At an explosive rally in Michigan on Thursday, Trump mocked Schiff as having the "smallest, thinnest neck I've ever seen," and someone who is "not a long-ball hitter."
As Nancy Bobo, 60, stood with other Obama supporters, she wondered aloud where the supporters of Mr. Romney were.
Hurricane Irma poses special risks for Florida senior citizens
Over the course of his acclaimed surgical career at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, he earned the moniker “Gentle Ben.”
As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, “I'm sick and tired of this!”
Image copyright Metropolitan Police Image caption Maxwell pleaded guilty to a number of terrorism offences His wi-fi password was "tiocfaidh1" - a derivation of the Irish republican phrase "tiocfaidh ar la", or "our day will come".
Kasich, meanwhile, has taken a less confrontational approach in the race, casting himself as a uniting force and touting his economic record as governor.
Things could get really ugly Already, in recent days, reports indicated that President Trump is musing about firing Mueller as special counsel, and Trump allies in the media argued that he should do so.
She was the first lawmaker to visit federal prisons housing migrant children who were taken from their parents or carers during Trump’s family separation initiative.
“In a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, Lewandowski stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again,’” a Fox News statement said late Tuesday.
"When he says, ‘Let’s make America great again,' that is code for, ‘Let’s take America backwards.’” How to approach Trump is only one part of the equation Clinton now confronts as she moves from the primary to the general.
And everything he was accused of, I’ve never seen, so I am basing on what my knowledge of Jeff Sessions is and I think he’ll be fair and very deliberate in what he does [as attorney general].”
Read more about Nicaragua's crisis: The demonstrators in the Central American country first rallied against planned changes to the country's social security system, but the protests soon escalated to include the demand for President Ortega to resign.
Trump, in asking his supporters to get out and vote for Blackburn, assured the crowd that Blackburn is "a vote for me and everything we stand for."
Warren took to Twitter to tip her hat to Booker's selfie game after the two posed together with a young woman while campaigning last month in South Carolina.
But it doesn't matter that Trump said something insane and destructive.
Former New York Times assistant managing editor Jim Roberts quoted McAuliffe as saying: “There are too many guns on the street…we worry about this every day for all of our citizens,” and BuzzFeed DC editor Sarah Mimms tweeted: VA Gov.
Mr. Rubio was on the hot seat to prove that despite his short political career and lack of major accomplishments in the Senate, he has what it takes to be president.
Simply put, President Trump is right to say that sports stars like Kaepernick aren’t helping the nation’s racial divide when they take a knee in protest of America’s cops.
Simply put, President Trump is right to say that sports stars like Kaepernick aren’t helping the nation’s racial divide when they take a knee in protest of America’s cops.
The U.S. may have the arsenal to deliver on Trump’s threat to deliver fire and fury to North Korea, but Kim has a hostage in millions South Koreans who would be killed before Kim’s weaponry would be neutralized.
The U.S. may have the arsenal to deliver on Trump’s threat to deliver fire and fury to North Korea, but Kim has a hostage in millions South Koreans who would be killed before Kim’s weaponry would be neutralized.
Trump called Streep "one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood" in a tweet Monday morning calling her a "Hillary flunky who lost big."
Séamus Lawless, 39, from Bray, was part of a team of climbers who reached the peak on Thursday.
"I was blind-sided," Christie said Thursday, claiming Kelly "lied" to him when he asked senior staffers weeks ago about the lane closures.
Obama, who was elected as the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review in 1990, sought in his article to imbue his case with personal meaning, writing that his push toward eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and offering clemency to non-violent drug offenders was informed by his own history.
In March it was alleged there were no “walls of separation” in the 3,500 square feet of office space in Knoxville, Tennessee that in 2017 and 2018 housed two political action committees (PACs), two private consulting firms, and at least 12 congressional campaigns committees, all controlled or run by Chakrabarti.
“As all-important as the fight against racial discrimination was then, and remains today, know this: My commitment to confronting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity runs just as deep,” he said.
Lofchie objected to Smith's appointment as vice chairwoman of the Public Health, Safety and Transportation Committee, which he also was appointed to.
It is to end the injustice,' " Page told WCCO-TV in January.
“He’s going to be on the Supreme Court with a huge taint and a big asterisk after his name,” Hirono said on ABC’s “This Week.”
The painting is part of a series Thomas created that reimagines historical figures socializing in various contexts.
