2 classes
Karl: I'm so slammed with work man, I forgot to reply Tony: Forget about it, same with me Jason: Jeez, guys, what the heck is going on there Karl: Same old, everything supposed to be done yesterday Jason: damn it, you gotta slow down man, we're not 20 year olds anymore Karl: I know, running on fumes now, But I have some holidays booked to cool down at the end of the year Tony: That's good, very good, I might do the same Jason: Well I din't think I'll be able but I have to Tony: Yeah, that's the good attitude
Karl and Tony have a lot of work. Karl has holidays book at the end of the year. Jason wants to go on holidays too.
Bella: I need your guidance for my interview tomorrow.. Jacob: I am free at 2000 today.. Bella: I will pick you up at 2000 then.. Jacob: Be on time .. I will be waiting... Don't let your coach wait xD Claire: LIDL has smoked salmon on special offer, did you still need some? James: Oh great, yeah still looking! Claire: I'm going there later, do you want me to bring some? James: If you don't mind, that would be great, I'm working late today... Claire: No probs, how much? James: 6/7 packs if that's ok? I'll roughly need a kilo. I'll pay you back tomorrow. Claire: No worries. Shall I pop them in the fridge at work tomorrow morning? James: That would be awesome, thank you so much! Claire: All good! Grant: I'll kill them Zick: who? Grant: those little devils living upstairs Zick: what happened Grant: they have a new scooter Grant: and they are riding it everyday! Grant: I can't sleep!! Zick: <lol> Susan: Can't wait to get home and hug youuu. George: Me too babe :) Susan: I'm leaving early today, almost finished with work. George: I'll be waiting for you Susan:😚 John: I am confused over this assignment John: Which ex we have to do? Mary: Like 3-7 John: yeah John: In which 5 and 6 have nothing to do with what we're doing Mary: We discussed it in class today Mary: :p John: Idk lol I will ask Paul to explain me ;P Tracy: heyy 😃 Tracy: just came back from skiing 😝 Lewis: heyo Lewis: and? Tracy: you were right, it was awesome! Tracy: wanna go again asap Lewis: told ya 😃 Lewis: i might go next week Tracy: when exactly Lewis: saturday morning Lewis: you know, its 2hours drive Lewis: i can be back home before it gets dark Tracy: if its a one-day trip, then count me in 😃 Lewis: great Lewis: but i already invited Claire, is that ok? Tracy: sure. no problem Lewis: be ready at 8:30 am Tracy: i prefer 9, im not the morning person... Lewis: well, ok, but at 9 you're ready with shoes on Tracy: hahah ok Lewis: cool Lewis: see you this sat Tracy: see you, can't wait 😊 Caro: Hi Honey! :) How are you? Haven't seen you in a while. Talya: Hi Darling! I'm fine. How about you? Caro: Good :) I'm launching my own company, so it's quite a busy time. Talya: Wow, great! Caro: You know, it has it's upsides and downsides.. But, yeah, I'm glad. Talya: It's good the you can be your own boss. Caro: Exactly. What do you do now? Talya: Usual. I'm trying to dance as much as possible and I work at Turkish-Polish foundation. Caro: Are you preparing any new projects? Talya: Actually yes. There will be one in October. Caro: And the premiere? Talya: We're planning it for May, but you know how it is. Caro: Yeah, I know. Dis you already book the theatre space for May? Talya: No, not yet. Caro: Cos there is that big thetre festival in May. May get crowded... Talya: You're right! I'll check what's left. If everything is booked alreay, we don't need to hurry... Caro: Yep. Vicky: Did you guys make up? Logan: Yeah, finally... Vicky: I'm glad. I hate it when you guys fight. Logan: me too, trust me. Vicky: so where did she go? Logan: she was just strolling around. I found her and we talked. Vicky: Good. So are you coming tonight? Logan: Looks like it. Vicky: Great, see you then! Logan: Yeah, thanks for all your help Vick ;* Vicky: Don't mention it!
Bella needs Jacob's help for her interview tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Claire will get 6-7 packs of smoked salmon in LIDL for James. She will leave it in the fridge at work tomorrow morning. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Grant's upstairs neighbors have a new scooter and ride it every day. As a result, Grant can't sleep and he's angry. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Susan is leaving work early and she cannot wait to hug George at home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John and Mary have to do exercises 3 to 7 for their assignment. John didn't know exercises 5 and 6 were discussed in class today. John will ask Paul to explain them to him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lewis came back from his ski trip thrilled. He is already planning the next one for Saturday. Tracy wants to go with him. They are meeting at 9 o'clock sharp. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Caro is launching her own company and is busy. Talya dances as much as she can and works at a Turkish-Polish foundation. Talya is working on a project launching in October. The premiere is planned for May, but Talya hasn't booked the theater space yet. There's a big theater festival in May. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Logan and his girlfriend made up. They will go at Vicky's place tonight.
Sam: Hi, I won't make it today. I have an awful cold. David: Hi, Sam, sure, no problem. Sam: Thanks. Is there anything I could do from home? David: No, that's okay, Carl just got back from his vacation so we can handle the workload. Sam: Great, if you need anything just text me. I should feel fine in a day or two. David: Okay, let me know tomorrow. Sam: I will, thanks! Greg: can't log in Sam: same, still in queue Greg: 20000 people ahead, what's wrong with this game? Sam: new event patch, you shouldn't be surprised by that anymore Sam: it's always the same thing when they release a new event patch Greg: still having to wait for so long just to log in Sam: I'm more worried about the lack of estimated time Sam: it just says 20000 people ahead Sam: without any changes for like 10 minutes already Greg: I guess we have to postpone our games for tomorrow Sam: yeah it's probably the best thing to do Sam: even if we manage to log in, I'm not sure how stable the servers would be Stefano: Are you still riding the bikes? Jeremy: sure, for another week at least Stefano: where are you? Stefano: Costa Smeralda? Emma: not yet! Emma: we're close to Nuoro Stefano: so you're much slower than expected Julia: because it's very beautiful here, really Julia: so we decided to take it easy Jeremy: also Julia was sick for a few days so we slowed down a bit Julia: ahaha, I was dying actually, it was a horrible flu, so I really couldn't ride a bike Stefano: sure, this is understandable Stefano: will you come back to Cagliari? Jeremy: no, I think we will take a ferry from Olbia to Tuscany and then fly from there to the UK Stefano: I see, pity Matilde: We're leaving in 10min Sam: very good Evan: I'm waiting outside Filly: wanna go to a concert? Bonnie: whose? Filly: Mumford and Sons Bonnie: who r they? Filly: u don't know them? Filly: they r great! Filly: listen Filly: <file_video> Bonnie: ok, they r good Filly: so will u come? Bonnie: when? Filly: next sat Bonnie: ok :) Filly: great :D Erin: Have you got a day after pill? Jade: yeah need it? Erin: yes please Erin: they don't have any at my pharmacy Jade: sure come over Erin: ok be there in 1 h Bartek: hey dad! Look at this Bartek: <file_photo> Tomek: What's that? Bartek: just open the picture so you can see Tomek: How to open the picture? Bartek: geez, just click on it Bartek: what do you think? Bartek: dad? Bartek: are you there? Bartek: let me call you Tomek: No, it's fine. The picture become bigger but I couldn't write you any message Bartek: good you figured out how to close the picture. I was afraid you're going to say your phone is broken and I need to get you new one Tomek: Haha, very funny. So what is this picture related to? Bartek: it's me in Greece! On the boat! Can't you see? Tomek: I didn't watch carefully Bartek: ... Bartek: you didn't manage to open the picture, did you? Tomek: no :( Mona: I've bought a dress for the party! Lisa: show us! Mona: <file_photo> Gioconda: Wow, you look gorgeous! Lisa: Red is your color Gioconda: definitely Mona: Thanks! Mona: Im thinking which shoes to wear Lisa: I guess black stilettos! They suit every opportunity Mona: I hope so :P
Sam has a cold and won't make it today. Carl got back so they can handle without Sam. Sam will let David know tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sam and Greg decide to postpone their games until tomorrow as it is taking too long to log in. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jeremy, Emma and Julia are still riding their bikes. They're close to Nuoro now. Julia was sick, so they had to slow down for a few days. They're not coming back to Cagliari, which is a pity for Stefano. They'll take a ferry from Olbia to Tuscany and fly to the UK from there. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matilde is leaving in 10 minutes and Evan is waiting outside. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bonnie will go to the Mumford and Sons concert with Filly next Saturday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Erin will go to Jade's house for a day after pill. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bartek sent a photo of him in Greece to his dad, Tomek. Tomek did not know how to open the picture. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mona has bought a dress for the party. Gioconda and Lisa think Mona looks great in red. Lisa suggests black stilettos as they suit every opportunity.
Dan: We need to re-order printer cartridges. Dan: The laser printer just ran out. Anna: OK. What is the model and make of the laser printer again? Dan: Let me have a look. Dan: Xerox 3210. Anna: I'll have a look online and see what I can find. Dan: Need it ASAP so we need next day delivery. Anna: Had a look and we can either pay 150zl for next day delivery or we can wait a few days an get a toner for 70zl. Anna: What is your preference? Dan: Like I said we need it ASAP. Anna: Is 150zl fine then? Dan: If that's what it costs then I guess we have to pay that. Anna: OK. Ordered it. Anna: You should have received a confirmation email. Dan: Thanks I'll have a look now. Anna: Did you receive it? Dan: Yes I did. Thanks for that. Anna: Anything else you need? Dan: That'll be all for now. Chris: At home? Paul: Yeah. Chris: Want to play some Overwatch? Paul: Sure but I need to eat first. Chris: Not a problem, just log in when ready. Regina: It’s all about typhoon on the news. Regina: Should I prepare for something just in case? Hugo: Gain some weight so that you won’t fly away! (+o+) Regina: Why did you say I cannot go out BTW? Hugo: If you get out of the house Hugo: The house will get so light that it will disappear to the sky.⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ Regina: So you mean..I am the prop of the house. ( ´,_ゝ`) Regina: Not to have it flown to the sky....?....( ´,_ゝ`) Hugo: (●^o^●) Polly: Hi, Molly, dear. Molly: Hi, Polly. What's up? Polly: Can you come to my place now? Molly: Not right now, I'm afraid. Polly: Sorry, dear. I must insist. Molly: I can't. But what's the rush? Polly: You remember the red sweater you borrowed a month ago? Molly: Yeah. What about it? Polly: I must have it back for tonight. Molly: You're kidding, right? Polly: Not at all, dear. I've just met this gorgeous guy. He asked me out for tonight. Molly: I'm sure you can wear something else. Polly: Please, dear. I finally found the right man. I need my lucky sweater. Molly: I can see your point, dear. But aren't you forgetting something? Polly: Like what? Molly: I am getting married tonight. And I am some thousand miles away. Sophie: <file_gif> Jay: oh yeah!!! Jay: <file_gif> Jay: tonight's gonna be liiiiiittttttt Sophie: getting ready babe Sophie: <file_photo> Jay: damn girl, lookin' hot tonight!!! Jay: <file_gif> Dorian: Helen, Geraldine, were you at the uni today? Geraldine: yep, but only in the morning Helen: no...I'm sick af :/ Dorian: Geraldine, could you please tell me what did you do today? Geraldine: p.34 ex. 2,3,4 Dorian: thanks!!!! John: Hey Pat, I need to cancel our meeting today, Jamie got ill so I need to stay with him Patricia: Oh no, that's a pity, I hope it's nothing serious? John: He caught some ugly flu :( Patricia: Poor Jamie! John: I think I'll be available next Tuesday though Patricia: Tuesday doesn't work for me, I've Spanish classes John: Wednesday then? Patricia: But only around 4 p.m. John: That's perfect then, see you on Wednesday :) Patricia: See you! Kiss Jamie from me
Anna has ordered printer cartridges for 150 PLN on Dan's request. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Paul will log in to play Overwatch with Chris after he's eaten. [NEXT_CONCEPT] There is a typhoon around Regina's place. Hugo thinks she should remain inside. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Polly wants Molly to return her the lucky sweater that she borrowed one month ago. Polly wants to wear it tonight for a date with a special guy. Molly cannot return it now because she's getting married tonight and she's thousands miles away. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jay and Sophie are getting ready for tonight. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Helen is sick and wasn't at the uni today. Geraldine was only in the morning and she did exercises 2,3 and 4 at the page 34. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John needs to cancel the meeting today as he has to stay with Jamie. John will see Patricia on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
Mark: Hi mate, any movies you recommend? Frank: dunno. what kind u thinking of? Mark: some action or thriller movie would best I guess Frank: have you seen the ocean series? Mark: you mean Clooney and Brad pitt and all the others? Frank: yep Mark: liked it? Frank: it was fun. bit of action bit of comedy, good acting Mark: right. theres a new sequel on soon Frank: I see, what is it now? Ocean's 15? Mark: oh, thats a surprise. it went up and it goes down Frank: yeah, i guess. and it got women now Mark: what do you mean? Frank: yoi know, i guess it's now the girls trying to rob the bank or casino or whatever Mark: sounds interesting. u know the cast? Frank: Sandra Bullock is in it. and the lady playing in Fast and Furious what's her name ... Mark: Michelle Rodriguez? Frank: oh yes, she's pretty cool Mark: sounds interesting Frank: so you fancy going? Mark: i guess i might. 2moro perhaps? Frank: not me. gym. saturday? Mark: im cool. afternoon, right? Frank: yep. i'll check where they play it and let you know. Mark: cool then. talk to you later Frank: thx, later Martha: we're meeting at that french restaurant right? Judith: yes Martha: i hear it's popular Martha: maybe we should have called and reserved a table Judith: there's only two of us, i don't think we'll have to wait a lot Ben: Tomorrow is the submission deadline. Jack: I know Sandra: Thanks for reminding, I forgot! Sasha: How about getting your father a new wallet, it's his birthday George, comeon! George: sounds like a great idea..mm. How much is that wallet? Sasha: which type? George: The black one. like the one you sold to drake.. Sasha: Oh. It's only for 200 box George: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one? Sasha: Hmm. How about a brown leather one? George: Umm.... I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put ID card. How much is it anyway? Sasha: It's for 150 dollars only George: Hmm. I don't have much money. Sasha: Okay. How much do you have to spend? George: I'm not sure. Probably about 100 or 120 . Sasha: Okay then, bring 120 George: cool, ill send it to you then you'll come with it in the evening Sasha: sure thing. Paul: yo?? Jack: yoyo Paul: wth XD Jack: i dont know xD Paul: nvm i just wanted you to stop eating XD XD Jack: -_- Elsa: where are you? Tina: in class!! where the hell are you ? you know it was such an important lecture Elsa: i know ... i woke up late.. please record lecture in your phone ... not feeling like coming now!! Tina: F off!!! would record it... Karen: What are we eating tonight? Don: I want to bake chicken with veggies. Margaret: Oh no, dad. We had it 2 days ago. Maya: But it's tasty! Don: What would you like to eat? Margaret: Maybe pancakes with nutella... :P Karen: Margaret can make them for desert. Maya: Do we have Nutella? Don: Let me check. Maya: I don't think so... Don: We don't/ Maya: Ok, I'll get some. Karen: See you guys at home!
Frank and Mike will probably go to the cinema to watch Ocean's on Saturday afternoon. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Martha and Judith are going to meet at the French restaurant. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ben is reminding Jack and Sandra about tomorrow's submission deadline. [NEXT_CONCEPT] George will bring Sasha 120 dollars to pay for a wallet of his choice. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Paul wanted Jack to stop eating. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tina is at the lecture right now. Elsa woke up late and won't come to class now. Elsa asks Tina to record the lecture. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Don is making chicken with veggies for dinner. Margaret can make pancakes with Nutella for desert. Maya will get the Nutella.
Bob: Congrats on your role as Ra's al Ghul in Gotham. Han: The what now? Bob: Ellie is binging it, which is a bit annoying. Bob: But when Ra's came on screen the first time, we both asked "What the fuck is Han doing there?" Han: Haha Han: I'm famous! Cathie: i'm back in the town! Cathie: let's go jogging or for a walk today! Natalie: I can't today, what about the weekend? Cathie: I'm not sure if I'm here for the weekend. Cathie: I might be out of town again... Natalie: today i really can't but let's talk 2morrow about the weekend, ok? Cathie: ok... Cathie: it's been so long! Natalie: I know... Natalie: I hope to see u this weekend;-) Natalie: need to get back to work now Hugo: not sure if you're checking your "official" e-mail but tomorrows lecture has been canceled Nathan: history? Hugo: yeah, seems like the geezer is sick again Hugo: not that I will complain about that Nathan: he's not that bad Hugo: are you kidding me? Hugo: last week I almost fell asleep because of him Nathan: you never were a big fan of history anyway ;) Hugo: anyway, we have a free hour during the day Hugo: want to try that new chinese place near the univ? Nathan: sure, why not Hugo: then it's settled, chinese food tomorrow! Marcin: What's going on there Ala? Mom is going to win today? Lech: <3 Marcin: Will it be a good change? Ala: I hope so, because I am sick of these elections Ala: A good change would be no change in this case ;) Lech: Better leave mommy in power, we might need her :D Ala: For now it seems to be going well, although it is only according to the exit poll. But she has over 50% there Marcin: It will be over in the first round ;) Lech: I hope we will be invited to the party after haha Ivy: What day does your flight get in? Alex: Saturday before xmas. Ivy: That's the 22nd? Alex: Yes. I land at 0600. Ivy: Geez. That's early! Alex: I know... Ivy: I'm thinking of the perfect welcome home meal. Alex: I bet you are, but I will just want sleep! Larry: Hello. A few photos for those who could not cross the ocean for my wedding 🤗 Larry: <file_photo> Larry: <file_photo> Larry: <file_photo> Julia: You guys look so happy! Congrats!!! 😍😍😍 Cathy: Awww that’s one cute couple 😻😻 Louis: <file_photo> Julia: Oh wow Chloe looks gorgeous Louis: Yep. She beats fucking Ru Paul ✨ Larry: We avoided inviting him anyway. You know, just in case Louis: 😂 Harry: I think I found my brother Claire: That's big news Harry! Harry: I'm not sure, but I think it may be Harry: <file_other> Harry: That's his Facebook profile Tom: He actually looks a bit like you Harry: You think? Claire: I agree, there's striking resemblance to your father as well Tom: How did you find him? Harry: I talked with my uncle and my aunt, they told me about my dad's past Harry: I found his mother online, she still has her maiden name Harry: It was easy from that point. He has a sister, but she’s only 15 Claire: What are you going to do? Did you talk to him? Harry: What am I supposed to say to him? Hello, I’m your brother Tom: Maybe be more subtle than that Claire: But you want to meet him right? Harry: I don’t know yet Aaron: are we writing an essay tomorrow? Eric: yep... Erasmus: what? I have an appointment and I wont be able to go Aaron: don't forget to take the dcument from the doctor which will explain your absence Erasmus: thank you for reminding me of that, otherwise this rat would not let me write it again
Bob recognised Han as Ra's al Ghul in Gotham and congratulates him getting the role. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cathie and Natalie will talk about their weekend plans tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hugo and Nathan's history lecture has been called off, so they'll go for Chinese during their free hour. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mommy is probably going to win the election in the first round and keep her seat, which is good. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Alex lands on Saturday, 22 December, at 6 am. Alex will want to sleep when he arrives. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Larry sends a few photos from his wedding. Larry and Chloe look very happy. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Harry talked to his family about his father's past. He managed to find his brother on Facebook. Harry isn't sure if he wants to meet him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Erasmus can't write an essay tomorrow. He should take an excuse from the doctor for his absence.
Sadie: Kelly, it's Sadie from work! Just wanted to say Hi. Kelly: Sadie, how are you finding it so far, it's so hard at the beginning, isn't it? Sadie: You're telling me! I am finding it hard to remember everything. I'm sure I'm making a fool of myself! Kelly: No, of Course not, we all have to start somewhere. You've been fine! Sadie: I have done ok, but I'm so clumsy. I dropped barbecue sauce all over Neil's shirt this morning, he was furious! Kelly: Oh, Neil's bark is worse than his bite. He ran out and bought a new one at lunchtime, no harm done. Sadie: Oh! Shall I offer to pay for it, I mean, perhaps he won't be able to get the sauce stain out! Oh, God! I feel terrible. Kelly: Yes, I think that would be the right thing to do, Sadie. Sadie: Yes, thanks for your advice, Kelly. See you Monday! Kelly: Any time, see you!
Sadie has a new job. She finds it hard. She ruined Neil's shirt. He bought a new one. She thinks she should offer to cover the costs of the new shirt. Kelly concurs.
