@@5081741 <h> partition your hard drive <p> Time Machine will automatically eat up all of the space available to it . To limit the space available , you need to partition the hard drive that you 're backing up to . Use Disk Utility to partition your hard drive . Remember that partitioning your hard drive will erase everything on it , so you 'll need to either save your Time Machine stores elsewhere or start over again with it . <h> Yes , but you have to partition the harddrive ... <p> Time Machine does not have any settings that allow you limit the amount of space it uses for backups , but you can work around this by partitioning your backup harddrive
@@5081841 <p> Ever heard someone called a " Jezebel ? " The term is n't used much anymore , but not so long ago " Jezebel " was a word for a woman who flouted society 's conventions , who wielded stolen power , who ordered people killed -- in short , someone utterly wicked . The biblical Queen Jezebel , wife of King Ahab , has become an archetype of a wicked woman . <h> Little Documentation Exists for the Wicked Queen Jezebel <p> However , the problem in determining the facts about Jezebel is that little documentation exists other than Old Testament stories that paint her as wicked . These accounts were written by the triumphant supporters of Elijah , the Jewish prophet of Yahweh who opposed Queen Jezebel and King Ahab for attempting to lead Israelites to worship Ba'al , a Phoenician deity . One of the few pieces of evidence for her existence is a seal it actually belonged to the biblical Jezebel . Archaeological evidence , such as Egyptian hieroglyphs on the seal that were @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ validate it as hers . <p> Historians examining the detailed accounts in 1 and 2 Kings have determined that Queen Jezebel 's era , around 9th century B.C. , was one of Israel 's most intense religious-political struggles . The 22-year reign of Ahab and Jezebel was marked by a religious contest between adherents of Ba'al and followers of Yahweh , and by a political battle between urban elites and rural landowners . <h> Jezebel Was a Daughter of Intrigue <p> Jezebel was the daughter of King Ethbaal of Sidonia , another name for Phoenicia , home of the Mediterranean 's greatest sailors . The Jewish historian Josephus reported that Ethbaal originally had been a priest of Ashtoreth , goddess and consort of Ba'al . Historical accounts record that Ethbaal usurped the Phoenician throne and reigned over Sidon and Tyre for 32 years . In other words , Jezebel came from a royal household that had taken power from other rulers , so she was probably well-schooled in political intrigue . Her name in Phoenician translates roughly as " The Lord Ba'al exists , " but in biblical Hebrew her @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ think Ahab married Jezebel so that his land-locked domain could keep its access to international trade via the Phoenicians . Jezebel 's country stretched along the Mediterranean coast west of the land originally granted to the tribe of Asher in Israel . Kings of Israel had maintained alliances with the Phoenicians since King Solomon ' s time , and their treaties provided wealth that sustained the Israelite monarchy and its supporters . This wealth also would have enabled ruling elites to gain and keep political power . <p> For example , the story of Naboth , a landowner whom Jezebel plotted successfully to kill so that Ahab could gain his land ( 1 Kings Chapter 21 ) , may be a metaphor for a political struggle between rural landowners and powerful city dwellers . Some historians have interpreted the story as a sign of resentment against foreign alliances given that Jezebel , not Ahab , is said to have hatched the plot to have Naboth falsely accused of heresy and stoned to death . <h> Queen Jezebel Deserves Some of Her Bad Reputation <p> According to other Old Testament accounts @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ gossip . She is credited with ordering the slaughter of many Israelite prophets ( 1 Kings 18:4 ) so that she could install priests of Ba'al in their place . During the 12-year reign of Joram , her son by Ahab , she took the title of " Queen Mother " and continued to weave her political webs ( 2 Kings 10:13 ) . <p> With the rise of historical-critical methods for interpreting the Bible over the past 200 years , other views of Jezebel have been proposed . For example , Middle East expert and author Lesley Hazleton , in the historical novel Jezebel : The Untold Story of the Bible 's Harlot Queen , portrays her as a cultured , cosmopolitan ruler defending herself against a fundamentalist Elijah . In his book , The Caves of Steel , science fiction grand master Isaac Asimov describes Jezebel as a faithful wife who conscientiously promoted her faith in keeping with social conventions of her time . Asimov further speculates in his two-volume Guide to the Bible that Jezebel dressed in all her finery at the time of her murder ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as the Bible tells it , but to show dignity and royal status in death . <p> So was Jezebel really a bad girl ? Considering what we know of her historical context , she likely was a product of her times , when it was common for ambitious people to seize power and use it ruthlessly . She may have had good traits as well as bad , but she suffered the misfortune of being remembered only in propaganda written by her religious and political opponents . <h> Sources on the Wicked Queen Jezebel : <p> The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha , New Revised Standard Version ( 1994 , Oxford University Press ) . <p> Asimov , Isaac , Asimov 's Guide to the Bible : Two Volumes in One the Old and New
@@5081941 <p> I think that in due time the world will go vegan . I ca n't believe ( it 's true ) that we slaughter 125,000 cattle each and every day . <p> If it 's considered uncouth to wear furs , why is it OK to eat hamburgers by the hundreds of millions each and every day ? <p> Germany was nearly destroyed by inflation . To this day Germans fear inflation . America was nearly destroyed by deflation . To this day , Americans fear deflation . <p> President Obama is obsessed with being re-elected . So far , he 's done nothing to reduce the US deficit . Will Obama sell the nation " down the river " to get re-elected ? Obama has turned the whole problem over to the GOP , which is cute . Will anything at all get done about the deficits ? We 'll know before 2012 election time . <p> Long ago , I came up with two expressions that fit every occasion in life -- <p> ( 1 ) Nothing 's easy . ( 2 ) Nothing works . <p> And I 've also come up with the two @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ To get the correct information about any particular matter . ( 2 ) To get anyone to do what they say they are going to do . <p> OK , enough Russell nonsense . Referring to number 2 above , I said I was going to write a site on Tuesday , and now I 'm going to do it . <p> Retire , get-away , escape , stay-cation , vacation , time out , sabbatical , down-time , hiatus , lay-back . There are dozens of words in the English language to describe the act of ending one 's life work and relaxing and doing nothing during the precious years that are left . <p> But those words may be ancient history for future US generations . According to an article in last weekend 's WSJ : <p> " The median household , headed by a person 60 to 62 with a 401(k) account has less than one quarter of what is needed in the account to maintain one 's standard of living in retirement , according to data compiled by the Federal Reserve and analyzed by the Center @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Journal . Even counting Social Security and any pensions or other savings , most participants appear to have insufficient savings . Data from other sources also show big gaps between savings and what people need , and the current financial crisis has made things worse . <p> " Facing shortfalls , many people are postponing retirement , moving to cheaper housing , buying less-expensive food , cutting back on travel , taking bigger risks with their investments , and making other sacrifices that they never imagined . " <p> The tax-deferred 401(k) accounts came into wide use in the 1980s . About 60% of households nearing retirement age have 401(k) accounts , according to government data , and these accounts represent the majority of most people 's savings . <p> Vanguard Group , one of the biggest providers of 401(k) plans , has been advising people to place 9 to 12 percent of their income into retirement plans . Vanguard now advises that people place 12-15 percent of their income into retirement plans . <p> With the cost of food , energy , taxes , college , medicine and almost @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a difficult time putting even 9% of their income into their plans . <p> What does this mean , as we enter the time when the first generation of baby boomers reaches the retirement age of 65 ? It means that people will have to continue to work into their 70s and beyond . It also means that mass retirement will become an American memory . <p> The two areas that our government leaders have refused to attack ( i.e. cut back on ) are the military and entitlements . The military plus entitlements gobble up 80% of all government spending . If the US is to get anywhere at all with solving its monster deficit problem ( $1.6 trillion for the current fiscal year ) , it will have to whittle back on both the military and our entitlements . If Social Security is pared down ( and ultimately it will have to be attacked ) , retirement in America will be reserved for the very few . <p> This is going to cause trouble . Americans will have to face the fact that the standard of living in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ stark reality , it does n't make sense that the majority in China and India live just a step away from poverty while people in developed countries are continuing to live " the good life . " This will change , and while the standard of living in the US and Europe will decline , the standard of living in Asia will improve . <p> All of which presents a problem for me and my subscribers . Is there any way that we can beat the dismal odds ? The good old American way is as follows : We can make a fortune in the rising stock market or the precious metals market , fortunes that will tide us over during the coming difficult pay-back years . The other way is that we be invested so successfully that our investments will keep us " in good shape " during the coming deleveraging years . <p> But there 's a problem . Stocks today are not priced to generate profits over the years ahead . Sure , under the auspices of the money-printing Fed , the stock market might continue to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Fed . For many investors it 's the only course that makes sense . <p> There are roughly $2 trillion currently buried in the coffers of US corporations . Because of the many uncertainties that lie ahead , corporations are hoarding their cash . Corporate CEOs do n't know what President Obama is planning next in his strategy of making the government " master of everything " while planing to distribute money from the " fat rich to the deserving poor " via taxation . <p> I 've said before that the period of " making money " has essentially come to an end . The new era of " not losing money " or not losing purchasing power has arrived . Another way of putting it is that the era of protecting what we still have has arrived . Inflation , cost of living and rising taxes will all take their turns in eating into the good life that Americans have enjoyed since the end of World War II . <p> The years since World War II have been characterized by leveraging , borrowing , money creation and debt @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ monopoly on the world 's reserve currency . Since WW II , the US could print all the money it needed , and the world would accept that money . <p> I 've always said that the dollar was the Achilles Heel of the US economy . Now , nations with low-salaried workers are competing with the high-cost workers of the US . The US insists that it wants a " strong dollar . " But a weak dollar better serves the US 's interests . A weak dollar helps US exports , and it eases the near-impossible task of servicing the monster debts of the US . <p> For decades , the rising price of gold has , in effect , devalued the US dollar . Those who hold large quantities of both real and paper gold have kept up with , or even improved , their relative standard of living . Gold is now held by a tiny minority of Americans . More recently , Americans have poured their money into an area that they " understand " and feel comfortable with . That area is the supposed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rising stock market serve to preserve the great American dream ? The dividend yield on the S &P; 500 Composite is now a " micro " 1.80% . This is as low as anything I can remember . <p> Since World War II , better than half the increase in the S &P; Composite has been a function of reinvestment of dividends . But buying stocks today for their dividend yield is a fool 's game . The only reason to buy stocks today is that you believe top-quality stocks ( i.e. the Dow ) will continue to rise and thereby serve as a safe-haven against the predations of the Fed and the US government . <p> From Ben Bernanke 's standpoint , he 's seen money-printing and low interest rates send tech stocks through the roof , he 's seen money-printing and low interest rates send housing prices to the sky . And now Bernanke is watching and hoping as money-printing and near-zero interest rates send the stock market heavenward . If stocks continue to rocket higher , thinks Ben Bernanke , wo n't that spill over to housing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ concludes Bernanke , who is opening the flood-gates via Qe2 and probably thinking about Qe3 if it 's necessary . <p> In the meantime , the Bernanke-Obama team continues to worry about nonexistent deflation . The main deflation today is in the living standard of the majority of Americans . <p> And what do you and I do ? The best I can come up with is that we sit with our holdings of gold and silver . <p> Richard Russell began publishing Dow Theory Letters in 1958 , and he has been writing the Letters ever since ( never once having skipped a Letter ) . Dow Theory Letters
@@5082041 <p> Chorus : I have knowledge , I have seen What our master has decreed From this day , oh , it shall be On Earth as it is in Hell As it is , as it is , as it is in Hell Lyrics from : http : **35;11130;TOOLONG ... Our father where are you ? Now your prophecy is coming true When your children scream and cry When we suffer and will die forever <p> On Earth as it is in Hell ! On Earth as it is in Hell ! On Earth as it is in Hell ! On Earth as it is in Hell ! <p> Who can we believe in ? Who do we turn to now ? Who will be our saviour in the end ? What 's the final answer ? Submit to the evil lord The tempter or " Holy one " by who we are conemned ? <p> I am the messenger , I come to you this day Bringing dreadful warning , heed what I say Hark well on my words and do not delay Your faith will be the spade with which you dig your own grave <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our master has decreed From this day , oh , it shall be On Earth as it is in Hell As it is ,
@@5082141 <h> What Might Have Been Lyrics <p> I had friends against the war By things they did so well yesterday They lived their lives without fortune or thrill With nothing very much to say Always standing in the same old lines Moving sideways to the march of time <p> CHORUS What might have been What might have been A portrait of my life No fool would say You live today Without a will to survive <p> Cornered now , what can I do I 'm trapped by what might have been The great big ' if ' that hangs around my neck Has played its part in all my dreams Always making the bad seem worse Living my life reversed <p> CHORUS <p> I know the call that I ca n't seem to move Without a little fall from grace But now I know when I 'm down in this mood song text taken from stlyrics.com It 's only me that I have to face What might have been , yeah <p> What might have been What might have been <p> Always standing in
@@5082241 <h> 5 Ways to Deal with a Difficult Boss <p> In the new movie Horrible Bosses , two disgruntled workers plan to get rid of each others ' bosses . <p> It 's an ongoing theme . In a recent episode of Law &; Order one boss actually struck an employee at work and later wound up dead . <p> The reason the story line is so popular is because everyone can relate . If you 've held a few jobs , you have surely come across a boss or two that you just could n't stand . Maybe it was a personality clash , maybe you felt like they had it out for you , or maybe they just did n't respect you or your hard work . <p> If you have a difficult boss , the best overall piece of advice is to continue to work hard -- it 's difficult to fire someone who does their job really well . And if you file a complaint , the higher-ups or HR wo n't think twice about it if you have a reputation for slacking off . In fact , the tables may turn on you . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ difficult bosses : <p> Document Your Boss ' Behavior : Try your hardest to get along . But while you 're doing that , document everything . Keep a diary ( at home ) of questionable things that have transpired between you and your boss , complete with dates , times and full descriptions . Also keep a file with any supporting documentation , memos , emails , etc . Why is this helpful ? When you 're ready to take action ( or should your boss try to fire you ) you will have documented and detailed proof of his/her mistreatment of you to present to Human Resources , and if necessary , a lawyer . <p> Work Hard This one is simple . Continue to work hard and be on time . If you 're having trouble with your boss , you do n't want to give them any ammunition against you . Furthermore , this is probably a good time to sit down with your boss and go over the specifics of what he or she expects from you . Leave no room for misunderstandings when it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , document it , and then follow it to the " T " . Try your best to go above and beyond . <p> Document Your Work : Stay late three nights this week without collecting overtime ? Take the lead on a project that was n't in your job description ? Make a sale that brought in a hefty check to the company ? Make sure to write all this down along with background , and any positive overall effect your work had on the company . Why is this important ? In the event your boss tries to terminate you , you will need to be able to show that you are a valuable and competent employee , who has consistently done their job well . This will help you make your case if your boss attempts to fire you for being " incompetent " , " not doing your job " , or a host of other reasons they may try to give , when you know it 's simply personal . <p> Think Before You Speak : If your boss says something to upset you , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ completely rude or out of line with you . Why should n't you ? First and foremost , your boss may be trying to trap you into saying something he/she can terminate you for , or use it as documentation that you do n't work well with the team . Furthermore , if the matter is brought before a higher-up , you look squeaky clean , and your boss looks like the problem . And finally , be careful who you share your issues within the office . It 's best to keep these matters to yourself . <p> Only Confront with Evidence : When you 're finally ready to say something to your boss , approach the topic in a non confrontational way and try your best not to make it personal . Use specific examples of situations you 've documented to bolster your position and ask for tangible changes that will help you feel more respected and appreciated . Be careful when taking these issues to your boss ' boss , or even HR , as you never know where their loyalties lie . But if you do @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( not your boss ' personality ) , come with evidence and try to stay as positive as possible . <p> Please keep your comments on topic to the article -- Any comments posted with embedded links leading to questionable infected sites outside MonsterCollege will be removed and
@@5082341 <h> Train to be an Amateur , Not an Expert <p> Note : I 'm proud to have co-authored this post with my good friend Charles Wang . Charles is a co-founder of LUMOback , a former classmate , and an accomplished psychiatrist . He brings a great perspective to the art of Behavior Engineering . <p> Here 's the gist : <p> Forming a new habit requires a unique set of techniques . <p> Training to become an expert has a completely different methodology than becoming an amateur . <p> Using the wrong technique will doom your good intentions . <p> Today 's top selling books are about how to acquire world-class skill . Daniel Coyle 's , The Talent Code looks at how deliberate practice is required to achieve greatness . Joshua Foer shows us how we must smash past performance plateaus to be any good . Worse , Tim Ferris 's 4-Hour series is doing for hipsters what crash diets do for teenage girls , making promises of quick transformations . <p> These authors ' methods work . Yet , they are all dead wrong . They focus on techniques used by the very best in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ us ? I bet your goals sound a lot more like , " I wish I could lose a few pounds " or " I 'd like to save money " , rather than " I want to win the U.S Open " or " I wish I was a billionaire " . <p> But authors focus myopically on the techniques used by notable greats , because we all assume the great ones have discovered a secret , which if we only knew , would ensure our success as well . Implying you know this secret sells a lot of books . But there are no secrets , and what makes a Steve Jobs or a Michael Jordan is not going to help you lose that spare tire around your waste . <p> Instead of wishing you could " Be like Mike " , you need to focus on and enjoy the small everyday tasks in order to accomplish those long-standing stubborn goals such as " I need to exercise more " . In short , you need to become an amateur . An amateur is a consistent practitioner of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they enjoy it and it becomes part of their identity . Like a runner who ca n't wait to hit the road or a vegetarian who prefers the taste of the food she eats , amateurs practice their behaviors for the love of the activity and require no willpower to make choices others see as difficult . Just imagine that . Amateurs gain pleasure by doing things others find difficult . What could you accomplish if you enjoyed doing the things you need to do , the things you know are good for you but you dread doing ? <p> Unfortunately , you 'll never see a New York Times Bestseller titled , " How to Become an Amateur . " But in order to have the things we want in life , that 's exactly the methodology we need to learn . <p> First , I should mention that these techniques are for creating new habits , not breaking old ones . Next , recognize that there are two distinct modes for acquiring habits , an amateur mode and the expert mode . Becoming an amateur is about going @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a consistent behavior . Changing our behavior to consistently exercise , eat right , save money , or more fully enjoy time with our family , requires building new habits , which over time give us what we want . In fact , even goals such as consistently exercising and eating right are too big for the budding amateur . You have to break them down into much smaller actions to form new habits . <p> In the graph below , I define the stages of acquiring skill over time . Starting from a point of little skill , we reach a point where we make a decision to start on a journey . This initially sounds something like , " You know , I really need to workout more . " But this initial thought needs to be broken down into an easily achievable behavior if we are to become amateurs . To begin to form a new habit , we need to find a MEA , a Minimal Enjoyable Action . A MEA is a behavior , which is so easy and enjoyable , that we do it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ do it consistently . Our MEA as we begin the journey to a healthy lifestyle might be , " I 'm going to walk for 3 minutes each day . " <p> In the process of regularly doing our MEA , we not only build skill but we strengthen our willpower . Studies have demonstrated that rewarding your brain with small " success experiences " builds willpower over time . Once the MEA turns into a habit , it allows for expansion into slightly more advanced behaviors , such as walking for a few minutes more or increasing the pace . Through consistent practice of the MEA , both skill and willpower are increased until doing what once seemed difficult , becomes easy . Soon , the amateur is running several miles per day , accomplishing his goal of living a more healthful life . <p> Over time , we reach what Foer calls the ok plateau , a stage where our skills do n't measurably improve but we continue to practice . For most of us , the ok plateau is better than ok , it 's just peachy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ enjoying ourselves , and leading happier lives having formed new healthful habits . <p> Some people are n't satisfied with being amateurs and they make a decision to become experts . Most of us are already striving to become an expert in some aspect of our lives and I would propose that we can truly only become experts in one , maybe two fields . Becoming an expert requires deliberate practice , competition , and performance goals . It is here that teachers of expert methodologies such as Covey , Foer , and Coyle can be very helpful . <p> It 's important to recognize the different techniques used in these two distinct modes of acquiring skill and recognize that doing them in the wrong order leads to failure . Relying on rigid goals and competition before you 've established the skill and willpower needed to sustain it , will lead to burn out and self-loathing . <p> Instead of looking for fixes in best sellers , understand how to engineer your behavior by recognizing the methodology of becoming an amateur . As an amateur , you can ditch the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that you do almost effortlessly . Consistently and enjoyably practicing these habits makes all the difference in a life well lived . <h> Practical insights to create habits that stick . <h> Actionable steps for building products people love and ca n't put down . <h> Behavioral techniques used by Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , and others . <p> Hi , I 'm Nir . For most of my career I 've worked in the video gaming and advertising industries where I learned , applied , and at times rejected , the techniques used to motivate and manipulate users . I write to help companies create behaviors that benefit their users , while educating people on how to build healthful
@@5082441 <p> During the 19th century , the Imperial Qing Dynasty gradually waned , as the power of Western capitalist states surged and consolidated . 1 The formidable military force commanded by the Western powers gained them entry into China 's vast territory , wherein to extend their power parameters . Yet , the constant pressure exerted by Western gunboats , and this eminently advanced civilization as a whole , did little to sway the Qing government from its traditional mode of Chinese Dynastic diplomacy . This raises the questions , why should the Qing government seriously imperil state security throughout its two-decade , persistent adherence to outmoded statecraft ? And why did the transformation in foreign policy that lead to the Qing government 's diplomatic modernization occur so rapidly after the signing of the Treaty of Peking ? <p> A rationalist approach within the academic field of international relations ( IR ) generally cites power and interests as the primary causes or determinants of a state 's external behaviour , ideas being perceived as pre-determined factors that have little , or at most , epiphenomenal , impact . 2 The authors of this essay believe that ideas are an @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , when interpreting state behaviour . The late Qing Dynasty had fundamental reasons for transforming its diplomacy ; one was the direct military challenge of the Western powers , but the revolution in politics that was occurring both at home and abroad undoubtedly also spurred the change in Qing Dynasty diplomatic behaviour . It was the Qing government 's acknowledgement of the quandary that China was in , and its causes , that added impetus to the momentous perceptional and ideational change that resulted in China 's proactive implementation of international diplomatic practices . <h> Explanatory Models of the Late Qing Diplomatic Transformation <p> Any contemporary historical research into late Qing diplomatic relations is likely to encounter John Fairbank and Joseph Levenson 's ' Impact-Response ' model . 3 The basic assumptions behind this explanatory model are : China is an ossified society frozen in tradition and locked in cyclical motion . Lacking as it does the internal strength to break out of its traditional framework , it can catch up with the times only in response to the challenges imposed by Western domination . In other words , all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in response to Western challenges . Fairbank and Ssu-Yu Teng elaborate : ' As China is the largest unitary mass of humanity with the oldest continuous history , its being trampled upon by the West during the past century was bound to create a continuing and violent intellectual revolution , the end of which we have not yet seen ... a century plagued with unequal treaties brought the ancient society of China into ever closer contact with the dominant and expanding societies of Western Europe and America . This Western contact , lent impetus by the industrial revolution , had a disastrous effect upon the old Chinese society . China 's old order was challenged , attacked , undermined and overwhelmed within every social sphere by a complex series of processes -- political , economic , social , ideological , cultural -- that had been activated by encroachment of an alien , more powerful society ' . 4 This model has been of great influence on many Chinese scholars and is regarded as a main point of reference within historical research on late Qing diplomacy . <p> James Peck 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ crops up in Sino-related research . 5 This model cites imperialism as being the root of all of China 's problems during the century between the Opium Wars and the triumph of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) . This approach makes imperialism a key factor , as well as an historical reality , in an explanation that covers a hundred years of Chinese history ( 1842 -- 1949 AD ) . During this period , Western economic power and domination caused China immense harm . But it was only the West , according to Peck , that could create the conditions necessary for fundamental change in China . It was Western might and industrialization that ' undermined the foundations of China 's self-sufficient agricultural economy and its traditional culture and values ' . 6 <p> By the 1970s , these explanatory models were being challenged by scholars that placed more emphasis on the impact of domestic Chinese historical developments and changes . In 1974 , Paul Cohen argued that the focus of the ' Impact -- Response ' model was too narrow . Its assumption that Chinese actions @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of their having been prompted by internal dynamics . The structure of the ' Impact -- Response ' model and the modernization paradigm inevitably lead historians to focus on phases of the historical process that either promote or retard ' progress ' , ' development ' , and ' modernity ' . Cohen recommends using China itself and its social structures , as well as their internal dynamics and changes , as the starting points for any thorough , methodical study of modern Chinese history . This he defines as a ' China-centered approach to Chinese history ' . 7 This new analytic approach to modern Chinese history was strongly supported by Chinese academics , many of whom emulated it in their own research . The phrase ' discovering history in China ' actually became a catchphrase within the field . 8 <p> In recent years , scholars have begun analysing the external challenge versus internal dynamic debate on a dialectic framework . Liang Bohua points out that although Western aggression may have been a major cause and catalyst of change in Chinese diplomatic policy , it was not outside @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Qing Dynasty . ' Imperialism as an exogenous factor can not be used to explain the major transformation of Chinese international relations in the past hundred years . In searching for an explanation , if we relied exclusively on analyzing external challenges , then we would never see the whole picture . Modern Chinese international relations history is not just one foreign disaster after another . Chinese diplomatic transformation was not caused entirely by external factors , since China did resist imperialism in its own way and was not always passive . Instead , China attempted to find its own path and strengthen itself in the international community ' . 9 Liang Bohua believes that the late Qing government was reacting to Western challenges but that in adjusting its external outlook and behaviour it was also adapting to the new international environment and advancing along the self-strengthening path . 10 <p> In response to the ' Impact -- Response ' model , Cheng Shenglin suggested one ' similar in wording , but different in meaning ' which he called the ' Challenge -- Reaction ' model . He argues that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the dual challenge of an ' an invading West ' and a ' technologically advanced West ' . This led to three different policy reactions : a detrimental policy of isolationism ; a submissive policy of traitorousness , and a patriotic policy of resistance and learning . The author analyses these three reactions in great detail , pointing out the symbolic significance of the third policy , which evokes the image of an awakened and rising modern Chinese nation . The ' Challenge -- Reaction ' model is used in analyses of Chinese reactions to the West in the wake of the Opium Wars but , in the words of Cheng Shenglin , ' the three policy reactions that arose as a result of the Opium Wars traverse the entirety of modern Chinese history ' . 11 This type of analytical framework , therefore , is suitable for research on all aspects of modern Chinese history . <p> It later became clear , however , that none of the above mentioned models , including the external challenge model and the China-centred models , adequately addressed the questions : how did @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ changes in the late Qing government 's external outlook ? And , how did these changes trigger the corresponding and speedy transformation of Qing diplomatic policy and behaviour ? <h> Ideas , Their Functions , and Paths <p> Scholars of IR differ over definitions of the concept of ideas . Judith Goldstein and Robert Keohane argue that ideas are individually held beliefs covering an extremely broad array of issues , ranging from general moral principles to agreement on specific applications of scientific knowledge . 12 Wendt , on the other hand , uses the term ' shared ideas ' , which means ' the shared understandings and expectations of actors in a specific social environment ' . This is the phenomenon whereby actors interact to create and reinforce a pool of shared knowledge . 13 <p> This article distinguishes between three types of idea . 14 One is the idea or opinion that is created when certain objective factors stimulate the human sensory organs . It is this type of idea that develops direct causational relationships , similar in many respects to Goldstein and Keohane 's ' causal beliefs ' @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , although it can change rapidly and frequently , and may have a direct effect on diplomatic policy . For example , after the Second Opium War , many Qing government officials began to distinguish between English and French intentions . This newfound understanding had significant impact on the ' policy of engagement ' and ' policy of hiring for suppression ' later adopted by the government . <p> Second , ideas also reflect the social consciousness that exists in every society . These ideas are characterized in different worldviews and value systems . Worldviews are the most basic guidelines to an actor 's actions and behaviour . For much of the Qing dynasty , for example , the ' Sino-centric worldview ' dominated diplomatic policy . Under its auspices , Qing rulers were in no doubt as to their world status . It was expressed in the principle : ' I am a superior authority , therefore all lands are subject to me ' . The emperor was the self-acclaimed Son of Heaven who , as long as he held the Mandate of Heaven , ruled supreme over all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ failures ; they are the yardstick that distinguishes right from wrong , as well as just from unjust . Value systems are also referred to as ' principled beliefs ' . 16 That known as huayiguan ( hua designates China and Chinese people ; yi , namely , foreign barbarians , refers to all the other countries and peoples ) existed during the Qing dynasty . It was based on the belief that ' China and Chinese people are superior , all others are inferior ' . In the Qing Rulers ' worldview , there was the civilized world ( China ) and the non-civilized world ( everywhere else ) . The huayiguan value system was the keystone of the tributary system , which involved an extremely strict hierarchical structure of ceremonies that constituted Chinese diplomatic relations . Receiving tributes was perceived as a means of bolstering Dynastic dignity . It was consequently a crucial aspect of Qing government statecraft . This kind of worldview and value system provides a sense of stability and longevity in actors , although they vary as underlying conditions change . When they do occur @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ change in an actor 's behaviour . <p> Third , interaction among different actors produces a sense of shared knowledge , which can be conceptualized as shared ideas or norms that ' are not just subjective , but inter subjective ' . 17 Each actor 's perception of the common relationship can be characterized as shared knowledge . <p> The evolution of IR theory has brought the material interests versus ideational norms debate to centre stage . The key question asked today is , how may diametrically opposed concepts affect state behaviour ? The authors believe that ideational and material variables are equally significant when analysing a state 's foreign policies , and that the two should work in combination . ' Indeed , ideas often become politically efficacious only in conjunction with other changes , either in material interests or in power relationships ' . 18 <p> First , ideas can serve as a road map for foreign policy-makers that perceive a causal relationship between policy goals and the strategies needed to achieve them . <p> Second , when the actors involved fail to achieve equilibrium in their strategic @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ They can resolve issues arising from , say , a breach of contract , or offset other problems through collective action . <p> Third , ideas can become institutionalized , which raises long-term implications . Some ideas become institutionalized through long-term practice ; others are embedded within the institution , wielding significant and lasting influence over its structural functions . Institutionalized ideas are instrumental in popularizing certain rules and linking various domains . 20 An idea that is institutionalized in international society is one that a country 's foreign policy is likely to emulate , in order to secure protection on the global stage . Institutionalized ideas are at the root of the Qing government 's cognition , acceptance and use of international law , of its concept of sovereignty and of its establishment of diplomatic missions abroad . <p> Fourth , interaction among various actors in the international arena can engender the formation of shared ideas . This triggers reconstruction of the actor 's identity and interests , which influences its ideas on foreign policy . Under similar or comparable material conditions , there are diverse cognitions and definitions @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ defining state interests , a state 's view of itself in relation to another is extremely important , as regards its impact on interactive patterns within the international arena . International systems and standards belong in the domain of shared ideas , because they are ' what actors commonly view and share as appropriate forms of behaviour and action ' . 21 International actors also internalise standards and norms , to the point they acquire a ' taken-as-read ' quality . 22 <p> An idea , of course , can perform many functions that do not necessarily follow a single model or framework . An idea could potentially operate in a manner simultaneously consistent with some or all of the above functions . <p> Ideas do not change organically ; this is a process of stimulation and impetus wrought by shifting exogenous conditions . Changes in an actor 's material strength and position lead it to certain ideational variations . The Western challenge actually had significant impact on the late Qing diplomatic outlook and ideas . Ideational change and re-formation , however , is a complex process that involves synthesis @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the late Qing Dynasty as solely attributable to Western challenges would be an oversimplification . After all , ' the impact of Western challenges can only be understood in the context of internal Chinese historical development ' . 23 <p> Alker argues that ' there is no real point in debating the relative importance of ideas versus material forces or capabilities in international politics ' . 24 In the field of IR , ontological questions such as whether ideational or material forces have the greater influence can not be answered on a macro level . The more interesting questions are : under what conditions do ideas change and transform ? In international politics , what are the causal mechanisms for the role that ideas play ? 25 The central aims of this essay are to analyse changes in the late Qing government 's external outlook and ideas , pinpoint the various specific stages of change , and assess the influence of this ideational transformation on late Qing diplomacy . <h> Qing Dynasty Traditional Ideas of Foreign Relations and their Impact on Diplomacy <p> China was the most powerful country in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the ' Kang-Yong-Qian ' Golden Era. 26 Over the millennia it nurtured in itself a sense of political superiority . Geographical barriers and primitive transportation isolated China from the rest of the world and other advanced civilizations . It consequently developed an isolationist civilization with a self-centred worldview . Many of China 's surrounding states and nations became vassals , some seeking to share in Chinese civilization and culture , others with more material interests in mind . Certain remote Western countries also evinced willingness to participate in the Chinese tributary system , as it provided a channel through which to serve their interests . These were the foundations of Chinese Celestial Dynasty diplomacy : a core tributary system complemented , when dealing with foreign relations , with strict application of moral ethical standards . <h> Inheriting and Sustaining Traditional Ideas <p> The Qing Dynasty inherited the following traditional Chinese concepts of rule : geographical self-centredness , civilizational self-centredness , and the value system known as huayiguan . <h> A. Geographical Self-centredness <p> China 's geographical environment , surrounded on all four sides by natural barriers , its original territory @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ communication with much of the outside world . This had the accumulative effect on most Chinese of their seeing the entire world from within the narrow confines of China 's topography . They perceived China as being surrounded by ' four seas ' ( the natural barriers ) , bordered by peripheral kingdoms with an interior composed of various feudal kingdoms . This was the considered worldview of most Chinese people . ' Heaven above ; Earth below ; the Middle Kingdom at the center of the universe ; siyi are the peripheral regions ; siyi is external , the Middle Kingdom is internal ' . 27 China gained some understanding of the outside world through the famous voyages of Admiral Zheng He during the Ming Dynasty , when Chinese contact with the West actually achieved a level of development . As , however , ' Chinese people continued to hold to their traditional outlook on the world : that of a natural barrier of four seas encompassing an internally diverse but unified people ' . 28 Despite China 's interaction , through Zheng He 's intermediary , with overseas @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Chinese geographical outlook . <p> The Qing Dynasty ( actually an outside tribe , the Manchu ) that unified central China , inherited the traditional worldview of geographical self-centredness . Qing Document and General Analysis notes ' central land in the center of the earth ; surrounded on four sides by seas ; seacoast is yi , but overseas states are also yi ; yi means outer boundaries ' . 29 The direct implication of such geographical self-centredness is its explicit disinclination to study and understand neighbouring countries and peoples . In the prevailing view , ' The outer-world , the sages know , but need not understand ' . 30 A prime example of Qing geographical misapprehension is that at the start of the Opium War , when the Emperor Daoguang and many of his top advisors had no idea where Britain actually was . <h> B. Civilizational Self-centredness <p> The Yellow River and central China valley are the birthplace and cradle of Chinese civilization . China 's abundance of territory and natural resources , along with a climate suited to agricultural production , created for it a material @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from central China to its borders and became the accepted code of ethics throughout East Asia . For many nations , China epitomized civilized society . It was geographical self-centredness that led the Chinese to believe that theirs was both the geographical and civilized heartland , on whose borders lived barbarians . China 's belief , sustained for centuries , that it was the world 's single advanced civilization epitomizes civilizational self-centredness . <p> China 's development reached its historical pinnacle during the ' Kang-Yong-Qian ' period , when its civilizational self-centredness became further entrenched . Between the years 1655 and 1793 CE , a total of 17 Western diplomatic missions arrived in China , for reasons of self-interest . All , with the exception of the English mission , performed the kowtow ceremony before the emperor , which affirmed the Qing 's sense of superiority . The Emperor Qianlong once said to Lord McCartney , England 's first envoy to China , ' Our Celestial Empire possesses all things in prolific abundance and lacks no product within its own borders . There is therefore no need to import the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . But as the tea , silk , and porcelain which the Celestial Empire produces are absolute necessities to European nations and to yourselves , we have permitted , as a signal mark of favour , that foreign hongs ( merchant guilds ) should be established at Canton , so that your wants might be supplied and your country thus participate in our beneficence ' . 31 Civilizational self-centredness is plain to see in Qing Dynasty scholar Wang Zhichun 's view of his motherland : ' Our country is highly civilised and moral , as is well-known to the outside world . All countries , some uncharted , come to pay tribute to us . Many countries have respected and admired us for two hundred years ; they pay small tributes but receive generous rewards ' . 32 <h> C. Huayiguan <p> The Qing inherited , along with geographical and civilizational self-centredness , the value system known as huayiguan . It essentially means ' Chinese superior , others inferior ' . The term hua means China , and the Han nation in particular ; yi refers to the various minority @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Middle Kingdom hence , siyi , si meaning four . The siyi concept , in which the Han people are perceived as the only non-barbarians on earth , existed as early as the Spring -- Autumn Period ( 722 -- 481 BC ) , according to historical documentation . At that time , the distinction between the Han and ' other ' people had tribal as well as cultural and geographical connotations . <p> As China 's central area was generally regarded as the seat of its civilization and the peripheral regions as habitat of barbarians , the minorities living on the periphery suffered scathing discrimination . ' China has ceremony and propriety , so it is called xia ; China has beautiful apparel and customs , so it is called hua . Hua China regards itself as knowing ceremony and propriety and therefore as civilized , but regards other nations not knowing ceremony or propriety as uncivilized or barbaric ' . 33 The Report on Rites -- Kings , states : ' China 's peripheral people have a distinct and unchangeable character . People in the east , called @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and sometimes eat uncooked food ; people in the south , called man , also have tattoos and are cloven toed ; they are unable to cook ; people in the west , called rong , dress in animal hide and eat their food without cutting it ; people in the north , called di , wear feathers and live in caves , they bite off chunks of food from a whole piece instead of cutting it into pieces ' . 34 The Han History -- Story of the Huns ( Xiongnu ) , states : ' All people on the periphery are greedy , long haired and only half clothed , with human faces and savage hearts ; so the Sage-King of China treats them as animals , not entering into oaths with them or fighting or chastising them ... leaving them outside , not inviting them in , not governing or educating them , not recognizing their national status ' . 35 <p> The Qing Dynasty , as mentioned earlier , was of the Manchu minority , and after coming to power understandably strove to eliminate the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in the term huayi being used to differentiate between those of the ' Celestial Empire ' and those not . The huayiguan value system that had originally denoted tribal distinctions evolved into a term of reference within state-to-state relations . Between the end of the reign of Emperor Daoguang and the beginning of that of Emperior Tongzhi , all matters relating to foreign relations , including documents , memoranda and imperial edicts , were stored in the government file named Chou-ban yi-wu shi-mo ( The Complete Account of the Management of Barbarian Affairs ) . The file name expresses the Qing rulers ' estimation of foreign relations . Western countries were grouped under the same derogatory yi classification as the barbarian yi or ' others ' . In the same document , contempt for Western foreigners is expressed in modifications to characters used to write the names of Western people and countries . <p> These traditional ideas of geographical self-centredness , civilizational self-centredness and huayiguan constituted the core late Qing Dynasty worldview and general external outlook . Moreover , these ideas , ' were held not only by certain ignorant @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ all levels of Chinese society based on a solid foundation of public support ' . 36 <h> Diplomacy under the Influence of Traditional Ideas <p> The Qing government , prior to 1861 , was strongly influenced by traditional ideas in every aspect of its foreign relations . <p> One traditional idea that was the basic tenet of Qing diplomacy was that whereby the Qing court did not perceive other countries as equal political entities . From the Chinese perspective , East Asia was the entire world . When China engaged with other nations , it was in the context of its ever-expanding world , at whose centre was the Chinese emperor . The Qing government broadly grouped the countries it dealt with into ' tributary states ' and ' mutual trading states ' . A tributary state was a Chinese ' vassal state ' or ' subject state ' , that paid tributes at regular intervals . Mutual trading states were actually foreign , from Western Europe and America . They were not expected to pay tributes , but the Qing government still treated them as vassal states , referring @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ siyi . Mutual trading states were also perceived as inferior to China . Their trading and commercial activities were limited to one port in Guangdong province . In the Qing view , ' In the Eastern field of political economy , there are two types of state -- those that give and those that receive tribute . ' 37 Distant countries that were interested in establishing relations with China would also be categorized as tributary states and seen as ' subjects ' . 38 Ships from abroad were consequently viewed as ' tributary vessels ' , gifts as ' tributary goods ' , letters as ' tributary lists ' , and people as ' tributary envoys ' . 39 In the Qing emperor 's letters of response to tributes he always wrote ' Zhen ( the emperor 's form of self-address , namely , I ) have received er ( the mode adopted by a superior addressing an inferior , namely , you or your , a term strongly imbued with contempt , ) tributary goods ' ; whether receiving goods or unexpectedly rewarding an inferior , the emperor would @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ therefore bestows this reward upon you and your country . ' <p> The Qing government had no specialized diplomatic agency that handled foreign affairs until 1861 . From the perspective of the Qing ruler : ' We are a sovereign and superior nation ; all lands are subject to us ; we have no diplomacy ; only tributary affairs . ' 40 From this standpoint , there seemed no need for a specialized diplomatic agency . The Qing government delegated the office dealing with foreign ' subject states ' to the Huitong siyiguan 41 or Common Residence for Tributary Envoys , superintended by a Libu , or Board of Rites , senior secretary . There existed another organ , the Lifan yuan , or the Court of Colonial Affairs , in charge of Mongolian , Mohammedan , and Russian affairs . After the signing of the Sino -- English Treaty of Nanking , however , it became clear that the two agencies were incapable of handling China 's foreign relations . Emperor Daoguang , therefore , established the position of Minister of Commerce for the Five Ports in November 1844 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the Two-Guang provinces ( Guangdong and Guangxi ) . The Minister of Commerce for the Five Ports was stationed in Guangzhou ( Canton ) and in charge of commerce and trade for the five ports as well as ' yi affairs . ' This post constituted one of the main official channels for China 's foreign relations with the West , but was always performed by a specially appointed Imperial Commissioner answerable only to the Emperor , and concurrent . Although the new appointment indicated progress as regards China 's mode of diplomacy , it was clear that the Qing Dynasty still held to its traditional view of foreign affairs being an inconsequential aspect of statecraft . <p> There was also no post of professional diplomatic official within the Qing government . This was the inevitable consequence of the localized manner of diplomacy as administered under Qing Dynasty traditional foreign policy . Non-tributary foreign affairs were handled locally , either by regional governors or Imperial Commissioners that had been especially appointed by the emperor , at the port of Guangzhou . Morse once said ' so far does provincial @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of this history , that before , and for many years after , 1834 , the Imperial government struggled hard to keep clear of all contact with foreign affairs , and required that their discussion and the decision of them should be left absolutely to the officials in the provinces ' . 42 After the Opium War , the diplomatic task of negotiating and dealing with the Western powers fell largely on the shoulders of the Governor of the Two-Guang provinces , who at this time held the concurrent post of especially deputed Imperial Commissioner . Earlier Qing officials were obliged to deal with Western envoys under the auspices of the huayiguan value system . They did not deign to negotiate directly with Western diplomats , instead using merchants or lower ranking local officials as intermediaries . <p> The most direct influence of traditional ideas on Qing diplomatic practice is manifest in the government 's rigorous attempts to maintain the hierarchical order and imperial ethics inherent in the tributary system . Within this structure , subject and vassal states paid tribute to China in acknowledgement of China 's divine authority @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and the emperor , on the principle of ' reward more ; demand less ' would implement the policy of tangible placation or reconciliation with the peripheral peoples . The tributary system was a means of celebrating China 's state power and reaffirming its moral superiority over the rest of the world , as it knew it . In this way , the traditional tributary system constrained the late Qing rulers from making an objective analysis of China 's political situation and considering effective counter-measures for an extended period . ' During the period of the two Opium Wars , and for 20 years afterwards , China stubbornly maintained its tributary system as its primary means of conducting diplomacy with the outside world . Even relations between China and the West , one of China 's three types of diplomatic relations at the time , continued to fall under the banner of the tributary system , being strictly limited to commerce in the five ports area and seacoast . Traditional Chinese ideas of foreign relations continued to play a dominant role in diplomatic affairs during this period . ' 43 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ combining rewards and coercion ' , although other traditional strategies such as ' suppression ' and ' comforting ' were also used . ' Since ancient times , emperors have dealt with barbarians in the following ways : if they rebel , suppress ; if they submit , comfort . There are just two options : compassion or intimidation . ' 44 During the two Opium Wars , the Qing government 's strategy as regards the Britiish oscillated between ' suppression ' and ' comforting ' . <p> While ideas precipitate certain actions and strategies , inherently conservative , stability-related ideas also promote continuity in behaviour . In that situation , policy-makers , despite drastic changes in the external environment , generally adhere to familiar concepts and known methods of resolving problems . In the instance where a ruler with no knowledge or understanding of international law and conventions faces a completely new , international environment , the only apparent recourse seems that of referring to past events and experience in order to understand and resolve a completely different set of problems . When facing the English invasion , therefore @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as well as avoid provocative behaviour that could lead to further conflict , and since he does not understand how to use modern international law to protect his country 's interests , there seems only one path available to him : rely on traditional ideas to negotiate with the British ' . 45 <p> The West succeeded in opening China 's main gates through military force , and Western advanced technologies , as well as ideologies and culture , poured in . Upon being faced with modern Western civilization , certain of China 's ruling elite and enlightened intellectuals gradually began to transform their external outlook and traditional ideas . This period was an important transitional stage in modern Chinese thought , 47 when China 's views of its relationship with the West moved from a Confucian idealist to a more pragmatic , practical perspective . This had great influence on Chinese external strategies and diplomatic policies , both of which underwent dramatic transformations . <h> Transformation of Traditional Ideas <p> The transformation of traditional ideas primarily involved recognition of the new political situation , and the need to change @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ acknowledgements laid the foundations for an overall transformation of Qing diplomatic behaviour . <h> A. Recognition of the New Situation <p> China 's defeat in the Second Opium War , along with the signing of the Treaty of Tientsin and the Treaty of Peking , further alarmed certain Chinese intellectuals and government officials . These cataclysmic events forced many Chinese to take a more rational approach , grounded in reality , to analysing and examining the situation they currently faced . <p> ' A new situation unparalleled in the past thousand years ' , was commonly acknowledged by China 's government officials and scholars . They all offered advice and suggestions , analysing the situation and proposing counter strategies . Xue Fucheng was one of the earliest to evince alarm at the changing political situation . He stated as early as 1865 , while discussing the matter of coastal defence : ' Today 's political situation is changing and is a great challenge ' ; ' I believe that today , all countries of the world are connected , a strange realization compared to the beliefs of our thousand years @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ more specifically : ' In the past , national defense related to just one country . But today , a couple of dozen Western countries can come from far overseas , all demanding to trade with us . They have faster ships and better weaponry than China , which is unprecedented . They rely on their power to make many demands ... This is a natural fate , and a most dramatic change for our nation . ' 49 Wang Tao pointed out that Western countries ' come to China by sea , converging on China , which is unprecedented in all of Chinese history ' . 50 Zeng Jize expressed his incredulity that , ' Western naval forces have come to China ; this is something unusual and challenging , unique in the five thousand years of Chinese history . ' 51 Li Hongzhang expressed the outlook of someone who had experienced the challenges of two Opium Wars : ' In ancient times , defence concerns were mostly about the northwest . The relevant roles , strong-weak , defender-invader , were clear , and there were China-foreign borders . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in our southern coastal areas without restriction . Some are concentrated in Beijing or provincial capitals where , under the pretence of promoting better relations , they actually plan to conquer China . ' 52 Li Hongzhang was also cognisant of the vast gulf in levels of power between China and the West . He believed that China was in no position to contend with Western states : ' Without financial power and strength , we can not compete with foreign powers , only yield to them for the time being and bide our time . ' 53 Therefore , ' when dealing with foreigners , follow my mentor 's instructions : loyalty , faithfulness , sincerity and respect ... if necessary , make compromises to maintain better relationships , but continue to self-strengthen ' . 54 <p> These individuals were cognisant of the unprecedented political situation that China faced . They knew that once the gates to the empire had been forced open , they could never be completely closed , as contact with the West was unavoidable . XueFucheng believed that isolation and cutting off contacts was not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ borders that can not be adequately defended , and Western powers have come to China across the sea ; this is a situation unparalleled in a thousand years of Chinese history . We can not close our doors in order to avoid their vast influence . Trade between two Western nations goes on even when they are at war with one another ... Under the current circumstance , a closed door policy is not feasible , and we must do the best we can ' . 55 Feng Guifen also believed that ' in today 's world , sea transportation and railways have created a network , so it is impossible to isolate ourselves and refuse communication with others ' . 56 Throughout this changing view of the East and West , Qing government officials generally accepted the trend of opening up further and greater commerce . ' Western commerce with China will continue as long as the earth moves . Closing our doors and refusing communication with the west would be a foolish move . ' 57 <h> B. Transformation of the Sino-centric Worldview <p> Traditional ideas connected with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was the first Chinese scholar truly to see the world as it was . During the Opium War , he compiled Si-zhou zhi , or the Story of Four Continents , in which he spoke of the world 's five great continents and over thirty major countries and their historical and geographical situations . Building upon this foundation , Wei Yuan compiled Hai-guo tu-zhi , or the Illustrative Report on Overseas Countries , which was an extensive report on the world major powers . His main aim was to make clear that China was in one of the world 's five continents and not the world 's central empire ; neither was China a Celestial Empire ; it had , on the contrary , fallen behind other countries in many respects . At the time , this was an extremely daring and innovative statement of fact . Jishe 's Ying-huan zhi-lue , or Global Strategies was more detailed than Wei Yuan 's Illustrative Report on Overseas Countries as it examined Western science and technology as well as Western democratic governance . There also appeared Li Zhaoji 's Hai-guo tu-ji , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's Kang-you ji-xing , or the Travel Diary , Liang Tingnan 's Hai-guo si-shuo , or the Discussions on Overseas Countries and many others . By 1861 , more than 22 scholarly works on this theme had been written . 58 Through their writings , these scholars spoke to their compatriots of the geography , history , customs , and belief systems of various Western countries . These works opened a window to the outside world for many Chinese people . It showed them that , China 's doors having been blown open , it was revealed as much weaker than the West , as regards military force , politics , economics , and culture . Certain late Qing period intellectuals and government officials decided it was time for China to drop its conceited and arrogant stance and make a change in traditional ideas of foreign relations . It was with this attitude that they kept track of global events and perceived that China was only one aspect of the world , not its dominant power or Celestial Empire . As , however , mainstream views at the time remained @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the Qing sovereign . <p> The defeat in the Second Opium War , however , completely destroyed the late Qing Emperor 's inflated ego and arrogant worldview . This ruler , who had naively seen himself as leader of a Celestial Empire , was forced , along with his officials , to face cruel reality . As they came to understand more about the world , they realized that China did not have ' more resources than the world ' , rather that it was a weak state in a very vulnerable situation . It was also plain that Western states were not barbarians , but powerful states stronger than China in many respects . In the early 1860s , ever more Chinese people began to see that there existed many mighty countries in the world in addition to China . In 1864 , the Minister of the Zongli Yamen , commonly known as the Foreign Office , Dong Xun wrote in the preamble to Wan-guo gong-fa , or Laws and Regulations of All Nations ( namely , the International Law ) , ' Today , there are many countries @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ official Zhang Sigui compared the current situation with the Spring -- Autumn period in Chinese history , when many kings competed for power , ' In today 's general world situation , China is the world capital , but many countries have come to the four seas surrounding it , and the situation is grave . These foreign countries are similar to the many kingdoms of the Spring -- Autumn period . ' 60 The forewords written by the two officials in Laws and Regulations of All Nations constituted public acceptance of the existence of strong states outside China , also acknowledgement that China was only one member of the international community . This ' amounted to a revolutionary departure from the conventional Chinese claim of universal supremacy ' . 61 Most Qing government officials silently acquiesced to the central arguments advanced in Dong and Zhang 's preambles . In 1865 , thanks to the strong advocacy of Shen Guifen , Dong Xun agreed to engrave Xu Jishe 's book Global Strategies . More and more scholars in the latter part of the 1860s began to compare the current international @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Chinese history . This phenomenon demonstrates the collapse of the traditional Chinese idea of geographical self-centredness and the ongoing formation of new ideas . <p> The traditional idea of civilizational self-centredness was also changing . The two Opium Wars made clear to many government officials and intellectuals that China faced both internal disorder and foreign threats , and that the Chinese state had become impoverished and weak . The Western powers , on the other hand , were economically and militarily strong and technologically and culturally advanced . The two sides could no longer compete on the same terms . Many officials acknowledged this reality . They abandoned their traditional civilizationally self-centred views , accepting that China no longer represented the highest civilization in the world , by inference indicating their acceptance of the advanced degree of Western civilization . After examining China 's changing situation , Li Hongzhang , stated that the Western countries ' ' ships and telegrams of high speed can travel the world in seconds ; their military machine is powerful , commanding gun power that destroys the most difficult targets , not even water and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , on the other hand , stated , ' China and the West have ships but the West has stream ships ; China and the West have vehicles , but the West has trains ; China and the West have communication networks , but the West conveys news through telegrams ; China and the West have firearms , but the West 's guns are the better ; China and the West have fortifications , but the West 's gun forts and minefields are better for defence ; China and the West have forces , but the West 's are more strategically and tactically proficient . ' 63 Xue Fucheng pointed out , ' Western firearms have become more and more technically advanced , and firearms produced in our factories can not compete ... nevertheless , China has a huge population , abundant resources , and the world 's most intelligent people ; China should have done well . But Westerners have clear and simple laws which are easy to implement ; we have inflexible attitudes toward laws and regulations ; Westerners cooperate and ally with one another but we are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 64 Feng Guifen , after comparing China and the West , also pointed out , ' In terms of achieving all of our people 's potential , we are not as good as the West ; in terms of maximally using land , we are not as good as the West ; in terms of communications between the state and the people , we are not as good as the West ; in terms of implementing laws and policies , we are not as good as the West ; in terms of navy ships and firearms , we are not as good as the West ; in terms of moving forward but being unable to reverse , we are not as good as the West . ' 65 Guo Songtao stated ' The West has been established for two thousand years , its political education is well developed and with good foundations ; its customs , geography , and people are in some aspects actually far better than China's. ' 66 Wang Tao also stated ' Western scholarship is actually better than China 's scholarship ; Western navy and army @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ officers , are well-designed and coherent , this is something China can not compete with . ' 67 <p> Changing ideas regarding the Sino-centric worldview indicated that , under new domestic and foreign circumstances , ideas about the world held by the Chinese for centuries had begun to transform . This change in worldview not only influenced ideas and thoughts , but also promoted changes to the Qing government 's foreign policies . <h> C. Transformation of China 's Huayiguan Value System <p> Changing perceptions of current events and worldview promoted the transformation of China 's traditional huayiguan value system . <p> It was at the time of the first Opium War that Wei Yuan expressed his belief that the Chinese and Western people were of the same human nature . Westerners were knowledgeable , polite , and honest ; they should not be called yi di ( inferior foreigners ) ; Western countries were actually far more powerful and civilized countries than China . Wei Yuan , therefore , proposed studying and learning from the West . Huang Entong named Western countries yuan ( far away countries ) . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Xue Fucheng referred to xiyang ( Western countries ) . 68 The Treaty of Tientsin of 1858 ruled that foreign related affairs no longer be referred to as yi . The term , yi ren changed to yang ren ( foreigner , a more neutral term ) and yi wu changed to yang wu ( foreign affairs ) . These changes may have been compelled by the Western powers ' overwhelming military might , but nevertheless indicate in the late Qing Dynasty a shift of ideas and perception . China 's foreign relations no longer comprised Celestial Empire versus yi di ( inferior foreigners ) but China versus Western powers . 69 <p> Yi Xin ( popularly known as Prince Gong , favoured minister of Emperor Qianlong ) was the first within the top inner circle of the Qing government to change his attitude towards the Western powers . He personally exchanged international treaties with British and French representatives , and also expressed in a memorial to the emperor his view that ' foreigners do not covet our territory and people ' ; he proposed compiling a Zongli Yamen whose @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Guofan also changed his ideas about the West in the process of dealing with Western traders . He found , ' Although they ( Western countries ) are merchant traders , their behaviour is very gentlemanly . ' 71 When dealing with them , therefore , ' We should treat them with human courtesy , not evil courtesy . ' 72 His son , Zeng Jize thought Western countries were not to be compared with the old yi di , and that China should not look down upon them . ' Those foreign countries regard themselves as civilized and courteous countries . Frankly speaking , they are different from island aboriginals and southeast indigenous peoples . Should we , in the spirit of the old idea of China 's superiority over all yi , insult them because they have different customs and civil traditions from us ? ' 73 Wang Tao thought that distinguishing hua ( China ) and yi should be based on more than just geographical factors . ' In the past , there was a theory about internal hua and external yi , China is hua and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the difference between hua and yi is not that of being inside or outside China 's geographical boundaries but of being civilized . If civilized , yi could become hua ; uncivilized , hua could become yi ; how can we so blindly and self-boastingly look down on others ? ' 74 <p> The Western powers ' established policies in China of protecting and supporting the Qing regime generated a tremendous amount of aid to the Chinese government during the tumultuous Taiping Rebellion . As this critical support enabled the Qing Dynasty to overcome a serious crisis , the government began to change its hostile attitude towards the West . As from the 1860s , westerners were no longer called yi but yang ren ( foreigners ) ; all affairs pertinent to foreign countries were yang wu ( foreign affairs ) ; Western science and civilization were xi xue ( science and knowledge from the West ) . This changing concept of the West indicated disintegration of the Qing government 's traditional view of it as a land of barbarians , also that Qing officials no longer regarded the West @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ At this time most Qing officials believed that the Western powers had not come with the intent to harm China but to trade with China . Yi Xin ( Prince Gong ) stated : ' These foreign countries want China to treat them as neighbours , not tributary subject nations ; they want to open trade inside and be treated with respect outside . ' 76 In 1861 , Yi Xin , together with two other high-ranking Qing officials , Wen Xiang and Gui Liang , submitted a memorial to the Imperial Court which stated : ' They do not covet our territory and people . Hence we can still tame and control them through faithfulness and justice . ' 77 China 's first ambassador Guo Songtao expressed many times the opinion that ' foreigners ' intentions are to do business and trade , not to occupy our land , ' ' They come to China to trade ' , 78 and ' The foreign challenge is before us , we have no way of stopping it ; their purpose is to open trade ; they want to see China @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have no intention of harming China . ' 79 In his analysis of China 's external situation , he noted , ' In recent years , Britain , France , Russia , America and Germany have been vying for power and establishing international law ; one that foremost upholds faithfulness and justice , emphasizing neighbourliness by means of courteous exchange and good intentions ; this is a better set up than our Spring-Autumn epoch . ( The two powers of Britain and Russia ) that surround China have been closely observing us ; they have long-term ambitions and overwhelming power , but no intention of using force for the sake of short-term plunder . They station troops in China , but will also use other , non-military strategies to subdue us , such as withholding power and waiting for a response . ' According to him , therefore , ' Dealing with Westerners requires the appropriate attitude , one non-acquiescent to coercion but expressing no overt hostility . ' 80 His intention was to make clear the necessity of establishing harmonious relations with Western powers in order to negotiate compromises @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ series of treaties with China , support for the Qing regime in order to maintain and expand their interests being the fundamental principle of the encroachments after the two Opium wars . Western powers then turned from coercion to a ' cooperation ' policy . 81 This meant helping the Qing Dynasty avoid a Western military invasion that would undoubtedly destroy it , and helping to strengthen the Qing government 's power base . This policy was warmly received by high ranking Qing officials . The Qing rulers were undoubtedly suspicious of the cooperation policy , but their acceptance indicates a positive change in attitude towards the West . The China -- West relationship edged towards reconciliation . Foreign representatives of Western states and Western missionaries in China established good personal relationships with Zongli Yamen officials . Until 1864 , the term ' cooperation policy ' had ' the single consensus that , in order to make peaceful resolution of disputes and help China modernize , Britain , America , France , and Russia on one side and China on the other side should develop a cooperative relationship ' . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1862 , the Beijing jiebao ( Beijing Express News ) proclaimed that ' every nation 's embassies in Beijing and their relationship with the new Qing government are being established based on foundations of friendship ' . 83 ' Prince Gong and other officials not only displayed a friendly attitude towards Western ambassadors and emissaries , but also consulted with Westerners on many of the Imperial Court 's most pressing internal political issues , such as suppressing the Taiping Rebellion . ' 84 <p> Western envoys and diplomats actually acted as reliable consultants for the Qing government in its management of foreign relations . It ' received a lot of help from diplomatic representatives stationed in Beijing ' . Elgin claimed , ' I am already China 's friend on all of these issues . ' 85 The Zongli Yamen called Englishman Robert Hart ' our friend ' ; the British envoy Thomas Wade was not only ' honest and straightforward ' , but ' possibly one of the most helpful and interesting partners ' . The seal that Yi Xin ( Prince Gong ) presented as a gift to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lifetime ' ; 86 American envoy Anson Burlingame described Seward 's instructions to provide ' consultation and cooperation ' as ' seemingly to provide Chinese officials with a friendly consultation office ' , and believed that ' this office frequently provided them with advice and help ' . 87 His active promotion of the cooperation policy and the help he gave William A. P. Martin in translating Laws and Regulations of All Nations , won Burlingame the trust of the Zongli Yamen . Burlingame also received the accolade of being appointed Qing Dynasty special Imperial Envoy to Europe and America . <p> Although the huayiguan value system was undergoing change , Western invasions and encroachments also played a role in the late Qing officials ' and intellectuals ' reassessment of China 's self-identity and new understanding of the West . The huayiguan issue 's re-examination and self-criticism was indicative of a change in the Qing Dynasty 's traditional ideas and values , and gave greatest impetus to revisions in the blindly xenophobic dynastic policy . Changes in the huayiguan value system also encouraged the late Qing Dynasty gentry to alter @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ between China and the West and created a better foundation for future cooperation . <p> Ideas often being the determining factor in a government 's decision-making process , it was the principled and causal beliefs originating in its ideas that provided the Qing government with a ' road map ' , enabling them clearly to identify and understand the relationship between process and objective . 88 Around the 1860s , a new understanding of current events , a new understanding of China -- West relations , and changing worldviews and value systems , all combined to transform the traditional mode of thought . If the late Qing government were to sustain its regime while facing internal and external difficulties , it needed , from a logical point of view , to change its foreign policies . <h> Late Qing Faithfulness and Justice Diplomacy and Efforts to Reconcile with the West <p> The late Qing government 's ideational transformation resulted in its implementation of the Faithfulness and Honesty policy in 1861. 89 <p> After the signing of the Treaty of Peking , British-French troops accordingly withdrew from Beijing and moved back @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Qing officials , among them Yi Xin , Wen Xiang , and Gui Liang , spoke of the change that their concepts of yi had undergone . They said , in memorials to the emperor : ' Since our exchange of treaties with the barbarians , they have returned to Tianjin and to the south in groups . Moreover , the demands they make are based on the treaty conditions . This indicates that they do not covet our territory and people . ' These scholars proposed changing the old policy of ' concurrent favor and coercion ' to an ' appeasement policy of faithfulness and justice ' , ' we can hence win them over and bend them to our will through faithfulness and justice while striving towards our own recovery ' . 90 Emperor Xianfeng approved Yi Xin 's proposal on 20 January 1861 and agreed to establish the Zongli Yamen . Yi Xin 's memorial on China -- West relations was representative of the prevailing opinion within the Qing Dynasty 's highest ruling clique . After the palace coup in November 1861 , Yi Xin , in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , became the main decision-maker and manager of the government 's external and internal affairs . This facilitated the Qing central government 's smooth application of its faithfulness and justice diplomacy approach to the Western powers . <p> Changing ideas predisposed many high-ranking officials to embrace more friendly and harmonious foreign policies . Zeng Guofan regarded the change in approach to foreign affairs as , ' difficult to handle , but no different in intent from the Confucian concepts of loyalty , faithfulness , sincerity , and respect . Sincerity means uprightness , respect means caution . Faithfulness means truthfulness , but is difficult to put into practice . We should start from the concept of faithfulness in adhering to the truth and not being tempted to do otherwise for the sake of trivial benefits ' . 91 Li Hongzhang was another strong supporter of faithfulness and justice diplomacy , having stated : ' When dealing with foreigners , focus on loyalty , faithfulness , sincerity and respect . ' 92 Guo Songtao pointed out , ' One needs special attributes in order to manage foreign affairs ; they are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and respectful actions . ' 93 ' Under today 's conditions , faithfulness and justice are the only course when dealing with foreign countries ; we will otherwise never be independent and self-strengthening. ' 94 <p> The faithfulness and justice diplomacy practiced was actually based on implementation of the conditions specified in the treaties signed with the Western powers , and ensuring that they were respected . ' Our current plan is to act in exact accordance with the treaties in making sure the foreigners do not infringe them . We should be outwardly sincere and amicable as a means to keeping them in line . ' Implementation of treaties thus acted as the guideline for the late Qing government 's faithfulness diplomacy . 95 Other officials involved in foreign affairs also decided to be guided by the treaties . As remarked , ' China 's dealings with foreigners are in accordance with the treaties . ' 96 Li Hongzhang was responsible for late Qing Dynasty foreign relations for thirty years . His guiding principle was , ' All treaties with foreign countries are in place and impossible to change @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ managing foreign affairs , insist upon abidance by treaty principles and behave reasonably ; there are no other shortcuts . ' 98 Guo Songtao insisted , ' Whenever a foreign affairs issue arises , we must first check the treaties to see how the issue in question relates to them ; we will agree to it if the treaty allows and reject it if the treaty does not . ' <p> Faithfulness and justice diplomacy ushered in an era of peaceful stability for the Qing Dynasty during the Tongzhi period , which also provided a good environment for the late Qing ' self-strengthening ' movement . Zeng Guofan , in his memorial to Emperor Tongzhi , compared the Qing diplomatic circumstances of the respective Daoguang , Xianfeng and Tongzhi periods , pointing out the positive results of faithfulness and justice diplomacy : ' The weaknesses and mistakes of foreign policy have been as volatile swings between war and peace since the Daoguang period ; nothing being certain and there being no set guidelines has made the situation worse to the point of being almost impossible to manage . Since Emperor @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ power has remained constant , yet due to our insistence on abiding by treaties and being bound by agreements , we have maintained peace for ten years . This indicates the success of faithfulness and justice diplomacy . ' 99 <h> The Emergence of Modernity and the Modernization of Late Qing Diplomacy <p> The erosion of traditional ideas lead to emergence and acceptance of the more modern Western concept of foreign affairs and diplomacy , and eventual establishment of the Qing government 's updated diplomatic system . Ideational change played a key role in the modernization of late Qing Dynasty foreign policy and diplomacy . <h> The Introduction of International Law to China , the Rise of the Concept of Sovereignty and their Influence on Late Qing Diplomacy <p> The international law observed by various nations was a bounded collection of principles , regulations and rules intended to manage nation-to-nation relations . 100 International law , insofar as being a set of international norms , is within the realm of ideas . International law was introduced to China in 1864 , and became regarded as the template for diplomacy . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ been established , its acceptance of international law was a main indicator of the government 's diplomatic modernization process . 101 <h> A. International Law Introduced to China <p> After the 1860 signing of the Treaty of Peking , Western countries began to implement their ' cooperation ' policy , so reducing tensions between China and the West . Within this new environment , the Qing government needed to adopt a fresh approach to its relations with Western powers , and the temporary template provided by the unequal treaty system was insufficient to establish a stable , dependable relations . As Qing officials had no reliable norms or guidelines for dealing with foreign affairs , they were often confused and unsure as to how to act , which adversely affected national interests . The Qing government was cognisant of its quandary and of its being the result of ignorance of Western laws and legal systems . It was consequently aware that acquiring knowledge in the uncharted area of diplomacy was an urgent matter . <p> This urgency was accentuated by the conflict between China and France that occurred between 1862 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , Jiangxi , and Hunan . Long , drawn out negotiations hit crisis point when the French envoy threatened to lower his legation 's flag and leave Beijing . Sino -- French relations were very tense at this time . In an attempt to resolve this potentially volatile situation , Wen Xiang , a high ranking Zongli Yamen official asked the American envoy Anson Burlingame to recommend an authoritative legal document , recognized and accepted in the West , to guide them through negotiations . Burlingame recommended Wheaton 's Guojifa yuanli ( Elements of International Law ) . William Martin brought the translation he had made of Elements of International Law to Beijing in June 1863 , when he met Chong Hou , minister-superintendent of trade for the Three Northern Ports . Chong Hou was most impressed with the work , particularly its ' adaptation to the needs of China in her new relations ' . He promised to write and recommend the translation to Wen Xiang. 102 Martin met with Zongli Yamen officials in Sept 1863 . They also showed great interest in his translation . Prince Gong appointed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and in April 1864 , the translation of Elements of International Law was complete . Yi Xin submitted a memorial to the emperor on 30 August 1864 , stating that the Qing Court needed such a book on international law , and pointed out its benefits , saying : One can refer to this book when dealing with foreign relations ... . Upon examining the book , I find that it covers alliances , laws of war , and much other pertinent information . Most notably , it contains laws regarding the outbreak of war and the checking and balancing that occurs between states ... . I found it not to be fully compatible with Chinese laws and regulations . There are , however , aspects of it that could be of great advantage to us . There was for example , a dispute this year in the Tianjin port over Prussia 's detaining of a ship from Denmark . We negotiated with Prussia using the argument presented in the book . The Prussian minister immediately acknowledged the mistake without attempting further defence . This case is a good example @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ permission to print Laws and Regulations of All Nations . ' We humble officials discussed and decided to allocate 500 silver taels to this task . After the book has been printed , three hundred copies should be sent to my office . Later , all other ports involved in foreign trade should be given a copy . The book includes relevant laws and customs regarding foreign affairs that should be helpful . ' 104 The emperor approved this request from the Zongli Yamen . The early attempt at translating international law documents that was an individual effort by William Martin , became , subsequent to the involvement of the Zongli Yamen , official Qing government sanctioned policy . <h> B. Emergence of the Concept of Sovereignty <p> Introduction of international law to China helped to promote the modern concept of national sovereignty . The Laws and Regulations of All Nations gave detailed definitions of sovereignty and sovereign equality : ' Sovereignty is the supreme power of governance . Sovereignty applies to a country 's internal authority as well as external status . ' 105 ' Internal sovereignty need not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ recognized by other countries . ' 106 ' From a public law perspective , independent states , no matter big or small , are all equal . ' 107 The concept of sovereignty and its implications provided late Qing Dynasty officials with a new point of reference as regards understanding the state 's sovereign interests . The concept of sovereignty was thus sown in China . <p> During negotiations in 1864 between China and Prussia over Prussia 's detention of a foreign ship in one of China 's ports , Yi Xin pointed out that , ' one foreign country 's detaining another foreign country 's ship within China 's territorial waters is a violation of China 's sovereignty ' , according to the relevant international law regarding sovereignty of territorial waters . Yi Xin , therefore , perceived negotiations with the Prussian diplomat von Rehfues as being in the interests of protecting China 's sovereignty . 108 Zheng Guanying went further in his accentuation of sovereign equality among different nations , ' To many countries , public international law is expressed in treaties . Public international law makes every @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , therefore , are related but not commonly ruled . Each nation , whether it is a monarchy , democracy , or monarchy combined with democracy , has the unviolable right to autonomy . ' 109 <p> The introduction of international law and its practice to the Chinese caused them to focus on the sovereignty-related issues of autonomous rights as regards taxes and tariffs , extra-territoriality , and unilateral most-favoured nation status . <p> In Treaty of Humen , signed by China and Britain in 1843 , the British levied a 5% customs duty on all Chinese goods , effectively and substantially limiting customs duty to suit their own business interests . 110 China signed the Treaty of Wangxia with the USA in 1844 , and the same year signed the Treaty of Huangpu with France . Both treaties disallowed China from amending any articles regarding its taxes and tariffs without foreign approval . Signing this ' consensus tax and tariffs principle ' , as it became known , amounted to China 's forfeiting of its autonomous right to regulate its own taxes and tariffs . The Treaty of Humen @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ state sovereignty . The concept of sovereignty in relation to tax and tariffs became a frequently discussed topic within the Qing government and by scholars and intellectuals . All concerned were eloquent and unanimous in their assertion that taxes and tariffs are matters of state sovereignty to be administered autonomously and by no other state , no matter how powerful . ' Our country has the freedom and right to increase its taxes ; whether we do or not is not a matter for dispute with the British Ambassador . ' 111 ' A nation 's taxes are an aspect of its autonomous rights in which other countries should not interfere as it is not their business . ' 112 ' The right to levy taxes is in the hands of the state ; public international law states that no country , no matter how large , can control another , however small , and that all countries may sanction this right without interference from any other country . ' 113 During ongoing negotiations between China and Britain in 1879 regarding proposed increases of customs duty on imported western medicine @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ or decrease taxes and tariffs was a matter decided by the state in question , according to its sovereign authority , and that any attempt at foreign intervention actually contravened the relevant western principles . ' Decisions regarding taxes and tariffs are made independently in all Western countries , no matter big or small , powerful or weak ; having made its decision , the country in question accordingly instructs its department of Customs and Excise to implement the increases or decreases ; no matter how strong foreign countries may be , they may not deprive us of our autonomous right ... the power to make decisions about taxes and tariffs , therefore , is our own , and we have no need to confer with foreign diplomats or with the foreign affairs office . ' 114 <p> Two other main issues , that actually resonated as one , were raised by Chinese officials and intellectuals who had familiarized themselves with Public International Law ; they were those of consular jurisdiction and extra-territoriality . In addition to imposing an artificially low rate of customs duty on Chinese goods , the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ consular jurisdiction . The 1844 China -- America Treaty of Wangxia expanded consular jurisdiction from the five ports originally designated by the China -- Britain Treaty of Nanking to all Chinese ports ; and the 1858 Treaty of Tientsin further consolidated the Western countries ' rights of consular jurisdiction . These treaties deprived China of its right to independent jurisdiction . Certain Western individuals , protected by their rights of consular jurisdiction , moreover , acted unlawfully in China . Qing officials and intellectuals that had understanding of international law through frequent interactions with Western countries were fully cognisant of the humiliating significance of losing this right . Li Hongzhang , for example , pointed out ' Foreigners living in China under foreign consular jurisdiction and not that of our government is entirely inconsistent with public international law . ' 115 Xue Fucheng also expressed deep concern about losing consular jurisdiction : ' Foreigners living in China are not under Chinese jurisdiction ... this constrains everything our pertinent governing measures . ' Xue Fucheng , therefore , suggested resolving the problem through international law , saying ' We may not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , but we can use Western law to govern westerners . ' 116 <p> As regards the matter of unilateral most-favoured nation status , the 1843 China -- Britain Treaty of Humen stated ; ' If , in the future , China 's emperor should grant any foreign countries more favorable conditions , in order to be fair , the British should also enjoy such benefits . ' 117 Britain 's being accorded the same privileges as the most favoured nation , however , did not work in reverse ; China was not granted the same privileges as Britain 's most favoured nation . This condition in the Treaty of Humen unilaterally deprived China of its rights , and was consequently a serious violation of the principle of sovereign equality . It was the emergence of international law in China that made Qing officials realize the full extent of damage rendered by this unequal treatment . Xue Fucheng pointed out ; ' One country 's compromise that brings benefits to foreign countries but not to itself ' does ' endless damage ' because it ' enables all the Western powers @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ' . 118 When Zeng Guofan negotiated with Japan over the signing of new treaties in 1871 , he proposed to the Qing court that this particular article be eliminated from future treaties . Zeng Jize also suggested that , ' When the time comes to renew our treaties with Western countries , we should specify to those concerned our wish to amend this article . ' 119 <p> The entry of international law documents into China and its greater engagement in international affairs enabled late Qing officials to develop a deeper and broader understanding of the international law arena . Their knowledge and ideas about state sovereignty also expanded to include territorial waters , inner rivers , telecommunications , railway rights , and mining rights . Liu Xihong once strongly criticized the Western powers for competing for railway construction rights because , again , it violated China 's state sovereignty . ' As an independent state , building railways is an aspect of our internal affairs and one in which others should not intervene , according to public international law . Why does the West interfere today ? ' @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as a pretext for demanding mining rights in Shandong . Zhang Zhongxi , an official from the Department of Industry reported to the Qing Imperial Court , ' The central department should stop Germany from intervening in China 's autonomous rights . ' 121 In 1905 , when Germany demanded the rights for a further five mines in Shandong , Xu Huifeng , Minister of War , and 18 other officials submitted a memorial to the Imperial Court , stating ' Losing interests is undesirable , but losing sovereignty is intolerable . ' They asked that ' the government unequivocally refuse Germany 's demands on the basis of the existing treaty and mining regulations . If we insist , German has neither reason nor legal basis to intervene . We wish Shandong 's mining explorations to be financially and autonomously managed by local business people , in order to regain our sovereignty and avoid losing our rights ' . 