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holylandsyria00carprich | The Holy Land and Syria | Carpenter, Frank G. (Frank George), 1855-1924 | 1,923 | 434 | OL17978082M | OL1794835W | https://archive.org/download/holylandsyria00carprich/holylandsyria00carprich_djvu.txt |
warorunitedworld00nichrich | War or a united world | Nicholson, Soterios | 1,916 | 370 | OL23358279M | OL203430W | https://archive.org/download/warorunitedworld00nichrich/warorunitedworld00nichrich_djvu.txt |
germandanger00kenniala | The German danger | Kennedy, Bart, 1861-1930 | 1,907 | 220 | OL7177241M | OL207261W | https://archive.org/download/germandanger00kenniala/germandanger00kenniala_djvu.txt |
textbookonrhetor00kellrich | A text-book on rhetoric : supplementing the development of the science with exhaustive practice in composition | Kellogg, Brainerd | 1,881 | 290 | OL7060326M | OL4465458W | https://archive.org/download/textbookonrhetor00kellrich/textbookonrhetor00kellrich_djvu.txt |
theoryofnaturalp00boscrich | A theory of natural philosophy | Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe, 1711-1787; Child, J. M. (James Mark) | 1,922 | 510 | OL7113745M | OL2494561W | https://archive.org/download/theoryofnaturalp00boscrich/theoryofnaturalp00boscrich_djvu.txt |
crimesagainstmex00lemkrich | Crimes against Mexico | Lemke, William, 1878-1950 | 1,915 | 172 | OL7024181M | OL7869570W | https://archive.org/download/crimesagainstmex00lemkrich/crimesagainstmex00lemkrich_djvu.txt |
catholicbeliefor00faadiala | Catholic belief : or, a short and simple exposition of Catholic Doctrine | Faà Di Bruno, Joseph | 1,884 | 474 | OL13999113M | OL9657951W | https://archive.org/download/catholicbeliefor00faadiala/catholicbeliefor00faadiala_djvu.txt |
californiatrampl00kend | A California tramp and later footprints; or, Life on the plains and in the Golden state thirty years ago, with miscellaneous sketches in prose and verse | Kenderdine, Thaddeus Stevens, 1836-1922 | 1,888 | 446 | OL23283714M | OL10705364W | https://archive.org/download/californiatrampl00kend/californiatrampl00kend_djvu.txt |
camp-fireverse00haynrich | Camp-fire verse | Haynes, Williams, 1886-1960; Harrison, Joseph Le Roy, 1862- | 1,919 | 284 | OL7246698M | OL5079829W | https://archive.org/download/camp-fireverse00haynrich/camp-fireverse00haynrich_djvu.txt |
caseagainstsocia00lond | The case against socialism; a handbook for speakers and candidates, with prefatory letter by the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour | London Municipal Society | 1,908 | 558 | OL23284291M | OL211004W | https://archive.org/download/caseagainstsocia00lond/caseagainstsocia00lond_djvu.txt |
capandgownprose00knowrich | Cap and gown in prose; short sketches selected from undergraduate periodicals of recent years; | Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, 1869-1905 | 1,900 | 332 | OL7052712M | OL1527993W | https://archive.org/download/capandgownprose00knowrich/capandgownprose00knowrich_djvu.txt |
towardsdemocracy00carprich | Towards democracy | Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929 | 1,883 | 136 | OL14045664M | OL1041146W | https://archive.org/download/towardsdemocracy00carprich/towardsdemocracy00carprich_djvu.txt |
treatisdiffcalc00todhrich | A treatise on the differential calculus with numerous examples | Todhunter, I. (Isaac), 1820-1884 | 1,890 | 444 | OL7245986M | OL1098592W | https://archive.org/download/treatisdiffcalc00todhrich/treatisdiffcalc00todhrich_djvu.txt |
principlesdentsurg00harr | The principles and practice of dentistry, including anatomy, physiology, pathology, therapeutics, dental surgery and mechanism | Harris, Chapin Aaron, 1806-1860; Gorgas, Ferdinand J. S. (Ferdinand James Samuel), 1835-1914 | 1,885 | 1,056 | OL6903192M | OL6376904W | https://archive.org/download/principlesdentsurg00harr/principlesdentsurg00harr_djvu.txt |