More immediately, the Republicans’ third debate, on Wednesday night, now looms as a potentially decisive moment for several candidates — above all Mr. Bush, whose performances have been lackluster so far, and whose staid, sober manner is proving an ill fit with voter discontent with long-serving elected officials.
(WASHINGTON) — Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer has pulled back an offer of $25 billion for President Donald Trump’s long-promised southern border wall, as lawmakers scrambled to figure out how to push a deal to protect 700,000 or more so-called Dreamer immigrants from deportation.
But Dolan mischaracterized Bannon’s actual comments, as a look at the transcript of Bannon’s interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose on that topic clearly shows.
But Dolan mischaracterized Bannon’s actual comments, as a look at the transcript of Bannon’s interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose on that topic clearly shows.
Lois Lerner, the former IRS director accused of using her position to delay nonprofit applications to scores of conservative and tea party groups, has broken her wall of silence in a sit-down interview with Politico to say: “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
And President Trump has taken steps to increase opportunities for veterans after they return to civilian life, including through enhancing and expanding the post-9/11 GI Bill to a lifetime benefit.
We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more.
Roman Pilipey / EPA From the outset, Xi was compared to Mao because of the personality cult that was building around him.
Trump appeared to relish the opportunity to speak in front of American workers, celebrating the increased job numbers, the rise in wages, and companies returning to the United States under his presidency.
But he was badly out-organized by Mr. Cruz, who relied on scores of church pastors and brought in hundreds of volunteers from as far as Idaho and Texas.
So low was Kaine that he claimed Trump cared more about his tax returns than the troops — a slur so over-the-top that all Pence had to do was shake his head sadly.
So low was Kaine that he claimed Trump cared more about his tax returns than the troops — a slur so over-the-top that all Pence had to do was shake his head sadly.
So low was Kaine that he claimed Trump cared more about his tax returns than the troops — a slur so over-the-top that all Pence had to do was shake his head sadly.
“I think he’s happy and, you know, proud that we’ve come to this point, but he let it be my decision just as you know, it’s going to be his decision as to the role he plays going forward in this whole issue,” Portman said of his son.
In the aftermath of the San Bernardino mass shooting, President Obama’s underwhelming Oval Office speech and Trump’s dumpster-fire of an immigration ban, there’s a void within the GOP field.
The governor has repeatedly adopted new, more progressive policy positions over the past few months in response to Nixon’s challenge, including reversing course on marijuana legalization, embracing a subway repair plan, and restoring voting rights to felons on parole.
Lauer firing puts harsh new focus on NBC News boss Andy Lack after Trump tweet The "Today" show anchors weren't the only ones reacting to the surprising development.
Gardner, in a series of tweets, also threatened to retaliate.
John Shimkus (R-Ill.) said that Boehner was sacrificing his position for the good of the conference.
Pelosi and Mr. Trump are locked in a stalemate over reopening the government, with Mr. Trump refusing to sign any bill which does not include funding for a border wall, and Pelosi and Senate Democrats unwilling to negotiate with the government closed.
Pelosi and Mr. Trump are locked in a stalemate over reopening the government, with Mr. Trump refusing to sign any bill which does not include funding for a border wall, and Pelosi and Senate Democrats unwilling to negotiate with the government closed.
After the debate, Trump said Kelly “behaved very nasty to me.”
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt responded that Romney "seemed unhinged" during the campaign speech.
However, McConnell was unable to convince both moderates and conservatives in his party to agree on an alternative plan.
Still, some law enforcement officials said they had always felt that Mr. Obama had a chip on his shoulder when it comes to the police.
Pence and el-Sissi are expected to discuss security cooperation between the U.S. and Egypt, and efforts to fight the Islamic State group.
He argued that Mr. Trump's immigration policies are ripping families apart.
Dylan, however, has, and she attacked Baldwin in a statement to the Hollywood Reporter: “Considering that Mr. Baldwin confidently invoked Mayella Ewell to make his point while forgetting that it’s been hotly debated that she was, in fact, raped by her father, demonstrates that perhaps Baldwin is just not a stickler for details.”
Appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban
For Gary, the results were as he had hoped.
The president said replacement for the Affordable Care Act would ‘guarantee’ insurance coverage for those with preexisting medical conditions In an wide-ranging interview that aired as he passed his 100th day in office, Donald Trump blamed a wide array of domestic setbacks on Democratic obstruction and the media but promised to pursue policies that would make the US “a very wealthy country again”.
I think he’s got to have a direct confrontation,” Mr. Bolton told Breitbart News, calling it “an act of courage” and noting that people “have started comparing the whole Clinton scandal to Watergate.”