122 <h> Use of International Law to Protect the State 's Sovereign Interests <p> Qing officials and intellectuals used international law as a guide and also took measures to implement it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in its diplomatic interactions with Western countries . <p> Prior to the full translation of international law into Chinese , the Qing government had already successfully resolved the ' commercial ship ' dispute between Prussia and Denmark that occurred in China 's Bohai territorial waters . Its correct application of international law obliged Prussia to release two Danish ships and pay 1500 taels of silver in compensation . Successful settlement of this dispute hastened the process of translating international law into Chinese . Upon its completion , Qing foreign affairs officials began referring to international law in support of their diplomatic negotiations , and achieved a measure of success in protecting China 's sovereignty and national interests . One famous case was that of Zeng Jize who , after laborious and difficult negotiations with Russia , finally invalidated the Liwar Treaty that had been signed by Qing official Chong Hou and Russia , thereby recovering some of China 's lost territories . Another instance was Xue Fucheng 's signing of a treaty with Britain regarding Additional Articles on Yunnan-Burma Boundary and Trade Affairs , which received the Emperor Guangxu 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ by Japanese diplomat Zhentian Sheji for extra-territorial privileges in two locations , and Qing territory was protected as a result of Yang Ru 's steadfast refusal to renew the Fengtian Land Transfer Temporary Arrangement despite Russian threats and blandishments throughout the long and tricky negotiations . Finally , Tang Shaoyi signed the China-Britain Renewed Treaty on Tibet-India , which protected China 's sovereignty over Tibet . <h> Late Qing 's Recognition of the need to Establish Foreign Legations <p> One of the most significant changes in late Qing diplomacy was that of its establishment of diplomatic missions abroad . If the setting up of the first foreign affairs agency -- the Zongli Yamen ( Premier 's Office ) -- was an indication of mounting pressure from the West , the Qing 's establishment of a modern diplomatic mission system indubitably demonstrates the power of ideational change . <p> The 1648 Westphalia Meeting and subsequent signing of the Westphalia Treaty marked the beginning of modern international relations . Long-term diplomatic missions were established in accordance with the treaty format and became the organs of normal diplomatic practice between countries . Dispatching @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in foreign capital cities gradually had become an international norm in Western capitalist societies . It was expedient for countries to be in direct contact in order to negotiate bilateral or international issues that concerned them , and was an effective system for managing foreign relations and diplomatic affairs . Unfortunately , the influence of traditional ideas had long precluded China from sending permanent missions abroad . The increased interaction between China and Western countries , however , made clear to the Qing government the need for long-term diplomatic missions abroad . Its establishment of a diplomatic mission system was a major historical event , and a significant step forward in China 's diplomatic modernization . <h> The Emergence of the Idea of Modern Diplomatic Missions in the Late Qing Government <p> The late Qing diplomatic mission system was instituted only after a complex zigzagging process . Western pressure and persuasion played a role , but the most crucial determining factor was the late Qing Dynasty 's changed understanding and transformed ideas . <p> On 11 June 1858 during the Treaty of Tientsin negotiations , Gui Liang and Hua Shana @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the treaty , ' His Majesty the Emperor will select an officer to proceed as Imperial Commissioner to England with the compliments of His Majesty , in token of the friendly relations existing between our governments . ' 123 Although this was more rhetorical courtesy than an actual statement of policy , it was nevertheless the first time the Qing Court had raised the possibility of sending diplomatic missions to the West . It indicated that Qing officials were reconciled to the inevitability of this prospect . <p> After Western envoys began to be stationed in Beijing , officials of the Zongli Yamen , such as Yi Xin and Wen Xiang , realized the extent of understanding Western countries had about China , due to accumulated knowledge . China 's understanding and knowledge of foreign countries , however , remained practically non-existent . ' Westerners examined what occurred after China-West treaty signings by coming to China and finding out everything about every province ; we know nothing of the situation of Western countries , so are uninformed when dealing with issues and negotiating with them . ' ' In recent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ very well ; but we seem to know nothing about the situation in Western nations . ' Yi Xin stated that , ' the reason for our ignorance is that they have envoys and consuls here but we have none there . If foreign envoys or consuls are rude and make unreasonable demands , therefore , we can dispute with reason only , being unable to communicate our protest directly to their country in order to relieve pressure ' . ' If we sent envoys and consuls abroad , we could ascertain the policy benefits and costs , make appropriate calculations and the necessary arrangements . 124 We would thus not only do away with the current blind method of policy-making , but also obtain diplomatic initiative and the upper hand . ' After the 1860 Treaty of Peking was signed , British envoy Bruce suggested that the Zongli Yamen send envoys and consuls abroad . At that time , Yi Xin was already very interested in learning from the West and took his suggestion very seriously . 125 In 1861 , Wen Xiang indicated to the British Consul Harry @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ envoys or consuls would be sent to England . But realizing this idea was not easy for a country so constrained by imperial traditions . 126 In 1862 , Robert Hart provided the Zongli Yamen with translations of international laws relating to sending diplomatic representatives abroad . When William Martin brought his translated manuscript of Elements of International Law to the Zongli Yamen in 1863 , Wen Xiang asked specifically if the works included Hart 's translated sections regarding the sending of diplomatic representatives abroad , because ' this will be our guide when we send envoys to foreign countries ' . 127 The 1864 Prussia -- Denmark commercial ship dispute also made clear to Yi Xin the utility of international law , and the value of modern diplomacy . He consequently sought the advice of foreign consuls , often asking them about the procedure for sending diplomatic representatives . In 1866 , the Zongli Yamen sent a visiting delegation headed by Bin Chun , and accompanied by Robert Hart , to Europe . The Zongli Yamen instructed them ' to make careful observations on the road , describe and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ people and its customs and bring back this written record for our reference ' . 128 The Zongli Yamen ' s obvious intention was to gain understanding of Europe through investigation , and to make preparations for sending formal diplomatic representatives abroad . <p> The emperor himself and certain key local government officials also realized the importance of sending diplomatic representatives . In 1866 , the Zongli Yamen submitted Hart 's Juwai pangguanlun ( Observations by an Outsider ) and Wade 's Xinyi luelun ( A Brief Exposition of New Ideas ) to the Imperial Court , in addition to stressing the importance of sending diplomats abroad . Both the submission and suggestion shocked the Imperial Court . The emperor immediately issued a decree which stated ' the submitted ideas about the importance of diplomacy , particularly the importance of sending out diplomatic representatives , is something that should be accepted , and which will be done ' . 129 This was the first time the emperor had affirmed the idea of sending out diplomatic representatives . The emperor also ordered that the two translations be distributed to every province @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of trade for the Three Northern Ports , was the first senior official to express support . He expressed his belief that sending diplomatic representatives abroad to Western treaty countries was ' imperative ' . It was a means of communicating a friendly signal and , he emphasized , ' sending missions to other countries was an accepted norm ... We should examine every country and proceed accordingly ' . Chong Hou then suggested that the Imperial Court order the Premier 's Office to ' prepare to send diplomatic representatives ' . 130 <p> The Zongli Yamen , aware that the date for renewing China -- West treaties was drawing near , and in consideration of the serious consequences of the last two treaty renewal experiences , took proactive measures in 1867 to ensure that the government would be well-prepared ahead of time . It sent a secret report to the Imperial Court in which it warned of foreign consuls ' greed and craftiness , and how it was difficult for the Imperial Court to know exactly how well they represented their government 's positions and ideas . The Qing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ foreign consuls accurately and honestly communicated Qing ideas to their governments . The only way to be sure was to send diplomatic representatives directly to Western governments to express the Qing position directly and to negotiate with them on various difficult issues . In so doing , it would be possible to put foreign consuls in Beijing on the alert , and also understand the strengths and weaknesses of various Western countries . The Zongli Yamen perceived the sending of diplomatic representatives abroad as ' an urgent matter that should be delayed no longer ' . It also suggested that the Imperial Court order its provincial civilian and military officer to discuss the matter of foreign consul visits and sending out of diplomatic representatives , and speedily to submit their ideas to the Imperial Court . 131 By the end of 1867 , the Imperial Court had received 17 submissions on this issue . The majority argued that sending diplomatic representatives abroad was ' imperative ' and expressed their support for this idea . Li Hongzhang perceived diplomatic representation as a channel through which the Imperial Court might transmit its @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to the dubious activities of foreign consuls in Beijing . He also recommended this measure as a long-term plan , as in his view it was no longer appropriate for foreigners to act as China 's representatives . 132 Zuo Zongtang expressed his observation that ' Foreigners carefully investigate China 's geography , politics , customs and people ; but we are lamentably uninformed about them . Foreign consuls in Beijing act unscrupulously but we are unable to censure them , ' sending diplomats would enable China to ' penetrate a country 's essence , and curb the exploitative behaviour of foreign consuls ' . 133 Zeng Guofan argued that ' as China 's friendship with the West was already established , exchanging foreign envoys was the accepted practice ' . ' We should command both Chinese and foreign officials , and be on the lookout for future possible diplomatic representatives , and not be bound by official rank or age . ' 134 <p> Many progressive intellectuals also acknowledged the importance of sending diplomatic representatives abroad , writing scholarly works on the subject and submitting suggestions to the Imperial @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Western practice of sending diplomatic representatives abroad . Zheng Guanying analysed the importance establishing diplomatic missions , and pointed out that as sending ambassadors and consuls abroad was a Western diplomatic norm , China should act in accordance with it : Today , China signs treaties , trades with foreign nations and friendship develops ; if we have no representatives abroad , mutual good feeling can not be communicated , so what is the use of treaties and international law ? Diplomatic representatives are a nation 's eyes and ears ; being stationed abroad means that they must know the situation of the country they are in ... according to Western practice , every trading nation has an ambassador that represents the government and a consul that shares his responsibilities ... diplomatic representation is an established practice within China 's foreign relations . Many Western nations knock on our door demanding to trade and establish relations , they come in groups and live here ; this change represents a true challenge to China ; if we face it other than through diplomatic channels and do not send reciprocal representatives , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Wang Tao also believed that it was necessary to send diplomatic representatives abroad in order to deal with the West . ' Today , our most urgent tasks are to govern our own country and to exert control over the foreign consuls in our midst . Governing ourselves more effectively requires reform and self-strengthening , but in order to master foreign countries we must send envoys , establish consuls , familiarise ourselves with foreign affairs and express the good will of our country . ' 136 He also discussed the importance of sending diplomatic representatives abroad and to which countries : The matter of sending diplomatic representatives should receive the nation 's serious attention and be respectfully regarded as one that merits serious responsibility , its focus being the maintenance of good relations and promoting friendship , and helping to formulate and plan national and military affairs . Our diplomatic representatives abroad should discuss the main aspects of important diplomatic issues with the relevant officials of the country ; if necessary he should demand to see the King or monarch in order to communicate our ideas and opinions ... in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ reducing disputes . When sending our representatives to foreign capitals we should choose countries that are most important to us . Today 's trading nations have many issues which need to be communicated to us ; those most important emanate from England , France , Russia , Prussia , and America ; our first diplomatic representatives abroad , therefore , should be sent to these five countries ; establishing diplomatic missions in other countries can wait until later . This is a flexible option . 137 <p> It can be seen from the above discussion , that after Western diplomats were posted to Beijing , the assigning of Chinese diplomatic representatives abroad became a nationwide issue 138 that focused the attention of both the Imperial Court and Chinese society in general . <h> Establishment of Legations Abroad <p> The 1868 review of China-Western treaties presented the emperor with the opportunity to send a temporary diplomatic mission abroad . The Zongli Yamen , however had not yet recruited suitable diplomatic personnel . As chance would have it , the American envoy Anson Burlingame had just completed his term of duty and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ recommended himself as China 's representative , and Yi Xin formally requested of the Imperial Court Burlingame 's temporary authorization and title to act as China 's foreign affairs official . The Qing Imperial Court approved Yi Xin 's recommendation , and the Zongli Yamen assigned customs official Zhi Gang and Board of Rites official Sun Jiagu as Burlingame 's co-envoys that would jointly manage this diplomatic mission , emphasizing that these Chinese diplomats had been sent on the emperor 's personal authority . On 25 February 1868 , the Burlingame delegation -- China 's first formal diplomatic mission -- embarked on its voyage from Shanghai 's Hongkou Port . <p> The dispatch of the Burlingame delegation was a result of the Qing government 's deeper understanding of foreign affairs and changed beliefs and ideas in this regard , in view of events over the previous few years . The delegation made clear to the Qing Court the benefits of locally based representatives , and provided practical experience in the relevant procedures for sending diplomatic missions abroad . It was also an opportunity to observe overseas diplomatic behaviour and , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and accepted ambassador-consul practice . The findings of the Burlingame delegation constituted the foundation of subsequent diplomatic missions . Certain scholars regarded it as ' a key link in the chain conjoining the East and the West ' . 139 When the Tianjin Church issue erupted in 1870 , the Qing Court immediately despatched Chong Hou to France . In 1872 , the first group of Chinese overseas students went to study in America , and in 1873 , the Qing government participated for the first time in the Vienna World Fair . The late Qing Dynasty thus gradually entered the mainstream world affairs . <p> In 1871 , China and Japan signed the Trading Treaty , within which Articles 8 and 4 clearly stated that China and Japan exchange envoys and consuls . Li Hongzhang suggested despatching a representative to Japan but his suggestion went unheeded by the government . That year , 54 shipwrecked Japanese sailors from the Ryukyu Islands landed on Taiwan , all of whom were all killed by Taiwan 's indigenous population . The Qing court was greatly alarmed when , in April 1874 , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . On 12 December 1874 , Li Hongzhang submitted a memorial to the emperor , stating that if there were an Chinese envoy in Japan , the government would not be in such be in a passive predicament . He stressed that in order to avoid repetition of such mistakes , China should immediately send ambassadors or consuls to Japan , to observe the situation , establish friendly relations and protect Chinese expatriates in Japan . 140 On the same day he wrote a letter to the Zongli Yamen stating the imperative nature of sending diplomatic representatives to Japan without delay , also that China should send representatives to Western countries in order to convey its feelings on the matter to them . 141 As the Tongzhi Emperor was seriously ill , however , the Imperial Court made no response to Li Hongzhang 's suggestion . <p> On 12 January 1875 , Emperor Tongzhi died . Two months later , Li Hongzhang 's memorial received due attention . On 30 May the Imperial Court finally agreed , in principle , to sending diplomatic representatives abroad , and the Zongli Yamen @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . As the length of time necessary to select and examine candidates for the mission was of an extent that would have delayed the whole process , the Zongli Yamen requested that the Imperial Court order ' senior Beijing officials to recommend personnel experienced in foreign affairs , by virtue of having worked on China 's borders with other countries , as potential diplomats ' . The Zongli Yamen recommended the first nine officials on 17 June . American envoy Benjamin Avery 's comment on this swift responsive action was : ' The Chinese had finally realized how disadvantageous it was for their country , which receives such a large body of ministers and consuls from abroad that subject her to constant sharp criticism before the world , to have no representative to speak up for and defend her . ' 142 <p> It was the Margary incident that unexpectedly hastened the sending of Chinese diplomatic representatives abroad . In early 1875 , Augustus Margary , despite warnings , led British traders on a dangerous expedition to Yunnan . He was killed by tribesmen in the Bamou region of Yunnan @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ according to international law . The British envoy Thomas Wade , however , nonetheless used the matter as a pretext for making heavy demands of China , most notably that of sending a diplomat to England to make a formal apology . The Zongli Yamen submitted a memorial to the Imperial Court in August 1875 , stating : ' Diplomatic practice requires that China send diplomats to other countries . Thomas Wade insists that in view of Margary 's death , we should send diplomatic representatives to England . In order to maintain our relationship and good-faith , and after much discussion , we believe it would be unwise to reject his demand as it may lead to further provocation . ' 143 The emperor accordingly issued an imperial edict , assigning Guo Songtao and Xu Qian as envoy and vice-envoy to England . The Zongli Yamen , meanwhile , requested of Robert Hart that he go to Shanghai and try to persuade Wade to reopen negotiations . Hart did not refuse , but suggested that should his mediation fail , the Qing Imperial Court should immediately send diplomatic representatives @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for the immediate dispatch of diplomats to Britain . In December 1876 , Guo Songtao went to Britain , taking with him an official letter of apology , in his capacity as the first Chinese envoy . After many years of vacillation , the Qing Imperial Court had finally sent its first resident diplomat abroad . <p> The Qing court subsequently sent envoys and consuls to many other countries . From 1875 to 1880 , the Qing government sent 19 envoys/consuls ( some of them concurrent positions ) and established embassies in eight of the world 's major capitalist powers : Britain , America , Spain , Peru , Japan , France , Germany , and Russia . This preliminary , semi-experimental period of Qing diplomacy was the foundation upon which the Qing Dynasty system of diplomats residing abroad would be established . The onset of resident overseas diplomats predicated the end of China 's non-reciprocal diplomatic practice of accepting foreign diplomats without sending any of its own . It also indicated the Qing Dynasty 's entry into international society . <p> It could be argued that the ideational transformation @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of both internal and external pressures . The actual emergence of modern ideas , however , did not occur until Sino-Western relations had improved and outside pressure subsequently reduced , a phenomenon that demonstrates the influence of changing ideas upon late Qing diplomatic reform , and which merits serious argument as regards its constituting a causal relationship . This is not to say , however , that modern ideas in the late Qing period emerged independently of power structures and material societal demands . The Qing government was actually eager to find new ways of managing its relations with the West after the signing of the Treaty of Peking . Its acceptance of contemporary international norms , whereby the concepts of international law , state sovereignty , and diplomatic missions served as a road-map was , therefore , inevitable . The influence of modern diplomacy on Qing diplomatic practice also reveals that such ideas became embedded within the institution and functioned in tandem with its operation , and that changes in ideas influenced diplomacy by means of being institutionalized. 144 International law , state sovereignty , and diplomatic missions were @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to comply with existing norms . International law , state sovereignty and diplomatic missions abroad , therefore , from the perspective of ideational construction made good sense to the late Qing government . It subsequently put this new knowledge and insight to work through diplomatic interaction with Western nations . The late Qing government , therefore , would appear to have internalized common concepts and ideas regarding international relations , thereby identifying with international norms and evincing respect for them through its diplomatic behaviour . This , to a large extent , is at the root of these norms becoming the guiding principles of late Qing Dynasty external behaviour . <h> Conclusion <p> When powerful and weak actors confront one another on the world stage , the weaker actors generally acknowledge defeat by their more powerful adversary . Another common phenomenon is for the weaker actors to converge and conform to the behaviour patterns of those that have the greater power . The Qing Court eventually compromised with its encirclement of Western countries simply in order to survive . As the Qing government 's ideas of foreign relations began to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a whole . This ideational change influenced the government 's pattern of diplomacy and the development of a new diplomatic system . Adjustments in foreign policy , such as managing foreign relations on the basis of international law , and sending resident diplomats abroad , were explicitly indicative of this change . New diplomatic ideas , patterns , and institutions , by virtue of greater interactions with the West , began to gather momentum , and lead to the historical and irreversible process of China 's diplomatic modernization . <p> The emergence of new ideas does not mean that old ideas simply disappear . On the contrary , there were diehards in the Imperial Court that insisted on adhering to the original concept of foreign relations . Historical and societal limits , therefore , prevented complete dissolution of their influence that impeded the officials responsible for managing foreign affairs . As Professor He Fangchun observed , ' At the macro-institutional and spiritual level , foreign affairs personnel in the Qing Court remained extremely stubborn and reluctant to change . ' Unfortunately , ' The historical and social limits on Li @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ limits of the Qing Imperial Court . ' 145 The volatile interaction between old and new ideas that led to diplomatic change in the late Qing era occurred through a slow and circuitous process . This was determinant in the late Qing system of diplomacy 's inability to undergo fundamental transformation . All efforts made by the Qing Imperial Court to reform and change its foreign affairs failed in the face of the boundaries and limits imposed by China 's feudal system of governance . From another perspective , this phenomenon is also indicative of the importance and influence of ideas and ideational change . <p> ? 2 Rationalists believe ideas are unimportant while neo-liberal institutionalists see ideas as an independent variable , similar in influence to power and interests , with its own explanatory capacity . Even then , however , ideas mainly fill in the holes that power and interest-based explanations leave . See Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane , eds , Ideas and Foreign Policy : Beliefs , Institutions , and Political Change ( Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 1993 ) , p. 3 . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ later corrected his views on Chinese history . He admitted that China 's modernization was primarily a result of internal Chinese dynamics and initiatives , with only limited Western influence . See John Fairbank , Meiguo yu Zhongguo ( The United States and China ) , trans . Zhang Lijing ( Beijing : Shijie zhishi chubanshe , 1999 ) . <p> ? 26 Han Dynasty ( 206 BCE -- 220 CE ) and Tang Dynasty ( 618 -- 907 CE ) are two of China 's longest , as well as strongest , dynasties . The ' Kang-Yong-Qian ' Golden Era refers to three of the earlier emperors in the Qing Dynasty ( 1644 -- 1912 CE ) : Kangxi ( 1662 -- 1722 CE ) , Yongzheng ( 1723 -- 1735 CE ) , and Qianlong ( 1735 -- 1796 CE ) . This period was generally seen as the pinnacle of Qing Dynastic power . <p> ? 41 Huitong guan and Siyi guan are two different organs that the early Ching emperors inherited from the Ming Dynasty . In 1748 , Emperor Qianglong combined the two into a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ It should be mentioned that traditionally yi is not only a derogatory term referring to inferior nations but also indicates nations in the periphery as enemies because they keep harassing the Chinese central regime . <p> ? 101 Strictly speaking , the Zongli Yamen was not the normal form of modern foreign affairs office . Most officials were concurrently appointed , there were no specialized diplomatic personnel and the office lacked diplomatic knowledge and experience . Those mainly dealing with foreign affairs were local principal governors , most of whom were also titled officials of the Zongli Yamen ( hence the concurrent appointments ) . The more generally accepted mode
@@5082541 <h> Explain the three ways a president can organize his or her personal staff ? <p> The Pyramid structure , the Circle structure , and the Ad Hoc structure . <p> The Pyramid structure uses a hierarchy system in which the president is the head . The Chief of Staff collects information from the White House staff and then reports it to the president . The president is generally open to the press in this model and is not overburdened with processing a large amount of information . However , the president only hears what the Chief of Staff tells him , which allows for accidental or purposeful withholding of information . Examples include Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan . <p> The Circle structure , or the wheel-and-spoke structure , keeps the president at the center of processing information . The structure demands strong leadership from the president as he deals with everyday staff . The Chief of Staff plays a smaller role in this structure . Although the president has more control , the time and effort of going through a plethora of information can be overwhelming and the president may loose sight of the big picture . Examples @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hoc structure is one that is often used in businesses . The president acts like a CEO , employing committees and special advisers to sift through information and advise on policy . The president may then make educated decisions on his policy agenda . This structure is similar to the Pyramid structure in the flow of information except that the there are multiple sources , not just the Chief of Staff . The information is still based on the discretion of advisers , though , and is not always
@@5082641 <p> A Bill for an act introducing a new mathematical truth and offered as a contribution to education to be used only by the State of Indiana free of cost by paying any royalties whatever on the same , provided it is accepted and adopted by the official action of the Legislature of 1897 . <p> Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana : It has been found that a circular area is to the square on a line equal to the quadrant of the circumference , as the area of an equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side . The diameter employed as the linear unit according to the present rule in computing the circle 's area is entirely wrong , as it represents the circle 's area one and one-fifth times the area of a square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of the circle . This is because one fifth of the diameter fails to be represented four times in the circle 's circumference . For example : if we multiply the perimeter of a square by one-fourth of any line one-fifth greater than one side @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ area to appear one-fifth greater than the fact , as is done by taking the diameter for the linear unit instead of the quadrant of the circle 's circumference . <p> Section 2 It is impossible to compute the area of a circle on the diameter as the linear unit without trespassing upon the area outside of the circle to the extent of including one-fifth more area than is contained within the circle 's circumference , because the square on the diameter produces the side of a square which equals nine when the arc of ninety degrees equals eight . By taking the quadrant of the circle 's circumference for the linear unit , we fulfill the requirements of both quadrature and rectification of the circle 's circumference . Furthermore , it has revealed the ratio of the chord and arc of ninety degrees , which is as seven to eight , and also the ratio of the diagonal and one side of a square which is as ten to seven , disclosing the fourth important fact , that the ratio of the diameter and circumference is as five-fourths to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ fact that the rule in present use fails to work both ways mathematically , it should be discarded as wholly wanting and misleading in its practical applications . <p> Section 3 In further proof of the value of the author 's proposed contribution to education and offered as a gift to the State of Indiana , is the fact of his solutions of the trisection of the angle , duplication of the cube and quadrature of the circle having been already accepted as contributions to science by the American Mathematical Monthly , the leading exponent of mathematical thought in this country . And be it remembered that these noted problems had been long since given up by scientific bodies as insolvable mysteries and above man 's ability to comprehend . <p> LEGISLATIVE HISTORY <p> Introduced IN THE HOUSE Read first time January 18th , 1897 Referred to Committee on Canals Reported and referred to Committee on Education January 19th , 1897 Reported back February 2nd , 1897 Read second time February 5th , 1897 Ordered engrossed February 5th , 1897 Read third time February 5th , 1897 Passed February 5th @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ by Record IN THE SENATE Read first time and referred to committee on Temperance , February 11th , 1897 Reported favorable February 12th , 1897 Read
@@5082741 <h> All over the map <p> -The final presidential debate proved that Obama and Romney have remarkably similar visions on foreign policy ... or is that no vision at all ? Was this debate just entertainment ? Why do the candidates continually talk down to the Muslim world ? Why did they speak so little about Afghanistan , Palestine , the war on drugs and many other issues ? CrossTalking with Micah Halpern , Chet Whye and George Szamuely . <p> Thank God I am European .... and in the European Union an organisation that works for peace with laws . Ask Lord Black of the Daily Telegraph . Maybe George Orwell got it right in his book 1984 .... Oceania a country with America and Britain destined to search for oil and not stopping to ask permission or question the morality of this crusade . Americans have become slaves of their own self-righteousness and it no longer makes any sense to the rest of the world . <p> MUSLIMS ARE THE WORLD 'S LOSERS ( unregistered ) October 25 , 2012 , 23:45 <p> -1 <p> Just saying the truth . Lowest life forms on the planet . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> ItsHer ( unregistered ) October 25 , 2012 , 22:17 <p> +1 <p> Actions speak louder than words . When the actions of these candidates do n't match their rhetoric , there 's a serious issue . WAKE UP PEOPLE . Flying drones into civilian areas is an act of war . The ridiculous topics and lack of detail in debates prove it IS more entertainment than seriousness ( especially considering neither one of them do what they say ) . Providing " humanitarian aid " to countries while arming the rebels , is not spreading democracy . Interveining in the lives of innocent civilians in these countries are not justified . Keeping bases in these countries loaded with US military is NOT withdrawing . Regardless of what comes out of both Obama 's and Romney 's mouths , they can not be taken as fact . They 've proven time and time again that they simply SAY what sounds nice and then do what they like . <p> P.S. Their view on Iran is IDENTICAL to that of Bush 's on Afghanistan . False accusations to justify @
@@5082841 <h> Plants I want to try to grow <p> I will post pictures of plants I hope to try growing . I have a serious deer over population so I will be testing out plants that claim to be deer proof . Not all are . So as I find more plants I can grow I will move them to the deer proof plants board . Hopefully this will help you grow new plants ! <p> Indoor Tulips . . . Step 1 - Fill a glass container about 1/3 of the way with glass marbles or decorative rocks . Clear glass will enable you to watch the roots develop . . . Step 2 - Set the tulip bulb on top of the marbles or stones ; pointed end UP . Add a few more marbles or rocks so that the tulip bulb is surrounded but not covered ( think support ) . . . Step 3 - Pour fresh water into the container . The water should n't touch the bulb , but it should be
@@5082941 <h> RS <h> EDITOR OF REDSTATE <h> 45 Years Ago Today : We Have a Rendezvous With Destiny <p> As conservatives face off against their own natural party , the GOP , in NY-23 , Florida , and elsewhere , we should remember Ronald Reagan 's famous speech . <p> " Not too long ago , two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee , a businessman who had escaped from Castro , and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said , " We do n't know how lucky we are . " And the Cuban stopped and said , " How lucky you are ? I had someplace to escape to . " And in that sentence he told us the entire story . If we lose freedom here , there 's no place to escape to . This is the last stand on earth . <p> And this idea that government is beholden to the people , that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people , is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this election : Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves . You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right . Well I 'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right . There 's only an up or down -- up man 's old -- old-aged dream , the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order , or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism ... <p> " No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size . So governments ' programs , once launched , never disappear . Actually , a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we 'll ever see on this earth ... <p> " You and I have a rendezvous with destiny . <p> We 'll preserve for our children this , the last best hope of man on earth , or we 'll sentence them to take @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> The full speech is below the fold . <p> Thank you . Thank you very much . Thank you and good evening . The sponsor has been identified , but unlike most television programs , the performer has n't been provided with a script . As a matter of fact , I have been permitted to choose my own words and discuss my own ideas regarding the choice that we face in the next few weeks . <p> I have spent most of my life as a Democrat . I recently have seen fit to follow another course . I believe that the issues confronting us cross party lines . Now , one side in this campaign has been telling us that the issues of this election are the maintenance of peace and prosperity . The line has been used , " We 've never had it so good . " <p> But I have an uncomfortable feeling that this prosperity is n't something on which we can base our hopes for the future . No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector 's share , and yet our government continues to spend 17 million dollars a day more than the government takes in . We have n't balanced our budget 28 out of the last 34 years . We 've raised our debt limit three times in the last twelve months , and now our national debt is one and a half times bigger than all the combined debts of all the nations of the world . We have 15 billion dollars in gold in our treasury ; we do n't own an ounce . Foreign dollar claims are 27.3 billion dollars . And we 've just had announced that the dollar of 1939 will now purchase 45 cents in its total value . <p> As for the peace that we would preserve , I wonder who among us would like to approach the wife or mother whose husband or son has died in South Vietnam and ask them if they think this is a peace that should be maintained indefinitely . Do they mean peace , or do they mean @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us . We 're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars , and it 's been said if we lose that war , and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours , history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening . Well I think it 's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers . <p> Not too long ago , two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee , a businessman who had escaped from Castro , and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said , " We do n't know how lucky we are . " And the Cuban stopped and said , " How lucky you are ? I had someplace to escape to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ entire story . If we lose freedom here , there 's no place to escape to . This is the last stand on earth . <p> And this idea that government is beholden to the people , that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people , is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man 's relation to man . <p> This is the issue of this election : Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves . <p> You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right . Well I 'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right . There 's only an up or down -- up man 's old -- old-aged dream , the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order , or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course . <p> In this vote-harvesting time , they use terms like the " Great Society , " or as we were told a few days ago by the President , we must accept a greater government activity in the affairs of the people . But they 've been a little more explicit in the past and among themselves ; and all of the things I now will quote have appeared in print . These are not Republican accusations . For example , they have voices that say , " The cold war will end through our acceptance of a not undemocratic socialism . " Another voice says , " The profit motive has become outmoded . It must be replaced by the incentives of the welfare state . " Or , " Our traditional system of individual freedom is incapable of solving the complex problems of the 20th century . " Senator Fullbright has said at Stanford University that the Constitution is outmoded . He referred to the President as " our moral teacher and our @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in his task by the restrictions of power imposed on him by this antiquated document . " He must " be freed , " so that he " can do for us " what he knows " is best . " And Senator Clark of Pennsylvania , another articulate spokesman , defines liberalism as " meeting the material needs of the masses through the full power of centralized government . " <p> Well , I , for one , resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me , the free men and women of this country , as " the masses . " This is a term we have n't applied to ourselves in America . But beyond that , " the full power of centralized government " -- this was the very thing the Founding Fathers sought to minimize . They knew that governments do n't control things . A government ca n't control the economy without controlling people . And they know when a government sets out to do that , it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose . They @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ its legitimate functions , government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy . <p> Now , we have no better example of this than government 's involvement in the farm economy over the last 30 years . Since 1955 , the cost of this program has nearly doubled . One-fourth of farming in America is responsible for 85 percent of the farm surplus . Three-fourths of farming is out on the free market and has known a 21 percent increase in the per capita consumption of all its produce . You see , that one-fourth of farming -- that 's regulated and controlled by the federal government . In the last three years we 've spent 43 dollars in the feed grain program for every dollar bushel of corn we do n't grow . <p> Senator Humphrey last week charged that Barry Goldwater , as President , would seek to eliminate farmers . He should do his homework a little better , because he 'll find out that we 've had a decline of 5 million in the farm population under these government @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ has sought to get from Congress an extension of the farm program to include that three-fourths that is now free . He 'll find that they 've also asked for the right to imprison farmers who would n't keep books as prescribed by the federal government . The Secretary of Agriculture asked for the right to seize farms through condemnation and resell them to other individuals . And contained in that same program was a provision that would have allowed the federal government to remove 2 million farmers from the soil . <p> At the same time , there 's been an increase in the Department of Agriculture employees . There 's now one for every 30 farms in the United States , and still they ca n't tell us how 66 shiploads of grain headed for Austria disappeared without a trace and Billie Sol Estes never left shore . <p> Every responsible farmer and farm organization has repeatedly asked the government to free the farm economy , but how -- who are farmers to know what 's best for them ? The wheat farmers voted against a wheat program @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of bread goes up ; the price of wheat to the farmer goes down . <p> Meanwhile , back in the city , under urban renewal the assault on freedom carries on . Private property rights are so diluted that public interest is almost anything a few government planners decide it should be . In a program that takes from the needy and gives to the greedy , we see such spectacles as in Cleveland , Ohio , a **25;10923;TOOLONG building completed only three years ago must be destroyed to make way for what government officials call a " more compatible use of the land . " The President tells us he 's now going to start building public housing units in the thousands , where heretofore we 've only built them in the hundreds . But FHA Federal Housing Authority and the Veterans Administration tell us they have 120,000 housing units they 've taken back through mortgage foreclosure . For three decades , we 've sought to solve the problems of unemployment through government planning , and the more the plans fail , the more the planners plan . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 've just declared Rice County , Kansas , a depressed area . Rice County , Kansas , has two hundred oil wells , and the 14,000 people there have over 30 million dollars on deposit in personal savings in their banks . And when the government tells you you 're depressed , lie down and be depressed . <p> We have so many people who ca n't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one . So they 're going to solve all the problems of human misery through government and government planning . Well , now , if government planning and welfare had the answer -- and they 've had almost 30 years of it -- should n't we expect government to read the score to us once in a while ? Should n't they be telling us about the decline each year in the number of people needing help ? The reduction in the need for public housing ? <p> But the reverse is true . Each year the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night . Well that was probably true . They were all on a diet . But now we 're told that 9.3 million families in this country are poverty-stricken on the basis of earning less than 3,000 dollars a year . Welfare spending is 10 times greater than in the dark depths of the Depression . We 're spending 45 billion dollars on welfare . Now do a little arithmetic , and you 'll find that if we divided the 45 billion dollars up equally among those 9 million poor families , we 'd be able to give each family 4,600 dollars a year . And this added to their present income should eliminate poverty . Direct aid to the poor , however , is only running only about 600 dollars per family . It would seem that someplace there must be some overhead . <p> Now -- so now we declare " war on poverty , " or " You , too , can be a Bobby Baker . " Now do they honestly expect @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to the 45 billion we 're spending , one more program to the 30-odd we have -- and remember , this new program does n't replace any , it just duplicates existing programs -- do they believe that poverty is suddenly going to disappear by magic ? Well , in all fairness I should explain there is one part of the new program that is n't duplicated . This is the youth feature . We 're now going to solve the dropout problem , juvenile delinquency , by reinstituting something like the old CCC camps Civilian Conservation Corps , and we 're going to put our young people in these camps . But again we do some arithmetic , and we find that we 're going to spend each year just on room and board for each young person we help 4,700 dollars a year . We can send them to Harvard for 2,700 ! Course , do n't get me wrong . I 'm not suggesting Harvard is the answer to juvenile delinquency . <p> But seriously , what are we doing to those we seek to help ? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in Los Angeles . He told me of a young woman who 'd come before him for a divorce . She had six children , was pregnant with her seventh . Under his questioning , she revealed her husband was a laborer earning 250 dollars a month . She wanted a divorce to get an 80 dollar raise . She 's eligible for 330 dollars a month in the Aid to Dependent Children Program . She got the idea from two women in her neighborhood who 'd already done that very thing . <p> Yet anytime you and I question the schemes of the do-gooders , we 're denounced as being against their humanitarian goals . They say we 're always " against " things -- we 're never " for " anything . <p> Well , the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they 're ignorant ; it 's just that they know so much that is n't so . <p> Now -- we 're for a provision that destitution should not follow unemployment by reason of old age , and to that end we 've accepted @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> But we 're against those entrusted with this program when they practice deception regarding its fiscal shortcomings , when they charge that any criticism of the program means that we want to end payments to those people who depend on them for a livelihood . They 've called it " insurance " to us in a hundred million pieces of literature . But then they appeared before the Supreme Court and they testified it was a welfare program . They only use the term " insurance " to sell it to the people . And they said Social Security dues are a tax for the general use of the government , and the government has used that tax . There is no fund , because Robert Byers , the actuarial head , appeared before a congressional committee and admitted that Social Security as of this moment is 298 billion dollars in the hole . But he said there should be no cause for worry because as long as they have the power to tax , they could always take away from the people whatever they needed to bail them @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> A young man , 21 years of age , working at an average salary -- his Social Security contribution would , in the open market , buy him an insurance policy that would guarantee 220 dollars a month at age 65 . The government promises 127 . He could live it up until he 's 31 and then take out a policy that would pay more than Social Security . Now are we so lacking in business sense that we ca n't put this program on a sound basis , so that people who do require those payments will find they can get them when they 're due -- that the cupboard is n't bare ? <p> Barry Goldwater thinks we can . <p> At the same time , ca n't we introduce voluntary features that would permit a citizen who can do better on his own to be excused upon presentation of evidence that he had made provision for the non-earning years ? Should we not allow a widow with children to work , and not lose the benefits supposedly paid for by her deceased husband ? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our beneficiaries will be under this program , which we can not do ? I think we 're for telling our senior citizens that no one in this country should be denied medical care because of a lack of funds . But I think we 're against forcing all citizens , regardless of need , into a compulsory government program , especially when we have such examples , as was announced last week , when France admitted that their Medicare program is now bankrupt . They 've come to the end of the road . <p> In addition , was Barry Goldwater so irresponsible when he suggested that our government give up its program of deliberate , planned inflation , so that when you do get your Social Security pension , a dollar will buy a dollar 's worth , and not 45 cents worth ? <p> I think we 're for an international organization , where the nations of the world can seek peace . But I think we 're against subordinating American interests to an organization that has become so structurally unsound that today you can muster a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nations that represent less than 10 percent of the world 's population . I think we 're against the hypocrisy of assailing our allies because here and there they cling to a colony , while we engage in a conspiracy of silence and never open our mouths about the millions of people enslaved in the Soviet colonies in the satellite nations . <p> I think we 're for aiding our allies by sharing of our material blessings with those nations which share in our fundamental beliefs , but we 're against doling out money government to government , creating bureaucracy , if not socialism , all over the world . We set out to help 19 countries . We 're helping 107 . We 've spent 146 billion dollars . With that money , we bought a 2 million dollar yacht for Haile Selassie . We bought dress suits for Greek undertakers , extra wives for Kenyan government officials . We bought a thousand TV sets for a place where they have no electricity . In the last six years , 52 nations have bought 7 billion dollars worth of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from this country . <p> Actually , a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we 'll ever see on this earth . <p> Federal employees -- federal employees number two and a half million ; and federal , state , and local , one out of six of the nation 's work force employed by government . These proliferating bureaus with their thousands of regulations have cost us many of our constitutional safeguards . How many of us realize that today federal agents can invade a man 's property without a warrant ? They can impose a fine without a formal hearing , let alone a trial by jury ? And they can seize and sell his property at auction to enforce the payment of that fine . In Chico County , Arkansas , James Wier over-planted his rice allotment . The government obtained a 17,000 dollar judgment . And a U.S. marshal sold his 960-acre farm at auction . The government said it was necessary as a warning to others to make the system work . <p> Last February 19th at the University of Minnesota , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Party ticket , said , " If Barry Goldwater became President , he would stop the advance of socialism in the United States . " I think that 's exactly what he will do . <p> But as a former Democrat , I can tell you Norman Thomas is n't the only man who has drawn this parallel to socialism with the present administration , because back in 1936 , Mr. Democrat himself , Al Smith , the great American , came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his Party was taking the Party of Jefferson , Jackson , and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx , Lenin , and Stalin . And he walked away from his Party , and he never returned til the day he died -- because to this day , the leadership of that Party has been taking that Party , that honorable Party , down the road in the image of the labor Socialist Party of England . <p> Now it does n't require expropriation or confiscation of private property or business to impose socialism on a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ deed to the -- or the title to your business or property if the government holds the power of life and death over that business or property ? And such machinery already exists . The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute . Every businessman has his own tale of harassment . Somewhere a perversion has taken place . Our natural , unalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government , and freedom has never been so fragile , so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment . <p> Our Democratic opponents seem unwilling to debate these issues . They want to make you and I believe that this is a contest between two men -- that we 're to choose just between two personalities . <p> Well what of this man that they would destroy -- and in destroying , they would destroy that which he represents , the ideas that you and I hold dear ? Is he the brash and shallow and trigger-happy man they say he is ? Well I 've @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ knew him long before he ever dreamed of trying for high office , and I can tell you personally I 've never known a man in my life I believed so incapable of doing a dishonest or dishonorable thing . <p> This is a man who , in his own business before he entered politics , instituted a profit-sharing plan before unions had ever thought of it . He put in health and medical insurance for all his employees . He took 50 percent of the profits before taxes and set up a retirement program , a pension plan for all his employees . He sent monthly checks for life to an employee who was ill and could n't work . He provides nursing care for the children of mothers who work in the stores . When Mexico was ravaged by the floods in the Rio Grande , he climbed in his airplane and flew medicine and supplies down there . <p> An ex-GI told me how he met him . It was the week before Christmas during the Korean War , and he was at the Los Angeles airport @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . And he said that there were a lot of servicemen there and no seats available on the planes . And then a voice came over the loudspeaker and said , " Any men in uniform wanting a ride to Arizona , go to runway such-and-such , " and they went down there , and there was a fellow named Barry Goldwater sitting in his plane . Every day in those weeks before Christmas , all day long , he 'd load up the plane , fly it to Arizona , fly them to their homes , fly back over to get another load . <p> During the hectic split-second timing of a campaign , this is a man who took time out to sit beside an old friend who was dying of cancer . His campaign managers were understandably impatient , but he said , " There are n't many left who care what happens to her . I 'd like her to know I care . " This is a man who said to his 19-year-old son , " There is no foundation like the rock of honesty @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ life on that rock , with the cement of the faith in God that you have , then you have a real start . " This is not a man who could carelessly send other people 's sons to war . And that is the issue of this campaign that makes all the other problems I 've discussed academic , unless we realize we 're in a war that must be won . <p> Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us they have a utopian solution of peace without victory . They call their policy " accommodation . " And they say if we 'll only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy , he 'll forget his evil ways and learn to love us . All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers . They say we offer simple answers to complex problems . Well , perhaps there is a simple answer -- not an easy answer -- but simple : If you and I have the courage to tell our elected officials that we want our national policy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ right . <p> We can not buy our security , our freedom from the threat of the bomb by committing an immorality so great as saying to a billion human beings now enslaved behind the Iron Curtain , " Give up your dreams of freedom because to save our own skins , we 're willing to make a deal with your slave masters . " Alexander Hamilton said , " A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master , and deserves one . " Now let 's set the record straight . There 's no argument over the choice between peace and war , but there 's only one guaranteed way you can have peace -- and you can have it in the next second -- surrender . <p> Admittedly , there 's a risk in any course we follow other than this , but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement , and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face -- that their policy of accommodation is appeasement , and it gives no choice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . If we continue to accommodate , continue to back and retreat , eventually we have to face the final demand -- the ultimatum . And what then -- when Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be ? He has told them that we 're retreating under the pressure of the Cold War , and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum , our surrender will be voluntary , because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually , morally , and economically . He believes this because from our side he 's heard voices pleading for " peace at any price " or " better Red than dead , " or as one commentator put it , he 'd rather " live on his knees than die on his feet . " And therein lies the road to war , because those voices do n't speak for the rest of us . <p> You and I know and do not believe life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dying for , when did this begin -- just in the face of this enemy ? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs ? Should Christ have refused the cross ? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ' round the world ? The martyrs of history were not fools , and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis did n't die in vain . Where , then , is the road to peace ? Well it 's a simple answer after all . <p> You and I have the courage to say to our enemies , " There is a price we will not pay . " " There is a point beyond which they must not advance . " And this -- this is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater 's " peace through strength . " Winston Churchill said , " The destiny of man is not measured by material computations . When great forces are on the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -- not animals . " And he said , " There 's something going on in time and space , and beyond time and space , which , whether we like it or not , spells duty . " <p> You and I have a rendezvous with destiny . <p> We 'll preserve for our children this , the last best hope of man on earth , or we 'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness . <p> We will keep in mind and remember that Barry Goldwater has faith in us . He has faith that you and I have the ability and the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destiny . <h> COMMENTS <p> It 's interesting to note that Reagan gave this speech 16 years before he won the presidency . At that time he was a rising start in Republican circles . <p> Who is our rising start now . Who is or are those people that will one day become president years from now ? Sadly I do n't see that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ change . Soon . <p> http : **34;10950;TOOLONG ... conservativemountaineer <p> I read the speech before viewing and the delivery was everyting I expected .. and more . You could take this speech , make a few changes ( numbers , mostly ) and it would apply to today . <p> Every politician at every level , especially Republican politicians in Congress , should be forced to watch before drawing another paycheck or allowed to even enter the Capitol Building . <p> I 'm almost 55 . I 'm a small business owner . For the first time in my life , I 've made direct contrbiutions to Conservatives like Pat Toomey , Michael Williams , Marco Rubio and Doug Hoffman . I gave $$ to McCain/Palin SOLELY because of Sarah Palin . Given the current economic conditions , I ca n't give much . My job and Company 's existence is shaky . I plan to attend the local Republican Committee meeting this week , held on the last Thursday of each month ... not sure what I can do , but ..... I simply can not sit here @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ others seem to understand it ? <p> rbdwiggins <p> Too many Americans are the product of failed government schools , and/or , victims of the welfare state . <p> Deskpilot <p> Great Ronalus Maximus gave such a brilliant speech while I was just a toddler , yet now in the wisdom of my age , his words speak the same , if not more , truth today than they did the 45 years ago . I was one of the lucky ones of my generation . I did not have to look upon the words of Winston Churchill chiding not being a Republican in youth . <p> I am still waiting for the next great president . It has been 21 years since we last had one , who knew and valued the inner strength of America , not her government ; knew the God given potential of every American and asked them to contribute to things greater than themselves . It worked , but with the Clinton and Obama administrations , the strength of america and Americans has seemingly been auctioned off to the highest bidder in Congress ' @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ We are a better country because if His intervention . <p> E Pluribus Unum <p> RedInABleuState <p> ... and profoundly sad that we 've moved so far , so fast . <p> Joshua Persons <p> Joshua Persons <p> yoyo <p> I have watched this twice now . <p> Where on Earth is his Teleprompter ? Oh , right . He did n't need one . He believed every word he said . It was from the heart . <p> ... Six years before my birth ( mom and dad just met ... ) and yet every word ( except the " Barry Goldwater " references ) is relevant today . Here and now . <p> Just plain Awe Inspiring . The REAL Great Communicator . <p> izoneguy <p> ? and profoundly sad that we ? ve moved so far backwards , so fast . <p> kansanjulie <p> I LOVE RONNIE ! I get choked up every time I hear him speak . He was an amazing man , and a truly great President . <p> mirror61 <p> how so much of that speech can be applied to what the left @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ how the dems are " trying on every front to increase the role of government " or how the msm is questioning capitalism , they are acting as though these are new ideas ( hope and change ) . Ronald Reagan 's speech 45 years ago proves that the left 's ideas never change and they continue to push for a socialist USA . <p> mirror61 <p> most conservatives did half of what you are doing , we would n't be sitting here shaking our collective heads at the current POTUS . <p> builder20 <p> 9 What has been will be again , what has been done will be done again ; there is nothing new under the sun . <p> 10 Is there anything of which one can say , " Look ! This is something new " ? It was here already , long ago ; it was here before our time . <p> 11 There is no remembrance of men of old , and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow . <p> mycountry <p> I once argued with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ avail , there is just no point in trying to convince a Liberal Fool of his folly ! <p> melvinwinter <p> With some modern liberals spliced in : http : **35;10986;TOOLONG ... <p> vassar <p> Much adieu is made of how many never heard this speech , or even , of the Gen X'ers and onward who really do n't know who RR was . That 's our fault in two ways : 1 ) a failing in what he no longer teach at our knee , 2 ) a filing in our public schools . In essence what Reagan said was known to every American school kid in 1880 , so it is a big job ... necessary nonetheless ... that the elements of liberty ; its planks , its cornerstones , its mortar ... some call this ideology , but it really is n't ... be re-injected into the popular culture . Just a thought Vassar <p> tankertodd <p> It does n't get more quotable than that . I 've never seen it until today . Thanks for posting . This is going to Facebook . <p> Unfortunate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ get elected . More unfortunate that Goldwater did n't get elected . <p> RedMDer <p> when Reagan was President , so all I know of him are the speeches . Every time I hear one I find myself saying " yes , that 's what I think -- why ca n't I say it myself ? " . I 'm always inspired by his thoughts . <p> I look around like you do , Thomas , and wonder who the next star will be . I keep thinking there must be someone out there that can make me say " yes , that 's what I think ... " , but I have n't heard him/her yet . Conservative ideas are more appealing than liberal ideas -- someone just has to be able to unpack them so the average person " gets it . " Liberals have it easy , they just say what they are going to do for you -- we have to explain how it 's better to do it for yourself . <p> Joe Rivers <p> Theirs is ever a cult of personality . Ronald Reagan @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ before he was nominated as the Republican ? He was governor of California for 8 years . He had a track record , and as is made obvious in this speech , he knew exactly what he believed . How much of this was poll-tested ? <p> primafacie <p> " And this idea that government is beholden to the people , that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people , is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man ? s relation to man . " <p> As we know , government is beholden to the corporations , primarily those of finance , insurance and war . It 's been that way since the railroads won in the Santa Clara decision around 1880 . Ronnie was a great spokesperson for the Fortune 500 but was n't exactly the savior of the American people that the press would have you believe . Look closer before blindly accepting what you 're told . <p> I voted for Ronnie on the ABC ticket . ( Anyone But Carter ) There was n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is n't . <p> Jesse V <p> Who is and where is our Ronald Reagan ? <p> Are the no leaders that will step up and lead us . I know President Reagan would tell us we should lead ourselves . Still we need a man or a woman who shares the Reagan philosophy . Who can take over and lead us and this great nation . We need a person with vision , determination and a take no prisoner attitude . <p> Who and where is that person ? <p> Still , we must be defeated . We must not throw our weapons down . We will not be shackled and enslaved . We will fight on to honor those that have gone before us . We will not let this nation be turned in to a Socialist country ! <p> We will not ! We can not ! We must not ! <p> We do " have the ability and the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destiny . " -- Ronald Reagan <p> Jesse V <p> 4th paragraph should have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ apologize to everyone . <p> I love President Reagan -- The greatest President ever ! Next to only Washington , who I did not know personally . Contrary to what some people think ! <p> Jesse V <p> ? There is no foundation like the rock of honesty and fairness , and when you begin to build your life on that rock , with the cement of the faith in God that you have , then you have a real start. ? -- Ronald Reagan <p> And now we ca n't even mention God in our government buildings , schools or in public without fear of offending someone ! <p> This nation 's laws are based on the Laws of God . This nation was built on honesty and fairness . On the laws of God . <p> We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights ! Who is that Creator ? God of course and the socialists and Marxists would have us believe that there is no god other than themselves ! <p> We must not let the rock , God , honesty , fairness , that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> " You and I know and do not believe life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery . " -- Ronald Reagan <p> " You and I have a rendezvous with destiny . <p> We ? ll preserve for our children this , the last best hope of man on earth , or we ? ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness . " -- Ronald Reagan <p> This speech makes me realize that the War for Independence is never over . <p> momofthecastle <p> in a town in America is our next Ronald Reagan . Actually , there are plenty of Reagans around . They are the ones who believe as he did , that America is great , and we need to defend her . <p> Ronald Reagan did n't set out to be the great President that he was . He was just a man , doing a job , that had beliefs and was prepared to defend them . He knew how to deliver a message @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " politician " . He was a statesman , a patriot , one who knew that we had to be constantly diligent to protect our Constitution and the American way of life handed to us by our Founders . <p> So , you are correct . We must continue the fight in our own towns , in our own families and communities , in our work places and in our schools and churches ( yes , even there ! ) We must watch the ones who are in the Congress , and our state legislatures , for people who understand these principles . Moral and upright people . They are there . We must strive to be like them . And we must ask them to lead us . Jim DeMint . Duncan Hunter . Mike Pence . Pat Toomey . Rick Santorum . Watch these people . We must not let the media tell us who our leaders will be , any more than we let them tell us that we need to be more " moderate . " We do not need a leader to come in and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ need to be wise , and CHOOSE our leaders . <p> And we need to be open to the idea that one of us may be the leader we are crying for . <p> redrefugee <p> Reagan told America that " government is not the solution to our problem ; government is the problem " and got almost 60% of the vote in two presidential elections . Why are so many current Republican candidates scared of expressing conservative ideas when they can be so successful if they do just that ? <p> janis <p> with conservative ideas ? <p> momofthecastle <p> of your quote . It was Barry Goldwater who said it . Mr. Reagan was just quoting Mr. Goldwater 's words . <p> momofthecastle <p> The second one , " Life is so dear , " is a reference -- almost word for word -- to Patrick Henry 's
@@5083041 <p> Theoretically , the sum total of your law school experience has prepared you for this moment . It just does so in a way that " looks " different because the MPT puts all the elements together in a manner that is new to students who have not yet had the opportunity to work with case files and clients . However , having worked with case files and clients , I can assure you there is no mystery to it nor any substitute for proficiency in the most basic of skills : the ability to read , organize information , think logically , extricate the relevant from the irrelevant , write clearly , and above all , follow directions . These are the skills you have developed in the course of your legal education and they are the ones the bar examiners are seeking to test in the MPT . <p> First , you will be called upon to read . But there is a very real difference between the type of reading you have engaged in for your law school classes and the type of reading you will do for the MPT . Here you must read @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ problem rather than answering a professor 's questions in class . You must read carefully and quickly , all the while searching for useful information and answers to the particular issue you have been asked to resolve . <p> Second , you must organize your time and the materials effectively to complete the required task in the time allowed . The MPT is extremely time-sensitive , perhaps even more so than the essay or multiple choice components of the bar exam in that the candidate has but 90 minutes in which to read and analyze an assortment of unfamiliar materials and compose any one of the following written assignments--a memorandum of law , a letter to a client , a persuasive brief ( including point headings ) , a contract provision , a will , a proposal for settlement , a discovery plan , or a closing argument , to list but a few of the possibilities . <p> Third , you must be able to write concisely , coherently , and in a tone and manner consistent with the nature of the assignment . In short , you must @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ provide the bar examiners with more than " a scintilla of evidence " that you have attended law school . In short , you must " sound " like an attorney ready to begin the practice of law . <p> Fourth , you must be able to follow directions . It sounds so simple and basic but it is often ignored in the haste to begin writing . The MPT is task- specific : you must perform the task identified to receive credit . If you are instructed to write a letter to a client in which you evaluate various courses of action and instead write a persuasive brief , you will have done nothing but demonstrate to the bar examiners your inability to read and follow simple directions . <p> The directions on the MPT are important for yet another , even more compelling reason : they may ask you to identify additional facts that would strengthen or , alternatively , weaken a party 's position . Since adding facts to a professor 's hypothetical is a basic law school " no-no , " you would never think to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . The ability to follow directions closely will save you time and energy , both on the bar exam and in practice generally . <p> III . Getting Down to Business <p> Having described the skills you need to perform on test day , now I will tell you how to develop them . It is very simple : you practice . Not quite a revelation , is it ? During your law school career , most of you studied from your professors ' sample exams . When you study from past exams , you get a sense of the type of questions asked and what is expected of you . Moreover , you get familiar with the style of the exam . The MPT is no different . Once again , you must study from past exams . <p> Still , preparation for the MPT is unlike preparation for the other parts of the bar exam . Here you are not tested so much on your knowledge of black letter law as you are on your ability to extract legal principles from cases and statutes and apply these principles @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ preparation courses that most , if not all of you will take , provide a comprehensive review of the substantive law . Unfortunately , such courses are not designed to cultivate the analytical and writing skills you need on the MPT . These are the skills you should have developed in law school and these are the skills you must fine tune on your own . <p> Reprints of the MPT questions and a discussion of the issues and suggested resolutions of the problems as contemplated by the drafters of the MPT are available from the National Conference of Bar Examiners ( " NCBE " ) . The examiners have selected prepared grading sheets , which describe the issues the candidate should discuss , and the grading guidelines , which allow candidates to review the guidelines they will be graded against . <p> Your first task is to acquire every available MPT and only then are you ready to begin . Next , select an exam packet . The back cover of each test contains the basic instructions for taking the exam . Read them now while you practice . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ which is available to you now . At the exam , you willonly need to peruse the instructions to ensure that nothing has changed . <p> In addition to describing the materials in the exam packet , the directions will advise you that your problem takes place " in the fictitious state of Franklin , in the fictitious Fifteenth Circuit of the United States . " You are also advised of the Franklin state court structure . Note how this should shape your reading of the problem to determine the authority of the various court decisions in your Library . <p> When you have completed reading the instructions , you are ready to examine the File and the Library . At this point , I would suggest that you consider using the following strategy . In working with students to prepare for the July 2001 MPT , I put together a set of guidelines that students found helpful and subsequently used as a blueprint to guide them through the problems during practice sessions and on the actual test day . Following this plan saves time and prevents panic : if @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ practice the routine sufficiently , it will become second nature to you by test day . <p> First , review the table of contents . It identifies the types of materials in your File and the nature of your Library . You will want to know whether you are faced with a statutory problem or a common law problem . If you have a common law problem ( which will be obvious when all you have are cases in your Library ) , then it is likely that you will have more work to do ; typically , you will have to synthesize from the cases the applicable rule to be applied to your problem . Also , by perusing the table of contents , you can often identify the area of the law in controversy and thus immediately begin to inform your subsequent reading of the File . <p> Second , read the office memorandum directed to you , the MPT applicant . This is the single most important piece of paper in the File because it contains your directions : it is your mission statement and it introduces @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ memorandum , you will know whether you are to write an objective memorandum , a persuasive brief , a client letter , or any one of a number of other possibilities . In reviewing the 26 available MPTs , candidates have been asked to perform the following tasks : <p> Task Number of Times <p> Write a memorandum 13 <p> Write a persuasive brief 7 <p> Draft a client letter 1 <p> Draft a letter to opposing counsel 1 <p> Draft interrogatories 1 <p> Draft persuasive mediation statements 1 <p> Draft clauses for a will 1 <p> Draft an opinion letter 1 <p> While it appears that writing a memorandum is the preferred task , the precise nature of the memo varies and , once again , you are urged to read carefully . The bar examiners may request that you do more than simply analyze the facts in light of the relevant law and write an objective evaluation ; they may request that you identify additional facts that would strengthen a party 's position , state the most persuasive arguments that can be made to support a given position @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the directions , you can identify the tone you are required to adopt in your writing . Whether you are to write an objective evaluation or a persuasive argument determines how you will approach the materials in your File . Knowing your task as you read is critical . If you know you must write a persuasive brief with point headings , you will be reading the cases with an eye toward formulating them . <p> The memo also reveals the precise issue you are asked to resolve . It may appear in the form of the questions you are asked to address in a client letter , in the argument you need to make in a brief , or even a supervising attorney 's theory of the case . Read this memo twice to be certain you have identified your task and the issue to be resolved . Write the issue on your scratch paper so that you do not lose sight of it as you proceed . <p> Third , it is my experience that reading the Library before you read the File will be very instructive . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the client file will be formed by your knowledge of the controlling statutes and case law . On the other hand , if you read the File first , with its various excerpts from depositions , client communications , and attorney notes , it will be more difficult , if not impossible , to sift relevant from irrelevant information . You simply can not know which facts are " relevant " until you know the law and how the cases in your jurisdiction have interpreted that law . While reading the Library first does not guarantee you will not have to review it again , it will make your subsequent reading of the client file meaningful and immediately productive . <p> When working in the Library , read the statutes and code provisions first . Not only are they shorter than cases , but they immediately identify the area of law in which you will be working and provide the basic elements for the rule you will have to analyze . Additionally , pay close attention to any " official comments " in a given statute or code provision . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to highlight an issue , draw your attention to a counterargument , or signal a legal distinction . Be aware , however , that there may be some authorities in the Library that are irrelevant . Clearly , you will not know what is not relevant to your analysis at this point , but you must necessarily wait to make that judgment until you read the client file . Once again , it will be your job to discern the relevant from the irrelevant based on your analysis of the law and its application to your facts . <p> Next to the actual writing of the assignment , reading the cases is the most time consuming portion of the MPT , but there is a strategy you can use to make each minute productive . First , remember that the bar examiners have carefully crafted or selected each case . This means that each one has something specific to tell you and is designed to be of use in your particular task . A case may give you the rule , provide an exception to the rule , or furnish @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ being cognizant of your issue from the introductory memo , and , therefore , of the type of argument you will need to make , ask yourself these questions as you read each case : 1 ) " Why is this case in my library ? " and 2 ) " How do I use this case ? " Furthermore , do not ignore footnotes . If there is a footnote in a case , it is most likely there intentionally . While you might not know its significance at this point , be sure to keep it in mind when you subsequently read the File . <p> Often , the Library will include a case that articulates a rule in the course of its analysis . Sometimes , the bar examiners will be so blunt as to have the court state something like , " During the past 30 years , we have developed a two-pronged analysis for evaluating the validity of a premarital agreement . " Such a statement is truly a " gift " --it gives you the rule and its two elements . Sometimes , your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with " prongs . " In such cases , you must find your elements somewhere else . Often you will find them in a statute from your jurisdiction . Simply break the statute into its component elements and proceed accordingly . <p> However , for any gift to have its greatest impact , the donee must use it well . On the MPT , this means adapting the court 's analysis to form your " mini working outline . " The outline is then in place as you read the rest of the Library . You can add to and refine your understanding of the rule as well as add any exceptions or limitations to the rule you learn from the other cases . Then when you read your File , you can add your " facts " to correspond with each element of the rule , thus providing the first steps for your subsequent legal analysis . <p> IV . Getting Your Outline Organized <p> Now let 's see how it 's done . For example , if we look at Test 2 of the February 1997 , MPT @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ full articulation of the rule that I referred to earlier . The Supreme Court of Franklin stated , <p> During the past 30 years , we have developed a two-pronged analysis for evaluating the validity of a premarital agreement . Under the first prong , the court must decide whether the agreement provides a fair and reasonable provision for the party not seeking enforcement of the agreement . If the court makes this finding , then the analysis ends and the agreement may be validated . If the agreement is not fair , the court must invoke the second prong and decide : ( A ) whether full disclosure has been made by the parties of the amount , character , and value of the property involved , and ( B ) whether the agreement was entered into intelligently and voluntarily on independent advice and with full knowledge by both spouses of their rights . <p> Your job is to use this rule to create an outline similar to the one shown below : <p> I. The agreement must be fair and reasonable for the party not seeking enforcement of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ agreement found to be grossly disproportionate , denied common law and statutory rights , prevented claim against or rights against separate property . <p> If fair , then the analysis is complete . <p> II . If the agreement is not fair , then ask : <p> A. Was there full disclosure of the amount , character , and value of the property involved and <p> B. Was the agreement entered into intelligently and voluntarily on independent advice and with full knowledge by both spouses of their rights . <p> Facts from Library case : <p> A. Husband disclosed the nature and extent of his assets ; wife disclosed her limited resources <p> B. Attorney never advised wife he was only representing husband <p> Facts from my case : <p> I. <p> II . <p> A. <p> B. <p> As you can see , the first thing you will do is break down the rule from the text of the case into its component elements . Then you will note the specific facts from the case that the court relied upon to come to its decision . You must also @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ note the facts from your case that correspond to each of the elements of the rule . This is your working outline of the rule . It need not be any longer or wordier than this . You should underline or highlight the key words as I have done to help you remember them and inform your reading of the File . Now you know what you must look for when you read the materials in the File . If you create this outline when you first find the rule , you will have already prepared the foundation for writing your memo or brief . <p> This outline will prove invaluable to you . It will help to ensure that you do not leave out any elements of the rule when you begin your analysis , an oversight that is quite easy to make under the extreme pressure of exam writing . Actually , I devised this technique when one of the students I worked with this past summer failed to include the first prong of the rule in his analysis of this problem . It seems that in his @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ part of the rule and referred only to subparts A and B in his analysis . He told me that he had trouble making sense of the problem but when he reviewed the case , he saw that it was supposed to be a two-part rule and , in his haste , erroneously thought that parts A and B were the two parts . That is when he realized the value of an outline . And , so will you . <p> After you have completed reading the cases and materials in the Library , you are ready to proceed to the File . Do not be surprised if you find yourself reading a fair amount of material that you believe will be irrelevant to your actual analysis of the problem . As you may recall from writing your Statement of Facts in legal memos and briefs , you need to include more than the " bare bones " in your factual statement to provide the reader with the necessary background information . Consequently , you will be faced with what seems like an avalanche of information as you proceed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you take the following advice . <p> First , identify the parties and your client , but not just by their names-- note their legal relationship . For example , the relationship could be that of buyer and seller , teacher and student , husband and wife , and employer and employee , to name a few . By thinking of the parties in terms of their legal relationship to each other , you will be more alert to the legal significance of the facts contained in the depositions , transcripts , and correspondence . Second , refine the issue in your problem to further inform your reading . For example , in Test 1 of the February 1997 , MPT , Alexander v. BTI and Bell , you might have identified the issue from the applicant memo as something like : " whether Bell was a co-participant in the warm-up practice period with Alexander so that he owed no duty to her beyond avoiding reckless and intentionally harmful behavior . " <p> Write this issue above your outline of the rule . Your task as you read the File @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ argue that Bell was a " co-participant . " By reading the File with this issue in place , you can more easily identify the legally relevant facts from the sea of material in front of you . As you proceed to read the materials in the File , add the critical facts to the parallel set of point headings in your outline . By now you should have a clear picture of the problem and how you can resolve it . <p> V. Writing the Assignment <p> After completing your reading of the Library and File , you are ready to begin the task of writing . Quickly check the applicant memo once again to verify your task . This is critical . You must adopt the tone required by your assigned task . For example , if you are asked to write a client letter , you must adapt your writing style accordingly . This means that you recognize your reader is a layperson and if you use any legal terms in your letter ( as you are sure to do ) , you explain such terms in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , you will want your assignment to resemble a letter so you will include a mock letterhead and begin something like the following which is based on Test 1 of the July 1997 , MPT , In re Kiddie-Gym Systems , Inc. : <p> Jerome A. Martin , President <p> Kiddie-Gym Systems , Inc . <p> 4722 Industrial Way <p> Bradley Center , FN 33087 <p> RE : Playground Equipment at Bradley Center Shopping Mall <p> Dear Mr. Martin , <p> As promised in our meeting of July 29 , 1997 , I have reviewed your file and the applicable law and am prepared to give you the firm 's opinion with respect to the issues we discussed . <p> The first issue we discussed is whether your company , KGS , or Cornet bears the risk of loss for the playground equipment destroyed in the fire at Cornet 's Bradley Center Shopping Mall . It is our opinion that Cornet would be held responsible for the risk of loss for the playground equipment given that it was destroyed by fire after installation had been timely completed and there was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ if you are asked to write an objective memorandum of law , you will assume a neutral tone and carefully , objectively evaluate the facts in light of the applicable law . Alternatively , if you are asked to write a legal brief or any form of argument , you will adopt the tone of an advocate and use forceful and persuasive language . <p> To assist you in this effort and ensure that you are clear as to what the bar examiners expect from your response , they include a memo in your packet that gives specific guidelines in writing your assignment . There are guidelines for opinion letters , persuasive briefs , memorandums , etc . Each memo will tell you exactly what to include ( and sometimes what not to include ) in your paper . Be sure to follow these guidelines to the letter . An important part of your preparation for the MPT is to read these memos now and be completely familiar with them so that on test day you need spend only a few precious moments reviewing them before proceeding . <p> Sometimes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in addition to a persuasive brief . The memo will advise you when this is required and when it is not . Check this very carefully . You do not want to leave out a section if it is requested and , conversely , you do not want to waste valuable time if it is not . If you are required to include a Statement of Facts , be sure to include citations to the Record . The citation need be no more than " ( R.6 ) " at the end of the sentence containing the relevant fact . But once again , you have demonstrated to the grader that you are aware of the need to cite to authority and familiar with the proper form of legal documentation . <p> A. Know These Specifics , if the Directions Ask to Provide Them <p> 1 . Persuasive Point Headings <p> Perhaps the most challenging and difficult task for candidates is when they are asked to include persuasive point headings in their argument . Most students have not had the opportunity or the need to write point headings since their @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ And if you are like most students , you struggled through it and promptly forget about it . Unfortunately , commercial bar preparation courses are not going to teach you how to do this because there is not time and quite simply , it is not their job . Still , you have the opportunity to rack up considerable points with just a few sentences . Also , bar examiners are inclined to look more favorably upon a paper that immediately sets forth the proper tone and may be disposed to view your entire paper in a favorable light . <p> The key to writing an effective point heading is simple : state the legal conclusion you want the court to read and the factual basis on which it can do so . The following point headings are illustrations based on Test 2 of the July 1997 , MPT , State v. Devine . They correspond to the two issues you need to address in the brief : <p> Whether you include sub-points is dependent on the nature of your problem and the applicable law . Remember , the purpose @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ outline and summary of your argument . Each point heading or sub- heading is written as a conclusory statement that combines the law with the relevant facts . It should be a coherent , logical , and persuasive thesis sentence . Do not state abstract principles of law . Do not write objective , neutral statements . If your adversary would agree with your statement , then you have n't written it right . The good news is that if you practice writing point headings now as you prepare from the practice MPTs , they will not be much of an obstacle on test day . <p> 2 . Writing Case Summaries <p> Another important skill to review and practice before test day is writing case summaries . This is where you reduce a case to its core facts , holding , and reasoning . Typically , you have not written case analyses for your law school exams and unless you have had the opportunity to write a paper or worked on one of your school 's journals , chances are that your only exposure to writing such summaries was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on the MPT , however , is not to write a case brief or even a lengthy analysis but to concisely state the holding and facts of the Library case and then compare that case to the facts of your case . <p> When working with the Library , the most common error is to include long passages and quotations from the cases in your text . Do not do this ! It adds nothing to your legal argument ( and no points ) but adds tremendously to your writing time . Instead , write something like this : " In Milford v. State , the court found that evidence of an offense committed by the defendant but two days before the current one was so linked in time and circumstances as to show state of mind that it was admissible . " Here , in one sentence , you have provided the holding in the case and the factual basis the court relied upon to reach that decision . <p> 3 . Using Case Analysis <p> Equally important is to give adequate treatment to the cases in the Library @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from these cases to the specific facts in your case . For example , in Test 1 of the July 1997 , MPT , In re Kiddie- Gym Systems , Inc. , where you are asked to write a client letter explaining a client 's position in light of certain events , you might consider statements like the following : <p> In Hughes v. Al Green , Inc. , the court of appeals held that title is relevant only if the parties provide that risk of loss depends upon who holds the title . Therefore , unless the contract specifically provides that risk of loss depends upon who actually holds title , it is irrelevant where title resides . In our case , the specific act of delivering and installing the playground system passed the risk of loss to Cornet and it does not matter that the contract provision did not convey title until some future event . <p> Additionally , you must provide more than a superficial analysis . Do not hesitate to develop your argument by synthesizing the applicable law and the facts from your case : <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " material alteration " is one that would cause undue surprise or hardship if made part of the agreement without the express awareness by the other party . Album Graphics , Inc. v. Craig Adhesive Co . While this case referred to a manufacturer 's unilateral disclaimer of basic warranties as resulting in " surprise or hardship , " a sudden price increase of 10% would similarly cause surprise and hardship . Indeed , you have explained that this additional $2500 would cause you a substantial financial hardship in that KGS stands to barely break even on this deal and might even lose money on it . Further , you mentioned that had you been informed of such a charge , you could easily have made arrangement to pick up the system with your own driver at no additional expense . Second , we could insist that the price term in our purchase order specifying the price as " all-inclusive " was an effective notification of objection to any changes in the price term and that Poly-Cast 's adding to the price of the units by imposing shipping charges amounting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Unlike the essay portion of the New York State bar exam where sample responses to the essays have been released for your review , the MPT does not provide sample answers from previous exams . Instead , the MPTs work with point sheets and grading guidelines where the main issues and facts are identified . New York has chosen to provide model responses for the MPT just as it does for its essay questions . While the point sheets are very helpful in identifying the issues you need to address in your answer and their corresponding point allocation , the point sheets do not provide the words themselves . And for many students , the overriding concern is just how to get started : how to write the opening sentence , the point headings , and the case summaries . <p> VI . Success Equals Practice <p> Once again , the key to your success will be practice . Now that you know what is expected of you , go back to your first year legal brief and review your professor 's comments . Strangely enough , it will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ writing is essentially the same whether you are writing an exam , essay or a legal memorandum . You are solving a problem by applying the relevant law to the facts . In one way or another , it is always IRAC . You identify the issue , state the rule , and provide analysis through application of the facts . You know how to do this . You just have to adapt to a somewhat different format . Your goal during practice sessions , therefore , is to spend this time reacquainting yourself with the mechanics of legal writing and the various forms of legal expression so that you do not do waste time on test day familiarizing yourself with such fundamentals . <p> A. Time is of the Essence <p> While time allocation is the last topic to be discussed , it may well be the most important one . Clearly , you must complete the assignment to maximize the points you receive . The bar examiners suggest that you allot forty-five minutes to reading the materials and forty-five minutes to organizing and writing your response . This @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ suggestions outlined in this Article , you will be organizing your response while you are reading and digesting the materials , thereby maximizing your productivity . Of course , you can have no real idea how long any of this will take unless and until you have done it . Therefore , after you have read through one or two of the MPTs to get a sense of what they are all about , select another one and just read the materials , practicing the techniques you have just learned . Note how long it takes you to do this . This is your baseline reading time . Then , proceed to writing the response . Once again , time yourself . This is your baseline writing time . Do not be surprised or disheartened if it seems to take several hours to get through the materials . This is normal the first time you approach new material . Still , the experience will be somewhat different for everyone . Some read faster than others ; others have difficulty writing . You need to learn how long it takes you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ established your reading and writing baselines , you can concentrate on improving your time . Learning how to allocate your time is a challenging but not insurmountable task . You can do it with practice . <p> VII . Conclusion <p> Hopefully , this discussion has demystified the MPT for you and at the same time provided you with a solid work plan to follow as you prepare for the bar exam . As in any venture , the key to success is planning and practice . If you seize the opportunity to practice from previous MPTs , you will
