name required!</p> </div> </div> <!--end of .form-group--> <div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': CustomerDetails.comname.$invalid && !CustomerDetails.comname.$pristine}"> <label class="col-lg-2 col-md-3 control-label">Company Name</label> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-9"> <input type="text" ng-model="CusDetails.comname" class="form-control" name="comname"id="comname" required /> <p ng-show="CustomerDetails.comname.$error.required && !CustomerDetails.comname.$pristine" class="help-block">Comapany name required!</p> </div> </div> <!--end of .form-group--> <div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': CustomerDetails.ctel.$invalid && !CustomerDetails.ctel.$pristine}"> <label class="col-lg-2 col-md-3 control-label" for="">Telephone Number</label> A terminal screen becomes bigger and bigger, the number of application icons displayable on each menu page thereof gets larger, and a gap among the application icons also increases. The gap among the application icons may form a set of grid path, and the set of grid path is not used to realize specific shortcut operations in related conventional technology.
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employees and their families had left the district and moved out of the city. “That’s sobering to me, and it’s sad,” Borkowski said. Borkowski said property values haven’t changed much in his aldermanic district. Crime rates remain among the city’s lowest and he added, “I’ve got a lot of nice neighborhoods.” But he said the end of residency has changed something larger: the district’s sense of community. “Sure, the house is sold. But it’s not the same,” Borkowski said. “I want police officers in the neighborhood. I want firefighters in the neighborhood. I want teachers in the neighborhood. “Where’s your commitment to the city?” he asked. While one police department veteran I talked with called that comment insulting, Gulbrandson said he could understand Borkowski’s perspective. But he said he hasn’t turned his back onhad a residency requirement, which it formally eliminated in July 2013 after the Legislature acted. As of this summer, MPS had 9,471 full-time employees. Roughly one-fifth — 2,184 — live outside the city. Combining the city and MPS numbers, and figuring an average household size of 2.4 individuals, that would translate into a loss of roughly 9,500 residents because of the end of the requirement. In fact, the full impact of the end of residency may yet to be felt. The city is facing a huge increase in its pension obligations, which are expected to climb from $70 million to at least $160 million a year by 2023. “We’ll be approaching in pension obligations almost the same amount of money we collect in property taxes,” Murphy said. “It’s not sustainable.” To
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meet those obligations, Barrett says the city will have to look at changes to its pension system. Among them: negotiating new collective bargaining agreements with the unions representing police and firefighters. But with more public safety officers living outside the city, Barrett wonders what incentive they would have to bargain. “I’m concerned about our ability to get these voluntary agreements ... because of the detachment they (police and firefighters) have, based on the fact it does not have an effect on their property taxes.” The other concern Barrett and some city leaders have about the end of residency is not dollar-driven. It’s about relationships. More specifically, the one between city residents and police officers who no longer live in the city. “The mood in the country, as it pertains to lawenforcement, has changed in the last six years,” Barrett said. “And I am concerned if our police officers are viewed as an occupying force.” But Inspector Terrence Gordon, commander of the Milwaukee Police Department’s criminal investigation bureau, said police haven’t noticed a change in the way they’re viewed by city residents. “They don’t care where the officer lives," Gordon said. “They just want somebody who can help them with their problem and get there quickly. “I personally haven’t noticed much of a changing dynamic. Our officers are just as engaged as they’ve ever been.” Gordon grew up in Milwaukee. He was the training director of the Police Academy from 2013 to 2016. He said he’s seen no difference in the quality of recruits since the residency rule was eliminated. But he has
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throughput rate of the material web through the working gap necessitates a change of the contact pressure, because for example at an increase in speed, the required welding energy has to be introduced into the material web within a shorter time. In this case, the contact pressure therefore has to be increased. EP 0 790 888 A1 relates to a device for machining a material web having the configuration as mentioned above. This device is intended to maintain a gap for machining the material web as constant as possible so that the reaction forces are completely supported by the rigid bearing when the material thickness differs during operation. Thus, the sonotrode does not yield. A disadvantage of this device is that different welding forces are introduced into the materialLaborer Update… I’ve been working on the mod kit, and also some tools to make it easier to roll out patches to all users simultaneously. However as many people have pointed out, laborers are waiting a long time to walk long distances in the current build, so I decided to start some fixes for version 1.0.3 sooner rather than later. In this new beta build, laborers don’t have any constraints on when they’ll go to do work or how far away it is. However, all other professions will still stick closer to their home and job unless a job is fairly old and no laborer has done it. You can opt into the BETA on steam by right clicking on the game in your library and picking properties, then BETAs and
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It’s amazing what even a little make up can do. Concealer that hides a late night, liner that makes your eyes stand out, or blush that makes you look like you’ve just come in from a run. The right makeup can make you feel more beautiful and more confident. Be Confident We are all a work in progress. While some people are born confident, for most of us it takes some work. I’ve met so many women from all over the world and the truth is we are all basically the same. We want to feel good, look good and be respected, safe and loved. Women often share with me not just their beauty issues but also their insecurities and frustrations. The most confident — and attractive — women IWasn't So it is with most technology revolutions. The storage area network (SAN) was supposed to bring about a kind of nirvana in which all storage vendor gear participated in a common network infrastructure and a common management scheme designed to bring new value and order to the IT universe. That was the vision of the Enterprise Network Storage Architecture (ENSA) that came out of Digital Equipment Corporation, via Compaq Computer Corp., in the 1990s. ENSA was supposed to end the old storage model -- the hegemony of monolithic storage arrays -- that caused storage infrastructure to be so costly and so difficult to administer with any sort of efficiency. Only the revolutionaries who dreamed that up were squelched by Compaq (and later HP) management. They were afraid that gutting
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
digestion on the stability of phenolic compounds from beverages \[[@B16-molecules-23-01804]\], solid food matrices \[[@B17-molecules-23-01804]\], and wine \[[@B18-molecules-23-01804]\] as well as pure phenolic compounds \[[@B19-molecules-23-01804]\]. Nevertheless, very few studies have been carried out on PAs from bark although they have been found to have strong biological activity \[[@B10-molecules-23-01804],[@B11-molecules-23-01804]\]. When vegetables, fruits, and their derivatives are ingested directly, polyphenols appear in the gastrointestinal tract at a high concentration. Moreover, polyphenols not only act as antioxidants to protect the gastrointestinal tract from oxidative damage but also inhibit the activity of α-glucosidase, the key enzyme that metabolizes nonabsorbable oligosaccharides into monosaccharides in the small intestine. Inhibiting this enzyme can control blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes after consumption of foods with a high glycemic index \[[@B20-molecules-23-01804]\]. The aim of this study was toare completely hydrolyzed during gastric digestion, leading to an increase in the amounts of monomers, and mainly dimers \[[@B25-molecules-23-01804]\]. Therefore, these data suggest that the stability of PAs during gastric digestion depends on the dietary source. After simulated digestion by the stomach, the extract was subjected to intestinal conditions for 2 h by means of pancreatic enzymes and bile salts. During this phase, TPC of the OUT sample (compounds that did not cross a dialysis barrier) immediately sharply decreased ([Table 1](#molecules-23-01804-t001){ref-type="table"}). Then, TPC decreased between minutes 0 and 60 and increased between minutes 60 and 90, resembling the results of the gastric-digestion stage, while the TPC of control also showed little decrease between 0 and 120 min ([Table S1](#app1-molecules-23-01804){ref-type="app"}). Nevertheless, there was a \~26% loss compared to the nondigested
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
the plate was incubated for 10 min at 37 °C. Absorbance of each solution was measured at 765 nm on an ELISA reader (Bio-Tek, Washington, DC, USA). The results were expressed as milligrams of gallic acid per milliliter of digested extract using a calibration curve. According to previously described methods, the ternary mobile phase consisted of (A) dichloromethane, (B) methanol, and (C) acetic acid, and water (1:1, *v*/*v*) \[[@B35-molecules-23-01804],[@B36-molecules-23-01804]\]. The linear gradient was increased as follows: 0--20 min, 14.0--23.6% B; 20--30 min, 23.6--27.4% B; 30--40 min, 27.4--30.0% B; 40--45 min 30--86.0% B; 45--60 min, 86.0% B isocratic. A constant 4.0% concentration of solution C was kept throughout. The samples were filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane before separation on a Luna silica column (250 × 4.6 mm, 100 A;in the IN sample. Figure S3: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 561 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S4: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 577 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S5: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 593 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S6: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 833 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S7: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 849 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S8: Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 865 molecular fragment in the IN sample. Figure S9. Product ion scans (MS and MS^2^) of the *m*/*z* 881 molecular fragment in the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
gastric digestion; (**B**) intestinal digestion. The OUT samples represent the solution outside the tubing.](molecules-23-01804-g001){#molecules-23-01804-f001} ![Representative gel permeation chromatograms of the raw extract, gastric digestion at 120 min, and OUT 120 min samples prepared in tetrahydrofuran.](molecules-23-01804-g002){#molecules-23-01804-f002} ![Percent α-glucosidase inhibition for gastric digesta and OUT samples at different time points during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. The mean values reported at each digestion stage-those with a common superscript (a--c) are not significantly different from each other (*p* \< 0.05). Data are means of three independent determinations ± SD.](molecules-23-01804-g003){#molecules-23-01804-f003} molecules-23-01804-t001_Table 1 ###### Total polyphenol content (TPC) of samples from *A. mearnsii* bark at different time points during the simulated gastric-intestinal digestion. Digestion Time (min) TPC of Digestion Samples (mg/mL) Trimer (R-GC-R) 881 880, 713, 593, 407, 305, 177 X X X R, F, C, and GC represent robinetinidol, fisetinidol, catechin, and gallocatechin catechin, respectively. X signifies that the compound is regarded as present in the sample. molecules-23-01804-t003_Table 3 ###### Changes in antioxidant activity of *A. mearnsii* bark extract determined by DPPH and ABTS assays at different time points during
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
to the book. The latest example of the unity of the harmony of nature and the harmony of art is the theory of fractals, that are self-similar structures of fractional dimension. As it became clear at the end of the twentieth century, the whole world around us — mountains, rivers, clouds, trees, blood and neural networks — all of these are fractals. If at the dawn of the modern natural science Galileo claimed that the book of nature was written in the language of circles and triangles, then today it can be argued that the book of nature is written in the language of fractals. Moreover, for the last 20 years we have been trying to prove that the book of art is written in the language of fractals. Indeed, fractalstructures, including the fractals of the golden section, are found both in music and in frozen music – architecture, poetry, prose. And how did you come to Pythagoras? Your book about Pythagoras is the most interesting thing I’ve come across about this great man. Reading it, it seems as if you yourself witnessed the events of almost three thousand years ago. How did you manage it? It seems that Hemingway said that when the author discovers the content of his book for himself, then this content becomes interesting for the reader. I discovered Pythagoras and, I confess, it was not easy. The book was written during the Soviet era, and the authority did not favor the ancient idealist philosopher. Even A.F. Losev called (most likely, forcedly) Pythagoras a semi-mythical person.
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test against a side that defended deep was passed comfortably. "They are an intelligent group of men and they kept probing the opposition and looking for gaps, to that end they kept their composure and found small little chinks of light along the way," reflected Dublin's manager Jim Gavin. Monaghan played with just three players in advanced positions. The rest dropped deep and sought to make up the ground when the counter-attack presented itself. In Croke Park it is such a difficult tactic to deploy successfully. But it was worth trying and for 22 minutes it worked with Dublin frustrated into snatched shots. It took 11 minutes for the champions to add a second point to their first in the opening minute. When have they gone as long without score? Throughout thatnumber of protein clotting factors through a cascade (FIG. 1). In general, damage to the vascular endothelium exposes subendothelial structures, which attract platelets and induce them to aggregate reversibly. The protein thrombin, formed during activation of the coagulation pathway generates insoluble cross-linked fibrils of the protein fibrin and causes the platelets to aggregate irreversibly. The resulting platelet-fibrin clot is an effective barrier against loss of blood from the vascular system and also serves as a scaffold for subsequent repair of the lining of the blood vessel. Bioadhesive sealants and fibrin glues represent a relatively new technological advance that duplicates the biological process of the final stage of blood coagulation. Clinical reports document the utility of fibrin glue in a variety of surgical fields, such as, cardiovascular, thoracic, transplantation, head
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the site so as to cause the fibrinogen in the suspension to be converted to the fibrin glue which then solidifies in the form of a gel. See U.S. Pat. No. 4,627,879. A second technique for preparing fibrin glue is disclosed by Marx in U.S. Pat. No. 5,607,694. Essentially a cryoprecipitate as discussed previously serves as the source of the fibrinogen component and then Marx adds thrombin and liposomes. A third method discussed by Berruyer, M. et al., entitled “Immunization by Bovine Thrombin Used with Fibrin Glue During Cardiovascular Operations,” (J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 105(5):892-897 (1992)) discloses a fibrin glue prepared by mixing bovine thrombin not only with human coagulant proteins, such as fibrinogen, fibronectin, Factor XIII, and plasminogen, but also with bovine aprotinin and calcium chloride. The above patents/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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than fifty dollars," this language provides for an appeal only from final orders or judgments. The decision denying Ragan's motion for a new trial was not a final order or judgment because it did not dispose of the merits of the unlawful detainer summons. A final order or judgment is one that disposes of the whole subject of the case and gives all relief contemplated. Burns v. Equitable Assocs., 220 Va. 1020, 1028, 265 S.E.2d 737, 742 (1980); Daniels v. Truck & Equip. Corp., 205 Va. 579, 585, 139 S.E.2d 31, 35 (1964). As stated above, the final judgment in the unlawful detainer proceeding was the judgment awarding Woodcroft possession of the leased premises. Since the order denying Ragan's motion for a new trial was not a final order orwere sought via a grand jury subpoena, the court assumed that saliva was to be treated as blood under the Schmerber analysis. The court stated: While no court has explicitly found that a saliva sample is a Fourth Amendment search, extracting a saliva sample seems to involve the same sort of intrusion that goes beyond the physical characteristics exposed to the public and into the security of the person ... For instance, in [this] case a pad was stuck in his mouth to take the saliva sample. Id., at 253 (citation omitted). A number of state courts have held that saliva samples are to be collected upon probable cause and a search warrant. See State v. Ostroski, 201 Conn. 534, 518 A.2d 915 (1986); State v. Reeves, 234 Kan. 250, 671
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Will We See Inflation in 2017? Now that the US Presidential election is decided, it’s time for us all to try to anticipate what it might mean for each of us. For some, inflation would be a good thing; for others it won’t be. You know what it would mean for you. Many people, and particularly investors, seem to be convinced that Fed raises in interest rates will bring on inflation. Why? That’s what has happened in the past. But we are in a whole new world right now. A world that will be hugely shaped by Donald Trump and company. And by robots which Oxford University experts expect “will replace almost half of all American jobs in the next two decades.” During his campaign, Donald Trump counted on corporations’ ability to kwargs={ 'subscription_id': })) except stripe.error.CardError as e:, "Oops, your card has been declined") ... A: It sounds like you do not have a Card attached to your Customer, so the Subscription is not paid when you create it! If you've already created your Customer, you should do something like this: # add the token to the customer # stripe.Customer.modify( user_membership.stripe_customer_id, # cus_xxxyyyyz source=token # tok_xxxx or src_xxxyyy ) # create the subscription subscription = stripe.Subscription.create( customer=user_membership.stripe_customer_id, items=[ {
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Dermatol., 64 (1975) 194-195 and GB-A-2 098 865. For the test, the active loratidine metabolite is applied to one side of an isolated intact segment of mouse skin having a surface area of 2.5 cm2. The other side of the skin segment is placed in contact with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution additionally containing 0.05% sodium azide. The amount of active ingredient that passes into the salt solution is monitored in customary manner by HPLC (HP Liquid Chromatography). Details are given is close. They were battling for a playoff spot last year and they have begun this season well. There’s no reason to think they will do anything but succeed. It’s a tough and long road–but I think they can manage it. If Preki is serious then he needs to relax. If he’s playing with his players’ minds in the media–then he’s a genius!
