question: What does trophy hunting create in Africa ? context: A scientific study in the journal , Biological Conservation , states that trophy hunting is of " major importance to conservation in Africa by creating economic incentives for conservation over vast areas , including areas which may be unsuitable for alternative wildlife - based land uses such as photographic ecotourism . " However , another study states that less than 3 % of a trophy hunters ' expenditures reach the local level , meaning that the economic incentive and benefit is " minimal , particularly when we consider the vast areas of land that hunting concessions occupy . "
economic incentives for conservation
question: Which town is Rancho Vistoso located ? context: The expansive area northwest of the city limits is diverse , ranging from the rural communities of Catalina and parts of the town of Marana , the small suburb of Picture Rocks , the affluent town of Oro Valley in the western foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains , and residential areas in the northeastern foothills of the Tucson Mountains . Continental Ranch ( Marana ) , Dove Mountain ( Marana ) , and Rancho Vistoso ( Oro Valley ) are all masterplanned communities located in the Northwest , where thousands of residents live .
Oro Valley
question: Is summerwood the inner or outer portion of a growth ring ? context: If there are differences within a growth ring , then the part of a growth ring nearest the center of the tree , and formed early in the growing season when growth is rapid , is usually composed of wider elements . It is usually lighter in color than that near the outer portion of the ring , and is known as earlywood or springwood . The outer portion formed later in the season is then known as the latewood or summerwood . However , there are major differences , depending on the kind of wood ( see below ) .
question: Along with J . R . R . Tolkien , who was a noted member of the Inklings ? context: The Eagle and Child and the Lamb and Flag , Oxford , were regular meeting places of the Inklings , a writers ' group which included J . R . R . Tolkien and C . S . Lewis . The Eagle in Cambridge is where Francis Crick interrupted patrons ' lunchtime on 28 February 1953 to announce that he and James Watson had " discovered the secret of life " after they had come up with their proposal for the structure of DNA . The anecdote is related in Watson ' s book The Double Helix . and commemorated with a blue plaque on the outside wall .
C . S . Lewis
question: What did the math of artificial viscosity do ? context: Von Neumann made fundamental contributions in exploration of problems in numerical hydrodynamics . For example , with Robert D . Richtmyer he developed an algorithm defining artificial viscosity that improved the understanding of shock waves . A problem was that when computers solved hydrodynamic or aerodynamic problems , they tried to put too many computational grid points at regions of sharp discontinuity ( shock waves ) . The mathematics of artificial viscosity smoothed the shock transition without sacrificing basic physics . Other well known contributions to fluid dynamics included the classic flow solution to blast waves , and the co - discovery of the ZND detonation model of explosives .
smoothed the shock transition without sacrificing basic physics
question: Who was the sexologist that published a scheme in 1896 ? context: From at least the late nineteenth century in Europe , there was speculation that the range of human sexual response looked more like a continuum than two or three discrete categories . Berlin sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld published a scheme in 1896 that measured the strength of an individual ' s sexual desire on two independent 10 - point scales , A ( homosexual ) and B ( heterosexual ) . A heterosexual individual may be A0 , B5 ; a homosexual individual may be A5 , B0 ; an asexual would be A0 , B0 ; and someone with an intense attraction to both sexes would be A9 , B9 .
Magnus Hirschfeld
question: How many months of washing did a 1999 study look at ? context: A resin used for making non - wrinkle shirts releases formaldehyde , which could cause contact dermatitis for some people ; no disclosure requirements exist , and in 2008 the U . S . Government Accountability Office tested formaldehyde in clothing and found that generally the highest levels were in non - wrinkle shirts and pants . In 1999 , a study of the effect of washing on the formaldehyde levels found that after 6 months after washing , 7 of 27 shirts had levels in excess of 75 ppm , which is a safe limit for direct skin exposure .
question: Who replaced universities as centres of scientific research and development during the Enlightenment ? context: Broadly speaking , Enlightenment science greatly valued empiricism and rational thought , and was embedded with the Enlightenment ideal of advancement and progress . The study of science , under the heading of natural philosophy , was divided into physics and a conglomerate grouping of chemistry and natural history , which included anatomy , biology , geology , mineralogy , and zoology . As with most Enlightenment views , the benefits of science were not seen universally ; Rousseau criticized the sciences for distancing man from nature and not operating to make people happier . Science during the Enlightenment was dominated by scientific societies and academies , which had largely replaced universities as centres of scientific research and development . Societies and academies were also the backbone of the maturation of the scientific profession . Another important development was the popularization of science among an increasingly literate population . Philosophes introduced the public to many scientific theories , most notably through the Encyclop é die and the popularization of Newtonianism by Voltaire and É milie du Ch â telet . Some historians have marked the 18th century as a drab period in the history of science ; however , the century saw significant advancements in the practice of medicine , mathematics , and physics ; the development of biological taxonomy ; a new understanding of magnetism and electricity ; and the maturation of chemistry as a discipline , which established the foundations of modern chemistry .
scientific societies and academies
question: Where do some adolescents feel is a safe place to seek out romantic relationships , try out dating and indentity exploration ? context: Adolescence marks a time of sexual maturation , which manifests in social interactions as well . While adolescents may engage in casual sexual encounters ( often referred to as hookups ) , most sexual experience during this period of development takes place within romantic relationships . Adolescents can use technologies and social media to seek out romantic relationships as they feel it is a safe place to try out dating and identity exploration . From these social media encounters , a further relationship may begin . Kissing , hand holding , and hugging signify satisfaction and commitment . Among young adolescents , " heavy " sexual activity , marked by genital stimulation , is often associated with violence , depression , and poor relationship quality . This effect does not hold true for sexual activity in late adolescence that takes place within a romantic relationship . Some research suggest that there are genetic causes of early sexual activity that are also risk factors for delinquency , suggesting that there is a group who are at risk for both early sexual activity and emotional distress . For old adolescents , though , sexual activity in the context of romantic relationships was actually correlated with lower levels of deviant behavior after controlling for genetic risks , as opposed to sex outside of a relationship ( hook - ups )
social media
question: What property of copper increases the efficiency of electrical motors ? context: Copper ' s greater conductivity versus other metals enhances the electrical energy efficiency of motors . This is important because motors and motor - driven systems account for 43 % - 46 % of all global electricity consumption and 69 % of all electricity used by industry . Increasing the mass and cross section of copper in a coil increases the electrical energy efficiency of the motor . Copper motor rotors , a new technology designed for motor applications where energy savings are prime design objectives , are enabling general - purpose induction motors to meet and exceed National Electrical Manufacturers Association ( NEMA ) premium efficiency standards .
question: Which country refused to accept ? context: In consequence to the Reform War , the federal government was bankrupt and could not pay its foreign debts to Spain , England , and France . On July 17 , 1861 , President Ju á rez decreed a moratorium on payment to foreign debtors for a period of two years . Spain , England , and France did not accept the moratorium by Mexico ; they united at the Convention of the Triple Alliance on October 31 , 1861 in which they agreed to take possession of several custom stations within Mexico as payment . A delegation of the Triple Alliance arrived in Veracruz in December 1861 . President Ju á rez immediately sent his Foreign Affairs Minister , Manuel Doblado , who is able to reduce the debts through the Pacto de Soledad ( Soledad Pact ) . General Juan Prim of Spain persuaded the English delegation to accept the terms of the Pacto de Soledad , but the French delegation refused .
question: Peter J . Wallison ' s conclusions regarding the financial crisis are not in agreement with this economist ' s views ? context: Countering Krugman , Peter J . Wallison wrote : " It is not true that every bubble — even a large bubble — has the potential to cause a financial crisis when it deflates . " Wallison notes that other developed countries had " large bubbles during the 1997 – 2007 period " but " the losses associated with mortgage delinquencies and defaults when these bubbles deflated were far lower than the losses suffered in the United States when the 1997 – 2007 [ bubble ] deflated . " According to Wallison , the reason the U . S . residential housing bubble ( as opposed to other types of bubbles ) led to financial crisis was that it was supported by a huge number of substandard loans – generally with low or no downpayments .
question: What was Freddie Mercury ' s zodiac sign ? context: Having attended art college , Mercury also designed Queen ' s logo , called the Queen crest , shortly before the release of the band ' s first album . The logo combines the zodiac signs of all four members : two lions for Leo ( Deacon and Taylor ) , a crab for Cancer ( May ) , and two fairies for Virgo ( Mercury ) . The lions embrace a stylised letter Q , the crab rests atop the letter with flames rising directly above it , and the fairies are each sheltering below a lion . There is also a crown inside the Q and the whole logo is over - shadowed by an enormous phoenix . The whole symbol bears a passing resemblance to the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom , particularly with the lion supporters . The original logo , as found on the reverse - side of the first album cover , was a simple line drawing but more intricate colour versions were used on later sleeves .