afterglowlaterpo00dorrrich | Afterglow; later poems | Dorr, Julia C. R. (Julia Caroline Ripley), 1825-1913 | 1,901 | 108 | OL7128045M | OL196418W | https://archive.org/download/afterglowlaterpo00dorrrich/afterglowlaterpo00dorrrich_djvu.txt |
admiralswifeinma00pooriala | An admiral's wife in the making, 1860-1903 | Poore, Ida Margaret Graves, Lady, 1860-1941 | 1,917 | 406 | OL7142628M | OL7741665W | https://archive.org/download/admiralswifeinma00pooriala/admiralswifeinma00pooriala_djvu.txt |
williamthird00traiiala | William the Third | Traill, H. D. (Henry Duff), 1842-1900 | 1,892 | 226 | OL7144774M | OL1102381W | https://archive.org/download/williamthird00traiiala/williamthird00traiiala_djvu.txt |
somecorresponden00fitciala | Some correspondence and six conversations | Fitch, Clyde, 1865-1909; Herbert S. Stone & Company; Hazen, Frank, binding designer | 1,896 | 172 | OL7131217M | OL179409W | https://archive.org/download/somecorresponden00fitciala/somecorresponden00fitciala_djvu.txt |
shipsbydaynovel00wymaiala | Ships by day; a novel | Wyman, Edwin Allen, 1834- | 1,896 | 484 | OL7246479M | OL238284W | https://archive.org/download/shipsbydaynovel00wymaiala/shipsbydaynovel00wymaiala_djvu.txt |
rosecontributiontost00rich | A contribution to the study of myositis ossificans progressiva | Rosenstirn, Julius, b. 1850 | 1,918 | 130 | OL18077892M | OL7732705W | https://archive.org/download/rosecontributiontost00rich/rosecontributiontost00rich_djvu.txt |
ofciviltytraced00washrich | George Washington's Rules of civility traced to their sources and restored | Washington, George, 1732-1799; Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907 | 1,890 | 192 | OL7027512M | OL398702W | https://archive.org/download/ofciviltytraced00washrich/ofciviltytraced00washrich_djvu.txt |
waltwhitman00maynrich | Walt Whitman; the poet of the wider selfhood | Maynard, Mila Tupper, b. 1864 | 1,903 | 164 | OL7041585M | OL6674315W | https://archive.org/download/waltwhitman00maynrich/waltwhitman00maynrich_djvu.txt |
psychologyofsain00jolyiala | The psychology of the saints | Joly, Henri, 1839-1925; Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909 | 1,898 | 218 | OL7121055M | OL7310328W | https://archive.org/download/psychologyofsain00jolyiala/psychologyofsain00jolyiala_djvu.txt |
protectionofindu00greerich | The protection of industry. Its necessity and effects | Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 | 1,842 | 24 | OL7054766M | OL16776797W | https://archive.org/download/protectionofindu00greerich/protectionofindu00greerich_djvu.txt |
thecharmofedinbu00hyatiala | The charm of Edinburgh : an anthology | Hyatt, Alfred Henry | 1,913 | 488 | OL7192871M | OL7899837W | https://archive.org/download/thecharmofedinbu00hyatiala/thecharmofedinbu00hyatiala_djvu.txt |
essaysongermanli00boyeiala | Essays on German literature | Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1848-1895 | 1,892 | 396 | OL7159831M | OL6698886W | https://archive.org/download/essaysongermanli00boyeiala/essaysongermanli00boyeiala_djvu.txt |
essentialsofvacc00hardrich | Essentials of vaccination ; a compilation of facts relating to vaccine inoculation and its influence in the prevention of smallpox | Hardaway, William Augustus, 1850-1923 | 1,882 | 164 | OL14006938M | OL7902456W | https://archive.org/download/essentialsofvacc00hardrich/essentialsofvacc00hardrich_djvu.txt |
memorialofmadsus00meszrich | Memorial of Mad. Susanne Kossuth Meszlenyi .. | Meszlényi, Zsuzsánna Kossuth, 1820-1854; Peabody, N. C. | 1,856 | 78 | OL7206529M | OL16718121W | https://archive.org/download/memorialofmadsus00meszrich/memorialofmadsus00meszrich_djvu.txt |
memorandumtogove00ukrarich | Memorandum to the government of the United States on the recognition of the Ukrainian people's republic | Ukraine; Friends of Ukraine (U.S.); Bachinskii, IUlii | 1,920 | 32 | OL6639504M | OL608578W | https://archive.org/download/memorandumtogove00ukrarich/memorandumtogove00ukrarich_djvu.txt |
