While listening to an audio book Cambpell Scott is the reader I was so excited to hear his voice and that brought back my disappointment that Six Degrees was canceled They never seem to keep the good shows on air long enough to capture an audience that can connect with the shows story What a shame and shame on th network for not giving this show a full seasons chance This was an excellent show to watch with a great cast The network gave Men in Trees a second chance witch is also a great show but they took Invasion off and that also was something totally different to watch not the same oldsame old themes Why cant the networks get it right
Full House is a wonderful sitcom that is about a dad Danny Tanner whose wife had just died in a car crash So Danny asks his brother in law Jesse Katsopolis and best friend Joey Gladstone to help raise his three girls Donna Jo DJ Tanner Stephanie Tanner and Michelle Tanner This is my favorite show ever and I can watch it all day long And something on Full House is always making me laugh and there are sad parts also There is never a dull moment in Full House The main characters are played by Bob SagetDanny Tanner John StamosJesse Katsopolis Dave CoulierJoey Gladstone Candace CameronDJ Tanner Jodie SweetinStephanie Tanner and MaryKate Ashley OlsenMichelle Tanner
For many months I was looking forward to this release The previews looked good early reports on the net were encouraging and golden eye and Timesplitters were excellent shooters by the same people It turns out I was greatly misled Haze had the potential to be up there with Call of Duty 4 and other next gen shooters however it looks plays and feels like something from 5 years or so ago I played Haze on a 1080 TV and was initially disappointed that the games developers had limited the graphics to 720 The Haze universe lacks detail and atmosphere the feeling of they must have really rushed to finish this is always therebr br The controls are sluggish and cumbersome and i have yet to find an adjustment for xy axis sensitivity There are many parts of the single player game that are very dark visually to the point where you cant actually see where you are going Why not add a torch function like in Halo or even better night vision The use of the performance enhancing drug nectar is interesting however just as you get used to it you switch sides and dont use it again why bother I could go on with many more Haze faults but instead ill just say Dont BOTHER wait for killzone 2 or play call of duty 4 and try to unlock the gold AK
Danny Lees performance as a wisecracking cop is the only spot of interest in this film even though it has an excellent cast including Chow YunFat Carina Lau Andy Lau Shing FuiOn and Alex Man CYF plays a triad boss who wants to settle down to a life of peace and plenty but Alex Man a total psycho who has a big grudge against CYF wont let him CYF tries to escape to Malacca but to no avail After his family is blown to bits his cronies dead or turncoat wounded and broke CYF returns to Hong Kong to get into some serious revengebr br It sounds a lot better than it is CYF is welldressed and handsome looks pained grimaces and cries on cue but somehow or another you just dont care Andy Lau looks great but thats about it Carina Lau has a tiny tiny little part which was nice but she gets a bullet in the head early on so that ends that Alex Man is a cartoon villain hes so overthetop which at times can be intriguing but the writing here is so flat that he just comes across as a gardenvariety nutbr br Danny Lee is great though too bad hes only a small blip on the screen of this dark literally and essentially boring moviebr br Rent it dont buy it Or just skip it altogetherbr br This is the sequel to Rich And Famous even though it apparently was filmed simultaneously it was released first because of CYFs boxoffice power
Director Vincenzo Natalis Cypher is a complex and imaginative thriller which although requiring some suspension of belief and plenty of concentration manages to be a thoroughly entertaining experiencebr br Morgan Sullivan Jeremy Northam a stayathome husband with an overbearing wife decides to add a bit of spice to his mundane existence by getting a job as an industrial spy at hightech company Digi Corp His job is to travel to conferences across the country under the assumed identity of Jack Thursby and secretly broadcast the speeches given back to his bosses via a nifty little electronic pengizmobr br In reality however the speeches are merely a cover for far more nefarious activities Morgan along with his fellow conference attendees is being brainwashed The drugged water they are drinking puts them into a temporary coma during which they are told to forget their pasts and permanently adopt their new identities Once they are totally convinced that they are someone else they are told to apply for jobs with rival companies where they are able to indulge in corporate espionage without suspicionbr br But Digi Corps plans are scuppered by the intervention of shady operativeforhire Rita Foster Lucy Liu who opens Morgans eyes to what is really happening She gives Morgan an antidote to the mind altering drugs so that he can resist the brainwashing techniques She also warns him that if Digi Corp suspects that he does not fully believe he is Jack Thursby then he will be eliminated Morgan plays along and applies for a job at rival business Sunwaysbr br However arriving at his new workplace he is given a polygraph test and is immediately rumbled as a spy Fortunately the bosses at Sunways see this as an ideal opportunity to feed false data to Digi Corp and Morgan becomes a double agentbr br From hereon in things get progressively more complicated the plot twists and turns and poor old Morgan ends up not being able to trust anyone In an exciting finale all eventually becomes clear but only if youve been following events very carefullybr br Director Natali handles proceedings confidently and certainly has a great ability to produce a classy looking film for a relatively low budget He manages to get some great performances from his talented cast Jeremy Northamin particular is fantastichis portrayal of the initially somewhat nervous Morgan is played to perfectionbr br Cypher is another fascinating movie from a director who is willing to take chances and I eagerly look forward to his forthcoming projects High Rise and Necropolis
This film was bad because there was nothing interesting about it It was sort of a remake but then again not really I was very disappointed considering the tools that Tim Burton has at his disposal He had great make up and CGI available and lots of money 100 million but can you honestly say that what we got was as good as the original film that was made for less than 6 million Heck no So in that regard the film failsbr br At least in the original film the statue of liberty scene was shocking but there was nothing shocking in this film even the end scene because you could kind of see it coming And by the way if you give it some thought and I did you can figure out how the ending could come about I just wish I had back the time that I wasted thinking about itbr br This film would have been brilliant and fun if it stayed along the lines of the first film and adopted part of Beneath the Planet of the Apes Heres how I would have written itbr br An astronaut it really should have been more than Marky Mark because hes not good enough to care a film all by himself so I would have put in three guys that would land on what they would think would be another planet encounter humans not mutes a city ruled by apes were hunted made friends with some good apes discover that theyre on earth via finding some destroyed ruins end up running into crazy mutant humans living beneath the earth a war breaks out between the mutant humans and the apes and thenwell let your imagination run wild on how you want to end itbr br But my point is that there could have been so much more to this film Sadly Tim Burton really knows how to wreck a good thing Consider what he did with the Batman series Hes a rotten director inspite what of people think Hes trendy so he must be good goes the thinking Sorry but no If anyone else had done this film it would have turned out far better and would have been far more satisfying
Well I have to say this movie was probably the funniest movie I have seen all year And I dont exactly mean that in a good way This is probably the most pathetic movie I have seen in a while and yet thats what makes it so hilarious you can tell these people are really trying to act unfortunately for them they arent doing such a good job making it so even lines delivered in what is supposed to be a serious tone come out sounding really funny Aaron Carter is essentially playing a character quite similar to himself in real life and still he manages to make the character seem corny and not at all realistic This movie is one of those movies where everything that is supposed to sound serious comes out really funny and all the things that are supposed to be funny are just so stupid and corny that you have to laugh because you know how hard they are trying This movie is so bad its actually good I would definitely recommend it if your in the mood for a good laugh
This movie was by far the worst movie that I have ever seen in my entire life Im not even kidding It was poorly made and the actors couldnt act It was a waste of my time and money It looked like a movie that my friends and I could have put together on our own The case the movie came in is definitely a disguise Nothing in the movie looks like the zombie on the front of the case It appears that the director or makeup artist has just put black eye liner under someones eyes an called them a zombie The credits at the beginning of the movie take up almost 20 minutes of the movie Which watching the credits was the best part of the movie This was honestly an awful movie and I couldnt believe how badly it was put together Scenes jumped from one thing to the other and sometimes u were like whats going on The audio was awful and the action shots looked like a couple of teens joking around making a fake fight scenebr br IF you are considering renting or buying this movie I would advise you to at least watch the trailer for it because it shows how awful it truly is I wish i would have watched it before i rented it
Comparison with American Graffiti is inevitable so save your money and time by renting that timeless classic Speaking of timeliness there was an episode of Cheers where Norm and Cliff competed on who can find the most anachronism in a movie They would have loved this movie everything from some of the songs and some of the clothing were wrong There were sly reference such as they paved paradise to put up a parking lot The filmmakers hoped to elicit some smiles from us but basically made me groanbr br The characters in this movie are incredibly politically and socially astute for teenagers Almost as smart as the people who were in their thirties and forties when they wrote the darn movie Very little of what the characters said were believable Combine the bad writing and bad acting this movie just totally fail Although there were two exceptions Kelli Williams liven things up as the future flower child and despite what another reviewer said Rick Shroeder was quite good Showing that brooding characteristic that would come to full boil in his eventual appearance in NYPD Blues
The British heritage film industry is out of control Theres nothing wrong with filming classic novels but why must they all be filmed by talentless nobodies This film rips the guts out of Orwells tough novel turning it into a harmless fluffy romantic comedy Aspidistra may not be Orwells best work but noone who reads it can forget its superb depiction of poverty Orwell emphasises not only the cold and the hunger but the humiliation of being poor In the novel London is a bleak grey cold heartless city and Comstock prays for it to be blasted away by a squadron of bombers But this film irons out anything that might be in any way disturbing and creates instead a jolly nostalgic trip to charming 1930s London in which everything is lit with shafts of golden sunlight and even the slums of Lambeth are picturesque and filled with freshly scrubbed urchins and happy prostitutes Comstocks poems about the sharp wind sweeping across the rubbishstrewn streets seem completely out of place in this chocolatebox world Worst of all is the scripts relentless bonhomie ancient jokes and clunking dialogue Its so frustrating because Richard E Grant is the perfect person to play Gordon Comstock and the film is packed with great actors But its all for nothing This film made me so angry Britains literary history is something to be proud of for its richness complexity and power And what do we do with it We employ bland nobodies to turn it into softcentred anodyne pap for people who want to feel that they are getting some culture while they drink their Horlicks and quietly doze off
Ive never actually seen this film but can tell you one thing about its production While a comedyoldies radio DJ in 1988 I got a call from the production company They asked if Id write and record a bit theyd drop into the soundtrack as sounds eminating from a TV the television screen itself would never be shown I said sure wrote a parody of 50s scifi monster clichs rounded up some sound effects and called in another DJ Pam Landry to play the female part As she happened to be on the air at the time she put on a long song joined me at the mike in the production room and we cut the voicetrack in a single take Giggling she then went back to her show while I mixed in the goofy sound effects Wed have never done it if wed known that Woodchipper Massacre was going to be such a turkey but then again we never got paid for our efforts either Gary Theroux
