Late film critic Gene Siskel said that this movie shows how easy it is to make a movie He was giving it a compliment even though now that might have been taken as an insult these days Even though I didnt always agree with Gene Siskel I agree with him here Love Jones is a shining example of how a love story should be realistic with real characters in real situationsbr br The story chronicles the ups and downs of the relationship between Darius LovehallLarenz Tate and NinaNia Long Larenz Tate and Nia Long are more than just a beautiful couple on screen These two actually have chemistry together You can feel the vibe between these two whenever the are on screen and its fantasticbr br Bill Bellamy is pretty funny as the deceitful Wood and Lisa Nicole Carson is great as Ninas friend Simone Isaiah Washington is just as great as Dariuss close friend Savon and I sigh every time I see him in a movie The guy is a great actor whose career is ruined by industry lowlifes and the childish games they play You can believe that he called the little weasel on Greys Anatomy out of his name but anybody that knows how Follywood works knows better than to believe any official story from the place of make believe At any ratebr br Love Jones is a wonderful love story full of interesting and likable characters that are in realistic situations that anybody that has been in love can relate too You love these people because they are believable and are not portrayed as gangsters and tramps Not one obscene stereotype can be found here Contrast that with the Romance movies of toady Exactly In closing if you love Black Cinema then you would do well to own a copy of this movie
Possible Spoilersbr br When I saw this today I had some expectation of how it would be like not too high but not low either This was nothing like I expected at all though it seems to me like the movie makers couldnt make up their mind of what kind of movie to makebr br In the begining of the film its somewhat mysterious and kinda exciting but thatll soon change to some ridiculous scenes very obvious scenes As I watched further I almost fell asleep a couple of timesbr br The ending is the most ridiculous of all though almost splattercomedybr br Im not saying it doesnt have some good scenes its just that the film never becomes wholebr br 410 MovieMan
The Soloist has all ingredients to impress the Academy Its director Joe Wright has already authored a best picture candidate The leading actor Robert Downey Jr starred in a widely praised superhero film Finally the movie itself is a drama When it was mysteriously pulled from release in late 2008 filmgoers and critics were baffled Now that Ive seen it I assure you Universal didnt just delay this film to promote Iron ManOscar buzz The Soloist is a weak drama with no external conflict that is vastly inferior to any 2009 best picture candidatesbr br Downey and costar Jamie Fox arent to be blamed for this mishap Joe Wright is largely at fault but even he cant save a Lifetime story Many movies are too complex and alienate viewers This one is unusually simple Its a movie about a newspaper reporter Steve Lopez Downey who befriends a homeless musician Nathaniel Ayers Jamie Fox Thats it Ayers is schizophrenic and doesnt resonate with Lopezs traditional approach to friendship The two become friends They begin this movie as acquaintances and are BFFs by its end Tension consists of moments like this will Ayers let Lopez take him to the homeless shelter This material would have been better suited as a madeforTV production rather than a feature filmbr br Wright includes many scenes of cheap humor to obscure the lack of content Lopez battles yarddefiling raccoons in what I consider a subplot Do you remember when this happened in Atonement or Pride and Prejudice Those films were structured enough to permit an occasional joke but nothing so prolonged Ayers back story is fleshed out when it doesnt need to be Worst of all these scenes are not connected and appear at random intervals Its a way of admitting that the main story carries little appeal Nathaniel was a violin prodigy with a tough upbringing I was too This is a fabricated attempt to create sympathy with Ayers when most of us already have it Hes a homeless schizophrenic for crying out loud The movie somewhat conveys humanitys love for music like Amadeus and Beethoven Lives Upstairs It isnt as effective as either of those pictures however The entire film is hinged on Ayers schizophrenia It ultimately is how he interacts with everyone else His being a musician is a nice touch but hardly worth including The film doesnt incorporate this characteristic fully into his persona Take music out of Amadeus or Beethoven Lives Upstairs and no film remains The Soloist is more about friendship in general than music Nathaniel could be a writer or film critic and few lines of dialog would need to be seriously alteredbr br This is only Joe Wrights third film and his first that isnt a romance staring Keira Knightley Lets hope this film isnt an indication of how limited his abilities are There are stylistic nods to his earlier works but The Soloist is much weaker than either of them In his defense Universal should not have agreed to widely release this picture This film seems tailored for Imagine Entertainment distributors of Changeling I wouldnt be so disappointed with it if had a limited release Its poor box office performance may inhibit better dramas from being distributed nationally
Girlfight is like your grandmothers cooking same old recipe youve tried a million times before yet somehow transformed into something fresh and new Try and explain the story to people who havent seen it before a young women from the wrong side of the tracks attempts to improve her situation by taking up boxing whilst dealing with a bitter obstructive father and her growing attraction to a male rival Watch them roll their eyes at the string of clichs and theyre right it is clichd Yet I was hypnotized by how well this film works due to the frequently superb acting and dialogue and sensitive direction that makes it new I avoided this at the cinema because it looked like complete crap but dont make the same mistake I did Definiately worth a look
What a brilliant film I will admit it is very ambitious with the subject matter At a little over two and a half hours it is a very long film too But neither of these pointers are flaws in any way Cry Freedom despite the minor flaws it may have is a powerful moving and compelling film about the story of the black activist Steve Biko in his struggles to awaken South Africa to the horrors of the apartheid It is true that the first half is stronger than the second in terms of emotional impact People have also complained that the film suffers from too much Woods not enough Biko I may be wrong but although it is Bikos story it is told in the perspective of Woods so Woods is an important character in conveying Bikos story to the worldbr br Cry Freedom visually looks amazing With the showstopping cinematography and the stunning South African scenery it was a visual feast The opening scenes especially were brilliantly shot George Fentons music brought real dramatic weight to most scenes It was subtle in scenes in the second half but stirring and dramatic in the crowd scenes The script was of exceptional quality the courtroom scenes with Biko were enough to really make you think wow this is real quality stuff The first half with Biko as the main focus constantly had something to feel emotional about whether it was the polices attack of the South African citizens or Bikos death The second half entirely about Donald Woods carries less of an emotional punch but is compensated by how it is shot performed and written And there are parts that are genuinely suspenseful as well br br The performances were exceptional from the entire cast from the most minor character to the two leads there wasnt a single bad performance Regardless of the accents that is but it is forgiven so easily by how much the performances draw you in Denzel Washington in one of his more understated performances gives a truly compelling performance as Biko and Kevin Kline shows that he can be as good at drama as he is at comedy for he gave a suitably subtle performance to match that of Washingtons And the two mens chemistry is believable and never strikes a false note Penelope Wilton is lovely as Donalds wife Wendy and she is a great actress anyway Out the supporting performances and there may be some bias two stood out for me One was Timothy West who relishes his role as Captain DeWet The other was the ever exceptional John Thaw in a brilliantly chilling cameorole as Kruger Lord Richard Attenboroughs direction is focused and constantly sensitive as usualbr br Overall a truly wonderful film Ambitious and long it is but never ceases to be compelling powerful and achingly moving A definite winner from Lord Richard Attenborough and worthy of a lot more praise 1010 Bethany Cox
I had enjoyed the Masters of Horror Series until I came upon this infantile dung heap br br This antiBush propaganda piece masquerading as a horror film comes off like an episode of the original Batman done by Michael Moore Political satire should be clever this however pulls a ten on the simpleton scale with all the style and credibility of an L Ron Hubbard filmbr br In its campy inane way it accuses the Republicans of stealing elections going to war for absolutely no reason and treating servicemen and women as mere cannon fodder It even takes a swipe at the Second Amendment and religion All that was missing was Caesar Romero as the President cackling in glee about how he orchestrated 911br br I guess the ending was supposed to be the we support our troops moment but I think they would be more offended than pleased with the entire endeavorbr br Im sure the Hollywood elites are sitting in their Malbu mansions patting each other on the backs for this pithy work while the misinformed antiwar drones hail it as genius br br Time to get fitted with new tinfoil hats kids
I should have listened I was warned and still I paid money for this after reading all the reviews after knowing the original is so bad its good and that part 2 does not fit into that category at all still even then I couldnt resist Exactly what happened here Part one was Hilarious it had so much politically incorrectness and other Crazy Fat Entertainment and this one there just couldnt possibly be a worse sequel on Gods green earth not Basket Case 2 hell not even Troll 2 This is truly the worst sequel in history and thats really saying something considering the groundbreaking bottom of the barrel qualities of the original Criminally Insane part 2 was just a completely different brand of bad Shot on Video zero score zero entertainment value 13 consists of flashbacks of the original and on top of all that crazy fat Ethel has lost a portion of her girth I mean honestly is this some kind of sick joke Thanks a lot Nick Milliard 11
Ive watched this movie after having seen the original Spoorloos a few times in anticipation of the chilling endingbr br I cant even begin to explain the anger and disappointment that I experienced when the ending came and went and the movie continued to have a happy ending What a waste of time it was watching this US remakebr br If you have a choice please skip The Vanishing and watch the Dutch original Spoorloos The suspense is very well builtup You feel the frustration of Rex in search of any trace of what might have happened to his girlfriend Saskia after she entered a gasstation and never returned to his car The search takes him three years and when he finally gets in touch with the person who knows the truth about what happened to Saskia he must agree to undergo the same thing that Saskia has undergone The ending leaves you speechless in your chair
My mother is as Gone With The Wind as one can be She has the collectors plates the Rhett and Scarlett Madame Alexander dolls GWTW Christmas ornaments even a GWTW cookbook My sister and I had only seen bits and pieces of GWTW but we knew the whole plot by heart On a whim my sister bought this miniseries thinking my mother would like it and we had taken an interest in it after leafing through the novel a bitbr br Yesterday we decided to watch both Gone With The Wind and Scarlett We started GWTW at about 230 in the afternoon and ended it at 630 We started Scarlett right after My mother usually goes to bed at about 1000 she wound up staying up until 130 with us to finish it We were riveted I like how the movie starts off at Melanies funeral right where Scarlett left off saying Ill think about it tomorrow Scarlett doesnt stay in Georgia for long she runs off to Charleston in her quest to win him back Rhett is not happy when he finds Scarlett in his home so he leaves for the familys plantation Scarlett being Scarlett follows him and they finally agree to put aside their quarrels for a time in order to keep the gossip at bay Rhett starts to enjoy her company again and takes her out on his boat A storm comes up and they sink He helps her swim to the shore of some island Terrified that she has died Rhett is anxious until she awakes When she does they both get swept up in the moment and make love Scarlett wakes up the next day back in Charleston but Rhett has gone and writes that he thinks it best if they never see each other againbr br Scarlett is heartbroken and when she is so she does some stupid things in this case she is seen by Anne Hampton going up into a hotel room alone with Ashley Nothing happens but her reputation is stained so Scarlett goes to Savannah with her two spinster aunts She soon discovers that she is pregnant and decides to wait for the right time to tell Rhett While in Savannah she meets many of her OHara relatives and grows to like one cousin in particular a Father Colum She soon gets her divorce notice from Rhett and then decides she will never tell him about her baby just to spite him Typical Scarlettbr br She decides to go to Ireland to make sure Rhett can never discover her condition She meets many more relatives and buys a beautiful ancestral home Ballyhara Through out this time Rhett is courting Anne It is on Halloween when Scarlett gets the notice that Rhett has remarried she goes into labor that nightbr br The movie skips to a year later and Scarlett is very happy with her beautiful daughter Kat She is being pursued by Lord Richard Fenton who is really an evil man forcing a young girl named Mary Boyle to sleep with him Scarlett meets Rhett and Anne again at a horse fair After a riding accident Scarlett has a conversation with Anne and learns that she and Rhett are to have a baby Heartbroken again Scarlett leaves and goes to Dublin with Fenton There she cultivates a relationship with him like I said she does stupid things when she is heartbrokenbr br Mary Boyle has discovered she is pregnant and goes to Colum for help The priest urges Fenton to help the girl and Fenton murders him after Colum threatens to tell Scarlett Fenton convinces Scarlett to go to London with him to escape her grief over Colums death Mary asks to go with her Back in Charleston Anne has died of Yellow Fever It is made clear that she never bore Rhett a childbr br In London Scarlett sees Fentons true colors after he hurts her when she isnt in the mood the sleep with him Fenton rapes her after she tells him she never wants to see him again She falls unconscious after and when she wakes up Fenton has been stabbed to death Scarlett is charged with his murderbr br Rhett hears about it and rushes off to England with Sally in tow Fearful of the gallows Scarlett has no choice but to tell Rhett about their daughter Rhett is furious at her for keeping such a secret but stays to help her Mary Boyle the real killer cant be found Scarlett is found guilty but Mary finally arrives to declare her innocence After promising to help Mary Scarlett leaves with Rhett for Ireland because as he says Its time I became acquainted with my daughter The scene where he sees Kat for the first time is absolutely beautiful In Ireland Rhett sees how much Scarlett has changed and the two finally reconcile completely and admit they still love each other deeplybr br After seeing GWTW I will say that yes Vivian Leigh was a better Scarlett but I liked the character of Scarlett in this film than in the first The reason being that in GWTW you dont know why you like Scarlett Shes so cruel to Rhett and haughty and spoiled but you like her lively spirit In Scarlett you see how much she has changed Oh she is still in the lap of luxury but shes not haughty anymore You see how she becomes a true mother to Kat and a generous person to the poor people of Ireland Joanne Whalley does and excellent job at playing this new side of Scarlett Timothy Dalton is not Clark Gable but at times you swear that you can see original Rhett in himbr br If you just sit back and not compare Joanne Whalley and Timothy Dalton with Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable you will most certainly enjoy this movie Its a chance to compare the Scarlett of yesterday the one she becomes after tomorrow
