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Six terrorists killed in Paktika provice
Atif Mohmandzai
Six terrorists were killed in clash with police forces in Khosha Mand district of Paktika province. Press release and public relation department of Afghan ministry of interior affair announced, one police patrol ambushed by the terrorist group in Khoshawand district of the mentioned province. As a result of this ambush clash took place between both sides during this clash one aid-police killed and one other was wounded and six people were killed from the apposite side. Dead bodies of the enemies are remained in the battle place.
Achievements of the Jirga from attitude of spokesman for the minister of border, tribal and ethnic affairs
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Jirga is one of those cultural and historic traditions of the Afghan people, which has been solving some tribal and regional stuff within the sessions and subsidence. The first subsidence of the regional Peace Jirga, whose basic objective was to uproot terrorism, to bring peace in the region, and to repair Afghan-Pak [fraternal] relations, finished later on 12th August of 07 in Kabul city. The Islah correspondent interviewed Noor Mohammad Haidari, the publication officer, and spokesman for the ministry of border, tribal and ethnic affairs, he talked about achievements of the regional peace Jirga, which here we go with it: Q: What is your viewpoint about the end of the Jirga and what has the Jirga achieved? A: “The Regional Peace Jirga, which was held between Afghanistan and Pakistan, with an initiative of Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president for purposes of counter-insurgency and security, should be listed as a positive and valuable step within the history of both brother countries. “Following reasonable discussions, the Jirga reached significant and prominent results. This reality is proved by having a look over the 6-article bill the Jirga ratified, in which holding of Five-Committees, all of whom focus is around the joint fight against terrorism, is envisioned. At the same time, the Regional Peace Jirga made both sides (Afghanistan and Pakistan) realise the position of one another toward the fight against the Taliban, convincing them to jointly struggle against this fatal and ominous phenomenon (terrorism).” Q: What has the ministry of border, tribal and ethnic affairs done to establish better relations between tribes and ethnics, whose good relation benefits the security of both countries? A: “The ministry of border, tribal and ethnic affairs is one of those important/key ministries of the country, which holds the prestige of a bridge to connect the public to their government. It has tried a lot to describe the purposes of the government, to attract the support of the public to the government, through holding of local Jirga in provinces and districts of the country. Q: Your Excellency worked as a secretor of one of the committees of the regional peace Jirga, can you please tell me which topics were almost ever discussed in the Jirga, was there a single discernment/thought, between the [Pakistani and Afghan] participants of the Jirga, in the field of resolving regional harassments, or not? A: “The mechanism of creation of an auditing committee on implementation process of the decisions of the Jirga was discussed by the fifth committee of the Jirga, chaired by Sayyed Hamid Gilani, and I was the secretor. “The Afghan participants of the committee, with an accordance of attitude, ratified its plan/proposal (viewpoint), and the Pakistani participants of the committee, then, also ratified their proposal. Afterwards the proposal was set to voting by joint Afghan and Pakistani commissions, which, by a majority of votes, the mechanism was finalised and submitted to the executive committee of the Jirga. No antagonism existed between Afghans and Pakistanis in the Jirga.” Q: From your attitude, how many of the decisions of the Jirga are supposed to be properly practiced? A: “The decisions in the Jirga were taken/made by people of those countries, in which democracy is claimed. For this reason, it is very necessary for the governments of both countries to abide by the decisions of the Jirga, just as both presidents assured the participants of the Jirga that they would likely be supporting, whatever decision is made by them, which this, itself, should be seen as respect offered by the presidents to public votes.
The ministry of educations and its schools has done positive to keep the environment cleaned.
Mahwash Fakhri
Translated by Abdul Hassib
“By launching public communal services, the school students have taken positive steps toward helping their schools run out of rubbish.” Stating this, Zohor Afghan, the spokesman for the ministry of educations, said that,” Recently, the department of preservation of environment has launched a public communal service at schools, in which school-students had played a blatant role, such that students brought greenery, cleaned the yards and classrooms of their schools.” Q: In which manner should the environment be kept inside or outside the schools, and which factors can help it be preserved? A: “We hold commissions of arrangement, discipline, and greenery in each school. They take part in launching public communal services for refurbishment of the environment. It is vital to public to take part in cleaning their environment as well. “Unfortunately, we face some difficulties in this regard. As an [live] example the public throw their trashes in front of Zarghona high school which is one of the famous and notorious high schools around Kabul. This has led to a dire pollution creating numerous difficulties to students. “On the other hand, some industrial factories are used to consume tyre, tube, leather, robber, and plastic, instead of wood, to foment the fire, which this increasingly adds to environmental pollutions to Kabul city.” Q: Have you ever preached [positive] for students about environment at schools? A: “As I told before, we hold commissions which convene sessions in this regard keeping in touch with students to convince them to clean their environment ever.” Q: Some school-students are studying under an open sky and hot sun in most schools either in Kabul or in provinces, especially during the summer. Doesn’t this bring risk to health of students? If yes, then what is your viewpoint in this regard? A: “We have 9000 schools, 60% of which suffer a lack of building in Kabul city. The sudden crowd/returning of students to schools, and increase of the population had made the schools attract 500% more students, than their capability. For this reason, there were no enough classrooms for all students at the schools in Kabul. This is why the ministry of educations installed tents to students, which fortunately, the ministry of educations could reinstall the tents and erect classrooms for students. Nowadays, only 200,000 students are studying under tents, while previously this was at a level of 400,000.” Q: “Did the ministry of educations decide to make a subject of “cleanliness and preservation of environment” included to its curriculum at schools? A: “This is something already included the curriculum of the ministry, such that there are lots of topics about environment in Dari-learning and religious-learning books. We always have tried to keep the schools clean. It is our responsibility, but it is not our responsibility to clean the environment outside schools. This depends to the department of preservation of environment and greenery. I hope it may do enough to properly submit its responsibility to the nation.”
Periodic protocols to repress increase of fuel
Sofia Kabir
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The increase to fuel price has recently led to numerous difficulties, making the public concern. The analysts hold different viewpoints regarding the factor made the fuel (Patrol, diesel, kerosene) price upraise. That, what the main cause of it was, and until when it would prolong, are something very difficult to anticipate. The Islah news agency here detected viewpoints of some compatriots about why the fuel price rose and which measures can resolve this difficulty. Mr. Maiwand, a resident of Kabul city, who study with economic faculty, and work with Kabul Bank at the same time, said, in answer to the question of “The fuel price upraises everyday, what your viewpoint is in this regard”, that,” Afghanistan is an import-based country which imports its fuels and other necessities from abroad. At the moment, Iran, as a result of economic pressures/limitation/castigation on it, doesn’t want to export its oil to abroad, since it is concerned about its future and wants to stock all its oil. As Afghanistan imports most of its fuel from Iran, oil price raised when Iran banned exporting oil to Afghanistan. “On the other hand, economic castigations on Iran bring an inbuilt change to fuel price in a global level, since Iran is a member of Opic organisation. Another important point that should be noted here is that the Afghan government’s economic policy is not as that able to control the domestic markets in the country.” Q: Which policy should the government use from to bring fuel price under control in the markets? A: “Firstly, the Afghan government needs to sign reciprocal protocols to oil-rich countries of the world. It means that, when the oil-exporter countries increased the price, then Afghanistan also should mount the values of its export things to that country. The other way, through which the government can control fuel price in the markets, is signing of periodic protocols. It implies to say that the Afghan government needs to abandon extraction of mines to domestic private sectors, which, on the one hand it benefits the private sectors, and on the other hand, it reduces difficulties as a result of lack of fuel in the country.” Q: Those fuel imported by the Afghan entrepreneurs from abroad, if we look at, is stretched [polluted] oil. It is not pure, effecting the cars and consumers at all. Is not it something harmful to economy of the public? A: “Those stretched-oil exported from abroad and then distributed to the public, of course, badly damage the cars’ machines, in the one hand, and on the other hand, the smoke comes out of those stretched-oil makes the environment polluted as well, which this inflicts damage to health of the public.”
88 years after independence
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
88 years ago, Amir Amanullah Khan, accompanied by bravery and manliness of some great-men of home, let his life go off, but was able to achieve independence of the country and made its territory freed of being colonised, which, as a result, we saw independence banner hung over every square foot of our homeland. Here at least 88 years has been spent since that time. If we look at the global history, then we will know that, those countries known as titans of knowledge, industry, and technology at the moment, either did not exist or were under colony of empires that time. However, Amanullah Khan, with a great ambition of development, joined to ridding Afghanistan of being colonised, but one thing which make us astonished is that Afghanistan, after at least 88 years since it is independent, is still laying at 18th or 19th centuries, suffering a lack of economic, military, academic, and cultural independences. Afghanistan, of course, stays in 21st century using the whole industrial tools of the world. However, 90% its population is illiterate, to such an extent that even the teachers in universities teach their students by using those lectures their teachers used to give them 20-30 years ago. Afghanistan, still, doesn’t have a research centre to work in contrast to international standards. 88 years ago, the neighbours of Afghanistan were deprived of modern educations at all. It implies to say that they were grumbling from that stage which Afghanistan did from. However, the question [the orator says] my pen expects me to draw here is that why the neighbouring countries of Afghanistan experience educational development in their countries, even they were able to create nuclear weapons, but here in Afghanistan, unfortunately, no one is able to even translate an academic subject to Dari correctly. The neighbouring countries of the world are not only producers of science, but they are termed as exporters/issuers of modern and new technology as well. This is while Kabul, the capital of our country is running out of electricity at all. The question which disturbs the public thoughts is that who were responsible for all these backwardness in Afghanistan. We felicitate the day of independence to all our compatriots once again. However, we hope it may be an opportunity for the public to read their backwardness out and make them resolved. They need to increasingly question themselves that why the countries of the world have improved a lot over the past 50 years while Afghanistan remained backward, and that what the key factor was.
Importance of nationwide security
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
The security strategy was discussed from all the sides in the recent session of the Afghan ministers’ council, and the ministers offered their viewpoint about the current security situation, reading the causes of insecurity and drafting some solution to rid Afghanistan of insecurity. It is very necessary to the public to support reinforcing of the Afghan national army, national police and security officials. On the other hand, the Afghan government, by destining the current dire security situations needs to make sound and prominent solutions, which are able to bring security in the community, included to its security strategy. At the same time, expansion of economic, cultural and social activities play a vital role to maintaining of the nationwide security in Afghanistan. The relevant ministries to aforementioned services need to spare no efforts to support the security mission, by expanding their services in the society. It shouldn’t remain unsaid that assigning professional people as governors, district chiefs, provincial police chiefs and some other [key] security officials, is the other factor able to help the nationwide security be maintained throughout Afghanistan. It is difficult to reconstruct, develop, improve, and rehabilitate Afghanistan without security and stability. For this reason, we need to draw very further attention to bring security in the country. We call on the afghan nation to take steps, together, forward to counter-insurgency, narcotics, and administrative corruptions, so that they may be able to bring a firm peace to their country and rid themselves of current agony as a result of insecurity.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:00 to 1:10PM]</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>8policemen killed:</U> A police convoy was set to an ambush by the Taliban and government opponents, which then led to an armed-conflict between them, and resulted in deaths of 8 policemen and injury of 2 others in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. The Kandahar provincial police chief said that the Taliban was able to capture a car belonging to police. He also said that a police is vanished/disappeared as a result of this conflict as well. <U>Korean-Taliban negotiation ongoing:</U> A Korean diplomat from South Korean embassy in Afghanistan said, in a condition of anonymity that Korean board is negotiating to the Taliban to convince them to release the Korean hostages they held. He also said that they will make Korean hostages freed very soon. However, the Taliban spokesman, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi told Killid over the telephone that they only contact the Korean board over the telephone. <U>Karzai leaves to Tajikistan:</U> Hamid Karzai, along with Afghan foreign affairs minister, and some other Afghan high-ranking government officials left to Tajikistan meeting some Tajikistani high-ranking government officials. Counter-insurgency, government-to-government developmental cooperation, reconstructions and rehabilitation of Afghanistan, were the topics almost ever were discussed in the meeting. It has been said that some US dignities including the US ambassador for Afghanistan also took part in this meeting. <U>Jawzjan governor: I can not govern Jawzjan any longer:</U> The Jawzjan governor said while speaking in an opening ceremony of a school in Balkh province that he could not govern in Jawzjan province any longer, since there were numerous armed-groups who don’t like the central government rule in this province.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Shabnam and Miss Ghotay</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[Pashto]:</I> There is a road connecting the Jalalabad bus station to central Jalalabad city. It is very rugged. Cars can drive to this road very difficultly. Gul Agha Shirzoy, the governor for Jalalabad province has done lots to improve this province, but we don’t know why he has not paid attention to this road so far. We hope he hears my sound/voice and get the recommendation to improve this road. <I>[From Tara Khil area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> TOLO TV is used not to broadcast local music of ours. I call on the members of the TOLO TV to broadcast a song performed by Naghma and Mangal, a couple of Afghan famous singers. <I>[From Joy Shir area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> Firstly I complain about service of your radio in a way that I can not establish contact to “The public and their Choices” program, broadcast by your radio. On the other hand, we are facing numerous difficulties as a result of a lack of electricity in Kabul city at all. We hope the Afghan ministry of energy and water listen to our problems, realising it, and take further immediate actions to resolve it. <I>[Faryadi from Qala-e Zaman Khan area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> I am listening to your radio every day. I hear some people give u prank calls. The people need to think that what the program was for, before they call the program. Your program is a program reflecting the difficulties of the public. It is not an outlet for rubbish and nonsense. I call on our compatriots not to make the time of radio gone wasted. <I>[Noor Ahmad Hami from Bilaka-e Hawahi area of Kabul city (district 9th)]:</I> We are used to live in apartment-buildings here in this area, suffering numerous difficulties, as a result of lack of water and environmental problems. The Kabul municipality, on the other hand, doesn’t pay attention to improve this area. We call on it to draw a bit further attention to facilitate our difficulties. <I>[Binafsha][The received letter read by Shabnam][Dari]:</I> She complains about a lack of electricity in Kabul city. Electricity comes available, as she says, from 8:00PM, and goes off back on 11:00PM. It can not solve a single of their difficulties. They could not properly use from it. She hopes the Kabul department of energy do something in this regard. <I>[From Parwan province][Pashto]:</I> The Parwan governing body is very corrupted. The people are engaged to various difficulties as a result. People can not process their documents, whatever document it is, without paying the members of the governing body bribe. We call on the central government to send a board to review this case. <I>[Hamidullah from Chilston area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Ghotay][Pashto]:</I> The pavement which connects Pul-e Bagh-e Omomi to Shad-e Shamshiri Wali, is pretty rugged. The Kabul municipality seems to be asleep, since it pays no attention to improve the pavements around Kabul city.
Herat Local News
<I>[Broadcast at 8:05am]</I> Police saved 9 young boys who were abducted by unknown gunmen on Friday evening while coming to the city from Qamar Qalagh [place people go on picnic, especially on Fridays and some other holidays] area to the north of Herat. They were found in Band-e Baba to the east of Herat and the abductors managed to escape benefiting from the darkness. They asked the families of two of the abducted boys to give them 400,000 Afghanis.
Herat Local News
<I>[Broadcast at 2pm] [Presenter: Ahmad Qala Nawi]</I> Police reported that they had detained Ghulam Seddiq, Director of <I>Bank-e Milli</I> of Hayratan. A while ago he had stolen $80,000 from the bank and escaped. Police were searching him and finally arrested him in Injil district today. He was brought to Kabul this afternoon for further investigation.
Herat Local News
<I>Broadcast at 8:05 AM</I> <U>The increase in the number of vehicles has caused many traffic problems.</U> 22 people have been injured in traffic accidents in the last two days, and we have these cases mostly on Fridays. A woman from Majedi Avenue said, “it was the motorcycle rider’s fault; I was walking when suddenly his motorcycle crashed into me and I became unconscious.” Dr Barakatullah Mohammadi, Herat regional Hospital emergency room’s chief, said that they had ten injury cases this Friday; he added that most of the traffic accidents are caused by young motorcycle riders going very fast and not paying attention to traffic rules. <U>Two water supply networks were activated in Ghoryan and Zindajan districts.</U> 13,000 people will be able to benefit from these networks. These networks were implemented by the financial aid of the Italian PRT team in Herat. Such projects are to be conducted in three more districts as the initial work of Injil water supply network is done. <U>A beautician shop was closed by municipality inspectors.</U> The inspectors said that they had done this because of complaints they had received from people. This beautician (hairdresser) had abused the rate given by the municipality and had received 18,000 Afghani from a bride. <U>A number of Farah province residents complained about bribery and lack of attention of the officials to people.</U> People said that they wanted corruption to end. People have not been helped. They especially complained about the Red Crescent of Farah Province that is not distributing necessary things to needy people. But Ghulam Rasoul, director of Farah’s Red Crescent, rejected these declarations. However, Bolqais Roshan, vice-president of Farah provincial council, confirmed the people’s speeches and added that corruption and bribery had increased the distance between the people and the government and that the people don’t trust the government anymore. People in Farah have asked the Attorney General many times to travel there and to bring the criminals and those who are abusing people’s rights to the law and court.
First signs of “democrat Taliban” in the government of Afghanistan
According to the reports of the media, NATO is ready to negotiate with the Taliban and apparently this policy has been termed as return of peace and stability to Afghanistan. According to the comments of the speaker of NATO, they also back negotiations with the Taliban. Mr. Humayun Hameedzada the spokesman of the government backed talks with the Taliban and he conditioned that talks only will take place if the Taliban accept the constitution of the country. It means that Mullah Omar and his followers should accept democracy, human rights, women rights and they should return to a common life as “democrat Taliban”. Talks with the Taliban which has been termed as the only logical way for peace in Afghanistan by the government of Afghanistan apparently is thinking of a remedy by the government of Mr. Karzai. The Taliban have been able to be proved as a powerful by the military and financial support of the government of Pakistan therefore the government of Mr. Karzai and NATO forces after failing to defeat the Taliban now they want to search simple way of making deals with them. NATO, in many military operations was only able to kill a large number of civilians and less Taliban fighters. The Taliban were not defeated as the result of vast NATO and coalition forces air strikes because the borders of Pakistan are remained opened to the Taliban. Quetta is their center, they recruit from the tribal regions and from the Pakistani fundamentalists especially Pakistani medrassas and if we add the terrorist training centers in Pakistan to the list then the Taliban enjoy powerful military, financial and political support. On the other hand weakness and corruption in the government of Afghanistan have caused that the Taliban get able to take advantages of tribal and political issues and to recruit inside Afghanistan. Military option by the reason of weak administration of the government of Kabul was not successful to defeat the Taliban. Change of the option of military does not mean that the social and economical factors of in the frame of vast rehabilitation programs by the Afghan government and the international community has got more powerful because this factors also has not been able to be accomplished due to vast insecurity reasons. Even though the Afghan government was interested in implementation of rehabilitation program in the south but from one hand this program could not decrease the effects of drug economy in war and on the other the Taliban were able to control eight districts in Helmand province as the result of direct dealings with the British forces. The Taliban now enjoy full influence in Wardak and Ghazni provinces and the government is not able to establish public-interested infrastructures and to safeguard them. In diplomatic field the Afghan government has not been able to persuade the west on taking a harsh stance against Pakistan and to make Mr. Musharraf to miss out the strategic option of the Taliban because the diplomacy of Afghanistan, despite harsh internal weakness, began to confront the fundamentalism of Pakistan hoping that the western community may support it, meanwhile the west was scared of instability in Pakistan and harshly it got away from the stances of the president and foreign minister of Pakistan and of course Mr. Karzai who wanted to compensate weakness against the Taliban by confronting and supremacy in diplomacy against Pakistan did not resulted anything but tensions if Pakistan. Pakistan has always supported negotiations of the Afghan government with the Taliban and during the regional security jirga they expressed that the Afghan government should accept a reality in the name of Taliban and in this victorious plan of Pakistan the Afghan government has accepted the supremacy of Pakistan. So that there are no reasons that NATO and the Afghan government should not accept talks with the Taliban. Military and political combat of NATO and its allies has been defeated against the Taliban. Internal warlords and former mujahideen in the frame of Allied National Front seek to weaken the government of Mr. Karzai and the constitution. Rehabilitation programs are still restraint to big strategy levels. Americans and Europeans need the project of Afghanistan to success and to modernize the fundamental forces and tribalism in Afghanistan even if with less achievements. In present conditions this project will not succeed otherwise the Taliban “the project of the control of Pakistan over Afghanistan, Aziz’s strategic depth” is not allowed to become an important part of the government of Afghanistan. If NATO does not accept this reality so that it should think of another solution to change the regime in Pakistan such power should make the government there who do not support the Taliban and apparently the West and NATO invest on Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif that moderate forces should be substituted by the military dictator of Pakistan. Pakistan also need to invest on political forces in Afghanistan to fight against the traditional forces of India and probably Iran in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the strategic depth of Pakistan and this plan can only be broken if a strong Afghan state is established and this is quite what that we are deprived of for many many years.