@@5083141 <p> Steve Neal 's wife Ann called me today to advise that Steve is in the hospital in ICU with a heart attack . Evidently , he had four stints put in and is doing well . I hope to get by to see him tomorrow and will
@@5083241 <h> How to Find Out Where a Picture Was Taken ? <p> This quick tip explains how you can find out the location where a picture was possibly taken with the help of Google Images . <p> Say you are exploring interesting places on the Internet and come across a gorgeous destination that you would like to visit sometime in future . The only problem is that the web photograph carries no text caption and you therefore have no clue of the location where that picture was possible taken . <h> Where was a picture taken ? <p> Sometimes the EXIF data embedded in an image file can help you determine the location but there 's another alternative that is more likely to work . <p> You probably know that Google offers Similar Image search to help discover images that are visually similar to your source image . The same feature of Google Images can sometimes help you uncover the location of a photograph as well . Here 's how : <p> Go to images.google.com and drag * any image -- either from your desktop or another web page -- to the search box ( see video for a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ some popular destination , Google will mention the possible location of that image above the search results ( see screenshot ) . In all other cases , you will at least know the original source of that image and that could offer enough hints for you to guess the actual location on your own . <p> * IE may not support drag and drop but in that case , you can click the " camera icon " in the Google search box
@@5083341 <h> Personal Details <h> Other Works : <h> Publicity Listings : <h> Height : <h> Did You Know ? <h> Personal Quote : <p> Well , here 's the problem . If you accept a lot of money to do a film in Hollywood and you have a huge budget , they 're going to expect a lot of asses in seats , as you would if you had to write a cheque for a lot of money . You want your money back ; it 's a business . If you work on a small budget with stars who are willing to cut prices and do interesting work with you ... See more <h> Trivia : <p> Worked
@@5083441 <h> A Way to Test the " Bad Teacher " Theory <p> In response to an earlier post , a reader suggests a simple way to evaluate the oft-repeated assertion tat low test scores are caused by bad teachers : <p> I wonder why the reformers do n't try this experiment : Take the staff of an underperforming school and switch them for a year with the staff in a high performing school . Let 's see if the results are that different . <p> I say try it for three years . Compare the results in both schools . Good idea . <p> I have heard this proposed many times . With privatizers in control of so many districts and states ( e.g. Louisiana , Tennessee , New Jersey , Wisconsin , Indiana , Maine , Pennsylvania ) , this should be easy to arrange . <p> As someone who is considered an excellent teacher at a high performing school I know about this first hand . Before this school I was briefly at a high FARM school , with chronic misbehavior , absenteeism , and low reading skills . I was also teaching 50% of the time @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ under those circumstances . I was the same teacher in both schools with vastly different results . <p> Because the do n't care about education . They care about profits and a business-friendly , passivating educational system . Actually learning the facts in any sort of scientific way is a waste of time and a risk . <p> We have to stop thinking about this as a quality issue . This is a money-grab and another nail in the coffin of democracy . <p> Attempted ? So far it 's looking pretty darn successful . The few protests that have happened have been like an old lady trying to beat an armed robber over the head with her purse . The armed robber , being a sociopath , just shoots the old lady and leaves her for dead . <p> I teach English as a second language at two elementary schools in Indiana . One school is an " A " school with about 3% free and reduced lunch students . The other is soon to become an " F " school ( Thanks , Tony Bennett ) with a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in both school working very hard . They all care about their kids and do whatever they can to support them . They all use similar " best-practice " techniques . I guarantee that switching the teachers in the schools will not change the performance of the students . It 's the teachers in the lower test scores school that are at school on the weekends , putting in extra hours before and after , because they HAVE TO . A teacher in the " A " school , which has enjoyed accolades for years as a great school told me , " We 're not miracle workers . These kids come to school already reading . They 've traveled , their parents talk to them about current events . We just keep them going . " <p> One need only look at a teacher 's test scores over several years . I have had classes with children who listened , worked well together , and had supportive parents . I have also had classes with major behavioral issues and apathetic parents . Because my district is small , my @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ low of 11 to a high of 20-something . I try my damndest every day to do my best for each of my students . My scores are not consistent because my
@@5083541 <h> Rebel Against Excessive Mortgage Interest Charges <h> How to Use a HELOC to Pay for Your House <p> Using a little understood technique of moving your money to its most advantageous position , you could cut 10 or even 20 years off your 30-year fixed home mortgage . <p> The concept is simple : move money worth x dollars over to a place where it 's worth y dollars , for example trading U.S. dollars for Euros -- or whatever the money markets of the day show could be profitable . The difference does n't have to be very much . A gain of a cent could yield a profit of $5000 overnight if $1,000,000 were placed in such a position . Stock markets work on a similar principle : invest a dollar today for something anticipated to be worth more than a dollar in the future . <p> Bringing it closer home , you can achieve results similar to these investment gains by moving your home 's equity to something that is costing you more than your house . The main difference is instead of spending a dollar to earn a profit of 15 , you 'll @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> " What is costing me more than my house ? " The simple answer is " the mortgage interest you pay on your house . " ** Therefore , anything you can do to cut the mortgage interest charged you is a quick way to save money . <p> Now back to the notion of moving money from one place to another to realize a gain . Instead of x and y -- which makes the eyes of everyone who did poorly in algebra glaze over , including my own , let 's call them cookies and ice cream . Your mortgage debt will be ice cream . We 'll get to the cookies in a minute . Right now , since the mortgage interest on your home could be your largest expense , we 'll call that a stomach ache . Stepping back to look at something not quite that costly which we might parlay into a savings at ice cream brings us back to the home itself , cookies . <p> You convert some of your cookies , specifically home equity , to ice cream , your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ stomach ache ( mortgage interest ) exponentially . In other words , the more cookies ( equity ) you use to reduce the ice cream ( principal of the mortgage ) , the more stomach ache ( proportion of interest ) you will avoid . <p> To illustrate , to borrow $200,000 for 30 years at 6% will ultimately cost you $231,676.38 in interest payments alone . That 's a mighty big stomach ache ! Transferring $5000 from your accumulated equity six months into your loan ( assuming your home has increased in value ) , erases $22,651.35 from that projected interest . That 's exponential savings . Five thousand dollars of cookies cut nearly $23,000 from your stomach ache , a 453% return . Though it will take 28.1 years to fully appreciate your accomplishment , comparing it to any other kind of investment , this is a 16.1211% annualized return . <p> In order to draw $5000 of cookies out of your home 's equity , you 'll need a to get from a bank a home equity line of credit ( HELOC ) -- far preferable to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ savings . Of course , the $5000 must be repaid . If you were unaware of ways to reduce interest on a HELOC , and paid it back over a year 's time at 8.25% , it would cost you $430 . So in this worst of all cases scenario , the $22,651 you cut off your stomach ache cost you $430 . That 's more than a 5000% increase in value , a 184% annualized return . <p> Some people object to debt and will not use this technique because it calls for a HELOC . In the example , the $5000 draw on home equity reduced the $200,000 of mortgage principal owed on the primary residence . By changing $5000 from mortgage debt into HELOC debt , we now have $195,000 in ice cream and $5000 in cookies . The same amount of sweets as before , just in a different form . In other words , we restructured a miniscule part of the home loan . We did n't borrow more money . But we did cut the stomach ache by nearly $23,000 . <p> Employing this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ cuts $119,480 off projected mortgage interest paybacks -- that 's a lot of stomach ache avoided . To put it in perspective , your home would be paid for in half the time , and you could pay someone 's way through college , or feed and clothe 30 starving children for 10 years . <p> For a complete guide to using your home to pay for your home , get the Let Your Mortgage Make You Rich kit , consisting of a 96-page workbook and several companion ebooks on fixing your credit , real estate , and becoming wealthy . <h> March 12 , 2008 <h> July 6 , 2008 <h> Heloc @ 2:57 am : <p> What about the HELOC payment ? You borrowed $5000 at the beginning of each year , if you pay it off over the course of the year , you have to pay an additional $435/month , or the HELOC balance would be $5430 at the end of the year . You do save $119,480 off of the interest on the mortgage , but you 're doing so by paying extra principal . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ principal each month , you would save $121,587 in interest over the life of the mortgage . Why bother borrowing it and paying it back ? <h> The Great Mortgage Revolt @ 7:26 am : <p> Hello Heloc - thanks for opening a discussion . I can not comment on the numbers you proposed , because they are incomplete for making calculations . Missing info : term of loan , interest rate , interest rate on HELOC , family 's discretionary income ( or even net income ) . <p> However , there are some general principles on which I can comment . <p> 1 ) The HELOC should be repaid painlessly by holding all the income until it 's needed for bills . Therefore , interest accruing on the HELOC should amount to about 1/2 the going rate . <p> 2 ) If it takes a family 12 months to repay a $5000 HELOC , they should be using a smaller amount . You are assuming that after mortgage , utilities , groceries , gas , tuition -- all regular expenses including property takes , auto insurance , etc @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ part-time or full-time to replenish the HELOC . If money is that tight with them , they should be playing the game with a smaller amount . <p> 3 ) If they use the technique in the next to the last chapter of the manual , they never write a check or have an automatic withdrawal of a monthly HELOC payment . <p> 4 ) Taking money from a HELOC to apply to your mortgage principal is not " borrowing money . " It is " moving money . " Specifically , it is exchanging an expensive type of debt ( mortgage ) for an inexpensive type ( HELOC ) . <p> 5 ) The financial principle involved is the " velocity of money " It will always be more advantageous to apply a larger lump sum to a loan at the beginning of any period than to divide the lump sum and apply it in 12 ( or even two ) smaller amounts . It would be worthwhile to be able to check your numbers , because they seem to work counter to " velocity . " <p> You @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ article above works . If you are sincere , buy the book -- or someone else 's book . <h> September 22 , 2008 <h> Rich Wright @ 12:39 pm : <p> If one has adequate equity for a HELOC to pay off the entire balance of the conventional mortgage , would this not be the ideal thing to do ? EX : $100,000.00 HELOC with an $80,000.00 balance on a mortgage with rates of 5% and 5.75% respectivly . The HELOC intrest is also deductable is it not ? ( both on same , primary property ) <h> October 3 , 2008 <h> Doug @ 5:58 pm : <p> @Heloc and Rich Wright , think about what your mtg statements could look like after the first year ( I 'm ball-parking it here so , really , look at your amortization to see what I 'm talking about in detail ) . In my case , my mtg payments in the first year lower my PRINCIPAL around about $1000 . Now , if I were to have paid that $1000 up front , that would have knocked a year @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ paying that $1000 up front already puts me about one year ahead of schedule - of course , I realize that another $1000 payment will not knock the same amount of time off the schedule since the principal payments the next year will equal more than around about $1000 , which is true the next year and the next . HOWEVER , that extra $1000 DOES still knocks SOME time off - more than just a month but less than a full year . <p> So , you ask , how does the HELOC come into play ? In an EFFECTIVE way ? Well , you take a comfortable amount from your HELOC to pay down a chunk of your mtg . Then , when your paycheck comes in , you could put all or some of it into your HELOC to pay it down too , reducing the interest ( and amount owed ) by the amount of your paycheck . <p> Now I 'm thinking you 're asking , " what about the bills that are due right after I get my paycheck ? " Well , pull @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Then when your next paycheck comes , again , put all of it or some of it into your HELOC again . That may pay it down completely , but you may still have some bills coming up so , draw from the HELOC some more to pay those bills too . <p> Now at the end of the month , hopefully your HELOC is close to being paid off with a balance close to $0 outstanding . At this point you can start all over again by sending your regular mtg payment plus an extra $1000 to apply to the principal again . All of which will come from your HELOC because , as I said at the beginning of this paragraph , your HELOC is $0 which implies that your checking/savings account balance is near $0 too . <p> But that is OK because you will be paid in a couple of weeks and that paycheck will all go into your HELOC balance again , then bills will need to be paid increasing the HELOC a little , then another paycheck and some more bills . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ due . If your HELOC is still in the red maybe you will only feel comfortable paying just the minimum mtg payment so that you can get your HELOC balance back down to $0 this month . <p> Or , maybe your are comfortable sending a bigger chunk from your HELOC , say $2000 or $3000 , to pay down your mtg and then spend a couple of months only sending the minimum payment for your mtg while your paychecks pay down your HELOC to $0 . <p> Then start all over again . <p> This begs the question of what about an emergency or a desired vacation that might equal a few thousand dollars , or even a layoff ? Well , that gets to the question of how much your HELOC should be and how deep you dip into it each month . Someone brought up the question of taking $5000 from the HELOC to send to the mtg company . If one does so , one should also have a buffer ABOVE that amount REMAINING in the HELOC to draw upon . <p> This gets to YOUR @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that is $5000 then by no means should you send all of it and all of your savings and checking account to your mortgage company . If you did so , and if you had an emergency you would then , theoretically , have to borrow money from other sources to handle that emergency . The idea is not to get in over your head - only work with small amounts for starters and back off if you see the HELOC balance owed getting too high and/or uncomfortable for you . If you first started by sending $1000 and realized you are going deeper into debt as the months go buy , drop down to $500 or $200 principal payments instead . Play with it until you are comfortable . <p> By the same token , if your bank ( or better , credit union ) gives you a whopping $30,000 HELOC ask yourself if you really should send in even half of that because how long would it take YOU to pay off that $15,000 balance to $0 ? If your take-home pay is $6000 every 2 weeks , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , then you should consider NOT using most of your HELOC but only send in some 1 , 2 , or $5000 at a time . Then if you have an emergency you still have well over $20,000 in your HELOC if you truly need it - and of course lets pray you would n't need it . <h> January 6 , 2009 <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 1:52 pm : <p> You take money out of the HELOC and put it into the mortgage , so that there is less principle due on the primary and it accrues less interest . But you borrow on the HELOC , and so the HELOC accrues interest . In the example given above , the $5000 HELOC is assumed paid off in a year with $430 of interest.That means that in addition to paying your mortgage , you paid an additional $5430 , $5000 of which went to the principle and $430 to interest . <p> If you repeated this process , paying $5000 a year onto the principle as a lump sum out of a HELOC and $430 in interest to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in 16 years and 6 months . <p> Instead , taking $452.50 a month ( which is what it takes to pay off the HELOC over the course of the year ) and paying it directly to the principle of the mortgage without ever bothering with a HELOC your mortgage would be paid off in 15 years and 7 months . <p> Unless the HELOC is at a lower rate , paying extra mortgage payments is the way to go . <p> An argument can be made that paying bills from a HELOC so a tax deduction on the interest can be claimed is also sort of absurd . If bills total $5000 , interest comes to $430 , and at a 25% tax bracket you get $107 off your tax bill after paying the bank $430 . <p> Pay your bills with money , pay your mortgage with money . Then when the mortgage is paid off and you 're not paying anyone any interest , keep it that way . <h> February 6 , 2009 <p> Sometimes it can be cheaper using a HELOC even if the interest @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ mortgage . I have an example of comparing the HELOC technique against extra principle payments at : http : **35;4841;TOOLONG ... There are a few factors that go into making it beat simple extra principal payments : frequency of expenses and frequency of income being received . And I am definitely not trying to say that it always beats extra principal payments . But do n't write it off completely without a little more analysis . <h> February 9 , 2009 <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 5:03 am : <p> Greg , The example given in your link shows that it can save you some money to pay your mortgage off by submitting payments twice a month , not that using a HELOC results in a faster payoff . Because interest compounds daily , it is true that making payments twice a month instead of once a month will save a small amount of interest . However , comparing using a HELOC which is paid twice a month to a mortgage payment made monthly is not a valid way to compare the two methods to determine which most effectively pays @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ borrow money at a higher interest rate to pay off money at a lower interest rate and come out ahead in a valid comparison of the two systems . However , I wish you the best of luck in selling your computer program . <p> Peter , The comparisons in my page make one mortgage payment each month . The comparisons are made against two different methods to get the extra principal for the payment . One method uses a HELOC as the source ; one method uses what is left over at the end of month . There is not one example that makes multiple mortgage payments - the HELOC methods pay down the HELOC balance twice a month but that is not the same as a mortgage payment and is the point of the system . The criteria used for evaluating which method is better is this : which method costs the least amount to pay off the debt . In all my examples the " HELOC shuffle " method pays off the debt in the same amount of time but with less total interest paid - and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> So your statement " There is no way to temporarily borrow money at a higher interest rate to pay off money at a lower interest rate and come out ahead in a valid comparison of the two systems " is just flat out ignoring the facts presented - facts that are backed-up with the actual computations so that you can verify them yourself . <p> Now , the examples on my page were manufactured for the comparison - I needed to setup a situation that I could use my software to easily compare both payment methods . That meant I had to setup the mortgage payment at a weird time of the month so that the HELOC would be ignored for the extra payment in the " regular " method . But outside of that , I would argue that they resemble a reasonable model of someone 's potential finances . <p> But the results are clear , the HELOC method can be cheaper . ( Is it always ? absolutely not . ) And it does n't even take a HELOC interest rate cheaper that the interest rate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 7:03 am : <p> Greg , Perhaps I misspoke in my earlier comment . To aviod confusion , making a debt payment - whether it is on a HELOC or a traditional mortgage - twice a month when daily compounding occurs will definately save some money . But making that debt payment directly to the mortgage company ( paying your mortgage semi-monthly for half the 30 year payment and half the extra payment ) will result in a greater savings than using a HELOC shuffle because you are borrowing money at a lower interest rate and paying it back at the same rate ( two debt payments per month ) . I stand by my assertion that it is not possible to borrow money at a higher interest rate , make repayment on the same schedule and come out ahead . Making payments on debts with a different payment schedule is still not a valid comparison of the two debt repayment methods . Of course , if you already have a monthly mortgage and your mortgage company will not accept semi-monthly payments , that is a different issue entirely @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you have already created for yourself may make sense in that case . <h> Doug @ 9:42 am : <p> Peter , let me first state that I 'm not selling anything here and wo n't be selling anything here . <p> The point is that by using a HELOC you can pay the MAX amount possible each month to your mortgage company to reduce your mortgage by a larger-than-normal percentage , while at the same time your paycheck is plowed back into the HELOC every 2 weeks or 1 week or 1 month depending on how frequently you get paid . THAT is where the power of this methodology works . Say you win $100 playing poker one night - THAT money can go directly into your HELOC the next day , assuming you deposit it and transfer that money to your HELOC . <p> But you wo n't be able to plow every dime of your paycheck - or every $20 you find in a sport coat you have n't worn in 2 years - into your mortgage w/out having to borrow money from somewhere else to pay @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for short periods , say , 1 month at a time , then pay it off ) you are able to dramatically reduce your mortgage and at the same time you can borrow against your HELOC to pay your monthly bills . But then you can reduce your HELOC as the month progresses when you get paid . You ca n't borrow against your mortgage . <p> And , depending on the current interest rates , the interest ( in real dollars ) you pay on your HELOC can be less than what you would have paid on that amount of money for the month had it remained in your mortgage . In other words , you would be paying interest on that money ( say it was $1,500 for that month ) but you would pay the WHOLE month 's worth of interest on the FULL $1,500 by leaving it in the mortgage balance . Whereas , pulling that $1,500 out of your HELOC to pay down your mortgage means you pay the FULL interest on that $1,500 for a few days ( maybe 2 weeks ? ) until @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ down your HELOC with your paycheck , at which point your are paying interest on PART of the original $1,500 your borrowed until your next paycheck arrives ( thereby DECREASING the remaining balance of your borrowed HELOC money even further ) or until your next bill comes due ( thereby INCREASING the remaining balance of your borrowed HELOC money a little ) . <p> The end result is that your HELOC balance due will increase and decrease rather dramatically during the month , while your mortgage balance due simply decreases dramatically . This means that for that month , you no longer pay interest to your MORTGAGE company for that balance ( say , the $1,500 I mentioned above ) and for that month , you only pay interest on the part of the $1,500 you still have to pay down in your HELOC throughout the month . In other words , the goal is to decrease the AVERAGE daily balance of the HELOC throughout the month such that it ends up at or near $0 due in in your HELOC at the end of the month . So maybe @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ right now my HELOC rate is LOWER than my mortgage rate ) but only on say $900 , on average , through the month as your paychecks come in and as bills come due . <p> Also , the next month you send in your mortgage payment your principle will decrease THAT much more because you have been paying down your mortgage dramatically . <p> We are not saying that you get a $50,000 HELOC and borrow the FULL $50,000 to pay down your mortgage then spend the next 2 or 3 years trying to pay down the large HELOC balance due , which likely WILL have a higher interest rate , as you pointed out . This method suggests pulling out an amount from the HELOC which will allow you to draw down your mortgage balance , but which you can pay back in a short period of time ( preferably a month ) . Then repeat every month there after . <p> The power is being able to use EVERY DIME in your checking or savings account to whack down your mortgage balance and increase principle . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ too , in this economy it can be more risky to NOT save money for a potential layoff any day now . But , in a more stable economy ( or with a secure job ) one can use this strategy to put every dollar to use . The key is to NOT use your entire HELOC balance to pay down the mortgage . Use only enough that you will be able to repay in a month or two then start the process over . This is SIMILAR to the strategy you propose , Peter , but it is better because you can put MORE of your money to work paying down your mortgage balance while at the same time you still have a cushion ( which is the the available HELOC balance that you DO N'T send to your mortgage company ) that allows you to pay bills and the occasional emergency expense . <p> Let me repeat : it is similar to the method you mention , Peter , but the difference is that this strategy is more aggressive in that it allows you to put more money @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Your way is good but this is even more aggressive . And having said that , I can concede that your way is safer , depending on one 's finances , whereas this method is somewhat riskier - especially in this economy . <h> Doug @ 9:50 am : <p> Ooops , I said , " The power is being able to use EVERY DIME in your checking or savings account to whack down your mortgage balance and increase principle . " I meant , " ... increase equity in your home , " or " ... decrease principle . " <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 9:59 am : <p> Doug , My point was simply that if you pay your bills out of your paycheck , and then apply all of the extra cash to the mortgage , you come out ahead . This is true because you have a lower interest rate on your mortgage than your HELOC . If you sent your $100 of poker winnings to your mortgage company , they would reduce your principle by $100 when they received payment , and interest would stop @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . The FASTEST way to pay off your mortgage is to pay it off all by itself without a HELOC , and to apply all extra money you have to the mortgage at the earliest possible date . The whole crux of the HELOC shuffle method is that payment can be made immediately and a few days of interest can be save , which over the course of 30 years will add up . My point is that if you have a borrowers right to repayment which allows you to pay down principle when you submit the payment , this is the best method . Of course , if you do n't have this option , then the days of interest will add up until the mortgage payment is credited . <h> March 16 , 2009 <h> Dennis @ 6:22 pm : <p> Gents , <p> I feel compelled to throw in my two cents for what they 're worth on this . I also am not selling anything but am always interested in finding ways to cut debt and wrest a bit of initiative from the banks . I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ been feverishly working the numbers ever since . It 's pretty eye opening how much we could save on interest . And all we 'd be doing is banking through our HELOC . What resonates the most with me is the bank 's use of the daily balance on a mortgage . Our mortgages accrue interest every single day of the month , yet we only pay it once a month . That means that every day the bank heaps another chunk of interest to our loans , but only collects a payment once a month . Meanwhile , the bank uses our deposited savings and checking to lend to others ( at a much higher interest rate than what they pay us ) until we draw it out . By converting some of a mortgage loan to a HELOC ( even one with higher interest ) AND depositing our wages into it , we can decrease the daily balance pretty significantly , even if it 's only for a short period of time , before we need to draw the money to pay our normal bills . We can @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in there as well . By doing this , we manipulate our own daily balance , pushing it down to benefit us . We simply do our banking through our HELOCs , using them as temporary stopping/holding points for our $$ . Every day that our money sits in there is reducing the daily balance and thus our interest . Makes a lot of sense and I ca n't seem to find any holes in the logic . Anyone else ? If so , I 'd like to hear your thoughts since I 'm getting ready to pull the trigger on this . Thanks a bunch for your attention . <h> December 5 , 2010 <h> qwest @ 12:31 pm : <p> Is it beneficial to take a HELOC to pay of mortgage completely ? - In this case the the only remaining loan you 'll have is the HELOC . For example HELOC for $150K to pay of mortgage on $150K if the home equity is above $250K . <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 1:56 pm : <h> January 3 , 2011 <h> Theresa @ 10:08 am : <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as long as you have the equity in your home to do it ... My husband and I did exactly that about a year and half ago and are thrilled with how the HELOC works . With our conventional mortgage , in a 12 month period , we had only reduced our principal by $4800 . After hearing about this process with the HELOC , we transferred our entire mortgage over to the HELOC ... within 12 months , we had taken $22000 off of our prinicpal ... we have a 10 year HELOC that will be paid off in 4 years . <p> No disrespect Peter ... but this works and works really well , if you do it right . If you are a spender ... do n't do it .. too much money is available to you as the HELOC gets paid down . In essence , your house becomes your savings account . The banks that tell you it wo n't work are the ones that either do n't understand it or do n't want to lose the interest they can make off of us . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ beautifully ... our goal is to pay this down and sell ... even in a terrible market , we can now take a " loss " on our home and still walk away with money in our pocket for a nicer house in the near future and do this all over again .... <p> Key bank has a fantastic HELOC program that works great for this ... and they understand how this works . We were told that we were one of the few doing it right . <h> August 18 , 2011 <h> Remi @ 3:24 am : <p> Peter , Qwest , <p> ( 1 ) Outstanding first mortgage of $50,000 at 6% ( 2 ) Equity in the house of $150,000 ( 3 ) Get a HELOC of $50,000 at 4% ( 4 ) Pay off first mortgage with HELOC money ( 5 ) I am now left with a $50,000 HELOC at 4% <p> It seems that both loans could be paid off in a similar manner . The interest on both is also deductable . Asking Peter : What would the bank say is so @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Vaughan @ 5:32 am : <p> Remi , The bank will not give you a fixed rate HELOC at a lower rate than a fixed rate first mortgage . That 's what they will tell you . Search on bankrate . For a 50k loan with a lot of equity , you can get a 30 yr mortgage at 4% or a HELOC for 4.5% . <h> Remi @ 9:02 am : <p> Thank you Peter . So now the argument is that through judiciously taking out and putting back money ( from paychecks etc. ) in your HELOC that you could effectively lower the interest rate of 4.5% of your HELO to maybe 2% . I can see that by using your HELOC as a sort of checking account where you deposit your income that you may not have to pay the full 4.5% . Is there anything wrong with this reasoning ? I appreciate your comments Peter . <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 8:11 pm : <p> Remi , I am not aware of any schedule of payments that can shave 2.5% off of an effective interest rate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ time line of deposits where your HELOC interest rate would in fact by effectively 2% , I would be interested to see what it is . If you can , please make up an excel spreadsheet with a starting balance of 50k , the proposed payment schedule , and the effective interest rate and post it online somewhere . This would be extremely valuable information . I am not aware of any payment scheme which will shave 2.5% off a 4.5% rate . I am not even aware of any payment scheme that would reduce the rate below the 4% you could get on a fixed rate with monthly payments . I 'm interested to see what you can come up with . <h> August 19 , 2011 <h> Remi @ 3:31 am : <p> Scenario : ( 1 ) Outstanding first mortgage of $50,000 at 6% ( 2 ) Equity in the house of $150,000 ( 3 ) Get a HELOC of $50,000 at 4% ( 4 ) Pay off first mortgage with HELOC money ( 5 ) I am now left with a $50,000 HELOC at 4% <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ HELOC at a lower interest than that of your first mortgage than this direct approach will not work . We agree on that . This is one flaw to expose because I 've seen explanations on the Internet that assumed you could get a HELOC at a lower interest rate than your mortgage . Maybe there was a time but this time is not now apparently . <p> I will now investigate the possibility of manipulating the HELOC account . This is the other part of this so-called technique . But so far I agree with you Peter . <h> December 31 , 2011 <p> VICKY Danis financial lOAN firm . informs you that a private investor who specializes in business and financial assistance to individuals and businesses . Our loan offer is an interest rate of 2% . All types of loans , such as the purchase of home ownership automobile , taxes and clarification of local accounts , personal loans , etc . We also provide capital loans to individuals and companies , such as business expansion , business and therefore the number given is 50,000.000.00 GBP . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in any currency trading floor , dollars , euros , pounds sterling . And the country is not a barrier to our offer . Our new loan terms from 6 months to 25 years . If you are interested in this offer , please contact us by e-mail : vickydanis@yahoo.com website : **40;4878;TOOLONG ... <h> January 31 , 2012 <h> Barry Whyte @ 3:32 pm : <p> Hello , Loan offer here , are you interested ? Apply now . This is Mr. Barry Whyte Loan Company is to help people in need assistance , including financial assistance . So if you are going through financial difficulty , if you are in a financial mess , and you need money to start your own company , or you need loan to settle your debt or pay your bills , start a nice business , or are you finding it difficult to obtain capital loan from local banks . Contact us now via e-mail : ( **30;4920;TOOLONG ) <h> February 8 , 2012 <h> Francisco Rodrguez @ 12:26 pm : <p> Do you need financial advancement this year ? They say @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Firm Corporation , you can get the cheapest and affordable loan at a low percentage rate of 3% yearly . Contact us with the information below if you are interested in getting a business loan , home loan , and any other financial assistance . <h> May 20 , 2012 <h> Deryck @ 6:26 pm : <p> To add a little clarity to Peter and Doug 's analysi : Peter , you are correct , if you have extra money AND it 's in your financial best interest to apply you can payoff your mortgage quicker .... BUT , that 's not Doug 's point ..... You can payoff your mortgage quicker by using your Heloc as a total banking solution AND not have to put one extra penny than your normal monthly budget into the mortgage ......... Peter , I was a skeptic too .... but open your mind for a minute and really run the numbers ........ it 's overwhelmingly powerful to deposit your entire monthly budget into your first of the month mortgage payment and then pay back your Heloc as your paychecks come in ......... use @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ versus how much you pay in interest on the Heloc ...... There is a very simple reason everyone is n't doing this that are able : It 's not worth $3500 and those are the only guys that are teaching the idea ... if a consumer advocacy company was teaching it for free everyone would do it ..... $3500 for a spreadsheet just spells scam and especially because the companies are set up as multi level marketing companies .... The theor though is extremely powerful <h> May 22 , 2012 <h> Peter M Vaughan @ 9:56 pm : <p> Deryck , You are incorrect . I notice that your post does not use any example calculation , and the reason is clear . The example calculation clearly show that you can not borrow money short term at high interest rates to pay down long term money at lower interest rates and come out ahead . You can ONLY pay down your total debt more quickly by applying more money to the debt . If you borrow 100k for a mortgage , then borrow 5k on a HELOC and pay it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a 5k HELOC , so your debt is still 100k . You will notice that Doug has completely stopped responding to these posts because he has NO factual argument to refuse the statement that your debt only goes down when you pay more . If you would like to run an amortization schedule , make an excel spreadsheet , and post a link showing that there is ANY way that using a HELOC is remotely " overwhelmingly powerful " I will analyze it for you . The best analysis I have seen showed that a HELOC could , over 30 years , save $50 on a 200k mortgage because it is at a slightly lower effective rate , but only if you get paid twice a month and pay against the HELOC bi-monthly . Of course , with mortgage rates as low as they currently are , and since HELOCs are variable rate loans , over 30 years it is unlikely that this situation would prevail , and it sounds like a lot of work for one dollar and sixty cents a year . I look forward to seeing your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ powerful " HELOC technique , if you can produce such a document . Sincerely , Dr. Peter M. Vaughan <h> July 18 , 2012 <h> Mrs Queen William @ 10:25 pm : <p> Online Loan Application Form <p> Dear Valid Applicant , <p> Compliments of the day to you . Thanks for responding to our mail and choosing Wallace Credit Solution to aiding and putting a stop to your financial problems . We Offer all kinds of loan packages ( Personal Loan , Commercial Loans , etc. ) our Loan amount ranges from $2,000.00 USD to $50,000,000.00 USD and a re-payment period of 1 year to 30 years duration . To commence the loan application process , you can find some vital information about the loan we offer below . In getting a loan from our company , there is some information we need to pass across to you before we can proceed to the application process . <p> INTEREST RATE : At 3% intrest rate , Note that the loan re-payment schedule starts 4 months after loan has been transferred to applicants . **25;4952;TOOLONG <p> INFORMATION NEEDED : As @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ an application which contains your personal information and also the loan information , this will help us give you a well calculated loan terms and agreement contract . <h> July 23 , 2012 <h> Dale H @ 9:23 pm : <p> Peter , everybody , you are all thinking like rich men . Here I am taking home $925.00 per week with a $230,000 mtg @ 4.25% and my home appraised last year for $310,000 . My payment is roughly $1500 per month including taxes and ins. and with 3 kids and my wife and I both working , the extra dollar at the end of each month just never seems to be there . My payment breaks down as roughly $300 principal , $800 interest and $400 taxes and insurance . So now I go get a $2000 dollar HELOC at 4 or 5 % and start making much larger payments each month , or every other month , say just an extra $1500 , and since I 'm on year 29 , ( because I refinanced last year ) , I knock off about 5 months of principal @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with it . Now even if it takes me 2 months to replenish my HELOC I have accrued very little interest on that loan . In this example I will save thousands because I will be doing it so early in the life of my 30 yr mtg . Does this make any sense or am I way out there ? I only have a H.S. diploma and I know it shows but this seems very basic . Help ! Dale <h> August 7 , 2012 <h> Bill Kiele @ 1:21 am : <p> I was reading this thread ( now three years long ! ) and as Peter says , one has to look at EXACTLY how each plan 's interest is calculated . The typical mortgage Amortization schedule is calculated once per month . If you add principal to a payment to reduce your loan balance , most , but not all , loans will recalculate an amortization schedule for the lower balance and the same number of payments . <p> The HELOCs have quite a few ways of calculating interest , usually based on the prior months @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ each day 's balance -- not unlike a credit card . So , if you were to transfer a sum of money from the HELOC to your mortgage at a favorable time of the month -- the 1st day of the mortgage month , and you delay as long as possible the paying of bills ( changing their due dates , for example ) but taking care to account for processing days so you do n't earn late fees , the average daily balance can be held to as much as 60% below what the mortgage period balance is . <p> You have to be very attentive for about a year until you get used to this system . One mistake will offset any gains you make for a month between the two interest calculation systems . The additional benefit , regardless of whether you gain inside the HELOC , is that those larger transfers early in a mortgage 's life REALLY knock out the number of years the mortgage is serviced . This is especially true when interest payments are 3 times higher than principal reduction . Once the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you 've crossed over the " knee " and you stop gaining much time in mortgage servicing . And , tax laws change every year , so you need to check with someone smart in your state , because this can not be done without knowing what your state income taxes are -- Texas , New Hampshire , Alaska , and whoever else do n't have to sweat that complication . <p> If you ca n't itemize , even with a mortgage , then the problem is simpler . <p> Regards . <p> In my case , mi esposa was n't equally commtted to budget control , so I would not be successful in a HELOC plan . But it 's a fun game to look at . <h> August 12 , 2012 <h> vicky Danis @ 7:22 am : <p> Vicky Danis loan services <p> Reputable , legitimate and accredited money lender and loan specialists who help stop Bad Credit History , Credit and interest rate of 2% only for individuals and cooperate bodies and companies in need of financial assistance in any the world . <p> We offer @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rate of 2% guarantee ( ID , social security , 100%
@@5083641 <p> Those who read The Examiner ' s July 16 cover story , " DCPS forcing special needs kids into unfit public schools , " might not realize that approximately the same number of students in D.C. attend private schools using school vouchers as attend private schools through placements due to a severe learning disability . <p> Both programs ostensibly serve the same goals -- allowing private providers to meet the needs of D.C. students whom the public sector can not educate to the standards of parents or federal law . Yet these two programs could not be treated more differently . <p> About 1,700 students in the 2012-13 academic year will attend private schools in the District because of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program . The program , which since 2004 has given vouchers of up to $7,500 for low-income students to attend a private school of their choosing , costs about $14 million per year and is funded out of a separate congressional budget line item that does not take a dime away from DC Public Schools . <p> Similarly , about 1,700 students will attend private schools this year through a placement program for students with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ million ( about one-tenth of D.C. 's billion-dollar budget ) , students with physical , intellectual or emotional issues will attend special programs in private schools to cope with their extraordinary learning needs . <p> One of these programs is extremely controversial . The other one people barely know about . Can you guess which is which ? <p> If you picked the Opportunity Scholarship Program as controversial , you 're right . The OSP has been under attack ever since its initial enactment , and every yearly reauthorization has come with a fight . The Obama administration has staked out a position that " the Federal Government should focus its attention and available resources on improving the quality of public schools for all students . " Education Secretary Arne Duncan recently commented that " we remain convinced that our time and resources are best spent on reforming the public school system to benefit all students . " <p> The teachers unions share this sentiment . In 2009 , the National Education Association argued in a letter to Congress that " Vouchers are not the real solution . Pulling 1,700 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ solve problems -- it ignores them . " <p> Yet , although they oppose the public funding that puts 1,700 poor students into private schools , neither the Obama administration nor the teachers unions has made such arguments about the private placement of 1,700 special needs students . <p> Learning disabilities cut across all economic and social strata . Rich and poor , black and white -- physical and learning disabilities can affect anyone . This produces a large , broad-based and politically influential constituency to look out for special needs children . And this is a good thing . <p> But the defenders of vouchers are all low-income parents . They do not have the same political clout as those advocating choices for special needs students . As a result , they do not have nearly the same spectrum of choices that middle- and upper-class parents have , and they are much more likely to have their children clustered in the lowest-performing schools in the United States . This is a bad thing . <p> Opponents of public funds going to private schools can get away with pushing poor @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ away with pushing around the parents of students with special needs . <p> This differential treatment is simply hypocritical . If voucher opponents do n't think public dollars should end up in private schools , they should oppose it for students with specials needs with the same vigor as they do for poor students . <p> Michael Q.
@@5083741 trial , your membership will automatically upgrade to a full year for $79 . <h> Book Description <p> When did Europe pull ahead of Asia in terms of living standards ? A number of well-known scholars compare economic and demographic indicators of well-being in the pre-industrial period . The emerging picture is not one of great differences , but of considerable similarities in standard of living between Europe and Asia before the Industrial Revolution . <p> When did Europe pull ahead of Asia in terms of living standards ? A number of well-known scholars compare economic and demographic indicators of well-being in the pre-industrial period . The emerging picture is not one of great differences , but of considerable similarities in standard of living between Europe and Asia before the Industrial Revolution . <h> Editorial Reviews <h> Review <p> If you are interested in human welfare , you will enjoy this book . Accessible in style , ranging broadly over space and time , innovative in method , ' living standards in the past ' brings together works by some of the foremost practitioners in the field . Continuity and Change <h> About the Author <p> Robert Allen is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of Nuffield College . He received his doctorate from Harvard University . He has written extensively on English agricultural history , international competition in the steel industry , the extinction of whales , the global history of wages and prices , and contemporary policies on education . His articles have won the Cole Prize , the Redlich Prize , and the Explorations Prize . His books include Enclosure and the Yeoman : The Agricultural Development of the South Midlands , 1450-1850 , which was awarded the Ranki Prize by the Economic History Association , and , most recently , Farm to Factory : A Re-interpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution . Professor Allen is a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Canada . Tommy Bengtsson , Professor of Demography and Economic History at Lund University , works in both historical and contemporary economic demography . He has served in leading positions in Swedish and international organisations and is currently Chair of the IUSSP Committee on Historical Demography and Series Co-editor of the Eurasian Population and Family History Series . Martin
@@5083841 <h> Arizona Cardinals ' not going to be afraid to make a change ' during bye week <p> Ken Whisenhunt once again stated how disappointing it was to lose 31-17 to the Green Bay Packers . Now the Arizona Cardinals begin their bye week . They have practice in Tuesday and Wednesday before there are no football activities from Thursday to Sunday . <p> " I think we 're going to look at what we 're doing and who we 're doing it with , " he said . However , he made sure to emphasize that they " are not going to be afraid to make a change . " <p> We already know that rookie left tackle Nate Potter will start again in Atlanta after the bye . Whisenhunt said he was pleased with his play and that after having looked at the game tape that he should continue to play . <p> Another change that is happening is increased play for Michael Floyd . Early Doucet dropped another couple of passes , making it easy to ease the rookie in . Said Whisenhunt , as noted by Kent Somers for AZCentral , " Michael 's been @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have noticed over the last few games , his reps have
@@5083941 <h> Romney Power Team Dissects 2012 Together in Tampa <p> After a somewhat anticlimatic start to the Republican National Convention because of weather delays , Mitt Romney and his Boston-based power team hit the ground today in Tampa , Fla. , and are ready to make up for lost time . <p> In a rare public appearance together , Romney senior advisers Eric Fehrnstrom and Beth Myers , director of advertising Ashley O'Connor and pollster Neil Newhouse sat down together for an ABC News-Yahoo News ! Breakfast , revealing what Mitt Romney really thinks about the ad wars and which blue states might , surprisingly , swing red . <p> The ad war waging in this year 's campaign has been expensive , brutal and , it turns out , irritating to the Republican nominee . When asked what ad most " got under his skin , " the answer was unequivocally " Understands , " an Obama-friendly super PAC ad that implicates Romney for the death of a man 's cancer-stricken wife . <p> " It was so over-the-top and just so blatantly false , " Myers said . " And they continued to put dollars behind it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ so do n't believe the baloney about , ' Oh , we 're not airing the ad . ' " <p> Newhouse brushed off the fact check as par for the course in political campaigns . <p> " People are always going to get Pinocchios for this stuff , " Newhouse said . " We stand behind those ads and behind the facts in those ads . " <p> Newhouse suggested the problem was with the fact-checkers , not the facts themselves : " Fact-checkers come to this with their own sets of thoughts and beliefs and you know what ? We 're not going let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers . " <p> Romney 's team made clear they intend to subsidize the ad war with earned media ( publicity through editorial influence ) , campaigning and messaging in the battlegrounds . The column of battleground states , however , is expanding . <p> " Obama is basically playing defense , " Fehrnstrom said . " Every state that 's up for grabs is a state that he won four years ago . He has n't expanded the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in blue states right now . " <p> Myers said , " We 're on an offense in states that they did n't think they 'd have to defend . " <p> Romney 's team highlighted Wisconsin , Michigan and Missouri as " toss up " states they feel confident they can take , but it wo n't be easy . <p> " It 's going to be tough battle , " Fehrnstrom said . " It 's going down to the last day . " <p> History and statistics suggest Fehrnstrom is probably right . Perhaps the single-most accurate predictor of which candidate will win the presidential race , the Gallup tracking poll 100 days out , recently showed Obama and Romney locked in a dead heat . <p> Got ta love those Tea Party supporters . I believe they would strap on explosives and detonate them just to get a few Dems . <p> Posted by : BikernAz12 August 28 , 2012 , 1:55 pm 1:55 pm <p> They have been trashing this president since day one . Mitch McConnell the next day after the election said they @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ How 's that for working together ? I would never vote GOP ... and they are now taken over by the crazed Tea Party . They are the party of No , and want less government unless it pertains to women 's rights and gay rights . A Bible in one hand , a gun in another . <p> Posted by : Barb August 28 , 2012 , 1:55 pm 1:55 pm <p> " I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it . " " Roe v. Wade has gone too far . " <p> " I 've been a hunter pretty much all my life . " " Any description of my being a hunter is an overstatement of capability . " <p> " If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it , then that will be a model for the nation . " " What works in one state may not be the answer for another . " <p> " It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam . " " I longed in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our country there . " <p> " It 's a tax cut for fat cats . " " I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero . " <p> " It 's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person . " " He 's going to pay , and he will die . " <p> " The TARP program ... was nevertheless necessary to keep banks from collapsing in a cascade of failures . " " When government is ... bailing out banks ... we have every good reason to be alarmed . " <p> " These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress . " " Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore . " <p> " Those ... paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process toward application for citizenship . " " Amnesty only led to more people coming into the country . " <p> " When I first heard of the Do n't Ask , Do n't Tell policy , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ n't Ask , Do n't Tell has worked well . " <p> - Mitt Romney <p> Posted by : SM McMahon August 28 , 2012 , 2:11 pm 2:11 pm <p> who are you people and where do you get your news from ? the tea party is not violent or racist . the ocuppy wall street people on the other hand get into rape destruction and violence . please give me one example ot the tea party violence . all we want is for people to be accountable for them selves as the great jfk said ask not what the country can do for you but what can you do for your country . this pres. is yhe food stamp pres. this is not racial just a fact more people than ever are on food stamps the price of gas doubled the only off shore rig he signed off on was a disaster and he had no idea how to fix it and refused help from other countries <p> Posted by : mark August 28 , 2012 , 3:32 pm 3:32 pm <p> its even worse for the obamists @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ has a 43% approval and 48% disapproval and consumer confidence is imploding .. still , to this day , obama has no plan . his last plan to tax everyone over 250k to death runs the country for 6 days . no plan other than to vilify hard work and success . wheres the great liberal plan from someone who has been in office for 3.5 years ? is gay marriage , or forcing catholics
@@5084041 <p> Second , there probably is a price point at which it is possible to maximize the quality of construction and components . It 's definitely not as low as $600 but it 's probably not also as high as $4000 ( at least for electrc guitars . Acoustics and archtops are a different world ) . Whatever that number is , it comes about as a result of efficiency in production and by definition that also means limiting alternative features which would be less efficient to produce . So wile the quality of construction and components may be maximized , the number of choices becomes limited . <p> Exactly . From what i 've seen , fender , PRS , ibanez-cort-yamaha , etc can produce high quality electric and acoustic guitars around the 800$ price ( or even 600$ ) , with a perfect finish , hardware en electronics . A guitar is not a rocket science issue . So you can get a high quality guitar under the 1000$ price tag . <p> So , if you pay a lot more money for a guitar , you should n't be getting better quality , you should be @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is less efficient to produce . And a great artwork which do n't have nothing to do with its sound and playability , and that is even more subjective . <p> Exactly . From what i 've seen , fender , PRS , ibanez-cort-yamaha , etc can produce high quality electric and acoustic guitars around the 800$ price ( or even 600$ ) , with a perfect finish , hardware en electronics . A guitar is not a rocket science issue . So you can get a high quality guitar under the 1000$ price tag . <p> So , if you pay a lot more money for a guitar , you should n't be getting better quality , you should be getting special features with lack of demand , not that is less efficient to produce . And a great artwork which do n't have nothing to do with its sound and playability , and that is even more subjective . <p> IMO/IME for the extra marginal $$ you are going to get a level of attention to detail in a number of accumulations of tolerances , including fretwork , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ make a very noticeable difference in the way the instrument feels and sounds and are quantifiable/discernable re quality to a guitarist who can appreciate such things . <p> High quality under $1,000 ? Definitely . <p> In the same class as the well/best made $1800-2500 guitars I 've seen on comparable platforms/styles ? No . <p> Of course , these I 'm thinking of are also often superior to major name custom shop guits that cost as much or more . <p> Exactly . From what i 've seen , fender , PRS , ibanez-cort-yamaha , etc can produce high quality electric and acoustic guitars around the 800$ price ( or even 600$ ) , with a perfect finish , hardware en electronics . A guitar is not a rocket science issue . So you can get a high quality guitar under the 1000$ price tag . <p> So , if you pay a lot more money for a guitar , you should n't be getting better quality , you should be getting special features with lack of demand , not that is less efficient to produce . And a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ its sound and playability , and that is even more subjective . <p> Ok but , none of your examples will come even remotely close to for ie. an Artinger . The quality is based upon his genius in design and talent . The playability and especially the sound represent a new watermark . The artwork side ( some are actually plain ) is an independent plus . <p> I assumed we were discussing more boutique builders - their " quality " in general is very high . <p> Some builders do n't want to build the lowest priced guitars they can . Some want to live in the good ' ol USA , provide health insurance to their employees , and go on a two week vacation every year ( GRIN - sounds goo to me ! ) All that stuff costs money - which is got through higher prices . <p> Oh yea , boutique guitars generally are ( and have to be ) high quality guitars . Nobody here said the opposite . What 's the difference between a 2800$ MJ Mirage Standard guitar and a 7000 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are very honest about the Old America issue , special features , artwork , exotic woods , what the builder thinks worths it , etc . That 's beyond the mere quality property of a guitar . It has more to do with the quality of that special feature , quality of living for the worker , quality of the artwork and design , exquisite wood , etc that is beyond the quality guitar itself that have as purpose playing notes well . For most ears , for your fingers and in the other side of the speaker , most of those issues do n't matter at all . It is a guitar ! <p> Let me just state that finding the right builder ( one that really knows the ins and outs of guitar building and one that understands the needs of each buyer ) is a huge part of the deal . <p> I 've purchased guitars from a highly regarded artistic guitar builder , but I have issues with each one of them that I feel certainly should not exist at their price point . I also @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ great price ) , but the fit is n't right ( although I 'm trying to get used to it ) . My USA Swamp Ash Strat with Kinman pickups is very nice , but in my studio , it 's noisy . ( It 's not noisy in places with better electrical wiring , no dimmers , etc . ) Neck size and shape are huge for me , and noise issues can be at least mostly solved with the GuitarNuts.com shielding and grounding method . So , what to do ? Well , in true TGP fashion , I 'll most likely list them here for a good price so they can find the right home . Or maybe not ... <p> In lesser inexpensive " price point " guitars you will not see items such as strategically placed carbon fiber reinforcement rods in the neck , custom carved necks , the best quality hardware and electronics &; master grade fingerboard woods and a very refined process as to installation of the frets and neck . All of these translate to an instrument that requires considerably less maintenance @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have a definite guess that those who do n't see the differences are playing with a lot of gain and distortion . In this context it does n't make much difference at least sound wise because the audio playback controls almost all the sound . <p> I have a definite guess that those who do n't see the differences are playing with a lot of gain and distortion . <p> I would guess that you are mostly wrong about that . My guess is that those who do n't see the difference would represent a large spectrum of playing styles , tonal characteristics and skill levels . There are lots of players ( including some who are very skilled ) who just do n't worry too much about the fine details of their instrument . <p> I have a definite guess that those who do n't see the differences are playing with a lot of gain and distortion . In this context it does n't make much difference at least sound wise because the audio playback controls almost all the sound . <p> 1 ) You need to compare guitars @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is no point comparing a Strat to an Archtop ) . The cost of goods , amount of time and skills required will vary all over the place . <p> 2 ) it is very rare to find two guitar players who agree upon what is best in an instrument ( e.g. What is great to one player can be crap to another ) . So twice as good to one player is not to another . <p> 3 ) Some boutique guitars are made by shops within large corporations , some by small team based shops and others by individuals . The cost structure and level of supply chain integration varies greatly , and hence pricing . <p> 4 ) Like any product or service price/value proposition does not escalate linearly but begins to flatten out beyond a certain point . The point where the curves flatten differ based on the style/class of guitar . <p> 5 ) People pay for customization , detail and uniqueness when going boutique vs. paying for brand equity and resale when going with higher end brand names . <p> my $.02 <p> Bob @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ responded to another thread comparing Epiphones and Gibsons , which basically concluded you can find a good Epiphone that can keep up with a Gibson for much cheaper , and this is true for Fender or whatever as well . <p> This got me thinking about boutique guitars . It 's all based on preference , but would a $7000-10,000 hand made boutique guitar be twice as good as a $3500-4000 handmade boutique guitar ? At what point are you just paying for different customization and the perceived quality difference goes out the door completely ? Nobody NEEDS a $7,000+ guitar , but is someone missing out if they never play one ? <p> For instance , my main guitar ( MJ Mirage Standard ) is $2800 brand new ( though I bought it used ) , and to me it 's the best playing and sounding guitar I 've ever played , with another guitar coming very close ( Anderson Cobra , around the same price new ) . I 'm not a fan of how most PRS guitars play and sound , regardless of price . I 'd @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ etc. would be that much better , or just " different . " <p> I agree with Jim S that many players do not pay attention to the finer details . However , most advanced players do not use price point instruments unless they have a manufacturer 's endorsement . <p> Lesser expensive guitars are not " hand-made " . In fact , the substantial reliance upon machinery , especially CNC and robotic finishing are responsible for the relatively impressive quality of these instruments . Also , certainly not to be derogatory but , if you look at Taylor 's production facility it 's pretty hard to say that their instruments are not " made by robots " . The human involvement is relatively minimal . I also firmly believe this is why they make excellent but not the best instruments . <p> Which is to say , part of being a guitar player is to figure out your own answers . <p> While it 's objectively true that there is no definable linear correlation between price and quality , that does n't mean that no expensive guitar is worth @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ always find an inexpensive guitar that will get the job done . <p> Another truth : your understanding/opinion is only valid for you . Just because you believe that you can find a bitchen ' Epiphone that you think is just as good as someone else 's vintage Les Paul does n't mean that that viewpoint is true or correct in general or for anyone else . ( if it 's correct for you , consider yourself lucky , in a way ) Just because you can find a bunch of people to affirm your belief on a thread like this does n't mean it 's objectively true . <p> Yet another truth : there are some guitar builders who are simply better than others . That 's part of why some builders command a premium for their work . Of course not every builder who commands a premium is in fact better , but part of the learning curve for guitar players who take the instrument , as an instrument , seriously is to learn to tell the difference between " truly better " and " flavor of the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of what you need in order to express what it is you want to express . <p> In my experience , the best guitarists generally learn to evaluate guitars ( and gear ) independently of cost . In my opinion , in forums such as this , way too much attention and energy is expended on the whole cost/money side of it . <p> Sound - confidence that in your estimation , the Luthier is capable of choosing and marrying the tone woods with the Pickups , electrolytics , wiring etc ... to achieve the tone in your head . <p> Perhaps most important , being able to collaborate with a dedicated individual who cares enough about his/her craft and is skilled enough to be able to synthesize your spec into a finished product that is ultimately satisfying to you . The fact that another individual might not care for the result is unimportant <p> Quote : <p> Originally Posted by naveed211 <p> At what point are you just paying for different customization and the perceived quality difference goes out the door completely ? Nobody NEEDS a $7,000+ guitar , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? <p> Customization and skill behind the execution are huge . Forget about vintage as they are overpriced for the purposes of this discussion but see if you can sniff out a recent example of a Huber or McInturff and judge for yourself . Your opinion is the only important opinion . <p> Quote : <p> Originally Posted by naveed211 <p> I 'd wonder if a $7000 Nik Huber or $5000 McInturff etc. etc. would be that much better , or just " different . " <p> Any insights on this ? <p> If you have a highly refined understanding of what you need , what you like and how all of the pieces fit together than it would probably be much better . If you lack that level of understanding , than it would probably just be different ... and someone just playing the guitar might not appreciate the difference ... but then again they might . <p> And any in hand comparison btwn a $300-$600 strat or other and a Suhr ( let alone
@@5084141 <h> New Film : Jesus Was n't Divine &; He Was Born After His Mother Was Raped by a Roman Soldier <p> Last year , a Hollywood documentary wondered if Jesus Christ was a communist . This year , a totally separate film is slated to claim that the Son of Man was born after a Roman soldier raped his mother . The movie , which will be based on Paul Verhoeven 's controversial book , " Jesus of Nazareth , " is set to begin filming in the near future . <p> According to the blog Wizbang , Verhoeven 's 2008 book was filled with some controversial claims . Aside from dismissing Christ 's many Biblical miracles , it charged that Mary 's pregnancy was anything but immaculate and that it resulted from non-consensual sex with a Roman centurion . This , of course , would mean that Jesus was n't ( and is n't ) the son of God , as stated in Christian tradition . The author also claims that Christ was never betrayed by Judas Iscariot . <p> " As for Verhoeven 's book , the adaptation will depict Jesus in a more human light @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ being stripped from the story , " IndieWire reported . " Instead , Jesus will be portrayed as an ethicist and a radical prophet , whose message became too politically strong for the Romans to idly accept and endure . While that version may not seem blasphemous to Verhoeven , it more than likely is for many . " <p> Building on the work of the great Biblical scholars of the twentieth century -- Rudolf Bultman , Raymond Brown , Jane Schabert and Robert Funk , founder of the Jesus Seminars , among others -- filmmaker Paul Verhoeven disrobes the mythical Jesus to reveal a man who is , after all , startlingly familiar to us , a man who has much in common with other great political leaders throughout history , human beings who believed that change was coming in their lifetimes . <p> Gone is the Jesus of the miracles , gone the son of God , gone the weaver of arcane parables whose meanings are obscure . In their place Verhoeven gives us his vision of Jesus as a complete man , someone who was changed by @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , perhaps most importantly , someone who , in his speeches and sayings , introduced a new ethics in which enlightened behavior and the embrace of human contradictions transcend the mechanics of value and worth that had defined the material world before Jesus . <p> Coming to a deeper understanding of the historical Jesus has been a lifelong passion for Verhoeven , who for the last quarter-century has been among the very few nonacademics participating in the Jesus Seminars . Verhoeven assumed that one day he would make a film of the life of Jesus . Then he realized that it must be a book . Steeped in Biblical scholarship but free of the institutional biases , whether academic or religious , that so often dictate the terms of discussion of the historical Jesus , Jesus of Nazareth is a book that builds a bridge reaching all the way back to Jesus 's lifetime , all the way forward to the present , and from biblical scholars to lay readers whose interest might be personal or political . <p> Obviously , the film will offer no shortage of controversy once @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to most Christians ' views , he has publicly proclaimed his " passion for Jesus " in past interviews and he has demonstrated a deep interest in trying to better understand the religious figure . <p> " It 's not about miracles , it 's about a new set of ethics , an openness towards the world , which was anathema in a Roman-dominated world , " the author and director told Deadline 's Mike Fleming last year . " I believe he was crucified because they felt that politically , he was a dangerous person whose following was getting bigger and bigger . " <h> Comments ( 394 ) <p> Our thought process seems to run by the way we live and our life style . So we can understand why he can not think any other way . Sad what the morals of this country has fallen to . He knows people love hate movies with sex and violence . More Jesse Jackson 's are learning how to make money by spreading hate for profit . <p> Our Lord certainly does NOT need our Defense , but pity @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ anyone can call themselves a Director nowadays . The person who posted that this guy directs gay flicks .. I did n't see a notation in article but HAVE no doubt . Good Grief ! ! ! How 'd you like to be this guy ? Monday is looking better by comparison ! ! Forgive us Lord for we do NOT know what we do . <p> I'ts about time someone made a reasonable movie about the MAN they called jesus . Still wo n't see it but glad it will be without all of the fairy tales and hope it will keep children from being brainwashed . That 's if their parents will let them go see it so they think for themselves and make their own judgment as to not just be the sheep that have to believe because they do . <p> Verhoeven was raised by God fearing , Christian parents , but he strayed from the faith . Like so many running from God , he channels his fear of God and depravity into an attack to justify his own moral bankruptcy . Such a sad @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , Verhoeven ! Anti-God , anti-Jesus films almost always fail at the box office ... People do n't want to waste there time and money to see this kind of crap . <p> After Christ ... Christian Sects were established ... where some believed that Christ was Conceived as Divine ... some that He became Divine ... and some that He was a Prophet , with the Holy Spirit , which made Him alike GOD . And , from this comes the Debate : What was the meaning of His death ! <p> Any way ... in opposition to these Sects , the story presented by Judaism was : Mary , Christ 's mother was Raped by a Roman , or Herod , Soldier .. and she was Impure ! <p> He just has a reprobate mind , as the Lord has given him up to Verhoevens ' god-satan . He , sadly , will reap the fruits of his completely idiotic statements . He quotes other so called Great biblical scholars , who like him , also had/have reprobate minds , giving up truth for a lie . I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Its ' destruction in 70 A.D. was predicted , and it happened ! It was also predicted the Jews would be regathered , once again , in the final days , to be a nation once again . Then , the destruction of its ' enemies , and the enemies of GOD wll come to the forefront . God 's WORD is foolishness to those who perish , and 90% of the worlds ' population is about to find this out , sadly ! <p> REMEMBER : After 325 , Nicaea ... where the Roman Emperor Constantine organized the Christian Sects ... the only acceptable Theology became ... Christ was Conceived as Divine . And , all other Sects were Exiled , alike the Copts ! <p> I 'll tell you what you did with Atheists for about 1500 years . You outlawed them from the universities , or any teaching careers , besmirched their reputations , banned or burned their books or their writings of any kind , drove them into exile , humiliated them , seized their properties , arrested them for blasphemy . You dehumanized them with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ slit their tongues , stretched , crushed , or broke their limbs , tore off their breasts if they were a woman , crushed their scrotums of they were men , imprisoned them , stabbed them , disemboweled them , hung them , burnt them alive . And you have the nerve enough to complain to me that I laugh at you . -- Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair <p> In response to LukeRW , all the early Christians ... were Jewish . Early Jewish thought believed wholeheartly in a suffering Messiah who would preform miracles and die on behalf his people . It was only several hundred years later , when Christianity denied it 's Jewishness and oppressed it 's root , that Jewish faith changed its qualification for Messiah . As to the whole idea that Mary was raped by a Roman officer ? Ludicrous . In the small-town community culture of Galilee and Israel . There was absolutely no way a origin story like that could have been kept quiet- and not a chance in the world Jesus could have gained the political and religious prominence he did @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ their own purposes . <p> I am Jonah in regards to atheists or people who want to make a living on defaming Jesus . I know God is a forgiving and loving God showing kindness to those who do n't deserve it . I do n't need a whale to vomit me up so I simply say God break them and make them yours . That would be cool . Athiests and blasphemers there is a day of righteous judgement coming . Repent because God does not want to destroy you and because I am in His debt I beg of you to reconsider . Or , that God puts such awful conditions before you life that you 've no where to go but to Him . <p> Amen . P.S. Mormonism is not Christianity . Glenn you better know the difference because it matters . <p> Ho hum ... yet another warming over of the Pharisaic claim about the Lord Jesus Christ . This b.s. has been claimed for nearly 2000 years and for some reason it just does n't sem to be able to make the Lord go @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from the dead , yet will they not believe " . Looks like this bozo is to be counted in that number . I predict his film will receive " wild acclaim " for its " stellar accuracy , superb acting , yadayadayada ... " but it will fall financially faster than a millstone tied about this chump 's neck as he is cast into the sea . <p> The bible was written for political interest , by Greeks , in Greek . ( A language Jesus did n't speak ) You can thank Emperor Constantine for compiling the first publication of the Holy Bible . Need I remind you it was the first time a government used a religion to unite it 's people . Boy did it work . <p> Before any of you start your bashing and scripture quoting , I have a firm belief in god , just not in Christianity , and I hold nothing against Christians for their faith . <p> The Road to HELL is WIDE ........ after a taste of life in this MANS/SATANS world , I can not understand how so @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . The Choice is YOURS people . A short life in this stupid world or forever in Heaven . I chose Heaven ! See ya , Do n't want to be ya , all you atheists are dumber than dumb . I will however , pray for you all ! <p> Shall we talk about what the state philosophy of the USSR and all other Communist governments , atheism , did to destroy human freedom in the last century after the Russian Revolution of 1917 ? The atheist Soviet state killed tens of millions of people who dared question atheistic Communism , it also persecuted religion and killed hundreds of thousands of priests , ministers , nuns , and even rabbis and mullahs and created a one party state where no opposing points of view of any kind were allowed to exist . The Atheist Communist governments in the USSR , China , Viet Nam , Cambodia , North Korea and others created vast networks of labor death camps where tens of millions died . The first Communist atheist death camps were in Stalin 's Gulag years before Hiler 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ famines in the Ukraine that killed at least 7 million in a forced famine in the early 1930 ? s . Atheist states banned and burned books , and allowed no freedom of speech . Atheist Communist states thought of people as mere atoms for the state to do with as it pleased with no civil rights . The list of atheist state abuse in the last century goes on and on . This all happened within the last 100 years by Marxist Communist systems that many liberals not long ago supported . Did you ? Modern state atheism has it 's own bloody history . By the way , Madalyn Murray O'Hair was never a " Dr " of anykind . She did go to law school but never passed her bar exams . <p> @CESIUM WOW ! An atheist , a Jew , AND a graduate student . Who would dare go up against YOU ? Triple threat ! You do have posters shaking in their boots . How ' bout assigning more labels to yourself ? I 'm sure there are many here with suggestions . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have you read Josephus , Tacitus , Pliny the Younger , Phlegon , Lucian , Celsus , Suetonius and Thallus , as well as the Mara Bar-Serapion -- all non-Christian historians who wrote about Christ ? &,; in addition to the evangelists &; those who wrote the New Testament , have you read Linus , Iranaeus , Clement of Rome &; the many , many other 1st century witnesses who left us written testimonies about Christ ? we have more evidence about Jesus collected immediately after &; w/i a few years of Christ 's death than any other figure in ancient history . we have more about Him than about many figures of more modern history . but you do n't like the history they tell so you decide it 's " unreasonable . " these " great Biblical scholars " are n't comfortable w/ the truth . they too decided everyone was lying , that no one got it right so they rewrote history w/o a shred of evidence to support them . Verhoeven took their work &; wrote a book for the avg man ( the " scholars @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ read them ) &; is now making a film to reach those who did n't read his book but will see " important " films . you may decide you do n't believe them just as you may decide there was no moon landing . but to imagine that Verhoeven , who rejects the witnesses accounts ( that support what the Church has taught for 20000 years ) , is making a " reasonable " movie is utterly unreasonable . <p> @Mils , there are facts ! facts ! read Scripture &; the early Church Fathers . read Josephus , Tacitus &; the other 1st century Roman historians . Christianity has n't been hidden , it 's out in the open for those who care to see it . <p> @LukeRW : Jesus divinity was taught by His disciples . some NT references ( not in historical order but all 1st century ) : answered him , " Lord , to whom shall we go ? You have the words of eternal life ; and we have believed , and have come to know , that you are the Holy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the Holy and Righteous One , and asked for a murderer to be granted to you , and killed the Author of life , whom God raised from the dead . Phil 2:5-7Christ Jesus , who , though he was in the form of God , did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped , but emptied himself , taking the form of a servant , being born in the likeness of men . Col 2:8-9See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit , according to human tradition , according to the elemental spirits of the universe , and not according to Christ . For in him the whole fulness of deity dwells bodily , <p> there are other sources . Christ 's divinity was made a dogma of the Church in 325 a.d. but only after it had been taught from the beginning . that 's a mistake many make about Catholic dogma thinking old , white men in Rome pass edicts. actually , they do n't proclaim dogma unless &; until some part of the faith has @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The movie and book are just more recycled gibberish based on a century-old approach that violates every rule of textual analysis and interpretation . If the Bible were n't its target , it would be laughed out of court . <p> Where this silly approach goes wrong is that it turns rules of evidence upside down . Outside of the wacky little world of biblical criticism , scholars assume that texts are conveying accurate information until proven otherwise . If a text speaks about people , places , and things , we give the writer the benefit of the doubt on the details until either he contradicts himself in a big way or something outside the text contradicts him and his words . <p> Nearly all of the Jesus Seminar material violates this common-sense approach to old texts . <p> So let me get this straight , he was able to show that Jesus was born out of rape how ? It is funny that he can conclude that something that occured 2000 years ago , and has very little written about it other that what is contained in the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that he was able to discover something about probably the most studied figure in human history that no one else has been able to prove over the course of close to 2000 years . Man , that must be amazing being as smart as he must be ! ( please note the sarcasm ) <p> Reportedly .. Paul Verhoeven is a member of the Jesus Seminar being the only member who does not have a degree in biblical studies . He graduated with a degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Leiden . Since he is not a professional biblical exegete , his membership in the Jesus Seminar has been cited as a sign that this group is less scholarly than it claims So I would assume that this guy is just in it for the money that he will make from the controversy .. he really has no clue .. <p> Amazing that this " rape-victim " Jesus singlehandedly changed the course of religion and world history and never so much as wrote a letter . Amazing that a Jew ( Thomas ) would call this " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . ( John 20:28 ) . Amazing that the immediate followers of this " rape-victim " Jesus would ALL die horrible torture-filled deaths claiming that He was the resurrected Messiah and Son of God . Amazing that thousands would continue to die throught history making the identical claim . <p> These idiots have to completely disregard everything Jesus claimed about himself , and everything others claimed about him as well . <p> And yes , the cowards and children of Satan must ALWAYS be driven to attack Jesus Christ ( and NOT Muhammed , Buddha , Krishna , etc. ) because Jesus is the only man who backed up his claims with actions and spotless character . <p> The detailed prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus are amazing not to mention all of the Typology of Christ and His work of redemption literal on every page of the OT ; I can not fathom how people so quickly and easily dismiss Him as Messiah ? Having said that I also know that many have had their minds blinded , their thinking twisted , and their eyes remain closed . What @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have become as a nation . Greed , immorality , ruthlessness , and vanity are all increasing at very distrubing rates . Claiming to be wise we have become a nation of fools and the fruit is ripening on the tree as we speak . God will not be mocked , we will reap what we have and are sowing as a nation . As the foundations crumble , what are the righteous to do ? Men need to lead their homes and invest in their children , the courageous need to stand up and speak out against evil . Just ask the German christians who were silent when Hitler rose to power what can come from passivity and silence . All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing . <p> " Consequently , to get rid of the report , Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations , called Christians by the populace . Christus , from whom the name had its origin , suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and a most mischievous superstition , thus checked for the moment , again broke out not only in Judaea , the first source of the evil , but even in Rome , where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular . Accordingly , an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty ; then , upon their information , an immense multitude was convicted , not so much of the crime of firing the city , as of hatred against mankind . Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths . Covered with the skins of beasts , they were torn by dogs and perished , or were nailed to crosses , or were doomed to the flames and burnt , to serve as a nightly illumination , when daylight had expired . Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle , and was exhibiting a show in the circus , while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car . Hence , even for criminals who deserved extreme and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for it was not , as it seemed , for the public good , but to glut one man 's cruelty , th <p> This is so clear to me . They are trying to destroy God . Without God , there can be no inalienable rights , endowed by our creator . Then they can say rights are given by man , meaning they can be given or removed by government . Look at all the politicians on the left now saying that healthcare is a right , employment is a right , having your own home is a right . This not only shows what Obama has been striving for , it is also almost directly from the Communist Manifesto . <p> It is also interesting to note that nobody is making a movie to discredit Muhammad . No doubt because when Muslims are offended , they start chopping heads . The Bible says that Christians would be persecuted in the end times . I will die praising God to my last breath and no politician , terrorist , or thug shall sway me . <p> @ALESSANDRE Once @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and you read the scripture word for word over and over again as if it is supposed to mean something like take it literally does not make it true . 20,000 years ? ? ? I thought you creationists thought the earth was only 10,000 years old ? Just more useless jibberjabber from the crazy jesus freaks . Wake up and smell the 21st century ! Oh , and yes I do believe in the moon landing as it happened in my lifetime but your god and jesus had nothing to do with it . When they find heaven let me know LOL . <p> As far as I know , he only made exactly one movie with a bisexual lead character , The Fourth Man . He also made Starship Troopers , but I do n't assume that his sympathies lie either with military dictatorships , or with giant bugs from outer space . <p> These tales all sound interesting . Unfortuneately there is extremely little evidence of Christ as an actual person . They build these tales on very little knowledge , usually second or third hand a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ finds that would really mean anything , anything but a felection of the authors biases . <p> Actually , they have found ancient texts written by prominent Jews of the day , who wrote about the Man Jesus . They even spoke of the ' miracles ' written in the New Testament . However , those prominent Jews also believed the miracles to be works of the devil ... <p> How about the " Dead Sea Scrolls " ? How about the church in Bethlehem you can enter and go down to the lower levels where the cave became the birth location of Jesus . You say fake and I say historical truth . Hopefully Jews and Christians alike will reject this movie and save their dollars for worthy films . <p> Since you seem to believe that there is no evidence for Christ I will provide some extra Bibical evidence . Cornelius Tacitus ( 55-120 AD ) , " the greatest historian " of ancient Rome : <p> " Consequently , to get rid of the report , Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the populace . Christus , from whom the name had its origin , suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators , Pontius Pilatus , and a most mischievous superstition , thus checked for the moment , again broke out not only in Judaea , the first source of the evil , but even in Rome , where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular . Accordingly , an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty ; then , upon their information , an immense multitude was convicted , not so much of the crime of firing the city , as of hatred against mankind . Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths . Covered with the skins of beasts , they were torn by dogs and perished , or were nailed to crosses , or were doomed to the flames and burnt , to serve as a nightly illumination , when daylight had expired . Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle , and was exhibiting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car . Hence , even for criminals who deserved extreme and exemplary punishment , there arose a f <p> " At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus . And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous . And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples . Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die . And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship . They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive ; accordingly , he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders . " ( Arabic translation ) <p> Now , I 'm beginning to see the light ! It worried me for years why the Bible says only 144,000 will make it to Heaven ( with millions and millions on earth , it bothered me ) but with all this hateful , nasty , made up stuff from the Anti-Christ people , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ little faith , you know Jesus in your heart , or you know nothing . Just that simple . <p> Jesus Christ is in Roman history , Greek history , and I bet this one will be your favorite ... he is in the Koran , and Arab history . The dead sea scrolls and of course the Bible , but you do n't believe so the last example you will throw out completely , as expected . <p> you people are a bunch of knuckleheads . Everything cited is just what I sdaid , references to Christ by second hand sources . I am aware of everything above . Where is the item used by Christ ? Where is the definite connection ? It does nt exist . Idiots that think I do nt believe in Christ , its faith stupid . I have faith .. <p> None of this garbage is new ; as for these alleged scholars they are Satan 's servants and serve him with great enthusiasm ; academia and the media work hand in hand in this effort . What we are witnessing is the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our society and culture . The arrogance of atheism and those who are part of it think of themselves as gods in their own right and create their own " ethical code " , read moral here . When in fact it only reveals the total depravity of mans mind , character and behavior . In joining Satan and promoting his deceptions and denying TRUTH in his long war against the Sovereign Holy Creator God , they seal their eternal destination . <p> " Building on the work of the great Biblical scholars of the twentieth century ..... " ha ha ha ha ha . Did you type this with a striaght face ? Funny how " Bible scholars " never seem to believe the Bible . Apparently , being a scholar means you know squat and make stuff up ! <p> This coming from the genius that brought us " Showgirls " and " Robocop " ? Arguably the two worst movies ever created ? Showgirls was so awful that it ruined any actiing cred the main star had from " Saved by the Bell " , now that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of RoboCop says the fact that I base my whole life on is wrong . I might have to rethink this whole christianity thing . After all , he did make RoboCop. ha ha ha ha ..... <p> True . I also notice that the many atheists who post here can throw out scripture like Lucifer but they have no understanding of the Bible either . Unlike Lucifer , who also can recite the Bible chapter and verse , they do not believe the Word of God . Lucifer on the other hand knows that God exists . <p> The interting thing is that when people like this do things like this they actually help support the biblical doctrines that Jesus taught when he said the world hates him because he convicts them that what they do is evil . Also , that the carnal man can not submit to God . Spirit gives birth to spirit . They actually unknowingly fulfill what is written just like Caiaphas did when he , an unbelieveing Pharisee , prophesied that a man would die for the people .... God 's foolishness is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in order for Satan ( lucifer was his name before falling ) to twist scripture and pervert it 's meaning to mislead humanity he must know exactly what it says . He did in fact quote it accurately to Jesus in the wilderness . He simply misapplied them by taking them out of their proper context . I think the point mom was trying to make is obvious to most objective readers . <p> Some people you just ca n't reach ! Their egos and so-called intellect will not allow them to accept Christ so they spend their entire lives trying to debunk Him . Go ahead Buddy . I 'm sure you 'll receive an Academy Award by your atheist pals in Tinsletown but is it worth your soul ? Better do some thinking on it ! <p> Hey , Glenn- here is the first appendix to your book " Cowards " : Fim makers who make anti-Jesus movies . The Prince of Peace , is an easy target . His followers are mostly asleep , so they will probably only write tepid letters and boycott theaters . If @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ make movies like this about Mohammed . <p> I 'm sure this guy will get his chance in front of Christ to explain this as we all will have that chance . I know Christ has forgiven this guy already and loves him but I 'm sure Jesus at times scratches his head in amazement at these things . <p> Christ does not give forgivness unless it is asked for . This whole thing would be totally laughable if it was not so pathetic ! Mr Verhoeven you WILL meet your maker and have to explain yourself , Better get ready ! And that goes for all the other athiest cowards on the Blaze ! <p> Please be careful Newlife . There is a hell . God has spoken on this subject many times and tells us what it is like . When you say that you know God has already forgiven him , you imply that everyone is forgiven . If your church is teaching this soft , everybody goes to heaven because God loves everybody theology , find another church fast . <p> No , it 's not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of or even cared who Jesus was until the week they crucified Him is ridiculous and based on nothing . They were not interested in the internal affairs of the jews . As long as they maintained order and taxes . This is PLENTY of historical evidence to substanciate the Bible . This has zero . <p> While I as a Jew do n't believe Jesus was either the Messiah or divine , I do n't think this story is historical . Personally , I believe Jesus was handed over to the Romans by the Sadducees , a sect of Jews that rejected all oral traditions and embraced Roman traditions . Nearly all of the Priests serving in the Temple , including the Roman appointed High Priest , were Sadducees . The Temple was the main source of their authority and Jesus challenged that , which is why the Christian texts record the High Priest at Jesus ' trial . They had him executed in order to ensure their own authority was n't threatened . <p> Instead of condeming vanderhooven and the athiests who post here , we shoul pray @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , i know you do n't know me , but you 'll have to take my word for it . i was very bitter at god , and when i came to him , he COMPLETLY changed my life ! i mean a complete 180. all i know it was'nt me it was Jesus . <p> The only possible source I can think of for his notion is one I saw mentioned years ago from an old Jewish source ( not even sure what ) claiming Josh of Nazareth was the son on a Roman soldier named " Panther " &; got himself some tiny bunch of disciples before being executed . As for the *rape* aspect , I can only guess that Verwhorin 's attitude is like that of the guy in Blazing Saddles who explains , " I like rape . " <p> Meanwhile I do n't think The