The story line of a mans love for an innocent baby he finds with a malformed face and on the opposite side of the world a shallow self centered valley girl who shares a birth date with her and ends up making a big difference in both of there lives What a great and worthy story line But in this telling the screen writing andor directing andor editing is so poor as to take most of the joy out of the story Linda Hamiltons character goes from understanding mom to wicked witch and back faster than a speeding bullet and for what purpose Conflict conflict conflict at the drop of a hat Katie The California Girl and her boyfriend Katies Mom and everybody including the poor lady at the airport checkin counter Lins adopted father who is the nicest most considerate man alive and his wife and biological son all in constant conflict I really wanted to enjoy a heartwarming story but the only thing that made me SMILE was when all the hate and fighting were over There were too many unexplained or illogical events many of which dont add to the story My wife and I kept looking at each other and asking ourselves how such a good cast and what should be a great story could be crapped up so badly
br br This movie really has nothing going for it With the Reverend played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman complaining about his constipation and other toilet humor in a 25 hour movie you know that they made no cuts at all and left the crap in literally Its a waste of good talent and a total embarrassment Dreadfulbr br
If you feel Reshammiya as the singer is too much of a pain to watch on TV try watching him in the movie for 2 hours straight His face is bland all throughout the movie and it is very comical to see him act the demanding and intense scenes This is way far from a real love story Get the spelling right Reshammiya it is not luv or reeal and is complete with him doing a Mithun da dance auto rickshaw fight scenes Himesh getting imprisoned Himesh accused of murder he fleeing from prison etc If you want a good laugh there is nothing like this one especially the scenes where he howls in Mehbooba If you despise the nasal twangs and want to know out of curiosity what two hours of Reshammiya can do to you then dont miss this moviebr br I couldnt stop laughing from the beginning till the very end The only saving grace that this movie has are the cinematography locations and a couple of the songs Even then until you are a die hard Reshammiya fan avoid this movie at all costs
This film may have been the biggest letdown Ive experienced in renting movies based on IMDb reviews Overall I simply found this to be a secondrate moviebr br Leslie Cheung is certainly passable as the antihero and Ma Wu handles his character with cheerful competence On the other hand Ma Wus makeup facial hair is so obviously phony that I simply could not take him seriously He looked like an overweight teenager dressed up for Halloween complete with the 495 stickon beardbr br The special effects were soso though the undead in the cellar were pretty good The treetongue looked like something from a bad 1950s monster flick though the POV shots from the tongues view more closely resembled Sam Raimis trademark shots in the more recent Evil Dead trilogy The pyrotechnics were hohum and the final battle is about as dull as you can get In fact it most closely reminded me of the Lost in Space episode where the Robinsons are caught in a sandstorm and br br The plot was not particularly original and has been told countless times in the form of European fairy tales There was no suspense and no plot twists In fact you know right away as you are introduced to the characters who is good who is bad and who is going to survivebr br I just returned this film to Netflix and then I sat down to write this review The very first thing I did was check the production date Yep it says 1987not the 1967 that I thought it might be And that pretty much sums it up The production values and FX are typical of the 1960s The plot and action seem much older as Hollywood was actually producing some interesting and challenging films in the 60sbr br out of
If you watched Pulp Fiction dont see this movie This movie is NOT funny This is the worst parody movie ever This is a poor attempt of parody filmsbr br The cast is bad The film is bad This is one of the worst pictures ever madebr br I do not recommend Plump Fiction I prefer the original Pulp Fiction by the great Quentin Tarantino This is one of the worst parody films ever madebr br Plump Fiction is not a good movie It is not funny It is so dumb and vulgar
With the exception of the main character the acting didnt convince me but the story was quite good Its about a love affair between a gay party boy and a young Mormon missionary As you can imagine such a relationship is quite problematic The movie is very American and as such has some metaphysical undertones to counterbalance its criticism of religious intolerance But some story lines are hilarious one of the main characters asks his gay colleague Do you believe in God And he answers …you mean other than Madonna All in all the film is not one of my alltime favorites but the script is really good and I really liked it its entertaining and stands up against religious prejudice and intolerance I think this is an important message in our times Since I rated films that I liked less with 9 this is clearly a 10 for me Some people may find this exaggerated but I think this film deserves it
BTK Killer Green River Killer Zodiac Killer the man keeps putting out absolute garbage and the ironic thing is he loves his crapbr br Ive never seen a Ulli Lommel film but I was so amazed on how everyone thinks his stuff is so awful Like the movies I said in the beginning dont even equal a six when added together After reading the comments I was curious to see how bad this guy really is He is the worst out therebr br The credits wouldnt end as the pathetic movie started and quickly I noticed that the audio was incredibly badly dubbed in The acting was incredibly awful and same to the camera shots The editing is easily the worst This movie made no sense and I unbearably couldnt take it anymore as it wouldnt end and I was only 45 minutes in the movie I couldnt take it anymore I wasted 45 minutes of my lifebr br DO NOT WATCH THIS CRAP
A movie about a mysterious love letter that puts a small town on its ear should be fun romantic and easygoing entertainment Instead this movie is more about things not said and not expressed so it gets to the point where you are grateful anything is said at all even if the dialogue is not exactly quotable br br SPOILER br br When the relationship that says the most is the one least seen on the screen Danner and McEwan you know youre in trouble But those two actresses are a very welcome sight in a movie screaming for some genuine peoplebr br END OF SPOILERbr br Capshaw is given the task of creating a character from not much and she is not entirely successful Like I said above the theme seems to be repression and I understand that is an element of life and love but I dont want to see a movie about it either at least not this one br br I cant recommend this at all despite the very talented cast who are left to fend for themselves
I would like to say that I absolutely loved Campfire Tales To me it was one of the original horror flicks with a twisted ending As if the contents of the movie werent scary or weird enough you have the ending Its a very awesome movie and Im so happy that its being released on DVD on August 30thI will not hesitate to get my copy on that dayI dont think the movie received all the credit or recognition it should have because all these other movies came out shortly after and was acknowledge but if it werent for my brother telling me about the movie I wouldnt have known Which stinks because in my opinion its far better than any Scream I know what you did Last Summer or any other horror for that time So I hope that you are able to see the movie yourself and at least be able to see the difference I loved it and being a horror movie junkie Campfire Tales was like dessert for me
I have to say that this film was excellently produced and tops the ratings as a typical sci fi film I enjoyed it its a sci fi film if you want a thriller watch another channel This is what the scifi lovers want Excellently produced by one of Scifis best producers Scot Vandiver OK the special effects werent excellent but what a great cast Some more money could have been used for effects but then again what sci fi has high budgeted effects Stop complaining and change the channel if you dont like these type of films Films like Mission Impossible and Braveheart are great but these arent Sci fi films Sci fi produces excellent films like Sabretooth Alien Hunters etc Well done keep them churning out
Within the realm of Science Fiction two particular themes consistently elicit interest were initially explored in the literature of a precinematic era and have since been periodically revisited by filmmakers and writers alike with varying degrees of success The first theme that of time travel has held an unwavering fascination for fans of film as well as the written word most recently on the screen with yet another version of the HG Wells classic `The Time Machine The second theme which also manages to hold audiences in thrall is that of invisibility which sparks the imagination with its seemingly endless and myriad possibilities And this theme too has again become the basis for a film adapted from another HG Wells classic `The Invisible Man the realization of which here is `Hollow Man directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Kevin Bacon and Elisabeth Shuebr br Sebastian Caine Bacon and his colleagues have for some time been conducting experiments for the US Government exploring the possibility and practicality of invisibility which they have at last achieved in a number of the primates upon which they have tested their method They have in fact progressed to the point that effecting the invisibility is assured their only problem now is bringing the subject back to the original `visual state of being Its a problem however that Caine after diligent effort and too many hours in the lab has solved or so he thinks And when the application of his theory on a live subject is successful he decides to present the results to the board of directors in an effort to thereby maintain the funding necessary for the continuation of the projectbr br At the last minute though Caine demurs fearing that control of the project will be wrested from him before they can proceed to the next level the testing of a human subject And he takes it upon himself to become that subject securing the assistance of his research team by telling them that theyve been given approval by the board to do so But something goes wrong and Caine becomes trapped in his cloak of invisibility and as he and his team struggle to find the solution to his considerable dilemma before its too late it all begins to take a toll on Caines mind And suddenly his fear of losing funding and control becomes inconsequential as he finds himself facing the imminent danger of losing much more than that Now theres a very real chance that he may lose everything Including himselfbr br Verhoeven has crafted what is initially an exciting even thought provoking film he establishes a good pace and uses the FX at his disposal to great effect though he does tend to allow the striking visuals to overwhelm the character development Anyone familiar with `The Invisible Man or actually anyone who can logically follow the progression of the story will know early on that Caine is not destined for happier times Still Verhoeven has a style of storytelling that is definitely going to capture the attention and engage his audience But he seems bent on rushing toward the climax and along the way he abandons any and all of the nuance that has made his film thus far successful opting to enter into a final sequence that is nothing more than a mindless bloodandgore fest that betrays his audience and everything hes worked for earlier in the film Rather than seeking an intelligent resolution to Caines suffering and using some inventiveness and imagination to take the film to its inevitable conclusion Verhoeven takes the low road and though it may succeed on a purely visceral level any meaning one could derive from the story dissolves like so many ashes in the wind along with anything that would have made this a memorable film And its a shame because Verhoeven has it at a higher level than much of what is offered in this genre and he allows it to sink unnecessarily to one much lowerbr br Kevin Bacon does a good job of creating a character that is believable if only on the surface which seemingly serves Verhoevens purposes perfectly Theres little depth to Bacons portrayal but it has more to do with his directors agenda than his own acting abilities Verhoeven simply does not allow Bacon the time to develop Caine to any extent the character is mainly a vessel around which Verhoeven can build his story and toward that end it works The film would have been better served however had Verhoeven and Bacon collaborated more closely on at least developing a bond between Caine and the audience that would have prompted some emotional involvement on the viewers part something that would have drawn them in a bit rather than leaving them at the gate as it were as mere observers of an FX laden extravaganzabr br Elisabeth Shue comports herself well in the role of Linda McKay Caines willing accomplice in the illfated experiment but its basically a thankless part that offers little challenge especially to an actor of Shues caliber The same can be said of Kim Dickens so magnificent in the 2001 film `Things Behind the Sun Her character Sarah Kennedy does little more than support the action and FX Both actors are capable of so much more and deserve better than what they are given to work with herebr br The supporting cast includes Josh Brolin Matthew Greg Grunberg Carter Joey Slotnick Frank Mary Randle Janice and William Devane Dr Kramer Entertaining to a point and even successful on a certain low level `Hollow Man is one of those films that leaves you contemplating what could have been Like an annual fireworks display it will give you some momentary thrills but after awhile itll begin to blend in with all the others youve seen without anything special to set it apart And its too bad because given the talent and abilities of those involved here it could have been so much more I rate this one 410br br br br br br
