Meanwhile, lawmakers and Jewish organizations, including the Anne Frank Center, are calling for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation, after Spicer tried to drum up support for more U.S. military attacks against the Syrian regime by comparing Assad to Hitler and falsely claiming Hitler never used chemical weapons.
Derided as a poor copy of his mentor, Mr Maduro has not been ousted by the opposition or by rivals in his own party, as some had predicted when he was first elected.
Describing it as “a great speech,” Mr. Manafort said at a morning convention briefing that “obviously Michelle Obama feels very similar sentiments toward her family.”
Trump Jr. also said on Twitter he was willing to work with the Senate Intelligence Committee, one of the panels probing possible campaign collusion, "to pass on what I know."
When President Donald Trump scrapped a program benefiting young people who entered the U.S. illegally as children, he left the announcement to the member of his Cabinet who had railed against it the longest and loudest.
John Kasich also agreed to pull resources out of Indiana so Cruz could campaign there more effectively.
PHILADELPHIA –  Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she will soon step down as Democratic National Committee chairwoman, amid the fallout over leaked emails indicating an anti-Bernie Sanders bias in her operation -- a stunning development just hours before the start of her party's convention.
SEE ALSO: Obama hails ‘new chapter’ in diplomatic relations with Cuba The deal announced Wednesday comes as the Cuban government released American aid worker Alan Gross, who had been held for five years.
After five days of silence, Mark Zuckerberg apologised for his company’s “mistakes”.
This is a guy who accused Trump of treason on social media and was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend a decade ago. Now would the media’s connect-the-dots mentality shift into higher gear if a Trump supporter who hated liberals started firing at a Democratic baseball practice?
“[Trump] is expressing his frustration.
Former campaign official George Papadopoulos was also reported to have pleaded guilty to lying to federal officials about his interactions with the Russians.
Since Ossoff does not appear likely to reach the majority threshold needed to win the special election outright, the 30-year-Democrat will face Republican opponent Karen Handel, a former Georgia secretary of state, who finished second in a chaotic 18-candidate field.
Ernst’s comments come after a video was released on Sunday night where Harkin is shown saying that even if Ernst is “as good looking as Taylor Swift” she is not fit to represent the state of Iowa.
Among the allegations, the university says Ridd had “perpetuated a view that you were not allowed to talk to your wife about the disciplinary process, when in fact this was contrary to what you were told by verbally, and in writing … ”. He had denigrated a colleague, disclosed confidential information and “failed to take reasonable steps to avoid or manage a conflict of interest between your own interests and the interests of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) and the interests of the university”.
Associated Press Grant Hayes after he was taken into custody by authorities.
“While Sanders rejected Jake Tapper’s assertion that the public has no access to all of Sanders’s tax returns, we have no evidence he has released any other federal income tax return than the Form 1040 from 2014,” Post Fact Checker Michelle Ye Hee Lee writes.
“Michelle brings more than a decade of legal experience to her new position, including handling some of the City’s most interesting and complex land transactions over the last several years,” said City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz in the release..
Mueller took over the criminal investigation into Manafort’s financial dealings as he looks into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the White House.
A new poll, however, suggests that the press is at least very eager to cover Mrs. Clinton, and it’s having an impact: 66 percent of Americans now say they’ve heard “a lot” about Mrs. Clinton’s presidential intentions.
Chuck Schumer seemed optimistic Rubio will remain in the negotiations.
Chuck Schumer seemed optimistic Rubio will remain in the negotiations.
Still, it was awkward for Romney to play on the birther conspiracies that have plagued Barack Obama since he ran for president in 2008 and persisted even after he released his "long-form" birth certificate in 2011.
The Uruguayan trip shows how the government is unavoidably entangled with the Trump company as a result of the president's refusal to divest his ownership stake.
Reed also said that the proposed opening up the amendment process to legislation to allow for more rank-and-file members to have a greater saying in drafting legislation.
To understand the FBI-Clinton news, you need to pull apart her different email scandals
His holiday plans fueled rumors he was fleeing the country to escape possible prosecution over a massive corruption scandal but Najib denied this.
His holiday plans fueled rumors he was fleeing the country to escape possible prosecution over a massive corruption scandal but Najib denied this.
On Tuesday night, investigators revealed new details of a probe against Morales relating to purported illicit campaign financing and said the material is sufficient to again seek to have his immunity from prosecution lifted.
“The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military,” he tweeted from aboard Air Force One.
Although he has repeatedly condemned anti-Semitism, Corbyn made things somewhat worse for himself when, in a 2016 speech intended to condemn anti-Semitism and distance himself from some of the controversies, he appeared to compare Israel to the Islamic State.