With Clinton clinging to a small but sturdy lead, Trump on Sunday kept up his talk of a “rigged” election, keeping alive the prospect that he might not accept a defeat on Tuesday.
Pence isn’t waiting for the FBI to finish its investigation to seemingly throw Flynn under the bus.
Pence isn’t waiting for the FBI to finish its investigation to seemingly throw Flynn under the bus.
If you have a Republican senator, now is the time to make one last effort to call and urge them to vote against DeVos.
Together with another future AM - Jane Hutt, then the councillor for Riverside - he was suspended from South Glamorgan council's Labour group for voting against it.
Thirty-nine percent of Americans want Congress to prioritize impeachment of President Donald Trump during the new Congress.
Bade was picked to be a magistrate judge for the U.S. District Court of Arizona in 2012.
While no women have accused Biden of sexual harassment or misconduct, several have said his behavior made them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.
Paul Ryan, R-Wis., agreed, saying he doesn’t think President Obama “has given us the kind of strategy we need.”
Obama will look the better for it.
Slaughter’s neighborhood group successfully lobbied to bring a suburban-style grocery store east of Troost, where a lack of stores with fresh produce and meat made the area a virtual “food desert” for a decade.
He’s the self-professed alt-right (which is code for white nationalist) former Breitbart publisher who proudly offered his website as a platform for haters, attracting racist followers with headlines like, “Hoist it High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims a Glorious Heritage.”
But it was Mr. Trump who dominated the show.
While Trump performed better that Mitt Romney in urban areas, a stark split between cosmopolitan, liberal urban areas and more conservative, whiter rural ones is a defining feature of the United States, along with a large gap in income and inequality.
“I just really wanted to show solidarity and stand with all my sisters here today, all native sisters, all trans sisters,” she told HuffPost.
McConnell to back off, and let the Senate do its job," said Schumer.
But her credibility is totally shot.
Xi has described his concept as central to setting China on the path to becoming a "great modern socialist country" by midcentury.
Democrats Reportedly Looking to Drop Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Ending a nine-month silence over the circumstances of his departure from Crowdmix, the tech boss alleged in his statement that Candy had driven a once promising business “off a cliff”, and that he was “capable of threats, blackmail and dishonesty” to get what he wanted.
Mrs. Trump, who has been raising her profile as first lady, recently hosted a state dinner — her first — for the president of France.
He was also ordered to pay a $60,000 in compensation to the judge.
In Iowa (59 percent to 33 percent) and Virginia (55 percent to 39 percent), Clinton earned similarly low numbers.
But Republicans complained that Obama’s plan for the next two years calls for tax hikes not to reduce the deficit further, but fund new programs.
Within hours of the Republican majority's silencing of Warren for violating a Senate rule against impugning the motives of a fellow senator, Warren supporters had made a meme of McConnell's justification for shutting her up: "She was warned; she was given an explanation.
Matt Lauer was axed on Wednesday just hours after a secret meeting where his alleged victim and her lawyer told NBC brass her story of inappropriate sexual behavior from the long-time "Today Show" host.
Underlying criminal offenses led him to jail Padilla without bail, the judge said, "whether the state wants to acknowledge it or not."
Rick Perry says a disparaging tweet from his personal account about the Democratic district attorney he’s charged with unlawfully trying to oust was unauthorized.
Emails published by the New York Times Monday indicate that Hillary Clinton used more than one private email address during her time as secretary of state, contradicting previous claims from the Democratic presidential contender’s office.
Fifty-two percent of adults view Mrs. Clinton favorably in a new Bloomberg Politics poll, compared to 42 percent who view her unfavorably.
Struggling to rebound from third-place finishes in five of the six most recent states, Cruz’s campaign has been eager to dismiss the new Indiana surveys showing the Texas senator trailing Trump.
Hopes that Mr. Trump’s pledges of government spending would boost growth and inflation sent the 10-year Treasury yield from 1.86 percent to 2.6 percent by mid-December, while the euro fell 5 percent against the dollar.
Carson is generally overshadowed on a debate stage.
The Ivanka Trump brand has also come under criticism for conditions at factories where its products were made in China.
But the signs of her weaknesses were apparent before then, when she struggled to dispatch a primary challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders.
POLITICO -- BULLETIN … “WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama is headlining voter registration rallies in Las Vegas and Miami later this month on behalf of a nonpartisan voting organization she co-chairs.”