question: What is a third type of model that can be combined with heirarchical and navigation models ? context: The relational model also allowed the content of the database to evolve without constant rewriting of links and pointers . The relational part comes from entities referencing other entities in what is known as one - to - many relationship , like a traditional hierarchical model , and many - to - many relationship , like a navigational ( network ) model . Thus , a relational model can express both hierarchical and navigational models , as well as its native tabular model , allowing for pure or combined modeling in terms of these three models , as the application requires .
question: How many seats does the Fisher Theater have ? context: Major theaters in Detroit include the Fox Theatre ( 5 , 174 seats ) , Music Hall ( 1 , 770 seats ) , the Gem Theatre ( 451 seats ) , Masonic Temple Theatre ( 4 , 404 seats ) , the Detroit Opera House ( 2 , 765 seats ) , the Fisher Theatre ( 2 , 089 seats ) , The Fillmore Detroit ( 2 , 200 seats ) , Saint Andrew ' s Hall , the Majestic Theater , and Orchestra Hall ( 2 , 286 seats ) which hosts the renowned Detroit Symphony Orchestra . The Nederlander Organization , the largest controller of Broadway productions in New York City , originated with the purchase of the Detroit Opera House in 1922 by the Nederlander family .
2 , 089
question: In what year was the second edition of The Grammar of Science published ? context: Idealist notions took a strong hold among physicists of the early 20th century confronted with the paradoxes of quantum physics and the theory of relativity . In The Grammar of Science , Preface to the 2nd Edition , 1900 , Karl Pearson wrote , " There are many signs that a sound idealism is surely replacing , as a basis for natural philosophy , the crude materialism of the older physicists . " This book influenced Einstein ' s regard for the importance of the observer in scientific measurements [ citation needed ] . In § 5 of that book , Pearson asserted that " . . . science is in reality a classification and analysis of the contents of the mind . . . . " Also , " . . . the field of science is much more consciousness than an external world . "
question: What pontifax maximus favored the Catholic church ? context: With the abatement of persecution , St . Jerome acknowledged the Empire as a bulwark against evil but insisted that " imperial honours " were contrary to Christian teaching . His was an authoritative but minority voice : most Christians showed no qualms in the veneration of even " pagan " emperors . The peace of the emperors was the peace of God ; as far as the Church was concerned , internal dissent and doctrinal schism were a far greater problem . The solution came from a hitherto unlikely source : as pontifex maximus Constantine I favoured the " Catholic Church of the Christians " against the Donatists because :
Constantine I
question: Which type of birds use tools to drum ? context: Calls are used for a variety of purposes , including mate attraction , evaluation of potential mates , bond formation , the claiming and maintenance of territories , the identification of other individuals ( such as when parents look for chicks in colonies or when mates reunite at the start of breeding season ) , and the warning of other birds of potential predators , sometimes with specific information about the nature of the threat . Some birds also use mechanical sounds for auditory communication . The Coenocorypha snipes of New Zealand drive air through their feathers , woodpeckers drum territorially , and palm cockatoos use tools to drum .
question: What was the original name of Ireland ' s Institute of Technology system ? context: Ireland has an " Institute of Technology " system , formerly referred to as Regional Technical College ( RTCs ) system . The terms " IT " and " IT ' s " are now widely used to describe an Institute ( s ) of Technology . These institutions offer sub - degree , degree and post - graduate level studies . Unlike the Irish university system an Institute of Technology also offers sub - degree programmes such as 2 - year Higher Certificate programme in various academic fields of study . Some institutions have " delegated authority " that allows them to make awards in their own name , after authorisation by the Higher Education & Training Awards Council .
Regional Technical College
question: What year was the Teatro Solis inaugurated ? context: After the end of hostilities , a period of growth and expansion started for the city . In 1853 a stagecoach bus line was established joining Montevideo with the newly formed settlement of Uni ó n and the first natural gas street lights were inaugurated . [ citation needed ] From 1854 to 1861 the first public sanitation facilities were constructed . In 1856 the Teatro Sol í s was inaugurated , 15 years after the beginning of its construction . By Decree , on December 1861 the areas of Aguada and Cord ó n were incorporated to the growing Ciudad Nueva ( New City ) . In 1866 , an underwater telegraph line connected the city with Buenos Aires . The statue of Peace , La Paz , was erected on a column in Plaza Cagancha and the building of the Postal Service as well as the bridge of Paso Molino were inaugurated in 1867 .
question: What is another term for the act of spying for another country ? context: Congress acted defiantly toward the Supreme Court by passing the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988 and the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 that made roughly fifty crimes punishable by death , including crimes that do not always involve the death of someone . Such non - death capital offenses include treason , espionage ( spying for another country ) , and high - level drug trafficking . Since no one has yet been sentenced to death for such non - death capital offenses , the Supreme Court has not ruled on their constitutionality .
question: What does the Catholic church considered " mixed " in a " mixed marriage " ? context: Between the third and fourth sessions the pope announced reforms in the areas of Roman Curia , revision of Canon Law , regulations for mixed marriages involving several faiths , and birth control issues . He opened the final session of the council , concelebrating with bishops from countries where the Church was persecuted . Several texts proposed for his approval had to be changed . But all texts were finally agreed upon . The Council was concluded on 8 December 1965 , the Feast of the Immaculate Conception .
question: What would an example of lossy audio encoding be ? context: When performing lossy audio encoding , such as creating an MP3 file , there is a trade - off between the amount of space used and the sound quality of the result . Typically , the creator is allowed to set a bit rate , which specifies how many kilobits the file may use per second of audio . The higher the bit rate , the larger the compressed file will be , and , generally , the closer it will sound to the original file .
creating an MP3 file
question: What law mandated a license from the local magistrate to sell beer ? context: The Wine and Beerhouse Act 1869 reintroduced the stricter controls of the previous century . The sale of beers , wines or spirits required a licence for the premises from the local magistrates . Further provisions regulated gaming , drunkenness , prostitution and undesirable conduct on licensed premises , enforceable by prosecution or more effectively by the landlord under threat of forfeiting his licence . Licences were only granted , transferred or renewed at special Licensing Sessions courts , and were limited to respectable individuals . Often these were ex - servicemen or ex - policemen ; retiring to run a pub was popular amongst military officers at the end of their service . Licence conditions varied widely , according to local practice . They would specify permitted hours , which might require Sunday closing , or conversely permit all - night opening near a market . Typically they might require opening throughout the permitted hours , and the provision of food or lavatories . Once obtained , licences were jealously protected by the licensees ( who were expected to be generally present , not an absentee owner or company ) , and even " Occasional Licences " to serve drinks at temporary premises such as f ê tes would usually be granted only to existing licensees . Objections might be made by the police , rival landlords or anyone else on the grounds of infractions such as serving drunks , disorderly or dirty premises , or ignoring permitted hours .
Wine and Beerhouse Act 1869
question: What can the lack of regular sleep patterns cause ? context: Due to the work nature of airline pilots , who often cross several timezones and regions of sunlight and darkness in one day , and spend many hours awake both day and night , they are often unable to maintain sleep patterns that correspond to the natural human circadian rhythm ; this situation can easily lead to fatigue . The NTSB cites this as contributing to many accidents [ unreliable medical source ? ] and has conducted several research studies in order to find methods of combating fatigue in pilots .