John McCain on Sunday urged Republicans not to filibuster new gun control legislation.
The activists allege that Gandhi has a history of using racial slurs in his use.
Obama-administration assertions to the contrary notwithstanding, the Palestinian Authority has not recognized that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state.
He won his most recent election in November against Democratic challenger Sue Savary by nearly 17 percentage points.
In a church service in Cape Town, retired archbishop Desmond Tutu and fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate said Mandela would want South Africans themselves to be his "memorial" by adhering to the values of unity and democracy that he embodied.
Tucker Carlson: Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Flynn -- A tale of two liars.
Tucker Carlson: Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Flynn -- A tale of two liars.
To the backdrop of that day's pageantry, though, Boehner was facing an internal battle in the House GOP caucus over Planned Parenthood funding and threats by some in the conservative wing to challenge his speakership.
Stacey Dash Tells WalkAway Crowd Divisive Obama ‘Trojan Horse’
Steve Bannon has reportedly praised an anti-Semitic Nazi-collaborating French intellectual named Charles Maurras.
Hillary Clinton, speaking at a women's empowerment event in New York on Tuesday, stressed the need for more women in politics, while joking about her own resilience after her November election loss to President Donald Trump.
Mitch McConnell Misses July 4th Senate Healthcare Vote Deadline
I was put off by her sense of entitlement to the job of president.
FBI Director Christopher Wray faced heated questions Thursday from House Republicans concerned top officials in his agency are “tainted by bias” – in connection with both the 2016 Hillary Clinton email probe and ongoing Russia meddling probe – though the bureau boss cited an ongoing investigation as he repeatedly declined to address their complaints in detail.
The speaker said he wants to make sure that "Ohio State conducts a review of this doctor and what he did, and that's important so that campuses are safe, and I'm glad that Jim is supporting that review."
Seems Mr. Trump out-insulted the junior senator from Arizona, who had written and published a book devoted to insulting Mr. Trump.
In her upcoming book, Clinton concedes that it was "a mistake" to deliver high-dollar speeches to Wall Street firms following her tenure at the State Department, contributing to an out-of-touch image that dogged her throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.
His persona is generally adult.
Ravalomanana had to quit the presidency in 2009 after a series of military-backed challenges supported by Rajoelina, who was mayor of the capital, Antananarivo, at the time.
Media outlets on Thursday took the unusual step of allowing the word “shithole” to be used in print and on air, after a report that Mr. Trump had used the term to describe African nations and Haiti during a White House meeting with lawmakers on immigration.
“We believe the Trump administration has violated the Constitution and federal law,” state Attorney General Xavier Becerra told reporters in Sacramento.
LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron and his Conservatives won a resounding victory in the British general election, with complete results on Friday showing that the party had secured an overall majority in Parliament.
Nutrish, the pet food line owned by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, tweeted Thursday that it will no longer advertise during Laura Ingraham’s show after the Fox News host bashed a teen survivor of the Parkland school shooting.
Nutrish, the pet food line owned by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, tweeted Thursday that it will no longer advertise during Laura Ingraham’s show after the Fox News host bashed a teen survivor of the Parkland school shooting.
“By silencing him, Obama’s Justice Department and Mueller’s FBI knowingly kept Congress in the dark about Russia’s significant and illegal involvement with American uranium companies.”
Judge criticized in Brock Turner sex assault case faces recall vote
Whether democratic values will be destroyed by the political crisis President Trump has created is still a haunting question.
He was also a temporary chaplain at the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.
Stern juxtaposed Trump’s remarks, which did not mention human rights or marginalized groups to the remarks made Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein.
Asked how he was feeling, Mr. Clinton, his arm around Mrs. Clinton, replied, “As long as I’m still married to her, I’m good.”
In February, during a stop at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s golf club in Palm Beach, Fla., Eduardo Bolsonaro reminisced about his days working as a federal police officer along Brazil’s border with Bolivia as he hailed the White House’s bid to build a wall along the Mexican border.
The prince has courted the West to support his drive to transform the conservative kingdom and wean it off oil.
Mark Warner, D-Va., also blasted Assange.
Still, without clear answers and reassurances from leaders -- especially President Donald Trump -- that these issues are being addressed, skepticism and distrust in the system will likely only grow.
Gary Cohn Criticizes Donald Trump’s Response to Charlottesville Protests
"I just fundamentally believe that if you look at the facts and you look at the numbers, that Ted Cruz is [in the] best position by far to both win the nomination of the Republican Party and to then go on and defeat Hillary Clinton in the fall this year," he said.