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
been wildly successful as a coach in the NFL with San Francisco. There may come a day when Shaw gets an itch only the NFL can scratch, but for now, those days seem far off. Some coaches can talk about how they've found their dream job -- Todd Graham, anyone? -- but with Shaw it feels real. There might not be a coach in college football with ties as strong as those Shaw has to his alma mater. As the son of a coach, he knows how fickle the NFL coaching world is and realizes the stability Stanford provides can trump money or whatever else that world may provide. While Shaw's name comes up as an option, it's only a matter of time before defensive coordinator Derek Mason and offensive coordinatorendocrine therapy for breast cancer. For many years, only one gene for ER, ER-alpha, had been recognized and was known to correlate with prognosis. ER-alpha-positive tumors are frequently treated with anti-estrogen drugs such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors and usually have better prognoses than do ER-alpha-negative tumors \[[@B3]\], but in 1996, a second ER subtype, ER-beta, was identified \[[@B4]\]. ER-beta showed strong homology with ER-alpha in the DNA-binding domain and the ligand-binding domain, but little elsewhere \[[@B5]\]. Several groups have investigated the expression of ER-beta using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) \[[@B6]\] and immunohistochemistry or Western blotting \[[@B7],[@B8]\]. However, the results have been rather inconsistent. Further, predictive or prognostic significance of expression of ER-beta protein or mRNA is still controversial. In this study, we investigated ER-beta mRNA using the
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positive; 4, between 33% and 66% positive; and 5, between 66% and 100% positive. In addition to the proportion score, an intensity score was made on the basis of the average intensity of staining: 0, negative; 1, weak; 2, intermediate; and 3, strong. The intensity score and the proportion score were added to obtain the total score; this is referred to as the Allred score \[[@B10]\], and is either 0 or between 2 and 8. Scores of 0 and 2 were interpreted as negative. HER2 SISH --------- Three-micrometer sections of the tissue arrays were stained according to the manufacturer\'s protocols with the INFORM HER2 DNA probes (Ventana). The probe was labeled with dinitrophenol (DNP) and optimally formulated for use with the ultraView SISH Detection Kit and the Ventana BenchMark®XT automated slidean independent association of high ER-beta-mRNA levels, quantitatively measured using the QuantiGene2.0 assay, with poor disease-free survival in ER-alpha positive and endocrine therapy treated settings. ER-beta mRNA appeared to indicate a poor response to treatment \[[@B23]-[@B25]\], which was supported by the correlation of ER-beta mRNA with tumor grade and the up-regulation of some subtypes of ER-beta during breast cancer tumorigenesis and tumor progression \[[@B26]\]; whereas positive ER-beta protein (even though we did not revealed the predictive value in this study) was thought to indicate a favorable response to anti-estrogen treatment \[[@B27],[@B28]\]. Although there is no clear explanation for these differences, the more dominant regulation of ER-beta protein by a degradation process, in addition to regulation at a transcription level, was suggested \[[@B17]\]. ER-beta protein expression and mRNA expression, interestingly,
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survival than large section analyses did \[[@B30]\]. So, a single core sample from a tumor was sufficient to identify associations between molecular alteration and clinical outcome, especially in the hormone receptor study of breast cancer. As far as we know, this is the first study to assess the prognostic significance of high expression of ER-beta mRNA using QuantiGene2.0 assay in surgically treated ER-positive breast cancer following hormone therapy. The high expression of ER-beta mRNA is an independent poor predictive marker for disease-free survival. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. ![Estrogen receptor (ER)-beta, ER-alpha, and progesterone receptor (PR) immunohistochemistry (IHC) results in breast carcinomas showed examples of positive nuclear staining of (A) ER-beta (×200), (B) ER-alpha (×200), and (C) PR (×200). HER2 silver *in situ* hybridization (SISH) results showedto Fluttershy, but it was evidently not so much so to her woodland friends. They were all retching and gagging at the thick fog of effluvium that had formed in the room. Fluttershy giggled naively, a red blush flooding her cheeks. She lowered herself to her sofa, sitting down upon it. She leaned forward, letting loose a gruff shrill fart into the cotton couch. She let a sigh of relief, and blew another squeaking rip into the cushion. The familiar rancid odour raised again to Fluttershy's nose, and she inhaled deeply. The room was simmering, and the farts were so thick you could almost see them. Fluttershy hadn't thought to open a window or door, so the vile miasma had no choice but to fill the room. The reeking pollution was toxic to any other
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "OpenWebText2" ] }
such trivial matters. The fart was now bubbly and juicy - an ongoing slosh of watery vapour, which seized up into a single puff of wet gas. Rainbow Dash let out a deep sigh of relief, overwhelmed by the sheer duration of her vile fart. She spread her legs, letting Angel fall to the floor. She bend over to examine the rabbit, letting a rotten gust of her own gas into her nose whilst doing so. The smell was violent: the eggy tones from before now offensive spicy tones of burned rubber and manure. The gas irritated Dash's throat, making it sore and dry. Fluttershy also shuffled over to inspect Angel, glaring at the body. To both the pegasi's surprise, Angel started twitching, half-opening his eyes. "What!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "How did that not knock him out!?" "Itone. It expelled from Fluttershy's plothole for a lengthy duration, before depreciating to a silent puff of air. "That was nice, wasn't it Angel?" Fluttershy asked the tormented rabbit in a kindly voice, getting no reply. At this point, Fluttershy's newly-meliorated gas had diffused in the air over to Rainbow Dash, who had been standing idly by to this point. Without intention, the pegasi took in a full breath of the flatus, immediately violently retching and covering her nose. "Oh my Celestia!" She cried, shuffling briskly away from the growing cloud of fart. The stench of these new farts could not be easily compared to another smell, for they were much worse than any smell Rainbow Dash could imagine. The smell was foul and fetid, humid and strong. The only smell that could
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
emerge from Fluttershy's pinkish-brown plothole. It splashed into the toilet bowl followed by two more, which slid quickly from Fluttershy's anus. She continued to let out the waste matter for a couple of minutes more, until there seemed to be nothing left to let out at all. A new smell lingered in the bathroom, smelling similar to her previous farts, only slightly worse. She wiped her plushy plot, and flushed the fecal matter away. It had been at least five minutes, and Fluttershy would expect that Rainbow Dash was now awake. She let herself back into her bedroom, which still stunk of her emissions. Rainbow Dash was still sprawled out over the bed, not moving a muscle. "Uh... Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy called out quietly. She flew over to her friend, poking her with a hoof. "Are you..." FluttershyI think we’ve cured boredom. You wake up with an app that tracks your sleep. You respond to all the text messages you received during the night. You get an email notification while texting. You pour some juice and do a web search for “reconstituted concentrate” to see if your juice is really 100%. You track your breakfast in a nutrition app. You get a Twitter notification (swipe it aside, you’ll look at it later). You read the news using an app that selects stories based on your interests. A Facebook notification interrupts you. Before you leave for work you check your step count so far this morning, and look to see how you compare to your friends. You check the weather app and decide to bring an umbrella.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
considered, I formed what I am calling the SEI Dock Model for Self-Management. This model rests on the theory that sustainable change comes from a lifestyle change, not a one-time cycle. Just as a diet can help you slim down in the short-term, if you want to maintain your results, you have to keep making healthy choices. Each week, for the next five weeks, I will be sharing a new installment to this self-management model. My hope is that it will encourage you to think differently about how you structure your day. Let’s begin! The Structurecase. Does your source code have function signatures that look like this? my_bool mynew_udf_init(UDF_INIT *, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message); int mynew_udf(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *is_null, char *error); As noted on line 151 here: "These must be right or mysqld will not find the symbol!" If you think you have the right symbols, you could also use nm to look at the symbols in nm | grep mynew_udf
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
after IR. (**A**) Schematic diagram of full-length 53BP1. Asterisks represent S/T-Q motifs. The TUDOR domains and BRCT domains of 53BP1 are shown in green and blue, respectively. In MUT-C10, the serine or threonine residue in each of the 10 most C-terminal S/T-Q motifs were mutated to alanine. In MUT-N17, the 17 S/T-Q motifs immediately upstream of those in MUT-C10 were mutated. In MUT-N20, a further three S/T-Q motifs were mutated in addition to those in MUT-N17. (**B**--**D**) HEK293 cells were co-transfected with FLAG-hPTIP and full-length HA-53BP1 bearing the indicated mutations. Cells were exposed to IR (0 Gy or 20 Gy) and after cell lysis anti-FLAG immunoprecipitates were subjected to SDS--PAGE and western blotting with the indicated antibodies. The lowest panel in each case shows HA-53BP1 levels in cellhPTIP was retrieved by the phospho-Ser25 peptide and phospho-Ser25/phospho-Ser29 peptide but not by the unphosphorylated peptide or the phospho-Ser29 peptide or by an unrelated diphospho-peptide from yeast Rad53. Similar results were obtained with full-length FLAG-hPTIP transfected into cells, and with a transfected fragment of hPTIP (amino acids 590--1069) ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}B), corresponding to the two C-terminal pairs of BRCT domains (pair C1 + pair C2; [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}A), that we previously showed were necessary and sufficient for hPTIP to interact with 53BP1 after DNA damage in cells ([@B3]). These data demonstrate that hPTIP interacts with phosphorylated Ser25 of 53BP1 and that this is required for the inducible interaction of the two proteins. Figure 2.Both C-terminal BRCT domains of hPTIP mediate binding to phospho-Ser25 of 53BP1. (**A**) Schematic diagram of hPTIP.
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and Arg1699 of BRCA1 coordinate phospho-Ser and are essential for phospho-peptide binding ([@B12],[@B29],[@B30]). Alignment of each of the two C-terminal pairs of BRCT domains from hPTIP, individually, with the BRCT domain pairs from MDC1 and BRCA1 revealed clear conservation of residues involved in phospho-specific binding in the second pair, but not in the first pair, of hPTIP C-terminal BRCT domains (Figure S1). Arg910 in BRCT pair C2 of hPTIP appears to be equivalent to Arg1699 of BRCA1 and Arg1933 of MDC1 (Figure S1). BiaCore measurements showed that whereas pair C1 + C2 bound to the 53BP1 phospho-Ser25 peptide with a *K*~d~ of ∼526 nM, mutation of Arg910 (R910Q) severely reduced binding of BRCT pair C1 + pair C2 of hPTIP to phospho-Ser25 of 53BP1 so that the *K*~d~was so high that it was difficult to determine ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}A). Almost all BRCT domains have a conserved Trp on the α3 helix ([@B13]) that corresponds to Trp676 in hPTIP BRCT pair C1 and Trp929 in pair C2 (Figure S1). Mutation of either Trp676 (W676A) or Trp929 (W929A) to alanine severely reduced binding to Ser25 phospho-peptide and in each case the *K*~d~ was \>1000 μM ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}A). As shown in [Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}B, mutation of Trp676, Arg910 or Trp929 abolished binding of hPTIP to 53BP1 in IR-treated cells *in vivo*. These data are consistent with the requirement for two pairs of BRCT domains for hPTIP to recognize phospho-Ser25 of 53BP1. Figure 4.Effect of mutation of conserved residues in the hPTIP BRCT domains on binding to phospho-53BP1 (**A**) The binding
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
BRCT domains were expressed as GST fusions in bacteria, immobilized and incubated with extracts of cells exposed, or not, to IR. As shown in [Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C, BRCT Pairs C1 + C2 of hPTIP retrieved 53BP1 from extracts of irradiated cells much more efficiently than from un-irradiated cells. The isolated BRCT pair C2 of BRCT domains also retrieved 53BP1 from extracts of irradiated cells but with much lower efficiency than hPTIP BRCT pairs C1 + C2 ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C), showing that pair C1 is important. Retrieval of 53BP1 from extracts by GST-hPTIP (590--1069) was prevented by mutation of the W676A mutation in pair C1 ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C). Therefore, BRCT pair C2 of hPTIP only binds very weakly to phospho-53BP1 in cell extracts compared with a combination of both C-terminal pairs ofthis regard ([Figure 5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}A and B). However, all three of these mutations---Trp676Ala, Trp929Ala and Arg910Gln---prevent the association of hPTIP with phospho-Ser25 of 53BP1 *in vitro* and *in vivo* ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}B). Therefore, the two C-terminal BRCT domains of hPTIP are essential for binding to sites of DNA damage but it appears that this is independent of binding to phosphorylated Ser25 of 53BP1. This is consistent with our previous finding that ATM,which catalyses Ser25 phosphorylation, is not required for hPTIP to form nuclear foci after DNA damage ([@B3]). Figure 5.Interaction of 53BP1 with hPTIP is not required for stable retention of hPTIP at sites of DNA damage. (**A**) U2OS cells grown on 13-mm-diameter glass coverslips were transfected with full-length FLAG-hPTIP: wild-type (WT) or the W676A, R910Q or W929A mutants and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
form a ZFS mirror log device. The third partitions of both act as ZFS cache. I want to save all the data in the home and var filesystems. I have a plan on how to start, but I'm not sure about how to finish. I have three questions regarding this process. My idea is to install all the system in the RAID formed by sda and sdb. During the Debian installation, I will select both discs (now sda and sdb) to be used as physical volume for RAID, and select RAID1 as type. Then, install all the system in the same RAID filesystem, except selecting sdc1 and sdd1 for swap, and leaving sdc2, sdc3, sdd3, sdd3 and sde-sdd untouched. After the installation is complete this way: Q1: would there be any problembefore their eyes. As a result, they are always hungry. In addition to hunger, pretas suffer from immoderate heat and cold; they find that even the moon scorches them in the summer, while the sun freezes them in the winter. The types of suffering are specified into two main types of pretas, those that live collectively, and those that travel through space. Of the former, there are three subtypes, the first being pretas who suffer from external obscurations. These pretas suffer constant hunger, thirst or temperature insensitivity. The second type of pretas are those who suffer from internal obscurations, who have small mouths and large stomachs. Often, their mouths are so small that they cannot eat enough food to fill the large space in their stomachs and thus remain