question: Who felt that her mother death was the driving force behind her success ? context: As they grew older Madonna and her sisters would feel deep sadness as the vivid memory of their mother began drifting farther from them . They would study pictures of her and come to think that she resembled poet Anne Sexton and Hollywood actresses . This would later raise Madonna ' s interest in poetry , with Sylvia Plath being her favourite . Later , Madonna commented : " We were all wounded in one way or another by [ her death ] , and then we spent the rest of our lives reacting to it or dealing with it or trying to turn into something else . The anguish of losing my mom left me with a certain kind of loneliness and an incredible longing for something . If I hadn ' t had that emptiness , I wouldn ' t have been so driven . Her death had a lot to do with me saying — after I got over my heartache — I ' m going to be really strong if I can ' t have my mother . I ' m going to take care of myself . " Taraborrelli felt that in time , no doubt because of the devastation she felt , Madonna would never again allow herself , or even her daughter , to feel as abandoned as she had felt when her mother died . " Her death had taught [ Madonna ] a valuable lesson , that she would have to remain strong for herself because , she feared weakness — particularly her own — and wanted to be the queen of her own castle . "
question: Lagrime d ' amante al sepolcro dell ' amata ' s well known A cappella composition was written in what year ? context: The polyphony of Christian a cappella music began to develop in Europe around the late 15th century , with compositions by Josquin des Prez . The early a cappella polyphonies may have had an accompanying instrument , although this instrument would merely double the singers ' parts and was not independent . By the 16th century , a cappella polyphony had further developed , but gradually , the cantata began to take the place of a cappella forms . 16th century a cappella polyphony , nonetheless , continued to influence church composers throughout this period and to the present day . Recent evidence has shown that some of the early pieces by Palestrina , such as what was written for the Sistine Chapel was intended to be accompanied by an organ " doubling " some or all of the voices . Such is seen in the life of Palestrina becoming a major influence on Bach , most notably in the aforementioned Mass in B Minor . Other composers that utilized the a cappella style , if only for the occasional piece , were Claudio Monteverdi and his masterpiece , Lagrime d ' amante al sepolcro dell ' amata ( A lover ' s tears at his beloved ' s grave ) , which was composed in 1610 , and Andrea Gabrieli when upon his death it was discovered many choral pieces , one of which was in the unaccompanied style . Learning from the preceding two composeres , Heinrich Sch ü tz utilized the a cappella style in numerous pieces , chief among these were the pieces in the oratorio style , which were traditionally performed during the Easter week and dealt with the religious subject matter of that week , such as Christ ' s suffering and the Passion . Five of Schutz ' s Historien were Easter pieces , and of these the latter three , which dealt with the passion from three different viewpoints , those of Matthew , Luke and John , were all done a cappella style . This was a near requirement for this type of piece , and the parts of the crowd were sung while the solo parts which were the quoted parts from either Christ or the authors were performed in a plainchant .
question: Which ruler requested a marriage alliance with the Han in AD 90 ? context: Ban Chao ( d . AD 102 ) enlisted the aid of the Kushan Empire , occupying the area of modern India , Pakistan , Afghanistan , and Tajikistan , to subdue Kashgar and its ally Sogdiana . When a request by Kushan ruler Vima Kadphises ( r . c . 90 – c . 100 AD ) for a marriage alliance with the Han was rejected in AD 90 , he sent his forces to Wakhan ( Afghanistan ) to attack Ban Chao . The conflict ended with the Kushans withdrawing because of lack of supplies . In AD 91 , the office of Protector General of the Western Regions was reinstated when it was bestowed on Ban Chao .
Vima Kadphises
question: What famous museum is Comedie - Francaise located next to ? context: Theatre traditionally has occupied a large place in Parisian culture , and many of its most popular actors today are also stars of French television . The oldest and most famous Paris theatre is the Com é die - Fran ç aise , founded in 1680 . Run by the French government , it performs mostly French classics at the Salle Richelieu in the Palais - Royal at 2 rue de Richelieu , next to the Louvre . of Other famous theaters include the Od é on - Th é â tre de l ' Europe , next to the Luxembourg Gardens , also a state institution and theatrical landmark ; the Th é â tre Mogador , and the Th é â tre de la Ga î t é - Montparnasse .
the Louvre
question: Which two European companies traded in Canton ? context: However , the 18th century saw the European empires gradually expand across the world , as European states developed economies built on maritime trade . The dynasty was confronted with newly developing concepts of the international system and state to state relations . European trading posts expanded into territorial control in nearby India and on the islands that are now Indonesia . The Qing response , successful for a time , was in 1756 to establish the Canton System , which restricted maritime trade to that city and gave monopoly trading rights to private Chinese merchants . The British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company had long before been granted similar monopoly rights by their governments .
British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company
question: When was Scotland ' s latest rejection of the specialist school model ? context: Scotland has a very different educational system from England and Wales , though also based on comprehensive education . It has different ages of transfer , different examinations and a different philosophy of choice and provision . All publicly funded primary and secondary schools are comprehensive . The Scottish Government has rejected plans for specialist schools as of 2005 .
question: Which person became vice - president of Notre Dame in 1933 ? context: Holy Cross Father John Francis O ' Hara was elected vice - president in 1933 and president of Notre Dame in 1934 . During his tenure at Notre Dame , he brought numerous refugee intellectuals to campus ; he selected Frank H . Spearman , Jeremiah D . M . Ford , Irvin Abell , and Josephine Brownson for the Laetare Medal , instituted in 1883 . O ' Hara strongly believed that the Fighting Irish football team could be an effective means to " acquaint the public with the ideals that dominate " Notre Dame . He wrote , " Notre Dame football is a spiritual service because it is played for the honor and glory of God and of his Blessed Mother . When St . Paul said : ' Whether you eat or drink , or whatsoever else you do , do all for the glory of God , ' he included football . "
Father John Francis O ' Hara
question: What is Tucson ' s Fox station ? context: The Tucson metro area is served by many local television stations and is the 68th largest designated market area ( DMA ) in the U . S . with 433 , 310 homes ( 0 . 39 % of the total U . S . ) . It is limited to the three counties of southeastern Arizona ( Pima , Santa Cruz , and Cochise ) The major television networks serving Tucson are : KVOA 4 ( NBC ) , KGUN 9 ( ABC ) , KMSB - TV 11 ( Fox ) , KOLD - TV 13 ( CBS ) , KTTU 18 ( My Network TV ) and KWBA 58 ( The CW ) . KUAT - TV 6 is a PBS affiliate run by the University of Arizona ( as is sister station KUAS 27 ) .
KMSB - TV 11
question: Who settled near the fort context: Although there is some evidence of earlier inhabitation in the region of Utrecht , dating back to the Stone Age ( app . 2200 BCE ) and settling in the Bronze Age ( app . 1800 – 800 BCE ) , the founding date of the city is usually related to the construction of a Roman fortification ( castellum ) , probably built in around 50 CE . A series of such fortresses was built after the Roman emperor Claudius decided the empire should not expand north . To consolidate the border the limes Germanicus defense line was constructed along the main branch of the river Rhine , which at that time flowed through a more northern bed compared to today ( what is now the Kromme Rijn ) . These fortresses were designed to house a cohort of about 500 Roman soldiers . Near the fort settlements would grow housing artisans , traders and soldiers ' wives and children .
Near the fort settlements would grow housing artisans , traders and soldiers ' wives and children
question: What sort of conservative was Eisenhower ? context: On the domestic front , he covertly opposed Joseph McCarthy and contributed to the end of McCarthyism by openly invoking the modern expanded version of executive privilege . He otherwise left most political activity to his Vice President , Richard Nixon . He was a moderate conservative who continued New Deal agencies and expanded Social Security . He also launched the Interstate Highway System , the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) , the establishment of strong science education via the National Defense Education Act , and encouraged peaceful use of nuclear power via amendments to the Atomic Energy Act .
question: How many yeshivas are located in New Haven ? context: New Haven is a predominantly Roman Catholic city , as the city ' s Dominican , Irish , Italian , Mexican , Ecuadorian , and Puerto Rican populations are overwhelmingly Catholic . The city is part of the Archdiocese of Hartford . Jews also make up a considerable portion of the population , as do Black Baptists . There is a growing number of ( mostly Puerto Rican ) Pentecostals as well . There are churches for all major branches of Christianity within the city , multiple store - front churches , ministries ( especially in working - class Latino and Black neighborhoods ) , a mosque , many synagogues ( including two yeshivas ) , and other places of worship ; the level of religious diversity in the city is high .
question: What does TM stand for ? context: He tells that during this time he ran into a friend who told him that he was teaching Transcendental Meditation ( TM ) , which prompted Schwarzenegger to reveal he had been struggling with anxiety for the first time in his life : " Even today , I still benefit from [ the year of TM ] because I don ' t merge and bring things together and see everything as one big problem . "
Transcendental Meditation
question: What was the date of the battle of Cowpens ? context: The road to Yorktown and America ' s independence from Great Britain led through North Carolina . As the British Army moved north from victories in Charleston and Camden , South Carolina , the Southern Division of the Continental Army and local militia prepared to meet them . Following General Daniel Morgan ' s victory over the British Cavalry Commander Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens on January 17 , 1781 , southern commander Nathanael Greene led British Lord Charles Cornwallis across the heartland of North Carolina , and away from the latter ' s base of supply in Charleston , South Carolina . This campaign is known as " The Race to the Dan " or " The Race for the River . "
January 17 , 1781
question: What is Himachal Pradesh ranked in the highest per capita of Indian States ? context: The economy of Himachal Pradesh is currently the third - fastest growing economy in India . [ citation needed ] Himachal Pradesh has been ranked fourth in the list of the highest per capita incomes of Indian states . This has made it one of the wealthiest places in the entire South Asia . Abundance of perennial rivers enables Himachal to sell hydroelectricity to other states such as Delhi , Punjab , and Rajasthan . The economy of the state is highly dependent on three sources : hydroelectric power , tourism , and agriculture . [ citation needed ]
question: What oxide materials use hydrogen as an electron donor ? context: Hydrogen is employed to saturate broken ( " dangling " ) bonds of amorphous silicon and amorphous carbon that helps stabilizing material properties . It is also a potential electron donor in various oxide materials , including ZnO , SnO2 , CdO , MgO , ZrO2 , HfO2 , La2O3 , Y2O3 , TiO2 , SrTiO3 , LaAlO3 , SiO2 , Al2O3 , ZrSiO4 , HfSiO4 , and SrZrO3 .