@@5084241 <h> Look Back : Great Flood of 1993 <p> Caskets that had been unearthed by the surging Missouri River at Hardin , in western Missouri , line state Highway 10 on Aug. 14 , 1993 , where the water left them . The Missouri broke a levee on July 12 , 1993 , and scoured the cemetery , digging a deep hole and sending caskets bobbing downstream , some as many as 25 miles . All told , the flood ruined 793 of the 1828-vintage cemetery 's 1,576 graves , and searchers never confirmed recovering about 150 of them . In 1998 , the cemetery installed a bronze memorial to the names from the gravesites than never were recovered . Hardin is in Ray County , on the north bank of the Missouri about 45 miles east
@@5084341 <h> I Do Exist FAQs <p> Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs ) <p> Why did you make I Do Exist ? Initially , I was asked to make a video version of the Truth Comes Out audio CD by Julie Solberg Christensen who wanted something in video form to share with young adults and teens . Mrs. Christensen and a group of people put together funding and within a few weeks of the request , we were filming in January , 2004 . <p> Had you ever made a video before ? Other than home movies , no . I had excellent guidance from Jim Kragel and Jim Leightenheimer , at Cedarville University . I also just learned by doing . I also found other documentaries that I liked and modeled after them . A notable model was Divided Memories , a PBS documentary . I really liked the idea of doing a documentary format . <p> How did you find the people on the video ? Were they clients of yours ? I had met Greg and Cheryl Quinlan and Noe Gutierrez through the Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays ( PFOX ) . Noe introduced me @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ became aware of Joanne Highley . I do recall that we did not know for sure that we were filming Joanne until the day of the shoot . And no , none of the people involved were my clients . <p> I should mention that I am no longer affiliated with PFOX and feel strongly that their methods and much of their materials are inaccurate and misleading . I have no affiliation and do not support Joann Highley 's LIFE ministry . <p> Is the video a documentary or a ministry tool ? I see it as a documentary but I know many have used it as a ministry tool . It was released the same weekend in 2004 as National Coming Out Day which critics have pointed to as evidence that I intended the film to be an anti-gay statement . Actually , I meant the film to give voice to those who at the time were not being heard . Some took that as anti-gay ; I took it as documenting a set of stories that were important . <p> Are all of the people on the video @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Even if I knew , I would not comment out of respect for the privacy of the individuals . The video is a snapshot in time and may not currently reflect the participants current or future views . On this point , in June , 2006 , I included the following Producer 's Note on the I Do Exist website : <p> I Do Exist was released in July , 2004 . Nearly two years later , it is fitting to reflect a bit about the video and how it has been perceived . <p> The response to the documentary has been gratifying . The film has been well-received by critics and viewers of all ideologies and opened many minds . It has been shown on television around the world . As writer and producer , I wanted to tell stories and provide academic context for those stories . In large measure , I believe I was able to do that . However , all documentaries become dated the day after they are released . People pass through seasons of change and perspectives shift . I think all who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ snapshot in time . I can not say what each person profiled would say about their situation now . Nor should I. <p> As with any project of this nature , I Do Exist has its critics . As I view I Do Exist today , the story I see and hear is how some people determine to live in accord with their total worldview . However , others come away thinking the video suggests that complete change of sexual desires is necessary to be successful in that determination . If there has been a consistent criticism of the film , it has been that perception . Stating the issue as a question , if a person has persistent homosexual feelings , does that mean there is something wrong with their relationship with God ? My belief is now and was then that a committed Christian may indeed experience these feelings , without violating their faith . Inasmuch as I Do Exist gives the impression that perfection is possible , I want to state clearly that this perspective was not the intent , nor should the video ever be used @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ understand how some people regard their journey at a specific point in time , then you will be fascinated to listen to these stories . However , do not purchase the documentary if you are looking for a way to express to gay people that they should change their sexual feelings to be acceptable to God . In traditional Christianity , people come to God as they are . The relationship that is then established is personal and unique . And those stories continue . <p> Noe Gutierrez recently made some comments about his participation in I Do Exist on his website . I believe the link is live sometimes and not others so I am not sure if it will live when you click it . I can tell you that Noe Gutierrez has since I Do Exist identified as a gay Christian and does not believe his change was lasting . He has expressed regret about his involvement . <p> Should religious groups show this film as a means of saying complete change of attractions is possible for all ? No . The most consistent feedback is that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of homosexuality and empathy for those who are in conflict over the issue . As noted in the producer 's note , the video does not convey that change of attractions is essential or equally possible for all who attempt it . I do think that people have choices about how they steward their lives and this is a finding documented in the video . I would not think it wise to show this as a proof that the sexual attractions of any individual can be altered . But I think it can be shown in educational and religious settings ( including churches ) where providing information is the aim . I do think it would be good to say to viewers that the video may not reflect the current situation or views of the video participants . <p> Furthermore , I do not think religious groups need proof of sexual orientation change in order to advance a Christian sexual ethic . The teachings of Christ stand or fall on their own merits , regardless how possible or permanent sexual attraction change might be . <p> Did Dr. Spitzer regret @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ He did tell a questioner by email that he regretted his participation in anything that would deny equal rights to homosexuals . However , he also continues to believe that change may be possible for a small subset of individuals and that the professions should incorporate his findings into their position statements on the subject . Thus , he is fine with what he said on the video but he regrets any use of the film in an activist manner . I reproduced a transcript of my interview with Dr. Spitzer on my blog . <p> Do you regret making I Do Exist ? <p> Yes , and no . I do regret that the video was used as a part in the culture war surrounding homosexuality . I regret any perception that change is certain or easy . In fact , I now believe durable change in basic attractions is very infrequent . I also believe that some people , women most often , experience change in their attractions quite spontaneously without therapy . I believe therapy to change sexual orientation is not likely to be successful if the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ assistance and support to live in accord with their religious views may find help with a willing therapist but change of orientation seems unlikely . <p> As a creative effort , the project was very satisfying . I supplied some of the soundtrack and enjoyed the editing process . However , I do wish now I would have taken a more balanced perspective . <p> Any plans for a follow-up project ? I would like to do another video project in the future but my most immediate effort is to complete a book about same-sex attracted people who are succeeding in making their heterosexual marriages work well . These are stories that are incredibly interesting . However , let me be clear that I am not talking about people who have changed and then enter marriage . Rather , these are people who remain same-sex attracted but are bisexual or have developed real sexual and affectional bonds with one member of the opposite sex -- their mate . <p> Is the video online anywhere ? You can see a clip of Dr. Spitzer 's interview at YouTube . From this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . I am providing the longer clip for context . <p> If you have a question about I Do Exist , send it to me at ewthrockmorton@gcc.edu . I may not address it here , but I am interested in viewer
@@5084441 <p> Very little of the production is about the science of climate change . The focus is rather on the ideology and political heft of the skeptics ' movement , and the way it found new life as the economy fell to pieces and the Tea Party arose from the wreckage . <p> But " Frontline " brings the story up to date . Its examination of how the skeptics have made the issue untouchable is built up brick by brick through interviews with some of the movement 's leading political strategists and their political victims , like the former South Carolina Congressman Bob Inglis , who was defeated in a Republican primary in 2010 . The correspondent , John Hockenberry , asks Mr. Ebell about that rout , which many attribute to Mr. Inglis 's speaking out about climate change and the need to arrest it . <p> Mr. Ebell : Bob Inglis was defeated in a Republican primary , 79 to 21 percent . Now , how many times has an incumbent who is n't in prison or facing a prison sentence lost his own primary by 79 to 21 percent ? This was overwhelming . But @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The smile on your face suggests : " Man , we won one ! " <p> Mr. Ebell : Of course we won one ! <p> This is one of several exchanges that demonstrate , far better than words on a page , the single-minded pursuit of ideological victory that animates people like Mr. Ebell and Mr. Phillips . Another example is when Mr. Phillips discusses his take-no-prisoners strategy on Republicans who stray from the fold by talking about alternative energy sources . <p> Mr. Hockenberry : You said " We 've made great headway . " What it means for candidates in the Republican side is , if you buy into green energy or you play footsie on this issue , you do so at your political peril ? <p> Mr. Phillips : You do . Absolutely . And that 's the big change , and it is important . Again , I remember four , five or even three years ago , John , a lot of Republicans , they would play games with this . They 'd say : " O.K. , oh gosh , I think @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ n't go all the way and support cap and trade . " They did . They tried to walk down the middle . And that 's wrong . I think it 's philosophically inconsistent , but it 's also politically disadvantageous . And we 've worked hard to make that so , by the way . <p> Those who worry about climate change and want to see action taken may squirm with impatience at the limited air time for rebuttal , particularly in the opening segments of the piece . But Mr. Hockenberry 's polite , noncombative style , even when he is confronting Dr. Singer with scientific reports on the question , gives his interviewees the space they need to be themselves . And the result -- particularly Dr. Singer 's brisk , confident certainty in the following exchange -- is arresting . <p> Mr. Hockenberry ( Reading from a National Academy of Sciences report ) : " Climate change is occurring and is largely caused by human activities and poses a significant risk for a broad range of human and natural systems . " You say that 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hockenberry : False . <p> Dr. Singer : False . <p> Mr. Hockenberry : And if most of the climate scientists believe that statement , they are deluded ? <p> Dr. Singer ( with a smile ) : Yes . <p> Mr. Hockenberry : And you are seeing something they are not seeing ? <p> Dr. Singer : Yes . <p> Mr. Hockenberry : So it 's 97 percent of them and one of you ? <p> Dr. Singer : Well , you can put it that way if you like . But I do n't think that 's the way it works . There 's hundreds of us -- hundreds , thousands of us . ... <p> Shortly before that exchange , in one of the few segments devoted to the scientific arguments , climate scientists are shown explaining how skeptics can cherry-pick data to argue that there has been no warming in the last decade or so . As Andrew Dessler , a scientist at Texas A &; M , put it , " You can , if you want , very carefully select the end points of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ month , and then maybe you come up with something that shows no warming . " <p> The one-on-one interviews that dominate the piece are leavened with video clips from hotel meeting rooms where skeptical choirs are being preached to , Tea Party rallies and shots of ocean waves off the North Carolina coast , which is likely to be inundated in a climate-changed world , even though the North Carolina Legislature recently considered banning the acknowledgment of rising sea levels in official deliberations on coastal development . One of the bill 's supporters describes how he relies on a book by Dr. Singer for his information . <p> In the end , the thinking behind the producers ' decision to go light on science and heavy on ideology in Mr. Hockenberry 's questioning and in the editing of the piece becomes clear . The takeaway from " Climate of Doubt " is that science and its evidence are of secondary importance in the skeptics ' world . <p> It 's more about fighting what they see as an ideology that wants to subordinate their rights to the authority of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ n't , to the scientific side . It very much so relates to the policies that the left pushes in the name of global warming . Every once in a while I 'll make a statement about the science , but that 's
@@5084541 <p> Players on the Jets ' offense have been talking the talk this week , with Mark Sanchez saying after Monday night 's win that they 're back on track . But most of the Jets ' offensive drives on Monday yielded five yards or fewer , so Sanchez may have been speaking prematurely . The Jets rank 29th in the league in total offense , and they 've punted a league-high 39 times . <p> So what 's it going to take for the Jets ' offense to go through the roof ? <p> " Me and my quarterback , we have some work to do , " Burress said . " And being a competitor , you have to love the opportunity to go out and work hard and get better . . . . We 're not where we want to be as far as passing the football . There 's so much room for improvement , this offense can be so much better . " <p> The Jets ' offense will have to get a whole lot better before anyone would say they 've gone through the roof . <p> Translation : they will be @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ punts . <p> @ aaronzona2011 says : Oct 20 , 2011 6:22 AM is being delusional a prerequisite for being a professional athlete -- -- -- -- -- No , just a New York Jet . <p> mistrezzrachael says : Oct 20 , 2011 6:52 AM <p> It 's so much better when these clowns lose ... then we do n't have to listen to their BS .. AS MUCH . <p> Prerequisite for being a jet or a jet fan .... Open mouth as much as possible . Attract as much attention to yourself as possible . Rearrange the NFL calendar to win the SuperBowl every April-offseason . <p> jets were a couple bad Moore reads from being down 21-0 Monday night ... great performance vs worst team in NFL .... This coming off of fireman ed 's pitiful Monday nite intro ... talking about their ' great ' tradition . Yes , 2 division tittles in 40 years is great ... and more than qualifies them as bottom 5 franchise in NFL history .... But you would n't know it from their mouths . <p> Newton and Dalton @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 37 games . <p> cakemixa says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:09 AM <p> Will this guys EVER just shut up ? Rofl . <p> pkrjones says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:09 AM <p> " We 're not where we want to be as far as passing the football . " ... So you ARE where you want to be in the running game ? Wow , not sure Shonn Green knew that this was as good as it gets ... <p> tombradysbaby says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:13 AM <p> Jets suck , end of story . They 'll be .500 team this year and that loud mouth buffoon they call a coach will be looking at a hotseat . <p> savocabol1 says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:23 AM <p> The jets are the most bipolar team in the NFL . When they are losing everything is bad and everyone sucks . When they are winning they claim they ca n't be stopped . And they wonder why the rest of the league hates them ... <p> I ca n't wait for the non-trash talking Buffalo @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ place in the division ... <p> They ( Jets ) ca n't stretch the field consistently , and do n't have the same dynamic running attack they had two years ago with Thomas Jones and co .. Oh , and their defense is n't all it used to be talked up to being .. <p> quittsburghstoolers says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:38 AM <p> Plaxico Burress : Jets ' -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - <p> Why is that , Plax ? <p> Does this mean they 've finally found a QB who DOES N'T get " happy feet " while he 's in the pocket ? <p> " The more we get comfortable , we start playing pitch and catch and I 'm doing my thing out there , the offense is going to go through the roof , " Burress said . " It 's only a matter of time . " ..................... Um ......... no ... with that QB your not ! ! ! ! <p> BernardPollardIsAnAss says : Oct 20 , 2011 7:42 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ done sir . If there ever were a commercial in the making for bad parenting , this is it . " I learned from watching you Rex ! " <p> Since our team has enough issues , thank you for refusing our owner 's offer . Many of us wanted no part of your prima donna act again and were relieved that you passed us by . Perhaps if you ever managed to control your mouth , your ego , your sense of entitlement , and your guns , you could have been one of the greats . But it was always about you , Plax . You always felt were " the man " AND the victim at the same time . Enjoy your stay with the other team . Your empty promises , your ridiculous boasts , and your poor production make you the perfect Jet . We 'll take Hakeem Nicks over you anyday . <p> 6.5 punts a game is a lot . If we are telling the truth , the Jets offense has looked really rinky dink out there compared to others . That Monday @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> silverdeer says : Oct 20 , 2011 8:52 AM <p> Plax must figure that now that he ca n't carry a gun anymore , he needs to take it up a notch and carry explosives instead . <p> silverdeer says : Oct 20 , 2011 8:57 AM <p> Another thought : " through the roof " is code for the number of wins he expects the team to get the rest of the season . Considering that the rest of the schedule contains teams with open air stadiums , with no roofs , there will be no more wins coming for them this year . <p> Pretty bold words coming from a guy whose stats project out to 38 catches for 582 yards and 6 TDs for the season . <p> nebster21 says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:23 AM <p> what do you expect him to say . We are going to keep sucking . I am lucky Sanchez still targets me . Our passing game needs the run game to step it up because us recievers can not put the team on our backs . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Michael Smith must be moderating this comment stream . <p> thejuddstir says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:33 AM <p> Who cares what an over-the-hill WR from a losing team predicts . Besides , Burress was " misquoted " , he meant to say " a bullet is gon na go thru my leg " ..... dumbazz <p> **26;5503;TOOLONG says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:38 AM <p> Im as big a Jets fan as you 'll ever find , and I 'm taking back by this B.S. comment of Burress 's ... This offense is F'n miles from being through the roof , how about lets shut up and work on getting a GD 1st quarter 1st down before dreaming about being explosive .. And Plax how about running a NFL route instead of looking like your playing under street lights , that would be a helpful step in achieving your blast from above ! ! ! <p> richm2256 says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:45 AM <p> These guys NEVER shut up . <p> You 'd think that at 3-3 , they 'd be a little more humble @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ than two rookies have in 6 games . <p> Their " passing game " relies on a QB that ca n't think or throw , receivers that ca n't get open or , you know , catch a football , and a coaching staff that has no intelligence or imagination on offense . <p> They have a Pop Warner running game , and a defense that is looking like they 're being worked to death . <p> I 'm sick of these idiot players -- and their HC -- coming out and telling us how good they 're GON NA be . <p> YOU 'RE THREE AND THREE , YOU BARELY BEAT THE 0-5 DOLPHINS ! ! ! ! ! ! <p> Do your talking on the FIELD , morons . <p> schmitty2 says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:53 AM <p> Says the guy who has n't done squat all year <p> dukemarc says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:55 AM <p> Have his Drops exceeded his Catches yet ? <p> stanmackley says : Oct 20 , 2011 9:56 AM <p> Brandon Marshall pretty much had his way with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that , drops , not passes defended by Revis . <p> Do the jets even play football anymore ? You would n't know due to the constant stories about nothing . Most over-talked about team ever . Jets had their run . It was nice while it lasted but it did n't work . Move on and try to get better . That 's it . <p> Burress has never been a consistent elite receiver even when he was in his prime . I 've never read about teams game planning for him like Moss , TO , Marvin Harrison or Holmes . He was good , but he was never unstoppable . <p> Burress should eat some of those " good wings " from Buffalo . Maybe getting some sticky sause on his hands will help him finally catch something besides a bullet . <p> monropoobah says : Oct 22 , 2011 6:13 AM <p> The jets are the most bipolar team in the NFL . When they are losing everything is bad and everyone sucks . When they are winning they claim they ca n't be stopped . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <p> i still wonder why everyone hates the jets . it 's remarkable really . who says everything is bad and everyone sucks ? you think that 's coming from jets ? jet fans ? ? what sucks is coming on a jets blog and having to waste so much time looking thru comments from small minded little people who have more
@@5084641 <h> Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down songs Product Information <h> Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down album Product Description <p> Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down album by RL Burnside was released Oct 24 , 2000 on the Fat Possum label . Legendary bluesman turned unlikely indie-rock hero R.L. Burnside returns with a set that splits the difference between the Beck-derived post-modernisms of his previous COME ON IN and more traditional Delta stylings . Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down songs Fortunately , Burnside is such a strong artist that he sounds equally at home with either approach . <p> The honkytonk-ish " My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble , " for example , pairs mandolin with sampled drums . Blues purists will no doubt prefer the title track , an ancient-sounding near-field holler performed by Burnside and his adopted son Kenny Brown on acoustic guitar . Others will appreciate such highlights as the magnificently spooky version of Skip James ' " Hard Time Killing Floor ; " an astonishing guitar-driven re-imagining of Don Covay 's " Chain of Fools ; " and " Nothing Man , " which chugs along on a great @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Was in Heaven Sitting Down music CDs Customer Reviews <p> My first experience with R.L. I first heard R.L. on Pandora internet radio , track four " Wish I was in Heaven Sitting Down " . My ears tuned in quickly to his dirt blues acoustic guitar . I could almost see an aged man sitting on an old porch with his trusty old guitar tracing the strings in a familiar fashion as he had done for so many years before . Then his vocals came into que just as your ears would have expected . I sat and listened to the track as the hair on the back of my neck stood up . As soon as the song was over I immediately got online and ordered the album . Upon receiving and listening to the album I was somewhat confused as R.L. had dome something I 've yet to hear myself done on a blues album . My interpretation was an excellent blues musician meets a talented new age producer . Together they pave the way for what could be interpreted as an Moby-esque evolution of
@@5084741 <p> I love this song , and these lyrics just made my day , it was soo fun to sing along with the song , it 's an easy song to sing and remember the lyrics but with the lyrics in front of you , it makes to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics , please click the
@@5084841 us to keep this a safe and supportive place for writers of all ages to contribute . <p> My child 's teachers wo n't even allow them to use Wikipedia as a source when doing research since its not reliable . In fact , they are required to reference at least one book , magazine , or newspaper when doing a report . It should be part of the Common Core Standards that students be required to reference more than one source instead of becoming over reliant on the internet . <h> Loading comments ... <p> What a shame that so many young people think that the information they receive on Wikipedia is correct . The really shocking thing is that their teachers accept that bad information . Why do so many educators allow their students to take what is considered the easy way out ? It 's not so easy always because not all of the information can be counted on . What happened to the encyclopedia and peer reviewed articles ? <h> Loading comments ... <p> I think the most disturbing thing we 've learned is how many people rely on Wikipedia instead of credible research . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ information is n't properly cited and contains inaccuracies and yet this is what Students are using to do research ? No , no , and no ! <h> Loading comments ... <p> I am a student at a college in Chattanooga , TN . I found your article on students ' response to Wikipedia 's protest of PIPA and SOPA completely biased and shallow . You only showed the opinions of those lazy students who can not accomplish homework on their own . I think it is wonderful that large corporations are standing up to this legislation that will make America 's networks no better than that of China or Middle Eastern countries . I am sure there many students who would gladly sacrifice one measly Wikipedia use to help protect our freedom . <h> Loading comments ... <h> Loading comments ... <p> I have no problem with Wikipedia as a website but students should not be using it for research , period . If Wikipedia shut down for an entire school year just imagine how many students might actually learn something credible : O <h> Loading comments ... <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for the whole semester . I remember reading about a student who said that writing a paper was n't so hard-all he had to do was cut and paste . This was seen as positive since at least he was staying in school . There must be some other alternative . <h> Loading comments ... <p> Look , please do n't associate these reactions with all of academia . I am a senior student at Boise State and never once has any professor ever allowed Wikipedia as a source for anything . Real students do not rely on Wikipedia except for entertainment or as launch pages . Maybe the younger generation is using this is a credible source ( high school and younger ) but once they hit the Universities they will find out while Wiki is usually accurate , it is not a credible source in any academic endeavor . Wikipedia made the right choice with the blackout , SOPA needs to be killed . Also , the semester just started , where is all the homework ? I have none : ) . <p> SpiralingDownward : Look , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <h> Loading comments ... <p> This is a sad statement about the youth of today . Ironically , some are upset with the very organization that is protesting the possibility of government oversight ( SOPA/PIPA ) . It would be a shame if these students had to use a search engine to find the location of their local public library . Use Mapquest to find out how to get there . Google " How to find a physical hardbound encyclopedia " and " What is a Dewey Decimal System ? " . Finally , posting a pic of the library on their Facebook wall for their friends . Maybe tweet about the experience . I guess their homework will be late ! <p> Even without Wikipedia why would anyone go to a library ? To search through books that are outdated in hopes of finding a paragraph or even a sentence that is directly related to the topic you are writing about . It 's inefficient and a waste of time , and there are better resources out there , not including Wikipedia . <h> Loading comments ... <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's the point ? That 's just inefficiency for inefficiency 's sake . Just because it 's the way research used to be done does not make it any better . There are a wealth of resources on the internet that are more reliable than wikipedia and more efficient than a physical encyclopedia . <h> Loading comments ... <p> The " Everyone Gets a Trophy " generation rears its ugly head again ... Nice job preparing these kids for the real world . Maybe today is a good day for your first ever visit to the Library ! I can recall going to several every time I had a term paper due . Guess they will have to actually type the words into the document instead of just cutting and pasting while plagiarizing . <h> Loading comments ... <p> I did n't know that Wiki was the only online encyclopedia or source for information ...... <p> Try spending a couple of hours just finding a book with the data you are seeking then having to go through that book to find that little nugget ......... That was back in the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Heaven help us if
@@5084941 <p> The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is expected to provide $24.6 billion in additional funding for Medicaid , Education , Infrastructure and " shovel-ready " projects throughout New York State . In the legislation Congress put a premium on transparency and accountability and as a result New York State has launched economicrecovery.ny.gov to allow New Yorkers to track how federal dollars
@@5085041 <p> Welcome to the official website of the Gam-Anon r International Service Office , Inc. , serving the community of international meetings of the Gam-Anon Family Groups . Gam-Anon has created this website to provide information for the general public and professional community about problem ( compulsive ) gambling . <p> Perhaps you have difficulty deciding if you were affected by compulsive gambling during childhood . The following questions may help you to determine whether compulsive gambling affected
@@5085141 <h> News Releases <p> October 2 , 2012 <h> United States and Mexico begin Interior Repatriation Initiative <p> EL PASO , Texas -- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) and the Mexican Ministry of the Interior today announced the beginning of the Interior Repatriation Initiative ( IRI ) , a new pilot to provide humane , safe and orderly repatriation of Mexican nationals to the interior of Mexico and ultimately to their hometowns , instead of returning them to towns on the U.S.-Mexico border . <p> ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations ( ERO ) will provide air transportation via charter aircraft to Mexican nationals who emigrated from the interior of Mexico . Upon arrival in Mexico City , the Government of Mexico will provide them transportation to their places of origin . This initiative will allow the Government of Mexico to assist returning Mexican nationals in safely reintegrating into their communities . <p> " IRI reflects our commitment and ongoing bilateral effort with the government of Mexico to ensure strong , humane and effective enforcement of both nations 's immigration laws , " said ICE Director John Morton . " This initiative will better ensure that individuals @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and controlled . " <p> Gustavo Mohar Betancourt , Undersecretary of Mexico 's population , migration and religious affairs said , " This initiative aims to collaborate and fully support border state authorities by reducing the number of Mexican nationals who are repatriated to the border region . The newly repatriated , often with no means to return home , are susceptible to becoming a part of criminal organizations . " <p> The IRI will include Mexican nationals pending removal from all areas of the United States . Historically , a significant number of individuals are not from the northern border towns to which they are repatriated , leaving them in communities where they have no ties or family support . Removing Mexican nationals to the interior of Mexico is part of an effort to reduce repeat attempts to illegally enter the United States , avoid the loss of human life , and minimize the potential for exploitation of illegal migrants by human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as other criminal organizations . <p> Individuals who participate in the pilot initiative are transferred from across the United States to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ before departure on an IRI flight . <p> The first repatriation flight of 131 Mexican nationals departed El Paso International Airport Tuesday , Oct. 2 and flights are scheduled to continue this year through to Nov. 29 . Mexican nationals participating in IRI are removed on charter flights via the ICE ERO Air Operations ( IAO ) Unit . Headquartered in Kansas City , Mo. , IAO has supported ERO since 2006 by providing air transportation and removal coordination services to ERO field offices nationwide . Staffed by ERO officers , these air charters enable the agency to repatriate large groups of deportees in an efficient ,
@@5085241 <p> CAMP FOSTER , Okinawa -- Tens of thousands of Japanese protesters gathered Sunday near a U.S. Marine Corps base on Okinawa to oppose next month 's planned deployment of MV-22 Osprey aircraft to the island . <p> Local government officials condemned the airplane-helicopter hybrid as defective , while red-clad opponents waved signs calling for the U.S. to halt plans to replace aging Marine Corps helicopters at the Futenma air station with Ospreys . <p> The rally in Ginowan City was one of the largest anti-U.S . military demonstrations on the island in recent years and underscored the persistent skepticism here over the Osprey 's safety , despite U.S. and Japan probes that have so far ruled out mechanical failures in two recent accidents that killed or injured crew members . <p> An emergency landing Friday of an Osprey near Marine Corps Air Station New River in North Carolina due to an oil leak added fresh fuel to the protest . Masaharu Kina , speaker of the Okinawa prefectural assembly , claimed the incident is further evidence the aircraft is structurally flawed and should not be allowed to fly in Japan . <p> " Here on Okinawa , the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ignoring our overwhelming voices against it , " Kina said . <p> The deployment is part of the Marine Corps ' global effort to upgrade its helicopter fleet , which has relied on dual-rotor CH-46 Sea Knights for transport since the Vietnam War . The service has repeatedly said the Osprey has proven to be one of its safest aircraft since it was first put into service in 2007 . <p> The Marines announced plans last year to deploy Ospreys to Futenma , where they will fly routes to U.S. bases on Okinawa and mainland Japan . Doubts over the aircraft 's safety have dogged the effort for months . <p> U.S. and Japan officials have said the Ospreys , some of which already have arrived in Japan , will not be allowed to fly until their safety is verified , but protest organizers passed a resolution calling the aircraft " structurally defective " and urged the U.S. and Japan to scrap the deployment plans . <p> Advertisement <p> " No matter how many times the Japanese government regurgitates the safety of the Osprey , we will never be convinced @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , who joined the rally with her daughter and a neighbor . " How many lives have to be lost before stopping the aircraft operations ? " <p> A Marine Corps Osprey crashed in April during a Morocco training mission , killing two crew members , and an Air Force Osprey spun into the ground in June while training at a base in Florida , destroying the $78 million aircraft and sending five crew members to the hospital . <p> So far , official investigations have found no evidence that mechanical malfunctions or design flaws caused the aircraft to go down , according to both governments . U.S. and Japan investigators blamed the Morocco on the Marine pilots . <p> The Japanese findings , which have not yet been announced , will complete the pre-deployment safety analysis by the two allies , though the ministry declined to comment on when a final decision on the Ospreys would be made . <p> The Air Force announced Aug. 30 that its investigation into the Florida crash found the crew erred by not keeping the aircraft out of the propeller wake of another @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to tell the local government that Japan investigators agreed with a Marine Corps finding that the Morocco crash was caused
@@5085341 <p> I would too , just as I would for any other girl I might come in sexual contact with , prostitute or not . Because there are a lot of people who sleep around , the only difference is they do n't get paid to sleep around . So unless money is what transmits the diseases I would have anyone checked out following that logic . <p> Provided they gave it up and got tested . I see no reason to judge them for that . They may be a little damaged , but time and therapy heals many wounds . All that matters is who they 've become in the face of their adversities . <p> I am a woman , and if I were a man I would never be with a woman that would defile her body in such a way ! ! ! A man must not think much of himself to even be wiht someone like that ... that is a disgrace ! ! ! <p> No need to put yourself in out position . You do know that there are male prostitutes also , right ? Actually I think a man who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of honor , and a respectable person . <p> Do n't act like you 've NEVER judged anybody in your life , Mr. or Ms. Righteous . Judgement is survival mechanism . You just judged our society even though you 're a part of it . <p> These comments are based on the typical prostitute . I never judged anybody . I merely stated the most obvious reasons ( other than forced labor ) that women become prostitutes . For the record , prostitution is dehumanizing only when the woman is a sex slave . However , most Western prostitutes do it by choice not force . There are several reasons women become whores worldwide . <p> Some do it to escape poverty ( often leading to becoming a sex slave ) , some do it because of the great life it can provide when under the a good " manager " ( i.e. porn starlets or professional escorts ) , but some do it because they 're too lazy to do anything else ( street walkers ) ... At any rate , theses women are missing something emotionally that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ most cases . <p> This is why they are not fit for committed relationships . If they were , they would have chosen to be in one . Being a prostitute is easy for theme because of their unattached nature . I did n't say that to be inhumane . I said that because it 's the truth ! <p> ' ' Do n't act like you 've NEVER judged anybody in your life , Mr. or Ms. Righteous . Judgement is survival mechanism . You just judged our society even though you 're a part of it . ' ' - I never said I never judged . Most judgments I 've made were wrong . <p> ' ' These comments are based on the typical prostitute . I never judged anybody . I merely stated the most obvious reasons ( other than forced labor ) that women become prostitutes . ' ' - Each person is an individual . This works with most things , including prostitutes . The value of a person should not be measured on these basis . <p> ' ' For the record , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ slave . ' ' - 1 ) Do n't forget that there is also male prostitution . 2 ) I 'm talking about people dehumanizing the prostitute , not prostitution dehumanizing the prostitute . <p> ' ' but some do it because they 're too lazy to do anything else ( street walkers ) ' ' - In the country live in , 45% of the street prostitutes have tried suicide , most of them more than once . Most , according to that same study , would love to get the Hell out from prostitution . Extremely large rape-rates , drug addiction , etc . Street walkers , not for laziness , but yes for dead-ends . And last time I checked , Portugal was in the West . <p> ' ' This is why they are not fit for committed relationships . I ... <p> ' ' Do n't act like you 've NEVER judged anybody in your life , Mr. or Ms. Righteous . Judgement is survival mechanism . You just judged our society even though you 're a part of it . ' ' - I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ made were wrong . <p> ' ' These comments are based on the typical prostitute . I never judged anybody . I merely stated the most obvious reasons ( other than forced labor ) that women become prostitutes . ' ' - Each person is an individual . This works with most things , including prostitutes . The value of a person should not be measured on these basis . <p> ' ' For the record , prostitution is dehumanizing only when the woman is a sex slave . ' ' - 1 ) Do n't forget that there is also male prostitution . 2 ) I 'm talking about people dehumanizing the prostitute , not prostitution dehumanizing the prostitute . <p> ' ' but some do it because they 're too lazy to do anything else ( street walkers ) ' ' - In the country live in , 45% of the street prostitutes have tried suicide , most of them more than once . Most , according to that same study , would love to get the Hell out from prostitution . Extremely large rape-rates , drug addiction @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ but yes for dead-ends . And last time I checked , Portugal was in the West . <p> ' ' This is why they are not fit for committed relationships . If they were , they would have chosen to be in one . ' ' - 1 ) How so ? Ca n't someone be out of an relationship ? 2 ) Actually , as it happens , many former porn stars have family , tarted by themselves . And many prostitutes leave that job , and years later , their life is changed . Again , you applied a generalization , and generalizations rarely are true , if in any occasion . <p> Thank you : ) I thought I would be crucified here by stating the obvious just because it 's a racial thing and most people care for it , but when we speak about prostitutes
@@5085441 <h> Related Articles <p> The U.S. is promising to continue working with Japanese police investigating allegations that two U.S. sailors raped a woman in Okinawa earlier this week . <p> In a statement released Thursday , the U.S. said it will soon unveil measures to " ensure responsible behavior " for troops , while showing their commitment to maintaining positive relationships with local communities that host U.S. forces . <p> On Thursday , the two 23-year-old sailors accused of raping the woman were whisked away from Okinawa 's police station in a van with tinted windows . Both men remain in Japanese custody . <p> The attack allegedly occurred in
@@5085541 <p> ' Y OUNG PEOPLE need intermediate heroes , " author Clifton Taulbert once noted . The adaptation of Taulbert 's Once Upon a Time ... When We Were Colored supplies these small-scale heroes , but unfortunately , the movie is intermediate , too . It 's based on a small-press book by the Oklahoma author that ended up lauded in the New York Times . Director Tim Reid , of WKRP in Cincinnati fame , has created a film deeply corny in spots , with intrusive narration by screenwriter Paul W. Cooper . <p> The village of Glen Allan , Miss. , seen from the end of WWII into the years of the civil-rights movement , is a sort of African American Walton 's Mountain , complete with the pencil eraser-chewing penses that Richard Thomas used to utter when summing up what we 'd all just seen perfectly clearly . <p> Cliff ( Willie Norwood Jr. ) is raised by his great-grandfather ( Al Freeman Jr. ) and an extended family of friends and relations . As he grows up , Cliff faces discrimination and prejudice , although he 's given classics to read by a severe but @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The story avoids most of the cruelty of a cruel era , and it would--except for some painless scenes of childbirth and bar fighting--be a good kids ' movie . <p> What this golden nostalgia for a down-home past really proves is how many extraordinary actors there are who , simply because of race , are n't given more of a chance than they would have gotten 40 or 50 years ago . The cast includes Richard Roundtree , who does some satisfying hamming around an unlit cigar as the Cleve the Iceman , his flirtatiousness showing off why it was that the iceman had such a risqu reputation long ago , while Freeman 's ageless dignity could be described as sanctity without the odor of sanctity . <p> Especially consider Leon , who plays the ambitious young man named Melvin . Why is n't the single-named actor ( he was one of the kennel of dogs in Waiting to Exhale ) a bigger star ? Here is a man who ought to be playing A Streetcar Named Desire --he has Brando 's own magnetism and self-possession , and when @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ supplies a lot of things the movie has been missing until his appearance : irony , wit , a sexual charge . Naturally , he 's shipped off back to the Detroit halfway through , and the movie halts as if it had been shot with a tranquilizer dart . <p> Once Upon a Time ... is the traditional prelude for fairy tales , but fairy tales ought to have more menace , meanings that we do n't easily grasp , levels within levels . This film has a noble purpose , to show a time when people looked out for one another , but movies that simplify the experiences of the past just make the past seem all the more unreachable . <p> Once Upon a Time ... When We Were Colored ( PG ; 113 min. ) , directed by Tim Reid , written by Paul W. Cooper , based on the book by Clifton L. Taulbert and
@@5085641 <h> Chapter XII - " Might I Have a Bit of Earth ? " <p> Mary ran so fast that she was rather out of breath when she reached her room . Her hair was ruffled on her forehead and her cheeks were bright pink . Her dinner was waiting on the table , and Martha was waiting near it . <p> " Tha 's a bit late , " she said . " Where has tha ' been ? " <p> " I 've seen Dickon ! " said Mary . " I 've seen Dickon ! " <p> " I knew he 'd come , " said Martha exultantly . " How does tha ' like him ? " <p> " I think -- I think he 's beautiful ! " said Mary in a determined voice . <p> Martha looked rather taken aback but she looked pleased , too . <p> " Well , " she said , " he 's th ' best lad as ever was born , but us never thought he was handsome . His nose turns up too much . " <p> " I like it to turn up , " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ so round , " said Martha , a trifle doubtful . " Though they 're a nice color . " " I like them round , " said Mary . " And they are exactly the color of the sky over the moor . " <p> Martha beamed with satisfaction . <p> " Mother says he made ' em that color with always lookin ' up at th ' birds an ' th ' clouds . But he has got a big mouth , has n't he , now ? " <p> " I love his big mouth , " said Mary obstinately . " I wish mine were just like it . " <p> Martha chuckled delightedly . <p> " It 'd look rare an ' funny in thy bit of a face , " she said . " But I knowed it would be that way when tha ' saw him . How did tha ' like th ' seeds an ' th ' garden tools ? " <p> " How did you know he brought them ? " asked Mary . <p> " Eh ! I never @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 'd be sure to bring ' em if they was in Yorkshire . He 's such a trusty lad . " <p> Mary was afraid that she might begin to ask difficult questions , but she did not . She was very much interested in the seeds and gardening tools , and there was only one moment when Mary was frightened . This was when she began to ask where the flowers were to be planted . <p> " I 've never seen him , " said Mary . " I 've only seen undergardeners and Ben Weatherstaff . " <p> " If I was you , I 'd ask Ben Weatherstaff , " advised Martha . " He 's not half as bad as he looks , for all he 's so crabbed . Mr. Craven lets him do what he likes because he was here when Mrs. Craven was alive , an ' he used to make her laugh . She liked him . Perhaps he 'd find you a corner somewhere out o ' the way . " <p> " If it was out of the way @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my having it , could they ? " Mary said anxiously . <p> " There would n't be no reason , " answered Martha . " You would n't do no harm . " <p> Mary ate her dinner as quickly as she could and when she rose from the table she was going to run to her room to put on her hat again , but Martha stopped her . <p> " I 've got somethin ' to tell you , " she said . " I thought I 'd let you eat your dinner first . Mr. Craven came back this mornin ' and I think he wants to see you . " <p> Mary turned quite pale . <p> " Oh ! " she said . " Why ! Why ! He did n't want to see me when I came . I heard Pitcher say he did n't . " " Well , " explained Martha , " Mrs. Medlock says it 's because o ' mother . She was walkin ' to Thwaite village an ' she met him . She 'd never spoke to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ cottage two or three times . He 'd forgot , but mother had n't an ' she made bold to stop him . I do n't know what she said to him about you but she said somethin ' as put him in th ' mind to see you before he goes away again , tomorrow . " <p> " Oh ! " cried Mary , " is he going away tomorrow ? I am so glad ! " <p> " He 's goin ' for a long time . He may n't come back till autumn or winter . He 's goin ' to travel in foreign places . He 's always doin ' it . " <p> " Oh ! I 'm so glad -- so glad ! " said Mary thankfully . <p> If he did not come back until winter , or even autumn , there would be time to watch the secret garden come alive . Even if he found out then and took it away from her she would have had that much at least . <p> " When do you think he will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the sentence , because the door opened , and Mrs. Medlock walked in . She had on her best black dress and cap , and her collar was fastened with a large brooch with a picture of a man 's face on it . It was a colored photograph of Mr. Medlock who had died years ago , and she always wore it when she was dressed up . She looked nervous and excited . <p> " Your hair 's rough , " she said quickly . " Go and brush it . Martha , help her to slip on her best dress . Mr. Craven sent me to bring her to him in his study . " <p> All the pink left Mary 's cheeks . Her heart began to thump and she felt herself changing into a stiff , plain , silent child again . She did not even answer Mrs. Medlock , but turned and walked into her bedroom , followed by Martha . She said nothing while her dress was changed , and her hair brushed , and after she was quite tidy she followed Mrs. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ there for her to say ? She was obliged to go and see Mr. Craven and he would not like her , and she would not like him . She knew what he would think of her . <p> She was taken to a part of the house she had not been into before . At last Mrs. Medlock knocked at a door , and when some one said , " Come in , " they entered the room together . A man was sitting in an armchair before the fire , and Mrs. Medlock spoke to him . <p> " This is Miss Mary , sir , " she said . <p> " You can go and leave her here . I will ring for you when I want you to take her away , " said Mr. Craven . <p> When she went out and closed the door , Mary could only stand waiting , a plain little thing , twisting her thin hands together . She could see that the man in the chair was not so much a hunchback as a man with high , rather @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ white . He turned his head over his high shoulders and spoke to her . <p> " Come here ! " he said . <p> Mary went to him . <p> He was not ugly . His face would have been handsome if it had not been so miserable . He looked as if the sight of her worried and fretted him and as if he did not know what in the world to do with her . <p> " Are you well ? " he asked . <p> " Yes , " answered Mary . <p> " Do they take good care of you ? " <p> " Yes . " <p> He rubbed his forehead fretfully as he looked her over . <p> " You are very thin , " he said . <p> " I am getting fatter , " Mary answered in what she knew was her stiffest way . <p> What an unhappy face he had ! His black eyes seemed as if they scarcely saw her , as if they were seeing something else , and he could hardly keep his thoughts upon her @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . " How could I remember you ? I intended to send you a governess or a nurse , or some one of that sort , but I forgot . " <p> " Please , " began Mary . " Please -- " and then the lump in her throat choked her . <p> " What do you want to say ? " he inquired . <p> " I am -- I am too big for a nurse , " said Mary . " And please -- please do n't make me have a governess yet . " <p> He rubbed his forehead again and stared at her . <p> " That was what the Sowerby woman said , " he muttered absentmindedly . <p> Then Mary gathered a scrap of courage . <p> " Is she -- is she Martha 's mother ? " she stammered . <p> " Yes , I think so , " he replied . <p> " She knows about children , " said Mary . " She has twelve . She knows . " <p> He seemed to rouse himself . <p> " What @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ want to play out of doors , " Mary answered , hoping that her voice did not tremble . " I never liked it in India . It makes me hungry here , and I am getting fatter . " <p> He was watching her . <p> " Mrs. Sowerby said it would do you good . Perhaps it will , " he said . " She thought you had better get stronger before you had a governess . " <p> " It makes me feel strong when I play and the wind comes over the moor , " argued Mary . <p> " Where do you play ? " he asked next . <p> " Everywhere , " gasped Mary . " Martha 's mother sent me a skipping-rope . I skip and run -- and I look about to see if things are beginning to stick up out of the earth . I do n't do any harm . " <p> " Do n't look so frightened , " he said in a worried voice . " You could not do any harm , a child like you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mary put her hand up to her throat because she was afraid he might see the excited lump which she felt jump into it . She came a step nearer to him . <p> " May I ? " she said tremulously . <p> Her anxious little face seemed to worry him more than ever . <p> " Do n't look so frightened , " he exclaimed . " Of course you may . I am your guardian , though I am a poor one for any child . I can not give you time or attention . I am too ill , and wretched and distracted ; but I wish you to be happy and comfortable . I do n't know anything about children , but Mrs. Medlock is to see that you have all you need . I sent for you to-day because Mrs. Sowerby said I ought to see you . Her daughter had talked about you . She thought you needed fresh air and freedom and running about . " <p> " She knows all about children , " Mary said again in spite of herself @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Craven . " I thought her rather bold to stop me on the moor , but she said -- Mrs. Craven had been kind to her . " It seemed hard for him to speak his dead wife 's name . " She is a respectable woman . Now I have seen you I think she said sensible things . Play out of doors as much as you like . It 's a big place and you may go where you like and amuse yourself as you like . Is there anything you want ? " as if a sudden thought had struck him . " Do you want toys , books , dolls ? " <p> " Might I , " quavered Mary , " might I have a bit of earth ? " <p> In her eagerness she did not realize how queer the words would sound and that they were not the ones she had meant to say . Mr. Craven looked quite startled . <p> He gazed at her a moment and then passed his hand quickly over his eyes . <p> " Do you -- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> " I did n't know about them in India , " said Mary . " I was always ill and tired and it was too hot . I sometimes made littlebeds in the sand and stuck flowers in them . But here it is different . " <p> Mr. Craven got up and began to walk slowly across the room . <p> " A bit of earth , " he said to himself , and Mary thought that somehow she must have reminded him of something . When he stopped and spoke to her his dark eyes looked almost soft and kind . <p> " You can have as much earth as you want , " he said . " You remind me of some one else who loved the earth and things that grow . When you see a bit of earth you want , " with something like a smile , " take it , child , and make it come alive . " <p> " May I take it from anywhere -- if it 's not wanted ? " <p> " Anywhere , " he @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I am tired . " He touched the bell to call Mrs. Medlock . " Good-by . I shall be away all summer . " <p> Mrs. Medlock came so quickly that Mary thought she must have been waiting in the corridor . <p> " Mrs. Medlock , " Mr. Craven said to her , " now I have seen the child I understand what Mrs. Sowerby meant . She must be less delicate before she begins lessons . Give her simple , healthy food . Let her run wild in the garden . Do n't look after her too much . She needs liberty and fresh air and romping about . Mrs. Sowerby is to come and see her now and then and she may sometimes go to the cottage . " <p> Mrs. Medlock looked pleased . She was relieved to hear that she need not " look after " Mary too much . She had felt her a tiresome charge and had indeed seen as little of her as she dared . In addition to this she was fond of Martha 's mother . <p> " Thank @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Sowerby and me went to school together and she 's as sensible and good-hearted a woman as you 'd find in a day 's walk . I never had any children myself and she 's had twelve , and there never was healthier or better ones . Miss Mary can get no harm from them . I 'd always take Susan Sowerby 's advice about children myself . She 's what you might call healthy-minded -- if you understand me . " <p> When Mrs. Medlock left her at the end of her own corridor Mary flew back to her room . She found Martha waiting there . Martha had , in fact , hurried back after she had removed the dinner service . <p> " I can have my garden ! " cried Mary . " I may have it where I like ! I am not going to have a governess for a long time ! Your mother is coming to see me and I may go to your cottage ! He says a little girl like me could not do any harm and I may do what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " said Martha delightedly , " that was nice of him was n't it ? " <p> " Martha , " said Mary solemnly , " he is really a nice man , only his face is so miserable and his forehead is all drawn together . " <p> She ran as quickly as she could to the garden . She had been away so much longer than she had thought she should and she knew Dickon would have to set out early on his five-mile walk . When she slipped through the door under the ivy , she saw he was not working where she had left him . The gardening tools were laid together under a tree . She ran to them , looking all round the place , but there was no Dickon to be seen . He had gone away and the secret garden was empty -- except for the robin who had just flown across the wall and sat on a standard rose-bush watching her . " He 's gone , " she said woefully . " Oh ! was he -- was he -- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ white fastened to the standard rose-bush caught her eye . It was a piece of paper , in fact , it was a piece of the letter she had printed for Martha to send to Dickon . It was fastened on the bush with a long thorn , and in a minute she knew Dickon had left it there . There were some roughly printed letters on it and a sort of picture . At first she could not tell what it was . Then she saw it was meant for a nest with a bird sitting on
@@5085741 <h> Wellesley High grads told : " You 're not special " <p> We 'd been hearing good things over the weekend about Wellesley High School English teacher David McCullough , Jr . ' s faculty speech to the Class of 2012 last Friday . Here it is , in its entirety , courtesy of Mr. McCullough : <p> Dr. Wong , Dr. Keough , Mrs. Novogroski , Ms. Curran , members of the board of education , family and friends of the graduates , ladies and gentlemen of the Wellesley High School class of 2012 , for the privilege of speaking to you this afternoon , I am honored and grateful . Thank you . <p> So here we are ... commencement ... life 's great forward-looking ceremony . ( And do n't say , " What about weddings ? " Weddings are one-sided and insufficiently effective . Weddings are bride-centric pageantry . Other than conceding to a list of unreasonable demands , the groom just stands there . No stately , hey-everybody-look-at-me procession . No being given away . No identity-changing pronouncement . And can you imagine a television show dedicated to watching guys try on tuxedos @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , their brothers lurking in the corner muttering with envy . Left to men , weddings would be , after limits-testing procrastination , spontaneous , almost inadvertent ... during halftime ... on the way to the refrigerator . And then there 's the frequency of failure : statistics tell us half of you will get divorced . A winning percentage like that 'll get you last place in the American League East . The Baltimore Orioles do better than weddings . ) <p> But this ceremony ... commencement ... a commencement works every time . From this day forward ... truly ... in sickness and in health , through financial fiascos , through midlife crises and passably attractive sales reps at trade shows in Cincinnati , through diminishing tolerance for annoyingness , through every difference , irreconcilable and otherwise , you will stay forever graduated from high school , you and your diploma as one , ' til death do you part . <p> No , commencement is life 's great ceremonial beginning , with its own attendant and highly appropriate symbolism . Fitting , for example , for this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this afternoon , the venue . Normally , I avoid clichs like the plague , would n't touch them with a ten-foot pole , but here we are on a literal level playing field . That matters . That says something . And your ceremonial costume ... shapeless , uniform , one-size-fits-all . Whether male or female , tall or short , scholar or slacker , spray-tanned prom queen or intergalactic X-Box assassin , each of you is dressed , you 'll notice , exactly the same . And your diploma ... but for your name , exactly the same . <p> Yes , you 've been pampered , cosseted , doted upon , helmeted , bubble-wrapped . Yes , capable adults with other things to do have held you , kissed you , fed you , wiped your mouth , wiped your bottom , trained you , taught you , tutored you , coached you , listened to you , counseled you , encouraged you , consoled you and encouraged you again . You 've been nudged , cajoled , wheedled and implored . You 've been feted and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have . And , certainly , we 've been to your games , your plays , your recitals , your science fairs . Absolutely , smiles ignite when you walk into a room , and hundreds gasp with delight at your every tweet . Why , maybe you 've even had your picture in the Townsman ! Editor 's upgrade : Or The Swellesley Report ! And now you 've conquered high school ... and , indisputably , here we all have gathered for you , the pride and joy of this fine community , the first to emerge from that magnificent new building ... <p> But do not get the idea you 're anything special . Because you 're not . <p> The empirical evidence is everywhere , numbers even an English teacher ca n't ignore . Newton , Natick , Nee ... I am allowed to say Needham , yes ? ... that has to be two thousand high school graduates right there , give or take , and that 's just the neighborhood Ns . Across the country no fewer than 3.2 million seniors are graduating about @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 37,000 valedictorians ... 37,000 class presidents ... 92,000 harmonizing altos ... 340,000 swaggering jocks ... 2,185,967 pairs of Uggs . But why limit ourselves to high school ? After all , you 're leaving it . So think about this : even if you 're one in a million , on a planet of 6.8 billion that means there are nearly 7,000 people just like you . Imagine standing somewhere over there on Washington Street on Marathon Monday and watching sixty-eight hundred yous go running by . And consider for a moment the bigger picture : your planet , I 'll remind you , is not the center of its solar system , your solar system is not the center of its galaxy , your galaxy is not the center of the universe . In fact , astrophysicists assure us the universe has no center ; therefore , you can not be it . Neither can Donald Trump ... which someone should tell him ... although that hair is quite a phenomenon . <p> " But , Dave , " you cry , " Walt Whitman tells me I 'm @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have the spark of Zeus ! " And I do n't disagree . So that makes 6.8 billion examples of perfection , 6.8 billion sparks of Zeus . You see , if everyone is special , then no one is . If everyone gets a trophy , trophies become meaningless . In our unspoken but not so subtle Darwinian competition with one another -- which springs , I think , from our fear of our own insignificance , a subset of our dread of mortality -- we have of late , we Americans , to our detriment , come to love accolades more than genuine achievement . We have come to see them as the point -- and we 're happy to compromise standards , or ignore reality , if we suspect that 's the quickest way , or only way , to have something to put on the mantelpiece , something to pose with , crow about , something with which to leverage ourselves into a better spot on the social totem pole . No longer is it how you play the game , no longer is it even @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , or enjoy yourself doing it ... Now it 's " So what does this get me ? " As a consequence , we cheapen worthy endeavors , and building a Guatemalan medical clinic becomes more about the application to Bowdoin than the well-being of Guatemalans . It 's an epidemic -- and in its way , not even dear old Wellesley High is immune ... one of the best of the 37,000 nationwide , Wellesley High School ... where good is no longer good enough , where a B is the new C , and the midlevel curriculum is called Advanced College Placement . And I hope you caught me when I said " one of the best . " I said " one of the best " so we can feel better about ourselves , so we can bask in a little easy distinction , however vague and unverifiable , and count ourselves among the elite , whoever they might be , and enjoy a perceived leg up on the perceived competition . But the phrase defies logic . By definition there can be only one best . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you 've learned anything in your years here I hope it 's that education should be for , rather than material advantage , the exhilaration of learning . You 've learned , too , I hope , as Sophocles assured us , that wisdom is the chief element of happiness . ( Second is ice cream ... just an fyi ) I also hope you 've learned enough to recognize how little you know ... how little you know now ... at the moment ... for today is just the beginning . It 's where you go from here that matters . <p> As you commence , then , and before you scatter to the winds , I urge you to do whatever you do for no reason other than you love it and believe in its importance . Do n't bother with work you do n't believe in any more than you would a spouse you 're not crazy about , lest you too find yourself on the wrong side of a Baltimore Orioles comparison . Resist the easy comforts of complacency , the specious glitter of materialism , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ advantages . And read ... read all the time ... read as a matter of principle , as a matter of self-respect . Read as a nourishing staple of life . Develop and protect a moral sensibility and demonstrate the character to apply it . Dream big . Work hard . Think for yourself . Love everything you love , everyone you love , with all your might . And do so , please , with a sense of urgency , for every tick of the clock subtracts from fewer and fewer ; and as surely as there are commencements there are cessations , and you 'll be in no condition to enjoy the ceremony attendant to that eventuality no matter how delightful the afternoon . <p> The fulfilling life , the distinctive life , the relevant life , is an achievement , not something that will fall into your lap because you 're a nice person or mommy ordered it from the caterer . You 'll note the founding fathers took pains to secure your inalienable right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- quite an @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I should think , little time for lying around watching parrots rollerskate on Youtube . The first President Roosevelt , the old rough rider , advocated the strenuous life . Mr. Thoreau wanted to drive life into a corner , to live deep and suck out all the marrow . The poet Mary Oliver tells us to row , row into the swirl and roil . Locally , someone ... I forget who ... from time to time encourages young scholars to carpe the heck out of the diem . The point is the same : get busy , have at it . Do n't wait for inspiration or passion to find you . Get up , get out , explore , find it yourself , and grab hold with both hands . ( Now , before you dash off and get your YOLO tattoo , let me point out the illogic of that trendy little expression -- because you can and should live not merely once , but every day of your life . Rather than You Only Live Once , it should be You Live Only Once ... @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ we shrug and decide it does n't matter . ) <p> None of this day-seizing , though , this YLOOing , should be interpreted as license for self-indulgence . Like accolades ought to be , the fulfilled life is a consequence , a gratifying byproduct . It 's what happens when you 're thinking about more important things . Climb the mountain not to plant your flag , but to embrace the challenge , enjoy the air and behold the view . Climb it so you can see the world , not so the world can see you . Go to Paris to be in Paris , not to cross it off your list and congratulate yourself for being worldly . Exercise free will and creative , independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you , but for the good they will do others , the rest of the 6.8 billion -- and those who will follow them . And then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself . The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the recognition that you 're not special . <h> 170 Comments <p> My nephew 's life ambition is to live in his parent 's basement for the rest of his life . Ideally , he would have a refrigerator , a microwave and have whatever food and drink he needs delivered to his lair , have his parents pay for them and NEVER leave . He 's 22 years-old and I believe he defines what a ' useless eater ' is . But , who am I to judge ? I think the single word that defines a whole generation is ' whatever ' . <p> That speech was more about a guy trying to show off his uber-cleverness with the English language than about motivating students to take charge of their future . His speech was like a bland tasting wedding cake buried in a pile of fancy frosting . About 80% of what he said was just verbal bling . <p> His whole speech could have been : " You 've had it easy up till now with your parents feeding , clothing , housing and caring for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ need to change to meet that challenge . College will be harder than this and real life harder than college . If you skip college , you will face the same or greater hardships but get paid less . The only way I know to avoid all this is to get a liberal arts degree , a teaching credential and become a tenured teacher like me . Then you can talk about life without having to actually live it . " <p> I 'm sorry , tomh , I respectfully disagree . I believe that removing the wool from over the eyes of the young adults shows the utmost respect . He respects them enough to share what he believes to be the truth . And in much of what he says , I agree wholeheartedly . It 's hard to deny that today 's youth has a warped sense of accomplishment . And I say this as a younger adult , myself . Knowing that I , too , at times do n't have proper perspective . He delivered a wake-up call to an impressionable and knowledge-thirsty group of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ deal with lives " full of people trying to knock them down . " Because of how many of them have been raised , they are soft and ill-equipped to properly deal with such adversity . At the same time , he encourages them to dream big and reach for excellence -- to not allow those standing in their way or trying to knock them down prevent them from achieving brilliance . It 's time for us to show enough love and respect to properly prepare the next generation for hardships -- not to terrify them but to empower them with the knowledge that they can rise above if they know it 's out there and they have experience dealing with it . Life is not easy . To me , excessive coddling is doing a disservice to the very people we are trying to protect . I 'm not saying we should guide without love and compassion . Positive reinforcement is a huge part of the solution . But young people must be aware of the potential pitfalls of life . Without warning , they wo n't know how @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was a different and a pretty good speech until he ruined it at the end : " Exercise free will and creative , independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you , but for the good they will do others , the rest of the 6.8 billion -- and those who will follow them . And then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself . The sweetest joys of life , then , come only with the recognition that you 're not special " <p> Advocating that people be selfless means that people should always do things for everyone else , and nothing for one 's self . This is hardly realistic . unless one is very rich . You should do things in your self interests , because if you do not , then you have to depend on others to act in your self interests , and you will become a burden to them . He is wrong about not being special , it is just that we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ say is that we are each unique , but we need to work and parlay our uniqueness into our pursuit of happiness . We need to act in our own self interests because if we do and earn more than we need for ourselves , then we can help others . If we are selfless then we will be poor and dependent on others for charity . I would recommend that the speaker try reading Ayn Rand , F.A . Hayek , Ludwig von Mises , De Toqueville , Henry Hazlitt , Milton Friedman , Adam Smith , and others who understand freedom , how it is achieved and how it is retained . <p> I hear what you 're saying , but I feel it 's a rather kindergarten view of what " selfless " means . Of course you have to take care of yourself to be a functional human being , but anyone who has ever involved themselves in even the simplest open-hearted generosity knows that really being selfles is taking care of yourself . <p> Brilliant ... such insight for today 's graduates ! One of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ distinctive life , the relevant life , is an achievement , not something that will fall into your lap because you 're a nice person or mommy ordered it from the caterer . " Well done , Mr. McCullough ! Please continue teaching and inspiring us all ! <p> @tomh will undoubtably have a couple of 30 year old kids living on his couch . Either that or he 'll be paying for their lodging elsewhere . And he also thinks everyone should get a ribbon for showing up . That is stupid thinking , and the #1 reason the U.S. is the 8th most powerful nation on the planet instead of #1 , which most of them still believe . lol <p> Great speech ! Is there anyway you can corral obama , the liberal media , arrogant/stupid hollywood and the majority of idoits in DC , oh and all the stuckup harvard professors ad give them this speech . Maybe they 'd learn somthing ...... maybe not ! <p> Amen ! I have worked with " maladjusted youth " for 21 years and my wife is a public @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ children and agree that the liberal run schools are the source of a lot of this attitude . Kids are told that their poop does n't stink and they believe it . Throw in their parents attitudes -- not valuing education , etc. and they are doomed to fail . But do n't worry -- the dems will give them welfare , food stamps and everything else to buy their votes and keep them on the dole . They are being bought with our money and kept poor . This is not the America our founding fathers had in mind ! The Obamination must be stopped in November ! ! <p> I am sorry , but my comment to this teacher would be : " Stick your " Your Not Special " speech in your ear ! " I know this dude thinks he 's giving people a reality check , however , I also know a lot of Primary and Secondary Education teachers who only encourage students to succeed when they can potentially boost the teacher 's career ..... This guy should have directed this speech at the other @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ been encouraging the students to go out and be awesome members of society and be proud of their accomplishments in school and college ... and NOT telling them that they are in no way special ...... I am tired of hearing about teachers being proud of only a select group of students .... the " Jocks " if you will .... granted they should be proud of their achievements , but this does NOT mean the teacher stops focusing on ALL the students and not just the Jocks ...... Talk about descrimination ..... <p> This is probably the first honest speech they have ever heard . As a graduation gift , their parents should copy it off and give it to them for a graduation present . Better yet , make lots of copies and paper their bedroom with it ! <p> " Exercise free will and creative , independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you , but for the good they will do others , the rest of the 6.8 billion -- and those who will follow them . And then you too will discover the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself . The sweetest joys of life , then , come only with the recognition that you 're not special . " <p> I wish to God someone had given me this speech when I graduated from High School . The accolades from family , the shallow awards , and the glowing speech we heard about the best days of our lives -- and the endless opportunities and acheivements that would inevitably fall into our laps -- led to a desperate , uncomfortable decade as I wondered what was wrong with me and why things did n't just all go my way . I had to learn the truths in this excellent speech the hard way . It could have saved me the better part of a decade figuring these things out because no one had the guts to me . <p> While what he says is basically true , as a matter of decorum , he comes across as a smug , self-righteous , self-indulgent jerk . In a flash of irony , his desire to distinguish himself as a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the narcissism and self-absorption he claims to be railing against . From a pragmatic point of view , those most in need of his advice are least likely to absorb it in this context , and the ones who will embrace his argument are those who already well understand it . He 's preaching when he should be congratulating . <p> Another quick point : the cliche he repeats throughout , " if you 're special , then nobody is , " mistakes what " special " means in the same unfortunate way narcissists mistake it : " special " does not mean " superior , " it means " different , " " individual , " " unique . " It does not mean " better , " or " best . " For those who do n't organize all human endeavor according to winning and losing , the word " special " is not much of a threat . <p> These kids ( and many of their doting parents ) have been and will continue to celebrate these kids achievements every day of their lives . It @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they will receive their come-uppance and a dose of what the world they are entering will be like . It 's clear you subscribe to the " everyone 's a winner " way of thinking , but it 's a shame you do n't realize that this simply does our nation 's kids a disservice and places our country further behind the 8 ball in the big scheme of things . <p> After fighting my urge to stand up and applaud this speech ... I decided it might be best to print a copy for each of our children ... including the recent high school grad ! What an outstanding message for all ages to ponder . <p> All these comments ... 2 boo hoos . Not bad . I remember asking my oldest , when he would struggle with homework and wonder what all the fuss was about grades , " do I get paid more money if you get an A , or will you get into a better college , get a better career , and make more moeny if you get that A ? " . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ about the future . Thank you , Mr. McCullough , for taking a sharp witty pin , and pricking the self importance of today 's high school graduates . If Facebook is any indicatior of a typical
@@5085841 <p> The drought has sapped the production of corn , soybeans and other crops , afflicting poultry and livestock in turn . The most recent federal assessment in August is that parts of at least 33 states , mostly in the West and the Midwest , are experiencing drought conditions that are severe or worse . It is affecting 87 percent of the land dedicated to growing corn , 63 percent of the land for hay and 72 percent of the land used for cattle . <p> The impact of the drought has extended beyond farming . In Missouri , the torrid conditions have sparked forest fires that resemble the types of wildfires seen in the West . Already , more than 116 wildfires have burned in Missouri 's Mark Twain National Forest , a record-setting pace . Conditions have been so dry that there was a report of hay in a barn combusting on its own . <p> Meanwhile , water levels are falling in town reservoirs as well as major waterways like the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers . Barge and towboat operators have been reducing the size of their loads because of the low water . This @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from crops to gravel , have had to take more trips , increasing transportation costs that could be passed on to consumers . <p> The hot , dry weather is also harming parts of the nation 's infrastructure . Highways in Texas , nuclear power plants in Illinois , runways and subway rails in Washington and the concrete , steel and sophisticated engineering that undergird the nation 's infrastructure are being taxed to worrisome degrees by heat , drought and vicious storms . <p> What is particularly striking about the dry spell is its breadth . Fifty-five percent of the continental United States -- from California to Arkansas , Texas to North Dakota -- is experiencing moderate to extreme drought , according to the government , the largest such area since December 1956 . <p> The unsettling news has come at a time of growing uncertainty for the country 's economy . With evidence mounting of a slowdown in the economic recovery , this new blow from the weather was particularly ill-timed . <p> With Low Corn Yield , Food Prices May Rise <p> The scorching heat and the worst @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ prices up , spooking consumers and leading to worries about global food costs . <p> On July 25 , the United States government said it expected the record-breaking weather to drive up the price for groceries in 2013 , including milk , beef , chicken and pork . The drought has affected 88 percent of the corn crop , a staple of processed foods and animal feed as well as the nation 's leading farm export <p> The government 's forecast , based on a consumer price index for food , estimated that prices would rise 4 to 5 percent for beef in 2013 with slightly lower increases for pork , eggs and dairy products . <p> The corn yield is expected to be 123.4 bushels an acre , the lowest in 17 years , and corn prices are projected to reach a record $7.50 to $8.90 a bushel , the report said . An earlier report projected about 146 bushels an acre . <p> The report said that soybeans were expected to be 36.1 bushels an acre -- 4.4 bushels an acre below the July government estimate and 5.4 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ expected to be $15 to $17 a bushel , the government said . <p> The report 's data on meats was mixed . Beef and poultry production are expected to increase in 2012 as livestock producers cull or sell their herds because of higher feed cost . Eggs , milk and pork production are expected to decline because of hot weather and feed prices . <p> For now , analysts said they expected the broader economic impact of rising food prices to be modest . Americans spend just 13 percent of their household budgets on food . The falling price of gasoline -- fuel and transportation costs being a major component of prices at restaurants and grocery stores -- will help temper any price increases . <p> Analysts said there might be little effect on economic growth or overall inflation , which has been running around 2 percent a year . <p> But economists said consumers -- particularly the poor and unemployed -- would still feel the effects . <p> Economists fear a far greater impact outside of the United States because America is a major exporter of a broad @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ less supply and higher prices abroad . <p> Drying Up the Mighty Mississippi River <p> Despite being fed by water flowing in from more than 40 percent of the United States , the Mississippi river is feeling the ruinous drought affecting so much of the Midwest . Some stretches are nearing the record low-water levels experienced in 1988 , when river traffic was suspended in several spots . <p> That is unlikely in 2012 , because of careful engineering work to keep the largest inland marine system in the world passable . The Army Corps of Engineers has more than a dozen dredging vessels working the Mississippi . <p> Still , the channel is shallower , by a lot . Tow operators are dealing with this fact by hauling fewer barges , loading them lighter and running them more slowly , raising their costs . Since May , about 60 vessels have run aground in the lower Mississippi . <p> The corps has engineered other ways " to help the river keep itself open , " said James T. Pogue , a spokesman for the corps in Memphis . They @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the river and " sort of act like nozzles to speed up the flow of the river " to scour the bed , he said . <p> Such river training structures help to reduce the amount of dredging necessary by making the river do much of the work . The result , said Mr. Pogue , is that even if water reaches the levels that it did before , " we 'll still be in better shape than we were in ' 88 . " <p> But if the weather does not improve , the situation could get much worse , said David R. Busse , the chief of the engineering and construction division for the St. Louis district of the corps . If the rains do not come , the river will continue to drop . There will be a precipitous fall of about two feet at St. Louis toward the end of 2012 , when the reservoirs up the Missouri River , as scheduled every year , stop releasing water into the Mississippi . <p> " Right now we have a problem , but we 're managing it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they turn it off ? " <p> Devastating to Midwestern Agriculture <p> After favorable spring weather in 2012 , United States corn production had been projected to hit a record high , approaching nearly 15 billion bushels , as farmers had planted the most acreage since the late 1930s to capture profits from what were already the highest corn prices ever . <p> Then the drought set in , projections of a bumper crop evaporated and prices began to climb . <p> As of mid-July , more than half of the corn in seven states was in poor or very poor condition , according to the Department of Agriculture . In Kentucky , Missouri and Indiana , that figure was above 70 percent . Overall , only 31 percent of the nation 's corn is in good to excellent condition , compared with 66 percent at the same time in 2011 . Already some farmers have been watching their cash crops burn to the point of no return . Others have been cutting their corn early to use for feed , a much less profitable venture . <p> The withering @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , putting stress on cattle farmers . A record 54 percent of pasture and rangeland -- where cattle feed or where hay is harvested for feeding -- was in poor or very poor condition , according to the Department of Agriculture . Many farmers have been forced to sell their animals . <p> Still , the 2012 drought is not expected to be as rough on Midwestern agriculture as the one in 1988 . Corn yields were 22 percent under trend that year , and this year the Department of Agriculture is projecting yields 11 percent under trend . <p> Many also believe that farmers are better situated in 2012 to handle the impact of a drought than they were two decades ago . More than 80 percent of corn and soybeans are estimated to be insured . <p> They have been dropping dead in the Navajo reservation in the Southwest , where neighbors are battling neighbors and livestock for water , an inherently scant resource on tribal land . They have been found stumbling through state parks in Missouri , in backyards and along country roads in Illinois , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ belong . <p> Some are taken to rescue farms or foster homes -- lifelines that are also buckling under the pressure of the drought , which has pushed the price of grain and hay needed to feed the animals beyond the reach of many families already struggling in the tight economy . <p> While precise figures are hard to come by , rough estimates from the Unwanted Horse Coalition , an alliance of equine organizations based in Washington , puts the number of unwanted horses -- those given up on by their owners for whatever reasons -- at 170,000 to 180,000 nationwide , said Ericka Caslin , the group 's director . <p> Many more could be out there , though . The Navajos , for instance , have no tally on the number of feral horses on their land ; a $2 million effort to count and round them up was vetoed by the tribe 's president because of the cost . <p> The measure passed 223 to 197 , a tight margin for a bill that has an impact on so many states . But Democratic leaders in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bill , said they were not inclined to rush through the House measure , blaming the Republican leaders in the House for failing to consider the broader legislation in time . <p> The impact of the weather on the nation 's farmers has put new pressure on Congress to move ahead on the farm bill . But House Republican leaders have been reluctant to act because of divisions within the party 's rank-and-file about the cost of the nearly $1 trillion bill . The legislation includes several federal agriculture programs that farmers have come to expect , though it does not include any specific drought assistance . Several important disaster relief programs expired at the end of 2011 , leaving farmers and ranchers who have lost cattle or grazing land with few options without Congressional action . <p> Effects on the Nation 's Infrastructure <p> The extreme weather has also left parts of the nation 's grid buckling . In July , a US Airways regional jet became stuck in asphalt that had softened in 100-degree temperatures , and a subway train derailed after the heat stretched the track so @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a stretch that was supposed to be straight . <p> In East Texas , heat and drought have had a startling effect on the clay-rich soils under highways , which " just shrink like crazy , " leading to " horrendous cracking , " said Tom Scullion , senior research engineer with the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A &M; University . In Northeastern and Midwestern states , he said , unusually high heat is causing highway sections to expand beyond their design limits , press against each other and " pop up , " creating jarring and even hazardous speed bumps . <p> In the Chicago area , a twin-unit nuclear plant had to get special permission to keep operating in July because the pond it uses for cooling water rose to 102 degrees ; its license to operate allows it to go only to 100 . According to the Midwest Independent System Operator , the grid operator for the region , a different power plant had had to shut because the body of water from which it draws its cooling water had dropped so low that the intake @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ back generation because cooling water was too warm . <p> The frequency of extreme weather is up over the past few years , and people who deal with infrastructure expect that to continue . Leading climate models suggest that weather-sensitive parts of the infrastructure will be seeing many more extreme episodes , along with shifts in weather patterns and rising maximum ( and minimum ) temperatures . <p> Ethanol Quota Is Challenged <p> As the drought has ravaged corn producers and industrial consumers alike , three big intertwined but rival agribusinesses -- corn farmers , meat and poultry producers , and biofuel refineries -- are in a political fight to protect their interests . At issue is whether to suspend a five-year-old federal mandate requiring more ethanol in gasoline each year , a policy that has diverted almost half of the domestic corn supply from animal feedlots to ethanol refineries , driven up corn prices and plantings and created a desperate competition for corn as the drought has gripped the nation 's farm belt . <p> Meat producers are demanding that the Obama administration waive the ethanol quota to ease @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ loss of the quota would undermine the ethanol industry and do little for corn farmers but drive down the price of their stunted harvest . <p> Corn growers , caught in a political tug of war between their biggest customers , are asking the government to move cautiously , if at all . ( Many ethanol refineries are owned by corn farmers . ) The corn farmers said a waiver should be allowed only if careful study showed a severe economic impact . <p> Drought slashed U.S. corn production to the lowest level in six years and soybeans to the lowest in nine years , the government forecast , but the corn crop is larger than expected . The soybean crop forecast , however , is smaller than expected . <h> Multimedia <p> A withering drought in India , a new editor for Cosmopolitan , an ambitious bond-buying program from the European Central Bank and a lineup of
@@5085941 <h> How can I make sure that the house I 'm buying is in good shape ? <p> In some states , you may have the advantage of a law that requires sellers to disclose considerable information about the condition of the house . <p> Regardless of whether the seller provides disclo- sures , however , you should have the property inspected for defects or mal- functions in the building 's structure . Start by conducting your own in- spection . There are several useful do it-yourself inspection books available to help you learn what to look for . Ideally , you should inspect a house before you make a formal written offer to buy it so that you can save yourself the trouble should you find serious problems . <p> If a house passes your inspection , hire a general contractor to check all major house systems from top to bottom , including the roof , plumbing , electrical and heating systems and drainage . This will take two or three hours and cost you anywhere from $200 to $500 depending on the loca- tion , size , age and type of home . You should accompany the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ more about the maintenance and preservation of the house and get answers to any questions you may have , including which problems are important and which are relatively minor . Depending on the property , you may want to arrange specialized inspections for pest damage , hazards from floods , earthquakes and other natural disasters <p> and environmental health hazards such as asbestos , mold and lead . Professional inspections should be done after your written purchase offer has been accepted by the seller . ( Your offer should be contingent upon the house passing one or more inspections . ) To avoid confusion and dis- putes , be sure you get a written report of each inspection . If the house is in good shape , you can proceed , knowing that you 're get- ting what you paid for . If an inspector discovers problems -- such as an anti- quated plumbing system or a major termite infestation -- you can negotiate with the seller to have him pay for necessary repairs and provide a home warranty ( see Selling Your House , below ) . Finally , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ turns up problems , assuming
@@5086041 <p> Stephen Weiss has made it clear -- he 's committed to staying in Sunrise . <p> " I want to end my career with the Panthers , " Weiss told the Miami Herald . " This organization has been very good to me . We 're starting to see brighter days ahead with the kids we have coming up and some of the draft picks we 've stockpiled . " <p> There 's just one catch -- Weiss ' six-year , $18.6 million deal expires at the end of 2012-13 . The lockout interrupted talks of a contract extension and the 29-year-old said he wo n't negotiate a deal while the regular season is on ( whenever that starts . ) <p> So , he 's in limbo . And limbo could be an issue , something the Herald 's George Richards points out : <p> When asked if he understood the ramifications of playing the 2012-13 season as a pending free agent , Weiss nodded emphatically . The Panthers , like the Cavaliers with LeBron James , have been burned by pending free agents . <p> Florida , if it was out of the playoff race at @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ instead of potentially losing him for nothing . Of course , that 's a long way away ... <p> ... In 2009 , Florida lost All-Star defenseman Jay Bouwmeester for virtually nothing as he refused to re-sign with the Panthers . <p> Richards notes that Bouwmeester disliked playing in Florida -- in ' 09 , his agent reportedly gave then-GM Jacques Martin a list of teams Bouwmeester wanted to be traded to -- whereas Weiss likes the city and franchise . <p> " There 's nothing but good days ahead for this team . I believe that , " he said .