Possibly not but it is awful Even the fantastic cast cant save it OK I admit it started off quite funny but it seemed to plummet downhill as soon as they jumped those girls in the Generals house Bill Murray turned from being a quick witted humorous guy into an arsehole who was shouting things at people in the street that just werent funny its like he was trying too hard to be funny His character stole a weapon an RV come on and ends up being a national hero after invading another country and killing god knows how many soldiers for a laugh One good point is that this film shows the inadequacy and incompetence of the US Army and shows how arrogant and imbecilic they really are albeit unintentionally I actually felt disgusted that this kind of propaganda crap could really be released
Revenge is the theme of this Denzel Washington thriller that offers its share of action mayhem murder and grisly bloodletting The essentials are a bodyguards search and destroy mission as his charge young Dakota Fanning is kidnapped from school which is exactly what Washington was hired to prevent The Mexico City locations are as chaotic as the storyline moves towards its predictable violent conclusion with plot twists along the way Washington a former CIA operative with a drinking problem gets a good reference from a former fellow agent which sets in motion the plots outline Washington and Fanning have a great chemistry between them and after a troublesome beginning the bodyguard and his charge become the best of friends Christopher Walken Rachel Ticotin Radha Mitchell Giancarlo Giannini and Mickey Rourke comprise the good cast in support of the two stars
Watching The Tenants has been a interesting experience for me It is the first film I have ever seen where I have shuttled at speed through parts of the nonaction and I can normally watch anything from turgid action movies to SerboCroat indie and find them fascinatingbr br The Tenants is frustratingly sluggish and overorchestrated One of the main problems of the script is there is little realistic character dialogue apart from the set pieces where characters collide in a very structured setting to make this work the film needed to feel more conceptual which it didnt This leads to a lack of realistic character development everyone seems twodimensionalbr br The worse for this is the character of Bill Spear aka Snoop Dogg I found his characterization very uncomfortable and very unsympathetic At one point I even stopped the film because I got so annoyed by the characters aggressive violent and monotonal delivery the lack of any other personality layer apart from that of the reactionary on switch which gets really predictable after a while and I so desperately wanted him to have some redeeming qualities However one reason for this jar might be the nebulous time scape of the film supposedly 70s it feels and looks more early noughties If it had been more securely fixed in the 70s his character might have seemed more understandablebr br The lighting of the film was also awkward All the way through the soundtrack attempts to provide a certain gritty jazzinfused atmosphere that just did not come off largely because the set was too welllitbr br The Tenants to me is an unbelievable film It doesnt depict real people or propose any interesting ways of thinking about race identity or the life of a writer be they white or blackbr br Strangely I came away with the feeling that this project needed David Lynch his eerie clastrophobic and obsessive look and feel would have lifted both the actors and the script into something quite remarkable
This is Burt ReynoldsCitizen KaneTragically nothing else he was ever involved in came close to approaching Sharkeys MachineIt seemed to me that he put everything he had into itIt is a movie that is in love with moviesThe opening sequence where Detective Sharkey singlehandedly rescues a busload of hostages is an immensely exciting piece of cinema Everything moves so quickly once it has started to go wrong that it appears to take on a life of its owna brilliantly achieved effect It looks coldtense and dangerous on Mr Reynolds streets The precinct house looks dirty and tiredfull of desperate people on both sides of the lawshoutingcursing outtrying to do deals or just stay aliveInto this underworld descends the recently demoted Sharkey a reward for a bungled drugs bustcaused by a corrupt cop he and his team are part of the vice squadInformation they pick up concerning a crooked politician leads them into the world of highclass call girls and ruthless drug barons Watching the apartment of one such callgirlRachel WardSharkey falls in love with her portrait on the wallI knowI knowand when a womans body is found with its face shot off in one of the roomshe thinks its herWellI did say it was a movie that loved movies The scene where she walks in on him works beautifullyeven if you have seen the original The film is full of good touchesI particularly like Charles Durnings war storysubtly acted and shot in sharp contrast to Sharkeys abduction and torture which is suitably harsh and brutal I must mention Vittorio Gassman and Henry Silva as two disparate but equally evil brothers with absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever They are full on every time theyre on screen and are no loss to society when their time comesMr Silvas end being extra special indeed As has been mentionthis is a Clint Eastwood movie that Clint never madeThe biggest compliment I can pay Sharkeys Machine is to point out that in my opinion Clint Eastwood couldnt have made a better job of it The soundtrack is of an equally high standardfeaturing Sarah VaughanJoe WilliamsJulie LondonChet Baker and other top class artists Randy Crawfords Street Life plays behind the title sequenceand I can never hear it without in my minds eyeseeing Sharkey striding along the sidewalk Like other correspondents I have never understood why this film was a bit of a flopI hope it is due for a critical revisionparticularly at a time when so many cop movies and shows without a quarter of its energy freshness and sheer joie de vivre are lauded from the rooftops If youre ever tempted to think of Burt Reynolds as a burnt out one trick ponyput Sharkeys Machine in your video machineI promise you wont be disappointed
Trying to catch a serial killer did they ever think of tracking the license plate number of the black van or fingerprint the video tapes he sent Oh brother the plot of this movie was so full of holes it was pathetic Now I know why there are bad movies in the world This one however was one of the worst
The book is so good that at least the opening of this madefortv movie will move you but then as it diverges more and more from the book taking out all the religion and love and mathematics and putting in cotton candy cliches it becomes boring Still from comments Ive heard people who have not read the book tend to like it and if it leads even on child to read A Wrinkle in Time it will have served its purpose The most embarrassing change is to make the Happy Medium a clone of Mary Poppins Uncle Albert I love to Laugh Nothing is quite so squirm inducing as characters on the screen laughing hilariously at things that are totally unfunny
Ive seen this amusing little brit flickmany times The only problem is Its currently unavailable on video or DVD Its certainly a contender for a DVD release The much missed Richard Jordan plays pinky an Expat American whose Just been released from prisonhe finds himself A job as an Electrician in a bank it all goes well until he finds Himself Embroiled in a bank heist with his ex cronies David Niven Plays the mastermind Ivan Its an enjoyable little romp hopefully studio canal or anchor bay will come to the Rescue Look out for john Rhys Davies Before he struck it big with shogun Raiders of the lost Ark Lord Of The Rings In a small role as a barrister
We stumbled upon the documentary Grey Gardens last Sunday and got sucked in without warning Everyone who entered the room became transfixed on the television and the haunting images of Edith and Edie who seemed to be living out their lives in practically one room of a large filthy mansion on the beach eating ice cream and corn on the cob which was cooked on the bedside tableand the cat urinating on ediths bed and her unbelievable words i thrive on it We had not seen the beginning and wondered what we were watching and how these aristocratic women managed to get in the position they were in Spellbinding a must see
Im not sure what the director and editor were thinking when they were editing this poor excuse for a film but whatever they thought of didnt help this movie it only hurt it and it hurt this film badly The acting for once isnt the problem its the horrible editing scenes will end for no apparent reason while in the middle of an action sequence or people will be cut off in mid sentence Im not sure what the story was but it didnt really matter since what I did see was fairly uninteresting Just bad all around a huge Jaws ripoff and not a good one at that The MST version was funny though 7 for that none for the film itself
All Dogs go to Heaven was a quirky funny movie With good name talent whos voices lended an adult familiarity to a cartoon basicly for kids It was just interesting enough to be likeable by adults aside from something good for the kids to watchbr br Unfortunately ADGTH2 is a valueless sequel trying to make a bit of cash rideing on the coattails of the first Charlie Sheen is a passable replacement for Burt Reynolds in this second movie and Sheena Eastons voice in a few of the movies lovely but forgettable songs makes her a worthwhile pick as a costar for this Add Dom DeLuise from the first movie and youd think this would be a decent mix to make this sequel at least relatively decent compared to the first onebr br Unfortunately even with the addition of other good voice actors such as Bebe Neuwirth in the horrible role of Anabelle this movie cannot be saved from the atrocious production values and animation skills or lack thereof present all over this movie Horrible editing syncronization of the voices and flat out spaces where characters mouths should be moving to dialouge but are not combine to make this movie look like a college interns animation project instead of the decent sequel it could have beenbr br All in all id say unless you were a very big fan of the first movie id give this a very large PASS
Not knowing a great deal about the Truth and Reconciliation commission I can only look at this as a piece of entertainment I started watching it too late in the evening recorded from BBC2 earlier this year but once Id started I had to watch to the endbr br The downside is that its effectively a courtroom drama never my favourite genre but its stunningly photographed largely in supersaturated ochres and well acted Like a good novel I couldnt put it down All the way through I wished I was watching it in a cinema to do the music and photography justice What happened to its release in theatres Im an admirer of Chiwetel Ejiofor since I saw him in Dirty Pretty Things and Hilary Swank looks terrific in this very female and sexy for a change possibly out of place but she adds to the visual attractiveness of the filmbr br This picture deserves a wider audience than it seems to be getting
I was subjected to this terrible excuse for a made for TV movie I only watched it because I dont have cable and my only other choices were Golf College Basketball or local news The plot is very generic and has no substance that I could see not to mention it had a major flaw in my eyes The main character Dr Sorensen is a washed up astronomer who believes that an asteroid named Nemesis will strike Earth causing all life to cease He bases his belief on his discovery of cave paintings by an Aboriginee Im sure I spelled that one wrong The paintings show an apparent timeline showing significant events throughout history such as the building of the Great Wall of China All of the events are shown in perfect chronological order and the very last picture on the timeline is Earth being destroyed Now to me if the painting showed things that had indeed happened why would the great Doctor believe that he could somehow change what was going to happen All that aside the movie moved along with extreme formulaic precision There was nothing in the movie that surprised me at all The actors were not very good and on a few occasions I just felt that they didnt even take the movie seriously to put forth enough effort to try to convince me that the characters were worth caring about The whole movie was cliche ridden and a downright waste of time and money Id recommend Armageddon over this piece of crap any day At least Armageddon has some good acting compared to this not to mention the eye candy that is Liv Tyler Now that I think about it Golf isnt that bad
Her bitpart as a masseuse in the lurid sequel to the original Emmannuelle evidently gave someone the bright idea of putting a spanner in the works of the French softcore series gambit by inverting the Caucasian carnality and casting Javan stunner Gemser in a leading role in this the rather tame first of a series of sexploiters that became increasingly depraved as sleazier directors took on innameonly sequelsbr br Someone and surely not the Englishlanguage overhaulers Warner was also anticipating an A Star Is Born type meteoric rise out the results judging by the way the actress is credited merely with the eponymous moniker of the onscreen heroine albeit with a couple of consonants sacrificed as insurance against litigationbr br Gemsers tenure in the series saw her as an intrepid photographer allowing of course for all manner of subsequent globetrotting adventures But whilst she may well have been one the very most beautiful actresses on the screen at that time any thespian talent that may have been there to discern becomes mired in the same sort of unfeasibly facile cogitation I have to confess that since Ive been in Africa I find white skin less appealing that was to be found in the French filmsbr br And in this particular entry much to the consternation of the raincoat brigade the essence of onscreen carnality is as much to be found in puerile symbolism pumping engine pistons as it is in prosaic couplings although naturally these include generous dollops of exploratory lesbianism Connoiseurs of kitsch are however guaranteed a continuous stream of aural delights what with such epithets of ethnographic wisdom as I do nothing to be a perfect black she does everything to be a perfect white
