question: What was Stop Hinkley context: Hinkley Point C nuclear power station is a project to construct a 3 , 200 MW two reactor nuclear power station . On 18 October 2010 , the British government announced that Hinkley Point – already the site of the disused Hinkley Point A and the still operational Hinkley Point B power stations – was one of the eight sites it considered suitable for future nuclear power stations . NNB Generation Company , a subsidiary of EDF , submitted an application for development consent to the Infrastructure Planning Commission on 31 October 2011 . A protest group , Stop Hinkley , was formed to campaign for the closure of Hinkley Point B and oppose any expansion at the Hinkley Point site . In December 2013 , the European Commission opened an investigation to assess whether the project breaks state - aid rules . On 8 October 2014 it was announced that the European Commission has approved the project , with an overwhelming majority and only four commissioners voting against the decision .
Stop Hinkley , was formed to campaign for the closure of Hinkley Point B and oppose any expansion at the Hinkley Point site
question: What feeling usually fills a believer regarding the resurrection ? context: Christians believe that Jesus ’ death was instrumental in restoring humankind to relationship with God . Christians believe that through faith in Jesus ’ substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection people are reunited with God and receive new joy and power in this life as well as eternal life in heaven after the body ’ s death . Thus the crucifixion of Jesus along with his resurrection restores access to a vibrant experience of God ’ s presence , love and grace as well as the confidence of eternal life .
question: Which is one of the tribes that spoke Insular Celtic ? context: Hiberni ( Ireland ) , Pictish ( northern Britain ) and Britons ( southern Britain ) tribes , all speaking Insular Celtic , inhabited the islands at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD . Much of Brittonic - controlled Britain was conquered by the Roman Empire from AD 43 . The first Anglo - Saxons arrived as Roman power waned in the 5th century and eventually dominated the bulk of what is now England . Viking invasions began in the 9th century , followed by more permanent settlements and political change — particularly in England . The subsequent Norman conquest of England in 1066 and the later Angevin partial conquest of Ireland from 1169 led to the imposition of a new Norman ruling elite across much of Britain and parts of Ireland . By the Late Middle Ages , Great Britain was separated into the Kingdoms of England and Scotland , while control in Ireland fluxed between Gaelic kingdoms , Hiberno - Norman lords and the English - dominated Lordship of Ireland , soon restricted only to The Pale . The 1603 Union of the Crowns , Acts of Union 1707 and Acts of Union 1800 attempted to consolidate Britain and Ireland into a single political unit , the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , with the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands remaining as Crown Dependencies . The expansion of the British Empire and migrations following the Irish Famine and Highland Clearances resulted in the distribution of the islands ' population and culture throughout the world and a rapid de - population of Ireland in the second half of the 19th century . Most of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom after the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Anglo - Irish Treaty ( 1919 – 1922 ) , with six counties remaining in the UK as Northern Ireland .
Pictish ( northern Britain )
question: Who annexed Estonia as the Estonian SSR ? context: On 6 August 1940 , Estonia was annexed by the Soviet Union as the Estonian SSR . The provisions in the Estonian constitution requiring a popular referendum to decide on joining a supra - national body were ignored . Instead the vote to join the Soviet Union was taken by those elected in the elections held the previous month . Additionally those who had failed to do their " political duty " of voting Estonia into the USSR , specifically those who had failed to have their passports stamped for voting , were condemned to death by Soviet tribunals . The repressions followed with the mass deportations carried out by the Soviets in Estonia on 14 June 1941 . Many of the country ' s political and intellectual leaders were killed or deported to remote areas of the USSR by the Soviet authorities in 1940 – 1941 . Repressive actions were also taken against thousands of ordinary people .
the Soviet Union
question: How did the Romans view the corpse of the dead ? context: In the later Imperial era , the burial and commemorative practises of Christian and non - Christians overlapped . Tombs were shared by Christian and non - Christian family members , and the traditional funeral rites and feast of novemdialis found a part - match in the Christian Constitutio Apostolica . The customary offers of wine and food to the dead continued ; St Augustine ( following St Ambrose ) feared that this invited the " drunken " practices of Parentalia but commended funeral feasts as a Christian opportunity to give alms of food to the poor . Christians attended Parentalia and its accompanying Feralia and Caristia in sufficient numbers for the Council of Tours to forbid them in AD 567 . Other funerary and commemorative practices were very different . Traditional Roman practice spurned the corpse as a ritual pollution ; inscriptions noted the day of birth and duration of life . The Christian Church fostered the veneration of saintly relics , and inscriptions marked the day of death as a transition to " new life " .
ritual pollution
question: What was Jin Jing called by ethnic Chinese ? context: Chinese officials canceled the torch relay ceremony amidst disruptions , including a Tibetan flag flown from a window in the City Hall by Green Party officials . The third torchbearer in the Paris leg , Jin Jing , who was disabled and carried the torch on a wheelchair , was assaulted several times by unidentified protestors seemingly from the pro - Tibet independent camp . In interviews , Jin Jing said that she was " tugged at , scratched " and " kicked " , but that she " did not feel the pain at the time . " She received praise from ethnic Chinese worldwide as " Angel in Wheelchair " . The Chinese government gave the comment that " the Chinese respect France a lot " but " Paris [ has slapped ] its own face . "
Angel in Wheelchair
question: Under what period were the 4th century churches built ? context: With the building of Christian basilicas in the late 4th century , wall and ceiling mosaics were adopted for Christian uses . The earliest examples of Christian basilicas have not survived , but the mosaics of Santa Constanza and Santa Pudenziana , both from the 4th century , still exist . The winemaking putti in the ambulatory of Santa Constanza still follow the classical tradition in that they represent the feast of Bacchus , which symbolizes transformation or change , and are thus appropriate for a mausoleum , the original function of this building . In another great Constantinian basilica , the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem the original mosaic floor with typical Roman geometric motifs is partially preserved . The so - called Tomb of the Julii , near the crypt beneath St Peter ' s Basilica , is a 4th - century vaulted tomb with wall and ceiling mosaics that are given Christian interpretations . The Rotunda of Galerius in Thessaloniki , converted into a Christian church during the course of the 4th century , was embellished with very high artistic quality mosaics . Only fragments survive of the original decoration , especially a band depicting saints with hands raised in prayer , in front of complex architectural fantasies .
question: What led to the sealing of the Magna Carta ? context: John ( 24 December 1166 – 19 October 1216 ) , also known as John Lackland ( Norman French : Johan sanz Terre ) , was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death in 1216 . John lost the duchy of Normandy to King Philip II of France , which resulted in the collapse of most of the Angevin Empire and contributed to the subsequent growth in power of the Capetian dynasty during the 13th century . The baronial revolt at the end of John ' s reign led to the sealing of the Magna Carta , a document sometimes considered to be an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom .
baronial revolt
question: What is the dress code today at Buckingham ? context: Formerly , men not wearing military uniform wore knee breeches of an 18th - century design . Women ' s evening dress included obligatory trains and tiaras or feathers in their hair ( or both ) . The dress code governing formal court uniform and dress has progressively relaxed . After World War I , when Queen Mary wished to follow fashion by raising her skirts a few inches from the ground , she requested a lady - in - waiting to shorten her own skirt first to gauge the king ' s reaction . King George V was horrified , so the queen kept her hemline unfashionably low . Following their accession in 1936 , King George VI and his consort , Queen Elizabeth , allowed the hemline of daytime skirts to rise . Today , there is no official dress code . Most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniform or lounge suits ; a minority wear morning coats , and in the evening , depending on the formality of the occasion , black tie or white tie .
there is no official dress code
question: Does Plaza Lafayette refer to the east or west end of 181st Street ? context: 181st Street is a major thoroughfare running through the Washington Heights neighborhood . It runs from the Washington Bridge in the east , to the Henry Hudson Parkway in the west , near the George Washington Bridge and the Hudson River . The west end is called Plaza Lafayette .
question: Who converted to Lutheranism and secularized the Prussian branch of the Teutonic Order ? context: The Teutonic Order lost eastern Prussia when Grand Master Albert of Brandenburg - Ansbach converted to Lutheranism and secularized the Prussian branch of the Teutonic Order in 1525 . Albert established himself as the first duke of the Duchy of Prussia and a vassal of the Polish crown by the Prussian Homage . Walter von Cronberg , the next Grand Master , was enfeoffed with the title to Prussia after the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 , but the Order never regained possession of the territory . In 1569 the Hohenzollern prince - electors of the Margraviate of Brandenburg became co - regents with Albert ' s son , the feeble - minded Albert Frederick .