Stripperella is an animated series about a girl named Erotica Jones voiced by Pamela Anderson who lives a double life as a stripper at a gentlemans club known as The Tender Loins and as a sexy crimefighter known as Stripperella aka Agent 69 who works for a government organization As Stripperella Erotica fights crime and the forces of evil such as a plastic surgeon who gives women breast implants that either explode or make them fat and Cheapo a criminal who steals from 99 cent stores and makes his two henchmen share a gun The creator of the character and the series is Stan Lee of Marvel fame and creator of SpiderManbr br Back in late June of 2003 Spike TV then known as The New TNN premiered a Thursday night block of three animated shows Those shows were Ren Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon new adventures of classic kids show characters Ren and Stimpy for adults done by original creator John Kricfalusi Gary the Rat about a lawyer who is turned into a human sized rat starring Kelsee Grammar of Cheers and Fraiser fame and Stripperella the adventures of a stripper who doubles as a superhero voiced by Pamela Anderson and created by Stan Lee I remember seeing all three of the premiers I was anxious to see Ren and Stimpy as I love the original show I was a little let down It was alright but it seemed to take things a little too far seeing the two have gay sex together was a bit much Though Gary the Rat wasnt bad the best of the three was easily Stripperella The animation was really good it had an awesome intro song it had some good talent behind it and it was funny as hell The show was just so silly I dont even know how to begin explaining it After four of five weeks if not a little less the animation block disappeared which was weird because I know it got good ratings and it was advertised everywhere I was disappointed to see Stripperella go but several months later I found out about new episodes that aired at like 100 AM I only got to see one and though it was funny as hell and I was glad to see the show back after all that time something seemed a bit offbr br In the beginning of its short run Stripperella had great animation It was dark moody realistic and somewhat sexy too The Stripperella costumed looked good too the character was drawn well After the long hiatus and during the rest of the episodes the animation was very different Instead of dark and realistic look it originally had everything was now really colorful and cartoonish Stripperella received the biggest changes though Before she had normal long hair now she had hair bigger than Peggy Bundys Married with Children if even possible Also the eye mask actually shows her eyes now before it was just white you saw which was cool since it was more superheroish Also the upper part of her costume was kind of a vesttype thing with a collar and her costume was dark blue that changed to her costume being a bluishviolet color and her upper costume being really crappy looking in comparison In short the show was a cartoon and very over the top silly beforehand but the secondhalf it became more cartoonish looking and though still laughoutloud hilarious it became more zany as well for example there was a later episode about a werebeaveryes a werebeaver br br Anyway instead of complaining about the midseries changes Stripperella only ran one season but it was a very good show Like the Tales from the Crypt film Bordello of Blood it may be really campy but its really fun As long as your not a prude youll find yourself laughing repeatedly at this show I havent seen every episode because I havent got the DVD yet for two reasons 1 Paramount released and they have this screwed up policy about not including any extras on nearly all released TV shows even though this was the entire show I would have liked to see some commentarys maby explaining the animation change and interviews with Pamela Anderson and Stan Lee and 2 the awesome Kid Rock song during the opening was replaced Now Im not a fan of his but that intro sang WAS the theme for the show If your not going to pay to have any extras at least pay to have the original intro song you jackasses The show also had a few interesting guest stars such as John Lovitz as Cheapo and Mark Hamil as the plastic surgion who hates models Also Tom Kenny SpongeBob was on the show as the owner of the strip club in most every episode Stan Lee has a cameo in one episode toobr br The Breakdown br br PROS Had a great look to it at first FUNNY AS HELL a very fun show great voice talent for the most part Chief Strogenoff watch the show and see some of the stuff he does and was easily the best of the three animated shows mentioned earlierbr br CONS The midseries animation change and the crappy DVD described earlier Aside from the fact that some of the humor could be kind of dumb at times I have nothing really negative to say about thisbr br OVERALL Stripperella is a huge guilty pleasure of mine and its a shame it only ran one season It was a very funny sexy actioned packed cult series that I hope to see air on Adult Swim someday with the original intro intact and possibly give it another season like Family Guy Check it out even if it is on the lousy DVD You will laugh yourself sillybr br Rated TVMA Crude and Sexual Humor and Nudity Runtime About 25 minutes per episode Score 910
I read on the web that this film is being remade into a theatrical feature Finally Its about time Hollywood got their act together The big Studios always frown at edgy material with Oscar written all over it Go figurebr br JERICHO MILE was made ahead of its time Its a masterpiecebr br Michael Mann a true visionary found a way to engage an audience without overindulgence Peter Strauss Emmy award performance is probably the best character role Ive seen in my filmviewing lifetime Any actor who touches this role will never be the same unless an Academy Award is already sitting on their mantlebr br The gritty multi ethnic ensemble a backdrop for THE JERICHO MILE makes one understand the delicate social dynamics of our world This is about redemption without public validation and the power of the human spirit overcoming all barriers Imagine a convict imprisoned since he was a teenager for life with no chance of parole that doesnt know he is possibly the fastest runner in the world what would you dobr br This movie makes you walk away feeling you havent been cheated on any level Totally thrilling engaging emotional and a Rolling Stones soundtrack that kicks assbr br I always thought this would be made for the big screen Cant wait In the meantime Ill have to continue rewatching my weathered VHS copy Ive had for many years
I watched this movie To the end And that was really not easy It is so boring bad played and in nearly every detail stolen from BLAIR WITCH PROJECT that you cant believe the makers take this serious Even harder to believe is how this product made it onto VHS and DVDbr br So if want to see a horrormovie just watch Scream but if you want to laugh out loud and have a good time watching some kids running through the woods screaming at each other and showing of their inability watch dark area
If you want to make a movie like this have the threat be real Dont surround your patsy with a bunch of Bonzos There is no credibility here The plot is dull and unbelievable The acting is even worse I thought that I was watching Arthur Lake Dagwood who is one of the worst actors in history when I saw the main character Oh well at some point he has to face the music and get fighting mad I dont care Do you There are all these long scenes set in this austere office the furniture made out of cardboard or masonite People talk and smoke and dont do anything Most of the action happens in a five minute sequence After that its over Dont bother
mature intelligent and highly charged melodrama unbelivebly filmed in China in 1948 wei weis stunning performance as the catylast in a love triangle is simply stunning if you have the oppurunity to see this magnificent film take it
I sat uncomfortably through this film becoming more and more staggered at just how it got made at all The script itself makes the acting look embarrassing and it fundamentally becomes a waste of time for everybody concerned If you avoid seeing one film this year make it this one
A somewhat typical bit of filmmaking from this era Obviously It was first conceived into this world for the stage but nonetheless a very good film from beginning to end Peter OToole and Susannah York get to do their stage performance act for the silver screen and both do it effectively There is very little in the way of story and anyone not familiar with this type of off beat character study may be a little put off by it All in all though A good film in which Peter OToole and Susannah York get to overact
witty funny intelligent awesome i was flipping channels late one night years ago came across this and a wildfire started i was staying up late every night and taping it for everyone i know a few like 3 people out of the almost 100 people i made watch this didnt think it was as awesome as i did the others were laughing out loud so hard they were crying and thanking me at the same time please do yourself a favor run dont walk watch this and enjoy intelligence and humor its a winwin situation i wish i could have afternoon tea with him and meet the truly rare comedian that we as a society need more ofsanechaos
I dont care what anyone says this movie was crap The only thing it had going for it was camera work which was very well done As for the dialogue I have heard so many people talk aboutit sucked too Yes it was honest and true to life but so what I can hear anyone talk like that on the street or in a fast food joint What made the dialogue good in movies like Pulp Fiction and Gosford Park was the fact that it is WRITTEN dialogue that takes time to think through Another thing was that the director should not have put himself in the picture I believe that the male character could have been a lot stronger but instead it seemed weak In fact the movie seemed to revolve around the male character and then he completely disappears in the last twenty minutes The girl in the film I found completely repulsive not in appearance but in her needy needy ways Saying she is in love with a guy and actually getting jealous of him the next day what a crock of crap Final thing the sound was terrible and I hope it was only something that plagued my theater instead of actually being on the final cut of the film There was a constant buzzing sound during several scenes and it was actually taking away from the talking going on The one good thing again was Bloods job as the DP but the actress that played the main guys ex girlfriend did a very good job as well These two things couldnt save an ultimately terrible movie which I refuse to call a filmbr br 210
Buddy is an entertaining family film set in a time when humanizing animals and making them cute was an accepted way to get people to be interested in thembr br Based on a true story Buddy shows the great love that the main characters have for animals and for each other and that they will do anything for each otherbr br While not a perfect movie the animated gorilla is quite lifelike most of the time and the mayhem that occurs within the home is usually amusing for childrenbr br This film misses an opportunity to address the mistake of bringing wild animals into the home as pets but does show the difficultiesbr br A recommended film which was the first for Jim Henson Productions
Story of a wrongly executed prisoner who haunts the prison he was electrocuted in and kills random prisoners while waiting to take revenge on the man who framed himbr br Viggo Mortensen is great and the acting is pretty good overall Lane Smith is deliciously wicked as the guilty warden Also this film has some great gore including death by barbedwire mummification
My house mate and I foolishly purchased the video of The Roller Blade Seven from our local second hand video shop in the hope of finding a bad film to laugh at This film isnt even laughable its pathetically poor worse even than Jack Frost 2and thats saying something The script acting production stunts sound sets everything is absolutely terrible In some parts the actors havent even learned their lines and are blatantly adlibbing or in one case actually having the lines read to them off set and simply repeating them Set in the post apocalyptic Wheel ZoneThe film obviously consists of about 45 minutes of film many parts of which are edited badly or repeated ad nauseum from various different camera angles to make the film longer This gets tedious very quickly The plot makes no sense whatsoever It is apparently an amalgam of two books written by Scott Shaw there arent even seven of them most of them arent on blades theyre wearing roller boots and it seems to me that mostly the film has been completely sold on the fact that theres about 3 minutes of female seminudity in it The writer and star Scott Shaw obviously fancies himself somewhat of a Samurai and throughout the film performs some very poor stunts and made up sword fighting moves that look massively amateurish Despite all this his website states that the film should never be compared to a traditional film because it really pushes the boundaries of modern film making My house mate and I were left speechless by the whole ordeal and despite my frequent attempts to burn the videotape she has decided it may be some kind of Ringesquire video curse that needs to be passed on If you see the video in stores take it from me Leave well alone
Definitely not worth the rental but if you catch it on cable youll be pleasantly surprised by the cameosImans appearance is especially selfdeprecating Its also an opportunity to watch all the male supporting cast members from The Sopranos typecast themselves
Errol Flynns greatest movie not just a sports movie with a wonder last 5 minutes where Ward Bond shines Dont miss it just because you think its an old movie Its a classic that could be easily missed Do yourself a favour and dont
I went to see this film with low expectations but hoping to be charmed by seeing my home town on film Sadly thats about all I got The story covers familiar territory the high school reunion but the plot is convoluted and supernatural element adds little to this wellworn theme Though the quality of the acting was good overall the content of the film was appalling The sexism of the film was blatantwomen are apparently unfulfilled unless they are married procreating or both though this was couched as a postfeminist choice Worse still was the racismthe shrill Jewish mother the black man who still lives at home and gratuitous cruelty tormenting the class geek We should be ashamed if these characters are thought to represent the inhabitants of the city of Kalamazoo and the writers should be abashed at having brought such broad and cruel stereotypes to the screen
