A Kentucky police chief who dug into his own pocket to buy a bus ticket to Florida for a mentally ill inmate he wanted out of his hair has been indicted by a grand jury on multiple charges including kidnapping, WDRB reports. A Carroll County grand jury turned in indictments against Chief Michael Willhoite, 48, and Officer Ronald Dickow, 50, charging them with complicity to commit kidnapping, complicity to commit custodial interference and complicity to commit official misconduct. ADVERTISEMENT In April, Willhoite spent $18 on a one-way-ticket to Florida for 31-year-old Adam Horine, sending him on a 28-hour bus ride, only to have the state extradite him back by saying he escaped. The police chief chose to ship the man out of state rather than to a hospital in Lexington for athorough psychiatric assessment. Prior to shipping Horine out of state, he was held in a county jail where a social worker evaluated him, reporting that Horine claimed he heard voices, felt suicidal, couldn’t sleep, and wanted to hurt “certain people.” The indictment notes that Horine was supposed to be transferred to Eastern State Hospital for care, and that Willhoite and Dickow interfered with the process by taking Horine to Louisville and putting him on a bus. According to David Harris, professor of criminal law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. “This just doesn’t happen. It’s not supposed to happen in our system. And to have a police officer come in and simply say, ‘No, we’re not having him get a mental-health evaluation, you’re just getting out of here. You’re
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
"Why Do We Yawn?", "html": "<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>)", "provider_url": "", "type": "video", "height": 360, "author_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 480, "author_name": "AsapSCIENCE", "width": 640 } As you can see at the end of the 'html' attribute there is an extra "/iframe\u003e)" Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with Youtube? I am at a loss for words. I would really like to think that Youtube would be smart enough to not return something like this, so I have to think it is something I am doing wrong... A: See this similar problem, looks like a known bug:!topic/youtube/1jGhK-g8r4E a situation where two men decided to commit mass murder for a cartoon? There is so much that we do not know about the relationship between elites, media and the general public when it comes to factors like the formation of foreign policy, multiculturalism, identity, interstate relations, soft power and the relationship between religion and the state. Popular geopolitics can give us a forum at which to start drawing together theories and research from many different areas to try to better understand these areas. At the time of writing, the *Charlie Hebdo* case has not made it into the popular geopolitics academic press, as journal review cycles are long. But an earlier case has: the drawings of the Prophet Mohammed in the Danish newspaper *Jyllands-Posten* in 2005, which led to attacks
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of popular geopolitics. Drawing on Michael Herr's (Herr [@CR18]) account of the Vietnam war, referred to as 'America's first rock-n-roll war,' Ó Tuathail argues that the influence of Vietnam remains with us (Ó Tuathail [@CR26], 171): ' Chuck Norris/ Oliver Stone/ Rambo wannabes are shooting up wild zones across the globe while a remasculinisation imperative--overcoming the lack and impotence that is the "Vietnam Syndrome"--underwrote the picture-perfect slaughter of the Gulf War.' At the time of Ó Tuathail's article, it was Bosnia. Again, referring back to (Herr [@CR18]), Ó Tuathail states: 'Bosnia, Bosnia, Bosnia is now everywhere. It is an ongoing series in our newspapers, a sound-bite on our television sets that occasionally splashes us with spectacular violence captured on videotape for our viewing pleasure. We can be there now by going to aan organised way if we want to understand geopolitics. *Reader's Digest* {#Sec5} ----------------- One of the earliest attempts to move away from the elite focus was the analysis of the *Reader's Digest* in Sharp ([@CR32]). In a sense, so much has changed in the world since the publication of this piece. Yet Sharp ([@CR32]) remains a model of how to do a structured, empirical analysis of popular geopolitics and serves as a reminder to us that we need to apply such methods now that social media have arrived. Sharp ([@CR32]) was very conscious of the fact that critical geopolitics had been depending on elite texts; the belief had been that these were the fonts of wisdom, and that popular media would naturally follow their lead; accordingly, we only needed to read the texts at the
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influences on popular geopolitics. We need to pay attention to them. Cinema {#Sec12} ====== Associations between cinema and politics are as old as the moving image itself[4](#Fn4){ref-type="fn"} as politicians and government sought to harness this powerful vehicle of propaganda. Dodds ([@CR10], 119) points out that that film has long been seen as a means of producing, circulating and contesting geopolitics. Perhaps not surprisingly, much has been written about relations between the US government and Hollywood[5](#Fn5){ref-type="fn"} (again, more research is needed from other countries). Crampton and Power ([@CR2], 244) regard Hollywood itself as a geopolitician, and film as a geopolitical site. Cinema Reflecting Geopolitics {#Sec13} ----------------------------- Parallels between the James Bond films and contemporary geopolitics have been drawn. Dodds ([@CR10]) links Osama bin Laden with the Blofeld character, and al Qaeda with the criminal organisation, SPECTRE. Similarly, Saunders ([@CR31]) sees zombieinterests are purely defensive. Again, though, it is hard to see how this research could be used to look at how comics feed back to the policy community, or how seriously people take them. Also, non-American cases need to be considered, such as manga in Japan (consider for instance the Hadashi no Gen series by Hiroshima survivor Keiji Nakazawa). Conspiracy {#Sec16} ========== Conspiracies also need to be considered as part of popular geopolitics. For Jones ([@CR20], 45), conspiracies are not just beliefs held on the fringes of society; they are common-place. They cross the spheres of politics, science and popular culture and should be seen as important to mainstream public debate. In the case of conspiracy, we can see instances of feedback to overseas elites. Jones ([@CR20]) cites the case in 2010 of the then
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them, studying modern, Internet-based media fell into the non-elite camp. Yet, this is perhaps a mistake: as elites use social media as well, there must surely be a feedback. This is an exciting area for future research. By way of a short example of what this research could look like, it is worth taking a brief look at the use of social media on geopolitical themes. For the past few years, writers in print media have claimed that social media have been used as a new way of spreading revolutionary movements. For example, in the provocatively titled 'Can water cannons cope with flash mob riots?,' Hambling ([@CR16]) argued that, '\[b\]efore social media, the only way for rioters to join in was to follow the noise. Now they can create theirearliest forms of geo-spatial analysis (see Snow ([@CR33])). In October 2014, the Ebola virus started to trend on Twitter, revealing the fears of many people about the disease. It is hard to determine exactly how many tweets were sent on the subject of Ebola. However, in preparing this case study, a census day was set (16 October 2014) during which, at some points, over 40 tweets with the word 'ebola' in them were being sent every second. We can determine the geographic coordinates of approximately two per cent of these, and of them, the overwhelming majority came from the USA, as is shown in Fig. [4.3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}.[6](#Fn6){ref-type="fn"} ![Still from short animation on Ebola tweets. For the video, visit <>](378816_1_En_4_Fig3_HTML){#Fig3} By analysing these tweets, we can learn something about the fears people have in
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http:// \[x\]Ebola vaccine only works on white-skinned people, yawa manufactured disease ment to control populationThis Ebola Shit Scaring me &, I know the president & Government got something to do with it. This YouTube tell it all.@\[x\]: The Democrat Party has brought Ebola and numerous other infectious diseases to the US. \#TGDN@\[x\] the Germans cured Ebola all readylet me tell y'all*...* EBOLA is about to destroy our country & your government is doing it on purpose!This Ebola thing is on purpose.. It has to be. And it sick man.My dad is literally trying to convince me it's the government giving people Ebola to kill off the population. I'm done.This Ebola shit preplanned, I stay woke. They gone say we got a vaccine soon n then folk gone flock{#Sec31} (Overlaps with Frustration) The flu killed 52000 Americans last year, 1 person has died from Ebola.People are way too freaked out about Ebola. You are much more likely to die while texting and driving. Please stop fear-mongering.@\[x\] \#so \#ebola In 2012, 33,561 died in car wrecks, why is nobody complaining about that being an epidemic? \#so \#ebola ### Religion {#Sec32} (Overlaps with Anti-Democrat/Anti-Obama; Conspiracy Theorists; Racism) @\[x\] @\[x\] @\[x\] @\[x\] @\[x\] Ebola & Obama*...*'pestilences' as promised.. \#\[x\] \#\[x\] \#\[x\] \#\[x\] \#\[x\]via @\[x\] - What Christians Should Know About the Ebola Crisis http:// \[x\]BECAUSE EBOLA AFFECTS CHRISTIANS AND NON CHRISTIANS DIFFERENTLY http:// \[x\]@\[x\] Ebola was created by man and so was this 1947 ISRAEL. He has a dispensationalism teaching that is a lie. \#synagogueofsatan israelThankfully I know Jesus. \#EbolaDallas \#EbolaOutbreak \#EbolaEliminate
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with ventilator because we knew that given the progression of the disease for Ben, SMA would quickly take all of Ben's movement away and we did not want him to have to stay here, stuck in a body that could not move though his mind would be unaffected. As a parent, you will do anything for your child even if it is very, very hard for you. We were willing to be without Ben physically here so that he could be free. Ben had several respiratory infections in the spring but made it through with just increasing his respiratory treatments and antibiotics. Due to some horribly scary episodes of him turning blue and unresponsive when semi-upright in the swing or being held, he had to use a sidelying positionQ: Create a simple 10 second countdown I would like a line that says: Your download will begin in (10, 9, 8, etc. Beginning on page load) seconds. I already have the 10 second download text set up, and I have looked at other stackoverflow posts. They all include CSS, and Jquery. I would like just a Javascript/HTML timer. No other requests have been made for a simple line stating "You're download will begin in x seconds". How would I do this? A: JavaScript has built in to it a function called setInterval, which takes two arguments - a function, callback and an integer, timeout. When called, setInterval will call the function you give it every timeout milliseconds. For example, if you wanted to make an alert window every 500 milliseconds,
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2007/1/22 Mie Prefecture is well known for the many women divers (amasan) who, historically, have caught seafood and famous marine products. At the end of World War II, Mie Prefecture was reputed to have more than 6000 amasan in the Toba and Shima regions. However, due to the reduction in fishing resources, an unstable and sluggish market, and the harsh working conditions, there have been fewer and fewer women read to do the job. Today there are only about 1300 aging, yet still active, amasan. The amasan's main targets are awabi (abalone), sazae (turban shells), and namako (sea cucumbers). A few skilled and experienced amasan are able to capture iseebi (lobsters) without a scratch. The fishing methods these amasan use are invaluable to the ecology of the sea as they docross-cultural communication is especially likely to change meaning between sender and receiver, as the sender may have a very different worldview from the receiver. Thank you Outcast for searching out and posting the news items re Mariam. Your dedication makes it easier for us to follow along without having to search out the news items. I am totally fresh out of any ideas on what happened to Mariam but am so hoping that she is found. Very well said. Me too. My first gut feeling was that she was abducted by someone who she either knew or stranger ( I know that it is rare but it still happens ). Now I am open to all different kind of scenarios: from family being involved to her being able to just leaving by
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the sender may have a very different worldview from the receiver. Could be. I don't know how common the last name is, but there are 8 on Facebook, not counting Vakhtang and George. None of the 8 is on either Vakhtang or George's friend list, so I'm guessing they're not related. Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. - William E. Gladstone What LE is doing makes sense; Miriam wasn't in Canada very long at all, if she was abducted whoever took her had to have: A. Lived near her and was stalking her B. Seen her in or around the school or area walking to it, or libraries, or the boat race She wasn't that many places, being she just moved there. "But Mariam hadof they way they were dressed (you do not see many formally dressed people during the day in this area). There is no media in the area. Central Field Command is still anchored, little bit down the street from front of 20 Shallmar. The area looks and feels very quiet. Only noise comes from leaves’ collecting that is happening on Vesta Drive. I guess the question I have is the one on everyone else's minds: where is Mariam and what happened to her? Culture also affects communication by influencing the recipients' assumptions. Our minds try to twist incoming information to make it fit in our worldview. Since different cultures have very different worldviews, cross-cultural communication is especially likely to change meaning between sender and receiver, as the sender may have a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
2.3 Let r = -6 - -18. Let q = 12.00000059 - r. What is q rounded to seven decimal places? 0.0000006 Let u = -100 - -53.4. What is u rounded to the nearest 10? -50 Suppose 0 = 12*r - 14*r + 16. Suppose 15499 = -r*n - 10261. Round n to the nearest one thousand. -3000 Let v = 3798.399894 + -3799.01. Let w = v - -0.61. What is w rounded to 5 dps? -0.00011 Let n = -17 - -46. Let m be (3/(-6)*n - 1)*2. Round m to the nearest ten. -30 Let c be 1008/(7/(-1)) + -3. What is c rounded to the nearest one hundred? -100 Let o = 765 + -764.999998859. Round o to seven decimal places. 0.0000011 Let b = -8 + 16. Suppose -29*x + 31*x = b. Suppose x*i = -0*ic to the nearest 1000000. -1000000 Let b be 75/21 + 6/14. Suppose 0 = -5*h - b*v + 21, 3*v + 17 = 4*h - 6. Round h to the nearest 10. 10 Let q = -7.8 - -7.7875. Let m = q + 0.3415. What is m rounded to 2 decimal places? 0.33 Let f = -308.9 - -317. What is f rounded to 1 decimal place? 8.1 Let l = -938.082 + 938. Round l to two decimal places. -0.08 Let j = -499.6 + 422. Let u = -84.79 - j. Round u to 1 decimal place. -7.2 Let s(c) = 3600*c. Let z(u) = -u - 11. Let h be z(-17). Let i = h + -1. Let f be s(i). What is f rounded to the nearest one thousand? 18000 Suppose 45*k - 48*k + 5*o
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journal, we can serve as a major platform to bring together valuable discoveries and innovations that will drive progress in this important field. Diarrhea remains a leading cause of child mortality globally. The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) reported *Shigella* spp., rotavirus, adenovirus, heat-stable toxin enterotoxigenic *Escherichia coli* (ST-ETEC), *Cryptosporidium* spp., and *Campylobacter* spp. as the most common pathogens associated with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in infants and young children in low-resource settings \[[@pntd.0006906.ref002], [@pntd.0006906.ref003]\]. However, mounting evidence also suggests that infection with enteric pathogens need not cause diarrhea to pose threats to child health. Even in the absence of diarrhea, many pathogens can increase gut inflammation and permeability and may result in systemic inflammation \[[@pntd.0006906.ref004]\]. For example, high *Campylobacter* pathogen burden was associated with a significant decrease in height forof EED will be useful in establishing whether EED is a syndrome or a disease and will be useful in guiding the approach to evaluating treatment and/or prevention interventions. Many candidate biomarkers that can be analyzed noninvasively from stool, blood, and urine samples have been evaluated, and several have been associated with linear growth and other health outcomes \[[@pntd.0006906.ref020]\]. Noninvasive markers indicative of intestinal inflammation (fecal neopterin, myeloperoxidase, and calprotectin), barrier disruption (fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin), and intestinal damage and repair (serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein, serum glucagon-like peptide 2, and fecal regenerating family member 1- beta \[Reg1β\]) \[[@pntd.0006906.ref021]--[@pntd.0006906.ref024]\] have been associated with reduced growth and adverse health outcomes. The dual sugar permeability test, which measures the ratio of urinary lactulose excretion to rhamnose (or mannitol) excretion, following fasting and
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combine information from different markers into composite scores \[[@pntd.0006906.ref022], [@pntd.0006906.ref031], [@pntd.0006906.ref032]\], methods and markers have differed. These fecal, urinary, and systemic biomarkers nonetheless represent potential tools for diagnosing EED and stratifying child populations with increased morbidity risk into clinical trials with therapeutic candidates. A number of interventional approaches for enteric dysfunction have been tested in children over the past 10 to 15 years, including water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions; zinc; antibiotics; probiotics; and the targeted administration of locally active anti-inflammatory drugs. Most of these studies have used the dual sugar permeability test as an outcome measure, with many focusing on lactulose excretion alone (rather than the ratio with mannitol or rhamnose) due to its reduced complexity. Neither a probiotic (*Lactobacillus rhamnosus* GG) nor antibiotic (rifaximin) reduced lactulose excretion _________________________ INTRODUCTION Don Schurtz settled the Don J. Schurtz Family Living Trust, listing his children Hugh Schurtz, Jim Schurtz, and Dana Perry as equal beneficiaries.1 Hugh became successor trustee after Don’s death. Administration of the trust turned to litigation when Jim filed two petitions under the Probate Code to compel an accounting and confirm trust assets. (See Prob. Code, §§ 17200, subd. (b)(7)(C) [compel accounting] & 850, subd. (a)(3)(B) [confirm trust assets].)2 Hugh filed the accounting and objected to the section 850 petition. Jim objected to the accounting.