educationalsurve00georrich | Educational survey of Ben Hill County, Georgia | Georgia. Dept. of Education; Duggan, Mell L | 1,918 | 40 | OL7047179M | OL1535007W | https://archive.org/download/educationalsurve00georrich/educationalsurve00georrich_djvu.txt |
daysoffirstlove00dixwiala | Days of first love; | Dix, W. Chatterton | 1,913 | 54 | OL7023008M | OL240346W | https://archive.org/download/daysoffirstlove00dixwiala/daysoffirstlove00dixwiala_djvu.txt |
kingalfredaseduc00broorich | King Alfred as educator of his people and man of letters ... with an appendix of passages from the writings of Alfred | Brooke, Stopford Augustus, 1832-1916; Warren, Kate M. (Kate Mary) | 1,901 | 86 | OL7194612M | OL1101080W | https://archive.org/download/kingalfredaseduc00broorich/kingalfredaseduc00broorich_djvu.txt |
natureofmatterel00comsrich | The nature of matter and electricity : an outline of modern views | Comstock, Daniel F. (Daniel Frost), b. 1883; Troland, Leonard T. (Leonard Thompson), 1889- | 1,917 | 290 | OL7238408M | OL7863727W | https://archive.org/download/natureofmatterel00comsrich/natureofmatterel00comsrich_djvu.txt |
prisonerofzenda00hopeiala | The prisoner of Zenda : being the history of three months in the life of an English gentleman | Hope, Anthony, 1863-1933 | 1,921 | 344 | OL7099725M | OL464290W | https://archive.org/download/prisonerofzenda00hopeiala/prisonerofzenda00hopeiala_djvu.txt |
principlespracti00baru | The principles and practice of hydrotherapy; a guide to the application of water in disease, for students and practitioners of medicine | Baruch, Simon, 1840-1921 | 1,903 | 518 | OL6930374M | OL3705109W | https://archive.org/download/principlespracti00baru/principlespracti00baru_djvu.txt |
riseofwellington00robe | The rise of Wellington | Roberts, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Earl, 1832-1914 | 1,895 | 234 | OL7147862M | OL3420198W | https://archive.org/download/riseofwellington00robe/riseofwellington00robe_djvu.txt |
montaintrailcolo00franrich | Mountain trails and parks in Colorado | France, Lewis B., 1833-1907; Chain, Hardy & Co. (1888) bkp CU-BANC | 1,888 | 414 | OL7138284M | OL3243643W | https://archive.org/download/montaintrailcolo00franrich/montaintrailcolo00franrich_djvu.txt |
criticalenquiryr00coverich | A critical enquiry regarding the real author of the letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville | Coventry, George | 1,825 | 446 | OL14002388M | OL10613917W | https://archive.org/download/criticalenquiryr00coverich/criticalenquiryr00coverich_djvu.txt |
americanfarmsthe00elli | American farms; their condition and future | Elliott, James Rupert | 1,890 | 286 | OL7180270M | OL225532W | https://archive.org/download/americanfarmsthe00elli/americanfarmsthe00elli_djvu.txt |
criticalanalysis00cona | A critical analysis of industrial pension systems | Conant, Luther, 1872- | 1,922 | 292 | OL23291780M | OL10707438W | https://archive.org/download/criticalanalysis00cona/criticalanalysis00cona_djvu.txt |
pealespopularedu00peal | Peale's popular educator and cyclopedia of reference : historical, biographical, scientific and statistical ... | Peale, Richard S | 1,886 | 844 | OL22889405M | OL7901729W | https://archive.org/download/pealespopularedu00peal/pealespopularedu00peal_djvu.txt |
teutonicantiquit00pric | Teutonic antiquities in the generally acknowledged Cynewulfian poetry | Price, Milo B., b. 1867 | 1,896 | 84 | OL7025002M | OL7869741W | https://archive.org/download/teutonicantiquit00pric/teutonicantiquit00pric_djvu.txt |
mitchellsschoola00mitcrich | Mitchell's School atlas: comprising the maps and tables designed to accompany Mitchell's School and family geography | Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868; H. Cowperthwait & Company. (1857) bkp CU-BANC | 1,857 | 72 | OL7152393M | OL1502118W | https://archive.org/download/mitchellsschoola00mitcrich/mitchellsschoola00mitcrich_djvu.txt |