ZnO , SnO2 , CdO , MgO , ZrO2 , HfO2 , La2O3 , Y2O3 , TiO2 , SrTiO3 , LaAlO3 , SiO2 , Al2O3 , ZrSiO4 , HfSiO4 , and SrZrO3
question: What library has a vast assortment of rare books and manuscripts ? context: Rare books are found in several Yale collections . The Beinecke Rare Book Library has a large collection of rare books and manuscripts . The Harvey Cushing / John Hay Whitney Medical Library includes important historical medical texts , including an impressive collection of rare books , as well as historical medical instruments . The Lewis Walpole Library contains the largest collection of 18th ‑ century British literary works . The Elizabethan Club , technically a private organization , makes its Elizabethan folios and first editions available to qualified researchers through Yale .
The Beinecke Rare Book Library
question: What group took over the British Airports Authority in 2006 ? context: Most of the world ' s airports are owned by local , regional , or national government bodies who then lease the airport to private corporations who oversee the airport ' s operation . For example , in the United Kingdom the state - owned British Airports Authority originally operated eight of the nation ' s major commercial airports - it was subsequently privatized in the late 1980s , and following its takeover by the Spanish Ferrovial consortium in 2006 , has been further divested and downsized to operating just five . Germany ' s Frankfurt Airport is managed by the quasi - private firm Fraport . While in India GMR Group operates , through joint ventures , Indira Gandhi International Airport and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport . Bengaluru International Airport and Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport are controlled by GVK Group . The rest of India ' s airports are managed by the Airports Authority of India .
Spanish Ferrovial consortium
question: What did hunters feel hunting over the Internet violated ? context: When Internet hunting was introduced in 2005 , allowing people to hunt over the Internet using remotely controlled guns , the practice was widely criticised by hunters as violating the principles of fair chase . As a representative of the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) explained , " The NRA has always maintained that fair chase , being in the field with your firearm or bow , is an important element of hunting tradition . Sitting at your desk in front of your computer , clicking at a mouse , has nothing to do with hunting . "
principles of fair chase
question: Did Arians have one set of beliefs ? context: Scholars now believe that the Arian Party was not monolithic , but held drastically different theological views that spanned the early Christian theological spectrum . They supported the tenets of Origenist thought and theology , but had little else in common . Moreover , many labelled " Arian " did not consider themselves followers of Arius . In addition , non - Homoousian bishops disagreed with being labeled as followers of Arius , since Arius was merely a presbyter , while they were fully ordained bishops . However , others point to the Council of Nicaea as proof in and of itself that Arianism was a real theological ideology . [ citation needed ]
not monolithic
question: When was stochastic computing introduced ? context: Stochastic computing was first introduced in a pioneering paper by von Neumann in 1953 . However , the theory could not be implemented until advances in computing of the 1960s . He also created the field of cellular automata without the aid of computers , constructing the first self - replicating automata with pencil and graph paper . The concept of a universal constructor was fleshed out in his posthumous work Theory of Self Reproducing Automata . Von Neumann proved that the most effective way of performing large - scale mining operations such as mining an entire moon or asteroid belt would be by using self - replicating spacecraft , taking advantage of their exponential growth . His rigorous mathematical analysis of the structure of self - replication ( of the semiotic relationship between constructor , description and that which is constructed ) , preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA . Beginning in 1949 , von Neumann ' s design for a self - reproducing computer program is considered the world ' s first computer virus , and he is considered to be the theoretical father of computer virology .
question: About how many counts existed in the Carolingian Empire ? context: The coronation of Charlemagne as emperor on Christmas Day 800 is regarded as a turning point in medieval history , marking a return of the Western Roman Empire , since the new emperor ruled over much of the area previously controlled by the western emperors . It also marks a change in Charlemagne ' s relationship with the Byzantine Empire , as the assumption of the imperial title by the Carolingians asserted their equivalence to the Byzantine state . There were several differences between the newly established Carolingian Empire and both the older Western Roman Empire and the concurrent Byzantine Empire . The Frankish lands were rural in character , with only a few small cities . Most of the people were peasants settled on small farms . Little trade existed and much of that was with the British Isles and Scandinavia , in contrast to the older Roman Empire with its trading networks centred on the Mediterranean . The empire was administered by an itinerant court that travelled with the emperor , as well as approximately 300 imperial officials called counts , who administered the counties the empire had been divided into . Clergy and local bishops served as officials , as well as the imperial officials called missi dominici , who served as roving inspectors and troubleshooters .
question: Which disease did Arline succumb to ? context: While pursuing his PhD at Princeton , Feynman married his high school sweetheart , Arline Greenbaum ( often misspelled " Arlene " ) , despite the knowledge that she was seriously ill with tuberculosis — an incurable disease at the time . She died in 1945 . In 1946 , Feynman wrote a letter to her , expressing his deep love and heartbreak , that he kept for the rest of his life . ( " Please excuse my not mailing this , " the letter concluded , " but I don ' t know your new address . " ) This portion of Feynman ' s life was portrayed in the 1996 film Infinity , which featured Feynman ' s daughter , Michelle , in a cameo role .
question: How many endemic species of fungi have been found ? context: St Helena ' s biodiversity , however , also includes marine vertebrates , invertebrates ( freshwater , terrestrial and marine ) , fungi ( including lichen - forming species ) , non - vascular plants , seaweeds and other biological groups . To date , very little is known about these , although more than 200 lichen - forming fungi have been recorded , including 9 endemics , suggesting that many significant discoveries remain to be made .
question: What kind of speaker data does studying a language phonologically involve examining ? context: Part of the phonological study of a language therefore involves looking at data ( phonetic transcriptions of the speech of native speakers ) and trying to deduce what the underlying phonemes are and what the sound inventory of the language is . The presence or absence of minimal pairs , as mentioned above , is a frequently used criterion for deciding whether two sounds should be assigned to the same phoneme . However , other considerations often need to be taken into account as well .
question: Lord Beaverbrook and Churchill ' s support of Dowding was what ? context: Dowding was summoned to an Air Ministry conference on 17 October 1940 to explain the poor state of night defences and the supposed ( but ultimately successful ) " failure " of his daytime strategy . The criticism of his leadership extended far beyond the Air Council , and the Minister of Aircraft Production , Lord Beaverbrook , and Churchill themselves intimated their support was waning . While the failure of night defence preparation was undeniable , it was not the AOC ' s responsibility to accrue resources . The general neglect of the RAF until the late spurt in 1938 had left sparse resources to build defences . While it was permissible to disagree with Dowding ' s operational and tactical deployment of forces , the failure of the Government and Air Ministry to allot resources was ultimately the responsibility of the civil and military institutions at large . In the pre - war period , the Chamberlain Government stated that night defence from air attack should not take up much of the national effort and , along with the Air Ministry , did not make it a priority .
question: How are officials elected to the legislature ? context: After years of demanding greater political autonomy , residents were given the right to directly elect a Head of Government and the representatives of the unicameral Legislative Assembly by popular vote in 1997 . Ever since , the left - wing Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) has controlled both of them . In recent years , the local government has passed a wave of liberal policies , such as abortion on request , a limited form of euthanasia , no - fault divorce , and same - sex marriage . On January 29 , 2016 , it ceased to be called the Federal District ( Spanish : Distrito Federal or D . F . ) and is now in transition to become the country ' s 32nd federal entity , giving it a level of autonomy comparable to that of a state . Because of a clause in the Mexican Constitution , however , as the seat of the powers of the Union , it can never become a state , lest the capital of the country be relocated elsewhere .
