 ISAF soldiers in this explosion. Farah PRT (provincial reconstruction team) issued a statement saying that the injury of 3 ISAF soldiers in the incident is the exact report. <U>26 Taliban arrested:</U> The Afghan and foreign troops claimed that they have arrested at least 26 members of the Taliban and government opponents in an NATO-ANA joint military operation called Khaibar in Nangarhar province. The commander of 207th corps of Thundar of Afghan national army soldiers said that three well-known commanders of the Taliban also were arrested in this operation.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Ghotay and Miss Shabnam</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[The received letter from students of Kabul university of education, read by Miss Shabnam][Dari]:</I> They complained about a lack of city line buses to pick them up from the university and drop them to home, when they get dismissed of university, they are facing numerous difficulties as a result. They call on the responsible authorities to do something in this regard and rid the students of difficulties. <I>[From Kart-e Naw area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> As I complained before, we are lacking clean water in our area. The responsible authorities, from my attitude, seem to have gone to sleeps, since they pay no attention to resolve the problems of the public. I request from you to discuss our difficulty to the ministry of energy and water to make is removed. Otherwise, it is very difficult to us to supply water from resources away from our area. <I>[Miss Ghotay, the speaker, in answer][Pashto]:</I> You have, of course, complained about your problem via our Radio station. If your problem remained unsolved, it doesn’t appear to be our fault, since we exist here to broadcast the voices of the public and reflect them to the government, but if they don’t take steps to remove the problems, then it is not something depended to us. By the way, we will discuss your problem with responsible authorities once again. <I>[Hayran Khamosh from Qalacha area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The city line buses are used to drive very fast, to such an extent that even sometimes they carry out city-racing for a bonus of getting one more passenger, during the light of the day in very crowded streets which in many cases they lead to traffic accidents. We call on the Kabul department of traffic to give the drivers feedback not to do so. <I>[Mohammad Sediq from Char Qala area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> We have had a problem of lack of electricity during the past three weeks. It comes rarely available during the night. On the other hand, I complain about insufficiency of the drivers inside the city which as a result one of the cars killed a child in Silo area of Kabul city today. <I>[From Poroj-e Jadid “New project” area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> Dust and environmental pollution have created heaps of difficulties to us. The Kabul municipality on the other hand doesn’t tend to facilitate the problem. <I>[From Paghman district of Kabul province][Pashto]:</I> The Road called “Margiran street” is pretty rugged leading to numerous difficulties to the residents of this area. <I>[Pashto]:</I> Policemen and Afghan national army soldiers, sometimes, are used to carry guns inside the city with them, which even in some cases they threaten the public by using their guns illegally as well. We call on the ministry of interior affairs to make sure not to allow policemen to hold guns when they are not in mission area.
Acting obstinately to add the problems
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Unreliability and a moral of not-cooperating [to one another] has gradually been increased among governmental organs throughout Afghanistan. Obstinately acting of the Afghan high-ranking government officials against one another not only reduced but it mounts everyday at a time when the public are engaged to several problems of insecurity, economic and politics, and the government, on the other hand, is unable to solve them. There is no doubt if we claim, that the positioning of some members of the lower house are derived from political, tribal and ethnical remarks. Otherwise, they need not to stand even against the logical decisions and laws made by the lower house. When the lower house negated the prerogatives of two cabinet members, then the Afghan government, in spite to respect the decision of the lower house and fire the ministers, it offered antagonism to it, and from whatever way, it made the ministers lasted with the chairs in the ministries. Likewise, some three days ago, the lower house announced the counter-admin corruption body of the government extinguished, but the government opposed it calling the lower house incompetent to do so. If the strife between the three bodies of the government was not terminated, if the three bodies of the government used their power to denigrate one another, if the three bodies of the government get pleased of hearing each other’s failure, then the problems of the public would likely be added times three than now.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05PM] Presenter: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>Lower house: heads of departments and commissions should be selected by the lower house:</U> The members of the Afghan lower house has ratified to assign the heads of the department and independent commissions which are operating in Afghanistan, through voting in the lower house. <I>[The Arman correspondent from the lower house]:</I> Today’s session of the lower house was, however, chased with some antagonism of some members, but most members of the lower house approved the decision. It shouldn’t remain unsaid that the Afghan Independent Human rights Commission include the terms of bill/decision as well. Some lower house members opposed it saying that the Human rights commission is an independent one whose director doesn’t need to be approved/voted by the lower house, while some others called the Afghan independent Human rights commission “spy of the foreigners” . <U>The Taliban attack to Bakwa district building:</U> The Taliban and government opponents assaulted to Bakwa district building last night in Farah province which then resulted in an armed conflict between police and a 350-militants group of the Taliban. The Farah provincial police chief said that at least 4 members of the Taliban were killed and that no damages were inflicted to police in this conflict which went on for at least 3 hours. Rejecting the claim the spokesman of the Taliban said that they completely destroyed the district building inflicting numerous losses to police. <U>Taliban attack on a foreigner logistic Convoy:</U> The Taliban and government opponents attacked on a logistic Convoy belonging to foreigners, putting at least 15 cars to fire in Kandahar-Kabul highway. The Taliban claimed to have killed 7 drivers as well. But a driver of the Convoy said, in a condition of anonymity that only their 15 cars were burnt.