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Z, must try harder. PRIYANKA CHOPRA We can only assume that poor Priyanka got lost on the way to an Inspector Gadget convention and wound up on the carpet at the Met Gala. There’s literally no other explanation for this weird trench coat ensemble. SELENA GOMEZ Boooooring. This girl does one look: pretty and feminine. Sure she does it well but the Met Gala is a place to push fashion boundaries, to wear exciting tribute costumes that are beyond fashion. It’s where fashion meets art and this, this is high school prom at best. Leave it on Abel’s floor Selena. KENDALL JENNER Say hello to the biggest WTF moment of the night. This La Perla dress is made with no fabric at all. It’s literally made from fine silk spun thread and beads (I’ma way to break through in the battleground states, especially Ohio, Virginia, and Florida,” Mr. O’Connell says. “And they can't lose any one of those states and win the White House. The electoral map is narrowing by the day, hence the ad buy in Wisconsin.” Early voting begins in Iowa on Sept. 27 and Ohio on Oct. 2. So when the first presidential debate – Romney’s best chance to shake up a race that now tilts in Obama’s direction – takes place on Oct. 3, some voters will have already cast ballots.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Hanover's Bertha Hanover's Bertha (1927-1944) was a Standardbred horse and harness racing champion bred by Alexander B. Coxe and foaled at Hanover Shoe Farms in Hanover, Pennsylvania. She won the 1930 Hambletonian Stakes at Good Time Park in Goshen, New York, as well as the Kentucky Futurity at The Red Mile in Lexington, Kentucky. Hanover's Bertha was the first winner to go on to foal another Hambletonian winner, 1937's Shirley Hanover. In 1957 Hanover's Bertha was inducted into the United States Harness Racing Hall of Fame. References Category:1927 racehorse births Category:1944 racehorse deaths Category:Standardbred racehorses Category:Racehorses bred in Pennsylvania Category:United States Harness Racing Hall of Fame inductees Category:Hambletonian Stakes winners Category:Kentucky Futurity winners m_profiler->Start(commandList, TI_Bokeh); TransitionResource(commandList, m_sceneDepth.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE); m_bokehDOF->Render(commandList, m_sceneColor.Get(), m_cpuPile->GetCpuHandle(SRV_SceneColor), m_cpuPile->GetCpuHandle(SRV_SceneDepth), hRTVScene, m_matInvProj, m_bokehParams, false); TransitionResource(commandList, m_sceneDepth.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COMMON); m_profiler->Stop(commandList, TI_Bokeh); } //------------------------------ // Copy { ScopedPixEvent Copy(commandList, PIX_COLOR_DEFAULT, L"Copy"); m_profiler->Start(commandList, TI_Copy); TransitionResource(commandList, m_sceneColor.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE); D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE hRTV = m_deviceResources->GetRenderTargetView(); commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &hRTV, true, nullptr);
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frameTime, sceneTime, bokehTime, copyTime); m_smallFont->DrawString(m_hudBatch.get(), textBuffer, textPos, textColor); _snwprintf_s(textBuffer, _TRUNCATE, L"[DPad] Up/Down Fast Bokeh: %s \n\ [DPad] Left/Right Lens: %.2fmm \n\ [A][B] F/%.1f \n\ Female online dating profile examples Timeless books and movies female online dating profile examples make you wonder exxamples days about whose side you are on put great flavor into many of my evenings. Please……mean what you say and say what you mean!!! The worst thing you could do is use old photos of yourself. Here are some examples that will help you. Dave Thundercloud December 20,7: Check out these tips to create a unique, attractive dating profile! For those of you out interactive dating & entertainment limited that are good looking and striking out with women—balance is what equals success. These 10 top online dating profile examples will help. Relocating for the right person is definitely an option. I have to keep some things for the Academy Members. This guy comes
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
charity Action for Blind People, says that the advantage of a Braille e-reader would be the ability to scan back and forth across many more words at a time. That would not just be useful for backtracking while reading a book or article, but could also help visually impaired people study algebra and scientific formulas, which typically run longer than single-line displays can manage at one time. Which raises the question why is there the gap in the market? More than audio The Royal National Institute of Blind People estimates 96% of books published in the UK aren't made available in alternative formats. The Royal National Institute Of Blind People (RNIB) estimates that only 4% of visually impaired children and young people in England currently use Braille, some of whom are unlikely to alert ($(".fila-base input#precioUnitario").val()); }, error : function(xhr, status, error) { alert("No se encontró en precio del producto agregado"); } });
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
[@CR36]\]. Another finding is that a lower degree of pregnancy planning is associated with binge drinking. This is in accordance with prior Danish results indicating that women with unintended pregnancies more often engage in binge drinking during early pregnancy than women with a very planned pregnancy \[[@CR4], [@CR23]\]. The association between a higher degree of pregnancy planning and lower rates of binge drinking is not unexpected given that compliance with overall guidelines before and during pregnancy is positively influenced by higher degree of pregnancy planning \[[@CR23]\]. We also found that being pregnant after ART reduced the odds of binge drinking. Perhaps this is due to a higher level of knowledge about the effects of alcohol because of information given at the fertility clinic or because these pregnancies are very wellto the feet, in the fifth position. The dancer is wearing torn "leg-warmers", socks or stockings, and ballet shoes. Plaintiff's photograph was created on March 1, 1979 and plaintiff obtained a copyright registration for it on January 21, 1981. Plaintiff's photograph has been reproduced in many forms, including a very successful and widely sold art gallery poster, also entitled "Leg Warmers". At the time plaintiff commenced this lawsuit, he was negotiating for his photograph to be used on a greeting card. Plaintiff alleges that the defendants have used a photograph on their greeting card entitled "Toe Shoes", which violates his copyrighted work "Leg Warmers." The alleged infringing photograph was taken by Elyse Lewin. Ms. Lewin's photograph also portrays a ballet dancer in the "fifth position." This photograph depicts a ballet
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "FreeLaw" ] }
0x18d1f392c +[UIView(Animation) performWithoutAnimation:] + 104 (UIView.m:11877) 17 UIKit 0x18d5617e0 __63-[UIViewController _presentViewController:animated:completion:]_block_invoke + 220 (UIViewController.m:7541) 18 UIKit 0x18d561ca0 -[UIViewController _performCoordinatedPresentOrDismiss:animated:] + 528 (UIViewController.m:7621) 19 UIKit 0x18d5616bc -[UIViewController _presentViewController:animated:completion:] + 188 (UIViewController.m:7552) 20 UIKit 1. Introduction {#sec1} =============== Let *Z*, *N*, and *Q* be the sets of all integers, positive integers, and rational numbers, and let *a*, *b* be the integers. The system of Diophantine equations $$\begin{matrix} {x^{2} - 6y^{2} = - 5,\quad\quad x = az^{2} - b} \\ \end{matrix}$$ is a quartic model of an elliptic curve that has been investigated in many papers. Mignotte and Pethő \[[@B6]\] used the Siegel-Baker method to solve ([1](#EEq1){ref-type="disp-formula"}) for *a* = 2 and *b* = 1; however, their method was complicated as a combination of algebraic and transcendental number theory. In 1998, Cohn \[[@B4]\] gave an elementary proof of the above system of equations for *a* = 2 and *b* = 1. In 2004, Le \[[@B5]\] used a similar elementary method to extend the result of Cohn\'s work
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similar in each case, some details will be omitted for simplicity. Now we prove the theorem.After rewriting the first equation of ([1](#EEq1){ref-type="disp-formula"}), factorization in the field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{6})$ yields $$\begin{matrix} {\left( x + \sqrt{6}y \right)\left( x - \sqrt{6}y \right) = \left( 1 + \sqrt{6} \right)\left( 1 - \sqrt{6} \right).} \\ \end{matrix}$$ Then we have $$\begin{matrix} {\left( x + \sqrt{6}y \right) = \pm \eta\varepsilon_{0}^{n},} \\ {\left( x - \sqrt{6}y \right) = \pm \overset{¯}{\eta}{\overset{¯}{\varepsilon_{0}}}^{n},\quad\text{with}\,\, n \in \mathbb{Z}.} \\ \end{matrix}$$Adding ([5](#EEq3){ref-type="disp-formula"}), we get $$\begin{matrix} {2x = \pm \left( \eta\varepsilon_{0}^{n} + \overset{¯}{\eta}{\overset{¯}{\varepsilon_{0}}}^{n} \right).} \\ \end{matrix}$$ The solution of ([6](#EEq5){ref-type="disp-formula"}) is split into four cases.*Case 1.* Assume that *n* = 2*m* + 1 is odd and $2x = \eta\varepsilon_{0}^{n} + \overset{¯}{\eta}{\overset{¯}{\varepsilon_{0}}}^{n}$. Then $$\begin{matrix} {2x = \eta\varepsilon_{0}^{2m + 1} + \overset{¯}{\eta}{\overset{¯}{\varepsilon_{0}}}^{2m + 1} = \left( {\beta + \overset{¯}{\beta}} \right)^{2}\left( \frac{\beta\varepsilon_{0}^{m} + \overset{¯}{\beta}{\overset{¯}{\varepsilon_{0}}}^{m}}{\beta + 4 + θ^3^ $- 2 + 2\sqrt{- 5}$ $1,\theta,\frac{1}{2}\theta^{2},\frac{1}{4}\theta^{3}$ $1 - 2\theta - \theta^{2} - \frac{1}{2}\theta^{3}$ 12 − θ ###### Positive *z*-value of the solution.   *a* = 1 *a* = 2 *a* = 3 *a* = 4 *a* = 5 *a* = 6 *a* = 7 *a*
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Thursday, June 17, 2010 Wall Street Reform Congressman Paul Kanjorski is one of the key players negotiating a major overhaul of the rules that govern the financial industry. The House and Senate have passed bills and now the conference committee has to bang out a bill that can can be passed by both houses of Congress. In an interview with PoliticsPA he said “This legislation is without a doubt the most significant thing I’ve worked on in Congress.... This is an issue and a time that tests why you’re in Congress,” he said. “If this costs me my seat, so be it. I came to do the best I could.”Kanjo is still fighting for his ‘too big to fail’ amendment that would grant the government new powers to break upvalue of assets typically used as loan collateral, such as real estate, has also declined. Businesses with tight cash flows and little collateral are unable to meet banks' ever-tightening lending standards. Opening the bank vaults The House bill would increase the SBA's loan guarantees to 95%, a move officials hope will motivate banks to increase their lending. But Senate representatives are uncomfortable with that approach: "85% is already backed. If we up it to 95%, banks may get comfortable and issue more bad loans," said Scott Schneider, communications director for the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. "We'll have to look into it further." The Senate's proposal is to slash the fees that it believes makes SBA-backed loans cost-prohibitive for banks (and for loan applicants, who absorb some of those
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and 320 million people that want them. So what’s going to happen? And again I’ll rescue if you want me to just say. G: Yeah there would be fights, there would be battles, there would be political things, there would be all that shit. J: And the prices of each pony – G: – goes way up. J: – would skyrocket. G: Right. J: That is hyperinflation. That’s inflation. Okay? So, as you just said, there is not enough real resources (ponies, fences, veterinarians, you know, food, stores that sell this stuff, and all this disposing of dead ponies we got to come up with, something for that). There’s not enough real resources to handle this. G: Right. J: Okay? But, again, I told you in the beginning that, although it’s completely ridiculous to want this,on the ponies now there’s a bunch of people that go, well I don’t want, I don’t want one now. I know I can have one but it’s too much so I don’t want one. J: Exactly. That’s one way of doing it. And you could also tax the people, so they simply have less money to do anything with. So, I want – a great example, a really great example for emphasizing this is war bonds. World War two? So in World War two, they offered war bonds. “Help fund the troops.” “Help fund the war effort.” We now know that it didn’t fund anything, because the federal government doesn’t need the money. But what it did was – all of the resources of car companies went instead
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connect the dots. That’s the thing I always try to do when I cover a story about anything is sort of connect the dots and show the simplicity of it. Because the tactics – It’s control and I need resources and I need money and power which is – makes perfect sense to why the real reason for a fiat currency. J: Yeah. G: If everyone’s just out there bartering then you don’t need me and what do I do? I need these resources taken care of and I need people to do this labor and that thing and get this and build that and – J: Yeah. And we are the richest country in the history of the world not because of money but because of the resources available toanything with that thousand bucks, they’re simply reducing your money by a thousand bucks. Which is no different than taking the score off of the game at the end of the game. It just disappears. So money is born with Congress in a bill – G: Oh. J: – and money dies with taxes. A temporary death is bonds. It removes money from the economy. Comes back to life with a bond. Okay? I love this. I see the lightbulbs going off. This is awesome. You want to say something say something. So they keep a record of your taxes. They keep your tax return. So they know how much you paid. But it’s not like they have a bank account filled with that money anywhere or a spreadsheet filled of that money
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
that all you guys do, and therefore you teach all of your viewers, is that we link these fights together. We make the programs for the powerless CONDITIONAL on wresting money from the rich and the powerful. So we can’t get Medicare for all UNTIL we reduce the military. We can’t get Medicare for all UNTIL we tax the rich. That pits the powerful against the powerless. We can’t get what we need to survive until we wrest it from their cold dead hands. That is a fight that the powerless will always lose. So the the most important thing, aside from remembering that phrase way back when. The most important thing especially as you, who reaches all these other people. And TYT who reaches millions of people, andwhat should be. We know exactly what should be. Then we connect these two things together and say, “We should be taxing the rich,” or “The polls say that the people want to use their taxes for health care. We don’t want them used for bombs anymore. Every bomb that’s done is takes a takes a chicken wing off of a plate of a baby.” G: Right. J: All of that stuff links these fights together and pits class warfare and the powerless will always lose class warfare. What we should be doing is we should be walking on to Congress and demanding Medicare for All. Then when they say how we going to pay for it? You say because we want to pay for it and it’s moral and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
at Kenneth Mejia, who won the primary – he’s running against – he was the top two in California. He’s a green he’s running against a Democrat in the 34th congressional district in California. They’re probably like, “Oh god we don’t want these regular people.” J: Yeah. That guy who’s running against Kevin Yoder. G: Yeah. J: A TYT subscriber he he’s the same thing. He’s polling seven points ahead of the Republicans so the Democratic Party put it in the corporatist to try and cut him off at the past kind of thing. Yeah. I mean it’s it’s very clear now that they don’t want Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez. They would rather a Republican. Because even though a Republican would do horrible stuff, he wouldn’t do anything that hurtsthe pocketbook. G: Nope. J: Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez and me and you and Bernie Sanders would destroy their pocketbook. G: Yeah. J: So that’s why they stop us. They would MUCH rather Trump than Bernie Sanders. G: Oh, easy. J: Yeah. Yeah. My goal. My goal is – I hope that, you know, we can work our way towards teaching Jimmy Dore. We could work our way to getting this into the minds of TYT and Jen Briney and stuff. Be skeptical and do your homework and make sure and all that stuff. That’s my goal. Because the truly progressive media is killing the movement. Not because they’re doing something different than anybody else, but they’re just perpetuating it and they have the ears of millions and millions of people. Jimmy Dore has actually shown some
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
said he plans to sue the department. "Maybe I deserve a ticket, but I don't deserve a dead dog," he said. Filer Police Chief Tim Reeves has sided with his officer's actions, citing safety concerns for Hassani. "My decision was that [Hassani] did a good job and he was totally justified in putting the dog down," Reeves said.The synthesis of rigid polycyclic structures for the study of diatropic or steric effects of a phenyl ring on CF bond. Polycyclic compounds 1a-c were synthesized to study the diatropic effects of a flanking phenyl ring on nearby CH and CF bonds. (19)F NMR spectra of 1b and 1c were strongly deshielded compared with those of the ring-opened compounds 3b, 7b, and 7c. DMol3 calculations on 1a-c provided quantitative bond lengths and torsional angles to support the conclusion that the downfield shifts in the (19)F NMR spectra are mainly due to steric interactions between the CF bonds and the π clouds of the phenyl ring(s).