popular vote
question: How many Oireachtas members where there in the original British - Irish Parliamentary Assembly ? context: Another body established under the Good Friday Agreement , the British – Irish Council , is made up of all of the states and territories of the British Isles . The British – Irish Parliamentary Assembly ( Irish : Tion ó l Pharlaiminteach na Breataine agus na h É ireann ) predates the British – Irish Council and was established in 1990 . Originally it comprised 25 members of the Oireachtas , the Irish parliament , and 25 members of the parliament of the United Kingdom , with the purpose of building mutual understanding between members of both legislatures . Since then the role and scope of the body has been expanded to include representatives from the Scottish Parliament , the National Assembly for Wales , the Northern Ireland Assembly , the States of Jersey , the States of Guernsey and the High Court of Tynwald ( Isle of Man ) .
question: J . S . Bach ' s fugues create a coherent harmonic logic that would be impossible for what other style of music ? context: The key characteristic of classical music that distinguishes it from popular music and folk music is that the repertoire tends to be written down in musical notation , creating a musical part or score . This score typically determines details of rhythm , pitch , and , where two or more musicians ( whether singers or instrumentalists ) are involved , how the various parts are coordinated . The written quality of the music has enabled a high level of complexity within them : J . S . Bach ' s fugues , for instance , achieve a remarkable marriage of boldly distinctive melodic lines weaving in counterpoint yet creating a coherent harmonic logic that would be impossible in the heat of live improvisation . The use of written notation also preserves a record of the works and enables Classical musicians to perform music from many centuries ago . Musical notation enables 2000s - era performers to sing a choral work from the 1300s Renaissance era or a 1700s Baroque concerto with many of the features of the music ( the melodies , lyrics , forms , and rhythms ) being reproduced .
live improvisation
question: How has mean square ratio been applied ? context: Von Neumann made fundamental contributions to mathematical statistics . In 1941 , he derived the exact distribution of the ratio of the mean square of successive differences to the sample variance for independent and identically normally distributed variables . This ratio was applied to the residuals from regression models and is commonly known as the Durbin – Watson statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the errors are serially independent against the alternative that they follow a stationary first order autoregression .
Durbin – Watson statistic
question: Why did Greg Dyke of London Weekend Television meet with representatives of the biggest five English football clubs in 1990 ? context: The managing director of London Weekend Television ( LWT ) , Greg Dyke , met with the representatives of the " big five " football clubs in England in 1990 . The meeting was to pave the way for a break away from The Football League . Dyke believed that it would be more lucrative for LWT if only the larger clubs in the country were featured on national television and wanted to establish whether the clubs would be interested in a larger share of television rights money . The five clubs decided it was a good idea and decided to press ahead with it ; however , the league would have no credibility without the backing of The Football Association and so David Dein of Arsenal held talks to see whether the FA were receptive to the idea . The FA did not enjoy an amicable relationship with the Football League at the time and considered it as a way to weaken the Football League ' s position .
The meeting was to pave the way for a break away from The Football League .
question: What event caused Beyonce ' s depression ? context: LeToya Luckett and Roberson became unhappy with Mathew ' s managing of the band and eventually were replaced by Farrah Franklin and Michelle Williams . Beyonc é experienced depression following the split with Luckett and Roberson after being publicly blamed by the media , critics , and blogs for its cause . Her long - standing boyfriend left her at this time . The depression was so severe it lasted for a couple of years , during which she occasionally kept herself in her bedroom for days and refused to eat anything . Beyonc é stated that she struggled to speak about her depression because Destiny ' s Child had just won their first Grammy Award and she feared no one would take her seriously . Beyonc é would later speak of her mother as the person who helped her fight it . Franklin was dismissed , leaving just Beyonc é , Rowland , and Williams .
split with Luckett and Rober
question: What was the term given to books that did not have a dominant motif and contained something to offend almost everyone in authority ? context: Across continental Europe , but in France especially , booksellers and publishers had to negotiate censorship laws of varying strictness . The Encyclop é die , for example , narrowly escaped seizure and had to be saved by Malesherbes , the man in charge of the French censure . Indeed , many publishing companies were conveniently located outside France so as to avoid overzealous French censors . They would smuggle their merchandise across the border , where it would then be transported to clandestine booksellers or small - time peddlers . The records of clandestine booksellers may give a better representation of what literate Frenchmen might have truly read , since their clandestine nature provided a less restrictive product choice . In one case , political books were the most popular category , primarily libels and pamphlets . Readers were more interested in sensationalist stories about criminals and political corruption than they were in political theory itself . The second most popular category , " general works " ( those books " that did not have a dominant motif and that contained something to offend almost everyone in authority " ) demonstrated a high demand for generally low - brow subversive literature . However , these works never became part of literary canon , and are largely forgotten today as a result .
general works
question: How did old Czech allow some complex consonant clusters to be pronounced ? context: While Old Czech had a basic alphabet from which a general set of orthographical correspondences was drawn , it did not have a standard orthography . It also contained a number of sound clusters which no longer exist ; allowing ě ( / j ɛ / ) after soft consonants , which has since shifted to e ( / ɛ / ) , and allowing complex consonant clusters to be pronounced all at once rather than syllabically . A phonological phenomenon , Havlik ' s law ( which began in Proto - Slavic and took various forms in other Slavic languages ) , appeared in Old Czech ; counting backwards from the end of a clause , every odd - numbered yer was vocalized as a vowel , while the other yers disappeared .
all at once
question: If you ' re around someone with active TB , what ' s the chance you ' ll contract it expressed as a percentage ? context: People with prolonged , frequent , or close contact with people with TB are at particularly high risk of becoming infected , with an estimated 22 % infection rate . A person with active but untreated tuberculosis may infect 10 – 15 ( or more ) other people per year . Transmission should occur from only people with active TB – those with latent infection are not thought to be contagious . The probability of transmission from one person to another depends upon several factors , including the number of infectious droplets expelled by the carrier , the effectiveness of ventilation , the duration of exposure , the virulence of the M . tuberculosis strain , the level of immunity in the uninfected person , and others . The cascade of person - to - person spread can be circumvented by segregating those with active ( " overt " ) TB and putting them on anti - TB drug regimens . After about two weeks of effective treatment , subjects with nonresistant active infections generally do not remain contagious to others . If someone does become infected , it typically takes three to four weeks before the newly infected person becomes infectious enough to transmit the disease to others .
22 %
question: What is Hohenwarte Dam ? context: The traditional energy supply of Thuringia is lignite , mined in the bordering Leipzig region . Since 2000 , the importance of environmentally unfriendly lignite combustion has declined in favour of renewable energies , which reached an amount of 40 % ( in 2013 ) , and more clean gas combustion , often carried out as Cogeneration in the municipal power stations . The most important forms of renewable energies are Wind power and Biomass , followed by Solar energy and Hydroelectricity . Furthermore , Thuringia hosts two big pumped storage stations : the Goldisthal Pumped Storage Station and the Hohenwarte Dam .
big pumped storage stations
question: How many contestants did this season have ? context: The top 10 contestants started with five males and five females , however , the males were eliminated consecutively in the first five weeks , with Lazaro Arbos the last male to be eliminated . For the first time in the show ' s history , the top 5 contestants were all female . It was also the first time that the judges ' " save " was not used , the top four contestants were therefore given an extra week to perform again with their votes carried over with no elimination in the first week .
question: The second most prominent religion in New York is what ? context: Christianity ( 59 % ) , particularly Catholicism ( 33 % ) , was the most prevalently practiced religion in New York as of 2014 , followed by Judaism , with approximately 1 . 1 million Jews in New York City , over half living in Brooklyn . Islam ranks third in New York City , with official estimates ranging between 600 , 000 and 1 , 000 , 000 observers and including 10 % of the city ' s public schoolchildren , followed by Hinduism , Buddhism , and a variety of other religions , as well as atheism . In 2014 , 24 % self - identified with no organized religious affiliation .
question: What did the Greeks do that made it possible for the expansion and growth of the opposite of the Eastern Civilization ? context: The classical period of Greek civilization covers a time spanning from the early 5th century BC to the death of Alexander the Great , in 323 BC ( some authors prefer to split this period into ' Classical ' , from the end of the Persian wars to the end of the Peloponnesian War , and ' Fourth Century ' , up to the death of Alexander ) . It is so named because it set the standards by which Greek civilization would be judged in later eras . The Classical period is also described as the " Golden Age " of Greek civilization , and its art , philosophy , architecture and literature would be instrumental in the formation and development of Western culture .
civilization , and its art , philosophy , architecture and literature would be instrumental in the formation and development of Western culture .
question: Who was Claude R Kirk context: The first post - Reconstruction era Republican elected to Congress from Florida was William C . Cramer in 1954 from Pinellas County on the Gulf Coast , where demographic changes were underway . In this period , African Americans were still disenfranchised by the state ' s constitution and discriminatory practices ; in the 19th century they had made up most of the Republican Party . Cramer built a different Republican Party in Florida , attracting local white conservatives and transplants from northern and midwestern states . In 1966 Claude R . Kirk , Jr . was elected as the first post - Reconstruction Republican governor , in an upset election . In 1968 Edward J . Gurney , also a white conservative , was elected as the state ' s first post - reconstruction Republican US Senator . In 1970 Democrats took the governorship and the open US Senate seat , and maintained dominance for years .
