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Dec. 21, 2007 A thin polymer bio-film that seals surgical wounds could make sutures a relic of medical history. Measuring just 50 microns thick, the film is placed on a surgical wound and exposed to an infrared laser, which heats the film just enough to meld it and the tissue, thus perfectly sealing the wound. Known as Surgilux, the device's raw material is extracted from crab shells and has Food and Drug Administration approval in the US. Early test results indicate that it has strongest potential for use in brain and nerve surgery because it can avoid the numerous disadvantages of invasive stictches/sutures, which fail to seal and can act as a source of infection. Up to 11% of brain surgery patients have to return for repeat surgery due to leakage of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) and other complications arising from sutures. Surgical sutures date back some 4,000 years, so a new approach is long overdue, according to one of the device's inventors and leader of the Bio/polymer Research Group, UNSW scientist John Foster. "Others have tried surgical glues but these are mainly gel-like so bonding to the tissue is uneven often resulting in leakages and they're not easy to use. The strongest surgical glue is so toxic that it's limited to external applications," says Dr Foster. "Other devices use ultra-violet light to effect rather poor sealing, but UV rays are damaging to living cells "The beauty of this is that infra-red laser doesn't cause any tissue damage. Better still, Surgilux has anti-microbial properties, which deters post-operative infections." Foster and his team are working with micro-surgeon Marcus Stoodley who specialises in nerve repair. Based at the Prince of Wales Hospital Stoodley is excited about early test results. "Surgilux is well suited to repairing damaged nerves because the gold standard -- sutures -- inevitably cause damage to nerves and there is always some permanent loss of function. "Our test results with rats have shown some degree of permanent nerve recovery within six weeks of operating." The researchers -- who are looking for commercial backing to initiate clinical trials -- are planning a second generation version of Surgilux that incorporates growth factors and perhaps stem cells to regenerate nerves. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above. Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Person .—The Latin word persona was originally used to denote the mask worn by an actor. From this it was applied to the role he assumed, and, finally, to any character on the stage of life, to any individual. This article discusses (I) the definition of “person”, especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and (2) the use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes. For the psychological treatment see Personality. (1) Definition.—The classic definition is that given by Boethius in “De persona et duabus naturis”, c. ii: Natures rationalis individua substantia (an individual substance of a rational nature). “Substance” is used to exclude accidents: “We see that accidents cannot constitute person” (Boethius, op. cit.). Substantia is used in two senses: of the concrete substance as existing in the individual, called substantia prima, corresponding to Aristotle‘s oO rla Irpwrn; and of abstractions, substance as existing in genus and species, called substantia secunda, Aristotle‘s odata Sevrepa. It is disputed which of the two the word taken by itself here signifies. It seems probable that of itself it prescinds from substantia prima and substantia secunda, and is restricted to the former signification only by the word individua. Individua, i.e., indivisum in se, is that which, unlike the higher branches in the tree of Porphyry, genus and species, cannot be further subdivided. Boethius in giving his definition does not seem to attach any further signification to the word. It is merely synonymous with singularis. Rationalis naturae.—Person is predicated only of intellectual beings. The generic word which includes all individual existing substances is suppositum. Thus person is a subdivision of suppositum which is applied equally to rational and irrational, living and non-living individuals. A person is therefore sometimes defined as suppositum naturce rationalis. The definition of Boethius as it stands can hardly be considered a satisfactory one. The words taken literally can be applied to the rational soul of man, and also to the human nature of Christ. That St. Thomas accepts it is presumably due to the fact that he found it in possession, and recognized as the traditional definition. He explains it in terms that practically constitute a new definition. Individua substantia signifies, he says, substantia, completa, per se subsistens, separata ab aliis, i.e., a substance, complete, subsisting per se, existing apart from others (III, Q. xvi, a. 12, ad 2um).If to this be added rationalis naturce, we have a definition comprising the five notes that go to make up a person: (a) substantiathis excludes accident; (b) completa—it must form a complete nature; that which is a part, either actually or “aptitudinally” does not satisfy the definition; (c) per se subsistensa the person exists in himself and for himself; he is sui juris, the ultimate possessor of his nature and all its acts, the ultimate subject of predication of all his attributes; that which exists in another is not a person; (d) separata ab alis—this excludes the universal, substantia secunda, which has no existence apart from the individual; (e) rationalis naturae—excludes all non-intellectual supposita. To a person therefore belongs a threefold incommunicability, expressed in notes (b), (c), and (d). The human soul belongs to the nature as a part of it, and is therefore not a person, even when existing separately. The human nature of Christ does not exist per se seorsum, but in alio, in the Divine Personality of the Word. It is therefore communicated by assumption and so is not a person. Lastly the Divine Essence, though subsisting per se, is so communicated to the Three Persons that it does not exist apart from them; it is therefore not a person. Theologians agree that in the Hypostatic Union the immediate reason why the Sacred Humanity, though complete and individual, is not a person is that it is not a subsistence, not per se seorsum subsistens. They have, however, disputed for centuries as to what may be the ultimate determination of the nature which if present would make it a subsistence and so a person, what in other words is the ultimate foundation of personality. According to Scotus, as he is usually understood, the ultimate foundation is a mere negation. That individual intellectual nature is a person which is neither of its nature destined to be communicated—as is the human soul—nor is actually communicated—as is the Sacred Humanity. If the Hypostatic Union ceased, the latter would ipso facto, without any further determination, become a person. To this it is objected that the person possesses the nature and all its attributes. It is difficult to believe that this possessor, as distinct from the objects possessed, is constituted only by a negative. Consequently, the traditional Thomists, following Cajetan, hold that there is a positive determination which they call the “mode” of subsistence. It is the function of this mode to make the nature incommunicable, terminated in itself, and capable of receiving its own esse, or existence. Without this mode the human nature of Christ exists only by the uncreated esse of the Word. Suarez also makes the ultimate foundation of personality a mode. In his view, however, as he holds no real distinction between nature and esse, it does not prepare the nature to receive its own existence, but is something added to a nature conceived as already existing. Many theologians hold that the very concept of a mode, viz., a determination of a substance really distinct from it but adding no reality, involves a contradiction. Of more recent theories that of Tiphanus (“De hypostasi et persona”, 1634) has found many adherents. He holds that a substance is a suppositum, an intelligent substance a person, from the mere fact of its being a whole, totum in se. This totality, it is contended, is a positive note, but adds no reality, as the whole adds nothing to the parts that compose it. In the Hypostatic Union the human nature is perfected by being assumed, and so ceases to be a whole, being merged in a greater totality. The Word, on the other hand, is not perfected, and so remains a person. Opposing theologians, however, hold that this notion of totality reduces on analysis to the Scotistic negative. Lastly the neo-Thomists, Terrien, Billot, etc., consider personality to be ultimately constituted by the esse, the actual existence, of an intelligent substance. That which subsists with its own esse is by that very fact incommunicable. The human nature of Christ is possessed by the Word and exists by His infinite esse. It has no separate esse of its own and for this reason is not a person. The suppositum is a suppositum as being ens in the strictest sense of the term. Of all Latin theories this appears to approach most nearly to that of the Greek fathers. Thus in the “Dialogues of the Trinity” given by Migne among the works of St. Athanasius, the author, speaking of person and nature in God, says: E gar upostasis to einai semainei e de theotes to ti einai (Person denotes esse, the Divine nature denotes the quiddity; M. 28, 1114). An elaborate treatment is given by St. John Damascene, Dial. xlii. (2) The use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes.—For the constitution of a person it is required that a reality be subsistent and absolutely distinct, i.e. incommunicable. The three Divine realities are relations, each identified with the Divine Essence. A finite relation has reality only in so far as it is an accident; it has the reality of inherence. The Divine relations, however, are in the nature not by inherence but by identity. The reality they have, therefore, is not that of an accident, but that of a subsistence. They are one with ipsum esse subsistens. Again every relation, by its very nature, implies opposition and so distinction. In the finite relation this distinction is between subject and term. In the infinite relations there is no subject as distinct from the relation itself; the Paternity is the Father—and no term as distinct from the opposing relation; the Filiation is the Son. The Divine realities are therefore distinct and mutually incommunicable through this relative opposition; they are subsistent as being identified with the subsistence of the Godhead, i.e. they are persons. The use of the word persona to denote them, however, led to controversy between East and West. The precise Greek equivalent was prosopon, likewise used originally of the actor’s mask and then of the character he represented, but the meaning of the word had not passed on, as had that of persona, to the general signification of individual. Consequently tres personae, tria prosepa savored of Sabellianism to the Greeks. On the other hand their word upostasis, from upo-istemi was taken to correspond to the Latin substantia, from sub-stare. Tres hypostases therefore appeared to conflict with the Nicaean doctrine of unity of substance in the Trinity. This difference was a main cause of the Antiochene schism of the fourth century (see Meletius of Antioch). Eventually in the West, it was recognized that the true equivalent of upostasis was not substantia but subsistentia, and in the East that to understand rrposwrov in the sense of the Latin persona precluded the possibility of a Sabellian interpretation. By the First Council of Constantinople, therefore, it was recognized that the words upostasis, prosepon, and persona were equally applicable to the three Divine realities. (See Incarnation; Nature; Substance; The Blessed Trinity.) L. W. GEDDES
Testosterone is the hormone responsible for masculine growth and development in male, when this hormone is not produced enough the condition is known as Male hypogonadism. This condition may is from the birth of an individual or it may occur in the middle due to injuries or infections. This condition comes out with infertility, decrease in muscle mass and bone mass, etc during adulthood. In Poland The prevalence of testosterone deficiency was 17, 33, 42 and 57% for testosterone levels of less than 200, 250, 300 and 350 ng/dL, respectively. Only 47% patients had testosterone levels in the normal range (>350 ng/dL).
Most clinical trials are conducted to test a medical compound, a device or a diagnostic test in human volunteers and/or patients to add evidence and medical knowledge regarding the treatment of diseases. This information involves both efficacy and safety of a new treatment. Before a clinical trial can start, a detailed protocol must be developed. A clinical trial protocol determines why and how a clinical study is conducted. This protocol is usually designed by experts and investigators from the company (sponsor) and/ or organizations interested in conducting the clinical trial. The clinical trial needs to be approved by internal review boards at trial sites and by the federal health authorities such as the FDA or Health Canada. The protocol will include the reason behind the study, what will be tested, procedures of testing, participants’ eligibility criteria, number of participants, and length of study. Inclusion criteria are the factors that determine subjects’ eligibility for the trials. Exclusion criteria determine which subjects are disqualified from participating. Inclusion and exclusion criteria may include age, gender, type of disease, disease stage, current medical treatment and medical history. As sites become active and approvals are received, patients begin enrolling. The speed at which patients are enrolled in any clinical study depends on a myriad of factors. The most important factor in enrollment is, of course, inclusion and exclusion criteria. If the disease being studied is rare or if there is strict inclusion and many exclusion criteria, then enrollment can be slower, as compared to a trial for a common disease with few exclusion criteria. Clinical trials may be funded by healthcare companies, including biotechnology and/or pharmaceutical companies, academic and medical centers, government agencies and other organizations. All entities interested in conducting clinical trials would determine the budget necessary for each trial and raise the necessary capital for the study. Clinical studies may be conducted at multiple sites including hospitals, universities, and community clinics. It is not uncommon for large clinical outcomes trials to enlist several hundred trial sites in multiple countries. The location is usually determined by who is conducting the study and the availability of the patient population. Clinical studies are led by a principal investigator (PI), who is often a medical doctor, and she/he is supported by a group of doctors, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. The duration of the clinical study varies from trial to trial, depending on the phase of the trial and what is being investigated.
Botanical name: Boraginaceae Botanical name: Boraginaceae Species of Borage Brunnera are flowering plants that produce a wide range of blue flowers and green or variegated foliage. They are generally used as a spreading ground cover by gardeners. Other names given to brunnera include bugloss or false forget-me-not. They are perennials, so they die back in the winter, but are easy to care for year-round. Bluebell are perennial herbaceous plants that flower in blue or blue-white in spring. Despite being called "bluebell," many species have trumpet-shaped blooms instead of bell-shaped. Hard to cultivate in gardens, they prefer to be left alone in loose masses. The Latin name for this genus refers to Franz Carl Mertens, who was a German botanist. Borages is a genus of five herbs common throughout the Mediterranean. The name may come from the Latin ‘burra’, meaning hairy, which refers to the hairy leaves of the plants. It is frequently grown for ornamental purposes. They may be annual or perennial depending on the herb. Onosma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae. They are native to the Mediterranean and western Asia. Viper's-buglosses are flowering herbs related to borage. They are indigenous to the Mediterranean and North Africa and enjoy warmer climates. In gardens, they are enjoyed for their fragrant flowers which are popular with pollinators. The Latin name comes from the word 'echis', meaning 'viper'. The fairly cosmopolitan gromwells genus includes species that have traditionally been used to make dyes. When cultivated, they are also often used for rockeries and ground cover. Gromwells_ are evergreen perennial shrubs with a mat-forming habit and small, hairy leaves. They are naturally found in meadows and roadsides. The cat's eye genus contains hundreds of species of flowering plants that are spread throughout western parts of South America and North America. These herbs are typically covered in coarse hairs and yield flowers that are usually white or less frequently yellow. Alkanna is a genus of herbaceous plants including about 60 species of the family Boraginaceae. Trichodesma is a genus of flowering plants in the borage family, Boraginaceae. There are about 40 to 45 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Stickseeds are in the borage family and are native to southeast Asia and North America. They were named after a Czech botanist Josef Hackel. They have finely-haired stems and leaves and produce small flowers. There are about 40 different species, of which 10 are native to California. Buglosses includes about 35 species found growing in Europe, North Africa, South Africa and Western Asia. They are introduced in the United States. They consist of annual plants, biennial plants and perennial plants with the general characteristics of the borage family. They are commonly herbaceous. The leaves are simple or undulate, covered with stiff hairs. The small radially symmetrical flowers are sapphire blue and retain their colour a long time. The plants show numerous flowers with 5 sepals, united at their bases, and 5 petals forming a narrow tube facing upwards. The flowers grow in several axillary cymes, simple or branched, or are clustered at the end. Popcorn flower are a genus of small plants with popped-popcorn-like flowers. (Which, you can guess, is how they got their name "Popcorn flowers"!) These adorable and aromatic plants are a great addition to rain gardens and will attract butterflies and other pollinators. The stems and roots of the plants have been used by Native Americans to make purple dye. Pectocarya is a plant genus of about 15 species in the family Boraginaceae. They are small annual plants which bear tiny white flowers. Their fruits are nutlets which often have small projections that look like the teeth of a comb. These plants are found mainly in western North America. Lungwortss are flowering perennials named because people thought that the leaves were shaped like a pair of lungs. These are attractive plants to use as groundcover in a garden, as they have blooms in many beautiful colors and foliage that is often mottled or spotted. The flowers are beloved by bees and pollinators. Arnebia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae. Arnebia genus was first established by Pher Forsskal in 1775 mostly confined to Asia with a few species occurring in the drier parts of North Africa. Gromwells is a genus consisting of 15 species of annual or perennial herbs, native to Europe and Asia. These plants are covered in fine bristles or hairs. The stems are upright or sprawling, branched or unbranched, with simple oval to lance-shaped leaves. The small funnel-shaped flowers have flaring lobes and are usually blue or white. Honeyworts is a poorly studied genus of vascular plants in the family Boraginaceae, known as "honeywortss". The genus is characterised by a calyx made up of separate, rather than fused, sepals, a tubular corolla, and the schizocarpic fruit that divides into two parts at maturity, unlike most members of the family, where the fruit splits into four nutlets. The genus has a circum-Mediterranean distribution. Navelwort is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae, widely distributed in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. In spring they produce blue or white flowers similar to forget-me-nots. Eritrichium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae. It contains 71 species. Lithodora is native to southwestern Europe, southern Greece, Turkey and Algeria. They are low-growing, evergreen shrubs and subshrubs, producing 5-lobed blue or white flowers. Green Alkanet is a bristly, perennial plant native to Western Europe. It has only one species. It grows to approximately 61 to 91 cm, usually in damp or shaded places and often close to buildings. It has brilliant blue flowers, and retains its green leaves through the winter. Green alkanet blooms in spring and early summer. Its stamens are hidden inside narrow flower-tubes which end in a white eye in the centre of a blue flower. Creeping Comfrey is a perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches heights of growth of 15 to 40 centimeters. The plant forms a not knollig thickened and largely resting on the substrate rhizome. There are creeping or ascending sterile as well as more or less upright flowering shoots. The calyx is 3 to 6 millimeters long. Stickseeds is a genus of flowering plants . These are annual herbs producing funnel-shaped flowers and prickly fruits.It has 6 species . They are native to the northern hemisphere. Nonea includes 45 accepted species. These are perennial or annual herbs. It is native to Europe, Asia-Tropical, Africa and Asia-Temperate. The leaves are grayish-green, and the plants are hairy all over.
The magnesium alloys, that have high specific strength, are often applied to the industrial products. However, the magnesium alloys exhibit low ductility at the room temperature on account of its hexagonal close-packed structure. It is difficult to give large deformation to the magnesium alloys at room temperature. Therefore, the plastic forming of a magnesium alloy sheet needs the process at warm temperature. In the present work, the procedure of thermal-mechanical coupled analyses are employed. The numerical simulations of warm deep drawings have been performed in order to evaluate the dependence of the temperature on the plastic forming of a magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet. The mechanical properties of the magnesium alloy AZ31 shall be described as the functions depending on temperature. The shapes of punches and die holes are rectangle whose aspect ratios are 1.5 or 2.0. The corners of punches and dies are heated locally at 473K. The influence of local heating on the formability have been investigated. The relation between the blank size and the formability has been also estimated. As the results of numerical simulations, it was shown that the formability of deep drawing was improved by local heating to the punch and the die. When the blanks of various sizes were tried, the distributions of the plastic strain rate around the die corner were changed. Therefore, the deviation of the plastic flow and the temperature distribution arose in a sheet. Consequently, it is necessary to optimize the blank sizes according to the shape of die holes in addition to the forming temperature.
The risk of financial and reputation damage caused by a data breach has led to greater demand for security engineers, and a growing skills gap. However, with a growing skills gap comes greater opportunity for a fulfilling and lucrative career as a security engineer. So the question is what security engineer is and what skills are required to be one? A typical responsibility for a security engineer includes installing and maintaining hardware and software (firewalls, antivirus, and intrusion detection) to reduce security risks within an organization. The security engineer role is about building and maintaining IT security solutions that help organizations to stay protected against cyber threats. This differs from a security analyst, who is concerned with organizational awareness, policy and governance risk management. Skills and Qualification: To become a security engineer, in term of qualification, an employee should have a bachelor’s degree in a technical subject. Such as: computer science, cyber security, mathematics, engineering or science. While experience in network security is beneficial, and certification with industry standard technologies like Juniper, Blue Coat, Checkpoint, Palo Alto Networks, Cisco IOS or Sophos Enterprise Portal would be a bonus. There is also a range of internationally recognized certifications from organizations such as: CEH, CISSP and (ISC). A tip to become security engineer is to start learning new skills straight away. Watch YouTube videos, subscribe to security blogs and keep up-to-date on recent hacks in the news. Remember, you don’t need a Masters in Cyber Security or ten years experience to become security engineer. An enthusiastic attitude and understanding of the main industry challenges can take you a long way. Moreover, you can also learn different practical based security courses to gain some practical knowledge, a security engineer requires both practical and theoretical backgrounds of security measure that are used to secure organization and it’s information system.
| || || | | Henna Culture | Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Patrick Liuzzi Posted on: October 13, 2001 In the recent past, I have ordered a shipment of henna plants from your greenhouse. The plants arrived healthy, and did well for several days. But as the soil dried out, the plants naturally began to droop. I watered them well, and let the excess water drain completely away. However, shortly after being watered, all of the plants lost all of their leaves and half died shortly thereafter. Within a few days, the remaining plants developed small green buds on them, but those dried up, and that group of plants also died in the days that followed. I am well versed in the traditional care of henna plants (allow the soil to dry between waterings, full sun, etc) and this is not my first experience with a henna plant. That is why I am completely lost as to why these particular plants just didn’t survive the first initial week in my home. The only reason for this which I can think of is that perhaps my plants go into some sort of shock when taken from their greenhouse and tended by a different routine. I am thinking of ordering another shipment of plants, but only after I learn enough about the conditions in which they live in at your greenhouse. The things I must know about are: Watering: How much, how often? Air temperature: How warm is the air where they are raised in the greenhouse? Humidity: How damp or dry is the air in the greenhouse? Light: How much light do plants in the greenhouse get? What kind of light is this? How long are the plants exposed to the light? Soil: Should henna have a well drained, peaty soil? We find henna plants do not like root disturbance, cold temperatures or low humidity conditions. They do best in hot, humid environments with lots of sun, well draining soil, but they do not like to dry out completely. Drying out completely will make them drop their leaves and if it is combined with cold temperatures they may die. Our plants did best in the middle of summer, when we had an unprecedented heat wave and with the heavy watering and quick drying this resulted in, the henna plants thrived while most other herbs sulked and our workers wilted!
Coal fires as a natural hazard exist in many places where coal is available in a specific amount. They can occur either within the coal seams themselves or in stock piles and overburden dumps on the surface. These are remains from mining excavations and have a high content of carbon. There are more and larger burning areas originated by coal fires than the public may imagine. As a natural hazard they can occur in many places where coal is available in a greater amount. Especially in coal producing countries such as China, India, Indonesia and other developing countries, underground and surface coal fires are a serious and widespread problem. In China's coalfields, where we have made much effort to detect, measure and monitor underground coal fires, fires are spread over the northern part of the country. Coal fires have not only been a problem since the start of coal mining. We have gathered geological evidence that some fires were burning several hundred thousand years ago. It is believed, however, that their number has increased continuously since the beginning of extensive coal exploration. The factors causing coal fires are manifold, but they all can be attributed to the coals ability to react with oxygen. Spontaneous combustion is thereby one of the main coal fire causes. However, during the past, little attention was paid to the serious economic and environmental problems that are involved with coal fires. A reason for the ignorance can be found in underestimation of the hazards both at national and international level. Today coal fires are mainly under control in developed countries, but effective techniques for fire fighting are missing in newly industrializing countries.
Stare decisis is a Latin legal maxim that roughly translates to "to stand by decided matters". In the law, it means that cases that are alike should be decided alike. It is a key concept behind the common law and its dependence on precedent; The judge's decison contains the ratio decidendi (the reasons for the decision), and obiter dictum (discussion of the law not directly relevant to the decision). As a rule, future judges are bound by the "ratio", but not the "obiter". A trial judge who ignorse precedent is likely to be reversed by a higher court. However, the highest courts are not bound by their own precedent, although they are more likely to apply it. It is rare, but high courts do reverse the prior precedent on a matter when it turns out to be unworkable or unfair. In modern law, statutes are the most common way a legislature will deal with perceived faults in the common law as legislation on a matter overrules court precedent. However, cases decided before the statute is passed may still be referred to in order to resolve any ambiguities in the language of the legislation. If a proposed interpretation of ambiguous statutory language would have the effect of not changing the common law, courts will generally reject that interpretation as unreasonable.
Most expressionist artists and writers were killed during these wars leading to their reduction in numbers throughout the world. There was also the problem of contradictions between the aesthetic theory and social practice of many leading expressionists. As much as they were no more from this point in time, they had left a lasting mark in areas of modern culture. The two leading expressionist artists, Marc and Macke had been killed in the world war one bringing an end to their lyrical talents that helped define the modern art. Through their work we were able to use expressionism to convey political messages meant to bring revolutionary change to the society. In the film, expressionism is a stylization that summarizes and changes reality as we see it through a number of ways. It involves the use of photography with unexpected camera angles and little movements to the camera. The lighting made with shadow to bring out various effects. There is the use of overtly theatrical acting styles and application of heavy make up on the actors. All elements of mise-en-scene in the film are integrated to come up with an overall composition. The main aim of these expressions was mainly to abstract from realistic parts of the film. It also had the mission to show out the real meaning of an object or situation. It was also used to communicate a subjective viewpoint of the film. The other functions were to invoke mystery, bring out disharmony, hallucination and destabilization to the film in general. This film was a great piece of art applying the use of expressionism to convey its geopolitical message to the audience. The Cabinet by Dr. Caligri was based on the premise that film develops into an art to a point where the images used in the film is different from the reality. Abstract expressionism – Art Term | Tate From this interpretation, the use of expressionism would be used by so many other film makers from them henceforth. The film was a great success as it is still regarded as one of the most influential films of all time. Happening during a turbulent and hard episode in German history, these talented moviemakers ventured in the admired zeitgeist and developed an important film that has grown to become one of the best ever produced. This film is on its way is an enlightening appearance of the society at a particular point in history. Main menu additional It had the effect of showing the disillusionment, lack of trust isolation that was common in the German society during this time. The film was a major success applying the work of early expressionists to come up with a stunning result. This led to several other films being produced due to the success of The Cabinet of Dr. The film acted as an artistic way to convey social and political messages that could not be conveyed through proper channels as at that time. The Cabinet of Dr. London: Lorrimer, Roberts, Ian. 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If your students can calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom, they will be rewarded with a magic picture of a snowman in a snow globe! As each question is answered correctly, more pixels of the image are revealed. Self checking – if no pixels are revealed, you’ve made a mistake! Types of questions include: How many protons in an atom with atomic number 9 and mass number 19? What is atomic number of atom with 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 7 neutrons? How many neutrons in an atom with atomic number 9 and mass number 21? How many electrons in an atom with atomic mass 8 and mass number 18? Completely digital activity. There are no reviews yet.
Nutrition can be an important section of a healthful lifestyle. With out proper diet, you don’t have enough energy to produce it from the day. Furthermore, your well being can drop without appropriate nutrition, causing you to be more prone to illness and also disease. Concurrently, making balanced diet choices to stop health ailments is tough enough. Learning about balanced diet habits and also practising excellent nutrition will be the answer. Simply by analysing and also assessing eating habits and workout habits, nutrition is seen as a key aspect in establishing and also maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. Individual diet counseling inside Overland Playground takes your history, food tastes and lifestyle under consideration and then offers you recommendations tailored in your personal health problems. Eating foods abundant with nutrition doesn’t suggest eating bungalow cheese for your rest you will ever have! Salmon, hen breasts, normal peanut butter, offspring, whole materials pasta, brownish rice, and lastly, all forms of fresh fruit and veggies – they’re all wonderful reasons for great nutrition and they’re all very delicious! Additionally, one must stop smoking cigarettes, drink a lot of water everyday and workout regularly to maximize it. At times, additional supplements may also be would have to be taken to be able to overcome these kinds of deficiencies also to help patients cure their health problems. Nutrition therapy gets the potential to save lots of money as an option to more pricey treatments. It could prevent the necessity for treatment, surgery and even hospitalisation. Nutrition therapy may have a significant affect various condition conditions, for instance cholesterol, diabetes and also hypertension. Perhaps you have wondered just how nutrition is associated with chiropractic attention? Well, the response is simple- the purpose of chiropractic therapies is always to help individuals achieve total health and this is unquestionably not achievable without providing our bodies proper diet. This is why some reliable chiropractors and also message remedy experts inside Kansas Metropolis also aid patients together with nutritional counselings. They try this to guide you on what natural supplements and eating habits patterns you ought to follow to maximize chiropractic attention. Chiropractic treatment options, does not necessarily give our disease fighting capability any outside aid to be able to heal from your damage. This is why why chiropractors look at a balanced health diet important for therapeutic. Together, you produce specific goals which can be realistic and also achievable to be effective on money for hard times. Finally, they gives on-going support to aid motivate and make suggestions toward the goals. Goals are usually continually re-evaluated and also updated good progress an individual make.
“Milk is almost as sensitive to atmospheric changes as mercury itself. It is a question among many as to what depth milk should be set to get the most cream. It does not make so much difference as to the depth as it does the protection of the milk from acid or souring. As soon as the milk begins to sour, the cream ceases to rise. “With a clear, dry atmosphere the cream will rise clean in the milk; but in that condition of the atmosphere which readily sours the milk, the cream will not rise clean, but seems to hang in the milk, and this even when the milk is protected by being set in water. “The benefit of setting milk in cold water is that the water protects the milk from becoming acid until the cream has time to rise. For cream to rise readily on milk set in cold water, the atmosphere in the room should be warmer than the water. As much cream will rise on milk set in cold water in one hour as on milk not set in water in twenty-four hours. The milk should be skimmed while sweet, and the cream thoroughly stirred at each skimming. “Cream skimmed from different milkings, if churned at the same time in one churn, should be mixed eight to ten hours before churning; then the cream will all come alike. “The keeping qualities of butter depend principally upon two things: First, the buttermilk must be all gotten out; and secondly, the grain of the butter should be kept as perfect as possible. Butter should not be allowed to be churned after it has fairly come, and should not be gathered compactly in the churn in taking out, but the buttermilk should be drained from the butter in the churn, through a hair sieve, letting the butter remain in the churn. Then take water and turn it upon the butter with sufficient force to pass through the butter, and in sufficient quantity to rinse the buttermilk all out of the butter. With this process of washing the butter the grain is not injured or mashed, and is thus far kept perfect. And in working in the salt the ladle or roll or worker, whatever it is, should never be allowed to slip on the butter,—if it does, it will destroy the grain,—but it should go upon the butter in a pressing or rolling motion.” Test the temperature of the cream with a thermometer, and churn it at 60 deg. in summer and 62 deg. in winter. If the butter is soft, it may be hardened by pouring onto it while working a brine made by dissolving a pint of salt in ten quarts of water. The salt used in the butter should be carefully measured, three fourths of an ounce of salt to the pound being the usual allowance. Butter, like milk, absorbs odors readily, and should never be allowed to remain in occupied rooms or any place exposed to strong or foul odors, but be kept covered in a cold place.
PHP OOP Way PHP OOP Way About the Book What Is This Book About Chapter 1 covers the fundamentals of the object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. We will discuss the purpose of abstraction and inheritance, and why you should avoid using inheritance for code reuse. This chapter also covers such language specific features as traits and closures and their role in the object-oriented code. And at the end of the chapter, I will introduce such a powerful tool as Dependency Injection, different types of it and some code smells of its wrong usage. Chapter 2 is fully devoted to SOLID principles. We will discuss each of them: the main idea behind the principle, how to apply it to your code and some problems that you can face following these principles blindly. Chapter 3 is an introduction to an object-oriented design. It covers the well knows design principles such as: - Tell, don't ask - The Law of Demeter This chapter also covers some basic anti-patterns that you can meet in the code with poor design. Chapter 4 opens the topic of the design patterns and composition. We will discuss the difference between inheritance and composition and when each of them is more appropriate to use. This chapter covers such design patterns as State, Strategy, Adapter and their comparison with the inheritance approach. Chapter 5 describes the problem "I don't have the interface that I want." . We will cover situations when we need to make two incompatible interfaces work together and how to reduce the complexity of the subsystem and hide it behind the friendly interface. Chapter 6 is about GRASP principles and Responsibility Driven Design. It is often a challenge to choose the right object for a particular job and to decide how the objects should interact with each other. Correct responsibility assignments are the key to a good object oriented design. Who Is This Book For This is not a beginner's guide to OOP PHP. We are not going to cover the syntax of classes or the difference between public, protected and private keywords. I assume that you are already familiar with these things. I assume that you are familiar with the language itself and have been using it in an object-oriented way for several years. The number of years does not matter. You can have a year of personal study and mastered the art of programming or ten years of maintaining the same application. Anyway, you know the basic concepts of the object-oriented programming, such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Likely you have used a few of the modern MVC frameworks and even have studied their source code to go deeper. The book is for you if you have left the basics behind some years ago and now feel free in writing complex OOP code. But you always feel that you don't fully understand why things should be in this way, and not differently. Maybe you know what every letter means in the SOLID acronym but have been always curious why strictly following these principles sometimes makes your application even worse than it was before. Bundles that include this book Table of Contents - Bundle Properties With Methods - Define A New Type - Families Of Related Types - Different Types With The Same Behavior - Interface vs Abstract Class - Traits: Copy-Paste Behavior - Making Polymorph - Dependency Injection - Singile Responsibility Principle - Open/Closed Principle - Three Rules to Respect Liskov Substitution Principle - Interface Segregation Principle - Dependency Inversion Principle - Rules Are Made To Be Broken - Tell Don’t Ask - The Principle of Least Knowledge - KISS Your Application - Don’t Repeat Yourself - Antipattern: God Object - Antipattern: Poltergeist - Singleton: Anti-Pattern Or Not Favor Composition Over Inheritance - The Decision Between Inheritance And Composition - Replace Conditionals With Composition And Polymorphism - More Composition - When To Factory - Does Static Factory Violate Open-Closed Principle - Change Incompatible Interface With Adapter - Reduce Complexity With Facade - Information Expert - Low Coupling - High Cohesion - Protected Variations - Pure Fabrication The Leanpub 60-day 100% Happiness Guarantee Within 60 days of purchase you can get a 100% refund on any Leanpub purchase, in two clicks. 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E T H I C S Principles for the Conduct of Research in the Arctic The following principles have been formulated to provide guidance for researchers in the physical, biological and social sciences and the humanities. These principles are to be observed when carrying out or sponsoring research or when applying the results of research. The statement addresses the need to promote mutual respect and communication between scientists and northern residents. Cooperation is needed at all stages of research planning and implementation in projects that directly affect northern people. This statement is not intended to replace other existing federal, state or professional guidelines but rather to emphasize their relevance for the whole research community. 1. The researcher should inform appropriate community authorities of planned research on lands, waters, or territories used by or occupied by them. Research directly involving northern people should not proceed without their clear and informed consent. When informing the community and/or obtaining informed consent, the researchers should identify: a. all sponsors and sources of financial support; b. the person in charge and all investigators involved in the research, as well as any anticipated need for consultants, guides, or interpreters; c. the purposes, goals, and time-frame of the research; d. data-gathering techniques (tape and video recordings, photographs, physiological measurements etc.) and the uses to which they will be put; e. forseeable positive and negative implications and impacts of the research; 2. The duty of researchers to inform communities continues after informed consent has been obtained. Ongoing projects should be explained in terms understandable to the local community. 3. Researchers should consult with and, where applicable, include communities in project planning and implementation. Reasonable opportunities should be provided for the communities to express interests and to participate in the research. 4. Research results should be explained in non-technical terms and, where feasible, should be communicated by means of study materials that can be used by local teachers or in displays that can be shown at local community centers or museums. 5. Copies of research reports, data descriptions, and other relevant materials should be provided to the local community. Special efforts must be made to communicate results that are responsive to local concerns. 6. Subject to the requirements for anonymity, publications should always refer to the informed consent of participants and give credit to those contributing to the research project. 7. The researcher must respect local cultural traditions, languages, and values. The researcher should, where practicable, incorporate the following elements into the research design: a. use of local and traditional knowledge and experience; b. use of the languages of the local people; c. translation of research results, particularly those of local concern, into the languages of the people affected by the research; 8. When possible, research projects should anticipate and provide meaningful experience and training for young people. 9. In cases where individuals or groups provide information of a confidential nature, their anonymity must be guaranteed in both the original use of data and in its deposition for future use. 10. Research on humans should only be undertaken in a manner that respects their privacy and dignity: a. Research subjects must remain anonymous unless they have agreed to be identified. If anonymity cannot be guaranteed, the subjects must be informed of the possible consequences of becoming involved in the research. b. In cases where individuals or groups provide information of a confidential or personal nature, this confidentiality must be guaranteed in both the original use of data and its deposition for future use. c. The rights of children must be respected. All research involving children must be fully justified in terms of goals and objectives and never undertaken without the consent of the children and their parents or legal guardians. d. Participation of subjects, including the use of photography in research, should always be based on informed consent. e. The use and deposition of human tissue samples should always be based on the informed consent of the subjects or next of kin. 11. The researcher is accountable for all project decisions that affect the community, including decisions made by subordinates. 12. All relevant federal, state and local regulations and policies pertaining to cultural, environmental, and health protection must be strictly observed. 13. Sacred sites, cultural materials, and cultural property cannot be disturbed or removed without community and/or individual consent and in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations. Research on humans should only be undertaken in a manner that respects their privacy and dignity. For additional information please visit the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC): http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/arctic/conduct.jsp Maps created by CyberGrafix with Terra Forma? Copyright © 1995 Andromeda Interactive Ltd.
In the tutorial 3D Transformation Guide, I used a cube to explain some 3D properties. And that cube may spark your interest in the way I created it. So in today’s tutorial, we will learn how to create a 3D object like that cube in Saola Animate without using a single line of code. Inserting Recognizable Elements First of all, let’s insert 6 elements that we will use as the faces of the cube. The elements should be different with various colors or texts for easier distinguishing them during the editing. So I used different colors for each element and numbered them like the picture below: However, the picture above illustrates all the inserted elements with their main fronts that face forward us. We need to make certain that after transforming into cube’s faces, these elements’ main fronts will be turned outwards, hence the numbers can be read normally. So, change the elements’ positions like this: Transforming The Elements In the next step, we will work with each face of the cube. To be more precise, we will use the element (1) as the bottom face of the cube. And the element from (2) to (5) are going to be set as the side faces of the cube. Lastly, the element (6) will be the top face. Creating Side Faces of The Cube Beginning with the side faces, we will transform them by using 3D transformation properties. Firstly, we need to change their origin points. Therefore, we can rotate them around the right axes and make them perpendicular to the element (1). So, select each element, in the Properties pane > Position & Size tab > in the Transform section, change all the elements’ Origin Y values to 100%. After that, we can start rotating them by changing their Rotate values to the following: - Element (2) Rotate Y: 180° - Element (3) Rotate Y: 180° and Rotate Z: 270° - Element (4) Rotate X: 180° - Element (5) Rotate X: 180° and Rotate Z: 270° Note that if you want the transformation to be animated, turn on the Auto-Keyframe mode before changing the values. As a result, we will get this: Note: In the video above, the view of the scene was changed by using the Rotate View tool. Creating Top Face of The Cube In terms of the top face, firstly, we will drag the element (6) to be coincided with the element (1). Then, in the Properties pane > Position & Size tab > in the Transform section, change the element’s Translate Z equal to the value of the element width and height. Therefore, it can fit the other cube faces and become the top face of the cube. In order to make this top face animated, create the animation to make it translate from other values to where it fits the cube. For example, in our cube animation, the top face translates from 300px to 150px. Grouping The Elements for Transforming While editing a 3D object like this cube, the Rotate View tool can help you to get a better view of the object. Or, you can change the scene Perspective property in the Properties pane to other values, for example: However, they are just useful for editing elements in 3D space more intuitive and will not affect the output. If you want your 3D object to appear with a different perspective in the output, just group the elements together and transform the whole group in the way you want. You can refer to this link to know more about grouping the elements. By this way, you can also create other solid geometry, such as a rectangular box or a pyramid, and so forth.
While Dolch created specific lists of sight words to learn at each grade level, each Dolch word list is only meant to provide parents and teachers with a road map and sequence for helping children acquire the words that they will encounter most frequently in their reading. Each list is merely a recommendation. If a child masters all of the words on the grade level list before the end of the school year, parents and teachers should feel free to move on to the next list. Similarly, if a child does not commit all of the words on a list to memory by the end of the recommended school year, adults working with the child should continue to help him or her learn all sight words on the previous year’s list before moving on to the next grade level’s list. Kindergarten -1st grade The heaviest emphasis on mastering sight words should come in the primary grades. Because a few words are used so often in English language texts, providing children with access to them gives them tremendous advantages as developing readers. Sight word mastery is one of the keys to fluent reading. Young children already have these high frequency words in their verbal vocabularies. Teaching them to read the words simply requires connecting each sight word in the child’s memory to the written version of the word. Dolch’s pre-primer list of 40 words is recommended for students in grades K and 1. This list includes the most frequently occurring words in children’s books. A, and, for, in, is, it, said, the and to are the building blocks of this list. After learning the pre-primer list, children should be taught the primer list. This list consists of 52 words and includes at, be, but, came, did, do, he, into, no, on, saw, she, was, with and yes. Concurrent with learning the pre-primer and primer lists, children are also encouraged to commit Dolch’s list of 95 high frequency nouns to memory. This list includes nouns often used in children’s daily lives such as brother, sister, ball and goodbye as well as those used for special occasions that are particularly important to many youngsters (birthday, party, cake, Christmas, Santa Clause). While Dolch recommended that children learn all of the words on the pre-primer list by the end of first grade, other sources suggest that children learn all 220 of the “service words” as well as the 95 frequently used nouns by the end of the first grade. Parents and teachers should set goals for their children’s sight word learning based on their individual needs, interests and abilities. At grades 2 and 3, parents and teachers should continue to reinforce and teach any sight words from earlier lists that their children have not already acquired while at the same time moving on to Dolch’s second and third grade lists. The words placed on these two lists are not seen as often in children’s texts as those on the previous lists, but are still essential to reading grade level literature. Dolch’s second grade list contains more complex words such as always, before, which, would and your. The third grade list features many high frequency words that cannot be easily decoded by the reader and therefore must be memorized. This list includes about, clean, laugh, myself and together. Since Dolch created his lists in 1936, there are a two words on these lists that are rarely used in modern children’s texts: upon(2nd grade list) and shall (3rd grade list). Many educators have removed these words from the lists of sight words because they are used so infrequently. Because most students will have learned to read Dolch’s sight words by the fourth grade (read about 4th grade sight word strategies), teachers in the upper grades primarily focus on ensuring that students can spell these words in their writing. While many children may learn to read sight words quite quickly, they often have difficulty spelling them correctly in their own writing. This is especially true for homonyms such as their, they’re and there. Children need additional reinforcement to correctly use sight words when creating their own written pieces. Sight words are also essential to the instruction of English Language Learners (ELLs, also known as ESL students) at the upper grades. Sight words are not only critical for learning to read the English language, they are also the building blocks of conversation. Focusing instruction in the ESL classroom on sight words benefits ELLs in the same ways that elementary level instruction does. It provides these students access to at least half of the words they will read allowing them to concentrate on decoding and learning more complex English vocabulary. View the full archive of sight words articles.
Transparency(redirected from Location transparency) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Transparency is a measure of how much information you have about the markets where you invest, the corporations whose stocks or bonds you buy, or the mutual funds or other investments you select. For example, in order to achieve maximum transparency in US markets, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires corporations to disclose all information that might have an impact on their financial status so that investors can make fully informed decisions. Real-time trading information, increasingly available to individuals as well as institutional investors, and linked pricing systems are other steps toward complete transparency.