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
143 F.Supp.2d 379 (2001) Margaret OVERHOFF, Plaintiff, v. GINSBURG DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., Northeast Drilling, Inc., Northbrook Contracting Corp., the Village of Dobbs Ferry, Michelle Bonsteel, Margaret Slavin, and "Richard Doe," Defendants. No. 00 CIV. 6196(CM). United States District Court, S.D. New York. May 16, 2001. *380 *381 *382 Lewis R. Silverman, Renzulli & Rutherford, L.L.P., New York City, for Defendants. MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANTS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT McMAHON, District Judge. Plaintiff Margaret Overhoff brings suit against Ginsburg Development, L.L.C. ("GDC"), Northeast Drilling, Inc. ("Northeast"), and Northbrook Contracting Corp. ("Northbrook") for trespass, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and against the Village of Dobbs Ferry ("Dobbs Ferry"), Building Inspector Michelle Bonsteel, Village Administrator Margaret Slavin, and "Richard Doe" for violation of her constitutional rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, as a result of Village officials' failure tothat facilities were being constructed on her property, she demanded that the workmen stop. But the workmen ignored her instructions and continued. Plaintiff then contacted the Village Police Department, which sent officers to plaintiff's residence. The police officers refused to intervene, but they attempted to contact Bonsteel. Because she was unavailable, the assistant building administrator, Mr. Dunn, told them that he would confirm that the work was being performed consistent with the approved plans. Dunn allegedly did not inspect the plans, and Overhoff never got an explanation from Bonsteel. Plaintiff contends that Bonsteel and Slavin avoided her, and kept her from gaining information about GDC's actions. On August 11, 1999, the Village received its opinion from the outside counsel. The outside counsel concluded that the developer of an adjacent property
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
order, there is also nothing in the record to suggest that the officials' inaction occurred under circumstances that were "arbitrary" or "outrageous." In the face of a conflict between two landowners, they sought a legal opinion as to whether the Village had an obligation to intercede. *388 The opinion informed them that there was no such obligation, and that defendants had rights under New York law if plaintiff were to deny access to them. Although the opinion does not so state, plaintiff had recourse — in the state courts — against GDC's unilateral and unauthorized entry onto her property, and against the Village in an Article 78 proceeding. She refrained from taking this action at her peril. Therefore, the due process claim against Bonsteel, Slavin and "Richard Doe" forimpacted Sekaer's property and presented a safety risk. The two instances are dissimilar, and therefore cannot form the basis of an equal protection claim. There is also no allegation in the Amended Complaint that Bonsteel or Slaven acted maliciously or with bad faith to injure plaintiff. In fact, the Village appears to have been acting with the utmost good faith toward her by retaining legal counsel and soliciting a legal opinion when presented with the issue of whether to intercede in her dispute with GDC. Because there is no allegation that Bonsteel or Slaven treated others differently, or that they acted maliciously or in bad faith, *389 plaintiff's equal protection claim is dismissed. 3. Monell Claims Against Dobbs Ferry In order to hold a municipality liable under 1983, a plaintiff must
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
finding that the man observed by the security officer was “probably” Mr. Nicol. RP (Oct. 21, 2016) at 857. After hearing the security officer’s testimony, the court asked Mr. Nicol’s attorney to again explain for the record, “as an officer of the court,” his efforts to contact Mr. Nicol Id. at 854-55. The court first emphasized it was not asking the attorney to “disclose any conversations” with his client. Id. at 854. The attorney then reiterated he talked with Mr. Nicol, Mr. Nicol left for the bathroom, and the attorney called Mr. Nicol twice without answer. The attorney did not repeat the substance of his conversation with Mr. Nicol, although the prosecutor emphasized the attorney had already stated on the record that he “told his client he thought he wassuicidal (including me honestly) & thinking really there's NO way out in this dark everyday's 3D reality.. I know that you are struggeling but just keep your hopes up and think positive.. Negativity wont do anything good for you.. So please change your attitude there is no way out from this witch btw isnt true to hopefully we make it soon and things get better :) Much love to you and if i knew you personally and lived nearby i would come and help you but maybe someday :) Dont lose hope m8 <3 Unless there is surety that the etheric plane is completly clear and you are not kicked back in 5 minutes to start all over in same conditions you are much more precious now to do some
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Pile-CC" ] }
is Tanaath, Tolec, you, or your pleiadian friends'...and Cobra why don't you answer on this qustion and in the same time you and others like Tolec and. etc. all the time spoke about number of people that world needed if we want change or is very strange...??? Cobra answered the question about ascended masters geniusly in 3 sentences. It's all there, read it CAREFULLY and THINK, until you figure out what it means. The Ascended Masters we know by their names, are 'Archetypes' of ourselves, not persons to look up to but learn from and remember our true essence. So many have gotten their heads spinning because they refuse to stop following "channelled messages from ascended masters" and then come here to vent their frustrations because their expectations Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin. No. 06 C 356—John C. Shabaz, Judge. ____________ A RGUED D ECEMBER 7, 2007—D ECIDED S EPTEMBER 19, 2008 ____________ Before P OSNER, R OVNER, and W ILLIAMS, Circuit Judges. W ILLIAMS, Circuit Judge. Jimmy Reiners called the police department in Evansville, Wisconsin, claiming that
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is warranted, we need not reach this issue. Therefore, we reverse the judgment and remand for a new trial on damages and a new determination of attorneys’ fees. No. 07-2092 3 I. BACKGROUND Mary Mezera divorced her then-husband Jimmy Reiners after years of physical and psychological abuse. On Octo- ber 1, 2005, Mezera and her new husband, David Deicher, left their home in Evansville, Wisconsin, and moved tonot admitted into evidence. See United States v. McClellan, 165 F.3d 535, 551 (7th Cir. 1999) (“Should the jury request clarification on a matter during deliberations, it is when the court responds with a misleading, incorrect, unclear or unresponsive (i.e., not with ‘concrete accuracy’) state- ment of law or fact, or with facts not in evidence, that we might have cause for concern.”) (emphasis added). How- ever, the complaint filing date, similar to other documents that are either directly related to or produced during the course of the proceedings, does not generate the same No. 07-2092
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so, that information is no longer extrinsic to the record. See, e.g., Gilman v. Schwartz, No. 05 C 2222, 2006 WL 2827409, at *1, n.1 (E.D. Cal. Sept. 29, 2006) (taking judicial notice of the complaint filing date because that date was essential to the adjudication of the issues in the case); Gulf Ins. Co. v. Glasbrenner, 343 B.R. 47, 63 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). Additionally, a court can take judicial notice of matters of public record. Pugh v. Tribune Co., 521 F.3d 686, 691, n.2 (7th Cir. 2008) (taking judicial notice of stock prices); see also Lee v. City of Los Angeles, 250 F.3d 668, 689 (9th Cir. 2001) (holding that a district court can take judicial notice of a waiver of extradition, which is a matter of public record, but erred by taking judicial notice of dis- puted facts). Sincepertinent to the proceedings and was relevant to whether there was a No. 07-2092 15 willful violation of the DPPA. See 18 U.S.C. § 2724(b) (stating that the court may award punitive damages “upon proof of willful or reckless disregard of the law”). Furthermore, the district court’s decision to provide the complaint filing date to the jury, but not the Notice of Claim date, skewed the proceedings in favor of the defen- dants. In McClellan, 165 F.3d at 551, we held that “a judge’s response to a jury’s question must not
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district judge did not selectively send only prejudicial evidence to the jury room [because] [a]ll exhibits, the govern- ment’s and the defendant’s, were given to the jury”). We likely would have found all of these to be a reasonable exercise of discretion. Normally, the district court’s failure to provide a prop- erly admitted exhibit to the jury during deliberations would not cause an alarm: the court is entitled to instruct the jurors to rely on their collective memories in instances where the trial was short, as it was here, and the information should be fresh in the jurors’ minds. United States v. Guy, 924 F.2d 702, 708 (7th Cir. 1991) (finding that the refusal to provide a jury with a transcript is not an abuse of discretion when the trial is short and the jurors should be able to remember theIntroduction ============ The high-osmolarity glycerol response (HOG) pathway is a multifunctional signal transduction pathway in pathogenic yeast, *Cryptococcus neoformans*, involved in sensing, responding, and adapting to a plethora of environmental cues, production of virulence factors (e.g., capsule and melanin), and ergosterol biosynthesis ([@B4]; [@B1]; [@B10]; [@B14]; [@B3]). The central components of the HOG pathway include the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Hog1 ([@B4]) and its two upstream kinases, the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) Pbs2 and the MAPKK kinase (MAPKKK) Ssk2 ([@B4], [@B2]). Hog1 transcriptionally activates various stress-defense genes through multiple transcription factors, while in turn, Hog1 is tightly regulated to prevent its detrimental overactivation ([@B16]; [@B9]; [@B1]; [@B3]). The Ssk2/Pbs2/Hog1 MAPK module is primarily activated by the two-component-like phosphorelay system, which comprises two response regulators (Ssk1 and Skn7), a single phosphotransfer protein (Ypd1),
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Central" ] }
[2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Similar to the case under osmotic shock, Hog1 in the *ssk1*Δ mutant became highly phosphorylated by the temperature upshift (Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}), indicating that the Hog1 phosphorylation is affected by the temperature upshift in the absence of Ssk1. *SHO1* deletion did not markedly change Hog1 phosphorylation patterns in the WT and *ssk1*Δ mutant, although Hog1 phosphorylation induction in the *ssk1*Δ mutant was weakly reduced by *SHO1* deletion (Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). These results suggest that Sho1 may play a very minor role, if any, in Hog1 regulation and another Sho1-independent signaling branch might exist to activate the Hog1 phosphorylation during the temperature upshift. The finding that Hog1 underwent similar phosphorylation patterns in the *ssk1*Δ mutant during the temperature upshift and the osmotic shock, encouraged us to address whether these two stressorsSho1 and Msb2 are distinct. Sho1 and Msb2 Play Redundant Roles in the Filamentation Process of *C. neoformans* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In *S. cerevisiae*, the Sho1/Msb2-signaling pathway regulates the filamentation process through the Ste11/Ste7/Kss1 MAPK module in response to the partial nutrient deprivation ([@B24]). Sexual differentiation is critical for the generation of infectious spores in *C. neoformans* ([@B15]). The HOG pathway is involved in this process by repressing the pheromone production ([@B4]). We constructed the *MAT***a** *sho1*Δ, *msb2*Δ, and *msb2*Δ *sho1*Δ mutants in the *MAT***a** KN99**a** strain, which is derived from the *MAT*α H99 strain ([@B23]), to address the role of Sho1 and Msb2 in the mating process. Single deletion of either *SHO1* or *MSB2* did not affect the mating efficiency markedly in both unilateral and bilateral matings (Figure [7A](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). Moreover, cell fusion
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
twice and one representative image was shown here. **(B)** Mixed opposite mating type cells were spotted on V8 medium and incubated for 1 day at room temperature in the dark. After cells were grown on V8 medium, the cells were resuspended in 1-mL dH~2~O and diluted to 1/100. Then, 200 μL of the suspension was spread on YPD medium containing nourseothricin and G418. The plates were further incubated at 30°C and colonies were counted. **(C)** The northern blot analysis was performed with total RNAs from strains grown on V8 medium for 18 h. The northern blot membrane was hybridized with the mating pheromone-gene (*MFα1*)-specific probe. This northern blot analysis was repeated twice and one representative result was shown here. **(D)** Each strain was incubated for overnight in liquid toast = Toast.makeText(activity,"Sukses",Toast.LENGTH_LONG) } }) this is Interface interface Api { @FormUrlEncoded @POST("users") fun createUser( @Field("email") email:String, @Field("password") password:String ):Call<User> } how do I change my code probably Interface so it can send the data in nested json format like sample above, this probably simple answer, but I'm new in kotlin / java A: You can create a model also and pass the model to retrofit it will get the work done for you automatically. Create model accordingly the json structure. public class UserLogin { @SerializedName("user") @Expose private User user; public User getUser() { return user; } public
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "StackExchange" ] }
gain powerful effects in Master and Grandmaster tier of Fire, Air, and Earth and still get the extremely powerful traits in Water and Arcane by only splashing in 10 points. Fire II – Burning Fire – Use Cleansing Fire automatically when you have a number of conditions on you. 3 conditions. 40 second cooldown. Moved to Master tier. Fire VIII – Conjurer – Moved to Adept tier. Fire III – Ember’s Might. The effect of this trait has been changed to Burns you apply last longer. 25%. Arcane IX – Windborne Dagger. Moved to Adept tier. This trait will now function outside of combat. The following changes were done to reduce the necessity of putting points into the Arcane trait line. The base cooldown of the attunement that you just left is now reducedthe damage remains too high, reducing it to 3 stacks of Torment is quite doable. 2. Torment is already in the condition necromancer’s burst rotation/arsenal. As such, adding more stacks will not make a negative difference on cleansing potential of condition removal skills against a necromancer’s burst. In fact, by removing burning, you improve the capability of other classes to cleanse the damaging conditions as one fewer slot is being taken up. 3. Torment already has built-in counterplay to mitigate the damage output. Even if cleansing the stacks is impractical in a situation, not moving at least limits the damage received. 4. In the PvE environment, Dhuumfire is close to a useless trait as any foes where the extra damage is really desired will usually already be burning, usually from Guardians
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step by step. Halving vigor uptime seems a bit drastic to me, especially along with the other changes wich affect the sword thief. “Guards: Symbol of Swiftness: This skill now applies 4 seconds of swiftness per pulse, rather than 8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness.” That’s a sucky change. Not only are you not “fixing” the addition of swiftness from the symbol if you already have swiftness, you are reducing the base swiftness applied? How is this helping your stated goal of “We do feel that damage guardians are not as powerful as they could be.” An extra 4s of AOE swiftness would have made them OP? Biggest issue for damage guards is in-combat mobility. Adding more damage isn’t helping you if you(and allows us to travel at a good speed when not in a group). Other Stuff: 1) Nature IX Two Handed Training is supposed to help give us fury but we have lots of options for fury (almost as many as we had for endurance regen). One of the most common is the 9 seconds on weapon swap. GS is often used with a LB in a power oriented build. You range then swap/leap/maul. So for a longer fight you might get a bit of fury with the new trait. Might be better to provide might upon a crit and change the cooldowns. Not bad, but you might want something other than fury. I don’t understand your note on Nature X at all. Can you explain? Mighty swap only applies the might
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
to the ranger and not the condition damage? Would be more versatile if it did both. You tend to one one or the other (condition v raw builds). I like what this does for PvP and WvW balance, but I don’t like how zero consideration is given to what this does for PvE. I watched the Ranger stream today and Izzy talked about condition builds being viable in PvE and dungeons like that was really a thing. I am sure ANet plays GW2, so I am sure they have, at least on occasion, played a dungeon with non-ANet players. As such, I’m confident that you guys understand how bad condition builds are and how bad many classes are in general for PvE. Little to no consideration is being given hereEucommia ulmoides Oliv. bark. attenuates 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neuronal cell death through inhibition of oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells. Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Bark. (EUE) has commonly been used to fortify the muscles and lungs, lower blood pressure, prevent miscarriage, improve liver and kidney tone, and promote longevity as a traditional tonic medicine in Korea, China, and Japan. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which EUE protects neuronal cells from apoptosis induced by the Parkinson's disease (PD)-related neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). We determined the neuroprotective effects of EUE on 6-OHDA-induced neuronal cell death, cytotoxicity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and mitochondrial membrane dysfunction. Moreover, we examined whether EUE suppressed phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, and glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3β). Furthermore, the neuroprotective effects of EUE on
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