While The Kiss of the Spider Woman cast Raul Julia as a political prisoner in an unidentified Latin American country this time he works for a dictator in a fictional Latin American country Specifically the dictator suddenly drops dead so Julia replaces el presidente with a Broadway actor Richard Dreyfuss shooting a movie in the country From there Dreyfuss has to figure out how to be a dictator all the while balancing it with his own lifebr br Is it appropriate to turn the tense situation in Latin America into comedy Well Moon Over Parador does a good job with it No matter what they do in this movie they pull it off It just goes to show why Richard Dreyfuss is one of the greatest actors of our era and what we lost when Raul Julia died Definitely worth seeing Also starring Sonia Braga who costarred with Raul Julia in TKOTSW Jonathan Winters and Sammy Davis Jrbr br I agree the first lady is hot
The book that this movie is based on seriously changed my life But saying this movie was a disappointment is an understatement The acting directing cinematography and storyline were all horrible I would never recommend this movie to anyone Ive told countless people about the book but will now be telling them all that they should definitely not see the movie I did not expect the plot to follow the book exactly but they have left out too many key components of the book The movie tried but failed to deliver a powerful and inspiring message and only demeaned the central theme of the prophecy While putting myself in the position who had not read the book I saw the Celestine Prophecy as a bunch of hoaxy BS I am thoroughly disappointed with Redfield for the way this movie turned out
Its not often that a TV series grabs me right off the bat a recent chance download of the pilot for Surface had me glued to my seat for the entirety of the episode after which I immediately set out on a fevered search to learn everything I could about this wonderful series To my chagrin I found out it had been canceled after a mere 15 episodes despite its strong ratings and extremely favorable reviews Such a shamebr br Since then Ive acquired the remaining episodes and found the first 5 or 6 to be among the best television Ive EVER watched Just fantastic from start to finish and as another reviewer commented I LOVED how they ended every episode with a huge finish I imagine watching it each week I wouldve been screaming with tension and just captivated desperately waiting for the next episode to be released Growing up I always heard that was how early serial movies used to do it ending with a huge cliffhanger to get the crowds back into the theater for the next episodebr br Well it seems for some reason or another the suits decided to kill this off and apparently the people behind the show mustve seen the writing on the wall because after episode 6 things definitely take a turn for the worse I wouldnt say the episodes actually become BORING but a lot of the plot elements become a bit more clichd and Ive got to say the final episode really left me feeling cheated I just wish the shows creators were given a fair chance The ONLY other show that left me feeling like that was the first season of Stargate SG1 which just resonated tremendously feeling very true soulful and made from the heart Surface was a great series and maybe one day some wellheeled TV lover will see all the outpouring of emotion about the shows cancellation and bring back this show One can hope at least
Although the film is the adaptation of the French play forgot the name sorry it is a wonderful portrayal of the cheerful side of Georgian character This film will make you to burst into laughter and will fill your heart with warm sadness It will display the overwhelming love of life along with human eccentricities
Much as we all love Al Pacino it was painful to see him in this movie A publicity hack at the grubby ending of what seems to have once been a distinguished and idealistic career Pacino plays his part looking like an unmade bed and assaulting everyone with a totally bogus and inconsistent southern accentbr br The plot spools out this way and that with so many loose ends and improbabilities that the mind reels and then retreatsbr br Kim Basinger is there not doing much Her scenes with Pacino are flat and unconvincing Hard to believe they meant a lot to each other Theres no energy therebr br Tea Leone on the other hand lit up the screen She was electric and her scenes with Pacino were by far the most interesting in the movie but not enough to save Al from embarrassment
The Childs Play series isnt a favourite of mine but Bride Of Chucky is actually an okay movie This time we have two dolls Chucky and his former girlfriend when he was human Tiffany Together they go on a journey to find an object There are a few interesting scenes through the movie like the guy getting hit by the truck and literally exploding the sex scene between Chucky and Tiffany and the ending which allows for another sequel to take place Wasnt really a straight forward horror it mixed a lot of comedy and was a sort of spoof of the horror genre This made the movie better like comedy does do with many horror movies All up even if your not a Childs Play fan give this one a go
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen I feel greatly touched by the theme the movie intends to convey One sentence that keeps coming up on my mind is that history repeats itself Life is what it is shown in the movie when people are young they seem not to understand their parents their own spouses people have every excuse for not sharing the dearest time with their children until too late people always have to work hard to support the whole family but are just liable to neglect the subtle feeling of their partners people always change their perspectives at different stages of their lives people can always be forgiven if their heart is full of love for their beloved nothing is more important than the blood relation people share in this world and one is never too late to talk with their folks about what they feel at the bottom of their heart so as to achieve a better understanding between themselves so that when life has to end some day people should not feel sorry or regretful since they have kept their words and there is always hope a new life The actors and actresses are fantastic They have understood the directors intention perfectly The movies charm lies in to me the effect of bringing a skillful and splendid fusion of cheers and tears to the audience
I just finished Dark Chamber aka Under Surveillance and Im stunned Stunned not by the film but by some of the rave reviews I perused which influenced my watching it The story was so ravaged by plotholes and the majority of the acting so flat categorizing it as a comedy seems appropriate Seriously I found myself shaking my head and laughing in bewilderment as I endured this moviebr br Justin leaves the confines of living at home with a pain killeraddicted mom to go live with his cop father despite Moms warnings that Dad is no good When a young woman is found murdered Justin becomes suspicious of the tenants who reside in the adjacent apartments With the help of a couple pals he installs covert cameras to keep tabs on these folks As the truth begins to unravel Justin uncovers an unexpected secretbr br One positive point is that Felissa Rose is HOT I would have generously slapped an extra star or two on here had she peeled down a bit but no such luck It would have been the films potential saving grace Eric Conley played Justin very adeptly I thought and I wouldnt be surprised whatsoever to see more of him in the future br br The general premise of the film although plagued by clichs might possibly have worked had it not been for the ridiculously hollow performances of key cast members most notably Alexandra Eitel Kayla and David H Rigg Justins father The horror pardon the punbr br I have nothing against lowbudget films Indeed I believe independent film is our only hope for decent film making in the days to come Ill cut lowbudget films quite a bit of slack when it comes to special effects lighting even musical score and the overall picture quality I dont give allowances however for stick figure acting and a swiss cheese lovers script There are a vast number of competentlymade low budget films out there Sadly this isnt one of them I cant help but suspect that at least a few of the reviewers who have praised Dark Chamber here are in some way affiliated with its production
I just want to say that I am so glad somebody finally spilled the beans on this movie Bravo The Spaz Bravo This movie is a ridiculous farce of filmmaking Especially for a student film I just want to give credit to the Spazz for taking the absurd amount of time a care to find such a rare picture and then TO COMMENT ON IT Most people I know dont have that kind of time especially so few will end of reading it Kudos to you sir Anyway the movie follows a thin storyline that is at the least unbelievable and just plain silly I understand the idea behind creating a satire of Charlies Angels but why hire such atrocious actresses Also what kind of director has himself act write produce and also edit the picture Choose one job and put all your love into it man Its such a shame because I hear he made a good movie about a killer toothbrush Again thanks to the Spazz for pulling back the curtain on this film people like you are a rare find
At the surface COOLEY HIGH is a snappy ensemble comedy masquerading as a period piece set in the early 60s complete with a flawless Motown soundtrack But theres SO much more to this film it gets better every time I see it The cast of unknowns at the time is excellent and it is notable as an allblackcast film that doesnt fall into any Blaxpoitation clichs at times COOLEY HIGH almost feels like an updated urban neorealist film with lots of edgy humor added in At times the rather tight budget does show but the constraints actually serve the film well theres a grit and honesty of emotion here that lends the film an immediacy lacking in most similarminded films like Schultz later CAR WASH which was more popular but largely pointless Warmhearted but also truetolife this might be one of THE sleepers of the 70s celebrated at the time it seems that few film freaks know about this one today Their loss this is a fine fine filmbr br The barebones panandscan DVD no widescreen is testament to just how little caredfor this excellent film is
I was duped as well Here I was expecting all sorts of man eating Pirahnas and what the hell do you getbr br An hour and a half of nothing but awkward silences with some weird guy who isnt weird enough to be scarybr br I thought there was no way 5 could be too much for a moviebr br Damn I was sooooo wrong It was very hard to watch the whole thingbr br Dont fool yourself Its not so good that its bad Its not even that kind of moviebr br Its nothing an hour and a half of absolutely nothingbr br PIECE OF CRAP
I generally LIKE Sion Sonos work but this movie was completely retarded But sadly not retarded enough to make it entertainingly retarded I just sat mouth agape wondering when it would end The plot makes only a whisper of sense I think it was intended to be campy I mean haunted hair extensions how could it not be But the humor such as it was fell flat Not funny Not scary Not gory I would say perhaps Sono was a hired hand on this project but he appears to have written this boring trash as well I still need to fill a couple more lines what else is there to say I suppose I could finish by saying Better luck next time Sonosan
I first encountered this show when I was staying in Japan for six months last year I found it in the internet when I was looking for subtitled dramas to help me with my Japanese My host mother warned me to stay away from it because she thought it was weird but I found it delightful Koyuki showed such conflicting character traits and Matsujuns spirit made my day every time I tuned in I first saw him on Hana Yori Dango but I liked him much better in thisbr br Although the characters are interesting and welldeveloped I was disappointed to find that they didnt change very much throughout the show Their relationship grew but they didnt really Still a fun time had by all Even for Fukushima
OK where do i begin This movie changed my life The plot was seamless James Cahill has out done himself Initially after a first viewing i was disappointed that i hadnt seen it on the silver screen However this was before exploring the DVDs many features Oh my god Jakes Cahills commentary of the film was almost as flawless as his acting he told of industry secrets used in the film that you only get with experiencebr br I was so impressed by the other actors The scene where the security guard is talking to the girl in the hallway reminded me of some of my favorite blue pornographic movies I am certainly with Gangsta when he expresses his disappointment with no sequelbr br I am still blown away with each viewing of the martial arts skills involved matched only by the sign indicating the location of the library at the school and possibly the guy playing a retard All in all a timeless classic and the best film to come out of Europe in years where my Oscars at dawn
Imagine its say 121am your at home your bored your not tired This scenario occurred about say 4 or so years backI turned on the TV and flicked over a few channels and found that this film was on OH MY WORD this is the worst film I have ever seen A runaway car that cant be stopped cos the brakes have been cut or something in caning it down the freeway whats gonna happen This film was so bad its actually funny I think the stunts cost about 2 to make there was one instance where a babysmall child is being winched from the car by a helicopter in an attempt to excite the viewer a conveniently placed bridge is nearing aheadTHIS IS THE BEST BAD BIT OF A FILM EVER it shows the child narrowly missing the bridge but it looks so bad you can almost see the make of the dummy that they used total low budget classic Cant remember the end of the film though but I bet it was GREATbr br I doubt they will ever show this film again so Im glad I got to see this piece of trash
COME ON They did that on purpose Two of my current faves on TV Meloni from Oz and L and OSVU and Janel from West Wing hook up for a nice little sleepercharacter study Plots nothing fancy but the acting is right on the mark Tim Busfield shows up for some neat bits Worth a look
Maybe it was the fact that I saw Spiderman the day before I saw Duces Wild but I do not think that there can be any excuse for this movie being as bad as it was The cast was there to do it but it seemed as if once they found them selves with a decent cast they had to try and make them fit into the movie The only problem was that they did not fit I did not like any of the characters and the story was sketchy at best I left wondering why i spent my money on this movie
Well dont expect anything deep an meaningful Most of the fight scenes are pretty decent The two leading ladies are quite endearing but their lack of HK action background shows at times The ending maybe lacks something but I quite enjoyed it none the less The cheesy humour isnt probably going to appeal to anyone who hasnt watched a bunch of HK films but if your down with that sort of thing and have a couple of hours to fill with something meaningless you could do a lot worse than this OK so you could do better butbr br Certainly on a par with most of the Hollywood blockbuster action drivelbr br 710