Albert of Brandenburg - Ansbach
question: What area of China has the least amount of sunlight ? context: Due to great differences in terrain , the climate of the province is highly variable . In general it has strong monsoonal influences , with rainfall heavily concentrated in the summer . Under the K ö ppen climate classification , the Sichuan Basin ( including Chengdu ) in the eastern half of the province experiences a humid subtropical climate ( K ö ppen Cwa or Cfa ) , with long , hot , humid summers and short , mild to cool , dry and cloudy winters . Consequently , it has China ' s lowest sunshine totals . The western region has mountainous areas producing a cooler but sunnier climate . Having cool to very cold winters and mild summers , temperatures generally decrease with greater elevation . However , due to high altitude and its inland location , many areas such as Garze County and Zoige County in Sichuan exhibit a subarctic climate ( K ö ppen Dwc ) - featuring extremely cold winters down to - 30 ° C and even cold summer nights . The region is geologically active with landslides and earthquakes . Average elevation ranges from 2 , 000 to 3 , 500 meters ; average temperatures range from 0 to 15 ° C . The southern part of the province , including Panzhihua and Xichang , has a sunny climate with short , very mild winters and very warm to hot summers .
the Sichuan Basin
question: What nation possessed the Dutch East Indies ? context: The major Allied participants were the United States , the Republic of China , the United Kingdom ( including the armed forces of British India , the Fiji Islands , Samoa , etc . ) , Australia , the Commonwealth of the Philippines , the Netherlands ( as the possessor of the Dutch East Indies and the western part of New Guinea ) , New Zealand , and Canada , all of whom were members of the Pacific War Council . Mexico , Free France and many other countries also took part , especially forces from other British colonies .
question: What organization identified Saint Helena as important for bird conservation ? context: St Helena has long been known for its high proportion of endemic birds and vascular plants . The highland areas contain most of the 400 endemic species recognised to date . Much of the island has been identified by BirdLife International as being important for bird conservation , especially the endemic Saint Helena plover or wirebird , and for seabirds breeding on the offshore islets and stacks , in the north - east and the south - west Important Bird Areas . On the basis of these endemics and an exceptional range of habitats , Saint Helena is on the United Kingdom ' s tentative list for future UNESCO World Heritage Sites .
BirdLife International
question: Where was the coronation Sejm founded ? context: On 23 October 1501 , at Mielnik Polish – Lithuanian union was reformed at the Union of Mielnik ( Polish : unia mielnicka , unia piotrkowsko - mielnicka ) . It was there that the tradition of the coronation Sejm ( Polish : " Sejm koronacyjny " ) was founded . Once again the middle nobility ( middle in wealth , not in rank ) attempted to reduce the power of the magnates with a law that made them impeachable before the Senate for malfeasance . However the Act of Mielno ( Polish : Przywilej mielnicki ) of 25 October did more to strengthen the magnate dominated Senate of Poland then the lesser nobility . The nobles were given the right to disobey the King or his representatives — in the Latin , " non praestanda oboedientia " — and to form confederations , an armed rebellion against the king or state officers if the nobles thought that the law or their legitimate privileges were being infringed .
Union of Mielnik
question: In English the first letter of a sentence is which type of letter ? context: Capitalisation in English , in terms of the general orthographic rules independent of context ( e . g . title vs . heading vs . text ) , is universally standardized for formal writing . ( Informal communication , such as texting , instant messaging or a handwritten sticky note , may not bother , but that is because its users usually do not expect it to be formal . ) In English , capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence , a proper noun , or a proper adjective . There are a few pairs of words of different meanings whose only difference is capitalisation of the first letter . The names of the days of the week and the names of the months are also capitalised , as are the first - person pronoun " I " and the interjection " O " ( although the latter is uncommon in modern usage , with " oh " being preferred ) . Other words normally start with a lower - case letter . There are , however , situations where further capitalisation may be used to give added emphasis , for example in headings and titles ( see below ) . In some traditional forms of poetry , capitalisation has conventionally been used as a marker to indicate the beginning of a line of verse independent of any grammatical feature .
question: What is the most popular method of travel for citizens ? context: Nanjing is the transportation hub in eastern China and the downstream Yangtze River area . Different means of transportation constitute a three - dimensional transport system that includes land , water and air . As in most other Chinese cities , public transportation is the dominant mode of travel of the majority of the citizens . As of October 2014 , Nanjing had five bridges and two tunnels over the Yangtze River , which are tying districts north of the river with the city centre on the south bank .
public transportation
question: What is an example of a suffix used by Old English weak verbs ? context: The form of the verb varies with person ( first , second and third ) , number ( singular and plural ) , tense ( present and past ) , and mood ( indicative , subjunctive and imperative ) . Old English also sometimes uses compound constructions to express other verbal aspects , the future and the passive voice ; in these we see the beginnings of the compound tenses of Modern English . Old English verbs include strong verbs , which form the past tense by altering the root vowel , and weak verbs , which use a suffix such as - de . As in Modern English , and peculiar to the Germanic languages , the verbs formed two great classes : weak ( regular ) , and strong ( irregular ) . Like today , Old English had fewer strong verbs , and many of these have over time decayed into weak forms . Then , as now , dental suffixes indicated the past tense of the weak verbs , as in work and worked .
- de
question: What century in France ' s history included the French É cole polytechnique that influenced education systems in other countries ? context: Higher education systems , that are influenced by the French education system set at the end of the 18th century , use a terminology derived by reference to the French É cole polytechnique . Such terms include É coles Polytechniques ( Algeria , Belgium , Canada , France , Switzerland , Tunisia ) , Escola Polit é cnica ( Brasil , Spain ) , Polytechnicum ( Eastern Europe ) .
question: To what did the edict of 304 admonish Christians to sacrifice ? context: In 295 , a certain Maximilian refused military service ; in 298 Marcellus renounced his military oath . Both were executed for treason ; both were Christians . At some time around 302 , a report of ominous haruspicy in Diocletian ' s domus and a subsequent ( but undated ) dictat of placatory sacrifice by the entire military triggered a series of edicts against Christianity . The first ( 303 AD ) " ordered the destruction of church buildings and Christian texts , forbade services to be held , degraded of fi cials who were Christians , re - enslaved imperial freedmen who were Christians , and reduced the legal rights of all Christians . . . [ Physical ] or capital punishments were not imposed on them " but soon after , several Christians suspected of attempted arson in the palace were executed . The second edict threatened Christian priests with imprisonment and the third offered them freedom if they performed sacrifice . An edict of 304 enjoined universal sacrifice to traditional gods , in terms that recall the Decian edict .
traditional gods
question: How much additional binder does rolled asphalt concrete have ? context: Mastic asphalt is a type of asphalt which differs from dense graded asphalt ( asphalt concrete ) in that it has a higher asphalt / bitumen ( binder ) content , usually around 7 – 10 % of the whole aggregate mix , as opposed to rolled asphalt concrete , which has only around 5 % added asphalt / bitumen . This thermoplastic substance is widely used in the building industry for waterproofing flat roofs and tanking underground . Mastic asphalt is heated to a temperature of 210 ° C ( 410 ° F ) and is spread in layers to form an impervious barrier about 20 millimeters ( 0 . 79 inches ) thick .
5 %
question: Who was caught by surprised ? context: John initially adopted a defensive posture similar to that of 1199 : avoiding open battle and carefully defending his key castles . John ' s operations became more chaotic as the campaign progressed , and Philip began to make steady progress in the east . John became aware in July that Arthur ' s forces were threatening his mother , Eleanor , at Mirebeau Castle . Accompanied by William de Roches , his seneschal in Anjou , he swung his mercenary army rapidly south to protect her . His forces caught Arthur by surprise and captured the entire rebel leadership at the battle of Mirebeau . With his southern flank weakening , Philip was forced to withdraw in the east and turn south himself to contain John ' s army .
question: Typically what were the nationalities of ships that traveled to and from England via the Straight of Gibraltar ? context: During the Tudor period the Reformation produced a gradual shift to Protestantism , much of London passing from church to private ownership . The traffic in woollen cloths shipped undyed and undressed from London to the nearby shores of the Low Countries , where it was considered indispensable . But the tentacles of English maritime enterprise hardly extended beyond the seas of north - west Europe . The commercial route to Italy and the Mediterranean Sea normally lay through Antwerp and over the Alps ; any ships passing through the Strait of Gibraltar to or from England were likely to be Italian or Ragusan . Upon the re - opening of the Netherlands to English shipping in January 1565 , there ensued a strong outburst of commercial activity . The Royal Exchange was founded . Mercantilism grew , and monopoly trading companies such as the East India Company were established , with trade expanding to the New World . London became the principal North Sea port , with migrants arriving from England and abroad . The population rose from an estimated 50 , 000 in 1530 to about 225 , 000 in 1605 .