AfghanWire Weekly Media Roundup
AfghanWire Ltd
The main story of the week for Afghan newspapers was the release of the Korean hostages, coupled with speculation as to the deal made with the Korean negotiators. Many reprinted the claims of $20 million handed over to the Taliban, while <I>Cheragh</I> printed a list of four Taliban members who they claimed had been released by the government as part of the deal: Mullah Abdul Wasi, Mullah Dawar Khan, Sayyed Suleyman Agha and Rozi Khan. Newspapers included a number of smaller emblematic stories: <I>Afghanistan</I> writing on the release of 15 policemen by the Taliban in Nuristan following an alleged repentance on the part of the policemen; the murder at the hands of the Taliban of a jihadi commander in Qarabagh district of Ghazni; and the murder of several policemen in Lashkar Gah by one of their colleagues. <I>Afghanistan</I> also published an account of a dispute in Badghis province among Taliban commanders over the distribution of <I>zakat</I>. One commander was killed and 3 others were wounded. <I>Cheragh</I>, the Rabbani-backed daily, continued a series of articles on the “trampling of Islamic and Afghan values by foreign forces”, following this general sentiment on Monday with an editorial entitled, “the implementation of Islamic customs/rules brings back a feeling of security to society.” <I>Arman-e Milli</I> printed a story on the abuse of alcohol among young Afghans, concluding that, “[it] is almost certainly imported to Afghanistan for the purposes of creating psychiatric diseases among the youth, misleading them and fomenting Islamism in society.” It was keen to stress a link between private security companies and local consumption, noting that “most alcohol is imported by private security companies.” <I>Afghanistan</I> also ran a story claiming that foreign troops are involved in illegal excavation of ancient archaeological sites and that “historical artefacts from Afghanistan appear in the markets and bazaars of these foreign troops after they come to the country.” On Thursday <I>Afghanistan</I> reported an uprising that had reportedly taken place the day before among prisoners held in Pul-e Charkhi jail, with 400 prisoners prevented from escaping by 100 ANA soldiers. <I>Hasht-e Sobh</I> reported a demonstration outside UNAMA’s office by former soldiers and officers of the ANA discharged as a result of the DDR programme. They claimed that they hadn’t received their retirement salaries since 2004 and that they had been subjected to interrogations from the intelligence services as a result of their participation in the DDR programme. Concern about the rising tides of violence was reflected in a headline in <I>Kabul</I>, the government-backed newspaper: “The Taliban have reached the gates of Kabul”. <I>Hasht-e Sobh</I>, the Sima Samar/Spanta-funded daily, continued its campaign for the improvement of services in Afghanistan, writing that promises alone are not enough to provide electricity for the city. Sunday saw the publication of an article in <I>Payam-e Jumhuriat</I> about Uruzgan which included several interviews with tribal elders from the province. It was almost uniformly negative, with the final interviewee stating that, “if we were paid a good salary and equipment was given to us, we would probably be able to maintain security, but this has never ever happened.”
Human right is not only responsible to prepare a list
The issue of circumstances of activities of independent commission of human rights was one of issues of discussion in the session of lower house Sep 01 2007. some representatives in the session said that members and regulations of the human rights commission should be evaluated in the house of people. Farid Hamidi the commissioner of the human right commission said that “the commission has been established according to the article 58 of the constitution of the country and the constitution has authorized the commission to do activities”. According to Mr. Hamidi, the house of people is capable to discuss the responsibilities of the commission but the house is not able to decide about the existence or inexistence of the commission by itself because modification of law is something complicated such as the proposal of the modification should presented by the president or the majority of representatives of the house should propose modification and in this case a joint council of the parliament and the government should work on the modification of law and then loya Jirga will be called and if the modification was accepted by the Loya Jirga law can be modified. Meanwhile, some representatives said that the commission targets specific people and personalities but Mr. Hamidi says that “if the activities of the commission is studied fairly and the commission is not treated from political and sectarian perspectives. The question is answered because the commission has never sought to disclose the names of persons or groups but it has only have evaluated periods and on the other hand the commission is not only obliged to prepare lists but the commission is responsible to support and develop human rights and these all take place impartially and fairly”. Mr. Hamidi in respect of those persons who are accused by the commission to be involved in previous fighting and violated human rights and now are worrying about the activities of the commission said that “last year the commission published a report titled “voice of people for justice” in that report only the political periods such as the period of communist, Mujahiddeen and the Taliban were specified and the report has never mentioned about a person and a group but only their actions that violated the rights of people were inflected”. Mr. Hamidi said that in order to consider the human rights a plan of action should be established and it should help in maintenance of peace, reconciliation and justice in Afghanistan so that the government, UN and civil society associations decided to initiate a plan in the name of “national practical plan for peace, reconciliation and justice” and Mr. Hamidi said that the only objective is not to return to the black periods of the past but such methods which cause the reform of administrations, laws and practice of justice should be searched”. Hamidi said that other departments such as attorney and police are the only organs that prosecute criminals and this can never take place by the independent commission of human rights. Some of the house members claimed that the human right commission is a foreign conspiracy and a spying network, but Mr. Hamidi in this regard said that “this claim is quite illegitimate because there are a lot of problems which are discussed by the parliament and national institutions should not be accused without documents and evidences. Mr. Hamidi added that we back discussions on human rights issues, so that we want specified institutions to be prosecuted because a reasonless allegation is considered to be a crime and should be prosecuted. What do the representatives say? Sardar Mohammad Rahman Oghalai one of the representatives says that “those who have accused the independent human rights commission of spying is their own opinions, I don’t agree with them because this commission has been established in the frame of the constitution of Afghanistan and it works according to this frame” Mr. Oghalai says that “I read the reports of the commission and I don’t find anything to prove the commission of spying” he adds that even though the commission is financed by foreign countries but it can never the reason of accusing the commission for spying. All