Everyone wants Duvall and Jones back come on Viewers are saying things like Zahn and Urban arent as deepPuhlease Were you as deep when you were young Thats the whole point They have a lot to learn Zahn and Urban pull off the shallow innocence they were directed to act and with superb commitment to preserving the nuances of Duvall and Jones input into the characters Zahn is flagrantly perfect as the early Gus and Urban is subtly perfect as the early Woodrow What a bold move it must have been for them to take on such a position in the entertainment industry They must have known they would have everyone coming down on them for not actually being the beloved originals yet they clearly put the best effort forward I gave it a 7 because the editing was choppy in places and timelines were sketchy but the acting was a joy to watch Val Kilmer was absolutely great One more thing I expect audiences would have been more accepting of the mysticism implied by the appearances of a jaguar and blue and gold macaw if more effort had been put into the way they appear and are so simply accepted by the characters
I saw this movie by accident yesterday at a cinema I had some hopes for the movie because I really like Spoorloos The Vanishing and the book its based on The movie starts out okay as it at first seems to be a nice thriller Quickly though the movie becomes a mess with uninteresting plotlines characters that are never fleshed out and nobody in the audience cared for like Marjoke and terrible editing The movie has fade to black bits that are just way too long a messed up chronology that jumps back and forth and lots of scenes that just dont add anything to the story and could easily have been dropped After suffering through the story youll get treated to one of the worst endings Ive seen in a very long It should also be mentioned that the movie has lots of explicit sex scenes which youre probably used to if you watch a lot of dutch movies Its hard to mention any good things about this movie About a third of the audience had already walked out of the theater halfway into the movie and I didnt hear a kind word after the movie was over Avoid this movie at all costs it really destroyed any faith I had left in the dutch movie industry
I cant believe I watched this whole movie Another Ishtar in that I kept waiting for it to get better which never happened The sound is terrible going from too low to hear the conversations to blaring sound in seconds The plot is absolutely implausible the acting is mediocre although Keaton does his usual good job as a mental case although being typecast in that role could certainly be considered a negative The director knows absolutely nothing about hospitals medications science or anything of a technical nature Sociopath I wonder how they came up with that diagnosis There are so many errors goofs and things wrong with this movie that if one were to list them all it would possibly set some kind of record Demerol as a general anestetic A motorcyclist on the freeway wearing a non DOTSnell offroad helmet San Francisco Paper walls move when tapped helmets just appear out of thin air guns point one direction but hit things in another lighting appears and disappears and there is barely a scene in the move that doesnt contain some kind of error My wife who is an RN in an Oncology unit finally left the room before the end of the movie so upset over all the medical errors I gave it a 2 only because of Keatons acting else it certainly would have gotten a 1
Johnny Knoxville and the boys of Jackass go over the top for Jackass Number Two At a press screening the laughter was so loud and raucous it was hard to hear all the dialog The stunts are over the top and the pranks are funnier and more outrageous than ever beforebr br All of the guys put their limbs on the line to make a great film and they succeeded If you like this genre youll love this film If not dont botherbr br Some of the funniest bits are the pranks the guys play on themselves and they have no regard for what happens to them Theyll do anything to make a stunt work br br Many critics panned Johnny Knoxville for a less active role in the first film but not to worry he is front and center in Number Two and they have enough footage in the can to be half way through a Number Threeebr br This is a must see for fans of this type of humorbr br Chris Sansone Entertainment Editor Fort Bend Herald
Yes I couldnt stop yawning nor could my partner Incredibly boring 90 minutes seemed to stretch to at least 3 hours and Im not even a fan of action films but this just falls asleep on its feet unless you are a 70s polo neck sweater fan br br SOME SPOILERS FOLLOW If you were expecting ANYTHING to happen dont hold your breath it doesnt br br But seriously it totally fails to convince or involve the watcher Its like a long boring and rather disjointed dream Frederic floats through it able to leave work whenever he wants and with attractive secretaries bringing tea and messages constantly Obviously not real life And an office with virtually no paper or files just a giant calendar to let you know that the film really is taking 6 months to watch br br Frederick never seems to be touched by any real emotion neither does his wife and the children behave like rag dolls in stark contrast to any real life Even Chloe despite her strong views never gives the appearance of really feeling anything The only 3 seconds of any real feeling occur between a couple overseen in a cafe and have nothing to do with the plotbr br Okay so maybe there are some moral considerations but if its entertainment or even good cinematography you are looking for I think this film is incredibly overrated by most other viewers
I know that in this episode theres other stuff apart from what I am going to discuss and in fact I think it has some virtues for example the fact after we had been given a very negative opinion of Jin from seeing Suns flashbacks in House of the Rising Sun we get to see Jins side of things and get a new more balanced understanding of his lifebr br But there is an element in this story that made me so deeply uncomfortable that it greatly dampened my enjoyment of the whole episode Before now in the scene where Jin appeared with blood on his hands and shirt it had been hinted that Suns father was someone who was getting rich through shady illegal methods I thought maybe he was a mob boss even mobs operate in Korea just like in almost every other country in the world so it was a reasonable possibility However in this episode we learn that Suns father is in fact the boss or a top executive of a Korean automotive company and that what Jin had been doing was physically attacking a government official who was actually going to be murdered on his behalfbr br I may be especially touchy about this because I happen to work in the automotive industry but I would say it is SPECTACULARLY offensive and racist to even suggest that this kind of thing goes on in Korea that huge serious companies like Hyundai or Kia which must be the model for this fictitious car company as they are the only ones that actually exist in reality operate with these mafialike methods instead of like any normal automotive company of the West it is just unbelievable to me that the writers would have the gall to write something like that into the story and that there hasnt been an uproar in Korea over it It feels like extraneous Buy American propaganda portraying foreign car companies as criminal untrustworthy thirdworld outfits
This is possibly the most boring movie in history I was really looking forward to seeing this movie given the actordirector Roman Polanski I think I would rather see the Three Amigos than ever watch this movie again It promptly went from the DVD player straight into the garbage My apologies to those of you who apparently liked this movie however you probably liked New Coke as well I am at a loss to see why anyone would have enjoyed this movie it is slow dull and has no real plot You wait for 105 minutes for the movie to get started I understand this was made in 1976 however this was an era of bad television all around Thank god disco and Threes Company are gone along with stop sign glasses and the Bay City Rollers Oh well just my thoughts
I initially bought this DVD because it had SRK and Aishwarya Rai on the cover and I thought hey another film starring Aishu and Shah Rukh little did I know that Aishwarya would only appear in an item number in the last quarter of the film in a song which she shares with SRK and helps introduce his character who is in the film for about just 15 minutes Shakti is a film about a mothers love and endurance Its a film about transformations ignorance coming of age stepping into the know and embracing the harsh realities of life The item number in which SRK and Aishu appear in has nothing to do with the movie Its actually a dream sequence that occurs while SRKs drunken character is knocked unconscious by booze He dreams that Aishwarya Rai is this sexy street girl who shows up at his favourite hangout spot one day dressed scantily and begins to seduce him The title of the song is Ishq Kamina loosely translated as Loves a bitch and it is just plain smoking hot Dont miss it
solid documentary about edgey kids who first surf then skate in the face of the american dream sadly some of the youngest and most gifted succumb to the lure of drugs while others become slaves to the crass marketing of their go for broke instincts few come out on top but the die is cast and fruit of it all is the new national pastime skateboarding the New York Times notes that it was once considered a snub to authority Now however skateboarding has its own summer camps video games magazines and corporate sponsors commercialism coopts another kid birthed cultural node
Wagon Master is a very unique film amongst John Fords work Mainly because its the only one that is based on a story written by John Ford himself the story that was elaborated by Frank Nugent and directors son Patrick Ford and turned into a screenplay and because of directors personal opinion regarding it Wagon Master is the film John Ford called the one which `came closest to being what I had wanted to achieve to say so is not to say a little but as Ford confessed once to Lindsay Anderson his favourite was nonetheless My Darling Clementine and not any otherbr br Wagon Master has all ingredients one might expect to find in a John Fords film Wonderful cast delivering his best thou not featuring any major stars except the most `fordian of all actors Ben Johnson Very peculiar small characters who provide an obligatory comic relief and Wagon Master has quite a few of them such as horn blowing Sister Ledyard Jane Darwell in her shot but very inspired gigs And last but not least legendary Monument Valley with John Fords fifth passage through it after Stagecoach My Darling Clementine Fort Apache and She Wore a Yellow Ribbonbr br The film starts with two friends cowboys Travis Blue Ben Johnson and Sandy Owens Harry Carey Jr being hired to be Wagon Masters or guides for a caravan of Mormon settlers who are headed to Silver Valley a place thats for them like a promised land On their way they are joined by a very peculiar Dr Locksley Hall Alan Mowbray with two beautiful women who are supposedly his wife and daughter and who call themselves actors They are headed in the same direction simply because they were recently driven out of the nearest town and have no other place to go Nothing particularly unpleasant happens till they bump into Cleggs a dangerous family gang consisting of father and his three sons who are on the run from the Marshal of the town where they recently committed murder and bank robberybr br Overall Wagon Master is no more nor less than one more precious pearl in a necklace of John Fords wonderful Westerns A must see 910br br
This was a mish mash of a film that started out going nowhere got lost on the way then suddenly found a plot in the last 5 minutes when the title character is FINALLY introduced There were so many ugly muttonchopped guys in this film I lost track of who was the owner and who were the overseers I have a theory about the casting though all the bad guys were played by ugly actors and one ugly actress and all the good guysvictims were played by beautiful actors Indeed the actors who played the ultimate victims the slaves were gorgeous as was the innocent priests daughter while the plantation owner his minipulative mistress and his overseers were pretty hard on the eyes On purpose You make the callbr br I hung in there till the end and some others might be able to make it as well If you just want to look at bare breasts there are plenty of them here and if you have a slavemaster fetish then youll love this film Otherwise watch it once vomit shower and never speak of it to anyone
I thought that this movie was going to be totally lame based on the advertisements that I saw in theaters When my sister borrowed from a friend I decided to watch it because it was summer and there was nothing else to do needless to say ten minutes in the movie and I loved it Amanda was a great actor in the movie her comedic timing was perfect The guy who played Duke was hot plain and simple My favorite scene was definitely when Amanda walks by the gardener and a fellow student who is suspicious of her and she is talking to her mom about dressesas she is pretending to be a guy I rewatched this part over and over to make a long story short the movie I thought was going to be lameI now own it
WEEE this is still jolly good fun As with most of my friends we had seen this movie on HBO when we were young and then had been searching ever since for a copy of it When they finally rereleased it a few years ago we had a Midnight Madness party and the movie held up well Sure its pure cheese but its still a lot of fun If you didnt see MM when you were young you might not appreciate its value today
At the beginning of the film we watch May and Toots preparing for their trip to London for a visit to their grown children One can see Toots is not in the best of health but he goes along When he dies suddenly Mays world begins to spin out of controlbr br The film directed by Roger Michell based on a screen play by Hanif Kureshi is a study of how this mother figure comes to terms with her new status in life and her awakening into a world that she doesnt even know it existed until nowbr br Mays life as a suburban wife was probably boring Obviously her sexual life was next to nothing We get to know shes had a short extra marital affair then nothing at all When May loses her husband she cant go back home so instead she stays behind minding her grandson at her daughters home It is in this setting that May begins lusting after young and hunky Darren her daughters occasional loverbr br Darren awakes in May a passion she has not ever known May responds by transforming herself in front of our eyes May who at the beginning of the film is dowdy suddenly starts dressing up becoming an interesting and attractive woman She ends up falling heads over heels with this young man that keeps her sated with a passion she never felt beforebr br Having known a couple of cases similar to this story it came as no surprise to me to watch Mays reaction Her own chance of a normal relationship with Bruce a widower ends up frustratingly for May who realizes how great her sex is with Darren The younger man we figure is only into this affair to satisfy himself and for a possibility of extorting money from May Finally the daughter Helen discovers what Mum has been doing behind her back when she discovers the erotic paintings her mother has madebr br The film is a triumph for the director In Anne Reid Mr Michell has found an extraordinary actress who brings so much to the role of May Also amazing is Daniel Craig He knows how Darren will react to the situation Anna Wilson Jones as Helen is also vital to the story as she is the one that has to confront the mother about what has been going on behind her back Oliver Ford Davies plays a small part as Bruce the older man in Helens class and is quite effectivebr br The film is rewarding for those that will see it with an open mindbr br