@@5086141 <h> Configure Windows Firewall to allow Firefox access to the Internet <p> Windows provides a built-in firewall , which controls how programs access the Internet . If Windows Firewall does n't permit Firefox to make connections , Firefox generates a " Server not
@@5086241 <h> New York Times <h> RSS Feed - Opinion <p> Opinion stories from the New York Times <p> Here are recent stories posted in this feed . Not all of them have been reviewed by our members yet , so please check that their story info is accurate . Read more about our feeds
@@5086341 <h> Public opinion of the health care law <p> Demonstrators protest on the Supreme Court stairs Thursday as they await a ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Healthcare Act , US President Barack Obama 's signature healthcare legislation . <p> / SAUL LOEB <p> Since it was enacted over two years ago , the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , President Obama 's signature piece of legislation , has never been especially popular with the American public . Just 34 percent approve of the health care law , according to a CBS News/New York Times Poll released earlier this month , while 48 percent disapprove . Other recent polls also show more oppose the law than support it . <p> As might be expected , views on the health care law are colored by partisanship . Eight in 10 Republicans disapprove , while most Democrats ( 56 percent ) approve . More than half of independents ( 52 percent ) oppose the law . <p> Overall opinions of the health care law have barely wavered since its passage in March 2010 , and support for it has never reached 50 percent in CBS News Polls . Back @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , 43 percent of Americans approved of the law - that 's the highest percentage to date . <p> But is this an indication that Americans are not ready for health care reform ? Not necessarily . Throughout the debate over health care in 2009 , CBS News Polls showed a majority of Americans wanted either fundamental changes made or a completely rebuilt health care system . A recent AP-Gfk survey asked what should happen if the health care law is ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ; 77 say the President and Congress should start work on new health care legislation . Only 19 percent of Americans want the health care system should be left as is . <p> In fact , despite Americans ' mostly negative views of the health care law generally , there is broad public support for some specific elements of the law . A March CBS News/New York Times Poll found 85 percent favor the requirement that insurance companies cover people with pre-existing conditions , nearly seven in 10 support allowing children under 26 to say on their parents ' health plan , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ discounts to reduce the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap , commonly known as the donut hole . <p> Even a majority of those who express disapproval of the health care law overall say they approve of these three elements . <p> Still , the most controversial component of the law - the requirement that nearly all Americans obtain health insurance -- does not sit well with the American public . In that same March poll , 45 percent approve of that provision , but 51 percent do not . According to an April Kaiser Family Foundation survey , seven in ten find that element of the law unfavorable <p> Also , among those who oppose the law overall in the March CBS News/New York Times Poll , seven in 10 disapprove of the mandate that people buy health insurance . <p> Even though the public is familiar with some elements of the health care law , particularly the individual mandate , there is some evidence that many may not have a good understanding of it . Soon after the law was enacted , 41 percent of Americans felt they had @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ them , but two years later and even after some provisions were implemented , that number increased just six points to 47 percent . Just as many -- 48 percent -- now find the law confusing . And while a CBS News/New York Times Poll released earlier this month found that most know at least some details about the 2010 health care law , only 28 percent of Americans say they know a lot about it . Of that 28 percent , more than six in 10 disapprove of the law . <p> Throughout the health care debate and after the law 's passage , it seemed Americans never really saw any benefit in the law for them . More Americans consistently said the health care changes would to do more harm than good to them personally . In March of this year , only 19 percent thought the law would mostly help them ; most either said they would be hurt by it ( 31 percent ) or not have much of an effect ( 43 percent ) . <p> The cost of health care is an ongoing concern @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ decline under the law . In that March poll , just 15 percent though their costs would go down because of the law ; virtually the same as the 14 percent who said that two years ago as the law was being enacted . More than half ( 52 percent ) expect the Affordable Care Act to increase their own health care costs . <p> Ultimately , Americans did n't see health care reform as the top priority for the country . While people wanted a better health care system , they wanted a better economy more . Since 2008 , the economy has been the dominant concern for Americans , according to CBS News Polls . Throughout 2009 when health care reform was being hotly debated , health care claimed the second spot behind the economy and jobs among the public 's concerns ; however , it was always a distant second . In October 2009 , 20 percent volunteered health care as the most important issue facing the country , but 45 percent said the economy and jobs . Two years later , health care is even less @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Times Poll , just 5 percent of Americans cite health care as the most important issue facing the country- but nearly ten times as many people choose the economy and jobs with 48 percent . <p> When we take a serious look at the current Health System after all the noise have subsided one have to conclude that the current Health Care System can not be sustained over the long term.With Health Care cost increasing at the current rate one have to conclude that it is not sustainable.Affordable Health Insurance is necessary for the health of all AMERICANS.The goal of the Affordable Care Act is reducing the cost Health care and Insuring more Americans.With more Americans having access to Individual Health Insurance we will hopefully help to reduce the long term cost of Health Care.In Florida and all other states cost of care have to be evaluated and new system introduce to deliver Health Care at a lower cost . <p> Yeah , nobody cares about healthcare till something happens to them . Then they walk into the ER and get it for free . <p> By the way , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a rebate from the insurance cronies who ripped them off . That 's another good thing about Obamacare , insurance cronies ca n't just raise you rates to pump up their stock price anymore . That 's why the GOP got fire in their eyes , they do n't want anything happening to their campaign contributors profits . <p> The law has instilled a sense of fear and confusion among the public who are not exactly sure of the likely implications of the healthcare reform bill . Its analysis has unveiled what is in it and what is not , and what the law can do and can not do . What is now definitely known is that : <p> The healthcare law will no doubt increase the number of Americans with health insurance but it will fall short of the so-called " universal coverage . " A rough estimate is that by 2019 , nearly 21 million Americans will be uninsured The cost of the legislation will be much more than originally announced . It is expected to cost more than $2.7 trillion over 10 years of full implementation @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! A vast majority of the workers and businesses will notice very little , or in fact , no change in their already escalating insurance costs . But millions of other Americans including the younger and healthier workforce , and those who buy insurance through the non-group market companies will see their premiums rise faster There is a huge possibility that the law could raise taxes by more than $669 billion by 2019 causing a reduction in economic growth and employment Due to the rationing of care that will come about , it will interfere with how doctors practice medicine Even if people are happy with their insurance now , they may not be able to keep it ... http : **30;2581;TOOLONG ... <p> If people really did take the time to understand the decision , those who were initially happy with the decision might not be as enthusiastic . And more importantly , those who were initially disappointed might actually be very , very happy with the decision . It reveals the shadowy outlines of an outer limit to Congress ' power under the Commerce and Necessary and Proper @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of federal regulatory power . While the Affordable Care Act legislation itself is important , the truly groundbreaking outcome of the Court 's decision is that it rejected those two sources of Congressional power as justifications for upholding the law . <p> Continue reading our take on this issue over at The Corporate Observer ( http : **34;2613;TOOLONG ... <p> Approval of the Affordable Care Act today by the Supreme Court is a remarkable result . <p> It is remarkable that the Court , and especially its Chief Justice , did not apparently consider either the Congressional hearings and testimony , nor the President 's own statements that the mandate WAS NOT considered by them to be a tax . Since only the Congress can levy a tax , and the Congress did not consider the Mandate a tax , it seems that Court , through Roberts , has decided for the American people that it is a tax after all , and despite their wishes . <p> It is also remarkable that the Court majority went to such lengths to discuss the issues raised in the suits , including @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ true constitutional issues in dispute , dismissed them , and went on to fashion its own law as it saw fit . <p> The Solicitor General did raise the issue of the mandate penalty being considered a tax , but the administration he represented , both before , and after the oral arguments , and the president himself , continued to argue that no taxing function was involved . Does n't that make Obama look like a premeditated liar , since his own promises to the American people were directly contrary to the decision pushed by his own representative ? <p> Today is not a good day in our history ; we have a running mouth president , and a law-creating Court , supported by an equally incompetent Congress and Senate . American needs major change to survive ! <p> The Supreme Court , in their ruling on Obamacare this morning , said this to the citizens of the United States - paraphrased , of course : <p> Obamacare is not unconstitutional because it is a form of taxing the U.S. citizen and taxing the U.S. is constitutional . We @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ we are not saying it is bad for the U.S. ; we are only saying that it is constitutional as a tax on the U.S. If U. S. citizens do n't like this , it is up to THEM , the citizens , to put people in office who will repeal it - not because it is unconstitutional , but because it is not cost-effective , it is not going to solve any of the healthcare problems we face , and because it is not good for the majority of the U.S. citizens . <p> Folks , Obama said that there would be no taxes on people who made under $250 K a year . Here is the SUPREME LAW OF OUR LAND CALLING OBAMA A BALL-FACED LIAR ! WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED TO VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE ? <p> i do nt see any logical content in there ... maybe if you would stop flaming and start explaining your oppinion ( which i think you cant because it sounds like right-wing-propaganda in my ears ) people would understand you ... but thats not point of beeing a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ anybody else ... even if you tell them complete rubish you heard by some rich people working in theire own intressts ... shame on you <p> ( spelling or gramer mistakes are made because im a legastenic and because i grew up in germany ... only because i know youre going to start **tching about it ) <p> by the way obama is everything else than a socialist . look at the german political system ... the free and social market economy ... it made germanys economy to one of the strongest in the world ... and if you look on the map germany is pretty tiny if you compare it with the usa , china or the other states at the top of the list . And you might know most germans hate kommunists because of the cold war , which was pretty tough in germany . finaly : protecting the consumer isnt a bad thig ... but thats a thing you " true Americans " ( ; ) ) have to learn first <p> Jimant60 ! You must be some constitutional scholar , since you fancy yourself better @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and the POTUS , who was editor of the Harvard Law Review and , after graduating Magna *** Laude , went on to teach constitutional law for 12 years at the University of Chicago Law School ) . Here 's a news flash : those who have insurance ALREADY PAY FOR THOSE WHO DO N'T . Sometime when you 're not busy boning up on constitutional provisions , try investigating how we ( yes , we ) pay for uncompensated ( fyi , that means unpaid ) care in the United States . By the way , I do not receive government freebies , which MUST make me a liberal , thank God ! <p> Lots of conservatives moaning and groaning . Little do they know conservatives in our fellow industrialized nations have made this change in their health care systems years ago . The costs of US health care , in their present state , are very poorly architected , too expensive and arguably a fine case of financial fraud . <p> One only need to study the documentary below very closely to realize the scandal in our @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ world <p> Part 1 : http : //www.youtube.com/watch ? v=UziyxAkw ... <p> Part 2 : http : //www.youtube.com/watch ? v=4OTKwah ... <p> I challenge any conservative , even one with a degree in fiancial accounting or mathematics , to closely study this documentary , do some math and provide a rational response for the rest of the community . <p> There is no question this case was closely studied by Chief Justice John Roberts . He knew this decision would not only make or break his legacy , but also determine the fate of MILLIONS of Americans . At the end of the day he voted with his heart and his brain . He also arguably voted with his conscience . <p> There has been BILLIONS of dollars spent in lobbying by the health care industry to sway our members of Congress . This lobbying has corrupted our political system . Anyone who denies this is a player in the system . Anyone who recognizes it is speaking the truth . <p> American needs a better health care system . Period . <p> As they say in the military : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the way . Right now the GOP is in the way , and they have been for the last several years . Any rational American who can research and study the issues on their own will realize Republicans always offer its citizens the short end of the stick . Why ? Their livlihoods depend on it . <p> I do n't care if the law is good or bad ... the fact that a majority of Americans do not want it yet it still exists as a law is frightening . When the law was passed two years ago I was immediately laid off with hundreds of others ... now you will see thousands more . <p> I agree completely , America needs a better health care system . The provisions of this bill are right on , pre-exsisting conditions should be covered , preventive treatments should be covered also along with several other provisions . My issues is that this law accomplishes these things by legislating huge profits for the insurance industry . Who was the genius that thought requiring the insurance companies to take on more risk was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in the risk pool will only serve to increase insurance profits , not reduce costs . And who is going to be impacted the most ? The middle class . Middle class America is going to be most affected by this law with huge increases in insurance premiums . It is the middle class family that will do without a vacation , cut back on maintaining their homes , not buy new clothes because their health insurance , that they are responsible enought to keep is so expensive . Bravo Congress , bravo Demoncrats , bravo President Obama , look at all you have accomplished ! ! Bill Clinton , a strong health care reform advocate , recognized before he was elected that we need insurance reform . The law is a terrible law , the goal a good one . We need better people in Congress , Republicans and Democrats ! Throw out the current crop and let 's bring in a new one , they could n't be any worse . <p> Of those who oppose the Affordable Care Act , at least a third oppose it from @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( like the woman in the picture at the top of this article and a couple of commenters here ) . Of those who oppose the mandate , at least a third oppose it because they do n't want to have to pay money to ANY insurer . So anyone who thinks ALL opponents of ACA or the mandate are going to be voting
@@5086441 <p> By faith Moses , when he was born - That is , by the faith of his parents . The faith of Moses himself is commended in the following verses . The statement of the apostle here is , that his parents were led to preserve his life by their confidence in God . They believed that he was destined to some great purpose , and that he would be spared , notwithstanding all the probabilities against it , and all the difficulties in the case . <p> Was hid three months of his parents - By his parents . In Exodus 2:2 , it is said that it was done " by his mother . " The truth doubtless was , that the mother was the agent in doing it - since the concealment , probably , could be better effected by one than where two were employed - but that the father also concurred in it is morally certain . The concealment was , at first , probably in their own house . The command seems to have been Exodus 1:22 , that the child should be cast into the river as soon as born . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ might be found out by which his life might be spared . <p> Because they saw he was a proper child - A fair , or beautiful child - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? asteion . The word properly means " pertaining to a city " - ( from ? ? ? ? ? ? astu , a city ) ; then urbane , polished , elegant ; then fair , beautiful . In Acts 7:20 , it is said that he was " fair to God , " ( Margin , ) ; that is , exceedingly fair , or very handsome . His extraordinary beauty seems to have been the reason which particularly influenced his parents to attempt to preserve him . It is not impossible that they supposed that his uncommon beauty indicated that he was destined to some important service in life , and that they were on that account the more anxious to save him . <p> And they were not afraid of the king 's commandment - Requiring that all male children should be given up to be thrown into @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ alarmed , or did not so dread the king , as to be induced to comply with the command . The strength of the faith of the parents of Moses , appears : <p> ( 1 ) because the command of Pharaoh to destroy all the male children was positive , but they had so much confidence in God as to disregard it . <p> ( 2 ) because there was a strong improbability that their child could be saved . They themselves found it impossible to conceal him longer than three months , and when it was discovered , there was every probability that the law would be enforced and that the child would be put to death . Perhaps there was reason also to apprehend that the parents would be punished for disregarding the authority of the king . <p> ( 3 ) because they probably believed that their child was destined to some important work . They thus committed him to God instead of complying with the command of an earthly monarch , and against strong probabilities in the ease , they believed that it was possible @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The remarkable result showed that their faith was not unfounded . <p> By faith Moses , etc. - See the notes on Exodus 2:2 , and Acts 7:20 ( note ) . We know that Moses was bred up at the Egyptian court , and there was considered to be the son of Pharaoh 's daughter ; and probably might have succeeded to the throne of Egypt : but , finding that God had visited his people , and given them a promise of spiritual and eternal blessings , he chose rather to take the lot of this people , i.e. God as his portion for ever , than to enjoy the pleasures of sin , which , however gratifying to the , could only be ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , temporary . <p> After the 23d verse , there is a whole clause added by DE , two copies of the Itala , and some copies of the Vulgate . The ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . By faith Moses , when he was grown @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ his own brethren . This is a remarkable addition , and one of the largest in the whole New Testament . It seems to have been collected from the history of Moses as given in Exodus , and to have been put originally into the margin of some MS. , from which it afterwards crept into the text . <p> By faith Moses , when he was born , .... Which is to be understood , not of the faith of Moses , but of the faith of his parents , at the time of his birth ; which was when Pharaoh had published an edict , ordering every male child to be cast into the river ; but instead of obeying this order , Moses was hid three months of his parents ; that is , in his father 's house , as it is said in Acts 7:20 and is here expressed in the Ethiopic version . According to the Targumist ( k ) , his mother went with him but six months , at the end of which he was born , and that she hid him @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ time in which a woman usually goes with child ; and after that she could conceal him no longer : the hiding of him is here ascribed to both his parents , though in Exodus 2:2 it is represented as the act of his mother ; which , no doubt , was done , with the knowledge , advice , and consent of his father ; and the Septuagint there renders it , " they hid him " ; though the order of the history makes it necessary that it should be read in the singular . Parents ought to take care of their children ; and persons may lawfully hide themselves , or others , from the cruelty of tyrants , and that as long as they can , for their safety ; and this was so far from being wrong in the parents of Moses , that it is commended , as an instance of faith : they believed the promise in general , that God would deliver the people of Israel ; they believed this to be about the time of their deliverance , and had some @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ deliverer , because they saw he was a proper child ; not only of a goodly and beautiful countenance , but that he was peculiarly grateful and acceptable to God ; they perceived something remarkable in him , which to them was a token that he would be the deliverer of God 's people , and therefore they hid him ; See Gill on Acts 7:20 . <p> And they were not afraid of the king 's commandment ; nor did they observe it , for it was contrary to nature , and to the laws of God , and to the promise of God 's multiplying of that people , and to their hopes of deliverance : there is a great deal of courage and boldness in faith ; and though faith may be weakened , it can not be lost ; and a weak faith is taken notice of , as here ; for though they feared not at first , they seem to be afraid afterwards ; but when God designs to work deliverance , nothing shall prevent . <p> Lit. by his fathers . Comp . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? fathers , according to a late Greek usage , is employed like ? ? ? ? ? ? ? parents . Similarly the Lat. patres and soceri , including both parents , or father and mother in law . <p> 23. parents-So the Septuagint has the plural , namely , Amram and Jochebed ( Nu 26:59 ) ; but in Ex 2:2 , the mother alone is mentioned ; but doubtless Amram sanctioned all she did , and secrecy . being their object , he did not appear prominent in what was done . <p> a proper child-Greek , " a comely child . " Ac 7:20 , " exceeding fair , " Greek , " fair to God . " The " faith " of his parents in saving the child must have had some divine revelation to rest on ( probably at the time of his birth ) , which marked their " exceeding fair " babe as one whom God designed to do a great work by . His beauty was probably " the sign " appointed by God it could not be answerable to the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth and observe them on the delivery stool , if it is a boy , kill him ; but if it is a girl , let her live . " Exodus 1:22 Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people : " Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile , but let every girl live . " Exodus 2:2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son . When she saw that he was a fine child , she hid him for three months . Acts 7:20 " At that time Moses was born , and he was no ordinary child . For three months he was cared
@@5086541 <p> Yes , it should work considering Wii U has both AV Out and HDMI inputs , if you have a surround sound set up with your HDTV all you do is this : <p> Wii U HDMI - insert HDMI ( from Wii U HDMI out ) plug into TV HDMI in , <p> Original Wii Composite ( Red White Audio , Yellow plugs , comes with the old Wii or sold from Nintendo 's online store ) or Component cables ( Red Green Blue/Red White Audio also sold separately ) either one plugged in from Wii U AV Out - plug only the red and white audio cables into the back of your surround sound receiver ( should have open red and white audio plugs there ) you may have to adjust the sound inputs from the receiver controls if you have them . <p> He 'd get better sound quality by connecting a digital audio out from the TV to his surround sound system - which he should already have if he 's using his TV as his home theater center . --- Gaming is like a pair of boobs - Sony and Microsoft fight over @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ having fun with them - Walkiethrougie <p> lp913 Posted 11/13/2012 11:29:06 AM <p> darkjedilink posted ... <p> lp913 posted ... <p> AncientRomeBC posted ... <p> been dying to know if this will work as well <p> Yes , it should work considering Wii U has both AV Out and HDMI inputs , if you have a surround sound set up with your HDTV all you do is this : <p> Wii U HDMI - insert HDMI ( from Wii U HDMI out ) plug into TV HDMI in , <p> Original Wii Composite ( Red White Audio , Yellow plugs , comes with the old Wii or sold from Nintendo 's online store ) or Component cables ( Red Green Blue/Red White Audio also sold separately ) either one plugged in from Wii U AV Out - plug only the red and white audio cables into the back of your surround sound receiver ( should have open red and white audio plugs there ) you may have to adjust the sound inputs from the receiver controls if you have them . <p> He 'd get better sound quality by connecting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ sound system - which he should already have if he 's using his TV as his home theater center . <p> If he has the digital option on his TV , he sure should ! --- 3DS FC : 0645-5794-3020 <p> suislalune Posted 11/13/2012 11:45:54 AM <p> KoffSyrup posted ... <p> lp913 posted ... <p> AncientRomeBC posted ... <p> been dying to know if this will work as well <p> Yes , it should work considering Wii U has both AV out and HDMI inputs , if you have a surround sound set up with your HDTV all you do is <p> Wii U HDMI - insert into HDMI plug into TV <p> Original Wii Composite or Component cables - plug only the red and white cables into the back of your surround sound receiver ( should have open red and white audio plugs there ) you may have to adjust the sound inputs from the receiver controls if you have them . <p> I do n't think he was asking how to do this , but rather if the Wii U will actually allow it . PS3 does , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you recognize my username , you are a winner . PSN : thekickball <p> AncientRomeBC Posted 11/13/2012 12:03:58 PM <p> suislalune posted ... <p> KoffSyrup posted ... <p> lp913 posted ... <p> AncientRomeBC posted ... <p> been dying to know if this will work as well <p> Yes , it should work considering Wii U has both AV out and HDMI inputs , if you have a surround sound set up with your HDTV all you do is <p> Wii U HDMI - insert into HDMI plug into TV <p> Original Wii Composite or Component cables - plug only the red and white cables into the back of your surround sound receiver ( should have open red and white audio plugs there ) you may have to adjust the
@@5086641 <h> A Couple of Monkeys <p> A Couple of Monkeys is a group of marketing consultants helping small businesses and entrepreneurs like you reach their goals by absorbing ordinary marketing tasks that you do n't have the time or resources to tackle on your own . We save you time and money by providing a way for marketing to take an important role in your strategy , and allowing you and your team to get back to work actually running your business . <p> We are passionate about helping small businesses make the most of technology and the web . Whether your goal is to enhance your online user experience , generate more traffic to your website , or increase online sales , we have a couple of monkeys who can help you out . <h> A Couple of Monkeys followers also follow : <h> Headquarters <p> A3 Renton , WA 98059 United States <p> This LinkedIn Company Profile was created by LinkedIn and is about A Couple of Monkeys . This page is not
@@5086741 both items " , " Pre-order all three items " <h> Track Listings <h> Editorial Reviews <h> Amazon.com <p> Jam Nation hero Ben Harper tones down his lap-slide guitar flash in favor of the holy spirit for this blend of originals and gospel classics , his first full-length album with the historic singing group . They 've worked together before , on the Blind Boys ' excellent Higher Ground and Spirit of the Century , but here the pairing that Harper has termed " a spiritual soul movement " sounds like an outright tent-revival mission . His fevered wah-wah strutting and sweet high voice take their places in the chorus alongside the raw-throated howl of Blind Boys leader Clarence Fountain and his fellow bass George Scott , who plead for salvation like powerful old lions on " Take My Hand . " The group 's alto , Jimmy Carter , sails over the funky , hiccupping blues beat put down by Harper 's Innocent Criminals on the classic " Satisfied Mind . " The best cut may be Harper 's " Picture of Jesus , " a country-music-informed adventure in old-school church harmonizing with the passionate power to touch @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Blind Boys of Alabama open their mouths to sing , what comes out is older than salvation , older than redemption , it is the sound of oppressions &; struggle . It is the sound of revelation &; liberation . It is a sound as old as time . The Blind Boys of Alabama are the pyramids of gospel music . The birthplace of sacred soul . What started out as me working with them on a couple tracks , blossomed &; bloomed into an entire record in eight days . It all happened so fast . If it were n't for the recordings that prove that this magic actually happened I would not be entirely aware of what went on . - Ben Harper . <p> I did n't know what to expect when I bought this CD . I 'd heard of the Blind Boys of Alabama ever since I was a little girl . My grandparents and my parents loved them . You get to a point in your life when you 'll finally listen to your parents ' music , so I purchased this CD with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ least I 'll find out what my folks have been talking about all these years . Boy , was I wrong ! Is this gospel music ? If it is , then I love gospel music . To me , it 's a combination of rock , soul , and gospel . I can hear a little old school soul here . Otis Redding comes to mind . Especially when Ben and The Blind Boys of Alabama sing the third song , Where Could I Go ? I 'd never heard of Ben Harper before but he 's now one of my favorite singers . I love his high , soulful voice . Of course it 's sexy . Is that blasphemous , thinking gospel music is sexy ? I do n't think so . Remember Sam Cooke and Ray Charles ? Both were rooted in gospel . Both were incredibly gritty soul singers . At any rate , this CD will move you right out of your seat and have you dancing . It 's rock , it 's soul , it 's gospel . It 's fantastic ! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ consecutive Grammy Awards for Gospel music . Know what ? I hear #4 for this CD . <p> Can I get a witness ? Say A-men , y'all ! <p> Ben Harper has put himself in very deep water this time around . Performing a selection or two with BBA is one thing , but to hang pure for an entire 11 songs over a full CD is altogether a new level . He rises to the challenge by toning down the theatrics and cleverness that will ultimately make him a bonafide rock star . Thank heavens , in more than one way . <p> The resulting CD is filled with genuine emotion . There is n't a single artificial syllable or note . <p> Picking the best o ' the bunch ai n't possible for me as the selections are so consistently strong . Nonetheless " Satisfied Mind , " " Take My Hand , " and " Jesus " will definietly be included on some future " Greatest Hits " collection . <p> Wan na read more of this review ? Or just more cd reviews in general @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ me begin by stating a potential bias , Ben Harper is one of my top five bands/artists of all time . There was a period in time when he was competing for #1 , but my like for Ben Harper took a bit of a hit after his last studio album release " Diamonds on the Inside " . Going into the aforementioned album Ben Harper had this <p> remarkable streak of doubling his previous album 's sales every time he released a new disc . I saw a documentary about him , and in it they attributed this to Ben 's constant touring and positive word of mouth . It would then follow , that the latest album did n't get so much positive word of mouth . Its not bad , but in my opinion it is clearly the worst album he has released . <p> However , Ben Harper still had a strong enough reputation in my book that I purchased " There Will be A Light " when I saw it on the new releases without having a clue who the Blinds Boys of Alabama were @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the Blind Boys of Alabama are a group of blind gospel singing old men from Alabama , and Ben Harper collaborates with them on this album to produce an album that while being gospel in nature is really so much more than that . This is a truly inspired effort . Any doubt I had after Ben 's release of " Diamonds on the Inside " was erased after this release . Its not even that it is his best record , it is just that you feel the energy and effort that the older Ben Harper albums have in this recording . But in the end , it is gospel . So anyone who likes Ben Harper should be forewarned , if you could n't see yourself listening to gospel or if you are anti religious . You might want to steer clear . Luckily for me , I find the sound neat . Its cool having a gospel CD in my collection . Just like its cool to have Johnny Cash in my collection . Even if you need to be in a peculiar mood to throw it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ firing on all cylinders . I have to rank it right up there with the best of Ben Harper . Not quite " Fight For Your Mind " , but not overly far from it either . Its almost like The Blind Boys of Alabama were able to re-inspire Ben Harper . I never respected a musician more than I did Ben Harper after seeing the documentary on him , and after that I just honestly believed he would never ever step backwards . That all his albums would be sensational , and he would never miss on a song . That was a bit much to expect . <p> This album has sparked a renassaince for Ben Harper on my stereo . <p> I ca n't stop listening to his music . So if you are into Ben Harper , and also think you might be into some old style gospel with Ben Harper infused into it . Then get your hands on this album . The girl I bought it from said " its almost like you could put this on and listen to it rather than going @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , but I completely understand where she was coming from . You feel good after listening to this album even if you are n't religious at all . <p> Tracks I can recommend : " Take My Hand " , " Wicked Man " , " Church <p> House Steps " , " Well , well , well " , " satisfied " , " there
@@5086841 <p> I 've had some really great running buddies in my life -- people who push me to go faster , friends that require at least a 2+ hour run to get through all our stories , those that motivate me to go farther than I thought I could . And they 've all helped me to become the runner I am today . ( Not that I 'm that accomplished , but I can clock some slow miles with the best of ' em ! ) <p> A few months back , I sent Matt an e-mail asking if he 'd sign up for the half with me . Maybe it was " there 's only 100 spots left " sense of urgency , or the training plan I built that looked pretty manageable , but somehow my request was accepted . <p> We trained most all of our runs together . With busy careers and lots of fun social things going on , our morning runs served as a nice solace . A time for just the two of us to be together -- a time that seems increasingly rare . Matt took every increase in mileage @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( These are the two biggest indicators of running success , if you ask me . ) <p> Deep down , I always wanted to be one of those active couples that run together . Not just because they look cute running around the park together , but because it 's a good investment in our future health . <h> About <p> Hi , there . I 'm Amelia . I think of myself as a walking dichotomy . I grew up on a farm , showing sheep at the county fair in rural Ohio ..... Now , I wear suits everyday , carry a Kate Spade briefcase and am glued to my Blackberry . I run marathons , eat my 7 servings of vegetables everyday , and go to bootcamp at my gym 4 days a week .... yet I love anything cheesy
@@5086941 <p> Cruelty takes different forms in different genocides . An anthropologist examines the ways in which Rwandan beliefs about health and sickness influenced the particular forms of torture and cruelty during the Rwandan genocide . <p> Techniques of cruelty vary from genocide to genocide . The forms of violence directed at particular groups are different from situation to situation . Even though the Holocaust , Rwanda and Bosnia were all genocides , the particular ways in which the Jews , the Tutsis and the Bosnian Muslims were treated were different . <p> Killing is killing , but the way persons are killed can carry meaning beyond the mere utility of the act . In fact , the ways people are killed or tortured can communicate messages that fit hand-in-glove with the larger meaning of the conflict . Before two people can effectively talk to each other they have to share a common language ( a common set of symbols , common grammar , common schemes for meaning , etc ) . In order for murder and torture to communicate , the particular ways in which these atrocities are carried out have to draw from a common language of symbols @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ store of symbols and myths we can begin to understand why violence and torture take the forms they do . <p> Genocide in Rwanda : Flows and Blockages <p> Taylor spent years as an anthropologist in Rwanda before the 1994 genocide studying popular medicine . He says that one of the primary metaphors that the Rwandan people ( both Hutu and Tutsi ) use to make sense of health/sickness and fertility/infertility is the metaphor of " flow . " <p> Flow is a potent and complex metaphor , applying to the physical body , social relationships and the larger Rwandan political body . <p> A healthy body is a body in which the flow ( often of bodily fluids ) is well regulated . Sickness is often assumed to be a result of an obstruction or blockage of some sort . Contrariwise , sickness may also result of an unregulated or out of control flow ( as in diarrhea or hemorrhage ) . The body is a conduit and one of the first rights of passage for a Rwandan baby celebrates the baby 's ability to defecate -- what passes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . The conceptual link between flow and physical health is also evident in the fact that Rwandan sorcery often targets the flows of bodily fluids ( blood , fertility fluids ) in magical attacks . <p> The metaphor of flow also applies to social relationships . It is , first , an image of social reciprocity . A person must be able to receive and also give . What passes to a person should also pass through the person to others . Flow also plays into inter-family relationships . Relationships among families are built on the flow of daughters in marriage . The importance of the image of flow to these relationships is clear in the interplay between the literal meaning of the Kinyarwanda term gusiba inzira -- " to block the path " -- and its common meaning , " to lose a daughter through death . " Similarly , in earlier Rwandan society , girls who reached child bearing age , but had insufficient " flow " --either in the form of no menstruation or lack of breasts ( flow of breast milk ) --were put to death @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ In both cases , not only did obstructed flows indicate disease in the girl 's body but also blocked " paths " among families on which social relationships were built . <p> Sacred Kingship <p> How does the health of the physical body relate to beliefs about the health of the political body ? <p> Symbols are messy things and societies can not be hermetically sealed . The twin images of flow/obstruction do not have the currency in post-colonial Rwandan political society that they did before Rwandan independence in the time of sacred kingship ( the last Rwandan king was overthrown in 1959 ) . But , societies have long symbolic and mythic memories and it is from the time of the sacred kingship , in the rituals of the king , the dynastic poetry and the popular narratives about these kings that we find the metaphors of flow and obstruction played out most clearly in the political sphere . <p> Like the child whose body must be a conduit to be healthy , the role of the king was to drink the sacred power , inaana , from heaven @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of production , consumption and fertility flowing was the most important ritual function of the king . He was a " flowing being " --a sort of " lactating " male . Periodically , the king carried out an important river ritual to renew the dynasty . The importance of flow in the river ritual is obvious . <p> But , the power of sacred kingship derived not just from the king 's ability to protect and facilitate flow . His power also came from his ability to obstruct -- the opposite of flow . In Rwandan folklore , " obstructive beings " were a source of evil . For instance , in Rwandan myth , Death came to people through an old ( non-lactating , non-menstruating ) woman . The logic of political power as an obstructive force is simple : if your enemies are obstructive beings , then you defeat your enemies by obstructing their life-giving flows . You obstruct the obstructing beings . The salience of obstructing flow in the enemy is clear from the practice of hanging the genitals of enemy combatants on the drum of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ kill members of an enemy army . It was important to show that the king had obstructed the flow ( the seminal virility ) of the enemy . In times of extreme crisis even the king 's own death may be called for since it was clear ( judging from the health of the society ) that he had become an obstructive being to the people . <p> So , the metaphors of flow/obstruction and their relation to health were clear not only at the level of individual bodies and interfamily relationships , but at the level of the body politic as well . <p> Forms of Violence that Control Flows <p> How do the metaphors of flow and obstruction help us to understand the particular forms that cruelty and torture took in the Rwandan genocide ? Killing and torture , like all other forms of human activity , can be used not only to accomplish a particular task , but to communicate at the same time . In the same way that an American 's car is as much a statement ( to themselves and others ) as a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ or tortured can express meanings that otherwise have nothing to do with the action . <p> Tutsis and moderate Hutus were not just killed in the Rwandan genocide . There were patterns . They were often killed in particular places and in particular ways . <p> Rivers <p> Rivers are an obvious embodiment of the metaphor of flow . Historically , this connection was played out in the river ritual of the sacred king . But , the river as metaphor also found its place in the genocide . <p> French colonialists imagined the Tutsis as descendants of Ethiopians to the north . Lon Mugesera , a leader of the rabidly anti-Tutsi MRND ( Mouvement rpublicain national pour la dmocratie et le dveloppement ) party , neatly tied river , genocide and the supposed Ethiopian foreignness of the Tutsi together in an inflammatory speech leading up to the genocide . <p> " ... Why are we waiting to get rid of these Tutsi families ? ... We have to take responsibility into our own hands and wipe out these hoodlums ... The fatal mistake we made in 1959 was to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ we are going to find them a shortcut to get there by throwing them into the Nyabarongo River which flows northward . I must insist on this point . We have to act . Wipe them all out ! " <p> Mugesera repeated the same message in a number of venues and his words were taken to heart . Rwandan rivers were conscripted into the genocide . In June , July and August of 1994 when the genocide was fully underway , thousands of bodies began washing up on the shores of Lake Victoria , carried there by the Nyabarongo and Akagera rivers . <p> In a sense , the rivers became Rwandan society 's organ for excreting the hated Tutsi . <p> " Blocking the Path " <p> Nazis , obsessed as they were with the " infection " of Aryan blood by inferior Jewish blood , chose showers as their favored locus for murder . Hutus , drawing on the deeply held myth and power of obstructing the obstructing beings , murdered their victims most often at roadblocks and checkpoints . <p> At an instrumental level , murder @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ likely to catch your enemy on roads or paths where they travel . However , the way that Hutus used roadblocks went far beyond what would make sense if the only point was killing people . Survivors tell of up to 40 roadblocks or checkpoints within 100 meters . If the point was to extract bribes from those fleeing the violence , then those manning later checkpoints were clearly out of luck . What money or valuables would be left after 20 or 30 checkpoints on the same road ? <p> Additionally , the way the roadblocks were set up defied any sort of military logic . The genocide was stopped by the advancing Rwandan Patriotic Front ( RPF ) forces ( militarized Tutsi refugees who had been forced into exile in Uganda ) in July 1994 . The proliferation of roadblocks by Hutus diverted manpower that could have been directed against the RPF . The " logic " of the roadblocks was not instrumental , it was symbolic . It was an effort by Hutus to obstruct the Tutsis who , they believed , were obstructing the health of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the importance of using obstruction to fight the enemy : cutting the Achilles tendons of the enemy . Again , while this method of immobilizing the enemy makes some sense . They ca n't escape and if there are too many to kill at once then you can come back at your leisure to kill them . But , like the use of roadblocks , the way that this method of attack was used defied instrumental logic . Hutu military and militias cut the tendons of infants , infirm , crippled and those who were confined to hospital beds -- in short , people who could not have run away . Cattle likewise had their Achilles tendons cut and were left to slowly die in the fields . At the level of simply accomplishing the goal of genocide , these acts go beyond reason . But , seen in light of the logic of obstructing those who obstruct , the cruelty makes sense . <p> The Body As a Conduit <p> One of the most vivid ways that the related metaphors of flow/obstruction were manifest in the Rwandan genocide was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ impaled from anus to mouth on wooden or bamboo poles . Tutsi women were impaled from vagina to mouth . Beyond the sheer ability of this method of cruelty to terrify the targeted group , the method of murder communicated powerful messages . First , it linked to the notion of a healthy body as one in which the flow of bodily fluids was proper . Violently " obstructing " the alimentary canal not only killed the victim , but communicated a message of power : the obstructing being had been obstructed . Second , it brought to mind the practice of impaling cattle thieves ( in force in precolonial and early colonial times ) . As cattle exchanges accompanied major social transitions and relationships ( like patron-client relationships , blood brotherhood and marriage ) , the free flow of cattle was critical to a healthy Rwandan society . Impaling cattle thieves was a way of dramatizing " blocking " those who " blocked the path . " <p> Impaling victims was not the only form of cruelty and torture that tied back into the flow/obstruction metaphor . Harking back @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on the drum of the sacred king , Tutsi men were often emasculated . Women had their breasts cut off and genitals cut off . The fact that these brutal practices were intended to do more than simply harm the victim is clear from accounts of the severed organs of the victims being hung on poles outside their homes by the perpetrators . The atrocities were meant to communicate within a particular Rwandan idiom . <p> Techniques of Cruelty <p> Atrocities in the Rwandan genocide were not limited to those described above . Many murders were much more mundane ( simply instrumental ) or drew from other metaphors and sources ( from Nazi theories to Hollywood movies ) . Some showed influences of the Christianity of the colonizers ( e.g. , crucifixion ) . The point is that the flow/obstruction metaphors were not the only sources upon which Hutus drew to carry out acts of genocide . They were , however , key sources for the form of atrocities common in the Rwandan genocide . <p> This should not be taken to mean that particular techniques of cruelty issue in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Just as people use the common tools of language to creatively produce statements tailored to fit their immediate needs , so it is with cruelty , torture and murder . Actions can not only accomplish specific goals ( like genocide ) , but they can be carried out in such a way that they " make sense " both to the perpetrators and victims . <p> Data and Methods : <p> Data Sources : <p> Based on anthropological field work in Rwanda . <p> Funding Sources : <p> Not reported . <p> Full Text Availability : <p> The book in
@@5087041 <h> Harrison Ford Is Open To a Little More Han Solo <p> When news broke last week that Disney is buying Lucasfilm and will be putting out a third " Star Wars " trilogy , reaction was mixed . And a big reason for that mixed reaction was the fact that fans were sure at least one original cast member would n't have anything to do with a return to " Star Wars : " Harrison Ford , who has long been dismissive of the role of Han Solo . <p> Well , if the news that there would be a new " Star Wars " trilogy was n't shock enough , here 's something that will really blow your mind : According to Entertainment Weekly , Ford is actually on board with reprising his role as Han Solo and is considering a return for " Episode VII . " Holy smokes . <p> In fact , the entire gang is apparently excited about the possibility of reuniting a full three decades after 1983 's " Star Wars : Episode VI - Return of the Jedi . " Speaking anonymously , one EW that " Harrison is open to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ about it , all three of them are . " <p> Of course , the fact that Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher are down with a return to a galaxy far , far away is n't a huge surprise ; while they have both carved out interesting and successful careers , " Star Wars " remains the pinnacle for both of them . Ford , on the other hand , followed up " Star Wars " by becoming the biggest movie star in the world and has often spoken about how he felt that Han Solo was a flat , one dimensional character who should have died in " Return of the Jedi " to give the movie the kind of emotional weight a bunch of dancing ewoks could n't . <p> Which explains why rumor has it that Ford 's potential return to the " Star Wars " franchise may come with a caveat , namely that Solo finally die on screen the way Ford had intended all along . In fact , Han Solo 's death was even included in the original script for " Return of the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ continued action figure and toy sales , which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about his decision to sell out to Disney . <p> Harrison Ford . Han Solo . We never thought in a billion years that we 'd be saying those names together again , but it looks like The Force moves in
@@5087141 <h> Couples in the same place emotionally stay together , UC Davis study says <p> February 10 , 2012 <p> Even if both halves of a couple react differently , they can still be in the same place emotionally and have a better chance of staying together , according to the UC Davis research . <p> Despite life 's ups and downs , couples whose feelings are in sync consistently over time are more likely to stay together , says a University of California , Davis , study . <p> " We found that the longer periods of stability for the couple were great predictors of staying together , " said Emilio Ferrer , a psychology professor and principal author of a research paper on the topic . <p> Researchers looked at surveys of 131 couples of various ages , married and unmarried , and analyzed their responses to daily questionnaires for at least 60 days and as long as 90 days . The test subjects recorded their emotions for nine positive feelings such as " trusted , " " physically intimate " and " free , " and nine negative mood feelings , such as " discouraged , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ deceived . " <p> The researchers followed up after one to two years to inquire about each test pair 's status as a couple . The researchers were able to get the information from 94 couples ; 72 of them , or 76 percent , reported still being together . <p> " Our emotions fluctuate every day and throughout the day ... and there is substantial variation in the way individuals react to different things that happen , " Ferrer said . <p> Yet , even if both halves of a couple react differently , they can still be in the same place emotionally -- and have a better chance of staying together , Ferrer said . <p> Differences in the emotions between members of a couple , even for three or four days at a time , was a predictor of couples breaking up . Ferrer said this was true even for couples whose times of unhappiness were followed by periods of happiness . <p> " If they move around on the chart and are not consistent , they were more likely to break up , " he said @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Affective Dyadic Interactions Using Patterns of Intra- and Inter-individual Variability , " is due to be published in the February issue of Multivariate Behavioral Research . <p> Co-authors : Joel S. Steele , a former student in Ferrer 's lab and current assistant professor at Portland State University ; and Fushing Hsieh , a UC Davis statistics professor . <p> All couples surveyed were from the Sacramento region , and ranged in age from 19 to 74 . The length of their relationships ranged from eight months to 35 years . <p> Of the 113 couples , 19 never responded when asked if they were still together one to two years later . Ferrer said it was unclear whether those who did not answer had moved , were tired of the study or had broken up . <p> Two people in their 70s comprised one of the most emotionally consistent relationships , Ferrer said . <p> " So , either they figured it out
@@5087241 <h> How have computer games changed over the years ? <p> In the early 1980s the games were not really computer based they were " games machines " . The games that first came out were databased parser type - text based adventures . This quickly moved to sprites - these were blocks coloured and ran from a crude assembled language . One of the first " good " graphics machines on the market was the Amiga - an apple machine who are still very graphic strong . many games can out on the spectrum and Amiga . Games were very low memory as hard drives and ram increase were not heard of many of these played off floppy disc ( Amiga ) and data tape ( Spectrum ) . With the introduction of hard drive came the more pixel based adventure games which used a scrolling graphics and even had ............... SOUND Since then we have seen DVD based programmes , higher capacity machines , addon graphic cards with large running capacity and of course improved programming to make more life like corrector 's . For those of us old enough to remember the speccies and Amiga 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ capacity . now we see AI programmes , 3 d capacities , full
@@5087341 <h> Discovery Awaits on the Long Beach Peninsula <p> Named one of ' America 's Favorite Beach Towns ' by ForbesTraveler.com and voted ' Best Beach ' by the viewers of Seattle 's KING-5 TV , the Peninsula offers visitors blocks of colorful shops , great seafood , comfortable lodging , small museums , horseback riding , and an expansive beach . Southwest Washington 's Long Beach Peninsula : home to a new national park , two historic lighthouses , renowned restaurants , cranberry bogs , and oyster farms . <p> All ages are welcome Friday afternoon at the Neptune Theater for a complimentary showing of " The Polar Express " , hosted by Mrs. Claus and a few special guests ! After the movie , stretch your legs and take a stroll with the family through downtown Long Beach to admire the lights and decorations of the merchants storefronts ! <p> Saturday brings magic and Santa Claus to town ! Mrs. Claus will be hosting a magical show , crafts , and even free pictures with Santa ! Enjoy caroling and the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony later that evening ! <p> Sunday morning we celebrate Frosty the Snowman @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , mittens or other winter clothing for the needy . Enjoy more magic with Mrs. Claus and Frosty as well as more craft stations and birthday cake , of course ! <p> The Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau is pleased to honor Rod Anderson as Volunteer of the month . Rod was born in Mt . Vernon WA and raised on a dairy farm in Western Skagit County . He graduated from Burlington-Edison High School and went on to Western Washington University where he received a BA in Education in 1962 . <p> Rod began his 33-year teaching career at Ilwaco Elementary in 1962 . He taught Washington State history and geography , which later served him well at the Visitors Bureau . <p> Rod has volunteered at the Visitors Bureau for 12 years ; he gets much satisfaction out of helping visitors find their way around the peninsula and the Pacific NW . He also keeps busy with other hobbies . Rod has been the public address announcer for athletic events at Ilwaco High School since 1965 . He also volunteers at the Long Beach Elementary school three days @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ math . Rod is a member of Ocean Park Lutheran church ; he sings in the choir and serves his turn as a lay reader and usher . <p> Rod lives close to the beach with his beagle named Barry . He rescued Barry from our local shelter in 2002 and they have been fast friends ever since . <p> Rod has lived here for many years and knows many of the residents and local history of our area ; this makes him a valuable resource as a volunteer . We appreciate all you do Rod ! <p> This years festivities will be highlighted with the newest addition to the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park , Middle Village/Station Camp Unit at McGowan . One of the features of this great event will focus in on the historical significance of this site . <p> The event begins on Friday , November 9 , at 6PM , entrance fee is $5 and is located at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum . On Saturday , November 10 from 9AM-noon you can join the Middle Village/Station Camp/McGowan Bus Tour . Later that evening @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ at 4 PM . <p> This event also includes a rare opportunity -- a tour of the McGowan St. Mary 's Catholic Church . <p> The Rosemary Hendricks Memorial Longest Beach Classic Cribbage Tournament starts this Friday , November 2 , at 3:00 PM at the Chatauqua Lodge Conference Center . Friday kicks off with doubles and singles play . Saturday sets the stage for the 22 game main tournament and Saturday night is a 9 game tour . The play-offs are scheduled for Sunday November 4 . For more information about the event please click here ! <p> The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife ( WDFW ) has announced a tentative schedule for razor clam openings through the end of the year , including one later this month . <p> All razor clam digs proposed through the end of the year are scheduled on low evening tides ; no digging is allowed before noon on any day . Additional digs will be announced for 2013 early in the new year . <p> " By popular demand , we included a dig on New Year 's Eve , even @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . " It 's a holiday tradition for some diggers . " <h> The first dig of the season has been approved for October 13-15 on the Long Beach Peninsula <p> The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife ( WDFW ) approved the dig after marine toxin tests on all four beaches confirmed the clams are safe to eat . <p> Digging days and evening low tides for the Long Beach Peninsula are : <p> Oct. 13 ( Saturday ) , 5:41 pm ( +0.3 ft . ) <p> Oct. 14 ( Sunday ) , 6:26 pm , ( -0.5 ft . ) <p> Oct. 15 ( Monday ) , 7:11 pm , ( -1.1 ft . ) <p> " Low tides will occur relatively late in the day , so diggers need be prepared for darkness during evening digs in the fall , " said Dan Ayres , WDFW coastal shellfish manager . <p> All diggers age 15 or older must have an applicable 2012-13 fishing license to harvest razor clams on any beach . Licenses , ranging from a three-day razor clam license to an annual combination fishing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ : //fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov and from license vendors around the state . <p> Under state law , each digger can take 15 razor clams per day , and must keep the first 15 clams they dig to prevent wastage . Each digger 's clams must be kept in a separate container . <p> Meanwhile , WDFW is still in the process of determining additional fall and winter digging opportunities , said Ayres . The department will announce additional razor-clam digs later this month . <p> The Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau is pleased to honor Barbara Dunn as our Volunteer of the Month . Barbara has been with us for two years and loves being here . She is always so bright and cheerful and shares her enthusiasm about living in our beautiful area . Barbara also volunteers at the Ocean Park Food Bank and has previously spent over six years helping out at the Humane Society . <p> Barbara is the mother of three grown sons that are happily married and she is an accomplished painter . She is now happily the mother to Frankie Sinatra , Truman Capote , his @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ who reside with her now . <p> Although the leaves are turning , and the days are getting shorter there are still fun events to keep everyone entertained . Get ready to embrace fall and find a few more reasons why you need to take a trip to the Long Beach Peninsula . <p> A series of chamber music performances featuring top-rated professional musicians playing Baroque , light classical music and jazz . The festival includes 5 ticketed concerts , a free concert , and performances for students . <p> The World Kite Museum joins people all over the globe to promote international friendship and peace . Participants can bring homemade kites or purchased ones ; those who wish can make a kite at event headquarters . <p> Grab your favorite blanket , a cup of tea , and stay at any number of the accommodations the peninsula has to offer . With winter fast approaching , Mother Nature is sure to please with torrential rainfall and a blasting ocean breeze . Storm season is also the best time for beachcombing ; so do n't forget to pack your raingear @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ one who has seen many wonders of the world , from the Taj Mahal to the Great Pyramids , but every now and then I am blown away by some incredible find where I would least expect it . <p> In the movie " Gone With the Wind , " Belle Watling , the bawdyhouse madam who saves Rhett Butler and friends by providing them an alibi to Yankee interrogators , asks Scarlett O'Hara 's friend Melanie -- who married Ashley Wilkes , remember ? -- to step into a horse-drawn carriage for a chat . <p> The meeting has to be private , because in 1860s Georgia the very proper Melanie ca n't be seen with the very improper Belle . <p> Watling 's fancy Shelburne Landau carriage , with its fully enclosed cab , was perfectly suited to such a tte--tte . If you have any doubts , go see it for yourself , at the Northwest Carriage Museum in Raymond , Pacific County . <p> Surprisingly enough , this little logging burg on the way to the beach -- excuse me if I call it a " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Landau and more than two dozen additional impeccably restored carriages . They 're showcased in what might be one of the Northwest 's best -- and perhaps least-known -- small museums , which celebrates its 10th anniversary with special events Sept. 22 . Keep reading <h> Visit <p> The Northwest Carriage Museum is at 314 Alder St. , off Highway 101 in Raymond , about 2 hours by car from Seattle . Admission : $2-$4 , or $10 per family . For more information : 360-942-4150 or www.nwcarriagemuseum.org . <p> Come out on September 15 , and spend the weekend in the sun RUNNING a half marathon on the Discovery Trail , through the dunes along the beautiful Pacific Ocean . Enjoy the scenic half marathon on the flat and paved Discovery Trail , through historic Beard 's Hollow ! Participating in one of eight age divisions , with many prizes available at the awards
@@5087441 <p> While thousands of groups have been working incredibly hard to effect change , it should be clear to all that nothing has worked , including GOOOH . It is time to create a new plan . If you have thoughts , please send us an email at goooh@goooh.com . We 'll begin reaching out to patriots and groups all across America in the next few weeks to see if we can find a way to work together to replace the career politicians with citizen representatives . Be creative . Think out of the box . Send us your ideas . <p> " If ever a time should come , when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government , our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin . " Samuel Adams , 1776 <p> " The system is so simply genius that the only way it wo n't work is if the citizens , who are fed up with lobbyist and special interest groups buying the integrity of our representatives , sit by and do nothing . " - Joni C. <p> " Tim , you 're an inspiration @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ makes so much sense ... Wow ! " - Dennis Miller ( on air 3/2/10 ) <p> " We 're going to push this really hard ! " - Lou Dobbs ( on air 1/7/10 ) <p> " It is a brilliant strategy and the timing is superb . " - Phil R. <p> " I love the idea . " - Dona D. <p> " GOOOH is the first realistic opportunity in over 40 years for Americans to expect real hope and change " CH <p> " Our nation is desperate for change . Finally there 's a way to do it ! I , for one , am going to stop being part of the silent majority . " - JC <p> " GOOOH is a revolutionary way for the people to take a stronger stand . A Revolution by voice , not arms . This is a great avenue to make change ! " - Robert P <p> " It 's time we get some backbone and stand up and fight for the country we all love ! " - Termite Watkins <p> " Get Out of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ individuals on the ballot who would ordinarily be shut out of running for office . " - Ernie <p> " This is best plan I 've heard to take back our country/congress. " - Nancy A. <p> " The concept is brilliant . We can make it happen . Congressmen and Congresswomen --- it 's time to GOOOH ! - Tom Kelly ( WHK 1420AM , Independence , OH ) <p> " The America I have grown up with and , as a Navy veteran , have protected for over fourteen years no longer exists . It has been painful to watch our elected officials destroy what our forefathers had fought and died for . Our children and their children will not have the same opportunities that we have had if we do not act . " - Charles J. <p> " I fully support the intent of this movement to infuse new blood into the US House . " - Brian M <p> " I 've been on the verge of despair for years , watching the Nation I love being destroyed by the corrupt political / judicial system @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ honest shot at taking back our country . God bless you for the inspiration , and may God continue to bless this movement ! " - Arthur R <p> We need to clean house and place real Americans in office . " - John S. <p> " I am an American grandmother who would like to see my grandchildren live their lives in the same free country as I did . " - Carol C. <p> " Tim , I believe this is exactly in line with what our founding fathers envisioned for our country ... Our founding fathers would be proud . " - Martin Dzuris ( WRHC 106.7FM - Michigan ) <p> " I am an American and will not rest until this country becomes what it once was . We will no longer be a push over . All lawyers need to step aside . " - Barry M. <p> " I am all for a non-partisan movement that will correct the problems with our Congress . " - Rose Mary D. <p> " I am all for a non-partisan movement that will correct the problems with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The politicians these days only care about the agenda of their biggest contributor . All I want is for my country to be secure . GOOOH makes sense . " - John E. <p> " You would be amazed what you can accomplish , if you do n't care who gets credit for it . " - David D. <p> " You got your message across well that it is time to act and if we do n't we are sniveling cowards . The more I read , the more I am concerned about you and your family 's security . There are going to be some unhappy / powerful people around when this takes off . " - Denise S. <p> " The stories are as good as any I have read . " - Brad H. <p> " We were given a country with the gift of freedom and it is up to each one of us to be good stewards of that gift or suffer the consequences . I am one who wants to stand up and be heard with no fear to take our country back @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " Genius . Sheer genius ! " - Vince S. <p> I am a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces , as was my father , my brother , my father-in-law , and a number of other family members . The America we have today is not what people have shed blood for . The moral corruption
@@5087541 <p> Random House and Lena Dunham slipped to The New York Times the news that RH is where she will write her humorous essay book Not That Kind Of Girl : A Young Woman Tells You What She 's Learned . The publisher will pay her upwards of $3.5 million , which was pretty much where Deadline pegged it last week . Now , the question is : does this book have any chance to earn out ? It was constantly being compared in the press to Tina Fey 's Bossypants , which went for a reported $5 million and became a bestseller . You knew that book was going to sell for a pile of dough : Fey was the head writer of Saturday Night Live , she anchored Weekend Update for years , and created and starred in the hit NBC sitcom 30 Rock and who can forget her wonderful appearance with Steve Martin during the Oscars several years ago ? She gets offered the hosting gig all the time , but has been too busy to say yes . She is a big star . <p> I got ta admit , I do n't get Lena @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ acclaim , but grossed only $392,000 . I found her HBO comedy series Girls to be too cringe-worthy to watch , and tuned out after the first couple of episodes when her character went off to have sex with her indifferent booty call partner . When she spoke to him too much as he was trying to focus on the task at hand , he tells her , " Let 's play the quiet game . " I hate seeing young women demeaned and punted the series after that . But then again , I am a 52-year old fossil and certainly not the target audience for this book by the 26-year old talent . She may become the voice of her generation , but right now she seems to have more of a cult than mainstream following , and you have to sell a lot of books to recoup a $3.6 million advance . That must have been some
@@5087641 <h> Ready To Take A Chance Again Lyrics <h> Barry Manilow <p> You remind me I live in a shell Safe from the past and doing ' okay but not very well No jolts , no surprises , no crisis arises My life goes along as it should , it 's all very nice but not very good And I 'm ready to take a chance again Ready to put my love on the line with you Been living with nothing to show for it You get what you get when you go for it And I 'm ready to take a chance again with you When she left me in all my despair , I just held on My hopes were all gone , then I found you there And I 'm ready to take a chance again Ready to put my love on the line with you Been living with nothing to show for it You get what you get when you go for it And I 'm ready to take a chance again Ready to put my love on the line with you Been living with nothing to show for it You get what you get @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ take a chance again
@@5087741 <h> Early Colonization with a Group of Lactobacilli Decreases the Risk for Allergy at Five Years of Age Despite Allergic Heredity <p> Background Microbial deprivation early in life can potentially influence immune mediated disease development such as allergy . The aims of this study were to investigate the influence of parental allergy on the infant gut colonization and associations between infant gut microbiota and allergic disease at five years of age . Methods and Findings Fecal samples were collected from 58 infants , with allergic or non-allergic parents respectively , at one and two weeks as well as at one , two and twelve months of life . DNA was extracted from the fecal samples and Real time PCR , using species-specific primers , was used for detection of Bifidobacterium ( B. ) adolescentis , B. breve , B. bifidum , Clostridium ( C. ) difficile , a group of Lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus ( L. ) casei , L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus ) as well as Staphylococcus ( S. ) aureus . Infants with non-allergic parents were more frequently colonized by Lactobacilli compared to infants with allergic parents ( p ? = ? 0.014 ) . However , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ weeks of life , than their allergic counterparts , irrespectively of parental allergy ( p ? = ? 0.009 , p ? = ? 0.028 ) . Further the non-allergic children were colonized with Lactobacilli on more occasions during the first two months of life ( p ? = ? 0.038 ) . Also , significantly more non-allergic children were colonized with B. bifidum at one week of age than the children allergic at five years ( p ? = ? 0.048 ) . Conclusion In this study we show that heredity for allergy has an impact on the gut microbiota in infants but also that early Lactobacilli ( L. casei , L. paracasei , L. rhamnosus ) colonization seems to decrease the risk for allergy at five years of age despite allergic heredity . <h> Background <p> Microbial deprivation early in life can potentially influence immune mediated disease development such as allergy . The aims of this study were to investigate the influence of parental allergy on the infant gut colonization and associations between infant gut microbiota and allergic disease at five years of age . <h> Methods and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with allergic or non-allergic parents respectively , at one and two weeks as well as at one , two and twelve months of life . DNA was extracted from the fecal samples and Real time PCR , using species-specific primers , was used for detection of Bifidobacterium ( B. ) adolescentis , B. breve , B. bifidum , Clostridium ( C. ) difficile , a group of Lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus ( L. ) casei , L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus ) as well as Staphylococcus ( S. ) aureus . Infants with non-allergic parents were more frequently colonized by Lactobacilli compared to infants with allergic parents ( p = 0.014 ) . However , non-allergic five-year olds acquired Lactobacilli more frequently during their first weeks of life , than their allergic counterparts , irrespectively of parental allergy ( p = 0.009 , p = 0.028 ) . Further the non-allergic children were colonized with Lactobacilli on more occasions during the first two months of life ( p = 0.038 ) . Also , significantly more non-allergic children were colonized with B. bifidum at one week of age than the children @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <h> Conclusion <p> In this study we show that heredity for allergy has an impact on the gut microbiota in infants but also that early Lactobacilli ( L . casei , L. paracasei , L. rhamnosus ) colonization seems to decrease the risk for allergy at five years of age despite allergic heredity . <p> Funding : This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council ( grants 57X-15160-05-2 and 57X-15160-07-3 ) and the Ekhaga Foundation , the Cancer and Allergy Foundation , the Mjlkdroppen Foundation , the Magnus Bergvall of the manuscript . <p> Competing interests : The authors have declared that no competing interests exist . <p> During and after birth , the neonate is exposed to an array of microbes , which immediately start to colonize the skin and mucosal surfaces of the infant . The mode of delivery seems to play an important role in early-life colonization . During vaginal delivery , the neonate will be exposed to both vaginal and fecal flora , while a child delivered by caesarean section predominantly encounter skin bacteria 1 . The neonatal colonization pattern is further influenced by several @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , the number of siblings , the use of antibiotics and infant feeding 2 -- 4 . As several bacterial species and bacterial components possess potent immunostimulatory capacities , these differential exposures may have implications for immune maturation 5 -- 9 . Animal studies show that the gut microbiota composition is associated with immune development , maturation and function 8 , 10 and also in humans associations between the early-life gut microbiota and mucosal and systemic immunity during the first year of life have been reported 11 -- 13 . <p> The rapid increase in allergic disease observed in the past decades is hypothesized to depend on microbial deprivation early in life 14 , 15 Indeed , differences in the early infant gut microbiota in relation to development of allergic disease have been reported in some prospective studies 4 , 16 -- 18 , but not in others 19 . For example , a reduced diversity 20 and lower counts of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria seem to characterize infants later developing allergy 4 , 16 . On the contrary , early Staphylococcus ( S. ) aureus and Clostridium ( C. ) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ some studies 16 -- 18 . <p> In most of these previous studies , a pronounced majority of the children have allergic heredity . Whether this influences the gut microbiota colonization , is not known , but recent studies indicate that host genetics is important for gut colonization 21 . Thus we studied whether parental allergy influenced infant gut colonization during the first year of life , as well as if the early-life gut microbiota was associated with future allergy development . Bacterial species investigated here : B. adolescentis , B. bifidum , B. breve , C. difficile , a group of Lactobacilli ( L. casei , L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus ) and S. aureus were included based on previously reported associations with allergic phenotypes during childhood . All children included in the study were born vaginally , exclusively breast fed during their first three months of life and none received antibiotics . Frequencies and relative quantities of above-mentioned bacteria were determined using real time PCR . The children were clinically followed to five years and diagnosed as allergic at the age of five only if the presence of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the allergic symptoms . <h> Study population <p> A total of 58 five-year old children and their mothers were selected for this study from a prospective birth-cohort ( n = 281 ) previously described in detail elsewhere 22 . <p> Parents were included only if self reported allergic status was confirmed with skin prick test ( SPT ) negative or positive results . The 58 infants , all born term ( mean weeks 40 , range 38 -- 43 ) , with normal birth weights ( mean 3,7 kg , range 2,7 -- 4,6 ) , vaginally delivered and exclusively breast fed ? 3 months , were included based on availability of fecal samples at several occasions during infancy . Moreover , none of the infants received antibiotics the first three months of life . In total , 35 infants with allergic parents ( 60% ) and 23 infants with non-allergic parents ( 40% ) were included and demographic data of the individuals is displayed in Table 1 . The subjects included in this study did not differ from the original cohort in respect to exposures , such as smoking @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> The study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee at Huddinge University Hospital , Stockholm ( Dnr 75/97 , 331/02 ) , and the parents provided informed verbal consent . Families expecting a child were asked by the midwife at the maternity ward if they were interested in participating in the study . If so , the pediatrician ( C.N. ) in charge contacted them , gave further information and invited them to a seminar on allergies . If still interested , appointments were made for blood sampling of the parents , when approval of their participation was documented . No written documentation of the participants informed approval was required , which was agreed to by the Human Ethics Committee . <p> At age five , SPT were performed against food and inhalant allergens according to the manufacturer 's instruction ( ALK , Copenhagen , Denmark ) . The SPT included food allergens : egg white ( Soluprick weight to volume ratio 1/1000 ) , cod ( Soluprick 1/20 ) , peanut ( Soluprick 1/20 ) cow 's milk ( 3% fat , standard milk ) , and soybean @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Sweden ) . SPTs were also performed for inhalant allergens : cat , dog , Dermatophagoides farinae , birch and timothy ( Soluprick 10 Histamine Equivalent Prick test ) . Histamine chloride ( 10 mg/mL ) and the allergen diluent were the positive and negative controls , respectively . The SPT was considered positive if the wheal diameter was ? 3 mm after 15 minutes . All parents were skin prick tested against the same inhalant allergens as the children but also against horse , rabbit , and mugwort . <p> Serological analysis of specific IgE , to the same allergens tested with SPT , was performed using ImmunoCAP ( Phadia AB , Uppsala , Sweden ) . Samples with allergen-specific levels of ? 0.35 kU A /L were considered positive . <p> Subjects were followed from birth to five years of age and were clinically examined by the same pediatrician ( C.N. ) . At five years of age , the children were classified as allergic ( n = 20 ) if at least 1 SPT was positive ( ? 3 mm ) and/or if specific IgE to at @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ A /l together with allergic symptoms at five years of age 23 . Children with negative SPT together with negative allergen specific IgE and not having any allergic symptoms at five years of age were classified as non-allergic ( n = 19 ) . In addition to the allergic and non-allergic children , fifteen children were non-sensitized but had symptoms such as eczema ( n = 11 ) or asthma ( n = 4 ) thus they were excluded in the five year analyses of infant microbiota in relation to IgE-mediated allergy at five together with children lost in the follow up ( n = 4 ) . <h> Detection of bacterial species in fecal samples <p> The methods used in the study are previously published in detail 4 . Briefly , infant fecal samples were collected at 1 and 2 weeks and at 1 , 2 and 12 months of age . Maternal fecal samples were collected in connection to the delivery . The samples were brought to the hospital on ice and stored at ? 70C until analysis . DNA from the fecal samples was extracted using the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the human DNA ( Qiagen , Hilden , Germany ) . Extracted nucleic acid concentration was measured with Bio-Rad Smartspec ( Bio-Rad Laboratories , Hercules , CA , USA ) at 260 nm using Bio Rad trUView Disposable Cuvettes ( Bio-Rad Laboratories ) . <p> SYBR Green real-time PCR was performed using 96-well detection plates in ABI prism 7000 ( Applied Biosystems , Stockholm , Sweden ) . The Absolute Quantification protocol in 7000 SYSTEM software version 1.2.3f2 ( Applied Biosystems ) was used together with a standard curve ranging 5 ng to 50 fg . All samples were analyzed in triplicates with each well containing 2xPower SYBR Green Mastermix ( Applied Biosystems ) , primer pairs ( MWG-Bioteck , Edersburg , Germany ) , sample ( DNA ) and water . Triplicates with C T values above 35 were considered negative avoiding detection of false positives . Calculation of amount specific bacterial DNA was performed from the standard curve using The Absolute Quantification protocol in 2000 SYSTEM software . Relating the amount of specific bacterial DNA to the total amount of nucleic acids in each sample gives percentage @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as relative amounts in percentage and the limit of detection was 5x10 ? 6 % . <h> Statistics <p> Statistical analyses were performed at the Division of Mathematical Statistics , Stockholm University . Fisher 's exact test was used to evaluate differences in frequencies between the groups of infants with allergic parents versus non-allergic parents , and also between children who developed allergy as compared to the ones remaining non-allergic . To assess differences in the relative amounts of the detectable bacteria the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test was applied . Additionally , to investigate differences in the number of occasions with the bacteria the first two months , Mann Whitney Rank Sum test was used . <p> To assess the microbiota with respect to both allergic heredity and allergic disease at age five , Fisher 's exact test was used for the frequencies together with Kruskal Wallis Rank Sum test comparing the relative amounts between all groups . Where significant differences between all groups were obtained , further pair wise statistical analyses were performed as above using Fisher 's exact test and Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test . Many statistical tests @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ done , potentially generating false significances . <h> Infants with non-allergic parents are frequently colonized by Lactobacilli <p> Infants born to non-allergic parents ( n = 23 ) were significantly more often colonized by the Lactobacilli at one week than infants born to allergic parents ( n = 35 ) ( Fig. 1A ) . This pattern was similar at the other investigated occasions during the first two months of life , although not statistically significant ( Fig. 1A ) . The number of occasions , having Lactobacilli during the first two months , was significantly higher among infants with non-allergic parents ( Fig. 1B ) . Furthermore , the relative amounts of the Lactobacilli were significantly higher or tended to be higher in infants with non-allergic parents at one and two weeks as well as at one and two months of age ( p = 0.013 , p = 0.065 , p = 0.036 and p = 0.058 respectively ) ( data not shown ) . <p> In addition , the relative amounts of B. bifidum were significantly higher in infants with non-allergic parents at one week of age @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , but neither the frequencies ( Table 2 ) nor the amounts ( data not shown ) of the other species investigated , differed with parental allergic status . <p> Table 2 . Frequencies of bacterial species in infants with allergic and non-allergic parents , respectively . <p> C. difficile was only detected in two infants during the first two months of life whereas half of all children were colonized at twelve months of age ( Table 2 ) . The opposite pattern was observed regarding S. aureus , with many infants colonized early but few at twelve months of age ( Table 2 ) . <p> At twelve months of age the infants with allergic parents seemed more frequently colonized by all the species investigated , compared to the children with non-allergic parents , although not statistically significant ( Fig. 1A , Table 2 ) . <h> The early-life microbiota associates with IgE-mediated allergic disease at five years of age <p> At the age of five , 20 children were considered allergic ( SPT ? 3 mm and/or allergen-specific IgE ? 0,35 kU/l together with allergic symptoms ) while @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they showed no allergic symptoms and were non-sensitized . <p> Frequencies of the different investigated species in relation to allergy are depicted in Figure 2 . The Lactobacilli tended to be more commonly detected in early fecal samples from children who were non-allergic at five years of age than in children who had developed allergy ( Fig. 2A ) . Moreover , the non-allergic children were colonized with Lactobacilli on more occasions during the first two months of life ( p = 0.038 , data not shown ) than the allergic group . However , the relative amounts did not differ between the groups ( data not shown ) . <p> Additionally , the pattern of colonization was similar for B. bifidum and B. breve ( Fig. 2B -- C ) . Non-allergic children were significantly more colonized with B. bifidum at one week of age , with a similar tendency at two weeks of age ( Fig. 2B ) . The colonization with B. breve or B. adolescentis did not differ with respect to frequencies ( Fig. 2C -- D ) or relative amounts ( data not shown ) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ frequencies , early in life , seemed higher in the allergic group but not statistically significant ( Fig. 2E ) . C. difficile was only detected in two infants and did not differ between the allergic and non-allergic group neither the first two months nor at 12 months of age ( data not shown ) . At twelve months of age the frequencies of all species investigated were similar in both groups ( Fig. 2A -- E ) . <h> Early Lactobacilli colonization decreases the risk for allergy at five years of age despite allergic heredity <p> We further sub-grouped the children considering both parental allergy and IgE-mediated allergic disease at five . Among the children with allergic parents , 16 had developed IgE-mediated allergy and 8 remained non-allergic at five years of age . In the group of children with non-allergic parents , 11 remained non-allergic at five years , while 4 children were allergic . These 4 children were excluded from following analyses , as they were too few subjects for a reliable statistical outcome . <p> When analyzing the infant gut microbiota of children with allergic parents @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ weeks differed between allergic and non-allergic children with allergic parents ( Fig. 3A ) . In consequence , among children with allergic parents , the children colonized with Lactobacilli at two weeks of age were less likely to be allergic at age five . <p> Figure 3 . Colonization with Lactobacilli the first year of life , sub grouped according to both parental allergy and allergy at five years of age . <p> Proportion of infants , in percentage , the different time points investigated in ( A ) . Percentage infants colonized 0 or 1 -- 4 occasions the first two months of life in ( B ) . <p> Also , non-allergic children were colonized with Lactobacilli at more occasions during the first two months of life ( Fig. 3B ) . <p> A similar colonization pattern in relation to parental allergy and allergic disease could also be seen for B. bifidum , although non-statistically significant ( data not shown ) . More than half of the children were colonized with S. aureus , already at 1 week of age , regardless of parental allergy or allergy development @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the species investigated were similar in all groups ( data not shown ) . <h> The maternal gut microbiota is not influenced by allergy <p> As the early infant microbiota could depend on exposures during delivery we investigated the maternal fecal microbiota at the time around delivery . The maternal frequencies are shown in Table 3 . Among all the mothers investigated ( n = 48 ) , B. adolescentis was the most commonly species detected , followed by the Lactobacilli . S. aureus colonization was rare and C. difficile was not detected in any of the maternal samples analyzed . The presence and the relative amounts of the analyzed bacteria did not differ significantly between non-allergic and allergic mothers . When correlating paired maternal and infant one-week samples ( n = 47 ) we found significant correlations for B. breve ( p = 0.030 ) and B. bifidum ( p = 0.002 ) ( data not shown ) , but not for any of the other investigated bacteria . <p> Table 3 . Frequencies of species investigated among allergic and non-allergic mothers . <p> Early in life the immune @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ such as microbial exposures , to mature properly . The gut microbiota composition has previously been reported to differ during infancy prior to the development of allergic disease , implying a role of the gut microbiota in promoting tolerance to harmless antigens through education of the immune system . <p> In this study we show that , colonization is related to both allergic heredity and IgE-mediated allergic disease at five years of age in a well-characterized cohort . We clearly demonstrate that the proportion of infants colonized with Lactobacilli early in life , is significantly higher in infants with non-allergic parents than infants with allergic parents ( Fig. 1A ) . Further , infants with non-allergic parents are colonized with Lactobacilli more often ( Fig. 1B ) and have larger relative amounts of both Lactobacilli and B. bifidum in their fecal samples than infants with allergic parents . To our knowledge , this is the first time that colonization during infancy is shown to be associated with parental allergic status . In previous studies 4 , 18 , 19 most of the parents , especially the mothers , were allergic @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ parents . <p> In this context , it is interesting to note that levels of endotoxin in house dust are reported to be lower in families with allergic parents 25 . This can potentially reflect the number of bacteria that the infant encounters as it has previously been shown that higher endotoxin levels are associated with an increased number of bifidobacteria species in infant feces 4 . <p> In addition , we are able to confirm previously published results from our group 4 that among five-year old children , non-allergics are significantly more often colonized with Lactobacilli , compared to children developing IgE-mediated allergic disease ( Fig. 2A ) . Recently , Penders et al also reported similar results in a large cohort , including several hundred children , evaluated at a single early occasion 26 . Furthermore the proportion of infants having B. bifidum is higher among the non-allergic children throughout the first months of life ( Fig. 2B ) and in line with Ouwehand et al 27 . They report that B. bifidum was less often detected in already allergic children compared to their age-matched non-allergic controls . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ at 12 months of age 13 which potentially could protect sensitized infants from developing allergic symptoms as secretory IgA is suggested to block the allergen and IgE interaction 28 . <p> In our study S. aureus was more commonly detected among children developing allergy , although not statistically significant ( Fig. 2E ) thus the relation between S. aureus and allergy development remains unclear . However our data regarding S. aureus as a frequent colonizer during infancy is in line with previously published results by Adlerberth et al 29 . <p> C. difficile was only detected in two infants the first two months of life , whereas approximately half of the children harbored C. difficile at twelve months of age and no association with allergy development was observed . All infants were vaginally delivered , exclusively breast-fed and none received antibiotics during the first three months of life , which may explain the low prevalence of C. difficile as it is more prevalent in caesarean delivered and formula fed infants 19 . <p> Generally the kinetics of colonization postnatally seems to differ in the non-allergic children compared to the allergic @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ delayed colonization in early infancy ( Fig. 2 ) . On the contrary , at twelve months of age the groups of children were similar in the frequencies of the different species investigated , suggesting that it is the early microbiota exposure that is of importance for future development of allergic disease . <p> Importantly , we were further able to demonstrate that among children with allergic parents , infants colonized with Lactobacilli were less likely to be allergic at the age of five ( Fig. 3A ) . This might suggest that colonization with Lactobacilli protects against development of allergic disease despite parental allergy . Supporting this interpretation are data from studies where probiotic supplementation early in life , with different species of Lactobacilli , reduced clinical outcomes such as eczema and/or IgE sensitization 30 -- 31 . Recently , administration of L . rhamnous protected against allergen-induced allergic disease in a pig model 32 . Also , a reduction of specific IgE accompanied by increased specific IgG following Lactobacilli administration to patients compared to placebo-treatment has been reported 33 . However there are also studies reporting no beneficial @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ supplementation 34 -- 36 . <p> When investigating the maternal fecal microbiota we found that the allergic and non-allergic mothers were similarly colonized with regards to the bacteria analyzed . A correlation between maternal and infant B. breve and B. bifidum colonization was observed the first week of life . Unfortunately , neither breast milk samples nor vaginal swabs were collected thus we can not exclude that the infants are differently exposed . Grnlund et al has reported lower counts of bifidobacteria in breast milk from allergic mothers compared to non-allergic mothers 37 . <p> The number of children investigated here equals most of the other similar studies , though we should acknowledge the small sample size when subgrouping , thus future studies with more subjects are needed to elucidate the actual role of the microbiota in relation to allergy development . However , results from a recent study by Penders et al 26 investigating a cohort with more than 600 children supports our findings . Also , many statistical tests were done , potentially generating false significances . Strengths of this study are that all infants were born term @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of life , factors known to influence the microbiota composition . Further , we have investigated the gut microbiota at several occasions in the same children . Also , we have included children with both allergic and non-allergic parents , enabling us to evaluate the association between parental allergy and early colonization . Finally , we evaluated early gut flora in relation to allergy , based both on SPT and/or specific IgE and allergic symptoms at five years of age . Many other studies have eczema and wheezing/asthma as an outcome but it is known that approximately half of the children with those symptoms are not IgE sensitized . To consider IgE sensitization in combination with allergic symptoms gives a better classification of IgE mediated allergic disease . <p> In this study we clearly demonstrate that parental allergy has an impact on the infant gut microbiota , and that early Lactobacilli ( L . casei , L. paracasei , L. rhamnosus ) colonization seems to decrease the risk for allergy at five years of age despite allergic heredity . Even though previous results regarding allergy development and early probiotic supplementation @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ gut microbiota has an impact on allergic disease . The exact mechanisms on how the different species interact with and influence the immune system are unclear and require further investigation . <p> Bttcher MF , Hggstrm P , Bjrkstn B , Jenmalm MC ( 2002 ) Total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin A levels in saliva in relation to the development of allergy in infants up to 2 years of age