the institutions and departments are financed by foreign countries so that all of them are spies? Mr. Oghalai believes that institutions such as human rights commission should work in the frame of the government because if the high ranking officials of these institutions take confidential of the parliament, possibly the specified political groups may appoint their favourite persons in these posts and on the other hand such institutions will be treated preferentially. He says that there are such persons in the parliament with different backgrounds so that possibly they may influence legislative issues and in this case the law can not work independently. Noorul-Haq Alomi a representative from Kandahar in the lower house says that “the independent human rights commission has been established to evaluate the violation of human rights, I cant judge that the commission may conduct some sectarian, political or spying activities”. Alumi added that the human rights commission as an independent institutions should reveal past issues, he believes that the activities of the commission are in accordance to the constitution of the country and the international laws and the article 7 of the constitution orders on the observation of the international laws and conventions and they are never against the Islamic values. Mr. Alumi thinks that the existence of the human right commission is in the benefit of the war-torn society of Afghanistan and as much as the commission acts independently the much justice will be practiced in Afghanistan. Thus, Ahmad Behzad an MP from Herat says that “I thinks fewer people will reject the existence of an institution in the name of human rights which evaluate the human rights violation issues in Afghanistan. Mr. Bezad says that human rights has a vast field of issues because when human rights are discussed immediately past actions and files flash out into memories and this makes some people to worry. According to Mr. Behzad, in present conditions also the human rights are violated such unfair distribution of facilities in various parts of the country and murder of civilians is violation of human rights. He says that in the past some actions took place that caused the violation of human rights such as massacres, looting of public and private properties and other issues so that there is no discussion over the issue of existence and inexistence of the institution. Even though the issue of the commission of the human rights was discussed in the parliament but the representatives did not reach any agreement while the human rights commission was established during the transitional government and the establishment of this commission was proposed in the Bonn conference which was the first conference after the fall of the Taliban.
Failure of the international community policies, drug increased
Poppy is an agricultural plant that its cultivation and usage has long history and poppy is processed to opium, heroin, Morphine, Cocaine and others and these are used by the youths not only in our country but in all other countries for inebriety and abduction so that the international mafia makes a lot of money and through this way they want to be recognized as a big power. War-stricken countries such as Afghanistan are apt places for cultivation, production, process and smuggle of drugs for mafia and this in addition to defaming also causes the danger of human abduction that everyday the number of persons abducted to drugs increases day to day. Even though the international community and the Afghan government have voiced slogans against drug and terrorism and they have succeeded somehow in this direction but based on the international resources still Afghanistan is the producer of 95% of the drug of the world. Mr. Ahamd Zia Masood the first vice president said in this regard that increase of cultivation of poppy in the south of the country and especially in Helmand means defeat of the policies of the international community and especially of the Britain’s and in fact Britain has failed to prevent its increase and Mr. Karzai also blamed the international community in a gathering which was held in this regard for the increase of poppy cultivation in the country. The people of Afghanistan as the real member of the international community, have always hated drugs and terrorism and the demand the international community not to spare any efforts in elimination of these two omen phenomenon but unfortunately not only drugs but terrorism has also been increased and the terrorists now stretch hands to the suburbs of Kabul spending the money made through poppy cultivation. So that we want the international community that considering the comments of the high ranking officials of Afghanistan they should initiate an effective method of combat against terrorism and drugs and they should stop blaming the Afghan government and Afghan farmers otherwise past bitter experiences will be repeated.
Arguments over the decision of the lower house for granting confidential by the general directors of the independent administrations
Harsh talks and arguments erupted between the members of the lower house that one of the house members accused others of taking the working authorities of the independent human rights commission. Mr. Hosien Fahimi an MP from Bamyan province after the approval that the directors general of the independent administrations should take confidential of the house said that those who are involved in Kabul fighting of early 90s want to conceal their crimes by making the human rights commission independent. In a reaction to these comments, Mr. Sayyaf a house member from Kabul asked the speaker of the house to prevent him of expressing his comments and caused harsh arguments among the members of the house. A while later of his comments Mr. Sayyaf had proposed that the general directors of the independent administrations should take confidential of the house. Apparently, Mr. Fahimi termed stressing on this issue related to the human rights commission. Four years ago the independent human rights commission was established based on the Bonn agreements to prevent human rights violation and prosecution of anti-human crimes in the country. The human rights commission of Afghanistan presenting the schedule of “transitional justice” asked that the suspicious of anti-human crimes within the past 30 years should be prosecuted. According to the annual report of the human rights watch of the UN most of the accusers of anti-human crimes have gathered together in the house of people of Afghanistan or they work in other high ranking government posts. According to the viewpoints of the analysts, the present sensitivities about taking confidential by the president of the human rights commission takes aspiration from the annual report of the human rights watch. Moreover, in the beginning of the recent year the house of people practically closed ways of prosecution of the war criminals by issuing the national amnesty bill and was signed by the president. Thus most of the house members demands that the president of the independent human rights commission should be should lack any kind of political, partial and specific tribal interests. Presently, Mrs. Sima Samar who is accused of having left wing political tendencies is the president of the human rights commission. Even though Mrs. Samar rejects having any kind of relations with such political tends but her oppositions think that she is an activist and a member of “revolutionary society of woman of Afghanistan” [RAWA] which is one of the extremist left wing political tendencies in the country.