Available for: iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows. Christ in the Passover - Celebrate a Christian Seder The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God's liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadow's Christ's sacrifice on the cross. In Christ in the Passover, You will learn the history of this special day and the symbolism in the Passover that points to Jesus Christ. Christ in the Passover also includes a Passover seder that can be used by Christians year round. Jews and some Christians celebrate the Passover as a holiday that commemorates God's miraculous rescue of Israel from Egyptian captivity. God instituted the Passover feast over 3,500 years ago to remind his people of how much he loved them. The Passover is meaningful to Christians today because it is packed with symbolism that points to Jesus Christ and how much he loves us. Most people today do not observe Passover or understand its significance. Christ in the Passover looks at the origins and symbolism of the Passover and how the Old Testament Passover is relevant today through God’s Son, Jesus. Christ in the Passover shows six ways that the Passover in the Old Testament points to Jesus, who was called the “Lamb of God.” This [Passover] is a day to remember. Each year, from generation to generation, you must celebrate it as a special festival to the LORD. This is a law for all time. Christ in the Passover gives hundreds of facts at a glance, including: Why is the Passover story important for Christians today? At some point, you will face hard times, tough problems, and unfair circumstances. It's good to know that when times are tough, God loves you and watches out for you. Passover is a reminder of God's control over earthly events and ultimate victory over sin and death. Christ in the Passover will increase your faith in God as you learn that Jesus was sent to earth to become the Passover Lamb for all humanity.
Check out some of the diseases and problems that may be associated with fleas and ticks: |(*) Lyme disease||(*) Tapeworms (Dog Info, Cat Info)| |(*) Ehrlichiosis||(*) Flea-allergy dermatitis (Dog Info, Cat Info)| |(*) Anaplasmosis||(*) Severe skin discomfort| |(*) Rocky Mountain spotted fever||(*) Cat scratch fever (Bartonella)| |(*) Babesiosis||(*) Plague| |(*) Tularemia (Dog Info, Cat Info)||(*) Tularemia (Dog Info, Cat Info)| |(*) Tick Paralysis||Anemia| |Hepatozoonosis||(*) Murine typhus| (*) Indicates zoonotic potential Predicting the exact start and end to flea and tick season is nearly impossible. Regardless of the conditions outside, fleas can survive on your pet indoors anytime. Did you know that the deer tick actually becomes active every year during the winter after the first frost? Indoor-only pets are not safe from fleas! Wild animals deposit flea eggs in the yard, resulting in “hitchhiker fleas” that can be carried indoors by humans. Pets that do go outside can bring fleas to indoor-only pets. Anything contaminated that enters the home (visiting pets, other items) can be a source of infestation. Eliminating an infestation takes a lot of time and energy, especially for fleas. Did you know that 1 female flea can produce 40-50 eggs per day? These eggs drop off the pet into the environment. Treatment involves a multi-modal approach (treating the pet and the environment, often with multiple products that hold different mechanisms of action). It typically takes several months to eliminate an infestation. If you consider the cost and effort involved with removing an infestation (and treating any secondary illnesses), prevention can actually save you time and money! Most importantly, allowing your pet to rest healthy and parasite free is priceless. Want more flea and tick information? - Fleas in dogs - Fleas in cats - Ticks in dogs - Ticks in cats - CDC tick removal tips - For Lawndale’s recommendations on monthly prevention products click here. - For an overview of fleas and common problems, check out this blog. - For tips on selecting flea control products, check out this blog. - For a discussion around ticks and tick borne diseases in Guilford County, read this blog. ~Author: Dr. C. Noureddine, DVM, MS
po (kaph, literally, "palm," yadh, literally, "hand"): The former (kaph) is applied to the soft paws of animals in contradistinction to the hoofs (Leviticus 11:27); the latter is thrice used in 1 Samuel 17:37: "Yahweh that delivered me out of the paw (yadh) of the lion, and out of the paw (yadh) of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand (yadh) of this Philistine." The verb "to paw" (chaphar) is found in the description of the horse: "He paweth (margin "they paw") in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: he goeth out to meet the armed men (margin, "the weapons")" (Job 39:21). The word is usually translated "to delve into," "to pry into," "to explore." H. L. E. Luering These files are public domain.
Table of Contents In this article, we are going to discuss the introduction of a block diagram. Some important points of block diagrams - So point number one is block diagrams are a pictorial representation of a control system. - Block diagram representation is used to build a mathematical model of the control system, which can be emulated on a computer. It is an excellent point to understand. Nowadays, systems are analyzed on computers by the use of the software. In that case, block-diagrams representation plays an important role because it can help build a mathematical control system model. - Representation is used to calculate the overall transfer function of the system. As we all know that to find out the output with respect to any given input, many transfer function of the system and block diagrams representation helps to find out the overall transfer function of the system. Elements of a canonical form of a closed-loop system. We will start with the basic representation of a control system. And we all know this representation consists of a block having two arrows. - The arrow of the signal which goes into the block represents the input. - The signal which goes out of the block represents the output, - and the block itself represents the transfer function of the system. But this is the basic representation of the control system. Practically control systems are more complex in nature. They consist of multiple subsystems in the connection of many blocks, which are connected with branches and arrows. So to analyze those complex representations, we need to discuss some more elements of canonical form of a closed-loop system, like summing points and take-off points. A summing point, or a summing junction represents the dynamic summation of two or more signals. So we want to add two or more signals in a, We will use a summing point. This is the symbol of a summing point, which is used to add two signals. If this signal is X1(s), and this signal is X2(S), then the resultant signal will be X1(s) + X2(S). X=X1(s) + X2(S). On the other hand, X=X1(s) – X2(S). The polarity plays a very important role here. If the polarity is positive, then we signal will be positive. If the polarity is negative, then the signal will also be negative. In the first case, the polarity of both signals is positive, And hence, these signals are added with a positive sign. In the second case, the polarity of one of the signals is negative, and hence it is added with a negative sign. Since we are using the summing point, or the summing junction, in order to add more signal, the summing point can be called an adder point. So now we are done with the discussion on the summing point. The take-off point is also called a branch point. So the take-off point represents a point where the signal branch is out and goes concurrently to the other blocks or can say that the take-off point is a point where the signal distributes to several other branches. Let us understand this with the help of this diagram. the signal distributes into two branches. So point “A” is called as the take-off point. Similarly, in the 2nd block-diagram, Point “A” is the take-off point. As this point distributes this signal into these three branches. If this signal is R(S), then we can distribute this signal among three branches. So this is the basic use of a take-off point in a block diagram. It distributes the signal from one branch into several other branches. |Related Topic To Block Reduction| |Block Diagram Reduction Technique| |Block Reduction Rules| |Read More Topics Related To Control System| Reduction of multiple subsystems / Block Reduction Diagram practical control systems are complex in nature. It consists of multiple subsystems. And in order to find out the overall transfer function, we need to reduce those multiple subsystems into a single block. We will discuss the topic of the reduction of multiple subsystems. In order to calculate the output with respect to any given input, we need the overall transfer function of the system. The transfer function is an important parameter in order to find out the output with respect to any given input. when the system is complex, that is, it is having multiple subsystems, then we need to reduce the complex representation into a single block. And then only we will be able to determine the overall transfer function of the system. So now we can have the idea that the primary target is to find out the overall transfer function of the system. Let us take an example of a practical control system. This is a practical control system Consisting of multiple subsystems. It consists of the interconnection of different blocks connected with different branches and arrows. And suppose you want to calculate the overall transfer function of these multiple subsystems. In that case, we need to convert this overall system into a single blocks, where this block represents the overall transfer function and the procedure by which we can reduce this complex representation into a simple structure called as block algebra diagram or Block Reduction.
Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery History Information (Source: CWGC) The cemetery was begun in April 1915 at the North-end of a small plantation of larches. It was used by troops holding this sector, particularly the 46th (North Midland) Division and the 1st Dorsets, until April 1918. It was enlarged after the Armistice when graves were brought in from the battlefields of Ypres and from smaller cemeteries. The cemetery contains 856 burials and commemorations of the First World War. 321 of the burials are unidentified and there are special memorials to 82 casualties known or believed to be buried in the cemetery. Other special memorials record the names of five casualties buried in German cemeteries whose graves could not be found on concentration. The cemetery was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. · United Kingdom (438) · Canadian (76) · Australian (24) · German (1) · Army (515) · Air Force (21) · Navy (2) · Merchant Navy (1)
You are here: Home → click here to EXPLORE Euboea → Aedipsos Orei & the NE → The Northeast Coast On the east shore south of cape Artemision, below the village of Ellinika, is the small harbour and promontory of Aghios Nikolaos (40km). This is probably the site of Ancient Helleniko—where some of the Greek fleet may have provisioned before the Battle of Cape Artemision. The enclosed bay looks across to the Pelion peninsula and Skiathos, with the little islet and chapel of Aghios Nikolaos just off-shore. The ancient settlement was to the east side, and evidence shows that the headland was fortified. A number of ancient architrave and other blocks have been collected in the field beside the low saddle of the promontory. The wealth of surface finds scattered over this whole stretch of the northeast edge of the island suggests that there was an extensive network of forts and settlements protecting and surveying the important sea passages through these waters, especially from Archaic to Hellenistic times. South from Ellenika the landscape becomes steeper and more densely forested. There are fine beaches below Vasilika (46km), and east of Aghia Anna (67km) where a road leads down to the long, sandy bay at Agali. The north end of the bay is sheltered by the promontory of Aghios Vasilios where the remains of ancient fortification have been tentatively identified as belonging to the ancient town of Trychas. The area to the northwest of Aghia Anna, stretching as far as Kerasia and beyond it to the west, is the location of a fossilised forest dating from the Upper Miocene era, 10–25 million years ago—a period when a continuous land mass connected this area to Anatolia. It has yielded significant evidence of early fauna: examples of early ungulates, both Perissodactyla (elements of the skulls of rhinoceri bearing two horns) and of Artiodactyla (such as a kind of short-necked giraffe) are attested. Euboea Island, Greece Access to the island is either by road via the Euripus bridges (1 hr from Athens, exit "Schimatari" from Athens/ Thessaloniki autoroute) or via short ferry crossings from Rafina (Attica) to Marmaris (c. every 3 hrs), Aghia Marina (Attica) to Nea Styra (c. every 2–3 hrs), Skala Oropou (Attica) to Eretria (every 30 mins), Arkitsa (Phthiotis) to Aedipsos (hourly), Glyfa (Phthiotis) to Agiokampos (hourly). A hydrofoil service, four times weekly in the summer also links Chalcis with Limni, and Limni with Loutrá Aedipsoú and Aghios Konstantinos. In Aedipsos, the central Mezedopoleion Armenizontas often has good, live rebetiko music. In Limni, To Kyma (new), in a handsome stone house on the waterfront, is attentive both to service and to the freshness of its delightful variety of classic, Greek dishes. The well-established To Astro, at Katounia, remains good for fresh fish. To Neon, 1km below Stení, delightfully spread out beneath immemorial planes by a stream, specialises in local sausage and charcoal grilled vegetables and meats. Geroplatanos in Myli, near Karystos, is somewhat similar in setting, with a good choice of dishes, especially at lunchtime on Sundays. In Karystos itself, Kotsika Street is lined with simple, inexpensive street-eateries; these may look uninspiring, but do not underestimate the quality of meat and the freshness of the wine at the minuscule I Melissa, at no 27 North Euboea. Spa hotels in Aedipsos: the luxurious Thermae Sylla Spa (T. 22260 60100, fax 22055, www. thermaesylla.gr) or the Avra Spa Hotel (T. 22260 22226, fax 23260). Alternatively, the Hotel Aigli (T. 22260 22215, fax 24886), is a comfortable hotel, without spa facilities. In Limni, choice is limited: the 81959), near the museum is a pleasant option. Central Euboea. At Steni, the Hotel Dirphys (T. 22280 51217) is tranquil and delight ful, but very basic. Chalcis is not an obvious choice to stay in but if necessary, the Paliria Hotel (T. 22210 28001, fax 81959), near the museum is a pleasant option. At Kymi the Hotel Corali (T. 22220 22212, fax 22002, www.coralihotel. gr), a little way outside the harbour, is modern and comfortable. At Karystos the Apollon Suites Hotel (T. 22240 22045, fax 22049 www.apollonsuiteshotel.com) is an Italian-run hotel on the beach, with large rooms to the eastern end of the town. Hotel Plaza (T. 22270 31235, fax 31336), on the water front is quiet and simple, and currently represents the best option. Closer in to the centre is the Hotel Karystion (T. 22240 22391, fax 22727, www.karystion.gr) less spacious, but a little more modern and stylish, and with pleasant service. Historic Villa Rentals For those seeking a luxurious base for a longer period (preferably in a small group so as to share the cost) these two historic houses are excel lent and elegant solutions: Villa Averoff at Kirinthos, (www.villa-averoff.com); and the Konaki at Prokopi (www. candili.gr). 340 01-346 00 Evia, Evvia or Evvoia: area 3,661 sq.km; perimeter 729km; resident population 191,009; max. altitude 1743 m. Port Authorities: Agiokampos T. 22260 71228; Aedipsos T. 22260 22464; Chalcis T. 22210 22236; Eretria T. 22290 62201; Kymi T. 22220 22606; Nea Styra T. 22240 41266; Marmari T. 22240 31222. Information: T. 22210 82677, www.naevias.gr
For most people around the world, 2020 was a terrible year for different reasons. However, 2021 is seeming to already outclass the previous year. To make this year remarkable, the report of a snowy owl being spotted in NYC’s Central Park took all over media. This is the first time since 1890 to witness this beautiful creature in the region. Usually, these Arctic residents, the stark-white owls, may fly up to five-feet and move toward the south during the winter season in search of their food – which is usually rodents and mice. New York likes in the southern end of the white owl’s winter range. These are very commonly found in upstate and even in wilder areas of southern New York, such as Randalls, Liberty islands, and John Beach. However, their presence in the Central Park area is an extreme rarity. The bird was spotted on a baseball field in Central Park and its images were flooded all over the social media within a few seconds. Snowy Owl Also Spotted in 1890 In March 1891, the Linnaean Society of New York City first reported spotting a snowy owl in New York City’s Central Park in December 1890. Even at that time, it was a huge surprise for many, who claimed that it’s part of an “unusual abundance” of the bird that resides in the Arctic tundra. Even wildlife experts reported that it’s very rare to see a snowy owl in New York City. These birds are more likely to be found on the beaches of Long Island, as per a television report. Experts even added that last Wednesday was the first time with photographic evidence, showing the presence of this bird in the city. Later it was reported that the bird left the Central Park area by Thursday morning. Many wildlife experts, also mentioned that people must not disturb the bird if they spot it again. It’s important to show respect to these wildlife creatures and appreciate their existence on the planet.
THE SINKING OF THE BARQUE LIZZIE BELL WEDNESDAY 24 JULY 1901 WAIMATE REEF, SOUTH TARANAKI On the night of Wednesday 24 July 1901, the barque Lizzie Bell was totally wrecked on the Waimate Reef, a mile and a half south of the Oeo River, South Taranaki. Twelve members of the total crew of 18, died. There is a memorial to them at the Lizzie Bell Cemetery at Pihama, South Taranaki. The Lizzie Bell had sailed from Wellington bound for Newcastle, (Australia) when at around 11pm she suddenly struck a rock about a mile or two from the mouth of the Oeo River. Two of the crew fell overboard, and were found dead jammed in among the rocks. The crew immediately abandonded ship into a boat which later overturned. Six more of the crew drowned underneath. After righting the boat, early the next morning the more vigorous survivors found themselves on the rocks below Captain GOOD's property. They made their way to his house to seek help. During the night two more of the crew died in the boat and two who reached shore safely were dead when the rescuers arrived. A Magisterial Inquiry was held in New Plymouth on July 30. The court found that the the course as stated by the captain was not steered and that the loss of the barque was "occasioned by negligent navigation". For further information see: New Zealand Shipwrecks - Various Editions - by C W N Ingram - ISBN 0 589 010476 - AH & A W Reed |OLLEY||L H||2nd Officer||21| FAMILIES I AM RESEARCHING | MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH |NEW ZEALAND DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES | NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR ONE | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR – BY LOCATION | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR – BY CONFLICT | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR – MILITARY NURSES | PAKEHA/MAORI TRANSLITERATIONS |PASSENGER LISTS TO NEW ZEALAND | SHAND – FAMILY HISTORY | SOUTH TARANAKI | SPONDON, DERBYSHIRE, ENGLAND | TE PUKE, BAY OF PLENTY, NEW ZEALAND | WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL
Published on May 19th, 2013 | by Harmonist staff0 The gorgeous red tomatoes, piled high in the hot West African sunshine, suggested a huge success. Just two years after the region’s economically vital crop was decimated by a fly-borne virus, university experts found a gene that conferred resistance and bred it into the tomato seeds. The science was so efficient that the tomatoes quickly overwhelmed the local canning facility in Mali’s capital, Bamako. But in the same two years, European buyers found other providers. Mounds of tomatoes, and with them the labor of numerous poor African villagers, sat and rotted. “At that point in 2007,” says one of the researchers, Molly Miller Jahn, then with Cornell University and now a professor of agronomy at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, “I just said, I am never doing this again.” By failing to take full account of all aspects of what the community and its crop needed to rebound—to be “resilient”—the researchers and their U.S.-government sponsors failed the people they had come to help, Jahn says. Michael R. Springborn has seen the ways that diverse factors affect resilience. An assistant professor of environmental science and policy at the University of California at Davis, he works on helping to save the chinook salmon that spawn in the Sacramento River before heading out to the ocean. He has found that strategies that help the most salmon arrive at the ocean during optimal feeding conditions can give the population a sharp boost. But helping to space their arrival may be the better long-term strategy for ensuring a resilient population, given the likelihood of seasonal variations in those optimal conditions. Stephen R. Palumbi, a professor of biology at Stanford University, is trying to find the key to resilience of coral threatened by a warming Pacific Ocean. A crucial breeding ground at the bottom of the food chain for fish and other species, coral is dying off at alarming rates, but a patch in American Samoa is faring surprisingly well. The key to its resilience may be genetic, says Palumbi, which raises hopes that traits found in the Samoan reef could be incorporated into other corals. Forty years after the ecologist C.S. Holling coined the term “resilience,” the concept appears to have its most solid grounding in his discipline. Ecologists looking for the best way to manage natural resources have adopted Holling’s notion that they should develop and encourage systems that, in his words, “can absorb and accommodate future events in whatever unexpected form they may take.” To do that, they attempt to keep options open, view ecosystems in the context of their regions, and emphasize variability. Agriculture in the United States provides good examples, says F. Stuart Chapin III, a professor emeritus of ecology at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. Much of the corn and wheat planted domestically has been bred for maximum efficiency in terms of grain volume, water use, and disease resistance. That, however, leaves the crops with little natural variability, meaning a new design is needed each time a pest finds a way to break through the genetic defenses, Chapin says. “So they’re always sort of working against the laws of nature,” he says. There is, of course, a belief that the natural world knows best what it needs, and that people shouldn’t be trying to shape it at all. As such, theories that value resilience automatically have at least one fundamentally subjective component: Researchers and policy makers generally don’t see the earth that predates humans as an optimal original state. “Obviously the best thing for the environment is to kill ourselves,” Jahn says. Read the entire Chronicle of Higher Education article, here.
India on Friday deployed a remote sensing Cartosat which was its 100 satellite in space and 30 other satellites, including 28 from six nations into the earth's orbit after a copybook launch from its spaceport in Sriharikota. The 44.4-metre tall Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C40) roared into a clear sky after a perfect lift-off at 9.29 am following a 28-hour countdown. "The micro satellite will be India's 100th satellite in space," ISRO Satellite Centre Director M. Annadurai had told IANS on Tuesday. The 320-tonne rocket would eject the satellites one-by-one and deploy them into the earth's lower orbit 17 minutes and 18 seconds after the lift-off. PM Modi congratulated ISRO on the successful launch. The launch of the 100th satellite by @isro signifies both its glorious achievements, and also the bright future of India's space programme.— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 12, 2018 "The 28-hour countdown began at 5:29am in the mission control at Sriharikota for the rocket launch at 9:28am on Friday," the state-run Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said on its website. The spaceport Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota High Altitude Range (SDSC-SHAR) is located about 80 km northeast of Chennai off the Bay of Bengal coast. The 31 satellites with a combined weight of 1,323 kg have been integrated with the PSLV for deploying them in the earth's lower orbit after lift off. Of the 31 satellites, three are Indian and 28 are from six countries: Canada, Finland, France, South Korea, UK and the US. The Indian satellites include 710 kg Cartosat-2 series for Earth observation as the primary satellite of the mission, along with co-passenger payloads, including 100 kg micro satellite and a 10 kg nano satellite. Among the 28 international co-passenger satellites, 19 belong to the US, five from South Korea and one each from Canada, France, UK and Finland. Cartosat-2 series was the first to be separated from the rocket and injected into the sun synchronous orbit at 505km above the earth, followed by the 10 kg nano satellite and the 100 kg micro-sat in different orbits. The Cartosat-2 series would orbit around the Earth for five years. The micro satellite would be India's 100th satellite in space around the earth's orbit. The first space mission in 2018 came four months after a similar rocket failed to deliver the country's eighth navigation satellite in the earth's lower orbit on August 31, 2017. (With IANS inputs)
Looking for something else? Get a glimpse inside Paul Cooke's e-book "The definitive guide to Windows 2000 security" with this series of book excerpts, courtesy of Realtimepublishers.com. This excerpt is from Chapter 5, "Configuring access control." Click for the book excerpt series or get the full e-book. Tying it all together I've now covered all the pieces that go into making an access control decision in Windows 2000. Remember, the single goal of an access control decision is to determine whether a security principal is authorized to perform some action on some object. Windows 2000 handles access control decisions by considering the following three pieces of information: - The security principal's access token. - The security principal's desired access mask. - The object's security descriptor. I've talked very briefly about access masks as they relate to ACEs. Well, the security principal's desired access mask is pretty much the same thing. The desired access mask is a simple 32-bit flag structure in which bits are turned on for rights that the security principal wants and turned off for rights that the security principal doesn't want. The SRM manipulates this desired access mask to compute whether access will be allowed or denied. The requested access mask is used to generate a granted access mask. Initially, the granted access mask is set to all zeros (no access granted). Each requested access right bit is evaluated; if access is allowed, the corresponding bit is set in the granted access mask. If access is allowed or denied, the bit is turned off in the requested access mask. Once all the desired access mask bits are turned off, the granting access mask is returned for use. The bits that are left on in the granted access mask determine which rights the security principal is actually authorized to use. The complete process for determining a security principal's authorizations is summarized in the following five steps: 1. If there is no DACL in the object's security descriptor, the security principal receives all access to the object that the security principal has requested. 2. If no access bits are set in the desired access mask, the security principal receives no access to the object. 3. If the right to access the SACL is set in the desired access mask, the security principal's access token is consulted to see whether the Manage Auditing and Security Log privilege is present. If it is, the bit for the SACL is set in the granted access mask; otherwise, it's not set. 4. If the desired access mask indicates that the security principal wants access to Read Permissions, Change Permissions or Modify Owner, the security descriptor is used to compare the Owner SID of the object with one of the SIDs in the security principal's access token's User SID or Group SIDs fields. If a match is found, the security principal is granted access; otherwise, the bits in the granted access mask aren't set. 5. The object's DACL examines each ACE in the object's security descriptor using the following rules: a. If the inheritance flags of the ACE are marked INHERIT_ONLY, the ACE is skipped. b. If the SID in the subject's access token doesn't match the SID in the ACE, the ACE is skipped. c. If the ACE type is access-denied, the rights in the security principal's desired access mask are compared with the ACE's access mask. If there are any matches, the security principal gets no access to the object. d. If the ACE type is access-allowed, the rights in the security principal's desired access mask are compared with the ACE's access mask. If there are any matches, access in the granted access mask is turned on. e. If there are any bits still turned on in the desired access mask, access checking continues with the next ACE. f. If all the ACEs are processed and there are any bits remaining in the desired access mask that haven't been turned off, access is implicitly denied. As a result, all the bits in the granted access mask are turned off, and the security principal gets no access to the object. Click for the next excerpt in this series: Access control best practices Click for the book excerpt series or get the full e-book.
Fungi are eukaryotic cells. Special characteristics of fungi are the plasmalemma with a cell membrane containing ergosterol and the cell wall consisting of glycopeptides and chitin. This special membrane composition is the site of action for most anti-fungal drugs. Antibacterial drugs also affect fungi. Extra info: Fungi have a completely different cell wall and protein synthesis machinery; so antibacterial drugs will not be effective. Fungi are eukaryotic cells with 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Extra info: In contrast to bacteria and viruses, fungal cells are more similar to human cells.
Where do plants grow? No, that’s not a trick question! The answer is, of course, soil. Whilst that is technically true, do you understand why? Well, as an avid gardener, this is where I think things get a whole lot more interesting. You see, plants need nutrients to grow to their full potential. Specifically, they need nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium – you may vaguely remember this from a distant Biology lesson! In natural conditions, the soil is the only place for them to find these vital nutrients in abundance. The rain dissolves the nutrients into the soil and the plant is then able to absorb them through its roots. So plants need this soil to grow, right? Wrong. If the plant’s roots are able to get these nutrients from another source, well, they don’t need soil at all! It is the nutrients that the plant needs, not the actual soil itself (though they do need something to grow in for support!). This is where a hydroponic system can be of use – they allow your plants to be taken inside to a place where you can control every aspect of the growing cycle. You can set the light and temperature levels, and most importantly they allow the plant grower to artificially manipulate the amount of each vital mineral available to the plant, meaning soil isn’t even needed! By giving them more of the stuff they need, you will be promoting faster growth than you could ever achieve by using traditional methods. The result for you: bigger, better, healthier plants that produce a higher yield of vegetables! There are actually several different types of hydroponic systems, with this idea lying at the core of each and every design. But this is just a simple explanation of how a hydroponic system works. Continue reading around this website if you want to learn more! Hydroponics Terminology and Components When I first started to learn about the ins and outs of hydroponics, I was overwhelmed. There was so much information out there, making it hard for me to find a solid base to get started. That’s why I created this resource for you. Here, you will find the meanings of the most common hydroponics terminology, as well as all the common components that make up a complete system. If I reference something elsewhere on this website that you don’t fully understand, check back to this section and you should find a complete explanation!1 The nutrient solution is probably the most important part of a hydroponic system. It might sound complex, but it’s actually just a fancy way of saying nutrients dissolved in water! The reason hydroponics gardening is so effective is because the plants are fed not just water, but water brimming with vital nutrients needed for optimal plant growth. You can purchase a soluble form of these nutrients (in different mixes, designed to support different plants) that you simply add to water in the required dosage and then introduce to your system. The nutrient solution is the term we use to describe water that has already had these nutrients added to it.2 The nutrient reservoir, often shortened to “reservoir”, is where the nutrient solution is kept before it is fed to the plants. It is usually an old fish tank, or a large plastic container, that can hold large quantities of water. It is important the nutrient reservoir is not made from anything metallic as this is likely to introduce harmful elements into the nutrient solution which can be quite damaging to your plants.3 In most hydroponic systems you will find the plants kept separate from the nutrient reservoir. The plants are grown in what is known as a grow tray, or grow chamber.4 The majority of hydroponic systems keep the grow tray separate from the nutrient reservoir. Obviously, the plants need to access the nutrient solution, and it is the job of the delivery system to feed the plants. The delivery system is responsible for moving the nutrient solution from the nutrient reservoir to the grow tray and then draining the excess solution back into the reservoir.5 All hydroponic systems will feature a pump – often the same type that is found in an aquarium set-up. The pump is used to pump the water from the reservoir into the grow-tray, or simply to circulate the water in the reservoir to keep it oxygenated and discourage algae growth.6 An airstone is not an essential feature of a hydroponic system, but it is one that I would recommend. Have you ever looked into an aquarium and seen hundreds of bubbles being blown up from the bottom to the surface? Well, these are created by the airstone. An airstone is great for adding oxygen into the nutrient solution, which will promote faster growth rates in your plants. If there is no pump to circulate the solution and no airstone, well, there will be very little oxygen in the water. The airstone will solve this problem, as well as keeping the nutrient solution fresher.7 The growing medium is what the plant grows in. If you are putting plants in your garden, then you are most likely using soil as your growing medium. However, plants don’t need soil to grow, and there are plenty of other materials that can be used to support a plant’s weight and root system.
What is coronavirus? कोरोना वायरस के लक्षण, इलाज | Coronavirus 2019-nCOV | Symptoms | Precautions - by Sunil-Sharma- - Feb 03, 2020 13:03 Worldwide Corona Virus Outbreak In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China. On 31 December 2019, the outbreak was traced to a novel strain of coronavirus, which was labeled as 2019-nCoV. By 28 January 2020, more than 130 deaths had been reported and more than 5,570 confirmed cases in this coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. China announced a national wildlife trade ban in markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and e-commerce platforms. What is Coronavirus? 1. The new virus CORONAVIRUS, a family of viruses that include viruses such as SARS(Middle East respiratory syndrome) and MERS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) originated from Wuhan City in The Hubei Province, can cause death in humans. 2. The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona, meaning Crown. 3. In humans they're typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals. 4. This virus spreads in humans primarily in the winter and early spring seasons. What are the Symptoms of Coronavirus? Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms:- * Throat swollen adenoids & body ache occurring Pneumonia * Lower-respiratory tract illnesses * Shortness of breath What Precautions should be taken? * Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. * Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. * Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces like Phone, Doorknobs, Bathroom fixtures, etc. * Avoid close contact with people suffering from cold or flu-like symptoms. * Avoid eating uncooked animals, packed food-stuffs, milk made products. Read More Latest Bollywood Movie Reviews & News Read More Sports News, Cricket News Read More Latest Mobile, Laptop News & Review
One of my first jobs was an entry-level position taking payments for utility customers in Connecticut. I learned a lot in that job, but what has stuck with me most was the anguish of customers struggling to pay their bills, often as their power would soon be cut off and they processed what that would mean for their families. I have thought about those customers often since becoming president of a national energy efficiency organization in Washington. I’m convinced that the best and most equitable way to address climate change is to push energy efficiency into every corner of our economy, particularly to those disadvantaged communities where households spend far too big a share of their income on energy bills. According to federal research, households earning less than twice the federal poverty level — roughly less than $50,000 for a family of four — spend an average of 16 percent of their income on energy costs. Households earning above $100,000 spend just 3.5 percent. Imagine if simply paying your monthly energy bill wiped out more than 15 percent of your income. While this is a particularly acute problem for Black and brown communities, it is also a widespread challenge for white and rural communities. There is no silver bullet for reducing this burden, but energy efficiency is a grossly undervalued solution, particularly as we work simultaneously to tackle the climate crisis in way that promotes environmental justice. In fact, given energy efficiency’s ability to reduce costs, cut pollution and create jobs, I would argue that the conversation so many of us are having about environmental justice and climate policy — and that the White House put in the headlines last week — should start with energy efficiency. Consider that energy consumption in the U.S. and related emissions would be about 60 percent higher today if not for the efficiency gains we’ve made since 1980, which has saved consumers $800 billion annually on energy bills. Consider that one efficiency program alone — the Department of Energy’s minimum efficiency standards for common appliances – saves the average household more than $500 per year. Consider that the International Energy Agency projects that energy efficiency, using existing technology, can account for nearly half of the emissions reductions needed to meet the goals of the Paris climate accord. As we look to create greater economic opportunity for all communities, energy efficiency also offers an enormous opportunity for job creation. Already, the energy efficiency sector is one of the largest energy workforces in America with more than 2 million employees — 12 times the size of the coal industry and nearly seven times that of wind and solar combined. Most of those jobs are in construction and manufacturing — making and installing insulation, windows, ductwork and other building components — and 80 percent of efficiency companies are small businesses with fewer than 20 employees. So there is a tremendous opportunity for growing and diversifying the workforce and stimulating entrepreneurship in underserved communities. The progress we’ve already made to improve efficiency is admirable. But by failing to prioritize efficiency today, we are leaving hundreds of billions of dollars in additional gains on the table, and it’s time for Washington to adopt more urgency in making those gains happen by pulling policy levers at its disposal and making strategic investments. For example, the successful Weatherization Assistance Program, which helpssome 35,000 low-income households per year upgrade their homes to be more energy efficient, is underfunded, with long waiting lists across the country. These are residents who need energy efficiency the most, and we should be doing more to get their homes in better shape to permanently lower their bills. Similarly, we should help our small businesses improve efficiency with federal grants matching existing utility incentives, with an emphasis on businesses in neglected communities that are struggling the most. We also have woefully outdated tax incentives for encouraging homeowners to make improvements such as installing insulation or purchasing a high-efficiency air conditioner. Not only are the tax credits too small to significantly shape consumer behavior, but there is a lifetime cap of $500 in credits, meaning that doing one or two modest upgrades likely means you can’t use it again, for life. As President Joe Biden has proposed, we need to do more to make sure that affordable housing is as efficient as possible by building it right in the first place and lowering operating costs for the life of the home. Energy bills, after all, are often the second-highest cost of owning a home behind the mortgage. While improving energy affordability and addressing climate change are particular passions of mine, it’s important to remember that energy efficiency is also good business. It reduces strain on an increasingly complex grid and strengthens economic productivity and competitiveness. Any factory manager will tell you a more efficient business is a more competitive business, particularly in energy-intensive industries like manufacturing. I would challenge anyone to find an energy solution that answers so many of our challenges. Doubling down on energy efficiency for everyone isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.
South Africa’s population has hit 58.78 million people, according to the Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) 2019 mid-year population estimates (MYPE) report released on July 29. The MYPE report estimates both the national and provincial population, arranged according to age and sex. By FATIMA MOOSA and SHAAZIA EBRAHIM. The youth are a third of the population The report shows that 17.84 million South Africans make up the youth (aged 18-34), 9.04 million of whom are male and 8.80 million female. This means the youth make up almost a third of the population! Most of SA lives in Gauteng Gauteng takes top honours as the province with the biggest population. Of the total population of 58,78 million people, 25,8% live in Gauteng. KwaZulu Natal is second for the most populated provinces in South Africa. The province has an estimated 11,3 million people (19,2%) living in this province. Most youth live in Gauteng or KZN About 30% of the youth, which means 5.1 million people, live in Gauteng. A further 3,47 million youth (19,4%) live in KwaZulu Natal. This means half of the South African youth live either in Gauteng or KwaZulu Natal. The Free State and Northern Cape are the least populated by youth with 4,7% and 2% respectively. Which provinces house youth graduates About 13% of the South African youth are graduates. The statistics show that the more rural provinces are disadvantages and produce a significantly lower number of graduates. However, this can also be as a result of a number of factors including migration. Both interprovincial and international migration patterns impact the provincial population numbers and structures in the country. What does the growing youth population mean? The youth statistics are quite significant considering the Gen2030 report from Unicef which shows that by the year 2030, the African continent will have more young people in its population. However, South Africa is not well positioned to capitalise on the potential demographic dividend. The majority of South African youth are often uneducated, unemployed, and unemployable. The Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the first quarter shows that youth unemployment is sitting at 39.5%. Those not in either employment or training (NEET) sit at 46.8%, the majority of whom are black African and female. Only just over a quarter of youth (28,8%) have tertiary qualifications. While the president has mentioned youth unemployment in his state of the nation speech, the rising youth population shows there is much work to be done to properly take advantage of this potential.
Pregnancy is always associated with a number of doubts and myths. As it is all about giving birth, there are various sorts of tensions in the pregnant woman not only about the health of the baby but also about her own health. Now with the Covid-19 pandemic, the tensions and fears are on the rise. The same also continues with the COVID vaccination. Fake news against vaccination for pregnant women which is spreading on social media, creates fear among the pregnant women? Is there any valid reason for these fears? Let's look. Pregnancy & Chances of Catching Covid-19 Studies prove that About StudyMEDICThis author has not yet filled in any details. So far StudyMEDIC has created 6 blog entries. The World Health Organisation quotes “We still do not know if a pregnant woman with COVID-19 can pass the virus to her fetus or baby during pregnancy or delivery. To date, the virus has not been found in samples of amniotic fluid or breastmilk.” As Coronavirus continues to spread, we are exploring and learning more about the virus and the ways to protect ourselves from it – from following social distancing to washing hands well and often and wearing masks in public. While these are the safety measures for adults, parents might wonder how they can protect their babies and toddlers. “And so it was.. That she having waited long & endured patiently, realized & obtained..WHAT GOD HAD PROMISED” - Hebrews 6:15 Getting pregnant and carrying a pregnancy to term are actually very complicated processes.Many things can go wrong during these processes to lead to infertility. What is female infertility?Female infertility refers to infertility in female humans. Infertility is defined as trying to get pregnant (with frequent intercourse) for at least a year with no success. What causes female infertility? Tubal factor: Any injury to the fallopian tube can cause infertility. Fallopian tube is a structure that carries eggs from ovary "Breast feeding is a mother's gift to herself,and the earth." -Pamela.K.Wiggins Many medical experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, strongly recommend breast feeding exclusively for 6 months. Breast milk provide the ideal nutrition for infants. Moreover its everything your baby needs to grow. It contains antibodies, lowers your babiesrisk of having asthma or allergies. Moreover the physical closeness skin to skin touching and eye contact helps to cherish the mother baby bond and the baby feel secure in mom’s presence. One of the major concerns among the new moms Mastitis is a condition that predominates during the puerperium. In other words it is the painful inflammation of the breast tissue, begins exclusively during the first 3 weeks of nursing. Mastitis with infection may be lactational (puerperal) or non- lactational (e.g., duct ectasia). Causes of non-infectious mastitis include idiopathic granulomatous inflammation and other inflammatory conditions. Non-lactational mastitis is a breast inflammatory condition in non-breastfeeding women. The two major entities of non-lactational mastitis are periductal mastitis and idiopathic granulomatous mastitis and both of them primarily affect young women. Non-infectious mastitis:This type of mastitis is usually caused by It is always a hurdle for all the mothers to make their child to sleep proper. Sometimes we have mothers getting irritated, stressed And worried about sleep which results in some Other medical conditions in future. It is very Hard to orient your baby to your timing but it is Not an impossible task. Every one of my babies was unique; likes and dislikes, personalities and even their little attitudes and facial expressions were all so different. Their most differentiating quality though? Their sleeping habits. Most of the mothers are not aware or been heard about how to
Dr. Svjetlana "Lana" Vojvodic Kruse has been fascinated by bees throughout her life. As a faculty researcher at Rowan University's Faculty of Biological Sciences, she studies the role of gut microbiota in bee behavior and genetics. "Until recently, we didn't know that gut bacteria have a greater function than digesting food and activating the host's immune system," Vojvodic Kruse said. "Experimental creativity has allowed my students and I to show that the microbiological community in the gut can influence the individual learning and social interaction of honeybees." Next to humans, bees are one of the most complex social organisms and are wise. Thousands of people live together, learn, communicate, work as a community, find food, care for their children, and deal with illness. Bees' interactions with sugary rewards have been videotaped to track changes in their social structure and interactions. A study by Vojvodic Kruse found that honeybees learn better when the intestines of honeybees contain certain strains. This is a clear link that the honey bee microbiota (the good bacteria in the gut) contributes to memory and learning in some way. She’s also exploring which genes in their brains are tied to behavioral changes. Understanding how the honey bee interacts with its symbiotic gut bacteria could lead to better honey bee management and practices. Vojvodic Kruse`s work might also lead to better understanding how human gut bacteria impacts our biology, too “We are definitely trying to improve bee health, but it's a very unique study system that can be used to also look at how the gut microbiome potentially mechanistically influences learning and gene expression in the brain,” Vojvodic Kruse said. “This could potentially translate to other organisms including humans.”
Age spots may affect people of all skin types, but they're more common in people with light skin. Age spots: - Are flat, oval areas of increased pigmentation - Are usually tan, brown or black - Occur on skin that has had the most sun exposure over the years, such as the backs of hands, tops of feet, face, shoulders and upper back Age spots range from freckle size to about a 1/2 inch (13 millimeters) across and can group together, making them more noticeable. When to see a doctor Age spots are usually harmless and don't require medical care. Have your doctor look at spots that are dark or have changed in appearance. These changes can be signs of melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. It's best to have any new skin changes evaluated by a doctor, especially if a spot: - Is darkly pigmented - Is rapidly increasing in size - Has an irregular border - Has an unusual combination of colors - Is accompanied by itching, redness, tenderness or bleeding Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) light accelerates the production of melanin. On the areas of skin that have had years of frequent and prolonged sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in high concentrations. The use of commercial tanning lamps and tanning beds can also contribute to the development of age spots. Anyone can develop age spots, but you may be more likely to develop the condition if you: - Have red hair and light skin - Have a history of frequent or intense sun exposure or sunburn April 14, 2017 - Schaffer JV, et al. Benign pigmented skin lesions other than melanocytic nevi (moles). http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Goldstein BG, et al. Overview of benign lesions of the skin. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Sun protective clothing. American Melanoma Foundation. http://www.melanomafoundation.org/prevention/clothing.htm. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Melanoma (malignant melanoma). Merck Manual Professional Version. https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/dermatologicdisorders/cancersoftheskin/melanoma. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Schaffer JV, et al. Laser and light therapy for cutaneous hyperpigmentation. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Microdermabrasion: Overview. American Academy of Dermatology. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/cosmetic-treatments/microdermabrasion#overview. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Sunscreen FAQs. American Academy of Dermatology. https://www.aad.org/media/stats/prevention-and-care/sunscreen-faqs. Accessed Nov. 1, 2016. - Gibson LE (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Nov. 28, 2016. - Metelitsa A, et al. Laser and light therapy for cutaneous hyperpigmentation. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Nov. 21, 2016. - James WD, et al. Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms. In: Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2016. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Nov. 21, 2016. - Cantisano-Zilkha M, et al. Combining non-invasive therapies. In: Aesthetic Oculofacial Rejuvenation. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders Elsevier; 2010. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Nov. 21, 2016. - Dermabrasion. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/dermabrasion. Accessed Nov. 21, 2016. - Chemical peel. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/chemical-peel. Accessed Nov. 21, 2016. - Patel G, et al. Efficacy of photodynamic therapy vs other interventions in randomized clinical trials for the treatment of actinic keratosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatology. 2014;150:1281. - Desmedt B, et al. Overview of skin whitening agents with an insight into the illegal cosmetic market in Europe. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2016;30:943. - Ortone JP, et al. Treatment of solar lentignines. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2006;S4:S262. - Draelos ZD. Skin lightening preparations and the hydroquinone controversy. Dermatologic Therapy. 2007;20:308.