Italian or Ragusan
question: What is one of the two mining districts were established around 1900 ? context: Mining was important in Thuringia since the later Middle Ages , especially within the mining towns of the Thuringian Forest such as Schmalkalden , Suhl and Ilmenau . Following the industrial revolution , the old iron , copper and silver mines declined because the competition from imported metal was too strong . On the other hand , the late 19th century brought new types of mines to Thuringia : the lignite surface mining around Meuselwitz near Altenburg in the east of the Land started in the 1870s , and two potash mining districts were established around 1900 . These are the S ü dharzrevier in the north of the state , between Bischofferode in the west and Ro ß leben in the east with Sondershausen at its centre , and the Werrarevier on the Hessian border around Vacha and Bad Salzungen in the west . Together , they accounted for a significant part of the world ' s potash production in the mid - 20th century . After the reunification , the S ü dharzrevier was abandoned , whereas K + S took over the mines in the Werrarevier . Between 1950 and 1990 , uranium mining was also important to cover the Soviet Union ' s need for this metal . The centre was Ronneburg near Gera in eastern Thuringia and the operating company Wismut was under direct Soviet control .
the S ü dharzrevier
question: Several Western European companies are shifting taxes in a process known as what ? context: Tax shifting has been widely discussed and endorsed by economists . It involves lowering income taxes while raising levies on environmentally destructive activities , in order to create a more responsive market . For example , a tax on coal that included the increased health care costs associated with breathing polluted air , the costs of acid rain damage , and the costs of climate disruption would encourage investment in renewable technologies . Several Western European countries are already shifting taxes in a process known there as environmental tax reform .
environmental tax reform
question: Where are food molecules oxidised to carbon dioxide and water ? context: Any living organism relies on an external source of energy — radiation from the Sun in the case of green plants , chemical energy in some form in the case of animals — to be able to grow and reproduce . The daily 1500 – 2000 Calories ( 6 – 8 MJ ) recommended for a human adult are taken as a combination of oxygen and food molecules , the latter mostly carbohydrates and fats , of which glucose ( C6H12O6 ) and stearin ( C57H110O6 ) are convenient examples . The food molecules are oxidised to carbon dioxide and water in the mitochondria
question: How many satellite campuses are run by BYU ? context: BYU offers programs in liberal arts , engineering , agriculture , management , physical and mathematical sciences , nursing and law . The university is broadly organized into 11 colleges or schools at its main Provo campus , with certain colleges and divisions defining their own admission standards . The university also administers two satellite campuses , one in Jerusalem and one in Salt Lake City , while its parent organization , the Church Educational System ( CES ) , sponsors sister schools in Hawaii and Idaho . The university ' s primary focus is on undergraduate education , but it also has 68 master ' s and 25 doctoral degree programs .
question: When did Arsenal Stadium at Highbury first become the club ' s home ? context: Widely referred to as Highbury , Arsenal Stadium was the club ' s home from September 1913 until May 2006 . The original stadium was designed by the renowned football architect Archibald Leitch , and had a design common to many football grounds in the UK at the time , with a single covered stand and three open - air banks of terracing . The entire stadium was given a massive overhaul in the 1930s : new Art Deco West and East stands were constructed , opening in 1932 and 1936 respectively , and a roof was added to the North Bank terrace , which was bombed during the Second World War and not restored until 1954 .
September 1913
question: What was the Earl of Cambridge ' s first name ? context: Prior to King Henry ' s departure for the Battle of Agincourt in 1415 , the ringleaders of the " Southampton Plot " — Richard , Earl of Cambridge , Henry Scrope , 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham , and Sir Thomas Grey of Heton — were accused of high treason and tried at what is now the Red Lion public house in the High Street . They were found guilty and summarily executed outside the Bargate .
question: The video Express Yourself was inspired by which silent film ? context: During her childhood , Madonna was inspired by actors , later saying , " I loved Carole Lombard and Judy Holliday and Marilyn Monroe . They were all incredibly funny . . . and I saw myself in them . . . my girlishness , my knowingness and my innocence . " Her " Material Girl " music video recreated Monroe ' s look in the song " Diamonds Are a Girl ' s Best Friend " , from the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes ( 1953 ) . She studied the screwball comedies of the 1930s , particularly those of Lombard , in preparation for the film Who ' s That Girl . The video for " Express Yourself " ( 1989 ) was inspired by Fritz Lang ' s silent film Metropolis ( 1927 ) . The video for " Vogue " recreated the style of Hollywood glamour photographs , in particular those by Horst P . Horst , and imitated the poses of Marlene Dietrich , Carole Lombard , and Rita Hayworth , while the lyrics referred to many of the stars who had inspired her , including Bette Davis , described by Madonna as an idol . However , Madonna ' s film career has been largely received negatively by the film critic community . Stephanie Zacharek , critic for Time magazine , stated that , " [ Madonna ] seems wooden and unnatural as an actress , and it ' s tough to watch , because she ' s clearly trying her damnedest . " According to biographer Andrew Morton , " Madonna puts a brave face on the criticism , but privately she is deeply hurt . " After the box office bomb Swept Away ( 2002 ) , Madonna vowed that she would never again act in a film , hoping her repertoire as a bad actress would never be discussed again .
question: How much does the FBI charges for lab services ? context: The FBI Laboratory , established with the formation of the BOI , did not appear in the J . Edgar Hoover Building until its completion in 1974 . The lab serves as the primary lab for most DNA , biological , and physical work . Public tours of FBI headquarters ran through the FBI laboratory workspace before the move to the J . Edgar Hoover Building . The services the lab conducts include Chemistry , Combined DNA Index System ( CODIS ) , Computer Analysis and Response , DNA Analysis , Evidence Response , Explosives , Firearms and Tool marks , Forensic Audio , Forensic Video , Image Analysis , Forensic Science Research , Forensic Science Training , Hazardous Materials Response , Investigative and Prospective Graphics , Latent Prints , Materials Analysis , Questioned Documents , Racketeering Records , Special Photographic Analysis , Structural Design , and Trace Evidence . The services of the FBI Laboratory are used by many state , local , and international agencies free of charge . The lab also maintains a second lab at the FBI Academy .
question: What does a candidate swear on ? context: During the ceremony of initiation , the candidate is expected to swear ( usually on a volume of sacred text appropriate to his personal religious faith ) to fulfil certain obligations as a Mason . In the course of three degrees , new masons will promise to keep the secrets of their degree from lower degrees and outsiders , and to support a fellow Mason in distress ( as far as practicality and the law permit ) . There is instruction as to the duties of a Freemason , but on the whole , Freemasons are left to explore the craft in the manner they find most satisfying . Some will further explore the ritual and symbolism of the craft , others will focus their involvement on the social side of the Lodge , while still others will concentrate on the charitable functions of the lodge .
usually on a volume of sacred text
question: What language still survives as the representation of the one of the three religious orders of historic Greece ? context: Modern Greek has , in addition to Standard Modern Greek or Dimotiki , a wide variety of dialects of varying levels of mutual intelligibility , including Cypriot , Pontic , Cappadocian , Griko and Tsakonian ( the only surviving representative of ancient Doric Greek ) . Yevanic is the language of the Romaniotes , and survives in small communities in Greece , New York and Israel . In addition to Greek , many Greeks in Greece and the Diaspora are bilingual in other languages or dialects such as English , Arvanitika / Albanian , Aromanian , Macedonian Slavic , Russian and Turkish .
Tsakonian ( the only surviving representative of ancient Doric Greek )
question: What treatise was written by Pope Gregory ? context: With the unification of the Anglo - Saxon kingdoms ( outside the Danelaw ) by Alfred the Great in the later 9th century , the language of government and literature became standardised around the West Saxon dialect ( Early West Saxon ) . Alfred advocated education in English alongside Latin , and had many works translated into the English language ; some of them , such as Pope Gregory I ' s treatise Pastoral Care , appear to have been translated by Alfred himself . In Old English , typical of the development of literature , poetry arose before prose , but King Alfred the Great ( 871 to 901 ) chiefly inspired the growth of prose .