In recent years, a fuel cell which is composed of a plurality of unit cells electrically connected in series has been developed. The unit cell is composed of a solid electrolyte/electrode structure sandwiched between separators, and the solid electrolyte/electrode structure is composed of a solid polymer electrolyte sandwiched between an anode and a cathode. Such a fuel cell is attracting a great deal of attention as a power source in various uses, in particular, for electric vehicles or individual power sources for domestic use because of the feature that it is a clean and highly efficient power source. More specifically, such a fuel cell containing a solid polymer electrolyte has a proton conductive ion exchange membrane sandwiched between a pair of electrodes, an anode and a cathode, each havingan electrode active material for use in lithium secondary batteries (Japanese Patent No. 1,845,557), and in addition, the use of electroconductive organic polymers as electroconductive polymer capacitors having prompt discharge function is also proposed (39Th Meeting on Batteries, Preliminary Discourse, p. 173 (1998); 67Th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Preliminary Discourse, p. 147 (2000)). However, the electroconductive organic polymer mentioned above has low energy density when being used as an electrode active material compared with inorganic oxides such as lithium cobaltate (LiCoO2) or metals such as lithium which is presently in practical use. Thus, it is proposed that an electroconductive organic polymer is used as an electrode catalyst in order to supplement low energy density of such an electroconductive organic polymer, and that an oxidizing agent or a reducing agent
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catalyst has not been found apart from platinum. The invention has been accomplished to solve the above-mentioned problems involved in the known fuel cells. Therefore, it is an object of the invention to provide a high output power and high voltage fuel cell which contains an electroconductive organic polymer as an electrode.Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive that can be obtained HERE. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early winter of 2016. The new drive (available for a tax-deductible contribution of $65.00 or more.) (The previous flash drive was current through the end of May of 2012.) WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts–an excellent source of information in, and of, itself HERE. Marian Kotleba (left) of the People’s Party Our Slovakia COMMENT: Much has been said and written about the “Brexit” vote and its possible significance on both sides of the Atlantic. We note that this is an
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their message has resonated, especially in remote areas where mainstream politicians hardly step foot. “They say, we cleaned up your house, we helped you rebuild your village. Like we did that, we will help you rebuilt the Slovak political scene. And the Slovak political scene is in ruins.” But these towns are riven by his rise, particularly in Banská Bystrica where he’s in power. In Ostrý Grúň, only a few will talk about politics, and almost no one will share a name, as suspicions over who voted for whom abound. The results have aggravated a generational divide in the town. A quarter of first-time votes went to Kotleba’s party, confounding older residents in the region. Marian Gruber, who raises trout, calls it nothing short of a tragedy and a misunderstandingare only four regional cultures as described above, and understanding this helps one to more clearly understand American history as well as contemporary American life. Fischer asserts that it is not only important to understand where different groups came from, but when. All population groups have, at different times, their own unique set of beliefs, fears, hopes and prejudices. When different groups moved to America and brought certain beliefs and values with them, these ideas became, according to Fischer, more or less frozen in time, even if they eventually changed in their original place of origin. Admixture Admixture in Non-Hispanic Whites Some White Americans have varying amounts of American Indian and Sub-Saharan African ancestry. In a recent study, Gonçalves et al. 2007 reported Sub-Saharan and Amerindian mtDNA lineages at a frequency
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Long survival in an untreated solitary choroid plexus metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: case report and review of the literature. Brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are rare. Among them, the metastases localized only in the choroid plexus are exceptional and only six cases are reported in the literature. Here we report on a patient with a single choroid plexus metastasis from RCC which presented an unusual biological behaviour. For several years, such metastasis was interpreted as a benign intraventricular tumor and was not treated. Four years after the initial neuroradiological evidence, because of the appearance of symptoms, the brain metastasis was excised. We think that this unusual biological behaviour of the tumor determined the late inset of the neurological symptoms, despite the location at the choroid plexusvague memory of Candyman and a number of the less than impressive sequels and so, when I saw the DVD copy of the original for sale some time ago for the bargain price of $9.99 I thought I’d pick it up and take it home for a giggle. Funny thing, unlike many other horror films from that era, Candyman turned out to still be horrific. Deeply unsettling and darkly disturbing. It was awesome. Unlike your traditional horror film, Candyman has a (surprisingly) deep, complex and unsettling plot. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that Clive Barker wrote the short story that it is based on. For those of you who don’t know Clive Barker, go and see Nightbreed and then come back and we can discuss not
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
the auxiliary scanning direction is referred to as “jitter in the auxiliary scanning direction”. Further, the amount of the jitter in the auxiliary scanning direction is referred to as “jitter amount”. The jitter amount changes depending on: a lateral magnification of the imaging optical system 73 in the auxiliary scanning direction (m); a tilt angle of a reflective surface of the polygonal mirror with respect to the rotational axis of the polygonal mirror (φ); and a shift amount of the deflection point from the position at which the line-like image is formed (d0). The jitter amount increases as at least one of m, φ and d0 increases. Foe example, the jitter amount y′ may be defined as:y′=|2md1φ| Venue : Hard Rock Cafe, DLF Cyber Hub, Ground and First Floor, R-Block, DLF City, Phase 3, Gurugram, NCR 122002Venue Info : Map | Nearest Metro Stations - 'Station 4 (Rapid Metro Gurgaon)' & 'Sikandarpur(Yellow Line)'Area : GurugramEvent Description : MUSIC : Soul Inclination liveDetermined to bring back the long-lost era of the late 80's/early 90's Grunge/Alt Rock, the band was initially founded by Puneet Vohra (ex-Hundred Octane) who after moving on from his last band, sought out music that he has always been true to. A sound which was an intense, heavy & melodic amalgamation of all that are intended to move people beyond physical dancing.A supergroup of sorts, with members honed with a little over a decade of experience in the independent music industry, presently comprises
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Q: comparing two arrays with different elements and location of elements I have a list that is saved in arraylist.txt file. A1 A2 A3 A4 I need to read the text file and make it as an array. Const ForReading = 1 Dim arrServiceList Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\TestStatus\arraylist.txt", ForReading) Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine , "") Wscript.Echo "Server name: " & arrServiceList(0) For i = 1 To UBound(arrServiceList) WScript.Echo "Service: " & arrServiceList(i) Next Loop Then I have another array that need to compare: A2 A3 A4 A5 A1 I need to compare both arrays and prompt the user if there are differences. Dim i 'As Integer Dim j 'As Integer Dim isFound 'As Boolean For i = 0 To UBound(tempArr) - 1 isFound = False For j = 0 To UBound(arrServiceList)from the popular static stretching designed for specific sports, to address mobility of the entire body. EMG (Electromyographic) studies by S. Blackburn and others have validated Sherrington's principle of reciprocal innervation. Audiovisual electromyography by Peters and Peters supports Sherrington's principle of reciprocal innervation (inhibition) and his description of the reaction of ‘muscle spindles’ to force. These two principles are the basis of ‘active stretching’ procedures. There currently are other stretching methods utilizing ‘active’ components in conjunction with force, the use of which Munrow does not concur. 6. Invented in 1998 By Thomas Sheehan of Columbia University. Bibliography Munrow, A. D. PURE AND APPLIED GYMNASTICS. London: Edward Arnold., 1962. Jean M. Peters & Howard K. Peters THE FLEXIBILITY MANUAL Sports Kinetics Inc. 1995 Blackburn, S. E., L. G. Portney. Electromyographic Activity of Back
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
that if a function and its inverse we know that if we have a function and its inverse that F of F of the inverse of our function. So F of H of X. F of H of X. We know that this is going to be to X. This literally, this is comes out of them being each others inverses. We could have also said H of F of X will also be equal to X. Remember, F is going to map or H is going to map from some X to H of X. And then F is going to map back to that original X. That's what inverses do. So that's because they are inverses. This is by definition, this is what inverses Czech: a protože podle definice takto navzájem inverzní funkce fungují. Když nyní obě strany této rovnice zderivujeme, co dostaneme? Pojďme na to. Když obě strany rovnice zderivujeme, tedy d lomeno dxдруга. f(–2) = –14 За h ще се получи обратното. Ако въведеш –14 във функцията h, ще получиш –2. Следователно h(–14) ще бъде равно на –2. Още веднъж, двете функции са обратни една на друга. Следователно h(–14) е равно на –2. Пак повтарям, просто размених тези две стойности. Това е, което прави обратната функция. Ако разглеждаш обратното. Тоест ако f превръща –2 в –14, то h ще върне –14 обратно в –2. Искаме да изчислим f'(–2). Нека да намерим на какво е равно f'(x). f'(x) е равно на... English: H of negative 14. Now had they given us H of negative 14. But they didn't give it to us explicitly, we have to remember that F and H are inverses of each other. So F of negative two is negative 14. Well, H is gonna go from the other way around. If you input negative 14 into H you're going to get negative two. So H
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
for(UIView *v in subViewsArray){ if([v isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) { UIImageView *imageView = (UIImageView *)v;{ if (CGRectContainsPoint(imageView.frame, tapLocation1)){ [imageView removeFromSuperview]; } } } } Third baseman Travis Shaw slugged the first two home runs of his major league career and had four RBIs as the Boston Red Sox overcame another shaky start from Joe Kelly in an 11-7 win over the Tampa... Pittsburgh Pirates starting pitcher Jeff Locke went only four innings Thursday against the San Francisco Giants at AT&T Park. He struggled, but the Bucs managed the win. (Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports) Bucs win on another Locke off-night By BILL BRINKPittsburgh Post-Gazette SAN FRANCISCO — Wednesday's game once again made it evident. The Pirates need runs. They cannot always rely on their exceptional pitching staff. The need for runs intensified Thursday, when Conway, N.H.'s Jeff Locke took the mound. This is second-half Jeff Locke we're talking about, not the man who put up All-Star numbers
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
Android (4.1+): Focal, the camera app from CyanogenMod, is a pretty powerful photo and video-taking tool. You used to have to flash the whole ROM to get it, but thanks to its developer (and a bit of drama), the app is now up on Google Play for anyone to try—assuming your phone supports it, that is. Focal brings multiple photo and video shooting modes to your phone, including burst, timer, and scene modes, HDR mode, and photo filters. On devices (specifically Sony phones) where shutter speed is an option, you can control it. Focal also includes a built-in panorama mode and an open source replacement for Google's PhotoSphere, so you can stitch together 360-degree shots if you want to. The screen is clear and open, and you can swipeany number of smaller federal government programs. Here are nine things we could buy for $5 billion instead of a border wall: 1. Provide Medicaid for 1.4 million people The number of uninsured Americans has plummeted since the Affordable Care Act, with 16 million more non-elderly Americans insured than before(elderly Americans are eligible for Medicare). But, 28 million Americansremained uninsured at the end of 2016. At the program’s current costs, $5 billion could provide Medicaid – cost-effective, quality insurance – for 1.4 million Americans. That’s like giving free, quality health insurance to the entire state of New Hampshire. 2. More than double federal spending on energy efficiency and renewable energy Climate change is real, and it’s here. Sure, it’s depressing that the United States budget for energy efficiency and renewable energy is a paltry
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purchaser for value until payment is made." § 4-2-403(1.5), C.R.S. We deem it significant that subsection 1.5 demarcates livestock transactions; its only effect is to require payment before a buyer has power to transfer title. This amendment to the Colorado UCC statute suggests that, by requiring payment before the power to transfer can attach, livestock transactions are to be treated differently than other transactions controlled by the statute. Therefore it is logical to conclude that a purchaser of non-livestock goods possesses the power to transfer those goods upon receipt of the goods from the seller, even if the purchaser's payment is invalid. Various authorities provide additional support for our conclusion. "[T]he general rule seems to be that the physical delivery of the goods to a transferor-purchaser by the truethis state in 1965, and the stolen property statute was enacted more than a hundred years earlier as territorial law. Maj. op. at 1044-1045 & 1044 n. 10. Significantly, however, the General Assembly has revisited and made substantive changes to the stolen property statute on two occasions since that time. See 1973 Colo. Sess. Laws 536; 1987 Colo. Sess. Laws 668. In 1973, it amended the remedial portion of the statute to state that "treble damages and attorney's fees shall not be recoverable from *1047 a good faith purchaser or good faith holder of the property," leaving the owner to recover only the property itself from the good-faith purchaser. 1973 Colo. Sess. Laws 536, 536. Fourteen years later, the General Assembly revisited the stolen property statute to allow
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two statutes in the UCC's favor. Until it does so, however, we must look at what it has done up to this point, which has been to adopt and amend a narrow statute that particularly targets the very factual scenario raised by this case, and nothing more. Because I believe the more specific stolen property statute controls over the more general UCC provision, I respectfully dissent from the majority's opinion. I am authorized to state that Justice COATS joins in this dissent. NOTES [1] The statute provides, in pertinent part: All property obtained by theft, robbery, or burglary shall be restored to the owner, and no sale, whether in good faith on the part of the purchaser or not, shall divest the owner of his right to such property. The ownermay maintain an action . . . against any person in whose possession he finds the property. § 18-4-405, C.R.S. (2006). [2] The provision of the UCC provides, in pertinent part: Power to transfer — good faith purchase of goods — "entrusting." (1) A purchaser of goods acquires all title which his transferor had or had power to transfer; except, that a purchaser of a limited interest acquires rights only to the extent of the interest purchased. A person with voidable title has power to transfer a good title to a good faith purchaser for value. When goods have been delivered under a transaction of purchase, the purchaser has such power even though: (a) The transferor was deceived as to the identity of the purchaser, or (b) The delivery was in exchange
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Paul George, the star small forward for the Indiana Pacers, could also be eligible for a super-max contract after next season; given his track record, he’s arguably more likely to make the cut than Hayward. But traderumors involving George have been floating around for a while now, and there’s widespread speculation he wants out of Indianapolis this offseason, meaning he, too, may not be in town long enough to see if the new contract rules kick in for him. That means that an extension designed in part to keep superstars on the small-market teams that initially draft them may very well misfire when it comes to two of the first stars whom it could have affected, who may leave their teams right as the new rule is rollingaway a bargaining chip the team could theoretically have used to keep Davis in New Orleans. With them in the room, it’s no surprise that the negotiations tip toward players of their caliber, especially considering another rule change in the latest CBA. The previous iteration stipulated that no team could offer a player a four- or five-year contract if he would turn 36 by October 1 of the deal’s final year; now, that age limit has been changed to 38. As ESPN’s Brian Windhorst noted, that means that Paul and James, both 32, will be able to sign five-year deals when their current contracts expire. It also helps explain why the designated-player exception won’t help players like Hayward. The bar a player has to clear to qualify for the exception
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over the phone. Her warning isn’t a hypothetical: Male athletes who identify as transgender have been piling up victories where allowed to compete in female events. Democrats in Congress and on the campaign have rallied behind the Equality Act, which would require schools to allow biologically male athletes into girls’ sports, if the male athletes identify as transgender. “Once a male body has gone through puberty, they have received the benefits. So the skeletal form, lung capacity, muscle density, the greater length of levers in their body, their muscle-to-weight ratio, their capacity to deal with dehydration much better, narrower hips, I mean you name it — they are physiologically designed differently than women,” she said. In addition to competing in the Olympics, Dussault won multiple world championships and runs a fitnesshave the required academic qualifications to be licensed as professional engineers in Canada. The First Engineer The Engineer first appeared in the 1997 final story arc of Stormwatch volume 1, ("Change or Die" - Stormwatch issues #48-50), by Warren Ellis and Tom Raney. He was part of a superpowered group called the Changers, led by The High, who wanted to change the world by removing the structure of society itself. There would be no more laws, no authoritarian structures, no crime and no war. The Engineer's role in this plan was to seed nanotechnologicaloases across the planet. These oases would serve as "horns of plenty" providing every imaginable food, product and tool anybody needed. This first Engineer died with the rest of the Changers in issue #50 when Stormwatch, under
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