This conversation has been brought up many times since I began researching educational methods and studying for my TESOL certification. There’s a distinction between general education (the classics in literature, basic mathematical skills, history, etc.) and life learning. Is it up to the teacher to instill a passion for curiosity on the subject? I think so, I remember learning and being more enthusiastic about learning when the instructor was enthusiastic and excited about the subject. Teachers are given the opportunity to make lasting impacts on students’ lives, a few of my teachers from different schools instilled a love of learning, or a curiosity for science. I remember in fourth grade we had an elaborate crime scene that we had to figure out in a week’s time. During this time we learned about team building, we had to use context clues, and we learned to work together – everyone had something to contribute! It was not just the math whizzes, or the poetic writers of the class that got to shine. It was everyone, and guess what? We all had moments of failure, insight, and collaboration. And it was okay. The grade was not the focus, it was the life lessons and what each student got out of it that mattered. In schools the tip top people were always the straight-A meticulous memorizers. What about the people that have social intelligence? Creative intelligence? Collaborative intelligence? What do you do when you fail? Things that they do not teach in schools but life lessons, these are vital. I just finished How To Make A Journal Of Your Life by D. Price, and it was another little reminder of letting the things that are important to you lead the way. Learn from mistakes and bad decisions, document your life, remember the small details that later on may have more significance later on (Like my fourth grade crime story? From an old journal I had). Life’s an adventure, and before I end with anymore cliches… I hope you’re all living a BellaVie!
The prison at Guantanamo Bay houses 166 prisoners. Of those, 86 have been cleared for release, but the U.S. government has refused to do so. And now, more than 100 are participating in a hunger strike in protest of their treatment. Guantanamo Bay began housing prisoners in the War on Terror in 2001; however, many of the prisoners there have never been charged with a crime and are not slated to be charged or tried at any point. Yet the government has kept them in Gitmo, some for as many as 11 years. Recently, a hunger-striking prisoner died of medication overdose; others weigh under 100 pounds. “I don’t want these prisoners to die,” President Barack Obama told reporters recently. It’s time for him to act on that statement. See the story at The Nation.
The Effects of Poor Dental Hygiene Part 2 In our previous blog (“The Effects of Poor Oral Health http://www.jjteeth.co.za/the-effects-of-poor-oral-health), we discussed the dangerous consequences that poor oral hygiene could have on you overall health. We highlighted Pancreatic Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and spoke about the research that had been done to determine how they are linked to oral health problems. Here are three more serious health problems that are linked to gum disease: Research done by the American Academy of Periodontology, revealed that periodontal disease may increase the risk of premature birth and resultant low birth weight. Pregnant women who are diabetic are at a greater risk of gum inflammation and other severe gum disease. Fortunately, studies done on the link between pregnancy complications and periodontal disease, revealed that periodontal therapy may help to reduce the risk of premature births which lead to low birth weights. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women who have periodontal disease schedule regular dental appointments from a periodontist. Bacterial chest infections Bacterial chest infections are caused by breathing in bacteria from the throat and mouth into the lungs. This may lead to infections like pneumonia, which could pose a threat to frail, elderly people who may die from it. People with gum disease have more bacteria in their mouths and may therefore be more likely to develop chest infections. Good oral hygiene is extremely important for anyone who falls into this category. Kidney disease, which affects blood pressure and bone health, seem to be linked to poor oral health. Periodontists have found that adults who are completely or partially toothless, may be at a higher risk of developing chronic kidney infections and kidney failures, as opposed to people who have no missing teeth. Good oral hygiene is an important ingredient to a healthy lifestyle. Failing to take proper care of your oral health is not worth the many illnesses that you will be faced with in the long run. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today, to ensure that you receive some peace of mind regarding your health and that of your family. Contact us for a Dentist in Cape Town. Everyday Health “The link between oral health and medical illnesses” Dental Health “Mouth and body – Healthy gums and healthy body” NHS “The risk of gum disease”
Smon-lam chen-moArticle Free Pass Smon-lam chen-mo, also called Monlam Chenmo, (Tibetan: “Great Prayer”), most important Tibetan Buddhist celebration of the year, held annually as part of the New Year festivities in Lhasa at least up until 1959, when the People’s Republic of China abolished the government of the Dalai Lama. Smon-lam was established in 1409 by Tsong-kha-pa, founder of the Dge-lugs-pa (“Yellow Hat”) sect, as a kind of yearly rededication of the country to the Buddhist faith. Prayer services were held three times daily in the Jokhang, the ancient sacred temple of Lhasa, and various ceremonies of expiation took place. Smon-lam was observed during the first month of the new year (which fell in February according to the Tibetan calendar year or in March of the year after the intercalary month was added). It was preceded by three days of carnival and ritualistic masked dance (’cham). During the days of Smon-lam, thousands of monks from outlying Dge-lugs-pa monasteries crowded Lhasa. Civil authority of the city passed over to the proctor of the ’Bras-spungs (Drepung) monastery. Do you know anything more about this topic that you’d like to share?
Statistical Bulletin 2018 — methods and definitions for prevalence of drug use statistics This page provides methods and definitions information for the Prevalence of drug use statistics, which form part of the EMCDDA's Statistical Bulletin 2018. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) general population survey (GPS) indicator focuses on estimates of the prevalence and patterns of drug use in the European Union (EU) Member States, Norway and Turkey. The EMCDDA monitors data from national and school surveys based on representative, probabilistic samples. The surveys consist of self-reported data on present and past drug use, personal characteristics, and knowledge and attitudes regarding drugs or other related topics (e.g. health topics). Metadata on factors likely to influence the interpretation, validity and reliability of the data are also collected, and the results are reported in the Data and statistics section (Statistical Bulletin) of the European Drug Report. The EMCDDA encourages countries to harmonise their data collection and reporting (1) Nevertheless, differences in survey methodology will influence the interpretation and comparability of the results. It is important to be aware of changes in the survey methodology within individual countries when interpreting trends. Users of the data should carefully consider the methods and definitions described below and the notes associated with the data in the Statistical Bulletin. The Handbook for surveys in the general population provides further information necessary for interpreting the data. The individual country National reports are a source of contextual and methodological information and the basis of much of the information here. All of the above are available on the EMCDDA website (see ‘Key links’ below). Data on the prevalence of drug use should be considered within the broader range of available information. Cross-referencing between data-sets provides both additional insights and a check of validity. Prevalence estimates provide a backdrop to all of the key data-sets collected by the EMCDDA. For example, they provide information on the frequency of use of the more commonly used drugs and an indication of high-risk drug use (problem drug use (PDU) indicator), and can be compared with data on entrants into treatment (treatment demand indicator (TDI)). Purpose and aims General population surveys allow the prevalence of drug use to be estimated. At its simplest, the proportion of the sample declaring that they have used specific drugs is taken as an estimate of the prevalence of use within the population. Further information on the characteristics of the participants and their patterns of drug use allows the potential determinants and consequences of drug use to be investigated. The adult population that is surveyed using the GPS is defined as inhabitants aged 15–64 (sometimes called ‘all adults’). ‘Young adults’ is the subgroup of the general population aged 15–34. The prevalence estimates of surveys are based on standard periods of time. The standard recall periods for illegal drugs are: any use during the person’s life — lifetime prevalence, also called lifetime experience; any use during the previous year — last 12 months prevalence, also called recent use; any use during the previous month — last 30 days prevalence, also called current use. For further definitions please see the GPS Handbook and the data collection template (see ‘Key links’ below). General population surveys are conducted at the national level, and their core part generally follows the methodological guidelines developed by the EMCDDA in order to improve the comparability of population surveys in the EU. These guidelines include a set of common core items, additional voluntary modules and basic methodological recommendations. The set includes basic prevalence measures and use patterns of certain legal and illicit substances, basic socio-demographic characteristics, and opinion and risk perception questions. Questions about the drugs market and drug policies are considered optional. Countries collect the data within different survey contexts (e.g. health, drugs and alcohol, crime, social). Thus the questionnaires typically include various other questions. Data on the core items are then reported to the EMCDDA through an online data collection system called Fonte (see the link to the data collection template, in the ‘Key links’ below). For information on surveys among school children see the section on ‘Methodology of school surveys’ in the Statistical Bulletin. Data on targeted surveys within nightlife, universities and other settings are monitored for information on particular or intense drug use. This type of data is generated from studies and is therefore less harmonised. Given the nature of the surveys described above, a number of simplifying assumptions should be considered when using or quoting the resulting estimates: The prevalence levels derived from a country’s general population survey are a reasonable estimate of the prevalence for the country and can be applied to the country population as a whole, provided the survey samples are representative of the population. Caution is required when non-response is non-random. It is a reasonable assumption that the estimates of prevalence at the country level are comparable over time, allowing trends to be constructed, provided the survey methodology has remained constant over time. If the EMCDDA knows that a substantial change in method has occurred, the data is not used in trends analysis. Limitations of the presented data include: - Comparative analysis between countries should be made with caution, in particular where differences are small. Caution is required due to differences in survey methodology, mainly in survey context, data collection methods and sampling procedures. However, in the absence of a working alternative surveys do provide an indication of the scale of use. It should be acknowledged that there are limitations of surveys in estimating prevalence of the more intensive forms of drug use (e.g. heroin injection, crack use) due to the low prevalence figures, but in particular due to non-probabilistic errors (exclusion from the sampling frame, absence in household, non-response) and therefore cannot be used to obtain reliable estimates of the prevalence of these forms of use. The problem drug use (PDU) indicator provides estimates of the prevalence of, for instance, opioid use and injecting drug use to complement the GPS. - In the case of adults, but even more so in the case of youth, the age ranges used to report results might have an influence on the results of prevalence estimates. Most countries use the EMCDDA-recommended age ranges (see above). However, different age ranges are occasionally used. If wider age ranges are used (e.g. 12–75 years) prevalence estimates tend to be lower because illegal drug use is relatively low at older ages. If narrower, younger age ranges are used (e.g. 18–49), estimates will tend to be higher because drug use is concentrated among young adults. - The behaviours that are investigated retrospectively have the limitations of self-reports (concealment) and memory biases when survey participants are recalling past events. - Countries conduct national surveys at different time intervals (years and months). The dates of the surveys should be considered when making comparisons between countries. - Basic information on the survey methods adopted by each country has been compiled to aid interpretation. This includes the context, the sampling frame, the response rate of the most recent survey and other relevant information. Cross-referencing with EMCDDA and other data collections is recommended. For further information please refer to the following: - Handbook for surveys on drug use among the general population - The GPS web page - National reports - Data collection template - National methods and definitions — forthcoming. Awaiting final validation. - Youth and schools surveys: methods and definitions (1) The EMCDDA publishes a detailed Handbook, which includes the European Model Questionnaire (EMQ), holds annual meetings of both experts and data providers, provides direct assistance to data providers, and monitors and reviews the academic literature. Further information is available on the EMCDDA website (see ‘Key links’).
World Religions: Christianity By: Carmela Hollin. The cross is the central symbol for Christianity. Some Christians wear them on their clothes or around their necks on necklaces. They are most seen on churches. Above is a picture of a church. A church is where Christians go to worship God. In Christianity, you only worship one god, named God. Christianity all started when Jesus Christ, the son of God, was born. The Holy Bible is a scared writing Christians use.
Written by leading scholars, the Focus On essays are designed to stimulate thought and enhance understanding of vital aspects of the Islamic world. New essays on specific themes, with links to related content within the site for further reading, are pub-lished throughout the course of the year. All visitors to Oxford Islamic Studies Online can access these es-says, but related content links in Previous Features are available to subscribers only. Join the discussion: If you have a question related to the topic explored in a Focus On article, please email your inquiry to the editor of Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Selected questions and the author's replies will be posted in our Focus On Forum in tandem with site updates. The Jefferson Qur'an Alexandra Méav Jerome The College of William and Mary On December 9th, 1805, Thomas Jefferson hosted the United States' first iftar at the White House. It was an unintentional event, one that occurred as a result of Jefferson's scheduled meeting with an invited envoy from the Tunisian government. It was the end of the first Barbary War, and Jefferson was anxious to establish better diplomatic relations with the North African states while ensuring the security of American interests in the Mediterranean. Upon being informed of the envoy's fasting to observe the Islamic month of Ramadan, Jefferson had the mealtime at the White House changed from 3:30 in the afternoon to "precisely at sunset" in an effort to accommodate his guest. This gesture on behalf of the president was not simply a diplomatic one, but one that demonstrated Jefferson's familiarity and comfort with Islam, a faith that interested him since his time as a student at the College of William & Mary. Indeed, Jefferson's interest in the Qur'an and his own study of Arabic led to his active promotion and eventual creation of an Oriental Languages department at his alma mater. As a scholar and a diplomat, Jefferson was keenly aware and interested in the world outside of America and the importance of cultural and intellectual capital to the success of the United States. In studying his Qur'an and the documents that he produced as a part of his nation-building efforts, we see just how Jefferson deployed his knowledge and perhaps how influential Islam was to of one of the nation's founding fathers. Early American Interest in Islam American interest in Islam and the Qur'an did not begin with Thomas Jefferson's serendipitous purchase of a Qur'an while a student, but dates as far back as the nation's Puritan forefathers. The firebrand preacher Cotton Mather is said to have devoured books written about the Ottoman Empire and referenced the Qur'an on numerous occasions. Benjamin Franklin, parodying a North African pirate addressing a colonial audience in the 17th century asked his audience, "Is it worse to follow Mahomet than the Devil?"i, a question it seems he did not receive an answer to from amongst his many readers. Even John Adams knew enough of Islam to discuss it.ii In fact, Adam, like many early Americans, from German immigrants to Pennsylvania to our founding fathers, owned copies of the Qur'an.iii Although it may surprise many contemporary Americans that the Puritans read outside the gospel and Franklin and Adams were well-versed in the diversity of the world's faiths, these were men who had a profound and insatiable intellectual curiosity and political genius in that they understood, collectively, that this knowledge was essential to the success of the early colonies as well as to the establishment of a sovereign and sustainable nation state. Unsurprisingly, given his reputation as a voracious reader and humanist, Jefferson was perhaps the most attuned to this necessity of learning about world religions and the social systems and governments that they created. Indeed, it is really through Jefferson, more than any other early American statesman, that we understand the early importance and impact of Islam upon the new republic. Jefferson purchased his copy of George Sale's translation of the Qur'an at a bookseller on Duke of Gloucester Street while completing his legal studies at The College of William and Mary. This translation of the Qur'an, the best transcribed into English up to that moment, was prefaced with Sale's own introduction: If the religious and civil Institutions of foreign nations are worth our knowledge, those of Mohammed, the lawgiver of the Arabians, and founder of an empire which in less than a century spread itself over a greater part of the world than the Romans were ever masters of, must needs be so.iv Sale was also a lawyer and his introduction to the Qur'an as a law book is important for understanding how Jefferson read and related to the Qur'an. Sale placed a heavy emphasis on the notion of Quranic exegesis, treating the Qur'an as it was: a sourcebook for Islamic law. A further influence on Jefferson's treatment of the Qur'an during his legal studies came from the work of Samuel von Pufendorf, a 17th century German legal scholar whose Of the Law of Nature and Nations, was the preeminent work on comparative law during the period that Jefferson was studying law. In his work, von Pufendorf cites Islam, usually disapprovingly but also with a characteristically rigid, moralistic Protestant worldview, which sometimes unexpectedly lent itself to praise of the Qur'an. He praises Islam vis-à-vis the Qur'an for its laws against games of chance; its emphasis on moral behavior and dress, and the encouragement to establish peace amongst nations.v European legal scholars, as well as for Jefferson, found it difficult to completely discount the contents of the Qur'an. Continuously mining for reasons to critique and discredit Islam, there were occasions where scholars praised Islam, particularly in its stringent prescriptions for morality and justice.vi There is little doubt that Jefferson was influenced by not only von Pufendorf's writing and his legal study, but also in the context of Deism and the American Revolution. The Law, Deism, and the Qur'an There are two ways in which Jefferson understood the Qur'an; the first is as a law book. As a legal document, the Qur'an, together with the Hadith and Sunnah, are the scaffolding upon which the Shari'a or Islamic Law is erected. Jefferson understood this implicitly about the Qur'an, probably as a result of his own legal training. In this legalistic understanding of the Qur'an, he was able to probe the text for information for his diplomatic endeavors, particularly those involving the Barbary States. However, there was a second means by which Jefferson understood the Qur'an and that is through his adherence to Deism. A slightly heretical view to possess in Christendom, Deism espoused the idea that there is a single all-powerful creator (God, Allah, etc.), but that this creator does not intervene in or manipulate human affairs. The deistic view of religion is firmly rooted in natural rather than supernatural law. Jefferson, educated amongst the intellectual elite of the Enlightenment, was very much taken with Deism's ideas and became one of its many 18th century followers. Of the many tenets of Deism, the one that is most consistent with Islamic belief is the rejection of the Trinity. As the Qur'an emphatically states: "Those people who say that God is the third of three are defying [the truth]: there is only One God (Qur'an 5:72)."vii For Jefferson and other Deists, this core aspect of Islamic belief made Islam marginally more relatable than Christianity. In his analysis of the Qur'an, Jefferson did not follow the precedent set by the so'called "Jefferson Bible," in which Jefferson chose a copy of the Bible from his library and enacted a "Deist approach" to the text by literally removing every supernatural or otherwise scientifically unsound event with a razor blade. Happily, he left his copy of the Qur'an completely intact. If we examine how Jefferson read the Qur'an, we can see where, in contrast to the literal removal of everything that was antithetical to Deism as in the Jefferson Bible, Jefferson did feel the need to perform an intellectual autopsy on the Qur'an, perhaps because the Qur'an is relatively light on miracles, compared to the Bible. For whatever reason, Jefferson refrained from disemboweling his Qur'an and instead put it to good use in both state-building and the fledgling America's relationship with the Middle East. During the periods when Jefferson was not using his copy of the Qur'an to study for legal or political purposes, the text was housed in his library at Monticello. Jefferson's methodology for organizing his books was of his own rendering, essentially storing the titles on shelves according to their topics and—in the case of religion—where he felt that the faith they represented figured into the grand scheme of the universe. At first glance, it appears that Jefferson ordered his books chronologically from Pagan (Greek mythology) to Christian. However, Jefferson placed the Qur'an immediately following texts on Greek mythology, but before copies of the Bible, and copies of the Old and New Testament. Some scholars argue that Jefferson's placement of the Qur'an indicates that he considered Islam to be an improvement over Paganism, but still ranked below Judaism and Christianity.viii Does this provide any insight into what Jefferson really thought about Islam—that, despite his pluralistic worldview, Jefferson's sympathies truly lay with Christianity? This may be partially the truth, but there is more to Jefferson's logic. Early copies of the Qur'an, such as those acquired by Adams, Jefferson and others, often included brief histories or introductions to the text as a means of giving early Orientalists and curious readers some context. If we think about Jefferson's interest in historical precedent and culture in relation to religious belief and practice, his placement of the Qur'an ahead of the Judeo-Christian scriptures seems logical. One way that Jefferson may have approached his ranking of texts involves comparing pre-Islamic practices with those of Islam. In his study, Jefferson may have examined how much was appropriated from pre-monotheistic traditions into each of the three Abrahamic faiths, thereby establishing degrees of removal from what he considered to be Paganism. Islam indeed incorporated some aspects of pre-Islamic practice and converted them into Islamic ones, or in Islamic understanding, re-dedicated them to monotheism. For example, pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca pre-existed Muhammad. Muslims believe that the sanctuary had originally been built by Abraham and dedicated to what was believed to be the only god, but that gradually people had developed beliefs in other gods and placed their icons in the Kaaba. Muslims believe that Muhammad cleared these idols from the Kaaba and rededicated it to God. By contrast, Christianity may have appeared to Jefferson to have fewer pre-monotheistic elements. For that reason, Jefferson may have considered Christianity to be superior to Islam. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Qur'an Whether or not Jefferson was also familiar with the Constitution of Medina—the document dictated by Muhammad to govern relations among the diverse Muslim and Jewish tribes in Medina—is unknown. As legislative documents, there are similarities between the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Qur'an. Some of the contents of the Constitution of Medina, particularly in the inclusion of the unification and protection of a people regardless of creed under the government, equal rights, and protection of religious groups, are articulated in both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Did the contents of the Qur'an and perhaps even the Constitution of Medina influence Jefferson when he authored the two most important documents in American history? The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution contain similar clauses on some topics. The Constitution of Medina states: "The Jews shall maintain their own religion and the Muslims theirs...The close friends of Jews are as themselves" and "those who followed them and joined them and struggled with them. They form one and the same community" in solidarity against their enemies. Finally, the conclusion of the Constitution states, "Strangers, under protection, shall be treated on the same ground as their protectors; but no stranger shall be taken under protection except with consent of his tribe...No woman shall be taken under protection without the consent of her family." ix If Jefferson was familiar with the Constitution of Medina, the document may have influenced his inclusion in the Declaration of Independence of the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," an almost dogmatic belief in American culture.x Reflections of the Constitution of Medina and the Qur'an can also be discerned from the U.S. Constitution. The first Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of religion, was originally called the "Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom." In his autobiography, Jefferson recounted that the contents of the bill and that he was emphatic that the language of the bill should name precisely the groups protected, writing that "the Jew, the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo, and infidel of every [emphasis mine] denomination" should be protected under the law.xi Despite not knowing what Jefferson's familiarity may have been with the Constitution of Medina, we can still see the influence of certain elements of its teaching within the Qur'an, in particular Surah 2:62: "Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."xii The interpretation of this verse is traditionally that those who are members of the Abrahamic family of faiths are protected from both spiritual and social persecution. Did Jefferson find inspiration in this surah? Perhaps. In 1788, when the states voted to ratify the Constitution, the issue of non-Christian identification was part of the debate. In particular, a lively debate was conducted over Article VI, Section 3 which states that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."xiii A similar clause appears in the Constitution of Medina, where loyalty to the state is not tested by religious affiliation but by demonstrated loyalty and that demonstration guarantees the protection of the tribe or state. In North Carolina, delegates debated the amendment deploying the hypothetical situation of a Muslim president.xiv Whether or not Jefferson was influenced by the Constitution of Medina or his study of the Qur'an in authoring either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, we may never know. But we can conjecture that his understanding of Islam and other world religions, compounded with his remarkable education at the College of William and Mary, which was informed intellectually by the Enlightenment, shaped his crafting of American national pride. The Barbary Wars In 1786, while Jefferson was serving as the United States Ambassador to France, the issue of piracy in the Mediterranean became the most serious economic threat to the newly established United States. Independence from Great Britain had had economic consequences abroad. This was before international law had established protections for territorial waters, so if a ship sailed into range from a country with which the local government had no treaty, it was generally assumed to be hostile and therefore subject to attack. While America was still a group of colonies of the British Crown, its ships were protected because the Crown had such a treaty and paid an annual tribute to the government in Tripoli to protect its interests. But with the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. lost the protection of both the royal coffers and the royal navy, making travel and trade a precarious endeavor around the coast of the Maghreb. Pirates from the modern-day states of Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia attacked American merchant ships trading in the region with abandon. Jefferson, together with his contemporary, John Adams, who was then serving as the Ambassador to England, met with the Ambassador from Tripoli, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, in an attempt to understand why American ships were being attacked and Americans being taken hostage. In a report to the then Secretary of State John Jay, Jefferson cites the Ambassador as saying: It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.xv Scholars recognize the ambassador's paraphrasing of the "Sword Verse" (Surah 9:5), as the Qur'anic passage sometimes used to justify jihad is popularly known. The document is an excellent summation of the pirate's motivations. It may also be read as an eerie foreshadowing of the rationale claimed by some terrorists today. But Jefferson's understanding of the Qur'an resulted in a very different outcome from today's Global War on Terror. The 1796 Treaty of Tripoli was Congress's response to the pirating of American ships in the Mediterranean. Drafted by Jefferson's friend and colleague, Joel Barlow, the treaty stated emphatically that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility of Musselmen."xvi Nearly two hundred years before the State Department found it necessary to delve into the Qur'an, Jefferson had already done so to great effect. Jefferson again engaged with the Barbary Pirates as President between 1801 and 1805, during the first of what would become known as the Barbary Wars. Politically, this would be one of his last diplomatic engagements with Islam where he utilized his knowledge of the Qur'an for the benefit of the United States. At the conclusion of the first Barbary War, with the United States procuring its first victory on foreign shores, a temporary peace was reached and Jefferson extended an invitation to the Tunisian Ambassador in Washington to attend dinner at the White House. The invitation happened to fall in the month of Ramadan, and so dinner was rescheduled and became the White House's first iftar. This iftar that marked the conclusion of 1805 and the treaty with at least one of the Barbary States was a symbolic conclusion to Jefferson's documented and known use of the Qur'an and his knowledge of Islam. Surely both Jefferson and his guest could appreciate the breaking of the Ramadan fast, a reward of nourishment after a day of reflection and struggle for personal betterment. The Legacy of Jefferson's Qur'an Thomas Jefferson rarely spoke on the topic of religion and did not leave us any written record of his opinion of Islam. But, based on how he used the Qur'an politically, we can conjecture about his attitudes toward what his colleague George Washington called "the children of the Stock of Abraham."xvii He was certainly sympathetic to Islam and to those in the borderlands of the Christian West, but he was also keenly aware of the effect of scripture, whether Biblical or Quranic, on the politics, motivations, and aspirations of nations and empires. At the same time, Jefferson was perhaps influenced by the moral, humanitarian elements of the Qur'an and, as mentioned above, the Constitution of Medina, which may have accompanied his study of Islam. We may never truly know what Jefferson thought about Islam, but what we do know is that the Qur'an served not simply as an exotic book occupying the shelves of Jefferson's Monticello or Adams's Peacefield; on the contrary, the founding fathers knew about Islam, and they thrust themselves into the necessity of knowing. If we excavate the volumes of documents authored by Jefferson and his contemporaries in the early days of the new republic, we find moments wherein Jefferson's Qur'an may well have even influenced the founding, shaping, and sustenance of a newly sovereign nation. - Hayes, Kevin J. "How Thomas Jefferson Read the Qur'an," Early American Literature 39:2 (2004): 247-261. - Hitchens, Christopher. "Jefferson's Qur'an: What the founder really thought about Islam," Salon, Jan. 9, 2007 (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/fighting_words/2007/01/jeffersons_quran.html). - Kidd, Thomas S. "Is it worse to follow Mahomet than the Devil?," Church History 72:4 (December 2003): 766-790. - Prange, Sebastian R. "Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an," Saudi Aramco World, July/August 2011, 2-7. - The Constitution of Medina, http://www.constitution.org/cons/medina/macharter.htm [Original Source: Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, trans. A. Guillaume (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1955)] (February 2, 2012). - The United States Constitution, http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html [Original Source: National Archives, Washington, D.C., 1787)] (Feburary 2, 2012). - The Declaration of Independence, http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html [Original Source: National Archives, Washington, D.C., 1776)] (February 2, 2012). - The Koran, Commonly Called the Alkoran of Mohammed, trans. George Sale (London: 1734) - The Sublime Qur'an, trans. Laleh Bakhtiar (Chicago: Kazi Publications, 2007) - Widmer, Ted. "People of the Book, the True History of the Koran in America," Boston Globe, Sept. 12, 2010 (http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2010/09/12/the_true_history_of_the_koran_in_america/) iThomas S. Kidd, "Is it worse to follow Mahomet than the Devil?," Church History 72:4 (December 2003): 766-790. iiTed Widmer, "People of the Book, the True History of the Koran in America," Boston Globe, Sept. 12, 2010 (http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2010/09/12/the_true_history_of_the_koran_in_america/). iiiThe Boston Globe, Sept. 12, 2010. ivThe Koran, Commonly Called the Alkoran of Mohammed, trans. George Sale (London: 1734). vKevin J. Hayes, "How Thomas Jefferson Read the Qur'an," Early American Literature 39:2 (2004): 247-261. viiThe Sublime Qur'an, trans. Laleh Bakhtiar (Chicago: Kazi Publications, 2007). ixThe Constitution of Medina, http://www.constitution.org/cons/medina/macharter.htm. [Original Source: Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, trans. A. Guillaume (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1955)] (February 2, 2012). xThe Declaration of Independence, http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html [Original Source: National Archives, Washington, D.C., 1776)] (February 2, 2012). xiiThe Sublime Qur'an, Surah 2:62. xiiiThe United States Constitution, http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html [Original Source: National Archives, Washington, D.C., 1787)] (Feburary 2, 2012). xivSebastian R. Prange, "Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an," Saudi Aramco World, July/August 2011, 2-7. xviChristopher Hitchens, "Jefferson's Qur'an: What the founder really thought about Islam," Salon, Jan. 9, 2007 (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/fighting_words/2007/01/jeffersons_quran.html). xviiThe Boston Globe, Sept. 12, 2010.
“Okini” is a dialect word widely used in the Kansai region, mainly in Kyoto and Osaka. It means “thank you” and is used as a light greeting. Originally, it appeared in the form of “okini- (very much) arigato (thank you).” However, it is thought that “arigato” was omitted and the first half alone came to include the meaning of “thank you.” Thus, the English translation of “okini” is “thank you.” Originally, “okini” itself was an adverb meaning “very” or “largely.” Its origin is the standard Japanese word “okii,” meaning “big” or “large.” However, if you hear “okini” in general in the Kyoto and Osaka region, you can take it as a dialect word meaning “thank you.” So, what do people in Kyoto say when someone says “okini” to them? This depends on the person to whom you are addressing. However, “Nani osshatte okureyasu” is very Kyoto-like. It means “What are you saying for me?” There’s also “Messoumonai” (“Not at all”). These are the Kyoto dialect words for “You are welcome.” Also, people in Kyoto consider a person who refuses someone’s offer to be cold or harsh. They tend to omit the words of refusal. Therefore, when they say “okini,” it could mean “Thank you but” – in other words, “No, thank you,” which can be quite confusing. In Kyoto, people’s indirect ways of saying things can be confusing for people from elsewhere. People in Kyoto will say, “You have a nice watch,” when they want you to leave; they are implying that you should take a look at your watch and see what time it is. When a next-door neighbor in Kyoto says, “Your child is an excellent piano player,” what he means is, “We hear your child playing piano even at our house and it is bothering us. Can you do something about it?” While “okini” is used in Osaka, the Kyoto area, and possibly part of Fukuoka, “arigato” is used in the rest of Japan. “Arigato” is a standard Japanese and Tokyo dialect word. If people in Tokyo hear someone say, “okini,” they will know that he or she is from the Osaka/Kyoto region.
What Happens During a Public Health Emergency If a disease outbreak, bioterrorism attack, or natural disaster happens in New Jersey, thousands, possibly millions, of people will need medical attention to treat or prevent the spread of disease. Local medical supplies and medications will be used quickly during such a public health emergency. The Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), a federal government program that provides medication and medical supplies to states during an emergency, helps meet the need for additional supplies by quickly delivering large quantities of critical emergency medicines and supplies to states that request them. Assistance for New Jersey and Your Community In the event of a disaster, outbreak, or attack, our governor will ask the federal government to send Strategic National Stockpile shipments to New Jersey. Once help is approved, the Strategic National Stockpile will fill the request from storage facilities located around the country. Supplies can be delivered to any state within 12 hours of the request. Depending on the type of emergency, the Strategic National Stockpile will deliver antibiotics, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, and/or other medical or surgical items. Additional drugs and/or medical supplies can be supplied within the following 24 to 36 hours. When Strategic National Stockpile shipments are received, they will immediately be delivered directly to the communities that need them. Medication Centers/Points of Distribution Sites Cities and towns in New Jersey will set up emergency medication centers, also known as points of distribution sites (PODS), where people can pick up the emergency medications or receive vaccinations. Medication centers will be located in large public buildings such as schools, arenas, or churches in several geographic areas to minimize the amount of time people need to travel to reach them. Local public health agencies will announce when medication centers will open, where to find them, how to get there, what to bring, and what to expect. You will be able to get this important information from sources that include: • Television and radio news and newspapers • State and local public health and emergency management websites and social media sites • Community, civic, and religious organizations Local governments are responsible for determining the location of medication centers in their areas. In many cases these sites will not be made public until an emergency occurs. Not all medication center sites will be used for every emergency, so it is important to check the resources listed above for current information in the event of an emergency. If medication centers are opened to distribute medicine from the Strategic National Stockpile, there will be no charge to the public, and you will not need to provide identification. Trained staff will assist you at the medication center through a simple process. Depending on the type of emergency, one person may be asked to pick up medications for a household or group. Testing the distribution plan The Mercer County Division of Health has a Points of Distribution plan that is evaluated frequently through drills and exercises. The purposes of these exercises are to train staff and volunteers to respond to emergencies and to apply lessons learned via the exercises to improve our plans to better serve the residents of Mercer County.
What's the Difference between "Expand" Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses = to become bigger in size or importance. - "His business expanded greatly throughout the - "Balloons expand when you blow into them." - "Our little class has expanded into a big also means to make something else bigger in size or importance. - "He wants to expand his vocabulary." - "The government is going to expand the - "They will expand the short movie into a The word "expend" has a completely different meaning… = to use a lot of time, money, energy, etc. - "James has expended all his efforts to help his family get out of debt." - "Beth has expended huge amounts of money to build her dream house." - "We have expended a lot of time and money on promoting our products." In summary, to expand is to grow, and to expend is to use.
Meltpond2000 is the first in a series of Arctic and Antarctic aircraft campaigns planned as part of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua sea ice validation program for the EOS Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E). This prelaunch Arctic field campaign was carried out between June 25 and July 6, 2000 from Thule, Greenland with the objective of quantifying the errors incurred by the AMSR-E sea ice algorithms resulting from the presence of melt ponds. A secondary objective of the mission was to develop a microwave capability to discriminate between melt ponds and seawater using low-frequency microwave radiometers. Meltpond2000 was a multiagency effort involving personnel from the Navy, NOAA, and NASA. The field component of the mission consisted of making five 8-hour flights from Thule Air Base, Greenland with a Naval Air Warfare Center P-3 aircraft over portions of Baffin Bay and the Canadian Arctic. The aircraft sensors were provided and operated by the Microwave Radiometry Group of NOAA's Environmental Technology Laboratory. A Navy ice observer with the National Ice Center provided visual documentation of surface ice conditions during each of the flights. Two of the five flights were coordinated with Canadian scientists making surface measurements of melt ponds at an ice camp located near Resolute Bay, Canada. Coordination with the Canadians will provide additional information on surface characteristics and will be of great value in the interpretation of the aircraft and high-resolution satellite data sets. (click here to go back to projects page) 3D Fly-Through Animations These animations show data from various satellite and aircraft sensors (SSMI, AVHRR, Landsat, MODIS, NOAA Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer) on June 27, 2000 along with digital elevation and bathymetric data for the Baffin Bay area of the Meltpond2000 flights. The SSMI Sea Ice Concentration was derived from SSMI brightness temperatures (obtained from NSIDC) using the NASA Team sea ice algoritm. The AVHRR data was obtained from NOAA's Satellite Active Archive as swath data. The Landsat scenes were purchased from the USGS. The PSR instrument data was obtained during the Meltpond2000 expedition. The MODIS data was obtained through the EOS Data Gateway. The elevation data is from the USGS GTOPO30 global digital elevation model. This was combined with bathymetric data from NOAA to form the 3D elevation grid over which the other data sets were draped. Each of the data sets initially had a different resolution and projection. ||0.5 - 1 km |USGS GTOPO30 DEM ||30 arcsecond (~ 1km) These were reprojected and regridded onto a common 500 m polar stereographic (click on images to view the larger versions) These are a few frames from the 3D fly-through animations showing the Meltpond2000 location with digital elevation data along with the AVHRR, Landsat and MODIS satellite data.
From the days of St. Jerome, when pilgrims first began the attempt to identify sites hallowed by sacred events, Mount Tabor has, until recent years, been regarded as the Mount of the Transfiguration. But closer examination of the text and comparison of dates, and the fact that Tabor itself was at that time the site of a fortified town containing a Roman garrison, combine in this instance to discredit tradition. One of the spurs of Herman must therefore be the alternative and more probable scene of the Transfiguration; the seclusion of this district of mountain, valley, and woodland providing opportunity for contemplation, and preparation for the end which was now imminent, “the decease which Jesus was to accomplish at Jerusalem". And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him. And, behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him. And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not. And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither. And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.—St. Luke ix: 37-42. * * * * * NOTE BY THE ARTIST The picture gives an average representation of the outskirts of a village in Northern Palestine, with its sordid, untidy, mud-built houses, on the roofs of which are seen the reed booths or Succoth, occupied by the inhabitants during the oppressive heats of summer. The snow-capped ridge of Hermon is indicated in the distance. Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman ...; and when they had set her in the midst. They say unto him, ... Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it,
Solar Panel Output: What’s the Average, and How Do They Differ? Among the top ten manufacturers, the average watts per panel is about 200…. but what’s a watt? The (technical) basics: what’s a watt? Wattage (the amount of electric power) is calculated by multiplying a solar panel’s voltage by the amps of current it produces. Each solar cell will produce a voltage of about 0.5 volts, whether it’s big or small. By attaching single cells together in a series, you can create a higher voltage. Amps, on the other hand, do vary based on size, so the bigger the cell, the more amps you’ll get. Connecting cells in parallel also creates more amps of current. What’s a watt-peak (Wp)? This number represents the maximum amount of energy the panel can pump out on an ideal day, i.e., early afternoon on a sunny summer day. The actual wattage the panels produce on an ordinary day will vary depending on how much sunshine is reaching your roof. Cloudiness or fogginess is one factor, the season is another factor (since it affects the height of the sun in the sky and the number of daylight hours), and the time of day also matters. The angle of the panels also affects how much sun they get, and how much power they can produce. The watt-peak is just a reference point you can use to compare various solar panels. It’s calculated in solar panel manufacturing facilities using industry standards. What are typical wattages? The average solar panels have watt-peaks ranging from about 175 W to about 235 W, with an exceptionally powerful solar panel measuring 315 W. Among the top ten manufacturers, the average wattage of a panel is about 200 W. Does it matter which brand of solar panel you choose? Brand name doesn’t matter too much. All of the solar installers that PURE chooses through our careful vetting process use high quality solar panels from a variety of manufacturers. As one installer said in the Wall Street Journal, “Because Suntech, Sharp and all these panel manufacturers have such great technology and the quality is superb, it doesn’t really matter which module you use.” But even if brand doesn’t matter, a particular type of panel might be better suited for your roof. If your roof is partially shaded, a certain type of panel will be best for you. The type of roof you have and the amount of space are also issues that can help your installer decide which solar panels to recommend. Which solar panels are used in PURE campaigns? The installers we work with will choose the solar panels they think are best. In most campaigns, a few different choices of solar panels are available. Installers often offer SunPower panels as an option for roofs with less space. SunPower panels are more expensive, but they’re also much more efficient, meaning they can provide more power in a smaller area. By Dave Llorens
Energy consumption calculator. kWh calculator. So The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day is equal to the power P in watts (W) times number of usage hours per day t divided by 1000 watts per kilowatt. E(kWh/day) = P(W) × t(h/day) / 1000(W/kW) Our Energy Consumption conversion allows the users to Calculate Energy Consumption. Some of the prominent features of this utility are explained below. You don’t need to go through any registration process to use the Energy Consumption converter. Using this utility, you can convert Energy Consumption as many times as you want for free. This Energy Consumption Calculator offers users the fastest conversion. Once the user enters the Energy Consumption values in the input field and clicks the Convert button, the utility will start the conversion process and return the results immediately. The manual procedure of Calculator Energy Consumption isn’t an easy task. You must spend a lot of time and effort to complete this task. The Energy Consumption Calculator allows you to complete the same task immediately. You will not be asked to follow manual procedures, as its automated algorithms will do the work for you. Despite investing time and effort in manual Calculation, you might not be able to get your hands on accurate results. Not everyone is good at solving math problems, even if you think you're a pro, there's still a good chance you'll get in accurate results. This situation can be smartly handled with the help of a Energy Consumption Calculator. You will be provided with 100% accurate results by this online tool. The online Energy Consumption converter perfectly works on all operating systems. Whether you have a Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, or Linux device, you can easily use this online Tool without facing any hassle. You don't need to go through any registration process to use this Energy Consumption Calculator. You can use this utility for free and do unlimited Energy Consumption conversions without any limitations.
Basic cell shape is ovoid. Things to be seen: Polykineties/ Adoral zone of membranes Bases of cirri -- tufts of cilia that are joined together and function as a single organelle. There are different types present in different quantities: Frontal bases of cirri 9 Transverse bases of cirri 5 Caudal bases of cirri 4 Polykineti / Adoral zone of membranes: Start out at the top of the cell and come down to about the center of the cell in a C shaped pattern. Outline the left side of the buccal cavity. Blue arrows in diagram below. Note: become shorter in size towards the center of the cell Located at the base of the buccal cavity where the polykineti are seen ending off. Circular in shape and is about the size of a nickel. Funnel shaped, pink arrow on diagram below. Outlined by the Adoral Zone of membranes on the left side. Ends in the cytostome. Most difficult structures to find on this organism. Try focusing up and down with the specimen. Located near where the polykinety end on the left side of the buccal cavity. Blue Arrows = Polykineties Pink Arrow = Buccal Overture Green Arrows = Alveolar Boundaries These maybe easily missed because seen as fine lines in the background. When focused properly the most common pattern resembles multiple rows of square shaped pillows all throughout the cell. Green arrows on diagram above. Frontal Bases of Cirri: Located near the anterior end of the cell on the cells right hand side. Circular in shape. Should be nine of them present, probably present in small clusters of three or four. Transverse Bases of Cirri: Five of these located centrally towards the posterior end of the cell just below the buccal cavity. Caudal Bases of Cirri: Four of these spread across the base of the cell. BACK TO CILIATES I MAIN PAGE
Drying is an operation which removes it after evaporating the moisture of an object weight from heat. About 2500kJ/kg of fusion heat which changes water into vapor should be heat transferred to a dried matter by using a certain of heating way in any case. Various objects for drying are hedged round with restrictions in each quality, and they cannot be said to be good if thinking of only the efficient supply of the heat of vaporization. That is, the most efficient heat transfer method should be considered and the improvement of the efficiency should be studied among the drying methods suitable for requirements on the quality of dry products, among restrictions of the allowable temperature related to it. Because the processing technology lags behind other nations relatively though our country has global-class aquiculture and fishing technology at present, processed marine products are mainly frozen foods, canned goods, salty food(fermented fish products), fish paste products(boiled fish paste), and we can see that high-value dehydrated foods by drying are very few. These problems are considered to be caused directly by the lack of drying technology. The drying methods performed widely throughout the present industry include an hot-air drying method by convective heat transfer, a vacuum drying by conduction or radiant heat transfer and vacuum freeze drying, infrared drying or microwave drying and ultrasonic drying using mechanically vibration energy. In particular, among these drying methods, interests in the drying methods which the regulation of the moisture contents in the material is easy as compared to other devices, which the thermal deformation of the material is less because the drying temperature is relatively lower, which the corruption and deterioration of the material that may occur during the drying process can be prevented because the oxygen concentration is very low, and which the drying time is relatively short as compared to a hot-air dryer. This paper aims at developing the localized design technology of an energy-efficient vacuum drying oven which can dry the sea cucumber with the difficult drying condition and the expected overproduction in a short time within 24 hours in a high-quality condition of more than the natural drying level. The following results were obtained in the scope of this experiment. 1. As the result of having surveyed in Hong Kong for the objective evaluation for the international product level of the sea cucumber dried in this experiment, more excellence as compared to even Japanese products called the world's best quality in the quality was realized in the actual place. 2. As the result of having measured the required electric power and the power, they were the maximum value as 4~5kW in the first stage of drying, average power of 3kW or so was required after about 4 hours, and this was confirmed to be very energy-efficient as compared to other dryers. 3. The experiment showed that the typical constant-rate drying period and falling-rate drying period exist definitely, and the weight changes during the constant-rate drying period presented the experiment results in the linear expression for the time elapsed, the weight changes during the falling-rate drying period presented the experiment results in the exponential expression which the weight gradually decreases for the time elapsed. 4. We could see that the heat transfer per unit area of the drying board after 8 hours which the drying began, namely, during constant-rate drying period, has the heat flux of 711.75~1046.70kJ/m2hr, and that also the heat flux decreases exponentially in proportion to this because the evaporation of the moisture decreases gradually during the falling-rate drying period. 5. Through a temperature change curve, temperature rising is completed if 2 hours pass after the drying begins, most moisture is evaporated if the regular active evaporation progresses for 8~9 hours, and we can see that the drying is being completed as the temperature in the sea slugs gets similar to the superficial temperature.