Three government bodies in political struggles
After the eruption of argument between the legislative and executive bodies over the case of impeachment of Dr. Spanta the Afghan foreign minister, now we see that arguments between A. Jabar Sabet and some MPs is getting increased. The issue gets serious in a time when within the arguments of the government and six lower house members, a 10-day deadline has been given to the president during which he should introduce new foreign and immigrants ministers. We should say that one of the most important arguments of the government relate to discussions of political and executive power of the three bodies and in such a way that the fulfillment of policies and the follow up of each of the goals of each of the organs or in general the government and under the rays of political power can be accomplished. Thus the political power also determines the level of the reliability of a country in the field of international politics. Our regime, as the constitution of the country clarifies, all the officials and the regime are based on Islamic principles and we feel its legitimization by the people. So that the question raises that why most of and important decisions of one of the most important bodies of the government are not regarded and accomplished? Now, as our country is transferring from a dangerous path of towards preservation of unity and defense of the country and on the way of economical, social and political growth, in such a situation lack of interference and bilateral respect between the government bodies and acceptance of the decisions made by one of the government bodies are the tools of development and calmness of the society. Because if the decisions and settings of any of the government bodies are respected, it will bring positive affects to the society.
This time they target the values by footballs
In contrary to what descended from the sky of Khost within the past year, this time they were not bombs but they were footballs which were thrown from the helicopters of the foreign forces while the goalkeepers of the goal of Islamic values were either asleep or they did not encourage to defend them. These footballs which were decorated by the flags of different countries but they submit a massage with themselves which can stimulate the murder and insecurity in all over the country as atomic bombs. The decoration of footballs with the flag of Saudi Arabia among the balls decorated by the flags of different countries, what can it mean? This means quite a big ignorance or is a dangerous game which can seriously injure the feelings of every Afghan and Muslim. In such conditions when the foreign forces caused separation and distances between the government of Afghanistan and the Afghan people by killing 500 civilians, this move can also extend insecurity to Kabul the capital of the country. Even though Americans has said that their goal has only been to make the Afghan children happy to enjoy playing with the balls; but the question raises that why the foreign forces did not learn during the past years that playing with the values can turn the country to the hill! The foreign forces are responsible for the maintenance of security in Afghanistan and this responsibility should not only be summarized bombarding the civilians. Even though this was an arrow thrown from the bow but those who are the causes of this event should be punished and in the future eruption of such events should be prevented.
Some MPs insult votes of people
The sessions of Saturday and Thursday of the house of people of Afghanistan were held behind the locked doors and far away from the reach of the journalists. Even though Mr. Qanuni termed the action in order to have friendly and real discussions between the house members but some of the MPs accused the speaker of the house of being independent to his own political organization as being the member of Allied National Front and they termed the actions as preparing grounds for taking political advantages by Mr. Qanuni. Meanwhile there were reports from inside the house that most of the MPs were engaged in commonplace tribal and linguistic arguments but not issues related to basic problems of the country spending time in such commonplace arguments and not turning attentions to the main problems of the country which have affected people severely is termed to be treachery and insulting the votes of people.
Minister of commerce should be questioned
“The minister of commerce is not sufficient and the parliament should soon impeach him”. These were the comments of the residents of Juy-e Sheer of Kabul city in a reaction to the exorbitant ascend of the price of gas. The price of gas has had an unprecedented rise within the current week and each kg of gas raised from Afs 30-35 to 60-65. I asked for the reason for the imbalanced rise of gas price from few gas-sellers. They said that “most imports of the gas has been restraint by Gas Group co. and that is the main reason of heightening of the price of gas in Kabul”. Meanwhile, Mr. A. Aziz, Mir Ahmad, Ferdaows and Abdullah jan who introduced themselves to be the residents of Juy-e Sheer region of Kabul city said that “the main reason of this problem is carelessness of the government and ridiculous insufficiency of the minister of commerce”. “if the insufficient minister of commerce had control and supervision on gas and fuel and had he controlled the obstinacy of the private companies then we would not longer be the witness of such catastrophes”. The aforementioned persons asked the parliament to impeach the minister of commerce for being insufficient. These residents of Kabul thus asked Mr. Karzai to increase his control over cabinet members and take mortal measures to control prices of fuel and food materials.
Afghanistan and Tajikistan in view
Atif Mohmandzai
Afghanistan and Tajikistan are two neighbour and friend countries which especially after last changes in Afghanistan they had good relation and bilateral always effort in maintaining relation. Tajikistan after the fall of Russia, always tried to develop it’s relation with neighbouring countries especially with Afghanistan and develop their politic, business and cultural relations. Travel of Hamid Karzai, president of Islamic republic of Afghanistan to Tajikistan is for development of such relations between two countries which took place yesterday. Issues such electricity production, using joint water source, transportation, communication relation, cultural and instructive cooperation and joint clash against terrorism and narcotic were discussed between both presidents (Afghanistan and Tajikistan). Business relation between both countries is prosperous of vital importance because Afghanistan and Tajikistan both are interested to development and deployment of infrastructure in their country and pay attention and invest over that. Inauguration of Panj river bridge which connects Afghanistan and Tajikistan, that is prosperous of vital importance for both countries. This bridge make easy transportation and business and economic relation between both countries. It is determined that this bridge is going to officially inaugurate by Hamid Karzai, president of Islamic republic of Afghanistan and Amam Ali Rahman, president of republic of Tajikistan with presence of US ambassador. Construction of this bridge coasted 37 million dollar in assistance of united states of America. This bridge has 600m length and has capacity of transmission of 1000 vehicles in the day. Afghanistan and Tajikistan has historical relations too and they must not interfere in each other interior affair according to respect. Relation of both neighbour countries is effectual on each other. Insecurities and violations which is in process in Afghanistan, their roots are in incorrect relation of some neighbour countries with Afghanistan. Afghanistan difficulties which has interior root, it has regional and foreign roots too. Insecurities and instability which existent in Afghanistan is interference of some neighbour countries in interior affair of this country. Experience of Afghanistan causes that this country must be addicted in it’s relation with neighbours in order to not misuse from the relation of Afghanistan. Both countries Afghanistan and Tajikistan to maintain their relations more.
Bridge of friendship a step towards development
Hamid Karzai and Imam Ali Rahmanov the presidents of Afghanistan and Tajikistan and the minister of commerce of the United States of America inaugurated the bridge of friendship between the two countries. The bridge has been constructed by the financial assistance of America and a thousands vehicles can traffic over the bridge. The bridge of friendship has been constructed by the modern constructional standards and is unique of its kind in the region. we term the inauguration of the bridge as taking a great step towards the closure of betterment of relations between the two countries based of good neighbouring basis. We thus term the inauguration of the bridge as the firm undertaking of the United States about the economical growth and development. The inauguration of the Pul-e Dosti also bring us the good news that the commercial and economical relations in the regions and especially between the central and southern Asian countries and the economical and commercial relations will be moved forward strongly. The Pul-e Dosti not only links the two countries of Tajikistan and Afghanistan but it also links south Asia with the Central Asia. What is of great importance today for us that we should accelerated the construction of road networks in our country and this is the start of a new chapter in the history of the region. fortunately the work of construction of the ring-road is in progress and till the end 2008 it will be completed. Beside the construction of road networks the confident security of the highways should also be considered.
Doesn’t the invitation of a delegate of the Taliban to Swiss mean but to recognize the group?
Disclose of a report in the circles of Berlin was enough that the democrat-Christian government was stormed by criticisms. German sources in Bahboha disclosed the captivity of the third German national by the Taliban and said that constant secret talks had taken place between the representatives of Security Organization of Germany and delegates of the Taliban in Swiss. The declaration of this dispute confronted the two governing parties of Germany “social-democrat” and “democrat-Christian” which used be in relative understanding in the past. The increasingly clashes between the two governing parties of Germany can be counted as the new echoes of the military operations of the Taliban and it brings the results that the Taliban have reached their goals through their military moves because intensified situation which troubled the diplomacy of Mrs. Miracle also in expanding in the capitals of the allies of America. Anyhow, in the upcoming days we should be looking forward to hear some new reports of new waves of differences and tension over the consequences of confronting with the Taliban or remaining or going from Afghanistan among the presented international coalition members in the scene of Afghanistan. Presently, the antagonism inside the jurisdiction of Germany under the pretexts of a series of secret contacts and talks with the terrorists is in progress. The contacts which are said to be directed by the security officials of Germany but in the same time the American and French parties were also informed of. Read the explanation of this story from the reporter of Shpegal: Two Taliban members with fake names and a plane from Swiss Air travel to Zurich in July 2nd 2005. they are welcomed by the security officials of Germany in the airport and then they are taken to Helton Hotel. The names and identifications of these two Taliban members are of the most secrets means because they relate to such an organization which has close relations with Al-Qaeda. One of these two persons is a person named Qumandaan “commander” who has fought beside Mullah Omar and has lost the right leg. The meeting continues for a long time and the Taliban members frequently and by the pretexts treatment and visiting the relatives travel to Swiss. The objectives of Germans in these visits is taking warranty from the Taliban for the safety of the German nationals in Afghanistan and getting more acquainted with the Taliban and finally persuading the group to separate from Al-Qaeda. The secret German officials propose to the Taliban that if they accepts their proposals and thus they separate path from the Al-Qaeda, the German government will assist a lot of economical facilities to Afghans projects such as construction of hospitals and mosques but the Taliban members do not sow any interests to such proposals and their main demand was that the Taliban group should omitted from the list of terrorist groups and it should be recognized as a political force. Based on the reports of informed sources the secret talks with the Taliban took place with the coordination of the government of Germany. In addition Security Organ of America and some European countries such France also were informed of such talks. Of course, these sources mention that this is not the first time that the Security Organization of Germany “BND” establishes such secret contacts with such groups but it previously had contacts with the militia groups of the middle-east and guerrilla movements of South-East of Asia. In addition to Germany, the British forces also had meetings with Taliban in 2006 in Afghanistan and even Americans also sought to establish such contacts through different ways. But now, as far as such contacts have been revealed the case of kidnap of German nationals has raised arguments and here the question raises that to what extension establishing of contacts with the terrorist group is legal? This question is presented in a time when the government of Germany like that of the American declares to be against establishment of any kind of contacts with terrorist groups and they have repeatedly have declared that our stance against the terrorists is the one declared by the Security Council and the United Nations. The next matter is that what will the government of Mrs. Miracle do with the waves of criticisms by the public opinion which have challenged her honesty and trust? What is obvious among the politicians of this country is two different perspectives of the way of reaction of Berlin to the issues related to Afghanistan. One perspective is the conservative viewpoint as the assistant of the spokesman of the government of Germany and a member of the social-democrat party says that Berlin wants the participation of the moderate Taliban forces in the process of peace and rehabilitation of Afghanistan and the next perspective should be searched in the comments of the president of the commission of external affairs of the government and a member of democrat-Christian party who disagree with the viewpoint of dealing with the Taliban. The last one believes that maintaining close relations with the Taliban will marginalize the government of Mr. Karzai and that the participation of the Taliban will cause elimination of the bases of the six-years old agreements of the west, NATO and international activities of Germany. Previously the president of the social-democrat party of Germany also talked of the participation of the moderate Taliban members in the political process of Afghanistan in a peace conference of Afghanistan but was immediately rejected by democrat-Christian party. Yet, there are no new reports about the circumstances of contacts that the core of security of Germany had established with the Taliban. Some well-informed sources of Berlin said that the talks with the Taliban members were interrupted by the direct order of senior security officials of Germany at the end of 2005 but the reasons for the establishment of such talks has changed to a joke in the circles of Germany. The most astonishing in the story is that the officials of Berlin learned at the end of talks with the Taliban members that they were among the 200 terrorists under investigation [follow or search to be arrested] and in the black list of America and the two Taliban members were not able to assure the German authorities to bring changes in the policies of Mullah Omar and Al-Qaeda group.
Thousands ton low quality oil imported in the country
Atif Mohmandzai
During the current month private oil importer companies imported more than 3000 ton low quality oil in the country. This statement expressed by Dr. Mohammad Amin Farhang, Afghan commerce minister in a press conference which was held yesterday in Kabul. He didn’t specify the names of the private companies which import low quality oil but stated, their all oil stopped in the borders of Afghanistan and we have given them deadline until tomorrow to re-out their oil from the country. He stated if private companies not act for the deport of their low quality oil from the country, than the government will record their all oil. He as well stated all the documents of private companies which imported low quality oil handed over to attorney for investigation and assessment and their names will be disclosed soon. He stated, “you will inform soon that the licence of the number of private companies which imported low quality oil will re-take from them.” He as well called one of the reasons of the rate of oil which increased in the markets of the country is oil monopoly and high price by private companies. Bur representatives of private companies claimed during separate sessions that Afghan ministry of commerce doesn’t access to their difficulties and one of the reasons of high price is the difficulties of the trader. Trader of oil importer says, they face to the difficulties such taking money by oil and gas department, taking money by police in highways and etc. but commerce minister says gas and oil department stopped taking money from the private companies since three months. In yesterday’s session oil importer traders promised beside the issue of 10 matters resolution that during the current month in the case government create a coordinate system with private companies, they will decrease oil price from 50 Afghani to 34 Afghani. Oil price now a days increased in the country and the price of one litre petrol is 50 Afghani (1 US dollar) however two months ago the price of one litre petrol was 29 Afghani. Commerce minister stated they have sent representatives to countries produce oil and it is determine that oil price decrease in one month in the bazaars of Kabul city.
Kidnapped small girls were saved
The police of Kabul released two small girls who were kidnapped and were found in Se-Sado-Panzda area of Khairkhana Mina. Ali Shah Pactyawal the director of anti-criminal department of provincial police of Kabul was in the region and said that the small girls are now unconscious and were kidnapped by a kidnapping group to receive money for their release. Gen. Paktyawal said the hideouts of the kidnappers was discovered by the police and he confirmed the arrest of some of the elements of the crime but Mr. Paktyawal says that the main elements of the kidnap are hidden in one the rural districts of Kabul province and that the police is seeking to arrest them.
One rocket crushed to Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan hospital
Atif Mohmandzai
Last night one rocket crushed from an undisclosed location to the various of Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan hospital. General Ali Shah Paktyawal, chef of criminals department provincial police headquarter of Kabul, yesterday morning meanwhile confirmation of this news told reporters, this rocket fired at 11:00 Saturday night from an undisclosed location but there was not any financial and body casualty. But according to one of the workers of 11th security police district, this rocket crushed in the area of Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan hospital, as a result one water tanker destroyed. He as well stated this rocket fired from Pol-e Charkhi situated in the east of Kabul province. Mr. Paktyawal as well announced the discover of two rocket and stated, provincial police headquarter of Kabul city discovered two rockets that were ready to launch but he prevented giving more details in this regard. Have to mention Kabul city in these lasts is witness of suicide attacks by the Taliban group which causes anxiety of the government and Afghan nation.
Estonia to assistance Afghan national defence ministry
Atif Mohmandzai
Estonia donated 4000 Kalashnikovs and near to five million bullets of that in coast of 2 million US dollar to Afghan national defence ministry. Protocol of this donation signed yesterday between General Abdul Rahim Wardak, Afghan national defence minister and Jaak Avaiksoo, Estonia defence minister in Kabul. Afghanistan national defence minister after the sign of this protocol stated in a press session, Estonia will hand over the mentioned weapons and ammunitions in the near future to national defence ministry. Wardak hoped Estonia play more role beside NATO member countries in equipment of ANA. He as well stated, “I am hopeful that as soon as possible Afghan national army find more ability in order to fight against terrorism.” In the current time, ANA don’t have the weapons which had to have. Estonia defence minister as well accompanies in this session. He invited Afghan defence minister to visit their country. Estonia has 127 personals in the frame of international troops by the name of ISAF which based in Helmand province.
I don’t want to continue my duty anymore in Jawzjan province
Atif Mohmandzai
Joma Khan Hamdard, governor of Jawzjan province today stated in a press conference after three months disappearance in Alam Khel village of Balkh district to reporters, however I am the governor of Jawzjan province but I don’t want to continue my duty anymore in this province. He added that illegal armed men in Jawzjan province don’t want peace and security in this country. Mr. Hamdard mentioned from the last violate demonstration in Jawzjan province and stated, these demonstration leaded by someone special and the target was in order to discharge me. Have to mention as a result of the last demonstration which carried out in Jawzjan province 9 people have died and more than 30 other have gotten injury, and residents of Shabarghan city called the cause of this demonstrations dissatisfaction of people from Joma Khan Hamdard.
One Russian arrested in women dress in Paktya
Atif Mohmandzai
One Russian decent who wore women dress arrested by security forces in Paktya province. the arrested Russian says he didn’t come in the goal of clash to Afghanistan but he was returning his country through this province. The arrested Russian decent is by the name of Andary and he is showed to tribal elders of Kormi agency and Paktya province according to Rahmatullah Rahmat governor of Paktya province. Governor meanwhile showing the Russian decent said, enemies of Afghanistan are trying from any way to come here and carry out destructive activities. 28 years old Muslim Andari is tall and the colour of his face is red and has red and long bears and says that he is resident of Siberia. Andari told Pajhwok afghan news agency in a exclusive interview he has trained in Egypt after Iran and Pakistan. According to him, in the first he based in Karachi and after gone to border area Mer Ali and he stayed there for six months. He says he has come Khost province trough Meer Ali and wanted to go Kabul in order to return his country from Kabul to Tajikistan. Governor of Paktya province Rahmatullah stated first he will be investigated and after may show medias in Kabul. Two other afghans arrested along with Andary too, who are resident of Chahar Asyab district of Kabul. He have confessed in their primary investigation that someone else handed over this Russian decent to them in Khost province.
Refugees’ problems should be solved
Sharif Shikib
Translated by Abdul Hassib
As a result of three decades of devastated-war, one of those unexpected outcome was compulsory migration (refugee) of the Afghan poor people. Three decades of agony have been used to yield damages and risks to the whole economic and social foundations even to the lives of the public throughout Afghanistan. Several thousands of our compatriots were sacrificed for the conflicts between stakeholders and power-hungry structures. On the other hand, several others sought refuge and became vagrant to neighbouring countries, with heaps of difficulties, most of whom are still suffering the same difficulty. However, it is very unfortunate to have heard that neither the Afghan government nor the relief organisations have taken steps to rid the Afghan refugees/returnees of their current difficulties. If they did something very few, then it was not as that adequate to be able to uproot the problems at all. At the same time the afghan government has never drown attention to convince those neighbouring countries’ authorities who always join to insulting Afghan people in their country, not to put illegal pressure on the Afghan refugees. Contracts of support of refugees have, however, been signed between Afghanistan-Iran-Pakistan-UN, but the afghan refugees have never breathed freely either in Pakistan or in Iran, to such extent that even Pakistan has recently drafted [illegal] deadlines to evacuation of the Afghan refugees. This comes at a time when Afghanistan is engaged to numerous economic difficulties, upraise of the prices and a dozen others, which return of the refugees relatively adds to these problems around the country. At the same time, most of those returnees are tent-dwellers suffering various difficulties as a result of lack of social facilities throughout the country. Last year, the Afghan ministers’ council ordered the ministry of refugees and repatriation affairs to make immediate actions to resolve the difficulties of those tent-dweller returnees before the winter comes, but the ministry has not done as it was expected. This made several children and old men to lose their lives, as a result of cold weather and lack of foods last winter. On the other hand, this year some inbuilt amounts of Afghan refugees were forced out of neighbouring countries, and have kept living under tents with numerous difficulties in hot deserts of Nimroz and Jalalabad. This problem rose to a stage that even caused the members of the lower house to impeach the Afghan foreign affairs and refugee and repatriation affairs ministers recommending them to take some basis. However, they seemed to have remained inefficient in this regard once again. We hope the ministry of refugee and repatriation affairs realise the returnees and make sure to solve a part of the returnees’ difficulties, as they are suffering different problems of lack of house/havens, social facilities.