memorialoffamily00forsrich | Memorial of the family of Forsyth de Fronsac | Forsyth de Fronsac, Frédéric Gregory | 1,903 | 154 | OL14022489M | OL10715193W | https://archive.org/download/memorialoffamily00forsrich/memorialoffamily00forsrich_djvu.txt |
greatirishmeninw00lave | Great Irishmen in war and politics | Lavery, Felix; Redmond, John Edward, 1856-1918; O'Connor, T. P. (Thomas Power), 1848-1929; Keating, Joseph Ignatius, 1865-1939; Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, 1864-1950; Polson, Donald, 1871- | 1,920 | 240 | OL23302205M | OL256962W | https://archive.org/download/greatirishmeninw00lave/greatirishmeninw00lave_djvu.txt |
grassmansspacean00hyderich | Grassman's space analysis | Hyde, E. W. (Edward Wyllys), b. 1843 | 1,906 | 94 | OL14010255M | OL16751498W | https://archive.org/download/grassmansspacean00hyderich/grassmansspacean00hyderich_djvu.txt |
anglersevenings00manciala | Anglers' evenings | Manchester Anglers' Association | 1,882 | 318 | OL7069630M | OL16731577W | https://archive.org/download/anglersevenings00manciala/anglersevenings00manciala_djvu.txt |
skimmingsorwinte00hallrich | Skimmings; or, A winter at Schloss Hainfeld, in lower Styria | Hall, Basil, 1788-1844 | 1,836 | 232 | OL14042408M | OL2605974W | https://archive.org/download/skimmingsorwinte00hallrich/skimmingsorwinte00hallrich_djvu.txt |
primerofschoolme00dextrich | Primer of school method | Dexter, T. F. G. (Thomas Francis George), 1860-1933; Garlick, Alfred Hezekiah | 1,913 | 256 | OL7161269M | OL7571833W | https://archive.org/download/primerofschoolme00dextrich/primerofschoolme00dextrich_djvu.txt |
goldenbreastedko00richiala | The golden-breasted kootoo | Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850-1943 | 1,899 | 76 | OL7094851M | OL1799019W | https://archive.org/download/goldenbreastedko00richiala/goldenbreastedko00richiala_djvu.txt |
recentprogressof00loomrich | The recent progress of astronomy; especially in the United States | Loomis, Elias, 1811-1889 | 1,856 | 412 | OL7099267M | OL1621284W | https://archive.org/download/recentprogressof00loomrich/recentprogressof00loomrich_djvu.txt |
marineinsurancei00wint | Marine insurance; its principles and practice | Winter, William D., b. 1885 | 1,919 | 468 | OL6616308M | OL7456735W | https://archive.org/download/marineinsurancei00wint/marineinsurancei00wint_djvu.txt |
lifenathanael00simmrich | The life of Nathanael Greene, major-general in the army of the Revolution | Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870; Making of America Project; Williams, Otho Holland, 1747-1794 | 1,861 | 412 | OL7180242M | OL1492486W | https://archive.org/download/lifenathanael00simmrich/lifenathanael00simmrich_djvu.txt |
mouthhygienetext00fonerich | Mouth hygiene; a text-book for dental hygienists | Fones, Alfred Civilion, 1869- ed | 1,921 | 356 | OL13519473M | OL7562739W | https://archive.org/download/mouthhygienetext00fonerich/mouthhygienetext00fonerich_djvu.txt |
newamericanencyc00homaiala | New American encyclopedia of social and commercial information ... including exhaustive practical treatises especially adapted for self-instruction in English grammar, rhetoric and literature, modern languages, the plastic and decorative arts, music ... the theoretical and practical sciences ... the principles of law, business etiquette ... together with a multitude of interesting facts and useful recipes .. | Homans James Edward, 1865- | 1,908 | 926 | OL7103904M | OL7885533W | https://archive.org/download/newamericanencyc00homaiala/newamericanencyc00homaiala_djvu.txt |
politicaleconomy00jevo | Political economy | Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882 | 1,878 | 144 | OL19358082M | OL4764085W | https://archive.org/download/politicaleconomy00jevo/politicaleconomy00jevo_djvu.txt |
currentmisconcep00vonw | Current misconceptions about the war .. | Von Wiegand, Karl H | 1,915 | 44 | OL7052714M | OL16483093W | https://archive.org/download/currentmisconcep00vonw/currentmisconcep00vonw_djvu.txt |