Apple creates revolutionary products, but there is one that won’t be available to the general public: artificial human sweat by Apple. Human Sweat By Apple Also Read: Apple Is Apparently Mad At Uber Apparently, Apple has an entire team dedicated to Skin Safety make sure products such as an Apple Watch band are not harmful to consumers or the environment. Keeping in mind the problems Fitbit had to go through because of not testing its products enough, this is a good move. But, to do this test, Apple requires a lot of sweat for use in the lab tests. So, instead of employing people to sweat for them, Apple has someone who creates lots of synthetic sweat. During the testing process, Apple uses 30 gallons of artificial human sweat annually. So when you admire the people behind the wonderful revolutionary products of Apple, do not forget to praise the person who ensures Apple products will not give you a rash. Apple even released a video on Earth Day 2017 explaining why it produces its own sweat. Apple has also vowed to stop mining for valuable materials to build iPhones. This vow could be a turning point for the mobile industry as it uses many precious resources to make phones. Also Read: Android Is Likely To Earn More App Revenue Than Apple This Year Have you ever faced any problem while using Apple products due to sweat? Let us know in the comments below!
Drinking Pattern and Beverage Type Modify Alcohol’s Effect on Risk of Coronary Disease To investigate the effect of drinking patterns on ischemic heart disease in 2 countries (Northern Ireland and France), researchers compared alcohol consumption, heavy episodic (“binge”) drinking,* regular drinking,† consumption frequency, and type of beverage consumed 1 week prior to baseline examination with 10-year risk of hard coronary events (myocardial infarction or coronary death) and angina. The sample included 9778 men from Belfast or 1 of 3 French cities. Participants were aged 50–59 and free of ischemic heart disease at baseline. - Overall, 60.5% of participants from Belfast and 90.6% from France reported drinking alcohol at least once a week. Of those who drank, 12% in Belfast drank every day compared with 75% in France. - Mean alcohol consumption was 22 g per day in Belfast and 33 g per day in France. Binge drinking was reported by 9.4% of Belfast participants and 0.5% of French participants. - The annual incidence of hard coronary events (n=322) per 1000 person-years was 5.63 in Belfast and 2.78 in France. - In adjusted analyses, compared with regular drinkers, the hazard ratio (HR) for hard coronary events was 1.97 for binge drinkers, 2.03 for never drinkers, and 1.57 for former drinkers across the sample. - Compared with participants in France, the HR for hard coronary events among Belfast participants was 1.76, which dropped to 1.09 after adjusting for drinking pattern and wine drinking. Only wine drinking was associated with a lower risk of hard coronary events, irrespective of country. †Consuming <50 g alcohol on at least 1 day per week.
Flowers, as the name clicks, brings to mind beautiful, vibrant colors along with various shapes which can just leave one bewildered! Flowers have always been man’s favorite ever since and have been always used as a symbolic representation. Be it weddings, birthday and tea parties, dinners or just the casual gatherings, flowers simply add a lovely ambiance and their freshness reaches the heart straight away. Existing in many different kinds, flowers have a subdivision of wildflowers. Wildflowers are commonly known as those flowers which are grown in the wild unintentionally, without having to plant the seed. However, several species of wildflowers aka floras exist which are available in seed packets and can be used to convert a simple meadow into an attractive and thriving habitat which is as natural as it should be! You must be wondering why you should plant wildflowers? Why do you need a natural habitat? The answer to these queries is simple! Not only wildflowers add a colorful splash to your yard, but also some floras are known to attract cute little birds including humming birds as well as butterflies. In addition to this, they are also a source of pleasure making the site appear attractive and thus, leading to increased visual interest and activity. These are quite enough to convince you to grow some of your favorite wildflowers in your yard and enjoy the after effects! First of all, before you go on to grow floras in your meadow, research a little over the types of species that exist, those which can be planted and is in no way different from the native plant that would grow in the wild. And the good news is that they are very easy to grow! Even a child can have a thriving garden provided that the child had some know-how about planting a wildflower. Once you are done with it, you can go on to grow the wildflowers. Start on with clearing the weeds. It is because weeds compete with wildflowers, and whichever reaches the top first wins. Adequate sunlight is crucial for both, but for your floras to grow properly leading to a beautiful flower bed calls for little maintenance. The secret lies in bed preparation. The bed must be weed free so the growth process of wildflowers is not hindered. This can be done by clearing the site you have chosen from all sorts of vegetation. Then comes soil preparation, which is done by cultivating and digging only to a depth of not more than one inch. Digging any deeper than that will activate the dormant weed seeds inside the soil, waiting to be grown! A good idea is to use spray before removing the existing vegetation so all the active roots are killed. Spraying process must be started at least three days before removing the weeds and can be prolonged to a period of six days when it can be restarted. The longer, the better! Once you are done with bed preparation, determine which area you live in and what is it the most suitable time for plantation. Then mix the seeds with dry sand, potting soil or vermiculite so as to even out the distribution and gently spread them using a broadcast spreader or copy that technique because spreading large portions of seeds is quite easier than spreading smaller ones. Walk in crisscross pattern while spreading the seeds. The germination period typically ranges between 6 to 28 days, so just check the varieties before you go on to plant them!
“Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet” (Acts 4:36-37). Thus we are introduced in the New Testament to Barnabas, who missionary calling and work would lead him, like the Twelve and Paul, to be called an apostle. Like Paul, he was a Jew of the Diaspora, “a native of Cyprus”. When Paul came to Jerusalem after his conversion, the disciples were afraid to receive him. But Barnabas brought Paul to the Twelve and declared to them how, on the road to Damascus, Paul had seen the Lord, and how Paul had preached boldly in the name of Jesus (Acts 10:27). Later, having settled in Antioch, Barnabas sent for Paul to join him in leading the community of believers (where they were first called, Christians) in that city. Barnabas and Paul were sent by the church in Antioch to carry famine relief to the church in Jerusalem. Upon their return, the church in Antioch commissioned and sent them on their first missionary journey, which began in Cyprus. At Lystra in Asia Minor, the superstitious inhabitants mistook them for gods, supposing Paul to be Hermes, the messenger of the gods, and Barnabas to be Zeus, the ruler of the gods, a testimony to what must have been his commanding presence. The missionary association between Paul and Barnabas was broken, after this first journey, by a disagreement over Mark, who had prematurely left the mission to return to Jerusalem. After attending the council of apostles and elders in Jerusalem with Barnabas, Paul made a return visit to the churches that he and Barnabas had founded in Asia Minor. Barnabas and Mark went to Cyprus, where Barnabas is traditionally honored as the founder of the Church in that place. Judging from evidence in Paul’s letters to the Galatians, the Corinthians, and the Colossians, Barnabas continued his evangelistic journeys after the Cypriot mission. According to tradition, Barnabas was martyred at Salamis in Cyprus. prepared from Lesser Feasts and Fasts (1980), with amendments Grant, O God, that we may follow the example of your faithful servant Barnabas, who, seeking not his own renown but the wellbeing of your Church, gave generously of his life and substance for the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. The First Lesson Thus says God, the Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it: “I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. I am the Lord; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols. Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that fills it, the coastlands and their inhabitants. Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar inhabits; let the habitants of Sela sing for joy, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let them give glory to the Lord, and declare his praise in the coastlands. Happy are they who fear the Lord * and have great delight in his commandments! Their descendants will be mighty in the land; * the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in their house, * and their righteousness will last for ever. Light shines in the darkness for the upright; * the righteous are merciful and full of compassion. It is good for them to be generous in lending * and to manage their affairs with justice. For they will never be shaken; * the righteous will be kept in everlasting remembrance. They will not be afraid of any evil rumors; * their heart is right; they put their trust in the Lord. Their heart is established and will not shrink, * until they see their desire upon their enemies. They have given freely to the poor, * and their righteousness stands fast for ever; they will hold up their head with honor. The wicked will see it and be angry; they will gnash their teeth and pine away; * the desires of the wicked will perish. The Second Lesson Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3 Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews. But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord. The report of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose, for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord. So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. And one of them named Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world (this took place in the days of Claudius). So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea. And they did so, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay. Acquire no gold nor silver nor copper for your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics nor sandals nor a staff, for the laborer deserves his food. And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart. As you enter the house, greet it. And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it, but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town. Truly, I say to you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. The Lessons and Gospel are taken from the English Standard Version Bible. The Collect and Psalm are taken from the Book of Common Prayer (1979). The icon of Saint Barnabas is taken from the website of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery.
Young Amy Mainzer was one of the few children who looked forward to a trip to the dentist. In those pre-internet times, the waiting room was one of the few places she could read about NASA's Voyager missions. "Information was hard to come by back in the day," said the now-grown Mainzer, an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. "I remember I would wait to go to the dentist's office so I could see National Geographic magazine and find the pictures in there." Pint-size Amy would have adored "Ready Jet Go!" — a computer-animated series for kids ages 3 to 8 that heads into its second season on PBS today (April 2). The show revolves around the adventures of Jet Propulsion, a humanoid alien from the planet Bortron 7, and his gaggle of friends as they skip through the solar system learning about science and astronomy. [The Best Space Gifts for Kids] "This is a show I wish I had when I was a kid, when I was that age," said Mainzer, who serves as science consultant for "Ready Jet Go!" She also hosts short educational interludes, known as "interstitials," between each episode's two segments. Despite the fantastical elements of the show — Jet and his pals might bounce around the craters of the moon, make a pit stop at Saturn's icy moon of Enceladus or dig around the Earth's core — the science behind the stories is solid. That's the point, Mainzer said. "Science informs our everyday lives, each and every moment, whether we know it or not," Mainzer said. "Our goal is to give kids the beginnings of the understanding of some of the fundamental laws of physics that are at work and that govern everything around us." Science, Mainzer added, gives us critical tools for survival. It allows us to understand how things work, which is essential for living on planet Earth, whether you're a human or a strange visitor from Bortron 7. You don't have to talk down to kids to pique their interest, either, Mainzer said. As far as she is concerned, she said, children are already scientists — they just don't know it yet. "When they are out playing in the yard or looking at insects or playing with rocks, that is science," she said. "Trying to understand how something works and what it does — that's science." "Ready Jet Go!" helps kids put a name to phenomena they're likely already familiar with, Mainzer added. The show also exposes them to other aspects of science that they might not have observed yet. Engaging in the discovery process can also be fun, she said. "It's like watching a fabulous movie that has a really interesting plot and you just have to keep watching it," Mainzer said. "That's how I feel about science." In Season 2, the show will dive into basic physics and Earth science concepts, such as simple machines, electromagnetism, weather and states of matter. Jet and his gang will build a Rube Goldberg machine, reverse-engineer a shrink ray and experience all four seasons in a single day. They'll also dabble in comparative planetology, investigating questions like these: What differentiates the planets in our solar system? What ingredients does a planet need to support life? What makes Earth so unique anyway? "I hope that the show gets to give kids a little bit of the flavor of just how special and wonderful planet Earth really is," Mainzer said, "especially when you look around at all the other planets that are out there." "Ready Jet Go!" is available to watch, for free, via the PBS Kids Video app. "We're really excited about making this show freely available with all of its great science content," Mainzer said. "We want to get this show out to as many different kids as possible — all over the world, ideally."
- Life Science - Flow cytometry - Integrated Solutions - Knowledge Centre - Clinic & Laboratory Sysmex Group Companies Select your local website Nucleated red blood cells – NRBC Why count NRBC? Nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) have a size and nucleus similar to that of lymphocytes. As a result, many haematology analysers misclassify NRBC and produce a wrong total white blood cell (WBC) and lymphocyte count. Usually flagged for microscopic analysis, you now have to count the NRBC in the blood film manually and mathematically correct the total white blood cell and lymphocyte count. This is a costly, tedious and error-prone procedure. That’s the positive scenario. If the sample is not flagged, the NRBC may remain undetected and the total white blood cell and the lymphocyte count may be wrongly elevated. Many still think automated NRBC measurement is no more than a way of correcting these counts. Yet the clinical value of measuring NRBC goes far beyond error correction. NRBC counts have an important clinical value NRBCs are seen as a reflection of extreme increases in erythropoietic activity. Perhaps acute haemolytic episodes and severe hypoxic stress, or as a result of a haematological malignancy. This includes many leukaemias and myelodysplastic syndromes, and some kinds of lymphoma. NRBC can also be present in thalassaemia syndromes, bone marrow metastases of solid tumours, extramedullary haematopoiesis and other conditions of haematopoietic stress such as sepsis, or massive haemorrhages. In these situations, their presence is highly correlated with the severity of the disease. It has been observed that the entity and duration of the presence of NRBC in peripheral blood is associated with a poor prognosis in several haematological and non-haematological diseases. Sysmex’s NRBC count is reliable Sysmex’s analysers provide a sophisticated NRBC count that is accurate for both high and low counts. This accuracy is needed because: - In neonate blood samples and others with high NRBC counts the WBC count needs to be corrected - In adult blood samples even a very low NRBC count can be meaningful. Since we use a separate reagent for NRBC detection, we actually count the cells instead of estimating them. The NRBC count is fast and inexpensive and on our flagship XN analysers is included in every measurement. On our X-Class analysers it is performed when needed. NRBC are reported in % (per 100 WBC) and # (per µL). Who benefits from using NRBC? - Patients from the neonatology or paediatric departments or from private paediatric practices NRBC counts are used frequently for newborns and young infants. In those patients, NRBCs can occur physiologically in high numbers - up to 100 NRBC/100 WBC are possible in premature babies - and are used to correct WBC numbers. - Patients with severe anaemia/transfusion needs Patients with thalassaemia or sickle cell disease benefit especially from NRBC monitoring as they usually have high NRBC counts. The NRBC count is important for differential diagnosis and can support patient monitoring to determine transfusion needs. - All ICU patients Detecting NRBC can indicate an increased mortality risk as described above. It is an indicator of patients with any condition producing haematopoietic stress, such as severe infection, hypoxia or massive acute haemorrhage, as this too can lead to circulating NRBC. Using NRBC in routine In healthy adult patients, the automated NRBC count on a haematology analyser should be zero! In those who are not in perfect health, the most important benefit of an NRBC count is to exclude a false high in the WBC count. This could lead to an incorrect diagnosis and treatment, especially in neonatal patients with sepsis and low WBC counts. Additionally, an NRBC count should be included routinely for all paediatric and neonatal samples. It is strongly recommended for severely diseased adult patients as it can indicate whether patients need special attention and treatment.
The sharp rise in chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) has been caused by the overprescribing of antibiotics. Hospital admissions for UTIs have increased dramatically worldwide and the costs in treatment have blown out and are unsustainable. Western medicine has run out of effective treatments left for antimicrobial resistant UTIs, yet urogynaecologists still insist on prescribing stronger and more antibiotics rather than refer patients to a CAM practitioner who can prescribe effective natural remedies, thus reducing the need for antibiotics to address the global scourge of AMR. (1, 2) The level of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to E. coli, the primary bacteria responsible for UTIs is rising at an alarming rate worldwide. (3) Bacteria is not a dirty word. Too many have become obsessed with ridding bacteria from our homes. Certain bacteria are required for optimum health. Most of us now know that good bacteria exist in the digestive tract. Certain foods enhance the production of theses bacteria. Just like the digestive tract, these bacteria also line other organs, including the bladder. The role of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections has been well described. (4) The overuse and abuse of antibiotics to treat UTIs also contributes to an imbalance of bad bacteria that can result in further infections. A common scenario is a woman with repeated history of cystitis often accompanied by vaginal thrush and digestive symptoms. This pattern needs the attention of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) consultant, not another round of antibiotics. Naturopathy is primarily about removing the causative factors of disease and creating an internal environment in which bacteria do not flourish. Any infection, especially chronic in nature, means that there is immune system dysfunction. This can be due to stress or nutritional deficiency. Book an appointment to be prescribed supplements in the correct form and dose and how to take them at the correct time. Vitamin C: Anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Vitamin C assists with the production of antibodies and T-lymphocytes.(5) Vitamin E: As an anti-oxidant it scavenged free radicals produced in disease. Vitamin E enhances cell mediated immunity, lymphocyte response and Natural Killer cells. (6) Is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Selenium: Anti-oxidant and enhances lymphocytes, phagocytes, the thymus gland and all white blood cells (7) Zinc: Zinc is anti-viral and important for the health of the thymus gland. (8) Life on earth depends on appropriate pH levels with humans requiring a tightly controlled pH level in the serum of about 7.4. Foods are either acid or alkaline. The body must have the correct balance to be free of disease. Too much acid forming food will create acidic urine. Bacteria love this acidic environment. Very basically, red meat, milk and cheese are acid forming and green leafy vegetables are alkalising. Lemon juice in warm water has an alkalising effect on the body also. A full dietary assessment is recommended, as certain foods need to be prescribed. Whilst this longstanding naturopathic philosophy may sound very unscientific, studies have shown there may be some value in considering an alkaline diet in reducing morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases and further studies are warranted in this area of medicine. (9) Herbal medicine for kidney health There are a plethora of herbs for kidney health. The required herbal actions are urinary tract antimicrobials, immune stimulants, diuretics, anti-inflammatories and soothing demulcent healing herbs. In addition most herbs have at least a mild diuretic effect enhancing elimination of wastes. In my experience herbal medicine is rapidly effective to relieve cystitis. Cranberries contain flavanoids, catechins and anthocyanodins. These have been scientifically proven to inhibit adherence of bacteria to bladder. Cranberries deodorises the urine essentially. Taking cranberry supplements on their own however is not naturopathic. Unless you take diet and emotions into account, you are not addressing the cause. Cranberry juice is high in sugar. Sugar feed bad bacteria. Water it down. Uva Ursi / Bearberry Bearberry, or affectionately, uva ursi is commonly prescribed. It contains hydroquinones, iridoids and flavonoids. It is a urinary antiseptic, particularly against E coli. This herb must be professionally prescribed. I prescribe Echinacea angustifola, the premium Echinacea and far more therapeutic than the commonly available over the counter product containing Echinacea purpurea. A strong echinacea is required to treat antimicrobial resistant disease. Echinacea increases interferon (10) which in turn increases white blood cells, T lymphocyte, macrophages and natural killer cells to work as a natural broad spectrum antimicrobial, ie anti-viral and anti-bacterial and antifungal. Herbal medicine for UTIs Echinacea Echinacea Angustifolia Crataeva Crataeva nurvala (11) Uva ursi Arctostaphylos uva ursi (12) Gravel root Eupatorium purpureum (13) Dandelion leaf Taraxacum officinalis (14) Marshmallow root Althea officinalis (15) Carahealth Urinary Tonic is a urinary tract antimicrobials, immune stimulant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and is soothing demulcent healing. The herbs are also antilithic (stone breaking) herbs that are traditionally used to prevent and treat the formation of stones or gravel in the urinary system and help the body in their removal. Kidney stones require professional treatment. From a naturopathic perspective however, kidney stones are entirely preventable with proper diet, and prevention is better than the pain. Homoeopathy for bladder/kidney infections Good for the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms. Homoeopathic medicine provides fast relief! The following symptoms indicate certain remedies that I can prescribe; Urine is dark and highly offensive, smells like horses urine Urine smells like violets Frequent urination and burning pains Frequency, urgency and only a few drops pass with stinging pain High fever with pain, urgency, frequency 1. Ahmed H, Farewell D, Jones HM, Francis NA, Paranjothy S, Butler CC. Incidence and antibiotic prescribing for clinically diagnosed urinary tract infection in older adults in UK primary care, 2004-2014. PloS one. 2018;13(1):e0190521-e. 2. Simmering JE, Tang F, Cavanaugh JE, Polgreen LA, Polgreen PM. The Increase in Hospitalizations for Urinary Tract Infections and the Associated Costs in the United States, 1998-2011. Open forum infectious diseases. 2017;4(1):ofw281-ofw. 3. Alanazi MQ, Alqahtani FY, Aleanizy FS. An evaluation of E. coli in urinary tract infection in emergency department at KAMC in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: retrospective study. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials. 2018;17(1):3-. 4. Falagas ME, Betsi GI, Tokas T, Athanasiou S. Probiotics for prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in women: a review of the evidence from microbiological and clinical studies. Drugs. 2006;66(9):1253-61. 5. van Gorkom GNY, Klein Wolterink RGJ, Van Elssen CHMJ, Wieten L, Germeraad WTV, Bos GMJ. Influence of Vitamin C on Lymphocytes: An Overview. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland). 2018;7(3):41. 6. Lee GY, Han SN. The Role of Vitamin E in Immunity. Nutrients. 2018;10(11):1614. 7. Hawkes WC, Kelley DS, Taylor PC. The effects of dietary selenium on the immune system in healthy men. Biological trace element research. 2001;81(3):189-213. 8. Mocchegiani E, Muzzioli M. Therapeutic Application of Zinc in Human Immunodeficiency Virus against Opportunistic Infections. The Journal of Nutrition. 2000;130(5):1424S-31S. 9. Schwalfenberg GK. The alkaline diet: is there evidence that an alkaline pH diet benefits health? Journal of environmental and public health. 2012;2012:727630-. 10. McCann DA, Solco A, Liu Y, Macaluso F, Murphy PA, Kohut ML, et al. Cytokine- and interferon-modulating properties of Echinacea spp. root tinctures stored at -20 degrees C for 2 years. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2007;27(5):425-36. 11. Cho Y-C, Ju A, Kim BR, Cho S. Anti-inflammatory effects of Crataeva nurvala Buch. Ham. are mediated via inactivation of ERK but not NF-κB. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2015;162:140-7. 12. Afshar K, Fleischmann N, Schmiemann G, Bleidorn J, Hummers-Pradier E, Friede T, et al. Reducing antibiotic use for uncomplicated urinary tract infection in general practice by treatment with uva-ursi (REGATTA) – a double-blind, randomized, controlled comparative effectiveness trial. 2018;18(1):203. 13. Habtemariam S. Antiinflammatory activity of the antirheumatic herbal drug, gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum): further biological activities and constituents. Phytotherapy research : PTR. 2001;15(8):687-90. 14. Clare BA, Conroy RS, Spelman K. The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale folium over a single day. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY). 2009;15(8):929-34. 15. Rezaei M, Dadgar Z, Noori-Zadeh A, Mesbah-Namin SA, Pakzad I, Davodian E. Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the Althaea officinalis L. leaf extract and its wound healing potency in the rat model of excision wound creation. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine. 2015;5(2):105-12.
If you’re someone who’s keen to study or work abroad, you must know that your English proficiency is very important. The reason why your English proficiency is important is that, in English-speaking countries, you must know more than just the elementary knowledge, you must be a regular user of the language and know how to converse properly. I’m not stating that you must be an expert of the language, but you must have a clear understanding of how to conduct a productive conversation, be it for the need of education or work purpose. Hence for that, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English was established in 1989, is conducted globally for non-native English speakers who are opting for higher education or migration to English-speaking countries. There are over 3 million tests taken throughout the year and is one of the most reliable systems to check your knowledge of the language. Depending upon your agenda, you may take the Academic or the General IELTS test. Academic IELTS is suited for individuals who want to study their bachelors, masters PhDs abroad, strictly limited to educational purposes. Whereas General Training is used by people who wish to migrate to these countries. Major countries accepting IELTS are the UK, USA, Netherlands, Australia, Asia, France, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore and many others. The fundamental of IELTS is to ascertain your communication skill and measure your proficiency in English. For non-native English users, this is ascertained by checking your skills in a very practical way. For this, the four dominant sensory skills are used, The listening skill is a crucial and often most underestimated. The listening skills checks how well you can percept what the other person is trying to communicate. In terms of Academic IELTS, the Listening test is conducted for around 40 minutes, whereby four recordings (wherein speaker or speakers speak in accents like North American English, British, American, Australian and New Zealand English) of 30 minutes are played. 10 minutes is allotted to test takers to transfer their answers onto a sheet that is provided by the IELTS test centres. The listening test is played only once and test-takers are to answer the questions according to the format stated in the question. Normally, we are asked to choose the correct option from MCQs, fill in with one, two or three words or just tick the correct answer. The Reading module ascertain how good you are at reading texts and skimming and scanning for question-specific answers. The test runs for about 1 hour, whereby you are given 3 passages with 40 questions. The writing module ascertain how well can you write on a given topic. For this, 2 topics are given one is report writing which is strictly formal and the other topic is opinionated. The writing module aims to understand how well you are able to convey your thoughts and viewpoints coherently, logically and properly. The speaking module is a one-on-one interview with an IELTS representative. It is roughly 20-25 minutes interview whereby the interviewer first asks general information about us and then gives a certain topic upon which we are required to speak for a certain amount of time. What’s special about IELTS is that the aim is to get as many possible answers right. No negative marking or incorrect or unattempted answers. Though it is very expensive, it’s a good investment to ascertain your English proficiency as it’s widely accepted in over 10,000 universities, agencies and organizations. Your IELTS score is assessed by the number of answers that are right. Band score 9 means you’re an expert user of English whereas band 4 means you’re a limited user and need to improve your skills. In case you’re appearing for IELTS Academic, consider consulting Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Student’s Book with Answers: Authentic Examination Papers (IELTS Practice Tests) which is a good investment to help you achieve your target band score. Hope you have got a fairly decent overview about IELTS. Stay tuned to this space to know more about IELTS. If you have any question, leave a comment below and I’ll try my best to answer it. Until next, 🙂
Buckwheat honey is a highly nutritious honey made by bees that collect nectar from buckwheat flowers. Buckwheat has tiny flowers, which means bees that make buckwheat honey have to work extra hard to collect enough nectar. Buckwheat is often used as a flour substitute, but unlike wheat, buckwheat isn’t a grass. It actually produces a type of fruit similar to rhubarb. Buckwheat honey isn’t as sweet as traditional honey. It’s also higher in certain antioxidants, so it might actually be better for you than other, sweeter types of honey. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and is considered a very healthy food, so it makes sense that honey made from buckwheat would also be good for you. Buckwheat honey can range in color from dark purple to black. In general, it looks like your average, amber-colored honey with a slight reddish tint. Buckwheat flowers are often dark in color, which leads to the rich color of buckwheat honey. The primary benefits of buckwheat honey are that it promotes healing in the body, supports immune function, and boosts antioxidants. It’s also great for soothing sore throats and coughs. Some people even use honey as a part of their skin care regimen. Buckwheat honey has also been found to help keep blood sugar levels down for people with diabetes. What the research says Many studies have shown the benefits of honey. Buckwheat honey, in particular, has been shown to have several health benefits, such as: - Boosting antioxidants. One study found that drinking buckwheat honey in a mixture of black tea significantly boosted the level of antioxidants in the body. Another study placed buckwheat honey very high in antioxidant status in a ranking of honeys on the market. - Wound care. Using honey on wounds has been found to be beneficial because the honey actually draws moisture out of the wounds and helps eliminate bacteria. Because it has a lot of sugar and a low pH, honey can also prevent bacteria and other microbes from growing in the wound. - Skin care. More research is needed on the specific benefits of using honey for skin care. But in general, honey is known to help protect your skin and keep it smooth and supple. Look for honey-based skin care products, or make your own skin moisturizer by mixing coconut oil and honey in your electric mixer until it looks like whipped cream. - Stopping DNA mutations. Certain types of honey have even been found to help reverse some of the DNA mutations that cause sickness and cancer. - Reducing cholesterol. Buckwheat honey was found to help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which can help heart health and even lower high blood pressure. - Soothing cough. One studyspecifically looked at using buckwheat honey as a treatment for nighttime coughs in children due to respiratory infections, like colds. The study found that buckwheat honey was more effective than over-the-counter cough medicine. How you use buckwheat honey will depend on what you’re trying to treat. For wounds, you can apply the raw honey directly to the wound and cover it with a clean bandage. As a general health supplement, you can take honey raw by the tablespoon or mix it into your favorite food or beverage. Buckwheat honey is also a great all-natural sweetener for any of your meals or deserts. You can mix it into oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, smoothies, or baked goods — the possibilities are endless. For sore throats and colds, you can swallow honey alone or mix it in with a warm herbal tea. To treat a child with a cold, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends one dose of honey in the following amounts: - children ages 2 to 5: 2.5 mL - children ages 6 to 11: 5 mL - children ages 12 to 18: 10 mL Be aware that buckwheat honey, like any honey, should not be given to infants under the age of 1. Honey contains certain bacteria that might be harmful to babies.
Woodpeckers are not known to pose any health risks to humans. However, they can cause considerable damage to buildings and trees while searching for food, nesting sites, or trying to attract mates. Holes caused by woodpeckers along with being unsightly may provide access to insects or facilitate fungal growth. Additionally, the rhythmic pecking of woodpeckers (known as drumming) can be quite frustrating to those in close proximity. Woodpeckers are unique among birds because they drill into trees. Despite the prolonged and heavy impact of this activity, woodpeckers avoid injury because of the unique structure of their skulls. They have a special bone (known as the hyoid bone) that wraps around their skull, acting as a shock absorber and preventing brain damage. The size of a woodpecker varies by species; however, most are between 6-18” in length. The majority of species have four toes arranged with two facing forward and two facing back (known as a zygodactyl foot). However a few groups are known to have three toes. Many species have some assortment of black and white markings, with males of many varieties sporting red coloration on their heads. Stiff tail feathers, short legs, and sharp claws are traits common to all woodpeckers. The woodpecker is commonly found in wooded regions, where access to food and nesting sites are abundant. Their bodies are designed to thrive woodland habitats where they can cling to tree trunks and branches while pecking for food. These adaptations also allow them to easily cling to wood siding, telephone poles, and other structures which they commonly damage. Wooden buildings in suburbs, and more rural areas are particularly enticing as they provide woodpeckers with easily accessible drumming and foraging sites. Because they typically require trees for food and shelter, woodpeckers select nesting sites in and around forests and other wooded areas. Using their strong beaks to bore holes into tree limbs or trunks when carving out places to nest. Woodpeckers prefer to live in dead trees and show a tendency to build on the side of a structure that receives the most light and warmth from the morning sun. The loss of old growth trees has increased their use of man-made structures for nesting sites, such as wooden fence posts, utility poles, and buildings, as they adapt to an ever-changing environment. Woodpeckers typically breed in the spring (and summer for some varieties). Depending on the species, eggs will be laid in clutches of 1-3 or 3-8. The incubation period usually lasts from 11- 14 days with chicks leaving their nests in 2-5 weeks from the time they hatch. Woodpeckers typically have two broods a year, however this somewhat varies from species to species. Eggs are often monitored by both parents during the incubation period. Most woodpecker problems happen during the breeding season, beginning in early spring. During this time, they begin drilling, nesting, and roosting in cavities. The rhythmic tapping (known as drumming) on resonant objects, is a telltale sign that the woodpecker breeding season has begun. Woodpeckers drum on objects to find and communicate with mates or establish territory. What damage do woodpeckers cause? Woodpeckers cause property damage by drilling holes in wood, synthetic stucco siding, and eaves and can be an annoyance when hammering or “drumming” on houses. Why are woodpeckers pecking at my trees and my home? There are three reasons why woodpeckers peck wood. How do I prevent woodpeckers from nesting and pecking the wood on my property? Total and permanent woodpecker removal may require a long-term management plan. Woodpeckers are protected in most places, and nonlethal methods are always recommended and preferred. A variety of products and strategies are typically required and are always best administered by licensed professionals. If you’re having problems with woodpeckers, contact Abell Pest Control today. If you are not satisfied with the services provided to you within the guarantee period, you will receive a Full Money Back Refund *Terms and Conditions apply
Mold is a fungus that can grow almost anywhere, indoors or outdoors. The approximately 100,000 species of mold that exist all share the same basic characteristics: the need for oxygen, moisture and nutrients to grow. Indoor wood, wallboard, wallpaper, upholstery and dust can be excellent nutrient sources. Although mold can grow in most environments, it grows best in damp, warm conditions. Molds spread and reproduce by making spores, which are small and lightweight; able to travel through air; can resist dry, adverse environmental conditions and are capable of surviving a long time. Individuals are exposed to mold through skin contact, inhalation or ingestion, which may cause mild to severe allergic reactions, depending on an individual’s sensitivity. Working or living in moldy conditions can be dangerous. Not only does it present health dangers, but left unattended it will continuously grow and can damage and destroy whatever material it has inhabited. Stopping Mold Growth Given that mold can start to grow in as little as 48 hours, it’s important to take prompt action after a water loss to help prevent mold from growing and spreading. By identifying and eliminating the water problem, and then implementing rapid drying processes, mold growth can be curtailed so that owners do not experience more than just water damage in their homes, offices or buildings they manage. If we observe mold during a water loss, we will respond appropriately to the issue and will immediately report and document our observations. When the mold contamination is isolated and/or less than 10 square feet, expensive testing and protocols are generally not required. To deal with the mold issue, our team will use a three-step mold remediation process: • Locate the source of contamination by using moisture meters, thermal imaging and other specialized equipment. • Dry the affected area to ensure the water source is removed. • Isolate the contaminated area and remove the mold while protecting the surrounding areas from the possible spread of mold spores. If we encounter an affected area of more than 10 square feet, we will contain the contaminated area, stop normal water mitigation procedures and immediately notify your company. In these cases, we strongly recommend the use of an environmental testing service to establish baseline levels of mold, identify the types of mold present and develop a written remediation plan. Our goal is to establish the proper procedures to handle the mold situation. We work with nationally-recognized testing facilities and can provide mold inspection, laboratory analysis and remediation plans at a reasonable price. Rapid remediation of mold is critical to preventing it from spreading and keeping your business up and running, so the problem is removed and your business is restored. If you think you have mold, it’s important to treat and help remove it through mold remediation that offers a well-thought out plan, comprehensive training and processes and immediate action. As your trusted source for diagnosing mold problems accurately and addressing them thoroughly, we know what to look for, how to analyze the situation and the appropriate steps needed to help remediate the mold. WE HELP RESTORE YOUR BUSINESS TO A HEALTHY, CLEAN STATE For a small, concentrated area of mold damage, we’ll clean surfaces such as floors, counter-tops and walls, with EPA-registered products to remove the mold. For more serious conditions, we’ll cut away the damp drywall, sand the wood and replace it if necessary. In floors that have been affected, once the floorboards are repaired and traces of mold are remediated, we’ll dispose of the infected carpeting and replace it with a new carpet. Our professionals have the training, experience and equipment to safely treat and help remove mold through a comprehensive process that includes: - Locating the mold & the water sources that feed mold - Assessing the damage caused by the mold - Isolating and containing the mold by using techniques like physical barriers & negative air pressure to prevent it from spreading - Capturing, filtering & scrubbing microscopic mold spores from the air - Removing mold with antimicrobial & anti-fungal treatments - Disposing of mold-infested porous materials - Cleaning, sanitizing & deodorizing belongings as needed - Repairing & reconstructing damaged areas to restore your business Whether you can see a problem or just suspect the presence of mold, go with the professionals who help guide you to the best solution. For more information about how ServiceMaster can be a resource to you and your home or business, please call us at any one of our three office locations: Salem – 503-585-4017 Albany & Corvallis – 541-738-4624 Lincoln City – 541-996-2255
Characteristics of the perfect smile Everyone wants the perfect smile. Dentists and researchers have come up with the formula for the perfect smile, from the size and width of each tooth to the curve, colour and shape of the teeth, and the overall width of the smile. - Horizontal alignment: The smile should be aligned to the horizontal or the eye line. - Symmetry: Ideally this should be across the facial mid line. That is, the tooth on side should be same as it is opposite number on the other side. This is of great importance in producing a pleasing smile. - Smile Line: The top row of teeth should be dominant while very little should be seen of the bottom row. All teeth on display should be straight with no visible signs of restoration work. - Gum Line: Gums are important, and to avoid a horsey smile, very little should be seen. Their colour is critical, and should be a healthy pale pink. - Whiteness of teeth: Last but not least, white teeth are the key of a beautiful smile. The teeth should be the same colour as the whites of your eyes. If the teeth are too white, they become more dominant than the eyes.
The use of community health workers (CHWs)—community members who render primary health services to their neighbors—is a proven key strategy in addressing the growing shortage of overall health workers, particularly in low-income countries like Uganda. Although the CHW concept has been around for 50 years, in Uganda, CHWs—locally known as the Village Health Teams (VHTs)—were officially recognized in 2001. Ugandan VHTs are identified by their community members and given basic training on major health programs so that they in-turn mobilize and provide health services to their communities. But a new registry can help create further regulation and standardization of what it means to be a CHW in Uganda. The Ministry of Health, in partnership with IntraHealth, developed and piloted the roll-out of a national Community Health Worker Registry (CHWR)—a powerful tool used by district health teams (DHTs) to capture real-time data and accurate information concerning community health workers in their respective districts. During the process, Living Goods worked with IntraHealth to share knowledge on how to train district leadership to use the tool for registration and monitoring CHWs. During the pilot phase, Living Goods is working with other partners to ensure districts can capture all CHWs and add them into the CHWR. The evidence shows that the benefits of the CHWR are not limited only to the district health level, but also to the national level, which supports resource planning, developing health facilities, and the community at large. Mr. Asaba Deogratious, the VHT Coordinator for Mayuge District, stressed the importance of the CHWR, saying it serves as a linkage between the community and the district health facilities” and that the registry provides information about CHWs to the various implementing partners with specific interests, involvement, training, incentives, and more. among others. The “CHW Registry is also a dictionary of CHWs within the district”- Mr. Asaba Deogratious, Mayuge District VHT Coordinator. Currently, IntraHealth fully rolled out the CHWR registry in 11 districts in Uganda. Currently, Living Goods is continuing to work with IntraHealth to have all the CHWs in the districts of operation also entered in the Currently, Mayuge has 2,079 CHWs in the district registry. In Mayuge, the establishment of the registry will not only cover the Living Goods-supported CHWs, but CHWs in the entire district. Establishing and populating the CHWR will continue to strengthen collaboration and partnership between Living Goods and district teams. In partnership with the Ugandan Ministry of Health, district leadership, and IntraHealth, we are currently completing data collection and entry to establish a CHWR in Kayunga, Buikwe, Mpigi and Lira Districts. Living Goods is supportive of the CHWR roll-out, given its unique opportunity to support governments in using data for decision making. When all Ugandan districts obtain their CHWR, coordination and reference on CHWs will be a one-stop center of knowledge.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 Right kinds of calories You shouldn't have to be too concerned with the amount of calories you eat if you keep track of kinds of calories you consume. Proteins are good because they keep you full for a longer time, and you burn more calories by digesting them. Along with Proteins good fats are essential because they keep you full, and your body stops taking in more fat when you consume healthy ones. Vegetables also play a key role in calorie burning because you burn more calories digesting vegetables than consuming them. Carbohydrates don't contribute to fat loss because they can be stored as fat if you already have enough energy stored. Also, carbohydrates make you feel hungry shortly after eating them. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have any carbohydrates because they are a quick source of energy especially after workouts when energy stores are depleted. So, before you start counting calories I would see how eating the right amounts and kinds of calories works.
THE FIFTH WORD Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. The Catechism summarizes the scope of this law as enjoining “the performance of those duties which we mutually owe in our several relations, as inferiors, superiors, or equals.”1 Which is to say that this commandment exemplifies hierarchy, and cannot be understood apart therefrom. The included acknowledgment that the law here connotes varied duties ‘to our several relations’ patently condemns the New Age ethical abstraction of ‘fairness’ which touts ‘treating everyone equally’ as a sublime virtue. Social egalitarianism is denounced, then, by the fifth law as Gnostic myth. Assuming the egalitarian presuppositions of the Neo-Theonomists, who have come to lobby for a nuclear family based not upon any physical relation, but upon contract and cohabitation, the most that can be deduced from this annexation of promise to live ‘long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee’ is a singular, personal length of days on one’s parcel. But this interpretation, as we know, is at loggerheads with the express national context of the covenant, which is redundantly set before Israel, reminding them that the Covenant hallows not just their immediate domiciles and immediate family, but the span of their generations, preceding and proceeding: “Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them” (Deut. 1:8). No, the inducement of the fifth word, delivered as it is in the context of the national Covenant upon promises made to remote ancestors, ensures the inheritance of the land (in conjunction with the promise of the second law) ‘to a thousand generations’ (Ex. 20:6): a promise of covenant legacy and national preservation. So did centenarian Faeroese patriarch, Graekaris Madsen, explain the fifth law: My grandfather taught me to read and write and to obey the laws of God. He said, ‘Honor thy father and thy mother, and all the ancestors from the very first to have settled here, and you will live long in the country.’ That’s what I’ve tried to do.2 After all, if we are bound all our lives to honor father and mother, as they were likewise enjoined to honor their fathers and mothers, then we cannot avoid the implication of honoring those to whom our parents were likewise duty-bound to honor; in order to rightly esteem our father and mother, we are necessarily impelled to honor theirs, and those before them. And that with an eye toward the promise redounding to our own posterity in generations forthcoming. Who could really imagine it otherwise? How could a child especially honor his father if he treated his father’s father as a stranger? Clearly, the fifth law is a call to special love of one’s ancestors for the sake of one’s descendants as joint partakers, a lineage hallowed to God. Few relationships lay the reciprocity of the Golden Rule before our eyes in such stark relief as when we treat our sires as we wish to be treated by our sons. Underlying this, however, we find that the codification of familialism-on-nationalism here is not the standalone objective, as St. Paul discloses the divine rationale behind the existence of the nations He “hath made of one blood all nations [ethne] of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth . . . That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him” (Acts 17:26-27). Which is to say that the normative life order for mankind, as decreed by God, is ethnonationalism; and that, for the purpose of fostering true religion. As Paul explains, the relative social insularity of ethnic enclaves engenders a certain perspectivalism without which genuine religion does not flourish. The words of S.H. Kellogg are here illuminating: If we are surprised, at first, to see this place of honour in the law of holiness given to the fifth commandment, our surprise will lessen when we remember how, taking the individual in the development of his personal life, he learns to fear God, first of all, through fearing and honouring his parents. In the earliest beginnings of life, the parent – to speak with reverence – stands to his child, in a very peculiar sense, for and in the place of God. We gain the conception of the Father in heaven first from our experience of fatherhood on earth; and so it may be said of this commandment, in a sense in which it cannot be said of any other, that it is the foundation of all religion. Alas for the child who contemns the instruction of his father and the command of his mother! for by so doing he puts himself out of the possibility of coming into the knowledge and experience of the Fatherhood of God.3 The Fatherhood of God is made accessible to the minds of men by the analogy which precedes it in our natural experience – our apprehension of physical fatherhood. Likewise, then, with spiritual brotherhood: it is preceded and made comprehensible by physical brotherhood, and the motherhood of the Church by acquaintance with our own mothers. As is our sense of solidarity in the spiritual tribe and nation of our Christian creeds made significant through the covenantal apparatus of physical peoplehood. The abiding sanctity of kinship is the epistemological emissary of all spiritual relations in the Kingdom of God. We do not truly comprehend one without the other. We dare not dismiss the physicality of our being as invalid or immoral, for to dismiss either the physical or the spiritual is to lose the meaningfulness of both. This, therefore, is the reason why the Christian faith, historically, and in the fabric of biblical law, underscores the sanctity of kinship so – because these tropes are the chosen and necessary means of God to foster true morality and religion amongst the sons of men. Our existence as ‘sons of Abraham’ in the ‘spiritual nation of Israel’ is an incomprehensible abstraction aside from the forerunning virtues of sonship under our own patriarchs in our physical nations. Regeneration relies upon natural generation for its basic context. And if the thing analogized be wholesome and true, that by which it is analogized cannot be otherwise: if the spiritual peoplehood of Christians is good, then so too must our foregoing physical peoplehood be good. Aside from these realities, we cannot rightly understand the fifth law.