One person killed in charge of spying
Atif Mohmandzai
Apposition members yesterday killed one person in charge of spying to American troops in Paktya province. According to security officials of Paktya province, Joma Gul, resident of Zarmali district of Paktya province yesterday killed by the Taliban in charge of spying to US troop. Officials of Paktya province stated meanwhile confirmation of this news, this person was a simple and labour man and he didn’t have any relation with US and governmental troops. Two insurgents killed in Badghis province Two insurgents were killed in a clash with police forces in the areas of Badghis province and the number of weapons were seized. According to the information of press release and public relation department of Afghan ministry of interior affair, this clash carried out in Langar village of Badghis province, as a result two enemies were killed and five motorcycles and two rocket launcher were seized.
Efforts of the government to bound mass media law
Asghar Ashraq
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Some members of the media and journalists association have recently voiced concerns about negative changes, brought by the government to the mass media law. The law was kicked/sent to the lower house one month before the parliament’s recess, but still it remained on desk without to be reviewed. It was hoped that most difficulties of media activists would have been solved, after that the mass media law was first ratified by the lower house. The media expressed concern on media law at a time, when, Sayyed Aqa Hussein Sancharaki, the head of the National Afghan Journalist association said that some Afghan high-ranking government officials, appealing to the lower house, expect to bring some negative changes and limitations to it (mass media law). The most important issue of the mass media law which even made the afghan government interfere and oppose to it is the department of media high council, prorogations of commission of audibility to media affairs, the department of National Radio Television, observing of equality to private TV channels, and adding of 4 other issues to forbidden outlets of the media. It is said in the roles of media high council of mass media law that the members of this council should be selected from civil society, media and ministry of information and culture and that head of this council may be selected through free elections, so that he is able to properly manage the functions. Opposing this issue, the ministry of information and culture have insisted to select its delegate as chairman to the council. The other issue making the media activists concerned is that of controlling the National Afghan Radio Television which some structures are trying to bring it under the control of the ministry of information and culture. Furthermore, it is ratified only for private TV channels in 22nd article of mass media law that they need to remain neutral in positioning of political structures against one another within the media outlets, while the other printing and visual media were not detected to be observing the aforementioned issue. Four other issues were added to 45th article of the media law, all of which, as the media activist believe, are repeated-issues, and on the other hand, it creates obstacles to the way of researchers to study about none-Islamic relics. At the same time, in all over to the difficulties within mass media law, the media activists are facing several other problems created either by the government or by the opposition groups. If the lower house didn’t make sure to resolve these problems and to cut down the hands of those structures trying to bring negative changes to mass media law, then the developmental progression of freedom of press will very soon be stopped.
Moulavi Abdul Malik Hamidi; not-avoiding from, whatever Islam forbids, listed as sin
Hasamuddin Hesham
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Cultivation, production and smuggling of narcotics, is mounting every other day even at a level of an inevitable difficulty, at the moment, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan, the international organisations say, supplies at least 90% opium of the international markets. The Anis correspondent, in this aspect, interviewed Moulavi Abdul Malik Hamidi, the deputy of General Department of Mosques for the ministry of Hajj and religious affairs presenting it so: Q: Can you please shed a light about negative damages of narcotics from stance of Islam? A: “narcotic, as it derives from its name, is a stupefying phenomenon. Anything which damages the wise, body and personality of human being and inflict losses to the society, is forbidden by Islam. Win, hashish, Opium, Morphine and poppy are of those types of narcotics bringing physical, health [sanitation], and social harms which Islam forbids them in a very prominent formula. “God has said that, win, gambling, and other stupefying things are quite illegitimate. Regarding this issue, the people need to know that narcotics badly damage their health. For this reason they need to avoid cultivating and smuggling it, since, whatever is forbidden in Islam, if we didn’t avoid from, then we commit mortal-sin. Muslim people need to abide by commands of Allah [within Holly Quran] and keep themselves away from use, cultivation and smuggling of narcotics.” Q: What do you think, how can we stop cultivation and smuggling of narcotics so that, on the one hand, our people get rid of its losses and on the other hand Afghanistan will be able to come out of international objections. What have you done in this regard? A: “The religious scholars (Moulavi are most often discussed) need to preach against narcotics and make the public aware of losses the narcotics inflict to the body and convince them not to cultivate, smuggle and use narcotics. “The General Department of Mosque for the ministry of Hajj and religious affairs have guided the public through mosques a lot in order to make them not to turn face to this fatal phenomenon. At the same time, it has preached via TV and Radio stations against narcotics to the public alike. “Regarding the Islamic customs, the public need to realise the reality and make sure not to cultivate narcotics any longer so that they may be able to write Afghanistan off from black-list of narcotics producers. This is something relatively depend to the public and the afghan government to act toward this difficulty honestly.”
One of the Taliban heads arrested in Khogyani district
Atif Mohmandzai
National security personals of Nangarhar province arrested one head of the terrorist group from Khogyani district of that province. Press release department of national security announced, Gul Omer, resident of Khogyani district of Nangarhar province along with 15 people group wanted to enter Jalalabad city for carrying out destructive activity arrested by the officials of national security of Nangarhar province along with one Kalashnikov and the number of grenades. According to another news, officials of national security department of Laghman province discovered anti-vehicle mine that was planted by apposition members in the way of Qarghayi district of that province.
The resolution issued by Consulting sessions of Hezb-e Harakat-e Islami (the Islamic movement party).
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Realising the deepen progressive/current changes inside Afghanistan and in the world, the complicated political and social situations of the government, Hezb-e Harakat-e Islami (the Islamic movement party), in a gathering, discussed and reviewed some solutions to overcome current difficulties and factional inaudibility, the method of inter-group activities, method of establishing mutual connection between parties’ central offices with provincial one’s, the way to reinforce economic foundations of parties, and expansion of the activities of the parties, presenting the results in a frame of resolution in this way: 1. Hezb-e Harakat-e Islami [Mardom “people”] Afghanistan deeply believes to national solidarity and unity sparing no effort to reinforce it. 2. Insecurity issue has recently turned to a crisis in the country, overshadowing the whole political and social aspects. For this reason, the Afghan government, destining relevant solutions to remove insecurity, needs to negotiate/consult with parties, political structures, scholars and religious influential structures in this regard so that it may be able to catch up a prominent solution for it. 3. The slogan of competency governance, unfortunately, has not been materialised so far in the country, and the administrative and political authorities/officials of the government are still suffering in this aspect. For this reason, the government needs to enforce competency governance as a feasible issue for progression of its national purposes, away from major or minor conceptions. 4. Counter against narcotics’ cultivation and smuggling, and against terrorism, is a vital to international community and the Afghan government. For this reason, they need to choose a prominent mechanism to deal with it. 5. We support the Regional Peace Jirga held, with initiative of the Afghan government, and hope the Afghan and Pakistan governments properly abide by the decisions made by the Jirga. 6. The international community’s support of peace and reconstruction missions is appreciative in Afghanistan. We hope it spends all its aid through the Afghan government, by destining priorities in the country. 7. We believe that current harassment as a result of activities of the Taliban harms short and long-term advantages, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan. The government needs to seek a good solution in which the Taliban are made included to ranges of the public supporting the constitutions and national advantages. 8. We increasingly support the economic, politic, social, cultural and instructive equal developments, all of which are envisioned in the constitutions, and we hope it will be enforced in all the aspects. 9. We ask the three bodies of the government for assistance so that we, together, may be able to benefit the public and expansion process of the country, by using the international aid, away from tensions within the political climate of our country. 10. We claim support from those political and social structures operating, away from dependence [to intolerances], to keep independence safe and bring peace and security in the country, and we are ready to work together for national advantages in an appropriate political circle. 11. The government is responsible to create job opportunity, establish centres for treatment of addicts, disabled and vulnerable structures of our society, so we call on the government to take feasible actions in this regard. 12. We expect from the government to draw further attention to create educational grounds and concede further privileges to families of martyrs. 13. We wish the neighbouring countries treat Afghan refugees with relevant ways and pave the ground for an honourable and voluntary return of them back to Afghanistan. 14. Objections, proposals, and viewpoints issued by work groups regarding 6-article bill of Hezb-e Harakat-e Islami should be enforced as a feedback to the party.
Hamid Karzai calls on entrepreneurs to avoid extortion
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president called on the entrepreneurs to supply further foodstuff like grains, vegetables, fruits, and to avoid from extortion, in honour to great month of Ramadan. Bakhtar news agency reports that Karzai, stated this in his radio statement, saying that,” There are rich families in our country who don’t mind expensive prices, they can obtain their necessities, from whichever stage the prices speak. However, majority of the public are unable to purchase things with high prices, since the salaries of the teachers, government [junior officials] are standard which they are not changed when prices raise. For this reason, upraise of prices badly damage the economic situations of most people. “Extortion, making the prices very risen, stocking the goods for further advantages, are not those of relevant actions our entrepreneurs perform, since it inflicts losses to the society. “This is an irrelevant action at all the time, especially during the great month of Ramadan, as it differs values of Ramadan month. “Destining the economic situation of most people, I call on the entrepreneurs, and shopkeepers to realise economic disability of the public and avoid extortion so that they may help our people properly provide for their lives during Ramadan’s great month.”
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:10 to 2:00 PM] Speakers: Miss Shabnam and Miss Ghotay</I> <B>Summary:</B> <I>[Gul Agha from Gulbagh area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Shabnam][Dari]:</I> He complained about a lack of electricity, improved-roads, and other social facilities in Gulbagh area of Kabul city. He also says that the Kabul municipality sounds like it doesn’t know whether or not there was a region called Gulbagh area around the Kabul city, since it doesn’t pay attention to obtain facilities to this area. <I>[From Ali Shing district of Laghman province][Pashto]:</I> Roads are pretty rugged in our area creating numerous difficulties to the public in this region. We hope the municipality wake up from its daydream and make actions to resolve the problems of the public. <I>[Zargul from Third Road of Shah Shahid area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Shabnam][Dari]:</I> Yours radio is used to manage interesting outlets. However, the problem is that it doesn’t cover Paktia province. I wish your Radio’s leading council decide to expand its services and cover Paktia province so that the residents of this province also may be delighted from interesting outlets of this radio. <I>[From Ahmad Shah Baba Mina of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> We are shopkeeper in this area. The government collects expensive tax from us. Sometimes ago, the ministry of finance used to issue a receipt of 8000afg to us, but it didn’t think where the shopkeeper could find 8000afg from, to pay tax. On the other hand, our shops have no specific owners. Sometimes we pay the tip/rent to the government and sometimes to people who claim ownership to our shops. <I>[From Mosahi district of Kabul province][Pashto]:</I> There is no clinic in this district. The residents of this area are suffering numerous difficulties as a result. We call on the ministry of public health to make sure to resolve this problem in our area. <I>[Wali Khan from Bot Khak district of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Ghotay][Pashto]:</I> Our children are lacking educational opportunity in this area, such that even there is no school in our residential area. On the other hand, there are no city-line buses to take us to the city. <I>[Fraidon from Khair Khana area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> A lack of electricity ties us to numerous difficulties. <I>[Noorahman from Dihsabz area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> We, Kuchi people, are lacking any of social facilities, mostly school. I hope the ministry of educations do something in this regard.
9 people released from the kidnappers
Atif Mohmandzai
Herat police released 9 young men which kidnapped by unidentified armed men. Colonel Noor Khan Neikzad, spokesman for provincial police headquarter of Herat province told Pajhwok Afghan news agency these guys went to tourist to Kamar Kalagh area of Herat city and they kidnapped by unidentified armed men when reached to a mountainous area. Neikzad added after the kidnappers released two guys and told them to bring 2 hundred thousand Afghani for the release of any guy from their families. Neikzad added, after these two guys informed police forces and police forces carried out operation in Band Babay area of Robat Sangi and could to release all the kidnapped guys. He stated the kidnappers succeeded to flee including one woman among them but police try to arrest them as soon as possible. This is the first collective kidnap in Herat province. nine days ago security forces released two Iranian from the kidnappers in 8th district of Herat city and arrested owner of the house in charge of this case.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 2:00 to 2:10PM]; Presenter: Zakia Safi</I> <B>Summery:</B> <U>12 Taliban killed:</U> At least 12 opposition members, the security officials say, were killed in a NATO-ANA joint military operation in Daichopan district of Zabul province. Fazel Dawi, the district chief for Daichopan district said that NATO and ANA soldiers launched their military operation in this area, after that they were noticed from presence of a haven belonging to the Taliban in this area which this resulted in deaths of 4 opposition members and injury of 8 others. <U>6 policemen killed:</U> The Taliban and government opponents claimed to have killed at least 6 policemen and wounded two others in Jalrez district of Maidan Wardak province. The Taliban spokesperson, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi said that their followers attacked on a police convoy killing 6 policemen and hurt another 2. He also said that no damages were brought to the Taliban in this conflict. However, the Maidan Wardak provincial police chief, rejecting this claim, said that at least 11 followers of the Taliban were killed in this incident. <U>1 ANA soldier died:</U> As a result of a traffic incident at least one Afghan national army soldier died and one other injured seriously in Farah province. The ANA commander in Farah province said that a water tanker deviated the road and overthrown across the road which resulted in death of one ANA soldier and injury of the other near by Farah airbase. <U>5 Taliban arrested:</U> NATO-led international coalition force claimed to have arrested at least 5 followers of the Taliban and government opponents in Shinwary district of Nangarhar province. It has been said in a press statement issued by the international coalition force, stationed in Bagram district of Parwan province, that at least 5 opposition members were arrested in a military operation in Shinwary district. The security officials for Nangarhar province confirmed it as well.
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>You:</I> I have decided to write a book down about Sufism structures in Afghanistan and Iraq. <I>Interpreter:</I> He says he has got to write a book about [Qaderi] Sufism structures in Afghanistan and Iraq. <I>Gailani:</I> It is very good. You mean about our family. We got pleased of hearing it. <I>You:</I> I am interested of learning more about the role the Qaderi and Sufism structures play in Afghanistan. <I>Gailani:</I> Basically, Our Qaderi tribes live in Baghdad, which the general head of us is Sayyed Ahmad Gailani. <I>You:</I> Is he in Pakistani right now? <I>Gailani:</I> No, he is in Kabul. <I>You:</I> Can I meet him? <I>Gailani:</I> Yeah, sure, why not. <I>You:</I> My book is also about the way the Qaderi structures perform Zeker in Afghanistan. I am wondering that the Zeker is not performed in a single way. Qaderi’s way of Zeker is different from Naqshbandi’s. Can please shed a light in this regard? <I>Gailani:</I> Each Tariqa holds different way of performing Zeker. However, basically they all mention the name of God at all. <I>You:</I> Is there any specific place, reserved for Qaderis to perform Zeker in Kandahar? <I>Gailani:</I> Zeker has no specific place to perform. We can perform it anywhere. Sometimes, we carry out Zeker in Khirqa Mubarak and some other places. We usually perform it every Thursday. <I>You:</I> I understand a little better Pashto now, I heard the news tonight. There were lots of talks about politics. Is there any connection between Sufis, Qaderis and politics in the country? <I>Gailani:</I> Of course, there are lots of connections at the level of our leaders. However, I, myself, don’t have any connection to politics. <I>You:</I> Is there any specific place where Qaderis are very strong in Afghanistan? <I>Gailani:</I> Qaderis’ presence could be felt in all the provinces of Afghanistan. We don’t know about the exact dimension. But surely we stay in all over Afghanistan. If you want to see a circle of Zeker, then I will call my people tomorrow to perform Zeker. <I>You:</I> These were the all questions I had. It was very interesting appointment. <I>Gailani:</I> I will call the people together tomorrow to do Zeker here. <I>The other man:</I> Will u come here tomorrow? <I>You:</I> Yeah. <I>Gailani calls on the people around him:</I> We bring the people together tomorrow. <I>The other man:</I> it is ok <I>Gailani:</I> Shirin! Bring Khalifa Aslami to me. I have got questions from him. Is Zaklan Sahib present right here? <I>The other man:</I> who? <I>Gailani:</I> Zaklan, the man performing Zeker. <I>The man:</I> Yeah, he is here. <I>Gailani:</I> Well. I am going to show it (Zeker) to him right now. <I>Two mans are talking together, one of them says:</I> He has gone to Iraq and Afghanistan. He has got lots of information about Islam. <I>Gailani:</I> Shirin Jan! Please put my mobile to get charge there. <I>The other man:</I> It is an independence of religious in all over the world. During Mamon Rashid term of being Islam’s caliph, there were no enough Islamic countries. Mamon decided to hold a gathering of preachers, scholars and delegates of all religions exist around the world, every year. Once at this session, he saw a Christian preacher, with a very good moral. He liked him and called him to have a seat beside him. Mamon invited him to Islam. He didn’t accept, since, he told, Christianity is his paternal religion and went from Mamon. The other year, when the man took part to the gathering, he was a good preacher of Islam. Mamon wondered asking him, “are not you the one I invited u to Islam last year”. He said “Yes I am the one”. Mamon asked “why have you turned face to Islam?” he answered “In all over that I am a preacher I am an author as well. Once at a time I wrote Torah with my pen and transposed it as well then I offered it to bazaar. Every body was appreciating me. However, when I transposed Holly Quran, with only very few mistakes, the followers of Islam could discover it and threatened me a lot. For this reason, I thought with me that Quran is the real Book sent by God. This is why I became Muslim.” <I>A man:</I> Some people will gather here tomorrow and will perform Zeker. <I>Gailani:</I> We have got a video clip of Zeker in my mobile phone. <I>The other man talking to you:</I> He has the tip with his mobile. Would u like to watch it or you will take part in the circle tomorrow? <I>The other man:</I> He came to meet you. <I>Gailani:</I> Pardon! <I>The man:</I> He [undisclosed person] was looking forward to meet you but he couldn’t. <I>The man:</I> Will you obtain drugs/medicine from Kabul? <I>Gailani:</I> Maybe, if I found the chance, since it is a long trip to Kabul, and I feel sick too. <I>The man:</I> No. You don’t think/mind of a trip to Kabul. <I>The man:</I> Has not Shoaib come here so far? <I>The other man:</I> Previously, my friend was accompanying him. Both came here 5-6 months ago. They increasingly complained about hot weather there (maybe they are in Pakistani). They, then, went back. <I>Gailani:</I> The weather is quite hot in Pakistan <I>Another one:</I> However, the weather in Kandahar is normal, sometimes it is cold and sometimes warm. <I>Gailani:</I> The weather is hot in Helmand as well. <I>Another man:</I> I used to travel to Lahor, but the weather was colder than Peshawar there. <I>Gailani:</I> Yeah, it is colder in Panjab than Peshawar as well. I called my relatives there today. They feel good with the weather. <I>The man:</I> I was there 20-25 years ago. The weather was cold there. <I>Another man after some whiles:</I> There is no security, anywhere around Afghanistan, even in the capital. This is something the government knows. <I>Another man states a story:</I> I get off a car in the city. I saw a person standing over there and laughing. I though that he was crazy, but I guessed once again and said with me that he doesn’t look to be crazy. After some whiles I discovered that he had a mobile phone in his pocket and he was talking with headphones over his mobile to someone. <I>Gailani:</I> Pakistan is quite secure at the moment. <I>The man:</I> Is the security alright there? <I>Gailani:</I> Yeah, it is quite secure. <I>The man:</I> From my attitude, there is more security in rural areas than central Pakistan. <I>Gailani:</I> But the central areas are secure as well. However, insecurity speaks very loudly from Panjab. There was an incident in a market today. One night I was invited to my relative’s house there in Panjab. It was around 7:00PM [evening] that my cigarette finished. I called on my relative to bring me some. He rode on his motorcycle and left to market to bring cigarettes to me. Some miles away from his house, armed people endowed his motorcycle and searched his body. They robbed his $1000 and told him to back up to home and leave his motorcycle to them. Suddenly his cousin also arrived the scene, the robbers threatened the other boy to leave the motorcycle to them and go back to home, and make sure not to look your behind. Otherwise they would likely be shooting at them. They came back to home and complained about what happened to them. We get up and called the police. We went the scene, with guns waiting for robbers until 10:00PM, but no one came there we went back. Afterwards, the people in that area opened fire on police which resulted in deaths of 2 and injury of one other. Residents of Panjab and Gulistan [maybe a region in Panjab] are very brave fighters. <I>The other man:</I> As a result of insecurity, it is nearly possible that they (residents of Panjab) will seek refuge to Afghanistan. <I>Gailani:</I> Maybe! Once at a time, the people here fired a missile on a bus killing several people. Sometimes, even it happens that four-five aircrafts are bombing this area. Sometimes ago, a Panjabi man was our guest. He went back to Panjab. They formed an illegal group to them operating not to let Waziristani man enter Panjab.