The final film for Ernst Lubitsch completed by Otto Preminger after Lubitschs untimely death during production is a juggling act of sophistication and silliness romance and music fantasy and costume dramatics In a 19th century castle in Southeastern Europe a Countess falls for her sworn enemy the leader of the Hungarian revolt shes aided by her ancestor whose painted image magically comes to life Betty Grable in a long blonde wig adorned with flowers has never been more beautiful and her songs are very pleasant Unfortunately this script by Samson Raphaelson taken from an operetta by Rudolf Schanzer and E Welisch is awash with different ideas that fail to meshor entertain The results are goodlooking but unabsorbing 12 from
Considering John Doe apparently inspired Kyle XYs creator I was expecting its pilot to be quite interesting However I probably had too high expectations because I was quite disappointed by it First they turned the protagonist into a freak who had the crazy idea of showing off his amazing knowledge in front of an audience in a public area So after that scene I began to worry that it was just entertainment But the problem is that it got worse as none of the other characters were properly introduced They focused too much on John Doe which made the story far less intriguing I was also slightly disappointed by Dominic Purcells performance because I found he didnt make a believable John Doe An other problem was the police story It really felt like dj vu and it wasnt a pleasant sensation It leads us to the worst issue in the bunch the episodic format I could already see the fillers coming one after an otherbr br So overall I was very disappointed by it and dont recommend it to anyone Considering how bad it was I better understand now why the show got canceled In some way I have the impression that it missed its target developing characters to help the protagonist find his own identity Its sad because there was potential like the people he met at the club The production quality was also quite good and the casting correct But Ill never know if it got better probably not because I dont plan to watch the next episode
I think this piece of garbage is the best proof that good ideas can be destroyed why all the American animators thinks that the kids this days wants stupid GI JOE versions of good stories the Looney Tunes are some of the most beloved characters in history but they werent created to be Xtreme i mean come on Tiny Toons was a great example of how an old idea can be updated without loosing its original charm but this piece of garbage is just an example of stupid corporate decisions that only wants to create a cheap idiotic show that kids will love because hey kids loves superheroes right the whole show is only a waste of time in which we see the new versions of the Looney Tunes but this time in superhero form this doesnt sound too bad but the problem is that this show tries too hard to copy series like batman the animated series or the new justice league the result bad copies of flash the road runner or superman who else bugs bunny the problem is that Looney Tunes werent meant to be dramatic the were supposed to be funny as i said before this series sucks and many people wonders why anime is taking all over the world this show tries to be dramatic and action packed but thats something that few series and anime are able to do if you want to see a good upgrade of an old show watch Tiny Toons thats an example that its possible to bring back to life old characters but with a good story and respecting the original roots too bad that show is already dead another corporate wise decision i suppose
Spacecamp is a movie that I plan to show my Daughter Julia Ann Ruth Morgan some day Seeing Joaquin Phoenix in this movie makes you realize how far hes come since playing a Roman Emperor in the film Gladiator I am pleased to say that I now have comms with the Artificial Intelligence of QE2 who said that I was Young and that is true Holodeck Comms with my Daughter on Coaltrain came through Coaltrain Gate Julia Ann Glow Hide Daddy The fact that my Daughters Artificial Intelligence is still speaking like a six year old means that my Daughter Julia Ann Ruth Morgan representing Peace to the friendly Ki Alien Creators of humans may not have been taken to a an American Bunker in time We have the power to change the future with Faster Than Light comms I order that my Ex Wife and Daughter Julia Ann Ruth Morgan be taken to an American Bunker as soon as possible My Daughter Julia is 23rd in command of the Planet Earth and a bridge officer She already said that she doesnt like bullies Having had someone steal her Gameboy and Gauntlet II game from my Mothers car she gets concerned about other thieves stealing her other toys Julia has been growing up fast The time of JFK and QE2 starting life over again on this planet is not until 2023 Julia would be a Young Lady by then and her artificial Intelligence would have been greatly expanded upon If I have to go to a bunker to continue the American Leadership then I am in a command post and not really hiding as a first priority President Jack Kennedys artificial Intelligence said recently that drastic measures could be taken to stop Global Warming at any time Thanks boss thats similar to my Daughter Julias AI telling me hide and stay indoors Kate Capshaw is now married to Steven Spielberg Wow are we ever going to miss his movies if society collapses If you value freedom of speech like President Kennedy and myself then please do not delete this reviewer Check out Joaquin Phoenixs other movies also
Begotten is no doubt someones attempt at originality but what we have here is art in its most morbid grotesque form so for that Begotten has my respect but to be realistic it makes no difference what this abomination is about but for the recordbr br In the ultimate in incoherent horror we begin in an unknown time in an unknown place Right off the bat we are plunged into the psychotic nightmare that is Begotten a god is seemingly depressed mutilating himself with a razor I mean really trying like hell to end it all it takes a while why wouldnt it After this ultramorbid introduction something is happening something is rising from the corpse say hello to Mother Earth What does she do Well she gives birth to a thing The thing would have probably preferred to stay in the womb but thats life The psychotic nightmare realm of Begotten welcomes the thing the only way it knows how The thing along with Mother Earth is mutilated by unknown hooded assailants with evil intentions being the only clarity available From this point on things drag as theyve never dragged before Interesting grim images with a totally decent soundtrack is the high points of the remainder Not to give the impression that I dont recommend this evilness because I do but only once and only for people with an appreciation for the dark sidebr br From my description it may appear that I dont get Begotten Trust me I get it and yes Begotten is art if Ive ever seen it Everything in this film regardless of how unrelated it may seem is significant That perhaps is the only thing that makes Begotten art With that said most of us require some form of entertainment value and this is coming from someone who enjoyed The Chooper Probably the most intriguing first five minutes Ive seen in a film but lets be realistic the next 7 hours and 55 minutes would put one in a coma that is unless its just meant for some kind of psychedelic purposes in that case never mind But how would one rate such a uniquely boring masterpiece Depending on how much your attention span can take It should be either 1 or 10 any other number just wouldnt make a statement It hurts to do this but as far as entertainment value goes Begotten just aint it 11
This is a cult classic for surebr br It is tricky to follow at times but then again so is a film like Jacobs Ladder or even say Fight Club If you want standard fare then i figure go rent the Care Bears Movie or perhaps an old Disney classic But if you want to view the world differently then i would say open yourself up to Enigmas and for that matter to a film that challenges what we see and thinkbr br For me the key is that the film was original and had me questioning throughout So while i have seen some complaints all in all i would say take the film for what it is and enjoy
A remarkable film bringing to the surface all sorts of feelings I had when I was much much younger I loved it and the Elton John music I remember seeing in in the movies when I was a kid and for some reason limited release Ive never known anyone else who saw this film when it was releasedbr br The dreams it inspired in me from decades ago have never left me and seeing the film again recently brought it all rushing back I confess however that my kids in their 20s have not experienced a similar emotional rush A generational thingbr br Why is it not on DVD
Like some of the other folks who have reviewed this film I was also waxing nostalgic about itbefore I had the misfortune to actually watch it again Alas my childhood memories of this film were completely untrustworthy and The Perils of Pauline is now revealed to be an embarrassing exercise in banal racist and plain boring filmmaking Even the presence of old pros Edward Everett Horton and TerryThomas cant overcome a rancid screenplay a horrible theme song and some wretched special effects In addition the stereotypical depictions of African and Arab characters make for painful viewing especially considering this was produced in the immediate wake of the Civil Rights movement Michael Weldons original Psychotronic Encyclopedia reports that The Perils of Pauline was originally produced for television but inexplicably ended up getting a theatrical release Judging from the results that is a completely believable and baffling scenario
Had a bad day Dog bit the mailman Car wouldnt start People got on your nerves Then refresh yourself with a delightful experiencebr br Two women decide to pool their resources in answer to an ad for a months rental of a villa in Italy Due to financial circumstances two other women join them Two have humdrum marital lives one is an elderly woman who prefers to live in the past the fourth is a wealthy and beautiful woman wholly jaded by lifebr br As the spell of the villa permeates their spirits each grows in her own way and is uplifted in her outlook This also changes the people in their lives who have visited them As they leave you know the magic of the villa will remain with themand you will find your outlook altered for the better A delightfully uplifting movie
George Barry is a genius Death Bed The Bed That Eats is a prototype for much of the slipstream fiction and camp surrealism that is so chic now Truly innovative maverick and just effing brilliant Hyperstrange acting subtly nightmarish atmosphere I recommend reading Stephen Throwers book Nightmare USA there is a chapter devoted to Barry and Death Bed The Bed That Eats Available from FAB Press On a related note Death Bed The Bed That Eats and Beyond Dreams Door make a perfect doublebill Furthermore its trite and tired and ultimately stupidly ironic to criticize a lowbudget cult film for being poorly made or technically inept The Bmovie aesthetic is part of these films charm No amount of CGI could duplicate the cumulative effect Death Bed The Bed That Eats has on the viewer with an advanced palate
This digital horror film brings us into the Microbudget film genre where the more blood and chicks in distress the better The story is weak the acting is respectable and the special effects well theyre special alright A quality horror film for the fans that already know what to expect
This movie reminds me old B movies but not in a good waybr br When I saw the first scene I thought it was going to be a spoof of one of those early SF films The terrible acting the plastic props and the noticeable visual effects gave me that impressionbr br But no the movie is really that bad The story is a complete nonsense the effects are below the level of a TV production even the editing is a messbr br The only thing that kept me in the theater was that I wanted to know the end of the story although I was pretty sure it was going to be silly and it wasbr br There are better ways to spend your time and money