littlepeople00whitiala | Little people | Whiteing, Richard, 1840-1928 | 1,909 | 320 | OL7031079M | OL7104673W | https://archive.org/download/littlepeople00whitiala/littlepeople00whitiala_djvu.txt |
practicalcostkee00walkrich | Practical cost keeping for contractors; a book giving a system of accurate cost keeping and the methods used for adapting it to all classes of construction work | Walker, Frank Rabold, 1888- | 1,916 | 300 | OL7027466M | OL180871W | https://archive.org/download/practicalcostkee00walkrich/practicalcostkee00walkrich_djvu.txt |
narrativeoflifet00smitrich | A narrative of the life, travels, and sufferings of Thomas W. Smith .. | Smith, Thomas W., fl. 1844 | 1,844 | 252 | OL7082630M | OL233963W | https://archive.org/download/narrativeoflifet00smitrich/narrativeoflifet00smitrich_djvu.txt |
nationalcampa00demorich | Campaign text-book of the National Democratic party, 1896 | Democratic National Committee (U.S.) | 1,896 | 218 | OL14029957M | OL3705077W | https://archive.org/download/nationalcampa00demorich/nationalcampa00demorich_djvu.txt |
pawnsfourpoeticp00driniala | Pawns, four poetic plays | Drinkwater, John, 1882- | 1,920 | 120 | OL7140875M | OL7891683W | https://archive.org/download/pawnsfourpoeticp00driniala/pawnsfourpoeticp00driniala_djvu.txt |
mistressnellmerr00hazeiala | Mistress Nell: a merry tale of a merry time ('twixt fact and fancy) | Hazelton, George Cochrane, 1868-1921 | 1,901 | 342 | OL7104044M | OL7667859W | https://archive.org/download/mistressnellmerr00hazeiala/mistressnellmerr00hazeiala_djvu.txt |
maryjanespaplayi00elliiala | Mary Jane's pa; a play in three acts | Ellis, Edith | 1,914 | 204 | OL7184614M | OL7519815W | https://archive.org/download/maryjanespaplayi00elliiala/maryjanespaplayi00elliiala_djvu.txt |
threeaddresseson00dougrich | Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United States | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895 | 1,886 | 76 | OL7114799M | OL69171W | https://archive.org/download/threeaddresseson00dougrich/threeaddresseson00dougrich_djvu.txt |
sriharshaofkanau00panirich | Sri Harsha of Kanauj: a monograph on the history of India in the first half of the 7th century A.D. | Panikkar, K. M. (Kavalam Madhava), 1896-1963 | 1,922 | 100 | OL7055391M | OL288648W | https://archive.org/download/sriharshaofkanau00panirich/sriharshaofkanau00panirich_djvu.txt |
selectedfragment00merriala | Selected fragments of Roman poetry : from the earliest times of the republic to the Augustan age | Merry, W. Walter (William Walter), 1835-1918 | 1,891 | 288 | OL7241521M | OL7709378W | https://archive.org/download/selectedfragment00merriala/selectedfragment00merriala_djvu.txt |
tolstoy00noyerich | Tolstoy | Noyes, George Rapall, 1873-1952 | 1,918 | 422 | OL6606334M | OL153598W | https://archive.org/download/tolstoy00noyerich/tolstoy00noyerich_djvu.txt |
oneofusnovelinve00franiala | One of us; a novel in verse | Frankau, Gilbert, 1884-1952 | 1,912 | 192 | OL7200289M | OL5626227W | https://archive.org/download/oneofusnovelinve00franiala/oneofusnovelinve00franiala_djvu.txt |
machinewheels00wilkrich | The Cleverdale mystery; or, The machine and its wheels. A story of American life | Wilkins, W. A | 1,882 | 312 | OL7043511M | OL238192W | https://archive.org/download/machinewheels00wilkrich/machinewheels00wilkrich_djvu.txt |
southgenerals00snowrich | Southern generals, who they are, and what they have done | Snow, William Parker, 1817-1895 | 1,865 | 532 | OL7195040M | OL2798463W | https://archive.org/download/southgenerals00snowrich/southgenerals00snowrich_djvu.txt |
lovelettersofnath01hawtrich | Love letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne | Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864; Society of the Dofobs | 1,907 | 530 | OL28297832M | OL20891749W | https://archive.org/download/lovelettersofnath01hawtrich/lovelettersofnath01hawtrich_djvu.txt |