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Procedure section 664.6. The motion sought a judgment requiring Hugh, individually and in his trustee capacity, jointly and severally, to pay Jim $172,500 as provided in the agreement’s monetary claims provision. Jim offered a supporting declaration denying any communication with Hugh, by email or otherwise, since execution of the settlement agreement. His attorney also offered a supporting declaration authenticating the settlement agreement and confirming that Hugh had not made the $172,500 payment. Hugh opposed the motion. He argued Jim “did not adhere to the agreement” and this discharged his duty to “obligate the Trust [to pay] any funds to [Jim].” In support of the claim, Hugh attached a series of emails he received from several different accounts (,,,,, bearing the sender name “Jimmie Schurtz.” The emails all consisted of a one-line message—e.g., “something you would 6 Sutton (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 1355, 1360 (Osumi).) Under the substantial evidence rule, we must view the evidence in the light most favorable to the trial court’s order, presume every fact the court could reasonably have deduced from the evidence, and defer to the trial court’s determination of the evidence’s weight and credibility. (Campbell v. Southern Pac. Co. (1978) 22 Cal.3d 51, 60.) A judge hearing a motion to enforce a settlement may “receive evidence, determine disputed facts, and enter the terms of a settlement agreement as a judgment.” (Weddington, supra, 60 Cal.App.4th at p. 810.) However, “nothing in [Code of Civil Procedure] section 664.6 authorizes a judge to create the material terms of a settlement, as opposed to deciding what terms the parties themselves have previously agreed
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which Hugh unequivocally stated he had no intention of making the settlement payment without a directive from the trial court. Jim’s counsel also confirmed that her firm had not received the settlement payment from Hugh. This evidence was sufficient to support the court’s finding that Hugh failed to comply with the settlement agreement’s terms. (See Mickelson Concrete Co. v. Contractors’ State License Bd. (1979) 95 Cal.App.3d 631, 634 5 Jim maintains he signed the declaration “electronically” in accordance with California Rules of Court, rule 2.257(b). We need not address the merits of his argument. 9 [“A single witness’[s] testimony may be sufficient to satisfythe substantial evidence test.”].) b. Hugh failed to prove his nonperformance was excused In his email correspondence with Jim’s attorney, Hugh maintained he had no obligation to make the settlement payment because Jim had already breached the agreement by emailing Hugh in violation of a provision prohibiting the parties from contacting each other “in any form,” except through counsel. In opposing Jim’s motion, Hugh submitted a series of emails he received from several different accounts bearing the name “Jimmie Schurtz.” Based on the emails, Hugh argued Jim’s breach of the no-contact provision discharged his obligation to make the settlement payment and excused his nonperformance. In his declaration, Jim denied sending Hugh the
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p. 279.) “The determination of whether a promise is an independent covenant, so that breach of that promise by one party does not excuse performance by the other party, is based on the intention of the parties as deduced from the agreement.” (Ibid.) In determining the materiality of a breach, the following factors are to be considered: “(1) The extent to which the injured party will obtain the substantial benefit which he could have reasonably anticipated; (2) the extent to which the injured party may be adequately compensated in damages for lack of complete performance; (3) the extent to which the party failing to perform has already partly performed or made preparations for performance; (4) the greater or less hardship on the party failing to perform in terminating the contract; (5) the wilful, negligent, or innocent behavior of the party failing to Agreement to the Extent It Holds Hugh Individually Liable We now turn to the portion of the judgment holding Hugh, individually and in his trustee capacity, jointly and severally liable. As discussed, the judgment incorporates the part of the settlement agreement requiring Hugh to pay Jim a total of $172,500. Hugh contends he consented to the provision only on behalf of the trust in his trustee capacity, and the trial court therefore lacked jurisdiction to enter a judgment against him individually.7 Because the parties could not have reasonably 7 Jim argues Hugh forfeited this issue by failing to raise it in the trial court. He is incorrect. Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6 authorizes the court to enter a judgment
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consistent with the terms of a settlement agreement; it does not confer jurisdiction to create material terms the parties did not agree to. (Steller v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. (2010) 189 Cal.App.4th 175, 180; Osumi, supra, 151 Cal.App.4th at p. 1360.) Because Hugh argues 13 agreed to create a joint obligation that would result in a conflict between Hugh’s personal financial interest and his statutorily mandated duty to preserve trust assets, we agree with Hugh and conclude he cannot be held individually liable for the obligation. “ ‘A settlement agreement is a contract, and the legal principles which apply to contracts[explaining § 16004.5 permits trustee and beneficiary to settle claim over disputed amount of distribution so long as agreement is not conditioned on beneficiary’s release of right to an accounting].) In consideration for settling those matters, the provision contemplates a total payment of $172,500 to Jim, with part of the payment coming from the trust’s IRA accounts and the “balance” from a wire transfer. Given the structure of the provision, it stands to reason that the parties intended the IRA payments and the “balance” to come from the same source—namely, trust assets. Conversely, had the parties intended Hugh to pay any portion of the balance from his personal assets, we must presume they would have specifically provided as such. They would not have relied on an ambiguous provision to create a joint
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striking reversal of the image that Akhenaten promoted, of an escape to sunlight and nature" says Professor Barry Kemp who is leading the excavations. Painted murals found in the tombs of high officials from the time show offering-tables piled high with food. But the bones of the ordinary people who lived in the city reveal a different picture. "The skeletons that we see are certainly not participating in that form of life," says Professor Jerry Rose, of the University of Arkansas, US, whose anthropological team has been analysing the Amarna bones. "Food is not abundant and certainly food is not of high nutritional quality. This is not the city of being-taken-care-of." The population of Amarna had the shortest stature ever recorded from Egypt's past, but they would also have been worked hardway to Italy, I was sitting next to a black man. We had a conversation when we landed. He asked me what I was doing in Italy. I told him I was doing a residency for art, stacking chairs. He looked at me with awe and was like, “A black man going to Italy to create art? You don’t hear about that much anymore.” He was a guy from the military. To hear him say that and then to put it in perspective is like, okay, that is saying something. Black art is powerful. I wrote it down in my journal too. That really struck a chord with me. On advice to burgeoning artists I would tell them that at some point they would have to leave. Never forgetting your
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receives further, detailed information about that item. The merchant also creates and returns one or more critics' reviews, customer reviews, or past purchase information associated with the item. For example, the merchant may present a review by a music critic of a magazine that critiques the album selected by the client. The merchant may also present informal reviews of the album that have been previously entered into the system by other consumers. Further, the merchant may present suggestions of related music based on prior purchases of others. For example, in the approach of, when a client requests detailed information about a particular album or song, the system displays information stating, “People who bought this album also bought . . . ” followed by a list of other albumsprojects beyond the initial implementation and evaluation period is available.[@ref6] [@ref7] To evaluate sustainability, a quality improvement project must have an adequate infrastructure to sustain activities beyond its initial phase. After the 18 month post-implementation evaluation period, most hospitals participating in the Keystone ICU project continued to submit data on infection rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the extent to which intensive care units participating in the initial Keystone ICU project sustained reductions in rates of catheter related bloodstream infection. We hypothesised that the bloodstream infection rate would remain low during the sustainability period relative to baseline. Methods ======= Study design ------------ The Keystone ICU project was designed as a prospective cohort study and used a collaborative model involving the Johns Hopkins Quality and Safety Research Group, the MHA Keystone
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Finally, we replicated our models assuming an over-dispersed Poisson distribution (known as a negative binomial distribution) for the number of bloodstream infections to assess the sensitivity of our results to the Poisson assumption. All P values are two sided; we considered a P value of ≤0.05 to be statistically significant. We used Stata (version 9.1) for all analyses. Results ======= During the sustainability period, 90 (87%) of the original 103 intensive care units from 61 (91%) of the original 67 hospitals reported 1532 intensive care unit months of data and 300 310 catheter days. Thirteen units dropped out because they chose not to pay the MHA's fee. The distribution of total catheter days by hospital teaching status and bed number was consistent between the initial evaluation period and the sustainability period (tableprominent item on the research agenda for quality improvement initiatives is identifying methods that sustain a successful project. Sustainability is often vague and may not be formally separated from the initial implementation and evaluation of the project.[@ref22] Although we do not have empirical data to support this statement, both our experience and theoretical reasons support the idea that sustainability should be examined separately from implementation. Weick and Quinn noted that organisations and teams vary in whether they are best suited for episodic or continuous change.[@ref29] Moreover, early, mid, and late implementers have differing characteristics and motivations for implementing quality improvement interventions.[@ref30] Some implementers focus efforts on short term results, whereas sustainers generally focus on long term results. Teams that are good "implementers" may not be the same as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Cadence. JBS and JAM have grant support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. PP has received lecture fees from Lilly, Merck, Edward Life Sciences, and Sage for various speaking engagements. DMN has had grant and contract support from the National Institutes of Health/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and a clinician-scientists award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Ethical approval: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Institutional Review Board reviewed and approved this research. Data sharing: The dataset and statistical codes are available from the corresponding author. Cite this as: *BMJ* 2010;340:c309 a thinning from $\lambda$ to $\mu$. Condition (\[prob\]) of Theorem \[main\] implies the existence of such a coupling. \[partone\] In the case of infinite volumes it is easier (but still nontrivial) to show that a Poisson thinning from $\lambda$ to $\mu$ always exists when $\lambda > \mu$; see [@HLS Example 2]. Our results yield the following alternative construction, with the additional property that whether or not a point is deleted is determined by the process within a fixed finite radius. Partition ${{\mathbb R}}^d$ into cubes of volume $1/(\lambda - \mu)$. By Corollary \[nicecond\] there exists a thinning on each cube from $\lambda$ to $\mu$; by applying each simultaneously we obtain a thinning on all of ${{\mathbb R}}^d$. The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[later\] we will prove some easier parts of
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Poisson point process of higher intensity. We thank Michael Brand for valuable comments. Proof of Theorem \[main\]: easy implications {#later} ============================================ We will prove Theorem \[main\] by showing that for the existence of a thinning as in (\[exist\]), condition (\[three\]) is necessary, (\[prob\]) is sufficient, and (\[three\]) implies (\[prob\]). Let ${{\mathbb M}}$ be the space of all simple point measures on $[0,1]$. For $\nu \in {{\mathbb M}}$, we denote the support of $\nu$ by $$[\nu]:= { \left\{ {x \in [0,1] : \nu({ \left\{ {x} \right\} }) = 1} \right\} }.$$ Let ${{\mathbb N}}=\{0,1,\ldots\}$. For each $n \in {{\mathbb N}}$, let ${{\mathbb M}}_n:={ \left\{ {\nu \in {{\mathbb M}}: \nu([0,1]) =n} \right\} }$. The following characterization is useful. A point process $\Pi$ on $[0,1]$ is a Poisson point process of intensity $\lambda$ if and onlythe problem and its solution below. Suppose a circular road has several gas stations along its length with just enough gas in total to drive a full circle around the road. Then it is possible to start at one of the stations with an empty tank and complete a circuit without running out of gas before the end. Pretend at first we are allowed to have a negative amount of gas and still drive. Start at any point and consider the amount of gas in the car as a function of the location. After a full circle the tank is exactly empty again. Any point at which the function takes its minimum is a suitable starting point. Place $n$ gas stations at the points of ${{\mathcal U}}\subset S^1$ with gas for
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around the circle. The gas function $h(t)$ is skew-periodic: $h(t+1)=h(t)-1/n$. Furthermore, it has derivative $-1$ except at points $t \pmod 1 \in B$ where $h$ is discontinuous. It follows that there is a set $T$ of measure $1/n$ so that $h$ attains a new minimum value at every $t \pmod 1 \in T$. The set $T$ is exactly the set of locations where it is possible to drive a full circle starting with $1/n$ gas, hence these are the $x$ where $z(B\cup\{x\})=x$. Note that $T$ is a finite union of intervals in $S^1$. We define $v$ as follows. If $z({{\mathcal U}}) = \emptyset$, then set (arbitrarily) $v({{\mathcal U}}) = 0$; otherwise, compute the set $T$ corresponding to $g({{\mathcal U}})$. Given $g({{\mathcal U}})$, $z({{\mathcal U}})$ is uniformly distributed on $T$.decrease with increasing neutron energy in the displaying energy region. For neutrons emitted at small angle (7.5$^{\circ}$), the cross section increases significantly near the incident energy, resulting in a peak at 256 MeV. The neutron at 256 MeV mainly comes from the central collision. The neutrons around 1 MeV mostly come from hot nucleus after the collisions. As shown by the full and dashed lines, the predictions of the TENDL-2017 database fit the trend of data. However, there are two main deviations. First, the predicted value overestimates globally the cross section except the case at 30 MeV and 150$^{\circ}$. The predicted cross section is almost more than twice the experimental data. For example, for 100 MeV neutrons generated at 7.5$^{\circ}$ for p + $^{12}$C reaction, the experimental data
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
spectra are obtained. As the energy of the incident deuteron increases, the neutron energy corresponding to the peak also increases. It can be noticed that the neutron energy corresponding to the peak is half of the energy of the incident deuteron, which is consistent with the result of Fig. \[fig-7\]. So if we want to get high energy neutrons, we should choose a deuterium beam with an energy that is twice the energy of the neutrons. Comparison of neutron yield by Geant4 and analytical method ----------------------------------------------------------- ![Comparison of neutron energy spectrum from interaction between deuteron beam at 200 MeV and carbon target calculated by Geant4, and analytical methods within TENDL-2017 and IQMD cross sections. []{data-label="fig-9"}](fig.9.eps){width="12cm"} In the above subsection, the calculation by the Geant4 has shown that interactions between deuteron beam andactive in the second half of the year, with six of its final nine matches from the confines of the 25,500-seat Orlando City Stadium. Rivalries, regional travel and competitive parity were all taken into account as Orlando will play three games against six opponents and meet the other three teams twice. The Pride will host every team in the league at least once. The NWSL will observe international FIFA dates three times during the 2017 season as players return to their national teams to compete during the weekends of June 10-11, July 29-30 and Sept. 16-17. There will be no extended breaks during the 2017 season as there were during the two previous seasons to accommodate participation of players from the league in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup and the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "OpenWebText2" ] }
study were treated with injections of TA (40 mg) combined with DEX (2.5 mg) divided equally for injection to the supra- and infra-orbital foramen at 4-week intervals (monthly) until no further symptom improvement was observed. The dose of TA was determined referring to previous studies ([@b6-etm-0-0-8896]). The patient was placed in the supine position and sterile local anesthetic drops were placed in the eye. Subsequently, the eyelids were cleaned with povidone-iodine solution. Mixed corticosteroids were injected into the interior lateral and superior inner quadrants of the orbit, vertically and slowly by the same physician using a 26-gauge disposable needle, avoiding the eyeball and surrounding vessels. The eye was closed, with light pressure immediately placed on the periorbital area for 10-15 min after needle withdrawal in order to spreadenzymes activity (u/l) of study groups at the end of the study ![](ABR-2-77-g001) DISCUSSION {#sec1-4} ========== Given the results of the study, serum zinc concentration of control was the lowest of study groups. Zinc is a part of lactic dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase and is necessary for the enzyme activity;\[[@ref2][@ref18]\] in other words, the more the zinc absorption, the more the enzymes activity; hence, due to the lowest serum zinc concentration, enzymes activity in dietary group was the lowest. This difference between dietary and drug treated groups shows that drug solutions increased serum zinc level and enzymes activity and thus improved zinc deficiency. Results of the present study conforms to that of Ebrahimi\'s study in which intestinal absorption of zinc from drug solutions was measured *in vitro* by Everted Gut Sac (EGS) and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
solutions can increase serum zinc concentration and enzymes activity, but zinc sulfate and zinc ethyl maltol are more effective than zinc methyl maltol. Because of the mentioned reasons below, zinc ethyl maltol can be a preferable substitute for zinc sulfate to prevent and treat zinc deficiency: Similar effects of zinc sulfate and zinc ethyl maltol.Different effects of zinc sulfate and zinc methyl maltol.Zinc ethyl maltol does not cause gastrointestinal disorders.Zinc methyl and ethyl maltol are synthesized in almost the same way. The authors would like to thank Isfahan University of Medical Sciences for providing financial support for this study as a PHD thesis. **Source of Support:** Nil **Conflict of Interest:** None declared. 2 interpretation of statute or regulation or the erroneous application of the law to the facts of the case; the administrative judge’s rulings during either the course of the appeal or the initial decision were not consistent with required procedures or involved an
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "FreeLaw" ] }
Thus, because the appellant’s prior service did not immediately precede his probationary appointment, and there was a break in service of more than 30 days, his prior service does not count towards the completion of his probationary period. See Hurston, 113 M.S.P.R. 34, ¶ 9; 5 C.F.R. § 315.802(b). ¶4 Alternatively, an appellant can show that, while he may be a probationer, he satisfies the definition of an “employee” in 5 U.S.C. § 7511(a)(1)(A)(ii), which requires that he have “completed 1 year of current continuous service under other than a temporary appointment limited togoin' on?" "Come here, crazy." "What are you doin'?" "How're you doin'?" "Come in." "Come in." "Oh, shit." "Wait." "Is that your new ride?" " Him." " Nice." " Hi." "Seth." " Hey." "Greg." "Nice to meet you." " We thought we were done for the night." " Too late to get a couple hands in?" "No, no, no. 24-7." "Hey, Steve, could you get us a couple of sandwiches?" " All right." "Give me 400." " Wait." "What about the betting?" " What were you thinking?" " Five hundred, max?" "We don't usually service that level of action... but I hate to turn away a new customer." "We might not have enough cash to settle you at the end of the night." "That's okay." "You can just
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