Jessica: Can anyone send me the tutorial in pdf? Jessica: I cannot access the server Peter: Because it doesn't work Henry: I cannot access it either Jordan: 😨 Jessica: Do you have the tutorial in pdf? Henry: No... Peter: Sorry Jessica: Crap! Jordan: 💩 Jordan: 💩💩 Jordan: 💩💩💩 Peter: LOL Nicole: Look what I bought! Nicole: <file_photo> Nina: You look fine, sis Sally: Hi sorry but I can't make it on Monday - my mum has been taken into hospital. Anna: Oh no! What happened? Sally: She collapsed at home - they are just doing checks at the moment, but don't want to leave her. Anna: Of course! Hope she is feeling better soon. Sally: Yes, me too Anna: Are you still coming in December? Sally: Yes, hopefully - we can do something Christmassy. Anna: Yes that would be good. Say "hi" to your mum for me. Sally: Thanks I will. Will let you know how she gets on Anna: Thanks xxx Michael: Did you see what your son was watching this a.m.? Lolly: It's okay if he watches the weather channel, isn't it? Michael: Slightly strange, but yes, okay. Lolly: You'll be glad to know he has a crush on the one girl who is on. That's why he watches it. Michael: Whew! I thought he was just a nerd! Lolly: LOL! Michael: You know, like a sciency type. Lolly: What's wrong with that? Michael: He'll be smarter than me! Lolly: Like that's hard. Michael: Hey! Lolly: J/K! Michael: Besides, he's only 4. Lolly: Just let him live! Angela: How's the party? Brian: <file_gif> Angela: <file_gif> Angela: What time are you getting up tomorrow? Brian: I have a meeting at 11am, so definitely not before 10 :D Grand: How's your day? Tina: Good, thx. Tina: And yours? Grand: Boring. At the office. Not much work... Grand: Just browsing the internet... Tina: I envy you. I didn;t even have time for breakfast yet! Got to go! Evelyn: So! How was the Netherlands? Joyce: I'm so glad I went! We should've met up again sooner, I forgot how fun it was to hang out with Emma. Joyce: I was a little nervous because we hadn't seen each other for such a long time... Joyce: I thought we might have nothing to talk about, you know how different it is from talking online Evelyn: Can't send links to cute or funny videos, haha Joyce: Exactly Joyce: So I was uncertain at first, but we had a blast! Evelyn: I'm really happy to hear that! Did you spend time at her place or...? Joyce: The weather was lovely, so we went for a little stroll and stopped by a charming little cafe Joyce: I really loved the atmosphere, it was so cosy. I don't know any places like that here Evelyn: If you looked, you'd probably find something, but yeah Evelyn: The Netherlands sounds nice, I wish I could go there sometime, too! Rachel: How's the weather? Steve: Cold. A bit windy Rachel: It's awful here, really bad but I don't care. I'm on my 24h duty Steve: Enjoy the indoors :) Rachel: I'll be home tomorrow evening :( Steve: Do you need anything today? Rachel: No I'm fine. Thanks Steve: Ok let me know if you need anything, I'm arriving at 6.50 Rachel: Are you going home or straight to the office Steve: Home Steve: I have a meeting at 1pm and that's all for tomorrow Rachel: Good, try to sleep on the plane Steve: I can pick you up tomorrow Rachel: Nooo... wait at home. Get some dinner if you can Steve: Sure. I'm boarding now Rachel: OK. LoveU Steve: LoveU
The tutorial is not available, because there is no access to the server. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nicole has bought something. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sally won't be able to meet Anna on Monday because her mother fainted and is now in hospital. Anna will probably come in December. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lolly's 4-year-old son was watching the weather channel this morning as he has a crush on the girl who appears there. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Brian has a meeting at 11 am, so he's not getting up before 10. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Grand is bored at his work while Tina haven't had time for breakfast yet. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Joyce visited Netherlands to meet up with Emma after long time. They spent great time together on the stroll and in a cosy cafe. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rachel will be home tomorrow evening. Steve is coming at 6.50 heading straight home. Steve just has one meeting at 1 pm tomorrow. Steve will get some dinner and wait for Rachel at home.
Clara: I have an interview tomorrow! Sophie: Wow, congratulations! Where? :) Clara: PwC :D Monica: Well done! Fingers crossed! Clara: Yeah, but they’re quite strict when it comes to dress code and I don’t have anything formal to wear. Sophie: What size are you? Clara: 36, generally Sophie: Ok, I may have something for you. Will this jacket be all right? Sophie: <file_photo> Monica: It’s great! Just wear this, white t-shirt and you’re good to go! Clara: Looks amazing, will pop to yours to give it a try :)
Clara has an interview in PwC tomorrow. She doesn't have anything formal to wear. She's size 36. Sophie will lend her a jacket. Clara will go to Sophie's place to try it.
Ruth: I used this for the first time the other day in my usual banana bread recipe. 3 tablespoons per egg. Debi: And how was it? Ruth: It was perfect! You can’t taste it at all and the cake was really light and fluffy. So all the naysayers... don’t knock it until you try it!! Debi: Thanks for that tip. Really interesting. Debi: I'm going to give it a try. Ruth: Debi, I did sort of whip them a bit before folding in - I don’t know if that helped ☺️ Debi: Been doing another cream for a few years and it’s boss. Vegan mousse. Nom Randy: it's so cold in my place Randy: i'm wearing two sweaters and my thickets trousers and i'm still cold Arianna: why don' you just turn on the heat? Randy: it's not working!!! Arianna: you get along with your neighbor, right? Arianna: just go to his place Randy: the whole building is freezing Randy: i don't know what to do Arianna: get a couple of blankets and snuggle under them Arianna: it'll be cute, like when children build blanket castles Randy: you wouldn't be making fun of me if you knew how cold it is in here Arianna: you can always come over Arianna: i have an inflatable mattress Randy: you don't have to tell me twice Randy: i'll be there soon Ben: so hungry Donna: lol then eat something Ben: my roommate is making some chicken Donna: cool you just have to wait then Ben: he marinates it in some weird sauce, so i'm not sure i want to have that Donna: wanna go get some thai? Ben: that sounds incredible Donna: i'll text you where to meet in a minute Patrick: I missed my flight Wildens: Shit! Jean: Sorry, mate! Daniel: hi! any free slots this week? David: Hey. Thursday 6pm or Friday 5pm only ;o. Daniel: :( i'll be at work David: :/ Weekend? Daniel: ok i'll let you know David: Ok! Kat: your new tattoo is so beautiful Melanie: thank you xx Melanie: look, it's healed now: Melanie: <file_photo> Kat: so pretty Kat: i was thinking about getting one, but i am still not 100% sure Melanie: just go for it Kat: some day i will Kat: back to work, have a nice day 🙂 Melanie: you too 🙂 Izzy: So what happened? Mel: I didn't like the atmosphere there. Everyone's so tense and uptight. Like there's nothing else except work. Work is everything. Connie: Same with me. The other thing is - money. Not so good as advertised. Izzy: So what they say in the job ad is not true? Connie: It is, but depends what u understand under competitive salary. Mel: Had the same problem. Jennifer: Thanks again for the recipe. Sushi went out great! How's your weekend? Chloe: Glad to hear that. Beaujolais Nouveau! Jennifer: What? Chloe: Beaujolais Nouveau time - celebrating the release of Beaujolais nouveau wine! Jennifer: Aaah,that's cool! Enjoy it! Greta: Will you go to school today: Ray: Yea Greta: Oke Sally: I found the cutest dress for Christmas! Renee: OMG! Pics! Sally: <file_photo>, <file_photo> Renee: Oooh, super cute! Sally: You should see the back, it has a bow! Renee: No pic? Sally: Too hard to get a pic of the back! LOL! Renee: LOL! Sally: I can't wait to wear it, but now I need shoes! LOL! Renee: Crisis! Sally: I no!
Ruth recommended new banana bread recipe to Debi. Debi is going to try the recipe. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Randy will come to Arianna's, because there are some heating problems at his place. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ben is hungry and doesn't want to eat his roommate's food. Ben and Donna will meet for Thai food. She will text him the whereabouts. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Patrick missed his flight. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Daniel will let David know about free slots at the weekend. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Melanie has a new tattoo. Kat will maybe have one someday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mel didn't like the atmosphere at work and Connie was also dissatisfied with the salary. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jennifer made sushi according to Chloe's recipe. Chloe is celebrating the release of Beaujolais nouveau wine. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ray will go to school today. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sally has found a beautiful dress for Christmas.
Julia: Can I borrow your lipstick? Molly: Sure Julia: Thanks <3 Jake: forgot keys. U home? Noah: nope. at 4. Jake: ok Tina: Donna, help! I need a recepie for vegan gluten-free cookies, now! The ones you did last month, remeber? Donna: Yes! Gimmie a sec! Tina: OK! Donna: <file-other> Tina: Thx! Gotta go! Donna: No problem, take care! Tina: Wait, there are eggs in these! Donna: Sorry, wrong link! Donna: <file_other> Tina: Thx a lot! You saved my life! Jon: what time are we expecting the delivery today? Ally: about 12 is that ok? Jon: can you make it a bit later than that? Ally: yes what time? Jon: I have to be in Bicester for 11 so if you can make it about half 1? Ally: ok that will be fine Jon: perfect Ally: see you later Jon: ok see you later thanks Tom: What's the homework for tomorrow? Amanda: Which class? Tom: English Amanda: Let me check Patrick: p. 66 ex 7&8 Amanda: There's also an essay Patrick: But it's due next week Amanda: True. Camilla: Good morning, Josh! How are you? This is Camilla. I wanted to know if there's any update as far as Airbnb goes? I received an email indicating they wanted to stop it Josh: Good morning. Will sent you an email I wrote to sum things up. Is that okay? Camilla: Of course, thank you! Josh: Just give me a while to get up. I'm in Barbados :) Camilla: Enjoy your vacation! I just got back from Thailand! Josh: Thailand is one of my favs. Where did you go? Camilla: I went to pataya beach, phuket, chang mai and Bangkok. It was awesome :) How's Barbados? Josh: Oh it's great. Very relaxing Ralph: Does anyone know where I can get a beer at this hour? Dan: Petrol station? Mike: Have you checked on Google? Maybe a local deli will be open Peter: Pat, are you having the presentation tomorrow? Pat: yes, at 11 Ben: great, I'll come over Peter: me too Manuel: And have you already talked to Jim? Pat: Yes, I did Manuel: will you get a rise? Pat: I'm not sure Manuel: you should Pat: he said I will get a new post Manuel: I think it's a natural course of action Pat: but maybe I'll get 50 Euro rise? Manuel: that would be insolent Pat: I'll quit then Smith: Good morning Ms. Kowalsky. Kowalsky: Good morning Mr. Smith. What can I do for you? Smith: Could you take a look through your front window, towards the north? Kowalsky: Certainly, Mr. Smith. I am going. Smith: Can you see this grayish creature underneath the bush there? Kowalsky: Yes. I can see something. Smith: Can you say what is it? Kowalsky: It's a small animal. Smith: What kind of animal? Kowalsky: Oh my God, it's a puppy. Smith: That's what I thought. Kowalsky: Oh, dear! Where does it come from? Smith: Either it got lost somehow, or someone just threw it out. Kowalsky: People can be so cruel. Smith: I wonder what we should do? Kowalsky: I suppose we should call authorities. Smith: Good idea! You call them Ms. Kowalsky. Kowalsky: Why should I? You are the one that spotted it! Smith: But it's on your property. Kowalsky: I should have known. Men are like that! Smith: We have too many foreigners in this country. That's the problem! Kyle: can you cover me at work? John: what time and day? Kyle: Friday from 10-3 John: yeah shouldn't be a problem let me check Kyle: ok great thanks John: yeah its fine I have class at 4 but its close so its all good Kyle: awesome thanks so much again
Julia will borrow Molly's lipstick. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jake forgot the keys. Noah will be back home at 4. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tina wants a recipe tor vegan gluten-free cookies. Donna sends her a link, [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jon asks Ally to delay the delivery from 12 o'clock to half 1 as he has to be in Bicester at 11. Ally agree. [NEXT_CONCEPT] English homework for tomorrow for Tom, Amanda and Patrick is ex 7&8 p.66. They also have to write an essay for next week. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Josh is in Barbados. He will send Camilla an email about Airbnb. Camilla just returned from Thailand. They both like it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ralph is looking for a place to buy a beer. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Pat is having the presentation tomorrow at 11. Ben and Peter will come to see it. Pat is not sure if she will get a pay rise, but she will get a new post. [NEXT_CONCEPT] There is a puppy at the property and Smith wants Kowalsky to notify the authorities about it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John can cover Kyle at work on Friday from 10-3.
Tommy: Are you inside already? Oscar: yes, we decided to come in Nikolai: it was too cold outside, sorry Ruth: hey, are we going to buy anything for Dev? Mira: Hi Mira: Good idea Ruth: no ideas yet :) just asking who's in Mira: Me and Chris for sure Martin: I've already bought him something but I can join you anyway Ruth: what did you buy? Martin: nothing special, just a book Ruth: okay. let's see who's in first Tamara: I want to participate too! Tamara: but I dont know him so well, cant think of any ideas... Mira: Dev loves hiking Martin: how about some equipment? Chris: hi guys, great idea! let's get him something big :) Ruth: so who's going shopping? :) Martin: you Ruth? :) Ruth: ok but I'm not going alone! Martin: I'm out of town till Friday night :( Chris: l can go with you Ruth Chris: Wednesday afternoon? Ruth: that's perfect, thanks Ella: hi all! Ruth I can't go with you on Wednesday but I have an idea. Dev needs a new backpack! Ruth: thanks Ella! ok... Chris I'll definitely need your help with this :) Ella: I would suggest a Deuter, at least. or something better Chris: ok! :) Martin: totally right ella I saw his old backpack lol Ella: I know right? :) Ruth: oh you mean the red one?! Ella: the red and stinky one ;) Julia: What did you get for your birthday? James: Pauline and few friends have bought me a telescope James: I can't express my happiness over this James: It was my dream! James: And I'm so happy. Julia: I'm glad you feel that way. Julia: Did you have a chance to look at the stars? James: Yup! James: They look fucking awesome! Julia: Haha. It's great! Really! I have to come one day to check it out. James: Feel free to come anytime you want :D Bonny: remember that 90s show, sabrina? Lisa: teenage witch? sure Bonny: netflix made this new version, like scary and demons and witches Lisa: what? wow. can you do that? and the cat? Bonny: i've seen the trailers, something like Buffy mixed with riverdale. Lisa: that's kinda strange, how do you mix that with the teenage witch? Bonny: apparently they've just based the characters on the old stuff, you know witch father and human mom. and this half blood witch that's supposed to be so bad-ass Bonny: witch? male would be wizard, right? Lisa: yup, think so. Lisa: as i remember melissa joan hart, she was kinda sweet, was a great show back then. Loved her as a teenager Bonny: trailer's quite fun, wanna come over and watch a few? Lisa: seems good. not today tho. must be early at work tomorrow. Brian has an early flight and needs stuff done before. Lisa: but tomorrow is doable Bonny: great, I'll be home at 6, pizza and wine? Lisa: I'll bring red. kinda fits with the bloody deamony stuff Bonny: super. cu tomorrow! Ronald: I’m going to Poland this summer. Sharon: Cool. Ronald: Do you guys have some recommendations? Sharon: I’ve never been to Poland. Sharon: But I can ask my friends. Ronald: I thought you were there last summer… Sharon: No. I spent whole summer working. Susanne: My boyfriend is Polish I can ask him! Patrick: I've been to Krakow and Warsaw Patrick: It was fun Patrick: I heard that Gdansk and Wroclaw are also nice but I haven't been there Ronald: I'm landing in Krakow Ronald: Flying back from Warsaw. Greta: I talked to Amanda Greta: She's devastated Lyocell: What happened? Greta: She had a miscarriage Ted: I'm sorry Ted: It must be really painful for her Greta: It is. I tried to cheer her up but she's really depressed.
Oscar and Nikolai are inside. It is cold outside. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Martin has already bought a book for Dev. Martin is out off town till Friday. Chris, Ruth and Ella want to buy a new backpack on Wednesday afternoon. [NEXT_CONCEPT] James is very happy with the telescope he received from his friends on his birthday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bonny has seen Sabrina trailers. Lisa must be early at work tomorrow and Brian has an early flight. Lisa and Bonny want to watch Sabrina and have pizza tomorrow at 6 at Bonny's. Lisa will bring red wine. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ronald is after recommendations for his holiday in Poland. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Amanda feels depressed, because she had a miscarriage. Greta tried to cheer her up.
Cody: Hey man, wazzup? Raven: Cool. I got A from the English test Cody: You’re full of shit, man Raven: I’m not, mate Cody: You’re a flake
Raven got an A from an English test.
Miles: Did Dax get a hold of you this morning? Rick: No, why? Miles: Oh, he said he was going to call you about the tour. Rick: Uh oh... Miles: No, it's fine, he just wants a certain week off. We need him that week! Rick: We'll see. Depends on the week. Miles: Fingers crossed. I know you get first dibs! Rick: I would hope so. Miles: I can't hope to match what you pay him, so... Rick: He deserves it. Miles: I know, it's fine. Rick: Just making sure its not a sore spot. Miles: It's not! Rick: Okay. Gabrielle: do you want us to come for lunch? Timothy: sure, at 2? Gabrielle: ok we'll be there Timothy: do the kids eat carrot? Gabrielle: if they get a carrot they'll have carrot. Timothy: i mean do they like it Gabrielle: depends on the mood ;) don't bother, just make what you feel like eating Timothy: ok t's carrot then ;D Gabrielle: great :D Gabrielle: see u at 2 Timothy: ok Marion: guys, have you managed to return the car? Jeff: yes, we've just left their office Marion: have they found the scratches? Kim: no! They didn't say anything Simon: so relieved Jeff: When the guy was checking the car I realised I was shaking a bit Jeff: but everything went well Marion: phew! Bethany: hi girls Bethany: the soup that I ordered yesterday was absolutely delicious Bethany: i want to make it at home, but i dont know how :< Elisabeth: I don't know what that was.... I only remember the colour xD Michelle: I think its called chowda (?) or sth like that :P Bethany: ooo thx, i will check it!! Michelle: chowder Michelle: corn chowder Bethany: yes, thats it! thank you :* Elisabeth: was it really so tasty? Maybe i will also try to make it one day Bethany: yeeeeees, it tasted so good, and its vegan Elisabeth: hmmmm interesting Bethany: <file_other> Bethany: here's a recipe :) Ringo: what do i get Celia for Xmas? Lane: ooooo hard one Ringo: it's your sister u know her better Winton: it's your gf you know her closer Ringo: ur not very helpful Wint Lane: get her IKEA sth Ringo: sth sounds not very prmising Ringo: im so lost Lane: how about fight to Italy? get a cheap one shell be happy anyway Ringo: oh super thx a lot!!!
Dax is going to call Rick about a tour. He wants a certain week off, while Miles needs him that week. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gabrielle and her children are coming to Timothy's for lunch at 2. They will eat carrot. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jeff and Kim returned the car to the office. The guy who's working there didn't find any scratches on it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bethany wants to make a corn chowder. She ordered it yesterday and it was tasty. Elisabeth wants to make it one day too. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ringo doesn't know what to get his girlfriend, Celia, for Christmas. Celia is Winton's sister. Lane proposes something from Ikea or a cheap flight to Italy.
Jimmy: Hey, guess what? My car's completely kaput! Carrie: What happened? Jimmy: Don't know, either the battery, alternator, engine or a combination of all three Carrie: Where is it now? Jimmy: Yesterday I managed to jump-start it and it was fine, but then Amy took the car and stopped to get something at the store, and then she couldn't get it to start again Carrie: Sucks! Wanna borrow my Mercedes? Jimmy: How are you gonna get it to me? You live so far from the city now Carrie: I don't live that far! It's only like 20 km Jimmy: I'll let you know Carrie: I can drive it into the city, and then you can drive me back home, then you'll have the car :) Jimmy: :) Hmm… I still gotta do something about my car Carrie: Actually, you should buy mine and get rid of yours Jimmy: :-/ Yeah, lately there's always something with it. Anyways, I'll let you know. I may need it, Amy's sister is coming to visit. Carrie: Ok, see ya Jimmy: Bye
Jimmy's car has broken down, it was fine yesterday, but then Amy couldn't start it. He'll borrow Carrie's Mercedes that she'll drive into the city. He'll drive her back home.
Ann: Hey stranger Sam: Oh hi! Sorry it's been so long but I've had a lot on recently Ann: No apologies needed :) Sam: How's your dad? Any better? Ann: thanks, yes, he's much better, but he's still staying at my sister's house Sam: That's good. Ann: How's at work? Any promotions? Sam: Not yet, but maybe next month, we'll see :)
Sam and Ann are catching up. Ann's father is getting better at her sister's. Sam didn't get any promotion.
Kimberly: i'm freaking out :‑O Kimberly: i can't find the ear rings i borrowed from katelin Kimberly: i've looked EVERYWHERE!!! Kimberly: she's gonna lose it!!! you've seen how she gets when she's upset :-/ Kimberly: and these are NICE and EXPENSIVE ear rings Peter: calm down... when was the list time you wore them? Kimberly: yesterday at my brother's graduation Peter: did you take them off at all? Kimberly: i don't think so, i can't remember Kimberly: had a bit too much to drink last night lol XD Kimberly: hold on a bit, getting a call Peter: ok Kimberly: i'm back, that was my mum, she has the ear rings Kimberly: apparently i asked her to take care of them because i wanted to go crazy on the dance floor Peter: that's what happens when you drink too much lol
Kimberly is afraid she lost Katelin's earrings. She wore them last yesterday at her brother's graduation party. She doesn't remember taking them off. It turns out that Kimberly's mom has the earrings. Kimberly gave them to her before going to dance.
Anton: Good evening. Thank you for the lift tomorrow. Where could we meet? Lynn: good evening Anton. We could meet at the train station tomorrow around 4pm. I've got a blue Clio. Anton: Good evening. Yes it's perfect. See you tomorrow at the station. Anton: Hello Lynn, i'm waiting in a small pub near the station, I'm in advance. Tell me when you arrive. Lynn: I'm here. i'm parked on the left hand side near a white jeep. Anton: You've got a Clio? DZ783PKY? Lynn: Yes it's my car. Anton: ok i see you. Lynn: fine, see you too
Lynn will give Anton a lift. He has a blue Clio. They will meet at the train station around 4 pm tomorrow.