have a safety deposit box in the room. Please note that central heating is very rare in Peru, even in good standard hotels. Most hotels provide plug in heaters and spare blankets. The trek itself is on a full-service camping basis, meaning that our camp staff will erect and dismantle the tents for you, cook, and do all of the camp chores for you. You need only carry your day pack. We use three-man tents for those on a twin share basis and two-man tents for singles. The tents are relatively spacious with enough room inside for the kitbags. We provide thermarest-type mats which are about 4cm thick when inflated and 3-4 season sleeping bags with a liner. We also have a dining tent complete with table and folding chairs, andgroup. However, we do have to make it clear in your final documentation that if your flights are delayed, the transfer cannot wait for you. While Exodus or our local operators will do what we can to help you reach the start point of the tour, any additional costs must be paid by the client. Next steps? Inca Trail Permits: An Inca Trail permit is required to walk the Inca Trail. These are strictly limited and are highly sought after, therefore we strongly recommend booking at least 6-8 months in advance to avoid disappointment. 2018 Inca Trail permits are now on sale so don’t delay! On dates where Inca Trail permits have sold out we can offer the spectacular remote Moonstone Trek in its place – please enquire for details. Inca
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Spearman correlation after removing OTUs with less than 20% occupancy. Subgroup analyses of bacterial abundance were performed using Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe ([@bib84])), a method to determine bacteria most likely to explain differences between classes by coupling standard tests for statistical significance with additional tests encoding effect relevance. It identifies bacterial taxa differentially abundant between classes by nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests. Significance is subsequently investigated by pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, and effect sizes are estimated by linear discriminant analyses ([@bib85]). The lower threshold for reporting logarithmic linear discriminant analyses scores was set at 2.0 (default). ### Machine Learning With regard to the interactional nature of the microbiome and to overcome the boundaries of repeated testing, modeling via machine learning was adopted to complement the analyses. Machine learning was appliedafter removal of OTUs with less than 10 reads per single sample and feature selection by gradient-boosting classifier (scikit-learn 0.18.1), an algorithm combining weak learner-decision trees and boosting (100 times) to optimize cost function over function space. Each individual decision tree in the gradient-boosting algorithm intrinsically performs feature selection by selecting appropriate split points. This information was used to measure the importance of each feature: the more often a feature was used in the split points of a tree the more important was the feature (weighting). The feature importance was then averaged across all of the decision trees within the model. The sample was randomly split into a training set (32 samples) and a prediction set (16 samples). A model based on the training data was built using
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
in major depression alone ([@bib40],[@bib62],[@bib63],[@bib108]). IBS symptom-related variables were also taken into consideration in the microbial subgroup analyses. The severity of IBS was correlated with *Ruminococcus*, which adds to previous findings ([@bib58],[@bib109]). IBS-mix and IBS-C were characterized by elevated *Propionibacterium*. A possible role in slowing down intestinal transit has been previously observed ([@bib110]) and warrants further investigation. Postinfectious history of IBS onset was associated with a significantly elevated *Erysipelotrichaceae* genus. *Erysipelotrichaceae* were previously found to flourish after treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics and are rated as highly immunogenic ([@bib111]). These properties might offer an explanation for subsequent bowel dysfunction after gastrointestinal infections. However, other previously described microbial characteristics of PI-IBS ([@bib67],[@bib109]) were not replicated in our study. Machine Learning Signature -------------------------- A comprehensive gut microbial pattern associated with psychological distress was identified withinformation for the study. Source of Funding and Conflicts of Interest: The study was supported by Österreichische Nationalbank Jubliäumsfonds (Grant Number 16506), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie M.T. has been on the Adisory Boards of Albireo, Gilead, Falk, Novartis, Intercept, MSD, and Phenex. He has received grants to the Medical University of Vienna from Albireo, Falk, Intercept, MSD, and Takeda. He has been on the speakers bureaus for Gilead, Falk, and MSD. He is holding patents for the use of nor-Ursodeoxycholic acid. He has received travel expenses from Gilead and Falk. J.P. has received travel expenses from Yakult. G.M. has been on the Advisory Boards of Allergan and Almirall, she has received grants to the Medical University of Vienna by AbbVie, Vifor, Almirall, Merck, Falk, Yakult, Sanova, Danone,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Q: Can you have a positive return with a balance below cost basis? I use Fidelity for an investment. Their website says I have a cost basis of $5000.00 invested in FUSVX. Now the balance of this mutual fund (which I believe is simply market value at closing from the previous day) reads 4947.77. 4947.77 (balance) - 50000 (price paid) = -52.23. Negative return right? Why does my YTD return read positive 0.65% for this mutual fund? I also have a money market balance of 400 valued at 400. They take the .65% mutual fund return and add the 0% return for the money market and give me a .72% positive total return...? I called Fidelity and talked to two representatives who could not give me a clear explanation ofthis functor is universal with respect to additive functors into abelian categories, e.g. see [@BVP Thm 1.1]. Thus, for $M:C\to{\mathcal{A}}$ an additive functor into some abelian category ${\mathcal{A}}$, we obtain an induced exact functor $\widetilde{M}:{\mathrm{Ab}(C)}\to{\mathcal{A}}$, unique to natural equivalence. We denote by ${\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(M)}$ the quotient of ${\mathrm{Ab}(C)}$ by the Serre subcategory which is the kernel of $\widetilde{M}$; we also denote by $\widetilde M: {\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(M)}\to {\mathcal{A}}$ the induced faithful exact functor. $$\xymatrix{C \ar[r] \ar[dd]_M & {\mathrm{Ab}(C)} \ar[ddl]_{\widetilde{M}} \ar[d] \\ & {\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(M)} \ar[dl]^{\widetilde{M}} \\ {\mathcal{A}}}$$ We shall refer to ${\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(M)}$ as the [*universal abelian category defined by $M$*]{}, according with [@BVP §1.1]. In fact, this abelian category ${\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(M)}$ is universal for (i.e. initial among) all abelian categories together with a faithful exact functor into ${\mathcal{A}}$ which extends $M$. Note that, in the case where ${\mathcal{A}}$ is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "ArXiv" ] }
first we extend to a functor $$F':(C_1{\mathrm{-mod}})^{\mathrm{op}}\times (C_2{\mathrm{-mod}})^{\mathrm{op}}\times \dots \times (C_n{\mathrm{-mod}})^{\mathrm{op}}\to {\mathcal{A}}$$ which will be multilinear and left exact in each argument. In the second step, which is actually dual to the first, we extend $F'$ to $\tilde{F}$. We first show uniqueness. This will make clear why the formula that we use in the construction is correct. Let $E$ be any extension of $F$ to ${\mathrm{Ab}(C_i)}$ with the exactness property of (1). Let $X_i\in (C_i{\mathrm{-mod}})^{\mathrm{op}}$. We argue by descending induction on the number of $X_i$ which are in the image of $C_i$, i.e., of the form $(A_i,-)^{\mathrm{op}}$. If they all are, then $E(X_1,\dots,X_n)=F(A_i,\dots,A_n)$ by assumption. Assume that $E$ is uniquely determined if at least $m$ of the $X_i$ are corepresentable. After reordering we have to consider the tuple $(X_1,\dots,X_n)$abelian category, see [@HMS Proposition 8.1.5]. It is much stronger in allowing general abelian categories ${\mathcal{A}}$ as target. In loc. cit. it was claimed that the original construction works for functors $C\to R{\mathrm{-proj}}$ (where the latter is the category of finitely generated projective modules over a noetherian ring $R$). However, as Paranjape pointed out, the proof is only correct if kernels of of maps projective modules are projective, i.e., if the global dimension of $R$ is at most $2$. Universal ${\otimes}$-representation {#sect:quiver} ==================================== We want to extend our results to representations of quivers. Given the results of the previous section, this means to extend tensor structures from a quiver to the additive category generated by it. Recall from [@Bo Def. 5.1.5] or [@GR] the concept of a quiver “with relations”, i.e., a quiver
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
natural tensor structure such that ${\mathrm{\mathcal{A}}(H^0_R)}\to{\mathcal{A}}$ is a tensor functor. Nori motives {#sec:motives} ============ Recall the original definition of Nori. Let $k$ be field, $\sigma:k\to{\mathbb{C}}$ an embedding. Let ${\mathrm{Sch}}_k$ be the category of schemes which are separated and of finite type over the field $k$. Let $D^{{\mathrm{Nori}}}$ be Nori’s quiver on ${\rm Sch}_k$ having vertices $(X,Y,n)$ where $Y\subseteq X$ is a closed subscheme and $n\in {\mathbb{Z}}$ and edges $(X', Y', n)\to (X, Y, n)$ for each morphism $f: X\to X'$ in ${\mathrm{Sch}}_k$ such that $f (Y)\subseteq Y'$, and an additional edge $(Y, Z, n)\to (X, Y, n+1)$ for $Z\subseteq Y \subseteq X$ closed subschemes. Let $$H_B : D^{\rm Nori}\to {\mathbb{Z}}{\mathrm{-mod}}$$ be the representation given by $(X, Y, n)\leadsto H_B^n(X ({\mathbb{C}}), Y({\mathbb{C}});{\mathbb{Z}})$ the relative singular cohomology group after base change to theat the moment," another added; Giada agreed, telling Lovely at evaluation, "On this network, for this particular job, that kind of polish doesn't work." Lovely's Final Exit In the end, Lovely's return to the competition proved to be short-lived, as she was sent home after just one more week. "It's my time. There's nothing more I can do here," she explained afterward. "I sent six people home. I did that," she added of her success on Salvation. "So, you know what? I'm OK."
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "Pile-CC" ] }
is the ten thousands digit of 115461? 1 What is the ten thousands digit of 15063? 1 What is the thousands digit of 88231? 8 What is the thousands digit of 41713? 1 What is the units digit of 43225? 5 What is the tens digit of 1028? 2 What is the units digit of 3313? 3 What is the thousands digit of 1813? 1 What is the thousands digit of 12385? 2 What is the units digit of 83? 3 What is the hundreds digit of 1251? 2 What is the tens digit of 57901? 0 What is the tens digit of 1726? 2 What is the units digit of 60792? 2 What is the tens digit of 801? 0 What is the tens digit of 43145? 4 What is the tens digit of 6183? 8 What is the thousands digit of 15025? 5 What is the thousands digit of 7512? 7 What is the tens digit of 11449? 4 What is the units digit of 11614? 4 Whatis the hundreds digit of 59222? 2 What is the tens digit of 5172? 7 What is the units digit of 8934? 4 What is the units digit of 187? 7 What is the hundreds digit of 23301? 3 What is the ten thousands digit of 66989? 6 What is the ten thousands digit of 40729? 4 What is the thousands digit of 1222? 1 What is the thousands digit of 1851? 1 What is the hundreds digit of 3420? 4 What is the units digit of 662? 2 What is the thousands digit of 31591? 1 What is the thousands digit of 39055? 9 What is the units digit of 3896? 6 What is the ten thousands digit of 52859? 5 What is the hundreds digit of 116052? 0 What is the units digit of 2325? 5 What is the hundreds digit of 8541? 5 What is the hundreds digit of 3319? 3 What is the units digit of 447? 7 What is the units digit of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "DM Mathematics" ] }
string to send :param id: The Device ID :param id: The User's API Key :param force: Enforce sending, for instance for testing :returns: the message to send """ if not (force or settings.USE_JOIN): logger.debug('Notification for Join not enabled, skipping this notification') return False, 'Disabled' logger.debug('Sending a Join message for {0}'.format(message)) of renal and cardiovascular disease. We were able to collect more than 100,000 creatinine measurements (in roughly 70,000 patients) with the participation of 27 laboratories in the Région Centre. The percentage of patients with glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min was 10% in patients 60 and older, 25% in patients with 70 and older and 75% in patients 75 and older. Data coming from the physicians indicated that patients with renal risk were also at high cardiovascular risk. However, these patients are not systematically identified as having renal dysfunction, which explains why diagnosis and appropriate management often are delayed (sonogram was performed in only 25% of patients and 75% of patients never saw a nephrologist). Information regarding assessment of renal function and appropriate management should improve this situation.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
React. You will join one of our teams as a key contributor. Beyond this you will work across teams to help optimize how Vestwell uses JavaScript and other tech. You’re a great fit for our team if you can balance detail-oriented tasks with long term strategy and growth initiatives. Most of all, you must be passionate about what you create and about the impact it can have. That matters to us, a lot. Requirements The Necessities Experience building real-world UIs using JavaScript libraries like React We’re an early stage startup with lots of exciting milestones ahead. We value health and wellness at Vestwell and, as such, offer competitive health coverage, an open vacation policy, coffee, cappuccino & healthy snacks, and a bright, comfortable office with lots of workspace options so you can berelevant treaty language, refused to uphold a reinstated conviction on the conspiracy charge. Id. Rauscher and Browne address limitations on charged offenses; here, the extradition decree attempts unilaterally to limit Benitez's sentence. No Supreme Court decision addresses this issue. The state court's decision was not contrary to clearly established federal law since to decide otherwise would have required an extension of the specialty doctrine. Cf. Carey v. Musladin, ___ U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 649, 653, 166 L.Ed.2d 482 (2006) (reaffirming that habeas relief is appropriate only where a state court's decision "was contrary to or involved an unreasonable application of [the Supreme] Court's applicable holdings" (emphasis added)). Only if the refusal to extend Rauscher's and Browne's holdings was objectively unreasonable must Benitez be granted a writ. See Lockyer v.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
rationality of some cubic fourfolds --- [^1] Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered} ============ The rationality of smooth cubic hypersurfaces in $\p^5$ is an open problem on which a lot of new and interesting contributions and conjectures appeared in the last decades. The classical work by Fano in [@Fano], correcting some wrong assertions in [@Morin], has been the only known result about the rationality of cubic fourfolds for a long time and, together with a great amount of recent theoretical work on the subject (see for example the survey [@Levico]), lead to the expectation that the very general cubic fourfold should be irrational. More precisely, in the moduli space $\mathcal C$ the locus $\Rat(\mathcal C)$ of rational cubic fourfolds is the union of a countable family of closed subsets $T_i\subseteq \mathcal C$, $i\in\mathbb N$, see [@deFernex2013Proposition 2.1] and [@KontsevichTschinkelInventiones Theorem 1]. Hassett defined in [@Hassett; @Has00] (see also [@Levico]) via Hodge Theory infinitely many irreducible divisors $\mathcal C_d$ in $\mathcal C$ and introduced the notion of [*admissible values*]{} $d\in\mathbb N$, i.e. those even integers $d>6$ not divisible by 4, by 9 and nor by any odd prime of the form $2+3m$. More recent contributions by Kuznetzsov via derived categories in [@kuz4fold; @kuz2] (see also [@AT; @Levico]) fortified the conjecture that $$\Rat(\mathcal C)=\bigcup_{d \text{ admissible}}\mathcal C_d.$$ The first admissible values are $d=14, 26, 38, 42$ and Fano showed the rationality of a general cubic fourfold in $\mathcal C_{14}$, see [@Fano; @BRS]. The main results of [@RS1] are summarised in the following: \[intro-rat\] [*Every cubic fourfold in the irreducible divisors $\mathcal C_{26}$ and $\mathcal C_{38}$ is rational.*]{} The
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of the corresponding map $\psi:\p^5{\dasharrow}\p(H^0(\mathcal I_S(3)))$ and, last but not least, also that the congruence is transversal to a general cubic through $S$ (see [@RS1] for a systematic use of these key remarks). For $e=1$ one should consider linear systems of quadric hypersurfaces through $S$; for $e=2$ quintics having double points along $S$; for $e=3$ hypersurfaces of degree 8 having triple points along $S$ and so on. For $e=1$ we have a unique secant line to $S$ passing through a general point of $\p^5$, which is a very strong restriction. Indeed, such a $S$ is a so called [*surface with one apparent double point*]{}. These surfaces are completely classified in [@CilRus] and those contained in a cubic fourfold are only quintic del Pezzo’s and smooth quartic rational normal scrolls. CubicG(1,3+k)$ for cubics in $\mathcal C_{14+12k}$ for $k = 1,2$ {#Gr} =================================================================================================================== In this section we analyse some examples and look at them as suitable generalisation of those considered by Fano. A smooth quintic del Pezzo surface $D\subset\p^5$ can be realized as a divisor of type $(1,2)$ on the Segre 3-fold $Z=\p^1\times \p^2\subset\p^5$ while a smooth quartic rational normal scroll $T\subset\p^5$ can be realized (also) as a divisor of type $(2,1)$. Moreover, a general cubic through $D$ will cut $Z$ along $D$ and a smooth divisor of type $(2,1)$, that is a smooth rational normal scroll $T$ (and viceversa). One might wonder if something similar happens for the next admissible values $d=26$ and $d=38$ or if, at least, also in these cases there exist surfaces $S_d$ giving explicit birational maps to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
n base 4? -2000013322 173557 (base 9) to base 3 12110121221 What is -b2a5d (base 14) in base 13? -120a02 What is -133023132222 (base 4) in base 11? -4682949 What is 24641 (base 15) in base 2? 11100010111000001 -1653402 (base 10) to base 6 -55234350 Convert 201023021 (base 4) to base 2. 100001001011001001 656107 (base 9) to base 12 16a721 Convert 100111111110010110110111 (base 2) to base 14. 156ac63 Convert -1011120212001 (base 3) to base 6. -21154214 Convert -35212455 (base 7) to base 13. -845154 428288 (base 10) to base 3 210202111112 Convert -10100210021 (base 3) to base 16. -10288 What is 2dc24 (base 16) in base 10? 187428 Convert 96907c (base 13) to base 11. 1aa3339 What is bb1aa (base 13) in base 11? 211481 -281438 (base 9) to base 7 -1313336 Convert 782764 (base 12) to base 5. 442143002 Convert -200627 (base 8) to base 15. -14813 Convert -101001110110100101010111 (base 2) to base 12. -381129b -168a79 (base 12) to base 7 -3205650 -1720083 (base 10) to base 4 -12203330103 Convert 2044102301of this happened, and that was it. [promo:995590] National Geographic Channel — which like Fox News is a 21st Century Fox company — passed on the Killing Patton adaptation. Are you shopping it elsewhere? We have had discussions with Killing Patton. It's very, very viable. You know, all the other movies off my books have been very successful. We need to find a company that's going to do it right, you know? And I think it would be a huge, huge hit, because that book is very provocative and action-packed. Why do you think Nat Geo passed? Oh, because it's a Fox [company]. I don't blame them. I mean, what are they going to do? They didn't pass on it, by the way. They bought it. It was in preproduction. These are all