Pastoral Care
question: In what year did the Hungarian revolution take place ? context: Nicholas felt that , because of Russian assistance in suppressing the Hungarian revolution of 1848 , Austria would side with him , or at the very least remain neutral . Austria , however , felt threatened by the Russian troops in the Balkans . On 27 February 1854 , the United Kingdom and France demanded the withdrawal of Russian forces from the principalities ; Austria supported them and , though it did not declare war on Russia , it refused to guarantee its neutrality . Russia ' s rejection of the ultimatum caused the UK and France to enter the war .
question: Whose technology did Apple take advantage of when introducing the Macintosh II ? context: Updated Motorola CPUs made a faster machine possible , and in 1987 Apple took advantage of the new Motorola technology and introduced the Macintosh II at $ 5500 , powered by a 16 MHz Motorola 68020 processor . The primary improvement in the Macintosh II was Color QuickDraw in ROM , a color version of the graphics language which was the heart of the machine . Among the many innovations in Color QuickDraw were the ability to handle any display size , any color depth , and multiple monitors . The Macintosh II marked the start of a new direction for the Macintosh , as now for the first time it had an open architecture with several NuBus expansion slots , support for color graphics and external monitors , and a modular design similar to that of the IBM PC . It had an internal hard drive and a power supply with a fan , which was initially fairly loud . One third - party developer sold a device to regulate fan speed based on a heat sensor , but it voided the warranty . Later Macintosh computers had quieter power supplies and hard drives .
question: What do some police departments make detectives go back to periodically ? context: Despite popular conceptions promoted by movies and television , many US police departments prefer not to maintain officers in non - patrol bureaus and divisions beyond a certain period of time , such as in the detective bureau , and instead maintain policies that limit service in such divisions to a specified period of time , after which officers must transfer out or return to patrol duties . [ citation needed ] This is done in part based upon the perception that the most important and essential police work is accomplished on patrol in which officers become acquainted with their beats , prevent crime by their presence , respond to crimes in progress , manage crises , and practice their skills . [ citation needed ]
patrol duties
question: Who was in conflict with the prince bishopric context: When the Frankish rulers established the system of feudalism , the Bishops of Utrecht came to exercise worldly power as prince - bishops . The territory of the bishopric not only included the modern province of Utrecht ( Nedersticht , ' lower Sticht ' ) , but also extended to the northeast . The feudal conflict of the Middle Ages heavily affected Utrecht . The prince - bishopric was involved in almost continuous conflicts with the Counts of Holland and the Dukes of Guelders . The Veluwe region was seized by Guelders , but large areas in the modern province of Overijssel remained as the Oversticht .
the Counts of Holland and the Dukes of Guelders
question: At one time , Priest permanently were assigned to a church were referred to as ? context: The term cardinal at one time applied to any priest permanently assigned or incardinated to a church , or specifically to the senior priest of an important church , based on the Latin cardo ( hinge ) , meaning " principal " or " chief " . The term was applied in this sense as early as the ninth century to the priests of the tituli ( parishes ) of the diocese of Rome . The Church of England retains an instance of this origin of the title , which is held by the two senior members of the College of Minor Canons of St Paul ' s Cathedral .
question: What language was commonly used in scholarly mathematical writings prior to the 19th century ? context: Many aspects of Roman culture were borrowed from the Greeks . In architecture and sculpture , the difference between Greek models and Roman paintings are apparent . The chief Roman contributions to architecture were the arch and the dome . Rome has also had a tremendous impact on European cultures following it . Its significance is perhaps best reflected in its endurance and influence , as is seen in the longevity and lasting importance of works of Virgil and Ovid . Latin , the Republic ' s primary language , remains used for liturgical purposes by the Roman Catholic Church , and up to the 19th century was used extensively in scholarly writings in , for example , science and mathematics . Roman law laid the foundations for the laws of many European countries and their colonies . [ citation needed ]
question: What happens when a name is defective or misleading ? context: All graphic , format , and private use characters have a unique and immutable name by which they may be identified . This immutability has been guaranteed since Unicode version 2 . 0 by the Name Stability policy . In cases where the name is seriously defective and misleading , or has a serious typographical error , a formal alias may be defined , and applications are encouraged to use the formal alias in place of the official character name . For example , U + A015 ꀕ YI SYLLABLE WU has the formal alias yi syllable iteration mark , and U + FE18 ︘ PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRAKCET ( sic ) has the formal alias presentation form for vertical right white lenticular bracket .
a formal alias may be defined
question: What is the average time of completion of an Endangered Species Recovery Plan ? context: Fish and Wildlife Service ( FWS ) and National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) are required to create an Endangered Species Recovery Plan outlining the goals , tasks required , likely costs , and estimated timeline to recover endangered species ( i . e . , increase their numbers and improve their management to the point where they can be removed from the endangered list ) . The ESA does not specify when a recovery plan must be completed . The FWS has a policy specifying completion within three years of the species being listed , but the average time to completion is approximately six years . The annual rate of recovery plan completion increased steadily from the Ford administration ( 4 ) through Carter ( 9 ) , Reagan ( 30 ) , Bush I ( 44 ) , and Clinton ( 72 ) , but declined under Bush II ( 16 per year as of 9 / 1 / 06 ) .
approximately six years
question: How many cities were present in the Kathmandu Valley in the late Malla period ? context: During the later part of the Malla era , Kathmandu Valley comprised four fortified cities : Kantipur , Lalitpur , Bhaktapur , and Kirtipur . These served as the capitals of the Malla confederation of Nepal . These states competed with each other in the arts , architecture , aesthetics , and trade , resulting in tremendous development . The kings of this period directly influenced or involved themselves in the construction of public buildings , squares , and temples , as well as the development of water spouts , the institutionalization of trusts ( called guthis ) , the codification of laws , the writing of dramas , and the performance of plays in city squares . Evidence of an influx of ideas from India , Tibet , China , Persia , and Europe among other places can be found in a stone inscription from the time of king Pratap Malla . Books have been found from this era that describe their tantric tradition ( e . g . Tantrakhyan ) , medicine ( e . g . Haramekhala ) , religion ( e . g . Mooldevshashidev ) , law , morals , and history . Amarkosh , a Sanskrit - Nepal Bhasa dictionary from 1381 AD , was also found . Architecturally notable buildings from this era include Kathmandu Durbar Square , Patan Durbar Square , Bhaktapur Durbar Square , the former durbar of Kirtipur , Nyatapola , Kumbheshwar , the Krishna temple , and others .
question: On what date was the city liberated ? context: On 14 June 1940 , the German army marched into Paris , which had been declared an " open city " . On 16 – 17 July 1942 , following German orders , the French police and gendarmes arrested 12 , 884 Jews , including 4 , 115 children , and confined them during five days at the Vel d ' Hiv ( V é lodrome d ' Hiver ) , from which they were transported by train to the extermination camp at Auschwitz . None of the children came back . On 25 August 1944 , the city was liberated by the French 2nd Armoured Division and the 4th Infantry Division of the United States Army . General Charles de Gaulle led a huge and emotional crowd down the Champs É lys é es towards Notre Dame de Paris , and made a rousing speech from the H ô tel de Ville .
25 August 1944
question: How many sides of a disc commonly held a recording ? context: In January 1938 , Milt Gabler started recording for his new label , Commodore Records , and to allow for longer continuous performances , he recorded some 12 - inch records . Eddie Condon explained : " Gabler realized that a jam session needs room for development . " The first two 12 - inch recordings did not take advantage of the extra length : " Carnegie Drag " was 3 : 15 ; " Carnegie Jump " , 2 : 41 . But at the second session , on April 30 , the two 12 - inch recordings were longer : " Embraceable You " was 4 : 05 ; " Serenade to a Shylock " , 4 : 32 . Another way around the time limitation was to issue a selection on both sides of a single record . Vaudeville stars Gallagher and Shean recorded " Mr . Gallagher and Mr . Shean " , written by Irving and Jack Kaufman , as two sides of a 10 - inch 78 in 1922 for Cameo . An obvious workaround for longer recordings was to release a set of records . An early multi - record release was in 1903 , when HMV in England made the first complete recording of an opera , Verdi ' s Ernani , on 40 single - sided discs . In 1940 , Commodore released Eddie Condon and his Band ' s recording of " A Good Man Is Hard to Find " in four parts , issued on both sides of two 12 - inch 78s . This limitation on the duration of recordings persisted from 1910 until the invention of the LP record , in 1948 . In popular music , this time limitation of about 3 : 30 on a 10 - inch 78 rpm record meant that singers usually did not release long pieces on record . One exception is Frank Sinatra ' s recording of Rodgers and Hammerstein ' s " Soliloquy " , from Carousel , made on May 28 , 1946 . Because it ran 7 : 57 , longer than both sides of a standard 78 rpm 10 - inch record , it was released on Columbia ' s Masterwork label ( the classical division ) as two sides of a 12 - inch record . The same was true of John Raitt ' s performance of the song on the original cast album of Carousel , which had been issued on a 78 - rpm album set by American Decca in 1945 .
two sides
question: What year was it ruled that Freemasonry was not a religion ? context: A dispute during the Lausanne Congress of Supreme Councils of 1875 prompted the Grand Orient de France to commission a report by a Protestant pastor which concluded that , as Freemasonry was not a religion , it should not require a religious belief . The new constitutions read , " Its principles are absolute liberty of conscience and human solidarity " , the existence of God and the immortality of the soul being struck out . It is possible that the immediate objections of the United Grand Lodge of England were at least partly motivated by the political tension between France and Britain at the time . The result was the withdrawal of recognition of the Grand Orient of France by the United Grand Lodge of England , a situation that continues today .
question: Of what does team Espanyol view Barcelona as a team ? context: Bar ç a ' s local rival has always been Espanyol . Blanc - i - blaus , being one of the clubs granted royal patronage , was founded exclusively by Spanish football fans , unlike the multinational nature of Bar ç a ' s primary board . The founding message of the club was clearly anti - Barcelona , and they disapprovingly saw FC Barcelona as a team of foreigners . The rivalry was strengthened by what Catalonians saw as a provocative representative of Madrid . Their original ground was in the affluent district of Sarri à .