Ken: Have a great trip guys! Leah: Thanks :* Mike: Thanks, will be sending pictures! Greta: Hello, how are you doing? Raisa: Good, things are ok, you too? Greta: Well, my family are nice, mother not so much! Raisa: She is bitch? Oh no, bad luck for you. Greta: Not bitch really, she follows me around the house, though! Raisa: Oh, sorry! I had mother like that 2 years ago, I did leave, went home to Estonia! Greta: No, I do not want to return to Germany, I have the boyfriend here! Raisa: Oh yes, I know😁, what he named? Greta: It's Ieuan, he's Welsh😍 Raisa: I do not know how you produce that name! Greta: Hmm, is difficult, it is said Yi-an, to rhyme like Lion. Raisa: Oh, I see, still difficult, you tell me on cell phone later? Greta: Of Course! No, mother is suspicious, she thinks I am theef. Raisa: You are not thief! She is English cow! Greta: I agree, I am nervous there, but the kids are lovely. Raisa: You must decide what to do! Call agency? Greta: Yes, speak to Miriam! She will advise, good thought! Raisa: Thanks, you're welcome! You come pub after work Friday? Greta: Yes, I love English pubs! Will be there at 7.30pm. Raisa: Love to see you, look forward. Greta: Me too, bye. I will call Miriam for good advice, bye! Nick: I honestly miss the old times Nick: when we were still going to the games Nick: so many good memories Max: you're not the only one Max: those were some good times indeed Nick: do you remember the first title? Max: how could I forget? Nick: those celebrations were epic Max: whole city was on fire Max: one of the players almost fell down from the bus roof :D Nick: this season they're slowly coming back on track Nick: so maybe the next title is not that far away Max: I didn't expect them to play this well so quickly Max: they're still very inexperienced Nick: doesn't seem to bother them at all :) Max: I just hope they won't end up selling all the promising players Nick: true, just give them 2 or 3 years of playing together Nick: and the results will come Max: we really need to go back and see a game again Nick: a bit hard with me living in another country and you in another city Nick: but not impossible Max: we will make it happen! Nick: agreed Nick: but we should plan for it ahead Max: that's not a problem Hemulen: <file_photo> Hemulen: that's why we can't have nice things Fillyjonk: ewwwwwwww Poppa: what's that? Hemulen: I don't know how to call it now Hemulen: it used to some kind of shoe, I guess Fillyjonk: ok looks like I won't eat anything soon Fillyjonk: thanks for grossing me out Poppa: my shoes? Hemulen: looks like Burek didn't like them Hemulen: I told you to hide your shoes Poppa: fuuuuck Fillyjonk: <file_gif> Fillyjonk: could you hide my shoes from Burek? Hemulen: already did it Hemulen: Poppa, read sth about dogs before commiting to having one Hemulen: or Burek is out Poppa: don't lecture me, geeez
Leah and Mike are going on a trip. They'll send Ken pictures. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Greta works in Englad as an au-pair. She doesn't like the mom's behaviour. Raisa advises Greta to call the agency. Both girls are meeting in a pub on Friday after work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nick and Max miss the old days when they were going to the games together. They want to do it again, even if they're living in different places now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Burek bit Poppa's shoes. Hemulen hid Fillyjonk's shoes from the dog.
Martha: What are you gonna wear tonight? :D Christina: don't even, can't decide ;( Martha: Oh my! Don't worry, same here. Christina: Has Stacy mentioned anything? Is there any dress code? Martha: Well, yeah, officially it's a dress up party... Christina: oh nooo Martha: hahaha love your enthusiasm babe XD Christina: come on, you know who's going to be there and here I come, dressed like an idiot. Martha: You don't have to dress up as an idiot :P Christina: Hahaha, very funny. I haven't bought that amazing black dress not to wear it now when there is finally an occasion. Martha: So wear it, I don't get what all the fuss is about. Christina: But hasn't Stacy said that dressing up is obligatory? I don't want to be a party pooper ;/ Martha: Hm, don't remember, but even if, she can't really force you? Christina: Well, no, but I'll stick out like a sore thumb if I am the only person who didn't dress up Martha: you kind of will :D Come on, dressing up is fun. Christina: ... so fun Martha: And here I was thinking that maybe we could coordinate in a funny way like Batman and Robin or something like that :D Christina: I bet I could definitely win James' heart dressed like Robin or Batman :P Martha: hahaha you'd be surprised, guys like chicks with sense of humour Christina: yeah, if they're in tight minidress Martha: You do what you want. You can always dress up for someone sexy Christina: but I don't know how :( I don't have any idea. Martha: If you REALLY need to wear that black dress dress up for Maleficent or Audrey Hepburn, don't know Christina: hm... I look them up Martha: oh my god Chris, love you lots but do you really need to look them up to know how they look like? :D Christina: hahaha, so funny :P Christina: wow, you should've told me Angelina Jolie played Maleficent, that could work :D Martha: Good that we have one thing figured out :P Tell me if you're going to bring something to eat, not sure if I should buy or, the dread, make something :< Christina: Wine for me, thanks :D
Stacy throws a dress up party. Chritina wants to show her black dress off. She will dress up as Maleficent. She will bring wine.
Ronald: Hi, are you available to visit the garage today? Julia: Hi Ronald. Yes I can. At what time? Ronald: Is 3 ok for you? Julia: Yes that's ok. Shall I come by the agency? Ronald: Yes that's best. Thank you Julia: Ok, see you then
Prompted by Ronald, Julia will visit the garage today at 3 pm, coming by the agency.
Polly: <file_photo> Polly: Good-bye Homeland! Agatha: Are you sitting on the train yet? Agatha: Have a good trip! :x :x :x Agatha: Oh dear! Just sent the same :x message to Rudolf. Hope he won't misunderstand? Polly: He found it lovable! And he'll ask for the real thing when we're back home. Polly: Just at the airport, Fraport. Should take off in an hour. Agatha: We wish you a pleasant flight! Polly: Thank you. The most recent announcement: our flight is 18 mins late. Polly: What a stupid precision! Polly: <file_photo> Polly: Do you know, have you seen this green wall in the man hall of Frankfurt's airport? Isn't it fantastic? Polly: We are boarding! LOVE to you both
Polly's flight is 18 minutes late. She is boarding.
Christopher Smith: Good morning. Welcome to our new website. How may I help you? Alexander Williams: Good morning. I am wondering if you have a Samsung Galaxy S9 in stock Christopher Smith: Yes, we do. We have both Samsung Galaxy S9 and Samsung Galaxy S9+. Which one would you prefer? Alexander Williams: I prefer Samsung Galaxy S9+. May I ask about the price? Christopher Smith: Yes, of course. It costs 709$ Alexander Williams: What are your opening hours? Christopher Smith: Mon–Sat 9.00 am – 10.00 pm, Sun 10.00 am – 9.00 pm. Alexander Williams: Thank you very much Christopher Smith: You’re welcome
Alexander Williams is interested in Samsung Galaxy S9+. Christopher Smith confirms it is in stock and costs 709$. They are open Mon-Sat 9.00 am - 10.00 pm, Sun 10.00 am - 9.00 pm.
Adam: If you ever think about buying new laptop don't buy HP Adam: I bought it last year and broke 3 times already Adam: First the hard drive, then RAM memory and now the touchpad Kevin: Well. Good to know Kevin: I'm an ASUS fan though so probably wouldn't have thought about HP :D Adam: China <3
Adam is displeased with his HP laptop which broke down 3 times in a year. Kevin is an Asus fan.
Adam: need a drink Adam: wanna go to Paddys? Will: sure Will: 7? Adam: sounds good Will: c ya there
Adam and Will are going to Paddys at 7.
Charlie: did you get your phone back from repair? Stacy: not yet ;/ Charlie: how long has it been? Stacy: 10 days Charlie: ok so they still have 4 days to give it back to you, hopefully sooner Stacy: i hope so too :( Tom: hi, mate. doing well? Adam: Fine. Super bored. Tom: that's good :P we can book NYC. Adam: oh, no. fuck it. it will take an hour. Tom: but you know, the longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes. Adam: I know. you're right. I am looking at airbnb. Tom: How much can we pay per night? Adam: I think we should not go over 40 per night. Tom: so we have to accept it will be rather shitty. Adam: I know, but I've just found quite a nice one for 38. It's just a few blocks from Central Park. Tom: perfect! Adam: I would just book this one, before it's gone. Tom: Do it. Just check if there's wifi, towels and the basics. Adam: sure, it's standard I think. Tom: No, last time in Italy I had no towel in the room. Super annoying. Just check it mate, I'm telling you. Adam: There is everything, even golden pillows for you, my princess. Tom: fuck off! hahahaha Adam: ;) just don't be too petty because I'll just leave you on Times Square. Tom: LOL Adam: you know I don't like it. I want to relax, have some fun and not make a fuss about towels. Tom: I am not petty. You will thank me for saving your wet ass with a nice, cotton towel. Adam: LOL. yup, the most important thing in my life. Anyway, it's booked! Tom: Perfect. Wasn't that painful. Adam: I can continue being bored. Tom: hahah. ttyl Adam:? Tom: Talk to you later. LOL Peter: OK listen, Warsaw - Berlin is 30 euro, we can go on thursday, 12:45 or 15:32 Danny: cool Danny: can you buy the tickets? that way we sit together. I'll transfer you money in PLN. Peter: that will be around 130 Danny: no prob Peter: so, what time? Danny: I don't mind really Peter: OK Danny: can we stay till sunday? I wanna have time to go sightseeing. Peter: for real tho? not much to see there dude Peter: but yeah we can Danny: let's! Peter: might tag along if the weather be nice Owen: sis Owen: at what time is zoe departing? Mia: I don't know Mia: Ask her? :D Owen: :< Mia: Ok I'll ask Owen: <3 Mia: She says they want to be there at 3pm Mia: So probably around noon Mia: But she says she's not sure yet Owen: ok Owen: i guess i'll write her Mia: Yes :P Mia: Is your suit ready? :d Owen: hmm yeah Owen: it still fits even Owen: XD Mia: Hahaha Mia: Pig Owen: -.- Mia: <file_gif> Owen: -.- Owen: ok going back to work Mia: Ok :P James: we're at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris Mary: everything fine? Patricia: Yes, perfect, we're sitting at the gate already Mary: I thought it would be easy Patricia: But a friend of mine had so many problems with the border control Mary: it's a strange story Patricia: Maybe she confabulated Mary: hahah, anyway, good you're fine Ann: Don't you know if dad took Ann with him? Tom: I'm not sure, but I think they went shopping. Ann: I thought so :) Ann: Thanks :* Emma: Wanna go for a hike?? Ron: Idk.. you going ?? I am free this weekend.. Emma: Get ready at 0600 on Saturday.. Ron: say no more
Stacy will probably get her phone back repaired within 4 days. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Adam is looking at airbnb to book NYC. Tom wants to make sure the basics are included. Adam booked one near the Central Park for 38 per night. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The ticket from Warsaw to Berlin is 30 euro. Peter will buy the tickets for Danny and himself. Danny will transfer him the money in PLN. They're going to stay until Sunday, because Danny wants to go sightseeing. Peter might tag along if the weather is nice. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Zoe is departing around 12 to be there at 3 pm. Owen's suit is ready. [NEXT_CONCEPT] James and Patricia are sitting at the gate at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Patricia's friend had many problems with the border control. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dad and Ann went shopping. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emma and Ron will go hiking this weekend. They meet at 6 a.m. on Saturday.
Kris: I did it Hiram: Did what Kris: You know very well ;> Hiram: Ohhh noooo please tell me you didn’t broke into her house Kris: Old lady Pratchet, yesss 8-) Hiram: Omg you’re crazy what if somebody saw you Kris: Naaah I was careful Hiram: So how was it? Kris: Extremely clean, many pieces of art, looks like a museum Hiram: Haha that’s what I expected!! No dead people, any ghosts? ;> Kris: Hah no, but I stole her glove Hiram: Glove? What for? Kris: Just as a souvenir :D Hiram: Youre sick xd Kris: Plus maybe she will find out and start thinking that SOMEBODY was in her house!!! Hiram: Even more sick
Kris broke into lady Pratchet's house and stole a glove as a souvenir.
Hannah: do you have a pad? Hannah: a bit of an emergency here :<<< Pam: no :( but will ask Nina, hold on Pam: Ok, got it, should I bring it to your office? Hannah: No, coming Hannah: Thanks <3
Pam gave Hannah a pad.
Dave: the independence day is always such a mess Dave: riots, marches, police Brian: yeah. Steven: I dont get why they cant just celebrate normally Steven: without all this mess Dave: its a Polish tradition :( Brian: sort of Steven: and we're in all the world news Steven: sadly that in the negative context... Dave: yeah, right David: Hey did you send me the money? Peter: What money? David: For the gift ... Peter: Ah! Sorry! I forgot! Give me your bank account number, I'll send it right away! David: Ok, thanks! Judy: What does John’s last message mean? Anne: Judy! Stop reading my messages! Judy: Why? Anne: I don’t see what’s so private about them. After all, you haven’t changed your password yet. Judy: I’m going to. Anne: Good, but until then – what does his message might mean? Dorothy: Wanna dish? Caroline: Always!! :D Dorothy: Peter told me that George wanna split up with Jane. Caroline: For the fifth time.... -.- Dorothy: He told me this time it's for real. Caroline: Yeah, right :D I don't believe it for a sec Dorothy: Well, I dunno, they seemed pretty bored with each other lately. Caroline: you think? Dorothy: Yeah, don't you remember Michael's party? Caroline: what about it? Dorothy: They spent the whole party separately and they argued before they left.... Caroline: Oh, you're right! I forgot. Dorothy: Peter told me Jane might have someone on the side Caroline: no way! It's just George being paranoid as always Dorothy: well, I heard George looked at her messenger and found some messages... Caroline: get out!! Dorothy: I swear :D Caroline: If he found some messages why didn't he break up with her immediately? Dorothy: you know how he is. He has to be sure, not to make any mistakes... Caroline: LOL, so what's he gonna do, hire a detective to prove it? :D Dorothy: hahaha I wouldn't be surprised. Caroline: Oh, I think it's time they broke up. Every trip with them equals drama Dorothy: Yeah, it would be weird though... Them being not together Caroline: yeah, how long has it been? 7 years? Dorothy: Something like that.. Freaky. Caroline: Yeah.. keep me posted! Dorothy: will do! xoxo Charles: hey betty Charles: i'm outside your place Charles: can I come in? Betty: i'm not home, sorry Charles: i should have called before i dropped by Betty: that would've been a good idea, lol, :-P Charles: do u know what time you'll be here? Betty: not sure Betty: i'm pretty swamped up at the library Charles: mmmm Charles: what to do what to do Betty: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Betty: u know what? stay there, i'll met u there Charles: awesome thanks! Bill: Got a bit of a problem here, Mike. Mike: What can it possibly be:=)? Bill: Remember our last staff meeting? Mike: Certainly do. It was last week. Bill: Yep. Bill: Remember who was taking minutes at the meeting? Mike: I think, it was Cindy. As usual. Bill: Good. You've got her cell number. Mike: Yep. It's on the roster. Bill: I know, I just lost the thing somewhere. Bill: Can you text me her number. Mike: Sure. It's 554 946 987. Bill: Thanks, pal. Mike: But, what do you need it for? Mike: What's the problem? Bill: I think I was supposed to prepare some sort of report for the next meeting, wasn't i? Mike: I am pretty sure I recall you got some assignment. Bill: Problem is I lost my notes. You happen to remember by what the report should be about be about? Mike: Afraid not. Bill: Shit! Mike: Better get a hold of Cindy asap. The next staff meeting is the day after tomorrow. Bill: I know. Fuck!
Dave can't understand why the independence day is always such a mess. Steven and Brian wish they could celebrate normally. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter forgot to send David the money for the gift. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Judy wants to know what John's last message to Anne might mean. Anne wants Judy to stop reading her messages. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dorothy and Caroline are gossiping about George and Jane splitting up. George looked through Jane's messages. They have been together for 7 years. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Charles wants to come in Betty's place but she's busy in the library now. Betty eventually decides to meet Charles where he is. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cindy was taking minutes at the staff meeting last week. Bill lost his roster and doesn't have Cindy's number. Mike texts Cindy's number to Bill. Bill might have to prepare a report for the next meeting, but is not sure as he lost his notes. The next meeting is in 2 days. Bill will contact Cindy.
Mae: I have been trying to think of a name for my yt channel Jamie: What have you thought off? Mae: Multiplex? Jamie: Dont seems cool :/ Mae: Suggest me some Jamie: What about salty tuber? Mae: Sounds great Jamie: :) Louise: Morgan, y? Morgan: I already have plans for that weekend and really can't change them... Louise: Shame! Maybe you could try? It'd be great to get back together! Morgan: Well, tell it to my wedding guests ;) Patrick: Ur getting married?! When did that happen? Miranda: Congrats! Who's the lucky guy? Noel: Another one bites the dust ;) Louise: Stop it, N. Don't be mean! Noel: I'm not. Just joking. Geez.Y do u always have to be so uptight? Louise: I'm not. I'm ezy-going. :) Noel: Yeah, right. Miranda: Stop it, both of you! Remember? Morgan's getting married. Louise: Sry. EOD Noel: So, L, tell us about the reunion. Who's coming? :) Louise: Well, basically everyone except for a couple of ppl, most of whom I don't remember from school. Patrick: Like who? Louise: John Arron and Anna Kindle. Theo: Can we meet today? Chloe: Sorry, I have a thing at the school today. Theo: Oh, didn't see you were off. Chloe: I'm not; it's to speak about women in business. Theo: Gotcha. We should have a calendar entry for that. Chloe: Sorry, yes we should. Theo: Not your fault. I'll get Marge to straighten it out. Theo: Anyway, meet tomorrow? Chloe: Sure. About? Theo: Our social media. I think we are weak in our approach. Chloe: Okay. I can bring some numbers and some ideas. We'll brainstorm. Theo: Sounds good. First thing? Chloe: Let's make it after lunch so I can prepare. Theo: Perfect. Chloe: See you then. Chloe: Wish me luck today! Theo: Good luck, but you won't need it! Chloe: Thanks! Mom: do you want anything Ross: i want alot of things, i want a good phone Mom: i meant from the supermarket -_- Ross: oh, some chips would be nice Mom: and besides, i dont think youre getting a new phone xD Ross: what? why? Mom: how dont know to take care of one Ross: thats not true, this one fell on the ground from my jeans Mom: whatever Ross.. Cece: Aby, I haven't seen that serum in the store? Aby: Really? I got it there last time Cece: You sure they still sell it? Aby: Pretty sure, let me check online Cece: Or maybe you want something else? Aby: <file_other> seems like they have it? Cece: Ok, I'll try again and if not I'll order it online Aby: Don't worry about it Cece: No no, it's not a problem :) I'll have a closer look. Is it good? Aby: It works for me. But I guess it depends on your skin? Cece: I'll check it out. Btw do you do enzyme peels? Aby: Uh, haven't done any treatments in a while... why? Cece: Lady at the store told me I should do it lol Aby: I guess it's worth a shot. You can do it yourself too. It's quite mild Cece: IC IC.anything else? Aby: I only do homemade masks. You know, avocado, honey, etc. Cece: So no botox?;) Aby: Haha, not yet. You think I should? Cece: Noooo. You're too young. But I've been thinking about it... Aby: We're the same age! Maybe in a few years Cece: I hear the earlier you start the better?
Mae likes Jamie's suggestion "Salty Tuber" as a name for her yt channel. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Louise organizes a school reunion on a weekend. Morgan can't come because she is getting married. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chloe is speaking about women in business at the school today. Theo wants to talk to Chloe about their social media tomorrow after lunch. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mom will buy some chips for Ross. Mom won't buy Ross a new phone as he doesn't take care of the one he owns now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cece didn't find the serum in the store. She'll look again or order it online.
Pamela: OMG I've just seen Robin Hood! Scott: did u like it? Pamela: Yeah, I liked it, especially Taron Egerton Scott: I got bored a bit, it's the same story told over and over again Pamela: well, you're right, but for me it was still entertaining Scott: Jamie Foxx though was a bit out of his role Pamela: I've never liked him I didn't pay attention to him that much XD Scott: it was a bit to violent and bloody to me Pamela: Scottie, that's what actions movie are like :D Scott: all in all, it wasn't a movie for me :) Pamela: Scottie, you've always been different ;-)
Pamela has just watched Robin Hood and she liked it. Scott didn't enjoy the movie.
Mary: <file_photo> James: What the hell is this? Mary: A dead bird in your car James: What is it doing there? Mary: I tried to start the engine but I could't so I opened the hood and there it was James: Just throw it out would you?
Mary found a dead bird in James' car.
Wendy: Help! Wendy: I still can't find any gifts for Dad. Jake: great, it's that time of the year again :P Wendy: Very funny :P Wendy: But seriously, have you thought about it already? Jake: I have some ideas Jake: this time we need to get him something he'll actually use Wendy: So what's the plan? Jake: I'm still researching but I was thinking about getting him some kind of a fit band Wendy: For Dad? Wendy: Didn't you just mentioned "something he'll actually use"? :P Jake: he likes gadgets so he might be interested in something like that Jake: besides he just installed a pedometer app on his phone Wendy: Well if you say so Wendy: So what now? Jake: I'll take a look at what bands are available and I'll let you know if I find something we can buy Wendy: Okay
Wendy had difficulty in finding a gift for her father. Jake opted for something useful and suggested a fit band. He promised to look for some interesting ones.