@@5087841 <p> Richard A. Peterson was named Deputy Director of the United States Mint on January 25 , 2011 . A member of the Mint team since October 2008 , Mr. Peterson served as Associate Director for Manufacturing prior to assuming his current position . <p> The United States Mint is the world 's largest manufacturer of coins , medals and numismatic products . Headquartered in Washington , DC , it has operating facilities in Denver , Philadelphia , San Francisco and West Point , New York , and has responsibility for the U.S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox , Kentucky . <p> Mr. Peterson has an established career in the manufacturing sector , having worked in various senior manufacturing positions for nearly 20 years . <p> Prior to joining the Mint , Mr. Peterson served for eleven years as an executive for the General Electric Company , working in the company 's healthcare business . He served in several senior supply chain roles with responsibilities in negotiations ; supplier selections ; acquisition integration ; supplier performance ; and productivity . <p> From 1996 to 1998 , Mr. Peterson worked for the Building Materials Holding Corporation , a manufacturer and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ mergers and acquisitions function . From 1992 to 1996 he served as Director of Technical Services for ASARCO , Inc. , an international mining company , and was responsible for the company 's research and development ; engineering ; and environmental functions . <p> A former U.S. Naval officer , Mr. Peterson was a nuclear-trained submariner and served on active duty from 1981 to 1992 . He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and holds a MBA degree from Harvard Business School . <p> Mr. Peterson and his wife , Lois , have been married for 30 years
@@5087941 <p> The bath water is running and steaming and Wallace is telling me they 're all entombed in ice . He 's speaking of the great artic explorers : Scott and Amundsen and Shackleton and that lot . He 's wrong , I believe , but I let him continue on , telling me how we should all be left undecaying within our roles . Painters preserved in acrylic . Architects walled-up in their buildings . Wallace is -- was -- a chef . I ask if he 'd like to be baked into a pie . <p> This prompts him to smile in that thin , practiced way of his . Good one , sis , he says . Good one . Then he shuts off the water and lets his robe fall to the floor . He 's gotten thin since the last time I was here , his rear flattened and his spine become insectoid . He scratches at his beard and stares at the water . Want to join ? he asks , and glances at me sideways . Like when we were kids ? he says . <p> I lift his robe from the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ hook is made of rubber , as are all the faucets and spigots . The floor is carpeted and the tub is a plastic basin like the ones used for garden ponds . Jeanie -- Wallace 's wife -- thinks this is compassion . She thinks this is rescue . <p> You go ahead , I tell Wallace . I 'm too big . <p> Wallace sits with a splash and bunches himself up at the far end , his knees against his chin , his arms wrapped around his legs in such a way that I can see the scars on his wrists . There 's room , he says . <p> I step nearer , look down at my brother . Jeanie is at the hospital having some benign tumor thing removed from her neck . Our parents are off in Santa Barbara . I wonder how quickly Wallace could jump up and run into the hallway . I wonder if I 'd be able to stop him from finding some hard corner to fling his head against , some poorly barred window to break into shards . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ate his mush dogs , he says , and glances at me as if this is something profound . I do n't know about Shackleton , he says . Maybe he ate his own men . <p> You 're not supposed to be so morbid , I say . Let 's talk about something happy . <p> Like baking me into a pie ? <p> That was a joke . <p> Was it ? he says . Wallace is staring at his knees now , although it looks like he 's staring inside his knees , right through the skin and into the bone . He says I never come to see him anymore . He says he wants to die . <p> Do n't . <p> Die ? <p> Just do n't , I say , and put a hand on his head , feeling his warmth , the gentle motion of his breaths . I think of him as a boy , older than me but the one who always grabbed the toy ships , who always let my fleet win , let his fleet succumb to the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to save them , Wallace says . You ca n't keep out the cold forever . <p> I run my hand to the back of his head and make a shushing sound . <p> Jeanie , he says . If she -- <p> She 'll be fine . <p> He presses his hands into his face , his palms seeming to grind into the sockets of his eyes . He 's rocking now , the water rolling from one end of the tub to the other . Does n't even matter if they 're preserved , he says . They still died . Cold and alone . <p> I 'm sure that 's not true for all of them , I say . <p> A whining begins to escape from Wallace , a high-pitched hum that grows louder and louder until he shouts and scratches his face . I grab him by the wrists and try to restrain him . He struggles . He hits his head against the padded wall . Stop it , I say . Stop this now . <p> He wrenches his arms away and sticks @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ like pressing -- them at the bottom over and over . The whining starts up again , pausing only so that he can breathe . In the water , his hands are magnified , large and strong . I think of those explorers wrapped in their ice . Then , as Wallace beats the back of his head against the wall again , I step away . Slowly , I slip off my jeans and my sweater and my underwear , and I place it all on the lid of the soft plastic that serves as a toilet . Wallace stares absently as I step into the tub and lower myself down . The water is hot . It rises to the lip and sloshes onto the rug . <p> Pulling my knees inward , I let my feet overlap my brother 's . He stops hitting his head into the wall . The whining softens . I reach out and take his hands into mine . He lets my fingers slip between his and he leans his head down so that his chin rests against his chest , his @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ For a while , he is quiet . Then , glancing up , he tells me their ships always made it back safely . Every one of them , he says . Even through all that ice . <p> At that , he closes his eyes and rests his head back against the padding of the wall . I watch him there . I watch him breathe . And so we sit
@@5088041 <p> As investors , we would all like to beat the market handily , and we would all like to pick " great " investments on instinct . However , while intuition is undoubtedly a part of the process of investing , it is just part of the process . As investors , it is not surprising that we focus so much of our energy and efforts on investment philosophies and strategies , and so little on the investment process . It is far more interesting to read about how Peter Lynch picks stocks and what makes Warren Buffett a valuable investor , than it is to talk about the steps involved in creating a portfolio or in executing trades . Though it does not get sufficient attention , understanding the investment process is critical for every investor for several reasons : <p> The investment process outlines the steps in creating a portfolio , and emphasizes the sequence of actions involved from understanding the investor ? s risk preferences to asset allocation and selection to performance evaluation . By emphasizing the sequence , it provides for an orderly way in which an investor can create his or her own @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ investment process provides a structure that allows investors to see the source of different investment strategies and philosophies . By so doing , it allows investors to take the hundreds of strategies that they see described in the common press and in investment newsletters and to trace them to their common roots . <p> The investment process emphasizes the different components that are needed for an investment strategy to by successful , and by so doing explain why so many strategies that look good on paper never work for those who use them . <p> The best way of describing this book is by noting what it does not do . It does not emphasize individual investors or push an investment philosophy . It does not focus heavily on coming up with strategies that beat the market , though there is reference to some of them in the course of the book . Instead , it talks about the process of investing and how this process is the same no matter what investment philosophy one might have . <p> The book is built around the investment process . The process @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ needs and preferences . For a portfolio manager , the investor is a client , and the first and often most significant part of the investment process is understanding the client ? s needs , the client ? s tax status and most importantly , his or her risk preferences . For an individual investor constructing his or her own portfolio , this may seem simpler , but understanding one ? s own needs and preferences is just as important a first step as it is for the portfolio manager . <p> The next part of the process is the actual construction of the portfolio , which we divide into three sub-parts . The first of these is the decision on how to allocate the portfolio across different asset classes defined broadly as equities , fixed income securities and real assets ( such as real estate , commodities and other assets ) . This asset allocation decision can also be framed in terms of investments in domestic assets versus foreign assets , and the factors driving this decision . The second component is the asset selection decision , where individual @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the portfolio . In practical terms , this is the step where the stocks that make up the equity component , the bonds that make up the fixed income component and the real assets that make up the real asset component are picked . The final component is execution , where the portfolio is actually put together , where investors have to trade off transactions cost against transactions speed . While the importance of execution will vary across investment strategies , there are many investors who have failed at this stage in the process . <p> The final part of the process , and often the most painful one for professional money managers , is the performance evaluation . Investing is after all focused on one objective and one objective alone , which is to make the most money you can , given the risk constraints you operate under . Investors are not forgiving of failure and unwilling to accept even the best of excuses , and loyalty to money managers is not a commonly found trait . By the same token , performance evaluation is just as important to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , since the feedback from it should largely determine how that investor approaches investing in the future . <p> These parts of the process are summarized in Figure 1 , and we will return to this figure to emphasize the steps in the process as we move through the book . The book is built around the same structure . It begins with a chapter that provides an overview of investment management as a business . The first major section is on understanding client needs and preferences , where we look at not only how to think about risk in investing but also at how to measure an investor ? s willingness to take risk . The second section looks at the asset allocation decision , while the third section examines different approaches to selecting assets . The fourth section takes a brief look at the execution decision ,
@@5088141 <h> Cardboard Obama told " Go back to Kenya " at Romney rally <p> DENVER -- As thousands of Romney supporters lined up outside his Monday night rally site at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum , liberal groups and the Obama campaign did whatever they could to get their own message heard . <p> But even with a small airplane circling overheard trailing a banner about Romney 's 47 percent comments , the voices ProgressNow Action wanted to hear were those of Romney supporters as they passed by the group 's cardboard cut-out of President Obama and rolling video camera on their way inside . <p> On Tuesday morning , the group posted the four-minute video on YouTube , in which dozens of Republicans pass by cardboard Obama and , in a few cases , ca n't help but hurl less-than-politically correct comments its way . You can watch the video below . <p> " Go back to Kenya ! " one person says . <p> " Strangle him ! " says another . <p> Some of the comments were directed at the ProgressNow staffers holding up the cut-out and the video camera . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ person asks . <p> " Why are you supporting an Islamist , Marxist idiot ? " asks another . <p> " He looks real good standing on a street corner , " one passerby says . " In about three months , he 'll be doing that all the time . " <p> The Obama cut-out was also wearing a button that said , " Thanks , Obamacare . " <p> " It 's our piece de resistance , " ProgressNow 's Alan Franklin said of the button , in an aside to FOX31 Denver Monday night . <p> In an email to FOX31 Denver Tuesday , ProgressNow Action said , " we did nothing to further provoke the crowd . " <p> Asked what they want people who watch the tape to see , the group 's executive director , Joanne Schwartz , said this : <p> " It 's clear that not all , but many within Romney 's base of support dislike the President for irrational and often hateful reasons . Comments like ' go back to Kenya , ' and asserting Obama is ' black and @ @ @ @
@@5088241 <p> In Beyond Fukushima : A Joint Agenda for U.S.-Japanese Disaster Management , Richard Danzig , CNAS Chairman of the Board of Directors ; Andrew M. Saidel , President and Chief Executive Officer of Dynamic Strategies Asia , LLC ; and Zachary M. Hosford , CNAS Research Associate , argue that the United States and Japan should pursue an " all-hazards " approach to manage the ... more <p> In Upholding the Promise : A Strategy for Veterans and Military Personnel , CNAS Non-Resident Senior Fellow Phillip Carter urges the Obama Administration to develop an inclusive , strategic policy approach that serves veterans and military personnel as well as they have served the nation . more <p> With a comprehensive " grand bargain " agreement on taxes and spending unlikely to succeed in the lame duck session , there is a strong possibility that sequestration will commence on January 2 , argue experts David W. Barno , Nora Bensahel , Joel Smith and Jacob Stokes in Countdown to Sequestration : Why American Leaders Could Jump Off the Fiscal Cliff . more <p> The Center for a New American Security hosted the book launch for The Generals : American Military @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ricks , CNAS Senior Fellow , on Thursday , November 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . Ricks discussed his study of the history of American military leaders and the growing divide between military performance and accountability . Susan ... more <p> Washington , November 9 , 2012 -- After more than a decade of war , several years of constrained national budgets and a changing veteran population , the second Obama administration must confront how best to uphold its promises to the nation 's men and women who serve or have served in uniform . <p> Washington , November 8 , 2012 -- With a comprehensive " grand bargain " agreement on taxes and spending unlikely to succeed in the lame duck session , there is a strong possibility that sequestration will commence on January 2 , argue experts David W. Barno , Nora Bensahel , Joel Smith and Jacob Stokes in Countdown to Sequestration : Why American Leaders Could Jump Off the Fiscal Cliff , released today by the Center for a New American Security ( CNAS ) . <p> Washington , November 7 , 2012 -- Nathaniel @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ New American Security ( CNAS ) , will step down at the end of the month from his position at CNAS to become the Chief Executive Officer of Endgame , Inc. , a leading venture-backed provider of advanced cyber security solutions . Mr. Fick has led CNAS since 2009 and will remain on the Center 's Board of Directors . As CEO of Endgame , he will be responsible for building the company 's commercial and federal business . <p> Thomas E. Ricks is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security ( CNAS ) . Concurrently with his duties at CNAS , Mr. Ricks writes an online blog for ForeignPolicy.com called , " The Best Defense , " for which he won the 2010 National Magazine Award as the best blog of the year , and serves as a contributing editor for Foreign Policy . <p> The Center for a New American Security hosted the book launch for The Generals : American Military Command from World War II to Today by Thomas E. Ricks , CNAS Senior Fellow , on Thursday , November 8 from 6:30 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ history of American military leaders and the growing divide between military performance and accountability . Susan Glasser , Editor in Chief of Foreign Policy , interviewed Ricks , followed by Q &A; with the audience . <p> The Center for a New American Security , the American Enterprise Institute and the New America Foundation are pleased to introduce Election 2012 : Informing the National Security Agenda to this presidential campaign season . The most recent event in the series took place in Washington , DC on October 10 . <p> Shawn Brimley is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security ( CNAS ) . Mr. Brimley rejoins CNAS after serving in the Obama Administration since February 2009 most recently as Director for Strategic Planning on the National Security Council staff at the White House . He also served as Special Advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy at the Pentagon from 2009-2011 , where he focused on the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review
@@5088341 <h> Dwight D. Eisenhower <p> Bringing to the Presidency his prestige as commanding general of the victorious forces in Europe during World War II , Dwight D. Eisenhower obtained a truce in Korea and worked incessantly during his two terms to ease the tensions of the Cold War . He pursued the moderate policies of " Modern Republicanism , " pointing out as he left office , " America is today the strongest , most influential , and most productive nation in the world . " <p> Born in Texas in 1890 , brought up in Abilene , Kansas , Eisenhower was the third of seven sons . He excelled in sports in high school , and received an appointment to West Point . Stationed in Texas as a second lieutenant , he met Mamie Geneva Doud , whom he married in 1916 . <p> In his early Army career , he excelled in staff assignments , serving under Generals John J. Pershing , Douglas MacArthur , and Walter Krueger . After Pearl Harbor , General George C. Marshall called him to Washington for a war plans assignment . He commanded the Allied Forces landing in North Africa in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Supreme Commander of the troops invading France . <p> After the war , he became President of Columbia University , then took leave to assume supreme command over the new NATO forces being assembled in 1951 . Republican emissaries to his headquarters near Paris persuaded him to run for President in 1952 . <p> " I like Ike " was an irresistible slogan ; Eisenhower won a sweeping victory . <p> Negotiating from military strength , he tried to reduce the strains of the Cold War . In 1953 , the signing of a truce brought an armed peace along the border of South Korea . The death of Stalin the same year caused shifts in relations with Russia . <p> New Russian leaders consented to a peace treaty neutralizing Austria . Meanwhile , both Russia and the United States had developed hydrogen bombs . With the threat of such destructive force hanging over the world , Eisenhower , with the leaders of the British , French , and Russian governments , met at Geneva in July 1955 . <p> The President proposed that the United States and Russia exchange @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ within our countries facilities for aerial photography to the other country . " The Russians greeted the proposal with silence , but were so cordial throughout the meetings that tensions relaxed . <p> Suddenly , in September 1955 , Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in Denver , Colorado . After seven weeks he left the hospital , and in February 1956 doctors reported his recovery . In November he was elected for his second term . <p> In domestic policy the President pursued a middle course , continuing most of the New Deal and Fair Deal programs , emphasizing a balanced budget . As desegregation of schools began , he sent troops into Little Rock , Arkansas , to assure compliance with the orders of a Federal court ; he also ordered the complete desegregation of the Armed Forces . " There must be no second class citizens in this country , " he wrote . <p> Eisenhower concentrated on maintaining world peace . He watched with pleasure the development of his " atoms for peace " program--the loan of American uranium to " have not " nations for peaceful @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , for his farm in Gettysburg , he urged the necessity of maintaining an adequate military strength , but cautioned that vast , long-continued military expenditures could breed potential dangers to our way of life . He concluded with a prayer for peace " in the goodness of time . " Both themes remained timely and urgent when he died , after a long illness , on March 28 , 1969 . <p> The Presidential biographies on WhiteHouse.gov are from " The Presidents of the United States of America , " by Michael Beschloss and Hugh
@@5088441 <h> New details in Petraeus scandal : Woman who received threatening emails revealed <p> A second name emerged Sunday in the FBI investigation into CIA Director David Petraeus ' email correspondence that exposed an extramarital affair with a female biographer , then his resignation last week . <p> Sources tell Fox News the woman is 37-year-old Jill Kelley , a close friend of the Petraeus family . <p> Kelley alerted the FBI about the emails that appeared to be an attempt to blackmail Petraeus , which started the investigation , said the sources . <p> In addition , the threatening emails might not have come from biographer Paula Broadwell , as widely reported . <p> Kelley , a Tampa , Fla. , resident who is married with three children , and sister Natalie are close friends of the Petraeus ' and spent holidays together . And she was not having an affair with the retired , four-star Army general , sources close to the family tell Fox News . <p> Neither the State Department nor the military 's Joint Special Operations Command could confirm Kelley worked for either , contrary to other published reports . <p> Kelley issued a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ crisis management firm , asking for privacy . She says she respects Petraeus ' privacy and wants the same for her own family . <p> Petraeus quit as CIA director last week after acknowledging an extramarital relationship with a woman -- later identified as Broadwell . <p> The relationship was an open secret with those who knew the Petraeus ' , sources also tell Fox News . The FBI probe at one point led to Broadwell 's email account , which uncovered the relationship with Petraeus . <p> Petraeus ' resignation was announced Friday , but new details continue to emerge about his affair with Broadwell , a married mother and West Point graduate . <p> The first knowledge of the affair outside the FBI came from an agency whistle-blower who contacted a Capitol Hill Republican who told House Majority Leader Eric Cantor . <p> Rep. Dave Reichert , R-Wash. , got a tip from a friend who knew the whistle-blower , as reported by The New York Times . <p> Sources tell Fox News that Reichert talked to the whistle-blower , then referred him to Cantor . The whistle-blower @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Cantor directly . The whistle-blower -- who purportedly was concerned about a possible national security breach -- was then put in touch with FBI Director Robert Mueller . <p> " Our office stands by the accuracy of the New York Times article as it pertains to Rep. Reichert , " the congressman 's office said Sunday . " We have no further comment about our involvement . " <p> Cantor staffers said they did n't immediately tell the House Intelligence Committee or chamber leaders because they did n't know whether the tip was credible . So they turned it over to the FBI . <p> No security breaches appear to have occurred in the email exchange , but Capitol Hill lawmakers expressed shock and disappointment about the stunning revelations and said Petraeus made the correct choice in resigning . <p> " It was like a lightning bolt , " Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein , chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence , told " Fox News Sunday . " " I 'm heartbroken . This is very , very hard . But I do think he did the right @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ago and that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was informed of the findings at 5 p.m . Election Day . <p> President Obama first learned Thursday when told by Petraeus , according to reporting so far . <p> Closed-door House and Senate intelligence committee hearings are scheduled Thursday on the incidents surrounding the fatal Libya attacks . Petraeus -- who reportedly conducted his own , on-the-ground investigation -- is no longer scheduled to testify . <p> There is no indication the scandal is related to the Libya situation . <p> However , Feinstein and Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss , the ranking Republican on the Senate intelligence committee , said Sunday that Petraeus could later be called to testify . <p> " I would n't rule out Gen. Petraeus being called to testify , " Chambliss said on ABC 's " This Week . " <p> Broadwell told Fox News earlier this year when talking about the biography " All In : The Education of General David Petraeus " that she met Petraeus when she was a post-graduate student at Harvard and he came to the university to speak . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ together when she came to Washington , Broadwell said on Don Imus ' Fox Business show . <p> " He gave me his card , " said Broadwell , who co-wrote the book . " We kept in touch . " <p> Broadwell also called Petraeus ' wife of 38 years , Holly Petraeus , " a wonderful military spouse . " <p> FBI spokesman Paul Bresson has declined to comment on the information that the affair had been discovered in the course of an investigation by the agency . <p> Petraeus , who turned 60 on Wednesday , met his wife when he was a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point , N.Y . She was the daughter of the academy superintendent . They have two children , and their son led an infantry platoon in Afghanistan . <p> Holly Petraeus also works in the Obama administration , for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau . <p> In a message to staff , Petraeus said he asked " Such behavior is unacceptable , both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my resignation . " <p> Obama , in a written statement , said Petraeus provided " extraordinary service to the United States for decades . " <p> " By any measure , he was one of the outstanding general officers of his generation , helping our military adapt to new challenges , and leading our men and women in uniform through a remarkable period of service in Iraq and Afghanistan , where he helped our nation put those wars on a path to a responsible end , " Obama said . <p> The White House has named Michael Morell , the agency 's deputy director , to serve as acting director . <p> The decision abruptly ends the public-service career of one of the military 's most vaunted leaders . He led the surge in Iraq , and was later tapped to lead U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan -- following two years at the helm of U.S. Central Command . In April 2011 , Obama again tapped Petraeus to lead the CIA . <p> He left just three days after Obama was elected to a second term , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -- which is dealing with not just rogue nations like Iran , but a changing landscape elsewhere as a result of the Arab Spring . It has been confirmed that the U.S. compound that was attacked in Libya housed CIA operatives as well as State Department staff . <p> The intelligence community subsequently came under scrutiny when some officials suggested the administration initially claimed the attack was " spontaneous " only because of the intelligence assessments at the time . <p> Clapper said Friday that Petraeus ' resignation " represents the loss
@@5088541 <p> Tim Cook came prepared to dazzle the crowd of Apple employees , friends and journalists covering the iPad , iMac and Macbook product unveilings . Dressed in Apple casual , a long-sleeved , blue-grey polo shirt and dark slacks , Cook stalked the stage at the California Theater in San Jose and seemed to find a more animated voice for his remarks than at past events he hosted . <p> He gave special vocal emphasis to words like " billion , " " amazing , " " cool , " " phenomenal , " " absolutely incredible , " and " thin , " one of the major product themes of the day . Cook lacked the ease of Bill Clinton and the drama of Steve Jobs , but he effectively communicated Apple 's fight song : We blow away the competition and make the coolest products . <p> Cook crowed that Apple has sold 100 million iPad in 2.5 years , and that the iPad outsold PC sales from HP , Dell , Lenovo and Asus in the quarter ending June 30 . He asked rhetorically why the iPad is so popular , and answered , " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ : people love their iPads ! " <p> He continued , " They love the display . They love the camera for FaceTime . They love that they can connect anywhere they go on Wi-Fi or cellular . They love iPad 's legendary all day battery life . And they love all of the amazing apps optimized for iPad . " <p> In closing Cook said , " We hope you love these products as much as we loved creating them . " <p> As the Beatles say , " Love is all you need , " and Apple is all about making customers love the company and its products . Cook and company understand that love and obsession are currencies that can overcome many obstacles . It 's part of the Jobs legacy , an obsession with creating beautiful and functional objects that people will crave . <p> The iPhone is the best example of Apple 's ability to create demand through love , or at least desire . It 's a fine , highly-regarded smartphone , but there are many alternatives that offer more features , bigger screens @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ platform is getting 1.3 million activations per day . Nonetheless , people ordered 5 million iPhone 5s in their first weekend of availability . <p> " There is inherent loss in just reducing a product in size .... We took the time to design a product that was a concentration of , not a reduction of , the original , " he said . He explained that the design efforts resulted in " absolutely remarkable levels of fit and finish . " <p> Apple may take pride in the loveliness and fit and finish of the iPad mini , but it was fundamentally built to compete in a growing tablet space that the company did not occupy . Google , Amazon , Samsung , Asus , Barnes &; Noble and others were first to develop 7-inch tablets and Apple is the latecomer . <p> During the launch event , Apple marketing chief expressed distain for the competition . " We are so far ahead of the competition , I ca n't even see them in the rear view mirror . " he said . <p> But Apple has more selling @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 7-inch tablet . Starting at $329 with 16GB of storage and a 7.9-inch 1024x768 pixels ( 163 ppi ) display , the iPad mini may be thinner and lighter than its 7-inch competitors , but it 's also more expensive and employs a lower-resolution screen . During the launch presentation , Schiller compared the iPad mini to a Google Nexus 7 ( made by Asus ) , dissing Google 's use of plastic instead merged molecules of aluminium for the exterior and for its smaller screen area . He also noted that Apple has 275,000 iPad-optimized apps , far more than what is available for Android tablets . <p> But neither Cook or Schiller touched the price differential between the iPad mini and competing Android models . The Nexus 7 is priced at $249 with 16GB of storage and a 7-inch 1280x800 HD display ( 216 ppi ) . The iPad mini 's claim to the thin and light crown ( 308 grams , .28-inch thick ) may be enough to sway customers to pay nearly $80 more than the Nexus 7 ( 340 grams , .41-inch thick ) costs @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to win love , respect and money from customers . " We are just getting started . We 're not taking our foot off the gas , " he said during the event . <p> Google , Amazon , Samsung , Microsoft and others will also be vying for customer affection with renewed vigor as Apple throws down the gauntlet . In this situation , with multiple suitors , customers end up as win as companies iterate faster to deliver iteration better , faster and cheaper wares . Apple will have its core of lovers , but the field is expanding and becoming more wide open . <p> The bottom line : If you want the full , polished Apple tablet experience in a smaller package , the iPad Mini is worth the premium price .
@@5088641 <p> Joe Biden today admitted that , at this point , he believes Hillary Clinton might have been a better Vice Presidential choice than him . Of course , this was not exactly a welcome comment by the Obama campaign which seems to be struggling to find a footing this month . <p> At a rally in Nashua , New Hampshire , a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary " not because she 's a woman , but because look at the things she did in the past . " <p> " Make no mistake about this , " Biden responded . " Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America . LetTs get that straight . SheTs a truly close personal friend , she is qualified to be president of the United States of America , sheTs easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me . But sheTs first rate , I mean that sincerely , sheTs first rate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ben Porritt offered this response from the McCain camp : " Barack ObamaTs most important decision of this election and Biden -- the candidate he selects -- suggests himself that he wasnTt the right man for the job and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice . Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this . " <p> Talk about a gaffe ! It seems that Biden said something which I 'm betting a lot of Democrats are also feeling . Perhaps not even because of Sarah Palin , however , just for the fact that choosing Hillary Clinton would have done a lot to unite the Democratic Party and excite their base . <p> I have not seen the Obama campaign 's response on this and will post one if I find it . <p> Note : The comments section below contains opinions and views from the online community at YouDecidePolitics.com , read at your own risk ! Please do n't assume that YouDecidePolitics.com agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because we let it stand , this is an open forum . Be respectful or @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Biden : Hillary Clinton " might have been a better pick " " <p> Nate , what do you think about revamping this site after the election so we can keep discussing current events ? I think that would be a great thing to do , because I had a very hard time finding a respectful forum where people from all political vantage points could discuss the news ( which has been mainly election-oriented for a while ) . <p> I think it 's amusing that even though Ron Paul would never endorse McCain , as a matter of principle , he chose to focus on how it would make him " unpopular " . It 's especially funny since no one who challenges the establishment is what you 'd call " popular " ! <p> I actually have another domain registered with some plans for continuing the site after the election . It will be in the works as YouDecidePolitics.com with basically the same concept and same format . We 'll be looking for writers and contributors on all political issues ... <p> Dreadsen , I know a lot @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Obama 's pick , but I have to tell you that the word that floated down to me the Thursday before Obama announced Biden was that McCain had made his choice that day . The day before that it trickled that the choice was down to two . It trickled from McCain headquarters , and you do n't get a lot of misinformation from that trickle . So , maybe you 're right , but because of that , I do n't think so . I think he went for a younger version of himself , I think if Jindal had accepted the idea it would have been him instead of Palin , and I think he was going for the overall package and not just the gender . At any rate , I do n't think it mattered who Obama chose . We can say his pick was more as a reaction to Obama himself than Biden . That 's what I believe , because Palin counters Obama , not Biden . <p> Biden is right ... at least in the sense that Hillary would have been better for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the polls would be 60%/%40 in favor of Obama . If/when Obama loses , he
@@5088741 <h> Education Week reporter Christina A. Samuels follows the latest developments in the nation 's school districts and digs into the issues , successes , and controversies surrounding education leadership and management . <h> Big Suburban Districts Form Network of Their Own <p> Representatives from several large suburban districts announced today that they are forming a coalition to represent the unique needs of the nation 's large countywide school systems . <p> Many of these districts are fast-growing , with increasing numbers of minority students and students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches . The 10 districts that form the core of this group -- the Large Countywide and Suburban School District Consortium -- educate about more than 1 million students , mainly in the southeastern United States . Jack Dale , the superintendent of the 178,000-student Fairfax County , Va. , school system , and the chairman of the group , said that the consortium hopes to grow to at least 20 members in the next six months . The group is so new that it does n't yet have a website . <p> In addition to Fairfax , located just outside Washington , the districts involved in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ schools and Gwinnett County schools , all in the Atlanta metropolitan area ; Montgomery County Schools and Prince George 's County schools , both located in the Maryland suburbs of Washington , Arlington County schools in Virginia outside Washington ; Miami-Dade schools ; Greenville County schools in South Carolina ; and Charlotte-Mecklenberg schools in North Carolina . Some of the superintendents met today with federal officials in a discussion that was sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators in Alexandria , Va. , and EducationCounsel , a consulting firm in Washington . <p> Dale explained that the idea for the consortium developed about a year ago , after informal conversations among some school leaders . " The needs of some of these larger , suburban , very successful districts are different from some of the ' crisis-of-the-moment ' issues you see in some of the city districts , " he said . <p> For example , said Robert Avossa , the superintendent of the 95,000-student Fulton district , his school system has increased its Hispanic population from around 2 percent five or six years ago to around 11 percent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of dealing with a fast-growing population of students who need **28;4566;TOOLONG instruction . At the same time , " the economic challenge has changed the complexion of our suburban environment , " he said . The district is dealing with issues like how to get the best-trained teachers in schools that have high levels of poverty . <p> At the same time , these leaders say that federal policy tends to be geared more towards issues related to distressed , urban school districts , which may not always fit comfortably with the agendas that suburban school systems may already be implementing with some success . For example , Dale said that the current national focus on tying teachers ' pay to student test scores does n't necessarily reinforce Fairfax 's work , which is attempting to link student performance to teams of teachers , rather than individual educators . <p> Michael Hinojosa , the superintendent of the 107,000-student Cobb district in Georgia , said that federal initiatives like school improvement grants were extremely important when he was the head of the Dallas school system . In Cobb , where economic @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ thoughtful in what opportunities are available to us at the federal level , " he said . Beth Schiavino-Narvaez , the deputy superintendent for the Office of School Support and Improvement in Montgomery County , echoed that point . Prior to her joining the Montgomery schools , Schiavino-Narvaez was an assistant superintendent in Springfield , Mass. , where Race to the Top " was driving everything we were doing in the district , " she said . <p> But in the 146,500-student suburban district where she now works , Race to the Top is not as pressing an issue , though the school system faces some complex challenges in getting approval from the state to continue on its own improvement plans . <p> The consortium sees itself as a way to promote suburban-specific issues as well as a way to share best practices , Dale said . <p> " In a year , I hope we 're relevant , " added Hinojosa . " We have a lot to add , but we feel like we have n't been at the table . " <p> Jack Dale clip by casamuels @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the genesis of the consortium , its goals , and who he sees as
@@5088841 <h> $ 33.00 <p> Be Courageous and Write was inspired by a quote from friend and author Holley Gerth . Holley and I both write for a website called ( in ) courage , and once she said in an email to the site authors , " Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little . " Well , that actually scared me a little , but I 've never forgotten it and it prompts me to dig deeper and write in a more meaningful way . I hope it inspires you , too . <p> This 8 " x 8 " photographic print has been treated with a matte coating and linen texture and is mounted on a 3/4 " standout board with black edging . The lightweight backing is equipped with holes on the back side , ready for hanging . <p> Be Courageous and Write is the third in a series of five prints in the Create set , available individually or as a set . <p> Click the image to enlarge . Pay shipping
@@5088941 <h> Engage Clients Meaningfully in the Process Of Design <p> Great digital experience happen when we engage clients , not just users , meaningfully in the process of design . ... <p> More ... <p> Great digital experience happen when we engage clients , not just users , meaningfully in the process of design . <p> This presentation shows how focusing less on ' tad-dah ' and flat images of web pages , and more on the inevitable outcome , which happens when a client is engaged in the process of design , is the key to great digital experiences . <h> Statistics <p> Great digital experience happen when we engage clients , not just users , meaningfully in the process of design. n We 've learned a lot about how people use our designs. nWhat 's our common method of engaging clients ? nWhat model do you have in your head ? DO you think it 's very different from the person next to you ? n <p> I do n't think the model for engaging clients is clear. nIn fact , the way we engage clients in the process of design it 's much messier than we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ understand our skills and interpret what we deliver . nThe story we tell clients tends to focus much more on process and deliverables. nRather than why what we do matters to the client , and will make a difference to their customers. n <p> There 's an imbalance that needs to be addressed here. n Lets be clear on what mean by engaging clients . I do n't mean contractually. n I mean them actually being involved in the process of design , not just signing off at the end. n Now is a good time to pause , take a breath and ask ourselves honestly , how meaningfully are we engaging clients in the process of design ? What are we doing well , where can we improve. n As with all good UX , I think it starts with empathy. nn n nn <p> Most clients have a horror story of working with a designer . Typically to do with attitude , communication and understanding of goals . nClients come to us to us looking for someone that they can work with . What they often get is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ just want someone who they can work with to get the job done without any headaches. nWe could blame communication , but we probably communicate regularly . Perhaps it 's the words we use ? nnnnn <p> At it 's worse , we leave clients and designers isolated through poor communication and a loss of control away from designers to the client . n It 's human nature to try and control what we do not understand. n The less the client knows , the more they 'll want to control. n Perhaps you can think of a controlling client on a project ? n I 'd suggest that it 's this lack of understanding and perhaps confidence on the clients part , which can cause real relationship issues. n <p> For the last decade , we 've though clients to value flat images of webpages. nI think we undersell massively the value we add by producing home page design as part of pitches . nThe homepage design has become the red herring of digital , being an isolated and less relevant page now. nWe need to change the conversation @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ understanding of why a user will engage with the clients site and brand . nIf the client understands that people use , not look at website , they 'll see that the real value is n't in a homepage design . nThis change is happening , but there 's still some way to go. nn <p> So , in the face of these issues , perhaps you 're thinking of joining the increasing number of designers abandoning client work altogether to build their own apps ? nI was lucky enough to have the opportunity as part of Analog Cooperative to work on our own ideas , without a client. nIt was different , but not how you 'd expect. nWorking in a start up , the focus is on delivery , not deliverables. nThe things you do for yourself are different to those you do to show value to a client. nnSurprisingly , even in a start-up , you need a product owner. nThey almost take the role of the client . Regardless of whether you 're a freelancer , in-house UX designer , or in an agency or start-up @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that I 'm back consulting , I find it useful to see the client as the product owner/designer relationship , rather than the client/supplier. nn <p> I see it is like a holy trinity , made up of users , designers and product owners . All working togethers a shared vision. nnThis model helps me much more than any other I 've seen. nI 've also seen it work elsewhere. nThere will always be tension in design . nThe push and pull of different perspectives can reveal beautiful designs. nnCertain tension can be bad . Like when we try to differentiate ourselves as designers through our designs , pulling the relationship apart. nI try to remember that we do n't own the designs . We 're not the ones who 'll have to live with it for years after we 've finished on the project. nnnn <p> I was impressed by the launch of the new Virgin Atlantic site , where users coming in via search links or PPC ads will find the carousel set up to feature content related to their search , such as pictures of New York @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ forms fields of the previous design. nI heard Pat Odey , the Virgin Product Manager for this project talk about this project . He described a product owner / designer relationship , where Pat spent approximately 70% of the project time at the agency , LBi 's offices . This was a partnership . Pat described himself as being extremely engaged in the design process . Chris Ball of LBi describes Pat as one of the team. nnn <p> n <p> Now that we 've started to put ourselves in the shoes of the client , lets take a look at how we must appear to the client. nIt starts when we first meet the client . . . nToo often , communication is strained from the start because a client fears you will speak to them in terms they do not understand . nNo one wants to appear uninformed. nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> Today , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer. nBut what we do is closely related to many other words. nClients find this confusing . This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do. nA pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity. nBut even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? nnn <p> New business meetingnRealise how hard it is for clients to understand the true value of what we do. nLists activities from our perspectivenRelationship between activitiesnFail to show the value to the client - How and What , devoid of Why. n <p> Information Architecture is a core part of what we do. nHowever , there are aspects of IA that really bother me. nCurrently , Information Architecture is presented as pieces of a jigsaw to the client . nThis necessitates a large degree of mental processing to put the pieces together . nThis issue is exacerbated by the fact @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ because we 've created them . nEven then , we can still struggle to hold it all in out heads. nnWe need to stop asking so much of clients . If they 've not been meaningfully engaged in the IA phase , it 's unfair to expect them to meaningfully sign off on what we deliver , particularly when the relationship between components is not clear . nProviding a unified view of IA is an unresolved issue in our work. nn <p> n <p> n <p> n <p> Here are some steps I take , which I find really engage clients meaningfully in the process of design. nBefore I introduce these techniques , I have to highlight the importance of preparation for any and all techniques where the clients is involved. nSimply , if you do n't set it up right , you 're setting yourself up for a fall. nAlso , not all clients will get involved . You may have to work harder with some. nn <p> Importance of explanation &; preparationnSimply , if you do n't set it up right , you 're setting yourself up to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nUnderstand the value , makes it easier. nMake it human . nApply learnings about human behaviournUse techniques that we 're hard wired to understand . nBe Mr. / Miss empatheticnn <p> Last year at UX Bristol I ran a workshop on creating a shared experience vision. nI 'm not going to repeat this , but for those of you who missed it , you can find a complete guide to creating a shared vision that works on UX Magazine . There are also links from my own site , alancolville.org. nJust to say , a vision is : nSimply a sentence or group of works expressing the core of the experience people will have with the site . It 's created collaboratively by the project team , including the client. nExperience Visions work because : n- Bring the project team togethern- Puts the client at easen- Keeps people focused on who 's importantn- Creates a culture of shared ownershipn- Empowers peoplenThey 're surprisingly easy to create and have a lasting effect on the project. nnnnn <p> The act of sketching engages the brain in visual sense-making , which people have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Sketching helps you generate concepts quickly , exploring alternatives rapidly and is not costly . nThe looseness of a sketch , compared to a wireframes , for instance removes inhibitions and granting clients permission to challenge ideas. nI 'll be honest , if you 're not collaboratively sketching with the client , your not doing it right. nnRemember , the clients does n't have to put pen to paper to be involved in collaborative sketching. nPeople often ask when do you stop sketching ? nFor me , when it stops being about ideas , then it 's time to stop. nnn <p> The objective is to quickly develop with the client a customer or user profile . It only takes 10 - 15 minutes per profile. nThe goal is to create a degree of empathy for the end users of the site , Empathy mapping does this in an engaging way , which is immediate and intuitive . nYou can add colour by asking the client to give the persona a name. nThen ask them to describe , from this persona 's point of view , what the person @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ through feeling. nAgain , the looseness of this sketched person removes inhibitions , allowing clients to imagine , and input easily. n <p> Stories are a power technique for engaging people. nThey 're built on a framework that we know . They have the right cues and tap into our collective psyche . Stories also work incredibly well to engage clients by : nn- Putting a human face on datan- Making complex things simplen- Are memorablen- Motivating , persuading and inspiringn- Connecting and creating emotional impactn- Leave it open for the client to fill in the gaps - Engaging their imaginationn- Bringing consistent narrative across device , channel and models of interactionnnIf any of this sounds complex , it 's not . We tell stories everyday . But it 's the ones that understand the basic formula for a good story , who have control and mastery. nI encourage you to learn the formula of a good story . Apply it to explain , engage , spark ideas , create shared understanding or persuade . The formula can be as simple as this : n1 . Charactern2 . Ambitionn2 . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ see people overly complicate this technique . The cynical side of me thinks , it 's just some UXers trying to find a voice and specialism. nFor me , stories have always been at the heart of good UX . nWhat 's a persona , if it 's not the story of a typical user. nNot to talk of scenarios , which are a great tool for threading together an entire story about our design . nnRemember , stories have a basic framework , but they do n't have to be text based. nThey take whatever shape necessary to communicate clearly . This could be a comic strip for example. nnImportantly , one small story can be the start of the whole narrative for the site . This narrative is an essential part of a content strategy for a site. nStories also fill the gaps where personas fail. nI 'd liked to have covered the importance of decision architecture , were there time . nJust to say , if you 've not heard of Stephen Anderson 's Mental Note Cards , which if you 're interested in applying the principles @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ these are great fun and clients love them. nnnn <p> There are things that we 're good at , like visualisation , which can help clients bring to life that which is otherwise unseen . nSeeing how well their product is supporting the needs of the business and of its customers , is just one of these opportunities . nUnsurprisingly , clients struggle to capture and hold this view. nnEnter the Experience Maps , which help : nSee the process of the service through the eye of the customernDescribe the customer experience over timenMark positive and negative points in the experiencenLay the grounds for cross channel analysisnIdentify opportunities for service improvements and service innovationnnWe build the user layer , based on research , then together with the client , you build the business layer. nThe key is to do this collaboratively with the client . nThis engaging their imagination in a technique that they used to thinking about , but probably have n't found a way to visualise. nnnn <p> Remember , we do n't own our designs , just as an architect does n't own the building . nIt @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ site , day in day out for years to come . nThis helps me view the relationship as a partnership. n <p> A good client / designer relationship is one that has an inevitable outcome . nOne where the client has been involved , knows what 's coming and the outcome seems inevitable . nInevitability is a much undervalued term in design . It comes from having a shared vision of the future . nOne where both of you can see the steps to take you towards or away from the vision . nIt can feel far better than the big tad-dah , which can go wrong . n <p> See any of these information devices and intend putting them in front of a client , pause and consider how to move beyond these patterns . nThey may seem good at first , but they soon hold us back. nTheir structure calls attention to itself . n'design bling ' . Shallow and distracting from the real value UX brings. n <p> Banksy - ElephantGreat digital experience happen when we engage clients , not just users , meaningfully in the process @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our designs.What 's our common method of engaging clients ? What model do you have in your head ? DO you think it 's very different from the person next to you ? <p> LEARN OUR WAYS UNDERSTAND OUR TECHNIQUES LESS CLEAR THAN WE 'D ADMIT INTERPRET WHAT WE DELIVERI do n't think the model for engaging clients is clear.In fact , the way we engage clients in the process of design it 's much messier than we 'd admit.We require client to learn our ways , understand our skills and interpret what we deliver.The story we tell clients tends to focus much more on process and deliverables.Rather than why what we do matters to the client , and will make a difference to their customers . <p> There 's an imbalance that needs to be addressed here.Lets be clear on what mean by engaging clients . I do n't mean contractually.I mean them actually being involved in the process of design , not just signing off at the end.Now is a good time to pause , take a breath and ask ourselves honestly , how meaningfully are we engaging @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ well , where can we improve.As with all good UX , I think it starts with empathy . <p> I WANTED SOMEONE I COULD WORK WITH I GOT A FANATICMost clients have a horror story of working with a designer . Typically to do with attitude , communication and understanding of goals.Clients come to us to us looking for someone that they can work with , without any headaches . What they often get is a fanatic.We could blame communication , but we probably communicate regularly . Perhaps it 's the words we use ? <p> Design in isolationAt it ? s worse , we leave designers isolated by a loss of control away from designers to the client.It ? s human nature to try and control what we do not understand.The less the client knows , the more they ? ll want to control.Perhaps you can think of a controlling client on a project ? I ? d suggest that it ? s this lack of understanding and perhaps con ? dence on the clients part , which can cause real relationship issues . <p> FLAT People do n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the last decade , we 've though clients to value flat images of webpages.I think we undersell massively the value we add by producing home page design as part of pitches.The homepage design has become the red herring of web design , being an isolated and less relevant page now.We need to change the conversation with clients away from flat images , to a deeper understanding of why a user will engage with the clientssite and brand.If the client understands that people use , not look at website , they 'll see that the real value is n't in a homepage design.This change is happening , but there 's still some way to go . <p> IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT CLIENTS . . . So , in the face of these issues , perhaps you ? re thinking of joining the increasing number of designers abandoning client work altogether to build theirown apps ? I was lucky enough to have the opportunity as part of Analog Cooperative to work on our own ideas , without a client.It was different , but not how you 'd expect.Working in a start up @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you do for yourself are different to those you do to show value to a client.Surprisingly , even in a start-up , you need a product owner.They almost take the role of the client . Regardless of whether you 're a freelancer , in-house UX designer , or in an agency or start-up , all designprocesses need a product owner . Now that I 'm back consulting , I find it useful to see the client as the product owner/designer relationship , rather thanthe client/supplier . <p> THE HOLY TRINITY OF DESIGNI see it is like a holy trinity , made up of users , designers and product owners . All working togethers a shared vision.This model helps me much more than any other I 've seen.There will always be tension in design.The push and pull of different perspectives can reveal beautiful designs.Certain tension can be bad . Like when we try to differentiate ourselves as designers through our designs , pulling the relationship apart.I try to remember that we do n't own the designs . We 're not the ones who 'll have to live with it for years @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1 Imagine what it must be like for a client to hire a designer ? 1 Goals 2 Needs 3 Hopes 4 FearsIn your groups , I want you to imaging what it must be like for a client to hire a designer.If you could think specifically about their goals , needs , hopes and fears . At least one for each.Remember , Let the ideas flow . There are no bad ideas.Post up - 3 minsBrainstorm as a group . One idea per post it.After 3 minutes , ask users to combine similar ideas.Prioritise the most important onesOne member presents . . . Make note of the most important on ? ip chart <p> START HERE &gt;Now that we 've started to put ourselves in the shoes of the client , lets take a look at how we must appear to the client.Too often , communication is strained from the start because a client fears you will speak to them in terms they do not understand.No one wants to appear uninformed.We need to make ourselves and what we do more approachable by what we say and the things we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ USER ? ARCHITECT EXPERIENCE USER CENTRED INTERACTION DESIGN DESIGNToday , I tell my clients that I 'm a Product Experience Designer.But what we do is synonymous , or at least closely related to many other words.This schizophrenia does not instil confidence in what we do.A pretty poor start for the guardians of simplicity.But even if titles are come and go , we 've got beautifully visualised process diagram to wow clients and explain what we do , right ? <p> UNLEASH THE LEXICONNew business meetingRealise how hard it is for clients to understand the true value of what we do.Lists activities from our perspectiveRelationship between activitiesFail to show the value to the client - How and What , devoid of Why . <p> PL AI N A process is simply a series of steps to get things done ENGLISHThis is a series of steps to get things done.One of the steps is Task Analysis.You , the client , need this because . . . and here 's a real world example . . . and what it provides input to.If we changed the conversation away from what we do and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's a story I feel more comfortable telling . <p> Sitemap + User Testing + = Task Analysis + Wireframes CONFUSED CLIENT ! Information Architecture is a core part of what we do.However , there are aspects of IA that really bother me.Currently , Information Architecture is presented as pieces of a jigsaw to the client.This necessitates a large degree of mental processing to put the pieces together.This issue is exacerbated by the fact it 's seldom in plain English.As designers , we reluctant to change our ideas , once time has been invested in developing them.As a client , they 're almost afraid to break what the designer has done.We only understand them because we 've created them.Even then , we can still struggle to hold it all in out heads.We need to stop asking so much of clients . If they 've not been meaningfully engaged in the IA phase , it 's unfair to expect them to meaningfullysign off on what we deliver , particularly when the relationship between components is not clear.Providing a unified view of IA is an unresolved issue in our work . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Waterboy 's mumI 'm not vilifying wireframes , which still have their place.I 'm advocating engaging clients more in the ideation that informs our wireframes.There are points in the design process , which are perfect for involving clients.When the designer first puts pen to paper is one . Sketching these ideas collaboratively with the client can get you to the right answer quicker , with the clients buyin.When sketching stops being about ideas , then it 's time to wireframe . <p> ACTIVITY 2 Thinking about the process of design as a series of steps , list the steps you took on a recent project ? What steps was the client most engaged ? 1 Easily 2 Well 3 Involved 4 Empowered Explained Received ClientOn your own , One idea per post it , 3 mins.In groups of two , can you discuss the steps where the client was most engaged ? In pairsCompare steps which most engaged client3 minsWhen comparing steps , I find it useful to measure engagement based on these . <p> 5 ENGAGING TECHNIQUESHere are some steps I take , which I ? nd really engage @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ preparation.Simply , if you don ? t set it up right , you ? re setting yourself up to fail.Not for all clients . Work harder with some.Understand the value , makes it easier.Make it human.Apply learnings about human behaviour to engage clients.Use techniques that we ? re hard wired to understand.Be Mr. / Miss empatheticMake you and the technique as approachable as possible . <p> SIMPLE STABLE VISION &; FASTLast year at UX Bristol I ran a workshop on creating a shared experience vision.I 'm not going to repeat this , but for those of you who missed it , you can find a complete guide to creating a shared vision that works on UX Magazine . There arealso links from my own site , alancolville.org.Just to say , a vision is:Simply a sentence or group of works expressing the core of the experience people will have with the site . It 's created collaboratively by the project team , includingthe client.Experience Visions work because : - Bring the project team together- Puts the client at ease- Keeps people focused on who 's important- Creates a culture of shared @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a lasting effect on the project . <p> SKETCHINGThe act of sketching engages the brain in visual sense-making , which people have practiced for over 30,000 years.Sketching is a power technique . Sketching helps you generate concepts quickly , exploring alternatives rapidly and is not costly.The looseness of a sketch , compared to a wireframes , for instance removes inhibitions and granting clients permission to challenge ideas.I 'll be honest , if you 're not collaboratively sketching with the client , your not doing it right.Remember , the clients does n't have to put pen to paper to be involved in collaborative sketching.Sketching should be all about ideas , quick , throwaway and cost effective.When it stops being about ideas , then it 's time to stop . <p> FAT HEAD DIAGRAM EMPATHY MAPPINGThe objective is to quickly develop with the client a customer or user profile . It only takes 10 - 15 minutes per profile.The goal is to create a degree of empathy for the end users of the site , Empathy mapping does this in an engaging way , which is immediate and intuitive.You can add colour @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ask them to describe , from this persona 's point of view , what the person 's experience is , moving through the categories from seeing throughfeeling.Again , the looseness of this sketched person removes inhibitions , allowing clients to imagine , and input easily . <p> The Forest Holiday website is intuitive &; clear . Inviting exploration , it feels tailored to my needs , in a friendly way , that leaves me full of excitement . STORY TELLING " Design is communicating clearly by whatever means you can control and master " Milton GlaserStories are a power technique for engaging people.Theyre built on a framework that we know . They have the right cues and tap into our collective psyche . Stories also work incredibly well to engage clients by : - Putting a human face on data- Making complex things simple- Are memorable- Motivating , persuading and inspiring- Leave it open for the client to ? ll in the gaps - engaging their imagination- Bringing consistent narrative across device , channel and models of interactionIf any of this sounds complex , its not . We tell stories @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ formula for a good story , who have control and mastery.I encourage you to learn the formula of a good story . Apply it to explain , engage , spark ideas , create shared understanding or persuade . The formula can be as simple as this:1 . Character2 . Ambition2 . Tension4 . OutcomeRant : Im annoyed when I see people overly complicate this technique . The cynical side of me thinks , its just some UXers trying to find a voice and specialism.For me , stories have always been at the heart of good UX.Whats a persona , if its not the story of a typical user.Not to talk of scenarios , which are a great tool for threading together an entire story about our design.Remember , stories have a basic framework , but they do nt have to be text based.They take whatever shape necessary to communicate clearly.Stories can come in many formats . They really don ? t need to be as ? nished as this comic strip . This would take a lot of time and cost.They can be as simple as this Experience Vision for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ captures the core of the experience users will have with a site.Importantly , one small story can be the start of the whole narrative for the site . This narrative is an essential part of a content strategy for a site . <p> EXPERIENCE MAPPING Improving the Starbucks Experience Little Spring DesignThere are things that we 're good at , like visualisation , which can help clients bring to life that which is otherwise unseen.Seeing how well their product is supporting the needs of the business and of its customers , is just one of these **28;4808;TOOLONG , clients struggle to capture and hold this view.Enter the Experience Maps , which help : See the process of the service through the eye of the customer Describe the customer experience over time Mark positive and negative points in the experience Lay the grounds for cross channel analysis Identify opportunities for service improvements and service innovationWe build the user layer , based on research , then together with the client , you build the business layer.The key is to do this collaboratively with the client.This engaging their imagination in a technique that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a way to visualise . <p> Shared ownership Collaborative THE Engage imagination Psychologically true Remove inhibitions Grant permission You do n't have to be a designer to have an idea THE TEST Are all about ideas Focused on deliveryRemember , we do n't own our designs , just as an architect does n't own the building.It 's the client who 'll have to live with the site , day in day out for years to come.This helps me view the relationship as a partnership . <p> MAKE IT HUMAN SOFT SKILLS NOT SOFTWARETry to understand your client , not just from a business , but from a personal perspective also.Be Mr. / Miss empathetic.They want the best for their company . But it doesn ? t end there . Ask what is their personal motivation ? What are their goals , needs , hopes and fears ? Apply principles of behavioural economics to better understand and engage clients.Use techniques that we ? re hard wired to understand , like stories to explain , engage , spark ideas , create shared understanding and persuade.Make yourself and the technique you use as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dark art.Remember , it ? s not just about software , it ? s about your soft-skills . <p> SHARED COMMON GOALS + VISIONThe best relationship , like a marriage , is based upon shared goals and a common vision of the world and the future.You want the same thing . Creating this vision with the project team and articulating it ensures that things pan out the way you planned them . Leaving nothing tochance . <p> INEVITABLE NOT TA-DAHA good client / designer relationship is one that has an inevitable outcome.One where the client has been involved , knows whats coming and the outcome seems inevitable.Inevitability is a much undervalued term in design . It starts with a shared vision of the future.One where both of you can see the steps to take you towards or away from the vision.It can feel far better than the big tad-dah , which can go wrong . <p> CHALLENGE 1See any of these information devices and intend putting them in front of a client , pause and consider how to move beyond these patterns.They may seem good at first , but they @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ' design bling ' . Shallow and distracting from the real value of what we do . <p> LEARN FROM OTHERS Hamlet ad - 1989Finally , in learning from other professions , I thought this video would best demonstrate the depth of understanding advertisers had back in the 80's.Interestingly , this engaging story plays out with the camera in a fixed position , similar to the web.They could teach us a thing or two about how to get people engaged . <p> THANKS ! alan@alancolville.org @alancolville INSPIRED BY Giles Colborne Richard Caddick Jon Waring Chris BallIf you 'd like me to work on your project , write or speak for you , or even to just say hi , please get in touch via
@@5089041 <p> US aircraft and artillery bombarded Fallujah yesterday in one of the heaviest assaults of the Iraqi town since the US siege three weeks ago . We go to Fallujah to get a report from a journalist embedded with U.S. troops and we speak with CorpWatch 's Pratap Chatterjee , recently returned from Iraq , about Iraqi resistance , private military contractors and the kidnapping of his cameraman . includes rush transcript <p> US aircraft and artillery bombarded the Iraqi town of Fallujah yesterday in one of the heaviest assaults of the resistance stronghold since the US siege three weeks ago . In an intensive uses of firepower by US forces , artillery barrages were accompanied by the deployment of a heavily armed AC-130 gunship . <p> US commanders besieging the town said the assault was in response to several breaches of the local ceasefire . Tuesday night 's bombardment was shown live on television networks around the world , including al-Jazeera , which is seen widely in Iraq and throughout the Arab world . <p> There is no word yet on casualties in the town , which lies 30 miles west of Baghdad . Guerillas in Fallujah did @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , but the U.S. says it still does n't plan on a full-scale attack . <p> It was the second time in two days that they had used the AC-130 , a converted cargo plane nicknamed Spooky or Specter which spews concentrated cannon and machinegun fire over the ground . U.S. officers said an AC-130 killed some 64 Shiite militiamen loyal to radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr at Kufa , near the holy city of Najaf in southern Iraq . <p> A spokesman for Sadr told the London Guardian : " The Americans are agitating the situation . Mr Sadr demands that the occupation should end all over Iraq . The Americans hate him because he refuses to bargain with them . " <p> Scott Peterson , Christian Science Monitor correspondent . He joins us on the phone from Fallujah where he has been embedded with US troops for the past several days . <p> Pratap Chatterjee , managing director of CorpWatch.org . He just returned from an you for your generous contribution . Donate &gt; <h> Transcript <p> AMY GOODMAN : As we turn to Iraq . Artillery bombarded @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ few days . Artillery barrages were accompanied by the heavily armed AC-130 gunship . U.S. Commands besieging the town said the assault was in response to the breaches of the local cease-fire . Tuesday night 's bombardment was shown on television networks around the world , including al-Jazeera , which is seen widely in Iraq and throughout the Arab world . No word yet on casualties in the town which lies 30 miles west of Baghdad . Guerrillas did not turn into the heavy weapons by yesterday 's deadline , but the U.S. Says it does n't plan on a full-scale attack . Second time in two days that the they used the ac-130 , a converted cargo plain nicknamed Spooky or Specter , which spews concentrated machine gun and cannon fire over the ground opinion they say they killed 64 Shia militiamen loyal to Muqtada al Sadr . A spokesman told the London Guardian , the Americans are aggravating the situation . The Americans hate him because he refuses to bargain with them . We go right to Fallujah , to Scott Peterson . He is a correspondent with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he has been embedded with the U.S. troops for the last several days . Welcome to Democracy now ! Scott . <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Thank you . <p> AMY GOODMAN : It 's good to have you with us . Can you describe what is happening in Fallujah from your vantage point embedded with the troops ? <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Well , at the moment in the past hour or so , there have been many more explosions that have been taking place in the southwest of the city this time , as opposed to the northwest , which is what we saw overnight . We had the Specter gunships that you described in your report flying overhead as I speak . In fact , they 're flying and they have been around for more than an hour and hour-and-a-half . They fly very high . They 're effective . We have seen them in many theaters . It 's not clear what the target has been . Last night , they were specifically going after the two trucks that had been identified as being full of weaponry @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , which caused secondary explosion , they then struck a house next door to where the trucks were which proved to have been a weapons depot . That also caused quite a few of the fireworks that weigh saw last night . <p> AMY GOODMAN : What about people saying that it 's not that it is different what 's happening in Fallujah right now , it 's just in a al-Jazeera is broadcasting the images to the world , which is calling attention to it ? <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Well , no , I think it 's not just al-Jazeera . I think the fact that there was al-Jazeera is only picking up the CNN pool camera which happens to be there and happened to be filming that last night . CNN ran with that live more than an hour-and-a-half I understand last night . Because it was a pool camera , it was picked up by television stations around the world . I think everybody saw what it was . It looked like , and I heard this from people who were interviews me at the time @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on Fallujah , but there were no indications that in prior -- during the day , and indeed , it turns out that it seems there was a window of opportunity that was taken by the marines when they spotted these vehicles , and apparently they had been trying hit this location and were suspecting it for quite some time . <p> AMY GOODMAN : Scott Peterson , what is it like to be embedded with the troops ? What about your perspective there , as opposed to your independent reporting outside of that in the past ? <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Well , at the moment , it 's not possible for western correspondent , anyway , to report independently from Fallujah , simply because it is too dangerous . Of course , you are aware of the hostage situation that has been occurring in recent weeks in Iraq . So , that has limited our movement anyway . In terms of working with the marines , in this case at the moment , I 'm on a base several miles east of Fallujah itself , but I will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a battalion , one of the units right on the city . There are several journalists that are in such locations . That 's where the camera footage came that we all saw last night . But , I mean , at the moment however there 's very little contact that I have , or any journalists have with Iraqis , who are in Fallujah , anyone who is with the marines is not in very close contact with too many Iraqis . <p> AMY GOODMAN : And what are the marines saying ? <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Well , their morale . They have taken a lot of hits in the last month . I mean , this has been the most bloody month for U.S. forces in their history in Iraq . That 's including the first gulf war , plus the invasion last year . So , they have taken a lot of casualties . Most of those were in Fallujah during the last month . So , I think they 're eager to do whatever they are ordered to do , and they 're more than @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the top brass and the command have made it clear to us that that is not their first option and they 're exercising other options that they are opening will lead to a more peaceful solution . <p> AMY GOODMAN : Is there concern about the Iraqi civilian population in Fallujah ? <p> SCOTT PETERSON : Well , last week , the U.S. Marine commanding general said that he might demand that non-combatants leave the city as a prelude to an actual marine assault . At the moment , the assault does not look imminent and we 're hearing lots of voices suggesting that it may not happen , at least not for a while . I think that the marines are very aware that there are a lot -- tens of thousands , perhaps as many as 200,000 more civilians in the city at the moment and this is a serious obstacle to any military solution they might try to attempt . I think they 're aware of that . It 's one of the reasons why they 're pursuing this so-called diplomatic route at the moment . And @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ about the political and military ramifications of moving into Fallujah and taking control , but really not carrying any Iraqis with them . <p> AMY GOODMAN : Scott Peterson with the Christian Science Monitor in Fallujah , embedded with the U.S. Marines . In our studio Pratap Chatterjee who was just returned from Iraq . He is managing director of corpwatch.org . He is one of the few editors that got into Iraq , talking to Iraqis there . <p> PRATAP CHATTERJEE : It was actually my cameraman who went in . I was meeting with the people coming out of Fallujah , and also by ambulance and by N.G.Os to the hospitals in Baghdad where the U.S. Army then invaded the hospitals , took down the names and arrested people in the hospitals in flouting of the Geneva Convention . So , there are possibilities to get in , but you need to travel with the local people and people are doing that . N.G.O s are doing that . The journalists -- the military for the first time in six months is asking people to embed because they @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . So , it is possible , if you travel with the local people , to have a perspective that -- I think the food footage that I have been seeing and the voices that I am hearing and news that I 'm watching today does not show the other side of the fact that the marines shoot -- the moment they declare a cease-fire and the moment somebody steps in the street , they start shooting . One of the things that my cameraman witnessed is the fact when they were traveling in an ambulance , a clearly marked ambulance , it says in English with the blue siren going . The marines shot into the vehicle through the windshield at the driver . Did you see if you look at the footage , you can actually see the hole in the windshield above the driver 's face . They shot the wheels out . They shot the engine out . So , there 's a lot of provocation by the military . The idea there 's no siege . That 's what happens last night . The pounding @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ being back to the hospitals as they arrive , people are spiriting them away into the city , because they 're afraid the military following them in each place . In each place the military is shutting down hospitals . <p> When I was at the Karama hospital in Baghdad , I met a doctor who was sent from Najaf . They shut down the main hospital in Najaf . This is not a story that has not made it into the media . The problem from the point of view of somebody who is embedded with the military is there 's no way , as Scott Peterson said , to know what 's actually happening on the other side . The fact that people can not get to any medical aid . So , this is a problem . What 's happening meanwhile is the journalist -- there was a CNN journalist who was going to go to Fallujah independently two weeks after the offensive started . Once he got half an hour outside of their hotel , the heavily guard hotel , they saw a burnt military convoy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that convoy was burnt two weeks ago . They were completely afraid of going inside . <p> So , Scott Peterson 's right in a sense , none of the western media outside of al-Jazeera is actually going inside to see the footage that we took in Fallujah shows that person after person that 's coming into the clinics , and these are makeshift clinics that have been set up , are women and children . That 's what people understand and feel and hear on the ground throughout Iraq . So , the imagination of the military is there 's a fixed number of insurgents or terrorists or whatever that they can kill , but they do n't understand is that every day , as they kill somebody , they are creating two more people angry . You have to go to the Friday prayers in the Shia mosques and the Sunni moving to see people coming together . You know , in the Amalquron mosque , the biggest Sunni mosque in Baghdad , you can see people shouting for Muqtada . He happens to be marginal and not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that thousands of people among the Sunnis are calling to support him , the fact that every mosque is filled to overflowing with bags of food . There was a woman who came in with the last food that she had and 4,000 dinars , $3 , that she could n't lift it . They are pouring out the aid and they see it as a symbol of resistance . <p> AMY GOODMAN : Pratap Chatterjee . We 'll be back with him in a minute . <p> AMY GOODMAN : This is Democracy now ! as we return to Iraq with Pratap Chatterjee , who was just returned from there . I want to go to a clip that you brought back . <p> CLIP : If you want to live in peace , Americans , forgive us for living . If you do not , every time we go there , we come here and you know next time with weapons . You always go and speak about human rights and respect , so , where is it ? Where are your promises you ? Talk about human @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ And that is scene from a street in Baghdad recorded by Prathap Chatterjee , managing director of corpwatch.org . <p> PRATAP CHATTERJEE : These are workers right outside the Baghdad convention sent here and outside the al-Rasheed hotel , the green zone . They are saying we have not been paid in months . We have not been paid back wages . Where are the jobs and human rights . If we do n't get paid , we will come back and kill people . The interesting thing is these contractors . Most of Iraq is now run by companies . Especially the security , a lot of the security , the scenes we have seen from Fallujah , the reason for this military offensive is the killing of these 3 tear contractors were paid up to $1,000 a day , Blackwater and people like that . These people have a luxurious salary for an Iraqi is $20 a day . The reason the people were attacked in Fallujah was because they were seen as C.I.A . They were coming through town when the o.p . Sunglasses , driving armored @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the escalation , the companies are banding together , Blackwater , Dooincorp . And people like that creating their own private army which is bigger than the British force . This is something that was reported in the Washington Post and people like that , and that on the one hand , people talk about the rag-tag army of the Mahdi , they forget this rag-tag mercenary armies cobbled together from people in South Africa and Pinochet 's regime who have been brought now to Iraq and cobbled together an army that 's going out and shooting people . This is what we 're paying for with our taxpayer dollars . So , really , what 's happening is this is a government by private contractors on behalf of the U.S. Government and we 're paying for it with our taxes . <p> AMY GOODMAN : When you say paying for it with our taxes , because it 's the U.S. Government who is paying for mercenary forces there ? <p> PRATAP CHATTERJEE : Absolutely . 100% . Every contractor that is let 's say rebuilding the electricity system , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ food , their bills get paid for by the American military , and therefore the bills are sent to us and we pay whatever it is . There 's a company called science applications International Corporation in San Diego that was the company that hired 150 Iraqi Americans to run the country . And this company had another contractor run something called Iraqi Media Network , but was given a budget of $15 million . By the end of the year , they spent $82 million . Like the workers protesting outside , inside the green zone . Their workers protested three times and were being paid . The executives were flying in armored Humvees from outside the country in the chartered jets . This is the absurdity of the equation . Truck drivers from Texas being paid $8,000 a month and people flying in Humvees and they 're not paying the local workers . This is why there 's resentment . People realize there 's money . They do n't see them as Blackwater and dooincorp. , they see them as CIA . So , every attack , every @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ builds resentment among three out of four Iraqis who have no jobs . <p> PRATAP CHATTERJEE : David was on his second trip to Fallujah two weeks ago , when he went there , on his way -- he was there partly to do a humanitarian work , which is to travel in an ambulance and try to bring out dead bodies and local people trapped in the houses that the marines would not leave . He was not able to do that , because the marines continuously fired on them . He had to return , and on his way back out of Fallujah the marines blocked his departure . We are talking about three white Americans and British people speaking English who were banned from leaving Fallujah by the marines . They had to return and in that point , they were seen as coming from the marines , and they were captured by the resistance , the mujahadin there . They were taken for a day . They were treated very well . Once the people captured them realized they were not part of the American military @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , they were able to with the help of David and his companions , Joe , were able to get people past the marine checkpoints . The marines would n't let people out of Fallujah , women and children because they had a man driving the car . A lot of the women do n't know how to drive the car . If you are a male and you are under the age of 70 . You need to stay in the civilian . The idea that the civilians need to leave the city . It 's only women and children on foot who can leave . Everybody else has to stay there . If they leave their houses , they 're fired upon . This is the massacre , the holocaust that we are seeing in Fallujah . It 's not reaction to insurgents . It 's punishment for killing of the mercenaries . <p> AMY GOODMAN : Pratap Chatterjee , thank you for being with us ,
@@5089141 <p> Review of Better Never to Have Been : The Harm of Coming into Existence by David Benatar . New York : Oxford University Press , 2006 <p> " Would that I had never been born " is a lament sometimes voiced in the depth of misfortune , a cry of despair we hope may be soon be stilled by something more positive , when the bad things , whatever they are , have run their course . Enter David Benatar , a respected professor of philosophy at the University of Cape Town , South Africa . In the volume here reviewed he offers the extreme view that in fact it would have been better , all things considered , if not one of us had ever existed , or even any sentient life whatever . Life is that bad , he says , and he bases this judgment on certain logical principles along with empirical evidence of the allegedly poor quality of life that most of us are forced to endure in this world . Among the consequences is that no more humans should be born , and the human race ( and other sentient creatures ) ought @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ birth of sentient life , human in particular , is bad and ought not to happen , is a recurring one theme history , a noted proponent being the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer ( 1788-1860 ) . It can also be founded , as Benatar proposes , on certain assumptions considered reasonable by many people today , particularly those of a scientific , materialist outlook who are not inclined to over-optimism . Among the assumptions are that anyone 's life , overall , is an exercise in futility . Death -- eternal oblivion -- is the eventual fate of each person , and will happen through the normal aging process if not sooner . ( Thus there is no serious prospect of a religious afterlife . Though not stated in the book , it is clear also that radical life extension , whether by imminent medical breakthroughs or through an initial " holding action " such as cryonics , is discounted . ) Moreover , the human species will eventually die out , as is the fate of all biological species , so the extinction advocated by Benatar must happen in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ case justified at length , is that in most people 's lives sorrow and misery predominate heavily over joy and happiness , so that their lives are not worth living . <p> Benatar denies that any good is done in any act of procreation , even if the life of the offspring is predominantly happy and if that person expresses gratitude for having been given life . The very best that could happen , Benatar says , is that no harm would be done , but only if the offspring never experienced anything bad in his/her entire life , an unlikely prospect . Even then , no good would be done or moral credit accrue in bringing that person into existence -- good is done only in not bringing into existence any person who , in the course of his/her life , would at least experience some amount of bad . Harm is done , and in any likely circumstance , unacceptably serious harm , in bringing anyone into the world . <p> Such arguments seem unpersuasive for any of a number of reasons , and many will also find @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the prospective parents will be motivated by thoughts such as a child would bring them joy even as they in turn strive to provide the child with a happy home life and a good upbringing . Overall the child can be expected to be grateful both during the period of childhood and later in life , something that seems borne out in practice , even if hardship also occurs . As tough as the going may be at times , most people do not feel their parents were morally at fault for having had them , and are not ready to end their lives over any perceived shortcomings in their present situation or future prospects . <p> Benatar devotes a chapter of his book to arguing , nonetheless , that actually life as most people live it is very bad , suggesting that those who disagree do n't realize just how bad it is and are suffering some kind of delusion . But this begs the question of who is to judge . Turning the argument around , is it not possible that Benatar himself is suffering from depression that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ brighter outlook : Benatar 's thinking is not conducive to reproductive fitness . Beyond that , it is hard to see that his point of view is more " logical " than a more life-affirming one , both being based , when the rhetoric has run its course , on basic gut feelings about what is pleasant or worthwhile or is n't , in what relative amounts , and how the mix that occurs in life should be assessed . <p> Despite life 's alleged wretchedness , Benatar himself is not ready to commit suicide but insists that life once started , his in particular , may be worth continuing even if it should not have been started in the first place . ( Sometimes this sort of argument is reasonable . A woman should not be raped , but a child born as a consequence should not be killed . ) More generally Benatar 's stance is passive rather than proactive : having children should be legal , even though no one should have them , much as we might favor allowing smoking even though it is medically and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ these limited concessions , his stance will be unpopular and devotes much attention to defending it against various possible lines of attack . Still it is doubtful his arguments will persuade many who are not already strongly leaning his way . The rest of us , surely a robust majority of humanity , will find our varied reasons to demur . Religious people will argue that life is a gift of God , children are a blessing , hardships and sorrows happen but can and will be remedied , all will be well in the end . Secular humanists and others of scientific bent may believe with Benatar that their lives must permanently end , and even accept the eventual extinction of all earthly life , yet still remain optimistic , one of their arguments being that " since life is finite , even sometimes very short , each moment of life , handled rightly , is precious . " Scientific immortalists who are hoping for radical life extension will also discount Benatar 's pessimism , though possibly in an odd way supporting the end of the present human species @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with something better that includes themselves in an enhanced form . <p> Meanwhile , an antinatalist movement has grown up that has simple , passive annihilation of the human species as its goal , endeavoring as far as possible to discourage everyone from having more children . In addition to a claimed humanitarian purpose -- eliminating suffering as Benatar proposes -- there is an environmental motive some endorse , arguing that the earth 's biosphere would greatly benefit if there were no humans to befoul it , as they generally do . Potentially a conflict could erupt between antinatalists and immortalists , who hope to be in the world for a very long time . My feeling , though , is that the antinatalist movement is both unpopular and self-limiting -- on both counts , natural selection so wills it . Immortalists in any case are not so much trying to populate the planet as trying to endure as individuals . So probably we should not worry too much . Instead let 's talk to these people . Some of them ( Benatar included ? ) may be willing to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Benatar is professor of philosophy and head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town , South Africa . Though best known for his advocacy of antinatalism in his book Better Never to Have Been , he is also the author of a series of widely cited papers in medical ethics . His work has appeared in such journals as Ethics , Journal of Applied Philosophy , Social Theory and Practice , American Philosophical Quarterly , QJM : An International Journal of Medicine ,
@@5089241 <p> Chances are you 've never seen a rickshaw like this ! Normally , they are pulled by a human runner or a seated cyclist and are most common in large metropolitan areas from London to Beijing . This design differs in that the driver is located behind the passengers , giving them a better view for sightseeing . It also features a pedi-assist system that only requires the driver to start the motion with a few pedals forward to kick the electric engine into action . Easier on the driver and still environmental friendly ! <p> I am not sure if the steering would work like this . It would have to slide the rear wheel sideways across the ground . with the weight of the driver on it and the long lever that would take a lot of power to do . With the motor in the rear wheel