Taliban say, South Korea did not act in accordance to the pledges
The Taliban declared that South Korea in contrary to its undertakings related to the release of its kidnapped nationals in Afghanistan, has not called all its nationals from Afghanistan. The YUNHAP news agency said that the Taliban thus warned that if South Korea do not act accordingly to its pledges, the interests and mechanisms of South Korea in Afghanistan will be attacked. The Taliban kidnapped 23 Christian preachers of South Korea in July, they killed two of them and after the release two more female captives, they released the remaining 21 South Korean nationals within the past week. YUNHAP narrated from Qari Yusuf Ahmadi a spokesman of the Taliban reported that the group has got information about that proves the continuation of the presence of South Korean nationals in Afghanistan. Ahmadi added that if the information come to be true the group will attack the embassy of South Korea in Kabul and the institution which are supported by that country. YUNHAP reported that according to the agreement between the government of South Korea in respect of the release of South Korean nationals from the captivity of the Taliban, Seoul promised to call its military unit of 200 soldiers till the end of the current year. The forces are stationed in the frame of the international coalition forces for combat against terrorism in Afghanistan. Thus the country should call all of its nationals from Afghanistan and it should put an end to sending Christian preachers to Afghanistan.
Police and governors are not responsible for the increase of poppy
The officials of the ministry of interior say that only police and governors are not responsible for the increase of poppy cultivation in the current year but people are also responsible in combat for the decrease of poppy cultivation. Zmarai Bashari the spokesman of the ministry of interior told the reporters that increase in the cultivation of poppy is not oozing form the weakness and carelessness of police and governors but insecurity is the main factor of increase of poppy in the troubled southern regions of the country and especially Helmand province. He added that despite the fact that the police forces are not equipped by artillery and tanks but they have been able to eliminate 20.000 hectors of poppy land in Kandahar and Helmand provinces. Mr. Bashari expressed that in the past there wasn’t coordination among police and foreign forces during the combat against poppy and this caused that the cultivation of poppy increased in conflicted provinces of the south. According to the spokesman of the ministry of interior in those regions where the government controlled them completely, the poppy farms have completely been eradicated but in those regions where foreign forces are stationed the cultivation of poppy have been increased. Mr. Bashari said that the foreign forces have never had coordination with the anti-drug police and the Afghan government has always tried to attract the cooperation of the foreign forces with the government and to eliminate the existing gap of lack of coordination between the Afghan and foreign forces. Meanwhile the UN in its late annual report alleged that there has been an increase of 17% in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. According to the report Helmand is among the provinces of the country where 48% of the poppy of Afghanistan is cultivated in.
Khaibar military operation will be expanded
Clear-out military operations of Khaibar which were launched by the Afghan forces in order to clear out the oppositions from the districts of Zadran, Shwak and Gerda Serai of Paktya province will be expanded to Khost and Paktika provinces. Zmarai Bashari the spokesman of the ministry of interior said that from the time the operation began, 23 opposition personnel and three bomb-makers and bombing organizers have been arrested so far. According to Mr. Bashari the operation having had good results so far and none of the Afghan forces have been harmed so far and that the operations are running successful. He added that during the operations four vehicles and a quantity of weapons and ammunition and few kg of drugs have been seized by the Afghan forces. According to another report a quantity of weapons and ammunition which were seized from Surobi district and Kundoz province were delivered to DIAG commission. The spokesman of the ministry of interior said that as the result of the attack of the Taliban on a logistic convoy, six trailers were set in fire by in Shahr-e Safa of Zabul province. According to the spokesman of the ministry of interior nearly 500 police personnel have been killed in different events throughout the country.
A 15-member opposition group joins government
The officials of the national security directorate said in Panjsher province that they arrested seven Taliban members along with a well-known commander of them in Panjsher province. In a newsletter which was released by ISAF forces in stationed in Bagram airbase said that the Taliban member were trained a month ago in Pakistan. According to the newsletter of ISAF forces the arrested Taliban member after harsh conflicts with Afghan security forces in Andarab district of Baghlan province escaped to Panjsher. The statement adds that they were equipped with Kalashnikovs and pistols and were arrested without any resistance after being encircled by the forces of national security directorate of the Panjsher. The source said that the arrested Taliban members are the residents of Andarab district of Baghlan province and were sent to Kabul for further investigations. According to a senior official of the police of Baghlan the arrested commander who is called Mullah Khuda-Dad is a resident of Andarab district of Baghlan province and recently has entered to Andarab district and handing out money he used to provoke people against the government.
UNESEF helps Afghan women in education
The UNESIF supports the education of women and enhance the level of female students throughout the country. Attaullah Wahidyar the director of the education section of UNESIF said that the objective of such programs of UNESIF is that it seeks to enhance the level of education throughout the country. In respect of the advantages of courses Mr. Wahidyar said that “those women who have attended such courses now are able to write and read, take care of their children in the best way and help them in their children with their homework”. He added that “the program of literacy which is a part of vital literacy of the UN, seeks to enhance the level of education and literacy 50% throughout the country. It prepares opportunity for those who are over-aged and keep up the level of the quality of education of students. He added that the UNESIF by itself, prepared grounds of education for 48.000 women in 17 provinces of the country and the number reaches to 60.000 within the current year and more than 1700 teachers have been trained throughout the country. The UNESIF jointly with other institutions such as UNESCO, FAO and UNEFM have completed educational courses to more than 78.000 people and more than 13.000 women have received professional education. Right now 2500 courses are active throughout the country which is covered by UNESIF and the courses are ran by 2500 teachers. Ataullah added that these courses in which women from the age 14-49 participate in them are much economical and within 9 months the expenditures of a student may reach to $ 80 or 90.