AfghanWire Weekly Media Roundup
AfghanWire Ltd
The governor of Khost was targeted in a suicide attack on Wednesday, the district chief of Gereshk was kidnapped, and several ISAF/NATO soldiers were killed or wounded. Issues of security and crime were given increased commentary in local media accordingly. An op-ed in <I>Fajr-e Omid</I> on Saturday posed the question, “if you were Karzai, what would you have done?” The article adamantly stated that reconstruction was a long-term project, and that while progress wasn’t at the same level across the country there had been some areas of improvement. <I>Killid</I> examined security in Kandahar, noting the increase of “armed groups threatening the lives and property of the public inside the city” and stressing the often random nature of such attacks which happen in the light of day even in view of police forces stationed in the area. <I>Hasht-e Sobh </I>also took note of the “increase in targeting Afghan government officials by the Taliban.” It wrote: “attacking government officials at all levels is the main objective of the Taliban to make people abandon their cooperation with the government of Mr. Hamid Karzai.” <I>Afghanistan</I> daily newspaper ran an editorial on whether negotiations with the Taliban would be fruitful or not. It concluded – with a list of questions that had still to be answered about the Taliban’s motivation and trustworthiness – by stating that “negotiations with the Taliban won’t assist the security of Afghanistan.” In Herat, <I>Durbin</I>, the independent monthly magazine, published an extensive analysis of the Taliban and their capacities. The first of two parts, the article outlined the Taliban’s strengths – militarily, in terms of their ability to generate fear and with respect to their propaganda output – and examined why local people in the south and elsewhere were susceptible to their message and tactics. It was one of the most comprehensive and well-structured pieces of the year so far. It was critical of the behaviour of foreign forces, giving voice to a man whose brother had been killed accidentally by American forces in Kandahar: ‘“What is Karzai to me? What would I do with a road? I don’t want anything. Is this God’s path? Americans are entering houses, killing our youths, arresting them. They left only a woman and that is it.” Another young guy came out of the crowd and expressed his anger with a warning: “Take this house and country. As we left it to the communists, now we leave it to you. Instead of being killed as innocents in our houses, it is better to be killed in the trench…”’ In other news, <I>Cheragh</I>, the Rabbani-backed daily, ran an editorial with the headline, “Tolo TV opens the doors of ethical corruption to the youth.” Stressing the formative influence that media and sources of opinions could have, it was critical of the television stations emphasis on entertainment and the way it had “rudely…violated Afghan culture and Islamic values.” <I>Rah-e Nejaat</I> reported the ‘war of words’ that broke out in parliament between parliamentary members after one reportedly said that all Pashtuns were Talibs. It noted the increase in ethnic factionalism and tribalism in parliament, stating that “these convulsions weren’t happening for the first time.” In an editorial on Thursday, <I>Cheragh </I>wondered whether Afghanistan had become a “testing ground for western weapons.” It pointed out the British decision to start using so-called ‘thermobaric’ weapons in Helmand: “as the weapon is one of the most dangerous and has dynamic destructive potential, it causes a large number of civilian deaths.” It printed the opinions of military experts who “say that enriched uranium is definitely used in such bombs.” It concluded that Britain “is deciding to increase civilian casualties.”
Decisive decision for eradication of terrorism
Atif Mohmandzai: taken from Ghazni weekly newspaper
Hamid Karzai, president of Islamic republic of Afghanistan called the immediate eradication of terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan related to the decision of these two countries. Mr. Karzai stated Afghanistan and Pakistan need to fight jointly against terrorism. He stated, if both countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) decide for eradication of terrorism, this phenomenon will be solved tomorrow. Three days session of Afghanistan and Pakistan launched with the speak of president Karzai, and Shaokat Aziz, Pakistan prime minister. In this session ways of fighting against terrorism discussed in the presence of officials, influential and tribal elders of both countries. Shaokat Aziz, Pakistan prime minister who has leadership of Pakistan representatives, during his speak called Pakistan the biggest supporter of Afghanistan in fighting against insecurity and stated that Pakistan struggles more than any countries in maintaining security in Afghanistan. In this time, Hamid Karzai stated pointing to the difficulties of terrorism and insecurities which inflicted in the south, level of the students who are studying in the border areas with Pakistan comparing to last year is low. Mr. Karzai stated in address to 700 participators of both countries, terrorism is the problem of both countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr. Karzai stated, we are witness that flame of terrorism deploying day by day in Pakistan, we believe if both countries decide, the terrorism will be eradicated tomorrow. President called the hold of Jirga for access to such decision and stated we hope that participators of the joint peace Jirga success to adoption of this decision in the end of their task. Negotiation with the Taliban: Shokat Aziz, Pakistan prime minister confided during his speech from the cooperation of his country in fighting against terrorism and stated Pakistan is playing efficient role in maintaining security and stability in Afghanistan. Mr. Aziz stated Pakistan was never thought about the control of Afghanistan and always respected to the independent of these people, he added that Pakistan as well has such expectation from Afghanistan. Pakistan prime minister, currently supported from the negotiation with the Taliban and stated that the Taliban of Afghanistan forms huge part of the people of this country and must behave with them though negotiation and holding Jirga. Mr. Aziz expressed these statements when criticizers are saying, not participation of the Taliban in the Jirga may go the decision of these sessions under question. The Taliban didn’t invite to this Jirga and the Taliban as well called the Jirga initiative of Gerog Bush, president of republic of America and demanded from Afghan-Pak people to prevent accompany in that Jirga.
“Khowaja Omry”
Atif Mohmandzai: taken from Ghazni weekly newspaper
When you walk in ancient city of Ghazni and have visited fruit bazaar you may remember that the famous fruits of the city is there. Most of Ghaznichy (people of Ghazni ) are familiar with this city and or they know them through these productions. It doesn’t have much distance with the city there is 17km way till capital of this district. When you move from polluted Ghazni city to there, you wont even feel the destination, because you are moving in the way which is only blue sky and different sorts of fruit trees. Today walking in the most of Ghazni province districts is not interestable due to insecurity. But travel to such districts don’t have close acquaintance of southern districts. You can walk freely in such districts without concern from insecurity. I was saying with my self there may not any green areas in other provinces than Andar district and that is also because of always full of water dam “Sarda”. But when I visited this territory I have forgetten greenly of Andar district anymore, this may be also because of the broken dam of “Sultan”. Anyway, I was talking about Khowaja Omry area, Khowaja Omry is not a huge valley, but it is well-known because of greenly and products. I asked one of the residents of this area who was an educated person regarding the population of this area, he stated almost the population of this area is 140,00 people. But no one knows about geographical measurement of this area. Houses in this area are situated in two sides of the river and Sultan dam which broken two years ago situated in this area. Incomes of most of the people in this area is agriculture and husbandry. According to people of the area after several years of drought gardens are effected in this district like other areas of the country most of the existed garden dried and didn’t export fruits in these several years. Praise be to god, this year condition is satisfactory. But most of the people of this area travelled to other cities, that most of them is in the capital.
Karzai and Rahman inaugurated “friendship Bridge”
Atif Mohmandzai
Hamid Karzai, president of Islamic republic of Afghanistan and Amam Ali Rahman, his Tajikistan counterpart inaugurated the friendship bridge over the border river. This bridge connects Afghanistan to Tajikistan and also meddle Asia via Afghanistan to southern Asian borders. President of Afghanistan hoped in inauguration ceremony of this bridge that this bridge is playing vital role in development of business and economic cooperation of both countries and the region. Amam Ali Rahman, Tajik counterpart of Mr. Karzai as well stated “inauguration of friendship bridge is a historical event.” Carlos Goterz, US commerce minister as well accompanied in this inauguration ceremony of friendship bridge. Total coast of this strategic bridge is 37 million dollar which paid by United states of America in assistance to strengthen of economic development. With inauguration of this bridge beside ships which commute over border river, daily thousand vehicles will cross over that. Friendship bridge in the current time situated in the narcotic trafficking way in the world. In this 650m bridge, connects Nezni area of Tajikistan to Sher Khan border of Afghanistan. The joint Afghan and Tajikistan border is the main way of narcotic trafficking in the world. There is anxiety that this bridge will increase narcotic trafficking which in the past they were using ships over the river for narcotic trafficking.
21 apposition members were killed
Atif Mohmandzai
Afghan national defence ministry and coalition forces claimed the dead of 21 Taliban members in two separate operations. According to Pajhwok Afghan news agency from coalition forces, 12 Taliban members were killed yesterday in border Paktika province. according to the report, Afghan National Army “ANA” as well accompanied in this operation. Coalition forces stated the clash took place when apposition members attacked on them in Shaken area of the mentioned province. after they came under firing from both sides of joint border that after ANA soldiers contacted with Pakistani militants. the report added, Pakistani militants targeted three strongholds of apposition members in the area. The report says, Pakistani militants let Afghan militants to destroy apposition members stronghold inside of their soil. There was not casualty to joint troops and civilians. According to another news, Afghan national defence ministry announced the dead of 9 apposition members and the injury of 11 other in southern Zabul province. According to Pajhwok Afghan news agency, personals of 205 Atal military corps were patrolling in the area, when came under attack of the apposition group. According to the information of the announcement, in this attack 9 apposition members were killed and 11 other were wounded and 11 rockets seized from them. According to national defence ministry, there was not casualty in this incident to ANA. However, the Taliban haven’t said anything regarding the incident, but Qari Yousif Ahmadi, the Taliban spokesman told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone from an undisclosed location, their forces attacked on foreign and afghan troops in Mezan district. He claimed as a result of these attacks, foreign and Afghan troops inflicted heavy casualties.
18 civilians killed in NATO bombardment
Atif Mohmandzai
Residents of Mosa Qala district of Helmand province are saying 18 civilians were killed in foreign troop bombardment, but Afghan and foreign troops are expressing their unawareness in this regard. Haji Manan Khan, one of the tribal elders of Mosa Qala district stated foreign troop bombarded in Kobar area of the mentioned district. According to him, as a result of this bombardment 18 civilians were killed and around 25 other were wounded, including the huge number of women and children. However, foreign and Afghan troops are expressing their unawareness, but the number of wounded people have transferred to Lashkarga, emergency and civil hospitals. Fazl-o Din, who brought his three wounded people to emergency hospital, told Pajhwok Afghan news agency, NATO troops were patrolling in Kobar area of Mosa Qala when came under attack of the Taliban, after NATO troops bombarded on the houses of civilians. Haji Din Mohammad is also one of those people who brought his wounded son and daughter to the hospital. He stated, “the Taliban attacked on NATO and they (NATO) bombarded civilians houses. Colonel Mohammad Hossain, security commander of Helmand province expressed his unawareness from the bombardment in Mosa Qala district. In this time, Charly Maio, one of the NATO spokesman as well stated they don’t have information regarding the bombardment in Mosa Qala. Pajhwok Afghan news agency requested information from press release department of coalition forces in Kabul, but they stated, this question related to NATO troop, they must answer.
Two explosions in Kabul city
Atif Mohmandzai
Last Saturday to consecutive explosions took place in Yaka Tot area of Kabul city, but there was not financial and body casualty. According to the information of press release office of fighting against terrorism, Afghan ministry of interior affair, this explosion took place 1:40 night. The source told Pajhwok Afghan news agency yesterday that these mines were controlling from remote area and placed inside of road flower pot. The source added the first mine exploded when police patrol was crossing the area and the second mine exploded when the people gathered. Colonel Mer Amanullah, chef of 9th police district of Kabul city, told Pajhwok Afghan news agency the explosion carried out when their vehicles were moving in front of foreign convoy. He as well stated that the 2nd explosion took place 20 minutes ago fro the first explosion. Press release issued by ISAF stated that there was not financial and body casualty in the mentioned explosion to their troops. In spite of police activities, Kabul city is still under the threat of apposition members. Two days ago Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan hospital came under rocket attack, but there was not casualty.
Sweden assistance to Balkh public health department
Atif Mohmandzai
Provincial reconstruction team (PRT) Sweden today donated the amount of medicines and medic equipments in coast of 30,000 US dollar to public health department of Balkh province. Dr. Mirwais Rabi, chef of Balkh public health department told Roz News agency that this assistance including different sorts of medicines, surgical networks, mobile toilets and other concerned materials. According to him, before this assistance, PRT Sweden didn’t assist and cooperated in the basis of reconstruction of this province. doctors of Mazar-e Sharif are claimant public health department of Balk province is not still in that situation to provide enough medic serves. It is said, several months ago the main building of public health hospital burned in Mazar-e Sharif and all possibilities destroyed. Therefore, there was not any enough activities to re-stand this hospital on his own feet.
Deputy of National bank branch in Hairatan bander arrested
Atif Mohmandzai
Deputy of National Bank branch of Hairatan Bander, Balkh province arrested in charge of robbing money of the bank in Herat province. Colonel Noor Khan Nekzad, spokesman for provincial police headquarter of Herat province, yesterday afternoon told Pajhwok Afghan news agency deputy of the mentioned bank arrested in a discovery operation from one house in Angel district of Herat province which was hided there. Neikzad claimed that deputy of the bank confessed that robbed 65 thousand dollar from national bank branch in Hairatan bander in the year 2004. he stated that he was under police investigation since that time when arrested by police in Herat province and he has transferred Kabul for more investigation.
Economical problems more sufferings
Nowadays, in addition to other problems such as political, military and security, the Afghan people are the witness economical problems and that is the high prices of fuel, gas and other relief materials. In this regard the government blames the private sector and under the name of open market policy the government the government reasons that interfering in the market is incorrect but it doesn’t realize that if the private sector is blame so that what is the responsibility of the government? High prices of relief materials in the international markets and the existing problems in the highways can never ease the obligation of the government and in this regard it should take such measures to prevent the problems and the nation should not be faced with problems. A few months ago we saw that the very private sector used to import dirty fuel and gas [mixed with water or other substances- not pure] to the country that as the result a large number of our countrymen were burned using the impure fuel and hospitals were crowded by patients having burns. Even specific hospitals were established to treat patients with burnings but the logic of the government was that it did not have control on such materials and whatever comes were from the private sector. In such conditions, if an extraordinary event takes place in a region where fuel is trafficking from, what will the government do in order to supply the relief materials needed by people? And will not it [conditions] give an idea to the oppositions of the government to bring economical pressures on the government? And in addition to kidnap of government officials and foreigners they will threat the highway and create more pressures on the people? Two weeks a the government talked of hoarding of relief materials by the private sector and it also confess the fact that the private sector can create a lot of problems to people by ignoring the government and that they always think of increase of their invests. People are not able to resist against all these problems and they ask the government to take harsh measures in this respect, it should come out of the slogan of open market and response to the urgent needs of people. People urge them to solve the problems whether by the private sector of by the government. The option is with the government to choose an apt way to solve the problems.
Who are the main victims of narcotics?
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The recent official studies count the amount of addicts at least one million people, all of whom are youths in Afghanistan. That why youths are almost ever targeted by narcotics, here we seek a viewpoint from Mr. Zahid, a student in Kardan University, he said,” opium production had turned to a worldwide difficulty in Afghanistan creating challenges to the region and the world. It is very clear to seek out negative effects of narcotics inside the country. “The addiction graph mounts everyday around the country, instability is the main cause helping narcotics’ production and trafficking increase in Afghanistan, since as much insecurity increase as that narcotic mafia can operate freely gaining large economic avails. For this reason, they support the Taliban. “On the other hand, young generation, who is termed as motive bodies of the society which holds the remote-control of development and uplift with, are engaged to this fatal disaster making everything around their lives destroyed. Young generation is the radical capital of the society playing vital role to cultural, ideological, economical, and social developments in a country. However, the time of agony starts at a time when young generation of a country were allured by fatal cancer of addiction, which assaults to human physical and spiritual abilities as a termite turning them to ashes and negating their intention [for life]. “Whenever human ran out of intention, catastrophe is being incepted to their lives and would likely be not able to control themselves. “Addiction graph is ascending everyday, if it wasn’t stopped, then it would be a very productive phenomenon of creating challenge to the Afghan nation. The very remorse is that infant children also have gotten used to narcotics, from a way that their families are involved to cultivating narcotics while their children’s lives are overthrown to hell of addiction. Do these parents think out of their children’s future? “Narcotics production, which basically is illegitimate, has changed to a custom among the public. The perpetrators of it, without to feel for futures of their children, are very busy cultivating this poisonous thing to earn money. It is said that backwardness is not led as a result of economic poverty, but it causes by humanity and cultural poverty in unindustrialised countries of the world.” Q: Annihilation of young generation exactly means destruction of a country, since youths are those active generation who are capable to propel their country toward economic and social uplift, if the narcotics badly damage powers of the structure, what is the solution to get rid of this crisis, what are the families and the government responsible for? “Taking with it (crisis as a result of narcotics) easy and inaudibility to the case brings a gradual death to youths, if families feel concern to lives of their children, they need to renounce cultivating poppy so that they may be able to offer welfare to youths, through whom the country is improve.”
Joint police and coalition forces operation in Uruzgan province
Atif Mohmandzai
Police and coalition forces yesterday carried out a joint operation in Surkh Aab area of Trinkot district, Uruzgan province. According to the report of press release and public relation department of ministry of interior affair, as a result of this operation one person by the name of Mullah Kherullah, deputy of commander Amanullah killed and one Kalashnikov, one heavy machine gun and one mobile phone seized by coalition forces and his dead body transferred to the hospital.
Rejection letter to claims of Karizimir residents about confiscation of their lands by Zahir Shah
Sayyed Mukhtar Haqpisand
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Freedom of press is one of those humanity right, which has been enlisted to the international human rights statement, and the governments around the world have signed it, being honest toward. Harvesting from a mean of articles indexed to a bill is a manner/habit donating meaning to a society. Identically, harvesting from a right of freedom of press is not something excluded from this role. For this reason, we can not think of any emancipations without limitation in humanity society, even that of freedom of press. Each of statement, either writing or speaking, includes two aspect of destruction and reformatory, since reforming of, whatever we mean, of course, destroys some things around it. In contrast to proportion between reforming and destroying, the freedom of press is also something revisable. It implies to claim that any of those statements including destructive aspect further than the reformatory one, then it doesn’t mean to have been a right sanctioned by freedom of press. The freedom of press is a newly-known right after at least three decades of despotism systems in Afghanistan. This is why the public superficially harvest from it in a very low level. For this reason, newspapers, magazines, internet services, and some other media, sometimes, release those topics, whose destructive aspect speaks louder than reformatory one. The article Arman-e Millie news agency used to print it out on 18th August of 07, was a letter from residents of Karizimir area of Kabul city to Hamid Karzai, the president, in which Zahir Shah was accused of confiscating several thousand acres of public properties when he was the king. This article should be listed to range of those topics staining the freedom of press, since it included destructive aspect at all. This is because no law sanctions this claim correctly. Reflecting the claim, without proofs, by Arman-e Millie paper, is the action, inflicting damages to social personality of the opposite side (Zahir Shah), and present a pessimism portrait of him to the nation. If any of the news agencies reprint claims, without proofs, then what the contrast between anarchism and democracy in the society would be? Furthermore, the residents of Karizimir claim that Zahir Shah confiscated their lands 60 years ago, while according to roles, if a person holds a confiscated field for 33 years, then he is the owner. If their claim was true, then what has caused the residents of Karizimir not to stand up to make their properties returned during Communist regime, which captured the whole entities of kingdom family, and as a fulfilment of policy distributed them to farmers? Regarding aforementioned issues, we call on the media activist not to print out those articles fomenting intolerances, without proofs, and stop bringing damages to personalities in the society.