there is only way to describe this moviebr br so bad its hilariousbr br the acting is so bad i laughed my ass off throughout The male lead in this movie trying to use a gun is so ridiculous you would think he was trying to copy a toy action figure i know this sounds ridiculous but when you see it for yourself you cant help but agreebr br the monster looks like a cgi guy trying to recreate the clay monsters you get in old Sinbad moviesbr br in short this movie is good for only one thing a really large laugh at how bad movies can getbr br If you want to see bad acting bad script and special effects gone wrongbr br THIS IS THE MOVIE FOR YOU
Flipping through the channels I was lucky enough to stumble upon the beginning of this movie I must admit that it grabbed my attention almost immediately I love older films and this is or should be considered a classic One of the most wonderful rarities of this movie is that the main character was not only female but she was also a bad girl I highly recommend this movie
Vicente Aranda has made a terrible historical movie It shows the poor resources of the spanish cinema In the movie an irreal script shows Juana just as a ninphomaniac faced to Felipe worried only for sexbut sex with others not with her The technical mistakes begin with the wedding ring that shows Isabel of Castilla Nobody noticed that Then the voice in off seems as a documentary actors and actress in the movie sometimes laughs take a look to the sequence when Juana arrives to the council which want to keep her isolated the castles are almost broken when in the age of the movie they have been recently built crowds are just four people lights are bad placedCompared with Amelie Poulain the french movie for the oscarsit has no sense to speak about a bad movie like Juana la loca
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x isnt much different at all from the previous games excluding Tony Hawk 3 The only thing new that is featured in Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x is the new selection of levels and tweaked out graphics Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x offers a new career mode and that is the 2x career The 2x career is basically Tony Hawk 1 career because there is only about five challenges per level If you missed Tony Hawk 1 and 2 I suggest that you buy Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x but if you have played the first two games you should still try this one Overall there really isnt anything new but it is still very fun to go through the game Hopefully this review benefits your needsbr br Graphics 7 out of 10 Overall the clean visuals isnt really one of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2xs main characteristics The atmosphere has been changed around a lot from Tony Hawk 1 and 2 and the character models look a little bit improved When you look back to Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 and 2 on the old PS1 the thought that those old graphics are ugly run through your head In Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x the graphics are rendered A LOT better The character models are no longer filled with jaggys the textures are more smooth but not to the farthest extent Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2xs visuals do not compare to Tony Hawk 3s graphics but Activision probably didnt want to make Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x have extraordinary graphics Overall the graphics deserve an average score of 7 because they did not put the full power of the Xbox to use in here Graphics are nice and clean thats all I have to saybr br Sound 8 out of 10 The sound effects dont deliver much to the imagination but the skateboards popping off of the ground sound great The main reason why I gave the sound factor a rating was because you are not obligated to listen to the below average Tony Hawk soundtrack because there is a custom soundtrack feature The sound effects sound a lot better than the sounds in Tony Hawk 1 and 2 mainly because it is more clearer and just the fact that everything sounds great One of the main reasons why I bought this game is because of the custom soundtrack The grind sound effects still sound the same as the first two games did just a little tweaked out One of the major problems of the sound factor is the fact that if the song is over it will NOT proceed to the next track the song that you have just listened to will just play over again I dont like the ingame soundtrack but like I said you are not obligated to listen to itbr br Controls 10 out of 10 The controls are the best part of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x The control setup is marvelously comfortable and easy to get used to Back in the Playstation days people thought that the controls were the best ever but it looks like 2x has done a better job with the Xbox control Surprisingly it is very easy to use the control stick to execute tricks Activision has done great work with Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2xs controls They have made the Xbox controller the best for Tony Hawk games You will not be disappointed with the control style and that is a guaranteebr br Game play 10 out of 10 Excluding the fact that Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x is basically Tony Hawk 1 and 2 put together the game play is still unbelievably fun The game play factor has been changed around a bit This time you get A LOT more air than in the first two games and it is a lot easier to perform tricks In Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x each character has three career modes consisting of Tony Hawk 1 career Tony Hawk 2 career and the 2x career Tony Hawk 1 career is rather easy because in the first game you get NOTHING for air The Tony Hawk 2 career delivers the same amount of difficulty as the playstation version did The only amount of difficulty that applies to the 2x career is finding out where all items are but after youve done that 2x career is no hard at all In the 2x career there is a total of 3 levels and the first two levels consist of finding the secret tapes collecting SKATE and doing whatever else is required for that particular level The third level out of the three is the competition level where you have to get a certain amount of points to get the gold In the first two levels the secret tapes and collecting the letters SKATE are featured in both of them Overall Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x still maintains the old Tony Hawks Pro Skater vibebr br Story br br Fun factor 10 out of 10 Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x is by far the most funnest game on Xbox today I have played Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 and 2 and back then I didnt like them but for some reason Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x is really fun There really isnt much to say except that Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x is by far the best game on Xbox today One problem is that if youve already gone through the game once you will play it a couple more times but it will be repetitivebr br Replay value 10 out of 10 Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x delivers a high amount of replay value There is a lot of cheats to unlock and a lot of character videos Overall Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x has lots of replay value mainly because it is so funbr br Best feature You are not obligated to listen to the crappy ingame soundtrack Worst feature The custom soundtrack is a bit messed upbr br Final Statement Lots of people have complained in the past that they didnt like Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x because there is nothing new but they should stop complaining because your getting a lot of game for 5000br br Graphics 7 out of 10 Sound 8 out of 10 Control 10 out of 10 Game play 10 out of 10 Story NA Fun factor 10 out of 10br br Overall score 9 out of 10
Will there be please coming an end to hyping movies that are dealing about social conflicts or other human disasters Okay Care is about childabuse Care is about perverts misusing boys in a school and how disgusting it might be if its a movie with a poor script and made with bad playing actors then it stays a bad movie Care is a movie that could have been but is it because it was a tvmovie I dont know but everything seemed so limited that it comes over as some cheap movie that will be seen by some housewifes and fathers who decide not to go to bed There are so many unanswered things in this moviethe relation with his mother for instance or the death of some abused boy from which we know nothing more Care should have been much much better
This movie is juxtaposition of various super bad tough guy biker characters loosely connected but with no real storyline Some of the scenes are nicely filmed If they took the same cast and crew and made a movie called the Gent who was the coolest character in the film and came up with an interesting and continuous story maybe it could be decent As it is prepare for a lame series of tough guy character intros all of whom do nothing but ride bikes around the desert all day and cause trouble while all staying never getting sunburned and keeping their hair and clothes perfect and never needing to look for a home or money etc There was a sort of background story about the characters pasts various people that were killed and a treasure that was probably supposed to be the plot
I saw this on cable Someone had to lose their job for greenlighting this one for air Just because a movie is made does not mean it has to be shown Savage Instinct should be shown in ALL film classes It is the perfect template for how to not make a movie The editing alone is so jumbled youll think it was assembled by a team of trained poorly monkeys traveling across unpaved canyon road in the back of a jeep blindfolded and drunk The audio is often not legible Acting I cant call anything I saw here acting Reciting Hmmm Cant call it that either Failing That works All that being saidIT IS HILARIOUS I cannot stress enough that there is not one redeemable factor in this film other than the hilarity derived from its own incredible ineptness Fun in a strictly masochistic sort of way Watch itif you dare
Everything about this movie is bad everything Ridiculous 80s haircuts Ridiculous moustaches Ridiculous action and fight scenes where you can actually see that the adversaries do not even hit each other Bad bad bad 80s music Repeated scenes of people running through woods A bad guy with a silver plastic hand and silly hair Stupid dialogue The acting is nonexistant Everything looks extremely cheap This movie even surpasses Plan 9 from outer space in its utter badnessbr br Its not funny bad its just bad
How can a movie that features the singing of Curtis Mayfield be bad It cant The Groove Tube is a series of scatological blackout sketches that makes fun of anything from 2001 to the olympics The highs Koko the clown the easy lube recipe outnumber the lows an all too long The Dealers but even the lows are funny Best of all is Ken Shapiros manic dance down a busy Manhattan sidewalkThat is Shapiro not Nat King Cole singing Just You Just Me Definitely dated now but at the time The Groove Tube was irreverent bold shameless and hysterically funny Ken Shapiro made this minor cult hit then 7 years later made the Christmas day opening bomb Modern Problems though I enjoyed it and since then unfortunately nothingHe could possibly be playing drums in a jazz group The Groove Tube remains to me an unending burst of positive energy a movie that 26 years after my initial viewing still brings me real joy
I couldnt believe this terrible movie was actually made at all With the worst actors you could find the worst script written Mark Frost Sollace Mitchell and by far the worst waste of time in viewing I wont belabor the story as its really not worth it But I will elaborate on some of the performances and definitely the story As to the story it is very hard to believe that this bitty crazy schemer could actually do what she did That in reality the wife couldnt defend herself against a little bitty of a thing That the husband could actually find the nut case attractive at all That the defense attorney could break every court rule there was and keep on doing it after the judge ordered the blankety blank to shut up And the final result of the film is an insult to justice movie codes and the male species The theme of this mess is let women do as they wish kill whom they want defend the killer and get away with it while the guy rots in jail the innocent victim Hard to believe that Sollace Mitchell the director and a man would even want to make this dribblebr br As to the acting Jordan Ladd the killer is awful A loony toons who does needlepoint during her murder trial is this allowed in court She bored me to the hilt One more look of her batting her eyes and indicating how innocent she was and Id throw up Shes not even attractive enough for any guy to leave his wife The husband played on one level by Vincent Spano just seems to look and act stupid most of the time He was so predictable in his performance falling into the traps set for him by all the women surrounding him The worst by far was Holland Taylor as the Defense Attourney She over acted throughout the film and made a mockery of justice If she would cross examine me anytime Id have told her to go take a hike Everybody else in this sleazy film did their job as directed to do sobr br I wish I could give this film a zero rating However we are forced to start with 1 Too bad Lets not have anymore painful watching films like this Lifetime can do better then this I know itbr br This is a postscript Made the mistake of turning this insipid movie on by mistake As soon as I saw the bimbo Jordan Ladd I knew Id seen it before and didnt like it or her I not only turned the darn thing off but had to add my anger at people like Sollace Mitchell who wrote the screenplay but also directed this horrible flick Doesent anyone see that herhis message is that sickness pays Being ill and going around killing people is okay with this directorwriter Totally making the male species idiots Well this male tells you to go stuff it somewhere painful Were not all that stupid and will speak out to your so called movie which in this persons mind deserves to be trashedbr br And again this loser is shown Why Cant you read the comments on this stupid and despicable movie Are we constantly subjected to see the bimbo Jordan Ladd again and again Get her off TV films and out of sight Shes just terrible in every sense of the word Phew