THE FBI STORY 1959 was Warner Bros 149 minute epic tribute to the famous criminal investigation agency From a book by Don Whitehead came a somewhat laborious screenplay by Richard L Green and John Twist and was directed with only a modicum of flair by Mervyn LeRoy However it did have splendid colour Cinematography by Joseph Biroc and a helpful score by the studios musical magician Max Steinerbr br The movie charts the history of the Bureau from its lowly beginnings in the twenties to modern times and its all seen through the recollections of aging fastidious agent Chip Hardesty James Stewart as he relates his investigative experiences in flashback to a class of budding young agents But its all very longwinded and episodic And as it progresses it begins to look like a TV mini series instead of a major movie production as the young Hardesty runs the American crime gamut from taking on such notorious criminal figures as Baby Face Nelson Ma Barker Dillinger etc to sorting out nefarious organisations like the Ku Klux Klan Nazi spy rings and the Red Menace And here it has to be said that only for the screen presence and appeal of its star THE FBI STORY would probably have ended up a forgotten disaster Moreover this is another problem with the picture Stewart is left to carry the entire movie almost on his own With the exception of Vera Miles who has the thankless role of being his long suffering but devoted wife he is surrounded by a cast of minor players Throughout you find yourself half expecting someone like Robert Ryan Jack Palance or even Raymond Burr to make a welcome entrance as a mobster or a police chief or whatever But nothing quite as imaginative as that ever occurs Pitybr br The film does however manage to give a good look inside the workings of the Bureau With the help of Stewarts narration we learn about the thousands of men and women who work for the organisation which includes the hundreds of agents in the field And we are also treated to a peek inside headquarters which houses the gigantic records section and we also get a glimpse of the chemists and fingerprint experts meticulously going through their daily choresbr br Another plus for the movie is Max Steiners remarkable score Heard over the titles is a powerful rousing and determined march while for the pictures gentler moments there is an attractive love theme But quite ingenious is the menacing and ominous march theme for the Ku Klux Klan sequence And better still is the rhythmic LatinAmerican music the composer wrote for the South American scenes especially the exciting Fandango like orchestrations for the arrival of the Federal troops on horseback THE FBI STORY was one of five scores the composer wrote in 1959 which included Samuel Bronstons naval epic John Paul Jones the charming Romcom Cash McCall Delmer Daves seminal western The Hanging Tree and Daves A Summer Place from which derived the Young Love Theme which was to become a major hit tune for Steiner better known as Theme From A Summer Placebr br THE FBI STORY just about passes muster as a movie thanks to Birocs rich colour Cinematography Steiners wonderful music and of course Jimmie Stewart who makes anything watchablebr br Classic but implausible line from THE FBI STORY As the bland Nick Adams who has just blown up a plane with 43 people on board including his mother is being led away handcuffed he turns to the arresting officer and blurts In case I get any mail you can send it to Canyon City prison for the next month or so after that you can send it to HELL Wow
As a long time fan of Peter ODonnells greatest creation I watched this film on DVD with no great hopes of enjoyment indeed I expected to be reaching in disgust for the remote control within fifteen minutes But instead I thoroughly enjoyed this production and I especially enjoyed and appreciated how the producers and director succeeded in telling the Modesty Blaise back story They managed to avoid the trap of making a bad film version of the books we are all so familiar with choosing instead to concentrate on a period in Modestys life only alluded to in the novelsbr br As for the production values and I am no student of cinematography yes the film was filmed on a tight financial and time budget and maybe that shows but does it spoil the viewers enjoyment In this case I think not Instead we are introduced to one of the worlds greatest literary heroines and given a taste of her capabilitiesbr br In regard to the casting because we in unfamiliar territory the only people who really matter are Modesty and perhaps Professor Lob For me they were totally credible Alexandra Staden described by some as wooden and too thin to be an action heroine brought to the screen Modestys poise and coolness her technique when martial arts were needed but most importantly personified the integrity which is at the core of the Modesty Blaise canonbr br OK so we all know this film was produced to stake Miramaxs claim to the Modesty Blaise character it was made quickly and cheaply BUT I for one cannot wait to see the next production in this series by these producers as long as they keep to the core values and characterisations of the original stories
The Core meets Crack in the World 1965 made for TV The acting is stock the suspense predictable Once you subtract all of the plot ripped off from The Core basically the manned drilling machine you end up with the plot of Crack in the World Crack was a truly excellent movie starring Dana Andrews His team of scientists working in South Africa drilled down to the crust and punched through with a nuclear device in order to provide a steady source of geothermic energy One of his subordinates also a brilliant scientist disagrees He believes that the blast will not drill a simple hole but will instead form cracks in the crust Possible spoiler He is right In order to stop the resultant crack from destroying the earth they must place another nuclear device in the path of the crack br br Although I have placed a spoiler warning i dont know if I really spoiled anything for either movie And since Crack in the World is only available in very rare VHS format if at all my decision not to reveal whether or not the counterblast works is probably academicbr br All in all I rate Descent just below average
This film can be judged from three viewpoints as history as a profile of Amin as a fictional thriller br br It fails as history it mentions in passing the coup that threw out Obote the expulsion of the Asians and has the Entebbe hijack as background but not in any chronologically consistent time frame br br As a profile of Amin it may have been interesting because Forest Whitaker is incredibly good and if this was a better film he would get an Oscar He got it which proves the Oscar voters dont watch the films they vote on It ignores relevant historical episodes in the novel which observed Amin and the history of Uganda from the point of view of the doctor It tells instead the fictitious story of the Scots doctor and his impossible love life from the point of view of Amin But the story told is the one incident that Amin was probably innocent of br br As a fictional thriller there is no plot to hold it together The beginning is taut it takes cinematic liberties with the novel but sets up the story The character of the doctor is welldefined but becomes lost in the second half of the film which suffers as a resultbr br Why the doctor decides to stay in Kampala is badly explained seduced by power Why he befriends noone is strange The character of the friend in the novel has been lost because the Scotsman has the affair instead of the black doctor a ludicrous entanglement which does not seem even faintly believable but allows the writers of the film to show the ferocity of Amin close at hand The Man called Horse bit at the end is risible br br Finally in 1971 Uganda drove on the left not right the number plates were three letters and two or three numbers and where are the Equator tusks br br In short if youve never heard of Amin you may want to spend two hours watching this film to appreciate Forest Whitakers acting but the last hour will bore you to confusion If you know Uganda or have read the book dont see the film it will only depress you And if you want to know why the doctor was so foolhardy he wasnt
This movie can be interpreted on many different levels Dont listen to the other comments bashing the movie and saying that it is a played again story or we and that it is just about drugs It has very overt superficial metaphors about drugs however the rest of the movie and why I think it was personally made is really not about that at all It is really mocking psychology and the conditioning of society It shows for a split second that the main characters brother is watching those sick videos online Why My interpretation is that it is to demonstrate that all of this gruesomeness that we are exposed to makes it easier for us to be mechanical in our professions instead of seeing people as people As far as the scene about logic it is also reaching out to the people who were in the federally mandated 1 smart classes who are confused and frustrated because life isnt as predictable and mathematical and logical as it seems on a macroscopic level You have to apply Heisenbergs uncertainty principle along with all the other laws and principles of uncertainty not just to physics but to life and leave room to change your plans and adjust along the way One of the best movies I have ever seen It just might go way above your head it isnt for you it is for those people who are are having trouble coping with life not working out like a math problem When you are critically analyzing a movie or writing your critical reviews try not reading the back cover first written by marketers and parapsychologists
When I heard the plot for this movie I simply had to see it I mean whole cities being wiped out by killer tomatoes Sadly the title is about as funny as it getsbr br Led by Detective Dick Mason a special team of military and scientists including Greg Colburn who never takes his SCUBA outfit off and Lt Finletter who is never pictured without his parachute trailing behind Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes is a parody of BMovies in particular Japanese horror of the 1950s The film begins with a standard sized tomato being discovered by a women washing up in her kitchen before we find ourselves in a middle of a crime scene as the tomato has supposedly murdered this lady and let me tell you it doesnt get any saner as the film progresses To be fair there are a couple of funny moments for instance anytime the Japanese scientist Dr Nokitofa speaks his voice is dubbed over in an American accent or when disguise expert Sam Smith infiltrates the tomatoes hey can somebody please pass the ketchup Equally this film was probably a lot funnier in 1978 with the whole so bad its good concept Unfortunately for Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes spoof films such as the Airplane and Naked Gun series have been released and done this kind of comedy a lot better sincebr br The acting is atrocious there is zero continuity in the editing and it just feels genuinely slow and lacking energy For a parody film to work you need a lot of things happening at once one gag after the over The singing in the film seems pointless and the adverts for the furniture store that flash across the screen are damn right bizarre even for this film Ultimately however you can see why this film is a cult one I cant see many people being indifferent to it Unfortunately terrible would be the way I would sum this up
I will not even make any more comments about this movie Instead I will make a recommendation for all you Eurohorror fans If you want to see an enjoyable lowbudget Vampire flick check out Nattens engel 1998 It has everything Razor Blade Smile lacks acting nice locations terrific score and less hissing vampires
Having been driven out of the house and into the theater by the sweltering heat I could not have been more pleased The Road to Perdition directed by Sam Mendes American Beauty is destined to become one of the greatest movies of all time Perhaps Im just getting old perhaps Ive just seen the same themes recycled time and again But this movie is indeed differentbr br The story opens with young Michael Sullivan Jr facing out to the sea contemplating the duality of his fathers legacy one of the best men to ever live one of the most evil This duality snakes its way throughout the movie The story revolves around crime boss John Rooney Paul Newman and Michael Sullivan Tom Hanks the young man Rooney once took in and who now serves as his personal Angel of Death Rooney is tied by blood to his own son but tied by love and loyalty to Michael Young Michael Jr intrigued by the stories he reads steals away in his fathers car one night while Dad goes off to work with Connor Rooney heir to the family business Connor lets the situation get out of hand and what was meant only to be a warning turns into murder witnessed by Michael Jr Upon the discovery that young Michael has seen what he should not have seen the plot is set in motion as conflicting loyalties collide Soon Michael Sr is on the run with his young son pursued by contract killer Harlen The Reporter Maguire Jude Lawbr br I will disclose no further details in order to avoid any potential spoilers However I strongly encourage viewers to examine the many dualities that present themselves in the movie Problems between sons and fathers Michael Sr Jr John Rooney son Connor between the world at home and the world at work between good and evil between those who pretend to be men of god and those who really are between clean money and dirty between the town of Perdition and Perdition as hell And along the way savor the visual brilliance of cinematographer Conrad L Hall 9 nominations 2 oscars for best cinematography rain pouring off fedoras shots through mirrors especially on swinging doors tommygun flashes from out of the shadows absent any sound Not only has 75yearold Hall given us perhaps the best cinematic product of his career but 77yearold Paul Newman offers one of his best performances everbr br Yes I may be getting old But Ive seen a lot and this is fresh and invigorating The Road to Perdition presents a lasting and loving tribute to the gangster genre to films of the 40s to dark comicbook figures lurking in the darkness to villains and heroes to American film in general Go see it
Here on IMDbcom I read an opinion that Grey Owl is best character of Pierce Brosnan ever performed I do not know if he had better nor worse roles Im not his fan but this one was really exceptionalbr br The other thing impressive hand of the movie director I give my respect The serenity the beauty and spirit of wilderness was illustrated really exlusively I never met such proximity it in any movie beforebr br Another thing left in my mind after the film this is the movie closest to the original books and atmosphere in it br br And little bit more I pay my respect to the original Grey Owl
Following is an intriguing thriller that requires constant awareness to be completely understood The plot has many twists and uses displaced chronology The event sequence complicates following Following If you are willing to pay attention it is an exciting movie full of noir earmarks With the running time at 70 minutes there is a lot to take in but the fast pace helps to keep the viewer enthralledbr br Bill is a lonely untidy fellow who takes up shadowing people and seeing where they gowhat they do He is a bit too conspicuous however and eventually gets caught by a well dressed cleancut bloke named Cobb Cobb entangles Bill in a world the poor boy is not prepared to live in Cobb is a smart rogue who seems to have complete control over the other characters By the end of the film the disjointed story is explained thoroughly The film is an excellent first effort from the talented Christoper Nolan who would go on to make Memento one of the most original movies of our time