We face an important choice in our lives as technophiles, hackers, geeks: the choice between proprietary software and free/open source software. What platforms we choose to use are important. We have a choice between Windows, OS X, and Linux (not to mention the several less popular choices). We choose between Android or iOS. We choose hardware that requires nonfree drivers or ones that don’t. We choose to store our data in someone else’s cloud or in our own. How do we make the right choice? I think it’s important to consider the basic motivations behind the software you choose to use. Why did the author write it? What are their goals? How might that influence the future (or present) direction of this software? In the case of most proprietary software, the motivations are to make money. They make decisions that benefit the company rather than the user. If you’re paying for the software, they might use vendor lock-in strategies to prevent you from having ownership of your data. If you don’t pay for the software, they might place ads on it, sell your personal information, etc. When Cloud Storage Incorporated is sold to Somewhat Less Trustworthy Business, who’s to say that your data is in good hands? In the case of most open source1 software, however, things are different. The decisions the developers make are generally working in the interests of the user. In open source, people work as people, not as companies. You can find the name and email address of the person who wrote a particular feature and send them bugs and questions. An open source Facebook wouldn’t be rearranging and filtering your timeline to best suit their advertisers interests. An open source iCloud would include import and export tools so you can take your data elsewhere if you so choose. An open source phone wouldn’t be loaded with unremovable crapware, and even if it was, you could patch it. When you install software on Linux, you get cryptographically verified packages from individuals you can trust. You can look up who packaged your software and get to know them personally, or even help them out! You can download the files necessary to build the package from scratch and do so, adding any tweaks and customizations as you wish. You don’t have a human point of contact for Facebook or GMail. Yes, there is a usability tradeoff. It is often more difficult to use open source software. However, it’s also often more powerful, tweakable, flexible, and hackable. Next time you decide what software you should use, ask yourself: does this software serve my interests or someone else’s? I’m certain some readers will take offense at my language choice in this article with respect to free/libre/open source software - I chose my words intentionally. I’ll talk more about my opinions on the free software movement in a later post. ↩︎
PDF is a clever solution to a problem and that is how to enable people to view and print documents on their computer when they do not have the software that created them. For example, you could have a desktop publishing program and create a leaflet, manual, brochure, newsletter or some other publication. If you then give the file to someone else, they would not be able to view it or print it unless they had the same software you have. It is not just about software and suppose you write a document in a word processor and you use an unusual font that is only on your computer. When someone else views or prints the document and they don’t have the font, some other font could be used and it could ruin the look and the layout. PDF (Portable Document Format) files display documents as if you had the original software and all the fonts. All you need is a PDF viewer utility and these are widely available for many computers, operating systems and devices. Microsoft tried to create an alternative called XPS that does the same thing. The technical details of how it does it are different, but the end result is the same. An XPS document can be viewed on a computer that does not have the original software or fonts exactly as it should be. It was included in Windows Vista and it has been in every version of Windows since, including Windows 10. The problem with XPS (Open XML Paper Specification) is that no-one really wants it. It just never took off, even though it has been bundled with Windows for many years. With Windows 10, Microsoft has included XPS, but for the first time has also included support for creating PDF files too. Now you can create documents that anyone can view and print. It works in the same way as XPS has works and there is a virtual printer called Microsoft Print to PDF, just as there is a Microsoft XPS Document Writer virtual printer. Using it is a piece of cake. When you print a document, no matter what software you are using, go to the printer setup and set the printer to Microsoft Print to PDF. It appears alongside real printers in the printer selection list, but instead of sending the file to a real printer, you are prompted for a filename and the PDF file is saved to disk. This is not the world’s best PDF creator, but it is simple, easy to use, and it creates basic PDF files. Use it instead of XPS.
Great Basin National Park In the shadow of 13,063-foot Wheeler Peak, 5,000 year old bristlecone pine trees grow on rocky glacial moraines. Come to Great Basin National Park to experience the solitude of the desert, the smell of sagebrush after a thunderstorm, the darkest of night skies, and the beauty of Lehman Caves. Far from a wasteland, the Great Basin is a diverse region that awaits your discovery. Seasonality / Weather There is almost an 8,000 foot (2,400 m) difference in elevation between Wheeler Peak and the valley floor. Weather conditions in the park vary with elevation. In late spring and early summer, days in the valley may be hot, yet the snowpack may not have melted at high elevations. The Great Basin is a desert, with low relative humidity and sharp drops in temperature at night. In the summer fierce afternoon thunderstorms are common. Weather conditions are highly variable. Please come prepared for all types of weather. It can snow any time of the year at high elevations. From the east or west: From U.S. Highway 6 & 50, turn south on Nevada State Highway 487 and travel 5 miles to Baker, NV. In Baker turn west on Highway 488 and travel 5 miles to the park. From the south (Utah): Travel north on Utah State Highway 21 through Milford, UT and Garrison, UT, which will become Nevada State Highway 487 as you cross the border. Turn west on Highway 488 in Baker and travel 5 miles to the park. From the south (Nevada): Travel north on U.S. Highway 93 (Great Basin Highway). At the junction of U.S. Highway 6 & 50 drive east to Nevada State Highway 487 and turn south. Travel 5 miles to Baker, NV. In Baker turn west on Highway 488 and travel 5 miles to the park. No public transportation is available to, or in, Great Basin National Park.
Water quality testing plays a critical role in India in ensuring it meets its objectives to provide safe drinking water to every citizen. And today in the times of COVID-19, it plays an even greater role, as poor water quality is proven to be a major factor in reducing immunity levels in people. Whilst India is grappling with a water crisis that sees communities struggle to 'access' water for basic household and livelihood needs, a secondary issue lurks in the background that threatens the health of villagers across the country. The quality of drinking water is a widely emerging issue that threatens the country - especially in rural areas with a dependence on groundwater as a source of drinking water. Declining water quality has become a national issue of concern with India's rapidly growing population, expanding industrial and agricultural activities, and climate change threats - causing major alterations to the hydrological cycle. Today most of rural India is facing severe water quality problems. According to Water Aid India*, 45 districts from ten states affected with arsenic, fluoride is present in 202 districts and 20 states, nitrate in 141 districts and 21 states, and iron in 258 districts and 24 states.' Additionally, microbiological contamination in drinking water is a major contributor to diarrhoeal diseases. In Ambujanagar, Kodinar in rural Gujarat, the presence of high levels of TDS (Total Dissolvable solids) and salinity were the main causes of concern that were impacting the health indicators of villagers - with people suffering from kidney stones, hypertension or digestive issues due to the high levels of salt in their water. Additionally, there was an increased prevalence of water borne diseases at the onset of monsoon due to increase in bacteria in the water. In response, ACF mobilised into action, to empower communities to test and monitor the quality of their water supply. To tackle the problem, ACF initiated a three-phased program to increase awareness of the problem and empower communities to solve it themselves. Phase 1 - Awareness: The first step was to conduct a widespread awareness campaign by creating a huge poster in the Common Area of the villages explaining the concept of Total Dissolvable Solids (TDS) levels, its permissible limit in water and the effects of TDS imbalances. ACF also hired a vehicle to create announcements in the villages about the ill effects of poor-quality water on health. Phase 2 - Testing: In the second phase, ACF started testing the bacteria present in the water by purchasing H2S Vial bottles along with a bacteria drip. The sample water collected was inserted with this bacterial drip and placed in room temperature for 24 hrs. If the water turned black it resulted in the presence of bacteria in the water. ACF invited villagers to common water sources to perform live demonstrations. Bacterial testing bottles were distributed to encourage people to try their own testing. Once the community started seeing the results, they were motivated to have more common drinking water sources tested and commence testing in their own homes. Phase 3 - Water Treatment: In the third phase, ACF wanted to empower people with the knowledge and skills to start taking action on water quality testing themselves. Whilst they knew about TDS levels, as well as how to recognize bacteria present in their water, they were still unaware of how to solve the issue. ACF conducted demonstrations on how to chlorinate the water so that it is drinkable - training Water Operators on how much chlorine powder is required for a quantity of water and how to mix it, providing chloro-scope metres to measure the residual chlorine in drinking water and training about how to maintain the right proportions. Soon ACF saw changes in the community with members approaching them with results or asking for advice on administering solutions. To address other issues around water quality, ACF encouraged the community to clean community water storage tanks frequently along with household RRWHS structures. The villagers today are ensuring that water storage tanks are cleaned thoroughly and frequently. Today, the community is no longer dependent on ACF or the local authorities to check the quality of their water. Take the case of Ram Singh from Thoradi village, who now periodically collects chlorine tablets from the local authorities to clean the water in his Rainwater Storage tank or Lakhambhai who regularly engages volunteers to come and clean his tank. ACF carried out this campaign during the peak summer period as the TDS levels in saline zones rise at that time. Additionally, there was enhanced focus during the monsoon period when a rise in bacterial levels is observed in water. Since initiating the program in 2017, ACF has managed to make 13 villages independent in testing their own water quality and hopes to reach many more villages. ACF takes a participatory approach across all its interventions, and over the past 27 years it has seen long-term, sustainable success in many of its programs by taking this 'people-centred' approach. The approach has also borne results in Water Quality Testing with communities reporting a significant drop in the number of health-related issues. To have ACF implement a water quality testing campaign in your region or to know more, reach out to firstname.lastname@example.org
Indian Health Service |Operating Division overview| |Preceding Operating Division| |Jurisdiction||U.S. federal government| |Headquarters||5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland, U.S., 20857| |Annual budget||$4.8 billion (2016)| |Operating Division executive|| |Child Operating Division| The Indian Health Service (IHS) is an operating division (OPDIV) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). IHS is responsible for providing direct medical and public health services to members of federally-recognized Native American Tribes and Alaska Native people. IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and its mission is to raise their health status to the highest possible level. IHS provides health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives at 33 hospitals, 59 health centers, and 50 health stations. Thirty-four urban Indian health projects supplement these facilities with a variety of health and referral services. Many tribes also operate their own health systems independent of IHS. Formation and mission IHS was established in 1955 to take over health care of American Indian and Alaska Natives from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to the Public Health Service (PHS) in hopes of improving the healthcare of Native Americans living on reservations. The provision of health services to members of federally recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes. This relationship, established in 1787, is based on Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and has been given form and substance by numerous treaties, laws, Supreme Court decisions, and Executive Orders. The IHS currently provides health services to approximately 2.2 million of the 3.3 million American Indians and Alaska Natives who belong to more than 557 federally recognized tribes in 35 states. The agency's annual budget is about $5.1 billion, as of fiscal year 2017. The IHS employs approximately 2,700 nurses, 900 physicians, 400 engineers, 500 pharmacists, and 300 dentists, as well as other health professionals totaling more than 15,000 in all. The Indian Health Service is one of two federal agencies mandated to use Indian Preference in hiring. This law requires the agency to give preference hiring to qualified Indian applicants before considering non-Indian candidates for positions. IHS draws a large number of its professional employees from the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. This is a non-armed service branch of the uniformed services of the United States. Professional categories of IHS Commissioned corps officers include physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, engineers, environmental health officers, and dietitians. Many IHS jobs are in remote areas as well as its headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, and at Phoenix Indian Medical Center. In 2007, most IHS job openings were on the Navajo reservation. 71% of IHS employees are American Indian/Alaska Native. Efficiency and Public Law 93-638 (Tribal Self Determination – 1975) ExpectMore.gov lists four rated areas of IHS: federally administered activities (moderately effective), healthcare-facilities construction (effective), resource- and patient-management systems (effective), and sanitation-facilities construction (moderately effective). All federally recognized Native American and Alaska Natives are entitled to health care. This health care is provided by the Indian Health Service, either through IHS-run hospitals and clinics or tribal contracts to provide healthcare services. IHS-run hospitals and clinics serve any registered Indian/Alaska Native, regardless of tribe or income. Tribal-contract health care facilities serve only their tribal members, with other qualified Indians/Alaska Natives being offered care on a space-available basis. This policy makes it difficult for an Indian who leaves their tribal home for education or employment to receive health care services to which they are legally entitled. An IHS fact sheet clarifies that Indians are also eligible to apply for low-income health care coverage provided by state and local governments, such as Medicaid. IHS 2007 third-party collections were $767 million, and estimated to be $780 million in 2008. Some of those who are served by the system are not satisfied with the efficiency of IHS. A contributor to Indianz.com, a website for Native American news, feels that Native Americans are "suffering" at the hands of IHS. She feels IHS is underfunded, and necessary services are unavailable. Others have concerns that the restrictions of the Indian-preference policy do not allow for the hiring of the most highly qualified health professionals and administration staff, so quality of care and efficiency of administration suffer. IHS also hires Native/non-Native American interns, who are referred to as "externs"; one position available every summer at area offices is the Engineering Externship. Participants are paid according to the GS pay-grade system, which is beneficial for college students. Their GS level is determined according to credit-hours acquired from an accredited college. Engineering Extern participants generally practice field work as needed and office work. The Indian Health Service is headed by a director; as of mid-2017 the agency has seen five different directors since the beginning of 2015. The current Acting-Director is Rear Admiral Michael D. Weahkee, a Zuni. Rear Admiral Chris Buchanan, a Seminole, served as Acting Director from January-June 2017, and presently serves as Deputy Director.. Prior to Buchanan, the office was headed by attorney Mary L. Smith (Cherokee). Dr. Yvette Roubideaux (Rosebud Sioux), was appointed Director of IHS by President Obama in 2009; she was re-nominated for a second four-year term in 2013 but was not re-confirmed by the Senate. After she stepped down in 2015, she was briefly replaced by Robert McSwain (Mono). Roubideaux was also preceded by McSwain, who had served as Director for eight months. Reporting to the Director are a Chief Medical Officer, Deputy Directors (Operations, Government Affairs, Management, and Quality), and Offices for Tribal Liaison, Urban Health, and Contracting. Twelve Regional Area Offices each coordinate infrastructure and programs in a section of the United States. A 2010 report by Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Chairman Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., found that the Aberdeen Area of the IHS is in a "chronic state of crisis." "Serious management problems and a lack of oversight of this region have adversely affected the access and quality of health care provided to Native Americans in the Aberdeen Area, which serves 18 tribes in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa," according to the report. In July 2017, Director Weahkee was severely chastised during the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee budget hearings by Senator Jon Tester [D Montana],. Weahkee refused to answer repeated direct questions about whether the 2018 IHS budget had been increased or decreased. - Alaska Area: Director, Christopher Mandregan, Jr., M.P.H., (Aleut Community of St. Paul, Alaska) - Albuquerque Area: Director, Leonard Thomas, M.D. (Navajo) - Bemidji Area: Director, Keith Longie, M.P.H., Turtle Band of Chippewa - Billings Area: Director, Dorothy Dupree, M.B.A., (Assiniboine) - California Area: Director, Beverly Miller, C.P.A., (Cherokee) - Great Plains Area: Acting Director, James Driving Hawk (Rosebud Sioux). The name of this area was changed in 2014 from the "Aberdeen" area. - Nashville Area: Director, Martha A. Ketcher, M.B.A, (Cherokee) - Navajo Area: Acting Director, Capt. Brian Johnson, M.P.H. - Oklahoma Area: Director, Rear Adm. Kevin Meeks, M.P.H., (Chickasaw) - Phoenix Area: Director, Rear Adm. Charles Ty Reidhead, M.P.H., (Three Affiliated Sioux Tribes) - Portland Area: Director, Dean Seyler, B.S., (Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs) - Tucson Area: Director, Dixie Gaikowski, (Three Affiliated Sioux Tribes) The 2017 United States federal budget includes $5.1 billion for the IHS to support and expand the provision of health care services and public health programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). The proposed 2018 budget proposes to reduce IHS spending by more than $300 million. This covers the provision of health benefits to 2.5 million Native Americans and Alaskan Natives for a recent average cost per patient of less than $3,000, far less than the average cost of health care nationally ($7,700), or for the other major federal health programs Medicaid ($6,200) or Medicare ($12,000). |Wikimedia Commons has media related to Indian Health Service.| - Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations - Health insurance - Health insurance in the United States - Luana Reyes - IHS fact sheet. Retrieved 2011-04-07. - "U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Indian Health Service Fact Sheets" - Indianz.com: 8-20-07, Jodi Rave: Indian Health Service Inadequate - "Key Leaders | About IHS". Ihs.gov. 1970-01-01. Retrieved 2017-07-13. - Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Retrieved 2011-04-07. - Gale Courey Toensing (March 27, 2013). "Sequestration Grounds Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs". Indian Country Today. Retrieved March 28, 2013. - Editorial Board (March 20, 2013). "The Sequester Hits the Reservation" (Editorial). The New York Times. Retrieved March 28, 2013. - Alaska area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - Albuquerque area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - California area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - Great Plains area Retrieved 2017-07-13. - Nashville area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - "Biography - Martha Ketcher" (PDF). Indian Health Service. Retrieved 29 March 2013. - Navajo area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - Oklahoma area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - Phoenix area Retrieved 2011-04-08. - Portland area Retrieved 2011-04-08.
Rhythm may be the glue that holds the musical parts together, but lead riffs are the spice that makes it interesting. Well placed and played riffs can make a song, while poorly thought-out ones can ruin it. Riffs are single notes based on scales within the key of the song, (unless you play jazz, in which case…anything goes….). Ideally, they should be placed between musical phrases, at the end of vocal lines, and as a break in the middle of a song, or as intros and endings. With a very few exceptions, you don’t want to play riffs over someones vocals, or another players riffs. In the video above, brother Mark Brennan, teacher at Jamplay, (once you start playing guitar, from then on, for the rest of your life, all other guitar players in the whole world, past, present, and future, are your brothers and sisters….) is going to show you how you can astound your friends with some easy Pentatonic riffs that sound great. Mark has been playing for over 50 years, and teaching guitar for over 30 years. He has a B.A. in Music, and also studied Music Composition. He currently plays in the popular Pink Floyd tribute band, Wish You Were Here, so he’s not just a desk weenie. He is one of us, out in the tenches on the weekends, so you should listen to him. He knows what he is talking about…. It may be helpful, before we start, to understand exactly what a pentatonic scale is, and what it is not. The word Pentatonic comes from two Latin words; penta, meaning, “five”, and tonus, meaning, “sound”, or, “tone”. So, right off the bat, you should be able to figure out that it means, "5 tones". This means that a Pentatonic Scale only has 5 notes, instead of the more well known Hepatonic (hepa means 7) Scale, with 7 notes This is the standard, "Do-Ra-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti" Scale that most people are familiar with. The Pentatonic Scale is, "Do-Ra-Mi-So-La". Pentatonic Scales have a darker, more intense sound. Most of the time, the Pentatonic Scale will be in a minor key, because minor intervals compliment the style perfectly. Pentatonic Scales are used extensively in Blues, and a lot in Jazz, the folk music of Asia, Celtic, Scotland and Ireland, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and even in Bluegrass, and Classical Music. Chopin’s Piano Etude in Gb was written entirely in the Pentatonic Scale Other popular songs done in pentatonic Scales are the bass and lead runs in Low Rider (War), the lead and bass runs in My Girl (Four Tops), the lead riff in Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd), the lead and bass in Sunshine Of Your Love (Cream/Eric Clapton), the lead in Iron Man (Black Sabbath), the lead in Honky Tonk Woman (The Rolling Stones/Keith Richards), the lead in Roadhouse Blues (The Doors), the lead in Heartbreaker (Led Zeppelin), the lead runs in Country Boy (Bill Monroe/Ricky Scaggs), Scarborough Fair (Traditional English Folk), Drunken Sailor (Irish Rovers), and many more…. It would be a good idea for you to pull these up on YouTube, or Spotify, and listen to them before going on to the lesson. You will better understand what Mark is talking about when you get an ear for what a Pentatonic Scale is supposed to sound like. Furthermore, be sure to download my free guitar scales ebook. Mark is showing the Open Position scale, low on the neck. There are several advantages to playing here, instead of higher up on the neck. Open strings have a more ringing, “jangly” sound than fretted notes, and this is desirable on a lot of songs. Playing on open strings means your fingers have less work to do, and your changes can be a lot faster. Open strings take full advantage of the sound qualities of your guitar and equipment. Playing riffs on open strings makes it easier to switch from playing chords, or embellishing the chords with quick riffs at the end of phrases. And lastly, they are easier to learn. To change keys, all you have to do is just move up the neck. The fingerings will be the same except for the open string notes. And, you can always use a capo……. Before you start, make sure your guitar is in-tune, and to pitch (A=440 hz). When Mark is talking about a “box” shape, what that means is that all of your notes will either be on open strings, or on the 2nd and 3rd frets. If you looked at a fingering diagram, and connected the dots, it would make sort of a box-shape. This means you wont have to move up and down the neck, and your hand remains relatively stationary over those two frets. It makes it almost impossible to get lost. When Mark talks about Power Chords, what he is referring to is the root note, played with the 5th interval, in a two-note chord, that can be easily moved up and down the fretboard. Power Chords are a modern invention linked to the use of distortion. When using distortion, normal 3-note chords generate a lot of extra, conflicting harmonics that do not sound so good, which is why you seldom see rock guitarists playing straight chords. The root and 5th notes work with the distortion to create complimentary harmonics that make it sound like a full chord, with out the unpleasant clashing harmonics. You can check this out for yourself if you have an electric guitar and distortion. With the distortion on, play a normal G chord and listen to the cacophony it creates. Then, play just the G and D notes on the first two strings, and hear the difference. You get a nice, clean-sounding chord. When Mark talks about Palm-Muting the strings, he is referring to a technique where you lightly (very lightly) place the edge of your strumming hand, or the edge of your palm over the strings right at the bridge. This ‘deadens’ the sound slightly. Open strings (and even some fretted notes) played with distortion have enough sustain to keep on going, until they actually create new harmonics at higher frequencies. This is also called “feedback”. It makes a high-pitched squealing sound. For a description, think, “a cat in a centrifuge”. This is fine if you are doing it on-purpose, but not if it happens just because you didn’t learn how to Palm-Mute, so practice this technique a lot. It comes in handy in a lot of other playing situations besides just playing with distortion. Learning pentatonic scales, and practicing them until you get silky smooth with them, can make you the hit of your next jam session or Open Mic. Remember, there is really no such thing as, "Too much practice" P.S. Did you find this page useful? Please share it! This site is free for everybody and keeps growing thanks to its users: sharing doesn't cost anything to you, but for us is really important. Just click on the buttons below. Thank you!
As the fourth-most widely cultivated “vegetable” in the world (cucumbers are technically a fruit), cucumbers are widely available. Even better, cucumbers are very easy to grow. Cucumbers are made up of 95 percent water, making them an ideal hydrating and cooling food. Following are 8 Reasons to Eat Cucumbers IN SUMMERS: - Protect Your Brain Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called fisetin that appears to play an important role in brain health. You might like to Read: How To Avoid Heat While Traveling To Office Everyday - Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Cucumbers help to lower your risk of breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers. It also has anti-cancer properties. - Fight Inflammation Cucumbers may help to “cool” the inflammatory response in your body. Cucumbers contain numerous antioxidants, including the well-known vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also contain antioxidant flavonoids, which provide additional benefits. - Freshen Your Breath Placing a cucumber slice on the roof of your mouth may help to rid your mouth of odor-causing bacteria. According to the principles of Ayurveda, eating cucumbers may also help to release excess heat in your stomach, which is said to be a primary cause of bad breath. Must Read For You: How To Make Hands Fair In Just 2 Days - Manage Stress Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer some of the damaging effects of stress. - Support Your Digestive Health Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fiber. Adding cucumbers to your juice or salad can help you meet the ideal of amount of fiber your body needs. Cucumber skins contain insoluble fiber, which helps add bulk to your stool. This helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. - Maintain a Healthy Weight Cucumbers are very low in calories (one cup of sliced cucumber contains just 16 calories). - Support Heart Health Cucumbers contain potassium, which is associated with lower blood pressure levels. A proper balance of potassium both inside and outside your cells is crucial for your body to function properly. So, when your body has an abundance of the nutrients it needs, and your pH is optimally balanced, you will feel energized and your immune system will get a boost.
12 October 2010 The United Nations health agency today dispatched a team of experts to Hungary to support the Government-led assessment of potential immediate and longer-term health impacts of a sludge spill that affected the country’s western territories earlier this month. The acute public health impact of the 4 October spill has been serious, but localized, with eight people killed and over 120 injured, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The immediate health effects of the spill included drowning and chemical burns due to the elevated acidity of the red sludge. Assessment is needed of the health effects of possible exposure to dust, water and locally-produced food that may contain increased amounts of heavy metals. The Hungarian authorities are continuously monitoring the situation and have taken the public health actions required at this stage, according to WHO. The sludge entered the river Danube at the end of last week, and it may spread in attenuated form to countries downstream. This possibility and related heath effects will be evaluated. While serious short-term health effects are considered unlikely, potential medium- and long-term effects through contamination from heavy metals can only be assessed as more information becomes available. The risk of contaminated dust spreading from the spill site to neighbouring countries is considered negligible. The WHO mission will make an expert assessment of the short-, medium- and long-term effects of the spill on public health in the affected area. The Hungarian authorities will use the results to develop appropriate preventive action. The team includes international experts in evaluating and managing health risks from the environment, particularly from contaminated water and chemicals. WHO’s office for Europe is ready to provide technical assistance to the affected countries, if requested, the agency added. News Tracker: past stories on this issue
Golfer's elbow is usually diagnosed based on your medical history and a physical exam. To evaluate pain and stiffness, the doctor might apply pressure to the affected area or ask you to move your elbow, wrist and fingers in various ways. An X-ray can help the doctor rule out other causes of elbow pain, such as a fracture or arthritis. Rarely, more comprehensive imaging studies — such as MRI — are performed. Treatment begins with avoiding activity that causes pain. To help relieve pain, use ice. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Try ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen sodium (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Corticosteroid injections are not commonly given because they haven't been shown to be effective long-term. A newer treatment being tried is platelet-rich plasma. This involves drawing a small amount of your blood and injecting a concentrated amount of platelets and other anti-inflammatory factors into the tender area. More studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment. Try the following: - Rest. Put your golf game or other repetitive activities on hold until the pain is gone. If you return to activity too soon, you can worsen your condition. - Ice the affected area. Apply ice packs to your elbow for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, three to four times a day for several days. To protect your skin, wrap the ice packs in a thin towel. It might help to massage your inner elbow with ice for five minutes at a time, two to three times a day. - Use a brace. Your doctor might recommend that you wear a counterforce brace on your affected arm, which might reduce tendon and muscle strain. - Stretch and strengthen the affected area. Your doctor might suggest exercises for stretching and strengthening. Progressive loading of the tendon with specific strength training exercises has been shown to be especially effective. Other physical or occupational therapy practices can be helpful too. Gradually return to your usual activities. When your pain is gone, practice the arm motions of your sport or activity. Review your golf or tennis swing with an instructor to ensure that your technique is correct, and make adjustments if needed. Surgery is seldom necessary. But if your signs and symptoms don't respond to conservative treatment in six to 12 months, surgery might be an option. A new approach called the TENEX procedure involves minimally invasive, ultrasound-guided removal of scar tissue in the region of the tendon pain. More study is needed. Most people will get better with rest, ice and pain relievers. Depending on the severity of your condition, the pain might linger for months to years — even if you take it easy and follow instructions on exercising your arm. Sometimes the pain returns or becomes chronic. Preparing for your appointment You'll probably start by seeing your primary doctor. If you don't improve with rest, ice and over-the-counter medications, your doctor might refer you to a sports medicine specialist or to a doctor with advanced training in musculoskeletal disorders. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment. What you can do Make a list of: - Your symptoms and when they began. - Key medical information, including other conditions you have and all medications and supplements you're taking, including doses. - Your typical daily activity, including how often, long and hard you play sports or do other activities that tax your elbow. Note whether you've recently changed the frequency, intensity or method of your workouts. - Recent injuries that could have damaged your elbow. - Questions to ask your doctor to help you make the most of your time together. Below are some questions to ask your doctor. - What's the most likely cause of my pain? - Are there other possible causes? - Do I need tests? - What treatment approach do you recommend? - With treatment, will I eventually be able to resume the sport or activity that caused my elbow problems? - How long will I need to avoid the sport or activity that caused my elbow problems? - What kind of exercise routine can I safely follow while I'm healing? - Will I need surgery? - How often will you see me to monitor my progress? Don't hesitate to ask other questions. What to expect from your doctor Your doctor is likely to ask you questions, including: - Is your pain constant? How severe is it? - Do tasks that use your elbow — lifting, gripping, carrying, typing, shaking hands — trigger pain? - Are your symptoms affecting your ability to complete daily tasks? Are they affecting your sleep? - What is your exercise routine? - Have you recently changed your training or equipment, such as using new techniques or a new racket? - What activities does your work require? - What are your recreational activities or hobbies? - Have you tried at-home treatments? If so, has anything helped? Sept. 28, 2018
In 2009, and in absolute terms, about 19.9% (608 TWh) of Europe's total electricity consumption (3042 TWh) came from renewable energy sources. Hydro power contributed with the largest share (11.6%), followed by wind (4.2%), biomass (3.5%), and solar (0.4%). With regards to the new capacity constructed that same year (27.5 GW), among the renewable sources, 37.1% was wind power, 21% photovoltaics (PV), 2.1% biomass, 1.4% hydro and 0.4% concentrated solar power, whereas the rest were gas fired power stations (24%), coal fired power stations (8.7%), oil (2.1%), waste incineration (1.6%) and nuclear (1.6%) (see figure1). As not all installed technologies operate continuously 24 hours a day, figure 2 shows the expected yearly energy output (TWh) from the new capacity. The new gas-fired electricity plants will deliver yearly 28 TWh, followed by wind and PV with 20 TWh and 5.6 TWh, respectively. If current growth rates are maintained, in 2020 up to 1400 TWh of electricity could be generated from renewable sources, the report concludes. This would account for approximately 35-40% of overall electricity consumption in the EU, depending on the success of community policies on electricity efficiency, and would contribute significantly to the fulfilment of the 20% target for energy generation from renewables. However, it also advises that some issues need to be resolved if the targets are to be met. Particular areas of focus include ensuring fair access to grids, substantial public R&D support, and the adaptation of current electricity systems to accommodate renewable electricity. The study highlights that cost reduction and accelerated implementation will depend on the production volume and not on time. Summary of 2010 snapshot findings Wind energy: with more than 74 GW of total installed capacity in 2009, it has already exceeded the 2010 white paper target of 40 GW by more than 80%. The European Wind Association's new target aims for 230 GW of installed capacity (40 GW offshore) by 2020, capable of providing about 20% of Europe's electricity demand. Biomass: if current growth continues, electricity output from biomass could double from 2008 to 2010 (from 108 TWh to 200 TWh). However, other energy uses such as heat and transport fuels compete for this particular source, which could potentially hinder the development of bioelectricity. Being storable for use on demand increases its importance as a source of electricity. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): installed capacity is still relatively small in Europe: 0.430 GW in May 2010, about 0.5% of the total, but is steadily increasing. An estimated 30 GW could be installed by 2020 if the European Solar Industry Initiative ESII is realised. Most CSP projects currently under construction are located in Spain. Solar Photovoltaic: since 2003, the total installed capacity has doubled each year. In 2009 it reached 16 GW, which represents 2% of the overall capacity. The growth will continue, as for 2010, installations of up to 10 GW are expected. Solar photovoltaic has also exceeded the capacity predictions formulated by in the EU white paper on renewable sources of energy. Other sources of power: technologies such as geothermal, tidal and wave power are still at the R&D stage, so they have not yet been included in the Renewable Energy Snapshots. Yet, they are likely to be introduced to the market within the next decade. As far as hydro generation is concerned, no major increase is expected, as most of the resources are already in use. However, pumped hydro will play an increasingly important role as in a storage capacity for the other renewable energy resources. The JRC has produced the annual Renewable Energy Snapshots since 2007 to give an up-to-date picture of the EU's progress towards the binding target of 20% for energy generation from renewable sources by 2020. These Renewable Energy Snapshots are based on two types of data: official figures from EU countries or EUROSTAT and those provided by industry associations, research industries, etc. This second type is known as "grey" data. It consists of more recent, unconsolidated data, which are needed for such an early analysis. They are cross-checked, consulted and validated by the JRC. However, due to the methodology of collection, values might deviate and there is therefore a margin of uncertainty which should be taken into account. The 2010 Renewable Energy Snapshots: http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/refsys/ AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Jackie Robinson was known for his courageous style of play including how he often stole home to score. Since April 3rd, we have learned of the efforts of students at Wilcox County High School in Wilcox County, Georgia to host the first integrated prom in the county’s history. These students are courageously leading their community into a new era of respect for one another and their bravery in doing so is admirable. Their story reminded me of another great story of leadership in breaking barriers of race: the story of Jackie Robinson. Today is Jackie Robinson day in Major League Baseball. If you tune in to watch any MLB game tonight (the Braves normally participate but they have the night off) you will find that all of the players are wearing number 42 on their jerseys to honor the first African-American to play Major League Baseball. On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson took the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers for the first time and officially broke the color barrier in America’s National Pastime. His integration of baseball was the first of many integrations to take place throughout the Civil Rights Movement. During the Legislative Session, Spencer was involved in the “Black History Moment of the Day” that centered on Jackie Robinson’s integration of baseball. You can check out more about that moment in a previous post here. This year’s Jackie Robinson Day is particularly important because of the release of the film “42” that tells the story of Robinson’s integration of baseball to a generation of young people who aren’t as familiar with Civil Rights history. It details the grotesque ways in which he was treated and how he persevered to have a tremendous baseball career. The film was released last Friday and is currently in theaters. Robinson’s widow, Rachel Robinson, was on Meet the Press this Sunday to discuss Robinson’s persistence in his efforts. She continues working today through the Jackie Robinson Foundation that provides college scholarships to minority students. The work of the students in Wilcox County reminds us that not all barriers have been broken and reminds us of the courage of Civil Rights leaders like Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless others who helped to break down barriers within their own communities. Our state and our nation owe a great debt to their courage. Thank you and have a great week! This afternoon we learned that there was an explosion at the Boston Marathon. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who passed away or were injured as well as the first responders who are reporting on the scene this afternoon.
Raise means "to make higher," "build," or "nurture and cause to grow." It is normally transitive, that is, the action is done to something or someone else. Rise means "to get up" or "become elevated." It is never transitive. The past tense is rose; the past participle, risen. Examples: They raised the barn in two days. The sun rises and sets every day.
Bays Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History Bays Coat of Arms Gallery Don’t know which Coat of Arms is yours? We can do a genealogical research. Find out the exact history of your family!Learn More Origins of Bays: The name Bays is rooted in the old Anglo-Saxon culture. It was a name for a person who was a short person. The surname Bays acquired from the Old English words has and basse, meaning low or short. These words ultimately stem from the Latin word bassus which means thick or heavy-set. The surname Bays may also be a nickname for a person matching a fish, or it may be a metonymic name for someone holding the profession of a fishmonger. Bays had spelt many different ways, including before English spelling became regulated over the last few hundred years, spelling variations in names were a common occurrence. As the English language changed in the Middle Ages, absorbing pieces of Latin and French, as well as other languages, the spelling of people’s names also changed considerably, even over a single lifetime. Bays, Base, Bayse, Baise and much more. More common variations are: Bayes, Bayse, Bayas, Baysa, Baysu, Bayus, Bayys, Bayis, Bayos, Bayss. The surname Bays first appeared in Lincolnshire, where they held a family seat from old times. Many of the people with surname Bays had moved to Ireland during the 17th century. United States of America: Individuals with the surname Bays landed in the United States in two different centuries respectively in the 18th, and 19th. Some of the people with the name Bays who arrived in the United States in the 18th century included Mr Bays, who landed in New York in 1709. The following century saw more Bays surnames arrive. Some of the people with the surname Boys who arrived in the United States in the 19th century included Friedrich Bays, who arrived in New York, NY in 1850. Some of the people with the surname Bays who came in the Canada in the 18th century included John Bays at the age of 24, landed in Port Cumberland, Nova Scotia in 1774. Some of the individuals with the surname Bays who landed in Australia in the 19th century included John Bays at the age of 22, a gardener, arrived in South Australia in 1849 aboard the ship “Eliza.” Here is the population distribution of the last name Bays: United States 7,488; England 559; Brazil 556; Switzerland 423; Germany 202; Canada 194; Russia 81; South Africa 73; France 73; Australia 52. Brandon Bays (born August 1953) is an American motivational writer and speaker. She has authored New Thought self-help books and is arguably best known for her 1999 book, The Journey, which became a bestseller in England and Australia. Before her fame, she worked for self-help guru Tony Robbins. In 1992, she faced with a basketball-sized tumour and decided to heal it without using conventional medicine. She claimed to have uncovered a way to let the body heal spontaneously accessing cell memories, and as of 2012 promotes her ideas through books and seminars. James Bays is an award-winning correspondent, who travelled to more than 70 districts and has reported from numerous conflict zones. As a roving reporter, James frequently reports from Baghdad and Kabul. He filed reports for Al Jazeera following Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan, which later took second prize in the Best TV Item category at the Monte Carlo Television Festival in 2008 and was nominated for a Royal Television Society award. The first Baltimore Bays were a professional soccer team based out of Baltimore, Maryland. It was one of ten charter members of the National Professional Soccer League (NPSL) in 1967. The team would become a part of the North American Soccer League (NASL), which was the result of a merger between the NPSL and the rival United Soccer Association (USA). Blazons & Genealogy Notes Notes: None. Blazon: Gules two lions passant, guardant, in pale or.
Week 6 Teaching – The “Right Stuff” (March 29) Read Matthew 6:19-34 - In verses 22-23, Jesus warns about being deceived into thinking that what is not good is good. Are there any things in your life and in the world today that this verse could apply to? Is it a coincidence that this statement is within the context of money and “stuff”? - Why do you think “worry” is such a prominent part of Jesus’ teaching about money and “stuff”? - According to this passage, what does Jesus teach should be our priority? - What does Jesus say God will take care of? - Take a moment to evaluate yourself. Are your priorities where Jesus wants them to be? What areas has God helped you to live with the right priorities? Where do you need His help to make changes? - Consult your Prayer Journal.
Get advice on how to keep your pet safe this fireworks season with a Free Nurse Consultation Worming your horse is very important, however resistance to available wormers is getting worse. The most common worms are: - Large Strongles (large redworms): These migrate through arteries causing weight loss, severe damage and colic. Luckily these worms are still susceptible to most wormers currently in use. - Small Strongles (small redworm, cyathostomins): The larvae burrow into the gut lining where they can lie dormant as encysted larvae. In 50% of cases when the larvae emerge from the gut wall in spring massive inflammation, diarrhoea, colic and death can even occur. These are therefore difficult to identify from faecal samples. A blood test can be used to detect the presence of these. - Roundworms (Parascaris equorum): Commonly found in young horses, older horses develop immunity. Diarrhoea and colic with subsequent weight loss can occur. - Tapeworm (Anoplocephala perfoliata): Blockage with these worms at the ileocaecal junction and caecal wall causes colic. Identification in faeces is not reliable and a blood or saliva test is available. - Pin worms (Oxyuris equi): Cause itching around the bottom from the eggs being laid in this region. These are usually identified from taking sellotape stripes of the eggs. Regular worming without knowing which worms are present creates a worm resistant population that can’t then be treated. This can potentially cause colic, poor nutrient absorption and poor performance. A short animation video can be viewed at www.moredun.org.uk/news/war-worms-animation that explains this further. New thoughts on how to worm and when We strongly advise to collect a faecal sample from your horse during the grazing season and have it analysed for how many eggs are present. If the egg burden isn’t high then worming is contraindicated. If the number of eggs is above the reasonable threshold then your vet will recommend a suitable wormer. Tapeworm and the small redworm CANNOT be detected via looking for eggs in faeces. A blood test is available to test for both these worms but a new saliva test is now available for tapeworm detection. Other ways of reducing worms: - Poo picking the field is still a really good method of reducing the worm and egg burden around. - Not to over graze or have a high stocking density, ideally each horse needs 3.5 acres to graze. - The fungi nematophagus will predate on worm larvae. Benefits to you by testing for the worms in your horse Reduced cost of wormers by using only the correct ones at the correct times if at all!
We are thinking about Hinduism this half term and so we visited a Radha Krishna Temple (a branch of Hinduism). We had a wonderful day learning about the different ways Hindus worship in the temple and the importance of showing love and care to those around us. Our welcoming nun explained the many rituals Hindus observe including praying with prayer beads, chanting songs, spraying drops of water and using smoke from fire to cleanse the body. She also showed us how a 3m long piece of fabric can be used to make a sari! Next, we saw the various objects used in a Hindu temple including many musical instruments (drums, a conch and symbols). Finally, we finished the day by joining in with some singing and dancing.