A 15-member opposition group joins government
A 15-member group of the oppositions in Andarab district of Baghlan province joined the government. Gen. Abdurahman Sayyedkhil the provincial police chief of Baghlan province said that the group was fighting the government since two past months but abandoned fighting last night. According to the information of Pajhwok news the group is now under detention in Andarab district of Baghlan province but a decision was made to transfer the group to Pul-Khumri the capital city of Baghlan province. Zakerullah one of the group members told the journalists over the phone that they were provoked by some persons against the government and that they were busy fighting with the police but now they had realized that resistance is useless and the police was also seeking to arrest them so that they abandoned resistance and delivered to the government. Zabihullah Mujahid the spokesman of the Taliban said last week that within a conflict with the police in Nahreen district they killed Sayyed Ahmad a commander of the police along with other police soldiers.
Parliament representative to assess revolt in Pol-e Charkhi prison
Atif Mohmandzai
Seven representatives form from five parliament commissions yesterday dispatched to Pol-e Charkhi prison for assessment of revolt in pol-e Charkhi prison. These representatives dispatched to justice department in order to assess the case from close and report to parliament. Ataullah Loddin, chef of justice commission and dispatched representative to the prison, told reporters, the prisoners might transfer to 3rd national security department for investigation, however the court issued verdict, therefore the prisoners may revolted. Mr. Loddin added, criminals are passing three courts in Afghanistan and the court issues verdict regarding their crime. When the 3rd court issued verdict than there is not investigation from the criminals but security forces didn’t care about this verdict and wanted to put on trail. According to the received reports from Pol-e Charkhi prison 3 hundred politician prisoners of 3rd block demonstrated and have closed inside doors. It is said, the prisoners have gotten control of inside of the prison and don’t let security forces to enter. One of the prison officials have told medias, the prisoners pure oil on policemen and wanted to burn them when police demanded assistance from national army. But national army by the time reaching in the area used tear-gas and unconscious the prisoners. Using tear-gas inside of the prison is illegal and that is against human right laws.
Clash between the Taliban and coalition forces
Atif MOhmandzai
Afghan governmental officials are saying, as a result of one clash between coalition forces under command of USA and the Taliban, 10 people were killed. US militants are saying the clash carried out in Manogi district of Kunar province when armed apposition group attacked over one militants camp. The Taliban have accepted the dead of their three men and claimed as a result of foreign troops firing seven civilians were killed. Last year Afghanistan experienced more violations. These violations a little continuing this year as well and especially targeted eastern and southern provinces of this country. According to the reports, 3 thousand people have been died since beginning of this year in Afghanistan. This year the huge quantity of foreign troops as well killed as a result of bomb explosions and or armed clashes. Eye witnesses and the Taliban source are saying, yesterday as a result of foreign troops bombardment in Manogi district of Kunar province the number of civilians were died and wounded. US militants rejected this claim. One of the women who is 50 years old stated he has lost four members of her family as a result of this bombardment and five were wounded too. Beside this, eye witnesses as well claim in Nuristan province that as a result of US bombardment in Kamdish district of the mentioned province the number of civilians were died. These clashes took place on Friday and US militants are saying as a result of that 20 insurgents were killed. But eye witnesses stated as a result of this operation beside 18 insurgents, 10 women and six children were killed. Coalition forces under command of US haven’t said anything yet in this regard.
Claim of existent ethical corruption in Bamyan national security department rejected
Atif Mohmandzai
Bamyan national security department seriously rejected the claim of some people that have told lower house representatives regarding ethical corruption in this department. Mohammad Hasham Watanwal, chef of central inspection and control commission on role implementation of lower house stated in public hearing session which was held last week in Bamyan province that the number of people claim that there is ethical corruption inside national security department of Bamyan province and Haji Wasiq chef of national security department himself is involved. Watanwal meanwhile stated this claim expressed orally and written to lower house, I don’t know how to express this issue but according to the claim of people that chef of national security department has illegal relations with girls and women. He has demanded from chef of national security department to give details in this regard but chef of the mentioned commission wasn’t present in the session due to a trip to India. But deputy of national security department yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that these rumours are downright and lower house must not express rumours in public hearing sessions. He stated that rumours are far from the reality and that are lie. Such accusations are commanded issues that expresses against such vital organs. He added, I have talked after public hearing session with lower house representatives and eve I have objected that why they express such incorrect accusations in public hearing session. Deputy of Bamyan national security department response to this question stated that whoever inflicted such accusation on them, stated that this is a politic conspiracy against national security department by those who are against government. Representatives of inspection and control commission on rule implementation of lower house, last week visited Bamyan province in target of assessment of people’s difficulties and after their duty they have returned Kabul province.
Tens Kg narcotic capture by police
Atif MOhmandzai
Police forces in Badakhshan province announced the capture of more than 70kg narcotic and the escape of the traffickers. Some people claim that police don’t act efficiently in the arrest of traffickers. Colonel Amam Ali, deputy of criminal department, provincial police headquarter of Badakhshan province yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency 67kg opium captured in Argo district of the mentioned province by police. But narcotic traffickers who were transferring narcotics to an undisclosed location escaped during facing police and left the items. In the same day 4,5k opium captured in Kasham district of Badakhsan province too. Ghulam Faroq Najrabi, police chef of Kasham district stated that narcotic traffickers have succeeded to flee. But Sakhi Dad, one of the residents of Kasham district stated in this regard, it is something strange that police capture narcotics, but can’ arrest the traffickers. He claimed police act is not effective in this regard and or police forces are taking money from the traffickers and release them. Mohammad Hanif, member of Badakhshan provincial council as well stated when police don’t cooperate with narcotic traffickers than they can’ t escape. He stated, if some police don’t deal with traffickers and be faithful in their duty, narcotic traffickers will never success to flee. Resident of border areas with Tajikistan also claim the narcotic traffics clearly in the joint Afghan and Tajik bazaar. It comes in a time that seven heroin factories were destroyed in the current year and the existent items which were using in heroin confiscated by police, but the factors fled before police approach.