Fred: When are you gonna come down and see us? Brain: Maybe in April? Fred: gees that long? Fred: come on Fred: you can find one weekend to come and see us Brain: Ever since Mary was bron it's becoming very difficult Fred: I know but come on Fred: for old times sake? Brain: let me chcek with Jane Fred: fine Brain: Ok how about in 2 weeks? Fred: perfect Fred: I'll have everything ready Brain: great Fred: will you be coming up with the kids? Brain: no we'll leave them with my mother in law Fred: perfect Fred: even better Brain: you always were evil :P Fred: and that why you love me Brain: ok so we'll be in touch Fred: yes :) Tom: Hey, you ready? I'm almost here Jim: Sure, just need to put my shoes on :) Tom: Ok, so wait for me downstairs in 5 minutes, the parking here is terrible :) Jim: Yeah, I know, that's why I have a bike :) Tom: Smartass :P John: We're going to dive the blue whole this summer Jeremy: We've decided yesterday Anna: wow, it's a bit expensive, isn't it Jeremy: not that much if we plan it well and in advance Maria: Where is it actually? John: in the Caribbean Jeremy: More precisely in Belize, off the Caribbean coast of course Anna: I read about it a lot, it seems quite amazing Jeremy: Lonely Planet says: "In the 1970s, underwater pioneer Jacques Cousteau explored the sinkhole and declared the dive site one of the world's best." Anna: the famous Cousteau! John: yup, wanna join us? Anna: I'd really like to Maria: let's talk about it tonight John: ok Wyatt: <file_photo> Monopoly up for grabs. Megan: Hannah wants it Morgan: Is seems a common idea for our interns to get this board game. Either it's the easiest to understand in English, or they all need some help with learning how to use their money. They might also want to use fake money to pay for things. 😜 Ridge: Maybe we should think about creating our version of this game – with bus passes, train tickets, wifi providers and the Holylands as key components😊 Wyatt: Could be fun! Christmas party as the high-end property? highlight of the year anyway… Justine: What time should we meet? Patrick: 6 p.m.? Jason: Sounds good to me. Mary: Girls, you know anyone who does nice make ups? Alex: I might, but she's pretty busy Mary: how busy? Alex: I think she does some commercial stuff now, on sets and etc Mary: No harm in giving her a call Kate: I know a girl, my sis is pretty good, and cheap Mary: Great! I'll call her too
Brain will visit Fred in 2 weeks. The kids will stay with his mother-in-law. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tom is almost there. Jim is ready, he'll put the shoes on and wait downstairs in 5 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John and Jeremy are going to dive the blue whole this summer. It's in Belize. Jacques Cousteau declared it one of the world's best dive sites. Anna and Maria would like to join them. They'll talk about it tonight. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hannah wants Monopoly board game. According to Ridge, an improved version of this game is worth considering. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jason, Patrick and Justine are meeting at 6 pm. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mary is looking for someone who does good make ups. Alex recommends someone who works at some commercial stuff. Kate recommends her sister. Mary will call both of them.
Diana: How much do you charge for an hour lesson? Kas: It is 12GBP per hour in house plus milage. Kas: At the moment I have the following slots available: Weekends, after 4pm on Thursday and all day Friday. Diana: I would want lessons for my 12 year old daughter. Do you teach children? Kas: Yes we do although we mainly teach adults. Diana: We live in Nailsea. Can you come and teach her on Tuesdays at 4pm? Kas: Unfortunately Tuesdays are already fully booked. But I can teach her on Thursday or Friday. However I would have to charge milage to come out. Kas: Milage is 50p per mile there and back. Kas: Nialsea is 10 miles from us so that would make 22GBP per hour if I come out to you. Diana: That is really expensive. Fuel doesn't cost that much!!! Kas: That's true but I have to charge for my time and travel time is still time. Diana: OK. Thanks for the info. We'll think about it. Kas: If you want to keep the costs down you can always come to our place. We do teach from home.
Kas charges 12 pounds per lesson plus 50p per mile there and back for mileage. Kas is available on weekends, on Thursday after 4 PM and all day on Friday. Kas teaches children as well. It would cost 22 pounds per hour, if Kas came to Nialsea for lessons. Kas teaches from home too.
Margaret: Have you made up your mind about the holidays this year? Any plans? Jamie: I’m not 100 per cent sure yet, but I’m thinking of Italy Margaret: Great! I’ve been to Italy many times. Where in Italy do you want to go? Jamie: I thought of driving through the north of Italy Jamie: I want to visit Venezia, Padova, Milan, Treviso and many small villages of the north of Italy Margaret: You should visit Cinque Terre. It’s not exactly in the north but it’s worth visiting for sure. It’s on the Unesco list. Jamie: 😊 it’s in my schedule too Margaret: Sounds fantastic! I also recommend you visit Dolomites. Cortina is a perfect place for skiing Margaret: Do you like skiing? Jamie: Honestly, not so much. I’ve tried to learn but I’m not actually very good at it Margaret: The lake Como is also a fantastic place to visit Jamie: Really? How about the lake Garda? Margaret: Oh, it’s also worth going to for sure
Jamie is planning holidays in Italy. He wants to visit Venezia, Padova, Milan, Treviso and small villages in the north. Margaret recommends also visiting Cinque Terre, Dolomites and lake Como. Jamie doesn't ski.
Regina: did you finish the required trainings they sent us this week? Tatiana: no, not yet Regina: you should, the deadline is tomorrow Tatiana: what? why didn't they say sooner? Regina: they did, it was in the memo Tatiana: i didn't read it... shit Regina: you better get to it right away Tatiana: is there a lot of them? Regina: they are all on this online platform we always work on but they took a lot of time Tatiana: so how long? I asked if there is a lot of them? Regina: I tried to go as quickly as possible and it took me almost 9 hours Tatiana: what?! shit... i am so screwed... Regina: if you start now you will make it tomorrow by the end of the day Tatiana: i was supposed to have a day off tomorrow... i am so stupid Regina: oh crap :/ sorry to hear Tatiana: yeah, i wanted to go home sooner to spend more time with my mom... i will have to cancel Regina: i can help you with some of the quizzes if you want, i probably remember a lot of answers Tatiana: that would actually be great help but i don't want to take too much of your time Regina: no worries, we gotta help each other right? Tatiana: yeah but are you sure? Regina: yes, we can do some of them together but you have to start now, otherwise you won't make it in time Tatiana: I will... thanks a lot of reminding me, i can't imagine what would happen if i forgot it lol Regina: the boss wouldn't be too happy about it Tatiana: that's for sure ;) Grayson: are u free this afternoon? Nancy: yes I don't have any plans Grayson: can i swing by your place? Grayson: i'd like to meet your new cat :-D Nancy: yes! come on over Nancy: she's adorable Andrew: Hi John! Victoria and I are heading to Costa Rica in February for 2 weeks! John: Hey Andrew! Great news, I'd love to go somewhere warm now. It's going to be a temperature shock for you two! Andrew: It sure is. I remember you and Caitlin went 2 or 3 yrs ago. Andrew: Were flying in and out of San Jose, so if you have any suggestions we would greatly appreciate them. John: Sure thing. I'll e-mail you a must see and must do list this evening. :) Andrew: Thanks in advance! Hugh: I'm going fishing on Sunday, who's coming with me? Jim: I'll go, as long as you lend me one of your fishing rods. Hugh: Sure, you got it. Mark: Sorry, it's my parents' wedding anniversary. Can't we postpone it? Hugh: I'm leaving on vacation next week. But we can go again when I'm back. Fred: I can go. And we could take my car, it's big enough for the three of us and all our stuff. Jim: Does beer count as stuff? I got a new portable fridge and I'm going to try it out. Fred: Hey, that's not fair, I can't drink if I'm the driver! Hugh: We're really sorry for you. Jim, of course we'll test your fridge! Jim: We can pack some coke for you, Freddie! Mark: I really hate you, guys! Fred: Me too! Next time it's Jim's turn to drive!
Tatiana hasn't finished the required trainings due tomorrow, so she'll have to cancel her plans of spending some time with her mom. Tatiana will help her out as she remembers the answers from some quizzes, and it took her as much as around 9 hours. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Grayson will come over to Nancy's place to see her new cat. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John will send Andrew some tips for his trip to Costa Rica. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hugh, Fred and Jim are going fishing on Sunday. Jim will take his portable fridge with beer in it. Fred will be driving, so he won't be able to drink.
Adam: Did you hear what happened? Mandy: No. What are you talking about? Adam: The travel agency Travel Life went bankrupt and Mike stayed in Egypt. Adam: There is no way to go back, there is no hotel ... Adam: Something horrible! Mandy: He should go to our embassy,they will help him there. Adam: That's probably what he will do ...
The travel agency Travel Life went bankrupt. Mike is in Egypt with no hotel or options to come back. He'll probably go to the embassy.
Darline: How have you been? Christy: I'm ok Darline: Have you forgotten Haiti? Christy: I could never forget about Haiti Darline: When are you coming here? Christy: I don't know Christy: My husband also wants to come back Christy: He really loved it Darline: Last week it was pretty tense Darline: This week it's calm Christy: Manifestations? Darline: manifestation with violence Christy: I'm really sorry to hear that
Christy and her husband would like to revisit Darline in Haiti. Darlene mentions there sometimes are manifestations with violence.
Jim: Hey, are you feeling better? Tim: Hi, yes, a little better Jim: The guys and I feel guilty now Tim: And rightly so! Jim: Uh Tim: You bunch of dicks Jim: Ok, we're guilty but you're overreacting Tim: Just kidding... Jim: Ok Tim: I shouldn't have eaten all that sushi Jim: The dangers of "all you can eat" restaurants... but it was our idea Tim: Indeed Jim: I hope you could sleep tonight Tim: I woke up at 4.15 and stayed awake for a couple of hours, but then I fell asleep again Jim: Ok Tim: Luckily I didn't have to go to work today Jim: Yeah, at least that one's some good news Tim: Yep Jim: By the way I ate too much as well Tim: I know, but you didn't collapse on the floor after that XD
Jim, Tim and other guys were in the all-you-can-eat restaurant. They ate too much and they don't feel well after that.
Annie: Hello! Knock knock. Are you there? Phil: Hi Annie: And what do you think about my idea? Phil: Can we discuss it later? I'm quite pressed for time. Annie: Ok. Talk to you later. Phil: Thanks. Marie: Hello, i can order the Egyptian princess and the Aphrodite outfits for us. There is one Centurion and one gladiator or two romans. I didn't find other outfits. Is it ok for you? Sophie: Guy said "anyway, we'll look silly", so it's up to you. Marie: are you sure that Anne and Benoit are not joining us? Sophie: yes, only the four of us Marie: ok. In this case we could order the 2 romans. Guy and Paul would be alike. Sophie: good. Marie: <file_photo> Marie: for confirmation. That are the romans one that i'll order? Sophie: yes thanks. Are you also ordering ours? Marie: yes, it's easier. Which size L ou XL for Guy? Sophie: L is fine. And M for me Marie: there is only one size for women. Don't eat too much before the party... Sophie: we'll be perfect Marie: shall we take the helmet for our men? It's not included? Sophie: no; they'll look stupid enough without helmet Marie: you're right, it's enough Sophie: but we need shoes... Marie: Princesses won't go bare foot....lol Sophie: I don't have golden sandals! Marie: what's your size? Sophie: 39 Marie: i must have some for you Marie: <file_other> Sophie: are you opening a shop for branded shoes? Marie: LOL... i love shoes Sophie: i see. thanks l'll come and try some when outfits would be deliver Marie: ok . I take care of everything Emily: I will be late, forgot my notes Julie: no worries. save you a sit? Emily: thanks! Nicolas: Did you get a chance to look at the report? Alex: No. Been really busy for the last couple of weeks. Nicolas: You know that the deadline is this week. Alex: Is that a real deadline or a soft one? Nicolas: Real one. Alex: Then I better reschedule some stuff and look at it tonight. Nicolas: Good man :-) Alex: Always! Nicolas: Write the draft reply and drop it to me on the email tomorrow morning so I can give it the once over and edit it if need be. Alex: I will. Is it OK if i email it to you by the end of play tomorrow cause I have a family dinner on tonight? Nicolas: It doesn't leave much time but it should be fine. Alex: Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. Nicolas: No probs. Rose: Should we clean the place after the party Helmut: we have to, it's in the contract Mary: unfortunately somebody has to do it Rose: ok, it'll be easier in a group Jerry: We are planning to spend Christmas in our house on Cape Cod Jerry: So we wondered with Jenny if anybody would like to visit us over the Christmas break Margaret: what a nice idea, I'm staying in Boston, so I may come over for 1-2 days Jerry: great. you can relax here quite well, take a walk on the beach etc. Pat: Can I come with children? Jerry: sure, it's perfect for children here Margaret: you may also come with me Pat Jerry: when would you like to come? Jerry: we'd prepare the rooms etc Margaret: maybe 26 of December? Pat: yes, I have to be in New York on 24th Sigmund: I will go from New York to Boston on 25th, so I can bring you back Pat: god, guys, you're so nice! Sigmund: c'mon, it's normal, and it's nicer not to drive alone for 3 h Jerry: ok, so we will expect you on Cape Cod 26 of Dec Pat: where exactly is the place? Jerry: in Chatham Margaret: lovely! it's such a charming town Jerry: it's indeed Jerry: and we want to share it with friends Margaret: so nice! Eva: how are you? Cecilie: better now Cecilie: thanks for your care Eva: :)
Phil is busy, he will talk to Annie later. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Marie will order the Egyptian princess and the Aphrodite outfits for her and Sophie and two Romans for Guy and Paul. Guy needs size L. There is only one size for women. Marie has golden sandals size 39 for Sophie, who will come and try them on when the costumes are delivered. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emily will be late, as she forgot her notes. Julie will save Emily a seat. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nicolas reminds Alex to look at the report. Alex asks for a deadline extension. Nicolas agrees. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rose, Helmut and Mary have to clean up the place after the party. It's in the contract. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jerry and Jenny are planning to stay in their house in Cape Cod for Christmas and invite Margaret and Pat to visit them. Margaret and Pat together with her children are expected in Chatham on December 26th. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cecilie is doing better.
Ashton: How are you guys? How is the general mood after the referendum? Jean: I'm very depressed and disappointed Brigitte: I try to accept the democratic result but it's sad... Ashton: But it was not such a big defeat I thought Brigitte: 43.60% for yes Ashton: it's not catastrophic at all Jean: 6.5% is a huge advantage in democracy Ashton: what was the turnout? Brigitte: quite high, about 80% i think Jean: 80.63% to be precise Ashton: high! Jean: Yes, but pointless 😭 Ashton: Do you think the white population voted "no" mostly Jean: I'm sure Brigitte: No Kanaks would vote "no" Ashton: I read that some were afraid of economic repercussions Jean: Yes, we were threatened by France Brigitte: That we'll end up poor and forgotten Jean: But we could have closer ties with our friends here, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific community Ashton: I'm sorry guys. I know you're real Kanak patriots Jean: Thanks Ashton, we ended up like Scotland 😓 Ashton: hahaha, true Jayson: My bday next month Steve: U doing anything? Jayson: Dunno yet Steve: Lets have a party at louis Jayson: Should I call them Jayson: And book a table? Steve: Ya but I meant Steve: You can have the whole room Steve: and we'll drink pitchers all night Jayson: Bro beer again? Steve: 😂 🤣 Jayson: You guys drink Jayson: Id probably go for some shots Steve: 😂 🤣 Lane: I'm going to sleep now Cadence: Good night Lane: Good night Cadence: One more thing haha Come on fb i will send you something funny hahha Lane: Last thing Cadence: Yes but wait i need come up with how to copy it Hahah i watched it several times and still can't stop laughing. Write to me tomorrow when u can skype for a while Lane: Haha do you have a lot to say ? Cadence: No why? I like talking :) Which may be sometime tiring... hehe Lane: Hahaha ok Cadence: Sometimes I'm too talkative Lane: I noticed Cadence: That's a bad side of me xd Lane: Like now I've said good night 4 times and you still won't let me sleep Cadence: Haha so just imagine how I wouldn't let u sleep if I was there next to you :) And it wouldn't be talking Lane: You would be curled up in a little ball sleeping like a little baby after just 1 go Cadence: The same i keep talking, the same i keep doing some things until I don't get what I want xd Lane: One day you will see Cadence: Hahaha or u will see Lane: Ok, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night! Cadence: Good night!!! Susan: <file_photo> Alison: You cut your hair! Mia: Aww, you look fabulous! Susan: Thanks! ♥ I was thinking about dyeing it too, but I'm not sure... Alison: What colour? Susan: That's what I'm wondering about. I know I want to change something, but I've got no idea what other colour would suit me. Mia: There's an app which allows you to add your photo and then change hair colours to see how they'd look on you. Susan: Awesome! Do you have a name or link? Mia: Sure thing: <file_other> Susan: Thank you, I love it! Alison: And? Did you choose? Susan: Yeah, I think I'll go with auburn. Patrick: Does anyone have the number of this new girl? Pearl: Yes. Her name is Jasmine. Jackson: Can I also get her number? Pearl: You guys are terrible! Pearl: I'm not authorised to give her number to anyone Pearl: Why don't you ask her? Patrick: Fine! Please tell her that I'm throwing a party this weekend and she's welcome to come. Glen: I've created this group so that we can discuss our presentation. Mark: well done Anne: I don't want to do it :(
Jean and Brigitte are unhappy with the results of the referendum. The turnout was 80.63% with 43.60% of votes being yes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Steve suggests Jayson organising a birthday party at louis. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cadence is talkative and won't let Lane sleep. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Susan cut her hair and wants to dye it auburn. Mia has an app which allows to check out different hair colors. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Patrick is throwing a party this weekend and would like to invite the new girl, Jasmine, but he doesn't have her number. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Glen created a group to discuss the presentation with Mark and Anne. Anne does not want to do it.
Sophie: this party is really boring... im sleepy zzzzzz Arnold: lol it truly is but what can we do... Sophie: do something man... sing dance.. entertain please Arnold: lol you can do better...! Sophie: really how? Arnold: i can arrange a poll.. show a poll dance.. Sophie: shut up! Arnold: no seriously all the sleepy ones would be fresh seeing sexy and hot babe like you poll dancing Sophie: look thats something very usual we need to do something unusual no? Arnold: like? Sophie: like you stripping and poll dancing obviously except for your boxerss... Arnold: but i am not wearing boxerss... would it work then? Sophie: yeah if you dont mind... Arnold: why would i mind then what about all those hot babes who will be after me after seeing me like that? you know they wont be able to resist.. Sophie: take them all your home and ENJOY!! Arnold: but i only have fun with one.. and since we are both getting bored why dont you come to my place? i live alone i will provide full time entertainment Sophie: shut up you loser.!!! Arnold: hahahah Sophie: it wasnt funny Arnold: it was.. you seriously thought i would take you my home? like seriously? Sophie: Fuck offff Arnold: OK
The party is boring and Arnold is sleepy. Sophie could do the poll dance, but it would be better if Arnold did that. He knows women would not resist him but he jokes to take home only Sophie, which makes her angry.
Klaudia: I need a volunteer to drop me off at Fashion today, anybody? Filip: Shit, you gonna drink again? Klaudia: Noo no I just left my coat there, I don't know how it happened... Magda: Hahaha why am I not surprised xD Klaudia: Guess you're the one who remembers a little more than the rest Magda: I sure do, you were the MVP of the entire evening Filip: Why don't I remember that? Magda: Cause you were the first to leave the party wasted Filip: Well, shit... Klaudia: All right, that's all fascinating but why I didn't take my coat, it was like minus 20 degrees! Magda: You said you didn't need it anymore and that they should give it to a homeless guy Klaudia: Holy shit, it went too far this time... Klaudia: No more drinking! Till further notice Filip: Yeah, me too. What a headache... Klaudia: We could've expected some side effects of this party, we deserved what we have now... Magda: Or rather what you don't have now haha Magda: Anyway, Klaudia I'm taking you to Fashion again tonight, maybe the coat's still there Klaudia: Really? That's sweet, thanks!!
Klaudia left her coat at Fashion yesterday. Magda will take her there to look for the coat.
Edyta: I really like those new candles from IKEA Krisa: What smell? Edyta: Bounty smell Edyta: Got them at Blue City Edyta: The newly opened IKEA Krisa: Wow Krisa: Havent been there Edyta: The smell wont go away! I love it! Jannie: Wow I should get some then
Edyta loves the IKEA candles she bought in Blue City and Jannie wants to come too.
Eve: Mum asked you to call her Seth: why didn;t see tell me then? Eve: you better ask yourself. she sounds angry Seth: ok, i'll do it later April: kill me Amber: whats wrong April: this class is so boring Amber: I know I hate it so much waste of my fucking time April: that what im saying!! we should skip Amber: want to? April: would it be rude to leave now Amber: no I don't think so April: but it started like 30mins ago hahah Amber: I say we leave haha April: ehhhh Amber: comeeee on April: ok fine lets go Peter: <file_photo> Josh: what is it? Peter: you don't get it? Josh: ah... another racist content Peter: damn, you are right Josh: Can you stop sending me this bullshit Peter: What the hell is wrong with you, are you kidding? Josh: Yes, hahah, give me more Peter: <file_photo> Josh: That one is better Peter: You almost got me with this joke Josh: Cuz ya stupid Peter: Shut up <file_photo> Josh: <file_photo> Jan: <file_photo> Kasia: <file_photo> Kate: it's so beautiful there Michael: stunning Kate: where are you exactly? Kasia: Westfjords Jan: but the weather here is completely unpredictable, this is probably the only shortcoming Kasia: but the best are the hot springs here Kasia: just amazing Kasia: and the landscape, as you can see, is just spectacular Jan: we also went horse ridding Kate: Michael would love it, I'm sure Jan: yes, and a fascinating thing is that Icelandic horses have 5 gaits Jan: most horses have 3 gaits only Kasia: they are really small and sweet Kasia: but one has to understand: you're not in charge here Kasia: you're at nature's mercy Kate: Do you think it's the most beautiful part of Iceland? Kasia: yes, I think so Rory: I almost always feel like having sex Brysen: Without being turned on ? Rory: Ah i need it also Isabella: Have you heard that Bertolucci passed away last week? Isla: No, I haven't... Isla: Do you know, what happened? Isabella: He had lung cancer. I'm just devastated... Isla: Me too... I truly love his films, especially "Little Buddha". Isabella: We saw it together, didn't we? I remember, that you cried your eyes out. I prefer "Besieged" - it's one of the subtlest and the most sophisticated fims I've ever seen... It was just gorgeous. Isla: What a loss... Mckayla: I’m running late, I’ll probably be like 5 or 10 min late Erik: figures Mckayla: Erik! I’m really really sorry! I’ll explain when I see you. Erik: yeah that’s fine. Just get off your phone and hurry up. Mckayla: ok ok. Sorry. See you soon. Mike: heeeey Amy :) Amy: do I know you? Mike: probably not but we can change that ;) Amy: sorry mate, I have a bf Mike: why would you bring that up Amy: seriously? Mike: why you gotta be so cold, just wanted to talk Amy: please don't make me block your ass Mike: jeeeez, alright! Mike: hey let me help you with the project Blake: no i got it Mike: are you sure Blake: yes Mike: you had that assignment as well Blake: oh i did that last night Mike: oh, cool Blake: i will text you if i need any help with it Mike: okay..