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "OpenWebText2" ] }
we affirm. I. FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY {¶ 2} On September 2, 2015, Deutsche Bank sued Vigue and other defendants not relevant to this appeal. (Sept. 2, 2015 Compl.) The complaint sought to obtain judgment on the outstanding balance of a note and to foreclose on a mortgage on residential real estate located at 6 South Otterbein Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Id. On December 4, 2015, Vigue answered denying every allegation in the complaint except that Mitchell Vigue (borrower and signatory of the note) was deceased as of September 15, 2006 and that Vigue had an interest in the subject property. (Dec. 4, 2015 Answer at ¶ 1; Compl. at ¶ 7-8.) {¶ 3} Approximately seven months later, on July 22,motion planning framework[]{data-label="ICAPS_fig1"}](fig11.png){width="\linewidth"} The paper [@oh], designed an action conditional encoder-decoder network predicting future frames for Atari games. The work in [@mathieu] employed a new adversarial loss function for additional regularization and sharper frame prediction. The paper [@vondrick2] designed a multi-scale feedforward architecture combined with an adversarial objective to generate a foreground-background mask to create realistic looking video sequences. The work in [@casas] presented a framework that predicts the intention of autonomous cars from 3D point clouds and HD maps. The paper [@walker] proposed a framework that generated a coarse hallucination of the possible future events from a wide angle view. In [@xu], a framework that balances between reconstruction and adversarial loss for the predicted frames is designed. However, most of the current state of the art video prediction
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "ArXiv" ] }
followed in designing various previous networks such as [@unet],[@finn]. All the convolutional filters use the ReLU activation function. The entire network is trained using the RMSProp algorithm that minimizes the mean square loss. PROM-Net has about 6 million trainable parameters and once trained the network weighs only about 5 Megabytes. [.5]{} ![image](fig2.png){width=".8\textwidth"} [.3]{} ![image](fig_wicv19.png){width="0.75\linewidth"} Virtual Experimental Setup {#sec4} ========================== For initial analysis of the networks, we set up a ROS-Gazebo based virtual experimental environment in the OpenAI-Gym framework for robotics [@openai] to obtain the training and test data for the network. Figure \[ICAPS\_fig3a\] shows a snapshot of the same. The virtual setup has two turtlebots, Tb1 and Tb2. During the data collection phase, Tb1 remains stationary while tracking and recording the movement of Tb2 using a monocular camera. Tb2 moves in front of Tb1,as they are meant for unsupervised learning algorithms. We recorded about 1.5 hours of robot motion of the other LEGO-bot along various trajectories consisting of approximately 120K frames without excluding any particular segments. The GoPro camera offers digital stabilization. We used the narrow-angle shot setting during the recordings. The wide-angle lens of this particular camera produces a significant amount of fish-eye effect for any object moving relatively close to the camera. A wide angle lens will be used in future when we incorporate recordings of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) into the data set. Unlike the autonomous ground vehicles, the high speed operation of UAVs (Average speed of 5m/s) demands long range visual data for effective path planning. Below we describe the various scenarios of the recorded data. The videos
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
of the picking head, typically 3 to 4 feet. Many passes are required to harvest a large field. Furthermore, according to the patent, the weight of the picking head is supported only by a pair of skids mounted to the ends of the picking head. This weight is substantial and although there is the ability for the picking head to pitch and roll on uneven ground the weight thereof will tend to make the supporting skids dig into soft ground.mortgagor and mortgagee, have separate and distinct interests in the same property which they may insure. Thomas v. Penn Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 244 S.C. 581, 137 S.E. (2d) 856. *553 The record clearly shows that the respondents and the seller entered into an oral contract for the sale of the property in good faith; that at the time of the fire loss respondents were occupying the property pursuant to such agreement; that the closing of the sale awaited only the receipt of the lender's check; and that the policy of insurance in question was procured from appellant to protect the interests of respondents as the equitable owners. There is no evidence from which an inference could be drawn that there was any intent on the part of respondents
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "FreeLaw" ] }
and a component of the broader folate/Hcy metabolic axis. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is pivotal in controlling the distribution of folate derivatives between the two main constituent pathways that serve cellular methylation reactions and nucleic acid synthesis. In addition, methionine synthase (MTR), cystathionine Beta-synthase (CBS), and methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) are involved in reactions that control Hcy concentrations. Functional polymorphisms of MTHFR, MTR, CBS and MTRR significantly modify intracellular levels of folate derivatives and/or circulating Hcy levels, thereby increasing the risk of Hcy-associated pathologies. These polymorphisms, alone or in combination, may "prime" the folate/Hcy metabolic axis to respond to MTX by adopting an extreme pathogenic phenotype, and may also be significant determinants of the efficacy and toxicity associated with the drug. We will access the above in a pharmacogeneticin com.amd.aparapi.device">OpenCLDevice</a>&nbsp;context)</code>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Use table, listing constructors, and an explanation"> <caption><span>Constructors in <a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/internal/opencl/package-summary.html">com.amd.aparapi.internal.opencl</a> with parameters of type <a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/device/OpenCLDevice.html" title="class in com.amd.aparapi.device">OpenCLDevice</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption> <tr> <th class="colOne" scope="col">Constructor and Description</th> </tr> <tbody> <tr class="altColor"> <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/internal/opencl/OpenCLProgram.html#OpenCLProgram(long, long, long, com.amd.aparapi.device.OpenCLDevice, java.lang.String)">OpenCLProgram</a></strong>(long&nbsp;_programId, long&nbsp;_queueId, long&nbsp;_contextId, <a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/device/OpenCLDevice.html" title="class in com.amd.aparapi.device">OpenCLDevice</a>&nbsp;_device, java.lang.String&nbsp;_source)</code> <div class="block">Full constructor</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="rowColor"> <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/internal/opencl/OpenCLProgram.html#OpenCLProgram(com.amd.aparapi.device.OpenCLDevice, java.lang.String)">OpenCLProgram</a></strong>(<a href="../../../../../com/amd/aparapi/device/OpenCLDevice.html" title="class in com.amd.aparapi.device">OpenCLDevice</a>&nbsp;_device, java.lang.String&nbsp;_source)</code> <div class="block">Minimal constructor</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- ======= START OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ====== --> <div class="bottomNav"><a name="navbar_bottom"> <!--
{ "pile_set_name": [ "NIH ExPorter", "Github" ] }
of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the report provides a special focus on these linkages. The SDGs have been divided in five broad areas: social development; economic development; environmental sustainability; peaceful, just and inclusive societies; and partnerships. The report highlights a strong link between poverty and several aspects of the drug problem. Indeed, the brunt of the drug use problem is borne by people who are poor in relation to the societies in which they live, as can be seen in stark terms in wealthier countries. The strong association between social and economic disadvantage and drug use disorders can be seen when analyzing different aspects of marginalization and social exclusion, such as unemployment and low levels of education.Q: BizTalk CRM Dynamics 4 to Dynamics 2011 My client is doing an upgrade from CRM Dynamics 4 to 2011 and it uses BizTalk 2009 as its ESB, they are currently using the 'Microsoft BizTalk Server Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0' for the Integration, my question is does anyone know what breaking changes are involved from a BizTalk point of view when this upgrade takes places? Am I looking at a whole new set of contracts in CRM 11 e.g. WCF meaning code changes, mappings, schemas and moving away from the Adapter (4.) to pure WCF transport communication? At this moment in time I'm trying to gauge the complexity and migration levels for one service... Cheers A: I have some first hand experience integrating BizTalk with CRM Online 2011. The major difference is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
Saturday, was pathetic. I walked past them and the handful of people there couldn’t even raise a decent chant. One young chap who had just purchased a carry out from the small business up the road told us to go back to our small businesses. It’s good to see David Ford, the leader of the Alliance faction in the Stormont Coalition, making belated moves to adopt the policies of my own party, UKIP. (Belfast Telegraph 10 July). However, I doubt if we will hear much more about this. His suggestions on opposition, ending petitions of concern, voluntary coalition, transparency on political donations and ending sectarian designation are excellent, if not at all original, and may do something to calm the tensions that Alliance has been building up ahead of theof what the Soviets used to call “useful fools” in all of this. They have been persuaded that their ongoing taunting and badgering of sections of the community who do not share their views illustrates their superior non-sectarian tolerant intellects. In reality they are dangerously raising the tensions ahead of next weekend. David Forde, their leader, and the Coalition’s Justice Minister, of all things, publicly ridicules attempts by other politicians to calm tensions while he trumpets his predictions of violence to anyone who will listen. Saddest of all of the obstructionist parties is the SDLP. While their rank and file membership and most of their local government councillors work hard for the community and loudly express their contempt for the destabilising antics of Sinn Fein, their MLAs sit happily
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
in the Stormont Coalition usually acting as a mouthpiece for the positions taken by Sinn Fein. Before I return to the Unionist Parties I would like to briefly discuss the role of the Orange Order. This group has been demonised relentlessly by the “liberal” chattering classes, among whom they have become acceptable hate figures. On 06 July, the media commentator, Brian Feeny, complained in tones of righteous affront about an Orange Parade in 1813 while speaking on BBC Radio Ulster’s “Sunday Sequence.” This typifies the bigoted sectarian approach trotted out by those who delude themselves about their own tolerance. At this stage I should point out that I have no connection with the Loyal Orders and, indeed, am not a Protestant. Even if I were, I would not seek membership "\t}\n", "\t\n", " div.input_area {\n", " background: #F6F6F9;\n", " border: 1px solid #586e75;\n", " }\n", "\n", " .text_cell_render h1 {\n", " font-weight: 200;\n", " font-size: 30pt;\n", "
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
display: block;\n", " white-space: wrap;\n", " text-align: left;\n", " }\n", " h4 {\n", " font-family: 'Open sans',verdana,arial,sans-serif;\n", " }\n", " .text_cell_render h4 {\n", " font-weight: 100;\n", " this information (If there is a pair of items, X and Y, that are frequently bought together), business can use them to:\n", "\n", "- Both X and Y can be placed on the same shelf, so that buyers of one item would be prompted to buy the other\n", "- Promotional discounts could be applied to just one out of the two items\n", "- Advertisements on X could be targeted at buyers who purchase Y\n", "- X and Y could be combined into a package\n", "\n", "Besides using it in the business context to identify new opportunities for crossselling products to customers, association rules can also be used
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
# the right hand side\n", " subsets = [frozenset([item]) for item in freq_set]\n", " rules, right_hand_side = compute_conf(freq_items, item_support_dict, \n", " freq_set, subsets, min_confidence)\n", " association_rules.extend(rules)\n", "improving website effectiveness](\n", "- [Blog: Association Rule Mining – Not Your Typical Data Science Algorithm](\n", "- [Introduction to Data Mining Chapter6: Association Analysis](\n", "- [Paper: Association Rule Mining: Applications in Various Areas]( (check in the future)" ] } ], "metadata": { "anaconda-cloud": {}, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.6.4" }, "toc": { "nav_menu": {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
If you're coming from Intel's HD Graphics 530, any discrete graphics card is going to be exciting. Indeed, Radeon RX 550 looks like a great upgrade for folks limping along with CPU-based graphics. But AMD's own Radeon RX 460 2GB is quite a bit quicker than the RX 550 in demanding games, and it only costs about $10 more. If you can live with the 460's slight price premium and higher power consumption, that's the card we'd buy for $90. Today's best MSI RX 550 Aero ITX 2GB deals View Similar Amazon US Amazon No price information AMD Radeon RX 550 2GB Radeon RX 550 is AMD’s first graphics card based on new silicon since its Polaris 11-based Radeon RX 460. The company says RX 550 is 1080p-capable in a numberclock rates. When it arrives next month, we expect the RX 560 to be even faster than its predecessor for right around $100. This leaves room for a lower-end part like the Radeon RX 550. AMD certainly could have built it using Polaris 11 with more disabled compute units. But the company’s mobile aspirations apparently necessitated a smaller GPU with fewer transistors and a more conservative power profile. Polaris 12, code-named Lexa and based on a fourth-gen GCN architecture, is that processor. Composed of 2.2 billion transistors and measuring 101 square millimeters, it’s frankly not much smaller than Polaris 11. However, AMD plans to use it in configurations that wouldn’t have made sense from a larger chip. In its entirety, Polaris 12 exposes 10 Compute Units organized into two Shader Engines
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
active shooting while victims were being shot and directed other law enforcement who arrived on scene to remain 500 feet away from the building. Peterson was arrested at the Broward Sheriff’s Office headquarters and booked into the Broward County Main Jail. Peterson’s bond was set at #102,000. If he bonds out, he will have to wear a monitoring device, surrender his passport, and is banned from possessing any firearms while the case is pending. Six of the seven child neglect charges are second-degree felonies and carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in state prison. The seventh child neglect charge is a third-degree felony (because the child was not severely injured) with a maximum penalty of five years in prison. The perjury charge is a first-degree misdemeanor with a maximumpenalty of one year in jail. The three charges of culpable negligence are second-degree misdemeanors with a maximum penalty of 60 days in jail. Peterson’s defense attorney released a statement late Tuesday that read: “To the South Florida Community and the American Public: “The State of Florida has taken unprecedented action by charging Mr. Peterson for child neglect and culpable negligence. We will vigorously defend against these spurious charges that lack basis in fact and law. Specifically, Mr. Peterson cannot reasonably be prosecuted because he was not a “caregiver”, which is defined as “a parent, adult household member, or other person responsible for a child’s welfare.”1 Indeed, the definition of “other person responsible for a child’s welfare” expressly excludes law enforcement officers acting in an official capacity.2 Further, Mr. Peterson was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Fold-over collar. ; Convertible long sleeves with buttoned cuffs and tabs. ; Straight back Celtic Home Shirt 2015/16 - Long Sleeve WhiteShow your support for your favourite team in the Celtic Home Shirt which is the same shirt that will be worn by the players throughout the 2015/16 season. This white shirt features fast drying NB Dry fabric technology designed to release moisture away from the body so you can stay comfortable as you train.Featuring a 100% polyester jacquard with Celtic Crafted in soft crisp cotton this shirt is set to appear more and more as the warmer weather makes its presence felt. In a classic check pattern and with the addition of a chambray collar to take its style up a notch. Made with high-quality ingredients and baked to crunchy} // selected otherwise public: static bool constexpr value = test<T>(0); }; I know constexpr is a relatively new addition to the language, but is there any reason to prefer the first version other than having to use an old standard (pre-C++11)? A: Both options would work. But the difference between them is that the first one doesn't require C++11 while the second one does. And if you are free to use at least C++11 - there is no need to use any of them, there is already std::is_class in the standard library. So if you see such code in some project then either this project is supposed to compile without C++11 support or it's some legacy.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
If every file is encrypted, and MEGA doesn't have the key, they have no way to connect uploads of the same file and remove them en masse. It's true that DMCA complaints can still be issued if a copyright holder discovers a link to a pirated file, but that wouldn't wipe out every other copy at the same time. ~~~ brownbat Agree, plus... MEGA is siloing infrastructure off from access, and that's significant. (I mean "infrastructure" as holding and sending bits, while "access" is your link + key so people can unwrap all the way to the gooey content). The post is right that enforcement can still find and takedown access that is broadcast. But short messagaes (ie, access) are easy to keep alive through backchannels, while downed infrastructure stays down a while. Here's one way content could become relatively takedown-proof with everyone following+ 1303/6540. Put 5, 2/15, y, 1 in increasing order. 2/15, y, 1, 5 Let c be (-10)/24 - 18/72. Put -1/5, -3/8, c, 0.5 in increasing order. c, -3/8, -1/5, 0.5 Let d = 352 - 351.8. Put -3, d, 33 in increasing order. -3, d, 33 Let k = -38.1 + 0.1. Let q = k + 37. Sort -2/13, -0.1, q in increasing order. q, -2/13, -0.1 Let s(a) = 14*a - 416. Let f be s(30). Put 1, -98, f in decreasing order. f, 1, -98 Suppose -2 = o - 12. Let s be 144/135 + (-4)/o. Sort -6, s, -2 in decreasing order. s, -2, -6 Let q be (48/14)/(14/2058*21). Sort q, 5, -3, 4 in increasing order. -3, 4, 5, q Suppose -5 = -4*m + 3*w, 3*m = -3*w + 35 - 5. Suppose
{ "pile_set_name": [ "HackerNews", "DM Mathematics" ] }