lot of these regardless of how good you are... but you happen to suck big, fat-ass rhinoceros dick." "Well, thank you." "That's confidence-inspiring." "I got this friend who runs this other firm, right?" "He hands out this book to new trainees." "It's called a rebuttal book." "It looks like a little Filofax." "It's got these index tabs, but instead of having letters... like "A" to "B," "G" to "H," it has different things like..." ""My wife won't let me"... or "I'm not in the market now" or "Send me a prospectus."" "It has a rebuttal for any excuse." "Anyway, that's stuff you'll have to learn later." "The most important thing you gotta know right now... is that you can be whoever you wanna be on the phone." "Youare." "Jesus Christ, they're all the same." " What's the same?" " Oh, my God." "You scared me." "I'm sorry." "How long have you been standing there?" "I just walked up." "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to scare you." "No, no, that's all right." "Interesting reading?" "This?" "No, this is just the prospectus... from the last I.P.O. The firm put out." "I know what it is." "I was just asking if you thought it was interesting." "You know, you might be the first person to read a J.T. Prospectus." "Really?" "Yeah." "So, what are you looking for?" "I'm just looking for some chocolate love." "You know what?" "Would you like me to practice my pitch?" " 'Cause I know it turns you on." " Oh, God." "You know,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
from an associate last month." "I wanted to know if you enjoyed the information we sent you." "What information?" "If you get as much mail as I do, you probably brushed it aside." "But more importantly, we made a commitment to get back to you." "Listen, I'm presenting you with an investment opportunity... that I think you'll find interesting." "I'm not in the market for that." "Tell me, Harry, are you married or are you happy?" "Actually, I've been married for ten years." "Oh, yeah?" "That's great." "Yeah, six years for me." "So, listen." "Are you playing the market at all?" "I don't know about playing." "I do own some blue chips." "They were actually wedding gifts from friends." "Listen, we have an explosive situation going on rightyour wife and ask her what to do?" "Of course not." "But that's a little different." "How is that different?" "It's your money." "You earned it." "All you're doing is investing it." "I'm not selling crack here." "She's only gonna be happy... when she sees that you made a wise investment for the family." "Just think of the flip side." "When your wife does the shopping... does she call you to find out if she can use a coupon for Cap'n Crunch?" " Now, come on." "That's not being fair." " No, I know." "Look, Harry." "I'm just trying to make a point here." "Look, we're not talking about a lot of money here." "Just think what she'll say when you bring home a big fat check... because
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
request." " Do you know how happy that makes me?" " I do." "You know..." "I mean, it's all based on this job... this very legitimate, respectable job... that he can tell his friends about during the Yom Kippur appeal." "But I'll take it." "I mean..." "Oh, fuck." "I'm so fuckin' close." "You know?" "And I'm fucking it up." "I mean, I..." "How are you fucking it up?" "I went to the Med Patent office this morning, and there isn't one." "It's cardboard." "There's nothing." "There's no employees." "There's no research and development." "Nothing." "I found out how Michael's making his money." "We're selling stock for companies that don't exist." " Do you know what bridge financing is?" " No." "Basically, it's a way to raise capital... fora company that's trying to go public." "They get money from outside investors." "They're the bridge." "And it's perfectly legal... as long as there's no connection between the investors and the firm." "But Michael's fronting his friends as the investors on every I.P.O. We do." "So that's why all the names on the contracts are the same." "Right." "Then he has us push it all on the open market." "We're basically selling Michael's shares." "That's where the two-dollar rips come in." "He can pay us that much, and it's worth it for him... because he depends on us to literally create the market for him." "There's no other firm selling this shit." "It's all artificial demand." "As soon as we sell off his position... there's no need to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
up, wanted to pitch me." "Right?" "Wanted to sell me stock, so I let him." "I got every fuckin' rebuttal out of this guy." "Kept him on the phone for an hour and half." "Towards the end, I asked him questions like, "What's the firm minimum?"" "That's a buying question." "Right there, that guy's gotta take me down." "It's not like "What's your 800 number?" That's a fuck-off question." "I was giving him a run, and he blew it." "To a question like, "What is the firm minimum?"" "The answer is zero." "You don't like the idea;" "don't pick up a single share." "But this putz is telling me, you know, "Uh, 100 shares."" "Wrong answer!" "No!" "You have to be closing all the time!" "And be aggressive.""I'm done with you, Seth." "This is it." "I've had it." "I don't wanna see you again." "I don't want you to come to the house." "I don't want you to call." "This is worse than the casino." "You've been stealing." "Look at me." "You're destroying people's lives." "I'm telling you, he's about to make a move." "No!" "I can't afford to leave him out there any longer." "This girlfriend of his may have already tipped him off." " He could run at any time." " She hasn't, sir." "How could you possibly know that?" "And if you're right and she's so loyal to you... then why hasn't she given us any information yet?" "I want Davis brought in by the end of the week." "Period." "There'll be
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
you that bike." "Do you remember what happened about a month after that?" "All right." "What is it?" "What do you want from me?" "Do you remember when I broke..." "when I broke my leg?" "Yes, Seth, I remember you broke your leg." "What is it?" "You were hysterical!" "I had to get you to stop!" "My fucking leg... was broken." "I'm sorry..." "I'm sorry I couldn't... get the job that you wanted me to have." "But..." "I mean..." "Who gives a shit?" "'Cause I'm good at what I do, Dad." "I'm good at what I do!" "And the casino..." "The casino was a fucking business... and I ran it pretty fuckin' well, Dad!" " And to think that I closed it for you!" " Wait, wait." "Wait.""I didn't say anything." "All right." "That's it." "I am out of here in three seconds... unless you can charge me with something." "Can I change your mind about doing the I.P.O. Scheme?" "Well, then I'm gonna help you out." "I know somebody over at Ellis Proud." "At least I can make sure you don't get caught." "Oh, my God." "So, what do you want from me?" "I want you to testify." " Well, what are you offering?" " Full immunity." " And what happens with my father?" " He won't do any time." "Seth, I haven't done anything illegal." "So, what's the deal, then?" "The deal is I lose my judgeship just going along for the ride." " I have nothing to do with that." " What's
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
this guy is a fucking whale... and he's gonna do an obscene amount of business with this firm." " You're somehow sure of this." " Yeah, the guy completely trusts me." "He doesn't even need the money." "He owns the biggest foods company in Wisconsin." "He just wants to know we're gonna do right by him." "How many trades has he made?" "Two." "But he made a second trade a week after I opened him." "Look, the guy's pretty fuckin' sour on Farrow Tech... and he's gonna walk." "I just think we need to make him a little money on this next I.P. O... and let him take it for a ride." "What did Greg say?" "He's busy closing somebody." "I didn't want to bother him." "Well, gochange in the witness's story and thus the unreliability of his testimony. The trial court ruled that evidence of the polygraph examination was inadmissible. Defendant Melendez contends that this ruling constituted a denial of his Sixth Amendment right of full cross-examination. Absent a stipulation, e.g., State v. Seebold, 111 Ariz. 423, 531 P.2d 1130 (1975), evidence of or reference to a polygraph test is inadmissible for any reason. State v. Marquez, 113 Ariz. 540, 558 P.2d 692 (1976); State v. Bowen, 104 Ariz. 138, 449 P.2d 603 (1969), cert. den. 396 U.S. 912, 90 S.Ct. 229, 24 L.Ed.2d 188 (1969); State v. Valdez, 91 Ariz. 274, 371 P.2d 894 (1962). The inadmissibility of polygraph tests applies to parties and witnesses alike. Valdez, supra. We note that Melendez was otherwise free
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "FreeLaw" ] }
the trial court. The unchallenged opinion of the medical examiner was that the direct cause of the victim's death was internal bleeding resulting from stab wounds to his chest. The medical examiner further testified, however, that all of the other injuries the victim sustained, the position in which he was tied to the climbing device and the high level of alcohol in his blood (.31%) would have cumulatively caused his death within three or four hours, even in the absence of the multiple stab wounds. Among the significant non-stab injuries which would have contributed to the victim's death was a gash on the top of the victim's head which the medical examiner testified could have been caused by the blade of the hoe. While neither Cruz Martinez nor Melendezon the victim, and that he helped place the victim on the climbing device. The jury was properly instructed that the case involved two defendants; that the evidence as to each must be considered separately; that proof against one was not proof against another; and that one who participates in the crime is equally guilty with the actual perpetrator. The jury was also instructed that the State had the burden of proving the defendant did commit the act and intended to do so and that mere presence at the scene did not establish guilt. We believe the instructions given adequately covered the question, reasonably raised by the evidence, of whether the element of causation had been satisfied by acts done or encouraged by Melendez. We find no error. c. Aggravated assault The
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determination of whether the trial court erred in refusing to give the defendant's instructions relating to aggravated assault hinges on whether there is reasonable support in the evidence for defendant's contention that his conduct was not a proximate cause of the victim's death. Where the victim of an assault dies as a result of that assault, the trial court is not required to instruct on the lesser included offense of aggravated assault. State v. Contreras, 107 Ariz. 68, 481 P.2d 861 (1971); *6 see also State v. Myers, 59 Ariz. 200, 125 P.2d 441 (1942). Based upon the facts presented in this case, we find no error in refusing to give an instruction on aggravated assault. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF ARIZONA'S DEATH PENALTY STATUTE AND THE PROPRIETY OF THE DEATH PENALTYtier are graduates of an apprenticeship program for the applicable occupation that was either approved by the Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards pursuant to Section 3075 of the Labor Code or located outside California and approved for federal purposes pursuant to the apprenticeship regulations adopted by the United States Secretary of Labor. (C) As of January 1, 2018, at least 40 percent of the skilled journeypersons employed to perform work on the contract or project by the entity and each of its subcontractors at every tier are graduates of an apprenticeship program for the applicable occupation that was either approved by the Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards pursuant to Section 3075 of the Labor Code or located outside California and approved for federal purposes pursuant to the apprenticeship regulations adopted by the United States Secretary of Labor. (D) As of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Pile-CC" ] }
But even gold is still a fairly volatile investment. ~~~ ramontayag Yes, it may feel volatile, but how volatile is it compared to other currencies? For example, my country's currency fell 10% in the last three months. Intrinsic value discussion aside (which is its own discussion worth having), I would certainly like to keep more of my money in gold vs my local currency if gold were easy to get and keep. Peter Schiff says does this, but I'm not interested in owning a certificate. You bring up a good point though. The closer I imagine ourselves being at the event horizon, the fuzzier the details become. For example, I don't know what "stable enough" is exactly. I guess the question is now, will it ever get close enough to go past the event horizon? ~~~ BenoitEssiambre The crucial thing is that as you @Override public boolean setA(DMatrixRMaj A) { passedin = A; // the input matrix has an expected input value if( !Double.isNaN(expectedA)) assertEquals(expectedA,A.get(0), UtilEjml.TEST_F64); if( modifiesA ) { A.set(0,0,rand.nextDouble()); }
{ "pile_set_name": [ "HackerNews", "Github" ] }
place I call home.”) When she arrived at Harborview at 11:00 a.m., she says, a doctor told her that “there was no heartbeat” from the baby. “They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too.” As for joining the protests, she says, “I was worried about it, but I didn’t know it would be this bad. I didn’t know that a cop would murder a baby that’s not born yet… I am trying to get lawyers.” I repeatedly asked Fox if she could provide any medical records that confirm the miscarriage or that the clash with police officers caused it. She did not have copies but says she asked heralso said that at least one general manager “had no problems with his interview with Williams.” Still, it’s possible that a team on the fence about drafting the tight end, in light of his other concerns, could be swayed to go in another direction if its interview with Williams did not match its expectations. Nonetheless, it will be a mild surprise if Williams is not among the selections in the first round of this year’s draft on April 30. And while that is largely because of the impressive skills that Williams brings to the table himself, it is also because there is a lack of talent behind him in this year’s tight end group. The Best of a Bad Class The only prospect in this year’s class who should provide any
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District: Locust Valley New Construction - 4 Homes To Be Built In Private Cul-de-sac. Model Available With Bedroom On 1st Floor. Time To Customize, Choice Of Models Or Will Build Custom. Located In The Quaint Seaside Village Of Bayville. Village Beach And Mooring, Locust Valle... $790,000 16 Shorewood Dr, Bayville 4Beds 3Baths 0.12Acres 2,552sqft School District: Locust Valley If You Love The Beach, Boating And Natural Surroundings, You Are Going To Love Bayville And This Home. Nestled On A Private Beach Road And Only One House Away From The Li Sound. The Young Colonial Offers Spacious Rooms, Upper Level Water Views, Hardwood... $789,000 $785,000 Lot#6 Violet Rd, Bayville 4Beds 3Baths 0.15Acres 2,650sqft School District: Locust Valley To Be Built - 4 Homes On A Private Cul-de-sac. Models Will Vary -choice Of Models Or Will Build With Your Plans. Plans Available For Review. Not In Flood Zonepreamble = "\\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n" \ ... "\\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts}\\begin{document}" >>> preview(x + y, output='png', preamble=preamble) If the value of 'output' is different from 'dvi' then command line options can be set ('dvioptions' argument) for the execution of the 'dvi'+output conversion tool. These options have to be in the form of a list of strings (see subprocess.Popen). Additional keyword args will be passed to the latex call, e.g., the symbol_names flag. >>> phidd = Symbol('phidd') >>> preview(phidd, symbol_names={phidd:r'\ddot{\varphi}'}) For post-processing the generated TeX File can be written to a file by passing the desired filename to the 'outputTexFile' keyword argument. To write the TeX code to a file named "sample.tex" and run the default png viewer to display the resulting bitmap, do >>> preview(x + y, outputTexFile="sample.tex") """special=['pyglet']ifviewerisNone:ifoutput=="png":viewer="pyglet"else:# sorted in order from
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
of the DEGs responding to hypobaric hypoxia, we used KEGG pathway and Gene Ontology enrichment analyses. Several innate immune pathways, including cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, the IL-17 signaling pathway, the TNF signaling pathway and the chemokine signaling pathway, were highly enriched in the pathway analysis ([Fig. 3](#fig-3){ref-type="fig"}). Additionally, some metabolic pathways, such as mineral absorption and galactose metabolism, were enriched as well. It seems that immune-related pathways represented in the DEGs are involved in the response and/or adaptation to hypobaric hypoxia. ![Pathway analysis of the DEGs.\ The top eight significant KEGG pathways are shown.](peerj-07-6499-g003){#fig-3} We then used the Gene Ontology analysis to annotate the DEGs affected by hypobaric hypoxia ([Fig. 4](#fig-4){ref-type="fig"}). Concerning molecular function, the GO analysis indicated that some migration and chemotaxis ontologies, such as leukocytes and granulocytes, were significantly enriched.For biological processes, receptor and ligand activity ontologies, especially cytokines and chemokines, were enriched. For cellular components, the GO analysis indicated that the DEGs were active in the extracellular matrix. The GO analysis verified the results of the KEGG pathway analysis. ![GO analysis results from hypobaric hypoxia.\ (A) The GO terms of molecular function (MF) were analyzed. (B) The GO terms of biological process (BP) were analyzed. (C) The GO terms of cellular component (CC)](peerj-07-6499-g004){#fig-4} Co-expression pathway analysis ------------------------------ Three different co-expression patterns were observed in the co-expression analysis ([Fig. 5](#fig-5){ref-type="fig"}). Co-expression analysis has the ability to cluster DEGs that possess the same or similar functions, which supplies a way to refine the DEGs and pathways. Most of the 244 genes in the first cluster were upregulated in week 2 but were downregulated in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
displaced avulsion fracture existsIn an acute, grossly unstable jointIn a symptomatic chronic injuryIn cases of volar subluxation seen on radiographs Hintermann \[[@CR21]\] suggested that for his classification of UCL injuries:Type I injuries require cast immobilisation for 4 weeks.Types III and V injuries require cast immobilisation for 3 weeks.Types II and IV injuries require operative management. There are instances where the injury does not fall between these two groups and then clinical judgement is needed to decide the best course of action. Non-operative treatment {#Sec8} ======================= The mainstay of non-operative treatment is firstly immobilisation of the joint followed by targeted hand therapy. The duration of this immobilisation is a balance between providing enough time to allow the ligaments or an undisplaced fracture to heal and not being immobilised for so long that a joint stiffness ensues. Mostjoint, grip and pinch strength as early repair of the ligament \[[@CR13]\]. Wong et al. \[[@CR50]\] have recently suggested using a bone-periosteum-bone (BPB) graft as an alternative to the traditional use of tendon. In seven patients with chronic UCL instability, they excised the capsular and ligamentous remnants and burred the bone to a depth of 8 mm. A BPB graft was harvested from the iliac crest and the bone blocks were fixed to the burred sites with the periosteum crossing the joint to replicate the UCL. The results are definitely encouraging though use in a larger cohort is needed before being universally advocated. Pending this, we recommend static reconstruction with a triangular configuration with a proximal apex as the most appropriate means of reconstruction of the UCL and RCL due
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
an acute, forced injury or following repeated trauma. History, examination and plain radiographs form the basis of a treatment algorithm that can be used for both UCL and RCL injuries. Accurate and effective management is important to prevent long-term morbidity and restore function. exhaust cleaning systems. Backfitting exhaust scrubbers is time-consuming and costly, so we think vessel owners will favour using low sulphur fuels for the existing fleet. The IMO assessed the fuel oil market in 2016, reporting that enough low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) would be available for the change. However, the fuel oil supply chain is complicated and there could be trade routes where LSFO is not readily available. This may lead to an increase in bunker prices and therefore drybulk freight rates. Baltic Drybulk Index Freight is a significant component of the delivered price of sugar. If rates rise this tends to lead to increased regionalisation of the sugar market, meaning that buyers tend to source sugar from close-by origins. We saw this effect in 2008 when the drybulk freight market rose to record highs; expensive freight
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
After the initial decade or two of anarchy caused by the Zombie Apocalypse, everything starts to gradually settle down as people get used to the new normal; towns and governments are being reestablished, zombies are dying off (either from naturally decaying or being easily hunted down by humans that are now aware of their weaknesses), and infrastructure is slowly building back up. The world hasn't quite gotten back to it's pre-apocalypse level yet, but its getting there. Fan Works Film Literature Live-Action TV Music Fairly obviously: "It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by R.E.M. It doesn't make oodles of sense, but one can assume it's Exactly What It Says on the Tin. One interpretation of the song is about how the rich of society are happyThe corporate convergence debate is usually presented in terms of competing efficiency and political claims. Convergence optimists assert that an economic logic will promote convergence on the most efficient form of economic organization, usually taken to be the public corporation governed under rules designed to maximize shareholder value. Convergence skeptics counterclaim that organizational diversity is possible, even probable, because of path dependent development of institutional complementarities whose abandonment is likely to be inefficient. The skeptics also assert that existing elites will use their political and economic advantages to block reform; the optimists counterclaim that the spread of shareholding will reshape politics.