question: What does Link morph into in A Link to the Past ? context: Prior Zelda games have employed a theme of two separate , yet connected , worlds . In A Link to the Past , Link travels between a " Light World " and a " Dark World " ; in Ocarina of Time , as well as in Oracle of Ages , Link travels between two different time periods . The Zelda team sought to reuse this motif in the series ' latest installment . It was suggested that Link transform into a wolf , much like he metamorphoses into a rabbit in the Dark World of A Link to the Past . [ m ] The story of the game was created by Aonuma , and later underwent several changes by scenario writers Mitsuhiro Takano and Aya Kyogoku . Takano created the script for the story scenes , while Kyogoku and Takayuki Ikkaku handled the actual in - game script . Aonuma left his team working on the new idea while he directed The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance . When he returned , he found the Twilight Princess team struggling . Emphasis on the parallel worlds and the wolf transformation had made Link ' s character unbelievable . Aonuma also felt the gameplay lacked the caliber of innovation found in Phantom Hourglass , which was being developed with touch controls for the Nintendo DS . At the same time , the Wii was under development with the code name " Revolution " . Miyamoto thought that the Revolution ' s pointing device , the Wii Remote , was well suited for aiming arrows in Zelda , and suggested that Aonuma consider using it . [ n ]
question: What is one type of capacitor that has a specified rating value for maximum ripple current ? context: Ripple current is the AC component of an applied source ( often a switched - mode power supply ) whose frequency may be constant or varying . Ripple current causes heat to be generated within the capacitor due to the dielectric losses caused by the changing field strength together with the current flow across the slightly resistive supply lines or the electrolyte in the capacitor . The equivalent series resistance ( ESR ) is the amount of internal series resistance one would add to a perfect capacitor to model this . Some types of capacitors , primarily tantalum and aluminum electrolytic capacitors , as well as some film capacitors have a specified rating value for maximum ripple current .
aluminum electrolytic capacitors
question: When did Namibia receive funding from USAID ? context: In 1993 , the newly formed government of Namibia received funding from the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) through its Living in a Finite Environment ( LIFE ) Project . The Ministry of Environment and Tourism with the financial support from organisations such as USAID , Endangered Wildlife Trust , WWF , and Canadian Ambassador ' s Fund , together form a Community Based Natural Resource Management ( CBNRM ) support structure . The main goal of this project is promote sustainable natural resource management by giving local communities rights to wildlife management and tourism .
question: Low temperatures in Florida average context: The climate of Florida is tempered somewhat by the fact that no part of the state is distant from the ocean . North of Lake Okeechobee , the prevalent climate is humid subtropical ( K ö ppen : Cfa ) , while areas south of the lake ( including the Florida Keys ) have a true tropical climate ( K ö ppen : Aw ) . Mean high temperatures for late July are primarily in the low 90s Fahrenheit ( 32 – 34 ° C ) . Mean low temperatures for early to mid January range from the low 40s Fahrenheit ( 4 – 7 ° C ) in northern Florida to above 60 ° F ( 16 ° C ) from Miami on southward . With an average daily temperature of 70 . 7 ° F ( 21 . 5 ° C ) , it is the warmest state in the country .
mid January range from the low 40s Fahrenheit ( 4 – 7 ° C ) in northern Florida to above 60 ° F ( 16 ° C ) from Miami on southward
question: Where are the dining facilities called ? context: The army has relied heavily on tents to provide the various facilities needed while on deployment . The most common tent uses for the military are as temporary barracks ( sleeping quarters ) , DFAC buildings ( dining facilities ) , forward operating bases ( FOBs ) , after action review ( AAR ) , tactical operations center ( TOC ) , morale , welfare , and recreation ( MWR ) facilities , and security checkpoints . Furthermore , most of these tents are set up and operated through the support of Natick Soldier Systems Center .
DFAC buildings
question: What type of vessels were part of a major role in defeating Japan ? context: U . S . submarines , as well as some British and Dutch vessels , operating from bases at Cavite in the Philippines ( 1941 – 42 ) ; Fremantle and Brisbane , Australia ; Pearl Harbor ; Trincomalee , Ceylon ; Midway ; and later Guam , played a major role in defeating Japan , even though submarines made up a small proportion of the Allied navies — less than two percent in the case of the US Navy . Submarines strangled Japan by sinking its merchant fleet , intercepting many troop transports , and cutting off nearly all the oil imports essential to weapons production and military operations . By early 1945 Japanese oil supplies were so limited that its fleet was virtually stranded .
question: What specifically did his son work on ? context: In the late 1980s , according to " Richard Feynman and the Connection Machine " , Feynman played a crucial role in developing the first massively parallel computer , and in finding innovative uses for it in numerical computations , in building neural networks , as well as physical simulations using cellular automata ( such as turbulent fluid flow ) , working with Stephen Wolfram at Caltech . His son Carl also played a role in the development of the original Connection Machine engineering ; Feynman influencing the interconnects while his son worked on the software .
question: What mountain range is north of Tucson ? context: The city ' s elevation is 2 , 643 ft ( 806 m ) above sea level ( as measured at the Tucson International Airport ) . Tucson is situated on an alluvial plain in the Sonoran desert , surrounded by five minor ranges of mountains : the Santa Catalina Mountains and the Tortolita Mountains to the north , the Santa Rita Mountains to the south , the Rincon Mountains to the east , and the Tucson Mountains to the west . The high point of the Santa Catalina Mountains is 9 , 157 ft ( 2 , 791 m ) Mount Lemmon , the southernmost ski destination in the continental U . S . , while the Tucson Mountains include 4 , 687 ft ( 1 , 429 m ) Wasson Peak . The highest point in the area is Mount Wrightson , found in the Santa Rita Mountains at 9 , 453 ft ( 2 , 881 m ) above sea level .
Tortolita Mountains
question: What date did Comcast drop their proposed merger agreement with Time Warner ? context: Comcast operates multiple cable - only channels ( including E ! Entertainment Television , the Golf Channel , and NBCSN ) , over - the - air national broadcast network channels ( NBC and Telemundo ) , the film production studio Universal Pictures , and Universal Parks & Resorts , with a global total of nearly 200 family entertainment locations and attractions in the U . S . and several other countries including U . A . E . , South Korea , Russia and China , with several new locations reportedly planned and being developed for future operation . Comcast also has significant holding in digital distribution ( thePlatform ) . In February 2014 the company agreed to merge with Time Warner Cable in an equity swap deal worth $ 45 . 2 billion . Under the terms of the agreement Comcast was to acquire 100 % of Time Warner Cable . However , on April 24 , 2015 , Comcast terminated the agreement .
April 24 , 2015
question: What are the different departments of a university called ? context: Although each institution is organized differently , nearly all universities have a board of trustees ; a president , chancellor , or rector ; at least one vice president , vice - chancellor , or vice - rector ; and deans of various divisions . Universities are generally divided into a number of academic departments , schools or faculties . Public university systems are ruled over by government - run higher education boards . They review financial requests and budget proposals and then allocate funds for each university in the system . They also approve new programs of instruction and cancel or make changes in existing programs . In addition , they plan for the further coordinated growth and development of the various institutions of higher education in the state or country . However , many public universities in the world have a considerable degree of financial , research and pedagogical autonomy . Private universities are privately funded and generally have broader independence from state policies . However , they may have less independence from business corporations depending on the source of their finances .
schools or faculties
question: What time does Uni - link stop service to the university each night ? context: Buses now provide the majority of local public transport . The main bus operators are First Southampton and Bluestar . Other operators include Brijan Tours , Stagecoach and Xelabus . The other large service provider is the Uni - link bus service ( running from early in the morning to midnight ) , which was commissioned by the University of Southampton to provide transport from the university to the town . Previously run by Enterprise , it is now run by Bluestar . Free buses are provided by City - link ' . The City - link runs from the Red Funnel ferry terminal at Town Quay to Central station via WestQuay and is operated by Bluestar . There is also a door - to - door minibus service called Southampton Dial a Ride , for residents who cannot access public transport . This is funded by the council and operated by SCA Support Services .
question: What is the Israeli term for prime minister ? context: In the Russian constitution the prime minister is actually titled Chairman of the government while the Irish prime minister is called the Taoiseach ( which is rendered into English as prime minister ) , and in Israel he is Rosh HaMemshalah meaning " head of the government " . In many cases , though commonly used , " prime minister " is not the official title of the office - holder ; the Spanish prime minister is the President of the Government ( Presidente del Gobierno ) .