Patricia Hunter Oh professor do you also make a habit of collecting coffins Dr Lorenz Why yes in a manner of speaking I find a coffin much more comfortable than a bed br br Interesting Bela Lugosi Glen or Glenda Dracula vehicle where he plays the mad scientist I was especially creeped out when he appeared in the bedrooms of his guests when they were sleepingbr br Luana Walters Girls in Prison was really appealing as a sensual reporter Patricia Hunter who was to be a victim but womanpower trumps evil scientist every timebr br 211 Angelo Rossitto and creepy Frank Moran who liked to stoke the womens hair added to the filmbr br Interesting look at a 40s horror film
Tempest is a somewhat selfindulgent uneven discursive movie But as Lord Byron another visitor to Greece protested to his friend John Murray about his similarly selfindulgent and discursive Don Juan It may be profligate but is it not life is it not the thingbr br The connections to Shakespeares Tempest may seem as another commentator here claims a bit tenuous But watch the film again after rereading The Tempest and theyll seem far closer What makes this film flawed is its uneasy mixture of straightforward normal narrative and sudden jarring apparent improvisation particularly between Cassavetes and Rowland But to be honest these scenes are the most remarkable and gripping in the film if the hardest to watchbr br The music of this film composed by Stomu Yamashta is also overlooked Particularly fine is the perfect little piece played to accompany the afternoon siesta as people animals and seemingly the entire island collapse to sleep away the hottest part of the afternoon Its a sublime moment and representative of the best aspect of this movie and the one thing that keeps it somewhat unified the fact that aside from extensive flashbacks and the very end it is the story of one day on an island from awakening to night br br Overall Id rather watch this film a hundred times than see some bombastic Hollywood piece of crap once And in fact I probably have watched it several dozen times Most times I see something I missed beforebr br Confession Im biased This was the second movie I took my GreekAmerican goddess wife to seebr br Trivia notes on this flick br br It was Molly Ringwalds first movie as well as Sam Robardsbr br It was actually not filmed on an island but in Gytheion the southern tip of the remote Mani peninsula of the Peloponnesus of Greecebr br The by todays standards primitive special effects were done by Bran Ferren who later became head of Disney Imagineering and still later was an adviser to the US intelligence communitybr br Paul Mazursky the director chose the title of his recent autobiography Show Me the Magic from the script of Tempest
After hoohooing American Indians scalp number one son frontiersman Bruce Bennett as Daniel Boone seems at first like he wants to get even but he really wants to make friends with the natives When sadeyed Indian chief Lon Chaney Jr as Blackfish also loses number one son it gets more difficult to clear up misunderstandings Apparently this was Republic Pictures attempt to do for their Daniel Boone Trail Blazer what Disney Studios had successfully done with Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier 1955br br The Danl Boone song whistled and sung by a group of children in a wagon did not follow Fess Parkers Davy Crockett up the Hit Parade Singer Faron Young as Faron Callaway doesnt perform the title song perhaps wisely he does sing Long Green Valley and makes a good impression as a blond boyfriend for Boones daughter But Spanish actor Freddy Fernandez is the films most valuable player In a cute scene Mr Fernandez reminds Mr Young the name of the character Susannah he is supposed to be in love withbr br Daniel Boone Trail Blazer 10556 Ismael Rodrguez Bruce Bennett Lon Chaney Jr Faron Young Freddy Fernandez
Although Flatliners is 15 years old tonight was my first time ever seeing it I had heard about the movie Flatliners but there was never a buzz about it to make me go out and rent it or make a point to see it period Well I caught it on one of the premium channels and I must say that it was very goodbr br This movie was about some brilliant young medical students deciding to explore death They have figured out a way to cause a person to die briefly and bring himher back to life Besides the allstar cast this movie had some serious bite to it Just the very thought of exploring death is riveting enough but I really thought the writer director did an excellent job in giving a different yet hair raising view This was no generic attempt to thrill frighten and make ones mind race this was the real dealbr br Instead of making it an empty superficial starstudded thriller this movie had substance A nailbiter white knuckle edgeoftheseat hard nose thriller I give it an 810
Be warned Neither ZetaJones nor McGregor plays the main part as the poster would have you believe Their roles are in fact minorbr br The film stumbles badly between exaggerated comedy and realistic drama with neither being really engaging Especially I find it impossible to muster much sympathy for the main protagonist not to mention his screwball friends and sex obsessed fianc The plot drags terribly and I turned this one off after about 23 unusual for me as I like to finish what I start The good acting and beautiful setting takes it from 1 to 2 starsbr br 210
Alas another Costner movie that was an hour too long Credible performances but the script had no where to go and was in no hurry to get there First we are offered an unrelated string of events few of which further the story Will the script center on Randall and his wife Randall and Fischer How about Fischer and Thomas In the end no real front story ever develops and the characters themselves are artificially propped up by monologues from third parties The singer explains Randall Randall explains Fischer on and on Finally long after you dont care anymore you will learn something about the script meetings Three endings were no doubt proffered and no one could make a decision The end result All three were used one after another after another If you can hang in past the 100th yawn youll be able to pick them out Despite the transparent attempt to gain points with a dedication to the Coast Guard this one should have washed out the very first day
The boys are working outside a recording studio when they hear the voice of an angel That would be Miss Van Doren auditioning and going under the name of Miss Andrews because her father doesnt approve of her being a radio singer However she hopes a certain bigwig Mrs Bixby a friend of her dads will hire her and then he will have to give his approvalbr br She leaves but within minutes the boys are running amok in the studio causing havoc and having other musicians out to kill them after they ruin the recording session Finally things calm down Whew we eluded them says Moe Yeah we got away too answers Curlybr br The boys then fool around in the studio put on Miss Van Dorens record and Curly gets dressed in womens clothes and pretends hes singing Mrs Bixby walks in is impressed and hires Seniorita Cucacha on the spot For an extra 500 shes asked to come and sing at their highsociety party that night The rest as they sayis history as Curly pretends to be an opera singer with some funny results Oh by the way he accompanied by Senior Mucho and Senior Gustobr br What happens at the party is simply that the truth wins out but not before a few slapstick antics take place In all a pretty good episode I enjoyed it but wouldnt rate it as anything special
I tried God knows I tried to like this Swiss Cheese of a movie but the story was too full of holes some big enough to drive a horse drawn carriage through The acting overall was even and the characters endearing enough that you regretted they died off like recently sprayed roaches scattering off to die their own gruesome deaths Overall however it was not really very scary Afterall we have seen spooky quickly moving figures in the background since The Brood why back when and it was scary then just briefly This film just never resolved the basic plot points and thats the writers job Naturally you would expect the director to pick up on the fact that the story did not make sense Like whos was the secret room behind the wardrobe why did the blood hungry ghost not die when she received the nails as prescribed by the book they read earlier Why did the computer say game over for Frankies character even though he lived The list goes on and on I dont really feel comfortable recommending this film as its makes you feel like you wasted your time and there was not enough payoff in truly scary moments
This film has good characters with excellent performances from the cast David Strathairn is diabolically sincere as the child molesting salesman and Danny Vinson plays a perfect pussywhipped southern husband The slick soundtrack betrays the murder ballad tone of the film
I didnt see this movie when it originally came out but there has been a couple songs sharing the title and the term still gets used from time to time and I figured there must be something to the flick so I dug it up and gave a view Now I would like the approximate hour and forty five minutes of my life backit seemed much longer There was nothing particularly bad about the movie the acting was good no large plot holes of course there wasnt much plot to have holes in There just wasnt a lot to the movie There was some chemistry between the two but nothing compelling about their relationship Nothing interesting about their story Near the end when he attempts to chase down the train to catch his fleeing romance neither my wife nor I wanted him to catch her Honestly we figured they were better off with out each other and if they did get back together we really didnt care So whats that say about this love story when even a 25 year old sappy romantic like my wife had no emotional investment in the relationship I should have left this one in the missed categorybr br Logan Lamech wwweloquentbookscomLingeringPoetshtml
Years ago I saw The Godfather and it made a lasting impression on me the atmosphere of the movie was first class the acting memorable and the storyline a classic Recently I bought the Trilogy and after watching Part 1 again I looked eagerly to viewing Part 2 I was so pleased to realize early on into Part 2 that here was a fitting follow on to the great Godfather movie again everything was just about perfect and I could not wait to see Godfather III WRONG I wish Id stopped at II The storyline was not good it seemed to me like a story made up just to have a story the characters were weak especially the daughter Pacinos protege was a weak character that would have been eaten alive in Godfather 1 or 2 Then scenes such as Corleone being invested with all the trappings of the Catholic Church with full choir the assassin on horseback riding away into the sunset the unseen helicopter machine gunning of the meeting where the goodies get away and everyone else is shotdaughter and 1st cousin rolling bits of pasta across a board the pathetic shooting on the steps Corleone stuffing sweets down him with orange juice for diabetes a man of his intelligence and guile isnt ready for an emergency NO it was not good and with the best will in the world I wont be able to watch it again But Ill watch 1 2 many times down the years
I actually own this movie which is the MST3K version called Cave Dwellers which is really the only way anyone could really watch a movie like this If it werent for Joel Crow and Tom Servo constantly making wisecracks it wouldnt be possible to sit through this piece of crap You have a hero called Ator who looks a lot like Jeff Spigoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High and appears only slightly more intelligent just without being stoned He takes on cavemen the cave dwellers invisible guys a giant snake with a bunch of anal retentive snakes that like to line up all the skulls to face the same way invents a hang glider which suspiciously looks like a modern aluminum one with some cheap vines wrapped around it and then does battle with the evil John Saxonlooking dude Then he rides off on his horse across the tire tracks where someones been fourwheelingbr br Yes I got most of that from MST3K which as I said is the only way to watch this turkey of a movie If it werent for that it would get zero stars
If The Lion King is a serious story about a young lion growing up to avenge his fathers death The Lion King 1 and a half is the total opposite full of whimsy and cheer The Lion King told the story from the side of Simba the young lion 1 and a half is from the view of Timone and Pumbaa a less than perfect duo made up of a meercat who left home because he could not dig tunnels without burying his friends and neighbors and a warthog who has an odor issue The movie is a little short on substance but Disney does a good job of filling time with various sketches starring Timone and Pumbaa as they watch the movie with us My favorite is the singalong that happens halfway through the movie make sure you watch the bouncing bug Disney has advertised 1 and a half as the rest of the story though it really isnt It is just a different perspective of The Lion King without all of the serious stuff that pervaded most of the second half of the original Disney classic Credit Nathan Lane as Timone and Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa for their voice work without their efforts the movie may not have worked The sing they entertain and they make us laugh They also give us a reason to avoid a hot tub with a warthog