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Haunted Places: Brij Raj Bhavan Palace Rajasthan’s forts and buildings because of its ghost stories are famous around the world. There is a building of Rajasthan where Ghost slept while on duty if you sleep. Here’s why people are afraid of a job. Brij Raj Bhawan Palace in Kota, Rajasthan, is still remembered for its unique history. The 180-year-old historic hotel was declared as historic. But the people who come here have a ghost experience. Major Burton at the hotel during the British rule, which is called a ghost quota was serving, and the 1857 Indian soldiers were killed during the uprising. The Majors and his two sons were killed in the same building. It is said that the former Queen of the quota in 1980 was seen in the sameout within the genre. The casualties are shown to be simply casualties of war – inexperienced pilots against a numerically superior, better-equipped force with all the advantages struggling to survive. This doesn’t make scenes like the protagonist missing her chance to put her wingman out of her misery before she’s eaten by aliens any less harrowing, but it avoids a lot of what many series fall prey to – wallowing in mawkishness or celebrations of stupid heroism. In this article, I’ll lay out in broad strokes some of the cliché character death archetypes, and suggest which ones work and which ones are the Little Nell’s death of giant robot cartoons. [EDIT: Here is the spoiler list in no particular order; Super Dimension Fortress Macross/Do You Remember Love? Macross Frontier Macross Plus Macross 7 Mobile Suit
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have talked about many more series and examples in this article; I could have talked about the unfortunate Kakizaki in Macross: Do You Remember Love, plucked from the sky by Miria after cracking a joke about women pilots in a scene that would fit right in Muvluv. Roy Fokker, in either incarnation. Or Kamina, killed doing what he does best – giving a pep talk to Simon that defines the boy’s future. Indeed, there’s a whole subset of such archetypes I didn’t explore – the sympathetic antagonist, touched on with Guld. Characters like Four Murasame, Gigil, Corin Nander, Yurin, Anew Returner, Lalah Sune, Loni and so on – the character who has a last-minute epiphany, or is forced to fight against their will, and often dies by thedidnt happen. He died causually shot by some douchebag. That kinda gave that scene the more “WTF??!?!?!” Moment, but it still was kinda impressing. I cant say for sure if I had liked the Heros Death of Gai more, but I gotta say: His anime death left more of an impression on me then his “death” in the game. And Guld: I BOUGHT YOU LUNCH IN HIGH SCHOOL TWICE! I BOUGHT YOU LUNCH THIRTEEN TIMES! SCREW YOU, WHO KEEPS SUCH CLOSE COUNT? Though if I may, I’d add a sub-category: the “Thank God You’re Finally Dead!” death, in which a character that has earned the audience’s enmity by their continuing to exist and not being horribly dismembered before they were inflicted on the viewing public finally kicks the bucket.* 🙂 *Having just watched “Char’s
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get built and help stop drugs, human trafficking etc. Twitter: Donald J. Trump on Twitter Even as the Trump administration jousts with Canada over its latest trade dispute, it might want to keep a closer eye on Mexico, America’s No. 1 one dairy importer. Its southern neighbor, which figures prominently in the U.S. government’s crime and immigration rhetoric, spent almost twice as much money as Canada did on U.S. dairy in 2016. That’s $1.2 billion. Now it appears Mexico is looking for new trading partners. In the first two months of 2017, Mexico increased its imports of skim milk powder from the European Union by 122% over last year, according to the EU Milk Market Observatory (as first reported by the Irish Farm Journal). Mexico has also been exploring talks with Set r1 = .Range("G1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns("G:G").Column).End(xlUp)) End With With wT Set r2 = .Range("G1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns("G:G").Column).End(xlUp)) End With On Error Resume Next For Each cel1 In r1 With Application Set cel2 = .Index(r2, .Match(cel1.Value, r2, 0)) 'find match in sheet2 If Err = 0 Then If cel1.Offset(, 8) <> cel2.Offset(, 8) Then copyRow cel2 'if difference, copy
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End If Err.Clear End With Next cel1 End Sub Sub copyRow(cel As Range) Dim w As Worksheet, r As Range Set w = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3") Set r = w.Cells(w.Rows.Count, Columns("G:G").Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1) 'next row cel.EntireRow.Copy w.Cells(r.Row, 1) End Sub against West Indies - and we surely don't need to go into Archer's backstory again here - does add piquancy. And his knowledge of the opposition could provide some useful insight for England. "The West Indies game will only serve to increase interest in Archer. His life has changed radically over the last few weeks and you suspect we're just at the start" "It's just another game of cricket; same as the last game," he said. "I know them pretty good. I played with a few of the guys at Under-19 level, so it will be good to actually play against them this time. "I'll be able to share some knowledge, but I do that whenever we play. I played against and with some of the Bangladeshi guys in the BPL
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I'm very emotional. I take my cricket very seriously. "The wickets change, the batters change, conditions change. You know that sometimes you won't have a good day and the good balls might go for boundaries. You just keep a level head and keep bouncing back." That attitude, that pace, that hostility: it all bodes well for England.I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Martin and I am a Catholic from NY, USA. I am currently running a catholic website with my wife - which offers prayer videos in 3 formats (video with voice over, no voice over and audio only) as well as entire bible content (KJV). In addition you can find bible quote pictures and a place where you can submit prayers for the community to support you in praying right along side you. We created our community in the memory of my grandfather who passed away a few years ago. He was a huge icon in my life, a true father figure which i desperately needed. He was a very devoted catholic and an incredible person with patience, perseverance and compassion
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
[Comparative analysis of the results of modified sinusectomy and trabeculectomy in patients with primary open angle glaucoma]. A study was conducted to examine surgical approach for the management of patients with open-angle glaucoma, in which Schlemm's canal is opened to restore drainage in a non penetrating fashion. Compared over the results of the surgical procedure including new modification of sinusectomy with the results of standard trabeculectomy. The study concerns 82 patients with primary open angle glaucoma. A new type of surgical procedure performed on 40 consecutive patients (Group I). Trabeculectomy performed on 42 patients (Group II). Data, including visual acuity, intraocular pressure, complications and the number of medications required to maintain adequate pressures, were analyzed. The follow-up time ranged from 6 months to 3 years. After 24 months postoperatively,note, there is mounting evidence that interaction between the radio plasma and the ISM present around the central engines of radio-loud galaxies is at work also in CSOs (Morganti et al. [@mor04]) . A study of the content, distribution and kinematics of cold gas via molecular and atomic lines is key to elucidating the nature of CSOs and their evolutionary link to other radio-loud galaxies. 4C31.04 is a nearby CSO at z$\sim$0.06 at the nucleus of the giant elliptical MCG 5-8-18, located at the center of a cluster. HI absorption was detected by Van Gorkom et al. ([@van89]) and Mirabel ([@mir90]), and mapped at high-resolution by Conway ([@con96]). The HST color maps obtained by Perlman et al. ([@per01])(Pe01) unveil that the optical image of 4C31.04 is permeated with obscuration features. These consist of an
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "ArXiv" ] }
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'numactl' version = '2.0.11' homepage = '' description = """The numactl program allows you to run your application program on specific cpu's and memory nodes. It does this by supplying a NUMA memory policy to the operating system before running your program. The libnuma library provides convenient ways for you to add NUMA memory policies into your own program.""" toolchain = {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '5.2.0'} source_urls = [''] sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz'] checksums = ['3e099a59b2c527bcdbddd34e1952ca87462d2cef4c93da9b0bc03f02903f7089'] builddependencies = [('Autotools', '20150215')] preconfigopts = "./ && " sanity_check_paths = { 'files': ['bin/numactl', 'bin/numastat', 'lib/libnuma.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/libnuma.a'], 'dirs': ['share/man', 'include'] } moduleclass = 'tools' walked down the path winding through the houses towards us. Hello, good day. Where can we go? Where can we stay? – The girls looked at each other and started discussing. We looked at each other and started to worry. Finally, one of them waved us over, asked us to follow and went up the steep stairs. Her aunt runs a homestay in Khonoma. Well, she runs the homestay in Khonoma, the so far only accommodation available in the village. Three clans of one tribe are living in Khonoma, it has a population of around 3000 people, many living in houses without running water, most streets not accessible by car. Small shops, more stairs than canals in Venice, flowers, lots and lots of flowers, very crisp, clean air, houses with green
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
toilets, but it will cost more. We paid for a room in a shared house (very clean, lovely decoration of house and garden, excellent food, 3 meals a day included, very homy feel but no proper heating, no glass in the windows, lots of power cuts, no running water etc) 650 Rp per person and night. Might have been off-season. April it was. Thanks for the reply. I am in fact quite used to little privacy and a lot of power and water cuts, since I have been living for a while in a small town in Tamil Nadu doing a public health project for rural communities. Rs 650 is an amazing price for what you have just described! I probably will spend a week in Nagaland, would you recommend morePartitioning of amino acids in lactating cows: oxidation to carbon dioxide. The rate and extent of oxidation of 20 different amino acids has been evaluated as part of a study on partitioning of amino acids in normal lactating cows. Only four amino acids--glutamate, aspartate, alanine and glutamine--were extensively oxidized, and when expressed as a percentage of the injected dose oxidized during 3 h after intravenous injection, the value for these four amino acids was not significantly different from those obtained with the volatile fatty acids. The oxidation of all other amino acids was significantly slower, effectively prolonging their availability for protein synthesis. The pattern of oxidation among the amino acids supports the hypothesis that catabolized protein can provide a protracted source of anaplerotic precursors that augment the metabolic role
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Q: PHP, HTML and character encodings I actually have a fairly simple question but I'm unable to find an answer anywhere. The PHP function html_entity_decode is supposed to "converts all HTML entities to their applicable characters from string." So, since &#937; is the HTML encoding for the Greek captical letter Omega, I'd expect that echo html_entity_decode('&#937;', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); would output Ω. But instaid, it outputs some strange characters which my browser can't recongize. Why is this? Thanks, Martijn A: When you convert entities into UTF-8 characters like your last parameter specifies, your output encoding must be UTF-8 as well. Otherwise, in a single-byte encoding like ISO-8859-1, you will see double-byte characters as two broken single ones. Polish Nationalism Comments (0) Transcript of Polish Nationalism PoliticalEthnicityHistoryPolandAidan, EvanReligionLanguagePolands official language is polish and it has the language of Kashubian as a minority langageCulturePoland's culture is closely associated with its intricate history and developed as a result of its geographical location in EuropeGeographyPoland is located in Europe and shares borders with: Germany, Czech republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia91% of Poles are CatholicChristmas Christmas is a very important holiday in Poland. Families decorate there homes in preparation for this holiday with Christmas trees and traditional ornaments. Families go to church were they sing traditional polish christmas carols such as the popular "god is being born" . After church families gather to feast on food such as a variety of fish dishes since red meat is prohibited on this day.EasterEaster
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was formed during the 10th century under the Piast Dynasty. The Piast Dynasty was the first form of Poland as a stateEconomyThe Polish-Lithuanian was one of the largest most populous countries in Europe dating from 1569-1795. It embodied modern Poland, Ukraine, Parts Of Russia and a variety of other eastern European Countries and was an Elected Monarchy.The Union Of LublinWas the treaty signed on July 1, 1569 that bound Poland and Lithuania to a single state. The parties Involved were the Crown of the kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Being in a personal Union on on good terms due to previous event this transition to a single state was smoothMieszko 1 of PolandMieszko the first was the first King of Poland, famed for untieda suction plenum and a condenser. The heating elements are located within the ITM drum, while the suction plenum and the condenser are located outside of the ITM drum. In operation, the heating elements increase the temperature of the ITM blanket, which evaporates the carrier liquid on the ITM blanket. The evaporated carrier liquid is drawn into suction plenum using pressure differences created by the suction plenum. The evaporated carrier liquid is then condensed by the condenser so that the carrier liquid can be collected for disposal. A concern with the conventional carrier liquid extraction system is that the use of heating elements in the ITM drum to evaporate carrier liquid is not efficient with respect to power consumption. In addition, during an unexpected shutdown, the internally heated ITM
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
[Decrease of tuberculosis in children in GDR - facts, data and conclusions]. With decrease of tuberculosis among children GDR to nearly insignificant numbers nonspecific respiratory diseases have taken precedence in the health care of children. Nevertheless tuberculosis must not be forgotten in differential diagnostic consideration. Prophylaxis of tuberculosis exposition is becoming a predominant task. Immunoprophylaxis by BCG-vaccination should be carried on, yet treatment of tuberculous children should be started centrally at the children's hospital for pulmonary diseases at Harzgerode (GDR) also further on. The following ambulatory therapy should be done under the control of the district centres for respiratory diseases among children in close cooperation with the appropriate policlinical department for pulmonary disease (PALT) and the hospital at Harzgerode. Tuberculosis has to remain an important component of medical education“Cook This!” 4-H Culinary Challenge Aug. 12-14. All events will occur in the 4-H Exhibits Building. Iowans will find healthy activities, educational events and family-friendly entertainment every day in the 4-H Exhibits Building at the 2012 Iowa State Fair. The 4-H Exhibits Building will be open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, Aug. 9 to 19, and will offer many exhibits that have been prepared by Iowa 4-H youth. The air-conditioned 4-H Exhibits Building is in the southwest corner of the fairgrounds. In the early 1920s, Iowa 4-H was in its youth; today Iowa 4-H is thriving and in its prime, reaching one in every five Iowa school-age youth. Iowa State University has always played a central role with 4-H Youth Development in Iowa, and the university preserves early 4-H
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
sanctuary for protection and de-hornedMaasai villageDonkey warming itself by the fire in the Maasai villageVon der Deken's HornbillVulturine GuineafowlSessia - the wonderful kudu. What a fantastic array of animals, birds and humans in colour and black & white. All wonderful shots there and what lovely music you've managed to put them too, love it. You and SM have made me totally jealous with your leopard shots, just beautiful. Two super shots of the hyena peering down the hole then doing what they do best, laughing What a very regal, handsome male lion Brilliant that you saw Rhino and got some good close ups - noticed one had had his horn trimmer. Loved the 4 warthogs in a row drinking from the water and some lovely shots of the giraffe asmales being present have become like brother and sister so no babies sadly. They are hoping to bring in another male from neighbouring Lewa. I heard about Bruno Safariman, but didn't like to mention his end! Pumbah is lovely and very wise but did pop into our tent to say hello, happily not when the leopard was walking past. WS - much appreciated. I'm just sorting through a few random photos from each of our 3 different camps and will post them over the next few days. I forgot we've a busy weekend and are having 20 friends over tomorrow afternoon for a few sundowners and bitings (still in safari mode). Some great pics Lai.The thing I love about the Offbeat Camp is you do not have to travel far to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
and Exchange Commission demanded information about its Acacia CDO business in May 2010 on topics including “trading practices and valuation policies,” Redwood said in an August 2010 filing. 58 Examples S&P said in in a Feb. 4 statement that all of the CDOs cited by the Justice Department received the same ratings from a competitor. Moody’s granted $420 million of Acacia Option ARM 1 CDO the same Aaa as S&P in May 2007. S&P’s CDO group ignored warnings and data from its mortgage securities unit that their mortgage-backed securities ratings, used in grading CDOs, were proving flawed, according to the complaint. The lawsuit includes at least 58 examples of S&P executives taking steps to appease issuers or acknowledging how pressure from banks could lessen the quality of its grades or delay downgrades. The ratings company contests the suit’s allegations. Even with its best efforts towon't start in the US or, indeed, any of the developed countries in which many lawmakers and drug policy experts believe the war on drugs, despite its serious flaws, has been a net good. After all, these countries have led the charge for stricter and stricter anti-drug efforts since the Hague International Opium Convention of 1912 — they don't look poised to pull all of that back anytime soon. Instead, Caulkins argued the more likely option is that a Latin American country, saddled with almost no benefits from the drug war yet all the violence it entails, will push to end its own drug war — and even legalize currently illicit substances like cocaine. And in an increasingly globalized world, one country's decision to allow a brand new legal
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prevents drug use, there's a very strong argument that the drug war is too punitive. A 2014 study from Peter Reuter at the University of Maryland and Harold Pollack at the University of Chicago found there's no good evidence that tougher punishments or harsher supply-elimination efforts do a better job pushing down access to drugs and substance abuse than lighter penalties. So increasing punishment or crop eradication efforts may not do much, if anything, to slow the flow of drugs. Instead, most of the reduction in accessibility from the drug war appears to be a result of the simple fact that drugs are illegal, which by itself makes drugs more expensive and less accessible by eliminating avenues toward mass production and distribution. How a Latin American country could render thelead to big, legal markets in countries that are better suited to directly ship to America. If the US couldn't stop these shipments, Caulkins wrote, "the jig is up." The abundant flow of legal cocaine would drive prices down, potentially making prohibition — which is meant to keep drugs costly and therefore inaccessible — no longer worth the costs of more incarceration and higher levels of black market violence within the US. "So now you've got cocaine selling for a dollar a gram across the border of the United States, so inside NAFTA," Caulkins told me. "At that point, it may just be a fait accompli, and there's really no way to prevent the price collapse. Once it's impossible to prevent the price collapse, then maybe at that point
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
<< " times\n"; first_occurence = next_word_occurence; } } I didn't use std::adjacent_find<>() because it obfuscates the main goal, in my opinion. Using std::find_if_not<>() and its non not version is arguable, but I just went with not version because I usually read on high speeds and sometimes tend to confuse != and ==. Do note that this version is still immune to the point mentioned by @jvb. A: Possible problem/crash here: vector<string> input_arr; // some code to read from std::cin and sort string current_string = input_arr[0]; Let's assume there are no input words (it's user input, after all). While calling std::sort on an empty std::vector is without risk, addressing [0] is illegal (and will lead to unpredictable behavior). There should be a check like if (!input_arr.empty())(P less than .05). The percentage of cells in S-phase in normal gastric mucosa (median: 5.0%) was lower than that in the tumors (median: 11.3%) (P less than .05). There was a trend for grade 3 tumors to have higher median values (median: 13.4%) than grade 1 and 2 tumors (median: 9.3%); however, this was not statistically significant. An aneuploid DNA pattern was associated with a poorer prognosis, both in early and in advanced stages of gastric tumors, while proliferative activity did not correlate with postoperative survival.