Rosh HaMemshalah
question: Who was one of the earliest psychologists to take an explicit interest in identity ? context: Erik Erikson ( 1902 - 1994 ) became one of the earliest psychologists to take an explicit interest in identity . The Eriksonian framework rests upon a distinction among the psychological sense of continuity , known as the ego identity ( sometimes identified simply as " the self " ) ; the personal idiosyncrasies that separate one person from the next , known as the personal identity ; and the collection of social roles that a person might play , known as either the social identity or the cultural identity . Erikson ' s work , in the psychodynamic tradition , aimed to investigate the process of identity formation across a lifespan . Progressive strength in the ego identity , for example , can be charted in terms of a series of stages in which identity is formed in response to increasingly sophisticated challenges . The process of forming a viable sense of identity for the culture is conceptualized as an adolescent task , and those who do not manage a resynthesis of childhood identifications are seen as being in a state of ' identity diffusion ' whereas those who retain their initially given identities unquestioned have ' foreclosed ' identities ( Weinreich & Saunderson 2003 p7 - 8 ) . On some readings of Erikson , the development of a strong ego identity , along with the proper integration into a stable society and culture , lead to a stronger sense of identity in general . Accordingly , a deficiency in either of these factors may increase the chance of an identity crisis or confusion ( Cote & Levine 2002 , p . 22 ) .
Erik Erikson
question: What was the English name of the magazine published by the Revolutionary Committees ? context: On 2 March 1979 , the GPC announced the separation of government and revolution , the latter being represented by new Revolutionary Committees , who operated in tandem with the People ' s Committees in schools , universities , unions , the police force and the military . Dominated by revolutionary zealots , the Revolutionary Committees were led by Mohammad Maghgoub and a Central Coordinating Office , and met with Gaddafi annually . Publishing a weekly magazine The Green March ( al - Zahf al - Akhdar ) , in October 1980 they took control of the press . Responsible for perpetuating revolutionary fervour , they performed ideological surveillance , later adopting a significant security role , making arrests and putting people on trial according to the " law of the revolution " ( qanun al - thawra ) . With no legal code or safeguards , the administration of revolutionary justice was largely arbitrary and resulted in widespread abuses and the suppression of civil liberties : the " Green Terror . "
The Green March
question: In his review Schumann made note of Chopin ' s emotions for what ? context: With his mazurkas and polonaises , Chopin has been credited with introducing to music a new sense of nationalism . Schumann , in his 1836 review of the piano concertos , highlighted the composer ' s strong feelings for his native Poland , writing that " Now that the Poles are in deep mourning [ after the failure of the November 1830 rising ] , their appeal to us artists is even stronger . . . If the mighty autocrat in the north [ i . e . Nicholas I of Russia ] could know that in Chopin ' s works , in the simple strains of his mazurkas , there lurks a dangerous enemy , he would place a ban on his music . Chopin ' s works are cannon buried in flowers ! " The biography of Chopin published in 1863 under the name of Franz Liszt ( but probably written by Carolyne zu Sayn - Wittgenstein ) claims that Chopin " must be ranked first among the first musicians . . . individualizing in themselves the poetic sense of an entire nation . "
question: How long since the Sichuan area has had a severe quake ? context: The earthquake was the worst to strike the Sichuan area in over 30 years . Following the quake , experts and the general public sought information on whether or not the earthquake could have been predicted in advance , and whether or not studying statistics related to the quake could result in better prediction of earthquakes in the future . Earthquake prediction is not yet established science ; there was no consensus within the scientific community that earthquake " prediction " is possible .
30 years
question: Who designed gardens for some of Brasilia ' s major buildings ? context: A series of low - lying annexes ( largely hidden ) flank both ends . Also in the square are the glass - faced Planalto Palace housing the presidential offices , and the Palace of the Supreme Court . Farther east , on a triangle of land jutting into the lake , is the Palace of the Dawn ( Pal á cio da Alvorada ; the presidential residence ) . Between the federal and civic buildings on the Monumental Axis is the city ' s cathedral , considered by many to be Niemeyer ' s finest achievement ( see photographs of the interior ) . The parabolically shaped structure is characterized by its 16 gracefully curving supports , which join in a circle 115 feet ( 35 meters ) above the floor of the nave ; stretched between the supports are translucent walls of tinted glass . The nave is entered via a subterranean passage rather than conventional doorways . Other notable buildings are Buriti Palace , Itamaraty Palace , the National Theater , and several foreign embassies that creatively embody features of their national architecture . The Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx designed landmark modernist gardens for some of the principal buildings .
Roberto Burle Marx
question: Do Cubans speak Spanish in America ? context: Immigration to the United States of Spanish - speaking Cubans began because of Cuba ' s political instability upon achieving independence . The deposition of Fulgencio Batista ' s dictatorship and the ascension of Fidel Castro ' s government in 1959 increased Cuban immigration to the United States , hence there are some one million Cubans in the United States , most settled in southern and central Florida , while other Cubans live in the Northeastern United States ; most are fluent in Spanish . In the city of Miami today Spanish is the first language mostly due to Cuban immigration .
most are fluent in Spanish
question: Where did Seminole Indians raid context: Seminole Indians based in East Florida began raiding Georgia settlements , and offering havens for runaway slaves . The United States Army led increasingly frequent incursions into Spanish territory , including the 1817 – 1818 campaign against the Seminole Indians by Andrew Jackson that became known as the First Seminole War . The United States now effectively controlled East Florida . Control was necessary according to Secretary of State John Quincy Adams because Florida had become " a derelict open to the occupancy of every enemy , civilized or savage , of the United States , and serving no other earthly purpose than as a post of annoyance to them . " .
Seminole Indians based in East Florida began raiding Georgia settlements
question: UNFPA has been accused of supporting what type of abortion ? context: UNFPA has been falsely accused by anti - family planning groups of providing support for government programs which have promoted forced - abortions and coercive sterilizations . Controversies regarding these claims have resulted in a sometimes shaky relationship between the organization and three presidential administrations , that of Ronald Reagan , George H . W . Bush and George W . Bush , withholding funding from the UNFPA .
forced - abortions
question: when were mosaic pavements uncovered at the Bizere Monastery ? context: In 2003 , the remains of a mosaic pavement were discovered under the ruins of the Bizere Monastery near the River Mure ş in present - day Romania . The panels depict real or fantastic animal , floral , solar and geometric representations . Some archeologists supposed that it was the floor of an Orthodox church , built some time between the 10th and 11th century . Other experts claim that it was part of the later Catholic monastery on the site because it shows the signs of strong Italianate influence . The monastery was situated that time in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary .
question: What does Wood call the approach of allowing individuals the freedom to decide what they want to believe ? context: Robert S . Wood has argued that the United States is a model for the world in terms of how a separation of church and state — no state - run or state - established church — is good for both the church and the state , allowing a variety of religions to flourish . Speaking at the Toronto - based Center for New Religions , Wood said that the freedom of conscience and assembly allowed under such a system has led to a " remarkable religiosity " in the United States that isn ' t present in other industrialized nations . Wood believes that the U . S . operates on " a sort of civic religion , " which includes a generally - shared belief in a creator who " expects better of us . " Beyond that , individuals are free to decide how they want to believe and fill in their own creeds and express their conscience . He calls this approach the " genius of religious sentiment in the United States . "
genius of religious sentiment in the United States
question: Beyonce ' s new single released before the super bowl was called what ? context: On February 6 , 2016 , one day before her performance at the Super Bowl , Beyonc é released a new single exclusively on music streaming service Tidal called " Formation " .
question: How did the schoolboys stop Maclean ? context: On 2 March 1882 , Roderick Maclean , a disgruntled poet apparently offended by Victoria ' s refusal to accept one of his poems , shot at the Queen as her carriage left Windsor railway station . Two schoolboys from Eton College struck him with their umbrellas , until he was hustled away by a policeman . Victoria was outraged when he was found not guilty by reason of insanity , but was so pleased by the many expressions of loyalty after the attack that she said it was " worth being shot at — to see how much one is loved " .
struck him with their umbrellas
question: What type of politician did a Sun editorial state that it would support in October 1974 ? context: Politically , The Sun in the early Murdoch years , remained nominally Labour . It supported the Labour Party led by Harold Wilson in the 1970 General Election , with the headline " Why It Must Be Labour " but by February 1974 it was calling for a vote for the Conservative Party led by Edward Heath while suggesting that it might support a Labour Party led by James Callaghan or Roy Jenkins . In the October election an editorial asserted : " ALL our instincts are left rather than right and we would vote for any able politician who would describe himself as a Social Democrat . "
any able politician who would describe himself as a Social Democrat
question: When did Louis the Child die ? context: A three - year civil war followed his death . By the Treaty of Verdun ( 843 ) , a kingdom between the Rhine and Rhone rivers was created for Lothair to go with his lands in Italy , and his imperial title was recognised . Louis the German was in control of Bavaria and the eastern lands in modern - day Germany . Charles the Bald received the western Frankish lands , comprising most of modern - day France . Charlemagne ' s grandsons and great - grandsons divided their kingdoms between their descendants , eventually causing all internal cohesion to be lost . [ N ] In 987 the Carolingian dynasty was replaced in the western lands , with the crowning of Hugh Capet ( r . 987 – 996 ) as king . [ O ] [ P ] In the eastern lands the dynasty had died out earlier , in 911 , with the death of Louis the Child , and the selection of the unrelated Conrad I ( r . 911 – 918 ) as king .