This was by far the worst low budget horror movie i have ever seen I am an open minded guy and i always love a good horror movie In fact when Im renting movies i specifically look for some good underrated horror movies They are always good for a laugh believe i know i have seen many But this movie was just so terrible it wasnt worth a chuckle I was considering turning it off in the first five minutes which i probably should have There is nothing good about it first and foremost the camera crew suck3d A The intro was stupid just like the ending Acting and special effects were terrible Please Im begging you do NOT watch this movie you will absolutely hate it
If you take the movie for what it is worth you wont be disappointed If you think Murray is supposed to win an Oscar for his performance and that is the type of movie you are expecting dont bother It was funny when I saw it in 1979 and hasnt lost its charm Good clean fun for the kids and mindless entertainment for the older folks The story line is simple and easy to follow Murray has done better but this is his first film The movie reminds me of a time when we didnt need blood and guts to be entertained Morty is the head dunce and plays the part perfect The other counselors are typical revved up teens looking to have fun during the summer One nice thing about this movie it has a message
If like me you actively seek out the rarest and weirdest and often most awful that world cinema has to offer then you should look no further than the supernatural horror output of Hong Kong in the early 80s Often mixing bizarre black magic with kung fu and silly comedy and usually packed with plenty of creepy crawlies snakes worms eels centipedes etc these movies are about as bizarre as it getsbr br Succubare is definitely a case in point featuring a mountain tribe whose women keep their men from straying by casting nasty spells over them that should they leave cause them to fill up with writhing creatures and die an agonising death some soso martial arts and lots of real life animal killing much of which is perpetrated by a geek who has absolutely no bearing on the story this film is just plain strangebr br A prolonged scene in which the tribeswomen hunt for snakes and insects casually throwing the creatures into the baskets on their backs is quite fascinating a tribal feast that sees a poor ox bashed on the head and then torn apart is totally disgusting and the moments that show worms crawling in open wounds and being vomited onto the floor will have the squeamish losing their appetite for a whilebr br However its the live animal munching that really qualifies Succubare for legendary status amongst fans of outthere moviemaking Its thoroughly vile to watch and yet strangely compelling the geek chomps on a snake woofs down a fat juicy toad nasty and hungrily devours a mouse biting off its head and then shoving the rest in afterwardsbr br Not a great movie hell its not really even a mediocre movie Succubare is recommended only to people who think theyve seen it all This one gets 4 out of 10 from me which is probably more than it deserves but I begrudgingly respect it for being able to make me feel slightly ill
This movie just didnt do it for me I like horror and splatter movies but this one has very little to do with horror The effects are cheap and when they chop of one of her feet it looks so fake The same goes for the other effects like the tongue torture and the gut sex They could have spent of few extra bucks on the effectsbr br With lots of sex with pixelization as in all Japanese movies this is just a sick fetish porn and there seems to be a market for sick stuff like this While bloodier for me it fits in with titles like Squirmfest Purge and the Genki series These movies feature girls eating and playing with every fluid that comes out of your body eating bugs and fish in a gross way and having sex with all kinds of weird animals like toads eels and One look at the covers will tell horror fans to look elsewhere No horror herejust sick and degrading sex scenesbr br Horror fans should avoid this one and are better of checking out Guinea Pig2 Flowers of Flesh and Blood or even August Underground Mordum While these are not great they at least offer a horror experience and Niku Daruma absolutely fails in that department
Faith Domergue better known as Dr Ruth in THIS ISLAND EARTH is the only reason to watch this film The story is very thin and once the Air Force buddies return to the States with a Cobra Curse upon them the action is just a waiting game See Faith the Snake Woman and try to pretend the rest isnt happening
Unlike some comments mine is positive This movie wraps around the dinner table with a group of friends some you like some you dont A few are relatedmother daughter son Their stories are not one smooth happy with everyone and everything type of lifemuch like real life Some story lines do not evolve they just happen But like true families and good friends they stick together The wannabe parents who are buying a baby are such aholes You are happy for the ending Poor Delmar is stuck between a rock and a boulder taking care of herself her mom her son and trying to keep all their lives together This does not end with a sunset walk or house in the burbs and all are living in a dream world but is a very real life portrayal of people living day to day month to month Overall this is a good story and a great movie
I loved this movie I knew it would be chocked full of camp and silliness like the original series I found it very heart warming to see Adam West Burt Ward Frank Gorshin and Julie Newmar all back together once again Anyone who loved the Batman series from the 60s should have enjoyed Return to the Batcave You could tell the actors had a lot of fun making this film especially Adam West And Ill bet he would have gladly jumped back into his Batman costume had the script required him to do so I told a number of friends about this movie who chose not to view it now they wished they had I have all of the original 120 episodes on VHS Now this movie will join my collection Thank You for the reunion Adam and Burt
Being an avid Carpenter Fan I really loved this film although the wigs do leave a lot to be desired and agree with many of the comments that certain areas of her life were absent or not touched on Whatever it leaves your curiosity well and truly unsatisfied so off I went to discover more I must recommend a book by Ray Coleman Carpenters The Untold Story The book is an intelligent read and unlike the film is real and down to earth I hope you enjoy it I remember Cynthia Gibb from her days in Fame and Gypsy She is a singer aswell as dancer in her own right and I think this was the edge needed to create the character Some other actresses may have struggled with this It is ashame the film did not delve deeper into her story After all this is the film title but I felt we learnt more about Richard but I suppose like any performer worth their salt you should always leave them wanting more
All in all a good film and better for the fact that had the film not been made the story might remain hidden to the masses Brosnan does a good job as the native American with a hidden past and the photography is stunning To some this may be too whimsical to others boring for me it is a gentle welltold tale and perfect for family viewing Now thats not something you get a lot of recently
Who wrote this Some guy named John Cohen I guess this was the first screenplay hes ever worked on Someone shouldve told him youre supposed to write dialog that sounds like something someone actually might saybr br And who directed this Scott Marshal Son of Gerry Marshall My the nut has fallen far from the tree Someone might have wanted to let him know that you can in fact shoot a scene in a cab in New York and it will look real and you wont have to fake it with a blue screen for no reason Might have also wanted to let him know he should stay away from Jessica Simpson but hopefully hes learned that lesson nowbr br And Jessica Simpson naturally she cant act Hell she makes Jessica Alba look like Audry Hepburn and yet shes starring in this movie OH wait it was produced by her father Okay thats why she got the part Thats really the only reason I can think ofbr br So should I be surprised its bad No Should I be amazed at how bad it is I think a lot of people would if they saw as much of it as I did I mean you expect a movie starring Jessica Simpson to be bad but this its not just bad its the complete opposite of a classic film Think of a great Woody Allen movie this film is as bad as that film is good Its the AntiAnnie Hallbr br I am so glad I didnt pay to see it I stopped watching ten minutes in cus I couldnt go on No doubt I wouldve walked out of the theater sooner In fact I wonder how many of the 6 people who saw it per theater actually stayed and watched the whole thing The film starts out laughably bad and then goes to the point of being so bad it becomes a kind of Chinese water torture And then around when the first act is ending you realize itll only get worse and thats when you either need to leave or kill yourselfbr br In conclusion this film goes under the category of being so bad it should be used in place of water boarding at Guantanamo Bay Although some prefer the water boarding
This is a great movie for first time ninjas who are dating If youre trying to impress some cute little ninjette I would highly recommend playing this masterpiece Its one of those special movies that allows you to miss large sections of it without interfering with the plotbr br Also I was wondering where does a Teal ninja hide Are ninjas color coded like this Is this normal If I were attacked by one of these yellow or orange ninjas I would die of laughter before succumbing to his swordbr br And I finished my black star ninja test the other day it was multiple choice It went pretty good I found there were a lot of questions on how to sneak around and look evil Its all about the eyebrows and the attitude br br Basically the movie could have been better if 1 There was no color coded ninjas or the color coded ninjas could combine into a super ninja 2 Joe died in the first two minutes and Patricia had to avenge him 3 Miscellaneous monkeys were scattered throughout the file 4 Patricia didnt talk and Patricia was replaced with another character 6 The French guy was also a black star ninja 7 Chris Tucker Whoopi Golderg and Chris Rock were added as comic relief 8 Ninja strengths came from miticlorians
This movie was clearly an early attempt for a new director but still succeeded in being original and entertaining as well as in some moments thoughtprovoking However I have to say the story would not have come across as well without the stellar performance of Paul Anthony as Pip He made the well written parts very believable and affecting and the more weakly written parts much more bearable Also I have to mention the performance by Alan Cumming It was refreshing to see him in a part like this He brought a weight to his role that provided a very grounding element to the film As for Paul Anthony Who is this guy Why havent I seen more of him Someone give him more roles please
When I first started watching this anime I never thought that something about making bread could actually be interesting but thankfully I was mistaken From the moment I started watching it anime just pulled into the world of bread making I was hookedbr br The biggest advantage of this anime is its humor which is very intelligent and very funny with some recurring gags But the animation soundtrack and character development are below average while these disadvantages arent seen so much in the first episodes because of the great job on this anime it really starts to show in the last 20 episodes when the reactions and recurring gags just grow old and arent as funny as beforebr br As far as Im concerned if this anime had ended with episode 52 I would have given it a 9 but the last episodes just leave a bitter aftertaste which sadly cant be washed away by the awesome 50 episodesbr br 710
I was surprised to like this movie since Im from the check your brain at the door and have fun school of film viewing However this film touched my heart I have friends like mentally retarded Emily I have friends like unsocialized Evie And Ive been in Evies shoes chasing away opportunity out of fear and out of devotion to othersbr br Amy Madigans disappointment in her daughters was almost palpable on screen and the awkward moments where she tried to bridge the gap with Evie were raw and painful to watch And perhaps I am denser than most but I never saw the twist with Evies father coming Usually I cotton on to those things rather quicklybr br My reservations are similar to others posted here I thought Christopher Lloyds wonderful sympathetic character a very different role for him I thought was underused What happened to him once he realized what was going on with the poetry Would he like James try again Second the ending such as it was didnt seem to resolve or accomplish anything I didnt expect the pieces to be picked up and all the ends tied neatly but I felt that I was left at odds with the characters that there was no real healing taking place here or any real efforts at healing being madebr br Otherwise exquisite and lyrical and disturbing and for some very very true
There are two ways to turn a TV series into a filmbr br The first most common and least successful is to basically make a featurelength TV episode see the disasters of the Steptoe Son movie The second is to do something else something quite different la Monty Pythonbr br Thankfully the creators of the cult TV series have gone for the second option and theyve come up with something unique clever and funny it couldnt feel less like a TV episodebr br Try to get your head around this the writers playing themselves are confronted by their Royston Vasey alteregos played of course by them and told to continue writing the series otherwise apocalypse will befall the villagebr br Highconcept contrived and easy to screw up Yes but somehow they managed to pull it off Not for every taste perhaps and the ending does drag but fans will be delighted and it might even win over the uninitiated