As cities are recognised as hotspots for biodiversity, urban greening interventions are becoming more important. Such initiatives are promoted as having multiple benefits for nonhumans and humans alike, infused with narratives of climate change adaptation and positive health outcomes. Yet little research has critically examined how residents of cities respond to urban greening or rewilding interventions and the potentially increasing numbers, or changing types, of diverse plants and animals in urban neighbourhoods. This paper critically engages with the social dimensions of urban greening for biodiversity by drawing on a case study of Upper Stony Creek, an urban waterway restoration in Melbourne’s West. Upper Stony Creek is being transformed from a concrete channel separated from the residential area into an accessible urban wetland and park. Data from interviews with residents living in close proximity to the Creek before the transformation show that while being generally supportive of increased greenspace and vegetation in their local area, perceptions of higher biodiversity of native animals are mixed. For example, while birds and lizards are viewed neutrally or favourably, there are fears about the return of snakes. Turning to concepts of biophilia and biophobia, the paper discusses how urban residents’ perceptions of and relations to native animals in urban areas could be problematic for urban greening and other initiatives designed to encourage biodiversity. It concludes by arguing that greater understanding of residents’ diverse relationships with urban wildlife is needed if cities are to continue to be transformed into shared habitats.
Summary: Kotlin is a modern programming language created as an alternative to Java. It offers multiple benefits over Java, including brevity, reliability, safety, great IDE support, open-source, and a mature language. Companies like Netflix, Uber, and Pinterest have switched to Kotlin. How can it benefit the development process further? Let’s read. In 2019, Google announced that Kotlin is the preferred language for Android app development and would be shipped with Android Studio by default starting from version 3.0. With Google itself becoming Kotlin-oriented, many developers are moving towards adopting it. The fact that many Java apps are being rewritten in Kotlin now proves that it is the future of building Android apps. The way Swift assured the death of Objective C language, Kotlin is all set to push out Java from the Android app development ecosystem. Kotlin has made many developers reassess their approach to creating apps considering that Java has been the foundation of innovative products for Android users, programmers, and coders for a long time. We respect your privacy. Your information is safe. What is Kotlin? Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. It is designed to improve productivity in an ecosystem primarily dominated by Java. It is fully interoperable with Java and provides more expressive syntax and safety features. It is also officially supported by Google for Android development. Significance of Kotlin for Android App Development Kotlin was developed in 2011 by the programmers of a software product development company JetBrains in Russia and then augmented by several open-source developers. It is a typed programming language that can run on the Java virtual machine. It is an open-source, multipurpose, and pragmatic computer programming language that combines both acquisitive and functional programming features to allow faster compilation. Kotlin is relevant today because it is open-source and offers extensive features in mobile app development services. It has been a solution to Android developers’ problems for a while. It solves the queries that surface in Java, giving developers flexibility, safety, clarity, and tool support. Design Challenges Faced by Kotlin One of the design challenges that Kotlin programmers initially faced was that of the null-type system. The solutions offered by Kotlin programmers were too much of a hassle. After several iterations, the team came up with the platform types. It is the current version that Kotlin uses. Kotlin has fixed many of the nagging issues present within the Java language. For example, the type system controls the null references in Kotlin. Kotlin has proper function types, and it has no raw types. The arrays in Kotlin are invariant. It also does not have checked exceptions, as Java does. The Key Benefits of Adopting Kotlin Organizations are adopting Kotlin for their development requirements. It is a supported language for writing Android app codes. Transitioning to Kotlin is one of the best decisions an organization can make. Here are the key benefits of Kotlin: 1. Increased Code Brevity and Readability One of the primary reasons developers prefer Kotlin over Java is the brevity that Kotlin offers. Java seems quite repetitive in comparison. Brevity ensures that there are lesser errors in code. It also implies a much faster rate of production. 2. It is an Open-Source Since 2012, JetBrains declared Kotlin to be an open-source project. As an open-source language, a developer can expect high-quality development all the time by getting considerable support from the Kotlin Slack team. 3. It is a Mature Language with Great IDE Support Kotlin was first created in 2011 and finally saw its first official release in 2016. It went into several stages of alpha and beta improvements before the final version. It means that developers already used Kotlin in several projects even before release. It is practical with proven features from other programming languages and world-class IDE support. The IDE plugin works in the case of Kotlin and allows several of Java’s popular features. 4. It Provides a More Natural Way to Develop Android Apps Kotlin is a simple yet powerful language compared to other languages. While Java suffers from severe issues, Scala’s different programming language is dense with slow compilation time. The library required to write Android apps with Kotlin is very small and doesn’t increase the method count much. 5. It is a Swift Language for Android App Development Kotlin integrates with Android Studio, making it fast. A Kotlin project can be set up to function in less than 10 minutes, even for a first-timer. Android 2.3 requires a plugin to integrate with Kotlin, while Android 3.0 integrates. Like Java, it can work from the IDE. It can also debug without any hiccups. All these features of Kotlin work well with many other things that Java is capable of. 6. It is Reliable Due to its Developmental Process One of the reasons why Kotlin came into existence is because its parent company JetBrains had specific requirements from a programming language they would use themselves. It also offers practical value for its parent company, which uses it for its line of products. It makes them interested in further developing it. With Google’s support, two innovative companies are working together toward their development. JetBrains has not only put in significant efforts in the initial idea of the language as its history suggests but is also making substantial alterations to it for its future success. Features like Kotlin Android Extensions, libraries like Anko, continuous library size optimizations, and build times suggest JetBrains’ commitment to the further development of Kotlin for Android mobile app development. 7. Developers Must Move Away from Becoming Obsolete Once developers start using Kotlin, they realize that modern language makes their work processes more efficient and their minds more creative. Java has been around for ages and has become obsolete. Using a modern language allows for different ways of thinking, which is critical for developers as it reflects in their work. It also makes the developer more versatile as their propensity to understand and use similar programming languages increases. All these elements add value to a developer’s profile. 8. It is Much Safer than Java/Improved Safety and Reliability Kotlin is a much safer option than Java. One of the major problems with Java lies in the language’s design, which leads to extra work. Hence more money and time were spent on the project. For example, nulls are the most error-prone points when working with Java. Bug managers face 90% of the errors being the Null Pointer Exception. Whereas in Kotlin, nulls do not exist unless otherwise stated. No variable by default can be set to ‘null’ in Kotlin. If a developer wants a variable to accept nulls, he has to mark the type with a ‘?’. The compiler will then force the developer to check ‘null’ before doing anything with the variable. Due to this, a Null Pointer Exception does not occur in Kotlin. 9. It is Easy to Learn Like other Java-compatible languages, Kotlin is more comfortable to learn. It can easily be read by someone new to the language as the code is easy to understand. It also helps keep away from errors. It is a language that resembles what a Java developer already understands. The only intricate part of Kotlin is the elements that Java lacks. Kotlin opens up possibilities for developers to be more creative and solve problems. 10. Enhanced Productivity and Development Speed One of the key benefits of adopting Kotlin is enhanced productivity and development speed. The language has a more expressive syntax, which reduces boilerplate code and makes it easier for developers to read and understand their code. Kotlin also has safety features such as null safety, which helps prevent null pointer exceptions, a common source of bugs in Java. These features help to reduce the time and effort required for debugging and maintenance, allowing developers to focus on implementing new features and delivering better-quality code in less time. Additionally, the interoperability between Kotlin and Java allows developers to leverage existing Java code and libraries in their Kotlin projects, further increasing development speed. Challenges and Considerations when Adopting Kotlin Adopting a new programming language like Kotlin comes with challenges and considerations. 1. Upgrading from Java For developers who are used to working with Java, the transition to Kotlin can be challenging as the syntax of the two languages is quite different. Developers need to get familiar with Kotlin’s more expressive syntax and functional programming concepts. Additionally, Kotlin’s type inference can make the code look more compact and cleaner but with the drawback of possibly increasing the app’s binary size if not used carefully. This may pose a challenge for developers working with resource-constrained devices or dealing with large codebases. 2. Migrating existing codebases Migrating an existing codebase from Java to Kotlin can be complex and time-consuming. Automated tools can convert Java code to Kotlin, but they may only sometimes produce accurate results, and manual conversion can be error-prone. Moreover, migrating the existing codebase would require significant effort, and testing should be done thoroughly to ensure that the migrated code still works as expected. Also, the attempt to make the existing Java codebase null-safe could be substantial, as in Java, null is an accepted value, while in Kotlin, it is considered a problem to be handled. 3. Integration with Third-Party Libraries and Frameworks Developers may encounter challenges when integrating Kotlin with third-party libraries and frameworks not explicitly designed for Kotlin. In some cases, Java versions of libraries and frameworks may need to be used, which can add complexity to the project. Moreover, when integrating with Java libraries and frameworks, developers may need to be careful when using Kotlin’s null safety features, as it can cause issues if the library or framework is not written to handle null values. This requires thorough testing of the integrated code to ensure it is working as expected. Why Businesses are Gravitating Towards Kotlin For a business, moving to a new tool is a well-thought decision. Any new tool being deployed aims to solve an existing problem more simpler and better. Several businesses recently have shown their support towards Kotlin by embracing it for Android app development. The most common reasons are: - The Support: With Google officially supporting the language, this support will widen the Android app development ecosystem and provide enhanced technical support and other business capabilities. It also means more knowledge-sharing across the community of Android app developers - Easy Migration: Secondly, businesses can migrate to Kotlin easily, making the whole process more straightforward. Along with the ease of learning the language, it removes barriers to adoption. - Lower Cost of Development & Maintenance: Kotlin is all set for a bright future in the Android app development ecosystem. The lower app development cost and maintenance of Kotlin projects are a big plus for every business. It has many great language features and offers brevity, ensuring higher quality and faster turnaround time. Top Companies Using Kotlin Kotlin is here to stay, and businesses must take cognizance of that if they haven’t already. Therefore, choosing an appropriate android mobile app development technology stack is an essential step toward app development for any business. Kotlin provides an effective solution due to the speed, accuracy, flexibility, and stability it offers to solve complex business challenges. Several influential organizations, like Prezi, Basecamp, Amazon Web Services, Pinterest, Coursera, Netflix, Uber, etc., have adopted Kotlin. Developers like Expedia, Flipboard, Square, and several others use Kotlin majorly for their Android productions. Is Kotlin the Future of Android Development? Strong evidence suggests that Kotlin is becoming an increasingly popular choice for Android development. Since Google announced official support for Kotlin in 2017, its usage in Android development has grown significantly, and it has become one of the most popular programming languages for developing Android apps. Kotlin’s improved syntax and safety features make it a more productive choice than Java, and its interoperability with Java allows developers to leverage existing Java code and libraries. Additionally, Google has stated that Kotlin is now the preferred language for Android app development. All these factors make it a compelling choice for Android development, and it seems likely that its popularity will continue to grow. Why Net Solutions Chooses the Kotlin Mobile Technology Stack for a Business Net Solutions has also adopted Kotlin as an Android app development language for its projects. Kotlin is a good fit for our app development process for various reasons. - Efficient Language: Kotlin is a more efficient language for developing Android apps due to its range of features. It is a mature language with high-quality IDE support. The excellent support that comes with the Kotlin ecosystem is a big plus. - More Productive: Kotlin’s powerful and clean syntax results in less coding than Java. It means fewer errors and less time taken for the same work output. Kotlin, an ideal developer’s language, extends these benefits to clients with more stable and high-caliber apps delivered much faster. - Cost Saving: Kotlin’s cost efficiency is another element that positively impacts our decision to move to the language. We know how Objective-C was made obsolete by Swift, and then the maintenance of Objective-C projects proved to be a cost sinkhole. There is a high possibility that staying on Java for Android app projects could lead to mounting maintenance expenses. At Net Solutions, we want to ensure that it does not happen to any of our clients. Finally, we know Kotlin app development results from the developer community‘s feedback over the years. It is more intuitive to developers’ requirements. It is primarily focused on developing the Android ecosystem and is helping it evolve further, which is why Net Solutions widely uses Kotlin for its Android projects. Frequently Asked Questions Is Kotlin easy to learn for developers already familiar with Java?Kotlin is generally easy to learn for developers already familiar with Java. The syntax of Kotlin is similar to that of Java, and many concepts and patterns are the same. However, Kotlin does introduce some new features and concepts that developers may need to familiarize themselves with, such as higher-order functions and the Kotlin Standard Library. Can Kotlin be used for app development on other platforms besides Android?Kotlin is primarily designed for Android app development, but it can also be used to develop apps for other platforms, such as iOS, web, and desktop. Kotlin has strong support for cross-platform development, and many developers have successfully used it to build apps that run on multiple platforms. How does the Android ecosystem support Kotlin?Kotlin has strong support from the Android ecosystem. Google has officially endorsed Kotlin as the preferred language for Android app development, and it is now the default choice in Android Studio. The Android community has also embraced Kotlin, and many resources are available to help developers learn and use the language. What are the long-term prospects for Kotlin in the Android app development industry?The long-term prospects for Kotlin in the Android app development industry are positive. Kotlin has already seen widespread adoption among significant companies, with strong support from Google and the Android community. Kotlin will continue to grow in popularity and become the dominant language for Android app development in the future. Grow your business with highly-functional mobile apps. Talk to our experts to develop immersive Android apps with Kotlin.
Project 1 – Curve Fitting In a wind tunnel experiment, the force on a projectile due to air resistance was measured at different velocities, according to the table below. Velocity, t (100 ft/sec) 0 2 4 6 8 10 Force,p(t) (100 lb) 0 2.9 14.8 39.6 74.3 119 Follow the indicated steps to find an interpolating polynomial for these data that is a polynomial whose graph passes through the data points given in the table. Use the function A(t) = a0 + a + a 2t2 + a 3t3 + a 4t4 + a sts (a) Make a plot of the data. (b) Find the system of equations with variables a0,…, a5 that results when the values for the velocity are substituted in for t in the function above. (c) Write down the augmented matrix that corresponds to the system. (d) Solve the system of equations. Determine if the system is consistent or not. If it is consistent, determine if the system has a unique solution or infinitely many solutions. (e) Find the interpolating polynomial, if it exists. (F) Graph the polynomial on your plot from part (a). (g) Estimate the force on the projectile when it is traveling at 750 ft/sec. (Note the units in the table above.)
CBE’s research team conducts groundbreaking research that documents the ongoing injustice that low-income communities and areas with high populations of people of color house the largest concentrations of polluters and pollution. CBE’s research team further examines the environmental and health harms that result from unaddressed injustices and weaknesses, such as: - the heavy concentration of polluters in our communities; - our society’s continuing reliance on fossil fuels; - flaws in our regulatory system. In addition to documenting the problems, CBE’s researchers also recommend actions that agencies, regulators, and policy makers can take to improve conditions in these communities.
|Photo by Aline Wolfer (Oiseaux d'Argentine)| crested gallito (en); tapáculo-de-crista (pt); tourco huppé (fr); gallito copetón (es); schopfbürzelstelzer (de) This species is found in south-eastern Bolivia, western Paraguay and in Argentina down to Rio Negro. The crested gallito is 21 cm long and weighs 52-64 g. These birds are found in moist savannas and lowland dry scrublands and thorny woodlands. They are present from sea level up to an altitude of 1.800 m. Crested gallitos feed only on the ground, mainly eating insects and spiders. They may also eat berries when in season. These birds are monogamous and may form permanent pair bonds. They build a globular nest in a bush, near the groud, using root fibers, grass, moss, and a few small twigs. There the female lays 2 white eggs which are incubated by both parents for 16-17 days. The chicks are fed by both parents and fledge 14-15 days after hatching. IUCN status - LC (Least Concern) This species has a large breeding range, but is described as uncommon. Thes population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence for any declines or substantial threats.
There are dog breeds that for white coat color can have blue eyes. If white coat dominate on the head, around the eyes or mouth, there is a chance that the dog will have blue eyes. Here are some dog breeds that on the white color of the coat can have blue eyes. Unfortunately, but there are some cases where these dogs are born deaf or hearing impairments. The researchers found that white dogs who lack pigment in the head area, causing the lack of pigment cells in the ear. It must be remembered that blue eye color is a recessive gene, which has almost all dog breeds. Therefore, any breed of dog can be born with blue eyes in spite of its breed and coat color. Even if the puppy’s parents do not have blue eyes, a puppy can have it. 1. Wolf Hybrid A Wolf Hybrid can be quite skittish and does not respond well to inanimate objects, fast motion, loud noises or new people. It requires much patience. Training is not for the weak and serious consideration should be given prior to obtaining a Wolf Hybrid, as it requires firm, consistent training and ample space to roam. If there’s something you find foul and offensive you can bet a wolfdog will roll happily in it and coat itself in the funk! It is not until a Wolf Hybrid is about 18 months of age that it will start showing signs of the wolf. Wolves younger than 18 months of age are adolescents; they are playful and adaptable. They take directions readily and can bond with other species. Young wolves act more like the common dog as they have not developed into maturity. As a wolf grows out of its adolescence, its hormonal system reaches maturity and it will begin to exhibit all of the typical behaviors of the wolf. 2. Alaskan Malamute This great dog is similar to a timber wolf in both size and coloring. Most Alaskan malamutes weigh about 35 to 40 kilos (around 75 to 85 pounds), but some can get as large as 45 kilos (around 100 pounds). Alaskan malamutes have a double coat, often part white and part sable or gray. Their eyes are brown and their tails are fluffy and usually carried up. Like the other sled dogs, these dogs have some eye problems like retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts. Like a lot of other big dogs, they are prone to hip dysplasia. Alaskan malamutes usually live about 11 years. They are well known for their ability to resist training, so make sure to take it to obedience classes and socialize it from a young age. Like Siberians, Alaskan malamutes have a lot of energy—too much for most people. While most people cannot run them on a sled, there are several alternative exercises available for them. They are strong, so they do well in bikejoring, skijoring, and weight-pulling. Sledge dog breed is considered one of the oldest dog breeds. These dogs can be several colors, from black to white. Usually white are muzzle and belly. Eyes are blue, brown, amber color. The dogs may have different eyes – for example one blue and one brown. At present, very popular with dogs Sky-blue eyes. This is a very strong dogs that can survive in extreme cold. In terms of the character of these dogs can distinguish three features – a energetic, playful and friendly dog. These dogs love human company and do not like to be alone. They are not suitable for protection. Huskies rarely bark, but sometimes screaming just for fun. For these dogs require strenuous physical exercise, about 80-100 minutes. However, these dogs are prone to escape, so better to let go of their fenced area. The Difference Between an Albino Dog and a White Dog All-white dogs have genetic markers by virtue of which the white pigment masks, or suppresses, all other colors. Albinism, on the other hand, is caused by the absence of both melanin and the enzymes that produce it. That said, some dogs exhibit characteristics of albinism without being true albinos. Let’s explore the distinctions, as plainly and legibly as possible, and see what makes an albino dog an albino. Albinism is rare in all animals, including dogs, and many people easily confuse white-coated dogs, or dogs that exhibit forms of albinism, for albinos. True albinism is a genetic condition in which pigmentation of eyes, coat, and skin is completely absent. An important distinction to draw between dogs with white coats and albino dogs is that white-coated dogs produce the color white, while albinos only appear white due to lack of pigmentation.
A brahmin. Before the appearance of the Buddha in the world, Āmagandha became an ascetic and lived in the region of the Himālaya with five hundred pupils. They ate neither fish nor flesh. Every year they came down from their hermitage in search of salt and vinegar, and the inhabitants of a village near by received them with great honour and showed them every hospitality for four months. Then one day the Buddha, with his monks, visited the same village, and the people having listened to his preaching became his followers. That year when Āmagandha and his disciples went as usual to the village, the householders did not show towards them the same enthusiasm as heretofore. The brahmin, enquiring what had happened, was full of excitement on hearing that the Buddha had been born, and wished to know if he ate "Āmagandha," by which he meant fish or flesh. He was greatly disappointed on learning that the Buddha did not forbid the eating of āmagandha, but, desiring to hear about it from the Buddha himself, he sought him at Jetavana. The Buddha told him that āmagandha was not really fish or flesh, but that it referred to evil actions, and that he who wished to avoid it should abstain from evil deeds of every kind. The same question had been put to the Buddha Kassapa by an ascetic named Tissa, who later became his chief disciple. In giving an account of the conversation between Kassapa Buddha and Tissa, the Buddha preached to āmagandha the āmagandha Sutta. The Brahmin and his followers entered the Order and in a few days became arahants. Sn., pp.42-5; SnA.i.278ff. Āmagandha Sutta.-The conversation between the Buddha and the brabmin Āmagandha mentioned above (Sn.42ff). According to Buddhaghosa (SnA.i.280ff) this was merely a reproduction of the conversation of the Buddha Kassapa with the ascetic Tissa, who later became his chief disciple. The sutta is particularly interesting as being one of the few passages in which sayings of the previous Buddhas are recorded. The Buddha's view is put forward as being identical with that which had been enunciated long ago, with the intended implication that it was a self-evident proposition accepted by all the wise.
In 1778 John Paul Jones launched one of the first invasions in American history. John Paul Jones, who is known as the father of the US Navy, was actually born in Scotland. In April of 1778 Jones, the captain of the sloop Ranger, led a shore party of about 30 to 40 men in a raid on the town of Whitehaven in England. About half of his crew found a pub and got drunk but a British coal ship was burnt and Jones spiked the shore batteries to protect his escape. The British press was in an uproar over the Whitehaven raid and insurance rates on shipping doubled overnight. No one was killed or seriously injured, but John Paul Jones had brought the war home to the English during the American Revolution.
President Barack Obama will become the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima since the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb in 1945. President Barack Obama will become the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima, Japan, the site where the United States dropped the first atomic bomb used in war. The president’s aim is to advance his goal of nuclear disarmament in his final year. Questions have been raised about what Obama will say during his visit, including whether he would offer an apology for the WWII attack. White House officials have already countered rumors of an apology by saying that the U.S. does not owe Japan a formal apology and that the visit will act as a reminder of how vast the destruction is when nuclear weapons are used. Ben Rhodes,Obama’s deputy national security adviser, commented: “He will not revisit the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II. Instead, he will offer a forward-looking vision focused on our shared future.” The stop, scheduled for May 27, will include a visit to Peace Memorial Park, which was built on top of the commercial district destroyed in the attack. President Obama will be accompanied by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as he pays his respects at the site; he will be the highest-ranking U.S. official to do so. A presidential visit has long been a goal of the president’s, and he has considered it in each of the three times he visited Japan. He is said to have decided against it in the past as a way to avoid the perception that he is an apologetic commander-in-chief. In 2009, during his first visit to Japan, Obama said: “The memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are etched in the minds of the world, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to visit those cities at some point during my presidency.” At the time, a Japanese government official had told the U.S. ambassador that “it would be premature to include a visit to Hiroshima.” Since then, the United States and Japan have continued working through their grievances regarding World War II offenses and Obama has worked towards stemming the spread of nuclear weapons. These factors have made a visit to the site of destruction more feasible and welcomed. Rhodes wrote on Mean Tuesday: “The President and his team will make this visit knowing that the open recognition of history is essential to understanding our shared past, the forces that shape the world we live in today, and the future that we seek for our children and grandchildren.” What are your thoughts on Obama’s planned visit? Please comment on, like, and share this article! This article (Obama Set To Make Historic First Visit To Hiroshima Since U.S. Dropped Atomic Bomb) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Things You'll Need - Paper lunch bag - Newspaper or stuffing - Glue gun - 2 googly eyes - Construction paper - Sentence strip It's easy for a child to imagine being a four-legged equine when wearing a horse hat. This hat can be worn to school rodeos, on Halloween or simply for playing dress-up. Making your own horse hat is easy and takes a short time to create. Making the Horse Head and Face Stuff a paper lunch sack with wadded newspaper or other stuffing material until the sack is full. Fold and staple shut the sack opening to keep the stuffing inside. Lay the sack down on a table. On the sack side facing you, draw two large circles side by side near the bottom. These will be the horse's nostrils. Glue two googly eyes above the nostrils and near the top of the sack side facing you. Making the Ears and Mane Cut two 2-inch triangles out of construction paper. Glue one to each side of the sack behind the face. Half of the ear should extend above the sack bottom's edge. Cut a handful of yarn into 5-inch pieces. Tie each piece onto one long piece of yarn that is equal in length to the sack. Glue the long yarn piece on the sack side that's opposite the side with the nostrils and eyes, so that the smaller yarn pieces fall to the side freely. This is the horse's mane. Fitting the Hat and Attaching the Horse's Head Wrap the sentence strip around the person's head that will be wearing the hat. Hold tightly and remove to staple the ends together. Staple the folded end of the sack to the front of the sentence-strip hat so that the horse's head is looking forward. - Russell Illig/Photodisc/Getty Images
Course Interior Design “Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.” – Nate Berkus The famous phrase of Nate Berkus, a great master of Interior Design, speaks of an essential concept. The place where you live (and even where you work!) must tell a story, but not just any story: YOUR story, your experience, what you love most, your MANTRA! In the last decade, the Interior Designer has become an increasingly popular figure in the world of work and has acquired a fundamental role in the field of design. Here’s what the Interior Designer does: - Utilizes graphic applications - Interprets the needs of society - Processes appropriate solutions The primary objective of this course is to transform every student into a professional in their field capable of shaping the tastes and styles of society for living in an environment that is both functional and beautiful. We aim to give the students the necessary preparation to develop interior design in all its phases: from concept to design to realization. Areas for expanding your creativity in interior design are varied, to learn more, visit the section “Who do you want to become”. THE ISTITUTO ITALIANO DESIGN updates and optimizes the subjects of study each year to provide students with very high-quality preparation in design. Theory and practice alternate in perfect balance to create synergies that can facilitate learning and train successful design experts. - Brand Identity strategies - History of Architecture I - History of Architecture II - Principles and methodology of the project - Technical Drawing I - Visual Communication - Materials Technology - CAD 2D - Graphic applications - Social Media Marketing - History and Criticism of Design I - History of furniture design - Anthropology of living - Art history - Interior Design I - Commercial Food Design - 3D Modeling - History and Criticism of Design II - Product Management - Lighting Design - Interior Design II - Retail e Franchising - Landscape Design - Exhibit Design - Virtual Architecture Main operational areas - Domestic living spaces, for private and commercial use, and work/ office spaces; - Public spaces: museums, banks, government offices, hospitals, schools and their urban interiors; - Places of consumption, spaces to be designed as places for relationships and emotional exchanges between the company and the relevant public (Retail Design); Necessary cookies enable core functionality. The website cannot function properly without these cookies, and can only be disabled by changing your browser preferences. Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. We use some social sharing plugins, to allow you to share certain pages of our website on social media. These plugins place cookies so that you can correctly view how many times a page has been shared.
kidney(redirected from enlarged kidney) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to enlarged kidney: polycystic kidney disease About 80 per cent of kidney stones are composed of calcium salts, which precipitate out of their normally soluble form in urine, usually because the patient has an inherited tendency to excrete excessive amounts of calcium (idiopathic hypercalcemia). A very small percentage of kidney stones are associated with a parathyroid tumor that increases production of parathyroid hormone and thus raises the serum calcium level. Persons with intestinal absorption problems, including those who have had intestinal bypass surgery for obesity, sometimes develop calcium stones because of excessive absorption of dietary oxalate, which is eventually excreted by the kidneys. Since vitamin C is converted by the body into oxalate, large doses of the vitamin can predispose one to stone formation. The most common type of stones is the oxalate calculi, hard ones consisting of calcium oxalate; some have sharp spines that can abrade the renal pelvic epithelium, and others are smooth. Another common type is the phosphate calculi, which contain calcium phosphate in a mineral form such as brushite or whitlockite; they may be hard, soft, or friable and range from small to so large that they fill the renal pelvis. Struvite stones are composed of the salt magnesium ammonium phosphate and form in alkaline urine such as that produced in urinary tract infections. Uric acid stones form when there is an increased excretion of uric acid, as in gout or certain malignancies. An acid urine favors their formation. Cystine stones are associated with cystinuria, a hereditary kidney disorder in which there is excessive excretion of cystine. “Staghorn stones” are ones that have extended from the renal pelvis into the calyces, giving them sharp protrusions like the antlers of a stag. Additional preventive measures include avoidance or prompt treatment of urinary tract infections, changing the urinary pH in cases in which acidity or alkalinity predisposes to stone formation, treatment of underlying pathologies such as parathyroid tumor, and careful long-term follow-up of patients who have had intestinal bypass surgery or a history of intestinal malabsorption. Uric acid stones can be prevented by administering the drug allopurinol, which inhibits the formation of uric acid, and by keeping the urine relatively alkaline. An alkaline urine and high intake are effective means of preventing cystine stones. If these measures fail, however, the drug penicillamine may be prescribed. A specific strategy for prevention of stone formation in an individual patient requires chemical analysis of the stones, urine, and blood to determine the type of stone being formed. The classic symptoms of renal colic occur when a small calculus is dislodged from the renal pelvis and begins to travel down the ureter. Many stones have sharp spicules or spikes on their surfaces; as they roll along the ureter they can scrape the lining, causing excruciating pain and bleeding. The pain is typically felt in the flank over the affected kidney and ureter and radiates downward toward the genitalia and inner thigh. Nausea and vomiting can occur as a result of the severe pain. If an infection is present the patient experiences fever and chills. If the stone is not passed, the traditional treatment has been surgical intervention to remove it via ureteroscopy. A newer noninvasive technique is lithotripsy, which involves crushing the stone into fragments small enough to be passed in the urine; this is done using any of a variety of techniques, the most common being ultrasound. Analgesics should be administered promptly to provide relief of pain and facilitate passage of the stone. Fluid intake and output are measured; the intake is encouraged to be 4000 ml every 24 hours. Characteristics of the urine are noted, and all urine is strained until the stone is either passed or removed surgically. Dietary restrictions and recommendations to alter urinary pH and the reason for increased fluid intake are explained to the patient and family members as appropriate. The patient also is taught to take prescribed medications faithfully and to report symptoms of urinary tract infection promptly. kidney/kid·ney/ (kid´ne) either of the two organs in the lumbar region that filter the blood, excreting the end-products of body metabolism in the form of urine, and regulating the concentrations of hydrogen, sodium, potassium, phosphate, and other ions in the extracellular fluid. kidneySee Cake kidney, Goldblatt kidney, Horseshoe kidney, Large white kidney, Polycystic kidney, Rat-bitten kidney. Synonym(s): ren [TA] . The top of each kidney is opposite the 12th thoracic vertebra; the bottom is opposite the third lumbar vertebra. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left one. Each kidney weighs 113 to 170 g (4 to 6 oz), and each is about 11.4 cm (4 1 2 in) long, 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 in) broad, and 2.5 cm (1 in) thick. The kidneys in the newborn are about three times as large in proportion to body weight as they are in the adult. Each kidney is surrounded by adipose tissue and by the renal fascia, a fibrous membrane that helps hold the kidney in place. On the medial side of a kidney is an indentation called the hilus or hilum, at which the renal artery enters and the renal vein and ureter emerge. The microscopic nephrons are the structural and functional units of the kidney; each consists of a renal corpuscle and renal tubule with associated blood vessels. In frontal section, the kidney is composed of two areas of tissue and a medial cavity. The outer renal cortex is made of renal corpuscles and convoluted tubules. The renal medulla consists of 8 to 18 wedge-shaped areas called renal pyramids; they are made of loops of Henle and collecting tubules. Adjacent to the hilus is the renal pelvis, the expanded end of the ureter within the kidney. Urine formed in the nephrons is carried by a papillary duct to the tip (papilla) of a pyramid, which projects into a cuplike calyx, an extension of the renal pelvis. See: illustration The nephron consists of a renal corpuscle and renal tubule. The renal corpuscle is made of a capillary network called a glomerulus surrounded by Bowman's capsule. The renal tubule extends from Bowman's capsule. The parts, in order, are as follows: proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting tubule, all of which are surrounded by peritubular capillaries. See: illustration Formation of Urine Urine is formed by filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. As blood passes through the glomerulus, water and dissolved substances are filtered through the capillary membranes and the inner or visceral layer of Bowman's capsule; this fluid is now called glomerular filtrate. Blood cells and large proteins are retained within the capillaries. Filtration is a continuous process; the rate varies with blood flow through the kidneys and daily fluid intake and loss. As the glomerular filtrate passes through the renal tubules, useful materials such as water, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries. Most of these have a renal threshold level, i.e., a limit to how much can be reabsorbed, but this level is usually not exceeded unless the blood level of these materials is above normal. Reabsorption of water is regulated directly by antidiuretic hormone and indirectly by aldosterone. Most waste products remain in the filtrate and become part of the urine. Hydrogen ions, creatinine, and the metabolic products of medications may be actively secreted into the filtrate to become part of the urine. The collecting tubules unite to form papillary ducts that empty urine into the calyces of the renal pelvis, from which it enters the ureter and is transported to the urinary bladder. Periodically the bladder is emptied (a reflex subject to voluntary control) by way of the urethra; this is called micturition, urination, or voiding. If a normally hydrated individual ingests a large volume of aqueous fluids, in about 45 min a sufficient quantity will have been excreted into the bladder to cause the urge to urinate. See: Urine is about 95% water and about 5% dissolved substances. The dissolved materials include minerals, esp. sodium, the nitrogenous waste products urea, uric acid, and creatinine, and other metabolic end products. The volume of urine excreted daily varies from 1000 to 2000 ml (averaging 1500 ml). The amount varies with water intake, nature of diet, degree of body activity, environmental and body temperature, age, blood pressure, and many other factors. Pathological conditions may affect the volume and nature of the urine excreted. However, patients with only one kidney have been found to have normal renal function even after half of that kidney was removed because of cancer. There is no evidence that forcing fluids is detrimental to the kidneys. The nerve supply consists of sympathetic fibers to the renal blood vessels. These promote constriction or dilation, esp. of arteries and arterioles. Frequently encountered diseases of the kidney include infection (pyelonephritis), stone formation (nephrolithiasis), dilation (hydronephrosis), protein loss (nephrosis), cancer (hypernephroma), and acute or chronic renal failure. See: dialysis; glomerulonephritis; nephropathy; nephritis; renal failure The kidneys are examined by palpation, intravenous pyelography, ultrasonography, computed tomography scan, cystoscopy, retrograde cystoscopy, or magnetic resonance imaging. Kidney function is also frequently examined with blood tests (e.g., for electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine) and by urinalysis or timed collections of urine. Infected persons typically lose large quantities of protein in the urine and may present with edema or symptoms of fluid overload, nephrosis, or renal failure. embolic contracted kidney Goldblatt kidneySee: Goldblatt, Harry medullary sponge kidney myeloma kidneyCast nephropathy. red contracted kidneyGranular kidney. small indented calcified kidneyAbbreviation: SICK wandering kidneyHypermobile kidney. waxy kidneyAmyloid kidney. kidneyOne of the paired, reddish brown, bean-shaped structures lying in pads of fat on the inside of the back wall of the ABDOMEN on either side of the spine, just above the waist. The kidneys filter the blood, removing waste material and adjusting the levels of various essential chemical substances, so as to keep them within necessary limits. In so doing, they produce a sterile solution of varying concentration known as urine. This passes down the ureters to the bladder where it is stored until it can be conveniently disposed of. The kidneys are largely responsible for regulating the amount of water in the body and controlling the acidity of the blood. Most drugs or their products are eliminated through the kidney. Kidneys control fluid and chemical levels by both filtration and selective reabsorption under the control of various hormones such as ALDOSTERONE from the adrenal gland, the ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE from the pituitary gland and PARATHYROID hormone from the parathyroid glands. Sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, glucose, amino acids, vitamins and many other substances are returned to the blood and conserved. Proteins, fats and all the cells of the blood remain in the circulation. The kidneys produce ERYTHROPOIETIN, which stimulates the rate of formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. When blood pressure falls below normal the kidneys release the enzyme renin into the blood. This results in the formation of a further hormone, angiotensin, which rapidly causes blood vessels throughout the body to constrict and raise the blood pressure. kidneyan organ, found in pairs in a dorsal situation in vertebrates, that serves the dual purposes of EXCRETION and OSMOREGULATION. See Fig. 200 . Ultrafiltration takes place in the glomerulus of the Bowman's capsule, where the glomerular filtrate contains all the constituents of blood except for blood cells and plasma proteins. Pores of about 0.1 μm diameter in the basement membrane lining the Bowman's capsule allow the passage of the filtrate under pressure. The high pressure is produced by the action of the heart and by the efferent blood vessels from the glomerulus being narrower than the afferent vessels, together with the branching of vessels in the glomerulus. The filtrate, which is modified in its flow along the tubule, eventually emerges from the kidney as urine. The LOOP OF HENLE employs the principle of a hairpin COUNTERCURRENT MULTIPLIER. Active transfer of salt (NaCl) takes place from the ascending limb to the descending limb, so raising the concentration in the latter. This results in a region of high salt concentration deep in the medulla of the kidney through which the collecting duct passes. Water is extracted by osmosis from the distal-convoluted tubule and collecting duct, so concentrating the urine (see ADH). Over 99% of kidney fluid is thus reabsorbed by the kidney tubules. see NEPHRON. Patient discussion about kidney Q. Why do i get kidney stones? I am 38 and have had three stones pass so far. Is it the coffee, the meat, the stress, or the damned DNA?! My uncle is in his 50s and has passed over 30 stones! Q. How can i overcome kidney ache? in the morning it appears.after wake up. Q. what cause pain around kidney uncomfortable pressure swelling right side back