question: How many times has the University of Arizona women ' s softball team gone to NCAA National Championships ? context: The University of Arizona Wildcats sports teams , most notably the men ' s basketball and women ' s softball teams have strong local interest . The men ' s basketball team , formerly coached by Hall of Fame head coach Lute Olson and currently coached by Sean Miller , has made 25 straight NCAA Tournaments and won the 1997 National Championship . Arizona ' s Softball team has reached the NCAA National Championship game 12 times and has won 8 times , most recently in 2007 . The university ' s swim teams have gained international recognition , with swimmers coming from as far as Japan and Africa to train with the coach Frank Busch who has also worked with the U . S . Olympic swim team for a number of years . Both men and women ' s swim teams recently [ when ? ] won the NCAA National Championships .
question: What view did the Qua - ran take on the sinful ways in which Mary could have been conceived ? context: Others have rejected that the doctrine of Immaculate Conception exists in Islam , the Quranic account does not confirm the Immaculate Conception exclusively for Mary as in Islam every human child is born pure and immaculate , her sinless birth is thus independent of the Christian docrtrine of original sin as no such doctrine exists in Islam . Moreover , Hannah ' s prayer in the Quran for her child to remain protected from Satan ( Shay ṭ ā n ) was said after it had already been born , not before and expresses a natural concern any righteous parent would have . The Muslim tradition or hadith , which states that the only children born without the " touch of Satan , " were Mary and Jesus . should therefore not be taken in isolation from the Quran , and is to be interpreted within the specific context of exonerating Mary and her child from the charges that were made against them and is not a general statement . The specific mention of Mary and Jesus in this hadith may also be taken to represent a class of people , in keeping with the Arabic language and the Quranic verse [ O Satan ] surely thou shalt have no power over My servants , except such of the erring ones as choose to follow thee ( 15 : 42 )
Muslim tradition or hadith , which states that the only children born without the " touch of Satan , " were Mary and Jesus .
question: What kind of language is Serbo - Croatian ? context: Like other South Slavic languages , Serbo - Croatian has a simple phonology , with the common five - vowel system and twenty - five consonants . Its grammar evolved from Common Slavic , with complex inflection , preserving seven grammatical cases in nouns , pronouns , and adjectives . Verbs exhibit imperfective or perfective aspect , with a moderately complex tense system . Serbo - Croatian is a pro - drop language with flexible word order , subject – verb – object being the default . It can be written in Serbian Cyrillic or Gaj ' s Latin alphabet , whose thirty letters mutually map one - to - one , and the orthography is highly phonemic in all standards .
pro - drop
question: When was Minority Report released ? context: Spielberg and actor Tom Cruise collaborated for the first time for the futuristic neo - noir Minority Report , based upon the science fiction short story written by Philip K . Dick about a Washington D . C . police captain in the year 2054 who has been foreseen to murder a man he has not yet met . The film received strong reviews with the review tallying website Rotten Tomatoes giving it a 92 % approval rating , reporting that 206 out of the 225 reviews they tallied were positive . The film earned over $ 358 million worldwide . Roger Ebert , who named it the best film of 2002 , praised its breathtaking vision of the future as well as for the way Spielberg blended CGI with live - action .
question: How much land did the Homestead Act allow ? context: The Homestead Act of 1862 provided free land to settlers who could claim and " prove - up " 160 acres ( 0 . 65 km2 ) of federal land in the midwest and western United States . Montana did not see a large influx of immigrants from this act because 160 acres was usually insufficient to support a family in the arid territory . The first homestead claim under the act in Montana was made by David Carpenter near Helena in 1868 . The first claim by a woman was made near Warm Springs Creek by Miss Gwenllian Evans , the daughter of Deer Lodge Montana Pioneer , Morgan Evans . By 1880 , there were farms in the more verdant valleys of central and western Montana , but few on the eastern plains .
160 acres
question: What term does Popper use when describing creationism as a type of theory ? context: About the creation - evolution controversy , Popper wrote that he considered it " a somewhat sensational clash between a brilliant scientific hypothesis concerning the history of the various species of animals and plants on earth , and an older metaphysical theory which , incidentally , happened to be part of an established religious belief " with a footnote to the effect that " [ he ] agree [ s ] with Professor C . E . Raven when , in his Science , Religion , and the Future , 1943 , he calls this conflict " a storm in a Victorian tea - cup " ; though the force of this remark is perhaps a little impaired by the attention he pays to the vapours still emerging from the cup — to the Great Systems of Evolutionist Philosophy , produced by Bergson , Whitehead , Smuts , and others . "
question: What families are playable characters in Total War : Shogun 2 ? context: The game Total War : Shogun 2 has the Rise of the Samurai expansion pack as downloadable campaign . It allows the player to make their own version of the Gempei War which happened during the Heian period . The player is able to choose one of the most powerful families of Japan at the time , the Taira , Minamoto or Fujiwara ; each family fielding two branches for a total of six playable clans . The expansion pack features a different set of land units , ships and buildings and is also playable in the multiplayer modes .
Taira , Minamoto or Fujiwara
question: How did the war impact France financially ? context: The war was successful for Great Britain , which gained the bulk of New France in North America , Spanish Florida , some individual Caribbean islands in the West Indies , the colony of Senegal on the West African coast , and superiority over the French trading outposts on the Indian subcontinent . The Native American tribes were excluded from the settlement ; a subsequent conflict , known as Pontiac ' s War , was also unsuccessful in returning them to their pre - war status . In Europe , the war began disastrously for Prussia , but a combination of good luck and successful strategy saw King Frederick the Great manage to retrieve the Prussian position and retain the status quo ante bellum . Prussia emerged as a new European great power . Although Austria failed to retrieve the territory of Silesia from Prussia ( its original goal ) its military prowess was also noted by the other powers . The involvement of Portugal , Spain and Sweden did not return them to their former status as great powers . France was deprived of many of its colonies and had saddled itself with heavy war debts that its inefficient financial system could barely handle . Spain lost Florida but gained French Louisiana and regained control of its colonies , e . g . , Cuba and the Philippines , which had been captured by the British during the war . France and other European powers avenged their defeat in 1778 when the American Revolutionary War broke out , with hopes of destroying Britain ' s dominance once and for all .
had saddled itself with heavy war debts that its inefficient financial system could barely handle
question: What is the SI unit of illuminace and luminous emittance ? context: The SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance , being the luminous power per area , is measured in Lux . It is used in photometry as a measure of the intensity , as perceived by the human eye , of light that hits or passes through a surface . It is analogous to the radiometric unit watts per square metre , but with the power at each wavelength weighted according to the luminosity function , a standardized model of human visual brightness perception . In English , " lux " is used in both singular and plural .
question: How many World Heritage Sites can be found in London ? context: London contains four World Heritage Sites : the Tower of London ; Kew Gardens ; the site comprising the Palace of Westminster , Westminster Abbey , and St Margaret ' s Church ; and the historic settlement of Greenwich ( in which the Royal Observatory , Greenwich marks the Prime Meridian , 0 ° longitude , and GMT ) . Other famous landmarks include Buckingham Palace , the London Eye , Piccadilly Circus , St Paul ' s Cathedral , Tower Bridge , Trafalgar Square , and The Shard . London is home to numerous museums , galleries , libraries , sporting events and other cultural institutions , including the British Museum , National Gallery , Tate Modern , British Library and 40 West End theatres . The London Underground is the oldest underground railway network in the world .
question: What is it considered to be ? context: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust was formed on 1 October 2007 by the merger of Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust ( Charing Cross Hospital , Hammersmith Hospital and Queen Charlotte ' s and Chelsea Hospital ) and St Mary ' s NHS Trust ( St . Mary ' s Hospital and Western Eye Hospital ) with Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine . It is an academic health science centre and manages five hospitals : Charing Cross Hospital , Queen Charlotte ' s and Chelsea Hospital , Hammersmith Hospital , St Mary ' s Hospital , and Western Eye Hospital . The Trust is currently the largest in the UK and has an annual turnover of £ 800 million , treating more than a million patients a year . [ citation needed ]
an academic health science centre
question: Which port in Oklahoma handles international cargo ? context: Two inland ports on rivers serve Oklahoma : the Port of Muskogee and the Tulsa Port of Catoosa . The only port handling international cargo in the state , the Tulsa Port of Catoosa is the most inland ocean - going port in the nation and ships over two million tons of cargo each year . Both ports are located on the McClellan - Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System , which connects barge traffic from Tulsa and Muskogee to the Mississippi River via the Verdigris and Arkansas rivers , contributing to one of the busiest waterways in the world .