Where do I start The box should have been enough to keep me away from this attempt but Id been taught early on not to judge a book or movie by its cover so I ignored the disgusting graphic quality of the box and rented it anyway But common sense should tell you that if they cant do a single still image properly then how dismal will the moving ones be later Yeah They were pretty awfulbr br The actors in this flick appeared totally unaware they were being filmed as just any expression seemed to do fine regardless of the situation the characters were in or what they were reacting tobr br However a good story can offset the downfalls of low budget productions Good dialog can carry a poorlyfunded attempt at times Unfortunately this was not one of those times as the story was as weak and nonexistent as the other required elements of good cinemabr br There simply arent words for how bad this was br br Perhaps you can get the idea from my rating of 2310 frombr br the Fiend
My definition of a great movie is if you want to continue to see it over again This movie for some reason strikes a cord in me even though the scenes with Scott Glenn still make me winch I watch it over and over again and love the music
Look although we dont like to admit it weve all have to suppress our fears concerning the extreme likelihood of experiencing the events that take place in this movie You know you get into your car and you immediately start thinkingGosh I hope today isnt the day that my accelerator sticks at a comfortable cruising speed of 55 mph all four door latches break in the locked position both my main and emergency brake fail my ignition switch cant be turned off and Ive got a full tank of gas all simultaneously Fortunately for most of us our Thorazine kicksin before we actually decide that its a bad idea to be driving a car Not so for the makers of the harrowing whiteknuckle edgeofyourseat if only in preparation to leave the room action juggernaut Runaway Car But they go ahead and drive anywaybr br I am endlessly pleased to have found thanks to the imdb that this movie is real and that I didnt merely dream itbr br This movie is at the very least one of the fantastic sights you will see on your journey to find the El Dorado of Very Bad Cinemabr br I highly recommend it
Oh Godwhat an idiotic movieIncredibly cheap with fake special effectsthe creature is played by one guy in lame costumeand stupid plotAll dialogues are unbelievably bad and these actorsHAHAHAtheyre simply ludicrousFor example I have never seen so annoying characters like in this junkthese dumb kids or pregnant woman with his husband and many moreAll in allthis is a great entertainment if youre drunkAvoid it like the plagueAm I drunkI dont think so
One of the worst movies Ive ever seen Yes I know Im not the target audience Target audience is females either college age or middle aged or any aged I guess Im none of these so the makers dont mind if I dont like it But that wont excuse the fact that the dialogue and the plot are horrible The main character Phoebe goes on a journey to Europe to find out what happened to her sister Faith who committed suicide Phoebe is an inane character that i hope no one identifies with Faith is also a character with very little believability Wolf is the only person who seems to be somewhat reasonable As I said the dialogue is boring and uninteresting The plot does completely stupid things at times The absolute worst is that Phoebe and Faiths father is an artist but his paintings are completely dreadful There is nothing new interesting or refreshing in this movie If your a guy you will pray for the ending If your a chick you might be able to sit through it but you will be unimpressed
Its really a shame there was so much controversy surrounding this picture in other words the infamous affair between Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini as this drew a lot of attention to a very forgettable film The story is incredibly slow cheap looking and uninteresting And to top this off the film is stuffed to the brim with amateurish actors who can barely speak any English I really would have preferred subtitlesit would have made the experience less exhausting Back to the rotten acting The Neorealist movement was big in Italy at the time this film was made Many of these films are absolute masterpieces such as De Sicas Umberto D The Children Are Watching Us and Miracle in Milan because they got so much out of the nonprofessional actors They behaved like normal people but in Stromboli they act like normal people TRYING to be actors and come off very badlylike kids in a school play br br By the wayif you are hoping the movie has a good ending thereby making your time commitment to the film worth while DONT bother The plot was just totally uninvolving and sillyso much so that I really found that I could have cared less about the characters Like the island they all inhabit the film is desolate and without color or life
This is one of those movies that you wish you hadnt seen before so you could see it again for the first time Van Dines books still bring pleasure but are termed excessively flowery by many This movie is by far the best film adaptation of his works William Powell is William Powell say no more The plot is intricate The story moves all too quickly because you want it to last Enjoy
Opera the US title is terror at the opera is somewhat of a letdown after some of Darios other movies like Phenomena Tenebre and Suspiria i still cant find Inferno anywhere its one of those movies that has a great first half but midway through its like someone started slowly letting the air out of the screenplay and logicbr br the basic plot involves a beautiful opera singer who is being stalked by a deranged obsessed fan this killer begins killing people close to her in a most unique fashion he binds and gags her and tape tiny sharp pins under her eyelids so if she tries to close her eyes shell gouge out her eyes this forces her to watch while the killer murders her acquaintances in typically brutal and gory Argento fashionbr br unfortunately about midway through the film becomes sluggish and illogical this is especially directed towards the killers motivations i still havent completely figured out why hes such a nut the ending especially come out of left field in the worst possible sensebr br but for about the first hour or so this is some of Darios best filmmaking and the camera work is breathtaking too bad it couldnt maintain it through to the endbr br rating7
I did not like the idea of the female turtle at all since 1987 we knew the TMNT to be four brothers with their teacher Splinter and their enemies and each one of the four brothers are named after the great artists name like Leonardo Michelangleo Raphel and Donatello so Venus here doesnt have any meaning or playing any important part and I believe that the old TMNT series was much more better than that new one which contains Venus As a female turtle will not add any action to the story we like the story of the TMNT we knew in 1987 to have new enemies in every part is a good point to have some action but to have a female turtle is a very weak point to have some action we wish to see more new of TMNT series but just as the same characters we knew in 1987 without that female turtle
probably minor spoilersbr br I cant say i liked it but i cant say i didntits very strange It has bad things in it like for example a shark that came out of nowhere with the worst CGI you can imagineif i was the director i would cut that part for sure gave me the urge to stop seeing the rest of the movie For some people it will be boring cause it lacks action feels home made sometimes Take for example a scene that one of the friends died and next thing they are doing is what nopnot cryingtheir telling horror stories to each othersighsjust after crying for hes lostbr br Another stupid thing was when they were talking inside the boat they had like hundreds of candles in the table in front of themthe boat is surrounded by some kind of rag curtainsold rags covering the windows and sofasCouches i thought it was dumb using candles but not thinking about the surroundings besides being in high sea alonebr br The good some scary scenes they are nicely done i liked some Sometimes horror works better when its hidden when its behind something instead of showing of so this movie does it good maybe because its a low budget i dont know but it works fine for me You will feel tension if you forget some holes like the ones i mentioned abovebr br Do not expect much of it but if you like anykind of movie watch this one be patient try to enjoy lolbr br sorry about my raw English br br Cheers
One should not be too critical about the directors second featurebr br I really like the camera work of Madiba As Mr Shawn pointed out he had a unique way of looking at thingsbr br However howcome a 14 year old boy shoot such beautiful images Remember he has not got any education of any sort I dont think english is the common tongue in Cape Town ghettos Worse still Madiba looks even smaller than his supposed age of 14br br Any way if you overcome abovementioned peculiarities you can watch the film and still enjoy it because of nice camera work
I recently purchassed the very underrated Dreamcast and went off into town to find some games to use them on I bought Soul Calibur A classic and then i stepped across the domain of Resident Evil Code Veronica I have Resident Evil 1 2 and have played Res Evil 3 numerous occasions and i have been impressed with all of them especially no1 which has to go down in history has a classicbr br But none of them 3 come anywhere near to the dreamcast attempt of Brilliant Gory Gameplay If its just for the sake of buying a dreamcast for this game it is worth every moment of your time and effort ive never been so enthralled over a computer game in the way this has enthralled mebr br Anyway the story carrys on from the 2nd story in which Claire Redfield searches for her Brother Chris from the 1st story who is presumed missing under the conspiracy of the dreaded umbrella corporation Little is known about this corporation except the fact that you though you destroyed them 3 times in the previous storysbr br So aiding Claire with the assistant of super brat Steve u must unlock the truth of the real location of your brother The 2nd CD enables you to control Chris thats if you manage to get that far without running out of the room in fearbr br The control are very slick and the movement of the characters are magnificently realistic when the character notices danger heshe faces the direction it is coming from PURE GENIUSbr br Overall i gave this game 1010 because it is simply the game of the year game of the decade and the best game in the world full stop Please purchase this game as soon as possible
Im surprised that no one yet has mentioned that there are two versions of this same film The lions share of the footage in both is identical but here is where they differ In one version the version I have seen most often on broadcast TV the group of clerics guarding the gateway consists of the Brotherhood of the Protectors a fictional splinter group of priests and brothers excommunicated by the Church In the other version which Ive seen only once on TV the clerics guarding the gateway are depicted as priests of the official Church meaning the Archdiocese of New York or perhaps Brooklyn Also in the former version in most of the pertinent scenes the clerics are referred to as brothers and in some scenes you can see where the lips say Father soandso but the dubbed audio says Brother soandso In the latter version I believe everyone is referred to as Fatherbr br In any event it seems that one of these two versions is more or less a partial reshooting of the other with all Brotherhood of the Protector scenes reshot as Archdiocese scenes or vice versa Kind of reminds me of the Raymond Burr cutaway scenes in Godzilla I have videotaped both versions off broadcast TV so no Im not imagining this Can anyone shed some more light on the story behind these two versions of the film
This is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen Can somebody please explain the plot of this movie to me Yes I know the bus ran out of gas in the middle of the desert after the driver never noticed that his compass wasnt functioning but what then And how did it end Maybe Im to stupid to understand this movie but to me it was an absolute waste of timebr br My recommendation Do not bother there are far better movies to be seen This movie ranks with my other all time lowlows Going overboard Adam Sandler and Fire on the Amazon Sandra Bullock
I saw this movie when I was very young It is my all time favorite I had been unable to obtain a copy until recently and viewing it brought back so many fond memories I loved Sidney Poiters portrayal of Porgy he his character with such strength and courage Pearl Baileys part although small was not unlike many of our own family members My favorite songs were and still are Bess You Is My Women PorgyDont Let Him Handle Me and of course Summertime According to the guidelines if Im interpreting them correctly Im unable to post where I was able to obtain my copy Sorry That is why I registered so that I might be able to share this info Before registering the guidelines are not postedbr br Phone numbers mail addresses URLs Availability price or orderingshipping information