Mowtowr-e Heydar Beg Mowtowr-e Heydar Beg (, also Romanized as Mowtowr-e Ḩeydar Beg) is a village in Jolgeh-ye Chah Hashem Rural District, Jolgeh-ye Chah Hashem District, Dalgan County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported. References Category:Populated places in Dalgan County } } Тут получаем plaintext как строку, а нужно получить как byte[] plainbyte A: byte[] bytes; using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create()) { aesAlg.Key = Key; aesAlg.IV = IV; using (var decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV)) using (var msDecrypt = new MemoryStream()) using (var csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { csDecrypt.Write(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length); csDecrypt.FlushFinalBlock(); bytes = msDecrypt.ToArray(); } }
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "StackExchange" ] }
the Court, has approved this determination. Maxwell v. Bugbee, 250 U.S. 525, 537; Hamilton v. Regents, 293 U.S. 245, 261. The power to free defendants in state trials from self-incrimination was specifically determined to be beyond the scope of the privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in Twining v. New Jersey, 211 U.S. 78, 91-98. "The privilege against self-incrimination may be withdrawn and the accused put upon the stand as a witness for the state."[9] The Twining case likewise disposed of the contention that freedom from testimonial compulsion, being specifically granted by the Bill of Rights, is a federal privilege or immunity that is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment against state invasion. This Court held that the inclusion in the Bill of Rights of this protectionthe history of the Court. After *60 enjoying unquestioned prestige for forty years, the Twining case should not now be diluted, even unwittingly, either in its judicial philosophy or in its particulars. As the surest way of keeping the Twining case intact, I would affirm this case on its authority. The circumstances of this case present a minor variant from what was before the Court in Twining v. New Jersey, supra. The attempt to inflate the difference into constitutional significance was adequately dealt with by Mr. Justice Traynor in the court below. People v. Adamson, 27 Cal.2d 478, 165 P.2d 3. The matter lies within a very narrow compass. The point is made that a defendant who has a vulnerable record would, by taking the stand, subject himself to
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having his credibility impeached thereby. See Raffel v. United States, 271 U.S. 494, 496-97. Accordingly, under California law, he is confronted with the dilemma, whether to testify and perchance have his bad record prejudice him in the minds of the jury, or to subject himself to the unfavorable inference which the jury might draw from his silence. And so, it is argued, if he chooses the latter alternative, the jury ought not to be allowed to attribute his silence to a consciousness of guilt when it might be due merely to a desire to escape damaging cross-examination. This does not create an issue different from that settled in the Twining case. Only a technical rule of law would exclude from consideration that which is relevant, as a matter ofbranches of the Federal Government in the fields touched by the amendments — Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments were pointedly aimed at confining exercise of power by courts and judges within precise boundaries, particularly in the procedure used for the trial of criminal cases.[3] Past history provided strong reasons *71 for the apprehensions which brought these procedural amendments into being and attest the wisdom of their adoption. For the fears of arbitrary court action sprang largely from the past use of courts in the imposition of criminal punishments to suppress speech, press, and religion. Hence the constitutional limitations of courts' powers were, in the view of the Founders, essential supplements to the First Amendment, which was itself designed to protect the widest scope
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Constitution . . ., as indeed in all other instances where construction becomes necessary, we are to place ourselves as nearly as possible in the condition of the men who framed that instrument." See also Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1, 8, 28, 33; Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U.S. 88, 95, 102; Knowlton v. Moore, 178 U.S. 41, 89, 106; Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145, 162; Barron v. Baltimore, supra at 250-251; Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. 264, 416-420. Investigation of the cases relied upon in Twining v. New Jersey to support the conclusion there reached that neither the Fifth Amendment's prohibition of compelled testimony, nor any of the Bill of Rights, applies to the States, reveals an unexplained departure from this salutary *73 practice.— the Committee on Reconstruction for which he spoke — that the Bill of Rights was to be made applicable to the states by the Amendment's first section. The Court's opinion in Maxwell v. Dow, supra, 601, acknowledged that counsel had "cited from the speech of one of the Senators," but indicated that it was not advised what other speeches were made in the Senate or in the House. The Court considered, moreover, that "What individual Senators or Representatives may have urged in debate, in regard to the meaning to be given to a proposed constitutional amendment, or bill or resolution, does not furnish a firm ground for its proper construction, nor is it important as explanatory of the grounds upon which the members voted in adopting it."
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to appraise the relevant historical evidence of the intended scope of the first section of the Amendment. Instead it relied upon previous cases, none of which had analyzed the evidence showing that one purpose of those who framed, advocated, and adopted the Amendment had been to make the Bill of Rights applicable to the States. None of the cases relied upon by the Court today made such an analysis. For this reason, I am attaching to this dissent an appendix which contains a resume, by no means complete, of the Amendment's history. In my judgment that history conclusively demonstrates that the language of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment, taken as a whole, was thought by those responsible for its submission to the people, and by those whoCourt's opinion of "natural" right and justice. In effect, the Slaughter-House cases rejected the very *78 natural justice formula the Court today embraces. The Court did not meet the question of whether the safeguards of the Bill of Rights were protected against state invasion by the Fourteenth Amendment. And it specifically did not say as the Court now does, that particular provisions of the Bill of Rights could be breached by states in part, but not breached in other respects, according to this Court's notions of "civilized standards," "canons of decency," and "fundamental justice." Later, but prior to the Twining case, this Court decided that the following were not "privileges or immunities" of national citizenship, so as to make them immune against state invasion: the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against
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wealth and privilege. It was to be a charter of liberty for human rights against property rights. The transformation has been rapid and complete. It operates to-day to protect the rights of property to the detriment of te rights of man. It has become the Magna Charta of accumulated and organized capital." Collins, The Fourteenth Amendment and the States, (1912) 137-8. That this feeling was shared, at least in part, by members of this Court is revealed by the vigorous dissents that have been written in almost every case where the Twining and Hurtado doctrines have been applied to invalidate state regulatory laws.[13] Later decisions of this Court have completely undermined that phase of the Twining doctrine which broadly precluded reliance on the Bill of Rights to determine what isdue process." Thus the Court itself destroys or at least drastically curtails the very Twining decision it purports to reaffirm. It repudiates the foundation of that opinion, which presented much argument to show that compelling a man to testify against himself does not "violate" a "fundamental" right or privilege. It seems rather plain to me why the Court today does not attempt to justify all of the broad Twining discussion. That opinion carries its own refutation on what may be called the factual issue the Court resolved. The opinion itself shows, without resort to the powerful argument in the dissent of Mr. Justice Harlan, that outside of Star Chamber practices and influences, the "English-speaking" peoples have for centuries abhorred and feared the practice of compelling people to convict themselves
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section of the Fourteenth Amendment seems to have been in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction. That Committee had been appointed by a concurrent resolution of the House and Senate with authority to report "by bill or otherwise" whether the former Confederate States "are entitled to be represented in either House of Congress." Cong. Globe, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. (1865) 6, 30. The broad mission of that Committee was revealed by its very first action of sending a delegation to President Johnson requesting him to "defer all further executive action in regard to reconstruction until this committee shall have taken action on that subject." Journal of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. (1866), reprinted as Sen. Doc. No. 711, 63d Cong., 3d Sess. (1915) 6. Itcolorable excuse, much less apology, for any man North or South claiming that any State Legislature or State court, or State Executive, has any right to deny protection to any free citizen of the United States within their limits in the rights of life, liberty, and property. Gentlemen who oppose this amendment oppose the grant of power to enforce the bill of rights. Gentlemen who oppose this amendment simply declare to these rebel States, go on with your confiscation statutes, your statutes of banishment, your statutes of unjust imprisonment, your statutes of murder and death against men because of their loyalty to the Constitution and Government of the United States." Id. at 1089-1091. ". . . Where is the power in Congress, unless this or some similar amendment be
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bill of rights, touching the life, liberty, and property of every citizen of the Republic within every organized State of the Union is of the reserve powers of the States, to be enforced by State tribunals .. . . ". . . I am with him in an earnest desire to have the bill of rights in your Constitution enforced everywhere. But I ask that it be enforced in accordance with the Constitution of my country. ..... ". . . I submit that the term civil rights includes every right that pertains to the citizen under the Constitution, laws, and Government of this country. . . . ..... ". . . The law in every State should be just; it should be no respecter of persons. It is otherwise now, and it hasbeen otherwise for many years in many of the States of the Union. I should remedy that not by an arbitrary assumption of power, but by amending the Constitution of the United States, expressly prohibiting the States from any such abuse of power in the future. . . ." ..... "If the bill of rights, as has been solemnly ruled by the Supreme Court of the United States, does not limit the powers of States and prohibit such gross injustice by *102 States, it does limit the power of Congress and prohibit any such legislation by Congress. ..... ". . . [T]he care of the property, the liberty, and the life of the citizen, under the solemn sanction of an oath imposed by your Federal Constitution, is in the States, and not
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§ 1 which defined citizenship, Cong. Globe, supra, 2869, the amendment weathered the Senate debate without substantial change. It is significant that several references were made in the Senate debate to Mr. Bingham's great responsibility for § 1 of the amendment as passed by the House. See e.g. Cong. Globe, supra, 2896. VI. Also just prior to the final votes in both Houses passing the resolution of adoption, the Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, H.R. Rep. No. 30, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. (1866); Sen. Rep. No. 112, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. (1866), was submitted. Cong. Globe, supra, 3038, 3051. This report was apparently not distributed in time to influence the debates in Congress. But a student of the period reports that 150,000 copies of the Report and thetrust will forever stand, in the Constitution of my country. I had read — and that is what induced me to attempt to impose by constitutional amendments new limitations upon the power of the States — the great decision of Marshall in Barron vs. the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, wherein the Chief Justice said, in obedience to his official oath and the Constitution as it then was: `The amendments [to the Constitution] contain no expression indicating an intention to apply them to the State governments. This court cannot so apply them.' — 7 Peters p. 250. "In this case the city had taken private property for public use, without compensation as alleged, and there was no redress for the wrong in the Supreme Court of the United
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deny to citizens the equal protection of the laws, they did deny the rights of citizens under the Constitution, and except to the extent of the express limitations upon the States, as I have shown, the citizen had no remedy. They denied trial by jury, and he had no remedy. They took property without compensation, and he had no remedy. They restricted the freedom of the press, and he had no remedy. They restricted the freedom of speech, and he had no remedy. They restricted the rights of conscience, and he had no remedy. They bought and sold men who had no remedy. Who dare say, now that the Constitution has been amended, that the nation cannot by law provide against all such abuses and denials *118 ofthe right to have it decided by a jury of his peers. Then, sir, by another amendment, he was never to be required to give excessive bail, or be punished by cruel and unusual punishment. And still later, sir, after the bloody sacrifice of our four years war, we gave the most grand of all these rights, privileges, and immunities, by one single amendment to the Constitution, to four millions of American citizens who sprang into being, as it were, by the wave of a magic wand. Still further, every person born on the soil was made a citizen and clothed with them all. "It is all these, Mr. Speaker, which are comprehended in the words `American citizen,' and it is to protect and to secure him in these
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assemble for the discussion of public measures, the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures, and above all, and including almost all the rest, the right of not being deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. These, and still others are specified in the original Constitution, or in the early amendments of it, as among the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, or, what is still stronger for the force of the argument, the rights of all persons, whether citizens or not." Id. at 118-119; see also id. at 120-122. Mr. Justice Swayne joined in this opinion but added his own not inconsistent views. Id. at 124. But in Walker v. Sauvinet, 92 U.S. 90, 92, when a majority of thewere not reached by the Court which disposed of the case on jurisdictional grounds. However, Mr. Justice Field, in his dissenting opinion in O'Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323, 337, 361, stated that "after much reflection" he had become persuaded that the definition of privileges and immunities given by Mr. Tucker in Spies v. Illinois, supra, "is correct." And Mr. Justice Field went on to say that "While, therefore, the ten Amendments, as limitations on power, and, so far as they accomplish their purpose and find their fruition in such limitations, are applicable only to the Federal government and not to the States, yet, so far as they declare or recognize the rights of persons, they are rights belonging to them as citizens of the United States under the Constitution;
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396; Graham, The "Conspiracy Theory" of the Fourteenth Amendment, 47 Yale L.J. 371, 48 Yale L.J. 171. [9] This case was decided after Hurtado but before Twining. It apparently was the first decision of this Court which brought in a Bill of Rights provision under the due process clause. In Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 U.S. 97, 105 the Court had refused to make such a holding, saying that "it must be remembered that, when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, the provision on that subject [just compensation], in immediate juxtaposition in the fifth amendment with the one we are now construing [due process], was left out, and this [due process] was taken." Not only was the just compensation clause left out, but it was deliberately left out. A8 Wigmore, Evidence (1940) pp. 292, 298; Pittman, The Colonial and Constitutional History of the Privilege Against, Self-incrimination, 21 Va. L. Rev. 763, 774 (1935). Moreover, it has been pointed out that seven American state constitutions guaranteed a privilege against self-incrimination prior to 1789. Pittman, supra, 765; Md. Const. (1776), 1 Poore Constitutions (1878) 818; Mass. Const. (1780), id. at 958; N.C. Const. (1776), 2 id. at 1409; N.H. Const. (1784), id. at 1282; Pa. Const. (1776), id. at 1542; Vt. Const. (1777), id. at 1860; Va. Bill of Rights (1776), id. at 1909. By contrast it has been pointed out that freedom of speech was not protected by colonial or state constitutions prior to 1789 except for the right to speak freely in sessions of the legislatures. See
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
season on a drive-by-drive basis. Lambert was the quarterback on 97 UVA offensive drives in 2014, and Johns led 57 UVA drives. For the sake of this analysis, I totaled the numbers from the drive charts and play-by-plays that would also bring in through the dragnet gains and losses associated with penalties, the intent on my part being to give a more accurate representation of game flow than just looking at total offensive yards could give. That having been established, the Virginia offense produced 150 points on Lambert’s 97 drives (1.55 points per drive), which encompassed 541 total offensive plays (5.58 plays per drive) and gained 2,320 yards of field position (23.92 yards per drive). The UVA offense produced 115 points on Johns’ 57 drives (2.02 points per drive),great in practice, but obviously has issues translating success Mondays-through-Fridays to Saturdays, has a much higher ceiling, but Johns, with a much lower ceiling, without Lambert’s NFL-quality arm, is better able to translate what he has in terms of productivity and get the job done. Bottom line: I can’t blame the coaching staff, London, Tom O’Brien, Steve Fairchild, from going with Lambert as the starter to open the season, because all they had to go on to that point was the Lambert who seems to always be on the verge of breaking out. But once he went down to ineffectiveness and then to injury, and Johns was able to build up a body of work, it was pretty obvious what direction the staff needed to go in. The brain trust,
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