Eve informs Seth that mom asked him to call her. Mom sounded angry. Seth will call her later. [NEXT_CONCEPT] April and Amber are bored with the class. They are leaving the classroom although the class started 30 minutes ago. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter and Josh send each other racist photos. Josh tries to trick Peter that he thinks it's not ok. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kasia and Jan are in Westfjords. Kasia, Jan, Kate and Michael think that Westfjords is beautiful. Icelandic horses have 5 gaits. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rory always wants to have sex. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bertolucci died last week of lung cancer. Isla loved his films especially "Little Buddha" which she saw together with Isabella. Isabella prefers "Besieged". [NEXT_CONCEPT] Erik will have to wait for Mckayla for 5 or 10 minute as she is running late. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Amy doesn't want to get to know Mike. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mike offers to help Blake with his project. Blake doesn't need any help but will text if he does.
Jake: <file_gif> Kate: No you didn't Jake: i sooo did :D cool isn't it? Kate: we don't have a place for that, return, now Greg: Please tell me a game title it's totally worth buying Martin: With no hesitation Martin: Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Martin: Game's worth your time Greg: I heard so. If you say that it's worth it, then I'm buying it right away. Martin: Great! Can't wait to talk it over with you :P Martha: FUCKING SHIT! Ann: What happened? Martha: I've been writing a very long e-mail to my boss and it got deleted, for fuck's sake !!! Ann: try Ctrl+z Martha: Doesn't work, stupid computer, fuuuuuuck Ann: :( Russ: Hey, are you going trick or treatin' tonight? Jody: Yeah, just have to put some finishing touches on my costume. Russ: Cool, what are you going to be? Jody: A witch, naturally. Russ: hehe...fits you Jody: Shut up! LOL Jody: How about you? Russ: I'll surprise you. Jody: Ok, probably someone in uniform, right? Russ: You'll see. Talk to you later. Jody: Bye Flo: hi Daisy, could you replace me next week and the week after? Daisy: oh oh, your brother's not better? doesn't he? Flo: unfortunately! But we keep hope Daisy: sorry but i can't next week i'm on holidays. I'll do the week after Flo: great, thanks a lot. i'll see with Edith. May be she knows someone. Daisy: hope so. Don't forgot to send me the program Flo: I'll will. Theme would be "justice" and " fear" Daisy: ok easy . Do you have books? Flo: yes . I'll leave them at Edith Daisy: Fine. Good luck Xavier: i need your help Xavier: could I spend the night at your place? Tyler: what happened? Tyler: sure Xavier: i've managed to break my house key somehow, so now i can't get into my house Xavier: and it's too late to call the janitor or a locksmith :/ Tyler: well, you're lucky - my housemate used to work as a locksmith :) Tyler: he said he'll be there in 15 mins :) Xavier: omg thank you!!! Blaine: I don't feel comfortable here. I will tell u about this later on . Marc: What's wrong? Blaine: Since I got here, I've been ignored by Elvira. I asked her what's wrong but she said everything is ok. Even when I came to them to dance with them, immediately she went somewhere else to dance ignoring me totally. I will take one more beer and probably I will go home Marc: So leave there and return home Nate: Yo, got any gigs for me? Mickey: Not now, maybe on the weekend Nate: Alright, lemme know Mike: Hi. Got a favor to ask. John: What is it? Mike: My car died. John: Sorry to hear. John: Don't tell you want to borrow my car:0! Mike: Actually, I'd like to:) John: No way, man. Can't do. Even for my best friend:( Mike: Right. No harm in trying;=)
Kate and Jake don't have enough space for Jake's new purchase, so Kate wants him to return it immediately. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Martin recommends Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Greg will buy it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Martha has written a long email to her boss, but it was deleted and can't be recovered. She's very angry. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Russ and Jody are celebrating Halloween tonight. Jody is going to be a witch. Russ wants to surprise Jody, so he doesn't tell anything about his costume. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Flo's brother is still ill. She's looking for a substitution for the next 2 weeks. Daisy is on holiday next week, so she'll substitute her the week after. Flo will send her the program and leave the books at Edith. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Xavier broke his house key and he can't get into the house now. It's late to call the janitor or a locksmith. Luckily, Tyler's housemate used to work as a locksmith and he will be in Xavier's place in 15 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Blaine feels uncomfortable at a party, because Elvira is ignoring him. He plans to drink one more beer and go back home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mickey doesn't have any jobs for Nate at the moment. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mike's car died. He wants to borrow John's car, but John refuses.
Jerry: Hello. I just wanted to write and ask, what time is training tomorrow? Larry: Training starts at 6:30. Jerry: Ok, because there's no information on the website. Larry: Yeah, I'm aware of the problem. There were some issues earlier today. Jerry: Ok, thank you. Larry: You're welcome. Don't forget your clothes for dryland training later on. Jerry: Ok, thank you.
Training starts at 6:30 tomorrow. There's no information about it on the website. Larry is aware of that. Clothes for dryland training are also required.
Jake: What to catch up on tonight? Apprentice or something else? Aurora: I vote Apprentice. We're two weeks behind and you're gone for two weeks! Jake: Okay, that works. Aurora: Turkey burgers tonight. Sweet potatoes and veg. Jake: YUM!!! Aurora: Will you be done on time? Jake: Probably. You? Aurora: I need to make a stop on the way home. Aurora: My watch battery died and it's driving me crazy not having a watch. Jake: I hear you! Aurora: Hopefully Penney's will have what I need. Jake: Okay. No problem. Anything I can do until you get home? Aurora: Take out the trash? Vacuum the kitchen? Jake: Sure, no problem. Aurora: Trash first; it's easier to cook with an empty trash can. Jake: Oh, right. Aurora: I can dodge the vacuum! LOL! Jake: Okay, see you later. Love you! Aurora: Love you too! Matt: Hey Layla, how's been your Friday so far? Layla: Hey Matt, hehe I probably don't know yet. I think I will know tomorrow ;) Matt: Tomorrow? Goddamit! Why am I so tired like it was Friday? I don't know how to days of the week :P Layla: Tough week? What racked you? Matt: Tough year, too much work, not enough sleep... Will: Hey long time no speak :P .... you wanted to know about brandon and dom? x Sarah: gosh, it HAS been a long time! no one ever talks to me nowadays, its quite depressing :P o yeah, what hav brandon + dom been up to NOW? :P Will: LOllllll how've you been? 🙂 ... and they got caught with alot of drugs... they've been suspended for 7 weeks and the police are involved :P Sarah: your joking!! they're not that stupid are they? Will: yes they are :P Sarah: you seem awefully happy bout this - care to explain why? Will: because i hate them? Sarah: its not cos they stole your phone, is it? Will: My iPod and that's partly it. But they're really not very nice lads lol... Don't tell them I said any of this though :L Sarah: how can i? im not exactly best of chums either :P still, its best to hang out with people you can trust and who accept you for you 🙂 Will: They're not my friends Sar :P i try and avoid them :P Sarah: i never said they were :P Will: loool Walter: how are you liking working from home? Andrea: it's great!!!! Andrea: i love it :-D Walter: i thought you wouldn't like it, you like being around people Andrea: that's true, but i feel i'm being more productive here Walter: that's great!!! Andrea: i have to say that there's more distractions though ;-) Andrea: i'll take longer lunches and maybe even do laundry lol Walter: you're a multitasker!!!! lol Andrea: always and forever!!! hahaha Walter: would you go back to working to an office? Andrea: no, definitely not! Andrea: i miss the people and the social interaction Andrea: but I'M SO HAPPY i don't have to deal with the commute anymore John: What time is your train? Jane: 5 pm John: I'll wait for you at the station. Jane: Thanks, don't worry I can take a cab! John: No trouble, I will get you! Lynda: Good morning Mia: Good morning Lynda: I ordered a mobile phone a week ago and I haven’t received it yet. I would be grateful for any information regarding its shipment. Mia: I apologize for the inconvenience, but we are still waiting for the confirmation of payment. Lynda: I believe that there must have been error. Would you be so kind as to check it once again? Mia: Yes, of course Melania: Anybody wants to join me for some shopping this afternoon? Melissa: always! Jenny: me too ;) Melania: great, I'll write you later
Aurora and Jake are going to watch Apprentice and have turkey burgers and vegetables tonight. Aurora needs to buy a watch battery before she goes home. Jake will throw away rubbish but won't vacuum.. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matt has had a tough time recently and he's tired. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sarah and Will didn't speak for a long time. Their colleagues, Dom and Brandon got caught with drugs and they've been suspended for 7 weeks. Will hates them because they stole his iPod and they are not nice. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Andrea loves working from home and feels she's more productive that way. There are more distraction and Andrea misses the people, but she wouldn't go back to work in the office as she doesn't have to commute now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jane is arriving at the train station at 5 pm. Jane wants to take a cab but John offers a lift. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lynda ordered a mobile phone a week ago but hasn't received it yet. Mia explains they are waiting for the confirmation of payment. Lynda wants Mia to check it again. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Melania, Melissa and Jenny will do some shopping together this afternoon.
Neil: I've beed digging through old photos Neil: Look what I've found Neil: <file_photo> Jerry: Hahahaha. It's us in China. God damn it was so long ago! Jerry: I wish we repeated that trip. Neil: Yeah. Me too. :)
Neil sends Jerry a photo from their trip to China. Jerry and Neil wish to repeat the trip.
Maggie: I don’t know what to do. I’ve got that terrible stain on my dress. And no money to buy a new one. Angela: What happened? Maggie: I’ve spilled some wine and I forgot and now the stain is soooo set  Angela: You should take it to the dry cleaner. Maggie: I’m not sure if this is going to work. Angela: don’t worry. They’ll figure it out. Maggie: ok, I’ll take it tomorrow. Will see what they’re going to say. Which dry cleaner? Angela: Oh, the one I take my stuff. The Codds’. They do really good job there. Maggie: ok, can you send me the address? Angela: Sure, I’ll send you their v-card. Maggie: Cool thank you!
Maggie is going to take her stained dress to the Codds' drycleaner that Angela recommends. Angela will share their contact details.
Camille: did you hear? They are opening a new vegan restaurant downtown Miranda: yaaaay!! Where exactly? :) Camille: just near the train station, where McDonalds used to be Miranda: so they closed McDonalds to make a vegan restaurant? Camille: it seems like it Miranda: hahaha! Vegans for the win :D Camille: yeah, and I heard the chef is from Morocco Miranda: nice, we definitely need to try it Camille: yup, it opens next wednesday, shall we go? Miranda: maybe let's wait till the crowds are smaller... how about saturday? Camille: saturday is fine for... girls dinner or should I bring Matthew? Miranda: if you bring Matthew then I would have to convince Mark and you know what the thinks about "food with no meat" Camille: i know... girls dinner then it is? Miranda: yes!!! :* Camille: perfect :) let's talk on friday about the details :* Miranda: sure thing honey :* Nick: Hey, my dearest friend, how are you doing? Sandra: OK, what do you need? :P Nick: I knew you're the best! :D I need your notes from the last lecture. Sandra: Sorry, “my dearest friend”, but I missed it too :P Try Pete, he never misses a class. Nick: I know but have you ever seen his handwriting? Ann: We're going toning to the ice rink at Rockefeller Center Elias: great idea! Ann: wanna join? Elias: How much does it cost? Ann: hmm, 35$ per session and 15$ for renting gear Elias: oh, that's a bit expensive, I think I'll skip it Ann: ok, I understand, no worries Elias: have fun! Ann: Thanks! Jason: Have you seen kaka? Molly: He must in the ground playing football. Jason: Great See you then. Molly: Where you going? Jason: Ground Rose: Bubbles is so hilarious Trent: and you just randomly thought of that? Rose: yes Rose: trailer par boys pop into my head randomly throughout the day :D Trent: kitty kitty kitty Rose: CARTS Trent: puma Rose: <file_photo> Trent: :D Addison: i need to tell it to someone otherwise i'm gonna explode!! Cameron: take it easy, what happened? Addison: Eliana dropped by on me with her kid Addison: this kid turned out to be an awful brat, who stained my carpet AND BOTH of my armchairs Addison: of course Eliana didn't even apologize for this Addison: she said: "KIDS ARE JUST KIDS" Addison: then she decided to CHANGE HIS DIAPER ON MY COUCH Addison: without a changing pad or anything of course!!! Addison: and then she left, LEAVING THE DIPER IN MY HOUSE ON MY COUCH!!! Cameron: gross!!! :< Cameron: i feel for you... Addison: i'm not letting her in again! Addison: what a bitch Cameron: she's changed so much, she used to be so cool Addison: yeah, she was such a party animal Addison: now she's a complete mother hen constantly talking about diapers, diarrhoeas and teething Addison: she's a nightmare to be around Mom: clean your room! Derek: later Mom: do it now Derek: don't have time Mom: do it or I will! Derek: ok,ok I'll do it today Mom: :) Viola: have you seen my falsies? Alexa: which ones? Viola: these from ardell Alexa: i think they are in the bathroom Viola: thanks Alexa: you shouldnt wear them everyday Viola: im not wearin them every day
A new vegan restaurant is being opened next Wednesday. Camille and Miranda are going to have dinner there on Saturday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nick needs Sandra's notes from the last lecture but she wasn't there, either. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ann is going to skate at the Rink at Rockefeller Center tonight. It costs 35$ per session plus 15$ for renting the ice skates. It is too expensive for Elias. He decides not to go. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jason is looking for Kaka. He must be in the ground playing football. Jason and Molly will see each other later. Jason is going to the ground now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rose thinks that Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys TV series is hilarious. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Eliana's child stained Addison's mobiles. She changed the baby's diaper on Eliana's couch and left the dirty one there. Eliana used to be fun. Now she's not. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mom wants Derek to clean his room now and in the end he agrees to do it today. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Viola is looking for her falsies. Alexa says they are in the bathroom.
Autumn: How was the yesterday's party? Craig: Good. Craig: I had good time :) Autumn: Glad to hear that :) Autumn: Did you come back late? Craig: 6 o'clock I believe. Autumn: Good party! Craig: Yeah, but... Autumn: What? Craig: Well, acctually most of the people left around 3:00. Craig: And I just stayed waiting for Agnes to leave. Craig: She was having a chat with some guy. And I was just bored and tired. Autumn: So why didn't you leave alone? Craig: I drove with her and wanted to wait and come back with her too. Craig: I didn't think I'd take so long. Autumn: I see. Craig: No, you don't. Autumn: Explain then. Craig: I was waiting for her to get prised and feel acepted... Autumn: Okey. No, than's not okey in your case. Craig: I know, I just can't help myself... Autumn: I understand. Autumn: Don't worry. It will come. Autumn: It's already good that you realise that. Craig: I know, but it's not enough. Autumn: Try not to rush such things and changes. They have to come slowly, believe me. Craig: Ok, I'll try. Thx!
Craig had good time at the party yesterday. He came back at 6 o'clock. Most people left about 3, but he waited for Agnes because he wanted to drive her back, but she was having a chat with some guy.
Laura: Hey Kev, I'm planning to go to London in February! Will you still be there?! Kevin: Sure! When exactly in February? Laura: 11-17 Kevin: That's perfect! I happen to know that Tess is also coming to London around this time :) Laura: We could have some cosy reunion then, what do you think? Kevin: I'm in! You are also welcome to stay at my place, I have one spare room :D Christopher: Okay, I think I've added everyone who's in our group. Hi, guys! Joan: Hi there! So how do we share the work? Lindsay: And what's more important, who's gonna present our project before the class? :P Brian: I can present whatever you give me :P Joan: Yeah, as long as you don't have to prepare it yourself? :P Lindsay: I can do the work for Brian as long as he does the presenting part for me. You know how I hate speaking in public. Christopher: I think it's time to start learning :P Lindsay: If you want me to pass out in front of everyone then OK. Kenneth: Calm down guys, we don't have anything to present yet :P Joan: Yup, Ken's right. How about this: points 1-3 for me, Ken & Chris, 4-5 for Lindsay and Brian (and we don't care which one of you does more work as long as it's done ;))? And then we'll send our parts to one person who'll combine them into one presentation. Brian: I can do it! I'm good at PowerPoint :D Kenneth: Just don't go too crazy with the transitions between slides :P Brian: No worries, it will be pretty as hell! Lindsay: I don't think I believe you, but OK :D Joan: Okay, guys, do you think we could meet tomorrow after school? @Kenneth @Christopher Kenneth: I bet the two of you meet every day after school :P Christopher: Shut up! Joan: Come on, boys, stop acting like kids! We're almost out of high school! Kenneth: Uh huh, looks like someone's girlfriend's mad XDDD Joan: Lindsay, I've changed my mind, can I get Brian after all? :P Lindsay: Forget it, Brian's going to by my voice, I'm not giving him up :P Brian: Thanks, Lindsay ♥ Joan: Grrrr, I hate group projects! Christopher: And who doesn't? :) Kenneth: Yeah... OK, I promise to behave. Can we just get it over with? Joan: YES! Lindsay: I think everybody agrees ;) So if we're done here now, I've gotta go. Talk to you later, guys! Joan: Bye! Kenneth: See ya! Brian: Laters! Jane: <gif_file> Jane: Whaddya think? Shona: This ur tinder profile thing? Jane: Yeah, I'm updating my profile tonite. Kinda nervoous though... :( Jane: What if i get another guy like John? o.O Shona: John was a dickhead Jane: preach sistah! Shona: anyhoo - this time I've got u :D No slimeballs for you Jane: Not again *shudders* Jane: You know he forgot my birthday??!! Shona: wanker Julia: hey, you coming to Tom's party this weekend? Julia: should be fun :) Mary: sorry, not likely... Julia: why, what happened? Mary: ma grandma passed away yesterday... Julia: oh, honey so sorry Julia: I feel so stupid now, sorry Mary: don't worry, you couldn't know Julia: if you need anything let me know! Mary: thank you :) Harry: Guys, did you order a pizza? Luca: No, why? :D Harry: A pizza guy just arrived, he says we ordered two pepperoni pizzas. Jake: It happened last week as well, it's a mistake. He should go to Pages Street, not Pages Lane
Laura is coming to London on 11-17 February. Tess is coming around the same time. Kevin offered Laura to stay at his place. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Christopher, Joan, Lindsay, Brian and Kenneth have to prepare a project. Brian is willing to present in front of the class and make a PowerPoint presentation. Joan proposes a way to divide the work that everybody agree on. Joan proposes a meeting in person. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jane is updating her Tinder profile. She's nervous and worried that she might get a bad match again. Shona reassures her. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mary won't come to Tom's party this weekend because of her grandmother passing yesterday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] A pizza guy delivered a pizza to Pages Lane address instead of Pages Street.
Jordan: Hi What's up?? Andy: I'm in the library. Peter: I'm at home. Bored.
Andy's at the library and Peter's at home.
Ollie: look! I baked muffins for tomorrow Ollie: <file_photo> Ollie: <file_photo> Clara: they look amazing Ollie! Clara: I hope they taste equally great :D Ollie: Of course they do! Clara: what's inside, if I may ask? Ollie: there are strawberry and raspberry ones Ollie: and a few with black currant Clara: <file_gif>
Ollie baked strawberry, raspberry and black currant muffins for tomorrow.