@@5089341 <h> Apple TV Is Going To Be Software , Not Hardware <p> Back in January , we predicted that an Apple TV would be sold like an iPhone , via a proprietary deal with a select MVPD , who 'd offer their subscribers an iPhone-like discount on the beautiful new box for a two-year engagement . <p> So now I 'm invoking Clause 34.2 . A of the 2007 Addendum to the 2005 International Internet Code* to take that back . <p> Sort of . <p> I still think Apple is still going to offer someone a proprietary deal for its product similar to the one described above . Only the product is not going to be a TV set , but rather software that will put a beautiful new interface on the TV you already own . <p> There 's no need for Apple to build a TV : the ones we already have work really well . They 're dumb terminals . There 's not a whole lot of clamoring for improvement on the size and shape of the screen or the quality of the HD display . ( Compare that to the cell phone market where @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ size and screen quality as it was for its app-based interface . ) <p> And that 's exactly what the TV industry needs right now : a well thought out interface . <p> The typical MVPD on-screen experience is the polar opposite of " user friendly , " what with two thousand random channels displayed in a grid with the HD ones crammed somewhere in the middle . Add in On Demand and DVR menus that were apparently designed by the same people who created Brain Teasers . A notable absence of customization and personalization features . Topped off by search features that require you to type on a keypad using nothing but your remote control . ( Possibly from the same Brain Teasers team . ) <p> And these are billed as vast improvements from earlier versions . <p> So back to Apple . What 's the one thing Apple arguably does better than anyone else ? User interface . Say what you will about the iPad , it 's beautiful and it 's intuitive . And right now , TV needs something that 's beautiful and intuitive . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it operates on ( wait for it ) a closed system . ( Apple , as you may have noticed , is all about closed systems and control . ) <p> Which makes the first real TV OS the obvious move for them . The OS would live on the set top box of whichever MVPDs they signed a deal with . It would be a premium product that would turn millions of dumb terminals into objects of great envy . While being rightly hailed as yet another incredible innovation from Apple 's design geniuses . <p> Though not nearly as genius as what will happen two years later , when Apple introduces an improved version of the interface as a second screen iPad app ( available through the Apple store ) to anyone whose MVPD has paid through the nose to support the Apple TV platform and get a customized app for their subscribers in return . Said app replacing the need for a set top box and creating a whole new world of second screen experiences . <p> Caveats : It 's quite likely that an Apple TV @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ not every network will want to/be able to accommodate Apple 's demands . Apple may even pare down the list themselves , so as to create a " Best Of " type collection . Either way , you can be sure most all of the usual suspects will be there . <p> And profiting handsomely from it along with their friends in Cupertino . <p> UPDATE , 8.15.12 : The Wall Street Journal is reporting tonight that " Apple Inc. is in talks with some of the biggest U.S. cable operators about letting consumers use an Apple device as a set-top box for live television and
@@5089441 <p> A key part of any cybersecurity plan is " continuous monitoring " , or enabling auditing and monitoring throughout a network environment and configuring automated analysis of the resulting logs to identify anomalous behaviors that merit investigation . This ... <p> Windows Azure 's compute platform , which includes Web Roles , Worker Roles , and Virtual Machines , is based on machine virtualization . It 's the deep access to the underlying operating system that makes Windows Azure 's Platform-as-a-Service ( PaaS ) uniquely ... <p> This case is my favorite kind of case , one where I use my own tools to solve a problem affecting me personally . The problem at the root of it is also one you might run into , especially if you travel , and demonstrates the use of some Process Monitor ... <p> Many of you have read Zero Day , my first novel . It 's a cyberthriller that features Jeff Aiken and the beautiful Daryl Haugen , computer security experts that save the world from a devastating cyberattack . Its reviews and sales exceeded my expectations ... <p> As a reader of this blog I suspect that you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ your family and friends . And I bet many of you performed system maintenance duties when you visited your family and friends during the recent holidays . Every time I 'm visiting ... <p> This case unfolds with a network administrator charged with the rollout of the Microsoft Windows Intune client software on their network . Windows Intune is a cloud service that manages systems on a corporate network , keeping their software up to date ... <p> Disk cloning has become common as IT professionals virtualize physical servers using tools like Sysinternals Disk2vhd and use a master virtual hard disk image as the base for copies created for virtual machine clones . In most cases , you can operate with ... <p> This case opens when a Sysinternals power user , who also works as a system administrator at a large corporation , had a friend report that their laptop had become unusable . Whenever the friend connected it to a network , their laptop would reboot . The power ... <p> I love the cases people send me where the Sysinternals tools have helped them successfully troubleshoot , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my own cases . This case in particular was fun because , well , solving it helped me get back ... <p> Aaron Margosis and I are thrilled to announce that the long awaited , and some say long overdue , official guide to the Sysinternals tools is now available ! I 've always had the idea of writing a book on the tools in the back of my mind , but it was n't until ... <p> In the first post of this series , I used Autoruns , Process Explorer and VMMap to statically analyze a Stuxnet infection on Windows XP . That phase of the investigation revealed that Stuxnet infected multiple processes , launched infected processes that ... <p> I just got back the finished version of the video trailer for my new cyber thriller Zero Day , which I think came out awesome ! It 's not hard to imagine what a Zero Day movie trailer would look like . Let me know what you think . Zero Day Book Trailer <p> In Part 1 I began my investigation of an example infection of the infamous @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Explorer , Autoruns and VMMap for a post-infection survey of the system . Autoruns quickly revealed the heart of Stuxnet ... <p> Though I did n't realize what I was seeing , Stuxnet first came to my attention on July 5 last summer when I received an email from a programmer that included a driver file , Mrxnet.sys , that they had identified as a rootkit . A driver that implements rootkit ... <p> I 'm excited to announce that my first novel , a cyber thriller entitled Zero Day , is now available at all major book retailers ! Zero Day is a book in the style of Crichton and Clancy , weaving technical fact into the story . If you like the Sysinternals ... <p> This post continues in the malware hunting theme of the last couple of posts as Zero Day availability draws near ( it 's available tomorrow ! ) . It began when a friend of mine at Microsoft told me that a neighbor of hers had a laptop that malware had rendered ... <p> Continuing the theme of focusing on malware-related cases ( last @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as a lead up to the publication on March 15 of my novel Zero Day , this post describes one submitted to me by a user that took a unique ... <p> Given that my novel , Zero Day , will be published in a few weeks and is based on malware 's use as a weapon by terrorists , I thought it appropriate to post a case that deals with malware cleanup with the Sysinternals tools . This one starts when Microsoft ... <p> My last couple of posts have looked at the lighter side of blue screens by showing you how to customize their colors . Windows kernel mode code reliability has gotten better and better every release such that many never experience the infamous BSOD . But ... <p> You 've seen the news if you 're my friend on Facebook , follow me on Twitter , or subscribe to the Sysinternals blog : I 'm proud to announce that my first novel , a cyberthriller entitled Zero Day , is due to be published by St. Martin 's Press in mid-March ... <p> My last blog @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the colors of the Windows crash screen , also known as the " blue screen of death " . No doubt many of you thought that showing off a green screen of death or red screen of death to your ... <p> Note : for an easier way to customize the blue screen 's colors , see my next blog post , " Blue Screens in Designer Colors with One Click " . Seeing a bluescreen that 's not blue is disconcerting , even for me , and based on the reaction of the TechEd audiences ... <p> If you 've seen one of my Case of the Unexplained presentations ( like the one I delivered at TechEd Europe last month that 's posted for on-demand viewing ) , you know that I emphasize how thread stacks are a powerful troubleshooting tool for diagnosing ... <p> When Dave Solomon and I were writing the 3 rd edition of the Windows Internals book series Inside Windows 2000 back in 1999 , we pondered if there was a way to enable kernel debuggers like Windbg and Kd ( part of the free @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ shared with me by a friend of mine , Andrew Richards , a Microsoft Exchange Server Escalation Engineer . It 's a really interesting case because it highlights the use of a Sysinternals
@@5089541 <h> A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation Guitar Pro tab <p> Welcome to the A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation tab page on 911Tabs . A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation song has been written by Trivium . This song was posted at 12-16-2005 and was viewed by 7537 of our visitors . You can find Head Of Trepidation by following the link above this text , also accessible the backin track version Of Trepidation tab . We constantly add new versions of tabs so check this page periodically for
@@5089641 <h> Never miss a post - sign up now to get an e-mail alert whenever Motion Captured is updated <p> With that emphatic birthday-morning proclamation , Judd Apatow ' s " This Is 40 " kicks off a rude , rowdy , occasionally brutal look at aging , marriage , family , and love , and while it may be the most personal thing he 's ever made , it is also the most universal . It would be hard to not recognize yourself in some part of this film , and while your specifics may not exactly match what you see onscreen , this is as honest and observational as mainstream comedy gets these days . <p> Pete ( Paul Rudd ) and Debbie ( Leslie Mann ) were first featured as supporting players in Apatow 's " Knocked Up , " and they stole pretty much every moment they were in . Part of what made them fascinating was how much further Apatow let their arguments go than what we 're used to seeing in films where we 're worried about " liking " the leads . They did n't have to carry the film , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ much as possible . Now that they are the leads , I was worried he would defang them , but if anything , moving them to the center of the film gives him more room to paint a painfully accurate picture of just how hard it can be to hold things together . <p> At the start of the film , both Pete and Debbie are celebrating their 40th birthdays . Or , to be more accurate , Pete is celebrating , and Debbie is in denial . As a scene at her OB/GYN demonstrates , she 's spent so much energy lying about her age that even she ca n't quite keep it straight anymore . They 're struggling , and that may sound like a silly thing to say in a film where people live as well as Pete and Debbie do , but I think " This Is 40 " is very accurate in the way it shows just how precarious that lifestyle can be , and how one year 's worth of bad decisions or bad luck could lead to a complete collapse very easily . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ him doing everything he can to make Graham Parker commercially relevant again . There 's something very meta about Apatow , who is obviously a Graham Parker fan , mounting a reunion of Graham Parker and the Rumour for the film , and we 'll see if this gives Parker the same sort of moment that Loudon Wainwright III experienced after " Knocked Up . " For Pete , though , it 's a Sisyphean task , and he 's hemorrhaging money . It does n't help that he 's essentially keeping his father Larry ( Albert Brooks ) afloat with constant loans , something he never mentions to Debbie . She 's got her store , a clothing boutique , and she 's dealing with her own problems involving a missing $12,000 and her employees Jodi ( Charlyne Yi ) and Desi ( Megan Fox ) . Throw in the tensions involved with raising two girls , Sadie and Charlotte ( Maude and Iris Apatow ) , and that 's more than enough friction to create sparks and , just possibly , fire . <p> I 've already seen @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ people whining , " and that 's wildly off-base . I know that if I ever published my salary , some people would automatically assume that everything must be easy for us . But I know that by the time each paycheck rolls around , we are cutting it as close to the bone as possible . Yes , I have a house that I like in an area we love and we send our kids to a school that we feel good about and drive cars in relatively good shape , and all of that means I have to generate a certain amount of revenue every single month , and if I miss that even once , things are going to fall apart . That 's a pressure I willingly accept , but it 's one that terrifies me on a regular basis . I have my fair share of sleepless nights , as does my wife . And while I love my wife and kids , tensions erupt on a regular basis over all sorts of stresses , and no matter how much I wish we just lived @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ perfect family , that 's not reality . Reality is messy and often frustrating , and Apatow 's comedy in this film comes from playing things real instead of trying to wring some high-concept humor out of things . <p> One of the things I did n't expect from the film is the way it deals with the relationships that we have as adults with our parents . I feel fairly blessed to have parents I can talk to about anything , parents who have supported me emotionally and financially when I 've needed it over the years . My wife 's relationship with her parents is more complicated . Her mom lives with us , and she 's a wonderful person , someone I am pleased to call family . Her father ... well , let 's just say I 'm amazed my wife is as functional a person as she is considering where she started . We are who we are in no small part because of where we came from , and both Pete and Debbie struggle with the roles their fathers play in their lives . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's interesting to see the ways he puts pressure on Pete . Remarried , he 's got triplets he 's raising , three little boys who have so much energy that the only rational response from Larry is a sort of permanent state of shock . At least he 's in their lives , though . As big a wreck as Larry seems to be at times , it 's better than the near-total absence of Oliver ( John Lithgow ) , Debbie 's father who also started a second family , one that appears to be as loving and close-knit as his first family was dysfunctional and broken . Debbie wants to know him , but we can see how clearly every interaction causes the both of them tremendous pain . <p> Apatow 's got a gift for writing every character in the film deeper than expected , and his supporting cast really gets a chance to shine . You 've got comic pros like Jason Segel and Chris O'Dowd and Melissa McCarthy playing just a few scenes but really making every moment special . Even in very small @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ able to earn some big laughs . Fans of " Super 8 " will recognize Ryan Lee from that film , and he 's got a couple of scenes with Mann that are solid gold . By laying such a strong foundation across the board , it sees up a very rich series of opportunities for Rudd and Mann in the leads , and they each deliver performances that stand among their very best . Mann fascinates me . She 's got that great Betty Boop voice , but she 's also got a ferocious strength to her . Love and anger are just slightly different degrees of passion for her , and Debbie is unapologetically complex . I love the vulnerability that she displays at the strangest moments , like a scene where she goes with Desi to a club and ends up dancing with a bunch of hockey players all night . She has a conversation with one of the players that is funny , charming , and enormously emotionally exposed as well , and I ca n't imagine anyone else really playing it all at the same @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a very particular place in comedy for himself , and Pete feels like the best version of that character , a guy who can be warm and silly and charming , but who wields words as a weapon and who can be almost breathtakingly caustic at times . No one 's allowed to argue with his wife but him , though , and it 's great to see how Pete and Debbie can savage each other at times but how they always work together as a team when it comes to issues about their kids or their marriage . Apatow paints a convincing portrait of the ebb and flow of the emotional demands of holding a family together , and even when the film is delivering one big laugh after another , there is an undercurrent of real emotion running through the entire thing . <p> Phedon Papamichael 's photography does a nice job of capturing a certain bright and sunny version of LA , and Jon Brion 's score is supportive without becoming overpowering . What I find most impressive here is the editing by David L. Bertman , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ big myth of the Apatow movies is that they are all made up of nothing but improvisation , but that 's simply not true . I think one of the reasons Universal made the script available online a few weeks ago , just before the film started screening for Academy members and press , was to give people a chance to compare the film to the script as written , and if you do , I think you 'll be stunned by how much of the film is pretty much word for word , beat for beat , what Judd wrote . Even the things that sound casual and tossed away by the cast are often exactly what he wrote originally . The result feels like something that is organic and loosely crafted , but it 's pretty meticulous , and it definitely reflects exactly the goals Apatow had when he set out to make it . <p> I was surprised by the performance Maude Apatow gives . She 's his older daughter , and she 's at that age now where she 's starting to become the woman she @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ terrify every father innately . I have never been happier to have all boys than I was watching Maude melt down as Sadie , screaming at her parents , moody and sullen . What could easily be an indulgence ( " Oh , look , he cast his kids again " ) is anything but thanks to the way he plays the family dynamics . I am amazed at the way my kids can swing from best friends to bitter enemies and back again , sometimes in the span of an hour , and Apatow captures that volatile relationship between siblings quite well . He also uses the kids to demonstrate the way the dynamic between Pete and Debbie bleeds into every part of their life , and he does n't let them off the hook , either . When they are at their worst , arguing and raging at one another , there is collateral damage , and Iris , his younger daughter , plays the family 's psychic battery , the one who soaks all of this up . <p> Whether it 's the secret cupcakes that Pete @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ simple ebb and flow of a married couple fighting , " This Is 40 " is exceptional at capturing the absurdity of the things that we all have in common . While it is indeed very funny , it is the painful truth of the film that makes it feel like something special . It 's hard to believe that in seven years , we 've gone from " The 40 Year Old Virgin " to " This Is 40 , " but even as he refines his storytelling and continues to hone his visual approach , what has always been a consistent signature of his work is the unflinching honesty , and " This Is 40 " is no exception . There 's not an insincere moment in the film , and to be able to mix humor and anger and observation into something as simple and affecting as this is a real gift . " This Is 40 " represents the best of what Apatow is capable of as a filmmaker , and as mainstream comedy goes , no studio has released anything more honest or potent this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ December 21 , 2012 . <p> A respected critic and commentator for fifteen years , Drew McWeeny helped create the online film community as " Moriarty " at Ai n't It Cool News , and now proudly leads budding Film Nerds in their ongoing movie education . <h> Option 1 <h> Option 2 <h> Option 3 <h> jweezy <h> I am so jealous you were able to see this already . I read the script after you posted that article and loved it . Even just seeing the trailer , you can see how much already went from script to screen . I love the random line about " Ben " giving Pete the pot cookies and was surprised that they 're nowhere to be found in the script , especially with the big party at the end with the families . Being the youngest of three , I already got choked up in the script with the sibling fights . I am counting down the days until I can see this . It appears Judd is 4 for 4 , just from the script alone . <h> what the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I like in an area we love and we send our kids to a school that we feel good about and drive cars in relatively good shape , and all of that means I have to generate a certain amount of revenue every single month , and if I miss that even once , things are going to fall apart . " <h> OK , dude , you have GOT to know that is bullshit . If you are bringing in a nice enough salary that you think you 'd be judged but you are living on the edge every month it does n't mean you 're just like poor people--it means you 're LIVING BEYOND YOUR MEANS . <h> Poor people live on the edge because they literally do n't have the money to do anything else , even with a shit car , shit apartment , and shit material life . YOU live on the edge because rather than live moderately and give yourself some budget room you CHOSE to live on the very edge of your salary in the name of the nicest stuff you could possibly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ BIG difference . That 's like the professor at UChicago who wrote an article complaining living on $250,000 was hard because of how much it cost to send his kids to private school and pay his maid . The guy was totally blind to the idea that maybe , just maybe , the maid and private school were CHOICES , not proof that he was n't rich and whining about it . <h> DefRef OK , it was n't just me thinking the same thing in that part . I grew up poor - like " on welfare and food stamps in the ghetto " poor - but through hard work I 've managed to claw my way into the middle class and with the budgetary discipline and gratification deferral skills I learned while less well-off , I 've managed to live a lifestyle of someone making much more because I live cheap . I go to matinees and do n't buy popcorn , wait for Blu-rays to get cheap and buy PPV copies from video stores . Packing a lunch instead of dropping $10 at Fuddrucker 's stretches your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and promo swag Drew must get ( and frequently mentions in his writing , like the cool toys his sons get from the studio ) , it 's not as if he 's paying a lot for his entertainment , so I 'm not sure what the point of mentioning how tough it is for his family to scrape by on what 's probably a Top 10% income ( $118,200 ) is . It 's as if he 's trying to say , " Do n't envy my globe-trotting media pro lifestyle where I go to Cannes and Toronto and Sundance and see movies months ahead of you people and get to visit movie sets while the films are being made and Hasbro sends over crates of toys for my kids because if we miss a single paycheck , we 'll be living in a shelter . " Boo . Hoo . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 2:19AM EST <h> Arthur Oh yeah , let 's all hate on Drew because his children sometimes get free toys , and he 's not poor . How could anyone who is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Heaven forbid he make an honest and authentic comment about his life . You guys suck . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 3:43AM EST <h> Matt Drew- <h> I have to agree with the general content of the above complaints . " This is 40 " is about relatively rich people whining , which some people may find off-putting . That 's a fact , but it 's a fact which does n't reflect at all on the quality of the film . Art aims to capture truth and this film does that , even if it 's not a truth some people find compelling . " Girls " is one of the best TV series I 've ever seen and many have dismissed it as weekly televised " rich white girl problems " and I ca n't necessarily argue with that . But guess what : rich white girls have problems . The problems may seem trivial or even shameful , but they exist and " Girls " captures that beautifully . <h> By your own admission , you live a lifestyle considered luxurious by the vast majority @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the notion that you do n't have it much easier than most other people . You 're " cutting it as close to the bone as possible " by choice . It 's a choice that society encourages and tries to force upon us , but it 's still a choice . That does n't mean that your fears should n't exist or are somehow not legitimate . " This is 40 " captures the essence of those fears in impressive fashion . It 's not for everyone ( and I absolutely resent that the trailer has the audacity to say explicitly that it is--I know of whole continents of people who would disagree ) , but that does n't mean it 's not great . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 3:45AM EST <h> Matt 2 I do n't think you guys how investments ( e.g. a house ) can put a person on financial edge . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 5:08AM EST <h> Dom I think he just saying that stress is relative . And , face it , poor people ( not starving in an @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 5:26AM EST <h> Matt Dom- <h> I 'd avoid making general statements comparing the amounts of stress experienced by different economic classes . It just leads to silly and offensive comments without any basis in fact . <h> The point is that , as Matt 2 acknowledges , the stress exists regardless and , as such , is fair game for artists like Apatow to try to capture . I just do n't think Drew has a leg to stand on in saying that " rich people whining " is somehow a " wildly off-base " description of " This is 40 . " <p> November 5 , 2012 at 6:40AM EST <h> Fawst Let 's be honest , here : " rich people whining " is as disingenuous a write-off of this as saying something like " Scream " was a bunch of pretty people complaining . It misses the point , possibly deliberately , and is in no way an accurate representation of what the film is actually " about . " <h> And living beyond your means is n't what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and I know that 's the case because I basically am negative in my bank account before my wife and I get paid every other week . And we do n't have kids . And we split " rent " on a house with her parents . Everyone has different circumstances . As bad off as my situation is , I 'm grateful that it 's not worse . The last thing I 'm going to do is call out someone else for their way of living when I ca n't keep my own shit together . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 9:48AM EST <h> Brad Indeed it 's all relative . I 'm probably in a place similar to Drew - a relatively decent income , 2 kids , a mortgage and constant stress about how to keep it all together . Now , I know how fortunate I am in life - and am grateful for it - but there is a very real sense put forward by some people that only poor people have legitimate stress , or that their degree of struggle make them @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ people ) . <h> It 's interesting , because I was talking to my brother-in-law ( who is wealthy by almost any measure - way wealthier than me ) , and I thought how the hell can this guy worry about money - he 's RICH ! He put it succinctly - " the more money you have , the more you worry about money . " <h> This is a guy who has been very poor as well as very wealthy , so I trust his knowledge of that scaleability . <p> November 6 , 2012 at 12:17AM EST <h> FistOSalmon Obviously the stress of trying to provide everything you think your family deserves can be horrendous . However I have to agree with the original commenter in pointing out that on some level Drew is choosing to push his finances to the point where month in and month out he 's on the edge of what he can afford . Perhaps if he had it to write over again he might put it another way than " close to the bone as possible " . If I had @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that his family could subsist fairly comfortably with a smaller house , his kids in public school and one of the cars being ten years old and paid off . <h> Maybe I 'm off base but my impression is that Drew is the sole or at least primary wage-earner in his family and in that situation a lot of a person 's sense of self worth and identity gets tied up in how well he is able to provide for the people he 's responsible for which in turn makes it much more stressful than on the face of things it appears it should be . I lived with a girlfriend who quit working to go back to school and having to provide every dollar coming in and going out was significantly more of a mental burden than when it was just me . <h> That said as someone who 's recently been laid off and has had to really cut it to the bone I admit my first reaction to this review was violently negative . I do n't recommend anyone trying it voluntarily but if you have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you learn quickly that most of your " necessities " are a luxury . <h> Someone once told me something I 've always found useful when dealing with others : Everyone else 's problems are just as big to them as yours are to you . It comes in handy when I have a hard time understanding ( or caring ) why another person is upset . However there is a quantitive difference between worry that you ca n't provide your family with everything they deserve and not being able to provide them with what they need . There was a study done a few years ago on relative stress levels between lower and upper income earners . This is the internet so if anyone wants to see it google it yourself but essentially they took some hotel maids making minimum wage and some executives making six figures and wired them up with stress monitors . They found that during the time the two groups were working stress levels were equivalent which in itself was news , the presumption being that the executive 's work would be more stressful since @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was that while the executive 's stress level dropped to normal levels when he left work the maid 's remained constant for almost all of her waking hours . The conclusion the researchers drew from the study was that the stress of subsisting at or near the poverty level was higher overall than that of more financially successful individuals in what were presumed to be more stressful jobs . <h> I suppose the point I 'm trying to make is that to people who are living closer to the fringes in a pretty dismal economy the stress of keeping a nice house , a few cars and a pair of kids in a nice school seems like a wildly desirable situation to be in when your own existence revolves around things like " if my fifteen year old car I ca n't afford to get a tune up for wo n't start and I ca n't get to work on time I 'm homeless . " Or " I can go to the doctor and get treated for this cold that wo n't go away or I can buy my @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I have three medications I 'm supposed to be taking and I can only afford two . Which thing of the three do I take a chance on and not treat ? " <h> I saw the movie Friends With Kids the other day and while I liked it and thought it was pretty well done I had a really hard time engaging with it since I was constantly wanting to shout at the tv for the self-entitled pretty people I was watching to stop complaining and enjoy the ski trip to Vermont which over half of the people in this country are never going to be able to afford even though the film on one level was addressing the ridiculousness of rich people whining about their lot in life . <h> I 'm not saying there are n't good and or funny stories to be told about people that are comfortably upper middle class and people are aspirational enough that you can make a film with that class of character that a broad audience can relate to . I 'm just saying people that are doing pretty well by @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ do have by comparison before they solicit sympathy for their troubles and should really avoid looking for an equivalence that just does n't exist . And not to be surprised if this movie does n't do particularly well . <h> One other point , Mann is so shrill and comes across so shrewish I have a hard time watching her in anything . It 's just my opinion but I do n't think we 'd be seeing her in a lead role if her husband was n't producing or directing . Her kids are great though . <p> November 6 , 2012 at 1:56AM EST <h> drew Fascinating . I lived at or below the poverty level for most of my time in Los Angeles , and only in the last ten years have I been able to start building a life for myself that I have earned by busting ass and being willing to do without . I have sacrificed greatly to be at the place I am today , and when I see people talk about me being " rich , " it is alternately hilarious and infuriating @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ make a decent life for my family somehow disqualifies me from all money-related stress , evidently . <p> November 7 , 2012 at 7:05PM EST <h> Eyes <h> Forget about posting your salary , but I 'm curious about how many people are reading . My guess is that the number of comments you tend to get is not a good indicator of the size of your audience . <h> Stormshadow4life I think a part of the lack of comments ... at least for me , is that unlike some other writers here on Hitfix , Drew does n't seem to participate in the comments sections often enough . So many times , I wo n't even bother posting because I have no idea if anyone 's even reading . There needs to be more back and forth with his audience ( and not just when people bash him and he replies back to defend himself ) <p> November 5 , 2012 at 9:39AM EST <h> drew Comments sections are a very strange metric by which to measure a readership 's size . It is , however , probably a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that comments section . I would encourage more conversation , always . And , Storm , I will certainly look for more opportunities to respond , and not just to negative comments . I try to do that , but it 's always the give and take of how you spend your time , is n't it ? <h> I appreciate the comment . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 1:50PM EST <h> Octaveaeon Drew , I 've been reading your work since AICN , and I enjoy seeing you continue to grow as a writer , a movie analyst , and a person . I feel involved when I read your reviews . You are by far my favourite reviewer . Keep it up Moriarty . <h> Jonnybon <h> Will write reviews for food <h> Drew , injecting yourself in the review is never really a good idea - at least your kids did n't make another appearance , I guess . Guess what , you have rich people problems too , and if you ca n't see that you should really take a step back from things . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ no matter how you try to explain it . For this kind of comedy Apatow should have stuck with characters like the ones in A 40 Year Old Virgin - a bunch of shlubs working in a Circuit City clone . Instead , he 's so out of touch with America that he thinks a couple upper middle class white parents qualify as slumming . To him , they probably do . To the huge majority of people walking the earth , not so much . <h> drew 131 minutes . <h> Chase <h> Such a scene-by-scene give away , amateur-written review . Never have I read a critic weave their own personal life so much into a review with such an unrestrained sense of gratification . Worst review I 've ever read , hands down . <h> mmcb105 Where does this " scene-by-scene give away " actually happen ? <p> November 5 , 2012 at 11:48AM EST <h> drew Thanks . The good news is I have thousands more of them for you to enjoy . Happy reading ! <p> November 5 , 2012 at 1:46PM EST <h> V.N. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the film itself , I 'm wondering if Megan Fox is any good in the movie ? The trailer indicates she 's just there to make Debbie feel even more self conscious about aging , but as neither a hater or a particular fan , I 'm genuinely curious if she holds her own comedically , or if she is once again used as a sexy prop . Or if she was pretty much left on the cutting room floor , which would be the most likely option .. <h> drew The entire role as written is in the film . She 's more than just a prop , and she handles herself very well in the film . I was pleased that her role is n't there to serve as " possible temptation for Rudd , " which would be an easy and predictable subplot , but is instead a part of the Debbie side of things . To say more would be to ruin the way things unfold , but I hope Fox gets a nice bounce out of this from filmmakers who start to realize she 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1:46PM EST <h> goodhorse Have n't seen the film , but agree Fox is capable of more based on ( believe it or not ) an Acer laptop commercial ! It was just a fun little piece and she was great in it ... she was game to poke fun at her image and got laughs ( at least from me ) with some subtle reaction work . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 4:58PM EST <h> V.N. @Drew : That 's what I was hoping you 'd say . I do n't know that Apatow gets enough credit for outside the box casting choices , or bringing unexpected things out of his actors , like Eric Bana or Catherine Keener ( or even Leslie Mann for that matter ) <h> @Goodhorse : That was a fun little commercial . Thanks for sharing it ! <p> November 5 , 2012 at 5:49PM EST <h> mmcb105 <h> The people that are complaining about this review being too personal or that Drew injected too much of his own life into the review are missing the point entirely . Not only are these @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ personally Drew felt moved by this particular movie , but they are a comment on the subjective nature of all film . Humans are unable to view movies ( or any artistic medium for that matter ) in a complete vacuum that separates our personal experiences from our viewing experiences . What Drew has made abundantly clear throughout his entire writing career is that he is acutely aware of the way in which circumstances inform one 's view of the world . Whether this is through the Film Nerd 2.0 series , his ongoing Bond column , or his intensely personal reviewing style , he never fails at giving the reader a window into his particular movie perspective . The way I look at it is that Mr. McWeeny 's approach actually begets more honest criticism . Instead of denying that perspective influences his personal views , he decides to confront the notion that we are a product of our environment head on , and challenges you to examine your perspective as a result . <h> So , in other words , I loved the review . Keep up the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ who appreciate what you are saying and how you are saying it , so do n't bend to the pressure of a few people . <h> MatMcC +1 Drew 's review made me very interested in catching this movie . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 5:01PM EST <h> Intellectual Ninja <h> Rich people whining ? <h> Sigh . <h> It 's amazing how SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS are being vilified in our current political climate . <h> Why is having success now bad , or " evil " in America ? Why are small business owners told , " You did n't build this ! " ? Why are we being told we should be jealous of those with success because they " obviously " screwed over so many people to find success ? Why are n't we trying to EMULATE those who are successful ? <h> There is rot in America , and it has everything to do with us allowing ourselves to be painted as victims by those who have more than us , who do better than us . Instead of being introspective and asking ourselves what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are told to hate those who have found their own success . <h> Jealousy and greed are evils , great evils , to a free society . <h> I 'm happy , Drew , that you were able to see past that . <h> My stepfather is a small business owner , who is seen as very successful . And the funny thing is , as you explain , that does n't make his problems any less or any less important than those who are less successful . In fact , his problems are MORE important because they impact so many more people who depend on his success for their own success . <h> Small Business is what makes America run . We need to STOP vilifying those who are successful and start ASPIRING to do better so we can find our own success . <h> Another when you add 50-60 more families and their well-being on top of it . <h> Sorry . Typing so fast , I left out a very important qualifier . <h> CinemaPsycho Thank you , Mr. Romney . What does any of that have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ November 6 , 2012 at 1:59AM EST <h> CinemaPsycho And for the record , Obama never said , " You did n't build this . " He was talking about the ROADS , which are paid for with taxpayer money . You would know this if you did n't watch Fox News . <h> I personally do n't care how much money a character makes , and I hate the whole " rich people whining " argument . It 's like those people who say a film is about " white people problems " . I 've watched films about rich people , poor people , middle-class people , lower-class people , people living in ghettos and slums . If it 's an interesting story , who the fuck CARES ? ? <p> November 6 , 2012 at 2:07AM EST <h> Jack <h> How was Fiona Apple 's original song ? Was it played during the credits ? Think it has a chance at a Best Song nod ? <h> Richard Sorenson <h> Was n't Citizen Kane , and The Godfather and Scarface about rich people ? Since when are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ at LACMA last week and agree with Drew . Judd 's best film . Mann kills it . So does Albert Brooks . I saw Albert Brooks only recently in Drive , and two weeks later saw this . Is he the best character actor of his generation ? It seems that way . This is a big step for Apatow . I hope people see it . <h> Howard G. Brooks is certainly the most real actor out there . Very few people can be that scary and that funny . Would love to see him in 3 movies a year . Have always been a fan . <p> November 5 , 2012 at 7:31PM EST <h> drew <h> I 'm always annoyed when the plight of the characters s invalidated because of their tax bracket . Like every movie has to feature characters right out of " The Bicycle Thief " in order to be sympathetic . I 'll admit , I grew up with a fairly comfortable childhood and my parents were great quite frankly . I fail to see how anything I go through after the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ guys . <h> drew To be clear , the above comment was not left by me . <p> November 7 , 2012 at 7:02PM EST <h> Ngoc <h> Hey Drew , I just want to say this is one of very few personal reviews I have ever read ( I 'm not a fan of Hitfix YET - sorry : - ) . I think it was honest &; brave , and i think you came across as a nice guy . <h> However , about the movie , i feel like at the moment people do nt care about Judd Apatow as much as before . I think the problem is that many associate him with the R-rated humour but somehow ignore/forget his heart - which is actually why i really like about him . Think of 40 / Knocked / Bridesmaids or lately Engagement , they r all really charming &; good-natured . Especially 5-year engagement - which i think one of the most underrated &; overlooked movies of the year . <h> When i watch trailers 4 " this is 40 " i feel like this will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ BE LIKE THAT . From your review , it probably is : ) However , as an audience , I do nt think not many people will likely see it - that is sad : ( <h> Just a quick question though , will Katherine Heigl make a cameo in it : &gt; I just read it on
@@5089741 <h> Everything You Need to Know About Chocolate <p> In candymaking , chocolate is second only to sugar in importance and frequency of use . Chocolate is unique in that it can be both a fundamental ingredient and a finished candy by itself . Knowing how to handle chocolate , including proper techniques for storing , cutting , melting , and tempering this mercurial substance , can greatly increase your chances of making successful chocolate candies . <h> What is Chocolate ? <p> Chocolate is derived from the beans of the Theobroma cacao tree , but the substance we know as chocolate is very different from the humble cacao bean . Chocolate must undergo a complex and lengthy process before it becomes the smooth , sweet food we are familiar with . The term " chocolate " can refer to a variety of different products , whose characteristics and taste depends on the ingredients and methods used during processing . Chocolate products can range from small milk chocolate morsels to blocks of unsweetened chocolate to bars of white chocolate , with many different variations . <h> How Do I Handle Chocolate ? <p> Chocolate is an amazing substance that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ be treated carefully . It is very sensitive to changes in temperature , and care should be taken in its handling and melting to ensure the best texture and taste in the finished product . <p> There are two main rules to handling chocolate : do not let it come into contact with water while melting , and do not put it over direct heat . Water droplets that fall into a pan of melting chocolate will cause it to " seize , " or turn into a hard , chunky lump . Similarly , overheating chocolate will ruin the taste and texture of the final product , which is why chocolate should always be melted over indirect heat or in small intervals in a microwave . The following articles will explain how to select and handle chocolate for optimum results . <h> What is Tempering , and How Do I Do It ? <p> Many chocolate candy recipes call for the chocolate to be " tempered " before use . Tempering refers to a process of heating and cooling the chocolate to specific temperatures so that the cocoa butter @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a mysterious or difficult process , but it can take a little practice before it becomes second nature . <p> Tempered chocolate has a shiny appearance , a hard , crisp snap when broken , and stays stable at room temperature . Chocolate that is out of temper might look streaky or gray on the surface , and have a crumbly or densely chewy texture . Chocolate does not always need to be tempered ; for instance , tempering is unnecessary when chocolate will be combined with other ingredients for baking or when being melted for ganache . However , if you are going to be dipping centers in chocolate , or making solid chocolate candies , you will want to temper your chocolate
@@5089841 <h> Locks on the Erie Canal <p> The present Erie Canal rises 566 feet from the Hudson River to Lake Erie through 57 locks . From tide-water level at Troy , the Erie Canal rises through a series of locks in the Mohawk Valley to an elevation of 420 feet above sea-level at the summit level at Rome . Continuing westward , it descends to an elevation of 363 feet above sea-level at the junction with the Oswego Canal , and finally rises to an elevation of 565.6 feet above sea-level at the Niagara River . <p> The original " Clinton 's Ditch " Erie Canal had 83 locks . The Enlarged Erie Canal , built between 1835 and 1862 , saw this number reduced to 72 locks . Today , there are 35 numbered locks -- although Lock No. 1 is usually called the Federal Lock -- plus the Federal Black Rock Lock . <h> How a Lock Works <p> In the early days of the canal , when horses and mules walked the towpath , this is how a canal boat passed through a lock : <p> In order to keep pace with the increasing traffic on @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and the size of the locks was increased to 110 feet long and 18 feet wide . The enlargement included the doubling of the locks -- two parallel chambers -- enabling traffic to proceed in both directions at the same time . Although the enlargement was declared to be complete in 1862 , 15 locks had not been doubled by that time , including most of those west of Port Byron . In 1869 , it was decided to resume the doubling , and this was completed in 1875 . A number of locks were widened to 20 feet , beginning in 1870 . In 1884 , it was decided to begin lengthening locks , extending one chamber to double length , allowing passage for " double-headers " -- two boats hooked together -- without the time-consuming necessity for uncoupling . Lengthening of the first lock , Lock 50 , to 220 feet was completed in 1885 . By 1891 , Locks 23-35 , 40-43 , 45-56 , 60-66 , and 72 had been lengthened . Locks 1-18 ( from the Hudson River through Cohoes ) , 57-59 ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ were never lengthened . <p> Below are the plans for two of the enlarged , lengthened locks -- click on each image to see a larger version of the plan . <p> Plan of Lock 41 , Fort Herkimer , as lengthened in 1891 . Note that the eastern ( foot ) end of the south ( berme ) lock chamber is noted as " New lock " . <p> Plan of Lock 56 , Lyons ( also called the Poorhouse lock ) . Note that in this case , it is the north chamber that has been extended . <p> For a list of Enlarged Erie Canal locks , their location and characteristics , see Table of Locks , edited from : History of the canal system of the State of New York ... / by Noble E. Whitford ( Albany : Brandow Printing Co. , 1906 -- p. 1105-1107 ) . <p> Between 1903 and 1918 , the State again enlarged the canal by the construction of what was termed the " Barge Canal " , these locks of today are 328 feet long and 45 feet wide @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the mitre-sills , and can accomodate vessels 300 feet long and 43.5 feet wide . See the Canal Profile
@@5089941 <p> At least there will be at my next Halloween party now that I know you can easily color white chocolate fondue to look like a fountain of blood . The best part ? Squeemish people wo
@@5090041 <h> Improve Your Mood in 5 Minutes <h> Check out these 18 ways to go from blah to bliss in an instant <h> By Jennifer Matlack <p> You 're in a lousy mood and want to feel better fast . What you need is a happiness fix -- right now ! Try one of these spirit-boosting tips to jump-start joy in 5 minutes or less . <p> 1 . Start a blog . Like journaling , it gives you an outlet for your feelings . " But it may be even better for triggering happiness because people can leave you positive comments , " says Caroline Adams Miller , coauthor of Creating Your Best Life . Begin one at Blogger.com . <p> 2 . Make up a ridiculous story . If someone is fueling your sour mood , create a goofy character in your head based on that person . " Imagine an outrageous comic calamity befalling him , " says Amy Riley , a life balance consultant for Tiara Coaching in Chicago . You 'll get a good chuckle out of it . <p> 3 . Put yourself in the movies . Think of your favorite film scene @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ see it -- like Bridget Jones kissing Mark Darcy in the snow . Now picture yourself as the main character . " Embracing that moment triggers optimism , " says John Ryder , PhD , author of Positive Directions . <p> 4 . Soak up the sun . Go outside or stand beside a bright window and bask in the warming rays for a few minutes . Sunlight ups the level of vitamin D in your body , which in turn keeps serotonin ( a feel-good hormone ) high , explains Mehmet Oz , MD , coauthor of You : Being Beautiful . <p> 5 . Touch your toes . " It opens up your hip joints , which is where most people store tension , " says Dr. Oz . Hold the position for a minute , then slowly roll up . As you lift , so will your mood . <p> 6 . Take it all in . " Little things in life that inspire joy are often subtle and do n't always grab your attention , " says Barbara Fredrickson , PhD , author of Positivity . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in your garden , an amazingly bright full moon . <p> 7 . Turn on the tunes . Listen to your favorite upbeat song and you 'll be happier in seconds . " Music has a powerful influence over state of mind , " says Alice Domar , PhD , director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Waltham , Massachusetts . That 's because music -- especially songs that make you boogie -- activates the part of our brain that 's hardwired for pleasure . <p> 8 . Show off your moves . Speaking of boogying , that 's another quick way to break into a smile . Got two left feet ? It does n't matter . " Any form of movement will release endorphins and elevate your mood , " explains Dr. Domar . So while you 're listening to that favorite song , get up and dance . <p> 9 . Put photos on the fridge . We look at our refrigerator about 27 times a day , so make the most of it . " Research shows that the happiest people have many joyful @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Miller . <p> 10 . Get plant-happy . Deadhead the spent flowers on your gardenia or buy a bunch of tulips at the market . Studies show that being around foliage or colorful blooms relieves stress , soothes sadness and increases calmness . <p> 11 . Create a new code . Change one of your passwords ( e-mail , voice mail , ATM ) to a word that primes you to think in an optimistic way -- the name of your much-loved pet , the funny nickname you call your husband , or even the word love . <p> 12 . Break out of the box . Do one small thing that 's new and unexpected . Put a temporary tattoo on your ankle . Top off your morning coffee with some whipped cream . " Novelty makes people feel good , " says Adams Miller . <p> 13 . Mark your calendar . Make a note of an upcoming event that you 're looking forward to -- a weekend getaway with your best friend , an outdoor concert with your husband . The sheer anticipation you feel every time @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the special event itself . <p> 14 . Be generous . A recent study found that when people spent as little as $5 on others , they reported greater feelings of joy . Shopping at the grocery store ? Pick up a few staples for your neighbor . Just bought a cup of coffee ? Give the barista an extra $5 to pay for the customer behind you . <p> 15 . Turn the negative positive . List five to 10 things that went wrong today , then read them out loud , says Riley . It may sound counterintuitive but it works : When you hear all of it together -- you dropped your morning bagel on the floor , noticed a new gray hair , discovered that your teen used the last of the shampoo -- you 'll see how minor it all is . And a little perspective goes a long way . <p> 16 . Send out good vibes . " Text three friends and tell each of them one thing you like about her , " says Sonja Lyubomirsky , PhD , author of The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( and you ) feel terrific . <p> 17 . Lend a hand . Call a local nursing home , shelter , church or charitable organization and ask how you can help . Those few minutes on the phone are all it takes to kick your spirits into high gear . Knowing that you 'll soon be helping others -- and then following through -- makes you feel good about yourself , says Susan Ouellette , a health care educator in Baltimore , Maryland . <p> 18 . Think of the good stuff . Spend a couple of minutes reflecting on your accomplishments over the past five , 10 , 15 years , recommends Dan Baker , PhD , author of What Happy Women Know . Maybe you 're a more skilled cook now than you were then , or perhaps you have developed a lifelong hobby into a successful part-time business . Recognizing and acknowledging your growth will provide an immediate Your information has been saved and an account has been created
@@5090141 <h> IT as a Utility Call <p> Call for Expression of Interest for ITaaU Network Plus Pilot Studies Closing date for EoI : 17:00 on 12 th November 2012 Summary Applicants are invited to apply for shortpilot research study funding from the IT as a Utility Network+ , set up as a priority challenge area by the RCUK Digital Economy Theme ( DE ) . These pilot studies will be no longer than 6 months in duration and are intended to test new ideas or create novel linkages between research
@@5090241 <h> YOUR FRIENDS ' ACTIVITY <h> Hurricane Sandy : Time to do something about climate change <h> Related Content <p> Watching television this week , as Hurricane Sandy descended on Washington , DC , and meteorologists scurried to remain atop the latest forecasting , myriad presidential election campaign advertisements were met with one major marketing competitor : the American Petroleum Institute and its various oil , coal and gas bedfellows . <p> It was ironic , really , to watch " Vote 4 Energy " commercials - encouraging us to use the dirty fossil fuels that created the climate pretext for the oncoming super storm - as the wind and rain whipped up around my Anacostia neighbourhood in southeast DC . <p> But even before Hurricane Sandy touched down in the District , this week in television witnessed something even more disconcerting vis--vis climate change . <p> Airing on PBS , " Climate of Doubt " took an in-depth look into how the climate change bill in Congress got shut down by Republicans and how conservative groups like the Competitive Enterprise Institute ( CEI ) , the Heartland Institute , Americans for Prosperity ( AFP , funded by the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ intimidation and false science promulgated by non-scientists . <p> Global warming and Frankenstorm <p> Thankfully , I know from recent data provided by the George Mason University Centre for Climate Change Communication that the majority of American public does n't believe CEI , Heartland , or AFP and , in fact , knows that climate change is happening , recognises that human activity is warming the planet and thinks policymakers should do something about it . <p> Yet , while there is some chatter among meteorologists , reporters , and city and federal officials about climate change 's connection to Hurricane Sandy - also known as Frankenstorm or Super Storm - there is not enough . Without question , storms are becoming more severe and it is attributable to our warming climate and seas and our melting ice caps ( the lowest ever on record ) . With the hottest year so far on record , we should take heed to the warning of the scientific consensus . <p> But there are two key obstacles that stand in the way of us preventing more Frankenstorms from ever reaching our shores @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with our lifestyles . Americans , especially , are heavy carbon users at nearly 25 tonnes of carbon per person every year . Compare that with China at nearly 5 tonnes and India at less than 2 tonnes . That means we need to eat greener , transport greener , procreate greener , etc . You get the point . <p> The second point is less obvious and has to do with our attraction to danger and fear and the positive reinforcement we receive when a storm hits our community . This may sound harsh but think about it . America is an incredibly fractured and individualistic society , but when a storm approaches , we rally together , we become a community and we support our neighbours in need . <p> The large amount of emails and phone calls I received from friends near and far - before , during and after Hurricane Sandy - is testament to the fact that we are different society during a storm . In fact , I got emails from friends in Pakistan and Indonesia . As much as I hate the tragedy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ become a family , we become a community , we take care of each other and we are one . In fact , on the first day of Hurricane Sandy , my neighbours and I rallied for a big brunch and movie watching . It was great . <p> Reinforcing community values <p> But here 's the problem . If we are positively reinforcing community values primarily during climate-related tragedies ( and the same goes with America 's war on terrorism , its similar tragedies and our collective response ) , we may well be disinclined to prevent that tragedy from recurring and subconsciously reinforce practices that create more tragedies , and thus , more community building opportunities . Again , like with our response to climate change , so too with our response to terrorism . <p> The solution , then , is to find alternative community-reinforcing activities so that we 're not continuously , and subconsciously , attracted to climate change and terrorism tragedy . The latter approach is simply not sustainable and spells the end of humanity if we ca n't extract ourselves from that fixation . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ prevent both climate change and terrorism are inherently pro-community : from going green ( that is , more walking in the community , more public transit , more local farming and gardening , more local trade ) , to shielding communities from extremist recruitment , which means reducing poverty and increasing economic and educational access and opportunity for everyone . This is what we need to focus on and fast . <p> As Hurricane Sandy exits our coasts , we must not forget what brought it here and with such ferocity . In part , we did . And we have the power to make sure a super Frankenstorm never hits our shores again . The answer lies within us , as carbon users and community members . Vote 4 That . It 's the only thing that will keep us all alive . <p> Michael Shank is an adjunct professor at George Mason University 's School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
@@5090341 <p> Next -- for those of you who did n't see the news , Mark Shut-tle-worth will also be doing a Keynote at PyCon -- this is awe-some news . I think both keynotes , his and Anto-nio Rodriguez ' will be great . I do n't want to speak as to the con-tent just yet -- but with two high cal-iber entrepreneurs/founders , I 'm dead sure it will be awesome . <p> As for the talks I want to see -- well , this is crim-i-nally dif-fi-cult . I pretty much want to see almost every sin-gle invited talk we have ( I 'm espe-cially excited about Alex 's , Jack 's , Joe 's and Ned 's talks . I think our invited speak-ers this year will be very , very popular . <p> " Under-stand-ing the Python GIL " -- David Bea-z-ley ; David 's been hint-ing at tak-ing his talk he did ear-lier this year " up a notch " -- I ca n't wait ! <p> " Actors : What , Why , and How " -- Dono-van Pre-ston . Hell yeah ! <p> " Tur-tles All The Way Down : Demys-ti-fy-ing Deferreds @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Glyph is a fan-tas-tic , and ener-getic speaker . Def-i-nitely look-ing for-ward to see this dog-and-pony show . <p> " Using Django in Non-Standard Ways " -- Eric Flo-ren-zano ; I 've been doing a fair amount of non-standard Django work lately , and I 'm inter-ested to see things which may apply to my day-to-day work . <p> " Mod-ern ver-sion con-trol : Mer-cu-r-ial inter-nals " -- Dirk-jan Ocht-man and " Hg and Git : Ca n't we all just get along ? " -- Mr. Scott Cha-con ; these both apply to a lot of the work I 'm doing ( not the day job ) and given the adop-tion rate of both mer-cu-r-ial and git , and the fact git con-tin-ues to fill me with a seething rage every time I use it , I des-per-ately need to see Scott 's talk ! <p> That 's a quick top five ( six ) off the top of my head -- and I could prob-a-bly list out a heck of a lot more . I 'm com-pletely jazzed about PyCon this year . We 've added a fifth @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@@5090441 <p> The internets are a-flutter with critics of these new Apple ads . I 'm not crazy about them . They feel like they 're for Best Buy or something , not Apple . I do wish they 'd
@@5090541 <p> The Michigan football team 's 38-31 overtime win over Northwestern on Saturday was n't the only game in town . It was also the day of one of the longest standing Greek life traditions on the University of Michigan campus : the Mud Bowl . The 2012 Mud Bowl pitted SAE vs . FIJI . Participants enjoyed he unseasonably warm weather , and a 30-12 SAE victory . <h> Related content <p> Former players take to the ice during the first intermission Friday for the Yost Ice Arena rededication ceremony.Daniel Brenner AnnArbor.com When Marty Turco and Brendan
@@5090641 <p> This really needs to be trimmed down -- it appears to offering a lot to the user , but really it 's leading them down a headache road . <p> I think a simple popup saying " You need to be registered to view this content " with login controls , as well as a link stating " Find out about the benefits of registering " -- the registration page itself should have pricing options and free trial information etc . <p> From a purely technical standpoint , their bounce rates must be ridiculous because the sign up lightbox does n't show up until the page is fully loaded . So if I click on a headline while the page is still loading I get absolutely nothing , assume the site is broken , and leave . <p> When I did sign up , I found it disturbing that they mentioned nothing about future cost involved , but at least I did n't have to give them my CC details . <p> Matt <p> June 14 , 2010 <p> Crowdsourcing is fantastic isnt it ? Giving a few guidelines and then see what the community has to say @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ production speed ... well what it also does is transforming creative skills into selecting/picking the right ones-skills . <p> There are so many tools available to do it end-user centred rather than asking professionals who think they know the user but in the end are nt the user . <p> The user-requirements you need to gather will definitely not show up in this blog here because mostly professionals will give their opinion and tell you how they would do it I assume . <p> @Matt , I 'm not sure I follow what you 're saying , but I think you 're having a dig at the idea of being lazy and just crowdsourcing for design ideas , rather than doing real end-user research . If that is indeed what you mean , I agree with you . This is n't intended to be a crowd-sourcing approach to design . It 's just a fun discussion . <p> @Alex I noticed that too -- and when the lightbox does eventually load , it jumps you back up to the top of the page before appearing , which is a bit @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ They really should be doing extensive multivariate testing on the registration/payment journey , since it really is the lynch-pin of their new business model . I do n't think they currently are . <p> Fools , I assume . If I were unethical and interested in taking advantage of fools then I 'm sure I 'd do something like adding obnoxious popups , downloads , tricky ui , unconscionable privacy terms , etc . Then as soon as you get enough credit card numbers max them all out and move to Mexico . <p> But I have some morals . <p> Assuming that you can charge for text content online is foolhardy . Even ebooks ' days are numbered . <p> It seems timesonline.co.uk contains different articles to thetimes.co.uk . Timesonline.uk is currently free to access , thetimes.co.uk is behind a paywall . <p> gmulder <p> June 15 , 2010 <p> Apart from all the aforemetioned : what is this huge helicopter image trying to tell me ? That SAS is gon na come and get me if I do n't sign up ? Seriously : I most likely just @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a specific story -- which is a bit like putting it into my shopping cart . So I would love to see exactly what I want now somewhere in the context . The way it is it merely looks like a popup trying to get me to sign up for Her Majestys Overseas Services . <p> Tease them with the article they clicked on underneath , just ask for an email to continue to read it . <p> Send all the paywall blurb in the email . If they access another article after some pre-determined session time-out , tell them to complete the registration process/check their in-box/send them another registration email . <p> I 'm not going to let my paper die ... I 'm not going to let any paper die ... I 'm not going to stop until I destroy the mainframe . - The mainframe of what ? The internet ! - Do you even know how the internet works ? <p> Ideally since they 're showing a brief home page snippet anyway , I 'd go to the page of the article , but only show @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is n't logged in and subscribed already . No modal box , no jumping screens , no hard to find close button . <p> Johan D <p> June 17 , 2010 <p> 1 . Is it obvious that there 's a free trial available ? How long does it last and what content does it apply to ? <p> Yes , but neither the content nor the period is clear . They talk about " exclusive free preview " and " for a limited period " . <p> 2 . How do you feel about being required to enter your date of birth into a registration form ? And your full postal address ? And being asked to enter your phone number ? <p> You need to be 18 to read a newspaper ? What did I miss ? Postal address , e-mail address and phone number for a trial ? No way ! I know this newspaper and it is quality they deliver . I was really interested in a trial until I saw the second screen with all those questions . Also , on the first screen they @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on a second screen ? This is tricking people . A potential customer thinks that all they will ask for a trial is an e-mail address and fills it in ... . At The Times they must have thought that if the customer refuses to fill in the questions on the second page , they at least have her/his e-mail address . <p> 3 . What paid packages are available ? What 's the difference between " subscription " and " membership " ? <p> 50 for 12 months . Subscription is only the newspaper ; membership you also get Culture or Travel . I need to admit that I found this info on http : //www.mytimesplus.co.uk/ . On the " real " page of The Times , I could n't find how much I need to pay for a subscription . Also , everything is in . They are maybe not interested in " foreign " paying customers . <p> 4 . What tangible freebies do you get with membership ? <p> That info is listed in the section " What do I get ? " I guess . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ go elsewhere . If a traditional new org. puts up a paywall , I go elsewhere . <p> Joe <p> June 18 , 2010 <p> I 'd have it save my session correctly in Chrome . <p> I 'm a regular timesonline reader , and while I 've signed up , it bugs the hell out of me that if I come back to it after a few hours , I have to sign in again , especially if I want to read another article . At least give me keyboard focus on the login details in the box so that it 's easy to sign in ! <p> As someone else says , it is also annoying that you ca n't sign in till the page loads . <p> Ian Fenn <p> June 20 , 2010 <p> No , I would n't have done it this way -- and that 's probably why they did n't hire me . Silly them . : - ) <p> Ben Sauer <p> June 21 , 2010 <p> I think the more interesting discussion to be had is this : <p> What are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ stakeholders ? <p> I would n't trust a Murdoch to treat users with any respect . : o <p> Elthar <p> June 24 , 2010 <p> As a simple walking-by user i do n't see any reason on that page why i should register at all . There is that link " learn more " but why i even should do that ? There should be more content to convince me it 's worth giving a try , like at least a short list of features included or something . <p> Okay now , i want to see what this trial is about , but what 's next ? I do n't mind giving out my age , but postal address ? There 's only one reason they 'd need it at all -- to send me spam on paper . I 'm safe from that being overseas , but my phone number ... SMS spam offers do n't have any boundaries . Now why are they so damn surprised that noone wants to register ? <p> For the sake of argument , if I had to keep the modal @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ must be a member to view that page . Sign up for a free trial today to start enjoying the best newspaper in the UK " Then a reg form with email and password . You 'd probably want something that describes how the free trial actually works as well ( is it for 30 days ? 10 articles ? ) <p> Once people are signed up for free , feed them the premium membership concept at the end of articles ( " Enjoyed this article ? Get
@@5090741 <p> Most bands could n't make an eerily dark song sound so cheery . But with a deceptively sunny disposition and some whistling , Foster the People 's debut single " Pumped Up Kicks " was absolutely everywhere after its September 2010 release and became the soundtrack of summer . <p> Likely the calmest member of Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All , Frank Ocean 's R &B; makeout tunes needed a separate place to thrive . Enter the Internet , where his debut mixtape " Nostalgia , Ultra " gained both critical and street cred , and landed him studio time with Beyonce , Jay-Z and Kanye West . <p> Signed to Jay-Z 's label Roc Nation , rapper J. Cole has been making his mark solo with his series of popular mixtapes , and also as a guest on almost everyone 's tracks . J. 's collaborated with Drake , Wale , and B.o.B. , to name a few , and he recently opened for labelmate Rihanna . <p> You can thank producer/DJ/EDM kingpin Skrillex for the hundreds of videos on the internet featuring cats dancing to Dubstep . The dude not only helped make EDM @ @ @ @ @
@@5090841 <p> You can read all the blogging advice in the world , but none of it matters unless you take action . <p> To set your blog up to be a massive success , you have to ruthlessly focus your efforts on things that work , and stop spending precious time on things that do n't . <p> Today I 'm going to make it easier for you to take the action you need to take to make your blog better . All you have to do is set aside 10 or 15 or 60 minutes to tackle one of the 21 simple steps below . <p> The more you complete , the more progress you 'll make . <p> You 've probably already completed some of these , but I guarantee you have n't done all of them . If you have completed all of ' em , please tell me in the comments . Better yet , share one of your own extra tips . <p> Update : We 've specifically created a 13-week course for people trying to successfully launch their own blog and have massive success . How to Start a Blog That Matters can @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and the lives of your readers . <h> Action #1 : Start Building an Email List ( 20-30 minutes ) <p> Why this is important : If you are n't building an email list , you 're missing out on the most powerful and consistent way to drive repeat visitors and customers to your website or blog . With an email list , you become less and less dependent on external sources of traffic , and gain more ability to interact with your blog 's audience . <p> Create a sign-up form for your email list . Use these instructions for AWeber or MailChimp . <p> Put your sign-up form on your blog , both in the sidebar and on your about page . <p> ( optional ) Offer a free giveaway for people who subscribe to your list . Offering a workbook or an ebook or video series ( or even a whole toolbox of resources ) can drive many more signups than not offering something . <p> Do n't wait to start your email list . The sooner you do this , the faster your list and your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ list , you can create forms and ask people to sign up for email updates like this : enter your email below to get updates from Think Traffic and access to the subscriber-only toolbox of resources : <p> That took me 30 seconds to add to this post and now I 'll get more email subscribers <h> Action #2 : Start a Post Ideas Journal ( 10 Minutes ) <p> The best ideas for blog posts do n't always come while you 're sitting down to write . Try keeping a simple journal of blog post ideas so you do n't miss out on the best opportunities . <p> You can write this in a Google Doc , an old-fashioned notebook or by starting a quick draft in WordPress for each idea . <p> It does n't matter how you do it , the point is just to keep a running list to work from . <h> Action #3 : Add Facebook " Like " Buttons ( 15 to 20 minutes ) <p> People who visit your site represent a massive marketing opportunity . If your visitors like what you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with their friends , but usually only if you make it easy . <p> Configure your Like Buttons as you wish . The page will show you how they 'll look on the fly as you make changes . <p> Copy the code Facebook provides . <p> Paste the code into your blog posts , anywhere you want the button to appear . <p> ( optional ) If you 're up for the challenge ( or if you have a tech person ) , you can add the Like Button to all of your posts , either at the beginning or end of each post , or both . This will require editing some PHP files for your WordPress theme , and the specific instructions depend on which theme or platform you 're using . Here are sample instructions for the Thesis theme . <p> While we 're at it , if you like this post , I will love you forever for clicking the like button here : <h> Action #4 : Add Twitter Retweet Buttons ( 15 to 20 minutes ) <p> Twitter is another huge potential source @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of visitors every month from Twitter , and it takes very little time to gain those benefits . <p> The method for adding a retweet button to your blog is pretty much the same as adding Like Buttons above . First you 'll need to head over to the Twitter Retweet Button configuration page ( I actually prefer the TweetMeme retweet button because it seems a little more accurate ) . In either case you 'll want to copy the code provided for your configured button and paste it into your posts ( or optionally add it to every post by modifying your theme files ) . <h> Action #5 : Make a List of Every Blogger in Your Niche ( 30 minutes ) <p> Whatever you blog about , chances are there are other people who blog on the same topic . Your job is to become friends with as many of your fellow bloggers as possible . <p> Why would you want to become friends with your " competition ? " <p> It 's simple . In every niche I 've studied , the bloggers who succeed fastest @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ out , instead of trying to protect turf . Do n't think of other bloggers in your space as competitors , they 're actually your best chance of making your blog a massive success . <p> The strategy is simple : make a list of everyone who blogs on similar topics to you . Do n't just include a-listers . Include your peers and up-and-comers as well . Now prioritize the list based on who you think you 'd naturally hit it off with . <p> If you blog in a huge niche , this does n't really need to include everyone who blogs on the topic . If you blog in a tiny niche , you might want to expand a little beyond your space . <p> Making the list is the first step . Next comes the real work . Make it your goal to reach out and create genuine relationships with as many people on the list as possible . <h> Action #6 : Add Social Proof to Your Blog ( 15 minutes ) <p> Social proof is a powerful influencer . When people see that other @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ do that thing themselves . If they see lots of people are subscribed to your blog , they 'll be more likely to subscribe as well . <p> You have to be careful though . Social proof only works when the numbers are impressive . Showing new visitors that 23 people are subscribed to your site probably wo n't drive new subscribers . In fact , it might actually repel people ( social proof works both ways ) . <p> If your blog is established , you might be able to show RSS or email subscriber numbers , or monthly readers . If your blog is new , you might want to show Twitter follower numbers ( Twitter followers tend to be easier to come by ) , Facebook fan page subscribers or something else that looks more impressive . You might also simply need to wait until you have something with enough momentum to display . <p> How to add social proof to your site in 15 minutes : <p> Decide on which form of social proof to display ( use whichever seems more impressive -- avoid numbers less @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ displaying RSS subscribers or Twitter followers is a good option . <p> To add an RSS subscriber count , you 'll want to use either Feedburner or some other service that keeps track of your subscriber count . In your Feedburner account , look for the FeedCount link under the " Publicize " tab . <p> Once you have your Twitter or RSS widget configured , you need to copy the code provided and put it somewhere on your site . An easy place to put your widget is the sidebar of your blog . Just add a new text widget and paste the code in there . <p> Once you 've identified your " special sauce , " you need to communicate it to your visitors . Do this either through your tagline , in your sidebar , in your about page or within your blog posts . You 'll probably want to explain your USP in several of those places , and remind your visitors regularly . <h> Action #8 : Learn SEO Basics ( 60 minutes ) <p> Why this is important : Search engine optimization ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ hour to learn and a lifetime to master . By just learning the basics , you can set yourself up to take advantage of a ton of opportunities over the coming months and years for your blog . <h> Action #9 : Implement a Call to Action ( 5 minutes ) <p> The best way to get visitors to take a particular action is to explicitly ask them to . This is known as a call to action . <p> Want more email subscribers ? Ask people to subscribe . <p> Want more retweets of your post ? Ask people to retweet . <p> Try this in your next post . Ask your readers to do something you want them to do . If your content is good and you 've provided genuine value , some of your readers will be happy to help you out . Just ask politely and try different tactics to see what works best for your audience . <p> Once you dial in your call to action technique , make a habit of using a call to action whenever you want your visitors to take @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Stuff ( 15 minutes ) <p> When someone comes to your site , you need to put your best foot forward . The easiest way to do this is to link to some of your best posts in your sidebar or within a special " start here " page that you link to from your main navigation menu . <p> How you determine which posts are your best is up to you . You could show your most linked to posts , your most commented posts , your most viewed posts or something else . You could hand pick the posts you think best represent what your blog is all about . <h> Action #11 : Take Down the Ads ( 5 minutes ) <p> When your blog is new , one of the worst things you can do is to plaster advertisements all over the place . If your blog is small , those ads wo n't earn you more than a few bucks , but could be costing you big . You 'll turn off readers and stunt your growth during your critical formative months . <p> Is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bucks ? <p> Once your site is bigger , you can start to introduce advertisements if you really want to in a tasteful and relevant way . Better yet , use a more effective way of earning income from your blog like affiliate marketing or consulting or developing your own products . <p> For now , take down the ads and focus on growth . <h> Action #12 : Develop a Facebook Fan Page ( 60 minutes ) <p> I already mentioned above that Facebook has 500 million registered users . In addition to adding " like " buttons to your posts , you should also consider setting up a Facebook fan page for your site . <p> The Think Traffic fan page has over 1250 members and is a top 10 referring site here . I 've done very little to publicize the fan page and it does n't take much time to maintain . <p> I 'm not an expert on Facebook pages by any means , but luckily my friend Pat Flynn from the Smart Passive Income blog has written an excellent Blogger 's Guide to Facebook @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ need to know about how bloggers can use Facebook . If you 're in a hurry and just want to learn how to set up your fan page , start with his 6-minute video on how to set up a page . <p> Even if you do n't plan to completely build out your Facebook fan page now , set one up sooner than later so readers who prefer connecting via Facebook can . At a minimum you can simply add an entry any time you write a new blog posts . Eventually you can expand the page to build community and interact with your members in a deeper way . <p> Why this is important : outposts are an important concept in blogging . Your blog is your central platform , but outposts like Twitter , Facebook , YouTube , etc. can help you find and interact with new readers where they already hang out . <p> The key to making the best use of outposts is to get in the habit of updating them regularly . If you have multiple outposts you might want to focus on just @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ regular updates . You need to make regular updates to show your visitors you 're committed to the platform and that you 'll be providing additional value there . <p> How to commit to updating your outpost regularly : <p> Set a reminder on your calendar at first to update your outpost every day . <p> Study examples of other blogs ( preferably in your space ) which have a thriving outpost . Observe the types of content they post , how they interact with members , and the frequency of posts . <p> Make sure you do n't just treat your outpost as a glorified RSS feed ( where you post only links to your recent blog posts ) . If you want your external community to thrive , you need to provide extra value . <h> Action #14 : Try a New Content Format ( 90 minutes ) <p> If you 're only writing similarly formatted blog posts , you might be missing out on some big opportunities . For example , maybe your audience prefers video over written content . Maybe you 're better at producing audio @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ should be writing quick inspirational Seth Godin style posts instead of your usual standard 800 word posts . <p> Whatever format you 've been using for blog posts , here is my challenge for you : get out of your comfort zone and try something completely new . <p> Choose from a format on the following list that you 've never tried before : <p> Video <p> Audio <p> E-Books <p> Workbooks <p> 2000 words or more <p> 400 words or less <p> Interviews <p> It does n't matter what you choose , the point is to get used to trying different content types . You need to find out whether your audience responds better to something you have n't tried , or if you 're better at producing certain types you have n't tried before . <p> Start with one new type now , and come back here later to try additional new types . <h> Action #15 : Check Your Mindset <p> Why are you blogging ? There are lots of valid reasons for blogging , but there 's one reason that has to be at the top @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ success . <p> You have to want to help or entertain people ( or both ) . <p> If you do n't help or entertain , why should someone read your site ? Your blog needs to solve problems , address needs , fulfill desires and enlighten or inspire . Whatever personal reasons you have for blogging need to take a back seat to delivering value to your target audience . <p> How to check your mindset in 10 minutes : <p> Write down all the goals you have for your blog ( money , fame , recognition , and anything else that comes to mind ) . <p> Write down why you chose this particular topic to blog about . <p> Write down why you are uniquely qualified to blog on your topic . <p> Now check your answers . If one of your goals is n't to help your readers , you should reevaluate your motivations and topic . If you did n't choose your topic because you really care about it , you should reevaluate your motivations and topic . If you are n't specially qualified to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and topic . <h> Action #16 : Write a Rant <p> Why this is important : common views yield common results . If you want to grow faster than everyone else in your space , you need unique views and bold opinions . When you feel strongly about something , you 'll make an impression on and form stronger relationships with your readers . <p> How to write a constructive rant in 60 minutes : <p> The key here is to write a constructive rant , not just any rant . You want to write about something that could be improved or thought of in a better way . <p> Think about the topic you blog about . What bothers you about the conventional wisdom ? What do you think everyone is thinking but no one is saying ? <p> Make sure this is something you 're actually passionate about , do n't just choose a view counter to common opinion simply because it 's different . You want your passion to show in the post . <p> Write your post in a stream of consciousness to begin with . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ instead of while you 're writing to let the emotion come through . <p> Watch the reaction to your post . If it is n't well received , do n't be discouraged . Try another topic next time . <p> When you 're just starting out , you do n't need to have all the answers . Your visitors do n't expect you to , and you need to give yourself time to find your voice and form your opinions . <p> During the early stages , it can help to think of yourself as a facilitator instead of as an expert . Your job is to bring great information to your audience instead of creating all of it yourself . <p> Interviewing someone influential in your niche can be a great way to bring useful content to your audience . Interviewing an expert also helps by associating you with the expert in the minds of your readers . It also helps you create a relationship with the interviewee and potentially to borrow the interviewee 's audience if he or she links to your interview . <p> Shooting from the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ little planning can help you produce much better content , and more importantly , much more consistent content . <p> How to plan your content for maximum results : <p> Block out 30 minutes on your calendar each week . I like to do this on Monday , but the day does n't really matter . <p> During this time , review and update your post ideas journal from above . <p> Keep a running list of post types you that have been effective for you in the past . For example , I keep post categories like " interviews , " " ask the readers , " " monthly reports , " " writing epic shit " and so on . Look back at previously successful posts for ideas for new posts . <p> Make a tentative plan for posts you 'll write over the coming week and month . This is n't set in stone , but it will help you each time you sit down to write if you have ideas ready . <h> Action #19 : Ask for an Outside Point of View ( 60 minutes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a long time , it becomes hard to see things as other people see them . To become a successful blogger , you 'll need plenty of help from friends and colleagues along the way to help you see things through fresh eyes . <p> Try asking a friend , colleague or consultant for a quick critique on a blog post , your about page , your design , your branding or anything else you suspect might need to be refreshed or revised . The ultimate goal is to make a habit of doing this whenever you feel stuck or stale . <p> The bonus to this action is that it gives you an excuse to reach out to a fellow blogger and form a stronger bond . Offer to help by returning the critique service whenever your colleague needs it . <h> Action #20 : Ask Your Readers <p> Building community around your blog is a great way to make your readers feel appreciated and committed to your success . <p> Your posts do n't have to be the only things that deliver value at your site . The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ value of your content and encouraging your visitors to interact . Those interactions can lead to other opportunities for your readers outside of your site . <p> Comments can also be a great way for you to learn about opportunities for new content and products . <p> If you want more comments for your site , you need to do a few things . First , write about topics that have multiple possible right answers . Second , write in a way that leaves the door open to discussion ( do n't force your readers to agree or disagree with you , it stifles comments ) . Third , and most importantly , you need to ask for your readers ' opinions . <p> I like to do this with formal " ask the readers " segments here about once a month . You can run a series like that at your own blog , or simply ask your readers for comments at the end of your posts . <p> Either way , just make sure you ask . <h> Action #21 : Get Some Accountability ( 60 minutes ) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ staying motivated and staying committed to your blog long enough to see success . <p> One of the best ways to ensure you stay motivated is to become accountable to others . When you know other people are expecting certain things from you , <p> How to get some accountability for your blog : <p> Decide where you 'd like to be held accountable . There are three possibilities I recommend : a formal mastermind group , a blogging forum or your own blog . <p> To join a formal mastermind group , you 'll need to find two or three other people to participate , or find an existing group that needs a new member . <p> To use a blogging forum for accountability , you 'll need to find a suitable forum . Problogger has an inexpensive forum that could work for this purpose . Traffic School also has forums where people are holding themselves accountable . <p> To use your own blog for accountability , you 'll just need to announce your goals on a regular basis in a special blog post series ( see my monthly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's annual goal setting post ) <p> Whatever you decide , the principles are the same : regularly announce your goals for a set timeframe ( weekly , bi-weekly or monthly is best ) . With each announcement you should also review your performance during the prior period . <p> You can of course try to hold yourself accountable privately , but public accountability is much more effective at driving action . It 's easier to opt out when you do n't have people waiting to hear your results . <p> -- <p> The key to making many of the actions above work for you is consistency . Many of them need to become habit before you 'll experience maximum benefits , but taking the recommended actions above will get you started . <p> You do n't have to do everything on this list , just pick the ones that you think will work best for you . <p> The key is to take action . Try something above and let me know how it works for you . Most items above only take 30 minutes or less . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ hear it in the comments . <p> If you liked this post , please share it on Facebook , Twitter or StumbleUpon . <p> I learned a tremendous amount from reading this . Unfortunately , I am at the office of one of my corporate clients right now , and Facebook/Twitter are blocked from this location . I will therefore share this post when I get home . <p> Question : I 've been thinking of doing the mastermind thing for a while now , but unfortuantely , I ca n't seem to find any bloggers in my area with whom I can network . The few other bloggers I 've found are very casual with their writing , and not really interested in developing their audience . <p> Do you have any suggestions on how to locate/create a mastermind group where none seem to exist ? Do you know of a website that has a virtual mastermind group ? <p> So regarding mastermind groups , I 've been involved in a couple of groups where we are n't all in the same location . We just talk on Skype @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ well , and it opens up your possibilities to a wider group of people . <p> To find people , I have generally just reached out to bloggers I admire to get to know them . If it seems like a good fit , ask some of them if they 'd like to join your group . Start with one and grow the group as you find new candidates . <p> I too agree with Joe . This is the finest post covering almost everything to be a successful online entrepreneur . <p> I would like to add few more points in this list : 1 ) Watch out successful bloggers in your niche and follow their strategy of success . Find what works for them and try to implement on your blog . Do n't just copy them blindly but tweak their strategy your way and success is yours ! ! ! ! <p> I 'm also very interested in masterminding . My blog 's traffic has really increased in the last 2 months , plus I 've just launched a new membership site , so if you think @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Nice post Corbett . I like how you break down each of these important actions and the ETA on how long it will take to complete each step is a really nice touch . You definitely GIVE in this post . Thank you ! <p> Fantastic resource Corbett . I copied the entire post into my planner so I can do one action per day . I suspect some of them will take longer than suggested ( usually takes me hours to write a post or think about my mission ) but great ideas nonetheless . Cheers . <p> I started taking notes and got as far as wanting to say how #5 was a good one for me and worked really well , and continues to work , and also how #10 is really important and actually it is because of your starting point that I was inspired to do the same -- and then I got lost in the massive depth of knowledge and insight that this post provided . <p> I think you need to add this to your ' New Here , Start with These @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ cool , I 'm glad some of these have worked for you already Alex . I agree , #5 ( making a list of bloggers in your niche ) is really important . Relationships are the best way to grow your blog , hands down . <p> I just did a post about using Tumblr as a means to store blog ideas or bits of inspiration . A lot of times these little ideas are n't good enough for a full blown post , but it can be the spark you need when you 're itching for creativity . <p> Nice idea , David ! Coincidentally , I 've been toying with the idea of turning my Tumblr ( currently collecting dust ) into a true " side blog " for those little ideas that are n't quite meaty enough to make a " real ' blog post , but too good to let slide ... sort of a combo of Corbett 's #13 ( Update Outposts ) and #14 ( New Content Format ) items ? Thanks for this great list , Corbett -- just the kick I needed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ totally useless but I must say AWESOME POST ! ! Fortunately I already implemented or am implementing the things you describing , but the quantity and the quality of this post are absolutely excellent ! <p> Wow Corbett this is an epic post . The is a great reference point for bloggers/traffic builders new and old . <p> As you said " The key is to take action . " The fact is thought that many people may know this stuff , but how many actually act on it . 99% do n't follow through . I urge everyone to be the 1% who puts this stuff in to action and reaps the rewards . <p> Some of these have been on my mind a lot lately -- #12 , #13 and #14 especially . I 'm definitely guilty about not putting enough effort into social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter , so hopefully this will be a good kick in the pants for me . <p> For sure this is your most practical post yet and I needed to read it and see these steps again , I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ taking some time . I ca n't get caught in the ' traffic ' portion of it but ' traffic creep ' is always there . <p> I just need to focus the words , theres been a rant festering for the last 3 days and I am gon na blast it . <p> Hey Diego , great questions . I choose to offer RSS through Feedburner and email updates via AWeber . I did start with the Feedburner email subscription option at my other blog , but found it was n't flexible enough for what I wanted to do ( for example , the " traffic toolbox " concept I offer here ) . The important thing is that you offer email subscriptions and start building your list . How you do it depends on what you hope to achieve . <p> Corbett , you 're always full of surprises .. a " home run post " , yet again . You should write a book on traffic building , not just an eBook -- A BOOK . <p> By the way , have you experimented with Feedblitz or @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ kind of experiences have you had ? There seem to be a lot of good buzz going on about the prior and given that I have n't been completely satisfied ( quite the opposite actually .. ) with Feedburner , I 'd love to hear your thoughts on some of the alternatives . <p> Here 's a post idea for you ( if you have a post like this already , please regard this and give me a hint where to find it : How to Really engage with your blog 's audience through your RSS feed . That would be an interesting read ! <p> In every niche I 've studied , the bloggers who succeed fastest are the ones who band together and help each other out , instead of trying to protect turf . Do n't think of other bloggers in your space as competitors , they 're actually your best chance of making your blog a massive success . <p> This is a great point ! When I was first starting out , I 'd get really jealous when I discovered somebody who was already doing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ For example , Jen Gresham of Everyday Bright and Stacy Curnow of Midwife for your Life both made me mad with jealousy . But I started talking to them , and they 're both super nice . To my total surprise , they 've both ended up sending me a lot traffic . Jen gives a great perspective on this in her post Dare to be Similar on Everyday Bright . That 's what made me stop seeing similar blogs as stomping on my attempted purple cow and start seeing them as potential allies . Much better ! <p> Hey Cara , thanks for the note . You 're right that the video is outdated , but the link you provided is about landing pages , not the Facebook fan page itself . Anyway , I updated the link above . Here 's the correct video from Pat : <p> Yeah .. uniqueness is a kind of resource for your site and mailing list is a tool which let them to be with your site after you impressed them with your uniqueness . What we need now is to read @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have ! <p> Tip #22 : Print out these suggestions and place them in your blogging workspace ! <p> Thanks Corbett ! The suggestions are detailed and the estimated times help remind me that each step is within reach . ( Also , a big thanks to @adamsinger for suggesting this post ) looking forward to exploring your other thoughts/suggestions ! <p> Thanks there are some really good pointers in here for new bloggers , I have been going around 3 months now and a lot of the stuff I already do but some of the suggestions on here sound really useful and hopefully they will bring more traffic to my site . <p> Yes Cindy , I feel the same way . In fact , getting an accountability partner ( or small mastermind group ) might be the most important item on the list , because it will help you achieve all the other items . <p> Thanks so much for that informative post . You gave so many more unique suggestions than I 've seen in the past -- the rant seems like it could be done tactfully @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ writing is brilliant . Lists like these seem like common sense sometimes , but hearing the reinforcement and the encouragement is so helpful when you 're just starting out like me . Thank you so much ! @allinspections &; allinspections.com/blog can surely benefit from this . <p> The one thing I have discovered over the last couple of years that most people seem to have nothing different to say about building an online presence . I have just finished reading this post and I am inspired and will go home now and make a start on this list . I am lucky if I get 40 page views per day . reading this post has renewed my flagging vigour <p> Great post , great post , great post Corbett ! I 'm glad that I 'm doing some of these for now . I definitely will be implementing most very soon especially like the one about making a list of all those in my niche and interviewing someone influencial . Thanks for the post <p> You had me after the first two sentences , Corbett . Taking that advice to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ difference for most bloggers . Then you get to the actual post , and WOW ! This is a must read for any blogger . <p> There are still some items on this list that I could benefit from reexamining myself , and I have yet to do #16 or #17 . Definitely a post worth bookmarking and refer back to time and time again . <p> Great list . Makes me realize the actions I am not taking and really need to start doing . In particular , new types of posts I have n't done before like video and 2000 word posts . Lots of work but well worth it ! Suzanne <p> I love how you started your post with " none of it matters unless you take action . " That is so true ! ! As I read through the post , I often thought , " I know I should do that , but I have n't gotten around to it . " Knowing what to do or having an idea is only half of it -- you have to do it . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 've ever read in the blogosphere . It 's HUGE and contains lots of informations <p> To me , Action #3 is the best . More and more people prefer to " like " than to share a specific link to their friends . This will surefire boost up your traffic and raise people 's awareness of your website BTW , I think it takes only 3 minutes to complete that task <p> Thanks for the great information . I do n't understand the difference between adding a retweet button if you have a twitter button . Is there a major difference or a reason why I should use on over the other ? <p> You only need one of the buttons , they serve the same purpose . I found that the TweetMeme button is more accurate and less prone to delays and outages ( when it comes to tweet counts ) . The counts are important as social proof . Otherwise both buttons do the same thing . <p> Hi there , Found your site while browsing and am happy to report that I managed to get my @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bit technically challenged so it too a while but Pat 's videos were a great help . Just need to figure out how to link my blog to the page so that it posts automatically whenever I update . <p> This is such great information -- unfortunately , I seem to be tech challenged . I really want to use the Like button option , but ca n't get it to work . The code shows on the post , not the button . Not sure what I did wrong or where to fix it . Any suggestions ? Thanks , Amy <p> I 'm new to your website and this is a pretty impressive first post to read . I 've already checked off some of the items you mention but there is still more I can do . Right now I 'm off to see what tips you have for connecting with other bloggers in my niche . <p> Wow ! Great post ! You have made me look at my website in a completely different manner . It 's definitely time for a re-evaluation . I will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ near future . Thanks again ! <p> P.S This is the first post I have read on your blog , and It will keep my coming back for more <p> This is really awesome Corbett . Ya , indeed the format , structure and title does affect and make a post go viral . Understand it , and it 's a big hit for our blog . Anyway , gon na apply these tips especially those I 'm yet to build like e-mail list . Yet to start because not really know what to write and how people people would subscribe for it . Will research deeper on that . Thanks again for the awesome post Corbett . <p> Thanks for writing this post man ! I picked up several nice tips to implement . I just started a new blog recently and one of these I want to implement is the Rant post . Also working on a testing series on triggers . Planning on doing some real life experiments on social triggers that influence and revealing my stats and results . Should be fun ! <p> Excellent list @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you suggested here . <p> My favorites are #16,19 and 20 . I have been thinking about writing a post asking my readers what they would like to see on my blog , but it had slipped my mind until I read your post today . Thanks for the reminder . <p> One question ; I know that there are plugin 's out there that do some of the things you suggest , like adding retweet and FB like buttons to each post . Is there a reason you do n't suggest these plugins , instead of trying to install with code ? <p> Hey . Epic . So epic that it did not force me to think , it forced me to take action . So I sat down one fine afternoon ( of today ! ) , and ticked off ALL 21 Quick Actions . One Sitting . I wrote a post about it While I was taking the actions . <p> Thank you for providing the inspiration , Mr Barr . And good luck with the Hustle ! <p> I 've been putting off Aweber for some @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's #1 means of building/promoting their brand . This is a great post and provides plenty of inspiration in itself ... Thanks Darren Sproat <p> Thanks for the very long article , I had better leave now or else my wife will kick my butt for spending too long on my computer . Anyway back to reverence , I have just started a new blog and think this list is great so I will be back tomorrow to see what I can add to my new blog to make it great . I have my second blog post ready so tomorrow I will give it one last check then publish . All the best Paul <p> I am printing this post and using it as my to-do list . I think when I am done I will have a much better blog . Right now I know it needs lots of work ! Thanks for a great resource . ( and FYI , I did click on the FaceBook like button when asked ! ) <p> I just printed this , along with the post you based it on ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ both posts , and gon na keep them handy , I only had time to read the first 4 actions or so on each , but loved what I 've seen so far . <p> #1 E-mail subscribers sure is a good idea , even better if you offer ' subscribers only ' feature . Though there are minuses to these , such as some people may want to keep their anonymity and might not want to give out their e-mail , and some might be thinking of getting spammed if the site is not well-known by them . <p> #9 I do n't agree with this , asking them , would be the wrong for me . Instead of asking , I would try offering them something . Things like " If you become our subscriber ... " <p> Great post , i 've been abit slow on the mailing list point which is numero uno on your list . Aweber seems to be getting good reviews -- i 'm gon na give it a try . I believe mailchimp has limit on the no of subscribers on its @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and spend time every day learning something new . You have given me so many great ideas . I plan on implementing at least one of these ideas each day until I get the hang of this . Thanks for such a great post ! <p> Incredible info . This post was included in A-List Blog Marketing 's : 10 Posts Every Serious Blogger Should Read . I 'm re-vamping my blog and have just made tons of notes . Will be checking out the additional resources you recommended . Thank you ! <p> Hi Corbett . I love this post and have come back to it a few times now to implements a few new things at a time ( slow and stead wins the race ... ) . I have probably nailed about 13 of them and am planning to focus on 5 and 14 next ... I also have a develeoper doing some tweaking of my site which will cover 2-3 other points . <p> It is always good to hear and read things we know we should do but do n't always complete the list as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ journal . I have started one a time or two but never kept it going . Reading this just may change that . <p> I just re-visited this post ( and almost certainly will again ) to make sure I was either doing or on track for the majority of the points above . I use sharebar for my like &; tweet buttons because I actually prefer these to be out of the way of the content . I flip between switching these on and off as I sometimes think people are tired of seeing like buttomns everywhere ( somehow I think this more for like buttons than for tweet buttons ) . <p> In terms of social proof , for a new blog I have OK numbers on my homepage so I think it 's OK but mostly 0 ? s on other pages with the odd 1s &; 2s . I kind of like the idea that people who visit the homepage for the first time will get some social proof from the tweets and likes ( 77 &; 123 at the moment ) but not sure if @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ other pages having very low scores . <p> Would your advice be to remove this then ? i.e. are 0 ? s that damaging ? <p> I may take a look at the coding option you mention above . I also use shareaholics widget but the like &; tweet buttons on that come out in really strange positions which looks awkward and amateurish ( in my view ) <p> Wow , great compilation Corbett ! I am definitely bookmarking this one , as a relatively new blogger and digger deeper into social media . I am finding Buffer to be a huge help in terms of maintaining my Twitter outpost , both to get the word out about my own blog posts and to share valuable information with others . <p> Thanks a lot for this post . Noobs like me need long and strong lists like this in order to survive the big jungle of bloggers . I have noted down your tips and have already improved my blog while reading the list ! With the ranting , you 've inspired me and I 'm off to draft a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my everyday life ! Thanks again and good job . <p> Thanks for sharing this resource Corbett . Excellent detailed breakdown to help stay focused . Even though I 've been at this blogging thing for some time in one form or another , it really helps to ensure time is well spent . <p> I always think that I will wait until my traffic reaches certain level before building a list . And when you spelled out the steps I realize that it actually can be done pretty quickly in 20 minutes ( I 've already had the free offer ready ) . <p> Other than that , I think one of the most important things I took from this post is to get out of the comfort zone and try different content formats ( steps 14 , 16 , and 17 ) . It 's challenging but I believe it will get results . <p> Informative article.I believe interviewing an expert is one of the best way to get a blog started and can even create an information product since they are already in the field in quite @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this post ( twice ) and I jotted down a few key points , actually nine actions . <p> I 'm 100% sure I 'm not going to be able to address all of them in just two days but I will also write these down on a white board next to my monitors as well so I make sure I can complete them as soon as possible . <p> Corbett , This post turned out to be of much use and ispiration for me . I did n't shut my laptop down for 3 days in order not to lose the ideas I had while going through these 21 points . I 've already implemented some stuff and have about 5 more points under development . Thanks ! <p> This is an awesome list that gives bloggers an actionable list to get going on . I just started my blog and I 've spent hours and hours of reading about what to do for my blog and it becomes very hard to know when you have enough info to get started . These are easily digested tasks with a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ out of the task and makes it something you can really tackle . Thanks so much ! <p> I am glad I found you from Pat Flynn 's blog through the HD interview he had with you . Thank you for the valid information you are sharing here . I am thinking to register your course when you start offering it next time . I am reading your posts for good stuffs during the mean time . <p> Wow Corbett that is is some epic $h* ! That is some serious content there and I have n't even read the comments yet . I do have to admit though when you ask you 're visitors to do something they defiantly will do it . I 've only done a few of the things on this list but I 'm printing this article out to share with others and use as a check list to get things going . Thanks for all the great info . <p> Thanks for this post , by the way . I 've been meaning to build a facebook page for my blog for months -- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , writing that just reminded me : you 're the guy who wrote the big " get off your ass and do it already ! " post that triggered me to start writing my blog in the first place ! ( This one : http : **26;2668;TOOLONG ) I do n't think I ever thanked you for that . That was a life-changer for me