The Prophet Muhammadas, peace be upon him (sa), was the founder of Islam. On these pages, we will briefly outline his life story, drawing upon the sources listed below. By tracing the life story of the Holy Prophetsa , one can separate myth from reality, and perceive the radiant character of the Prophetsa shining through. To begin with, we will present some excerpts from the writings of his greatest lover, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi: “That light of high degree that was bestowed on perfect man was not in angels, was not in stars, was not in the moon, was not in the sun, was not in the oceans and the rivers, was not in rubies, emeralds, sapphires, or pearls; in short, it was not in any earthly or heavenly object. It was only in perfect man whose highest and loftiest and most perfect example was our lord and master, the Chief of the Prophets, the Chief of all living ones, Muhammad, the chosen one (sa). That light was bestowed on this man and, according to their ranks, upon all those who bore the same colour to some degree…. This dignity was found in its highest and most perfect form in our lord and master and our guide, the immaculate Prophet, the righteous one, testified to by the righteous, Muhammad, the chosen one (sa).” “O all ye who dwell upon the earth, and O all human souls that are in the east or in the west, I announce to you emphatically that the true reality in the earth is Islam alone,and the True God is the God Who is described in the Qur’an, and the Prophet who has everlasting spiritual life and who is seated on the throne of glory and holiness, is Muhammad, the chosen one (sa). The proof of his spiritual life and holy majesty is that by following him and loving him we become recipients of the Holy Spirit and are favoured with the bounty of converse with God and witness heavenly signs.” “When we estimate justly, then out of the whole series of Prophets, we find one of high courage and alive and greatly dear to God, the Chief of the Prophets, the pride and the crown of the Messengers, whose name is Muhammad Mustafa and Ahmad Mujtaba [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. By walking under his shadow for ten days one obtains that light which before him could not be obtained in a thousand years…. We have found every light by following the immaculate Prophet and whoever follows him will also find it and he will become so accepted of God that nothing will be impossible for him. The Living God, Who is hidden from people, will be his God and all false gods will be trodden under his feet. He will be blessed everywhere and Divine Power will be with him. Peace be on him who follows the guidance.” “I always wonder how high was the status of this Arabian Prophet, whose name was Muhammad, (thousands of blessings and peace be upon him). One cannot reach the limit of his high status and it is not given to man to estimate correctly his spiritual effectiveness. It is a pity that his rank has not been recognized, as it should have been. He was the champion who restored to the world the Unity of God which had disappeared from the world; he loved God in the extreme and his soul melted out of sympathy for mankind. Therefore, God, Who knew the secret of his heart, exalted him above all the Prophets and all the first ones and the last ones and bestowed upon him in his lifetime all that he desired. He is the fountainhead of every grace and a person who claims any superiority without acknowledging his grace is not a man but is the spawn of Satan, because the Holy Prophet has been bestowed the key to every exaltation and he has been given the treasury of every understanding. He who does not receive through him is deprived forever. I am nothing and possess nothing. I would be most ungrateful if I were not to confess that I have learnt of the true Unity of God through this Prophet. The recognition of the Living God we have achieved through this perfect Prophet and through his light. The honour of converse with God, through which we behold His countenance, has been bestowed upon me through this great Prophet. The ray of this sun of guidance falls like sunshine upon me and I continue illumined only so long as I am adjusted towards it.” The main bulk of biography over the following pages was from A Book of Religious Knowledge by Waheed Ahmed. Some very minor amendments have been made. The description of the Prophet’ssapersonal qualities comes from Life of Muhammed by Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra Miscellaneous articles on https://www.alislam.org/holyprophet/ were also consulted during this process. The use of ‘pbuh’ signifies ‘peace be upon him’ and is an honorific given in Islam to prophets of God. It is especially important to say this after mentioning the Prophet Muhammadsa . The use of ‘ra’ signifies the Arabic for ‘may Allah be pleased with him/her’ and is often used after mentioning the name of a companion of the Prophetsa . The Prophet’s Early Life The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, was the Founder of Islam, and the one to whom the final religion was revealed by Allah. He was born in a noble family in 570 CE in Makkah, Arabia, and was a descendent of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him). The word ‘Muhammad’ literally means ‘praiseworthy’. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa belonged to the tribe of Quraysh, the leading tribe of Makkah. The Quraysh were descendants of Prophet Abrahamsa through his son, Prophet Ismail. The Ka’bah, which is considered by Muslims to be the first house of God, was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ismail some 2600 years before the Holy Prophetsa . At the time of the birth of the Prophet Muhammadsa , the whole world seemed to be passing through a period of extreme moral and religious decline. The condition of Arabia was especially poor. The Arabs suffered from extreme moral vices such as drinking, gambling, and brutal deeds during frequent fights that spun out of tribal rivalries. The Arabs believed in a Supreme God and in the prophethood of Abraham, yet they also worshipped many other gods in the form of idols. They had installed some 360 idols in the Ka`bah itself where the Arabs from all over Arabia would come for their annual pilgrimage. Women enjoyed little status and no rights in the Arab society. Certain families had the savage custom of putting baby girls to death. Slavery was common among them and the slaves lived in misery and extreme hardship. However, the Arabs also possessed some admirable qualities such as hospitality, a sense of honour, bravery, and love for poetry. It was among such people that the Holy Prophet of Islamsawas born. Life Before Prophethood His father, Abdullah, died a few months before his birth. His mother, Aminah, had seen a vision, also some time before his birth. In this vision, an angel proposed to her the name Muhammadsa for her child. Also, she saw that glittering lights, emitting from herself, spread all over the world. After birth, he and his mother had to be looked after by their grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. He entrusted him to the care of the nurse Haleema, as was the custom in Mecca. His mother passed away when he was six years old. Then he was cared for by his grandfather Abdul- Muttalib, who also died two years later. Muhammadsa was then looked after by his uncle Abu Talib. Despite these hardships, Muhammadsa grew up to be an honest, dignified, truthful, and intelligent person. He also helped his uncle with his trade, sometimes accompanying him on his travels to other lands. Muhammadsaled a pious and simple life and was well known for his willingness to help others. His conduct earned him the titles of As-Siddique (meaning the most truthful) and Al-Amin (meaning the most trustworthy). From his very childhood he was given to reflection and meditation. In the quarrels and rivalries of others he took no part, except with a view of putting an end to them. It is said that the tribes living in Mecca and the territories around, tired of unending blood-feuds, collectively founded an association which was to help victims of aggressive and unjust treatment. When the Holy Prophetsa heard of this, he gladly joined. Members of this association gave an undertaking in the following terms: They will help those who were oppressed and will restore them their rights, as long as the last drop of water remained in the sea. And if they do not do so, they will compensate the victims out of their own belongings. Marriage To Khadijah Even in his youth the Prophet Muhammadsa was well known for his honesty, sincerity and truthfulness. At the time there lived in Mecca a rich lady by the name of Khadijah who was twice widowed. On hearing of Muhammad’s fame, peace be upon him, she invited him to her house and requested him to take charge of her business. Muhammadsa travelled to Syria in charge of Khadijah’s business and the expedition met with great success and brought unexpected profits. Khadijah made a proposal of marriage to Muhammadsa which was accepted. At the time of his marriage, Muhammadsa was twenty-five years old while Khadijah was forty. From his marriage to Khadijah, the Holy Prophetsa had seven children: three sons and four daughters. All the Prophet’s sons died in infancy. The four daughters reached womanhood and got married but all died before the age of thirty. Only Fatimah outlived her father, and only by six months. A Dispute Resolved The Prophet Muhammad’s desire, peace be upon him, for maintaining peace and averting conflict is quite evident from an incident that occurred when he was about thirty-five years old. The Quraysh of Mecca decided to rebuild the Ka’ba after some cracks had appeared in its walls. All the families of the Quraysh assisted in this effort. As the walls rose from the ground and the time came to replace the sacred black stone in its place, a dispute broke out. Each of the four main families of the Quraysh wanted this honour exclusively for themselves and the construction of the Ka’ba came to a halt. After many days of suspended work, the Quraysh assembled again and decided that the first person to enter the Ka’ba’s courtyard will be chosen to settle the dispute. Muhammadsa happened to be that person. Muhammadsa quickly grasped the situation and asked that the black stone be placed on a sheet of cloth. He then asked the four families of the Quraysh to hold each comer of the cloth and raise the stone to its place. Thus Muhammadsa , through his wisdom, averted the conflict and resolved the dispute in a manner acceptable to the Quraysh. When the Prophetsa was over thirty years of age, love of God and love of His worship began to possess him more and more. Revolting against the mischiefs, misdeeds and the many vices of the people of Mecca, he chose a spot two or three miles away for his meditations. This was on top of a hill, a sort of cave shaped out of stone. His wife Khadija would prepare food enough for several days, and with this he would repair to the cave Hira. In the cave he would worship God day and night. When he was forty years of age, he saw a vision in this very cave. He saw someone commanding him to recite. The Prophetsa said in reply he did not know what or how to recite. The figure insisted and at last made the Prophetsarecite the following verses: ‘Recite thou in the name of thy Lord Who created, created man from a clot of blood. Recite! And thy Lord is the Most Beneficent, Who taught man by the pen, taught man what he knew not (96:2-6). These verses, the first ever revealed to the Prophetsa , became part of the Qur’an as did other verses which were revealed later. Muhammadsa was so overawed by this experience that he rushed home and related it to his wife Khadijah. He said: “Weak man that I am, how can I carry the responsibility which God proposes to put on my shoulders?” Khadija replied at once, ‘God is witness, He has not sent you this Word that you should fail and prove unworthy, that He should then give you up. How can God do such a thing, while you are kind and considerate to your relations, help the poor and the forlorn and bear their burdens? You are restoring the virtues which had disappeared from our country. You treat guests with honour and help those who are in distress. Can you be subjected by God to any trial?’ Khadijah then took the Prophetsa to her cousin Waraqah bin Naufal who was a Christian hermit. On hearing what had happened Waraqah said: “The angel who descended on Moses, I am sure, has descended on you. Your people will oppose you and will turn you out. I wish that I would be alive at that time and could help you” Although the first revelation marked the beginning of the prophetic career of Muhammadsa , it did not contain any special instructions for him. Such instructions started to come down in subsequent revelations. A second revelation followed soon and more clearly defined the Prophet’s mission. “O thou covered in a mantle Arise and deliver thy warning And your Lord do extol And your garments do purify And all uncleanliness do thou shun And give not just to gain more And for thy Lord’s cause, be patient.” The above verses belong to Surah al Muddathir, the 74th Chapter of the Holy Quran. The Early Years of Islam Preaching In Mecca And The Opposition At first the Prophetsa reported his visions and revelations to a few close relatives and friends. A number of these believed in him and embraced the new religion. The very first person to accept Islam was, of course, his wife Khadijah. Then came Ali, his cousin, and Abu Bakr, his childhood friend. These were followed by Uthman, Abdur Rahman, Zayd, Zubayr, and Talha. Zayd was Prophet Muhammad’s freed slave and adopted son. Then, as commanded, the Prophet took his preaching to his own clan. One day he climbed on top of Mount Sana, in Mecca, and called out: “O people of Quraysh! O people of Quraysh!” Hearing his call, the people of Quraysh gathered around him and asked what the matter was. The Prophet said: “If I told you that there was an army behind this hill, would you believe me?” They all replied: “Indeed, for we trust you, and we have never known you to tell a lie.” The Prophet then said: “Know then that I am a Warner and I warn you of a severe punishment. O Banu Abdul Muttalib! O Banu Abd Manaf! O Banu Zuhra! O Banu Taym! O Banu Makhzum! O Banu Asad! God has commanded me to warn my nearest kinsmen, that I can guarantee to you no good on the earth or in heaven unless you witness that there is none worthy of worship except God.” Hearing this, the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Lahab, got up and said: “Perish thou this very day! Was it for this that thou assembled us here?” Not discouraged at this cruel and harsh reception from his own kinsfolk, the Holy Prophetsa took his preaching to the people of Mecca at large. He spoke to them around the Ka’ba and he talked to them in the streets of Mecca. His message to the people in each case was very simple: God is One. There is none worthy of worship except Him. He has no associate. He is the sole Creator of the Universe. God is Unseen and All Powerful and to portray Him with figures and statues is not right. Muhammad is God’s Messenger just like Abraham, Moses and Jesus… In short, the Holy Prophetsa asked his people to give up idol worship, return to the worship of One God and be kind and charitable to the poor. The Meccans, however, rejected the Prophet’s message and displayed considerable hostility to him and his followers. The Meccans did not like to be told that the religion of their forefathers was absurd. Mecca, moreover, enjoyed a certain status in Arabia due to the Ka’ba and the annual pilgrimage. The Meccans saw in Islam a real threat to their own social and political power and did their utmost to oppose this new religion. The chief among these opponents were Omar bin Hisham (known among the Muslims as Abu Jahal, the father of ignorance), Abu Lahab the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Sufyan, the leading man of the House of Umayyah, and Uqbah bin Mueet, also of the House of Umayyah. While the nobility of Mecca turned a deaf ear to the Prophet’s call, peace be upon him, the poor and the oppressed were strongly attracted to his teaching. Slaves, young men and hapless women collected around the Prophet. These people saw that Islam recognised the rights of the poor, the slaves and the women, and they saw a new hope for themselves in this religion. The acceptance of the Prophet’s teachings by the poor made the chiefs of Mecca all the more angry and vengeful. The Meccans were a class-conscious society and the Chiefs of Mecca could not even think that the poor could have the same rights as themselves. The Quraysh, therefore, started to maltreat the Prophetsa and his followers. The brunt of their wrath fell upon the converted slaves and the poor people of the lower classes who had no patron or protector. These helpless people were abused, persecuted and tortured but rarely did anyone renounce his religion. Bilal, a negro slave, was made to lie on hot sand, and stones were put on his chest. Yasir, a poor man, was tortured till he died, and his wife, Sumayyah, was murdered by Abu Jahal. Many a slave were rescued from persecution by the rich and influential Abu Bakr who would buy them and set them free. The Prophet himself was under the protection of his uncle Abu Talib. This, however, did not stop his opponents maltreating him whenever they had an opportunity. On one occasion the Holy Prophetsa was saying his Prayer at the Ka’ba when a person, on the instigation of Abu Jahal, brought the innards of a camel and dumped them on his back. The Prophet was in the state of prostration at the moment and could not lift himself up due to the heavy weight. One of his daughters eventually came to his help and pushed the burden aside. Similarly, in the streets of Mecca the Prophetsa was a perpetual target of fun and mockery. He, however, remained steadfast in his mission to convey the message of God to the people and to warn them of the Day of Judgment, when they would all be held accountable for their deeds. Emigration To Abyssinia When oppression in Mecca reached its extreme, the Prophetsa advised his followers to seek refuge in a foreign land. As a result, in the fifth year of the Prophet’s mission, a small party of Muslims, consisting of eleven men and four women, set out for Abyssinia. The Kingdom of Abyssinia was ruled at the time by a Christian king named Negus (Najashi) who was well known for his justice. When the Quraysh learned of this emigration, they sent a delegation to the King with the request to expel the Muslims from his Kingdom. They told the King that the Muslims had started a new religion in opposition to their ancestral faith as well as to Christianity. The King summoned the Muslims to his court and demanded an explanation. Ja’far bin Abu Talib spoke on behalf of the Muslims: “O King, we were an ignorant people, given to idolatry. We did not make good our obligations to our relations, and ill-treated our neighbours. The strong among us thrived at the expense of the weak. Then, at last, God raised a Prophet for our reformation. He called us to worship One God and exhorted us to give up idolatry. He enjoined us to speak the truth, to make good our trusts and to be good to our neighbours. He taught us to avoid bloodshed and forbade all indecent things. So we believed in him, followed him and acted upon his teachings. Thereupon our people turned against us and subjected us to tortures. When their cruelties exceeded all bounds, we came to your country seeking asylum” After this Ja’far recited a passage from Surah Maryam which showed Negus the great respect and reverence Muslims had for the Prophet Jesus. Negus was greatly impressed by the morals and ideals of the Muslims and allowed them to stay in his land as long as they wished. The Quraysh delegation had to return to Mecca unsuccessfully. These early emigrants to Abyssinia did not stay in that country for long. On hearing false rumours that relations between the Muslims and the Quraysh had improved, the emigrants returned to Mecca within a few months only to find the persecution worse than ever before. The Second Emigration To Abyssinia In the meantime, the Quraysh redoubled their persecution of Muslims. The Prophetsa again advised his followers to take refuge in Abyssinia. The emigrants this time numbered 101, including 18 women. This second group of emigrants stayed in Abyssinia until the Prophet’s emigration to Yathrib. At the rapid success of Islam, the Quraysh became frightened. They went to Abu Talib and offered to give all sorts of riches to the Prophet Muhammadsa on the condition that he give up his mission. Abu Talib called the Prophet and told him about the wishes of the Quraysh. On hearing this, the Holy Prophet replied: “O my uncle, if they were to place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, I will not give up preaching the truth of One God. I must go on doing so until I die.” In the sixth year of the Prophet’s call, Hamzah and Omar bin Khattab accepted Islam. Both men were brave and highly influential in the Meccan society and their conversion brought great moral and physical support to the Muslim community. Boycott Of The Hashimites Seeing the influence of the Prophet spreading everywhere, the Quraysh took punitive measures against the Hashemite branch of the tribe. In the 7th year of the mission, the Quraysh proclaimed a total boycott of the Hashemite who were forced to retire into the secluded quarter of the city. During this period the Hashemites were cut off from supplies of corn and other foodstuff. Also, no one would trade with them or talk to them during this period. Not all the Hashemites were Muslims but the entire clan endured this difficult situation for the sake of their Muslim kinsfolk. This state of affairs lasted for nearly three years. Finally, five decent members of the enemy revolted against this terrible situation and the boycott was lifted. After the lifting of the boycott, there was a temporary relaxation of hostilities against the Muslims. Exaggerated reports of this temporary improvement in the situation reached Abyssinia, whereupon many of the Muslim emigrants returned to Mecca including the Prophet’s daughter, Ruqayyah, and her husband, Uthman. In the year 619 C.E., not long after the lifting of the boycott, the Prophetsa suffered two great personal losses. The Prophetsa was fifty years old when both his wife and his uncle, Abu Talib, passed away one after the other. Khadijah had been married to the Prophet for twenty-five years and gave him moral support through the most critical period of his life. Abu Talib, though he never accepted Islam, continued to give his protection and affection to the Prophetsa against the great opposition of the Quraysh. The Prophet Muhammadsa was highly grieved at the loss of both these persons and the year of their deaths is known in Islamic history as “the Year of Sorrow”. The Holy Prophet Visits Ta’if When life became very difficult in Mecca and people would not listen to him, the Prophetsa decided to go to Ta’if and preach to the people there. Zayd, his freed slave and adopted son, accompanied the Prophetsa on this journey. Ta’if was a small town about sixty miles south east of Mecca and was also inhabited by idol worshipers. The Holy Prophetsa stayed in Ta’if for a few days and preached to its chiefs without any success. The chiefs of Ta’if set vagabonds and street-boys on the Prophet who pelted him with stones and drove him out of the city. Both Zayd and the Prophetsa were wounded. As the Prophetsa was grieved and dejected at this treatment, an angel appeared and asked him if he wished his persecutors to be destroyed. The Prophetsa replied, “No. I hope one day their children will accept Islam and worship the One God” On his way back from Ta’if, the Prophetsa rested in a vineyard which belonged to two Meccans. They were his persecutors at Mecca but on this occasion they were sympathetic and sent him a tray-full of grapes carried by a Christian slave, named Addas. The Prophet asked the slave where he was from, and Addas replied, “Ninevah.” Upon this the Holy Prophet said, “Ninevah, the home of Jonah, son of Matthew, who was a prophet as I am.” The Prophetsa also told Addas about his own mission and teachings. Addas felt as if he was in the presence of an Israelite Prophet and immediately embraced Islam. First Pledge Of Aqabah During the season of a pilgrimage, the Prophetsa met a group of six men from Yathrib. He explained to them his mission and asked for their help in spreading his message in their home town. On their return to Yathrib, these people spread the news that a Prophet had risen among the Meccans. During the next pilgrimage season, in the year 621 C.E., a group of twelve faithful followers came from Yathrib. The Prophet met these people at a place called Aqabah, where they all took an oath at the Prophet’s hands to never worship anything other than God. This is known as the First Pledge of Aqabah. Al Isra (The Night Journey) In the year 621 C.E., the eleventh year of the Prophet’s call, he experienced another momentous spiritual event. The Prophetsa at the time was staying with his cousin, Hind, the daughter of his uncle Abu Talib. She was also known as Umm Hani. In a spiritual vision during the night, the Holy Prophetsa was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the Prophet Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem which was known to the Muslims as the Distant Mosque. This vision, although purely spiritual and carrying deep prophetic import, was so vivid and realistic in its nature that the Holy Prophet could easily describe the city of Jerusalem and the Distant Mosque to the amazement of the disbelievers. Second Pledge Of Aqabah In the following year, 622 C.E., some seventy-three people came from Yathrib, at the time of the pilgrimage to Mecca. These people secretly met the Prophet in the valley of Aqabah and offered an oath of allegiance to him. These new converts to Islam pledged to help and protect him if the need ever arose. They also extended him an invitation to come to Yathrib. Migration to Medinah After the second pledge of Aqabah, the Muslims in Mecca started to migrate to Yathrib (Medinah) in small groups. There they enjoyed greater freedom to practice their religion and soon, hardly any of the Prophet’s companions were left in Mecca except Abu Bakr and Ali. When Abu Bakr asked for the Prophet’s permission to emigrate, he said, “Go not away, for God may give you a companion.” Abu Bakr understood that he must wait for the Prophetsa and started making necessary preparations. When the Quraysh realised that they could not stop the flow of conversion, they became furious and plotted to murder the Holy Prophetsa himself. The leaders of the Quraysh gathered together and devised a plan under which each clan was to nominate a person. All the persons thus selected were to fall upon the Holy Prophetsa at a given moment and strike him a mortal blow. In this way all the clans would share equally in the killing of the Prophetsa which would make it difficult for the Hashemite to avenge his death. When the Prophet learned of the evil intentions of the enemy he, in the company of Abu Bakr, quietly slipped out of Mecca in the secrecy of the right. They both took shelter in a nearby cave called Thaur. For two days and two nights, the Prophetsa and Abu Bakr hid in the cave. On the third night, according to plan, two swift camels were brought to the cave and the party, including the Prophetsa , Abu Bakr and his servant rode towards Yathrib led by a guide. Yathrib is located about two hundred miles north of Mecca but the party chose a more westerly route, close to the coastline of the Red Sea. When the Meccans discovered that the Prophetsaand Abu Bakr had escaped, they searched for them all around Mecca. Failing to find them, they offered a reward of a hundred camels for the capture of the two, dead or alive. Tempted by the reward, a Bedouin chief, Suraqa bin Malik, went in pursuit of the party. When Suraqa bin Malik sighted the party, he, according to the superstitious Arab custom of the time, consulted his arrows which bade ill luck. The temptation of the reward, however, made him continue the pursuit. At this time his horse stumbled and he fell down. This was another sign for him. When eventually he caught up with the party, he told them of his evil intentions and the sudden change of heart. The Prophetsa let him go but made him promise not to reveal the party’s whereabouts to anyone. Suraqa later narrated this incident, saying, that he was then convinced that the Prophetsa was a true one and that he would definitely succeed in his mission. Suraqa requested the Prophet to write him a guaranty of peace when the Prophet became supreme. To this the Prophetsa agreed. At that moment the Holy Prophetsa received a revelation and said to Suraqa, “Suraqa, how will you feel with the gold bangles of the Chosroes on your wrists?” Amazed at the prophecy, Suraqa asked, “Which Chosroes? Chosroes, the Emperor of Iran?” The Prophet replied, Sixteen or seventeen years later this prophecy was literally fulfilled. During the reign of the second Caliph Omar, the Muslims conquered the Kingdom of Chosroes. When the spoils of the war were placed in front of Omar, he noticed the gold bangles which Chosroes used to wear on state occasions. Remembering the Prophet’s words to Suraqa, he decided to make a visible fulfilment of the prophecy. He called for Suraqa and bade him wear the bangles. To this Suraqa protested since the wearing of gold by men was not permitted by the Prophet. Hazrat Omar said that the occasion was an exception and that Suraqa would have to wear the bangles. To this Suraqa finally complied. The Holy Prophetsa was no longer in this world but the Muslims who were present saw the prophecy of the Messenger of Godsa fulfilled in front of their own eyes. Coming back to the migration, the Holy Prophetsa continued his journey towards Yathrib, where the people were eagerly awaiting his arrival. When he reached near Yathrib, he decided to stop for a while in Quba, a nearby village. He stayed in Quba for a few days and also laid the foundation of the first mosque ever built by the Muslims. Then he went on to Yathrib, where the people of the city had turned out in large numbers to welcome him. This emigration of the Holy Prophet from Mecca to Yathrib is called the Hijrah and took place in June 622 C.E., some twelve years after the beginning of his mission. The Muslim calendar, the Hijrah, dates from this event. With this migration the Meccan period of humiliation, persecution and restrictions finally came to an end and the years of success and religious freedom began. Life at Medinah With the arrival of the Prophetsa , Yathrib changed its name to al-Medinah-tun-Nabi, the City of the Prophet. In the course of time it was shortened to al-Medinah, the City. On arriving at Medinah, the Prophetsa took up residence at the house of Abu Ayub Ansari. Soon he sent his freed slave, Zayd, to Mecca to fetch his family and relatives. The Prophet also bought a vacant piece of land nearby and laid the foundation of a mosque. After this he built houses for himself and his companions. The faithful followers of the Holy Prophetsa , who had left their homes and other worldly possessions in Mecca and had come to Medinah for the sake of Islam, were known as Muhajiroon or the Emigrants. Their love for the Prophetsa was unbounded and they were also very dear to the him. They numbered about seventy men at the time of the Prophet’s arrival in Medinah. The new converts at Medinah, who had helped the Prophetsa at a most difficult time, were called by him Ansar or Helpers. They numbered about one hundred. The Prophetsa formally established ties of mutual brotherhood between individuals of the two groups and asked each man among the Ansar to “adopt” a brother from among the Mohajiroon. This action not only welded the social ties between the two groups but also helped economically the refugees who had left all their possessions back in Mecca. Constitution Of Medinah On his arrival at Medinah, the Prophetsa devoted himself to the organization of the city. The Jews of Medinah were divided into three branches: Banu Qainuka, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayzah. Prominent among the Arab tribes were Aus and Khazraj. There was strong rivalry among these various religious and political factions and mutual hostility often erupted in the form of fighting. With the Muslims, the Jews and the idolatrous Arabs, the city of Medinah was divided into three religious groups. The Prophet realised quickly that a peaceful state could only exist if it was based on goodwill and support of all sections of the society. The Prophet, therefore, formulated a charter for the people of Medinah which is also known as the Constitution of Medinah. According to this charter blood-feud was abolished and all rights were given equally to all people. Some of the important points of this charter were: - All parties signing this charter will form a common nationality. - All parties to this agreement will remain united in peace or in war. - If any of the parties was attacked by an enemy, others would defend it with their combined forces. - None of the parties will give shelter to the Quraysh of Mecca or make any secret treaty with them. - The various parties to this agreement will be free to profess their own religion. - Bloodshed, murder and violence will be forbidden. - The city of Medinah will be regarded as sacred and any strangers who came under the protection of its citizens will be treated as citizens of Medinah. - All disputes will be referred to the Holy Prophet for decision. The Call To Prayer In the early days of the Prophet’s stay at Medinah, whenever the time of Prayer came, the Muslims assembled in the Prophet’s Mosque without being called. Since there were no clocks or watches in those days, the Muslims could not come to Prayer at any fixed time. A strong need, therefore, arose to have the Muslims called to the Prayer. Various means to achieve this objective were considered by the Holy Prophetsa . The Jews used to call their people with a horn while the Christians used the bell. Even the lighting of fire, following the style of the Zoroastrians was considered. After consultations with his Companions, the Holy Prophet finally decided in favour of an oral Call and asked Bilal, a freed Abyssinian slave, to give the first Adhan. Bilal used to ascend to the roof of the house adjacent to the Prophet’s Mosque and deliver the Call to Prayer from there. The First Battles The Battle Of Badr After losing the opportunity to kill the Holy Prophetsa , the Meccans were furious at the spread of Islam in Medinah. The Meccans started to interfere with the Muslims’ right to pilgrimage and also instigated the people of Medinah against the Holy Prophetsa . They changed their normal caravan routes and started going through tribal areas around Medinah to rouse the tribes against the Muslims. In the year 624 C.E., two years after the Hijrah, Abu Sufyan was bringing a commercial caravan back from Syria. The Muslim scouts were keeping an eye on the caravan just in case it posed any threat to Medinah. After Abu Sufyan saw the Muslim scouts he became frightened and sent a messenger to Mecca to bring an adequate force to safeguard the caravan. When the Chiefs of Mecca learned that their goods laden caravan was in possible danger, they quickly gathered a well-armed and well-equipped army of more than a thousand warriors. The army set out from Mecca under the leadership of Abu Jahal to confront the Muslims. When the Holy Prophetsa learned of the Meccans’ intentions, he gathered some 310 Muslims from among the Mohajireen and Ansar and set forth from Medinah. The Muslims camped for the night at a place called Badr, a few miles south west of Medinah. Early on the morning of March 13, 624 C.E., the Holy Prophetsa arranged his small army into ranks and files and delivered a brief address on Jihad, fighting in the cause of God. Then, according to the Arab custom, three leaders of the Quraysh named Shaiba, Utba and Walid bin Utba challenged three Muslims to a single combat. Their challenge was accepted by Ali, Hamzah and Obadiah. Ali and Hamzah overpowered their opponents but Obaidah and Walid exchanged several blows and both fell down, severely wounded. After these single combats, a fierce battle broke out in which both sides fought tirelessly. While the Quraysh were fighting for their false pride and glory, the Muslims were fighting in the cause of Islam and for their very existence. Two young Ansars attacked Abu Jahal and mortally wounded him. Very soon the Quraysh were routed and took to their heels. They were chased by the Muslims and some of them were made prisoners. The Muslims lost fourteen men in the battle of Badr while the Quraysh lost seventy. The very first person to be slain among the Muslims in a pitched battle was Mahja bin Saleh, a freed slave. He was given the title of “Chief of the Martyrs” by the Holy Prophetsa . A number of the Quraysh were taken prisoners by the Muslims. The Prophetsa ordered his followers to treat these prisoners of war with kindness. The Holy Prophetsa decided to liberate the prisoners on payment of ransom. Those who could not pay the ransom but were literate, were allowed to earn their freedom by teaching ten Muslim children how to read and write. Those who were poor and illiterate were released on the promise that they will not fight the Muslims in the future. The battle of Badr was the first confrontation between the Muslims and the Meccans. The Muslims not only came out victorious, but some of the worst enemies of Islam such as Abu Jahal were also eliminated in the battle. This battle, therefore, marked a turning point in the history of Islam and considerably boosted the morale of the Muslims who, until then, had only known persecution and harassment. The Muslims’ victory at Badr could not be tolerated by the vendetta-seeking Quraysh of Mecca and the hostile Jews of Medinah. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan and daughter of Utba, who had lost her father, her brother and her uncle in the battle, swore that she would not rest until another army was sent against Medinah. The Jews of Medinah were envious of the spreading influence of Islam and started openly opposing the Muslims and the Holy Prophet, though they had a treaty with them. Then there were the hypocrites who had outwardly accepted Islam but in their hearts sought ways and means to hurt the Muslims and spread discontent and disunity among their ranks. The leader of the hypocrites was a man by the name of Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul. He was the Chief of the Khazraj tribe and, before the arrival of the Prophet in Medinah, was generally accepted as the chief of the city. He, therefore, greatly resented the Prophet’s authority and, as later developments will show, tried his best in turning the people against the Prophet. The Battles Of The Holy Prophet Much criticism is raised against Islam today, attributing its rapid spread to the use of sword and physical compulsion. This however, is not borne out by historical facts. For the first fourteen years of his twenty-three-year prophetic career, the Holy Prophetsa passively bore all sorts of persecutions and aggressions afflicted upon him. When finally the permission to fight was granted by God (Holy Qur’an, 22:39) the Holy Prophetsa fought only in self-defence or to check the enemy’s war preparations or to establish peace in the area. It should be noted that during the eight-year period from the Battle of Badr to the Campaign of Tabuk, the total number of battle casualties in the whole of Arabia was only about 1250. Of these about 250 were Muslims and about 1000 non-Muslims. These are extremely small numbers even by the standards of those days, and put the degree of warfare carried out by the Muslims in its proper perspective. Expulsion Of Banu Qainuka After the Battle of Badr, the Jews started giving open expression to their feelings of hatred and jealousy against the Muslims. The relations between the Muslims and the three Jewish tribes began to deteriorate. An isolated case of a street fight between a few Muslims and Jews of Banu Qainuka eventually led to an open confrontation between the two groups. The Muslims marched towards the strongholds of Banu Qainuka in Medinah and besieged them for a fortnight. After this period, the Banu Qainuka surrendered on the condition that they, their families and their animals be spared. The Prophetsa accepted these terms and the Banu Qainuka were expelled from Medinah. Battle Of Uhud The Quraysh of Mecca were smarting under their crushing defeat at Badr and could not tolerate the spread of Islam in Medinah. Moreover, the Meccans wanted to avenge the loss of some of their leaders, like Abu Jahal and Utba, who were killed in the battle of Badr at the hands of the Muslims. The Quraysh, therefore, started to make preparations for another attack on Medinah. In the third year of the Hijrah, exactly one year after the battle of Badr, the Meccan army proceeded towards Medinah under the leadership of Abu Sufyan. The army consisted of some 3,000 soldiers and 200 horses. In the month of March, year 625 C.E., the Prophet left Medinah with one thousand men and started marching towards Uhud to meet the enemy. Soon after leaving the city. Abdullah bin Ubayy deserted the Muslim army, taking his three hundred men with him. There were now only seven hundred Muslims left to face an enemy of three thousand strong. Both armies camped near Mount Uhud, located a few miles north of Medinah. Next morning, the Prophetsaarranged the Muslim army in such a way that Mount Uhud was at their back. To further safeguard against a surprise attack from a small opening in the mountain, the Prophetsa appointed a batch of fifty archers to take up positions on a hill guarding this passage. These archers were instructed not to leave their positions until further orders. During the first phase of the battle, a part of the Meccan army under the command of Ikrimah, son of Abu Jahal, advanced towards the Muslims from the front. The Muslims fought very bravely and overpowered the enemy which ran from the battlefield. Thinking that the enemy was beaten, the Muslims started picking up the spoils of battle. The fifty archers, realizing that they may lose this opportunity, left their positions and also joined the plunder. The ready eye of Khalid bin Walid, who had not yet accepted Islam and was fighting from the Meccan side, saw the chance and attacked the Muslims from their rear. The Muslims at that time were disorganised and panicked, falling easy target to the Meccans’ swords. The Holy Prophetsa tried to call his people together but a stone hurled at him broke his two teeth and he fell to the ground momentarily stunned. At that instant a rumour spread among the Muslims that the Prophetsa was killed. This further heightened the disarray of the Muslims who then ran from the battle field and took to the protection of the mountain. Seventy Muslims lost their lives in this battle compared with a loss of only twenty-three by the enemy. The Prophet’s uncle, Hamzah, was also killed during this battle by a spear thrown by Wahshi, an Abyssinian slave of Hind. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, cut the belly of Hamzah’s corpse and chewed his liver to satisfy her revenge for her father and brother who were killed in the battle of Badr at the hands of Hamzah. After a major victory at Badr, the Muslims now suffered a big setback at Uhud. The reasons for their defeat were the military tactics of Khalid bin Walid, the lack of discipline among the Muslim ranks, negligence of the Prophet’s orders by the archers, and the reduction of the Muslim forces by the desertion of Abdullah bin Ubayy. Expulsion Of Banu Nadir From Medinah After the battle of Uhud, the two Jewish tribes remaining in Medinah, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayzah, had a dispute regarding a mutual agreement. The matter went before the Holy Prophetsa who decided in favour of Banu Qurayzah. Banu Nadir resented this decision and, upon the instigation of Abdullah bin Ubayy, planned to kill the Holy Prophet. The Prophetsa escaped from this attempt upon his life and ordered them to leave Medinah. Banu Nadir initially defied this order but gave in after a fortnight of siege. They were allowed to take their goods and chattel and were expelled from Medinah. Some of these people went to Syria while others settled in a place called Khyber where they continued their anti-Islamic activities. The Murder Of Muslim Missionaries In the same year as the Battle of Uhud, 625 C.E., seven men of the Banu Qara tribe came to Medinah and asked the Holy Prophet to send some missionaries to their area to teach them the Holy Quran and Islam. The Holy Prophet had already started sending missionaries to the various tribes and this time sent six of his own Companions for this purpose. When these six missionaries reached the place called Ar-Raji belonging to the tribe of Banu Hudhayl, they were set upon by two hundred men. Four of the missionaries were killed in the fight and two, Zayd bin Dathinah and Khubayb, were taken prisoners and sold to the Meccans who intended to kill them to avenge the deaths of their own relatives in the Battle of Badr. When Zayd was going to be beheaded, Abu Sufyan asked him: “Tell me, O Zayd, would you not prefer that Muhammad was here in your place to receive this punishment while you were safe at home with your people?” “I certainly prefer that Muhammad be where he is, safe from all harm. It is more preferable to me than my being with my own people.” Abu Sufyan was amazed at this answer and this display of love and loyalty by the Companions of the Holy Prophetsa for him. Zayd was beheaded. When the other Muslim prisoner, Khubayb, was taken out to be executed in front of the people of Mecca, he asked for permission to say a voluntary Prayer, which he made very short. After completing his Prayer he told his executioner: “I wanted to prolong my Prayer but was afraid that you might think that I was not ready to die.” Soon after the incident of Ar-Raji, a man named Abu Bata came to Medinah and asked for enlightenment in the religion of Islam. After being instructed in the new faith, Abu Bara requested the Holy Prophet to send some Huffaz, the Memorizers of the Holy Quran, to the people of Najd to preach them Islam. The Holy Prophet was afraid for the lives of his Companions and turned down the request. But when Abu Bata gave personal guarantees for their protection, the Holy Prophet acceded to his request and sent with him seventy Muslim missionaries. When these seventy missionaries reached a place called Bir Mauna, the cousin of Abu Bara instigated the local tribesmen against the Muslims. These tribesmen surrounded the Muslim missionaries and after a fight killed all of them with the exception of one man who managed to return to Medinah. Battle Of The Ditch Although the Muslims were defeated at Uhud, their efforts to spread Islam continued with intense zeal, and their numbers kept on growing. With the growth of Islam the city of Medinah started to enjoy a status which rivalled that of Mecca. The Quraysh saw, in the growth of Islam, a real threat to their own religious and social position among the Arabs. At the same time the Jews expelled from Medinah were instigating the Quraysh against the Muslims. Finally, in the year 627 C.E., some five years after the Hijrah, the Quraysh once again rounded up an army and marched upon Medinah under the leadership of Abu Sufyan. This time their forces numbered ten thousand men and six hundred horses. A number of Arab tribes joined league with the Meccans in this battle. For this reason this battle is also known as the Battle of the Confederates. When the Prophetsa learned of this threat he gathered some three thousand men to face the enemy. On the advice of Salman al Farsi, the Prophetsa decided to remain in the city and dug a long trench around that part of Medinah which gave an open access to the enemy. One side of Medinah had a natural protection of hills and another side was protected by stone houses and groves of trees. When the Quraysh saw this defence, they were perplexed. They besieged the city and tried to storm it. But the Muslims easily repulsed the attack each time. Finally, the Quraysh decided that the only way to enter the city was by making a secret alliance with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraysh. Since Banu Qurayzah already had a peace treaty with the Prophet, they refused this offer of the Meccans. On their persistence, however, they agreed to attack the Muslims from the rear while the Meccans engaged the Muslim army at the ditch. This secret plot of the Jewish tribe was discovered by the Muslims who then placed some five hundred soldiers on the Banu Qurayzah side of Medinah to guard against a surprise attack from that quarter. Meanwhile, the Meccans were running short of their food supplies, the weather was turning adverse and a strong, cold wind had started to blow. Under the circumstances Abu Sufyan raised the siege and decided to return to Mecca. Although the Battle of the Ditch was a major confrontation between the Quraysh and the Muslims, very little actual fighting took place. The Muslims lost five men while the enemy lost three. Banu Qurayzah Punished After the departure of the Meccan army, the Muslims turned their attention to Banu Qurayzah who had betrayed them during the battle of the Ditch. The Muslims laid siege to the Jews’ fortress. When Banu Qurayzah could not hold out any longer, they sent a message to the Holy Prophetsa that they would surrender but would like their fate to be decided by one of their allies. Sa’d bin Muadh, the chief of the tribe of Aus, was appointed the arbiter. Sa’d passed the judgment on the Banu Qurayzah according to the law of the Torah. According to the Jewish law the punishment for treason was death. In passing the death sentence on Banu Qurayzah, Sa’d reminded the Jews of the fact that had the Jews succeeded in carrying out their plan, they would have put all the Muslims to death. As a result of Sa’d bin Muadh’s judgment, all the male members of the Banu Qurayzah tribe who were of fighting age were executed and their women, children and elders expelled, who went to Syria. Many historians have commented that the Banu Qurayzah made a tactical mistake in asking one of their own allies to decide their fate. The Mosaic Law was very strict in such matters and any person honestly passing a judgment under this law could not be too lenient. Many historians believe that if the Banu Qurayzah had entrusted their fate to the Prophet Muhammadsa himself, he most likely would have forgiven their excesses and, at the most, expelled them from Medinah. A Period of Reconciliation Charter For The Christians In the sixth year of the Hijrah, the Prophetsa granted all Christians a revolutionary charter of peace. It was originally given to the Christians of the St. Catherine’s Monastery, but its contents were generalised to all Christians of all times. According to this charter, often known as the ‘Ashtiname’: - The Christians were not to be unfairly taxed - No bishop was to be expelled from his monastery - No pilgrim was to be detained from the performance of pilgrimage - No Christian churches were to be pulled down for the building of mosques - Christian women married to Muslims were free to enjoy their own religion - In the case of repair of churches, the Muslims were to help the Christians Bay’at-E-Ridhwan & The Treaty Of Hudaibiya By the year 628 C.E., some six long years had passed since the Muslims emigrated from Mecca. They were getting nostalgic and wanted to visit their homes. Also, many of the Muslims had not performed the pilgrimage since they left Mecca. Then one night the Holy Prophetsa dreamed that he was entering the Ka’ba and its key was in his hand. He told of this dream to his Companions and invited them to perform the “Umrah” or the Lesser Pilgrimage. In February 628 C.E., the Holy Prophetsaleft for Mecca in the company of 1,500 Muslims. It was the month of Dhul Qadah, one of the four sacred months when war was unlawful throughout Arabia. The three other sacred months were: Rajab, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram. When the Quraysh learned of the approach of the Muslims, they started making preparations for a confrontation and told the Muslims that they would not be allowed to enter Mecca and perform the pilgrimage. The Muslims camped outside Mecca, in a place called Hudaibiya. The Holy Prophetsa dispatched Uthman as a messenger to the Quraysh to inform them of the Muslims’ intentions of only performing the pilgrimage. At that time a rumour spread out that Uthman had been murdered by the Quraysh. This caused a great deal of commotion among the Muslims. Realising the sensitivity of the occasion and the potential for an armed conflict with the Quraysh, the Holy Prophetsa sat down under a tree and asked his followers to offer an oath of allegiance to him. They all submitted to it, one by one declaring their resolve to fight to the bitter end for the cause of Islam. This oath of the Muslims at the hands of the Prophetsa is known as “Bay’at-e-Ridhwan”, or the Pledge of Acceptance. The Quraysh became alarmed at this display of solidarity by the Muslims and decided to come to terms with them. Suhayl bin Amr and two other representatives of the Quraysh came to confer with the Holy Prophetsa . When an agreement was finally reached, the Holy Prophetsa asked Ali to write down the terms as he began to dictate them. The Prophet started his dictation with the invocation Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem in the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. At this Suhayl bin Amr objected saying that they did not know what Rahman was and, instead, proposed to write Bismika Allahumma, In Thy Name, O God. Some of the Prophet’s Companions objected to this but the Prophetsa said to write it down. The Holy Prophetsa then continued to dictate: “These are the terms of the truce between Muhammad, the Messenger of God and Suhayl the son of Amr.” Suhayl protested again saying, “If we knew that you were the Messenger of God we would not be stopping you from performing the pilgrimage neither would we have fought with you; so write Muhammad the son of Abdullah.” Ali by this time had already written the words Messenger of God. The Prophet asked him to strike them out and write in their place “the son of Abdullah.” This treaty between the Muslims and the Meccans is known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya and according to its terms: - There was to be no fighting for a period of ten years. - Anyone who wished to join the Prophet’s side was free to do so and anyone who wished to join the Meccans, was free to do so. - If a young man from among the Quraysh joined the Prophetsa , he would be returned to his parents or guardians. If a young man from among the Muslims joined the Quraysh, he would not be returned. - That year, the Muslims will go back without performing the pilgrimage. - Next year, the Prophet and his followers could enter Mecca for a period of three days and perform the pilgrimage. During this period the Quraysh would withdraw from the city. - When the Muslims entered Mecca next year, they would be unarmed. On the surface the Treaty of Hudaibiya appeared humiliating for the Muslims and Omar could not contain his feelings. He went to the Holy Prophet and Said: “Are you not God’s Prophet?” to which the Prophetsa replied “Yes”. “Are we not in the right and our enemies in the wrong?” asked Omar. To this the Prophetsa replied “Then why do we yield in such low fashion?” Omar asked again. The Prophetsa replied: “I am God’s Messenger and I will not disobey Him. He will give me the victory”. “But didn’t you tell us”, “that we should go to the Ka’ba and perform the pilgrimage?” replied the Prophetsa , “but did I tell you it would have to be this year?” The Treaty of Hudaibiya gave the Muslims much needed peace and calm in which to concentrate their efforts on the spread of Islam. Great warriors like Khalid bin Walid and Amr bin ‘As, embraced Islam after the Treaty of Hudaibiya. The success of Islam after the treaty can be recognised from the fact that at the time of the treaty there were only 1,500 men with the Holy Prophetsa , but two years later, at the time of the conquest of Mecca, they were ten thousand. Spreading of the Message The Holy Prophet Sends Letters To Various Kings On returning to Medinah after the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophetsa sent envoys to various kings and rulers. Each envoy carried a letter from the Prophet, inviting the ruler to accept Islam. These envoys were sent to: - Heraclius, the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire - Chosroes Pervez, the Emperor of Iran - Negus (Najashi), the King of Abyssinia - Muqauqis, the ruler of Egypt - Mundhir Taimi, the chief of Bahrain - Al Harith bin Abi Shimr, the Ghassanid Prince of Damascus - Hawdah bin Ali, the chief of Yamamah - King of Oman The Prophet also wrote such letters to the chiefs of many other tribes around Arabia such as: - Chief of Banu Nahd, a tribe of Yemen - Chief of Hamadaan, another tribe of Yemen - Chief of Banu Alim - Chief of Hadrami tribe The Letter to Heraclius The letter addressed to Heraclius was delivered to him while the Emperor was visiting Syria. The envoy carrying the letter was called toHeraclius’ court and the letter was read to Heraclius by an interpreter. Heraclius wanted to know if an Arab caravan was visiting Syria so that he could question an Arab about this Arabian Prophet. It so happened that Abu Sufyan, an enemy of the Prophet, was in town and was taken to Heraclius’ court. Heraclius made Abu Sufyan’s companions stand behind him while he quizzed the Arab enemy of the Prophetsa . Abu Sufyan later reported the incident as follows: ‘What is his family status amongst you?’ I replied, ‘He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us.’ Heraclius further asked, ‘Has anybody amongst you ever claimed the same (i.e. to be a Prophet) before him?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?’ I replied, ‘No.’ Heraclius asked, ‘Do the nobles or the poor follow him?’ I replied, ‘It is the poor who follow him.’ He said, ‘Are his followers increasing decreasing (day by day)?’ I replied, ‘They are increasing.’ He then asked, ‘Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?’ I replied, ‘No.’ Heraclius said, ‘Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?’ I replied, ‘No. ‘ Heraclius said, ‘Does he break his promises?’ I replied, ‘No. We are at truce with him but we do not know what he will do in it.’ I could not find opportunity to say anything against him except that. Heraclius asked, ‘Have you ever had a war with him?