Security problems in some regions and incorrect stance of regional officials
At the end of last year and in the beginning of the current year, the enemies of peace and tranquility propagated that they will start vast military operations when the weather gets warm and that they will take over of different regions. The terrorists started such actions at the beginning of the year but they did not receive anything but heavy casualties and constant defeats. The terrorists could not capture any administrative units to establish their center. When the terrorists found out that they are not capable of fighting face to face with the Afghan national forces and as well as the forces of the international coalition led by America so that they turned to insurrectionary attacks. The terrorists took such an objective that they should extend insecurity to other parts of the country and to show that they have presence in most parts of the country and they are active. We should not conceal the fact the the terrorists have achieved successes in this regard, today we observe that some calm regions have become unsecured and this have many factors and different groups are involved in such terrorists, thieves, gangsters, drug smugglers and … we here talks about the factors of insecurity and only we point out to the enormous problem that the terrorists have their compacts on these factors. This problem is lack of coordination among some of the regional officials. The regional officials blames each other the district administrators term the district police chiefs to be insufficient and the police chiefs blame the district administrators and this proves that there is no coordination among the regional officials. Terrorists, thieves and drug smugglers take the advantage of the gap of lack of coordination among the officials and they increase their attacks. Lack of coordination among the regional officials also affects the rehabilitation process, administrative corruption is increased and it causes entrusts among people and the government. The officials of any of the administrative unit who work in close coordination and shoulder to shoulder and in an atmosphere of trust, the rehabilitation process is running in successfully. Considering the realities the regional officials should think of establishing coordination as one of the priorities. We propose that the government should send delegates to those regions where there is rivalries among the regional officials and there is no coordination among the officials. The delegates should mediate among the officials and if there is any problems among them they should solves the indifferences. Secondly a permanent mechanism should be initiated for maintaining coordination, understanding and cooperation among the officials. The mechanism should prevent any kind of insensible rivalries among the officials.
Justice organs need reforms
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Ata Mohammad Noor, the Balkh governor, has recently been used to propagate that illegal armed-groups and robbers were arrested by, but they are released back by justice system in exchange to paying bribe which this resulted to an increase to insecurity, robbery, murdering and other crimes in the society. This is not the first time, a governor for a province claimed so. However, the Afghan people and holders of laws have constantly said that robbers were arrested, murderers were imprisoned, of course, but as an intermediary of their supporters, all of whom are working for high ranks of the government, or in exchange to money, were honourably released back, and robbers and murderers, who are followers of the Taliban, go back continuing, whatever they used to do, but with a little grosser manner. Most analysts believe that the key factor helping the insecurity and robbery graphs mount should be seen as weakness of the justice corrupted-system which, by any rates, its members pave the way to pardoning the criminals, as an exchange to bribe, or if it was not possible at all, then they help the criminal escape the jail during nights. It has been said that “If infidelity rose from Kaba, then where Muslim-ship could be felt”? If judges, lawyers and implementer of laws were corrupted people, how could we lay off the outskirt of corruption from our society? How can we pave the way to enforcement of social justice and human rights? That is to say, if the judge became claimant, then who would be enforcing Sharia? The wonderful topic here is that, in all over to the international aid invested to reform justice system over the past six years, no inbuilt and tangible scars of reformatory could be seen within the justice system, such that unprofessional people still are doing in justice system’s ranks. We witness right now as well that those people being supported by stakeholders are still leading the legislative and justice organs like attorney offices around the country, all of whom are corrupted structures, collecting large cash as a bribe to release [dangerous] criminals. I call on the government to draw further actions to make the law rule in the community, and bring those corrupted attorneys and high-ranking government officials under interrogations for what they have done, up until now. If the government remained regardless toward this difficulty once again, then undoubtedly the whole Afghan nation would likely be turning their backs either on their government or the justice system and will never appeal to them to obtain their rights.
Welfare depending to sound educational system in a society
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Each society enjoys its own customs, traditions, facilities, necessities, history, values, and standards which effects/benefits every body within the society. If necessities of a society were not destined within a movement, performed by whomever in the society, then negative effects intermediate the issue badly damaging the community. The schooling climate is paved to such away that helps the children and youths gain knowledge in industrialised countries of the world. For this reason, they almost ever persist to facilitate the necessities of schools enough. They think out how to have schools improved to a level which will be able to provide any of facilities to the students. This is why those things are written on the walls of schools, from which students can learn good things. A good class is a better path for learning educations to students. Billboards, informational charts, workshops, museums, a central for exhibition, facilities to physical growth of students, all and all, help students properly gain knowledge. That how much facilities a country provide to schoolstudents, it depends to capitals of the society. However, if students enjoy further facilities, then they would likely be presented to society as very good servants offering services to their society. As good climate of classroom paves the way for proper learning of knowledge to students, having professional and wise teachers is also something very necessary to students. Unfortunately, the Afghan government, due to a lack of facilities and disability, has been unable to duly bring about facilities and pave a relevant way for students to gain knowledge over the past six years. Most students are studying under tents and even open sky suffering numerous difficulties as a result of lack of the most ordinary and commonplace educational facilities, throughout Afghanistan. For this reason, we can never hope these students’ talents improve. If we look at current difficulties in the society, then the key factor which foments all these should be listed as illiteracy and low surface of knowledge in the society. If the government doesn’t tend to resolve educational problems and step up its efforts to improve educational aspect, then it is very difficult to develop Afghanistan and help it reach its goal (peace and security). For this reason, the Afghan government needs to put educational-development to its priorities. Otherwise, Afghanistan will boomerang to where it was 7 years ago, and the problems will be increasing every day.
The friendship bridge to reinforce other relations
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, together with Tajikistani president, while being accompanied by US ministry of commerce, some Afghan and US and Tajikistani high-ranking government officials, inaugurated/opened the Tajikistan-Afghanistan friendship bridge which is situated in Shir Khan Border of Kunduz province and Panj Pain area of Tajikistan, as a point of connective path between Tajikistani-Afghan people. Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president said, in the opening ceremony of the bridge that,” The Afghan people will spare no efforts to help this bridge be reconstructed, and the Afghan government will make lots of attempts to provide facilities to those people crossing this border, with the help of its Tajikistani counterpart. Afterwards, Emam Ali Rahmanof, the Tajikistani president said that,” As a fertile of the bridge, it is now easy for Tajikistan to obtain its all necessities. The US commerce minister, then, said that,” construction of the bridge should be listed as a symbol of uplift and development, since Tajikistani and Afghan president hold a single viewpoint about developments in the region. This bridge has at least 700m length and 12m width, from which a thousand of vehicles can drive away at a day. This friendship bridge is the biggest bridge connecting Afghanistan to Tajikistan, while three other bridges, none of which is qualified enough as friendship bridge is, have been constructed over the 1400km polls between these two countries. The friendship bridge was constructed at the cost of 38 million USD funded by the United States of America, by an Australian construction company. This bridge would likely be making Afghan-Tajikistan people closer than ever and will expand their relations.
Allied National Front in fact is neither national nor allied
Sometimes before we heard from the media sources that some servants of aliens [Russia and Iran] wrote the scenario of a new drama named National Front and they performed it to the funs of politics. Caused by the servants of aliens, Afghanistan is one those countries that the modern countries test their experiments in it. In the past it was good that each country had specified places in their own territories for testing their experiments such as in Kabul there were places for agricultural experiments in Badam-bagh agricultural mechanization farm, places for military exercise in Deh-Sabz, Bagrami and behind Pul-e Cherkhi prison but now in contrary the entire world test their experiments in Afghanistan. E. g. testing new weapons, fostering new ideologies, making successful new political and economical strategies and the experiment of establishing new coalition composed of rival groups. In our opinion the new drama named national front is the continuation of the very failed process. This performs those dark and bad backgrounds of the players of the game that in fact this front is neither national nor allied. It is not national because the players of this game always did things against the national unity, all of their doings, their activities, publications stances were against national morals. If a person can not tolerate Afghanistan, he shy his national unity, he never accept to be Afghan and is proud of the honours of others so that how is it possible that he claims national unity? All the features gathered together in this front always think how to disintegrate Afghanistan and how to hand it over to Russia and Iran once again. For this reason they once talk of a parliamentary system and sometimes of a federal system and this front is not allied because its players d not have a unite thought, unite ideology and unite believe. The main role in this front is that of the criminal communists such as Gen. Noorul-Haq Alumi, Sayyed Mohammad Golabzoy and Gen. Dostum. Thus Jamiat also claimed to be pure Ekhwani [Ekhwan-ul-Muslimin] and for this claim it was officially recognized in Pakistan. It [Jamiat] received millions of Dollars from Arabic countries in order to propagate the ideology of Ekhwanism. For the training of Arabs and other foreigners they established training centers. Dr. Abdullah Auzaam, Dr. Musa Qurbani, Abul-Gharj-alyabi and Abu Masab Zarqawi used to stay in Panjsher. The very Osama Bin-e Laden used to collect finances for Jamiat-e Islami. The first foundation stone of Al-Qaeda was laid down in the name of Qaeda-e Aljihad in the camps of these groups. After the fall of Dr. Najeebullah when Osama went to Sudan, the very Ustad Rabani sent a plane to Khartoum and was invited by the Afghan delegate to Afghanistan and grounds of activities were paved for him. Ok, now, who will term such a front to be allied when such persons of different thoughts are gathered together in it? And if the players of this game are studied in different way then we will found that the master of some them was Moscow, of some them was Iran, of some of them was Ekhwan-ul-Muslemin, Lenin, Stalin, Putin, Khumaini, Khamenaie, Osama and … Right now, some of them work for the interests of Iran, some of them for Russia, some of them have secret relations with Al-Qaeda and some of them want communism, socialism, nationalism and … thus the members of this front have long history of interpersonal conflicts with each other and they killed tens of thousands of soldiers of each other in Kabul and in the north of the country. For tribal and race discrimination they killed thousands of Kabulis in their interpersonal conflicts. All the mass graves are the results of actions and killings of these persons, they took the Muslim wives of people as their slaves then when they regretted for their crimes and when Golabzoy and Alumi apologized to the mujahid nation. In fact still they are different from each other from the ideological point of view but Iran and Russia gathered them together to maintain their interests through them, in fact this is the front of Iran and Russia, they have established it and they finance it. Jamiat has old relations with Russia, they follow up similar interests. This front has not been established based in principles so that it is clear that this front will not last longer and soon it will be collapsed.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:15 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Shabnam [Dari] and Miss Ghotay [Pashto]</I> <B>Summery:</B> <I>[Wali from Hodkhil area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Miss Shabnam][Dari]:</I> He complained about a lack of electricity and city-line buses in Hodkhil area of Kabul city. He also called on the ministry of energy and water to resolve their difficulties. <I>[Sayyedajan from Parwan province][Pashto][A small child]:</I> We are suffering from pollutions and other difficulties created by rugged roads to us. I call on the government to make sure to facilitate this problem to all our compatriots. <I>[From Kart-e Naw area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> I graduated from school, but I have been unemployed for a long time. For this reason, I joined to opening a shop to me. I am a shopkeeper and only able to provide for means of life by the money I earn from my shop, while we pay high cost rent/tip to houses. This is at a time when my shop doesn’t make as that money to help me either provide for my life or pay rent to my house. I call on the Afghan government to purchase lands and hand them out to the public so that it may be able to solve a part of problems of the public. <I>[Abdul Ahad Tanha from Ahmad Shah Baba Mina of Kabul][Pashto]:</I> The road connecting Ahmad Shah Baba Mina to Kart-e Naw area is very rugged creating numerous difficulties to the public. On the other hand, teachers, who lay foundation of uplift and pleasantness to a society, unfortunately collect very low salary at the cost of only 2000afg [approx: $40] from the government. This is while a member of the parliament is paid with 100,000afg [approx; $2000]. Which law does sanction this? We call on the government to financially support teachers and pave some better ground of living to them, since a society is developable through efforts of teachers. <I>[Amanzai from Kart-e Naw area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> We are used to live in Market area of Kart-e Naw region in Kabul city. Electricity cable has not been extended to our houses so far. We had already processed the documents to extend cable to our houses, but no one exists here to do it for us. We call on the ministry of energy and water to order the responsible authorities to do something in this regard. <I>[Dari][from 16th district of Kabul city]:</I> I am working with the government. The Afghan government promised to might had been increased our salaries, but unfortunately this pledge has remained unreasonable, up until now. <I>[Pashto]:</I> The Kabul municipality is used to launch construction projects on a road, but without to complete one, it launches projects on the other. I call on it to firstly let one project be terminated and then start the other, since it is not as much capable to be able to take care of several projects at one time. <I>[Shafiq from Hodkhil area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The US soldiers have blocked lots of streets with cemented fences (ESCO) which this has led to various problems to the public throughout Kabul city. I hope the Afghan government make sure to discuss this problem with the US ranks and make it removed.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 2:00 to 2:10PM]: Presenter: Habib Suhrab</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>20 followers of the Taliban killed:</U> As a result of two different NATO-ANA joint military operation at least 20 followers of the Taliban were killed in southern Afghanistan. A press statement issued by ISAF says that 13 opposition members were killed in an armed conflict of them with ANA and NATO troops in Helmand province. It adds that the conflict took place after that the Taliban attacked on a police checkpoint in this province. The statement also said that the Taliban ambushed a NATO convoy, which, afterwards it led to an armed conflict between them and resulted in deaths of 7 followers of the Taliban in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. <U>3 well-known Taliban commander arrested:</U> 3 well-known commanders of the Taliban, security officials say, were arrested in Paktia province. The commander for 203rd Afghan National army’s Thunder corps said that at least 3 well-known commanders of the Taliban, whom were already blacklisted by the government, were arrested in a NATO-ANA joint military operation called “Khaibar” in Paktia province. He also said that an armoury also was discovered in this operation, but he avoided further details in this regard. <U>Armed people kill 3 innocents:</U> An armed group killed 3 people in district four of Maimana, the Faryab’s provincial capital. The press officer for Faryab provincial police department said that a man, along with his wife and a child were shot by armed people in their house and were killed. He called the cause as individual hostility. The Faryab provincial police chief confirmed the incident as well. <U>A woman’s beheaded-dead body discovered:</U> The police said that they have discovered a woman’s beheaded dead body, who already was buried to a place, from district 8th of Herat province. The Herat provincial police chief said that the cause of the incident still is not clear, but it sounds like has happened as a result of family harassment. He also said that 2 people were arrested in charge of the case and that they were under police interrogation. <U>Taliban-Korean to negotiate face-to-face:</U> Hajji Zahir, who mediates the face-to-face negotiation between the Taliban and Korean board in the regard of Korean hostages held by the Taliban, said that the second term of negotiations would likely be held today. A commander of the Taliban, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed their face-to-face talks to Korean board, but offered no enough details in this regard.
Delay in solving fuel difficulty to add to problems
Khoda Yar Agah
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The oil and gas prices have raised 30-40% more during the past weeks in Kabul city. The government, despite realising the whole difficulties, under a name of free economic bazaar, has remained very regardless like an audience toward the problems as a result of upraise of fuel price. This comes at a time when the entrepreneurs, without to destine poverty of the public, have came to margins competing to one another making the nation devoted for their avails. Here this is only the poor people to forfeit to everything in such a condition. At the same time, the public sometimes, talk about secrete discernments the Afghan government officials carry out with oil traders in the community. Furthermore, the administrative corruption also helps prices rise in the markets. The Afghan government need to control the prices in the markets until fully ground is paved for enforcement of free economic markets, so that it will be able to stem out misuse of free economic bazaar by sackers of the nation’s blood (entrepreneurs). The Afghan government, on the other hand, needs to sign contracts of importing fuel with neighbouring countries, on its own and offer it with low price to the public, as winter is approaching and fuel necessity will mount in this season.
America should talk with Karzai, Taliban and Hekmatyar
The people of Afghanistan that the past thirty years of war abolished their material and intellectual values, if they from one hand hope for a small flash of peace and each mirage looks to them as an ocean of hopes and they have become hopeless for ay signs of peace. The Afghan nation is also not blamed because within the past three decades, peace talks have taken place for tens of times, seminars were held, coalition and unions were established delegations were established and governments were formed but none of them worked out. When the Afghan nation was informed of the regional security jirga and they declared that the jirga will not be among the two governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan but it will rather be between the two nations then blood flew in the dried vessels of people but when the 350 representatives were introduced from Afghanistan the Afghan nation despaired once again. What is clear here is that the main objective of holding a jirga is that the two sides listen to each others complains, pains and problems and then the participators make apt decisions to remove problems. The problem or war in Afghanistan is between America, NATO, the Taliban and the Afghan government and reasonably these parties should had taken part in the jirga. Thus the main pressures of war is on the Pashtun-settled areas so that most representatives should have been asked from these regions but in contrary the jirga had such features if ever it was between the northern allied and Pakistan and bigger role was granted to the northern allied in order to have made them pleasant. Neither the Taliban were called nor Hezb-e Islami to take part in the jirga neither the prominent tribal leaders were invited to take part in it. One side of the jirga was Pakistan and the other was northern alliance. If the past years of Afghanistan especially after the collapse of the government of Najeebullah are studied then we find out that the northern alliance is responsible for all the pains and sufferings of Afghanistan. Right now, secretly or obviously they are spying to others, they are involved in insecurity so that can we wish them to make peace? When Rabani’s government was endangered by the advance of the Taliban to the gates of Kabul then from the very point the northern alliance have always accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban and they started war against that country. From the very point Pakistan has been termed as an enemy then, if someone claims that the war is between the northern alliance and Pakistan and their problems have been solved in the jirga then we can name the jirga as regional security jirga and the main role in the jirga was granted to the servants of Russia and Iran so that we can never have any hopes from this jirga. The reason that Mawlana Fazel Rahman and Mawlana Sam-e-ul-haq did not take part in the jirga was that they knew that the jirga will not be of nay uses. What was of great sorrows was that the main elements of this jirga were members of the northern alliance and they are the servants and spies of Russia, Iran and India they never want Afghanistan to have friendly relations with Pakistan and from the very beginning they termed the jirga to be unsuccessful. From one hand Dr. Abdullah was the assistant of the jirga and Ustad Rabani the president of the northern alliance was a member of the jirga and on the other hand Mustafa Kazemi the spokesman of the ANF insulted the jirga and termed a time-consuming action. In our opinion if the international community and the Afghan government want to put an end to the Afghan dispute then they should open direct talks with the Taliban, Hezb-e Islami and other oppositions. Proposal to America 1. The Afghan dispute does not have military solution. America should talk with the Taliban, Hekmatyar and Karzai without granting an active role to the Taliban in the politics of Afghanistan, peace will nto be maintained. 2. Proposal to Karzai: We demand Karzai to establish a small committee from the independent personalities of Afghanistan and he should directly open talks with the Taliban and Hezb-e Islami and gradually he should gather together all the national and Islamic forces in the government and he should continue it till peace is maintained in the country. Mr. Karzai! This is the shortest, easiest and cheapest way, please be kind to people and act in accordance to this proposal, the entire nation will help you.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05]: Presenter: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary</B> <U>18 followers of the Taliban killed:</U> 18 members of the Taliban, security officials say, were killed in two different operations in Kandahar and Helmand provinces. A policeman said in a condition of anonymity in Zheray district of Helmand province that at least 7 opposition members were killed as a result of their conflict to police in Zheray district of this province. However, the Taliban said while confirming the incident that they captured 5 cars belonging to police in this incident. According to another news report, at least 7 members the Taliban were killed and 6 others were injured as a result of a NATO-ANA joint military operation in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. <U>Korean-Taliban negotiation running:</U> The face-to-face negotiations between the Taliban and Korean board started one hour ago and still running in Red Cross office in Ghazni province. <U>Regional Subsidence of counter-natural-disasters held:</U> A regional subsidence has been held in Kabul to seek out solution to reduction of natural disasters in the region. <U>University-to-University cooperation’s contract signed:</U> Delegations of two US universities signed a contract of assistant to Herat universities in the field of English language services and providing other facilities to the universities in this province, with the ministry of higher education.