One Pakistan two Afghans arrested in account of cooperation with the Taliban
Atif Mohmandzai
One Pakistani and two Afghan were arrested last night in charge of cooperation with the Taliban in the capital of Kapisa province. According to the report of security sources a person by the name of Abdullah who introduces himself resident of Pashawar, Pakistan arrested last night in Kora Taz area along with two Afghans residents of Karezi 2nd part of Kapisa province. According to the information of source, these two people arrested in charge of destructive attacks against government. One Russian gun and one motorcycle captured from the too which are in police disposal. According to the source, since the begin of current year 30 people have been arrested in charge of cooperation with the Taliban in this province.
Mine explosion in Balkh province
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of a remote-controlled mine blast at 8:00am Sunday night in Mazar-e Sharif, 9 civilians were killed. Abdul Raouf Taj, chef of provincial police headquarter of Balkh province reported serious health condition of two wounded people and told Roz News agency, this mine placed by enemies of the country in the west of Rozia Mubarak in a bicycle. Mr. Taj added security forces were controlling different areas of the city according to the received information and in order to prevent from the incident but the explosion carried out in the area that didn’t expect. No one has arrested yet in charge of this case but police have launched investigation. Have to mention two months ago as well as a result of a placed mine in one bicycle in Baba Yadgar area of Mazar-e- Sharif, three civilians including one woman were wounded.
The Taliban claim the capture of Registan distirct
Atif Mohmandzai
The Taliban spokesman stated that their men captured Registan district of Kandahar province. According to him, they have captured this district after an attack and right now the district is under their disposal. Qari YOusif Ahmadi, who introduces himself the Taliban spokesman stated they have killed six policemen and arrested four other in this district and seized the huge quantity of arms as well. Syed Aqa Saqib, security commander of Kandahar province rejected the Taliban claim and says however there were attacks on this district by the Taliban, but Registan district is in government disposal and there was not any casualty.
Lets materialise anything we promised to women rights
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Islam has, however, chased the sward of despotism away of the women throat since its advent, up until now, and vice versa, by giving the women their rights, has guided them towards valley of humanity and pride. Unfortunately, as the history evidences shows, anything Islam recommends to rights of women have not been enforced in our society within the era. If there was something, explicitly we claim that all were hollow allegations and promises in this regard. We better have a compressed look to rights and living situations of women in the world. These are human beings, wisely and respectfully [to women rights], have managed the system of life in the world to such a way that men and women, side by side, carry out activities in the world. However, why women are misused as commercial cloths in some of the countries around the world? Here we go with an overseeing to situations of women in our great country, Afghanistan. According to criminal laws, any criminals, after a passer-by to all terms of law, are sentenced to punishment and put behind the bars of jail. It implies to claim that they lose their independent. It has been several years we are used to hear from women rights in our country, while still women could be seen behind bars as criminals (at home under punishment). On the other hand, men’s thoughts are captured by old and haggard traditions and customs to such an extent that even had made them think that women are not competent to even decide on their individual life. <I>The author writes</I> As an example I story the destiny of two women, that I have experienced anything happened to them. I had a friend, whose girl was still very young as that she was under the age of engagement. A family proposed marriage to her to get married with their son. The girl’s father put a price of 15,000,000afg [approx: $30,000] on his girl, while the boy’s family was unable to pay it. As the boy’s father knew that I have good relations with girl’s father, he asked me for intermediary to I make the girl’s father fall the price down. I came up to girl’s father and proposed the theme through Islamic verdicts, but he didn’t accept. Totally I told him that “Hey man that other guy sold his daughter with only 80,000afg [$1600 estimate], you do so as well.” I, then, received the answer of “Hey Brother, anything has its own price” from him. On the other story, a man has collected at least 200,000afg [$4000] in advance for his girl’s dowry from the groom. On the wedding party, he asked for a more 100,000afg [$2000] from the groom. The groom then started entreating to his father-in-law for his economic problems saying that he would likely be indebted. The bride’s father, afterwards, told him “If you go being indebted, the bird is a cute one”. I don’t know where from I shall get start to express dire condition of women around our country. Beating, harassment, threats, humiliation towards women, giving to Bad, the stories which say that even fathers have ever lost their girls within gambling, are all those bad manners the men abide toward their women.
Body of the suicide bomber got fire during transferring
Atif Mohmandzai
Officials of Afghan national defence ministry are saying as a result of one incident yesterday two ANA soldiers were killed in Wot Khel district. General Mohammad Zahir Azimi, spokesman of national defence ministry stated they arrested one suicide bomber yesterday in Surobi district of Kabul province, and separated the explosive vest from his body. Vest of the suicide bomber was transferring in another police vehicle and the suicide bomber transferring in another vehicle to Kabul that 4:00pm body of the suicide bomber gotten fire in unclear reason, himself died and two ANA soldiers were wounded and the vehicle burned.