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luminosity (${\mbox{$E_{\gamma,{\rm iso}}$}}\sim 2\times 10^{48}$ erg) burst with a simple power-law  afterglow which could only be followed for $\sim 10^4$ s [@gso+05]. The subsequent afterglows of GRB050724 (${\mbox{$E_{\gamma,{\rm iso}}$}}\sim 3\times 10^{50}$ erg; [@bcb+05]) and GRB051221A (${\mbox{$E_{\gamma,{\rm iso}}$}}\sim 1.5\times 10^{51}$ erg; [@sbk+06]) were brighter, and could be followed in for at least $10^5$ s [@gbp+06; @bgc+06]. In particular, the  afterglow of GRB050724 is remarkable in that it exhibits a typical  light curve as observed from long GRBs by [*Swift*]{} (apart from the absence of a slow-decay phase). It shows a fast early decay, with significant  flares, one at 100 s and another at $3\times 10^4$ s. The first flare has the same fluence as the prompt emission, while the late flare has roughly 10% of that. The interpretation of this activity poseslaw extensions down into the X-ray, and up into the 100 MeV to GeV ranges (although a number of bursts show a thermal-like spectrum, which sometimes can be fitted with a blackbody [@ryde04]). Gamma-Ray Emission {#sub:prompt:gamma} ------------------ The simplest model for the gamma-ray emission assumes that a proton crossing a strong shock front with a relative bulk Lorentz factor $\Gamma_{21}$ acquires (in the comoving frame) an internal energy characterized by a random (comoving) Lorentz factor $\gamma_{p,m} \sim \Gamma$ [@mr93a]. The comoving magnetic field behind the shock can build up due to turbulent dynamo effects behind the shocks [@mr93a; @mr93b] (as also inferred in supernova remnant shocks). More recently, the Weibel instability has been studied in this context [@ml99; @msf+04; @spitkovsky05]. The efficiency of this process remains under debate, but one can
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tens of minutes. Observations prior to the [*Swift*]{} era demonstrated already that bright flashes such as that seen from GRB990123 were relatively rare. At the same time, the slow-fading ($\alpha\sim 0.4$) optical emission from GRB021004 and the relatively faint optical flash from GRB021211 were both argued to have properties consistent with a reverse shock origin [@kz03a; @zkm03; @fyk+03; @fps+03; @lfc+03; @wei03]. Optical/UV afterglows are now detected at early times, $<$100 s, in prompt observations with the [*Swift*]{} UVOT telescope in roughly half the bursts for which an  afterglow was seen; for a detailed discussion see [@rsf+05]. Of particular interest is the ongoing discussion of whether the “dark GRBs” which remain undetected by the UVOT are really optically deficient, or remain unobserved due to observational biases (e.g., the relatively blue bandpass of UVOT andin the thick-shell regime ($T \gg t_{dec}$), resulting in the reverse shock being relativistic and boosting the optical spectrum into the UV [@kobayashi00] (but a detection by UVOT might then be expected, unless the decay is faster than the typical 100 to 200 s UVOT response time). Another possibility, for a high comoving luminosity, is copious pair formation in the ejecta, causing the reverse shock spectrum to peak in the IR [@mrr+02]. Both GRBs 990123 and 050904 (see below) have a relatively large ${\mbox{$E_{\gamma,{\rm iso}}$}}\sim 10^{54}$erg, so the latter seems a promising option. Even without pairs, more accurate calculations of the reverse shock [@np04; @mkp06] find the emission to be significantly weaker than what was estimated earlier. Yet another possibility is that the cooling frequency in reverse shock is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
lead to steeper slopes. Structured jets, when viewed on-beam, produce essentially the same slopes as homogeneous jets, while off-beam observing can lead to shallower slopes [@dzf05]. For the flares, if their origin is assumed to be internal (e.g. some form of late internal shock or dissipation) the value of $t_0$ is just before the flare, near the observed time of flare onset [@zhang06]. This interpretation appears, so far, compatible with most of the [*Swift*]{}afterglows [@zfd+06; @nkg+06; @pmg+06]. Alternatively, the initial fast decay could be due to the emission of a cocoon of exhaust gas [@pmr06b], where the temporal and spectral index are explained through an approximately power-law behavior of escape times and spectral modification of multiply-scattered photons. The fast decay may also be due to the reverse shock emission, ifprompt emission (i.e. without an initial steep decay phase) or when seen after an initial steep decay. Questions remain concerning the interpretation of the fluence ratio in the shallow  afterglow and the prompt gamma-ray emission, which can reach $E_{\rm X}/E_\gamma\siml 1$ [@owo+06]. This requires a higher radiative efficiency in the prompt gamma-ray emission than in the  afterglow. One could speculate that this might be achieved if the prompt outflow were Poynting-dominated. Alternatively, a highly-efficient afterglow might emit a large fraction of its energy in other (unobserved) bands, the GeV or IR. Or [@ity+05] a previous mass ejection might have emptied a cavity into which the ejecta moves, leading to greater efficiency at later times, or otherwise causing the energy fraction going into electrons to increase $\propto t^{1/2}$. X-ray Flares
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debris torus is dominated by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) effects, magnetic instabilities can lead to extended, highly time-variable accretion [@pb03]. Short Burst Afterglows {#sub:short} ---------------------- [*Swift*]{} and to a lesser extent [*HETE-2*]{} have provided the first bonafide short burst afterglows, with the first observations beginning (in some cases) within $<$100 s of the trigger, leading in turn to arcsec and sub-arcsec localizations, host galaxy identifications, and redshifts (although, as yet, none via direct absorption spectroscopy). In the first short burst afterglow, GRB050509b [@gso+05], the extrapolation of the prompt BAT emission into the  range, along with the XRT light curve from 100 to 1000 s, can be fitted with a single power law of $\alpha \sim 1.2$. The  coverage was sparse due to orbital constraints and the faintness of the afterglow, and the number of detected  photons was small.050709 and 051221A either a very low or a moderately low external density, and for GRB050724 a moderately low to large external density. The main uncertainties are in the jet break times, which are poorly sampled, and in the absence of high-quality radio data for any burst (GRB050724 had a reasonable radio flux, but too much variability in all bands). More bright short bursts like GRB 051221A will be needed to improve the jet break statistics substantially. The Supernova Component {#sub:supernova} ----------------------- GRB-associated supernovae have been regularly observed as “red bumps” in the light curves of low-redshift GRBs, and more rarely, by direct spectroscopic observation at 7 to 30 days after the GRB. The observation of the GRB-supernova GRB060218/SN2006aj with [*Swift*]{}, however, has raised the prospect of an entirely new component of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
points, such that the quasi-particle dispersion has perfect rotation symmetry within each valley. However, real graphene systems only have three-fold rotation symmetry. The asymmetry, i.e., $\epsilon_{\pm\bm{Q}_{0}+\bm{k}}\ne\epsilon_{\pm\bm{Q}_{0}-\bm{k}}$, becomes more pronounced when Fermi level is removed from the Dirac points, leading to pair breaking that destabilizes the intra-valley pairing. On the other hand, the inter-valley pairing is not affected because the symmetry between $\epsilon_{\bm{k}}$ and $\epsilon_{-\bm{k}}$ is guaranteed by time-reversal symmetry. To see asymmetry effect to the intravalley pairings, we expand the tight-binding dispersion to the second order, and for the valley centering $\bm{Q}_{0}$, we have $\epsilon_{\bm{k}}^{v}\equiv\epsilon_{\bm{Q}_{0}+\bm{k}}\approx\hbar vk+h_{\bm{k}}$, and $h_{\bm{k}}=(\hbar k^{2}va/4)\sin3\theta_{\bm{k}}$. The gap equation for the intra-valley pairing when $g_{1}<0$ is modified to $\Delta_{ss^{\prime}}^{\lambda}(\bm{k})=-(1/N)\sum_{\bm{k}^{\prime}}U_{\bm{k}\bm{k}^{\prime}}^{\lambda}\Delta_{ss^{\prime}}^{\lambda}(\bm{k}^{\prime})[1-f(E_{\bm{k}^{\prime}}+h_{\bm{k}^{\prime}})-f(E_{\bm{k}^{\prime}}+h_{-\bm{k}^{\prime}})]/(2E_{\bm{k}^{\prime}})$. Solving the equation, we find that the intravalley pairing states become unstable when $\mu>2\sqrt{(\hbar v/a)\Delta}\approx130\sqrt{\Delta/1\mathrm{meV}}\,\mathrm{meV}$ forPages Thursday, October 25, 2012 iReporters: 5 life lessons from the Hajj (CNN) – Millions of Muslims began the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, which represents one of the largest annual human gatherings on the planet. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, a journey every Muslim is expected to take in his or her lifetime if the person is physically and financially able. Our iReport team asked pilgrims who have performed the Hajj about how the experience changed them - and for their advice to those undertaking the pilgrimage for the first time. The result is a mix of spiritual and practical life lessons that transcend Islam. 1. It taught me patience iReporter Amir Abdul Latip from Brunei said the Hajj taught him a patience that’s carried over to his
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Getting Started Home schooling can be a great way to educate your child, foster a strong and cohesive family life, and help you keep a firm grip on the influences that surround your children. For more than 25 years, the Texas Home School Coalition has been advocating for home schoolers, and we are here to help and support you as you begin this journey. Need help understanding the pros and cons of home schooling? Have questions about the legality of home schooling in Texas, socialization, and more? Read our Considering Home Schooling page.Packet-switched networks, such as networks based on the TCP/IP protocol suite, can distribute a rich array of digital content to a variety of client applications. One popular application is a personal computer browser for retrieving documents over the Internet written in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Frequently, these documents include embedded content. Where once the digital content consisted primarily of text and static images, digital content has grown to include audio and video content as well as dynamic content customized for an individual user. It is often advantageous when distributing digital content across a packet-switched network to divide the duty of answering content requests among a plurality of geographically dispersed servers. For example, popular Web sites on the Internet often provide links to “mirror” sites that replicate original content
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referred to above [@ref3; @ref4] . Close to the linear limit, small amplitude SW solutions in the NDKG chain have been obtained from the DNLS approximation by referring to orbits in a small neighbourhood of a fixed point in a related area-preserving mapping. In the weak-coupling situation, on the other hand, one obtains the SW solutions by continuation from the anti-continuous limit of a solution with an appropriate coding sequence. In either of these approaches one can obtain SW solutions both commensurate and incommensurate with the underlying lattice. Even chaotic spatial structures are not ruled out. .5cm The question of stability of these standing wave solutions is a more complex one. In the case of the travelling waves, it appears that they are afflicted with a type of modulationalThese correspond to [*band-edges*]{} $i.e.,$ points on the real $p$-axis where the band terminates. At these band-edges one again has either (\[eq:thirtythreea\]) or (\[eq:thirtythreeb\]), but now lying in a different region in the $P$-$T$ plane (we do not enter here into a characterisation of these regions). A band on the real $p$-axis can also terminate as both pairs of multipliers on the unit circle collide to form a degenerate Krein configuration (fig.1, E1), and then all four leave the unit circle (fig. 1, E2). Such a band-edge is characterised by the relation $$4(P-2)=T^2,~~~|T|<4, \label{eq:thirtyfive}$$ between $T(p)$ and $P(p)$ defined above. .5cm Having identified the conditions (in the following we refer to Eqns.(\[eq:thirtythreea\]),(\[eq:thirtythreeb\]), (\[eq:thirtyfive\]) as conditions I, II and III respectively) characterising the band-edges and transition points, we can
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one where two transition points in a band coalesce). One finds that, for such a $\bar{p}$, $K(\bar{p},\chi)=0$ and the Krein signature corresponding to the subspace spanned by $\chi,{\chi}'$ is also zero. .5cm As indicated in sec. 4.2, the coalescence of a pair of transition points within a band or of two band-edges may mark the onset of instability of the SW under consideration. The SW becomes unstable by way of the eigenspectrum acquiring a complex part. Thus, there exist complex $p$-values for which at least one pair of Floquet multipliers reside on the unit circle. One thereby has a band stretching out into the complex plane with non-zero imaginary part which terminates, once again, as any one of conditions (\[eq:thirtythreea\]), (\[eq:thirtythreeb\]) is satisfied. As we have seen inthat marked F1 in fig. 3 where one pair continues to reside on the unit circle while the other pair moves off into the complex $\lambda$-plane (the stretches AC and AC’ in fig. 2(c) are not actually straight, but curved lines). At the edges C, C’ (fig. 2(c)), condition I is again satisfied (but with $T,~ P$ lying in a region of the $P$-$T$ plane different from the one corresponding to C or C’ in fig. 2(a)), and the disposition of multipliers is like F2 in Fig. 3. ![image](fig33.eps){width="0.9\columnwidth"} .5cm Let us consider, for $\gamma=\gamma_c-\epsilon$, two points in the spectrum, one with $p=p_1-\delta$ (slightly left of C) and the other with $p=p_2+\delta$ (slightly right of C’) where $\delta$ is small. For each of these points there are two pairs of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
executing a policy for determining where to store data within the array (e.g., a slice allocation or relocation policy) is how to balance between performance and power consumption of the array. One capability in some individual disk drives that reduces power consumption is spin down capability. A drive with spin down capability allows power to be shut off from the motor that spins the disk, resulting in power savings. Other types of drives allow disks to be spun at reduced spin rates during periods of low activity. Managing performance, tiering, spin down, and reduced spin rate capability of a data storage array is desirable. Accordingly, there exists a need for methods, systems, and computer readable medium for controlling prioritization of tiering and spin down features in a data storage system. at model.$set (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:879:22) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091471+00:00 app[web.1]: at model.Document (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:137:12) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091473+00:00 app[web.1]: at model.Model (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:102:12) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091474+00:00 app[web.1]: at new model (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:4611:15) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091476+00:00 app[web.1]: at /app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3077:22 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091477+00:00 app[web.1]: at /app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3113:7 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091479+00:00 app[web.1]: at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091480+00:00 app[web.1]: at /app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3112:15 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091482+00:00 app[web.1]: at Object.promiseOrCallback (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/utils.js:261:12) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091483+00:00 app[web.1]: at Function.create (/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3047:16) 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091485+00:00 app[web.1]: at /app/routes/travels.js:135:12 2020-01-29T04:49:40.091493+00:00
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</div> <input id="submitBtn" type="submit"> </form> And here is my code on my node.js server for the post route to create a new travel entry:"/travel_new", isLoggedIn, function(req, res){ var name =; var category = || "default"; var tags =; var splash =; var body =; var adRight = || "none"; var photos = req.body.reviewPhoto; tags = tags.split(","); //Assemble a variable to send all the review data into the create function for the SCHEMA pattern var newTravel = { name: name, category: category, tags: tags, splashText: splash, body: body, adRight: adRight, photos: photos }; Travel.create( newTravel, function(err, travel){ if(err){ console.log(err);