Really started the 80s trend of disgusting violence masquerading as a horror film I was the target audience for this repellent piece of trash and I was disgusted then as nowbr br Oh where do we start Lets see the setup You can bring people back to live IF they died a violent death So that laughably weak premise is the excuse to butcher people in horrible ways because well thats needed to bring them back to life This might have worked if played over the top for black laughs a la ReAnimator or something But no its played straight There is a whole terrified family in a wagon that gets hunted down one of the few scenes at least where their demise is off screen However just about everything else is on screen There is actually a scene where a young girl walking along is beaten and killed by zombie townspeople who are all filming it and grinning with several cameras Then there is a closeup of her face as the filmmakers lovinglyand time consuminglyreveal in timelapse photography her beaten face being carved down to a skull and rebuilt to look normal again This done of course by a slumming Jack Albertson as the mortician behind it all He likes to drive around in a ambulancehearse playing old Tommy Dorcey tunes I guess that is supposed to be cutebr br In the end of course even the Sheriff is undead and the doctor offers kindly to fix his rotting hands Not clear why the Sheriff is not out with the other townspeople killing children with glee and slicing their faces off sticking needles in burnvictims eyes etcbr br I wonder really wonder what people see in a geek show like this to give it any kind of rating at all Its not scary the twists are laughable and overall its kind of sick Its not even well enough done to see it on a dare or enjoy on a level you might watch a bad HG Lewis film Its just Godawful trash made for people who get off on this type of pointless gore and made by people slumming for a paycheckbr br Sad that Albertson was even involved
With NBCs Thank God Youre Here the network may be trying to replicate the successes of ABCs improv sitcom Whos Line Is It Anyway in which host Drew Carey would judge the performances of a handful of cast regulars asked to improvise scenes of some kind In the NBC show Dave Foley and cohost Dave Alan Grier oversee a handful of notable comedians who must improvise their way through various scenes which all begin with Thank God Youre Here It takes itself far too seriously why must viewers be repeatedly reminded that the actors have never seen the sets before both cohosts seem less then enthused After watching the continuously subpar unfunny attempts by the actors to solicit some laughs I am left wondering whether the live audience is genuinely laughing at what transpires or whether they too are improvising Expect this time slot filler to be a very shortlived one
Jane Austens Emma is an extremely enjoyable story at the worst of times and this production of the story is the best I have ever seen Kake Beckinsales Emma is irreproachable Gwyneth Paltrow with the help of a good screenplay and excellent cinematography is able to bring out the comedy effectively she fails to make Emma likeable Paltrow is not aided by the fact that her hairstyles are simply wrong for the part and I believe the era and she looks positively ill in the empire line dresses Kate Beckinsale on the other hand manages the comedy effortlessly and is still able to show what Mr Knightly the most romantic of Jane Austens heroes actually sees in her Mark Strong is a splendid Mr Knightly with the right mix of handsome looks an appropriate age chivalry compassion and gentlemanly behaviour Emma and Mr Knightly are supported by a cast of good actors and the production as a whole is quite delightful
Even if you could get past the idea that these boring characters personally witnessed every Significant Moment of the 1960s ok so Katie didnt join the Manson Family and nobody died at Altamont this movie was still unbelievably awful I got the impression that the writers just locked themselves in a room and watched Forrest Gump The Wonder Years and Oliver Stones 60s films over and over again and called it research A Canadian television critic called the conclusion of the first episode head spinning He was right
Do not watch this movie or If you are really mad at anyone you can give this as a birthdaypresent This is the worst movies I have ever seen Do NOT watch this If you do remember That would be a selfdestructive action It is a shame that this is not voted lower
The good news is a movie was made drawing on a supposed Aztec myth and featuring an unusually AztecAmerican is such a word exists cast The bad news is it was dead at birthbr br If Ed Wood had come out of retirement and coached George Romaro through his classic Night of the Living Dead this is what we might have come up with The Legend of Diablo is clearly fodder for any future resurrections of Mystery Science Theatre 3000br br I dont think one can even call this a B movie The production values are so abysmal that I kept getting the feeling I was watching either a lengthy skit from a variety show or a backyard 8mm film shot by a group of school kids br br SOME SPOILERSbr br The basic plot line sounded interesting enough to lure me into renting it A rural California sheriff finds a box containing an Aztec demon and accidentally unleashes it on the unsuspecting community His daughters one hot and one homely team with a gringo FBI man and a priest to try to recage the demon br br Meanwhile every zombie scene one has ever seen in previous undead movies is reenactedpoorly These zombies walk more like an army of Nutty Professors than the undead The supposed infrared scenes from the demons viewpoint are nothing special … and hesheit sure seems to back up a lot as opposed to turning around the moving forward And the scene where the priest lures the demon out of the cave in fastmotion is ludicrous It really really appears to be done for comic effectalthough I know it wasnt I kept expecting the Benny Hill theme music to start playing for the whole gang of zombies to start chasing the priest all over the beachbr br Of course the Darth VaderField of Dreams voice calling the FBI agent becomes downright comical Then again so was most of this cheese ball Robert Napton director and writer of the screenplay should win SOMEthing for this effort How about a lifetime blackballing like the Hollywood 10 This one I now see is rated 15 on a 10scale I fear this might be a tad generous br br Is there anything good about this movie Well Lindsey Lofaso looks pretty hot as the younger daughter of the dead sheriff This is probably why her homely older sister Calvi Pabon really ran away from home Fred Estrado is reasonably decent as the FBI agent I wonder if Mario Soto who played Father Rodriguez is the same Mario Soto who pitched for the Cincinnati Reds If so he should have stuck to baseball In fact they couldnt have done any worse if they had gone with a baseball theme and called it Demons in the Outfieldbr br If I find out this was actually a project for a community college cinema class I will issue apologies It might be good enough for a B or even B as long as the gang got the colleges camcorder back to campus in one piece The Blair Witch Project proved that a cool campy movie could be made on a shoestring The Legend of Diablo though didnt appear to have a shoestring OR shoes to work from It was lowbudget lowtalent loweverything The very final sceneand I mean about the final 10 seconds of the filmis the ONLY mildly creative or interesting momentbr br I paid 345 to rent this I could have better spent it on a hamburger
Anyone with a young boy in the house who wont watch black white movies should put this on their television set When the child walks by wondering what all the on screen shouting and shootings about tell him this is a picture for adults and that he isnt big enough to watch it yet Thatll hold him there for a few minutes director George Stevens and his team will keep him to the endbr br I think my father did that to me anyway and Im the better man for it This classic adventure yarn set in India during the British occupation features a trio of Army sergeants who find their tight union facing dissolution as one prepares to marry his sweetheart Help arrives in the form of a vicious Thuggie revolt that the soldiers find themselves united againstbr br Gunga Din was one of the great movies to come out of Hollywoods finest year 1939 Even more than most great movies from that Golden year it is entertaining in a very immediate and accessible way The theme music is instant hummable nirvana While shot in California the camera work the only thing in Gunga Din that got so much as an Oscar nomination has a windblown grandeur that feels very much like the Raj of a hundred years before The battle scenes are shot in a very realistic manner not too violent but very messy as people fall and shoot and run in all corners of each frame in a way that feels real not staged like some Cecil B DeMille Biblical slaughter festbr br The script doesnt just set up action scenes it also develops the relationship of the three sergeants with great dollops of humor The main focus is on Sgt Cutter chasing after tall tales of golden treasures Its a rare actioner for Cary Grant and his lightness is just right for a film that never takes itself seriously even as it develops taut suspensebr br Anchoring the trio is Sgt MacChesney Victor McLaglen who dotes over his elephant Annie and tries to protect Cutter from his own harebrained schemes Hes just as funny in his own way leaving Sgt Ballantine Douglas Fairbanks Jr displaying some nice Errol Flynnish dash as the one with the love interest and grounding enough to know he needs to chuck his boyish pals and grow upbr br If Gunga Din was a Lifetime movie it would be about Joan Fontaines efforts to save her man from his two loser friends and their skull crushing hijinks But since its a guys film the accent here is on how the threesome must stay together and save Ballantine from a fate worse than death not only marriage but as Cutter indignantly exclaims several times the tea business toobr br The political correctness police are hard on this film not so much for the gender issue but the idea of British soldiers saving poor Indians from the vicious Thuggies It reeks of colonial apologia Thankfully this film was made back when and the producers thus felt no need to spell out the obvious liberalism at the heart of the film that these three sergeants so full of derringdo and false racial pride have to be saved along with the rest of their army by a humble bhisti that only one of the three had any time for when he sought their approval After all for all their swashbuckling glory the films true sacrifice involves the title character played so heartwrenchingly by Sam Jaffebr br Back when this film was made movie mogul Jack Warner had a saying You want to send a message use Western Union Still it seems like the messages were flying fast and furious in Gunga Din I watch the film now and wonder if audiences back then were meant to wonder what Gunga Din was really up to when he led Cutter to the golden temple Was he really plotting revenge against his British overlords Would he have been justified in doing so especially given MacChesneys cold treatment of him When Col Weed delivers that eulogy the poem by Rudyard Kipling on which the film is loosely based was it with a nod in the direction of imperialisms folly of lording it over someone who proved a better man than I am in the end What did they make of the Gurus great speech delivered in perfect clipped English You have sworn an oath as soldiers to maybe die for a faith which is your country England Well I can die for my country and my faith as readily as youIndia farewellbr br Of course the same character also instructs his brutal followers Kill for the love of killing Kill for the love of Kali Kill Kill Kill Which means we are allowed to hate him and root for the British and save the questions about what it all means for laterbr br What Gunga Din means to me most of all is the quickest surest 90minute thrill ride on video Cutter never found his golden temple but theres one for all of us watching Gunga Din
And I mean ultra light This film features four giant stars about three and a half jokes and nothing beyond thatbr br There really isnt too much to say about this stinker other than that although it has a couple of really good bits most of it isnt very funny Nor does it work at all as a romance How about as a romantic comedy Not on your life Most of the dialogue is way too flat to be sophisticated much less amusingbr br Whats really ashame is the premise is not bad at all This movie could have been so much more especially with all the recent focus on some of the bogus ways in which films are promoted complete with phony quotes from critics The film uncovers the unmined territory of the press junket those all expense paid trips for journalists who almost always write nice reviews But instead of exploring what should have been a motherlode of jokes it devotes all of about three minutes to this territory and moves on in pursuit of the films lame romancebr br The same with Catherine ZetaJones character the whinny self centered movie star ZetaJones does a good job with what shes given but shes given practically nothing Its all homogenized junk that looks very pale in comparison with some of the things weve heard about stars over the yearsbr br In the end it is hard to understand what made ZetaJones Julia Roberts John Cusack and Billy Crystal sign aboard this doomed ship which sinks like a rerun of The Love Boat In fact as the old joke goes they should have forgotten the script and filmed the deal It would probably make a better story So go ahead and tell us filmmakers what do you have on these stars that got them to appear in this
This film is absolute gold If you havent seen it do Mani Ratnam outdoes himself once again This film introduced me to Nandita Das as well though everyone shines in this movie My only regret is Ive never found a copy with subtitles to the lyrics of the songs We are led from the jungle of northern Sri Lanka to the serene beaches of Southern India as well as from the terror of war to the ultimate conquest by love of the human heart Beautiful subtle witty with a few hidden surprises waiting for the viewer this movie stands up to being seen again and again and the story within the story The Umbrella is done so well as we watch the scene unfold from drawings in a book Lovely Watch it
I was rooting for this film as its a remake of a 1970s childrens TV series Escape into Night which though chaotic and stilted at times was definitely odd fascinating and disturbing The acting in Paperhouse is wooden unintentionally a joke The overdubs didnt add tension they only reinforced that I was sat watching a botch Casting exasperated the dreary dialogue which resulted in relationships lacking warmth chemistry or conviction As in most lacklustre films there are a few good supporting acts these people should be comforted consoled and reassured that they will not be held responsible Out of all the possible endings the most unexpected was chosen lamer than I could have dreamtbr br Escape into Night deserves a proper remake written by someone with life experience and directed with a subtle mind