The public support to help maintaining security in Uruzgan
Translated by Abdul Hassib taken from Payam-e Jamhoriat weekly the information already was prepared
Uruzgan is one of those insecure and bothersome provinces of Afghanistan. Tribal chiefs, delegates of the public, and some responsible people have increasingly complained about weakness of the administration there, lack of the government’s attention to this province, expansion of economic, security and social problems, while some others offer satisfaction for whatever Afghan national army carry out in this province. For this reason, Payam-e Jamhoriat news agency sought viewpoints of some tribal elders and responsible people in this province presenting it as follow: Hajji Abdullah Barikzai, a tribal elder in Chora district of Uruzgan province said that,” The time the Taliban fall down of Uruzgan, security was good right here. But as a course of time, the situations have deteriorated, such that even the Taliban are supposed to boomerang Uruzgan. “Administrative corruptions, firing of Jihadi leaders, who have influential to the province, under different titles, lack of attention of the foreigners and the government to living condition of the public have made the people turn their back on supporting the government. At the outset, when the Taliban were forced out of Uruzgan, the public used to support the government and foreigners, but now they don’t, since there is not any district empty of the Taliban in the province,” he complained. Hajji Sayyed Ali Khan, the district chief for Char Chino district of Uruzgan province said in this regard that,” the Taliban have six [important] checkpoints/bases, equipped with light and heavy guns, here in Char Chino. “We had fought at least 8 months to the Taliban, but no one supported us in our fight to them, even the Uruzgan governor, which this made us seek refuge to our neighbouring provinces of Helmand and Kandahar. The government, on the other hand, has not paid attention to us. The money, if the government sent to us, all were looted by the Uruzgan governing body. Now we just have control on Char Chino district building, and that is it our governing right here. The public at the same time don’t support us alike,” he said. Mr. Faiz Mohammad Khan, the district chief for Chinarto district of Uruzgan province said that,” We have already maintained security in our district with the help of the public. On the other hand, we have negotiated to the Taliban to have dens here and no one would disturb them (the Taliban).” Hajji Shadi (Monkey) Khan, the farmer district chief of Mianshin district of Kandahar province said that,” The public hate the Taliban and their rebel regime. However, lack of the government’s attention to the public has helped the Taliban get reinforced. Hajji Padsha, the district police chief for Ghorak district of Kandahar province says,” If we were paid with good salary and equipment were obtained to us, we would likely be able to maintain security, but this has never ever happened.”
Counter-narcotics need urgent steps
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial taken from Payam-e Jamhoriat
Last Wednesday, a gathering under a name of the third conference of elimination of cultivation and trafficking narcotics was held, with participation of Karzai, the Afghan president, governors and provincial police chiefs from provinces around Afghanistan, some delegates of foreigners in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Following the fall of the Taliban, in addition to counter-insurgency, the fight against narcotics has been used to make the hot, expensive, slogan-maker topics in the country. However, this process completely failed, since the narcotics cultivation and trafficking, despite to reduce, has increased to an unprecedented stage. Numerous sessions in the same way as of that last Wednesday’s, have been held on narcotics, with no significant results to may be able to reduce poppy cultivation in the country. Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, last year, also warned the governors, while speaking in such a session that he would likely be making punished the governors and provincial police chiefs of those provinces where poppy is cultivated, but he couldn’t do so. The key factor which contributes failure of the fight against narcotics, in addition to all money the international community has invested on, should be seen as Afghan high-ranking government officials’ support of narcotics cultivation and trafficking, lack of honesty of members of the fight against narcotics toward their pledges in this regard. Undoubtedly, if the government, with the help of its foreigner counterparts, really want to uproot this fatal phenomenon, then the public would have never dared to cultivate poppy any longer, and all the problems will be solved within only a year. However, the case why the government hardly ever takes step ahead to uprooting narcotics is that the Afghan high-ranking government officials have never wanted to lose such large money they collect from narcotics cultivation and smuggling in the country. Furthermore, the Afghan government officials help the perpetrators of the phenomenon get rid of any problem they face while processing the narcotics. At the same time, these corrupted-officials, all of whom support narcotics cultivation, due to holding tribal and ethnical relations, are not getting fired of their job as well. For this reason, if we claim that it is difficult to uproot narcotics through steps in this way, then it is allegedly correct. Karzai said in his statement last Wednesday that,” Afghans, of course, cultivate poppy, but the foreigners exist here to smuggle them (narcotics). Karzai is right, but, without help of Afghans, foreign can never dare to do so.
Spokesman of Afghan independent human rights commission; still prisoners are punished
Translated by Abdul Hassib Taken from Payam-e Jamhoriat
The situations of jails and prisoners have made the legislative and human right organs concerned throughout Afghanistan. Afghanistan has experienced several decades of war suffering despotism as a result of colonies. Following the formation of the new government for Afghanistan, the legislative organs have been used to make efforts to put war criminals on trials, but little has been achieved in this regard. That ordinary crimes took place in any country, Afghanistan is never excluded of the case as well, since it is still suffering insecurity and anarchy. The jails and detection-barracks have criminals inside. However, the process of detection and putting on trials still experience some harassment around. Nader Naderi, the spokesman of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission said that,” There are punishment enforced in jails, most of which could be felt in jails belonging to the Afghan National Security Department. The only anxiety is not the case of punishment in the jails, but the process of trialling takes very long [time] as well. Even we heard some people were pardoned by trails but still are kept in jails. At least 14000 prisoners, Nader said, were suffering a dilemma in jails in Kabul at the moment. In proportion to it, how much this amount might have been in provincial jails? Nader says, female prisoners were engaged to direst situation in jails, since, as he said, women were right there in jails with their children, which there is no place to them to take care of their children in. it implies to say that children are punished for the crimes their mothers committed. Qasem Hashimzai, the deputy-minister of the Afghan justice ministry said that,” Jailers have been recommended to make those innocent prisoners freed. Otherwise, they will be responsible to anything happened to the prisoners. While voting to ministers, the members of the lower house used to concentrate mostly on asking questions from the minister of justice about situations of prisoners in the jails. Mohammad Sarwar Danish, the justice minister, then, said in response that,” they would likely be trying to rid jails of dire conditions prior. However, the course of time shows that jails are still suffering numerous difficulties. Escaping and breaking law are the crimes either the public or the government officials carry out. As an example, a “would-be” criminal spends at least two months in jail until he is proved whether or not was a criminal.