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and Status Register * (CX_Config_Status, offset = 00CH) * */ #define FUSB300_CSR_LEN(x) ((x & 0xFFFF) << 8) #define FUSB300_CSR_LEN_MSK (0xFFFF << 8) #define FUSB300_CSR_EMP (1 << 4) #define FUSB300_CSR_FUL (1 << 3) #define FUSB300_CSR_CLR (1 << 2) #define FUSB300_CSR_STL (1 << 1) #define FUSB300_CSR_DONE (1 << 0) /* * * EPn Setting 0 (EPn_SET0, offset = 020H+(n-1)*30H, n=1~15 ) * */ #define FUSB300_EPSET0_STL_CLR (1 << 3) #define FUSB300_EPSET0_CLRSEQNUM (1 << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET0_STL (1 << 0) /* * * EPn Setting 1 (EPn_SET1, offset = 024H+(n-1)*30H, n=1~15) * */ #define FUSB300_EPSET1_START_ENTRY(x) ((x & 0xFF) << 24) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_START_ENTRY_MSK (0xFF << 24) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_FIFOENTRY(x) ((x & 0x1F) << 12) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_FIFOENTRY_MSK (0x1f << 12) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_INTERVAL(x) ((x & 0x7) << 6) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_BWNUM(x) ((x & 0x3) << 4) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_TYPEISO (1 << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_TYPEBLK (2 << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_TYPEINT (3 << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_TYPE(x) ((x & 0x3) << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_TYPE_MSK (0x3 << 2) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_DIROUT (0 << 1) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_DIRIN (1 << 1) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_DIR(x) ((x & 0x1) << 1) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_DIRIN (1 << 1) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_DIR_MSK ((0x1) << 1) #define FUSB300_EPSET1_ACTDIS 0 #define= 408H) * */ #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP6_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 29) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP6_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 28) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP6_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 27) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP6_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 26) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP6_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 25) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP5_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 24) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP5_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 23) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP5_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 22) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP5_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 21) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP5_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 20) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP4_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 19) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP4_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 18) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP4_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 17) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP4_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 16) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP4_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 15) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP3_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 14) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP3_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 13) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP3_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 12) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP3_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 11) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP3_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 10) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP2_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 9) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP2_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 8) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP2_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 7) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP2_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 6) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP2_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 5) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP1_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 4) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP1_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 3) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP1_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 2) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP1_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 1) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP1_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 0) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP_STR_ACCEPT_INT(n) (1 << (5 * n - 1)) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP_STR_RESUME_INT(n) (1 << (5 * n - 2)) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP_STR_REQ_INT(n) (1 << (5 * n - 3)) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP_STR_NOTRDY_INT(n) (1 << (5 * n - 4)) #define FUSB300_IGR2_EP_STR_PRIME_INT(n) (1 << (5 * n -
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5)) /* * *Interrupt Group 3 Register (offset = 40CH) * */ #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP12_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 29) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP12_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 28) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP12_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 27) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP12_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 26) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP12_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 25) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP11_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 24) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP11_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 23) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP11_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 22) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP11_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 21) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP11_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 20) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP10_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 19) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP10_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 18) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP10_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 17) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP10_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 16) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP10_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 15) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP9_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 14) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP9_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 13) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP9_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 12) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP9_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 11) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP9_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 10) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP8_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 9) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP8_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 8) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP8_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 7) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP8_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 6) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP8_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 5) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP7_STR_ACCEPT_INT (1 << 4) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP7_STR_RESUME_INT (1 << 3) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP7_STR_REQ_INT (1 << 2) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP7_STR_NOTRDY_INT (1 << 1) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP7_STR_PRIME_INT (1 << 0) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP_STR_ACCEPT_INT(n) (1 << (5 * (n - 6) - 1)) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP_STR_RESUME_INT(n) (1 << (5 * (n - 6) - 2)) #define FUSB300_IGR3_EP_STR_REQ_INT(n) (1 << (5 * (n - 6) - 3)) #defineexhume their son's body for the purposes of a conducting an independent autopsy at their expense. That autopsy, conducted June 15, found blunt force trauma to the right neck and soft tissues, "consistent with inflicted injury." It was conducted by Dr. William R. Anderson with Forensic Dimensions in Heathrow, Florida. "This is unexplained -- most very, very likely inflicted, as opposed to something he caused himself, inflicted by another -- and therefore needs to be investigated as an open homicide investigation," Anderson said. "I've never had a case that I can recall where the prosecution actually was told that this may well be a homicide -- the prosecution being the state, the police and so forth -- and then they didn't bother prosecuting. It's mystifying," he added. Anderson's finding supports the narrative
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flux rope in equilibrium resides. Results ======= UV/EUV Observation ------------------ The filament is located along the major polarity inversion line (PIL) separating the positive-polarity flux concentration in the north and the negative-polarity flux concentration in the south (see also Figure \[fig:topology\](a)). It is noteworthy that some weak positive-polarity fluxes are scattered around the negative flux concentration, hence producing a $\delta$-spot configuration, which is known to be prolific in flare productions. The filament has an eastern hook curving southward and a western hook slightly curving northward, so that it takes a revers-S sigmoidal shape (Figure \[fig:aia\](a2)). Starting from 21:30 UT, the filament rises slowly. At 21:46 UT, a bright point appears below the filament, which is associated with the triggering of the filament eruption (Figure \[fig:aia\](b2)). The eruption results in two flare ribbons with intense brightening inupward rapidly, one can see that filament material drains back to the surface, either along the filament legs back to its feet or towards the V-shaped connection between R1e and to R3. The latter produces a curtain-like structure (Figure \[fig:aia\](e2 and e3)), spreading out along the remote flare ribbon. At 22:19 UT, the eruptive filament seems to split into two branches. The lower branch still anchors at the original place, i.e., the two ends of the post-flare arcade (Figure \[fig:aia\](d2)); the higher branch shares the western foot with the lower one, but its eastern foot seems to anchor at the V-shaped connection between R1e and R3. Meanwhile, field connectivity between R3 and R1e is established, as evidenced by the high-lying hot loops in 131 [Å]{} (Figure \[fig:aia\](d3, e3)) above the post-flare arcade
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the footpoints of the post-flare arcade, match well with the high-Q lines on the surface (Figure \[fig:topology\]). In particular, the northern ribbon is apparently bounded by the northern section of [DQSL$_\text{west}$]{}’s footprint. On the other hand, the region around the two DQSLs’ intersection corresponds to strong magnetic confinement as suggested by small decay indexes ($n\le 1$; Figure \[fig:decay\](b and c)) at altitudes up to as high as 50 Mm. R.L. acknowledges the support by NSFC 41474151, NSFC 41774150, and the Thousand Young Talents Program of China. This work was also supported by NSFC 41421063, CAS Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences QYZDB-SSW-DQC015 and the fundamental research funds for the central universities. [10]{} url \#1[`#1`]{} urlprefix \[2\][\#2]{} \[2\]\[\][[\#2](#2)]{} *et al.* . ** ****, (). . & . ** ****, (). & . ** ****, (). & . **based on a given time constant. EQU MF(t)=MF(t-.DELTA.t).circle-solid.e.sup.-.DELTA.t/.tau. +GF (1) In this equation (1) .tau. is a time constant (herebelow referred to as "evaporation time constant") indicating chronological change in the fuel amount introduced into the cylinder from the intake system of the internal combustion engine after injection of fuel by the fuel injection valve, .DELTA.t is time corresponding to a general crank angle of or an integral multiple thereof in a sampling cycle (computation cycle), and GF indicates an injected fuel amount of the previous one stroke. Here, conventionally, the evaporation time constant .tau., which is what is called two-dimensionally mapped, is a parameter determined based on the operating conditions of the internal combustion engine, and this is stored in a memory of the control apparatus to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
exist or it's invalid JSON pass if current_config is not None and current_config == config: # Config is the same, let's not change anything module.exit_json(msg='Handler configuration is already up to date', config=config['handlers'][name], file=path, Therapeutic potency of crocin in the treatment of inflammatory diseases: Current status and perspective. Crocin is the major component of saffron, which is used in phytomedicine for the treatment of several diseases including diabetes, fatty liver, depression, menstruation disorders, and, of special interest in this review, inflammatory diseases. Promising selective anti-inflammatory properties of this pharmacological active component have been observed in several studies. Saffron has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory properties against several inflammatory diseases and can be used as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases either alone or in combination with other standard anti-inflammatory agents. This review summarizes the protective role of saffron and its pharmacologically active constituents in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases including digestive diseases, dermatitis, asthma, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases for
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additionally, the observed "pore formation" features largely varied according to the cellular subtypes studied (Heppel et al., [@B43]). Following these observations, and the discovery of ATP-activated purinergic receptors (P2X and P2Y; Burnstock, [@B18]), the passage of such large molecules across cell membranes was attributed to the fact that those cell types, in particular immune cells, express an unusual P2 receptor with an apparently non-selective pore. This was initially classified as the P2Z receptor: the "pore-forming" protein was thus named (Gordon, [@B35]; Abbracchio and Burnstock, [@B1]). P2Z receptors were then extensively studied for their ability to allow the permeation of large organic molecules into macrophages through a "macropore" (Nuttle and Dubyak, [@B72]), leading to cytolysis (Di Virgilio, [@B28]). The link with a putative P2X-related mechanism arose from the identification oflipophilic N terminus, has been shown to be constitutively and immediately dilated (Nicke et al., [@B70]; Xu et al., [@B101]). Methods and Interpretations Leading to the Controverted Dilated State {#s3} ===================================================================== Two main experimental approaches have been used to monitor the apparent gradual increase in large cation permeability. In the first approach, the cellular uptake of fluorescent dyes, such as YO-PRO-1 or ethidium bromide, is observed as a function of time. Dye uptake usually develops several seconds after ATP application. As these cationic dyes become fluorescent when bound to DNA, this method is a simple and direct read-out of the passage of large molecules following P2X activation. Studies involving cysteine reactive compounds, such as methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents, have also shown the ability of larger sized molecules to pass into the cell
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
has led to the belief that a common mechanism would be at work. Two main hypotheses have then emerged (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). One hypothesis involves the recruitment of an auxiliary protein by P2X receptors. This protein is pannexin-1 (Panx-1), a hemichannel that is responsible for the passage of larger molecules. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that P2X permeability to large cations is inhibited when inhibitors of Panx-1 are applied (Pelegrin and Surprenant, [@B73]). In addition, colchicine, a drug that disrupts the cytoskeleton, has been shown to affect YO-PRO-1 uptake into cells transfected with P2X2 or P2X7 subtypes, but not the permeability for small cations. This would indicate that these two types of permeability result from different pathways (Marques-da-Silva et al., [@B65]). On the other hand, a second hypothesismolecule. Interestingly, molecules of similar size, such as Texas Red-MTSEA, cannot enter the P2X2 pore (Li et al., [@B60]) suggesting that the P2X7 receptor, when activated by ATP, can reach a diameter that is larger than that of the P2X2 receptor (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). Other routes specifically dedicated to the permeation of such very large molecules may also exist. As stated above, Panx-1 is a candidate, as close proximity between Panx-1 and P2X7 channels has been established in human and mouse macrophages cells (Pelegrin and Surprenant, [@B73]). Alternatively, there is still a possibility that P2X7 receptors do indeed dilate under certain conditions that remain to be determined. ![Is the P2X open pore sufficiently wide to allow the passage of large molecules? Comparison of structures of selected organic molecules, shown as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
through P2X receptors, our results uncover a possible overlooked P2X signaling pathway that may be extended to other natural large molecules. Earlier work provided strong evidence that P2X7 receptors are sites of release of important molecules, such as ATP and excitatory amino acids (Duan et al., [@B32]; Pellegatti et al., [@B74]; Suadicani et al., [@B92]; Di Virgilio et al., [@B30]). It now remains to determine whether these signaling molecules are physically able to cross directly through the P2X7 open pore. Identification of the mechanisms involved will undoubtedly advance the biology of P2X receptors and their role in pathological states. Could P2X Receptors Act as a Pathway for Therapeutic Applications? {#s9} ================================================================== P2X receptors can act as a pathway for the entry of large molecules into cells---to what extent can this propertyprobing the permeability of P2X7 to large cations. New important features of P2X receptor permeability are now being brought to light. First, it is important to reconsider the structure of the open state, which exhibits an immediate extended permeability, and to consider more closely the critical role of the membrane lipid environment in order to fully understand the functionality of these proteins. Secondly, their physiological importance must also be reconsidered, with the new information that they are able to allow the passage of important physiological modulators. A final interesting point is to look further into the potential application of P2X receptors as pathway for drug delivery. Author Contributions {#s11} ==================== LP, KD, TC and TG wrote the manuscript. JB made the figures. Conflict of Interest Statement {#s12} ============================== The authors declare that the research was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
between at the library, returning the books I'd read the week before and checking out a new batch. During the school year I couldn't read as many books each week as I did in the summer, so I took more time making my selections. My habit was to take a dozen or so books over to a small table in the stacks and examine the plastic-sheathed back covers and inside flaps more thoroughly. There, one Saturday, I thought I heard singing outside, and looking out the window I was surprised to see Gabriel Mock weaving down the path that led through the cemetery and into the library's rear parking lot, singing at the top of his lungs. I couldn't make out the words because they came too fast, butAll of these confidences came out in a rush that inspired me to offer intimate revelations of my own. We were Catholics, I told her, though she seemed already to have guessed that much. Nor did she seem that surprised that I'd gone to St. Francis until junior high, which meant we believed that Jesus _was_ God, though we probably agreed that the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition—which I looked up later—and the Holocaust were bad things. If I understood Mr. Berg's humanism, I suspected we were listing in that direction ourselves. Ikey's was open on Sunday, a point Father Gluck had raised with my mother and was told, for his trouble, to mind his own business, after which we hadn't gone to Mass for a month and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