The 20th animated Disney classic is often criticized by many people as mediocre or poor in quality but it is a great moviebr br Too bad that The Aristocats doesnt get the deserved credit I personally see it as one of my favorite Disney classicsbr br Despite being extremely underrated it is one of the funniest Disney classics It is full of hilarious some of them hysterical momentsbr br Edgar the greedy butler is the villain of the movie but he is a perfect comic relief Hes one of my favorite Disney villains because he is so funnybr br Every scene with Edgar and the hound dogs Napoleon and Lafayette chasing him are among the most hilarious youll ever see especially the one when Edgar drives his motorcycle into the river and around the bridge with the dogs chasing him That is hystericalbr br But the classic humor doesnt just come from Edgar or the hound dogs Other characters have their moments as wellbr br About the quality subject it isnt perfect but remains on a high level Even after Walt Disneys death those artists knew how to keep faithful to Walts spirit and The Aristocats is one of those examples They dont make them like this nowadaysbr br As usual legendary Disney actors voice the characters In this case we have Phil Harris Sterling Holloway Paul Winchell Eva Gabor and Pat Buttrambr br The characters are cool in general Thomas OMalley Duchess and her 3 kittens the mouse Roquefort the alley cats the English geese the hound dogs and the horse The human characters are included as well the eccentric and kind retired Opera singer Madame Adelaide Bonfamille the comic Madames old lawyer Georges Hautecourt and Edgar himselfbr br About the soundtrack it has some nice and catchy songs such as Thomas OMalleys theme but I cant remember its name Everybody Wants to be a Cat and The Aristocats sung by Maurice Chevalier for examplebr br This movie takes place in Paris France in the year of 1910 Above all this is a joyful nice and very pleasant movie A timeless classic which is often underestimated and forgotten but very worthybr br This should definitely be on Top 250
This was a very good movie and is absolutely unfair to judge it without taking into account the time when it was released There are some movies which do not get older but this is clearly out of date However I saw this film when I was a boy and for more than twenty years both the images as the story were unforgettable for me and most of my friends until we could appreciate it again on DVD Actually I do remember this movie as the topic of several chats and meetings where old boys were talking about things we have in common Therefore there was a little feeling of disappoint and even sadness when we finally had the DVD Firstly there was a theory about how naives our generation was Secondly I think there is something more I would asset that this movie has something which should be interesting for all the modern film makers specifically those who focus on the decaying horror genre This is the mutilation the idea which gives coherence to the film the fact of a human being mutilated produces a deeper horror than death and torture I remember how sick the sensation was when the monster rip Kurts arm out And at the end when the creature bites the doctors neck to take a piece of his veins Another remarkable thing is the morbid atmosphere which prevails without decaying in intensity through all the scenes no matter if the action is on a secret lab a lonely street where the man in a car is looking for a female body a striper dressing room and so on May be the reasons why it is not longer a good movie are just technical things For example in the scene of the accident and the man saving his fiances head a more accurate work made for another and modern second unit director could be interesting Same thing with all action scenes including the one of Kurts arm Furthermore something could be done with the monsters make up Some remakes have been good I think in this case an attempt would worth while Nevertheless the black and white tones should be conserved
I have not read the novel or anything other by Kurt Vonnegut but I am now intending to start This grips you from the very first frame and does not let go until the end credits start rolling Taking you places you dont expect the plot is interesting throughout The pacing is spoton nothing lasts too long and this does a perfect job of balancing between unexpected twists and allowing the viewer to process what weve seen It is welltold and wellthought out Ive never watched a film that I feel I could particularly compare this to It is intense and exciting as well as funny and sad The acting is excellent Nolte absolutely shines Goodman again proves that he doesnt have to go for laughs and Lee and Arkin are spellbinding I could go on really no role is treated to a less than stellar performance The editing and cinematography are marvelous and all of the visuals are great with a couple of unforgettable and astonishing ones I am going to go for other movies directed by Keith Gordon as well as the other two apparently related to this through the author of the books There is one scene of sexuality and a lot disturbing and unsettling content in this I recommend this to anyone who can appreciate it it is not pleasant 810
Is this your typical women in chains navy transport love story Maybe hell you know how the formula works by now pretty woman is introduced in to a picture someone has to fall in love with herbr br I think this film does follow some typical story lines but that doesnt say anything about the content There are great scenes with Crispen Glover Dennis Hopper and Gary Busey although short Some things didnt make sense such as the need to get in to random fights but it is entertaining to watch the fights were actually well donebr br This is definitely a comedy foremost but it does have a lot of good feel to it The humor is well balanced you wont hurt your stomach on this but you will keep a smilebr br There is a little bit of steamy action so not one for the kids
I enjoyed the acting in this movie Except for the sister She reminded me of Janice on Friends I could never quite believe she was anything but obnoxious br br My main problems with the movie were the anticlimatic ending and the execution scene with the sister and brotherinlaw The guy falling out of the exploding car Maybe if his hand had been blown off and he ran to the mute for help and she kissed him and rushed him to a hospital maybe then I could have gone for the ending I think somebody needed to die in the execution scene Mainly the brotherinlaw He was such a pain in the ass anyway Or maybe the sister needed to accidentally kill the guy who saved the mute I could have even bought into the brotherinlaw killing the hero and the ending being the two sisters being put in snuff films br br It is worth watching again and as I always say it is much easier to be a reviewer instead of an author
I cant say that Wargames The Dead Code is the worst movie Ive ever seen as it had one or two decent moments but I can easily say its the most transparent movie Ive ever seen Not once did a plot device present itself without me guessing it 10 minutes in advance There was no subtlety to anything the movie did no intelligence evident at all behind the scenes Every spoken or typed lines intent was so glaringly obvious it was impossible to get into the moviebr br I found myself laughing at the horribly thought out plot line and the bumbled attempts to reclaim the audience far more often than I found myself enjoying the movie
i really liked the first 2 seasons because a lot of good characters disappeared later on like most shows are kinda slow at first then get better in later seasons but this is the absolute reverse jenny from the 1st season and Valarie from the 2nd season were Sabrinas friends i really didnt care for the others jenny and Valarie were her coolest friends i think for some reason the producers wanted us to not like her college friends for some reason they were so cruel to Sabrina but my favorite episode from season 1 is cat showdown and my favorite episode from season 2 is witch trash that is the funniest episode i also thought it was funny how Libby was popular but she was always jealous of Sabrina and never seemed to have a real boyfriend but was always wanting to be with Harvey i just wished they could have made more better ones i also liked how the first 2 seasons during the opening credits Sabrina would say a few words while wearing a costume like in the pilot episode where shes in the witch costume i liked how she said this is so not me and later on she kept trying to change herself to something else is what i think but this is a really cool show it is kinda like the andy griffith show in a way because it good at first but once it turned color and barney fife left it was longer good but i still like to watch it but the only reason i watch later seasons is because of sabrina what i meant about the opening sequence is the opening titles of seasons 13 shows Sabrina in front of a mirror posing with several different costumes and outfits as the cast members names quickly flash on the bottom of the screen At the end Sabrina would say some sort of pun that related to the outfit she is wearing then disappear the opening sequence of season four includes the characters in bubbles the opening credits of seasons 57 features Sabrina at various locations around Boston
Apart from the fact that this film was made I suppose it seemed a good idea at the time considering BOTTOM was so popular the one thing that puzzled me about GUEST HOUSE PARADISO was what happened to the lighting There is absolutely no artificial lighting used in this film whatsoever and I watched it on network TV so it wasn`t a case of watching a dodgy tape In fact the film was shot so darkly it was impossible to see what the hell was going on But if the dialogue was anything to go by that`s maybe not a bad thing
Coming shortly before the imposition of a morality code darkened the spirits of writers directors and actors the first film adaptation of W Somerset Maughams Of Human Bondage titillated countless moviegoers It has no shock value today just fine actingbr br While the cast is excellent this is Bette Daviss first great role and one of Leslie Howards best performances Howard is English wannabe Parisian artist Philip Carey who is gently and firmly told that he lacks any talent and that his dedication is no substitute for true genius Taking the lesson to heart he returns to London and enrolls in a medical college one by the way that seems to have no female studentsat that time there would have been at least a few Perhaps authorphysician Maugham didnt care for distaff medicosbr br Having tea one day Carey is entranced by a waitress Mildred Rogers Bette Davis in a role as a morally loose and basically wicked farrago Her Cockney accent is as sharp as Eliza Doolittles His repeated attempts to date her are greeted with the less than enthusiastic reply I dont mind a sure sign for any man with his head screwed on straight that hes plumbing the depths Maughams Mildred supplemented her waitress tips with a bit of old fashioned streetwalking something not clearly brought out herebr br Careys besotted prostration serves Rogers avaricious need for support of the financial kind He is desperately in love with hershe plays him as a Sunday church organist effortlessly plies her instrument No sex here Recognizing that he is getting nowhere he begins a chaste relationship with Norah a woman who adores him Reenter Mildred replete with a baby and in her usual need of being taken care of Exit heartbroken Norah br br Another separation from Mildred and Carey begins a longterm friendship with Sally abetted enthusiastically by her dad who seems to view eventual marriage as both a good thing for the two young people and a chance to be relieved of one of his nine offspringbr br The movie reasonably but not entirely follows Maughams excellent novel Howards Carey is naive and vulnerable and for much of the movie his sad eyes remind one of a doe facing a doublebarreled shotgun Mildred is unrestrainedly wicked a user of the worst kind her sole preoccupation with her own needs barely disguised when she tries to wheedle Carey with a thin patina of affectionate words and offersat one point she promises shell do anything wants a daring statement for the times and one Im sure audiences fully understoodbr br PreCode it may be but Mildreds quickmarch dissolution would have satisfied the League of Catholic Decency The ending is conventionalsin loses principled behavior triumphsbr br Director John Cromwell wrought excellent performances from his two main stars one wellestablished the other established largely because of this film The atmosphere is 1930s London and the trip back in time is worth takingbr br Available on DVDbr br 910 for Daviss and Howards performances
Thats pretty much the whole soundtrack to this film I just saw this baby at the Munich Film Festival and it rocked the house Director Doug Pray is never seen in this documentary nor I think he is even heard but he has done a very intimate look into the lives and history of the mixer He has segmented his film into about eight chapters and then his motley group of enthusiastic interviews will be spiced throughout according to what they are talking about I was never big into scratching but the film does a wonderful job of keeping elementary for those who know little and infusing injokes for those who are experts themselves in this area Mix Master Mike from the Beastie Boys is in this film but it wasnt until after the film that I could name several heavy hitters in the industry DJ Shadow Q Bert etc The extreme fascination for turntables by these talented and quirky DJs is evident in their explanations of what their music means to them The film also sheds some gratifying light on these guys and one woman to be classified as musicians Pray doesnt let his film idle and if there exists a slow scene it is soon reenergized by hardly ever ceasing music If nothing else this film will increase your slang vocabulary I have to get back to digging so Ill end this review See it it will be of interest Good stuff man Good stuff
Actually Im still in doubt if theres anything about this movie I like As for the story unrealistic and very exaggerated The acting was too bad in my opinion Not very likely that Antonie Kamerling will get a Rutger Hauer status Some folks will expect it anyway First let him work on his English pronunciation If you watch the trip to Paris of these actors DVDextra you will most likely want to trow up Advice to Beau Dorens stop your acting career youll never get there To the 2 main actors grow up please Being generous Id give it 4 out of 10br br