Narcotics from Afghanistan to remotest point of the world
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
They have introduced Afghanistan as the biggest producer of narcotics in the world. It has been said that at least 92% of the world narcotic is cultivated in Afghanistan, while the international community have detected to might uproot the narcotics from Afghanistan, accusing the Afghan government of weakness in counter-narcotic process, which as a final solution it proposed crop-spraying to eradicate narcotics. The crime our nation commits is very clear, and is that poppy is cultivated here. The world can see it, and also they know that three decades of war has caused all these in Afghanistan, and that we had had no enough security members to preclude narcotics cultivation during the turbulent years of agony, and that the Taliban at aim to reach their goals foment insecurity helping narcotics cultivation increase throughout the country. If we cultivate poppy, but it is sold in Europe and USA and the processing facilities are provided from there, then we better have look to other side of the case as well. Before that foreign troops are here, poppy was only cultivated in the south, but now it turned to a nationwide one. Are foreigner troops patrons of farmers in cultivating narcotics? Which secrete is concealed behind this? If Afghanistan is unable to uproot cultivation of narcotics, then the Europe and the USA need to close their markets so that the narcotics price fall down, which the farmers may not cultivate it any longer. The Afghan farmers, by no means, can export narcotics to abroad. Let’s find the network exporting poppy to abroad, if we did, then no narcotics would be cultivated. If the USA and Europe, with all their powerful police, are unable to repress trafficking of narcotics, then which kind of miracle they expect our [very weak] police to carry out to them. Let’s review the case from all its sides, and make efforts together to uproot the fatal phenomenon of narcotics from the world. Otherwise, if the narcotics bazaars are crowded in the USA and Europe, then it is very difficult to uproot it from Afghanistan.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:00 to 1:10PM]</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>A suicide attack in Kunduz:</U> As a result of a suicide attack in entry door of Kunduz city, at least one policeman killed and including one innocent 5 others were injured. Mohammad Ayub Salangi the Kunduz provincial police chief said that police stopped a suspected-Town Ace car in the entry door of Kunduz, and then, the police was about to open the door of the car when the suicide bomber blew himself up killing at least one policeman and injuring 5 others. <U>Government opposing crop spraying:</U> The Afghan government has recently offered antagonism to crop-spraying over the poppy fields. This came at a time when some days ago, Zia Masoud the vice-president said in his interview to a French paper that it was unfair to spray chemical materials on poppy fields, through which it seems impossible to uproot narcotics cultivation in Afghanistan. <U>Lower house ratifies voting to heads of commissions:</U> The Afghan lower house yesterday concluded its discussion regarding assigning of heads of commissions and departments by this house. The topic made the members of the lower house dispute against one another was that of selection of the head of the Afghan independent human rights commission. Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayaf said that presence of this commission, of course, was an urgent need at the moment but the members of the commission should be religious scholars so that they enforce the roles of Sharia in the society. <U>One policeman killed:</U> At least one policeman was killed and two others were injured in a suicide attack on a car belonging to police in Yahya Khil district of Paktika province. The Paktika provincial police chief, confirming the incident said that only one policeman was killed and two others were injured in this incident. However, Zabiullah Mujahid, the spokesman for the Taliban and government opponents said that the Yahya Khil’s district police chief was killed and 6 others were injured in the suicide attack their followers carried out last evening.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers; Miss Ghotay and Miss Shabnam</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[From Guldara district of Kabul province][Pashto]:</I> We are suffering numerous difficulties as a result of none-existence of school, clinic, and improved-street in our area. It is only one school existing here which it takes our children one hour to get to that school. I call on the government to draw attentions to resolve our problems and help our children learn knowledge and to create immunity by establishing clinics to us. <I>[Kart-e Naw area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> We are increasingly disturbed of city line buses in our area, such that the buses most often cause traffic jam creating numerous difficulties to us. I request from u to discuss our problem with the Millie Bus Enterprise to resolve this problem. <I>[Pashto]:</I> The trucks are used to load sand, brick and cements on. Sometimes, when they drive on rugged roads, they create heaps of difficulties to the public. <I>[Shirin Agha from Didana area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> The street connecting Didana to Darlaman area of Kabul city, is pretty rugged creating numerous troubles to the public. I call on the Kabul municipality to take immediate actions to improve the street. <I>[Hamidullah][Pashto]</I> I am a driver. We, drivers, are fed up with the way the traffic policemen treat us. They are used to behave toward us to such a way that even they sound like animals. As we pay them money, they don’t disturb us. Otherwise, they create several difficulties to us. It would be very nice of you to reflect my sound to the responsible authorities . <I>[Wali Ahmad from Qala Wazir area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Shabnam]:</I> They have complained about rugged roads in there area. <I>[The orator]</I> as I speculate, this is a general problem in Kabul. <I>[Pashto];</I> The Kabul municipality doesn’t work to keep Kabul clean. The members of the Kabul municipality need to take very urgent steps to improve the environment in Kabul, since it is their responsibility. Kabul is our city and is termed as the intellectual mother of the public. If it is dirty, then all its residents may be suffering heaps of difficulties.