grayish-white short-sleeved shirt. _This_ was Sarah's father? He searched Mr. Berg's features for genetic resemblance, half hoping to find some. Meeting a girl's parents was like getting an unauthorized glimpse of the future. If he looked at Sarah and saw her father, or vice versa, that would be enough to banish her attractions for good—whatever those attractions might be, since he hadn't figured them out yet. Three Mock did as he was told, taking a seat near the door. Perry Kozlowski, who apparently expected him to leave once he'd set up the record player, cast a sullen, resentful look in the teacher's direction. "Mr. Berg?" he said, still staring at the boy. But the man was shuffling through the stack of records he'd brought, finally slipping one from its sleevehusband and wife, on Staten Fucking Island. The other problem was that he seemed to be confusing her life with his own. That is, the boy/man he envisioned her marrying was a better companion for him than for her. She'd made the mistake, last summer, of sharing her father's advice with her mother, who immediately launched into one of her riffs. As an English major, she predicted, Sarah's future husband would be not only a brilliant scholar, but also that rarer breed, a genuine arbiter of taste, which would manifest itself primarily in an unbounded appreciation of her father's work. He might even make his reputation by writing about her father's novel, which by then would have been published to glowing reviews and perhaps a prize, but which Sarah's
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Instead I retreat to my study to contemplate this latest humiliation in solitude. While I wish I could make myself believe that I have not betrayed my wife, not only today but in all the days leading up to today, I know better. It's possible that I've been betraying her from the start, when she "drew us together" at Ikey's. That, oddly enough, is where I left off writing my story. I've written far more than I imagined I would, filling two large notebooks, and I now take the second of these and reread the last page. Over supper I've promised her that I won't be writing anymore. I know she fears it's become an obsession that may have contributed to this spell. I suppose it's possible, andeven Dec, not just Lucy. He again recalled yesterday's kiss and thinking that in the instant his lips had touched Sarah's everything had changed, but saw now that he'd been wrong. It was, as Sarah had said, just a kiss. When she realized he was standing there and looked into his eyes, he'd seen that for Sarah the kiss had never even happened. She'd held his gaze only briefly, then turned away. "MAX HAS YOU all prepped," his father told him. "Don't forget to thank her." Noonan said he wouldn't. His father was clearly not happy with him, and who could blame him? He'd waited for him at the diner that morning for over an hour, before giving up and eating breakfast alone. Then, after Noonan had finally called to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
in handling containers with a spokesperson for DP World Southampton claiming that its operations serving hauliers had improved over the last 12 months. “Southampton’s landside truck turnaround times actually decreased from average 36 minutes during 2016 to just below 33 minutes during 2017, an improvement of 7%. “This is for the total time a truck is in the terminal, from arriving at the gate for dropping off an export container to picking up an import container and leaving from the gate. “So, allegations from hauliers that there is structural congestion at Southampton are factually incorrect,” the spokesperson said – although acknowledging the disruptive effect the change in alliance schedules had on haulage operations in the UK. “The large national haulage operators have a long presence at Southampton as well as the locallyindustry, all winners will have fully digitised their customer interactions and operating systems and will be closely connected via data ecosystems. A fully autonomous transport chain will extend from initial loading, stowage, and sailing all the way to unloading directly into autonomous trains and trucks and drone-enabled last- mile deliveries. The needs of customers will diverge: some will expect their shippers to be fully integrated into their supply chains—and be willing to pay a premium for that—while others continue to demand sea freight at the lowest possible cost. Both sets of customers will expect transparency and reliability to be the norm, not the exception. What therefore has to be done to move shipping and containerisation further into the digital age? First, invest in digital, which is the main way to differentiate products,
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class container ship. The Triple-E class is among the largest and most efficient fleet of container vessels in the world. In 2016 the largest container vessel calling in Southampton had a capacity for 16,000 containers. And this year we have so far welcomed MOL Triumph and MOL Trust with a capacity for 20,170 containers. Milan Maersk is one of the largest vessels of her type in the world with a capacity for 20,568 containers – that’s nearly 400 containers more than MOL Triumph. The megaship belongs to the second generation of Maersk Line’s Triple-E class (Economy of scale, Energy efficient and Environmentally improved) and is part of a series of eleven container ships, which will be delivered by the end of 2018. ABP Southampton Director, Alastair Welch said: ‘Milan Maerskteam's activities. She stated that she would take all three children to the soccer matches. The mother testified that the father rarely attended the soccer matches. The mother stated that she took care of the children's educational needs. She testified that she was a room mother at the children's school, helping with parties for the children's classes and relieving the teachers on their lunch hour. The mother stated that she took care of the children's health needs. She testified that she took care of the children when they were sick and that she took the children to their doctor and dentist appointments. The mother stated that some of the children had allergic reactions to certain medication but that the father was confused as to which ones had the allergies
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
leader in the classroom, and that she wished she had a "room full" of children like the daughter. She said that she sees the mother quite often at the school because the mother relieves the teachers at lunch time. Frederick testified that she had met with the father only once after he telephoned in October 2002 requesting a conference. She stated that in talking with the father and observing him, he did not appear sincere and that he stated that he was trying to get custody of the children. Daniel Koch, a clinical psychologist, testified on behalf of the mother. As part of his evaluation, Dr. Koch interviewed the family. He also administered several psychological tests to the mother and the children. The father made three appointments to participatealso testified that the father had left them at home alone. Both the younger son and the daughter testified that they wanted to live with the mother. Carrie McCarthy, the father's cousin, was hired to act as the children's nanny and arrived in Mobile on April 11, 2003. She testified that she had been treated for depression. She said that she became upset when the father had become angry with her when she took the children to buy a gift for the mother for Mother's Day because the father had wanted to do that. Jim Walker testified that he babysat for the children when the father was called to work and that he has occasionally slept in the nude at the family home with the children present in the home.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
needs of each child, including *262 their emotional, social, moral, material and educational needs; the respective home environments offered by the parties; the characteristics of those seeking custody, including age, character, stability, mental and physical health; the capacity and interest of each parent to provide for the emotional, social, moral, material and educational needs of the children; the interpersonal relationship between each child and each parent; the interpersonal relationship between the children; the effect on the child of disrupting or continuing an existing custodial status; the preference of each child, if the child is of sufficient age and maturity; the report and recommendation of any expert witnesses or other independent investigator; available alternatives; and any other relevant matter the evidence may disclose.'" Gilliam v. Gilliam, 876 So.2d 1135, 1141Alt+F1: 95 - Belgian GP Prerace 2016 CFDD (Computational Fluid Drew and Danny) celebrate the end of the midseason break with Roborace updates, the next big Euro Truck experience, and the longest race name in the history of our species. Alt+F1 is a weekly Formula 1 podcast from your friends at Giant Bomb. We run down the twists and turns of Earth's fastest and most expensive urinating contest. Join us for race recaps, news from the wide world of racing and the latest on Pastor Maldonado. Aug. 24 2016 Posted by: Drew
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
confusing)? Well, take the formula for the mass $M$ of a sphere inside a radius $R$ with radial density $\rho(r)$: $$M=\int_0^R 4\pi r^2\rho(r)\mathrm{d}r$$ Simply divide $M$ by the average mass of a star (which I’ll get to later, but is unimportant for now) and we get $$n\cdot N=\int_0^R4\pi r^2\mathcal{N}(r)\mathrm{d}r$$ We just differentiate and divide: $$\mathcal{N}(r)=\frac{\mathrm{d}n}{\mathrm{d}r}N\frac{1}{4\pi r^2}\tag{2}$$ In the code, we add P[R_, Rt_, Rc_] = D[n[R, Rt, Rc], R]*1000*(4*Pi*R^2)^(-1)P[R_, Rt_, Rc_] = D[n[R, Rt, Rc], R]*1000*(4*Pi*R^2)^(-1) Plot[P[R, 10, 2/3], {R, 0, 10}, AxesLabel -> {"Radius (Parsecs)", "Number density"},ScalingFunctions->"Log"] where I’ve replaced $\mathcal{N}$ with $P$, and we get, with a logarithmic $y$-axis, Note that the number density goes to infinity as $R$ goes towards the center (which we can check by simply evaluating the limit of $\mathcal{N}(R)$ as $R\to0$). However, we know that $n(R_t)$ is finite (although $\lim_{R\to\infty} n(R)=\infty$,be be distributed as predicted by some sort of initial mass function (IMF). This created no problems so far, but it might when you take into account things like mass segregation that are important in globular clusters. If you’re really interested in fixing this, you can use something like the MASSCLEAN packages to generate star clusters via the King model and an IMF (the default is the Salpeter IMF). It’s a pretty cool tool, and can save you a lot of work. A King model defines the cluster. I’d be more comfortable using a King model to describe a globular cluster, and I see no reason why you couldn’t just have a young globular cluster - like M15, as you suggested - but I’m okay applying our version of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
it to our open cluster. None of these, however, are fatal flaws in our model. So, is this cluster going to be stable over long timescales? That, after all, is the question we’re trying to answer. Well, to start, there are several things in our favor: The cluster contains $\sim10^3$ stars, which is a decent amount for an open cluster. I think that should make it more likely to end up with a sizable number of stars. The black hole is quite massive compared to the cluster - more massive than the rest of the cluster, in fact. I did this on purpose, because it means that the black hole’s sphere of influence is over half the tidal radius of the entire cluster. Again, this should make it easier to retain morevery center, however, stars are clearly orbiting Sagittarius A*. The same holds true for our open cluster. So, to summarize: Stars in the outer regions of the open cluster will likely leave the cluster at the same time or earlier than if there was no intermediate mass black hole at the center. Stars within the sphere of influence of the black hole, especially within the Bahcall-Wolf cusp, will be influenced strongly by the black hole and may directly orbit it. The cluster will largely “evaporate” on the same timescale (though likely a shorter one) than if it had no central black hole. However, I think the central group of stars will remain bound to the black hole. Eventually, this will be all that remains of the open cluster, if the orbits are
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
There's been a lot hanging over the mythical 'Once Upon A Time In Shaolin' album. Martin Shkreli, the “Pharma Dweeb” as we like to call him around here, has yet faced another legal obstacle in his ongoing struggle-filled fall from grace. Along with having to fork over $7 million dollars, Shkreli also has to hand over the mythical Once Upon A Time In Shaolin album. Convicted fraudster Martin Shkreli will have to forfeit $7.36 million to the federal government as part of his upcoming criminal sentence, a judge ruled Monday. Judge Kiyo Matsumoto said that in order to satisfy that award amount Shkreli — who was said to be completely cash-broke last year by his lawyer — must forfeit his interest in a set of “substitute” assets. Those assets are: $5 millionbestselling writer John Layman (CHEW) is back, teaming up with New York Times bestselling artist Nick Pitarra (THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS) and colorist extraordinaire Mike Garland in the all new, ongoing series—that’s Godzilla by way of black magic—in LEVIATHAN. In LEVIATHAN, a group millennials try to do a black magic ritual for laughs and end up summoning a demonic giant monster determined to kill them all. LEVIATHAN is coming this summer to Image Comics. TODD MCFARLANE ANNOUNCES FIVE NEW PROJECTS Todd McFarlane, President of Image Comics and creator of SPAWN, took to the stage today to announce five new comic projects. The timing of these come on the heels of his upcoming directorial debut for the new SPAWN feature film. The movie will be in production by late spring so these comics will
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hit shelf just as the SPAWN movie is getting wide publicity across multiple platforms. To help retailers take advantage of the upcoming SPAWN news buzz he announced the five projects below: 1) MEDIEVAL SPAWN and WITCHBLADE crossover miniseries This May release is a re-teaming of two of Image’s most popular original characters. The new mini-series is written by Brian Holguin with art by Brian Haberlin with 32 full pages of story and art will also feature a special augmented reality cover for only $2.99. Fan favorites Spawn and Witchblade together for the first time in two decades! 2) SPAWN KILLS EVERYONE 2 (mini-series) Due to the wonderful success of the one-shot, Todd McFarlane is creating along with Will Robson a four part mini-series that has our childish Spawn giving birth to hundreds of smaller Spawnofficially, and they will have it soon someday, so stop crying. Cortana is a cool thing but it's not a super killer feature, if you speak spanish, then use spain version... end. And even if it wasn't on alpha, or beta or whatever version you will complain. so what do you care if it's released or not? It makes zero sense that MS had to change the UI of Cortana on W10M to make it more compatible on iOS and Android. The fact is, Cortana sucks as is and nobody on iOS or Android will want to use it anyway. So we all lose. Yeah, it's not about iOS/Android... not sure why Dan would say that. To me it looks like a rushed layout for it to render on multiple screen
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types (i.e. phone, PC, etc.). Cortana needs a major UI overall. I wonder what happened to this leak that Tom Warren posted before: I agree. Cortana has gotten worse in almost every way and better in none. From the ugly UI to the fact that she rings virtually no native knowledge and instead acts as basically a voice search for Bing results. It's so disappointing because I was a big fan of Cortana at the beginning on 8.1 and thought it had so much potential. Now, it's just embarrassingly bad--although I will say Cortana has good voice recognition and sets reminders efficiently. That's about it though. MS should look at what Amazon has done with Alexa and lament what could have been. Especially that in W10M, Cortana web search isthe sense that they could be stackable, aso. Much like "cards". It seems to me that Microsoft itself is not done figuring out the details of the Windows 10 design language. I mean when do you use the hamburger menu and when do you use the pivot control? And where do you put settings, in the hamburger menu or behind a wrench in the bottom menu? Or should it be a top menu? Microsoft's own apps are not consistent in this regard, but really, it is overdue getting them there. Swipe navigation is indeed easier especially for touch, heck it even works in mouse and keyboard too since it can act just like a scrollable Tab bar. There really should be a combination of both if it's logical. Some apps are
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identity of Windows. Aside from that, still this is over 9000 way better than what Microsoft is currently doing. Regardless of aesthetics, these concepts show how polish it is making it beautiful. The spacing, alignments, typography, size, colors, consistency, and the "soul". Windows 10 and W10M lack of those at the moment, and its been several months and these tiny things but irritates people with attention to details hasn't addressed. Indeed, they need to sort out the basics first. Even without glass effect they can make it look great if they really care about design. Animations, consistency, spacing, alignments, etc. are most needed to address.three favourite tracks from a lengthy list on the band's website. These votes were counted and the twelve tracks with the most votes were then performed and recorded (both as audio and video). In early 2007, these tracks became available to buy from the band's official website. The Webgig is no longer available to purchase. In addition to this release, the band received some attention from their old record company Universal Records (who own the rights to the band's material recorded on A&M Records) who released both a DVD of old promo clips (Gold) and a double-CD compilation of BBC sessions (Music Through A Cheap Transistor) in 2007. On the touring front, Therapy? focused on markets they had not usually played, including a slot at the NXNE festival
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
in Canada, festival dates in Europe (one of which was as a late replacement for Helmet at the Nova Rock Festival) and a tour through countries such as Romania, Croatia and Serbia, even playing two gigs on Reunion Island, off the East African coast. The band ended 2007 by supporting New Model Army at their Christmas gig in Cologne. Therapy? were a last minute replacement for Biffy Clyro on the Jägermeister Rock Liga tour of Germany which lasted five dates in February 2008. These dates were the only gigs played in 2008 as the band focused their energies exclusively on recording the new record. Therapy? began recording the new album in late July at Blast Studios in Newcastle and finished recording by late August. It was produced by Andyreleased on 9 March 2015. The band began the first leg of their Disquiet Tour in the UK in March, before taking in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, and returning to the UK throughout April. Their performance in Utrecht was filmed by 'Quantum VR Media' for a future 360 VR release. In early May, Therapy? recorded a session for XFM, their 4th overall following previous sessions in 2001, 2004 and 2012. Deathstimate was released as a download only single on 30 October 2015. The single Tides was released on 15 April 2016, although it was available in early March to purchase on limited edition CD at the bands' UK tour performing the Infernal Love album in its entirety. Summer festivals on the European circuit followed, including a date at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