Ramon: Stacey, what's happening tomorrow with the exams? Stacey: Hola, Ramon! Well, Maria is collecting the papers from the exam officer and checking them over. Ramon: Do we have to do anything? Stacey: No, in fact, we're not allowed in the hall when the exams take place, so keep away! Ramon: I will! I have now a free period! Good times! Stacey: Yes, me too! Also, year 10 will be doing work experience soon, so more frees! Ramon: It is good, the summer, no? Stacey: Yes, a bit of a break, but remember we have Year 10 papers to mark! Ramon: I will not forget that! Stacey: Have you enjoyed it this year, Ramon? Ramon: Yes, but I will be quite glad to go home in August! I find British children very wilful! Stacey: Oh, that's the perfect word for them, Yes! Ramon: Yes, in Spain, they are chatty, but they also show respect to teachers. Stacey: That's nice! Wonder what that's like LOL Ramon: OK, see you for staff meeting at 8, Stacey. Stacey: Bye! See you. Karl: I'm in the office and the power is out. What do I do about the servers? Skye: You will need to first call the power company. Do you have the outage report number and our account number? Karl: Yes, I did that already. Skye: Great, so what did they say the eta was? Karl: It's going to be a while as the storm is still going on. Takes forever to get a crew out. Skye: Okay, so we need to shut down the servers in sequence so that they don't get damaged when their backups fail. Karl: Right. Skye: Over the rack station, there is a pink sheet with Shutdown Procedure at the top. Can you find that? Karl: Yes, I have it. Skye: We just need to follow that to the letter. What is the first step? Karl: Well, to call the power company and determine that we need to shut down is the first set of five steps, so I guess we're on six? Skye: Yes. Go on? Karl: First, I shut down the domain server. Skye: That's the one in rack space ten. Do you see it? Karl: Yes. I'll shut down now. Can I just follow the rest of the steps? Skye: Yes, each should be properly labeled with full instructions. Call me if you get stuck. Karl: Okay, thanks! Skye: Let me know when you're done so I don't worry! Karl: I will, sure! Skye: And if you need moral support, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere in this storm. Karl: I think I'm stuck here myself, but we'll see! Skye: Be safe and good luck! Karl: Thanks! Logan: what about the recordings tomorrow? Max: Tomorrow? I wanted to get a friend to help us with that, I'll see if he's available tomorrow. Benjamin: yeah tomorrow, i'm not here so there's no practice so you're recording Benjamin: that's what we decided last week :P Max: Yeah but I thought you'd let me know earlier about organizing it etc. Benjamin: come on XD Max: What about the drum tracks? Are you going to send me wave files? Benjamin: yeah, i'll give you wave files and guitarpro tabs Benjamin: so that you can edit it just in case Max: Ok :) Joyce: How do you get your news Haiden: I have different means Joyce: Can you share some of them? Haiden: I hear news mostly on TV Joyce: What about when you are travelling Haiden: I have a radio in my cellphone as well Joyce: Do you use any app> Haiden: Yeah I use newsify Joyce: I have also been using that app lately Haiden: Its pretty much good except for one thing Joyce: What? Haiden: The comment section is limited Joyce: Yeah we can do only comment on a post with limited words Haiden: :/ Joyce: At least It is a good source Haiden: You know some other apps? Joyce: I will share the link of another one Haiden: Ok waiting Joyce: I am a bit busy right now
Maria is collecting exam papers tomorrow and checking them over. Stacey and Ramon are not allowed in the hall during the exam. Year 10 will be doing work experience soon. Stacey and Ramon have to mark Year 10's papers. Ramon is going home in August. Stacey and Ramon have a staff meeting at 8. [NEXT_CONCEPT] There is a storm and Karl and Skye's office is experiencing a power outage. Karl is in the office and he's already filed a report to the power company. Now Karl is following the official instructions to shut down the servers in order to prevent their damage. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Max didn't know they are recording tomorrow. Benjamin will send Logan and Max the wave files and guitarpro tabs. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Haiden's news sources are TV, cellphone radio and an app - Newsify. Newsify has a downside of having limited comment section. Joyce will send Haiden a link to other app, as he was busy at the moment.
Frank: Eliza Frank: Im going to IKEA to get some furniture stuff for our kids Eliza: Oh do we still need anything Frank: I might get something special for Morris Frank: His bday is coming up Eliza: Yeah that's a good idea Frank: And we need some new lamps Frank: They have deal this week Eliza: Are we getting a new lamp for Jeanine? Eliza: She needs a new lamp before she goes to school Frank: I will take care of that Frank: Do you need anything? Eliza: Hmm I think we're both good Eliza: But if you feel like buying something useful Eliza: then I am ok with that Frank: I will go for a few rounds in Ikea Frank: And will letcha know Eliza: Thanks dear Eliza: I will see you tonight
Frank is going to IKEA to buy furniture and a gift for Morris. Eliza wants him to buy a lamp for Jeanine.
Patty: Going shopping tomorrow? Joe: What choice do I have? Patty: What do you mean? Joe: I mean that I'll get loads of crap if I don't have a gift for Saturday. Patty: Like from Sue? Joe: Who else? Patty: Didn't know she was like that! Joe: She definitely is! Expects a gift on Father's Day, that chick! Patty: Oh come on! Joe: Well, it seems like it! Patty: I can help you find something if you're having a hard time. Joe: That would be great. I'm out of ideas. Patty: Well, I kind of know what she likes. Has she hinted at anything? Joe: Other than just a gift, no. Patty: Well, what's the occasion, her b-day? Joe: Yes. Patty: Why didn't you say so? You idiot! Joe: What??? Patty: Of course you have to have a gift for your gf's birthday! Joe: I guess. Patty: Perfume? Jewelry? Furniture? Kitchen sink? What? Joe: Jewelry, I guess. Patty: Okay, like what? Does she wear earrings? Bracelet? Joe: Earrings. Diamond ones. Don't get round ones I just got her those last month. Patty: Okay, I think I know what you mean. What's the budget? Joe: $500 Patty: Wow, sweet! I'm off to shop! Joe: Thanks! Maggy: What time are you waking up tomorrow? Henry: We're leaving home at 7 Henry: So I guess I'll wake up at 6 Maggy: Wow! I didn't think it would be so early Maggy: But of course it's better to be there earlier than later Henry: Yeah... cause at the underground station were going to there are really few parking places Henry: and theyre taken quickly during rush hours Maggy: Oh yes! I remember you told me once about this problem with parking places Henry: Btw how are u? Maggy: Im extremely tired... apart from that I dont really know Maggy: What about u? Maggy: Will you be able to sleep tonight? 😜 Henry: I sure hope so! Henry: Wish me good luck! Roman: Something really LUCKY happened today!( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Klaus: What? What is it? Roman: <file_photo> Klaus: Wallet? Roman: Yes! I found this wallet on the street!😃😃 Klaus: Hey, how about bringing to the police or contact the owner of that wallet? Roman: Why should I?😕😕😕😕😕😕 Klaus: Because it isn’t yours..? 😕😕 Roman: But I found it. Klaus: Come on, check inside. Imagine it is you who lost that wallet.😔😔 Roman: Wait... Roman: There are some name cards. Klaus: Call one of those numbers. Klaus: It might be a bit embarrassing if you pick one of the clients’, but better embarrassed than losing the wallet. Roman: But I FOUND IT! Klaus: I don’t know how much money is inside. But legally he should give you 10% of the money you found for him. Roman: Alright..I SHOULDN’T HAVE SHARTED THIS WITH YOU. Klaus: Dude, I know you wanted to find the owner. Roman: OKAY I’M GONNA CALL one of the numbers. Roman: If nobody answers then it’s mine. Roman: Police will never try to find the owner. I don't trust them. I will get it rather than bringing this money to the police. Klaus: You’re doing good thing. Let me know later if you found the owner.
Joe is going shopping tomorrow. Otherwise Sue will be mad at him for not getting her a gift for her birthday on Saturday. Joe and Patty decide that earrings within the range of $500 would be the best gift for Sue. Patty can help Joe pick them out. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Henry will wake up at 6 am tomorrow. They are leaving home at 7, since there are few parking places at the underground station. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Roman found a wallet. He will call one of the numbers from name cards to find a person who lost the wallet.
Martin: Wanna go for a hike tomorrow? Paul: in the morning? Martin: around 8? To the Western Forest? Paul: Hmm I'd have to check with Sam Martin: she could come to, of course Paul: I know, but her plain lands today at midnight and I think she's going to want to sleep until late Martin: Get it. let me know as soon as you know Paul: sure! Martin: in touch Paul: in touch :) Catherine: Have you seen Anabelle on facebook recently? I guess it's about a month that I haven't seen her Mary: geez you're right. What do you think about it? Catherine: I'm afraid she's got some problems again...I don't want to call her cause you know how it ends...the same as always Mary: yeah I know. but maybe we should text someone who knows her? like a sister or any other friend Catherine: yeah, I guess that's a good idea Mary: I hate when she disappears like that. I just can't hold my nerves. Catherine: I understand you, but you know very well how her mind works. She rarely thinks logically when she is in these states of mind. Mary: I know...maybe it's too difficult for me to process cause I'm always balanced... Catherine: I texted Adrianne and waiting for her to respond Mary: ok Catherine: She says Anabelle needs some time for herself, but she's home and everything's allright Mary: thank god...I hope we'll se each other soon Catherine: for sure, it's only two weeks left and we're back at the university. Mary: btw, they could finally upload this timetable...I got many other things to do and organise, how can they keep us unaware for such a long time Catherine: they can, as always...but I'm sure we won't have too many classes and Mondays will be free, as they used to. Mary: at least that. Catherine: yep. Alex: <file_video> Alex: watch from 4:55 <--- it's incredible!! Diggle: <file_video> Alex: hahaha!! its gonna be amazing! :) Diggle: how beautifuly blue the sky Alex: the glass is rising very high Diggle: <file_video> Alex: what is it?? Diggle: whatch and find out Alex: *rolls eyes* Alex: iv already watched it!!! Diggle: lol Alex: still... how r u?? Diggle: im gud enjoyin the sun in england while it lasts 4 once Alex: well, right now its cloudy here, so i susspect that all this bad weather came from rainy England :0 Diggle: iv noticed tht since u left the weather is getting better hmmmmm Alex: im sure its a mere coincidence Luke: Hi I've just sent you 3 more texts, can you please take a look? Ingrid: OK, in 2 hours Luke: Oh... I'm afraid we have to close the issue earlier... Ingrid: When do you need it? Luke: Like... now? :) ??? Luke: I mean asap Ingrid: But I'm out of office now... Luke: Ok I get it... Please take a look asap ok? Ingrid: Maybe in 1-1,5h. Please send it earlier next time. Luke: Sure, sorry, we've just got it from the authors :( Ingrid: I know but I really can't make it in 3 minutes every time, it's the same story every month. I know it's not your fault but please understand me too. Luke: I'll talk to the team again. Thank you for your effort Ingrid. Ingrid: Maybe Agnes could do it this time? Luke: Ok I'm going to ask her now, youre right. Honestly I prefer you to do that because you're just better but maybe she can give us a hand :) Ingrid: GLad to read that :) Luke: I'll ask her and let you know but you're always my first choice anyway! Ingrid: Let me know later. Tom: Where are we meeting? Jenny: At the main railway station? Barbara: yes, at the Starbucks inside
Paul and Martin are going for a hike tomorrow at 8 am. Sam probably won't be joining them, because her plane lands today at midnight. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Catherine hasn't seen Anabelle on Facebook since a month. She's afraid she's having problems again. Catherine texted Adrianne about it. She said everything's alright with Anabelle. Mary and Catherine are going back to the university in 2 weeks. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Diggle sends Alex a video. Diggle is in England at the moment. The weather has improved since Alex left. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Luke has sent Ingrid 3 texts to take a look at. Ingrid dislikes that Luke gives her short deadlines each month. Ingrid suggests Agnes do the job this time. Luke will call Agnes and let Ingrid know if she has agreed. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The group's meeting at Starbucks at the railway station.
Karen: I don't know what to do Sam: With the whole situation or something in particular? Karen: I don't know, I guess what bothers me most is that my dad is so stubborn Sam: But your mum's too soft, too Karen: I know!!! I keep thinking about it and calculating whether a divorce is the best option Sam: And what do you have so far? Karen: Christmas would be awkward Sam: Sure Karen: Money is somewhat tight at the moment Sam: That too Karen: But you know what? I feel like they could be really happy if they split up Sam: Sure, 60 is what 40 was some time ago. They could have nice lives, even romantic ones Karen: Yes but then here comes my dad's stubbornness and my mum's not being very decisive Sam: Maybe if you gave her a push? She seems more miserable from the two of them Karen: I am giving her a constant push, nothing works Sam: Have you tried to get her drunk? Karen: I did Sam: And what happened? Karen: She cried and said she was afraid Sam: What's Josh's role in all that? Karen: Josh is being Josh Sam: that punk.
Karen is worried about her parents' possible divorce. Her father is stubborn and her mother is too soft, even though Karen tried to encourage her to be more decisive.
Mandy: do u prefer cola or pepsi? Sal: why u r asking? Mandy: I'm curious Sal: never thought about it Mandy: than think now, please Sal: pepsi I guess, it's not so sweet Mandy: ok, thanks :) Jason: You’re not sleeping? It’s late where you are… Patricia: 4 a.m. I cannot fall asleep Jason: Must be the jetlag Elijah: Welcome to all the participants of our sailing course. I will be your instructor. We meet on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. Luis: Hello! Do I need to wear a specific type of clothes? I'll be coming straight from work, so I'd like to know beforehand if I need to pack something to change into. Elijah: Hello, Luis. The first lesson will be purely theoretical, so you don't need any special gear. Abel: Will it be okay if I bring my son with me? I've got no one to leave him with. He's six y.o. and he can be quiet when told to behave. Elijah: Of course. Abel: Thank you! Ellis: Where are you? Sara: In the office Ellis: At this hour?? Sara: I have a project to finish Ellis: Are you alone? Sara: No, there are people working with me Sara: Why are you interrogating me like that?? Ellis: Just tell me one thing Ellis: Is Phillip there??? Sara: He is Sara: What is your problem Ellis??? Ellis: I will tell you what is my problem" Ellis: "Hey Phillip, how about we meet tonight? Ellis has a night shift. He won't suspect anything" Ellis: This is my fucking problem!!! Nidia: can i borrow your black dress? Jennifer: sure, it'll look great on you Nidia: thanks!!! Jennifer: is it urgent, though? I lent it to Holly Nidia: when is she giving it back to you? Jennifer: not sure Nidia: how long has she had it? Jennifer: a couple of weeks Nidia: mmm, could you please text her and ask if she still needs it? Jennifer: i don't want to be rude Nidia: you're not being rude, it's YOUR dress after all, maybe she just forgot to give it back Jennifer: mmmm Nidia: come on! I'm going on a third date with this guy and we're going to the ballet, i have to look good!!! lol Jennifer: mmmmm Nidia: please? Jennifer: ok, ok, i'll call text under one condition Nidia: anything! Jennifer: you'll let me borrow your gold earrings next week Nidia: you have a deal Philip: Hello beautiful Mary: heyyy Philip: you look so beautiful in in your profile pic Philip: you look good enough to eat Mary: ok... Philip: youre just so hot Mary: uhhh thanks??? Philip: I just thnik youre beautiful Mary: thanks Philip: youre not being very nice Mary: excuse me? Philip: you could say something Mary: there's reallyu nothing I can say Philip: you could tell me I'm cute Mary: ???? Philip: yeah, you could be nice and answer with something nice! Mary: I really don't know what to write to you Mary: this conversation got very weird Philip: yeah you grils don't know how to be nice Philip: you're all the same Mary: ??? what the hell Philip: <file_photo> Mary: a dick pic! really Mary: Ok Im out of this conversation Philip: yeah well fuck you! Vince: Are you at Don's? Dennis: Not yet Dennis: Im on my way. Why Vince: Great, could you buy some alcohol in the store? Dennis: Okay, I'll be at Don's in half an hour.
Sal prefers pepsi to cola as it's not so sweet. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Patricia cannot sleep. She may be jet-lagged. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Elijah is an instructor of the sailing course. The meeting with participants is on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. Luis and Abel ask him about organisational matters. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sara is in the office with other people. She needs to finish a project. Phillip is there as well. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nidia would like to borrow Jennifer's black dress. She's going to the ballet with her date. Jennifer lent the dress to Holly a couple of weeks ago and will have to ask her to give it back. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Philip is hitting on Mary. She is confused. When he sends her an improper photo, she leaves the conversation. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dennis will be at Don's in half an hour. He will buy some alcohol on his way.
Rachael: hey u ok? Carolina: heeeey yeah not so bad Carolina: i was soooo sick for a week Carolina: sick leave etc. Carolina: now i'm in brighton Carolina: shitloads of work till the end of Feb and then i'll be very much interested in a meeting!! Rachael: wow ok :D Rachael: now u got me intrigued :D Carolina: hahaa yeah u bet :D Rachael: u pregnant or something?? Carolina: u know, get pregnant or die trying xD Rachael: hahaha ok good luck then :D Carolina: thanks;D i'll be needing some advice Carolina: i hope there will be a lot to talk about, i'm doing the test in 2 days;) Rachael: wow!! i'm thrilled! :D let me know asap:D Carolina: ok :D:D
Carolina was sick but now that she got better she has a lot of work to catch up. However, at the beginning of March she would like to meet Rachael. Carolina might be pregnant.
Sergio: Are you still looking for a flat? Jessica: Yep, why? Have you got sth? Sergio: I might, my friends is letting out his studio. Should I ask him for details? Jessica: Of course! What district? Sergio: Not far from the city center, I guess. I'll ask for more info Jessica: Great, thank you, Sergio! I'm beginning to panic that I won't find anything.... Sergio: Don't worry, you can always crash at our place for a while. Jessica: You're the best!! <3
Jessica is looking for a flat while Sergio's friend is letting out his apartment. Sergio will ask for more info, and lets her know that she can always live with him for a bit.
Henry: <file_gif> Leo: <file_gif> Henry: how was the film? Leo: really good Leo: the best i've seen this year i think Henry: nice Leo: how was yours? Henry: really amazing, i was so surprised Henry: an absolutely wonderful aesthetic experience Leo: nice Leo: i guess i'm gonna see it too once it's in the torrent shop :D Henry: yeah :D
Henry and Leo are discussing the great movies that they saw.
Rebecca: Timmy! Rebecca: Timothy? R U there? Timothy: Yeah, I'm on a meeting though Rebecca: I forgot, so sorry. But I have a problem Timothy: Can it wait till the end of the meeting? Rebecca: Yes it totally can, I'll just send you a pic Rebecca: <file_photo> Rebecca: So that you know what I'm talking about when you come to me :) Timothy: Thanks, I think I know already where the problem is :D Rebecca: I knew I could count on you! :D
Timothy will help Rebecca with her problem after his meeting is over.
Sophie: Hi, how are you? Gabi: Good. Busy as always... Gabi: And you? How was Marcel's visit? Sophie: Don't even tell me Sophie: It was so awkward.... :/ Gabi: What happened? Sophie: So apparently the main reason of his visit to Boston was... me Gabi: What do you mean? Sophie: One evening he appeared with a bouquet of flowers Sophie: And told me so many things Sophie: It was getting more and more awkward Sophie: But I didn't know how to react Sophie: I totally didn't expect that Sophie: And he told me that he loved me :/ Gabi: Seriously?! Sophie: Yeah Sophie: I was paralysed Sophie: He wanted to kiss me Sophie: But I hugged him instead
Sophie finds Marcel's visit to Boston awkward. Sophie got flowers from Marcel, he said he love her and wanted to kiss her which Sophie found crippling.
Ben: Hey Mon do you remember the code? Monica: u mean the alarm code? Ben: yep Monica: hmm i'm not sure Ben: on Tuesday there will be sb to help you but in Wed you'll be on your own Monica: hmm Aaron: yeah I'll be there Aaron: i can write it down so you'll have it on Wednesday Aaron: just in case :D Monica: great, tx Ben: ok Ben: just make sure you don't enter the room without disengaging it ;D Monica: yeah i'll try to. unlike last time xD Aaron: XD Aaron: <file_gif>
Somebody will come help Ben on Tuesday. Aaron will write down the alarm code for Ben.
Karter: What party u had last night? hahah Albert: Barbecue at my boss' house Karter: Nice
Albert was at a barbecue at this boss's house last night.
Marta: hey Oscar! Oscar: what's up? Marta: You know what is the program of the today's conference? Oscar: Yes, wait Marta: what? Oscar: I will send you the link with the program. Marta: ah, ok Oscar: <file_other>, here you go Marta: Thank you very much! Oscar: see you there!
Oscar sent Marta a link with the program of todays conference.
Bill: can i take the car? Jason: Fine with me, i don't have any meetings today Bill: you, bob? Bob: No you're good Bill: thanks!
Bill can take the car.
Marisa: Ladies! I've got some special offers running for amazing make up this month. Appointments available! x Beth: highly recommended Emily: passionate, professional, creative! shared Lilly: shared Martha: very talented make-up artist! x Kelly: love your work! shared
Marisa has special offers for make up this month. Beth, Emily, Lilly, Martha and Kelly endorse her.
Patrick: do you think i should buy her flowers? Robert: what have you done? Patrick: she asked me to come back early Robert: and you have forgotten? Patrick: yeah and i went to a pub Robert: is she angry very much? Patrick: yes she is Robert: so flowers and chocolates Paul: Morning Lidia! Are you busy at the moment? Lidia: Good morning, yes, I'm a bit busy. Lidia: Can you write or call me in an hour? Paul: Sure, thx! Shari: Happy Birthday! Woot! William: Thank you! 29 again! LOL! Shari: Me too! LOL! William: How are you? Shari: Busy as usual! Are you going to the reunion? William: Not if I can help it! Call you next week and we’ll meet up. Tim: When are we meeting up again? Tim: My phone calendar is playing up and I totally lost the schedule. Fran: Thursday at 4pm. Tim: OK. Fran: De Grasso pizza place. Tim: How do I get there? Fran: It's in the center. Fran: Not far from the church. Fran: How are you getting there? Tim: By train. Fran: Get off at Lawrence Hill. Fran: Head towards the courthouse. Fran: Keep walking past, then past the church and all the way down to the end of the road. Fran: It'll be on your right about 50 yards before the end of the street. Tim: Is it easy to spot? Fran: Fairly easy. Fran: If you have problems finding it give me a call. Tim: OK. I shall. See you there. Fran: See you. Charlotte: Chloe texted me that she'll be late Charlotte: so there's no hurry Amber: ok, thanks for letting me know Amber: I'm in a middle of a traffic jam Charlotte: so am I and I guess Chloe as well Amber: seems like we're all going to be late Caro: Hello dear Kate! How are you? How is life? Kate: Nice to hear from you! Back from your travelling? Caro: Why don't we meet up and have a good long chat? Kate: Sure enough! Will you be coming to town soon? Caro: I might. When would it suit you? Kate: I always have Wednesday afternoons free. We close at 1 pm. Caro: Shall I pick you up from the shop and we'll drive up to some cozy pub? Kate: Nice of you but I'll have to get my car. I can't leave it in town. Caro: Of course. Stupid me. So shall we meet somewhere in town? Kate: I'd rather go somewhere else. Have enough of town every day :( Caro: How about this pub next to the golf course in Bulwell? What's it called? Kate: Tee and Ball I think. But they don't open until 5 pm. Caro: True. So let's have lunch in Rack and Pinion. They have this fabulous salad bar there. Kate: Oh yes. That's a splendid idea! I haven't been there for ages. Shall we meet there? Caro: At 1:30? Kate: I won't manage I'm afraid. I still have to clear up after closing the shop. And do some paper work. How about 2:30? Caro: Sure. Suits me fine. Maybe I'll book a table? Aren't they usually full at lunchtime? Kate: They may. Better not to take chances. Caro: And I can ask them to book us this table in the lounge bar. The one in the bay window. Kate: That would be a treat! Caro: We deserve it, don't we? Kate: :)) Caro: Then see you there! Kate: Love! Letty: I'll go to the market, do u need sth? Cynthia: salad Cynthia: toilet paper Cynthia: soap Cynthia: peers Letty: sth else? Cynthia: not 4 now
She asked Patrick to come back early, but he forgot and went to the pub instead. She's angry. Robert advises Patrick to buy her flowers and chocolates. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lidia is busy at the moment, so Paul should write or call her in an hour. [NEXT_CONCEPT] William and Shari have mistakenly received wishes for 29th birthday. William isn't going to the reunion. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tim and Fran are meeting on Thursday at 4 pm at De Grasso pizza place. It's in the centre. Tim is getting there by train. He will get off at Lawrence Hill. If Tim has problems finding it, he will call Fran. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chloe will be late, as Charlotte reports. Amber and Charlotte are stuck in the traffic jam. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Caro came back from her travelling. Kate and Caro are meeting for lunch in Rack and Pinion on Wednesday at 2:30pm. Caro will book them a table in the lounge bar. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Letty will go to the market. Cynthia needs Letty to buy several things.