After speaking to women and reviewing existing research, Jenkins found there were three key areas where equality was particularly lacking and where more progress was needed.
VOTING RIGHTS Mr. Holder successfully fought discriminatory voting restrictions around the country before the 2012 elections.
As a young child, Walker’s parents were married and fighting the Ku Klux Klan.
Sisi, a general-turned-politician, said Trump would “without a doubt” make a strong leader.
I indicated to him that if he did not resign, I would seek to replace him."
As a senator, Mr. Obama was critical of the Bush administration’s efforts to extend the N.S.A.’s surveillance powers, but as president he has embraced most of the programs begun during Mr. Bush’s time, including the bulk collection of telephone metadata.
The more left wing candidate for deputy leader - Julie Morgan, widow of former first minister of Wales, Rhodri - was defeated by Carolyn Harris at the party's spring conference.
That gets Kissinger dangerously wrong.
Obama also made the case for stronger commercial and economic ties, including approval of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that is stalled in Congress and facing strong opposition from the 2016 presidential candidates.
Related: Several Vexing Questions Remain in Orlando Massacre He told police negotiators during the three-hour siege that he admired the leader of ISIS, as well as the brothers who bombed the 2013 Boston Marathon and a fellow Floridian who became a suicide bomber for the Nusra Front in Syria.
Chaffetz suggested that McCarthy does not have that level of support: “There are nearly 50 people and a growing number that will not and cannot vote for Kevin McCarthy as the speaker on the floor.
During a hearing Wednesday of the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice for H.R. 490, a bill that would restore legal protection to unborn babies once their heartbeat is detected, Parker – founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) – challenged the following statement made by Cohen: advertisement If you believe in life you should believe in Medicaid, healthcare, nutrition for people who are here, and preventing the eventuality of backroom abortions and where only the wealthy can afford to go where they may be legal, making poor women even more poor.
It’s her “fervent hope that PCLOB will rise again to its full potential,” Wald said while receiving the Champion of Freedom Award.
On Columbus Day, Mitt Romney went to the Virginia Military Institute to outline a starkly different foreign policy vision from President Obama’s approach of apologizing for America, ignoring Islamism, mistreating our allies and embracing our enemies.
Mr. Obama dodged questions about whether he might accept a delay in implementing parts of his health care law if the website was still not working by the end of this month.
That the Trump totals then dipped in most of the polls was no surprise.
Friday’s proceedings were the culmination of a grueling roller-coaster of a trial that began in March, a little more than a year after Mr. Pistorius grabbed a handgun in the middle of the night on Valentine’s Day, pumped four shots through the locked door of his bathroom and killed Ms. Steenkamp, 29.
This is the latest in a series of strong swing state polls for Romney, and the third consecutive poll showing him slightly ahead in Florida.
“You’re speaking their language, you’re speaking to their concerns,” Hoyer said.
“Chuck Schumer is telling the Democrats to delay while they attempt an 11th hour smear of Judge Kavanaugh, and Phil Bredesen is already doing what he’s told to do,” said Blackburn, who wanted the committee to still vote on Thursday.
On Thursday, Trump responded to the rioting by threatening to cancel federal funding for colleges that failed to protect the right of free speech.
A defiant President Trump rallied with his base for more than an hour Tuesday in Arizona, trashing the media over its coverage of his response to the recent violence in Charlottesville, Va., while criticizing the state’s Republican senators for not getting behind him.
After Twitter made her delete the posts, Murphy made another post declaring, “This is f***ing bullshit, @twitter.
He said Ms. Warren had violated the rules once, had been warned and given an explanation, and “nevertheless she persisted,” notching a second violation that forced him to act.
NurPhoto via Getty Images It’s never a right time to say goodbye, but unfortunately our time with Michelle Obama as First Lady of the United States is coming to an end.
Matt Gaetz grilled Dean for turning Nixon comparisons into a profitable "cottage industry" for himself.
Once again, Donald Trump is using his morning Twitter fit as a way to attack, not just Hillary Clinton, but the attorney general he put in office.
Cantor and fellow House leaders have agreed to close tax loopholes to generate revenue to reduce the $1.1 trillion annual deficit.
Pollsters assumed that most Latinos would vote only as Latinos, and therefore against Donald Trump.
“She’s [a] so-called feminist, but she’s taken a lot of money from some of these countries.
“They grew up here, they work at nearly every major company in America, serve in the military and many are working on recovery efforts in Texas,” he said.
Jamat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group of Pakistan's Tehreek-i Taliban (TTP) -- also known as the Pakistani Taliban -- claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement emailed to CNN.
A Labour Party spokesman called Lord Sacks's comment "absurd and offensive".