[cell setShowsFirstResponder:focused]; // Checked and Indeterminate bool oldIndeterminate = [cell state] == NSMixedState; bool indeterminate = (states & IndeterminateState); bool checked = states & CheckedState; bool oldChecked = [cell state] == NSOnState; if (oldIndeterminate != indeterminate || checked != oldChecked) [cell setState:indeterminate ? NSMixedState : (checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; // Window inactive state does not need to be checked explicitly, since we paint parented to // a view in a window whose key state can be detected. } static ThemeDrawState convertControlStatesToThemeDrawState(ThemeButtonKind kind, ControlStates states) { if the available width/height are too small. Otherwise try to // fit the glow/check space into the available box's width/height. int widthDelta = zoomedRect.width() - (zoomedSize.width() + margins[leftMargin] * zoomFactor + margins[rightMargin] * zoomFactor); int heightDelta = zoomedRect.height() - (zoomedSize.height() + margins[topMargin] * zoomFactor + margins[bottomMargin] * zoomFactor); IntRect result(zoomedRect); if (widthDelta < 0) { result.setX(result.x() - margins[leftMargin] * zoomFactor); result.setWidth(result.width() - widthDelta); } if (heightDelta < 0) { result.setY(result.y() - margins[topMargin] * zoomFactor); result.setHeight(result.height() - heightDelta);
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return checkboxSize(font, zoomedSize, zoomFactor); case RadioPart: return radioSize(font, zoomedSize, zoomFactor); case PushButtonPart: // Height is reset to auto so that specified heights can be ignored. return sizeFromFont(font, LengthSize(zoomedSize.width(), Length()), zoomFactor, buttonSizes()); #if ENABLE(DATALIST) case ListButtonPart: return sizeFromFont(font, LengthSize(zoomedSize.width(), Length()), zoomFactor, listButtonSizes()); #endif case InnerSpinButtonPart: // We don't use inner spin buttons on Mac. return LengthSize(Length(Fixed), Length(Fixed)); case OuterSpinButtonPart: if (!zoomedSize.width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !zoomedSize.height().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) return zoomedSize; return sizeFromNSControlSize(stepperControlSizeForFont(font), zoomedSize, zoomFactor, stepperSizes()); default: return zoomedSize; } } LengthSize ThemeMac::minimumControlSize(ControlPart part, const Font& font, float zoomFactor) const { switch (part) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
Afaq MasudDormitory (1981)YataqxanaAfaq Masud [pronounced ah-FAHG mah-SUD] is one of the very few women in Azerbaijan who have succeeded in making a career out of writing. She was born in Baku on June 3, 1957. She graduated in Journalism from Baku State University, and has worked in Azerbaijanfilm Studio. She has been a member of Azerbaijan Writer's Union since 1981. Masud is the author of the following books: On The Third Floor (Uchuncu Martabada), Transition (Kecid), Saturday Night (Shanba Gejasi), Alone (Tak), Crowd (Izdiham) and Freedom (Azadlig). Three films have been made for television based on her scripts: Punishment (Jaza), Sparrows (Sarchalar) and Night (Geja). Her works have been translated into Russian, English, German, French and Turkish. She has translated the novels "The Web and the Rock" by Thomas Wolfe and "Autumn of the Patriarch" by Marquez Gabriel Garcia from Russian into Azeri. Presently sheclothes. Nobody saw Mastan there. Nobody expressed any opinion about his behavior there or asked additional things. And this was worth the entire world to him. This study where Mastan was happily breathing every day was the manager's office of the dormitory of a technical school. And Mastan was the "owner" of this office; that is, he was the manager of the dormitory. He did his job very well. Sometimes, he would even write poems. At home, Mastan never dared to write a poem because, once, on a day off while he was sitting on the sofa, Mastan had drawn a picture just for fun and this caused great trouble. Two hours later, all the building had learned about it. The phone calls started. One was congratulating him, another was making fun of his new hobby, and others were asking what
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
in his boots and socks all winter and summer long and which were covered with corns - had felt the fresh air and sun. After taking off his clothes, he flew to the garden as if he were jumping into a cold swimming pool. He started whistling freely, walking barefoot among the trees. Nobody could ask anything of him now. Nobody could ask why he was whistling and smiling like an idiot. Nobody could ask why he was walking barefoot. Nobody could give their tactless and disgusting advice. So he cheered up and started to sing. "They won't let you get married to me, aman [pronounced ah-MAHN], yellow bride, Suddenly Mastan's wife saw that Mastan had climbed to the highest limb of the tree like a bird and his voice could be heard all over the place. No matter how loud she yelled,resistance of the continuous fine metal wire in the carpet creates the atmosphere for an electrical hazard. Under the proper conditions, a person having wet shoes or being barefoot touching a faulty lamp while standing on such a carpet can incur serious injury. In other words, such carpets under certain conditions can be extremely dangerous. In U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,277,564 and 3,379,000, owned by the assignee hereof, Webber et al teach a new metal filament having the characteristics of a textile. Valko, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,288,175, recognized the advantages of these metal filaments and taught that if such continuous metal filaments were provided in association with continuous filament synthetic yarns and then woven into a grid structure fabric, the resulting fabric would exhibit antistatic characteristics. In order to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
"first knew or should have known" of the claim on March 27, 1985. On February 13, 1987 an amended claim was submitted, changing the "first knew or should have known" date to September 11, 1984. After the government's denial of the administrative claim Espinoza filed the current action. It was initially assigned to the calendar of this Court's colleague Judge James Holderman (that was in accordance with this District Court's regular system of random assignment, because the action had not been specified as the refiling of a previously dismissed case). When that status as a refiled case was identified, the case was reassigned to this Court's calendar in accordance with this District Court's General Rule 2.21(d)(2). Jurisdictional Time Limitation Section 2401(b) states in pertinent part: A tort claim against the United Statescolumn-wise sum over the combinations. Z Zip, transposing rows and columns. µ Combine all links to the left into a chain. ⁺ Duplicate the chain, executing it twice. F Flatten. Ṃ Take the minimum. ÷9 Divide it by 9. A: 05AB1E, 21 16 bytes 2Fvyæ3ùO})ø}˜9/W Try it online! Explanation For each row, get the sum of each ordered subset of size 3 Transpose the resulting matrix For each row, get the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "StackExchange" ] }
enough surface area to not be influenced by the transverse streching and thus the shape of the wafer. However, since there are two torques and three parameters that define the shape and orientation of the deflection in $z$, the only two of $R_1$, $R_2$, and $\phi$ can be chosen freely and the third one is determined by $S_{ij}$. For example, in the case of spherical bending $R_1 = R_2$ which means that the $xy$-term in Eq.  should vanish. However, in general for non-zero $S_{61}$ and $S_{62}$ there are no $\mu_x$ and $\mu_y$ acting about the arbitrarily fixed cardinal axes that would equate the displacement vector in $z$ with the spherical surface. The torques acting on the wafer *in natura* are imposed by the contact to the substrate onto which thez} = \frac{S_{31}'(S_{12}' - S_{22}') + S_{32}'(S_{12}' - S_{11}')}{S_{11}'S_{22}' - S_{12}' S_{12}'}\frac{z}{R} \nonumber \\ &\frac{\partial \epsilon_x'}{\partial z} = -\frac{x}{R} + \frac{(S_{51}'\cos \alpha - S_{41}'\sin \alpha )(S_{12}' - S_{22}') + (S_{52}'\cos \alpha - S_{42}'\sin \alpha )(S_{12}' - S_{11}') }{S_{11}'S_{22}' - S_{12}' S_{12}'}\frac{z}{R} \label{eq:pure_bending_partial_derivatives}\end{aligned}$$ where from Eq.  $$\alpha = \frac{1}{2} \operatorname{atan}\left[\frac{2S_{62}(S_{12}-S_{11}) + 2S_{61}(S_{12}-S_{22})}{S_{66}(S_{11} - S_{22}) + S_{62}^2 - S_{61}^2} \right]$$ or $0$ if $S_{61}' = S_{62}' = 0$. In the isotropic case these partial derivatives reduce to $$\frac{\partial \epsilon_x}{\partial x} = -\frac{z}{R} \qquad \frac{\partial \epsilon_x}{\partial z} = -\frac{x}{R} \qquad \frac{\partial \epsilon_z}{\partial x} = \frac{x}{R} \qquad \frac{\partial \epsilon_z}{\partial z} = \frac{2 \nu }{1 - \nu}\frac{z}{R}$$ where $\nu$ is the Poisson ratio. We see that apart from $\partial \epsilon_x / \partial z$, which has no impact in the symmetric Bragg diffraction, the pure bending strain field of a small spherically
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
limit theorem, gives more accurate contribution to the total FWHM. Anisotropic circular wafer -------------------------- The solving procedure follows the same steps for elastically anisotropic crystals as for the isotropic case. However, since the anisotropy of the crystal does not generally follow the symmetry of the wafer, we should relax the circular symmetry requirement for the ansatz of $\chi$ as well. In general, the candidate solution can be written as a polynomial series of $x/R$ and $y/R$: $$\label{eq:chi_series} \chi(x,y) = \sum_{m,n=0}^\infty C_{m,n} \left(\frac{x}{R}\right)^{m} \left(\frac{y}{R}\right)^{n}$$ For a typical crystal analyser $x/R$ and $y/R$ are order of $0.1$ or less. Thus we may opt to truncate the series representation of $\chi$ up to the few lowest orders. Substituting Eq.  into the nonhomogeneous biharmonic equation , we find that the simplest solution is of the fourth order.calculations is given by $$\begin{aligned} u_{zz} &= \frac{E'}{16 R^2} \left[ (S_{31}+S_{32})\frac{L^2}{4} - \left[ 2(S_{31} + S_{32}) + \sqrt{(S_{32} -S_{31})^2 + S_{36}^2} \cos (2 \phi + \beta) \right]r^2 \right] \label{eq:uzz_anisotropic_circular_polar_coordinates}\end{aligned}$$ where $\beta = \operatorname{atan}[S_{36}/(S_{32}-S_{31})]$. The symmetric stress tensor is expected to be radially symmetric since transversally anisotropic stress would even itself out, as argued previously in [@honkanen_14]. However, the symmetry is broken in the strain tensor due to the anisotropic elastic properties of the crystal. Generally the isocurves of $u_{zz}$ are elliptical whereas for the isotropic case they are circular. The derived expression for $u_{zz}$ is otherwise identical to the previously found result in [@honkanen_14] except for the constant term proportional to $L^2$. As discussed in the previous subsection, this is due to the fact that in the previous geometrically based
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\nonumber \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{4A^2 - B^2}} \operatorname{atan}\sqrt{\frac{(B-2A)(\varepsilon + A+B)}{(B+2A)(\varepsilon + A -B)}} \label{eq:gamma_integral3}\end{aligned}$$ when $ -A - B < \varepsilon < - A + B$. In the interval $-A + B \leq \varepsilon < A$ the integral  evaluates to a constant which is found by taking the limit $\phi_0(\varepsilon) \rightarrow \pi/2$ of Eq. . Thus we find the energy shift distribution $$\rho_{\Delta \mathcal{E}}(\varepsilon) = k\times\begin{dcases} \operatorname{atan}\sqrt{\frac{(B-2A)(\varepsilon + A+B)}{(B+2A)(\varepsilon + A -B)}} & -A - B < \varepsilon < - A + B \\ \frac{\pi}{2} & -A + B \leq \varepsilon < A \\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise}\label{eq:deltae_shifts_anisotropic_circ} \end{dcases}$$ where $k>0$ is a proportionality constant. Plots of Equation  with a selected values of $B/A$ are presented in Figure \[fig:anisotropic\_circular\_distribution\]. When $B = 0$, the situation is equivalent to that of the isotropic circular case as the(-\beta \pm \pi)/2$. This has relevance in regards to the resolution function in cases where the surface area of a TBCA needs to be limited transversally in one direction *e.g.* to minimize the Johann error by masking the surface, or to reduce the space occupied by the analyser by cutting its edges off. To optimize the intrinsic resolution of the analyser, the surface area should be reduced where the gradient is steepest.[^7] For example, masking the edges of a spherical Si(660) analyser with 100 mm diameter and 1 m bending radius using a 80 mm wide slit can improve the energy resolution (measured from the standard deviation) by 13% in near-backscattering conditions if the mask is aligned over the direction of the steepest gradient, which is $[1\overline{1}0]$. However, in the worst-case
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different $a/b$ ratios is visualised in Figure . In general, the crystal planes normal to the surface are compressed in the center of the wafer and expanded at the edges, which is reactionary to transverse extension at the center and contraction at the edges of the wafer via non-zero Poisson’s ratio. The isocurves of $u_{zz}$ are found to be elliptical in shape, albeit being cut near the edges of the wafer. The major axis of the isocurves are along the longer dimension of the wafer and the strain grows fastest along the minor axes. For the special case of $a=b$, the isocurves become circles following the symmetry of the crystal similar to the isotropic circular wafer. It is interesting to note that whereas in the case of circular wafersubstrate, the surface of the wafer is only approximately aligned with the $xy$-plane and thus the total force acting on the volume element has a small component in $z$ which has to be cancelled by the surface force $P$. Let an edge of the volume parallel to $z$ be located at $(x,y)$. Now the normal force acting on the face defined by edges at $(x,y)$ and $(x,y + \Delta y)$, where $\Delta y$ is the side length of the volume in $y$-direction, is $$F_{x,n} = - d \sin \phi_x \sigma_{xx} \Delta y$$ where $\phi_x$ is the inclination of the wafer with respect to the $xy$-plane along $x$. The sign is a result of the outward normal of the face pointing in the negative $x$-direction. Since $\sin \phi_x \approx \partial
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force constraint $F_c$ can be omitted in the minimization as it is implicitly fulfilled by the solution obtained without it. With the toroidal bending constraint $f_c$ given by Eq. , the linear system becomes $$\begin{aligned} &\partial_{11} \mathcal{F} = 0, & & \partial_{20} \mathcal{F} = \partial_{02} \mathcal{F} = 0, & &\partial_{21} \mathcal{F} = \partial_{12} \mathcal{F} = 0, & &\partial_{30} \mathcal{F} = \partial_{03} \mathcal{F} = 0 \nonumber \\ &\partial_{31} \mathcal{F} - 2 S_{26}\lambda = 0, & &\partial_{13} \mathcal{F} - 2 S_{16}\lambda = 0, & & \partial_{40} \mathcal{F} + S_{22} \lambda = 0, & & \partial_{04} \mathcal{F} + S_{11} \lambda = 0 \nonumber \\ &\partial_{22} \mathcal{F} + (2 S_{22} + S_{66})\lambda = 0 & &f_c = 0 & &\ & &\ \label{eq:anisotropic_circular_system}\end{aligned}$$ where the shorthand $\partial_k \mathcal{F} \equiv \partial \mathcal{F}/\partialthe surface point in question. From Figure \[fig:johann\_error\] we also see that $$\mathbf{r}' = \rho \cos \delta \hat{\mathbf{x}} +\rho(1 + \sin \delta) \hat{\mathbf{z}}.$$ Since $\pi = \delta + \pi/2 + 2 \gamma$ and $\gamma = \pi/2 - \theta$, we find that $\delta = 2 \theta - \pi/2$. Thus $$\mathbf{r}' = \rho \sin 2\theta \hat{\mathbf{x}} +\rho(1 - \cos 2 \theta) \hat{\mathbf{z}}.$$ Therefore $$\begin{aligned} {\textarc{\textbf{r}}}&= (x - \rho \sin 2\theta ) \hat{\mathbf{x}} + y\hat{\mathbf{y}} -\left(\rho(1 - \cos 2 \theta) - \frac{x^2}{2 R_1}-\frac{y^2}{2R_2} \right) \hat{\mathbf{z}} \label{eq:raido} \\ \Rightarrow |{\textarc{\textbf{r}}}|^2 &= (x - \rho \sin 2\theta)^2 + y^2 +\left(\rho(1 - \cos 2 \theta) - \frac{x^2}{2 R_1}-\frac{y^2}{2R_2} \right)^2 \nonumber \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \left(x^2 +\frac{R_1}{R_2} y^2 - R_1^2 \right) \cos 2 \theta - xR_1 \sin 2 \theta \nonumber \\ &+ \frac{1}{2} \left[x^2 + \left( 2 - \frac{R_1}{R_2}
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all of her research career in the field of cognitive therapy and alternative therapies for patients with mental health disorders. She is also a consultant to the patients with psychological problems in Wen-Fang Hospital. She has been serviced as the Director of Graduate Institute of Nursing from 2006-2011 and promoted to the Acting Dean of College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University. During these years, Dr. Chou served as the chair of research committee of Asian Oncology Nursing Society, the executive director of Oncology Nursing Society of Taiwan, the executive director of community service and international affairs committee of Lambda Beta Chapter-At-Large, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and the director of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses Association R.O.C. Dr. Chou has received numerous awards in recognition ofsecret messages during World War II via SIGINT, and the German high command was infiltrated by Western (e.g., the Black Orchestra) and Soviet spies (including the Red Orchestra and the funkspiel radio broadcast), the Germans could still have won the war, but the Japanese got greedy and overconfident in their estimate that they could defeat the British and American forces in the Far East and did not cooperate with the German Grand Strategy. The German Strategy was of course to crush the USSR by a two-front attack: The German Panzers were to roll into the USSR from the west, which actually took place on June 22, 1941, and the Japanese Imperial Army was to attack Siberia from the east, which never took place. As a result, we shall see
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super(delegate); } @Override public AnchorBuilder accessKey(String accessKey) { assertCanAddAttribute().setAccessKey(accessKey); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder href(SafeUri href) { assertCanAddAttribute().setHref(href); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder href(@IsSafeUri String href) { assertCanAddAttribute().setHref(href); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder hreflang(String hreflang) { assertCanAddAttribute().setHreflang(hreflang); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder name(String name) { assertCanAddAttribute().setName(name); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder rel(String rel) { assertCanAddAttribute().setRel(rel); return this; } @Override public AnchorBuilder target(String target) { Miss Tea - Too Good To Waste... Catering company Miss Tea is delighted to join the likes of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Thomasina Miers and several other high profile chefs and restaurants in championing the Sustainable Restaurant Association‘s Too Good To Waste campaign. The Too Good To Waste campaign was launched in October within the London area in an attempt to reduce the amount of food waste in restaurants, which equates to a massive 21 tonnes of food per average restaurant per year. The campaign aims to roll out on a National level in the future. Talbot, who discovered the campaign through her sustainability guru Joanne Upton of Eco-Outsource spotted an early opportunity in trying the scheme in Cornwall for the SRA as letting her own food not go to waste has always
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