Anna: Who told Scofield that I told you that he was punished by his parents Taylor: Maria was also with me when you were telling me, I think she did Anna: Why would she tell him? Taylor: Dont u know ? :O Anna: wat? Taylor: She is her cousin Anna: Omg I didnt know that. Anna: You should have told me that :( Taylor: I thought you already knew :P Anna: How was I supposed to :( Taylor: Dont worry, He wont take things seriousely Anna: I hope so Taylor: Yeah
Anna revealed Scofield's secret to Taylor and Maria and Maria told him Anna did that.
Tonya: What do you think about Trevor? Melissa: who is it? LOL Tony: LOL indeed, the tall guy in a black sweater Melissa: still doesn't ring a bell Chloe: the one that said he's bisexual Melissa: this one! Melissa: he's hot! Tonya: right?! very intriguing Melissa: but bi... Tonya: but is it worse to be cheated on with a boy than with a girl? Tonya: I'm not even sure I wouldn't prefer my bf to sleep with a guy Tonya: at least he really has something I don't Chloe: ahhaha Chloe: yes, but will you be ever enough? Tonya: I don't think love is that much about sex, I may not be enough in comparison with a smarter woman as well Chloe: dunno
Tonya, Melissa, Chloe, and Tony are gossiping about Trevor. Melissa finds Trevor hot. Chloe remembers Trevor is bisexual. Tonya doesn't think love is about sex.
Carl: How has this disgusting man still got a career? Sam: Why is he disgusting ? Carl: gave a 20 year old HIV then she killed herself, read a little mate Edd: Carl, do English, Sam: Carl, read a little better mate. The allegation was for herpes not hiv and he got cleared, by a judge, you know more than the judge who saw all the relevant evidence. Please
Sam and Edd got irritated by Carl's superficial approach to the case.
Greg: Pizza anyone? I'm passing by Luigi's. Omar: yes please Chad: I'll pass, still have mom's lasagna Greg: So 2 pizzas. The usual, I presume? Omar: correct. I'm a creature of habit. Greg: same here
Greg will get pizza for himself and Omar from Luigi's.
Jane: u wanna go here tonight? <file_other> Amanda: No way! Amanda: I'm too tired after the gym Jane: but u were there yesterday not today, right? Amanda: yes, but I'm still destroyed :/ Amanda: and I need to wake up early 2morrow... Amanda: Ask Natalie, I'm think she wanted to go out, tonight Jane: ok, thx! Jane: enjoy yr bed then Amanda: thx, have fun! Terry: Where are you? Tony: at Amanda's of course Terry: already? David: the party started at 8PM Terry: was there anybody at 8PM? Tony: almost everybody was here Arthur: Hello everyone :) They say this will be one of the last weekends with good weather, so let's try and organize something? Sandra: Me and Mark are up for it, we wanted to go anyway :) Jacob: Hey, if we are finally planning something, let's go to lake Bled? We are speaking about it for quite a while now. Sandra: Great idea! It should be gorgeous at this time of the year James: I agree, we could leave the city around 6 in the morning and be there around 12, just in time for lunch :D Arthur: Ok everyone, Bled it is :) Do we have some driving volunteers? :D Sandra: We can drive, 3 people will squeeze in the back ;) Walter: Sorry for not talking, I have been working. Great idea to finally go there and I can also volunteer to drive :) Jacob: Amazing, so we are all set :D Sandra: Now we have to find something to eat, Slovenian cuisine should be delicious :) Jacob: It HAS to be goulash, can't break that tradition now :D Sandra: There is a hotel near the lake, supposed to have very good food :) Sandra: And goulashes ;) Walter: Same meeting place as always? Arthur: Yeah, it worked well last time :) See you there guys Sandra: Can't wait :D Rodger: add more ppl Rose: Any details regarding the meeting? Austin: Hello Rodger: First I want to find out how many of us is interested. Rodger: Then I can book something. Austin: I'm coming back next month :( Michael: Will we get a message an hour before the meeting so that we cannot be traced? Austin: :D Rodger: funny Peter: By the way, fuck Steve Rodger: haha Austin: When does it begin? Rodger: the match begins at 8:45 PM Rodger: so we'll start drinking at at midnight Jim: Guys, I'm going to this party tonight, are you going too? David: Will's party? Jim: yup Alice: I would like to, but if you take a car, without a car it doesn't make sense for me Jim: I see Alice: I just live too far and there are no buses after 10 Jim: ok, so I'll take a car and pick you both up Jim: if you want to go, David David: sure! Paul: Hi there Fiona: Hi Paul Raul: Hi Paul Paul: Are you ready to take off? Fiona: Yes, we're coming Mitchell: HI! Have you watched the season finale yet? Joan: Yes, I saw it this morning Mitchell: What do you think of it? Joan: It was ok, I'd say, but a little anticlimactic Mitchell: Yeah... I must say I was disappointed Joan: The whole season was very good but the ending... I don't know Mitchell: It certainly isn't on par with season 1 Joan: Yeah, but don't forget that even season 1 had an underwhelming ending Mitchell: I disagree, I loved it Joan: Oh well Mitchell: Anyway it was an improvement on season 2 Joan: Yeah, that one sucked Mitchell: Let's hope season 4 is even better then Joan: Long live True Detective!
Amanda is tired after the gym, so she won't go out with Jane tonight. Jane will ask Natalie. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The party at Amanda's started at 8 pm. Tony is already there. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Arthur, Sandra, Jacob and Walter are going to lake Bled at 6 am on Saturday for the weekend. They will stay at a hotel near the lake which is supposed to serve good goulashes. They are meeting at the usual place. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rodger is organizing a meeting to watch the match starting at 8:45 PM. Rodger wants to know how many people are interested in order to make a reservation. Austin is coming back next month and can't join. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jim will take a car and pick Alice and David up and they'll go to Will's party. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Fiona and Raul are ready to take off. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mitchell and Joan aren't satisfied after having watched the season finale.
Lorry: I'm running 10 min late.. Tereza: Ok dear, we are waiting in the main car park Lorry: Is Tony coming along? Tereza: Yes he just arrived Lorry: Ok Lorry: See you soon!
Tereza is waiting with Tony at the main car park. Lorry will be 10 minutes late.
Lucas: i have news for you Michael: what is it? Lucas: you know that soccer match next week? Michael: the one we wanted to go but couldn't find tickets anywhere? Lucas: that one Michael: what about it? Lucas: BRIAN GOT TICKETS FOR US!!! Michael: REALLY!?!?! Lucas: YES!!!!!!! Michael: how??!?! the match was sold out Lucas: turns out his dad is friends with the team's manager Michael: unbelievable Lucas: yup, we have friends in high places Michael: i know, i'm so excited!!! Lucas: are they good seats? Michael: they are AMAZING seats Lucas: can't wait!!!! Michael: me too Lucas: we should give brian and his dad something to thank them Michael: that's a good idea
Brian managed to get tickets for Lucas and Michael to the soccer match next week. The match was sold out, but Brian's dad's friend is the team manager and he arranged the tickets. Lucas and Michael will give something to Brian and his dad to thank them.
Maya: Hi :)) I started learning java last week, but it's all greek to me... Maya: Could you recommend me some books Maya: Or blogs.....? Maya: Or sth like that? :D Brad: I know one great website Brad: Wait a sec Maya: :)) Brad: <file_other> Alice: I also used this website ;) It's the best Alice: And YT channel Alice: <file_other> Maya: Oooo!! Thanks a lot :))))
Maya took up learning java last week and asks for some sources she might learn from. Brad and Alice provide Maya with the sources.
Sean: Are you in Galway right now? Lilly: of course, where could I be Carol: I'm in Dublin Sean: ok, at least we can meet, Lilly :)
Sean and Lilly are both in Dublin, so they can meet. Lilly cannot join them, because she's in Galway.
Iris: Did you see Dylan is headlining the music fest in Hyde Park? I'm so going! Liam: I did, but I hate his voice. Iris: He's a legend! Liam: He's better recorded than live. Iris: But seeing him live is like a bucket list thing! Liam: Ah, he sounds like a drunk pub singer with a sore throat! Iris: Gasp! How dare you??? Liam: Bible!
Dylan is headlining the music fest in Hyde Park. Iris is going to see him. Liam hates Dylan's voice.
Darren: Pete's still fast asleep I checked Darren: if James tells you that I dared him to drink all that vodka he's a fucking liar I swear Darren: I did tell him however, that he's turned into a lightweight and prissy baby Darren: and I got you that dress you were admiring at that boutique on Madison Emilia: He's got a concussion but he'll be fine. And thank you for the dress. Emilia: But it doesn't change the fact that you were *both* acting irresponsibly. Darren: ... Darren: Em, I'm sorry. Emilia: I know you are, but it doesn't make me any less worried. Emilia: ESPECIALLY since Pete was under your care tonight Darren: I know, I know, I screwed up big time tonight. Darren: but to be fair, James only got drunk *after* Pete was taken care of Darren: *and* James and I haven't seen each other in ages Emilia: I know, which is why i was all up for you heading out and me staying in with Pete Emilia: But plans change and the moment they do, you should have acted maturely. Darren: I do act maturely! Emilia: Yeah, most of the time. But whenever James is in the picture it's like you stop thinking. Darren: how long have you felt this way? Emilia: ... Darren: huh Darren: why didn't you tell me? Emilia: Tell you what? Your best friend isn't good for you? I figured you needed a wake-up call. I just hoped it wouldn't be tonight while I was covering my shift. Darren: Shit, i really did mess up. Emilia: Look, I'm not angry. i mean, i *was* Emilia: But I get it Darren: I'll make it up to you? Emilia: After tonight? You better! Victoria: hey guys Victoria: i'm at the door Victoria: u in? Christine: shit i'm sorry, i turned off the intercom :D Madison: haha that's why the pizza guy never turned up xD Christine: lol wait Vic, i'm comign down to let you in:D Victoria: ok Victoria: hurry up, i'm freezing ;D Doug: My car got keyed in Walmart! Mia: Oh no! Wasn't it new? Doug: Brand new! Mia: That sucks! People are dicks! Doug: I'm soooo pissed! Mia: Don't blame you! Doug: Guess I'll call insurance. Sux. Mia: I'd get an estimate first. You might want to skip insurance cause your deductible will go up. Doug: True. If I can get it fixed cheap I might as well pay for it. Mia: Yep. Doug: Just sucks! I don't have time for this! Mia: Gotta work to pay for that new scratched car! LOL! Doug: Exactly... Mia: It could be worse. Doug: I know... Mia: It does suck though, sorry! Doug: Thanks! Mia: If I can help, let me know. Doug: Yeah, fix the scratch? Mia: Very funny. Doug: J/K Loren: hate him so much Iren: know what u mean, he's such a moron Loren: <file_gif>
Emilia is disappointed with Darren's behavior. He got drunk while Pete was left with him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Victoria is at the door. Christine is coming to let her in. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Doug's car got keyed in Walmart. He will try to have it fixed before calling the insurance company. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Loren hates him.
Matt: Hey guys, I'm running late Alonso: HOW late? Matt: Mmmmm let me see... We've just passed Delicias, so I should get there in like 10 Hillary: No worries. I'm actually going to get there later than you ha ha Alonso: Sounds like you guys are in sync Matt: 👯
Matt will be late to a meeting, he'll get there in about 10 minutes. Hillary will come even later.
Dorothy: so you coming today? Christian: Yep. Dorothy: is Jackie coming too? Christian: she'll see. She went to a party last night and is still sleeping Dorothy: OK, what will you wanna do? Christian: haha I don't know, do we have to plan it? Dorothy: if you wanna see a movie, then yes :D Christian: We can watch sth on netflix Dorothy: OK, i'm making pizza Christian: mmmm, rly? Dorothy: yeah, why not? Christian: dunno, isn't that like difficult or sth? Dorothy: haha, I've done it a million times, don't tell me youve never eaten my pizza? Christian: Never. Dorothy: How's that even possible?! We've known each other for five years lol Christian: You've been holding out on me then... Dorothy: OK, today it's changing. Gotta go back to baking, see ya! Christian: See ya! ;* Sue: Hi Sue: Hows it going? Ronnie: All gooood. And whatsup with u? Sue: Got a new job 🙂 I earn much more than before. Ronnie: Great! Sue: I hope you're not short on cash. Ronnie: I'm doing okay, why u ask? Sue: Last year we couldn't go to Sunrise Festival, but this year I am more than ready! Ronnie: Sunrise... how much for a ticket? Sue: I wanna go all the way. Three days - 380PLN. Ronnie: Fri, Sat, Sun, I'm in. Sue: Awesome! Ronnie: Where are we gonna sleep? Ronnie: I know only expensive hotels in Kolobrzeg. Sue: I have a friend, who lives there. Ronnie: Call your friend 😃 Ronnie: That would be the cheapest 😃 Sue: Amanda told me already that we can sleep at her place. Sue: But she wants to join us. Ronnie: Hmm.. Does she know how to party? Sue: Yeah, I give you my word she is a party animal. Ronnie: If you say so. Ronnie: It's fine with me. Sue: Great! Happy to hear that 😃 Ronnie: Gotta go now Sue: Me too, speak soon! Ronnie: Bye Logan: are you still having piano lessons or have you decided to stop tickling the ivories? :P Camilla: I don't have lessos any more but I still pay when I can Logan: remember the ongoing war with "scone"? :P Logan: You have a piano on you? :) Camilla: I made scones this evening actually Logan: Very nice Camilla: Scone, not scones Camilla: I have a piano in Galgate - not where I am currently. Do you still play? Logan: (I pronounce it like stones which makes me sound posh??) Logan: I do actually! :) I like dabbling a little Camilla: haha - apparently the way I say "mascara" and "sheet" sounds posh Logan: Impressive :P Evelyn: Hi, could you recommend any Russian good book? Lucy: hi! what Russian have you read so far? Evelyn: hmm, honestly only "Crime and Punishment" Lucy: and Tolstoy? Evelyn: No, people always recommend Dostoyevsky. Lucy: People are stupid and just repeat what they heard. Tolstoy is much better. Evelyn: Why? Lucy: I find him less moralistic and more pragmatic. He's also more affirmative toward life, more joyful. Evelyn: hmm, so maybe I'll like him indeed. Especially that I find Dostoyevsky so heavy in his big questions about the good and the bad. Lucy: Also quite naive I would shyly add. Evelyn: So what should I start with? Lucy: Maybe "Anna Karenina"? Evelyn: The suicidal woman? Lucy: Hahaha, it's more than this banal. Evelyn: Ok, I'll give him and her a try;) Lucy: let me know how it goes Evelyn: I will
Dorothy and Christian are meeting today. Jackie might come too. They will probably watch something. Dorothy is making pizza. Christian has never tried Dorothy's pizza. Dorothy and Christian have known each other for 5 years. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sue got a new job with a better pay. She wants Ronnie to join her at Sunrise Festival. It costs 380 PLN for three days. Ronnie wants to join. They can stay at Amanda's to save money on hotels, provided she can party with them. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Camilla is not taking piano lessons anymore but she and Logan are still playing. Camilla has a piano in Galgate. She made a scone this evening. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lucy prefers Tolstoy's books rather than Dostoevsky's. Evelyn will probably read Anna Karenina first.
Janet: I missed the bus. Can you take me? Susan: Sorry, I need to go to work myself Janet: ok no worries Emma: Hi, I saw you're selling your pieces of art 🙂 Dorothy: Yes, my paintings are flooding the apartament already Emma: I'd love to come by and pick something to hang in my living room Dorothy: Living room? you'll look at it every day Dorothy: I hope you won't be dissapointed 😊 Emma: Are you kidding? You're so talented, it's an honour Dorothy: Aww thanks, this is nice Emma: Friday afternoon is okay? Dorothy: Sure! And please stay for a tea, we didn't see eachother for so long! Emma: With pleasure Dori 😊 Gloria: Are we staying later in library to study for the test? Lily: I'm still down, I know nothing;/ Kitty: I am down too Mary: Me as well ladies, count me in, but i'm gonna be a little late Olga: Hey, guys, could you help? I’m sooo fed up with the food in the Humanities building. Is there a better place to go on campus Rosemary: ehem not really but you can try Medical Sciences Rosemary: They’re more aware of hygiene Rosemary: And always have fresh meet ⚰️ Olga: LOOOL sounds tempting Troy: Yeah, I guess they’re the best Troy: I could actually go with you today? Olga: Sure, I wanted to have lunch around noon Troy: Splendid, let’s meet at 12:00 at the entrance to our building Olga: Cool Rosemary: Have a good time Olga: We sure will Rebecca: Hi, has any of you had experience with Dell Alienware? Howard: Not much, but my sister has one and she's satisfied with it. Anthony: I've heard they overheat quickly. Which model do you have in mind? Rebecca: Due to my recent influx of cash, I was thinking about the latest model. Howard: nice Anthony: When in comes to picking out a computer, I trust this guy <file_other> he does reviews of every new pc model that comes out. They seem balanced and were helpful to me on several occasions. Rebecca: Thanks, I'll checked him out. Howard: If you have any other questions about the technicalities of it all just ask away. Rebecca: Thanks :) Marika: What time will you be arriving Stephen: The train is due to arrive into St Pancras at 10.44 Marika: Ok great, I will meet you there Marika: Do you fancy grabbing some brunch? There is a great little place in Camden Market? Stephen: Yes that sounds great! Marika: What else would you like to do whilst you are in London? Stephen: I think Freda would like the science museum - she is really into maths at school. Marika: Yes it is a very interesting place Stephen: Freda hasn't been to London before so I would like to show her Buckingham Palace,Big Ben and all that stuff..... Marika: Perhaps we could go for a trip on the Thames? Stephen: Yes that would be lovely Marika: Do you want to take in a show too? Mildred is on at the moment. Stephen: Freda would love that. Are the tickets very expensive though? Marika: I am not sure. Sometimes they have special deals. I will check and let you know. Stephen: Seems strange coming to visit as a tourist when I used to live here... Marika: I know. I am sure we can visit some of your old haunts too! Stephen: I used to love Camden Market but it has changed so much. Last time I went I didn't even recognise it.....good memories Marika: We shall make some new ones. See you soon. Hugs and kisses! Stephen: Yes, bye for now
Janet missed the bus. Susan can't help her, because she's going to work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emma will buy Dorothy's painting for her living room. She will come on Friday afternoon to choose a painting and drink some tea. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gloria, Lily, Kitty and Mary are meeting in the library later to study for the test. Mary will be late. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Olga is sick of the food in the Humanities building. Rosemary advises her to try Medical Sciences. Troy will go there for lunch with Olga. They'll meet at 12:00 at the entrance to their building. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rebecca plans to buy the newest Dell Alienware. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Stephen and Marika will grab some brunch after he arrives at St Pancras at 10.44. Stephen wants to take Freda to Science Museum and show her Buckingham Palace, take a trip on the Thames and take in a show. Stephen used to live in London, Freda has never been here before.
