Test out your new Scene in Meta XR Simulator
To enable Scene API in the Meta XR Simulator, you must first select the Settings option in the left menu. Navigate to the Settings window in the left menu.
In the Settings window select Scene.
After navigating to the settings menu, select Scene.
Click the … button and select the new Scene JSON file.
Click the Load button.
Click the Exit Simulator button. Your Unity scene will now stop and the simulator window will correctly disappear.
Press Play in Unity, and when the simulator window appears, you will see your new scene now appearing in the simulator.Build Your Own Synthetic Environment Server
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The Synthetic Environment Builder lets you use your own synthetic environment for mixed reality simulation in the Meta XR Simulator. It is a UPM package that you can import into your Unity project containing a synthetic environment, and turn that project into a Synthetic Environment Server.
Showing the data forwarding window.
Setting Up
Connect your Quest device to PC through USB cable.
Install the apk in /path/to/MetaXRSimulator/data_forwarding_server on your device.
Make sure the device stays on by turning off the proximity sensor from MQDH.
Launch the data forwarding server application in the headset. The app can be launched either through MQDH or from the in-headset app panel (filter by “unknown sources”). Make sure that the application is running and foregrounded, and leave the headset on the desk facing toward you.
In the simulator, click the “connect” button and wait until the status indicator turns to “connected”. Then, move your controllers around and confirm that the simulated controllers are moving as well.
If connection failed:
In a command line window, execute: adb forward tcp:33796 tcp:33796
Double-check that the headset application is running and foregrounded.
Controller Calibration
Press A+B+X+Y simultaneously to reset controller poses; the current physical controller poses will be used as the base poses for virtual controllers.
Alternatively, use the “Calibrate Controllers” button to reset controller poses after 3 seconds.
Click the “disconnect” button, and the status indicator should turn to “disconnected” immediately. Confirm that the control of simulated controllers are given back to keyboard and mouse.
If disconnection is taking too long, check if the headset application is running and foreground