966 Claude R . Kirk , Jr . was elected as the first post - Reconstruction Republican governor , in an upset election
question: Who founded the Gelug school ? context: Between 1346 and 1354 , Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen toppled the Sakya and founded the Phagmodrupa Dynasty . The following 80 years saw the founding of the Gelug school ( also known as Yellow Hats ) by the disciples of Je Tsongkhapa , and the founding of the important Ganden , Drepung and Sera monasteries near Lhasa . However , internal strife within the dynasty and the strong localism of the various fiefs and political - religious factions led to a long series of internal conflicts . The minister family Rinpungpa , based in Tsang ( West Central Tibet ) , dominated politics after 1435 . In 1565 they were overthrown by the Tsangpa Dynasty of Shigatse which expanded its power in different directions of Tibet in the following decades and favoured the Karma Kagyu sect .
disciples of Je Tsongkhapa
question: In combination with skin tests , are IGRAs associated with an increase or decrease in sensitivity ? context: The Mantoux tuberculin skin test is often used to screen people at high risk for TB . Those who have been previously immunized may have a false - positive test result . The test may be falsely negative in those with sarcoidosis , Hodgkin ' s lymphoma , malnutrition , and most notably , active tuberculosis . Interferon gamma release assays ( IGRAs ) , on a blood sample , are recommended in those who are positive to the Mantoux test . These are not affected by immunization or most environmental mycobacteria , so they generate fewer false - positive results . However , they are affected by M . szulgai , M . marinum , and M . kansasii . IGRAs may increase sensitivity when used in addition to the skin test , but may be less sensitive than the skin test when used alone .
question: Who wrote the book Contrasts ? context: In the early 19th century , Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin wrote Contrasts ( 1836 ) that , as the titled suggested , contrasted the modern , industrial world , which he disparaged , with an idealized image of neo - medieval world . Gothic architecture , Pugin believed , was the only " true Christian form of architecture . "
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
question: Where is an annual event that has quite a bit of charismatic activity ? context: Larry Christenson , a Lutheran theologian based in San Pedro , California , did much in the 1960s and 1970s to interpret the charismatic movement for Lutherans . A very large annual conference regarding that matter was held in Minneapolis . Charismatic Lutheran congregations in Minnesota became especially large and influential ; especially " Hosanna ! " in Lakeville , and North Heights in St . Paul . The next generation of Lutheran charismatics cluster around the Alliance of Renewal Churches . There is considerable charismatic activity among young Lutheran leaders in California centered around an annual gathering at Robinwood Church in Huntington Beach . Richard A . Jensen ' s Touched by the Spirit published in 1974 , played a major role of the Lutheran understanding to the charismatic movement .
Huntington Beach
question: Who was eliminated on the Top 3 show ? context: This season saw the first Idol Gives Back telethon - inspired event , which raised more than $ 76 million in corporate and viewer donations . No contestant was eliminated that week , but two ( Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson ) were eliminated the next . Melinda Doolittle was eliminated in the final three .
Melinda Doolittle
question: Has the demand increased inside or outside the country ? context: Himachal has a rich heritage of handicrafts . These include woolen and pashmina shawls , carpets , silver and metal ware , embroidered chappals , grass shoes , Kangra and Gompa style paintings , wood work , horse - hair bangles , wooden and metal utensils and various other house hold items . These aesthetic and tasteful handicrafts declined under competition from machine made goods and also because of lack of marketing facilities . But now the demand for handicrafts has increased within and outside the country .
within and outside the country
question: Similar to systems using zoneinfo , Microsoft Windows calculates DST by doing what ? context: As with zoneinfo , a user of Microsoft Windows configures DST by specifying the name of a location , and the operating system then consults a table of rule sets that must be updated when DST rules change . Procedures for specifying the name and updating the table vary with release . Updates are not issued for older versions of Microsoft Windows . Windows Vista supports at most two start and end rules per time zone setting . In a Canadian location observing DST , a single Vista setting supports both 1987 – 2006 and post - 2006 time stamps , but mishandles some older time stamps . Older Microsoft Windows systems usually store only a single start and end rule for each zone , so that the same Canadian setting reliably supports only post - 2006 time stamps .
specifying the name of a location
question: When did youtube first require the user to have a google account before posting a comment ? context: On November 6 , 2013 , Google implemented a new comment system that requires all YouTube users to use a Google + account in order to comment on videos and making the comment system Google + oriented . The changes are in large part an attempt to address the frequent criticisms of the quality and tone of YouTube comments . They give creators more power to moderate and block comments , and add new sorting mechanisms to ensure that better , more relevant discussions appear at the top . The new system restored the ability to include URLs in comments , which had previously been removed due to problems with abuse . In response , YouTube co - founder Jawed Karim posted the question " why the fuck do I need a google + account to comment on a video ? " on his YouTube channel to express his negative opinion of the change . The official YouTube announcement received 20 , 097 " thumbs down " votes and generated more than 32 , 000 comments in two days . Writing in the Newsday blog Silicon Island , Chase Melvin noted that " Google + is nowhere near as popular a social media network as Facebook , but it ' s essentially being forced upon millions of YouTube users who don ' t want to lose their ability to comment on videos " and " Discussion forums across the Internet are already bursting with outcry against the new comment system " . In the same article Melvin goes on to say :
November 6 , 2013
question: What do vending machines commonly only accept ? context: Early releases of the Washington coin included error coins shipped primarily from the Philadelphia mint to Florida and Tennessee banks . Highly sought after by collectors , and trading for as much as $ 850 each within a week of discovery , the error coins were identified by the absence of the edge impressions " E PLURIBUS UNUM IN GOD WE TRUST 2007 P " . The mint of origin is generally accepted to be mostly Philadelphia , although identifying the source mint is impossible without opening a mint pack also containing marked units . Edge lettering is minted in both orientations with respect to " heads " , some amateur collectors were initially duped into buying " upside down lettering error " coins . Some cynics also erroneously point out that the Federal Reserve makes more profit from dollar bills than dollar coins because they wear out in a few years , whereas coins are more permanent . The fallacy of this argument arises because new notes printed to replace worn out notes , which have been withdrawn from circulation , bring in no net revenue to the government to offset the costs of printing new notes and destroying the old ones . As most vending machines are incapable of making change in banknotes , they commonly accept only $ 1 bills , though a few will give change in dollar coins .
$ 1 bills
question: What observation did Whitehead make about life ? context: Whitehead makes the startling observation that " life is comparatively deficient in survival value . " If humans can only exist for about a hundred years , and rocks for eight hundred million , then one is forced to ask why complex organisms ever evolved in the first place ; as Whitehead humorously notes , " they certainly did not appear because they were better at that game than the rocks around them . " He then observes that the mark of higher forms of life is that they are actively engaged in modifying their environment , an activity which he theorizes is directed toward the three - fold goal of living , living well , and living better . In other words , Whitehead sees life as directed toward the purpose of increasing its own satisfaction . Without such a goal , he sees the rise of life as totally unintelligible .