Increase of opium, commercial goods or political project
Narrated from UN sources the graph of the cultivation of poppy in Afghanistan had an increase of 3% in the current year so that the share of this country in general reaches to 95% that it is not only a negative growth and shaking news to the international community but it is a firm slap on the face of the slogan “elimination of poppy” which for many years have troubled the ears of people. As far as the share of the Afghan farmer from the general incomes of opium in the international markets is petite and it is nearly 4% so that the question raises that whose hands are behind the cultivation and support of this trade? The answer is clear, vast cartels of the drug mafia including the political and intelligence leaderships of different countries which are on working in this corridor and the international terrorism take advantages of rich incomes of to carry out their political agendas and for the flourish of the markets they legalize armed resistance including the ease of custom tariffs. The cooperation of the empty-pocket politicians with the drug mafia who has plenty of money in their pockets cause the poor Afghan farmer who has been deprived of the financial assistances of the government to accept the shameless dealing and indirectly the financial enhancement of criminal groups is helped. The very economical motive of the Afghan farmer, in addition to the political programs of the supporting countries and omen intensions of the terrorists is a serious halter on the process of elimination of this phenomenon. Even though there are a lot of holed-pockets in the security and administrative of the government of Mr. Karzai who works as the dealers and scavengers of the anti-Islamic and anti-human moves and they help in the flourish and encourage of the bazaars. The UN annual report of the current year should unite the people of the world who are the main victims of this black project and they should take revenge from the elements of this process otherwise if the elements of drugs go to coma their poor children will die for the cruelties of their rivalries and the government of Afghanistan will not have any message but to submit condolences.
Search of an effective method to combat against drug
Antonio Mariacoast the deputy of the anti-drug agency of the UN said within a meeting with M. Yunus Qanuni the speaker of the lower house that “searching for a joint method between the Afghan government, parliament and UN in order to have correct cooperation and to overcome the cultivation of poppy and especially we focus on the establishment of a correct method of legislative in Afghanistan to enable us to combat against the omen phenomenon”. He added that “the international community should assist those who are vulnerable during the elimination of poppy farms and this is the responsibility of the government of Afghanistan that by the cooperation of the government departments directors it should initiate a correct method of combat to combat the phenomenon and to establish an apt system of legislative. He added that this is the responsibility of the government department of Afghanistan and the parliament to trail who are involved in the smuggle and traffic of drugs, this is the responsibility of the government of Afghanistan and we discussed it that the Afghan government, parliament and the UN should work jointly to overcome to eliminate the poppy. In the meeting, thus Mr. Qanuni thanked the participation of assistant of the General Secretary of the UN in drugs and said that our discussions were about the increase of drugs. He said that poppy is cultivated more in unsecured than the secured regions of the country and comparing to the years of 2001, 2007 shows that fortunately poppy was not cultivated in 13 provinces of the country and this is a sort of development and the reason is that poppy cultivation does not have economical aspects but rather it has criminal aspects and should be combated affectively.
Strengthening of cultural relations and understanding
Within the release of a statement by the ministry of information and culture of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan welcomed the removal of bans of broadcasts of visible and audio media of Afghanistan in Pakistan. We hope that the media of Afghanistan especially Afghan TV channels programs are never banned in the brotherly country of Pakistan. Now, the relations of the two countries and nations and especially two neighbours have changed deeply that one of the specification of this change is bilateral respect, trust and understanding. Understanding and cultural relations make two nations to get close to each other and media has a great role in establishment of such an atmosphere. This is the media that inform people of their problems, needs successes, cultural specifications and economical and scientific achievements. Afghanistan has never banned the broadcasts of the Pakistani TV channels or other media means and it rejects the issue of bans over the media. Afghanistan terms such actions to be against the principles of democracy, neighbourhood and brotherhood. The ease of sanctions over the release of Afghan TV channels take place in a time when the joint regional security jirga took place between the two countries and this is in fact a great step towards understanding and trust. Both nations should work jointly to solve the problems of people settled along the shared borders.
We will definitely reach persuasive and apt results
stanikzai taken from Junbesh
The articles of associations of Junbesh-e Milli Islami Afghanistan have been published for the countrymen and party members for asking your viewpoints about it. M. Ismael the secretary of the commission of procurement of the third general assembly of Junbesh-e Milli Islami Afghanistan within a short interview with the reporter of Junbesh weekly declared that: it is the articles of association of Junbesh-e Milli Islami Afghanistan has been published and of course this is a draft copy but we have sought to organize a complete political party. The director of the Junbesh weekly has asked all of the cadres, activists, members and fond of the party to enriched the draft copy of the articles of association of the party by their viewpoints. He added that the consequences of the discussions is not important but what is important is the results of discussions we are sure that we reach persuasive and good conclusions. We will have a good association of articles for Junbesh and correspondent to the conditions and situation of Afghanistan. Junbesh, with strong expressions, will be active and prepared for all kinds of events and political developments.
Attorney and courts of Balkh free criminals by being bribed
stanikzai taken from Junbesh weekly
According to the reports of Rose news agency, Ata Mohammad Noor claims that that most of the criminals who are arrested as the results of indeavours of police and other security forces in the provinces get free by paying briberies or recommendations of people in the attorney departments or courts. The governor of Balkh frayed the provincial attorney department officials and courts and told the Rose news agency within a special interview that “most criminals who are arrested by police of national security directorate are released soon after the arrests by bribing and recommendations of people”. Mr. Noor while termed it to be unacceptable and that on the other hand the negative process was not good for the security forces, he mentioned about few well-known thieves of Balkh province who have been arrested by the police for many times but they were released soon, but Mohammad Osman the president of the courts of Balkh rejects the allegations and says that they have never released any criminals whom there were enough evidences and documents against them. Thus, Mohammad Osman said that the court is also not authorized to imprison someone without documents and evidences against them.
Taliban register new record of poppy
According to new survey and evaluation of the UN which were reported on Monday, for the second constant year in 2007 Afghanistan registered the high level of poppy production among the countries of the world that it reveals the amazing increase of 46% behind the firm stronghold [Helmand] of the Taliban. The report may have new discussions and arguments about the program of America which allocated $ 600 million for combat against drug and the program has been followed up despite security challenges and existence of corruption within the government of Afghanistan. The ambassador of America in Kabul said about the contents of the report that “I think that we should search for a new strategy and I think that presently we are seeking to find it”. He thus said that the current process of America for the elimination of drugs, banning its cultivation and paying alternative livelihood should be accelerated but he added that spraying poppy cultivation is also possible. The British and Afghan officials have have opposed it and they reason that this will results the joining up of the farmers to the Taliban. Even though the farmers and ordinary cultivators get less from the drug trading but it is a great incoming, financial and monetary source for the Taliban and according to American officials the Taliban support poppy farms and they attract the support of people and the farmers as well and they also receive less from the drug smugglers. In the regions under the control of the Taliban, the smugglers established more laboratories using raw materials for the production of opium and heroin and amazingly their value is enhancing. The number of laboratories of drug in Helmand have increased from 30 in the past year to 50 in the recent year. This year nearly 16 ton of chemicals which are used for production of heroin have been seized and captured. The western officials in the report have mentioned that the production of these materials have increased comparing to the past year but they don’t know about the final digits of the UN and according to their estimation the increase all over the country is between 10 to 30 percent. According to the officials new surveys and evaluations shows positive signs and evidences. Remarkable decrease of poppy in the north probably will decrease the overall increase of poppy in the current year comparing to 2006. decrease of 160% of the poppy cultivation in the past year caused an increase of 50% in the overall production of opium at the level of the country and by the production of 6100 tons of opium in the past year, 92% of the opium of the world has been produced. Commercial of poppy and drugs in Helmand is in a high and amazing level. The smooth, barren and lightly populated [less population] of Helmand with a vastness of two fold comparing to “Mary Land”, produces more drug than any other country on the earth including Myanmar, Morocco and Columbia. Crisis of poverty and famine among people, prevalence of bribery and corruption between officials and local administrations, war and the Taliban insurgency, disorder and lawlessness have changed the province to the giant of drugs. According to local farmers, the price of poppy is 10 folds more than wheat so that the cultivation of poppy has grabbed the economy of people in such a way that this year the farmers cultivation of legitimate corps. The farmers are not concerned of elimination of poppy farms and they say that most government officials are involved in poppy trade and the clearance of poppy farms seems to be an impossible task. British and American officials say that they have a strategy of long-term and copied from a successful example of a decade-long combat in Pakistan and Thailand for the decrease of poppy farms. They thus say that nearly 7000 British soldiers gradually expand the jurisdiction, authority and influence of the government to some regions and that the USAID has allocated $ 160 million for the alternative livelihood in the south of the country and especially to Helmand province.
Let us know a little about “the republic of horror”
The ministry of information and culture in an amazing measure in a letter according to the inquiry of the Islamic Republic of Iran has asked the media of Afghanistan that it should release correct news about Iran and that they should abandon usage of negative words about the spiritual personalities of Iran. The astonishing point in the letter of the ministry of information and culture is that Mr. Khuram the minister of information and culture with an extreme easiness [someone who is easy to be cheated] have been ignored by the political representative of such a country that it has the worst unprecedented history of behaving the journalists and expression of freedom in the world, q country which has the high number of political and journalistic prisoners. The sucking up that the ministry of information and culture did to the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has caused the minister to omit the sufferings of Afghans that they tolerated during the stay in Iran. It was better if the minister of information and culture had thought of the inappropriate and insulting conditions of Afghans in Iran instead of accepting the requests of the Iranian ambassador. Right now the serial of “Charkhuna” perform a characteristic of an Afghan clown with simple actions and village accent which strengthen a marginalized guess about Afghans and performs the opinion of the public and government of Iran about Afghanistan is broadcasted from three TV channels of Iran. The embassy of Iran complains that correct news should be released about Iran by the Afghan media. Undoubtedly, the access of the media of Afghanistan to the international press such Shpegal, New York Times, Herald Tribune, Economist and … criticizing news is released from the fragmented political and economical situation of Iran in Afghanistan. When the Economist mentions Iran such as “Republic of Horror” and the media also consider it, the embassy of Iran is worrying about the criticizing guess in respect of that country. This is clear that, in a country where by the pretext of deviating the public opinions from the childish mistakes of Mr. Ahmadinezhad and international pressures they insult woman and offspring of people in the streets and like Afghan Taliban they legitimate the insulting and harming dignity of people in the frame of commonplace interpretation of Islam, criticize and objection is the right of all writers and the intelligentsia of the world especially in the region. Mr. Ahmadinezhad and the Republic of Iran with their policies pull the region towards crisis day by day. America and European countries gradually firm their positions in the region by the pretext of the threat of Iran and they drum for war through the fundamentalist countries such as Israel, the countries of the Gulf refuge to America frightened by Iran and in order to safeguard themselves they approach to weaponry rivalry, today Iraq and south of Lebanon are in fallen to bloody conflicts and the political and military rivalry of Iran with the west has changed the region to bloody scenario. In fact who is able more than Ahmadinezhad to pave grounds for the growth of warlord eagles of Pentagon and the white house? Are the very hollow threats that have caused the west to get unite more than every other time? And the western cheaters also have changed the region to the field of political and economical rivalry by the pretext of existence of an adventurous president [Ahmadinezhad]? If the press of Afghanistan, [of course they also write about Pakistan and the world] release interpretations oozing from the international media, the main objective is access to balanced and affective information about the “Republic of Horror”. The embassy of Iran has recommended that usage of inappropriate words and expressions about the spiritual personalities of Iran should be avoided, the funny point is that the Islamic Republic has focused more insults about the spirituality in there. The Republic of Iran in order to prevent any other sort of spirituality has initiated to establish governmental Ayatullahs and spirituality. The objective of the establishment of such governmental sect [layer] is to legitimate the regime of the Islamic Republic. High rank spiritual personalities and [marja-e Taqlid] have been insulted and expelled. It will be better to mention about the insults and cruelties of Iran about the Afghan immigrants, the program of forcible repatriation of Afghans from Iran was named as [program of expel of Afaghena] but the plural form of Afghan is Afghans not the insulting word of Afaghena it is quite like that if we call a group of Iranians as “Ira-ena” only the usage of the word of Afaghena the interior ministry of Iran aimed to insult Afghans. We should not forget that the word is inherited from those Iranian historians who wrote about the capture of Iran by the family of Hotakis. Mentioning about the cruelties and aggressions of Afaghena is better if the ambassador of Iran order masterly to the internal media of Iran to avoid release of insulting words about Afghans in Iran and again it will be better that if the brother and Muslim country of Iran say a little about the camps of Sang-e Saffed and Tal-e Sia and mention about the cruelties and horror of Dear Baseegis and Sepahis that the simple-hearted information minister should also know about it.
Afghan immigrants once again suffers
Nowadays, once again the doors of making money have been opened to the Pakistani police because the other day the security agents in Balochestan started to arrest Afghan immigrants and according to the security of Pakistan they have arrested Afghans for they did not have legal documents of staying in Pakistan. They also say that they don’t border those Afghans who have legal documents for staying in Pakistan. If we study the situation there even the Afghan patients hospitalized have also been imprisoned. On the other hand Afghans keep money in their pockets for Pakistani police if they are confronted with and they take the money from Afghans such as it is as legitimate as it is given to them by their fathers. The process is carrying out about all Afghans whether they have legal documents or they don’t. in this countries the immigrants are faced with a lot of problems. If there is an explosion or some other crimes take place the security of Pakistan soon target Afghans and they arrest every Afghan they faced with and Afghans are imprisoned without having committed a crime. In this regard the government of Pakistan should not forget the good wells of Afghans and they should remember the day when the brave Afghans saved Pakistan from the invasion of the Red Dragon. On the other hand Afghans are faced with enormous political and economical problems so that they need to be helped by the neighbouring country of Pakistan otherwise it is possible that Pakistan is also faced with same bad conditions. Studying the aforementioned problems we should say that if the problems of Afghans are not considered this will be the great carelessness of the Afghan government. It is necessary that the Afghan officials should not term the dispute as importance and soon within diplomatic efforts it should solve the problems of Afghans.
Upper house says national TV channel to be in control of the government
The upper house of the parliament of Afghanistan opposing the proposal of the house people, modified article 13 of the media code and decided that the national TV channel should be controlled by the ministry of information and culture and its budget should also be managed through the ministry. Mohammad Khaleq Hosieni the second secretary of the upper house said that the decision was made by the majority of votes. Meanwhile Fahima Sadat deputy of the commission of cultural of the lower house said that “according to the law, the upper house is authorized to modify the settings of the lower house but if the lower house opposes the case a commission will be formed composed of representatives from the both of the houses. Mrs. Sadat added that I believe that the members of the lower house will not acknowledge the decision of the upper house about the national TV channel that it should be controlled by the government. This is worthy to mentioned that the constitution of the country says that if the composed commission does not results a solution the house of people can make a decision by the 2/3 of the votes and the draft will directly change to law.
The Taliban do not respect cultural and humanitarian values
Ajab Khan Apredi was a well-known personality of Peshawar of independence combat against Britain invasion. Not only Pashtuns but even the British rulers also respected him. For what reasons? Yes! Ajab Khan the fighter of freedom was compelled to make the British rulers disappointed more, so that he took away the daughter of a brave and high rank military commander of kohaat region. his goal from his action was to make the British soldiers to withdraw from the region. the girl was in the captive of Ajab Khan for a long time but when she was freed, she firmly supported Ajab Khan and the reasons were the Pashtun principles [Pashtinwali] and his dignity that the British woman confessed about it for many times. But at the present time the stance taken by the Taliban, I don’t know what to name it? In addition to the male and female staff members of foreign institutions, they target all sects from youths, elders, Mawlawis [religious scholars], the judges, engineers, journalists, teachers, doctors and even any sects. And when someone is released from their captivity, s/he accelerate combat against them more and more. The sort of behaviour they conduct with their captives, it makes us get annoyed because they behead a prisoner in front of the other one, they slaughter and shoot people to death. All these actions are against sympathy, pity and humanitarian morals. Most Afghans fled from the villages for such actions of the Taliban because no one can work with the government at any post. Police, translator and soldiers are infidels by their opinions. So that we should say that the Taliban do not have a clear policy nor they respect any values.
Consultative session of strategy of national development of Afghanistan with a number female MPs in the parliament
In the continuation of consultations about the strategy of national development of Afghanistan, Mr. Adib Farhadi the director of this administration and its leadership council met with thirty female MPs in the house of people of Afghanistan and they discussed the issue of gender within the program of national development strategy of Afghanistan. Within the consultative meeting the deputy ministers of woman affairs, social work and martyrs and disables also took part. The director of the national development strategy of Afghanistan presented complete explanations about the success of the provincial consultations of the strategy. He presented information about the successful implementation of the agreements of Afghanistan and its monitoring board and he thus demanded the viewpoints of the female MPs about the joining up of the issue of gender in the program of the national development strategy of Afghanistan. In contrary the female MPs expressed their viewpoints about the national development strategy of Afghanistan in General and the issue of gender and its joining up in the program of the national development strategy of Afghanistan. The consultations with other parliamentary groups either in group forms or individually, in respect of the national development strategy of Afghanistan will be continued in the future. The process of procurement of national development strategy of Afghanistan will be consulted with all of people including women, men and youths in order to share the process of implementation of the process with people and each Afghan should feel responsibility in this regard.
Ministry of higher education signs two agreements
The ministry of higher education of Afghanistan signed two agreements at the cost of $ 3.3 million with the American ministries of Kansas and Hart Ford. Dr. Azam Dadfar the minister of higher education said about the results of such agreements that “with this the students of the these universities will be enabled to to get education at the international level in order to compete with the regional universities”. Mr. Dadfar added that the agreement will last for three years and within the agreement foreign instructors will teach students of engineering and English in Herat and Balkh universities at the international level. The minister said that “according to the agreement the Afghan students will go to America for studies in Kansas university to get MA and doctorate degrees. Within the signing ceremonies of the aforementioned agreements, the basic affairs of the universities of Balkh and Herat universities will be rehabilitated and the scientific level of the students will be enhanced thus the facilities of computer, IT, laboratories and libraries will be maintained. A professor of the university of Kansas said during the signing of the agreements that “the process will be of great importance in the enhancement quality of the students and the students will be acquainted to the new and modern technology.
Senior Taliban commander was killed
A senior commander of the Taliban was killed by people of Badghis province and two others were injured. According to the report of the reporter of 8-e Sobh in Herat and narrated from the provincial police chief of Badghis, the event took place in a time when the Taliban activists planned to collect contributions from people in the region. He said that on Tuesday morning in Dara Bum of Qads district of Badghis province when the Taliban intended to collect contributions from people they were faced with armed resistance of the residents, as the result a high raking Taliban commander Mullah Habibullah was killed and two other local commanders were injured. According to his information security forces are stationed in the region now. According to the officials of security of Farah and Badghis, recently a number of the Taliban fighters wanted to collect contributions from people in some districts. According to M. Ayub Niazyar the provincial policed chief of Badghis, this was the second time when the Taliban fighters entered the region to collect contributions to their men.
Prisoners’ number increases
Sarwar Danesh the minister of justice said in the third round of the seminar of the in-charges of the prisons that number of prisoners has an increase of 2000 annually. The seminar in which all the directors of the government prisons of the country participated in will continue for three days and during the seminar the challenges and ways of solution of the problems will be discussed in it. The minister of justice said that the regulations of the prisons were passed two years ago and the procedures of the prisons are also to be completed but despite all these, in prisons there are a lot of problems. He said that the donor institutions have not assisted in the construction and rehabilitation of prisons and that right now most prisons does not have buildings and prisoners are kept in rent buildings. The justice minister said that the only problems of prisoners are lack advocates and this issue has caused that the suspicions remain without knowing their fate. He hoped that by the arrangement of the code of advocates the problem will be solved.