I researched this film a little and discovered a web site that claims it was actually an inside joke about the Post WWII Greenwich Village world of gays and lesbians With the exception of Stewart and Novak the warlocks and witches represented that alternative lifestyle John Van Druten who wrote the stage play was apparently gay and very familiar with this Greenwich Village I thought this was ironic because I first saw Bell Book and Candle in the theater when I was in 5th or 6th grade just because my parents took me It was hard to get me to a movie that didnt include horses machine guns or alien monsters and I planned on being bored But I remember the moment when Jimmy Stewart embraced Kim Novak on the top of the Flatiron building and flung his hat away while the camera followed it fluttering to the ground As the glorious George Duning love theme soared I suddenly got a sense of what it felt like to fall in love The first stirrings of romanticsexual love left me dazed as I left the theater I am sure Im not the only preadolescent boy who was seduced by Kim Novaks startling direct gaze Its ironic that a gay parable was able to jumpstart heterosexual puberty in so many of us I am in my late 50s now and rewatched the film yesterday evening and those same feelings stirred as I watched that hat touch down fifty years later
This is of of Sammos great early comedy films This isnt a parody of enter the dragon the main character Sammo is obsessed with Bruce Lee and emulates him freakishly well for a man of his size Nominal story about how his fighting keeps causing his loved ones trouble then fighting Oh the fighting Good fastpaced scenes with high impact the white guy who plays a boxer looks like he really gets hurt by one of Sammos kicksbr br The funniest bit of this movie was purely unintentional There is a Jim Kelly looking guy one of three experts hired to take out Sammo but he was a Chinese guy in blackface with an afrowig Come on didnt they have any real black people in Hong Kong in 1978 Well I guess Ive seen enough white fakeashell Chinese people in old American movies toobr br This is one is for any Sammo or Bruce Lee fan
Since Douglas MacArthur affected more human livesfor the betterthan any other American not elected President he deserved a better film biography Not that Universals MacArthur is bad Its just not all it should have beenbr br Oddly enough the potential was there From the very early Star Trek episode The Corbomite Maneuver 1966 to the recent HBO films Something the Lord Made 2OO4 and Warm Springs 2OO5 director Joseph Sargent has emerged as one of the most expressively human directors in film a man capable of subtly shaping the emotional shadings of his actors performances and carrying the audience exactly where he wants them to go The producer Frank McCarthy also gave us Patton 197O the legendary Jerry Goldsmith scored both films and Universal widely touted the fact that the film was four years in preparation and production Yet for all of this MacArthur is perfectly adequateand not much more than thatbr br The film begins in early 1942 shortly before the beleaguered general was orderedby President Franklin D Roosevelt Dan OHerlihyto flee the Philippines to avoid capture by the Japanese Thus this film omits br br MacArthurs birth in 188O in a frontier barracks in Arkansas still subject to attack by Native American tribesmenthus establishing that his remarkable life spanned the distance from bowsandarrows to thermonuclear weapons br br his graduation from West Pointfirst in a class of 95 br br how he joined his famous father General Arthur MacArthur who had earned the Medal of Honor at Missionary Ridge in the Civil War on assignments in Japan China and most importantly in the Philippines br br his heroic exploits in the 1914 excursion into Vera Cruz br br how he leaped about the trenches of World War One like a mountain goat often wounded and promoted with blinding speed to Brigadier General br br his postwar service as West Points youngestand most progressivecommandant br br his participation in the courtmartial of Billy Mitchell in 1924 br br his routing of the Bonus Marchers in 1932 br br his efforts to sustain a woefullyunderfunded Army as Chief of Staff in the early 193Os br br his retirement from the US Army to become Field Marshal of the Army of the Philippines br br and the reactivation of his commission by FDR shortly before the outbreak of the Second World Warbr br All this is omitted in favor of prolonged footage of MacArthur trying to fight off seasickness while being evacuated by PT boatthus we know that General Mac is a legend but not why nor can we appreciate why the allegations of cowardice were so wounding to Dugout Dougand so patently unfoundedbr br The remainder of his career is presently straightforwardly His islandhopping Hit em where they aint campaign the fulfillment of his pledge to the Filipinos I shall returnhis crowning achievement the winning of the peace in postwar Japan then the difference of opinion with President Harry Truman a properly feisty Ed Flanders over the conduct of the Korean conflict which resulted in his outright firing and finally his proclamation to Congress that old soldiers…simply fade away after which he did just that All quite historically accurate and all presented with a very deliberate lack of commentarybr br Sargent and the producers almost painfully distance themselves from adorning the historical record with their own approval or disapproval If MacArthurs actions appear noble let them be presented as such if they appear egotistical or bombastic let those conceptions register sans comment Since Joe Sargent is quite expert at subtly manipulating his audiences reactionsagain see Warm Springsthis refusal to offer comment appears quite intentional Historically that may be commendable but it almost defeats the efforts of the viewer to place this extraordinary man in any kind of rational perspectivebr br And finally there is a sort of made on the cheap feel to the film as there is to Midway released about the same time Both films were relegated to television directorsSargent in this case Jack Smight on Midway and both have a madeforTVlook Even Jerry Goldsmiths march while perfectly serviceable lack the subtle undertones and the grandeur of his Patton themejust another way in which a largerthanlife man is memorialized by a very ordinary filmbr br There was vanity and pettiness in this man inarguably there was also greatnessand love him or loathe him one must acknowledge the fact that MacArthur did what no military commander before him had done he won the peacebr br In the end MacArthurlike so many film biographiesis a good place to begin research into this remarkable man but a poor place to end it
Good Engaging cinematic firefights great presentation vehicles are actually fun to drive fairly appealing multiplayer faithful to the movie and the list goes onbr br Bad Main missions are a bit shortbr br This game defines what a good third person shooternot necessarily a spygame is Great firefights carry on the story and make you want to complete EVERY single mission through and unlock all the genuine bonuses the game has to offer The hype this game had was lived up to and I personally think you should buy it and hook up with a couple of friends and play this one Loads of fun br br The sound in this game is a riproaring achievement from a few previous bond games and firing a weapon really feels like youre firing a weapon It ties in with the aspect that you are a deadly and ruthless spybr br All in all this game makes you excited and satisfied after you make it through and some multiplayer that can compete with the standards of the crafty James Bond Nightfire game for gamecube
I suppose bad Laurel and Hardy is better than no Laurel and Hardy at all but just barely Its sad that the Fox films are the ones getting a big release on DVD exposing people who may not be too familiar with LH to their WORST stuff rather than their classic comediesbr br Once again the boys are saddled with a dumb romantic plot about a guy whos invented an invisible ray Hes in love with the bosses daughter who hates him and prefers some slick guy Its incredible to think the geniuses at Fox thought THIS is what LH needed in their filmsbr br Without their pancake makeup the boys look tired and old The only scenes that work for them in this picture is when they try to sneak out of a bedroom window at night and the rather bizarre scene where Robert Mitchum being a classic noir bad guy tries to sell Oliver Hardy insurance on Stanbr br Otherwise this script is just a mess Forget this and see if you can find a copy of A Chump at Oxford or Bohemian Girl or Sons of the Desert instead
It couldnt have come out at a worse timejust as the nation was entering the Reagan years the boomboom 80s the time of no regrets no concerns It got no word of mouth and opened poorly The studio ditched it But Hair is possibly the best musical ever madewith Forman directing and Tharpe choreographing its a startlingly beautiful wellacted wellwritten triumph that few people remember The casting is perfect the musical numbers unforgettable and even the downer of an ending doesnt diminish the films indomitable spiritbr br If you havent see this movie you havent seen the best musical of all time Seriously
White Noise had potential to be one of the most talked about movies since The Exorcist I think Seeing as EVP is supposedly true it really had an easy passage to be a feared true fact Not many movies come along that really instill fear into the minds of people Like I said this movie could have but did not The movie degraded itself to a low class PG13 scary movie Nothing compared to The Ring or The Sixth Sense by any means Someone really needs to just take charge in the horror movie industry and just make a movie that not only makes us think but it makes us jump scream everything a horror movie should do Im honestly sick of the PG13 Horror Genre because its becoming a genre of its own We need the old days back the blood and gore days the Freddy Kruger the Jason The Mike Myers days Few movies can pull off a think about this mentality being so NOT scary So why try to pull it off A few good jumps in this movie amount to nothing but one of the stupidest endings in movie history with no resolution at alldont waste your money on this movie
Entertaining Jim Belushi vehicle a modern cockeyed version of Its A Wonderful Life Michael Caine plays a sortof angel who lets Belush see what life would have been like if he had made it big Jim is at his best with a good story and supporting cast seems like real chemistry between him and Hamilton Not an Oscar contender but good warmhearted fun
For me this is a story that starts with some funny jokes regarding Franks fanatasies when he is travelling with a staircase and when he is sitting in business meetings The problem is that when you have been watching this movie for an hour you will see the same fantasiesfunny situations again and again and again It is to predictable It is more done as a TV story where you can go away and come back without missing anythingbr br I like Felix Herngren as Frank but that is not enough even when it is a comedy it has to have more variations and some kind of message to its audiencebr br
I like underground films when they have something to say or show for that matter I tried hard to like Trash I tried to see some artistic achievement or some interesting representation of New York City life in the early 70s Or at least being entertained by it But the movie stinks and cant be called either art or entertainmentbr br Trash is basically an excuse to expose Joe Dallesandros nude body for 2 hours while he meets other uninteresting annoying figures I agree thats a gorgeous body but no excuse for a whole movie about it right Holly Woodlawn as Joes girlfriend provides a few good laughs by the end but then its too late to save those wasted couple of hours Lou Reeds classic song Walk on the Wild Side is a better portrayal of those people and that time even if its more fascinating than they actually were 1510
This film was rather a disappointment After the very slow very intense and quite gory beginning the film begins to lose it Too much plot leaves too little time for explanation and coming out of the theater I wondered what this was all about The characters remain shallow the story is not convincing at all most of it is dja v stuff without hints of parody and there are some very cheesy parts Like the young cop has to do dig up a body Of course its night AND it rains AND he has to do it alone yawn Or The Manifestation of the Evil being nazis plus genetic manipulation Wow thats really original There are some nice bits though like the fistfight scene mountain views and some running gags but though Reno and Vincent Cassel do what they can thats definitely not worth it 3 out of 10
as a physically challenged person god how i hate that phrase i just happened to catch this on cable where there was absolutely nothing else to watch overall it was a fantastic movie yes i was a little disappointed upon finding out that neither actor is disabled and yes i was a little disappointed that more of the movie wasnt filmed from the true point of view of the disabled can you imagine what its like always being the tallest person in the room and then having to live the rest of your life with a view of nothing but other peoples asses and crotches having to always wait for the idiot to stop reading the newspaper in the only handicapped stall enduring everyone elses rude bodily expulsions while you wait and the scene with him driving the car was absolutely me been there done that literally but the movie was true enough to matter while ive never lived in a home or assisted residence there were plenty of times throughout the movie where i found myself nodding and saying to myself yeah thats true thats happened to me what impressed me is that some of the commentors on this board expressed the fact that the movie made them view life a little differently and with a little more insight as the lives of a silent minority cant ask more than that out of a movie that it makes you think and view life differently so by virtue of that alone the movies was tremendously successful should be required viewing of every kid in junior high schoolbr br pretty much for every person thats severely physically disabled independence is one of if not the most important focus of our daily lives from working to socializing to recreating for those of you who felt the movie was cliched try living our life for a single day youll see that the movie was cliched because its true the challenges the actors faced only skimmed the surface of what happens to us every day if were lucky we experience the same emotional and personal growth that the three characters including the girl did every day presents obstacles for us to overcome its just that theres no swelling dramatic music to accompany our lives unless its in our ipods lol
One of my absolute favorite childhood films The Chipmunk adventure packs incredible fun geared for young and old alike The animation is lively and colorful and the film itself boasts some of the best songs ever put in an animated feature Who could forget the dynamic BoysGirls of Rock n Roll the exciting Diamond Dolls and the heartrending My Mother br br This should be considered a nostalgic classic animated gem from the eighties Its too bad they dont make them like this anymore Most animated films today resort to violence crude humor or sentimental mush except of course the folks from Pixarbr br BOTTOM LINE An amazing and unforgettable adventure for all ages