Jeremy: I'm bored! Alan: so you decided to bother me? Jeremy: always better than doing nothing Jeremy: you're busy? Alan: kinda Alan: I'm going out in the evening so I need to prepare Jeremy: a date? Alan: no, just a meeting with some old school friends Jeremy: lucky you! Alan: not so sure, I don't have much in common with them anymore Jeremy: why are you going then? Alan: already missed one of those gatherings Alan: people will start to thing that I'm avoiding them Jeremy: wouldn't that be the truth? Alan: maybe Alan: doesn't mean that they need to know that :P Carson: and so it's spring Nicolas: seems like it Carson: time for cleaning Nicolas: the windows?:D Carson: that too, but first i was thinking about the body maybe:D Nicolas: diet? Carson: i don't know yet. maybe a diet... Nicolas: last year i drank this tea Carson: i know, herbs! Nicolas: exactly Nicolas: they can make u sweat and stuff Carson: hmm i should have sth in my kitchen closet Carson: yeah i have some from last year ;) Nicolas: let me know how it goes, maybe i'll try too Carson: ok Jonas: Hey Jonas: Fedora is having a cosmetics consultant tonight Jonas: Wanna join? xd Shayla: Oh interesting! Shayla: Idk if I can make it tonight Shayla: I will letcha know ok? Jonas: It will be very informative! Jonas: Just letcha know if you're coming then! Shayla: okay xd Hartley: u know any good apps 2 learn Spanish? Draper: i have italian course here <file_other> Draper: check it out. italian is pretty cool Burbank: u learn spenish hey? Hartley: just started. for a grant in Barcelona next term Lancaster: oh cool i had no idea u going Hartley: just found out last week Lancaster: oh gr8 Burbank: ask louise she speaks good spanish Ralph: You still here someplace? Mary: Bathroom! Ralph: Oh! TMI! Mary: Out in a sec… Ralph: Take your time... Ridley: i'm just so tired Sean: haha a bit of sport you dyin Steven: frankly, i'm all in pain too Sean: Gawd girls, put your pants up! Ridley: i hate you. but twas gr8 last nite Josh: what was that awesome pizza place we went to last weekend? Ross: <file_other> Ross: <file_other> Josh: thanks! Bobby: could you buy me soy milk on your way home? Galina: too late Siena: I can buy you soy milk. Anything else? Galina: buy some bread too Bobby: thx Siena: k Polly: Hi, can I ask you for a favour? Rebecca: Of course, what is it about? Polly: You know that my parents have their anniversary next month? Rebecca: Yeah I know, we'll come Polly: That's great. Listen I'm doing them a surprise cause I want to make a photoalbum about what happened in this 25 years Rebecca: That's an awesome idea! Polly: The favour is: could you send me some pohotos from when their young? Cause I know that the old photoalbums are at your house Rebecca: That's not a problem. I'll pick some nice up and drop it to you next weekend Polly: That would be perfect. Thank you a lot Julian: Did you see that video on fb? Julian: Everyone is talking about it Julian: This is crazy, people should protest Rowena: Yeah I saw it Rowena: How did the guy manage to post the video tough, I mean before being arrested?? Julian: No idea Julian: But this shit is crazy Rowena: Scary and crazy.. Julian: Sending you another video from another guy, he talks about it Julian: <file_video> Rowena: Dare I watch? Julian: Yes do!!
Alan doesn't have time for Jeremy. He needs to prepare for an evening, because he's going out with his old school friends. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Carson is going to drink herbal teas in order to purify his body in spring. Carson will tell Nicolas how these teas affect his body. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Fedora is having a cosmetics consultant tonight so Jonas wants Shayla to join. Shayla will let him konw if she can make it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hartley is looking for a good app to learn Spanish. Burbank tells Hartley to ask Louise. Draper has a course of Italian. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mary is in the bathroom. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ridley and Steven are tired because of last night. [NEXT_CONCEPT] there is no information to summarise [NEXT_CONCEPT] Siena will buy soy milk and some bread for Bobby and Galina on her way home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rebecca will make a selection of photos featuring Polly's parents when they were young. She will deliver them to Polly next weekend. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Julian and Rowena have seen a couple of crazy videos on Facebook. The man who posted one of them has been arrested.
Wilson: Ticket guy just nabbed me Kaia: Damn.. Wilson: Even though I had a ticket. I am gonna go to report it Kaia: So how come? Did u show him ur ticket and still he gave u a fine? Of course u need to report it Wilson: We got in the same time and he turned of the machine before I could put my ticket Kaia: Don't worry. There are cameras. They will check them and if it was as u say, u won't have to pay anything. Was there anyone who saw it that u tried to put ur ticket but it was too late? Wilson: Huh this was the old tram Kaia: Did u tell him u wanted to put ur ticket but he turned off the machine first? Wilson: No english Kaia: Stupid... I will go to the office with u if u want Wilson: No need Kaia: Ok. Better if u go to the office as fast as possible Wilson: On my way there
Wilson is going to the office to report an unjustified fine. A ticket inspector deactivated the machines at the tram so that Wilson was unable to validate his ticket. Wilson could not explain the situation because the ticket inspector spoke no English.
Cora: So, what's the plan? Kevin: Well, if you're so interested, I'll tell you! Francis: And the tension rises! Kevin: After we eat, we go drinking! Cora: Drinking? Not much of a plan... Francis: I dare to disagree ;) Kevin: But w8! There is more! Cora: Please do tell :) Kevin: Not only do we drink, but also we go from pub to pub, from park to park and drink even more! Francis: SLAP to me! A great one! Thank you, mastah! Cora: Oh, all right... Let's get wasted! Kevin: That's the spirit!
Cora, Francis and Kevin are going to get drunk.
Artur: <file_photo> Artur: this is for the deposit. I have to pay asap because there is a lot of students on it.. Dad: ok, pay him then Artur: i'll try to do it tomorrow Dad: don't wait to long Artur: as it's a deposit, I'll make a bank transfert Dad: ok good luck. Don't forget to give mum your fight number for Warsaw Artur: <file_photo> Dad: thanks Artur: in fact i can't pay the deposit i don't have enough money on my account Dad: you should have check before... Artur: sorry dad Dad: Do a transfert from your saving account to your current account. Tomorrow the money will be available, you could do the payment. Artur: ok i'll try tomorrow Dad: do the transfer from your saving account right now, please. Artur: ok ok.. i'll do it. by the way , i have some results for my exams Dad: good news? Artur: yep..; so far I passed 10 out of 13 exams. Dad: that's very good news. Let's hope the last 3 would be ok. Good job Artur: thanks dad
Artur will make a bank transfer for the deposit tomorrow. He has also sent his dad his flight number to Warsaw. So far Artur has passed 10 out of 13 exams.
Peter: Charles, I really miss you Charles: I miss you too my love Peter: It's very difficult Charles: what is difficult? Peter: everyday life without you Charles: I know, for me as well Peter: Let's talk on Skype tonight Charles: ok!
Peter and Charles miss each other. They are going to talk on Skype tonight.
Dinah: and how are you? and the girls? Elizabeth: we're fine, waiting for the weekend Dinah: why don't you come for brunch on Sunday? Elizabeth: great idea! I'll make a cake Dinah: don't do anything! we have all we need, just bring the girls and relax in the garden Elizabeth: I’m in! ;) Elizabeth: but really, I don’t want to bother you Dinah: are you out of your mind??? we miss you so much! Elizabeth: <file_gif> Dinah: you can come for a weekend, even on Friday afternoon Elizabeth: thank you, really… Dinah: I should have thought about it before! Elizabeth: we have dentist on Friday Elizabeth: but if I prepare everything tomorrow we could come on Saturday morning Dinah: what are you going to prepare? just close the door and get in the car :D Elizabeth: don't know... it's always hard to go anywhere with toddlers :') Dinah: ok but remember we have all you need, so just take some pyjamas ;) Elizabeth: thank you so much, I'll call you tomorrow
Dinah invited Elizabeth for the weekend. As Elizabeth has a dentist appointment on Friday, she will come with the kids on Saturday morning.
Ethan: Congratulations. I just heard that you had a baby boy Lilly: Thank you so much you congratulated me :) Ethan: Whats his name? Lilly: We havent decided yet. Its been only 2 days since he has come Ethan: You can name him Ethan Lilly: Shutup. His father will decide the name Ethan: BOL :) Emily: hey how are you? better? Emily: I called you last night, just to ask Olivia: hi, sorry I fell asleep like before 8pm Olivia: I think I'm getting better but still a bit weak Emily: well that's understandable Emily: you didn't work this week did you? Olivia: er... just a little Emily: why??? Olivia: actually I only replied some emails and postponed all my meetings Emily: you should sleep as much as you can Olivia: I've just slept 14 hours xD Emily: are you seeing your doctor again? Olivia: yes on Friday Olivia: are you at the office now? Emily: yes with our dear Amanda Olivia: how are you doing without me? ;) Emily: me - perfect Emily: Amanda has to work so she's unhappy :] Olivia: poor girl... Olivia: why don't you do all the job for her? Emily: I don't know... I'm a baaad person Olivia: did I tell you she called me on Monday? Emily: no. what did she want Olivia: she wanted me to email Shepperd and answer his questions about HER offer Emily: what?! is she insane??? Emily: ok I know she is but... what?! Olivia: told you... Emily: I'll ask her now to call Hoffmann lol Olivia: please do hahahaha Russell: This book is awesome!! <file_photo> Owen: Another cookbook? :-/ Russell: I'm hooked! The more things I bake, the more I want to try to make new things. Owen: Maybe I should get into cooking Russell: You should! It's so addicting! Jimmy: Hi Larry: Hi, what's up, doc? Jimmy: Hah! Nothing, I just wanna ask if you're ready for tomorrow Larry: Yep, everything's in order Jimmy: Ok! Larry: You're gonna be here around 9 a.m., right? Jimmy: Yeah, maybe 8.45 Larry: Ok. Is Kate coming in the end? Jimmy: Yep, she managed to finish all of her work and she can come to the concert with us Larry: It's gonna be a long way to London Jimmy: Yeah, but think about the show Larry: I know, it's gonna be one hell of a show Jimmy: Hope so Larry: See you tomorrow Jimmy: See you mate Alice: I see you girls are getting ready for Black Friday :D Veronica: HAHAHA, yes! Cara: <3 Cara: <file_photo>, I love this dress Alice: It is gorgeous! Veronica: <file_photo> the season is open :) Cara: Haha, I am on my way as well! Alice: And I am still working :( Veronica: Say that you feel bad and need to leave ASAP :D Alice: Yeah, that won't be at all suspicious :D Cara: Zara has -30% on EVERYTHING Veronica: <file_photo> mission accomplished, I am poor but happy Cara: Money can buy happiness after all :P Alice: Hopefully there will be something left by the time I leave work, I also want to buy some of that happiness :)
Ethan congratulates Lilly on her baby boy. The baby's name is not yet decided. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Olivia is sick and absent at work. Emily and Amanda have to deal with all the workload on their own. Amanda is unhappy about it so she tried to reach Olivia and make her do her own job remotely. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Russel recommends Owen a cookbook. Owen starts thinking that he should get into cooking as well. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Larry and Jimmy will be attending a concert in London tomorrow. Jimmy is going to arrive in London after 8:45 am after a long journey. Kate will be able to join them because she managed to finish her work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Veronica and Cara are going shopping on Black Friday sales. Alice is still at work.
Keaton: Sup? Parker: Not much. Just watching some movie Keaton: I'm at my parents' house Parker: Nice
Parker is watching a film.
Julia: How was your birthday? Mark: Hi! It was great, thanks. :D Julia: Did you receive anything? Mark: Yeah, many presents like: tickets to the cinema, sweets, perfume, cash and free beer in the evening. :D Julia: Haha! Of course! Did you drink like a lot? Mark: You don't want to know the answer. :D Arthur: hey is that beat coming from your room?? Leon: yeah :D Arthur: cool, turn up the volume XD Leon: sure man .. Max: Hi Karin, I'm running a bit late. Sorry about that. Karin: No worries. I'm at the hall, sitting on the big yellow sofa. Max: Will we have enough time for the interview? Karin: Well that depends on what time you arrive. Karin: :) Max: I missed my train, sorry. Will be there in 10 minutes. Telma: Do you want something from Tesco? Telma: Let me know I'm about to leave. Tom: Cheddar !! Telma: Ok Amy: Could you bring some blueberries please =) Telma: They're not good at Tesco Telma: It's better to buy them at Coop Amy: It's okay, the Tesco ones are good for me. Telma: Ok. I'll bring you some. Adam: Have you seen Gloria today? Joan: Nope! Why? Adam: She is wearing a really cheesy dress XD Joan: Oh come on, she's so pretty she could wear a bag… Adam: I guess Rowland has the same opinion! The way he looks at her :D Joan: <file_gif> Elijah: What do you think about a new coach? Owen: I don’t think he’ll change anything Elijah: Why Owen: Look, he has some new ideas, that’s true, but he doesn’t seem to control anything Elijah: It’s all a bit messy, true. But it’s just the beginning, a few first games Owen: Aaand let’s hope it’ll get better, if not, we’re absolutely screwed Elijah: I believe in him, ha has such a wit, a lot of energy Owen: But he is NOT a good professional, you’ll see Elijah: Ehhh we can never afford someone really good… Jack: have you seen the gas prices?! Jerry: i know, it's ridiculous Jack: i think we should say hello to our bikes again Jerry: or just walk everywhere lol Anne: Hello, I'm sorry but I have to cancel my appointment Anne: Today 7pm Doctor Kumar Tamara_reception: Good morning. Would you like to make another appointment? Anne: Yes but I'm not sure if I can make it this week. How about next Tuesday? Tamara_reception: Available hours for next Tuesday 22/01: 12:30, 14:00, 14:45. Please use our reservation system available on our website Tamara_reception: <file_other> Jess: Good afternoon! The end of the month is tomorrow! Please kindly upload the receipts by midnight CST Ryan: All done, Jess, thank you for the reminder! Paul: I apologize for the inconvenience, is it possible to get an exception/extension? Jess: Paul, I can do one day only, the system shuts down automatically and myself, I only have 24hrs to submit corrections. Paul: Much appreciated, that will help me greatly, thank you.
Julia wants to find out about Mark's birthday. Marks really liked it and got many presents and had a lot to drink. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Leon is listening to some music in his room. Arthut likes it and wants Leon to turn up the volume. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Max is 10 minutes late, he missed the train. Karin is at the hall on the yellow sofa. They will do an interview. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Telma will buy cheddar for Tom and blueberries for Amy at Tesco. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gloria is wearing a cheesy dress today. Rowland fancies Gloria no matter what she wears. [NEXT_CONCEPT] New coach has come with new ideas but after first few games he is judged poorly by Owen and Elijah. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jack and Jerry think that the gas prices are ridiculous, so they consider walking or riding their bikes again. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Anne cancelled her today's appointment with Dr Kumar at 7 pm. Tamara_reception sends her a link to their reservation system on their website so that Anne can book another appointment next Tuesday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The receipts must be uploaded by midnight CST so Jess can have time to correct them. Paul gets a one day extension.
Tom: Where are you? Anna: at the counter Zack: I've already paid, you're always the last one :P Iris: Bring me the charger John: I'm not bringing you anything John: Why are you even texting me when I'm in the next room? John: When did you become so lazy? Vic: good evening Boss: good evening Vic: I'm sorry I contact with you by this platform but I have lost my phone Vic: I can't come to the office tomorrow Boss: why? Vic: I have to go to the police station tomorrow to make statement about my stolen stuff Boss: oh I'm sorry to hear that Boss: of course I understand Mia: When do you want me to stop by? Ada: oh gees Ada: I totally forgot Mia: gees Mia: fuck Ada: I'm so sorry Mia: what the hell am I soposse to do? Mia: I have all your stuff Mia: packed in my car Mia: fuck it took me like an hour to pack it up Ada: Hold on Ada: let me think Mia: well? Ada: I called Peter Ada: He'll be at my place in 30min Mia: and? Ada: He's got a key anad he'll let you in Mia: ok give me his number Ada: ok I'll send you a text Mia: fine Jenny: Where should we spend the New Year's Eve? Kate: I think we should go to the South Will: I agree Will: I really don't like Bangkok Jenny: why? Will: too crowded, chaotic Jenny: I like it, partying there would be nice, but if you prefer the islands, we can go there Jenny: I would really prefer the islands Florence: I've just landed :) Jack: great, we're planning to have dinner together Ottilie: Do you have any preferences, Florence? Florence: not really, I don't know the city Eleanor: we should go to the riverfront Eleanor: it's a nice place Ottilie: Maybe Mami Wata? Jack: what is it? Ottilie: the one with mermaids and a terrace just by the river Jack: oh, this is not a bad idea Eleanor: Another option is la terminalia Ottilie: I really don't like it Eleanor: why? they have good food Ottilie: but you've the street just in front of your table Ottilie: and Mami Wata is calmer Eleanor: ok, as you prefer Jack: so let's go to Mami Wata Ottilie: I'll make a reservation for 4 Florence: John will join us, so 5 Ottilie: ok! Linda: Hi, Mel. Linda here. Mel: I know. How are you? Linda: I'm fine. You? Mel: If I were any better, I'd be unconscious=) Linda: That great? Mel: Silly joke. What's up, Linda? Linda: Got a little problem. Mel: What's that? Linda: I need to be at work in an hour. Mel: It's a half hour drive, right? Linda: That's the problem. I don't have a car. Mel: What happened? Linda: Something broke down and I had to leave it at a garage. Linda: I wonder if you could drive me? Mel: Not today, I'm afraid. Linda: Oh, I see. Mel: Let's just say, I'm celebrating today. Linda: Well, good for you. Enjoy. Mel: But I tell you what, you can drive. Come by and I'll give you the keys. Linda: You are the best, Mel. I'll be right over. Jessica: Can someone take care of my baby for two hours? Amanda: Today? Jessica: yes, in the afternoon Pamela: Yes, with pleasure :-)
Anna is at the counter. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John will not bring Iris the charger. Iris is too lazy to do it herself. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Vic won't come to the office tomorrow as he needs to go to the police station. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mia has Ada's stuff packed in her car. Peter will be in Ada's place in 30 minutes, he has the key and he will let Mia in. Ada will send Mia his phone number. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kate thinks they should go to the South for the New Year's Eve. Will agrees. For him, Bangkok is too crowded and chaotic. Jenny likes it, but she would still prefer to go to the islands. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Florence has just landed. Florence, Ottilie, Eleanor, Jack and John will have a dinner at Mami Wata tonight. Ottilie will make a reservation. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Linda borrows Mel's car to get to work as hers is in the garage. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Pamela will take care of Jessica's baby for two hours in the afternoon.
Jon: still angry? Oli: YES Jon: can i come to apologise Oli: maybe we should talk Jon: i will be in 10 minutes
Oli is angry at Jon. Jon is coming to him in 10 minutes to apologize.
Pete: How is the plan for today? Patty: We're going to the spectacular beach on the Western coast Josh: yes, on the leeward coast Pete: why there? Kim: there is more sun in the morning Patty: in the afternoon we will go on the windward coast Patty: the light is beautiful on the other side of the island in the afternoon Pete: sounds good Pete: Cofete? Patty: Yes Pete: good choice, I think I'll be there as well Josh: so we will meet there! Patty: but we won't arrive before 14 Pete: just let me know when you're there Patty: ok
Pete, Patty, Kim and Josh will go to the beach on the leeward coast in the morning. They will go to windward coast beach in the afternoon.
Hersala: I spent 40dollars only to buy the pork. Thinking about that, I only sigh... Genista: Me too. 3 times more expensive than a week ago.... Hersala: I guess it is probably because of the ‘foot and mouth disease virus’ among the pigs Hersala: That worries me. The budget for grocery is set every month.. Genista: Right.. but I cannot always buy only vegetables Hersala: The price of vegetables got also higher this year Genista: People like us should be affected by cost of living Hersala: I saw pigs buried alive Genista: It was so horrible.... Hersala: I hope this problem is gonna be solved soon Mathew: What is the estimated arrival time? Joseph: 8:30 Claire: Why? Mathew: I think the plane might be late. Mathew: I just checked at the airport website. Joseph: So we don't have to hurry up. Mathew: But we still don't know how big the delay is... Coleen: heyyyyyy Coleen: have you heard they are remaking pet sematary Glenn: what's that? Glenn: never heard of it Coleen: you've never heard of it??? Coleen: it's a stephen king classic!!! Glenn: is that the one about the cats coming back to life? Glenn: i know you are a horror fan… Glenn: and I don't mean to offend you… Glenn: but that sounds really stupid lol :-/ sorry Coleen: i thought you liked horror movies Glenn: not really, you must have me confused with someone else Coleen: didn't we watch friday the 13th together? Glenn: we did but I hated it Glenn: they're so silly Coleen: i thought you would be excited about this remake Glenn: you should ask sarah to go see it with you when it comes out Glenn: she loves horror movies Coleen: yeah that would be fun Paul: wasn't the orchestra yesterday insane? Lisa: i would call it DIVINE Lisa: sooooo good Paul: the wind instruments were incredible Paul: i can't believe it's just an amateur orchestra Paul: we should sign up next term Lisa: that's sounds cool!! Lisa: there's only one little problem... Lisa: WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS!!! Paul: lol you're right Paul: i'd like to be involved in it somehow Paul: maybe a tecchie? Lisa: what's that? Paul: the people who help with the lighting and cables and stuff like that Lisa: we don't know ANYTHING about that too Paul: ok ok ok i guess we'll have to stick to going to the concerts Lisa: i think that's the only thing we're competent to do lol Jennifer: Hi! Nancy: Hi Jennifer! Jennifer: Do we have the meeting today? Nancy: Yes, let us just wait 2 more minutes! Jennifer: OK! Ben: Having a quality day.. doing nothing! Ella: such a quality day then?! x Nick: sounds boring! Eva: i need a day doing nothing once in a while! x Jenny: have a nice day! Kevin: i hate you! I've got so much to do today! Frank: what will be for dinner? Claire: nothing special Frank: can you try to do something good? Claire: my dinners are always good Frank: i meant something better than frozen pizza Claire: if you dont like my pizza you can cook Frank: pizza sounds great Grayson: I bought a Gusto coffee thing for the office. Nora: What happened to the service guy? Grayson: He was too slow. Everything was always out of order and he wouldn't show up for weeks. Nora: Will the new one handle all the coffees? Grayson: Hopefully! It was expensive! Nora: Fingers crossed it isn't a lemon! Grayson: Lemon coffee! Ew! Nora: Total ew! LOL!
Hersala spent 40 dollars for pork, which worries her because there is a fixed budget for groceries. The prices have risen because of a pig disease. Vegetables are also getting more expensive. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mathew, Joseph and Claire are going to the airport. The estimated arrival time of the plane is 8:30, but it might be late. [NEXT_CONCEPT] There will be a remake of 'Pet Sematary' by Stephen King. Coleen is a fan of horrors. Coleen and Glenn watched 'Friday the 13th' together and Glenn hated it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Paul and Lisa absolutely loved the orchestra yesterday. They would like to sign up next term, but they can't play any instruments. They will have to stick to just going to the concerts. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jennifer and Nancy have a meeting in 2 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ben isn't doing anything today. Kevin has a lot to do today. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Claire frequently serves frozen pizza for dinner. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Grayson bought an expensive coffee machine for the office. The service person that used to work there was bad at his job.