" life is comparatively deficient in survival value . "
question: What is the WHO ' s recipe for ORS ? context: Oral rehydration solution ( ORS ) ( a slightly sweetened and salty water ) can be used to prevent dehydration . Standard home solutions such as salted rice water , salted yogurt drinks , vegetable and chicken soups with salt can be given . Home solutions such as water in which cereal has been cooked , unsalted soup , green coconut water , weak tea ( unsweetened ) , and unsweetened fresh fruit juices can have from half a teaspoon to full teaspoon of salt ( from one - and - a - half to three grams ) added per liter . Clean plain water can also be one of several fluids given . There are commercial solutions such as Pedialyte , and relief agencies such as UNICEF widely distribute packets of salts and sugar . A WHO publication for physicians recommends a homemade ORS consisting of one liter water with one teaspoon salt ( 3 grams ) and two tablespoons sugar ( 18 grams ) added ( approximately the " taste of tears " ) . Rehydration Project recommends adding the same amount of sugar but only one - half a teaspoon of salt , stating that this more dilute approach is less risky with very little loss of effectiveness . Both agree that drinks with too much sugar or salt can make dehydration worse .
one liter water with one teaspoon salt ( 3 grams ) and two tablespoons sugar ( 18 grams ) added
question: What was required in each territory or part of a territory whose affiliation was to be changed ? context: As the premiers did not come to an agreement on this question , the Parliamentary Council was supposed to address this issue . Its provisions are reflected in Article 29 . There was a binding provision for a new delimitation of the federal territory : the Federal Territory must be revised . . . ( paragraph 1 ) . Moreover , in territories or parts of territories whose affiliation with a Land had changed after 8 May 1945 without a referendum , people were allowed to petition for a revision of the current status within a year after the promulgation of the Basic Law ( paragraph 2 ) . If at least one tenth of those entitled to vote in Bundestag elections were in favour of a revision , the federal government had to include the proposal into its legislation . Then a referendum was required in each territory or part of a territory whose affiliation was to be changed ( paragraph 3 ) . The proposal should not take effect if within any of the affected territories a majority rejected the change . In this case , the bill had to be introduced again and after passing had to be confirmed by referendum in the Federal Republic as a whole ( paragraph 4 ) . The reorganization should be completed within three years after the Basic Law had come into force ( paragraph 6 ) .
a referendum
question: What major airport is located to the southwest of Delhi ? context: Indira Gandhi International Airport , situated to the southwest of Delhi , is the main gateway for the city ' s domestic and international civilian air traffic . In 2012 - 13 , the airport was used by more than 35 million passengers , making it one of the busiest airports in South Asia . Terminal 3 , which cost ₹ 96 . 8 billion ( US $ 1 . 4 billion ) to construct between 2007 and 2010 , handles an additional 37 million passengers annually .
Indira Gandhi International Airport
question: What do historians credit with revitalizing Greek culture ? context: The culture of Greece has evolved over thousands of years , beginning in Mycenaean Greece and continuing most notably into Classical Greece , through the influence of the Roman Empire and its Greek Eastern continuation , the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire . Other cultures and nations , such as the Latin and Frankish states , the Ottoman Empire , the Venetian Republic , the Genoese Republic , and the British Empire have also left their influence on modern Greek culture , although historians credit the Greek War of Independence with revitalising Greece and giving birth to a single , cohesive entity of its multi - faceted culture .
Greek War of Independence
question: What company developed the first electronic circuit that could be mass produced and was durable enough to be fired from a gun ? context: During World War II , the development of the anti - aircraft proximity fuse required an electronic circuit that could withstand being fired from a gun , and could be produced in quantity . The Centralab Division of Globe Union submitted a proposal which met the requirements : a ceramic plate would be screenprinted with metallic paint for conductors and carbon material for resistors , with ceramic disc capacitors and subminiature vacuum tubes soldered in place . The technique proved viable , and the resulting patent on the process , which was classified by the U . S . Army , was assigned to Globe Union . It was not until 1984 that the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) awarded Mr . Harry W . Rubinstein , the former head of Globe Union ' s Centralab Division , its coveted Cledo Brunetti Award for early key contributions to the development of printed components and conductors on a common insulating substrate . As well , Mr . Rubinstein was honored in 1984 by his alma mater , the University of Wisconsin - Madison , for his innovations in the technology of printed electronic circuits and the fabrication of capacitors .
Globe Union
question: What are the pervasive culture that is sanctioned in Burma ? context: A diverse range of indigenous cultures exist in Myanmar , the majority culture is primarily Buddhist and Bamar . Bamar culture has been influenced by the cultures of neighbouring countries . This is manifested in its language , cuisine , music , dance and theatre . The arts , particularly literature , have historically been influenced by the local form of Theravada Buddhism . Considered the national epic of Myanmar , the Yama Zatdaw , an adaptation of India ' s Ramayana , has been influenced greatly by Thai , Mon , and Indian versions of the play . Buddhism is practised along with nat worship , which involves elaborate rituals to propitiate one from a pantheon of 37 nats .
the majority culture is primarily Buddhist and Bamar .
question: What highway connects the I - 805 with the downtown area ? context: Major state highways include SR 94 , which connects downtown with I - 805 , I - 15 and East County ; SR 163 , which connects downtown with the northeast part of the city , intersects I - 805 and merges with I - 15 at Miramar ; SR 52 , which connects La Jolla with East County through Santee and SR 125 ; SR 56 , which connects I - 5 with I - 15 through Carmel Valley and Rancho Pe ñ asquitos ; SR 75 , which spans San Diego Bay as the San Diego - Coronado Bridge , and also passes through South San Diego as Palm Avenue ; and SR 905 , which connects I - 5 and I - 805 to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry .
SR 94
question: How far is St . John ' s International Airport from the downtown core ? context: St . John ' s is served by St . John ' s International Airport ( YYT ) , located 10 minutes northwest of the downtown core . In 2011 , roughly 1 , 400 , 000 passengers travelled through the airport making it the second busiest airport in Atlantic Canada in passenger volume . Regular destinations include Halifax , Montreal , Ottawa , Toronto , as well as destinations throughout the province . International locations include Dublin , London , New York City , Saint Pierre and Miquelon , Glasgow and Varadero . Scheduled service providers include Air Canada , Air Canada Jazz , Air Saint - Pierre , Air Transat , United Airlines , Porter Airlines , Provincial Airlines , Sunwing Airlines and Westjet .
10 minutes
question: How many housing units were built in the Bronx in 2002 - 2007 ? context: In 1997 , the Bronx was designated an All America City by the National Civic League , acknowledging its comeback from the decline of the mid - century . In 2006 , The New York Times reported that " construction cranes have become the borough ' s new visual metaphor , replacing the window decals of the 1980s in which pictures of potted plants and drawn curtains were placed in the windows of abandoned buildings . " The borough has experienced substantial new building construction since 2002 . Between 2002 and June 2007 , 33 , 687 new units of housing were built or were under way and $ 4 . 8 billion has been invested in new housing . In the first six months of 2007 alone total investment in new residential development was $ 965 million and 5 , 187 residential units were scheduled to be completed . Much of the new development is springing up in formerly vacant lots across the South Bronx .
33 , 687
question: When did secondary education emerge in the United States ? context: Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910 , with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories , which required skilled workers . In order to meet this new job demand , high schools were created , with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work . This proved beneficial for both employers and employees , since the improved human capital lowered costs for the employer , while skilled employees received a higher wages .
question: What was the RCC ' s view of political parties ? context: In May 1970 , the Revolutionary Intellectuals Seminar was held to bring intellectuals in line with the revolution , while that year ' s Legislative Review and Amendment united secular and religious law codes , introducing sharia into the legal system . Ruling by decree , the RCC maintained the monarchy ' s ban on political parties , in May 1970 banned trade unions , and in 1972 outlawed workers ' strikes and suspended newspapers . In September 1971 , Gaddafi resigned , claiming to be dissatisfied with the pace of reform , but returned to his position within a month . In February 1973 , he resigned again , once more returning the following month .
Ruling by decree , the RCC maintained the monarchy ' s ban on political parties ,
question: What are usually Universities made up of ? context: University education includes teaching , research , and social services activities , and it includes both the undergraduate level ( sometimes referred to as tertiary education ) and the graduate ( or postgraduate ) level ( sometimes referred to as graduate school ) . Universities are generally composed of several colleges . In the United States , universities can be private and independent like Yale University ; public and state - governed like the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education ; or independent but state - funded like the University of Virginia . A number of career specific courses are now available to students through the Internet .
several colleges
question: Whose piano method did Chopin use with his students ? context: Chopin was educated in the tradition of Beethoven , Haydn , Mozart and Clementi ; he used Clementi ' s piano method with his own students . He was also influenced by Hummel ' s development of virtuoso , yet Mozartian , piano technique . He cited Bach and Mozart as the two most important composers in shaping his musical outlook . Chopin ' s early works are in the style of the " brilliant " keyboard pieces of his era as exemplified by the works of Ignaz Moscheles , Friedrich Kalkbrenner , and others . Less direct in the earlier period are the influences of Polish folk music and of Italian opera . Much of what became his typical style of ornamentation ( for example , his fioriture ) is taken from singing . His melodic lines were increasingly reminiscent of the modes and features of the music of his native country , such as drones .
question: What was the gross state domestic product of Delhi for 2011 - 12 ? context: The gross state domestic product ( GSDP ) of Delhi at current prices for the year 2011 - 12 has been estimated at Rs 3 . 13 lakh crore , which is an increase of 18 . 7 per cent over the previous fiscal .