lifeofmrssiddons01campiala | Life of Mrs. Siddons | Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844 | 1,834 | 320 | OL7113187M | OL2579748W | https://archive.org/download/lifeofmrssiddons01campiala/lifeofmrssiddons01campiala_djvu.txt |
spiritualpilgrim00camp | A spiritual pilgrimage | Campbell, R. J. (Reginald John), 1867-1956 | 1,917 | 366 | OL23339157M | OL7537033W | https://archive.org/download/spiritualpilgrim00camp/spiritualpilgrim00camp_djvu.txt |
mypilgrimagetowi00conwiala | My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East | Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907 | 1,906 | 484 | OL7169165M | OL1619916W | https://archive.org/download/mypilgrimagetowi00conwiala/mypilgrimagetowi00conwiala_djvu.txt |
myyearinalog00howerich | My year in a log cabin | Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 | 1,893 | 80 | OL7070344M | OL69101W | https://archive.org/download/myyearinalog00howerich/myyearinalog00howerich_djvu.txt |
businesscompetit00montrich | Business competition and the law; everyday trade conditions affected by the anti-trust laws | Montague, Gilbert Holland, 1880- | 1,917 | 342 | OL7203394M | OL244464W | https://archive.org/download/businesscompetit00montrich/businesscompetit00montrich_djvu.txt |
ancienthistoryof00parkiala | The ancient history of Bridgwater and its neighbourhood; also poems connected therewith | Parker, George | 1,877 | 86 | OL7182602M | OL7894360W | https://archive.org/download/ancienthistoryof00parkiala/ancienthistoryof00parkiala_djvu.txt |
birdsbeasts00lemoiala | Birds and beasts | Lemonnier, Camille, 1844-1913; Detmold, Edward Julius, 1883-1957, ill; Allinson, A. R. (Alfred Richard) | 1,911 | 240 | OL7075383M | OL2239268W | https://archive.org/download/birdsbeasts00lemoiala/birdsbeasts00lemoiala_djvu.txt |
architectureofre00andeiala | The architecture of the renaissance in Italy; | Anderson, William J. (William James), 1864-1900 | 1,898 | 358 | OL7141445M | OL4762988W | https://archive.org/download/architectureofre00andeiala/architectureofre00andeiala_djvu.txt |
alpheuswwilsonpr00harr | Alpheus W. Wilson, a prince in Israel | Harris, Carlton Danner, 1864-1928 | 1,917 | 270 | OL23271584M | OL7733024W | https://archive.org/download/alpheuswwilsonpr00harr/alpheuswwilsonpr00harr_djvu.txt |
canadianincometa00pontrich | Canadian income tax : the income war tax act, 1917, with explanations by the Minister of Finance and instructions of Finance Department | Pontifex, Bryan, 1872-; Canada. Laws, statutes, etc. Income war tax act, 1917 | 1,918 | 68 | OL13998614M | OL7645550W | https://archive.org/download/canadianincometa00pontrich/canadianincometa00pontrich_djvu.txt |
parrotsprid00selbrich | Parrots | Selby, Prideaux John, 1788-1867; Turner, William, 1761-1859; Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 | 1,845 | 370 | OL7122666M | OL7726955W | https://archive.org/download/parrotsprid00selbrich/parrotsprid00selbrich_djvu.txt |
challisslawofrea00chaliala | Challis's Law of real property: chiefly in relation to conveyancing | Challis, Henry W. (Henry William), b. 1841; Sweet, Charles | 1,911 | 582 | OL7150741M | OL7713088W | https://archive.org/download/challisslawofrea00chaliala/challisslawofrea00chaliala_djvu.txt |
cadetlifeatwestp00reediala | Cadet life at West Point | Reed, Hugh T., 1850-1934 | 1,896 | 274 | OL7189906M | OL1535600W | https://archive.org/download/cadetlifeatwestp00reediala/cadetlifeatwestp00reediala_djvu.txt |
onlightinthreeco00stokrich | On light : in three courses delivered at Aberdeen in Nov. 1883, Dec. 1884, and Nov. 1885 | Stokes, George Gabriel, Sir, 1819-1903 | 1,887 | 372 | OL7063699M | OL4784284W | https://archive.org/download/onlightinthreeco00stokrich/onlightinthreeco00stokrich_djvu.txt |
canadianconstitu00bordrich | Canadian constitutional studies : the Marfleet lectures, University of Toronto, October, 1921 | Borden, Robert Laird, Sir, 1854-1937 | 1,922 | 176 | OL7059605M | OL1114441W | https://archive.org/download/canadianconstitu00bordrich/canadianconstitu00bordrich_djvu.txt |