Tulsa Port of Catoosa
question: What ' s the projected budget of the development plan that includes the new hotels ? context: Southampton ' s strong economy is promoting redevelopment , and major projects are proposed , including the city ' s first skyscrapers on the waterfront . The three towers proposed will stand 23 storeys high and will be surrounded by smaller apartment blocks , office blocks and shops . There are also plans for a 15 - storey hotel at the Ocean Village marina , and a 21 - storey hotel on the north eastern corner of the city centre , as part of a £ 100m development .
£ 100m
question: What kind of climate does the Sahel have ? context: To the south , the Sahara is bounded by the Sahel , a belt of dry tropical savanna with a summer rainy season that extends across Africa from east to west . The southern limit of the Sahara is indicated botanically by the southern limit of Cornulaca monacantha ( a drought - tolerant member of the Chenopodiaceae ) , or northern limit of Cenchrus biflorus , a grass typical of the Sahel . According to climatic criteria , the southern limit of the Sahara corresponds to the 150 mm ( 5 . 9 in ) isohyet of annual precipitation ( this is a long - term average , since precipitation varies annually ) .
dry tropical
question: In what year did Bob Graham become Governor of Florida ? context: Previous post - Furman mass clemencies took place in 1986 in New Mexico , when Governor Toney Anaya commuted all death sentences because of his personal opposition to the death penalty . In 1991 , outgoing Ohio Governor Dick Celeste commuted the sentences of eight prisoners , among them all four women on the state ' s death row . And during his two terms ( 1979 – 1987 ) as Florida ' s Governor , Bob Graham , although a strong death penalty supporter who had overseen the first post - Furman involuntary execution as well as 15 others , agreed to commute the sentences of six people on the grounds of " possible innocence " or " disproportionality . "
question: What was the Vestal festival called ? context: The Vestals embody the profound connection between domestic cult and the religious life of the community . Any householder could rekindle their own household fire from Vesta ' s flame . The Vestals cared for the Lares and Penates of the state that were the equivalent of those enshrined in each home . Besides their own festival of Vestalia , they participated directly in the rites of Parilia , Parentalia and Fordicidia . Indirectly , they played a role in every official sacrifice ; among their duties was the preparation of the mola salsa , the salted flour that was sprinkled on every sacrificial victim as part of its immolation .
question: Since when has the St Helena Independent been published ? context: The island has two local newspapers , both of which are available on the Internet . The St Helena Independent has been published since November 2005 . The Sentinel newspaper was introduced in 2012 .
November 2005
question: What other name does the KInsey scale go by ? context: The Kinsey scale , also called the Heterosexual - Homosexual Rating Scale , was first published in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male ( 1948 ) by Alfred Kinsey , Wardell Pomeroy , and Clyde Martin and also featured in Sexual Behavior in the Human Female ( 1953 ) . The scale was developed to combat the assumption at the time that people are either heterosexual or homosexual and that these two types represent antitheses in the sexual world . Recognizing that a large portion of population is not completely heterosexual or homosexual and people can experience both heterosexual and homosexual behavior and psychic responses , Kinsey et al . , stated :
Heterosexual - Homosexual Rating Scale
question: Was Jesus in the tomb exactly 72 hours ? context: The consensus of modern scholarship is that the New Testament accounts represent a crucifixion occurring on a Friday , but a Thursday or Wednesday crucifixion have also been proposed . Some scholars explain a Thursday crucifixion based on a " double sabbath " caused by an extra Passover sabbath falling on Thursday dusk to Friday afternoon , ahead of the normal weekly Sabbath . Some have argued that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday , not Friday , on the grounds of the mention of " three days and three nights " in Matthew before his resurrection , celebrated on Sunday . Others have countered by saying that this ignores the Jewish idiom by which a " day and night " may refer to any part of a 24 - hour period , that the expression in Matthew is idiomatic , not a statement that Jesus was 72 hours in the tomb , and that the many references to a resurrection on the third day do not require three literal nights .
references to a resurrection on the third day do not require three literal nights
question: According to the Buddhist doctrine of impermanence , how does life express impermanence ? context: Impermanence ( P ā li : anicca ) expresses the Buddhist notion that all compounded or conditioned phenomena ( all things and experiences ) are inconstant , unsteady , and impermanent . Everything we can experience through our senses is made up of parts , and its existence is dependent on external conditions . Everything is in constant flux , and so conditions and the thing itself are constantly changing . Things are constantly coming into being , and ceasing to be . Since nothing lasts , there is no inherent or fixed nature to any object or experience . According to the doctrine of impermanence , life embodies this flux in the aging process , the cycle of rebirth ( sa ṃ s ā ra ) , and in any experience of loss . The doctrine asserts that because things are impermanent , attachment to them is futile and leads to suffering ( dukkha ) .
in the aging process , the cycle of rebirth ( sa ṃ s ā ra ) , and in any experience of loss
question: What code did Windows 8 change to ? context: Exceptions to the restrictions faced by Windows Store apps are given to web browsers . The user ' s default browser can distribute a Metro - style web browser in same package as the desktop version , which has access to functionality unavailable to other apps , such as being able to permanently run in the background , use multiple background processes , and use Windows API code instead of WinRT ( allowing for code to be re - used with the desktop version , while still taking advantage of features available to Windows Store apps , such as charms ) . Microsoft advertises this exception privilege " New experience enabled " ( formerly " Metro - style enabled " ) .
API code instead of WinRT
question: What agency had its staff reduced to 5000 after Lenninist orthodoxy was abandoned ? context: In 1966 an agreement with the Vatican , fostered in part by the death in 1960 of anti - communist archbishop of Zagreb Aloysius Stepinac and shifts in the church ' s approach to resisting communism originating in the Second Vatican Council , accorded new freedom to the Yugoslav Roman Catholic Church , particularly to catechize and open seminaries . The agreement also eased tensions , which had prevented the naming of new bishops in Yugoslavia since 1945 . Tito ' s new socialism met opposition from traditional communists culminating in conspiracy headed by Aleksandar Rankovi ć . In the same year Tito declared that Communists must henceforth chart Yugoslavia ' s course by the force of their arguments ( implying an abandonment of Leninist orthodoxy and development of liberal Communism ) . The State Security Administration ( UDBA ) saw its power scaled back and its staff reduced to 5000 .
question: In addition to agriculture , what industry historically supported Samoa ' s local economy ? context: The country currency is the Samoan t ā l ā , issued and regulated by the Central Bank of Samoa . The economy of Samoa has traditionally been dependent on agriculture and fishing at the local level . In modern times , development aid , private family remittances from overseas , and agricultural exports have become key factors in the nation ' s economy . Agriculture employs two - thirds of the labour force , and furnishes 90 % of exports , featuring coconut cream , coconut oil , noni ( juice of the nonu fruit , as it is known in Samoan ) , and copra .
question: What did the China Digital Times report ? context: In the China Digital Times an article reports a close analysis by an alleged Chinese construction engineer known online as “ Book Blade ” ( 书 剑 子 ) , who stated :
a close analysis by an alleged Chinese construction engineer
question: Where were the first modern electric traffic lights erected in 1912 ? context: Green can communicate safety to proceed , as in traffic lights . Green and red were standardized as the colors of international railroad signals in the 19th century . The first traffic light , using green and red gas lamps , was erected in 1868 in front of the Houses of Parliament in London . It exploded the following year , injuring the policeman who operated it . In 1912 , the first modern electric traffic lights were put up in Salt Lake City , Utah . Red was chosen largely because of its high visibility , and its association with danger , while green was chosen largely because it could not be mistaken for red . Today green lights universally signal that a system is turned on and working as it should . In many video games , green signifies both health and completed objectives , opposite red .
Salt Lake City , Utah
question: Alsace was one of the few to vote for this measure from France , what was it ? context: Alsace is one of the most conservative r é gions of France . It is one of just two r é gions in metropolitan France where the conservative right won the 2004 r é gion elections and thus controls the Alsace Regional Council . Conservative leader Nicolas Sarkozy got his best score in Alsace ( over 65 % ) in the second round of the French presidential elections of 2007 . The president of the Regional Council is Philippe Richert , a member of the Union for a Popular Movement , elected in the 2010 regional election . The frequently changing status of the r é gion throughout history has left its mark on modern day politics in terms of a particular interest in national identity issues . Alsace is also one of the most pro - EU regions of France . It was one of the few French regions that voted ' yes ' to the European Constitution in 2005 .
European Constitution in 2005
question: Who was the Bishop in this time frame ? context: According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080 , a church was founded at the site ( then known as Thorn Ey ( Thorn Island ) ) in the 7th century , at the time of Mellitus , a Bishop of London . Construction of the present church began in 1245 , on the orders of King Henry III .
Mellitus , a Bishop of London