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ Then he said, ‘What was the outcome of the battles?’ I replied, ‘Sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we.’ Heraclius said, ‘What does he order you to do?’ I said, ‘He tells us to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. He orders us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste and to keep good relations with our Kith and kin.’ Heraclius asked the translator to convey to me the following, “I asked you about his family and your reply was that he belonged to a very noble family. In fact, all the Apostles come from noble families amongst their respective peoples. I questioned you whether anybody else amongst you claimed such a thing, your reply was in the negative. If the answer had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man was following the previous man’s statement. Then I asked you whether anyone of his ancestors was a king. Your reply was in the negative, and if it had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man wanted to take back his ancestral kingdom. I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah. I, then asked you whether the rich people followed him or the poor. You replied that it was the poor who followed him. And in fact all the Apostle have been followed by this very class of people. Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. You replied that they were increasing, and in fact this is the way of true faith, till it is complete in all respects. I further asked you whether there was anybody, who, after embracing his religion, became displeased and discarded his religion. Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is (the sign of) true faith, when its delight enters the hearts and mixes with them completely. I asked you whether he had ever betrayed. You replied in the negative and likewise the Apostles never betray. Then I asked you what he ordered you to do. You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship any thing along with Him and forbade you to worship idols and ordered you to pray, to speak the truth and to be chaste. If what you have said is true, he will very soon occupy this place underneath my feet and I knew it (from the scriptures) that he was going to appear but I did not know that he would be from you, and if I could reach him definitely, I would go immediately to meet him and if I were with him, I would certainly wash his feet.’ Heraclius then asked for the letter addressed by Allah’s Apostle which was delivered by Dihya to the Governor of Busra, who forwarded it to Heraclius to read. The contents of the letter were as follows: “In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad the slave of Allah and His Apostle to Heraclius the ruler of Byzantine. Peace be upon him, who follows the right path. Furthermore I invite you to Islam, and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your Arisiyin (peasants). (And I recite to you Allah’s Statement:) ‘O people of the scripture! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have surrendered to Allah).’ (3:64). Abu Sufyan then added, “When Heraclius had finished his speech and had read the letter, there was a great hue and cry in the Royal Court. So we were turned out of the court. I told my companions that the question of Ibn-Abi-Kabsha (the Prophet Muhammad) has become so prominent that even the King of Bani Al-Asfar (Byzantine) is afraid of him. Then I started to become sure that he (the Prophet) would be the conqueror in the near future, till I embraced Islam.” The Letter to Chosroes Pervez The letter sent to Chosroes, the Emperor of Iran, had a different reception. The Emperor ordered an interpreter to read the letter to him. On listening to the contents, the Emperor flew into a rage and tore the letter into pieces. When the Prophet’s envoy reported this incident back to him, the Holy Prophetsa said: “What Chosroes has done to our letter, God will do to his Empire” Chosroes even issued orders for the arrest of the Prophet. The Emperor was soon murdered by his own son who cancelled the orders for the Prophet’s arrest. The Kingdom of Iran fell in a few years in front of the Muslim forces sent out during the reign of Omar, the second Khalifah of the Holy Prophetsa . The Letter to Negus The letter sent to Negus, King of Abyssinia, received an honourable reception. The King showed great respect for the letter and ordered an ivory box for it, saying: “While this letter is safe, my Kingdom is safe” The Letter to Muqauqis When the Prophet’s letter was received by Muqauqis, the Christian ruler of Egypt, he questioned the envoy regarding the Holy Prophet. Muqauqis did not accept Islam but, very diplomatically, he wrote a letter to the Holy Prophet in reply sending with it presents of gold, two Egyptian girls, garments of Egyptian linen and a mule. The Letter to Mundhir The envoy carrying the letter to Mundhir, Chief of Bahrain, was the most successful of all envoys sent out by the Holy Prophetsa . When Mundhir received the Prophet’s letter, he and many of his friends and followers accepted Islam. The Chief also wrote to the Holy Prophetsa for further instructions for his people. Later Battles and Tensions The Conquest Of Khyber Five months after returning from Hudaibiya, the Prophet learned of the rebellion of the Jews of Khyber. Since the expulsion of the Jews from Medinah, many had settled down in Khyber and continued their nefarious activities against the Muslims. They instigated and aroused against Islam the Christian tribes settled on the southern frontier of the Roman Empire, the Arab tribes around Medinah and even Chosroes of Iran. In August 628 C.E., the Prophet marched towards Khyber with 1,600 of his followers. At Khyber, a number of small forts fell one after the other and, after a heavy contest, their main fortress, Al Qamus, was also captured. The Jews being helpless, asked for the Prophet’s pardon. He not only forgave them but also returned their land and properties with complete freedom to practice their faith. A fixed land tax, however, was imposed upon them. Some 18 Muslims were killed in this Battle while the Jews lost 93 men. The Three Day Pilgrimage Next year, in 629 C.E., Prophet Muhammad visited Mecca according to the terms of the treaty of Hudaibiya. Many Muslims accompanied him this time to perform the pilgrimage. When the Quraysh learned of the Prophet’s approach, they, too, left the city according to the agreement. The Holy Prophetsa and his followers performed the Umrah or the Lesser Pilgrimage and after three days, returned to Medinah. Battle Of Mutah On return from his three-day pilgrimage, the Prophetsa learned that the Christian tribes on the Syrian border were becoming hostile. The Prophetsa , therefore, sent a letter with an envoy to the Ghassanid Prince at Damascus, complaining about these hostilities. The Ghassanid Prince ruled that area in the name of Rome. While on his way the envoy was intercepted and murdered at Mutah by a Christian chieftain named Shurahbil. To put an end to these continuing hostilities, the Prophetsa raised a force of 3,000 men and dispatched it towards Syria under the command of Zayd bin Harith, the freed slave and adopted son of the Holy Prophetsa . The Byzantine army, it is estimated, was close to one hundred thousand strong. The Muslim army marched away in September 629 C.E. and covered over six hundred miles to reach Mutah. It was the largest and most arduous expedition ever undertaken by the Muslims and the first one against the Christians. When the Muslims saw the size of the Christian army, they wanted to send word back to Medinah for reinforcement. However, the distance to Medinah was too great and the Muslim leaders decided to fight with whatever soldiers they had. As the battle started, Zayd, the commander of the Muslim forces, was killed and the flag and command passed on to Jafar bin Abu Talib. Soon after, Jafar also fell and the command passed to Abdullah bin Rawah, as the Holy Prophetsa had instructed. Soon, Abdullah bin Rawah also fell. At this point Khalid bin Walid picked up the flag of the Muslim army and continued fighting till evening came. Next, day, Khalid bin Walid took his exhausted army and the battle continued for a while. The Muslims, however, were grossly outnumbered and continuing the fighting any longer would have been suicidal. Khalid bin Walid, therefore, gathered the leftover of his army, executed a retreat and returned to Medinah. The Muslims at Medinah chided the returning army and scolded them for not fighting till their death. The Prophet, however, defended the army’s action and praised Khalid bin Walid for his bravery, giving him the title of Saif Allah, the sword of God. Because of the timely retreat of the Muslim army, not very many people were killed in this battle. The Conquest Of Mecca In the treaty of Hudaybiya it was agreed that any tribe wanting to join the Muslims or the Quraysh was free to do so. As a result, the Khuza tribe joined the Muslims while the Banu Bakr entered into an alliance with the Meccans. Some two years after the treaty, the Banu Bakr tribe, with the help of the Quraysh, raided the Khuza tribe by night and killed a number of their men. The Khuza tribe sent a deputation of about forty men to the Holy Prophetsa , demanding help and justice. The Prophetsa sent a peace mission to the Quraysh proposing that: - (a) the Quraysh pay proper compensation to the Khuza tribe, or - (b) the Quraysh cut off all relations with the Banu Bakr, or - (c) the Quraysh declare the treaty of Hudaibiya as null and void. The Quraysh neither wanted to pay compensation nor break away their relationship with the aggressor tribe of Banu Bakr. They, therefore, accepted the third alternative. With the agreement now dissolved between the Muslims and the Meccans, the Prophetsa realised that there was no other way to render justice except by fighting the Quraysh. In January 630 C.E., the Prophetsa advanced towards Mecca with an army of ten thousand men. This was the largest force Medinah had ever seen. On reaching Mecca, the Muslim army camped outside the city. Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraysh, came out during the night with two companions to see the Muslim camp. He was astounded at the size of the Muslim army and could hardly contain his amazement. The Muslim ranks, which numbered about three hundred at the battle of Badr just six years ago, had now swollen to nearly ten thousand. While Abu Sufyan and his companions were scouting around, they were captured by the Muslim guards and brought in front of the Holy Prophet. The Prophet not only pardoned his lifelong enemy but also allowed him to spend the night in the Muslim camp. Abu Sufyan was amazed at the discipline of the Muslims and their love for the Holy Prophetsa . Abu Sufyan made a remark at the time that: “I have seen great courts. I have seen the courts of Chosroes and that of Kaiser, but I have never seen any people so devoted to their leader as the Muslims are to their Prophet.” By sunrise, Abu Sufyan and his companions had accepted Islam. They, however, were concerned about the fate of Mecca and asked the Holy Prophetsa as to what would the Muslims do to the Meccans. The Prophetsareplied: “These people have been very cruel. They have gone back on the peace they signed at Hudaibiya and attacked the Khuza tribe. They have made war in a place which had been made sacred by God” Abu Sufyan and his companions asked the Holy Prophetsa for forgiveness and enquired if the Meccans could have peace if they did not draw their swords. The Prophetsa replied: “Everyone who stays indoors will have peace. Whoever takes shelter in the house of Abu Sufyan will have peace. Whoever enters the Sacred Mosque will have peace. Those who lay their arms will have peace.” In the morning, Abu Sufyan returned to Mecca with this message while the Muslim army started marching into the city. The Holy Prophetsa gave strict orders to his generals not to permit any fighting unless the enemy fought first. The Prophetsa went straight to the Ka’ba and performed the circuit seven times. Then he ordered that the Ka’ba be cleared of all idols and paintings. The idols were broken and the walls of the Ka’ba cleansed of all pictures. After this, the Holy Prophetsa went inside the Ka’ba and said his Prayer there. The Holy Prophetsa then addressed the Meccans and told them that they will not be called to account. Ikrimah, the son of Abu Jahal, was in the process of escaping to Abyssinia when he learned of this general amnesty. He could not believe his ears and had to ask the Holy Prophetsa himself, who replied, “Yes, I have forgiven you.” Utbah and Mu’attib, the two surviving sons of Abu Lahab, were afraid to appear before the Prophet. Utbah had divorced Ruqayyah, the Prophet’s daughter, under pressure from his father. The Holy Prophetsa took Abu Lahab’s sons by their hands and walked to the wall of the Ka’ba where he prayed for a long time. On returning he said, “I asked my Lord to give me these two sons of my uncle, and He has given them to me.” Both these sons embraced Islam. Most historians agree that in the history of conquests there has never been a more triumphant entry than this one. Hardly any blood was shed and all the enemies were pardoned. The Muslims had been tortured in this city and were eventually driven out of it. The residents of this city had not let the Muslims live in peace even in Medinah and had waged many battles against them. But on this day, when the enemy lay helpless, defeated and at the mercy of the Muslims, a general forgiveness was declared and no revenge was taken. Such an example of greatness is unmatched in the history of conquests. Battle Of Hunayn Immediately after the conquest of Mecca, the Muslims had to fight the Hawazin and Thaqif tribes which dwelt in the area east of Mecca. These two tribes invited a number of other tribes in the area to join them in battle against the Muslims. This battle between the Muslims and the Hawazin and allied tribes was fought in the valley of Hunayn. When the Muslim army entered the valley, the enemy archers rained arrows from the surrounding cliffs where they lay hidden. The beasts of the Muslim army took fright and ran in spite of the riders. There was a time when the Prophetsa was left with only a handful of companions. When his companions tried to stop him from going ahead, he scorned the proposal and said: “I am a Prophet, it is no lie; I am the son of Abdul Muttalib.” At this moment the thunderous voice of Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle, rang out in the valley telling the Muslims that their Prophetsa had stood his ground and was calling for help. The Muslims then gathered together and drove the enemy from the battle field. Distribution Of The Booty And The Ansar’s Unhappiness The victory at Hunayn gave the Muslims their largest spoils of war. These spoils consisted of camels, goats and silver and were divided into five equal portions. Four of these portions were distributed among the Muslim army and one portion was reserved for the Muslim Treasury to be used as the Holy Prophetsa saw fit. From this fifth portion, the Holy Prophetsa gave generously to some of the newly converted leaders of the Quraysh such as Abu Sufyan, Muawiah, Harith bin Harith, Harith bin Hisham, Suhayl bin Amr and some others, all of whom had been staunch opponents of Islam before the conquest of Mecca. The Ansar felt aggrieved at this act of generosity towards the new converts and some of them gave voice to their feelings. When the Holy Prophetsa learned of their resentment, he asked for them to be assembled. When they had all gathered in front of him, the Prophetsa addressed them: “O Ansar! It has been reported to me that you do not approve of my distribution of the booty. Is it not true that when I came to you, you were languishing in misguidance and error, and God guided you to the truth through me? And is it not true that I found you in a state of poverty, and God made you affluent? And is it not true that I found you enemy of one another, and God reconciled your hearts? After listening to each sentence of the admonition, the Ansar would say, “Indeed! God and His Prophet have been very generous.” The Holy Prophetsa then continued: “Why don’t you say this O Ansar, ‘It was you, Muhammad, who were under our obligation. Did you not come to us vanquished and defeated, and we came to your rescue? Did you not come to us exiled and rejected, and we gave you shelter? Did you not come to us in want and need, and we came to your help? “Had you replied to me in these words, you would have said nothing but the truth and I would have agreed with you. O Ansar, are you angry because I gave away some goods to those whom I sought to win to Islam? Because I considered that their faith could be confirmed by material goods, whereas I considered yours to be based on solid conviction. “Does this not satisfy you, O Ansar, that when other people return home loaded with goods and camels, you will return home with the Prophet of God? By Him Who controls Muhammad’s soul, there is no people to whom I love to belong more than the Ansar.” The Holy Prophetsa said these words in great love and affection for the men of Ansar who had pledged their unswerving loyalty and allegiance to him, and had helped him at the most critical stage in his mission. When the Ansar heard these words of great affection and sincerity from the Prophet’s mouth, they burst into tears and they all shouted with one voice, “We want only Muhammad, the Prophet of God.” Campaign Of Tabuk In the summer of year 630 C.E., rumours spread out in Medinah that the Byzantine army was gathering in the southern part of Syria, ready to attack Medinah. Later events showed that these rumours were cleverly spread by the hypocrites in Medinah who wanted to provoke the Muslims against the Roman Empire. The previous encounter with the Byzantine forces at Mutah was still fresh in the minds of the Muslims who showed some reluctance in joining this campaign. The Prophetsa finally prepared an army of thirty thousand men and marched towards Syria. After reaching Tabuk, the Prophet stayed there a few days and not finding any signs of the enemy, returned to Medinah. The journey took the Muslim army about two and a half months and was the last campaign undertaken by the Holy Prophet in his life. After his return from Tabuk, a large number of deputations from various tribes and states came to Medinah to offer their allegiance to the Prophet. They came from Oman, Hadramawt, Harridan, Kindah, Bahrain, Yamamah and many other provinces of Arabia. In fact, so remarkable was the movement of these deputations towards Medinah that the ninth year of the Hijrah is known as the “Year of Deputations”. The End of the Prophet’s Life Farewell Pilgramage & Sermon In the year 632 C.E., the Holy Prophet felt that his mission was nearing completion, and, understanding that the end of his life was near, he decided to make a farewell pilgrimage to Mecca. After completing the various ceremonies of the Hajj, the Prophetsa addressed the people gathered there from the top of the Mount of Mercy, in the Plain of Arafat: “O people, listen to my words; for I do not know if I shall be among you after this year. Remember that you have to appear before your Lord Who will demand from you an account of all your actions. “O people, you have rights over your wives and your wives have rights over you. Remember, you must always treat your wives with kindness. Woman is weak and cannot protect her own rights. When you married, God appointed you the trustees of those rights. You brought your wives to your homes under the Law of God. You must not, therefore, insult the trust which God has placed in your hands. “O people, feed your slaves as you feed yourselves and clothe your slaves as you clothe yourselves. If they commit a fault which you are unable to forgive, then pass them on to someone else. They are part of God’s creation and are not to be harshly treated. “O people, listen to my words, and remember that all Muslims are brothers one of another. As you are one brotherhood, you will not take your brother’s belongings which he does not give you of his own goodwill. And guard yourself against committing injustice. “O people, take note that I trample under foot all un-Islamic customs and traditions. All blood-feuds are wiped out. As God has made you one brotherhood, so be not divided. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab; nor is a white one to be preferred to a dark one, nor a dark one to a white one. This day, retaliation for all murders committed in the days of ignorance is cancelled and all sums of interest are remitted. “O people, worship your Lord, observe Prayer, observe the Fast during Ramadhan, pay the Zakat cheerfully, perform the Pilgrimage, and obey those in authority among you; God will admit you to His paradise” And he concluded: “What I have said to you, you shall tell the others who are not present.” With these words the Prophetsa finished his address when a revelation came to him: “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed upon you my favour and have chosen for you Islam as Religion.” (Holy Qur’an, 5:4) This is believed to be the last Qur’anic revelation received by the Holy Prophetsa and with it the process of Quranic revelations, spanning a period of twenty two years, came to a close. The Prophet’s Illness Two months after returning from the farewell pilgrimage, the Holy Prophetsa fell ill. One day, after having led the Prayer, he addressed the people present in the mosque. He said, “There is a slave among the slaves of God to whom God has offered the choice between this world and that which is with Him. And the slave has chosen that which is with God.” When Abu Bakr heard these words, he began to weep; for he understood that the Holy Prophetsa was speaking of himself and that the choice he referred to was his imminent death. The Holy Prophetsa continued, “O people, the most beneficent of men unto me in companionship and generosity has been Abu Bakr; and if I were to select from all mankind an inseparable friend, he would be Abu Bakr. But real companionship and brotherhood is ours when God unites us all in His presence”. When the Prophetsa became so ill that he could not even come to the mosque, he asked that Abu Bakr lead the daily Prayers. Hazrat A’isha knew that her father was very sensitive and prone to weeping and would be greatly distressed taking the Prophet’s place. She, therefore, suggested Omar’s name instead. But the Holy Prophetsainsisted that it be Abu Bakr. One day the Prophetsa was feeling a little better so he asked to be taken to the mosque. Ibn Abbas and Ali supported him from each side and, with his feet dragging on the ground, took him to the mosque. Abu Bakr had already started leading the Prayer. As Ibn Abbas and Ali took the Prophet to the front row, the people tried to give Abu Bakr a hint by clapping their hands. Abu Bakr, however, was too engrossed in the Prayer and did not take any notice. Finally, he became aware of the Prophet’s presence behind him and wanted to move back. The Prophetsa , however, indicated to him to continue leading the Prayer and asked Ibn Abbas and Ali to put him down next to Abu Bakr. The Prayer then continued in such a manner that Abu Bakr was following the Holy Prophetsa seated next to him while the people behind were following Abu Bakr. After the Prayer was over the Prophetsa asked Abu Bakr why he didn’t continue leading the Prayer after he was asked to do so. Abu Bakr replied, “How dare the son of Abu Qahafa lead the Prayer in the presence of the Messenger of God.” As the Prophet’s illness advanced, he requested his wives to allow him to spend his last days with A’isha, to which they all agreed. One day Fatimah, his daughter, came to see him. A’isha saw the Holy Prophet whisper something in Hazrat Fatimah’s ear, upon which Fatimah began to cry. Then he whispered something else in her ear, which made her smile through her tears. When A’isha queried Fatimah on what the Holy Prophetsa was whispering to her, she answered that it was a secret not to be divulged. Much later, she told A’isha that the Holy Prophet had informed her that he was going to die in that illness and this had made her cry. Then the Holy Prophetsa told her that she, Fatimah, would be the first from the Prophet’s house to join him, and this had cheered her up. The Prophet’s Mosque in Medinah was adjacent to his residence. One day the Prophetsa stood by the window and looked outside at the Muslims getting ready to say their Fajr Prayers behind Abu Bakr. The people looked at the Holy Prophet’s face and waited for him to join them. He smiled at them and indicated with his hand for Abu Bakr to go ahead with the Prayer. That was the last time the Muslims saw their Prophet’s face; that day at noon, the Holy Prophetsa passed away. On June 8, 632 C.E., the Holy Prophetsa was buried and thus ended the glorious career of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, the greatest man of Arabia, indeed of the whole world. When Omar was told of the Prophet’s death, he did not believe it. He always thought that the Holy Prophet was going to outlive all of them. He, therefore, proceeded to the mosque and started telling the people that the Prophetsa was merely absent in spirit and will return soon. When Abu Bakr heard the sad news, he went straight to his daughter A’isha’s house and drew back the cloak which covered the Prophet’s face. He looked at the face of his departed friend and then bent down and kissed it. “Dearer than my father and mother,” he said, “thou hast tasted the death which God decreed for thee. Thou art too precious with the Lord for another death to befall thee.” After this, Abu Bakr went out where Omar was still addressing the people. He asked Omar to be quiet but Omar paid no attention. Finally Abu Bakr started to speak to the people himself: “O people, whosoever worships Muhammad, let him then know that Muhammad is dead. But whosoever worships God, let him know that the Lord is living and does not die” Abu Bakr then recited the following Quranic verses which were revealed after the Battle of Uhud: The Holy Prophet’s body was bathed and laid out in the chamber of A’isha where he had died. Next morning, the inhabitants of Medinah came and visited it, praying over his remains. Abu Bakr and Omar entered the chamber and prayed as follows: “Peace be upon thee, O Prophet of God, and mercy from the Lord and His blessing. We bear witness that the Prophet of God has delivered the Message revealed to him; has fought in the way of God until God gave his religion victory; has fulfilled his words, has drawn us to himself, and been kind and tender-hearted towards the believers; has sought no recompense for delivering the Faith to us, neither has he sold it for a price at any time.” In the evening, the final rites were performed and the body was buried in a grave dug in A’isha’s chamber, at the same place where the Prophetsa had breathed his last. Later on, when Abu Bakr died, he was buried in the same chamber and, in due time, Omar as well. Thus was fulfilled a dream of A’isha that three moons fell, one after another, into her chamber. “And Muhammad is only a Messenger. Verily, Messengers have passed away before. If then he dies or is slain, will you non back on your heels?” (Holy Qur’an, 3:145) Hazrat Abu Bakr’s words put a hush on the crowd. Omar himself was astounded. When realization finally sank in that the Holy Prophetsa was really dead, his legs could not carry him and Omar fell to the ground. The Prophet’s Personal Qualities Excerpts from Life of Muhammad by Hazrat Mirza Bashirrudin Mahmood Ahmadra . The Prophet’s Purity Of Mind And Cleanliness Of Body It is related of the Holy Prophetsa that his speech was always pure and that he was (unlike most of his contemporaries) not given to the use of oaths (Tirmidhi). This was something exceptional for an Arab. We do not imply that the Arabs at the time of the Holy Prophetsa habitually indulged in foul language, but there is no doubt that they were in the habit of punctuating their speech with a generous measure of oaths, a habit that persists among them even to this day. The Holy Prophetsa , however, held the name of God in such reverence that he never uttered it without full justification. He was very particular, even punctilious, with regard to physical cleanliness. He used to brush his teeth several times a day and was so keen on the practice that he used to say that were he not afraid that the ordinance might prove onerous, he would make it obligatory upon every Muslim to brush his teeth before every one of the five daily prayers. He always washed his hands before and after each meal and, after eating anything that had been cooked, he always rinsed his mouth and considered it desirable that every person who had eaten anything cooked should rinse his mouth before joining in any of the prayers (Bukhari). In the polity of Islam a mosque is the only place of gathering prescribed for the Muslims. The Holy Prophetsa , therefore, laid particular stress upon the cleanliness of mosques, especially on occasions when people were expected to collect in them. He had directed that on such occasions incense should be burnt in the mosques to purify the air (Abu Dawud). He also gave directions that nobody should go to a mosque on the occasion of a congregation or gathering after eating anything that was likely to exhale an offensive odour (Bukhari). He insisted upon streets being kept clean and clear of twigs, stones, and all articles or matter which was likely either to obstruct or to prove offensive. Whenever he himself found any such matter or article lying in a street he would remove it, and he used to say that a person who helps to keep streets and roads clean and clear, earns spiritual merit in the sight of God. He is also reported to have enjoined that public thoroughfares should not be so used as to cause obstruction nor should any unclean or undesirable matter or article be thrown on to a public street, nor should a street be defiled in any other way, as all such acts are displeasing to God. He was very keen that all supply of water conserved for human use should be kept clean and pure. For instance, he prohibited anything being thrown into standing water which might befoul it and any reservoir of water being used in a manner which would render it impure (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab al-Birr Wassila). The Prophet’s Simple Life The Prophetsa was extremely simple in the matter of food and drink. He never expressed displeasure with ill prepared or ill-cooked food. If he could eat such food he would do so to save the person who had prepared it from disappointment. If, however, a dish was uneatable, he merely refrained from partaking of it and never expressed his disapproval of it. When he sat down to a meal he paid attention to the food placed before him and used to say that he did not like an attitude of indifference towards food, as if the person eating was above paying attention to mere matters of food and drink. When any eatable was presented to him he always shared it with those present. On one occasion somebody presented him with some dates. He looked round and after making an estimate of the number of people present divided the dates equally among them, each of them receiving seven. Abu Hurairara relates that the Holy Prophetsa never ate his fill even of barley bread (Bukhari). Whenever the Holy Prophetsa sat down to a meal he always began to eat by invoking the name and blessings of Allah, and as soon as he concluded he rendered thanks in these words: “All praise is due to Allah, Who has given us to eat: Praise, abundant and sincere and ever-increasing: Praise, which does not leave an impression upon one’s mind that one has rendered enough praise but which creates in one’s mind the feeling that enough has not been said and the praise which ought never to be terminated and which makes one think that every divine act is worthy of praise and should be praised. Oh Allah! do Thou fill our hearts with these sentiments.” Sometimes he used these words: “All praise is due to God Who has satisfied our hunger and thirst. May our hearts ever yearn after His praise and never be ungrateful to Him.” He always admonished his Companions to stop before they had eaten their fill and used to say that one man’s food should always suffice for two. Whenever any special food was prepared in his house he used to suggest that a portion of it should be sent as a present to his neighbours; and presents of food and other articles used constantly to be sent from his house to his neighbours’ houses (Muslim and Bukhari, Kitab al-Adab). Relationship With God Every aspect of the Holy Prophet’ssalife appears to have been governed and coloured by his love for and devotion to God. In spite of the very heavy responsibilities that had been laid upon his shoulders the greater portion of his time during the day as well as during the night was spent in the worship and praise of God. He would leave his bed at midnight and devote himself to the worship of God till it was time to go to the mosque for the morning prayers. He sometimes stood so long in prayer during the latter part of the night that his feet would get swollen, and those who saw him in that condition was always much affected. On one occasion ‘A’ishara said to him: “God has honoured you with His love and nearness. Why then do you subject yourself to so much discomfort and inconvenience?” He replied: “If God has by His Grace and Mercy conferred His love and nearness upon me, is it not my duty in return to be always rendering thanks to Him? Gratitude should increase in proportion to the favours received” (Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf). He never entered upon any undertaking without divine command or permission. It has already been related in the biographical portion that, in spite of the very severe persecution to which he was subjected by the people of Mecca, he did not leave the town till he received the divine command to do so. When persecution became very severe and he gave permission to his Companions to migrate to Abyssinia, some of them expressed a desire that he should accompany them. He declined to do so on the ground that he had not received divine permission to that effect. Thus, during a period of hardships and persecution when people usually like to keep their friends and relations close to themselves, he directed his Companions to seek refuge in Abyssinia and himself stayed behind in Mecca, for God had not yet directed him to leave it. Whenever he referred to or discoursed about God, it appeared to onlookers as if his whole being was in the grip of a passion of love for, and devotion to God. High Moral Qualities The Holy Prophetsa , throughout his life, had to encounter a succession of bitter experiences. He was born an orphan, his mother died while he was still a small child and he lost his grandfather at the age of eight years. After marriage he had to bear the loss of several children, one after the other, and then his beloved and devoted wife Khadijara died. Some of the wives he married after Khadija’sra death, died during his lifetime and towards the close of his life he had to bear the loss of his son Ibrahim. He bore all these losses and calamities cheerfully, and none of them affected in the least degree either his high resolve or the urbanity of his disposition. His private sorrows never found vent in public and he always met everybody with a benign countenance and treated all alike with uniform benevolence. On one occasion he observed a woman who had lost a child occupied in loud mourning over her child’s grave. He admonished her to be patient and to accept God’s will as supreme. The woman did not know that she was being addressed by the Holy Prophetsa and replied: “If you had ever suffered the loss of a child as I have, you would have realised how difficult it is to be patient under such an affliction.” The Prophetsa observed: “I have suffered the loss not of one but of seven children,” and passed on. Except when he referred to his own losses or misfortunes in this indirect manner, he never cared to dwell upon them nor did he permit them in any manner to interfere with his unceasing service to mankind and his cheerful sharing of their burdens. Justice And Fair Dealing The Arabs were greatly given to favouritism and applied different standards to different persons. Even among the so-called civilized nations of today one observes a reluctance to bring prominent persons or persons occupying high positions or offices to account for their doings, though the law is enforced rigorously against the common citizen. The Holy Prophetsa was, however, unique in enforcing uniform standards of justice and fair dealing. On one occasion a case came before him in which a young woman belonging to a highly respectable family was found to have committed theft. This caused great consternation as, if the normal penalty were imposed upon the young woman, a leading family would be humiliated and disgraced. Many were anxious to intercede with the Prophetsa on behalf of the offender but were afraid to do so. Eventually Usamara was prevailed upon to undertake the mission. Usamara went to the Holy Prophetsa but the moment the latter perceived the trend of his submission he was much upset and said: “You had better desist. Nations have come to a bad end for showing favours to highly placed persons while pressing hard on the common people. Islam does not permit this and I will certainly not do it. Verily, if my own daughter, Fatima, were to commit an offence I would not hesitate to impose the appropriate penalty” (Bukhari, Kitabul Hudud). Regard For The Poor The Holy Prophetsa was ever concerned to ameliorate the condition of the poorer sections of the community and to raise their status in society. A poor Muslim woman used to clean out the Holy Prophet’ssamosque in Medina. The Prophetsa did not see her in the mosque for some days and made inquiries concerning her. He was told that she had died. He said: “Why was I not informed when she died? I would have wished to join her funeral prayers,” “perchance you did not consider her worthy of consideration as she was poor. This was not right. Direct me to her grave.” He then proceeded to her grave and prayed for her (Bukhari, Kitabus Salat). He used to say that there were people with tangled hair whose bodies were covered with dust and who were not welcomed by those who were well-to-do, but who were so highly valued by God that if, trusting in God’s beneficence, they swore in His name that a certain matter would take a certain turn, He would support them. (Muslim, Kitabul Birr Was Sila). Treatment Of Women The Holy Prophetsa was very keen on improving the condition of women in society and on securing for them a position of dignity and fair and equitable treatment. Islam was the first religion which conferred upon women the right of inheritance. The Qur’an makes daughters along with sons heirs to the property left by their parents. In the same way a mother is made an heir to her son’s or daughter’s property and a wife is made an heir to her husband’s property. When a brother becomes an heir of his deceased brother’s property a sister is also an heir to that property. No religion before Islam had so clearly and firmly established a woman’s right of inheritance and her right to possess property. In Islam a woman is the absolute owner of her own property and her husband cannot obtain any control over it by virtue merely of their relationship. A woman is at full liberty to deal with her property as she chooses. He was so careful concerning the sentiments of women that on one occasion when he was leading the prayers he heard the cry of a child and concluded the service quickly, explaining thereafter that as he had heard the cry of the child he imagined that the child’s mother would be distressed at its cry and he had therefore concluded the service quickly so that the mother could go to the child and look after it. When during any of his journeys women were also among the party he always gave directions that the caravan should move slowly and by easy stages. On one such occasion when the men were eager to push forward, he said: “Take care of glass! Take care of glass!” meaning thereby that women were of the party and that if camels and horses were put to the gallop they would suffer from the joltings of the animals (Bukhari, Kitabul Adab). During a battle, confusion arose among the ranks of the mounted soldiers and the animals became unmanageable. The Holy Prophetsa fell from his horse and some of the women also fell from their mounts. One of his Companionsra, who was riding a camel immediately behind the Prophetsa jumped down and ran towards him crying: “May I be your sacrifice, O Messenger of Allahpbuh.” The Prophet’ssafoot was still in the stirrup. He released it hastily and said to his Companion: “Don’t bother about me, go and help the women.” Just before his death one of the injunctions he addressed to Muslims and laid stress upon was that they should always treat women with kindness and consideration. It was an oft repeated saying of his that if a man had daughters and he arranged to have them educated and took pains with their upbringing, God would save him from the torment of Hell (Tirmidhi). Tolerance In Religious Matters The Holy Prophetsa not only emphasised the desirability of tolerance in religious matters but set a very high standard in this respect. A deputation from a Christian tribe of Najran visited him in Medina to exchange views on religious matters. It included several Church dignitaries. The conversation was held in the mosque and extended over several hours. At one stage the leader of the deputation asked permission to depart from the mosque and to hold their religious service at some convenient spot. The Holy Prophetsa said that there was no need for them to go out of the mosque, which was itself a place consecrated to the worship of God, and they could hold their service in it (Zurqani). Cruelty To Animals He warned people against cruelty to animals and enjoined kind treatment to them. He used to relate the instance of a Jewish woman who was punished by God for having starved her cat to death. He also used to relate the story of a woman who found a dog suffering from thirst near a deep well. She took off her shoe and lowered it into the well and thus drew up some water. She gave the water to the thirsty dog to drink. This good deed earned her God’s forgiveness for all her previous sins. ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘udra relates: “While we were in the course of a journey along with the Holy Prophet (sa) we saw two young doves in a nest and we caught them. They were still very small. When their mother returned to the nest, not finding her little ones in it, she began to fly wildly round and round. When the Holy Prophetsa arrived at the spot he observed the dove and said, ‘If any one of you has caught its young ones he must release them at once to comfort it’ ” (Abu Dawud). As has been related the Holy Prophetsa was himself so rigid in his standards of truthfulness that he was known among his people as “The Trusty” and “The True”. He was equally anxious that Muslims should adopt the same standards of truth as were observed by himself. He regarded truth as the basis of all virtue, goodness and right conduct. He taught that a truthful person is one who is so confirmed in truth that he is counted truthful by God. A man once came to the Holy Prophetsa and said: “O Messenger of Allah! I suffer from three evils: falsehood, indulgence in strong drinks and fornication. I have tried my utmost to get rid of them but have not succeeded. Will you tell me what to do? ” The Prophetsa replied: “If you make a firm promise to me to give up one of them I guarantee that you will be rid of the other two.” The man promised and asked the Prophetsa to tell him which of the three he should give up. The Prophetsa said: “Give up falsehood.” Some time later the man came back and told the Holy Prophetsa that, having followed his advice, he was now free from all three vices. The Prophetsa asked him for the details of his struggle and the man said: “One day I wanted to indulge in liquor and was about to do so when I bethought myself of my promise to you and realised that if any of my friends asked me whether I had taken liquor, I would have to admit it as I could no longer utter a falsehood. This would mean that I would acquire an evil reputation among my friends and they would in future avoid me. Thinking thus, I persuaded myself to postpone drinking to some later occasion and was able to withstand the temptation at the time. In the same way when I found myself inclined towards fornication I argued with myself that indulgence in the vice would expose me to the loss of the esteem of my friends as I would either have to tell a falsehood if questioned by them, thus breaking my promise to you, or I would have to admit my sin. In this way I continued to struggle between my resolve to fulfil my promise to you and my desire to indulge in liquor and in adultery. When some time had passed I began to lose the inclination to indulge in these vices and the resolve to keep away from falsehood has now saved me from the other two also.” Treatment Of Relatives Most people suffer from the failing that when they marry and set up house for themselves, they begin to neglect their parents. The Holy Prophetsa , therefore, laid great stress upon the meritoriousness of serving one’s parents and treating them with kindness and consideration. Abu Hurairara relates: “A man came to the Holy Prophetsa and asked to be told who was most deserving of kind treatment at his hands. The Prophetsa replied: ‘Your mother’. The man asked ‘And next to her?’ The Prophetsa repeated, ‘Again thy mother’. The man asked a third time, ‘And after my mother?’ and the Prophetsa again replied, Still thy mother’, and when the man asked him a fourth time, he said: ‘After her thy father and after him thy nearest relatives and after them thy more remote relatives.’ “The Prophet’ssaown parents and grandparents had died while he was still a child. The parents of some of his wives were, however, alive and he always treated them with great consideration and deference. On the occasion of the surrender of Mecca when the Holy Prophetsa entered the town as a victorious general, Abu Bakrra brought his father to meet him. He said to Abu Bakrra : “Why did you trouble your father to come to me? I would gladly have gone to him myself” (Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 99). One of his sayings was: “Unlucky is the man whose parents live to old age and he fails to earn Paradise even then”, meaning that the service of one’s parents particularly when they reach old age attracts the grace and favour of God and, therefore, a person to whom is afforded the opportunity of serving his aged parents and who avails himself of the opportunity to the full is bound to become confirmed in righteous ways and a recipient of the grace of God.
What Is The History Of The Gordon Setter Breed? The Gordon Setter is a Scottish breed of dog. It was named after the fourth Duke of Gordon, who promoted it in the 19th century. The Gordon Setter is a black and tan dog and is one of the heaviest setters. It is closely related to the other Scottish setters, the red and blue setters. The first recorded use of the word “Gordon” with a setter type was in 1742, although it is unclear whether this referred to a specific breed or a color type. The first formal description of the breed was by Colonel Peter Hawker in his book Treatise on Fishing with an Angle, published in 1814. He wrote that the Duke of Gordon’s servants were “exceedingly fond” of their dogs and that the breed was “much admired.” The Duke of Gordon was a leading breeder of the breed, and his kennels at Altyre in Morayshire were well known. The first Duke’s successor, Alexander Duff, 6th Duke of Gordon (1849–1924), continued to promote the breed. In 1859 he exhibited two dogs at the first Westminster Kennel Club show in New York City; one was placed second and the other third. What Does A Gordon Setter Look Like? The Gordon Setter is a large dog breed with a long, black, and tan coat. The coat is silky and smooth and is medium to long. The hair on the head and ears is shorter than on the body, and the tail is feathered. The Gordon Setter does not shed much but does require regular grooming to keep its coat looking its best. How Big Is An Adult Gordon Setter? The male Gordon Setter typically stands between 24 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder and can weigh between 55 – 80 pounds. Females generally are a little smaller, standing between 22 and 25 inches tall and weighing between 45 – 70 pounds. They are considered a large breed of dog, but their size varies depending on their lineage. Some Gordons are bred for hunting and may be larger than average, while others are bred as companions and may be smaller. Overall, they are a sturdy breed with a lot of muscle mass. Are There Other Dog Breeds Related To The Gordon Setter? Several other dog breeds are related to the Gordon Setter, including the English Setter, Irish Setter, American Cocker Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Clumber Spaniel, and Field Spaniel. While these breeds may share some similarities with the Gordon Setter, they each have unique characteristics and traits that make them distinct from one another. What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Gordon Setter? The life expectancy of a Gordon Setter is 12 years. This breed is known for being a loyal and loving companion and an excellent hunting dog. They are also relatively healthy, with few major health concerns. However, like all dogs, they are susceptible to some common health problems, such as hip dysplasia and cancer. Your Gordon Setter can enjoy a long and happy life with proper care and regular vet check-ups. Can A Gordon Setter Be Trained? Yes, a Gordon Setter can be trained to do many things. Some common commands that owners teach their dogs include sit, stay, come, down, and heel. Most Gordon Setters can learn these commands relatively easily with patience and consistency. Many owners also enroll their dogs in obedience classes, which can help them learn even more commands and tricks. Beyond basic obedience training, some Gordon Setters are also successfully trained to perform more complex tasks such as agility or retrieving. Ultimately, the amount of training a Gordon Setter receives will depend on the owner’s goals and preferences. What Are Some Interesting Facts About A Gordon Setter? - The Gordon Setter is a Scottish breed of gundog. - It is red and black in color and has a long, silky coat. - The breed is named after Alexander, the 4th Duke of Gordon, who promoted it in the 19th century. - Gordons are large dogs, with males measuring up to 27 inches (69 cm) at the shoulder and females up to 25 inches (64 cm). - They weigh between 55 and 80 pounds (25 and 36 kg). - Gordons are active dogs who need plenty of exercise; they are not suitable for a sedentary lifestyle. - They are intelligent and trainable but can also be stubborn and independent. - Gordons are generally good-natured and affectionate dogs, but they may be reserved around strangers. - The breed is relatively rare; in the UK, it is classified as a vulnerable native breed by the Kennel Club. - Some notable Gordon Setters include actor James Stewart’s dog Pep, who appeared with him in several films, and Uisdean, the first Gordon Setter to win the prestigious Crufts dog show in London. How Does A Gordon Setter Interact With People? A Gordon Setter is a friendly and outgoing breed that loves being around people. They are loyal companions and make great family dogs. They are also highly intelligent and trainable, which makes them a popular choice for working dogs. While they can be a bit willful at times, Gordon Setters are generally obedient and eager to please their owners. They will get along well with other pets and children with proper socialization. Gordon Setters need plenty of exercise and love to play fetch and go for long walks or runs. They are relatively easy to train and make excellent hunting dogs. With their friendly nature and loyalty, Gordon Setters make excellent companion dogs for active families.
Trees play a crucial role in almost all terrestrial ecosystems and provide a range of products and services to rural and urban people. As natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture and other types of development, the benefits that trees provide are best sustained by integrating trees into agriculturally productive landscapes — a practice known as agroforestry. The World Agroforestry Centre is dedicated to generating and applying the best available knowledge to stimulate agricultural growth, raise farmers’ incomes, and protect the environment. The Centre’s vision is a rural transformation in the developing world as smallholder households strategically increase their use of trees in agricultural landscapes to improve their food security, nutrition, income, health, shelter, energy resources and environmental sustainability. The Centre’s mission is to generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes, and use its research to advance policies and practices that benefit the poor and the environment. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, we operate five regional offices located in India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi and Mali, and conduct research in eighteen other countries around the developing world.