@@5090941 <h> Brokerage Partners <h> Members question proposed YMCA merger <p> LIMERICK - A proposed merger of a local YMCA organization with one in Philadelphia had dozens of Spring Valley YMCA members and employees up in arms with organization leaders Monday . <p> About 150 members and employees attended a meeting Monday at Spring Valley YMCA . The meeting , which was conducted by Sandy Lipstein , chairman of the board of Freedom Valley YMCA , was intended to field members ' questions about a proposed merger of Freedom Valley YMCA and the YMCA of Philadelphia &; Vicinity . <p> By way of kicking off the meeting Lipstein told the crowd gathered in two combined gymnasiums at the popular YMCA , " You have my apologies for underestimating how you feel about this merger . I take responsibility for that . The merger between Phoenixville and Pottstown a few years ago did n't generate as much concern . " <p> Lipstein is slated to become board chairman of the merged organization , which is to be named Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA , pending majority membership approval . Should members of Freedom Valley YMCA - those from Upper Perkiomen , Pottstown @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in favor of the merger on Nov. 15 , the two YMCA organizations will become one , effective January 1 . <p> Also present at the meeting and available to answer questions were John F. Flynn , president CEO of the 10-branch YMCA of Philadelphia &; Vicinity , who is set to become CEO of the merged organization , and Jay Schaeffer , current president and CEO of Freedom Valley YMCA . <p> Not everyone is in favor of the proposed merger , and that was apparent at the meeting . <p> Several members of Spring Valley YMCA stated that they were not given enough information about the proposed merger ahead of time , and that the voting process seems unfair and unwarranted . Many expressed fears that their YMCA branch - and especially its extremely popular outdoor pools - will be overrun by Philadelphia members as a result of the merger . <p> Jack Hennessey , a charter member of Spring Valley YMCA , said the vote , which is set to be held at Chadwick 's Restaurant in Audubon on Thursday at 7 p.m. is not being conducted @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Lipstein why voting could not be done by ballot or mail as Section 2.2 of the Freedom Valley YMCA bylaws states . <p> " The board does have the option of altering the mechanism for the vote , " Hennessey said . <p> Lipstein said Pennsylvania law for nonprofit organizations requires that members must be present to vote . He said the vote will go ahead as planned . <p> Hennessey noted that YMCA employees who are scheduled to work next Thursday will not be able to vote . Lipstein said possibly those employees could be allowed to vote using a substitute . <p> Hennessey said he also has a concern about how votes will be verified , and whether those voting will be actual members of the Freedom Valley YMCA . Other YMCA members in attendance said they also do not trust the vote wo n't be " rigged . " Lipstein noted that members will be asked to sign in using their name and address , and that information will be verified following the vote if necessary . <p> Lipstein noted that there has been a lot of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ said the merger will not increase the population of the outdoor pools at Spring Valley Y in the summer as " there will be no reciprocity ( between branches ) for outdoor pools . " Additionally , fitness programs at Spring Valley wo n't be crowded out by Philadelphia Y members due to a similar lack of reciprocity . <p> The merger will not " create a massive influx in the Wellness Center exercise room , " although members of branches will be able to use other branches , Lipstein said . Rates and the way rates are set will not change with the merger , he said . And , Freedom Valley YMCA CEO Jay Schaeffer , who is set to retire pending the merger , will not receive a " golden parachute " of any kind because of it , as has been rumored , Lipstein said . <p> One member of the audience asked , " If we do n't like ( the merged organization ) , will there be a refund of membership ? " <p> After some discussion with Lipstein and Flynn , Schaeffer agreed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a merger . <p> Lipstein added , " We 're not looking to create a building full of people who do n't want to be here . " <p> One benefit of the merger , according to Lipstein , is it will result in a $150,000 annual cost savings to employees who get health insurance through Freedom Valley YMCA . That will affect 10 percent of employees , he said . Additionally , Freedom Valley employees who participate in the organization 's retirement plan will benefit from the more generous YMCA of Philadelphia &; Vicinity plan . <p> The Philadelphia Freedom YMCA will be one of the largest YMCA organizations in the country , giving it greater influence when it comes to policymaking and enable " top notch " personnel hires , according to Lipstein . <p> Freedom Valley will also benefit from the Philadelphia organization 's information technology and human resources departments . " We have outsourced a lot of that , and we will no longer do that , " Lipstein said . <p> Susan Criss , a fitness instructor who began working at the Phoenixville YMCA 11 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ said what bothers her more than the possibility of a merger is the way information has been presented . <p> " I 'm not happy with the way its been handled - how quickly they seem to want to push it through , " she said . <p> Criss , as well as many others at the meeting , had objections to the voting procedure . <p> " Why do we have to vote so quickly ? Why not ballot vote at each facility ? Why do we have to vote at Chadwick 's restaurant ? " Criss asked . " There 's a great concern about this vote . Why not make it just like the presidential election and let it go on ( at all the locations ) for an entire day ? " <p> Criss said she thought those conducting the meeting were very disrespectful to YMCA members and employees in the audience who were seeking answers . <p> " It frustrates me that they want us to trust them but they do n't want to listen to our concerns , " she said . <p> At @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ no " speech making " from members of the audience , and would entertain questions only . <p> Ultimately , Criss said she agreed most of the fears other members and employees have voiced to her are " probably irrational . But they need to be acknowledged , and I think that 's what 's missing here . Certain questions were not answered directly . " <p> Mike M. , a Limerick resident who asked that his last name not be publicized , said he does plan to travel to Audubon to vote next week . Mike said he has had a family membership at the Spring Valley YMCA for about seven years . <p> " I can see why everybody 's concerned about the influx of people coming to this facility here , " he said . <p> He mentioned that not all of his questions were answered at Monday 's meeting . <p> " I guess what everybody 's fear is - and what my fear is - is that membership fees will go up . They did n't say a lot about the benefits for the members @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . " But after hearing what they had to say in the meeting , I feel that definitely it 's going to benefit all the members and add more benefits , such as taking care of maintenance issues at the facility . So why not vote for the merger ? " <p> Rosemary Baues , 68 , who has been a Freedom Valley YMCA member for more than three years and enjoys a number of classes there , said she felt Lipstein , Flynn and Schaeffer were " being extremely condescending " to those in the audience at Monday 's meeting . <p> " I expect them to put up a good show of why I should vote for the YMCA merger , " Baues said . <p> Asked if she would be present at next Thursday 's vote , Baues said " Oh my God , yes ! And I 'm picking up a bunch of people who ca n't see to drive at night to go as well . " <p> Baues said she would have liked to see voting made possible at each separate facility , or @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Chadwick 's location was selected because it was central to the five Freedom Valley YMCA branches - about a 10-minute drive from Phoenixville , Spring Valley or Audubon ; 20 minutes from Pottstown and a little farther for the members of the Upper Perkiomen branch . <p> Elias " Lou " Varvarezis of Schwenksville , a Spring Valley YMCA member , was outspoken against the merger at Monday 's meeting . <p> " My only issue with this is there was no information of detail provided - through all the mediums they have - for the people voting , " Varvarezis said . " And not postponing the vote until that information is provided is what bothers me . " <p> Several people at the meeting voiced concerns about Philadelphia Y members coming to use the gym and " sneaking into the pool " in the summertime . Lipstein answered , " Philadelphia is an hour away from here . People could go to the shore faster ( than come here ) . " <p> Flynn added that the policy of non-reciprocity on the use of the outdoor pools will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ asked if Freedom Valley YMCA will " have a responsibility to support Philadelphia if they get into ( financial ) trouble ? " <p> Lipstein answered , " If this merger is approved , it 's not us ' and them ' . It 's all us . It 's all one . " <p> For the merger to be approved , a majority of both the Freedom Valley YMCA and YMCA of Philadelphia &; Vicinity membership must vote for it . <p> " The merger is a merger of equals , " Lipstein said . " Both sides have to agree by a majority of votes . " <p> More information about the merger is
@@5091041 <p> Although Jacqueline Laurita is trying to convince viewers that Teresa had everything to do with the drama at the Posche Fashion Show , producers for the hit show are now saying otherwise ! Before Sunday 's episode aired , Lauren Manzo tweeted , " Guys ! Want the best tweets for tonight 's ep ? ! Follow our producers @PurveyorsofPop ! They know more than us ! Theyre live tweeting tonight ! " <p> That 's when producers set the rumors straight and tweeted , " As far as we know Teresa was not involved in #STRIPPERGATE , but one thing is for sure Melissa is NOT a stripper . " <p> So producers are denying that Teresa had any involvement and I think it 's clear producers would know since they are the ones who mic everyone and set everything up ! Do you believe the producers or Jacqueline ? ! <h> Comments ( 136 ) <p> sounds like they r backtracking a bit now that feed back has been so neg about how they edited the crap outta this show ... wonder if this has anything to do with that cat chick tweeting teresa the other @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the show and she became very close friends with the manzos and especially melissa . she was fired because she became too close and too involved with the show . she messed up the editing . <p> Finally , Bravo admits to their wrongdoings . I 'm glad they are backtracking ( even though it took this long ) , but I hope they clear all this mess up , and fix everything . They should really apologize to Tre in front of everyone ! ! ! Especially Andy Douchehead ! <p> Tre definitely deserves a raise ! She should get $500,000-$1,000,000.00 because there is no show , no storyline , no amount of apologies from Bravo that money would make up for what they 've done . That money would help her , and after all the damage they 've caused Teresa and her family ... It 's only fair . Do the right thing ! Give a public apology , and give Teresa the RAISE SHE DESERVES . People tune in to watch her ! <p> What 's up with the uneducated Manzo kids showing up at @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Jersey . NOT The Loser Adult Kids and Famewhoring Husbands of New Jersey ! <p> Yes but Angelo said Teresa and Kim D set it up ; why did he say that ; someone said that the conversation was cut up to sound that way ; all that idiot albie and Lauren can say is that are stupid they were wearing a mic we heard what they said OMG they really think we are stupid 4 sure ! ! ! <p> Sorry I do n't believe them they sent out a tweet yesterday to the entire cast ; including the manzo 's kids and greg they left out Teresa ; they are full of #* ( # ) $# ) # ) When is Bravo going to get rid of them ; they have become to friendly with the cast and that ca n't work <p> They need some regulations based on ethics in this genre of reality TV . Producers should have to sign contracts that states that to the best of their abilities they will not manipulate or misrepresent situations with these reality shows and if they are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Who knows why they decide to hate Teresa and cause this reign of terror on her for two seasons . Who knows if Melissa is not a part of this whole stripper-gate . Her optimistic spiel on her relationship with Teresa before the fashion show was very suspect and seemingly contrived -- " oh we are in such a great place now and we will live happily ever after . " Makes you go hmmm .... <p> If the cast was texting the producers during PFS why did n't they tell the cast then ? Now that the reunion is taped and Tre was dragged through the mud by her former friends and family they finally admit this . Disgusting . <p> Exactly ! I hate that . Bravo is a horrible network , and to think NBC is owned by them ... <p> Jacqueline was going off on Twitter trying to convince everyone what Tre " supposedly " did . Hundreds of people retweeted her , and they believe her BS . They call Tre SHIT , and she agrees and ENCOURAGES them to speak up and say hateful @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ drink your wine , take your xanax , and shut up ! She probably takes both of them together . Lol . Cuckoo bird . <p> Why would I believe that coo coo bird Jac . The lady is seriously deranged . It 's sad to spend some much of your life trying to convince people Tre is the devil . I hope she gets the help she truly needs . Total producer driven drama . And Melissa IS not a stripper now . But she definitely was one in the past . <p> Considering Jac lied right to Joe Gorga 's face about hearing Angelo talk about " embarrassing Mel " while standing next to Teresa , then NO I do n't believe a damn thing Jac says ! Jac needs to worry about her own problems . <p> I am so glad you posted this ... Joe asked her TWICE and she said yes ! .... that is when I knew that Jacqueline is ( please note present tense ) a piece of CRAP ! You lied , knowing or forgetting you were on camera and we the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> They could bring any amount of proof to these chicken heads and they would still blame Teresa . It 's sick to think how much anger and bitterness they have for one woman . T is by no means perfect but this crap is sick . AND did anyone else notice that during the preview for next week Jaq was screaming at Teresa " I swear on my Autistic son .... " like bringing that up makes her BS anymore believable ? ! SICK Jaq ! Do not use your sons issues for your own gain ! SICK ! <p> Of course I believe the producers . Jacko is crazy . She is jealous of the success Theresa has . If Jacko was a good friend like she claimed she was , she would had pulled Theresa aside and told her what the " friend " texted her before it all escalated . Instead , she said there with that stupid smirk on her face ( which I wish I can slap off her face ) and let it all go down . <p> I find it extremely telling @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ IS " not a stripper . Not , Melissa " WAS " not a stripper . Why the use of the present tense rather than the past ? Is someone being coy and stating the fact that at the present time Melissa is not a stripper but with regard to the past , well we 're not really gon na say ... hhhmmm . <p> And not for nothing but who gives a rat 's ass if Melissa had been a stripper or not ? That 's the ultimate irony here . All the shame/blame as to whether Melissa had a naughty past was , well -- for naught . <p> Helen , this is why I seek out your comments . It is quite telling is n't it . I agree with you , I can not understand why Melissa , jacqueline and Joe are so upset about the stripping rumor . That 's like someone saying you work at McDonald 's . Oooookay ! ! ! And the man only said hello , why did Melissa get so upset ? I 'll tell you why , because people @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ said Melissa went to prison for armed robbery , she 'd still be laughing and joking about it . It spoke the truth about her whitish and skany lifestyle and she flipped . But my thing is so what ? Do you all of the stuff I did in college ? Hand to God , if my husband found out a fraction of it , I 'd probably be on my way to divorce court , and the same is probably true of Melissa . <p> And why is it that Melissa and Jacqueline are able to talk BEHIND Teresa 's back ? Is she that intimidating ? <p> i believe its not at all truly about " if she was ever a stripper " but simply the constant problems and hurt in the family . its about the feeling of someone who is supposed to be on your side and love you always betraying or bashing you . its the feelings of wanting so badly for someone to be a different person an then believing for a moment they might really be tyring , only to have a wave @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have in your life just will never be someone you can trust , because they apparently will always only be out to find ( or make up ) the worst things about you . i think she probley was a stripper an right , who cares . she should just admitte it an move on , its not a big deal . <p> Another thing , being as you 're from Alabama , ( although I 'm sure you figured what I 'm about to tell you for yourself ) , probably the biggest lie Melissa has told on-camera , to-date is that it was " one of those bars where older guys with money ... hand you $100 bills for one drink . " <p> Anyone familiar with ANY " club " in Elizabeth NJ , let alone " Lookers , " knows there is NOT.A.ONE. where any man , rich or richer , is giving any bar wench in any of those dives $100 drink tips and telling her to keep it . <p> But now , just for shits and giggles , let 's double-down on this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . " I am referring , of course , to Melissa 's observation acknowledging she thinks she would have had to have been a fool NOT to have worked there and take the money from those " older men " she clearly felt nothing for and was , in fact repulsed by . <p> However , for me , inasmuch as I had the benefits of a classical education ( Hans Gruber , anyone ) , George Bernard Shaw immediately came to my mind along with the delightful anecdote relating Shaw 's having asked a woman if she would be willing to compromise her virtue for one million pounds . Her reply was that yes , quite possibly for that much money , she might . Shaw then asked the woman would she sleep with him for the sum of five pounds . Certainly not ! was her highly indignant response , ' just what do you think I am , ' she asked , as self-righteously insulted as she could bring herself to sound . To which Shaw responded , ' Madame , we have already established what you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . " Good stuff , that ! <p> Whether the story is apocryphal or Shaw really said it , it certainly appears that it not only applies to Melissa but , according to those rumors that Jacqueline herself relies on for her information , to Jacqueline as well as Jacqueline too is " rumored " to have been quite the hired party girl in Vegas . Well ! So much for ' What Happens in Vegas , stays in Vegas , ' ' cause what happened with Jax in Vegas appears to have followed the Laurita 's back to the Jersey lakes of Franklin . <p> She is using this stripper scandel to boost her career by everyone talking about . She 'll get more TV/magazine interviews about this and trashing T. This is like how sex tapes in hollywood to boost their careers unfortunately . We all need to forget about it bc I do not want to give this poor excuse of a woman any more exposure . <p> Your are so right . Kim K anyone ? . This is THE MOST Attn that Mel out of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mag covers and Wendy Williams and likely one of the highest rated Bravo episodes . It is FAR more beneficial for Mel to have set this up then it would be for Theresa to do so included Jac . Mel is the winner in all pf this . If this in anyway embarrassed Meliss ..... she sure does not act like it . She has cashed in on this more then ANY of them . <p> lol ! Figures the producers would jump in now to take the heat off Tre.I hate having to say I believe the producers over anyone but there you have it.Yes , I believe the producers over Jacass on this one . <p> Let 's see who do I believe ... right now my mind is spinning after watching the season finale . But I do n't believe Jacqueline Laurita for a minute b/c she goes on and on with so much on twitter rants . But this season has been dark , depressing , and obviously the drama it thrives on . I have watched the show from the beginning and I can tell @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to their 15 , etc . My advice is for some of the housewives to lay off the Zanax , booze , and twitter and get the help they need ! And for the love of humanity , please get the housewife who sings to stop . Your music stinks ! Enough of my ranting . Just how I feel . <p> Andy Cohen has admitted to watching the blogs ( hey Andy -- how you doing ? ) and he is cleaning up this mess at all costs , and the more Jacqueline speaks the more she looks like an escaped mental patient . My husbands grandmother from Italy always says , " it 's better to eat too much than to talk to much . " when you eat too much , you only hurt yourself . When you talk too much , not only do you hurt yourself , but you make others turn against you . Jacqueline , put a sausage in your mouth and STFU . You not only look like a lunatic stalker ( why is she checking for pics of Teresa and Kim @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ she 's left out ) , but also an uninformed liar . <p> I read it chile . I 'm confused . Why she upset that Teresa was being inauthentic and fake , but wants Teresa to " fake it til she makes it with her family. ? " Should she be fake or real ? Speaking of not letting it go Jacqueline , what 's Teresa really done to you . This bitch went on and on about Teresa and Kim taking pics together ( is she mad because she is n't in any of the pics ) and about Teresa 's marriage . Say what you want about Joe Giudice , but he does n't have any bitches making up twitter accounts claiming to expose him ( Jacq , your husband does ) . When she thought that woman was going to expose her she SFTU on twitter , now that she has successful shut the woman up , she now has balls of steel . This bitch should be slapped . <p> well here 's my question .... Producers have said no Teresa involvement .... NOW WHAT @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are lieing ? And what about Chuckie ... same thing ... and Lauren , and Katfish and , and , and , ...... I wish Roxy or someone else could get a direct quote in response to what the producers tweeted . <p> You better believe it . She 's gon na go at it with Andy and those producers and she 's gon na make the believe her when she says Teresa is involved . This makes me wonder , why does Jacqueline care so much . NONE of the other wives , even TERESA , care if this is a setup or not , only Jacqueline . This furthers my belief that this bitch was in on it . <p> Andrea , I think it was all Jac 's idea . She wore that smirk , that cat that swallowed the canary look all evening . And she looked gleeful as she 's feeding stumpy those lies . I also think that Mel was in on it too . Mel was not upset , she tried to act as if she was , calling T 's brother ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ plan must have been that this was going to be what ruined it for T. We were supposed to see T in a very bad light and all our questions would be answered . Jac , our questions are answered . You are psycho ! How do you show your face around town ? <p> O my God that would be better than sex ( do nt tell my husband ) ! ! ! ! But oh yeah , I 'd totally do it . Jacqueline talks a mean game , and she likes to antagonize Teresa , wonder how she 'd hold her own against a cornbread fead country girl like me ? ? ? ? <p> I have a theory . Jac was talking in her recent blog about listing all of these " facts " and saying from this point forward she wont talk about it again . Well , I am guessing she HAD to get this off her chest because something will be revealed by Kim D. and Bravo that sets the record straight for Teresa . Not that I will watch ... But why @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they needed to fix this disaster before Posche and the Guidices and a slew of others sued them for defamation . <p> Jacqueline is so stupid . A blind blonde could see from 20 football fields away that bravo was going to edit it down and go with public opinion . Jacqueline should 've purchased a clue with this seasons paycheck when bravo changed the format for commenting on their blogs . While they 've " left Teresa out to dry , " they 're making sure does so in as graceful manner as possible . As much as I know Andy Cohen hate Teresa , that bitches name is the one he 's constantly calling and tweeting about . He had the power to choose any or all of the the ' stars ' from any show that he wants for the bravo summer commercial- who did he choose ? You bet your bottom dollar it was sardines in the panties or either of the strippers . He chose Teresa and blubber . <p> I think you are all wrong ! Maybe the producers did n't see T setting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Kim set this up when producers were n't around ! And for all of you bashing Jacqueline .... She is the most sincere and has the biggest heart out of any of the housewives . Teresa 's own husband said it best .... Teresa is a CUNextTuesday ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <p> Yeah right ! They could catch Joe Guidices phone call and every other terrible thing that he has done . They can catch all of these moments where people forgot they were mic 'd but Bravo misses the biggest drama of the entire franchise ? Please ! <p> Ummm , this is a TV show . This guy did n't just fall into their shot after being visited by the mic fairy . They knew who he was , why he was there , and who brought him to their attention so they could arrange for the filming . <p> hsam .. the producers are in charge of who gets camera time and who get 's mic 'd up . they know who 's gon na do what . the producers set up alot of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ jac is the most sincere and has the biggest heart really made me laugh . you got ta be kidding me. i used to like jac and used to think that way too until she finally showed her true colors all over twitter . you must not read her tweets at all or else you would see what a nutjob she is. she 's the most flakiest , naive , wishy washy , backstabbing , revengeful , hateful person i have ever seen . <p> Please ... T has left these ladies in the dust . She had no reason to " set it up " . And why should we believe the producers are lying ? Also , pls refrain from calling ppl names like that . You do n't know this person and I 'm certain you would not appreciate being called that . <p> Expllain how the man got mic'ed . Teresa nor KimD are part of production , they can not mic or film anyone , they also ca n't athourise the release of filming or the permits for filming . See , you theory has @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ How naive are you ? ? ? The producers are telling the truth , because THEY 'RE the ones who set it up . They would n't have had a finale otherwise ... it would 've been them sitting at a table , eating salad . This is a television show . As much as we 'd like to believe that it 's all real , production MUST contrive storylines and drama in order to produce ratings . Do you really think they 'd spend the kind of money they spend to produce the show , and not have any hand in making sure that the shit hits the fan ? ? ? Get real . <p> Jac just needs to focus on her family .. That would make her authentic instead of the garbage she is spewing out of her mouth . Melissa , Kathy and their husbands really have ruined this show .. It 's time for the gutter to reclaim their property . <p> IMPORTANT TO NOTE : In Melissa US Weekly article , she says that Joe Gorga was in Hoboken . Tonight Joe Gorga tweets @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's 10 pm I 'm home watching my kids I pulled magic to get there " These people are LYING , they were involved in this ! <p> See how Melissa winds Joe up ? Come to the club do n't come to the club.Jacqueline looks like she 's pushing to knock Theresa off the show . I bet Bravo knows they LOST their audience if Theresa leaves the show . Theresa is THE ONLY ONE on the show NOT saying horrible things about her castmates . These ladies are SO trying to insert ridiculous drama into their " nothing better to do lives " . If Tre leaves the show .... so do I. <p> YESSSSSSSS ! ! ! ! ! ! I just posted that over on the finale queue .... YES I noticed it and knew immediately that EVERYTHING Teresa had said about Mehog in the past was true .... it was all right there , plain as day <p> I freakin hate Bravo and honestly their shows suck . I do love T and I was indiffirent before season 3 and 4 . Now I truly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ all agree that Jacko is certifiably CRAZY , Carowhine 's a witch and for T 's family .... simply disgusting . Kathy is a snake and Melwhore is the whore of New Jersey . Watch out for their porn next . <p> Question ..... why did n't Andy Cohen crucify Joe Gorga for calling his sister and Kim D " butt buddies " ? The reunionwas the next day . It was n't mentioned ..... yet he crucified Teresa for her husband 's comments and has for years . <p> OH PLEASE ! ! ! ! ! Who the hell gives a f*ck if teresa set her up ! ! ! These b*tches are acting as if Teresa framed Melissa for murder and she is now on death row fighting for her life . Yes b*tch if that was the case you could say Teresa destroyed my family and us finacially . You already egg-mitted to working in that sleazy bar in Elizabeth maybe she wanted to let everyone know what a true skank you are ( however trust me NOBODY was surprised not even your in-laws ) . This @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ one sided they ( LARGE MARGE , JAC-ASS , WHORSEY FACE , KAT-FISH ) can do and say anything they want but let someone defend themselves in the same manor and they are outraged . Did n't LARGE MARGE week after week insult Ashlee and claim she was a spoiled lazy POS , but let someone say so are your kids and she is furious . Kathy and BITCHIE RITCHie week after week insult and make fun of Teresa but let Teresa or Joe say something and again they are outraged . WHORSEY FACE contacted Danielle fed her information that could hurt and embarrass Teresa but let Teresa do the same and she 's the POS . <p> I thought it was awesome that Kelly Ripa does not believe Teresa was set up and the the producers said Teresa was not part of the set up . I guess this should be a wake up call for the Manzos . Nobody is willinfg to kiss their ass . HAHA Lauren ! Thanks for the heads up to look at the producer 's tweets . I guess Mommy is no longer @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of NJ think ! ! ! ! Teresa is the show , they do nt realize they helped make teresa the star of the show ! ! ! ! One time a long time ago Teresa was friends with these so called ladies , and went to them to let off a little steam about her family and they turned on her , they proved they were not loyal friends , she do nt need them ! ! ! ! Bravo you suck ! ! ! what you put Teresa thru , is not fair , its time the viewers stopped watching ! ! ! ! <p> I just think it is sad what Bravo has done to this family all for the sake of ratings ! Its enough already , this was the worst season of any of the housewives franchise I have ever watched ! Kelly Ripa said it best on WWHL last night , she did not see Teresa being in on the set up , sorry Waco Jaco , its not working ! <p> If Teresa knew anything about the set up , it was probably @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ going to happen at the fashion show . Something just strikes me as off about Jacqueline . It 's like she 's stuck in " hate Tre " mode and grinding the ax like there 's no tomorrow . Everything is Tre 's fault . Tre is evil . I just ca n't shake the feeling that people around Jac ( producers , Caroline , etc ) have fed her info and kind of persuaded her how bad Tre was . It reminds of me the kid on the playground who stands screaming at the top of their lungs just how wrong they 've been done . In all honesty , the backstabbing digs flew in all directions this season . But Jac makes it seems like Tre is the wicked witch of new jersey who tortures this poor innocent group of friends . It 's like she wants to hate Tre and everyone else ... Melissa .. Joe Gorga ... Caroline ... Kathy can do no wrong . <p> I am really starting to believe that the whole show is scripted . These women get paid to HATE and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ story line " was DUMB ! It is like high school drama . Bravo has accomplished one thing , they got us all sitting here talking about it , which is what they want . We bring in their ratings . <p> As far as we know Teresa was not involved in #STRIPPERGATE , but one a stripper . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <p> The producers wrote , " As Far As WE KNOW ! " They are in a sense leaving it up to the viewer to guess . They were quick and decisive when it comes to defending Melissa though . " Melissa Is NOT A STRIPPER ! " Why did n't they write , " Teresa WAS NOT involved ? " <p> Bravo clearly set-up these stripper gate and they got caught . <p> When you plan to set someone up , you 're not going to go to your boss and let them in on the set-up . How did the producer know that something was about to happen at the fashion show , and send @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! <p> The producers are morons too ! " As far as we know " ? ? ? ? Who the f*ck gave this Angelo guy a mic. ? Are we the viewers suppose to believe he crashed the party and mic'd. himself . Of course they were aware of what was going to happen and they know very well who set it up 100% . So I have no idea why they would all play stupid now are they trying to make it seem like they have no control over production people through out NJ are just ambushing their show and they know nothing about it . They sound as dumb as the skank that busted her ass working 3 jobs to pay for college yet ca n't remember when she graduated . <p> JMO , but I think the reason the producers used the term , " as far as we know " , is because if they were to come right out &; say Teresa was n't in on it , they would , essentially , be admitting they ( or the ex-producers ) were the ones @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this way , they are able to keep from admitting they were the ones behind it , while also clarifying that Teresa was not part of it . <p> Either way , Bravo has to fire Melissa and Kathy . I am not going to watch this nonsense for three years . Two years of it is more than enough . At the end of the show it was written the Joe Gorga has not spoken to his sister since the Posche Fashion Show . Why did n't they write that Teresa has not spoken to her brother ? Anyway , Bravo clearly want us to know that the Giudice ' and Gorga 's are still seperated . Does this mean Bravo is going to play this Giudice ' and Gorga story out for a third year ? NOT WATCHING THIS SHIT IF THEY DO ! It 's nonsense and old now . <p> I have become bored with all this and frankly , the only way I will watch season five is if Bravo brings back Danielle and fires Melissa and Kathy . <p> Who cares if Melissa stripper @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ' for the Bravo cameras , so why worry about a little thing like stripping ? <p> One year ago , Melissa 's stripper issue was discussed over and over and over and over again on the blogs , tabloids and twitter . NOW IT 'S BACK ! Over and over and over again . I hope the blogs just shut this story down already . How many times are we going to talk about this ? She 's a " W " and we knew this two years ago in Cancun ! <p> I do n't think Meho was a dancer .. We all seen her trying to dance . I 'm thinking she was a topless cocktail waitress with pasties . Or she swung around the pole a few times while fliping her hair . But a dancer No <p> It was so obvious that they were trying to make Teresa look bad . She never even asked Melissa if she was a stripper , Teresa just told her that he said that . She even told Melissa she knows it not true , and wanted to confront @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have Melissa 's back during this , why would she have set her up ! Ridiculous the lengths these women have gone , to try and make Teresa look bad . <p> Perhaps Teresa was n't involved . After all , she is so very , very stupid that most scenes unfolding before her very eyes still require explanation from her only slightly less idiot of a husband . And if Juicy Joe has to translate life for you , what does that say ? co inky dink ? yes , Teresa is no Rhodes scholar , so her involvement in even such a rudimentary scheme is unlikely . Now pardon me , while I gather my ingredientseseseses to make dinner . <p> Am I the only one that noticed Melissa lying horribly in the bathroom . First she claimed she did nt remember the guy , Tre tells her he said she used to dance for him and then miraculously all of a sudden Melissa recalls that she worked for him for a week " bartending " ... hmmm , but just seconds before she had no clue how @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ setup that night was Teresa . BRAVO and that cast of idiots owe her an apology ! <p> Does anyone know if it 's true that Melissa was having an affair with that Bravo producer , Cat R or maybe even a threesome with the Gorgas and Cat R ? Cat R set up Teresa and then was fired . What 's the real story with all that ? <p> Wow , I am REALLY amazed by the conclusions drawn here , most in favor of Teresa ? <p> I see Teresa as the LEAST credible person on the show and Posche on par with her . <p> Compare that to Jac , who up until this point refused to engage in conflict or talk about Teresa ( could have so many times ) . <p> Do you see Jac scheming with anyone else r any other areas of her life ? Oh and do you think her husband ( who is a pretty straight and integrible guy ) would even stand for it ? Now compare that with Teresa , her unintegrible serial doofass husband , and i think @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ get your answer .... you sort of already KNOW . Character . <p> I would not trust producers . They have more of a stake to manipulate the outcome in the best interest of show ratings . Teresa taking blame does not fit this model for them . <p> Also , even though it seems we see what goes on , T is very aware of how she acts on camera and am sure she scheme behind the scenes . <p> Because she has kept so silent bottling everything in to not bag on T hoping they would still have a relationship . Now that she sees the REAL T , and knows she wo n't ( and does n't want to ) she is an honest person just wanting to tell it like it is , put the truth out there and make no excuses for her any longer . <p> Sense of freedom and courtesy to her fans . I do n't think she is motivated to concoct any stories . If you want to make Teresa look bad , you do n't need to do anything but @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ better than anyone I know . Classless . <h> MOB WIVES <p> Renee Graziano entered a 30-day rehab treatment in Miami last month in search of improving her physical , mental and spiritual health while Mob Wives season three filmed . Now , the treatment is over and the reality star took straight to a pampering session to celebrate the new chapter in her life . Rumor Fix found the exclusive ... <p> Mob Wives star Drita Davanzo has been taken aback by all the damage Staten Island has suffered since Hurricane Sandy , so she is putting her reality TV fame to good use by helping out her hometown 's people ! Drita has organized a fundraiser for the community and is opening up about her plans and what prompted ... <p> The Mob Wives flagship franchise is Staten Island , which is a community that was highly affected by Hurricane Sandy . The Wives of Staten Island have been working hard on Twitter spreading awareness to help restore their town and have also been donating time to help those affected . Since the show 's third season is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Real Housewives of New Jersey Kim D stirred up a lot of drama , especially with setting up Melissa Gorga at the fashion show . What will her involvement be next season ? AllAboutTRH has the scoop ! A show insider close to Kim D and the gang tells us exclusively that Kim D has been ... <p> There have been several rumors regarding season 5 ? s Real Housewives of New Jersey but I have the 411 on what 's really going on through my New Jersey connects ! Looks like the filming will begin next week and as I 've reported everyone has been asked to return ! Teresa 's friends will also be appearing on this season ... <p> Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice is a Madonna fan so naturally she attended her Madison Square Garden sold-out concert on November 12 along with NephCure founder Dana Levine . Rumors have been swirling around the internet this week that Teresa tried her hardest
@@5091241 <p> The best time to see the Leonid Meteor Shower is from 1 AM to twilight early Saturday morning ( there could be a second minor peak early Tuesday morning ) . You could see as many as 5-15 meteors per hour . The meteors associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle . It takes the comet about 33 years to make one orbit around the sun . The sky should be clear to partly cloudy and the crescent moon sets in mid-evening . Temperatures will likely be in the mid 20s to low 30s early Saturday , so it will be cool . The Leonids radiate from the constellation Leo , the Lion , which this time of year rises around local midnight , and by 3:00 a.m. is high in the eastern sky . So you 'd be best looking toward the east-northeast . Here 's a cool picture of the Leonids taken from space . <p> Sometimes its hard to say goodbye , its hard to wrap-up a story , luckily Director Bill Condon found a way to do both in " The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn -- Part 2 ? ... its actually the best movie @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> Warning to parents : " Breaking Dawn Part 2 ? is rated PG-13 for sequences of violence including disturbing images , some sensuality and partial nudity . But mostly for the fantasy violence that can be disturbing and gruesome . <p> " Breaking Dawn Part 2 ? poster courtesy Summit Entertainment <p> ( My spoiler-free review ) <p> " And all along .. I believed ... I would find you ... Time has brought ... your heart to me ... I ... have loved you for a thousand ... years " -- now Christina Perri 's song " A Thousand Years " -- the one that gets stuck in your head and wo n't let go -- finally makes sense in the context of the story . <p> Maybe its the big action sequence at the end of the movie or the early scenes with Bella learning her new found Vampire powers that makes it seem like Stephanie Meyer 's version of Xavier 's school for the gifted . There are many things I liked more about this chapter of the " Twilight " saga . <p> " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of standing around and talking about what is going to happen , has happened , or will happen . Gone are all the angst -- thank you -- and a lot of " longing " ... close ups and tracking shots around our main characters who are just staring off camera . We get moments of humor from different characters ... but this time around , the audience is laughing more at the intended jokes than at the movie itself . <p> There are still several issues that keep this movie from entering any discussion of " best movies of 2012 ? ... let 's start with the biggest elephant in the room : the CGI effects for baby Renesmee in the early scenes are ridiculous and distracting ! ! Its clear that a baby would not make faces like that ... its clear that its CGI ... it destroys the moment of " cuteness " and family bonding and replaces it with the " what the heck " feeling I had the first time I saw the talking baby commercials during the Super Bowl . <p> Let 's be @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ did n't read the books ... but we still get a lot of adolescent dialogue and some of the acting is still a little stiff ( Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen ) or over-the-top ( Michael Sheen as crazy/maniacal Aro ) . I feel like they and other characters could have had more depth and be more relatable if you make them more human ... so much of this script/concept could have been punched up more and made stronger with a dedicated person , maybe a writer on the outside of this production . <p> I did like that there was considerably more action and less romance ... although its still in there , just less of it ... in a different , more grown up way . I love that Bella is not so mopey anymore . Edward and Jacob almost have this Han/Lando old buddies/rivals relationship going -- like they do n't completely trust each other -- but they know they need to for everything to work out . I also liked that the final climatic scenes are troubling -- putting the heroes in peril ... as we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ main characters and seeing how they respond builds depth and makes the characters more interesting . <p> Many scenes towards the end are quite violent and **26;2777;TOOLONG action sequences -- as many death scenes are in supernatural fantasy movies -- that could be nightmarish for the younger ones . <p> The apparent twist ending had some fans in the audience gasping ... but I thought it was interesting and refreshing for the Twilight series to do something slightly different . But do n't worry Twi-hards -- I 'm told its in the book -- you just have to kinda read between the lines and find it ... and all the fans at the screening I attended did n't really have a problem with it . <p> Fans will love " Breaking Dawn Part 2 ? ... its a solid way to wrap up the series . Including a video yearbook style montage just before the end credits set to ( another reference ) Christina Perri 's song " A Thousand Years " . It features a cast roll with names and images of all the characters from all 5 movies @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a nice touch for the fans . <p> We 've never seen the 16th president of the United States in TV clips or even hear him in a radio broadcast ... but Daniel-Day Lewis ' portrayal of Abraham Lincoln will now be the defining version of President Lincoln for me . <p> Warning to parents : " Lincoln " is rated PG-13 due to images related to war and death and some strong language . <p> " Lincoln " poster courtesy DreamWorks/ Touchstone Pictures <p> ( My spoiler-free review ) <p> " Lincoln " looks great and feels like we 're seeing life in the late 1800 ? s ... both in sets , costumes , lighting , and dialogue . <p> Director Steven Spielberg does a very good job making interesting a storyline that we already know the ending to ... Congress passing the Thirteenth Amendment in February 1865 -- abolishing slavery in the United States . <p> At its core , it plays out very much like a modern day political drama -- with many advisers and political allies weighing in on Presidential decisions . The backroom politics @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are going through make the story interesting . Many of the characters look like Lincoln 's cabinet and the prominent politicians of the day seen in old photographs and paintings . <p> Day-Lewis ' Lincoln is slow , deliberate , and matter-of-fact ... and so is the movie ... it feels every bit of its 2 hours and 29 minute runtime . But its the movie version of history class ... albeit a small slice of U.S. History ... because we only get to experience a few months of his time as President . Through Day-Lewis we see how gifted a speaker and storyteller Lincoln was ( afterall , his Gettysburg Address ( 1863 ) is one of the most quoted speeches in American history ) . This Lincoln tells stories ... he enjoys telling stories ... and even pushes forward on a story after a grumpy Bruce McGill ( as Edwin Stanton ( Secretary of War ) ) exclaims " No ! You 're not going to tell another story . " <p> Day-Lewis ' delivery and folksy persona help us understand why Lincoln was treasured by so many @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and determination to see the abolition of slavery . The years of political struggles and the war clearly took an emotional and physical toll on him . He is terrific as the beleaguered yet steadfast President driven by higher moral values , and perhaps political/military motivations . Much of his acting is done without words ... its the look on his face , his stare while deep in thought , his smile , he appears tired and worn out , but still pushes on . Day-Lewis ' physical and vocal transformation into Lincoln are nothing short of award consideration , but his characterization of Lincoln 's warmth , charm and intellect are mesmerizing ... he commands every scene .... worthy of an Oscar nomination in any year . <p> Lucky for us , he 's not alone .... supported by a very strong cast ... typical for a Spielberg epic . Sally Field is Lincoln 's troubled wife Mary Todd Lincoln , who is dealing with the impact of years of political struggle , the war , and the lasting affects of a carriage accident . David Strathairn is Lincoln @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ who wants to be the voice of political reason . Hal Holbrook brings instant credibility as influential politician Preston Blair , while Tommy Lee Jones acts his way out of a ridiculous wig as the powerful Republican politician Thaddeus Stevens ( Rep. from Pennsylvania ) . James Spader and John Hawkes bring some comedic breaks as serious political operatives Mr. Bilbo and Mr. Latham . <p> Lee Pace as Fernando Wood ( Democrat Rep. from New York ) , Michael Stuhlbarg as George Yeaman ( Unionist Representative from Kentucky ) , Boris McGiver as Alexander Coffroth ( Democrat Rep. from Pennsylvania ) , David Costabile as James Ashley ( Republican Rep. from Ohio ) , and Tim Blake Nelson as Richard Schell ( Representative from New York ) bring to life the pivotal politicians involved in the debate about the 13th Amendment ... the ones we may have read about in books and saw only in a few old black and white portraits . <p> Based on old photographs of Alexander Stephens ( Vice President of the Confederate States ) , Jackie Earle Haley seemed born to play the part @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ also seems a great fit as General Ulysses S. Grant , despite the small role . Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robert Lincoln the oldest son and Gulliver McGrath as youngest son Tad Lincoln fill a familiar Spielberg motif -- a strained father-son relationship and communication issues among family . <p> Unfortunately , my expectations were set very high due to my interest in the civil war as a child ( after a visit to Gettysburg ) and the director and cast involved in the movie . While that 's probably not fair to Mr. Spielberg to have my expectations set so high , my disappointments were mostly about what was not covered in this story -- not about the overall production of the movie . While intriguing , " Lincoln " is more important than traditionally entertaining but its epic feel and yet narrow scope will be sure to get it a lot of Oscar attention . <p> Picture shows low water level at Northport in Leelanau County , Michigan ( USGS pic . ) . The water level of Lake Michigan has fallen 2 inches in the last month and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ year ago . Lake Michigan/Huron ( they behave as one big lake for water level purposes , joined at the Mackinac Bridge ) is 28 ? below the average water level and now one inch above the lowest level of the last 50 years back in 1964 . Lake Superior is up one inch in the last month and 2 ? below the level of one year ago . Superior is 13 ? below the century average . Lake Erie is up 2 ? in the last month , but down 13 ? year-to-year . Lake Erie is 6 ? below the century average . Lake Ontario is down 1 ? in the last month and down 11 ? in the last year . Ontario is 9 ? below the long-term November average . According to this article , the low levels are " not out of the ordinary " . I would n't go that far . It is unusual , but not unprecedented to see a water level this low on Lake Michigan . Grand Rapids has had 30.84 ? of precipitation this year . That 's 91% @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Last year we actually had above normal precipitation in Grand Rapids ( 41.39 ? ) . Many people feel that dredging in the St. Clair River has contributed to the low lake levels . The low lake levels also affect lakes that connect to Lake Michigan ( Macatawa , Spring , Muskegon , White ) . The Grand River in Grand Rapids is running at 85.3% of median flow right now . You can check Michigan river levels here . The some , the solution to the low water level of Lake Michigan is taxing kayaks ! <p> Most all of the local teams have home games this weekend . Michigan ( 7-3 ) hosts Iowa ( 4-6 ) in the Big House at Noon . Michigan is favored and you can watch the game on ESPN . Northwestern ( 7-3 ) at Michigan State ( 5-5 ) could be the game of the day . That 's also a Noon start and the game is on ESPN2 . At 1 PM , Miami ( OH ) ( 4-6 ) takes on Central Michigan 4-6 ) in Mt . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( 4-7 ) tangle in Kalamazoo at 2 PM . Wake Forest ( 5-5 ) has a tough road game at Notre Dame ( 10-0 ) . The Fighting Irish have a tougher match against USC ( 7-3 ) out in Los Angeles next Saturday night . You can catch the Notre Dame/Wake Forest game on WOOD-TV at 3:30 PM . I 'll also add that my alma mater , Wisconsin ( 7-3 ) -- has a big game against Ohio State ( 10-0 ) . Wisconsin 's 3 losses have come by only 3 points each and with home field advantage , that could be a close game . That game will be on WOTV4 at 3:30 PM . We also have the high school playoff games on Saturday . Sunday the Detroit Lions ( 4-5 ) host the Green Bay Packers ( 6-3 ) on FOX at 1 PM . The weather should be pleasant and dry for all of these games with temperatures in the low-mid 50s . Skies should be partly to mostly sunny for most games in the Great Lakes region . <p> UPDATE : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . First picture of the Northern Lights ( Aurora Borealis ) taken around 10:15 PM Tuesday night at Millennium Park on the SW side of G.R. by Pete Mumbower . Second picture is from Randy DeKilder in Hickory Corners . Click the pictures to enlarge . If you look here at spaceweather.com , you can scroll down on the left side and see the kp index . If that 's a 5 you might be able to see them faintly to the north with a naked eye away from city lights . It 's at a 6 as I write this at 11:20 PM . Check out the NOAA Aurora Page and also this page . Here 's another site to check out . Check out this picture of the Northern Lights from Monday in Lulea , Sweden . More images here . An interplanetary shock wave ( probably the leading edge of a Coronal Mass Ejection ) hit Earth 's magnetic field on Monday at approximately 7 PM EST . <p> Cool and dry weather will prevail the rest of this week . We 'll see partly-to-mostly sunny skies @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ slowly moderate from the low 40s tomorrow ( Wed. ) to the low 50s over the weekend . Average high temperatures are now in the upper 40s . Today 's high of 38 was the coolest high temperature since last March 30th . Light winds over the next several days will make the days feel more comfortable . Snowfall Monday night ranged from a trace to 1.2 ? with most areas getting a dusting . Up north , 3 ? fell at E. Jordan , 3.5 ? near Cheboygan and in the U.P. , 6 ? was reported at Winona , 5.8 ? at Alston and 5.2 ? at Pelkie. ( image from WLUC ) <p> Temperature departures from average thru the first 13 days of November : Grand Rapids -1.7 , Battle Creek -2.4 , Kalamazoo -2.8 . After a wet October , we 're back to a dry pattern here in November , with just 0.27 ? of precipitation so far . <p> 11:10 AM . There 's still a few flakes on radar , so we 'll leave the radar up top of the blog ... nothing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( Visible -- daytime ) . You can see the lake-effect clouds overhead . If Lake Michigan were not there , we 'd be clear now . We 'll eventually become partly cloudy and then mostly clear as temperatures warm a bit aloft and the temperature difference from water to air is minimized , and the wind will eventually turn light to the south-southeast tonight , so it wo n't be coming off the lake . It 'll be a cool day with temperatures stuck in the 30s . The last day when we did n't reach 40 was March 30th . A couple of spots in E. Muskegon and Newaygo Co. reported about an inch of snow on the grass overnight . The overall airmass will be dry and other factors just do n't line up for a heavier lake-effect event that we might otherwise see when air this cold comes across Lake Michigan in mid-late November . Much of the rest of the coming week will be cool , dry and rather tranquil . <p> Hope you enjoyed the relatively warm weekend . ' The high temperature of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ average , but still not up to the record high of 73 for 11/11 . Despite the warm weekend , the average temperature for Nov. 2012 is still 1.6 degrees cooler than average . Our 57-degree reading at 12:01 AM this morning will be seven degrees above average for today ( 11/12 ) , so today will look like a warm day in the climate record . Here 's the GRR NWS discussion . Gale Warnings remain up for Lake Michigan thru Tuesday morning . I got a quick peak at the overnight European model data . It takes the 850 mb temperature to -12.2C Tuesday AM -- that 's cold , and will provide quite the contrast with the relatively warm Lake Michigan waters ( near 50 ) . The average wind speed on Sunday was 17.8 mph in G.R.
@@5091341 <p> HUH . Magazine provides an interesting article on the cost of logos in the corporate world . Inspired by the controversy surrounding the London 2012 Olympics logo , the magazine decided to have a look at the backstory behind some of the world 's most recognizable logos . Covering a multitude of branded identities with price tags ranging from $0 to $211 million USD , the logos in question showcase the subjective nature of branding and in the process prove that sometimes less really is more . Catch the full article over at HUH . Magazine with a full breakdown of some major players ' logos . <p> London olympics logo was a complete joke . What was that sperm mascot thing ? <p> http : //www.nathan-adams.net Nathan Adams <p> Sensationalist nonsense . A rebranding on a large scale is infinitely more than pumping out a single jpeg . There 's the tender process , the consultation , briefings , research , development of concepts , presentations , round after round of revisions , locking down the entire logo suite and all its variations , all the hundreds ( or thousands ! ) of applications , preparing final @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a style guide . Then there 's production costs of producing new stationery , packaging , signage , uniforms , websites ,
@@5091441 <p> Did you give your friends valentines and little heart-shaped candies on Valentine 's Day ? Do you ever cross your heart when making a promise that you really , really mean ? Or turn on the radio to hear a guy singing about his broken heart ? <p> We see and hear about hearts everywhere . A long time ago , people even thought that their emotions came from their hearts , maybe because the heart beats faster when a person is scared or excited . Now we know that emotions come from the brain , and in this case , the brain tells the heart to speed up . So what 's the heart up to , then ? How does it keep busy ? What does it look like ? Let 's find out . <h> Working That Muscle <p> Your heart is really a muscle . It 's located a little to the left of the middle of your chest , and it 's about the size of your fist . There are lots of muscles all over your body -- in your arms , in your legs , in your back , even in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ because of what it does . The heart sends blood around your body . The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs . It also carries away waste . <p> Your heart is sort of like a pump , or two pumps in one . The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs . The left side of the heart does the exact opposite : It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body . <h> We Got the Beat <p> How does the heart beat ? Before each beat , your heart fills with blood . Then its muscle contracts to squirt the blood along . When the heart contracts , it squeezes -- try squeezing your hand into a fist . That 's sort of like what your heart does so it can squirt out the blood . Your heart does this all day and all night , all the time . The heart is one hard worker ! <h> Heart Parts <p> The heart is made up of four different @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a chamber . There are two chambers on each side of the heart . One chamber is on the top and one chamber is on the bottom . The two chambers on top are called the atria ( say : ay -tree-uh ) . If you 're talking only about one , call it an atrium . The atria are the chambers that fill with the blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs . The heart has a left atrium and a right atrium . <p> The two chambers on the bottom are called the ventricles ( say : ven -trih-kulz ) . The heart has a left ventricle and a right ventricle . Their job is to squirt out the blood to the body and lungs . Running down the middle of the heart is a thick wall of muscle called the septum ( say : sep -tum ) . The septum 's job is to separate the left side and the right side of the heart . <p> The atria and ventricles work as a team -- the atria fill with blood , then dump @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ pumping blood out of the heart . While the ventricles are squeezing , the atria refill and get ready for the next contraction . So when the blood gets pumped , how does it know which way to go ? <p> Well , your blood relies on four special valves inside the heart . A valve lets something in and keeps it there by closing -- think of walking through a door . The door shuts behind you and keeps you from going backward . <p> Two of the heart valves are the mitral ( say : my -trul ) valve and the tricuspid ( say : try- kus -pid ) valve . They let blood flow from the atria to the ventricles . The other two are called the aortic ( say : ay- or -tik ) valve and pulmonary ( say : pul -muh-ner-ee ) valve , and they 're in charge of controlling the flow as the blood leaves the heart . These valves all work to keep the blood flowing forward . They open up to let the blood move ahead , then they close quickly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's Great to Circulate <p> You probably guessed that the blood just does n't slosh around your body once it leaves the heart . It moves through many tubes called arteries and veins , which together are called blood vessels . These blood vessels are attached to the heart . The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries . The ones that carry blood back to the heart are called veins . <p> The movement of the blood through the heart and around the body is called circulation ( say : sur-kyoo- lay -shun ) , and your heart is really good at it -- it takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body . <p> Your body needs this steady supply of blood to keep it working right . Blood delivers oxygen to all the body 's cells . To stay alive , a person needs healthy , living cells . Without oxygen , these cells would die . If that oxygen-rich blood does n't circulate as it should , a person could die . <p> The left @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the body . The body takes the oxygen out of the blood and uses it in your body 's cells . When the cells use the oxygen , they make carbon dioxide and other stuff that gets carried away by the blood . It 's like the blood delivers lunch to the cells and then has to pick up the trash ! <p> The returning blood enters the right side of the heart . The right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs for a little freshening up . In the lungs , carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and sent out of the body when we exhale . What 's next ? An inhale , of course , and a fresh breath of oxygen that can enter the blood to start the process again . And remember , it all happens in about a minute ! <h> Listen to the Lub-Dub <p> When you go for a checkup , your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen carefully to your heart . A healthy heart makes a lub-dub sound with each beat . This sound comes from the valves @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ first sound ( the lub ) happens when the mitral and tricuspid valves close . The next sound ( the dub ) happens when the aortic and pulmonary valves close after the blood has been squeezed out of the heart . Next time you go to the doctor , ask if you can listen to the lub-dub , too . <h> Pretty Cool -- It 's My Pulse ! <p> Even though your heart is inside you , there is a cool way to know it 's working from the outside . It 's your pulse . You can find your pulse by lightly pressing on the skin anywhere there 's a large artery running just beneath your skin . Two good places to find it are on the side of your neck and the inside of your wrist , just below the thumb . <p> You 'll know that you 've found your pulse when you can feel a small beat under your skin . Each beat is caused by the contraction ( squeezing ) of your heart . If you want to find out what your heart rate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ count how many beats you feel in 1 minute . When you are resting , you will probably feel between 70 and 100 beats per minute . <p> When you run around a lot , your body needs a lot more oxygen-filled blood . Your heart pumps faster to supply the oxygen-filled blood that your body needs . You may even feel your heart pounding in your chest . Try running in place or jumping rope for a few minutes and taking your pulse again -- now how many beats do you count in 1 minute ? <h> Keep Your Heart Happy <p> Most kids are born with a healthy heart and it 's important to keep yours in good shape . Here are some things that you can do to help keep your heart happy : <p> Remember that your heart is a muscle . If you want it to be strong , you need to exercise it . How do you do it ? By being active in a way that gets you huffing and puffing , like jumping rope , dancing , or playing basketball . Try @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! An hour would be even better for your heart ! <p> Eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid foods high in unhealthy fats , such as saturated fats and trans fats ( reading the labels on foods can help you figure out if your favorite snacks contain these unhealthy ingredients ) . <p> Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day . <p> Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks . <p> Do n't smoke . It can damage the heart and blood vessels . <p> So now you know that your heart does n't look like a valentine , but it sure deserves to be loved for all the work it does . It started pumping blood before you
@@5091541 <h> Jumping From the Edge of Space <p> Austrian skydiver and daredevil Felix Baumgartner sets out today from Roswell , N.M. , to become the first man to break the sound barrier in freefall . He 'll attempt his record-setting supersonic parachute jump by leaping off a helium balloon at 120,000 feet -- the edge of space . That 's three to four times higher than the cruising altitude of the average airliner . <p> He 'll of course be wearing a specially designed pressure suit that will supply oxygen during his ascent and jump . During three minutes of freefall , he could reach up to 690 mph , which at those altitudes will exceed the speed of sound . As the atmosphere density increases , he 'll slow down to conventional descent speeds , deploy his parachute at about 3,000 feet , and land safely in the desert . <p> If he accomplishes this feat , his Red Bull Stratos program will surpass a record set in 1960 by Air Force Col. Joseph Kittinger , who jumped from a balloon at 102,800 feet , but did n't break the sound barrier during his descent . Kittinger 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ be 30 million cubic feet and 550 feet tall . It will begin its ascent long and narrow , and as the helium expands at higher altitudes , it will become nearly spherical . His capsule and parachute are both specially designed for this mission , and his equipment -- and body -- will be wired up with sensors to help scientists learn about human response to high-altitude conditions freefalls . <p> I spoke with Baumgartner before his historic stunt to find out how he prepared himself to take that One Giant Leap off his balloon platform . Read below , then check out his mission here : http : **29;5335;TOOLONG <p> MH : How did you prepare for this jump ? <p> FB : We did two test jumps this year . The first was 72,000 feet . Everything went really well , and it was a tremendous success . I knew then for sure what I was capable of , and it gave our team a chance to see how all the equipment works prior to our second jump from 96,000 feet . <p> MH : How many @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have as many 120 people on the ground at Roswell , including camera personnel and all the support teams . Our core group is about 10 to 15 engineers and technicians . <p> MH : What were the first jumps like ? <p> FB : The launch was so exciting -- to be able to finally take off after five years of preparation . Technically , though , everything felt familiar on both the way up and down , because we 'd done our homework so well . The higher I got , I could see the curvature of the earth and the fully black sky above me , and I realized immediately that I was standing in a spot that not a lot of people have been to . I was only the third person to ascend that high in a balloon . I joined a pretty small club . <p> MH : How did you pass the time during the ascent ? <p> FB : I was super-busy on the way up . It 's a 90-minute climb , but I had to constantly keep an eye on @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If I did n't it could be a potential fire hazard . I also spoke with Joe Kittinger a lot -- he 's an advisor on this mission . Every once in a while , of course , I looked out the window and enjoyed the view . That 's the good part ! <p> MH : Were you nervous or afraid before the jumps ? <p> FB : The way I work all the time is to be as comfortable with the risk as I can be , and confident in our preparation . That 's why there are so many tests and challenges -- the secret to confidence is research , experimentation , and talking to the right people . <p> MH : Were there ever any moments you thought you might back out or have second thoughts ? <p> FB : Never . The only showstopper would be an equipment malfunction . I made the decision to do this a long time ago , and never turned around . <p> MH : So what was it like jumping during your test dives ? <p> FB : Below @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ skydive -- you can use the airflow to your advantage to steer and orient your body . But at 120,000 feet you 're nearly in a vacuum . There 's no air resistance , so all your skydiving skills are pretty much useless for the first 20 seconds of the three-minute free-fall . I honestly do n't really know what to expect while jumping from 120,000 feet , in terms of the sound barrier or slowing down . If I ca n't control those first 20 seconds and stay stable , that could mean big trouble farther down . <p> MH : What 's it like working with Col. Kittinger , who 's a legendary figure in aerospace ? <p> FB : It 's a great pleasure and a great honor . He was the one who raised his hand in 1960 and said I 'm gon na do this . He 's now 84 , and having him in my ear is very helpful from a mental perspective . It helps me to know that he 's down there , because he 's the only one in the world @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ has a deep fascination with technology -- how it 's created and how people use it . Man &; Machine is devoted to all the gear that guys love , from cars and airplanes to computers , bikes , cameras , and televisions . In his 20-year career , Eric has written about military , aviation , automotive , and consumer technology . He 's driven a Bugatti Veyron at 200 mph , been shot by the Air Force " Pain Beam , " taken night-combat training with the Marine Corps , and
@@5091641 <h> Directories <h> November 13 , 2012 <p> I want to share some big news happening at the White House today . My Embroidered Clutches are part of a giveaway over at acreativeday blog . Hop on over and check it out . You can either like my new Facebook Page or add whitehousemonograms to your Etsy Favorites . Then go back to acreativeday blog and leave your comment . <h> October 25 , 2012 <p> Want to kick your outfit up a notch ? Accessorize ! Want to take your cards and scrapbook pages up to the next level ? The answer is the same ... accessorize ! What kind of accessorizing options does Stampin ' Up ! offer ? Well ... <p> Buttons - A quick and easy way to add some fun dimension to your projects - fun &; whimsical , masculine , and vintage ... there are buttons for every mood ! <p> Brads - Great way to add some metallic accents and create different looks from stationery to masculine . <p> Ribbon - The options are limitless with our ribbon and the variety of textures and colors . Add just a small accent banner @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ so versatile that it makes the perfect accessory for any project . <p> Punches - Add dimension with different punch shapes , highlight images or words , or create your own creature made out of punch shapes ... your imagination is the only limit to all of the ways that you can use punches to accessorize your papercrafting projects . <p> Glitter - From our Dazzling Diamonds glitter to our Glimmer Paper in 3 different colors , there are lots of fun ways to add sparkle and dazzle to all of your projects - especially your holiday projects that need that festive touch . <h> October 04 , 2012 <p> As many of you know , I recently purchased an Embroidery business from a neighbor who is retiring . My daughter Ashley and I are working together on this . She is focusing on everything embroidered for children and sells it on her etsy site . **37;4649;TOOLONG . She does the cutest applique on onsies and rhompers . Take a look ! I do everything else .... golf shirts , tennis towels , ball caps , scrubs , lab coats @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ if I have gifts . Using the excuse that Ashley just moved to Atlanta and I needed to see my 4 1/2 month old granddaughter , I decided to go to the Alanta Mart Fall Gift Show . OMG ! the place is huge ! And , yes , we ordered some goodies . I will have totes ( many sizes ) , scarves , clutch purses , guest towels , bath wraps , and much more . The good news is I have lots of catalogs ! I It may take me a little bit of time to get going but I would love to have to " like " me to follow me on FB , https : **34;4688;TOOLONG ... and check out my new Etsy store . http : **35;4724;TOOLONG ... <p> These can also be embroidered with your initials . I ca n't believe how fast these are selling ! <p> I am having just too much fun with this . I will keep you posted with new things as they come in . <h> September 29 , 2012 <p> Fall starts the season of craft @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ walk around and see all the different things people come up with do n't you . Back on the 8th and 9th of this month I participated in the Morroco Temple Fall Craft Fair with 2 of my Demonstrators , Lisa Tyndall and Christina Cummings . I wish it was n't so much work because I would do it all the time . We all sold tons of little holiday things that we had made and even sold some of our retired stamp sets . Lisa was nice enough to share a couple of her pictures . ( I always forget ) <p> It was difficult keeping the shelves full ! Look at all the treats . Great for office and teacher gifts ! <h> September 08 , 2012 <p> Released on the first day of New York Fashion Week , the PANTONE Fashion Color Report features the top 10 colors for women 's and men 's fashion for spring 2013 . <p> As we know , this forecast , taken from the trends of the greatest designers in the fashion world , sets the stage for color in all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , window treatments .... it will even trickle down to our crafting world . Our love of scrapbook paper and patterns will be ignited with all of the beautiful new combinations . <p> I am excited to see the Poppy Red as a new but deeper Poppy Orange from 2012 . What is your favorite ? <h> August 20 , 2012 <p> Make a Wish card <p> Not your average birthday greeting--this card includes the recipient 's birthdate and encouragement to " Make a wish ! " The Crumb Cake frame , made using the Labels Collection Framelits Dies and the Perfect Polka Dots Textured Impressions Embossing Folder , makes all of the other elements really stand out ! <h> August 07 , 2012 <p> A : Well , I could say that the possibilities are limited only by your imagination ! Or give you the predictable answer and say scrapbook pages , photobooks , calendars , and more . But , since we are celebrating the release of My Digital Studio 2 with 31% off 31 digital content options and most print products for all 31 days of August @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you 31 inspirations ! <p> 1 . Create a scrapbook or photobook to honor a friend using the It 's All Me Kit ( #128999 ) . <p> 2 . Host an end of summer party for your friends and neighbors . Create invitations and table dcor using the Boardwalk stamp brush set ( #129598 ) . <p> 3 . Make a year in review scrapbook as Christmas gifts for grandparents this year . Using the Year in Review Photo book Template ( #125743 ) will make creating this special gift a snap ! <p> 4 . Hold the most adorable baby shower without breaking a sweat using the Hello , Baby Ensemble Kit ( #126159 ) . <p> 5 . Make Christmas cards that are as unique as you and your family using the Bright Year Greeting Card Template ( #131011 ) . <p> 6 . Highlight your family in a one-of-a-kind family tree . Use the Bold Branches Stamp Brush Set ( #124212 ) as the beginning , add photos of your family members and print as a 12 " scrapbook page . Frame the printed page and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ best gift ever ... the gift of caring and time . How ? Make a set of all-occasion cards using the Celebrate Any Day Greeting Card Templates ( #127757 ) to make a great set of customizable cards . Print several copies of each and create bundles of assorted cards by simply tying a ribbon around them . Then give them as gifts for birthdays , Christmas , teacher appreciation , showers , graduations , and hostess gifts . When your friends use the cards , they save time and share caring thoughts . <p> 8 . Doll up your office with elements from the Messenger II Embellishments Digital Download ( #124578 ) . Too much time is spent at work for you to spend it in boring surroundings ! <p> 9 . Make a swatchbook as a coach 's gift . Get a photo of each child on the sports team , team photo , shots of tournaments , views into the dugout or sideline , and other team events . Add the photos to a simple swatchbook using the team colors and the Athletic Department brush set ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the page with their photo and give as a gift to the coach . Or make one for each team member and have the team autograph each other 's books . <p> 10 . It does n't matter if your babies are 2 or 20 , you 'll still love having a special photo collage of their baby photos and stats . Use the precious Baby Prints brush set ( #130162 ) to highlight those special memories ! <p> 19 . Need to tame some pirates ? Use the Ahoy , Matey Ensemble ( #130078 ) to create a bounty of pirate party fun ! <p> 20 . Go digital for your diva ! Create a princess party of royal design with the A Royal Day Ensemble ( #130079 ) . Crowns , treat boxes , banners , cupcake toppers , thank you notes , and more -- all fit for a princess ! <p> 22 . Have holidays that are organized with the 12 Days of Christmas Swatchbook ( #130985 ) . Record 12 family traditions in each of the premade templates and use it as a checklist . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ family traditions with their own families . <p> 23 . Make a personalized journal as teacher 's gifts this year using the A is for Apple Stamp Brush Set ( #127411 ) . <p> 24 . Remember those school pictures growing up ? How fun it was to reminisce and see the changes from year to year ? Make a childhood 8 " x 8 " album for your children . It 's easier than you think when you use the A is for Apple Stamp Brush Set which has a 5 " x 5 " designer template . Create one template for each year with the individual picture on the left page and the class picture on the right page and duplicate for each year . <p> 25 . We could all use a little organization and daily dose of inspiration , right ? Use the 2012 Daily Planner Photobook template and print a softcopy photobook to use for all your appointments and reminders . Go ahead and add your favorite inspirational quotes that you want to remember at the top of each month . <p> 26 . As @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a friend who just had a baby . They will be so grateful for the thoughtful gift . See our Announcing Baby Postcards Templates ( #129593 boy ) and ( #129592 girl ) . <p> 27 . Know someone who could use a little encouragement ? Maybe yourself ? Create a desktop easel gift with our Be Awesome Today Easel Calendar Template ( #131008 ) . It can be used as a daily calendar or a perpetual birthday reminder list . This gift is so handy you will want to print 10 copies and have them on hand for when you need them . <p> 28 . Never miss another birthday with our Book Of Birthdays Swatchbook Template ( #129923 ) Perpetual Calendar . Keeps all the dates handy in one place , so you do n't have to go searching for them each month . <p> 29 . Are you a foodie ? Publish your own recipe book using our Melt In Your Mouth Recipe Photobook Template ( #131007 ) . Share your love by printing several copies to give as gifts . Who knows , you might get @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 30 . Create a personalized story and coloring book for a child or grandchild with our Storybook Specialty Designer Series Paper ( #131221 ) . What child would n't enjoy seeing their name , familiar places and cherished storeis in their own book ? Or help them to create their own stories . <p> 31 . Have a spooktacular Halloween when you download and print our Pick Your Poison Embellishments ( #125614 ) . Add a quick accent to any project , or decorate your own bottle of poison with these 38 embellishments ! <p> Mothers for TBI Hope , Inc is dedicated to providing personal comfort , useful tools , valuable information , and hope to families experiencing a traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) with a loved one , during the acute phase of injury . Large tote bags filled with personal toiletries , comfort items , statewide resources , information about Brain Injury hospitalization and rehabilitation , along with stories of hope and encouragement from others , are lovingly packaged and kept on hand at participating hospitals and are provided for free within the first 24-48 hours @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ depend on monetary donations and sponsorships from the general public and from organizations who want to help families in a very tangible way . For more info : http : **30;4761;TOOLONG <p> Everyone who attends this event will make seven cards that are yours to keep PLUS be served a catered lunch from Sweet Tomatoes . <p> We have raffle tickets for sale for 6 for $5 or 1 each . We are raffling Stampin ' Up ! products , gift certificates to local restaurants , local hotels , stores &; merchants with ALL raffle proceeds to benefit Mothers for TBI Hope , Inc . <h> Current Specials ! <h> Catalogs <h> Video Tutorials <h> As Featured On <h> Shelli 's Blog ! <h> Site meter <h> Stampin Up Disclaimer <p> This is my personal blog , I am an Independent Stampin ' Up ! Demonstrator , and I am responsible for its content . Stampin ' Up ! Does not endorse the use of or contents of the classes , services ,
@@5091741 <h> How do you modify a template ? <p> Templates are just a series of xml , php , html and image files that are stored in the templates directory of your site . You can edit these files or you can use the editing interface available in the Template Manager . <h> Contents <h> Before you begin <p> Before you start hacking away at the a default installed template you may want to do ONE of the following . Doing one of these options will save you from worrying about any future updates to the Joomla source code that might overwrite your existing edits . <h> Option One <p> Create a new template : <p> Create a new directory templates/mytemplate <p> Copy the contents of the original template directory to the mytemplate directory . <p> Go to the language/en-GB directory and copy language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl template . ini to en-GB.tplmytemplate.ini <p> Open the templateDetails.xml file in the mytemplate directory and change ALL references for the original template directory to the new directory mytemplate . <h> Option Two <p> Make a backup/copy of the templates/template folder before and after your changes and make a note of what you have changed . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Site&gt;&gt; Extensions &gt;&gt;Templates . Select the template you wish to modify . Click the edit icon . <p> both You are given the choice of editing " html " and " css . " <p> CSS stands for cascading style sheets . This controls many elements of the look and feel of your site . HTML is the file that controls where positions are defined and positioned . Other than that , it should be noted that , with a few exceptions , what is in the . css and what is in the HTML files largely depends on the approach of the tempate designer . <p> One common change is to use your own graphic/image . Graphics are linked to in the HTML file . Simply change the reference to the image of your choice . Keep in mind that it if it is a different size than the original image this