Peace depending to reinforcement of security force
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Military aid to Afghanistan relatively can reduce its sufferings from difficulties as a result of insecurity. In all over to efforts made by the international coalition force, together with Afghan national army and police, Afghanistan is still engaged to insecurity, being in an urgent need of maintaining peace. This is while the NATO allies have recently asked their countries to send more troops to Afghanistan. At the same time, the UN General Secretary in Afghanistan’s affairs said that by evacuating their soldiers, foreigner would likely mean to have left Afghanistan alone in its fight against turmoil and should be termed as a defeat to them. He also said that counter-insurgency need to be supported by more foreign troops here in Afghanistan. Furthermore, The Germany social democrat party, which makes a part of state formation in Germany, has recently offered readiness to mount Germany’s contingent in security mission of Afghanistan. On the other hand, Tom Konecks said, in his interview with a foreign paper that Germany, which have 3000 soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, need to send more troops to properly train Afghan police. He also said that most Afghans are optimists of foreigners’ presence in Afghanistan, in a hope to have security maintained. “The USA and Britain have recently added to their contingent in Afghanistan, and the Germany government is discussing this issue seriously at the moment,” he explained. “If we took a very few soldiers out of Afghanistan, it is unfair to us, since the Taliban may think it as weakness of the foreigners and will start propagating against them,” he detected. Tom, who holds membership of Germany’s Green (Grün) Party, called on the westerners to keep patience toward cases around Afghanistan, saying that,” any one wants to quit Afghanistan at the current situations, he means to have left Afghanistan very alone in its fight against a gangster group. A report says that the Germany parliament is supposed to be talking and voting about Germany’s contingent in Afghanistan in the very near future. This is at a time when the Germany people requested their government to evacuate German soldiers from Afghanistan, as they were increasingly concerned about German militants’ casualties in Afghanistan, while the social democrat party members want the German mission to be extended in Afghanistan. An Afghan security official holds the view that Afghan national army troops need two more years of training until they are able to launch military operation on their own. As a result of some specific problems, the ANA soldiers, themselves, are unable to make for military operation, without help of the international coalition force, from a collection of problems, one is of that lack of Afghan air-force. Right now, the military operations are managed by ANA soldiers by land, but overall, they need two further years since they were able to coordinate military operations on their own.
Realism within the foreign policy
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Laying foundation of foreign policy based on well-intention, mutual respect, with destining of interlocutors’ advantages, is one of those critical necessities which helps us move toward reconstruction of political, economic, and social foundations, and makes the security be maintained, cutting the interference of some neighbouring countries down, at the current situation when Afghanistan increasingly involves to security and economic problems. The Afghanistan’s foreign policy needs to be reformed so that it may match with cultural and economic values and accord to multi-literal methods of behaving toward international and regional policies. As it is sanctioned by the constitutions, Afghanistan should establish fraternal and good relations based on respect to bilateral and multi-literal advantages, with all countries of the world, especially with neighbours, since Afghanistan’s policy, as one character of the game’s serial, plays positive and effective role. The international community, at the moment, almost ever pays attention to support Afghanistan in any aspect. For this reason, it is up to the Afghan foreign-policy makers to keep these reactions go continuing for ever. If we look at activities/achievements of the Afghan foreign policy makers over the past six years, it wont be incorrect if we claim that they were hardly ever able to make their relational diplomacy firm based on joint and lasted-advantages, creation of credit and realism, with Afghanistan’s neighbours. Those inaudibility and extremism, created as a result of weakness of the Afghan high-ranking government officials to determine the path the country should drive on toward economic, social and cultural developments, had created challenge to the foreign policy and government’s ability of enforcement the diplomacy forward to maintaining economic, cultural and security advantages/aspects. And this also made Afghanistan’s role glazed in its fight against the biggest security and political challenges such as those terrorism and narcotics, disabling it to improve its administration to a sound, powerful and legitimate one. A revise to foreign policy and coordinating it based to regional and legal standards, with a contemplation/destining/look to cultural, social, economic, and security aspects, would likely be yielding significant results to reinforce the state diplomacy, and it paves the way to establishing fraternal relations with a basis of commercial and economic mutual assistant to neighbours. Inauguration of Friendship bridge between Afghanistan and Tajikistan should be listed as the action that further clarifies (well-subscribes) the geo-politic role of Afghanistan in connecting meddle Asia to Southern Asia, which opened a new phase of regional government-to-government cooperation.
Realism within the foreign policy
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Laying foundation of foreign policy based on well-intention, mutual respect, with destining of interlocutors’ advantages, is one of those critical necessities which helps us move toward reconstruction of political, economic, and social foundations, and makes the security be maintained, cutting the interference of some neighbouring countries down, at the current situation when Afghanistan increasingly involves to security and economic problems. The Afghanistan’s foreign policy needs to be reformed so that it may match with cultural and economic values and accord to multi-literal methods of behaving toward international and regional policies. As it is sanctioned by the constitutions, Afghanistan should establish fraternal and good relations based on respect to bilateral and multi-literal advantages, with all countries of the world, especially with neighbours, since Afghanistan’s policy, as one character of the game’s serial, plays positive and effective role. The international community, at the moment, almost ever pays attention to support Afghanistan in any aspect. For this reason, it is up to the Afghan foreign-policy makers to keep these reactions go continuing for ever. If we look at activities/achievements of the Afghan foreign policy makers over the past six years, it wont be incorrect if we claim that they were hardly ever able to make their relational diplomacy firm based on joint and lasted-advantages, creation of credit and realism, with Afghanistan’s neighbours. Those inaudibility and extremism, created as a result of weakness of the Afghan high-ranking government officials to determine the path the country should drive on toward economic, social and cultural developments, had created challenge to the foreign policy and government’s ability of enforcement the diplomacy forward to maintaining economic, cultural and security advantages/aspects. And this also made Afghanistan’s role glazed in its fight against the biggest security and political challenges such as those terrorism and narcotics, disabling it to improve its administration to a sound, powerful and legitimate one. A revise to foreign policy and coordinating it based to regional and legal standards, with a contemplation/destining/look to cultural, social, economic, and security aspects, would likely be yielding significant results to reinforce the state diplomacy, and it paves the way to establishing fraternal relations with a basis of commercial and economic mutual assistant to neighbours. Inauguration of Friendship bridge between Afghanistan and Tajikistan should be listed as the action that further clarifies (well-subscribes) the geo-politic role of Afghanistan in connecting meddle Asia to Southern Asia, which opened a new phase of regional government-to-government cooperation.
A fresh term of Parliament-government confrontation
Tabish Takhtachinary
Translated by Abdul Hassib
By proclaiming a 15-days perceiving deadline [to government] to introducing [new] foreign affairs, refugee and repatriation affairs ministers, chairman of the Central Afghanistan Bank, and a member of supreme court [to the lower house], the parliament meant to express that have incepted a fresh term of confrontation to the government. The Parliament-Government confrontation has been fomented since the lower house impeached the foreign affairs and refugee and repatriation affairs ministers, as a result of their insufficiency toward evacuation of Afghan refugees from Iran. This confrontation, then, have closed to an interlunar period by inception of the parliament’s seasonal recess. However, by coming back, the parliament restarted the confrontation once again. The members of the lower house recommended Karzai to abide by the decision of them regarding negation of Spanta’s prorogation, in the first session the lower house prepared after its recess. Insisting on this issue, the lower house, once again in the run up to the Regional Peace Jirga, announced that, as a result of pledges Karzai used to gave to leading board of the lower house, Spanta would be fired out of the foreign affairs ministry after the Jirga finished. After at least two weeks of the time the Jirga finished, the lower house not only asks for firing of Spanta, but determines a deadline to the government to prepare a list of substitutes of Spanta and some other government officials. The important point that should be noted here is that of legislative aspect of the case. As we said, the lower house detected a deadline to the government in the regard of introduction of Spanta’s substitute while it should beg the question in a way that whether the lower house was as that authorised to crucially demand a list of substitutes from the president. By asking this question we don’t mean to guide the president not to take serious with demands and requests of the lower house, but, to make jurisdictions and organic relations of three bodies of the government more clear, we can not pass away from this question easily, without to have the answer. It is clear that if a government official went on as an acting director of a ministry, then it leads to hard problems and that the lower house members are pretty authorised to scrutinise the anarchy within the state system. Most analysts believe that the lower house is competent to demand firing of Spanta from the president, because, they say, the government has not taken their decisions serious, to such an extent that even, as MPs say, sending the Spanta’s case to supreme court was something illegal. However, the analysts look at if the lower house was authorised to draft deadline to the government diffidently. As an advise, we call on the Afghan president to make sure to resolve parliament-government confrontation the sooner the better, since it would be very difficult to do it tomorrow (in the future).
Agricultural development; the path to gaining real independence
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Nowadays, the whole nation talk about independence, but it hardly ever pays attention to foundation of independence. Those nations which are unable to obtain their relief necessities, on their own, and overall, it is depended to others in all its aspects of life, can never claim to have achieved its independence. There several ways that should be passed away toward gaining independence, the important one of which is expanding agriculture in the country. We witness that agricultural system had remained in its traditional shape in most regions of Afghanistan. The Afghan government, for this reason, needs to try a lot to find out a relevant solution to modernise the agricultural systems, since until the farmers didn’t get familiar to modern ways of agriculture, it is difficult for them to harvest inbuilt crops from their arable fields. If the agricultural yields were not coordinated with a basis of international standards, it would not only inflict damages to farmers, but it would likely be bringing a national loss to Afghanistan. For this reason, the nation, in order to get rid of this national damage, need to take steps, together, ahead to modernism. In proportion to the facilities have been paved by the international community over the past six years, we can not feel any inbuilt change to agricultural aspect, just the same as other fields throughout the country. We are unable to struggle with the current crisis as a result of lack of livelihood and foodstuff in Afghanistan as long as we didn’t repair the economic foundation and modernise the agricultural system in the country. Today, unemployment makes the spot of serious difficulties in the country. A lack of means/necessities of living, on the other hand, should be listed as the main cause fomenting economic poverty in Afghanistan. This is while the Afghan government has achieved nothing to improve the economic foundations, especially that of agricultural system. Sometimes, seminars are, however, been holding by foreign organisations and the ministry of agriculture and food, none of which have yielded pragmatic results to improve farmers’ ability of cultivating. Maybe this is the reason the minister of agriculture and food say that it was difficult to make the agriculture move toward self-sufficiency, without a sound management and perseverance. It begs the question that who should create perseverance and sound management to us. Is not His Excellency minister responsible to improve their perseverance and management system to result in agricultural development (self-sufficiency) in the country? The minister of agriculture and food, some days ago, said in a seminar that the agriculture and food ministry have played positive role in the regard of drafting agricultural strategy and policy to the country, but he didn’t said that who exist to enforce the strategy the ministry of agriculture and food made. He also said that the development budge of the ministry is funded by at least 42,588,000 by donors. However, he didn’t offer any proposal/plan in which agricultural development is destined.
War and peace, both need bravery
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
Some people believe that it is only war that should be chased with bravery and valour and that they are only brave men able to enter a battle and make their chests a buffer against bullets of the enemy, while some others believe that peace needs bravery and valour further than war. There are several fighter men, but those structures who either abide by war or by peace/truce/negotiations, hardly ever, could be seen in the society. Peace demands strong faith and intention. A step toward peace/negotiation is subscribed well by a limit structure of the public, while it experiences heaps of jeers made of enemies, in such a way that they say, “he frightened. For this reason he negotiated, compromised, committed treachery, sold himself……….……………” Those people opposing truce/ceasefire/peace, obviously either profit conflicts or enjoy creating destruction to the public. The Jihadi leaders, over the past three decades, have never dared to enter a battle of peace, if they did, then the nation would have not experienced the current agony. If it is possible, the peace is better than war at the moment as well, since this is something the supporters of the government want as well. The government needs to draft a very clear plane of negotiations and making peace to the government opponents, which even this could be performed without any condition, as the Taliban have two ways only. They reject peace, which by this action, they mean to have had not the competency to enter peace battle, for this reason the public will think of them as servants of the others. Or they will abide by negotiations and peace. If the government offered a sound plan of negotiation to the Taliban, the government opponents would likely be disarmed at all, since they have nothing legal to deny negotiating to the government.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:00 to 1:10PM]</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>100 Taliban killed:</U> The international coalition force claimed to have killed over 100 members of the Taliban and government opponents, yesterday, within a conflict between them in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. A press statement issued by the international coalition force stationed in Bagram said that as a result of Yesterday’s conflict, which went on all day along, between the coalition soldiers and the Taliban, at least 100 opposition members were killed. It adds that the conflict took place after that the Taliban attacked on a coalition forces’ convoy in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. However, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi, the spokesperson for the Taliban rejected what the coalition force claimed about the Taliban casualties in the conflict saying that 5 followers of the Taliban, 70 civilians and 70 coalition and Afghan soldiers were killed in this conflict. <U>3 Korean hostages freed:</U> The Taliban and government opponents released 3 other Korean hostages they held, later this morning. Following the Korean-Taliban face-to-face negotiations in Red Cross office yesterday, the Taliban have agreed to release 19 Korean hostages they held, with the basis of a condition that South Korea will take all its soldiers out of Afghanistan, and stop Christian preachers from travelling to Afghanistan. Hajji Zahir who mediated the Korean-Taliban negotiations said that the Taliban would likely be releasing all the Korean hostages in next three days, since, he said, they (the Taliban) hold Korean hostages in different places. For this reason, it takes a time to collect all of them together and release them. <U>4 policemen injured:</U> at least 4 policemen were wounded in a landmine-explosion in Mango district of Kunar province. The Mango district chief said that a car belonging to police hit a landmine on its way to Kunar provincial capital which resulted in injury of 4 policemen. But the spokesperson for the Taliban, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi said that the car used to hit the mine was visually destroyed and all its passengers (policemen) died.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
The Public and Their Difficulties <I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Ghotay and Miss Shabnam</I> <B>Summary</B> <I>[Gul Hassan from Khoja Chasht area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The drivers for city line Town Ace cars are used to collect expensive fares to take u to the city, while the public are suffering economic poverty. We call on the traffic department to control the tips the city line buses are collecting from the public so that they may be able to resolve problems of the public in this regard. <I>[Zaiulhaq from Waisal Abad area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Shabnam]: The gas price have raised a lot since the time the Gas Group company started obtaining gas to some specific places of the city, even to such a stage that a kilo of gas was sold by 70afg in their area at the moment. How can the poor structures of our society, all of whom are working with the government, purchase gas in that price? <I>[Zafar from Shah Shahid area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> We are living near by Etefaq Mosque, suffering a lack of electricity, such that it comes available at 1:00AM (night) and goes off at 2:00 AM. It stays tone only for one hour within one day and night. We call on the ministry of energy and water to take immediate actions to resolve this problem which speaks very loudly throughout Kabul city at the moment. <I>[From Dihsabz area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The streets here in our area are pretty rugged, tying the public to various stuff as a result. The Kabul municipality seems to be asleep, as it hardly ever takes action to improve the roads. <I>[Mohammad Sayyed from Parwan province][Pashto]:</I> Most people are suffering from illiteracy, like me. We, illiterate structures, call on our government to pave the way to us to learn knowledge so that we may be able to solve a part of our daily problems, most of which are created as a result of illiteracy. <I>[Noor Agha from Tap-e Daf-e Hawa of Kart-e Naw][Dari]: Here is a Maghzan (a water storage has a tap, from which the people obtain water to their houses on their own in some regions around Afghanistan), with only one tap from which at least 2000 families obtain water to their houses. The residents of this area are engaged to numerous problems as a result. On the other hand, neither the government nor the foreign organisation, have ever come here to dig a well or to remove this problem. <I>[Ghulam Farooq from Ahmad Shah Baba Mina][Pashto]:</I> 21 years ago I used to purchase a property here in Ahmad Shah Baba Mina by 10000afg from the government, the documents of possessing were in process, but I have been unable to collect the possessing documents so far. For this reason, I lost my property as well. I call on the government to review this case. <I>[Mohammad Sediq][Pashto]:</I> Police are paid with very low salary, which as a result most policemen are suffering economic problems. For this reason, they are very few able to properly carry out their responsibility in the society. I call on the ministry of interior affairs to pay a bit further attention in this regard.
The Public and Their Difficulties
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 1:20 to 2:00PM] Speakers: Miss Ghotay and Miss Shabnam</I> <B>Summary</B> <I>[Gul Hassan from Khoja Chasht area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The drivers for city line Town Ace cars are used to collect expensive fares to take u to the city, while the public are suffering economic poverty. We call on the traffic department to control the tips the city line buses are collecting from the public so that they may be able to resolve problems of the public in this regard. <I>[Zaiulhaq from Waisal Abad area of Kabul city][The received letter read by Shabnam]:</I> The gas price have raised a lot since the time the Gas Group company started obtaining gas to some specific places of the city, even to such a stage that a kilo of gas was sold by 70afg in their area at the moment. How can the poor structures of our society, all of whom are working with the government, purchase gas in that price? <I>[Zafar from Shah Shahid area of Kabul city][Dari]:</I> We are living near by Etefaq Mosque, suffering a lack of electricity, such that it comes available at 1:00AM (night) and goes off at 2:00 AM. It stays tone only for one hour within one day and night. We call on the ministry of energy and water to take immediate actions to resolve this problem which speaks very loudly throughout Kabul city at the moment. <I>[From Dihsabz area of Kabul city][Pashto]:</I> The streets here in our area are pretty rugged, tying the public to various stuff as a result. The Kabul municipality seems to be asleep, as it hardly ever takes action to improve the roads. <I>[Mohammad Sayyed from Parwan province][Pashto]:</I> Most people are suffering from illiteracy, like me. We, illiterate structures, call on our government to pave the way to us to learn knowledge so that we may be able to solve a part of our daily problems, most of which are created as a result of illiteracy. <I>[Noor Agha from Tap-e Daf-e Hawa of Kart-e Naw][Dari]:</I> Here is a Maghzan (a water storage has a tap, from which the people obtain water to their houses on their own in some regions around Afghanistan), with only one tap from which at least 2000 families obtain water to their houses. The residents of this area are engaged to numerous problems as a result. On the other hand, neither the government nor the foreign organisation, have ever come here to dig a well or to remove this problem. <I>[Ghulam Farooq from Ahmad Shah Baba Mina][Pashto]:</I> 21 years ago I used to purchase a property here in Ahmad Shah Baba Mina by 10000afg from the government, the documents of possessing were in process, but I have been unable to collect the possessing documents so far. For this reason, I lost my property as well. I call on the government to review this case. <I>[Mohammad Sediq][Pashto]:</I> Police are paid with very low salary, which as a result most policemen are suffering economic problems. For this reason, they are very few able to properly carry out their responsibility in the society. I call on the ministry of interior affairs to pay a bit further attention in this regard.
Is it the time to detect land confiscators?
Translated by Abdul Hassib Editorial
The Afghan parliament announced to have approved accusation made by the attorney general on members of the parliament regarding confiscation of public lands/properties. The head of the privileges and immunity commission of the lower house said, in his recent statements, that they would likely be handing those members of the parliament who are accused of confiscation of the public lands, over to the justice organs. Confiscation of the public and state-owned properties/lands used to be an usual action carried out by stakeholders, and, as some people say, by the high-ranking government officials, previously. Due to some specific problems, the Afghan governments [over the past years] have not been able to follow up this case and submit the perpetrators to the justice organs. The government needs to pay further attention to this difficulty at the moment, since maintaining security and reinforcing the state sovereignty are the urgent priorities of the government. The Afghan government would be able to make the confiscated-lands returned to their owners at a time when the security is completely maintained throughout the country.
News Bulletin
Abdul Hassib Rahimi
<I>[From 3:00 to 3:05PM] Presenter: Shogofa Dastgeer</I> <B>Summary:</B> <U>2 coalition soldiers died:</U> As a result of a suicide attack at least 2 coalition soldiers were killed and 1 coalition soldier, along with 11 other civilians were injured in Barmal district of Paktika province. The Paktika governor said that it was around 11:30AM today that a man wearing an explosive vast ran over a coalition convoy and blew himself up inflicting most losses to the civilians in this district. He also said that no one has been arrested in this charge so far. [The orator adds] The Taliban and government opponents have not commented in this regard so far. <U>3 Korean hostages released:</U> The Afghan ministry of defence said that the Taliban made three of Korean hostages they held, freed this morning, and they are supposed to be releasing five others of them today. <U>Kandahar women affairs ministry concerning:</U> The Kandahar department of women affairs has recently voiced concern about dire situations of women in this province. According to a statement issued by this department, at least 20 cases of self-immolation have happened later this month alone in this province. <U>Addicts increasing in Afghanistan:</U> The members of the addiction hospital in Kabul said that they have treated at least 900 addicts, most of whom included those women returned back to Afghanistan from neighbouring countries, over the last month. <B>Breaking news released on 3:20</B> <I>[Ghazni province]:</I> The Taliban released 5 other Korean hostages handing them over to the Red cross office in Ghazni province this afternoon.