catalogrulesauth00ameriala | Catalog rules; author and title entries | American Library Association; Library Association; Hanson, J. C. M. (James Christian Meinich), 1864-1943 | 1,908 | 120 | OL7058109M | OL16318919W | https://archive.org/download/catalogrulesauth00ameriala/catalogrulesauth00ameriala_djvu.txt |
reminiscencesofe00baskrich | Reminiscences of early Utah | Baskin, R. N. (Robert Newton), b. 1835 | 1,914 | 278 | OL7045375M | OL243504W | https://archive.org/download/reminiscencesofe00baskrich/reminiscencesofe00baskrich_djvu.txt |
readersbasis00carerich | The reader's basis | Carey, Angeline Parmenter | 1,908 | 232 | OL7110490M | OL237891W | https://archive.org/download/readersbasis00carerich/readersbasis00carerich_djvu.txt |
annalsofbillesdo00costrich | Annals of the Billesdon hunt (Mr. Fernie's) 1856-1913. Notable runs and incidents of the chase, prominent members, celebrated hunters and hounds, amusing stories and anecdotes | Costobadie, F. Palliser de | 1,914 | 294 | OL7043378M | OL243249W | https://archive.org/download/annalsofbillesdo00costrich/annalsofbillesdo00costrich_djvu.txt |
americanlandsand02mitcrich | American lands and letters .. | Mitchell, Donald Grant, 1822-1908 | 1,897 | 456 | OL7187196M | OL2497122W | https://archive.org/download/americanlandsand02mitcrich/americanlandsand02mitcrich_djvu.txt |
americanhousecar00hatfiala | The American house-carpenter; a treatise upon architecture, cornices and mouldings, framing, doors, windows, and stairs. Together with the most important principles of practical geometry | Hatfield, R. G. (Robert Griffith), 1815-1879 | 1,852 | 332 | OL23275438M | OL5660547W | https://archive.org/download/americanhousecar00hatfiala/americanhousecar00hatfiala_djvu.txt |
piratethreecutte00marr | The pirate, and The three cutters | Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848; Stanfield, Clarkson, 1793-1867, ill | 1,861 | 434 | OL17963478M | OL166763W | https://archive.org/download/piratethreecutte00marr/piratethreecutte00marr_djvu.txt |
irishnationalism00argyrich | Irish nationalism : an appeal to history | Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, Duke of, 1823-1900 | 1,893 | 316 | OL13519051M | OL1496935W | https://archive.org/download/irishnationalism00argyrich/irishnationalism00argyrich_djvu.txt |
billtoquiettitle00unitrich | A bill to quiet the title to lands within Pueblo Indian land grants, and for other purposes | United States; United States. Congress (68th, 1st session : 1923-1924). House; Bursom, Holm Olaf, 1867- | 1,923 | 20 | OL7154294M | OL10396878W | https://archive.org/download/billtoquiettitle00unitrich/billtoquiettitle00unitrich_djvu.txt |
horacemannslette00mannrich | Horace Mann's letters on the extension of slavery into California and New Mexico : and on the duty of Congress to provide the trial by jury for alleged fugitive slaves | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859 | 1,850 | 48 | OL7077343M | OL2503943W | https://archive.org/download/horacemannslette00mannrich/horacemannslette00mannrich_djvu.txt |
womenswagesstudy00hutc | Women's wages; a study of the wages of industrial women and measures suggested to increase them | Hutchinson, Emilie Josephine, 1877-1938 | 1,919 | 202 | OL23361131M | OL15243825W | https://archive.org/download/womenswagesstudy00hutc/womenswagesstudy00hutc_djvu.txt |
winningafortune00kliniala | Winning a fortune | Klinker, Lewis William | 1,915 | 510 | OL7122409M | OL202157W | https://archive.org/download/winningafortune00kliniala/winningafortune00kliniala_djvu.txt |
withbattlefleetc00mattrich | With the battle fleet : cruise of the sixteen battleships of the United States Atlantic fleet from Hampton Roads to the Golden Gate, December, 1907-May, 1908 | Matthews, Franklin, 1858-1917 | 1,909 | 362 | OL7151438M | OL202696W | https://archive.org/download/withbattlefleetc00mattrich/withbattlefleetc00mattrich_djvu.txt |