Rs 3 . 13 lakh crore
question: What was Nanjing ' s birth rate ? context: According to the Sixth China Census , the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8 . 005 million in 2010 . The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8 . 11 million . The birth rate was 8 . 86 percent and the death rate was 6 . 88 percent . The urban area had a population of 6 . 47 million people . The sex ratio of the city population was 107 . 31 males to 100 females .
8 . 86 percent
question: What two genres made inroads on hard rock in the 1970s ? context: With the rise of disco in the US and punk rock in the UK , hard rock ' s mainstream dominance was rivalled toward the later part of the decade . Disco appealed to a more diverse group of people and punk seemed to take over the rebellious role that hard rock once held . Early punk bands like The Ramones explicitly rebelled against the drum solos and extended guitar solos that characterised stadium rock , with almost all of their songs clocking in around two minutes with no guitar solos . However , new rock acts continued to emerge and record sales remained high into the 1980s . 1977 saw the d é but and rise to stardom of Foreigner , who went on to release several platinum albums through to the mid - 1980s . Midwestern groups like Kansas , REO Speedwagon and Styx helped further cement heavy rock in the Midwest as a form of stadium rock . In 1978 , Van Halen emerged from the Los Angeles music scene with a sound based around the skills of lead guitarist Eddie Van Halen . He popularised a guitar - playing technique of two - handed hammer - ons and pull - offs called tapping , showcased on the song " Eruption " from the album Van Halen , which was highly influential in re - establishing hard rock as a popular genre after the punk and disco explosion , while also redefining and elevating the role of electric guitar .
disco in the US and punk rock in the UK
question: In trials of genocidal crimes , what responsibly party is difficult to prosecute ? context: The study of genocide has mainly been focused towards the legal aspect of the term . By formally recognizing the act of genocide as a crime , involves the undergoing prosecution that begins with not only seeing genocide as outrageous past any moral standpoint but also may be a legal liability within international relations . When genocide is looked at in a general aspect it is viewed as the deliberate killing of a certain group . Yet is commonly seen to escape the process of trial and prosecution due to the fact that genocide is more often than not committed by the officials in power of a state or area . In 1648 before the term genocide had been coined , the Peace of Westphalia was established to protect ethnic , national , racial and in some instances religious groups . During the 19th century humanitarian intervention was needed due to the fact of conflict and justification of some of the actions executed by the military .
officials in power of a state or area
question: The Jantar Mantar consists of how many architectural astronomy instruments ? context: Jantar Mantar located in Connaught Place was built by Maharaja Jai Singh II of Jaipur . It consists of 13 architectural astronomy instruments . The primary purpose of the observatory was to compile astronomical tables , and to predict the times and movements of the sun , moon and planets .
question: From what other country ' s orthography did the Older Orthography get its basis ? context: Modern Estonian orthography is based on the Newer Orthography created by Eduard Ahrens in the second half of the 19th century based on Finnish orthography . The Older Orthography it replaced was created in the 17th century by Bengt Gottfried Forselius and Johann Hornung based on standard German orthography . Earlier writing in Estonian had by and large used an ad hoc orthography based on Latin and Middle Low German orthography . Some influences of the standard German orthography — for example , writing ' W ' / ' w ' instead of ' V ' / ' v ' persisted well into the 1930s .
standard German orthography
question: What battle is considered the US ' s first significant fight in the Korean War ? context: The Battle of Osan , the first significant American engagement of the Korean War , involved the 540 - soldier Task Force Smith , which was a small forward element of the 24th Infantry Division which had been flown in from Japan . On 5 July 1950 , Task Force Smith attacked the North Koreans at Osan but without weapons capable of destroying the North Koreans ' tanks . They were unsuccessful ; the result was 180 dead , wounded , or taken prisoner . The KPA progressed southwards , pushing back the US force at Pyongtaek , Chonan , and Chochiwon , forcing the 24th Division ' s retreat to Taejeon , which the KPA captured in the Battle of Taejon ; the 24th Division suffered 3 , 602 dead and wounded and 2 , 962 captured , including the Division ' s Commander , Major General William F . Dean .
Battle of Osan
question: Where does the Washington University School of Law rank among " 25 Most Wired Law Schools " ? context: In the 2015 US News & World Report America ' s Best Graduate Schools , the law school is ranked 18th nationally , out of over 180 law schools . In particular , its Clinical Education Program is currently ranked 4th in the nation . This year , the median score placed the average student in the 96th percentile of test takers . The law school offers a full - time day program , beginning in August , for the J . D . degree . The law school is located in a state - of - the - art building , Anheuser - Busch Hall ( opened in 1997 ) . The building combines traditional architecture , a five - story open - stacks library , an integration of indoor and outdoor spaces , and the latest wireless and other technologies . National Jurist ranked Washington University 4th among the " 25 Most Wired Law Schools . "
question: What was the original valuation of the merger ? context: The combined business is expected to address the markets for scale - out architecture , converged infrastructure and private cloud computing , playing to the strengths of both EMC and Dell . Commentators have questioned the deal , with FBR Capital Markets saying that though it makes a " ton of sense " for Dell , it ' s a " nightmare scenario that would lack strategic synergies " for EMC . Fortune said there was a lot for Dell to like in EMC ' s portfolio , but " does it all add up enough to justify tens of billions of dollars for the entire package ? Probably not . " The Register reported the view of William Blair & Company that the merger would " blow up the current IT chess board " , forcing other IT infrastructure vendors to restructure to achieve scale and vertical integration . The value of VMware stock fell 10 % after the announcement , valuing the deal at around $ 63 – 64bn rather than the $ 67bn originally reported .
$ 67bn
question: Where would Schwarzenegger write down his goals ? context: Schwarzenegger has had a highly successful business career . Following his move to the United States , Schwarzenegger became a " prolific goal setter " and would write his objectives at the start of the year on index cards , like starting a mail order business or buying a new car – and succeed in doing so . By the age of 30 , Schwarzenegger was a millionaire , well before his career in Hollywood . His financial independence came from his success as a budding entrepreneur with a series of successful business ventures and investments .
index cards
question: What was installed on the front of the console so the joystick could be used ? context: The game pad controllers were more - or - less copied directly from the Game & Watch machines , although the Famicom design team originally wanted to use arcade - style joysticks , even taking apart ones from American game consoles to see how they worked . However , it was eventually decided that children might step on joysticks left on the floor and their durability was also questioned . Katsuyah Nakawaka attached a Game & Watch D - pad to the Famicom prototype and found that it was easy to use and had no discomfort . Ultimately though , they did install a 15 - pin expansion port on the front of the console so that an arcade - style joystick could be used optionally . The controllers were hard - wired to the console with no connectors for cost reasons .
15 - pin expansion port
question: What notable document was authored by Thomas Jefferson in 1786 ? context: Richmond recovered quickly from the war , and by 1782 was once again a thriving city . In 1786 , the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom ( drafted by Thomas Jefferson ) was passed at the temporary capitol in Richmond , providing the basis for the separation of church and state , a key element in the development of the freedom of religion in the United States . A permanent home for the new government , the Virginia State Capitol building , was designed by Thomas Jefferson with the assistance of Charles - Louis Cl é risseau , and was completed in 1788 .
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
question: Why do Jehovah Witnesses forego religious holidays and birthdays or other celebrations ? context: Jehovah ' s Witnesses believe their highest allegiance belongs to God ' s kingdom , which is viewed as an actual government in heaven , with Christ as king . They remain politically neutral , do not seek public office , and are discouraged from voting , though individual members may participate in uncontroversial community improvement issues . Although they do not take part in politics , they respect the authority of the governments under which they live . They do not celebrate religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter , nor do they observe birthdays , nationalistic holidays , or other celebrations they consider to honor people other than Jesus . They feel that these and many other customs have pagan origins or reflect a nationalistic or political spirit . Their position is that these traditional holidays reflect Satan ' s control over the world . Witnesses are told that spontaneous giving at other times can help their children to not feel deprived of birthdays or other celebrations .
they consider to honor people other than Jesus