Government’s failure in fighting against narcotic
Atif Mohmandzai
If we completely name the main difficulties of Afghanistan in the way of security, reconstruction and stability, without doubt we can name narcotic cultivation and trafficking after terrorism and paves ground for strengthen and activities of apposition groups. From one side narcotic has connection with international mafia, and from other hand with terrorism and corruption which these two are the main challenges in politic development and improvement, economic, and cultural of Afghanistan. Terrorism strengthens through opium and continue to their growing and deploy and develop corruption and maintain ill economic in the country. Narcotic produces in our country a lot which more than 80% it’s profit goes into the pockets of international traffickers and only 20% profit receives by farmers and owners. Factor of corruption and terrorism is narcotic and they both strengthen from this ground, in the current time cause of the most of the operations, explosions and suicide attacks is narcotic cultivation and trafficking and expenses of most of the military operations maintain through this and most of high governmental officials commit to corruption because of opium and narcotic and don’t care about their relevant duty in basis of preventing from narcotic corruption and trafficking, and they don’t get serious of the projects and changed this (narcotic difficulty) to an untreatable sickness. Afghan government in the period of six years which situated fighting against narcotic in it’s priorities and with assistance of foreign countries and expending millions of dollar, unfortunately it was (afghan government) very weak and disable. If the government succeeded in one or several provinces to prevent from poppy cultivation, but it observes in other provinces that this amount increases year to year. When 40% narcotic only produces in Helmand province, when measurement of narcotic cultivation increases from 90% to 93% and this year increased to 95% means Afghanistan produces 95% narcotic of the world. It shows that how the strategy of fighting against narcotic was successful.
20 parliament members are accused
Atif Mohmandzai
Gul Badshah Majeedi, chef of immunity and privilege commission of representatives announced that 20 representatives are accused in embezzlement. According to Majedi, three parliament members are accused to embezzlement by attorney general which the accused representatives in the past were working in ministry of interior affair and chairmanship, but 20 other representatives are accused by attorney general to cruelty and constraint. He stated attorney general dispatching repeated documents demanded to put them in trail but these representatives haven’t presented yet in the court. He prevented from disclosing the names of accused representatives and stated, in Sunday’s session ministers committee decided until the accused representatives themselves reference to attorney general and solve the case if the parliament will decide about these representatives in general session. Some before, Abdul Jabar Sabit, attorney general accused the number of representatives to embezzlement during their mission in the government and also accused several other representatives to murder. But Abdul Satar Khowasi, first deputy of parliament told reporters that he doesn’t have any information in this regard and non documents has come yet to the address of administrational delegate of parliament.
Three ISAF soldiers and two ANA soldiers killed
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of clash in Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province, three ISAF soldiers and two ANA soldiers were killed. Colonel Abdul Qayom, security commander of Ghazi Abad district of the mentioned province yesterday told Pajhwok Afghan news agency ISAF and Afghan National Army soldiers inflicted casualties today at 10:00am meanwhile one face to face clash with the Taliban. He stated that joint ANA and ISAF soldiers were patrolling in Sonak area of Ghazi Abad district when targeted by the Taliban attack. According to his assertion, in this attack three ISAF soldiers were killed and three other were wounded. Security commander as well stated two ANA soldiers were killed in the Taliban attack too and six other were wounded. Abdul Qayom says two ISAF and ANA soldiers vehicles were destroyed in this attack as well. Rahmanullah, afghan spokesman for ISAF troop in east zone, told Pajhwok Afghan news agency that in Kunar incident three ISAF soldiers were killed and three other were wounded. Zabihullah Mojahid, the Taliban spokesman told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone from an undisclosed location there was face to face clash in Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province with afghan and foreign troops. He claimed bilateral suffered heavy casualties but they don’t have exact number regarding the casualties. However ISAF troops didn’t say anything regarding the identify of the killed and wounded soldiers but US soldiers are based in Kunar province. It comes in a time, which ISAF troop stated in a announcement that yesterday one of their soldiers was killed in Kunar province. today and yesterday were bloody days for ISAF troops, six ISAF soldiers have been killed and six other have been wounded since yesterday in the east and south of Afghanistan. 175 foreign soldiers have been killed since beginning of the year in different areas of the country.
New mines planted in the number of areas of Helmand province
Atif Mohmandzai
Residents of Helmand province are saying, new mines have been planted in war ravaged districts of Helmand province. Afghan and NATO troops are saying that the Taliban are planting mines for their protection and clash, which causes the dead of civilians. Akhtar Mohammad, one of the residents of Grishk district of the mentioned province says some before the Taliban planted mines in the villages of this district after the clash with government, which inflicted casualties to civilians. According to him, when they gone most of civilians which displaced from their places and they were fleeing through this way, stepped on mines and killed. Residents of Helmand province are saying, due to mine no one goes on those ways. According to the people, Haidar Abad way which has connection with Grishk district, new mine have been planted in the way of Ghorak district and also in public road of Sangin district. However there is not any survey in order to show how many people have been died in the previous months as a result of the planted mines. According to Hossain Andiwal, security commander of Helmand province, the Taliban are using any tactic. He told Pajhwok Afghan news agency the Taliban don’t value to the dead of civilians, therefore they have planted mines in highway and other ways. Colonel Rechard Dosteli, one commander of British troop says that they are training children in Grishk district in order to be aware from the mine risk. According to him, the Taliban have planted new mines in Sangin, Kajaki and other districts. According to the received reports, the Taliban have planted new mines in Garamser district and other various districts and areas, which according to civilians, they have suffered lots of casualties. However the government and international community are trying to eradicate all past planted mines, but seems now the Taliban are trying to continue planting mines. The Taliban spokesman Qari Yousif Ahmadi, prevented to talk in this regard.
The apposition members pushed back in three districts of Badakhshan province
Atif Mohmandzai
Afghan national army pushed back apposition members in three districts of Badakhshan province during cleanup operation. According to the report of Pajhwok Afghan news agency, general Murad Ali Murad, commander of 209 Shahen military corps in Balkh province stated more than 800 ANA soldiers, national police and ISAF have been operating since ten days in Baharak, Zebak and Yamgan districts of Badakhshan province. He added, the people have objected to them narcotic traffickers and the Taliban who entered from Pakistan to Badakhshan province gathered with each other and tease people. Commander of 209 Shahen military corps claimed during this operation, the Taliban and traffickers fled to maintains without any resistance. General Murad added the operation is continuing for the finding the areas where apposition members are hided and ISAF and governmental troops could to maintain security. Shahen military corps situated in Balkh province and has responsibility of operation in the north and north east. Qari Abdul Wodod, security commander of Baharak district, confirmed this operation, but stated assertion of the people regarding the existent of the Taliban and Alqaida in this area is incorrect. He claimed if there is illegal armed men as well, police is able to arrest them and maintain the security.
General commander of insurgents group killed in Nuristan province
Atif Mohmandzai
Press release office of national security department says general commander of insurgents group killed in Nuristan province. Press release office of national security department told Bakhtar news agency, Hazrat Omer, general commander of insurgents group killed in the clash with governmental troops. According to the report, apposition members attacked on 21st August over governmental and foreign troops according to the guidance of Mawlawi Hazrat Omer. As a result of the clash which carried out between the Taliban and governmental and foreign troops in Waigal district of the mentioned provice, commander Mawlawi Hazrat Omer, Qari Ahmad, Mullah Abdul Karem, Mohammad Karem and Mullah Adam Khan along with their 10 men killed which their dead bodies remained in battle place. According to the mentioned source, Mawlawi Hazrat Omer is involved in many terror incidents such planting mines in the avenues, burning of governmental vehicles and killing civilians.
Tens Afghans arrested in charge of illegal living in Pakistan
Atif MOhmandzai
Security officials of Balochistan stated, Pakistan announced the arrest of 24 Afghans. Officials are saying the mentioned Afghans were arrested in Chaman city in charge of illegal living. Jamal-o Din one of the border Militias (F.C) in Chaman, told Pajhwok Afghan news agency over the telephone these Afghans were arrested from different points of Chaman city. He stated the arrested Afghan don’t have legal documents (passport and visa) for living in Pakistan. He rejected this as well that they are living in Pakistan as a refugee and stated that they recently came to Pakistan. Jamal says, “we don’t have any difficulty with those Afghan who has legal document or refugee registration cards.” According to him if these Afghan are not committed to crime than their leaving order from Pakistan will be issued from the court. He stated most of the arrested people are residents of Kandahar and Helmand provinces. Last month border troops of Balochistan stated arrested tens of Afghans in charge of having not illegal document.
Three Pakistanis killed in Paktika
Atif Mohmandzai
As a result of clash between government and apposition group in Shekh Ali district of Paktika province, three Pakistanis were killed and one other was wounded. Colonel Ghulam Faroq Sangari, chef of provincial police headquarter of Paktika province meanwhile confirming this news told Bakhtar news agency the apposition members attacked last night on Shekh Ali Abad district of the mentioned province, as a result three Pakistanis were killed and one other was wounded. The mentioned wounded person arrested by governmental forces along with his Kalashnikov and PK. He added in this clash two ANA soldiers were wounded that health condition of one of them is serious.
One insurgents group arrested in Laghman province
Atif Mohmandzai
Police officials of Laghman province announced the arrest of one insurgent group. Press release and public relation department of Afghan ministry of interior affair stated, the arrested people are two men who are arrested from Zere Kala area of Qarghayi district. The mentioned people arrested along with two light weapons, the number of ammunition, explosives and 220kg opium. Security officials of Laghman province are saying the apposition members were operating against Afghan and coalition forces in Kabul-Nangarhar highway. According to the another report of press release and public relation department of the mentioned ministry, Laghman police seized 5000 fake Pakistani currency in Qarghayi district of Laghman province and five people were arrested in charge of this case.
Making understanding is need of time
A week after the holding of regional security jirga, Hamid Karzai frayed the oppositions on the 88th anniversary of the independence day and termed them as the enemies of peace and country, Karzai thus named the jurisdiction of the Taliban as secret occupation and colonialism. These comments of Mr. Karzai hater the decisions and objectives of the regional peace jirga. The question raises that the jirga was held in order to maintain peace and security and putting an end to the war and conflicts so that then why one side of the jirga, do not call the positions for negotiations and talks? If the government wants peace to be maintained then don’t the harsh comments of the high rank officials of the government mean to pour fuel on the fire? Why doesn’t our government take advantages of the experiences of other countries? Why doesn’t it learn from Turkey that instead of taking up guns against them the government of Turkey made understanding against the Kurdish rebels and today they have representatives in the parliament? Why doesn’t it learn from the government of Indonesia that using the policy of understanding it made the rebels of Achy state to lay down arms? Why doesn’t it take advantages of the experiences of Sudan that it negotiated with the Christian rebels of the south and government was shared with them? It is clear that if the government is really desirous for peace to be maintained and if it is authorized then it should frankly invite the oppositions for negotiations. It should create an inter-Afghani understanding atmosphere and it should accept their logical conditions. Otherwise, this is a reality that situation is changing rapidly, the fire which was enflamed in Musa Qala now is spreading to Maidan-Wardak and if grounds are not paved for real peace then it will also spread to the north and it will be so difficult to control the situation. the 88th anniversary of the independence day may have remembered to Karzai that war and conflicts taken place between Afghans and foreigners have been won by Afghans from the historical point of view and this has proved that history is repeatable [events are repeatable] so that before the foreigners are made to go out of the country and once again we start war against each other and kill our countrymen by the guns and money of the aliens, it will be better to take advantage of wisdom, we hope that all the conflicted sides should think about it and save our country from the upcoming crisis and catastrophe.
Shura-ye Aukhuwat-e Islami Baghlan [Baghlan’s Islamic Brotherhood Council] termed commerce through Gold Quest to be illegitimate
Commerce through the Internet site of Gold Quest which also named as Quest Net, in addition to the capital of the country it has also sorrowfully affected other big cities of the country and it has occupied the minds of a large number of our youths, after that the Islah-e Milli publication published articles about it in two constant publications. Baghlan’s Islamic Brotherhood Council also issued a decree recently and answered the question of one of the countrymen about such commercial that according to the comments of Mawlawi Mohammad Rasul the president of the council, after the issue of the decree nearly 80% of people abandoned the illegal commercial trading and the office of this company was closed in Baghlan. Islah-e Milli thanks Mawlawi M. Rasul and publishes the decree that others should also take advantages of the decree and get informed of the harms of such commercial trading. Estefta [seeking]: what the religious scholars say about the activities of the internet commercial company Gold Quest is as the following: • The person who enters the network should produce $ 6000 and instead he buys something from the company and the thing will be shown in the internet. • The price of what is bought by the customer is cheaper the sum of money and he should search two more persons in the name of right and left and enter them to the network that each one should produce $ 6000 then a benefit of $50 will be given to the first person and if each of these two persons [called left and right] search two more persons each one will also receive of a benefit of $ 50 otherwise they don’t right to claim their money or benefit. Answer: this trade is not legitimate from Islamic rules point of view because the customer bus a something two folds cheaper than the money paid and in accordance to the future benefits and if he does not expect benefit so that he is not satisfied to lose, and [buying conditioned for benefits is illegitimate] and [if someone sell something under a condition that the buyer will not return thing to the seller within a month, so that the deal is illegitimate because specifying a period in the in a deal is also illegitimate] moreover, in each dealing if the money is paid but the thing [sold] is not received at the moment but for a period of time it is remained this is called [Bai-e Sa-lam] [sa-lam Dealing] undoubtedly in such a dealing money is paid at the moment but thing is not paid so that is Sa-lam but as no conditions were made [any criteria] so that it is illegitimate. In this network Gold Quest company tricks are used [they cheat people] and it claims that anyone enter the network wil become rich while a thing which does not worth more than $ 50 is sold against $ 6000 and cheating in Islam is legitimate. Cheating is usage of trickery words or actions that the opposite side is persuaded to accept the dealing in such a way that if these tricks were not used the opposite side will not be persuaded [civil law-article 570]. In this deal trickery is obvious and obvious trickery causes desolation of the agreement. If trickery caused by one of the sides, and the other side is cheated obviously, the side which has been cheated can dissolve the agreement. Fraud can be termed to be gross when the difference between the real price of the good during the deal and the price that the good is sold reaches to 15% or more than that. While the difference of price of the good in the dealings of the Gold Quest is more than 80%. 1. gross fraud causes dissolution of the agreement. 2. if the person who has been cheated had realized the trickery and he had not expressed being unsatisfied can not dissolve the agreement. Unless his satisfactory was as the result of false information and this system is a kind of gamble and according to the Qur’an gamble is illegitimate.
Taliban execute two persons who were accused of spying
The Taliban hang two persons in Ander district of Ghazni province and were accused of spying. Qari Yusuf Ahmadi the spokesman of the Taliban said over the phone from an undisclosed area that the two who were hang were named Nek Mohammad and Rozi Khan. He added that Rozi Khan went to Ghazni city the other day to get his salary for spying and he was arrested having a gun on his return. According to Qari Yusuf Ahmadi Rozi Khan was arrested in Mushki region of Qara Bagh district and Nek Mohammad was arrested in Ander district. According to Qari Ahmadi both of them confessed their crime and that the Islamic court of the Taliban, they were sentenced to death penalty and the sentence was implemented last night. Both of the murdered persons were the residents of Ander district and the officials of Ghazni confirmed their execution. A. Rahim Disiwal the district administrator of Ander said that both of persons were killed as the result of personal hostilities with the Taliban. In the previous month also two persons were killed in Ander district who were accused of spying.
Afghans and Afghan government work round the clock to eliminate poppy, foreigners should also eliminate their mafia
The third national conference of combat against poppy was opened by the participation of the Afghan president in Amani high school. In an addressing speech the president told the audience that “narcotics is not only a threat to our economy and security but it has direct links with terrorism. It defame Afghanistan and cancer opens its way to the families of Afghans and it destruct the lives of Afghans periodically. The president said that combat against drug is the job of each Afghan and Addressing people he said that “don’t allow Afghanistan to fell in the hands of the international terrorism through the mafia of drugs”. Thus Mr. Karzai asked the international community that before the elimination of poppy farms they should initiate coordination among themselves and after that they should share their opinion with the government of Afghanistan and then they should assist in strengthening of the Afghan government because our goal is a joint goal and we also share our success and failure. The president clarified that the international mafia is involved in the smuggle of the drugs. Addressing the governors of provinces the president said that the rulers of this country are Afghans and Afghans safeguard it. Foreigners are only our assistants, if a police or an officer obey any of the foreigners will be discharged from the job. A the end some other high rank government officials talked about the elimination of drugs.
Former military personnel demonstrate
The former soldiers and officers of the ministry of defense who were discharged as the result of implementation of the program of DDR demonstrated in front of the UNAMA the other day. The demonstrators who voiced slogans against injustice and insulting and loathing said that they have not received their retirement salaries since 2004 and that some of their fellow friends have been followed up [prosecution] by the intelligence police. The demonstrators claimed that their problems should be considered by the government otherwise the government should take their citizenship. According to the demonstrators, they have demonstrated for many times that their problems should be considered but the government officials have never responded to them. These soldiers and officers were discharged from the ministry of defense under the program of DDR that 12.000 of them were recruited by the ministry again.
Allied Council/military and civil airports of the country are used for drug smuggling
The National Allied Council of Afghanistan presented the plan of establishment of an independent commission composed of the government of Afghanistan, political parties and civil society, the United Nations, representatives of the European Union and the neghbouring countries to the government of Afghanistan and the international community to combat against drug. Ahmad Zia Rafat the periodic director of the National Allied Council said in a press conference that “the council is of the view that “in the affair of smuggling of drugs to America and Europe and in general to all foreign countries the farmers and ordinary people do not have an affective role”. He added that the commission has been proposed by the Allied Council and it is responsible to evaluate the submission of alternative livelihood materials and supervise poppy farms and that it should monitor the transformation routes of the drug to foreign countries as well as military and civil airports of the country. Mr. Rafat expressed that the international community and the government of Afghanistan remained disloyal for their undertakings about the procurement of alternative livelihood. He pointing out to the senior officials of the government who were previously called as the drug smugglers long before stressed that undoubtedly the senior officials are involved in drug smuggling. According to the comments of Mr. Rafat, the officials of the government ill-using their governmental power are involved in drug smuggling. According to the believes of Mr. Rafat there are doubts that by the cooperation of some specific persons the military and civil airports are used for drug smuggling. According to another report the National Allied Council termed the modifications in code of the public media by the upper house sorrowful for the freedom of expression and said that such modifications will seriously harm the soul of freedom of expression.
Achievements of the Taliban from South Korean kidnapers’ case
Two days ago the Taliban declared that they will release the South Korean captives. This is a good news, but if we miss out the murder of two Korean nationals and the promises of South Korean officials that the Korean forces will leave Afghanistan by the end of the current year. If we study the progress of this kidnapping we will simply find out that this was one of the most expensive kidnapping cases for the government of Afghanistan and its international supporters. Some analysts believe that the kidnapping was planned in advance and its objective was to sabotage the process of the regional security jirga which was held between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Anyhow, if the kidnapping was planned or unplanned, the Taliban had important achievements from it. The coincidence of this kidnapping with the preparation process for the regional security jirga and the media coverage of kidnapping caused that the jirga was most concentrated on the Taliban. Even Shawkat Aziz the prime minister of Pakistan said in the opening speech of the jirga that “the Taliban belong to Afghanistan and the government of Afghanistan should solve its problems with them. While this is not the main issue that where are the Taliban from? The government of Afghanistan accepts that the Taliban are from Afghanistan but the main issue is that the Taliban are trained and equipped beyond the border and from their they are sent to carry out terrorist actions [by their believe jihad] in Afghanistan, In fact the atmosphere which was created as the result of this kidnapping case caused the Taliban to be discussed on the jirga such as that the solution ways were offered negotiations with the Taliban, while the case is more complicated than this. Till the government of Afghanistan does not solve its problems concretely with Pakistan and till the military officials in Pakistan are the decision makers Afghanistan will be faced with insecurity problems. The next achievement of the Taliban from the kidnapping was the 200 forces of South Korea will leave Afghanistan till the end of the current year, the forces that fight the terrorism in the frame of international coalition forces. Even though 200 soldiers forces in nothing from the quantity point of view but the impacts of their withdraw from Afghanistan is more than is number when nowadays there are reports about the withdrawal of some the European countries such as France and Germany. The pledge of Koreans over the withdrawal of their forces will impact the morals of the international coalition and Afghan forces. Both issues impacting the regional security jirga and withdrawal of Korean forces from Afghanistan are great achievements for the Taliban and defeat for the government of Afghanistan and its international allies.